LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN oiEeo 6 T^i'-^i^'^ <5^c -:)iu.^^' MACMILLAN'S BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 1843-1889 7^ > tA. iJU- A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL «o> .o> CATALOGUE OF MACMILLAN AND CO.'S PUBLICATIONS FROM 1843 TO 1889 & <& ^i ^& Ct^iyx^flcf fh^^/>^^i-u^y^(^ Of^ H n ti n MACMIT^LAN AND CO. AND NKW YORK 189I PREFACE The present volume contains a Catalogue of all the Books published by Macmillanand Co. from 1 843 to i 889 inclusive. The system adopted has been to give the publications of each year in alphabetical order ; no title appears more than once, as subsequent editions and reprints are noted under the original entry. The titles and collations have been taken from copies of the first edition of every book exce])t in a few instances, in which the deviation from this rule has always been noted. A complete Index will be found at the end of the volume. One of the first things to be settled when this Catalogue was under- taken Wcis a definition of the word Edition, and after carefiil considera- tion the Publishers decided to describe as an Edition an impression from type set up afresh, either with or without alteration and read for press by a }iroof-reader. An impression from standing type or from Stereotype or Electrotype plates is described as a Reprint. Tiie letter % or IS implies that Stereotype or I^lectrotype plates were taken, ftt means that paper moulds were made from which, if recpiired. Stereotype plates could afterwards be cast. It need hardly be said that tlic number of Editions or Re])rints of any given book is no accurate guide as to its sale. An Edition may consist of 250 or of 100,000 co])ies. The first book bearing the name of Macmillan on its title-page is Craig's Philosopiiy of Training, ])ublished in 1S43 by 1). and A. Macmillan, 57 Aldersgate Street. In the summer of the same year, with the assistance of Archdeacon Hare,^ Daniel Macmillan purchased Newby's business at 17 Trinity Street, Cambridge, intending to carry it on in conjunction with his younger brother Alexander, who was to remain in London. Before the end of the year, however, the Aiders- gate Street shop was given up and both brothers settled in Cambridge, where, in 1845, '^^''cy bought the business of Mr. Stevenson at 1 'JYinity ^ '$)Q& Memoir of Da Jiicl Mac mil Ian hy Tlxom'^-i Hughes, 1SS2. VI PREFACE Street. In order to provide the capital necessary for this purchase a partner was taken in, and the firm became Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan until the retirement of Mr. Barclay in 1850, when it adopted the name of Macmillan and Co., which it has retained ever since. In 1 858 — the year after Daniel Macmillan's death — a branch house was opened at 23 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, and in 1863 the headquarters of the firm were once more removed to London {16 Bedford Street, Covent Garden), the retail bookselling business remaining at Cambridge as an independent establishment, where it is still carried on under the name of Macmillan and Bowes. A further move was made in 1872 to the present offices (29 and 30 Bedford Street), and it may be noted that the three buildings in which the business has been carried on since 1858 are within forty yards of each other. In 1863 Mr. Alexander Macmillan was appointed Publisher to the University of Oxford, a post which he held until October 1880, when the delegates of the University Press abandoned the system of employing a private publisher and took the management of their numerous publica- tions into their own hands. When this change was made the University of Oxford expressed its appreciation of Mr. Macmillan's services by conferring on him the degree of Master of Arts honoris causa. In the year 1869 Macmillan and Co. opened a branch house in New York under the management of Mr. George E. Brett, who conducted it until his death in 1S90, when tlie firm of Macmillan and Co. of New York was constituted on an independent basis, consisting of the members of the London firm with Mr. George Piatt Brett as resident American partner. Macmillan and Co. of New York, besides representing the English firm of Macmillan and Co., are the authorised American agents for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and importers of the publications of many English and Scotch houses. The present members of the firm are : Alexander Macmillan, George Lillie Craik (admitted in 1865), Frederick Macmillan (1874), George Augustin Macmillan (1879), =^"^1 Maurice Mac- millan (1883). In conclusion the Publishers wish to express their obligations to their valued assistant Mr. James Foster, who has undertaken the arduous labour of compiling the following Catalogue. 29 AND 30 Bedford Strkrt, Covent Garden, London, May 1891. PORTRAITS Daniel Macmillan, from an oil-painting by Lowes Dickinson ..... Title-page Alexander Macmillan, from an oil-painting by Hubert Herkonier, K.A. . . . To face page i /^car. l/lLai^ytu.^^^^^^ BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE OF MACMILLAN AND CO.'S PUBLICATIONS From 1843 to 1889 1843 CRAIG (A. R.) The Philosophy of Training ; with suggestions on the necessity of normal schools for teachers to the wealthier classes, and strictures on the prevailing mode of teaching languages. By A. R. Craig, Barford Street Institution, Islington, late Classical Master in Glasgow Normal Seminary (Private Department.) London : Published by D. and A. Macmillan, 57, Aldersgate Street ; and sold by Thomas Varty, Strand ; K. J. Ford, Islington ; Qliver and Boyd, Edinburgh ; and James Maclehose, Glasgow. Pp. iv. 92. Fcap. 8vo. ( The first book published by Macmillan and Co. ) MILLER (W. H.) The Three Questions : What am I ? Whence came I ? Whither do I go ? By William Haig Miller, Author of the " Magic Lantern," &c. ' ' What is this world ? a dream within a dream ; as we grow older each step is an awalcening. The youth awakes as he thinks from childhood : — The full-grown man despises the pursuits of youth as visionary : — The old man looks on manhood as a feverish dream. Is the grave, then, the last sleep? Ah, no ! It is the last and final awakening." — Lockhart's Life of Scott. Second Edition. London: Published by D. and A. Macmillan, 57, Aldersgate Street, and 17, Trinity Street, Cambridge. Pp. viii. (inc. i advt.) 120. Fcap. 8vo. Title copied from Second Edition. First Edition printed 184J. Second Edition 1S44. ( The author s name did not appear on the title-page of the first edition.) 1844 J. (W.) Questions of Conscience suggested by a Catholic to an Anglo- Catholic. Cambridge : Published by D. and A. Macmillan. Pp. 8. Fcap. 8vo. LAW (W.) — MAURICE (F. D.) Remarks on the Fable of the Bees, by William Law, M.A. formerly Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, author of "A Serious Call," &c. &c. With an Introduction, B MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1845 by the Rev. F. D. MAURICE, M.A. Chaplain of Guy's Hospital, Pro- fessor of English Literature and Modern History in King's College, London, and author of " The Kingdom of Christ," &c. &c. With an appendix, containing the poem of the Fable of the Bees, Mandeville's Introduction and Treatise on the Origin of Morality. Cambridge : Printed at the University Press, for D. & A. Macmillan, and sold by George Bell, 186, Fleet Street, London. Pp. Ixxx. 130, I advt. I blank. i2mo. 1845 GRUGGEN (F. J.) The Lawfulness and Obligation of Oaths. — A dissertation which obtained the Hulsean Prize for the Year 1844. — By F. J. Gruggen, B.A., Scholar of Saint John's College. — Cambridge : Printed at the University Press : For J. & J. J. Deighton ; T. Stevenson ; and D. & A. Macmillan, Cambridge ; and J. G. F. & J. Rivington, London. — Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 84. 8vo. HUDSON (E. T.) Hours bv Reflection : containing the White Thorn of Kildinan, and miscellaneous poems. By Ellen Taylor Hudson. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. Pp. 36. Fcap. 8vo. MAURICE (F. D.) The New Statute and Mr. Ward.— A Letter to a Non-resident Member of Convocation, by the Rev. Frederick D. Maurice, Chaplain of Guy's Hospital, and Professor of English Lite"- ature, King's College, London. Oxford, John Henry Parker : London, Rivingtons: Cambridge: MacmuUen (sic). Pp. 31, I blank. 8vo. PRATT (J. H.) The Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy, and their application to elementary mechanics and archi- tecture, but chiefly to the theory of Universal Gravitation. By JOHN Henry Pratt, M.A. Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and Domestic Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Calcutta, Metropolitan of India. Second Edition. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. Pp. xxxiv. (inc. 3 blanks) 620, 5 folded plates. 8vo. OHginally published elseivhei-e. SNOWBALL (J. C.) The Elements of Mechanics. By J. C. Snow- ball, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. The Second Edition. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; and sold by George Bell, London. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 179, i blank. 8vo. SNOWBALL (J. C.) — LUND (T.) The Cambridge Course of Elementary Natural Philosophy : being the propositions in Mechanics and Hydrostatics in which those persons who are not candidates for Honours are examined for the degree of B.A. Originally compiled by J. C. Snowball, M.A. late Fellow of St. John's College, 1846 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 3 Cambridge. Fifth Edition, revised and enlarged, and adapted for the Middle Class Examinations. By Thomas Lund, B.D. late Fellow and Lecturer of St, John's College, Editor of Wood's Algebra, &c. Cambridge and London Macmillan & Co. Pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 156. Cr. 8vo. Title copied from Fifth Edition. Originally published elsewhere. Tlm-d Edition published by M. &= Co. 184^ {12 mo.) Fourth Edition iS^y {12 mo.) Fifth Edition 1864 (Cr. 8vo.) TRENCH (R. C.) The Fitness of Holy Scripture for Unfold- ing THE Spiritual Life of Men : being the Hulsean Lectures for the year m.dccc.xlv. By Richard Chenevix Trench, M.A., Vicar of Itchen Stoke, Hants, and Examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Oxford. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; London : John W. Parker. Pp. X. 168, I p. advt. I blank. Svo. Also printed with the " Hulsean Lectures "for 1846. See tinder 1847. 1846 AESCHYLUS— PROWETT (CHARLES G.) Prometheus Bound : A Tragedy of .^schylus, translated into EngHsh metre, by Charles G. Prowett, M.A. Fellow of Gonvile and Caius College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Printed at the University Press, for Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. Pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 66. Svo. ARNOLD (THOMAS)— NEANDER (AUGUSTUS). The Theology OF Thomas Arnold, its importance and bearing on the present state of the church. By Dr. AUGUSTUS Neander. Translated from a re-publica- tion of an article originally printed in the " Jahrbiicher Fiir Wissen- schaftliche Kritik." Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; George Bell, Fleet Street, London. Pp. 26. Svo. BABINGTON (C.) The Influence of Christianity in Promoting the Abolition of Slavery in Europe. — A Dissertation which obtained the Hulsean Prize for the Year 1845. — By Churchill BabinG- TON, B.A., Scholar of Saint John's College. — _ Cambridge : Printed at the University Press : For J. & J. J. Deighton ; Mac- millan & Co., Cambridge ; and F. and J. Rivington, London. — Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 199, i blank. Svo. The Cambridge Mathematical Journal. Vol. I. Second Edition, with corrections and alterations by the authors. N'^Trtot ouSe Xcraaiv 6'crcj liKiov tj/jliitv Travrd^. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; George Bell, London. Pp. xiv. 311, and i blank. This Journal, edited by D. F. Gregory and R. Leslie Ellis, was published elsewhere in 24 numbers, making 4 vols. , between Nov. i8j8 and May 184J. A Second edition was published of Fol, /. only. The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. Edited by W. Thomson, B.A. Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. Vol. I. 4 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1846 (being vol. v. of the Cambridge Mathematical Journal.) Ai'wi/ oro/xarwv [Mopfjit] fiia. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; George Bell, London ; Hodges and Smith, Dublin. Pp. iv. 288. 8vo. j!Vine volumes were published in j6 parts at ijitervals from December iS^j to March iSjj. Fro7n Vol. 8 N. M. Ferrers, B.A. Fellow of Cuius College, ivas joint-editor. CICERO. Cicero on Friendship. Literally translated. With notes. By a Master of Arts of the University. Third Edition. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. and 23, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Pp. 60. i2mo. This title is copied from the Third Edition published in i8j8. The Edition printed in 184b must have been the Second, and it is probable that the First Edition was not published by M. &^ Co. CICERO. Cicero on Old Age. Literally translated. With notes. By a Master of Arts of the University. Second Edition. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; George Bell, Fleet Street, London. Pp. 59, I blank. l2mo. COLENSO (J. W.) Cottage Family Prayers. By the Rev. J. W. Colenso, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge ; Rector of Forncett St. Mary, Long Stratton, Norfolk. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; London : Rivingtons. Norwich : jNIuskett. Pp. 24. i2mo. ESSINGTON (R. W.) The Curse upon Canaan. A Seatonian Poem. By the Rev. R. W. ESSINGTON, M.A. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Divinity Lecturer. (Arms of Cambridge University) Cambridge : Printed at the University Press. For Deightons ; Macm.illan, Barclay, & Co. and George Bell, London. Pp. ii. (inc. I blank) 16. 8vo. HARE (J. C.) The Mission of the Coiniforter and other Sermons with notes by JULIUS Charles Hare, M.A. Archdeacon of Lewes, Rector of Herstmonceux, and late Fellow of Trinity College. London : John W. Parker, West Strand : Sold by Macmillan, Cambridge. First volume : The Sermons. Pp. xviii. (inc. 2 blanks) 387, i blank. Second Volume : The Notes. Pp. vi. (inc. i blank) 641 (paged 387-1027) i advt. 8vo. First Edition printed for M. ^ Co. 187J (i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Second Edition (fS.) 1877. Third Edition (S) 1SS6. The i8j^ edition was edited by the Rev. E. H. Plumptre. JONES (J. H.) If they hear not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded, THOUGH ONE ROSE FROM THE dead. — An Essay which obtained the Norrisian prize for the year M.DCCC.XLVi. By John Herbert Jones, B.A., of Jesus College, and Crosse University Scholar. — IIoO vvv iXdiv 01 TO. arifxela i,rjTOvvTe% ; 'AKOvercoaav on yvwpLTjs XP^'-^ evyvuifiovo^ KCLv fxT] avTT), (TTj/j-eiuv ovdef 6cpe\os. Chrys. in Matt. Or xliii. — Cambridge : Printed at the University Press : For J. & J. J. Deighton ; Macmillan & Co. Cambridge: and F. and J. Rivington, London. — Pp. 50 (inc. v. 3 blanks). 8vo. i847 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 5 JUSTIN MARTYR— BROWN (H.) Justin Martyr's Dialogue WITH Trypho the Jew. Translated from the Greek into English, with Notes, chiefly for the advantage of English Readers, a preiiminary dissertation, and a short analysis. By Henry Brown, M.A. Vicar of Netherswell, Gloucestershire. " Paul . . . reasoned with them (the Jews) out of the Scriptures, opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead : and that this Jesus whom I preach unto you is Christ." — Acts xvii. 2. 3. (Originally published in 1745.) Cambridge : Deightons ; Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan : George Bell, London. Pp. xviii. (inc. I blank) 303, i blank. 8vo. MEMBER OF THE SENATE. The Interpretation of the Com- position between the University and King's College. — By a Member of the Senate. — Cambridge : printed at the University Press Macmillan, Barclay, and Mac- millan. Pp. 2 blanks, 17 (inc. i blank) i blank. NOLANDS (R.) The Legacy of an Etonian. Edited by Robert NOLANDS, Sole Executor. ^t\r] fj-er avTov Keicrofxai (piXov ixira "Offia. wavovpyrjaaa', ewel TrXeiuv xpovos "Ov del jx apicTKeiv toIs kcltu tuiv ^vdade. — Soph. AnL 75. This have I done, since I Beside my brother in the grave must lie ; Then let the living scoff while on my head May rest a more enduring love, the deep love of the dead. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. London : George Bell, Fleet Street. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 182, 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. [By the Revd. R. W. Essington, formerly Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge.] PRAYERS. Prayers, deprecating the just anger of Almighty God, and the visitation of his awful Scourge the Cholera. For members of the English Church. London : F. and J. Rivington ; J. H. Parker, Oxford ; Macmillan, Cambridge ; A. Holden, Exeter. Pp. 14. i2mo. TRENCH (R. C.) Christ the desire of all nations, or the unconscious prophecies of heathendom : being the Hulsean Lectures for the year m.dccc.xlvi. By Richard Chenevix Trench, M.A., Vicar of Itchen Stoke, Hants, Professor of Divinity, King's College, London, and examining chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Oxford. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. London : John W. Parker. Pp. x. (inc. I blank) 184 (inc. i blank). 8vo. Also printed liiith the "Hulsean Lectures" for 184J. See under iS^j. 1847 BOOLE (G.) The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, being an essay towards a calculus of deductive reasoning. By George Boole. 'YiTTLKOivuivovai Se TTaffai at dWriXaLS Kara to. kolvcl. Kocd 5^ X^^w ols xpuifrat Cos €k tovtwv air o5ei.Kvvv res' aXK' oil irepl Siv BetKvvovuLv, ov5k 6 SfiKvvovai. Aristotle, Anal. Post., lib. I. cap. xi. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, & Macmillan ; London : George Bell. Pp. ii. 82. 8vo. MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1847 ESSINGTON (R. W.) The Middle Way ; or, the Province of Patristic Divinity Determined. To which is added The Samaritan. A Sermon. By the Rev. R. W. Essington, M.A. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and sometime Lecturer in Divinity. " Humanum est errare, divinum parcere." Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan, London : George Bell. Pp. 38 (inc. 2 blanks) i blank, i paste down. 8vo. FISHER (W.) A Sermon, in pursuance of the objects of the Queen's Letter; preached on Sunday, February 21st, 1847. By the Rev. William Fisher, B.A. Curate of Hartlip, Kent. — London : Francis and John Rivington, St. Paul's Churchyard, and Waterloo Place. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. Pp. 23 (inc. 2 blanks) i blank. 8vo. HYMERS (J.) A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and on Trigonometrical Tables and Logarithms, together with a selection of problems and their solutions. By J. Hymers, D.D. Fellow and Tutor of St John's College, Cambridge. — Third Edition, revised and enlarged — • Cambridge : Printed at the University Press, for J. & J. J. Deighton, and Macmillan & Co. Cambridge ; Whittaker & Co, London. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 216, 3 folded plates. 8vo. The Island on the Mere. A Cheshire Tale. By the author of " The Legacy of an Etonian." Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. London ; George Bell, Pp. 24 (inc. I blank). 8vo. [By Revd. R. W. EssiNGTON M.A. formerly Fellow of King's Coll. Cambridge.] KINGSBURY (T. L.) On the Connexion between the Prophetic, AND OTHER EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. An Essay which obtained the Norrisian Prize for the year 1847. By THOMAS L. Kingsbury, of Tnnity College, Cambridge. " Lo ! these are a part of Thy Ways." Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. George Bell, London. Pp. xii. 88. 8vo. PEROWNE (J. J. S.) Oratio Latina pr^mio annuo dignata et in CURIA Cantabrigiensi recitata, comitiis maximis a.d. m.dccc.xlvii. Quibus inauguratus est Academite Cancellarius, princeps nobilissimus Albertus. Auctore Johanne Jacobo Stewart Perowne, A.B. Coll. Corp. Chr. et Univ. Schol. Cantabrigire : veneunt apud Macmillan, Barclay et Macmillan. Pp. 16. 8vo. SNOWBALL (J. C.) An Introduction to the Elements of Plane Trigonometry. Designed for the Use of Schools in which Students are prepared for the Universities. By J. C. Snowball, M.A., Fellow of St John's College Cambridge. Second Edition. Published by Baily, Brothers; London Cambridge: Macmillan, Barclay, & Macmillan. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 99, i blank. 8vo. A Song of Praise for the 17TH October, 1847, being the day appointed to render thanks unto Almighty God for the late abundant harvest. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. George Bell, London. Pp. 8. Fcap. 8vo. 1848 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 7 TRENCH (R. C.) The Hulsean Lectures for m.dccc.xlv and M.DCCC.XLVi. By Richard Chenevix Trench, M.A. Vicar of Itchen- Stoke, Hants ; Professor of Divinity, King's College, London ; Examin- ing Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Oxford ; and late Hulsean Lecturer. Second Edition, revised. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. London : John W. Parker. 1847. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 286. First Edition in this foryn printed 1847 {8vo.) Second Edition 18^4 {Fcap. 8vo.) Third Edition i8jg. F'otirth Edition 1880 [Svo.) These Hulsean Lectures were origi7ially published separately. See under 184^ and 1846. WOOD (J.)— LUND (T.) a Companion to Wood's Algebra, con- taining Solutions of various Questions and Problems in Algebra, and forming a Key to the chief difficulties found in the collection of Examples appended to Wood's Algebra, 12th Edition. By Thomas Lund, B.D., late Fellow and Sadlerian Lecturer of St. John's College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Printed at .the Pitt Press, by John W. Parker, Printer to the University. Sold by J. & J. J. Deighton ; and Macmillan, Barclay, & Macmillan, Cambridge. Baily Brothers, Cornhill, London. Bemrose, Derby. Pp. iv. 124. 8vo. 1848 BAKER Index to the Baker Manuscripts. By Four Members of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Cambridge : Sold by Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. London : John W. Parker. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 176. 8vo. BARRY (ALFRED) The Effects of Christianity on the Decline AND Fall of the Roman Empire. A Declamation delivered in the Hall of Trinity College, on the anniversary of the Commemoration of Benefactors, Thursday, December 16, 1847. By Alfred Barry, Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. Printed by request. Cambridge : Printed at the University Press. Macmillan, Barclay, and Mac- millan. Pp. 19 (inc. 2 blanks) i blank. 8vo. Further Remarks on Statutes, and the present System of King's College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, & Macmillan. Pp. 29, 3 blanks. 8vo. HARE (J. C.) The Duty of the Church in times of trial : a Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Lewes, delivered at the Ordinary Visitation in 1848 ; with notes especially on the controversy touching the management of schools, and on the Jewish question, by Julius Charles Hare, M.A. London : John William Parker, West Strand : Sold by Macmillan, Cam- bridge. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 156, 3 advts. i blank. 8vo. 8 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1848 HARE (J. C.) The Unity of Mankind in God : a Sermon, preacht in St Anne's Church, Lewes, on All Saints Day, 1848, on occasion of the jubilee of the Church Missionary Society : by JULius Charles Hare, M.A., Archdeacon of Lewes. London : John William Parker, West Strand : Sold by Macmillan, Cambridge Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 26, i advt. i blank. 8vo. HARE (J. C.) A Letter to the Very Reverend the Dean of Chichester, on the agitation excited by the appointment of Dr. Hampden to the see of Hereford. By Julius Charles Hare, M.A. Archdeacon of Lewes. — Second Edition, with a postscript, on Lord John Russell's Letter to the Clergy of Bedford, and in reply to Mr. Trower's plain remarks.^ — • London : John William Parker, West Strand : Sold by Macmillan, Cam- bridge. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 131, i blank. 8vo. HEMMING (G. W.) An Elementary Treatise on the Differ- ential AND Integral Calculus. By G. W. Hemming, M.A. Fellow of St. John's College. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan : London : G. Bell, Fleet Street. Pp. xiv. 1 74. 8vo. First Edition printed May 1848. Second Edition 18^2. HENSLOW (J. S.) Syllabus of A Course of lectures on Botany, Suggesting matter for a Pass-examination at Cambridge in this subject. By Rev. J. S. Henslow, A.M. Professor of Botany. Cambridge : Deightons ; Macmillan, Barclay & Macmillan. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 32, i folded table. 8vo. HiERURGiA Anglicana ; or documents and extracts illustrative of the ritual of the Church in England after the Reformation. Edited by Members of the Ecclesiological late Cambridge Camden Society. London : J. G. F. & J. Rivington ; J. Masters ; Cambridge : Deightons ; Macmillan and Co. ; Oxford : J. H. Parker. Pp. xxxiv. (inc. 4 blanks, 4 unpaged, i-xxiv. i. & ii.) 397, i blank, 2 page plates, 5 folded plates. 8vo. HYMERS (J.) A Treatise on Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions, containing the Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of Double Curvature. — By J. Hymers, D.D. Fellow and Tutor of St Johns College, Cambridge. — Third Edition, altered and revised. — Cambridge : Printed at the University Press, for J. & J. J. Deighton, and Macmillan & Co., Cambridge. Whittaker & Co., London. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 324, 6 folded plates. 8vo. KLOPSTOCK (F. G.)— NIND (W.) Odes of Klopstock From 1747 to 1780 translated from the German by William Nind, Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, and author of the " Oratory," etc. London William Pickering Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan, Cambridge. Pp. xxiv. (inc. I blank) 310, 2 blanks. Fcap. 8vo. 1848 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 9 LATHAM (H.) Geometrical Problems in the Properties of the Conic Sections. By H. Latham, B.A. Tutor of Trinity Hall, Cam- bridge. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; London : G. Bell, Fleet Street. Pp. iv. 56. 8vo. MOOR (A. P.) Cambridge Theological Papers : being those proposed in the examination of candidates for the Crosse University Scholarship for fifteen years, and in the Voluntary Theological Examination, from the commencement 1843, to the present time 1851, edited by the Rev. Allen Page Moor, M.A. Fellow of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. ; London : George Bell ; Dublin : Hodges & Smith ; Edinburgh : Edmonston & Douglas Glasgow : J. MacLehose. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 204, Appendix i. 1849, PP- "• ^^- Appendix ii. pp. 23, I blank. 8vo. /« J'S_^2 this book 2uas reissued with tivo appendices and a cancel title with the date of i8£2. This title is copied from the reissue. MORGAN (J. H.)— BARBER (J. T.) An account of the Aurora Borealis, seen near Cambridge, October the 24th, 1847 : together with those of September 21, 1846, and March 19, 1847, seen at the Cambridge Observatory. With twelve coloured engravings. By John H. Morgan, of Jesus College, and late of the Cambridge Observatory, and John T. Barber, of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. London : G. Bell. Fleet Street. Pp. iv. 12 Coloured plates interleaved, 24 (inc. i blank). Royal 8vo. PIFFARD (C.) Mount Sinai, a prize poem. And lyrical fragments. By Charles Piffard, of Clare Hall, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. London : George Bell. Edinburgh : Maclachlan and Stewart. Glasgow : James MacLehose. Pp. iv. 48. i2mo. PLATO — GRANT (A. R.) A Translation of the First Book of the Republic of Plato, which obtained a prize offered by the Master and Seniors of Trinity College, Feb. 1847. By Alexander Ronald Grant, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; London : George Bell. Pp. ii. 48 (inc. I blank), 2 advts. l2mo. SCOTT (A. J.) Two Discourses. — The Kingdom of the Truth : The Range of Christianity. — By A. J. ScOTT, M.A. = London : James Darling, Clerical Library, 21, 22, & 23, Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Cambridge : Macmillan and Barclay. Edinburgh : John Chisholm, 12, South Saint Andrew Street. Pp. iv. 48 (inc. I blank). 8vo. SIMPSON (W.) An Epitome of the History of the Christian Church during the first three Centuries ; and of the Reforma- tion in England. Compiled for the use of candidates for the B.A. degree in the University of Cambridge. By W. SiMPSON, B.A., Queens' College, Cambridge. Camliridge : Printed and published at the office of the " Cambridge Chronicle," and sold by all booksellers. Pp. viii. 168. Fcap. 8vo. lo MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1849 TITCOMB (J. H.) The Descent of Christ in Human Nature from Eve to the Virgin Mary. — A Discourse briefly showing how a con- sideration of the above subject illustrates some of the leading points in the Mission of the Redeemer. By the Rev. J. H. Titcomb, M.A., of St. Peter's College, and Perpetual Curate of St Andrew the Less, Cambridge. — " Incarnationis Dei mysterium est universae solus creaturse." St. Ambr. de Parad. 8. — Cambridge : J. Deighton ; and Macmillan & Co. Pp. 23 (inc. I blank) i blank. 8vo. 1849 AMPS (W.)— TENNYSON (ALFRED) Six Vocal Quartetts, the poetry by Alfred Tennyson Esqre. (taken by permission from his Poems) The music composed by William Amps. London, J. Alfred Novello, 69, Dean Strt. Soho, & 24, Poultry, and Macmillan & Co. Cambridge. And may be had of all the Music Sellers & Book Sellers, in Cambridge. Pp. 15 (inc. I blank) i blank. Oblong 8vo. BABINGTON (CHURCHILL) Mr. Macaulay's Character of the Clergy in the latter part of the seventeenth century, con- sidered. With an appendix on his character of the gentry, as given in his history of England. By Churchill Babington, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College. Cambridge : J. Deighton ; Macmillan and Co. ; London : Rivingtons ; Oxford : J. H. Parker Pp. iv. 116. 8vo. BICKERSTETH (E. H.) Poems by Edward Henry Bickersteth, Curate of Banningham, Norfolk. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan, London : Seeleys, Fleet Street and Hanover Street. Pp. xii. 236. Fcap. 8vo. BROWNING (HENRY B.) An Algebra of Ratios, founded on simple and general definitions, with a theory of exponents extended to incommensurable ratios, and the pi'opositions of the fifth book of Euclid easily and symbolically deduced. — By Henry B. Browning, Architect, Stamford. = Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. Pp. xviii. (in 4 page list of subscribers) 133 and i blank. 8vo. FORBES (GRANVILLE) The Goodness of God. An Essay which obtained the Burney Prize for the year 1847. By Granville Hamilton Forbes, B.A., of Downing College. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan. London : George Bell. Pp. xvi. (inc. 3 blanks) 91, i blank. 8vo. HARE (J. C.) Sermons preacht in Herstmonceux Church. By Julius Charles Hare, M.A. Rector of Herstmonceux, Archdeacon of Lewes, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Second Series, Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xiv. (inc. 3 blanks) 500. 8vo. i849 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE ii HARE (J. C.) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy NEIGHBOUR : a letter to the editor of the English Review, from JULIUS Charles Hare, M.A. Archdeacon of Lewes : with a letter from Professor Maurice to the author. — London : John W. Parker, West Strand ; Sold by Macmillan, Cambridge. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 76, 4 advts. 8vo. MOON (R.) Fresnel and His Followers. A Criticism to which are appended outlines of theories of diffraction and transversal vibration By Robert Moon, M.A. Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; London George Bell. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 174, 2 blanks, i folded diagram. 8vo. MOON (R.) Fresnel and His Followers. — A Reply to the Calumnies of the 'Athenaeum', By Robert Moon, M.A., Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan ; London : Longman & Co. Pp. 26, 2 blanks. 8vo. NORRIS (J. P.) Ten Schoolroom Addresses edited by J. P. Norris, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge ; Macmillan, Barclay, & Macmillan. London : F. and J. Rivington. Pp. 56 (inc. 2 blanks). i8mo. PEROWNE (E. H.) Oratio Latina PRyEMio annuo dignata et in CURIA Cantabrigiensi recitata, comitiis maximisa.d. m.dccc.xlix. Auctore Edvardo Henrico Perowne, Coll. Corp. Chr. Schol. Cantabrigias : veneunt apud Macmillan, Barclay et Macmillan. Pp. 16 (inc. I blank). 8vo. POTTS (ANNA H.) Sketches of Character. And other pieces in verse. By Anna H. Potts. — Cambridge : Printed at the University Press : London : John W. Parker, West Strand ; Cambridge : Deighton ; Macmillan & Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 215, i blank. i2mo. A Score of Lyrics. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan London : William Pickering. Pp. 64. Fcap. 8vo. [By W. G. Clark, M.A. formerly Fellow, Tutor, and Vice-Master of Trinity College, Cambridge.] SCOTT (C. B.) The Greek Kingdoms of Bactria and its Vicinity. An Essay, which obtained the Le Bas Prize for the year 1849. By Charles Brodrick Scott, B.A., Fellow of Trinity College. Cambridge : Macmillan, Barclay & Macmillan. London : George Bell. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 50, 2 blanks. 8vo. SMITH (J. J.) A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. By the Rev. J. J. Smith, M.A., Senior Fellow, and late Librarian. Cambridge : J. Deighton, and Macmillan & Co. London : John W. Parker, West Strand. Oxford : J. Parker. Pp. viii. 330. 8vo. 12 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1850 WHITTINGTON (R.) The internal evidence afforded by the HISTORICAL BOOKS OF THE OlD TESTAMENT, THAT THE SEVERAL WRITERS OF THEM WERE INSPIRED BY THE HOLY GHOST : An Essay which obtained the Norrisian prize for the year 1849. By the Rev: R. WHITTINGTON, B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge : one of the Masters of the Proprietary School, Islington : and Curate of St. Peter's, Saffron Hill, London. Udaa ypaANOY. The oration of Demosthenes on the Crown. The Greek text of the Zurich edition with explanatory notes, by Bernard Drake, B.A., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 144. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed i8ji. Second i860 {Aeschines against Ctesiphon added). Third ( T-qv eXTrioa kx^P-^v. S. Paulus, ad Rom. xv. 4. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 256. Cr. 8vo. Printed March iSji. The second and subsequent editions were piiHishcd under the title of " An Introduction to the Study of the Gospels." [See under i860.) 1852 B LAKES LEY (J. W.) The Way of Peace. A Sermon, preached at the late visitation of the Venerable the Archdeacon of St Alban's, by Joseph Williams Blakesley, B.D., Vicar of Ware cum Thundridge, Herts. Late Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. Pub- lished by request. To which is added an appendix, containing a critical examination of the original text of the passage i Cor. i. 12. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. London : George Bell Hertford : Stephen Austin Pp. ii. 26 (inc. I blank), I advts. i blank. Svo. BUTLER (W. ARCHER)— WOODWARD (THOMAS) Sermons doctrinal and practical. By the Rev. William Archer Butler, M.A. Late Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Dublin. First Series. Edited, with a memoir of the Author's life, by the Rev. Thomas Woodward, M.A. vicar of Mullingar. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xlvi. (inc. 2 blanks and portrait) 472. Svo. Originally published elsewhere. Transferred to Macmillan dr* Co. 18^2. First Edition printed for Macmillan &f Co. January i8ss. Second (&) printed for Macmillan dr* Co. i8jy. Reprinted i8sg, 1864, 1S66, i86g, 1873, i8jj, 1884. CHALMERS (F.)— CLAYTON (C.) The Captain of our Salvation ; AND Divine Providence. — Two Sermons preached in Trinity Church, Cambridge, on Thursday, November 18, 1852, the day of the Public i8 MACMILLAN AND CO. 'S 1852 Funeral of the late F. M. Duke of Wellington ; the one, in the morning, by the Rev. F. Chalmers, Rector of Beckenham, Kent, and Chaplain to the Earl of Carnwath ; the other, in the evening, by the Rev. C. Clayton, M.A., Minister of the Church. Cambridge : Dixon ; Macmillan. London : J. H. Jackson. Pp. 2^ (iric. I blank). Ext. Fcap. 8vo. EVANS (S.) Sonnets on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. By Sebastian Evans. lipuKpa fiev rdd', dX\' o/xws "Axw, 56s avTc^. Soph. Elect. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16 (inc. I blank). Svo. is. A Few words about Private Tuition. By a Private Tutor. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 12. Svo. [By Revd. D. J. Vaughax.] HEARD (J. B.) The History of the Extinction of Paganism in THE Roman Empire, viewed in relation to the Evidences of Christianity. Being the Essay which obtained the Hulsean Prize for 185 I. By J. B. Heard, of Caius College, Cambridge. " Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts. Who art thou, O great mountain ? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain : and he shall bring forth the head stone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it. — Zech. iv. 6. 7. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. London : George Bell. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 90, 2 blanks. Svo. JAMESON (F. J.) The Analogy between the Miracles and Doctrines of Scripture. The Essay which obtained the Norrisian Prize for the year 1852. By the Rev. FRANCIS J. JAMESON, B.A. Fellow of Gonville and Caius College. " Miracula sunt doctrinas tesserae ac sigilla ; quemadmodum igitur sigillum a Uteris avulsum nihil probat, ita quoque miracula sine doctrina nihil valent." Gerhard. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 3 blanks) 54, 2 advts. Fcap. Svo. KINGSLEY (C.) Phaethon ; or. Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers. By the Rev. CHARLES KiNGSLEY, Canon of Middleham, and Rector of Eversley. " Words are the fool's counters, but the wise man's money." Trench. " Equidem, collabente in vitium atque errorem loquendi usu, occasum ejus urbis remque humilem atque obscuram subsequi crediderim : verba enim partim inscita et putida, partim mendosa et perperam prolata, quid nisi ignavos et oscitantes et ad servile quidvis jam olim paratos incolarum animos baud levi indicio declarant?" — Milton. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co Pp. iii. I blank, 100, 2 advts. 2 blanks. First Edition printed October i8j2 {Post Svo.) Second Edition printed 18^4. Third 18^8 { Cr. 8vo. ) Afterwards incorporated in Charles Kingsley s ' ' Literary and General Essays." [See under 18S0.) Letters from Italy and Vienna. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. iv. 252. Fcap. Svo. [By Revd. W. Nind.] 1852 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 19 LUND (T.) A Key to the Exercises in the short and easy COURSE OF Algebra, by Thomas Lund, B.D. Designed for the use of Schoolmasters and Private Tutors, by the Author of the course. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. iii. I blank, 140. i2mo. PEROWNE (E. H.) Oratio Latina pr^mio annuo dignata et in curia Cantabrigiensi recitata, comitiis maximis a.d. m.dccc.lii. Auctore Edvardo Henrico Perowne, A.B., Coll. Corp. Chr. et B. V. Mariae socio. Cantabrigise : veneunt apud Macmillan, Barclay et Macmillan. m.dccc.lii Pp. 14. 8vo. PEROWNE (J. J. S.) Al Adjrumiieh. The Arabic text ; with the vowels, and an English translation, by the Rev. J. J. S. Perowne, INLA., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. London : D. Nutt. Berlin : Asher & Co. Pp. vi. (inc. I blank) 10, 12 Arabic. Svo. PHEAR (J. B.) Elementary H-ydrostatics. With numerous ex- amples. By J. B. Phear, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Clare Hall, Cambridge. Author of " Elementary Mechanics." Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 2 advts. vi. (inc. i blank) 139, i blank. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed i8j2. Scro/ut iSjy. Third iSbj. Fourth iSbb. PLATO. DAVIES (J. LL.)— VAUGHAN (D. J.) The Republic of Plato, translated into English, with an introduction, analysis, and notes. By John Llewelyn Davies, M.A., and David James Vaughan, M.A., Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. Ix. (inc. I blank) 418, 2 advts. First Edition printed 1 8£ 2 [Cr. Svo.) Second j8jS [Svo. pp. xxxii. [inc. i advt. and j blanks) 41 S, 2 blanks). Third (3E) 1866 [Golden Treasury Scries, pp. xx.vii. [inc. * 2 blanks) 370, Pott Svo.) Reprinted jS68, i8j2, 1873, 1S78, iSjg, 1881, 1SS2, iSSj, 1SS6, 1888. PULLEN (J.) The True Patriot. — A Sermon preached November 21, 1852, being the Sunday following the public funeral of Arthur, Duke of Wellington, at the parish church of St Benedict, Cambridge, by Joseph Pullen, B.D.., Perpetual Curate. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 16 (inc. I blank). 8vo. The Restoration of Belief. — i. Christianity in Relation to its Ancient and Modern Antagonists. — — " Suis ilia (Religio Christiana) contenta est viribus, et veritatis proprias fimda- minibus nititur : nee spoliatur vi sua, etiamsi nullum habeat vindicem : immo si linquas omnes contrafaciant, contraque nitantur, et ad fidem illius abrogandam con- sensionis unitDe animositate conspirent." Arnobius. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. London : George Bell, Fleet Street. Pp. 112, 4 p. wrap, which includes title. Cr. Svo. First Edition p7-inted i8j2. Second fSjj. Reissued with Farts ii. and iii. as a complete volume. [See tinder 18^3. ) The Restoration of Belief. — ii. On the Supernatural Element contained in the Epistles, and its bearing on the Argument. — 20 MACMILLAN AND CO. 'S 1852 — " Sziis ilia (Religio Christiana) contenta est viribus, et veritatis proprics fund- aminibus nititur : nee spoliatur vi sua, etiamsi nullum habeat vindicem : immo si linqucB 07rines contrafaciant, contraqiie 7iitantur, et ad Jidem illius abrogandum con- sensionis zi?iit(B animositate conspirent." Arnobius. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. London : George Bell, Fleet Street. Pp. 128 (paged from 11 3-240), 4 p. wrap, which includes title. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed i8j2. Second iSj6. Re-issued with Parts i. and iii. as a complete volume. {^See under iSjj. ) SALLUST — MERIVALE (C.) Caii Sallustii Crispi Catilina et JUGURTHA. An edition for schools, By CHARLES Merivale, B.D. late fellow and tutor of St John's College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xxiv. 270 (inc. i blank), 2 advts. First Edition printed 18^2 {Cr. Svo.) Second 18^8 [Fcap. 8vo. ) Third (S) iSji. Fourth (S) 1884. SNOWBALL (J. C.) The Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry ; with the construction and use of tables of logarithms, both of numbers, and for angles. By J. C. SNOWBALL, M.A. Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. The Seventh Edition. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks) 212. Paged (plane) viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 140 and (spherical) iv. (inc. I blank) 72. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed for Macmillari ^ Co. 18^2 (Cr. 8vo.) Second Edition iSjj. Third Edition i86j. Fourth [&) iSj6 (Globe Svo. ) Rep7 inted iSjS, 18S0, i88j. Solutions of the Problems proposed in the Senate- House Examination. January 8, 1852. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 16, 4 p. wrapper which contains title. Cr. 8vo, THRING (E.) The Child's Grammar: being the substance of "The elements of grammar taught in English " : adapted for the use of Junior classes. By the Rev. Edward Thring, M.A., fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan &: Co. London : George Bell. Dublin : Hodges & Smith. Edinburgh : Edmonston & Douglas. Glasgow : Jas. Maclehose. Pp. 88 (inc. 2 blanks). Demy i6mo. First Edition printed (&) i8j2. Reprinted j8§j, March iSj6, December i8j 6, i8jg, 1866. TODHUNTER (L) A Treatise on the Differential Calculus and the Elements of the integral Calculus. With numerous ex- amples. By L Todhunter, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. viii. 394. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed iSj2. Second i8j J. Third i860. Fourth 1864. Fifth (Ss) i8yr. Reprinted 187J, 187s, iS-j8, 1881, iS8j. VAUGHAN (C. J.) A Few Words on the Crystal Palace Question. By Charles John Vaughan, D.D. Head Master of Harrow School. London : John Alurray, Albemarle Street ; Crossley and Clarke, Leicester and Harrow: Macmillan & Co., Cambridge. Pp. 27, I advt. Svo. i853 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 21 185 AESCHYLUS— DRAKE (BERNARD) ^SCHYLI Eumenides. The Greek Text, with English notes critical and explanatory ; an English Verse Translation ; and an introduction, containing an analysis of the dissertations of C. O. Mi.iller. By Bernard Drake, M.A. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge ; editor of " Demosthenes de Corona." Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. viii. 144. 8vo. BACON (LORD)— RALEIGH (SIR W.)— NAPIER (M.) Lord Bacon AND Sir Walter Raleigh. By the late Macvey Napier, Esq. Editor of the Edinburgh Review and of the Encycloptedia Britannica. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. vi. 273, I blank. Post Svo. BASHFORTH (FRANCIS) Observations on some Recent Uni- versity Buildings together with remarks on the management of the Public Library and Pitt Press, by Francis Bashforth, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. 34, I page illustrations, i blank. Svo. BOLTON (W. J.) The Evidences of Christianity as exhibited in the writings of its apologists down to Augustine. An essay which obtained the Hulsean Prize for the year 1852. By W. J. Bolton, of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. " nelOofiai. crox^s. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. London : D. Nutt. Pp. viii. (inc. blank) 326, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. BEAMONT (W. J.) Catherine, the Egyptian Slave in 1852. By the Rev. W. J. Beamont, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College Cam- bridge ; late Principal of the English College in Jerusalem. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xii. 217,1 blank, i advts. i blank. Fcap. 8vo. BENGEL (J. A.) D. JOH. Alberti Bengelii Gnomon Novi Testamenti, in quo ex nativa verborum vi simplicitas, profunditas, concinnitas, salubritas sensuum coelestium indicatur. Editio Tertia, per i8S5 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 29 filium superstitem, M Ernestum Bengelium, Quondam Curata, quarta recusa adjuvante Johanne Steudel. Londini, Apud David Nutt et Williams & Norgate, Cantabrigiae, Macmillan & Soc. Pp. xl. 1 176. 8vo. BIRKS (T. R.) The Difficulties of Belief, in connexion with the Creation and the Fall. By Thomas Rawson Birks, M.A. Rector of Kelshall, Herts, formerly Fellow of Trmity College. Author of " The Life of the Rev. E. Bickersteth." Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. viii. 188. Cr. 8vo. First Edition Printed J'Sjj. Second i8y6. Brave Words for Brave Soldiers and Sailors. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. London :— G. Bell, 186, Fleet Street, Pp. 16. 4 pp. wrapper (title on latter). Cr. l6mo. Printed February iSj^. Reprinted March i8js- Reprinted April iSjj. [By Charles Kingsley.] BURGER (G. A.)— BROMEHEAD (W. C.) Leonore. A Ballad by G. A. Burger, translated from the German by W. Crawford Brome- head, M.A., late Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cr. 8vo. {Title taken from Macmillan 6^ Co s catalogue of October iSjj.) BUTLER (H. M.) The Character of Edmund Burke. An Oration, delivered in the Hall of Trinity College on the day of the Commemora- tion of Benefactors, M.DCCCLIV. By HENRY MONTAGU BUTLER, Scholar of the College. Printed by request. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co (Printed Privately) Pp. 16 (inc. 3 blanks). Cr. 8vo. COLENSO (J. W.) The Communion Service, from the Book of Common Prayer, with select readings from the writings of the Rev. F. D. Maurice, M.A. edited by the Right Rev. John William Colenso, D.D. Lord Bishop of Natal. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. X. (inc. I blank) 150 (inc. I blank). l6mo. First Edition (S) Printed iSjj. Part of the edition o?i fine paper (2s. 6d. ) part on com7non paper [is.) Reprinted 18^6, fSjj, i8_5g, 18J4, 18S6. COLENSO (J. W.) Ten Weeks IN Natal. A Journal of a First Tour of Visitation among the Colonists and Zulu Kafirs of Natal. By John William Colenso, D.D. Lord Bishop of the Diocese. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xxxii. 271, I blank, 16 Appendix, I Map, 4 page illustrations. Fcap 8vo. COLENSO (J. W.) An ordination and three missionary sermons. By the Right Rev. J. W. Colenso, D.D. Bishop of Natal. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. vi. (inc. 2 blanks) 58. i8mo. COTTON (G. E. L.) Seven Sermons chiefly connected with Public Events of the Year md.cccliv. Preached in the Chapel of Marlborough College. By GEORGE Edward Lynch Cotton, M.A. Master of Marlborough College, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co Pp. xxviii. 91, I blank. Fcap. 8vo. 30 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1855 CROSSE (C. H.) An analysis of Paley's Evidences of Christianity, in the form of question and answer, with the Senate-House papers for the year 1854. By CHARLES H. Crosse, M.A., of Gonville and Caius College. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. London : George Bell. Pp. 115, 5 (4 Previous Examination Papers 1854 and i blank). i8mo. ELLIOTT (H. V.)— SIMPKINSON (J. N.) Two Sermons preached in Herstmonceux Church, on Septuagesima Sunday, February 4, 1855, being the Sunday after the Funeral of Archdeacon Hare. By the Rev. H. V. Elliott, M.A. and the Rev. J. N. Simpkinson, M.A. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. , Pp. ii. 34 (inc. I blank), i advt. i blank. 8vo. Ah: Elliott's sermon was also printed separately iSjj [8vo.) England looking Eastward : impressions of a Year of War. ' ' The crisis is a strange one, strange indeed ; ****** It often happens in the hour of need, From popular ideas of utility, People are pitched upon for mere ability." Frere's Monks ayid Giants. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. ii. 57 (inc. 2 blanks), I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition Printed July iSjj. Reprinted August iSjj. F. (H. R.) Christmas Dawn and New Year's Eve 1854-5 by H. R. F. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. London : George Bell Pp. 32 (inc. 2 blanks). Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed /anuary iSjj. Second Edition printed Febrnary -tSjj. FERRAR (N.)— FERRAR (J.)— JEBB (DR.)— MAYOR (J. E. B.) Cam- bridge IN the Seventeenth Century. Part i. Nicholas Ferrar. Hinc lucem et pocula sacra. ((Sub-title) Nicholas Ferrar. Two Lives by his brother John and by Dr. Jebb. Now first Edited with Illustrations by J. E. B. Mayor, M.A. Fellow and Assistant Tutor of St John's College, Cam- bridge) Cambridge : Printed for the Editor at the University Press, and sold by Macmillan & Co. Pp. xlviii. 398, I advts. I blank. Fcap, 8vo. GOODWIN (H.) How Christ's Promises are Fulfilled. — A Farewell Sermon preached in Trinity Church, Birkenhead, on Monday, March 5, 1855, on the occasion of the departure of the Bishop of Natal, and other members of the Natal Mission, by the Rev. Harvey Goodwin, M.A., late Fellow of Gonville and Caius College ; Minister of St. Edward's, Cambridge ; and Hulsean Lecturer. — Published by request of the Bishop of Natal, for the benefit of the Mission. — - Cambridge : Macmillan & Co London : Bell and Daldy. Pp. 14 (inc. I blank), 2 blanks. 8vo. H. (M. A.) The Flowers OF THE Forest. A Ballad for January, 1855. By M. A. H. Cambridge Macmillan and Co. Pp. 8 (inc. 2 blanks). Cr. 8vo. i855 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 31 HARDWICK (C.) Christ and other Masters: an historical inquiry into some of the chief paralleHsms and contrasts between Christianity and the reHgious systems of the ancient world, with special reference to prevailing difficulties and objections. By CHARLES HARDWICK, M.A. fellow of St. Catherine's Hall, divinity lecturer at King's College, and Christian advocate in the University of Cambridge. Part L ' ' Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel ? May I not wash in them and be cleari ? So he turned, and went away in a rage."- — 2 Kings v. 12. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 160. Svo. Part it. "Religions of India," pp. j advis. 2 blanks, vi. 21c), iS^j {Svo.) Part Hi. " Religions of China, America, and Oceanica," pp. viii. [inc. i blank) 208, iSjS {8vo. ) Part iv. ' '-Religions of Egypt and Medo- Persia, ' 'pp. viii. ( inc. z advt. and i blatik) 2j6, inc. I advt. i8jg {Svo.) Complete, 2 vols. i86j {Cr. Svo.) Second edition, i vol. (Si) {Cr. Svo.) 1874. Reprinted 187s ' 1882, j8S6. JnIote. — " The Religions of India " was reprinted separately for S.P.C.K. in 187^. HERVEY (LORD A.) A Suggestion for supplying the Literary, Scientific, and Mechanics' Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland with Lecturers from the Universities. By Lord Arthur Hervey, M.A., Rector of Ickworth - with - Horringer, President of the Bury St. Edmund's Athenaeum. Cambridge Macmillan and Co. London : Bell and Daldy, Fleet Street. T. Hatchard, Piccadilly. Pp. 20 (inc. I blank). Svo. HOWARD (H. E. J.) The Book of Genesis, according to the Version of the LXX. Translated into English, with notices of its Omissions and Insertions, and with notes on the Passages in which it differs from our Authorised Translation. By the Hon. and Very Rev. Henry E. J. Howard, D.D. Dean of Lichfield. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 280. Cr. Svo. KINGSLEY (C.) Glaucus ; or, the Wonders of the Shore. By Charles Kingsley, author of Westward Ho ! Hypatia, etc. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) i full page illustration, 165, i blank, I advt. i blank. First Edition pi-inted May iSjS {Pcap. Svo.) Second August iSjj. Third iSj6. Fottrth iSsg {with Sowerby's coloured illustrations added. Sup. Royal i6mo. ) Fifth (5i) 1873 {Cr. Svo.), 20pp. added 1 873. Reprinted 187S, i87g, iSSi, 18S4, 18S7. KINGSLEY (C.) Westward Ho ! or, the Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the County of Devon. In the reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Rendered into Modern English by Charles Kingsley. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 303, I blank. Vol. ii. pp. vi. 356. Vol. iii. pp. vi. 373, I blank, 2 advts. Pint Edition p7-inted February 1835 {Post Svo.) Second Edition May 1835 {Cr. Svo.) Third {S:) 1837 {i vol. Cr. Svo.) Reprinted 1861, 1863, j86g, 1871, 1S72, 1S73, 1874, 187s, February and November 1876, .March and December 1S77, 187S, Feb- ruary and November iS7g, iSSo. Fourth (E) iSSf. Reprinted 1SS2, i88j, 1SS4, iSSs, 1S87, September and December 188S, i88g. Eveksley Edition. First Edition ptinted{'^) 18S1 {2vols. Globe Svo. Vol. i. pp. xii. {inc. steel engraving) 4S4. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 476). Repainted 188S. Sixpenny Edition printed (3E) August iSSg (/ vol. Med. Svo. pp. viii. {inc. 2 blanks) 248). Reprinted tiuice October J SSg. 32 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1855 Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects. Cambridge Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 295. Cr. 8vo. Contents. Introductory Lecture. Plan of a Female College for the Help of the Rich and the Poor. By the Rev. F. D. Maurice. Lecture L The College and the Hospital. By the Rev. F. D. Maurice. Lecture IL The Country Parish. By the Rev. C. Kingsley. Lecture IIL On Over-work, Distress, and Anxiety, as Causes of Mental and Bodily Disease. By George Johnson, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Physician to King's College Hospital. Lecture IV. On Dispensaries and Allied Institutions. By Edward H. Sieveking, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Lecture V. District Visiting. By the Rev. J. LI. Davies. Lecture VI. The Influence of Occupation on Health. By Dr. Chambers, Physician to St. Mary's Hospital. Lecture VII. On Law as it affects the Poor. By Fitzjames Stephen, LL.B. of the Inner Temple, Barrister- at-Law. Lecture VIII. On the Every-day Work of Ladies. By Archdeacon Allen. Lecture IX. On Teaching by Words. By the Very Rev. R. C. Trench, B.D. Dean of Westminster. Lecture X. On Sanitary Law. By Tom Taylor, Esq. Secretary to the General Board of Health. Lecture XI. Workhouse Visiting. By the Rev. J- S. Brewer. Postscript. First Edition p7'i7ited 18^ j. Second January iSj6. Third December iSj6. LUSHINGTON (H. & F.) Two Battle = Pieces. By Henry Lushing- TON, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; and FRANKLIN LUSHINGTON, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. 29, 3 blanks. Cr. 8vo. LUSHINGTON (H. & F.) La Nation Boutiquiere and other poems chiefly political by Henry Lushington, with a preface. — Points of War by Franklin Lushington. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 87, I blank. Fcap. 8vo. ( ' ' Points of War" published separately. See under 18 j^. ) MACKENZIE (H.) The Christian Clergy of the First Ten Centuries ; their beneficial influence on European Progress. Being the Hulsean Prize Essay for 1850. By the late HENRY MACKENZIE, B.A., Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xxviii. 240. Cr. 8vo. MAURICE (F. D.) Administrative Reform, and its connexion WITH Working Men's Colleges. An Address by the Rev. F. D. Maurice. Published at the request of the Students of the Working Men's College, 31, Red Lion Square. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. London : Bell & Daldy, 186, Fleet Street Pp. 16. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. MAURICE (F. D.) Death and Life : a sermon preached in Lincoln's Inn Chapel on the 25th March, 1855. By the Rev. F. D. Maurice, Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn. In Memoriam C. B. M. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. London : Bell and Daldy. Pp. 24 (inc. 2 blanks). 8vo. i855 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 33 MAURICE (F. D.) Learning and Working. Six Lectures delivered in Willis's Rooms, London, in June and July, 1854. — The Religion OF Rome, and its influence on modern civilization. Four Lectures delivered in the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh, in December, 1854. — By Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A. Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xxiv. 350. Cr. Svo. MAURICE (F. D.) The Patriarchs and Lawgivers of the Old Testament. A Series of Sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn, by Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A. Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn. Second Edition, revised, with a new preface. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xliv. (inc. 3 blanks) 315 (paged 33-347), i blank. Cr. Svo. First edition published elseiohere. Second printed [S:) -rSjj. Reprinted iSd'j, iSjj, iSj8, 1SS2, 1SS6. MAURICE (F. D.) Plan of a Female College for the help of THE rich and of THE POOR. The substance of a lecture delivered at the Working Men's College 31. Red Lion Square, to a class of ladies, on Monday, May 21. By F. D. Maurice, Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 24. Svo. MAURICE (F. D.) Christmas Day and other Sermons ; by Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A. Chaplain of Guy's Hospital, and Professor of English Literature in King's College, London — London : John W. Parker, West Strand. — 1S43 Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 424. Svo. Transferred from J. W. Parker in iSjj. MAURICE (F. D.) The Church a Family : twelve sermons on the occasional services of the Prayer-Book. Preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn, by Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A., Chaplain of Lincolns Inn, and Professor of Divinity in King's College, London. — London : John W. Parker, West Strand. 1850 Pp. xxiii. (inc. i blank) I blank, 211, i blank, 4 advts. Fcap. Svo. Transferred from J. IV. Parker in i8j£. MAURICE (F. D.) The Epistle to the Hebrews ; being the Sub- stance of Three Lectures delivered in the Chapel of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, on the Foundation of Bishop Warburton. With a Preface containing a review of Mr. Newman's Theory of Development By Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A., Chaplain of Guy's Hospital, and one of the Professors of Divinity in King's College, London. — London : John W. Parker, West Strand. — 1846 Pp. cxxxvi. (inc. 8 unpaged & 4 blanks) 96. Svo. Transferred from J. IV. Parker iSj J. MAURICE (F. D.) Queen's College, London. = A Letter to the Right Hon. & Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London, in reply to the article in No. CLXXli. of the Quarterly Review, entitled Queen's College, London. By Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A. Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn. = London: John W. Parker, West Strand. 1850 Pp. 50. Svo. Transferred from J. IV. Parker iSjj. D 34 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1855 MAURICE (F. D.) On right and wrong methods of supporting PROTESTANTISM. — A letter to Lord Ashley, respecting a certain pro- posed measure for stifling the expression of opinion in the University of Oxford. By F. D. Maurice, A.M. Chaplain of Guy's Hospital, and Professor of English Literature in King's College, London. — London : John W. Parker, West Strand. 1S43. Pp. 24. 8vo. Transferred from J. IV. Parker i8j^. MAURICE (F. D.) Three Letters to the Rev. W. Palmer, Fellow and Tutor of Magdalen College, Oxford, on the name ' Protestant ; ' on the seemingly double character of the English Church ; and on the Bishopric at Jerusalem. With an appendix, containing some remarks on a pamphlet of J. R. Hope, Esq., entitled ' The Bishopric of the United Church of England and Ireland, at Jerusalem, considered in a letter to a friend'. — By F. D. Maurice, A.M., Chaplain of Guy's Hospital, and Professor of English Literature at King's College, London. — The Second Edition, to which are added some further remarks on German Pro- testantism, and a notice of the postscript to the second edition of Mr. Hope's Letter. London: John W. Parker, West Strand. 1842. Pp. X. (inc. I blank) 122 & 4 add. pages. 8vo. Tra7isferrcd from J. \ V. Parker i8jj. MAURICE (F. D.) Sermons on the Sabbath-Day, on the Character OF THE Warrior, and on the Interpretation of History. By Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A. Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn, and Professor of Divinity in King's College, London. London : John W. Parker and Son 1853. Pp. viii. 127, I advts. Fcap. 8vo. Transferred fro7n J. IV. Parker iSjj. MAURICE (F. D.) Thoughts on the Duty of a Protestant in the PRESENT Oxford Election. A Letter to a London Clergj'man. By F. D. Maurice, M.A., Professor of Theology in King's College, London, and Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn. London : John W. Parker, West Strand. 1846. Pp. 26, 2 blanks. 8vo. Transferred from J. IV. Parker i8£S. MAURICE (F. D.) Thoughts on the rule of conscientious sub- scription, ON the purpose of the thirty- nine articles, and on our present perils from the Romish system : in a second letter to a non-resident member of convocation, by the Rev. Frederick D. Maurice, Chaplain of Guy's Hospital, and Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. Oxford, John Henry Parker : London, Rivingtons : Cambridge, Macmillan. 1845. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 52. 8vo. Tra7isf erred from J. W. Parker 18^3. MAURICE (F. D.) The Unity of the New Testament : a Synopsis of the first three gospels, and of the epistles of St. James, St. Jude, St. Peter, and St. Paul. By Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A., Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn. i855 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 35 ' Search the Scriptures ; for in them ye think ye have eternal Life : and they are they which testify of Me. And ye will not come unto Me that ye might have Life. ' — St. John. London : John W. Parker and Son, West Strand. 1854. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 668, 4 advts. Ti'ansferred from J . IV. Parker iSjS [Svo. ) First Edition printed for Macmillan and Co. Septeinber 1884 (2 vols. Or. Svo.) PARKINSON (S.) An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics, for the use of the Junior Classes at the University and the Higher Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. By S. Parkinson, B.D. Fellow & Tutor of St John's College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 advts.) 288. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed i8^S- Second 1S61. Third iS6j. Fourth i86g Fifth 1874. Sixth 1881. PEARSON (J.) The Elements of the Calculus of Finite Differences, treated on the method of separation of Symbols. By James Pearson, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. Second Edition enlarged. Cambridge : J. Deighton London : George Bell, Fleet Street. 1850. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 100. 8vo. Transferred to Macmillan &r Co. iSjj. PROCTER (F.) A History of the Book of Common Prayer with A Rationale of its Offices. By the Rev. Francis Procter, M.A. late Fellow of St Catharine's Hall, Cambridge ; Vicar of Witton, Norfolk. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks) 451, i blank. Cr. Svo. First Edition ptinted i8js- Second {S:) i8j6. Reprinted [ivith slight corrections) 18^7. Reprinted [with slight co7-rections) i8jC). Reprinted (with slight corrections) 1861. Reprinted [ivith corrections) 1864. Reprinted {zvith corrections) 1867. Reprinted i86g. Third (<§) iSjo. Reprinted February and December 1874, 1876, 1878, with corrections 1880, with additions 1881, 1884, with many alteratiotis and additions i88g. REICHEL (C. P.) The Lord's Prayer and other Sermons. By Charles Parsons Reichel, B.D. Professor of Latin in the Queen's University, Chaplain to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and late Donnellan Lecturer in the University of Dublin. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 299, I blank. Cr. Svo. The Restoration of Belief. — iii. The Miracles of the Gospels in their Relation to the Principal Features of the Christian Scheme. — — " Suis ilia (Religio Christiana) contenta est viribus, et veritatis proprias funda- minibus nititur : nee spohatur vi sua, etiamsi nullum habeat vindicem : immo si lingua; onmes contrafaciant, contraque nitantur, et ad fidem illius abrogandam con- sensionis unitae animositate conspirent. " Arnobius. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. London : George Bell, Fleet Street. Pp. 142 (paged from 241-382), 4 p. wrap which includes title, viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 2 advts. Cr. Svo. Reissued with Parts i. and ii. as a complete volume. See belcnv. The Restoration of Belief. — "Suis ilia (Religio Christiana) cofitenta est viribus, et veritatis propHa: funda- , minibus nititur: nee spoliatur vi sua, etiamsi nullu7n habeat vindicein : immo si 36 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1855 Ungues omnes contrafaciant , contraque nit ant ur, et ad Jidem illius ahrogandum con- sensionis jtnitcB animositafe conspirent." Arnobius. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 381. Cr. 8vo. First Edition made up of separate parts iSjj (see " Restoration of Belief," Parts i. and ii. 18^2, and Part Hi. iSjs)- Second printed 1864. The name of the author Isaac Taylor appeared for the first time on the title page of the 1864 edition. SELWYN (G. A.) A Verbal Analysis of the Holy Bible ; intended to facilitate the translation of the Holy Scriptures into foreign languages. Compiled by the Bishop of New Zealand, and printed for the use of the Melanesian Mission. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. London : Bell & Daldy. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 245, i blank. Small Folio. SELWYN (G. A.) The Work of Christ in the World. Four Sermons Preached before the University of Cambridge on the four Sundays preceding Advent in the Year of Our Lord, 1854. By George Augustus Selwyn, D.D. Bishop of New Zealand, formerly Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. Published at the request of the Vice- Chancellor. Cambridge : Macmillan & Co. Pp. vi. (inc. I blank) 69, i blank. First Edition printed January 18 j^ {Post Svo.) Reprinted Jamtaiy 18 jj {Cr. 8vo.), attd twice in Febniary 18^^. THRING (E.) A Construing Book. Compiled by the Rev. Edward Thring, M.A. late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Head Master of Uppingham School. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 104. Fcap. Svo. THRUPP (J. F.) Antient Jerusalem. A new investigation into the history, topography, and plan of the City, Environs, and Temple: designed principally to illustrate the records and prophecies of scripture. With map, plans, and other illustrations. By Joseph Francis Thrupp, M.A. Vicar of Barrington, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 416, 3 plates, I map, 4 advts. 8vo. TODHUNTER (I.) A Treatise on Plane Co-Ordinate Geometry. With numerous examples. By I. Todhunter, M.A. Fellow and Assistant Tutor of St John's College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 299, I advt. Cr. Svo. First Edition prijited 1835. Second 1838. Third 1862. Fourth 1867. Fifth 1874. Sixth («i) 1880. Reprinted 1 88 1, i88j, 1S88. WESTCOTT (B. F.) A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament during the first four centuries. By Brooke Foss Westcott, M.A. Late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. (inc. i blank) 594, 6 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition p7-inted iS^S- Second 1S66. Third i8jo. Fourth i8js. Fifth 1881. Sixth i88(^: WRIGHT (JOSIAH) A Help to Latin Grammar, or the form and use of words in Latin. With progressive exercises. By Josiah 1S56 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 37 Wright, M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge ; Head Master of Sutton Coldfield Grammar School ; editor of " Hellenica, &c." Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 174, I advt. I blank. Cr. 8vo. 1856 BUTLER (W. ARCHER)— THOMPSON (W. H.) Lectures on the History of Ancient Philosophy. By William Archer Butler, M.A. Late Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Dublin. Edited from the Author's MSS. with notes, by William Hepworth Thompson, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, and Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. In two Volumes. Vol. i. pp. xiv. (inc. i blank) 460. Vol. ii. pp. vi. (inc. 2 blanks) 446, 2 blanks. 8vo. First Edition priytted i8j6. Second (S, -'" vol.) 18J4. BUTLER (W. ARCHER)— JEREMIE (JAMES AMIRAUX) Sermons doctrinal and practical. By the Rev. William Archer Butler, M.A. late Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Dublin. Second Series. Edited from the Author's MSS. By James Amiraux Jeremie, D.D. Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 advts. X. (inc. 2 blanks) 392. 8vo. First Edition printed [December J^Sjj) iSj6. Second Edition () J'8ys. Reprinted 1882. O'BRIEN (J. T.) An attempt to explain and establish the DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH ONLY, in ten Sermons upon the nature and the effects of Faith, preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin. By James Thomas O'Brien, D.D., formerly fellow of Trinity College, and Archbishop King's divinity lecturer in the University of Dublin, now Bishop of Ossory, Ferns and Leighlin. Second Edition. Macmillan and Co., London and Cambridge: and William Robertson, Dublin. Pp. xxxvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 592. Svo. Originally published elsewhere. Second Edition received March 1S62. Third printed/or Alacmillan and Co. May i86j. The Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics. A Journal supported by. Junior Mathematical Students, and conducted by a Board of Editors composed of Members of the Three Universities. "A77eXoi' ia\bv '4(pa Ti/uav ixeyiarav irpdyfiaTL iravrl d-) Reprinted J anua7-y 1866 (id.) VAUGHAN (C. J.) Life's Work and God's Discipline: Three Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge in April and May, 1865. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Vicar of Doncaster Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks), 1 14, and 2 advts. Fi/-st Edition May i86j [Fcap. 8vo. ) Reprinted with slight corrections December i86j. Second i8j J [Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) VAUGHAN (C. J.) Music in Churches : a sermon preached in St John's Church, Leicester, at a festival of the Church Choral Association. On Thursday Morning, September 28, 1865. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Vicar of Doncaster. Published by request. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 31, I blank. Fcap. 8vo. VAUGHAN (D. J.) Christian Evidences and the Bible. Being Sermons preached in St. Martin's Church, Leicester. With a preface i866 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 141 and notes. By the Rev. David James Vaughan, M.A., Vicar of St. Martin's, Leicester, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. O send out thy light and thy truth ; let them lead me ; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacle. — Psalm XLHi. 3. TirfTOVfiev 5e ttjv dXrjdeiav, vcj) ■fj's oi'Seis wdnroTe €J3\d^r]. M. Aurelius. Second Edition, revised and Enlarged. London and Cambridge : Macmillan raid Co. Crossley and Clarke, Leicester. Pp. Ixxx. (inc. 4 blanks) 302 (inc. i blank), 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed May iS6j. Second November iS6j. Title copied fi-om Second Edition. VENABLES (EDMUND) St. Barnabas a Pattern to Christian Ministers. A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, at the General Ordination, Trinity Sunday, June 11, 1865. By Edmund Venables, M.A. Examining Chaplain to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Printed by request. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Lincoln : Brooke and Vibert. Pp. 16. Cr. 8vo. VILLEMARQUE (VICOMTE H. DE LA)— TAYLOR (MR. & MRS. TOM) Ballads and Songs of Brittany by Tom Taylor translated from the " Barsaz-Briez " of Vicomte Hersart de la Villemarque with some of the original melodies harmonised by Mrs. Tom Taylor with illustrations by J. Tissot, J. E. MiLLAis, R.A., J. Tenniel, C. Keene, E. Corbould, and H. K. Browne. (Vignette) London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. inc. i steel plate, 240 (inc. 8 page illustrations). Pott 4to. Printed 1864 {dated 186^). WORSLEY (T.) Christian Drift of Cambridge Work Eight Lectures recently delivered in Chapel on the Christian bearings of Classics Mathematics Medicine and Law Studies prescribed in its charter to Downing College by T. Worsley D.D. Master of the College and late Christian advocate in the University London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 287, I blank. Cr. 8vo. 1866 tESCHYLUS— WEBSTER (AUGUSTA)— (THOMAS) The Pro- metheus Bound of ^schylus. Literally translated into English Verse by Augusta Webster. Edited by Thomas Webster, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 77, I blank, i advts. i blank. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. AIRY (GEORGE BIDDELL) An Elementary Treatise on Partial Differential Equations designed for the use of Students in the University. By George Biddell Airy, M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. Astron- omer Royal, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, and late Plumian 142 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1866 Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 58, 4 page plates, 4 mounted plates (inserted in cover of the book). Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 1S66. Second i8jj. AIRY (GEORGE BIDDELL) Popular Astronomy : a Series of Lectures. By GEORGE BiDDELL Airy, Astronomer Royal. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. I diagram, 292 (inc. I blank). Originally published elseivhere. First Edition printed for Macmillan and Co. 1866 {Pott 'Svo.) Second Edition [Ss) 1S68. Reprinted i8j2, 1S74, i8j7, 1880 {Fcap. 8vo.), 1 88 J, 1887. AIRY (GEORGE BIDDELL) On the Undulatory Theory of Optics, designed for the Use of Students in the University, By George BiDDELL Airy, M.A. Astronomer Royal, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, and late Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. A New Edition London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 159, i blank, 2 folded diagrams. Cr. Svo. Originally published in Airy' s " Mathematical Tracts" {see under i8j8). First Edition printed for Macmillan and Co. 1866. Second iSjj. ARISTOTLE — POSTE (EDWARD) Aristotle on Fallacies or the Sophistic! Elenchi with a translation and notes by Edward Poste, M.A. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 252, 2 advts. 2 blanks. Svo. BAKER (SAMUEL WHITE) The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of THE Nile, and Explorations of the Nile Sources. By Samuel White Baker, M.A. F.R.G.S. Gold Medallist of the Royal Geographical Society. With maps, illustrations, and portraits. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. I. pp. XXX. (inc. 2 blanks, l page steel portrait, and I map) i map, 5 page illustrations, 395, i blank. Vol. II. pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 7 page illustrations, 2 maps, 384. First Edition printed 1866 {8vo.) Second i86j {2 vols. Cr. Svo.) Third (S^) iS6g {i vol. Cr. Svo.) Reprinted i8j2, 1873, 1874, 1S77, 1879, iSSj, i88j, iSSS. BAYMA (JOSEPH) The Elements of Molecular Mechanics by Joseph Bayma, S.J. Professor of Philosophy, Stonyhurst College. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xviii. 266, 3 advts. I blank, 3 folded plates. Svo. BELL (HENRY GLASSFORD) Romances and Minor Poems. By Henry Glassford Bell. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 215, I blank. Fcap. Svo. Printed 1 86^ {dated 1 86b). BOND (H. J. H.) Analysis of an Elementary Course of Lectures on Pathology. By Henry J. H. Bond, M.D. Regius Professor of Physic in the University of Cambridge. Part II. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 59, I blank. Svo. {For complete book see under 1S66.) i866 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 143 BOND (H. J. H.) Analysis of an Elementary Course of Lectures ON Pathology. By Henry J. H. Bond, M.D. Regius Professor of Physic in the University of Cambridge. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. (inc. I blank) ill, i blank. 8vo. {For Parts I. and II. separate see under i86j and j866.) BONNEY (T. G.) The Profaneness of Esau and the Question to Elijah. Two Sermons preached in the Chapel of S. John's College, Cambridge, by T. G. Bonney, B.D. Fellow and Junior Dean. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 20. 8vo. BRYANT (J. H.) The Mutual Influence of Christianity and the Stoic School. By James Henry Bryant, B.D, St John's College, Cambridge, Incumbent of Astley, Warwickshire. /j-avrLS el/j! iaOXQiv dyuvwv. Soph. CEd. Col. 1080. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 4 blanks) 93, 3 blanks. Cr. Svo. BULLOCK (W. H.) Across Mexico in 1864-5. By W. H. Bullock. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 396, 8 page illustrations, I coloured map, 4 advts. Cr. Svo. BUTLER (H. M.) The Death of the Bishop of Calcutta. A Sermon preached in the Chapel of Harrow School, on October 14th, 1866. By Henry Montagu Butler, D.D. Head Master. London : Macmillan and Co. Harrow : Crossley and Clark. Pp. 16 (inc. 2 blanks). Cr. 8vo. CAIRNES (J. E.) University Education in Ireland. By J. E. Cairnes, M.A., Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy, Queen's College, Galway. Reprinted from the Theological Review. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 43 (inc. I blank), i blank. Svo. CAIRNES (J. E.) University Education in Ireland : a letter to J. S. Mill, Esq. M.P. By J. E. Cairnes, M.A. Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy, Queen's College, Galway. (One Shilling) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64 (inc. I blank). Svo. The Cambridge Union Society. Inaugural Proceedings. Ornanda est dignitas domo, non ex domo tota quaerenda. De Ojfficiis. Quamobrem pergite, ut facitis, adolescentes, atque in id studium, in quo estis, incum- bite, ut et vobis honori et amicis utilitati et reipublicae emolumento esse possitis. De Oratore Cicero. London & Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 96. Ext. Fcap. Svo. Printed i86j {dated 1866). CATULLUS — ELLIS (R.) Catulli Veronensis Liber Recognovit R. Ellis Collegii Trinitatis apud Oxonienses Socius. Londini apud Macmillan et Soc. Pp. xxiv. (inc. I blank) 90. iSmo. 144 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1866 CHEETHAM (S.) "The Law of the Land and the Law of the Mind." A Sermon preached in Great St. Mary's Church, Cambridge, March 18, 1866, before the Judges of the Lent Assize. By S. Cheetham, M.A. Fellow of Christ's College. Published at the request of the Vice-Chancellor. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. Cr. Svo. CHRISTIE (J. R.) A Collection of Elementary Test Questions IN Pure and Mixed Mathematics with Answers. And Appendices on Synthetic Division and on the Solution of Numerical Equations by Horner's Method. By James R. Christie, F.R.S., F.R.A.S. late First Mathematical Master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. London & Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 404. Cr. Svo. Clemency Franklyn by the author of "Janet's Home" In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. (inc. i blank) 314. Vol. ii. pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 334. First Edition printed 1 866 [Cr. Svo.) Second [^) i8ji [Globe Svo.) Reprinted 1882, iSSS. [By Annie Keary.] COOKE (C. W. R.) The Moral Gulph betwixt Man and the Brute. An Essay by Charles Wallwyn Radcliffe Cooke, B.A. late Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and Le Bas University Prizeman 1864. Separat hoc nos a grege mutorum, atque ideo venerabile soli sortite ingenium, divinorumque capaces atque exercendis capiendisque artibus apti sensum a coelesti demissum traximus area cujus agent prona at terram spectantia. Mundi principio indulsit communis conditor illis tantum animas, nobis animum quoque. — Juv. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 54, 2 blanks. Cr. Svo. DALTON (T.) Arithmetical Examples progressively arranged, to- gether with miscellaneous exercises and examination papers. By the Rev. T. Dalton, M.A. Assistant Master at Eton College. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 advts. X. (inc. i blank) 159, I blank. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (5) 1S66. Reprinted March iSj2. Appendix added November i8j2. Second Edition (S) iSjj. Reprinted with alterations 1SJ4. Reprinted January iSjj appendix added, August iSyj without answers, November iSjj with corrections, iSjS tuith corrections, i8jg zvith corrections, 1S80 with corrections, 1882 errata added to paj-t of edition, 1 88 j with slight cor}-ectiotis, 1 88^ with corrections, 1886 with corrections, i88j with corrections, 1888 with corrections. DAVIES (J. LL.) The Epistles of St. Paul to the Ephesians, the COLOSSIANS, and Philemon : with introductions and notes, and an essay on the traces of foreign elements in the theology of these epistles. By the Rev. J. Llewelyn Davies, M.A. Rector of Christ Church, St. Marylebone ; late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 154, and 2 advts. Svo. Fi?-st Editio?i printed 1866. Second 1884. i866 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 145 DEFOE (D.)— CLARK (J. W.) Robinson Crusoe edited after the original editions by J. W. Clark, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. (Vignette) London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 608. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) April 1S66. Reprinted 1881. Golden Treasury Series. DE TEISSIER (G. F.) The House of Prayer or a practical exposi- tion of the order for morning and evening prayer in the church of England by G. F. De Teissier, B.D. Rural Dean, and Rector of Brampton near Northampton, late Fellow and Tutor of Corpus Christi College, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 304. Pott 8vo. The Dove in the Eagle's Nest. By the author of the " Heir of Red- clyffe ". In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xvi. 272. Vol. ii. pp. vi. 2 blanks, 251, l blank. Fij-st Edition printed 1S66 (Cr. Svo.) Second (S) i86g [t vol. Cr. Svo.) Reprinted iSji, January and November iSj^, i8j^, i8j6, iSjg, with illustrations added 18S2, i88j, i88s, 1888. Third (E) April i88g. DOYLE (F. H.) The Return of the Guards, and other Poems. By Sir FRANCIS HASTINGS Doyle, late Fellow of All Souls College,. Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 328 (inc. I blank). First Edition p7-itited 1 866 {Fcap. Svo.) Second 1 88 j [Cr. 8vo.) EASTWOOD (J.)— WRIGHT (W. A.) The Bible Word-Book : a Glossary of Old English Bible Words, by J. Eastwood, M.A. St John's College, and W. Aldis Wright, M.A. Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 564. First Edition printed 1866 {Pott 8vo.) Second (IE) i88j [Cr. Svo.) The second edition was revised and enlarged by IV. Aldis Wright, whose name alone appears on the title as author. Ecce Homo a survey of the Life and Work of Jesus Christ ' Auctor nominis ejus Christus Tiberio imperitante per procuratorem Pontium Pilatum supplicio affectus erat ' Tacit. Ann. i. 15 London & Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 330, 6 advts. First Edition printed 186^ [dated 1866, Svo. ) Second February 1866. Third March 1866. Fou7-th [reprinted) April 1866. Fifth Jicne 1866. Sixth August 1866. Seventh (IE) February i86j [Ext. Fcap. Svo.) Reprinted March 1867, 1868, i86()y jSjs, iSj4, i8j6, 1S77, iSyg, iSSi, iSSj, iSSj, 1SS6, iSSS. Ecce Homo. Preface to the fifth edition of Ecce Homo. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 4 page paper wrapper. Svo. Printed June 1S66. [Title taken from wrapper.) FORBES (GRANVILLE) The Voice of God in the Psalms. A L 146 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1866 Course of Sermons by Granville Forbes, Rector of Broughton ; Author of " Village Sermons by a Northamptonshire Rector." London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 268, I advts. i blank. Cr. 8vo. GODFRAY (H.) A Treatise on Astronomy, for the Use of Colleges and Schools. By HUGH Godfray, M.A., St. John's College; Mathe- matical Lecturer at Pembroke College, Cambridge. Cambridge and London. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 311, I advts. 8vo. HERVEY (LORD A.) A Charge, delivered to the Clergy and Church- wardens of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, at the General Visitation, in April, 1866, by Lord Arthur Hervey, M.A., Archdeacon of Sudbury. Published at the request of the Clergy and Churchwardens of the Deaneries of Fordham, in Cambridgeshire, Fordham, in Suffolk, Thingo, Thedwastre, Camps, Clare, and Blackbourn. — London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Bury St. Edmund's : Jackson and Frost, Booksellers, Angel Hill. Pp. 34 (inc. I blank). 8vo. HERVEY (R.) Duke Ernest a Tragedy and other Poems. By Rosamond Hervey. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 320. Fcap. 8vo. HOBART (LORD) Political Essays. By Lord Hobart. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 152. 8vo. Printed February 1S66. Considerable additions made in iSjj. HOMER — HERSCHEL (J. F. W.) The Iliad of Homer, translated into English accentuated hexameters, by Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart. K.H. M.A. ; D.C.L. ; F.R.S. L. and E. ; Hon. M.R.LA.; F.R.A.S.; F.G.S. ; M.C.U.P.S. ; Member of the Institute of France ; and Correspondent, Associate, Honorary or Ordinary Member of Various other Academies and Institutions. (Vignette) London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xviii. 550, I advt. I blank. Medium 8vo. HULL AH (JOHN) The Song Book Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians selected and arranged by JOHN Hullah Professor of Vocal Music in King's College, London (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 368. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (3E) January 1S66. Reprinted (tuitk correctio?ts and additions) December 1866, iS'j'j, 1S84. Golden Treasury Series. HUMPHRY (G. M.)— TURNER (W.)— NEWTON (A.)— WRIGHT (E. P.) — CLARK (J. W.) The Journal of Anatomy and Physio- logy conducted by G. M. Humphry, M.D. F.R.S. Wm. Turner, M.B. F.R.S.E. Alfred Newton, M.A. F.L.S. E. Perceval Wright, M.D. F.L.S. and (as Editor) J. W. Clark, M.A. Nos. I. November 1S66. II. May 1867. Forming Vol. I. {Royal 8vo.) New SERIES (8vo. ) No. I. November 186 j. Published half-yearly until May 18 jj ( Vol. IX. ) Pub- lished quarterly from Vol. X, No. I., October i8j^, until Vol. XIX., 188 j. Vol. XX. i)ublished elsewhere. i866 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 147 HUSSEY (E. L.) Accidents to Volunteers. = A Lecture delivered to the City of Oxford Companies of the Oxfordshire Rifle Volunteers, by E. L. HussEY, Surgeon to the Administrative Battalion, Senior Surgeon to the Radcliffe Infirmary, Consulting Surgeon to the County Lunatic Asylum, and the Warneford Asylum. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 32 (inc. I blank). Fcap. 8vo. HUXLEY (T. H.) Lessons in Elementary Physiology. By Thomas H. Huxley, LL.D. F.R.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. I blank)^320 (inc. i blank). First Edition fruited 1 866 [Pott 8vo.) Second (^) 1868. Reprinted iS6g, iSjo, i8ji, March and May iSj2. Thii-d {^] October 1872. Reprinted 1873, i8j^, ^ mir nahc finb. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 32 and 8 page illustrations. Cr. 8vo. KENNEDY (P.) Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts. Collected and narrated by Patrick Kennedy. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. (inc. 5 blanks) I page illustration, 352. Cr. Svo. KINGSLEY (C.) The Temple of Wisdom a sermon preached to the boys of Wellington College, All Saints' Day, 1866. By the Rev. Charles Kingsley, Rector of Eversley, Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty and to the Prince of Wales, and Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16 (inc. I blank). Fcap. 8vo. KINGSLEY (C.) Hereward the Wake, "Last of the English". By the Rev. C. Kingsley, author of " Westward Ho ! " " Two Years Ago," etc. etc. In two volumes. London and Cambridge : INIacmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 366, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 402, 2 advts. First Edition printed 1866 {Cr. 8z'o.) Second (S) ^^873 {/ vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted i8y4, i8js, January and December 1877, 1878, 187^, 1881, 188 j, 1884, 1886, 1887. Third (IS) i8Sg. Eversley Edition. Printed (35) September 18S1 [Globe 8vo.) KINGSLEY (H.) Leighton Court a Country House Story by Henry Kingsley author of ' Ravenshoe,' ' The Hillyars and the Burtons,' etc. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. V. I blank, 263, i blank. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 265, i blank, 2 advts. First Edition printed 1866 [Cr. 8vo.) Second (S) 1867 {i vol. Cr. 8vo.) 148 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1866 LAW (W. J.) The Alps of Hannibal. By William John Law, M.A, Formerly Student of Christ Church, Oxford. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xvi. map, 334, 2 blanks. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 312. 8vo. LIGHTFOOT (J. B.) In Memory of William Whewell, D.D. Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, a sermon preached in the college chapel, on Sunday, March 18th, 1866. By J. B. Lightfoot, D.D. Fellow of Trinity College, and Hulsean Professor of Divinity. Published by request. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 23, I blank. 8vo. LIGHTFOOT (J. B.) The Mustard-Seed and the Leaven : a Sermon preached on Tuesday, September 18, at St. Paul's Church, Bedford, on behalf of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. By J. B. LiGHTFOOT, D.D., Hulsean Professor of Divinity, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Published by request. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 20. 8vo. LYTTELTON (W. H.) Holy Scripture the Witness to the Revelation of God in all facts. A Sermon preached at St. Michael's Church, Handsworth, during the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. By the Hon. & Rev. W. H. Lyttelton, Rector of Hagley, and Honorary Canon of Worcester. Published by Request. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ^i, I advts. 8vo. M'COSH (J.) An Examination of Mr. J. S. Mill's Philosophy being a defence of fundamental truth. By James M'Cosh, LL.D. Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, Queen's College, Belfast ; author of 'The Method of Divine Government', 'Intuitions of the Mind,' etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 406, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. MACLAREN (ARCHIBALD) Training, in Theory and Practice. By Archibald Maclaren. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. I page plate, 202, 2 blanks, 2 folded diagrams. First Edition printed 1S66 {8vo. ) Second 1S74 {Ext. F'cap. Svo. ) MACLEAR (G. F.) A Class-Book of New Testament History. By the Rev. G. F. Maclear, M.A. Formerly Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, Assistant Preacher at the Temple Church, London. With Maps. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 550, 2 advts. 5 maps. Pott Svo. First Edition printed 1866. Second {'E) 1867. Reprinted i86g, iSji, i8jj, i8jj, i8j7, iSjg, iSSo, 1882, i88s, 18SS. MACLEAR (G. F.) A shilling book of Old Testament History for national and elementary schools. By the Rev. G. F Maclear, i866 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 149 M.A. Formerly Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, Assistant Preacher at the Temple Church, London. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. viz. I page title, 2 page map, i page contents, 124. Pott 8vo. Fiist Edition printed (IE) Attgust 1S66. Reprinted December 1866, 1868, April i8jo, October 1870, i8ji, iSy2, January i8jj, December i8jj, i8y^, i8j^, i8y6, January and December i8yj, iSjS, iSjg, 1880, 1881, 1882, i88j, 1884, February and December iSSj, 1886, i88y, 1SS8. MARSHALL (J. M.) A Table of Greek Irregular Verbs. By J. M. Marshall, M.A., Second Master of Dulwich College ; Late Fellow and Lecturer of Brasenose College, Oxford. Pp. 6, 2 paste down. 8vo. First Edition printed 1 866. Second {^) 1872. Reprinted 1876, 18S4. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co. on title.) MAURICE (F. D.) Casulstry, Moral Philosophy, and Moral Theology. An Inaugural Lecture, delivered in the Senate House, Cambridge, on Tuesday, December 4, 1866. By F. D. Maurice, M.A. Knightbridge Professor to the University of Cambridge, and Incumbent of St. Peter's, Vere Street. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 58, 6 advts. Cr. 8vo. MAURICE (F. D.) The Commandments considered as Instru- ments OF National Reformation. By F. D. Maurice, Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 152. Cr. 8vo. MOORHOUSE (J.) Our Lord Jesus Christ the Subject of Growth in Wisdom. Four Sermons (being the Hulsean Lectures for 1S65) preached before the University of Cambridge : to which are added three sermons, preached before the University of Cambridge in February 1864. By the Rev. J. Moorhouse, M.A. St. John's College. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 211, I blank, i advts. i blank. Cr. 8vo. NEWNHAM (W. O.) Remarks on some portions of Bp. Colenso's Teaching, and its tendencies. By Rev. W. O. Newnham, M.A., St. John's Coll., Cam. = Pietermaritzburg : P. Davis & Sons, 24 Longmarket Street. Pp. 69, 3 blanks. 8vo. No imprint of Macmillan and Co. on title, but it appears on the zorapper. O'BRIEN (J. T.) The Irish Education Question. = A Vindication of the past course and present position of the Irish Clergy in reference to the national system of education for Ireland, in a speech delivered at the annual meeting of the Church Education Society, held in Dublin, April II, 1866. By James Thomas O'Brien, D.D., Bishop of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin. — London : Macmillan and Co. Dublin : George Herbert. Pp. 132. 8vo. Oxford University Extension Reports i. On the Foundation of a New College or Hall. ii. On adapting existing Colleges and Halls to the object of University Extension, iii. On allowing Undergraduates to 15° MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1866 reside in Lodgings, through their whole time. iv. On allowing Under- graduates to reside in Lodgings after keeping eight terms in College. V. On extending University education to persons intended for the profession of Medicine, vi. On the extension of the University by the affiliation of other places of a liberal education. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 82 (inc. 2 blanks), irregularly paged. 8vo. Oxford University Extension Report on the Foundation of a New College or Hall. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 42 (inc. 3 blanks). 8vo. PALGRAVE (F. T.) Essays on Art by Francis Turner Palgrave late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. C'est a ce lendemain severe que tout artiste serieu.x doit songer. C.-A. Sainte-Beuve The Royal Academy of 1S63, 4, 5 : Mulready : Herbert : Holman Hunt : Poetry, Prose, and Sensationalism in Art : Sculpture in England : The Albert Cross, &c. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 316. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. The Prince and the Page a Story of the Last Crusade. By the Author of ' The Heir of Redclyffe ' With six illustrations by R. Farren. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 256, 6 page illustrations. First Edition printed (S) i86j [dated 1866, Pott 8vo.) Reprinted i8jj, iSjj, iSjj, 1878, tSSi [Globe 8vo.), March and November 1S83, 1886. REYNOLDS (J. R.) A System of Medicine. Edited by J. Russell Reynolds, M.D. F.R.C.P. Lond. fellow of the Imperial Leopold-Carolina academy of Germany, fellow of University College, Lond. Holme professor of chnical medicine in University College, Physician to University College Hospital and to the National Hospital for the Paralysed, and Epileptic. Volume the First Containing General Diseases. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 952. 8vo. Fi7-st Edition p7-inted 1S66. Second i8jo. Third i8j6. ROSCOE (H. E.) Lessons in Elementary Chemistry. By Henry E. RoscOE, B.A. F.R.S. Professor of Chemistry in Owens College, Manchester. London : jNIacmillan and Co. Pp. viii. I spectra, 398, 2 blanks. Fit-st Edition printed [Si] June 1866 [Pott 8vo.) Peprinted ivith corrections December 1866. Pcprinted -tuith co7-rections i86j. Reprinted September 1868, November 186S. Second (5) March i86g. Reprinted iS6g, Majxh 1871. Third (S) November 1871. Reprinted 1872, 1874, with 7nany alterations and additions 187^, January, October, and Noveviber 1877. Fourth (IE) April 1878 [Fcap. 8vo.) Reprinted September 1878, i87g, Februaiy 1880, November 1880 with slight alterations, January 1882, cancel added June 1882, and index in September 18S2, 188 j, 1884, iS8j. Fifth (IS) 18S6. Reprinted zuitk slight coj'rections 1887, 1888. ROSSETTI (C.) The Prince's Progress and other Poems by Christina Rossetti. (Vignette) The long hours go and come and go. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. 2 blanks) I page illustration, 216. Fcap. 8vo. Printed 1863 {dated 1866). i866 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 151 ROUNDELL (C. S.) ENGLAND and Her Subject-Races with special reference to Jamaica by Charles Savile Roundell, M.A. Fellow of Merton College, Oxford Secretary to the late Royal Commission in Jamaica London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 48. Ext. Fcap. Svo. SCOTT (A. J.) Discourses. By Alexander J. Scott, M.A. Professor of Logic in Owen's College, Manchester. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxii. 319, I blank. Cr. Svo. Printed 1S64 {dated 1866). SCOTT (W.)— PALGRAVE (F. T.) The Globe Edition Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott Baronet with a Biographical and Critical Memoir by Francis Turner Palgrave, late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xliii. (inc. 3 blanks) i blank, 560. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (!E) i86b. Rep7-inted i86j, to which additions a?id cancels were printed in 1868, i86g, 187 1, 1872, 187 j, 1876, 1878, 1881, 1884. A few copies of the 1878 impression were printed on bidia paper. SHAKESPEARE (W.)— CLARK (W. G.)— WRIGHT (W. A.) The Works of William Shakespeare edited by William George Clark, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, and Public Orator in the University of Cambridge ; and William Aldis Wright, M.A. Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Vol. viii. pp. XX. 600. Vol. ix. pp. xxxii. 672. Svo. Vol. viii. printed 1866. This volume contains "Hamlet" "King Lear" and "Othello." Vol. ix. printed 1866. This volume contains "Antony and Cleopatra," " Cymbeline," " Pericles," and " Poe7ns." SMITH (B.) Examination Papers in Arithmetic in four parts. By Barnard Smith, M.A. Rector of Glaston, Rutland, and late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St Peter's College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 124. Pott Svo. First Edition (E) 1866. Reprinted i86g, 187 1, 187 j, 187s, 1S76, February and November 1878, 1880, 1881, i88j, i88j, 1S88. SMITH (B.) Examination Papers in Arithmetic in Four Parts. By Barnard Smith, M.A. Rector of Glaston, Rutland, and late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St Peter's College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 124, 26, answers repaged, and 2 advts. Pott Svo. Originally made tip from ^^Examination Papers" and ^^ Answers." First printed (IE) i88s {dated 1886). 152 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1866 SMITH (B.) A Shilling book of Arithmetic for national and elementary schools. By Barnard Smith, M.A. Rector of Glaston, Rutland, and late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St. Peter's College, Cainbridge. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 188. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) 186^ {dated 1S66). Reprinted jS68, i8jo, 1872, i8jj, i8js, with corrections 1876, 1877, ^^79> ^S8o, 1SS2, iSSj, 1887. SMITH (B.) Answers to Examples in Barnard Smith's Shilling Book of Arithmetic. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. 46. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (|E) iSb^. Repi-i7ited 1866, iS6g, i8jo, iSji, i8j2, April, May, and November 187 j, 1874, 187 j, January and November 1S76, 1877, 1878, 1880. SMITH (B.) A Key to a Shilling book of Arithmetic for national and elementary schools. By Barnard Smith, M.A. rector of Glaston, Rutland, and late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St Peter's College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 412 (inc. I blank). Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (E) 1866. Reprinted i86g, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1878, 187^, 1881, 1882, i88j, 18S7. SMITH (B.) A Shilling Book of Arithmetic for National and Elementary Schools. By Barnard Smith, M.A. late Rector of Glaston, Rutland, and sometime Fellow and Senior Bursar of St Peter's College, Cambridge. New Edition. [With Answers, is. 6d.] London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 188, ii. 46, 2 advts. Pott 8vo. Originally made tip from '■'■Shilling Arithmetic" and " Anszvers" in 1866. First Edition printed (IE) January 1880. Reprinted June 1880, 18S1, 1882, 1883, 1884, i88j, 1886, 1887, li SMITH (B. F.) Prayer and the Cattle Plague — Two Sermons, preached at St. Paul's Church, Rusthall, Oct. 8, 1865, and March 7, 1866, by the Rev. B. F. Smith, M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge, Incumbent of Rusthall, and Diocesan Inspector of Schools in the Diocese of Canterbury. Published by request. Macmillan & Co., London & Cambridge. R. Pelton, Tunbridge Wells. Pp. 27 (inc. I blank), i blank. 8vo. SMITH (W. S.) The Disciples assembled in the Upper Room at Jerusalem after our Lord's Ascension. A Seatonian Poem. By the Rev. W. Saumarez Smith, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Tu, qui quondam visitasti, Docuisti, confirmasti Timentes discipulos, Visitare nos digneris, Nos si placet consoleris Et credentes populos. (Adam of St Victor.) London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 14 (inc. 2 blanks), 2 blanks. 8vo. i866 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 153 A Son of the Soil. In two volumes. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. 288. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 294, 2 advts. First Edition printed 1S66 {Cr. Svo.) Scco7id (S) 1871 {i vol. Globe 8vo.) Reprinted 1 87 2, 1877 {Cr. Svo.) 1883 [Globe 8vo.), 1S86. [By Mrs. Oliphant.] SPENCER (W. H.) Elements of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. By W. H. Spencer, B.A. Fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 94. Cr. 4to. STRATFORD DE REDCLIFFE (VISCOUNT) Shadows of the Past. In Verse. By Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe. Utcumque mecum vos eritis, libens Insanientum navita Bosphorum Tentado, et arientes arenas Littoris Assyrii viator. Hor. Carm. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 403, I blank. Cr. Svo. The Three Fenian Brothers. By an Irishman [N. M] 1 8mo. Title not copied from the work. TODHUNTER (I.) Trigonometry For Beginners with numerous examples. By I. Todhunter. M.A., F.R.S. London & Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 195. Pott Svo. First Edition printed 1866. Second 1868. Third 187 1. Fourth (E) 1S73. Reprinted 1874, 187s, 1876, 1878, 1880, iS8s, 1882, 1884, J-88J, 1887, i88g. TRENCH (R. C.) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glandelagh, and Kildare, at the ordinary visitation, September, 1866. By Richard Chenevix, Archbishop of Dublin, Bishop of Glandelagh and Kildare, Primate of Ireland, and Metropolitan. — Dublin: Hodges, Smith and Co., Publishers to the University. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, 27 (inc. i blank), 3 blanks. Svo. VENN (JOHN) The Logic of Chance an essay on the foundations and province of the theory of probability, with especial reference to its application to moral and social science. By John Venn, M.A. Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. ' ' So careful of the type she seems So careless of the single life." London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 370. First Edition printed 1 866 {Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Second 1876 [Cr. Svo.) Third 188S. WARD (A. W.) National Self-Knowledge. A Lecture delivered in the Town Hall, Manchester, October, 2nd, 1866, introductory to the session of Owens College, 1866-7. By Adolphus William Ward, 154 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1867 M.A., Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, and Professor of History and English in Owens College. London & Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Manchester : Thos. Sowler and Sons Pp. 39 (inc. I blank), i blank. 8vo. WEBSTER (AUGUSTA) Dramatic Studies. By Augusta Webster. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 165, 3 blanks. Ext. Fcap. Svo. WESTCOTT (B. F.) The Gospel of the Resurrection: thoughts on its relation to Reason and Histor>^ By BROOKE FOSS Westcott, B.D. Formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xix. I blank, 216, 4 advts. First Edition p}-inted 1866 {Ext. Fcap. Svo.) Second 1867. Third 1874 {Cr. Svo.) Fourth iSjg. Fifth 1SS4. Sixth iSSj. WILSON (WILLIAM) An English Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon AND Concordance to the more correct understanding of the English Translation of the Old Testament, by reference to the Original Hebrew. By William Wilson, D.D. Canon of Winchester. Late Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. Second Edition, carefully revised. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 566, 2 blanks. Demy 4to. First Edition published elsewhere. WOODWARD (HENRY) Sermons by the Rev. Henry Woodward, A.M. formerly of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Rector of Fethard, in the diocese of Cashel. Fifth Edition. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 49S, i advt. and I blank. Cr. Svo. Words from the Poets. Selected for the use of parochial schools and libraries. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 316, and 4 advts. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (IE) 186^ [dated 1S66). Reprinted 1867, 1870, 187 1, 1872, 1873, 1874, 187s, 1877, i87g, 1S80, i88j, 1SS8. WORDSWORTH (CHARLES) The Ministry of the Church historically considered with reference to the circumstances OF the Church in Scotland. A Synodal Address delivered at Perth, September nth, 1866. By Charles Wordsworth, D.C.L., Bishop of St. Andrews, etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 70, 2 blanks. Svo. 1867 ARNOLD (MATTHEW) New Poems by Matthew Arnold London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 224. Cr. Svo. Fi}-st Edition printed 1867. Second 186S. i867 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 155 Atlas. The Globe Edition. An Atlas of the European States in Forty- five Maps, on a Unifonn Scale and Projection : with Plans of London and Paris. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 45 maps, 104, index. Cr. 8vo. Authorized Report of the Papers, prepared Addresses, and Discussions of the Church Congress held at Wolverhampton, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October ist, 2d, 3d, & 4th. 1867. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 380. 8vo. BAKER (SAMUEL WHITE) The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, and the Sword Hunters of the Hamran Arabs. By Sir Samuel W. Baker, M.A. F.R.G.S. Gold Medallist of the Royal Geographical Society ; Grande Medaille D'Or de la Societe de Geographic de Paris ; author of the " Albert N'Yanza Great Basin of the Nile," " Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon," "The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon," etc. etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp xxiv. (inc. 4 blanks) I page double vignette portraits, 2 maps, 596, 24 page illustrations. First Edition printed October iSbj {Svo. ) Second October 1S67. Third 1S6S. Fourth • (S) 187 1 {Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1872, iSSo, 1883, 18S6. BAKER (VALENTINE) Army Reorganization. By Colonel V. Baker, loth Royal Hussars. Printed for private circulation only. Pp. iv. 30, 2 blanks. 8vo. (No imprint.) BARANTE (M. DE)— GUIZOT (F. P. G.) M. de Barante, a Memoir, Biographical and Autobiographical. By M. GuizOT, translated by the author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." Omnia recta brevissima. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 183, I blank. Cr. 8vo. BARRY (ALFRED) On Some of the Present Needs of the Church of England. A Lecture, delivered to the Leeds Church Institute, on January 13th, 1867. By the Rev. Alfred Barry, D.D. Principal of Cheltenham College ; formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Published by request of the Council of the Institute. " Valeat quantum valet." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 48 (inc. I blank). Cr. 8vo. BRADLEY (G. G.) A Sermon, preached in the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, at the ordination of Priests and Deacons, in the Diocese of London, on Sunday, December 23d, 1866. By GEORGE Granville Bradley, M.A. Late Fellow of University College, Oxford ; Master of Marlborough College. Printed at the request of the Bishop of London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 19, I blank. 8vo. 156 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1867 BUCKNILL (J. C.) The Mad Folk of Shakespeare. Psychological Essays. By JOHN Charles Bucknill, M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Second edition, revised. London and Cambridge : INIacmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 333, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition published elsewhere, BURKE (EDMUND)— MORLEY (JOHN) Edmund Burke: a Historical Study. By John Morley, B.A. Oxon. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 312. Cr. 8vo. BUTLER (H. M.) Public Schools: the Conditions of their Pennan- ence. A Sermon preached in the Chapel of Harrow School, on Founder's Day, October loth, 1867. By Henry Montagu Butler, D.D. Head Master. London : Macmillan and Co. Harrow : Crossley and Clark. Pp. 18 (inc. I blank), 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. CARTER (T. J. P.) Kings College Chapel: Notes on its History and Present Position. By Thomas John Proctor Carter Master of Arts and Fellow of the College London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. photograph, vi. ground plan, 89, i blank. 8vo. CHEYNE (C. H. H.) The Earth's Motion of Rotation including the theory of Precession and Nutation. By C. H. H. Cheyne, M.A. St John's College, Cambridge, Second Mathematical Master in West- minster School, author of "An Elementary Treatise on the Planetary Theory." London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 52, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. COOKE (C. W. R.) On Man's Responsibility. An Essay by Charles Wallwyn Radcliffe Cooke, B.A. late Scholar of Em- manuel College, Cambridge, Le Bas University Prizeman, 1864, and Burney University Prizeman, 1865-66. " Born but to die, and reas'ning but to err." Pope, Essay on Man. Cambridge and London : ^lacmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 55, I blank. Cr. 8vo. COPE (E. M.) An Introduction to Aristotle's Rhetoric with analysis notes and appendices by E. M. Cope Senior Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. Un jour, disait Ibn-Roschd (Averroes) Ibn-Tofail me fit appeler et me dit : " J'ai entendu aujourd'hui I'^mir des croyants se plaindre de I'obscurit^ d'Aristote et de ses traducteurs : Plttt a Dieu, disait 11, qu'il se rencontrat qiielqutm qui vouldt com- menter ces livres et en expliquer clairenient le sens, pour les rendre accessibles aux hotnfnes." Renan, Vie d'Averroes, p. 17. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 464. 8vo. COTTON (G. E. L.) Sermons preached to English Congregations in India by GEORGE EDWARD Lynch Cotton, D.D. Lord Bishop of Cal- cutta Metropolitan in India and the Island of Ceylon London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 342, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. i867 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 157 COWELL (E. B.) An Inaugural Lecture, delivered October 23, 1867. By E. B. CowELL, M.A., Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. 19, 3 blanks. 8vo. The Danvers Papers : An Invention. By the author of " The Heir of Redclyffe ". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 147, I blank. Cr. 8vo. {Afterwards published in a volume with '■^ Lady Hester." See under 1880.) DAVIES (J. LL.) Morality according to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper : Three Discourses on the names Eucharist, Sacrifice, and Communion. By the Rev. J. Ll. Davies, M.A. Rector of Christ Church, St. Marylebone. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 102. Cr. 8vo. {Afterwards incorporated in " The Gospel and Modern Life." See under iSj^.) De Imitatione Christi libri QUATUOR. Londini apud Macmillan et Soc. Williams et Norgate Pp. viii. 346. Cr. 8vo. DE TEISSIER (G. F.) Clergy and Laity or Thoughts for Ember Season. By G. F. De Teissier, B.D. author of "The House of Prayer," "Village Sermons," etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64. Pott 8vo. DICEY (E.) A Month in Russia during the Marriage of the Czarevitch. (Vignette Photo of H.I.H. the Grand Duchess, Maria Federovna.) By Edward Dicey. