LOCKHART AND GENERAL CATALOGUES. 'r'fh'S^'T^m.^^^ ^"^m -'"^m: M^r>n^ ^Akn^^hkM^^^ GIFT OF W. CARFENTIER / 1' *K. . ^^m Voyage of Discovery in the North Pacific Ocean performed in H.M.S. "Providence," 1795-98. London, 1804. 8vo. P,2. Brown (E.). Enquiries touching the diversity of languages and religions through the cheife parts of the world. London, 1614. 4to. U, 3. Brown (J. Baldwin). Young Ministry. A lecture. London, 1847. Pam.-Vol. 33: 0, 1. Brown (J. C). Siberia. 1847. Firstfruits of a Mission to Pam.-Vol. 22 : N, 6. Brown (S. R.). Colloquial Japanese, or Con- versational Sentences and Dialogues in English and Japanese. Shanghai, 1863. 8vo. B, 1. Sermon on the death of Robert Morrison. London, 1844. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. Brue (A. H.). Carte de I'Asie. In case. Paris, 1847. T, 2. Bruguiere (L,). Orographic de 1' Europe : recueil de voyages et de memoires publie par la Societe de Geographie. Tome iii. Paris, 1830. 4to. U, 1. Brnnell ( — ). Memoir on the China Trade. Translated from the French by Joseph Trapp. In vol. Madagascar, — Voyage to — . U, 2. Bruyn (C. le). Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and part of the East Indies. Plates. London, 1737. 2 vols, in 1. Fol. S, 1. Bryson (T.). A Week in Nanking. London, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 60: 0, 1. Buchanan (Claudius). Christian Researches in Asia, with Notices of the Translation of the Scriptures into Oriental Languages. 2nd edition. London, 181 1. 8vo. T, 4. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. — . H. Pearson. 3rd edition. London, 1819. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. T, 3. Buddhism and Buddhist Pilgrims. Review by Max Miiller. London, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. Chinese — . J. Edkins. London, 1880. Bvo. A, 2. in China, — Notices of — . J. Edkins. See Shanghai Almanack, 1855. ; Three lectures. E. J. Eitel. Hongkong Sf London, 1871. Pam.-Vol. 19: N, 6. Buddhist Inscription at Keu-yung-Kwan, — Translation and remarks on — . A. Wylie. Shanghai, 1870. Pam.-Vol. 18: N, 6. Buddhist Scriptures, — A Catena of the — . From the Chinese. S. Beal. London, 1871. 8vo. A, 2. Shastra — . Translated from the Chinese by J. Edkins. 1857. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Buddhistische Triglotte, Sanskrit - Tibetisch- Mongolisches Worterverzeichniss. A. Schiefner. St. Petershurg, 1859. R, 6. Buddhists, — The Nirvana of the Northern — . J. Edkins. Royal Asiatic Society. London, 1881. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 5. Bukara. See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — . Vols, xxix, XXX. BiilflBnger (G. B.). Specimen doctrinae Veterura Sinarum moralis et politicae. 8vo. Frankfort, 1724. 0, 4. Bunting (J.). Sermon on Justification by Faith. Leeds, 181 3. Pam.-Vol. 45: 0, L Burchardt (J.). Excerpta ex diario — . See Historia Arcana, in vol. Relatio ad Reges. R, 5. Burdon (J. S.). Sermon on Thanksgiving Dav. Shanghai, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 51 : 0, 1. Burford (R.). Description of a view of Canton at the Panorama, Leicester Square. 8vo. London, 1838. ^Se^e Pam.-Vol. 66: 0, 6. Burma. See Opium, — Memorandum on — . Burmah. See Chinese and English Vocabulary of Proper Names. * to Western China, — Through — ; being notes of a journey in 1863 to establish the practicability of a trade route between the Irrawaddi and the Yang-tsze-kiang. Edinburgh Sf London, 186S. 8vo. A, 2. Burman Empire, — Travels in the — . H. Malcolm. 1 840. See Standard Library. Burmese, The. See China, Political, Descriptive, and Historical. Bums (Islay). Memoir of the Rev. W. C. Burns, missionary to China. London, 1870. 8vo. 0, 3. Burns (W. C), Missionary to China, Memoir of the Rev. — . Islay Burns. London, 1870. 8vo. 0, 3. Also in Pam.-Vol. 62 : 0, 5. Burrampooter River. See Hindoostan. Bushell (S. W.). The Stone Drums of the Chou Dynasty. I'aper read before the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, November 18th, 1873. London, 1874. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. No. 73 : 0, 5. Butler (A. G.). On a collection of Lepidoptera made in Northern Formosa. London, 1877. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0, 6. Butterflies and Moths. See Scrapbook No. 1 . X. 1. CAL— CAR 11 c. Calcutta Sailors' Home, — Statement. Calcutta, 1837- Also First Half- Yearly Report. 1838. Pam.-Vol. 85 : T, 5. California. See Meeting the Sun. Callery (J. M.), — Bibliotheque de — . Livres Chinois. Paris, 1876. 8vo. TJ, 1. Li-ki; ou Memorial des Eites. Turin Sf Paris, 1853. 4to. N, 1. See Catalogue. Callery (J. M.) & Yvan (M.). History of the Insurrection in China. Translated by J. Oxen- ford. 3rd edition. London, 1854. ^^o- 0> 3. L' Insurrection en Chine. Paris, 1853. 8vo. 0,5. Camboye. See Siam, etc. * Campbell (W.), editor. The Articles of Christian Instruction in Dutch and English. Prom Vertrecht's MS. of 1650, with vocabulary. Lo7idon, 1896. 4to. A, 2. Camps (W.). Cases of Cerehral or Suggestive Vision. 1859. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. On Perverted Acts antecedent to Mania. 1859. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Canterbury, — The late Archbishop of — . Briefe description of the whole world. London, 1636. 12mo. U, 3. Canton, — Bombardment of — . By a twelve-years' resident in China. London, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 29 : N, 6. Chinese Report of the Medical Missionary Society's Hospital at—. Pam.-Vol. 38 : 0, 1. — Claims, — Memorial respecting — . PP. London, 1861. Fol, M, 1. — Claims of Japan and Malaysia iipon Christendom, exhibited in notes made in 1837 from — . New York, 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 1. — Colloquial, — Dialogues in English and — . Canton, 1850. 2 vols. Fol. M, 2. Correspondence respecting Emigration from—. P.P. i860. Fol. M, 1. Description of a View of — , etc., at the Panorama, Leicester Square. R. Burford. London, 1838. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 66 : 0,5. Description of the City of — . E. C. Bridgman. China Repository. Vol. ii. 1834. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. -4/«o 2nd edition, 1839. 8vo. CI, 5. Dialect, — Phonetic Alphabet for the — . D. Vrooman. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. ' Dialect. See Chinese Dictionary, — Tonic — . Canton Dialect. See Chinese Radicals, etc. Dialect, — Select phrases in the — . Hongkong, 1867. Pam.-Vol. 55: 0, 1. Dialect, — Vocabulary of the — . R.Morrison. Part i, English and Chinese. Macao, 1828. 8vo. N, 3. — Directory. Compiled by J. G. Kerr. Canton, 1873. Pam.-Vol. 4: N. 6. — Emigration from, — Correspondence respect- ing—. P.P. London, 1868. Fol. M, 1. Examination Hall — . J. G. Kerr. Pam.-Vol. 4 N, 6. Miscellany Nos. 1, 2, 3. Canton, 1831. 8vo. a, 5. Ophthalmic Hospital, Reports 1836-39 Pam.-Vol. 34 : 0, 1. 1838 , 39 „ 1843 „ 35 „ 1845-49 „ 36 „ 1850-51 & 1855-56 . „ 37 „ Pronunciation. See Dictionary, — Syllabic — . S. W. Williams. Canton Press. Caw^ow, 1835-36. 4to. Y, 1. Canton Prices Current. C«w^o», 1835-36. 4to. Y, 1. Canton Register. Canton, 1829, 1830, 1834-38. 6 vols, in 4. 4to. Y, 1. Canton, — Reports of Missionary Hospital in the Western Suburbs of — , for 1859-60 and 1862-63. Pam.-Voh 38: 0, 1. River, — Chart of the — . J. Wyld. London, 1 840. Mounted in covers. 0, 3. See East Indies. Benyowsky, — Voyages et Memoires. Hospital at — , Short Account of the — . Pam.-Vol. 37 : 0, 1. — Singular Proclamation issued by the Foo-yuen, or Sub- Viceroy of — . Translated by R. Morrison. London, 1824. Pam.-Vol. 33 : 0, 1. — Port of — , and China, — Notices con- cerning the — . R. Morrison & J. Miller. 1823. Pam.-Vol. 15 : N, 6. Port of- See China — , Miscellaneous notices. * Vernacular, — Dialogues in the — . Canton, 1850. Lithographed. A, 2 Voyage a — . C. Cossigny. Paris, 1799 8vo. 0, 2 Cantonese Pocket Dictionary, — English and Hongkong, 1859. 12mo. "Si, 3, Cardamoms,— On some rare kinds of — . D Hanbury. 1855. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, & 12 CAR— CAT Cardini (A. F.)- Fasciculus e Japonicis floribus 8U0 adhuc madentibus sanguine. Many plates and maps. Romce, 1646. 4to. Q,, 6. Relatione della provincia del Giappone. Roma, 1645. 8vo. ft, 6. -<4?«o Koma et Milano. 12mo. 1645. R, 6. * Came (L. de). Travels in Indo-China and tbe Chinese Empire. From the French. London, 1872. 8vo. A, 2. Caron (F.). Beschrijvinghe van het Machtigli Coninckrijcke Japan. Amsterdam, 1648. 4to. ft, 6. Caron (F.) & Schouten (J.). True description of the mighty kingdoms of Japan and Siam. Translated from the Dutch by E. Manley. London, 1663. 8vo. ft, 6, Wahrhaftige Besehreibungen, etc. Jappan und Siam. Maps and plates. Nurnberg, 1663. ft, 6. Carpentier (Jean le). L'Ambassade de la Compagnie Oriental des Provinces Unies vers I'Empereur de la Chine, etc. Premiere partie. Leyden, 1665. Fol. M, 1. Carte de I'Asie. Paris, 1847. A. H. Brue. Mounted in case. T, 2. Carton (L'Abbe C). Notice biographique sur le Pere Ferdinand Verbiest, Missionaire a les Chinois. Hrvffes, iS^g. Pam.-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Cashmeer, — Accurate account of entertaining Travels in — . G.Foster. Calcutta, i-jS^. Pam.-Vol. 12 : N, 6. Castren's Travels among the Lapps. Article. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. Castro (Dom. J. de), Fourth Viceroy of India, — Life of — . J. F. de Andrada. London, 1664. FoL P, 2. Quarto Viso-Rey da India, — Vida — . J. F. de Andrada. Madrid, 1802. 8vo. T, 5. Catalogue de Biblioth^ue de Baron Silvestre de Sacy. Fat is, 1842. 3 vols. 8vo. TJ, 1. — de Bibliotheque de feu M. J. M. Gallery. Livres Chinois. Paris, 1876. 8vo. U, 1. — de Bibliotheque de feu M. J. Mohl. Paris, 1876. 8vo. U, 1. des Livres Imprimes, des MSS., et des ouvrages Chinois, Tartares, Japonais, etc., composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. Klaproth. Paris, 1839. 8vo. U, 1. — des Livres Imprimes et MSS. composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. Abel Remusat. Paris, 1833. 8vo. {Bound with foregoing.) 17,1. des Livres Imprimes et MSS. composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. Louis - Mathieu Langles. Paris, 1825. 8vo. U, 1. Catalogue d'une belle collection de livres ancions et modernes provenant de la bibliotheque particuliere de feu M. Benjamin Duprat. Paris, 1865. 8 vo. U, 1. of Books in all classes of Literature, offered for sale by Bernard Quaritch. London, i860. 8vo. U, 1. Also Catalogues of Oriental Literature, Nos. 239 (1867), 285 (1872), and 302 (1876). London. 8vo. U, 1. Also Catalogues Nos. 257 (1870) and 294 (1875). In Bihliotheca Sinologica. Pam.-Vol. 86 : U, 1. of Chinese Printed Books, MSS., and Drawings in the Library of the British Museum. R. K. Douglas. London, 1877. 4to, Hx, 1. of the Hankow Religious Tract Society. Hankow, 1883. U, 1. of the Library of J. P. Reeves. Sotheby, Wilkinson, «& Hodge. London. 8vo. U, 1. of the Library of the Hon. East India Company, 1845. With supplement, 1851. London. 8vo. TJ, 1. of the Library of the Royal Geogiapliical Society. London, 1865. 8vo. U, 1. Also Supplement to December, 1870. U, 1. Also Second Supplement with Additions from December, 1870, to end of 1880. 8vo. U, 1. -ii ^.50 Classified Catalogue to December, 1870. London, 1871. 8vo. U, 1. of the London Mission Library, Shanghai. Shanghai, i%e^-]. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 70 : 0,6. of Theological Books in Foreign Languages. David Nutt. London, 1857. 8vo. U, 1. - of the York Gate Library formed by Mr. S. Silver. E. A. Petherick. 2nd edition. London, 1886. 8vo. See Chinese Library. Catalogus Medicamentorum Sinensium, Alexander Tatarinof. Petrqpoli, 1856. U, L Patrum Societatis Jesu, ab anno usque ad 1681. Lithographed. 1856 (?) In vol. " Bibliographic Japonaise." etc. 8vo. 0,3. 1581 4to. U, 1. Catechismo de Biblia de W. J. Lloyd,— Henn Curto — . Traducio em Indo-Portugeza de R. Newstead. Londres, 1827. iHmo. Pam.-Vol. 81 : R, 2. de OS Principios de Beligao : com Ora9a68 Curtos. 18mo. Malacca, 1829. Pam.-Vol. 81 : R, 2. Catechismus pro ijs qui volnnt suscipere Baptismiim, in octodies divisus. Ab Alexandre de Rhodes, ^ Societate Jesu. Latine et Tunchinense. Pomce, 1651. 4to. R, 3. Cathay, — The Farce of — . J. Lees. Shanghai, 1870. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. The Foreigner in Far — . W. H. Medliurst. Map. London, 1872. 8 vo. A, 2. CAT— CHI 13 Catrou (F.). General History of the Mogul Empire from its foundation by Tamerlane to the late Emperor Orangzeb. From the memoirs of M. Manouchi. London, 1709. 8to. T, 3. History of the Mogul Dynasty in India from its foundation by Tamerlane in 1399 to the accession of Arungzebe in 1657. Re- translated from the French edition of the preceding. London, 1826. 8vo. T, 3. Cavendish. See Lives and Yoyages. Cazembe, — The Lands of — . Royal Geographical Society. London, 1873. 8vo. U, 2. Celestial Principles, — Important Observations regarding — . W. H. Medhurst. Pam.-Vols. 14 and 16 : N, 6. Centeno (Amaro). Historiade CossasdelOriente, con descripcion general de los reynos de Asia, la historia de los Tartars, y las cosas del reyno de Egypto. Primaraysegunda parte. Cordova, 1595. 4to. T, 6. Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the Idolatrous Nations, etc. Bernard Picart. Translated into English. Vol. iv, part 2. Many plates. Zowrfow, 1733. Fol. P> 1. See Pam.-Vol. 57 : See Chinese Battles, etc. 0,1. Cernoti (R. D. L.), — Tradotta dal— . Geografia cioe descrittione universale della terra di CI. Tolomeo. Nuouamente con singulare studio rincontrati & corretti dall G. A. Magini. Venetia, 1598. Fol. S, 2. Cerri (Mi.). Account of the state of the Roman Catholic Religion throughout the world. Written for the use of Pope Innocent XL London, 17 15. 8vo. IT, 3. Ceylon. See Japon, Indo-Chine, etc. ■ See Indes Orientales, — Memoires pour seivir — . See Narrative of the Establishment and Progress, etc. See Malabar. Ceylon and India. Narrative of the Establish- ment and Progress of the Mission founded by T. Coke under the direction of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference. W. M. Harvard. London, 1823. 8vo. T, 4. Challamel. Paris Catalogue. Pam.-Yol. 86: TJ, 1. * Chalmers (J.). Account of the structure of Chinese characters under 300 primary forms. London, Honykong, Sf Shanghai, 1882. 8vo. A, 1. English and Cantonese Pocket Dictionary. LLonglcong, 1859. 12mo. N, 3. Origin of the Chinese Honglong, 1866. Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. Chalmers (J.). Paper on McClatchie's "Con- fucian Cosmogony." 1874. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 5. Question of terms simplified, or the meanings 'Shan,' 'Ling,' and ' Ti' in Chinese made plain by induction. Canton, 1876. 8vo. Pam.-VoL 65 : 0, 5. Speculations on Metaphysics, Polity, and Morality of "The Old Philosopher," Lau-tsze. London, 1868. 8vo. ft, 5. Cham, the Grand Tartar. See Embassy to — . Chamba Mission, — Narrative of the — , for the years 1864 and 1865. London, 1866. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. No. 83 : T, 4. Chambers (W.). Designs of Chinese buildings, furniture, dresses, machines, and utensils, engraved from the originals drawn in China. London, ii^i. Fol. X, 1. A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening. 2nd edition. London, 1773. 4to. M, 2. Traite des Edifices, Meubles, Habits, Machines, et Utensiles des Chinois. Paris, 1776. FoL 0, 1. Chandler (S.). Original reason of the institution of the Sabbath. London, 1761. Pam.-Vol. 45 ; 0, 1. Chang. See Dukes. Chang, the Tall man of Fychow, — Autobiography of — . London, 1865. Pam.-Vol. 55: 0, 1. Ch'aou. See Dukes. Characters. See Chinese Elementary — . Charlevoix (Le Pere de). Histoire et description generale du Japon. Parts, ij ^6. 9 vols. 12mo. \_Vols. iii and v tvanting.^ ft, 6. -4 ^so Nouvelle edition. P«m, 1754. 6 vols. 12mo. ft, 6. Histoire de I'etablisseraent, des progr^s, et de la decadence du Christianisrae dans I'empire du Japon. 2 tomes. Louvain, 1828. 8vo. E, 1. Chataja, — Disquisitio Geographica et HIstorica. Andrae Miilleri. Berolini, 1771. 4to. N, 5. Chefoo, — Correspondence respecting the Agree- ment signed at—, Sept. 13th, 1876. P.P. London, 1882. Fol. M, 1. Cheh-kiang Missions of the Church Missionary Society, — Story of the — . A. Moule. London, 1878. 16mo. 0,3. Cherefeddin (Ali). History of Timur-Bec, known by the name of Tamerlane, the Great Emperor of the Moguls and Tartars. Translated from the French of P. de la Croix. London, 1723. 2 vols. 8vo. T, 4. Chi-king et I'Ancienne Poesie Chinoise, — Essai sur le — . M. Brosset, jeune. Paris, 1828. Pam.-Vols. 17 and 27 : N, 6. 14 CHI CHINA :- Accurate Description of- See Three years' travels. — Acht Vortrage iiber — . R. Lecliler. Basel, 1 86 1. Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. — Affairs in — . Containing: — Decret de la Pape Clement XI sur la grand affaire de la Chine. lyog. Lettre de Messieurs des Missions fitrangeres au Pape. 17 lo. Reponse de Messieurs des Missions Etrangeres. 1710. Memoires pour Rome sur I'etat de la Religion Chretienne dans la Chine. 1710. — Affairs in, 1859-60, — Correspondence respecting—. P.P. London, 1861. Fol. M, 1. Also Further Correspondence respecting — . [Expedition up the Yang-tsze-kiang .'] P.P. London, 1861. Fol. M, 1. Aho Papers relating to the — . P.P. London, 1864. Fol. M, 1. Aho Dispatches respecting the state of — . P.P. London, 1871. Fol. M, 1. — Aide-de-camp's recollections of service in — . Arthur Cunninghame. London, 1 844. 2 vols. 8vo. N, 6. Allied Operations in — . [Blackwood, Dec, 1859.] Pam.-Vol. 7: N, 6. — and its People. A hook for young readers. By a missionary's wife (Mrs. Collins). London, 1862. 12mo. 0, 6. — and the Chinese, — Sketches of — . Plates. London, 1842. Crown. X, 1. Ten thousand things relating to — . W. B. Langdon. 2nd edition. London, 1843. 8vo. ft, 4. — and the Gospel. Wm. Muirhead. London, 1870. 8vo. 0, 3. — and the port of Canton, — Notices con- cerning — . R. Morrison. Malacca, 1823. 8vo. ft, 5. — and the Present Revolution, — Impressions of — . Capt. Fishbourne. London, iS 55. 8vo. 0,3. — Anti- Foreign Riots, — Correspondence respecting — . P.P. London, 1891. Fol. M, 1. Also Further Correspondence. P.P. London, 1892. Fol. M, 1. Also see under Szchuen, Singpu, Kuchang, etc. Antiquity of — . Historical essay on the probability that the language of the Empire of China is the primitive language spoken through the whole world before the confusion of Babel. J.Webb. London, 1669. 8vo. 0,4. — Appeal on behalf of — . E. Gutzlaff. Pam.-Yol. 15 : N, 6. — Arheiten der kaiserlich Russischen Gesandtschaft zu Peking iiber — . Berlin, 1858. 8vo. ft, 5. CHINA:— Arte, — Constante de Alphabeto e gram- matica, comprehendendo modelos das differentes composigoens. J. A. Gon9alves. Macao, iSig. 4to. N, 3. — ; Article on — , written for the Encyclopaedia America. A. Wylie. 8vo. N, 4. — as it Was and as it Is, with a glance at the Tea and Opium Trades. Pam.-Vol. 61 : 0, 5. — Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of — . Taken chiefly from the papers of the Earl of Macartney. Geo. Staunton. London, 1797. 2 vols. 4to. N, 1. Also 2nd edition. London, 1798. 2 vols. 4to. N, 1. Also Vol. of Plates. 1796 (?). Y, 1. — Authentic Account of the Embassy of the Dutch East India Company to the Court of the Emperor of — . From the journal of A. E. Van Braam. Translated by M. L. E. Moreau de St. Mery. London, 1798. 2 vols. 8vo. 0,3. — Authentick Memoirs of the Christian Church in — . From the German of J. L. de Mosheim. London, 1750. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. — Baptism for the dead in — , or a voice from the tomhs of Morrison and Milne. London, 1835. Pam.-Vols. 11 : N, 6 ; and 72 : 0, 5. Battles, Ceremonies, Costume, Archi- tecture, etc., etc., — Plates of — . 1765. Royal. Y, 1. Bellum Tartaricum, or the Conquest of the great and most renowned Empire of — , by the invasion of the Tartars. From the Latin of M. Martinius. London, 1654. 12mo. 0, 6. Bible in — . A. Wylie. Shanghai, April, August, September, and November, 1868. Pam.-Vol. 67 : 0, 6. "Book Catalogues," — Sundry — , partly wade up tcith cuttings. 1860-73. 8vo. U, 1. Braohiopods from—. Thomas Davidson. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Brief account of the country, its in- habitants, and their institutions. S. Mossman. Map. London, 1867. 12mo. 0,3. — British Captives in — . An account of the shipwreck, on the Island of Formosa, of the Brig "Ann." D. Partridge. London, 1876. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. No. 61 : 0, 6. — Opium Policy and its results in India and — . F. S. Turner. London, 1876. 8vo. ft, 5. — British Policy in- 1860. J. Scarth. London, Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Neutral war and warlike peace ! John Scarth. Edinhnrgh, 1861. Pam.-Vols, 26 : N, 6 ; and 66 : 0, 6. CHI 15 CHINA :— British position and prospects in, — Kt'ports, Minutes, and Dispatches on the — . K. M. Martin. London, 1846. Pam.-Vol. 9 : N, 6. British Relations with — . G. T. Staunton. London, 1836. Pam-Vol. 13 : N, 6. See also Chinese Empire. — British Trade with, — The present position and prospects of the — . Jas. Matheson. London, 1836. Pam.-Vol. 13: N, 6. Bnddhism in — . Notices by J. Edkins. See Shanghai Almanack, 1855. — Calendar Plant of — , the Cosmic Tree and the Date Palm of Babylonia. A. T. de Lacouperie. London, 1890. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 5. — Campaign in, — Closing events of the — . G. G. Lock. London, 1843. 8vo. ft, 4. — Narrative of the Second — . K. S. Mackenzie. Map. London, 1842. 8vo. ft, 5. — , Central — , Religious Tract and Book Society—. Reports for 1892 and 1894. Hankow. Pam.-Vol. No. 72 : 0, 5. " Ceremonies, etc., etc." Pamphlet- Volume 58. 12rao. Including: — 1. Histoire de M. Constance, Premiere Ministre du Roi de Siam. Amsterdam, 1756. 2. Conformite des Ceremonies Chinoises avec I'ldolatrie Grecqueet Romaine. Cologne, 1700. 3. Lettre des Messieurs des Missions Etrangeres au Pape. Paris, 1700. 4. Voyage de M. Olof Toree. Milan, 1771. 5. Idee Generale du Gouvernement et de la Morale des Chinois. D. Silhouette. Paris, 173'- 6. Discours sur I'Empereur Kien-Long. Paris, 1 84 1. 7. Histoire des Tems Ante-Diluviens. 0,1. — "Ceremonies." Pamphlet- Volume 59. 12mo. Including: — 1. Idee Generale du Gouvernment et la Morale des Chinois. M. D. Silhouette. Paris, 1731- 2. Recueil des Pieces des Differens de Messieurs des Missions Etrangeres, et des Religieux de I'Ordre de S. Dominique. Cologne, 1700. 3. Lettre d'un docteur de I'Ordre de S. Dominique sur les ceremonies de la Chine. Cologne, 1700. 4. Lettre sur le livre du P. Norbert. 2nd edition. 1745. 0,1. Christianity in—. T. W. M. Marshall. London, 1858. 8vo. A, 3. — Correspondence respecting — . P.P. London, i860. Eol. M, 1. CHINA :— Christianity in — . History of Christian Missions and of the present insurrection. London, 1^$^. 8vo. 0,5. See Nestorianism, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism. — Cities and Towns of — . A Geographical Dictionary. G. M. H. Playfair. Hongkong, iS-jq. 8vo. A, 1. — Civil War in — . Religious Aspects. W. H. Rule. London, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 13: N, 6. — Claims of — . A. Williamson. Edinburgh, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 60 : 0, 1. — Commercial, Political, and Moral. R. M. Martin. London, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. ft, 4. — Commercial Relations with — . Minutes of Evidence before Select Committee, June, 1847. P.P. London. FoL M, 1. Report of Select Committee. P.P. London, 1847. Eol. M, 1. Commercial Reports from H.M.'s Consuls in—, for the years 1862, 1862-64. 1869-70, 1876, and 1884, London, iS6^-Ss. 8vo. 0, 5. Compleat History of the Empire of—, being a second edition of Memoirs and Remarks made in above Ten Years' Travel through the Empire of China. Lo7idon, 1739. 8vo. 0, 2. " Confucius : Progress in — , etc. Pamphlet- Volume No. 7. 8vo. Including : — 1. Life and Morals of Confucius. Edited by Josephus Tela. London, 181 3. 2. The Chinese Classics. Vols, i-iv [1861-5]. A review. 3. The Chinese and the " Outer Barbarians." 4. Fight on the Peiho. BlacktvoodjJiecembeT, '^59- 5. Allied operations in China. Blackwood, December, 1859. 6. Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. Blackwood, March, i860. 7. War and Progress in China. Blackwood, May, i860. 8. Cruise up the Yangtsze in 1858-59. Blackwool, May, i860. 9. Political tragedies in Japan. Blackwood, April, 1862. 10. Wellington's Career (1). Blackwood, April, i860. 11. Lady Hamilton. Blackwood, A-pril, i860. 12. Our position with China. Blackwood, April, i860. 13. Wellington's Career (2). Blackwood, May, i860. 14. Reputed traces of primeval man. 15. Spontaneous Combustion. Blackwood, April, 1 861. 16. Pursuit of Tantia Topee. Blackwood, April, 1 86 1. 17. Tiie great earthquake at Lisbon. Blackwood, April, 1861. 16 CHI CHINA :— 18. The Inland Sea. £lackicood,l^ovemher, 1861. 19. The Japanese Martyrs. Blackwood, March 6, 1863. 20. Taepings and the remedy. Progress in China, Part II. Blackwood, March, 1863. 21. American State Papers. Blackwood, May, 1863. 22. My investment in the Far West. Bliickwood, May, 1863. 23. Sensational diplomacy in Japan. Black- wood, April, 1863. 24. Prom Yeddo to London with the Japanese A mhassador. 25. The Yeang-tai Mountains, and Spirit "Writing in China. Blachcood, April, 1863. 26. China. New monthly. 27. Recent progress of geographical dis- covery. New monthly. 28. The French in Cochin-China. New montlily. 29. The Emperor of Japan. New monthly. 30. First voyage round the World. 31. The River Amur. 32. Lord Elgin's Mission. 33. The Russians as they are. 34. French Embassy in China. N, 6. — Correspondence relating to — . P.P. London, 1840. Fol. M, 1. — Correspondence respecting Anti-Foreign Riots in — . P.P. London, 1891. Fol. M, 1. ^ /so Further Correspondence. P.P. London, 1892. Fol. M, 1. Fol. Christianity in- P.P. London, i860. M, 1. the Employment of Officers in the Service of Her Majesty under the Government of—. P.P. London, 1862. FoL M, 1. Also London, 1882. Fol. M, 1. the Relations between Great Britain and — . P.P. London, 1869. Fol. M, 1. the State of Affairs in — . P.P. London, 1885. FoL M, 1. — Cost of Troops now stationed in — . P.P. London, 1863. FoL M, 1. Costume of—. Illustrated in 48 coloured engravings. W. Alexander. London, 1805. 4to. X, 1. — Cuttings from Various Newspapers, 1847-60; and loose insertions to 1876. *' Extracts:' 2 vols. 4to. Y, 2. — Day of the Lord in — . Article in " Missing Link." J.H.Taylor. 1865. Pam.-Vol. 19: N, 6. — Deities and Sages of—. Rubbings from stone of the portraits of the 600 Lo-Han, Scrapbook. Fol. X, 1. CHINA :— — Description of — . Done originally by a Chinese author. See Three Tears' Travels from Moscow. " Descriptive and Miscellaneous." Pamphlet- Volume No. 61. 8vo. Including: — 1 . China as it Was and Is, with a glance at the Tea and Opium Trades. London, 1842. 2. China. Two lectures at Dublin and Belfast. W. Urwick. Dublin, 1854. 3. The Chinese Widow. Translated from the Cliinese by S. Birch. London, 1872. 4. The Casket of Gems. Translated from the Chinese by S. Birch. London. iSjz. 5. Silk Production in China, India, and Europe, from the earliest times to the present day. Lo?idon, 1876. 6. British Captives in China. An account of the shipwreck on the Island of Formosa of the Brig " Ann." D. Partridge. London, 1876. 7. The Land Question, with lessons to be drawn from Peasant Proprietorship in China. J. Dudgeon. Glasgow, 1886. 0, 5. ■ Desultory Notes on the Government and People of — . T. J. Meadows. London, 1847. 8vo. a, 4. Directory of Protestant Missions in — . Foo-choo, 1866. Pam.-Vol. 62: 0, 5. — Diseases incidental to Europeans in — . Address to the China Medical and Chirurgical Society. A. Tucker. Pam.-Vols. 21 : N, 6 ; and 35 : 0, 1. — Diseases of — . John Dudgeon. Glasgow, 1877. Pam.-VoL 71 : 0, 5. — Doings in — . Being the personal narrative of an Officer engaged in the late Chinese Expedition. Alexander Murray. Map. London, 1843. 8vo. a, 5. — « Dyer, Stronach, Attiret, and others." Pamphlet-Volume No. 3. 8vo. Including: — 1. Vocabulary of the Hok-kiien Dialect as spoken in the Country of Tsheang-tshew. 1838. 2. Sermon on the death of the Rev. Samuel Dyer. John Stronach. Singapore, 1843. 3. Journal of a Tour in Malacca. Singapore, 1828. 4. Missionary Journal kept at Singapore and Siam from May, 1830, to January, 1832. J. Tomlin. Malacca, 1832. 5. Particular account of the Emperor of China's Gardens near Pckin, in a letter from F, Attiret. Translated from the French by Sir II. Beaumont. London, 1752. 6. Imperial Epistle from Kien Long, Emperor of China, to George III, 1794. 2nil edition. London, 1796. 7. The Real Happiness of a People under a Philosophical King {Chinese) demonstrated. London, 1750. CHI 17 CHINA :— 8. Considerations of the Danger and Impolicy of Laying Open the Trade with India and China. London, 1812. 9. Free Trade ; or an Inquiry into the Pretensions of the Directors of the East India Company to the Exclusive Trade of the Indian and China Seas, London, 1812. N, 5. — , East Coast, — Admiralty Maps of the — . London, 18+9. Set of 7 sheets. Mounted. X, 1. Map of the- 1835- East India Company, X, 1. — Effect of the Fall in the Value of Silver on the prices of commodities in — . P.P. London, 1893. 0, 5. Embassy from the British Government to the Court of — , in 1816, — Alemoir of the principal occurrences during an — . 11. Morrison. London, 1819. Pam.-Vol. 52: 0, 1. East India Company of the United Provini es to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of — . Englished by John Ogilby. 2nd edition. London, 1673. Fol. M, 1. King of Great Britain to the Emperor of — , Authentic account of — . Geo. L. Staunton. London, ijg"]. 4to. N, 1. -4^so 2nd edition. London, 1798. 4to. N, 1. Also Vol. of Plates. London, 1796. Y, 1. ■ Emperor of, — v. Ths ftueen of England. A refutation of arguments in the official documents. P. P. Thorns. London, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 30 : N, 6. England's Policy in — . Andrew Wilson. IJoyigkong, i860. Pam.-Vol. 74 : 0, 5. * English Life in — . H. Knullys. London, 1885. 8vo. A, 2. English Presbyterian Church,— Narrative of the ilission to — . D. Matheson. London, 1866. Svo. 0,3. Enlistment of officers and men and equip- ment of vessels for the service of the Emperor of—. P.P. London, 1863. Fol. M, 1. — Estimate of grant to marine forces in — . P.P. London, 1863. Fol. M, 1. — " Events in— ." Pamphlet- Volume No. 9. Svo. Including : — 1. Narrative of the late proceedings and eveuts in China. John Slade. Canton, 1839. 2. Documents relating to Opium. 3. Present position and prospects of our Trade with China. P. P. Tlioms. London. 4. Keports, Minutes, and Dispatches on the British position and prospects in China. R. M. Martin. Lonlon, 1846. 6. Rev. G. Smith's second report on China [re the Church Missionary Society^. London, 1845. CHINA :- 6. Rev. G. Smith's report on Missionary facilities in Hongkong. London, 1845. 7. Christian Missions. A sermon. G. Smith. Canton, 1846. N, 6. * Every-day Life in — , or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-kien, E. J. Dukes. 50 illustrations. London Missionary Society's edition. London. Svo. A, 3. Fall of the Nan Soung: a tale of the Mogul Conquest of—, A. L, Lymburner. London, 1846. 3 vols, Svo. 0, 3. Fan-Clui in,— in 1836-37. C.T. Downing. 3 plates. London, 1838. 3 vols. 12mo. Q, 4. Female Education in, — Appeal of the Liverpool Auxiliary for promoting — . Liverpool, 1836. Pam.-Vol, 36: 0, 1. First Christian Missions in — ■. See Indian Church History, — Five years in — , from 1842 to 1847. F. E. Forbes, R.N. Plates, London, 1848. 8vo. N, 4. , with some account of the Great New York, i%6o. 12mo. A, 2. Rebellion. — for the Chinese, — Italy for the Italians and — . J. Scarth. London, i860. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. French Embassy in — , Article. Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. — Friend of — . Organ of the Society for tlie Suppression of the Opium Trade. Vols, i-ix and xii-xv. London, 1875-76 to 1886, 1891, and 1894-95. 13 vols. 8vo. A, 5. — from a Medical Point of View, in 1860-6 1 . C. A. Gordon. London, 1863. Svo. Q, 3. — Fundamental Laws of the Penal Code of China. London, 18 10. 4to. M, 2. General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of — , held at Shanghai, May 10-24, 1877,— Records. Shanghai, 1878. Svo. 0, L * General Description of that Empire and its Inhabitants. J. F. Davis. New edition. Illustrations. London, 1857. 2 vols. Svo. A, 2. — General History of — . From the French of P. du Halde. Maps and plates. London, 1 74 1. 4 vols. Svo. 0, 2. — Gesandtschaftsreise nach — , Nachricht von de Brittischen. J, E. Hiittner. Berlin, lygj. Svo. 0, 6. — Gezandtschap der Nierlandtsche Oost- Indische Compagnie aan der grooten Tartarischen Cham Keizer von — . Joim Nieuhof. 1670. Fol. M, 2. 2 18 CHI CHINA :— Glance at the Interior of—, during a journey through the iSilk and Green Tea districts, taken in 1845. Shanghai, i^^(^. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 6 : N, 6. J.A.James. Londoti, — God's voice from — . 1858. Pam.-Vols. 30 N, 6; and 44: 0, 1. The Bishop of Victoria. — Gospel in — . Zow^ow, 1878-85. 4to. N, 1. — Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of — . See China, Embassy from the East India Company. — , her Future and her Past. A Charge. London, 1854. Pam.-Vol. 19 : N, 6. Heung-noo in their Relations with, — History of the — . Translated from the " Tseen-Han-shoo," book 94. A. Wylie. London. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 67 : 0, 5. Historia de la Cosas Mas Notables Kitos y Costumhres, del gran lleyno de la — . J. G. de Mendoga. Anvers, 1596. 8vo. 0, 6. . von Eiufuehrung der Christlichen Beligion in das grosse Koiiigreich — , durch die Societet Jesu. Aus dem Latinischen ex P. M. Eicci von Kicolai Trigaut. AiKjspuig, 1617. 4to. 0,2. Historia della — . Descritta dal Gio, Gonzales di Mendo/za. Roma, 1586. 8vo. 0,1. Historical Account of Emha"*sy to the Emperor of — , undertaken by order of the King of Great Britain. G. Staunton. London, 1797. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. 0,2. ■ Historical and Descriptive Account of — . Hugh Muiray and live others. Maps and plates. JEdinhurgh, 1836. 3 vols. 12mo. 0,6. Historical Sketch of the Ecclesiastical, Political, and Commercial, Relations of B,ussia with — . John Dudgeon. Peking, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 74 : 0, 6. • of the Portuguese Settlements and of the lloman Catholic Church and Missions in — . Andrew Ljungstedt. Boston, 1836. 8vo. 0,1. , Historisch, Romantisch, Malerisch. Carhruhe. 8vo. ft, 4. History, New, of — , containing a descrip- tion of that vast Empire. Gabriel Magaillans. London, 1688. 8vo. 0, 4. * History of — , from the earliest days down to tlie present. John Macgowan. London, 1897. 8vo. A, 1. from the earliest Records to the Treaty with Great Britain in 1842. Vol. i only. Thos. Thornton. London, 1844. Bvo. a, 5. the Conquest of — , by the Tartars. Translated from tlie Spanish of J. de Palafox. London, 1671. 8vo. 0, 4. ^Z60 2nd edition. London, i6y 6. 8vo. 0,4. CHINA :— History of the Court of the King of — . Out of French. London, 16S 2. 12mo. 0,6. the Great and Mighty Kingdom of — , and the situation thereof. Compiled by J. G. de Mendoza. Translated out of Spanisli by K. Parker. New edition. G. T. Staunton. London, 1853. 8vo. ft, 4. the Great and Renowned Monarchy of — . Translated from the Italian of Alvarez Semedo. To which is added the history of the late invasion and conquest of that flourishing kingdom by the Tartars. London, 1655. 4lo. N, 1. the Insurrection in — . J. M. Gallery and M. Yvan. Translated by J. Oxouford. 3rd edition. London, 1854. 8vo. 0,3. the recent Campaign in — . Sketches drawn by Lieut.-Col. Crealock. London. Pam.-Vol. 20 : N, 6. — the two Tartar Conquerors of — . Translated from the French of P. J. d'Orleana by the Earl of Ellesmere. London, i2>ii\.. 8vo. ft, 4. to the present time, including an account of the rise and progress of the present Religious Insurrection. London, 1854. 8vo. 0,3. ,- upon the plan of Mr. Rollins' Antient History. Translated from the French. London, 1763. Svo. 0, 4. Hope for — . Griffith John. London, iS"] 2. Pam.-Vol. 62 : 0, 5. Hospitals, — Statements respecting — . P. Parker. London, 1841. Pam.-Vol. 31 : 0, 1. Imperial Maritime Customs. Special Series: No. 9, Native Opium, 1887; No. 10, Opium crude and prepared, 1888; No. 11, Historical Note on the Poppy in Ciiina, 1889. Shanghai. 4to. 0, 1. Imperio de la — , icultura evangelica en el, por los Religios de la Compafiia Jesus. A. Stniedo. Madrid, 1642. 4 to. 0, 2. ^^so 2nd edition. Madrid, 1642. 0,2. in America. A study of the Social Life of the Cliinese. Stewart Culin. PhilaUelph.a, 1887. Svo. 0, 1. * Inland Mission. Occasional papers, vol. iii. London, il 0,3. — Summary of operations of tlie — . J. H. Taylor. London, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 60 : 0, 1. — Insect White Wax of—. D. Haubury. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 21: N, 6. — Istoria della — . L. Arrivabene. Verona, 1599. 4to. 0, 2. delle cose operate nella — . G. A. Metzzabarba. Parigi, 1735. Svo. 0, 4. u4/io 2nd edition. Colonia, i-]^o. Svo. N, 6. CHI 19 CHINA :— , its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, etc. M. lireton. Translated from the French. London, 1812. 4 vols, in 1. 12mo. its History, language, and Literature; Mistranslation of Cliinose Official Language ; and Causes of the Present War. Article in the }Festminster Review. P. P. Thorns. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. * , its Resources and Peculiarities .... with a view of the Opium Question and a notice of Assam. Kobt. Mudie. London, 1840. 8vo. 0, 3. , its State and Prospects, with especial reference to the spread of the Gospel. W. H. Medhurst. London, 1838. 8vo. Q, 5. ^ /so 5th edition. Lon/on, iS$j. 8vo. Q,, 6. , its Spiritual Needs and Claims. J. H. Taylor, iind edition. London, 1866. Pam.-Vol. 55: 0, 1. Joint Captures in, — Convention between the Emperor of the French and Her Majesty, Feb. 22nd, 1860, concerning — , P.P. London, i860. Fol. M, 1. Journal of Residence in — , from 1830 to 1833. D. Abeel. New York, 1834. 12mo. 0,4. Also London, 1835. 12mo. 0,4. Voyage in 1811 and 1812 to Madras and — . J. Wathen. 24 coloured prints. London, 1814. 4to. T, 3. First French Embassy to — , 1698- 1700. Saxe Bannister. London, 1859. 8vo. a, 4. Proceedings of the late Embassy to — . H. Ellis. Plates. London, 18 17. 4to. N, 1. Three Voyages along the Coast of — , 1831, 1832, and 1833. C. Gutzlaff. London, 1834. Pam.-Vol. 11 : N, 6. ^ /so 2nd edition. London, 18^^. 8vo. 0,3. -4/so 3rd edition. London, 18^^. 8vo. 0,3. Journals kept by Mr. Gully and Captain Denham diu'ing a Captivity in — , in the year 18-12. Edited by a barrister. London, 1844. 8vo. ft, 4. — Journey in the Interior of—, and Voyage to and from the Country in 1816-17. Clarke Abel. Maps and plates. London 1818. 4to. N, 1. — Land Question, with lessons to be dra^n from Peasant Proprietorship in — . J. Dudgeon. Glasgow, 1886. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 61 : 0, 6. Language and Literature of — . T\ lectures. K.K.Douglas. London, iSjs,. 8vo. 0, 3. — Languages of — , before the Chinese. Terrien de Lacouperie. London, 1887. 8vo. ft, 4. CHINA:— , Late Invasion and Conquest by the Tartars. See China, — History of the Great and Renowned — . Laws, — Abstract of the General — . Pam.-Vol. 12 : N, 6. — Laws of — . Appendix to the Report of the Anglo-Chinese College for 1829. Pam.-Vol. 48 : 0, 1. — Letter addressed to Sir R. Alcock on the Protestant Missions in — . J. Edkins, J. S. Burdon, W. H. Collins, and J. Dudgeon. Fe/cinff {?), iS6g. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 5. on the present state of British inter- course with — . C. Marjoribanks. London, 1833. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. — Life in — . W. C. Milne. London, 1857. 8vo. ft, 5. " Linguistic, etc." Pamphlet- Volume No. 63. Svo. Including: — 1. Some reasons for thinking that the Greek Language was borrowed from the Chinese. M. Webb. London, 1787. 2. L'Orfano Cinese, Dram ma per Musica. Venezia, 1787. 3. An Abridgement of Sacred History. D. Collie. Malacca, 1826. 4. Die Chinesische Sprache in ihren Rechten alsSpraclie. E. Rautenbach. Larmstadt, iS^^. 5. Introduction to Geography for the use of Childien. Malacca, 1828. 0, 5. Pam.-VoL 35: 0, 1. Mail. LLongTiong, 1845-59. 15 vols. Crown. Y, 1 & 2. , 1845, Hongkong Register, and Overland Register, 1859-60, — Selections from the — . Llongkong. 1 vol. Y, 1. Maintenance of Treaty - rights in — . Extract of a dispatch. P.P. London, 1864. Fol. M, 1. Mammals of — . See Chinese Zoology. — Map of — . J. Arrowsmith. London. In case. ft, 4. C. Stanford. In case. London, ft, 4. Jas. Wyld. In case. London, ft, 4. 50 sheets. X, 1. the Provinces of — . 18 sheets. X, 1. — Maps of,— Sundry — . Scrapbook "Galway.'^ Royal. X, 1. Marriage of the Emperor of — . Miss L. M. Fay. Shanghai, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 60 : 0, 1. 20 CHI CHINA:— — Materia Medica and Natural History of — , for the use of missionaries and native medical students, F. Porter Smith. Shanghai aud London, 1871. 8vo. N, 4. — Medical and Chirurgieal Society, — Address at the first meeting on Diseases incidental to Europeans in — . Pam.-Vol. 35 : 0, 1. — " Medical Mission." Pamphlet- Volume No. 39. 8vo. Including: — 1. Shanghai Hygiene. J. Henderson. Shanghai, 1863. 2. Medical Missionary Society in China. Address and Minutes. Canton. 1838. 3. Eeport of the Ophthalmic Hospital at Canton, January to June, 1838. 4-5. Reports of Medical Missionary Society in China, 1840 and 1841. 6. Brief History of the Medical Missionary Society in China. 1843. 7. Report of the Medical Missionary Society in China for 1847. Victoria, 1848. 8-12. Reports of the Hospital at Kum-le- fow, in the western suburbs of Canton, for 1 85 1 , 1854-55, 1859-60, 1860-62, and 1862-63. 13. Trust deed for the Chinese Hospital at Shanghai. 1848? 14-16. Reports of the Chinese Hospital at Shanghai for 1861, 1862, and 1864. 17. Report of the Chinese Dispensary at Chinkiang, 1864-65. 1 8. Report of the Hankow Wesleyan Medical Mission Hospital, 1864-65. 19-23. Reports of the London Missionary Society's Chinese Hospital at Peking for 1861-62, 1863, 1864, and 1865. 0,1. — Medico - Churnrgical Society — , Trans- actions, 1845-46, Hongkong. Pam.-Vol. 36 : 0, 1. — Memoir of principal occurrences during an Embassy to the Court of — , in 1816. R. Morrison. London, 18 19. Pam.-Vols. 45 and 52 : 0, 1. — Memoirs and Remarks made in above Ten Years' Travels through the Empire of — . li. le Comte. London, 1838. 8vo. 0, 2. Also 2nd edition, " Compleat History of the Empire of China" {see p. 15). London, 1839. 8vo. 0,2. — Memoirs for Home concerning the state of the Christian religion in — . London, 1710. 8vo. 0, 4. — Memorial Apologetico al ccnde de Villa Hurabrosa, de los Missioneros Apostolicos de el imperio de la China. Madrid, 1676. 4to. 0,2. of the Roman Catholic Bishop to the Emperor of — . Hongkong, 1855. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, G. CHINA :— Message dated July 19, 1854, from the President of the United States transmitting copies of the correspondence between the State Department and the late Commissioner to — , togetber with the correspondence referred to therein with Mr, Humphrey Marshal, U.S.A. Commissioner to China, and others. fVashing- ton{?), 1854. 8vo. N, '4. Also with the above, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, January, 1856. " Miscellaneous." Pamphlet-Volume No. 55. 8vo. Including: — 1. Select Phrases in the Canton Dialect. W. Lobscheid & Dr. Kerr. Hongkong, 1867. 2. China : its Spiritual Needs and Claims. J. H. Taylor. 2nd edition. London, 1866. 3. Specimens of Languages and Dialects. British and Foreign Bible Society. 4. Direct ry of Protestant Missions in China. S. L. Baldwin. Fuchau, 1865. 5. Directory of Protestant Missions in China. S. L. Baldwin. Foochow, 1866. 6. Narrative of the Mission to China of the English Piesbyterian Church. D. Matheson. 3rd edition. London, 1866. 7. Missions to the "Women of China, by A.F. S. Edited by Miss Whately. London, 1866. 8. Mnemonic Geography. T. Jeuner. London, 1869. 9. Description of the Chinese Junk "Keying." London, 1848. 10. Autobiography of Chang, the tall man of Fychow. London, 1865. 0,1. — Miscellaneous Notices relating to our com- mercial intercourse with — . G. T. Staunton. London, 1822. 8vo. 0, 2. -4/so 2nd edition. London, iSzz. 8vo. 0,2. Also 2nd edition. With introductory observations. London, 1822-50. 0,2. — '* Miscellaneous on — ." Pamphlet- Volume No. 52. Including: — 1. Memoir of tlie Principal Occuirences during an Embassy from the British Govern- ment to the Court of China, 1816, R. Morrison. London, 18 19. 2. British Relations with the Chinese Empire. London, 1832. 3. Letter on the present state of British Intercourse with China. C. Marjoiibanks. London, 1833. 4. Letter to Lord Althoi-p on the China Trade. London, 1833. 5. Observations on the China Trade. J. B, Urmston, London, 1833. 6. Iniquities of the Opium Trade with China. A. S. Tlielwall. London, 1839. 7. Review of the Management of our Affairs in China since 1834. London, 1840. 8. Letters from Ho, and other Chinese Authorities, relating to the Foreign Customs Establishment. Shanghai, i860. 9. British Policy in China. John Scarth. L-Mdon, i860. CHI 21 CHINA:— 10. Italy for the Italifins anrl China for the Chinese. Letter by John Scurth. London, i860. 1 1 . If eutral War and Warlike Peace ! John Scarth. Jidinhurgh, 1861, 12. Neutral War, etc. A supplement. John Scarth. Edinburgh, i86i. 0,1. "Miscellanies." Pamphlet- Vol ume JS^o. 16. 8vo. Including: — 1. An Account of Japan. E. Koenipfer. London, 1853. 2. A Dissertation on the Ancient Chinese Yases of the Shang Dynasty. P. P. Thorns. London, 1 8 5 1 . 3. A Journey towards the Yellow River. A. Wylie. North China Herald, 1859. 4. Extract from a Journal of a Cruise up the Yang-Tsze Keang. A. Wylie. 1859. 5. Important Observations regarding Celestial Principles. W. H. Medhurst, 6. A Yisit to the Insurgent Chief at Soochow. G. John. 7. Review of the Trade of Shanghai, 1850. Shanghai, 185 i. 8. Practical Instructions for the Navigation of the Yang-Tsze Keang. Lieut. I'reble. Shanghai, 1851. 9. Remarks on the Opium Trade. W. H. Medhurst & W. Lockbart. N, 6. Mission ; History of the various Missions, of all denominations, among the Chinese. New York, 1859. 8 vo. A, 2. — "Missionaries, — Pamphlets by — ." Pamphlet- Volume No. 4. Including : — 1. The Chinamen Abroad. 2. Dissertation on Silk Manufacture. 3. On the true meaning of the word ' Shin.' 4. Some thoughts on the proper term for ♦ Elohim ' and ' Theos.' S. Doty. \ 850. 5. On the Chinese version of the Scriptures. W. H. Medhurst, J. Stronach, & W. Milno. Shanghai, 1852. 6. Reply to Dr. Boone's "Vindication," with letter from Dr. Legge. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1852. 7. Strictures on the reraaiks contained in Papers relating to the Chinese Version. W. H. Medhurst, J. Stronach, & W. :Milne. Shanghai, 1852. 8. Reply to the Pew Plain Questions. W. H. Medhurst. 9. Visions of the Hung - Sin - Tshuen. T. Hamberg. Hongkong, 1854. 10. Medical Vocabulary in English and Chinese. B. Hobson. Shanghai, 1858. 11. History of the Churches of the Presby- terian Order at Amoy. J. V. N. Talmadge. New York, i 863. 12. The Origin of the Chinese. J. Chalmers. Hongkong, 1866. 13. The Anti- Missionary Movement in South China. J. V. N. Talmadge. Hongkong, 1871. CHINA:— 14. Analysis of the Circular of the Chinese Government, June, 1871. A. Williamson and others, 15. Hope for China. Griffith John. London, 1872. 1 6. The Universul Extension of the Christian Church. A sermon. H. Y. Noyes. Canton, 1873- 17. The Canton Directory. Compiled by J. G. Kerr, Ca)itan, 1873. 18. Examination Hall, Canton. J. G. Kerr. 19. Chinese Medicine. J. G. Keir. 1859. 20. Acht Vortrage iiber China. R. Lechler. Basel, 1 86 1. 21. Lohrbegriffdes Confucius. Ernst Paber. Hongkong, 1872. 22. Quellen zu Confucius und dera Confu- cianismus. E. Paber. Hongkong, 1873. N, 6. — " Missionaries, — Pamphlets by — ." Pamphlet- Volume No. 5. Including : — 1. Missionary Journal kept at Singapore and Siam. J. Tomlin. Malacca, 1832. 2. Sermon by Robt. Morrison at Whampoa, December 2nd, 1833. 3. To the Bachelors of India. By a bachelor. 4. Plan of a Provision for the Widows and Orphans of Missioly of the East India Company examined. London, 1830. 8. The Rupture with China ; its causes, including the Opium Question. A letter by a resident in China. London, 1 840. CHI 27 CHINA :— 9. Statement of Claimsof the British Subjects interested in Opium surrendered, etc. London, 1840. 10. Corrected Report of the Speech of Sir Geo. Staunton in the House ot' Commons, April 7, 1840, etc. London, 1840. N, 6. — Railways in — . Report by M. Stephc nson. London, 1864. Fol. M, 1. — Rebellion and Recent Events in — . Article. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. Rebellion in — , and trade on the Yanndon, 1855. 17. Correspondence r^ Cochineal Insects, the Varnish and Tallow Trees, White and Red Lac, and Silkworms. J. Anderson. JJadras, 1791. 18. Pe the Improvement of British Wool. 19. La Medicine, la Chirurgie, etc., et les Etablissements d'Assistance Publique en Chine. M. G. Pauthier. Part'n, i860. 20. On the History and Migration of Cultivated Plants used as Condiments. John Crawfurd, 1867. 21. On the Birds of the Sula Islands. A. R. Wallace. 22. Ou the Mammals of Formosa. R. Swinhoe. N, 6. See Archipelago, India, etc, See Asiatic JournaL See Asiatic Magazine. See Bible Society, — British and Foreign — . See Catalogues. See Church Missionary Society. — . — See Famine. See Far East, — In the — . See Hindustan, — View of^, vol. iii. See India and — . See India and — , Rambles in — . See India, — Antiche Relazione. See India, China, and New Zealand. See Indies, — East. See Japan and — , Physical Phenomena See Japan, China, and India. See Madras, Journal of a Voyage to — . CHI 29 CHINA:— See Medical Missionary Society in — . See Opium. See Oriental Voyager. See Siberia, — Conquest of — . See Sinica. See Sinologica. See Tartary, Thibet, and, — Travels in — . See Voyages and Adventures of F. M. Pinto. See Voyages and Travels. Sermons preached in — . W. M. Lowrie. New York, 1851. 8vo. ft, 4. Sketches of — . J.F.Davis. London, iS^i. a, 3. 8vo. 2 vols. — Society in — . R. K. Douglas. Notice in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July-September, 1894. London. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. No. 66 : 0, 5. South — , Anti-Missionary Movement in — . J. V. N. Talmadge. Hongkong, 1871. Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. Southern, — Pictures of — . Seventy- seven illustrations. John Macgowan. London, i^g"]. A, 1. — Spirit Writing in—. Mountains and — . See Yeang-tai Star of — , or the Imperial Edict. R. Philip. London, 1845. Pam.-Vols. 11 & 12 : N, 6; and 72 : 0, 5. — State of Affairs in — . See Haukow. — Subaltern's Sick Leave, or Hough Notes of a visit to — . N. Poison. Calcutta, 1837. 8vo. ft, 6. — , "Sundries—." Pamphlet-Volume No. 11. 8vo. Including: — 1. Journal of Voyage from Singapore to Siam, etc. J. Tomlin. Singapore, 1829. 2. Missionary Journal kept at Singapore and Siam. J. Tomlin. Malacca, 1832. 3. Journal of Voyage along the East Coast of Cliina. C. Gutz'laff, 1832. 4. Topogi-aphical Account of Chusan. 1841. 5. Remarks on the Yih-she. C. Gutzlaff. London, 1836. 6. Specimen de les Caracteres Chinois. Paris, 1837. 7. Specimen of Chinese Type. Macao, 1844. 8. Esop's Fables as translated into Chinese, by R. Thom, in Romanized type. S. Dyer & J. Stronach. Singapore, 1843. 9. Journal of a Tour along the Coast of Java and Bali, etc, 1829. W. H. Mcdhurst. 10. No Opium. A letter to Jas. Cropper. R. Philip. London, 1835. 11. Baptism for the dead in China. {Re 3forrison and Milne.) London, 1835. 12. Supposed Abstract of the Report of the General Missionary Society in 1890, from The i^t!Co/t? newspaper. January i, 1834. CHINA :— 13. OpenChiua! An Appeal by two Friends. London, 1834. 14. Peace with China ! The crisis of Christianity in Central Asia. Robt. Philip, London, 1840. 15. The Star of China, or the Imperial Edict. London, 1845. 16. To the Bachelors of India. D. Abeel. 17. Narrative of the Shipwreck of the "Kite." Mrs. North. Macao, 1841. 18. First Report of the Benevolent Institu- tion at Malacca. Singapore, 1834. 19. Funeral Sermon lor Lord Napier. E.G. Bridgman. Canton, 1834. 20. Burial of the body of Charles Orgai, drowned at Macao. Macao, 1833. 21. Sur I'origine du Papier Monnaie. J. Klaproth. Fiiris, 1822. 22. Narrative of the Nanning Expedition. By an officer. Malacca, 1831. 23. Etchings to illustrate ditto. N, 6. "Sundries." Pamphlet-Volume No. 12. 8vo. Including: — 1. Treaties of Peace, August 29, 1842; October 8, 1843; July 23, 1844 ; and October 24, 1844. Also General Regulations re Trade. 2. Japan. A chapter from the Hai-Kwoh TuChi. T. F. Wade. 1850. 3. Address at Inaugural Meeting of the Asiatic Society of China. Sir J. F. Davis. LLongkong, 1 847 . 4. On the meaning of the word ' E ' used by the Chinese Government to designate foreigners. T. T. Meadows. Shanghai, 1852. 5. Accurate Account of Entertaining Travels in Cashmeer in 1783. Geo. Foster. Calcutta. 6. Catalogue of the Chinese Library of the Royal Asiatic Society. S. Kidd. London, li'^^. 7. Specimen de Vocabulaire Ideographique. 8. FookouaSiriak (au Japon). J. Klaproth. Paris, 1828. 9. Rupport^ . . . sur une version Chinoise des Fables d'Esope. M. Bazin, aine. Canton, 1843. 10. To the Bachelors of India. By a bachelor. D. Abeel. 11. L'Univers, etc.; — Chine. G. Pauthier. 12. Lettres de M. Lamiot, Missionnaire Lazariste en Chine. Paris, 1852. 13. Vindicia? Philologieae in Linguam Sinicam. S. Julien. Parisiis, 1830. 14. Lettre a M. Robert Thom; extrait du Joui nal Asiatique. 15. The Star of China, or the Imperial Edict. By two Friends. Robt. Philip. London, 1845. 16. Peace with China! Robt. Philip. London, 1 840. 17. Chinese Commercial Guide. R. Morrison, Canton, 1834. 18. Fifth Annual Report of the Anglo- Chinese College. Malacca, 1827. 19. Abstract of the General Laws of China. 20. A Missionary Journal kept at Singapore and Siam. J. Tomlin. 1832. H,6. 30 CHI CHINA :— Sundries." Pamphlet- Volume No. 13. 8vo. Including: — 1. Pamphlets issued by the Chinese Insur- gents at Nan-king, etc. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1853. 2. Trip of Sir Geo. Bonham in the " Hermes" to Nanking. April 22, 1853. 3. Visit to Chin-Keang-Foo by Dr. Taylor. 4. Eeligious Aspects of the Civil War in China. W. H. Eule. London, 1853. 5. Visions of Hung-Siu-Tshuen. Theodore Haraberg. Hongkong, 1854. 6. National Religion of China and the word 'God.' The Bishop of Victoria. Shanghai, 1%$^. 7. Genuineness of the so-called Nestorian Monument of Singan-Eu. Ed. E. Salisbury. October, 1842. 8. Monthly Extracts from the Correspondence of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 2>rovember 30, 1846. 9. Essay on Publications of the Tai-Ping Insurgents and the word ' God.' 10. Letter on the words for ' God.' L. B. Peet. 1853. 1 1 . Exti acts from Missionary Magazine ani Chronicle, September and October, 1853. 12. China, Past and Present. Lecture. A.Morrison. Melbourne, 1853. 13. Miasionary Magazine and Chronicle, August, 1851. 14. Missionary Rigister, March, 1852. Also March, 1853 London. 15. Evangelical Magazine, March, 1853. 16. Letter from B. J. Bethelheim, Missionary in Lewchew. Canton, 1852. 17. Remarks on the British Relations with Cliina. G. T. Staunton. I^ondon, 1836. 18. Present Position and Prospects of the British Trade with China. Jas. Matheson. London, 1836. 19. Note on the Condition and Government of the Chinese Empire in 1849. T. F. Wade. 20. Letter on the Chinese Struggle. I. J. Eoberts. October 6, 1852. N, 6. — , "Sundries—." Pamphlet-VolumoNo. 14. 8vo. Including: — 1. Sermon on the death of the Rev. W. H. Medhurst. W. Muirhead. Shanghai, 1857. 2. Remarks on the Opium Traie. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, October 27, 1855. 3. The Nestorian Tablet in Se-Gan Foo. A. Wylie, New York, 1854. 4. ImportantObservations regarding Celestial Piineiples. Reprint of a tract by W. H. Medhurst. 5. The National Religion of China as illus- trative of the proi)er word for translating ' God.' The Bishop of Victoria. Shanghai, 1853- 6. Letter from B. J. Bethelheim, Missionary in Lewchew, to P. Parker. Canton, 1852. 7. Notes of a Trip to Foo-Choo-Foo, etc. J. I. Murray. Shanghai, 1855. 8. Sailing directions for the River Min. 9. Sailing directions for the navigation of the Yang-tsze-kiang. Lieut. Preble. Shanghai. CHINA :— 10. Notes on the translation of Genesis, Exodus, and Ephesians. Shanghai, 1851. 11. Journal of the Indian Archipelago, 1848, containing: — (a) Report on the Island of Banka. J. Horsfield. (h) Chinese Objects of Worship. A Stronach. (c) Memoirs of Malays. {d) Geographical Group of Borneo. (e) Mis- cellaneous Notices. N, 6. , •< Sundries— ." Pamphlet- Volume No. 15. Including: — 1. Sermon at the Ordination of Judson and others. L. Woods. Boston, 1812. 2. Address to Seamen. Edward Stevens. 1833- 3. Discourse on the death of Dr. Morrison. Joseph Fletcher. London, 1835. 4. Obituary of the Rev. E. Stevens, A. L. Bridgman. Canton, 1833. 5. Regard to the affairs of others. Discourse by R. Morrison. London, 1825. 6. Memoir of the Rev. Robert Morrison. Asiatic Journal, March, 1835. 7. Notices concerning China and the Port of Canton. 11. Morrison & J. Miller (?). Malacca, 1823. 8. Journal of a Residence in Siam. Chas. Gutzlaff. Canton, 1832. 9. Crisis in the Opium Traffic ; being an account of the proceedings of the Chinese Government to suppress that trade, with the notices, edicts, etc., relating thereto. China, 1839. 10. Corrected Report of the Speech of Sir Geo. Staunton on Lord Ashley's motion on the Opium Trade, in the House of Commons, April 4th, 1843. London, 1843. 1 1 . Chinese Commercial Guide. John Robert Morrison Canton, 1834. 12. Appeal on behalf of China. Chas. Gutzlaif. Canton, 1833. 13. Plan of a provision for the Widows and Orphans of Missionaries. J. J. Downes. May, 1848. N,6. , " Sundries — ." Pamphlet- Volume 29. Including : — 1. Our Policy in China. R. Alcock. London, 1858. 2. Chinese Empire in its Foreign Relations. R. Alcock. 3. Summary of results of treatment of injuries. R. Alcock. 1841. 4. The Chinese on the Plain of Shinar. T. McClatchie. London, 1855. 5. Bombardment of Canton. By a twelve years' resident in China. London, 1857. 6. The Great Currency Question. Philo Carolus (McDonald). Shanghai, 1856. 7. L' Ideographic. Don Sinibaldo de Mas. Macao, 1844. 8. Treaty between H.M. the Queen of Great Britain and the Emperor of China, August 29, 1842. 9. Treaty between the United States of America and the Ta Tsing Empire, July 3, 1844. CHI 31 CHINA :— 10. Treaty between H.M. King of the French and the Emperor of Ctiina, October 24, 1844. 11. General Eogulations governing British Trade at the Five Ports. 12. Shanghai Almanack for the year 1856. 13. Chinese Numismatics. John Williams. 1853- N, 6. , <' Sundries— ." Pamphlet-Volume 33. Including : — 1. Chinese Miscellany, consisting of original extracts from Chinese Authors. 11. Morrison. London, 1825. 2. Documents relating to Opium. E,e- publislied from the Chinese Repository , 1837. 3. Specimens of a Dialect of the Aborigines of New South Wales. L. E. Thrdkeld. Sydney. 4. Account of the Anglo-Chinese College. London, January zo, 1825. 5. Singapore Local Laws and Institutions, 1823. London, 1824. 6. Instruction pour les Voyageurs et pour les Employes dans les Colonies. Paris, i%i-j. 7. Hhan-wen kien-yao, ou Essai sur la langue et la litterateur Chinoise. Abel- Eemusat. Paris, 181 1. 8. Memoires sur les Relations Pontiques des Princes Chretiens, et paiticulieremcnt des Kois de France, avec les Empereurs Mongols. M. Abel-Remusat. Paris, 1822. 9. Some Account of Charms, Talismans, and Felicitous Appendages, worn about the person, (■r hung up in houses, etc., used by the Chinese. John Robert Morrison. London, 1832. 10. Esop's Fables in Chinese, in Homan characters, with translation. 1 1 . Singular Proclamation issued by the Poo-Yuen, or Sub-Viceroy of Canton. Tians- lated by R. Morrison. London, 1824. 12. Remarks on the Siamese Language. C. Gutzlaff. London, 1832. 13. Substance of a Memoir on the Adminis- tration of the Eastern Islands by Sir Stamford llafflesin 1819. 14. Statement of the Services of Sir Stamford Raffles. London, 1824. 15 The War in China . . . ou Ilecit de I'expedition Anglais en Chine depuis son origin en Aviil, 1840, jus(ju'au Traite do paix conclu en Aout, 1842. Duncan McPherson. L.ndon, 1842. 0,1. — — Superstitions, Popular, and Religious Notions in North — . Bee China, — Darkness in the Flowery Laud. " Tai-Ping Rebellion ; Hongkong." Pamphlet- Volume No. 26. 8vo. Including: — 1. The Taepings as they are. By one of them. London, 1864. 2. Tai Ping Rebellion. 3. British Policy in China. John Scarth. Edinburgh, 1861. 4. Is our War with the Tartars or (he Chinese? John Scarth. London, i860. CHINA: — 5. Books of the T'Hae-Ping-Wang Dynasty, etc. ahanghai, 1853. 6. Trip of the "Hermes" to Nanking. 7. The Visions of Hung-siu-tshuen, and the Origin of the Kwang see Insurrection. Theo. Hamberg. Hongkong, 1854. 8. The Tae Pmg Uebellion in China. W. H. Sykes. London, 1863. 9. Statements and Suggestions regarding Hongkong, addressed to the Hon. F. Scott, M.P. London, 1850, 10. Further ditto. London, 1851. 11. Crime and Government at Hongkong. A letter by T. Chisholm Anstey. London, 1859. N, 6. Taou-Kwang, late Emperor of — , Life. Chas. Gutzlatf. London, 1852. 8vo. 0,3. Tea, — Account of the cultivation and management of — . S. Ball. London, 1848. Bvo. ft, 3. — Ten Conversations . . . concerning the history and present state of the country. R. Morrison. London, 1824. 12mo. ft, 6. "The Times" Special Correspondence from — , in the years 1857-58. G. Wingrove Cooke. New edition. London, 1859. 8vo. 0,3. " Theological regarding — ." Pamphlet- Volume No. 51. 8vo. Including: — 1. Sermon on the death of Rev. S, Dyer. J. Stronach. Singapore, 1843. 2. Sermon on the death of Rev. S. Kidd. J. Woodwark. London, 1843. 3. Sinim : a plea for China. Discour.se by R. G. Milne. London, 1848. 4. The Parting Charge. Sermon on the death of W. H. Medhurst. W. Muirhead. Shanghai, 1857. 6. Sermon on Thanksgiving Day. J. S. Burden. Shanghai, 1858. 6. Memorial on a new Version of the Chinese Scriptures. W. H. Medhurst. London, 1836. 7. Reply to Strictures on the Remarks re Translation of Genesis and Exodus. M. S. Culbertson. Canton, 1852. 8. Vindication of Comments on Translation of Ephesians i. W. J. Bo(me. Canton, 1852. 9. Translation of Theological Terms in Chinese. L. B. Peet. Fuchau, 1853. 10. The Publications of the Taiping In- surgents. M. S. Culbertson. Canton, 1853. 11. Memoir of Rev. Dr. Medhurst. W. C. Milne. London. 12. Biography of Dr. Medhurst. W. C. Milne. 0. 1. Thomas De Quincey. Edinburgh, 1857. Pam.-Vols. 23 and 24 : N, 6. * Three Years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of — . R. Fortune. Illustrated. London, 1847. ^^^' ^> ^' 32 CHI CHINA :— Threefold San-Tsze-King, or the Tiiliteral Classic of — . S. C. Malan. London, 1856. 8vo. 0, 3. — to the North-West Coast of America, — Toyages made in the years 1788-89 from — . John Mf ares. Maps and plates. London, ij go. 4to. P, 2. In — Trade, — Brunell's Memoir on the- vol. Madagascar, — Voyage to — . Letter to Lord Althorp on the — . London, 1833. Pam.-Yol. 52: 0, 1. Observations on the — . J B. TJrmston. London, 1833. Pam.-Yol. 52 : 0, 1. Papers relating to— , 1840-53. P.P. London. Fol. M, 1. — Present position and prospects of our — . lleview by P. P. Thoms. London. Pam.-Vol. 9 : N, 6. — Tratados Historicos, Politicos, Ethicos, y Pelifiiosus della Monarchia de — . D. F. Naravette. Madrid, 1676. Fol. M, 2. — Travels in — . Containing descriptions, observations, and comparisons madeand collected in the course of a short residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-min-yuen, and on a subsequent journey tlirough the country from Pekin to Canton. John Barrow. Coloured plates. London, 1804. '^^^' ^> l- — See Standard Library. — the regions of the L'pper and Lower Amoor, and the Kussian acquisitions on the confines of India and China. T. W. Atkinson. Maps and plates. London, i860. 8vo. B,, 4. Travels into divers parts of Europe and Asia, undertaken by the French King's order to discover a new way by land into — . F. Averil. Done out of French. London, i6q^. 12mo. 0, 6. of the Eussian Mission through Mongolia to — , and residence in Peking, 1820-21. G.Timkoski. London, iSzj. 2 vols. 8vo. N, 5. — Treaty between Great Britain and the Emperor of — , August 29, 1842. Pam.-Yol. 29 : N, 6. — between the King of the French and the Emperor of—, October 24, 1844. Pam.-Yol. 29 : N, 6. — of 1842 with, — Facts connected with the — . Lieut.-Col. W. Pottinger. Ramsqate. Pam.-Yol. 24 : N, 6. — -Revision Convention, — Letter to Chambers of Commerce respecting — . P.P. London, 1870. 12mo. M, 1. -Rights in — , Extract of a dispatch respecting the maintenance of — . P.P. London, 1864. Fol. M, 1. CHINA :— , Treaties of Peace, August 29, 1842; October 8, 1843; July 23, 1844 ; October 24, 1814; and General Regulations concerning Trade. Pam.-Yol. 12: N, 6. Troops, etc., now stationed in, — Return of—. P.P. London, 1863. Fol. M, 1. Twelve Years in — , the People, the Rebels, and the Mandarins. A British resident. London, i860. 8vo. 0, 3. Two Lectures delivered in Dublin and Belfast. W. Urwick. Dublin, 1854. 12mo. Pam.-Yol. 61 : 0, 5. Two Years in — . Narrative of the Chinese Expedition, from its formation in 1 840 to the Treaty of Peace in August, 1842. 2nd edition. London, 1843. 8vo. A, 1. — Vase. See Fragments of Oriental Literature. — View of — , for Philological purposes, con- taining a sketch of Chinese Chronology, Geography, Government, Religion, and Customs. R. Morrison. Macao, 181 7. 4to. Q,, 5. Visit to the Interior of, — Rough notes of a short — . London, 1857. Bam.-Yol. 24 : N, 6. * Voyage to the Northern Ports of — , in the ship "Lord Amherst." London, 1833. 8vo. A, 2. War, — Causes of the present — . P.P. Thoms. Westminster Review. Pam.-Yol. 1 : N, 6. Grants made and estimates submitted in 1860. P.P. London, i860. Fol. M, 1. Is it a just one? H. H. Lindsay. 2nd edition. London, 1840. Pam.-Yols. 8 and 24 Narrative of the- London, 1862. 8vo. N, 6. G. J. Wolseley. of 1860, — Incidents of the — . Com- piled from the private journals of Sir Hope Grant by H. Knollys. London, 1875. 8vo. 0,3. — ou Recit de I'expedition Anglais en Chine depuis eon origin en Avril, 1840, jusqu'au Traite de paix conclu en Aout, 1842. Duncan McPherson. London, 1842. Pam.-Yol. 33 : 0, 1. — Sums claimed by the Government of India for advances and disbursements to Slst Murch, 1860. P.P. London, i860. Fol. M, L Sums paid to ihe Imperial Govern- ment of India on account of the — . P.P. London, 1861. Fol. M, 1. War and Progress in- Pam.-Yol. 7 : N, 6. CHI 33 CHINA :- Who is God in — , Shin or Shan-i-te ? S. C. Malan. London, 1855. 8vo. N, 4. — Works upon — . Chinese Repository, vol. xviii, Nos. 8 and 12. In vol. Sinologica, — liibliotheca— . U, 1. Youth's History of — . J. Tillotson. A, 2. London, 1857. 32mo. CHINA AND OTHER COUNTRIES:— China and Cochin China, — Abridged account of tlie state of religion in, — during the years 1806 and 1807. Zo»f/o», 1809. 18mo. 0,6. China and East Tartary, — Atlas Chinensis ; being a second part of a Relation of Remarkable Passages in two Embassies from the East India Company of the United Provinces to the Emperor of — . Englished by J. Ogilby. London, 1671. Fol. M, 1. China and Formosa. iSons of — . See Han, — Among the China and India. History, Pictorial and De- scriptive. Miss Corner. Maps and plates. London, 1842. 8vo. Q, 4. * Local Reports of the London Missionary Society. 1868-82. 16 vols. 8vo. A, 3. See A Voice from — . London, 1850. a, 5. — Voyage by J. Berncastle. 2 vols. 8vo. China and Japan, — Baron Gros's Embassy to — , 1857-58, De Moges. London, i860. 8vo. a, 3. Commercial Reports from H.M.'s Consuls in — . P.P. London, 1865. Case 3 : 0,5. Ichthyology of the seas of — , Report. J. Richardson. London, 1846. 8vo. N, 6. Letters from — . L, S. D. London, iSji^. 8vo. A, 2. Life of Sir Harry Parkes, Minister to- S. Lane-Poole. Maps. London, 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. A, 2. — Notes and Queries on — . N. B. Dennys. Vol. i. Honykong, 1867. 8vo. N, 1. — Order in Council, March 9th, 1865. P.P. London. Fol. M, 1. — See Commercial Repox'ts. Sue Historia de las Missiones da Compania de Jesus. * Treaty Ports of — . 29 maps and plans. London ^ ITonglconff, 1 8bj. 8vo. A, 3. China and North-East Asia. See Navigantium atque itinerantiura bibliotheca, vol. ii. China and the East, — Prospectus of the Medical Philanthropic Society for — . London, 1840. Pam.-Vol. 35 : 0, 1. CHINA AND OTHER COUNTRIES:— China and the East Indies, — Voyage to — , by Peter Osbeck ; a Voyage to Suratte, by Olof Toreen ; and an account of Chinese Husbandry, by C. G. Eckeberg. Translated by J. R. Poster. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1771. 0,2. China and the Indian Archipelago, — Trade to — . C. Assey. London, 1819. Pam.-Vol. 19: N, 6. * China and the islands of Hongkong and Chusan — , Narrative of an exploratory visit in 1844-46 to each of the consular cities of — . G. Smith. London, 1847. 8vo, A, 1. China and the Neighbouring Countries, — Journal of a residence in — , from 1829 to 1833. D. Abeel. New York, 18^^. 12mo. a, 5. China, Australia, and the Pacific Islands in the years 1855-56. J. D'Ewes. London, 1857. 8vo. 0, 3. China, Corea, and the Islands of Lewchew, — Vovage of the " Alceste" — . John McLeod. 3rd edition. London, 1819. 8vo. 0,2. China, Japan, and Eastern Asia. See Phoenix, --The—. China, Japan, and Mongolia, — Notice of an account of Geological Observations in — . R. Pumpelly. 1865. Pam.-Vol. 20 : N, 6. China, Japon, und India, anni 1585, — Send- schreiben aus den weitheruhmten Land- schafton — . P. Martinez. Delingen, 1589. 8vo. 0, 6. China, Japon, y Indias — , Defensa de los Nuevos Christianos y Missioneros de la — , contra dos libros Intitulandos La Practioa Moral de los Jesuites, y el Espiritu de M. Arnaldo. G. de Parraga. Prima pars, — China. Madrid, 1690. 16mo. ft, 6. China, North, and Japan — , The British Arms in : Peking, 1860 ; Kagosima, 1862. D. F, Rennie. London, 1864. 8vo. Q,, 3. China, North, Manchuria, and Eastern Mongolia, — Journeys in — , with some account of Corea. A. Williamson. London, 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. A, 2. China Seas and Japan, — Narrative of an Expedition of an American Squadron to the — , in the years 1852-53-54. Numerous illus- trations. Fraucis L. Hawks. H^asliington, 1856. 3 vols. 4to. P, 2. * China, Tartary, and Thibet, — Christianity in — . M. Hue. London, 1857-58. 3 vols. 8vo. A, 1. China, Tartary, etc., — General Description of — . From the French of the Abbe Grossier. London, 1788. 2 vols. 8vo. N, 4. China y Japon, — Historia de las Missiones que ban hecho los Religiosos da Compaiiia de Jesus ... en India Oriental, e en los Reynos de la — . Luis de Guzman. Alcala, 1601. 2 vols. Fol. P,2. {End of Section " China and Other Countries.''^) 3 34 CHI Chinaman Abroad, or a desultory account of the Malayan Archipelago, etc. Ong-tae hae. Translated. Shunghai, 1849 Pam.-Vols. 5 & 6 : N, 6; and 47 : 0, 1. * China's Millions. J. H. Taylor. Vols. 1875, to 1885, and 1887. London. 11 vols. 4to. A, 1. China's Northern Dependencies and Colonial Possessions. J. Dudgeon. Glasgow, 1886. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. No. 66 : 0, 5. China's Place in Philology. Joseph Edkins. London, 1871. 8vo. ft, 3. Chincona Cultivation. See East India, — Eeturn. CHINE :— Ambassade de la Compagnie Orientale des Provinces Unies vers I'Empereur de la — . Premiere partie. J. le Carpentier. Leyde, 1665. Fol. M, 1. Anciennes Eelations des Indes et de la — , Traduitesd'Arabe. E. Eenaudot. Pans, 1718. Bvo. 0, 2. — Anecdotes sur I'etat de la religion dans la — . M. le Cardinal de Tournou. Parin, 1733. 6 vols. 12mo. 0, 6. — Apologie des Jesuites sur leur condxiite dans les affaires de la — . Peking, 1763. 16rao. 0,4. — Apologie des Missionnaires Dominicaines de la — . Par un religieux docteur. Cologne, 1699. 12rao. 6, 4. Aho 2nd edition. Cologne, 1700. 12mo. 0,4. — Atlas de la—. See Chine et Tartarie. — Atlas du Chine, Tartarie, et Boncharie, — Divinites et usages de la — . Demy. Y, 1. — avec les Puissances Occidentales, — Histoiro des relations politiques de la — . G. Pauthier. Paris, 1859. 8vo. N, 5. — Campagne en — , Souvenirs de la—. J. L. de Negroui. Paris, 1864. 8vo. Q, 6. — Carte de 1' — . See Asie Orientale. — Catholicisme en — , au viii^ Sieclc de notre ere. P. D. de Thiersant. Paris, 1877. 8vo. a, 5. Catholique, — La — Ceremonies de la- Paris, 1829. Pam.-Vol. 52 0,1. Lettre d'un docteur de I'ordre de St. Dominique sur les — . Cologne, 1700. N, 6. . Louis le Comte. Liege, \ 100. 12mo. N, 5. Cochinchine, Inde, et Malasie, — Voyage en — , A. Haussmann. Pans, 1847. 3 vols. in 2. Bvo. N, 6. CHINE : Croix de. Instructive et Historique, mise en Eran9ais. M. C. M. de Luneville. Paris, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 40: 0, 1. — d'Athanase Kirchere ; traduit par F. S. Dalquie. Avec Dictionnaire Chinoise et Frau^ais. lUustree, Amsterdam, 1670. Fol. M, L Le P. Martini. M, 2. — Description de la Paris, J 672. Fol. Description Historique, Geographique, et Litteraire de la — . G. Pauthier. 72 plates. Paris, 1853. 8^0- N, 6. -Dominicains Missionnaires de la, — Apologie des — , ou reponse au P. Le Tellier et au P. le Gobien. Par un Religieux Docteur. Colo(/ne, 1699. 12mo. 0, 4. -4 ?«o 2nd edition. 1700. 12mo. 0,4. — Douanes Maritime Imperiales. Catalogue Special de la Collection exposee au Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878. Par Ordre du Directeur-General des Douanes. Shanghai^ 1878. 4to. b, 1. — Eglise de la, — L'i^tat present de 1' — . 1787 (?). 8vo. 0,6. — Emprimerie en — , en %^^ sieclo de notre ere. S. Julien. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. — en Tartarie, et aux Thibet,— La Christian- isme eu — . M. Hue. Paris, 1857. 4 vols in 2. N, 4. Bvo. — Encre de — , son histoire et sa fabrication. Traduit par Maurice Jametei. Paris, 1882. 12 mo. 0, 4. Esquisse du Sy-yu, ou des pays a 1' Quest de la — . Traduite par L. Lamiot. Paris, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 10: N, 6. — et au Japon, — Souvenirs d'une Ambassade en — ,1757-58. De Moges. Paris, i8bo. 8vo. N, 5. et autres royaumes de I'Orient, — Divers Voyages et Missions du P. A. de llhodes en Paris, 1603. 4to. N, 4. Also 2nd edition. Paris, 1666. 4to. N, 4. Also Paris, 1681. 4to. N, 4. — et de la Tartarie Chinoise, — Description geographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique, de I'empire de la — . J. B. du Halde. Paris, 1735. 4 vols. Fol. M, 1. Also La Uaye, 1736. 4 vols. 4to. N, 1. — et les Puissances Chretiennes. D. Sinibaldo de Mas. Tomes i and ii. Paris, iSbi. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. N, 6. — et Tartarie. M. d'Anville. 2 tomes. Demy. La Hag e, 1737. Y, 1. Tome i contains ' Ilelation de la Boucharie ' ; also ' Nouvelle Atlas de la Chine, do la Tartarie, et du Thibet, ainsi Coree.' \_See Chine, — Nouvelle Atlas de la — .] Tome ii consists entirely of curious plates. CHI 35 CHINE:— Faits Memorables des Empereurs de la — . Orne de 24 estampes ea 4to, graves par Helman. Paris, 1784. 4to. X, 1. Guide des Armees alliees en — . P. Dabry. Paris ^' London, 1859. 8vo. 0,5. — Journal de la Residence du Sieur Lange, contenant ses negotiations a la Cour de la — , 1721-22. Leyde, 1726. 8vo. 0, 4- — Histoire apologetique de la conduite des Jesuites de la — . 1700. 12mo. 0,4. de la Conqueste de la — , par les Tartares. M. de Palafox ; traduit par le Sieur CoUe. Paris, 1670. 12mo. 0, 4. Also Amsterdam, 1723. 12rao. 0, 4. de I'edit de I'empereur de la, — en faveur de la Religion Chretienne. C. L. Gobien. Paris, 1698. 8vo. 0, 4. de I'expedition Chrestienne en la — . Entreprise par les peres de la Corapagnie de Jesus. Tire de Commeutaires du P. M. llicci, par JN". Trigault. Lille, 1617. 4to. N, 5. Also Paris, 1618. Svo. N, 5. des deux Conquerants Tartares, qui ont subjugue la — . P. J, de * * *. Paris, 1690. Svo. R, 5. — des Relations Politiques de la — , avec les Puissances Occidentales. G. Pautbier. Paris, 1859. Svo. N, 5. du Grand Royaumes de la — , situe aux Indes Orien tales, etc. Luc de la Porte. Paris, 1588. Svo. 0, 4. Generale de la — , ou annales de cet empire, traduites du Tong-Kien-Kang-Mou. J. A. M. de Moyriac de Mailla. Publiees par M. I'Abbe Grosier. Maps and plates. Paris, 1777. 13 vols. 4to. N, 2. — universelle de la — , par A. Semedo ; avec I'histoire des Tartares. Traduite en FranQois par M. Martini. Lyon, i66-j. 4to. 0,4. — Insurrection en — . J. M. Gallery et M. Yvan. Paris, 1853. Svo. 0, 5. — Lettre du Jaques le Faure sur son Arrivee a la — , et I'etat present de ce royaume. Paris, 1662. Svo. 0, 4. d'un Docteur de I'ordre de S. Dominique sur les Ceremonies de la — , au R. P. leComte. Cologne, 1700. 12mo. N, 6. sur les Progres de la Religion a la — . Pam.-Vol. 56 : 0, 1. — Lettres au R. P. Parrenin, contenant diverses questions sur la — . I^ouveau edition. Paris, 1770. Svo. 0, 4. CHINE :— Lettres contenant diverses questions sur la — . De Mairan. Paris, 1759. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 57 : 0, 1. Livres Classiques de I'empire de la — . F. Noel. Paris, 1784. 4 vols. ISmo. 0, 6. L'Univers, etc. — . G. Pautbier. 12mo. Pam.-Vol. : N, 6. Memoire de M. d'Anville sur la — . Pekin Sf Paris, 1776. Svo. 0,4. sur I'etat politique et religieux de la — , 2,300 ans avant notre ere, selon le Cbou King. H. Kurz. 1830. Pam.-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Memoires pour Rome sur I'etat de la Religion Cbretienne dans la — . 1 7 1 o. Pam.-Vol. 57 : 0, 1. Also in vol. " Affairs in Cbina." 0, 1. — sur la — . Comte d'Escayrac de Lauture. Paris, 1865. 4to. M, 2. — Moderne— . G. Pautbier & M. Bazin. Paris, 1853. Svo. N, 6. — MoBurs, usages, costumes, arts et metiers, peines, civiles et militaires, ceremonies et paysages, d'apres les designs originaux, etc. D. B. de Malpiere. ISO plates. Paris, 1825. 2 vols. 4to. M, 2. — Negotiations entre la France et la — , en 1S60. Livre jaune du Baron Gros. Paris, 1864. 4to. 0, 1. — Nouveaux Memoires sur I'etat Present de la — , avec figures par le P. Louis le Comte. 3°ie edition. Paris, i6gj. 3 vols. 12mo. 0,6. Also Amsterdam, ibgS. 2 vols. 12mo. 0,6. — Nouvelle Atlas de la—, de la Tartarie Cbinoise, et du Tbibet, ainsi Coree. S. d'Anville. Contains : — («) Account of Boucbarie ; (b) Maps; (c) many curious plates. La May e, 1737. Demy. Y, 1. — Same work as tbe foregoing, except section (c), tbe plates in wbicb are altogetber different. Also bas {d) outline illustrations of tbe life of Confucius pasted on tbe backs of tbe leaves. Bound as vol. i of " Cbine et Tartarie." — Nouvelle relation de la — , composee en I'annee 1668 par Gabriel de Magaillans, et traduite du Portugais en Fran9ais par le Sieur B. Pans, 1688. 4to. N. 1. ; ou Description Historique, Geographique, et Litteraire de ce vaste Empire. G. Pautbier. Paris, 1853. Svo. N, 6. — Ouverte — . Adventures d'un Fan-Koui dans le Pays de Tsin. Par Old Nick (H. F.).. London, 1 845 . Svo. Q,, 4. — Portrait Historique de I'Empereur de la — . J. Bouvet. Paris, 1698. 12mo. 0, 6. 36 CHI CHINE:— Priere pour I'Eglise de la — . 1702. Pam.-Vol. 56 : 0, 1. Puissances Chretiennes et la — . D. S. de Mas. I'arts, 1861. Tomes i and ii in one. 8vo. N, 5. Eelation Abregee de la Nouvelle Persecu- tion de la — . Tiree de la Relation composee k Macao par les Missionnaires de I'ordre de St. Dominique. Traduite de I'ltalien par FranQois Gonzales. 18mo. 0, 6. Remarques philologique sur les Voyages en — , de M. de Guignes. Berlin, 1809. Pam.-Yols. 2 and 18: N, 6. Resume de I'Histoire de la — , including Resume de I'histoire du Erdsil, etc. DeS**-*. 2nd edition. P«m, 1825. 18mo. 0, 6. — Souvenirs de la Campagne en — . J. L. de Negroni. Paris, 1864. 8vo. ft, 6. Substance anesthetique employee en — , dans le commencement du iii^ siecle de notre ere, pour paralyser momentanement la sensi- bilite. S, Julien. Extraitdes comptesrendus des Seances de I'Academie des Sciences, 19 Fevrier et 26 Mars, 1849. 4to. M, 2. Traite sur quelques points importans de la Mission de la — . A. de St. Marie. Pnri/s, 1701. 18mo. 0, 6. — Vegetale Cire, — Renseignements sur la — . S. Julien. Paris, 1857. -Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. — Voyage a la — . J. (i. Hiittner. Maps and plates. Paris, 1803. 