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. including 2 photographs, 248. 8vo. DODGSON (C. L.) An Elementary Treatise on Determinants with their application to simultaneous linear equations and algebraical geometry. By Charles L. Dodgson, M.A. Student and Mathematical Lecturer of Christ Church, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 143, I blank. 4to. Essays on a Liberal Education. Edited by Rev. F. W. Farrar, M.A. F.R.S. Assistant-Master at Harrow, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Hon. Fellow of King's College, London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 384. 8vo. List of Subjects and Authors. Essay I. On the History of Classical Education. By Charles Stuart Parker, M.A. Fellow of University College, Oxford. Essay II. The Theory of Classical Education. By Henry Sidgwick, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Essay III. Liberal Education in Universities. By John Seeley, M.A. Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, and Professor of Latin 158 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1867 in University College, London. Essay IV. On Teaching by Means of Grammar. By E. E. Bowen, M.A. Late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Harrow. Essay V. On Greek and Latin Verse-composition as a General Branch of Education. By the Rev. F. W. Farrar, M.A. F.R.S. Essay VI. On Teaching Natural Science in Schools. By J. M. Wilson, M.A. F.G.S. F.R.A.S. Assistant Master in Rugby School, and Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Essay VII. The Teaching of English. By J. W. Hales, M.A. Late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge. Essay VIII. On the Education of the Reasoning Faculties. By W. Johnson, M.A. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Eton. Essay IX. On the Present Social Results of Classical Education. By Lord Houghton, M.A. Trin. Coll. Cambridge, and Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. First Edition printed iSby. Second 1868. Essays on Reform. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 336. Svo. List of Subjects and Authors. Essay I. The Utilitarian Argument Against Reform, as Stated by Mr. Lowe. By the Hon. G. C. Brodrick, M.A. Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. Essay II. The Political Character of the Working Classes. By R. H. Hutton, M.A. Essay III. On the Admission of the Working Classes as Part of our Social System ; and on their Recognition for all Purposes as Part of the Nation. By Lord Houghton, M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge; and Hon. D.C.L. Oxford. Essay IV. The Balance of Classes. By Albert Venn Dicey M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. Essay V. On the Choice of Representatives by Popular Constituencies. By Leslie Stephen, M.A. Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Essay VI. Redistribution of Seats. By John Boyd Kinnear. Essay VII. The Analysis of the House of Commons, or Indirect Representation. By Bernard Cracroft, M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge. Essay VIII. On the Working of Australian Institutions. By C. H. Pearson, M.A. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. Essay IX. The Experience of the American Commonwealth. By Goldwin Smith, M.A. Fellow of University College, Oxford. Essay X. The Historical Aspect of Democracy. By James Bryce, B.C.L. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. Essay XL Opportunities and Short- comings of Government in England. By A. O. Rutson, M.A. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Essay XII. The House of Commons in 1833. By Sir George Young, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. FARRAR (F. W.) On Some Defects in Public School Education. A Lecture delivered at the Royal Institution, on Friday, February 8th, 1867. With notes and appendices. By the Rev. F. W. Farrar, M.A. F.R.S. Late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; Hon. Fellow of King's College, London ; one of the Masters at Harrow School ; author of " The Origin of Language," " Chapters on Language," etc. Published by request. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 67, i blank. Cr. Svo. FOX (W.) On the Diagnosis and Treatment of the varieties of Dyspepsia, considered in relation to the pathological origin of the different forms of indigestion. By WiLSON Fox, M.D. Lond. F.R.C.P. Holme Professor of Clinical Medicine at University College, London, and Physician to University College Hospital. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 4 blanks) 2 plates, 24S. Svo. First Edition printed June 1S67. Second November iS6j. [See " The Diseases of the Stomach" iSj2.) i867 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 159 Guesses at Truth by Two Brothers 'Mdi'Tis S' dpLCTTos Sans eiKd^ei koXCos. The best divine is he who well divines. London : Macmillan and Co. Tp. Ivi. 576. Firs^ Edition printed (5) December 1866 [dated iS6j, Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Reprinted iSdy. Reprinted iSji {Golden Treasury Series, Pott Svo.), i8yj, i8'j4, i8y6, iSyS, 1882, 1884, i8Sg. This is the first edition of " Guesses at Truth" that li-as printed for Macmillan and Co. 7Vz6' Third Edition of the First Se?-ies [London, Taylor and Walton, 184^) and the Second Edition of the Second Series [London, Taylor and Walton, 1848) bore on the Titlepage, Sold by Macmillan Cambridge. HALL (W. E.) A Plan FOR THE Reorganization OF THE Army. By W. E. Hall. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. 61, I blank. Svo. HERVEY (LORD A.) A Charge, delivered to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, at the General Visitation in May, 1867. By Lord Arthur Hervey, M.A., Archdeacon of Sudbury. Published at the request of the Clergy and Churchwardens of the several Deaneries. — London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Bury St. Edmund's : Jackson and Frost, Booksellers, Angel Hill. Pp. 20 (inc. I blank). Svo. HOZIER (H. M.) The Seven Weeks' War. Its antecedents and its incidents. By H. M. HoziER, F.C.S. F.G.S. [Based upon letters reprinted by permission from "The Times".] " Unaque hora, quadringentorum annorum opus quibus Alba steterat excidio ac ruinis dedit." — Livy In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. I. pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) map, 390. Vol. II. pp. viii. (inc. I blank) map, 324. First Edition p?-inted iS6j [Svo.) Second {^) 18 ji [i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Repritited 18 j 2. JEX BLAKE (S.) A Visit to some American Schools and Colleges. By Sophia Jex Blake. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 250, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. Journal of the East India Association. No I July 1867 Offices of the Association : 5 5 Parliament Street. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 112, 4 page wrapper containing title. First Number printed July 18 6 j [Medium 8vo. ) Reprinted with alterations August 18 6j. Second Number printed September 18 6j, KINGSLEY (C.) Three Lectures delivered at the Royal Insti- tution, on the Ancien Regime as it existed on the Continent before the French Revolution. By C. Kingsley, M.A. Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 136. Cr. Svo. Printed June 18 dy. [Afterwards included in ' ' Historical Lectures and Essays." See under 1S80. ) i6o MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1867 KINGSLEY (C.) The Water of Life, and other Sermons. By the Rev. Charles Kingsley, Rector of Eversley, & Chaplain in Ordinary' to Her Majesty & to the Prince of Wales, Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge. London : jNIacmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 328. First Edition printed 1867 {Fcap. 8vo.) Second (S) i8j2. Reprinted 18 jj, i8-js {Ext. Fcap. 8vo.), iSyg {Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1881, iSSj. KINGSLEY (H.) Silcote of Silcotes. By Henry Kingsley, author of "Ravenshoe", "The Hillyars and the Burtons", Etc. In three volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. VoL I. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 272. Vol. II. pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 278, and 2 advts. Vol. III. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 304. First Edition printed i86j [C?: 8vo.) Second (5) i86g (/ vol. Cr. 8vo.) LATHAM (H.) Black and White a journal of a three months' tour in the United States. By Henry Latham, M.A. Barrister at Law. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 304. 8vo. MACLEAR (G. F.) A Shilling Book of New Testament History for National and Elementary Schools with a map to illustrate the Apostolic history. By the Rev. G. F. Maclear, M.A., Head Master of King's College School, London, and Preacher at the Temple Church. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. double page map) 124. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (E) 1867. Reprinted 186S, i8jt, 1873, 1874, 187s, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1881, i88s, iS8s, 1886, 1888, i8Sg. MACMILLAN (H.) Bible Teachings in Nature. By the Rev. Hugh Macmillan, author of " First Forms of Vegetation." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 344, and 4 advts. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (S) 1867. Reprinted 1868, February i86g, December i86g, 1870, 187 1, 1872, 1873, 1874 witk alterations, 1873, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1883, i88g. MASSON (G.) La Lyre Fran^aise by Gustave Masson. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 440. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (IE) 1867. Repritited 1872, 1877, 1881 with many corrections, 1SS4, 1SS7 Glossary added. Golden Treasury Series. MAUDSLEY(H.) The Physiology and Pathology of the Mind. By Henry Maudsley, M.D. Lond. Physician to the West London Hospital ; Honorary Member of the Medico-Psychological Society of Paris ; formerly Resident Physician of the Manchester Royal Lunatic Hospital, etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 442, 2 advts. Svo. First Edition 1867. Second 1868. MILTON (J.) LYTTELTON (LORD) Miltoni Samson Agonistes. Greece reddidit Georgius, Baro Lyttelton. vvv aSre (tkottov 6X\ov. Londini Apud Macmillan et Soc. mdccclxvii Pp. xii. 190, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. Svo. i867 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE i6i MONTRIOU (W. A.) Institutes of Jurisprudence by William Austin Montriou Advocate of the High Court Bengal. Calcutta : P. S. D'Rozario and Co. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 232. 8vo. Received iSdj. MULLINGER (J. B.) Cambridge Characteristics in the Seven- teenth Century : or the Studies of the University and their iniluence on the character and writings of the most distinguished graduates during that period. By James Bass Mullinger, B.A. St Johns College, Cambridge. Ae^w roLvvv tt\v apyaiav TraiSeiav, d>s dieKfiTO. Aristoph. Nubes London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 208. Cr. 8vo. MURE (J.)— BULL (H.) — SCOTT (C. B.) Lusus Alteri West- monasterienses sive Prologi et Epilogi ad Fabulas in Sti. Petri Collegio actas qui exstabant collect! et justa quoad licuit annorum serie ordinati. Quibus accedit Declamationum quae vocantur et Epigram- matum delectus. Curantibus Jacobo Mure, A.M., Henrico Bull, A.M., aedis Xti Oxon. olim alumnis Carolo B. Scott, B.D. Coll. Trin. Cantab, nuper socio. Pars Secunda 1 820-1 865. Oxonii Londini Cantab ; J. Parker et Soc. : Macmillan et Soc. : G. W. Ginger. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 350. 8vo. MYERS (F. W. H.) Saint Paul. By Frederic W. H. Myers. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 56 (inc. 2 blanks). First Edition 1867 {Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Second 1868. Third (S) jSyg. Reprinted 1882 {Globe 8vo.), 1SS4, i88j, 1887, 1888. O'BRIEN (J. T.) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the United Dioceses of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin, at his ordinary visitation in October and November, 1866, by James Thomas O'Brien, D.D., Bishop of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin. London : Macmillan and Co. and Henry Herbert, Dublin. Pp. iv. (inc. 2 blanks) 146, 2 advts. 8vo. PALGRAVE (F. T.) Hymns By Francis Turner Palgrave late Scholar of Balliol and Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford "AXXoi /x^v t) /laKpav yap CLTrexovcriv deal, rj ovK ^x^'-"^'-" W'^'ttj •i) oiLiK eiaiv, 7) ov Trpoaixovcnv tjixlv ovBe 'iv' Se 5^ irapbvO' bpujfiev, ov ^vKlvov, ovd^ Xldivov, dW akridivbv. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 36 (inc. iv.) Medium l6mo. First Edition printed 1867. Second 1868. Third 1S70. PALMER (R.) English Church Hymnody. A Lecture read at the Church Congress, York, October 11, 1866, by Sir Roundell Palmer. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 46, 2 blanks. Fcap. Svo. Printed 1S66 {dated 1867). M i62 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1867 PALMER (ROUNDELL) A HyiMNAL, chiefly from "The Book of Praise " by Sir Roundell Palmer. A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 130. Royal 32010. Printed (|£) June i86j. PALMER (ROUNDELL) A Hymnal, chiefly from "The Book of Praise " by Sir Roundell Palmer. B. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 297, i blank. i8mo. Printed (3E) December i86j. PALMER (ROUNDELL) A HyxMNAL chiefly from "The Book of Praise " by Sir Roundell Palmer. C. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 297, I blank. Pott 8vo. Printed (from '^plates of B edition) December i86j. PALUDAN-MULLER (F.)— FREELAND (H. W.) The Fountain OF Youth. Translated from the Danish of Frederik Paludan- MiJLLER. By Humphry William Freeland, late M.P. for Chi- chester. With illustrations designed by Walter Allen, engraved on wood by J. D. COOPER. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 148, 12 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed 1866 {dated 1S67). The Psalms Chronologically Arranged an Amended Version with Historical Introductions and Explanatory Notes by FOUR Friends " It shall greately helpe ye to understonde Scripture, yf thou marke not onely ;\vhat is spoken or WTytten, but of whom, unto whom, with what wordes, at what tyme, where, to what intent, with what circumstaunce, consyderynge what goeth before and what followeth after." Prologue of Miles Coverdale, sometime Bishop of Exeter, Translator with Tyndal of the Psalms in the Great Bible. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 483. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed i86-j. Second [Si) October i8yo, supplement of 40 pp. added January iSji. Reprinted i8j6. Psalms and Hymns for the use of the chapel of the King's School, Sherborne. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 144. Fcap. 8vo. PULLEN (H.) The Psalter and Canticles pointed for chanting, with marks of expression, a list of appropriate chants, and short explanatory notes ; by Rev. Henry Pullen, M.A., Minor Canon of Salisbury. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xviii. 218 (not paged). 8vo. Questions for a Reformed Parliament. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 328. 8vo. List of Subjects and Authors. Essay I. Ireland. By Frank Harrison Hill. Essay IL Workmen and Trade Unions. By Godfrey Lushington, M.A. Barrister-at- Law, late Fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford. Essay HI. The Poor. By Meredith Townshend. EssayJV. The Land-Laws. By W. L. Newman, M.A. i867 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 163 Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. Essay V. Popular Education. By Charles • Stuart Parker, M.A. Fellow of University College, Oxford. Essay VI. Law Reform. By John Boyd Kinnear, Advocate and Barrister-at-Law. Essay VII. The Army. By George Hooper. Essay VIII. Foreign Policy. By Frederic Harrison, M.A. Barrister-at-Law, Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. Essay IX. Bribery. By Rev. James E. Thorold Rogers, M.A. Professor of Political Economy, Oxford. Essay X. The Progress of the Working Classes. By J. M. Ludlow, Barrister-at-Law, and Lloyd Jones. ROBERTi^ON (J.) Pastoral Counsels being chapters on practical and devotional subjects by the Rev. John Robertson, D.D. Late minister of Glasgow Cathedral with a preface by the author of " The Recreations of a Country Parson " Third Edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxvi. 328. Ext. Fcap. Svo. First and Second Editions published elsnvhere. ROSSETTI (W. M.) Fine Art, chiefly contemporary : notices re-printed, with revisions, by WILLIAM MiCHAEL ROSSETTI. Verum ego non tam aliis legem ponam quam legem vobis meas propriee mentis e.xponam : quam qui probaverit teneat, cui non placuerit abjiciat. Petrarca. Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you. Blake. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. I blank) 392. Cr. Svo. SELKIRK (G. H.) Guide to the Cricket Ground. By George H. Selkirk. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 131, I blank, specimen score sheet, 8 page illustrations. Ext. Fcap. Svo. A Shilling Book of Golden Deeds for the Use of Parochial Schools and Libraries selected from " A Book of Golden Deeds " by the author of " The Heir of Redclyfife ". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 1 28. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (S) June i86j. Reprinted 1SS2, iSSj. SMITH (B.) Answers to Barnard Smith's Examination Papers in Arithmetic London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. i. I blank, 26. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (3E) iSby. Reprinted i8ji, 18 j 2, iSjj, 18 JS- J»{v ^n<^ Novetn- ber i8j6, April and May i8-jj, Febrziary, May, and November iSj8, 1882, iSSj. SMITH (B.) Key to Examination Papers in Arithmetic By Barnard Smith, M.A. Rector of Glaston, Rutland, and late fellow and Senior bursar of St Peter's College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 236 (inc. i blank). Pott Svo. First Edition printed (5) 1867. Reprinted 1870, 1874, 1876, 187^, 1S82, j8S6. SMITH (G.) Three English Statesmen : a course of Lectures on the Political Histor}' of England. By Goldwin Smith. London : Macmillan and Co. Alexander Ireland & Co., ^Manchester Pp. viii. 328. First Edition printed June 1867 {Post Svo.) Second {S}) 1868 {Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Re- printed 1S82 {Cr. 8vo.) Also a People's Edition 1867, pp. viii. 112 {8vo.) i64 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1867 SMITH (W. C.) Hymns of Christ and the Christian Life. By the Rev. Walter C. Smith, M.A. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Tp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. 5 blanks) 248, inc. I blank. Fcap. 8vo, Social Duties considered with reference to the organization of effort in Works of benevolence and public utility. By a man OF business. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 130, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. Svo. TAYLOR (S.) The So-called "Real Objective Presence" in the Lord's Supper no Doctrine of the Church of England ; a letter to the author of "The Kiss of Peace." By Sedley Taylor, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 60. Svo. TEMPLE (F.) Quiet Growth. =A Sermon preached in CHfton College Chapel on Sunday, i6th June, 1867. By the Rev. F. Temple, D.D., Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty, Headmaster of Rugby School. By request. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Rugby : W. Billington. Pp. 15 (inc. I blank), I blank. 8vo. THRING (E.) A Manual of Mood Constructions. By the Rev. Edward Thring, Head-Master of Uppingham School ; late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank), 37, 7 blanks. Ext. Fcap. Svo. . THUCYDIDES— FROST (PERCIVAL) The Sicilian Expedition. Being Books vi. and vii. of Thucydides, with notes. By the Rev. Percival Frost, M.A. late Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. I map, 322, 2 blanks. Fcap. Svo. First Edition printed {^) 1867. Reprinted i8jo, iSjj, i8jj, iSjg, 1881, 1882, 1SS4, i88s, i88j, 1888, 188 g. {Book vi. was originally published separately. See " Thucy- dides," Book vi., under 18 j^.) TODHUNTER (L) Mechanics for Beginners with numerous examples By L Todhunter, M.A., F.R.S. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 350, 2 advts. Pott Svo. First Edition printed 186/. Second 1870. Third 1874. Fourth [S:) iSjS. Repri?ited 1880, 1882, 1884, 18S7. TRENCH (R. C.) Shipwrecks of Faith: three sennons preached before the University of Cambridge in May, 1867. By Richard Chenevix Trench, D.D. Archbishop of Dublin. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. S3, I blank, 4 advts. Fcap. Svo. TRENCH (R. C.) Studies in the Gospels. By Richard Chenevix Trench, D.D. Archbishop of Dublin. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. 2 blanks) 326. Svo. First Edition printed March 1867. Second August 1S67. Third 187 j. Fourth 1S78. i867 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 165 VAUGHAN (C. J.) Communion. A short tract for young persons newly confirmed. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Vicar of Doncaster. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. 14, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. VAUGHAN (C. J.) Twelve Discourses on Subjects connected WITH THE Liturgy and Worship of the Church of England. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Vicar of Doncaster. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 396, 4 advts. First Edition in this form printed December i86j (Fcap. 8vo. ) Second 18 jj [Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) [Four of these discourses were originally published in '•^Revision of the Liturgy." See under i860.) VAUGHAN (C. J.) The Wholesome Words of Jesus Christ : four sermons preached before the University of Cambridge in November, 1866. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Vicar of Doncaster. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 149 (inc. I blank), i blank, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed 1866 {dated i86j). Second 1868. WEBSTER (AUGUSTA) A Woman Sold and other poems. By Augusta Webster. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 288, 8 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed 1866 (dated i86y). WILSON (J. M.) A Letter to the Master and Seniors of St. John's College, Cambridge, on the subject of the Natural and Physical Sciences in Relation to School and College. From J. M. Wilson, M.A. F.G.S. F.R.A.S. &c. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Mathematical and Physical Science Master at Rugby School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 20. 8vo. WOLSTENHOLME (JOSEPH) A Book of Mathematical Problems on Subjects included in the Cambridge Course. Devised and arranged by Joseph Wolstenholme, Fellow of Christ's College ; sometime Fellow of St John's College ; and lately Lecturer in Mathematics at Christ's College. ' ' Deduct but what is Vanity or Dress, ' ' Or Learning's Luxury, or Idleness ; ' ' Or tricks to shew the stretch of human brain, ' ' Mere curious pleasure, or ingenious pain ; " Then see how little the remaining sum." London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. 4 advts. xii. 344. First Edition printed j86j (Cr. 8vo. ) Second 18 j8 (8vo.) Workhouse Nursing : the story of a successful experiment. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. 2 blanks) 35, I blank. 8vo. YOUMANS (E. L.) Modern Culture ; its true aims and requirements a series of addresses and arguments on the claims of scientific education by Professors Tyndall, Daubeny, Henfrey, Huxley, Paget, i66 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1868 Whewell, Faraday, Draper, Masson, De Morgan, Owen ; Drs. Hodgson, Carpenter, Hooker, Acland, Forbes, Grove, Herbert Spencer, Sir John Herschel, Sir Charles Lyell, Dr. Seguin, etc. Edited by Edward L. Youmans, M.D. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 423, I blank. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S) 1S66 {dated 1867). 1868 ACLAND (HENRY W.) Address to the British Medical Associa- tion delivered in the Hall of Christ Church August 4, 1868 by Henry W. Acland Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford Honorary- Physician to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Honorary Student of Christ Church and President of the Association 8vo. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co.) ACLAND (HENRY W.) Address to the Students of St. George's Hospital on the opening of the new school Oct. i, 1868 by Henry W. Acland Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford and Honoraiy Physician to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. ' Subsidia multa ampliora Medicinre accessura fore speramus, si theorias et pra.xi talia imposterum utrique dentur, qualia utrique debentur.' Bagliri, A.D. 1696. Published by request. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 44, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. AESCHYLUS— MAGU IRE (THOMAS) Notes on the Agamemnon OF Aeschylus, chiefly in defence of the MSS. By Thomas Maguire, A.M., Trinity College, Dublin. Author of an essay on the Platonic idea. oi'oei' i^eLKaapieva. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Dublin: W. M'Gee. Pp. 2 blanks, ii. 55 (inc. i blank), I blank. Cr. Svo. AIRY (GEORGE BIDDELL) On Sound and Atmospheric Vibra- tions, with the Mathematical Elements of Music. Designed for the use of Students of the University. By George Biddell Airy, M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. Formerly Fellow, now Honorary Fellow, of Trinity College ; late Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, afterwards Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy ; in the University of Cambridge. Astronomer .Royal. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 263, I blank, 2 plates folded. Cr. Svo. Printed 1S6S. Second 1870 [revised and enlarged). ALCOCK (THOMAS) Questions on Huxley's Lessons in Element- ary Physiology. For the use of schools. By Thomas Alcock, M.D. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 70. Pott Svo. First Edition printed 1868. Second 1873. Third 1876. Fojtrtk 1880. Fifth (S) 1886. i868 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 167 ARNOLD (MATTHEW) Schools and Universities on the Con- tinent by Matthew Arnold, M.A. Foreign Assistant Commissioner to the Schools Enquiry Commission ; one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools ; formerly Foreign Assistant Commissioner to the Commission for enquiring into the state of Popular Education in England, and Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 312. 8vo. Printed iS 6 J [dated 1868). The part of this book relating to Germany was republished in " Higher Schools and Universities in Germany." See U7ider 18 J 4. BARNES (WILLIAM) Poems of Rural Life in common English by William Barnes author of ' Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset dialect' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 200, 4 advts. Ext. Fcap. Svo. BAXTER (R. DUDLEY) National Income. The United Kingdom. By R. Dudley Baxter, M.A. Read before the Statistical Society of London, Januaiy 21, 1868. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. I folded plate, iv. 100. Svo. BAXTER (R. DUDLEY) Private Bill Legislation and Com- petition. By R. Dudley Baxter. — Reprinted with additions from "The Times". — London : Macmillan and Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden Pp. 15 (inc. I blank), I blank. Svo. BERNARD (M.) Four Lectures on subjects connected with Diplomacy by Mountague Bernard, M.A. Chichele Professor of International Law and Diplomacy, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 205, 3 blanks. Svo. BERNARD (ST.)— MORISON (J. COTTER) The Life and Times of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux. a.d. 1091-1153. By James Cotter Morison, M.A. Lincoln College, Oxford. New Edition, Revised. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 448, 4 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition published elsewhere. Second Edition (S) printed 1868, Reprinted i8j'/, i88j, iSScp. BESANT (WALTER) Studies in Early French Poetry. By Walter Besant, M.A. Christ's College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 319, I blank. Cr. Svo. BRADSHAW (H.) Memoranda by Henry Bradshaw, Librarian of the University of Cambridge. No. i. The Printer of the Historia S. Albani. Cambridge, February, 1868. Price ij. (Imprint at end) Cambridge: Printed by C. J. Clay, M.A., at the University Press; and to be obtained from Macmillan & Co., 16, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, London. Pp. 16, I facsimile. Svo. (No title page) i68 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1868 BRADSHAW (H.) The Skeleton of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales : an attempt to distinguish the several fragments of the work as left by the author. By Henry Bradshaw, Librarian of the University of Cam- bridge. Memoranda No IV London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co Pp. 54 (inc. I blank), i advt. I blank. 8vo. BRANDRETH (H.) On Modern Education. A Letter to the Senate of the University of Cambridge. By Henry Brandreth, M.A. Fellow and Sometime Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge ; some- time Assistant in the Mathematical School at Eton ; Sometime Assistant Master at Rugby. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 38 (inc. I blank), 2 blanks. 8vo. BRIGHT (JOHN)— ROGERS (J. E. T.) Speeches on Questions of Public Policy by John Bright, M.P. Edited by James E. Thorold Rogers In two volumes ' Be just and fear not.' London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. XX. (inc. steel engraving) 535, i blank. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 567, i blank. First Edition printed August 1868 {8vo.) Second December 1868. Third (IE) June 18 6<) {i vol. Globe 8vo.) Reprinted August i86g, 1876, 1878, 1880, 188 j. BURNS (ROBERT)— SMITH (ALEXANDER) The Globe Edition Poems Songs and Letters being the Complete Works of Robert Burns edited from the best printed and manuscript authorities with glossarial index and a biographical memoir by Alexander Smith London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xlviii. 636. Globe 8vo. First Edition (3E) 1868. Reprinted witk considerable alterations and additions i86g, i8jj, i8js, iS7) Janitary rS6S. Reprinted January 1868, January 186S, January 1S68, July 1868. Part ii. First Edition printed () i86(p [i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 187 J, 1876, 1880, i88j, i88j. REYNOLDS (E. M.) Modern Methods in Elementary Geometry. By E. M. Reynolds, M.A. Mathematical Master in CHfton College, Modern Side. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 1 12. Cr. 8vo. REYNOLDS (J. R.) A System of Medicine— Edited by J. Russell Reynolds, M.D. F.R.C.P. Lond. Fellow of the Imperial Leopold-Carolina Academy of Germany, Fellow of University College, Lond. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in University College, Physician to University College Hospital and to the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic. Volume the Second. Containing Local diseases. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 992 (inc. I blank). 8vo. First Edition printed 1868. Second 1872. Third 1878. SEATON (E. C.) A Handbook of Vaccination. By Edward C. Seaton, M.D. Medical Inspector to the Privy Council. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 488. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. SEWELL (E. M.)— YONGE (C. M.) Historical Selections. A series of readings From the Best Authorities on English and European History selected and arranged by E. M. Sewell and C. M. YONGE. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 368. Cr. 8vo. First Edition (S) i8b8. Reprinted 1S7T, 1873. SMALLEY (G. W.) A Review of Mr. Bright's Speeches. By George Washburn Smalley. Reprinted from the " New York Tribune". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 46, 2 blanks. 8vo. i868 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE I79 SMITH (C. B.) Poems by Catherine Barnard-Smith. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 182, 2 blanks. Fcap. 8vo, SMITH (J. H.) A Treatise on Elementary Hydrostatics. By J. H. Smith, M.A. Gonville and Caius College. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 56, I advts. I blank. 8vo. SMITH (J, H.) A Treatise on Elementary Trigonometry. By J. H. Smith, M.A. Gonville and Caius College. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 80, I advts. I blank. 8vo. SMITH (J. H.) A Treatise on Elementary Statics. By J. H. Smith, M.A. Gonville and Caius College. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 86, 2 blanks. 8vo. SMITH (W. S.) Obstacles to Missionary Success among the Heathen : an essay, which obtained the Maitland Prize for the year 1867. By William Saumarez Smith, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 160. Cr. 8vo. STANLEY (A. P.) An Address on the Connection of Church AND State delivered at Sion College on February 15, 1868 by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D. Dean of Westminster. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iii. I blank, 48. 8vo. First Edition p7-inted March 1S6S. Second May 1S68. TACITUS— CHURCH (A. J.)— BRODRIBB (W. J.) The Agricola AND Germany of Tacitus. Translated into English by Alfred John Church, M.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford; and William Jackson Brodribb, M.A. late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. With notes and maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) i map, 62 (Agricola), xv. (inc. i blank) i blank, i map, 46 (Germany), 4 advts. First Edition printed 1868 [Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Second printed (S) 1877 {Cr. 8vo. pp. XX. 206, 2 advts. 2 maps). Reprinted 1883. The " Dialogue on Oratory" was added to the Second Edition. TEBAY (S.) Elementary Mensuration for the use of Schools. With numerous examples. By Septimus Tebay, B.A., St Johns College, Cambridge, Head Master of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Rivington. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 115, I blank, 4 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. THRUPP (J. F.) The Burden of Human Sin as borne by Christ. Three Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, in the Lent Term, 1865. By the late Rev. Joseph Francis Thrupp, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge and late Vicar of Barrington. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 102, I blank, I advts. Cr. 8vo. i8o MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1868 TODHUNTER (I.) Key to Algebra for Beginners. By I. TODHUNTER, M.A., F.R.S. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. (inc. I blank) 127, i blank. Cr. Svo. First Edition (S) printed 1867 {dated 1868). Repri?ited i86g, i8ji, 1872, 1874, 187 j, 1876, 1877, 1878, i87g, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1S83, 1SS4, 1883, 1886, 1888. TORRY (A. F.) College Economy and University Extension. A Letter to the Master of St John's College, Cambridge, by A. F. TORRY, M.A. Fellow of the College. •^vihjxr) yap ei'rts Kair €fj.ov veuripov irpocreffTL. Soph. Antig. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 14 (inc. I blank), 2 blanks. Svo. TRENCH (R. C.) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the United Dioceses of Dublin, and Glandelagh, and Kildare ; and, with some alterations, to the Clergy of the provinces of Dublin and Cashel, at the Triennial Visitation, September, 1868. By Richard Chenevix Archbishop of Dublin, Bishop of Glandelagh and Kildare, Primate of Ireland, and Metropolitan. Dublin : Hodges, Smith and Foster, Publishers to the University. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 84 (inc. 2 blanks). Svo. TRENCH (R. C.) A Household Book of English Poetry selected and arranged with notes by Richard Chenevix Trench, D.D. Archbishop of Dublin London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 430, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. Svo. First Edition pri7ited 1868. Second 1870. Third {S:) 187 of Deny &- Raphoe. Diocesan Synods ; A charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe, October 19, 1869. By William Alexander, D.D. Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. London : Macmillan and Co. Hodges, Smith, and Foster, Dublin Hempton, Derry, Pp. 48. 8vo. ARNOLD (MATTHEW) Poems by Matthew Arnold The First Volume Narrative and Elegiac Poems The Second Volume Dramatic and Lyric Poems London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. vi. 276. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 267, l blank. First Edition printed i86g {2 vols. Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Second 1877 [2 vols. Cr. 8vo.) Third 1881. Fourth {&) i88j (j vols. Vol. i. Early Poems, Narrative Poems, and Sonnets, pp. 2 blanks, x. {inc. 2 blanks) 272, 4 advts. Vol. ii. Lyric and Elegiac Poems, pp. 2 blanks, viii. {inc. 2 blanks) 2^6, 4 advts. Vol. Hi. Dramatic and Later Poems, pp. viii. {inc. 2 blanks) 2og, i blank, 6 advts. Reprinted 1888. Aspromonte and other Poems. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 166, 2 blanks. Fcap. 8vo. [By Mrs. Hamilton King.] BAKER (JAMES) Our Volunteer Army : a plan for its organization. By James Baker, (late 8th Hussars and Lieutenant-Colonel Cambridge University Volunteers). London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) i coloured plate, i map, 34. 8vo. BAKER (SAMUEL WHITE) Cast up by the Sea. By Sir Samuel W. Baker, M.A. F.R.G.S. Gold Medallist of the Royal Geographical Society ; Grande Medaille d'Or de la Socidte de Geographie de Paris ; i86g BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 183 author of the "Albert N'Yanza Great Basin of the Nile", "The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia," " The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon," " Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon," etc. etc. With illustrations by Huard. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 456, 10 page illustrations. Cr. 8vo. Firsi Edition printed 186S [dated iS6g). Second (S>) i86g. Reprinted j8jo, i8j2, 187s, i8j4, i8g6, i87g, 1884. BAKER (VALENTINE) Army Reform. By Colonel Valentine Baker, loth Royal Hussars. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64. 8vo. BAXTER (R. DUDLEY) The Taxation of the United Kingdom. By R. Dudley Baxter, M.A. Partly read before the Statistical Society of London, January 19. 1869. " Follow Facts." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 180. 8vo. BENSON (E. W.) The Fearless Flock. A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church, at the Primary Ordination of the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, on Trinity Sunday, 1869. By Edward White Benson, D.D. late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Master of Wellington College, and Examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Published by request of the candidates. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 24 (paper wrapper). Svo. BINNEY (T.) A Forty Years' Review. A Sermon preached on Sunday Morning, July 4th, 1869 at the King's Weigh House Chapel, London, by T. Binney. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. i. I blank, 24, 2 blanks. 8vo. BINNEY (T.) Sermons preached in the King's Weigh-House Chapel, London, i 829-1 869. By T. Binney. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 392. First Edition printed February i86g {Svo.) Second {%) August i86g [Ext. Fcap. Svo.) A Book of Worthies gathered from the old histories and now written anew by the Author of " The Heir of Redclyffe ". (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 406, 6 advts. Pott 8vo. First Edition (IE) iS6g. Reprinted 1872, 1S82, September, October, and November 18S6. Golden Treasury Series. BROOME (F.N.) The Stranger OF Seriphos. A Dramatic Poem. By Frederick Napier Broome. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 166, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. BUTLER (H. M.) Sermons preached in the Chapel of Harrow School. By the Rev. H. Montagu Butler, D.D. Head Master of Harrow School, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Second Series. London : Macmillan and Co. Harrow : Crossley and Clarke. Pp. xvi. 308. Cr. Svo. i84 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1869 CAMPBELL (J. M.) Christ the Bread of Life an attempt to give a profitable direction to the present occupation of thought with Romanism By John M'Leod Campbell, D.D. Second Edition. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 192 (inc. 2 blanks). Cr. 8vo. First Edition published elsezvhere. CARROLL (LEWIS) Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland von Lewis Carroll. Aus dem Englischen von Antonie Zimmermann. — Mit zweiundvierzig Illustrationen von John Tenniel. Autorisirte ausgabe. — Leipzig Johann Friedrich Hartknoch Pp. xii. (inc. I page illustration and 3 blanks) 178. Cr. 8vo. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co.) CARROLL (LEWIS) Aventures d'Alice au pays des Merveilles. Par Lewis Carroll. Traduit de L'Anglais par HenRi Bue. Ouvrage Illustre de 42 Vignettes par John Tenniel. Londres : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 196. Cr. 8vo. CARROLL (LEWIS) Phantasmagoria and other Poems by Lewis Carroll author of " Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 202, 2 blanks. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. CHATTERTON (T.)— WILSON (D.) Chatterton : a biographical study. By DANIEL Wilson, LL.D. Professor of History and English in University College, Toronto, (vignette) ' ' And we at sober eve would round the throng, Hanging, enraptured, on thy stately song ; And greet with smiles the young-eyed Poesy, All deftly mask'd as hoar Antiquity. " Coleridge. London : ^lacmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 328. Cr. 8vo. CHENERY (T.) The Arabic Language ; a Lecture given on December 3, 1868 by Thomas Chenery, M.A. of Christ Church, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic in the University of Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 32. 8vo. Printed 1868 {dated i86g). Choice Notes on the Gospel of S. John, drawn from old and new sources. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. 392. Cr. 8vo. Choice Notes on the Gospel of S. Luke, drawn from old and new sources. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. 384. Cr. 8vo. Choice Notes .on the Gospel of S. Mark, drawn from old and new sources. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. (continued from S. Matthew), 229-516. Cr. 8vo. i869 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 185 Choice Notes on the Gospels of S. Matthew & S. Mark, drawn from old and new sources. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 516. Cr. 8vo. CLARK (E. C.) Practical International Law. Introduction. By E. C, Clark, M.A. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 15, I blank. 8vo. CLOUGH (A. H.) The Poems and Prose Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough with a selection from his letters and a memoir edited by his wife in two volumes with a portrait London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. Life ; Letters ; Prose Remains pp. viii. 426, 2 advts. Vol. ii. Poems pp. viii. 502, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed i86g. Most of the contents of Vol. i. were reprinted in ''Prose Remains" of A. H. C. {See 7inder 1888.) For the other editions of " Poerns" by A. H. C. see under 1862. College for Women, Hitchin. — Examination Papers for the examination held in July, 1869, to which are added, lists of Committees, the prospectus of the College, the regulations for the entrance examination, &c. &c. London: Macmillan and Co. 16 Bedford Street Covent Garden, W.C. Pp. 30, 2 blanks for Examination Papers, 16 for lists of committees, &c., 4 page wrapper from which title is copied. 8vo. COLVIN (S.) Notes on the Exhibitions of the Royal Academy and Old Water-Colour Society. Reprinted, with corrections and additions, from " The Globed By Sidney Colvin, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 70, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. DAVIES (J. LL.) The Gospel and Modern Life. Sermons on some of the Difficulties of the Day. With a Preface on a Recent Phase of Deism. By the Rev. J. Llewellyn Davies, M.A. Rector of Christ Church, St. Marylebone. London and Cambridge. Macmillan and Co Pp. xl. 273, I blank, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed i86g. Second 18"/^. DELAMOTTE (P. H.) A Progressive Drawing Book. For Beginners. By PHILIP H. Delamotte, F.S.A. Professor of Drawing in King's College and SchooJ, London. ' ' It has pleased the Designer of ' the workl and all that therein is ' not only to surround man with the ever-varying and inexhaustible beauties of nature, and to endow him with the gift of sight to perceive her graces ; but he has been pleased also to confer upon him a mind to understand, and a hand to imitate them." M. Digby Wyatt. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 52, 50 plates, i, i blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed i86(p. Second {^ and ^) iSj./. Reprinted 1 8"] 8. DOYLE (F. H.) Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford 1868 by Sir F. H. Doyle, Bart., M.A., B.C.L. late Fellow of All Souls' Professor of Poetry London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 124, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. i86 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1869 EDGAR (J. H.) — PRITCHARD (G. S.) Note-Book on Practical Solid or Descriptive Geometry containing Problems with help for Solutions. By J. H. Edgar, M.A., Lecturer on Mechanical Drawing at the Royal School of Mines, London ; and formerly Lecturer on Geometri- cal Drawing, King's College, London ; late Lieutenant R.A. and G. S. Pritchard, late Master for Descriptive Geometry, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. London and New York. Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 132. First Edition printed 18 6g {^to.) Second iSji [Globe Svo.) Third iSjj. Fourth 1880. EDWARDS (E. J. J.) Love the Brethren. By E. J. J. Edwards. (Title not taken from the work.) ELAM (C.) A Physician's Problems. By Charles Elam, M.D., M.R.C.P. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 424. Cr. Svo. ERLE (W.) The Law relating to Trade Unions. By Sir William Erle, Formerly Chief Justice in the Common Pleas. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 92. Cr. Svo. FREEMAN (E. A.) Old English History for Children. By Edward A. Freeman, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. With Maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. (inc. 2 blanks) 372. Globe Svo, First Edition printed i86g. Second [Ss) i8-ji. Reprinted 18 J j, iSjS, ^Sj6, i8j8, 188 1, 1883, iS8s. FRENCH (G. R.) Shakspeareana Genealogica. Part i. Identifica- tion of the Dramatis Personje in Shakspeare's Historical Plays : from K. John to K. Henry viii. Notes on the Characters in Macbeth and Hamlet. Persons and Places, belonging to Warwickshire, alluded to in several plays. Part ii The Shakspeare and Arden Families, and their connections : with tables of descent. — Compiled by George Russell French author of the Ancestry of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, 1841 : and of the Royal descent of Nelson and Wellington, 1855. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 4 blanks) 590, 3 folded pedigree tables, 2 advts. Svo. GALTON (D.) An Address on tHe General Principles which should be observed in the Construction of Hospitals, delivered to the British Medical Association at Leeds, July 29, 1869, with the Discussion which took place thereon. By Douglas Galton, C.B. F.R.S. (late a Captain Royal Engineers), Honorary Member of the British Medical Association. Printed by permission of the Council of the British Medical Association. • London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 96. Cr. Svo. GALTON (F.) Hereditary Genius : an Inquiry into its Laws and Consequences. By Francis Galton, F.R.S. etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 390, 2 advts., folded alphabetical list of relationship. Svo. i869 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 187 GARNETT (R.) Idylls and Epigrams. Chiefly from the Greek Anthology. By Richard Garnett. '/Saios Kal llacplrji ^irXero Kovpos'Epws. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 72, I advts. I blank. Fcap. 8vo. GLADSTONE (W. E.) Juventus Mundi the Gods and Men of the Heroic Age by the Right Honourable William Ewart Gladstone (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. map, 541, 3 blanks. Cr. Svo. Ftrs( Edition printed June iS6g. Second December i86g. GOLDSMITH (O.) — MASSON (D.) The Globe Edition THE MIS- CELLANEOUS WORKS OF Oliver Goldsmith with Biographical Intro- duction By Professor Masson London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ix. 696, and 4 advts. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (IS) 186S. Reprinted iSyr, 1874, i8j8, on India paper 1878, iSSi, 1884, i88g. GRANT (C. W.) The Advantages of the Boarding Out System, as appHed to Pauper Children, briefly considered, with the Report of a Committee appointed by the Bath Board of Guardians, showing the results of the operation of the System in Scotland and England up to the present time, by Colonel C. W. Grant, R.E., J.P. for Somerset and Ex-Officio Member of the Bath Board of Guardians. — London: Macmillan and Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden. Bath: S. Hayward, " Express " Office. Pp. 35, I blank. Svo. GUIZOT (F. P. G.) Great Christians of France Saint Louis and Calvin by M. GuiZOT Member of the Institute of France Macmillan & Co Publishers Pp. 3 page illustrations, vi. 364. Cr. Svo. Part i. printed {^) January jS6g. Part ii. printed (s etvai crx^Sbi' ttjv Kay avTbv aywyrjv koX rrju rjixeripav. Sext. Emp. P. H. i. 232, London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 108. Cr. Svo. MCCOSH (J.) Discussions in Europe as to Academic Teaching : being the Inaugural Lecture of James McCosh, LL.D., D.D., President of Princeton College, New Jersey, U.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. i. I blank, 62. Svo. MACLAREN (A.) Sermons preached in Manchester by Alex- ander Maclaren. Second Series. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 336. Fcap. Svo. First Edition printed iS6p. Seco7id (S) iSjo. Reprinted i8yj, iSjj, iSjS. j8Si, 1S87. MACLEAR (G. F.) Apostles of Medieval Europe by the Rev. G. F, Maclear, B.D. Head Master of King's College School, London. (Vignette) Macmillan & Co Publishers Pp. vi. (inc. I blank) 3 page illustrations, 332. Part i. printed {S>) J^dy i86g {Cr. 8vo.) Part ii. printed [S:) August iS6g (Cr. Svo.) Part Hi. printed {^) September i86g [Cr. Svo.) Volume. Made zipf?-om above Parts i86g. Reprinted iSSS {i vol. Cr. Svo.) MACLEAR (G. F.) The Order of Confirmation. A Sequel to the Class-Book of the Catechism of the Church of England. For the use of Candidates for Confirmation. By the Rev. G. F. Maclear, B.D. Head Master of King's College School, London London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 24. Pott Svo. . First Edition printed Feb}-iiary i86g (Pott Svo. ) Reprinted February iS6g, April iS6g, December iS6g, iSjo, (S) i8j2. Reprinted iSjj. Second (\ Master of Wellington College ; examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Lincoln ; late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Printed by desire of the Bishop. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 28. Svo. BLANFORD (W. T.) Observations on the Geology and Zoology OF Abyssinia, made during the progress of the British Expedition to that country in 1867-68. By W. T. Blanford, Associate of the Royal School of Mines ; Fellow of the Geological Society of London ; Corre- sponding Member of the Zoological Society of London, and of the Isis, Dresden ; Deputy Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India ; late Geologist to the Abyssinian Expedition. With illustrations and geological map. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 448, I map, 13 plates (7 coloured). Svo. BRADBURY (J. B.) On Vertigo or Dizziness ; its causes, import- ance as a Symptom, and treatment. Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine. By J. B. Bradbury, M.D. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Physician to Addenbrooke's Hospital, Medical Lecturer in Downing College, &c. &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 40. Svo. BRADSHAW (H.) a Classified Index of the Fifteenth Century Books in the collection of the late M. J. De Meyer, which were sold at Ghent in November 1869. By Henry Bradshaw, Librarian of the University of Cambridge. [Memoranda No 2] Macmillaxi and Co. 16, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, London. Pp. 28. Svo. 1870 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 203 BROOKE (STOPFORD A.) The Declaration of War. A Sermon preached in St. James' Chapel, York Street, on Sunday, July 17, 1870. By the Rev. Stopford Brooke, Hon. Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 20. Cr. 8vo. • BYRNE (JOHN R.) Diocesan School-Inspection. By the Rev. J. Rice Byrne, M.A. one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 31, I blank. Cr. Svo. CHEYNE (T. K.) The Book of Isaiah chronologically arranged. An amended version with Historical and Critical Introductions and Explana- tory Notes by T. K. Cheyne, M.A. Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. 242. Cr. Svo. CLARK (W. G.) The Present Dangers of the Church of England. By W. G. Clark, M.A. Vice-Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 15, I blank. Svo. CLUNES (G. C.) The Story of Pauline an Autobiography by G. C. Clunes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. 187, 1 blank. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 242, 6 advts. First Edition printed 18 jo [Cr. Svo.) Second (^) iSyj [i vol. Cr. Svo.) COBDEN (R.)— bright (J.)— ROGERS (J. E. T.) Speeches on questions of Public Policy By Richard Cobden, M.P. edited by John Bright and James E Thorold Rogers in two volumes Free trade, peace, good will among nations. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. I. pp. XX. (inc. portrait and i blank) 606. Vol. II. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 664. First Edition printed 1870 (Svo.) Second (S) iSj8 {i vol. Globe Svo.) Reprinted iSSo. COOKE (J. P.) First Principles of Chemical Philosophy. By Josiah p. Cooke, Jr., Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in Harvard College. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 556 (paged 1-533, i blank, 10 pp. unpaged, i-xii.) Cr. Svo. CORFIELD (W. H.) A Digest of facts relating to the treat- ment AND UTILIZATION OF SEWAGE. By W. H. CORFIELD, M.A., M.B. (Oxon.) Fellow of the Geological and Chemical societies ; member of the Royal college of Physicians, London ; Medical Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford ; and Professor of Hygiene and Public Health at Uni- versity College, London. Prepared for the committee of the British Association. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. (inc. i blank) 282, and 2 blanks. Svo. First Edition printed iSjo. Second iSji. Third iSSy. COWPER (W.)— BENHAM (W.) The Globe Edition The Poetical Works of William Cowper edited with Notes and Biographical 204 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1870 Introduction by William Benham Vicar of Addington and Professor of Modern History in Queen's College, London London & New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ixxvi. 536. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (3E) i8jo. Repj-intcd 1SJ4, iS-jg, i88g. DICEY (E.) The Morning Land. By Edward Dicey, late Special Correspondent of the "Daily Telegraph" in the East. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 258, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 234, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. DRYDEN (J.)— CHRISTIE (W. D.) The Globe Edition. The Poetical Works of John Dryden edited with a Memoir, revised Text, and Notes by W. D. Christie, M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ixxxviii. 662. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (IS) iS-jo. Reprinted 18 J2, 18 jp, 188 x, 1886. DURER (A.)— HEATON (MRS. CHARLES) The History of the Life of Albrecht Durer of Nurnberg with a translation of his Letters and Journal, and some account of his works. By Mrs. Charles H EATON (monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 340, 31 illustrations. Royal 8vo. ESTELLE Russell. By the Author of " The Private Life of Galileo ". In two vols. — London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 242, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 206, 2 advts. Fi}-st Edition printed 18 jo {Cr. 8vo.) Second {^) November 18 ji {i vol. Cr. 8vo.) FAIRFAX (LORD)— MARKHAM (C. R.) A Life of the Great Lord Fairfax Commander-in-chief of the Army of the Parhament of England by CLEMENTS R. Markham, F.S.A. Author of ' The Histoiy of the Abyssinian Expedition' with Portrait, Maps, Plans, and Illus- trations London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. (inc. steel plate engraving) 480, 7 maps and plans. 8vo. The Fairy Book. The best popular fairy stories selected and rendered anew by the author of ' John Halifax Gentleman. New edition. With 1870 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 205 coloured illustrations and borders by J. E. Rogers. Author of ' Ridicula Rediviva' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 368, ID illustrations. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed {^plates) i8yo. Reprinted (with slight alterations^ ^^yi, 18^4, 18S0. For other editions of " The Fairy Book " see under 186 j. FAWCETT (M. G.) Political Economy for Beginners. By Millicent Garrett Fawcett. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 200. First Edition printed 18 jo [Pott 8vo. ) Second i8j2. Third 18^4. Fourth i8'/6. Fifth 1880 {Fcap. 8vo.), table added 188 j. Sixth 1884. Seventh i88g. FLOWER (W. H.) An Introduction to the Osteology of the Mammalia : being the Substance of the Course of Lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1870. By William Henry Flower, F.R.S., F.R.C.S., Hunterian Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, and Conservator of the Museum of the College. With numerous illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 344. First Edition printed iSjo [Globe 8vo.) Second 18 j6 {Cr. 8vo.) Third i88j. FREEMAN (E. A.) History of the Cathedral Church of Wells as illustrating the History of the Cathedral Churches of the Old Founda- tion. By Edward A. Freeman, M.A. Formerly Fellow of Trinity College, 0.xford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 200. Globe 8vo. FREEMAN (E. A.) Owens College Extension. = Speech made at a general meeting of the subscribers to the extension fund of Owens Col- lege, held in the Mayor's Parlour, Manchester, December 3rd, 1869. By Edward A. Freeman, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. Printed by Request. London : Macmillan & Co. Manchester : A. Ireland & Co., Pall Mall. Pp. 12 (inc. I blank). Cr. 8vo. GALILEO. The Private Life of Galileo Compiled principally from his correspondence and that of his eldest daughter. Sister Maria Celeste, Nun in the Franciscan Convent of S. Matthew, in Arcetri. (Vignette Galileo's Tower) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. Geneological Table, 308. Cr. 8vo. Printed i86g [dated i8jo). GODKIN (J.) The Land-War in Ireland a history for the times by James Godkin author of ' Ireland and her Churches ' late Irish corre- spondent of ' The Times ' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 436. 8vo. Golden Treasury Psalter. Students Edition. The Golden Treasury Psalter being an edition with briefer notes of the Psalms chronologically arranged by four friends. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 271, I blank. Pott 8vo. First Edition pri?ited (12 and S) iSjo. Reprinted 18 ji. 2o6 MACMILLAX AND CO.'S 1870 HALES (J. W.) Longer English Poems. Chiefly for use in schools. Edited by J. W. Hales, M.A. Late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, and Lecturer in English Literature and Classical Composition at King's College School, London. Part i. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxvi. (inc. 5 blanks) 163, i blank. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed March i8jo. Second (|5, greatly enlarged) i8j2. Reprinted iSjj, i8y4, iSjj, 18 j6, 18 jj, cancel inserted August 18 j8, December i8y8, 1880, 1S82, 1SS4, iS8j, t88j, i88g. No other part 'was published separately, the Second Edition being the completed -work. HEBERT (C.) A Reply to the Pamphlet of the Rev. W. G. Clark, M.A. Vice-Master of Trinity College, entitled ' The Dangers of the Church of England, by the Rev. Charles Hebert, ^LA. of Trinity College, and late Rector of Lowestoft. ' ' Quae verisimillima magfna quasstio est. " Cicero. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 29, 3 blanks. Svo. HELFENSTEIN (J.) A Comparative Grammar of the Teutonic Languages. Being at the same time a historical grammar of the English Language. And comprising Gothic, Anglo-Sa.\on, Early English, ]\Iodern English, Icelandic (Old Norse), Danish, Swedish, Old High German, Middle High German, Modem German, Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Dutch. By James Helfexstein, Ph.D. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 525, I page appendix, 2 blanks. Svo. HOOKER (J. D.) The Student's Flora of the British Isl.ands. By J. D. Hooker, C.B., ^LD., D.C.L. Oxon., LL.D. Cantab., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S. Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew. London : r^Iacmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 504, 4 advts. Globe Svo. Fif-st Edition printed i8jo. Second 18 j8. Third 1884. HUXLEY (T. H.) Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. By Thomas Henry Huxley, LL.D., F.R.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xi. I blank, 378 (inc. I blank), 2 advts. First Edition printed 18 jo {8vo.) Second (5) February 18 ji {Ext. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted May i8ji, 1872, 1874, 187J, 1880 {8vo.), 1883. Third (E) 1887 {8vo.) JE\'OXS (W. S.) Elementary Lessoxs in Logic : deductive & in- ductive. With copious questions and examples, and a vocabulary of logical terms. By W. STANLEY JEVONS, ALA. Professor of Logic in Owens College, Manchester. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 340. First Edition printed (S) 1870 {Pott Svo.) Reprinted i8ji, 18 j 2, 1874, 1873, 'with slight alterations 1877, 1878 {Fcap. 8vo.), 1880, 188 1, 1882, 188 j, 1884, 188 j, 1886, i88g. KEARY (A.) The Nations Around by A. Keary, author of " Early Egyptian Histor)-." (\'ignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. illuminated title) 332, 2 page illustrations, i double page illustration. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (5) 1870. Reprinted 187 j. i87o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 207 KENNEDY (W. R.) " Cambridge University and College Re- form". By William Rann Kennedy, B.A. Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 20. 8vo. KINGDON (G. T.) " Upon this rock I will build my church;" or, Christ Himself, and not Peter, the rock on which His church is founded and built. — A Sermon in which the usual objections against the above view are examined and disputed, by the Rev. G. T. Kingdon, Incumbent of Ivybridge, Devon. — ' ' For they drank of that Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ." — Price one shilling — London Macmillan & Co. Exeter : Eland. Plymouth : S. Bewaring, Book- seller, George Street. Pp. 22 (inc. 2 blanks), 2 blanks. Svo. KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN (E. H.)— Crackers for Christmas.— More Stories by E. Knatchbull-Hugessen, M.P., author of ' Stories for my Children '. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. page illustration and 2 blanks) 310, 7 page illustrations, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition (5) i8jo. Reprinted January iSji (twice), October i8ji, iSjj, iSjy. KNOX (R.)— LONSDALE (H.) A Sketch of the Life and Writings of Robert Knox the Anatomist. By his Pupil and Colleague, Henry Lonsdale. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 420 and Portrait. Cr. Svo. LANKESTER (E. R.) On Comparative Longevity in Man and the Lower Animals by E. Ray Lankester, B.A. Junior Student of Christ Church, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 136. Cr. Svo. LEGGE (A. O.) The Growth of the Temporal Power of the Papacy a Historical Review, with observations upon the ' Council of the Vatican ' by Alfred Owen Legge ' Passiamo presto, e sulla punta Dei piedi, quel macchio di fimo e di sang^e che si chiama papato. ' — Guerrazzi. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 316. Cr. Svo. LOCKYER (J. N.)— FORBES -ROBERTSON (J.) Questions on Lockyer's Elementary Lessons in Astronomy. For the Use of Schools. By John Forbes-Robertson. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 87, I blank. Fi>-st Edition printed iSjo {Pott Svo. ) Second 188 1 {Fcap. 8vo. ) LOWELL (J. R.) Among my Books. Six Essays. By James Russell Lowell, A.M., Professor of Belles-Lettres in Harvard College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 359, I blank. Cr. Svo. Printed (ffl) February jSjo. 2o8 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1870 M^CLELLAN (JOHN B.) The Fourth Nicene Canon and the Election and Consecration of Bishops with special reference to the case of Dr. Temple, an appendix to a letter to the Lord Bishop of Ely, by John B. JM'^Clellan, M.A. Vicar of Bottisham, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. " Udvv fie Xi'Tret 6'tc eTriXeXotTratrt \oLwbv oi tZv Uaripcxiv Kav6v€s, kuI iraca. cLKpi^eia Twv '^KKKricnQiv aweXrjXaTai, Kal (poj3ov/jLai firi Kara fiiKpov rrjs dSiacpopias Ttti'TTjs 65) iSjo. Reprinted 1871, i8jj, iSjy, iSjc), 1882, i88s, wit/i alterations 1887, 1888, i8Sg. OLIVER (D.) — The only authorised Edition. — Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens and Pleasure Grounds, Kew. By Daniel Oliver, F.R.S. F.L.S. Keeper of the Herbarium of the Royal Gardens, and Professor of Botany in University College, London (Royal Arms) Twenty-fifth edition Plan of Gardens London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. no, I advt. I paste down. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed for Macmillan and Co. iSjo. Reprinted i8j2, slight corrections iSj^, many corrections and additions iSj8, with corrections 18S1. Papal Infallibility and Persecution. Papal Infallibility and Usury. By an English Catholic. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 36 (inc. I blank). 8vo. PEARSON (J. B.) The Good Samaritan at the seat of war. A Sermon preached before the First Cambridgeshire Rifle Volunteers, at St. Mary's the Great, Cambridge, on Sunday, August 28. 1870. By J. B. Pearson, M.A. Fellow of St Johns College, and Chaplain to the Corps. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. 8vo. PEMBER (E. H.) The Tragedy of Lesbos by E. H. Pember London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 148. Extra Fcap. 8vo. POOLE (M. E.) Pictures of Cottage Life in the West of England. By Margaret E. Poole. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, ix. i blank, 302, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed i8jo. Second (S) 18 j 2. QUAIN (R.) On Some Defects in General Education : being the Hunterian Oration of the Royal College of Surgeons for 1869. By Richard Quain, F.R.S. President of the College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 112. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed March iSjo. Reprinted with corrections June iSjO, RHOADES (J.) Poems by James Rhoades. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 172. Fcap. 8vo. RICHARDSON (F.)— VALMIKI. The Iliad of the East : a selec- tion of legends drawn from Valmiki's Sanskrit poem. The Ramayana. By Frederika Richardson, author of " Xavier and I ". London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 316. Cr. 8vo. Printed [S:) 1870. i87o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 211 ROGERS (J. E. T.) Historical Gleanings a Series of Sketches Wiklif. Laud. Wilkes. Home Tooke. By James E. Thorold Rogers Second Series Coenae fercula nostrse Mallem convivis quam placuisse coquis. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 247, I blank. Cr. 8vo. Route Map and Index to the most interesting objects in the Royal Gardens, Kew (Plan of Gardens) Published by Macniillan & Co., London and Sold at all the entrances to the Royal Gardens, Kew. Pp. 7, I advt. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 18 jo. Reprinted J8y2, iSjj, iS'/S, 18S1. Science and the Gospel or the Church and the Nations A series of essays on Great Catholic Questions (Vignette Salvator Mundi) London Macmillan and Co. and Anglican and International Christian Moral Science Association 8. Old Jewry, E.C. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 599, i advt. Cr. 8vo. SEELEY (J. R.) Lectures and Essays. By J. R. Seeley, M.A. Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 318, 2 blanks, 2 advts. 8vo. SEWELL (E. M.)— YONGE (C. M.) European History, narrated in a series of historical selections from the best authorities. Edited and arranged by E. M. Sewell and C. M. Yonge. II. 1088-1228. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 416, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Fii-st Edition printed (S) iSyo. Reprinted i8j2, i8jj. STANLEY (A. P.) Sermon preached by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D. Dean of Westminster in Westminster Abbey June 19, 1870 (the first Sunday after Trinity) being the Sunday following the funeral of Charles Dickens London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. 8vo. STEBBING (T. R. R.) Darwinism.— The Noachian Flood. A Lecture delivered before the Torquay Natural History Society, Jan. 31st., 1870, by Thomas R. R. Stebbing, M.A., Late Fellow and Tutor of Worcester College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 32 (inc. I blank). Cr. 8vo. STEWART (B.) Lessons in Elementary Physics. By Balfour Stewart, LL.D., F.R.S. Professor of Natural Philosophy, Owens College, Manchester. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 372, 1 coloured spectrum. First Edition printed (S) i8yo {Pott 8vo.) Reprinted March and May i8jr, with many corrections i8jj, j8j4, 187 s^ ^^Tj. Second (IE) i8j8 [Fcap. Svo.) Reprinted iSyg, 1880, 18S1, 1882, with additions and corrections i88j, January and November 1884, i88s, 1886, iSSj, January 1888. Third (IE) Jtme 1888. 212 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1870 Systems of Land Tenure in Various Countries. A Series of Essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 420, 4 advts. 8vo. Contents. I. — Tenure of Land in Ireland. By the Rt. Hon. M. Longfield Late fudge of the Landed Estates Court in Lreland. IL — Land-laws of England. By C. Wren Hoskyns, Esq., M.P. III. — Tenure of Land in India. By George Campbell, Esq. Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces of India. IV. — Land System of Belgium and Holland. By M. Emile de Laveleye. V. — Agrarian Legislation of Prussia during the Present Century. By R. B. D. Morier, Esq. , C. B. VI.— Land System of France. By T. E. Cliffe Leslie, Esq. VIL— Russian Agrarian Legislation of 1 861. By Dr. Julius Faucher. Member of the Prussian Landtag. VIII. — Farm Land and Land-laws of the United States. By C. M. Fisher, Esq. Counsellor-at-Law. United States of America. First Edition printed i86g [dated i8jo). Second i8jo. TAYLOR (S.) On French and German as substitutes for Greek IN University Pass Examinations. By Sedley Taylor, M.A., Librarian and Late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. 10. 8vo. TEMPLE (F.) — -The Three Spiritual Revelations, a sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Exeter on Wednesday 29th December 1869 by Frederick Bishop of the Diocese on that day enthroned. Reprinted by permission from the Report. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. 8vo. TENNYSON (ALFRED)— CHURCH (A.J.) Hor^Tennysonian^sive Eclogae e Tennysono Latine. Redditae cura A. J. Church, A.M. Macmillan et Soc. Lond. et Cantab. Pp. X. 140. Ext. Fcap. Svo. THEOPHRASTUS— JEBB (R. C.) eEO) 18 JS- Reprinted 1876, i8j8, 1880, 1883, J 8 FAWCETT (H.) Pauperism : Its causes and Remedies by Henry Fawcett, M.A., M.P. Fellow of Trinity Hall, and Professor of Politi- cal Economy, in the University of Cambridge. London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 270, 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. FOX (W.) On the Treatment of Hyperpyrexia as illustrated in acute articular rheumatism by means of the external applica- tion OF COLD by Wilson Fox, M.D. F.R.C.P. Physician Extraordinary to Her Majesty the Queen Fellow of University College, London Holme Professor of Clinical Medicine, University College, London Physician to University College Hospital Read before the annual meeting of the 1871 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 221 British Medical Association August 187 1 reprinted, with additions, from ' The Lancet ' London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 78, 3 plates {2 folded). 8vo. FREEMAN (E. A.) Historical Essays. By Edward A. Freeman, M.A., Hon. D.C.L., Late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. ' ' Gallorum levitas Germanos justificabit ; Italias gravitas Gallos confusa necabit ; Succumbet Gallus, aquilas victricia regna Mundus adorabit, erit urbs vix pragsule digna. « * * * * * * Papa cite moritur, Caesar regnabit ubique, Sub quo tunc vana cessabit gloria cleri " Peter Langtoft, ii. 450. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 406. 8vo. Fh-st Edition printed iSji. Second i8-j2. Third iSyj. Fourth 1886. GREEN (G.) — FERRERS (N. M.) Mathematical Papers of the late George Green, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Edited by N. M. Ferrers, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Gonville and Caius College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 336. 8vo. Printed iSjo {dated i8-ji). HOOD (T.) — FROLICH (L.) The Pleasant Tale of Puss and Robin ; and their friends, Kitty and Bob. Told in pictures by L. Frolich, and in rhymes by Tom Hood. London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 30 (inc. I blank), I advts. I blank. Globe 4to. First Edition printed 187 1. Second (S) /iJ/P. HOOD (W. P.) On Bone-Setting (so called), and its Relation TO THE Treatment of Joints Crippled by Injury, Rheumatism, Inflammation, &c. &c. By Wharton P. Hood, M.D., M.R.C.S. London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 156. Cr. 8vo. HUXLEY (T. H.) Essays Selected from Lay Sermons, Addresses, AND Reviews. By Thomas Henry Huxley, LL.D. F.R.S. " Nor love thy life, nor hate ; but what thou livest Live well " Paradise Lost, B. xi. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 143, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed [Si) i8-ji. Reprinted 1874, 1S77. HUYSHE (G. L.) The Red River Expedition. By Captain G. L. HUYSHE, Rifle Brigade, late on the Staff of Colonel Sir Garnet Wolseley. London and New York. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 276 (inc. 2 illustrations), 3 route maps, i page illustration, i folded embarkation return. First Edition printed April iSjr {8vo.) Second (S) April 1871 {Cr. 8vo.) 222 MACMILLAN AND CO. 'S 1871 HYACINTHE (FATHER) Appel aux Eveques Catholiques. Par le R. P. HYACINTHE. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. I, I blank, 8, i blank, i advts. Svo. First Edition printed January i8ji. Reprinted February i8ji. HYACINTHE (FATHER) France et Allemagne. Discours prononce a Londres, le 20 Decembre, 1870, par le R. P. Hyacinthe. — Futura Prospice. — London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 35 (inc. I blank), I blank. Svo. Inside Paris during the Siege. By an Oxford Graduate. " C'est icy un livre de bonne foy, Lecteur." Montaigne London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 342, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. JEVONS (W. S.) The Theory of Political Economy. By W. Stanley Jevons, M.A. (Lond.) Professor of Logic and Political Economy in Owens College, Manchester. London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 267, i blank. Svo. First Edition printed iSy I. Second iSyg. Third 1888. KEARY (A. & E.) The Heroes of Asgard tales from Scandinavian Mythology By A. & E. Keary (Vignette) with illustrations by Huard London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 324 and 7 page illustrations. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {^)for Macmillan and Co. 18^0 {dated 1871, Ext. Fcap. Svo.) Reprinted 18 ji {Globe Svo.) , 1880, 1883. KINGSLEY (C.) At Last: a Christmas in the West Indies. By Charles Kingsley. With Illustrations. In two volumes London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Vol. L pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks and i page illustration) 316, 4 advts. 4 page illustra- tions. Vol. II. pp. X. (inc. I blank and i page illustration) 2 blanks, 316, 4 advts. 6 page illustrations. First Edition printed 18 ji {Cr. Svo.) Second (S) 1872 {i vol. Cr. Svo.) Reprinted 1873, 1874, 1877, 187S. i87<), iSSo, 1882, iSSj, 18S7. Third (IE) July i8S) 1871. Reprinted 1872, 1874, 1876, i87) 1871. Reprinted i8-j2, 1876. TODHUNTER (I.) Researches in the Calculus of Variations, principally on the Theory of Discontinuous Solutions : an essay to which the Adams Prize was awarded in the University of Cambridge in 1871. • By L TODHUNTER, M.A. F.R.S. late Fellow and Principal Mathematical Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 278, 2 advts. 8vo. TRENCH (R. C.) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Dioceses of Dublin, Glandelagh, and Kildare, at the visitation, September, 1871. By Richard Chenevix, Archbishop of Dublin, Bishop of Glendalagh, and Kildare, Primate of Ireland, and Metro- politan. — Dublin : Hodges, Foster and Co., Grafton Street. Publishers to the University. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64. 8vo. TROLLOPE (ANTHONY) Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite. By Anthony Trollope, author of " Framley Parsonage," etc. New Edition. London and New York Macmillan and Co, Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 324 (inc. I blank). Globe 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed (^) /or Macmillan and Co. A ugust 18 J I. Reprinted September iSji. VIRGIL— LONSDALE (J.)— LEE (S.) The Globe Edition. The Works of Virgil rendered into English prose with introduc- tions running analysis notes and an index by James Lonsdale M.A. late Fellow and Tutor of Balliol College Oxford and Classical Professor in King's College London and Samuel Lee M.A. Latin Lecturer at University College London and late Scholar of Christ's College Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 310 (inc. i blank), 2 advts. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (^) March iSyi. Reprinted with alterations and additions October i8ji, 187 j, 1874, with alterations 1877, 1871), 1S80, 1882, 1883, 188^, 1887. iSyi BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 229 WESTCOTT (B. F.) Our Attitude towards the War. — A Sermon preached in Peterborough Cathedral on the fifth Sunday after Trinity, 1870, by Brooke Foss Westcott, D.D., Canon. — London : Macmillan and Co. Peterborough : J. S. Clarke & Son. Pp. 12. Cr. 8vo. When I was a Little Girl. Stories for Children by the author of ' St Olaves.' ' Like music played Too far off for the tune. And yet it's fine To listen. Illustrated by L. Frolich. (Vignette) London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. 3 blanks) 7 page illustrations, 249, i blank, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (S>) i8jo {dated iSji). Reprinted March and September i8ji, 1872, i8j4, iSjj, 1880, 1883, i88g. WRIGHT (JOSIAH) First Latin Steps : or an introduction, by a series of examples, to the study of the Latin Language. By JOSIAH Wright, M.A. Late Head Master of Sutton Coldfield School. London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. 254, I advts. i blank. Cr. 8vo. YONGE (C. M.) Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe. Pictured by L. Frolich and narrated by CHARLOTTE M. Yonge, author of " The Heir of Redclyffe." (Vignette). " Young fingers idly roll The mimic earth, or trace In picture bright of blue and gold The orbs that round the sky's deep fold Each other circling trace." — Keble London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 23 page illustrations, 74, i advt. i blank. First Edition printed i8ji {Globe 4to.) Second [S:) iSj2. Third (S) i8St {Globe 8vo.) YONGE (C. M.) A Parallel History of France and England ; consisting of Outlines and Dates. By C. M. Yonge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 54, 2 advts. Fcap. 4to. Printed {S;) 1870 {dated 187 1). YONGE (C. M.) Pioneers and Founders, or Recent Workers in the Mission Field. By C. M. Yonge, author of " The Heir of Redclyffe. (Vignette. Portrait of Reginald Heber.) Macmillan & Co Publishers Pp. xiv. (inc. 2 blanks) i page illustration, 316. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed {^) 187 1. Reprinted 1874, 1876, 1884. YONGE (C. M.) Scripture Readings for schools and families. With Comments. By Charlotte M. Yonge, author of "The Heir of Redclyffe", etc. etc. London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. (inc. I blank) 373, I blank, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (5) April 187 1. Reprinted November 187 1, 187s, 1878, 1884. 230 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1872 YONGE (C. M.) Scripture Readings for Schools and Families. By Charlotte M. Yonge, author of " The Heir of Redclyfife," etc. etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 184. Globe 8vo. First Edition p7-inted (S) iSji. Reprinted 18J4, iSyj, 1884, i88g. YOUNG (C. M.)— YOUNG (J. C.) A Memoir of Charles Mayne Young, Tragedian, with extracts from his son's journal. By Julian Charles Young, A.M. Rector of Ilmington. With Portraits and Sketches. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. L {Vignette portrait) Charles Mayne Young, as King John. \ ' I am afraid to think of what I've done. \ Look on't again ... I dare not. \ ^P- ^^- 374- Macbeth. ) Vol. IL {Vignette portrait) Charles Mayne Young, when 9 years old. ' I am afraid to think of what I've done. Look on't again ... I dare not. ' Macbeth. First Edition printed May i8-j I {Cr. 8vo.) Second (,§•) December 18 ji {t vol. Cr. Svo.) Pp. xii. 36S. 1872 ABBOTT (EDWIN A.) The Good Voices, a child's guide to the Bible. By the Rev. Edwin A. Abbott, M. A. Head-Master of the City of London School ; author of " Bible Lessons. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 120. Cr. Svo. ABBOTT (EDWIN A.) The Proposed Examination of First-Grade Schools by the Universities. By the Rev. Edwin A. Abbott, M.A., Head Master of the City of London School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 27, I blank. Svo. ALEXANDER (WILLIAM) Btshofi of Derry &- Raphoc. The Leading Ideas of the Gospels. Five Sermons preached before the University of Oxford in 1870-1871. By WiLLIAM ALEXANDER, D.D. Brasenose College ; Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe ; Select Preacher. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 192. Cr. Svo. ALLBUTT (T. CLIFFORD) The Overwork and Strain of the Heart. ( Title not copied from the work. ) ANDERSON (McCALL) On the Treatment of Diseases of the Skin : with an analysis of eleven thousand consecutive cases. By Dr. McCall Anderson, Professor of Practice of Medicine in Anderson's University ; Physician to, and Lecturer on Clinical Medicine in, the Royal Infirmary ; Physician to the Dispensary for Skin Diseases, and to the Cutaneous Wards of the University Hospital, «S:c., Glasgow. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. I So. Cr. Svo. i872 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 231 ARCHER (E. M.) Christina North. By E. M. Archer. " His life is as a woven rope, A single strand may lightly part : Love's single thread is all her hope, Which breaking, breaks her heart." In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. I. pp. viii. 308. Vol. II. pp. viii. 296. First Edition printed iSj2 [Cr. Svo.) Second (5) J:Sjj [r vol, Cr. Svo.) ARNOLD (MATTHEW) A Bible-Reading for Schools. The Great Prophecy of Israel's Restoration (Isaiah, Chapters 40-66) arranged and edited for Young Learners by Matthew Arnold, D.C.L., formerly Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford ; and Fellow of Oriel College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxviii. 2 blanks, 66, 2 advts. Pott Svo. First Edition {^^ printed May 18 j 2. Reprinted September and October 18 J 2, iSjj, iSSg. BARKER (LADY) A Christmas Cake in four quarters. By Lady Barker, author of "Stories About: " "Station Life in New Zealand," etc. (Vignette) With illustrations. London and New York. Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 4 page illustrations, 304. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (^) November 1871 [dated 181 2). Reprinted December iSyr, 1S72. BARKER (LADY) Ribbon Stories. By Lady Barker, author of "Stories About: "Christmas Cake", Etc. Illustrated by C. O. Murray. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. 3 blanks) 242, 4 page illustrations, 2 advts. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (^) November i8j2. Reprinted December i8j2, 187 j. BARRY (EDWARD M.) The New Law Courts, and the National Gallery. Facts relating to the late competitions, with a reply to portions of Mr. Street's recent pamphlet. By Edward M. Barry, R.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 24 (inc. I blank). Svo. BASTIAN (H. C.) The Beginnings of Life: being some account of the Nature, Modes of Origin and Transformations of Lower Organisms. By H. Charlton Bastian, M.A, M.D., F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians ; Professor of Pathological Anatomy in University College, London ; Physician to University College Hospital ; Assistant Physician to the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic. In two volumes. With numerous illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. I. pp. xxxvi. 479, I blank. Vol. II. pp. xii-clvi. 640. Cr. Svo. BERNERS (J.) First Lessons on Health. By J. Berners. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) S6, 2 advts. Pott Svo. First Edition printed May 1872. Reprinted May 1872. Second (S) October 1872. Reprinted February 1873, July iSjj, 1874, 1876, i87g, j8St, 188^. 232 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1872 BEVAN (LL. D.) " Service and Rest." — A Sermon, in memory of Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A. Preached at Tottenham Court Road Chapel By Llewelyn D. Bevan, LL.B. Member of the Council of the Working Men's College, and Teacher of the Bible Class. — London : Pp. 23, I blank. 8vo. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co.) BIRKS (T. R.) The Present Importance of Moral Science. An Inaugural Lecture delivered in the Arts' School, October 21, 1872, by T. R. BiRKS, M.A., Knightbridge Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. 33, I blank. Cr. 8vo. BLACK (W.) The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. By William Black, author of "A Daughter of Heth," Etc. Etc. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. I. pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 328. Vol. II. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 312. First Edition printed October i8'j2 (Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted with corrections November iSy2, November i872,^anuary 18 jj, January i8jj, January 187 j. Second Edition (S) October i8jj illustrations added (r vol. 8vo.) Reprinted July 1884 (Cr. 8vo,), November 1874, i8js, iSjj, 1878, 188 j, 1S86. BOOLE (G.) An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities. By George Boole, LL.D. Professor of Mathematics in Queen's College, Cork. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 424. 8vo. Received 1872. Cancel title inserted giving original date of publication (18^4) and adding Macmillan and Co. 's imprint. BRERETON (J. L.) The County College. An Educational Proposal addressed to the town of Cambridge, with the surrounding counties, and to members of the university. By the Rev. J. L. Brereton, Pre- bendary of Exeter, Chairman to the Devon and of the Norfolk County Schools. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 8. 8vo. BRERETON (J. L.) County Endowments. An address to the Barnstaple Farmers' Club, by their President, the Rev. J. L. Brereton, Prebendary of Exeter. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 12 (inc. I blank). 8vo. BROOK-SMITH (J.) Arithmetic in theory and practice. By J. Brook-Smith, M.A. LL.B. St. John's College, Cambridge; Barrister at Law ; one of the Masters of Cheltenham College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 426. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed January 1872. Second 187 j. Third 1877. Fourth 187^. Fifth 1880. Sixth (IE) 1881. Reprinted 1882, zvith alterations i88j, with slight altera- tions 18S4, ri'ith slight corrections 1886, with slight corrections 1887, i88(p. (For the first publication of portion of this volume under the title of Arithmetic in Theory and Practice Part I. see uftder j86o. ) i872 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 233 BROOKE (H.)— KINGSLEY (C.) The Fool of Quality: or, the History of Henry Earl of Moreland. By Henry Brooke, Esq., newly revised, with a biographical preface, by the Rev. Charles Kingsley, M.A., Rector of Eversley. New Edition. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiii. I blank, 428. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed («>) iSyj. Reprinted 1876. CALDERWOOD (H.) Handbook of Moral Philosophy by Rev. Henry Calderwood, LL.D. Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Edinburgh. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 277, I blank, I advts. i blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed i8j2. Second (-ice) February 18 jj. LATHAM (H.) On a Proposed Amendment of the Scheme for Pass Examinations. By Rev. Henry Latham, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity Hall. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. Cr. 8vo. LIGHTFOOT (J. B.) Except it Die. — -A Sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge on Sexagesima Sunday, February 16, 1873. By J. B. Lightfoot, D.D., Honorary Fellow of the College. [Published by request.] Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 19 (inc. I blank), i blank. 8vo. LIGHTFOOT (J. B.) Strength made perfect in weakness. — A Sermon preached in St Paul's Cathedral on Sunday, December 22, 1872, at the Bishop of London's Ordination, by J. B. Lightfoot, D.D., Canon of St Paul's. [Published by request.] Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 15, I blank. 8vo. LOCKYER (J. N.) Nature Series. The Spectroscope and its Applications. By J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S. With coloured plate and illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 118, 12 advts. I coloured plate of Spectra, 2 paste downs. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed [Ss) May i8jj. Reprinted July 187 j. i873 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 251 LOWELL (J. R.) The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell. Complete edition. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. I page portrait, x. (inc. I blank) 453, i blank. Pott 8vo. MACARTHUR(M.) Historical Course for Schools. History of SCOT- LAND. By Margaret Macarthur. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 200, 4 blanks. Pott 8vo. First Edition (S) iSjj. Reprinted jSj6, iSjg, iSSo, /8Ss, i88g. MACDONELL (JOHN) The Land Question with particular reference to England and Scotland by John Macdonell Barrister-at-Law London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 250, I appendix, i blank. 8vo. MACLAREN (A.) Sermons preached in Manchester by Alexander Maclaren. Third Series. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 366. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition [^) i8yj. Reprinted i8j 4, i8-j^. Second {&) 18 JJ. Reprinted iSSi, 1SS6. MAGUIRE (J. F.) Young Prince Marigold, and other Fairy Stories. By John Francis Maguire, M.P. (Vignette) Illustrated by S. E. Waller. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 176, 6 page illustrations. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (S) iS'^j. Reprinted 18 j 4. MARTIN (F.) Angelique Arnauld Abbess of Port Royal. By Frances Martin. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 328, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (^) January 18 J j. Reprinted July iS-jj, 18 j 6. MAURICE (F. D.) Sermons Preached in Country Churches. By the Rev. F. D. Maurice. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 364. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed iSyj. Second (JH) 1880. MILLER (R. K.) The Romance of Astronomy. By R. Kalley Miller, M.A. Fellow and Assistant-Tutor of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 146, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed iSjj. Second i8jj. MILTON (J.)— MASSON (D.) The Life of John Milton: narrated in connexion with the political, ecclesiastical, and literary history of his time. By David Masson, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in the University of Edinburgh. Vol. Ill — 1 643-1 649. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 730, 3 advts. I blank. 8vo. 252 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1873 MIVART (ST. G.) Lessons in Elementary Anatomy. By St. George Mivart, F.R.S., etc., Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy at St. Mary's Hospital, author of "The Genesis of Species". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxvi. 536. First Edition printed (ctcnce ^^ri'mers. Physiology. By M. Foster, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. With Illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. paste down), I folded diagram, 132, 3 advts. i paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (3E) 1874. Reprinted 1873, 1876, 1877, 1878, j87g, 1880, i88j, January and November 1884, 188 j, 1S86, 1888. FOSTER (M.)— BALFOUR (F. M.) The Elements of Embryology. By M. Foster, ALA., M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of and Prcclector in Physiology in Trinity College, Cambridge, and Francis M. Balfour, B.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 272. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 1874. Second {&) revised and greatly e?ilarged by Adam SEDG- WICK and Walter Heape 188 j. Reprinted with slight corrections and additions 1884, i88g. FREEMAN (E. A.) Disestablishment and Disendowment, What are They? By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL.D. late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. Reprinted with Additions from the Pall Mall Gazette. "ETrecrH a?7J, i8-jg, i88s, iSSg. GOLDSMID (F. J.) Telegraph and Travel a narrative of the forma- tion and development of telegraphic communication between England and India, under the orders of Her Majesty's Government, with incidental notices of the countries traversed by the lines. (Vignette) By Colonel Sir Frederic John Goldsmid, C.B., K.C.S.I., Late Chief Director of the Government Indo-European Telegraph ; British Com- missioner for settlement of the Perso-Baluch Frontier (1870-71), and Arbitrator in the Perso-Afghan Boundary Question (1872-73). With Maps and numerous illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 673, I blank, 2 advts. i steel engraving, 4 page plates, 3 maps. Med. 8vo. GOLDSMITH (O.)— HALES (J. W.) The Traveller ; Or, a prospect of Society. And the Deserted Village. By Oliver Goldsmith. With notes, philological and explanatory by J. W. Hales, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 40 (inc. I blank). Globe 8vo. First Edition printed i^) i8-j4. Reprinted 1876, j8y'j, i8j) iSj8 [i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted iSjg, 1884. HUNT (W.) Historical Course for Schools. History OF Italy." By William Hunt, M.A. Vicar of Congresbury, Somerset. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 273, 3 blanks. Pott Svo. First Edition (S) i8jj {dated 18 J 4). Reprinted 18 j8. Second Edition (^pov(n. nXovT, TTOT. A(p. Kara II. 7} Kara 2. ?c5. Motto by Translator. " Macaulay told me that the reading of this httle book formed an epoch in his mental history, and that he learned more from it than he had ever learned elsewhere." Lewes, Life of Goethe, p. 57. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ixiv. 360, 3 photographs. Svo. LEWIS (R.) History of THE Life-Boat, and its Work. By Richard Lewis, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, and Secretary of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution. With Illustrations, (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 227, I blank. Cr. Svo. First Edition p?-inted October 1874. Second December 1874. 268 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1874 LIECHTENSTEIN (PRINCESS M.) Holland House. By Princess Marie Liechtenstein. (Vignette both vols.) With numerous illus- trations. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. XX. 290, 28 page illustrations. Vol. ii. pp. xii. 256, 19 page illustrations. Med. 4to. Printed iSjj [dated 18 J4). LIECHTENSTEIN (PRINCESS M.) Holland House. By Princess Marie Liechtenstein. (Vignette) With numerous illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. I. pp. xvi. (inc. 4 blanks and i page steel portrait) 290, 2 blanks. Vol. II. pp. xii. (inc. 4 blanks and i page steel portrait) 256. First Edition printed October 18 fj [dated j8j4, Med. 8vo.) Second December 18 J j [dated 1874). Third [fSi) 1874 [i vol. Med. 8vo. ) LOCKYER (J. N.) ) October 1873 {dated 1874). Reprinted November 1873 {dated 1874), 1874. {Afterwards published in a volutne ivitk " The Danvers Papers." See under 18S0. ) YONGE (C. M.) Scripture Readings for Schools and Families. The Kings and the Prophets. By Charlotte M. Yonge, author of " The Heir of Redclyffe," etc. etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 174, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (S) 1874. Reprinted 188 1, 18S6, i88(). YONGE (C. M.) Scripture Readings for Schools and Families. With Comments. The Kings and the Prophets. By Charlotte M. Yonge, author of " The Heir of Redclyffe," etc. etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 396. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (S) 1874. Reprinted 1876, 188 1. i875 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 277 1875 ABBOTT (EDWIN A.) Cambridge Sermons preached before the University. By the Rev. Edwin A. Abbott, D.D. formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 144. 8vo. First Edition printed April 18 j^. Secotid December iS'j^. ABBOTT (EDWIN A.) "Jacob and Esau ".= A Sermon preached in the Chapel of Marlborough College, on the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, a.D. 1875, being the Anniversary of the Consecration of the Chapel. By Edwin A. Abbott, D.D., Head Master of the City of London School. — Printed at the request of the Sixth Form — Marlborough : Printed and Sold by E. and R. A. Lucy, High Street. Pp. 18 (inc. I blank), 2 blanks. 8vo. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co.) Agatha's Husband a novel by the author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman' with illustrations by Walter Crane London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks, 6 page illustrations) 420. 07-iginally published elsewhere. First Edition p7-inted for Macmillan and Co. [Ss) iS'JS {Cr. 8vo.) Cheap Edition transferred to Macmillan and Co. i88r. Reprinted from plates 1882 [Globe 8vo.), 1SS4, 1887. ANSTIE (FRANCIS E.) Portrait of Dr. F. E. Anstie engraved by Jeens. ARISTOPHANES— KENNEDY (BENJAMIN HALL) Help-Notes TO the Birds of Aristophanes for the use of Students. By Benjamin Hall Kennedy, D.D., Regius Professor of Greek, Cambridge. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 26, I advt. I blank. Cr. 8vo. ARNOLD (MATTHEW) Isaiah xl-lxvi with the shorter prophecies allied to it arranged and edited with notes by Matthew Arnold formerly Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford and Fellow of Oriel College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 196. Cr. 8vo. Printed (fH) 187s- AWDRY (FRANCES) The Story of a Fellow- Soldier. By Frances Awdry. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 222, 2 advts. 6 page illustrations. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (^) 1874 {dated i8j^). Reprinted i8jj, with additions 1880, 1883. BALDWIN (THOMAS) Introduction to Practical Farming. For the use of schools. By Thomas Baldwin, M.R.I. A., Super- intendent of the Agricultural Department of National Education in Ireland, and author of various treatises on Agriculture. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 188. Pott 8vo. Printed {%) 1873. 278 MACMILLAN AND CO. 'S 1875 BASTIAN (H. C.) On Paralysis from Brain Disease in its common Forms. By H. Charlton Bastian, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Professor of Pathological Anatomy in University College, London, Physician to University College Hospital, and Senior Assistant Physician to the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 340. Cr. 8vo. Printed {%) 187J. BELCHER (H.) A Key to Short exercises in Latin Prose Composition. By the Rev. Henry Belcher, M.A. Assistant Master, King's College School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 50, and 2 advts. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed {Ss) I Sjs- Reprinted 1880. Second {Si) 188 j. BINNEY (T.) — ALLON (H.) Sermons preached in the King's Weigh-House Chapel, London, i 829-1 869. By T. Binney, LL.D. Second Series, edited, with a biographical and critical sketch by Henry Allon, D.D. London.: Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. I steel engraving) 362, 2 advts. 8vo. BRAMSTON (M.) RALPH and Bruno. By M. Bramston, author of " The Carbridges ', etc. Love . . . made wise To trace love's faint beginnings in mankind, To see a good in evil, and a hope In ill-success : to sympathise, be proud Of their half-reasons, faint aspirings, dim Struggles for truth, their poorest fallacies, Which all touch upon nobleness despite Their error. Browning. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 312. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 334. Cr. 8vo. BREYMANN (H.) First French Exercise Book. By Hermann Breymann, Ph.D., Lecturer on French Language and Literature at the Owens College, Manchester. Author of " French Grammar based on Philological Principles ". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 224. Globe 8vo. First Edition p7-inted (^) i8jj. Reprinted 1880. BREYMANN (H.) Second French Exercise Book. By Hermann Breymann, Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages at the University of Munich. Author of " French Grammar based on Philological Principles," and " First French Exercise Book ". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 86, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. Printed (S) 187s. BUCHHEIM (C. A.) Deutsche Lyrik selected and arranged, with notes and a literary introduction, by C. A. Buchheim, Phil.Doc i87S BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 279 F.C.P. Professor of German Literature in King's College, London ; Editor of the German Classics in the Clarendon Press Series. (Vignette Heinrich Heine). London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. 2 blanks) 416. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed [Si] i8-j£. Reprinted iSyj, with alterations and additions i8jg, 1881, with slight corrections 188 j, i88j, 1886, with alterations i88g. " Golden Treasury Series." CAIRNES (J. E.) The Character and Logical Method of Political Economy, By J. E. Cairnes, LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Political Economy in University College, London. Second and enlarged edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. 2 blanks) 229, i blank, 2 advts. Originally published elsewhere, Pt-inted for Macmillan and Co. i8yj {8vo.) Cr. 8vo. edition afterwards i^nported from America. CARTER (R. B.) A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. By Robert Brudenell Carter, F.R.C.S., Ophthalmic Surgeon to St. George's Hospital, Surgeon to the Royal South London Ophthalmic Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon to the Gloucester- shire Eye Institution ; Hunterian Professor of Surgery and Pathology to the Royal College of Surgeons of England. With numerous illustrations- London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 591, I blank, 4 page plates. 8vo. CONGREVE (J.) High Hopes, and Pleadings for a Reasonable Faith, Nobler Thoughts, and Larger Charity. Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Tooting Graveney, Surrey. By John Congreve, M.A., Rector. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 340. Cr. 8vo. CREIGHTON (M.) f^istorg primers. Edited by J. R. Green, History of Rome. By the Rev. M. Creighton, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Merton College, Oxford. With maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 127 (inc. I paste down), i paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed {%) i8js- Reprinted i8j6, iSjj, 1S78, jSjg, 1S80, 1881, 1882, 1 88 J, 1 88 4, 1886, 188S. Crichton's (Hugh) Romance by the author of ' Lady Betty' 'Hanbury Mills ' &C. — Love is a present for a Mighty King — In three volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 296 (inc. I blank). Vol. ii. pp. 2 blanks, vi. 294 (inc. I blank) 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. 2 blanks vi. 260 (inc. i blank), 2 advts. 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 187 J. Second (S, i vol. Cr. 8vo. ) May i8j6. ( The name of the author, Christabel R. Coleridge, appeared on the title-page of the second edition.) DARWIN (C.) Portrait of Charles Darwin engraved by Jeens. DAVIES (J. LL.) The Christian Calling by the Rev. J. Llewellyn Davies, M.A. Rector of Christ Church, St. Marylebone. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 312, I advts. I blank. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed 1874 {dated i8j^). 2So MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1875 DOYLE (J. A.) Historical Course for Schools. History of America. By John A. Doyle. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 404, 2 advts. Pott 8vo. Printed (^) 7^7 j. EVANS (S.) In the Studio a Decade of Poems by Sebastian Evans author of " Brother Fabian's Manuscript," &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 222, 2 advts. Fcap. Svo. First Lessons in Business Matters. By a Banker's Daughter, Author of the " Guide to the Unprotected," &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 64. Pott Svo. First Edition {^) January i8j^. Reprinted June iSj^. FYFFE (C. A.) ^istorg PrimErs. Edited by J. R. Green. History OF Greece. By C. A. Fyffe, M.A., Fellow and late Tutor of University College, Oxford. With Maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 128 (inc. I page map, 2 paste down). Pott Svo. First Edition printed (S) iSts. Reprinted 1876, 187 J, 1S7S, 1880, 188 1, 1883, 1884, 18S6, 1888. GOODWIN (W. W.) Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb. By William W. Goodwin, Ph.D., Eliot Professor of Greek Literature in Harvard University. London : Macmillan and Co. Copies received 1873 [Cr. 8vo.) Second Edition rnuritten and enlarged {pp. xxxii. {inc. I blank) 464) printed (3E) November i88g {8vo.) GORDON (A.)— RUSSELL (LORD) Lord Russell's "Recollec- tions". — A Correspondence between Sir Arthur Gordon and Lord Russell. Reprinted by permission from the " Times " of March i, 1875. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 25 (inc. I blank), 3 blanks. Svo. GORDON (LADY DUFF)— ROSS (JANET) Last Letters from Egypt. To which are added letters from the Cape. By Lady Duff Gordon. With a Memoir by her daughter, Mrs. Ross. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. xl. 346. Cr. Svo. Fi7-st Edition printed 187 j. Second 1876. GORDON (J. E. H.) An Elementary Book on Heat. By J. E. H. Gordon, B.A., Gonville and Caius College. Intended chiefly for the use of candidates for the General Examination for the ordinary B.A. degree. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 64. Cr. Svo. GRAHAM (E.) pseud (MRS. MOLESWORTH) Tell Me A Story By Ennis Graham (Vignette) ' • Piper, sit thee down and write In a book that all may read. ***** i875 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 281 So I wrote my happy songs, Every child may joy to hear." The Child and the Piper. W. Blake. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. frontispiece and 5 blanks) 196, 6 page plates. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed [3i) October iSy^. Reprinted December iSy^, iSyg, 18S0, 18S2, i88s, 1886, 1888. GRIFFITHS (W. H.) Lessons on Prescriptions and the Art of Prescribing. By W. Handsel Griffiths, Ph.D., L.R.C.P.E., Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh ; Professor of Chemistry in the Ledvvich School of Medicine, Dublin ; Corresponding Member of the Therapeutical Society of Paris ; Honorary Member of the Ontario College of Phannacy ; Editor for The Edinburgh Medical Journal oi '■^ T\i& Monthly Reports on the Progress of Therapeutics ; " Librarian to the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 150. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed {S}) iSjS- Reprinted 1876, i8j8, 1880, 1882, 1884, 188^. Second (IE) 18S8 {adapted to the British Pharmacopceia of 188^). Reprinted with slight corrections i88g. Owen Gwynne's Great Work. By the author of " The Story of Wandering Willie," " Conrad the Squirrel," etc. ' ' And Lancelot said — . ... Be ye wise To call him shamed who is but overthrown ? Thrown have I been, not once, but many a time, Victor from vanquished issues at the last. And overthrower from being overthrown." Gareth and Lynette. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. (inc. 2 blanks) 289, 3 blanks. Vol. ii. pp. iv. (inc. 2 blanks) 221, 3 blanks. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed iSjj. Second (S, i vol. ) i8j6. HADEN (F. S.) Earth to Earth. A Plea for a Change of System in Our Burial of the Dead. By Francis Seymour Haden, F.R.C.S. ' ' Lay her i' the earth. ' ' [Reprinted, by Permission, from the Times.] London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 68, 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. HADEN (F. S.) Earth to Earth. An answer to a pamphlet on "Cremation," by Francis Seymour Haden, F.R.C.S. ' ' Lay her i' the earth : And from her fair and unpolluted flesh May violets spring ! " [Reprinted, by Permission, from the Times.] London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 35, I blank. Cr. 8vo. HARRIS (G. C.)— YONGE (C. M.) Sermons. By the late Rev. George Collyer Harris, Prebendary of Exeter, and Vicar of St. Luke's, Tor- quay. With a Memoir by CHARLOTTE Mary Yonge. (With portrait) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxii. 236. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (fH) 1875. 282 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1875 HASSARD (A.) Floral Decorations for the Dwelling House : a Practical Guide to the Home Arrangement of Plants and Flowers. By Annie Hassard. — With numerous illustrations. — London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 163, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. The Head of the Family A Novel by the author of ' John Halifax, Gentleman ' With illustrations by Walter Crane London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. unpaged (inc. 3 blanks), 6 page illustrations, 502, 2 blanks. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {&) for Macmillan and Co. 18 J j {Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1883. Cheap Edition transferred to Macmillan and Co. (S) 1881 and reprinted from plates {Globe 8vo. 2S.), i88j, 1886. HILL (O.) Homes of the London Poor. By Octavia Hill. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 2 blanks, 212. First Edition printed 18 J ^ [Extra Fcap. 8vo.) Second iSSj {Cr. 8vo.) HILL (R. & F.) What we Saw in Australia. By Rosamond and Florence Hill. " — to fresh woods and pastures new." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 438. Cr. 8vo. HOWSON (J. S.) — WORDSWORTH (C.) — KENNION (R. W.) " Before the Table " : an inquiry, historical and theological, into the true meaning of the consecration rubric in the communion service of the Church of England. With appendix and supplement, containing papers by the Right Rev. the Bishop of St. Andrews, and the Rev. R. W. Kennion, M.A. By J. S. HowsoN, D.D., Dean of Chester. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 196, I blank, I advts. 8vo. HUXLEY (T. H.) — MARTIN (H. N.) A COURSE OF Practical Instruction in Elementary Biology by T. H. Huxley, LL.D., Sec. R.S., assisted by H. N. Martin, B.A., M.B., D.Sc. Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 268. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 18 j^. Second {^) 18 j6. Reprinted March and July 18 jy, Feb- ruary and December i87g, 1881, 1882, i88j, i88s, thrice 1886, May 1887. Third (IE) December iS8j. ( This edition was edited zi'ith the assistance of Messrs. Howes and. Scott.) Reprinted with additions and alterations i88g. IRVING (J.) Supplement to the Annals of Our Time : A Diurnal of Events, Social and Political, Home and Foreign, from February 28, 1 87 1 to March 19, 1874. By Joseph Irving. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 170. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) i8jj. Reprinted 1876, ivith alterations 188 1. IRVING (W.) Old Christmas : from the Sketch Book of Washington Irving. Illustrated by R Caldecott London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 166, 2 blanks. First Edition printed October 187 ^ {Ext. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted tt'ith slight alterations December i8jj {Cr. 8vo.), i8tj. Second 1882. Third 1SS6. {See also under J882 and 1886. ) i875 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 283 JACKSON (B.) First Steps to Greek Prose Composition. By Blomfield Jackson, M.A., Assistant Master in King's College School, London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 88. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed [%) i8jj. Reprinted -with corrections February iSj6, with ex- tensive alterations March iSj6, Noveniber 18 jd, iSjj, iSjS, with corrections 1881, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888. JACOB (J. A.) Building in Silence, and other Sermons. By John Alexander Jacob, M.A., Minister of St. Thomas's Paddington. "Man is not at all settled, or confirmed in his religion, until his religion is the self-same thing with the reason of his mind ; so that when he speaks reason, he speaks religion, or, when he speaks religiously, he speaks reasonably ; and his religion and reason are mingled together ; they pass into one principle ; they are no more two than one." — Whichcote. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 306, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (S) iSjj. JEBB (R. C.) An Address to the Students of the Cambridge School of Art, delivered on Friday evening, Feb. 12, 1875. By R. C. Jebb, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College and Public Orator in the University. Cambridge : Deighton, Bell, and Co. London : George Bell and Sons. Pp. 16. Cr. 8vo. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co.) JENNINGS (A. C.)— LOWE (W. H.) The Psalms, with Introductions and Critical Notes by A. C. Jennings, B.A., Jesus College, Cambridge, Tyrwhitt Scholar, Crosse Scholar, Hebrew University Prizeman, and Fry Scholar of St. John's College, and W. H. LowE, M.A., Hebrew Lecturer and late Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, and Tyrwhitt Scholar. Books III. and IV. (Psalms Ixxiii. to cvi.) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv-xxxvi. 208. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed iSjj. Afterwards with Book v. [see under i8j6) made up into a complete book called Volume ii. [See under 18 jj.) KEARY (A.) Castle Daly : the story of an Irish Home thirty years ago. By Annie Keary, author of " Oldbury ", etc. "Whereas to the composition of novels and romances nothing is necessary but paper, pens, and ink, with the manual capacity of using them." — Fielding. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. 304. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 333, i blank, 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. iv. 352. First Edition printed June i8jj {Cr. 8vo.) Second {S}) August i8ys {2 vols. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1876 {ivol. Cr. 8vo.), 18'jg, 1882, 1884, 1886, i88g. KILLEN (W. D.) The Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. From the earliest period to present times. By W. D. Killen, D.D., Pre- sident of Assembly's College, Belfast, and Professor of Ecclesiastical History. "Tho' slavery's cloud o'er thy morning hath hung The full noon of freedom shall beam round thee yet," London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xxiv. 540. Vol ii. pp. xx. 592. 8vo. Printed (fH) 187s. 284 MACMILLAN AND CO-'S 1875 LASLETT (T.) Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign. By Thomas Laslett, Timber Inspector to the Admiralty. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 352. Cr. 8vo. LEAHY ("SERGEANT")— OLIPHANT (M.O.W.)— TWO ETONIANS The Art of Swimming in the Eton Style. By " Sergeant " Leahy, Champion Swimmer of the Red Sea, 1849-50; and at present teacher of swimming at Eton College. With a Preface by Mrs. Oliphant. Illustrated with drawings by F. Tarver, Assistant Master at Eton College. Edited by two Etonians. — London : Macmillan and Co. Nottingham : Shepherd Bros, Angel Row Pp. xii. 100, App. xviii. 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. LETHBRIDGE (E.) Macmillan's Series of Text- Books for Indian Schools. — An Easy Introduction to The History of India. By E. Lethbridge, M.A. Late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford : Principal of Krishnaghur College. With Maps. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Map, viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 172. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {^)for Macmillan and Co. 18 jj. Rep7-inted March and September j8y6, February, March, and August iSyy, i8j8, Februaty and October iSjg, 1880, January aiid August 1881, 1882, January and October 188 j, 188 J, i88g. LETHBRIDGE (E.) Macmillan's Series of Text-Books for Indian Schools. — An Easy Introduction to the History and Geography of Bengal for the Junior Classes in Schools. By E. Lethbridge, M.A. late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford : Officiating Principal of Krishnagar College, Bengal. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. I Map, viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 128. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {^) for Macmillan and Co. i8j^. Reprinted 1876, 187^, 1881, 1882, 188^, 1886, 1888. LETHBRIDGE (E.) Macmillan's Series of Text-Books for Indian Schools. — ^A History of England. Compiled under the direction of E. LETHBRIDGE, M.A. late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford ; Principal of Kishnagur College. With Maps (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. I folded map, 160. Cr. 8vo. Originally published eheziihere. First Edition pi-inted i^) for Macmillan and Co. i8yj. Reprinted March, September, and November i8j6, July and August 18J7. LETHBRIDGE (E.) Macmillan's Series of Text- Books for Indian Schools. — The World's History. Compiled under the direction of E. LETHBRIDGE, M.A. late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford : Officiating Principal of Krishnagar College, Bengal. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 92 (inc. I blank). Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {^)for Macmillan and Co. i8yj. Reprinted 18 j6, iSyg, 1881. LIGHTFOOT (J. B.) St Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. A Revised Text with Introductions, Notes, and Disserta- tions. By J. B. LiGHTFOOT, D.D. Canon of St Paul's ; Hulsean i875 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 285 Professor of Divinity, and Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vii. I blank, 424. Svo. First Edition printed May iSjj. Second December iSjj. Third (S) March i8jg. Reprinted May i8j) 1S7S. Reprinted iSSo, 1SS2, 1883. MACMILLAN'S Reading Books. Book V. (Standard v.) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 360, 3 advts. i paste down. First Edition printed June 1873 {Pott Svo. ) Reprinted with corrections and new matter December 1S73, 1877 {Fcap. Svo.) Second Edition (S) 1878. Reprinted 1880, with corrections iSSi, 1S83, 1S83. 1SS6. i875 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 287 MACMILLAN'S Reading Books. Book VI. (Standard vi. and Higher Classes.) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Hi. (inc. I blank) 378, and I blank, 2 advts. First Edition printed 18 jj (Cr. 8vo.) Second (S) December 18 yd {Globe Svo.) Reprinted 18 j8, 1880, 1882, with corrections and additions i88j. MACREADY (W. C.) — POLLOCK (F.) Macready's Reminiscences, and selections from his diaries and letters. Edited by Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart., one of his Executors. In two volumes. — (Vignette Vol. i. In the character of Henry iv.) Vignette Vol. ii. In the character of Virginius) London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xii. (inc. steel portrait) 476. Vol. ii. pp. x. (inc. steel portrait) 486. First Edition printed i8y^ {8vo.) Second {&) November 1886 {i vol. Cr. 8vo.) MASSEY (L.) Songs of the Noontide Rest. By Lucy Massey, author of " Thoughts from a girl's life," etc. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 160 (inc. i blank). Fcap. Svo. MAYOR (JOHN E. B.) — HUBNER (E) Bibliographical Clue to Latin Literature edited after Dr. E. Hubner with large additions by John E. B. Mayor M.A. Professor of Latin in the University of Cambridge and Fellow of St. Johns College London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 220, 2 advts. 2 blanks. Cr. Svo. MAYOR (JOHN E. B.) Facts and Documents relating to the Persecutions endured by Old Catholics collected and translated by John E. B. Mayor, M.A. Professor of Latin in the University of Cambridge and Senior Fellow of St John's College Macmillan and Co. London and Cambridge Pp. 26, 2 blanks. Svo. MICHAEL ANGELO— BLACK (C. C.) "Michel piu che mortal, angiol divino" Michael Angelo Buonarroti Sculptor, Painter, Architect the Story of his Life and Labours by Charles CHRISTOPHER Black, M.A. Trin. Coll., Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 264, XX. Woodburytype Illustrations, Royal Svo. MICHELET (M.)— SIMPSON (M. C. M.) A Summary of Modern History. Translated from the French of M. Michelet ; and continued to the present time, by M. C. M. Simpson, translator of " Napoleon Buonaparte's Letters to King Joseph ; " " Memoir, Letters, and Remains of Alexis de Tocqueville," &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 376, 4 advts. Globe Svo. Printed {S:) 1873. MONTEIRO (J. J.) Angola and the River Congo. By Joachim John Monteiro, Associate of the Royal School of Mines, and Corre- sponding Member of the Zoological Society., In two volumes. With Map and Illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. X. 306. Vol. ii. vi. 340. Cr. Svo. 288 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1875 MORGAN (L.) Baron Bruno ; or, the Unbelieving Philosopher, and other Fairy Stories. By LouiSA Morgan. (Vignette) With illustra- tions by R. Caldecott. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 260, 7 page illustrations. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S') i8-jS- MORRIS (R.) 3Lit£Taturc printErs. English Grammar. By the Rev. Richard Morris, M.A., LL.D., President of the Philological Society, author of " Historical Outlines of English Accidence ", " Ele- mentary Lessons in Historical English Grammar", &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. and I paste down, 118, I advt. and i paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed \S:) i8j4 [dated iSjj). Reprinted with heavy corrections Alarck 187s, July jSjs, i8-j6, September and November i8jj. Second (IE) 18 j8. Reprinted i87g, January and October 1880, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1883, 1886, with alterations 1888, i88g. NADAL (E. S.) Impressions of London Social Life with other papers suggested by an English residence. By E. S. Nadal. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 224. Cr. 8vo. O'BRIEN (J. T.) Prayer. = Five Sermons preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin. By James Thomas O'Brien, D.D., late Bishop of Ossory Ferns and Leighhn. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 143, I blank. 8vo. The Ogilvies a Novel by the author of ' John Halifax, Gentleman ' with illustrations by J. M'L. Ralston I,ondon : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 6 page illustrations, 432. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {^) for Macmillan and Co. i8js (Cr. 8vo.) Cheap Edition transferred to Macmillan and Co. 188 1 {Cr. 8vo. 2S.) Reprinted from, plates 1882 [Globe 8vo. 2S.), 1884, 1888. OLIPHANT (T. L. K.) The Duke and the Scholar and other Essays by T. L. KiNGTON Oliphant, M.A. of Balliol College Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 160. 8vo. Olive a Novel by the author of ' John Halifax, Gentleman ' with illustra- tions by G. Bowers. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 6 page illustrations, 431, I blank. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {^) for Macmillan and Co. 18 /^j [ Cr. 8vo. ) Reprinted 1888. Cheap Edition transferred to Macmillan and Co. 188 1 [Cr. 8vo. 2s.) Reprinted from plates May 1882 [Globe Svo. 2s.), i8Sj, 1886. PALGRAVE (F. T.) The Children's Treasury of English Song First Part selected and arranged with notes by FRANCIS TURNER Palgrave late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford Editor of the ' Golden Treasury ' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank and paste down) 150. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (E) 1873. Reprinted 1S7J, i87g, 1880, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1883, 'with many additions 1886, October and December 188S. [For complete Edition see under 1876. ) l875 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 289 PALGRAVE (F. T.) The Children's Treasury of English Song Second Part selected and arranged with notes by Francis Turner Palgrave late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford ; Editor of the ' Golden Treasury ' (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i paste down and i blank) 1 52, Pott Svo. First Edition printed (IE) iSjj. Reprinted i8jg, i88t, i88j, /anitary 1886, with many additions December 1886, iS8(). {For complete Edition see under iSjb. ) PIRIE (G.) Lessons on Rigid Dynamics, by the Rev. G. Pirie, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Queen's College, Cambridge ; and lately Examiner in the University of Aberdeen. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 187, I blank. Cr. Svo. PLUTARCH— NORTH (T.)— SKEAT (W. W.)— SHAKESPEARE (W.) Shakespeare's Plutarch being a selection from the lives in North's Plutarch which illustrate Shakespeare's Plays. Edited with a preface, notes, index of names, and glossarial index by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A. Formerly Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 332. Cr. 8vo. First Edition^ (5i) i8j^. Reprinted 1880. PRESTWICH (J.) The Past and Future of Geology an Inaugural Lecture given by Joseph Prestwich, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c. Professor of Geology in the University of Oxford on January 29, 1875 London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 48, double page table. Svo. RICHARDSON (B, W.) On Alcohol : a course of six Cantor lectures delivered before the Society of Arts. By Benjamin W. Richardson, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and Honorary Physician to the Royal Literary Fund. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 122. Cr. Svo. First Edition (S') June i8jj. Reprinted with slight alterations July i8j^, November 187s, i8j6. 187J, 1878. 1880. ROSSETTI (C. G.) Goblin Market The Prince's Progress and other Poems by Christina G. Rossetti with four designs by D. G. Rossetti. New Edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 287, I blank, 4 page illustrations. First Edition printed (^) i8js {Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Reprinted 187 g {Fcap. 8vo.), 1S84, 1888. {For separate publication of " Goblin Market" see under 1S62, and for " The Prince s Progress " see tinder 1S66. ) SELBORNE (LORD) The Supreme Appellate Jurisdiction. A Speech delivered in the House of Lords by Lord Selborne, on the iith of June, 1874, on Lord Redesdale's Motion for retaining the jurisdiction of the House of Lords. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 20. Svo. U 290 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1875 SELWYN (W.) Speeches delivered at Cambridge on Various Occasions by William Selwyn, D.D., late Canon of Ely, Lady Margaret's Reader in Theology at Cambridge, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 48, 2 blanks. Small 4to. SHELBURNE (EARL OF)— FITZMAURICE (LORD E.) Life of William, Earl of Shelburne, afterwards First Marquess of Lans- dovvne. With extracts from his Papers and Correspondence. By Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. 1737-1766, pp. xvi. 414, 2 advts. Vol. ii. 1766-1776, pp. viii. 378, 2 advts. Vol iii. 1 776-1805, pp. viii. 598. 8vo. ]^ol. i. printed February 18 "j^. Vol. ii. printed Jafiuary iSyd. Vol. iii. printed November 18 j 6. SHIPLEY (O.) A Theory about Sin in relation to some facts of daily life Lent lectures on the seven deadly sins — By Rev. Orby Shipley, M.A.— London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 344, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed 18 j^ [dated 18/ j). SIRCAR (P. C.) — LETHBRIDGE (E.) Macmillan's Series of Text -Books for Indian Schools. — First Book of Reading. By Peary Churn Sircar, Professor of English Literature, Presidency College, Calcutta. Revised by E. Roper Lethbridge, M.A. late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford ; formerly Principal of Kishnaghur College. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Calcutta : Thacker, Spink, & Co. Pp. 64. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elseivhere. Fiist Edition printed i^) for Macmillan and Co. i8yj. Reprinted i8j6, s8jj, i8j8, i8jg, April and November 1880, 1881, 1882, January and May 188 j, January and November 1884, June and Dece?nber i88j, 1886, i88y, March and May 1888, March and December i88(). ( Title copied from the i8jg reprint. ) (For an edition with Nagari Characters see under j8y6. ) SIRCAR (P. C.)— LETHBRIDGE (E.) Macmillan's Series of Text-Books for Indian Schools. — Second Book of Reading. By Peary Churn Sircar, Professor of English Literature, Presidency College, Calcutta. Revised by E. Lethbridge, M.A. late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford : Officiating Principal of Krishnagar College, Bengal. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Ca Pp. Ixxx. (inc. I blank). Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed (IE) for Macmillan and Co. iSj^. Reprinted 1876, 1877, i87(), 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, i88s, 1886, 1887, 1 888, February and October i88g. {Title copied from the 187J Edition.) SIRCAR (P. C.)— LETHBRIDGE (E.) Macmillan's Series of Text-Books for Indian Schools. Third Book of Reading. By Peary Churn Sircar, Professor of English Literature, Presidency College, Calcutta. Revised by E. Lethbridge, M.A. late Scholar of 1875 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 291 Exeter College, Oxford : Officiating Principal of Krishnagar College, Bengal. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 84 (inc. 5 advts. and i blank). Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {^) for Mactnillan and Co. iSyj. Reprinted 1877, 18 jg, 1880, 1882, 188 j, 1886, 1888, i88g. ( Title copied from the 1 87 J Edition. ) SIRCAR (P. C.)— LETHBRIDGE (E.)— Macmillan's Series of Text-Books for Indian Schools. — Fourth Book of Reading. By Peary Churn Sircar, Professor of English Literature, Presidency College, Calcutta. Revised by E. Lethbridge, M.A. late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford ; Principal of Kishnaghur College. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 100 (inc. 2 advts.) Cr. 8vo. Originally ptiblished elsetvhere. First Edition printed i^) for Macmillan and Co. 187^. Reprinted 187J, i8yg, 1882, 18S4, 18S6, j888, April and October i8Sg. ( Title copied from the 18'j'j reprint.) SIRCAR (P. C.)— LETHBRIDGE (E.) Macmillan's Series of Text-Books for Indian Schools. — Fifth Book of Reading. By Peary Churn Sircar, Professor of English Literature, Presidency College, Calcutta. Revised by E. Lethbridge, M.A. late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford : Officiating Principal of Krishnagar College, Bengal. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 132 (inc. I blank). Cr. 8vo. Originally published else^vhere. First Edition printed {^) for Macmillan and Co. i8yj. Reprinted 1880, 1883, 1886. 18S7, 1888, iSSg. [Title copied from the i8js Edition.) SIRCAR (P. C.)— LETHBRIDGE (E.) Macmillan's Series of Text-Books for Indian Schools. — Sixth Book of Reading. By Peary Churn Sircar, Professor of English Literature, Presidency College, Calcutta. Revised by E. Lethbridge, M.A. late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford : Officiating Principal of Krishnagar College, Bengal. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 164 (inc. I blank). Cr. 8vo. Originally published elseivhere. First Edition printed C^) for Macmillan and Co. 187 j. Reprinted 1S82, i8Sj. [Title copied from the 18 jj Edition.) SMITH (B.) Mr. Barnard Smith's Examination Cards in Arithmetic, with Answers and Hints. — Standard iv — London : Macmillan and Co. 29, Bedford Street, Strand, (Containing 34 cards, and i book of 14 pages.) Pott 8vo. Printed (IE) 1873. SMITH (B.) Mr. Barnard Smith's Examination Cards in Arithmetic, with Answers and Hints. — Standard v — London : Macmillan and Co. 29, Bedford Street, Strand, (Containing 34 cards, and i book of 10 pages and 2 advts.) Pott 8vo. Printed (E) 1873. SMITH (G.) Female Suffrage. By Goldwin Smith. Reprinted from "Macmillan's Magazine". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 31 (inc. 2 blanks), I blank. 8vo. 292 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1875 SMITH (JOHN) HiSTORiA FiLiCUM ; an exposition of the nature, number, and organography of ferns, and review of the principles upon which o-enera are founded, and the systems of classification of the principal authors, with a new general arrangement ; characters of the genera ; remarks on their relationship to one another ; their species ; reference to authors ; geographical distribution ; etc., etc., with 30 lithographic plates, by W. H. FiTCH, F.L.S., illustrating the characters of the tribes. By John Smith, A.L.S., Ex-curator of the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew ; author of " Ferns, British and Foreign ", " Domestic Botany ", etc., etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 429, 3 blanks. Cr. 8vo. STANLEY (A. P.) Charles Kingsley — A Sermon preached in Westminster Abbey on January 31, 1875 being the Sunday after the burial at Eversley of Charles Kingsley Canon of Westminster by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley Dean of Westminster London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 8vo. First Edition printed February i8jj. Reprinted [twice] February i8jj. STANLEY (A. P.) England and India — A Sermon preached in Westminster Abbey by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D. Dean of Westminster Oct. 11, 1875 being the day preceding the departure of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales for India London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 18, 2 blanks. 8vo. STANLEY (A. P.) Inaugural Address delivered by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D. Dean of Westminster at his Installation as Rector of the University of St. Andrew's March 31, 1875. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 36. 8vo. First Edition printed March 18 J J. Fep)-inted March 18 JJ. STOKES (GEORGE GABRIEL) Portrait engraved by Jeens. Syllabus of Plane Geometry, (corresponding to Euclid, Books i-vi.) prepared by the Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 58. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed iSjS- Reprinted 1876. Second February 1877. Reprinted November 1877, 1878. Third March 1883. Reprinted November 1883, i88j, 1886. Fourth li TERESA (ST.) The Life of Saint Teresa by the author of ' Devotions before and after Holy Communion' ' Yet she's to me but such a light As are the stars to those that know We can at most but guess their height, And hope they help us here below. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 344, Portrait, Genealogical Table. Ext. Cr. 8vo. Printed [Si] 1873. THOMSON (C. WYVILLE) Portrait engraved by Jeens. i875 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 293 THORNTON (W. T.) Indian Public Works and Cognate Indian Topics by William Thomas Thornton, C.B. Secretary for Public Works in the India Office author of a treatise 'On Labour' etc. ' In privy corner private merit lurks But public worth breaks forth in public Works ' Creech, Crashaw, or another. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 278, Map, I advts. i blank. Cr. 8vo. TODHUNTER (I.) An Elementary Treatise on Laplace's Functions, Lame's Functions, and Bessel's Functions. By I. Todhunter, M.A. F.R.S. Honorary Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 348, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. TYNDALL (JOHN) Portrait engraved by Jeens. The Unseen Universe or Physical Speculations on a Future State — the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 212. First Edition printed April iSyj (8vo. ) Reprinted -with alterations June iSjS, with alterations October iSjS- Second (fjl) April i8j6 {Cr. Svo.) Reprinted (S) July iSyd, with alterations November i8j6, with alterations iSjS, January and December i8jg, 188 1, 1882, 1884, i88j, 1886,1888. {The names of the authors — Professors Balfour Stewart and P. G. Tait — appeared on the title-page of the second edition. ) VAUGHAN (C. J.) Addresses to Young Clergymen. Delivered at Salisbury, Sept. 29 and 30, Oct i and 2, 1875. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 149, I blank, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. VAUGHAN (C. J.) Words from the Cross, Lent Lectures, 1875 : and Thoughts for these times. University Sermons, 1874. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. master of the Temple, and Chaplain in ordinary to the Queen. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 206, and 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. Svo. (" Words from the Cross " zvas aftei-iuards i?icluded in a volume " Lessons of the Cross and Passion," etc. See under 1S86.) WARD (A. W.) A History of English Dramatic Literature to the death of Queen Anne by Adolphus William Ward, M.A. Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge Professor of History and English Literature in Owens College, Manchester London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xlviii. 604. Vol. ii. pp. vi. 643, I blank. Svo. WHITE (GILBERT) — BUCKLAND (FRANK) — SELBORNE (LORD). Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne by Gilbert White (Vignette) With notes by Frank Buckland. A Chapter on Antiquities, by Lord Selborne. And New Letters. Illustrated by P. H. Delamotte. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. (inc. 2 illustrations) i page specimen handwriting, 592, 9 page plates (I coloured), Map. Med. Svo. {For Editions Med. ^to. and Cr. 8vo. see under i8'j6 and 1880. ) 294 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1876 WILLOUGHBY (F.) Fairy Guardians. By F. Willoughby. (Vignette) Illustrated by Townley Green. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 272, 6 page illustrations. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (S) October i8js. Reprinted December 187 J. YONGE (C. M.) My Young Alcides a Faded Photograph By Char- lotte M. YoNGE author of " The Heir of Redclyffe " &c. (Vignette Young Hercules. — From a Gem) London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 267, and I blank. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 284. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed i8j£. Second {^, i vol.) i8jy. Reprinted i8j8, illustrations added 1880, 18S6, i88g. 1876 ABNEY (CAPTAIN) Science Lectures at South Kensington. Photography. By Captain Abney, R.E., F.R.S. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 4 page wrapper containing title, 32. Cr. Svo. [Aftei'ivards included in a complete volume. See under i8j8. ) ALBEMARLE (GEORGE THOMAS EARL OF) Fifty Years of My Life. By George Thomas, Earl of Albemarle. (Crests) In two volumes. — - London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. X. I page engraving, i folded genealogical table, 354, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. X. (inc. I blank) 2 blanks, 352. First Edition printed April i8'j6 [2 vols. Svo. ) Second June 18 j6. Third 18 j J [i vol. Cr. 8vo.) ANDERSON (JOHN) Mandalay to Momien ; a narrative of the two expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875 under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace Browne. By John Anderson, M.D. Edin., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., F.Z.S. Fellow of Calcutta University; Curator of Imperial Museum and Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Medical College, Calcutta ; Medical and Scientific Officer to both Expeditions. With Maps and Illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 480, 2 maps and I plan, 16 page illustrations. Svo. APPLETON (T. G.) a Nile Journal by T. G. Appleton " But her choice sport was, in the hours of sleep, To glide adown old Nilus, when he threads Egypt and Ethiopia from the steep Of utmost Axum6 until he spreads. Like a calm flock of silver-fleeced sheep, His waters on the plain, — and crested heads Of cities and proud temples gleam amid. And many a vapour-belted pyramid." Shelley — " Witch of Atlas." Illustrated by Eugene Benson. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 307, I blank, 13 page illustrations. Cr. Svo. 1876 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 295 BANCROFT (GEORGE) History of the United States of America, FROM the Discovery of the Continent. By George Bancroft. In 6 vols. Thoroughly revised edition. Macmillan and Company Vol. i. pp. xiv. 558, 2 blanks. Vol. ii. pp. xii. 598, 2 blanks. Vol. iii. pp. xvi. 588. Vol. iv. pp. xxii. 624. Vol. v. pp. xxxiv. 602, 2 blanks. Vol. vi. pp. xxviii. 635, I blank. Cr. 8vo. BATHER (ARCHDEACON)— VAUGHAN (C. J.) On Some Minis- terial Duties : Catechizing, Preaching, &c. Charges by the late Arch- deacon Bather. Edited (with a preface) by C. J. Vaughan, D.D., Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 232. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. BIRKS (T. R..) Modern Physical Fatalism and the Doctrine OF Evolution, including an examination of Mr. H. Spencer's First Principles. By Thomas Rawson Birks, M.A. Professor of Moral Philosophy, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 312. Cr. 8vo. BLACK (W.) Madcap Violet. By William Black, author of "The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton", "A Princess of Thule," Etc. In three volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 360. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 322 and 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 300 (inc. i blank). First Edition printed October i8j6 {Cr. 8vo. ) Reprinted twice October 1876, December 18 J 6. Second [^) January 1877 [i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted Septeinber iSjj , 1880, 1S86. BLANFORD (W. T.) Eastern Persia an account of the journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission 1870-71-72 — Vol. ii The Zoology and Geology by W. T. Blanford, A.R.S.M., F.R.S. With numerous coloured illustrations — Published by the Authority of the Government of India — London : Macmillan & Co. Pp. viii. 516, 2 advts. 28 plates (18 coloured), i Map. Med. 8vo. Printed July 1876. (See also under St. John. ) BOS.^NOUET (R. H. M.) An Elementary Treatise on Musical Intervals and Temperament with an account of an enharmonic harmonium exhibited in the loan collection of scientific instruments South Kensington 1876 also of an enharmonic organ exhibited to the Musical Association of London, May, 1875 by R. H. M. Bosanquet Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 94, I advts. I blank. 8vo. BROOKE (JAMES, RAJA OF SArAwAK)— JACOB (G. L.) The Raja of Sarawak. An account of Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., LL.D., Given chiefly through letters and journals. By Ge»TRUDE L. JACOB. In two volumes. With Portrait and Maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xii. (including portrait) coloured map, 379, i blank. Vol. ii. pp. iv. (including page illustration) coloured map, 392, i blank. Svo. 296 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1876 BROOKE (STOPFORD A.) English Literature. By the Rev. Stopford Brooke, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 167 (inc. I blank and iii.), i blank. First Edition printed (IE) 18 j6 {^to.) Second 1880 {8vo.) BROOKE (STOPFORD A.) EtUraturc Pri'mErs. Edited by John Richard Green, M.A. English Literature. By the Rev. Stop- ford Brooke, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 167 (inc. I paste down), i blank. First Edition printed ^) January 1876 [Pott 8vo.) Repritited February i8j6, zvith alterations October i8j 6, May i8j7, considerable additions to part of May i8jj reprint ■were made September and October 1877, 1878. Second (1£) 187^. Reprinted 1880, 1882, 1884, f88s, April and September 1886, March and October 1887, January i88g, ■with 26 pages of additions July i88g. Also included in '' Macmillan s Text- books for Indian Schools" 1876. [For a large paper Edition 1876 [410.) and another 1880 (8vo. ) see above. ) BURGOYNE (JOHN)— FONBLANOUE (E. B. DE) Political and Military Episodes in the latter half of the eighteenth CENTURY. Derived from the Life and Correspondence of the Right Hon. John Burgoyne, General, Statesman, Dramatist. By Edward Barrington de Fonblanque, author of "The Administration of the British Army," " Niphon and Pecheli " " The Life and Labours of Albany Fonblanque," etc., etc. With Portrait, Illustrations, and Maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (including portrait) 2 plans, i illustration, i facsimile of letter from George Washington, 500. 8vo. Printed (M) 1S76. CAMPBELL (LORD GEORGE) LOG Letters from " The Challenger ". By Lord George Campbell. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) I map, 448. First Edition printed 1876 {8vo. ) Second April 1877. Reprinted ivith margins altered April 1877, May 1877. Third Edition (S) August 1877 (Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted November 1877, j88i. CAMPBELL (J. F.) My Circular Notes. Extracts from journals, letters sent home, geological and other notes, written while travelling westwards round the World, from July 6, 1874 to July 6, 1875. By J. F. Campbell, author "Frost and Fire". In two volumes. — London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xvi. (inc. 3 blanks and I page illustration) 24 page illustrations, 356. Vol. ii. pp. xvi. (inc. 3 blanks and i page illustration) 16 page illustrations, 331, I blank. Ext. Cr. 8vo. CARROLL (LEWIS) The Hunting of the Snark an Agony, in Eight Fits. By Lewis Carroll author of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," and " Through the Looking-Glass ". With nine illustra- trations by HenRy Holiday London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. (inc. 4 blanks and I page illustration) 84 (inc. I blank), 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (3E) March 1876. Reprinted May and December 1876. {Also ijicluded in ' ' Rhyme f and Reason ?" See under 188 j. ) 1876 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 297 CHRISTIE (J.) Cholera Epidemics in East Africa. An account of the several diffusions of the disease in that country from 1821 till 1872, with an outline of the geography, ethnology, and trade connections of the regions through which the epidemics passed. By James Christie, A.M., M.D., late Physician to H.H. the Sultan of Zanzibar ; Honorary Physician to the Oxford and Cambridge Universities' Mission to Central Africa ; Secretary for the Indian Ocean and Eastern Africa to the Epidemiological Society, London ; Corresponding Member, Medical and Physical Society, Bombay, etc. With maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 508, I Map. 8vo. CLARKE (C. B.) Macmillan's Series of Text-Books for Indian Schools. — A Geographical Reader and Companion to the Atlas. By C. B. Clarke, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S, late Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge. (Monogram) New Edition. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. I folded map, 236, 2 folded maps, 8 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition pririted (1£) iSjb. Reprinted with many corrections iSyS, with corrections 18S0, 1884, iSSj, 1886, 1888. ( Title copied from the reprint of 1880. ) COLQUHOUN (F. S.) Rhymes and Chimes. By F. S. Colquhoun. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 57, I blank. Globe 8vo. CORREGGIO— MEYER (J.)— HEATON (MRS. CHARLES) Antonio Allegri da Correggio from the German of Dr. JULius Meyer, Director of the Royal Gallery, Berlin. Edited, and with an Introduction, by Mrs. Charles Heaton, author of "The History of the Life of Albrecht Durer," etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. 304, XX. Woodburytype Illustrations. Royal 8vo. Received i8jj (dated i8j6). GUMMING (L.) An Introduction to the Theory of Electricity, with numerous examples. By Linn^us Gumming, M.A., late Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, Assistant Master at Rugby School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 266, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed i8j6. Second 18 jg. Third i88j;. CUNNINGHAM (W.) The Influence of Descartes on Meta- physical Speculation in England : being a degree thesis by the Rev. W. Cunningham. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xlviii. 188. 8vo. DALTON (T.) Rules and Examples in Algebra. Part 11 By the Rev. T. Dalton, M.A. Assistant Master at Eton College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 294, and 2 blanks. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (^) i8-j6. Reprinted with slight corrections i8j8, errata added 1880, with corrections 1882, errata added July 1882 and 188 J, and appendix added 1884, with corrections 1884, 1886, iS8g. DUFF (M. E. G.) Notes of an Indian Journey. By Mountstuart E. Grant Duff, Member for the Elgin District of Burghs, and late 298 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1876 Under-Secretary of State for India. Author of " Studies in European Politics", "A Political Survey", &c. With Route Map. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. I map, 296. 8vo. EADIE (J.) The English Bible : an external and critical history of the various English translations of Scripture, with remarks on the need of revising the English New Testament. By John Eadie, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, United Presbyterian Church. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. XX. 440. Vol. ii. pp. xii. 504. Svo. Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law. Boston : Little, Brown, and Company. London : Macmillan and Company. Pp. 4 blanks, xii. 392. Med. Svo. FARRAR (F. W.) " In the Days of thy Youth." Sermons on prac- tical subjects, preached at Marlborough College, from 1871 to 1876. By F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S., Canon of Westminster ; Rector of St. Margaret's, Westminster ; Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen ; formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; and late Master of Marlborough College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 3 blanks) 398. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (5i) November i8j6. Reprinted December 1876, February and September iS^y, i8j8, 1880, 1882, J'88j, with corrections iS8(). FEARON (D. R.) School Inspection. By D. R. Fearon, M.A., Oxon., Assistant-Commissioner of Endowed Schools. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 100, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed August iSjb. Reprinted December i8j6, 182 J, (S) ^878, i88j, 1887, i88g. FLEAY (F. G.) Shakespeare Manual. By F. G. Fleay, M.A., 13th Wrangler; 19th Classic; 2nd Moral Scientist; 4th Natural Scientist, 1852-3. Head Master of Skipton Grammar School, formerly Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 312. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (^) 1876. Reprinted with many corrections 1877. FISHER (W. M.) The Californians by Walter M. Fisher Milagros O no milagros, dijo Sancho, cada uno mire c6mo habla 6 como escribe de las personas ; y no ponga d trochemoche lo primero que le viene al magin. Cervantes, Don Quixote. Un historien a bien des devoirs. Permettez-moi de vous en rappeler ici deux qui sont de quelque consideration ; celui de ne point calomnier, et celui de ne point ennuyer. Voltaire, Letter to M. Norberg. Et sermone opus est, modo tristi, saspe jocoso ; Defendente vicem modo rlietoris, atque poetse, Interdum urbani, parcentis viribus, atque Extenuantis eas consulto. Ridiculum acri Fortius et melius magnas plerumque secat res Horace, Lib. I., Sat. 10, London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. I blank) 236. Cr. Svo. 1876 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 299 FOSTER (M.)— LANGLEY (J. N.) A Course of Elementary Practical Physiology, by M. Foster, M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of, and Preelector in Physiology in, Trinity College, Cambridge. Assisted by J. N. Langley, B.A., St John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. I blank) 244. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed i8j6. Second April i8-j-j. Third {^) December iSyy. Fourth, reprinted with alterations October 18S0, November iSSo, 1881, 1882, i88j. Fifth (Si) 1884. Reprinted iSSj, with corrections and additions 1888. FOTHERGILL (J. M.) The Practitioner's Handbook of Treat- ment ; or, the Principles of Therapeutics. By J. Milner Fothergill, M.D., Member of the Royal College of Physicians of London ; Assistant Physician to the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Victoria Park Assistant Physician to the West London Hospital. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 580. 8vo. First Edition printed i8j6. Second 1880. Third i88j. FREEMAN (E. A.) Historical and Architectural Sketches : chiefly Italian. By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL.D., late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, -Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of Saint Petersburgh. With Twenty-two Illustra- tions from Drawings by the Author. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 316. Cr. 8vo. FREEMAN (E. A.) The History and Conquests of the Saracens. Six Lectures delivered before the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution. By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL.D., late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, Knight Commander of the Greek Order of the Saviour. Second edition with new preface. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxii. (inc. 4 blanks) 204. Cr. 8vo. First Edition published elsewhere. Second Edition printed (iJH) August 18^6. Reprinted November i8y6, iSj-j. FREEMAN (E. A.) f^istotg printers. Edited by JOHN Richard Green. History of Europe. By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL.D., late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, Knight Commander of the Greek Order of the Saviour. With Maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 150 (inc. I paste down) 6 advts. i blank, i paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (IS) April i8-j6. Repritited Jiine i8-j6, i8jS, 1881, 1887, i88g. GARRETT (R. & A.) Suggestions for House Decoration in Painting, Woodwork, and Furniture. By Rhoda and Agnes Garrett. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 90, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (&) November iSj6. Reprinted December i8j6, March and December 1877, i8y8, i8yg. '' Art at Home Series." GEIKIE (a.) Science Lectures at South Kensington. Outlines OF Field -Geology. By Professor Geikie, LL.D., F.R.S. With Illustrations. Price Sixpence London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 62, 2 advts. 4 page wrapper inc. title. Cr. 8vo. 300 MACMILLAN AND CO. 'S 1876 GLADSTONE (W. E.) Homeric Synchronism: — An Enquiry into the Time and Place of Homer by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. Author of 'Juventus Mundi ' &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 284. Cr. 8vo. Printed (IE) i8-j6. GRAHAM {^.) pseud (U'K^. MOLESWORTH) "Carrots:" Just a Little Boy. By Ennis Graham, Author of "Tell Me A Story." (Vignette) Illustrated by Walter Crane. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. frontispiece and 5 blanks) 242, 6 page plates. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (S) October 18 j6. Reprinted twice December i8y6, January, March, and August iSyj, January and December i8j8, i8jg, March and October 1880, April and August 1882, i88j, 1884, i88j, 1886, 188 j, i88g. GREEN (J. R.) Stray Studies from England and Italy. By John Richard Green. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 422, 2 advts. Ext. Cr. 8vo. GREENHILL (A. G.) Solutions of the Cambridge Senate-House Problems and Riders for the year 1875. Edited by A. G. Greenhill, M.A., Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge ; Professor of Mathematics to the Advanced Class of Royal Artillery Officers, Woolwich. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 236, 4 plates. Cr. 8vo. HANBURY (D.)— INCE (J.) Science Papers, chiefly Pharmaco- logical AND Botanical, By Daniel Hanbury, F.R.S., Fellow of the Linnean, Chemical, and Microscopical Societies of London ; Member and late Examiner of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain ; Member of the Imperial Leopoldine-Caroline Academy ; Corresponding Member of the Societes de Pharmacie of Paris, Brussels, etc. Edited, with memoir, by Joseph Ince, F.L.S., F.C.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. steel plate engraving) 544. Med. 8vo, HARWOOD (G.) Disestablishment"; or, a Defence of the Principle of National Church. By GEORGE Harwood, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 414, 2 advts. Med. 8vo. HELMHOLTZ (HERMANN L. F.) Portrait engraved by Jeens. HOLLINGWORTH (H.) The Search of Science and the Gift of THE Gospel. A Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge in the Chapel of King's College on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1876. By Rev. H. HOLLINGWORTH, M.A. Fellow of the College, Assistant Curate of Cuckfield, Sussex. Printed by request. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 20 (inc. I blank). 8vo. 1876 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 301 HOOKER (J. D.) Science PrimctiS. Botany. By J. D. Hooker, C.B. P.R.S. With Illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I paste down) 1 1 8, I advt. I paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) February iSj6. Reprinted December i8y 6. Second C^) iSyj. Reprinted i8jS, iSjg, 1880, 1881, June and October i88j, May and October 1884, j88s. Third '■^) 1886. Reprinted i88j, 1888. {Also included in " Macmillan s Text-Books for Indian Schools" i8j6.) HOOKER (SIR JOSEPH DALTON) Portrait engraved by Jeens. HOOPER (W. H.) — PHILLIPS (W. C.) A Manual of Marks on Pottery and Porcelain ; a Dictionary of easy reference. By W. H. Hooper and W. C. Phillips. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 240 (inc. i blank). Demy i6mo. First Edition printed 1 8y 6. Second {&) i8jj. Reprinted i8jg, 1S86. HOPKINS (E.) Rose Turquand by Ellice Hopkins So nigh to glory is our dust, So nigh is God to man, When Duty whispers low ' Thou must ', The soul replies ' I can.' Emerson. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 300. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 272, I advt. I blank. First Edition printed iSj6 {Cr. Svo.) Second [S>) iSj-j (i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1878. HORT (F. J. A.) Two Dissertations I On MONOrENHS BEOS In Scripture and Tradition II On the ' Constantinopolitan ' Creed and other Eastern Creeds of the Fourth Century by Fenton John Anthony Hort D.D. Fellow and Divinity Lecturer of Emmanuel College formerly Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 150, 2 blanks. Svo. Printed iSjs {dated 1876). HOZIER (H. M.) The Invasions of England. A History of the Past, with Lessons for the Future. By Captain H. M. Hozier, author of " The Seven Weeks War." In two volumes. '' The cry is still they come." Shakespeare. " Happy England ! — happy with a special reference to the present subject, in this, that the wise dispensation of Providence has cut her off by that streak of silver sea." — Edinburgh Review. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 475, I blank. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 392. Svo. Printed (fH) 1876. JEBB (R. C.) The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos. By R. C. jEBB, M.A. Fellow and late Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Public Orator in the University : Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow. Translator of the Characters of Theophrastus : Author of Commentaries on the Electra and Ajax of Sophocles, and of Translations in Greek and Latin Verse. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xxxviii. 2 blanks, 316. Vol. ii. pp. xvi. 481, I blank, 2 advts. Svo. 302 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1876 JEBB (R. C.) 'The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos'. Some remarks on an article by the Rev. Prof. J. P. Mahaffy in the Academy of April i, 1876. By R. C. Jebb, M.A., Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow ; late Fellow of Trinity College and Public Orator in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 56. Svo. JENNINGS (A. C.) — LOWE (W. H.) The Psalms, with Introductions and Critical Notes by Rev. A. C. Jennings, M.A., Jesus College, Cambridge, Tyrwhitt Scholar, Crosse Scholar, Hebrew University Prize- man, Fry Scholar of St John's College, Carus and Scholefield Prizeman, &c. &c. ; and Rev. W. H. Lowe, M.A., Hebrew Lecturer and late Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, and Tyrwhitt Scholar. Book V. (Psalms cvii. to cl.) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. from 209-376. Cr. Svo. Printed iSj6. {Afienvards with Books Hi. and iv. {see under iSyj) made tcp into a complete book called Volume ii. See under iSjj.) JEVONS (W. S.) Science Primers. Logic. By W. Stanley Jevons, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Political Economy in University College, London. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 128. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (E) May i8j6. Reprinted December 1876 Questions added to part of edition, 1878, 1880, 1883, 1886, i88g. KEARY (A.) A York and a Lancaster Rose. By Annie Keary, author of " Castle Daly ", " Oldbury ", Etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 352. First Edition printed (ol. Cr. 8vo. with illustrations) 18S0, 1882, i88j. Third (IE) February i88g. 1S77 ABBOTT (EDWIN A.) Through Nature to Christ : or, the Ascent of Worship through illusion to the Truth. By Edwin A. Abbott, D.D., Formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 460. 8vo. Printed February i8y'^. Reprinted August iSjy. ANDERSON (LAURENCE) Linear Perspective and Model Drawing. A School and Art -Class Manual, with Questions and Exercises for Examination, and Examples of Examination Papers. By Laurence Anderson. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64. Sup. Royal 8vo. First Edition printed («>) 1877. Reprinted 1S81, 1887. ANDERSON (M'CALL) Lectures on Clinical Medicine, delivered in the Royal and Western Infirmaries of Glasgow. By Dr. M'Call Anderson, Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University of Glasgow. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 268, 2 folded plates (i coloured), 6 page plates. 8vo. ANSTIE (FRANCIS E.) On the Uses of Wines in Health and Disease. By Francis E. Anstie, M.D., F.R.C.P., late Physician to the Westminster Hospital, and Editor of the " Practitioner." Reprinted from the "Practitioner." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 74, I advts. I blank. Cr. Svo. Printed {Si) iSjy. 314 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1877 APPLETON (T. G.) Syrian Sunshine. By T. G. Appleton. "Therefore, friends, As far as to the sepulchre of Christ, To chase these pagans, in those holy fields, Over whose acres walked those blessed feet Which, fourteen hundred years ago, were nailed. For our advantage, on the bitter cross." Henry iv — First Part. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 304. Cr. 8vo. AUTENRIETH (GEORG)— KEEP (ROBERT P.) An Homeric Dictionary for use in Schools and Colleges from the German of Dr. Georg Autenrieth Rector of the Gymnasium at Zweibriicken Translated, with additions and corrections, by Robert P. Keep, Ph.D. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 337, I blank, 5 plates, i blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed for Macmillan and Co. (IE) iSjj. Reprinted 1881, 188^. BARKER (LADY) A Year's Housekeeping in South Africa. By Lady Barker, author of " Station Life in New Zealand ", etc. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 336, 9 page illustrations. Cr. Svo. First Edition (5) May i8jj. Reprinted July and September iSyy, i8y8, i88j. BATCHELOR (H. & T. C.) Patent Working Drawings. By H. & T. C. Batchelor. i. Trunk Engine Motion London : Macmillan and Co. Broadsheet Folio. [ Title not copied from the work.] BLACK (\V.) Green Pastures and Piccadilly. By William Black, author of "The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton," "A Princess of Thule," etc. In three volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 290, 2 advts. 2 blanks. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 280. Vol. iii. pp. viii. 284. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 1877. Reprinted January 1878. Second {%) December 1877 {i vol.) Reprinted 1878. BLACKIE (J. S.) The Wise Men of Greece in a Series of Dramatic Dialogues by John Stuart Blackie Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh Sed docemus nullam sectam fuisse tam deviam, nee philosophum tam inanem qui non aliquid viderit ex vero. Lactantius. London Macmillan and Company Pp. xviii. 360. Cr. 8vo. BLAKE (J. F.) Astronomical Myths, based on Flammarion's " History of the Heavens ". By JOHN F. Blake. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. — full page illustrations — Chart of Constellations, 431, i blank. Ext. Cr. Svo. Printed 1876 {dated 1877). BLAKISTON (P.) Modern Society in its Religious and Social Aspects. By Peyton Blakiston, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 274, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. 1877 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 315 BOTTOM LEY (J. T.) Science Lectures at South Kensington. Electrometers. By J. T. Bottomley, M.A., F.R.S.E., Demonstrator of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 4 page wrapper containing title, 34, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. (Afteitva/'ds included in a complete volut?ie. See under i8j8.) BRADSHAW (H.) Notice of a Fragment of the Fifteen Oes and other Prayers Printed at Westminster by W. Caxton about 1490-91, preserved in the Library of the Baptist College, Bristol. By Henry Bradshaw, Librarian of the University Library, Cambridge. [Memor- anda No. V] Macmillan and Co. 29 & 30, Bedford Street, Strand, London. Pp. 12 (inc. I blank). 8vo. BRAMWELL (F. J.) Science Lectures at South Kensington. The Steam Engine. By F. J. Bramwell, Esq., M.Inst. C.E., F.R.S. With Illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 4 page wrapper (inc. title), 62, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition p7-inted Alarck iSjj. Reprinted May i8yj. [Aftennards itichided in a complete volume. See under i8j8. ) BRONTE (CHARLOTTE)— REID (T. W.) Charlotte Bronte. A Monograph. By T. Wemyss Reid. With Illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 236, 3 page illustrations. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) March i8jj. Reprinted August i8yY, i8j8. BROOKE (R. S.) Recollections of the Irish Church. By Richard Sinclair Brooke, D.D., late Rector of Wyton, Hunts, author of "Christ in Shadow," being Twelve Sermons on Isaiah L. ; Poems ; and " The Story of Parson Annaly." " Si rite audita recordor." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 212. Cr. Svo. BRYCE (JAMES) Transcaucasia and Ararat : being notes of a vacation tour in the autumn of 1876. By James Bryce, author of ' The Holy Roman Empire '. With coloured map. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 4 blanks and illustration) Map, 420. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed Septetnber i8jj. Reprinted with corrections Noveinber iSyj, iSj8. BUTCHER (S.) The Ecclesiastical Calendar : its Theory and Construction. By Samuel Butcher, D.D., late Bishop of Meath. Dublin : Hodges, Foster, and Figgis, Publishers to the University London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 270, 2 blanks. 4to. Cameos from English History The Wars of the Roses. By the Author of The Heir of Redclyffe. Third Series. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 412. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (1£) i8j6 [dated iSjj). Reprinted 1881, 1886. CAMPBELL (D.) Turks and Greeks. Notes on a recent excursion. By Hon. Dudley Campbell, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 128. Cr. Svo. 3i6 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1S77 CAMPBELL (J. M. & DONALD) Memorials of John M'Leod Campbell, D.D. being selections from his correspondence. Edited by his son, the Rev. Donald Campbell, M.A. In two volumes. With portrait engraved by C. H. Jeens. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. X. 340, 4 advts. i plate. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 351, I blank. Cr. 8vo. CAMPBELL (L.) Some Aspects of the Christian Ideal : Sermons by the Rev. L. Campbell, M.A., LL.D. Professor of Greek in the University of St. Andrews London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 270, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. CARTER (R. B.) On Defects of Vision which are remediable BY Optical appliances. A course of lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, by Robert Brudenell Carter, F.R.C.S., late Hunterian Professor of Pathology and Surgery to the College ; Ophthalmic Surgeon to St. George's Hospital ; Surgeon to the Royal South Ophthalmic Hospital ; Corresponding Member of the Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. With numerous illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 145, I blank. 8vo. CHISHOLM (H. W.) Nature Series. — On the Science of Weighing and Measuring and Standards of Measure and Weight. By H. W. Chisholm, Warden of the Standards. With numerous illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 192. Cr. 8vo. Printed (5) 1877. CROSSKEY (H. W.) The Liberal Association — the "600" — of Birmingham. By Henry W. Crosskey. MR. GLADSTONE ON THE BIRMINGHAM LIBERAL ASSOCIATION, SEPT. 27, 1877. "Gentlemen, let me recommend to you, as you are now giving a lesson to the country in a most important particular, not to be ashamed to take a lesson from an- other place, but turn your eyes towards our friends in Birmingham. You remember how Manchester led the way in the repeal of the Com Laws ; you remember how Birmingham led the way in the matter of the Reform Act. Birmingham has been setting its brain to work upon the important matter of the organisation of the party. Gentlemen, that is our weak point. If we had been organised five years ago the course of the history of the last four or five years would have been a very different course. Now at Birmingham an organisation has been adopted which I venture to say is admirable. It is sound, it is just, it is liberal, it is popular. The Liberal organisation is accompanied by no test. There is no test of money subscription ; because it is perfectly well known that there are many men — good, true, useful men — who can subscribe time and thought and heart and purpose, but who cannot subscribe money. They do not shut them out. Neither is there any test of opinion. A man is not bound by the Birmingham plan to subscribe to any list of political articles. That has been one of the rocks upon which we have split. At Birmingham you know they are tolerably advanced men in their opinions — but they do not attempt to exclude the man who is moderate. What they do is, they invite every man who honestly believes himself a Liberal to take part in the organisation." Reprinted from " Macmillan's Magazine", February 1877. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 12. Med. 8vo. First Edition printed February 1877. Reprinted October and December 1877. i877 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 317 CUNNINGHAM (W.) A Dissertation on the Epistle of S. Barnabas, including a Discussion of its Date and Authorship. By the Rev. William Cunningham. Together with the Greek Text, the Latin Version, and a New Enghsh Translation and Commentary. QedcrvTos rj /3p6reios ?) KeKpafievrj ; Aesch. Pr. 116 London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. cxviii. 130. Cr. 8vo. DAVIES (J. LL.) The Things Above in Relation to Education and Science. — A Sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, at the Annual Commemoration Service, December 13, 1877, by the Rev. J. Llewelyn Davies, M.A., formerly a Fellow of the College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 19 (inc. I blank), i blank. 8vo. DENISON (G. T.) A History of Cavalry from the earliest times, with lessons for the future. By Lieut. -Col. George T. Denison, Commanding the Governor-General's Body Guard, Canada, author of " Modern Cavalry," etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 568, 1 1 Maps and Plans. 8vo. DICKINSON (J.)— BELL (E.) Last Counsels of an Unknown Counsellor, John Dickinson, Barrister-at-Law, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S. etc., etc. Edited by Major EvANS Bell, author of " Retrospects and Prospects of Indian Policy," "The Oxus and the Indus", "The Mysore Reversion ", etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 186, 2 advts. Photograph of John Dickinson. Royal 8vo. EADIE (J.) — YOUNG (W.)— CAIRNS (J.) A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians. By the late John Eadie, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, United Presbyterian Church. Edited by the Rev. William Young, M.A., Parkhead, Glasgow. With Preface by the Rev. Professor Cairns, D.D. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 374, 2 advts. Svo. FARRELL (J.) The Lectures of a Certain Professor. By the Rev. Joseph Farrell. London : Macmillan and Co. Dublin : M. H. Gill and Son. Pp. vi. 325, 3 blanks. Cr. Svo. FASNACHT (G. E.) Macmillan's Progressive French Course. I. — First Year containing Easy Lessons on the Regular Accidence by G. Eugene-Fasnacht Senior Master of Modern Languages, Harpur Foundation Modern School, Bedford author of the Student's Comparative French Grammar, etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 78, 2 advts. Firsi Edition printed [Si) iSjy [Fcap. Svo.) Reprinted January 1S7S, October iSjS [Ext. Fcap. Svo.). iS-jg, February and July iSSo, iSSi, 1882, 1883, i88s, J 886 [Globe Svo.) Second (IE) 1887. Reprinted 1888. 3i8 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1877 FASNACHT (G. E.) Macmillan's Progressive French Course II. — Second Year containing Conversational Lessons on Systematic Accidence and Elementary Syntax, with Philological Illustrations and Etymological Vocabulary. By G. EUGENE- Fasnacht Senior Master of Modern Languages, Harpur Foundation Modern School, Bedford author of the Student's Comparative Grammar, etc. London : Macnriillan and Co. Pp. vi. 146. First Edition printed (5) i8-J7 [Fcap. 8vo.) Reprinted i8jg [Extra Fcap. 8vo.), January and June 1880, 1881. Second (E) February 1884. Reprinted December 1884, -with corrections 1886, 1888, i88g. FERRAR (W. H.) — ABBOTT (T. K.) A Collation of Four Important Manuscripts of the Gospels ; with a view to prove their common origin, and to restore the text of their archetype. By the late William Hugh Ferrar, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Latin in the University of Dublin. Edited, with Introduction, by T. K. ABBOTT, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, and Professor of Biblical Greek in the University of Dublin. Dublin : Hodges, Foster, and Figgis. London : Macmillan & Co. Pp. Ix. 2 folded specimens of writing, 389, i blank. 4to. FERRERS (N. M.) An Elementary Treatise on Spherical Harmonics and Subjects connected with them. By the Rev. N. M. Ferrers, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow and Tutor of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 160. Cr. 8vo. FLEISCHER (E.) — MUIR (M. M. P.) A System of Volumetric Analysis. By Dr. Emil Fleischer. Translated, with Notes and Additions, from the Second German Edition, by M. M. Pattison Muir, F.R.S.E., Assistant Lecturer on Chemistry, the Owens College, Man- chester. With Illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 274, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. FLEMING (G.) Mirage. By George Fleming. Author of " A Nile Novel ". In three volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. VoL i. pp. viii. 260. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 277, and I blank, and 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 280 (inc. I blank). First Edition printed October i8jj [Cr. 8vo. ) Reprinted Decetnber i8jj. Second Edition (01) A ugust 1878 {i vol.) Third ( «.) 1883 [Small Post 8vo.) Reprinted 1887. FLEMING (G.) a Nile Novel by George Fleming London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. vii. I blank, 290. Vol. ii. pp. v. I blank, 271, i blank. First Edition printed February 187J [Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted twice May 1877. Second ( «.) September 1877 [i vol.) Reprinted 1878, 188 j, 1886 [Globe 8vo.) FOSTER (M.) A Text Book OF Physiology. ByM. Foster, M. A., M.D., F.R.S., Praelectot of Physiology and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 559, I blank. Med. 8vo. First Edition printed 1876 [dated 1877). Second 1877. Third 187^. Fourth [&) i88j. Reprinted with slight corrections 1884, 1886. Portions reprinted in January and April i88g, and called respectively Parts ii. and iii. Fifth Edition Part i. printed j888 [pp. XX. [inc. j blanks) jj 2). Part ii. printed i8Sg [pp. xxiv. [i)ic. i blank) 4g4 [paged 333-846), 2 advts.) i877 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 319 FREEMAN (E. A.) The Ottoman Power in Europe, its Nature, its Growth, and its Decline. By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL.D., Knight Commander of the Greek Order of the Saviour, and of the Servian Order of Takova, Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of Saint Petersburgh. 'Ej' T01ITI{) vIkU. Deus id vult. With three coloured Maps London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 515, I advts. Cr. 8vo. GEIKIE (A.) Elementary Lessons in Physical Geography. By Archibald Geikie, LL.D., F.R.S., Murchison Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in the University of Edinburgh, and Director of the Geological Survey of Scotland. Illustrated with woodcuts and ten plates. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 376. Fcap. 8vo. Firsi Edition (3E) 18 J 7. Reprinted 18 jS, 1880, February and November 1882, August and October i8Sj, March 1884. Second (IE) July 1S84. Reprinted with slight alterations 1886, i88j, i88g. GEIKIE (A.) Questions on Geikie's Elementary Physical Geo- graphy. For the Use of Schools. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 1 01, I blank, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed [Si) 18 jj. Reprinted i88j. GRAHAM (E.) pseud (MRS. MOLESWORTH) The Cuckoo Clock. By Ennis Graham, author of " Carrots," and " Tell me a Story ". (Vignette) Illustrated by Walter Crane. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 242, 2 advts. 7 page illustrations. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (5) October 187"/. Reprinted November and December iSyj, iSjg, 18S0, April and August 1882, i8Sj, 1884, 188^, 1886, 18S7, i8Sg. GREEN (J. R.) History of the English People. By John Richard Green, M. A. Volume i. Early England. Foreign Kings. The Charter. The Parliament. With eight maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 576, 4 advts. 8vo. Fi7-st Edition (IE) November i8'/j. Reprinted December i8jj, 1881, i88j. GREG (S.)— STANLEY (A. P.) A Layman's Legacy in Prose and Verse Selections from the Papers of Samuel Greg with a Prefatory Letter by Arthur P. Stanley Dean of Westminster and a Brief Memoir London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 360. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. GROVE (G.) Pjtstorg primers. Edited by J. R. Green. Geography by George Grove, F.R.G.S. With Maps and Diagrams London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 126 (inc. I blank), i advts. 1 paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (fS) January i8jy. Reprinted with slight corrections October I8-/7, i87g, 1884, 18S6, i88g. 320 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1877 GROVE (G.) A Dictionary of Music and Musicians (a.d. 1450- 1880) By Eminent Writers, English and Foreign. With Illustrations and Woodcuts. Edited by George Grove, D.C.L. In two volumes. Vol. I. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 768. Med. 8vo. The Dictionary of Music and Musicians was originally published in parts. Part i in December 18 jy and subsequent parts completing ^ vols, at intervals to May i88g. For Vol. II. see under 1880, Vol. III. under 1883, and Vol. IV. under i88(). GUILLEMIN (A.)— LOCKYER (MRS. J. N.)— LOCKYER (J. N.) The Applications of Physical Forces. By Amedee Guillemin. Trans- lated from the French by Mrs. Norman Lockyer, and edited, with additions and notes by J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S. With coloured plates and illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xl. 742, 2 advts. 4 coloured plates. Sup. Royal 8vo. Printed 18 j6 [dated 18 jj). Afterwards published in separate parts. Harry by the Author of " Mrs Jerningham's Journal." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 145, 1 blank, i advts. i blank. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (S) 1877. HERRICK (R.)— PALGRAVE (F. T.) Chrysomela a selection from the Lyrical Poems of Robert Herrick arranged with notes by Francis Turner Palgrave late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford (Vignette) Hie nullus labor est, ruborque nullus : Hoc iuvit, iuvat, et diu iuvabit London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 199, I blank. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (S>) May 1877. Reprinted October 1877, 18S0, 1884, 1888. ' ' Golden Treasury Series. ' ' HILL (O.) Our Common Land (and other short essays), by Octavia Hill. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 206, 2 blanks. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. HOBDAY (E.) Cottage Gardening ; or, Flowers, Fruits, and Veget- ables for Small Gardens by E. Hobday. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 130. Cr. 8vo. Printed (5) 1877. Reprinted 1878. HOLLAND (T. E.) A Lecture on the Treaty Relations of Russia AND Turkey from 1774 to 1853 delivered at Oxford April 28, 1877 by Thomas Erskine Holland, D.C.L. Barrister-at-Law Professor of International Law and Diplomacy and Fellow of All Souls College with an Appendix of Treaties London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 72. Cr. 8vo. HORACE— HOVENDEN (R. M.) Horace's Life and Character. An Epitome of his Satires and Epistles. By R. M. Hovenden, B.A. Author of a Metrical Paraphrase of the Odes of Horace. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 180. Globe 8vo. iS77 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 321 HORACE — HOVENDEN (R. M.) Horace's Life and Character. Supplement. By R. M. Hovenden, B.A. author of a Metrical Para- phrase of the Odes of Horace. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 31, I blank, 4 page wrapper which contains title. Globe 8vo. HOWSON (J. S.) The Position of the Priest during consecra- tion IN the English Communion Service. A Supplement and a Reply. By the Very Rev. J. S. HowsON, D.D., Dean of Chester. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 67, I blank. 8vo. Printed i8j6 {dated iSj-j). HULLAH (J.) Music in the House. By John Hullah, LL.D. " Le beau est aussi utile que I'utile, — plus peut-etre, " Victor Hugo. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 80, 4 advts. 2 page illustrations. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (^) June i8-jj. Reprinted July and November i8jj, 18 j8. " Art at Home Series." HUXLEY (T. H.) American Addresses, with a Lecture on the Study of Biology. By Thomas H. Huxley. " Naturae leges et regulse, secundum quas omnia fiunt et ex unis formis in alias mutantur, sunt ubique et semper eadem." B. de Spinoza, Ethices, Pars tertia, Prasfatio. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 164. 8vo. Printed (S) 18 jj. Reprinted 1886. HUXLEY (T. H.) Physiography : an introduction to the study of Nature. By T. H. Huxley, F.R.S. With illustrations and coloured plates. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. 2 blanks) 384, 5 coloured plates. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed {3:) Nove?nbcr 18 jj. Reprinted December i8jj, with corrections i8j8, i8y(), with many con-ections and additions Septe?nber 18S0, cancels added November 1880 and March 1881, August 1881, 1882, i88j, 188^, February, May, and December 188^, 1887, 1S88. IRVING (W.) Bracebridge Hall. By Washington Irving. Illus- trated by R. Caldecott. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 284. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 18 j6 {dated i8jj). Reprinted iS-jj. Second 1882. Third (IE) 1887. {See also under 1882 and j8S6, ) JEBB (R. C.) ' The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos.' A Rejoinder to Prof. Mahaffy's 'Reply'. By R. C. Jebb, M.A., Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow ; late Fellow of Trinity College and Public Orator in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 20 and 4 page wrapper containing title. 8vo. JEBB (R. C.) ILtteratutE Pruncrs. Edited by John Richard Green, M.A. Greek Literature by R. C. Jebb, M.A. Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 166, 2 advts. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (fE) iS-jy. Reprinted iSj8, with corrections and additions 188b. Y 322 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1877 JENNINGS (A. C.)— LOWE (W. H.) The Psalms, with Introductions and Critical Notes by Rev. A. C. Jennings, M.A., Jesus College, Cambridge, Tyrwhitt Scholar, Crosse Scholar, Hebrew University Prize- man, Fry Scholar of St John's College, Carus and Scholefield Prizeman. Vicar of Whittlesford, Cambs. Assisted in Parts by Rev. W. H. LowE, M.A., Hebrew Lecturer and late Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, and Tyrwhitt Scholar. Books I. and 11. Psalms i. to Ixxii. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xli.* xxxvi. 333, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed iSjy. Second 1884. ( This book was the first volume of a set of two volumes. See under i8'j£ and i8jj. ) JENNINGS (A. C.)— LOWE (W. H.) The Psalms with Introductions and Critical Notes by Rev. A. C. Jennings, M.A., Jesus College, Cambridge, Tyrwhitt Scholar, Crosse Scholar, Hebrew University Prizeman, Fry Scholar of St John's College, Carus and Scholefield Prizeman. Vicar of Whittlesford, Cambs. Assisted in Parts by Rev. W. H. Lowe, M.A., Hebrew Lecturer and late Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, and Tyrwhitt Scholar. Books III. IV, and V. (Psalms Ixiii to cl) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 376. Cr. 8vo. Made up from separate books i8-jj. Printed i88j. ( This book 7vas the second volume of a set of two volumes. See under 18 jj and i8jj. ) JOUBERT (J.)— ATTWELL (H.) Pensees of Joubert. Selected and Translated, with the Original French appended, by HENRY Attwell, Knight of the Order of the Oak Crown, etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xviii. 95, 438 Pensees unpaged and 5 pages of index unpaged, 3 blanks. Cr. 8vo. KEARY (E.) The Magic Valley or Patient Antoine by E. Keary Author of " The Heroes of Asgard ", " Little Wanderlin ", etc. (Vignette) Illustrated by E. V. B. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 176. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed November i8jj. Reprinted (^) December i8yj. KEMPE (A. B.) Nature Series. — How to Draw a Straight Line ; a Lecture on Linkages. By A. B. Kempe B.A., of the Inner Temple, Esq. ; Member of the Council of the London Mathematical Society ; and late Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. With numerous illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 52. Cr. 8vo. KINGSLEY (C.) Village Sermons, and Town and Country Sermons. By Charles Kingsley, M.A., Rector of Eversley and Canon of West- minster. New edition. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 452. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (fJI) in this forin July iS-jj. Second [Si from f£[.) i8y8. Reprinted i8jg, 18S0, 1882, 1884, 18S6, 1888. Originally published in separate volmnes " Twenty five Village Sermons" and " Town and Country Sermons." (See under 1863.) i877 BIBLIOGRArHICAL CATALOGUE 323 The Kitchen and Market Garden by Contributors to the " Garden ". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 420. Cr. 8vo. Printed {S>) iS-j-j. LANGDON (W. E.) The Application of Electricity to Railway Working by William Edward Langdon, Member of the Society of Telegraph Engineers ; Superintendent (Engineering Department) Post Office Telegraphs ; and late Superintendent of Telegraphs on the London and South- Western Railway. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 316. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed {Si) 1S77. LELAND (C. G.) Johnnykin and the Goblins by Charles G. Leland illustrated by the Author London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 212, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (IE) 1876 {dated 1877). LIGHTFOOT (J. B.) All Things to all Men. — A Sermon preached in St Paul's Cathedral on St Mark's Day, at the Consecration of the First Bishop of Truro, by J. B. LiGHTFOOT, D.D. Canon of St Paul's. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16 (inc. I blank). 8vo. LIGHTFOOT (J. B.) S. Clement of Rome. An Appendix containing the newly recovered portions. With Introductions, Notes, and Transla- tions. By J. B. LiGHTFOOT, D.D. Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity, Cambridge, Canon of St Paul's. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. paged 221-470, viii. to complete vol. i advts. I blank. Svo. LOCKYER (J. N.) Manchester Science Lectures for the People. Eighth Series, 1876-7. Why the Earth's Chemistry is as it is. Three Lectures by J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., delivered in the Association Hall, Manchester, October, 1876. With illustrations. Price Sixpence London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. I, I advts. 60, 6 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed March 1877. Reprinted May 1877. [Afterimrds included in a volume with lectures by Professors Roscoe and Williatnson. See under 1877.) LONGFELLOW (H. W.) Poems of Places edited by Henry W. Longfellow It is the soul that sees ; the outward eyes Present the object, but the mind descries. Crabbe. London : Macmillan and Co. England, vol. i. pp. Map — xxxvi. 464. England and ^Yales, vol. ii. pp. Map — XX. 486. Pott Svo. Printed {^) 1877. "Golden Treasury Series." LORNE (MARQUIS OF) The Book of Psalms. Literally rendered in verse. (Vignette) By the Marquis of Lorne. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 570 ( I page illustration). Cr. Svo. First Edition printed July 1877. Reprinted with corrections October 1877. 324 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1877 MACLAREN (A.) Week-day Evening Addresses delivered in Man- chester by Alexander Maclaren, D.D. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 164. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed (5) iSjJ. Reprinted 1S78, rSjg, i8Sj. MANSFIELD (C. B. & R. B.)— LUDLOW (J. M.) Aerial Naviga- tion by the late CHARLES Blachford Mansfield, M.A. of Clare Hall, Cambridge author of ' Travels in Paraguay and Brazil ' ' A Theory of Salts ' etc. Edited by his brother Robert Blachford Mansfield, B.A. With a preface by J. M. Ludlow London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 513, 3 blanks. Cr. 8vo. MAULT (A.) Natural Geometry: an Introduction to the Logical Study of Mathematics. For the Use of Schools, and Technical Classes. With explanatory models. Based upon the Tachymetrical Works of Monsieur Edouard Lagout. By A. Mault. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 104. Pott 8vo. Printed (S) ^S-jj. MAULT (A.) Box of Models to illustrate '' Mault'S Geometry." MERRIMAN (M.) Elements of the Method of Least Squares. By Mansfield Merriman, Ph.D., Instructor in Civil Engineering in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 200. First Edition iS^j {Cr. 8vo.) Second Edition {8vo.) imported from America. MILTON (J.) — MASSON (D.) The Life of John Milton : narrated in connexion with the political ecclesiastical, and literary history of his time. By David Masson, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in the University of Edinburgh. Vol. IV. 1649-1654 — Vol. V. 1654-1660. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. iv. pp. xiv. 642. Vol. V. pp. xvi. 707, I blank. 8vo. MILTON (J.)— MASSON (D.) The Globe Edition. The Poetical Works of John Milton : with Introductions by David Masson, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in the University of Edinburgh. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 625. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (!E) May i8-jj. Reprinted on fine paper June 1877. Reprinted 7uith slight alterations 187S, 1880, i88j, 1887. MORGAN (L. H.) Ancient Society or researches in the lines of human progress from savagery, through barbarism to civilization by Lewis H. Morgan, LL.D Member of the National Academy of Sciences. Author of "The League of the Iroquois, "The American Beaver and his Works," " Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family," etc. — Nescit vox missa reverti. — Horace. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 560. 8vo. i877 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 525 MYERS (E.) Poems by Ernest Myers. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 122, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. OLIPHANT (M. O. W.) Young Musgrave. By Mrs. Oliphant Author of " The Curate in Charge," &c. ■' No man can redeem his brother." Ps. xlix. 7. In three voluines London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 276. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 266, 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. viii. 220, 4 advts. First Edition printed i8jj (Cr. Svo.) Second (S) fu/y iSj8 (/ vol.) Reprinted 1883 (Globe 8vo.), 1886. ORRINSMITH (L.) The Drawing-Room its Decorations and Furniture. By Mrs. Orrinsmith. " The place is dignified by the doer's deed." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 146. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed {^) 18 jj. Reprinted i8j8. " Art at Home Series." OWEN (SIR RICHARD) Portrait engraved by Jeens. PARKER (W. K.) — BETTANY (G. T.) The Morphology of the Skull by W. K. Parker, F.R.S., Hunterian Professor, Royal College of Surgeons ; and G. T. Bettany, M.A., B.Sc, Shuttleworth Scholar, Caius College, Cambridge ; Lecturer on Botany in Guy's Hospital Medical School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 368. Cr. 8vo. Printed (fH) 1877. PATERSON (J.) Commentaries on the Liberty of the Subject AND the Laws of England relating to the Security of the Person. By Jainies Paterson, Esq., M.A., Barrister-at-Law, sometime Commissioner for English and Irish Fisheries, etc. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xxxii. 496. Vol. ii. pp. xvi. 468. Cr. 8vo. PAYNE (E. J.) Historical Course for Schools. History of European Colonies. By Edward J. Payne, M.A., Fellow of University College, Oxford. With Maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 408. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (S) iSyj. Reprinted i8jS, i88g. PEEL (E.) Echoes from Horeb and other Poems, by Edmund Peel, author of "Judas Maccaba^us ", "Judge Not" "An Ancient City", etc. etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 152. Cr. 8vo. PEILE (J.) 3Ltt£raturE primers. Edited by John Richard Green. Philology. By John Peile, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 164, 3 advts. I paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition (IE) January 1877. Reprinted April and December iSjJ, 1880, 1S87. 326 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1877 PENNINGTON (R.) Notes on the Barrows and Bone-Caves of Derbyshire. With an account of a descent into Elden Hole. By Rooke Pennington, B.A., LL.B., F.G.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 124. 8vo. PEROWNE (J. J. S.) Confession in the Church of England a sermon, preached in the Cathedral Church of Llandaff, on Sunday July 29, 1877. With an appendix of authorities and remarks on the practice of confession in the Greek Church and the Church of Rome. And an Excursus on John xx. 23. By J. J. Stewart Perowne, D.D., Canon of Llandaff, Hulsean Professor of Divinity, Cambridge, and Hon. Chaplain to the Queen. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 40. Svo. First Edition printed September i8jj. Reprinted October i8jj. PHILPOT (W. B.) A Pocket of Pebbles, with a few Shells; being fragments of Reflection, now and then with Cadence, made up mostly by the Sea-shore. By William Philpot, Vicar in the Holy Orders of the Church of Christ and of England. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxviii. 224. Fcap. Svo. Printed iSjj, illustrations added iSjS. PIRIE (G.) A Short Account of the principal Geometrical Methods of approximating to the value of tt. For the use of Colleges and Schools. By the Rev. G. Pirie, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of Queens' College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 24. Cr. Svo. Psalms and Hymns for Balliol College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 136. i6mo. QUIN (C. W.) Garden Receipts edited by Charles W. Quin London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 160. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (S) March i8jj. Reprinted August 1877. RADCLIFFE (C. B.) Proteus or Unity in Nature By Charles Bland Radcliffe M.D. author of " Vital Motion as a mode of Physical Motion," etc. Second edition. " Hie (SciftcrtDcIt ifl ni*t I'crfdiloffen ; Dcin imn ift ju, bcin £jcv3 ifl tobt ! Jluf, babe, Jdjiilcr unoerbroffcn Die irb'fdie JStuft im ITIorgcnroth ! " Goethe (Faust) " 1})i\ nidjt auf UTenfclien htxxxc, fonbcrn auf ben ©ott in niir unb uber mir." Jean Paul (Titan.) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 214 and 2 blanks. Svo. RAYLEIGH (LORD) The Theory of Sound. By John William Strutt, Baron Rayleigh, M.A., F.R.S. formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Volume L London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 326, 2 advts. Svo. i877 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 327 REYNOLDS (J. R.) A System of Medicine. Edited by J. Russell Reynolds, M.D., F.R.S. P^ellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London Fellow of the Imperial Leopold-Carolina Academy of Germany Fellow of University College, London ; Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in University College ; Physician to University College Hospital. Volume the Fourth, containing Diseases of the Heart. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 814. Svo. RICHARDSON (B. W.) The Future of Sanitary Science. An address delivered before the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain at the Royal Institution, on July sth, 1877. By Benjamin Ward Richardson, M.D., LL.D. F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and Honorary Physician to the Royal Literary Fund. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 48 (inc. 2 blanks). Cr. Svo. RIMMER (A.) — HOWSON (J. S.) Ancient Streets and Home- steads of England by Alfred Riminier and an Introduction by the Rev. J. S. HowsON, D.D. Dean of Chester (Vignette) With one hundred and fifty illustrations from drawings by the author engraved by J. D. Cooper. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxii. 350, 15 page illustrations. Med. Svo. Printed i8j6 [dated 18J7). ROSCOE (H. E.) Manchester Science Lectures for the People. Eighth Series, 1876-7. What the Earth is Composed of. Three Lectures by Professor RoscOE, F.R.S., delivered in the Hulme Town Hall, Manchester, October, 1876. With illustrations. Price Sixpence London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. i. I advts. 44, 6 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed November i8j6 [dated i8jj). Reprinted twice December i8j6, i8jT. Afterwards included in a voluvie with lectures by Professor Williamson and J. N. Lockyer. ROSCOE (H. E.) Science Lectures at South Kensington. Technical Chemistry. By Professor RoscoE, F R.S. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 4 page wrapper containing title, 46, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed February i8jj. Rep) in ted August 1877. [Afterwards included in a cotnplete volume. See under 18 jg. ) ROSCOE (H. E.)— WILLIAMSON (W. C.)— LOCKYER (J. N.) Manchester Science Lectures for the People. Eighth Series, 1876-7. By Professor RoscoE, F.R.S., Professor Williamson, F.R.S., and J. N. Lockyer, F.R.S. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 166, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. [Originally published in three separate volumes. See Roscoe, Williamson, and Lockyer 1S77.) First Edition printed [S)) in this form May 1877. Reprinted October 1877, 1878, 187Q, 18S0, i8Sj. 328 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1877 ROSCOE (H. E.)— SCHORLEMMER (C.) A Treatise on Chemistry. By H. E. Roscoe F.R.S. and C. Schorlemmer F.R.S. Professor of Chemistry in Owens College, Manchester. Volume I. The Non- Metallic Elements. • ' Chymia, alias Alchemia et Spagirica, est ars corpora vel mixta, vel composita, vel aggregata etiam in principia sua resolvendi, aut ex principiis in talia combinandi." Stahl, 1723. With illustrations and a portrait of Dalton engraved by C. H. JeenS. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. portrait) 772. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) iSjj. Reprinted iSyS, li'iih alterations 1881, with slight corrections i88jf, with tnany alterations 1S88. ROUTH (E. J.) A Treatise on the Stability of a Given State of Motion, particularly Steady Motion. Being the Essay to which the Adams Prize was adjudged in 1877, in the University of Cambridge. By E. J. Routh, M.A., F.R.S., &c. late Fellow of St Peter's College, Cambridge, and late Examiner in the University of London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 108. 8vo. SERVICE (J.) Salvation Here and Hereafter. Sermons and Essays. By Rev. John Service, Minister of Inch. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 267, i blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 1 8-/ 6. Reprinted January, February, and May i8'/j. Second (^) 1878. SHAKSPERE (W.) — DOWDEN (E.) literature primers. Ed- ited by John Richard Green, M.A. Shakspere. By Edward DowDEN, LL.D. Professor of English Literature in the University of Dublin, author of " Shakspere, his mind and art ; a critical study." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 167, 3 advts. 2 paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) A ugust 1877. Reprinted zvith slight corrections November 1877, j87) February 18 j8. Reprinted February, March (with slight alterations), April jSjS, with new preface and many corrections May i8j8, June, August, and December iSjS, i8-jg, 1880, 1881, i88j, i88j;, 1888. FARRAR (F. W.) Saintly Workers Five Lenten Lectures delivered in St. Andrew's, Holborn, March and April, 1878 by Frederic W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S., Canon of W^estminster, Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, Rector of St. Margaret's, Westminster, late Master of Marlborough College, Hulsean Lecturer, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 208. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (|£) i8j8. Reprinted i8-jg, 1884. FASNACHT (G. E.) Macmillan's Progressive German Course I. — First Year containing Easy Lessons on the Regular Accidence by G. Eugene-Fasnacht Senior Master of Modern Languages Harpur Foundation Modern School, Bedford Author of " The Progressive French Course ", etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 67, I blank. First Edition printed (S) i8j8 {Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Reprinted i8jg, 1880, 1882, with considerable additions /88j, 18S4, with considerable additions i88£, February and November 1886, i88g [Globe 8vo.) 1878 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 337 FASNACHT (G. E.) Macmillan's Progressive German Course II. — Second Year containing Conversational Lessons on Systematic Accidence and Elementary Syntax, with Philological Illustrations and Etymological Vocabulary by G. Eugene-Fasnacht Senior Master of Modern Languages, Harpur Foundation Modern School, Bedford Author of " The Progressive French Course". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 134, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed {3:) iSjS. Reprinted 1880, 1883, April 1886. Second (E) August 1886. Reprinted 1888. FAWCETT (H.) Free Trade and Protection. An Inquiry into the causes which have retarded the general adoption of Free Trade since its introduction into England. By HENRY Fawcett, M.P., Fellow of Trinity Hall, and Professor of Political Economy in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 174, 2 advts. First Edition printed May i8j8 [8vo). Reprinted June i8j8 (Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted July i8'/8 {8vo.) Reprinted with additions January i8jg. Reprinted [^) with additions and corrections May i8jg. Second 188 1 [Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1882. Third i88j. Reprinted 1886. FOSTER (M.) On Medical Education at Cambridge by Dr Michael Foster, F.R.S., Trinity Praslector in Physiology. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 36. 8vo. FOTHERGILL (J. M.) The Antagonism of Therapeutic Agents: and What it Teaches. The Essay to which was awarded the Fother- gillian Gold Medal of the Medical Society of London for 1878. By J. MiLNER FOTHERGILL, M.D., Edin., Member of the Royal College of Physicians of London, Assistant Physician to the West London Hospital, and to the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Victoria Park " In judging of the value of a therapeutical method the one and only criterion is success." — Burdon Sanderson. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 150, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. GEDDES (W. D.) The Problem of the Homeric Poems by William D. Geddes, LL.D. Professor of Greek in the University of Aberdeen London': Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 368. 8vo. GEGENBAUR (C.) — BELL (F. J.) — LANKESTER (E. R.) Ele- ments OF Comparative Anatomy. By Carl Gegenbaur, Professor of Anatomy and Director of the Anatomical Institute at Heidelberg. Translated by F. Jeffrey Bell, B.A., Magdalen College, Oxford. The Translation revised and a Preface written by E. Ray Lankester, M.A., F.R. S., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, and Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in University College, London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 645, 3 blanks. Med. Svo. Z 338 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1878 GIBBON (E.)— MORISON (J. C.) Gibbon by James Cotter MORISON, M.A. Lincoln College, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 184. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) May i8y8. Reprinted October i8j8, i8-jg, 1880, 1887. ' ' English Men of Letters Series. GLADSTONE (J. H.) Spelling Reform, from an Educational Point of View. By J. H. Gladstone, F.R.S., Member of the School Board for London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed January iSyS. Reprinted January i8j8. Second Edition December i8j8. GOLDSMITH (O.)— BLACK (W.) Goldsmith by William Black London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 160. Cr. 8vo. First Edition (IE) i8j8. Reprinted iSjC), 1880, 1881, i88j, 1SS7. ' ' English Men of Letters Series. GRAY (J. H.)— GREGOR (W. GOW) China a History of the Laws, Manners, and Customs of the People by John Henry Gray M.A. LL.D. Archdeacon of Hongkong. Edited by William Gow Gregor in two volumes With one hundred and forty illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xvi. 398, 2 blanks. Vol. ii. pp. xii. 374, 2 advts. 8vo. First Edition printed February i8j8. Reprinted August 1878. GREEN (J. R.) History of the English People. By John Richard Green, M.A., Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. Volume II. The Monarchy. 1461-1540. The Reformation. 1540-1603. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 500, 4 advts. 8vo. First Edition printed (3E) i8j8. Reprinted with slight alterations 1880, i88j. HAMILTON (R.) Money and Value an inquiry into the means and ends of economic production with an appendix on the depreciation of silver and Indian currency by Rowland Hamilton London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 392. 8vo. HARVEY (WILLIAM) Portrait engraved by Jeens. HEINE (H.) Selections from the Poetical Works of Heinrich Heine. Translated into English. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 115, I blank. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. HILL (M. D.)— DAVENPORT-HILL (R. & F.) The Recorder of Birmingham. A Memoir of Matthew Davenport Hill ; with Selections from his correspondence. By his daughters, Rosamond and Flor- ence Davenport-Hill. " A man of hope, and forward-looking mind ". Wordsworth. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xviii. (inc. steel plate portrait) 516. Med. 8vo. 1878 BIBLIOGRArHICAL CATALOGUE 339 HOBART (LORD) The Salt Tax in Southern India Letters by Vere Henry Lord Hobart Governor of Madras London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vii. I blank, 52. 8vo. HODGSON (F. & J. T.) Memoir of the Rev. Francis Hodgson, B.D. Scholar, Poet, and Divine with numerous letters from Lord Byron and others by his Son, the Rev. James T. Hodgson, M.A. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xii. 297, I blank, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 347, i blank. Cr, Svo. HOMER— GLADSTONE (W. E.) 3L{t£rattire Primers. Edited by J. R. Green. Homer. By the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Honorary Student of Christ Church. ' ' Those oft are stratagems which errors seem ; Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream. — Pope. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 154, 2 advts. I blank, I paste down. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (IE) July iSj8. Reprinted August 18 j 8, i88g. HOOKER (J. D.)— BALL (J.)— MAW (G.) Journal of a Tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas by Joseph Dalton Hooker, K.C.S.I., C.B. Pres. R.S. Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew ; etc. and John Ball, F.R.S., M.R.I.A. etc. with an appendix including a Sketch of Geology of Marocco, by George Maw, F.L.S., F.G.S. (Vignette, Cape Spartel) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 499, I blank, 7 page and folded plates, i Map. Svo. First Edition printed 18 j8. Reprinted with corrections i8'j(). HORACE— HOVENDEN (R. M.) Horace's Life and Character. Second Supplement. By R. M. Hovenden, B.A. Author of a Metrical Paraphrase of the Odes of Horace. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 4S, 4 page wrapper which contains title. Globe Svo. HORACE — THORNTON (W. T.) Word for Word from Horace the Odes literally versified by William Thomas Thornton, C.B. author of a treatise ' On Labour ' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 317, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. HUGHES (T.) The Old Church; What shall we do with it? By Thomas Hughes, Q.C, Author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 224. Cr. Svo. HUNT (W. M.) — MILLAIS (J. E.) W. M. Hunt's Talks about Art. With a Letter from J. E. Millais, R.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 124, 4 advts. 2 blanks. Ext. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (ilH) iSj-j. Reprinted [Si from fH) 1878, 1882, 1883, i88j, 188S. 340 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1878 JAMES (H.) The Europeans. A Sketch. By Henry James, Jr. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. 255, I blank. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 272. First Edition printed Septe7nber iSj8 ( Cr. 8vo. ) Reprinted October and November 18 j8. Second Edition [S:] i8-j() (/ vol. Cr. 8vo.) (Also published in a collection of Novels and Tales by H. James, 14 vols. See under 188 j. ) JAMES (H.) French Poets and Novelists. By Henry James Jr. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 440. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed iSjS. Second (S) 18S4. JEVONS (W. S.) .ScfmcE PrimtTS. Political Economy. By W. Stanley Jevons, LL.D., M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Political Economy in University College, London ; Examiner in Logic and Moral Philosophy in the University of London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 134, 2 advts. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (!E) March 1878. Reprinted July 1878, 18S1, 1884, 1887. JOHNSON (S.)— ARNOLD (M.) The Six Chief Lives from Johnson's " Lives of the Poets ", with Macaulay's " Life of Johnson." Edited, with a Preface, by Matthew Arnold. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 467, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (jJH) 1878. Reprinted [Si from fH) iS7g, 188 1, with many alterations and additions 1S86, iSSg. JOHNSON (S.) — STEPHEN (L.) Samuel Johnson by Leslie Stephen London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 196, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) May 1878. Reprinted July 1878, 187^, 1880, 1882, 188^, 1 886, 1888. ' ' English Men of Letters Series. " The Journal of Physiology. Edited by Dr. Michael Foster. With the co-operation in England of Professor A. Gamgee, Prof W. Rutherford, Prof J. B. Sanderson, and in America of Prof H. P. Bowditch, Prof H. N. Martin, and Prof H. C. Wood. Royal 8vo. [First number published in March 1878, and last by Macmillan and Co. July 1880.) KEETLEY (C. B.) The Student's Guide to the Medical Profession by Charles Bell Keetley, F.R.C.S. Assistant-Surgeon to the West London Hospital late Assistant-Demonstrator of Anatomy at St Bartholo- mew's Hospital London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64. Cr. 8vo. KINGSLEY (C.) The Gospel of the Pentateuch a set of Parish Sermons and David Five Sermons. By the Rev. Charles Kingsley late Rector of Eversley and Canon of Westminster. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 326, 2 advts. 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) in this form 1878. Reprinted 1880, i88j. Originally published in separate volumes " The Gospel of the Pentateuch" and "David." [See under 1S64 and 186^. ) 1878 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 341 KINGSLEY (C.) Madam How and Lady Why or First Lessons in Earth Lore for Children By the Rev. Charles Kingsley, M.A. Author of " The Water Babies ", etc. — With Numerous Illustrations — London Bell and Daldy, York Street, Covent Garden. 1870 Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 350, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. j8y8. First Edition printed [Z>) for Macmillan and Co. May iSjg. Reprinted 1880, 1882, i8Ss, 1888. Second (IE) 1889. KINGSLEY (C.) Selections from Some of the Writings of the Rev. C. Kingsley, M.A. Rector of Eversley, Canon of Chester Chaplain to the Queen and the Prince of Wales Fourth Edition London Daldy, Isbister & Co. 56, Ludgate Hill 1878 Pp. xiv. 376, 2 advts. and Photograph. Cr. 8vo. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. jSy8. Fifth Edition printed (Si) 1880. Reprinted with slight alterations 1884. KINGSLEY (C.) Town Geology by the late Charles Kingsley Fifth thousand London Daldy, Isbister & Co. 56 Ludgate Hill. 1878 Pp. Ivi. 2 blanks, 239, i blank, 6 advts. Cr. 8vo. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. i8'j8. {^Afterwards included in ' ' Scientific Lectures and Essays." See under 1880.) KUHNE (W.)— FOSTER (M.) On the Photochemistry of the Retina and on Visual Purple, translated from the German of Dr W. Kuhne, Professor of Physiology in the University of Heidelberg. Edited, with notes, by Michael Foster, M.D. F.R.S. Fellow and Pnelector, Trinity College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 104. 8vo. LANG (R. H.) Cyprus : its history, its present resources, and future prospects. By R. Hamilton Lang, late H.M. Consul for the island of Cyprus. With two illustrations and four maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 370, 2 advts. 8vo. LAVELEYE (E. DE)— MARRIOTT (G. R. L.)— LESLIE (T. E. C.) Primitive Property, translated from the French of Emile de Laveleye, Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Madrid, and Lisbon, Corresponding Member of the Institute of France, of the Institute of Geneva, of the Academy Dei Lificei of Rome, etc. by G. R. L. Marriott, B.A., LL.B. With an Introduction by T. E. Cliffe Leslie, LL.B., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xlviii. 356. 8vo. LIVY— CAPES (W. W.) LivY Books xxi. and xxii. Hannibal's First Campaign in Italy. Edited with introductions, notes, appendices, and maps, by the Rev. W. W. Capes, Fellow of Hertford College, and Reader in Ancient History, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ivi. 327, I blank, 3 maps. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition (<%) i8-j8. Reprinted iSjg, ruith slight corrections 1880, 1881, i88j, with slight corrections 1884, i88j, i88(). 342 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1878 LOCKYER (J. N.) — SEABROKE (G. M.) Stargazing: Past and Present. By J. NORMAN LoCKYER, F.R.S., Correspondent to the Institute of France. Expanded from shorthand notes of a course of Royal Institution lectures, with the assistance of G. M. Seabroke, F.R.A.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 496, I photo. Med. 8vo. LOFTIE (W. J.)— WHITE (H.)— MARTIN (C. T.) Memorials of THE Savoy the Palace : the Hospital : the Chapel by the Rev. William John Loftie, B.A., F.S.A Assistant Chaplain of the Savoy author of 'In and out of London', 'The Latin Year', etc. with an appendix of original documents contributed by Charles Trice Martin, B.A., F.S.A. of the Public Record Office and a preface by the Rev. Henry White, M.A. Chaplain of the Savoy, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 267, I blank. Cr. 8vo. LOFTIE (MRS. W. J.) The Dining-Room. By Mrs. Loftie. " The best ornament for a dining-room is a well-cooked dinner." (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 128, 2 advts. 3 page illustrations. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) i8jy [dated 1878). Reprinted July 1878. ' ' Art at Home Series." MACMILLAN'S Copybooks. London : Macmillan and Co. Nos. I to 12 and 4a, 8a, and 12a, each pp. 24. Post 410. Nos. i to 12 and 4a, 8a, and I2a, each pp. 24. Post oblong. Nos. i to 9 and 11 containing Good- man's Patent Slips pp. 24. Post 4to. MACNAMARA (C.) Clinical Lectures on Diseases of Bone. By C. Macnamara, Fel. Cal. Univ., Surgeon to the Westminster Hospital ; Surgeon Major H.M.E. Indian Medical Service; also of the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 298, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. " MAORI ". Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier or Twelve Years Sporting Reminiscences of an Indigo Planter by " Maori " London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 3 blanks) 6 page illustrations, 361, I blank. 8vo. [By James Inglis.] MAYER (A. M.)— BARNARD (C.) Nature Series. — Light : a series of simple, entertaining and inexpensive experiments in the phenomena of light, for the use of students of every age. By Alfred M. Mayer and Charles Barnard. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 90, 2 advts. i blank, i paste down. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed {%) 1878. Reprinted i87(), i88g. 1878 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 343 MELBOURNE (VISCOUNT)— TORRENS (W. M.) Memoirs OF the Right Honourable William second Viscount Melbourne. By W. M. Torrens, M.P. In two volumes. With a portrait. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. 10 (inc. steel portrait) 443, i blank. Vol. ii. pp. vi. 430. 8vo. First Edition printed iSj'j. Repritited i8y8. MIALL (L. C.) Studies in Comparative Anatomy. — No. I. The Skull of the Crocodile a Manual for Students by L. C. Miall Professor of Biology in the Yorkshire College and Curator of Leeds Museum. ' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 50, 2 advts. 8vo. MIALL (L. C.)— GREENWOOD (F.) Studies in Comparative Anatomy. — No. II. Anatomy of the Indian Elephant by L. C. MiALL Professor of Biology in the Yorkshire College and Curator of the Leeds Museum and F. Greenwood Curator to the Leeds School of Medicine London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 84, 4 plates, I advt. i blank. 8vo. MILLAR (J. B.) Elements of Descriptive Geometry. By J. B. Millar, B.E. Civil Engineer ; Assistant Lecturer in Engineering in the Owens College, Manchester. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 202, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Editio7i printed iSyS. Second 1887. MOLESWORTH (M. L.) ' Grandmother Dear ' a book for Boys and Girls by Mrs. Molesworth author of ' Carrots ', ' Cuckoo Clock,' ' Tell me a Story.' (Vignette) Illustrated by Walter Crane. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 262, 2 advts. 7 page illustrations. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed [S}) November iSj8. Reprinted December 1878, September and December 1882, 1S86, iS8j. MONAHAN (J. H.) Method of Law : an Essay on the Statement and Arrangement of the Legal Standard of Conduct. By James H. Mona- HAN, O.C. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 204. Cr. Svo. MORRIS (R.)— BOWEN (H. C.) ILitcratiirc Primers. English Grammar Exercises. By the Rev. Richard Morris, M.A., LL.D., President of the Philological Society, Author of " Historical Outlines of English Accidence," "Elementary Lessons in Historical English Grammar", &c. and H. Courthope Bowen, M.A., Headmaster of the Grocer's Company's School, Hackney Downs. Editor of " Studies in English ", " Lord Clive," &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 107, 3 advts. I blank, I paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) j8j-/ {dated iSj8). Reprinted i8jg, i88r, 188^. 344 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1878 MOULTON (L. C.) Swallow- Flights. By Louise Chandler MOULTON. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 140. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed iSj-j {dated iSjS). MUIR (M. M. P.) Practical Chemistry for Medical Students : specially arranged for the First M.B. Course. By M. M. Pattison MuiR, F.R.S.E., Praelector in Chemistry, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed iSjS. Second 1882. MURRAY (E. C. G.) Round about France by E. C. Grenville Murray. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 368. Cr. 8vo. Priiited (fH) iS-jS. NASH (W.) Oregon : there and back in 1877. By Wallis Nash. ' ' All places that the eye of heaven visits Are to a wise man ports and happy havens ". — Richard ii., i. 3. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxii. Map, 28 5, i blank, 10 page illustrations. Cr. 8vo. NEWCOMB (S.) Popular Astronomy. By Simon Newcomb, LL.D., Professor, U.S. Naval Observatory. With one hundred and twelve engravings, and five maps of the stars. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (including front.) 566, 2 advts. Med. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) for Macmillan and Co. 18 j8. Reprinted with many additions and corrections i8Sj. OLIPHANT (M. O. W.) Dress. By Mrs. Oliphant (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i page illustration) 104, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S) i8j8. " Art at Home Series." OLIPHANT (T. L. K.) The Old and Middle English by T. L. Kington Oliphant, M.A. of BalHol College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxvi. 668. Globe 8vo. Printed (iK) 18 j8. [Previously published under the title ' ' The Sources of Standard English. ' ' See under iSjj. ) Rachel Olliver. A Tale. In three volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. vi. 260. Vol. ii. pp. vi. 250. Vol. iii. pp. vi. 224. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed October i8j8. Reprinted Decetnber j8j8. Paradoxical Philosophy a Sequel to the Unseen Universe In te, Domine, speravi, non confundar in aeternum. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 235, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed iSyS. Reprinted i8jg. [By Professors Balfour Stewart and P. G. Tait.] 1878 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE . , 345 PERRY (WALTER C.) On the Formation of a Gallery of Casts FROM THE Antique in London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. 8vo. PHILLIPS (MRS. ALFRED) Benedicta. By Mrs. Alfred Phillips. Fate steals along with ceaseless tread, And meets us oft when least we dread ; Frowns in the storm with threatening brow, Yet in the sunshine strikes the blow. Cowper. In three volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 272. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 292. Vol. iii. pp. viii. 264. Cr. 8vo. PHILLIPS (S. K.) On the Seaboard and other Poems by Susan K. Phillips London : Macmillan and Co. Pp.'xvi. 296. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 18 j8. Second iS-jg. Philochristus Memoirs of a Disciple of the Lord 'ilJ.adev d(p' uiv 'iiradev tt)v VTraKorjv. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 440. Svo. First Edition printed February i8j8. Reprinted with corrections and alterations, April i8j8, with corrections October i8y8. RAYLEIGH (LORD) The Theory of Sound. By John William Strutt, Baron Rayleigh, M.A., F.R.S. Formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Volume II. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 2 blanks, 302, 2 advts. Svo. RICHARDSON (B. W.) Total Abstinence A Course of Addresses by Benjamin Ward Richardson M.D., F.R.S., M.A., LL.D., F.S.A. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Honorary Physician to the Royal Literary Fund London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 180. Cr. 8vo. ROBINSON (W.) Hardy Flowers. descriptions of upwards of thirteen hundred of the most ornamental species, with directions for their arrangement, culture, etc ' ' Daffodils That come before the swallow dares, and take The winds of March with beauty : violets dim, But sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes Or Cytherea's breath : pale primroses. That die unmarried, ere they can behold Bright Phoebus in his strength : .. bold oxlips and The crown-imperial ; lilies of all kinds." Shakespeare. By W. Robinson, F.L.S., founder and editor of "The Garden"; author of "Alpine Flowers for English Gardens", "The Wild Garden". Third and Cheaper edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. frontispiece, 342, and 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First and Second Editions published elsewhere. Third Edition printed (S) 1878. 346 . MACMILLAN AND CO. 'S 1878 • ROBINSON (W.) The Parks and Gardens of Paris considered in relation to the wants of other cities and of pubhc and private gardens ; being notes on a study of Paris gardens. By W. Robinson, F.L.S. Second Edition, revised, sixth thousand. Illustrated. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 548, 8 page illustrations. Med. 8vo. First Edition published elsewhere. Second Edition printed i8y8. ROSCOE (H. E.) Portrait engraved by Jeens. ROSCOE (H. E.)— SCHORLEMMER (C.) A Treatise on Chemistry. By H. E. RoscOE F.R.S. and C. Schorlemmer F.R.S. Professors of Chemistry in Owens College, Manchester. Volume II. — Metals. Part I. " Chymia, alias Alchemia et Spagirica, est ars corpora vel mixta, vel composita, vel aggregata etiam in principia sua resolvendi, aut ex principiis in talia combinandi. " Stahl, 1723. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 504. Svo. First Edition printed (IE) iS'jS. Reprinted iSjq, with alterations i88j, with alterations i88j. RUTHERFORD (W. G.) First Greek Grammar. By W. Gunion Rutherford, B.A., late Warner Exhibitioner, Balliol College, Oxford; Assistant Master of St. Paul's School, London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 68. First Edition (3E) i8'/8 {Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Reprinted i8j0NT02 EAAHNIKA A. B. — Hellenics of Xenophon Books I. and II. The text revised with notes critical and explanatory analysis indices and map by Herbert Hailstone, B.A. late Scholar of Peterhouse, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 151, I blank, i map. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition pri7ited (S) 1S78. Reprinted 1881, 1882, April and November 18S4, 1886, 1887. YONGE (C. M.) Historg Primers. Edited by J. R. Green. History OF France. By Charlotte M. Yonge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 122. Pott 8vo. First Edition pri7ited (|E) 187S. Reprinted 18S1. YONGE (C. M.) The Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. By Charlotte M. Yonge, Author of " The Heir of Redclyffe " etc. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 299, I blank. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed {^) 1878. Reprinted with slight corrections 187^. ' ' Golden Treasury Series. " 1879 ABBOTT (E. A.) Oxford Sermons preached before the University. By the Rev. Edwin A. Abbott, D.D. formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ix. 172. 8vo. AESCHYLUS— PRICKARD (A. C.) AI2XYA0Y HEPSAL— The Persae of Aeschylus. Edited with introduction, notes, and a map. By A. O. Prickard, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford. ^76 St] (TLLoira irois dvrjp ' \ey' AicrxuXe. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxviii. 132. Fcap. Svo. First Edition {&) printed iS7g. Reprinted with corrections i88j, f88g. AGASSIZ (J. LOUIS R.) Portrait engraved by Jeens. ANDERSON (A.) Ballads and Sonnets. By Alexander Anderson. (" Surfaceman ") author of" Songs of the Rail ", " The Two Angels," " A Song of Labour ", and other Poems. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 199, I blank, Cr. Svo. i879 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 351 ARNOLD (W. T.) The Roman System of Provincial Administra- tion TO THE accession OF CONSTANTINE THE GREAT. Being the Arnold Prize Essay for 1879. By W. T. Arnold, B.A. Formerly Scholar of University College, Oxford. ' Urbem fecisti quod prius orbis erat. ' RutiUus. ' Perceperunt mercedem suam. ' — Aiigustin. De Civitate Dei. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 240. Cr. 8vo. BAILEY (A.) The Succession to the English Crown. A Historical Sketch. By Alfred Bailey, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, M.A., formerly Student of Christ Church, and Stovvell Civil Law Fellow of University College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxviii. 302. Cr. 8vo. BAKER (S. W.) Cyprus as I saw it in i 879. By Sir Samuel White Baker, M.A., F.R.S., F.R.S.A., F.R.G.S., &c. Author of " Ismailia, "The Albert N'Yanza," "The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia," "Eight Years in Ceylon," " The Rifle and Hound in Ceylon," &c., &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 502, 2 advts. I page plate. 8vo. First Edition printed iSjg. Reprinted iSSo. BALFOUR (A. J.) A Defence of Philosophic Doubt being an Essay on the Foundations of Belief by ARTHUR James Balfour, M.A., M.P. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 355, I blank. 8vo. BEAUMARCHAIS— BLOUET (L. P.) Le Barbier de Seville ou La Precaution Inutile, comedie en quatre actes par Beaumarchais. Represente'e et tombee sur le theatre de la Comedie Fran^aise, aux Tuileries, le 23 fevrier 1775. Edited with Biographical Introduction and Notes by L. P. Blouet, B.A., Univ. Gallic, French Master, St. Paul's School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. 143, I blank. P'cap. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) i8-jg. Reprinted iSSj. BELCHER (H.) Short Exercises in Latin Prose Composition, (Part II.) on the syntax of sentences, with an appendix, including mis- cellaneous Latin idioms and expressions, examination papers, and etymological notes on some important Latin words. By the Rev. HENRY Belcher, M.A. Author of " Short Exercises in Latin Prose Composition, Part I.," &c ; Member of the Philological Society of Great Britain; Master of the Matriculation Class, King's College School, London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 141, I blank, 2 advts. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed [S:) iS^g. Reprinted jSSj. BIRKS (T. R.) Supernatural Revelation, or First Principles of Moral Theology. By the Rev. T. R. BiRKS, Professor of Moral Theology, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 240. 8vo. 352 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1879 BLAKISTON (J. R.) The Teacher. Hints on School Management. By J. R. Blakiston, M.A., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 91, I blank, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed January iSjg. Rep7-inted (S) May i8jg, with slight corrections i88j, with alterations and additions 1888. BRIGHT (H. A.) A Year in a Lancashire Garden. By Henry A. Bright. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 120. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed May J8jg. Second (ilBl) August i8yg. BRIGHT (JOHN)— ROGERS (J. E. T.) Public Addresses by John Bright, M.P. Edited by James E. Thorold Rogers. ' Be just and fear not ' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 542, 2 advts. 8vo. BUNSEN (ROBERT WILHELM) Portrait engraved by Jeens BURKE (EDMUND)— MORLEY (JOHN) BuRKE by John Morley London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 216. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) ^8jg. Reprinted with corrections 1880, 1881, i88j, i88j, i88g. " English Men of Letters Series." [For Library Edition see under 1888. Also an Edition printed i8jg on handmade paper.) BURNETT (F. H.) "Haworth's" A Novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett author of " That Lass o' Lowrie's " in two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol i. pp. viii. 300. Vol. ii. pp. vili. 280. First Edition printed i8jg [Cr. 8vo.) Second {%) 18S0 (i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1887 {Small Post 8vo.), 1888. BURNS (R.)— SHAIRP (J. C.) Robert Burns by Principal Shairp, Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 208. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (S) April i8jg. Reprinted December iSjg, i88j, i88j. "English Men of Letters Series." BUSCH (M.) Bismarck in the Franco-German War i 870-1 871. Authorised Translation from the German of Dr. MoRITZ BusCH. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xii. 364. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 347, i blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed January l8'jg. Reprinted January and May 18 jg. BUTLER (G.) The End OF the Perfect Man. A Sermon preached at St. Paul's Church, Prince's Park, Liverpool, after the death of the Very Rev. Hugh M'Neile, D.D., February 2nd, 1879. By GEORGE Butler, M.A., Principal of Liverpool College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 20. Svo. i879 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 353 BUTLER (H. M.) War in a Christian Spirit. A Sermon preached in the Temple Church, and afterwards in the Chapel of Harrow School, on Sunday, November 24th, 1878. By Henry Montagu Butler, D.D., Head Master of Harrow School, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. (Not Published.) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. Svo. CAESAR — RUTHERFORD (W. G.) fSInnentars Classics. Gai luLi Caesaris De Bello Gallico commentariorum II. III. Edited, for the Use of Schools, by W. GUNION RUTHERFORD, B.A., Balliol College, Oxford, and Assistant Master at St. Paul's School. Caesaris monimenta magni. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Map, xxxiv. 104, 2 advts. I blank, i paste down. Pott Svo. First Edition printed {&) i8jg. Reprinted with corrections and vocabulary added i88j, i88j, 18S6, with additions and alterations z88g. CALDERWOOD (H.) The Relations of Mind and Brain by Henry Calderwood, LL.D. Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Edinburgh London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 456, I advt. I blank, Svo. First Edition printed (fH) i8y(). Second (S) 1883. Cameos from English History. Reformation Times. By the Author of The Heir of Redclyffe. Fourth Series. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 387, i blank. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (fE) 18^^. Reprinted 1886. CARPENTER (MARY & J. E.) The Life and Work of Mary Carpenter. By J. Estlin Carpenter, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 495, I blank. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed iSyc). Second 1881. CARROLL (LEWIS) Doublets a Word-Puzzle by Lewis Carroll ' Double, double " ' ' Toil and trouble. " London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 39, I blank. First Edition printed i8yg [Pott Svo.) Second January 1880 (Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted April 1880. CATULLUS— SIMPSON (F. P.) Select Poems of Catullus edited, with introductions, notes, and appendices, by Francis P. Simpson, Balliol College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xlviii. 205, I blank, 2 advts. Fcap. Svo. First Edition printed (^) April iS-jg. Second {%) December i8-jg. Reprinted 1886, i88g. CHAUCER (G.)— WARD (A. W.) Chaucer by Adolphus William Ward London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 200. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (S) 1880. Reprinted 1881, 1884, 1888. ' ' English Men of Letters Series. 2 A 354 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1879 CICERO— HALM (KARL)— DONKIN (E. H.) M. Tullii Ciceronis PRO Sexto Roscio Amerino Oratio ad Iudices. With an Introduc- tion and Notes. Edited, after Karl Halm, by E. H. Donkin, M.A., late Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford ; ' Assistant Master at Up- pingham. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 138, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) iSjg. Reprinted with considerable alterations and additions 1882, 1884, 1886. CICERO— HALM (KARL)— WILKIN S (A. S.) M. TuLLi Ciceronis DE Imperio Gnaei Pompei Oratio ad Quirites, (Pro Lege Manilia). With an Introduction and Notes, edited after Karl Halm, by A. S. WiLKlNS, M.A. Professor of Latin in the Owens College, Manchester. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. liv. 76, I advts. I blank. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed {Si) iSjg. Reprinted 1880, i88j, i88y, i88g. CLAUSIUS (R.)— BROWNE (W. R.) The Mechanical Theory of Heat. By R. Clausius. Translated by Walter R. Browne, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 376. Cr. 8vo. CLIFFORD (W. K.) Nature Series. — Seeing and Thinking by the late William Kingdon Clifford, F.R.S. Professor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in University College London, and some- time Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 156, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (iH) 1879. Second (S) 1880. CLIFFORD (W. K.)— STEPHEN (L.)— POLLOCK (F.) Lectures and Essays by the late William Kingdon Clifford, F.R.S. late Professor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in University College, London and sometime Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge edited by Leslie Stephen and Frederick Pollock with an introduction by F. Pollock ' La vdrite est toute pour tous ' — Paul-Louis Courier In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. steel portrait) 340. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. photograph) 321, 2 advts. I blank. First Edition printed i8jg {8vo.) Second 1886 (/ vol. Cr. Svo.) COMBE (G.) — JOLLY (W.) Education its Principles and Practice as developed by George Combe author of " The Constitution of Man ". (Vignette) Collated and edited by William Jolly H.M. Inspector of Schools. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ixxviii. 772, 4 advts. Svo. CROSSLEY (E.)— GLEDHILL (J.)— WILSON (J. M.) A Handbook of Double Stars, with a catalogue of twelve hundred double stars and extensive lists of measures. With additional notes bringing the measures up to 1879. For the use of amateurs. By Edwd. Crossley, i879 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 355 F.R.A.S. ; Joseph Gledhill, F.R.A.S., and James M. Wilson, M.A., F.R.A.S. ' ' The subject has already proved so extensive, and still promises so rich a harvest to those who are inclined to be diligent in the pursuit, that I cannot help inviting every lover of astronomy to join with me in observations that must inevitably lead to new discoveries." — Sir Wm. Herschel. " Stellas fixae, quee in ccelo conspiciuntur, sunt aut soles simplices, qualis sol noster, aut systemata ex binis vel interdum pluribus solibus peculiari nexu physico inter se junctis composita. Stellarum simplicium numerus est quidem major, ab vero non nisi ter vel fortasse bis tantum major quam systematum compositorum. " S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 illustrations) 464, 5 folded diagrams. 8vo. CUNYNGHAME (A. T.) My Command in South Africa. 1 874-1 878. Comprising experiences of travel in the colonies of South Africa and the Independent States. By General Sir ARTHUR Thurlow Cunynghame, G.C.B., then Lieutenant Governor and Commander of the Forces in South Africa. With maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 376, I advt. I blank, 3 maps. 8vo. First Edition printed February iSjg. Reprinted February and September iSjg, new preface added 1880. DANTE — CHURCH (F. J.) The ' De Monarchia' of Dante. Translated by F. J. CHURCH. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 128. 8vo. Originally published in a volu7ne with " Dante. An Essay." By R. IV. Church. (See under 18 j8.) DEFOE (D.)— MINTO (W.) Daniel Defoe by William Minto London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 171, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) March iSjq. Reprinted July i8jg, r88j, 1887. " English Men of Letters Series." DODGSON (C. L.) Euclid and his Modern Rivals by Charles L. DODGSON, M.A. Senior Student and Mathematical Lecturer of Christ Church, Oxford ' All for your delight We are not here. That you should here 7-epent you The actors are at hand ; and, by their show, You shall know all, that you are like to know. ' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. 299, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed i8j(p. Second i88j. EURIPIDES— MAHAFFY (J. P.) Classical OTritcrs. Edited by John Richard Green Euripides by J. P. Mahaffy, A.M., Fellow of Trinity College and Professor of Ancient History in the University of DubHn. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 144, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (IE) i8jq. EVERETT (J. D.) Units and Physical Constants. By J. D. Everett, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., Professor of Natural Philo- sophy in Queen's College, Belfast. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 175, I blank. First Edition published elsewhere. Second printed i8j

) 1878 (dated 187^). Reprinted 1888. i879 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 361 KEARY (A.) A Doubting Heart. By Annie Keary, Author of •' Castle Daly ", " Oldbury " etc. In three volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 304. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 368. Vol. iii. pp. viii. 368. First Edition printed 187 g (Cr. 8vo.) Second [S;) 1880 (i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1S82, 1884. KINGSLEY (C.) Health & Education By Charles Kingsley London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 advts. and 2 blanks) 412. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. December 18 j8. First Edition printed {&)/or Macinillan and Co. i8jg. Reprinted 1882, i88y. KYNASTON (H.) Exercises in the Composition of Greek Iambic Verse by Translation from English Dramatists with Introduction and Index of Phrases &c. Arranged by HERBERT Kynaston, M.A. (Formerly Snow) Principal of Cheltenham College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 164. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed iSjg. Second (S) 1884. LAMB (C. & M.)— AINGER (A.) Tales from Shakspe.\re by Charles and Mary Lamb (Vignette) Edited, with an Introduction, by Rev. Alfred Ainger, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 368. Golden Treasury Series, First Edition printed {S}) i8y8 {dated 187c), Pott 8-vo.) Reprinted 1881, 1884, 1887. Globe Readings Edition {Globe 8vo.) printed {from plates) March j88j, 1884, 1887. Library Edition /Wwz't'fif {from plates) 1886 {Globe 8vo. ) Reprinted 1887. LANDAUER (J.)— TAYLOR (J.)— KAY (W. E.) Blowpipe Analysis : by J. Landauer. Authorised English edition, by James Taylor and William E. Kay. of the Owens College, Manchester. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 161, I blank, 2 advts.' I diagram Spectra. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. LIGHTFOOT (J. B.) Bought with a price. — A Sermon preached in Great St Mary's Church, Cambridge, on the evening of the first Sunday in Lent, 1879. By J. B. Lightfoot, D.D., Bishop Designate of Durham. [Published by request.] Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. 8vo. First Edition printed March 187^. Reprinted March and April 187^. LIVY — CAPES (W. W.) (fTlasstcal ^KEriters. Edited by John Richard Green. Livy. By W. W. Capes, M.A., Fellow of Hertford College and Reader in Ancient History in the University of Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 119, I blank, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (S) 187^. Loch Etive and the Sons of Uisnach. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 176, 15 page and i double page illustrations. 8vo. 362 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1879 LOCKYER (J. N.)— HUNTER (W. W.)— ARCHIBALD (E. D.) The Cycle of Sun-spots and of Rainfall in Southern India. By J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S. Corresponding Member of the Institute of France ; Author of ' Contributions to Solar Physics,' etc. W. W. Hunter LL.D., CLE., Director-general of Statistics to the Government of India, one of the Council of the Royal Asiatic Society, Honorary Member of the Royal Institute of Netherlands India at the Hague, etc. and E. D. Archibald, B.A. F.M.S. Professor of Mathematics in the Patna College. Submitted to the Indian Famine Commission. Macmillan & Co., London Pp. 34, 2 blanks. 8vo. LOFTIE (W. J.) A Ride in Egypt from Sioot to Luxor in 1879 : with notes on the present state and ancient history of the Nile valley, and some account of the various ways of making the voyage out and home. By W. J. Loftie, B.A., F.S.A., Author of " In and Out of London", "A Plea for Art in the House," &c., &c. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 400. Cr. 8vo. LOFTIE (MRS. W. J.) XLvj Social Twitters. By Mrs. Loftie, Author of " The Dining Room ". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 288. Sq. l6mo. First Edition printed (fH) i8-j8. Reprinted {% from JH) 187 (). LUBBOCK (J.) Addresses, Political and Educational. By Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., D.C.L., LL.D., Vice Chancellor of the University of London ; Vice-President of the Royal Society ; and Hon. Sec. London Bankers. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 210, I advts. i blank. 8vo. LUBBOCK (J.) Scientific Lectures. By Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Chancellor of the University of London; Vice-President of the Royal Society ; President of the Entomological Society ; and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries ; of the Linnean, Geological, and various other Learned Societies. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 188, 4 advts. i coloured plate. 8vo. MACDONELL (JAMES) France since the First Empire by James Macdonell edited by his wife. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 300. Cr. 8vo. MACMILLAN (M. C.) First Latin Grammar by M. C. Macmill.\n, M.A. Assistant Master in St. Paul's School London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 119, I blank. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) i8jg. Reprinted with slight corrections 1881, additions made in July 1882, 1886. MACQUOID (K. S.) The Berkshire Lady. A Romance. By Katherine S. Macquoid, author of " Patty", etc. ' ' Bachelors of every station, Mark this strange but true relation, i879 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 363 Which to you in brief I bring : Never was a stranger thing. ' ' Old Ballad. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 300. Cr. 8vo. Printed (i|H) iSjg. MARKHAM (A. H.) Northward Ho ! By Captain Albert H. Markham, R.N., author of "The Great Frozen Sea," "A Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay and the Gulf of Boothia ". etc. etc. Including a narrative of Captain Phipps's Expedition. By a Midshipman, "And when we came to that cold countrie, Where the white snow always lies, Where the storms, and the cold, and the big whales blow, And the daylight never dies." With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xlviii. 348, I page illustration, i map, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (^) i8-jg. MARSHALL (A. & M. P.) The Economics of Industry by Alfred Marshall, Principal of University College, Bristol ; late Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge ; and Mary Paley Marshall, late Lecturer at Newnham Hall, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 231, I blank. First Edition printed (S) October iSyg [Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Reprinted November rSjg, with additions 1S81, 1883, 18S4, with slight alterations i88s, 1886, 1888 {Globe 8vo.), i88g. MARTIAL— WEBB (W. T.) Select Epigrams from Martial for English Readers. Translated by W. T. Webb, M.A. Professor of History and Political Economy, Presidency College, Calcutta. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 147, I blank. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. MATHEWS (C. J.)— DICKENS (C.) The Life of Charles James Mathews chiefly autobiographical with selections from his correspond- ence and speeches edited by Charles Dickens in two volumes With Portraits London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xvi. I page illustration, 324. Vol. ii. pp. xii. 336, 3 page illustrations. 8vo. Printed May 18 jg, cancel inserted July iSyg. MAUDSLEY (H.) The Pathology of Mind. Being the third edition of the second part of the " Physiology and Pathology of Mind ", recast, enlarged, and rewritten. By Henry Maudsley, M.D. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 580. 8vo. Printed {^) iSjg. MAYER (A. M.) Nature Series. — Sound a Series of Simple, Enter- taining and Inexpensive Experiments in the Phenomena of Sound, for the use of students of every age. By ALFRED Marshall Mayer, Professor of Physics in the Stevens Institute of Technology ; Member of the National Academy of Sciences ; of the American Philosophical 364 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1879 Society, Philadelphia ; of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston ; of the New York Academy of Sciences ; of the German Astronomical Society ; of the American Otological Society ; and Honorary Member of the New York Ophthalmological Society. With Illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XV. (inc. I page illustration) i blank, 156, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (^) i8t8 {dated iSjg). Reprinted 1881. MILTON (J.)— PATTISON (M.) Milton by Mark Pattison, B.D. Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 220. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (S) iS-jg. Reprinted with considerable alterations 1880, 188 J, f8Sj, 1 88 J. ' • English Men of Letters Series. ' ' MILTON (J.)— BROOKE (S. A.) Classical TOritcrs. Edited by John Richard Green. Milton. By Stopford A. Brooke. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. 168, 2 advts. Printed (E) iSjg [Fcap. 8vo.) Also a large paper Edition {8vo.) MOLESWORTH (M. L.) The Tapestry Room a Child's Romance by Mrs. Molesworth author of ' Carrots ', ' Cuckoo Clock ', ' Grandmother Dear', 'Tell me a Story', etc. (Vignette — Dudu) ' What tale did Iseult to the children say, Under the hollies, that bright winter's day?' Matthew Arnold. Illustrated by Walter Crane. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 237, I blank, 8 advts. 2 blanks, 7 page illustrations. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (^) i8y(p. Reprinted 1882, 1886. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE)— TARVER (F.) Le Malade Imaginaire, comedie en trois actes. Par MOLlfeRE. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by F. Tarver, M.A., Assistant Master at Eton College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 112. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (5) i8jg, MOSELEY (H. N.) Notes by a Naturalist on the " Challenger," being an account of various observations made during the voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger" round the world, in the years 1872-1876, under the commands of Capt. Sir G. S. Nares, R.N., K.C.B., F.R.S., and Capt. F.;T. Thomson, R.N. By H. N. Moseley, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, Member of the Scientific Staff of H.M.S. " Challenger ". With a Map, two Coloured Plates, and numerous Woodcuts. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 620, 2 coloured plates, i Map. Svo. NAPIER (M.) Selection from the Correspondence of the late Macvey Napier, Esq. Edited by his Son, Macvey Napier. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 555, I blank. Svo. i879 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 365 NICHOL (J.) ILiteraturc Prfmers. Edited by J. R. Green. English Composition. By John Nichol, M.A. Balliol, Oxon, LL.D., Professor of English Language and Literature in the University of Glasgow. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 132 (including 2 paste downs and 3 advts.) Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (f£) iSjS {dated i8yg). Reprinted iSjg, with slight alterations 1 88 1, 1 88 J, 1886, 1888, 188 g. NOEL (LADY A.) From Generation to Generation. By Lady Augusta Noel, author of "Wandering Willie", "Owen Gwynne's Great Work ", etc. ' ' Dowglas ! Dowglas ! Tendir and trew. ' ' The Houlate. * In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. vi. 287, I blank. Vol. ii. pp. vi. 312. First Edition printed 18 jg {Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted February 1880. Second May 1880 {i vol. Cr. 8vo. ) NORDENSKIOLD (A. E.) The Arctic Voyages of Adolf Erik Nordenskiold. 1 858-1 879. With illustrations and maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 448, 4 coloured Maps. 8vo. OVID— SHUCKBURGH (E. S.) OviDii Nasonis Heroidum Epis- TULAE xiii Edited with Notes and Indices by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, M.A. late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Emmanuel College, Cambridge ; Assistant Master at Eton. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. 229, I blank, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed {^) 18 jg. Reprinted with alterations 188 j. OVID— SHUCKBURGH (E. S.) lElemmtarg Classics. Selections from Ovid. Edited for the use of lower classes in Schools by E. S. Shuckburgh, M.A. late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Emmanuel College, Cambridge ; Assistant Master at Eton. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 78, 4 advts. i blank, I paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (S) i8'/g. Reprinted with corrections 1882, with corrections and notes, vocabulary, etc. , added i88j, i88£, with slight corrections 188 j. PASTEUR (L.)— FAULKNER (F.)— ROBB (D. C.) Studies on Fermentation The Diseases of Beer their causes and the means of preventing them by L. Pasteur Member of Institute of France, the Royal Society of London, etc. A Translation, made with the author's sanction, of " Etudes sur la Biere," with notes, index, and original illustrations by Frank Faulkner author of "The Art of Brewing", etc and D. Constable Robb, B.A. late Scholar of Worcester Coll., Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 418, 2 advts. 12 page plates. 8vo. PEDLEY (S.) Examples in Arithmetic. By Samuel Pedley, late of Tamworth Grammar School; author of "The Pupil Teacher's Hand- book, &c." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 371, I blank. Cr. 8vo. Printed {%) i8jg. Also published iti two parts from 188^. 366 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1879 PLUMPTRE (E. H.) Movements in Religious Thought. I. Romanism. II. Protestantism. III. Agnosticism. Three Sermons, preached before the University of Cambridge in the Lent Term, 1879, by E. H. Plumptre D.D., Professor of Divinity in King^s College, London, Prebendary of St Paul's, Vicar of Bickley, Kent. " Respice, Aspice, Prospice." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 126, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. POLLOCK (W. H. & LADY) Amateur Theatricals. By Walter Herries Pollock and Lady Pollock. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. • Pp. xii. (including i page illustration) 72, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (IE) iS-jg. " Art at Home Series." POTTER (L.) Lancashire Memories. By Louisa Potter. ' ' Could those few pleasant days again appear, Might one wish bring them, would I wish them here ? I would not trust my heart — the dear delight Seems so to be desired, perhaps I might." — Cowper. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 200. Cr. 8vo. POTTS (A. W.) Passages for Translation in Latin Prose. Edited with notes and references to the editor's Hints towards Latin Prose Composition by ALEX. W. Potts, M.A., LL.D., sometime Fellow of S. John's College, Cambridge ; Head Master of Fettes College, Edinburgh. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 76. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (S) iSjg. List of errata inserted May 1882. Reprinted with many additions October 1882, 1S84, 1881. Queen's College, London, '43 and 45, Harley Street, W. Established 1848. Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1853. The Calendar for the year 1879-80. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 165, 3 blanks. Cr. 8vo. Also an issue for the years 1 880-1, 1881-2, 1882-j, 1883-4. REMBRANDT (?■) — HADEN (F. S.) THE Etched Work of Rembrandt. A Monograph. Written as an Introduction to a Chronological Exhibition of Rembrandt's Etchings — being the first of its kind — held at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, May, 1877, for the purpose of introducing and substantiating new views as to the unauthentic character of certain of those etchings. (With an appendix.) By Francis Seymour Haden, F.R.C.S. London: Macmillan and Co. Paris: "Gazette des Beaux Arts", 8, Rue Favart. Leipsic : "Zeitschrift fiir Bilden de Kunst." Pp. viii. 54, 3 double plates, 2 blanks. Royal 8vo. First Editiofi printed March i8jg. Reprinted with corrections July 18 jg. REYNOLDS (J. R.) A System of Medicine. Edited by J. Russell Reynolds, M.D., F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London ; Fellow of the Imperial Leopold -Carolina Academy of Germany Fellow of University College, London ; Physician to Her Majesty's Household ; Emeritus Professor of the Principles and Practice i879 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 367 of Medicine in University College ; Consulting Physician to University College Hospital. Volume the Fifth (completing the work), Local Diseases (continued). London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 1040. 8vo. Printed i8j8 (dated i8yg). ROSCOE (H. E.)— SCHORLEMMER (C.) A Treatise on Chemistry. By H. E. RoscOE F.R.S. and C. Schorlemmer F.R.S. Professors of Chemistry in Owens College, Manchester. Volume II. — Metals. Part II. "Chymia, alias Alchemia et Spagirica, est ars corpora vel mixta, vel composita, vel aggregata etiam in principia sua resolvendi, aut ex principiis in talia combinandi." Stahl, 1723. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 552. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) iS^g. Reprinted 1880, 1884, with alterations and additions i88g. RUSH (E.) — MOULTON (W. F.) The Synthetic Latin Delectus, a first Latin construing book, arranged on the principles of grammatical analysis, with notes and vocabulary. By Edward Rush, B.A., Principal of Granville House School, St. Margaret's, Richmond and with a preface by the Rev. W. F. MoULTON, M.A., D.D., Head Master of the Leys, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 128. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed I Syg. Second {&) 1882. Reprinted 188 j. SCHMIDT (J. H. H.)— WHITE (J. W.) An Introduction to the Rhythmic and Metric of the Classical Languages. To which are added the lyric parts of the Medea of Euripides and the Antigone of Sophocles, with rhythmical schemes and commentary. By Dr. J. H. Heinrich Schmidt. Translated from the German, with the author's sanction, by John Williams White, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Greek in Harvard University. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 198. 8vo. SCOTT (L.) Brother and Sister. By Lucy Scott. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. 310. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 292. Cr. 8vo. SIM (G.) Catalogue of the Collection of Greek and Roman Coins formed by George Sim, F.S.A. Scot., Edinburgh. One hundred copies privately printed. Pp. 184. 4to. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co.) SOPHOCLES — CAMPBELL (L.) ClaSgical Writers. Edited by John Richard Green. Sophocles. By Lewis Campbell, M.A., LL.D. Professor of Greek in the University of St Andrews. ' The primal sympathy Which having been must ever be. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 157, I blank, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (^) i87(). 368 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1879 SOUTHEY (R.) — DOWDEN (E.) Southey by Edward Dowden London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 200. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed [Si) iSjg. Reprinted 1882, 1884, 18SS. ' ' English Men of Letters Series." SPENSER (E.)— CHURCH (R. W.) Spenser by R. W. Church, Dean of St. Paul's, Honorary Fellow of Oriel College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 182. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (S) iSjg. Reprinted 1880, iSSj, 18S6, 1887. "English Men of Letters Series." [For Library Edition see under 1888. ) SPOTTISWOODE (W.)— FORBES (G.)— CHISHOLM (H. W.)— PIGOT (T. F.)— FROUDE (W.)— SIEMENS (C. W.)— BARRETT (W. F.)—BURDON- SANDERSON (J.)— BRUNTON (T. L.)— MACLEOD (PROF.)— ROSCOE (H. E.) Science Lectures AT South Kensington. By W. Spottiswoode, P.R.S. Professor Forbes. H. W. Chisholm. Professor T. F. Pigot. W. Froude, LL.D., F.R.S. Dr. Siemens, F.R.S. Professor Barrett. Professor BuRDON - Sanderson, F.R.S. Dr. Lauder Brunton, F.R.S. Professor Macleod. Professor RoscOE, LL.D., F.R.S. In two volumes. Vol. II. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 344. Cr. Svo, Printed (fH) February i8j6. {Professor Roscoe's Lecture on Technical Chemistry was published separately. See under iSy/.) For Volume /. see under " Abney" 1878. STONE (W. H.) Elementary Lessons on Sound. By Dr. W. H. Stone, Lecturer on Physics at St. Thomas's Hospital. With Illustra- tions. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 192. Fcap. Svo. First Edition printed (^) 187^. TAIT (C. & C.)— BENHAM (WM.) Catharine and Craufurd Tait Wife and Son of Archibald Campbell Archbishop of Canterbury A Memoir edited at the request of the Archbishop by the Rev. Wm. Benham, B.D. Vicar of Margate and one of the six preachers of Canterbury Cathedral. With two portraits engraved by Jeens. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 3 blanks) 640, 2 steel engravings. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed August 187 g. Repri tiled Augttst and October 187^, thrice in November i87g, /a?iuary 1880, 1881, 1882, i88j, 1884, 1S88. CHEAPER EDITION. First Edition printed (i^XTOS KYPOY HAIAEIA Z. H. The Cyrop^dia of Xenophon Books vii and viii edited, with Introduction and Notes by Alfred Goodwin, M.A. Professor of Latin in University College, London Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 167, I blank. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) iSyg. Reprinted with many additions and corrections 1880. 1884. YONGE (C. M.) Historical Cotirse for Schools. History of FRANCE by Charlotte M. Yonge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 247, I blank. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (5) iSjg. Reprinted with many additions and correct io?is 1881, 1S82, 1887. YONGE (C. M.) Magnum Bonum or Mother Carey's Brood by Charlotte M. Yonge author of ' The Heir of Redclyffe ' etc. In three volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. 314. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 322 (paged to 636). Vol. ill. pp. iv. 320 (paged to 956). Cr. Svo. First Edition printed 18'jg. Second () i8yg. Reprinted 1884. 1880 ADDISON (JOSEPH)— GREEN (J. R.) Essays of Joseph Addison chosen and edited by John Richard Green, M.A., LL.D. Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 377, I blank, 2 advts. Pott Svo. First Edition (E) printed 1880. Reprinted 1882, 1883. "Golden Treasury Series." 372 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1880 ALEXANDER (THOMAS) Elementary Applied Mechanics. Being the simpler and more practical cases of stress and strain wrought out individually from first principles by means of elementary mathe- matics, illustrated- by diagrams and graduated examples, intended as an easy introduction to the general treatment of the subject in Rankine's Applied Mechanics. By Thomas Alexander, C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering in the Imperial College of Engineering at Tokei, Japan. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 120. Cr. 8vo. The American Journal of Philology. Edited by Basil L. Gilder- sleeve, Professor of Greek in the Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore : The Editor. New York and London : Macmillan and Co, 8vo. First nuinber published February iSSo and continued at intervals to this date. [Editors Name and imprint taken from- the wrapper.^ ARATUS — POSTE (E.) The Skies and Weather-Forecasts of Aratus translated, with notes, by E. PoSTE, M.A. Oriel College, O.xford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 72. Cr. avo. AWDRY (MRS. W.) Easy Lessons in Light. By Mrs. W. Awdry. Illustrated. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 144, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. BALFOUR (F. M.) A Treatise on Comparative Embryology by Francis M. Balfour, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xii. 492. Appendix xxii. 2 blanks. Med. 8vo. First Edition printed 1880. Second i88£. Also included in the Memorial Edition of F. M. Balfour's Works. 4 vols. {See under 188^.) BARKER (LADY) The White Rat and some other stories by Lady Barker (Vignette) with illustrations by W. J. Hennessy London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, viii. 236, 5 page illustrations. Globe 8vo. Printed (S) 1880. BARWELL (R.) On Aneurism : especially of the thorax and root of the neck. By Richard Barwell, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to Charing Cross Hospital. With Illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 118, 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. BATH (MARQUIS OF) Observations on Bulgarian Affairs by the Marquis of Bath London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 118, 6 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed March 1880. Reprinted June j88o. BIGELOW (M. M.) History of Procedure in England from the Norman Conquest The Norman Period (1066- 1204) by Melville Madison Bigelow, Ph.D. Harvard University London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 411, I blank. 8vo. i88o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 373 BLACK (W.) White Wings : a Yachting Romance. By William Black, author of "The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton", "Green Pastures and Piccadilly," etc. In three volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. i ,Vol. i. pp. viii. 278, I blank. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 278, 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. viii, 296. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed August 1880. Reprinted November 1880. Second printed (S) November 1880 (/ vol.^< Reprinted 1882. BLACKBURN (MRS. H.) Birds drawn from Nature. By Mrs. Hugh Blackburn. Glasgow: James MacLehose, Bookseller to the University, 61 St, Vincent Street. Pp. viii. unpaged (inc. 2 blanks), 45 plates with accompanying letterpress descriptions. Folio. A portion of this book was issued as Part i. and there luas also an edition of Part i. with illustrations on India paper. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co.) BOWEN (H. C.) First Lessons in French. A Book for Beginners. By H. Courthope Bowen, Headmaster of the Grocers' Company's Schools, Hackney Downs ; author of " Studies in English," " English Grammar Exercises," " English Grammar for Beginners ", " Simple English Poems," &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 62, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed (5) January 1880. Reprinted June 1880, 1882, 1883, 1888. BRODIE(B. C.) Ideal Chemistry. A Lecture. By Sir B. C. Brodie, Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Oxford. 2a X = a + a x -^ London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64. Cr. 8vo. BROWNE (J. H. B.) Water Supply. By J. H. Balfour Broayne, Barrister at Law ; Registrar to the Railway Commissioners ; Author of "The Compulsory Purchase of Company's Undertakings by Corpora- tions ; " " Borough Extension ; " The Law of Rating ; " " The Law of Carriers ", &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 104. Cr. 8vo. BRUNTON (T. L.) Pharmacology and Therapeutics ; or, Medicine Past and Present. The Goulstonian Lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians in 1877. By T. Lauder Brunton, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., Assistant-Physician and Lecturer on Materia Medica and Therapeutics, at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 212. Cr. 8vo. BUCKNILL (J. C.) The Care of the Insane and their Legal Control by John Charles Bucknill M.D. Lond., F.R.S. Fellow and Censor of the Royal College of Physicians ; Late Lord Chancellor's Visitor of Lunatics ; a Visiting Justice of the Warwickshire County Lunatic Asylum ; and a Governor of Bethlem Hospital ; formerly Medical Superintendent of the Devon County Lunatic Asylum ; Honor- 374 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1880 ary Member of the American Association of Medical Superintendents of Asylums and of the Socidte Medico-Psychologique of Paris ; President of the British Medico-Psychological Association in i860; Lumleian Lecturer on the Law of Insanity in 1878 : Joint-Editor of " Brain," and formerly Editor of " The Journal of Medical Science ; " Joint-Editor of "The Manual of Psychological Medicine," and Author of " The Mad Folk of Shakespeare," " The Sugden Prize Essay on Criminal Responsi- bility," " Notes on American Asylums," " Habitual Drunkenness and Insane Drunkards," &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xl. 134, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed April 1880. Reprinted July 1880. BUNYAN (JOHN) — FROUDE (J. A.) Bunyan by James Anthony Froude London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 182, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) 1880. Reprinted with slight corrections i88j, 1888. ' ' English Men of Letters Series." BURNETT (F. H.) LOUISIANA, and That Lass o' Lowrie's. Two Stories. By Frances Hodgson Burnett. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 332. First Edition printed (S) 1880 {Cr. 8vo. ) Reprinted 1887 (Small Post 8vo. ), i88g. BYRON (LORD) — NICHOL (JOHN) Byron by John Nichol London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 216, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) 1880. Reprinted 1883, 18S8. "English Men of Letters Series." CALDERWOOD (H.) The Parables of Our Lord interpreted in view of their relations to each other by Henry Calderwood, LL.D. Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Edinburgh London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 443, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (^) 1880. Reprinted with alterations and additions 188 1. CAMERON (V. L.) Our Future Highway. By Verney Lovett Cameron, C.B., D.C.L., Commander Royal Navy, Medalhst of Royal, Paris, Lisbon Geo. Soc, of Soc. of Arts ; Corresponding Member of Paris, Lyons, Norman, Italian, French Commercial, Belgian, Antwerp, Brussels, Berlin, Vienna, Hungarian Geo. Soc. ; Member of Committee of International Geo. and Com. Soc, F.R.G.S., F.S.A., M.A.I., F.R. His. Soc, etc (Vignette — Mosques near Baghdad) Two Volumes. — London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xvi. map, 314, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. xii. 342, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. CARROLL (LEWIS) An Easter Greeting to every child ^who loves "Ahce" London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 4 (inc. I blank). i6mo. Printed 1880. Reprinted 1881, 1883, 1887. (No imprint.) i88o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 375 CARTER (R. B.) Eyesight : Good and Bad. A Treatise on the Exercise and Preservation of Vision. By Robert Brudenell Carter, F.R.C.S., late Hunterian Professor of Pathology and Surgery to the Royal College of Surgeons of England ; Ophthalmic Surgeon to St. George's Hospital ; Corresponding Member of the Royal Medico- Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. With numerous illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 267, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed i8jg [dated 1880). Second 1880. CHURCH (R. W.) The Gifts of Civilisation and other sermons and lectures delivered at Oxford and at St Paul's by R. W. CHURCH, M.A., D.C.L. Dean of St. Paul's Honorary Fellow of Oriel New Edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 441, i blank, 6 advts. Cr. Svo. [This volume contains " Sermons preached before the University of Oxford" — see under 1868; "Civilisation before atid after Christianity" — see under i8j2 ; "On the Influences of Christianity upon National Character" — see under 18'jj ; and " T7ie Sacred Poetry of Early Religions " — see under 18^4. ) CICERO — JEANS (G. E.) The Life and Letters of Marcus TULLIUS Cicero being a new translation of the letters included in Mr. Watson's Selection with historical and critical notes by the Rev. G. E. Jeans, M.A. Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford Assistant Master in Haileybury College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 447, I blank. First Edition printed 1880 {8vo.) Second {%) 188 j [Cr. Svo.) CICERO — REID (J. S.) The Academics of Cicero. Translated by James S. Reid, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge ; Examiner in Classics to the University of London ; Editor of Cicero's Academica, Laelius etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 108. 8vo. First Edition printed 1880. Reprinted with corrections 188^. COLERIDGE (S. T.) The Poetical and Dramatic WorksI.of Samuel Taylor Coleridge founded on the author's latest edition of 1834 with many additional pieces now first included and with a col- lection of various readings In four volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. cxviii. 224. Vol. ii. pp. xii. 381, i blank. Vol. iii. pp. vi. 413, 3 blanks. Vol. iv. pp. vi. 290. Fcap. Svo. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. 1880. Also a large paper Edition {Ext. Cr. Svo.) COSSA (L.) JEVONS (W. S.) Guide to the Study of Political Economy. By Dr. Luigi Cossa, Professor of Political Economy in the University of Pavia. Translated from the second Italian edition. — With a preface by W. Stanley Jevons, F.R.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 238. Cr. 8vo. [Translated by Miss Margaret A. Macmillan.] COWPER (W.) — SMITH (G.) Covi^per by GoLDWiN Smith London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 132, 4 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (S) 1880. Reprinted 1881, 1886, 1888. ' ' English Men of Letters Series." 376 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1880 COX (F. H.) Gifts of Healing — Here and Hereafter. A Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, on the Sunday before the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, August 8, 1880, by F. H. Cox, M.A., Pembroke College, formerly Dean of Hobart Town, Tasmania, now Rector of Fen Ditton, Cambridge. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co Pp. 15 (inc. I blank), i blank, 8vo. CROSSLEY (E.)— GLEDHILL (J.)— WILSON (J. M.) Corrections, together with Notes, Criticisms, Recent Measures and Discoveries, &c. to the Handbook of Double Stars. By Edward Crossley, F.R.A.S., Joseph Gledhill, F.R.A.S., and James M. Wilson, M.A., F.R.A.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 44, and 4 page wrapper from which this title is copied. 8vo. CUNNINGHAM (W.) Christian Civilisation with special reference to India by William Cunningham, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 152, 4 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. CUNNINGHAM (W.) The Churches of Asia a methodical sketch of the second century by WiLLlAM CUNNINGHAM, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 299, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. DANTE — BUTLER (A. J.) The Purgatory of Dante Alighieri edited with Translation and Notes by Arthur John Butler late Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xviii. 458, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. DAWKINS (W. BOYD) Early Man in Britain and his place in the Tertiary Period by W. Boyd Dawkins, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.S.A. Curator of the Manchester Museum, and Professor of Geology and Paleontology in Owens College, Manchester illustrated by woodcuts London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 537, 3 blanks, 2 advts. Med. 8vo. DE MORGAN (M.) The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde ; and other stories by Mary de Morgan (Author of " On a Pincushion ") With illustrations by Walter Crane London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. 184, II page illustrations. First Edition printed (.S) October 1880 {Globe 8vo. ) Reprinted December 1880. Also lai-ge paper Edition {Fcap. 4to.) DEAK (F.)— DUFF (M. E. G.) Francis Deak Hungarian States- man a memoir with a preface by Mountstuart E. Grant Duff, M.P. Marcius. ' ' I have done, As you have done : that's what I can ; induc'd As you have been ; that's for my country . . , ." Cominius. ' ' You shall not be The grave of your deserving. ' ' Cor. Act I. Sc. 9. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. (inc. photo.) 322, 2 advts. Svo. i88o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 377 DILLWYN (E. A.) The Rebecca Rioter a story of Killay life by E. A. DiLLWYN In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 238, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 230, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. DOLET (E.)— CHRISTIE (R. C.) Etienne Dolet the Martyr of the Renaissance a biography by Richard Copley Christie, M.A. Lincoln College, Oxford Chancellor of the Diocese of Manchester (Vignette — Stephanus Boletus) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 560, 4 page illustrations. 8vo. DUFF (M. E. G.) Foreign Policy. By Mountstuart E. Grant Duff, M.P. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 56. 8vo. (^" Practical Politics " No. ii. Afterwards issued with Nos. i. Hi. atid iv. in a volume. See ' ' Howard ' ' under 188 1. ) DUNSMUIR (A.) ViDA Study of a Girl by Amy Dunsmuir in two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. vi. 278. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 269. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed March 1880. Reprinted July 1880. Second July 1880 {i vol.) Ecclesiastes a Treatise on the Authorship of Ecclesiastes to which is added a Dissertation on that which was spoken through Jeremiah the Prophet, as quoted in Matthew 27. 9-10. - The Preacher sought to find out acceptable words ; and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxvi. 560. Cr. 8vo. Enga by the Author of ' I'he Harbour Bar ' ' Wild as a wind wrought sea The stream became ' — Shelley. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. 328. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 337, i blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. FARRAR (F. W.) Ephphatha or the Amelioration of the World Sermons preached at Westminster Abbey with two sermons preached in St. Margaret's Church at the opening of Parliament by F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S, Canon of Westminster, and Rector of St. Margaret's Westminster London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 340, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S) 1880. FASNACHT (G. E.) Macmillan's Progressive French Course in. — Third Year containing a systematic syntax and lessons in composition by G. Eugene-Fasnacht Senior Master of Modern Languages, Harpur Foundation Modern School, Bedford author of the Students Comparative French Grammar, etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 232. First Edition printed (S) 1880 {Ext. Fcap. 8vo. ) Reprinted with many corrections J882, 1884, 1 88s, 1886, i88g {Globe 8vo.) 378 MACMILLAN AND CO-'S 1880 FASNACHT (G. E.) Macmillan's Progressive French Reader i. — First Year containing tales, historical extracts, letters, dialogues, fables, ballads, nursery songs, etc. With two vocabularies I. — In the order of subjects. II. — -In alphabetical order. By G. EUGENE Fasnacht Senior Master of Modern Languages, Harpur Trust Modem School, author of Macmillan's " Progressive French and German Courses ", etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 240, 4 advts. First Edition p}-inted {S}) 1880 {Ext. Fcap. 8vo). Reprinted 188 1, 1882, 188 j, with slight corrections 1884, 188 j, 188 j, with corrections and exercises added j88g [Globe 8vo.) FASNACHT (G. E.) Macmillan's Progressive French Reader ii. — Second Year containing fiction in prose and verse historical and descrip- tive extracts essays, letters, dialogues, etc. By G. Eugene-Fasnacht Senior Master of Modern Languages, Harpur Trust Modern School author of Macmillan's " Progressive French and German Courses," etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 212. First Edition printed (Sb) 1880 [Ext. Fcap. 8vd). Reprinted 1882, 1884, with slight corrections 1886, with corrections and exercises added 1888 [Globe 8vo.) FAWCETT (H.) Indian Finance. Three Essays, (republished from the " Nineteenth Century,") with an Introduction and Appendix. By Henry Fawcett, M.P., Fellow of Trinity Hall, and Professor of Political Economy in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 188, 4 advts. 8vo. FLEMING (G.) The Head of Medusa. By George Fleming, author of " A Nile Novel " and " Mirage ". . . doch fall ich unbesiegt, und meine Waffen Sind nicht gebrochen ; nur mein' Herze brach ! In three volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 267, I blank. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 259, i blank. Vol. iii. pp. iv. 235, I blank. First Edition printed October 18S0 [Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted December 1880. Second (S) 188 J [i vol. Globe 8vo. ) Reprinted i88g. FOTHERGILL (J. M.) Food for the Invalid ; the Convalescent ; THE Dyspeptic ; and the Gouty. By J. Milner Fothergill, M.D., Edinr., Member of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Senior Assistant Physician to the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest (Victoria Park) Assistant Physician to the West London Hospital. Associate Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. " May good digestion wait on appetite ; and health on both." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 158, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (5) 1880, cancel preface 1881. Reprinted with additions 1884. FREDERICK (MRS.) Hints to Housewives on several points, particularly on the preparation of economical and tasteful dishes. By Mrs. Frederick. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 142, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed February 1880. Second Edition from standing type Jujly 1880. i88o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 379 GAMGEE (A.) A Text-book of the Physiological Chemistry of THE Animal Body including an account of the chemical changes occurring in disease by Arthur Gamgee, M.D., F.R.S. Professor in the Victoria University, Manchester ; Brackenbury Professor of Physiology in the Owens College. With illustrations. Vol I. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 487, I advts. Med. 8vo. Printed (S) 1880. GASKOIN (MRS. HERMAN)— MACLEAR (G. F.) Children's Treasury of Bible Stories. Part iii {St. James the Great, St. Paul, St. John the Divine. By Mrs. Herman Gaskoin. Edited by the Rev. G. F. Maclear, D.D. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 126, 2 advts. I blank, I paste down. Pott 8vo. Printed \^) 1880. GLAISTER (E.) Needlework. By Elizabeth Glaister, author of " Art Embroidery ", &c. " Let thy mindes sweetness have his operation Upon thy body, clothes and habitation." — Herbert. (Vignette) With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. I page illustration) 124, 8 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (3E) 1880. " Art at Home Series." GOETHE (J. W. VON)— BLACKIE (J. S.) Faust: a Tragedy by Goethe translated into English verse with notes and preliminary remarks by John Stuart Blackie Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh (Vignette) Second edition carefully revised and largely rewritten London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ixxviii. 296. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. GRAY (A.) The Botanical Text-Book (Sixth Edition.) — Part i. Structural Botany or Organography on the Basis of Morphology. To which is added the Principles of Taxonomy and Phytography, and a Glossary of Botanical Terms. By ASA Gray, LL.D., Fisher Professor of Natural History (Botany) in Harvard University. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 442, 2 blanks. 8vo. First Jive editions publislied elsewhere. GRAY (MRS. J. H.) Fourteen Months in Canton. By Mrs. Gray. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 444. Cr. 8vo. Printed iSjg {dated 1880). GREEN (J. R.) History of the English People. Ey John Richard Green, M.A., Honorary Fellow of Jesus' College, Oxford. Volume iv. The Revolution. 1683-1760. Modern England. 1760-1815 London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vii. I blank, 520. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) 1880. Reprinted with slight corrections 188 j, 1S86. 38o MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1880 GROVE (G.) A Dictionary of Music and Musicians (a.d. 1450- 1880) By Eminent Writers, English and Foreign. With Illustrations and Woodcuts. Edited by GEORGE Grove, D.C.L. In three volumes. Vol. II. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 770, 2 advts. The Dictionary of Music and Musicians was originally published in parts. Part I. in December 18 jj, and subsequent parts completing 4 vols, at intervals to May iSSg. {For Vol. I. see under 18 jy, Vol. III. under 188 j, afid Vol. IV. under i88g.) HADEN (F. S.) — DRAKE (W. R.) A Descriptive Catalogue of the Etched Work of Francis Seymour Haden. By Sir William Richard Drake, F.S.A. London : Macmillan & Co., 29 & 30, Bedford Street, W.C. Pp. xiv. list of 185 subjects, i blank, 4 index, 2 blanks. Royal 8vo. Holiday Ra'mbles in ordinary places by a Wife with Her Husband republished from the " Spectator " London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 332. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. 1880. HOMER— PRATT (J. H.)— LEAF (W.) The Story of Achilles from Homer's Iliad edited with notes and introduction by the late John Henry Pratt, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; Assistant- Master at Harrow School and Walter Leaf, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. 480. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) 1880. Reprinted with corrections 1882, with corrections 1887. HORACE— BAKER (W. J. F. V.) lElementars' Classics. Satires and Epistles of Horace. Selected and Edited, for the use of Schools, by Rev. W. J. F. Vashon Baker, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, and Assistant Master at Marlborough College. With maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. map) 102, 2 maps, 2 advts. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (S) 1880. Reprinted with slight alterations 1888. HUISH (M. B.) The Years Art a concise epitome of all matters relating to the arts of painting, sculpture, and architecture, which have occurred during the year 1879, together with information respecting the events of the year 1880. Compiled by Marcus B. Huish, LL.B. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks and i advt.) 218, 14 advts. Cr. 8vo. Also an issue for 188 1. HUTTON (R. H.) Essays Theological and Literary, by Richard Holt Hutton, M.A. (London) Second Edition — Revised and Enlarged. Vol. I. Theological Essays. Vol. II. Literary Essays, London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. I. pp. xlii. 378. Vol. IL pp. viii. 416. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. 1880. These volumes were afterwards published separately. {See under 1888.) i88o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 381 HUXLEY (T. H.) Science primers. Introductory. By Professor Huxley, F.R.S. London : Macniillan and Co. Pp. 94. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) March iSSo. Reprinted April 1880, 1SS6, 1888, February and August 188 g. INGLIS (J.) {" MAORI " ) Our Australian Cousins by James Inglis (" Maori " ), author of " Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier," etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 466, 2 advts. 8vo. JACKSON (B.) Second Steps to Greek Prose Composition, with Miscellaneous Idioms, Aids to Accentuation, and Examination Papers in Greek Scholarship. By the Rev. Blomfield Jackson, M.A., Master of the Lower Sixth Form in King's College School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 200. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (|E) 1880. JEBB (R. C.) Modern Greece : two lectures delivered before the Philo- sophical Institution of Edinburgh. With papers on ' The Progress of Greece 'and 'Byron in Greece'. By R. C. Jebb, LL.D. Edin., Pro- fessor of Greek in the University of Glasgow. ovTrippiuv yap TifMiibrepos xp^vos ^crrat TroXtrais rotcrSe. Aeschylus. The tide of years to come shall bring more praise To this thy people. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 183, I blank. Cr. 8vo. JEBB (R. C.) Selections from the Attic Orators Antiphon Andokides Lysias Isokrates Isaeos being a companion volume to the Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos edited with notes by R. C. Jebb, M.A., LL.D. Edin., Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xlviii. 391, I blank, 6 advts. First Edition printed [^ and fR) 18S0 {Svo.) Second (!£) October 1888 {Fcap. 8vo.) JEVONS (W. S.) Studies in Deductive Logic. A Manual for Students. By W. Stanley Jevons, LL.D. (Edinb.), M.A. (Lond.), F.R.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 304, 4 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed 1S80. Second 1884. JONES (W. B.) The Life's Work in Ireland of a Landlord who tried to do his duty by W. Bence Jones of Lisselan London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxii. 338. Cr. Svo. Fi7-st Edition December 1S80. Reprinted December j88o. The Journal of Hellenic Studies Published by the Council, and sold on their behalf by Macmillan and Co., 29, Bedford Street, Strand London. (^8vo.) Afterwards published at intervals in parts and volutnes to this date. 382 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1880 KINGSLEY (C.) Historical Lectures and Essays. By Charles KiNGSLEY. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 404, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (5) March 1880, cancel inserted July 1880. Reprinted i8Sj, i88g. KINGSLEY (C.) Out of the Deep: words for the sorrowful. From the writings of Charles Kingsley. " Out of the deep have I cried unto Thee, O God ". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 196, 4 advts. First Edition printed (E) 1880 (Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Reprinted 1883, i8Ss {Globe 8vo.), 1886, 1887, i88g. KINGSLEY (C.) Literary and General Lectures and Essays. By Charles Kingsley. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks) 420. Cr. 8vo. Printed (5) 1S80. Reprinted 1888. KINGSLEY (C.) Sanitary and Social Lectures and Essays. By Charles Kingsley. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks) 300. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S) 1880. Reprinted i88g. KINGSLEY (C.) Scientific Lectures and Essays. By Charles Kingsley. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks) 336. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (Ss) 1^880. Reprinted i88j, i88(p. KYNASTON (H.) Exemplaria Cheltoniensia sive quae discipulis suis carmina identidem latine reddenda proposuit ipse reddidit ex cathedra dictavit Herbertus Kynaston, A.M., Collegii Cheltoniensis Prseses Scholae Etonensis quondam et magistris adjutoribus. Londoni : Apud Macmillan et Soc. Pp. viii. 144. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. KYNASTON (H.) For the Use of Teachers only] Key to Exercises IN the Composition of Greek Iambic Verse compiled by H. Kynaston, M.A. Principal of Cheltenham College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 78. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed ( «.) 1880. KYNASTON (H.) lEUmmtarg Classics. Extracts from the Greek Elegiac Poets, from Callinus to Callimachus; to which are added a few epigrams. Selected and Edited for the Use of Schools. By Herbert Kynaston, M.A. (Formerly Snow) Principal of Cheltenham College, and late Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 100, 2 advts. Pott 8vo. Printed (IE) 1880. i88o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 383 Lady Hester or Ursula's Narrative and The Danvers Papers (Vignette) Illustrated by Jane E. Cooke London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. (inc. I frontispiece and 2 blanks) 354, 2 page illustrations, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed {S:) with illustrations 1880. Reprinted 1882, 1888, i88g. {" Lady Hester" and " The Danvers Papers" were originally published separately. See under i86j and 18 J 4.) [By Miss C. M. Yonge.] LANKESTER (E. R.) Nature Series.— Degeneration. A Chapter in Darwinism. By Professor E. Ray Lankester, F.R.S., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 76, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (fR) 1880. LEFEVRE (G. S.) Freedom of Land. By G. Shaw Lefevre, M.P. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 132. 8vo. {" Practical Politics," No. Hi. Afterwards issued with Nos. i. ii. and iv. in a volume. See ' ' Howard ' ' under 188 1. ) LELAND (C. G.) The Minor Arts. Porcelain Painting, Wood- carving, Stencilling, Modelling, Mosaic Work, &c. by Charles G. Leland. (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. I illustration) 148, I advts. i blank. Cr. 8vo. Printed (IE) 1880. ' ' Art at Home Series." LIVY— MACAULAY (G. C.) lElctiiEntarg Classics. Livy. The Hannibalian War ; being part of the twenty-first and twenty-second books of Livy. Adapted, for the use of Beginners, by G. C. Macaulay, M.A., Assistant Master at Rugby, and formerly Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 124, 2 advts. 2 maps. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (S) 1880. Reprinted 1882, 188 j, 188 j, with corrections 1886, i88g. LOCKE (J.) — FOWLER (T.) Locke by Thomas Fowler Professor of Logic in the University of Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 200. Cr. 8vo. First Edition prin ted {^) 1880. Reprinted 18 8 j, 1888. ' ' English Men of Letters Series. ' ' M<=COSH (J.) The Emotions by James McCosh, D.D., LL.D., President of Princeton College ; author of " Method of Divine Govern- ment," " Intuitions of the Mind ", etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. I blank) 255, i blank. Ext. Cr. 8vo. MACMILLAN (H.) Two Worlds are Ours. By Hugh Macmillan, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., Author of " Bible Teachings in Nature," "The True Vine," "The Sabbath of the Fields," etc. etc. " Two worlds are ours : 'tis only sin Forbids us to descry The mystic heaven and earth within, Plain as the sea and sky." Keble London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. 350, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed {&) 1880. Reprinted 188 1, 1886, i8Sg. 384 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1880 MARTIAL — STEPHENSON (H. M.) Selected Epigrams of Martial edited with introduction, notes, and appendices by the Rev. H. M. Stephenson, M.A. Head Master of St Peter's School, York ; late Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. Dicitur et nostros cantare Britannia versus. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 446, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) 1880. Reprinted with alterations i88j. MARTINEAU (C. A.) Easy Lessons in Heat. By C. A. Martineau, author of " Chapters on Sound ", " Voices of Nature and Lessons from Science ", etc. Illustrated. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 136, I page illustration. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) J^Sjg {dated 1S80). Reprinted 1880. MAURICE (F. D.) The Prayer- Book considered especially in reference to the Romish System Nineteen Sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn and THE Lord's Prayer Nine sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn in the months of February, March, and April, 1848 by Frederick Denison Maurice London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 399, I blank. Cr. 8vo. Printed (ilH) 1880, cancel inserted June 1880. [For separate publication of ''The Prayer-Book" and "The Lord's Prayer" see under i8^y.) MILTON (J.)— MASSON (D.) The Life of John Milton: narrated in connexion with the political, ecclesiastical, and literary history of his time. By David Masson, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Rhetoric and Enghsh Literature in the University of Edinburgh. Vol. vi. 1660-1674. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxii. 840, I portrait. 8vo. MOLESWORTH (M. L.) A Christmas Child A Sketch of a Boy- Life By Mrs. Molesworth Author of ' Carrots,' ' Cuckoo Clock ', Etc. (Vignette) Illustrated by Walter Crane ' O Christmas, merry Christmas ! Is it really come again ? With its memories and greetings, With its joy and with its pain.' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. frontispiece and 4 blanks) 223, i blank, 5 plates. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed () t88s. Reprinted i88b, 1888. TREVELYAN (SIR CHARLES) The Irish Crisis being a narrative of the measures for the relief of the distress caused by the Great Irish Famine of 1846-7 By Sir Charles Trevelyan, Bart., K.C.B. Reprinted from the 'Edinburgh Review' No. CLXXV. Jan. 1848 London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, x. 148. 8vo. VAUGHAN (C. J.) Rest Awhile Addresses to Toilers in the Ministry. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Dean of Llandaff, and Master of the Temple. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 196, 3 advts. I blank. Globe Svo. VERGIL— SKRINE (J. H.) lEIemmtarg (Elasgt'cs. P. Vergili Maronis Georgicon Liber Secundus. Edited for the use of schools, by the Rev. J. H. Skrine, M.A. late Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, and Assistant Master at Uppingham School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 96, 2 advts. i blank, i paste down. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (5) 1880. Reprinted i88j. The Victoria University Calendar For the Session 1 880-1. Manchester : J. L. Cornish, 33 Piccadilly London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 40 advts. 550 (paged 1-246, i-ccciv.) Cr. Svo. (The Owens College Calendar was included in this xvork till the issue of 1882-83. From 188J-84 to the present time both Calendars have been issued separately.) WALKER (F. A.) Money in its relations to trade and industry by Francis A. Walker, Professor of Political Economy and History m the ShefiEield Scientific School of Yale College ; Superintendent of the United States Census ; Author of the " Statistical Atlas of the United States ", " The Wages Question ", " Money ", etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 339, I blank. Cr. Svo. WALLACE (A. R.) Island Life : or, the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, including a revision and attempted solution i88o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 389 of the problem of Geological Climates. By Alfred Russel Wallace, author of "The Malay Archipelago," "Tropical Nature", "The Geo- graphical Distribution of Animals," &c. London : Macnaillan and Co. Pp. XX. 3 coloured maps, 526 (inc. illustrations), 2 advts. Med. Svo. WARD (T. H.) — ARNOLD (M.) The English Poets selections with critical introductions by various writers and a general introduction by Matthew Arnold edited by Thomas Humphry Ward, M.A. late Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford Vol. I. Chaucer to Donne. Vol. II. Ben Jonson to Dryden. Vol. III. Addison to Blake. Vol. IV. Wordsworth to Dobell. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. (unpaged) lii. 566, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. iv. (unpaged) xviii. 2 blanks, 496. Vol. iii. pp. iv. (unpaged) xii. 608. Vol. iv. pp. iv. (unpaged) xvi. 620, Cr. Svo. Contributors :—T. H. Ward, M. Arnold, Prof. W. W. Skeat, T. Arnold, W. E. Henley, Prof. Nichol, A. Lang, J. C. Collins, Prof. J. W. Hales, R. W. Church, Mrs. M. A. Ward, W. Minto, E. W. Gosse, A. C. Bradley, G. Saintsbury, Prof. Dowden, Prof. A. W. Ward, W. T. Arnold, G. A. Simcox, M. Pattison, Goldwin Smith, W. J. Courthope, A. Dobson, A. P. Stanley, A. C. Swinbur7ie, E. J. Payne, W. T. Watts, Dr. Service, A. M. F. Robinson, J. C. Carr, Sir H. Taylor, W. H. Pater, J. A. Sytnonds, F. W. H. Myers, Lord Houghton. Vol. i. First Edition printed (S) 1880. Reprinted with considerable alterations 1883, 1887. Vol. ii. First Edition printed {^) 1880. Reprinted with considerable alterations 1883, 1887. Vol. iii. First Edition printed (5) 1880. Reprinted with considerable alterations 1883, i88g. Vol. iv. First Edition printed {Si) 1880. Re- printed with considerable alterations 1883, 188 j. WATSON (R.S.) A Visit to Wazan, the Sacred City of Morocco. By Robert Spence Watson. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. page illustration) 328, 1 1 page illustrations, map. Svo. WHEELER (J. TALBOYS) A Short History of India and of the Frontier States of Afghanistan, Nipal, and Burma. By J. Talboys Wheeler, late Assistant-Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Department, and late Secretary to the Government of British Burma. With maps and tables. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 744, 13 maps. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (S)) 1880. Reprinted 1884, i88(). WHITE (GILBERT)— BUCKLAND (FRANK)— SELBORNE (LORD) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne by Gilbert White with notes by Frank Buckland a chapter on Antiquities by Lord Selborne and new letters illustrated by P. H. Delamotte new and cheaper edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. (inc. I page illustration) 480. First Edition printed (IE) in this form 1880 {Cr. 8vo. i vol. ) Reprinted with slight correc- tions 1883, j88j. {For editions Med. 8vo. and Med. 410. see under 1873 and iSj6.) WHITE (J. W.) A Series of First Lessons in Greek: adapted to Goodwin's Greek Grammar, and designed as an introduction to the 390 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1880 Anabasis of Xenophon. By John Williams White, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Greek in Harvard University. — OvKoOv oTcrd' 6ti apxh Travrbs ^pyov ixiyiCFTov, dWus re Kal vi(^ koX 6.ira\ (porifovv ; — Plat. Rep. ii. 377 A London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xiv. 286. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsezvhere. First Edition (fE) printed for Macmillan and Co. 1880. WILSON (A. J.) Reciprocity, Bi-metallism, and Land-Tenure Reform. By Alexander J. Wilson, author of " The Resources of Modern Countries," " Banking Reform," etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 256. 8vo. Printed i8j() [dated 1880). WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM)— MYERS (F. W. H.) Wordsworth by F. W. H. Myers " From worlds not quickened by the sun A portion of the gift is won ; An intermingling of Heaven's pomp is spread On ground which British shepherds tread." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 184. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) 1880. Reprinted 1881, 188 j, with alterations 1888. ' ' English Men of Letters Series. ' ' XENOPHON— CLUER (A. R.) ;E;ENO*i2NT02 2i2KPATOY2 AHO- MNHMONEYMATA. Xenophontis memorabilia Socratis. Ed- ited, with introductions and notes, by A. R. Cluer, B.A., Balliol College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 332. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (S) 1880. Reprinted 188 g. XENOPHON— GOODWIN (W. W.)— WHITE (J. W.) The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis. With notes adapted to Goodwin's Greek Grammar. Edited by WiLLlAM W. GoODWiN, Ph.D., Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, and JOHN WILLIAMS WHITE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Greek, in Harvard College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 326, 2 advts. I map. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed () iSSi. ENGLAND (E. B.) For the Use of Teachers only. Key to Exercises in Latin Syntax and Idiom being a selection of sentences from Latin authors by Edwin B. England, M.A. Assistant Lecturer in Classics in the Owens College, Victoria University, Manchester London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 37, i blank, 2 advts. Globe Svo. Printed (S) iSSi. 396 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1881 EURIPIDES — MAHAFFY (J. P.) — BURY (J. B.) EYPiniAOY innOAYTOS. — The Hippolytus of Euripides. Edited with In- troduction, Notes, and Appendix, by J. P. Mahaffy, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin ; Professor of Ancient History in the University of Dublin : and J. B. Bury, Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. — London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 114. Fcap. 8vo. Printed {^) 1881. Reprinted with slight corrections i88g. EURIPIDES— VERRALL (A. W.) EYPiniAOY MHAEIA. The 'Medea' of Euripides, with an Introduction and Commentary by A. W. Verrall, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 132. 8vo. FARRAR (F. W.) Mercy and Judgment: a few last words on Christian Eschatology with reference to Dr. Pusey's " What is of Faith ? " By F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S., Canon of Westminster, Rector of St. Margaret's, Westminster, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. /cara/cauxSrat Aeos /cpiVewj. " Mercy boasteth over Judgment." Ja. ii. 13. London : Macmillan & Co. Pp. xxiv. (inc. 3 blanks) 486. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed [Si>) 188 1. Reprinted with corrections 1882. FASNACHT (G. E.) The Organic Method of Studying Languages I. — French containing a complete accidence and elementary syntax combined by G. EUGENE- Fasnacht Senior Master of Modern Languages, Harpur Trust Modern School, Bedford author of the Student's Comparative French Grammar, of the Progressive French and German Course, etc. Editor of Macmillan's Series of Foreign Classics London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. I blank) 159, i blank. Cr, Svo. Printed (3E) 1881, cancel inserted November i88t. The Hon Miss Ferrard by the author of " Flitters Tatters and the Counsellor," " Christy Carew, &c " ' ' Only a learner Quick one or slow one ; Just a discerner, I would teach no one. I am earth's native : No rearranging it ! / be creative, Chopping and changing it?" Browning. New Edition London : Macmillan and Co, Pp. iv. (unpaged) 419, i blank. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {^) for Macmillan and Co, 188 1 {Cr. 8vo. ) Reprinted 1883 {Globe Svo.) Fifty Years of the House of Lords. Reprinted from the " Pall Mall Gazette ". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 96 (inc. 3 blanks.) Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed August 188 I. Reprinted October 188 1. i88i BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 397 Fifty Years of the House of Lords. Reprinted from the " Pall Mall Gazette". Second Edition. Price Threepence. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64 (inc. 3 blanks). Fcap. 8vo. For the First Edition of this work see above. FISHER (O.) Physics of the Earth's Crust. By the Rev. Osmond Fisher, M.A., F.G.S., Rector of Harlton, Hon. Fellow of King's College, London, and late Fellow and Tutor of Jesus College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, xiv. 299, i blank. 8vo. First Edition printed iSSi. Second i88g. FISON (L.)— HOWITT (A. W.)— MORGAN (L. H.) Kamilaroi and KuRNAl — Group-Marriage and Relationship, and Marriage by Elope- ment drawn chiefly from the usage of the Australian Aborigines also the Kumai Tribe their customs in Peace and War By Lorimer FiSON, M.A., and A. W. Howitt, F.G.S. with an introduction by Lewis H. Morgan, LL.D. Author of "Systems of Consanguinity," " Ancient Society," &c. " Indiciis monstrare recentibus abdita rerum." — HOR. George Robertson Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, and Brisbane Pp. viii. (inc. 3 banks) I folded map, 372. 8vo. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co.) Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor and other sketches by the author of ' Hogan, M.P.,' etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. unpaged, i page illustration, 340, 4 advts. Tra7isferred to Macmillan and Co. 18S0. First Edition printed (S) in this form for Macmillan and Co. January 1882 {Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted April 1882, 1883 {Globe 8vo.) FLOWER (W. H.) Nature Series. — Fashion in Deformity as illustrated in the customs of barbarous and civilised races by William Henry Flower, LL.D. F.R.S. F.R.C.S. P.Z.S. etc. Hunterian Professor of Comparative Anatomy, and Conservator of the Royal College of Surgeons of England with illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 85, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed [S)) 1881. Fo'c's'le Yarns including Betsy Lee, and other Poems London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 291, I blank, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Fi7-st Edition printed 1881. Second i88g. FOWLE (T. W.) The Poor Law by T. W. Fowle, M.A. Rector of Islip London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) unpaged, 163, I blank, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S) 18S1. "English Citizen Series." FRASER-TYTLER (C. C.) Songs in Minor Keys by C. C. Fraser- Tytler (Mrs. Edward Liddell). London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 220. First Edition printed 188 1 {Pott 8vo.) Second 1884 {Fcap. Svo.) 398 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1881 FREEMAN (E. A.) Sketches from the Subject and Neighbour Lands of Venice. By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL.D., Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 advts. XX. (inc. 4 blanks) 396, 15 page illustrations (inc. frontispiece). Cr. Svo. GALLOWAY (R. L.) The Steam Engine and its Inventors ; a historical sketch. By Robert L. Galloway, Mining Engineer. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 260. Cr. Svo. HAMILTON (J.) Above and Around; thoughts on God and man. By John Hamilton, author of " Thoughts on Truth and Error ", etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (i blank) 112 (paged 108 with 4 additional pages lettered). Fcap. Svo. HARPER (T.) The Metaphysics of the School by Thomas Harper S.J. Vol II. oi yap TL vvv ye kclxG^s, dXX dei irore fj ravra, Kovdeh oTdev e| Srou'cpavr] London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 757, I blank, i advts. 2 blanks. Med. Svo. HEINE (H.)— M-^LINTOCK (R.) A trip to the Brocken. By Heinrich Heine. Translated by R. M'^Lintock. London : Macmillan and Co. Liverpool : Adam Holden, 48, Church St Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) no, 2 blanks. Cr. Svo. HOGAN, M.P. A Novel by the author of "Flitters Tatters and the Counsellor," " Christy Carew," &c. New Edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. unpaged, 491, i blank. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {^') for Macmillan and Co. 188 1 {Cr. Svo.) Reprinted 1882. 1883 [Globe Svo. ) HOPE (F. J.)— JOHNSTONE (A. J. HOPE) Notes and Thoughts ON Gardens and Woodlands. Written chiefly for Amateurs. By the late Frances Jane Hope, of Wardie Lodge, near Edinburgh ; Lady Associate of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Edited by Anne J. Hope Johnstone (of Annandale.) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. (inc. 3 blanks) 312. Cr. Svo. HORACE— PAGE (T. E.) lEIementarg ©lassies. Q. Horatii Flacci Carminum Liber 11. Edited for the use of schools, by T. E. Page, M.A. late Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge ; Assistant Master at the Charterhouse. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. paste down) 103, i blank. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (5) 188 1. Reprinted with vocabulary , introduction^ etc. 1884, with additions 1887. HOWARD (J.)— DUFF (M. G.)— LEFEVRE (G.S.)— WEDDERBURN (D.) Practical Politics. i. The Tenant Farmer, by James Howard, ii. Foreign Policy, by Mountstuart E. Grant Duff, i88i BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 399 Esq., M.P. III. Freedom of Land, by G. Shaw Lefevre, M.P. iv. British Colonial Policy, by Sir David Wedderburn, Bart., M.P. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (unpaged) 292. 8vo. No. i. Tvas published separately — see "Howard" under i8jg. Nos. ii. and Hi. — see "Duff" and " Lefevre" under 1880. No. iv. — see " Wedderburn " under 188 1. HUGHES (T.)— KILLEBREW (F. W.) Rugby Tennessee being some account of the settlement founded on the Cumberland Plateau by the Board of Aid to Land Ownership, Limited a company incorporated in England, and authorised to hold and deal in land by act of the Legis- lature of the State of Tennessee by Thomas Hughes President of the Board with a report on the soils of the Plateau by the Hon. F. W. KiLLEBREW, A.M. Ph.D. Commissioner of Agriculture for the State. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 168. Cr. 8vo. HUGHES (T.)— NEALE (E. V.) A Manual for Co-operators, prepared at the request of the Co-operative Congress, held at Gloucester, in April, 1879; and revised 1888. = Edited by Thomas Hughes, Q.C, and Edward Vansittart Neale, General Secretary of the Co-operative Union. — Macmillan & Co., Bedford Street, W.C., London. — Published for The Central Co-operative Board, City Buildings, Corporation Street, Manchester. Pp. xvi. 266, 2 blanks. 8vo. [ Title copied from ayi Edition published i?i 1888,'] HUXLEY (T. H.) Science and Culture and other essays by Thomas Henry Huxley, LL.D., F.R.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. 3 blanks) 349, i blank, 2 advts. 8vo. First Edition printed [S)) 1881. Reprinted 1882, 1888. ILLINGWORTH (J. R.) Sermons preached in a College Chapel with an Appendix by J. R. Illingworth, M.A. Fellow of Jesus College, and Tutor of Keble College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 175, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition pnnted 1881. Second 1882. John Inglesant A Romance ' AyairriTol, vvv riKva Qeov ia/j-ev, /cat oCttw ifiev dXXct Trpos TO. doKLfxuTara Tifiv apxi'iuiv. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 539, I blank. Svo. SALMON (G.) Non-Miraculous Christianity, and other Sermons. Preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin. By George Salmon, D.D. Chancellor of St. Patrick's Cathedral, and Regius Pro- fessor of Divinity in the University of Dublin. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 295, I blank. Cr. Svo. First Edition 1881. Second Edition i88j. Sermons out of Church by the author of " John Halifax, Gentleman " "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." [New edition] London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 268, 4 advts. Cr. Svo. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed {&)/or Macmillan and Co. 1881. Reprinted 1884. SHAKESPEARE (W.)— BARTLETT (J.) The Shakespeare Phrase Book by John Bartlett Good phrases are surely, and ever were, very commendable. 2 Henry IV. iii. 2 London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 1 034, 6 blanks. Cr. Svo. SHORTHOUSE (J. H.) On the Platonism of Wordsworth. A paper read to the Wordsworth Society, July 19th, 1881. By J. H. Shorthouse, author of "John Inglesant ; a romance." Birmingham. Cornish Brothers, Pp. 18 (inc. I blank), I advt. I blank. Svo. [No imprint of Macmillan and Co.] SIBSON (F.) — ORD (W. M.) Collected Works of Francis Sibson, M.D. Lond., Fellow of the Royal Society, Honorary M.D. Trinity College, Dublin, and D.C.L. Durham, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, etc. Edited by William M. Ord, M.D. With illustrations. In four volumes. — London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xliv. 404, 7 plates. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 432, 2 plates. Vol. iii. pp. viii, 416. Vol. iv. pp. viii. 540. Svo. SIBSON (F.) — ORD (W. M.) A Short Account of the Life and Writings of Francis Sibson M.D. Lond., Fellow of the Royal Society, Honorary M.D. Trinity College, Dublin, and D.C.L. Durham, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, etc. Edited by William M. Ord, M.D. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxix. 3 blanks. Svo. (Not published) iS8i BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 405 STATHAM (F. R.) Blacks, Boers, and British a three-cornered problem by F. Reginald Statham London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 271, I blank. Cr. 8vo. STUBBS (C. W.) The Mythe of Life Four Sermons with an intro- duction on the Social Mission of the Church by Charles William Stubbs, M.A. Vicar of Granborough ; author of " Village Politics " (Scbcnfc 3u Scbcn.— Goethe London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. (inc. I blank and i advt. ) 126, 2 blanks. Ext. Cr. 8vo. TANNER (H.) The Alphabet of the Principles of Agriculture by Professor Henry Tanner, M.R.A.C, F.C.S. Examiner in the Principles of Agriculture under the Government Department of Science (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 46 (inc. I paste down), i paste down. Ext. P"cap. Svo. First Edition printed (S) iSSi. Reprinted 1886. TANNER (H.) Elementary Lessons in the science of Agricul- tural Practice by Professor Henry Tanner, M.R.A.C, F.C.S. Examiner in the Principles of Agriculture under the Government Depart- ment of Science London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 310, 2 advts. Fcap. Svo, First Edition printed (S) 18S1. Reprinted 1S83, iSSj. . TANNER (H.) Further Steps in the Principles of Agriculture by Professor Henry Tanner, M.R.A.C, F.C.S. Examiner in the Principles of Agriculture under the Government Department of Science (Monogram) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 92 (inc. paste down), 3 advts. i paste down. Ext. Fcap. Svo. First Edition printed {Ss) 1S81. Reprinted 1886. THOMPSON (S. P.) Elementary Lessons in Electricity & Magnetism by Silvanus P. Thompson, B.A., D.Sc, F.R.A.S. Professor of Experimental Physics in University College. Bristol. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, xvi. (inc. map and i blank) 446, 2 advts. Fcap. Svo. First Edition printed (IE and §s) iSSi. Reprinted with corrections and additions April 1882, tvith alterations and additions Noz'ember 1882, cancel inserted November 1882, with alterations and additions i88j, alterations and additions 1884, ivith alterations and additions 188 j, with slight alterations 1886, with alterations and additions 188 j, i88g. Through the Ranks to a Commission London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, xiv. 3 II, I blank. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed February 1881. Second (S) November 1881. TRAILL (H. D.) Central Government by H. D. Traill, D.C.L. late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 162. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (S') 1S81. Reprinted i88j. "English Citizen Series." 4o6 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1881 Two Marriages by the author of ' John Halifax, Gentleman ' ' Hearken, son, — I'll tell thee of two fathers '. New edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 337, i blank, 6 advts. Originally published elsexvhere. Copies and stereotype plates transferred to Macmillati and Co. in 188 1 [Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 18S2 [Globe 8vo.), 1884, i88g. Title copied from 1882 Edition. TYLOR (E. B.) Anthropology : an introduction to the study of Man and civilization. By Edward B. Tylor, D.C.L., F.R.S. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 448. Cr. 8vo. Fi7-st Edition printed (3£) 1881. Reprinted with corrections i8Sg. VAUGHAN (C. J.) A Funeral Sermon on Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D. Dean of Westminster preached in Westminster Abbey on Sunday afternoon, July 24, 1881 by C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Dean of Llandaff, and Master of the Temple London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 19, I blank. 8vo. First Edition printed August 18S1. Reprinted September 188 1. VAUGHAN (C. J.) Temple Sermons by C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Master of the Temple and Dean of Llandaff Templa quam dilecta ! London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 538, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. VENN (JOHN) Symbolic Logic by John Venn, M.A., Fellow, and Lecturer in the Moral Sciences, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. " Sunt qui mathematicuni vigorem extra ipsas sclentias, quas vulgo mathematicas appellamus, locum habere non putant. Sed illi ignorant, idem esse mathematice scribere quod in forma, ut logici vocant, ratiocinari ". Leibnitz, De vera methodo PhilosophicB et TheologicB (about 1690). "Cave ne tibi imponant mathematici logici, qui splendidas suas figuras et algebraicos mteandros universale inventionis veri medium crepant. " Riidiger, De sensu veri et falsi, Lib. ii. Cap. iv. § xi. (1722 London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xl. 446, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. VERGIL— HOWSON (E. W.) P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Libri ii. & iii. The Narrative of Aeneas edited with introduction and notes by E. W. HowsON, M.A. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Harrow London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. I page map, 1 02, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (S) f88i. VITA. Links and Clues by Vita " What is true, is safe ". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 415, i blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 1881. Second 188 J. i88i BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 407 WALPOLE (SPENCER) The Electorate and the Legislature by Spencer Walpole author of "The History of England from 181 5" London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 160. Cr. 8vo. Printed (<§) 18S1. " English Citizen Series." WARD (MRS. T. H.) Milly and Olly or a Hohday among the Mountains by Mrs. T. H. Ward (Vignette — Milly and Tiza in the Cherry- Tree. — Page 177.) Illustrated by Mrs. Alma Tadema London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 224, 7 page illustrations. Globe 8vo. Printed {^) 1881. WEBSTER (AUGUSTA) A Book of Rhyme by Augusta Webster London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 146, II advts.; 3 blanks. Fcap. 8vo. WEDDERBURN (SIR DAVID) British Colonial Policy. By Sir David Wedderburn, Bart., M.P. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 56. 8vo. {" Practical Politics," No. iv. Afterzvards issued with Nos. i. ii. and Hi. in a volume. See "Howard" under 1881.) WESTCOTT (B. F.) The Lesson of Biblical Revision. — A Sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, on the fifth Sunday after Easter, 1881, by B. F. Westcott, D.D. Regius Professor of Divinity. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. Cr. 8vo. WESTCOTT (B. F.) The Revelation of the Risen Lord. By Brooke Foss Westcott, D.D., D.C.L., Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge, Canon of Peterborough, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. London and Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 199, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 1S81. Second 1S82. Third 1884. Fourth 1S87. WESTCOTT (B. F.)— HORT (F. J. A.) The New Testament in the original Greek the text revised by Brooke Foss Westcott D.D. and Fenton John Anthony Hort D.D. Text Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 580. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (3E) May 1881. Reprinted zvith many alterations December 1881. [Volume I.] WESTCOTT (B. F.)— HORT (F. J. A.) The New Testament in THE Original Greek the text revised by Brooke Foss West- cott D.D. and Fenton John Anthony Hort D.D. Introduction Appendix Cambridge and London. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. (inc. 2 blanks) $12 (Introduction 324, Appendix 188). Cr. 8vo, First Edition printed (S) iSSi. Reprinted with alterations 1882. [Volume II.] 4o8 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1882 WOODFORD (J. R.) Charges Delivered at his Second Visita- tion in September and October, 1881, by James Russell Lord Bishop of Ely. London and Cambridge Macmillan & Co Pp, iv. (inc. I blank) 76 (inc. 2 blanks). 8vo. WOOLNER (THOMAS) Pygmalion by Thomas Woolner London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 208. Large Post 8vo. 1882 ALDIS (MARY STEADMAN) The Great Giant Arithmos a most elementary arithmetic by Mary Steadman Aldis. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks and front) 216. Globe 8vo. ALLEN (GRANT) Nature Series. — The Colours of Flowers as illustrated in the British Flora by Grant Allen With illustrations London : Macmillan and Co Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 120, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S) 1882. The Alternative a Study in Psychology ' ' We fools of Nature. " — Hamlet " Our bodies are our gardens to the which our wills are gardeners, so that if we will plant nettles or sow lettuce, set hyssop and weed up thyme, supply it with one gender of herbs or distract it with many, either to have it sterile with idleness or manured with industry, why, the power and corrigible authority of this lies in our wills " — Othello London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxiii. (paged xxxi.) I blank, 387, i blank. Cr. 8vo. ANTONINUS (MARCUS AURELIUS)— CROSSLEY (HASTINGS) The Fourth Book of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus A Revised Text with Translation and Commentary and an Appendix on the Relations of the Emperor with Cornelius Fronto by Hast- ings Crossley, M.A. Hon. D.Lit. (Queen's University) sometime Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin ; Professor of Greek in Queen's College, Belfast. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. 2 blanks) 64. 8vo. Also a few copies printed on handmade paper. ARIOSTO— HOLLWAY-CALTHROP (H. C.) Pal.^din & Saracen Stories from Ariosto by H. C. Hollway-Calthrop illustrated by Mrs. Arthur Lemon London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX, (inc. 4 blanks) 8 page illustrations, 353, i blank. Cr. 8vo. Printed (fH) 1882. ASH HURST (J.) The International Encyclopedia of Surgery a Systematic Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Surgery by Authors of Various Nations edited by John Ashhurst, Jr., M.D. Professor of i882 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 409 Clinical Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania Illustrated with chromo-lithographs and wood-cuts In Six Volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xl. (inc. I blank) 3 coloured plates, 717, 3 blanks. Vol. ii. pp. 2 blanks, xl. (inc. 3 blanks) 12 coloured plates, 754, 2 blanks. Vol. iii. pp. xl. (inc. 5 blanks) 2 coloured plates, 760. Vol. iv. pp. xxiv. (inc. i blank) 9 plates (5 coloured), 987, I blank. Vol. v. pp. xxxvi. (inc. 3 blanks) 6 coloured plates, 1207, i blank. Vol. vi. pp. xlviii. (inc. 4 blanks) 3 coloured plates, 1272. Royal 8vo. Vol. i. 1882. Vol. ii. 1882. Vol. iii. iS8j. Vol. iv. 1884. Vol. v. 1883. Vol. vi. J 886. AUSTIN (ALFRED) Soliloquies in Song by Alfred Austin London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 158, and 6 advts. Cr. Svo. BALL (ROBERT STAWELL) A Glimpse Through the Corridors of Time Lecture delivered at the Midland Institute, Birmingham October 24, 1881 " Not from the grand old masters, Not from the bards sublime, Whose distant footsteps echo Through the Corridors of time " — Longfellow by Professor Robert S. Ball, LL.D., F.R.S. Andrews Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland (Reprinted from "Nature") London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 40. Svo, First Edition printed January 1SS2. Reprinted February 1S82. BENTLEY (R.)— JEBB (R. C.) Bentley by R. C. Jebb, M.A., LL.D. Edin., Knight of the Order of the Saviour, Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 224. Cr. Svo. Printed (IE) 1882. Reprinted 18 8g. " English Men of Letters Series." BLOOMFIELD (R.)— CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE, The Younger) The Horkey a. ballad by Robert, Bloomfield with illustrations by George Cruikshank London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 48 illustrated and coloured pages. 4to. BRUNTON (T. L.) Tables of Materia Medica a companion to the Materia Medica Museum by T. Lauder Brunton M.D., Sc.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. late Examiner in Materia Medica in the University of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Physicians, London. New Edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 1. (inc. 2 blanks) 204. Svo. Originally published elsewhere. Transferred in 1882, and additions made in 1883. BUTLER (H. MONTAGU) " God is Light". A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Great Stanmore, October 29th, 1882. In refer- ence to the sudden death of the Rector, the Rev. L. J. Bernays. By Henry Montagu Butler, D.D., Head Master of Harrow School, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. (Printed at the request of the Family.) London : Macmillan and Co. Harrow : J. C. Wilbee, Pp. 16, Cr, Svo. 4IO MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1882 BUTLER (H. MONTAGU) " Sudden Death ". A Sermon preached in the Chapel of Harrow School October 29th, 1882, by Henry Mon- tagu Butler, D.D., Head Master. (Printed at the request of boys in the School.) London : Macmillan and Co. Harrow : J. C. Wilbee. Pp. 16. Cr. 8vo. CAESAR— WALPOLE (A. S.) iEIcmmtarg (Classics. Gai Iuli Caesaris de Bello Gallico Commentariorum I. Edited, for the use of Schools, by Arthur S. Walpole, M.A., formerly Scholar of Worcester College, Oxford. With notes and vocabulary. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) I folded map, 127, i blank. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (5) 1882. Reprinted with corrections 1S84, 1886, -with altera- tions 188S. Christy Carew a Novel by the author of ' Hon. Miss Ferrard,' ' Hogan, M.P.,' 'Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor,' etc. A New Edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. unpaged, 429, i blank, 2 advts. Originally published elsew/iere. First Edition printed [^) for Macmillan and Co. 1882 {Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1 88 J [Globe 8vo.) CICERO— JEANS (G. E.) lElcmcntarg (Classics. Select Letters OF Cicero edited for the use of Schools by the Rev. G. E. Jeans, M.A. Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford, and Assistant Master in Hailey- bury College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i paste down and 2 blanks) 1 14. Pott 8vo. Printed [^) 1882, additions tnade 188 j. CLIFFORD (W. K.)— TUCKER (R.)— SMITH (H. J. S.) Mathe- matical Papers by William Kingdon Clifford. Edited by Robert Tucker, with an introduction by H. J. Stephen Smith. " If he had lived we might have known something." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ixxii. (inc. 4 blanks) 14 plates (I folded), 658, 2 advts. 8vo. CLIFFORD (MRS. W. K.) Anyhow Stories for Children by Mrs. W. K. Clifford with illustrations by Dorothy Tennant London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. unpaged (inc. frontispiece and seven blanks), 146, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed ( ^ ) 1882. Reprinted June and November 188 J. COLLIER (JOHN) A Primer of Art. By John Collier. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. paste down) 88. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed [Ss) January 1882. Reprinted May 1882. CONSTABLE (S.) Geometrical Exercises for beginners by Samuel Constable, Ex Sizar, Trinity College, Dublin, late Senior Mathematical Master, Corrig School, Kingstown. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 142. Cr. 8vo. i8S2 • BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 411 COOKE (J. P.) Scientific Culture, and other Essays. By Josiah Parsons Cooke, Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, in Harvard College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 157 (paged 159), 3 blanks. Royal i6mo. CRANE (LUCY) Art and the formation of taste six lectures by Lucy Crane with illustrations drawn by Thomas and Walter Crane London : Macmillan and Co, Pp. xiv. (inc. 3 blanks) i portrait, I page title by W. Crane, 293, i blank, 2 advts. 5 page illustrations. Cr. 8vo. CRAWFORD (F. M.) Mr. Isaacs a tale of modem India by F. Marion Crawford Ah ! si tu dois mourir, bel astre, et si ta tete Va dans la vaste mer plonger ses blonds cheveux, Avant de nous quitter, un seul instant arrete — Etoile de I'amour, ne descends pas des cieux Alfred de Musset, Le Saule. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 316. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed {Si) 1882. Reprinted January, February, March [itvice], May, July, August {twice), October i8Sj, April 1S84, J^'iy ^88^, January and Marck i88s, 1886, 1887, 1888, i88g. DALE (A. W. W.) The Synod of Elvira and Christian Life in the fourth century a Historical Essay by Alfred William Winterslow Dale, M.A. Fellow arid Lecturer of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. " Nisi Dominus jedificaverit Domum in vanum laboraverunt qui redificant earn." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. (inc. 2 blanks) 356 (inc. i blank). Cr. 8vo. DARWIN (C.) Nature Series. — Charles Darwin. Memorial Notices reprinted from " Nature " London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I page portrait and 4 blanks) 82, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Contributions to this volume were made by T. H. Huxley, G. J. Romanes, A. Geikie, and IV. T. T. Dyer. DAY (R. E.) Electric Light Arithmetic by R. E. Day, M.A., Evening Lecturer in Experimental Physics at King's College, London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 80. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (S) October 1882, list of errata inserted December 1S82. Reprinted with corrections iS8j, 1887, 1888, i8Sg. Democracy An American novel London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. unpaged, 280, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition {4s. 6d.) printed June 18S2. Reprinted August 1S82, i88j. Second {/s., ^) August 1882. Reprinted six times August 1882, October and December 1882. DICKENS (C.)— WARD (A. W.) Dickens by Adolphus William Ward London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 224. Cr. 8vo. Printed (3E) May 1882, list' of errata inserted June 18S2. Reprinted iSSg. " English Men of Letters Scries." 412 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1S82 DICKENS (C.) Dickens's Continental A.B.C. Railway Guide. London : Macmillan & Co., 26, Bedford .Street, .Strand. Pp. 320 (inc. several maps and pages of advts.) i8mo. First Number published April 1882, and continued to October 188'j. DICKEN.S (C.) Dickens's Dictionary of London, 1882 (fourth Year.) An Unconventional Handbook. " Mr. Waller's knowledge of London was extensive and peculiar." — Pickwick. London: Macmillan & Co., Bedford Street, .Strand. Pp. 16 pages of maps, 320, 16 advts. (paged to 336). Royal i6mo. Originally published elsewhere. First printed for Macmillan and Co. 1882. Re- printed with corrections i88j, with corrections May 1884, with corrections December 1884, with corrections i88s, with corrections /886, with corrections i88j, with corrections 1888, with corrections i88-rections f88j, i88j, 1888, i88g. SMITH (G.) The Conduct of England to Ireland an address delivered at Brighton Jan. 30, 1882 By GOLDWIN Smith London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 42. Svo. SMITH (JOHN) A Dictionary of Popular Names of the Plants WHICH furnish the NATURAL AND ACQUIRED WANTS OF MAN, IN ALL MATTERS OF DOMESTIC AND GENERAL ECONOMY Their History, Products, & Uses by John Smith, A.L.S. Author of ' Historia Filicum ', ' History of Bible Plants,' etc. etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. I blank) 457, I blank, 2 advts. Med. Svo, SPINOZA (B.)— MARTI NEAU (J.) A Study of Spinoza by James Martineau, LL.D., D.D. Principal of Manchester New College, London. Der pantheistischen Mystik ist wirklich Gott Alles, Dem gemeinen Pantheismus ist alles Gott." — Rothe. With a portrait. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks) i page Woodburytype portrait, 372, i page errata inserted, I blank, i advt. I blank. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed 1882. Second (S) i88j. STEEL (T. H.)— NETTLESHIP (H.) Sermons preached in the Chapel of Harrow School and Elsewhere by the late Rev. T. H. Steel, M.A. formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, sometime Vicar of St. Ippolyts and Great Wymondley, and late Assistant Master in Harrow School. With a prefatory memoir by Henry Nettleship, M.A. Corpus Professor of Latin in the University of Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ixxii. (inc. 3 blanks) 339, I blank, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. STERNE (L.)— TRAILL (H. D.) Sterne by H. D. Traill London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 176, 8 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (!£) 1882. Reprinted iS8g. " English Men of Letters Series.' 424 MACMILLAN AND CO. 'S 1882 SWIFT (J.) — STEPHEN (L.) Swift by Leslie Stephen London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 4 blanks) 2IO, 2 blanks, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (3E) 1882. Reprinted i8S^, i88g. "English Men of Letters Series." TACITUS — CHURCH (A. J.) — BRODRIBB (W. J.) (Classical OTtitcrs. Edited by John Richard Green. Tacitus. By Alfred J. Church, M.A., Professor of Latin, University College, London, and W. J. Brodribb, M.A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank and paste down) 118, 2 blanks. Fcap. 8vo. Printed {S:) 1882. TACITUS— HOLBROOKE (G. O.) The Annals of Tacitus edited with notes by Geo. O. Holbrooke, M.A. Professor of Latin in Trinity College, Hartford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. (inc. i blank) folded coloured map, 4 page table, 530, 2 advts. 3 coloured maps. 8vo. UHLAND (J. L.)~FASNACHT (G. EUGENE) Selections from Uhland's Ballads and Romances with biographical notices, and historical and grammatical notes by G. EUGENE Fasnacht London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. I paste down, x. (inc. 4 blanks and i advt. ) 50, i paste down. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (fS) 1882, vocabulary added 188 j. Reprinted zvith additions 1888. ^'Foreign School Classics." VAUGHAN (C. J.) Authorized or Revised ? Sermons on some of the texts in which the revised version differs from the authorized. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Dean of Llandaff, and Master of the Temple. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxvi. 336. Cr. 8vo. VERGIL— WALPOLE (A. S.) lEIcmcntaro (ITIassics. P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber i. Edited, with notes and vocabulary, for the use of schools, by ARTHUR S. Walpole, M.A., formerly Scholar of Worcester College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks and paste down) 122 and 2 advts. Pott 8vo. First Editinn printed ( «.) 1882. Reprinted 1886. VINCENT (EDGAR) Turkish Debt. Report of Mr. Edgar Vincent (Member of the Council of Administration of the Ottoman Public Debt) to the English, Dutch, and Belgian Bondholders. — October, 1882. — London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 28 (inc. 2 folded pages). 8vo. WALPOLE (SPENCER) Foreign Relations by Spencer Walpole author of ' A History of England from 181 5 ' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 162, 6 advts. Cr. 8vo. " English Citizen Series." WATERTON (CHARLES)— WOOD (J. G.) Wanderings in South America by Charles Waterton (Vignette) With 100 Illustrations. i882 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 425 Edited with Biographical introduction and explanatory index, by the Rev. J. G. Wood. Price sixpence. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 64, 4 page cover from which title is taken. Med. 4to. Printed (S) 1882. {See also under iSjg. This was also included in a volume with three other works known as ' 'People's Editions. " See tmder 18S2. ) WETHERELL (JOHN) SLitcraturc primers. Exercises on Morris's Grammar. By John Wethereli,, M.A. Assistant Master, Liverpool College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 126 (inc. vi.), 2 blanks. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (^) 1S82. Reprinted with slight corrections 1884, 1887. When Papa Comes Home : the story of Tip, Tap, Toe. By the author of " When I was a little Girl ", " Nine Years Old", " Pansie's Flour Bin ", etc. With illustrations by W. J. Hennessy London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 183, i blank, 4 page illustrations (inc. front.) Globe Svo. Printed ( «.) 1S82. WILSON (A. J.) The N.\TiONAL Budget : The National Debt Taxes ^ and Rates by Alexander Johnstone Wilson London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 176. Cr. Svo. ' ' English Citizen Series, " WILSON (J. M.) Elementary Geometry and conic sections by J. M. Wilson, M.A. late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Head Master of Clifton College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 156, folded table. Globe Svo. Firsi Edition printed (5) July 18S2. Reprinted November 1882, 1SS4, i88j, 1887, 1888. WILSON (J. M.) Morality in Public Schools, and its Relation TO Religion. A Fragment. By the Rev. J. M. Wilson, M.A., Head Master of Clifton College. [Extracted from the Journal of Education for November, 1881.] London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 38, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. Afterwards included in "Essays and Addresses." [See under 1887.) WRIGHT (LEWIS) Light a Course of E.xperimental Optics chiefly with the Lantern by Lewis Wright With illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxiv. 368, 8 coloured plates (inc. frontispiece). Cr. Svo. WRIGHTSON (W. G.) An examination of the Functional Ele- ments OF AN English Sentence together with a new system of analytic marks by the Rev. W. G. Wrightson, M.A. Cantab. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 164. Cr. Svo. XENOPHON— WALPOLE (A. S.) lEkmcntars Classics. Xenophon the First Book of the Anabasis edited for "the use of schools by Arthur Sumner Walpole, M.A., formerly Scholar of Worcester College, Oxford. With notes, vocabulary, & illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 2 page illustrations, 136, 4 page plans and maps. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (!£) 18S2. Reprinted i88j, /888. 426 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1883 YOE (S.) The Burman his life and notions by Shway Yoe Subject of the Great Queen In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 370, 6 advts. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 360, Cr. 8vo. YONGE (C. M.) Unknown to History A story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland By Charlotte M. Yonge. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. i blank) 364. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 373, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed May 1882. Reprinted July, October, and December 1882, July and October 1S8 J. Second December iSSj {r vol.) Reprinted 1884, 1886, i88g. 1883 ^SOP— CALDECOTT (RANDOLPH & ALFRED) Some of ^sop's Fables with Modern Instances shewn in designs by Randolph Caldecott from new translations by Alfred Caldecott, M.A. The Engravings by J. D. Cooper London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 80. Demy 4to. First Edition printed April 188 j. Reprijited June 1883. ALEXANDER (THOMAS) — THOMSON (ARTHUR WATSON) Elementary Applied Mechanics Part 11. By Thomas Alexander, C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering in the Imperial College of Engineering, Tokei, Japan; and Arthur Watson Thomson, C.E., B.Sc, Professor of Engineering at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. With numerous diagrams and a series of graduated examples carefully worked out. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. vi. blanks) 358. Cr. 8vo. Antiquities of Ionia, published by the Society of Dilettanti. Part the First (Vignette) London : Printed by W. Bulmer and W. Nicol. Sold by G. & W. Nicol, Booksellers to His Majesty ; Payne & Foss, Pall-Mall ; Longman and Co. Pater- noster-Row ; and Rodwell and Martin, Bond-Street. 1821 Pp. xxii. (inc. 4 blanks and vi. unpaged) 68, 42 page plates. Royal Folio. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. i88j. Antiquities of Ionia, published by the Society of Dilettanti. Part the Second. (Vignette) London : Printed by W. Bulmer & Co. For George Nicol, Bookseller to His Majesty, Pali-Mall. 1797 Pp. vi. (inc. 3 blanks, unpaged) 43, 3 blanks, 59 page plates. Royal Folio. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. i8Sj. Antiquities of Ionia, published by the Society of Dilettanti. Part the Third. — ^pvcrias viroffTCLffavres evTeix^i irpodvpi^ daXafiov KiOftts, u)S Sre darjTov fx^yapov lld^ofxev' apxofxevov 5' ip-yov wpoffUTTOV Xp7) difxev TrfKavyes. Pindar. Olymp. IV. Ed. Boeckh. London : Printed by W. Nicol, 60, Pail-Mall. Sold by Payne and Foss, Pall Mall ; Longman and Co., Paternoster Row ; Murray Albemarle Street ; Rodwell, Bond Street; and Weale, Holborn. 1 840 Pp. vi. (inc. 2 blanks) 93, i blank, 74 page plates. Royal Folio. Transferred to lllacmillan and Co. i88j. i883 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 427 ARISTOTLE— WELLDON (J. E. C.) The Politics of Aristotle translated with an analysis and critical notes by J. E. C. Welldon, M.A. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Master of Dulwich College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xcvi. 407, I blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) 188 j. Reprinted with alterations and additions 1888. ARNOLD (MATTHEW) Isaiah of Jerusalem in the authorised English version with an introduction, corrections, and notes by Matthew Arnold formerly Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford and Fellow of Oriel College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 144. Cr. Svo. ARNOLD (M.) Merope. A Tragedy. By Matthew Arnold. London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts. 1858 Pp. lii. (inc. 2 blanks) 138, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. iSSj, ARNOLD (M.) The Popular Education of France with notices of that of Holland and Switzerland by Matthew Arnold, M.A. Foreign Assistant-Commissioner to the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the state of Popular Education in England : Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford : one of Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools. London Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts 186 1 Pp. lii. (inc. 4 blanks) 294. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. iSSj, ARTEVELDE (JAMES & PHILIP VAN)— ASHLEY (W. J.) James and Philip Van Artevelde by W. J. Ashley, B.A. late Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford Being the Lothian Prize Essay for 1882 London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 244, and 4 advts. Cr, 8vo. BABRIUS— RUTHERFORD (W. GUN ION) Babrius edited with in- troductory dissertations, critical notes, commentary, and lexicon by W. GUNION Rutherford, M.A., of Balliol College, Oxford ; author of ' The New Phrynichus '. naideia Kal i] Traioid. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, cvi. (inc. 3 blanks, paged civ.) 202, 2 advts. Svo. BAINES (EDWARD)— BARRY (ALFRED) Sermons preached MAINLY to Country Congregations by the late Rev. Edward Baines, M.A., Vicar of Yalding, formerly Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, and Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Ely. Edited, with Preface and Memoir, by Alfred Barry, D.D., Principal of King's College, London, Canon of Westminster, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. (inc. I blank) 2S9, i blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. 428 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1883 BAKER (SAMUEL WHITE) True Tales for my Grandsons by Sir Samuel White Baker, M.A., F.R.S., F.R.G.S. With numerous illustrations by W. J. Hennessy London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 435, I blank, 12 page plates. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S) 1S83. BELCHER (H.) A Key to the second part of short exercises in Latin Prose Composition. By the Rev. Henry Belcher, ALA., Master of the Matriculation Class, King's College School, London. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 60, 4 advts. Pott 8vo. Printed {S:) 1883. BLACK (W.) Adventures in Thule three stories for boys by William Black author of ' The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton ', etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 176, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S) 1S83. BLACK (W.) Shandon Bells a novel by William Black author of ' Macleod of Dare ', ' Sunrise ', etc. ' • With deep affection And recollection I often think of Those Shandon bells, Whose sounds so wild would In the days of childhood Fhng round my cradle Their magic spells. " Father Prout In three volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 271, I blank. Vol. ii. pp. 2 blanks, vi. 296. Vol. iii. pp. vi. 293, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed January 1883. Second (S') September 1883 (/ vol.) Reprinted 1884, 1883. BLACK (W.) Yolande The Story of a Daughter By William Black author of ' Macleod of Dare,' ' A Princess of Thule,' etc. In three volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xii. (inc. 5 blanks) 356. Vol. ii. pp. vii. i blank, 307, I blank. Vol. iii. pp. vii. i blank, 334, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 1883. Second (S) 1SS4 {i vol.) Reprinted 1S89. BROOKS (P.) Sermons Preached in English Churches by the Rev. Phillips Brooks Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, Massachusetts London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 311, i blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) 1883. Reprinted 1883, 1888. BRUNTON (T. L.) On the Nature of Inhibition and the Action OF Drugs upon it. By T. Lauder Brunton, M.D., Sc.D., F.R.S. Reprinted from " Nature " London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 48. Pott 8vo. i883 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 429 BURNETT (F. H.) Louisiana. By Frances Hodgson Burnett. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 102, 2 advts. 4 page illustrations (inc. front.) Cr. 8vo, First Edition printed [^) February iSSj. Reprinted J une iS8j. {Also published with " That Lass 0' Lowrie's." See under 18S0.) BUTLER (SAMUEL)— MILNES (ALFRED) Hudibras By Samuel Butler Parts 11, iii Edited By Alfred Milnes, M.A. (Lond.) late Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford Editor of Johnson's Select Works Author of " Elementary Notions of Logic " Editor of " Problems and Exercises in Political Economy." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 336. Fcap. Svo. Printed (!£) 1883. Cameos from English History. England and Spain. By the author of The Heir of Redclyffe. Fifth Series. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 419, I blank, 4 advts. Globe Svo. Printed (IE) 1883. CARROLL (LEWIS) Rhyme? and Reason? by Lewis Carroll with sixty-five illustrations by ARTHUR B. Frost and nine by Henry Holiday I have had nor rhyme nor reason Price seven shillings London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. front, and 2 blanks) 214, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. First Edition printed (IE) 1S83. Reprinted 1884, 1S87, 1888. CASSEL (D.)— LUCAS (MRS. HENRY) Manual of Jewish History and Literature preceded by a brief summary of Bible History by Dr. D. Cassel translated by Mrs. Henry Lucas London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 25S, 4 advts. Pott Svo. Printed (5) /c?c?j. Notes on the Caucasus by Wanderer London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 280. Svo. CAYLEY (ARTHUR) Portrait engraved by Stodart CHALMERS (M. D.) Local Government by M. D. Chalmers, M.A. Barrister-at-Law London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 160. Cr. Svo. "English Citizen Series." CICERO— HOLDEN (H. A.) M. Tulli Ciceronis pro Publio Sestio O ratio ad Iudices with introduction explanatory notes and critical appendix by the Rev. Hubert A. Holden, M.A. LL.D. sometime Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge editor of Cicero de Ofificiis Aristophanes etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxii. (inc. i blank) 313, i blank, 2 advts. Fcap. Svo. First Edition printed (&) 1S83. Reprinted with alteratio?is and additions 1887. J Vith additions and corrections i88g. 430 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1883 COTTON (J. S.) — PAYNE (E. J.) Colonies and Dependencies Part I. India by J. S. COTTON late Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford Part II. — The Colonies by E. J. Payne Fellow of University College Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 164, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. ' ' English Citizen Series. COWELL (G.) Lectures on Cataract: its causes, varieties, and treatment. Being six lectures delivered at the Westminster Hospital. By George Cowell, F.R.C.S., Senior Surgeon to the Westminster Hospital ; Lecturer on Surgery and Ophthalmic Surgery in the Medical School ; Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital ; Surgeon to the Victoria Hospital for Children ; and Consulting Ophthal- mic Surgeon to the East London Hospital for Children. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 126, i advt. i blank. Cr. 8vo. COWPER (W.) — BENHAM (W.) Globe Readings from Standard Authors The Task a Poem in Six Books by William Cowper to !, which are added an epistle to Joseph Hill, Esq. Tirocinium ; or, a Review of the Schools and The History of John Gilpin with notes by Willi AM Benham [from the Globe Edition of Cowper's Poetical Works] London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 138 (inc. I paste down), 4 advts. I paste down. Globe 8vo. Printed (!£) 1883. COWPER (W.) — OLIPHANT (M. O. W.) Selections from Cowper's Poems with introduction by Mrs. Oliphant (Vignette Portrait) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. 234, 2 advts. Pott 8vo. Printed (3E) 188 j. " Golden Treasury Series." CRAWFORD (F. M.) Doctor Claudius A True Story by F. Marion Crawford author of " Mr. Isaacs " London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) unpaged, 353, I blank, 6 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (S and 15) May i88j. Peprinted July and August i88j, February 1884, timce July 1884, i88j, May 1886, 1887, 1888, i88g. DAHN (F.) — E. (M. A. C.) Felicitas a Tale of the German Migrations A.D. 476 by Felix Dahn Translated from the German by M. A. C. E. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. unpaged, 223, i blank. Cr. 8vo. DAVIDSON (R. T.) The Inheritance of a Great Name. — A Sermon preached in The Chapel of Harrow School on Founders Day, October 11, 1883, by Randall T. Davidson, Dean of Windsor. — Published by Request — London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 12. 8vo. DAY (LAL B.) Folk-Tales of Bengal By the Rev. Lal Behari Day author of " Bengal Peasant Life ", etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 284. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed {S:) i88j. Reprinted i88g. i883 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 431 DEMOSTHENES — REHDANTZ (C.)— GWATKIN (T.) Demos- thenes The First Philippic with an introduction and notes. Edited, after C. Rehdantz, by the Rev. T. Gwatkin, M.A. late Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xliv. (inc. 2 blanks) 62, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo, Printed (S) 1883. DICEY (A. V.) Can English Law be taught at the Universities ? An Inaugural Lecture, delivered at All Souls College, 21st April, 1883, by A. V. Dicey, B.C.L., Hon. LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, Vinerian Professor of English Law in the University of Oxford, and Fellow of All Souls College. London : Macmillan and Co. I^. iv. 31, I blank. 8vo. DODGSON (C. L.) Lawn Tennis Tournaments The True Method of Assigning Prizes with a proof of the Fallacy of the present Method by Charles L. Dodgson, M.A. Student and Late Mathematical Lecturer of Ch.Ch. Oxford Palmam qui meruit ferat Price sixpence London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. ii. 10 (inc. I advt.) Cr. 8vo. EBERS (G.) — BELL (C.) Only a Word by Georcj Ebers author of ' The Burgomaster's Wife,' etc. Translated by Clara Bell London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) unpaged, 350, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) January 188 j. Reprinted October 188 j. ELLIS (T. J.) Sketching from Nature a handbook for students and amateurs by Tristram J. Ellis author of ' On a Raft and through the Desert' with a frontispiece and ten illustrations by H. Stacy Marks, R.A., and twenty-seven sketches by the author (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. front, and i blank) 156, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 188 j. {" Art at Home Series.") Second 188 j {with additional illustrations, pp. xii. {inc. 2 blanks and frontispiece) 79/, 2 advts. ) EMERSON (R. W.) The Conduct of Life and Society and Solitude by Ralph Waldo Emerson London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 520. Globe 8vo. Fi)-st Edition printed {%) for Macmillan and Co. 188 j. Reprinted 18S4, i8Sj. EMERSON (R. W.) English Traits and Representative iMen by Ralph Waldo Emerson London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 476, 4 advts. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (&) for Macmillan and Co. i8Sj. Reprinted 18S./, 1S8S. EMERSON (R. W.) Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. (inc. 2 blanks) 538, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (Si) for Macmillan and Co. 1883. Reprinted 1884, l88Sy JSS8. 432 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1883 EMERSON (R. W.) Letters and Social Aims by Ralph Waldo Emerson London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 260, 4 advts. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (&) /or Macmillan and Co. iS8j. Reprinted j88^. EMERSON (R. W.) Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 326, 2 advts. Globe Svo. First Edition printed {S>) for Macmillan and Co. iSSj. Reprinted 1884. The English Illustrated Magazine. London : Macmillan and Co. Sup. Royal Svo. The first number was published October 188 j, and up to December i88g, 7J numbers had been published. The number for September i88g completed the sixth volume. EURIPIDES— VERRALL (A. W.) EYPiniAOY MHAEIA.— The Medea of Euripides. Edited W\\h introduction and notes by A. W. Verrall, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 advts. xxxiv. (inc. I blank) 127, I blank. Fcap. Svo. First Edition printed [S:) iS8j. Reprinted 1888. EURIPIDES— ENGLAND (E. B.) EYPiniAOY I«l>irENEIA H EN TAYP0I2. — The Iphigeneia among the Tauri of Euripides. Edited with introduction and critical and explanatory notes by E. B. England, M.A., Assistant Lecturer in Classics in the Owens College, Victoria University, Manchester. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xl. (inc. 5 blanks) 260, 6 advts. Fcap. Svo. First Edition printed [^) iS8j. Reprinted 1886. EUTROPIUS— WELCH (W.)— DUFFIELD (C. G.) lElcmcntarg (fDIaSSicS. Eutropius, adapted for the use of beginners. With notes exercises, and vocabularies. By W. Welch, M.A., and C. G. Duffield, M.A., Assistant Masters at Cranleigh School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 3 blanks) 112. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (S) 188 j. Reprinted January and April 1S84, 188 j, 1886, 18S8, i88) 188 j. 440 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1883 MARGOLIOUTH (D. S.) Studia Scenica. Part l. Section i.— Introductory Study on the Text of the Greek Dramas. The Text of Sophocles' Trachiniae, 1-300. By DAVID S. Margoliouth, Fellow of New College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 48 (inc. 3 blanks). 8vo. MAURICE (F. D.) The Kingdom of Christ or Hints to a Quaker respecting the Principles, Constitution, and Ordinances of the Catholic Church By Frederick Denison Maurice, M.A. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xxxvi. (inc. i blank) 368. Vol. ii. pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 438 (inc. I blank) 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First two editions published elsewhere. Third pri7ited i88j. MEREDITH (G.) Poems and Lyrics of the joy of Earth by George Meredith London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 184, 2 blanks. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. The first edition of this book was printed by R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor in May 188 J, and another edition was printed by R. and R. Clark in September 188 j. The Miz Maze or the Winkworth Puzzle a Story in Letters, by Nine Authors ' Many hands make light work.' London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 358, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Authors : — F. Awdry, M. Bramston, C. R. Coleridge, A. E. M. A. Morshead, C. M. Yonge, F. M. Peard, M. S. Lee, E. C. Price, and F. Wilford. Printed (!£) 188 j. MOLESWORTH (M. L.) Two Little Waifs by Mrs. Molesworth author of ' Carrots,' ' Cuckoo Clock ', ' Tell me a Story. (Vignette — [Two small figures, hurrying along hand-in-hand, caught the attention of several people. — Page 166.]) Illustrated by Walter Crane London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, viii. (inc. i blank) 216, 6 page illustrations. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) September i88j. Reprinted December 188 j, 1886. MOLIERE (J. B. P. DE)— FASNACHT (G. E.) Le MiSdecin Malgr6 Lui Comedie en Trois Actes par J. B. Poquelin de Moliere (1666) with introduction, literary and grammatical notes, etc. by G. EUGENE Fasnacht London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I paste down, 3 blanks, and I advt. ) 74, 4 advts. i paste down. Pott 8vo. Printed (I£) 188 j. ' ' Foreign School Classics." The More Excellent Way A Poem. v London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 72. Cr. 8vo. MULLER (H.)— THOMPSON (D'A. W.)— DARWIN (C.) The Fer- tilisation of Flowers by Prof. Hermann Muller translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson, B.A. Scholar of Trinity College, Cam- bridge with a preface by Charles Darwin with illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 670, 2 advts. Med. 8vo. iS83 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 44i MYERS (F. W. H.) Essays Classical by F. W. H. Myers London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 224, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition- printed (S') i88j. Reprinted iSSj. MYERS (F. W. H.) Essays Modern by F. W. H. Myers London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 334, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed {^) iS8j. Reprititcd 188^. OLIPHANT (M. O. W.) Hester a Story of Contemporary Life by Mrs. Oliphant " A springy motion in her gait, A.rising step, did indicate Of pride and joy no common rate That flush' d her spirit : I know not by wliat name beside I shall it call : if 'twas not pride It was a joy to that allied She did inherit * # -it * She was trained in Nature's school Nature had blest her A waking eye, a prying mind A heart that stirs, is hard to bind A hawk's keen sight ye cannot blind Ye could not Hester." Charles Lamb London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 264. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 256. Vol. iii. pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 264. First Edition printed December 188 j (Cr. 8vo.) Second (&) December 188 j (i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1888 [Globe 8vo.) PENROSE (F. C.) An Investigation of the Principles of Athenian Architecture, or the results of a recent survey conducted chiefly with reference to the optical refinements exhibited in the construction of the Ancient Buildings at Athens, by Francis Cramner Penrose, Archt M.A., Etc. Illustrated by numerous engravings. — T^Xos 5^ Tcp dpxi-T^KTOvL TO TTpos (pavTafflav eiipvdiJLOV TTOLTjcrai rb ^pyov Kai birbaov iyx'^pei'TpbsTa.sTrjs Stpews aTrdras oKe^-qp-ara avevpLcTKeLV, ov rrjs Kar' dX-odeiau iabrriTos 7) eiipvO/xias dWd rrjs -rrpbs ttjv 6\pw aroxo-^oixivip. Heliodori Larissrei capita opticorum. Published by the Society of Dilettanti. London : Printed by W. Nicol. Shakespeare Press, Pall Mall. Longman and Co., Paternoster Row, and John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1851 Pp. X. (inc. 2 blanks) loi, i blank, 41 page plates. Royal Folio. Originally published elsewhe7-e. Transferred to. Macmillan and Co. i88j. Second Edition 1888. (Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) front., 128, 47 page plates, i double page plate. ) PLATO — ARCHER-HIND (R. D.) nAATi2N02 #AIAi2N The Phaedo of Plato edited with introduction notes and appendices by R. D. Archer-Hind, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, vi. 199, i blank. 8vo. POLLOCK (F.) English Opportunities and Duties in the His- torical AND Comparative Study of Law. An Inaugural Lecture delivered at Corpus Christi College, October 20, 1883, by Frederick 442 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1883 Pollock, M.A., Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh, Barrister-at-Law, Corpus Christ! Professor of Jurisprudence in the University of Oxford, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Price One Shilling. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 32 (inc. I blank). 8vo. POLLOCK (F.) The Land Laws by Frederick Pollock Barrister-at- Law M.A., Hon. LL.D. Edin. Corpus Christi Professor of Jurisprudence in the University of Oxford late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 218, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Editioti printed November t8Sj. Second iSSj, cancels inserted March iSSS, and appendix September 1888. " English Citizen Series." REED (SIR C.)— REED (C. E. B.) Memoir of Sir Charles Reed by his son CHARLES E. B. Reed, M.A. author of "The Companions of the Lord". London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 4 blanks and page portrait) 252. Cr. 8vo. RENDALL (F.) The Epistle to the Hebrews in Greek and English with Critical and Explanatory Notes by Frederic Rendall, A.M. formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge and Assistant Master of Harrow School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxxvi. (inc. i blank) 176. Cr. 8vo. Printed (5>) ^^''^J'. RICE (J. M.)— JOHNSON (W. W.) An Elementary treatise on the Differential Calculus founded on the method of rates or fluxions by John Minot Rice Professor of Mathematics in the United States Navy and William Woolsey Johnson Professor of Mathematics at the United States Naval Academy London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 469, 3 blanks. 8vo. RICE (J. M.)— JOHNSON (W. W.) An Elementary treatise on the Differential Calculus founded on the method of rates or fluxions by JOHN MiNOT RiCE Professor of Mathematics in the United States Navy and William Woolsey Johnson Professor of Mathematics in Saint John's College Annapolis Maryland Abridged edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 199, I blank. 8vo. RICHARDSON (B. W.) The Field of Disease a Book of Preventive Medicine by BENJAMIN Ward Richardson, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and Honorary Physician to the Royal Literary Fund "Homines ad deos nulla re propius accedunt quam salutem hominibus dando." CiCPRO. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 1 01 4, 2 advts. 8vo. i883 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 443 ROSS (P.) A MisGuiDiT Lassie by Percy Ross London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. unpaged, 220. Cr. Svo. Printed (S) iSSj. ST. JOHNSTON (A.) Camping among cannibals by Alfred St. Johnston London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, vi. 327, i blank. Cr. Svo. Printed (^) 188 j. SAND (GEORGE)— RUSSELL (W. E.) La Mare au Diable par George Sand (1846) with biographical notice and notes by W. E. Russell, M.A. Assistant Master in Haileybury College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. I paste down, xiv. (inc. 2 blanks) 107, i blank, 3^advts. (inc. i on paste down) I paste down. Pott Svo, First Edition printed [^) i88j. Reprinted 188^. ' Foreign Se/wo/ Classics." SCHAFF (P.) A Companion to the -'Greek Testament and the English Version by Philip Schaff,|D.D. President of the American Committee on Revision with facsimile illustrations of Mss. and Standard Editions of the New Testament London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, xii. 616. Cr. Svo. SCHILLER (J. C. F. VON)— DUNTZER (H.)— PINKERTON (P. E.) The Life of Schiller by Heinrich Duntzer translated by Percy E. Pinkerton With authentic illustrations and facsimiles London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) front. 455, i blank, portrait, 3 folded letters. Cr. Svo. Printed (part & and E) 188 j. SCHILLER (J. C. F. VON)— GOSTWICK (J.) Die Jungfrau von Orleans Eine Romantische Tragodie von Schiller (1801) with biographical notice, historical introduction, and analytical notes by Joseph Gostwick author of " German Culture and Christianity " etc. joint-author of " Outlines of German Literature." London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 240, 2 advts. I paste down. Pott Svo. Printed {E) 1 88 J. Reprinted 1888. " Foreign School Classics." SCHILLER (J. C. F. VON)— SHELDON (C.) Maria Stuart von Schiller edited with introductions and notes by C. Sheldon, D.Lit. (London), B.A. (Victoria) Senior Modern Language Master, Clifton College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xviii. (inc. 2 blanks) 264, 2 advts. Pott Svo. First Edition printed (IE) iS8j. Reprinted 1888. "Foreign School Classics." SCOTT (W.)— PALGRAVE (F. T.) Globe Readings from Standard Authors The Lay of the Last Minstrel and The Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter Scott with introductions and notes by Francis Turner Palgrave [from the Globe Edition of Scott's Poetical Works] London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 133 (inc. I paste down), i blank, 8 advts. i paste down. Globe Svo. First Edition printed (E) iS8j. Reprinted i88j, i88g. 444 MACiMILLAN AND CO.'S 1S83 SCOTT (W.) — PALGRAVE (F. T.) Globe Readings from Standard Authors. Marmion and The Lord of the Isles by Sir Walter Scott with introductions and notes by Francis Turner Palgrave [from the Globe Edition of Scotts Poetical Works] London : IVIacmillan and Co. Pp. 168 (inc. I paste down) 6 advts. i paste down. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed (3£) iSSj. Reprinted 1887. SEELEY (J. R.) The Expansion of England two courses of lectures by J. R. Seeley M.A. Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge Fellow of Gonville and Caius College Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and Honorary Member of the Historical Society of Massachusetts London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 308. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (^) July 188 j. Reprinted October i88j, with many corrections and additions 1884, i88j, t886, 1888. SHERIDAN (R. B.)— OLIPHANT (M. O. W.) Sheridan by Mrs. Oliphant London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 2IO, 6 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed {^) 18 8 j. Reprinted i88g. " English Men of Letters Series," SHORTHOUSE (J. H.) The Little Schoolmaster Mark a Spiritual Romance by J. H. Shorthouse author of 'John Inglesant London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 119, i blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed {'E) October 1883. Reprinted December i88j. [Part/.] {Afterwards published with Part II. in a complete volume. See under i88j. ) SIDGWICK (H.) The Principles of Political Economy by Henry Sidgwick, author of " The Methods of Ethics." 'Tis the day of the chattel, Web to weave and corn to grind : Things are in the saddle And ride mankind. Emerson. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 592. Svo. First Edition printed i88j, corrigenda inserted September i88j. Second i88j. SIEMENS (C. W.) On the Conservation of Solar Energy a collection of papers and discussions by C. William Siemens, F.R.S., D.C.L. LL.D., Ph.D. Mem.Inst. C.E. With illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. I blank) III, I blank. Med. Svo. Printed (S) 1883. SMITH (JOHN) Domestic Botany an exposition of the structure and classification of plants and of their uses for food, clothing, medicine and manufacturing purposes by John Smith, A.L.S. Ex-Curator of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew author of " Dictionary of Economic Plants " London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 16 page plates, 548. Cr. Svo. Originally published elsewhere. This edition printed 1883. i883 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 445 Specimens of Antient Sculpture, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, and Roman : Selected from different collections in Great Britain, by the Society of Dilettanti. Vol. 11. = Tdpxat' or' oiada, /cat ra Kaiv^ eiaei cracpws. London : Printed by W. Nicol, Pall Mall, For Payne and Foss. 1835 Pp. Ixxii. (inc. 2 blanks) 208 (paged 1-116, 1-84, i-iv. i-iv.), 58 page plates. Royal Folio. Transferred to Macniillan and Co. iSSj. SPOTTISWOODE (WILLIAM) Portrait engraved by Stodart STANLEY (A. P.) Addresses & Sermons delivered during a visit to the United States and Canada in 1878 by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D. Dean of Westminster London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. 5 blanks) 255, i blank. Cr. 8vo. Printed (S) 1883. STEPHEN (J. F.) Letters on the Ilbert Bill. Reprinted from the "Times". By Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., a Judge of the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 56. 8vo. First Edition printed November 188 j. Reprinted December i8Sj. STEPHEN (J. F.) A History of the Criminal Law of England. By Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., a Judge of the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division. In three volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xviii. (inc. 3 blanks) 576. Vol. ii. pp. x. (inc. 2 blanks) 498, 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 592. 8vo. STEPHEN (J. F. AND H.) A Digest of the Law of Criminal Procedure in Indictable Offences. By Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., a Judge of the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, and Herbert Stephen, Esq., LL.M., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 230, 2 advts. 8vo. TANNER (H.) Elementary School Readings on the Principles OF Agriculture for the Third Stage by Professor Henry Tanner, M.R.A.C., F.C.S. Examiner in the Principles of Agriculture under the Government Department of Science Director of Education in the Institute of Agriculture, South Kensington, London London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i paste down) 67, i blank, 10 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed {&) 1883. TERENCE— CORNISH (F. W.) 3£Icmcntars CTlassirs. Scenes From the Andria of Terence Edited for the use of schools, by F. W. Cornish, M.A. late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, Assistant Master at Eton College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. paste down) 72. Pott 8vo. Printed (S) 1883. 446 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1883 THOMSON (J. J.) A Treatise on the Motion of Vortex Rings. An essay to which the Adams Prize was adjudged in 1882, in the University of Cambridge. By J. J. Thomson, M.A. Fellow and Assistant Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. 3 blanks) 124, 8vo. VERGIL— SHUCKBURGH (E. S.) iSlautntarg ©lassies. Selec- tions FROM Vergil. Edited, with Notes and Vocabulary, for the use of schools. By Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, M.A., Assistant Master at Eton ; late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank and i paste down) 208, Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (S) iS8j. Repritited -with corrections i88g. WALKER (F. A.) Land and its Rent by Francis A. Walker, Ph.D., LL.D. President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; author of " The Wages Question " ; " Money " ; " Money, Trade, and Industry ; " " Political Economy ; " etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 230 (paged 232). Fcap. 8vo. WALKER (F. A.) Political Economy by Francis A. Walker Author of " The Wages Question," "Money ", "Money, Trade and Industry," etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. 490, 2 blanks. 8vo. WALLACE (A. R.) The "Why" and the "How" of Land Nationalisation. By Alfred R. Wallace. Reprinted by permis- sion from " Macmillan's Magazine " London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 24 (inc. 2 blanks). Med. 8vo. WALLACE (D. M.) Egypt and the Egyptian Question by D. Mackenzie Wallace London ; Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 521, i blank. 8vo. WARD (SAMUEL) Lyrical Recreations by Samuel Ward Je vous donne avecque ma foy Ce qu'il y a de mieul en moy London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. z blanks, xiv. (inc. i blank) 248. {Pott 8vo.) Also a large paper Edition {Post 8vo.) WESTCOTT (B. F.) The Epistles of St. John: The Greek Text with notes and essays By BROOKE Foss Westcott, D.D., D.C.L., Regius Professor of Divinity and Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ivi. (inc. 4 blanks) 360. 8vo. First Edition printed 188 j. Second i88j. WESTCOTT (B. F.) The Historic Faith : Short Lectures on the Apostles' Creed by Brooke Foss Westcott, D.D., D.C.L., Regius Professor of Divinity, and Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. London and Cambridge Macmillan & Co. Pp. XX. (inc. I blank) 261, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo, First Edition printed March i88j. Second JVovemder 188 j. Third /S8j. i884 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 447 WILLS (C. J.) In the Land of the Lion and Sun or Modern Persia being experiences of life in Persia during a residence of fifteen years in various parts of that country from 1866 to 1881 by C. J. Wills M.D. late one of the Medical Officers of Her Majesty's Telegraph Department in Persia London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. front. 446, 2 advts. 8vo. WILSON (J. M.) Sermons preached in Clifton College Chapel 1 879-1 883 by the Rev, J. M. WiLSON, M.A. Head-Master London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. I blank, i advt. xiv. (inc. I blank) 331, i blank, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. XENOPHO.N— HOLDEN (H. A.) SENO«l'i2NT02 IEP12N H TYPAN- NIK02 The Hieron of Xenophon with introduction notes and critical appendix by Rev. Hubert A. Holden M.A. LL.D. sometime Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College Cambridge late Classical Examiner in the University of London editor of Aristophanes Plutarch's Themistokles etc. etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. Ivi. (inc. 2 blanks) 127, i blank. Fcap. 8vo. First Edition printed (S) iSSj. Reprinted with alterations and additions iSSj. Second (S) 1888. YONGE (C. M.) Stray Pearls Memoirs of Margaret de Ribaumont Viscountess of Bellaise by Charlotte M. Yonge author of ' Heir of Redclyfife ', ' Unknown to History,' etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. XX. (inc. 2 blanks) 258, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 269, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 188 j. Second (S) J^SS^ (/ vot.) Reprinted i88j, i88g. ZIEGLER (E.) — MACALISTER (D.) A Text-Book of Pathological Anatomy and Pathogenesis by Ernst Ziegler Professor of Pathological Anatomy in the University of Tiibingen translated and edited for English Students by Donald MacAlister M.A. M.B. Member of the Royal College of Physicians : Fellow and Medical Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge. Part i — General Pathological Anatomy London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 360. Med. 8vo. First Edition printed 188 j. Second i88j. {For Part ii,. Special Pathological Anatomy, Sections i-viii., see under 1884. Sections ix-xii. see -under 1886.) 1884 ABBOTT (E. A.)— RUSHBROOKE (W. G.) The Common Tradition OF THE Synoptic Gospels in the text of the revised version by Edwin A. Abbott, D.D., formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and W. G. RuSHBROOKE, M.L., formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xl. (inc. I blank) 156. Cr. 8vo. 448 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1884 ADDISON (JOSEPH)— COURTHOPE (W. J.) Addison by W. J. COURTHOPE London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, vi. (inc. 2 blanks) 192. Cr. 8vo. Printed (12) 1S84. Reprinted i88g. " English Men of Letters Series." AESCHYLUS— MARGOLIOUTH (DAVID S.) Aeschyli Agamemno. Emendavit David S. Margoliouth, Coll. Nov. Oxon. Soc. Londini : Prostat apud Macmillan et Socc. , lus suum autori integrum manet. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 72. 8vo. AIRY (GEORGE BIDDELL) Gravitation an elementary explanation of the principal perturbations in the solar system. By Sir George Biddell Airy, M.A., LL.D., D.C.L. late Astronomer Royal; formerly Fellow, now Honorary Fellow of Trinity College ; late Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, afterwards Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experi- mental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. Second Edition. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 174, 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. First Edition published elsewhere. Second 1884. Alice Learmont a fairy tale by the author of ' John Halifax, Gentleman ' with illustrations by James Godwin New Edition revised by the author London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 150, 2 advts. 5 page illustrations. Globe 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. Printed {^)for Macmillan and Co. 1884. BACON (FRANCIS)— CHURCH (R. W.) Bacon by R. W. Church, Dean of St. Paul's, Honorary Fellow of Oriel College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 227, i blank. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) 1884. Reprinted 1886, i88g. " English Men of Letters Series." (For Library Edition see under 1888.) BAKER (SAMUEL WHITE) The Egyptian Question being letters to the Times and Pall Mall Gazette by Sir SAMUEL White Baker M.A., F.R.S., F.R.G.S. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. unpaged, i map, 94, 2 blanks. 8vo. BARRON (A. F.) British Apples. Report of the Committee of the National Apple Congress, held in the Royal Horticultural Gardens, Chiswick, October 5th to 25th, 1883. Compiled and prepared by Mr. A. F. Barron, Superintendent of the Royal Horticultural Society's Gardens, Secretary to the Fruit Committee, and of the National Apple Congress, &c. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 248, 5 plates. 8vo. BARRY (ALFRED) First Words in Australia Semions preached in April and May 1884 by Alfred Barry, D.D., D.C.L. Lord Bishop of Sydney, MetropoHtan of New South Wales and Primate of Australia and Tasmania London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 207, i blank. Cr. 8vo. i884 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 449 BENSON (E. W.) "Deep calleth unto Deep." The Seabury Commemoration. A Sermon preached in St. Paul's, on November 14, 1884, being the hundredth anniversary of the Consecration of Bishop Seabury. By the Archbishop of Canterbury. London and New York : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 15, I blank, 4 page wrapper (from which title is taken). 8vo. BERLIOZ (HECTOR)— HOLMES (RACHEL)— HOLMES (ELEA- NOR) Autobiography of Hector Berlioz, Member of the Institute of France, from 1803 to 1865. Comprising his travels in Italy, Germany, Russia, and England. Translated by Rachel (Scott Russell) Holmes, and Eleanor Holmes. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xvi. (inc. i blank) 336. Vol. ii. pp. viii. 411, i blank. Cr. 8vo. BERTZ (EDWARD) The French Prisoners a story for boys by Edward Bertz ' To dream of peace amidst a world in arms '. Whittier. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 234, 2 blanks. Cr. 8vo. Printed {^) 1884. BLACK (W.) Judith Shakespeare A Romance by William Black author of ' Princess of Thule ', ' Shandon Bells ', etc London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. 2 blanks, vi. (inc. i blank) 246, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. 2 blanks, vi. (inc. I blank) 278, 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. 2 blanks, vi. (inc. i blank) 256. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 1884. Second [%) i88s [i vol.) BOLEYN (ANNE) — FRIEDMANN (PAUL) Anne Boleyn a Chapter of English History I 527-1 536. By Paul Friedmann. In two volumes. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. Ixxxiv. 308. Vol. ii. pp. xvi. 383, i blank. 8vo. BRYANS (C.) Latin Prose Exercises based upon Caesar's Gallic War with a classification of Caesar's chief phrases and grammatical notes on Caesar's usages by Clement Bryans Assistant Master in Dulwich College ; late Scholar of King's College, Cambridge ; and Bell University Scholar London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, vi. (inc. I blank) 121, I blank, 2 advts. Fi7-st Edition printed () 1884. " Golden Treasury Series." CRAIK (H.) The State in its Relation to Education by Henry Craik M.A. Oxon. LL.D. Glasgow London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. I blank) 166, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. " English Citiiien Series." CRAWFORD (F. M.) A Roman Singer by F, Marion Crawford author of ' Mr. Isaacs ' ' Dr. Claudius,' etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. unpaged, 258, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. 2 blanks, iv. unpaged, 249 (paged 251), I blank. First Edition printed May 1884 {Globe 8vo. ) Reprinted June 1884, twice July 1884. Second (S) October 1884 (/ vol. Cr. Svo. ) Reprinted 188 j, 1S86, 1888, i88g. DANIELL (A.) A Text Book of the Principles of Physics by Alfred Daniell, M.A. Lecturer on Physics in the School of Medicine, Edinburgh London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. 653, I blank, 2 advts. Med. Svo, First Edition printed 1884. Second May i88j, cancel inserted October i88j. DICKENS (C.) A Dictionary of the University of Cambridge edited by Charles Dickens London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 128, 2 maps, 10 advts. Royal i6mo. First Edition printed 1884. Reprinted -with corrections i88j, with corrections 1S86. {1884. Bound tip with "Dictionary of the University of Oxford" and sold as " Dickens' s Dictionary of Oxford and Cambridge.") DICKENS (C.) A Dictionary of the University of Oxford edited by Charles Dickens London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 134 (inc. 2 maps), 10 advts. Royal i6mo. First Edition printed 1884. Reprinted tvith corrections i88j, with corrections 1886. {1884. Bound up with "Dictionary of the University of Cambridge" and sold as " Dickens's Dictionary of Oxford and Cambridge.") DILLWYN (E. A.) Jill by E. A. Dillwyn In two volumes. — London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. 2 blanks, vi. 245, I blank, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. 2 blanks, vi. 235, I blank. First Edition printed July 1884 [Globe 8vo.) Reprinted September /S84. Second December 1884 (z vol. Cr. 8vo. ) 452 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1884 DRUMMOND (J.) Introduction to the Study of Theology by James Drummond, LL.D. Professor of Theology in Manchester New College, London To wvev/xa irdvTa ipevva, Kai to, ^ad-q rod 6eov London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 262, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Egypt Ministere de L'Interieur direction du recensement Recense- ment General de L'Egypte 15 Gamad akher 1299. — 3 Mai 1882 Tome Premier Le Caire Imprimerie Nationale de Boulaq Pp. Coloured front, xl. (inc. 11 blanks). Section Premiere, pp. xxviii. 1-24. Section Deuxieme, pp. xxii. 25-62. Section Troisieme, pp. xvi. 63-180. Section Quatrieme, pp. xvi. 181-200. Section Cinquieme, pp. xxii. 201-604. Section Sixieme, pp. xxvi. 605-741, i blank. Royal 4to. EICKE (K. M.) First Lessons in Latin by K. Macaulay Eicke, B.A., Assistant Master in Oundle School London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. i blank) 144. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (S) 1884. ELBON (B.) Bethesda by Barbara Elbon in three volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. 262, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. iv. 244. Vol. iii. pp. iv. 270, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition p7-inted March 1884. Second (S) 1884 {i vol.) EMERSON (R. W.)— MORLEY (J.) Miscellanies by Ralph Waldo Emerson with an introduction by John Morley London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, Ixii. (inc. 3 blanks) 321, i blank, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. First Edition printed {^)for Macmillan and Co. January 1884. Reprinted July 1S84. EMERSON (R. W.)— MORLEY (J.) Ralph Waldo Emerson an essay New York Macmillan and Co. Pp. I, I blank, 53, I blank. Globe 8vo. Printed (S) 1884. English Illustrated Magazine Proof Impressions of Engravings originally published in the English Illustrated Magazine. London : Printed by R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor for Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. 2 blanks) 20 mounted proofs. 4to. FARRAR (F. W.) The Messages of the Books being Discourses and Notes on the Books of the New Testament by F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge Archdeacon and Canon of Westminster ; and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen COS KoKol olKOvd/Moi woLKiXrjs xdptTos Qeov. — i Pet. iv. 10. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xix. I blank, 532. 8vo. First Edition printed [Si] 1884. Reprinted i8Sj, i88j. FASNACHT (G. E.) The teachers companion to Macmillan's progressive French Course Second Year with copious notes, hints i884 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 453 for different renderings synonyms, philological remarks, etc by G. Eugene Fasnacht Assistant Master in Westminster School editor of Macmillan's Series of Foreign School Classics London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. 104, 4 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (IE) 1884. FAWCETT (H.) Labour and Wages. Chapters reprinted from the Manual of Political Economy. By the Right Hon. H. Fawcett, M.P., Professor of Political Economy in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 76. Cr. 8vo. Printed {%) 1884. FENTON (J.) A History of Tasmania from its discovery in 1642 TO THE PRESENT TIME. By James Fenton. With map of the island and portraits of aborigines in chromo-lithography. — London — Macmillan iS. Co. Tasmania: Hobart— J. Walch and Sons. Launceston — Walch Brothers and Birchall Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide — Geo. Robertson & Co. , Limited. Pp. xvi. (inc. 4 blanks) 463, i blank, i folded map, 5 page portraits. 8vo. FISKE (J.) Excursions of an Evolutionist by John Fiske Willst du ins Unendliche schreiten Geh nur im Endlichen nach alien Seiten Goethe London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 379 (inc. iii. prelim. 3 blanks) i blank, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. FISKE (J.) Man's Destiny by John Fiske London Macmillan and Company Pp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. 2 blanks) 121, i blank. Cr. 8vo. FLEMING (G.) Vestigia by George Fleming author of 'A Nile Novel ', ' Mirage ', ' The Head of Medusa ', etc. ' Vestigia nulla retrorsum ' London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 228. Vol. ii. pp. 2 blanks, vi. 256. First Edition printed February 1884 {Globe 8vo.) Second {^) September 1884 (z vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted i88j {Globe 8vo.) FOWLER (T.) Progressive Morality an essay in ethics by Thomas Fowler, M.A., LL.D., F.S.A. President of Corpus Christi College. Wykeham Professor of Logic in the University of Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 201, i blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. FREEMAN (E. A.) The Office of the Historical Professor an inaugural lecture read in the museum at Oxford October, 1884 by Edward A. Freeman, M.A., Hon. D.C.L., LL.D. Regius Professor of Modern History Fellow of Oriel College Honorary Fellow of Trinity College London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 61, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. GALTON (F.) Life History Album prepared by direction of the col- lective investigation committee of the British Medical Association edited 454 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S iSS by Francis Galton, F.R.S., Chairman of the Life-History Sub-Com- mittee. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 172, 2 pages unpaged (inc. i blank). 410. Printed i88j (dated 1884), list of errata inserted January and June 1884. {Also an edition cotitaining specimens of colours in wool mounted on descriptive slip and pasted dow7i on the cover. ) GALTON (F.) Record of Family Faculties. Consisting of tabular forms and directions for entering data, with an explanatory preface by Francis Galton, F.R.S., author of "Hereditary Genius," "Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development," etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. unpaged, 64, and 4 unpaged. 4to. First Edition printed (^i) 188 j [dated 1884). Repriiited 1884. GENUNG (J. F.) Tennyson's In Memoriam its Purpose and its Structure a Study by John F. Genung London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 199 (inc. preliminary), i blank. Cr. 8vo. GORDON (C. G.) Reflections in Palestine, 1883. By Charles George Gordon. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 2 page maps, 124. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed April 1884. Reprinted April, May, and July 1884. GRAY (A.) Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Mag- netism. By Andrew Gray, M.A., F.R.S.E., Chief Assistant to the Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow, London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 208. First Edition pnnted r88j {dated 1884, Pott 8vo.), list of errata inserted Januajy 1884 and i8Sj. Second i88g {Fcap. 8vo. ) {For Vol. i. of an extended edition see under 1888.) GRAY (T.) — GOSSE (E.) The Works of Thomas Gray in prose AND Verse edited by Edmund Gosse Clark Lecturer on English Literature at the University of Cambridge In four vols. Vol. I. Poems, Journals, and Essays. Vol. II. Letters. — I. Vol. III. Letters. — II. Vol. IV. Notes on Aristophanes and Plato, London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. xxiv. (inc. 3 blanks) 4 page title with portrait, 409, i blank, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 4 page title with portrait, 402, 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks, paged xiii. and I blank) 4 page title with portrait, 406, 2 advts. Vol. iv. pp. iv. (paged vi.) 4 page title with facsimile of Sonnet to Richard West, 399, I blank, 4 advts. Globe 8vo. Printed {&) 1884. HADLEY (J.) — ALLEN (F. DE F.) A Greek Grammar for Schools AND Colleges. By James Hadley, late Professor in Yale College. Revised and in part rewritten by Frederic de Forest Allen, Professor in Harvard College. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 406, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (12) 1S84. i884 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 455 HAMERTON (P. G.) Human Intercourse by Philip Gilbert Hamerton author of ' The Intellectual Life ' etc : etc : etc : ' I love tranquil solitude, And such society As is quiet, wise, and good.' Shelley- London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xviii. 391, I blank, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Fi7-st Edition printed {%) September 1884. Reprinted December 1884, 188^, 1888. HARPER (T.) The Metaphysics of the School by Thomas Harper S.J. Vol. iii [Part i.] ov yap Ti vdv ye Kax6es, d\X' aei irore {■^ ravra, KOvBels oWev k^ otov '(pdvri London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. 3 blanks) 414, 2 advts. Med. 8vo. HEINE (H.)— B. (I.) Ideas. " Buch le Grand" of the Reisebilder of Heinrich Heine 1826 a translation by I. B. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 120 (2 paged erratum). Cr. 8vo. HOMER— BOND (J.)— WALPOLE (A. S.) lEleiiuntarg (fDlassics. Homer's Iliad, Book i. Edited for the Use of Schools. By Rev. John Bond, M.A., Chaplain and Classical Instructor, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; and A. S. Walpole, M.A., Master in the King's School, Warwick ; late Scholar of Worcester College, Oxford, London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. I paste down, xxiv. (inc. 3 blanks) 102. Pott 8vo. Printed (id Complete Volume see under i8Sj. TAIT (P. G.) Heat by P. G. Tait, M.A., Sec. R.S.E. formerly Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 368, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (IE) 1884, list of errata inserted April 18S4, TEMPLE (F.) The Relations between Religion and Science. Eight Lectures preached before the University of Oxford in the Year 1884 on the Foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Canon of Salisbury by the Right Rev. Frederick, Lord Bishop of Exeter London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xi. I blank, 252. First Edition printed {^') 1884 {8vo.) Reprinted January, Febrtiary (twice), and April 1 88s, N member 1883 [Cr. 8t'o.) TENNYSON Works. Author's Edition 7 vols. (Cr. 8vo.) Cabinet Edition 13 vols. (Fcap. 8vo.) Shilling Edition 13 vols. (32mo.) Royal Illustrated Edition i vol. (Royal 8vo.) Original Editions 11 vols. (Fcap. 8vo. and Ext. Fcap. 8vo.) Selections (Super Royal i6mo.) Songs (Super Royal i6mo and 24010.) and miscellaneous vols, of Imp. Library and Library Editions (8vo.) Transferred to Macmillan and Co. 1884. TENNYSON The Works of Alfred Tennyson Poet Laureate London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. vi. (inc. 2 blanks) steel portrait, 640. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed for JMacmillan and Co. (E) January 1884. Reprinted with slight corrections April 1884, February and October /88j, May 18S6, with slight alterations December 18S6, tSSj, May 1SS8, November 1888, with mariy additions February i88g, April and December i88g. TENNYSON Becket by Alfred Lord Tennyson Poet Laureate London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. (inc. 2 blanks) 213, i blank, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. Fii-st Edition printed November 18S4. Reprinted twice December /8S4, i88j. 464 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1884 TENNYSON The Cup and the Falcon by Alfred Lord Tennyson Poet Laureate London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. iv. (inc. I blank) 146, 2 advts. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (E) 1884. TENNYSON The Passing of Arthur by Alfred Lord Tennyson Poet Laureate London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 24 (inc. iv. ) Cr. 8vo. TENNYSON School Edition The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson Poet Laureate In four Parts London : Macmillan and Co. Part i. pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks and paste down) 124. Part ii. pp. vi. (inc. 2 blanks and paste down) 184, i blank and paste down. Part iii. pp. ii. 158. Part iv. pp. vi. (inc. 2 blanks and paste down) 176, 8 advts. i blank, i paste down. Cr. 8vo. Printed (!E) 1884. TENNYSON The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson Poet Laureate London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. (3 blanks, paged vi. steel portrait) 313, 3 blanks. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (i blank, paged vi.) 317, 3 blanks. Vol. iii. pp. vi. (3 blanks) 396. Vol. iv. pp. viii. (4 blanks) 230, 2 blanks. Vol. v. pp. viii. (3 blanks) 184. Vol. vi. pp. viii. (4 blanks) 327, I blank. Vol. vii. pp. viii. (3 blanks) 208. Globe 8vo. Vol. i. printed (fS) June 1884. Vol. ii. printed (IE) June 1884. Vol. iii. printed (IE) July 1884. Vol. iv. printed (IE) July 1884. Vol. v. printed (IE) August 1884. Vol. vi. printed (IE) September 1884. Vol. vii. printed (IE) September 1884. Also an Edition on hand-made paper fro7n the same plates and at the same dates. THUCYDIDES— COLSON (F. H.) ISkmentarg Classics. The Rise OF THE Athenian Empire from Thucydides Book i. Edited for the use of beginners. By F. H. Colson, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Senior Classical Master in Bradford School. With notes, appendix, and vocabulary. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XV. (inc. paste down) i blank, 116. Pott 8vo. First Edition printed (S) 18S4. Repri?ited with additions i8Sj. THUCYDIDES— GRAVES (C. E.) eOYKYAIAOY SYrrPA'and Clinical Medicinein the Army Medical School, Netley London : Macmillan and Co. and New York Pp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. 3 blanks) 340, folded chart. Cr. 8vo. M'CLELLAND (W. J.)— PRESTON (T.) A Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry, with numerous examples. Part i. To the end of the Solution of Triangles. By William J. M'Clelland, Sch., B.A., Principal of the Incorporated Society's School, Santry, Dublin ; and Thomas Preston, Sch., B.A. — London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. 168. Cr. Svo. First Editio?i published elsewhere. Transferred to Alacmillan and Co. i88j. Second Edition printed [^) May 188 J. Afterwards with Fart ii. published as a complete volume. M'CLELLAND (W. J.)— PRESTON (T.) A Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry with applications to Spherical Geometry and numerous examples Part 11. By William J. M'Clelland M.A. Principal of the Incorporated Society's School, Santry, Dublin ; and Thomas Preston B.A. Senior Moderator and Double Gold MedaUist, Trinity College, Dublin. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 186. Cr. Svo. Afterwards with Part i. published as a cotnplete volume. M'^LENNAN (J. F.) Studies in Ancient History comprising a reprint of Primitive Marriage an inquiry into the origin of the form of capture in marriage ceremonies by the late JOHN FERGUSON M'^Lennan A new edition London : Macmillan and Co. and New York Pp. xxxii. (inc. 2 blanks) 388. Svo. Originally published elsewhere. First Edition printed for Macmillan and Co. 1886. MACMILLAN'S Colonial Library. For circulation only in India and the Colonies. The publication of a series of books under this title was begun in 1886. The following volumes have appeared. (Crown Svo.) Published 171 1886. Station Life in New Zealand. By Lady Barker, i vol. i8S6 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 497 MACMILLAN'S Colonial Library. Continued — A Year's House-keeping in South Africa. By Lady Barker. With Illustrations. i vol. A Princess of Thule. By William Black, i vol. A Family Affair. By Hugh Conway, author of " Called Back," etc. I vol. Mr. Isaacs : a Tale of Modern India. By F. Marion Crawford. I vol. Dr. Claudius : a True Story. By F. Marion Crawford, i vol. A Roman Singer. By F. Marion Crawford, i vol. A Tale of a Lonely Parish. By F. Marion Crawford, i vol. The Conduct of Life. By Ralph Waldo Emerson, i vol. Seekers after God : the Lives of Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. By the Venerable F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S., Arch- deacon of Westminster. Illustrated. i vol. Souvenirs of Some Continents. By Archibald Forbes, LL.D. I vol. Human Intercourse. By P. G. Hamerton. i vol. Oldbury. By Annie Keary. i vol. Tales of Three Cities. By Henry James, i vol. Tales of Old Japan. By A. B. Mitford, late Second Secretary to the British Legation in Japan. With Illustrations drawn and cut on wood by Japanese Artists. i vol. A Country Gentleman. By Mrs. Oliphant. i vol. The Literary History of England in the end of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Century. By Mrs. Oliphant. 3 vols. Camping among Cannibals. By Alfred St. Johnston, i vol. Aunt Rachel. By D. Christie Murray, author of " Rainbow Gold," etc. I vol. Chantry House. By Charlotte M. Yonge. i vol. The Choice of Books, and other Literary Pieces. By Frederic Harrison, i vol. ' Miss Tommy : a Mediaeval Romance. By the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." With Illustrations by Frederic Noel Paton. i vol. Mrs. Lorimer : a Sketch in Black and White. By LuCAS Malet. i vol. Living or Dead. By Hugh Conway, author of " Called Back," etc. I vol. Effie Ogilvie. By Mrs. Oliphant, author of "The Curate in Charge," " The Wizard's Son," etc. i vol. 2 K 498 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1886 MACMILLAN'S Colonial Library. Contmiied — A Northern Lily : Five Years of an Uneventful Life. By Joanna Harrison, i vol. My Friend Jim. By W. E. Norris, author of " Matrimony," " No New Thing," etc. i vol. Hurrish : a Study. By the Hon. Emily Lawless, author of " A Millionaire's Cousin." i vol. King Arthur : Not a Love Story. By the Author of " John Halifax, Gentleman." i vol. The Mayor of Casterbridge. By Thomas Hardy, i vol. Ne^ra : a Tale of Ancient Rome. By J. W. Graham, i vol. Margaret Jermine. , By Fayr Madoc, author of "The Story of Mehcent." i vol. A Modern Telemachus. By Charlotte M. Yonge, author of «' The Heir of Redclyffe." i vol. Sir Percival : A Story of the Past and of the Present. By J. Henry Shorthouse, author of "John Inglesant." i vol. Ptcblished in 1887. A House Divided against Itself. By Mrs. Oliphant. i vol. About Money, and other Things. By the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." i vol. The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. By William Black, author of "A Princess of Thule." i vol. Essays in Criticism. By Matthew Arnold, i vol. Tom Brown's Schooldays. By an Old Boy. i vol. The Dove in the Eagle's Nest. By Charlotte M. Yonge, author of "The Heir of Redclyffe." i vol. A Beleaguered City. By Mrs. Oliphant. i vol. Critical Miscellanies. By John Morley. i vol. A Millionaire of Rough-and-Ready : Devil's Ford. By Bret Harte. i vol. Saracinesca. By F. Marion Crawford, author of " Mr. Isaacs," etc. I vol. A Garden of Memories : Mrs. Austin : Lizzie's Bargain. By Margaret Veley. i vol. Sabina Zembra. By William Black, i vol. The Woodlanders. By Thomas Hardy, i vol. Jill. By E. A. Dillwyn. i vol. Jill and Jack. By E. A. Dillwyn. 1 vol. : Frederick Hazzleden. By Hugh Westbury. i vol. i886 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 499 MACMILLAN'S Colonial Library. Continued — The New Antigone : a Romance. 2 vols. The Crusade of " The Excelsior." By Bret Harte. i vol. The Cceruleans : a Vacation Idyll. By Sir H. S. Cunningham, i vol. Ismay's Children. By the Author of " Hogan, M.P." 2 vols. Zoroaster. By F. Marion Crawford, i vol. Hithersea Mere. By Lady Augusta Noel, i vol. Harmonia. By the Author of " Estelle Russell." 2 vols. Marzio's Crucifix. By F. Marion Crawford, i vol. Picblished in 1888. The Second Son. By Mrs. Oliphant. i vol. Paul Patoff. By F. Marion Crawford, i vol. Biographical Sketches. By Harriet Martineau. i vol. Realmah. By the Author of " Friends in Council." i vol. The New Judgment of Paris : a Novel. By Philip Lafargue. i vol. A Teacher of the Violin, and other Tales. By J. H. Shorthouse. I vol. Chris. By W. E. Norris. i vol. Joyce. By Mrs. Oliphant. i vol. The Argonauts of North Liberty. By Bret Harte. i vol. For God and Gold. By Julian Corbett, author of " The Fall of Asgard." i vol. Wessex Tales. By Thomas Hardy, i vol. The Lasses of Leverhouse : A Story. By Jessie Fothergill. i vol. With the Immortals. By F. Marion Crawford, i vol. Robert Elsmere. By Mrs. Humphry Ward, i vol. Fraternity : a Romance, i vol. The Mediation of Ralph Hardelot. By Wm. Minto. i vol. The Weaker Vessel. By D. Christie Murray, i vol. The Countess Eve. By J. H. Shorthouse. i vol. Essays in Criticism. Second Series. By Matthew Arnold, i vol. Miss Bretherton. By Mrs. Humphry Ward, i vol. Published i7i 1889. Cressy. By Bret Harte. i vol. Beechcroft at Rockstone. By Charlotte M. Yonge. i vol. 500 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1886 MACMILLAN'S Colonial Library. Continued — KOPHETUA THE THIRTEENTH. By JULIAN CORBETT. I vol. The Journal Intime of Henri-Fredi^ric Amiel. Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Mrs. Humphry Ward, i vol. Reuben Sachs. By Amy Levy, i vol. Greifenstein. By F. Marion Crawford, i vol. Neighbours on the Green. By Mrs. Oliphant. i vol. Schwartz. By D. Christie Murray, i vol. French and English : a Comparison. By P. G. Hamerton. i vol. An Author's Love. Being the Unpublished Letters of Prosper Merimee's " Inconnue." i vol. Robbery under Arms. By Rolf Boldrewood. i vol. The Gospel of the Resurrection : Thoughts on its Relation to Reason and History. By Canon Westcott, D.D. i vol. The Intellectual Life. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. i vol. A Reputed Changeling. By Charlotte M. Yonge. i vol. Marooned. By W. Clark Russell, i vol. Sant' Ilario. By F. Marion Crawford, i vol. The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, and other Stories. By Bret Harte. I vol. English Traits. By Ralph Waldo Emerson, i vol. Darwinism. By Alfred Russel Wallace, i vol. MACMILLAN (H.) The Olive Leaf. By Hugh Macmillan, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., author of " Bible Teachings in Nature," " Two Worlds are Ours," " The Sabbath of the Fields," etc. etc. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 382, 2 advts. Globe 8vo, Printed ( «.) 1886. MADOC (F.) Margaret Jermine by Fayr Madoc in three vol- umes London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Vol. i. pp. iv. unpaged, 280, Vol. ii. pp. iv. unpaged, 278, 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. iv. unpaged, 300. Cr. 8vo. MAURICE (F. D.) The Conflict of Good and Evil in our Day Twelve Letters to a Missionary. By the Rev. F. D. Maurice, M.A., Incumbent of St. Peter's Marylebone London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill. 1865 Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 212. Cr. 8vo. Transferred to Macmillan and Co. in 1886. i886 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE' 501 MILLIGAN (W.) The Revelation of St. John by William Milli CAN, D.D. Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism in the University of Aberdeen London : Macmillan and Co Pp. XX. (inc. 4 blanks) 343, I blank, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed 1886. Second i88y. MURRAY (D. C.) Aunt Rachel a Rustic Sentimental Comedy by D. Christie Murray author of "First Person Singular", "Joseph's Coat ", etc. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. viii. 198, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. iv. unpaged, 220. First Edition printed February 1886 {Globe 8vo.) Reprinted February 1886. Second (S>) December 1886 (/ vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1888 {Globe 8vo.), i88(p {Cr. 8vo.) MYERS (E.) The Judgment of Prometheus and other poems by Ernest Myers London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) unpaged, 126, I advt. I blank. Ext. Fcap. 8vo, NORRIS (W. E.) My Friend Jim by W. E. Norris In two vol- umes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. unpaged, 208. Vol. ii. pp. iv. unpaged, 208. First Edition printed July 1886 {Globe 8vo. ) Reprinted September 1886. Second (S) November 1886 {i vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1888 {Globe Svo.) OLIPHANT (M. O. W.) A Country Gentleman and His Family by Mrs. Oliphant author of 'The Wizard's Son', 'Hester', etc. In three volumes London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. pp. iv. unpaged (inc. i blank) 243, i blank. Vol. ii. pp. iv. unpaged (inc. I blank) 244, 2 advts. Vol. iii. pp. iv. unpaged (inc. i blank) 226, 2 advts. First Edition printed 1886 {Cr. 8vo.) Second {3i) i88j (/ vol. Cr. 8vo.) Reprinted 1888 {Globe 8vo.) OLIPHANT (T. L. K.) The New English by T. L. Kington Oliphant of Balliol College London : Macmillan and Co. and New York ' Vol. i. pp. xxxviii. (inc. 2 blanks) 625, i blank, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. 3 blanks, I advt. xii. (inc. i blank) 527, i blank. Cr. 8vo, OLIVER (S. P.) Madagascar an historical and descriptive account of the island and its former dependencies compiled by Samuel Pasfield Oliver F.S.A., F.R.G.S. late Captain Royal Artillery London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Vol. i. pp. XX. (inc. 4 blanks) 569, i blank, 2 advts. II maps. Vol. ii. pp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. 2 blanks) 576, 4 maps. Med. Svo. Orchids being the Report on the Orchid Conference held at South Kensington on May 12th and 13th, 1885. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 156 (inc. 4 advts. 9 blanks, 5 plates). Svo. PELLISSIER (E.) French Roots and their Families A synthetic vocabulary based upon derivations for schools and candidates for public examinations by Eugene Pellissier, M.A., B.Sc. LL.B. (Univer- 502 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1886 Gallic.) Assistant-Master at Clifton College, and Lecturer at University College, Bristol London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XX. (inc. I blank) 430, 2 advts. Ext. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (^) 188^ {dated 18S6). The Primula being the Report on the Primula Conference held at South Kensington on April 20th and 21st 1886. Together with a Report on the Orchid Nomenclature Conference held at Liverpool on June 30th 1886. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 155 (paged from 157-312), i advt. i blank. 8vo. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Published for Harvard University Boston George H. Ellis 141 Franklin Street Royal 8vo. A^o. I published October 1886, and continued quarterly to this date. (Imprint taken fivtn wrapper.) Macmillan and Co.'s Imprint added {to wrapper) of Vol. ii. No. 2 in 18S8. RACINE (J.)— PELLISSIER (E.) Britannicus Tragedie par Racine with introduction and notes by Eugene Pellissier, M.A., B.Sc. LL.B. (Univer-GaUic.) Assistant Master at Clifton College, and Lecturer at University College, Bristol London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xxxii. (inc. paste down) 116, 2 advts. Pott Svo. Pnnted {^) 1886. •' Foreign School Classics." RADCLIFFE (C. B.) A New Departure in Science, by Charles Bland Radcliffe, M.D., being a second edition of a New Chapter in the Story of Nature. " Non trita auctoribus via ". C. Plinii Sec. , Nat. Hist., I., p. 3. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks) 121, i blank, 4 advts. Svo. RAY (P. K.) A Text-Book of Deductive Logic for the use of Students. By P. K. Ray D.Sc. (Lond. and Edinb.), Professor of Logic and Philosophy, Dacca College. Second Edition London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. 311, I blank. Globe Svo. First Edition published elsewhere. Second Edition printed (S) January 1886. Reprinted March 1886, with alte7-ations i88y, 1888. REMSEN (L) An Introduction to the Study of Chemistry by Ira Remsen Professor of Chemistry in the Johns Hopkins University London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. 3S7, I blank. Cr, Svo. [Inorganic Chemistry.] RENDALL (F.) Theology of the Hebrew Christians by Frederic Rendall A.M. formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master of Harrow School. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank and I advt.) 182, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. i886 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 503 ROSCOE (H. E.)— SCHORLEMMER (C.) A Treatise on Chemistry by Sir H. E. RoscOE F.R.S. and C. Schorlemmer F.R.S. Professors of Chemistry in the Victoria University, Owens College, Manchester. Volume III. The Chemistry of the Hydrocarbons and their Derivatives, or Organic Chemistry. Part ill. ' ' Chymia, alias Alchemia et Spagirica, est ars corpora vel mixta, vel composita, vel aggregata etiam in principia sua resolvendi, aut ex principiis in talia combinandi. " — Stahl, 1723. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks and i advt.) 388. 8vo. First Edition printed (IE) i88b. Reprinted i88(). SALLUST — POLLARD (A. W.) The Catiline of Sallust translated into Enghsh. By Alfred W. Pollard, B.A., St. John's College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. XXX. 113, I blank. Cr. 8vo. Received from the complete book. {See under 1882.) SCHILLER (J. C. F. VON)— TURNER (E. J.)— MORSHEAD (E. D. A.; Selections from Schiller's Lyrical Poems edited with notes and memoir of Schiller by E. J. TURNER, M.A. Assistant-Master of Win- chester College and E. D. A. Morshead, M.A. Assistant- Master of Winchester College late Fellow of New College Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xxviii. (inc. i blank and i paste down) 203, i blank. Pott 8vo. Printed (IE) i88b. " Foreign School Classics." SELBORNE (LORD) A Defence of the Church of England against Disestablishment with an introductory letter to the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. By Roundell, Earl of Selborne London : Macmillan and Co. and New York Pp. xxxvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 363, I blank, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed Noz'etnber 1886. Second December 1886. Reprinted (fH) with alterations and additions i88'/. Third () i88j. SELBORNE (LORD) The Present Position and Future Prospects OF The Church in Wales an address delivered by The Right Hon. The Earl of Selborne to the Students of St. David's College, Lampeter, in presence of the four Bishops of the Principality, October 28, 1887 London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 16. Svo. Printed {%) 1887. 524 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1887 SHAKESPEARE (W.) The Works of William Shakespeare Vol I. Comedies Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 544. Vol iL Histories Pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 644. Vol III. Tragedies Pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 666, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York Printed (IE) 1887. " The Victoria Edition." STEWART (B.)— GEE (W. W. H.) Lessons in Elementary Prac- tical Physics by Balfour Stewart, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. Professor of Physics, Victoria University, the Owens College, Manchester and W. W. Haldane Gee, B.Sc. (Lond.) Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Physics, the Owens College Vol. ll. Electricity and Magnetism London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. XX. (inc. 2 blanks) 497, I blank, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (!£) 18S7. Reprinted i88g. STOKES (G. G.) Burnett Lectures. On Light. Third Course, on the beneficial effects of Light. Delivered at Aberdeen in November, 1885, by George Gabriel Stokes, M.A., F.R.S., &c. Fellow of Pem- broke College, and Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 100. Cr. 8vo. For the First Coiase see zmder 1884, for the Second Course see binder 188^, and for the complete volume sec beloiv. STOKES (G. G.) Nature Series.- — Burnett Lectures — On Light. In Three Courses. Delivered at Aberdeen in November, 1883, December, 1884, and November, 1885. By George Gabriel Stokes, M.A., F.R.S., &c. Fellow of Pembroke College, and Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 2 blanks, xiv. (inc. I blank) 342. Cr. 8vo. For the First Course see under 1884, for the Second Course see under i88j, and for the third volume see above. STRETTELL (A.) Spanish and Italian Folk-Songs translated by Alma Strettell with photogravures after sketches by John S. Sargent, Edwin A. Abbey, Morelli, and W. Padgett London : Macmillan and Co. and New York Pp. 2 blanks, xxii. (inc. 2 blanks) 12 page plates, 124. Imp. i6mo. TACITUS— GODLEY (A. D.) (Classical Series. The Histories of Tacitus Books i. and 11. With introduction and notes by A. D. GODLEY, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xvi. (inc. 3 blanks) 262, 2 blanks. Fcap. 8vo. Printed (S) i88-j. ' ' Classical Series." i8S7 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 525 TENNYSON — WOODRUFF (A.) The Brook by Alfred Lord Tennyson P.L. D.C.L. Illustrations by A Woodruff. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 page illustrations) 12 leaves of coloured illustrations with accom- panying letter-press (6 leaves illustrations both sides). Oblong Demy i6mo. THORNTON (J.) A Key to First Lessons in Bookkeeping, for the use of teachers and private students, containing all the exercises fully worked out, with brief notes, by J. Thornton. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 82. Oblong 4to. Printed (IE) /-o/« the Key to Mr. Lock's "Elementary Trigonometry" by Mr. H. Carr. {See below.) LOCK (J. B.)— CARR (H.) Key to Mr. J. B. Lock's Elementary Trigonometry by Henry Carr, B.A. of the Grammar School, Lagos, West Africa. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 230, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. Printed (IE) i88g. LOCK (J. B.) — WATSON (R. G.) Key to Lock's Arithmetic for Beginners by the Rev. R. G. Watson, M.A. formerly Head Master of the Grammar School, Halstead, Vicar of Gussage All-Saints, Dorset London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 240. Cr. Svo. Printed [Si] iSSg. 558 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1889 LODGE (O. J.) Nature Series. — Modern Views of Electricity By Oliver J. Lodge, D.Sc, LL.D., F.R.S. Professor of Experimental Physics in University College, Liverpool With illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 422, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. LOEWY (B.) A Graduated Course of Natural Science experi- mental AND theoretical FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Part I. First Year's Course For Elementary Schools and the Junior Classes of Technical Schools and Colleges by Benjamin Loewy, F.R.A.S., etc. Science Master at the London International College, Spring Grove, Isleworth Examiner in Experimental Physics to the College of Preceptors, London London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. i blank) 151, i blank, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. Printed (1£) iSSg. LONGFELLOW (H. W.) Ballads, Lyrics & Sonnets from the Poetic Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, 230 (inc. vignette and prelim.) Pott 8vo. Printed (IE) i88c). " Golden Treasury Series." LUBBOCK (J.) The Pleasures of Life Part 11 By Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P. F.R.S. , D.C.L., LL.D. Vice-Chairman of the London County Council Principal of the London Working-Men's College, and President of the London Chamber of Commerce London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. I blank) 280, 2 advts. Globe Svo. Printed (,S) April iSSg. Reprinted with alterations April i88g, with considerable alterations July iSSg. LUCAS (F.) Sketches of Rural Life and other poems by Francis Lucas London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. 5 blanks) 157, 3 blanks. Fcap. Svo. M^CosH (J.) First & Fundamental Truths being a Treatise on Metaphysics by James M'^Cosh, D.D., LL.D., Litt.D. Ex-President of Princeton College, Author of " Method of Divine Government," " Laws of Discursive Thought ", Psychology of the Cognitive Powers," Psycho- logy of the Motive Powers " " Realistic Philosophy " London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. I blank, i advt. x. (inc. i blank) 360. Ext. Cr, Svo. MACLEAR (G. F.) Elementary Theological Class-Books. — An Introduction to The Creeds by the Rev. G. F. Maclear, D.D W^arden of S. Augustine's College," and Honorary Canon of Canterbury. Late Head Master of King's College School, Author of " A Class Book of Old Testament History", "A Class Book of New Testament History" etc., etc. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xviii. 320, I advt. i blank. Pott Svo. Printed (1£) iSSg, 559 i889 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE" MAHAFFY (J. P.)— SAYCE (A. H.) A History of Classical Greek Literature by the Rev. J. P. Mahaffy, M.A. Knight of the Order of the Saviour Fellow and Prof, of Ancient History, Trin. Coll. Dublin Hon. Fellow of Queen's Coll. Oxford Author of ' Social Life in Greece ' ' Prolegomena to Ancient History ' Etc. In Two Volumes Vol. I. The Poets With an Appendix on Homer, by Prof. Sayce Vol. ll. The Prose Writers. Second Edition revised throughout 1883 London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Vol. i. pp. xiv. (inc. i blank) 539, i blank. Vol. ii. pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 447, I blank. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elsewhere. Transferred to Maanillan and Co. iSSg. MAHAFFY (J. P.)— ROGERS (J. E.) Nvlla Dies Sine Linea. — Sketches from A Tour Through Holland & Germany. By J. P. Mahaffy and J. E. Rogers. ' ' Beer and Fine View " Baedeker. (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvii. (inc. i frontispiece and 3 blanks) 272, 2 advts. Ext. Cr. 8vo. Printed 1888 [dated i88g). MARRIOTT (J. A. R.) The Makers of Modern Italy Mazzini Cavour — Garibaldi Three Lectures delivered at Oxford by J. A. R. Marriott, M.A. New College and Worcester College, Oxford Lecturer in Modern History and Political Economy London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xvi. (inc. 5 blanks) 84. Cr. 8vo. Printed [3:) i88g. MAURICE (F. D.)— DAVIES (J. LL.) Lessons of Hope Readings from the works of F. D. Maurice selected by J. Llewelyn Davies London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 2 blanks, xiv. (inc. i blank) 248, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. Printed {S}) i88g. MELDOLA (R.) Nature Series. — The Chemistry of Photography by Raphael Meldola, F.R.S., &.c. Professor of Chemistry in the Finsbury Technical College, City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 382, 18 advts. Cr. Svo. Printed (!£) iSSg. MENDELEEFF (DMITRI IVANOWITSH) Portrait engraved by Stodart MERCUR (J.) Elements-OF-the Art of War. Prepared for the use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy. By James Mercur, Professor of Civil and Military Engineering at the United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. — Second edition, revised and corrected. — London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. 2 blanks, xii. 302, 2 blanks, xiii. plates (3 folded.) 8vo. 56o * MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1889 MILL (H. R.) An Elementary Class-Book of General Geography by Hugh Robert Mill, D.Sc, F.R.S.E. Lecturer on Physiography and on Commercial Geography in the Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 381, i blank, 6 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (I£) i88g. " Geographical Series." MILTON (J.)— BELL (W.) Milton's L'Allegro, II Penseroso, Arcades, Lycidas, Sonnets etc. by W. Bell, M.A. Professor of Philosophy and Logic, Government College, Lahore London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xvi. (inc. I paste down and 2 blanks) 199, i blank. Globe 8vo. Printed (1£) i88g. "English Classics." MILTON (J.)— MACMILLAN (M.) Milton's Paradise Lost, Book I. Edited with introduction and notes by M. Macmillan, B.A., Oxon., Professor of Logic and Moral Philosophy, Elphinstone College, Bombay. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xxxii. (inc. i paste down, 3 blanks) 23, i blank, 48 pages of notes unpaged. Globe 8vo. Printed (E) 1888 [dated i88g). "English Classics." MIXTER (W. G.) An Elementary Text-Book of Chemistry. By William G. Mixter, Professor of Chemistry in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. — Second and Revised Edition. — London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. 8 blanks) 459, 5 blanks. Cr. 8vo. Originally published elseivhere. MOLESWORTH (M. L.) French Life in Letters By Mrs. MOLESWORTH With notes on Idioms, Etc. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. i paste down and 3 blanks) 94, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. Printed (IE) i88g. ' ' Primary Series of French and German Reading Books." MOLESWORTH (M. L.) The • Rectory • Children • • By • Mrs • MOLESWORTH • • Illustrated • by • Walter- Crane • (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xii. (inc. front.) 212, 6 page illustrations, 4 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (IE) J88(). MONK (G.)— CORBETT (J.) Monk By Julian Corbett London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. frontispiece and 3 blanks) 222, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (f£) i88g. " English Men of Action Scries." MURRAY (D. C.) Schwartz by D. Christie Murray author of ' Aunt Rachel ', ' The Weaker Vessel ', etc. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 247, i blank. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 219, I blank. First Edition printed February i88g {Globe 8vo.) Second printed (5) May i88g {i vol. Cr. 8vo. ) MYLNE (L. G.) Sermons preached in St. Thomas' Cathedral, Bombay by the Right Rev, Louis George Mylne, D.D. Bishop of Bombay. Formerly Tutor of Keble College, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks) 288. Cr. 8vo. i889 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 561 NIXON (J. E.) Selections from Prose Extracts for translation INTO English and Latin, I. Oratorical. 11. Historical, in. Philo- sophical. IV. Anecdotes, Letters. By J. E. Nixon, M.A., Fellow and Classical Lecturer of King's College, Cambridge, and Gresham Lecturer in Rhetoric. Second edition, enlarged. Macmillan and Co. Pp. xl. (inc. I blank) 32, 48, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Old Songs with drawings by Edwin A. Abbey & Alfred Parsons (Vignette) London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. X. (inc. 4 blanks and frontispiece mounted on Japanese paper) 122, 4 blanks. 4to. OLIPHANT (M. O. W.) Neighbours on the Green By Mrs. Oliphant " Old wives' tales " In three volumes London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 312. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 344. Vol. iii. pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 270, 6 advts. Cr. 8vo. First Edition printed Februa?y iSSg. Second (IE) Alay i88g {i vol.) PATER (W.) Appreciations with an Essay on Style by Walter Pater Fellow of Brasenose College London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks and i advt.) 264. Ext. Cr. Svo. PEABODY (C. H.) Thermodynamics of the Steam-Engine and OTHER heat-engines. By CECIL H. Peabody, Associate Professor of Steam Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. — London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xviii. 470. Svo. PEN NELL (J.) Pen Drawing and Pen Draughtsmen their work and their methods A study of the art to-day with technical suggestions by Joseph Pennell London & New York Macmillan & Co Pp. xxiv. (inc. 3 blanks) 319, i blank, 14 page plates, i folded plate. Super Royal 4to. A few copies were issued containing an original pen and itik draiving as frontispiece. PLINY— COWAN (J.) Classical .Sm'cs. C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistularum Libri Duo Pliny's Letters Books i. and 11. with in- troductions, notes, and plan, edited by James Cowan, M.A. Assistant Master in the Manchester Grammar School. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xxxii. (paged xxxiv. inc. 2 blanks) i folded plan, 198, 2 advts. Fcap. Svo. Printed {Ss) i8Sg. PLINY— TRAJAN— HARDY (E. G.) C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistulae Ad Traianum Imperatorem Cum Eiusdem Responsis edij:ed, with notes and introductory essays by E. G. Hardy, M.A. late Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, and formerly Headmaster of Grantham School London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 251, i blank, 4 advts. Svo. 2 O 562 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 18S9 POLYBIUS— SHUCKBURGH (E. S.)— HULTSCH (F.) The His- tories OF POLYBius translated from the text of F. Hultsch by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, M.A. late Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Vol. i. pp. Ixii. 602, 2 advts. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 615, i blank. Cr. Svo. POSTGATE (J. P.) Sermo Latinus Part ll by J. P. POSTGATE, Litt.D. Fellow and Classical Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor of Comparative Philology in University College, London Part 11. Selected Passages London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. iv. (inc. 3 blanks) 33, 3 blanks. Cr. Svo. Printed (5) iSSg. For Paj-t i. and complete book see below. POSTGATE (J. P.) Sermo Latinus a short Guide to Latin Prose Com- position Part I. — Introduction Part il. — Selected Passages for Trans- lation by J. P. POSTGATE, M.A., Litt.D. Fellow and Classical Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor of Comparative Philology in University College, London, editor of the New Latin Primer, etc. Sapere aude Horace London : INIacmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 97 (paged from 1-64 and I -33), 3 blanks. Cr. Svo. Made up from the separate parts. Part i. was not published separately. For Part ii. see above. Part i. printed (S) i88g. POSTGATE (J. P.) Sermo Latinus by J. P. Postgate, M.A., Litt.D. Key to Selected Passages London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 2 blanks, v. i blank, 42, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. Printed («>) iSSg. PRESTON (G.) Exercises in Latin Verse of various kinds by Rev. George Preston, M.A. late Fellow of Magdalene College, Cam- bridge ; and Headmaster of the King's School, Chester London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xviii. (inc. 2 blanks) 94. Globe Svo. Pri?iied (IE) i88g. PRESTON (G.) Key to Exercises in Latin Verse of various kinds by Rev. George Preston, M.A. late Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. and New York Pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 89, I blank, 2 advts. Globe Svo. Printed (15) iSSg. REMSEN (I.) Inorganic Chemistry by Ira Remsen Professor of Chemistry in the Johns Hopkins University London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xxviii. (inc. 9 blanks) 827, 5 blanks. Med. Svo. RENDALL (G. H.) The Cradle of the Aryans. By Gerald H. Rendall, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Principal and Professor of Greek, University College, Liverpool. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 64 (inc. preliminary). Svo. i889 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 563 ROSCOE (H. E.)— SCHORLEMMER (C.) A Treatise on Chemistry by Sir H. E. Roscoe F.R.S. & C. Schorlemmer F.R.S. Volume ill The Chemistry of the Hydrocarbons and their Derivatives or Organic Chemistry Part v " Chymia, alias Alchemia et Spagirica, est ars corpora vel mixta, vel composita, vel aggregata etiam in principia sua resolvendi, aut ex principiis in talia combinandi. " Stahl, 1723 London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks and I advt.) 523, I blank. 8vo. Printed (E) 188^. RUSSELL (A.)— PLUMPTRE (E. H.) The Light That Lighteth Every Man Sermons by Alexander Russell, B.D. late Dean of Adelaide with an Introduction by the Very Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Dean of Wells, Etc. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xxxvi. (inc. 3 blanks) 331, i blank. Cr. 8vo. RUSSELL (C.) The Parnell Commission — The Opening Speech for the Defence delivered by Sir Charles Russell, Q.C, M.P. carefully revised by the author London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. i blank) 615, I blank. 8vo. Printed May 1 88 (p. Reprinted June i88g. Cheap Edition July i88() {pp. xii. (inc. I blank) 40"/, I blank). RUSSELL (W. C.) Marooned by W. Clark Russell author of "The Golden Hope," "The Wreck of the ' Grosvenor '," "The Lady Maud," "A Sea Queen," "Jack's Courtship," "The Frozen Pirate," Etc. Etc. Maroon — To put a person ashore on an uninhabited island Nautical Dictionary In three volumes London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 320. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 320. Vol. iii. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 311, i blank. Cr. 8vo. SANDERSON (F. W.) Hydrostatics for Beginners by F. W. Sanderson, M.A. late Fellow of the University of Durham and late Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge Assistant Master in Duhvich College London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xvi. (inc. I blank) 259, i blank. Globe 8vo. SCHMID (C. VON)— FASNACHT (G. E.) Heinrich von Eichenfels by Chr. von Schmid with notes vocabulary in the order of the text and imitative exercises by G. Eugene Fasnacht London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. I paste down, ii. i blank, 150, 6 advts. Globe 8vo. Printed (1£) i88g. "Primary Series of Fre?ich and Gertnan Reading Books." SCOTT (W.)— MACMILLAN (M.) Scott's Rokeby : a poem in six cantos. Edited with introduction and notes by Michael Macmillan, B.A. Oxon. Professor of Logic and Moral Philosophy, Elphinstone College, .Bombay. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xxiv. (inc. 2 blanks) 280, 4 advts. Globe 8vo. Printed (I£) February i88g. Reprinted December i88g. " Eyiglish Classics." 564 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1889 SCOTT (W.) — STUART (G. H.) Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel Cantos l-lll with introduction and notes by G. H. Stuart, M.A. Professor of English Literature, Presidency College, Madras London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. XX. (inc. I paste down and 2 blanks) 92. Globe 8vo. " English Classics." SHAKESPEARE (W.)—DEIGHTON (K.) Shakespeare— Cymbeline with an introduction and notes by K. Deighton, B.A. Inspector of Schools, Bareilly, late Principal of Agra College London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xvi. (inc. 2 blanks) 223, I blank. Globe 8vo. Printed {^) rSSg. "English Classics." SHAKESPEARE (W.)— DEIGHTON (K.) Shakespeare— Othello THE Moor of Venice with an introduction and notes by K. Deighton, B.A. Inspector of Schools, Bareilly, late Principal of Agra College London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xviii. (inc. 2 blanks) 205, i blank. Globe 8vo. Printed (1£) iSScp. " English Classics." SHAKESPEARE (W.) — DEIGHTON (K.) Shakespeare— The Tempest with an introduction and notes by K. Deighton, B.A. Inspector of Schools, Bareilly, late Principal of Agra College London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. XX. (inc. I paste down and 3 blanks) 153, i blank, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. Printed (3E) i88g. ' ' English Classics." SHAKESPEARE (W.)— DEIGHTON (K.) Shakespeare— Twelfth Night ; or. What You Will with an introduction and notes by K. Deighton late Principal of Agra College London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xvi. (inc. I paste down and 2 blanks) 184. Globe 8vo. Printed i^) i88g. " Etiglish Classics." SHAKESPEARE (W.) — DEIGHTON (K.) SHAKESPEARE — The Winter's Tale with an introduction and notes by K. Deighton, B.A. Inspector of Schools, Bareilly, late Principal of Agra College London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xxxiv. (inc. 2 blanks) 198. Globe 8vo. Printed {^) i88g. "English Classics." SMITH (C.) Solutions of the Examples in a Treatise on Algebra By Charles Smith, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 250, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. SMITH (G.) Prohibitionism in Canada and the United States by Goldwin Smith Reprinted from " Macmillan's Magazine ", March, 1889 London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 14, I blank, i advt. Med. 8vo. Printed April i88g. Reprinted April i88g. SMITH (H.) Poems by Horace Smith London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. 2 blanks) 138, 2 advts. Globe 8vo. i889 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 565 STEVENS (F. H.) The Eleventh Book of Euclid's Elements Propositions 1-2 1. Edited by F. H. Stevens, M.A. Assistant Master of the Military and Engineering Side, Clifton College. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. i paste down and I blank) 48 (paged 383-430). Globe 8vo. Printed (E) i8Sq. {See also lender ' ' Nail and Stevens " iSSg. ) STRACHAN (E.) — WILKINS (A. S.) An Index to the Analecta Greek Pp. iv. (no title page). Cr. 8vo. (No imprint of Macmillan and Co.) STRAFFORD (LORD) — TRAILL (H. D.) Lord Strafford by H. D. Traill London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. 6 blanks, i frontispiece) 206, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. Printed (IE) i8Sg. " English Men of Actio?i Series." A Syllabus of Modern Plane Geometry. A. I. G. T. It is requested that any observations or criticisms upon this Syllabus may be addressed to the Secretary, the Rev. J. J. Milne, Invermark, AUeyn Park, West Duhvich, S.E. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 32. Cr. 8vo. Printed (3E) i88g. SYMONS (A.) Days and Nights by Arthur Symons ' ' These things are life : And life, they say, is worthy of the Muse." Modern Love London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 2 blanks, x. (inc. 3 blanks) 202, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. TAVERN lER (J. B.) — BALL (V.) Travels in India by Jean Baptiste Tavernier Baron of Aubonne Translated from the original French Edition of 1676 with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, Notes, Appendices, etc. by V. Ball, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S. Director of the Science and Art Museum, Dublin Author of ' Jungle Life in India ', ' The Economic Geology of India,' etc. In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Vol. i. pp. Ixxiv. (inc. frontispiece and 5 blanks) 420, i folding map. Vol. ii. pp. xxii. (inc. frontispiece and 3 blanks) 496, 5 plates, i map. Med. Svo. TENNYSON Demeter and other Poems by Alfred LoRd Tennyson D.C.L. P.L. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 2 blanks, vi. (inc. i blank) 175, i blank. Fcap. Svo. Printed (!£) i88g. THOMSON (SIR W.) Nature Series. — Popular Lectures and Addresses by Sir William Thomson, LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., &c. Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow, and Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. In three volumes Vol. i. Constitution of Matter With illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. 3 blanks) 460, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. 566 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S 1889 THRING (E.)— SKRINE (J. H.) A Memory of Edward Thring by John Huntley Skrine Warden of Glenalmond ' ' Seeing the city is built To music, therefore never built at all, And therefore built for ever." London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xiv. (inc. frontispiece and 2 blanks) facsimile of handwriting, 280 (inc. 19 blanks). Cr. 8vo. THUCYDIDES— RUTHERFORD (W. G.) eOYKYAIAOY TETAPTH The Fourth Book of Thucydides A revision of the text illustrating the principal causes of corruption in the manuscripts of this author by William Gunion Rutherford, M.A., LL.D. Headmaster of West- minster ; Author of ' The New Phrynichus,' and editor of ' Babrius ' O quoties indignatus languidas interpolationes, quae summorum geniorum reliquias deturpant exclamaveris : hoccine ergo Homerum aut Aristophanem aut Platonem aut Demosthenem ita dicere potuisse in animum homines induxerunt.— Cobet. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. 2 blanks, Ixxxii. (inc. 3 blanks) 134, 2 advts. 8vo. TODHUNTER (I.)— HUNTER (H. ST. J.) Key to Todhunter's Integral Calculus by H. St. J. Hunter, M.A. Fellow and lately Mathematical Lecturer of Jesus College, Cambridge London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 132. Cr. 8vo. Printed (5) i88g. TRUMAN (J.) Afterthoughts by Joseph Truman From Fall and from Springtide of many a year, Gathered together, green leaves and sere. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 66, 2 advts. Cr. 8vo. TYRWHITT (R. ST. J.) B.^ttle and After Concerning Sergeant Thomas Atkins Grenadier Guards With other verses by R. St. John Tyrwhitt Christ Church, Oxford London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xvi. (inc. 4 blanks) 95, i blank. Globe 8vo. VENN (J.) The Principles of Empirical or Inductive Logic By John Venn, Sc.D., F.R.S., Fellow, and Lecturer in the Moral Sciences, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xy. (inc. i blank) 594, 2 advts. 8vo. VERGIL — CALVERT (A.) Elcmcntarg Classics. P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Lib. vii. The Wrath of Turnus. Edited for the use of schools, with vocabulary, by Arthur Calvert, M.A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. XX. (inc. I paste down, 2 blanks) 150, 2 advts. Pott Svo. Printed (S<) i88g. VERGIL— PAGE (T. E.) ISUmcntarg Classics. P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Lib. 11. Edited for the use of schools, by T. E. Page, M.A. late Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge ; Assistant Master at Charterhouse. With vocabulary. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. iv. (inc. I paste down, i advt. i blank) 134, 2 advts. Pott 8vo. Printed (S) i88(). 1 889 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 567 VERGIL— PAGE (T. E.) iElcmmtarg Classics. P. Vergili Maronis Georgicon Lib. I. Edited for the use of schools. By T. E. Page, M.A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge ; Assistant Master at Charterhouse. With vocabulary. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. XX. (inc. I paste down, i advts. 3 blanks) 124. Pott 8vo. Printed {%) i88g. WALDSTEIN (C.) Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge— Catalogue OF Casts in the Museum of Classical Archaeology by Charles Waldstein, Litt.D., Ph.D., L.H.D. University Reader in Classical , Archaeology, and Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. 123, I blank, 3 plates, i folded plate. Cr. 8vo. Also a large paper Edition {Royal Svo.) WALLACE (A. R.) Darwinism an exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection with some of its applications by Alfred Russel Wallace LL.D., F.L.S., Etc. with maps and illustrations London : jNIacmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xviii. (inc. 2 blanks and i front.) 494, 2 advts. Ext. Cr. Svo. Printed (IE) May i88g. Reprinted with slight alterations August i8Sg, October i88g. WALPOLE (R.)— MORLEY (J.) Walpole by John Morley London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. 4 blanks) 251, I blank. Cr. Svo. Printed (5) i8Sg. " Twelve English Statesmen Series." WALTON (I.)— COTTON (C.)— LOWELL (J. R.) The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With an Introduction by James Russell Lowell. Boston : Little, Brown, and Company. London : Macmillan and Co. Vol. i. Vignette on India paper, pp. Ixxvi. (inc. 4 blanks) 20S, front, and 7 plates on India paper. Vol. ii. Vignette on India paper, pp. 2 blanks, vi. (inc. i blank) 257 (paged 209-465), 3 blanks, front, and 6 plates on India paper. Ext. Cr. Svo. Also an edition with the illustrations on Japanese paper {2 vols. Ext. Cr. 8vo,) WARD (H. M.) Nature Series. — Timber and Some of its Diseases by H. Marshall Ward, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S. late Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge ; Professor of Botany at the Royal Indian Engineer- ing College, Cooper's Hill With illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. 295, I blank, 2 advts. -Cr. Svo. Printed (!E) i8Sg. WARD (W. G.)— WARD (W.) William George Ward and the Oxford Movement by Wilfrid Ward London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. XXX. (inc. 4 blanks) front. 462. Svo. WELLINGTON (DUKE OF)— HOOPER (G.) Wellington by George Hooper London : Macmill!in and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. front, and 3 blanks) 254, 2 advts. Cr. Svo. Printed (15) i88g. "English Men of Action Series." 568 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 1889 WESTCOTT (B. F.) The Epistle to the Hebrews: the Greek Text with Notes and Essays by Brooke Foss Westcott, D.D., D.C.L. Canon of Westminster, Regius Professor of Divinity and Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. Ixxxvi. (inc. 5 blanks) 504. Svo. WESTCOTT (B. F.) Gifts for Ministry Addresses to Candidates FOR Ordination by Brooke Foss Westcott Examining Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Cambridge and London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 86, 2 advts. Globe Svo. WHITE (W. H.) A Text-Book of General Therapeutics by W. Hale White, M.D., F.R.C.P. Senior Assistant-Physician to and Lecturer on Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Guy's Hospital With illustrations London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xii. (inc. 2 blanks) 372. Cr. Svo. WHITHAM (J. M.) Steam-Engine Design. For the use of Mechanical Engineers, Students, and Draughtsmen. By Jay M. Whitham, Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers ; Professor of Engineering, Arkansas Industrial University ; late Assistant-Engineer, U.S. Navy. — " Practice varies ; but principles are eternal." — 210 illustrations. London : Macmillan and Co. Pp. xvi. (inc. viii. blanks) 391, 5 blanks, 7 folded plates. Svo. WOODS (M. A.) A Third Poetry Book Compiled by M. A. Woods Head Mistress of the Clifton High School for Girls London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. XX. (inc. 5 blanks) 517, i blank, 6 advts. Pott Svo. Printed (E) i88g. WORDSWORTHIANA— KNIGHT (W.) Wordsworthiana a Selec- tion from papers read to the Wordsworth Society edited by William Knight London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Pp. xxvi. (inc. front. 3 blanks) 352. Cr. Svo. YONGE (CM.) A Reputed Changeling or three seventh years two centuries ago by Charlotte M. Yonge In two volumes London : Macmillan and Co. and New York. Vol. i. pp. viii. (inc. i blank) 339, i blank, 4 advts. Vol. ii. pp. viii. (inc. 3 blanks) 376. Cr. Svo. INDEX Golden Treasury Edition. 4s. 6d. '■ Sketching Rambles in Holland." 21s. 14s. A., H. A Book of Thoughts. 3s. 6d. Abbey, E. A. See Bmighton's {G. H.) Abbot, F. E. Scientific Theism. 7s. 6d Abbott, E. A. See " Bacon's (K) Life." Bible Lessons. Part I. is II. 3s. 6d. 4s. 6d. Cambridge Sermons. 6s. The Good Voices. 5s. Jacob and Esau Oxford Sermons. 7s. 6d. Parables for Children. 3s. 6d. Proposed Examination of First-Grade Schools by the Universities, is. A Shakespearian Grammar. 2s. 6d. 6s. in 1870 . Through Nature to Christ. 12s. 6d. .... See Clay's {TV. L.) "Essays on Church Policy" . and Rushbrooke, W. G. Common Tradition of the Synoptic Gospels, 3s. 6d. - T. K. See Ferrars {IV. JI.) 'M Collation of Fonr Important AISS. of the Gospels" ........ Abd-el-Kader, Liberation of. is. Abdy, J. T. Civil Procedure among the Romans. 4s. 6d. Aberdeen University. See Geddes's {IV. D.) " Flosctili" etc. Abney, Captain. Photography. 6d. ..... • Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. I. 6s. About Money and other Things. 6s. . Abraham, C. J. The Divine Principles of Christian Missions to the Heathen, is Academica. An Occasional Journal, is. ... . Acland, H. W. Address to the British Medical Association. 1868 Address to the Students of St. George's Hospital. 1868. is. Army Medical vSchool. is. The Harveian Oration. 1865. 2s. 6d. See Stokes's {W.) ^'Medicine in Modern Times See Youinans' s '■'' Modern Culture " . Across the Carpathians. 7s. 6d. . Acts of the Apostles. By T. E. Page. 4s. 6d. . Adams, F. O., and Cunningham, C. D. Swiss Confederation. 14s. - Herbert B. See "History of Co-operation in the U.S." 15s. PAGE 130 469 48s 468 201 20X 216 277 230 277 350 243 230 181 313 169 447 318 40 43 413 294 332 485 182 48 166 166 507 130 196 165 84 485 547 533 570 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Adams, H. C. The Twelve Foundations. — J. C. Portrait. 5s. . Adams Prize Essay for 1856. Ss. Motion 1877- 1882. 6s 2s. 6d. Maxwell, J. C, "On the Stability of the of Saturn's Rings." 6s. Routh, E. J-, "Stability of a Given State of Motion." 8s. 6d. Thomson, J. J., " Motion of Vortex Ring: Adams-Reilly, A. See " Forbes' s (/. D.) Life and Letters " Addison, J. Essays. Edited by J. R. Green. 4s. 6d. . By W. J. Courthope. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 See '■'■Days with Sir Roger de Cover ley." 6s. Adventures of a Brownie. 4s. 6d. .ffischines against Ctesiphon. See Demosthenes — Drake {B. ) Aeschylus. Notes on the Agamemnon by Thomas Maguire. Agamemnon. D. S. Margoliouth. 2s. 6d. A. W. Verrall. 12s. Eumenides. By B. Drake. 7s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1869. Altered to 5s The Persae. A. C. Prickard. 3s. 6d. ... Prometheus Vinctus. H. M. Stephenson, is. 6d. Prometheus Bound. By C. G. Prowett. 3s. 6d. . The Prometheus Bound of. Translated by A. Webster. Seven against Thebes. A. W. Verrall. 7s. 6d. By A. W. Verrall and M. A. Bayfield • Supplices. T. G. Tucker. los. 6d. .ffisop's Fables. By R. and A. Caldecott. 7s. 6d. Altered to 5s. 1887 Agassiz, E. C. See " Agassizs (Z.) Life." i8s. 6d. - J- L. R. Life. 5s- Portrait i8s. ....... Agatha's Husband. 6s. 2s. in 1882 .... Ainger, A. Sermons preached in the Temple Church.' 6s. See Bensoiis {E. W.) " Consecration of the Temple Chnrch." See Lamb (C.) 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 18S8 • Library Edition. 5s. See Lamb's {C.) '■'■ Essays of Elia." 5s. ''Letters." los. . '' Airs. Leicester s School." 5s. . '' Poems, Plays, a7id Essays." 5s, '■' Tales from Shakspeare." Golden Treasury Series, Globe Readings Ed. 2s, Library Ed. 5s. Ainslie, A. D. See Goethe's {/. W. Vo7z) '■'■ Reyjiard the Fox." 7s. 6d. Airy, G. B. An Elementary Treatise on Partial Differential Equations. Gravitation. 7s. 6d. ..... Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Planetary Theories. 15s. Popular Astronomy. 4s. 6d. On Sound and Atmospheric Vibrations. 9s. Theory of Errors of Observations. 6s. 6d. . Treatise on Magnetism. 9s. 6d. On the Undulatory Theory of Optics. 6s. 6d. Syllabus of Lectures on Magnetism, is. Portrait. 5s. ... . - O. Geometrical Optics. 3s. 6d. Aitken, M. C. Scottish Song. Golden Treasury Series, - W. C;rowth of the Recruit. 8s. 6d. " Alabama" Question. See Palmer {R.) 4s. 6d. m \i 6d. 4s. 6d 5s. 6d PAGE 55 467 59 328 446 246 371 448 489 391 15 166 448 547 21 350 467 3 141 507 526 547 426 467 350 467 277 201 468 416 534 439 535 476 457 361 491 141 448 48 142 166 73 201 142 182 332 201 257 507 106 INDEX 571 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. IS. each Albemarle, Earl of. Fifty Years of My Life. 2 Vols. 25s. Alcock, R. See Margary {A. R.) - T. Questions on Huxley's Physiology, is. 6cl Aldis, M. S. Great Giant Arithmos. 2s. 6cl. Alexander, C. F. The Sunday Book of Poetry. - T. Elementary Applied Mechanics. Part I and Thomson, A. W. Part II. los. 6d. - W. Charge 1869. Diocesan Synods, is. Leading Ideas of the Gospels. 4s. 6d. Alfred the Great. See Hughes (T.) 3 Parts. 6s. in 1877 .... Algebra of Ratios. See Browning {H. B.) . Rules and Examples. Part I. See Dalton ( T. ) Part II. See Dalton {T.) Part I. Key to. See Dalton {T.) , Elementary. See Hall [H. S.) and Knight [S. B.) - Higher. See Hall {H S.) and Knight [S. B.) Solutions to Higher. See Hall {H. S.) and Knight Exercises. See Hall {H S. ) and Knight {S. B. ) See Jones (C. A.) and Chejyne (C. H H.) I Vol. 7s. 6d. Vol. {S. B.) Solutions to Exercises of C. A. Jones and C. H. H. Cheyne See Jones {C. A.) . Short and Easy Course. See Lund [T.) Key to Short and Easy Course. See Lund {T.) New Proof of the Method of. See Moore {B. T.) . See Smith's (B.) "Arithmetic and Algebra " Elementary. See Smith (C.) Treatise on. See Smith {C.) Solutions to Treatise on. See Smith (C.) . Elementary. See Smith {J. H.) . for Indian Students. See Todhunter {L) for Beginners. See Todhunter (/. ) . Key to Algebra for Beginners. See Todhunter (/. ) for Colleges and Schools. See Todhunter (/.) Key. See Todhunter [L) Companion to. See Wood (J.) and Lzmd {T.) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. See Carroll (Z.) 7s. 6d People's Edition. 2s. 6d. Alice Learmont. 4s. 6d. ..... AUbutt, T. C. On the Use of the Ophthalmoscope. 15s. Overwork and Strain of the Heart. 2s. 6d. Allen, Archdeacon. See ^^ Lectures to Ladies," etc. - F. de F. See Hadleys {J.) " Greek Grammar." 6s. - G. Colours of Flowers. 3s. 6d. AUingham, W. The Ballad Book. 4s. 6d. Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland. 7s. 4s. 6d. in 1869 AUon, H. See Bi7iney's {T.) " Ser/nons." Second Series Alternative, The. 8s. 6d. .... American Journal of Philology. Nos. 4s. 6d. each Amicus Curiae. The Parity of Moneys. 2s. Amiel, H. F. Journal. Translated by Mrs. T. H. Ward. 2 Vol. 6s. . Amos, S. Oratio Latina 1858. is. . Amps, W. Six Vocal Quartetts. Words by A. Tennyson. 4s. 4s. and 4s. 6d By W 6s. \'ols. Failes, in 1866 I2S. PAGE 294 166 408 112 426 182 230 188 10 261 297 489 474 514 554 492 133 516 13 19 59 24 504 540 564 195 3" 108 180 54 212 7 130 448 216 230 32 454 408 112 "3 278 408 372 526 467 49 10 572 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE See Ziegler {E. ) See Ziegler {E. ) An Ancient City. 6s. . Anacreon, Translations and Imitations of. By R. Ascot. 2s Anatomy and Physiolog)', Journal of. See Hu?!iph7y {G. M.) Old Series. New Series. 6s. . of Vertebrates. See Wiedersheim {R.) mid Parker {W. N.) Comparative. See Gegenbatir {C.) .... See Miall [L. C.) . See Mivart {St. George) ..... Pathological. Part I. See Ziegler (E.) . ... — — — — Part II. Sections i.-viii. Part II. Sections ix. -xii. Anderson, A. Ballads and Sonnets. 5s. - F. L. M. Seven Months' Residence in Russian Poland in 1863. 6s - J. Mandalay to Momien. 2is. .... - L. Linear Perspective and Model Drawing. 2s. . - M'Call. Diseases of the Skin. 5s. . Lectures on Clinical Medicine. los. 6d. Andocides de Mysteriis. Edited by W. J. Hickie. 2s. 6d. Andrews, T. Scientific Papers. i8s. . Angelique Arnauld. See Martin {F.) 4s. 6d. . Anglicana, Hierurgia, 13s. . Anglo-American Association, The. is. . Anglo-Saxon Law. See Essays in. i8s. Another " Story of the Guns." By the Eraser Reviewer. 2s. . Anselm, St. By R. \V. Church. 4s. 6d. 6s. in 1877. 5s. in i Ansted, D. T. The Correlation of the Natural History Sciences, is. The Great Stone Book of Nature. 5s. . Anstie, E. E. Neuralgia, and the Diseases that Resemble it. los. 6d. Stimulants and Narcotics. 14s. .... On the Uses of Wines. 2s. .... Portrait of. 5s. . See '■^ Praditiotier'" ...... Antiquities of Ionia. Part I. £z : 2s. . Part II. ;^2 : 2s. . Part III. £1:2%. . Part IV. £z:n-^ Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Eourth Book of the Meditations. 6s. Apocalsrpse. See Maurice {F. D.) ..... Appleton, T. G. A Nile Journal. 6s. . Syrian Sunshine. 6s. .... . Arabic. Grammar. See Perowne {/. J. S.) . Aratus. Skies and Weather-Eorecasts. 3s. 6d. Archer, E. M. Christina North. 2 vols. 21s. i vol. 6s. Archer-Hind, R. D. See Plato s '' Phaedo.'' 8s. 6d. . See Plato's " Timaeiis." i6s. .... Archibald, E. D. See Lockyers (J. N.) "Cycle of Sun-Spots " etc. Ariosto. Paladin and Saracen. 6s. . . . Aristophanes — Kennedy, B. H. The Birds of Aristophanes. 6s. Help-Notes to the Birds. By B. H. Kennedy, is. 6d. Aristotle on the Vital Principle. Translated by C. Collier. 8s. 6d. on Fallacies. Translated by E. Poste. 8s. 6d. First Book of the Metaphysics. 5s. ... - Politics. Translated by J. E. C. Welldon. los. 6d. " . Rhetoric. Translated by J. E. C. Welldon. 