12mo. 0,6. — Voyage en — , et dans les Mers et Archipels de cet empire, 1847-50. J, de la Graviere. P«/ts, 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. 0,6. Voyage en divers etats d' Europe et d' ^sie entrepris pour decouvrir un nouveau chemin a la — . Fr. Avril. Parii, 1693. 12mo. 0, 6. Chinensi, — Memorie Istoriche della controversia de cult — . Colunia, 1700. 8vo. 0, 4. Chinensis, — Portfolio — , or a Collection of Authentic Chinese State Papers. TransLited by J. L. Shuck. Macao, 1 840. 8vo. ft, 4. Also in Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. Descriptio Regni — . 1639. 32mo. Chines, — De Reizen de — . 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 0,6. Amsterdam, 1727. 0,4. CHINESE :— Ancien ouvrage. See Teheou-pei. and Arabic Dictionary. 4to. N, 3. — and Armenian, — Translations from the — , with notes and illustrati'ius. Chas. Fiied. Neumann. London, 1831. 8vo. N, 2. CHINESE :— and English Dictionary. Arranged according to ttie Radicals. W. H. Medtiuist. Batavia, 1842. 2 vols. 8vo. N, 3. and English, — Vocabulary of Proper Names of Places, Persons, Tribes, and Sects, in China, Japan, Corea, Annam, Siam, Burmah, the Straits, etc., etc., in — . F. P. Smith. Shanghai, 1870. 8vo. A, 1. — and European Governments, — On the language of ommunication between the — . Chinese Repositorg, June, 1844. Pam.-Vol. 35 : 0, 1. - — and General Missionary Gleaner, 1851-54 (only 1853 complete). Londm. 8vo. Also The Gleaner in the Mission Field. Nos. 1-10. London. 8vo. 0, 6. and Japanese Plates, in Scrapbook. "Kerry." Royal. X, 1. and Japanese Repository. Jas. Rummers, editor. 3 vols, in 2. London, 1863-64 to 1865-66. 8vo. ft, 4. — and Japanese "Works of Art, — Catalogue of the Eurlington Fine Arts Club. London, 1878. 4to. 0, 1. — and Mediaeval Guilds. F. W. Williams. Reprinted from the Yale Review, August and November, 1892. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. No. 73 : 0, 5. and Mogul, — Ancient Inscription in — . A. Wylie. 1855. Pam.-Vol. 28 : N, 6. and the '* Outer Barbarians " An article. and their Rebellions. Lotidon, 1856. 8vo. T. T. Meadows. A, 1. — as they are. G. Tradescant Lay. Plates. London, 1841. 8vo. ft, 3. — Association in aid of the Medical Missionary Society in China, — Address at Me('ting of the — . B. Hobson. 1846. Pam.-Vol. 37 : 0, 1. Also Report of the Hackney Auxiliary, Pam.-Vol. 35 : 0, 1. Authorities, — Letters relating to the Foreign Customs Establishment, from Ho and other — . Shanghai, i860. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. D. J. — Bibliography, — Letter on- Macgowan. Ningpo, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Manual of- Being a list of works and essays relating to China. P. G. and 0. F, von Mollendorff. London ^ Shanghai, 1876. 8vo. TJ, 1. — Botanical "Works, — On the Study and Value of — . Chinese woodcuts. E. Hretschneider. London, 1870. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0,6. CHI 37 CHINESE :— * Buddhism. J. Edkins. London, 1880. 8vo. A, 2. Buddhist Priests, — Fusang;, or the dis- covery of America in the fifth century by the — . C, G. Leyland. London, 1875. 8vo. U, 3. Buildings, Furniture, Dresses, Machines, and Utensils, Designs of — , engraved from the originals dravpn in China. W. Chambers. London, I'jSl- Y, 1. Campaign under Lieut.-Col. C. G. Gordon, — History of " The Ever Victorious Army," and of the suppression of the Tai-Ping Rebellion. Andrew Wilson. London, 1868. 8vo. d 4. Casket of Gems, — Translated from the — . S. Birch. London, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 61 : 0,5. Ceremonial Usages of the — , b.c. 1121, as prescribed in the " Institutes of the Chou Dynasty strung as Pearls." Translated from Chinese by W. R. Gingell. London, 1852. 4to. a, 4. Chair in the University of Oxford,— Inaugural lecture on the constituting of — . Jas. Legge. Oxford Sf London, 1876. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 5. Chapels at Wan-tsye and T'ae-Ping- shen, — List of Subscribers to the building of — , etc. J. Legge. Honqkonq, i864(?). Pam.-Vol. 61 : 0, 5. Character =f *E,' — Remarks on the signi- ficance of the — . W. H. Medhurst. Hongkong, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 19: N, 6. Characters added : — See Englishman's Greek Concordance of the Jfew Testament. Also Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament. , Introduction to the Study cf — . J. Edkins. London, 1876. 8vq. N, 3. -, Two lists containing all in the Bihle and in 27 other books. "W. Gamble. Shanghai, 1865. Pam.-VoL 48: 0, 1. under 300 primary forms,— Account of the structure of — . J. Chalmers. London, Hongkong, ^ Shanghai, 1882. 8vo. A, L — Charms, Talismans, and Felicitous Appendages, — Some account of — . J. R. Morrison. London, 1832. 4to. Pam.-Vol. 33 : 0, 1. — Chrestomathy in the Canton Dialect. E. C. Bridgman. Macao, 1841. 4to. N, 3. — Christian Union, — Progress of the — . Cork, 1849. Pam.-Vol. 52: 0, 1. — Chronology. Paper read before the Victoria Institute, March 3rd, 1890, by J. Legge. London. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 6. — Classical work commonly called the Four Books. Tianslated by David Collie. Malacca, 1828. 8vo. 0. 2. CHINESE :— Classics, vols. i-iv. J. Legge. A review. Pam.-Vol. 8 : N, 1. — Romanized. No. 1 : Da'Yah, — the Great Study. B. Jenkins. Shanghai, 1856. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 74 : 0, 5. -, with a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and (Jopious Indexes. J. Legge. Hongkong Sf London. 8 vols, as 5. 8vo. Including : — Vul. i. — Confucian Analects. Great Learning. Doctrine of the Mean. 1861. Vol. ii. — "Works of Mencius. 1861. Vol. iii, pt, 1. — First parts of the Shoo- King. 1865. Pt. 2.— Filth part of the Shoo-King. 1865. Vol. iv, pt. 1. — First parts of the She King. 1 87 1. Pt. 2. — Second, third, and fourth parts of the She King. 1871. Vol. V, pt. 1. — Dukes- Yin, Hwan, etc. 1872. Pt. 2,— Dukes Seang, Chou, etc. 1872. A, 1. Coins from the seventh century B.C. to A.D. 621, including the series in the British Museum, — Catalogue of — . Terrien de Lacouperie. Edited by R. S. Poole. London, 1892. 8vo. N, 1. of the Ta-tsing Dynasty. A. "Wylie. 1857. Pam.-Vol. 23: N, 6. — Collection now exhibiting in London. "W. B. Langdon. 3rd English edition. London, 1842. 8vo. a, 4. — " College, — Reports of the Anglo-, — " etc. Pamphlet- Volume No, 48. 8vo. Including: — 1 . Report of the Eleventh Year of the Anglo- Chinese College, with Appendix concerning the Laws of China. Malacca, 1829. 2. Report of the Chinese Mission Station at Malacca. 1830. 3. Report of the Malacca Mission Station and Anglo-Chinese College. 1831. 4. Report of the Anglo Chinese College, with Appendix " Thousand Character Classic." 1831. 5. Report of the Malacca Free School for 1830. 6. Report of the Anglo-Chinese College for 1835. 7. Report of the Singapore Institution Free School, 1837-38, with Minute of Sir S. Raffles. 8. Ditto, ditto, 1838-39. 9 & 10. Reports of the Protestant Mission School in Pinang, for 1851 and 1861. 1 1 . Report of the Protestant Mission School at Malacca. 1828. 12 & 13. Two lists of Selected Characters containing all in the Bible and 27 other books. "W. Gamble. Shanghai, 1865. 14 & 15. Report of the Mission Schools, etc., at Penang, for 1863-64. 16. Report of the Morrison Education Society, 1864-65. Hongkong, 1865. 0,1. 38 CHI CHINESE :— " College,— Reports of Anglo-, Pamphlet- Volume 49. 8vo. Including: — 1. Account of the founding of the Anglo- Chinese College in 1819. 2-9. Eeports of the Anglo-Chinese College, 1825-31, 1834, and 1836. 10 & 11. Keports of the Preparatory School and Theological Seminary, Hongkong, 1850 and 1851. 12-20. Reports of the Morrison Education Society, Hongkong, 1846 to 1848, 1857, 1861 to 1863, 1865, and 1866. 21. Report of the Chinese Mission at Malacca, 1830. 22. Report of the Malacca Mission Station and the Anglo-Chinese College, 1831. 23. Second Annual Report of the Malacca Free School, 1829. 24. First Report of the Benevolent Institu- tion or Christian School for all Nations, opened at Malacca, March, 1834. 25. Report of the Malacca Free School for 1835 and 1836. 26 & 27. Reports for 1868 and 1869 of the Chinese Vernacular Schools. 28-32. Reports of the Chinese Vernacular Schools for 1870 to 1872, 1873-74, and 1874-75. 33. Report of the Berlin Foundling Institu- tion at Hongkong, for 1867-68. 0.1. — Colloquial Language, commonly called the Mandarin Dialect, — Grammar of the — . J. Edkins. Shanghai, 1857. 8vo. N, 3. -4foo 2nd edition. Shanghai, 1864. 4to, N, 3. — Commercial Guide. J. R. Morrison, Canton, 1834. Pam.-Vols. 12 and 15 : N, 6. ^/so 3rd edition. Canton, 1848. 8vo. a, 4. — Conversations, translated from native authors, Shanghai, 1852. 8vo. N, 3. — Coolies in Cuba, Article from the Colonial Intelligencer, August, 1876. Pam.-Vol, 68 : 0, 5. Corean and Japanese Languages, — Translation of a Comparative Vocabulary of the — , to which is added the Thousand Character Classic. Philo Sinensis (C. Gutzlaff). Batavia, 1835. 8vo, 0, 3. — Costumes ; painted by Patqua. Canton. Scrapbook No. 1. X, 1. — Courtship. In verse. P, P. Thorns. London, 1824. 8vo. 0, 1. — Currency, Coin, and Paper Money. W. Vissering, London, 1877. 8vo. Q, 4. — Customs and Manners in 1811-12, Sketches taken on the spot, etc. G. Wilkinson. Bath, 1 8 14, 8vo, ft, 4. CHINESE :— , Deathblow to Corrupt Doctrines, a Plain Statement of Facts, translated from the — . Shanghai, 1870. 8vo. In case. 0, 5. Also the same tract in Chinese, Dialect spoken in Hainan, The Phoenix, December, 1870, R. Swinhoe, London, 1 Si o. 4to. 0, 6. Dialogues, Questions, and Familiar Sentences, literally rendered into English. W, H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1%^/^. 8vo. A, 1. — Dialogues to Assist Beginners, W. H, Medhurst, Shanghai, 1844. 8vo. N, 3. — Dictionary, — "Basterdt "Woorden , " En glish, French, German, and Chinese. MS. Fol. M, 1. in the Cantonese Dialect. E. J. Eitel. Pt. i: A-K. London Sf Hongkong, iS-jy. 8vo. N, 3. : of the Chinese Language. R. Morrison. Reprinted. Shanghai^ London, iS6$. 2 vols, 8vo, N, 3. : of the Hok-keen Dialect of the Chinese Language, W, H. Medhurst. Macao, 1832, 4to. N, 3. Also Medhurst's private copy. M, 2. -, Syllabic — , of the Chinese Language, arranged according to the Wu-fang Yuen Yin, with the pronunciation of the characters as heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. S. Wells Williams. 2nd edition. Shanghai, 1896. 4to. N, 1. Also Index to ditto, arranged according to Sir T. Wade's system of orthography, by James Acheson. Hongkong Sf Shanghai, 1879. 8vo. N, 1. Tonic — , of the Chinese Language in the Canton Dialect. S. Wells Williams. Canton, 1856. 8vo, N, 3. — Diet, Dress, and Dwellings of the — , in relation to health, J, Dudgeon, London. 8vo. ft, 5. — Discoveries in — , or the Symbolism of the Principal Characters of the Chinese System of Writing, S, P. Andrews. New York, 1854. 8vo. 0, 3. — Dispensary, See Chinkiang. — do not call Europeans Barbarians, — Remarks on the rendering * barbarian,' showing that the — , London, 1851, Pam.-Vols, 19 : N, 6 ; and 45 : 0, 1, — Documents contain Insulting Language, — Refutation of the Arguments contained in the seven official documents transmitted by Her Majesty's Government at Hongkong, who maintain that the — . P, P. Thoms, London, 1853, Pam.-VoL 19: N, 6, CHI 39 CHINESE :— Dress and Manners of the — . 50 plates. London, 1814. 4to. Easy Lessons in — . Adapted to the Canton Dialect. S. Wella Williams. Macao, 1842. 8vo, N, 3. — Elementary Characters, — An Explanation of the — . J. Hager, London, 1801. Fol. M, 1. — Elementary Lessons in — . A. Foster. London, 1887. 8vo. N, 3. — Emhassy, — Plates to the — . London, 1796. \_See China, — Authentic Account, etc.] Y, 1. — to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars, 1712-15,— Narrative of the—. By tlie Chinese Ambassador. Translated by G. T. Staunton. London, 1821. 8vo. 0, 2. — Empire, — British relations with the — . London, 1832. Pam.-Vols. 25 : N, 6 ; and 52 : 0, 1. Historical, Geographical, and Philo- sophical view of the — . W". Winterbotham. London, 1795. Bvo. N, 4. ^^so 2nd edition. London, ijg^. Svo. N, 4. ■ in 1849, — Notes on the Condition and Government of the — . T. F. Wade. Peking Gazette, 1849. Pam.-Vols. 13, 14, and 25 : N, 6. '857- in its foreign relations. R. Alcock. Pam.-Vols. 24 and 29 : N, 6. See Indo-China. Sequel to recollections of a journey through Tartary and Thibet. M. Hue. New- edition. Maps. London, 1854. Svo. Q, 5 — : English and Chinese Dictionary. W. H Medhurst. Shanghai, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. N, 3 — , Essays on the Intellectual Life of the — . Hanlin Papers. W. A. P. Martin. London, 1880. 8vo. N, 5, — Expedition, — Six months with the — Lord Jocelyn. London, 1841. 8vo. 0,3, , The late — , See Doings in China. Fragment, — An Inquiry into the present state of Beligion in England. London, 1786. 8vo. 0, 2. Furniture and Lanterns, painted by Patqua. Canton. Scrapbook No. 3. X, 1. Gardening ; (Dissertation on Oriental Gardening). W. Chambers. 2nd edition. London, 1773. 4to, M, 2. • Government on Missions, — Analysis of the circular of the—, June, 1871. C. Douglas and others. 2nd edition. Pam.-Vols. 4 and 22 : N, 6. CHINESE :— Grammar, — Notices of—. Part i. Philo Sinensis [C. Gutzlaff]. Batavia, 1842. Svo. N, 3. Green Dye, — On the Manufacture of the — . M. Helot. 1857. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Historical Summary of the different versions of the Scriptures in — . W. Muirhead. Pam.-Vol. 65 : 0, 5. -History, — Ancient and Modern. C. Gutzlaff. Maps. London, 1834. 2 vols. Svo. N, 4. , Eastern Anecdotes of Exemplary Characters, with Sketches of — . London, 1 799. Svo. 0, 3. Hospital at Shanghai, — Statement re the building of the — , and Reports from 1847-48 to 1857. Pam.-Vols. 36 and 37 : 0, 1. See Amoy. See Peking. See Tientsin. — Hushandry. C. G. Eckeberg. See in vol. China and tlie East Indies. 0, 2. 1771. - Account of — . J. R. Foster. London, 2 vols. 0, 2. — Imperial Thesaurus,— On the meaning of the word ' Shin ' in the—. Translated by W. H. Medhurst. Pam.-Vols. 4 & 6 : N, 6 ; and 42 : 0, 1. — - Insurgents, — Critical Review of the Books of the-.. W. H. Medhurst. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. — Insurrection, — Connection between Foreign Missionaries and the — . See Pamphlets issued by the Chinese Insurgents. Summary of the — . 1885. Pam.-Vol. 24 N, 6. — Intellectual Life of the — . See Hanlin Papers. — , Is our War with the Tartars or the—. John Scarth. London, i860. Pam.-Vol. 26 : N, 1. — Junk "Keying,"— Description of the — . London, 1848. Pam.-Vol. 55 : 0, 1. — *' Language." Pamphlet- Volume No. 10. Svo. Including : — 1. Dissertation sur le nora Antique et Hieroglyphique de la Indee, etc. C. de Paravey. Paris, 1836. 2. Observations sur quelque points de la doctrine Samaneenne, et en particulier sur les noras de la Tirade Supreme chez les differens peuples Bouddhistes. Abel-Remusat. Paris, 1831. 3. Lettre ^ M. le Redacteur du Journal Asiatique. Stanislas Julien. 4. Origin of Paper-Money. J. Klaproth. London, 1823. 40 CHI CHINESE :— 5. Esquisse du Sy-yu, on dea Paysal'Ouest de la Chine. Traduite par Louis Lamiot. 1832. 6. Lettres de M. Lamiot, Missionnaire Lazariste en Chine. Paris, 1852. 7. Lettre a M. Robert Thom. Extrait du Journal Ai^iat (que. S. Julien. 1844. 8. Caracteres Chinois, graves sur poinqons d'acier. L. Legrand. 1836. 9. Kapport sur uiie version Chinoiso des Fables d'Esopc publiee a Canton par M. Thom. Bazin, aine. 1843. 10. Fragmens Bouddhiques. J. Klaproth. 1831. IL Memoire sur les Principes Generaux du Cliinoise Vulgaire. M. Baziu. Paris, 1845. 12. Lectures on the nature and structure of the Chinese language. Samuel Kidd. London, 1838. 13. Remarks on the Indian languages of North America. John Pickering. 1836. N, 6. Language and Literature. Lecture by J. Summers. London, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Beginner's First Book in the — , (Canton Vernacular). LLongkong, 1847. ^^^• N, 3. — Dialogues and detached sentences in the — . Macao, 1816. 8 vo. ft, 4. Dictior'ary of the — . R. Moriison. Reprinted. Shanghai Sf London, i%6^. 2 vols. 8vo. N, 3. Dictionary (Syllabic) of the — , arranged according to the Wu-fang Yuen Yin, with the pronunciation of the characters as heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. S. W. Williams. 2nd edition. Shani/hai, iSg6. 4to. N, 1. CHINESE :— — Dissertation on the characters and sounds of the — . Srrampore, 1800. M, 2. Essay on the Nature and Structure T. Myers. London, 1825. 8vo. N, 3. of the- Essay on the need of concise notes, headings, introductions, and preface being added to the Bible in the — . A. Williamson. Shanghai, 1890. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. No. 65 : 0, 6. — Grammar of the Serampore, 181 5. 4to. R. Morrison. P, 2. Also with Notitia Linguae Sinicse. N, 3. Hok-kiien Dialect, — Dictionary of the — . W. H. Medhurst. Macao, iS ^2. 4to. N, 3. Also Medhurst's private copy. M, 2. — Nature and Structure of the — . Lecture by S. Kidd. London, 1838. Pam.-Vols. 1, 10, & 30 : N, 6 ; and 40 : 0, 1. The Primitive- Antiquity of — . See China, — — Language, — Reflexions sur la — . J. de Guignes. Paris, 1807. Pam.-Vol. 17: N, 6. Rudiments of the- London, I S6^. 12mo. See TJnivers, Jas. Summers. N, 3. — Term for the Deity in the — . See Dissertation on the Theology, etc. — Tonic Dictionary of the — , in the Canton Dialect. S. Wells Williams. Canton, 1856. 8vo. N, 3. — Letters, being a Philosophical, Historical, and Ciitical Correspondence between a Chinese Traveller at Paris and his countrymen in China, Muscovy, Persia, and Japan. Translated into English. London, 1741. 12mo. 0, 4. — Library of the Royal Asiatic Society, — Catalogue of the — . Transliterations and translations only. Pam.-Vol. 46 : 0, 1. R. S. Maclay. N^ew Q, 4. — Life among the — . York, 1 86 1. 8vo. — Literature, — Letters on — . Collected and edited by A. Montucci. London, 1804. Pam.-VoL 17 : N, 6. — Notes on — , with Introductory Remarks on the Progressive Advancement of the Art, and a list of translations from the Chinese into various European Languages. A. Wylie. Shanghai ^ London, 1867. Fol. Hx, 1. — Lorchas, Register, Smuggling, etc., — Papers relating to — . P.P. 1841-53. Loudon, 1854. Fol. M, 1. — Manual. Recueil de Phrases Chinoisea. H. Stanley, editor. London, 1854. Fol. M, 2. Maps, — Sundry — . In Scrapbook Y, 1. "Gal way." — Maritime Customs Service from 1871 to 1882, — An Epitome of the Reports of the Medical Officers to the — . C. A. Gordon. London, 1884. 4to. N, 1. — Materia Medica,— Notes on — . D. Hanbury. London, 1862. 8vo. 0,3. Also in Pam.-Vols. 21 : N, 6 ; and 38 : 0, 1. — Observations on a collection of Articles of — , obtained in 1875-76. London, 1877. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0, 6. See Yunnan Mission. — Matters, — Notes by Robert Hart, Inspector General of Imperial Maritime Customs, with Comments by J. Ross Browne. Shanghai, 1869. 8vo. M, 1. Medical Missions, — First Report of the Glasgow Association in aid of the — . 1846. Pam.-Vol. 36 : 0, 1. cni 41 CHINESE :— , Medical Vocabulary, in English and — . B. Hobson. Shanghai, 1858. Para. -Vol. 4 : N, 6. — , Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the — , giving a list of their publications and obituary notices of the deceased. With copious Indexes. A. Wylie. Shanghai, 1867. 8vo. N, 2. Midwifery. — Article on W. Lockhart's translation of a treatise on — . Dublin Journal of Medical Science. Pam.-Vols. 35 and 38 : 0, 1. — Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the — . London, i-jbi. 2 vols. 8vo. 0, 6. - "Miscellany." Pam.-Vol. No. 6. 8vo. Designed to illustrate the Government, Philosophy, Keligion, Arts, Manufactures, Trade, Memorial Customs, History, and Statistics of China. Including : — 1. A glance at the Interior of China, obtained during a journey through the silk and green tea districts taken in 1845. 2. The Chinaman Abroad, or a desultory account of the Malayan Archipelago, particu- larly of Java. Ong-tae-hae. Translated. Shanghai, 1849. 3. Dissertation on the Silk Manufacture and the Cultivation of the Mulberry. Translated from the works of Tseu - Kwang - K'He. Shanghai, 1849. 4. General Description of Shanghai and its Environs. Shanghai, 1850. 5. On the true meaning of the word ' Shin ' in the Chinese Imperial Thesaurus. Translated by W. H. Medhurst. 6. An Inquiry into the proper mode of translating ' Ruach ' and ' Pneuma.' W. H. Medhuist. N, 6. Miscellany; consisting of Original Extracts from Chinese Authors, in the Native Character, with translation and philological remarks. R. Morrison. London, 1825. 4to. M. 1. Mission in London, — Annual Report for 1889. London. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 5. Station at Malacca, — Reports for 1830 and 1831. Pam.-Yol. 47 : 0, 1. — Missionary Gleaner, 1851-54. 8vo. 0, 5. — Missions. See Morrison, — Robert — . — See under Missions. Monopoly [of the East India Company] examined. London, 1830. Para. -Vol. 8 : N, 6. — Moral Maxims. Hien Wun Shoo. J. F. Davis. London Sf Macao, 1823. 8vo. ft, 4. — Moths and Butterflies. Painted by Patqua. Canton. Scrapbook No. 1. X, 1. — Musical Notation. E. W. Syle. 1858. Pam.-Yol. 5 : N, 6. CHINESE :— New Testament, — Correspondence on the Version of the—. 1 848. Para.-Vol. 19 : N, 6. Novel, Hwa-tsien-ki. See Flowery Scroll. — Two Fair Cousins, from the French of Abel-Remusat. London, 1830. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. N, 5. — Novels, translated from the originals, to which are added Proverbs and Moral Maxims. John Francis Davis. London, 1822. 8vo. N, 4. — Numismatics. John Williams. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 29 : N, 6. — Official Language, — Mistranslation of — . P. P. Thorns. JVestmcnster Review. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. — on the Plain of Shinar. T. McClatchie, London, 1855. Pam.-Vol. 29 : N, 6. — " On the Word ' God ' in— ; Vol. i." Pamphlet- Volume No. 41. 8vo. Including : — 1. An Essay on the proper rendering of the words ' Elohim ' and ' Theos ' into the Chinese Language. W. J. Boone. Canton, 1848. 2. A dissertation on the Theology of the Chinese with a view ... to the most appropriate term for expressing the Deity in the Chinese Language. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1847. 3. An inquiry into the proper mode of rendering the word 'God' in translating the Sacred Scriptures into the Chinese Language. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1848. 0,1. — <« On the Word ' God ' in— ; Vol. ii." Pamphlet- Volume No. 42. 8vo. Including: — 1. An Inquiry into the proper mode of rendering the word ' God ' in translating the Sacred Scriptures into the Chinese language. G. T. Staunton. London, 1849. 2. Memorial to the British and Foreign Bible Society on a new version. W. H. Medhurst. London, 1836. 3. Documents relating to the proposed new Chinese translation of the Holy Scriptures. 4. Remarks on the Memorial to the British and Foreign Bible Society. Samuel Kidd. London, 1836. 5. Reply to the Essay of Dr. Boone on the proper rendering of the words ' Elohim ' and ' Theos.' W. H. Medhurst, J. Stronach, & W. Milne. Canton, 1848. 6. Some Thoughts on the proper term to be employed to translate ' Elohim ' and ' Theos ' into Chinese. By an American Missionary in China (S. Doty). Shanghai, 1850. 7. Reply to the few plain questions of a Brother Missionary. "W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1848. 8. On the true meaning of the word ' Shin ' in quotations from the Chinese Imperial Thesaurus. Translated by W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1849. 42 CHI CHINESE:— 9. An Inquiry into the proper mode of translating * Kuach ' and ' Pneuma.' W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1850. 10. An Argument for Shang Te as the proper rendering of ' Elohim ' and ' Theos,' Jas. Legge. Hongkong, 1850. 11. Letters on the rendering of the name * God ' in the Chinese Language. Jas. Legge. SongTiong, 1850. 12. Sermon on the death of the Rev. Samuel Dyer, Missionary to the Chinese, J. Stronach. Singapore, 1843. 0, L ^ " On the Word ' God ' in— ; Vol. iii." Pamphlet- Volume No. 43. 8vo. Including: — 1. Defence of an Essay on the proper rendering of the words ' Elohim ' and ' Theos.' W. J. Boone. Canton, 1850. 2. The notions of the Chinese concerning God and Spirits, etc., with examination of the foregoing. J. Legge. Hongkong, 1852. 3. Extracts from the Evangelical Magazine. Beview of Dr. Legge's two pamphlets on the word ' God.' 4. Letter of W. H. Medhurst, J. Stronach, and W. Milne on the Chinese version of the Scriptures, August 1, 1851. 5. Strictures on ' Papers relating to the Chinese version of the Scriptures.' W. H. Medhurst, J. Stronach, & W. Milne. Shanghai, June 16, 1852. 6. Vindication of Comments on the transla- tion of Ephesians i. W. J. Boone. Canton, X852. 7. Beply to the Strictures in No. 5 above. M. S. Culbertson. Canton, 1852. 8. Report regarding the Chinese Union at Hongkong, 1851. 9. Remarks on the best term for ' God,' etc. L. B. Peet. Canton, 1852. 10. Reply to Dr. Boone's Vindication (and letter from Dr. Legge). "W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1852. 11. Letter from the Bishop of Victoria on the Chinese version of the Scriptures. Hongkong, August 20, 1851. 12. Remarks on the rendering 'Barbarian,' showing that the Chinese do not call Europeans barbarians. P. P. Thorns. London, December, 1851. 13. Observations on No. 12 above. H. Parkes. Canton, June, 1852. 0.1. Origin of the — . John Chalmers. Hongkong, 1866. Pam.-Vol. 4: N, 6. Philosophical Dissertations on the Egyptians and — . Translated from the French of M. de Paux by J. Thomson. London, 1795. 2 vols. 8vo. Q,, 6. Pictures of the — , drawn by themselves. Described by R. H.. Cobbold. Plates. London, i860. 8vo. ft, 4. Poetry of the — . John F. Davis. New edition. London, 1870. 4to. N, 1. CHINESE :— Polytechnic Institution and Reading Eooms. Shanghai, iSjs- Pam.-Vol. 70 : 0, 5. Popular Literature, -^ Horae Sinicae ; translated from — . London, 1812. 8vo. ft, 5. ■ — Potato. J. Henderson. London, 1855. Pam.-Vol. 20 : N, 6. — Presbyterian Mission at Singapore. Report, October, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 69: 0, 5. Principles of Composition in — . A paper contributed to the Royal Asiatic Society by J. Legge. 1879. 8vo. Pam.-VoL 73 : 0, 6. Printed Books, MSS., and Drawings, in the Library of the British Museum, — Catalogue of the— . R.K.Douglas. London, iSjj. 4to. Hx, 1. — Proverbs, — A Collection of — . W. Scar- borough. Shanghai, 1875. 8vo. ft, 3. — ftuestion, — A Foreigner's Evidence on the — . London, 1859. Pam.-Vols. 24 and 25 : N, 6. ftuestion of Terms Simplified; or the meanings of 'Shan,' 'Ling,' and ' Ti ' in- made plain by induction. John Chalmers. Canton, 1876. Pam.-Vol. 65: 0, 5. Radicals, etc., with Meanings and Pro- nunciation in the Court, Canton, Hokkeen, and Tiechin Dialects. MS. Fol. P, 1. Rebel Chief, Hung-Siu-Tsuen, and the Origin of the Insurrection in China. Theodore Hamberg. London, 1855. 8vo. 0, 3. — Rebellion. Rev. Griffith John's Experience of the Insurgents. Canton, 1861. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. — Rebels, — Religion of the — . Article. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. — Recorder and Missionary Journal. S. L. Baldwin and J. Doolittle, editors. Vols, i-iv, Foochow; vols, v onwards, Shanghai. Vols. ii-xxvii, 1869-96. 26 vols. 8vo. A, 6. Wanting Yo\. i; Nos. 9 of 1893, and 5 of 1894 ; and Title and Index to Vols, viii, xxi, xxiii, and xxvii. — , Religion in China, containing a brief account of the throe religions of the — . Joseph Edkins. 2nd edition. London, 1878. 8vo. ft, 4. — , Religious Condition of the — . Joseph Edkins. London, 1859. 12mo. 0, 3. — Report of the Medical Missionary Society's Hospital, Canton. Pam.-Vol. 38 : 0, 1. Repository. E. C. Bridgman, J. G. Bridgman, & S. W. Williams, editors. Canton, 1832-51. 20 vols. 8vo. A, 5. Researches. A.Wylie. Shanghai, iSgj. Svo. A, 1. CHI 43 CHINESE :— Revolution, the causes which led to it, etc. London, 1853. 12mo. 0,4. with details of habits, manners, and customs, etc. C. Macfaiiane. London, 1853. 12mo. 0, 1. — , Roman Catholic Proclamation against Protestants. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. ; Russo-Chinese Grammar; Kataiskaya Grammatika. B, Hyacinth. St. Peterslurg, 1838. 4to. M, 2. •; Russo-Chinese Intercourse, — A Sketch of — . From the New Englander and Tale Jieview, May, 1891. F. W. Williams. Pam.-Vol. 74: 0, 5. — Scenes and People. Jane R, Edkins. London, 1863. 8vo. 0, 3. — Schoolbooks Romanized. No. 1 : The Three- Charactered Classic. B. Jenkins. Shanghai, i860. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 74 : 0, 6. Scriptures, — Documents relating to the proposed new translation of the — . Pam.-Vol. 42 : 0, 1. Historical Summary of the different versions of the — . W. Muirhead. Pam.-Vol. 65 : 0, 6. Memorial on a new version of the — . W. H. Medhurst. London, 1836. Memorial on translating the Holy Scriptures in Chinese. W. Moseley. Coventry and London. Pam.-Vol, 22 : N, 6. Remarks on the Memorial to the British and Foreign Bible Society, on a new version of the — . S. Kidd. Pam.-Vol. 46 : 0, 1. " Scriptures,— Revision of." Pamphlet-Volume No. 65. 8vo. Including : — 1. Gospel of Matthew in Chinese with proposed revisions. W. H. Medhurst. 2. The National Religion of China as illus- trative of the proper word for translating * God ' into the Chinese language. Bishop of Victoria. Shanghai, 1853. 3. The question of terms simplified. J. Chalmers. Canton, 1876. 4. The controversy among the Protestant Missionaries on the proper translation of the words ' God ' and * Spirit ' into Chinese. S. W. "Williams. Andover, 1878. 5. Letter to Professor Max Miiller, chiefly on the translation into English of the Chinese terms ' Tl ' and ' Shang Ti.' J. Legge. London, 1880. 6. Historical Summary of the different versions. W. Muirhead. 7. On the need of concise notes and headings, introductions, and preface. A. Williamson, }890. 8. Resolutions of the Shanghai Conference on editorial matters, with remarks by Dr. Wright. Shanghai, 1890. CHINESE :— 9. Dr. Wright at the Shanghai Conference. Letter to Chinese Recorder, July, 1890. A. Foster. 10. The two official organs of the Shanghai Conference on the pamphlets of Dr. Wright and Mr. Archibald. London, 1890. 0,5. See Chuang Tzti. See Dyer, S. See English and Chinese students assisted. See English and Chinese Vocabulary. See ' God.' See Tien-tsin, — Hospital at — . See Missions to China. See Opium. See Shanghai, — Hospital at — . — Sing-pu Massacre, — Official dispatches respecting — . LLankaw, 1893. 0, 5. — Sketches. Herbert A. Giles. London, 1896. 8vo. Q, 4. — Social Life of the — . Justus Doolittle. Plates. New York, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. ft, 4. — - Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge among the — . Sixth Annual Report. Shanghai, 1893. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 5. Some Reasons for thinking that the Greek language is borrowed from the — . Pam.-Vol. 63 : 0, 5. Speaker. R. Thom. Ningpo, 1846. 8vo. N, 1. — Spoken Language, — Progressive lessons in — . J. Edkins. Shanghai, iSSz. 8vo. N, 3. State Papers, — Authentic — , Portfolio Chinensis. Translator, J. L. Shuck. Macao, 1840. Pam.-VoL 67: 0, 6. Struggle, — Letter on the — . I. J. Roberts. 1852. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 13 : N, 6. Sub-Committee. See Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society. Surgical Practice among the, — Notes of — . P. Parker. Edinburgh, 1846. Pam.-Vol. 36 : 0, 1. System of "Writing, — Symbolism of the primitive characters of the — . S. P. Andrews. New York ^ London, 1854. 8vo. 0, 3. — , The—; Book for the Day. T. Phillips. London, 1854. 8vo. 0, 4. General description of the Empire of China and its inhabitants. F. Davis. Plates. London, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. ft, 4. 44 CHI CHINESE :- , The — , Vindicated. Reply to " The Opium Question, by S. Warren." T. H. Bullock. London, 1840. Pam.-Vol. 8: N, 6. -, Theology of the — . Dissertation with a view to the most appropriate term for expressing the Deity in the Chinese language. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, iS^j. 8vo. N, 4. Also in Pam.-Vol. 41 : 0, 1. Topography. An Alphabetical List. From the Chinese Repository. Canton, 1 844. Bvo. 0, 2. Tract on the English method of Vaccination. G. L. Staunton. Pam.-Vol. 35 : 0, 1. on Vaccination. Dr. Kerr. Canton, i860. Pam.-Vol. 38: 0, 1. — ''Tractsby S. Kidd." Pamphlet- Volume No. 46. 8vo. Including : — 1. Lecture on Nature and Structure of the Chinese Language. London, 1838. 2. Keport of the Anglo-Chinese College, and Appendix with translation of the Thousand Character Classic. 1831 (?). 3. Remarks on the Memorial to the British and Foreign Bible Society on a new version of the Chinese Scriptures. 4. Catalogue of the Chinese Library of the Royal Asiatic Society ; transliterations and translations only. 0,1. — Tragedy. See Han koong tsen. — Translation from the — , Traite complet de Part de compter, par M. Biot. Article in Journal Asiatique, Mars, 1839. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. of Theological terms. L. B. Peet. Fuchau, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 51: 0, 1. Translations from the Original — , with notes. Canton, 181 5. Pam.-Vol. 2: N, 6. Traveller — , History and account of China, with a life of Confucius. 2nd edition. London, 1775. 2 vols. 12mo. A, 1. at Paris and his Countrymen, — Philosophical, Historical, and Critical Corre- spondence between — . See Chinese Letters. — Turkestan. See The Russians in Central Asia. — Type ; Specimens from the American Presbyterian Press. Macao, 1844. Pam.-VoL 11: N, 6. — Union at Hongkong — , Report. Hongkong, 1851. Pam.-VoL 43: 0, 1. — Utensils. See Buildings. — Vases of the Shang Djmasty, from B.C. 1743 to 1476, — Dissertation on the — . P. P. Thoms. London, 1851. Bvo. ft, 4. CHINESE :— ■ Vernacular Schools, Malacca, Reports from 1868 to 1874-75. — Version of John i, — Critical remarks on the Delegates'^. G. Tomlin. London, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 30 : N, 6. — Version of the Bible, — Proceedings relating to the—, Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. — Version of the Scriptures, — Letter by G. Smith, Bishop of Victoria, on the — . Hongkong, 1851. Pam.-Vol. 43: 0, 1. Letter by W. H. Medhurst, J. Stronach, & W. Milne. Shanghai, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. — Letter by W. H. Medhurst, J. Strunach, & W. Milne, on the—. 1851. Pam.-Vol. 43 : 0, 1. — Reply to Strictures on Papers relating to the—. M. S. Culbertson. Canton, 1852. Pam.-VoL 43: 0, 1. — Strictures on the remarks contained in Papers relating to the — . W. H. Medhurst, J. Stronach, & "VV. Milne. Shanghai, 1852. Pam.-Vols. 4 : N, 6; and 43: 0, 1. War ; An account of the Operations of the British Forces from the commencement to the Treaty of Nanking. John Ouchterlony. London, 1844. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. N, 4. — Widow. Translated from the Chinese by Samuel Birch. London, 1872. 12mo. Pam.-VoL 61 : 0, 6. — Works, — Eclipses recorded in — . Article. A. Wylie. Pam.-Vol. 67 : 0. 6. — Worthies. See Lo-han. — Writing and Texts, — History of the Archaic — . A. T. de Lacouperie. London, 1882. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. No. 73 : 0, 6. Zoology, — Catalogue of the Mammals of China and of the island of Formosa. R. Swinhoe. London, 1870. Bvo. 0, 1. Chinesen, — Abhandlungen Sinesischer Jesuiten, uber Geschichte .... der — . Christoph Meiners. Band i. Leipzig, 1778. Bvo. N, 4. Chinesi, — Conformita dell a ceremonie — , colla Idolatria Greca e Romana. Colonia, 1701. 12mo. N, 5. Chinesische Chronologia, — Buche — , Zeit Register aller Chinesischen Kayser. C. Mentzel. Berlin, 1696. Black-letter. 4to. N, 5. — Griin oder Lo-kao, — Ueber das — . N. Rondot. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. — Sprache in ihren Rechten als Sprache. Emil Rauteubach. Darmstadt, 1835. 12mo. Pam.-Vol. 63 : 0, 5. CHI 45 Chinesischen llterateur, — Tiber einige der neiisten leistungen iu der — , Heinrich Kurz. Paris, 1830. 8vo. M, 2. Reiches, — Gutzlaff's Geschichte des K. F. Neumann. Stutgart Sf Tubingen, 1847. 8vo. N, 6. und Mandshuischen, — Yerzeichniss der — . Biicher und Handschriften der Koniglichen Bibliothek. Julius Klaproth. Paris, 1822. Fol. M, 1. Chinesischer Biicher, — Verzeichnisseinergrossen anzahl zu Verlianfender acht — . Frankfort 8vo. Paiu.-Vol. 86 : U, 1. Ching. See Dukes. CMng-too. See Account of a journey. Chiniensi, — Rerum Morumqne in Regno — , Maxime Notabilium Historia. J. G. de Mendosa. Antverpia, 1655. 4to. N, 5. Chin-keang-Foo, — Visit to — . Dr. Taylor. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 13 : N, 6. CMnkiang, — Report of the Chinese Dispensary at—, 1864-65. Pam.-Vol. 39: 0, 1. CHINOIS :— Bibliotheca sinica ; Dictionnaire Biblio- graphique des ouvrages relatifs a I'empire — . Henri Cordier. Tome premier, fascicules 1 to 4, 1878-79; tome second, fascicule 1, 1883. Parts, 8vo. U, 1. Caracteres — , graves sur poinqons d'acier. L. Legrand. 1836. Pam.-Yol. 10 : N, 6. , Specimen de lea — . L. Legrand. Paris, 1837. Pam.-Vol. 11 : N, 6. — Catalogue Special de la collection exposee au Exposition TJniverselle, Paris, 1878. Par oidre du Directeur General des douanes. Shanghai, 1878. 4to. 0, 1. — Dictionnaire des noms anciens et modernes des Villes et Arrondissracnts compris dans I'Empire — . Ed. Biot. Paris, 1842. Svo. N,4. Frangais et Latin. " Publie d'apres I'ordre de sa Majeste I'Empereur et Roi Napoleon le Grand." J. de Guignes. Paris, 1813. 2 vols. ¥o\. M, 2. — Drame de Kao-Tong-Kia : Le Pi-pa-ki, ou I'llistoire du luth. M. Bazio, aine. Paris, 1841. Svo. N, 6. — Ecoles, — I'organization interieure des — . M. Bazin, aine. 1859. Pam.-Vol. 6 : N, 6. — Entretien d'un Philosophe Chretien et d'un Philosophe — . Par I'Auteur de la Recherche de la Verite. Paris, 1708. 12mo. 0,4. — Essai sur la Pharmacie et la Matiere Medicale des — . J. 0. Debeaux. P«m, 1865. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 71: 0, 6. CHINOIS :— Hager's Pantheon — . Article. 1810. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. — Idee generale du Gouveruement et de la Morale des — . D. Silhouette. Paris, 1731. 4to. N, 4. Also in Pam.-Vols. 58 and 59 : 0, 1. — Journal de mon troisieme voyage d'ex- ploration dans I'Empire — . A. David. Paris, 1875. 2 vols. 12mo. 0, 5. — I'Empire — . M. Hue. 2nd edition. Paris, 1854. 2 vols. Svo. N, 5. — Le Fameux — . M. du Bail. Paris. Svo. 0,4. — Lettre sur les Caracteres—. Pere * * * *, Avec figures. Bruxelhs, 1773. Q, 3. — Livres — . See Catalogue de Bibliotheque. Sacres des — , le Chou-king. J. de Guignes. Paris, 1770. 4to. N, 1. Memoire sur divers Mineraux appartenant k la collection du Jardin de Roi — . E. Biot. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. 1' Organization interieure des Ecoles — . M. Bazin, aine. Journal Asiatique, January, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. — Memoires concernant I'histoire, les sciences, les artes, les moeurs, les usages, etc., des — . Par les Missionnaires de Pekin. Paris, 1776 to 1 8 14. 16 vols. 4to. N, 2. Also Second supplement, sur le Nouveau Monde. Paris, 1786. Svo. 0, 2. Also Troisieme supplement, contenant Etat Civil, Politique, et Commergant du Bengale. Paris, 1 1%%. 2 tomes. Svo. T, 3. — Methode pour DechifBrer et Transcrire les noms Sanscrits, qui se rencontreut dans les livres — . S. Julien. Paris, 1S61. 8vo. d, 3. — Nouvelles Decouvertes des Russes entre I'Asie et I'Amerique, avec I'histoire de la conquete de la Siberie, et du commerce des Russes et des — . Traduit de I'Anglois de W. Coxe. Pam, 1781. 4to. R, 4. — Observations Mathematiques, Astro- nomiques, Geographiques, Chrouologiques, et Physiques, tiree des anciens livres — , ou faites nouvellement aux Indes et a la Chine. E. Souciet. Paris, 1729. 4to. N, 1. — Planisphere Celeste — ; avec des Explica- tions, le Catalogue alphabetique des Etoiles, et la suite de toutes les cometes observees a la Chine depuis I'an^ 613 avant J. C. jusqu'd. I'an 1222 de I'Ere Chretienne, tirees dea livres Chinois. M. Deguines le fils. Paris, 1782. 