7s. 6d. 7s. 6d. PAGE 243 98 146 506 337 343 252 447 467 507 350 "3 294 313 230 313 467 547 251 8 216 298 "3 201 99 99 216 "3 313 277 177 426 426 426 391 408 79 294 314 19 372 231 441 538 362 408 257 277 28 142 391 427 485 INDEX 57; G.) Kni; ght for Schools. Aristotle, An Introduction to. See Cope (E. M.) 14s. . Arithmetic. See Aldis's [M. 6". ) " Great Giant Arithmos " Arithmetical Examples. See Boardman [J. H.) Rules and Reasons. See Boardman {J. H. ) With Examples and Answers. See Boardmaii Arithmetical Examples. See Bradshaw {/. G. ) With Answers. See Bradshaw {J. in Theory and Practice. Part I. See Brook Smith {/. ) Complete. See Brook-Smith [J. for Beginners. See Brooksmith [J. and E.J.) Help to. See Candler [H. ) . Arithmetical Examples. See Daltoti {T.) . Electric Light. See Day (B. E.) . Higher. See Goyen {P.) Arithmetical Exercises by H. S. Hall and S. R. Compendium. See Lister {H.) for Beginners. See Lock (J. B.) . Key to. See Lock (/. B. ) . See Lock {J. B.) With Answers. See Lock {J. B. ) Part I. See Lock (J. B.) Part II. See Lock (/. B.) . Key to. See Lock (j. B. ) and Watson {R. See Lupton (5.) See Macfarlane {A.) See Pedley [S.) . Parti. See Pedley {S.) Part II. See Pedley {S.) Easy Lessons. See Smith (B.) Examination Cards. See Smith (B.) Papers in. See Smith (B. Answers to Examination Papers in. See Smith {B. Key to Examination Papers in. See Smith {B.) Exercises in. See Stnith {B.) Answers to Exercises in. See Smith {B.) . for Indian Schools. See Smith (B.) Metric System. See Smith (B.) . School Class-Book of. See Smith (B.) Key to School Class-Book. See Smith (B.) for Schools. See Smith (B.) Key to. See Smith {B.) Chemical. Physical. Examples. Shilling. See Smith {B.) Answers to Shilling. See Smith (B. ) Key to Shilling. See Smith (B.) and Algebra. See Smith (B.) Synthetic Division of. See Suffield ( G". ) Short Manual of. See Underwood {C . IV.) Armstrong, W. See De IVint {P.) Army Preliminary Examinations. See " Specimens of Papers set Arnauld, Angelique. See Martin (F.) 4s. 6d. . Arnold, M. A Bible-Reading for Schools, is. . Discourses in America. 4s. 6d. Essays in Criticism. First Series. 6s. Third Edition Second Series. 7s. 6d. at. 9s. PAGE . 156 . 408 • 14 12 (f.L/.) 12 • 549 548 • 64 • 232 • 549 . 168 • 144 . 411 • 531 • 532 . 104 • 535 • 557 • 494 • 494 • 495 • 495 • 535 • 417 • 477 • 365 . 4S0 . 480 . 240 309 151 163 163 70 81 309 227 • 125 • 137 • 27 . 42 37. 138,. 152 • 152 • 152 • 24 . 107 • 71 529 541 251 231 468 130 526 291, 69, 226, 3s. 6d. 574 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Large Paper Edition, C.) "A Letter to 9s. the Dean Arnold, M. A French Eton. 2s. 6d. . Higher Schools and Universities in Germany. Isaiah XL.-LXVI. 5s. . . • Isaiah of Jerusalem. 4s. 6d. Merope. 5s. . . • • New Poems. 6s. 6d. 6s. in 1869. Poems. 2 Vols. 6s. each. 7s. 6d. each in 1877. 3 Vols. 7s. 6d. each in 1885 .... Popular Education of France. los. 6d. Reports on Elementary Schools. 7s. 6d. Altered to 3s. 6d. in October 1889 Schools and Universities on the Continent. los. 6d. Selected Poems. Golden Treasury Series. 4s. 6d. Large Paper Edition. I2s. 6d. . See Burke's [E.) ^'Letters, Speeches" etc. 6s. . See Byron's {Lord) "Poetry." 4s. 6d. Large Paper Edition. 9s. See Johnsons (S.) ''Six Chief Lives." 6s. 4s. 6d. in 1886 See Ward's {T. H.) ''English Poets" See WordstvortKs {W.) "Poems." 4s. 6d. Homeric Lectures of. See Wright's (/. of Canteiiniiy" ..... - Dr. T. Second Punic War. 8s. 6d. Theology of. By Dr. A. Neander. is. . - T. See Ward's {T. H.) " English Poets" . - W. T. Roman System of Provincial Administration. 6s. See Arnold s{T.)"Seco7id Punic War" See Wards {T. H.) "English Poets" Arnold Prize Essay for i860. Dicey, A. V., " Privy Council." 3s. 6d 1863. Bryce, J., "The Holy Roman Empire." 6s Second Edition. 9s. Third Edition. 7s. 6d Library Edition. 14s. 1864. Medd, C. S., "The Value of Numismatics, is 1879. Arnold, W. T., "Roman Administration." 6s Arrian — Selections. By J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. . Art, Lectures on. See Poole {P. S.) . Art at Home Series. Lady Barker. The Bedroom and Boudoir. 2s. 6d. T. J. Ellis. Sketching from Nature. 2s. 6d. . R. and A. Garrett. House Decoration. 2s. 6d. . E. Glaister. Needlework. 2s. 6d. J. Hullah. Music in the House. 2s. 6d. A. Lang. Library. 3s. 6d. . C. G. Leland. Minor Arts. 2s. 6d. W. J. Loftie. A Plea for Art in the House. 2s. 6d. Mrs. W. J. Loftie. The Dining-Room. 2s M. O. W. Oliphant. Dress. 2s. 6d. L. Orrinsmith. Drawing-Room. 2s. 6d W. H. Pollock. Amateur Theatricals. 2s Artevelde, J. By \V. J. Ashley. 6s. - P. Van. See Artevelde if.) By W. J. Ashley. 6s Artist and Craftsman. By R. H. Chermside. los. 6d. Ascot, R. See Anacreon ..... Ashen Faggot. See " Scouring of the White Horse" Ashhurst, J. International Encyclopedia of Surgery. 31s. Ashley, W. J. See Artevelde {J.) Ashley, Lord. See Maurice's {F. D.) Letter to . 2S. 6d. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1862 6d. each Vol. PAGE 113 257 277 427 427 154 182 427 547 167 332 332 393 393 340 389 370 129 485 389 351 485 389 512 114 135 351 527 422 '^ ■^ -7 JJJ 431 299 379 321 400 383 303 342 344 325 366 427 427 63 98 60 408 427 34 INDEX 575 Aspromonte. 4s. 6d. . Assaying. See Hiorns {A. H.) . Astronomy, Popular. See Airy (G. B.) . See Ally's [G. B.) "Mathematical Tracts on the Lzmar and Planetary Theories " See Blake {J. F.) . Planetary Theory. See Cheyne [C. H. H.) . See Clark's (Z.) "Star Guide " . . See Crossley's {£.) "Handbook of Double Stars" " Corrections to Handbook of Stars " Treatise on. See Godfray [H.) Lunar Theory. See Godfray {H.) . . . Plane. See Grant {A. R.) . Elementary. See Lockyer {J. N.) . Questions. See Lockyer {J. IV.) . Primer. See Lockyer {J. N.) See Lockyer' s {/. N.) '■^Stargazing" See Miller {K. K.) ..... — - Aurora Borealis. See Morgan {J. H. ) and Barber {J. T. Popular. See Newconib (S. ) . . . See Penrose's {T. C.) " Occtiltations" See Todhttnter's {L) " Histories of Attraction." Athenaeum. See Moons (P. ) Reply to the Atkinson, J. P. Art Tour to Northern Capitals of Europe. 12s. A Week at the Lakes. 7s. 6d. Atlas, Elementary School. See Bartholomew {/.) is - of the European States in Forty-five Maps. Globe Edition. 9s. Attwell, H. See A.'s {H.) " Bcfok of Thoughts." 3s. 6d. Golden Edition. 4s. 6d. . Seejoubert's {J.)"Pensees." 5s. . Augustine, St. See Trench' s{R. C.) "Sermon on the Mount." 3s. 6d. in 1869 ..... Austin, A. At the Gate of the Convent. 6s. Human Tragedy. 7s. 6d. . Love's Widowhood. 6s. . Prince Lucifer. 6s. ... Savonarola. 7s. 6d. Soliloquies in Song. 6s. . Autenrieth, Georg. Homeric Dictionary. 6s. . Author's Love, An. 12s. Authorised Report of the Church Congress, 1867. Awdry, F. Story of a Fellow-Soldier. 3s. 6d. See "A/iz Maze" .... — - Mrs. W. Easy Lessons in Light. 2s. 6d. Ayerst, W. The Pentateuch its own Witness, 2S. 6d. and 2s. . 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1880 Norrisian Prize B., A. G. Montalembert. 6d. .... — E. V. See "Ln the Fir- Wood." 7s. 6d. — L See Heine's "Ideas." 3s. 6d. Babington, C. The Influence of Christianity in Promoting the Abolition of Slavery in Europe. 5s. . Mr. Macaulay's Character of the Clergy in the Seventeenth Century. 4s. 6d See '' Hyferides' Oration against Demosthenes." 6s. 6d. Treasury I OS. 6d Essay for 1858 PAGE 182 533 142 48 314 86 488 354 376 146 22 13 174 207 268 342 251 9 344 193 II 243 332 527 155 130 322 198 468 548 548 508 391 409 314 548 155 277 440 372 49 49 147 455 10 13 576 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Babrius. W. G. Rutherford. 12s. 6d. . Bacchante, Cruise of Her Majesty's Ship. 146s. 6d. Bacon, F. Essays. 4s. 6d. Large Paper Edition. — F. G. Selby. 3s. 6d. • Life and Works. By E. A. Abbott. 14s. By R. W. Church. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is — Library Edition. 5s. . 7s. 6d. in 1889 By M. Napier • — Lord. Lord Bacon and Sir Walter Raleigh. Badham, C. See Ein-ipides' " lott." 6s. Bailey, A. The Succession to the English Crown. 7s. 6d. Baines, E. Sermons mainly to Country Congregations. 6s. Baird Lecture for 1885. W. Milligan. Revelation of St. John Baker. Index to the Baker Manuscripts. 7s. 6d. - J. Military Education. 6d. .... Our Volunteer Army. 2s. . IS. . 2 Vols. 28s. Altered to I2S. 6d. i6s. in 1867. is. in 1876 6s. in 1 87 1 6d. - S. W. The Albert N'Yanza. in 1869. 6s. in 1872 Cast up by the Sea. 7s. 6d. Cyprus as I saw it in 1879, Egyptian Question. 2s. Ismailia. 2 Vols. 36s. I Vol. 6s. The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. 21s True Tales for my Grandsons. 7s. 6d. - V. Army Reform, is. Re-Organization. (Privately printed) - W. J. F. V. See Horace's ''Satires and Epistles"' Balch, E. See '' An Author s Love'' Baldwin, T. Introduction to Irish Farming, is. 6d. Practical Farming, is. Balfour, A. J. Defence of Philosophic Doubt. 12s. - F. M. Elasmobranch Fishes. 21s. . Comparative Embryology. Vol. I. i8s. . _ II. 2IS. . Works. Memorial Edition. 4 Vols. 126s. Vols. I. and IV. See Foster's {M.)" Embryology" . Ball, J. See Hookers (/. D.) '■'■Journal of a Tour in Marocco" - R. S. Experimental Mechanics. i6s. Altered to lOs. 6d. \i Glimpse Through the Corridors of Time. is. - W. W. R. History of Mathematics. los. 6d. The Student's Guide to the Bar. 2s. 6d. . - V. See Tavernier's (/. j5.) " Travels in India" Ballad Book. See Allinghani{W.) Balliol College. See '■'■ Psalms and Hymns." 2s. 6d. Baltet, C. Art of Grafting and Budding. 3s. 6d. Bampton Lectures for 1864, 8s, 7s. 6d. 7s. 6d I Vol. 6s. The Progress of Doctrine. Bernard, T. D. 6d. 5s. in 1873 1869. Smith, R. P., "Prophecy," etc. 12s. Second Edition. 6s. . 1871. Curteis, G. H., "Dissent." 14s. 7s. 6d. in 1873 . 1885. Farrar, F. W., " History of Interpretation." i6s 1887. Carpenter, W. B., "Permanent Elements of Religion." 14s, PAGE • 427 485, 486 84 468 448 527 21 15 427 7 73 73 182 7s. 6d 73s. 6d, in I 142 182 351 448 257 155 428 183 15s 380 548 258 277 351 332 372 391 468 264 339 216 409 527 333 565 112 326 ^^ ^ "3 195 234 490 549 INDEX 577 Bancroft, G. History of the United States of America. 54s. Banker's Daughter. See " Fii-st Lessons in Business Matters '' See " Guide to the Unprotected" . ByM Barante, M. de. A Memoir, Biographical and Autobiographical 6s. 6d. . . . . ' . Barber, J. T. See Morgan'' s {J. H.) '■'■Account of the Aurora Borealis.' Baring-Gould, S. In Exitu Israel. 21s. Legends of Old Testament Characters. 21s. i6s. in 1873 Barker, Lady. The Bedroom and Boudoir. 2s. 6d. Christmas Cake in Four Quarters. 4s. 6d. First Lessons in the Principles of Cooking, is. Letters to Guy. 5s. ..... Ribbon Stories. 4s. 6d. ..... Spring Comedies. 7s. 6d. ..... Station Life in New Zealand. 7s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 187 1 Stories About. 4s. 6d. ..... Sybil's Book. 4s. 6d. ..... in 1883 Year's Housekeeping in South Africa. 9s. 6s. in 1878. 3s. 6d White Rat. 4s. 6d. ..... Barlet, S. SeeDeMaistre's{X.)"LaJeuneSiberienne" Barnabas, S. See Cnnningham (IV.) . Barnard, C. See Mayer s {A. M.) '' Light" Barnes, R. H. See Gordon's (C. G.)'' A Sketch" - W. Poems of Rural Life. 6s. ... . Life. By L. Baxter. 7s. 6d. . Barrett, A. See Goldsmith (0.) . - B. L. Geological Map of the Neighbourhood of Cambridge. 5s. - Mrs. See " Hand-book to the Pictures in the Fitzwillia7nMiisciiin, Cainbridgi 2s. 6d. and is. 6d. ..... - W. F. See Spottiswoode's {W.) " Science Lectzires," etc. Vol. IL Barron, A. F. British Apples. 2s. . Pears. Report of Conference, 1885. 2s. . Barry, A. Atonement of Christ. 2s. 6d. . . . Effects of Christianity on the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 6d First Words in Australia, 5s. . On Some of the Present Needs of the Church of England, is. See Haines's {E.) " Sermons" etc. .... - E. M. New Law Courts, and National Gallery, is. Bartholomew, J. Elementary School Atlas, is. Bartlett, J. See " Shakespeare [W.) Fh^-ase Book" Barwell, R. On Aneurism. 3s. 6d. .... Diseases of the Joints. los. 6d. i6s. in 1881 Guide in the Sick Room. 3s. 6d. .... Lateral Curvature of the Spine. 4s. 6d. 5s. in 1877 Bashforth, F. Observations on some Recent University Buildings, is Bastian, H. C. Beginnings of Life. 28s. Evolution and the Origin of Life. 6s. 6d. . Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms. 4s. 6d. Paralysis from Brain Disease. los. 6d. Batchelor, H. and T. C. Patent Working Drawings. 12s. 6d. Bateman, J. See '' Elliot fs [H. V.) Life" Bath, Marquis of. Bulgarian Affairs, 3s. 6d. - and Wells, Bishop of. See Hervey {Lord A.) Bather, Archdeacon. Some Ministerial Duties. 4s. 6d. 2 P Guizot, 5s- 6d. PAGE 280 lOI 155 9 201 216 333 231 258 468 231 217 201 217 258 314 372 472 317 342 473 167 508 531 55 22 368 448 508 217 7 448 155 427 231 527 404 372 333 "3 201 21 231 258 217 278 314 171 372 295 578 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Baxter, L. See "■ Barnes s {W.) Life" . - R. D. National Income. 3s. 6d. . Private Bill Legislation. 6d. The Taxation of the United Kingdom. 4s. 6d. The Volunteer Movement, is. . Bayfield, M. A. See Aeschylus' '■'■Seven against Thebes" See Euripides' " Ion " Bajmia, J. The Elements of Molecular Mechanics. los. 6d. Bazely, H. The Oxford Evangelist. By E. L. Hicks. 6s. Bazley, T. See Fawcett's {H.) " Factory Acts Amendment Bill' Beaconsfield, Lord. Memorials. 3s. 6d. Portrait. 5s. ... . See Thompsoit's [G. C.) "Public Opinion" etc. Beamont, W. J. Catherine, the Egyptian Slave in 1852. 5s. 6d. Beasley, R. D. An Elementary Treatise on Plane Trigonometry. 3s. 6d. Beatty-Kingston, W. See BuscKs {M.) " Our Chancellor" Beaufort, E. A. See Strangford ( Viscountess) Beaumarchais. Le Barbier de Seville. L. P. Blouet. 3s. 6d. Becker, B. H. Disturbed Ireland. 6s. . Bedell, W. Cambridge in the Seventeenth Century. Part HI. W. Edited by J. E. B. Mayor. 3s. 6d. . Bedford, Bishop of. See How ( W. W.) Beesly, Mrs. Stories from the History of Rome. 2s. 6d. Bekker. See Plato's " The Phaedrus," etc. J. Wright . Belcher, H. Short Exercises in Latin Prose Composition. Part I. is Key to Short Exercises in Latin Prose Composition 2S. 6d. in 1879. 3s. 6d. in 1885 . Short Exercises in Latin Prose Composition Key to Latin Prose Composition. Part II. Bell, C. See Ebers's {G.) " Burgomaster's Wife ' See Ebers's ((7.) " Ottly a Word" . - E. See Dickinson's (J.) "■Last Counsels of an Unknown Counsellor - F. J. See Gegenbaur's (C) " Elements of Comparative Anatomy" - H. G. Romances and Minor Poems. 6s. - W. See Milton's (/.) " L Allegro, II Penseroso" etc. Bengel, J. A. Gnomon Novi Testamenti. 21s. . Benham, W. The Christian Minister in the World, is, Companion to the Lectionary. 7s. 6d. 6s. in 1874. 4s. 6d. in 1883 The Imitation of Christ. 7s. 6d. Sermon at East Barnet. 4d. See Cowpers(W.)" Letters" " Poetical Works." The Globe Edition ''Task Part II. 3s. . Part I. IS. 6d. 2S, 6d. Altered to Globe Readings See Tail's [Catharine and Craufurd) Memoir" . Bennett, J. H. See Stokes's {W.) "Medicine in Modern Times - T. R. Constitutional History of England. 2s. 6d. . - W. Sterndale. See Kingsley's (C.) " Ode Benson, E. W. A/xv/xova Epya. is. Boy Life. 7s. 6d. ' 6s. in 1883 Christ and His Times. 6s. . Conquering Spirit. 6d. " Deep calleth unto Deep." is. E7rtxop7;7ta. A Sermon. The Fearless Flock, is. IS. Bedell PAGE 508 167 167 183 63 526 552 142 486 246 391 391 505 28 49 449 274 351 391 217 333 538 258 278 351 428 412 431 317 337 142 560 28 258 243 258 84 451 203 430 368 196 84 90 217 258 548 202 449 243 183 INDEX 579 IS Benson, E. W. For my Brethren and Companions' Sakes. 6d. Phoebe the Servant of the Church, is. The Powerful Rich and the Powerful Poor. is. Praise of George Herbert. (Privately printed) SaXTTtcrec. A Memorial Sermon on James Prince Lee Sermon on the Death of the Prince Consort, is. . Seven Gifts. 6s. . The Treasure of Treasures, is. . Where are the Schools of the Prophets ? is. Letter to. See WordszvortK s (C) ''^Ecclesiastical Union" Ainger (A.) — Vaughan (C. J.) Consecration of the Temple Church and Westcott (B. F.) Two Sermons at Allhallows, Barking, is Bentley, R. By R. C. Jebb. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 . Beresford-Hope, A. J. B. Letter to. See Phelps {R.) . Berkeley, G. The Theory of Vision. Edited by H. V. H. Cowell. 4s Berkley, W. See Clays {IV. L.) " Essays on Church Policy " . Berlioz, H. Autobiography. 21s. Bernard, J. H. See Kant's (/.) " Critical Philosophy" . - M. Four Lectures on Diplomacy. 9s. . - T. D. The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament. 8s. 6d 1873 - St. Life by J. C. Morison. 7s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1872. 6s. in 1877 Bernays, L. J. Sermon on the Death of. See Butler'' s {H. M.) Light" ....... Berners, J. First Lessons on Health, is. Bertram, J. G. See " Vacation Tourists, etc., 1862-63" Bertz, E. French Prisoners. 4s. 6d. .... Besant, W. Studies in Early French Poetry. 8s. 6d. . Bettany, G. T. First Lessons in Practical Botany, is. See Parker's {W. K.) '' Morphology of the Skull" . Betsy Lee. A Fo'c's'le Yarn. 3s. 6d. . Bevan, L. D. " Service and Rest." Sermon on F. D. Maurice, is. Beverley, M. Moor Cottage. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1862 See '■' Little Estella" ..... Bible, Genesis. Commentary on the Book of. See Groves {H. C. ) See Howard {H. E.J.). Exodus and Leviticus. See Howard {ff. E. J.) Leviticus. See Howard's {H. E. J.) '•'Exodus and Leviticus " Numbers and Deuteronomy. See Harvard {H. E.J.) Deuteronomy. See Howard's {H. E. J.) " Numbers and Deuteronomy Pentateuch. See Cross's {J. A.) "Bible Readings' Joshua. See Cross's {/. A.) "Bible Readings" Hexateuch. See I-Cuenen (A.) Job. See Hulbert{C. A.) . Psalms. See "Golden Treasury Psalter" See Hare {J. C.) . — Seejetmings {A. C.) atui Lo-ve's {IV. H.) 3s. 6d 6d. 5s. ni ' God is Vol. L — //. Book V: {Psalms cvii. to cl. ) See Lorne's {Afarquis of) " The Book of Psalms ' See " Psalms Chronologically Arranged" . Introduction to the. See Thrupp {J. F.) See Ecclesiastes PAGE 217 244 217 14 202 85 468 244 202 546 468 486 409 63 169 449 556 167 "3 167 409 231 128 449 167 391 325 244 232 73 66 77 31 44 44 45 45 471 471 494 22 205 39 322 322 302 323 162 71 377 58o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE PAGE Bible. Song of Songs. See Thrupp {/. F.) . . . . .96 Isaiah. See Arnold {M.) . . . . . . .231 of Jerusalem. See Arnold {M.) ..... 427 XL.-LXVi. See Arnold {^M.) ..... 277 See Birks {T. R.) . . . . . . .333 See Cheyne's {T. K.) ^' Book of Isaiah" .... 203 ^^ Notes on Isaiah" . . . .169 Jonah and Hosea. See Drake {W.) . . . . .21 Zechariah. See lowe {IV. H.) . . . . . .417 Gospels. See Abbotfs {E. A.) " Common Tradition," etc. . . . 447 See Ferrar s {W. H.) ''A Collation of Four Important MSS." . 318 Discussions on the. See Roberts {A.) .... 124 See Rtishbrooke's {W. G.)"Synopticon" . . .386 See Satiday's (W.) " The Gospels in the Second Century" . 308 See Trench (R. C.) . . . . . .164 Harmony. See Westcott {B. F.) . . . .17 Introduction to the Study of the. See Westcott (B. F.) . .72 S. Matthew. See " Choice Notes " . . . .169 See For shall {J.) . . . . .117 and S. Mark. See " Choice Notes " . .185 See Calvert'' s {A.) " School Readings, etc." . • 510 See " Choice Notes " . . . . .184 See '' Choice Notes" . . . . .184 See Maurice's {F. D Heaven " See " Choice Notes " See Maurice {F. D. ) See SatJ day's {W.) ^^ Fourth Gospel See '■'■Acts of the Apostles." By T. E. Page S. Mark. S. Luke. S. John. ) " Gospel of the Kin^ Acts. See Vaughan's {C.J.) " Church of the First Days. Romans, St. Paul's Epistle to the. See Colenso {J. W. ) See Vaughan {C. J.) Galatians. Ephesians. Philippians. Colossians. Corinthians. See Kay {W.) See Lightf oat's (/. B.) ' See Lightf oot (/. B. ) . See Davies {J. LI.) See Lightfoot {/. B.) . See Vaughan {C.J.) . See Davies {J. LI.) See Lightfoot {J. B.) . Thessalonians. See Eadie {J. ) See Vaughan's {C.J.) Philemon. See Davies {J. LI.) See Lightfoot {J. B. ) Hebrews. See Maurice {F. D.) See Rendall {F. ) See Westcott {B. F. ) St. John, Epistles of. See Matirice {F. D. ) See Westcott {B. F. ) S. Clement of Rome Apocalypse. See Matirice {F. D.) . Revelation. See Vaughan {C.J.). Epistles to the Seven Churches. See Trench {R. C.) Old Testament. See Gaskoin's {Airs. H. ) " Bible Stories. — — See Maclear {G. F.) gdoni of 3 Vols. \2% 190. 97, Part I. 121 184 45 240 485 140 75 62 516 323 134 144 174 483 144 284 317 128 144 284 33 539 568 45 446 79 III 109 356 134, 148 442 INDEX 581 Bible. Old Testament. See Wilson {IV.) . New Testament. See Benge/ {J. A. ) See Birkss {T. R.)'' Right Estimation of MSS. Evidence Greek. See Calvert's {A.) " School Readings," etc. See Farrar's (F. W.) "Messages of the Books ^' . See Gaskoin's {Mrs. H.) " Bible Stories." Part II. See Hoole {C. H.) .... See Lightfoofs {J. B.) " On a Fresh Revision " . " Preface to the Second Edition of Fresh Revision " See M'Clellan {J. B.) . See Mac I ear {G. F.) See Maurice's {F. D.) " Unity" . See "Revisers and the Greek Text" See Schaff's {P.) " Compajtion" . Brief Notes on the Greek of. See Trench {F.) . On the Authorised Version of. See Trench {R. C.) See Westcotfs {B. F.) " Canon " "Few Words on Supernatural Religion " in the original Greek. See Westcott [B. 148 See Maurice {F. D. ) {FJ. A.) See Westcotfs {B. F.) andHorfs {F.J. A ment in the original Greek." Vol. I. Do. do. Vol. II. Lessons. See Abbott {E. A.) See Eadie {J. )..... Word-Book. See Eastwood (J.) and Wright {W.) . Stories. Part III. See Gaskoin {Mrs. H.) and its Interpreters. See Irons ( W. J. ) Egypt and the. See Irving {B. A.) Teachings. See Macinillan {H.) Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament New Version. See " .Plea for a" . Verbal Analysis. See Selwyn {G. A.) Studies. See Titcornh {J. H.) The Decalogue. See Tudor {R.) — — Parables. See Twelve in the Church. See Westcott {B. F. ) History of. See Westcott ^B. F.) . Scripture Readings. See Yonge {C. M.) . 229, 230, 242 Bickersteth, E. H. Poems. 6s. Bigelow, M. M. History of Procedure. i6s. Bikelas, D. Loukis Laras. 7s. 6d. Binney, T. A Forty Years' Review. 6d. Sermons preached in the King's Weigh - 7s. 6d. Second Edition. 4s. 6d. Sermons in the King's Weigh- House Chapel Biimie, W. Sermons. 6s. Biology, Atlas of Elementary. See Howes {G. B.) See Huxley (T. H.) and Martin {H. M.) Biou. See Theocritus Birkbeck, W. LI. Distribution of Land in England. A Letter to Viscount Palmerston on Poland, is 4s. 6d. F. ) and Ho) f ) "New Testa 20 243, 276, 313 First Series House Chapel 1829-69. Second Series. 12s PAGE 28 510 452 356 533 223 237 285 , 160 34 422 443 126 108 36 275 484 407 407 216 298 145 379 133 22 160 23 123 36 17 71 213 129 181 371 10 372 392 183 183 278 508 475 282 387 468 113 582 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Birks, H. A. See B iris's (7". A'.) '■'■Jnstijication and Imputed Righteotisness" - T. R. Commentary on the Book of Isaiah. 12s. 6d. The Difficulties of Belief. 4s. 6d. 53. in 1876 First Principles of Moral Science. 8s. 6d. Justification and Imputed Righteousness. 6s. Matter and Ether. 5s. 6d. ... Modern Physical Fatalism. 6s. . Modern Utilitarianism. 6s. 6d. Present Importance of Moral Science. is. The Right Estimation of MSS. Evidence in the Text of the New Testament 3s. 6d. . Supernatural Revelation. 8s. Bismarck in the Franco-German War. See Biisch {M.) Bjornson, B. Synnove Solbakken. 6s. . Black, C. C. See ^^ Leonardo da Vinci''' See '^ Michael Angelo Buonarroti" . - W. Adventures in Thule. 3s. 6d. . Beautiful Wretch. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. See Goldsmith {O.) . ^ • Green Pastures and Piccadilly. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Judith Shakespeare. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Macleod of Dare. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Madcap Violet. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. . The Maid of Killeena. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1876 A Princess of Thule. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Sabina Zembra. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. Shandon Bells. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. ios.*6d. Cr. 8vo. 6s. White Heather. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. White Wings. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. Wise Women of Inverness. 6s. Yolande. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s Blackburn, Mrs. H. Birds drawn from Nature. 21s. Part India Paper. 12s. 6d. - H. Elements of Plane Trigonometry, is. 6d See Newtoiis {Sir I.) '^ Principia" . Blackburne, E. See Blackbtirne {F.) - F. Life of F. Blackburne. By E. Blackburne. 12s Blackie, J. S. Greek and English Dialogues. 2s. 6d • Horse Hellenics. 12s. . Lay Sermons. 6s. . Messis Vitae. 4s. 6d. What does History Teach ? 2s. 6d. The Wise Men of Greece. 9s. See Goethe's { J. W. Von) "■ Faiist" See Vincent's {E.) '^ Handbook to Modern Greek" Blackmore, R. D. See " Clara Vaughan " Blake, J. F. Astronomical Myths. 9s. - W. Life of. By A. Gilchrist. 32s. Altered to i8s Blakesley, J. W. Four Months in Algeria. 14s Prselectio. 1850. 21s. . • Real Belief and True Belief, is. . The Way of Peace, is. 6d. I Vol. 6s. 1 Vol. 6s. 2 Vols. 2 IS. I Vol. 6s. I Vol. 6s. I Vol in 187 8vo. 5s. I. 42s, Edition Part I in 1880 PAGE 508 333 29 244 508 85 295 259 232 333 351 352 392 267 287 428 392 338 314 449 334 295 259 259 508 428 232 469 373 469 428 373 218 224 259 259 218 259 392 486 4S6 314 379 370 114 314 99 55 12 85 17 INDEX 583 Blakiston, J. R. The Teacher. 2s. 6d. — P. Modern Society. 5s. . Blanford, H. F. Climates and Weather of India. 12s. Physical Geography for Indian Schools. 2s. 6d. — W. T. Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia. 21s. Eastern Persia. Vol. II. 2 Vols. 42s. Not sold 6d. separately Blissard, W. The Moral Influences of Religious Worship. 2S. Blomfield, C. J. (Bishop of London). See Maurice {F. D.) Queen's College Bloomfield, R. The Horkey. 5s. . . . Blouet, L. P. See Beatimarchais's " Le Ba)-bier de Seville" Bloxam, M. H. See Moultrie { J.) Vol. 11. . Boardman, J. H. Arithmetical Examples, is. 6d. — 2S. Arithmetic : Rules and Reasons. 2s. 6d. . With Examples. 3s. 6d. and Answers. 4s. 3s. 6d. 6s. Boldrewood, R. Robbery Under Arms. Boleyn, Anne. By P. Friedmann. 28s. Bolton, W. J. Evidences of Christianity Bombay, Bishop of. See Mylne (Z. G. ) Bonar, J. See Malthus {T. R.) ...... Bond, H. J. H. Analysis of Course of Lectures on Pathology. Parti. 2s. Part II. 2s. Complete. 3s. 6d — J. See " Arriart Selections " . See Caesar's " Gallic War." Book VII. See Euripides' ^^ Hecuba" . See Homer' s " Iliad." Book I. ''Odyssey." Book I. . See '^ Lucian Extracts." Elementary Classics See Ovid's " Stories from the Metamorphoses" See Terence's " Phortnio " . Bonney, T. G. The Profaneness of Esau and the Question to Elijah. 6d. Book of Golden Deeds. By C. M. Yonge. Golden Treasury Edition. 4s. 6d Globe Readings Edition. 2s. Illustrated Edition 6s. Indian Edition. 2s. 6d. See " Shilling Book of Golden Deeds ' - of Praise. See Palmer {A'.) .... - of Thoughts. SeeA.{H.) .... - of Worthies. By C. M. Yonge. Golden Treasury Edition. 4s. 6d. Indian Edition. 2s. 6d. ..... Book-keeping. See Thornton {/.) Key to First Lessons in. See Thornton {/.) Boole, G. Calculus of Finite Differences. los. 6d. Differential Equations. 14s. Supplementary Volume. 8s. 6d. Investigation of the Laws of Thought. 14s. Mathematical Analysis of Logic. 5s. Bosanquet, R. H. Botany, Practical. M. Musical Intervals and Temperament. See Belt any {G. T.) . Part I. See Bower {F. 0.) . Part n. See Bozver {F. 0.) Complete .... 6s. PAGE 352 314 548 259 202 295 99 33 409 351 305 14 14 12 12 12 548 449 21 477' 130 142 143 527 509 510 413 455 436 495 521 368 143 114 163 94 130 183 369 525 64 55 130 232 5 295 391 469 509 527 584 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Geometry. See Botany, Structural. See Gray {A.) Questions on. See Henslotv {J. S. ) Syllabus. See Heiislow {J. S. ) See Hooker [J. D.) . See Hookers (/. D.) " The Student' s Flora Domestic. See Smith [/.) . Elementary. See Oliver {D. ) Indian. See Oliver {D. ) Bottomley, J. T. Electrometers. 6d. . Four Figure Mathematical Tables. 2s. 6d See Abneys {Capt.) " Science Lectu?-es at South A'ensingtoji." Vol. I. Boucherett, J. See " Woman's M-^ork and Woman's Culture" Boughton, G. H. Sketching Rambles in Holland. 21s. Boultbee, T. P. Imperfection of Human Knowledge, is. Bourne, C. W. Solutions to Problems in Plane Co-ordinate Todhmiter {!.) ..... Bowditch, H. P. See ''Journal of Physiology" . ** Bowen, C. C. See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travelin i860" - E. E. See " Essays on a Liberal Edzication" The Force of Habit, is. . - H. C. Buddhism and Christianity. 2s. 6d. First Lessons in French, is. Muhammadanism. 2s. . See Morris's {R.) ''English Grajnmar Exercises" . Bower, F. O. Practical Botany. Part I. 6s. 6s. 6d. in i . Part II. 4s. 6d. Complete Volume. los. 6d. Boyd-Kinnear, J. See " Wo7na7i's Work and Woman's Culture " Boyle, Mrs. R. On Art Education, is. - Lectures for 1845, 1846. Maurice, F. D., "The ReHgions of the World" 1879, 1880. Maclear, G. F., "Evidential Value of the Holy Eucharist." 6s. .... . 1884. Curteis, G. H., " Scientific Obstacles to Christian Belief. 6s. ..... . Bradbury, J. B. On Vertigo or Dizziness, is. 6d. Bradby, E. H. The Love of Truth. 6d. . . . Sermons preached at Haileybury. los. 6d. Bradley, A. C. See Ward's {T H.) "English Poets" . - G. G. A Sermon preached in the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, is. Bradshaw, H. Classified Index of the Fifteenth Century Books, is. Memoranda No. i. is. . Notice of a Fragment of the Fifteen Oes and other Prayers, is. Skeleton of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, is. - J. G. Easy Arithmetical Examples. 2s. . With Answ^ers. 2s. 6d. Brain. A Journal of Neurolog}'. Parts. 3s. 6d. Vols. 1 5s. Bramston, M. Ralph and Bruno. 21s. See "Miz Maze" ...... Bramwell, F. J. The Steam Engine. 6d. See Abney's {Capt.) "Science Lecttires at South Kensington." Vol. I. Brandreth, H. On Modern Education, is. Brave Words for Brave Soldiers and Sailors. 2d. Brereton, J. L. The County College. 6d. County Endowments. 6d. . PAGE 379 16 8 301 206 444 122 192 508 332 200 469 85 340 82 55 260 373 244 343 469 509 527 200 218 46 439 471 202 64 244 389 155 202 167 315 168 549 548 334 278 440 315 332 168 29 232 232 INDEX 585 Brereton, J. L. School Boards. 6d. . Brett, T. Suffragan Bishops and Rural Deans. J. Fendall. 2s. 6d Brewer, J. S. See ^'Lectures to Ladies," etc. Breymann, H. See ^' Essays and Addresses" First French Exercise Book. 4s. 6d. Second French Exercise Book. 2s. 6d. A French Grammar. 4s. 6d. Bridges, J. A. Idylls of A Lost Village. 7s. 6d. Bright, H. A. English Flower Garden. 3s. 6d. A Year in a Lancashire Garden. 3s. 6d. - J. Speeches. Edited by J. E. T. Rogers. 2 Vols. 25s. Public Addresses. Edited by J. E. T. Rogers. 14s. See Cobden's {R.)'' Speeches" Brimley, G. Essays by the late G. Brimley. Edited by W. G. Clark. ^,.. Second Edition. 5s. Altered in 1868 to 3s. 6d. Altered to 187 1. Third Edition. 5s. . Brock, Mrs. H. F. Daily Readings for Passion-Tide. 4s. Brodie, B. C. Ideal Chemistry. 2s. Brodribb, W. J. See Livy. Books XX I.- XXV. See Tacitus ^^ The Agri cola" " The Agricola and Germania " I Vol. ;s. 6d 7s. 6d 2s. 6d. in " The Agricola and Germany" "Annals" Book VI. . 4s 6s. 6d. " The Germania" ''History of" . Classical IVrifos Brodrick, G. C. See "Essays on Reform Bromehead, W. C. Leonore. See Biirger {G. A.) 6d Bronte, Charlotte. By T. Wemyss Reid. 6s. Brook, S. French History for English Children Brooke, H. Fool of Quality. 6s. - J., Raja of Sarawak, An Account of. 25s. - R. S. Recollections of the Irish Church. - S. A. The Declaration of War. 6d. English Literature. 7s. 6d. — Literature Primers. New Aspect of Christian Theology, is Poems. 6s. See Milton (J.) Classical JVriters . See " Riqtiet of the Tuft" . See Shelley's {P. B.) " Poems " Brooks, P. Candle of the Lord. 6s. Sermons Preached in English Churches. 6s. Tolerance. 2S. 6d. . Twenty Sermons. 6s. See Earrar's {E. IV.) " Sermotis and Addresses in America" Brooksmith, E. J. See BrooksmitKs {J.) "Arithmetic for Beginners' See " Woolwich Mathematical Papers" - J. Arithmetic in Theory and Practice. for Beginners, is. 6d. Broome, F. N. The Stranger of Seriphos. Brothers. See" Three Eeni an" . Part I. 3s. Complete. 5s. . 6d. 4s. 6d. PAGE 218 49 32 262 278 278 260 549 392 352 168 352 203 49 73 373 439 197 197 179 310 347 197 126 424 158 29 315 392 233 295 315 203 296 296 244 527 364 386 387 392 428 509 486 490 549 466 64 232 549 183 153 586 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Brown, A. C. See Andrews' {T.) " Scientific Papers " . - C. E. See Gordon's (C. G.) "A Sketch" - H. See "Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho the Jew." 9s. - J. See '' Eadie's {J.) Life" ..... - J. A. Palaeolithic Man in N.W. Middlesex. 7s. 6d. - Mr. Pisistratus, M.P., in the Highlands. 5s. . - T. E. Manx Witch. 7s. 6d. .... See '' Betsy Lee" ...... See ''Fo'c's'le Yarns" ..... Browne, E. H. See Birks's {T. R.) ''Justification and Lmputed Righteotis ness" ....... - J. H. B. Water Supply. 2s. 6d. . . - T. Religio Medici. 4s. 6d. . - W. R. See Clausius's (R.)" Heat" .... Browning, H. B. An Algebra of Ratios. 5s- • - R. See Nettleship's {J. T.) " Essays on Robert Browning's Poetry Bruce, Mrs. H. Scripture Sonnets. 5s. ... - J. M. See "Practitioner" ..... Brunton, T. L. Bible and Science. los. 6d. . Disorders of Digestion. los. 6d. .... Nature of Inhibition and the Action of Drugs upon it. 6d. Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 6s. . Tables of Maleria Medica. los. 6d. Altered to 5s. in 1889 Text-Book of Pharmacology. 21s. . See "Practitioner" ...... See Spottiswoode's (W.) "Science Lectures" etc. Vol. IL. . Bruyssel, E. Van. See Van Bruyssel .... Bryans, C. Latin Prose Exercises. 2s. 6d. Key to Exercises in Latin Prose. 3s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1888 See Caesar. Book IV. Elementary Classics Bryant, J. H. The Mutual Influence of Christianity and the Stoic School. 2s. 6d Bryce, J. Academical Study of the Civil Law. is. The American Commonwealth. 3 Vols. 54s. 2 Vols. 25s. The Holy Roman Empire. 6s. 2d Edition. 9s. 3d Edition. 7s. 6d Library Edition. 14s. .... Transcaucasia and Ararat. 9s. . • See " Essays and Addresses" i . . See " Essays on Reform" .... Buchheim, C. A. Deutsche Lyrik. 4s. 6d. Buckland, A. Our National Institutions, is. . See " Watson's (E.) Record" - F. See White's {G.) " Natural History of Selborne" . . 293, 31 Buckley, A. B. History of England. 3s. Bucknill, J. C. Care of the Insane. 3s. 6d. Habitual Drunkenness and Insane Drunkards. 2s. 6d. The Mad Folk of Shakespeare. 6s. 6d. See "Brain" ..... Buist, K. A. Birds, their Cages and their Keep. 5s. . Bull, H. See Mure' s {J.) " Lusus Alteri Westmonasteriensis — H. A. See Goethe's {J. W. Von) " Gotz von Berlichingen" Bullock, W. H. Across Mexico in 1864-65. los. 6d. . PoHsh Experiences during the Insurrection of 1863-64. 8s Bumblebee Bogo's Budget. 4s. 6d. People's Edition. 2s. 6d. Part II 6d. PAGE 547 473 5 336 509 218 549 244 397 508 373 392 354 10 176 99 177 392 487 428 373 409 469 177 368 213 449 487 487 143 218 527 114 31S 262 158 278 487 465 ,389 509 373 334 156 334 260 121 161 434 143 114 509 INDEX 587 Theologica Germanica ' Bunce, J. T. Fairy Tales. 3s. 6cl. Bunsen, C. C. J. See Winkwortli' s (6'.) - R. W. Portrait. 53. Bunyan, J. Pilgrim's Progress. Golden Treasury Edition. 4s. 6d. Large Paper Edition. 7s. 6d. .... By J. A. Froude. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888J Burdon- Sanderson, J. See Spottiswoode s ( W. ) " Science Lectures," etc. Vol. II. Biirger, G. A. Leonore. Translated by W. C. Bromehead. 6d. Two Verse Translations of Burger's Lenore. By W. Whewell Burgon, J. W. Poems. 4s. 6d. ..... Sermons preached during Lent, 1864. See Wilherforce {S.) A Treatise on the Pastoral Office. 12s. . Burgoyne, J. Political and Military Episodes. i6s. . Burial Service, A few Words on the. See Vatighans [C. J.) "■ Rubrical Modi- fication" etc. ...... Burke, E. Letters, Speeches, and Tracts on Irish Affairs. 6s. A Historical Study. By J. Morley. 7s. 6d. By J. Morley. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1887 Library Edition. 5s. . The Character of. See Bzdler^H. M.) (Privately printed) Bum, R. Roman Literature and Roman Art. 14s. Burnand, F. C. My Time, and what I've done with it. 6s. Burnett, F. H. " Haworth's." 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6s. 2s. in 1887 Louisiana, is. Louisiana, and That Lass o' Lowrie's. - Lectures. See Stokes's {G. G.) " On Li^ 6s. zkt. Burney Prize Essay 1847. 1850. 2s. in 1887 . First Course . Second Course Third Course . Complete Vol. " Goodness of God." F., "The Unity of recorded in the Scriptures. Forbes, G. H., "Goodness of God." 5s. 6d Prescott, G. F., "The Unity of Design in the Successive Dispensations IS. 6d. 1853. Powell, T. W., "The Scriptural Doctrine of the Influence of the Holy Ghost as illustrated by the Analogy of Nature." 2s. 6d. . . . • • 1856. Maclear, G. F., "Incentives to Virtue, Natural and Revealed." is. 6d. .... 1865-66. Cooke, C. W. R., "The Moral Gulph." 2s. 1866-67. Cooke, C. W. R., "On Man's Responsibility 2s. 6d. . 1873. Romanes, G. J., "Christian Prayer and General Laws." 5s- • • • • • Burns, R. Globe Edition of Complete Works. Edited by A. Smith. 3s. 6d The Poetical Works of. Edited by A. Smith. Golden Treasury Edition, 9s. Fcap. 8vo. Edition. 12s. in 1879. los. in 1883 By J. C. Sliairp. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1887 . Burrows, M. Worthies of All Souls. 14s. Bury, J. B. History of the Later Roman Empire. 32s. See Euripides " Hippolytzis" Busch, M. Bismarck in the Franco-German War. i8s. Our Chancellor. i8s. . Business, Man of. See " Social Duties" Matters. See ^^ First Lessons in" . 334 276 352 85 374 368 29 50 469 129 114 296 128 393 156 352 528 29 528 260 352 429 374 463 482 524 524 10 41 45 144 156 273 168 130 352 260 549 396 352 449 164 280 588 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Butcher, S. The Ecclesiastical Calendar. 14s. - S. H. See Demosthenes ..... See Homer s '^ Odyssey" ..... Butler, A. J. See Dante's "Paradise" .... See Dante's ''^ Purgatory" ..... - G. Cheltenham College Sermons. 7s. 6cl. . On the Death of President Garfield, is. . The End of the Perfect Man. 6d. . Family Prayers. 5s. . . • • • See " Woman's Work and Woman's Ctdture" - H. M. The Character of Edmund Burke. (Privately printed) Commemoration and Hope. 6d. .... - The Death of the Bishop of Calcutta. 6d. . "God is Light." 6d. . . . • • Mourning of Hadadrimmon. 6d. .... Public Schools. 6d. ..... " Right Dear in the Sight of the Lord is the Death of His Saints." on the Death of General Gordon. 6d. Sermons in Chapel of Harrow School. First Series. 7s. 6d. Second Series. 7s. 6d. Sermon "Sudden Death." 6d. ..... • War in a Christian Spirit. (Not published) " Whatsoever ye do. " 6d. ....•• Butler's, Bishop, Analogy, Handbook to. See Swainson {C. A.) Butler, J. E. Education and Employment of Women. 6d. See " Woman's PFbrk and Woman's Culture" - S. Hudibras. Part I. 3s. 6d. . . . • • Parts II. and III. 4s. 6d. . - W. A. Sermons Doctrinal and Practical. First Series. Edited by T, Woodward. I2s. 8s. in 1866 . . . • • Jeremie, J. A. Sermons Doctrinal and Practical. Second Series. los. 6d 7s. in 1866 .....-• Letters on Romanism, in Reply to Mr. Newman's Essay on Development Edited by Thomas Woodward. los. 6d. Lectures on the History of Ancient Philosophy. Edited by W. H. Thomp son. 25s. I2S. in 1874 ..... - W. F. See Gordon {C. G.) ...... - W. J. Sermons preached during Lent, 1864. See Wilberforce {S.) . Buzzard, T. See " Brain" ...... Bjnrne, J. R. Diocesan School-Inspection, is. . Byron, Lord. Poetry. Edited by M. Arnold. Golden Treasury Edition. 4s. 6d. Large Paper Edition. 9s. . By J. Nichol. English Men of Letters Series. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888 Bywater, L See Clark's {W. G.) "■Journal of Philology" CABINET Pictures, A Portfolio of. 42s. Altered to 21s. in 1874 Second Series. 42s. Altered to 21s. in 1874 Cabot, J. E. See "Emerson's {R. W.) Memoir" Caesar. Gallic War. By J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. 6s. Book I. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. Books II. and III. W. G. Rutherford, is. 6d. Book IV. C. Bryans. is. 6d. . Book V. C. Colbeck. is. 6d. . 315 395 358 472 376 86 393 352 85 200 29 73 143 409 393 156 469 74 183 410 j5j 260 42 168 200 393 429 17 37 25 37 553 i2r9 334 203 393 374 169 218 244 512 509 410 353 487 510 1 INDEX 589 Caesar. Gallic War. IS. 6d. Books V. and VI. By C Colbeck. Book VI. C. Colbeck. is. 6d. Book VII. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. See Brymiss (C) ^' Latin Prose Exet'cises" By W. Welch and C. G. Duffield. is. 6d. W. Welch and C. G. Duffield. is. 6d. IS. 6d. Helvetian War, Invasion of Britain, Cairnes, J. E. Character and Logical Method of Political Economy. Altered to 6s. in 1888 . Essays in Political Economy. los. 6d. Political Essays. los. 6d. .... The Slave Power. los. 6d. Some Leading Principles of Political Economy. 14s. University Education in Ireland, is. Cairns, J. See' Eadie's {/.) '■'■A Commentary on the Epistles to the lonians" .... Calculus of Finite Differences. See Boole ( G. ) See Pearson {/. Variations. See Carll (Z. B.) See Todhttnter {I.) Differential. See Edwards (/■) and Integral. See Greenhill {A. G.) . See Heviming ( G. IV. ) . See Knox {A.) . . . . See Pice (/. A/.) and Johnson ( W. IV.) 7s. 6d Thessa 82 By H. St. J. Hunter By H. St. J. Hunter See Pice {J. M.) and Johnson {IV. W.) Abridged Edition * See Sloman {H.) Claitn of Leibnitz to the Invention of the See Todhunter (7.) — See " Todhunter'' s (/.) Key to.^ Integral. See Johnson {W. IV.) See Todhunter (/. ) — See " Todhunter s (/.) Key to." Calcutta, Bishop of. See Cotton {G. E. L.) Caldecott, A. See Aisofs ^^ Fables" - R. See ^sop's ''Fables" . Calderon, P. Life's a Dream. With Essay by R. C. Trench. 4s. 6d. 5s. 6d in 1880 ..... Select Plays. Edited by N. Maccoll. 14s. Calderwood, H. Handbook of Moral Philosophy. 6s. Parables of Our Lord. 6s. . Philosophy of the Infinite. 14s. Altered to 7s. 6d. in 187 The Relations of Mind and Brain. 12s. . Relations of Science and Religion. 5s. On Teaching. 2s. 6d. .... Calvert, A. School Readings in the Greek Testament. 4s. 6d See Vergil. Book V. . . . '' Aeneid." Book VI L Cambridge, Dictionary of. See Dickens {C.) Catalogue of Casts in Fitzwilliam Museum. See Waldstein (C.) Geological Map of the Neighbourhood of. See Barrett {B. Sketches from. By a Don. See ' ' Sketches in the Seventeenth Century. Part I. By J. Ferrar and Dr by J. E. B. Mayor. See Fer Part II. M. Robinson. Mayor. See Pobinson L.) Jebb. Edited ■rar{N.) 7s. 6d Edited by J. E. B 5s. 6d. . PAGE 393 549 510 449 510 449 279 245 245 99 260 143 317 64 35 470 228 490 492 8 457 442 442 69 20, 47 543 438 >47 566 20 426 426 99 528 233 374 74 353 393 393 510 369 566 451 567 55 137 30 59° BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Part III. \V. Bedell. Edited by See MulHnger (/. B.) 3s. 6d. Cambridge in the Seventeenth Century J. E. B. Mayor. 3s. 6d. Characteristics in the Seventeenth Century. Customs and Costumes. By J. L. Roget. Scrap-Book. By J. L. Roget. 7s. 6d. . Course of Natural Philosophy. See Snowball and Ltaid . Mathematical Journal. Nos. 1-12, 2s. 6d. 13-24, 3s. Vol. i8s. . and Dublin Mathematical Journal. Single Nos. 2s. 6d. Double Nos. 5s, Vols. i6s. ...... See "Oxford, Ca77ih-idge, and Dublin Messenger of Matheinatics" Union Society. Inaugural Proceedings. 3s. See Cooper's {C. H.) and (T.) " Athejia Cantabrigiensis" . See " Some Sermons preached in the Chapel of Jesus College " Lent Sermons. See Wilberforce {S.) See Wilson's (/. iJ/. ) " Letter to the Masters and Seniors of St. John's College ' King's College Chapel. See Carter {T. J. F.) ... Solutions of the Senate-House Problems, 1848-51. See Ferrers {N. M. and Jackson [J. S.) 15s. 6d. ..... See ' ' Solutions of the Froblems proposed in the Senate-House Examinatioji January?,, 1852." is. 6d. . See " Solutions of the Froblems and Riders proposed iti the Senate-House Examination for 1854." los. 6d Ditto "for 1857." 8s. 6d. . Senate-House Problems and Riders for i860. See Watson {H. W.) and Routh {E.J.) 7s. 6d. ^ Examination Papers, 1860-61. 2s. 6d. See "Solutions of the Froblems and Riders for 1864." By Walton and Wilkinson. los. 6d. Senate -House Problems and Riders for 1875, Solutions of the. See Greetihill {A. G.) 8s. 6d. See Glaisher' s {J. W. L.)" Solutio7is of Froblems and Riders foriSjS." 12s See Jatneson's {F.J.) '^Principles of the Solution of the Senate- House • Riders. ' 7s. 6d. Theological Papers. See Moor {A. F.) 7s. 6d. . Prize Poems. 7s. 6d. ..... See Member of the Sejiate's "Interpretation of the Composition between the University and King's College " . Year-Book, 1862, 1863, 1864. 2s. 6d. each Shakespeare. Vol. I. See Shakespeare {W.) IL do. in. do. IV. do. V. do. VI. do. VII. do. VIIL do. IX. do. Man, A. See " New Falaces of Administration" . See " Universities and the Church of England " Cameos from English History. First Series. 5s. Second Series. 5s. Third Series. 5s. Fourth Series. 5s. Fifth Series. 5s. 217 161 15 55 2 3 3 93 143 50 95 129 165 156 15 20 27 47 72 86 126 300 356 16 9 55 5 86 106 107 107 124 124 137 137 151 151 47 28 168 219 315 353 429 INDEX 591 Cameos from English History. Sixth Series. 5s. Cameron, V. L. Our Future Highway. 21s. . Campbell, Donald. See Campbell {J. M'Leod) . — Dudley. Turks and Greeks. 3s. 6d. — Lord G. Log Letters from "The Challenger." 12s. 6d. 6s — G. See " Systef/is of Land Temc7-e" . — J. F. My Circular Notes. 25s. Altered to 6s. in 1879 — J. M. Christ the Bread of Life. 4s. 6d. Memorials. 15s. . Nature of the Atonement. los. 6d. 6s. in 1873 Reminiscences and Reflections. 7s. 6d. Responsibility for the Gift of Eternal Life. 5s. Thoughts on Revelation. 5s. — L. Some Aspects of the Christian Ideal. 6s. See '' MaxzvelTs (/. C.) Life" See Sophocles. Classical Writers. Campion, W. M. See '^Solutions of the Proble7ns and Riders for 1857' Candler, H. Help to Arithmetic. 2s. 6d. Canterbury, Archbishop of. See Benson {E. W. ) See Simmer (J. B.) SeeTait{A. C.) — Dean of, A Letter to the. See Wright (/. C. ) Capes, W. W. See Livy. Books XXL. and XXLL Classical Writers PAGE • • 510 . 374 . 316 . 315 in August 1877 296 . 212 . 296 . 184 316 37 245 245 86 316 418 367 1857" 47 168 on) 9s, See Polybitis'' '■'■Achaean League " Carles, W. R. Life in Corea. 12s. 6d. . Carll, L. B. Calculus of Variations. 21s. Carlyle, T. Early Letters. Edited by C. E. Norton. i8s. • Letters, 1826-36. Edited by C. E. Norton. i8s. Reminiscences. Edited by C. E. Norton. 12s. Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle. See Goethe [J. W. Personally and in his Writings. By D. Masson. 2s. 6d. Carnarvon, Earl of. See LLomer's " Odyssey." Books L.-XLL. Carpathians. See '' Across the Carpathians" Carpenter. See Youmanss ''Modern Culture" . — J. E. See " Carpenter's {M.) Life" . — M. Life. los. 6d. 6s. in 1881 — W. B. Permanent Elements of Religion. 14s. Reverence — The Secret of Greatness, is. . Truth in Tale. 4s. 6d. .... Carr, H. See Lodes {J. B.) "Key to Ele)nentary Trigonometry" — J. C. Papers on Art. 8s. 6d. . See Wards {T. H.) " English Poets" Carroll, L. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 7s. 6d. 6s. in 1866. People' Edition. 2s. 6d. and Through the Looking Glass. People's Ed. 4s. 6d Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland. 6s. Aventures d' Alice au pays des Merveilles. 6s. Le Avventure d'Alice nel Paese Delle Meraviglie. Alice's Adventures Under Ground. 4s. Christmas Greetings Doublets. 2s. . An Easter Greeting, id. . 6s. 129 341 361 538 528 470 487 528 510 514 470 492 84 165 353 353 549 510 470 557 470 389 130 511 184 1 84 233 487 450 353 374 592 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Envelope, 3d. 3s. 6d. Altered to 4s. 6d. in 1877 Altered to 6s. in 1886 63. People's Edition. 2s. 6d. '■Complete Works." Globe Edition 6s. 6s. IS. Carroll, L. Game of Logic. 3s The Hunting of the Snark. Phantasmagoria. 6s. Rhyme ? and Reason ? 7s. Sylvie and Bruno. 7s. 6d. . Tangled Tale. 4s. 6d. Through the Looking-Glass. Carruthers, R. See Burns' s {R.) Carstares, W. Life. By R. H. Story. 12s Carter, Canon, A Letter in answer to. See Tait's [A. C. ) " The Church Laiv " - R. B. On Defects of Vision. Diseases of the Eye. i6s. Eyesight : Good and Bad. in Civilisation. in Schools, is, Modern Operations for Cataract. 6s. . - T. J- P- King's College Chapel. 5s. . . . - T. T. Sermons preached during Lent, 1864. See Wilberforce {S.) Cassel, D. Jewish History and Literature. 2s. 6d. Catechism, Church. See Prayer-Book. Catherines. See " Two Catheri7ies" .... Catholic, English. See '^ Papal Infallibility," etc. Catullus. CatuUi Veronensis Liber. Translated by R. Ellis. 3s. 6d. Select Poems. Edited by F. P. Simpson. 4s. 6d. Altered to 5s. Caucasus, Notes on. By " Wanderer. " 9s. . Cautley, G. S. A Century of Emblems. los. 6d. Cavour. Memoir, By Edward Dicey. 6s. 6d. . See Marriotfs (/. A. R.) "■Makers of Modern Italy" Cayley, A. Portrait. 5s. .... • Cazenove, J. G. Being and Attributes of God. 5s. Cellarius. New Analogy. By T. W. Fowle. 6s. Challis, J. Creation in Plan and Progress. 3s. 6d. - Professor. See Mootis (R.) "New Equation in Hydrodynaviics" Chalmers, F. Captain of Our Salvation ; and Divine Providence. Chalmers and C. Clayton. 6d. . - J. B. Graphical Determination. 24s. - M. D. Local Government. 3s. 6d. . Chambers, Dr. See "Lectures to Ladies" etc. Chaplet of Pearls, The. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. Chapman, E. R. Companion to In Memoriam Charges of Heresy against Mr. Maurice, is. Chatterton, Lady G. Leonore. 7s. 6d. - T. By D. Masson. 5s. By D. Wilson. 6s. 6d. Chaucer, G. By A. W. Ward. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888 Cheatham, S. Colleges and Tests. 6d. " The Law of the Land and the Law of the Mind." 6d. . Chemical Analysis. Agricultural. See Frankland {P. F.) Industry Society Proceedings. 2s. 6d. (Omitted from Catalogue, Chemistry. Ideal. See Brodie {B. C.) . Organic. See Cohen {/. B.) Physiology. See Gamgee (A.) .... Of Secondary Batteries. See Gladstone (/. H.) . 6s. 2S. and the in 1879 By F. 5" 296 184 429 549 470 233 168 260 329 316 279 375 450 470 450 156 129 429 96 210 143 353 429 334 74 559 429 487 394 74 14 17 394 429 32 169 528 64 114 261 184 353 219 144 433 373 511 379 433 INDEX 593 Chemistry. Quantitative Analysis. See Hartley ( W. N. ) Practical. See Jones (K) . Questions on. See Jones {F.) Chemical Arithmetic. See Liiptoji {S. ) Of Photography. See Meldola {R. ) Text-Book of. See Mixter (IV. G.) Practical. See Muir (M. M. P. ) . Thermal. See Muir {M. M. P. ) . Chemical Theory. See Ramsay ( W. ) Elements of. See Remsen {I.) Inorganic. See Remseti (I.) Text-Book of. See Remsen (/. Organic. See Remsen {/.) . Birth of. See Rodwell{G. F.) Elementary. See Roscoe {H. E. ) Primer. See Roscoe {H. E. ) Technical. See Roscoe [H. E. ) Treatise on. Vol. I. See Roscoe {H. E.) and Schorlerniner (C) II. Part I. do. II. do. III. Part I. do. II. do. III. do. IV. do. V. do. 6d. and C. H. H. Spectrum Analysis. See Roscoe [H. E.) Carbon Compounds. See Schorlemmer ( C. ) Short Notes. See Shelley [C. E.) . Applications of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry. Chemical Problems. See T/iorpe {T. E.) . Key to Chemical Problems. See Thorpe {T. E.) Chemical Theory. See Wiirtz {Ad. ) Chenery, T. The Arabic Language, is. Chermside, R. H. See '■'■Artist and Craftsman" Cheyne, C. H. H. The Earth's Motion of Rotation. 3 Planetary Theory. 6s. 6d. 7s. 6d. in 1883 See Jones's {C. A.) '■' Algebraical Exercises" Solutions to Algebraical Exercises of C. A. Jones By W. Failes. See Jones [C. A.) - T. K. Book of Isaiah. 7s. 6d. Notes on Isaiah. 2s. 6d. Childe, G. F. Reflected Ray Surfaces. 7s. 6d. Singular Properties of the Ellipsoid. los. 6d. -Children's Garland, The. See Palmare (C) Poetry. 4s. 6d. . Chisholm, H. W. On the Science of Weighing and Measuring. See Spottiswoode s {W.) "Science Lectures," etc. Vol. II. Choice Notes on the Gospel of S. Matthew. 4s. 6d. Gospels of S. Matthew and S. Mark. 9s. Gospel of S. Mark. 4s. 6d. S. Luke. 4s. 6d. S. John. 4s. 6d. Cholera. See "Prayers, deprecating the just Anger of Almighty God" Chretien, C. P. Letter and the Spirit. 5s. . 2 Q See Thomson (_/. J. 4s. 6d Cheyne 515 237 360 417 559 560 344 478 461 522 502 562 481 273 150 239 327 328 346 367 403 461 503 539 563 195 273 328 542 212 241 200 184 63 156 86 516 203 169 43 74 94 394 316 368 169 185 184 184 1 84 5 74 594 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Evidences for those who {H.R Chretien, C. P. Needful Knowledge. 6d. Tracts for Priests and People. No. VIII. " think and feel more than they can read." is. Christi. See '■'■ De Imitatioiie" . Christian Advocate's Publication for 1854. See Frere's (/. A) "-Incarnation Names. By C. M. Yonge. See ''History of" Christie, J. Cholera Epidemics in East Africa. 15s. - J. R. Test Questions in Pure and Mixed Mathematics. 8s. 6d. - R. C. See Dolet {E.) . - W. D. The Ballot. 4s. 6d. . Notes on Brazilian Questions. 6s. 6d. See Dryden's (J.) ''Poetical Works." The Globe Edition See" Shaftesbury's {Earl of) Life" Christmas Carol, A. 63s. Altered to 21s. in 1873 Dawn and New Year's Eve 1854-55. By H. R. F. See F. Christy Carew. 6s. Altered to 2s. in 1883 Church, A. H. How Crops Grow. See Johnson {S. W.) - A. T- See " Henry the Fifth" See Lizy. Books XXL -XXV. See Tacitus' " The Agricola" " The Agricola and Gerniania" " The Agricola and Germany " "Annals" .... Book VL . — " The Germania^' " History of" . Classical J-Vriters See Tennyson {Alfred), "Horn Tetinysoniance" - F. J. See Dante ..... See Dante's " De Monarchia " See Plato's " Trial and Death of Socrates " . - R. W. Advent Sermons. 4s. 6d. Civilisation before and after Christianity, is. Dante and other Essays. 5s. . . . Discipline of the Christian Character. 4s. 6d. Gifts of Civilisation. 7s. 6d. . . . Human Life and its Conditions. 6s. Influences of Christianity. 4s. 6d. . Miscellaneous Essays. 5s. . Purpose of the Christian Ministry. 6d. The Sacred Poetry of Early Religions, is. Sermons before the University of Oxford. 4s. 6d. . See Anselm {St.) . See Bacon {F.) . See Dante ...... See Dante's " Readings on the Purgatorio." By Vernon { IV. IV. See Spenser {E. ) . See Ward's {T. H.) "English Poets" - Congress Report, 1867. See " Authorized Report" . of England and the Universities. See " Universities," etc. - Policy, Essays on. See Clay (W. L.) Churton, W. R. Influence of the Septuagint Version. 4s. 6d Cicero. On Friendship. 2s. 6d. ... On Old Age. 2s. 6d. . . . . PAGE , 86 IS. 448 368 75 157 25 118 297 144 377 233 131 204 226 233 30 410 189 556 439 197 197 179 310 347 197 126 424 212 335 355 385 488 233 528 470 375 334 245 528 233 261 169 201 I 527 335 551 , 541 389 155 28 169 75 4 4 INDEX 595 H. Donkin 5s. . Jeans. 4S. 6d. los. 6d. Second Edition. Cicero. Pro Roscio Amerino. E. Pro Sestio. H. A. Holden. Life and Letters. By C. E. Altered to los. 6d. in 1888 Select Letters. G. E. Jeans, is. 6d. . Stories of Roman History. By G. E. Jeans and A. V. Jones. The Second Philippic. J. E. B. Mayor. 5s. — — Academica of Cicero. J. S. Reid. 4s. 6d. J. S. Reid. 15s. . Academics. Translated by J. S. Reid. 5s. 6d. Cato Major (De Senectute). E. S. Shuckburgh. Laelius (De Amicitia). E. S. Shuckburgh. is. 6d. Orations of Cicero against Catilina. A. S. Wilkins. IS IS. 6d. 3s. 6d. Pro LegeManilia. A. S. Wilkins. 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1885 Clara Vaughan. By R. D. Blackmore. 31s. 6d. Clare, J. , Life of. By F. Martin. 7s. 6d. . Clark, E. C. Practical International Law. is. Early Roman Law. 5s. . - J. W. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. See Hiimphry [G. M.) Robinsoe Crusoe. See Defoe {D. ) . See " Vacation Toto'ists and Notes of Travel in i860 " - L. Star Guide. 5s. . - S. Memorials from Journals and Letters. 7s. 6d. . — - W. G. Commemoration Sermon. 6d. — — Duty of Members of the English Church in the Present Controversies, is Few Words on Irish Questions, is. Four Sermons preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge. 2s. 6d Knowledge and Charity, is. Present Dangers of the Church of England. 6d. — — A Reply to the Pamphlet of. See Hebert (C.) True and False Protestantism, is. . See '■'■A Score of Lyrics." 2s. 6d. .... Journal of Philology ...•-. Essays by the late G. Brimley. See Brimley [G.) . See "■ Shakespeare {W.\ The Works of" Globe Edition . Vol. I. -^ Vols. II. a7id III. . Vols. IV. and V. . Vols. VL and VII. . Vols. VIIL and IX. See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860 " 1862-63' 3s. 3s. 6d. and 3s. in May Clarke, C. B. Class- Book of Geography. A Geographical Reader. 2s. . . • Land Scheme for Ireland. 6d. .... Speculations from Political Economy. 3s. 6d. - F. W. Table of Specific Gravity for Solids and Liquids. 12s. 6d. Classical Series. Aeschines against Ctesiphon. See Demosthenes — Drake {B.) Aeschylus. The Persae. 3s. 6d. Seven against Thebes. By A. W. Verrall and M. A. Bayfield 3s. 6d. . Andocides de Mysteriis. W. J. Hickie. 2s. 6d. . Attic Orators. Selections. Second Edition. R. C. Jebb. Caesar. Gallic War. By J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. 6s. 6s. 8s. 6d 6d. 1889 PAGE 354 429 375 410 450 75 261 471 375 488 471 219 354 114 131 185 234 146 145 82 488 334 169 100 169 64 75 203 206 219 II 169 49 124 106 107 124 137 151 82 128 335 297 394 488 528 15 350 526 467 381 509 596 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE PAGE 5s. in 1879 353 354 Classical Series. Catullus. Select Poems. F. P. Simpson. 4s. 6cl. Cicero. Pro Roscio Amerino. E. H. Donkin. 4s. 6d. . Pro Sestio. H. A. Holden. 5s. . Second Philippic. J. E. B. Mayor. 5s. . Academica. J. S. Reid. 4s. 6d. . Catilina. A. S. Wilkins. 3s. 6d. Pro Lege Manilia. A. S. Wilkins. 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1885 Demosthenes. Oration on the Crown. B. Drake. 5s. 4s. 6d. in 1880 First Philippic. T. Gwatkin. 2s. 6d. Oration against Leptines. J. R. King. 4s. 6d. Euripides. Ion. M. A. Bayfield. 3s. 6d. Iphigeneia. E. B. England. 4s. 6d. . Medea. A. W. Verrall. 3s. 6d. Hippolytus. J. P. Mahaffy and J. B. Bury. 3s. 6d. Homer. Odyssey. Book IX. J. E. B. Mayor. 2s. 6d. Books XXL -XXIV. S.G.Hamilton. 3s. 6d. Story of Achilles. J. H. Pratt and W. Leaf. 6s, Books I. -IV. T. E. Page. 6s. . Horace. Book I. T. E. Page. 2s. II. do. 2S. III. do. 2S. IV. do. 2s. Satires. A. Palmer. 6s. Epistles. A. S. Wilkins. 6s. . Juvenal. Satires. E. G. Hardy. 5s. X. and XL J. E. B. Mayor. 3s. Altered to 3s. 6d in 1881 XII. -XVI. J. E. B. Mayor. 3s. 6d. Altered to 4s. 6d. in 1881 Livy. Books XXI. and XXII. W. W^ Capes. 5s. XXIII. and XXIV. G. C. Macaulay. 5s. Last Two Kings of Macedon. F. H. Rawlins. 3s. 6d Books II. and III. H. M. Stephenson. 5s. Lucretius. Books I. -HI. J. H. W. Lee. 4s. 6d. Lysias. Orations XVI. E. S. Shuckburgh. 6s. . Martial. Selected Epigrams. H. M. Stephenson. 6s. 6s. 6d. in 1887 Ovid. Fasti. G. H. Hallam. 5s. . . . Heroidum Epistulae XIII. E. S. Shuckburgh. 4s. 6d. Metamorphoses. Books XIII. and XIV. C. Simmons. 4s. 6d Plato. Laches. M. T. Tatham. 2s. 6d. . The Republic. Books L-V. T.H.Warren. 6s. Plautus. Miles Gloriosus. R. Y. Tyrrell. 5s. Pliny. Letters. Books I. and II. J. Cowan. 5s. Book III. J. E. B. Mayor. 5s. Plutarch. Life of Themistokles. A. H. Holden . Polybius. History of the Achaean League. W. W. Cajjes. 6s. 6d. Propertius. Select Elegies. J. P. Postgate. 6s. Sallust. Catiline and Jugurtha. C. Merivale. 5s. 4s. 6d. in 1858 Catiline. C. Merivale. 2s. 6d. . Jugurtha. C. Merivale. 2s. 6d. . Bellum Catulinae. A. M. Cook. 4s. 6d. Tacitus. The Agricola. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 2s Agricola and Germania. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 3s. 6d Annals. Book VI. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 2s. 6d 429 75 261 219 354 15 431 395 552 432 432 396 455 436 380 437 437 437 455 437 437 475 438 360 360 341 476 494 417 458 417 384 402 365 521 538 538 402 561 386 403 538 403 20 52 53 462 197 197 347 INDEX 597 Classical Series. Tacitus. The Germania. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 2s, Histories. Books I. and II. By A. D. Godley. 5s, Terence. Hauton. E. S. Shuckburgh. 3s. With translation. 4s. 6d Phormio. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. 4s. 6d Thucydides. SiciHan Expedition. By P. Frost. 5s Fourth Book. C. E. Graves. 5s. Vergil. Books II. and III. E. W. Howson. 3s 6s. White. Hailstone, 6d. 5s- 4s. 6d. IS. 6d See Wilberforce (6".) Xenophon. Memorabilia Socratis. A. R. Cluer. Cyropjedia. A. Goodwin. 5s. — — Anabasis. W. W. Goodwin and J. W, Hellenics of. Books I. and II. H. Hieron. H. A. Holden. 3s. 6d. Oeconomicus. H. A. Holden. 6s. Classical Writers. Demosthenes. S. H. Butcher, is. Euripides. J. P. Mahaffy. is. 6d. Livy. By W. W. Capes, is. 6d. . Milton. By S. A. Brooke, is. 6d. Sophocles. By L. Campbell, is. 6d. Tacitus. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. Vergil. By H. Nettleship. is. 6d. Claughton, T. L. Sermons preached during Lent 1864, Clausius, R. Heat. los. 6d. Clay, J. The Prison Chaplain. 15s. . - W. L. Our Convict Systems, is. . Essays on Church Policy. 9s. The Power of the Keys. 3s. 6d. See Clay's (_/.)" The Prison Chaplain.'''' 15s. Clayton, C. The Blessed Dead. 6d. , Captain of Our Salvation ; and Divine Providence C. Clayton. 6d. .... Occasional Sermons. 5s. . Parochial Sermons. 6s. . Clemency Franklyn. By A. Keary. 2 Vols. 21s. 1871. 2s. in 1888 Clement, S., of Rome. See Lightfoot {J. B.) Clergy and the Commons. By a Layman, is. . Clergyman, English — Langley, J. N. See Langley {J. Clergyman, " Ti-acts for Priests and People." Supplementary Number to Second Series - London. See Maurice s {F, D.) Letter to Clergyman's Self-Examination concerning the Apostles' Creed, is. 6d. Clever Woman of the Family. By C. M. Yonge. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s, 3s. 6d. in 1889 ..... Clifford, E. See "■ Damien, Father" - W. K. Elements of Dynamic. Part I. Kinematic. 7s. Book IV. 6s. I Vol. 8s. 6d. Vol. By F. Chalmers and 2S, 6d. in PAGE 197 368 164 464 406 390 371 390 350 447 466 395 355 361 364 367 424 369 129 354 75 86 169 114 75 21 17 15 15 144 190, 323 13 N.^ and An English 6d — Lectures and Essays. 2 Vols. — Mathematical Fragments. los Papers. 30s. — Seeing and Thinking. 3s. 6d. Mrs. W. K. Anyhow Stories. 3s, 25s. 6d. 6d. Clodd, E. Childhood of the World. Globe 8vo Clough, A. H. Bothie of Toper-na-Fuosich Poems. 6s. 7s. 6d. in i Altered to is. 6d. and is. in 1885 3s. Pott 8vo. IS. s. . . . 90 34 115 131 551 5" 354 394 410 354 410 245 87 87 598 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Clough, A. H. Prose Remains. 7s. 6d. . . . . . 529 The Poems and Prose Remains of. 2 Vols. 21s. . . . .185 - B. M. See Clozigh {A. H.) . . . .529 Clojoie, Bishop of. See Berkeley {G.) Cluer, A. R. See Xenophon's " Memorabilia Socratis " . . . . 390 Clunes, G. C. Story of PauHne. 2 Vols. 21s. Altered to 6s. in 1871 . 203 Cobbe, F. P. See " Woman's Work and Woman's Ctiltiire " . . . 200 Cobden, R. Speeches. 2 Vols. 26s. i Vol. 3s. 6d. ... 203 The Political Opinions of See Mallet {L.) . . . . .191 See Rogers (J. E. T.) . . . • • 253 Cockshott, A. , and Walters, F. P. Geometrical Conies. 5s. . . . 550 Cohen, J. B. Practical Organic Chemistry. 2s. 6d. . . . • 5 ^ ^ Colbeck, C. French Readings from Roman History. 4s. 6d. . . . 488 See Casars ''Gallic War." Books V. and VI. . . . . 393 Book V. . . . . .510 Book VI. . . . . . 549 See Heine' s {H.) '' Selections" . . . . . .436 Colenso, J. W. Communion Service. Fine paper 2s. 6d. Common paper is. 29 Cottage Family Prayers. 3d. . . . . • -4 Letter on Polygamy, is. 6d. . . . • -87 An Ordination and Three Missionary Sermons, is. . . . 29 — — • St Paul's Epistle to the Romans. 7s. 6d. . . . . • 75 Ten Weeks in Natal. 5s. . . . . . • -29 Village Sermons. 2s. 6d. . . . . • . .21 See Newnham's {W. O.)'-' Remarks on Teaching of" . . I49 Coleridge, C. R. See " Cric/iton's {Hngk) Roma/ice" .... 279 See "Miz Maze" . . . . . . • -440 - D. See Moultrie {J.) Vol.1. . . . . • 3^5 - H. Essay on Arthur. See Furnivall {F. J.) . . . .117 A Letter from. See Trench's {R. C.) " On Some Deficiencies" etc. . 110 - S. T. Poetical and Dramatic Works. 31s. 6d. Large Paper Edition. 52s. 6d. . . . . . . . . -375 By H. D. Traill. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1SS9 . . . 45° Collects of the Church of England. 12s. ..... 219 College for Women, Hitchin. Examination Papers. 6d. . . .185 Rhymes, contributed by Members of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 3 Vols. (Omitted from Catalogue.) Collier, C. See A7-istotle. 8s. 6d. . . . . . • 28 - J. Primer of Art. is. ...... • 410 Collins, J. C. See Reynolds {Sir Joshua) . . . 272 See Ward's {T. H.)'' English Poets" . . . .389 Collinson, Capt. R. See "Vacation Tourists in 1861 " . • • -96 Colonial Library. See Macmillan ...... 49^ Colonna, Vittoria. Life and Poems. By Mrs. Roscoe. 9s. . . .170 Colossians. See Davies (J. LI.) . . . . • I44 St. Paul's Epistle to the. See Lightfoot (/. B.) . . • • 284 Colquhoun, F. S. Rhymes and Chimes. 2s. 6d. .... 297 Colson, F. H. Greek Reader. 3s. ..... • 529 See Thucydides' '' Rise of the Athenian Empire." Book I. . 4^4 Colvin, S. Notes on the Exhibitions of the Royal Academy and Old Water- Colour Society, is. . . . . . -185 See Keats {J.) . . . . . . .516 See Landor ( W. S.) . . . . • • -400 "■Selections" . . . . .416 INDEX 599 Combe, G. Education. 15s. . Life. By C. Gibbon. 32s. .... Comfort, Waters of. See ^' Waters" .... Common Prayer. See " Prayer-Book." Communion Service. See " Prayer- Book. " Concerning Men. 4s. 6cl. ..... Confirmation. See ^^Prayer-Book." Congreve, J. High Hopes. 7s. 6cl. Altered to 5s. in 1S77 Conic Sections, Geometrical. See Cockshott [A.) — Walters {F. B.) See Day {H. G.) . See Drew {W. H.) See Dre-cd's ( W. H. ) ''Solutions to ' See Jackson (J. S.) See Latham {H. ) . See Puckle {G. H.) See Smith ( C ) . See Smith's {C.) " Solutions to" . See Taylor {€.) . See Wilson (/. M.) See Wilson's (J. M. ) '■'Elementary Geometry and Conic Sections Conrad the Squirrel. 3s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1882 Conscience, Questions of. See J. [W.) . Constable, S. Geometrical Exercises. 3s. 6d. . Convocation, Non-Resident Member of. See Mattrice s {F. D.) Second Letter to Conway, H. Family Affair. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Altered to 2s. in 1888 Living or Dead. PAGE 354 335 43 Vols. 31s. 6d. I Vol. 6s. First Year. IS. 6d. Altered to 2S. 2s. 6d. 3s. 14s. and I2S. 6d — C. — c. J- 2S. Altered to Cook, A. M. Macmillan's Latin Course. Shorter Latin Course. First Year. See Salhisfs ' ' Bellum Catulinae " . - E. T. Handbook to the National Gallery Edition. 42s. nett . . . . Cooke, A. H. See LLerodotus .... See Xenophon s " Cyropedia" K. See Scratchleys {P.) " Australian Defences and New W. R. Education in India. 2s. . On Man's Responsibility. 2s. . The Moral Gulph betwixt Man and the Brute. P. Elements of Chemical Physics. 21s. . First Principles of Chemical Philosophy. 12s. Religion and Chemistry. 7s. 6d. Scientific Culture. 4s. . - M. C. Handbook of British Fungi. 24s. Cookery for English Households. 5s. Cooper, A. A. See " Shaftesbury' s {Earl of ) Life" - C. H. and T. Athenae Cantabrigiensis. 2 Vols. - J. E. Nature of Reprobation, is. . Train up a Child in the way he should go. 3d. - K. Sebastian. 6s. . Co-operation, History of, in the United States. See Co-operators, Manual for. See Hughes (T.) Cope, E. D. Origin of the Fittest. I2s. 6d. - E. M. An Introduction to Aristotle's Rhetoric. Copleston, R. S. See " Oxford Spectator " in 1888 6d, Guinea 1 8s. each ' History 14s. Larg^ 1 6s. in in 1887 471 488 462 Paper 1 881 529 279 550 170 44 87 236 9 27 423 540 107 242 425 234 I 410 34 471 488 529 358 484 523 "5 156 144 489 203 394 411 219 "5 226 50 56 100 335 533 399 5" 156 193 6oo BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Copybooks. See Macmillmi Corbett, J. Fall of Asgard. I2s. For God and Gold. 6s. Kophetua the Thirteenth. I2s. See Monk {G.) Core, T. H. See " Essays and Addresses " Questions on Stewart's Physics. 2s. Corfield, W. H. Treatment and Utilisation of Sewage. 7s. 6d. Second Edition I OS. 6d. Third Edition. i6s. . Corinthians. See Kay {W.) See Lightfoofs {J. B.)"-' S. Clement of Rome" . . . x^Q Comaz, S. Nos Enfants et Leurs Amis. E. Harvey, is. 6d. Corneille, P. Le Cid. G. E. Fasnacht. is. . Cornell University. See Flagg's (/. ) "Studies in Classical Philology' Cornish, F. W. See Terences " Scenes from the Andria" Cornwall. See '■'■ Unsentimental Journey through" Correggio. Antonio Allegri da Correggio. 31s. 6d. Cossa, L. Guide to the Study of Political Economy. 4s. 6d. . Cotterill, H. B. See Schiller s (/. C. F. Von) " Wallenstein. " Part I. Das Lage. - J. H. Applied Mechanics. i8s. Cotton, C. The Complete Angler. With Introduction by J. R. Lowell. See Walton (/.) - G. E. L. Christian Victory over Evil Expository Sermons. 15s. . Primary Charge. 2s. 6d. Second Charge. 3s. 6d. Sermons and Addresses at Marlborough College, 1852-58. los. 6d Sermons preached to English Congregations in India. 7s. 6d. Seven Sermons chiefly connected with Public Events, 1854. 3s. See Butlers {H. M.) ''Sermon on the Death of" - J. S. Colonies and Dependencies. 3s. 6d. . - Question, The Great. See X. is. Coues, E. Key to North American Birds Courthope, W. J. See Addison (J.) See Ward's [T. H.) ''English Poets" Coverley. See " Days with Sir Roger de " Cowan, J. See Pliny's " Letters.'" I. and 11. Cowell, E. B. An Inaugural Lecture. - G. An Introductory Address, is. Lectures on Cataract. 4s. 6d. - H. V. H. The Theory of Vision. - J. J. See ' 42s. IS. See Berkeley ( G. ) Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860 ' Cowper, W. Letters. W. Benham. 4s. 6d. Poetical Works. W. Benham. The Globe Edition. 3s. 6d. — — Selections. M. O. W. Oliphant. 4s. 6d. . Task. W. Benham. Globe Readings, is. By Goldwin Smith. English Men of Letters Series. 2s. 6d. is IS. in 1888 Cox, F. H. Gifts of Healing. 6d. - G. V. Recollections of Oxford. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in Cracroft, B. See " Essays on Reform" . Craig, A. R. Philosophy of Training. 2s. 6d. . Craik, D. M. See " About Money and other Things" See "Adventures of a Brownie" 1871 6d. and PAGE 342 489 5" 550 560 262 394 203 516 i 323 550 394 552 445 465 297 375 523 450 567 56 "5 56 100 50 156 29 143 430 78 450 448 389 489 561 157 245 430 63 82 451 203 430 430 375 376 170 158 I 485 391 INDEX 60 1 Craik, D. M, See ^^ Agatha's Husband' See ^' Alice Learmojit" See " Children's Poetry" See " Concernitig Men" See '' Fairy Book" . See ^'' Head of the Family" . See " King Arthur" See "Little Lame Prince" . See "Little Stinshine's Holiday" See '■'Miss To7nmy" See " My Mother and /" . See " Ogi Ivies" See " Olive" See " Otir Year" See "Poems" See " Sermons out of Church " See " Songs of Otu Youth" . See " Thirty Years Poems" See " T2V0 Marriages" See " Unknown Country" . See " Unsentimental Jour7iey through Cornwall" See Barante (iJ/. de) . See Wolley's {H. F.) " Think on these Things" - G. M. My First Journal. 4s. 6d. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1862 - H. State in its Relation to Education. 3s. 6d. Crane, L. Art and the Formation of Taste. 6s. See Grimm's (_/. L. C.) " Household Stories" - T. F. Italian Popular Tales. 14s. . - W. The Sirens Three. los. 6d. Craven, Mrs. D. Guide to District Nurses. 2s. 6d. Crawford, F. M. Doctor Claudius. 4s. 6d. Altered to 3s. 6d Greifenstein. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Marzio's Crucifix. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. Mr. Isaacs. 4s. 6d. Altered to 3s. 6d. September 1889 Paul Patoff. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Roman Singer. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 4s. 6d. Altered to Sant' Ilario. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. A Tale of a Lonely Parish. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s With the Immortals. Post 8vo. 2 is Zoroaster. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. Crawley, Lieut. -Col. See Harcourt (W. V.) Creighton, C. Bovine Tuberculosis in Man. Physiology and Pathology of the Breast. - M. History of Rome. History Primers. See Wolsey {T.) Crichton, H. See MistraPs [F.) " Mirelle" Crichton's, Hugh, Romance. 3 Vols. 13s. 6d Crichton-Browne, J. See " Brain" See HerteFs {Dr.) " Overpressure in High Schools Croall Lecture for 1879-80. Milligan, W., "Resurrection of our Lord 5s. in 1883 ...... Lectures for 1886. Cunningham, J., "Growth of the Church." 9s. Crocker, J. A Geographical System of Measures and Weights. 8s. 6d Cromwell, O. By P^ederic Harrison. 2s. 6d. . Globe 8vo. I2S. Altered to 3s. 6d. 8s. 6d. . 9s. IS. I Vol. 6s. 277 448 394 529 100, 204 282 494 494 401 459 420 288 288 67 538 404 387 388 406 525 465 155 526 64 451 411 414 471 489 550 in October 1889 430 550 511 411 5" 3s. 6d. in 1889 451 550 4S9 529 December 1889 471 118 9s. 394 335 279 545 176 279 334 474 401 489 "5 529 6o2 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE ;s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d 6d. Cross, J. A. Bible Readings. 2s. 6d. . — T. Paul's Vision, is. Crosse, C. H. An Analysis of Paley's Evidences. in 1863 ..... Crosskey, H. W. The Liberal "600" of Birmingham. Crossley, E. Handbook of Double Stars. 21s. Corrections to the Handbook of Stars, is. . . ' — H. See Antoninus' {Marcus Aurelius) ^'Fourth Book of the Meditations" Cruikshank, G. (the Younger). See Bloomfield' s {/?.)" The Horkey " . Crusoe, Robinson. See Defoe [D. ) Crystal Palace Question. See Vaughan {€./.). Culmshire Folk. See Ignotus ...... Cumming, L. Theory of Electricity. 8s. 6d. .... Cunningham, C. D. See Adams's [F. 0.) " Szviss Coiifederation" — H. S. Coeruleans. 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6s. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1889 — J. Growth of the Church. 9s. — W. Christian Civilisation. 5s. — — Churches of Asia. 6s. . Dissertation on the Epistle of S. Barnabas. 7s. 6d. The Influence of Descartes. 6s. Cunynghame, A. T. My Command in South Africa. 12s. 6d. Cure, E. C. Seven Words of Christ on the Cross. 3s. 6d. Curteis, G. H. Dissent. 14s. 7s. 6d. in 1873 Scientific Obstacles to Christian Belief. 6s. Cuthbertson, F. Euclidian Geometry. 4s. 6d. . Cypress and our Oak, Leaves from our. See " Leaves," etc. D., E. Recollections of a Nurse. 2s. . — R. See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860" Dagonet the Jester. By M. K. Macmillan. 4s. 6d. Dahn, F. Felicitas. 4s. 6d. .... Daily News. War Correspondence. Franco-German War. Vol. I. II To the Fall of Kars. to 6s. in 1879 . From the Fall of Kars. to 6s. in 1879 7s. 6d. 7s. 6d. Complete. 6s. I OS. 6d. Altered los. 6d. Altered Altered to ^s. 6d. November 1888 Daisy Chain, The. By C. M. Yonge. 6s Dale, A. W. W. Synod of Elvira. los. 6d. . Dalrymple, D. See Minucius Felix (M. ) 3s. 6d. Dalton, H. A. See Horace's ^'■Select Epodes and Ars Poetica" . - J. N. See " 'Bacchante,' Cruise of Her Majesty's Ship." 52s. 6d. - T. Arithmetical Examples. 2s. 6d. .... Rules and Examples in Algebra. Part I. 2s. Key to Algebra. Part I. 7s. 6d. .... Rules and Examples in Algebra. Part II. 2s, Damien, Father. By E. Clifford. 2s. 6d. Dampier, W. By W. C. Russell. 2s. 6d. Daniell, A. Text-Book of the Principles of Physics. Danish Succession, The. is. . Danvers Papers. By C. M. Yonge. 4s. 6d. . Dante. The Comedy. Part I. Translated by W. M. Rossetti. 5s. De Monarchia. Translated by F. J. Church. 4s. 6d. 485 6d. 21S. PAGE 13 30 316 354 376 408 409 20 249 297 547 512 4S9 376 376 317 297 355 170 234 471 261 104 550 82 489 430 219 219 219 335 115 411 26 455 ,486 144 261 489 297 551 551 451 "5 157 131 355 INDEX 603 6d. Dante. Paradise. A. J. Butler. 12s. 6d. Purgatory. A. J. Butler. 12s. 6d. Readings on the Purgatorio. By W. W. Vernon. 24s. F. J. Church. See Dante . . . R. W. and F. J. Church. 6s. See Church's {R. IF.) " Dante and other Essaj's" Darwin, C. Memorial Notices. 2s. 6d. Portrait. 5s. ... . See Miiller's (H.) " Fertilisation of Flowers" Dates. See " To Verify " Daubeny. See Younians's ^^ Modern Culture" . Davidson, R. T. Inheritance of a Great Name. 6d. Sacred Banner, is. Davenport-Hill, F. The Boarding-out System. See Hill (F. See Hill {F. and R.) See Hill {M. D.) ..... . See Hill's {M. D.) " The Recorder of Birmijighain " Davies, J. LI. Baptism, Confirmation, and the Lord's Supper, is. 6d The Christian Calling. 6s. . The Epistles to the Ephesians, the Colossians, and Philemon. 7s, The Gospel and Modern Life. 6s. . Irish Church Question. 6d. .... Morality according to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 3s. 6d St. Paul and Modern Thought. 2s. 6d. Sermons on the Manifestation of the Son of God. 6s. 6d Social Questions. 6s. . Tenure of Fellowships. (Privately printed) The Things Above in Relation to Education and Science. Tracts for Priests and People. No. IV. "The Signs of the Kin Heaven." is. XL "The Spirit Giveth Life." is. Garden, F. Tracts for Priests and People. No. XIII. "The Death Christ." By J. LI. Davies and F. Garden, is. . Warnings against Superstition. 2s. 6d. The Word of Reconciliation. 6d. . Work of Christ. 6s. ... . See Clay's {IV. L.) " Fssays on Chzirch Policy" See Hort's {F. J. A.) " Letter ott Tenure of Fellowships See ^^ Lectures to Ladies," etc. See Maurice' s {F. D.) ^' Lessons of Hope" . See Plato, " The Republic of Plato" See " Worship of God " etc. . Dawkins, W. Boyd. Cave Hunting. 21s. Early Man in Britain. 25s. See '^ Essays and Addresses" Dawson, J. W. Acadian Geology. i8s. Altered to 21s. in 1878 Supplement to Second Edition of Acadian Geolog)'. 2s. 6d. - J. Australian Aborigines. 14s. .... Day, H. G. Conic Sections. 3s. 6d. - L. B. Bengal Peasant Life. 2 Vols. 21s. Altered to 6s. in 1877 Folk-Tales of Bengal. 4s. 6d. Govinda Samanta. 2 Vols. 2is. Altered to 6s. in 1877 - R. E. Electric Light Arithmetic. 2s. Days of Old. 5s. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1862, and to 2s. 6d. in 1872 IS. gdom of I'AGE 472 335 528 411 279 440 28 165 430 512 188 338 338 100 279 144 185 170 157 37 116 472 44 317 of 76 87 87 261 64 65 169 44 32 559 19 54 261 376 262 170 336 395 170 262 430 262 411 56 6o4 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Days with Sir Roger de Coverley. Deak, F. Hungarian Statesman. Deane, jNIilly. Marjory. 4s. 6d. Decalogue. See Tudor {R. ) Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoe 6s. I2S. 6d. ByW. J. W. Clark. 4s. 6d. . Globe Edition. H. Kingsley. IS. 6d. and is. in 1887 ^s. 6d. 6s. Altered to 3 4s. 6d. in 18S0 3s. Minto. 2s. 6d Deighton, K. See Shakespeare' s {TV.) " Cymbeline " " King Henry V." . ' ' A/uck Ado about Nothing " ''Othello'' '' The Tempest" . '' Twelfth Night" "■ Winter s Tale" . De Imitatione Christi libri quatuor. 7s. 6d. Delamotte, P. H. A Progressive Drawing- Book. 2s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in De Maistre, X. La Jeune Siberienne. S. Barlet. is. 6d. Democracy. 4s. 6d. and is. . De Morgan, M. Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde 1883. Large Paper Edition. 21s. See Yournans's ^'Modern Culture" . Demosthenes. By S. H. Butcher, is. 6d. The Oration on the Crown. B. Drake, fs. First Philippic. T. Gwatkin. 2S. 6d. Oration against Leptines. J. R. King. 4s. 6d. The Oration on the Crown. Translated by J. P. Norris. Denison, G. T. A History of Cavalry. i8s. . De Quincey, T. By D. Masson. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in i Derry and Raphoe, Bishop of. See Alexander ( W. ) De Teissier, G. F. Clergy and Laity The House of Prayer. 4s. 6d. Village Sermons. First Series. 9s. Second Series. 8s. 6d. Determinants, Treatise on. See Dodgson (C L.) Theory. See Muir (Zl ) . De Tocqueville, A. Memoir. 21s. Deuteronomy, Numbers and. See Howard.{H. E. J.) De Vere, A. Essays, chiefly literary and ethical. 6s. on poetry. 12s. The Infant Bridal. 7r. 6d. . Devonshire, Duke of. See "Essays and Addresses" De Watteville, A. See '' Brain" De Wint, P. Memoir by W. Armstrong. 31s. 6d. Dials. See " Work about the Five " Dicey, A. V. Can English Law be taught at the Universities ? Law of the Constitution. 12s. 6d. . Letters on Unionist Delusions. 2s. 6d. Privy Council. 3s. 6d. See '^Essays on Reform " . - E. A Month in Russia. los. 6d. The Morning Land. i6s. . Rome in i860. 6s. 6d. Six Months in the Federal States. 12s. See Cavour. 6s. 6d. IS. 874 6d. in 489 376 234 71 145 171 355 564 540 540 564 564 564 564 157 185 472 411 376 165 395 15 431 395 15 317 395 157 145 100 131 157 419 76 45 551 512 116 262 334 529 349 431 472 512 512 158 157 204 76 100 74 INDEX 605 Dickens, C. Posthumous Papers at the Pickwick Chib. 21s. By A. Ward. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1SS9 Funeral Sermon. See Stanley {A. P.) the Younger. Continental A. B.C. Railway Guide, is. Dictionary of Cambridge, is. London, is. 6d. and is. Oxford. IS. . and Cambridge. 2s. Paris. IS. 6d. and is. the Thames, is. 6d. and is. 6d See Dickens's (C) " The Posthumous Paper of the Club'' ..... See Mathews [C. J.) . Dickie, G. See M' Cosh's (/. ) and Dickie's [G.) " Typical Forms " Dickinson, J. Last Counsels of an Unknown Counsellor. 6s. . Dickson, T. G. See Vincent's {E.) ^^ Handbook to Alodern Greek" Dictionary of Music and Musicians. See Grove {G.) . . 320, Diderot, D. By J. Morley. los. .... Diggle, J. W. Godliness and Manliness. 6s. . See Fraser's {/.) " Parochial and other Serj}ions" . ' ' University and other Sermons " . Dilettanti Society's Publications. See " Antiquities of Ionia" . Pickwick 380, 435 • 391 Athenian Architec See Penrose's (F. C. ) ture" See Specimens of Antietit Sculpture. 11. . . . Dilke, A. W. See Tonrgenief s {J. S.) " Virgin Soil" . - C. W. Greater Britain. 2 Vols. 28s. i Vol. 6s. See " Prince Florestan" ..... in French .... Dillwyn, E. A. Jill. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. Jill and Jack. 12s. . Rebecca Rioter. 21s. Dittenberger, W. See Caesar's " Gallic I Far." Bond [J.) and Walpolc (A. S. Dobson, A. See Fielding {ff.) ..... See Lang's {A.) " Libra>y" .... See Ward's {T. H.) ''English Poets" Dodgson, C. L. Curiosa Mathematica. Part L 2s. Elementary Treatise on Determinants. los. 6d. Euclid. Books I. and II. 2s. . Euclid and his Modern Rivals. 7s. 6d. Second Edition. 6s. Lawn Tennis Tournaments. 6d. .... Plane Trigonometry, is. . Dolet, E. By R. C. Christie. i8s. . Don. See '' Sketches from Cambridge" \>y ■a. Donaldson, J. Critical History of Christian Literature and Doctrine from th death of the Apostles to the Nicene Councils. 3 Vols. los. 6d. each The Apostolical Fathers. 7s. 6d. .... Donegal in 1886. See Letters from .... Donnellan Lecture for 1877. Jellett, J. H., " Efficacy of Prayer." 5s. 1884-85. Smith, R. T., "Man's Knowledge," etc. 6s, Donisthorpe, W. Individualism. 14s. . Donkin, E. H. See Cicero's " Pro Poscio Amerino" D'Oursy, A. — Feillet, A. French Grammar at Sight. 2s. 6d. . Vol. PAGE 489 411 211 412 412 451 412 412 489 363 91 317 370 554 472 512 513 513 426 441 445 348 171 263 263 451 512 377 509 433 400 389 529 157 412 355 431 551 377 137 116 262 494 360 504 551 354 220 6o6 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Dove in the Eagle's Nest. By C. M. Yonge. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d in April 1889 .... Dowden, E. See Shakspet-e ( W. ) Literahire Primers See ^^Shakespeare ( IV.) Scenes and Characters " See Sotithey \r.) . See Ward's {T. H.) ''English Poets" Downton, H. See Naville^s {E.) " The Heavenly Father" Doyle, F. H. Lectures before the University of Oxford, 1868, 3s. 6d. 6d. in 1 5 acrifice, The Return of the Guards. 7s. 7s — T- A. History of America. 4s. 6d. . Drake, B. ^schyli Eumenides. See Aeschylus. 7s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1869, Altered to 5s. in 188 1 See Demosthenes' '' Oration on the Cro%Lin." 5s. — C. B. The Teaching of the Church on Christian Priesthood and 4s. 6d. . — W. Notes on the Prophecies of Jonah and Hosea. 9s. — W. R. See Haden {F. S.) ..... Draper. See Yonmans's " Modern Ctiltiire" Drawing. See Anderson (Z.) ..... See Delamotte {P. Id.) . Drew, W. H. Geometrical Treatise on Conic Sections. 4s. 6d. 5s. Solutions to Conic Sections. 4s. 6d. Droop, H. R. On Methods of Electing Representatives, is. . Drummond, J. Study of Theology. 5s. ... — W. Drummond of Hawthornden. By D. Masson. los. 6d. m Dryden, J. Poetical Works. Essays. C. D. Yonge. By G. Saintsbury. 2s. W. D. Christie. The Globe Edition. 2s. 6d. . 6d. IS. 6d. and is. in 1SS8 Dublin Mathematical Journal, Cambridge and - See " Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics - Archbishop of. See Trench {R. C.) Du Cane, E. F. Punishment and Prevention of Crime. 3s. 6d. DuflF, M. E. G. Foreign Policy, is. . Miscellanies, Political and Literary. los. 6d. Notes of an Indian Journey. los. 6d. See '' Deak {F.), Hungarian Statesman" . See Howai'cTs [/.) '' Practical Politics." Complete Volume Duff-Gordon, Lady. See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i See Gordon (Lady Duff) Dufl&eld, C. G. See Caesar's "■' Helvetian War" ''Invasion of Britain " See Eutropius . . . . • See Welch's {W.) " Lati7i Accidence and Exercises" Dumas, A. Les Demoiselles de St. Cyr. V. Oger. is. 6d. — J. B. A. Portrait. 5s. ... . Dundreary, Speech of Lord. See Lord . Dunsmuir, A. Vida. 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6s. Diintzer, H. See " Goethe's [J. W. Von) Life" See "Schiller's (/. C. F. Von) Life" Dupre, A. See Thudichum's (J. L. W.) "Origin, iVatti7-e, and Va. Wine" ...... Dupuis, N. F. Elementary Synthetic Geometry. 4s. 6d. Durer, A., Life of By Mrs. C. Heaton. 31s. 6d. Durham, Bishop of See Lightfoot {/. B.) 1875 s. 6d. 862-63 ieties of 145 328 308 368 389 135 185 145 280 21 15 262 21 380 165 313 185 44 87 171 452 246 204 412 395 3 93 472 377 336 297 376 398 128 132 510 449 432 544 490 336 91 377 434 443 241 551 204 INDEX 607 Durrant, W. See " Vacation Tourists in 1861" Dutton, A. Streets and Lanes of a City. 3s. 6d. Second Edition. Dyer, J. M. Exercises in Analytical Geometry. 4s. 6d. — W. T. T. See Bower's (F. O.) ^^ Practical Instruction in Botany. 2s. 6d. ' Fa7-t I. Fart II. See Dai-win ( C. ) How Crops Grow. Dynamic, Elements of. See Johnson {^S. W.) . See Clifford {W. K.) . Part I. Book IV. See Clifford ( W. K.) Dynamics. See Lock {J. B.) . See Macgregor s {J. G^.) " Kinematics and Dynamics " See Firie (G.) of Nerve and Muscle. See Radcliffe {C. B.) of a System of Rigid Bodies. See Routh {E. J. ) . Part I. See Roiith {E. /. ) . II. See Rotith {E.J.) .... See Tait {F. G. ) and Steele (W.J.) See ThomsorCs {J. J-)" Applications of Dynamics to Fhysics and Cheiiiistty Treatise on. See Wilson {W. F.) . Dynevor Terrace. By C. M. Yonge. 6s. 3s. 6d. in November i I2S. I2S. 5s. By J. Eastwood and W. A. Wright E., M. A. C. See Dahns [F.) '' Felicitas" Eadie, J. A Commentary on the Epistles to the Thessalonians. The English Bible. 28s. .... Life. By J. Brown. 7s. 6d. Eagles, T. H. Constructive Geometry of Plane Curves. Early Egyptian History for the Young. By A. Keary. Earnshaw, S. Partial Differential Equations. 5s. East India Association. See " /ournal of the" . Eastlake, Lady. See "Fellowship" Eastwood, J. The Bible Word-Book. 5s. 6d. 7s. 6d. in 1883 . Ebers, G. Burgomaster's Wife. 4s. 6d. Only a Word. 4s. 6d. Ecce Homo. los. 6d. 7th Edition. 6s. Preface to the 5th Edition of. 6d. . Ecclesiastes, Treatise on the Authorship of. 14s. Echoes of Many Voices from Many Lands. See F. [A.) 3s. 6d Economics of Industry. See Marshall {A. ) See " Quarterly /ournal of " Edgar, J. H. Practical Solid or Descriptive Geometry. By J G. S. Pritchard. 2s. Second Edition. 3s. Fourth by A. G. Meeze). 4s. 6d. . . . . . .186 Edgren, A. H. See Whitney's {W. D.) " German and English Dictionary" 331, 349 Edwards, E. J. J. Love the Brethren . . . . . .186 - J. Differential Calculus. los. 6d. . . . . . . 490 Edwards-Moss, J. E. A .Season in Sutherland. 4s. 6d. . . . 529 Eggleston, E. Household History of the United States. 12s. . . . 551 Egyptian Census, 1882. 42s. ....... 452 History for the Young, Early. By A. Keary. 5s. . . . -76 Eicke, K. M. First Lessons in Latin. 2s. . . . . . 452 Elam, C. A Physician's Problems. 9s. . . . . . .186 Elbon, B. Bethesda. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. .... 452 Elden, J. Book of Prayers for Working Men. 2s. 6d. and is. 9d. . . 65 H. Edgar and Edition (revised PAGE 96 220 395 469 509 411 189 335 5" 517 518 289 225 69 422 461 42 '542 14 116 430 317 298 336 472 76 220 159 172 145 412 431 145 145 377 131 363 502 6o8 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Caesar. Gallic War. Cicero. Electricity. See Cumviing {L.) . See Days {K. E.) " Electric Light Arithmetic " See Grays (A.) '■'■Absolute Measurements" . See Gray's (A.) '■'■ Electricity and Magnetism'' See Langdon {W. E.) See Lodges {O.J.) ''Modern Vieiusof" See Loewy {B. )..... See Mendenhair s {T. C.) '' A Century of Electricity " See Stewart's {B. ) and Gees {W. H.)" Practical Physics for Schools. ' " Practical Physics. " Vol. LL See Thompson's {S. P.) " Electricity and Magnetism" See Turner's {H. H.) " LLeat and Electricity" Electrostatics. See Thomson {W.) Elementary Classics. Aeschylus. Prometheus Vinctus. H.M.Stephenson Arrian vSelections. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. . Book I. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. . Books II. and III. W. G. Rutherford. Book IV. C. Bryans. is. 6d. . Book V. C. Colbeck. is. 6d. . Books V. and VI. C. Colbeck. is. 6d. Book VI. C. Colbeck. is. 6d. . Book VII. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. Helvetian War. W. Welch and C. G. Duffield. is. 6d Invasion of Britain. W. Welch and C. G. Duffield. is Cato Major (De Senectute). E. S. Shuckburgh. is. 6d Laelius (De Amicitia). E. S. Shuckburgh. is. 6d. Select Letters. G. E. Jeans, is. 6d. Stories of Roman History. G. E. Jeans and A. V. Jones. Euripides. Hecuba. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. Eutropius. W. Welch and C. G. Duffield. is. 6d. Gellius Aulus, Stories from. G. H. Nail. is. 6d. Herodotus. Books VII. and VIIL A. H. Cooke, is. 6d. Homer. Iliad. Book I. J. Bond, and A. S. Walpole. is, XVIIL S. R. James, is. 6d Odyssey. Book I. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole Horace. Odes. Book I. T. E. Page. is. 6d. II. T. E. Page. is. 6d. III. T. E. Page. is. 6d. — IV. T. E. Page. is. 6d. Satires and Epistles. W. J. V. Baker. Select Epodes and Ars Poetica. H. A. Kynaston, H. Greek Elegiac Poets, is. 6d. Livy. Book I. H. M. Stephenson, is. 6d. Hannibalian War. G. C. Macaulay. is. .Siege of Syracuse. G. Richards, is. 6d. . Lucian Extracts. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. Nepos, Cornelius. Selections. G. S. Farnell. is. 6d. Ovid. Stories from the Metamorphoses. J. Bond and A. S Selections. E. S. Shuckburgh. is. 6d. Easy Selections. H. Wilkinson, is. 6d. . Phaedrus. Select Fables. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. Plato. Euthyphro and Menexenus. C. E. Graves, is. 6d. Terence. Scenes from the Andria. F. W. Cornish, is. 6d Thucydides. Rise of the Athenian Empire. Book I. F. H. Colson 6d. IS. 6d IS. 6d. Dalton. 6d. IS. 6d Vol. L IS. 6d s. 6d. s. 6d. 6d. IS. 6d Walpole. Is. 6d IS. 6d PAGE 411 454 323 558 535 519 541 524 405 483 241 467 527 410 353 487 510 393 549 510 510 449 4S8 471 410 450 413 432 531 358 455 415 436 359 398 415 437 380 455 3S2 439 383 494 495 520 521 365 521 460 402 445 464 INDEX 609 Elementary Classics. Thiicydides. Vergil. Aeneid. Book I. II. — _ IV. V. VI. VII. IX. T Georgics. Book I Book IV. C. E. Graves. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. T. E. Page. is. 6d. H. M. Stephenson. A. Calvert, is. 6d. T. E. Page. is. 6d. . A. Calvert, is. 6d. H. M. Stephenson. E. Page. is. 6d. IS. 6d IS. 6d. IS. 6d. — II. J. H. Skrine. is. 6d. Selections. E. S. Shuckburgh. is. 6d. Latin Accidence and Exercises. W. Welch and C. G. Duffield. is. 6d. Xenophon. Anabasis. Book I. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. E. A. Wells. IS. 6d. . II. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. — • IV. E. D. Stone, is. 6d. Cyropedia. A. H. Cooke, is. 6d. EUerton, J. Holiest Manhood. 6s. . EUice, J. English Idylls. 6s. . Elliot, A. State and the Church. 3s. 6d. . - D. G. See Wolfs (/. ) " Life and Habits of Wild Animals " Elliott, H. V. Two Sermons in Herstmonceux Church. By H. V. Elliott and J. N. Simpkinson. is. 6d. Life. By Josiah Bateman. 8s. 6d. 6s. in 1872 . Ellis, A. J. Quantitative Pronunciation of Latin. 4s. 6d. - G. E. See Rumford ( Count) .... - Mr. See Laws {W.J.) " Reply to Mr. Ellis's Defence " - R. See " Catullus " . - R. L. See '■'■ Cambridge Mathematical Journal" - T. J. Sketching from Nature. 2s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1887 Elsie. See M. {A. C. ) 6s. Ely, Bishop of. See Westcott's {B. F.) "Faith One and Progressive' See Woodford {J. R.) Elze, K. See "Shakespeare (W.), Essays on" . Embryology, Comparative. Vol. I. See Balfour {F. M. ) IL See Balfour {F. Af.) See Foster {M. ) and Balfour {F. M.) Emerson, R. W. Conduct of Life. 5s. English Traits. 5s. Essays. 5s. Letters and Social Aims. 5s. Miscellanies. 5s. Poems. 5s. Memoir. By J. E. Cabot. i8s. An Essay. By John Morley Encyclopaedia of Surgery. International. Enga. 21S. England looking Eastward, is. 6d. England, E. B. Exercises in Latin Syntax. 2s. Key to Exercises in Latin Syntax. 2s. 6d. See Euripides' " Iphigeneia" English Catholic. See " Papal Infallibility," etc. English Citizen Series. Chalmers, M. D. Local Government. 3s. 6d. Cotton, J. S., and Payne, E. J. Colonies and Dependencies. 3s. 6d. 2 R See Ashhurst [J. ) 6d. 369 424 566 543 369 543 566 543 567 388 446 544 425 546 546 546 484 412 131 413 276 30 171 262 308 40 143 3 431 285 275 273 372 391 264 431 431 431 432 452 432 512 452 408 3,7i 30 395 395 432 210 429 430 6io BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE English Citizen Series. Craik, H. State in its Relation to Education Du Cane, E. F. Punishment and Prevention of Crime. 3s. 6d Elliot, A. State and the Church. 3s. 6d. Farrer, T. H. State and Trade. 3s. 6d. . Fowle, T. W. Poor Law. 3s. 6d. ... Jevons, W. S. State in Relation to Labour. Maitland, F. W. Justice and Police. 3s. 6d Pollock, F. Land Laws. 3s. 6d. . Traill, H. D. Central Government. 3s. 6d. Walpole, S. Electorate and the Legislature. • Foreign Relations. 3s. 6d. , Wilson, A. J. National Budget. 3s. 6d. . English Classics. Bacon, F. Essays. F. G. Selby. 3s. 6d. . Goldsmith, O. Traveller and Deserted Village. A. Barrett, is, Helps, A. Essays. F. J. Rowe and W. T. Webb. 2s. 6d. Milton, J. L' Allegro, II Penseroso, etc. W. Bell. 2s. . Paradise Lost. Book I. Michael Macniilian. is. 6d — Books I. and II. Michael Macmillan Scott, W. Marmion. Michael Macmillan. 3s. 6d. Rokeby. Michael Macmillan. 3s. 6d. Lay of the Last Minstrel. Cantos I. -III. G.H.Stuart ?s. 6d 3s. 6d. 6d. Shakespeare, W. Cymbeline. K. Deighton. 2s. 6d. King Henry V. K. Deighton. 2s. 6d, 2s. in 1889 .... Much Ado about Nothing. K. Deighton. Othello. K. Deighton. 2s. 6d. The Tempest. K. Deighton. is. 6d. . Twelfth Night. K. Deighton. is. 6d. Winter's Tale. K. Deighton. 2s. 6d. King Richard III. C. H. Tawney. 2s. 6d. 6d. See Langley (J. N.) and Supplementary Number to Tennyson Selections. F. J. Rowe and W. T. Webb English Clergyman — Langley, J. N. Clergyman. ' ' Tracts for Priests and People. Second Series, is. English Composition. See Nichol {/■) . Grammar. See ^' Gra/nmar." English Illustrated Magazine. Nos. 6d. and is. Vol. I. 7s. 6d. Vols. II Proof Impressions of Engravings from. 2 1 English Men of Action Series. Dampier, W. W. C. Russell. 2s. 6d Gordon, C. G. W. F. Butler. 2s. 6d. Hastings, W. A. Lyall. 2s. 6d. . Henry the Fifth. A. J- Church. 2s. 6d Lawrence, Lord. R. Temple. 2s. 6d. Livingstone, D. T. Hughes. 2s. 6d. Monk, G. J. Corbett. 2s. 6d. Strafford, Lord. H. D. .Traill. 2s. 6d. Wellington, Duke of. G. Hooper. 2s. English Men of Letters Series. Addison, J 6d. 2s. 6d IS. 6d, Altered to 2S, 472 432 397 415 477 442 405 407 424 425 548 531 555 560 560 519 523 563 564 564 540 540 564 564 564 564 540 542 An English 6d. By W. J. Courthope. IS. 6d. and is. in 1889 Bacon, F. By R. W. Church. 2s. 6d. By R. C. Jebb. 2s. 6d. By J. A. Froude. 2s. 6d. Bentley, R. Bunyan, J. Burke, E. Burns, R. IS. 6d. and is. in 1889 IS. 6d. and is. in 1889 IS. 6d. and is. in 1888 By J. Morley. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1S87 By Principal Shairp. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. ir VI. 8s. and 5 s. 2s. 6d. 1887 90 365 432 452 551 553 555 556 557 557 560 565 567 448 448 409 374 352 352 INDEX 6ii English Men of Letters Series. Byron, Lord. By J. Nichol. 2s. 6d. is. 6d and IS. in 1888 Chaucer, G. By A. W. Ward. 2s. Coleridge, S. T. By H. D. Traill. — — Cowper, W. By G. Smith. 2s. 6d Defoe, D. By W. Minto. 2s. 6d. 6d. IS. 6d. and is. in 1888 . 2s. 6d. IS. 6d. and is. in 1889 IS. 6d. and is. in 1888 IS. 6d. and is. in 1887 IS. 6d. and is. in 1888 IS. 6d. and is. in 1889 . IS. 6d. and is. in 1888 . IS. 6d. and is. in 1889 IS. 6d. and is. in 1887 . IS. 6d. and is. in 1887 . and IS. in 1888 . IS. 6d. and is. in 1887 . IS. 6d. and is. in 1887 . De Quincey, T. By D. Masson. 2s. 6d - — Dickens, C. By A. W. Ward. 2s. 6d. Dryden, J. By G. Saintsbury. 2s. 6d. Fielding, H. By A. Dobson. 2s. 6d. Gibbon, E. By J. C. Morison. 2s. 6d Goldsmith, O. By W. Black. 2s. 6d. Gray, T. By E. Gosse. 2s. 6d. is. 6d Hawthorne, N. By H. James. 2s. 6d. Hume, D. By T. H. Huxley. 2s. 6d. Johnson, S. By L. Stephen. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1886 Keats, J. By S. Colvin. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 • Locke, J. By T. Fowler. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1S88 Lamb, C. By A. Ainger. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888 Landor, W. S. By S. Colvin. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888 . Macaulay, Lord. By J. C. Morison. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 Milton, J. By M. Tattison. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 18S7 Pope, A. By L. Stephen. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888 Scott, W. By R. H. Hutton. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1887 . Shelley, P. B. By J. A. Synionds. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1S87 Sheridan, R. B. By M. O. W. Oliphant. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1 Sidney, P. By J. A. .Symonds. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889. Southey, R. By E. Dowden. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1S88 . Spenser, E. By R. W. Church. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1887 Sterne, L. By H. D. Traill. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 — — Swift, J. By L. Stephen. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 Thackeray, W. M. By A. Trollope. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1887 Wordsworth, W. By F. W. H. iMyers. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888 English Review, Letter to. See Hare's {J. C) " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Neighbour " . Ephesians. See Davies {J. LI.) . Equations. Partial Differential. See Airy [G. B.) Differential. See Boole {G.) Supplementary Volume. See Boole (C. ) See Earjtshaw (S.) . See Forsyth {A, R.) . See Johnson\w. W.) Theory of. See Todhujiter (/. ) . Erie, W. The Law relating to Trade Unions. 3s. 6d Essays and Addresses at Owens College. 14s. . in Anglo-Saxon La:w. i8s. on Church Policy. See Clay {W. L.) 9s. . Essays on a Liberal Education. Edited by F. W. Farrar. los. 6d. - on Reform. los. 6d. .... Essex Field Club Special Memoirs. Vol. L See Meldolds (A'.) " Repor East Angliatt Earthquake " Essington, R. W. The Curse upon Canaan, is. The Middle Way. 2s. 6d. . See " The Island on the Afet'c." is. t on the 374 353 450 375 355 395 411 395 433 338 338 414 358 359 340 516 383 416 400 417 364 386 346 346 444 503 368 368 423 424 369 390 II 144 141 55 130 220 473 556 82 186 262 298 169 157 158 477 4 6 6 6l2 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Eug^ne-Fasnacht. Euripides. Ion. Essington, R. W. See Nolands' {Robert) " The Legacy of an Etonian^ los Estelle Russell. 2 Vols. 21s. Altered to 6s. (i Vol.) 187 1 Ethics, Principles of, according to the New Testament. 2s. See Sidgwick {H.) . Methods of. See Sidgwick' s {//.) '■'■Supplement to First Edition '' Supplement to Second Edition of. See Sidgivick {H.) Outlines of. See Sidgruick {H. ) . Old-Fashioned. See Thornton {IV. T.) . Etonians, Two. See Leahy's (" Sergeant") '■'Art of Swimnmig" Eubule-Evans. A. Curse of Immortality. 6s. . Euclid. Supplement to " Euclid and his Modern Rivals." is. . and his Modern Rivals. See Dodgson {C. L.) Books I. and II. See Dodgson {C. L.) Euclid's Elements. Book I. See ILall {H. S. ) ajid Stevens (F. H. ) Books I. and II. do. Books I. -IV. do. Parts I. and II. Containing Books I. -VI. Part II. Containing Books II I. -VI. See Stevens {F. H.) Book XI. Prop. \-2\ for Indian Schools. See Todhunter {I.) See Todhtinter (/. ) . Key. See Todhunter [L) . See Fasnacht {G. E.) C. Badham. 6s. . M. A. Bayfield. 3s. 6d. Hecuba. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. Iphigeneia. E. B. England. 4s. 6d. Hippolytus. J. P. Mahaffy and J. B. Bury. 3s. 6d. Medea. A. W. Verrall. 7s. 6d. . 3s. 6d. . Translated by A. Webster. 3s. 6d. By J. P. Mahaffy. Classical Writers, is. 6d. European History. See Sewell {E. M.) and Yonge {C. M.) 6s. each v Eutropius. By W. W^elch and C. G. Duffield. is. 6d. Evans, S. Brother Fabian's Manuscript. 6s. . In the Studio. 5s. . Sonnets on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, is. Everett, J. D. Units and Physical Constants. 4s. 6d. 5s. in See Todhunter's (/.) " Treatise on Analytical Statics" Exodus and Leviticus. See Howard {H. E. J.) . F. , A. Echoes of Many Voices from Many Lands. 3s. 6d. — H. R. Christmas Dawn and New Year's Eve 1854-55. is. Faber, A. Sermons at a New School. 6s. Failes, W. Solutions to Algebraical Exercises of C. A. Jones Cheyne. See Jones {C. A.) 7s. 6d. Fairfax, Lord, A Life of the Great. By C. R. Markham. i6s — R. Life. By C. R. Markham. 12s. 6d. Fairy Book, The. 4s. 6d. . . . . With coloured illustrations and borders. 6s, Faith and Conduct : an Essay on Verifiable Religion. 7s. 6d. Familiar Illustrations of the Language of Mathematics. Faraday, M. Portrait. 5s. . By J. H. Gladstone. 4s. 6d. ByJ. L 886 and C Rocet ol. H. H. 2s. 6d. 5 204 41 273 328 462 503 255 284 246 472 355 412 554 514 555 532 532 565 3" 96 388 15 552 413 432 396 396 432 171 355 211 432 131 280 18 355 24 44 131 30 246 516 204 473 100 204 513 13 246 234 INDEX 613 Faraday, M. See Yoiimanss '■^Modern Culiu7-e" Farnell, G. S. See Nepos's {C.) '' Selections" .... Farrar, F. W. ' ' The Christian Doctrine of the Atonement not Inconsistent the Justice and Goodness of God." Norrisian Prize Essay for 1857. Ephphatha. 6s. . Eternal Hope. 6s. . The Fall of Man. 6s. . From Strength to Strength. 6d. Harrow : Its Past History and Future Hopes. 6d. History of Interpretation. i6s. . " In the Days of thy Youth." 9s. . Influence of the Revival of Classical Studies, etc. is. 6d. Lyrics of Life. 4s. 6d. .... I OS. 6d. 14s. with IS. 4s. 6d. IS. Mercy and Judgment. Messages of the Books. Peace and War. 6d. Saintly Workers. 6s. . Seekers after God. Parts, is. each. Vol. Sermons and Addresses in America. 7s. 6d. Silence and the Voices of God. 6s. On Some Defects in Public School Education "The Temple of God." is. . . . "The Truth shall make you Free." 6d. . Witness of History to Christ. 5s. . See " Essays on a Liberal Education." los. 6d. Four Letters to. See " Good the Final Goal of 111" Farrell, J. Lectures of a Certain Professor. 7s. 6d. Farrer, T. H. State in its Relation to Trade. 3s. 6d. . Fasnacht, G. E. French Composition. First Year. 2S. 6d Teacher's Companion to French Composition First French Course, is. . Second French Course, is. 6d. 2s. in 1884 Third French Course. 2s. 6d. Teacher's Companion to First French Course. 4s. 6d. - — Second French Course. 4s. 6d. Third French Course. 4s. 6d. First French Reader. 2s. 6d. Second French Reader. 25. 6d. First German Course, is. 6d. Second German Course. 2s. 3s. 6d. in 1886 Teacher's Companion to First German Course. 4s. 6d. — Second German Course. 4s. 6d. First German Reader. 2s. 6d. Organic Method of Studying Languages. French. 3s. 61 Synthetic French Grammar. 3s. 6d. 4s. First Course. 4s See Corneilles {P.) " Le Cid" See Grimm's (/. Z. C. atid W. C.) '' Kinder-und Hausmdrchen" See Moliere's [J. B. P. de) " Les Femmes Savantes" '■'■ Le\Medecin Malgi'i Liii " Le Misanthrope " See Perraulfs ( C. ) " Contes de Fees " See Schiller's [J. C. F. Von) " Wilhelm Tell" See Sch?nid's (C. von) " Hei7irich von Eichenfels" See Uhlands (/. L.) '' Selectiotts" . 6s, m 1S77 6d. PAGE I6S 520 50 377 336 171 65 56 490 298 37 57 396 452 87 336 171 490 263 158 116 44 220 157 434 317 432 530 552 317 318 377 513 452 432 378 378 336 337 490 490 473 396 432 394 474 402 440 419 460 523 563 424 6i4 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE FasnacM, G. E. See Voltaire's {F. M. A. de) '' Histoire de Charles XIV Faucher, T- See ^' Systems of Land Tenure" .... Faulkner, F. See Pasteur'' s {L.) '■'■ Studies on Fermentation" Fawcett, H. Economic Position of the British Labourer. 5s. . Factory Acts Amendment Bill. is. Free Trade and Protection. 7s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 18S1 Indian Finance. 7s. 6d. ...... Labour and Wages. 6d. ...... Leading Clauses of a New Reform Bill. is. Manual of Political Economy. 12s. 3d Edition. los. 6d. 4th Edition. 12s Pauperism. 5^- 6d. Speeches. los. 6d. . State Socialism. 2d. See Waters' s (C A.) '■^Digest of Professor Fawcetfs Alanual of Political Economy '' ...... and M. G. Essays and Lectures. los. 6d. - M. G. Mr. F. Stephen on the Position of Women. 6d. Political Economy for Beginners. 2s. 6d. . Some Eminent Women of our Times. Complete Vol. 2s. 6d. Tales in Political Economy. 3s. - R. M. What shall we do with our Convicts ? 3d. . Fay, A. Music Study in Germany. 4s. 6d. .... Fearnley, W. Elementary Practical Histology. 7s. 6d. Fearon, D. R. School Inspection. 2s. 6d. .... Feillet, A. See UOursys {A[) "A French Grammar at Sight" Fellowship. Letters addressed to my Sister Mourners. 3s. 6d. Altered to 5s, in 1SS6. 2S. 6d. in 1889 ...... " Felon, " Lady. See '■'■ Letters from Donegal i)i \^'i,(i" . Fendall, J. Exemption from the Payment of Church Rates. 6d. Suffragan Bishops and Rural Deans. See Brett {T.) Fenian Brothers. See '■^ Three" ...... Fenton, J. History of Tasmania. i6s. ..... Ferrar, N. Cambridge in the Seventeenth Centuiy. Part I. By J. Ferrar and Dr. Jebb. Edited by J. E. B. Mayor. 7s. 6d. . - W. H. Collation of Four Important MSS. of the Gospels. los. 6d. Ferrard, Hon. Miss. 6s. 2s. in 1883 ..... Ferrel, W. Treatise on the Winds. i8s. .... Ferrers, N. M. Spherical Harmonies. 7s. 6d. . Treatise on Trilinear Co-ordinates. 6s. 6d. ... and Jackson, J. S. Solutions of the Cambridge Senate-House Problems 1848-51. 15s. 6d. ...... - See Glaishe7-'s {/. W. L.) ''Problems and Riders for 187S " See Green's {G.) '^ Mathematical Papers" .... See '' Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal" Ferrier, D. See "■ Brain" ...... Few Words about Ireland, is. . Private Tuition. 6d. ..... Field, E. W. Memorial Sketch. By T. Sadler. 4s. 6d. Fielding, H. By A. Dobson. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889. Fifty Years of the House of Lords. 2s. 6d. . 3d Finck, H. T. Romantic Love and Personal Beauty. i8s. First Lessons in Business Matters, is. . Fir- Wood, In the. See " In the Fir- Wood" .... 483 212 365 132 246 337 378 453 65 100 220 246 433 525 234 246 205 552 263 44 490 513 298 220 172 494 65 49 153 453 30 318 396 552 318 76 15 356 221 3 334 132 18 234 433 396 397 513 280 147 INDEX 615 Fisher, Mrs. See Buckley s {A. B.) ''History of England" - C. M. See ''Systems of Land Tenure" - E. H. The Goth and the Saracen, is. 6d. - H. W. Considerations on the Origin of the American War. 2S. 6d - O. Physics of the Earth's Crust. 12s. - W. M. The CaHfornians. 6s. - W. Sermon, in pursuance of the objects of the Queen's Letter Fiske, J. American Political Ideas. 4s. Beginnings of New England. 7s. 6d. Critical Period of American History. los. 6d Darwinism. 7s. 6d. Excursions of an Evolutionist. 7s. 6d. Idea of God. 4s. . Man's Destiny. 3s. 6d. Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. 25s. Fison, L. Kamilaroi and Kurnai. 15s. . Fitz Gerald, C. Venetia Victrix. 3s. 6d. Fitzgerald, E. , Letters and Literary Remains of. Edited by W. A. Wright. 31s. 6d Fitzmaurice, Lord E. See " Shelbume's {Earl of) Life " Fitzwilliam Museum. See "■Hand-book to the Pictures in the." By Mrs, Barrett .... Catalogue of Casts in. See Waldstein ( C. ) Flagg, I. Studies in Classical Philology .... Flammarion's Heavens. See Blake {/. F.) Fleay, F. G. Shakespeare Manual. 4s. 6d. Fleischer, E. A System of Volumetric Analysis. 7s. 6d. Fleming, G. Head of Medusa. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 2s. Mirage. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Altered to 2s. in 1883 A Nile Novel. 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6s. 2s. in 1883 . Vestigia. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 2s. . Fletcher, L. Thoughts from a Girl's Life. 4s. 6d. Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor. 6s. 2s. in 1883 . -Florestan, Prince. Fall of Prince Florestan of Monaco. 5s. and is. La Chute du Prince Florestan de Monaco. 5s. Florian, J. P. C. de. Fables. Edited by C. Yeld. is. 6d. Flower, W^ H. Fashion in Deformity. 2s. 6d. . Osteology of the Mammalia. 7s. 6d. Second Edition. los. 6d Edition revised by Hans Gadow .... Flowers of the Forest. By M. A. H. See H. (M. A. ) 6d. Fliickiger, F. A., and Hanbury, D. Pharmacographia. i8s. 21s. in Fonblanque, E. B. de. See Btirgoyne (J.) Fontaine, J. de la. Fables. L. M. Moriarty. 2s. Altered to 2s Forbes, A. Souvenirs of Some Continents. 6s. . - E. Memoir. By G. Wilson and A. Geikie. 14s. . - F. See Abneys (Capt.) " Science Lectures at Sozith Kensington." Vol. I. - G. Transit of Venus. 3s. 6d. See Retidus {M. Le C.) " Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy" See Spottiswoode' s {W.) "Science Lectzves" etc. Vol. II. See Youmans's "Modern Culture" . - G. PI. Goodness of God. 5s. 6d. The Voice of God in the Psalms. 6s. 6d. See " Village Sermons " - J. D. Life and Letters. By J. C. Shairp, P i6s. .... 6d. m Third 879 1889 G. Tait, and A. Adams-Reilly PAGE 509 212 57 132 397 298 6 473 552 530 356 453 473 453 263 397 552 552 290 22 567 552 314 298 318 378 318 318 453 116 397 263 263 530 397 205 30 263 296 473 473 76 332 264 272 368 165 10 145 III 246 6i6 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Forbes-Robertson, J. See Lockyet-s (_/. iV. ) " Questions on Eleinentary Lessons in Astronomy " . Fo'c's'le Yarns. 7s. 6d. . Ford, J. .Steps to the Sanctuary. 2s. 6cl. Foreign School Classics. Colbeck, C. French Readings from Roman History, 4s. 6d. . Corneille, P. Le Cid. is. ... Dumas, A. Les Demoiselles de St. Cyr. V. Oger. is. 6d. Goethe, J. W. Von. Faust. J. Lee. 4s. 6d. Gotz von Berlichingen. H. A. Bull. 2s. Heine, H. Selections. C. Colbeck. 2s. 6d. Moliere, J. B. P. de. L'Avare. L. M. Moriarty. is. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. L. M. Moriarty IS. 6d. . Les Femmes Savantes. G. E. Fasnacht. is. Le Medecin Malgre Lui. Le Misanthrope. G. E. Racine, J. Britannicus. E. Pellissier. 2s. Sand, G. La Mare au Diable. W. E. Russell. Sandeau, J. Mademoiselle de la Seigliere. H. G. E. Fasnacht. Fasnacht. is. IS. IS. C. Steel. IS. 6d. Schiller, J. C. F. Von. Die Jungfrau von Orleans. J. Gostwick. 2s. 6d Maria Stuart. C. Sheldon. 2s. 6d. Selections. E. J. Turner and E. D. A. Mors head. 2s. 6d Wallenstein. Part I. Das Lager. H. B Cotterill. 2s. . Wilhelm Tell. G. E. Fasnacht. 2s. 6d. Uhland, J. L. Selections. G. E. Fasnacht. is. . Voltaire, F. M. A. de, Histoire de Charles XII. G. E. Fasnacht. 3s. 6d Forshall, J. The First Twelve Chapters of St. Matthew. los. 6d. The Lord's Prayer, is. . Forsjrth, A. R. Treatise on Diiiferential Equations. 14s. Foster, C. See Abney's ( Capt. ) ' ' Science Lectures at South Kensington. " Vol. I. - M. Medical Education at Cambridge, is. . Text -Book of Physiology'. Complete. i8s. 2d Edition. 21s. Part I los. 6d. Part IL 7s. 6d. los. 6d. in Sept. 1889. Part HI. Physiology. Science Primers, is. and Balfour, F. M. Embryology, ist Edition. 7s. 6d. 2d Edition. and Langley, J. N. Elementary Practical Physiology. 6s. 7s. 6d See Balfour's (F. AL) " Works." Memorial Edition See "Journal of Physiology" .... See Kiihne's {W.) " Photochemistry of the Retina " . Foster-Barham, A. G. See " Nibelungen Lied". Fothergill, J. M. Antagonism of Therapeutic Agents. 6s. Food for the Invalid. 3s. 6d. .... Practitioner's Handbook of Treatment. 14s. i6s. in 1880 Four Friends. See ' ' Psahns Chronologically arranged " . Fowke, F. See Hilfs {F.) " Children of the State " Fowle, T. W. Poor Law. 3s. 6d. . See Cellarius's ^' New Attalogy" .... See Clay's {W. L.) "Essays on Church Policy" Fowler, T. Progressive Morality. 5s- • See Locke (_/.) ....•• - W. W. Tales of the Birds. 7s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 18S9 Part 7s. 6d I OS. 6d PAGE 207 397 50 488 394 490 491 434 436 419 459 402 440 419 502 443 481 443 443 503 523 523 424 483 117 117 473 332 337 318 264 264 in 1884 299 468 340 341 520 337 378 299 162 172 397 394 169 453 383 530 INDEX 617 6d. 5s. 6d. 7s. 6d. Fowler, W. W. Year with the Birds. 3s, Fox, W. Artificial Production of Tubercle. Diagnosis and Treatment of Dyspepsia. Diseases of the Stomach. 8s. 6d. . Treatment of Hyperpyrexia. 2s. 6d. Foxwell, H. S. See Jevons' s ( W. S.) " Investigations in Currency and Finance Framji. See Karakas (D. K) " History of the Par sis " . Francis of Assisi. See Oliphant {M. O. IF.) Frankland, P. F. Agricultural Chemical Analysis. 7s. 6d. Fraser, A. C. Archbishop Whately and the Study of Logic, - J. Parochial and other Sermons. 6s. University and other Sermons. 6s. Memoir. By T. Hughes. i6s. 6s. in 1888 Fraser-Tytler, C. C. Songs in Minor Keys. 6s. Fraternity. 21s. . Frederick, Mrs. Hints to Housewives. 2s. 6d. Altered to is, - n., History of. By T. L. Kington (afterwards T. L. Kington Fredericton, Bishop of. See Aledley {/. ) Freeland, H. W. See Pahidan-Miiller {F.) Freeman, E. A. Chief Periods of European History Comparative Politics. 14s. . Disestablishment and Disendowment. 2s. 6d. English Towns and Districts. 14s. History of Europe. History Primers, is.. History of Federal Government. Vol. I. 21s. Fifty Years of European History. See Freejnans Lectures 1887 " . Four Oxford Lectures 1887. 5s. General Sketch of European History. 3s. 6d. — — Greater Greece and Greater Britain. 3s. 6d. Growth of the English Constitution. 5s. Historical Essays. First Series. los. 6d. . Second Series. lOs. 6d. Third Series. 12s. in 1883 Oliphant) OS. 6d. IS and Architectural Sketches. Methods of Historical Study. los. 6d. I OS. 6d. in February 1885 {E. A. Office of the Historical Professor. 2s. Old English History for Children. 6s. The Ottoman Power in Europe. 7s. 6d. Owens College Extension. 6d. History and Conquests of the Saracens. 3s. 6d. Sketches from the Subject and Neighbour Lands of Venice Teutonic Conquest in Gaul and Britain. See Freeinati's Oxford Lectures \%%']" Unity of History. 2s. . Cathedral Church of Wells. 3s. 6d. See " William L — William the Co7iqueror" French, G. R. Shakspeareana Genealogica. 15s. French. First Lessons. See Bowen {H. C. ) Grammar. See Breymann {H.) First Exercise Book. See Breymann {H. ) . Second Exercise Book. See Breymann {H. ) Grammar. See D'Oursy {A.) and Feillet (A.) See Fasnachfs {G. E.) " O^-ganic Method'' . 32s, Fozir I OS. {£. A. PAGE 553 172 158 234 220 456 456 210 433 117 513 513 513 397 530 378 88 176 162 491 247 264 433 299 lOI Oxfort i 6d. ' Four 530 530 235 491 235 221 246 356 299 491 453 186 319 205 299 398 530 235 205 545 186 373 260 278 278 220 396 6iS BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE French Grammar. See Fasnacht {G. E.) First Course. See Fasnacht {G. E.) Teacher's Companion to First Year's Course. See Fasnacht [G. E.) Second Course. See Fasnacht (G. E.) Teacher's Companion to Second Course. See Fasnacht {G. E.) Third Course. See Fasnacht {G. E.) Teacher's Companion to Third Course. See Fasnacht {G. E.) Composition. First Year. See Fasnacht (G. E.) . First Course, Teacher's Companion to. See Fasnacht ( G. E. Reader. First. See Fasnacht {G. E.) Second. See Fasnacht [G. E.) . Dictionary. See Masson {£>.) Reader. • Roots. Frere, J. A. See Oppeji {E. A.) See Pellissier {E. ) . On the Incarnation. Part II. 4s. — P. , Letter to. See Merivale ( C ) — P. H. Suggestions on the Draft Statutes of Trinity and St. John's Colleges Fresnel. See Moon's {R.) ^^ Fresnel and his Followers" . " A Reply to the ' AthemTum ' " Friedmann, P. See "■ Boleyn {Anne)" . "Friends," Three. See " Reasonable Faith" — Four. See " Psalms Chronologically arrafiged" Friction. Theory. See Jellett {J. H.) . Frolich, L. See Hood's {T.) " Pleasant Tale of Puss and Robin Frost, P., the Elder. Curve Tracing. 12s. and Wolstenholme, J. Treatise on Solid Geometry. i8s. i6s. in 1875 Hints for the Solution of Problems in Solid Geometry. 8s. 6d. See "Newton's Principia." los. 6d. 12s. in 1878 — the Younger. See Thucydides' " Sicilian Expedition" — See Thucydides. Book VI. 7s. 6d. Froude, J. A. See Bunyan (_/.). — W. See Spottiswoode' s {IV.) '■'■ Science Lecttu-es," etc. Vol. II. Fuller Maitland, J. A. See Grove's {G.) " Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Vol. IV. {5) . . . . . Fumivall, F. J. Le Morte Arthur. With a Prefatory Essay on Arthur. By Herbert Coleridge. 7s. 6d. ..... Further Remarks on Statutes, and on the Present System of King's College Cambridge, is. . Fyffe, C. A. History of Greece, is. . GADOW, H. See Flower' s{W. H.)'' Osteology." Third Edition revised by Gairdner, J. See ^^ Henry the Seventh " . Galatians. See Lightfoot (J. B.) Galileo, The Private Life of 7s. 6d. . Galloway, R. L. History of Coal Mining in Great Britain. 