4to. M, 2. — Recompenses et des Feines — Le livre des — . Traduit du Chinois par A. Remusat. Paris, 1 8 16. Pam.-Vol. 17 : N, 6. 46 CHI— CHO CHINOIS :— Resume des Principaux Traites — , sur la Culture des Muriers, et I'education des Vers a sole. Stanislaus Julien. Paris, 1837. 8vo. 0,2. Roman — . See Erh tou mei. See Catalogue des livres — . See Invariable Milieu. — sont une Colonie Egyptienne, — Memoire dans lequel on prouve que las — . J. de Guignes. Parin, 1760. 12mo. 0, 6. Also in Pam.-Yol. 57 : 0, 1. — Theatre — , ou Choix de pieces de Theatre composee sous les Empereurs Mongols. Traduite par M. Bazin, aine. Paris, 1838. 8vo. N, 4. Traite des Edifices, Meubles, Habits, Machines, et Utensiles des — . Graves par W. A. Chambers. Paris, 1776. 4to. X, 1. Vert de Chine, — Notice du — , et de la teinture en vert chez les — . Natalis Kondot. Paris, 1858. 8vo. N, 4. CHINOISE :— Chronologie, — Traite de la — . Pere Gaubil. Paris, 1 8 14. 4to. N,4. — Essai sur la langue et la litterature — , par A. Eemusat. J. D. Lanjunais. Paris, 181 1. Bvo. 0, 1. Also in Para.-Yol. 33 : 0, 1. et Egyptienne, — ficriture — . See Sinico ^gyptiaca. — et Mandchone, — Programme du cours de Langue et de Litterature — . Abel Remusat. Paris, 1815. Pam.-Vol. 52: 0, 1. — Qrammaire, — Elemens de la — . A. Eemusat. Paris, 1822. Bvo. N, 3. Also Paris, 1857. 8vo. N, 3. — La Balance — ; ou lettres d'un Chinois ; lettre sur I'education. Amsterdam Sf Leipzig, 1763. 12mo. 0, 6. — Lettre a M. Abel Remusat sur le . . . genie de la langue — . G. de Humboldt. Paris, 1827. Bvo. 0, 1. — de Pekin, sur la genie de la langue — . Par un Pere de la Compagnie de Jesus, Missionnaire ^ Pekin. Bruxelles, 1773. 4to. 0, 1. — Lettres de Missionnaires Etrangeres au Pape sur le Decret centre les Idolatries — . 17 10. Pam.-YoL 57: 0, 1. — ou Correspondance, Philosophique, Historique, et Critique, etc., d la Chine. Nouvelle edition. 6 vols. {tol. ii wanting). La Haye, i']$S' IBmo. 0,6. CHINOISE :— Notice des Ouvrages Elementaires MSS. sur la langue — , qui possede la bibliotheque nationale. L. Langles. Paris, 1800. Pam.-Vols. 17 : N, 6; and 52 : 0, 1. ■ Porcelaine, — Histoire et fabrication de la — . ^.i\il\en,traduct6ur. Paris, li^b. 8vo. N, 4. — See Esope. — Tartarie — . See Chine et Tartarie. Vulgare, — Manuel Pratique de la — . Louis Rochet. Paris, 184.6. 8vo. N, 3. — Yu le Grand et Confucius, — Histoire — . Soissons, 1769. 4to. N, 1. CHINOISES :— Ceremonies, Conformite des I'idolatrie Grecque et Romaine. Cologne, 1700. 12rao. Pam.-Yol. 58 : 0, 1. — Decret de la Pape Clement XI, centre les — . Pome, 17 10. Pam.-Yols. 33 : N, 6 ; and 57 : 0, 1. — Essai sur la Langue et la Litterateur — . Abel Remusat. Paris, 181 1. Bvo. 0,4. — " Lettres sur les Superstitions — ." Con- taining : 1. Memorie Istoriche della Controversia de' culti Chinesi ; Lettera de Signiori Superiori e Direttori del Seminario delle Missioni Straniere di Parigi al Sonimo Pontifice Inocenzio XII Intorno alle Idolatrie e Superstizioni della China. 2. Lettre de Messieurs des Missions Etran- geres au Pape. 3. Duo Responsa centum viginti doctorum. 4. Raccolta di varie principali Scritture de' Padri della Compagnia di Giesu, etc. Colonia, 1700. 8vo. 0, 4. — Mesures, Monnaies, et Banques — ; "Peking et la Chine." N. Rondot. Paris, 1864. Bvo. M, 2. — Reflexions generale sur la lettre de Messieurs de Missions Etrangeres touchant les Ceremonies — . Paris, 1700. 12mo. 0, 6. Also in Pam.-Yol. 56 : 0, 1. Voyages de Kang-hi, ou Nouvelles Lettres — . M. de Levis. Paris, 18 10. 2 vols. 12mo. 0, 4. Choisy, L'Abbe de, — Journal du voyage de Siam, fait 1685-86. Paris, ibS-j. 4to. R, 3. ^^so new edition. Trevaux, ij^i, 12mo. R, 3. Journal en suite du voyage de Siam, fait 1685-86. Amsterdam, 1687. 12mo. R, 3. Choromandel. See Malabar en — . CHO— CLE 47 Chou Dynasty, — Stone Drums of the — . Paper read before the North China Branch of the lloyal Asiatic Society, Nov. 18th, 1893, by 8. W. Bushell. London, 1894. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. No. 73 : 0, 5. . See Chinese, — Ceremonial duties of the—. Chou-King, un des livres sacres des Chinois, qui renferme les Fondements de leur Ancienne Histoire, les Principes de leiir Gouvernement et de leur Morale. J. de Guignes. Paris, 1770. 4to, N, 1. Chow, — Books of — . See Chinese Classics, vol. iii, pt. 2. A, 1. Chretienne, — Annales de Philosophic — ; from No. 68, tome xii, to No. 95, tome xvi, 1849. 2nd edition. 8vo. N, 6. See Chine, — Histoire de I'edit — . * Christ or Confucius : which ? Story of the Amoy Mission. John Macgowan. 2nd edition. Many illustrations. London, iHg^. 8vo. A, 3. Christian Congregation in a Heathen Land, — Discourses to a — . John Hobson, British Chaplain at Shanghai. London, 1858. 8vo. 0,3. Christian Devotedness. "Lay not up for yourselves." London Sf Madras, 1828. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 85 : T, 6. Christian Missions, — Support of — . Coventry, 181 5. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 31 : N, 6. Christianisme d'Ethiope et d'Armenie, — Histoire du — . V. la Croze. La Haie, 1739. 8vo. U, 6. See Japon, — Histoire — . Christianity among the Heathen and Moham- medan Nations in all quarters of the World, — Russian accounts of the propagation of — . St. Petersburg, i'6i']. Bvo. T, 2. • and Mohammedanism, — Controversial Tracts on — , by H. Martyn. Translated and ex- plained by S. Lee. Camlridge, 1824. 8vo. T, 3. -, Civil Establishments of — , tried. E,. Wardlaw. Surat, 1835. Pam.-Vol. 30 : N, 6. , Disaffection araons; the natives owlnsr to — . See Observations on the present state of the East India Company. See under China. Christianos, Defensa de los nuevos — , y Missioneros de la China, Japon, y Indias. G. de Parraga. Prima pars, — China. Madrid, 1 690. 16mo. Q,, 6. Christ's Temptation in the Wilderness, — Enquiry into the nature and design of — . H. Farmer. London, 1761. Pam.-Vol. 45 : 0, 1. Chuang Tzu, mystic, moralist, and social reformer. Translated from the Chinese by Herbert A. Giles. London, 1889. 8vo. Q, 4. Church Missionary Society, — Defence of the — . D. Wilson. Liverpool, 18 18. Pam.-Vol. 45 : 0, 1. in China, — Work of the — . London, 1845. Pam.-Vol. 9 : N, 6. Second Eeport on Operations in China, G.Smith. London, I S^-S. Pam.-Vol. 19 : N, 6. Church, — Ueview of a work by C. T. E. Rhenius entitled the — . Tinnevelly, 1834. Pam.-Vol. 85 : T, 6. Universal Extension of the Christian — . A sermon. H. V. Noyes. Canton, 1873. Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. Chusan, — Medical Operations in — . W. Lockhart. See Medical Missionary Society Reports. Topographical account of — . 1841. Pam.-Vols. 1 1 and 25 : N, 6. Cina, — Historia della Compagnia di Giesu la — . Terza parte dell' Asie. Daniello Bartoli. Roma, 1663. Fol. M, 2. Lettera della—, dell' Anno 1601 (?). Claudio Aquanina. Venetia, 1604. 18mo. 0,6. — Lettere del Padre Giacomo Rodella doppo la sua partenza de Lisbona per la — . Milano, 1620. 12mo. 0, 6. — Relatio della Grande Monarchia della — . Alvero Semmedo. Roma, 1643. 4to. 0, 4. See Giesu, — Dell' Historia — . Cinensi, — Epigrafi — , di Quang Ceu ossia della citia Canton. J. Hager. 2nd edition. Milano, 1818. 4to. M, 2. Cinese, — I'Orfano — ; Drama per Musica da Rappresentarsi nel noblissimo teatro di S. Benedetto. Venezia, 1787. 16mo. Pam.-Vol. No. 63 : 0, 5. Circle of Knowledge. See Graduated Reading. Clarke (E. D.). Travels in Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. 1839. /See Standard Library. Classics. See Chinese. Clement XI. Constitution touchantles Ceremonies de la Chine. Pam.-Vol. 57 : 0, 1. Decret centre les Ceremonies Chinoises. 1709. Pam.-Vol. 57: 0, 1. Also in vol. " Affairs in China." Decret sur le Grand Affaire de la Chine. 1700. Pam.-Vol. 57: 0, 1. Also in vol. " Affairs in China." Lettre des Missionnaires des Etrangeres au Pape, 1710. Pam.-VoL 57: 0, 1. — Seconde decret sur I'affaire de la Chine, 25th September, 1710. Pam.-Vol. 57 : 0, 1. — Traduction de la lettre k le Pape — . Pam.-Vol. 57 : 0, 1. 48 CLE— COM Clementum XI, — Epistola episcopi et cleri S. rontii Thomeriarum ad — . 171 1 (?). Pam.-Vol. 57 : 0, 1. Cleyer (Andreas), editor. Specimen Medicinae Sinicaj. Francofurti, 1682. 4to. N, 4. Cobbold (R. H.), — Pictures of the Chinese drawn by themselves ; described by — . Plates. London, i860. 8vo. Q, 4. Cochin and Travancore,— State of the Ohristians in — . lieport by Dr. Kerr. London, 181 3. 0,1. CocMn China, — French in — . Article in the New Monthly Magazine. Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. See China and — . See Voyages and Adventures of F. M. Pinto. — See VoTajjes and Travels, — Collection of — , vol. ii, pp.' 699-743. Voyage to — . John White. London, liz^. 8vo. R, 3. Voyage to — , in the years 1792-93. John Barrow. Plates. London, 1806. 4to. R, 4. Cochin Chine, — Lettres !^difiantes et Curieuses 8'ir la Visite Apostoliqne de M. de la Baume, Evequed'Halicarnasse, ala— , 1740. M. Favre. Venise, 1746. 4to. R, 3. Also Venise, 1753. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 3. — Mission de la — , et du Tonquin. Paris, 1858. Bvo. R, 3. — Eelation de la Nouvelle Mission des Peres de la Compajinie de Jesus au E-oyaume de la — . Traduit de I'ltalien du C. Borri, par A. de la Croix. Lille, 1631. Bvo. R, 3. Relation des Progrez de la Foy au Royaume de la — . M. Saccano. Paris, 1653. 16mo. R, 3. L. E. Louvet. Paris, R, 3. — Religieuse, — La— 1885. 2 vols. Bvo. See Eveques, Vicaires. See Orient, — Martyrs de I'Extreme — . Cochin - Chinensis Flora. J. de Loureiro. Berolini, 1793. 2 vols. Bvo. R, 3. Cochineal Insects, the Varnish and Tallow Trees, White and Ked Lac, and Silkworms, — Correspondence concerning — . Jas. Henderson. Madras, 1791. Pam.-Vol. 20: N, 6. "Cockchafer," — Correspondence respecting an attack on boats of Her Majesty's ship — , by villagers near Swatow. P.P. Londvn, 1869 Fol. M, 1. Cocks (R.), Cape merchant in Japan, 1615-22, — Diary of — . E. M. Tliompson. London, 1883. 2 vols. Bvo. R, 2. Coimbra, — Compendio historico do estado da universidades de — . Lisboa, ij-ji. Bvo. U, 6. Coldstream (John), — Biographical Sketch of — . J. H. Balfour. Udinburffk, 1864. 0, 1. Colle (Sieur), traducleur. Histoire de la Conqueste de la Chine par les Tartares. J. de Palafox. Pans, 1670. 12mo. 0, 4. Colledge (T. R.). Brief account of an Ophthalmic Institution at Macao. Canton, 1834. Pam.-Vol. 34 : 0, 1. Letter on Medical Missionaries. Chinese Repository. Canton, 1836. Pam.-Vol. 34 : N, 6. Medical Missionary Society in China. 1838. Pam.-Vol. 34 : 0, 1. Collie (D.). Abridgement of Sacred History. Malacca, 1826. 16mo. Pam.-Vol. No. 63 : 0, 6. translator. Chinese Classical Work com- monly called the Four Books. Malacca, 1828. Bvo. 0, 2. Collins (Mrs.). China and its People. A book for young readers, by a Missionary's wife. London, 1862. 12 mo. 0, 6. Colonies, — Instruction pour les voyageurs et pour les employes dans les — . Paris, 1827. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. 33 : 0, 1. Columbus, — Select Letters of Christopher—, with other original documents, relating to four voyages to the New World. Translated by 11. H. Major. London, 1847. Bvo. U, 3. Columnse, Fabii, Dissertatione de glossopetris. Editio altera emendatior. See in vol. Cor- poribus Marinis. Momce, iJS^' ^to. U, 1. Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls. 1B84, pt. ii. P.P. London, 1885. Bvo. 0, 5. Compagnie Orientale des Provinces Unies (IloUandoise). See Japon, — Ambassade — . Comte (Louis le). Ceremonies de la Chine. Liege, 1700. 12mo. 0, 4. Compleat History of the Empire of China, being a second edition of Memoirs and Remarks made in above Ten Years' Travels through the Empire of China. London, 1739. Bvo. 0, 2. Lettres d'un Docteur . . . sur les cere- monies de la Chine. Cologne, 1700. 12mo. N, 5. Lettres d'un Docteur sur qui se passe dans les assemblee de la Faculte de Theologie de Paris. Cologne, 1700. 12mo. N, 5. Bound with the preceding work. Memoirs and Remarks made in above Ten Years' Travels through the Empire of China. Ist edition. London, 1738. Bvo. 0,2. CON— COS 49 Condiments, — On the History and Mlfyration of cultivated plants used as — . J. Crawfurd. 1867. Pam.-Vol. 20: N, 6. Conference. See Missionaries of China. See Opium Trade. Conformite des coutumes des Indiens Orientaux. M. de la C * * * *. Jirusselles, 1704. 12rao. T. 6. Confucian Analects ; Great Learning ; and Doctrine of the Mean : being vol, i of The Chinese Classics. James Legge. Hongho^ig and London, 1861. 8vo. A, 1. Confucian Cosmogony of T. MeClatchie. Paper in the China Review. J. Chalmers. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 6. Confucianism in Relation to Christianity. Paper read before Missionary Conference, Shanghai. James Legge. Shanghai Sc London, 1877. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 6. Confucium Fhilosophum Erga, — et progenitoris mortuos, de vitibus Sinensium — . Leodin, 1700. 12mo. 0, 6. Confucius, — LehrhegrifP des — . E. Faber. Hongkong, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 4: N, 6. Life and Morals of — . Edited by Joseph Tela. London, i%i I. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. Also London, 1818. Svo. N, 4. Outline sketches illustrating the life of — . See Chine et Tartaric. Y, 1. — Philosophe de la Chine, — La morale de — . Londres, 1783. ISmo. 0, 6. — See Chinese Traveller. — See Sinarura. — See Yu le Grand et — . — und dem Confucianismus als Einleitung zum Lehrbegriff des Confucius, — Quellenzu — . E. Faber. Hongkong, 1873. Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. "Works of — , with a dissertation on the Chinese language and character. Original text with translation. J. Marshman. Vol. i. Serampore, 1809. 4to. N, 1. Congo, Matamba, et Angolia, — Istorica De- scrittione de tre Regni — . D. Cesare Vipconti. Milano, 1690. 4to. U, 3. Congregational Principles and the duty of teaching them. J.Kelly, i860. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Constance (M.), Premiere ministre du Eoi de Siam, — Histoire de — . Amsterdam, 1756. 12mo. Pam.-Vol. 58: 0, 1. Also Tours ^ Paris, 1690. 12mo. R, 3. Consular Service, — Appointments. London, 1858. Fol. M, 1. Cook and King's Voyages, — Plates to — . London, 1796-97- Y, 1. Cooke (G. Wingrove). China ; being The Times Special Correspondence from China in the years 1857-58. New edition. London, 1859. 8vo. 0, 3. Coptus. See Prodromus. Cordier (Henri). Bibliotheca Sinica. Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatif s a I'Empire Chinois. Tome i in four parts, 1878-79; tome ii, part 1 only, 1883. Paris. 8vo. U, 1. Grammaire Chinoise du F. Varro. Notice dans le Bulletin du Bibliophile et du Collectionneur. Paris, 1877. Pam.-Vol. No. 73 : 0, 6. Life and Labours of Alexander Wylie. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. xix, part 3. Pam.-Vol. 67 : 0, 6. Corea, Ancient and Modern, — History of — . John Boss. Paisley Sf London, 1880. 8vo. a, 6. and the great Loo choo Islands, — Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of — . Basil Hall. London, iSiS. 4to. R, 2. Narrative of a Voyage in Her Majesty's late ship "Alceste" to the Yellow Sea, along the coast of — . John McLeod. London, 1817. 8vo. R, 2. -4 /«o 3rd edition. Londun, 18 19. 8vo. R, 2. See China, Corea, etc. See China, North — , Manchuria, etc. — See Chinese and English Vocabulary of Proper Names. — Trade and Commerce of — . 1885. P.P. 8vo. Report for 0,5. Coree, — Atlas de la — . See Chine et Tartaric. Y, 1. See Orient, — Les Martyrs de I'extreme-^. See San kokf tsou ran to sets. See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — . Vols, xxiv and xxv. Corner (Miss). History of China and India, pictorial and descriptive. Maps and plates. London, 1842. Svo. Q, 4. Cornwallis (K.), Two Journeys to Japan, in 1856-57. Illustrated. London, 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 1. Coromandel. See Viaggio dall' — . Corporibus Marinis lapidescentibus quae defossa reperiuntur. Augustino Scilla. Romee, 1752. 4to. TT, 1. Cossigny (Le Comte C). Voyage h Canton. Paris, 1799. Svo. 0, 2. 4 50 COS— DAL Costa (E. M. la). Katural History of Fossils. U, 1. X, 1. X, 1. Vol. i, part 1. London, ^757- '^^^• Costume. >S(?e China. Zo»^o», 1805. 4to. ■ See Plates of — . Costumes. See Scrapbook No. 2. Cotton Trade. See India. Court Dialect. See Chinese Radicals. Coxe (W.). Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. 3rd edition. London, 1787. 8vo. R, 4. . Les nouvelles decouvertes des Russes, entre I'Asie et I'Amerique; avec I'histoire de la concquete de la Siberie, et du commerce des Russes et des Chinois. Traduit de I'Anglois de M. — . Faris, i-]S I. 4to. R, 4. Craie, — L'Histoire du cercle de — , ou Hoei- lan-ki. S. Julien. London, 1832. 8vo. 0,1. Crantz (D.). History of Greenland. Translated from the High Dutch. 2 vols. London, 1767. 8vo. U, 6. Crassett (Le P.). Histoire de I'Eglise du Japon. 2nd edition. Faris, 1715. 2 vols. 4to. R, 1. ("I'Abbe de T."). The History of the Church of Japan. Translated from the French by N. N. London, 1705 and 1707. 2 vols. 4to. R, 1. Crawford (T. P.). Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and adjacent countries. London, 1856. 8vo. R, 2. . Few thoughts in reply to C. Hartwell on What Term can be Christianized for ' God ' in Chinese. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Crawfurd (J.). History and Migration of Cultivated Plants used as Condiments. 1867. Pam.-Vol. 20: N, 6. Crealoch (Lieut. -Colonel). List of Sketches diawn during the Recent Campaign in China. London. Pam.-Vol. 20 : N, 6. Croix (A. de la), traducteur. Relation de la nouvelle mission des peres de la Compagnie de Jesu au royaume de la Cochinchine. Traduite de I'ltalien du C. Borri. Lille, 1631. 8vo. R, 3. Croze (V. la). Histoire du Christianisme d'Ethiope et d'Armenie. La Saye, iii^. 8vo. U, 2. • Histoire du Christianisme des Indes. La Saye, 1724. 8vo. T, 4. Cuba. See Chinese Coolies in — . Culbertson (M. S.). Darkness in the Flowery Land, or Religious Notions and Popular Superstitions. New York, i^Sl- 12mo. 0, 3. Essay on the Publications of the Tai-ping Insurgents. Canton, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 51 : 0, 1. Papers relating to the Shanghai Revision of the Sacred Scriptures. 1 85 i . Pam.-Vol. 30 : N, 6. Reply to the Strictures on Papers relating to the Chinese Revision of the Scriptures. Canton, 1852. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 19: N, 6. Reply to the Strictures on the Remarks concerning the Translation of Genesis and Exodus. Canton, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 51 : 0, 1. Culin (S.). China in America, a Study of the Social Life of the Chinese. Philadelphia, 1847. 8vo. 0, 1. Cun3mghame (A.). An Aide -de - Camp's Recollections of Service in China. London, 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. N, 5. Currency, Coin, and Paper Money. See Chinese — . Currency Question, — The Great — . Philo Carolus (McDonald). Shanghai, 1856. Pam.-Vol. 29 : N, 6. Curtus (Oracaos). Catechismo de os Principios de Religao. Malacca, 1829. 18mo. Pam.-Vol. 81 : R, 2. Customs, — Letters from the Ho, Imperial Com- missioner, and others, respecting the Foreign — . 1859-60. Pam.-Vol. 24 : N, 6. Imperial Maritime. See China. Customs and Manners, — Sketches of — . G. Wilkinson, Bath, 1814. 8vo. Q,, 6. D. Dabry (P.). Guide des Armees AUiees en Chine. Paris Sf Londres, 1859. 8vo. 0,5. Dabuert (J. C), translator. De Guignes' AU- gemeine Geschichte der Hunnen und Tarten der Mogols und anderer Occidentalischen Tartarn. Greifswald. 1768. 5 vols. 4to. R,4. Daily News and Yokohama Advertiser. May, 24, 1864. P, 1. Dale (R. W.). Funeral Sermon on Rev. J. A. James. London, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 30 : N, 6. Mutual Relations of Physical Science and Religious Faith. Sermon. Birmingham, 1865. Pam.-Vol. 22 : N, 6. Dalquie (F. S.). La Chine d'Athenase Kirchere, traduite en Francais. Amsterdam, 16 yo. Fol. M, 1. DAL— DEN 51 Dalrymple, — Further Statement of the Ladrones on the Coast of China, intended as a continua- tion of the accounts published by Mr. — , London, 1812. 4to. M, 2. Balton (W.). English Boy in Japan, or the Perils and Adventures of Mark Raffles. Plates. London, 1858. 8vo. R, 6. Drake, Cavendish, and — . See Malabar. Dampier. Danish Missionaries Sanisischen Missionarien. tinuatiou des Berichts. See Sechste Con- Dapper (0.), translator. Gedenwaerdig Bedrijf !Nedeilandsche Oost Indische Maetschappye of de Kuste en in het Keizerrijk van Taising of Sina. Amsterdam, 1670. 2 vols, in 1. Fol. M, 2. Naukeurige heschrijvinge der Afrikaensche, etc. 2 vols. Many plates, Amsterdam, 166S. 2 vols. Fol. ' P, 1. Naukeurige beschryving der eilanden, in de Archipel der Middelantsche zee, Amsterdam, 1688. Eol, S, 2. Naukeurige beschryving van gantsch Syria, en Palastyn of Heilige Lant. Amsterdam, 1677. Fol. S, 2. Davenport (Mr.). Eeport on the trade capabilities of the country traversed by the Yunnan Mission, P,P, London, 1877. 8vo. 0,6. David (A.). Journal de mon troisi^mo Yoyage d'Exploration dans I'Empire Chinois. Maps. Paris, 1875. 2 vols. 12mo. 0, 5. Davidson (T.). Some Fossil Brachiopods from Chiua. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 21: N, 6. Davies (Evan). Memoir of the Rev. S. Dyer, sixteen years Missionary to the Chinese. With appendix on Chinese Printing. London, 1846. 8vo, 0,3. Davis (Francis). Chinese Novels translated from the Originals, etc. London, 1S22. Svo. N, 4. Davis (J. F.). Address at Inaugural Meeting of the Asiatic Society of China. Hongkong, 1 847, Pam.-Vol. 12: N, 6. * China. General description of tliat Empire and its inhabitants. New edition. Illustrations. London, iSsj. 2 vols. Svo. A, 2. translator. Han Koon Tseu, or the Sorrows of Han. Chinese tragedy. London, 1829. 4to. M, 2. See also Review of do. in Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. — Hien Wun Shoo ; Chinese Moral Maxims. London Sf Macao, 1823. Svo. CI, 4. — Poetry of the Chinese. New edition. London, 1870. 4to. N, 1. Davis (J. F.), translator. San-yu-low ; or the Three Dedicated Rooms. A tale. From the Chinese. Canton, 181 5. Pam.-Vol. 2: N, 6. — Sketches of China. London, 1841. Svo. 2 vols, (J, 3. The Chinese ; a General Description of the Empire of China and its inhabitants. Plates, London, 1847. 2 vols. Svo. Q, 4. Dawson (R.). London Missionary Society and its Supporters. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Services at the Ordination of — . Lancaster, 1 859. Para.-Vols. 19 and 30 : N, 6. Da Tah. Great Study; Romanized. Pam.-Vol. 74 : 0, 6. De la Baume (M.). See Cochin China, — Lettres Edifiantes. De la Gabelentz (H. C). i^lemens de la Gram- maire Mandchoue. Altenbourg, 1832. Pam.-Vol. 28 : N, 6. De la Graviere (J.). Voyage de la Corvette la Bayonaise dans les mers de Chine ; being the 3rd edition of " Voyage en Chine." 2 tomes. Paris, 1872. 12mo. 0, 6. Voyage en Chine, et dans les mers et Archipels de cet empire, 1847-50. 2 tomes. Svo. Paris, 1853. 0, 6. De la Loubere (M.). Description du Royaume de Siam, 1687-88. Amsterdam, 1691. 2 vols. 12mo. R, 3. New Historical Relation of the King of Siam. Translated from the French by A. P. Gen. Illustrated. London, i6g$. 2vol8.ini. T^ol. p, 2. De I'Isle (M.). Description de la Ville de Peking. Paris, 1765. 4to. 0, 1. * Dean (W.). China Mission. History of the various missions of all denominations among the Chinese. JVetv York, 1859. Svo. A, 2. Debeau (J. 0.). Essai sur la Pharmacie et la Matiere Medicale des Chinoise. Paris, 1865. Pam.-Vol. 71: 0, 5. Degniignes (M. J.). Histoire Generale des Huns, des Turcs, des Moguls, et des autres Tartares Occidentaux, etc. Paris, 1756. 5 vols. 4to. T, 1. "Dei Filio Sibi Dilectis IJniversis Patribus, et Fratribus Ordinis Preedicatorum, — In — ." Title wanting. Nicolavus Rodulfius. 1641. 4to. R, 1. Delhi. See New York to — . Denis (Ferdinand). Resume de I'histoire du liresil et de la Guyane. See in vol. Chine, — Resume de I'histoire de la — . 52 DEN— DEU Sennys (N. B.). Account of the Cruise of the " St. George " on the North American and West Indian Stations, during the years 1861-62. London, 1862. 8vo. U, 3. — Notes and Queries on China and Japan. Vol. i, 1867. Sovgkong, 1867. 8vo. N, 1. * editor. Treaty Ports of China and Japan. 29 maps and plans. London ^ Hongkong, 1867. 8vo. A, 3. Deshautesrayes (L.). Doutes surlaDieseitation de M . de Guignes, qui a pour titre, Memoire dans lequel on prouve que les Chinois sont une Colonic Egyptienne. 1759- Pam.-Vol. 57 : 0, 1. Destitute Sick Foreigners, — Society for the Relief of — . Fourth Annual Report. Hongkong. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 64 : 0, 5. Dickins (F. V.). Life of Sir Harry Parkes, Minister Plenipotentiary to Japan and Chin;i. Map. London, 1894. Vol. ii. 8vo. A, 2. Dickson (W.). Japan ; being a Sketch of the History, Government, and Officers of the Empire. London, 1869. Svo. R, 2. Dictionario. See China. See Portuguez. Dictionarium. See Annamiticum. See Sinense. Dictionary. See Chinese and Arabic. See Chinese Language. See Dutch and Japanese. See English and Cantonese. See Fabulous History. See Favoorlang. See Hok-ke^n. See Samoan. Syllabic (and Index). See Chinese. Tonic. See Chinese Language. Dictionnaire. See Chinois. See Malai. TJniversel. See Orient, — Bibliotheque. Discourses to a Christian Congregation in a Heathen Land. John Hobson, British Chaplain at Shanghai. London, 1858. Svo. 0, 3. Diversity of Languages and Religions through the Cheife Parts of the World, — Enquiries touching the — . Edward Brown. London, 1 6 14. 4to. U, 3. Djougouns Soverains. et Anecdotes. See Japon, Memoires Docteur de I'Ordre de S. Dominique,— Lettre sur les Ceremonies de la Chine. Cologne, 1 700. 12mo. Pam.-Vol. 69: N, 5. Docteur de Sorbonne, — Lettre a Monsieur. 1700. Pam.-Vol. 66: 0, 1. Doctrine of the Mean. vol. i. See Chinese Classics, A, L Doctrines, — Deathblow to Corrupt — . A Plain Statement of Facts, translated from the Chinese. Nevins. Shanghai, 1870. Svo. 0, 6. Also in Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Doeff's Translation of Halma's Dutch and French Dictionary. See Dutch and Japanese. Doolittle (J.). See Chinese Recorder. Plates. — Social Life of the Chinese. York, 1865. 2 vols. Svo. New a, 4. Doty (S.). Some Thoughts on the Proper Term for • Elohim ' and ' Theos.' 1 850. Pam.-Vols. 4 : N, 6 ; and 42 : 0, 1. Douglas (C.) and others. Analysis of the Circular of the Chinese Government on Missions. 2nd edition. London, 1871. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 6. — Memorials of the Rov. — . J. M. Douglas. London, 1877. 8 vo. CI, 5. Reply to the Charges brought against Protestant Missions in China. London, 1869. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 6. Douglas (J. M.). Memorials of the Rev. Carstairs Douglas. London, 1877. Svo. ft, 5. Douglas (R. K.). Catalogue of Chinese printed books, MSS., and drawings in the Library of the British Museum. London, 1877. 4to. S, 2. Language and Literature of China. Two lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. London, 1875. Svo. 0,3. — Life of Jenghiz Khan. Translated from the Chinese. London, i^"]"]. Svo. 0, 3. Review in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July-September, 1894, of " Society in China," by — . London. Svo. Pam.-Vol. No. 66 : 0, 5. Downes (J. J.). Plan of a Provision for the Widows and Orphans of Missionaries. 1848. Pam.-Vols. 5 and 15 : N, 6. Downing (C. T.). Fan-qui in China in 1836-37. London, 1838. 3 vols. 3 plates. 12mo. a, 4. Drake, Cavendish, & Dampier, — Lives and Voyages of — . Edinburgh ^ London, 1831. Svo. U, 3. Dresses. See Chinese Buildings, etc. Drunkenness and Other Vices in the Ranks of the British Army. By a Private of Her Majesty's 55th Regiment. Madras. 1839. Pum.-Vol. 85 : T, 6. DEY— EAS 63 Dryden (J.), translator. Life of St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies, and of Japan. D. Bohurs. London, \ 6%^. 8vo. T, 4. Also Dublin. 8vo. 1812. T, 4. Also Belfast. 12mo. 1837. T, 4. Duckworth (Henry). Artefacta Antequissiraa : Geology of Primeval Man. Liverpool, i85o. Pam.-Yol. 21 : N, 6. Sndgeon (J.). China's Northern Dependencies and Colonial Possessions. Glasgoiv, 1886. Pam.-Yol. No. 66 : 0, 5. Diet, Dress, and Dwellings of the Chinese in relation to Health. London. 8vo. Q, 6. Diseases of China. Glasgow, 1877. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0, 5. Historical Sketch of the Ecclesiastical, Political, and Commercial Relations of Russia with China. Peking, 1872. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. 74 : 0, 6. In Memoriam Mrs, Edkins. 1878 (?). Bvo. Pam.-Vol. No. 72 : 0, 5. Land Question, with lessons to be drawn from Peasant Proprietorship in China. Glasgow, 1886. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. 61 : 0, 5. Duff (Alexander). Address on Foreign Missions. Edinlurgh, 1866. Pam.-Vol. 82: T, 4. * Dukes (E. J.). Every-day Life in China ; or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-kien. 50 illustrations. London Missionary Society's Edition. London. 8vo. A, 3. Dukes Yin, Hwan, Chang, Min, He, Wan, Suen, Ching, & prolegomena; and Dukes Seang, Ch'aou, Ting, & Gae, with Tso's appendix, and the indexes. Vol. v, parts 1 and 2, of the Chinese Classics. James Legge. Hongkong and London, 1872. 2 vols. Bvo. A, 1. Duncan (F.). Article on Illustrations of Infantile Pathology. Pam.-VoL 35 : 0, 1. Duprat (B.), — Catalogue d'une belle collection de livres anciens et modernes provenant de la bibliotheque particuliere de — . Paris, 1865. Bvo. U, 1. Duret (C). Thresor de I'histoire des langues de cest univers. Plates. Cologny, 1613. 4to. T, 2. Dutch and Japanese Dictionary. Compiled by a Japanese from the translation by Doeff of Halma's Dutch and French Dictionary, made between 1804-17. 2 vols, and a section. 4to. R, 1. Dutch East India Company. Collection of Voyages undertaken for the Improvement of Trade and Navigation ; containing several attempts to find out the North-East passage and the discoveries in the East Indies and the South Seas. Translated into English. Zowtfow, 1763. Bvo. T, 4. Dyaks and Formosa, — The Religion of the — . W. Lobscheid. 1862. 3rd edition. Hongkong. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Dyer (S.), — Sermon by J. Stronach on the death of the Rev. — . Singapore, 1843. Pam.-Vols. 3 : N, 6; and 42, 44, & 51 : 0, 1. -, Sixteen years a Missionary to the Chinese,- Memoir of the Rev. — . Evan Davies. (With Appendix on Chinese Printing.) London, 1846. Bvo. 0,3. Dyer (S.) & Stronach (J). Esop's Fables, as translated into Chinese by II. Thom, in Romanized type. Singapore, 1843. Pam.-Vol. 11: N, 6. Dzungaria. See Russians in Central Asia. £. E * * * [M.], traducteur. Histoire de Kara- schatka, des isles Kurilski, et des centres Toisines. 2 vols. From the Russian. Lyon, 1767. 12rao. R, 5. 'E,' — Word used by the Chinese Government to designate Foreigners. T. T. Meadows. Shanghai, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 12: N, 6. East, — British World in the — . A Guide, Historical, Moral, and Commercial, to India, China, Australia, South Africa, etc. Leitch Ritchie. London, 1846-50. 2 vols, in 1. Bvo. T, 2. Recollections of Life in the Far — . W. S. Wetmore. Shanghai, 1894. Pam.-Vol. No. 66 : 0, 6. See Opium,^Traffic in — . East India Company, — Analysis of the Consti- tution of the — . P. Auber. London, 1826. Bvo. T, 3. , Catalogue of the Library of the — , to 1845, with Supplement to 1851. London. Bvo. U, 1. -, Inquiry into the pretensions of the Directors of the — , to the exclusive trade of the Indian and Chinese Seas. London, 18 12. Pam.-Vol. 3 : N, 6. -, Observations on the Present State of the — , with prefatory remarks on the alarming intelligence lately received from Madras as to the general disaffection prevailing amongst the natives of every rank, from the opinion that it is the intention of the British (Government to compel them to embrace Christianity, etc. 3rd edition. London, iSo"]. Bvo. T, 2. — See Chinese Monopoly Examined. East India Company, — Dutch. See Voyages undertaken by the — . 64 EAS— EGY East India Company of the United Provinces, — Atlas Chinensis, being a second part of a relation of Remarkable Passages in Two Embassies from the — , to the Emperor of China. London, iSji. Fol. M, 1. Embassy from the — , to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of China. Englished by- John Ogilby. Fol. M, 1. See Japan, — Atlas Japanensis. East India Gazetteer. See India, — East — . East India Islands. See Indies, — East — . East Indies. See Indies, — East — . Eastern Anecdotes. See Chinese History. Eastern Archipelago, — Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Samarang," 1843-46, employed surveying the Islands of the — , accompanied by a brief Vocabulary of the Principal Languages. E. Belcher. London, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. E, 2. See India, — East, Gazetteer of — . Eastern Islands, — Substance of a Memoir upon the Administration of the — . Stamford Raffles. 1 819. 4to. Pam.-Vol. 33 : 0, 1. Eastern Nations, — Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of — ; originally pre- fixed to a dictionary, — Persian, Arabic, and English. 2nd edition. John Richardson. Oxford, 1778. 8 vo. " T, 2. Eastern Princes, — Transactions with — . See Russia, — The Present State of — . Eckeberg (C. G.). An Account of Chinese Husbandry. See China and the East Indies. Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society, — Account of Meeting, January 13th, 1846. Pam.-Vol. 36 : 0, 1. Also Report of the Chinese Sub-Committee. Also 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Reports, 1845-49. Edinburgh Palm House, — Notice of the — . Professor Balfour. 1857-58. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N. 6. Edinburgh University,— Graduation Address by J.H.Balfour. 1858. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Edkins (Jane R.). Chinese Scenes and People. London, 1863. 8vo. 0, 3. In Memoriam, the late Mrs. — . J. Dudgeon. 1878 (?). 8vo. Pam.-Vol. No. 72: 0, 6. Edkins (Joseph). Buddhist Shastra, translated from the Chinese by — . 1857. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. — China's Place in Philology. London, 1871. 8vo. Q, 3. Chinese Buddhism. London, 18S0. 8vo. A, 2. Edkins (Joseph). Grammar of the Chinese Colloquial Language, commonly called the Mandarin Dialect. Shanffhai, iS^j. 8vo. 11,3. -4/«o 2nd edition. Shanyhai, i%6^. 8vo. N, 3. — Introduction to the Study of the Chinese Characters. London, 1876. Bvo. N, 3. — Nirvana of the Northern Buddhists. Royal Asiatic Society. London, 1881. Pam.-Vol. 73: 0, 5. — Notices of Buddhism in China. In Shanghai Almanack, 1855. 8vo. N, 2. — Notices of the Chinese and the "Writings of Meh-tsi. 1858. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. — Progressive Lessons in the Chinese Spoken Language. Shanghai, 1862. 8vo. N, 3. Religion in China, containing a brief account of the Three Religions of the Chinese. 2nd edition. 8vo, London, 1878. — Religious Condition of the Chinese. London, 1859. 12mo. 0, 3. Sanscrit and Mongolian Characters. 1855. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. — Sketch of the Tauist Mythology in its Modern Form. 1859. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Tauism. Shanghai, 1855. 8vo, Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Edkins (J.), Burdon (J. S.), Collins (W. H.), & Dudgeon (J.). Letter addressed to Sir R. Alcock on the Protestant Missions in China. Peking {"i), iU<^. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 5. Edmonds (Prebendary). Brief Account of the Work of the British and Foreign Bible Society in China. 1891. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 5. Education and Missions in India and elsewhere. C. R. Haines. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. No. 82 : T, 4. Lettre sur I' — . See La Balance Chinoise. See India, General Council on— . Egare, — Parabole de I'Enfant — , formant le Chapitre iv du Lotus de la Bonne Loi, publiee pour la premiere fois en Sanscrit et en Tibetain, etc. Ph. Ed. Foucaux. Paris, 1854. 8vo. T, 2. Egede (H.). Description of Greenland, edition. 8vo. London, 1818. 2nd Eglise Catholique, — Histoire Orientale des grans progres de — , en la reduction des anciens Chretiens dits de S. Thomas, de plusiers autrea Schismatiques et Heretiques a 1' union de la vraye Eglise — . Alexis de Meneses. Amers, 1609. 8vo. T, 6. Egypt. See Meeting the Sun. See Oriente, — Historia de Cossas del — . EGY— ESO 55 Eg-yptians and Chinese, — Philosophical Disserta- tions on the — . From the French of M. de Paux. J. Thomson, translator. Zondon, ijQS- 2 vols. 8vo. Q, 5. Egyptienne, — Doutes sur la Dissertation de M. de Guignes, qui a pour titre, Memoire dans lequel on prouve que les Chinois sont une Colonic. L. Deshautesrayes. Pam.-Vol. 57 : 0, 1. Meraoire dans lequel on prouve que le Chinois sont une Colonic — . De Guignes, pere. Faris, 1759. Pam.-Vol. 57: 0, 1. Eitel (E. J.). Chinese Dictionary in the Can- tonese Dialect. Part 1, A to K. London Sf Hongkong, 1877. 8vo. N, 3. Three Lectures on Buddhism. Hongkong and London, 1871. Pam.-Vol. 19: N, 6. Ejected,— The— , of 1662; I'll tell you. R. Vaughan. London, 1862. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Elbow-joint, — Case of Excision of — . J. Black- burn. Pam.-Vol. 36 : 0, 1. Elgin (Lord). What is he to do? Joseph Beaumont. London, 1857. Pam.-Vols. 24 : N, 6 ; and 66 : 0, 5. Elgin's (Lord) Mission to China and Japan. Article in Blackwood, March, 1860. Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. Special Missions to China and Japan, 1857-59, — Correspondence relating to — . P.P. London, 1859. Fol. M, 1. EUesmere (Earl of). History of the two Tartar Conquerors of China. Translated from the French of P. J. d'Orleans. London, 1854. Svo. Q., 4. Elliott (Captain). Government Dispatches during the Superintendence of — . See China, — Aifairs in — . Ellis (Henry), third Commissioner. Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China. London, 1817. 4to. N, 1. 'Elohim' and 'Theos,' — Argument for ' Shang Te ' as the proper rendering for — . Jas. Legge. Hongkong, 1850. Pam.-Vol. 42: 0, 1. Defence of an Essay on the proper rendering of the words — . W.J.Boone. Canton, iS so. Pam.-Vols. 42 and 43 : 0, 1. — Essay on the proper rendering of the words — , into the Chinese Language. W. J. Boone. Canton, iS^S. Pam.-Vol. 41 : 0,1. — Reply to the Essay of Dr. Boone on the proper rendering of the words — . W. H. Medhurst. Canton, 1848. Pam.-VoL 42 : 0, 1. — Some thoughts on the proper term for translating — , into Chinese. S. Doty. 1850. Pam.-Vols. 4 : N, 6 ; and 42 : 0, 1. Elora — Wonders of — , or the Narrative of a Journey to the Temple and Dwellings excavated out of a mountain of granite, etc. John B. Seeley. London, 1824. 8vo. T, 3. Elout (C. P. J.). Dictionnaire Malai, Hollandais, et Fran^ais. Traduit du Dictionnaire Malai et Anglais de W. Marsden. Harlem, 1825. 4to, B, 2. tradudeur. Grammaire de la langue Malaie. W. Marsden. Harlem, 1824. 4to. R, 2. Embassies, — British and Foreign — , to China, etc. See China, — an outline. ** Endeavour," — H.M.S. the — , Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas in — . From the papers of S. Parkinson. Illustrated. Dr. Fothergill. London, 1784. 4to. P, 1. England, — Discourse concerning the state of Religion in — . Written in French in the time of Charles I, by Richard Steele. London, 17 1 5. Svo. U, 3. English and Cantonese Pocket Dictionary. John Chalmers. Hongkong, 1859. 12mo. 0,4. English and Chinese Dictionary. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1847. 2 vols. Svo. N,3. — Students' Assistant. ShaouTih. Malacca, 1826. 8vo. ft, 3. Vocabulary. 4to. N, 6. Vocabulary in the Court Dialect. S. W. Williams. Macao, 1844. Svo. N, 3. English, French, and German. See Chinese Dictionary, — " Basterdt Woorden." Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament (with Chinese Characters added in MS. by Mrs. Lockhart). 2nd edition. London, 1844. Svo. T, 1. Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament (with Chinese Characters added in MS. by Mrs. Lockhart). London, 1843. 2 vols. Svo. T, 1. Ephesians I. See Translation of — . EpochsB Celebriores, Astronomis, Historicis, Chronologis, Chataiorum, Syro - Graecorum, Arabum, Persarum, Chorasmiorum usitatse. Johannes Gravius. London, 1650. 4to. T, 2. Epy (H. de l'). Voyage into Tartary, London, 1689. 12mo. R, 6. Erh-Tou-Mei, ou Les Pruniers Merveilleux. Roman - Chinois. Tome ii. Traduit par A. Theophile Piry. P«n«, 1880. Svo. N, 6. Esope, — Rapport Bur une version Chinoise des Fables d' — , publiee a Canton par M. Thom. A. Bazin, aine. 1843. Pam.-Vols. 10 and 12: N, 6. 56 ESO— FAE Esop's Fables, as translated into Chinese by K. Thorn, in Romanized type. S. Dyer & J. Stronach. Singapore, 1843, Pam.-Vols. 11 : N, 6 ; and 33 : 0, 1. Espagne, — Nouvelle — . See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — . Vol. xlviii. Espana, — Annales de la Monarquie de — . J. Pellicer. Madrid, 16% 1. Tol. P. 2. Estevan (D.), traducteur. Historia de los Tartaros en China. From the Latin of M. Martinius. Madrid, 1665. 12mo. 0, 6. Ethiope et d' Armenie, — Histoire du Christianisme d' — . V. la Croze. La Haie, 1739. 8vo. U, 6. Ethiopia, — Travels of the Jesuits in — . London, 17 10. 4to. TJ, 3. Ethnological Inquiry, — Manual of — . British Association. London, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Etiopia, — Historia Eclesiastica, Politica, Natural, y Moral de los reynos de la — . Luys de TJrreta. Valencia, 1609. 4to. U, 3. Etude, — La Orand — , ou le Ta'-hio. Traduit par G. Pauthier. Farts, iS^j. 8vo. 0,1. Eucre. See Chine. Eurasian Girls, — Home for—. See Hankow. Europe, — Lettre sur I'etat et le progres de la Litterateur Chinoise en — . M. Abel Remusat. Paris, 1822. Pam.-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Orographie de 1' — . Recuoil de Voyages et de Memoires publiee par la Societe de Geographie. Tome iii. Pa/»», 1830. 4to, U, 1. Europe, Africa, and Asia, — Travels in — , made between the years 1770 and 1779. C. P. Thunberg. 3rd edition. London, 1791; -96. 8vo. T, 6. Europe, Asia, and Africa, — The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures and Painefull Pere- grinations of long nineteen Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous kingdoms in — . William Lithgow. London, 1632. 4to. U, 3. Also 12th edition. Leith, 1814. Bvo. U, 3. Europoei, L. C, sive Schoppiis, C, — Monarchia Solipsorum. Venetum, 1665. Pam.-Vol. 80 : E, 5. Evangelical Magazine, March, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 13: N, 6. Evangelii, — Salutaris Lux — , toti orbi per Divinam gratiam exoriens, sive Notitia Historico chronologica literaria et geographica propagatorum per orbem totuni Christianorum Sacrorum. J. A. Fabricius. Hamhurg, 1731. 4to. U, 3. Eveques Vicaires Apostoliques, et de leur Ecclesiastiques, — Relation des Missions et des Voyages des — , 1672-75. Paris, 1680. R, 3. Ever Victorious Army. See Chinese Campaign. Ewes (J. d'). China, Australia, and the Pacific Islands in the years 1855-56. London, 1857. 8vo. 0, 3. Execution d'Automne, — Grand — . !No. 1 : S. Weston, Peking. Pam.-Vois. 2 and 27 : N, 6. Ko. 2 : L. M. Langles. Moukden. Pam.-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Extempore Speaking, — Practice of — , recom- mended by a Clergyman. London ^ Warrington, 1794. Pam.-Vol. 45: 0, 1. Eye- Witness, — Opium Trade in China, by an — . London, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. Faber(E.). Lehrbegriff des Confucius. Hongkong, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 4 :' N, 6. * Mind of Mencius. Translated from the German by A. B. Hutchinson. London, 1882. 8vo. A, 2. Quellen zu Confucius und dem Confucian- ismus als Einleitung zum Lehrbegriff. Hongkong, 1873. Pam.-Vol. 4: N, 6. Fabii ColumnsB. iSe» Columnae, — Fabii — . U, 1. Fabricius (J. A.). Salutaris Lux Evangelii toti orbi per Divinam gratiam exoriens, sive Nolitia Historico chronologica literaria et geographica propagatorum per orbem totum Christianorum Sacrorum. Hamburg, 1731. 4to. U, 3. Fabulous History, — Compendious Dictionary of — . London. 12mo. TT, 6. Faivre (A. M.). Lettres de S. Frangois Xavier. Lyons Sf Paris, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. ft, 6. Lettres des Missions du Japon, ou Supple- ment aux Lettres de S. Francois Xavier. Lyon Sj" Paris, 183c. 8vo. R, 1. Famine, — Report of the Great — . W. Muirhead. Shanghai, 1879. 8vo. N, 1. Fan-koui, — Adventures d'un — . See Chine Ouverte. Far East, — In the — . Letters from Geraldine Guinness in China, 1888-89. Edited by her sister. Fifteenth thousand. Zonrfon, 1889. 4to. Q, 4. * Some Glimpses into Life in the — . J. T. Thompson. 2nd edition. London, 1865. 8vo. A, L * Waifs and Strays from the — . F. H. Balfour. London, 1876. 8vo. A, 1. FAE— FOR 67 "Faraday, Coldstream, and various." Pamphlet -Volume No. 54. 8vo. Including: — 1. Michael Faraday. Lecture by Samuel Martin. London, 1867. 2. Thoughts upon the efficacy of prayer, etc. London, 1872. 3. London. Missionary Society and its Supporters. A returned Missionary (E. Dawson). London, 1863. 4. Biographical Sketch of John Coldstream. J. H. Balfour. Edinburgh, 1864.. 5. Speech of Earl Grey, in the House of Lords, February 19, 1861. London, 1861. 6. Biographical Sketch of K. D. Grainger. London, 1865. 7. Lecture on the Chinese Language and Literature. James Summers. London, 1853. 8. Progress of the Chinese Christian Union. Cork, 1849. 9. Waiting for Salvation. J. Hobson. Shanghai, i860. 10. Sin Discovered. Sermon. W. Muirhead. Shanghai, 1864. 11. I'll tell you: touching the Ejected of 1662. R. Vaughan. London, 1862. 12. God's Purpose and Man's Opportunity. Sermon. A. Haleigh. London, 1861. 13. Congregational Principles : the duty of teaching them. John Kelly. London, i860. 14. Address delivered in Steelhouse Lane, Birminghaai. 11. A. Vaughan. Birmingham, 185+. 15. Lessons for Nonconformists. J. Stoughton. London, 1862. 16. Protestant Dissenters' Catechism. S. Palmer. London, 1862. 0,1. Faraday (Micliael). A lecture. S. Martin. London, 1867. Pam.-Vol. 52: 0, 1. Farmer (H.). Inquiry into the nature and design of Christ's Temptation in the Wilder- ness. London, 1761. Pam.-VoL 45 : 0, 1. Faure (J. le), Lettre sur son arrivee k la Chine, et I'etat present de ce royaume. Paris, i66z. 8vo. 0, 4. FavoorlangDialect of the Formosan Language, — Dictionary of the — . GilbertusHappart, written in 1650. Translated by W. H. Medhurst. iSatavia, 1840. 12mo. R, 2. * Favoorlang Formosan, Dutch, and English, — Articles of Christian Instruction in — , from Vertrecht's MS. of 1650, with Vocabulary. W. Campbell, editor. London, 1896. 4to. A, 2. Favre (J. le). De Sinensium Ritibus Politicis, etc. Paris, 1700. 8vo. 0, 4. Lettres EdiBantes et Curieuses sur la visite apostolique de M. de la Baume, Eveque de Halicarnasse, k la Cochinchine, 1740. Vonise, 1753. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 3. Aho Fenise, 1746. 4to. E., 3. Fay (Miss L. M.), translator. Country School- master. Shanghai, i8j^. Pam.-Vol. 60 : 0, 1. Fay (Miss L. M.). Marriage of the Emperor of China. Shanghai, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 60 : 0,1. Figuer (B.), traducteur. Les Voyages Adventureux de Ferdinand Mendez Pinto; du Portugois. P«m, 1645. 4to. R, 3. Finlayson (G.). Mission to Siam and Hue, the Capital of Cochin China, in the years 1821-22. London, 1S26. 8vo. R, 3. Finn (Jas.). Jews in China; their Synagogue, their Scriptures, and their History. London, 1843. 12mo. 0, 3. Firenze, — Relazione del Coutagio Stato in — , I'Anno 1630 e 1633. i^jor&a, 1634. 4to U, 6. Fishbourne (Capt.)- Impressions of China and the present Revolution. London, 1855. Svo. 0, 3. Fisher (C. P.). Personal Narrative of Three Years' Service in China. London, iSb^. Svo. a, 3. Five Ports, — General Regulations concerning Trade at the—. Pam.-Vol. 29 : N, 6. Fletcher (Joseph). Discourse on the Death of Dr. Morrison. London, 1835. Pam.-Vol. 15 : N, 6. Flora. See Cochin Chinensis. See Hongkongensis. See Japonicarum. See Sinensis. Flowery Scroll. Chinese novel. See Hwa- tsien-ki. Fo-hi, Imperii Conditor. See Sinensibus. Fo-thou-tchhing. Pam.-Vol. 2 : N, 6. Foe Koue Ki. See Bouddhiques. ♦ Fonblanque (E. B. de). Niphon and Pe-che-li ; or Two Y^ears in Japan and Northern China. 2nd edition. London, 1862. Svo. R, 1. Foo-choo-foo, — Notes of a Trip to — . J. J. Murray. Shanghai, 1855. Pam.-Vol. 14 : N, 6. Forbes (F. E.). Five years in China, from 1842 to 1847. London, 1848. Svo. N, 4. Forbin (Comte de). Voyage k Siam, 1685-88. Paris, 1853. 12mo. R, 3. Foreign Customs' Establishment, — Letters from Ho, and other Chinese Authorities, relating to the — . Shanghai, lido. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0,1. Formosa, — Collection of Lepidoptera made in Northern — . A. G. Buthr. London, 1877. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0, 5. — , Correspondence respecting an Outrage on British Merchants at Banca in — . P.P. London, 1869. Fol. M, 1. 58 FOR— FRY Formosa en Asie, — Description de I'lle — . Dressee sur lees Memoires du Sieur Geo. Psalmanazaar. Sieur N". F. D. B. E. Plates and maps. Amsterdam, 1705. 8vo. B,, 2. , Historical and Geographical Description of — . Plates. G. Psalmanazar. London, 1704. 8vo. R, 2. -, Island of — , Report by Mr. L. C. Hopkins, Oct. 12th, 1884. P.P. London, 1885. 8vo. 0, 6. — , Mammals of — . See Chinese Zoology. — Northern, — Aborigines of — . E. C. Taintor. Shanghai, 1874. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0, 6. Notes on MSS., Languages, and Races. Terrien de Lacouperie. Ifertford, iSSy. 8vo. R, 2. Aho in Pam.-Yol. 73 : 0, 6. — See Asie, — Memoires Relatifs k — . — See China, — British Captives in — . — See Han, — Among the Sons of—. Formosan Language. See Favoorlang Dialect of the — . Formose. See Voyages et Memoires. Forster (Or,). Journey from Bengal to England, through the Northern part of India, Kashraere, Afghanistan, and Persia, into Russia. London, 1808. 2 vols. 8vo. T, 3. * Fortune (R.). Three Years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China. Illustrated. London, 1847. Bvo. A, 2. Fossile, — L'Homme — . M. L. Grand. Paris, i860. Pam.-Vol. 20: N, 6. Fossils, — Natural History of — . E. Mendes da Costa. Vol. i, part 1. London, i']Sl- ■^to. U, 1. Foster (Arnold). Elementary Lessons in Chinese. London, 1887. 8to. N, 3. Foster (G.). Accurate account of entertaining Travels in Cashmeer. Calcutta, 1783. Pam.-Vol. 12: N, 6. Foster (J. R.). Voyage to China and the East Indies, by Peter Osbeck ; Voyage to Suratte, by Olof Toreen ; and Account of Chinese Husbandry, by C. G. Eckeberg. London, 1 77 1. 2 vols. Bvo. ft, 2. * Foster (Mrs. Arnold). In the Valley of the Yangtsze. 64 illustrations. London, 1899. Bvo. A, 3. Fothergill (Dr.). Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas in H.M.S. "Endeavour." From the papers of S. Parkinson. London, 1784. 4to. P, 1. Foucaux (P. E.). Parabole de I'Enfant i^gare, formant le Chapitre iv du Lotus de la Bonne Loi, publiee pour la premiere fois en Sanscrit et en Thibetain, etc. P«r«s, 1854. ^^o- T, 2. Four Books. Classical work. Translated by David Collie. Malacca, 1828. 8vo. N, 4. Fourmont (Stephanus). Linguse Sinarum Man- darinici Hieroglyphicse Grammatica Duplex, Latine et cum Characteribus Sinensium ; Item Sinicorum Regiae Bibliothecse Librorum Catalogus. Paris, 1742. Fol. M, 2. Meditationes Sinicse. Paris, 1737. Fol. M, 2. Reflexions sur I'origine, I'histoire, et la succession des anciens peuples, Chaldeens, Hebreux, Pheniciens, Egyptiens, Grecs, etc., jusqu'au tems de Cyrus. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1747. 2 vols. 4to. T, L * Fowler (R. N,). Visit to Japan, China, and India. London, 1877. Bvo. A, 2. Foyer,— Visite de I'Esprit du — , k Ju-koug. Traduit du Chinese par S. Julien. Paris, 1854. Para.-Vol. 21: N, 6. Fraissinet (E.). Le Japon, histoire et description. Rapports avec les Europeens, Expedition Americaine. Paris, 1853. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. ft, 6. France et la Chine, — Negotiations entre — , en 1860. Livre jaune du Baron Gros. Paris, 1864. 4to. 0, 1. France, Italy, Savoy, Switzerland, etc., etc., — Narrative of a Journey undertaken in the years 1819-21, through — . Jas. Holman. 6th edition. London, 1833. Bvo. U, 3. Francesco (Maestro Fra'). Raguaglio del Viaggio .... nella Tartaria Minore I'anno 1662. Naples, 1695. 12mo. R, 5. Francesco (Padro M.) et Gasparo (Padre M.). See India, — Lettre del — . Francisci II, Mediolanensis Ducis, — Rebus gestis pro restitutione — . Galeatii Capellae. Title wanting. 1533. Bvo. U, 6. Francus (Antonius). Synopsis Annalium Societatis Jesu in Lusitania, ab anno 1540 usque ad annum 1725. Augusta, ij 26. Fol. P, 1. Franks (A. W.). Japanese Pottery, being a native reprint with an introduction. Illus- trated. London, 1880. Bvo. R, 1. French. Embassy. See China, Journal. Embassy in China. Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity weighed in the balance of British Policy and found wanting. London, 1793. Pam.-Vol. 45 : 0, 1. See China, — Treaty between — . See Cochin China. Friend of China. See China, — Friend of — . Fry (W. Storrs). Facts and Evidence relating to the Opium Trade. London, 1 840. Pam.-Vol. 23 : N, 6. FRY— GEE 69 Fryer (J.). Account of the Department for the Translation of Foreign Books, at the Kiangnan Arsenal. Shanghai, 1880. 8vo, N, 2. * Fuh-kien. See China, — Every-day Life in — . Fulford (H. E). Eeport of a Journey in Manchuria. P.P. London, 1887. Fol. M, 1. Fum-hoam, Mandarin, — Lea A ventures Merveil- leuses du — . Contes Chinois. Paris, 1723. 2 vols. 12mo. 0,4. Furniture. See Buildings. Furseo (San). Historia y Vida del admirable, y extatico — . Madrid, 1699. 8vo. TI, 6. Furtado (P. Francisci). Scriptum ad P. Autonium Franscisum. Die 8 Februarii, 1 640. Pam.-Vol. 56 : 0, 1. Fusang, or the Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century. C. G. Leland. London, 1875. Svo. U, 3. Fychow. See Chang. G. Gabiani (Joan Domenico). Incrementa Sinicee Ecclesiie a Tartaria Oppugnatse, accurata et concentrata narratione e Sinarum Imperio. Vienna, 1673. Svo. N, 4. Gadsby (J.). My Wanderings : being travels in the East in 1846-47, & 1850-53. Twelfth thousand. London, i860. 2 vols. 8vo. XT, 3. Gae. See Dukes. Galeatii Capellse de rebus gestis pro restitutione Francisci IE Mediolanensia Ducis. Title wanting. 1533. 8vo. TJ, 6. Gamble (W.). Two Lists of Selected Characters, containing all in the Bible and in 27 other books. Shanghai, 1865. Pam.-Vol. 48: 0, 1. Ganges River. See Hindostan. Gaubil (P^re). Traite de la Chronologie Chinoise. Paris, 18 14. 4to. N, 4. Gauthier (G.)- I^es Livres Sacr^s de 1' Orient. Paris, 1840. 8vo. N, 1. Gazeta de Oviedo des Miercoles, 7 de Septembre de 1808. 4to. TJ, 6. Gedichten van J. A. Vander Goes. Fine plates, Amsterdam, 1685. 4to. 0, 2. Gen (A. P.), translator. Jfew Historical Rela- tion of the King of Siam, by M. de la Loubere. From the French. Illustrated. London, 1693. 2 vols, in I. Fol. P, 2. Gent (H. C), translator. Voyages and Adventures of F. M. Pinto, in Portugal, in Ethiopia, China Tartaria, Cochin China, Siam, Pegu, Japan, and a great part of the East Indies. London, 1653. 4to. T, 1. Gent (J. B.). Academical Discourses upon several Choice and Pleasant Subjects. "Written originally in Italian by the learned and famous Loredano, and Englished by — . London, 1664. Pam.-Vol. 84 : T, 5. Gent (W. W.), translator. Briefe Relation of the Persecution lately made against the Catholike Christians in the Kingdome of Japonia. First part. From the Spanish. London, 16 19. Svo. R, 6. Geografia cioe descrittione universale della Terra, di CI. Toloraeo, nuouamente con singulare studio dal G. A. Magini; dal Latino nell' Italiano tradotta dal R. D. Leo Cernoti. Partitia in duo Volumi. Venetia, 1598. Fol. S, 2. Geog^apMca. See India Orientale. Geographical Dictionary. Set China, — Cities and Towns of — . Geographical Divisions, — Ancient — , of India. See Indian Antiquities. Geographical Journal, 1893-96. London. 8 vols. Svo. U, 4. Geographic Ancienne comparee k la Moderne. Maps in case. M. Wauthier. Londres, 1805. Svo. IT, 6. Geographic, — Societe de — , Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires publiee par la — . Orographie de I'Europe. Pam, 1830. 4to. D", 1. Also Tome 4™^. {^Chiefly Mongolia and Taitary). Paris, 1839. 4to. TJ, 1. Geography for the use of Children, — Intro- duction to — . A Friend of Youth. Malacca^ 1828. Svo. Pam.-Vol. No. 63: 0, 5. Mnemonic, — Part i. Provinces of China. T. Jenner. London, 1869. 12mo. 0, 3. Also in Pam.-Vol. 55 : 0, 1. Geological Observations in China, Japan, and Mongolia, — Notice of an account of — . R. Pumpelly. JVew York, 1866. Pam.-Vol. 20 : N, 6. Geology and Primeval Man, — Artefacta Anti- quissima — . H.Duckworth. Liverpool, 1S60. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Georgius (A. A). Alphabetum Tibetanum Missionum Apostolicarum commodo editum. Roma, 1762. 4to. S, 1. Geraldito (F. S.). Apologias pro voto B. Virginia Marise, libri tres. Argentorate, 1668. Pam.-Vol. 80 : R, 6. Gerard (A.). Account of Koonawur, in the Himalaya. Edited by Geo. Lloyd. Map. London, 1841. Svo. T, 3. 60 GIA— GOD Oiaponesi, — Relatione della Gloriosa Morte partita de fei Christianee — . D. Ludovico. Roma, 1607. 8vo. R, 6. , Kelationi della Venuta degli Ambasciatori — , a Roma, etc. Guido Gualteri. Roma, 1586. 8vo. ft, 6. Also Vendia, 1586. 8vo. ft, 6. Oiappone, — Breve compendio del Martirio . . . Crociflssi nel regno del — , per difesa della santa fede. Firtnze, 1627. 4to. R, 6. — , Copiad'une breve relatione della Christianita di — , e delia morte Taicosaraa, 1598. Scritta del Francesco Pasio al M. Claudio Acquanina. Venetia, 1601. 8vo. R, 6. — e Partico larmente di quella di Tunkino, — Delli Missioni de Padri della Compagnia di Giesu, nella provincia del — , F. de Marini. Parta seconda. Venetia, 1665. 12mo. R, 6. , Lettera Annale del — . Scritta al Padre Generale della Compagnia di Giesu, 1588. Roma, 1590. 12rao. R, 6. , Lettera Annale Portata Di Novo dal — . Da i Signori Ambasciatori, delle cose ivi successe 1582. Fenetia, 1585-. 8vo. R, 6. , Missioni de padri della Compagnia di Giesu, nella provincia del — , e partico larmente di quella di Tunkino. F. de Marini. Parte seconda. Venetia, 1655. 12mo. R, 6. — , Nuovi avvisi del — , con alcuni altri della Cina del 1583 et 1584. Venetia, 1586. 8vo. R. 6. — , Eelatione della provincia del — . A. F. Cardim. Roma, 1645. 8vo. ft, 6. Also small print. Roma Sf Milano, 1645. 12mo. ft, 6. — , Relatione di algune cose 1619-21 del — . P. M. Vitelleschus. Milano, 1624. R, 6. — , See Giesu, — Historia della—. See Tunchino e del—. See Tunquino e del — . Oierusalemme Liberata del Signer Torquata Tasso. Roma, 1670. 12mo. U, 3. Giesu, — Historia Della Compagnia Di — . Dell' Asia, della Cina, et de Giappone. Terza parte. P. Danielle Bartoli. Roma, 166-]. Fol. M, 2. , Racolta di Varie Principali Scrittore de Padri della Compagnia di — . See Memorie Istoriche. 0, 4. Chinese Sketches. London, ft, 4. Giles (H. A.). 1876. 8vo. translator. Chuang-tzu, Mystic, Moralist, and Social Reformer. From the Chinese. London, 1889. 8vo. ft, 4. * Gilmour (James), of Mongolia. R. Lovett. Portraits, maps, and illustrations. London, 1892. 8vo. A, 2. Gingel (W. R.), translator. Ceremonial Usages of the Chinese, B.C. 1121, as prescribed in the " Institutes of the Chow Dynasty Strung as Pearls." London, 1852. 4to. ft, 4. Giussano (G. P.). Vita di S. Carlo Borromeo. Brescia, 1620. 4to. 11,6. Glanius (Mr.). Nt-w Voyage to the East Indies, containing an account of those rich countries, and more particularly of the Kingdom of Bantam in Batavia. London, 1682. 12rao. R, 2. Voyages de J. Struys en Muscovie, en Tartaric, en Perse, aux Iiides, etc. Curious plates. Paris, i']iq. 3 vols. 12mo. R, 6. Glasgow Association in Aid of the Chinese Medical Missions. First report. 1 846. Pam.-Vol. 36 : 0, 1. Gleaner in the Mission Field. See in vol. Chinese and General Missionary Gleaner. 0, 1. Gleanings for the Young,— May, 1887. Article on Alexander Wylie. With portrait. Pam.-Vol. 67 : 0, 6. * Glen (W). Journal of a Tour from Astrachau to Karass. London, 1823. 12mo. A, 2. Glorias y triumfos de la .... en bus persecutiones. MS. P. de Ribadeneira. R, 5. Gobien (C. le). Histoire I'edit de I'Empereur de la Chine en faveur de la religion Chretienne. Paris, 1698. 8vo. 0, 4. Goch (Van), traducteur. Hedendaegsche Historic of Tegenwoordige staet van alle volkeren. From the English of Th. Salmon. 1 Deel. Amsterdam, 1729. 8vo. 0, 2. God, — Perfections of — ; Poem. By the Author of "Perseverance." 4th edition. London, lyjo. ' God' and 'Spirit,' — The Controversy among the Protestant Missionaries on the proper trans- lation of the words into Chinese. S. Wells Williams. Andover, 1878. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 65 : 0, 6. God and Spirits, — Notions of the Chinese con- cerning — , with an Examination of Dr. Boone's "Defence of an Essay," etc. J. Legge. Hongkong, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 43: 0, 1. ' God ' in the Chinese, — Few thoughts on what term can be Christianized for — . C. Hartwell. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. , Few thoughts in reply to those of C. Hartwell. T. P. Crawford. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. 'God' in the Chinese Language, — Letters on the rendering of the name — . J. Legge. Monghong, 1850. Pam.-Vol. 42: 0, 1. • God ' in the Chinese Scriptures, — Remarks on the best term for — . L. B. Peet. Canton, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 43: 0, 1. GOD— GEA 61 'God,' — The Word, — Essay on the publications of the Tai-Ping insurgents and — . Pam.-Vol. 13 : N, 6. in Chinese. See Pam.-Vols. 41, 42, and 43 : 0, 1. Inquiry into the proper mode of ren- dering — , in translating the Sacred Scriptures into the Chinese language. "W. H. Medhurst Shanghai, 184.8. Pam.-Yol. 41 : 0, 1. Inquiry into the proper rendering of — , in translating the Sacred Scriptures into the Cliinese language. G. T. Staunton. London, 7849. 8vo. N, 4. Also in Pam.-Vol. 42 : 0, 1. Letter on the translation into English of the Chinese terms • Ti ' and 'Shang Ti.' J. Legge. London, 1880. 8to. Pam.-Vol. No. 65 : 0, 6. — On the proper word for translating — . Bishop of Victoria. Shanghai, 1853. Pam.-Vols. 14 and 31 : N, 6. Keview of two pamphlets by Dr. Legge on — . Aho of Dr. Boone's " Defence of an Essay," etc. ^Evangelical Magazine. London. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 43 : 0, 1. ' God,'— The Word for,— The National Eeligion of China as illustrative of the proper word for translating — . Bishop of Victoria. Shatighai, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 65: 0, 6. * God,'— The Words for,— Letter on—. L. B. Peet. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 13: N, 6. Godfredus (M. J.), presses; Jacobi (C. G.), rexpondens. De Persecutionibus Christianorum in Japan. Lipsice, 1690. 4to. R, 6. God's Purpose and Man's Opportunity. Sermon by A. Raleigh. London, 1861. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Goes (J. A. Vander). Gedichten {a drama on China). Fine plates. Also Trazil of Over- rompelt Sina. Amsterdam, 1685. 4to. 0,2. Golownin (Captain). Narrative of my Captivity in Japan during the years 1811-13. London, 181 8. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 1. Aho 2nd edition. London, 1824. 3 vols. 8vo. R, 1. London, 18 19. R, 1. Svo. Recollections of Japan. GoBCalyez (J. A.). Arte China, constante de Alphabeto e grammatica, comprehendendo modelos das differentes Composiqoens. Macao, 1829. 4to. N, 3. Macao, N, 3. — Dictionario China - Portugese 1833. 4to. Dictionario Portuguez-China. Macao, 1831 4to. N, 3. — Vocabularum Latino-Sinicum. Macao, 1836. Sto. 1(, 3. Gonsalves (J. A.). Lexicon Magnum, Latino- Sinicum. Macao, 1841. 4to. M, 1. Lexicon Manuale, Latino-Sinicum. Macao, 1839. Svo. Vol. i. 0,3. Gonzales (F.), traducteur. Relation abregee de la nouvelie persecution de la Chine ; tiree de la relation composee a Macao paries missionnaires de I'ordre de St. Dominique. 18mo. 0, 6. Gonzalez (J.)- H R^y nuestro senor satisfacion al memorial dela religiosos dela compania etc. MS. 1628. R, 5. Gordon (C. A.). China from a Medical point of view in 1860-61. Zo»rfo», 1863. Svo. Q, 3. Epitome of the Reports of the Medical OflScers to the Chinese Maritime Customs Service, 1871-82. London, iSS^. 4to. N, 1. Gordon (C. E.), — " The Ever Victorious Army," History of the Chinese Campaign under — . A.Wilson. London, 1868. Svo. ft, 4. Gordon (General). Events in the — . See Taeping Rebellion, — See China, its state Gospel,— Spread of the- and prospects. Govea (Ant.). Histoire Orientale des grans progres de I'figlise Catholique en la reduction des Anciens Chretiens, dits de S. Thomas, par Alexis de Menses, de plusiers autres schis- matiques et heretiques a I'union de la vraye Eglise. Anvers, 1609. Svo. T, 6. Graduated Reading, comprising a circle of knowledge in 2U0 lessons. Gradation I. English and Chinese. Hongkong, 1856. 0, 3. Biographical Sketch of — . Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Grainger (R. D.). London, 1865. Grammaire. See Chinoise, — Elemens de la — . See Japonaise. See Malaie. See Mandchoue. Grammaire Chinoise du Pere Francisco Varo : — Notice dans le Bulletin du B.bliophile et du Collectionneur. H. Cordier. Paris, 1887. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 1. Grammar. See Arabic Language. See Chinese. See Japanese. See Manchu Tartar. See Mandarin Dialect. Grammaticse. See Sinica;. Grammatik, — Zritische — . See Sanskrita. Grand (L.). L'Homme Fossile. Paris, i860. Pam.-Vol. 20 : N, 6. 62 GRA— GUT Gravius (Johannes). Epochae Celebriores, Astro- Domi8, Historicis, Chronologis, Chataiorum, Syro-Grsecoium, Arabum, Persarum, Choras- miorum usitatSB, etc. Londmi, ib^o. 4to. T, 2. Gray (J. E.). On the Skull of the Pug-nosed Spaniel. London, 1867. Pam.-Vol. 2O : N, 6. Great Learning. See Chinese Classics, vol. i. A. 1. Greater Odes of the Kingdom. See Chinese Classics, vol. iv, pt. 2. A, 1. Greca e Eomana Idolatria, — Confer mita delle ceremonie Chinesi colla — . Cologne, 170J. 12mo. N, 6. Grece, — Voyage de Jeune Anacharsis en — . J. J. Barthelemy. Paris, 1801. 7 vols. 8vo. U,l. Greek Concordance. See Englishman's — . Green Dye. See Chinese. Greenland, — Description of — . Hans Egede. 2nd edition. London, 12,1%. 8vo, U, 6. History of — . David Crantz. Translated from the High Dutch. London, i"] 6"]. 2 vols. 8vo. XT, 6. Greque et Romaine Idolatrie, — Conformite des Ceremonies Chinoises avec 1' — . Cologne, 1700. 12mo. 0, 6. Also in Pam.-Vol. 58 : 0, 1. Grew (N.). Museum Regalis Societatis ; or a catalogue and description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Koyal Society at Gresham College. London, 1 694. Fol. S, 2. Grey (Earl). Speech in the House of Lords, February 19 th, 1861. London, 1861. Pam.-Vol. 62 : 0, 1. Grieve (J. G,), trantlator. History of Kamtschatk a and the Kurilski Islands. From the Kussian. Maps and charts. Gloucester, i"] 6 j{.. 4to. R, 4. Gros (Baron). Negociations entre le France et la Chine en 1860. Livre jaune. Paris, 1864. 4to. 0, 1. Grosier (L'Ahbe), — General Description of China, Tartary. etc., translated from the French of — . London, 1788. 2 vols. 8vo. N,4. Grosvenor's Mission between Tali - Fu and Momein, — Report by Mr. Baber on the route followed by Mr.—. P.P. London, 1878. Fol. M, 1. GrynsBUS (S). Novus Orbis Begionum ac Insularum veteribus incognitarum una cum tabula cosmographica . . . catalogus. 2 plates. Basilice, 1555. Fol. P, 2. Gualteri (G.). Relation! della Venuta degli Anlbasciatori Giaponesi a Roma. Roma, 1586. Bvo. ft, 6. Also Fenitia, 1586. 8vo. Ql, 6. Guerreiro (F.). Eelaqam annal des consas que fezerain os Padres da Companhia de Jesus, nas partes du India Oriental. Lisboa, 1605. 8vo. T, 4. Guignes, — Reponse de M. Montucci a la lettre inseree dans les Annales des Voyages de M. de— . Berlin, 1810. Pam.-Vol. 17: N, 6. Guignes (J. de), pere. Allgemeine Geschichte der Hunnen und Tarteu, der Mogols und anderer Occidentalischen Tartarn. Von J. C. Dahnert. Oreifswald, 1768. 5 vols. 4to. B, 4. Chou King, un des Livres Sacres des Chinois. Paris, 1770. 4to. N", 1. Memoire dans lequel on prouve que les Chinois sont une Colouie Egyptienne. Paris, 1760. 12mo. 0, 6. Also in Pam.-Vol. 57 : 0, 1. Guignes (J. de), fils. rran9ais, et Latin. Fol. Dictionnaire Chinois, Paris, 1813. 2 vols. M, 2. Planisphere Celeste Chinois, avec des Explications, etc. Paris, 1782. 4to. M, 2. Reflexions sur la Langue Chinoise. Paris, 1807. Pam.-Vol. 17: N, 6. Remarques Philologique sur les Voyages en Chine. Berlin, 1809. Pam.-Vols. 2 and 18 : N, 6. Voyages a Peking, Manilla, et Isle de France. Paris, 1808. Maps. 3 vols. 8vo. 0,2. Also AXl&s. Paris, 1808. Fol. M, 1. Guinea, — Some Historical Account of — , with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the Slave Trade. A. Benezet. New edition. London, 1788. 8vo. U, 2. Guinness (G.), — In the Far East : Letters from China, in 1888-9. Edited by her sister. Fifteenth thousand. London, 1889. 4to. 0, 4. Gully (Mr.) & Denham (Captain). Journals kept during a Captivity in China in 1842. Edited by a Barrister. London, 1 844. 8vo. a, 4. Gutzlaff (C). Appeal on behalf of China. Canton, 1833. Pam.-Vol. 15: N, 6. China Opened ; or a display of the Topo- graphy, History, Customs, etc., of the Chinese Empire. London, 1838. 2 vols. 12mo. 0,3. Journal of a Residence in Siam. Canton, 1832. Pam.-Vol. 15: N, 6. Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China, 1831-33. Map. London, 1834. 8vo. 0,3. Also 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1834. 0, 3. Also 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1834. 0, 3. Journal of Voyages along the East Coast of China. 1832. Pam.-Vol. 11 : N, 6. GUT— HAI^ 63 Gutzlaff (C). Life of Taou-Kwnng, late Emperor of China. London, 1852. 8vo. 0, 3. — Notices of Chinese Grammar. Pt. i : Philo- Sinensis. Batavia, i%\z. 8to. N, 3. — Eeraarks on the Siamese Language. London, 1832. 4to. Pam.-Vol. 33 : 0, 1. Remarks on the Yih-she. London, 1836. Pam.-Vol. 11 : N, 6. — Sketch of Chinese History, Ancient and Modern. Maps. London, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. N, 4. Translation of a Comparative Vocabulary of the Chinese, Corean, and Japanese Languages ; to which is added the Tnousand Character Classic. Batavia, iS^$. 8vo. Giitzlaff's Geschiclite des Chinesisclieii Reiches. Herausgeben von K. F. Neumann. Stutgurt und Tuhmgen, 1847. 8vo. N, 6. Guyane, — Resume de I'histoire "de la — . See in vol. Chine, — Resume de I'histoire de la — . Guzman (L. de). Historia de las Missiones en los Reynos de la China y Japon. Alcala, 1601. 2 vols. Pol. P, 2. Hager (Joseph). Description des Medailles Chinoises du Cabinet Imperial de Prance. Paris, 1805. 4to. M, 2. ■ Dissertation on the newly discovered Babylonian Inscriptions. Plate* wanting. London, 1801. 4to. S, 2. Epigrafi Cinesi di Quang Ceu ossia della citta Canton. 2nd edition. Milano, 181 8. 4to. M, 2. — Explanation of the Elementary Characters of the Chinese. London, 1801. Pol. M, 1. Monument de Tu, le plus ancienne in- scription de la Chine. Paris, i%oz. [' An. 10.'] Pol. M, 1. Pantheon Chinois, ou Parallele entre le culte religieux des Grecs et celui des Chinois. Paris, 1806. 4to. M, 2. Ueber die vor kurzem entdeckten Baby- lonischen Inschiiften. Translated by J. Klap- roth. Weimar, 1802. 8vo. TJ, 1. Hal kwoh t*u cM. See Japan. Hainan, — Chinese Dialect spoken in — . The Phoenix, December, 1870. R. Swinhoe. London, 1870. 4to. 0, 5. Natural History of — . R. Swinhoe. London, 1870. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0, 5. Haines (C. E,.). Education and Missions in India and elsewhere. Cambridge, 1886. Pam.-Vol. 82 : T, 4. Hake (A. E.). Events in the Taeping Rebellion ; being reprints of MSS. copied by General Gordon. London, 1891. 8vo. Q, 3. Hakka - Chinesen, — Das Evangelium des Matthaeus im Volksdialecte der — . R. Lechler. Berlin, i860. 8vo. 0, 3. Halde (P. du). Description Geographique, Historique, Chronologique, Politique, et Physique de I'Empire de la Chine, et de la Tartarie Chinoise. Pam, 1735. 4 vols. Pol. M. 1. Also La Haye, 1736. 4 vols. 4to. N, 1. General History of China ; done from the French. Maps and plates. London, 1741. 4 vols. 8vo. 0, 2. Hall (Basil). Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo -Choo Island. London, 1818. 4to. R, 2. Narrative of a Voyage to Java, China, and the Great Loo-choo Island. London, 1846. 8vo. N, 1. Hall (W. N.) & Innocent (J.). Narrative of the Wonderful Work of God in Laou-ling, from the Journals of — . London, 1867. Pam.-Vol. 22 : N, 6. Hall of United Benevolence, — Regulation of the — . Chinese Repository, August, 1846. Pam.-Vol. 36 : 0, 1. Halman. See Dutch and Japanese Dictionary. Hamherg (T.). Chinese Union at Hongkong, — Report concerning the — . 1851. Pam.-Vol. 30 : N, 6. Rebel Chief Hung-siu-tsuen and the origin of the Insurrection in China. London, 1855. Svo. 0, 3. Visions of Hung-slu-tsuen, and the origin of the Kwang-see Insurrection. Hongkong, 1853. Pam.-Vols. 4, 13, 26, and 30 : N, 6. Hamilton (W.). The East India Gazetteer, containing particular descriptions of Hindustan and the adjacent countries, India beyond the Ganges, and the Eastern Archipelago. London, 1 815. 8vo. T, 2. Han, — Among the Sons of — . Notes of a six years' residence in various parts of China and Formosa. Mrs. T. F. Hughes. London, 1881. Svo. N, 4. — Note d'un Voyage sur la Riviere — . A. Wylie. Revue Occidental. Pam.-Vol. 67 : 0, 5. — Sorrows of — . 1810. Article by J. F. Davis. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. — — '■ — Chinese Tragedy. Hankoon-tseu. J. F. Davis, ^ra«s/«^or. London, iSzg. 4to. M, 2. 64 HAN— HEB Han Dynasty, — Ethnography of the — ; History of the Southern and South- Western Barbarians, translated from the How Han Shoo, Bks. cxvi and cxvii. A. Wylie. Revue V Extreme Orient, vol. i, Nos. 2 and 3. Paris, 1882. 8vo. 0, 5. Han-kiou-clioaan, or the Pleasing History. From the Chinese. London, i-j6i. 4 vols. 12mo. 0, 6. , on I'Union Bien Assortie. Boman Chinois. Paris, 182S. 4 vols. 8vo. 0,3. Han-koong-tsew. A Chinese Tragedy. Trans- lated by J. F. Davis. London, 1829. 4to. M, 2. Hanbury (D.). Insect White Wax of China. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 21: N, 6. Notes on Chinese Materia Medica. i860. Pam.-Vols. 21 : N, 6; and 38: 0, 1. Also London, 1862. 0, 3. Notes on the Materia Medica and Chemicals of the Paris Exhibition, 1855. 1856. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Some rare kinds of Cardamoms. 1855. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N", 6. Use of Coffee Leaves in Sumatra. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Hankow, — Correspondence respecting Mission- aries at — , and state of affairs at various ports in China. P.P. London, 1869. Fol. M, 1. — Home for Eurasian Girls, — First Annual Beport. JIankow, 1889. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. No. 62 : 0, 6. Proceedings of a Public Meeting held July 7th, 1893, re the Sing-pu Massacre. JLanhow, 1893. 4to. 0, 6. — Beport of a Meeting of the Missionary Body re the Anti-Foreign Biots in Szchuan. Hankow, 1895. 8vo. 0, 6. — BeligiouB Tract Society , — Catalogue of the — . Hankow, 1883. U, 1. Wesleyan Medical Mission Hospital, — Beport for 1864-65. Pam.-Vol. 39 : 0, 1. Hanlin Papers ; or Essays on the Intellectual Life of the Chinese. W. A. P. Martin. London, 1880. 8vo. N, 5. Hansteen (C). Beise Erinnerungen aus Siberien. Leipzig, 1854. 8vo. R, 4. Happart (G.). Dictionary of the Favoorlang Dialect of the Formosan Language, written in 1650. Transltttedby W. H.Medhurst. Batavia, 1840. 12mo. R, 2. Haren (Onno - Swier de), traducteur du Hollandaise. Becherches historiques sur I'etat de la religion Chretienne an Japon, relative- ment k la nation Hollandoise. Londres et Paris, i-j-jS. 8vo. Q, 6. Harris (John). Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or a Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. 600 writers. Maps and plates. London, 1764. 2 vols. Fol. P, 2. Hart (Robert). Notes on Chinese Matters, with comments of J. B. Brown. P.P. Shanghai, 1869. Fol. M, 1. Hartwell (C). Tew thoughts on the question '• What term can be Cliristianized for ' God ' in the Chinese ? " Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Few thoughts on the word for * God ' in Chinese, in reply to — . T. P. Crawford. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Harvard (W. M.). Narrative of the Establish- ment and Progress of the Mission to Ceylon and India, founded by T. Coke, under the direction of the Wesleyan Missionary Con- ference. London, 1823. 8vo. T, 4. Hasenmullero (E.). Historia Jesuitici Ordinis. Frankoforti, 1595. 8vo. R, 6. Haussmann (A.). Voyage en Chine, Cochin- chine, Inde, et Malasie. Paris, 1847. 8vo. 3 vols, in 2. N, 6. Hawkins (Richard). Observations in his Voyages into the South Sea in the year 1593. Beprinted from the edition of 1622. Edited by C. B. D. Bethune, London, 1847. 8vo. U, 3. Hawks (F. L.). Narrative of an Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, 1852-54. Numerous illustrations. Washington, 1856. 3 vols. 4to. P, 2. Hayus (J.). De rebus Japonicis, Indicis, et Peruanis Epistolae Becentiores. Aniverpiee, 1605. 8vo. Q> 6. Hazlitt (W), translator. Hue's Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the years 1844-46. 2ndedition. London, iSs^. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 5. He. See Dukes. HeSB, — Books of — . See Chinese Classics, vol. iii, pt. 1. A, 1. Heathen and Mohammedan Nations. See Bussian accounts relative to the propagation of Christianity. Heathen, — How to Preach to the—. W. Muirhead. Shanghai, 1893. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. No. 72 : 0, 6. Heber (Reginald). Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, 1824-25. London, iSzS. 3 vols. 8vo. T, 3. Hebrew and Chaldee. See Englishman's Con- cordance. Hebrew MSS. obtained at the Jewish Synagogue in K'ae-fung-foo, — Facsimiles of four — . Shanghai, 1851. Q, 6. HEL— HIS 65 Helman. Faits Memorables des Empereurs de la Chine, — Orne de 24 estampes, graves par — . Faris, 1784. 4to. X, 1. Helot (M.). On the Manufacture of the Chinese Green Dye. 1857, Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Henderson (K). Biblical Eesearches and Travels in llussia. London, 1826. 8vo. R, 4. Report on Prostitution in Shanghai. Shanghai, 1871. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 70 : 0,5. Henderson (J.). Chinese Potato. Zo«733- Fol. P, 1. Ignatii et Xaveri Sanctorum — , in duios rela- torum triumphus Bruxellse ab aula et verbe celebratus. Bruxelles, 1622. 12 mo. Q, 6. II Key Nuestro Senor Satisfacion al memorial dela religiosos dela compania, etc. MS., commencing as above. No title. J. Gonzalez. i6z8. 8vo, R, 5. Indaeorum. See Sinensi. Inde, — Antiquite Geographique de 1' — , et de plusieurs autres Contrees de la Haute Asie. M. d'Anville. Pam, 1775. 4to. T, 2. Histoire de la Vie de Hiouen-Thsang et de ses voyages dans 1' — , 629-645. Hoei-Li et Yen-thsong. Traduite du Chinois par Stanislas Julien. Paris, 1853, 8vo. N, 4. Notice des travaux litteraires des mission- naires Anglais dans 1' — . Paris, 1817. 8vo. T, 3. Aho Pam.-Vol. 2 : N, 6. • Voyage dans 1' — . See Foe-koue-ki. Indee, — Dissertations sur le nom antique et hieroglyphique de la — . C. de Pavarey. Paris, 1836. Pam.-Vol. 10: N, 6. Indes, — Histoire du Christianisrae des — . V. la Croze. La Haye, 1724. 8vo. T, 4. Histoire Philosophique et Politique ; des etablisemens et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux — . La Hay e, iTj^. 7 vols. 8vo. viz. : — Vol. i. — Indes Oriontales. Vol. ii. — Inde et Chine. Vol. iii. — Sud Amerique. Vol. iv. — Quest Indes et Afrique. Vol. V. — Quest Indes. Vol. vi. — Nord Amerique. Vol. vii. — Amerique, Anglais, et Colonies. R, 3. Indes Orientales, — Collection des planches pour servir au voyage aux — , et de la Chine. M. Sonnerat. Paris, 1806. 4to. S, 1. et a la Chine, — Voyages aux — , fait par I'ordre de Louis XVI, 1744-81. M. Sonnerat. Paris, 1806. 4 vols. 8vo. T, 3. Indes Orientales et de la Chine, — Instructions sur la Navigation des — . D'A. de Mannivillette. Paris, 1775. 4to. N, 2. — , Histoire de la Navigation aux — , par les HoUandois. G. M. A. W. L. Premiere livre. Quaint plates. Amsterdam, 1609. Fol. S, 1. Histoire de la Navigation de J. H. de Liuschot, et de son voyage aux — . Amsterdam, 1638. Fol. S, 1. , Histoire des choses plus memorables . . . avennes tant en — . P. du Jan-ic. Troisieme tome. Bourdeaux, 16 14. 4to. R, 3. — , Memoires pour servir d I'Histoire dos — . S. D. R. Paris, I -^02. 12mo. T, 5. — See Chine, — Histoire du Grand Royaume. — S e Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — . — See Voyages, — Six — . — See Xavier. — , Vies des Gouverneurs Generaux, avec I'Abrege de I'Histoire des Etablissmens HoUandois aux — . J. du B.is. La Haye, 1763. 4to. U, 1. — , Voyage de Gautier Schouten aux — , 1658-65. Traduit du HoUandois. Rouen, 1725. 