7s. 6d. Steam Engine. los. 6d. .... Galton, D. Construction of Hospitals. 3s. 6d. . — F. English Men of Science. 8s. 6d. Hereditary Genius. 12s. . Inquiries into Human Faculty. i6s. Life History Album. 3s. 6d. With Wools. 4s. 6d. Meteorographica. 9s. . — — Natural Inheritance. 9s. . Record of Family Faculties. 2s. 6d. PAGE 432 317 513 318 452 377 432 530 552 378 378 269 122 501 25 52 50 II II 449 461 162 236 221 235 lOI 513 26 164 27 374 368 554 117 7 280 205 556 134 205 413 398 186 264 186 433 453 lOI 553 454 INDEX 619 Galton, F. See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860" See " Vacation Totirists /// 1861 " . See ^^ Vacation Tourists, etc., 1862-63" Gamgee, A. Text-Book of Physiological Chemistry. Vol.1. i8s. • See '■^ Essays and Addresses" .... See '' Journal of Physiology" .... Ganguillet, E., and Kutter, W. R. Formula for the Uniform Flow of Water. 17s- Garden, F. Tracts for Priests and People. No. III. "The Atonement as a Fact and as a Theory " is • See Davies {J. LI.) — Garden (K) " Tracts for Tries ts and People.'' No. XIII. IS. . See Ludlozo {J. M.) — Garden (P.) "Tracts for Priests and People. No. IX. IS. ..... . Gardner, P. Samos and Samian Coins. 7s. 6d. Garfield, On the Death of. .See Butler {G.) . {H.AI.) Garibaldi. See Marriott's (/. A. R.) "Makers of Modern Italy" at Caprera. See Vecchj { Col. ) . . . . Garnett, R. Idylls and Epigrams. 2s. 6d. - W. See "Maxwell's (J. C.) Life" .... Garrett, R. and A. House Decoration. 2s. 6d. Gaskell, Mrs. Garibaldi at Caprera. See Vecchj (Col.) Gaskoin, Mrs. H. Bible Stories. Part I. is. . II. IS. III. IS. Geddes, W. D. Flosculi Graeci Boreales. 6s. . Problem of the Homeric Poems. 14s. See Plato's " Phaedo" ..... Gee, W. W. H. See Stewart's {B.) Elementary Practical Physics." Vol. I. — — - See Stewart's (B.) " Practical Physics for Schools." Vol. I. Gegenbaur, C. Elements of Comparative Anatomy. 21s. Geikie, A. Class-Book of Geology. los. 6d. Earth Sculpture, is. . Elementary Lessons in Physical Geography. 4s. 6d. Geography of the British Isles, is. Geological Sketches. los. 6d. Geology. Science Primers, is. . Outlines of Field Geology. 6d. 3s. 6d. Physical Geography. Science Primers, is. Questions on Elementary Lessons in Physical Geography, is. 6d, Scenery of Scotland. los. 6d. 12s. 6d. in 18S7 Story of a Boulder. 5s. . Teaching of Geography. 2s. Text-Book of Geology. 28s. See Darwin ( C ) . See " Forbes' s {E.) Memoir" See " Vacation Tourists ?'« 1861 " Gellius Aulus, Stories from. G. H. Nail. is. 6d. Gennadius, J. See Bikelas's {D.) " Loukis Laras" Genesis, Commentary on the Book of. See Groves [H. C. ) Gentilis, A. , Lecture on. See Holland [T. E.) . Genung, J. F. Tennyson's In Memoriam, its Purpose and its Structure, //. "^s. PAGE 82 96 128 379 262 340 553 76 87 79 413 393 393 559 97 187 418 299 97 356 356 379 413 337 481 482 524 541 337 491 265 319 530 413 264 299 356 247 319 132 88 514 413 411 76 96 531 392 266 454 620 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Geographical Series. Geikie, A. Elementary Geography of the British Isles. ^ Teaching of Geography. 2s. . Elementary Class-Book of General Geography. 3s. 6d. See Bartholomew {J. ) . IS Mill, H. R. Geography. Elementary School Atlas, See Clarke {C. B.) . Class-Book. See Clarke (C. B.) See Geikie' s {^A.) "Elementary Geography of the British Isles'" Physical. Primer. See Geikie {A.) Teaching of. See Geikie (A.) British Islands. See Green {J. R.) . Primer. See Grove [G.) . Ancient. See Kiepert {H. ) . Bengal. See Lethbridge {E. ) Class-Book of General. See Mill {H. R.) . Lectures on. See Strachey {R. ) — — - Classical. See Tozer [H. F.) Geology, Acadian. See Dawson {/. W. ) Supplement. See Dawson [J. W. Class-Book. See Geikie {A.) Field. See Geikie {A.) ...... 299 Geological Sketches. See Geikie {A.) Primer. See Geikie [A.) Text-Book. See Geikie {A. ) Town. See Ki^igsley (C) . Geometry. Geometrical Exercises. See Constable {S.) Euclidian. See Ctithbertson (F.) . Elementary Synthetic. See Dupuis [N. F. ) Analytical. See Dyer (_/. M.) of Plane Curves. See Eagles {T. H.) Practical, Solid, or Descriptive. See Edgar (J. H.) and Pritchard {G.S.) Solid. See Frost {/'.) and Wolstenholme (J.) See Frost's [F.) '' Hints for the Solution of Problems' (F. E. See Halsted {G. B.) . Analytical. See Hymers (J. ) Geometrical Note-Book. See Kitchener Natural. See Mault (A.) . Descriptive. See Millar {J. B.) . Modern Methods in. See Reynolds (E. M.) Solid. See Smith ( C ) Plane. See '■'■ Sy Halms of Modern Plane Geometry See ''^ Syllabus of Plane" Analytical. See Todhunter (/.) . Plane Co-ordinate. See Todhunter (/. ) — Key to. By C. W. Bourne. See Wilson (/. M.) . SoHd. See Wilson (/. M.) and Conic Sections. See Wilsoii {/. M.) . German Course. First Year. See Fasnacht [G. E.) Teacher's Companion to Second Year. See Fasnacht {G. E.) — — Teacher's Companion to Reader. I. See Fasnacht [G. E.) . Grammar. See Pylodet (Z. ) See Todhunter See Fasnacht See Fasnacht (/•) 181 {G. {G. E. PAGE 560 297 335 530 247 S14 357 319 400 284 560 541 3" 170 336 491 . 356 413 264 413 341 410 261 551 395 472 186 lOI 513 492 8 173 324 343 178 462 565 292 54 36 525 200 242 425 336 490 337 490 473 306 INDEX 621 German Conversation. See Pylodet (Z. ) . Grammar. See Whitney ( W. D. ) . Reader. See Whitney {W. D.) . Dictionary. See Whitney {W. D.) Gibbon, C. See " Combe's (G.) Life " . - E. By J. C. Morison. 2s. 6d. is. 6d Gififord, E. H. The Glory of God in Man. Gilbert, E., and Her Work for the Blind. Gilchrist, A. See Blake {W.) .... Gildersleeve, B. L. See ^^ American Jonj-nal of Philology" See Pijidar s " Olympian atid Pythian Odes " Gill, T. H. The Anniversaries. 5s. . Gilman, N. P. Profit Sharing. 7s. 6d. . and IS. in 1887 3s. 6d. By F. Martin. 6s. m 5s. 6d. 889 Gilmore, Rev. J. Storm Warriors. 6s. Altered to 3s. 6d. - J. See Ktesias ..... Girdlestone, W. H. Mechanics and Hydrostatics. The Poll Course, is. Gladstone, J. H. Object Teaching. 3d. Spelling Reform, is. 6d. . See Faraday (A/.) . and Tribe, A. Chemistry of Secondary Batteries. 2s. 6d. - W. E. Homeric Synchronism. 6s. Juventus Mundi. los. 6d. . See Hotner . Letter to. See Clarke's (C B.) " Land Schetiie for Ireland" See Selbornes {Lord) ^^ Defence of the Church of England" Glaisher, J- W. L. Solutions of the Problems and Riders for 1878. 12s. Glaister, E. Needlework. 2s. 6d. Gledhill, J. See Crossleys {E.) " Corrections," etc. " Handbook of Double Stars " Glehn, M. E. von. See Goethe {J. W. Von) and Mendelssohn (F. ) See Afendelssohn's {F. ) ' ' Letters and Recollections ' Globe Edition. See ^^ Atlas of the European States" Burns, R. Complete Works. 3s. 6d. Cowper, W. Poetical Works. 3s. 6d. Dryden, J. Poetical Works. 3s. 6d. Goldsmith, O. Works. 3s. Horace. Works. 3s. 6d. . 6d. 3s. 6d. Milton, J. Poetical Works, Morte D'Arthur. 3s. 6d. Pope, A. Poetical Works. Robinson Crusoe. 3s. 6d. Scott, W. Poetical Works. Shakespeare, W. 3s. 6d. . Spenser, E. Complete Works Virgil. Works. 3s. 6d. Globe Readers. Primer I. A. F. Murison 3s. 6d 3s. 6d 6d. H. Book I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. IS. IS. 2S. 2S. 6d 9d 3d 9d 6d. 253 256 256 331 335 338 132 514 99 372 480 50 553 265 534 413 338 234 433 300 187 339 394 503 356 379 376 354 235 270 155 16S 203 204 187 248 324 175 194 171 151 124 196 228 419 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 622 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE -V ■V ■V A- Globe Readings. Book of Golden Deeds. C. M. Yonge. 2s. . Cowper, W. Task. W. Benham. is. Goldsmith, O. Vicar of ^Yakefield. D. Masson. is Lamb, C. Tales from Shakspeare. 2s. Patmore, C. Children's Garland. 2s. Scott, W. Lay of the Last Minstrel and Lady of the Lake, F. T. Palgrave. is. Marmion and The Lord of the Isles, is. Xrlover, J. See "Shakespeare {IV.), Works of." Vol. I. Godfray, H. A Treatise on Astronomy. 12s. 6d. An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory. 5s. 6d. GodMn, G. S. See " Victor Eminamiel II.'' s Life'" - J. The Land-War in Ireland. 12s. . Godley, A. D. See Tacitus' ^^ Histories." Books I. and II. Goethe, J. W. Von. Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle. Edited by C. E. Norton. 9s. . . . Faust. J. S. Blackie. 9s. . J. Lee. 4s. 6d. Goethe and Mendelssohn. 5s. Gotz von Berlichingen. H. A. Bull. 2s. . Life. By H. Diintzer. 21s. Reynard the Fox. 7s. 6d. . Golden Deeds, A Book of. See " Book of Goldeji Deeds See " Shilling Book of Golden Deeds " - Thoughts. See A.'s {H.) " Book of Thoughts " - Treasury Psalter. 3s. 6d. Golden Treasury Series. Addison, J. J. R. Green. 4s. 6d. Arnold, M. Selected Poems. 4s. 6d. Bacon, F. Essays. W. A. Wright. 4s. 6d. Ballad Book. W. Allingham. 4s. 6d. Book of Golden Deeds. C. M. Yonge. 4s. 6d. Book of Praise. R. Palmer. 4s. 6d. Book of Thoughts. H. A. 4s. 6d. Book of Worthies. C. M. Yonge. 4s. 6d. Bunyan, J. Pilgrim's Progress. 4s. 6d. . Bums, R. A. Smith. 9s. . - Byron, Lord. Poetry. M. Arnold. 4s. 6d. - Cavalier and his Lady. E. Jenkins. 4s. 6d. - Children's Garland. C. Patmore. 4s. 6d. - Christians and !Moors of Spain. C. M. Yonge. 4s. 6d. - Cowper, W. Letters. W. Benham. 4s. 6d. Selections. M. O. W. Oliphant. 4s. 6d. - Deutsche Lyrik. C. H. Buchheim. 4s. 6d. - Fairy Book. Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." 4s. 6d. - Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Lan guage. F. T. Palgrave. 4s. 6d . - Guesses at Truth. By Two Brothers. 4s. 6d. - Herrick, R. Poems. Chrysomela. F. T. Palgrave. 4s. 6d. - In Memoriam. 4s. 6d. .... - Jest Book. M. Lemon. 4s. 6d. . - Keats, J. Poetical Works. F. T. Palgrave. 4s. 6d. - La LjTe Fran9aise. G. Masson. 4s. 6d. . - Lamb, C. Tales from Shakspeare. A. Ainger. 4s. 6d - Landor, W. S. Selections. S. Colvin. 4s. 6d. . PAGE 114 430 434 361 94 443 444 106 146 22 370 205 524 514 379 491 235 434 434 491 114 163 130 205 371 332 84 112 114 94 130 183 85 130 393 239 94 350 451 430 278 100 80 159 320 482 120 457 160 361 416 INDEX 62- Longfellow, H. W. Ballads, Lyrics, and 9s. S. Lane- Poole. -V- -V F. T. Palgrave. 4s. 6d. . Golden Treasury Series. 4s. 6d. .... Milton, J. Poetical Works. D. Masson Mohammad. Speeches and Table-Talk. Plato. The Ph^edrus, Lysis, and Protagoras. J. Wright Republic of Plato. J- LI. Davies and D. J. Vaughan. 4s, Plato. Trial and Death of Socrates. F. J- Church. 4s Poems of Places. H. W. Longfellow. 9s. Religio Medici. Sir T. Browne. W. A. Greenhill. 4s, Robinson Crusoe. D. Defoe. 4s. 6d. Scottish Song. ISl. C. Aitken. 4s. 6d. Shakespeare, W. Songs and Sonnets. Shelley, P. B. Poems. S. A. Brooke. Song Book. J. Hullah. 4s. 6d. . Sunday Book of Poetry. C. F. Alexander. 4s. 6d. Tennyson. Lyrical Poems. Selected by F. T. Palgrave, Theocritus, Bion, Moschus. A. Lang. 4s. 6d. Theologia Germanica. S. Winkworth. 4s. 6d. Tom Brown's School Days. 4s. 6d. Wordsworth, W. Poems. i\L Arnold. 4s. 6d. . Goldsmid, F. J. Telegraph and Travel. 21s. . See St.Johtis {0. B.) "Eastern Persia." Vol. I. . Goldsmith, O. Essays. C. D. Yonge. 2s. 6d. The Traveller and Deserted Village. A. Barrett J. W. Hales. Vicar of Wakefield. D. Masson. Globe Readings. Sonnets 6d 6d 4s. 4s. 6d. 6d. 6d. 4s. 6d. IS. 6d. 6d. IS. 3s. 6d. 6s. 6d 8vo. The Works of. By D. Masson. Globe Edition. By W. Black. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1887 Gone to Texas. See Hughes {T.) Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. See Smith's {/■/.) " Manuscripts in the Library " . Good the Final Goal of 111. 3s. 6d. . Goodwin, A. See Xejiophon' s "■ Cyropadia'" — H. How Christ's Promises are Fulfilled, is. Sermons preached during Lent, 1864. See Wilberforce (5. — W. W. Elementary Greek Grammar. 6s. . School Greek Grammar. 3s. 6d. . Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb. 14s. . . . • • See Xenophon s " Anabasis" Gordon, A. Lord Russell's " Recollections " — Hon. A. See " Vacation Tourists, etc., 1862-63" C. G. Letters to M. A. Gordon. 7s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in August 1888 Reflections in Palestine. 3s. 6d. . Sermon on the Death of. See Butler {H. JIL) By W. F. Butler. 2s. 6d. . A Sketch. By R. H. Barnes and C. E. Brown, is. — Lady Duff. Letters from Egypt. 8s. 6d. Last Letters from Egypt. 9s. . — J. Connells of Castle Connell. 21s.. — J. E. H. Elementary Book on Heat. 2s. . — M. A. See Gordons {C. G.) ''Letters to Gordon (J/. A.) Gorst, J- E. The Maori King. los. 6d. Goschen, G. J. Laissez-Faire and Government Interference. 4s. 6d Catalogue of the Edition PAGE 558 270 419 538 19 385 323 392 145 257 136 387 146 112 482 387 276 48 370 265 308 414 531 265 434 187 338 456 II 434 371 30 129 357 414 2S0 390 280 128 531 454 469 553 473 132 280 172 2S0 531 117 434 624 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Goschen. On Local Taxation. 5s. . Gosse, E. W. Eighteenth Century Literature. 7s. 6d. . See Grays {T.)'' Works" .... See Gray ( 7". ) See Ward's {T. H.) ''English Poets" Gostwick, J. See Schiller's {J. C. F. Von) '^ Die Jiingfrau von Orleans" Goulburn, E. M. Sermons preached during Lent, 1864. See Wilhe^-force {S.) Goulstonian Lectures for 1877. Brunton, T. L., " Pharmacology and Thera peutics." 6s. . ■— See " Gulstonian Lectures" Gow, J. Companion to School Classics. 6s. . Goyen, P. Higher Arithmetic and Elementary Mensuration. 5s Graham, D. King James the First. 7s. - E. Carrots. 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in August 1884 The Cuckoo Clock. 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 18S4 Tell Me A Story. 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1885 - y. W. Nesera. 2 Vols. 24s. i Vol. 6s. . Grammar, English. Accidence. See Morris {R.) Elementary, etc. Primer. See Morris {R.) . • Indian Edition. See Morris (R. Exercises. See Morris {R.) See Parminter {G. H.) The Child's. See Thring {E. ) Elements of. See Thring {E. ) Exercises. See Wetherell {J. ) Functional Elements of an English Sentence. See Wright son ( W. G.) . Grand'homme, E. Cutting-out. is. . Grant, A. R. Annual Commemoration of Benefactors' Sermon Education of the Poor a Blessing. 6d. Plane Astronomy. Part I. 6s. . Remarks on the Revised Code. is. See Plato. " .<4 Translation of the First Book of the Reptiblic." is. 6d. - C. W. Advantages of the Boarding Out System. 6d. Graves, C. E. See Plato's '' Ezithyphro and Menexemis" See Thzicydides. Fourth Book Book IV. Elementary Classics Gravitation. See Airy {G. B.) .... Gray, Andrew. Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism. 3s. 6d 5s. 6d. in 1889 ..... Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism. Vol. I. 12s. 6d. - Asa. Scientific Papers. 21s. Structural Botany. los. 6d. ... - D. The Luggie and other Poems. 5s. - G.J. See Maurice s{F. D.)'' Bibliography" . . - J. H. China. 32s. ..... - Mrs. J. H. Fourteen Months in Canton. 9s. - T. Works. Edited by E. Gosse. 20s. By E. W. Gosse. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 Greaves, J. Treatise on Elementary Statics. 6s. 6d. Statics for Beginners. 3s. 6d. Greek. Dialogues. See Blackie {J. S.) . Horse Hellenicae. See Blackie {/. S.) PAGE 553 454 414 389 443 129 373 531 531 514 300 319 280 491 239 271 288 304 343 41 20 16 425 425 357 16 57 13 88 9 187 402 464 369 448 454 531 553 379 88 477 338 379 454 414 491 554 218 259 INDEX 625 Greek Reader. Grammar IV.) See Colson {F. H.) See Goodwin {W. W.) School. See Goodwin ( IV. Verbs. See Goodwin {IV. W.) . Grammar. See Greenwood {J. G.) . See Hadley {J. ) . . . First Steps, Greek Prose. See Jackson (B.) Key to. See Jackson {B.) Second Steps, Greek Prose. See Jackson {B.) Key to. See Jackson (B.) Literature. See Jehb {R. C.) Accidence. See Jessopp {A.) Elegiac Poets. See Kynaston {H. ) . Iambic Verse. See Kynaston (H. ) . Key to. See Kynaston {H.) Parallel Passages. See Mackie (E. C. ) Antiquities. Originally called " Old Greek Life." See Mahaffy {J. P. Irregular Verbs. See Marshall {J. M.) Beginners. See Mayor [J. B.) First Reader. See Mayor (J. E. B. ) Etymology. See Peile (_/.). Grammar. See Rutherford ( W. G.) Analecta. See Strachan (J.) and Wilkins {A. S.) Index to Analecta. See Strachan {E.) and Wilkins (A. S. Easy Exercises in Greek Accidence. See Underhill {H. G. Modern. See Vincent {E.) . First Lessons in. See White [J. Attic Primer. See Wright {J.) w: Green, A. H. See Thorpe's {T. E.) " Coal" — A. S. See Green (Mrs. J. R. ) See Greens [J. R.) "Short Geography" — G. Mathematical Papers. 15s. — J. H. Spiritual Philosophy. 25s. — J. R. Conquest of England. i8s. History of the English People. Vol. I. II. III. IV. Making of England. i6s. . Readings from English History. 1 6s. i6s. 1 6s. i6s. IS. 6d. Part I. IS. Part II. IS. 6d. IS. . Part III. IS. 6d. IS. . Complete. 3s. Short Geography of the British Islands. 3s. 6d. Short History of the English People. 8s. 6d. Do. With Analysis by C. W. A. Tait. Part I. School School Do. do. Do. do. Stray Studies from England and Italy. See Addison {J.) See Classical Writers. 2 S II. in. 3s- 3s- Ss. 6d. Board Board School Board 192 Edition Edition Edition PAGE 529 357 414 280 247 454 283 399 381 415 321 133 382 361 382 477 304 149 209 176 193 346 54i 565 543 370 389 276 347 357 221 132 434 319 338 357 379 414 357 357 357 414 357 265 531 554 554 300 371 626 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE for 1875 No. II. Green, J. R. See Pritners, History and Literature. See Taifs (C. W. A.) ''Analysis of English History" - Mrs. J. R. See •■'■ Henry 11." .... - W. S. High Alps of New Zealand. 7s. 6d. Greenhill, A. G. Differential and Integral Calculus. 7s. 6d. . Solutions of the Cambridge Senate-House Problems and Riders 8s. 6d. . See Glaishers (/. W. L.) ''Problems attd Riders for 1878" - W. A. See Browne's {T.) " Religio Medici" Greenwood, F. See AlialFs {L. C.) " Studies in Co?nparative Aiiatomy.'' - J. E. Moon Maiden. 3s. 6d. . . . . - J. G. Elements of Greek Grammar. 5s. 6d. See " Essays and Addresses" .... Greg, S. A Layman's Legacy. 4s. 6d. Gregor, W. G. See Grafs (/. H.) " China" . Gregory, D. F. See " Ca7nb7-idge Mathematical Joitrnal" Greive, Rev. W. T. See " Vacation Tortrists, etc., 1862-63" Griffith, T. A Plea for Holy Scripture, is. . Griffiths, W. H. Lessons on Prescriptions. 3s. 6d. Grimm, J. L. C. Household Stories. 6s. Large Paper. 21s. Kinder-und Hausmarchen. G. E. Fasnacht. 2s. 2s. 6d. in 1888 - W. C. See Grimm's { J. L. C.) " Household Stories" See Grimm'' s {J. L. C. and JV. C.) "Kinder-und Hausmiirclien. Fasnacht. 2s. 2s. 6d. in 1888 .... Grote, J. A Few Words on Criticism, is. 6d. . Grove, G. Geography. History Primers, is. . A Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Vol Double Parts. 7s. Parts XXIH. -XXV, A Dictionary of Music and Musicians I. (. ) '■'■ Liiggie and other Poems Heine, H. Ideas. ;s. 6d. Trip to the Brocken. 3s. 6d. Selections from Poetical Works. C. Colbeck. 2s. 6d. Heir of Redclyffe. By C. M. Yonge. 4s. 6d. 6s. 3s. 6d. in September i Helfenstein, J. Comparative Grammar of the Teutonic Languages. 18; Hellenic Studies. See "Journal of " .... Hellenica. See Wright {/.) . Helmholtz, H. L. F. Portrait. 5s. . Helps, A. Essays. F. J. Rowe and W. T. Webb. 2s. 6d. Hemming, G. W. Differential and Integral Calculus. 9s. Thoughts on the Fusion of Law and Equity, is. . Henfrey. See You /nans' " Modern Culture" Henley, W. E. See Ward's {T. H.) "English Poets" . Henry II. By Mrs. J. R. Green. 2s. 6d. - the Fifth. By A. J. Church. 2s. 6d. Seventh. By J. Gairdner. 2s. 6d. Hensley, L. Commemoration of Benefactors' Sermon, 1856. is. Henslow, G. Frost Report. 4s. .... Theory of Evolution. 6s. . - J. S. Questions on the Subject-Matter of Sixteen Lectures in Botany, is. Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Botany, is. 6d. Lessons in Elementary Botany. See Oliver {D.) . Herbert, George. See Benson {E. TV.) . - Lady. See Hudners (/. A. Von) " Ramble Round the World" - T. M. Realistic Assumptions. 14s. 8s. 6d. in 1886 Herdman, W. A. Phylogenetic Classification of Animals. 4s. . Hering, R. See Ganguillefs {E.) " Formula for the Uniform Flow of Water" Herodotus. Second Persian War. A. H. Cooke, is. 6d. I. III. A. H. Sayce. i6s. .... Herrick, R. Poems. Chrysomela. 4s. 6d. . Herschel, Sir J. See Youmans' "Modern Culture" See " Homer, The Iliad of " .... Hertel, Dr. Overpressure in High Schools in Denmark. 3s. 6d. Hervey, Lord A. Charge, 1866. is. . 1867. 6d 1868. 6d. . ' . The Genealogies of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. los. 6d. Inspiration of Holy Scripture. 3s. 6d. The Sacrifice of the Death of Christ. 6d. . 442 PAGE 328 463 483 297 204 272 267 89 206 539 568 57 88 455 398 338 436 118 206 381 24 300 555 8 248 165 389 533 556 556 44 515 248 16 8 122 14 266 358 474 553 358 436 320 165 146 474 146 159 172 22 40 132 INDEX 631 Literary, Scientific, and Ireland with Lecturers My St e His " . The Oxford Evangelist" Hervey, Lord A. A Suggestion for supplying the Mechanics' Institutes of Great Britain and from the Universities, is. - R. The Aarbergs. 21s. Duke Ernest. 6s. .... Hiatus. See Otitis .... Hickie, W. J. See " Andocides dc Hicks, E. L. See Bazelys {H. ) Hierurgia Anglicana. 13s. Higginson, T. W. Malbone. 2s. 6d. Hill, F. The Boarding-out System. 3d (Afterwards F. Davenport-Hill.) Children of the State. 5s. 6s See Hilts " What we Sam in Australia " - F. H. See ^"^ Questions for a Reformed Parliament' - M. D. The Recorder of Birmingham. A Memoir. i6s. - O. Homes of the London Poor. 3s. 6d. is. in 1883 Our Common Land. 3s. 6d. - R. and F. What we Saw in Australia. los. 6d. Hiller, F. See " Mendelssohn's (F. ) Letters and Recollections ' Hiorns, A. H. Iron and Steel Manufacture. 3s. 6d Elementary Metallurgy. 4s. Practical Metallurgy and Assaying. 6s. Historical Course for Schools. Doyle, J. America. 4s. 6d. Freeman, E. A. General Sketch, etc. 3s. 6d Hunt, W. Italy. 3s. 3s. 6d. in 18S2 Macarthur, M. History of Scotland. 2s. . Payne, E. J. History of European Colonies. Sime, J. History of Germany. 3s. Thompson, E. History of England. 2s. 6d. Yonge, C. M. History of France. 3s. 6d. - Selections. See Seivell {E. M. ) — Yonge ( C. M. ) Historicus. Letters on some Questions of International Law. 7s. 6d, Additional Letters on some Questions of International Law. 2s. History. Alexandria. See Kingsley ( C. ) America. See Doyle {J.) . Ancient. See M^Lennati {/. F. ) . Atlas. See Lahherton {R. H. ) Bengal. See Lethbridge {E. ) Bible. See Westcott's [B. F.) ''History of the Canon" ' ' History of the English ' Old Testament. See Maclear {G. F.) New Testament. See Maclear {G. F.) British. See Gziesfs (E.) " Origines Celticae" Christian Literature. See Donaldson (J.) . Missions. See Maclear (G. F.) . of Christian Names. By C. M. Yonge. 2 Vols. 21s. Altered 1878. I Vol. 7s. 6d. . Church. See Hard7vich's{C.) "Aliddle Age" The Reformation " 4s. 6d See Simpson ( W. ) See Trench {R. C. ) See Vanzhan's {€./.) Church of the First Day Common Prayer. See Procter (F.) . Elementary. See Procter {F. ) m 1889 6d. 134, 148, to I2S. m 128, 94. 31 118 146 192 467 486 8 188 188 172 282 162 338 282 320 282 270 556 OJ 5-» -» 280 235 266 251 325 274 254 371 178 lOI lOI 25 280 496 476 284 36 181 , 148 160 435 116 105 118 22 38 9 330 140 35 177 6^2 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE History of Co-operation in the United States. 15s. Ecclesiastical. See Matn-ice {F. D.) Eg)-ptian. See " Early" ..... English. See Buckley {A. B.) . See " Cameos from" . . 168,219,315 See Freeman's {E. A.) " Growth of the Constitution" See Freeman's {E. A.)'' Old English History " . See " Boleyn {Anne)" .... See Greens (/. R.) ''Conquest" . ''People" Vol. I. . — //. . ///. JK ) J 53> 429 ' ' Making of England "Readings." Parti. //. ///. " Readings" etc. Complete ' ' Short History of English People " See Green's (/. R.)— Tail's {C. W. A.) "Short History of the English People." With Analysis. Parti. Do. Part II. .... Do. Part III .... See Guest {31. J.) See Hole's {C.)" Stemma" etc. . See Irving' s (/.) " Amials of our Times" . 188, 282, 359, See Lethdridge {E.) See Margate's {K.) "England under the Angevin Kings See Palg7-ave {F.) . . . . . .122 See Seeley's {J. R.) "Expansion of England" See Seivell {E. iM.) and Yonge {C. M.) . See Smith's {G.) " Three English Statesmen" See Tail {C. W. A.) See Thompson {E. ) . . . See Yonge' s {C. M.) " Parallel History," etc. See Oliphant' s {M. 0. W.) "Literature" European. See F7-eeman's {E. A.) " Chief Periods" See Freeman {E. A.) . See Freeman's {E. A.) "Four Oxford Lecttires" See Sewell {E. M.) and Yonge {C. M.) See Payne's {E. J.) " Colonies" Federal Government. See Freeinan {E. A. ) Florence. See Trollope {T. A.) Frederick Second. See " Frederick II." Kington, T. L. French. See Brook {S.) . See Hole's {C.)" Stemma" etc. See Yonge {C. M.) ..... 350 See Yonge' s {C. M.) " Parallel History" etc. Germany. See Sime {J. ) . Greece. See Fyffe {C. A.) . Huguenots. See Poole {R. L.) . India. See Lethbridge {E.) {R.) See Ludlo-dj {J. M. ) . . . PAGE 533 26 76 509 510 235 186 449 434 319 338 357 379 414 357 357 357 414 265 531 554 554 358 133 556 284 521 123 444 178 163 347 254 229 421 491 299 530 211 325 lOI 255 88 392 133 371 229 274 280 386 284 401 51 INDEX 633 History. India. See Wheeler {/. T.) . See Wheelers {/. 7".) " College History of liviia " Irish. See Ingram's {T. D.) " Two Chapters of Irish History'''' See Killen {W. D.) . Italy. See Hunt i^W.) _ . Jewish. See Cassel {D.) .... Modern. See Michelet {M. ) . . . Normandy. See Palgrave {F.) Ottoman. See Freeman {E. A.) . Oxford. See Lyte {H. C. M.) Parsis. See Karaka {D. F.) Renaissance. See Pater {W. H.) . Rome. See Beesly {Mrs. ) . See Bryce {/.) . See Bury s (J. B.) " Later Roman Empire " See Creighton {M. ) . See Tacitus .... Saracens. See Freetnan {E. A.) . Scandinavian. See Otte {E. C.) . Scotland. See Macarthur (Jil. ) . Switzerland. See Adams {F. 0.) and Cunningham {C. D.) Tasmania. See Fen ton (J.) United States. See Bancroft {G.) . See Eggleston {E.) . See Ludloiv (_/. M. ) and Hughes ( T. ) World. See Lethhridge {E. ) . . . See Fi-eeman's {E. A.) " Greater Greece and Greater Britain " Historical Essays.^'' First Sej-ies . Second Se?-ies Third Series "Historical Study" See Jennings' (A. C.) " Chronological Tables" See Kingsleys (C) " The Limits of Exact Science" '■^ The Ancien Rezime" See ^^ Napoleon /. " . See Rogers {J. E. T.) ...... 195, Hobart, Lord. Essays and ^Miscellaneous Writings. 25s. Political Essays. 6s. The Salt Tax in Southern India, is. • — Mary, Lady. See Hobarfs [Lord) "Essays and Miscellaneous Writings" Hobday, E. Cottage Gardening, is. 6d. Villa Gardening. 6s. Hodgson. See Youmans' " iModern Culture" - F. Mythology for Versification. 3s. . Memoir. By J. T. Hodgson. i8s. - F. C. British Influence in India. 2s. See Hodgson's (F. C.) " Mythology for Versification" - J- T. See Hodgson (F.) Hofmann, A. W. See Liebig {/. Von) . Hogan, M.P. 6s. 2s. in 1883 . Holbrooke, G. O. See Tacitus' " Ajtnals" Holden, H. A. See Cicero's "Pro Sestio" See Plutarch's " Life of Themistokles " See Xenophon s " Hie7-on" . 122 PAGE 389 544 534 283 266 429 287 , 123 319 495 456 252 114 549 279 126 299 271 251 547 453 295 551 91 284 491 221 246 JO" 491 534 66 159 224 , 211 474 146 339 474 320 515 165 89 339 lOI 89 339 303 398 424 429 403 447 634 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Holden, H. A. See Xenophoii s " Oeconoinicus" . Hole, C. A Brief Biographical Dictionary. 2s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1875 A Stemma of the Kings of France and England, is. Holiday Rambles by a Wife with Her Husband. 6s. Holland, P. Earnest Thoughts. 3s. 6d. - T. E. Lecture on Albericus Gentilis. 2s. Treaty Relations of Russia and Turkey. 2s. HoUingworth, H. The Search of Science, is. . Hollway-Calthrop, H. C. See Ariostds '' Paladin and Saracen Holmes, E. See ''^ Berlioz's {H.) Autobiography" - . - O. W. Elsie Venner. 6s. . Illustrated Poems. l6s. . Junr. Common Law. 12s. - R. See'' Berlioz s{H.) Autobiography" Home, C. Blanche Lisle and other Poems. 4s. 6d. Lesley's Guardians. 31s. 6d. Homer. Iliad. Book I. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. is. 6d Translated by J. F. \V. Herschel. i8s. Book XVIII. S. R. James, is. 6d. . Translated by A. Lang, W. Leaf, and E. Myers. 12s. 6d. Vol. I. W. Leaf. 14s. IL Books XIIL -XXIV. W. Leaf 14s. • Books I. -VI. Translated by I. C. Wright. 5s. VIL-XII. do. 5s. XIIL -XVIII. do. 5s. Vol.1. Books L-XIL do. los. 6d. Story of Achilles. J. H. Pratt and W. Leaf 6s. Odyssey. Book I. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. — — Translated by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. los. 6d. 4s. 6d in 1887. Altered to 6s. in 1888. Large Paper Edition. i6s Books I. -XII. Translated by Earl of Carnarvon. 7s. 6d. XXL -XXIV. S.G.Hamilton. 3s. 6d. The Narrative of Odysseus. J- E. B. Mayor. Part I. 3s. Book IX. J. E. B. Mayor. "2s. 6d. . Primer. W. E. Gladstone, is. . Synchronism. See Gladstone {IF. £.) . . Dictionary. See Autenriet/i (G.) ..... — — Problem of the Homeric Poems. See Geddes {IV. D J) Hon. Miss Ferrard. See Ferrard. 6s. 2s. in 1S83 ... Honyman-Gillespie Lectures. Cazenove, J. G., "Beingand Attributes of God." 5s Hood, T. Pleasant Tale of Puss and Robin. 3s. 6d. - W. P. On Bone-Setting. 4s. 6d. . Hook, W. F. Sermons preached during Lent, 1864. See Wilberforce (5.) Hooker, J. D. Botany. Science Primers, is. . • — — The Student's Flora of the British Islands. los. 6d. Portrait. 5s. ...... . See Yownans' '^ Modern Culture" ..... and Ball, J. Journal of a Tour in Marocco. 21s. Hoole, C. H. Classical Element in the New Testament. los. 6d. Hooper, G. See " Questions for a Reformed Parliameiit" See ''Wellington, Duke of " ..... - W. H. Marks on Pottery and Porcelain. 4s. 6d. . Hope, F. J. Gardens and Woodlands. 6s. . Hopes and Fears. By C. M. Yonge. 6s. 3s. 6d. in October PAGE 466 133 133 380 266 266 320 300 408 449 77 474 415 449 65 119 455 146 415 436 492 533 57 77 119 77 380 436 358 492 436 248 455 339 300 314 337 396 487 221 221 129 301 206 301 165 339 533 162 567 301 398 119 INDEX 635 I. do. II. do. III. do. IV. do. I. do. II. do. III. do. IV. do. IS. 6d. IS. 6d. IS. 6d. IS. 6d. 8s. 6d. ^s. 6d. Hopkins, E. Autumn Swallows. 6s. Rose Turquand. 2 Vols. 2 is. i Vol. 6s. HoppuB, M. A. M. Great Treason. 9s. Horace. Epistles. A. S. Wilkins. 6s. Select Epodes and Ars Poetica. H. A. Dalton. is. 6d. The Odes. By R. M. Hovenden. 4s. 6d. Books I. -IV. T.E.Page. 6s. Book I. do. 2s. 2S. 2S. 2S. Elementary Classics do. do. do. Studies Literary and Historical in the Odes. By A. W. Verrall. Satires. A. Palmer. 6s. . and Epistles. W. J. F. V. Baker, is. 6d. Word for Word. By W. T. Thornton. 7s. 6d. Works. Translated by J. Lonsdale and S. Lee. Globe Edition. Life and Character. By R. M. Hovenden. 4s. 6d. Supplement. By R. M. Hovenden . Second Supplement. By R. M. Hovenden Homer, S. See Gidstis (C.) " The Tuscan FoeT' Horsfall, T. C. Study of Beauty and Art in Large Towns. 6d. Hort, F. J. A. Letter to Rev. J. LI. Davies on the Tenure of Fellowships Thoughts on the Revised Code. is. Two Dissertations. 7s. 6d. .... - See " Acts of the Apostles." Page {T E.) . See Westcott's (B. F.) '■^ New Testament in the Original Greek' Ditto. Vol. I. . LHtto. Vol. II. ..... . Horton, S. D. The Silver Pound and England's Monetary Policy. 14s The Parity of Moneys. See Amicus Curiae. 2s. Hosea. See Drake (IV.) . . . . . Hoskyns, C. W. See ^^ Systems of Land Tenure ^^ Houghton, Lord. See " Essays on a Liberal Edncation " • See ^' Essays on Reform''' ..... (Milnes, R. M.) See Gray's (D.) " Lz/ggie and other Foems" See Wards (T. II.) " English Foets" House of Lords. See '^ Fifty Years," etc. Hovenden, R. M. See "Horace's Life and Character"" Supplement Second Supplement See Horace' s " Odes" ..... How, W. W. See Wilbraham's [F. M.) ''Sere and Yellotu Leaf" Howard, H. E. J. The Book of Genesis. 8s. 6d. Books of Exodus and Leviticus. los. 6d. . Numbers and Deuteronomy. los. 6d. - |. Tenant Farmer, is. . Practical Politics. Complete Volume. 6s. Howes, G. B. Atlas of Elementary Biology. 14s. See Huxley s [T. H.) '^ Elementary Biology" - J. G. Humble Yourselves in the Sight of the I>ord. 6d. 396 PAGE 436 301 436 475 455 266 437 437 437 455 437 359 398 415 437 455 437 380 339 248 320 321 339 117 437 44 89 301 485 484 407 407 515 526 21 212 157 158 88 389 397 339 321 339 266 466 31 44 45 359 398 475 282 77 636 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Howitt, A. W. See Fison s (Z. ) '''' Kaniilaroi and Knrnai^'' Howson, E. W. See Vergil. Books II. and III. - J. S. Before the Table, ys. 6d. . The Position of the Priest. 2s. 6d. See Rimmer''s (A) "Ancient Streets," etc. . Hozier, H. M. The British Expedition to Abyssinia. 9s. The Invasions of England. 28s. The Seven Weeks' War. 2 Vols. 28s. i Vol. 6s. Hiibner, E. See Mayor's (_/. E. B.) ^^Bibliographical Literattire "..... Hubner, J. A. Von. Ramble Round the World. 2 Vols. 25s Hudson, E. T. Hours of Reflection Hughes, T. Account of the Lock-out of Engineers, is. Alfred the Great. Parts, is. each. \'ol. 4s. 6d. and 4s, • Church Reform and Defence • See Eraser's (/.) "^ Memoir'' A Layman's Faith. 2d. See Livingstone (D.) See Macmillan's (D.) ''Memoir" Manliness of Christ. 4s. 6d. — — IMemoir of a Brother. 5s. . The Old Church. 6s. Tracts for Priests and People. Rugby Tennessee. 4s. 6d. See " Scoziri7ig of the White Horse" See "Tom Brown's Schooldays" - See " Tom Broivn at Oxford" See Ltidlows (/. 71/.) " History of the United States." 8s. Gone to Texas. 4s. 6d. .... Manual for Co-operators. 3s. 6d. . See Maurices {F. D. ) "Friendship of Books " - Miss. See Karis "Madame Tabby's Establishment" Hugessen, E. H. K. See Knatchbull-Hugessen {E. H. ) 3 Vols. 31s. 6d No. I. Religio Laici. is I2S. I2S. With Music Hugh Crichton's Romance. See " Crichton." Hughlings-Jackson, J. See " Brain" . Huish, M. B. Year's Art. 2s. 6d. each . Hulbert, C. A. The Gospel revealed to Job. Hull, E. Building and Ornamental Stones. Hullah, J. Music in the House. 2s. 6d. The Song Book. 4s. 6d. . See Neale's (J. M.) " Two Festival Hymns ' See Palmer's {R.) " Book of Praise Hymnal. - M. E. See "Hannah Tame" Hulsean Lectures for 1845. Trench, R. C, " Fitness of Holy Scripture for un folding the Spiritual Life of Men." 5s. 1846. Trench, R. C, "Christ the Desire 5s. .... 1845 and 1846. Trench, R. C. 7s. 5s. in 1854. in 1880 . , . _ 1857. Swainson, C, "The Creeds of the Church 1865. Moorhouse, J., " Our Lord Jesus Christ the of Growth in Wisdom. " 5s. . 1869. Venn, J., "On some of the Character Belief." 6s. 6d. . Chte to Latin I Vol 6s. in 1877 6d. I Vol 6s. 6s. of All Nations.' 7s. 6d PAGE 397 406 282 321 327 188 301 159 287 266 2 65 188 515 513 173 557 418 359 249 339 78 399 60 48 82 91 456 399 270 493 279 334 380 22 236 321 146 176 177 435 " 9s- Subject istics of 7 53 149 213 INDEX 637 Hulsean Lectures for 1870. Farrar, F. W., "The Witness of History to Christ." 5s. . 1875- Vaughan, E. T., "Some Reasons of Our Chris tian Hope." 6s. 6d. .... Prize Essay, 1844. Gruggen, F. J., " Lawfulness and Obligation of Oaths.' 3s. 6d. . . 1845. Babington, C, "The Influence of Christianity in Pro moting the Abolition of Slavery in Europe." 5s. 1848. Wroth, H. T., "Mohammedanism considered in Rela tion to the Christian Evidences." 3s. . . 1850. Mackenzie, H., " The Christian Clergy of the First Ten Centuries." 6s. 6d. . . . . . 1851. Heard, J. B., "The History of the Extinction of Paganism in the Roman Empire." 2s. 1852. Bolton, W. J., "The Evidences of Christianity." 6s. 1854. Kennedy, C. M., "Influence of Christianity upon International Law." 4s. . 1857. Maclear, G. F., "The Cross and the Nations." 2s PAGE Hultsch, F. See Polyhius' '' Histories." Shuckburgh {E. S.) . Hume, D. By T, H. Huxley. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1SS7 Humphreys, E. R., and Jeff"ery, H. M. Exercitationes Iambics. 5s. 6d. Humphry, G. M. On the Coagulation of the Blood. 2s. 6d. . The Human Foot and the Human Hand. 4s. 6d. . A Treatise on the Human Skeleton. 28s. Altered to 14s. in 1880 Hunterian Oration. 2s. 6d. ..... Limbs of Vertebrate Animals. 5s. . . . . Observations in Myology. 6s. .... . Journal of Anatomy and Physiology .... Hunt, J. G. See Seller s {C.) '■^ Micro-Photographs in Histology" - W. History of Italy. 3s. 3s. 6d. in 1882 .... - W. M. Talks about Art. 3s. 6d. . Hunter, H. St. J. Key to Differential Calculus. See Todhiinters (/.) . Key to Todhunter's Integral Calculus. See Todhtinter (/. ) - W. W. See Lockyer s {J. N.) "■ Cycle of Sim-spots " etc. Hunterian Oration for 1879. G. M. Humphry. 2s. 6d. Huss, H. C. O. System of Oral Instruction in German. 5s. . Hussey, E. I^. Accidents to Volunteers. 6d. .... Hutton, R. H. Essays Theological and Literary. 2 Vols. i8s. Literary Essays. 6s. ..... . Modern Guides of English Thought in Matters of Faith. 6s. See Scott (IV.) . Theological Essays. 6s. . and Maurice, F. D. Tracts for Priests and People. No. XIV. "The In carnation and Principles of Evidence." By R. H. Hutton. Letter by F D. Maurice, is. . See ^^ Essays on Reform" ...... Huxley, T. H. American Addresses. 6s. 6d. . Critiques and Addresses. los. 6d. ..... Lessons in Elementary Physiology. 4s. 6d. Essays selected from Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. 2s. and is. See Hiit)ic [D.) ....... Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. los. 6d. Second Edition. 7s. 6d Introductory Primer, is. . Physiography. 7s. 6d. 6s. in 1880 .... 220 312 12 18 21 40 51 562 359 25 57 78 51 359 65 236 146 308 266 339 543 566 362 359 456 147 380 533 515 346 533 S9 158 321 249 147 221 359 206 381 321 638 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE PAGE Huxley, T. H. Science and Culture. los. 6d. ..... 399 Portrait. 5s. ....... . 249 and Martin, H. N. Elementary Biology. 6s. los. 6d. in December 1887 282 See Al cock's [T.) " Questions on 7\ H. Huxley s Physiology" . .166 See Darwin (C) . . . . . . . .411 See Howes' {G. B.) " Atlas of Elementary Biology" . . -475 See Youmans' ^^ Modern Culture" . . . . . .165 Huyshe, G. L. Red River Expedition. los. 6d. Second Edition. 6s. . 221 Hyacinthe, Father. Appel aux Eveques Catholiques. is. . . . 222 France et Allemagne. is. . . . . . . . 222 Catholic Reform. 7s. 6d. ....... 266 Hyacinthe-Loyson, Madame. See Hyacinthe'' s {Father) '■'■Catholic Reform." 7s. 6d. . . . . . . ... . 266 Hyde, Mary A. How to Win our Workers, is. 6d. . . . -89 Hydrodynamics, New Equation in. See Moon'' s (R.) " Challis {Prof.) and Tardy {Prof)" 14 Hydrostatics and Mechanics. See Girdlestone ( W. H.) . . . .88 Elementary. See Phear {J. B.) . . . . . -19 for Beginners. See Sanderson {F. IF.) . . . . . 563 Treatise on. See Smith {J. H.) . . . . . .179 Hymers, J. Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions. los. 6d. . . 8 T- Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 8s. 6d. . . . .6 Hymnal, Book of Praise. See Palmer {R.) . . . . 162, 177 Hymni Ecclesiae. 7s. 6d. . . . . . . -133 Hymns. See '■'■ Hymni Ecclesiae" . . . . . -133 Book of Praise Hymnal. See Palmer {R.) . . ' . . 162, 177 See '■'Psalms and Hymns for Use in King's School, Sherboime" . . 162 and Psalms for Public Worship. See Thrupp {J. F.) . . .24 for Private Use. See Wolfe {A.) . . . . .84 for Public Worship. See Wolfe {A.) . . . .72,84 Hyperides. Oration of Hyperides against Demosthenes. C. Babington. 6s. 6d. 13 IBBETSON, W. J. Mathematical Theory of Perfectly Elastic Solids. 21s. Iddings, J. P. See Rosenbusch {H.) .... Ignatiiis, S. See Lightfoofs {J. B.) "Apostolic Fathers." Part II. Ignotus. Culmshire Folk. 31s. 6d. . lUingwortli, J- R- Sermons in a College Chapel. 5s. . Imitation of Christ, The. See Benham {IV.) 7s. 6d. . Imitatione, de, Christi. See '■'■ De Imitatione Christi." 7s. 6d. Impey, E. See " Nwicomar, The Story of " Ince, J. See Hanlmry's {D.) " Science Papers" . — W. Religious Aspects of Nature, is. . . . Indian Text -Books. See Maonillans "■Series of Text -Books for Schools." Ingleby, C. M. Outlines of Theoretical Logic. 3s. 6d. Inglis, J. (" Maori "). Our Australian Cousins. 14s. . Ingram, T. D. The Legislative Union of Great Britain and Ireland. ] Two Chapters of Irish History. 6s. . . . In Memoriam. See Tennyson . . . Inside Paris during the Siege. By an Oxford Graduate. 7s. 6d. International Encyclopedia of Surgery. See Ashhurst {/.) In the Fir-Wood. 7s. 6d. ..... Ionia. See " Antiquities of " ..... Ireland. See " Few Words about" .... 515 539 476 249 399 258 157 478 300 359 Indian OS. 6d. 482 391, 40 381 516 534 505 222 408 147 426 132 INDEX 639 Ireton, P. The Broken Troth. 12s. . Irons, W. J. The Bible and its Interpreters. 3s. 6d. Irving, B. A. Egypt and the Bible. 2s. ... - J. The Annals of our Time. Vol. I. i8s. i6s. in 1S71. i8s. in II. i8s. Supplement to the Annals of Our Time, 1871-74. 4s. 6d. Second do. do. 4s. 6d. Third do. do. 9s. — W. Old Christmas. 6s. . 6d. . and Bracebridge Hall. 21s. Bracebridge Hall. 6s. . 6d. Isaiah. See Arnold'' s {M.) '■'■ Bible Readings" XL. -Lxvi. See Arnold (M. ) . . . . of Jerusalem. do. .... Commentary on the Book of. See Birks {T. R.) . See Cheyne {T. K.) . Island on the Mere, The. is. . Ismay's Children. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 2s. Italy and Vienna. See ^^ Letters from ^' .... J., W. Questions of Conscience, id. . Jackson, B. First Steps to Greek Prose Composition, is. 6d. Key to Greek Prose Composition. First Steps. 3s. 6d. Second Steps to Greek Prose Composition. 2s. 6d. Key to Greek Prose Composition. Second Steps. 3s. 6d. - Helen. Ramona. 2 Vols. 12s. I Vol. 2s. - Henry. See Clark's {W. G.) " Journal of Philology " - J. S. Geometrical Conic Sections. 4s. 6d. . See Ferrers' s {N. M. ) ' ' Solutions of the Cambridge Senate- House 1 1848-51." 15s. 6d. . . . . . Jacob, G. L. See " Brooke {/.), Raja of Sarawak" - J. A. Building in Silence. 6s. ... . Jahn, O. See Mayor {J. E. B.) Juvenal James, Henry. Novels and Tales. 14 Vols. 21s. American. 6s. ..... . 2 Vols. 4s. 3s. and 2s. . Aspern Papers. Louisa Pallant. The Modern Warning. Meetings. 2 \'ols. :is. I2S. ..... The Bostonians. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Confidence. 2s. is. 6d. and is. Daisy Miller. International Episode. Four I Vol. 6s. 2s. in 1888 ..... Daisy Miller. Four Meetings. Longstaff's Marriage. Benvoho. 2s. IS. 6d. and is. . The Europeans. 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6s. 2s. IS. 6d. and is. French Poets and Novelists. 8s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1SS4 International Episode. The Pension Beaurepas. The Point of \'ie\v. Is. 6d. and is. . London Life. The Patagonia. The Liar. Mrs. Temperly. 2 Vols. 12.- I Vol. 3s. 6d. . Madonna of the Future. 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6s. 2s. in 1S8S 1880 169, 'roblems. 2 Vols. I' AGE 78 133 22 188 282 359 556 282 415 493 321 415 231 277 427 333 203 6 516 18 I 283 399 381 415 456 169 236 15 295 283 2^ 438 359 43S 534 493 43S 360 438 340 438 340 438 556 360 640 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE PAGE James, Henry. Madonna of the Future. A Bundle of Letters. The Diary of a Man of Fifty. Eugene Pickering. 2s. is. 6d. and is. . . 438 Partial Portraits. 6s. . . . . . . -534 Portrait of a Lady. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. I Vol. 6s. . . . 4CXD . 6s. 4s. 6d. and 3s. . . . . 438 Portraits of Places. 7s. 6d. . . . . . . . 438 The Princess Casamassima. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. 2s. in 18S8 . 495 The Reverberator. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. . . . . 534 Roderick Hudson. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. 2s. in 1S88 . . 360 2 Vols. 4s. 3s. and 2s. . . . . 438 Siege of London. Madame de Mauves. 2s. is. 6d. and is. . . 438 Stories Revived. The Author of "Beltraffio." Pandora. The Path of Duty. A Day of Days. A Light Man. Georgina's Reasons. A Pas sionate Pilgrim. A Landscape Painter. Rose-Agathe. Poor Richard The Last of the Valerii. Master Eustace. The Romance of Certain Old Clothes. A Most Extraordinary Case. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. 2 Vols 6s. each ......... 475 Tales of Three Cities. 4s. 6d. . . . . . . 456 Washington Square. 2s. is. 6d. and is. . . . . . 438 Washington Square. The Pension Beaurepas. Bundle of Letters. 2 Vols 2 IS. I Vol. 6s. 2s. in 1888 See Hawthorne {N. ) . - H. A. School Ideals. 6s. . - S. R. See Homer. Book XVIII. . - W. M. British in India. 12s. 6d. . Jameson, F. J. The Analogy between the Miracles and Doctrines of Scripture. 2s Brotherly Counsels to Students, is. 6d. . Life's W^ork in Preparation and in Retrospect, is. 6d. — — Principles of the Solution of the Senate-House " Riders." 7s. 6d. Janet's Home. By A. Keary. 2 Vols. 21s. 6s. in 1864. 2s. 6d. in 1871. 6.s in 1882. 2s. in 1885 .... Jardine, R. Psychology of Cognition. 6s. 6d. . Jeans, G. E. Haileybury Chapel and other Sermons. 3s. 6d See Cicero, '■'■ Life and Letters" •■' Select Letters" '■^ Stories of Roman History'" Jebb, R. C. An Address to the Students of the Cambridge School of Art. is The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos. 25s. ... Remarks on an Article by J. P. Mahaffy. 2s A Rejoinder to Prof. Mahaffy's " Reply." is Greek Literature. Literature Primers, is. ... Modern Greece. 5s. ...... Selections from the Attic Orators. ' 12s. 6d. Second Edition. 6s. See Bent ley {R.) ....... See " Theophi-astus, The Characters of " .... - Dr. Cambridge in the Seventeenth Century. Part I. By J. Ferrar and Dr Jebb. Edited by J. E. B. Mayor. See Ferrar [N.) js. 6d. Jeffery, H. M. Exercitationes lambicse. See Humphreys {E. R. ) 5s. 6d. Jelf, Rev. Dr., A Letter to. See Maurice's {F. D.) " The Word Eterttal" etc. Jellett, J. H. Efficacy of Prayer. 5s. . The Elder Son. 6s. ...... Subjective Evidences of Christianity, is. . Theory of Friction. 8s. 6d. ..... Jenkins, E. See Newcastle's {Duke and Duchess) " Cavalier and his Lady " 400 358 516 415 415 18 57 102 16 102 266 493 375 410 450 283 301 302 321 321 381 381 409 212 30 25 23 360 493 236 236 239 INDEX 641 Jennings, A. C. The Psalms. Chronological Tables. Vol. I. los. 6d. II. los. 6d. Books III. and IV. 6s. IS. I2S. 6d. los. 6d. Second Edition. 3s. 6d. 6s. . 6d. . 9s. I OS. 6d. in 1879 6s. (Psalms l.xxiii. to cvi. — Book V. (Psalms cvii. tocl.) 65. Jephson, J. M. See Shakespeare' s (IF.) " Tempest" Jeremie, J. A. See Butler' s {IV. A.) '■'Sermons." Second Series Jerningham's Journal. See Mrs. Jessopp, A. A Manual of the Greek Accidence. 3s. 6d. Jest Book, The. See Lemon (AI. ) . . . Jevons, H. A. See /evons' s [IV. S.) ''■Letters and Journal" - W. S. The Coal Question. los. 6d. Elementary Lessons in Logic. 3s. 6d. Investigations in Currency and Finance. 21s. Letters and Journal. 14s. . Logic. Science Primers. Methods of Social Reform Political Economy, is. Principles of Science. 25s. State in Relation to Labour. Studies in Deductive Logic. Substitution of Similars. 2s. Theory of Political Economy, — — See Cossas (Z. ) " Guide," etc. See ^^ Essays and Addresses" Jex-Blake, S. Care of Infants, is. A Visit to some American Schools and Colleges. See " Woman'' s IVork and Woman'' s Culture" Job, The Gospel Revealed to. See Hulbert (C. A.) John, S. See " Choice Notes on the Gospel" Gospel of. See Maurice [F. D.) . Epistles of. See Maurice [F. D.) . John Inglesant. 2 Vols. 8vo. 24s. 2 \'ols. Globe Svo. Handmade Paper Edition. 2 Vols. 25s. Johnson, G. See "Lectures to Ladies," etc. - S. Six Chief Lives. Edited by M. Arnold. 6s. 4s. 6d By L. Stephen. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1886 . - S. W. How Crops Grow. 8s. 6d. . - W. See " Essays on a Liberal Education" - W. E. Treatise on Trigonometry. 8s. 6d. . - W. W. Curve Tracing. 4s. 6d. Treatise on Integral Calculus. Ss. Altered to 9s. in 188S Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. 15s. . See Kice's {/. M.) "■Differential Calctilus" Abridged Edition Johnstone, A. J. H. See Llopes {F. _/.) " Gardens and Woodlands" Jokai, M. The New Landlord. Translated by A. J. Patterson. 21s. Jolly, W. See Combe's {G.) " Education" Jonah. See Drake {W.) . Jones, A. V. See Cicero's "■' Stories of Roman History" - C. A. Algebraical Exercises. C. A. Jones and C. II. H. Cheyne. Solutions to ditto. W. Failes. .... - D. E. Examples in Physics. 3s. 6d. - F. Practical Chemistry. 2s. 6d. .... 2 T 2s. I Vol. 6s 1886 2s. 6d. PAGE 534 322 322 283 302 125 37 192 133 120 493 133 206 456 493 302 438 340 267 415 381 188 222 375 262 456 159 200 22 184 45 45 399 32 340 340 189 157 556 475 438 556 442 442 398 173 354 21 450 133 516 534 237 642 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 2S, Jones, F. Questions on Chemistry. 3s. - M. The Church of England and Common Sense. Sermon to the St. Luke's Artisan Rifles, id. - J. H. If they hear not Moses and the Prophets. - LI. Sec " Questions for a Kefornicd Parliajnent" - \V. B. Life's Work in Ireland. 6s. . Joubert, J. Pensees. 5s. Joule, J. P. Portrait. 5s. . Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. See Humphry {G. Cambridge Mathematical. See Cambridge . of Classical and Sacred Philology of the East India Association of Economics. See " Quarterly''' of Hellenic Studies . of Philology. See Clark ( W. G.) of Physiology of Royal Horticultural Society. Frost Report. Pears Report. Judge, Retired. See '■' Bumblebee Bogds Budget' Justin Martyr. Dialogue with Trypho the Jew. Juvenal. Satires. E. G. Hardy. 5s. . 3s. 6d. 6d. M.) See Hcnslow ( G. ) See Barron {A. F.) Translated by H. Brown. 9s Satires X. XI. J. XIL-XVL Thirteen Satires. E. B. Mayor. 3s. J. E. B. Mayor. J. E. B. Mayor. ;s. 6d. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1881 . 3s. 6d. Altered to 4s. 6d. in 1881 I OS. 6d. Vol. I. Part I. 3s. 6d Vol. I. Complete. 7s. 6d. los. 6d Part II. 3s. 6d. Vol. I. Complete. 7s. 6d. los, in 1886. Supplement. 5s. Vol. II. los. 6d. Translated by H. A. Strong, A. Leeper, J. E. B. Mayor 3s. 6d. . . . , K., G. H. See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860 Kane, W. F. de V. European Butterflies. los. 6d List of European Rhopalocera. is. Kant, I. Critical Philosophy. By J. P. Mahaffy and J. H. Bernard. Vol. I 7s. 6d. Vol. II. 6s. Critique of Pure Reason. Vol. I. II Life. 1 6s. i6s. . 14s. 36s. 4s. 6d. By J. H. W. Stuckenberg. Karaka, D. F. History of the Parsis. Kari. Madame Tabby's Establishment. Kay, H. de. See ''Millet's (/. F.) Life" — W. St. Paul's Two Epistles to the Corinthians. 9s — \V. E. See Landazier's [ J.) ^ Blowpipe Analysis" Kaye, W. F. J. A Sermon preached at Moulton. 6d. Keary, A. Castle Daly. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1S89 . . . See " Cle?nency Frankly n." 2 Vols. 21s. in 1871. 2s. in 1S88 2 Vol I Vol Doubting Heart. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. See "■Early Egyptian History for the Young." See "Janet's Home." 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. in 1882. 2s. in 1885 . ... Nations Around. 4s. 6d. Oldbury. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. I Vol. 6s. 2S. York and a Lancaster Rose. 6s. 2s. in 1888 Memoir. By E. Keary. 6s. 4s. 6d. in 1883 6s. 6s m 2IS 6s. in 2s. 6d 888 I \ 1867. ol. 6s 2s. 6d 1871. 6s 360 119 66 4 162 381 322 360 146 3 25 159 502 381 169 340 515 508 509 5 438 360 360 416 82 475 475 556 400 400 416 456 493 401 516 361 249 283 144 361 76 102 206 189 302 416 INDEX 643 Zeary, A., and E. The Heroes of Asgard. 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1880 Little Wanderlin. 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1872 - E. The Magic Valley. 4s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1884 . See ^^ Keary's {A.) 3Iei?ioir" .... Keats, J. Hyperionis libri tres. Latini reddidit Carolus Merivale. 3s. 6d. in 1863 ...... Poetical Works. F. J. Palgrave. 4s. 6d. Large Paper. 9s. By S. Colvin. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 See Mas soil {D.) . Keep, R. P. See Atiienrieth's {G.) '•'' Homeric Dictionary'" Keetley, C. B. Student's Guide to the Medical Profession. 2s. 6d. Keil, H. See Pliny's'' Letters" Book III. Kelland, P. Quaternions. By P. Kelland and P. G. Tait. 7s. 6d. Kellogg, S. H. Light of Asia and the Light of the World. 7s. 6d. Kelly, Bishop. See Napier'' s {Lord) "■ On Missions" Keltic, J. S. Statesman's Year-Book. See Martin (F. ) Kelty, M. A. See '' Waters of Comfort:' 4s. . Kempe, A. B. How to Draw a Straight Line. is. 6d. Kennedy, A. B. W. Kinematic Models. 6d. . Mechanics of Machinery. 12s. 6d. See Abiiey's (Captain) " Science Lectures at South Kensington." See Reuleaitx' s {F.) " ICinematics of Machinery" - B. H. See Aristophanes' " The Birds" " Help- Notes to The Birds " C. M. Influence of Christianity upon International Law. — See " Vacation Tourists, etc., 1862-6^". 4s. - P. Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts. 7s. 6d. - W. R. Cambridge University and College Reform. 6d. Kennion, R. W. See Howsons (/. S.) ''Before the Table" Kernel and the Husk. 5s. ... . Kerr, J. The Rule of Life. is. Kew Gardens. See Oliver and " Route Map " Keynes, J. N. Formal Logic. los. 6d. Kiepert, H. Ancient Geography. 5s. . Killebrew, F. W. See Hughes' [T.) "Rugby Tennessee" Killen, W. D. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. 25s. . Kinematics. See Macgregor {/. G.) See Kennedy {A. B. JV.) See Reuleaux (F.) . King, Mrs. Hamilton. See " Asproinonte" - J. R. See Demosthenes' " Oration against Leptines" . King Arthur. 6s. ...... Kingdon, G. T. " Upon this Rock I will build My Church." is. Kingsbury, T. L. On the Connexion between the Prophetic, and other E of Christianity. 3s. 6d. ..... Prophetic Mission of Isaiah, is. . . Spiritual Sacrifice. 3s. 6d. ..... King's College, Cambridge. See " Further Remarks on Statutes" See iMemher of the Senate . King's College, London. Order for Morning Prayer School Magazine. Nos. Alexandria and Her Schools. 5s. 4s. 6d. 6s. in 1876. 3s. 6d. in 18S9. Three Lectures on the Ancien Regime. 6s. Kingsley, C Alton Locke. 6d. each 2s. 6d 'ol. I. idences Eversley Edn. los PACE 222 322 416 90 457 516 269 314 340 386 249 476 252 121 43 322 302 493 332 307 257 277 40 128 147 207 282 493 78 211 457 400 399 283 518 302 307 182 395 494 207 6 66 173 7 5 173 249 25 90 159 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Kmgsley, C. Andromeda and other Poems. 5s. . . . Al Las:. 2 Vols. 215. i Vol. los. 6d. 6s. in 1S73. 3*- 6d. in 1SS9 Daily Thoughts. 6s. ... - David. 2s. 6d. ..... Discipline. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1S71. 6s. in iSSi Example of the Early Na\-igators From Death to Life. 2s. 6d. . . . Glaucus. 35. 6d. in 1S55. 6s. 6d. with Sowerby's Companion 1S5S. 7s. 6d in 1S59. 55. in 1S62. 6s. in 1S7S. Also copies for presentation in special binding 1SS6. 75. 6d. ..... God's Feast, is. . Good News of God. 6s. 4s. 6d. in 1S66. 3s. 6d. in 1S72. 6s. in 1S7; Gospel of the Pentateuch. 4s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1S71 and David. 6s. . . Health and Education. 6s. ..... Hereward the Wake. 2 Vols. 215. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1SS9. Everslev IS. Edition. los. Hermits. Parts, Heroes. 7s. 6d. 5s. 1868. 6s. in 1S7S. special binding 1SS7 . IS. 6d. Vol. 4s. 6d. and 4s. Altered to 6s. in 1S78 in 1S5S. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1S62. 4s. 6d. in 3s. 6d. in 1SS9. Also copies for presentation in , 75. 6d Historical Lectures and Essays. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1SS9 H\-patia. 6s. 3s. 6d. in iSSS. Eversley Edition. los. Sixpenny Ed. 1889 Limits of Exact Science as applied to Historj-. An Inaugural Lecture. 2s. Literar}- and General Lectures and Essays. 6s. :Madam How and Lady Why. 5s. 6s. in 1879. 3s. 6d. in 1889 Miscellanies. 12s. . Ode. Set to Music by "\V. Stemdale Bennett, is. Out of the Deep. 3s. 6d. ..... Phaethon ; Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers. 2s. Plays and Puritans. 5s. 6s. m 1S78. 3s. 6d. in 1SS9 Poems. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1SS9. Eversley Edition. los. Pocket Edition, Prose Idylls. 5s. 6s. in 1S7S. 3s. 6d. in 18S9 . Roman and the Teuton. 12s. 6s. in 1875. 3s. 6d. in 18S9 Saint's Tragedy. 5s. .... • Sanitarv- and Social Lectures and Essays. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1SS9 Scientific Essays. 6s. . . • Selections. 63. . • • Sermon on F. D. Maurice. 6d. . Sermon on the Death of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort -Sermons for the Times. 5s. 3s. 6d. in 1S6S. 6s. in 1S78 Sermons on National Subjects. 2 Vols. 5s. each. Altered to 35 1871. I Vol. 6s. ... - • Song of the River. 21s. . . • . Plates on Japanese Paper. 315. 6d. . Temple of Wisdom. 6d. ..... Town and Coimtr)- Sermons. 65. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1S72 Town Geology, j*- ..... Two Years Ago. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. 35. 6d. Eversley Edition. los. ..... Twenty-five Village Sermons. 2s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1872 ^'illage Sermons, and Town and Countrj- Sermons. 6s. Water - Babies. 73. 6d. 6s. in 1864. 5s. in 1872. 65. in 1S7S. 3s. 6d. in 1889. Fcap. 4to Edition. 12s. 6d. . 'AGE 102 457 134 173 102 U6 31 1 89 102 no 340 361 147 173 6d. each in 1 889. 40 3S2 103 66 3S2 341 103 90 3S2 18 250 2j/ 250 119 103 382 3S2 341 250 103 103 103 517 147 104 341 45 104 102 INDEX 645 Kingsley, C. Water of Life. Westminster Sermons. Vols. 6s. Second Edition. 3s. 6d. los. 6d. 6s. in 1877 PAGE Altered to 6s. in 1878 160 — F. IS. 6d. I Vol. 7s. 6d. Altered to 6s. 1S59 Sixpenny Edition 1889. 2 Vols. Eversley Westward Ho. 6s. 1 86 1. 3s. 6d. I Edition. los. ..... What, then, does Dr. Newman mean? is. See ''Yeast." 5s. 6s. in 1877. 3s. 6d. in 1888. Eversley Edition. 5s. . See "Brave Words for Brave Soldiers and Sailors.'' See Brooke's (^. ) " Fool of Quality "... See Dundreary (Lord) ..... See '' Lectures to Ladies," etc. . . . . See Lofs {Parso7i) " Cheap Clothes atul Nasty." 4d. See MansfiehV s (C. B.) ''Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate " See Sffwerbys {G. B.) " Companion to ' Glaucus' " . See fVinhworth's (S.) " Theologia Gerviattica" Portrait. 5s. ..... . See Stanley's (A. P.) "A Sermon on" E. See Kingsley' s (C.)" Daily Thoughts" " From Death to Life" 2 IS. I Vol. 6s. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. 2 IS. I Vol. 6s. Sixpenny Edition 1889 2d. I Vol. 6s. - H. Austin Elliot. 2 Vols Hillyars and the Burtons. Leighton Court. 2 Vols. Lost Child. 3s. 6d. .... Oakshott Castle. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. Ravenshoe. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. Silcote of Silcotes. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Tales of Old Travel. 6s. 5s. in 187 1 See Defoe's (D.) "Robinson Crusoe." Globe Edition Kington, T. L. (Afterwards T. L. Kington Oliphant.) History of" ..... Kinnear, J. B. See " Essays on Reform" See " Questions for a Reformed Parliament' KirchoflF, G. Researches on the Solar Spectrum. Part I. 5s. . . . Do. IL 5s. . Kitchen and Market Garden. 4s. 6d. Kitchener, F. E. Geometrical Note-Book. 2s. Klein, E. Bacteria in Asiatic Cholera. 5s. Micro-Organisms and Disease. 43. 6d, Klopstock. F. G. Odes. Translated by W I Vol. 6s See "Frederick IL Translated by H. E, Knatchbull-Hugessen, E. Crackers for Christmas. - E. H. ^loonshine. 5s. . Queer Folk. 5s. . Speech upon Education. 2d. Stories for My Children. 6s. 6d. Tales at Tea-Time. 5s. - L. Prince Perrj-pets. 3s. 6d. Knight, S. R 6s. in 1886 Nind. 6s. 5s. Altered to 5s. in 1S71 See Hairs [ff. S.) " Algebraical Exercises" " Arithmetical Exercises" . " Elementary Algebra for Schools ' " Higher Algebra" . ' ' Solutions to Higher Algebra " 25O: Roscoe, 267 31 119 112 29 233 91 41 S3 276 302 292 457 516 104 134 147 222 250 90 58 160 1S9 171 88 158 162 90 104 323 173 557 457 8 207 222 267 237 189 237 237 492 532 474 514 554 646 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Knight, W. See ' ' ]Vords~dJorthiana " . Knox, A. Differential Calculus. 3s. 6d. .... - I. C. Songs of Consolation. 4s. 6d. .... - R. Life and Writings. By H. Lonsdale. 8s. 6d. . Kraner, F. See Caesar's " Gallic War." Bond {J.) and IValpole (A. S Krocker, F. See Fraiiklands (F. F.) " Agriailtural Chemical Analysis Ktesias. Fragments of the Persika. J. Gilmore. 8s. 6d. Kuenen, A. Hexateuch. 14s. .... Kiibne, \V. Photochemistr}- of the Retina. 3s. 6d. Kutter, W. R. See Ganguillei' s {E.) '■'■ Formula for the Uniform Flow of Water Kynaston, H. Exemplaria Cheltoniensia. 5s. . Greek Elegiac Poets, is. 6d. Greek Iambic Verse. 4s. 6d. 5s. in 1884 Key to Greek Iambic Verse. 4s. 6d. Sermons in the College Chapel, Cheltenham. 6s. \. The Great Cotton Question, is. . Labberton, R. H. Historical Atlas. 12s. 6d. 15s. in 1887 Labouchere, H. Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris. 6: Ladies on Practical Subjects, Lectures to. See '''■Lectures to Ladies." 7s. 6d. Lady ' ' Felon." See " Letters from Donegal in 1886 " Lady Hester and Danvers Papers. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 Lafargue, P. The New Judgment of Paris. 12s. Lamb, C. Essays of Elia. 5s. . Letters. Edited by A. Ainger. los. Mrs. Leicester's School. 5s. Poems, Plays, and Essays. 5s. Tales from Shakspeare. Golden Treasury Edition. 4s. 6d. Globe Readings Edition. 2s. Libraiy Edition. 5s. By A. Ainger. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1SS8 Library Edition. 5s. - M. Tales from Shakspeare. See Lamb ( C. ) Lambert, C. Voyage of the " Wanderer. " 25s. - S. See Lambert's (C) " Voyage of the ' Wanderer' Lamourous, M. T. de. By C. M. Yonge. is. 6d. Lancaster, W. Eclogues and Monodramas. 4s. 6d. Praeterita. 4s. 6d. .... — — Studies in Verse. 4s. 6d. Lances of Lynwood. By C. RL Yonge. 3s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1869. 2s. 6d. in 1889 Lanciani, R. Ancient Rome. 24s. Land of Darkness. 5s. . Land Tenure in Various Countries. See " Systems of" etc. Landauer, J. Blowpipe Analysis. 4s. 6d. Landolt, H. Handbook of the Polariscop'e. los. 6d. . Landor, W. S. Selections. S. Colvin. 4s. 6d. By S. Colvin. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888 Lane-Poole, S. See " Moham7nads Speeches and Table Talk Lanfrey, P. See '^ Napoleon L.'' .... Lang, A. Library. 3s. 6d. Large Paper Edition. See Homer s ^^ Iliad" '"Odyssey" • See Theocritus See Ward's {T. H.) "English Poets" - R. H. Cyprus. 14s. I OS. 6d. PAGE 457 267 207 509 433 534 494 341 553 382 382 361 382 302 78 476 237 32 494 383 534 439 535 476 457 361 416 534 361 439 439 120 120 104 134 120 535 535 212 361 416 416 4CXD 419 224 400 436 358 387 389 341 INDEX 647 Langdon, W. E. Application of Electricity to Railway Working. 4s. 6d Langley, J. N. See P. ( C. K. ) atid Langley {/. N.) " Tracts for Priests a7id People." No. V. \%. . • and English Clergyman. Tracts for Priests and People. Supplementary Number to Second Series. English Voluntaryism. By J. N. Langley, The Voluntary Principle in America. By an English Clergyman, is. See Foster s (M. ) " Elementary Practical Physiology " Lankester, E. R. Comparative Longevity. 4s. 6d. Degeneration. 2s. 6d. ..... See Gegenliaur's {€.) " Elements of Comparative Anatomy" Laslett, T. Timber and Timber Trees. 8s. 6d. Latham, Rev. IL, of Cambridge. Amendment of Scheme for Pass Examinations On Fellowships and Scholarships, is. 6d Geometrical Problems in the Properties of Conic Sections. 3s. 6d. of Oxford. Sertum Shaksperianum. 5s. H. Black and White. los. 6d. . J. H. The Construction of Wrought Iron Bridges. 15s. . Latin. Prose. Part I. Key to. Part II. Key to. See Belcher [H. ) Part I. See Belcher do. Part II. do. [H.) Exercises. See Bryans ( C ) Key to Exercises. See Bryans ( C. ) Course. First Year. See Cook (A. M.) Shorter. First Year. See Cook (A. First Lessons. See Eicke {K. ]\I.) . Practical Hints, etc. See Ellis {A. J.) Syntax. See England (E. B.) Key to. See England {E. B. ) Reader. See Hardy {H. J.) Elegiac Verse Composition. See Lupton [f. H. M. Rendering of Exercises in Part II. of Elegiac Verse, Lyric Verse Composition. See Liipton [f. H.) Carmina Lyrica. See Lupton [J. H. ) Grammar. See Macfuillan (AI. C. ) Bibliographical Clue. See Mayor {J. E. B. ) Parallel Extracts. See Nixon {J. E.) Prose Extracts. do. Selections from Prose Extracts for Translation. See Nixon {/. E. Rhetoric. See Nixon {J. E.) Etymology. See Peile (/.) . Prose Composition. See Postgate's {J. P.) ^^ Sermo Latiniis^ Passages for Translation. See Potts {A. W.) Prose Composition. See Potts {A. IV. ) Versions of Passages for Translation. See Potts [A. If'. ) Metaphors. See Potts (A. IV. ) Verse, Exercises in. See Preston ( 6". ) Key to Exercises. See Preston [G.) . Grammar. Part I. See Roby {H. J. ) IL See Roby [H. J.) for Schools. See Roby {H. J. ) See ''^ Rules for the Quantity of Syllables in " Delectus. See Rush {E. ) . See Lupton (J. H. PAGE 323 80 90 299 207 383 337 284 250 45 9 120 160 51 258 278 351 428 449 487 471 488 452 262 395 395 532 476 495 536 536 362 287 271 478 561 305 193 562 366 194 386 306 562 562 226 273 386 52 367 648 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE m: Latin Prose Composition. See Rust (G.) Part I. See Sirnpson {F. P.) Key to. See Simpson {F. F.) Analecta. See Strachan (J.) and Wilkin {A. S.) . Grammar. See Thring's{E.) ^^ Cojis/ruing Book" " J/ood Constructions' Accidence and Exercises. See JVelch ( W. ) and Duffield ( C. G. Course. See Wright {J. ) . Grammar. See Wright {J. ) Steps. See Wright (/. ) . Prose Composition. First Steps. Key to. See Yates ( W. Laveleye, E. de. Primitive Property. 12s. See ''^ Systems of La7id Tenzirc" Law, W. Remarks on the Fable of the Bees. 4s. 6d - W.J. The Alps of Hannibal. 21s. . Reply to Mr. EUis's Defence Lawrence, Lord. By R. Temple. 2s. 6d. Lawson, C. Jubilee Celebration in Madras Presidency. - H. See '■'■Practitioner''' Lawless, E. Millionaire's Cousin. 6s. . Layman. See Clergy and the Commons. By a Layman, is. - Letters by a. See " Good the Final Goal of III" Leading Cases done into English. 2s. 6d. Leaf, W. See Homer's" Iliad" . Vol I. . • //. Books XIII. -XXIV. ' ' Story of Ach illes ' ' Art of Swimming. 2s. 7s. 6d. . Leahy, " Sergeant Leaves from our Cypress and our Oak. Leavitt, J. An Essay on Political and Commercial Rel Le Bas Prize Essay, 1849. Scott, C. B Vicinity.'' ^ost 4to and Royal 4to ations, etc. is. ' Greek Kingdoms of Bactria and its 2s. 6d. 1856. Farrar, F. W., "Influence of the Revival o Classical Studies." is. 6d. Smith, L., " The Koran in India. " 2s. . Bowen, H. C, " Muhammadanism in India" 1S58. 1872. See Poole (A'. S. Lectures on Art. Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects. 7s. 6d. Lee, A. T. The Slavery of Sin. 6d. — J. See Goethe's {/. W Von) " Faust" — J. H. W. See Lucretitts. Books I. -III. — J. P. See Benson's {E. W.) ^aX'inaei. A Memorial Sermon — "m. Faithful and Unfaithful. 3s. 6d. . — M.S. See '' Miz Maze'' — S. See Horace's" Works" . See Virgins " Works" Leeper, H. A. See Juvenal's " Thirteen Satires' Lefevre, G. S. Freedom of Land. 2s. 6d. See Hozuard's {/.) " Practical Politics." Complete Volume Legge, A. O. Temporal Power of the Papacy. 8s. 6d Leland, C. G. Johnnykin and the Goblins. 6s. Minor Arts. 2s. 6d. Lemon, M. The Jest Book. 4s. 6d. Legends of Number Nip. 5s. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1870 etc. PAGE 226 481 504 541 36 164 544 350 36 229 4S4 341 212 I 148 40 557 517 177 476 13 434 302 436 492 533 380 2S4 104 189 II 37 53 244 422 32 23 491 458 202 557 440 248 228 416 383 398 207 323 383 120 120 INDEX 649 {Nagari Cliaracters) Leonardo da Vinci and his Works. 51s. 6d. Leslie, A. See NordenskidhTs {A. E.) " Voyage of the Vega" - J. C. See '^ Systems of Land Tenure" - T. E. C. See Laveleyes [E. de) '■^ Priiniiive Property" Lessing, G. E. Laocoon. Translated by R. Phillimore. 12s. Lessons in Business Matters. See ^^ Errst" etc. . Lethbridge, E. (Afterwards Sir Roper.) Easy Introduction to the History of India, is. 6d. ..... Easy Selections from Modern English Literature, is. 6d History of England, is. 6d. History and Geography of Bengal, is. 6d. The World's History, is. . See Si rear's {P. C) " Eirst Book of Reading" " Second Book of Reading" " Third do. " EoiLrth do. '' Eifth do. "Sixth do. ''Eirst do. Selections from Modern English Literature. 3s. 6d. Short Manual of the History of India. 5s. Letters from Donegal in 1886. is. 6d. in July 1885 . Italy and Vienna. 5s. 6d. Lettsomian Lectures for 1884. Carter, R. B., "Modern Operations for Cataract." 6s. . Leviticus, Exodus and. See Howard {H. E. J.) Levy, A. Reuben Sachs. 6s. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1889 Lewis, C. B. See " Thomas' (/.) Life" - R. History of the Life-Boat. 5s. . Liberal Education. See " Essays on a." Edited by E. IV. Earrar Liberation of Abd-el-Kader. is. .... Liddell, H. G. Sermon, "There am I in the midst of them." is. See Vanghan's (C. J.) ''Sermons on the Death of the Lady Augusta Stanley'" . . , . . . Liddon, H. P. Sermons preached during Lent, 1864. See IVilberforce {S.) Liebig, J. Von. The Life- Work of Liebig. 5s. ... Liechtenstein, Princess M. Holland House. 2 Vols. 410. 84s. 2 Vols, 8vo. 32s. I Vol. i6s. .... Light. See Aiudry {Mrs. IV.) ..... See Leowy (B.) ...... See Mayer [A. HL.) and Barnard (C.) See Moon (P.) . See Sfottisraoode (//'.) See Stokes {G. G.) . Eii'st Course .... .Second Course .... — • Third Course .... Three Courses in one Volume See Tcdhutiter' s {I.) " Natural Philosophy." . Part LI. .See Wright (Z. ) . Lightfoot, J. B. All Things to all Men. is. Apostolic Fathers. Part II. 48s. .... Bought with a Price. 6d. ..... Primary Charge. 2s. . ... PAGE 267 402 212 341 267 280 284 303 284 284 284 290 290 290 291 291 291 308 400 401 494 18 450 44 535 254 267 157 40 173 312 129 303 268 372 535 342 24 274 329 463 482 524 524 330 425 323 476 361 457 6;o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE I OS Fresh Rension of the English New Lightfoot, J. B. Charge, iSS6. 2s. Christian Progress, is. . Essays on ' " Supernatural Religion. " Except it Die. 6d. Fresh Re\nsion of the English New Testament Preface to the Second Edition of a Testament ...... In Memor)- of William ^^'he\vell. is. . Mustard Seed and the Leaven. 6d. S. Clement of Rome. Ss. 6d. . Appendix. Ss. 6d. . St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. 12s Epistle to the Galatians. los. 6d. Second Edition. 12s. Philippians. I OS. 6d. 6d. . Second Edition. 12s. Strength made perfect in "Weakness. See Napier^ s (Lord) " On Mzssiofis " Lightwood, J. yi. Nature of Positive Law. 125. 6d. Lindsay, J- A. Climatic Treatment of Consumption. Links and Clues. See Vita. 6s. Lister, H. The Arithmetical Compendium Little Duke, The. By C. M. Yonge. is. 6d. 3s 1872. 4s. 6d. in iSSi. 2s. 6d. in 1SS9 . - Estella and other Fairy Tales. 55. 3s. 6d. in 1S62. - Lame Prince. 4s. 6d. - Pilgrim in the Unseen. 2s. 6d. - Sunshine's Holiday. 2s. 6d. . Liverpool. Earl of. Life. By C. D. Yonge. 42s. Livingstone, D. By T. Hughes. 25. 6d. Livy. Books XXI. and XXII. \V. ^V. Capes. 5s. XXI. -XXY. A. J. Church and ^Y. J. Brodribb. XXIII. and XXlV. G. C. Macaulay. 5s. Hannibalian \Yar. G. C. Macaulay. is. 6d. Last Two Kings of Macedon. F. H. Rawlins. Siege of Syracuse. G. Richards, is. 6d. . Book I. H. M. Stephenson, is. 6d. Books II. and III. H. M. Stephenson. 5s. By ^^". \Y. Capes. Classical ^Vriters. is. 6d. Lloyd, W. \Y. The Age of Pericles. 21s. Lloyd's. See Martin (F.) Loch. Etive and the Sons of Uisnach. 14s. Lock, T. B. Arithmetic for Beginners. 2s. 6d. in 1S64. 2s 2s. 6d. in 187 6d ;s. 6d. 6d. Kev. Bv R. G Arithmetic for Schools. 4s. 6d. . , \Yith Answers. Part I. 2s. II. 35. Key. 4s. 6d. By R. G 0= 6d. 6d. DjTiamics for Beginners. Elementar}- Statics. 4s Elementary- Trigonometrj-. By H. Carr. Elementarj- and Higher Trigonometry. 7s. 6d. Higher Trigonometrj-. 3s. 6d. Altered to 4s. 6d Trigonometry for Beginners. 2s. 6d. 4s. 6d. Kev. \Vatson. 8s \Vatson. los. 8s. 6d. in 1S85 6d. in 6d. 6d. 517 78 557 250 237 148 148 190 2S4 174 250 2C2 439 517 406 104 120 66 494 416 401 174 557 341 439 476 383 494 494 439 417 361 2S5 304 361 535 557 494 494 495 495 535 517 535 417 557 458 457 495 INDEX 651 Lock, J. B. Trigonometry for Beginners. Key. 65. 6d. Locke, J. By T. Fowler. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in i Lockyer, J. N. Astronomy. Science Primers, is. Chemistry of the Sun. 14s. Contributions to Solar Physics. 31s. 6d. Cycle of Sun-spots and Rainfall in Southern India, is, Education of Our Industrial Classes. 6d. . Elementary Lessons in Astronomy. 5s. 6d. Questions on Elementar)- Lessons in Astronomy. By J. Forbes-Robertson. IS. 6d. . Outlines of Physiography — Movements of the Earth, is. 6d The Spectroscope. Nature Series. 3s. 6d. Stargazing. 21s. . Why the Earth's Chemistry is as it is. 6d. See Guilleinin s (A.) ^' Applications of Physical Forces'' — '■'' The Forces of Nature" See Roscoe's {H. E.) ^^ Manchester Science Lectures for the People " Com plete Vol. ....... - Mrs. J. N. See Giiillemitts (A.) " The Applications of Physical Forces' " The Forces of Nature " . Lodge, O. J. Modern \'ie\vs of Electricity. 6s. 6d. Loewy, B. Elementary Experimental Physics. 2s. Graduated Course of Natural Science. Part I. 2s. Loftie, W. J. Memorials of the Savoy. 7s. 6d. Plea for Art in the House. 2s. 6d. Ride in Egypt. los. 6d. - Mrs. W. J. The Dining-Room. 25. 6d. XLVj Social Twitters. 2s. 6d. Logarithms. See HalTs {II. S.) and Knighfs {S. Practical. See Palmer {J. H. ) Seven Figure. See Wolstenholme (J. ) Logic. See Boole {G.) Laws of Thought. See Boole ( G. ) Theoretical. See Ingleby {C. M.) . See Jevons {W. S.) . Principles of Science. See Jevons {W. S.) Formal. See Keynes (J. N. ) Laws of Discursive Thought. See M'Cosh Deductive. See Ray [P. K. ) See Venn (/.) London, Bishop of. See Maurice s (F. D. See Tait (A. C. ) See Temple (F.) London Clerg)man. See Maurice's (F. D.) Letter to Longe, F. D. Law of Strikes, is. Longer English Poems. See Hales (/. W. ) Longfellow, H. W. Ballads, Lyrics, and Sonnets. 4s. 6d. Poems of Places. 9s. . Longfield, M. See "■ Systems of Land Tenure'" . Lonsdale, H. See " Knox's {R.) Life and Writiiigs " - J. See Horace s '■^ Works'' See VirgiFs'' Works" Lord Dundrear)-, Speech of. is. . Lord, H. W. The Highway of the Seas in Time of War i'v'. ) " Arithmetical Exercises (/•] 206, 302 406, PAGE 557 383 268 517 268 362 439 174 207 517 250 342 323 320 236 327 320 236 558 F- -1 »• 558 342 303 362 342 362 532 538 546 5 232 40 381 267 457 208 502 566 What Message have the Cle7-gy, " etc. 1 2 1 34 66 206 558 323 212 207 248 228 91 91 652 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Lords. See '' Fifty Years of the House" . .... 396, Lome, Marquis of. The Book of Psalms. 7s. 6d. Guido and Lita. 7s. 6d. . Lot. Parson. Cheap Clothes and Nasty. By C. Kingsley. 4d. Lothian. Prize Essay for 1882. Ashley, W. J-, "James and Philip Van Arte velde." 6s. ..... . Lovett, B. See St. John's [0. B.) '' Eastern Persia:' Vol. I. . Lowe, W. H. Commentary on Zechariah Hebrew and LXX. los. 6d See Jennings' (J. C.) " The Psalms." Vol. L . //. . Books III. and IV. Ixxiii. -cvi. ) Book V. {Psalms cvii. -cl. ) Lowell, J. K. Among my Books. 7s. 6d. Democracy and other Addresses. 5s. Fireside Travels. 4s. 6d. Heartsease and Rue. 5s. . Poetical Works. 4s. 6d. Political Essays. 7s. 6d. . Under the Willows. 6s. . See Walton's {I.) and Cottons (C.) " The Complete Angler" Luard, H. R. Remarks on the Restoration of the Church of Great S. JNIary's The Victory that overcometh the World, is. Lubbock, J. Addresses, Political and Educational. 8s. 6d. British Wild Flowers. 4s. 6d. . Fifty Years of Science. 2s. 6d. . Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves. 4s. 6d. Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects. 3s. 6d. Pleasures of Life. Part I. 3s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. II. 3s. 6d. Scientific Lectures. 8s. 6d. .... - Mrs. See " Vacation Tourists, etc., 1862-63" Lucas, F. Sketches of Rural Life. 5s. . - Mrs. H. See CasseFs [D.) ''Jewish History and Literature" Lucian, Extracts from. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. . Luckock, H. M. A Sermon preached in All Saints' Church, Cambridge, is. The Tables of Stone. 3s. 6d. Lucretius. Books I. -III. J. H. W. Lee. 4s. 6d. Ludlow, J. M. British India : its Races and its History. 9s Popular Epics of the Middle Ages. 14s. . The War in Oude. is. 6d. .... Tracts for Priests and People. No. VII. Two Lay Dialogues, is. - — and Hughes, T. History of the United States. By J. M. Ludlow. Th ^ .Struggle for Kansas. By Thomas Hughes. 8s. 6d. and iNIaurice, F. D. Tracts for Priests and People. No. VI. Dialogue on Doubt. By J. M. Ludlow. Morality and Divinity. By F. D. Maurice, is. ..... {Psalms and Garden, F. Tracts for Priests and People. No. IX. Ludlow. The Creeds. By F. Garden, is. .See Mansfield 's { C. B. and P. B.) " Aerial Navigation See " Questions for a Reformed Parliament" Luke, S. See " Choice Notes on the Gospel of " . Lund, T. Short and Easy Course of Algebra. 3s. 6d. . Key. 5s. Di ssent. ByJ. M 397 323 285 13 427 308 417 322 322 283 302 207 518 120 536 251 536 190 567 66 238 362 285 417 495 268 518 558 362 128 558 429 495 104 174 458 51 134 51 79 91 79 79 324 162 184 13 19 INDEX 653 Lund, T. See SnowbalT s ami Ltintf s " Cambridge Course of Natural Pliilosophy See Tod/ni7ite)- s (/.) ^^ Answer to Air. Ltmd's Attack on Air. Tod/iunfer" See Wood's "Algebra Companion." 6s. . Lunn, J. R. See Stifficld (G.) . Lupton, J. H. Carmina Lyrica. 4s. 6d. Latin Elegiac Verse Composition. 2s. 6d. . Lyric Verse Composition. 4s. . . . Rendering of the Exercises in Part IL of Latin Elegiac \'erse. 3s. 6d - S. Chemical Arithmetic. 5s. 4s. 6d. in 1886 Numerical Tables. 2s. 6d. ..... Lushington, F. Dismissal of the Ionian Judges, is. Points of War. 6d. ..... See Liishington' s [II.) "La Nation Boiitiqtdere" . " Two Battle- Pieces" — G. See " Questions for a Reformed Parliament''' — H. The Italian War, 1848-49, and the last Italian Poet. — H. and F. La Nation Boutiquiere. By H. Lushington. F. Lushington. 3s. . Two Battle- Pieces, is. . Luther, Vindication of See Hare [J. C. ) Lyall, A. See Hastings (IV.) Lyell, Sir C. Portrait. 5s. . See Youmans' "Modern Culture" . Lysias. Orations XVI. E. S. Shuckburgh. 6s. Lyster, T. W. See " Goethe's (J. IV. Von) Life." 6s. 6d. Points of W Lyte, H. C. M. A History of Eton College. History of Oxford. i6s. . Lyttelton, Lord. See Milton's (f.) " Comus" !is. H. 6d. Duntzer Altered to 21s ' ' Samson Agonistes " By in 1877 — A Letter to. See Sewells {H.) " T/ie Neiv Zealand Rebellion " W. H. Holy Scripture the Witness to the Revelation of God in all Facts, is — Tracts for Priests and People. No. XII. The Testimony of Scrijjture. is M., A. C. Elsie. 6s. . ' . — A. S. The Ore-Seeker. 15s. — C. B. In Memoriam. See Maurice (F. D.) — C. E. Stray Leaves. By C. E. Mudie. 3s. — J- See "Vacation Tourists in 1861 " . MacAlister, D. The Nature of Fever, is. See "Practitioner" . See Ziegler's [E.) " Pathological Anatomy." 6d. Part I. //. Sections I. - 1 'III. IX.- XII. Macarthur, M. History of Scotland. 2s. . . . . -Macaulay, Lord. By J. C. Morison. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889. - G. E. See Livy's '■^ Hannibalian War" .... .See Livy. Books XXIII. and XXIV. . . . M'Carthy, Fr. L. See Todhunter s {I.) " Key to Mensuration" M'Caul, Dr., A Letter to. See'TJirupp's (/. F.) " Tiie Christian Inference" etc. M'Clellan, J. B. Everlasting Punishment and the Oxford Declaration of February 25, 1864. IS. ...... . The Fourth Nicene Canon. 3s. 6d. • . . . The New Testament. 30s. ...... M'Clelland, W. J., and Preston, T. Spherical Trigonometry. Part I. 4s. 6d PAGE 2 54 7 107 536 476 536 495 417 458 105 26 32 32 162 58 32 32 40 555 2S5 165 417 434 285 495 105 160 124 148 91 285 67 32 238 96 518 177 447 467 507 251 417 383 476 505 61 121 208 285 496 654 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE M'Clelland, W. J., and Preston, T. Spherical Trigonometr)-. Part II. 5s Complete. 8s. 6d. ..... MaccoU, N. The Greek Sceptics. 3s. 6d. . See Caldcron s {P.) " Select Plays" . M'Cosh, J. Christianity and Positivism. 7s. 6d. Discussions in Europe as to Academic Teaching, is. Emotions. 9s. ..... . Examination of Mr. J. S. Mill's Philosophy. 7s. 6d. Altered to los. 6d in 1877 ....... First and Fundamental Truths. 9s. ... Intuitions of the Mind. los. 6d. .... Laws of Discursive Thought. 5s. . Method of Divine Government. los. 6d. . Philosophical Papers. 3s. 6d. .... Psychology. The Cognitive Powers. 6s. 6d. 6s. 6d. The Motive Powers. Realistic Philosophy. 14s. ..... The Scottish Philosophy. i6s. . Supernatural in Relation to the Natural. 7s. 6d. . and Dickie, G. Typical Forms. 5s. . M'Coy, F. Contributions to British Palaeontology. 9s. . See Sedgwick's {A.) and HP Coy's (F.) " British Palaeozoic Rocks. 1 6s. Part II. I OS. Part III. 15s. Macdonald, G. England's Antiphon. Parts. Macdonell, A. For the King's Dues. los. 6d — J. France since the First Empire. 6s. The Land Question. los. 6d. Macfarlane, A. Physical Arithmetic. 7s. 6d. \o\. 42s. IS. each. Vol. 4s. 6d Altered to 6s. in 1876 Kinematics and Dynamics. los. 6d. See Virgil's " Aeneid" Macgregor, J. G Mackail. J. W. Mackenzie, C. F. See " Solutions to tJie Problems anA Riders, 1854 — H. The Christian Clerg}' of the First Ten Centuries. 6s. 6d. — M. Hygiene of the Vocal Organs. 6s. Mackie, E. C. Parallel Passages. Greek and English. 4s. 6d MaclagEUi, T. The Germ Theory. los. 6d. Maclaren, Alexander. Secret of Power. 4s. 6d. .Sermons preached in Manchester. First Series. - Second Series, - Third Series. 2s. 6d. 7s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. \o\. 4s. 6d Week-day Evening Addresses. - Archibald. The Fairy Family. 5s. . Training. 7s. 6d. 6s. 6d. in 1S74 Maclean, "\V. C. Diseases of Tropical Climates. los. 6d. Maclear,G. F. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe. Parts, is. each. Christian Statesman and our Indian Empire. 3s. 6d. Class-Book of the Catechism. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. in 1874 New Testament History. 5s. 6d. Old Testament History. 4s. 6d. Cross and the Nations. 2s. Evidential Value of the Holy Eucharist. 6s. First Class-Book of the Catechism. 6d. First Communion. 6d. History of Christian Missions during the Middle Ages. los. 6d. Hour of Sorrow. 2s. . . . . . Parti and 4s, in 1865 and 4s 496 190 52S 223 190 14S 55S 134 208 79 174 495 51S 518 286 91 91 26 16 174 268 362 251 477 518 483 27 32 496 477 303 418 105 190 251 324 268 148 496 190 58 174 148 134 51 439 175 269 105 286 INDEX 655 Maclear, G. F. Incentives to Virtue, is. 6d. Introduction to the Creeds. 2s. 6d. Manual for Confirmation and First Communion. Order of Confirmation. 3d. 6d. in 1874 . Shilling Book of New Testament History, Old Testament History. Witness of the Eucharist. 4s. 6d. . See Gaskom's {Mrs. H.) "-Bible Stories." 2S. IS. IS. Part I. . //. J//. Elementary Introduction to the Prayer-Book. See Procter M'Lennan, D. See APLeiman's (/. F.) ''Patriarchal Theory" ^ J. F. Patriarchal Theory. 14s. Studies in Ancient History. i6s. . Macleod, Prof. See Spottis-voode s (W.) '■''Science Lectures" etc. M'Lintock, R. See Heine s {H.) " Trip to the Brocken " Macmillan's Colonial Library .... Copybooks. Post 4to. 4d. Post Oblong. 2d. Post 4to. Slips. 6d. ..... French Composition. See Fasnacht [G. E.) {F.] Course. See Fa snacht (G. £.] Reader. German Course. First Year. See Fasnacht {G. i Second Year. do. Third Year. do. Teacher's Companions to above I. See Fasnacht (G. E.) . II. do. First Year. See Fasnacht {G. E.) Second Year. do. Teacher's Companion to First Year. See Fasnacht {G. E. Second Year. do. Vol. IL with Goodman Greek Reader Course. See Colson {F. H.) See Underhill' s {H. G.) "■ Easy Exercises in Greek Accidence Latin Course. First Year. See Cook {A. M. ) . Shorter Latin Course. First Year. See Cook {A. M.) Magazine. Nos. is. Vols. 7s. 6d. . Reading Books. The Primer. 2d. .... Book I. II. HI, IV. V. VI. Standard I. 3d. 4d. in 1875 Standard II. 4d. 5d. in 1875 Standard HI. 6d. . Standard IV. 8d. . Standard V. is. Standard VI. 2s. Macmillan's Text-Books for Indian Schools — Blanford, H. F. Physical Geography. 2s. 6d. Brooke, S. A. English Literature, is. Clarke, C. B. Geographical Reader. 2s. . Hall, H. S., and Stevens, F. H. Euclid Hooker, J. D. Botany, is. History of England, is. 6d. Easy Introduction to the History of India. History and Geography of Bengal, is. 6d. Easy Selections from Modern English Literature, is. 6d World's History, is. . Selections from Modern English Literature. 3s. 6d. Lethbridge, R. I. -IV. 2s. 6d. and 3s. IS. 6d. PAGE 45 558 269 190 160 148 121 356 356 379 177 477 477 496 368 398 496 342 530 317 318 377 378 378 336 337 490 490 529 543 471 488 58 286 286 286 286 286 286 287 259 296 297 555 301 284 284 284 303 284 400 6=;6 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Palgrave, F. Sircar, P. C. IS. Macmillan's Text-Books for Indian Schools — Morris, R. English Grammar, is. T. Student's Treasury of English Lyrics First Book of Reading. 5d. Second Book of Reading. 6d. Third Book of Reading. 8d. Fourth Book of Reading, is. Fifth Book of Reading, is. 2d. Sixth Book of Reading, is. 3d. First Book of Reading. (Nagari Characters Smith, B. Arithmetic for Indian Schools. 2s. Todhunter, I. Algebra for Indian Students. 2s. 6d. Euclid for Indian Schools. 2s. Mensuration and Surveying for Beginners. An Abridged Mensuration, is. Elementary Geometry and Conic Sections. By T. Hughes. 4s. 6d. and is. ^ Ancient Geography" 6s. . (" First Forms of Ve Wilson, J. M. Macmillan, D. Memoir — G. A. See Kiepert's {H.) - H. Bible Teachings in Nature, First Forms of Vegetation. 6s. Footnotes from the Page of Nature. Holidays on High Lands. 6s. Marriage in Cana. 6s. Ministry of Nature. 6s. Olive Leaf. 6s. Roman Mosaics. 6s. Sabbath of the Fields. 6s. True Vine. 6s. Two Worlds are Ours. 6s. - M. A. See Cossa {L. ) Study of Political Economy - M. C. First Latin Grammar, is. 6d. - M. K. See " Dagonet the Jester" - Michael. See Milton's { J.) " Paradise Lost. Book I. Books I. and See Scott's ( IV. ) " ]\Iari)iion ' " Rokeby " I OS. 6d. 7s. 6d Macnaxnara, C. A History of Asiatic Cholera. Lectures on Diseases of Bone. 5s. . M'Neile, H., On the Death of. See Butlers {G.) " The End of the Perfect Man M'Pherson, F. Poetry of Modern Greece. 5s. . Macpherson, J. The Baths and Wells of Europe. 6s. 6d. Our Baths and Wells. 3s. 6d. Macquoid, K. S. Berkshire Lady. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1880 Patty. 2 Vols. 2is. i Vol. 6s. 2s. in 1883 . Macready, W. C. Reminiscences. F. Pollock. 2 Vols. 28s. i Vol Madame Tabby's Establishment. See Kari. 4s. 6d. Madoc, F. Margaret Jermine. 31s. 6d. Story of Melicent. 4s. 6d. . Magnetism. See Airy {G. B.) . See Gray (A. ) . . . See Loeivy {B. ) . . . . See Stewart {B.) attd Gee {IV. H. H.) .... 524, See Thompson {S. P.) See Thomson ( IV. ) . ) 5d. 2S. 6s. etation II. 5s 304 479 290 290 290 291 291 291 308 309 3" 311 3" 310 425 418- 400 160 269 79 190 418 223 500 536 223 383 375 362 489 560 519 523 563 303 342 352 458 191 223 362 223 287 493 500 439 182, 201 454, 531 535 541 405 241 INDEX 657 4s. 6d. Old Greek Life, each IS. ' Reply Maguire, J. F. Young Prince Marigold. Maguire, T. See Aeschylus Mahaffy, J. P. Classical Antiquities. Part I Classical Greek Literature. 2 Vols. 9s Decay of Modern Preaching. 3s. 6d. Greek Life and Thought from the Age of Alexander to the Roman Conquest. 12s. 6d. Principles of the Art of Conversation. 4s. 6d Rambles and Studies in Greece. 8s. 6d. Second Edition. los. 6d. Social Life in Greece. 7s. 6d. 9s. in 1877 and Rogers, J. E. , Tour through Holland and Germany. los. 6d See Euripides'' " Hippolytus " See Euripides. Classical Writers . Seejebb (A'. C), A Rejoinder to Prof. Mahaffy s Seejebb (R. C), Remarks on an Article by See Kanfs (/. ) " Critical Philosophy " Maitland, E. J. S. Poems. 5s. ... - F. W. Justice and Police. 3s. 6d. . — — Pleas of the Crown for the County of Gloucester, A.u. 122 - Prize Essay for 1852. Robinson, C. K., "Missions urged upon the Ground both of Duty and Policy."' 3s. 1867. Smith, W. S., "Obstacles to Missionary Success anion the Heathen." 3s. 6d. Malet, L. Mrs. Lorimer. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 4s. 6d. Mallet, L. The Political Opinions of Richard Cobden. is. Malory, T. Morte D'Arthur. Revised by Sir E. Strachey. Malthus, T. R. By J. Bonar. 12s. 6d. . Man of Business. See " Social Duties " . Manchester, Bishop of. See Eraser (J.) • See Moorhouse [J. ) . (J.P.Lee.) See Benson [E. IV.) Manchester Science Lectures for the People. Eighth Series, 3s. 6d. 7s. 6d. State on PAGE 215 166 304 559 418 518 519 304 269 559 396 355 321 302 556 105 477 458 24 179 418 191 I7S 477 164 See Roscoe's (H. E.) " What the Earth is Cot?iposedof" See Lockyers [J. N.) " JVhy the Earth's Chemistry is as it is" See Williamson's [W. C. ) " The Succession of Life on the Earth ' Complete Vol. See Roscoe (H. E.) Mansfield, C. B. Aerial Navigation. los. 6d. . A Theory of Salts. 14s. ..... and Kingsley, C. Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate. 12s. 6d. - R. B. See Mansfield's {C. B.)'' Aerial Navigation" Manual for Co-operators. See Hughes ( 7". ) " Maori." Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier. 14s. See Inglis' (_/.) '■^ Our Australian Cottsins'" Marcus Aurelius. See Antoninus [M. A.) Margary, A. R., The Journey of. By R. Alcock. los. 6d. Margoliouth, D. S. Studia Scenica. 2s. 6d. . • See Aeschylus'' " Agamemnon " . Mark, S. See " Choice Notes on the Gospel of " . See " Choice Notes on the Gospels of S. Matthew and S. Mark'' Markham, A. H. Northward Ho ! los. 6d. . - C. R. A History of the Abyssinian Expedition. 145. See "■ Fairfax s {Lord) Life" .... See'' Fairfax's [R.) Life" ..... Marlitt, E. The Countess Gisela. 7s. 6d. 2 U 202 327 323 331 327 324 135 41 324 399 342 381 408 304 440. 448 184. 185 363 191 204. 473 208 65S BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Marlowe, Gilbert, and other Poems. See Whitmore ( W. Married Beneath Him. By J. Payn. 31s. 6d. . Marriner, E. T. J. Sermons at Lyme Regis. 4s. 6d. . Marriott, G. R. L. See Laveleye's (£. dc) ' ' Primitive Property J. A. R. Makers of Modern Italy, is. 6d. Marshall, A. Economics of Industry. 2s. 6d. . See Price's (Z. Z. F. R.) '' Industrial Peace" - J. M. A Table of Greek Irregular Verbs, is. - L. See Thorpe's (T. E.) ''Coal" - IM. P. See MarshalPs {A.) '' Economics of Industry" - W. See " Vacation Tourists in 1861 " Marston, W. Lady in Her Own Right. los. 6d. Altered to Martel, C. Military Italy. 12s. Martial. Selected Epigrams. H. M. Stephenson. 6s. 6s. 6d — — Translated by W. T. Webb. 4s Martin, C. T. See lo/tie's ( JK J.) " Memorials of the Savoy " - Frances. Angelique Arnauld. 4s. 6d. Poet's Hour. 2s. 6d. . . . . Spring-Time with the Poets. 3s. 6d. See " Gilbert {E. ) and Her Work for the Blind" . - Frederick. Handbook of Contemporary Biography. in 1871 ..... The History of Lloyd's. 14s. Statesman's Year-Book. los. 6d. each Stories of Banks and Bankers. 3s. 6d. See Clare { J.), '' life of " . - H. N. See Huxley s {T. H.) "■ Elementary Biology ' See '■'Journal of Physiology" Martineau, C. A. Easy Lessons in Heat. 2s. 6d. - H. Biographical Sketches. 8s. 6d. Altered to 6s. in Novem A Letter to the Deaf. 6d. . - J. See Spinoza {B.) . Martjnr, Justin. Dialogue with Trypho the Jew. Translated by He Massey, L. Songs of the Noontide Rest. 4s. 6d. Masson, D. British Novelists and their Styles. 7s. 6d. Essays Biographical and Critical. I2s. 6d. Recent British Philosophy. 7s. 6d. Second Edition. 6s Three Devils. 5s. . Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats. 5^- • See " Carlyle {T.) Personally and in his IVritings" See Chatterton {T.) . See De Qiiincey (T.) See Drummond (IV.) See Goldsmith's (0.) " Vicar of Wakefield" . " Works" 6s. Altered to 2s. 6d Magazitie ' See " jMacmillans See Masson {P. O.) . See " Milton s (J.) Life" Vol. I. . II. ///. IV. and V. VI. See Milton's (J.) " Poetical Works" See Youmans' ''Modern Culture" . s. in 1 86 1 in 1887 6d. . PAGE 62 92 559 363 522 149 347 363 96 67 458 384 363 342 251 238 238 "514 208 304 121 135 131 282 340 3S4 191 191 423 5 287 58 41 135 269 269 470 261 395 246 434 187 58 304 59 224 251 324 384 270, 324. 418 . 165 ber 1870 nry Brown. 9s INDEX 659 Masson, G. Dictionary of the P'rench Language. 6s. . La Lyre Fran9aise. 4s. 6d. - R. O. and D. Three Centuries of English Poetry. 3s. 6d. Mate, R. P. See '' To Verify Dates:' 6d. Materialism Ancient and Modern. 2s. . Mathematical Journal. See Cambridge . Mathematics, History of. See Ball ( W. W. R.) See '■'Familiar Illustrations of the Language of." By f. L See " Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of" Mathews, C. J. Life. Edited by C. Dickens. 25s. . Matthew, S. See " Choice Notes on the Gospel of . - and Mark, SS. See " Choice Notes on the Gospels of" Maturin, W. Blessedness of the Dead in Christ. 7s. 6d. Maudsley, H. Body and Mind. 5s. 6s. 6d. in 1873 • Pathology of Mind. i8s. . Physiology of Mind. los. 6d. and Pathology of the Mind. i6s. Mault, A. Natural Geometry. 2s. 6d. Altered to is. in 1S73 Box of Models to illustrate " Mault's Geometry." 12s. 6d. Maurice, F. See " Letters from Donegal in 1886" See "Maurice's (F. D.) Life" - F. D. Administrative Reform, and Working Men's Colleges, Casuistry, Moral Philosophy, and Moral Theology, is. Christian Education. 6d. .... Christmas Charities ..... Day and other Sermons. los. 6d. Church a Family. 4s. 6d. .... Claims of the Bible and of Science. 4s. 6d. Commandments as Instruments of National Reformation. Conflict of Good and Evil. 6s. . Conscience. 8s. 6d. Second Edition. 5s. Altered to 4s, Death and Life. is. Dialogues on Family Worship. 6s. Altered to 4s. 6d. Doctrine of Sacrifice. 7s. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1883 Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History. los. 6d. Epistle of the Hebrews. 7s. 6d. Epistles of St. John. 7s. 6d. 6s. in 1867 . Word " Eternal " : a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Jelf. is. Eucharist. 2s. . . . Faith of the Liturgy and Doctrine of the Thirty-Nine Articles Friendship of Books. los. 6d. Altered to 4s. 6d. in 1883 The Gospel of Hope ..... of St. John. los. 6d. 6s. in 1867 . the Kingdom of Heaven. 9s. Altered to 6s. in Boget 3^1. 4s. 6d. 6d. in 1883 2S ;s. 6d. Ground and Object of Hope for Mankind Indian Crisis. 2s. 6d. Kingdom of Christ. 12s. . Learning and Working. The Religion of Rome, and its Influence on Modern Civilization. 5s. Altered to 4s. 6d. in 1883 Lecture at the Opening of the Lower Norwood Working Men's Insti Lectures on the Apocalypse. los. 6d. 6s. in 1885 Lessons of Hope. 5s. . Letter to Lord Ashley. See " On Bight and Wrong Methods of Supporting Brotestantism." is. . 1S83 6d. 883 tute. 6d PAGE 269 160 304 28 401 3 527 13 93 363 169 IBs 536 208 363 304 160 324 324 494 458 32 149 208 52 33 105 149 500 175 32 92 26 26 33 45 23 46 67 270 46 45 121 175 46 440 33 67 79 559 34 Light of Men. 6d. .... Lord's Prayer, as. 6d. Creed, and Commandments, is. Mediceval Philosophy. 2s. 6d. . Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. 25s. i6s. in 18S3 . New Statute and Mr. Ward. is. . Patriarchs and Lawgivers. 6s. 5s. in 1S67. Altered to 4s. 6d. in 1883 Plan of a Female College for the Help of the Rich and of the Poor. 6d. Prayer-Book. 5s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1S65 .... and Lord's Prayer. 9s. Altered to 6s. in 18S3 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 18S Queen's College, London, is. and is. 6d. Religion of Rome. See Maurices {F. Z>.) " Learning and Working''' Religions of the World. 5s. Altered to 4s. 6d. in 1883 . Right and Wrong Methods of Supporting Protestantism, is. Sacrifices which we owe to God and His Church. 6d. Secular and Denominational Education. 6d. . Sermon to the 19th Middlesex Rifles. 2d. .... Sermons on the Sabbath-Day. 2s. 6d. .... preached in Country Churches. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in i8Sj Social Morality. 14s. los. 6d. in 1872. Altered to 6s. in 1873 Theological Essays. los. 2d Edition. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1SS3 Concluding Essay and Preface to the Second Edition IS. 6d. . Thoughts on the Duty of a Protestant in the present Oxford Election, is. Rule of Conscientious Subscription, etc. 2s. Tracts for Priests and People. No. II. The Mote and the Beam. is. Unity of the New Testament. 14s. 12s. in 18S4 . War ; how to prepare ourselves for it. 2d. Warrior's Prayer, is. . What is Revelation ? los. 6d. . . Sequel to the Inquiry. 6s. What Message have the Clergy for the People of England ? is. 6d. Worship of the Church. A Sermon. And Letter to F. S. Williams, is. Life. 8vo. 36s. Cr. 8vo. 16; 'S. Bibliography. Compiled by G. J. Gray .... Portrait. 42s. and 15s. . Communion Service. See Colenso {J. IV.). See Hare's {J. C. ) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour Victory of Faith . . ' 660 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE PAGE Maurice, F. D. Letter to the Bishop of London. See " Queen s College, London. " IS. and IS. 6d. . . . ••!)'}> a London Clergj-man. See " Thoughts on the Duty of a Protestant in the present Oxford Election.''' is. . 34 the Rev. W. Palmer on the name "Protestant," and J. R. Hope's "Bishopric of the United Church of England," etc. 3s. . 34 175 46 209 191 238 2 33 33 46 384 23 33 33 46 34 92 209 67 34 251 191 26 34 34 80 34 58 191 58 67 121 46 458 477 238 29 1 1 103 I ^2 See A'ingsleys(C.)'' The Sainfs Tragedy'' See Law's (IV.) " A'emarhs on the Fable of the Bees '' See ^^ Lectures to Ladies," etc. . . • See Hutton {R. H. ) and Maurice {F. D.) ''Tracts for Priests and People. No. XLV. IS 89 See Ludloiv (/. M.) and Maurice {F. D.) " Tracts for Priests and People." No. VL IS. . . . • • • 79 INDEX 66i Maurice, F. D. See Stfachey {£. ) and Maurice {F. D.) " Tracts for Priests and People.'" No. X. is. See " Worship of God" etc. Preaching, a Call to JVoi'ship The Bible See " Charges of Heresy against." is. . See Sevan's (LI. D.) "' Sermon on Death of" See Kingsley''s (C) ''''Sermon on Death of" See Luard's [H. R). ^'Sermon on Death of" Maw, G. See Hooker'' s {/. D.) "■ Journal of a Tour in Marocco" Maxwell, J. C. Lecture on Experimental Physics, is. . On the Stability of the Motion of Saturn's Rings. 6s. Life. 1 8s. 7s. 6d. in 1S84 .... Portrait. 5s. ..... . Max Miiller, F. See Kant's (/.) " C?-itique of Pure Reason." Vol I. ___ 77. Mayer, A. M, Sound. 3s. 6d. . and Barnard, C. Light. 2s. 6d. . Mayo, C. See " Vacation Tourists, etc., 1862-63" Mayor, J. B. Advent Warnings . Greek for Beginners. Complete. 4s. 6d. . Part L IS. 6d. Parts II. and III. 3s. 6d. Considerations upon the Poll Course - J. E. B. Bibliographical Clue to Latin Literature. 6s. 6d. Altered to los. 6d. in 1881 ..... Early Statutes of St. John's College, Cambridge. Part I. II iSs Facts and Documents relating to the Persecutions of Old Catholics, — — First Greek Reader. 6s. Second Edition. 4s. 6d. Cambridge in the Seventeenth Centuiy. Part I. See Ferrar {N. ) Ditto. Part II. See Robinson {M.) 5s. 6d. Ditto. Part in. See Bedell {W.) 3s. 6d. See Clark's (IV. G.) " The Journal of Philology" See Cicero's " The Second Philippic" See Homer'' s " The Narrative of Odysseus." Part I. "Odyssey." Book IX. — — See Juvenal. Thifieen Satires — — Satires X. and XI. . XI I. -XVI. . Thii'teen Satires. H. A. Strong and A. Leeper See Pliny'' s"- Letters." Book III. . Mazini, L. In the Golden Shell. 4s. 6d. Mazzini. See Mar riot fs (J. A. R.) "Makers of Modern Italy'' Mechanics. See Alexander (T.) . See Cotterill (J. H.) See Ball (R. S.) . See Bayma (J.) See Girdlestone (IV. H) See Kennedy (A. JV. B.) See Pai-kinson (S.) . — Sec Phear (J. B.) . See Snowball (J. C) See Todhuntcr (/. ) . Medd, C. S. Academia 0.\oniensis. Arnold Prize Historical Essay, 1864. 6d. 7s. 6d 372 164, IS. PAGE 81 54 54 64 232 250 238 339 224 59 418 401 400 400 363 342 128 105 192 209 209 92 287 59 59 287 176 30 42 217 169 75 248 455 23 360 360 416 386 238 559 426 450 216 142 88 493 35 14 2 348 135 662 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE S, Medicine, System of. See Reynolds {J. R.) . . 150, 178, 225, Medley, John, Bishop of Fredericton. Charge in 1868. is. Meeze, A. G. Fourth Edition of Edgar's (J. H.) and Pritchard's (G Descriptive Geometry. Revised l)y .... Meiklejohn, J. M. D. See Somienscheiiis {A.) " English Method of Teaching to Read. " The Nursery Book Ditto. The First Course Ditto. The Second Course . Ditto. The Third and Fourth Courses Ditto. The Nursery Book in Large Letter Sheets Melbourne, Viscount. Memoirs. By W. M. Torrens. Meldola, R. Chemistry of Photography. 6s. PAGE 327, 366 32s. 176 186 196 196 196 227 343 559 and White, W. East Anglian Earthquake. 7s. 6d. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1887 477 94 5 559 270 235 235 519 531 532 179 3" 505 536 559 519 440 536 270 238 270 52 176 90 52 S3 20 324 324 93 533 533 455 297 458 458 343 343 347 287 Melibseus in London. See Fayn {/.) .... Member of the Senate. The University and King's College. 6d. Mendeleeff, D. I. Portrait. 5s. .... Mendelssohn, F. Letters and Recollections. Dr. F. Hiller. 7s. 6d. See Goethe {/. JV. I'on) ..... Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Karl. See Goethe (/. JV. Von) Mendenhall, T. C. A Century of Electricity. 4s. 6d. . Mensuration. See Goyen {F.) . See Hall {H. S.) and Kiiight {S. R.) See Tebay {S.) See Todhjmter {!.) ...... 198, 310 See Todhunter's (/.) and McCarthy's {Fr. L.) ''Key to'' . Mercier, C. Nervous System and the Mind. 12s. 6d. . Mercur, J. Elements of the Art of War. 17s. . Meredith, G. Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life. 6s. . Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth. 6s. ... A Reading of Earth. 5s. . Merewether, H. A. By Sea and by Land. 8s. 6d. . Merivale, C. Commemoration Sermon at Harrow School. 6d. Concio ad Clerum Provincia; Cantuariensis in .Ede Paulina Cathedrali. is, Open Fellowships. 6d. Competition, Pagan and Christian. 6d. See Keats (J.) 2s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1863 See Salhtst's " Catiline" "/ngiirtha" . " Catiline and Jugitrtha " Merriman, M. Method of Least Squares. 7s. 6d. (2nd Ed.) Text-book of do. 8s. 6d Messenger of Mathematics. See " Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Metallurgy. Elementary. See Hiorns {A. H. ) Practical. See Hiorns [A. H.) Metaphysics. See Harper (T.) . . . . . 358, 398 Meyer, J. See " Correggio" Miall, A. See '' A/ialfs {£.) Life'' - E. Life. los. 6d. - L. C. Studies in Comparative Anatomy. No. I. See Thorpe's [T F.) " Coal" Michael Angelo Buonarroti. C. C. II. The Skull of the Croco dile. 2s. 6d. Anatomy of the Indian Elephant. 5s. Black. 31s. 6d. INDEX 66^ Michelet, M. Summary of Modern History. 4s. 6d. Micklethwaite, J. T. See Poole's (R. S.) ''Lectures on Art" Middle Class Education and University Matters. See " Occasional Papers," etc. Mill, H. R. Elementary Class-Book of General Geography. 3s. 6d - T- S., A Letter to. See Cairnes' {J. i?. ) " University Education in Ireland'' MiUais, J. E. See Htinfs ( W. M.) " Talks about Art" Millar, J. B. Elements of Descriptive Geometry. 6s. . Miller, J. See ''Virgil, The ^Eneid of" . - R. K. Romance of Astronomy. 3s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1S75 - W. H. Three Questions. 2s. 6d. Millet, J. F. Life. i6s. Milligan, W. Resurrection of Our Lord. 9s. 5s. in 1883 Revelation of St. John. 7s. 6d. Milne, J. J. Weekly Problem Papers. 3s. 6d. Altered to 4s. 6d. in 1885 Companion to the Weekly Problem Papers. los. 6d. Solutions of Weekly Problem Papers. los. 6d. Milner, C. See Schtuid's {C. T.) " Inhalation" . - E. The Lily of Lumley. 7s. 6d. Milnes, A. See Butler's {S.) " Hndihras." Parti. Parts II. and III. - R. M. (Lord Houghton.) See Gray's (B.) " Luggie and other Poems" Milton, J. Comus. Lord Lyttelton. 5s. . . L' Allegro, II Penseroso, etc. W. Bell. 2s. Paradise Lost. Book I. M. Macmillan. is. 6d. Books I. and II. M. Macmillan. 2s. 6d Poetical Works. D. Masson. 3 Vols. 8vo. 42s. — 3 \o\%. Fcap. 8vo. 15s. Globe Edition, i Vol. 3s. 6d. Golden Treasury Series. 9s. Samson Agonistes. Lord Lyttelton. 6s. 6d. By S. A. Brooke, is. 6d. Large Paper Edition. 21s. Life. By D. Masson. Vol. I. iSs. 2 is. in 1S81 II. i6s. III. i8s. » IV. and V. i6s. each VI. 2IS. By M. Pattison. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1S87 Minchin, G. M. Naturae Veritas. 2s. 6d. Minto, W. The Mediation of Ralph Hardelot. 31s. 6d. See Defoe (D.) . See Ward's (T. H.) "English Poets" Minucius Felix, M. Octavius. Translated by Sir D. Dalrymple. (Lord 3s. 6d. . Miss Russell's Hobby. 12s. . - Tommy. By D. M. Craik. 6s. . Mr. Pisistratus Brown, M.P., in the Highlands. See Brown. 5s. 2 1872. 3s. 6d. in 1873 . . . • Mrs. Frederick. Hints to Housewives. See Frederick [Mrs.) - Gander's Story. See H. [H. A.) - Jerningham's Journal. 3s. 6d. ... Mistral, F. Mirelle. Translated by H. Crichton. 6s. Mitford, A. B. Tales of Old Japan. 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6 Mivart, St. George. Common Frog. 3s. 6d. Genesis of Species. 9s. . Hailes. 6d. PAGE 2S7 422 52 560 339 343 III 251 I 401 401 501 477 536 478 136 192 393 429 88 105 560 560 519 270 418 324 270 160 364 59 224 251 324 384 364 519 537 355 389 26 135 459 218 378 414 192 176 224 270 224 664 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE 4s, in 1882. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1885 6d. . Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1885 Altered to 2s. 6d. in 18S8 6d. 2S. 6d 1884 in 1884 Mivart, St. George. Lessons in Elementary Anatomy. 6s. 6d. Mixter, W. G. Text-Book of Chemistry. 7s. 6d Miz Maze. 4s. 6d. .... Modern Culture. See Yotimans . - Industries, is. ... . Mohammad. Speeches and Table-Talk. S. Lane-Poole. Molesworth, M. L. Herr Baby. 6s. Altered to 3s. 6d. Christmas Child. 4s. 6d. Christmas Posy. 4s. 6d. Christmas Tree Land. 4s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 18S9 Four Ghost Stories. 6s. Four Winds Farm. 4s. 6d. French Life in Letters, is. Grandmother Dear. 4s. 6d Little Miss Pegg)'. 4s. 6d. Rectory Children. 4s. 6d. .... Rosy. 4s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1885 . Summer Stories. 4s. 6d. .... — — Tapestry Room. 4s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 18S5 Two Little Waifs. 4s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1S89 Us. 4s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1887 See GrahanCs {£.) " Carrots." 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in August " T/ie Ctickoo Clock." 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d " Tell me a Story." 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d in 1885 Moli^re, J. B. P. de. L'Avare. L. M. Moriarty. is. . Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. L. M. Moriarty. is. 6d. Les Femmes Savantes- G. E. Fasnacht. is. Le Malade Imaginaire. F. Tarver. 2s. 6d. Le Medecin Malgre Lui. G. E. Fasnacht. is. . Le Misanthrope. G. E. Fasnacht. is. MoUoy, G. Gleanings in Science. 7s. 6d. Monahan, J- H. Method of Law. 6s. . Monk, G. By J. Corbett. 2S. 6d. Montalembert. See B. {A. G.) . Montcalm, L. J. See Parkmati {F.) , '■'Montcalm and IVolfe" . Monteiro. Angola and the River Congo. 2is. . Montelius, O. Civilisation of Sweden. Translated by F. H. Woods, Montriou, W. A. Institutes of Jurisprudence. los. 6d. Moon, R. Fresnel and his Followers. 5s. . Light explained on the Hypothesis 01 the Ethereal Medium being a Fluid. Part I. 2s. 6d. ..... Professor Challis and Professor Tardy. The New Equation in dynamics, is. . A Reply to the " Athencciim." is. . Moor, A. P. Cambridge Theological Papers. 7s. 6d. . Moore, B. T. A New Proof of the Method of Algebra. 6d. Moorhouse, J. Jacob. 3s. 6d. . Our Lord Jesus Christ the Subject of Growth in Wisdom. 5s Sermon on the Judgment in Shepperd v. Bennett, is. Some Modern Difficulties respecting Nature and Revelation. 2s. 6d. Spiritual Ministrations. 6d. .... More Excellent Way. 4s. 6d. ..... Morgan, H. A. Problems and Examples in Mathematics. 6s. 6d - J. Ed. University Oars. los. 6d. .... in 1886 14s. PAGE 252 560 440 165 176 419 401 537 459 537 519 560 343 519 560 419 419 364 440 478 300 319 280 419 459 402 364 440 419 537 343 560 49 460 287 537 161 II Viscous Hydro- 14 II 9 59 209 149 239 80 92 440 52 252 INDEX 665 Morgan, J. H., and Barber, J. T. Account of the Aurora Borealis. 5s - L. Baron Bruno. 5s. ... . - L. H. Ancient Society. i6s. See Fisofi's (Z. ) " Kainilaroi and KiirnaV . Moriarty, L. ]M. See Foutame's (J. de Id) ''Fables" See Molieres (/. P. B. de) ''L'Avare" " Zt' Boiu-geois Gentilhovwie" Morier, R. B. D. See " Systems of Land Temn-e" Morison, J. The Purpose of the Ages. 9s. - J. C. See ''Bernard's [St.) Life" . See Gibbon {£.) — — See Macaulay [Lord) .... Morley, J. Aphorisms, is. 6d. .... On Compromise. 5s. ... . Critical Miscellanies. 3 Vols. 5s. each On the Study of Literature. 8vo. 2d. Globe 8vo. is. 6d. . See Burke [E.) See Diderot (D. ) . See Emerson [R. IV.) " An Essay " "Miscellanies " de) See Roiisseati {J. J. ) See Voltaire (F. AL A See Walpole {R.) .... See WordszvortJi s {W.) " Complete Works" . " Introduction to New Edition of Complete Morris, R. English Grammar. Literature Primer, is. Macmillan's Series of Text-Books for Indian Schools. IS. Exercises. By R. Morris and H Historical English Grammar. 2s. 6d. Outlines of English Accidence. 6s. See Spetise?-'s (E.) " Complete Works" See WetherelPs {/.)" Exercises" . — W. See Poole's (R. S.) "Lectures on Art" . Morse, F. Working for God. 2s. 6d. 5s. in 1859 — Lecture, 1880. Calderwood, H., "Relations of Science and Morshead, A. E. M. A. See " Miz Maze" — E. D. A. See Schiller'' s (/. C. F. Von) "Selections" See Sophocles' " Oedipus the King" . Mortlock, E. Christianity agreeable to Reason. 3s. 6d. The Court of Chancery, is. 6d. — — See Kaye's (W. F. J.) "Sermon on Death of" Moschus. See " Theocritus" .... Moseley, H. N. Notes by a Naturalist on the " Challenger." Moule, II. M. Christian Oratory. 6s. 6d. Moulton, J. F. See Boole's [G.) "A Treatise on the Calculus" — L. C. Swallow-Flights. 4s. 6d. — W. F. See Rush's {E.)" Latin Delectus" . Moultrie, J. Poems. Vol. I. 7s. . II. 7s. . Mozley, H. N. See "Wo/nan's JVork and IVoman's Culture" — J- R- The Study of the Classics. 2s. Mudie, C. E. See M. 's (C. E.) "Stray Leaves." 3s. 6d. Religion." 2IS. etc. 56, 352 Works C. Bowen. is 5s. PAGE 9 288 324 397 473 419 459 212 519 167 338 417 520 478 478 520 520 ,528 472 452 452 481 4S3 567 546 546 2S8 304 343 271 239 196 425 422 47 393 440 503 482 92 192 249 3S7 364 59 64 344 367 305 305 200 105 238 666 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Muir, M. M. P. Elements of Thermal Chemistry. 12s. 6d. Muir, M. M. P. Practical Chemistry for Medical Students, is. 6d. See Fleisckei^s (E.) "A System of Volumetric Ajialysis" . - T. Theory of Determinants. 7s. 6d. Miiller, H. P'ertilisation of Flowers. 21s. MuUinger, J. B. Cambridge Characteristics in the Seventeenth Century. 4s. 6d Mure, J. Lusus Alteri Westmonasteriensis. Part I. 12s. 6d Bull, H. — Scott, C. B. Lusus Alteri Westmonasteriensis. Part II. 15s Murison, A. F. Globe Readers. Primer I. 3d. II. 3d. Book I. 6d. II. 9d. d. Shorter Globe Readers. Standard III IS. 3 IV. IS. 9c V. 2S. VI. 2S. 6c I. 6d. IL 9d. in. IS. IV. IS. V. IS. 3d. VI. IS. 6d. 1 6s , , Murphy, J. J. Habit and Intelligence Scientific Bases of Faith. 14s. Murray, D. C. Aunt Rachel. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 1888. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . Schwartz. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 3s. 6d. The Weaker Vessel. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. ; - E. C. G. Round about France. 7s. 6d. - J. C. Ballads and Songs of Scotland. 6s. . Music. Dictionary of Music and Musicians. See Grove — - See Stone {W. H.) .... See Taylor {F.) . See Taylor {S.) .... Myers, E. Defence of Rome. 5s. Judgment of Prometheus. 3s. 6d. . Poems. 4s. 6d. .... The Puritans. 2s. 6d. See Homer's ^^ Iliad" See " Pindar, Odes of" - F. W. H. Essays Classical. 4s. 6d. Essays Modern. 4s. 6d. Poems. 4s. 6d. .... Renewal of Youth. 7s. 6d. Saint Paul. 2s. 6d. See JVards (T I/.) " English Poets" See Wordsivorth (IV.) Mylne, L. G. Sermons in St. Thomas' Cathedral, Bombay My Mother and I. 6s. . N., M. See '' Three Feiiian Brothers" . - W. German Lyrist. By W. Nind. 3s. Nadal, E. S. Essays at Home and Elsewhere. 6s. ' . Impressions of London Social Life. 7s. 6d. 6s. Altered 6d. to 2s. m 320, 380, 435 6s. PAGE 478 344 318 419 440 161 121 161 419 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 459 459 459 459 459 460 192 252 501 560 537 344 271 554 309 329 254 384 501 325 192 436 272 441 441 209 421 161 389 390 560 420 153 41 421 288 INDEX 667 Mayer, A. M. Sound. 3s. 6d. and Barnard, C. Light. 2s. 6d. Meldola, R. Chemistry of Photography. 6s. . — — Mendenhall, T. C. A Century of Electricity. 4s. 6d. Mivart, St. G. Common Frog. 3s. 6d. .... Rodwell, G. F. Birth of Chemistry. 3s. 6d. Romanes, G. J. Scientific Evidences of Organic EvoUition. 2s. 6d. Spottiswoode, W. Polarisation of Light. 3s. 6d. Stokes, G. G. On Light. 7s. 6d. .... Thompson, W. Popular Lectures. Vol. I. Constitution of Matter. 6s Ward, H. M. Timber and its Diseases. 6s. . Naville, E. The Heavenly Father. Translated by IL Downton. 7s. 6d. Neale, E. V. Associated Homes. 3d. ..... See Hughes {T.) '"'■ Alanital for Co-operators''' ' - J. M. Two Festival Hymns. Set to Music by John Hullah. 6d. . Neander, Dr. A. See Ar7iohfs [Dr. T.) " Theology." is. Nepos, C. Cornelius Nepos. Selections. By G. S. Farnell. is. 6d. . Nettleship, H. See SteeFs [T. H.) " Sermons at Harrow School and ElseTvhe7-e'' See Vergil. Classical Writers ..... - J. T. Essays on Robert Browning's Poetry. 6s. 6d. New Antigone, The. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i \o\. 6s. . - Palaces of Administration, The. is. . - Testament. See '■^ Revisers and the Greek Text of '' . — Zealand, Bishop of. See Sehvyn {G. A.) Newcastle, Duke and Duchess. Cavalier and his Lady. 4s. 6d. Newcomb, S. Popular Astronomy. iSs. Newman, Dr. See Kingskys (C.) " What, then, does Dr. Neziunan iiieanV PAGE 531 252 364 21 364 Nail, G. H. See Gelliiis [Aiiliis) . . . Napier, Lord. On Missions, is. . . . - M. , Senr. Correspondence. 14s. See ^^ Lord Bacon and Sir Walter Raleigh." 7s. 6d. Junr. .See Napier's [M.) ^^ Correspondence" Napoleon L History of Napoleon L By P. Lanfrey. Svo. Edition. Vols. L-HI I2S. each. Vol. W. 6s. Crown Svo. Edition. 4 Vols. 30s. . 224 Nash, W. Oregon. 7s. 6d. . . . . . . . 344 Nasse, E. The Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages. 5s. . . 224 Natal, Bishop of. See Colenso {/. W.) Natural Religion. 9s. . . . . . . . .421 Nature. Nos. Single 4d. and 6d. Double 8d. and is. Parts. 2s. 6d. and 2s Vols. I. -X. 2 IS. each. XI.-XVH. los. 6d. each. XVHL-XL. 15s. each 192 Nature Series. Allen, G. Colours of Flowers. 3s. 6d. Chisholm, H. W. On the Science of Weighing and Measuring. 4s. 6d. Clifford, W. K. Seeing and Thinking. 3s. 6d. Darwin, C. 2s. 6d. ...... Flower, W. H. Fashion in Deformity. 2s. 6d. Forbes, G. Transit of Venus. 3s. 6d. .... Gladstone, J. H. , and Tribe, A. Chemistry of Secondary Batteries. 2s. 6d Kempe, A. B. How to Draw a Straight Line. is. 6d. Lankester, E. R. Degeneration. 2s. 6d. .... Lockyer, J. N. The Spectroscope. 3s. 6d. . . . Lodge, O. J. Modern Views of Electricity. 6s. 6d. Lubbock, J. British Wild Flowers. 4s. 6d. . Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves. 4s. 6d. Origin and Metamorphoses of Lisects. 35. 6d. 408 316 354 411 397 264 433 322 383 250 558 285 495 268 363 342 559 519 270 273 422 274 524 565 567 135 384 399 176 520 423 369 176 520 47 422 239 344 119 668 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Newman, W. L. See ^^ Qiiestio7is for a Reformed Parliament'' Newnham, W. O. Remarks on some Portions of Bp. Colenso's Teaching, is. Newton, A. Zoology of Ancient Europe, is. . Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. See Humphry {G. M.) — • C. T, Essays on Art and Archzeology. 12s. 6d. - Sir Isaac. Principia. W. Thomson and H. Blackburn. 31s. 6d Sections I. -III. By P. Frost. los. 6d, Altered to 12s. in 1S78 Nibelungen Lied. Translated by A. G. Foster-Barham. los. 6d Nichol, J. English Composition, is. . See Byron {Lord) — English Men of Letters Series . See Wards {T. H.) ''English Poets" Nind, W. German Lyrist. By W. N. 3s. Sonnets of Cambridge Life. 2s. . See " Klof stock's Odes." 6s. . . . See '' Letters from Ltaly and Vienna" Nine Years Old. 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1882 Nixon, J. E. Parallel Extracts. 3s. 6d. Prose Extracts. English and Latin. 3s. 6d. Second Edition. 4s. 6d. Selections from Prose Extracts for Translation into English and Latin. 3s, A Fev/ Notes on Latin Rhetoric. 2s. . Niven, C. See Glaishers (/. W. L.) ''Problems and Riders for 1878 Noel, Lady A. From Generation to Generation. 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6s. Hithersea Mere. 31s. 6d. .... See ' ' Owen Gwynne's Great Work " See " Wandering Willie" .... - lion. Roden. Beatrice. 6s. . Behind the Veil. 7s. ... . See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860" Noire, L. See Kanfs (/.) " Critique of Pure Reason." Vol. . Nolan, E. See " Oxford Spectator" Nolands, Robert. The Legacy of an Etonian. By R. W. Essington. los. Non-Collegiate Memoranda. 