2 vols. 8vo. T, 4. , Voyages Celebres et Remarquables faits de Perse aux—. J. A. de Mandelslo. Traduit par A. de Wicquefort. Amsterdam, 1727. Fol. S, 2. , Compagnie des Provinces Unies des, vers les Empereurs du Japon, — Ambassades Memorables de la—. Illustrated. Amsterdam, 1 680. Fol. P, 1. Compagnie formee dans les Provinces Unies des, — Kecueil des Voyages qui ont servis I'Etablissment et aux Progrez de la — . Pais Bas. Pouen, ijz^. 10 vols. 12mo. T, 4. Indes, Quest. sophique — . INDIA :— See Indes, — Histoire Philo- — and China, — Ancient Account of — , by Two Mohammedan Travellers in the Ninth Century. Translated from Arabic by Eusebius Renaudot. London, 1733. 8vo. 0, 2. — - — ~, Considerations of the Danger and Impolicy of Laying Qpen the Trade with — . London, 1812. Pam.-Vol. 3 : N, 6. Rambles in — In three parts pt. i, Voyage to India ; pt. ii, City of Palaces, Calcutta ; pt. iii, China and the Chinese. P. G. Laurie. London, 1859. 8vo. R, 3. Beyond the Ganges. See India, East — , Gazetteer of- , British — , and its dependencies. See Asiatic Journal. 70 IND INDIA:— China, and New Zealand, — Travels and Adventures of an Officer's Wife in — . Mrs. Muter. London, iS6^. 2 vols. 8vo. U, 3. Christian Vernacular Education Society for — . First Annual Report. London, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 19: N, 6. Commentarius de rebus in — , apud dium gestis anno salvatis nostrse 1546. Romce, 1 60 1. 8vo. T, 4. Cotton Trade of — . Jas. A. Mann, London, i860. Pam.-Vol. 25: N, 6. Defence of Missions in — . C. F. Schwartz. London, 1796. Pam.-Vol. 45 : 0, 1. Despatches of Sir John Lawrence on Christianity in — . Sheffield, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. Destruction of Human Life and Property in — , by "Wild Animals. London, 1866. Pam.-Vol. 82: T, 4. East — , Chincona Cultivation. P.P. Lon'fon, 1877. Fol. S, 1. -, Gazetteer of — . Containing particular descriptions of Hindostan and the adjacent Countries, India Beyond the Granges, and the Eastern Archipelago. W. Hamilton. London, 1815. 8vo. T, 2. , Voyage to — ; wherein some things are taken notice of in our passage thither, but many more in our abode there, etc. Observed by Ed. Terry. London, I'j']']. 8vo. T, 3. — , General Council on Education in — . Fifth and final report. London, 1885. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 82 : T, 4. — , Historical Disquisition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of — . W. Robertson. London, 1791. 4to. T, 2. — , Leprosy in — . Report. T, R. Lewis and D.D.Cunningham. Calcutta, iSj-]. 8vo. T, 3. — , Lettre del Padre Maestro Francesco et del Padre Maestro Gasparo, et altri della Compagnia di Giesu scritte dalla — . Ricevute nell' anno 1551. Tradotte di lingua Spaguivola. 8vo. T, 4. — , Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of — , in 1824-25. Reginald Heber. London, 1828. 3 vols. 8vo. T, 3. - Oriental, — Historia de las Missiones que ban hecho los Religiosos da Compania de Jesus en — , e in los reynos de la China y Japon. Luis de Guzman. Alcala, 1601. 2 vols. Fol. P, 2. , Relaqam Annal das Cousas que fezeram os Padres da Companhia de Jesus nas partes da — . F. Guerreiro. Lisboa, 1605. 8vo. T, 4. y suas Tslas, — Compendio de las Historias de los Descubrimientos, Conquistas, y Guerras de la — . D. Joseph Martinez. Madrid, 1681. 4to. T, 3. INDIA :— Orientale, — ^^Copia d'una lettera del P. Niccolo Pimenta, visitatore della provincia d' — , al molto R. P. Claudio Acquanina. Venetia, 1602. 12mo. T, 4. — , Descrittione, Geographica, et Historica, — Dell' — . Clemente Tosi. Eomi, 1669. 4to. T, 3. — Soggettata al Vangelio, — L' — . M. A. Livaldi. Roma, 1653. 4to. T, 3. — Railways Administration Report, 1889-90. P.P. London, 1890. Fol. 8, 1. -, Revolt in — ; its causes and its lessons. Lecture by J. Wallace. Belfast, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 83 : T, 4. — See Asia. — See Asiatic Magazine. — See Bengal to England. — See Chamba Mission, — Narrative of the — . — See Chinois, — Meraoires concernant des — ; Troisieme Supplement. — See East, — British "World in the — . — See Hyder Ally, — See Japan, China, and — . See Malabarian Brahmins. — See Mohammedan Prejudices, Pam.-Vol. 83. — See Opium. — See Oriental Voyager. — See Overland Mail. — See Timur-Bec. See Travels and Voyages of Sir John Mandeville. — See Travels into divers parts. — See Travels of several learned Missionaries. — See Viaggio. See Voyages and Travels, — Collection of — , vols, i, iii, and vi. — See Voyages et de Me moires. See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — , vols, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii. , To the Bachelors of — . D. Abeel. Pam.-Vols. 11 and 12: N, 6. , Transactions in — , from the Commencement of the French "War, in 1756, to the Conclusion of the late Peace, in 1783. London, 1786. 8vo. T, 2. -, Vida de D. Joao de Castro, — quarto viso- rey da — . F. de Audrada. Madrid, 1802. 8vo. T, 5. IND 71 Indian Antiquities ; or dissertations relative to the ancient geographical divisions, the pure Bystem of primaeval theology, the civil laws of the original form of government, and the literature of Hindustan, compared throughout with the religion, laws, government, and literature of Persia, Egypt, and Greece. T. Maurice. London, 1794.. 7 vols. 8vo. T. 4. Indian Archipelago and Adjacent Countries, — Notices of the — . J. H. Moor. Six maps. Singapore, 1837. 4to, R, 2. and Eastern Asia, — Journal of the — . E. 0. Eiley. Singapore, 1847. 3 vols. 8vo. R, 2. Also in Pam.-Vols. 14 : N, 6 ; and 44 : 0, 1. Indian Church History, or an account of the First Planting of the Gospel in Syria, Meso- potamia, and India ; with an accurate relation of the First Christian Missions in China. T. Yeates. London, 1818. 8vo. T, 4. " Indian Education Committee," — Abridged Analysis of the lieport, with notes and the recommendations in full. J. Johnston. Londo7i, 1884. Svo. T, 4. Indian Islands and Adjacent Countries, — Descriptive Dictionary of the^-, John Crawford. London, 1856. Svo. R, 2. Indian Mail. A Monthly Register. London, May 1843 to 1857. 27 vols. 4to. S, 2. Indian Opium Trade; its Nature and Effects. London, 1874. Pam.-Vol. 68: 0, 6. Indians. See Chinese Classics, vol. iv, parts 2-4. A, 1. Indias Orientales, — Commentaries do Grand Afonso d'Alboquerque Capitao General que foi das — . Lishoa, 1744. 4 vols. 8vo. T, 4. Indicse et Japonicse Epistolae. Loanij, 1570. 12rao. a, 6. Indicarum Historiarum, libri xvi. J. P. Maffaeua. Bergomi, 1746. 2 vols. 4to. S, 1. Also Lugduni, 1589. 4to. T, 3. Also Colonice Agrippina, 1593. ^^o. S, 1. Indicarum Rerum,— Thesaurus — . P. Jarrici. ColoncB Agrippina, 1615. 8vo. T, 6. Indicis, — De rebus — . See Japonicis. Indie, — Antiche Relazioni dell' — , e dell China, etc. Tradotte dall' Araba nella lingua Francese. E. Renodozio. Bologna, 1749. 4to. 0, 2. Indie Oriental!, — Istorie delle — , Giovan P. Maffei. Tradotte di Latino in lingua Toscana da M. F. Serdonati. Fiorenza, 1589. 4to. T, 2. -, Memorie Storiche Intorno Alle Missioni deir — . R. P. Norberto. Lucca, 1 744. 2 vols. 4to. T, 3. Indien, Oost, — Sechste Continuation des Borichts derer Konigl. Danischen Mifsionarien in — , etc., 1705-1712. Barinnen, 1714. 4to. T, 4. Indienne etOrientale, — Traitede I'astronomie — . M. Bailly. Paris, i-jSj. 4to. T, 3. Indiens Orientaux, — Conformite des coutumes des — . M. de la C****. Brussdles, 1704. 12mo. T, 5. Indies, East, — Acceleration of the Mails between England and the — . Lieut. Wagliorn. London, 1843. Pam.-Vol. 30: N, 6. , Collection of Voyages and Travels, under- taken by the Dutch East India Company, for the Improvement of Trade and Navigation ; containing an account of several Attempts to Find Out the North-Eust Passage, and the Discoveries in the — , and the South Seas. Translated into English. London, 116^. Svo. T, 4. , New History of the — , Ancient and — Viaggio alle—. F. Paolino and S. Bartolomeo. Itoma, 1796. 4to. T, 3. Modern. London, 1752. 2 vols. Svo. T, 4 , New Voyage to the — , containing an account of those Rich Countries, and more particularly of the Kingdome of Bantam (in Batavia). Mr. Glanius. London, \b% 2. 12mo. R, 2. See Mendelslo. Ln vol. Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors See Muscovy, Persia, and part of the — . -^ See Navigantiura atque itinerantium Bibliotheca, vol. i, pp. 369-983. See Navigationi et Viaggi Ramusio, vol. ii. See Voyages and Adventures of F. M. Pinto. Voyage in 1747-48, including Madura, East India Islands, China, with description of Canton. Illustrated. London, 1762. Svo. T, 4. Indische, Oost — . Maetschappy .... an Kaiseren van Japan, — Gedenkwaerdige Gesantschappen der — . A. Montanus. Amsterdam, i66g. Fol. P, 1. Voyagie. W. Schouten. Amsterdam, 1676. 4to. T, 2. * Indo-CMna and the Chinese Empire, — Travels iu — . L. de Carne. From the French. London, 1872. Svo. A, 2. Indo-CMne et le Grand Archepel, — Carte des — . See Asie Orientale. — — See Japon, Indo-Chine, etc. Indo-Chinese Gleaner. Containing miscellaneous communications on the Literature, History, Philosophy, Mythology, etc., of the Indo- Chinese Nations. Malacca, May, 18 17, to October, 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. A, 3. AlsoNol. iii. Malacca, 1821. Svo. A, 1. Also Vol. Selections from the — . (" Milne "), 1818-21. Svo. A, 3. 72 IND— JAP Indos Capessenda Admonitio, — De Legation e Evangelica ad — . Justi Heurnii. Lugduni JBatavorum, 1618. 8vo. T, 6. IndoB Nestorianus S. Thomee. See Malabaricse, — Historia ecclesisE — . Indostan, — Interesting Historical Events relating to the Provinces of Bengal and the Empire of — . J.Z.Howell. London, 1765. 8vo. T, 2. Industani. See Africa, A.sia the Great, etc. Infantile Pathology, — Article on Illustrations of—. F. Duncan. Pam.-Vol. 35 : 0, 1. Injuries, — Summary of Results of the Treatment of — . London, 1841. R. Alcock. Pam.-Vol. 29 : N, 6. Institntione di Tutta la Vita de I'Huomo Nata Nobile, e in Citta Libera, — De la — . Libri ix, in lingua Toscana. S. Allessandro. 1543. 8vo. U, 6. Instruction, — Importance of Early — . Sermon by John Philip. Cape Town, iS$i. Pam.-Vol. 22 : N, 6. Insurrection, — PresentReligious — . See China, — History of — , to the present time. Intorcetta (P.), Herdtuch (C), Rougemont (P.), and Couplet (P.), translators. Confucius Sinarum Philosophus; being Translations of three of the four Books of Confucius, Farts, 1687. Pol. M, 1. Invariable Milieu ; Ouvrage Moral de Tseu-sse, en Chinois et en Mandchou. Abel-Remusat. Paris, 1 8 17. 4to. 0, 1. Irish Peasantry, — Stories of the — . See Standard Library. Irrawaddi. See Bunnah to "Western China. Isbrandi de Diemerbroeck Opera Omnia, Anatomica et Medica. Timmanura Diemer- broeck — . Ultrajecte, 1685. Pol. P, 2. Isiaca, — Mensa — . Laurentius Piguori. 4to. Amstelodami, 1669. Istorla. See China. Italy. See France. Italy for the Italians. See China for the Chinese. J. J. (F. p.)- Lettre par un Orientaliste Allemand au sujet d'une Orientaliste Francois. Pam.-Vol. 17 : N, 6. James (J. A.). Christian Mercy stated and enforced. A sermon. London, 1820. Pam.-Vol. 22 : N, 6. Funeral Sermon for the Rev. — . R. W. Dale. London, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 30 : N, 6. James (J. A.). God's Voice from China. London, 1858. Pam.-Vols. 30 : N, 6 ; and 44 : 0, 1. Tribute to the Memory of the Fathers and Founders of the London Missionary Society. A sermon. London, 1849. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 33 : 0, 1. Jametei (Maurice), traducteur. L'Encre de Chine, son histoire et sa fabrication. Paris, 1882. 12mo. 0,4. Jancigny (D. de). Japon, Indo-Chine, Empire Birman (ou Ava), Siara, Annam (Cochinchine), Peninsule Malaise, etc., Ceylon. Paris, 1850. Svo. R, 1. "Janus" at Sharp Peak Island, — Papers respecting the proceedings of H.M.'s Ship — . P.P. London, 1869. Fol. M, 1. JAPAN :— — , Account, Geographical and Historical. Charles MacFarlane. Maps and plates. London, 1852. Svo. R, 2. -, Account of- 1853- E. Koempfer. London, Pam.-Vol. 16 : N, 6. — Amoor, and the Pacific. Voyage of Circumnavigation in 1S58-60. H. A. Lilley. Plates. London, 1861. Svo. R, 2. and China, — Correspondence respecting the Eurl of Elgin's Special Mission to- 1857-59. P.P. London, 1859. Fol. M, 1. — , Order in Council. P.P. London, 1865. Fol. M, 1. -, Physical Phenomena in — . Paper read 1855, by D. J. Macgowan. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. and Malaysia, — The Claims of — , upon Christendom, exhibited in notes of Voyages made in 1837 from Canton, in the ship " Morrison " and brig " Himmaleh." I^ew Foryfc, 1839. 2 vols. Svo. R, 1. — and Manchuria, — Travels of a Naturalist iu — . Arthur Adams. London, 1870. Svo. R, 1. — and Siam, — True Description of the Mighty Kingdoms of — . Translated from the Dutch of Francis Caron and Jorst Schorten, by Captain Roger Manley. London, 1663. Svo. a, 6. Also Pam.-Vol. 84 : T, 6. — and the China Seas. Narrative of an Expedition of an American Squadron in the years 1852-54. F. L. Hawks. Washington, 1836. 3 vols. 4to. P, 2. -, Atlas Japanensis ; being Remarkable Addresses by way of Embassy from the East India Comfiany of the United Provinces to the Emperor of — . John Ogilby. London, 1670. Fol. P, 1. JAP 73 JAPAN :— ; being a Sketch of the History, Govern- ment, and Officers of the Empire. Walter Dickson. London^ 1869. 8vo. R, 2. , Beschryvinghe van het machtigh coninck- ryoke — . E. Caron. Amsterdam, 1648. 4to. Q, 6. Bijzonderheden over — . Coloured plates. H. Titsingh. Gravenhage, 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 1. — , Chapter from the Hai kwoh t'u chi. T. Y. Wade. 1850. Pam.-Vol. 12 : N, 6. , China, and India, — Visit to — . R. N. Towler. London, iS-]-j. 8vo. A, 2. — , Correspondence respecting Affairs in — . P.P. London, iSe I. Pol. P, 1. — , De Persecutionibus Christianorum in — . Prseses, M. J. Godfredus ; Respondens, C. G. Jacobi. Die 20 Decern., anno 1690. Lipstce, 1691 (?). 4to. R, 6. -, Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape Merchant, 1615-1622, in the English Factory in—. Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson. London, iSS 3. 2 vols, Bvo. R, 2. — , Embassy to Rome from — . See Sixtus V, — Life of Pope — . , Empire of — . Article in New Monthly ''Zine. Pam.-Yol. 7 : N, 6. , English Boy in — ; or the Perils and Adventures of Mark Raffles. "William Dal ton. Plates. London, 1858. 8vo. R, 6. , Gedenkwaerdige Gesandtschappen der Oost-Indische maetschappyaen Kaisaren van — , A. Montanus. Amsterdam, ibbg. Fol. P, 1. -, History of — together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam. Trans- lated from the High Dutch of E. Ksempfer by J. G. Scheuchzer. Maps and plates. London, 1728. 2 vols. Pol. P, 1. the Church of — . Prom the French of I'Abbe de T. (le P. Crasset). Translated byN. IT. London, I -JO s-y. 2 vols. 4to, R, 1. in 1872 and 1874,— Brief Sketches of— . A. Williamson. London, 1874. Pam.-Vol. 60 : 0, 1. , Inland Sea of — . Blackwood, November, 1861. Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. — , Journal of an Expedition from Singapore to — . P. Parker. London, 1838. 8vo. R, 6. -, Kamtchatka, Siberia, Tartary, and various parts of the Coast of China, — Personal narrative of a Voyage to — , in H.M.S. " Barracouta." J. R. Tronson. London, 1859. 8vo. R, 2, JAPAN:— — , Koempfer's Account of—. London Sf Glasgow, 1853. ^vo. R, 6. — , Kurile, etc., — Map of — . In four sections. In case. London, 1 840. R, 1. Lectnre on- — , Map relating to- London, 1876. 8vo. S.W.Williams. 1858. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Trade Reports. P.P. R, 6. — , Memorials of the Empire of^, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Edited by Thomas Rundall. London, 1850. Bvo. R, 2. — , Narrative of my Captivity in—, during the years 1811-13. Captain Golownin. London, 181 8. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 1. Also 2nd edition. London, 1824. 3 vols. 8vo. R, 1. — , Our Life in — . R. M. Jephson and E. P. Elmhirst. Illustrated. London, 1869. 8vo. R, 2. -, Political Tragedies in — . Article from Blackwood, April, 1862. Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. Captain Golownin. R, 1. — , Recollections of — . London, 1819. 8vo. — , Reize van M. G. Vries in 1643, naar het Noorden en Oosten van — , etc. P. F. von Siebold. Amsterdam, 1858. 8vo. R, 1. — , Rufolier een fort berrattelse om ronga rigtet — . Oloff Bilman. Black - letter, Wissi7igzborgh, 166^. 4to. Q, 6. — See Asiatic Magazine. — See China and — . — See China and — , Notes and Queries on — . — See China and the Islands of Hongkong. — See China, North, — British Arms in — , — See Chinese and English Vocabulary of Proper Names. — See Commercial Reports. See Formosa, — Historical and Geographical Description of — . — See Geological Observations. — See Hindoostan, — View of — , vol, iii. — See Jesu, — Rerum a Societate — . — See Manilla and — , — See Meeting the Sun. — See Niphon. — See Parkes, — Sir Harry — . — See Singapore to — . 74 JAP JAPAN :— See Sixtus the Fifth, pp. 173-183. ■ See Voyages and Adventures of F. M. Pinto. See Voyages and Travels, — Collection of — vol. i, pp. 404-417. T. Boe. See Voyages and Travels in various parts. — , Sensational Diplomacy in — . Blackwood, April, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 7: N, 6. — , Ten Weeks in — . G. Smith, Bishop of Victoria. London, i86i. 8vo. R, 2. — Trade Reports ; Map belonging to part v. P.P. London, 1876. 8vo. R, 6. Travels in — . See Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, vols, iii and iv. — -, Two Journeys to — , 1856-57. B. Corn- wallis. Illustrated. London, 1859. Svo. R, 1. — , Two Years in — . See Niphon and Pe-che-li. Unbeaten Tracks in- J. L. Bird. Maps and illustrations. London, 1880. 2 vols. Svo. A, 2. , United States Expedition to — . M. C. Percy. Vol. ii. Japanensis. See Japan, Atlas — . JAPANESE :— Ambassador, — From Teddo to London with the—. Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. Colloquial — ; or Conversational Sentences and Dialogues in English and Japanese. S. B. Brown. Shanghai, i86j. Svo. R, 1. English and Japanese and Japanese and English Vocabulary. W. H. Medhurst. Litho- graphed. Batavia, 1830. Svo. R, 1. — Familiar Dialogues in — , with English and French translations. Paris Sf London, 1863. Svo. R, 6. — Grammar, — Elements of — , for the use of beginners. B. Alcock. Shanghai, 1861. 4to. R, 1. Humorous Groups at the Crystal Palace, — Descriptive Catalogue of the — . London, 1876. 0,6. — in America. 1872. Svo. Charles Lanman. London, R, 1. — in the Nineteenth Century, — Manners and Customs of the — . From recent Dutch visitors of Japan, and the German of P. F. von Siebold. London, 1841. Svo. R, 1. — Islands, Harbours, Towns, etc., — Maps of the — . 8 sheets. X, 1. — Language. /SsijUniversTresordel'histoire. — Marks and Seals. Jas. Lord Bowes. London, 1882. 4to. R, 1. JAPANESE :— Martyrs. Edinburgh. Blackwood, March, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. See Dei filio. — Pottery; being a native report with an Introduction and Catalogue. A. W. Franks. Illustrated. London, 1880. Svo. R, 1. — See Dutch and Japanese Dictionary. Waters, — Cruise in Sherard Osborne, Edinburgh 8f London, 1859. Svo. R, 1. JapanisQ Insulse Brevis descriptio a Patribus Societatis Jesu. Colonic Agrippina, 1582. 12mo. Q, 6. Japanioae Epistolse de multorum Gentilium in variis insulis ad Christi fidem .... con- versione — . Lovanij, 1569. Svo. N, 5. Also in vol. Indicae Epistolse. Japans en HoUandsch Wordenbock, — Nieuw Versameld — . Nakats. 2 vols. MS. 1 8 i o. P,2. JAPON :— , Ambassades de la Corapagnie Hollandoise de Indes d'Orient vers I'Empereur du — . Leyde, 1686. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. R, 6. , memorables de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales des Provinces TJnies vers lea Empereurs du — . Illustrated. Amsterdam, 1680. Fol. P, 1. , Apostre du, — Lottres du St. Frangois Xavier. Paris, 1628. Svo. d, 6. , Art d'Elever les Vers a Sole au — . Par Onekaki-Mori-Kouni. Traduit par J. Hoff- man. 60 plates. P«m, 1848. 4to. R, 1. , Carte de — . See Asie Orientale. et de la Chine, — Noms Indigenes de Plantes du — . J. Hoffmann & H. Schultes. Journal Asiatique. Paris, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. et les Japonais, — Observations Critiques et Philosophiques sur le — , L'Abbe Lejune. Amsterdam, 1780. In vol. Becherches Historiques. CI, 6. , Fookona Siriak, ou traite sur I'Origine des Bichesses du — . Traduit du Chinois par J. Klaproth. Paris, 1828. J Histoire de ce qui s'est passe au Boyaurae du — , I'annee 1624. Traduite par un Pere de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, i6nS. 12mo. a, 6. de la Vie et de la Glorieuse Mort de Cinq Peres de la Corapagnie de Jesus, qui out souffert dans le — , 1643. Alexandre de Bhodes. Paris, 1653. 12mo. Q, 6. , del'J^glisedu — . P. Crassett. 2nd edition. Parw, 1715. 2 vols. 4to. R, 1. JAP 75 JAPON :— — , Histoire de rEmpire du — . Englebert Koempfer. Traduite en FranQois sur la version Angloise de Jean-Gaspar Scheuchzer. Maps and plates. La Hay e, 1729. FoL P, 1. — , de I'Etablissment, les Progres, et de lu Decadence du Christianisme dans I'Empire du — . P. de Charlevoix. Louvatii, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 1. — , des Martyrs du— , 1612-20. N. Trigault. Traduite par P. Morin. Plates. Paris, 1624. 4to. £, 1. — , Ecclesiastique des Isles et Royaumes du— , 1542-1624. Recueillie par E. SoUier. Paris, 1627. 4to. B,, 1. et Description Generale du — . P. de Charlevoix. Nouvelle edition. Paris, ij^S. 9 vols. 12mo. Vols, iii and v wanting. Also Paris, 1754. 7 vols. 12mo. 0,6. et Description, — Eapports avec les Europeens. Expedition Americaine. Edouard Fraissinet. Paris, 1853. 2 vols, in 1. 12 mo. ft, 6. — , Mythologique, — du — . Aper^u par J. Klaproth. See Nipon dai itsi ran. Nouvelle du — , divisee en cinq Composee en Espagnol par L. livres — Pigneyra. Traduite en Fran9ais par. I. B Paris, 1618. 8vo. ft, 6 Indo-GMne, Empire Birraan (ou Ava), Siam, Annam (ou Cochinchine), Peninsule Malaise, etc., Ceylon. D. de Jancigny. Paris, 1850. 8vo. R, 1. — , Lettres des Missions du — , ou Supplement aux Lettres de S. Francois Xavier. A. M. F(aivre). Lyon et Paris, 1830. 8vo. R, 1. , Memoires et Anecdotes sur la Dynastie Regnant Djogouns, Souverains du — . M. Titsingh. Revu par M. Abel Remusat. Paris, 1820. 8vo. R, 1. , Recherches Historiques sur r:6tat de la Religion Chretienne au — , relativement a la nation HoUandoise — . Traduites du Hollandoise de Onno-Swier de Haren. Londres et Paris, 1778. 8vo. Q, 6. , Relacion del Success© que tuvo nuestra Santa Fe en les reynos del — . L. Pineyro. Madrid, 1617. Fol. P, 1. See Christianos, — Defensa de los Nuevos — . See Jesus, — Missiones da Compagnia de — . See Nipon dai itsi ran. See Perse aux Indes Orientales. See Voyages et Memoires. JAPON :— See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — , vols, xxxix and xl. — , Voyage du- 1864. 12mo. Rodolphe Lindau. Paris, ft, 6. , Voyage PMlosophique au — . 1788. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. , Voyages de C. P. Thunberg au — , Notes, etc. L. Langles. Pam, 1796. 2 vols. 4to. E. 1. Japonaise, — Bibliographic — ; ou Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs au Japon, qui out ete publies depuis le xv* siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Redige par M. Leon Pages. Paris, 1859. 4to. U, 1. Elements de la Grammaire — . P. Rodriguez. Traduits du Portugaise par M. C. Landresse. Paris, 1825. 8vo. R, 1. — See Catalogue des livres. Japonensium Martyrum, — Officia biscentum et quinque decretio, die 29 Februarii, 1868. Meohlince. 12 mo. R, 6. Japoni Legatus Romse, — Acta Audentise Publicea S.D.N. Paulo V, Pont. Opt. Max.—. Poma, 1 61 5. 4to. R, 6. Japonia, — Briefe Relation of the Persecution lately made against the Catholike Christians in the Kingdome of — . Taken out of the Annuall Letters of the Fathers of the Society of Jesus, and other authenticall Informations. Written, in Spanish, and printed first at Mexico in the West Indies, the yeare of Christ m.dc.xvi. First part translated from the Spanish by W. W. Gent. London, 1619. 16mo. R, 6. collegit, — Icones Plantarum Selectee, quas in — , Plates. E. Kaempfer. London, 1791. Fol. P, I. Japonise, — Descriptio Eegni. Bernhardum Varenium. Amstelodami, 1649. 8vo. ft, 6. — et Siam Regni Descriptio. Bernhardi Vareni. Cantabricce, 1673. 8vo. ft, 6. — Insulae Descriptio Brevis ; a Patribus Societatis Jesu. Coloniee Agrippina, 1582. 12mo. ft, 6. — Omnium Regnorum Regis Mogor. Mogor. Se« Regnis, — Narratio Persecutionis Adversus Christianos excitatae in variis — , 1628-30. P. Mutius Vitellescus, etc. Antverpice, 1635. 12mo. ft, 6. Japonicse et Indicse Epistolse. Loanij, 1580. 12mo. Japonicarum insularum, — Flora Japonica, sistens plantas — . C. P. Thunberg. 39 plates. Lipsia, 1784. 8vo. ft, 6. 76 JAP— JES Japonicis Ploribus, buo adhuc Madentibus Sanguine, — Fasciculus e — . A. F. Cardim. Many plates and map. Homes, 1646. 4to. a, 6. Indicis, et Peruanis, — Epistolae Recentiores de rebus — . Joanne Hayo. Antverpice, 1605, 8vo. ft, 6. Rebus Epistolarum Libri Sex, — De— . J.P.Maffeus. Fol. S, 1. Japonien, — Jaerliicksche Brieven van — , der jaren 1625-27. P. Mutius Vitellescus. T^Antwerpen, 1632. 12mo. Japoniensis Historia anni 1624 ; continens felicem Christianse fidei progressum, et varia Japonensium Christianorum pro fide certamina. ?. 1628. 4to. R, 6. Japonios triumpMs, — De Christianos apud — , sive de gravissima ibidem Contra Christi Fidem Persecutione exorta, anno 1612 usque ad annum 1620, libri quinq. N. Tregantius. Many plates. Monashi, 1623. 4 to. ft, 6. Jappan und Siam, — Wabrhaftige Beschrei- bungen, etc. — . F. Carons und J. Schouten. Maps and plates. JViirnberff, 1663. 8vo. ft, 6. Jarric (P. du). Histoire des Choses Plus Memor- ables ad venues tant en Indes Orientales. 3rd vol. only. Bourdeaux, 1614. 4to. R, 3. Jarrici (Petri). Thesaurus Rerum Indicarum. Colonce Agrippince, 1615. 8vo. T, 5. Java, — Review of the Administration, Yalue, and State of the Colony of — . London, 1816. 8vo. R, 2. Java, Bali, etc., — Journal of a Tour along the Coast of — . W. H. Medburst. 1829. Pam.-Yol. 11 : N, 6. Java, China, and the Great Loo-Choo Island, — Narrative of a Voyage to — . Basil Hall. London, 1846. 8vo. N, 1. Javanese, — Residence among — . See Missionary Journals and Letters, etc. Jefferson (J.). Sermon on the Death of Dr. Morrison. 8vo. London, 1835. Pam.-Vol. 31 : 0, 1. Jeffreys (J.). Traffic in Opium in the East. An appendix. London, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. Jenghiz Khan, — Life of — . Translated from the Chinese by R. K, Douglas. London, 1877. 8vo. 0, 3. Jenkins (B.). List of Syllables for Romanizing Works according to the Shanghai Dialect. Shanghai, i%b I. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 74 : 0,6. Three Character Classics Romanized. Pam.-Vol. 74 : 0, 6. Jenner (T.). Mnemonic Geography, part i. The Provinces of China. London, 1869. 12mo. 0, 3. Also Pam.-Vol. 55 : 0, 1. Jephson (R. M.) & Elmhirst (E. P.). Our Life in Japan. Illustrated. London, 1869. 8vo. R, 2. Jerusalem. See Travels and Voyages of Sir Juhn Mandeville. Also Coloni(B, 1574. 8vo. R, 5. Jesu, — Rerum a Societate — ,in Oriente Gestarum, volumen primum. Neapoli, 1573. 4to. R, 1. Also Colonics, 1574. 8vo. R, 5. — Societate Constitutiones — , et Examen cum Declarationibus. See in vol. Jesu Societutis — , Litterae Apostolicae. R, 6. — Societatem de Necessitate longe maxima Reformandi, — Tuba Magna Mirum Clangens Sonum ad papam Clementem XI. Argentina, 17 12. 8vo. R, 6. Jesu Societatis Anatomia. 1543. 12 mo. R, 6. -, Descriptio Apparatus quo in festo sancti ignatii — , fundatoris annum 1640. Ejusdem Societatis Centesimum celebravit Collegium Romanorum. F. de Longobardis. Romm, 1683. 4to. R, 5. Epistolae Prsepositorum Generalium ad Patres et Fratres — . Praga, 171 1. 8vo. R, 6. Historise. Prima pars. Nicolas Orlandinus. Small portraits. Romce, 1615. Fol. P, 1. 1640. Fol. -, Imago primi Sseculi- Antverpice, P, 1. — in Lusitania, — Synopsis Annalium, ab anno 1510 usque ad annum 1725 — . A. Francus. Agustce, 1726. Fol. P, 1. -, Letterae Apostolicae, quibus Institutio, Confirmatio, et Varia Priviligia continentur- Antverpia, 1635. 12mo. R, 6. — - — - Patrum Catalogus, ab anno 1581 usque ad 1681. Lithographed. JVb title. 1856 (?). In vol. " Bibliographie Japonaise." 4to. U. 1. , Relatio ad Reges et Principes Christianos — . A. de Vargas. 1665. Pam.-Vol. 80 : R, 5. ' Jesuitarum, — De Stratagematis — , etc." Pamphlet- Volume No. 80. 4to. Including : — 1. Relatio ad Reges et Principes Christianos de Stratigimatis et Sophismatis Politicis Societatis Jesu, ad Monarcbiam orbis terrarum sibi conficiendam, etc. Editio nova. 1665. 2. Lucii Cornelii Europaei sive Casparis Schoppii Monarchia Solipsorum Jesuitarum. Venetmn, 1665. JES— JEW 77 3. Apologiae pro Voto B. Virginis Marias deiparae libri tres. P. S. Geroldito. Argentorati, 1668. 4. Historia Arcana, sive de Vita Alexandri VI, Papae, seu excerpta ex diario Johannis liurchardi. Edita a G. G. Leibnizio. Hannovera, 1697. 5. De re Monetali Veterum Komanorum Dissertatio. Praeside, J. C. Wagenseilio ; Eespondens, P. J. Keichartus. Altdorfi Noricorunt; 1691. B, 5. Jesuite, Confession d'un — , ou Anecdotes Hivstoriques de la Compugnie de Jesus jusqu'd sa destruction, 1773. Rome, 1773. Pam.-Vol. 17: N, 6. Mercure ; ou Recueil des Pieces con- cernants le Progres des Jesuites, leurs Escrits, et Differents, 1620-26, 2nd edition. Geneve, 1 63 1. 8vo. R, 5. Jesuites, — Annales de la Societe des Sois- disans — . Recueil Historique-Cbronologique de tous lea Actes, etc., etc., contre la doctrine, etc. Paris, 1764. 3 vols. 4to. R, 4. — , Apologie des — , sur leur Conduits dans lea Affaires de la Chine. Peking, 1763. 16mo. 0,4. — de la Chine, — Histoire Apologetique de la Conduite des — . 1700. 12mo. 0, 6. Also in Pam.-Vola. 32 : N, 6 ; and 56 : 0, 1. — Morale Pratique des — , ou elle est repre- sentee en plusieurs histoires, arrivee dans toutes les parties du monde. Amsterdam, I'j ^6. 8 vols. Svo. R, 6. — Parallele de la Doctrine des Payens avec celle des — . Le P. Boyer. Amsterdam, 1726. Svo. R, 6. E-eponse de Messieurs des Misaionnaires Etrangeres a la Protestation et aux Reflexions des — . 1710. Pam.-Vol. 57: 0, 1. Jesuiticse, — Artes — , in auatinendis pertinaciter, novitatibus laxitatibua que Sociorum S.D.N. Clementi Papse XI, atque Orbi Univerao Dcnuntiate par Chriatianura Aletophilum. Editio tertia. Argentorati, 17 17. Svo. R, 6. Jesuitic! Ordinis, — Historia — ,in qua de Societatis Jesuitarum Authore, Nomine, gradibus, incremento, vita, votia, privilegiis, miraculia, doctrina, morte, etc., peispicue solideque tractatur. Conscripta a M. Ella Hasenmullero. Frankoforti, 1595. Svo. R, 6. Jesuitico Apologetico, — Teatro — . Francisco de la Piedad. MS. Cuinibra, 1654. 4to. R, 6. Jesuitism in its Rudiments. See Loyola and — . Jesuits at Peking, — E.xtractfrom the Journals of the Royal Society respecting a Letter Addressed to the Society by a Member of the House of — . C. Morton. London, 1770. 4to. U, 1. , History of the — , from the Foundation of their Society to ita Suppreasion by Pope Clement XIV, their Miasiona throughout the World, etc. Portraits. Andrew Steinraetz. London, 1848. 3 vols. Svo. R, 6. — , Rules of the — , for the Converts in China, No title. i7os(?). 12mo. R, 6. — See Barcinonensiura Episcoporum. — See Catechismus pro ijs. — See Eveques Vicaires Apostoliques. — See Orientales, — Nouvelles des Missions — . — See Orientia et Occidentis. — , Travels of the — , in Ethiopia. London, 1 7 10. 4to. U, 3. -, Travels of the — , into Various Parta of the World. Translated by Mr. Lockman. London, 1743. 2 vols. Svo. Maps and plates. R, 5. Jesus, Compagnie de, — Histoire Nouvelle des Religieux de la — . Contains History of the Eastern Missions. Autrecht, 1741. Svo. R, 6. , Histoire Religieuse, Politique, et Litteraire de la — . J. C. Joly. Paris, 1844-45. 6 vols, in 3. Svo. R, 6. -, Manifesto Apologetique pour la Doctrine des Religieux de la — . Pierrele Moyne. Paris, 1 644. 4to. R, 6. — See Japon, — Histoire de la Vie. Jesus, Compania de, — Imperio de la China, i Cultura Evangelica in el, por los Religioaus de la — . A. Semedo. Madrid, 1642. 4to. 0,2. ^?so Segunda Impreasione. Madrid, 1642. 4to. 0, 2. , Missiones da — , See India OrientaL Jesus, — Sayings of — . Lectures by Robert Morrison. Parta i and ii. Malacca, 1832. Svo. Q, 5. Also contains Memoir of Milne. Jesus, — Society of — , Edifying and Curious Letters of some Miasioners from Foreign Missions. 1707. Svo. R, 6. Jesus, — Who is — ? Sia Sek Ong. Translated by S. L. Baldwin. New York, 1872 ? Pam.-Vol. 60 : 0, 1. Jewels and Art Treasures. See Peking, — Catalogue of — . Jews at K'ae-fung-foo. George Smith, Biahop of Victoria. Shanghai, 1851. Pam.-Vols. 30 : N, 6 ; 44 : 0, 1 ; and 66 : 0, 6. 78 JEW— KAE Jews in China ; their Synagogue, their Scrip- tures, and their History. James Finn. London, 1843. 12mo. 0, 3. Jocelyn (Lord). Six months with the Chinese Expedition. London, 1841. 8vo. 0, 3. Jogonath, — Voyage du Missionnaire A. F. Lacroix au temple du — . 2nd edition. Neuchatel, 1851. Pam.-Vol. 82 : T, 4. John (Griffith). Chinese Rebellion. Experience of the Insurgents. Canton, 1861. Pam.-Yol. 5 : N, 6. Hope for China. London, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 61 : 0, 5. - Sowing and Reaping. London, iSgj. Svo. A, 3. Visit to the Insurgent Chief at Soochow. Pam.-Vol. 16 : N, 6. Johnson (J.). Oriental Voyager ; or Descriptive Sketches of a Voyage to India and China, 1803-6. London, I Soj. 8vo. R, 3. Johnston (J.)- Abstract and Analysis of the Report of the " Indian Education Commis- sion," with notes. London, 1884.. Svo. T, 4. Fifth and Final Report of the General Council on Education in India. London, 1885. Pam.-Vol. 82 : T, 4. Joly (J. C). Histoire Religieuse, Politique, et Litteraire de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1844-45. 6 vols, in 3. 8vo. R. 5. Jones (T. R.). Lecture on ihe Geological History of the Vicinity of Newbury, Berks. London, 1854. Pam.-Vol. 20: N. 6. Jones (Sir W.), — Memoirs of the Life, "Writings, and Correspondence of — . Lord Teignmouth. 2nd edition. London, 1806. 4to. S, 2. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, North China or China Branch. See China. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 1859 to 1880 (except 1860). 60 vols. London. 8vo. U, 2. Also General Index to the Third Ten Volumes. London, 1867. 8vo. IT, 1. Also General Index to the Fourth Ten Volumes. H. Yule. London, 1867. Svo. U. 1. Judson and others, — Sermon at the Ordination of — . L. "Woods. Boston, 181 2. Pam.-Vol. 15 : N. 6. Jnifs en Chine, — Rechcrches sur I'Existence des — . Traduit du Anglais de A. "Wylie par T. Blanc. Paris, 1864. Pam.-Vol. 22 : M, 6. Julien (Stanislas), traducteur. Histoire de la Vie de Hioun-Thsang et de ses voyages dans rinde, 624-645. Hoei-li et Yen-thsong. Traduite du Chinois. Parw, 1853. Svo. N, 4. — traducteur. Histoire et Fabrication de la Porcelaine Chinoise. Traduite du Chinois. Paris, 1856. Svo. N, 4. — Hoei-lan-ki, ou I'Histoire du Cercle du Craie. London, 1832. Svo. M", 4. — Imprimerie en Chine, en sixieme siecle de notre ere. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. traducteur . Lao-tseu-tao te-king, le Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu. Paris, 1842. 8vo. N, 5. — Lettre d M. le Redacteur du Journal Asiatique. Pam.-Vol. 10 : N, 6. — Lettre k M. Robert Thorn. Extrait du Journal Asiatique. 1 844. Pam.-Vol. 10: N, 6. Meng-tseu, vel Mencium, inter Sinenses Philosophos, ingenio, doctrina, nominisque claritate Confueio Proximum, etc. Lutetict Parisiorum, 1844. Svo. N, 4. Methode pour DechifFrer et Transcrire lea Noms Sanscrits, qui se rencontrent dans les livres Chinois. Paris, 1861. Svo. (1,3. Renseignements sur la Cire Vegetale de la Chinois. Paris, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Resume des Principaux Traites Chinois sur la culture des Muriers, et I'education des Vers a Soie. Paris, 1837. ^vo. 0,2. Substance Anesthetique employee en Chine, dans la commencement du iii« siecle de notre ere, pour paralyser momentment la sensibilite. Rendu de I'Academie des" Sciences, fevrier et mars, 1849, Pom (?), 1849. 4to. M, 2. — Vindicse Philologicae in linguam Sinicam. Paris, 1830. Pam.-VoL 12: N, 6. Visite de I'esprit du Foyer a Ju-kong. Traduite du Chinoise. Paris, 1854. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Jungstedt (A. J.). Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements, and of the Roman Catholic Church and Missions in China. Boston, 1836. Svo. 0, 1. Junk, — Description of a Chinese — . London, 1865. Pam.-Vol. 55: 0, 1. Justification by Faith. Sermon by Jabez Bunting. London, 1 830. Pam.-Vol. 45 : 0, 1. K'ae-fung-foo, — Facsimiles of four Hebrew MSS. obtained at the Jewish Synagogue in — . Shanghai, 1851. Q, 5. Jews at — . Shanghai, 1851. Pam.-Vol. 66 : 0, 6. KAG— KLA 79 Kagosima, 1862, See China, — North — , and Japan. Eam-hi, — Short Account of the Declaration of the Emperor — , in the year 1700. London, 1703. 12mo. 0, 6. Kamschatka, des Isles Kurilski, et des Contrees Voisiiies, — Histoire de — . Traduite du Kusse par M. E * * *. Lyon, 1767. 2 vols. 12mo. R, 5. See Voyages and Travels in Various Parts. See Voyages et Me moires. Kamtschatka and the Kurilski Islands, — History of — . Translated from the Russian by James Grieve. Maps and charts. Gloucester, 1764. 4to. R, 4. See Japan, Kamtschatka, etc. Kang - hi, — Iraperatoris Sinarum Letterae patentes. Ignatius Koegleri. Nuremberg et AUdorf, 1702. 4to. 0, 6. Voyages de, — ou J^TouvellesLettres Chinoises. M. de Levis. Paris, 1810. 2 vols. 12mo. 0,4. Kangawa, — Appeal Case from Her Britannic Majesty's Court at — , re M. Morimichi v. J. Hartley. Record of proceedings. Fol. P, 2. Kashmire. See Bengal to England. Keate (G.). Account of the Pellew Islands, from the Journals of Captain H. Wilson. London, 1789. 4to. P, 2. Kelly (J.). Congregational Principles and the duty of Teaching them. London, i860. Pam.-Yol. 52 : 0, 1. Kendrick (J.). Account of Excursions made at the Mote Hill, Warrington. 1852. Pam.-Vol. 20 : N, 6. Kenney (C. L.). Gates of the East. Ten chapters on the Suez Canal. London, 1857. 8vo. Para.-Vol. 82 : T, 4. Kercheri (A.). Physiologia Kircheriana Experi- mentalis. Ainstelodami, 1680. Fol. P, 1. Kerr (Dr.). State of the Christians in Cochin and Travancore. Report. London, 181 3. Pam.-Vol. 45 : 0, 1. Kerr (J. G.). Canton Directory. Canton, 1873 Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. • Examination Hall, Canton. Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. Medicine in China. 1859. Pam.-Vols. 4 and 5 : N, 6. Kidd (S.). Catalogue of the Chinese Library of the Royal Asiatic Society. London, 1838. Para.-Vol. 12 : N, 6. China ; or Illustrations of the Symbols, Philosophy, Antiquities, Customs, Super- stitions, Laws, Government, Education, and Lit'rature of the Chinese. London, 184.1. 8vo. N, 4. Kidd (S.). Critical notices of Dr. Morrison's Literary Labours. 1 840. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 31 : 0, 1. Lecture on the IS^ature and Structure of the Chinese Language. London, 1838. Pam.-Vols. 10 & 30 : N, 6 ; and 46 : 0, 1. — Remarks on the Memorial to the British and Foreign Bible Society, on a New Version of the Chinese Scriptures. Pam.-Vols. 42 and 46 : 0, 1. — Report of the Anglo-Chinese College, and Appendix, with translation of the Thousand Character Classic. 1831 (?). Pam.-Vol. 46 : 0. 1. Sermon on the death of the Rev. — . J. Woodwark. London, 1843. Pam.-Vol. 51 : 0, 1. Kien-long, — Discours sur I'Empereur — . Paris, 1 84 1. Pam.-Vol. 58 : 0, 1. Also in vol. " Histoire de M. Constance." Empereur de la Chine, — Eloge de la Villa de Moukden et sa environs ; poeme composee par — . Traduit par P. Amiot. Paris, 1770. 8vo. 0, 4. Emperor of China, — Imperial Epistle to George the Third. 2nd edition. London, 1796. Pam.-Vol. 3: N, 6. King, — Real Happiness of a People under a philosophical — , demonstrated. London, 1750. Pam.-Vol. 3: N, 6. King (J. W.). London, i86r. China Pilot. Svo. 3rd edition. a, 4. Kircheri Athanasii China Monumentis Sacris et Profanis nee non variis naturae et artis spectaculis. Illustrata. Amstelodami, 1667. Fol. M, 1. ■ Mundus Subterraneus. Amstelodami, 1665. 2 vols, in 1. Fol. S, 1. Prodromus Coptus sive Egyptiacus. Roma, 1636. 4to. TJ, 3. •' Kite," — Narrative of a Recent Imprisonment in China, after the Wreck of the — . J. L. Scott. 2nd edition. London, 1842. 12mo. 0,3. Also in Pam.-Vols. 11 : N, 6 ; and 66 : 0, 6. Klaproth (J.). Annales des Empereurs du Japou. Traduit par J. Titsingh. Paris Sj- London, 1834. 4to. P, 1. - Asia Polyglotta. Paris, 1823. Also Sprachatlas. Fol. 4to. T, 1. P, 1. feu, — Catalogue des Livres Imprimes, des MSS., et des Ouvrages Chinois, Tartares, Japonais, etc., composantla Bibliotheque de — . Paris, 1839. Svo. IT, 1. traducteur, Fookoua Siriak, ou traite sur rOrigine des Richesses du Japon. Traduit du Chinois. Paris, 182S. Pam.-Vol. 12 : N, 6. 80 KLA— LAC Klaproth (J.). Fragraens Bouddhiques. 1831. Pam.-Yol. 10: N, 6. traducteur. Lettres sur la Litterateur Mandchou, traduites du Russe do M. A. L. Leontew. Paris, 18 15. Pam.-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Metnoire de Jean Onosk'herdjan. Traduit de I'Armenien par — . Paris, 18 18. Pam.-Vol. 2 : N, 6. — — Memoires Relatifs a I'Asie, contenant les recherches Historiques, Geograpliiques, et Philologiques 8ur les Peuples de I'Orient. Paris, 1824. 8vo. T, 2. Origine du Papier Monnaie. Paris, 1822. Pam.-Vols. 10 and 11 : N, 6. Relation des Royauraes Bouddhiques, par A. Remusat, complete par — . Paris, 1836. 4to. P, 2. traducteur. San kokf tsou ran to sets, — ou AperQU General des trois royauraes, Corse, Lieou-Kieou, et Yesso, Paris, 1832. 8vo. R, 1. Also Atlas of plates and maps. 4to. P, 2. translator. TJeber die vor kurzem entdeckten Babylonischen Inschriften von J. Hager. Weimar, 1802. 8 vo. U, 1. Verzeichniss der Chinesischen und Mandschuischen Biicher und Handschriften der Konigliehen Bibliothek. Paris, 1^22. Fol. M, 1. * Knollys (H.). English Life in China. London, 1855. 8vo. A, 2. Incidents of the China War of 1860, com- piled from the Private Journals of Sir Hope Grant. London, 1875. 8vo. 0, 3. Koegler (J.). Letterae Patentes Iraperatoris Sinarum Kang-hi. Sinice et Latine. Norimhergce et Altdorfii, 1702. 4to. 0,6. Koegliri (J.). Notitise S.S. Bibliorum Judeeorum in Imperio Sinensi. 1805. Pam.-Yol. 30 : N, 6. Koempfer (E.). Account of Japan. London Glasgow, 1853. 8vo. R, Also in Pam.-Yol. 16 : N, 6 — Amoenitatum Exoticarum Politico-physico- medicarum fasciculi v. Description es rerum Persicarum et Ulterioris Asiae. Plates and maps. Lemgovioi, \i\i. 4to. U, 6. Histoire de 1' Empire du Japon. Traduite en Francois sur la version Anglais de Jean- Gaspar Scheuchzer. Maps and plates. LaHaye, 1729. 2vol8.ini. FoL P, 1. — History of Japan, together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam. Translated by J. G. Scheuchzer, from the High Dutch of — . Maps and plates. London, 1728. 2 vols. Fol. P. 1. — Tcones Selectee Plantarura quas in Japonia collegit, etc. Plates. London, 1791. Fol. P,l. Koonawur in the Himalaya, etc., — Account of — . With map. Alexander Gerard. Edited by George Lloyd. London, 1841. 8vo. T, 3. Koraianum Conversum, — Liu Ho, sive Yocabu- larum Siuense, in — . P. F. de Siebold. Lvgduni Batavorum, 1838. 4to. P, 1. Kucheng Massacre, — Full Account of the, — and Report of the Public Indignation Meeting, August 5, 1895. North China Daily News. 8vo. Shanghai {"i), 1895. 0, 6. Also Supplement to North China Herald, August 9, 1895, with Report of Meeting. Shanghai, 1895. 0, 6. Also Tientsin Times, August 17, 1895. 0, 6. Kum-le-fow, in the "Western Suburbs of Canton, — Reports of the Hospital for — , 1848-49, 1851, 1853-54 to 1855-56, and 1859-60 to 1862-63. Pam.-Yols. 37 and 39 : 0, 1. Kuper (Admiral). Official Report on the Armstrong Guns. London, 1864. Fol. M, 1. Kurilski Islands,— -S^* Kamscliatka and the — . Kurz (H.). Memoire sur I'etat politique et religieuse de la Chine, 2,300 ans avant notre ere, selon le Chou King. Pam.-Yol. 27 : N, 6. Uber einige der Neusten Leistungen in der Chinesischen Literatur. Paris, 1830. 8vo. M, 2. Kwang-se Rebellion,— History of the — . See Pamphlets issued by the Chinese Insurgents. Kwei-chow, — Miau-tsze, or Wild Tribes of — . Water-colour sketches, with Explanations in Chinese characters. 4 vols, in foldings : Z, 1. Kwei-chow and Yunnan, — Despatch forwarding a report by Mr. A. Hosie of a Journey Through the Provinces of — . Xo«rfo», 1883. Fol. M, 1. L. (C. G.). ^ovissima Sinica Historiam Nostri Temporis illustratura. 2nd edition. Home (?). 8vo. 0, 4. L. (G. M. A. W.). Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orientales par les Hollandais. Quaint plates. Amsterdam, 1609. Fol. S, 1. Labillardiere (M.), — Yoyage in Search of la "Perouse," during the years 1791-94, from the French of — . Maps and plates. London, 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. U, 3. * Lacouperie (Terrien de). Calendar Plant of China, the Cosmic Tree, and the Date Palm of Babylonia. London, 1890. 8vo. Pam.-Yol. 73 : 0, 6. Catalogue of Chinese Coins from the seventh century b.c. to A.n, 621. Edited by R. S. Poole. London, 1892. 8vo. N, 1. Formosa Notes on MSS., Languages, and Races. Jlert/or d, liSy. 8vo. R, 2. Also in Pam.-Yol. 73 : 0, 6. LAC— LAY 81 Lacouperie (Terrien de). History of the Archaic Chinese Writing. London, 1SS2. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 5. Languages of China before the Chinese. London, 1887. 8vo. Q,, 4. Onomastic Similaiity of Nai Hwang-Ti of China and Nakhunte of Susiana. London, 1890. 8vo. Pam.-Yol. 73 : 0, 6. Lacroix (A. F.). Voyage du Missionnaire an Temple do Jogoimath. 2nd edition. Neuchatel, 1 85 I. Bvo. Para. -Vol. 82 : T, 4. Ladrones, on the coast of China. Further State- ment intended as a continuation of the accounts published by Mr. Dah-ymple. London, 1812. 4to. M, 2. Lamiot (L.), traducteur. Esquisse du Sy-yu, ou des Pays a I'Ouest de la Chine. Traduite du Chinois. 1832. Pam.-Vol. 10: N", 6. Missionnaire Lazariste en Chine, — Lettres de — . Paris, 1852. Pam.-Vols. 10 and 12 : N, 6. Landresse (C), traducteur. Elements de la Grammaire Japonaise. Le P. llodriguez, Paris, 1825. 8vo. K, 1. * Lane-Poole (S.) & Dickins (S. V.). Life of bir Harry Parkes, Minister to Cliina and Japan. Maps. London, 1894.. 2 vols. 8vo. A, 2. Lang (H.). Shanghai Considered Socially. A lecture. 2nd edition. SJiangJiai, !?>']«). 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 70 : 0, 5. Langdon (W. B.>. Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Collection now exhibiting in London. 3rd English edition. London, 1842. 8vo. CI, 4. Ten Thousand Things Eelating to China and the Chinese. 2nd edition. Lotidon, iS^^. 8vo. ft, 4. Lange (L.). Journal de la Residence du Siam, contenant ses negotiations a la Cour de la Chine, 1721-22. Leyde, ijib. 8vo. 0, 4. L angles (L.). Alphabet Mantchou. 3rd edition. Paris, 1807. 8vo. N, 3. feu, — Catalogue des Livres Impriraes et MSS., composant la Bibliotheque de — . Paris, 1825. 8vo. U, 1. — Grand Execution d'Autorane, No. 2. Moukden. Pam.-Vols. 17 and 27 : N, 6. — iN'otice des Ouvrages Elementaires MSS. sur la langue Chinoise qui possede le Bibliotheque Nationale. Paris, 1800. Pam.-Vols. 17 : N, 6 ; and 52 : 0, 1. Notice des Travaux Litteraires des Mission- naires Anglais dans I'Inde. Paris, 1817. 8vo. T, 3. Langsdorff (G. H. von). Voyages and Travels in various parts of the world during 1803-7. Plates. London, 1813-14. 2 vols. 4to. T, 1. Language and Literature. See Chinese — . Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical — . John Wilkins. London, 1668. Fol. S, 2. Literature, and Manners. See Eastern — Voyages de C. P. Thunberg au Japon. Paris, 1796. 2 vols. 4to. K, 1. Nations. Languages and Dialects, — Specimens of — . British and Foreign Bible Society. Pam.-Vol. 55 : 0, 1. Langues de cest Univers. See Univers. Lanjuinais (J. D.). Essai sur la Langue et la Litterateur Chinoise. A. lleinusat. Paris, 1811. 8vo. 0, 4. Also in Pam.-Vol. 17 : N, 6. Notice de I'ouvrage intitule Alphabet Mantchou. Paris, 1808. Pam.-Vol. 52: 0, 1. Lanman (C). Japanese Embassy in America. London, 1872. 8vo. R, 1. Lao. See Tunquin et — . Lao-tseu-tao-te-fcing. Le Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu. Traduite par Stanislas Julien. Paris, 1842. 8vo. N, 6. ou le Livre Revere de la Raison Supreme et de la Vertu. G. Pauthier. Paris, 1838. Bvo. 0, 1. Lao-tzu ; Studyin Chinese Philosophy. T.Walters. Hongkong 8f London, 1870. 8vo. ft, 6. Laou-ling, — Narrative of the Wonderful Work of God in — . From the journals of the Re vs. W.N. Hall and J. Innocent. Pam.-Vol. 22 : N, 6. Lapidis, — Historia — . A. Samedus. Pam.-Vol. 50 : 0, 1. Lapps, — Castren's Travels Among the — . Article. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. Lasting Resentment. See Wang-kiaou-lwan, etc. Laurie (P. G.). Rambles in India, China, etc. London, 1859. 8vo. R, 3. Lau-tsze, — Speculations on Metaphysics, Polity, and Morality of "The Old Philosopher"—. John Chalmers. London, 1868. 8vo. Q,, 5. Lawrence (Sir Jolin). Despatches on Christianity in India. Sheffield, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. Laws, — Fundamental — , of the Penal Code of China. Ta-tsing-leu-lee. London, 1810. 4to. M, 2. Lay (Q. T.). Chinese as they Are. Plates. London, 1841. 8vo. ft, 3. 6 82 LAY— LEG Lay (H. N.). — Correspondence respecting the Dismissal of Mr. — , and respecting the Anglo- Chinese Fleet. P.P. Zowrfo??, 1864. Fol. M, 1. Foreign Office and our Policy in China. Letters. London, 1868. Pam.-Vol. 24: N, 6. Our Interests in China. A letter. London, 1864. Pam.-Vol. 24: N, 6. Statements in the memorandum of Mr. — . P.P. London, 1862. Fol. M, 1. lay (H. N.), Osborne (S.), & Fairbairn (T.), defendants', and Smith (W.) & Novellis (A. H.), plaintiffs. Amended Bill of Com- plaint. London, 1870. Fol. M, 1. Lay's Memorandum of January 11th, 1862, — Correspondence respecting the statements in — . P.P. 1864. Fol. M, 1. Learning, — Great — . See Chinese Classics, vol. i. Lechler (B,.). Acht Vortrage iiber China. Basel, 1861. Pam.-Vol. 4: N, 6. Das Evangeliura des Matthaeus un Volks- dialekle der Hakka-Chinesen. Berlin, i860. 8vo. ' 0, 3. Lee (S.). Controversial Tracts on Christianity and Mohammedanism. Henry Martin. Trans- lated and explained. Cambridge, 1824. Bvo. T, 3. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. Introductory discourse delivered April, 1821. C. Turner Thackrah. Leeds, 1821. See in vol. Corporibus Marinis Lapidescentibus. U, 1. Lees (J.) Farce of Cathay, Club of Hercules. 1871. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Shanghai, 1870. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Memorials of Dr. J. Kenneth Mackenzie. Tientsin, 1888. Bvo. Q,, 5. Legge (J.). Argument for ' Shang-te ' as the proper rendering of ' Elohim ' and ' Theos.' Hungkong, 1850. Pam.-Vol. 42: 0, 1. Chinese Chronology. Paper read before the Victoria Institute, March 3rd, 1890. London. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 5. Chinese Classics, with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena, and copious indexes. Hongkong ^ London. 8 vols, as 5. 8vo. 1861-1872. A, 1. Christianity in China : Nestorianism, Eoman Catholicism, and Protestantism ; or the Nestorian Monument of Hsi-an Fu. London, i888. Pam.-Vol. 73: 0, 6. Confucian Analects ; Great Learning, and Doctrine of the Mean ; being vol. i of the Chinese Classics. Hongkong Sf London, 1861. 8vo. A, 1. Legge (J.). Confucianism in Relation to Christianity. Paper read at the Missionary Conference. Shanghai Sf London, 1877. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 6. - Dukes Yin, Hwan, Chang, Min, He, "Wan, Suen, Ching, and prolegomena ; and Dukes Seang, Ch'aou, Ting, and Gae, with Tso's appendix, and the indexes : being vol. v, parts i and ii, of the Chinese Classics. Hongkong 8f London, 1872. 2 vols. 8vo. A, 1. Inaugural Lecture on the Constituting of a Chair in the University of Oxford. Oxford Sf London, iS-jG. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0,5. Journal of a Missionary Tour along the East Iliver of Canton Province. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 5. LandofSinim. A sermon. London, iS^g. 12mo. Pam.-Vol. 61 : 0, 5. Letter on the Translation into English of the Chinese terms ' Ti ' and ' Shang Ti.' London, 1880. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. No. 65: 0, 6. — Letters on the Bendering of the name * God' in the Cliinese Language. Hongkong, 1850. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 42 : 0, 1. — List of Subscribers to the Building of the Chinese Chapels at Wan-tsye and T'ae Ping Shan, with accounts. Hongkong, i864(?). Pam.-Vol. 62 : 0, 5. — Nestorian Monument of Hsi-an Fu, relating the Diffusion of Christianity in the seventh and eighth centuries. London, 1888. Pam.-Vol. 73 : 0, 5. \^Olherwise entitled " Christianity in China : Nestorianism, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism.^'^ — Notions of the Chinese concerning God and Spirits, etc., with an Examination of Dr. Boone's " Defence of an Essay." Hongkong, 1852. Bvo. Pam.-VoL 43 : 0, 1. — Principles of Composition in Chinese, con- tributed to the Eoyal Asiatic Society. April, 1879. Pam.-Vol. 73: 0, 5. Review of two pamphlets on the Word ' God ' in the Chinese Scriptures by — . Evangelical Magazine. Pam.-Vol. 42 : 0, 1. — See Chinese Classics. A review. See Reply to Dr. Boone's Vindication. Pam.-Vol. 43 : 0, 1. — She King, or Book of Ancient Poetry, translated in English verse. Londo7i, 1876. Bvo. ft, 3. — She King. First part : Lessons from the States and prolegomena. Second, third, and fourth parts : Minor Odes of the Kingdom, Greater Odes of the Kingdom, Sacrificial Odes and Praise Songs, and the Indexes; being vol. iv of the Chinese Classics, ia two parts. Hongkong Sf London, I S-] I. 2 vols. 8vo. A, 1. LEG— LIY 83 Legge (J.). ShooKin^; or Books of T'ang, Hooks of Yu, Books of Hea, Books of Shang, the prolegomena, Books of Chow, and the indexes; being vol. iii, parts 1 and 2, of the Chinese Classics. Ilongkong Sf London, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. A, 1. Works of MenciuB ; being vol. ii of the Chinese Classics, Mongkong Sf London, 1861. 8vo. A, 1. Legrand (L). Caracteres Chinois, Graves sur Poin^ons d'Acier. 1836. Pam.-Vol. 10 : N, 6. Specimen de les Caracteres Chinois. Paris, 1837. Pam.-Vol. 11: N, 6. Leibnizio (G. G.), editor. Historia Arcana eive de Vita Alexandri VI, Papae, seu excerpta a diario Johannis Burchardi. Mannooerice, 169 Pam.-Vol. 80 : R 1. Leigh (Edward). Three Diatribes or Discourses : first, of Travel ; second, of Money ; third, of Measuring. London, 1671. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 84 : T, 6. Lejune (L'Abbe). Observations critiques et philosophiques sur le Japon et les Japonais. Amsterdam et Paris, 1780. 12mo. In vol. liecherches Historiques. Q,, 6. Leland (C. G). Fusang, or the discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century. London, 1875. 8vo. U, 3. Leontiew (A. L.). Lettres sur la Litterateur Mandchou. Traduites du Russe de M. — . J. Klaproth. Paris, 1815. Pam.-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Lepidoptera, — On a collection of — , made in Northern Formosa by H. E. Hobson. A. G. Butler. London, 1877. Pam.-Vol. 71: 0, 5. Lessons from the States. See Chinese Classics, vol. iv, pt. 1. A, 1. Leti (Gregorio), — Life of Pope Sixtus the Fifth, in which we have a view of the Trans- actions of the Roman Church, and the most considerable Affairs of Europe in that age. Translated from the Italian of — . London, 1704. 8vo. U, 6. Lettre a Monsieur Docteur de Sorbonne. Pffns(?), 1700. 12mo. Pam.-Vol. 56 : 0, 1. Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses concernant I'Asie, I'Afrique, et I'Amerique. Publiees sur la direction de M. I'Aimee-Martin. Paris, 1838-43. 4 vols. 8vo. T, 1. Leupe (P. A), Krafto (J.), «& Siebold (P. F. von). Beize van M. G., Vries in 1643 naar het Noorden en Oosten van Japan, volgens het journaal gehouden door C. J. Coen. Amsterdam, 1858. 8vo. R, 1. Levant, — Voyage du — . S' de Stockhove. Bruxelles, 1662. 8vo. U, 3. Levis (M. de). Les Voyages de Kang-hi; ou Nouvelles Lettres Chinoises. Paris, 18 10. 2 vols. 12mo. 0, 4. Lewis (T. R.) «& Cunningham (D. D.). Report on Leprosy in India. Calcuttti, li"]"]. 8vo. T, 3. Lew Chew and the Lew Chewans. George Smith. London, 1853. 12mo. 0, 3. Islands. See China, Corea, and the — . , Letter from B. J. Bethelheim, Missionary in — . Canton, 1832. Pam.-Vols. 13 and 14 : N, 8. Lexicon Magnum Latino - Sinicura. J. A. Gonsalves. Macao, 1841. 4to. M, 2. Lexicon Manuale Latino - Sinicum. J. A. Gonsalves. Macao, 1839. 8vo. 0,3. Lexilogus of the English, Malay, and Chinese Languages. Malacca, 1841. 4to. 0, 1. Ley den (J.). Malay Annals. Translated from the Malay by — . London, i%zi. 8vo. R, 2. Lhasa. See Thibet and — . Lieou-kieou. See San kokf tsou ran to sets. Liepmannsohn's Catalogue No. 36. Pam.-Vol. 86 : XT, 1. Li-ki, ou Memorial des Rites. J. M. Gallery. Turin Sf Paris, 1853. 4to. N, 1. Lime, — Experiments and Observations on Globules of Carbonate of — . G. Rainey. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Lindau (R.). Voyage Autour du Japon. Paris, 1864. 12mo. ft, 6. Lindsay (H. H.). Is the War with China a Just one ? 2ad edition. London, 1 840. Pam.-Vols. 8 and 24 : N, 6. LiDdu (Lucae de). Descriptio Orbis et omnium ejus Rerum Publicarum. Amstelodami, 1665. 8vo. T, 6. Lin-le [W. Lindley]. Ti-ping Tien-kwoh ; the History of the Ti-ping Revolution, London, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo, N, 1. Linnaeus, — General View of the Writings of — . R. Pultney, 2nd edition. London, 1805. 4to, P,2. Linschot (J. H. de), — Histoire de la Navigation do — , aux Indes Orientales, avec annotations de B. Paludanus. Amsterdam, 1638. Fol, S, L Lithgow (W.). The to tall discourse of the rare adventures and paineful perigrinations of long nineteen yeares travayles from Scotland to the most famous kingdoms in Europe, Asia, and Africa, London, 1632. 4to. U, 3. ^/«o 12th edition. Leith, 18 14. 8vo, U, 3. Little (R.). Habitual Use of Opium in Singapore. Journal of the Eastern Archipelago. Pam.-Vol, 36 : 0, 1. Livaldi (M. A,). L' India Orientale Soggettata al Vangelio. ^o»i 5. Missions, Protestant, in China, — Directory of — . S. L. Baldwin. Fuchau, 1865. Pam.-Vols. 55 and 60 : 0, 1. Also Fooohoo, 1866. Pam.-Vol. 62 : 0, 6. , Letter to Sir R. Alcock, by the Protestant Missionaries at Peking — J. Edkins, J. S. Burdon, W. H. Collins, J. Dudgeon. Peking (?), 1869. 8vo. Pam.-VoL72: 0,5. , Reply to the Charges against — , in a letter addressed to The Times. D. Matheson. London, 1869. Svo. Pam.-VoL 72 : 0, 6. , to China, — Retrospect of the First Ten Years of the — . W. Milne. Malacca, 1820. Svo. G, 5. Missionum quarundam Orientis et Occidentis, — Brevis et Compendiosa Narratio — . P. G. Spitilli. Antverpice, 1593. l2mo. R, 6. Mnemonic Geography. Part i, Provinces of China. Thomas Jenner. London, 1869. 12mo. 0, 3. Moges (M. de). Recollections of Baron Gros' Embassy to Japan in 1857-58. London, i860. Svo. ft, 3. Souvenirs d'une Ambassade en Chine et au Japon, 1757-68. Paris, i860. Svo. N, 5. Mogor, — Historica Relatio de Potentissimi Regis — , a magno Tamerlane Oriundi, vita, moribus, et summa in Christianam religionera propensione : delude de Omnium Japonise Regnorum, etc. Joanne Baptista Peruschi. IIogunticB, 1598. Svo. CI, 6. Mogul Dynasty in India, from its foundation by Tamerlane, in the year 1399, to the accession of Aurengzebe, in the year 1657, — History of the — . Translated from the French of F. Catron. London, 1826. Svo. T, 3. Empire, from its Foundation by Tamerlane to the late Emperor Orangzeb, — General History of the — . From the Memoirs of M. Mauouchy. F. Catron. London, 1709. Svo. T, 3. MOG— MOR 97 Mogul, — Great — . See Incles Oiientales. , Vast Empire of the Great — . See Asia. Moguls. See Hunnen und Tarten. See Huns. Moguntiacarum Eerum, Libri Quinque. Auctore Nicolao Scrario. Moguntice, 1604. 4to. U, 3. Mohammedan Prejudices. 1861. Wazir BeSefl Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors. Persian MS. l_Blue covers."] R, 6. Persicarum et Ulterioris Asise, — Descriptiones rerum — . Amoenitatum Exoticarum Politico- physico-medicarum, fasciculi v. E. Koempfero. Plates and maps. Lemgovia, 1712. 4 to. U, 6. PER— PIN 109 Peru. See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — , vols, xlix, 1, and Hi. T, 6. Pemschi (J. Baptista). Historica Eelatio de Potentissirai Eegis Mogor, deindo de oranium Japonicte regnorum, — Vita, moribus, et summa in Christianum religionera propensione. 8vo. Moff unties, 1598. Petherick (E. A.). Catalogue of the York Gate Library, formed by Mrs. Silver. 2nd edition. 1886. Hoy. 8vo. U, 1. Peyronie (G. de la), traducteur. Voyages de P. S. Pallas en difFerentes provinces de 1' Empire de Kussie et dans I'Asie Septentrionale. Paris, 1789-93. 5 vols. 4 to. R, 4. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, tertia editio. Opera Medicorum Collegii. London, 1627. Fol. P, 2. Philip (John). Importance of Early Instruction. A sermon. Cape Totvn, 1831. Pam.-Vol. 22 : N, 6. Philip (R.). Life and Opinions of the Rev. W. Milne, D.D. London, 1840. 8vo. Q, 6. No Opium ! or Commerce and Christianity. A letter to Jas. Cropper. London, 1835. Pam.-Vol. 68 : 0, 5. Peace with China. London, 1 840. Pam.-Vols. 11 & 12 : N, 6; and 72 : 0, 5. Star of China, or the Imperial Edict. London, 1845. Pam.-Vols. 11 and 12: N, 6. Philippine Islands. See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des—. Pam.-Vol. 39 : T, 6. Phillips (J.). On the Estuary Sands of Shotover Hill. Londoti, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Phillips (Mr.), translator. Thirty-four Con- ferences between the Danish Missionaries and the Malabarian Brahmans. From the High Dutch. London, 17 19. 8vo. T, 3. Phillips (T.). The Chinese ; a book for the day. London, 1854. 8vo. 0, 4. ••Philological: Wylie, De Guignes, and others." Pamphlet- Volume No. 18. 8vo. Including: — 1. Translation and Remarks on an Ancient Buddhist Inscription at Ken - yung Kwan. A. Wylie. 1870. 2. Sur une Inscription Mongole en Carac- t^res Pa'-sse-Pa. A. Wylie. 1862. 3. Part ii, vol. xvii, of the Journal of the Jioi/al Asiatic Society. London, i860. Containing — Article viii. Traits of Indian Character, Colonel Sykes ; ix, Translation of a Burmese Version of the Niti Kyan, E. Fowle ; X, Ruins of Wallabhipura, A. K. Forbes ; xi. Date and Personality of Priyadarsi, R. G. Latham ; xii, Inscriptions in the Region of El - Harrah, C. C. Graham ; xiii, Golden Relics at Rangoon ; xiv, Indian Embassy to Augustus, 0. de B. Piiaulx ; XV, Arabic Quadrant, W. H. Morley ; xvi. Ancient Inscription in the Neu-Chih Language, A. Wylie ; xvii, Cotton Trade of India, J. A. Mann. 4. On the Birs Nimrod, or the Great Temple of Borsippa. H. Rawlinson. 1855. 5. Royal Asiatic Society, Reports, 1860. London. 6. Remarques Philologiques sur les Voyages en Chine de M. de Guigues. Berlin, 1809. 7. On the Knowledge possessed by tlie Ancient Chinese of the Arabs and Arabian Colonies. E. Bretschneider. London, 1871. 8. Biographical Sketch of the late George Wilson, M.D. Professor Balfour. Eiinhurgh, i860. 9. The Captives in Abyssinia. Chas. T. Beke. London, 1865. 10. Bicentenary of the Bartholomew Ejectment in 1662. St. James's Hall, Addresses. New edition. London, 1^6 1. N. 6. Philosophique, — Correspondance — . See Lettres Chinois. Phoenix, — The — . A monthly magazine for China, Japan, and Eastern Asia. Edited by Jas Summers. London, July 1870 to June 187 1. 4to. CI, 5. Physiologisena Kircheriana Experimentalis, Athanasius Kircheri. Ainstelodami, 1680. Fol. P, 1. Physiology of the Nervous System, — Clinical Cases. J. W. Ogle. 1859. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Picart (B.). The Ceremonies and Religious Customs of Idolatrous Nations, vol. iv, part 2. Many plates. London, 1733. Fol. P, 1. Piedad (F. de la). Teatro Jesuitico Apologetico. Coimbra, 1654. 4to. R, 6. Piercy (G.). Chinese Mission in London. Report and Statements. 1889. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 5. Pietro, — La Lagrime di S. — , del Sig»" Luigi Tansillo. Erasmo Valuasone. Venetia, 1605. 12mo. U, 3. Pigneyra (L.). Nouvelle Histoire du Japon. Traduite en Franqais par J. B. Paris, 161 8. 8vo. ft, 6. Pignorii, — Lanrentii — , Mensa Isiaca. Accessit, Magna Deum Matre discursus. Amstelodami, 1669. 4to. TJ, 3. Pihan (A. P.). Expose des Signes de Numeration usites chez les Peuples Orientaux anciens et modernes. Paris, i860. 8vo. T, 2. Pimenta (P. N.), Visitatore della provincia d' India Orientale, — Copia d'una lettera del — . Venetia, 1602. 12mo. T, 4. Pinang, — Reports of the Protestant Mission School in—, for 1851 and 1861. Pam.-Vol. 48 : 0, 1. Pineyro (L.). Relacion del Succcsso que tuo nuestra Santa Fe en los reynos del Japon, etc. Madrid, 161 7. FoL P, 1. 110 PIN— POL Pinto (F. M.), — Voyages Advantureux de — . Traduita du Portugais en Francois par B. Figuier, Paris, 1645. 4to. R, 3. Voyages and Adventures of F. M. Pinto, a Portugal, during his Travels for the space of twenty-one years in the Kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchin China, Siara, Pegu, Japan, and a groat part of the East Indiaes. Done into English by H. C. Gent. London, 1653. 4to. T, 1. Piry (A. T.), traducieur. Erh-toumei-ou-les, Pruniers Merveilleux. Roman Chinois. Tome ii. Paris, 1880. 8vo. N, 6. Plates, Maps, and Scrapbooks,— Volumes of—. Anacharsis, — Jeune ; Cartes Geographiques, Plans, Vues, et Medailles. TT, 1. Astronomicarura Instrumentarum. Folding. X. 1. Ava, — Embassy to the Kingdom of — . M. Symes. T, 2. China and the Chinese, — Sketches of—. X, 1. Battles, Ceremonies, Costumes, etc. X, 1. Costume of — . X, 1. Deities and Sages of — . Scrapbook. X, 1. Chine et Tartary, tome ii. Plates. Y, 1. Faits Memorables des Emperours de la — . X, 1. . Moeurs, Usages, Costumes, Arts et Metiers, Peines Civiles et Militaires, Cere- monies Beligieuses, Monuments, Paysages, etc. D. B. de Malpiere. M, 2. ^ouvel Atlas de la — . Maps and plates. Y, 1. Maps, plates, and outlines. Y, 1. Chinese and Japanese Plates. Scrapbook. "Kerry." X, 1. Buildings, Furniture, Dresses, etc. X, 1. Coins. T. de Lacouperie. Chiefly plates. — Costumes. Patqua. Scrapbook 2. — Embassy, — Plates to the — . Furniture and Lanterns. Patqua. N, 1. X, 1. Y, 1. Scrap- book 3. X, 1. Maps, etc. Scrapbook *' Galway." X, 1. Moths and Butterflies. Patqua. Scrap- book 1. X, 1. Wild Tribes, — Miau-tsze. Foldings. 4 vols. X, 1. Cook and King's Voyages, — Plates to — . Y, 1. Indes Orientales et a la Chine, — Voyage aux — . M. Sonnerat. Collection de Planches. S, 1. Japan Expedition of the United States. M. C. Perry. One vol. maps and three vols. chiefly plates. P, 2. Japonia Icones SelectaPlantarum. E. Koempfer. P,2. Peking, Manille, et I'lle de France, — Voyages k — . M. de Guignes. Atlas. M, 2. San kokf tsou ran to sets. J. Klaproth. Plates and maps. P, 2. Plates, Maps, and Scrapbooks, — Volumes of—. Sinensis, — Atlas Novus — . Maps. Y, 1. Sumatra, — Plates to Marsden's History of — . Y, 1. Voyages de P. S. Pallas ... en llussie et dans I'Asie Septentrionale. Tome sixieme (Planches). P, 1. Yu, — Monument de — . J. Hager. Characters and Inscriptions. * Playfair (G. M. H.). Cities and Towns of China. Geographical Dictionary. Jlo7igkong, 1879. 8vo. A, 1. Pleasing History, — or Han-kiou-choaan, a translation from the Chinese. London, I'jGi. 4 vols. 12mo. 0, 6. Points (J. T.), Missionary to China, — Memorial Sermon for the Rev. — . R.Nelson. Pichmond. Para.-Vol. 22 : N, 6. Poivre (P.), — Travels of a Philosopher, or Observations on the Manners and Arts of various Nations in Africa and Asia, translated from the French of — . London, 1769. 8vo. T, 5. Political, Social, Miscellaneous." Pamphlet-Volume No. 66. Bvo. Including : — 1. The Jews at K'ae-fung-foo. A Mission of Inquiry. G. Smith. Shanghai, 1851. 2. Books of the T'hae-ping-wan Dynasty, and Trip of the "Hermes" to Nanking. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1853. 8. What is Lord Elgin to do ? The Canton Dispute and our Relations with China con- sidered. J. Beaumont. London, 1857. 4. British Policy in China : Neutral War and Warlike Peace ! J. Scarth. Edinburgh, 1861. 5. China's Northern Dependencies and Colonial Possessions. J. Dudgeon. Glasgow, 1886. 6. Narrative of the Shipwreck of the " Kite." A. Noble. 2nd edition. Macao, 1 841. 7. Obituary Notice of B. H. Hodgson, and Review of " Society in China." R. K. Douglas. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1894. 8. Recollections of Life in the Far East. AV. S. Wetmore. Shanghai, 1894. 9. Brief Description of the Town of Victoria. From Hongkong Almanack. 1848. 10. Map of Peking, with Memoir. W. Lockhart. Chronicle of the London Missionary Society. 1867. 11. Description of a View of Canton and the River, in Panorama of R. Burford. London, 1838. 0, 6. • Political, Wylie, Miscellaneous." Pamphlet- Volume No. 74. 8vo. Including : — 1. England's Policy in China. A. Wilson. Hongkong, i860. 2. Historical Sketch of the Ecclesiastical, Political, and Commercial Relations of Russia with China. J. Dudgeon. Pekin, i^-ji. POL— PSA 111 3. Sketch of Kusso - Chinese Intercourse. F. "W". Williams. New Englander and Yale Revieio. 1891. 4. Archaeological and Historical Researches on Peking and its Environs. E. Bretschneider. Shanghai, 1876. 5. Mongol Astronomical Instruments in Peking. A. Wylie. Leide, 1878. 6 & 7. Ethnography of the After Han Dynasty. History of the Southern and South- Western Barbarians, translated from the How Han Shoo, books cxvi and cxvii. A. Wylie. Revue V Extreme Orient, Nos. 2 and 3 of vol. i. Paris, 1882. 8. Syllables for Romanizing Chinese. 9. The Three-Character Classic. Romanized. B. Jenkins. 10. Da Yah. The Great Study. Romanized. 0,5. Polo (Marco), — Travels of — . H. Murray. 3rd edition. Edinburgh Sr London, 1845. 8vo. T, 6. Voyage and Life. See Navigationi et Viaggi Ramusio. Poison (N.). Subaltern's Sick Leave ; or Rough Notes of a Visit to China, etc. Calcutta, 1837. Bvo. ft, 6. Polynesia, — Missions of — . Article. Pam.-Vol. 25 : N, 6. Pondisceri. See Viaggio. Poole (R. S.), editor. Catalogue of Chinese Coins from the Seventh Century b.c. to a.d. 621. Terrien de Laoouperie. London, 1892. 8vo. N,l. Poppy, — Cultivation of the — . Chinese Repository. Pam.-Vol. 34 : 0, 1. * Poppy Plague and England's Crime. J. F. B. Tinling. London, 1876. 8vo. A, 2. Port Hamilton, — Correspondence respecting the Temporary Occupation of — , by H.M. Govern- ment. P.P. London, 1887. Fol. M, 1. Porte (L.). Histoire du grand royaume de la Chine situe aux Indes Orientales, etc. Paris, 1588. 8vo. 0,4. Portuguese Settlements. See China, — Contribu- tion to an historical sketch. Pottinger (W.). Facts connected with the Pottinger Treaty of 1842 with China. Ramsgate. Pam.-Vol. 24 : N, 6. Powell (E. J.). Map of the North-East Provinces of China. 1859. In case. ft, 4. Prandi (F.). Memoirs of Father Ripa during Thirteen Years' Residence at the Court of Peking, in the service of the Emperor of China. London, 1844. 8vo. N, 5. Pratt (G.). Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language. 2nd edition. Edited by S. J", Whitmee. London, iSjS. 8vo. U, 2. Prayer, — Thoughts on the EfRcacv of — . London, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 52: 0, 1. Preble (Lieut.). Practical Instructions for the Navigation of the Yang-tsze Keang. Shanghai, 185 1. Pam.-Vols. 14 and 16 : N, 6. Prehistoric Times as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners and customs of modern savages. J. Lubbock. Londm, 1865. 8vo. TJ, 4. * Prejevalsky (N.). Mongolia, the Tangut Country, and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet. Translated by E. D. Morgan. Maps and illustrations. London, 1876. 8vo. A, 2. Premare (P.). Notitia Linguae Sinicae. Malacca, 1831. 4to. P, 2. ^^so Original MS. copy. 1826. Fol. M, 1. Also Translation by J. G. Bridgraan. Canton, 1847. 8vo. N, 3. Presbyterian Missions. Report. 1858. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Prevost (A. F.). Histoire Generale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de toutes des relations de Voyages par Terre et par Mer, qui ont ete publiees depuis le commencement du xv'^™" siecle jusqu'd present. P Map of China. In case. Q,, 4. 124 STA— SUM Stanley (H.), editor. Chinese Manual. Eecueil de Phrases Chinoiscs. London^ 1854. I^ol. M, 2. Stanton (V.). Two Sermons preached in Hong- , kong. Hongkong, 1850. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 72 : 0, 5. Star of China, or the Imperial Edict in its Bearings upon Missions. By Two Friends. Pam.-Vols. 11 & 12 : N, 6; and 72 : 0, 5. States-General, — Negotiations of Count d'Avaux, English Ambassador to the — . London, 1754. 3 vols. 12mo. U, 6. Staunton (G. L.). Historical Account of the Embassy to the Emperor of China undertaken by order of the King of Great Britain. London, 1797. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. 0,2. Memoirs of the Life and Family of — . Havant, 1823. 8vo. 0, 2. Staunton (G. T.). Catalogue of the Library of the late — . London, i860. Pam.-Vol. 23 : N, 6. Chinese Sacred Phraseology and Religion. London, 1849. Svo. N, 4. , New Editiun hy — ; History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China, and the situation thereof, together with the great riches, huge cities, politique government, and rare inventions in the same. Translated out of the Spanish of J. G. Mendoza by R. Parke. London, 1853. Svo. ft, 4. — Inquiry into the Proper Rendering of the word ' God ' in the translation of the Sacred Scriptures into the Chinese language. London, 1849. Svo. N, 4. Aho in Pam.-Vol. 41 : 0, 1. — Memoirs of — . Zow(?o», 1856. Svo. 0,2. — Miscellaneous Notices relating to China and our Commercial Intercourse with that country. London, 1822. Svo. Also 2nd edition. London, 1822. Svo. Aho 2nd edition with prefatoiy notes. London, 1822-50. Svo. 0,2. — translator. Narrative of the Chinese Embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars, 1712-15, by the Chinese Ambassador. London, 1821. Svo. 0, 2. Also in 2nd vol. of " China, Authentic Account, etc." — Notes of Proceedings and Occurrences during the British Embassy to Pekin in 1817. Havant, 1824. Svo. ft, 5. — Penal Code of China. Article in the Classical Journal, June, 1810. Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. — Remarks on the British Relations with China. London, 1836. Pam.-Vol. 13: N, 6. — Speech in the House of Commons, April 7th, 1S40. Corrected report. London, 1840. Svo. N, 6. Staunton (G. T.). Speech on Lord Ashley's Motion on the Opium Trade, April 4th, 1843. Pam.-Vol. 23: N, 6. Also Corrected Report. Pam.-Vol. 15 : N, 6. translator. Ta-tsing-lcu-lec ; being the Fundamental Laws, etc., of the Penal Code of China. London, 18 10. 4to. M, 2. Tract in Chinese on Vaccination. Pam.-Vol. 35 : 0, 1. Steele (R.)- Discourse concerning the State of Religion in England. Written in France in the reign of King Charles I. London, 1715. Svo. TJ, 3. Steinmetz (A.). History of the Jesuits, from the foundation of the Society to its suppression by Pope Clement XIV, and their Missions throughout the world. London, i^^2. 3 vols. Svo. E, 6. Stephenson (Macdonald). Report upon Railways in China, London, 1864. Fol. M, 1. Stevens (Edward). Address to Seamen. 1833. Pam.-Vol. 15 : N, 6. Obituary of the Rev. — . A. L. Bridgman. Canton, 1833. Pam.-Vol. 15: N, 6. Stockhove (Sr de). Voyage du Levant. Bruxelles, 1662. 8vo. IT, 3. Stoughton (J.). Lessons for Nonconformists. London, 1862. Pam.-Vol. 52: 0, 1. Strabonis de Situ Orbis, libri xvii — . Lugduni, 1559. 2 vols. Svo. U, 6. Straits. See Chinese and English Vocabulary of Proper Names. Stronach (J.). Sermon on the death of Rev. S. Dyer. Singapore, 1843. Para.- Vols. 3 : N, 6 ; and 42, 44, & 51 : 0, 1. Strays (J.), — Voyages en Musoovie, en Tartaric, en Perse, aux Indes, de — . M. Glanius. Curious plates. Paris, 17 19. 2 vols. Tirao. R, 6. Suen. See Dukes. Suez Canal, — Gates of the East ; ten chapters on the Isthmus of — . C. L. Kenney. London, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 82: T, 4. Sula Islands, — Birds of the — . A. R. Wallace. Pam.-Vol. 20 : N, 6. Sumatra, — History of — . W. Marsden. 3rd edition. London, 181 1. 4to. B,, 2. Also Plates to — . London, 18 10. Demy. Y, 1. Mission to the East Coast of — , in 1823. Map and plates. John Anderson. London, 1826. Svo. R, 2. — Use of Coffee Leaves in — . D. Hanbury. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. SUM— TAM 125 Summers (James). Lecture on the Chinese Language and Literature. London, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Phoenix, — a Monthly Magazine edited by — . February, 1870, to June, 1871. London. 4to. a, 4. Rudiments of the Chinese Language. London, 1864. 12mo. N, 3. Suratte. Voyage by Olof Toreen, etc. London, 1771. 2 vols. 8vo. 0,2. Swatow, — Correspondence respecting the Attack upon the boats of H.M.S. "Cockchafer" by Villagers near — . London, 1869. Fol. M, 1. Swinhoe (R.). Chinese Dialect Spoken in Hainan. Phcenix, December, 1870. London, 1870. 4to. 0, 6. Mammals of Formosa. Pam.-Vol. 20 : N, 6. — Narrative of the North China Campaign of 1860. Plates. London, i%6i. 8vo. 4,4. — Natural History of Hainan. London, 1870. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0, 5. — Obituary of— . 1877. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0,6. — Papers on Chinese — . London, Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0, 6. See France. Zoology, 1870. Switzerland. Sykes (W. H.). Tae-ping Eebellion in China. London, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 26 : N, 6. Syle (E. W.). Musical Notation of the Chinese. 1858. Pam.-Vol. 5: N, 6. Symes (M.). Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, sent by the Governor-General of India in 1795. 2nd edition. London, 1800. 3 vols. Bvo. Also Plates. 1 vol. 4to. T, 2. Syria. See Indian Church History. Syrian Medical Aid Association. Circular. Pam.-Vol. 35 : 0, 1. Syrian Monument Commemorating the Progress of Christianity in China, erected a.d. 718 at Singan fu. Article in the Chinese Repository, May, 1845. Canton, 1845. Pam.-Vol. 40 : 0, 1. Syrie, en Palestyn of Heilige Lant, — Naukeurige Beschryving van gantsch — . 0. Dapper. Amsterdam, 1677. Fol. S, 2. Sz-chuan, — Anti-Foreign Eiots in — . Report of a Meeting of the Missionary body held at Hankow, July 12th, 1895. 8vo. 0,6. Sze-chuen. See Hoopih — , and Shensi. to Ching-too, — Account of a Journey through — . British and Foreign Bible Society. Pam.-Vol. 67 : 0, 5. T. Ta-Mo, ou la Grand Etude. Traduit par G. Pauthier. Paris, 1837. 8vo. 0, 1. Also in Pam.-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Ta-ouan, — Relation du Pays de — . M. Brosset, jeune. Paris, 1829. Pam.-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Ta* Tsing Empire, — Treaty between the United States of America and the — , July 3rd, 1844. Pam.-Vol. 29 : N, 6. Leu Lee, being the Fundamental Laws, etc., of the Penal Code of China. Translated by G. T. Staunton. Londo7i, 18 10. 4to. M, 2. Tachard (G.). Voyage de Siam des peres Jesuites envoyes par le Roy aux Indes et a la Chine. Amsterdam, 1687. 12mo. Also Amsterdam, 1688-89. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo. B, 3. — , From the French of — , Voyage to Siam. Title wanting. Paris, 1686. 8vo. R, 3. Taeping Rebellion. 1863. W. H. Sykes. London, Pam.-Vol. 26 : N, 6. — , Events in the — ; being reprints of MSS. copied by General Gordon. A. E. Hake. London, 1891. 8vo. Q,, 3. in China. L. Brine. Maps and Plans. London, 1862. Bvo. Q, 6. Taepings and the Remedy. Progress in — ; part ii. See China, — as they Are. By one of them. London, 1864. Pam.-Vol. 26: N, 6. Tagaultii (Johannis), Ambiani vimaci, Parisiensis Medici, — De Chirurgica Institutione, — libri quinque, etc. Venetiis, 1544. Bvo. Taintor (E. C). The Aborigines of Northern Formosa. Shanghai, 1874. Bvo. Pam.-Vol. 71 : 0, 5. Tai-ping Insurgents, — Essay on the Bearing of the Publications of the — , on the word for 'God.' M. S. Culbertson. Crtw^on, 1853. Pam.-Vols. 13 : N, 6 ; and 51 : 0, 1. , Pamphlets Issued at Nan-king by the — . W. H. Medhurst, sen. Shanghai, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 5: N, 6. Rebellion. Article, Pam.-Vol. 26 : N, 6. -, Suppression of the — . See Chinese Campaign. Talmadge (J. V. N.). Anti-Missionary Move- ment in South China. Hongkong, 1871. Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. History of the Churches of the Presbyterian Order at Amoy. Neio York, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 4 : N, 6. Tamerlan, — Histoire du Grand — . Le Sieur de Saiuctyon. Paris, 1677. 12mo. T, 5, 126 TAM— TAU Tamerlane. See Mogul Empire. See Timur-Bec, — History of — . Tan Tock Sing's Hospital. Report for 1856-57. Singapore. Pam.