6d. ... Nordenskiold, A. E. Arctic Voyages. i6s. \'oyage of the Vega. 2 Vols. 45s. i Vol. 6s. . Norgate, K. England under the Angevin Kings. 32s. Norris, J. P. Writers of the New Testament and Inspiration, is. 6d. Ten Schoolroom Addresses. 8d. . See Demosthenes'' " Oration on the Crown." 3s. - W. E. Chris. 2 Vols. 12s. i \o\. 2s. . My Friend Jim. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. Altered to 2s. in 1888 Norrisian Prize Essay, 1S46. Jones, J. H., "If they hear not Moses and the Prophets." 2s. 6d. 1S47. Kingsbury, T. L., "Connexion between the Prophetic, and other Evidences of Christianity." 3s. 6d 1849. Whittington, R., "Internal Evidence of the Inspiration of the Historical Books of the Old Testa ment." 4s. 6d. .... 1852. Jameson, F. J., "The Analogy between th Miracles and Doctrines of Scripture." 2s. 1S57. Farrar, F. W., "The Christian Doctrine of the Atonement not inconsistent with the Justice and Good ness of God." is. . 1858. Ayerst, W., " The Pentateuch its own Witness.' 2s. 6d. ..... PAGE 162 149 146 385 224 26 520 365 374 389 41 27 8 18 209 271 478 561 305 356 365 520 281 214 176 X06 82 400 193 5 271 36S 402 521 122 II IS 537 501 12 50 49 INDEX 669 Norrisian Prize Essay, 1S63. INIaclear, G. F., "The Witness of the Eucharist. 4s. 6d. North, T. See '' Shakespeare' s Plutarch'''' Northamptonshire Rector. Sec " Village Sermons'''' Northern Circuit, The. 5s. . Norton, C. E. See Carlyles {T.} "■Early Letters" ''Letters, 1826-36" '^ Lxeiniiiiscences^^ See Goethe {J. W. Voti) " Correspondence between Goethe a)7d Carlyle'' - C. E. S. Iljrtmgrgantjrn ! ..... Lady of La Garaye. 7s. 6d. Fourth Edition. 4s. 6d. Old Sir Douglas. 6s. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1871. 6s. in 1877 Numbers and Deuteronomy. See Howard {H. E. J.) . Nuncomar, The Story of. By J. F. Stephen. 15s. . . Oak, Leaves from our Cypress and our. See ''Leaves,^'' etc. O'Brien, J. T. Charge, 1863. 2s. ... . Charge in 1866. 2s. ..... Justification by Faith. 14s. 12s. in 1863 . The Irish Education Question. 2s. 6d. Prayer. 6s. ...... Occasional Papers on University Matters and Middle Class Education, is. each Oger, V. See Duiiias' {A.) " L^es Demoiselles de St. Cyr'''' Ogilvies, The. 6s. 2s. in 1S82 ..... Old Songs. With drawings by E. A. Abbey and A. Parsons. 31s. 6d Oliphant, M. O. W. Agnes Hopetoun's Schools and Holidays. 6s. Altered to 5s. in 1 86 1. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1862. 4s. 6d. in 1872. 2s. 6d. in 1880 . Beleaguered City. los. 6d. 6s. in 1881 Country Gentleman. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. 1888 .... The Curate in Charge Dress. 2s. 6d. Francis of Assisi. 4s. Hester. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. He that will not when he may. 3 Vols to 2s. in 1S83 ... . . Joyce. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 3s. 6d. Literary History of England. 36s. Altered to 21s. in 1SS2 . Makers of Florence. 21s. los. 6d. in 1881 Si Makers of Venice. 21s. los. 6d. in February 1888 3s. 6d. in 1889 I Vol. 6s. Altered 2 Vols. 2 IS. I Vol. 6s. Altered to 2s, 6d. 6s. in 1877 Altered to 2s. in 1S8S 3 IS. 6d. I Vol. 6s. — Neighbours on the Green. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 3s. 6d. — Second Son. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 2s. — See Sheridan {K. B.) — Sir Tom. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. Altered to 2s — See '■'■ Son of the Soil.'" 2 Vols. 21s. i \'o\. 6s. in 1867. 6s. in 1877. 2s. in 1S83 .... — Wizard's Son. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s — Young Musgrave. 3 Vols. 31s. 6d. i Vol. — See Cowpers{lV.) ''Selections.'' 4s. 6d. — See Leahy's {" Sergeant")" Art of Swimming''' T. L. Kington- (formerly T. L. Kington). The Duke and the Schola — New English. 21s. ..... — Old and Middle English. 9s. ... . — Sources of Standard English. 6s. . in 1888 2s. 6d Altered to 2s. in 6s. Altered to 2s to 2s. m in 188" Altered in 1S71. 1888 . in 188:; s. 6d. 121 289 III 93 487 528 510 514 93 93 177 45 478 104 122 161 93 149 288 52 490 288 561 59 385 501 305 344 210 441 38s 537 421 305 521 561 538 444 460 153 460 325 430 284 288 501 344 252 670 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Olive. 6s. 2s. in 1S82 ..... Oliver, D. First Book of Indian Botany. 6s. 6d. Guide to Kew Gardens, is. Lessons in Elementary Botany. 4s. 6d. - S. P. Madagascar. 52s. 6d. Olliver, Rachel. 31s. 6d. Onesimus. Memoirs of a Disciple of St. Paul. los. 6d. Oppen, E. A. French Reader. 4s. 6d. . Optics, Undulatory Theory of. See Airy {G. B.) Geometrical. See Airy {0.) See Parkinson {S.) . Oratio Latina, 1847. See Permvne {J. J. 6".) is. 1849. See Perowne {E. H.) \%. 1852. do. (Privately printed] Orchids. Report of the Orchid Conference, 1885. 2s. . Ord, W. M. See Sibson's (i^ ) " Collected Works " See Sibson {F.), " Short Account of the Life and Wj-itings of" Ore-Seeker, The. See M. [A. S.) Orwell. The Bishop's Walk and the Bishop's Times. 5s. Orrinsmith, L. The Drawing- Room. 2s. 6d. . Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin. See 0' Brien (J. T. ) Bishop of. Otte, E. C. Scandinavian History. 6s. See Pauli {R.) ..... Our Year. 5s. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1862. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1881 Out of the Depths. los. 6d. . Outis. Hiatus. 8s. 6d. . Ouvry, H. A. See Nasse's {E.) '"'■ Agricultural Comimoiity of the Jlliddle Ages Ovid. Stories from the Metamorphoses. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. Fasti. G. H. Hallam. 5s. ... Heroidum Epistulae XIII. E. S. Shuckburgh. 4s. 6d. Selections. E. S. Shuckburgh. is. 6d. Metamorphoses. Books XIII. and XIV. C. Simmons. 4s. 6d. — — Easy Selections. H. Wilkinson, is. 6d. . Owen, A. Story of Catherine. 6s. . - R. See Youtnans' ' ' Modern Culture " - Portrait. 5s. . Owens College. See '■'' Essays and Addresses" Calendar. 3s. See " Victoria University Calendar" Owen Gwynne's Great Work. See "■ Gwytme." 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6s. Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics Spectator, The. 3s. 6d. .... University ...... Extension Reports. 2s. 6d. . . . .149 See Burrows'' {M.) " Worthies of all Souls" Recollections of. See Cox [G. V.) Dictionary of. See Dickens ( C ) . Historj' of. See Lyte (H. C. M. ) . See " Tom Brozvn at" . Bishop of. (W. Stubbs. ) See Hardwick's (C. ) " Middle Ages " Graduate. See '■'■ Inside Paris during the Siege" PAGE 288 192 210 122 501 344 421 122 142 201 60 6 II 19 501 404 404 67 325 271 80 67 60 192 224 521 402 365 36s 521 521 479 165 325 262 388 281 93 '193 98 150 260 170 451 495 82 22 222 C. K. — Langley, J. N. Tracts for Priests and People. No. V. The Boundaries of the Church. By C. K. P. The Message of the Church. By J. N. Langley. is. . 80 INDEX 671 Page, H. Lady Resident. 31s. 6d. - T. E. " See Acts of the Apostles " See Horace. Book I. //. ///. IV. Books I.- IV. . Book I. Elementary Classics //. do. ///. do. IV. do. See VergiPs '' ^JiehV Book II . VI. . " Georgics." Book I. . Paget. See Yoitmaiis' *'■ Modern Ctiltiire^'' Paley's Evidences of Christianity. See Crosse {C. Palgrave, F. The History of Normandy. Vol H.) 3s. 6d. I. 2IS. II. 2IS. III. 2IS IV. 2IS. F. T. Essays on Art. 6s. — Five Days' Entertainments, Wentworth Grange. 9s. Altered to 6s — Handbook to the Fine Art Collections in Exhibition of 1862. is. — Hymns, is. Second Edition, is. 6d. — Lyrical Poems. 6s. .... — Visions of England. 7s. 6d. . . . — Children's Treasury of Lyrical Poetry. Complete. 2s. 6d English Song. First Part. is. Second Part. is. — Student's Treasury of English Lyrics, is. . Golden Treasury of Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in English Language 4s. 6d. . See Herrick {R.) . See Keats' {J.) '' Poetical Works'' . See Scoffs ( IV. ) ''Poetical Works." Globe Edition " Lay of the Last Minstrel" and " Lady of the Lake " " Marmion " and " The Lord of the Isles '" See Shairfs (J. C.) " Glen Desseray" See Shakespeare's ( W. ) " Songs and Sonnets " 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. See Tennyson's '■'■ Lyrical Poems" — R. F. D. House of Commons. 4s, - W. G. Dutch Guiana. 9s. . Essays on Eastern Questions. los. 6d. Arabia. 2 Vols. 28s. I Vol. 7s. 6d. 6s. in 1S69 Ulysses. Scenes and Studies in Many Lands. 12s. 6d Palmer, A. See Horace's '' Satires" - E. H. Ye Hole in Ye Walle. 2s. 6d. - J. H. Practical Logarithms and Trigonometry. 4s. - Roundell. The Disendowment of the Irish Church. English Church Hymnody. is. . Established Church, is. and id. . Speech on the "Alabama" Question, is. . Treaty of Washington, is.. Book of Praise. Golden Treasury Series Edition. 4s. 6d. IS. in 1S77 6d. PAGE 437 437 455 437 437 359 398 415 437 566 543 567 165 30 122 122 123 123 150 in 1870 177 93 161 225 402 305 288 289 479 80 320 457 151 443 444 540 136 482 193 306 239 135 521 437 67 538 193 161 225 106 225 94 672 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Palmer, Roundell. Book of Praise. Royal Edition. 6s. 8vo. Edition. los. 6d. . Hymnal from the " Book of Praise." A. Edition. 6d. B. do. IS. C. do. IS. 6d. With Music. 3s. 6d. PAGE 94 94 162 162 162 - Lady S. Mrs. Penicott"s Lodger, and other Stories. 2s. 6d. - Rev. W. See Maiirici s {F. D.) T/wee Letters to Palmerston, Viscount, A Letter to. See Birkbeck {W. LI.) Paludan-Miiller, F. Fountain of Youth. Translated by H. W. Freeland. 6s Pansie's Flour-Bin. 4s. 6d. . Papal Infallibility. By an English Catholic, is. Papers on University Matters, etc. See " Occasiotial Papers,'' etc. Parables of Our Lord. See ^ Twelve" ..... Paradoxical Philosophy. 7s. 6d. ..... Parity of Moneys. By Amicus Curiae. 2s. . Parker, C. S. See '■' Essays on a Liberal Education" . See '■^ Qiiestions for a Reformed Parliainent" - H. Fine Arts. los. 6d. ...... - T. J. Course of Instruction in Zootomy. 8s. 6d. - W. K. Morphology of the Skull. los. 6d. .... - AY. N. See Wiedersheiin' s (A'.) " Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates" Parkes, H. Australian Views of England. 3s. 6d. Parkinson, S. Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. 9s. 6d. A Treatise on Optics. los. 6d. . Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 7s. 6d. each . • . Count Frontenac. 7s. 6d. ...... Jesuits in North America. 7s. 6d. . La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. 7s. 6d. Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 Vols. 12s. 6d. each. 1885 Edition 7s. 6d each Old Regime in Canada. 7s. 6d. . Oregon Trail. 7s. 6d. ...... • Pioneers of France in the New World. 7s. 6d. Parliament. See '■' Questions for a Reformed" .... Parminter, G. H. Materials for a Grammar of English Language. 3s. 6d. Parnell Commission. Opening Speech for the Defence. See Russell ( C. ) Parson Lot. Cheap Clothes and Nasty. By C. Kingsley. 4d. Passavant, J. D. See " Raphael of Urbino " Passion Flower. 21s. . Pasteur, L. Studies on Fermentation. 21s. Pater, W. H. Appreciations. 8s. 6d. . Imaginary Portraits. 6s. Marius the Epicurean. 21s. 12s. in November 18S5 Studies in the History of the Renaissance. 7s. 6d. los. 6d. in 1877 See Ward's (^T. H.)'' English Poets" .... Paterson, J. A Treatise on the Fishery Laws. los. Liberty of the Subject. 31s. 6d. Altered to 21s. in 1878 Liberty of the Press. 12s. . Pathology. Vol. I. See Hamilton (D. J. ) of Bronchitis. See Hamilton (D. J. ) of Mind. See Maudsley {H.) Patmore, C. The Angel in the House. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 2s. 6d. The Victories of Love. 4s. 6d. . The Children's Garland. Golden Treasury Series Edition. 4s. 6d. INDEX 673 Fatmore, C. The Children's Garland. Globe Readings Edition. Illustrated Edition. 6s. 2S. Netv Landlord" 30s. I2S. Yonge 1874 Patterson, A. J. Seejokais {M.) Patteson, J. c' Life. By C. M Pattison, M. Memoirs. 8s. 6d. Sermons. 6s. . See Milton (J.) English Aden of Letters Series See Ward's [T. H.) '' English Poets'' Paul of Tarsus. By J. E. T. Rogers. los. 6d. . - St., and Modern Thought. See Davies (J. LL) - D. The True Principle of Work. is. Pauli, R. Pictures of Old England. E. C. Ottc. 8s. 6d. Altered to 6s Payer, J. New Lands within the Arctic Circle. 32s. Payn, J. See " Married Bejteath Hi/n" Meliboeus in London. 2s. 6d. . Poems. 5s. ..... PajTie, E. J. History of European Colonies. 4s. 6d. See Cotton's (J. 6". ) " Colonies and Dependencies" . See Ward's (T. H.) ''English Poets" Peabody, C. H. Thermodynamics of the Steam-Engine. 21s. Peace in War. is. .... . Peacock, G. See Thompson's (IF. H.) '■'Sermon preached in Ely Cathedral" Peard, F. M. See " Mi: Maze" . Pears Report. See Barron {A. F.) . . ' . Pearson, C. H. See ^ Essays on Reform" See " Wofuatt's Work and Woman's Culture" - J. Elements of the Calculus of Finite Differences. Ss. - J. B. Good Samaritan at the Seat of War. 6d. Pedley, S. Examples in Arithmetic. Part I. 2s. 6d. . II. 2s. 6d. Complete. 5s. . Peel, E. Echoes from Horeb. 3s. 6d. . Judas Maccabeus. 7s. 6d. Peile, J. Introduction to Greek and Latin Etymology. los. 6d Philology. Literature Primers, is. Pellissier, E. French Roots. 6s. . . . See Racine's {J.) "■ Britan7iicits" . Pember, E. H. Tragedy of Lesbos. 4s. 6d. Pen Oliver. Charley Kingston's Aunt. 6s. is. in April 18S5 Pennell, T- Pen Drawing and Pen Draughtsmen. 73s. 6d. Special Copies. Pennington, R. Barrows and Bone-Caves of Derbyshire. 6s- Penrose, Y. C. Athenian Architecture. 147s. . Occultations of Stars by the Moon. 12s. . Percival, J. The Universities and the Great Towns, is. Perowne, E. H. Christian's Daily Life. is. . Oratio Latina for 1849. is. 1852. (Privately printed) - J. J. S. Al Adjrumiieh. 5s. . Confession in the Church of England, is. . — — Oratio Latina, 1847. is. . Perrault, C. Contes de Fees. G. E. P'asnacht Perry, C. Five Sermons at Cambridge in 1855. — J. Elementary Treatise on Steam. 4s. 6d. — W. C. The Formation of a Gallery of Casts 2 X IS. 3s- IS. 6d. in 1889 PAGE 94 252 173 271 480 480 364 389 239 37 252 in 1876 80 306 135 94 24 325 430 389 561 41 53 440 508 158 200 35 210 480 480 365 325 123 193 325 501 502 210 480 561 326 441 193 253 68 II 19 19 326 6 460 41 272 345 147s. 674 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Persia, Eastern. Vol. I. See St. John (0. B.) 2 Vols. 42s. Not sold separately ...... II. See Blanford {IV. T.) 2 Vols. 42s. Not sold separately Pettigrew, J. Physiology of the Circulation. 12s. Pfeififer, Dr. See WinkwortKs {S.) " Theologia Gcrnianica Phaedrus. Select Fables. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. Phear, J. B. Aryan Village in India and Ceylon. 7s. 6d. Elementary Hydrostatics. 5s. 6d. . Mechanics. los. 6d. International Trade. 2S. 6d. Phelps, R. Correspondence with the Universities Commission, is. Philemon. See Davies {J. LI.) . See Lightfoot (J. B.) Philippians. See Lightfoot {/. B.) See Vaughan(C./.) ...... 97 Phillimore, J. G. Private Law among the Romans. 1 6s. - R. See Lessifig's [G. £.) " Laoeoo/i" Phillips, Mrs. A. Benedicta. 31s. 6d. . - J. Life on the Earth, its Origin and Succession. 6s. 6d - J. A. Ore Deposits. 25s. .... - J. S. Elegiac Translations, is. . - S. See IVestcotfs [B. F.) " Thoughts on Revelation and Life.''' Selected by S. Phillips .... - S. K. On the Seaboard. 5s. - W. C. See LLoopers {W. H.) " Marks on Pottery and Porcelain " Phillpotts, J. S. See Shakespeare's ( JV.) " Much Ado about Nothing'' Philochristus. 12s. . Philology. See " American Jourttal of " The Journal of. See Clark [W. G.) Studies in Classical. See Flagg (/. ) See '■'■ Journal of Classical and Sacred." Nos. 4s. Vols. 12s. 6d. See Pcile (/. ) Philosophy. History of Ancient. See Butler ( W A. Moral. See Calderwood (LL.) Chemical. See Cooke {J. P.) of Training. See Craig (A. R.) . Cosmic. See Fiske {J. ) . Papers. See M' Cosh {J.) . Realistic. See M' Cosh {J.) Scottish. See M' Cosh [J.) . Recent British. See Masson (D.) . Mediaeval. See Maurice {F. D.) . Moral and Metaphysical. See Maurice {F. D.) See ^^Paradoxical" .... Mechanical. See Pratt [J. H.) . — Natural. See Snowball {J. C. ) and Lund { T. ) See Todhunter (/. ) Philpot, W. B. Pocket of Pebbles. 5s. In re Rome versus England. 2d. . Phrynichus, New. See Rutherford ( \V. G. ) Physical Geography. See Blanford (LL. F. ) '- See Geikie's [A.) " Flementary Lessons ''Primer" 308 INDEX 675 Physical Geography. See Gcikies {A.) " Questions on' Physics, Chemical. See Cooke [J. P.) . Questions on. See Core [T. H.) Text-Book of the Principles of. See Daniell (A.) of the Earth's Crust. See Fisher {0.) Examples in. See Jones [D. E.) . Solar. See Lockyer {J. N.) Elementary Experimental. See Loewy {B. ) Experimental. See Maxwell [J. C. ) Elementary. See Stewart (B. ) Practical. See Stewart {B. ) and Gee ( W. H. H. ) Primer. See Stciuart {B. ) . Applications of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry. See Physiography. See Huxley {T. H.) Outlines of. See Lockyer {J. N.) . Physiology. Questions on. See Alcock [T.) Practical. See Foster (M. ) and Langley {J. N. ) Primer, See Foster {M.) Text-Book. See Foster (M.) Chemistry. See Gatngee {A.) Journal of Anatomy and. See Hiiiiiphry {G. M.) Elementary. See Huxley [T. H.) . See "Jottrnal of" .... Mind. See Maudsley [H.) . See Pettigrew (J. B.) . . Pickering, E. C. Physical Manipulation. Part I. los. 6d. Altered to 4S2, 524 Thomson {/. J. I OS. I OS m 1883 II. I OS. 6d in 18S3 6d. Altered to 6s Second Edition. Picton, J. A. The Mystery of Matter Pififard, C. Mount Sinai. 2s. . - H. G. Diseases of the Skin. i6s. . Pigot, T. F. See Spottiswoode' s {W.) '■'■ Scietice Lectures,'^ etc. Pindar. Olympian and Pythian Odes. B. L. Gildersleeve. 7 Odes of. E. Myers. Ss. . Pinkerton, P. E. See ''Schiller's (J. C. F. Von) Life" Pirie, G. Geometrical Methods approximating to the value of ir. Lessons on Rigid Dynamics. 6s Place, B. Thoughts on Life-Science. Plain Rules about Registration, id. Plane Geometry. See " Syllabus of" Plato. Phaedo. R. D. Archer-Hind Timaeus. R. D. Archer- Hind. Trial and Death of Socrates. F. J. Church. 4s. 6d The Republic of. J. LI. Davies and D. J. Vaughan 1858. Golden Treasury Edition. 4s. 6d. Phaedo. W. D. Geddes. 8s. 6d. . First Book of the Republic. A. R. Grant, is. 6d. Euthyphro and Menexenus. C. E. Graves, is. 6d. — — - Laches. M. T. Tatham. 2s. 6d. . The Republic. Books I. -V. T. H. Warren. Platonic Dialogues for English Readers. Vol 8s. 6d. 1 6s. 7s. 6s. I. IL in. Altered in 1878 Vol. IL . 6d. IS. s. 6d. W. Whewell. 6s. 6d. 7s. 6d. I2S. 6d to 14s, 6d. I OS. 6d. in 7s. 6d, 319 489 394 451 397 534 268 535 224 211 541 241 542 321 517 166 299 264 318 379 146 147 340 304 272 272 306 253 9 306 368 480 272 443 326 289 193 47 292 441 538 385 19 481 9 402 53S 538 60 68 80 6:6 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Plato. Phaedrus, Lysis, and Protagoras. J- Wright. 4s. 6d. Plautus, The Mostellaria of. W. Ramsay. Edited by G. G. Ram: • Miles Gloriosus. R. Y. Tyrrell. 5s. Plea for a New English Version of the Scriptures. los. 6d. Pletsch, O. Happy Spring-Time. 35. 6d. Pliny. Letters. Books I. and II. J. Cowan. 5s. to Trajan. E. G. Hardy. los. 6d. Book III. J. E. B. Mayor. 5s. Plumptre, E. H. The Book of Proverbs, is. 6d. Movements in Religious Thought. 35. 6d. See Harems (J. C.) " J/issiofi of the Coinforter'' '' Victory of Faith'' • See RusselFs (.-/.) " The Light that Lighteth every Man " Plutarch. Life of Themistokles. By H. A. Holden. 5s. Shakespeare's Plutarch. W. W. Skeat. 6s. See Trench {A'. C.) . Poems. By the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." 6s. Poetry Collections. See Aitken's (M.. C.) "Scottish Song" See AU.xande7-'s (C F.) " Sunday Book'' . — — See Allingham's {IF.) " Ballad Book " See Buchheim's [C. A.) '■'Deutsche Lyrik" . See Hales' s [J. IV.) " Longer English Poems" See Longfellow's {H. IV.) "Poems of Places" See Martin's (F.) " Poet's Hour" . " Spring- Time" . See Masson's {G.) "La Lyre Fran^aise" {R. O. and D.) " Three Centuries" See Palgj-ave's {F. T.) " Children's Treasury" ' ' Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyi " Studenfs Treasury," etc. See Palmer's ( A'. ) " Book of Praise " See Patmore's (C) " The Children's Garland" See Trench's (P. C.) " Sacred Latin Poetry" " Household Poetry" . See Woods' (M. A.) "First School Poetry Book" ' ' Second do. " Third do. See " Words from the Poets" Poland. By an Etonian, is. Pole, W. Diamonds Political Economy. See Cairnes (J. E. See Clarke's (C B.) " Speculations from" See Cossa's {L.) " Guide to" . See Fawcett's {H.) " Manual of " See Fawcetfs (M. G.) "for Beginners" " Tales in " See Jevons (IV. S.) . See Sidgivick's [H.) " Priiuiples" See Walker {F. A.) . See Waters' {C. A.) "Digest" See Wicksteed's (P. H.) " Alphabet of Economic Science' Pollard, A. W. See Sallust's " Catiline" . " Catiline and Jugu7-tha ' Pollock, Sir F. Personal Remembrances. i6s. . say. in 1S65 tcs 14s 28S, 2S9 245. 222, 446, PAGE 194 402 123 272 561 S6I 386 123 366 4 39 563 403 289 255 538 257 112 112 278 206 323 238 238 160 304 > 305 80 479 94 94 .126 180 506 526 568 154 123 81 279 4S8 375 100 205 263 340 444 483 525 545 503 423 522 INDEX 677 6s, Pollock, Sir F. Sec Mao-eady s (IV. C.) "Reminiscences" - F. Essays in Jurisprudence and Ethics. los. 6d. Historical and Comparative Study of Law. is. Land Laws. 3s. 6d. .... See ' ' Leading Cases done into English " See Cli^orcTs ( IV. A' ) " Lectures and Essays " - Lady. Amateur Theatricals. See Pollock ( \V. H. ) . - W. H. Amateur Theatricals. 2s. 6d. Polybius. History of the Achaean League. W. W. Capes. Histories. Translated by E. S. Shuckburgh. 24s. Polycarp, S. See LJglitfoofs {J. B.) '■'■ Apostolic Fathers.'''' Par Poole, M. E. Pictures of Cottage Life. 6s. Altered to 3s. 6d - K. L. History of the Huguenots. 6s. - R. S. Lectures on Art. 4s. 6d. - Thomas, and his Friends. By ^L E. Sandford. 15s. Pope, A. Poetical Works. Edited by A. W. Ward. 3s. 6d. By L. Stephen. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888 . Population of an Old Pear Tree. See Van Briiyssel. 6s. 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1888 . Porteus Gold Medal Essay. Lee, A. T., "The Slavery of Sin. Poste, E. See Aratiis' " Skies and Weather Forecasts" . See " Aristotle on Fallacies'' Postgate, J. P. Sermo Latinus. Complete. 2s. 6d. . Part H. 6d. IS. 6d. 4S. 6d. 6d. 6d. //. in 187 Second 6d. 2S Key to Sermo Latinus. 3s, See Proper tins' " Select Elegies " Potter, L. Lancashire Memories. 6s. . - R. Relation of Ethics to Religion. 2s. A Voice from the Church in Australia. Potts, A. H. Sketches of Character. 4s. - A. W. A Chapter on Latin ^Sletaphors. Hints towards Latin Prose Composition. 2s. 6d. Second Edition Passages for Translation into Latin Prose. 25. Altered to 2s. 6d Latin Versions of Passages for Translation. 2s. 6d. Powell, D. See " Vacation Tourists, etc., 1862-63"' - T. W. Scriptural Doctrine of the Influence of the Holy Ghost. Poynter, E. J. See Poole's {R. S.) " Lectures on Art" . Practical Politics. Complete Volume. See Howard [J. ) No. I. See Houiard's (J.) " Tenant Farmer" II. See Duff's {M. E. C. ) " Foreign Policy " HI. See Lefevre's (G. S.) "Freedom of Land" IV. See Wedderburn' s (D.) "British Colonial Policy" - Subjects, Lectures to Ladies on. See "Lectures to Ladies." 7s, Practitioner. Nos. is. 6d. Vols. los. 6d Pratt, J. H. Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy Treatise on Attractions. 6s. 6d. - J- H. See Hornet's " St07y of Achilles" Prayer-Book. Lectionarj'. See Benham {IV.) . See Colenso's (_/. IV.) '■'' Communion Set-vice" See De Teissier's {G. F.) " The House of Prayer " . See Maclear's (G. F.) " Creeds" " Class- Book of Catechism " . " First Class- Book of Catechism ' ' First Communion " 6d 21S Edition in 1 88 6d. PAGE 287 421 441 442 302 354 366 366 538 562 476 210 386 422 539 194 386 213 23 372 142 562 562 562 403 366 539 124 II 306 194 366 386 128 41 422 398 359 377 383 407 32 177 2 68 380 243 29 145 558 174 175 269 678 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Prayer-Book. See Maclears {G. F.) '■'■Hour of Sorrow" ' ' Manual for Coufirmatioti and First Can vntnion " ' ' Order of Confirmaiion ' See Maurice's (F. D.) " The Church a Family '^ — '' The Prayer- Book'' The Prayer-Book and The Lord's See Proctei's (F) " History " '''■ Elementary Histoiy'' and Maclear's {G. F.) " Introduction to " Prayer See Pullens [II.) " Psalter and Canticles " See Ramsay's [A.) " Catechiser's Manual" . See Vaugha7i's {C.J.) "Revision of the Liturgy" Tivelve Discourses on the Liturgy " See Westcott's {B. F.) ''Historic Faith" Sojue Thoughts from the Ordinal' in 187 Prayers on the Cholera. 2d. Prescott, G. F. Unity of Design, is. 6d — H. P. Strong Drink and Tobacco Smoke. 7s. 6d. 2s. 6d. — J. E. The Threefold Cord. 3s. 6d. . Preston, G. Exercises in Latin Verse. 2s. 6d. . Key to. 5s. — T. See M'Clellajid's ( IV. /.) " Spherical Trigonometry." Part I II. Prestwich, J. Past and Future of Geology. 2s. Price, B. Inaugural Lecture, is. - E.G. See '' Miz Maze" — L. L. F. R. Industrial Peace. 6s. . Prichard, I. T. Administration of India. 21s. Prickard, A. C. See Aeschylus' " The Persae" . Prideaux, \V. F. See Markham's {C. R.) "Abyssinian Expedition" Primary Series of French and German Reading Books — Cornaz, S. Nos Enfants. E. Harvey, is. 6d. De Maistre, X. La Jeune Siberienne. S. Barlet. is. 6d. Florian, J. P. C. de. Fables. C. Yeld. is. 6d. . Fontaine, J. de la. Fables. L. M. Moriarty. 2s. 2s. 6d. in 1889 Grimm, J. L. C. and W. C. Kinder-und Hausmiirchen. G. E. Fasnacht 2s. 2s. 6d. in 1888 ..... Hauff, W. Die Karavane. H. Hager. 2s. 6d. 3s. in 1888 Molesworth, M. L. French Life in Letters, is. 6d. Perrault, C. Contes de Fees. G. E. Fasnacht. is. is. 6d. in 18S9 Schmid, C. von. Heinrich von Eichenfels. G. E. Fasnacht. 2s. 6d. Primer of Art. See Collier [J.) is. . Pianoforte Playing. See Taylor {F.) is. Primers. History. Creighton, M. Rome. is. Freeman, E. A. Europe, is. Fyffe, C. A. Greece, is. Grove, G. Geography, is. Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek Life. is. Wilkins, A. S. Roman Antiquities, is, Yonge, C. RL France, is. Literature. Brooke, S. A. English Literature, is. Dowden, H. Shakspere, W. is. Gladstone, W. E. Homer, is. INDEX 679 Primers. Literature. J ebb, R. C. Greek Literature, is. Morris, R. English Grammar, is. and Bowen, H. C. English Grammar Exer cises. Is. . — Nichol, J. English Composition, is. . Palgrave, F. T. Children's Treasury. First Part. is. Second Part, is Peile, J. Philology, is. Tozer, H. F. Classical Geography, is. Wetherell, J. Exercises on Morris's Grammar. Foster, M. Physiology, is. . Geikie, A. Geology, is. Physical Geography, is. . Hooker, J. D. Botany, is. . Huxley, T. H. Introductory, is. Jevons, W. S. Logic, is. . Political Economy, is. Astronomy, is. Chemistry, is. IS. Science. Lockyer, J. N. Roscoe, H. E. Stewart, B. Physics, is. . — — Box of Geological Specimens to illustrate Geikie's Primer of Geolog}'. los. 6d — — Case of Apparatus to illustrate H. E. Roscoe's Primer of Chemistry B. Stewart's Primer of Physics Primula. Report of the Primula Conference, 1886. 2s. Prince Albert Victor. See " 'Bacchante,^ Cri/ise of Her Majesty's Ship.'' J'ol. I. __ _ IL — Consort. See Benson {E. IV. ) See Howes {J. G.) . See Kingsley (C) . See Norton'' s (C. E. S.) '■'■In Memory of" See Smith's (B. E.) " Do it with all thy might' See Vatighan's {C, J.) " The Mourning of the Land" — George. See '■'■ ^ Bacchatite' Cridse of Her Majesty's Ship." Vol. I. //. — Imperial. See " Liberation of Abd-el-Kader" — of Wales. Sermon on Birthday. See Benham ( JV. ) . — — - See Stanley's (A. P.) ^^ National Thanksgiving" . ' ' Return of the Traveller " . Prince and the Page. By C. M. Yonge. 3s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1881 ...... Principles of Ethics according to the New Testament. 2s. Prior, C. H. See Glaisher's [J. IV. L.) '■'■ Solutions of Problems, etc., for 1878' Pritchard, G. S. Note-Book on Geometry. See Edgar {/. H) Private Tuition. See '■^ Fnv Words about." D.J. Vattghan — Tutor. See '■'■ Few Words about Private Ttiition." By D. J. Vaugh, Probyn. Lretitia ...... Procter, Y. History of the Book of Common Prayer. los. 6d Elementary History of the Prayer-Book. 2s. 6d. . By F. Procter and G. F. Maclear. 2s. 6d Propert, J. L. History of Miniature Art. 73s. 6d. Vellum. 94s. 6d Propertius. Select Elegies. J. P. Postgate. 6s. Prothero, G. Sermon on A. P. Stanley, is. Prowett, G. See Aeschyhts' ^^ Prometheus Bound" Psalms Chronologically Arranged by Four Friends. los. 6d. 8s. 6d. in 1870 in 187: 321 288 343 365 288 289 325 3" 425 264 264 247 301 381 302 340 268 239 241 247 240 274 502 485 486 85 77 103 93 95 97 485 486 40 84 240 309 150 41 356 186 18 18 386 35 94 177 522 403 403 '^ 162 68o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Psalms, Introduction to the. See Thriipp (J. F.) and Hymns for Balliol College. 2s. 6d. for use in King's School, Sherborne for Public Worship. See Thriipp {J. f: Psalter. See " Golden Treasury Psalier^^ and Canticles. See Pullen (H. ) Psychology. See Jardine {R.) Cognitive Powers. See AFCosh {/.) Motive Powers. do. Puckle, G. H. The Chief Rules of Latin Syntax, is. . Conic Sections and Algebraic Geometry, ys. 6d. . Pullen, H. Psalter and Canticles pointed for Chanting. 5s. - J. True Patriot. 6d. .... Pupils of St. John the Divine. By C. RI. Yonge. Parts, is. and 4s. Altered to 6s. in 1878 . Purchas, J. Priest's Dream, is. Purton, T- S. Corporate Life. is. . The Establishment of an Examination before Matriculation Pusey, E. B. Sermons preached during Lent, 1864. See JVii Pushkin, A. Eugene Oneguine. 6s. . Pylodet, L. New Guide to German Conversation. 2s. 6d. Synopsis of German Grammar. 6d. QUAIN, R. Some Defects in General Education. 3s. 6d. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Parts. 2s. 6d. Quaternions. See Kelland {P. ) and Tait [P. G. ) Queen Victoria. See Law soli's {€.) '■'■ Madras Jnbilee^'' . See Yonge' s (C M.) " Victorian Half •Century^'' Queen's College, London. See Alaiirice [F. D.) . Calendar, is. 6d. each Questions for a Reformed Parliament. los. 6d. . of Conscience. See J. {W.') id. The Three. See Miller. 2s. 6d. . Quin, C. W. Garden Receipts. 2s. 6d. RACHEL Olliver. See " Olliver^'' Racine, J. Britannicus. E. Pellissier. 2s. Radcliffe, C. B. Behind the Tides. 4s. 6d. . Dynamics of Nerve and Muscle. 8s. 6d. New Departure in Science. 6s. . Proteus or Unity in Nature. 7s. 6d. Vital Motion as a Mode of Physical ^Motion. 8s. 6d. Ralegh, Sir W., The Life of. By E. Edwards. 32s. 'Iberfc Vols. 6d. ■force {S. ) Raleigh. See " Loi-d Bacon and Sir Walter Raleigh. Ramsay, A. The Catechiser's Manual. 3s. 6d. is — W. Chemical Theory. 2s. 6d. — \V. and G. G. See Plant ns^ " The Mostellaria'' Ransome, A. Chest-movements. 7s. 6d. On Stethometry. los. 6d. . Raphael of Urbino. By J. D. Passavant. 31s. 6d. Rawlins, F. H. See Livy's "Last Two Kings of Macedon" Rawlinson, G. — Sturges, E. Elementary Statics. 4s. 6d. — \V. G. See Turner'' s (J. M. IV.) '' Liber Stiidiornm'' Ray, P. K. Text-Book of Deductive Logic. 4s. 6d. By M. Napier. 6d. in 1862 4s. 6d. 7s. 6d. 71 326 162 24 205 162 266 495 518 106 27 162 19 178 42 47 27 129 403 253 306 210 502 249 517 507 33 366 162 I I 326 344 502 539 225 502 326 306 178 21 27 461 194 422 307 239 494 68 348 502 INDEX 68 1 Rayleigh, Lord. The Theory of Sound. Vol. I. II. 128. 6d. I2S. 6d. Rays of Sunlight for Dark Days. 4s. 6d. Second Edition. 3s, Readers. See Greenes {J. /v.) '■'' Readings from English History Globe. See Alurison {A. F. ) Shorter Globe. See Murison {A. F. ) See Alacniillan Readings, Bible. See Cross {J. A.) from English History. See Green (_/. R.) Scripture. See Yo?2ge {C. Jlf.) . . 229, 230, 24 Realmah. 2 Vols. i6s. i Vol. 6s. Reasonable Faith. By Three " Friends. " is Recollections of a Nurse. See D. [E. ) 2s. Rede Lecture for 1862. Sabine, E., "Terrestrial Magnetism" 1863. Ansted, D. T., "The Correlation History Sciences." is. 1872. Freeman, E. A., "Unity of History." Reed, C. Memoir. 4s. 6d. - C. E. B. See Reed's (C.) ''Memoir'' Reform, Essays on. See "Essays on Reform " . Reformed Parliament. See " Questions for a'' , Registration. See '•'■ Plain Rules aiwut'' Rehdantz, C. See Demosthenes' '' First Philippic. Reichel, C. P. Lord's Prayer and other Sermons. Reid, J. S. See Cicero .... - T. W. See Bronte {Charlotte) Rembrandt, P. Etched Work. F. S. Haden. Remsen, I. Elements of Chemistry. 2s. 6d. Inorganic Chemistry. 8vo. l6s. . 6s. 6d. . Organic Chemistry. 6s. 6d. Renan, M. " Vie de Jesus." See Tiilloch's (/. ) " The Christ of Rendall, F. Epistle to the Plebrews. 6s. . . . 7s. of the 2S. T. Gwatk 7s. 6d. 5s. Altered to 6d. 5s- Theology of the Hebrew Christians. - G. H. Cradle of the Aryans. 3s. . See Pliny' s '' Letters:' Book III. . Rendu, M. Le C. Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy. 7s. 6d. Restoration of Belief. Part I. 2s. 6d. II. 2s. 6d. . III. 3s. . Complete. 8s. 6d. . Retired Judge. See " Bumblebee Bogo's Budget" Reuleaux, F. Kinematics of Machinery. 21s. . Revelation. See MilUgan (W.) . See Vaughan [C. J.) Revisers and the Greek Text of the New Testament. 2s. 6d. Reynolds, E. M. Modern Methods in Elementary Geometry. — H. R. Notes of the Christian Life. — J. R. A System of Medicine. Vol. 7s. 6d. . L 25s. II. 25s. in. 25s. IV. 2 IS. V. 25s. 6d. 243> 7s. 6d. ;s. 6d. PAGE • 326 • 345 . 68 357> 414 419, 420 459> 460 286, 287 471 357 371 178 461 550 95 76, 31, Natural 61, 375 1880 the Gospels,'' etc. 99 23s 442 442 158 162 47 431 35 471 315 366 522 562 502 481 127 442 539 502 562 386 272 19 19 35 35 509 307 501 III 422 178 136 150 178 225 327 366 682 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Rejmolds, Sir J., as a Portrait Painter. By J. C. Collins. 105s. — O. Sewer Gas. is. 6cl. ..... See '''■ Essays and Addresses'^'' .... Rhoades, J. Poems. 4s. 6d. . Riccius, Herr. School Songs. See Thrings{E.) ^'- School Songs Rice, J. M. Differential Calculus. i6s. Altered to i8s. in 1888 Abridged. 8s. Altered to 9s. in 1888 Richards, G. See Lhj/s " Siege of Syracuse" . Richardson, B. W. On Alcohol, is. . — — Diseases of Modern Life. 12s. 6d. 6s. in 1877 Field of Disease. 25s. Future of Sanitary Science, is. Hygeia a City of Health, is. Total Abstinence. 3s. 6d. . — F. The Iliad of the East. 7s. 6d. — J. G. See Seller's (C. ) ^'Micro-Photographs in Histology" Richey, A. G. Irish Land Laws. 3s. 6d. Richmond, W. B. See Poole's {R. S.) ''Lectures on Art" Rimmer, A. Ancient Streets and Homesteads. 21s. Ripon, Bishop of See Carpenter {W. B.) Riquet of the Tuft. By S. A. Brooke. 6s. Robb, D. C. See LandoWs (H.) "■Handbook of the Polariscope See Pasteur's (L.) " Studies on Fertjieittation " Roberts, A. Discussions on the Gospels. i6s. . Robertson, J. Pastoral Counsels. 6s. . Robinson Crusoe. J. W. Clark. See Defoe {D.) . . . 145 Robinson, A. M. F. See Ward's {T. H.) "English Poets" — C. K. Missions urged upon the State. 3s. . — H. C. Diary. 3 Vols. 36s. 2 Vols. i6s. — H. G. Man in the Image of God. 7s. 6d. . — J. George Linton. 7s. 6d. . — J. L. Treatise on Marine Surveying. 7s. 6d. — • M. Cambridge in the Seventeenth Century. — William. First Chapter of the Bible, is. . . — William. Hardy Flowers. 4s. 6d. Parks and Gardens of Paris. 25s. Altered to i8s in 1879 Roby, H. J. Elementary Latin Grammar. 2s. 6d. Latin Grammar from Plautus to Suetonius. Part I. 8s. 6d. 9s. in 1887 , II. los. 6d. Altered to 12s. in 1874 J. E. B. Mayor. 5s for Schools. 5s. IS. 53. 6d. Remarks on College Reform. - M. K. Story of a Household. Rockstro, W. S. See "Handel's (G. F.) Life" ... Rodwell, G. F. Birth of Chemistry. 3s. 6d. . Roger de Coverley. See " Days with Sir" Rogers, J. E. Ridicula-Rediviva. 9s. 6s. in 1S70. Altered to 3s 1874. 5s. in 1875. Also in Parts, is. each Mores Ridiculi. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1874 See Mahaffyi's [J. P.) " Tour through Holland and Germany" — • J. E. T. Cobden and Modern Political Opinion. los. 6d. . Historical Gleanings. First Series. 4s. 6d. Second Series. 6s. • See " Paul of Tarsus" See ' ' Questions for a Reformed Parliament ' 6d. 6d. m PAGE 272 239 262 210 53 442 442 494 289 307 442 327 307 345 210 308 403 422 327 386 416 365 124 163 171 389 24 194 307 307 422 42 42 345 346 94 226 273 386 52 94 435 273 489 195 226 559 253 195 211 239 162 INDEX 683 Rogers, J. E. T. See Brighfs (J. "■ Fiiblie Addresses ' ''Speeches". See Cohden's (A'.) ''Speeches'' Roget, J. L. See " Cambridge Customs and Costumes.'" 3s. 6d See " Cambridge Scrap- Book''' See '■'Familiar Illustrations of the Language of Alathematii See " Volunteei-s Scrap- Book" ... Rolleston, G. The Harveian Oration, 1873. 2s. 6d. See Stokes' {IV.) "Medicine in Modern Times" Romanes, G. J. Christian Prayer and General Laws. 5s. Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution. 2s. 6d. See Dariuin ( C ) . Romans, St. Paul's Epistle to the. See Colenso {J. IV. ) See Vaughan [C. J.) Romanis, W. Sermons preached at Reading. First Series. 6s. Second Series. 6s. 2S, Rome, Seven Kings of. See Wright { J.) A Vocabulary and Exercises on 3s. 6d. . Science Primers, is. 4s. 6d. Ropes, A. R. Poems. Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry. Lessons in Elementary Chemistry. Record of Work done in Owens College, 1857-87 Spectrum Analysis. 21s. . Technical Chemistry. 6d. . What the Earth is composed of. 6d. — — • and Schorlemmer, C. Treatise on Chemistry. Vol. L . n. See Wright 21s. Part L II III. 6d. (/•: Part I II See " Essays and Addresses" .... See Jones' {F.) "Practical Chemistry" — — See Kirchoff's {G.) " Researches on the Solar Spectrtun " Manchester Science Lectures for the People. Complete Vol. 2s. See Spottiswoode's {W.) " .Science Lectures," etc. Vol. II. . See Thorpe's {T. E.) " Chemical Problems" Portrait. 5s- • • • • • • - Mrs. H. See " Colonna ( Vittoria) " . Rosenbusch, H., and Iddings, J. P. Rockmaking Minerals. 24s. Ross, J. See Gordon's (Lady Duff) " Last Letters from Egypt " See "Brain" .... - P. Misguidit Lassie. 4s. 6d. Rossetti, C. G. Goblin Market and other Poems. 5s Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and other Poems. 6s. Pageant. 6s. Prince's Progress. 6s. Speaking Likenesses. 4s. 6d. - D. G. By W. Sharp. los. 6d. - W. M. Fine Art. los. 6d. . Sec Dante's " The Comedy," etc. Part I. Roundell, C. S. England and Her Subject-Races. 6d. 1 8s. 1 8s. 2IS. 21s. III. iSs IV. 21 s " i8s. 9°: 352 168 203 15 55 13 71 253 196 273 422 411 75 62 95 124 43 48 461 239 150 522 195 327 327 328 346 367 403 461 503 539 563 262 237 104 327 368 212 346 170 539 280 334 443 95 289 403 150 273 422 163 131 151 684 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Rousseau, J. J- By J- Morley. los. Route Map and Index to Royal Gardens, Kew. 2d. Routh, E. J. Dynamics. los. 6d. Second Edition. — Part I. 14s. . II. 14s. Altered to id. in 1S71 14s. Third Edition. 21s 8s. 6d. Senate- House Problems, etc. i860. Stability of a Given State of Motion. See Watson's {H. JF.) ''Cambridge 7s. 6d. . Routledge, J. History of Popular Progress. 1 6s. Rowe, F. J. See Helps' [A.) '' Essays" .... See " Tennyson Selections" ..... Rowsell, T. J. English Universities and the English Poor. 2s. Man's Labour and God's Harvest. 3s. Common Prayer, the Method of Worship. See " Worship of God " etc. Royal Hort. Soc. Journal. Vol. VHI. See Henslo^v's (G.) '' Frost Report" IX. See Barron's [A. F.) ''Pears Report" Riicker, A. W. See Thorpe's {T. E.) " Coal" . Ruffini, J. Vincenzo. 31s. 6d. . Rules for the Quantity of Syllables in Latin, is. Rumford, Count. Complete Works. 5 Vols. 94s. 6d. Memoir of Sir B. Thompson, Count Rumford. By G. E. Ellis Rumsey, H. W. A Proposal for the Institution of Degrees Runaway, The. 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1880 Rush, E. Latin Delectus. 2s. 2s. 6d. in 1882 Rushbrooke, W. G. Synopticon. Part I. 3s. 6d. Parts II. and III. 7s- Parts IV. -VI. los. 6d. Appendices. los. 6d. Vol. 35s See Abbott's (E. A.) " Common Tradition" etc. Ruskin, J. See Cook's (E. T.) "Handbook to National Gallery " See Horsfalts {T. C.) "Study of Beauty" etc. See Rendu' s {HI. Le C. ) " Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy" See Tyrwhitt's (R. St. J.) " Our Sketching Club'' . Russell, A. The Light that Lighteth every Man. 6s. . - C. New Views on Ireland. 2s. 6d. .... • Parnell Commission — Opening Speech. los. 6d. Cheap Edition. 2s. - Lord. See Gordon's {A.) " Lord RusselPs Recollections" Russell, W. C. See Dampier (JF.) Marooned. 31s. 6d. .... - W. E. See Sand's (G.) "La Mare au Diable" Russell's Hobby. See Miss ... Rust, G. First Steps to Latin Prose Composition, is. 6d. Key. See Yates {W. M.) 3s. 6d Ruth and Her Friends. 5s. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1863. 2s. 6d. in 1872. 4s. 6d in 1877. 2s. 6d. in 1880 . Rutson, A. O. See " Essays on Reform " Rutherford, W. See ' 'Journal of Physiology ' - W. G. See Babrius . First Greek Grammar, is. is. 6d. in 1879. 2S. in 1888 New Phrynichus. i8s. • See " Caesar." Books LL and ILL. . See Thucydidcs. Fourth Book S., J. H. Uppingham by the Sea. 3s. 6d. Sabine, E. Terrestrial Magnetism Sadler, H. See Clark's (Z.) "Star Guide" PAGF. 481 2X1 69 422 461 328 72 307 555 542 60 81 54 515 S08 347 106 52. 308 308 136 240 367 386 447 529 437 272 275 563 386 563 280 551 563 443 135 226 484 47 158 340 427 346 404 353 566 346 95 488 INDEX 685 Sadler, T. See Field's {E. JV.) '' memorial Sketch': . See Robinson's {H. C.) "-Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence'' St. Andrews, Bishop of. See Wordsworth ( C. ) St. Anselm. By R. W. Church. 4s. 6d. 6s. in 1877. 5s. in 1888 . St. John, O. B. Eastern Persia. \q\. I. 2 Vols. 42s. Not sold separately St. Johnston, A. Camping among Cannibals. 4s. 6d. . Charlie Asgarde. 5s. ... . Saint Teresa. Life. See '■'■ Teresa" Saintsbury, G. See Dry den (J.) History of Elizabethan Literature. 7s. 6d. See Ward's {T. H.) ''English Poets" ' Streets and Lanes of 4s. 6d. 5s. 4s. 6d. in 185S IS. 6d. 6d. Salisbury, Bishop of. See Dntton's {A.) ' Sallust. Bellum Catulinae. A. M. Cook. Catiline and Jugurtha. C. Merivale. Catiline. C. Merivale. 2s. 6d. Jugurtha. By C. Merivale. 2s. 6d. Catiline and Jugurtha. By A. \V. Pollard. 6s. Catiline. Translated by A. W. Pollard. 3s. Salmon, G. (Gnosticism and Agnosticism. 7s. 6d. Reign of Law. 6s. . Non-Miraculous Christianity. 6s. . Sermons. 6s. .... • Sand, G. La Mare au Diable. W. E. Russell, is. Sandars, E. By the Sea. 4s. 6d. 5s. in 1S61 . Sanday, W. The Fourth Gospel. 8s. 6d. The Gospels in the Second Century. los. 6d. Sandeau, J. Mademoiselle de la Seigliere. PI. C. Steel. Sanderson, F. W. Hydrostatics for Beginners. 4s. 6d. - J. B. See ' ' Journal of Physiology " . Sandford, F. See Arnold's (M.) " Reports on Elementaiy Schools - M. E. See Poole {T.) Sandys, T. E. An Eastern Vacation in Greece. Santi, Giovanni. See " Raphael of Urbino" Sargent, C. S. See Grays {A.) ''Scientific Papers" Savoy, Memorials of. See Loftie ( W. J. ) Sayce, A. H. Ancient Empires of the East. 6s. See Herodotus. I.- 1 I I. See Mahaffy's [J. P.) " Classical Greek Literature See Morison's {/.) " The Purpose of the Ages" Schaff, P. Companion to the Greek Testament. I2s. Schiller, J. C. F. Von. Die Jungfrau von Orleans. J. Gostwick. Maria Stuart. C. Sheldon. 2s. 6d. Wallenstein. Part L Das Lager. H. B. Cotterill. 2s. Wilhelm Tell. G. E. Fasnacht. 2s. 6d. . Selections. E. J. Turner and E. D. A. Morshead. 2s, Life. H. DUntzer. los. 6d. . . . . Schmid, C. T. Inhalation. By C. T. Schmid and C. Milner. is. - C. Von. Heinrich von Eichenfels. Ci. E. Fasnacht. 2s. 6d. Schmidt, J. H. H. Rhythmic and Metric of the Classical Languages, Schmitz, L. D. See "Shakespeare {W.), Essays on" Scholefield, Rev. Prof. See Clayton's (C) " Blessed Dead" Schorlemmer, C. Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds. 14s. See Roscoe's {PL. E.) "A 7'reatise on Chemistry." J'ol. I. //. Pari J. City 2S 6d 6d. I OS. 6d 234 194 201 308 443 461 292 395 522 389 220 462 20 52 53 423 503 522 253 404 81 443 69 240 308 481 563 340 547 539 522 239 553 342 462 436 559 519 443 443 443 523 523 503 443 136 563 367 273 21 273 328 346 686 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Schorlemmer, C. SeeRoscoes{H.E.y' A Treatise on Chemistry." Vol.11. Part II. ///. Parti. 1 II ///. IK Schuster, A. See Poseoe's (U. £.) '■'■ Spectrum Analysis'''' Schwabe, M. J. S. See James' {IV. 31.) ''British in India" . Science and the Gospel. 2s. 6d. ..... Science Lectures at South Kensington. See Abney's " Photography " See Bottomley's^ J. T.)'' Electrometers" .... See Bramweirs [F. J.) " The Steam Engine^' See Geikie's {A.)'' Outlines of Field Geology" . . . See Kennedy's (A. B. W. ) " Kinematic Models " . .See Poscoe's {H. E.) " Technical Chemistry" . . . See Stokes' {G. G.) '' The Absorption of Light" See Stone's {IV. H.) '' Sound and Music" .... Vol. I. See Abney {Capt.) ...... II. See Spottiswoode {IV.) ..... Sclater, P. L. See ''Vacation Tourists in i86i "... Score of Lyrics, A. By W. G. Clark. 2s. 6d. . Scotch Sermons, iSSo. los. 6d. ...... Scott, A. J. Discourses. 7s. 6d. ..... Two Discourses . ..... - C. B. Greek Kingdoms of Bactria and its Vicinity. 2s. 6d. See Mure' s { J.) " Ltisus Alteri Westmonasieriettsis . . I2i - D. H. See Huxley's {T H.) and Martin's {H. N.) "Elementary Biology" - L. Brother and Sister. 2 is. - W. Poetical Works. F. T. Palgrave. 3s. 6d. . Lay of the Last Minstrel and Lady of the Lake. F. T. Palgrave. is. Cantos I.-III. G. H. Stuart, is. 6d. . Marmion. Michael Macmillan. 3s. 6d. . ]\Iarmion and The Lord of the Isles. F. T. Palgrave. is. Rokeby. Michael Macmillan. 3s. 6d. .... By R. H. Hutton. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1887 Scouring of the White Horse. 8s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1869. Altered to 5s. 1882. 3s. 6d. (with Ashen Faggot) 1889 Scratchley, P. Australian Defences and New Guinea. 14s. Seabroke, G. M. See Lockyers {J. N.) " Stat-gazing" . Seabury Commemoration. See Benson's {E. IV.) " Deep calleth unto Deep" Seaton, E. C. A Handbook of Vaccination. 8s. 6d. . Seatonian Poem. Essington, R. W., "The Curse upon Canaan." is. Prize Poem, 1864. Smith, W^. S., "Capernaum." is. 1866. Smith, W. S., "The Disciples assembled in the Upper Room." is. . Sedgwick.'A., Prof., and M'Coy, F. British Palaeozoic Rocks. Part I. i6s, Part II. los. Part III. 15s. Volume. 42s. See Stanley {A. P.) . A. See Foster's {M ) and Balfour's {F. M. ) ' ' Embryology ' See Balfour's {F. M.) "Works." Memorial Edition Seeley, J. R. Expansion of England, 4s. 6d. . Lectures and Essays. los. 6d. Our Colonial E.xpansion. Is. See Clay's ( W. L.) "Essays on Church Policy " 367 403 461 503 539 563 195 415 211 294 315 315 299 302 327 329 309 332 368 96 II 387 151 9 II 161 282 367 151 443 564 523 444 563 346 60 523 342 449 178 4 138 152 16 254 264 468 444 211 523 169 INDEX 687 Vol. 3 IS. 6d. 7s. 6d. 6d. in 1888 Seeley, T- R- See "Essays on a Liberal Education^^ Seemann, B. See "Vacation Tourists in 1861 " . Viti. 14s. ..... Seguin, Dr. See Yonmans'' "Modern Culture" . Seiler, Carl. Micro-Photographs. Parts. 2s. 6d. each Selborne, Lord. See Palmer (/?. ) Ancient Facts and Fictions concerning Churches and Tithes, Church in Wales, id. Defence of the Church of England. 7s. 6d. Altered to 2s, Inaugural Address at St. Andrews, is. Supreme Appellate Jurisdiction, is. See Whitens [G.) " Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne" 2g2i, 312 Selby, F. G. See Bacon's (F.) "Essays" Selkirk, G. H. Guide to the Cricket Ground. 3s. 6d. Selwyn, G. A. Verbal Analysis of the Bible. 14s. Work of Christ in the World. 2s. . - W. Speeches delivered at Cambridge. 3s. 6d. Senate. See Alember of the. " The University and King's College ' Sensier, A. See "Millet's (/. F.) Life" Sergeant, E. W. Sermons. 2s. 6d. Sermons out of Church. 6s. . Service, J. Prayers for Public Worship. 4s. 6d. Salvation Here and Hereafter. 6s. Sermons. 6s. ... . See Ward's (T. H.) "English Poets " Seven Kings of Rome. See Wright {J. ) A Vocabulary and Exercises on. See Wright {J. Sewell, E. M. European History. E. M. Sewell and C. M. Yonge. 6s. Historical Selections. Selected by E. M. Sewell and C. M. Yonge. 6s. - H. The New Zealand Rebellion, is. 6d. Shaftesbury, Earl of. Life. By W. D. Christie. 24s. Shairp, J. C. See Burns {R.) Glen Desseray. 6s. ... Kilmahoe. 5s. . See "Forbes' (/. D). Life and Letters" Shakespear, E. See " Tennyson Birthday Book" Shakespeare, W., " Cambridge Edn." W. G. Clark and J. Glover. Vol.1. los. 6d W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright. Vols. II. and III. los. 6d. each IV. and V. los. 6d. each VI. and VII. los. 6d. each VIII. and IX. los. 6d. each Globe Edition. 3s. 6d. Paper Covers 2s. 6d. Parts. 6d. each Vol. 6s. 6s. 6s. 1889 I. Comedies. " Victoria Edition. " II. Histories. do. III. Tragedies. do. Cymbeline. K. Deighton. 2s. 6d. King Henry V. K. Deighton. 2s. 6d. Altered to 2s. in King Richard HI. C. II. Tawney. 2s. 6d. Much Ado about Nothing. K. Deighton. 2s. J. S. Phillpotts. IS. 6d. Othello. K. Deighton. 2S. 6d. . Songs and Sonnets. F. T. Palgrave. 3s. 6d. Golden Treasury Edn Tempest. K. Deighton. is. 6d. .... 4s. 6d PAGE 96 95 165 308 539 523 503 346 289 ,389 548 163 36 36 290 5 401 136 404 481 328 462 389 43 48 211 178 124 226 352 540 124 246 482 106 107 124 136 151 124 524 524 524 564 540 540 540 226 564 136 564 68S BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE II. do. III. do. IV. do. \. do. VI. do. Shorthouse, J. H. Countess Eve. 6s. . See ''John Inglesant." 2 Vols. 8vo. 9d. IS. IS. IS. 3d. IS. 6d. 24s. 2 Vols. Globe 8v I Vol. 6s. Handmade Paper Edition. 2 Vols. 25s. . Little Schoolmaster Mark. Part I. 2s. 6d. II. 2s. 6d. Complete. 4s. 6d. IS. Sir Percival. 6s. Platonism of Wordsworth. Teacher of the Violin. 6s. . . . Shuckburgh, E. S. See Cicero's " Cafo Major" {De Senediite) . — "■ Laelius'" {De Amicitia) See Deynosthenes " Orations on the Crozvn." Drake {B.) See Lysias " Orations.'" See Ovid See Ovid^s "Selections" XVI. n 1S71] Shakespeare, W. — Tempest. J. M. Jephson. 3s. 6d. Altered to is. 6d. in 1S67. is. Twelfth Night. K. Deighton. is. 6d. . Winter's Tale. K. Deighton. 2s. 6d. Phrase Book. J. Bartlett. 12s. 6d. . . . See Abbott's {A.) '■'■Shakespearian Grammar" Mad Folk of. See Bucknill {J. C.) Essays on. By K. Elze. Translated by L. D. Schmitz. 12s. Manual. See Fleay {F. G.) See French's {G. R.) " Shakspeareana Genealogica" See Plutarch. "■' Shakespeare's Plutarch" ... Scenes and Characters. 52s. 6d. Large Paper Edition. 94s. 6d See Stokes [H. P.) ...... Tercentenary. See Trench' s{R. C.) " Every good Gift frofn above See Wilson's [D.)'' Caliban" .... Shakspeare, W. , Tales from. See Lamb (C) . Shakspere, W. Literature Primers. E. Dowden, is. Sec Latham's {H.) '■'■ Sertum Shaksperianum" Shann, G. Treatise on Heat. 4s. 6d. .... Sharp, W. See Rossetti (D. G.) . Shedden, T. Essay on the Infinite .... Shelburne, Earl of. Life. By Lord E. Fitzmaurice. Vol. I. 12s. I2S. Vol. III. i6s. ..... Sheldon, C. See Schiller s {/. C. F. Von) ''Maria .Stuart" . Shelley, C. E. Short Notes on Chemistry. 2s. - P. B. Poems. Golden Treasury Edn. 4s. 6d. Large Paper Edn. By J. A. Symonds. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1887 See Masson (Z?. ) ...... Sherborne. See "Psalms and HyiiDis for Use in King's School" Sheridan, R. B. By Mrs. Oliphant. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 Shilling Book of Golden Deeds, is. . Shipley, O. A Theory about Sin. 7s. 6d. Shirley, W. W. Elijah. Four University Sermons. 2s. 6d. . Shorter Globe Reader. Standard I. See Murison {A. F. ) 6d. Vol. II. I2S. 6d. I2S. 404 181 273 298 1 86 289 308 347 126 256 361 328 120 328 422 81 290 443 328 387 346 269 162 444 163 290 125 459 459 459 459 459 460 540 399 444 462 481 503 404 540 488 471 15 417 365 365 INDEX 689 Shuckburgh, E. S. See Polybius' '■'■ Histories'''' . . . See Terence's " The Hauton Tiniorumenos of" ^^ The Self-Tormentor'''' See " Vergil Selectioits''^ ..... Sibson, F. Collected Works. 63s. .... Short Account of the Life and Writings of . Sidgwick, H. Methods of Ethics. 14s. Supplement to the First Edition of the Methods of Ethics. 2s. Second Edition of Ethics. 6s. . Outlines of Ethics. 3s. 6d. .... Principles of Political Economy. i6s. Scope and Method of Economic Science. 2s. See ^' Essays on a Liberal Education" Sidney, P. By J. A. Symonds. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 Siemens, C. W. Conservation of Solar Energ}'. 5s. See Spottiswoode' s {W.) '■'■ Science Lectures," etc. Tlyl. IL. . Portrait. 5s. ..... . Sieveking, E. H. See ^'' Lectures to Ladies" etc. Sim, G. Catalogue of Greek and Roman Coins. 21s. . Simcox, G. A. See Wanfs (T. H.) ''English Poets" . Sime, J. History of Germany. 3s. . Simeon, C. Stray Notes on Fishing and Natural History. Simmons, C. See Ovid's " Aletainorphoses." Books XIII. Simon, J. See Green's (J. H. ) " Spiritual Philosophy " . Simpkinson, J. N. Memoir of the Rev. George Wagner. Two Sermons in Herstmonceux Church. By H. Simpkinson. See Elliott (H. V.) is. 6d. Simpson, F. P. Latin Prose. Part I. 2s. 6d. Key to Latin Prose. 5s. . See " Catullus Select Poems" .... - M. C. M. See Michelefs {M.) "■Summary of Modern History" - W. Epitome of the History of the Christian Church. 5s. 3s. 6d 7s. 6d. and XIV. See Wagner ( G. ) V. Elliott and T- N in 1862 Sircar, P. C. First Book of Reading. Second do Third do Fourth do Fifth do Sixth do. 5d. _ . (Nagari Characters.) 6d. 8d. IS. IS. 2d. 5d- IS. in English, Latin, and Greek, is Skeat, W. W. AHand-list of some Cognate Words See Plutarch. '^ Shakespeare' s Plutarch" See Ward's {T. H) "■English Poets" Sketches from Cambridge. By a Don. 3s. 6d Skrine, J. H. Under two Queens. 3s. . See S.'s {J. H.) " Uppingham by the Sea " See " Thj-ing {£.), A Memory of" . See Vergils " Georgics." Book II. . Slip in the Fens. 6s. 2S. in 1885 Sloman, H. Claim of Leibnitz to the Differential Calculus. 8s. 6d. Smalley, G. W. A Review of Mr. Bright's Speeches Smedley, M. B. Two Dramatic Poems. 6s. Smith, A. City Poems. 5s. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1863. 5s. in 1865 Edwin of Deira. 5s. . . . Poems. A Life Drama and other Poems. 2s. 6d 2 Y PAGE 562 329 446 404 404 273 328 462 503 444 481 157 503 444 368 462 32 367 389 274 69 521 132 54 481 504 353 287 9 290 308 290 290 291 291 291 226 289 389 462 346 566 388 254 69 178 274 47 81 69 690 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Smith, Alexander. See Burns {R.) ..... - B. Arithmetic and Algebra in their Principles and Applications. los. Appendices, is. each Arithmetic for Schools. 4s. 6d. . Key. 8s. 6d. Indian Schools. 2s. Easy Lessons in Arithmetic, gd. . Examination Papers in Arithmetic, is. 6d. Answers. 3d. 6d. in 1876 . and Answers, is. gd. Altered to 2s. Key. 4s. 6d. .... and Answers in Arithmetic. Standards IS. 6d. Altered to is. in 1877 Hints, Exercises, and II. Standard III. IV. V. VI. Exercises in Arithmetic. IS. 6d. Altered to is. in 1877 IS. 6d. Altered to is. in 1877 IS. 6d. Altered to is. in 1877 Part I. IS. 6d. Altered to is. II. IS. 6d. Altered to is Complete in i Vol. 2s. Answers. 6d. 2s. 6d. . in m With Answers. Part I. IS. II. IS. Metric System of Arithmetic. 3d. . Card. Id. . Chart. 3s. 6d. School Class Book of Arithmetic. Part I. II. III lod. lod. IS. Complete. 3s Key to School Class Book of Arithmetic. Part I. and IS. 6d. IS. in 1878 IS. in 1877 2s. 6d. II. 2s. 6d. III. 2s. 6d. Complete. 6s. 6d. Shilling Book of Arithmetic. IS. . Answers. 6d. With Answers. Part I. 2d. II. 3d. III. 7d. Key. 4s. 6d. IS. 6d. B. F. Sermon. " Do it with all thy Might.' — Prayer and the Cattle Plague, is. . C. B. Poems. 5s. . C. Treatise on Algebra. 7s. 6d. — Solutions to Treatise on Algebra. los. 6d. — Elementary Algebra. 4s. 6d. — Conic Sections. 6s. 6d. Solutions 9s. 6d. Altered to 7s. 6d. in 1872 lOs. 6d. . — Treatise on Solid Geometry. C. F. God, the Great Master-Builder. is. E. See St. John's {0. B.) " Eastern Persia. ' Goldwin. Conduct of England to Ireland. — See Cowper {IV.) . Vol. I. IS. PAGE 130, 168 6d. . 24 • 24 • 27 • 42 • 309 . 240 • 151 163 151 163 in 1878 1877 . 1877 309 309 291 291 309 309 70 81 81 69 69 227 226 226 125 125 125 125 137 137 137 137 152 • 152 • 152 • 137 • 137 . 138 • 152 • 95 . 152 • 179 540 564 • 504 423 • 540 . 462 • 70 - 308 • 423 • 375 INDEX 691 Smith, Goklwin. Female Suflrage Letter to a Whig Member. 2s. . Prohibitionism in Canada and tlie United States. 6d, • Three English Statesmen. 6s. 6d. 5s. in 1868. People's Edition. 2s. 6d See " Essays on Reform " . See Wanfs (T. H.) ''English Poets'' — H. Pilate's Wife's Dream and other Poems. 2s. 6d Poems. 5s. ... — H. J. S. See Cliffonrs {W. K.) '' Mathematical Papers" — J. Dictionary of Plants. 14s. Domestic Botany. 12s. 6d, Historia Filicum. 12s. 6d. — J. H. Elementary Algebra. Part I. 6s. 6d. Hydrostatics. 4s. 6d. — — — Statics. 5^- 6d. Trigonometry. 5s. — J. J. Catalogue of MSS. in Gonville and Caius College. los. 6d — L. The Koran in India. 2s. .... — R. H. Conditional Sentences in Greek and Latin. 2S. 6d. — R. P. Prophecy a Preparation for Christ. 12s. Second Edition. 6s. — R. T. Man's Knowledge of Man and God. 6s. — W. C. Hymns of Christ. 6s. ... See Oi-%vell " The Bishop's Walk and the Bishop's Times'' — W. G. Diseases of Field and Garden Crops. 4s. 6d. — W. S. Capernaum, is. . Christian Faith. 3s. 6d. .... The Disciples assembled in the Upper Room. is. Obstacles to Missionary Success. 3s. 6d. . Snowball, J. C. The Elements of Mechanics. 8s. 6d. . Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. los. 6d. 7s. 6d. 1852 Introduction to the Elements of Plane Trigonometry. 5s — — and Lund, T. Cambridge Course of Natural Philosophy. 4s. 4th Edition. Social Duties. 4s. 6d. . Society of Chemical Industry Proceedings. 2s. 6d. (Omitted from Cata logue.) Socrates. See Plato's ' ' Trial and Death of" Solly, H. Working Men's Colleges, id. Solutions of the Problems proposed in the Senate-House Examination. January 8, 1852. IS. 6d. and Riders proposed in the Senate-House Examina tion for 1854. los. 6d Ditto for 1857. Ditto for 1864. Ditto for 1875. Ditto for 187S. 8s. 6d. By Walton and Wilkinson. los. 6d See Greenhill [A. G.) See Glaisher (/. W. L. ) . Some Sermons preached in the Chapel of Jesus College, Cambridge Somers, R. Southern States since the War. 9s. Son of the Soil. By Mrs. Oliphant. 2 Vols. 21s. 1871. 6s. in 1877. 2.S. in 1883 . Song Book. See Hicllah {J.) — of Praise for the 17th October, is. . — of Songs. See Thrupp (J. F.) 2S. Vol. 6s. 2S. 6d. in PAGE 291 163 389 70 410 423 444 292 195 195 179 179 179 II 53 60 195 504 164 80 462 138 195 152 179 20 6 2 164 385 70 20 27 47 126 300 356 95 227 153 146 6 96 692 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE of Teaching to Read. The Nursery Book 3s. 6d Vol. I. Songs of Our Youth. 5s. Sonnenschein, A. English Method in Large Letter Sheets. 5s. Ditto. Nursery Book. id. Ditto. First Course. 3d. 6d. in 1877 Ditto. Second Course. 4d. 6d. in 1877 Ditto. Third and Fourth Courses. 6d. Sophocles. By L. Campbell, is. 6d. . Trachiniae. See Margolioiith''s {D. S.) " Studia Scenica" Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Translated by E. D. A. Morshead. Sorby, H. C. See Abneys ^''Science Lectures at South Kensington." Sorenson, C. G. See HerteHs {Dr.) " Overpressure in High Schools " Sound. See Aijy {G. B.) See Loewy {B. ) See Mayer {A. M. ) See Kayleigh {Lord) See Stone {W. H.) See Taylor {S. ) See Todhiinter s {L) '■'• Natural Philosophy.''' Part LL. South Kensington Lectures. Vol. I. See Abney {Capt.) II. See Spottiswoode {W.) . Southesk, Earl of. The Meda Maiden. 7s. . Southey, R. By E. Dowden. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1888 Sowerby, G. B. Companion to Mr. Kingsley's "Glaucus." 3s. 6d. Spalding, H. See Pushkin'' s {A.) ^^ Eugene Oneguine'' . Specimens of Papers set at the Army Preliminary Examination, 1882-87 Specimens of Antient Sculpture. Vol. II. 105s. Spectator. See " Oxford" ..... Spencer, H. See Youmans'' ' ' Modern Culture " ' - W. H. Elements of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. los. 6d. Spender, J. K. Therapeutic Means for the Relief of Pain. 8s. 6d. Spenser, E. Complete Works. R. Morris and J. W. Hales. 3s. 6d. By R. W. Church. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1887 Library Edition. 5s, Spinoza, B. Study. By J. Martineau. 6s. Spottiswoode, G. A. See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860' - W. Polarisation of Light. 3s. 6d Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. II. 6s. Portrait. 5s. ... . Spray. 3s. .... . Spring Songs, is. 6d. . Squier, E. G. Peru. 21s. Stanley, A. P. Addresses and Sermons in America. Inaugural Address at St. Andrews, is. Addresses and Sermons at St. Andrews. 5s. Athanasian Creed. 2s. . Connection of Church and State, is. Distress of Paris. 6d. Sermon on Charles Dickens, is. . England and India, is. . Charles Kingsley. A Sermon, is. National Thanksgiving. 2s. 6d. Purity and Light, is. Return of the Traveller. 6d. PAGE 387 6s 6d 227 195 196 196 196 367 440 482 332 • 474 . 166 • 535 • 363 326, 345 309> 368 254 330 332 368 329 368 53 403 541 445 193 165 153 274 196 368 541 423 82 274 368 445 61 138 329 445 292 329 227 179 227 211 292 292 240 254 309 INDEX 693 Stanley, A. P. Two Great Commandments, is See Gregs {S.) "^ Lay>nan's Legacy" See Hare's (/. C.) " Victory of Faith" See Hyacinthe's {Father) " Catholic Reform " See WarcVs {T. H.) ''English Poets" Sermon on. See Prothero ( 6". ) See Vaughan {C. J.) . - Lady Augusta, Sermon on. See Thynne {Lord J. ) Sermons on the Death of. See Vajighan {C. J.) - Lord., A Letter to. See Ltishingtoii s {F.] "Dismissal 6d. Ltishi^jgton s Judges" ..... Stanton, V. H. Self-Denial in the Christian Tklinistry. Statesman's Year-Book. See Martin {F.) Statham, F. R. Blacks, Boers, and British. 6s. Statics. See Greaves {/.) .... See Lock {J. B.) . See Rawlinson { G. ) and Sturgcs {E. ) See Smith { J. H.) ..... See Todhunter (/. ) . Steam. See Perry (J.) . Stebbing, T. R. R. Darwinism. The Noachian Flood, is. Steel, H. C. See Sandeaii's (/.) "Mademoiselle de la Seigliere — T. H. Sermons at Harrow School and Elsewhere. 7s. 6d. Steele, W. J. See Taifs {P. G.) "Dynamics of a Particle." Steiner, L See Landolfs {H.) "Handbook of the Polarise ope " Stephen, C. E. Service of the Poor. 6s. 6d. . — H. See Stephens {J. F.) " Digest of the Law of Criminal Procedw — J. F. Digest of the Criminal Law. (Crimes and Punishments.) i6s, of the OS. 6d. PAGE 240 39 266 389 403 406 310 ^12 Ionian 491; Law of Criminal Procedure. Evidence. 6s. History of the Criminal Law in England. 48s. I2s. 6d. 1 8s. General View of the Criminal Law of England. Letters on the Ilbert Bill. 2s. Indian Evidence Act. 12s. 6d. See " Nunc mar, The Story of " Sec "Lectures to Ladies," etc. — — Position of Women. See Fawcett {M. G. ) . - J. K. International Law. 6s. - L. See Johnson {S.) .... The Poll Degree, is. See Pope {A.) .... See Swift (/.) See Clifford's {JK A'.) " Lectures and Essays" See "Essays on Reform" See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860 "' Stephens, J. B. Convict Once. 3s. 6d. 7s. 6d. in 1885 Miscellaneous Poems. 5s. . Stephenson, H. M. See Aeschylus' "Prometheus Vinctus" See Livy. Book I. . Books IL. and ILL See "Martial Selected Epigrams " . See Vergifs " Aeneid." Book IV. . LX. . Sterne, L. By H. D. Traill. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1889 105 347 121 405 554 535 68 179 24 272 211 481 423 42 416 227 445 329 445 309 445 107 445 240 478 32 246 463 340 107 386 424 354 158 82 227 387 467 439 417 384 543 543 423 694 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Stevenson, J. J. Stevens, F. H. House Architecture. 2 Vols. 36s. Euclid. See Hall {H.S.) Book XI. Prop. I -2 1. IS. Stewart, A. Tale of Troy. 3s. 6d. - B. Lessons in Elementary Physics. 4s. 6d. Physics. Science Primers, is. . See '■'■ Essays and Addresses'''' See '■'■ Paradoxical Philosophy" See " Unseen Universe" and Gee, W. H. Elementary Practical Physics. Vol. Practical Physics for Schools. Vol. I. Questions on Physics. See Core (T. H.] Stokes, G. G. Absorption of Light. 6d. On Light. First Course. 2s. 6d. . Second Course. 2s. 6d. Third Course. 2s. 6d. . Three Courses in i Volume. 7s- 6d. See Abney's {Capt.) '^Science Lectures at South Kensington.''' Portrait. 5s. ..... • - H. P. The Chronological Order of Shakespeare's Plays. 4s. - W. Medicine in Modern Times. 7s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. Stone, E. D. See Xenopho^H s ^'Anabasis." Book 11^. - W. H. Sound. 3s. 6d. Sound and Music. 6d. Story, R. Life. By R. H. Stor)'. 7s. 6d - R. H. See Carstares {W.) . See Story {R.) Strachan, J., and Wilkins, A. S. Analecta. 5s. Index to Analecta — Latin. Greek. PAGE Separately. i8s. each 387 • 514, 532, 554, 555 565 504 211 241 262 344 293 I. 6s. . . 482 II. 7s. 6d. . 524 2s. 6d. . 541 394 329 463 482 524 524 Vol. I. . 332 292 6d. . . 347 in 1871 . 196 546 368 309 95 260 95 541 6d. . . 541 6d. . . 565 Strachey, Sir E. — Maurice, F. D. Tracts for Priests and People. No. X. The Prophets of the Old Testament. By E. Strachey. Do Kings Reign by the Grace of God ? By F. D. Maurice, is. . See Malo7ys{T.)'' Morte D' Arthur" . . . . . — R. Lectures on Geography. 4s. 6d. . . . . . Strafford, Lord. By H. D. Traill. 2s. 6d. . Strangford, Viscountess. Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines. 7s. 6d. . Stratford de Redcliffe, Viscount. Shadows of the Past. los. 6d. Stray Leaves. See iM. {C. E.) . Street, Mr. A Reply to Mr. Street's recent Pamphlet. See Barry (E. M. ) . Strettell, A. Spanish and Italian Folk-Songs. 12s. 6d. Strickland, C. W. On Cottage Construction. 7s. 6d. . . . . Strivelyne, E. Princess of Silverland. 4s. 6d. . . . . . Strong, H. A., and Leeper, A. See Juvenal. Thirteen Satires Stuart, G. H. See Scott's {W.) " Lay of the Last Minstrel. Cantos L-IIL — J. See '■'• Wo7nan' s Work and Woman s Culture" . . • . Stubbs, C. W. International Morality. 2s. . Mythe of Life. 3s. 6d. . Village Politics. 3s. 6d. ....... — Professor W. See Hardwic/c's (C.) " Middle Ages" and ''Reformation " Stuckenberg, J. H. W. See Kant {I.) ..... Studies in Classical Philology. Sturges, E. See Rawlinson' s {G.) See Flagg (/. ) ' Elementary Statics " . 8i • 175 • 541 • 565 • 274 • 153 . 238 • 231 • 524 . 126 • 274 . 416 • 564 . 200 . 197 • 405 347 22,38 . 416 • 552 . 68 INDEX 695 SuflB.eld, G. Annexed Decimal ... Synthetic Division of Arithmetic, is. 6d. . Sumner, J. B. (Archbishop of Canterbury). See Colensd Sunday Book of Poetry. See Alexander [C. F.) . Sunday Library. Ansehn, St. R. W. Church . Seekers after God. F. W. Farrar . Great Christians of France. F. P. G. Guizot Alfred the Great. T. Hughes Nations Around. A. Keary Hermits. C. Kingsley — England's Antiphon. G. Macdonald Apostles of Mediaeval Europe. G. F. Maclear Angelique Arnauld. F. Martin Francis of Assisi. M. O. W. Oliphant — — Christian Singers. C. Winkworth . Pioneers and Founders. C. M. Yonge Pupils of St. John the Divine. C. M. Yonge Sunlight. See '^ Rays of, for Dark Days" Surgery. International Encyclopcedia. See Ashhurst Sutter, J. See Bjornsoii's (B.) " Synnove Solbakken " Swainson, C. A. Authority of the New Testament, i : — — Creeds of the Church. 9s. . Essay on the History of Article XXIX. 2s. Handbook to Butler's Analogy, is. 6d. Pattern Shewed to Moses in the Mount Swift, J. By L. Stephen. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in Swinburne, A. C. See Ward's {T. H.) ''English Poets Syllabus of Modern Plane Geometry, is. of Plane Geometry, is. . Symonds, J. A. Miscellanies. 7s. 6d. . See Shelley {P. B.) .... See Sidney (P.) See Ward's {T. H.) ''English Poets " Symons, A. Days and Nights. 6s. Systems of Land Tenure in Yarious Countries. 12s. J (/. W.) " Letter to (/•: 889 PAGE 107 107 87 112 201 171 187 188 206 190 210 200 229 178 68 408 392 61 S3 42 42 138 424 389 565 292 228 346 503 389 565 212 TACITUS. Agricola. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 2s. . . -197 and Germania. A. J. Church and W. J.?Brodribb. 3s. 6d. 197 and Germany. Translated by A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 2s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1877 . . .179 Annals. Translated by A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 7s. 6d. . 310 Book VI. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 2s. 6d. . . 347 Germania. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 2s. . . • I97 History of. Translated by A. J. Church and \V. J. Brodribb. los. 6d. 6s. in 1872 .......•• 126 Histories. Books I. and II. A. D. Godley. 5s. ... 524 Annals. G. O. Holbrooke. i6s. . . . . • -424 Classical Writers. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. is. 6d. . . 424 Tait, A. C. (Archbishop of Canterbury). Church and the Law. is. . .329 Church of the Future. 3s. 6d. ..... • 387 Present Condition of the Church of England. 3s. 6d. . . . 241 Religious Knowledge and Religious Training, is. ... 310 Thoughts on the Duties of the Established Church. 4s. 6d. . . 310 696 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Tait, C. A. (as Bishop of London). See Maurices {F. D.) ''Letter to" — Catherine and Crawford. ]\Iemoir. 12s. 6d. 6s. in iSSi. Cheap Ed. 2s. — C. W. A. Analysis of English History. 3s. 6d. See Greens {J. 7?.) " Short History of the English People.'' Fart I. //. _ IIL 6d in 1S78 - P. G. Heat. 6s. . Some Recent Advances in Physical Science. 9s. and Steele, W. J. Dynamics of a Particle. los. 6d. 12s See Andrews' (T.) " Scientific Fapers " See ''Forbes' (/. D.) Life and Letters" See Kella7id's (F.) " Quaternions" . See " Paradoxical Philosophy" See Rendu' s {M. Le C.) " Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy" See " Unseen Universe" .... Tanner, H. Abbotts Farm. 3s. 6d. Alphabet of the Principles of Agriculture. 6d. Further Steps in the Principles of Agriculture, is. Principles of Agriculture. Third Stage, is. Elementary Lessons in Agricultural Practice. 3s. 6d. First Principles of Agriculture, is. Tardy, Professor. See Moon's {R.) " Nctv Equation in Hydrodynavtics Tarver, F. See MoUere's {J. B. P. de) " Le Malade Imaginaire " Tatham, M. T. See Plato's " Laches" .... Tavernier, J. B. Travels in India. Translated by V. Ball. 42s. Tawney, C. H. See Shakespeare's " King Richard L LI." Taylor, C. Geometrical Conies. 7s. 6d. - F. Primer of Pianoforte Playing, is. - H. See Ward s {T. H.) '' English Poets" . - I. Etruscan Researches. 14s. — — - Greeks and Goths. 9s. .... Words and Places. 12s. 6d. 6s. in 1873 . See ''• Restoration of Belief ." 8s. 6d. - J. See Landauer s {J.) " Blowpipe Analysis" - S. On French and German as Substitutes for Greek. 6d So-called "Real Objective Presence." 2s. Sound and Music. 8s. 6d. .... System of Clerical Subscription in the Church of England, is. - Tom. See " Lectures to Ladies " etc. and Mrs. Tom. See Villef?mr(]ue ( Vicomte H. De La) Tebay, S. Elementary Mensuration. 3s. 6d. Tegetmeier, W. B. Household Management and Cookery, is, Teissier. See De Teissier {G. F.) Temple, F. Relations between Religion and Science. 8: November 1885 "Quiet Growth." Rugby Sermons. 6d. First Series. los. 6d in 1870 Second Series. 6s. Third Series. 6s. Three Spiritual Revelations, is. — Sir R. See '^ Lawrence {Lord)" Temple Church, Consecration of the. Templeton, R. R. Divine Service 7s. 6d. in See Benson (E. JP\ ) 6d. 6s. PAGE 121 368 347 531 554 554 463 310 42 547 246 249 344 272 293 387 405 405 445 405 347 14 364 538 565 540 107 329 389 274 368 126 9, 35 361 212 164 254 197 32 141 179 310 in 867. 4s. 6d. 463 164 82 228 241 212 557 468 70 INDEX 697 Tennyson's Works, , Original Editions. Poems. 6s. Maud, and other Poems. 3s. 6d. The Princess. 3s. 6d. Idylls of the King. 6s. Enoch Arden. 3s. 6d. The Holy Grail, and other Poems. 4s. 6d. In Memoriam. 4s. Ballads, and other Poems. 5s. Harold. 6s. Queen Mary. 6s. The Lover's Tale. 3s. 6d. Becket. 6s. . Cup and the Falcon. 5s. . Demeter and other Poems. 6s. . Locksley Hall Sixty Years After. 6s. Tiresias. 6s. . Complete Edition. 7s. 6d. . 7 Vols. Globe 8vo. 5s. each. Handmade P. Ed. los. 6d. each School Edition. Four Parts. 2s. 6d. each . Miniature Edition. Dramatic Works. 4 Vols. los, 6d. Poetical Works. I o Vols. 21s. Library Edition. 8 Vols. . . . .541 Brook. With Illustrations by A. Woodruft". 2s. 6d. In Memoriam. Golden Ty. Ed. 4s. 6d. Large P. Ed. Morte D'Arthur ..... Passing of Arthur, gd. .... Selections. 4s. and 3s. 6d. .... Lyrical Poems. F. T. Palgrave. 4s. 6d. Large P. Selections from. By F. J. Rowe and W. T. Webb. Birthday Book. Edited by E. Shakespear. 5s. 2s. 6d. Ed. 9s 9s, 6d Various Editions transferred to Macmillan and Co. in 18S4 See Amps' {W.) Six Vocal Qtiartetts . See Chapman s [E. A\) " Covipanion to In Memoriam'' See Gettung (J. F.) '■'■ In Memoriam,^'' etc. . Horos Tennysonianx. By A. J. Church. 6s. Tennyson, Hallam. Jack and the Bean-Stalk. 3s. 6d. . Terence. Phormio. J. Bond and A. S. Walpole. 4s. 6d. Scenes from the Andria. F. W. Cornish, is. 6d. The Hauton Timorumenos. E. S. Shuckburgh. 3s. - The Self-Tormentor. E. S. Shuckburgh. 4s. 6d. Teresa, Saint, The Life of. 8s. 6d. . . . . • Thackeray, W. M. By A. Trollope. 2s. 6d. is. 6d. and is. in 1S87 Theocritus. A. Lang. 6s. Golden Treasury Ed. 4s. 6d. Large P. Ed. 9s Theodores, T. See ^^ Essays and Addresses" Theologia Germanica. See Winkworth {S.) . Theophrastus, The Characters of. Translated by R. C. Jebb. 6s. 6d Thessalonians. See Eadie (_/.). See Vaugkans {C. J.) Thirty Years' Poems. 6s. .... • Thomas, J. Life. By C. B. Lewis. los. 6d. . Thompson, D'A. W. See Miiller's (H.) "Fertilisation of Flowers'' - E. History of England. 2s. 6d. . - G. C. Public Opinion and Lord Beaconsfield. 36s. Sir H. See Pen Oliver's " Charley Kingston's Aunt '' K. A Plandbook to the Picture Galleries of Europe. in 1880 ...... S. P. Electricity and Magnetism. 4s. 6d. . W. H. A Sermon preached in Ely Cathedral, is. . 6s. 7s. 6d 463 463 464 565 504 482 463 464 464 504 504 542 525 482 542 464 463 482 542 482 482 463 10 528 454 212 505 368 445 329 330 292 369 387 262 276 212 317 128 388 254 440 254 505 480 330 405 53 698 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Thompson, W. H. See Butler s {W. A.) ''Lectures on the Hi Philosophy" Thomson, A. W. See Alexander's (T.) "Mechanics." Part 11. - C. W. Depths of the Sea. 31s. 6d. . Voyage of the "Challenger." The Atlantic. 45s. Portrait. 5s. . . • • • - J. J. Applications of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry Motion of Vortex Rings. 6s. . . - W. Electrostatics and Magnetism. i8s. Popular Lectures. Vol. I. Constitution of Matter. 6s. Portrait. 5s. .... • See Newton's (Sir I.) "■ Pj-incipia" . See " Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical JournaV Thornely, T. Habitual Confession to a Priest. 4s. 6d. Thornton, J. First Lessons in Book-keeping. 'story of Ancient 2s. 6d. . Key. I OS. 6d. - W. T. Indian Public Works. 8s. 6d. On Labour. 14s. . Old-Fashioned Ethics. los. 6d. Plea for Peasant Proprietors. 7s. 6d. See Horaces " Word for Word'' . Thorpe, B. Diplomatarium Anglicum Mv\ Saxonici. 21s. - T. E. A Series of Chemical Problems, is. With Key. 2S, Key Coal. I2S. 6d. Book of. IS. Thoughts, Book of. See A. (H) Three Fenian Brothers. By an Irishman (N. M.) is. - "Friends." See '' Reasonable Faith" - Questions, The. See Miller. 2s. 6d. Thring, E. Child's Grammar, is. Construing Book. 2s. 6d. . Education and School. 6s. 6d. Second Edition. 6s. Elements of Grammar taught in English. 2s. Latin Gradual. 2s. 6d. .... Manual of Mood Constructions, is. 6d. School Songs. Edited by E. Thring and Herr Riccius. Sermons delivered at Uppingham School. 5s. Three Letters and Axioms on Education. 6d. Truth in Schools ..... Uppingham .School. 3d. .... A Memory of. By J. H. Skrine. 6s. See Places [B.) " Thoughts on Life-Science" Through the Ranks to a Commission. 6s. 2s. 6d. November Thrupp, J. F. Antient Jerusalem. 15s. Burden of Human Sin as borne by Christ. 3s. 6d. Christian Inference from Leviticus xvii. 16. is. Introduction to the Psalms. 21s. . Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship. 2s. and is. 4d. Song of Songs. 7s. 6d. .... Thucydides. Rise of the Athenian Empire. Book I. F. H. Book VI. P. Frost. 7s. 6d. . Sicilian Expedition. P. Frost. 5s. Book IV. Chaps. 1-41. C. E. Graves, is. 6d. . C. E. Graves. 5s. . s. 6d. s. 6d. 8S1 Colson IS. 6d 37 426 254 330 292 542 446 241 565 310 224 369 525 293 197 255 274 339 138 212 241 347 130 153 461 I 20 36 126 16 108 164 53 53 54 70 70 566 193 405 36 179 61 71 24 96 464 27 164 369 464 INDEX 699 Thucydides. Book IV. W. G. Rutherford. 7s. 6d. . Thudichum, J. L. W. Origin, Nature, and Varieties of Wine. 25s. Thynne, Lord J. Sermon preached in Westminster Abbey, is. Titcomb, J. H. Bible Studies. 3s. 6d. . Descent of Christ .... Tocqueville, A. de. See ''Be Tocqueville's Memoir'' Todd, J. H. The Books of the Vaudois. 6s. . Todhunter, I. Algebra for Beginners. 2S. 6d. . Key. 6s. 6d. Algebra. For the Use of Colleges and Schools. 7s. 6d. Key. I OS. 6d. Algebra for Indian Schools, 2s. 6d. Examples of Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions. 4s. Analytical Statics. los. 6d. .... Answer to Mr. Lund's Attack on Mr. Todhunter . Researches in the Calculus of Variations. 6s. History of the Calculus of Variations. 12s. Conflict of vStudies. los. 6d. .... Differential Calculus. los. 6d. .... Key. By H. St. J. Hunter. los. 6d. Theory of Equations. 7s. 6d. .... Elements of Euclid. 3s. 6d. .... Key. 6s. 6d. Euclid for Indian Schools. 2s. . Integral Calculus. los. 6d. .... Key. By H. St. J. Hunter. los. Laplace's, Lame's, and Bessel's Functions. los. 6d. Mathematical Theory of Probability. i8s. . Theories of Attraction. 24s. Mechanics for Beginners. 4s. 6d. . Key. 6s. 6d. . 6d. Mensuration. 2s. 6d. ..... Key. By Fr. L. M'Carthy. 7s. 6d. and Surveying for Beginners, for Indian Schools. An Abridged Mensuration, for Indian Schools, is. Natural Philosophy. Part I. II. los. 6d. 7s. 6d. in 1S62 . Solutions. By C. W. Bourne. Plane Co-ordinate Geometry. 3s. 6d. 3s. 6d. I OS. 6d. 6d. . 2s. 6d. Key. 8s, 6d. Plane Trigonometry. 5s. Key. Spherical Trigonometry. 4s. Trigonometry for Beginners. See Boole 5 {G.) "A Treatise on Differential Equations " . " Differentia/ Equations." Supplementary Vohivie See Wheivell {W.) . Tom Brown at Oxford. 31s. 6d. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . Tom Brown's School Days. Cr. 8vo. los. 6d. Fcap. 8vo. 5s. Cr. 8vo. (1871 6s. (1889)35. 6d. Pott4to. los. 6d. Med. 4to. 6d. Golden Treasury Edition. 4s. 6d. Pott 8vo. 2s. ... Torrens, W. M. See "■ Melbourne s {Viscount) Memoirs" Torry, A. F. College Economy and University Extension. 6d. Tourgenief, I. S. Virgin Soil. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1S79 2S. los. 6d. PAGE 566 241 310 17 10 76 108 180 54 212 3" 54 24 54 228 82 255 20 543 82 96 388 311 47 566 293 139 255 164 348 198 505 311 310 330 330 36 525 61 275 61 153 255 55 130 312 82 48 343 180 348 700 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE To Verify Dates. 6cl. . Townshend, jNI. See " Questions for a Reformed Parliamcjit" Tozer, H. F. Classical Geography, is. See " Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860" See " Vacation Tourists z« 1861 " . Tracts for Priests and People. No. I. See Hughes ( T. ) II. See Maurice {F. D.) III. See Garden (F.) IV. See Davies (J. LI.) V. See P. (C. K.) and Langley (/. N.) . VI. See Ludlow [J. M. ) and Maurice {F. D. ) VII. do. VIII. See Chretien (C. P.) IX. See Ludlow (/. J/.) and Garden (F.) X. See Strachey {£.) and Maurice [F. D.) XI. See Davies (J. LI.) . XIL See Lyttelton {W. H.) XIII. 6"ee i:>fl£'2e5 (/. LI. ) and Garden {F. ) XIV. SeeHutton {R.H.) and Maiirice{F. D.) Supplementary Number to Second Series. See Langley (J. N.) and An Clergyman First Series. 7s. 6d. Second Series. 7s. 6d. 6d. . PAGE 28 , 162 3" . 82 . 96 , 78 . 80 76 • 76 . 80 79 79 75 79 81 87 91 87 89 English 0^' JVater' Traill, H. D. Central Government — — See Coleridge {S. T.) See Sterne (Z. )..... See Strafford {LoriT) . . . . See William IIL . Trajan. See Pliny s "-^ Letters to Trajan.'" E.G.Hardy Trautwine, J. See Ganguillef s {E.) " Formula for the Uniform Flow of Treitschke, H. Von. What we Demand from France. 2s. 6d. Trench, F. Brief Notes on the Greek of the New Testament. 6s. Four Sermons. 2s. 6d. ..... - Captain F. The Army Enlistment Bill of 1S70. 2s. 6d. The Russo-Indian Question. 7s. 6d. - Mrs. R., The Remains of the late. 15s. Altered to 6s. in 1868 - R. C. Alma. is. . Armour of God. 4d. . . . . • St. Augustine as an Interpreter of Holy Scripture. 3s. 6d. Authorised Version. 7s. . Brief Thoughts and Meditations. 3s. 6d. . Primary Charge delivered to the Clergy of the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glandelagh, and Kildare. 2s. . Charge, 1866. is. . 1868. 2S 1869. IS I87I. IS iS73- IS 6d. Christ the Desire of all Nations. 5s. . . - Church's Worship in the Beauty of Holiness Elegiac Poems. 2s. 6d. . . . . • English, Past and Present. 4s. 4s. 6d. in 1868. 5s. in 1875 Commentary on the Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia. 8s. 90 82 96 405 450 423 565 545 561 553 213 126 139 213 198 108 108 108 109 108 464 6d, 139 153 180 198 228 255 5 139 109 109 109 INDEX 701 Trench, R. C. Every good Gift from above, is. Exposition of tiie Sermon on the Mount. los. 6d. Fitness of Holy Scripture for Unfolding the Spiritual Life of Men. 5s. Five Sermons at Cambridge, 1856. 2s. 6d. Five Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge. 2s. 6d. Select Glossary of English Words. 4s. 4s. 6d. in 1876. 5s. in 1879 Gustavus Adolphus. 2s. 6d. 4s. in 1872 . Household Book of English Poetry. 5s. 6d. Hulsean Lectures for 1845 and 1846. 5s. 7s. 6d. in 1880 Lectures on Medieval Church History. 12s. Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord. 12s. . Notes on the Parables of Our Lord. 12s. . Plutarch. 3s. 6d. ...... Poems. I Vol. 7s. 6d. 2 Vols. los. . . . Poems from Eastern Sources. 5s. 6d. Proverbs, and their Lessons. 3s. 3s. 6d. in 1869. 4s. 6d. in 1879 Sacred Latin Poetry. 7s. . Sermon preached at the Church of S. Edwards, Cambridge Sermons for the most Part in Ireland. los. 6d. Sermons preached in Westminster Abbey. los. 6d. Shipwrecks of Faith. 2s. 6d. .... Some Deficiencies in our English Dictionaries. 3s. Story of Justin Martyr. 6s. .... Studies in the Gospels. los. 6d. .... Study of Words. 4s. 4s. 6d. in 1869. 5s. in 1876 Subjection of the Creature to Vanity. 3s. . Synonyms of the New Testament. los. 6d. 12s. in 1871 Part I. 5s. II. 5s. . See Calderon (F.) . See " Lectures fo LaJzes," e/c. .... See " Tre/ick [Mrs. A'.), T/ie Remains of the late" . Trevelyan, Sir C. Irish Crisis. 2s. 6d. - G. O. Competition Wallah. 9s. 6s. in 1866. Altered to 2s. 6d in 1871 ....... Cawnpore. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1865. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1871 Altered to 6s. in 1874 ..... - R. Selectas e Prolusionibus ..... Trial, The. By C. M. Yonge. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1888 Tribe, A. See Gladstone's {J. H.) " Chemistry of Secondary Batteries" Trigonometry. Plane. See Beasley (R. D.) . See Blackbtirn {H. ) . . See Dodgson {C. L.) . and Spherical. See Hyiners {J. ) Treatise on. See Johnson {IV. E.) . for Beginners. See Lock {/. B.) . Key to. See Loci- {/. B.) . Elementary. See Lock (J. B.) . Key to. See Lock {/. B.) . and Higher. In i Vol. See Lock (/. B. ) . - Higher. See Lock {J. B.) ..... Part I. Spherical. See M'Clelland ( ir. J. ) and Preston ( 7'. ) II. Spherical. M'Clelland ( W. J. ) and Preston ( 7'.) See Palmer (/. H. ) PAGE 126 198 3 48 no 109 139 180 7 330 no 108 255 139 109 109 126 no 255 no 164 no no 164 127 no 139 28 in 99 32 108 388 127 140 127 127 433 49 218 551 6 556 495 557 417 557 458 457 496 496 538 702 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Trigonometry. Treatise on. See Smith {J. H.) Introduction. Plane. See Snowball {J. C. Plane and Spherical. See Sfiowball {/. C. ) Beginners. See Todhunter (/.) Key. See Todhunte}' (I. Plane. See Todhtmter (I. ) '. Key to Plane. See Todhuntei- (/.) . Spherical. See TodhtDiter (I.) Plane. See Wilson [J. and S. R.) . Tristram, H. B. See "Vacation Tourists, etc., 1862-63" . - W. O. Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. 21s. . Trollope, A. Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite. 2s. 6d See Thackeray {W. M.) . - T. A. Commonwealth of Florence. 30s. Altered to 21s. in 1878 True to Life. los. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1876 . Truman, J. Afterthoughts. 3s. 6d. . Tucker, R. See Clifford's {W. K.) " Mathematical Papers" - T. G. See Aeschylus' " Supplices''' . Tudor, R. Alms-Giving in Relation to Church Finance, is, The Decalogue. los. 6d. .... Tuition, Private. See "A Few Words about.''' By a Private Tutor Tuke, D. H. Insanity in Ancient and Modern Life. 6s, TuUoch, J. The Christ of the Gospels and the Christ of Modern Criticism Turner, C. Tennyson. Small Tableaux. 4s. 6d. Sonnets. 4s. 6d. ..... Collected Sonnets. 7s. 6d. - E. J. See Schiller s (/. C. F. Von) "Selections'' - G. Samoa. 9s. .... . - H. H. Heat and Electricity. 2s. 6d. - J. M. W. Liber Studiorum. 12s. 6d. 410 Edition. 21s. - W. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. See Hiiinpluy (G. M.) Tutor, Private. See " Few Words about Private Tuition " Twelve English Statesmen Series. Cromwell, O. F. Harrison. 2s. 6d Henry II. Mrs. J. R. Green. 2s. 6d. Henry the Seventh. J. Gairdner. 2s. 6d. Walpole, R. J. Morley. 2s. 6d. . William I. E. A. Freeman. 2s. 6d. William III. H. D. Traill. 2s. 6d. Wolsey, T. M. Creighton. 2s. 6d. Twelve Parables of Our Lord. 42s. Altered to 21s. in 1870. Altered in 1871 .... Twining, T. Technical Training. 12s. . Two Catherines, The. 21s. - Etonians. See Leahy's [" Sergeant") - Marriages. 2S. . . . . . Tylor, E. B. Anthropology. 7s. 6d. .See Turner's (G.) " Sa/noa" Tyndall, J. Portrait. 5s. .... See ' ' Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in 1 860 ' See Youmans' "Modern Culture" . Tyrrell, R. Y. See Plautus' " Miles Gloriostts" Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Battle and After. 3s. 6d. . Free Field. 3s. 6d. .... Schooling of Life. 3s. 6d. .... Art of Swimming' 4s. 6d to i6s PAGE 179 6 20 153 255 61 275 61 370 128 543 228 369 255 256 566 410 547 140 71 18 348 127 180 127 465 503 465 483 348 146 18 529 533 556 567 545 545 545 213 275 96 284 406 406 465 293 82 165 402 566 543 127 INDEX 703 Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Our Sketching Club. 7s. 6d. See "Vacation Tourists, etc., 1862-63" UHLAND, T- L- Selections. G. E. Fasnacht. is. Under the Limes. 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. 6s. . Underbill, H. G. Easy Exercises in Greek Accidence. 2s. Underwood, C. W. Short Manual of Arithmetic. 2s. 6d. United States, History of Co-operation in the. See "History" Universities and the Church of England, The. is. University Extension Reports. See " Oxford" . - Matters and Middle Class Education. See " Occasional Fa/ers," etc. Unknown Country, An. 7s. 6d. .... Unseen Universe, The. los. 6d. 6s. in April 1876 Unsentimental Journey through Cornwall. 12s. 6d. Uppingham by the Sea. See S. (J. H.) VACATION Tourists and Notes of Travel in i860. 14s. . 1 86 1. 14s. . . 1862-63. i6s. Valmlki. See Richardson's (F.) " The Iliad of the East'' Van Bruyssel, E. Population of an Old Pear-Tree. 6s. Second 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1888 . Vandervell, H. E. A System of Figure- Skating. 6s. . Vaughan, C. J. Addresses to Young Clergymen. 4s. 6d. Authorised or Revised. 7s. 6d. . Book and the Life. 3s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1864 Boy-King's Choice of Wisdom, is. Christ satisfying the Instincts of Humanity. 3s. 6d. Church of the First Days. Vol. I. 4s. 6d. II. 4S. 6d. HI. 4s. 6d. Parts. 5s. per 100. Vol. Notes for Lectures on Confirmation. Communion, id. . Counsels to Young Students. 2s. 6d. Few Words on the Crystal Palace Question. 6d. . Epiphany, Lent, and Easter. 7s. 6d. los. 6d. in 1861 Eight Sermons added to 2d Edition of Epiphany, Lent, and Easter Epistles of St. Paul. First Epistle to Thessalonians. is. 6d Foes of Faith. 3s. 6d. Forget thine own People. 3s. 6d. . Four Cambridge Sermons, is. 6d. Free and Open Worship. 6d. and id. Funeral Sermon on A. P. Stanley, is. Heroes of Faith. 6s. Inaugural Sermon, is. . Incompleteness a Mark of True Work. is. Independence and Submission, is. Joy of Success. 2d. Last Words in the Chapel of Harrow School Lessons of Life and Godliness. 4s. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1870 Lessons of the Cross and Passion. 2s. 6d. . Words from the Cross Life's Work and God's Discipline. 149 Edition, IS. 6d. Sin. 2s. 6d. The Reign of The Lord's Prayer. los. 6d. PAGE 275 128 424 275 543 71 533 28 150 52 525 293 465 346 82 96 128 210 213 198 293 424 96 241 213 128 140 140 62 16S 213 20 71 83 128 180 311 83 140 406 3" 198 213 17 83 61 97 198 505 140 704 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Vaughan, C. J. Twelve Discourses on the Liturgy. Lord's Prayer. 3s. 6d. Memorials of Harrow Sundays, Mourning of the Land. 2d. Music in Churches. 6d. My Son, give Me thine Heart. Philippians. 5s. Lectures on. 7s. I OS. 6d. . Two Sermons added to 3d Edition. 6d 5s. 6d. 6d. lOS. 5s- 6d. 5s. in 1S73. 7s. Progress the Condition of Permanence, is. Quietness and Confidence the Strength of the Church. Rest awhile. 5s. . Revelation of St. John. 2 Vols. Cr. 8vo. 1 5s. 2 Vols. I Vol. los. 6d. ..... Revised Code. is. . Revision of the Liturgy. 4s. 6d. Romans. 7s. 6d. 5s. in 1861. 7s. 6d. in 1870 . Rubrical Modification not Liturgical Change, is. . Sermons preached in Harrow School, 1S47. Sermons preached in Harrow School, 1S49. Solidity of true Religion. 3s. 6d. . Son, thou art ever with Me. Temple Sermons. los. 6d. Things New and Old. is. . Three Tabernacles, is. Two Great Temptations. 3s. University Sermons New and Old, Vivisection. 6d. Wholesome Words of Jesus Christ Words from the Cross. 4s. 6d. — Gospels. 4s. 6d. of Hope. 5s. Yet once more. 6d. in 1882 is IS. 6d. los. 6d. 6d. Young Life Equipping itself for God's Service. 3s. 6d. and Liddell, H. G. Sermons on Lady Augusta Stanley, is. See Bather s {Archdeacon) ^^ Some Minisiei'ial Duties" See Bensoiis {E. W.) " Consecration of the Temple Church See ^^ Rays of Sunlight for Dark Days'' - D. J. Christian Evidences and the Bible. 3s. 6d. Second Edition, Church Prospects and Church Duties. 6d. Elements of our Christian Faith, is. Present Trial of Faith. 9s. ... Remarks on the Master of Trinity's Second Paper . Sacrifice and Propitiation. 2s. 6d. . Sermons on the Resurrection. 3s. . Sermons preached in St. John's Church, Leicester. 5s. 6d Thoughts on the Irish Church Question. 6d. Three Sermons on the Atonement, is. 6d. See "^ Few Words about Private Tuition." By a Private Tutor See Plato. " The Republic of Plato " See " Worship of God," etc. - E. T. Law of Christian Life and Education Some Reasons of our Christian Hope. 6s. 6d. — '— Time of our Visitation. 6d. ... Fcap. 8vo. 9s 5s. 6d 6d. PAGE 61 83 97 140 348 483 97 199 128 388 III 83 71 62 128 348 348 312 128 406 242 97 242 543 348 165 293 III 312 62 311 312 29s 468 68 140 180 III 349 48 84 71 43 180 62 18 19 54 54 312 199 INDEX 705 IS. Vaughan, R. See " Vazighaii's {R. A.) Alciiioir''^ - R. A., Memoir of. 5s. .... . Vecchj, Colonel. Garibaldi at Caprera. 3s. 6d. is. 6d. in 1863 Veley, M. A Garden of Memories. Mrs. Austin. Lizzie's Bargain. Mitchelhurst Place. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. . — V. H. See LandoWs {H.) " Handbook of the Polariscope " Venables, E. St. Barnabas a Pattern to Christian Ministers. - G. S. The Italian War, 1848-49. See Lushiiigton {H.) Venn, J. On some of the Characteristics of Belief. 6s. 6d. Empirical or Inductive Logic. i8s. Logic of Chance. 7s. 6d. los. 6d. in 1876 Symbolic Logic. los. 6d. .... Vere. See De Vere {A. ) Vergil. See Virgil. Aeneid. Book I. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. II. T. E. Page. is. 6d. II. and III. E. W. liowson. 3s. IV, H. M. Stephenson, is. 6d. V. A. Calvert, is. 6d. VI. T. E. Page. is. 6d. — VII. A. Calvert, is. 6d. IX. H. M. Stephenson, is. 6d. Georgics. Book I. T. E. Page. is. 6d. — II. J. II. Skrine. is. 6d. Selections. E. S. Shuckburgh. is. 6d. . By H. Nettleship. is. 6d. . Verney, Lady. How the Peasant Owner Lives. 3s. 6d. Vernon, W. W. See Dante's "Readings on the Ftirgatorio" I2S. Verrall, A. W. See Aeschylus'' " Agamemnon " . ' ' Seven against Thebes See Euripides' " Medea " . See Horace. " Studies Literary and Historical in the Odes Vesey, F. G. Let no man despise thy youth. 6d. Victor Emmanuel II. Life. By G. S. Godkin. 2 Vols. i6s. Victoria, Queen, Jubilee of. See Lawson (C) . Edition of Shakespeare's Works. See Shakespeare ( IV. ) University Calendar. 3s. to 1882-83. is. afterwards Vienna. See '''' Letters from Italy and^' . Village Sermons. By a Northamptonshire Rector. 6s. Villari, L. In Change Unchanged. 21s. Villemarque, Vicomte H. De La. Ballads and Songs of Brittany. Vincent, E. Handbook to Modern Greek. 5s. 6s. in 1881 Turkish Debt. is. . Vines, S. H. See Abneys " Science Lectures at South Kensington. I Vol. I2S. Vol. I. See Bower's [F. 0.) " Practical Instruction in Botany." Fart I //. Virgil. See Vergil. Works. J. Lonsdale and S. Lee. 3s. 6d. Aeneid. Translated by J. W. Mackail. 7s. 6d. . J. Miller. los. 6d. . Vita. Links and Clues. 6s. , . . . Viticulture. See Thudichum {J. L. IV.) and Dufire {A.) Voices Crying in the Wilderness. 7s. 6d. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de Charles XII. G. E. Fasnacht. 2 Z 3s. 6d. PAGE 128 128 97 525 465 416 141 58 213 566 153 406 424 566 406 543 369 543 566 543 567 388 446 369 544 551 547 507, 526 396, 432 455 . 242 370 517 524 388 18 III 331 141 370 424 332 469 509 228 483 III 406 241 483 483 6s. 7o6 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Voltaire, F. M.A. de. J. Morley. 5s. Volunteer's Scrap-book. 7s. 6d. Von Treitschke. What we Demand from France. See Treitschke PAGE • 483 • 71 • 213 Wagner, G. Memoir. By J. N. Simpkinson. 9s. 5s. in 1862 Waldstein, C. Catalogue of Casts in Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Large Paper Edition. 5s. ... • Walker, F. A. Brief Text-book of Political Economy. 6s. 6d. Land and its Rent. 3s. 6d. ... Money. i6s. in its Relations to Trade and Industry. 7s. 6d. Political Economy. los. 6d. Altered to 12s. 6d. in 1888 Wages Question. 14s. .... Wallace, A. R. Bad Times. 2s. 6d. Darwinism. 9s. . Geographical Distribution of Animals. 42s. Island Life. i8s. . Malay Archipelago. 2 Vols. 24s. i Vol. 7s. 6d. Theory of Natural Selection. 8s. 6d. Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. 12s. Tropical Nature. I2s. . The " Why " and the " How " of Land Nationalisation - D. M. Egypt and the Egyptian Question. 14s. Waller, S. E. Six Weeks in the Saddle. 6s. . Walpole, A. vS. See " Af-rian Selections" See Caesar's " Gallic War" Book I. VII. See Euripides' '■^Hecuba''' .... See Homers " Iliad:' Book I. ''Odyssey." Book I. . . . ' See Lucian " Extracts " . See Ovid. '' Stories from the Metamorphoses " See Phaedrus' '' Select Fables" See Terences "■ Fhorniio" .... See Vergifs "■ Aencid.'" Book I. See XejtophotHs '■'■ Anabasis." Book I. II. IS. 6d. 6d. — R. J. Morley. 2s. 6d. — S. Electorate and the Legislature. Foreign Relations. 3s. 6d. — S. H., Letter to. See Phelps (R.) Walters, F. B. See Cockshott's (A.) " Geometrical Conies Walton, I. The Complete Angler. By I. Walton and C. Cotton. With troduction by J. R. Lowell. 52s. 6d. Edition with Illustrations Japanese Paper. 73s- 6d. — W. See "Solutions to the Problems and Riders for 1854 " Ditto for 1857 ..... Ditto for 1864 . "Wanderer." See" Caucasus, Notes on" .^ Wandering Willie, The Story of. 6s. 2s. 6d. in 1882 Warburton Lectures. Maurice, F. D., "Epistle to the Hebrews." Ward, A. W. Academical Experiences of the German Renascence, 54 567 483 446 349 388 446 331 483 567 312 388 199- 214 214 349 446 446 275 527 509 410 510 413 455 436 495 521 460 368 424 425 546 567 407 424 253 550 In- 7s. 6d. 2S. 567 27 47 126 429 214 33 349 INDEX 707 Ward, A. W. History of English Dramatic Literature. 32s. House of Austria in the Thirty Years' War. 2s. 6d. National Self-Knowledge. is. See Chattcer {G.) . See Dickens (C) See '■'■ Essays and Addresses" See Pope's (^.) " Poetical Works " . See WanTs (T. H.) '■'English Poets" - H. M. Timber and its Diseases. 6s. - J. Experiences of a Diplomatist. los. 6d. - M. A. See Ward {Mrs. T. H.) - S. Lyrical Recreations. 6s. - T. H. English Poets. 7s. 6d. each Vol. See " Oxford Spectator''' - Mrs. T. H. Milly and Oily. 4s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1S88 Miss Bretherton. 6s. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1889 See AmicTs {H. F.) "JournaV See Ward's (T. //.) " English Poets " - W. See " Ward ( W. G. ) and the Oxford Movement " - W. G., and the Oxford Movement. By W. Ward. 14s. See Maurice's (F. D.) " New Stattite and Mr. Ward" Warington, G. The Week of Creation. 4s. 6d. Warren, J. L. An Essay on Greek Federal Coinage. 2s. 6d. - T. H. See Plato's " The Republic" Books I.-V. . Waters of Comfort. 4s. . Waters, C. A. Digest of Prof. Fawcett's " Manual of Political Economy. ' Waterton, C. Wanderings in South America. 21s. 6s. in 1879 6d. Watson, E. Record. Edited by A. Buckland. 6s. - H. W. The Mathematical Tripos, is. and Routh, E. J. Senate-House Problems and Riders, i860. - R. G. Sec Lock's {J. B.) "Key to Arithmetic for Schools" . ' ' Key to Arithmetic for Beginners " - R. S. Visit to Wazan. los. 6d. . Watteville, A. De. See "■' Brain" Watts, H. See Wurtz's (Ad.) "A History of the Chemical Theory" - W. T. See Ward's {T. H.) "English Poets" Webb, W. T. See Helps' {A.) "■ Essays" See "Martial" .... See " Tennyson Selections" . Webster, A. The Auspicious Day. 5s. Book of Rhyme. 3s. 6d. Daffodil and the Croiixaxicans. 6s. Dramatic Studies. 5s. . Housewife's Opinions. 7s. 6d. Portraits. 3s. 6d. .... Woman Sold. 7s. 6d. . Yu-Pe-Ya's Lute. 3s. 6d. . See Euripides' " Medea" . - A. and T. See "Aeschylus, The Prometheus Bound of " Wedderburn, D. British Colonial Policy, is. . Sec Howard's (J.) " Practical Politics." Complete Volume Wedgwood, J. John Wesley. 8s. 6d. . See " IVoman's Work and Woman's Culture" 7s, 2s. 6d. 6d. PAGE 199 411 262 194 389 567 242 446 389 193 407 465 467 389 567 567 2 214 III 538 43 525 370 424 465 331 72 535 557 389 334 200 389 555 363 542 242 407 465 154 370 214 165 275 171 141 407 398 214 200 7o8 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Weir, Rev. A. See " Vacatiojt Tourists in 1861 " Welby-Gregory, Lady. (Vita.) See Vita s '■' Links and Clues Welch, W., and Duffield, C. G. Latin Accidence and Exercises, is. 6d See Ciisar's ''Helvetian War" - — "■' Invasion of Britain" See Eiitropins .... Welldon, J. E. C. Spiritual Life. 6s. . See Aristotle s'' Politics" . . ''Rhetoric" . Wellington, N.Z., Bishop of. See Abraha:m {C. J.) Wellington, Duke of. By G. Hooper. 2s. 6d. . See Evans' {S.) " Sonnets on the Death of t lie Duke of Wellington ' See Chalmers' {F.) and Claytons (C.) " Sermons on Death of " See Pullens (/.) " TJie True Patriot" Wells, D. A. Revenue of the United States. 2s. 6d. - E. A. See Xenoplions " Aitabasis." Book I. Wesley, J. See Wedgwood's (/.) "John Wesley" West, C. On Hospital Organisation. 2s. 6d. . Westbury, H. Frederick Hazzleden. 31s. 6d. . Westcott, B. F. The Bible in the Church. 4s. 6d. Characteristics of the Gospel Miracles. 4s. 6d. Christian Life. 2s. 6d. Christus Consummator. 6s. Constructive Work of the Christian Ministry, is. Disciplined Life. is. Elements of the Gospel Harmony. 6s. 6d. Epistle to the Hebrews. 14s. Epistles of St. John. 12s. 6d. Faith One and Progressive. 6d. Faithful is He that calleth. is. Fevir Words on "Supernatural Religion." 6d. From Strength to Strength, is. . General View of the History of the English Bible. los. 6d Gifts for Ministry, is. 6d. . Gospel of the Resurrection. 4s. 6d. 6s. in 1874 Historic Faith. 6s. ... History of the Canon of the New Testament. 12s. 6d. los 1867 Introduction to the Study of the Gospels. los. 6d. Lesson of Biblical Revision. 6d. . Mission of the Schoolmaster. 6d. . Our Attitude towards the War. 2d. Rehgious Office of the Universities. 4s. 6d. Revelation of the Father. 6s. — • Risen Lord. 6s. . Social Aspects of Christianity. 6s. . Some Thoughts from the Ordinal, is. 6d. Spiritual Office of the Universities, is. Thoughts on Revelation and Life. Selected by S. Victory of the Cross. 3s. 6d. and Hort, F. J. A. New Test, in Original Greek. Ditto. Vol. I. I OS. 6d. . Ditto. Vol. II. los. 6d. . See " Acts of tlie Apostles." T. E. Phillips, 4s. 6d Page 6s. and 6d. 6d. 96 406 544 510 449 432 544 427 485 182 567 18 17 19 214 546 214 331 525- 129 62 199 506 214 506 17 568 446 275 465 275 370 181 568 154 446 36 72 407 484 229 256 466 407 525 466 199 52s 544 484 407 407 485 INDEX 709 Westcott, B. F. See Benson {E. W.) Sermons at Allhallows, Barking Westlake, J. Tenure of Fellowships. 6(1. Westlake, J. See Clays ( W. L. ) ''Essays on Church Policy " . Westminster Plays. See Mure {/■) Wetenhall, H. J. The Worth of a Vote. 6d. . Wetherell, J. Exercises on Morris's Grammar, is. . Whately, Archbishop, and the Study of Logic. See Eraser (A. C.) Wheatstone, Sir C. Portrait. 5s. ... . Wheeler, B. I. See Elagifs (/.) ^'Studies in Classical Philology" - J. T. College History of India. 3s. 6d. . India under British Rule. 12s. 6d. Short History of India. 12s. When I was a Little Girl. 4s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1880 - Papa Comes Home. 4s. 6d. ..... Whewell, W. See Burger's (G. Lenore" ..... See Plato's '' Dialogues for English Readers." A.) " Two Verse Tra^islations of Biirger Vol. See Younians' " Modern Culture " By I. Todhunter. 25s. See Lightfooi's {J. B.) " In Memory of" . White, G. Natural History of Selborne. 31s. 6d. 2 Vols. I Vol. Altered to 21s. in 84s. 6s. . - H. See Loftie's {W. J.)'- Memorials of the Savoy" . - J. W. First Lessons in Greek. 4s. 6d. See Schtfiidfs (/. H. H.) ''Rhythmic," etc. . See Xenophon's " Anabasis" .... - Walter. Rhymes. 7s. 6d. ..... - William. See Meldola's (/v.) " Report on the East Anglian Earthquake " - WilHam. See "Cambridge Year-Book" - W. H. Text-Book of General Therapeutics. 8s. 6d. Whitham, J. M. Steam- Engine Design. 25s. . Whitmore, W. Gilbert Marlowe, and other Poems. 3s. 6d. Whitney, W. D. German Grammar. 6s. Altered to 4s. 6d. in 1877 German Reader. 7s. 6d. Altered to 5s. in 1877 . and Edgren, A. H. German and English Dictionary. 7s. 6d. German- English Dictionary. 5s. Whittier, E. H. See Whittier's (/. G.) " Personal Poems," etc. - J. G. Poetical Works. Complete. 4s. 6d. . An ti- Slavery Poems, Songs of Labor and Reform. 6s. Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, Inner Life — Criticism. 6s. Margaret Smith's Journal. Tales and Sketches. 6s. Narrative and Legendary Poems. 6s. . Old Portraits and Modern Sketches, Personal Sketches and Tributes, Historical Papers. 6s. . Personal Poems, Occasional Poems, The Tent on the Beach. 6s. Poems of Nature, Poems Subjective and Reminiscent, Religious Poems, Whittington, R. Historical Books of the Old Testament. 4s. 6d. Wickham, E. C. Wellington College Sermons. 6s. Wicksteed, P. H. Alphabet of Economic Science. 2s. 6d. See Kuenen^ s (A .) " Hexateitch" .... Wiedersheim, R. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. 12s. 6d. 121 1877 6s PAGE 486 48 169 161 181 117 312 544 506 389 229 425 50 60 68 80 165 312 148 293 312 389 342 389 367 390 256 477 86 568 568 62 256 256 331 349 545 276 544 544 545 544 545 545 544 12 526 545 494 506 7IO BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Wilberforce, S. Sermons preached during Lent Wilbraham, F. M. Sere and Yellow Leaf. 3s. Wilford, F. See "■ Miz Maze" . Wilkins, A. S. Roman Antiquities, is. Light of the World. 3s. 6d. See ''' Essays and Addresses" See Cicero's ' ' Orations against Catilina " " Pro Leze Manilia " . 1864. 6d. 7s. 6d. See Horace's "Epistles" See Strackan's (_/.) " Analecta" " Index to An alec ta- " Index to Analecta- -Greek " -Latin " Wilkinson, G. H. The Old Inmates of Harperley Park, 1858 — H. See Ovid's ^' Easy Selectiojis" — M. M. U. See '^Solutions of the Problems and Riders for 1864" William the Conqueror. By E. A. Freeman. 2s. 6d. William III. By H. D. Traill. 2s. 6d. Williams, F. H. See Brunton's (T. L.) " Text-Book of Pharmacology" — F. S., Letter to. See Matirice's {F. D.) " Worship of the Church " — S. E. Forensic Facts and Fallacies. 4s. 6d. Williamson, W. C. Succession of Life on the Earth. 6d. See " Essays and Addresses" .... See Roscoe's [H. E.) '■^Manchester Science Lectui-es for the People" Willoughby, F. Fairy Guardians. 5s. . Wills, A. See Remhis {AI. Le C.) " Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy" — C. J. Land of the Lion and Sun. 14s. — W. G. Mclchior. 9s. .... . Wilson, A. J- National Budget. 3s. 6d. Reciprocity. 7s. 6d. ..... — D. Caliban. los. 6d. ..... Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. 36s. Man. 28s. Second Edition. 21s. Third Edition. -J " Thermal Chefnistry" . 6d. . 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. and is. 14s. Altered to los. 6d. in 186 Is. - See Chatterton {T) . D. M. See Mnirs (M. M. P.) G. Counsels of an Invalid. 4s - Five Gateways of Knowledge. - Memoir. By ]. A. Wilson. 1866 . " . - Progress of the Telegraph - Religio Chemici. 8s. 6d. ..... - See '' Forbes' {E.) Memoir" . .... M. Contributions to Religious Thought. 6s. Elementary Geometry. 3s. 6d. Proof Copies of Books I. and II Book III. 9d. Fourth Edition. 4s. 6d. Elementary Geometry. Part I. 2s. 6d. II. 2s. 6d. . and Conic Sections. 6s. . Essays and Addresses. 4s. 6d. .... Letter to the Masters and Seniors of St. John's College, Cambridge. Morality in Public Schools. 6d. .... Sermons in Clifton College. 6s. . Solid Geometry and Conic Sections. 3s. 6d. Two Sermons on Opinion and Service, and Religion and Revelation. See Crossley's {E.) '■'■ Handbook of Double Stars" 36s. 6s. is. 6d. 6d. PAGE 129 466 440 199 262 219 354 475 541 565 541 62 521 126 545 545 469 46 484 331 262 327 294 272 447 484 425 390 256 III 97 184 478 98 43 72 63 98 76 545 200 181 181 425 526 165 425 447 242 466 354 INDEX 711 Wilson, J. M. See Crossky's (£.) " CoTredions to Double Stars" See ^' Essays on a Liberal Education" — Jessie A. See " Wilson's {G.) Memoir" — Joseph and S. R. Plane Trigonometry. 4s. 6d. — S. R. See Wilson's (J. and S. R.) "Plane Trigonometry" . — W. An English Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon and Concordance. 25s. — W. P. Treatise on Dynamics. 9s. 6d. Wilton, E. The Negeb. 7s. 6d. Winchester, Bishop of. See Browne (E. H. ) Winkworth, C. Christian Singers of Germany. Parts, is. each. Vols. 4s. 6d. and 4s. . — S. Theologia Germanica. 4s. 6d. . . Winslow, C. F. Force and Nature. 14s. Wint, P. de. See De Wint (/'.) Witham, T. M. See VandervclFs {H. E.) "^ System of Figure- Skatin^ Witt, J. G. Mutual Influence of the Christian Doctrine. 2s. 6d Wolf, J. Life and Habits of Wild Animals. 21s. Large Paper Edition. 105s. Wolfe, A. Hymns for Private Use. 2s. ... Public Worship. 2s. . IS. . Psalm and Hymn Tunes. los. 6d. J. See Parkmans (F.) ''Montcalm andWolJe" . WoUaston, T. V. Lyra Devoniensis. 3s. 6d. . WoUey, H. F. "Think on these Things." In Memoriam Mrs. Craik Wolsey, T. By M. Creighton. 2s. 6d. . Wolseley, Lord. Field Pockct-Book for the Auxiliary Forces, is. 6d. The Soldier's Pocket - Book. 5s. Second Edition. 4s. 6d. 1S83 Wolstenholme, E. C. See " Woman's Work and Woman's Culture" — J. Mathematical Problems. 8s. 6d. 1 8s. in 1878 . Seven Figure Logarithms. 5s. . See Frost's (P.) " yi Treatise on Solid Geometry" Woman's Work and Woman's Culture. Edited by J. E. Butler. los. 6d. Women, College for, Hitchin. Examination Papers. See " College' Wood, A. G. Isles of the Blest. 5s. . — H. C. See ''Journal of Physiology" .... — H. T. W. Changes in the English Language. 2s. 6d. — — Reciprocal Influence of English and French Literature, i8th Century. 2s. 6( — J. Companion to J. Wood's Algebra. By T. Lund. 6s — J. G. See Waterton's (C) " Wanderings in South America" . 370. Woods, F. H. See A/ontelius' (0.) " Civilisation of Sweden" — M. A. First School Poetry Book. 2s. 6d. . Second School Poetry Book. 4s. 6d. Third School Poetry Book. 4s. 6d. Woodford, J. R. Charges, 1877. 2s. 1881. 2S. . 1885. 2S. . Christian Sanctity. 3s. . Sermons preached during Lent, 1864. See Wilberforce {S.) Woodward, B. B. Specimens of the Drawings of Ten Masters. 25s. — H. Essays. los. 6d. ..... Sermons. los. 6d. ...... Shunammite. los. 6d. ..... — T. See Butler's {W. A.) " Letters on Romanism" PAGE 72 370 370 112 IS. 5s. in 200 276 200 529 198 98 276 84 72 84 72 460 181 526 545 256 200 200 165 546 lOI 200 185 466 340 215 215 7 424 537 506 526 568 332 408 484 112 129 215 129 154 112 25 712 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE Woodward, T. See Butler s {W. A.) '■' Seniions." First Series WooUey, T- Lectures delivered in Australia. 8s. 6d. . Woolner, T. My Beautiful Lady. Ss. . Pygmalion. 7s. 6d. ... • Silenus. 6s. . Woolwich Mathematical Papers. 3s. 6d. Words from the Poets. 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. Wordsworth, C. Ecclesiastical Union. Ministry of the Church. 2s. 6d. ... See Howsons (/. S.) " Before the Table " . 7s. 6d. . Introduction to. By J. Morley 4s. 6d. Large Paper Edition. 9s. 6s. in 1889 . and IS. in 1867 IS. W. Complete Works. 2s. 6d. IS. 6d. and is. in 1888 Poems. M. Arnold. Recluse. 2s. 6d. By F. W. H. Myers. See Masson {D. ) . See Shorthouse's (/. H.) "■ Platonism" Wordsworthiana. W. Knight. 7s. 6d. Work about the Five Dials. 6s. . Workhouse Nursing .... Working Men's College Magazine. Nos. 2d. each Worship of God and Fellowship among Men. 3s. 6d. Worsley, T. Christian Drift of Cambridge Work. 6s. Worthies. See^'Bookof." By C. M. Yoiige . Wratislaw, A. H. Middle Class and Non-Gremial Examinations. 6d. Wright, C. E. G. School Cookery Book. is. . - C. R. A. Metals. 3s. 6d. . - E. P. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. See Humphry {G. M. — I -J C. The Iliad of Homer. See Homer A Letter to the Dean of Canterbury. 6d. Attic Primer. 4s. 6d Complete Latin Course. David, King of Israel. First Latin Steps. 5s. Hellenica. 3s. 6d. .... Help to Latin Grammar. 4s. 6d. . Seven Kings of Rome. 3s. With Vocabulary, 1872. . Vocabulary and Exercises See Plato s " The Phaedrtts," etc. . 57, 77: Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1882 4s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1882 5s. Altered to 3s. 6d. in 1861 Altered to 3s. in 1882 1 87 1. 5s. 3s. 6d. in 2s. 6d. L. Light. 7s. 6d. . W. A. See Bacon's {F.)" Essays" .... — See Clark's (IV. G.) " The Journal of Philology'' . — See Eastwood's {J.)'' Bible Word Book" . — See Fitzgerald's [E.) " Letters and Literary Remains of" . — See '' Shakespeare {W.), The Works of" Vols. LL and IIL IV. and V. VL and VII. VIII. and IX. Globe Edition Wrightson, W. G. Functional Elements of an English Sentence. Wroth, H. T. Mohammedanism and Christian Evidences. 3s. Wurtz, Ad. History of Chemical Theory. 6s. . Wyatt, M. D. Fine Art. los. 6d. Altered to 5s. in 1877 5s. 17 98 112 408 466 466 154 546 154 282 546 546 370 546 390 269 404 568 349 16S 63 54 141 183 72 371 349 146 119 129 276 350 72 229 24 36 43 48 538 425 84 169 145 552 107 124 136 151 124 425 12 200 215 INDEX 713 X and Y. Long Vacation Ramble in Norway and Sweden. 6s. 6d. Xenophon. Anabasis. Book I. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. —. I. E. A. Wells. IS. 6d. ---^ II. A. S. Walpole. is. 6d. '- IV. E. D. Stone, is. 6d. I. -IV. W. W. Goodwin and J. W. White. Cyropedia. A. H. Cooke, is. 6d. .... A. Goodwin. 5s. .... . Hellenics. Books I. and II. H. Hailstone. 4s. 6d. Hieron. H. A. Holden. 3s. 6d. . Memorabilia Socratis. A. R. Cluer. 6s. . Oeconomicus. H. A. Holden. 6s. ... . 5s- 48 425 546 546 546 390 484 371 35° 447 390 466 Y. See X and V's '■^ Long Vacation Ramble in Nonuay and Sweden" . Yates, W. M. Key to Latin Prose Composition. First Steps. 3s. 6d. Eversley Edition. 5s, Yeast. 5s. 6s. January 1877. 3s. 6d. in i Also an Edition in 1889. Med. 8vo. 6d Yeld, C. See Florian's (/. P. C. de) " Fables" Yes and No. 31s. 6d. . Yoe, S. The Burman. 9s. Yonge, C. D. See Dryden's (J.) " Essays " See Goldsmith'' s [O.) ^^ Essays" See " Liverpool's {Earl of) Life " . - C. M. Armourer's Prentices. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. Beechcroft at Rockstone. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 3s. 6d. Book of Golden Deeds. Golden Treasury Edition. 4s. 6d 3s. 6d Globe Read ings Edition. 2s. Illustrated Edition. 6s. Book of Worthies. 4s. 6d. . Bye- Words. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . Caged Lion. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . Indian Edition. 2s Cameos from English History First Series 5s. . Second Series. 5s. Third Series. 5s. Fourth Series. Fifth Series. Sixth Series. 1 28. I Vol. 6s. I2S. I Vol. 6s. 4s. 6d. 2 Vols. Chantry House. 2 Vols. Chaplet of Pearls. 2 Vols Christians and Moors of Spain. Clever Woman of the Family. 1889 . . Daisy Chain. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1888 Danvers Papers. 4s. 6d. Dove in the Eagle's Nest. 2 Vols. Dynevor Terrace. 6s. 3s. 6d. in i Heartsease. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1888 . Heir of Redclyffe. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1888 Herb of the Field. 5s. History of Christian Names I Vol. 7s. 6d. . History of France, is, 3s. 6d . Hopes and Fears. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1888 3A 5s. 5s. . 5s. . 3s. 6d. in 1889 3s 6d. in 1S89 I2S. I Vol. 6s. 3s I2S. I Vol. 6s. 6d. 2 Vols. 2 IS. Altered to 12s. m in 1889 48 484 112 530 73 426 412 414 174 467 547 6d 889 in See 114 See 183 • 390 . 215 See 168 See 219 See 315 See 353 See 429 See 510 . 506 See 169 • 350 in See 131 See 115 See 157 See 145 See 116 See 118 See 118 • 526 1878. See 118 • 350 • 371 See 119 6d 714 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE . 276 See 383 See 120 !8i. See 120 . 229 Yonge, C. M. Lady Hester. 6s. .... • Lady Hester, and the Danvers Papers. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 Lances of Lynwood. 3s. 6d. 4s. 6d. in 1869. 2s. 6d. in 1889 . Little Duke. is. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1864. 2s. 6d. in 1872. 4s. 6d. in i: 2s. 6d. in 1889 ....... Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe. 6s. 4s. 6d. in 188 1 Love and Life. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . . 390 Magnum Bonum. 3 Vols. i8s. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . . 371 Modern Telemachus. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . 506 My Young Alcides. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . 294 Nuttie's Father. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . . 484 P's and Q's. 4s. 6d. ...... • 242 Parallel History of France and England. 3s. 6d. .... 229 Pillars of the House. 4 Vols. 5s. each. 2 Vols. 6s. each. 3s. 6d. each in 1888 256 Pioneers and Founders. 4s. 6d. Altered to 6s. in 1878 . . . 229 Prince and the Page. 3s. 6d. Altered to 2s. 6d. in 1872. 4s. 6d. in 1881 See 150 Pupils of St. John. Parts, is. each. Vol. 4s. 6d. and 4s. Altered to 6s. in 1878 . . . . • • . Seeij2, Reputed Changeling. 2 Vols. 12s. . ... 568 Scenes and Characters. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 Scripture Readings. "With Comments. First Series. 3s. 6d First Series. Second Series, Third Series. Fourth Series. Fifth Series. Shilling Book of Golden Deeds, is. Storehouse of Stories. First Series. Second Series. 3s. 6d. Third Series. 3s. 6d. Fourth Series. 3s. 6d. Fifth Series. 3s. 6d. IS. 6d. is. 6d. IS. 6d. IS. 6d. IS. 6d. 3s. 6d. in 1889 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1880 Second Series. 3s. 6d. 2s. 6d. in 1880 Stray Pearls. 2 Vols. 9s. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . Three Brides. 2 Vols. 12s. i Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 Trial. 2 Vols. I2s. I Vol. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1888 Two Sides of the Shield. 2 Vols. I2s. i Vol. 6s. Unknown to History. 2 Vols. 9s. i Vol. Victorian Half Century, is. 6d. and is. Young Step-Mother. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . See Harris's {G. C.)" Sermons" . See '^ Lamotn-ous, Marie Therlse de." is. 6d. See '' Miz Maze" .... See "Pattesoti's (/. C.) Life" See SewelFs [E. M.) '' Historical Selections" '■'■ Eu7-opean History" . Youmans, E. L. Modern Culture. 8s. 6d. Young, Rev. C. See " Vacation Tourists in 1861 " - Charles Mayne. Memoir. By J. C. Young. 2 Vols. 21s. i Vol. - E. W. Methods of Calculating Strains on Girders, etc. 7s. 6d. - Sir George. On the History of Greek Literature. 2s. University Tests, is. . See ' ' Essays on Reform " . 7s. 6d. • 507 . 229 • 243 . 276 • 313 • 371 • 230 . 242 . 276 • 313 • 371 See 163 . 215 • 243 • 447 • 313 See 127 • 48s . 426 • 507 See 129 . 281 . 120 • 440 . 271 . 178 . 211 • 165 • 96 230 257 98 181 158 INDEX 715 PAGE Young, Gerald. See Lambert's (C.) " Voyage of the ' Wanderer'" . . 439 — W. See Eadie's {J.) "A Coini?ientary 07i the Epistles to the Thessalonians" . 317 Young Step-Mother, The. By C. M. Yonge. 6s. 3s. 6d. in 1889 . .129 ZECHARIAH. See Lowe (W. Li.) . Ziegler, E. Pathological Anatomy. Part I. 12s. 6d. . II. Sections I. -VIII. 12s. 6d. IX. -XII. I2s. 6d. Zootomy. See Parker {T. J.) . 417 447 467 507 460 THE END Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edaiburgk i mus. 1 m ^^^^^^ 11 m ^^^ P 1 ■nii^^gi i ^' ^OIN BURC-il ^/f?!'^ i -<>'t^fc.» > UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000 318 228 4