-Vol. 69 : 0, 6. Also Appeal. 1864. Para.-Vol. 38: 0, 1. T'ang, — Books of vol. iii, pt. 1. See Chinese Classios, A, 1. Tangnt Country. -S^^^ Mongolia. Tansillo (L.), — Le Lagrime di S. Pietro, del — ; et Uuelle della Maddalena del E. Yaluasono. Venetia, 1605. 12mo. U, 3. Tao-te-king, ou le Livre Eevere de la Raison Supreme et de la Vertu, par Lao-Tseu. G. Pauthier. Prtm, 1838. 8vo. 0,1. Taou-Kwang, late Emperor of China, — Life of — . C. (jrutzlaff. London, 1852. 8vo. 0, 3. Tariffs, etc., — Commercial 1850. Fol. P.P. London, M, 1. Tartar Steppes, — Recollections of — . Mrs. Atkinson. Plates. London, 1863. 8vo. R, 4. Tartares, — Histoire de la Conqueste de la Chine par les — . M. de Pakfox. Traduite par le Sieur CoUe. Paris, 1670. 12mo. Also Amsterdam, lyz^- 12mo. 0,4. Occidentaux, — Histoire Generale des Huns, des Tares, des Moguls, et des autres — , avant et depuis Jesus Christ jusqu'a present. M. J. De Guignes. Parts, 1756. 5 vols. 4to. T, 1. — See Catalogue des Livres Imprimes. — See Chine, — Histoire dea Deux Con- querants — . — See Chine — Histoire Universelle de la — . — See Oriente — Historia de cosas del — . Tartarey, — Staat von der Kleinen und Orossen — . 12mo. R, 6. Tartaria Minore, — Raguaglio del Viaggio nolla — , I'anno 1662. Era' Erancesco. Map. Naples, 1695. 12mo. R, 6. See Russia, seu Moscovia, itemque — . — — See Yoyages and Adventures of E. M. Pinto. Tartarico,— Historia de Bello — . Antwerp, 1654. 8vo. M. Martini. 0,4. Tartarie, — Atlas de la — . See Chine et Tartarie. Atlas du — . See Chine, — Atlas du — . en Perse, et ailleurs, — Recueil de divers Voyages Curieux faites en — . Maps. Tome premiere. Leide, 1729. 4to. R, 6. Orientale, — Voyage ii la suite de PEmpereur de la Chine dans la — . E. Verbiest. Paris, 1685. 12mo. 0,6. Tartarie. See Chine, en Tartarie, et aux Thibet. See Foe-koue-ki. See Muscovie. — See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — , vols, xxiv, XXV, xxviii. T, 6. Tartarinof (A.). Sinensium, etc. Catalogus Medicamentorum Petropoli, 1856. 8vo. 0, 3. Tartaro-Sinica Historia Nova. Authore, E. de Rougemont. Map. Louvani, 1673. Svo. 0,4. Tartaros en China, — Historia de los — ; que escrivio en Latin el R. P. Martin Martinio, y en Espanol el D. Estevan, etc. Madrid, 1665. 12mo. 0, 6. Tartars, — Histoire Genealogique des — . Traduite du MS. Tartare d'Abulgasi-Bayadur-Chan. Cartes. Leyde, 1726. 12mo. R, 6. History of the Conquest of China by the — . Erom the Spanish of J. de Palafox. London, 1 67 1. 8vo. u4/«o 2nd edition. London, ib-jb. Svo. 0,4. Narrative of the Chinese Embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth — , in the years 1792-93-94. Erom the Chinese. G. T. Staunton, translator. London, 1821. Svo. 0,2. See Oriente, — Historia de Cosas del — . Tartary. See China, — General description. See China, Tartary, and Thibet. See Japan, Kamtschatka, etc. See Navigationi et Viaggi editione seeonda. See Tibet, etc. See Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors. See Voyages et de Memoires, tome 4"»«. See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — , vols, xxiv, XXV, xxviii. T, 6. Travels in — . See Standard Libraiy. Voyage into — . H. de I'Epy. London, 1689. 12mo. R, 6. Tartary, Thibet, and China, — Travels in — , during 1844-46. M. Hue. Translated by "W. Hazlitt. 2nd edition. London, 1854. Svo. R, 5. Tarten. See Hunnen und — . Tartorum Ecclesiasticae, — Historia — . J. L. Mosheim. Helmstadi, 1741. 4to. R, 4. TasBO (Torquato), — La Gierusalerame Liberata. Eoma, 1670. 12mo. U, 3. Tauism. J. Edkins. Shanghai, 1855. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. Tauist Mythology in its Modern Eorm, — Sketch of the — . J. Edkins, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 5 : N, 6. TAV— THI 127 Ta vernier (J. B.), — Les six voyages de — , en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes. 3 vols. Maps and plates, Paris, 16S2. 4to. T, 1. Taylor (C). Five Years in China, with some Account of the Great Rebellion. JVew York, i860. 12nio. A, 2. Visit to Chun-keang-foo. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 13: N, 6. Taylor (Isaac). Loyola, and Jesuitism in its Itudiments. London, 1849. 8vo. R, 5. Taylor (J.), translator. Parabod'h Chandro'- daya, or the Morn of Intellect ; au allegorical drama. And Atma Bod'h, or the Knowledge of Spirit. From the Sanscrit and Pracrit. London, 1 81 2. 8vo. T, 3. Taylor (J. H.). China : its Spiritual Needs and Claims. 2nd edition. London, 1866. Pum.-Vol. 55 : 0, 1. * China's Millions. 1875 to 1885, and 1887. London. 11 vols. 8vo. A, 1. Day of the Lord in China. 1865. Pam.-Vol. 19: N, 6. Summary of Operations of the China Inland Mission. London, 1872. Pam.-Vol. 60 : 0, 1. Tcheou-Li, ou Rites des Tcheou, tableaux des Institutions et de I'Etat Social de la Chine. Traduite par Edouard Biot. Paris, 185 1. 2 vols. 8vo. N, 4. Tcheou-pei, — Traduction etExaraen d'un Anciea Ouvrage Chinese intitule — . M. E. Biot. 1841. Tcheu Tcheou-li, Mandarin lettre, — Histoire Veritable de — . A. Barginet. Paris, 1822. 8vo. N, 6. Also in Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Toong King Tcheou, — Synodus Vicariatus Sutchuensis habita in districtu civitatis — , anno 1803. Roma, 1822. 12mo. R, 3. Tea in China, — Account of the Cultivation and Manufacture of — . Samuel Ball. London, 1848. 8vo. Q,, 3. Table, — New — , showing the Cost of Tea, with all charges, as bought by the Pecul, etc. Compiled by P. Loureis. London, 1857. ^^^• 0, 5. Trade, See China as it Was and as it Is. Teignmouth (Lord). Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones. 2nd edition. London, 1806. 4to. S, 2. Tela (Joseph), editor. Life and Morals of Confucius. London, 1818. 8vo. N, 4. Also in Pam.-Vol. 7 : N, 6. Tellier (P.) & Gobien (C), — Apologie des Dominicaines Missionnaires de la Chine, ou Reponse aux livres du — . 2nd edition. Cologne, 1700. 12mo, 0, 4, Tenariff nelle Canarie, fino a Pondisceri nella costa di Coromandel, — Relazione del Viaggio dair isola di — . T. Maillard di Tournou. Pome, 1704. 4to. T, 3. Ternaux-Compans (H.). Bibliotheque Asiatique et Africaine. Catalogue des Ouvrages qui ont paru depuis le decouverte de I'imprimerie jusqu'en 1700. Paris, 1841, 8vo. U, 1. Terry (Ed,). Voyage to East India, wherein some things are taken notice of in our Passage thither, but many more in our Abode there. London, 1877. 8vo. T, 3. Thackrah (C. T,). Introductory Discourse delirered to the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. Leeds, 1821. In vol. Corporibus Marinis. U, 1. T'hae-Ping-Wan Dynasty,— Books of the—, and Trip of the "Hermes" to Nanking. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1853. 8vo. 0, 1. Also in Pam.-Vols. 26 : N, 6 ; and 66 : 0, 5. Thanksgiving Day Burdon. Sermon on — . J. S. Pam.-Vol. 51 : 0, 1. Thelwall (A. S.). Iniquities of the Opium Trade with China. London, 1839, 8vo. Q, 5. Also in Pam.-Vol, 52 ; 0, 1. Theologiae, — Exercita et Biblotheca Studiosi — . Gisberto Voetio. Rheno-trajecti, 1 644. 1 2mo. U, 3. Theological Books in Foreign Languages. See Catalogue. Seminary. See Hongkong, Reports. Theology,— Primeval,— The Pure System of—. See Indian Antiquities. Thevenot (M.). Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux. Plates, Paris, 1663 & 1696, 2 vols. Fol. Also Paris, 1663. 3 vols, in 1. Fol, S, 1. Thibet,— Atlas du—. /S'^e Chine et Tartaric. Y, 1. -, Christianisme en — . See Chine, en Tartarie, et aux — . , Christianity in — . See China, Tartary, and — . See Tartary, Thibet, and China. See Western Himalaya and — . Thibet and Lhasa. Narratives of the Visit of George Bogle to Thibet and of the Journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa. C. R. Markham. Maps and illustrations. London, 1876. 8vo. R, 5. Thibetano - Seraphica, — Missio Apostolica — . Erstes Buch. Also, Zweites Buch, anfang der Thibetischen Mission. Francisco Horatio. Muncften, 1740. 4to. R, 6, 128 THI— TIL Thiersant (P. D. de). Catholicisme en Chine au viiieme sieclo de notre ere. Paris, i^"]-]. 8vo. a, 5. Tlnm (Robsrt), Chinese Speaker. ISfingpo, i84fj. 8vo. N, 1. — Lettrc cl — . Extrait Hlm. Journal Asiatique. S. Julieu. 1836. Para.-Vol. 10: N, 6. — , trnnslator. Wausr-kiaou-lwan Pih-neen Clianf?-han, — Lasting Resentment of Miss — . A Chinese tale. Canton, 1839. 8vo. Q, 6. Thomas. See Reduction des Anciens Chretiens (lits S.— . Thompson (E. M.). Diary of Richard Cocks, Capo Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622. London, 1883. 2 vols. 8vo. R, 2. * Thompson (J. T.). Some Glimpses into Life in the Far East. 2nd edition. Lo7idon, 1865. 8vo. A, 1. Thorns (P. P.). China, its History, Language, and Literature ; Mistranslation of Chinese Official Language ; and Causes of the Present AVar. Article iu IFestminster Review, vol. xxxiv, No. 2, Pam.-Vol. 1 : N, 6. Chinese Courtship. In verse. London, 1824. 8vo. 0,1. Dissertation on the Ancient Chinese Vases of the Shang Dynasty from 1743 to 1746. London, 1851. 8vo. ft, 4. Also in Pam.-Vol. 16 : N, 6. Emperor of China v. The Queen of England. A refutation of arguments in the Seven Official Documents. London, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 30 : N, 6. Refutation of the Contention of Her Majesty's Government at Hongkong, viz., that the documents of the Chinese contain Insulting Language. London, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 19 : N, 6. — Remarks on the rendering ' Barbarian,' showing that the Cliinese Do Not Call Europeans Barbarians. London, 1851. 8vo. N, 4. Also in Pam.-Vols. 19 : N, 6 ; and 43 : 0, 1. — Review of " The Present Position and Prospects of our Trade with China." London. Pam.-Vol. 9 : N, 6. Thomson (J.). Philosophical Dissertations on the Egyptians and Chinese, translated fiom the French of M. de Paux. London, 1795. 2 vo.s. bvo. Q, 6. Thomson (J. R.). Missionary Church and Mi.ssionary Churches. A letter. Zo«c?o?i, 186 15. Pam.-Vol. 22 : N, 6. Thomson (T.). Western Himalaya and Tliibet, — iS'ariativo of a Journey during 1847-48. Maps and plates. Londoti, 18^2. 8vo. R, 5. Thornton (T.). History of China from the Earliest Records to the Treaty with Great Britain in 1842. Vol. i. Londin, 1844. 8vo. Q,, 5. Thousand Character Classic ; being an appendix to the Report of the Anglo-Chinese ColU>go for 1831. Pam.-Vol. 48: 0, 1. iS^eChineso, Coreau, and Japanese Languages. Thres Character Classic, Romanized. B. Jenkins. Pam.-Vol. 74 : 0, 5. Three Diatribes or Discourses : first, of Travel ; second, of- Money; thii'd, of Measuring. Ed. Leigh. Lonion, i6-ji. Pam.-Vol. 8 I : T, 5. Threlkeld (L. E.). Specimens of a Dialect of the Aborigines of New South Wales. Sydney. Pam.-Vol. 33 :' 0, 1. Thunherg (C. P.). Flora Japonica Sistens Plantas Insulaium Japonicarum. 39 plates. Lipsice, 1784. 8vo. a, 6. Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, made between 1770 and 1779. London, ii^^d. 4 vols. 8vo. T, 5. Voyages au Japou, avec notes, etc., par L. Lungles. Paris, iiqb. 2 vols. R, 1. Tibet, — Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama in — . Samuel Turner. Plates. Ijondo7i, 1800. 4to. P, 2. Northern — . See Mongolia. — See Voyages, — Histoire Generale des — , vols. xxiv, XXV, xxvi, xxviii. T, 6. H. T. Prinsep. Tartary, and Mongolia. 8vo. London, 1851. Tibetains-Mongols, — Expose des Principaux Dogmes — . Extrait de I'ouvrage deB. Bergmann et traduit par M. Morris. Jouriial Asiatique, vol. iii. 1823. Pam-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Tibetanum Alphabetum Missionum Apostolicurum coiumodo editum. Studio et luboro Fr. A. Antonii Georgii. Romce, i-]6z. 4to. S, 1. Tibetisch. Sue Buddhistische Triglotte. Tiechin Dialect. See Chinese Radicals, etc. Tientsin, — Correspondence respecting the Revision of the Treaty of — . P.P. London, 1869. Fol. Also London, 1871. Fol. M, 1. Massacre of Europeans, June 21, 1870, at—. P.P. London, 1871. Fol. M, 1. Reports of the Chinese Hospital supported by the British .Army of Occupation, April and June, 1861. Pum.-Vol. 38: 0, 1. Tien-tsin-Ho. See Navigating Diroctions. Tilley (H. A.). Japan, the Amoor, and the Pacific. A Voyage of Circumnavigation in 1858-60. Plates. London, 1861. 8vo. R. 2. TIL— TRA 129 * Tillotson (J.). Youth's History of China. London, 1857. 32mo. A, 2. Times, — The — . Special Correspondence from China, 1857-58. G. Wingrove Cooke. New edition. London, 1859. Svo. 0, 3. Timkowski (Geo.). Travels of the Russian Mission through Mongolia to China, and Kesidence in Peking, 1820-21. Maps and plates. London, I S^-j {?). 2 vols. Svo. N, 5. Timur-Bec, known by the name of Tamerlane, the Great Emperor of the Moguls and Tartars, — The History of — . From the Persian of Cherefeddin Ali, through the French of P. de la Croix. London, 1723. 2 vols. Svo. T, 4. Ting. See Dukes. ♦Tinling (J.F. B.). Poppy Plague and England's Crime. London, iSj 6. Svo. A, 2. Ti-Ping Tien-Kwoh. History of the Ti-Ping Revolution. Lin-le (Lindley). London, 1866. 2 vols. Svo. N, 1. Tissanier (J.). Relacion du Voyage depuis la France, jusqu'au royaume de Tunquin, 165S-60. Paris, 1663. Svo. R, 3. Titsingh (H.). Bizonderheden over Japan. Coloured plates. Gravenhage, 1824. 2 vols. Svo. R, 1. Memoires et Anecdotes sur la Dynastie Regnant des Djogouns, souverains du Japon. Kevu par A. Rerausat. Pans, 1820. Svo. R, 1. , tradudeur. Nipon Dai Itsi Ran ; ou Annales des Emporeurs du Japon, par J. M. Klaproth. Paris ^ London, li-^^. 4to. P, 1. Toledo, — Los Reyes Nuevos de — . C. Lozano. Madrid, 1674. Svo. IT, 6. Tolomeo (CI.). Geografia cio^ descrittione universale della terra di — , Nuouamente con singulare studio rincontrati et corretti dal G. A. Magin. Dal Latino nell' Italiano tradotta dal R. D. L. Cernoti. Venetia, 1598. Fol. S, 2. Tomlin (J.). Critical Remarks on Dr. Medhurst's or Delegates' Version of John i. London, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 30 : N, 6. Journal of a Voyage from Singapore to Siam. Singapore, 1829. Pam.-Vol. 11 : N, 6. Missionary Journal kept at Singapore and Siam. 1832. Pam.-Vols. 5, 11, and 12 : N, 6. Missionary Journals and Letters written during Eleven Years' Residence among the Chinese, etc. Maps. London, 1844. Svo. 0,3. Tongking. See Martyrs de I'Extreme Ofient. Tonic Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Canton District Dialect. S. W. Williams. Canton, 1856. Svo. N, 3. Tonkin. See Siam, etc. Tonquin, — Relation du Voyage du J. Tissanier, depuis la France, jusqu'au royaume de — . Paris, 1663. Svo. R, 3. Report of Visit to Haipong and Hanoi in — . B. Robertson. P.P. London, iSjG. Fol. M, 1. See Cochin Chine et du — . /S?tf Voyages and Travels, — Collection of — , vol. vi. Toree (Olof), — Voyage de — . Milan, 1771. Para. -Vol. 68 : 0, 1. Toreen (Olof). Voyage to Suratte. London, 1 77 1. Svo. 0,2. /rt vol. China and the East Indies. Tosi (C). Dell' India Orientalo descrittione, Geographica et Historica. Homa, i66q. 2 vols. 4to. T, 3. Touchstone of the New Religion, or Sixty Assertions of Protestants Tried by their own rule of Scripture alone and Condemned. 10th edition. London, 1 82 }. Pam.-Vol. 81 : R, 2. Tournou (C. T. Maillard di). Relazione del, viaggio dall' isola di Tenariff nelle Canarie. lino a Pondisceri nella costa di Coromandel. Roma, 1704. 4to. T, 3. Tournous (Cardinal de). Anecdotes sur I'Etat de la Religion dans la Chine. Paris, 1733. 12mo. 0, 6. * Townsend (W. J.). Robert Morrison, the Pioneer of Chinese Missions. Illustrated. London. Svo. A, 3. *« Tracts." Pamphlet- Volume No. 2. Svo. Including : — 1. Remarques Philologiques sur les Voyages en Chine, de M. de Guignes. Berlin, 1809. 2. Translations from the Original Chinese, with notes. Canton, 181 5. 3. San-yu-low, or the Three Dedicated Rooms. A tale. Translated from the Chinese by J. F. Davis. Canton, 1815. 4. Fo-Thou-Tchking. 5. Grande Execution d'Automne. No. 1. Weston. Peking. 6. Memoire de Jean Onosk'herdjan. Trans- lated de I'Armenien par Jules Klaproth. Paris, 1818. 7. Notice des Travaux Litteraires des Missionnaires Anglais dans I'lnde. Paris, 1 8 1 7, N, 6. Trade, — General Regulations concerning — , etc. Pam.-Vol. 12: N, 6. 9 130 TEA— TUN Translation of Ephesians i, — Vindication of Comments on the — . W. J. Boone. Canton, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 51 : 0, 1. Foreign Books. See Shanghai, Department for the — . Genesis and Exodus, — Reply to the Strictures on the Remarks on the — . M. S. Culbertson. Canton, 1852. Pam.-Yol. 51 : 0, 1. — — Genesis, Exodus, and Ephesians, — Notes on the— . 1 85 1. Pam.-Vol. 14: N, 6. Trapp (Joseph), translator. Bonnell's Memoir on the China trade. In vol. Madagascar and the East Indies. IT, 2. Travancore Calendar, 1853. By order of the Rajah. Trevandrum, 1852. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 83 : T, 4. , Christians in — . See Cochin and — . , Tuberform Vegetable Productions from — . E. J. Waring. From the Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. xxiii. London, i860. 4to. T, 4. Travels and Observations. Supplement. T.Shaw. Oxford, 1746. Fol. P, 1. and Voyages of Sir John Mandevile. Plates. London. 12mo. T, 6. See Africa, Asia the Great, etc. See Amoor. See Archipelago. See Asia. See , Central — . See Brazil. See Burman Empire. See China. See . [F. Avril.] See . [Timkowski.] See Ethiopia. See Europe, Africa, and Asia. See Jesuits. See Marco Polo. See Russia, Siberia, etc. See , Tartary, and Turkey. See St. Petersburg. See Tartary, Thibet, and China. Treaty Ports. See China and Japan. Tribes. See Chinese and English Vocabulary of Proper Names, Trigault (N.), tradudeur. Histoire de I'Expe- dition Chrestienne en la Chine. Entreprise par les peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. Tiree des Commentaires du P. M. Ricci. Paris, 1 6 1 8. Bvo. N. 4. Histoire des Martyrs du Japon depuis 1612 jusques a 1620. Traduite par M. Morini. Plates. Paris, 162^. 4to. E, 1. Historia von Einfuehrung der Christlichen Religion in das grosse Konigreich China durch die Societet Jesu. Aus dem Latinischen ex P.M. Ricci von — . Augspurg, 161 •]. 4to. 0,2. Trigautius (N.). De Christiana Expeditione apud Sinas ; ex Matthsei Riccii Commentariis, libri v. Colonice, 1615. Bvo. 0, 4. Do Christianos apud Japonios Triumphis sive de gravissima ibidem Contra Christi Fidem Persecutione exorta, anno 161 2 usque, ad annum 1620; libri quinq. Many plates. Monaski, 1623. 4to. ' Q, 6. Litterse Societatis Jesu e Regno Sinarura, 1610 et 1611. Anttcerp, 161s. 8vo. 0,4. Tronson (J. R.). Personal Narrative of a Voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary, and the Coast of China, in H.M.S. "Barracouta." London, 1859. Svo. R, 2. Truth about Opium Smoking. 2nd edition. Benjamin Broomhall. London, 1882. Svo. 0,5. Tseen-Han-shoo. See Heung-noo. See South- Western Barbarians. See Western Regions. Tseu-kwang-k'he, — From the works of — . Dissertation on the Silk Manufacture and the Cultivation of the Mulberry Tree. Shanghai, 1849. Pam.-Vols. 5 and 6 : N, 6. Tseu-sse, — L'Invariable Milieu, Ouvrage moral de — ; en Chinois et en Mandchou. A. Remusat. Paris, 1817. 4to. 0, 1. Ts'ing wan k'e mung. Chinese Translation of Manchu Grammar. Shanghai, 1855. Svo. N, 3. Also in Pam.-Vol. 3 : N, 6. Tso. See Dukes. Tuba Magna Mirum Clangens Sonum ad Papam Clementem XI, de Necessitate long^ maxima Reformandi Societatem Jesu. Argentina, 1712. 12mo. E, 6. Tucker (A.). Address at first meeting of the China Medical and Chirurgical Society, on Diseases incidental to Europeans in China. Pam.-Vols. 21 : N, 6 ; and 35 : 0, 1. Tugwen College, Peking,— Calendar of the—. 1879. Svo. Pam.-Vol. No. 73 : 0, 5. Tunchinense. See Annamiticum Dictionarium. Tunchinensis HistoriaD, libri duo. A. de Rhodes. Lugduni, 16^2. 4to, E, 3, TUN— VER 131 TancMno e del Giappone, — Historia et llelatione — . G. F. de Marini. Roma, 1665. 4to. R) 3. Tunkino delli Missioni. Sse Giappone. Tanquin et de Lao, — Histoire Nouvclle et Curieiise des Royaumes de — . Traduite de ritalien du P. de Marini. Plates. Paris, 1666. 4to. R* 3. Tunquino e del Giappone, — Historia e rela- tione — . F. de Marini. Fenetia, 166^. 12mo. ft, 6. Also Roma, 1665. 4to. 11,3. Tares. See Huns,— Histoire Genei'ale des — . Turkey, — Travels in — . See Standard Library. Turner (F. S.). British Opium Policy and its results in India and China. London, 1876. 8vo. ft, 5. Letter to the Directors of the London Missionary Society. Norwich, 1865. Pam.-Vols. 22 : N, 6 ; and 72 : 0, 6. Turner (S.). Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet. Plates. London, 1800. 4to. P, 2. Turquie, en Perse, ot aux Indes, — Six Voyages de Jean Baptiste Tavernier, qu'il a fait en — . Maps and plates. Paris, 1682. 3 vols. 4to. T, 1. Two Fair Cousins ; Chinese novel, from the French of Abel Remusat. London, 1830. 2 vols, in 1. r2mo, N, 5. IT. Union Bien Assortie; on Han-kiou-Choaan. Roman Chiuois. Paris, 1828. 8vo. 0,3. of all Christians. An address. C. T. E. Rhenius. Tinnevelly, 1834. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 85 : T, 5. United States Exploring Exhibition, 1838-42,— Narrative of the—. Vols, i, iv, and v. C. "VVilkes. London, 1845. 3 vols. Imp. 8vo. U, 1. Japan Expedition. M. C. Percy. 3 vols. chiefly Plates, and 1 vol. Maps. 4to. P, 1. of America and the Ta' Tsing Empire, — Treaty between — , July 3rd, 1844. Pam.-Vol. 29 : N, 6. , President of the — . Message dated July 19th, 1854, transmitting copies of Correspon- dence between the State Department and the late Commissioner to China. Washington, 1854. 8to. Also New England Historical and Genea- logical Register, January, 1856. N, 4. Univers, — Tresor de 1' histoire des langues de cest — . Claude Duret. Plates. Cologne/, 16 j^. 4to. T, 2, Unverzagt (G. J.). Die Gesandtschaft Ihro Kaiserl. Majest. Gross Russland an der Sinesis- chen Kaiser, 1719, St. Petersburg nach Pekin. Lubech, 1725. 8vo. N, 5. Uretta (L. de). Historia Ecclesiastica, Politica, Natural, y Moral de Ids Reynos de la Etiopia. Valencia, 1609. 16mo. U, 3. Urh-Chih-Tsze-Teen-Se-Yin-Pe-Keaou ; being a Parallel between the two intended Chinese Dictionaries. Robert Morrison and Antonio Montucci. London, 181 7. 4to. Also Do Studiis Sinicis. A. Montucci. Also Horae Sinicae. R. Morrison. M, 2. Urmston (J. B.). Observations on the China Trade. London, 1833. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Urwick (W.). China. Two lectures. Dublin, 1854. 12mo. Pam.-Vol. 61 : 0,6. V. Vaccination, — English Methods of — . Tract in Chinese. G. F. Staunton. Pam.-Vol. 35 : 0, 1. Tract in Chinese. On Vaccination (?). Dr. Kerr. Ca7iton, i860. Pam.-Vol. 38 : 0, 1. Valikanof (Captain), Veniukof (M.), and others. The Russians in Central Asia. -.4 /so Descriptions of Chinese Turkestan and Dzun^aria. Trans- lated from the Russian by J. & R. Michell. London, 1865. 8vo, R, 4. Vambery (A.). Travels in Central Asia. London, 1864. 8vo. T, 2. Varenius (B.). Descriptio Regni Japonife, et Siam. Amstelodami, 1649. 8vo. ft, 6. Also CantabricicB, 1673. 8vo. ft, 6. Vases of the Shang Dynasty, — Dissertation on the Ancient Chinese — . P. P. Thoms. London, 1 85 1. Pam.-Vol. 16: N, 6. Vaughan (J.). Bark called Heetoo, used in Abyssinia, and the Korarima and Koussoo. 1853. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Notes upon Drugs observed at Aden. 1852-53. Para.-VoL 21 : N, 6. Vaughan (K.). I '11 tell you ; touching the Ejected of 1662. London, 1862. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Vaughan (R. A.). Address delivered at Steel- house Lane, Birmingham. Birmingham, 1854. Pam.-Vol. 52 : 0, 1. Vegetale Cire de la Chine, — Renseignements sur la— . S. Julien. Pam, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Venice, — Survey of the Signorie of — . James Howell, 1 65 1. 8vo. U, 1. Verbiest (Ferdinand). De theoria, usu, et fabrica Instrumentamm Astronomicarum, etc. Chinese diagrams folding between boards. X,2, 132 VER— VOY Verbiest (Ferdinand). Missionnaire a la Chine, — Notice biographique sur le Pere — . C. Carton. Bruges, 1839. Pam.-Vol. 27 : N, 6. Voyage a la suite de I'Empereur de la Chine dans la Tartarie Orientale. Paris, 1685. 12mo. 0, 6. "Verbiest. Historical, etc." Pamphlet- Volume No. 27. 8vo. Including : — 1. Notice biographique sur le Pere Ferdinand Verbiest, Missionnaire a la Chine. L'Abbe C. Carton. Bruges, 1839. 2. Memoire sur I'etat Politique et Religieux de la Chine, 2,300 ans avant notre ere, selon le Chou King. H. Kurz. 1830. 3. Notice de I'ouvrage intitule " Lettre k M. Abel-Remusat sur la Nature des Formes Grammaticales en general, et sur le Genie de la Langue Chinoise en particulier," par M. G. de Humboldt. Silvestre de Sacy. 1828. 4. Essai sur le Chi-king, et sur I'ancienne Poesie Chinoise. M.Brosset, jeune. Paris, 1828. 5. Relation du Pays de Ta-Ouan. Traduite du Chinois par M. Brosset, jeune. Paris, 1829. 6. Le Ta-hio, ou la Grande Etude. Traduite par M. G. Pauthier. Paris, 1832. 7. Expose des principaux Dogmes Tibetains- Mongols, extrait de I'ouvrage do B. Bergman. Traduit par M. Morris. Journal Asiatique, iii, 1823. 8. Lettre sur I'etat et le progres de Littera- ture Chinoise en Europe. Abel Remusat. Paris, 1822. 9. Traduction et Examen d'un Ancien ouvrage intitule Tcheou-Pei. Ed. Biot. 1841. 10. Grand Execution d'Automne. No. 1 : S, "Weston, Pe-king. No. 2 : L. M. Langl^s, Moukden. 11. Lettres sur la Litterature Mandchou. Traduites du Russe de M. A. L. Leontiew. J. Klaproth. Paris, 1815. 12. Conquest of Siberia, and the history of the Transactions, Wars, Commerce, etc., canied on between Russia and China, from the earliest period. M. Miiller and P. S. Pallas. N, 6. Vers a Sole,— L' Art d'filever lea. Fi-Rok. See Yo-san- Versions, — Historical Summary of the different — . W. Muirhead. Pam.-Vol. 65 : 0. 5. Vertrecht's MS. of 1650. See Favorlang Formosan. Verzeichniss. See Sinologica, — Bibliotheca. Viaggio dall' Isola di Tenariff nell Canarie, fino a Pondisceri nella costa di Coromandel, — Relazione del — . C. T. Maillard di Tournou. Roma, 1704. 4to. T, 3. Viani (Padre). Istoria della Cose Operate nella Cina da Mens"" G. A., Mezzabarba legati aspostolicos. 2nd edition. Colonia, ly^o. 8vo. N, 5. Viconti (D. Cesare). Istorica Descrittione de tre regni, Congo, Matamba, et Angolia. Milano, 1690. 4to. U, 3. Victoria, — Brief Description of the Town of — . Hongkong Almanack, 1848. Pam.-Vol. 66 : 0, 5. Vision, — Cases of Cerebral or Suggestive — . W. Camps. 1859. Pam.-Vol. 21 : N, 6. Vissering (W.). On Chinese Currency, Coin and Paper Money. Leiden, 1877. 8vo. Q, 4. Vitellescus (P. M.). Jaerliicksche brieven van Japonien, der jaren 1625-27. Antwerpen, 1632. 12mo. Q,, 6. Narratio Perseoutionis adversum Christianos exercitatse in Variis Japonia? Regnis, 1628-30. Antwerpiw, 1635. 12mo. Q, 6. Relatione di Algune cose dal Giappone 1619-21. J/i7awo, 1624. 12mo. E, 6. Vitelli (C). Notizie varie dell' Imperio della China. Firenze, 1697. 18mo. 0, 4. Vocabulaire Ideographique, — Specimen — . Pam.-Vol. 12 : N, 6. Voetio (G.). Exercita et Bibliotheca Studiosi Theologiae. Rheno-trajecti, 1644. 12mo. TJ, 3. Voyage. See China. • See China, India, etc. See Chine. See Chinois. See Cochin Chine. See Grece. See India, — East — . See Indies, — East — . See Japan, Kamtchatka, etc. ■ See Japon. See Levant. See North Pacific. See Siam. See South Sea. See Suratte. See Tartarie. See Toree. iS^e World. VOYAGES :— Advanturenx de Ferdinand Mendez Pinto. Traduits du Portugois en Francois par B. Fi-guicr. Paris, ib^^. 4to. R, 3. VOY 133 VOYAGES :— and Adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto, a Portugal, during his Travels for the space of twenty-one years in the kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchin China, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan, and a great part of the East Indies. Done into English by H. C. Gent. London, 1653. 4to. T, 1. Celebres. See Perse aux Indes Orientales. — Curieux, — Eelations de — . M, Thevenot. Plates. P«;7«, 1663 and 1696. 2 vols. Fol. Also Paris, 1663. 3 vols, in 1. Fol. S, 1. de P. S. Pallas, en Differentes Provinces de I'Empire de Russie, et dans I'Asie Septentrionale. Traduits de I'AUemand, par M. G. de la Peyronie. Paris, 1789-93. 5 vols. 4to. R, 4. ^/so Atlas. Paris, 1793. 4to. P, 1. , Divers — , et Missions du P. Alexander de Rhodes en la Chine, et autres Royaumes de rOrient. Paris, 160 1. 4to, N, 4. Also 2nd edition. Paris, 1666. 4to. N, 2. en Chine de M. de Guignes, — Remarques Philologiques sur les — . Berlin, 1809. Pam.-Vols. 2 and 18: N, 6. et de Memoires publie par la Societe de Geographic, — Recueil de — . Tome iv. Paris, 1839. 4to. TT, 1. et Memoires de Maurice-Auguste, Comte de Benyowsky. Paris, i-jgi. 2 vols. 8vo. T, 5. Histoire Generale des — ; ou nouvelle collection do toutes des relations de voyages par terre et par mcr, qui ont ete publiees depuis le commencement du xv'^'""^ sieclo jusqu'a present. A. F. Prevost. Including: — Afiique, vols, vii-xviii. Amerique, vols, xlv, xlvi, xlix, li, liii, Ivii. Australes ou Antarctique, vol. xlii. Antilles, vols, lix, Ix. Autour du Monde, vols, xliii, xliv. Bakarie, vols, xxix, xxx. [xxx. Chine, vols, xviii-xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, xxix, Corea, vols, xxiv, xxv. [xli, xliv. Indes Orientales, vols, i-vi, xxix-xxxv, India, vols, xxxvi-xxxviii. Japon, vols, xxxix, xl. Mexico, vol. xlvii. North-East and North- West, vol. Iviii. Nouvelle Espagno, vol. xlviii. Peru, vols, xlix, 1, lii. Philippines, vol. xxxix. Tartarie, vols, xxiv, xxv, xxviii. Thibet, vols, xxiv-xxvi, xxviii. Pflm, 1749. 64 vols. Svo. T, 5 & 6. S«e Canton. See China. See Chine. See Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. VOYAGES :— See Dutch East India Company. See Europe, — Orographic de 1' — , See Indes Orientales. See Japon. See Kang-hi, See Muscovie. See Peking. — , Six, — de J. B. Tavernier en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes. Maps and plates. Paris, 1682. 3 vols. 4to. T, 1. — Tres-curieux et Tres-renommez faits en Muscovie, Tartarie, et Perse. Adam Olearius. Translated par le Sieur do Wicquefort. Amsterdam, 1727. 2 vols, in 1. Fol. S, 2. Undertaken hy the Dutch East India Company for the Improvement of Trade and Navigation, containing an account of several Attempts to Find out the North-East Passage, and their discoveries in the East Indies and the South Seas, — A Collection of — . Trans- lated into English. London, !■] 6^. Svo. T, 4. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS:— Collection of — . Including : — Vol. i. China, D. F. Navarette ; Formosa, G. Candidius ; Japan, from the High Dutch ; East Indies, Thomas Roe. Vol. ii. Cochin China, C. Borri. Vol. iii. Malabar and Coromandel, P. Baldeeus. Vol. iv. Round the World, J. F. G. Caveri. Vol. v. Guinea, Ethiopia, New Calabar, Carib- bee Islands, Voyages of Columbus, etc. Vol, vi. South America, Tonqueen, Guinea, Barbadoes, Mosquito, India, the Low Countries, Germany, France, and supple- ment to Navarette's account of China. Nearly 300 maps and cuts. 3rd edition. London, 1744. 6 vols. Fol. S, 1. — in Various Parts of the World during 1803-7, G. H, von. Langsdorff. Plates. London, 181 3 and 1814. 2 vols. 4to. T, 1. — ; Navigantium, atque Itinerantium Biblio- theca, or a complete collection of — . John Harris. 600 writers. Maps and plates. London, 1764. 2 vols. Fol. S, 1. — , New General Collection, comprehending Everything Remarkable in its kind in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. By Her Majesty's authority. London, 1745. 4 vols. 4to. T, 1. — of the Ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein to the Great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia, 1633-39. Containing a Compleat History of Muscovy, Tartary, Persia, and other Adjacent Countries, in seven books. Also The Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo from Persia into the East Indies. London, 1662. Svo. T, 1. w w^ ak m 134 VEI— WHE Vries (M. G.). Reize in 1643 naar het Noorden en Oosten van Japan : door P. A. Leupe, met J. Krafto und P. F. von Siebold. Amsterdam, 1858. 8vo. K, 1. Vrooman (D.). Phonetic Alphabet for the Canton Dialect. Pam.-Yol. 5 : N, 6. Vulgaire, Chinois, — Memoire sur les Principes Generauxdu — . M. Bazin, aine. P > their Similarities and Differences. Ching tsz' lioh ^ ^ ^. 1839. W, 5. of the Four Books, with tones and meanings. Sz' shu puh Wh tsz' yun yin shih icdn § /{» :r. ^ i% m U % 2 vols. W, 4. and Five Classics, with tones and rhymes. Sz' shu wu King puh ^rh tsz' ^ S $1 7 ::! ^- English bound. V, 1. — Used in the Thirteen Classical Writings, — Collection of the — . Shih-san King, tsih tsz' mu pan -f- H f^ 1 $k ^ ^ ^ • English bound. 2 vols. V, 1. Chdu hing pi ^«» JqJ fr f|i] ^. An itinerary of the Chinese Empire. 1798. W, 5. ^ 3^. Mathe- W, 5. Chdu pi swan King ^ matical work. Cheh hiang tnittg shing t'u shivoh J^ ^ ^ |^ ^ U^ . Pictures of famous places in Chckiang, with explanations. Folding 6 : V, 2. Chekiang, — Pictures of famous places in — , with explanations. Cheh hiang ming shing t'u shwoh m U. ^mnm- Folding 6: V, 2. Chhut Ai-kip Ki. Book of Exodus in Anioy dialect, llomanized, i88o. 8vo. AA, 3. CHI— CHU 143 Chi Shu J§ Catalogue of Chinese Library, and Forms of Prayer. MS. Shanghai, 1852. W, 5. Chih-wuh hioh M ^ ^- Botany, — Treatise on — . A. Williamson. Shanghai, 1859. Z, 2, Chih-wuh ming shih t'u ¥ao fit Jf^ ^ ^ @ ^ . Botany, by Wu K'i-sim ^ it ii ; T'aiyuenfu j^ ^, M • ^^^^- "^^ vols, in 6 sets. W, 2. Child-birth. Tah shdng p'ien ^ ^ 1826. W, 5. Chim-Gian. Book of Proverbs in the Amoy dialect, Eomanized. 1880. 8vo. AA, 3. China and England. Eeal, careful, and complete llecoid of the Events of 1840-41. Shih siatig 8U ming 5K B¥ I^ ^- W, 4. China, Japan, and Annam, — Geographical description of the Coast of — . Ching K'ai- yang tsah chu % ^% }^ ^ ^. 9 vols. W, 1. Chinese Empire under the Reigning Dynasty, — Panoramic Map of the — ; founded on the Map made by the Jesuits, with parallels of latitude and longitude. Reprint. 1842. Folding 44 : V, 2. — Language, — Attempt to modify the — . By an American Missionary. "W, 1. — Natural Theology. From the China Review ; with quotations in Chinese and English. J. Chalmers. 1876. Tang T'ang- shan tsHi pao lun. W, 3. Phonetic Vocabulary in the Canton Dialect. J. Chalmers. Ch'u hioh yueh yin ts'ieh yao tj i^ -i- W HJ ^- Hongkong, 1855. English bound. V, 1. Riddles with characters. MM n n- Silen hi sui kin W, 1. — Scientific Magazine. Edited by J. Fryer. No. 1. IToh chi wei pien ^ i5[ ft |i • Shanghai, 1876. W, 4. — See Four Written Languages. — Tibetan Yocabulary. Si fan yil yih H # M I?- MS. 1685. 2 vols. W, 5. — Type belonging to the American Board of Foreign Missions, Ningpo. 1852. Also 1859. W, 1. -, Specimen of Three-line Diamond — , London Mission Press, Hongkong. 1850. W, 1. Ching tsz' yuh W, 4. Chinese - Japanese Dictionary. p'ien JE ^ ^ M- Chinese-Manchurian Dictionary. T'sing wan K'imung ^ jSC ^ ^- English bound. V, 1. Ching K'ai-yang tsah cAm §5 ^ 1^ ^ ^ • Geographical Description of the Coast of China, Japan, Annam, etc. 9 vols. W, 1. Ching ming yao lun jE ^ ^ !&• Tract on the terra for ' God.' With English translation. J. Chalmers. W, 3. Chitig tsz' lioh IE ^ ^ • Chinese Characters : their Similarities and Diflferences. 1839. W, 5. Ching tsz' yuh p'ien jE ^ H ^ A Chinese- Japanese Dictionary. W, 4. Ching yin tsoh y«o jE "a ^ ^. The Chinese Speaker ; or extracts from works written in the Mandarin language as spoken at Peking. Robert Thorn. Part i. Ningpo, 1846. W, 1. . Lessons in the Mandarin dialect. 2 editions. 1834 and 1852. English bound, with title "Tsen ying ts'u yao." V, 1. Ch'ing Ts'inwang Tsin hioh kiai ^ ^ 2 jfl % j^. Prince Ch'ing on Advancement in Learning. Folding 31 : V, 2. Christ, — Life of — . Ye-su Tciang shi chioen W, 3. ; By a Greek Church Missionary. Shih tsih luhchwen jR ^ fj^ Ji- 1861. AV, 1. Christian Catechism in the Mandarin dialect. Mrs, Nevius. Ye-su kiau hwan hwa wan tah V& m W^ '^ ^"^^ ^. Shanghai, ,853. W, 3. Printed on paper made from the bark of the Macassar-tree. W. Milne. Yiu hioh ts'ien kiai wan tah i^ ^ \^ ^ fui ^. 1816. W, 1. — Customs, D. B. McCartee. Ye-su kiao liyen ^ 1^ 15: ^J g* • Shanghai, 1863. W, 3. Religion, — Outline of the — . W, H. Medhurst. Ye-su kiao lio ^ W{^ ^ ^• Shanghai, 1858. W, 3. Chronology. Lih tai ti-tcang nien piao ^ f-^ ^ i ^ ^- English bound. Q, 3. New system of — . Japanese work. Sin chwen nien piao ilf^^^' '855. W, 4. Chronology, — Imperial — . Yu ting wan nien shu ^ ^ 74 ^ #• English bound. Q, I. Ch'u hioh chi nan ^ i^ ^ F^ • Conversa- tions in Mandarin on learning the Manchu language. (Emperor Kien Lung.) English bound. Q, 1. Ch'u hioh yueh yin ts'ieh y«o |^ ^ -# "h HJ ^ . Cantonese Phonetic Vocabulary. J. Chalmers. Hongkong, 1855. W, 5. 144 CHU— COM Chu Kwoh hwo yoh |f ^ ^ $5 . Chinese Treaties with different Nations, including : — English, two. 1843. French, one. 1844. American, one. 1844. Tariffs and Regulations, two. 1843; 1856. 6 vols. Z, 2. Chu tvdn Tiung kia hhin ^ "^ ^ ^ gill- Chu wan kung's Family Instructions. Engraved in seal characters. W, 5. Chu wan kung's Family Instructions. Engraved in seal characters. Chu tvdn hung Ma hiun ^t,^m HI- W, 5. Ch'un ts'ao Tang tsih ^ ^ ^ ^. The Ch'un Ts'ao T'ang Miscellany. Including : — P'ing t'i wan ^ H ^ . Ping t'i literature. Kuhint'ishi l^f i£ fl !#• Odes. Tsz' luh 13 fj|. Rhythmic pieces. Hwang ho yiien shang ^ f Pf jg! _t . The Yellow River. Siu p'a hi ^ ^Q fg. Story of the Embroidered Handkerchief. Hxie hmei hi ifiL '^ Ifi • Story of the Blood (-red) Plum. Kin yuh so sui ^ 3E 3^ ^ • Fragments of Gold and Jewels. Shu hivah so hien luh ^ § li/f ^ f%. Illustrated account of what I have seen. Tsien shih t'u $^ ^ ^ . Patterns of cash. Iliva muh siao chi :^ ^ l\\ J^. Botany. 24 vols, in four sets. "W, 6. Ch'un-ts'iu Classic, with daily explanatory readings. Jeh-hiang Ch'un-ts'iu hi aii Q p^ ^ ^ 15? ^ . 32 vols. W, 4. Chung hioh ^ J^. "Whewell's Mechanics. Translated by Rev. Joseph Edkins. Shanghai. 1867. 2 vols. W, 1. Chung - hwa yin luh ^ ^ PP ^^. Chinese Seals : numerous engravings. English bound. Q, 3. Chung i lioh lun tf -^ B^ |j^. Remarks on Healing in China, and Chinese Medicines. Also Catalogue of Christian and other works in Chinese. MS. W, 5. Chung shan ch'wen sin luh fJ* ^J j§ ig^ ^^. Account of Loo Ch 00. English bound. Q, 1. Chung Si t'ung shu *4' W 3^. ^^ Chinese and Western Almanack. J. Edkins. Shanghai, 1854. ^?«o Shanghai, 1859. A. "Wylie. "W, 1. Chung Si tvdn hien /mA 4* H fM ^ M' Peking Magazine (Protestant), 1872 - 75. 21 N08. W, 4. Chung Wai ch'u hiai Yang yen ch'ah lun ^ ^V W. "^W 'M'^ %^' On Breaking off the Opium Habit. 2 vols. W, 4. Cheung hiao hi shu tsoh yin tsih te' ^ ^ ^^ ^ /■^ PP ^ ^- Selectionof 3,000 Characters in the Chinese Language for printing purposes. S. Dyer. 1834. W, 1. "Classics for Youth," including {tcith explana- tions) : — Trimetrical Classic, San ts%' King, hiun hu H ^ $1, fii m- Thousand-Character Classic, Ts'ien tsz' tviin, shih-i "^ ^ 35t> ^ ^' Surnames, Poh hia Sing, hiun hu IS ^ f^, English bound. Q, 1. Cloud- Ascending Chamber,— Rubbings of the forms of Inscription of the — . P'an yun hoh T'ieh, shang, hia^ ^ ^ ^^, ±, y . Folding 20 : V, 2. Coins. Kih-hin-su Kien-luh ^ ^ Ji/f ^ fj^. English bound. 0,3. — K'in ting ts'ien luh %^ ^ 2 vols. w, 1. Ts'ien-luh^ f|^. English bound. Q, 2. Wai hivoh ts'ien tvdn; and Siien ts'ing siao ts'ien $|> ^ i^ %; and ^ ^ >J> ^^ . Two booklets. English bound. Also, Fah Siang, etc.. f^ i^ etc. Buddhist Pamphlets. Q^ 2. Collie (D.). Celestial Mirror. T'ien hing ming hien ^ II 0J ^. Malacca, 1825. W, 2. Chinese Version of Dr. Rogue's Essay on the Kew Testament. Shing shu p'ing ha tsung lun ^ ^ M M ^ t^- Malacca, 1826. 3 vols. W, 3. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. W. H. Medhurst. Zo - ma shu chu hiai m ^ ^ ^ M- Shanghai, 1857- W, 3. on the Gospel of John. B. Hobson. Edited by "W. Muirliead. Yoh-han shing hing shih hiai ^ iJ g $1 # ^. Shanghai, 1867. W, 3. chap, i-xvii. Yoh-han chdn hing I ^. Hongkong, 1854- W, 3. — on the Gospel of Matthew. Ma-t'ai chu shih ,^ ■:Jc r£ #. By Ho Tsin-shen. Edited by J. Legge. Hongkong, 1854. 2 vols. W, 3. — on the New Testament. Part of ilatthew i-xvu. shih hiai ^ ^^ JL II only. J. Legge, editor. $ i^ ^. W, 1. Drawings, — Descriptive — , of Peach Blossoms, Orchids, Bamboos, and Chrysanthemums. Ilwah-chwen mei Ian chuh kiih ^ ^ ^ ^ ft M- Q, 1. " Dress and Arms, — Court ." Hwang ch'ao li k'i t'u sMh ^ J|3 Jl ^ ^ JC. English bound, with title "Chaou-le." Q, 1. Drugs, — Complete List of Vegetable and Mineral — . MS. Yoh p'in kin shih tt'ao tsung muh ^u^^nmu- pp W,5. — etc., at the Cassia Forest Pavilion, and at the Hall of Fragrant Snow. Kwei lin Men, Mang sueh fang ^ ^ |f , ^ ^ ^ ; Koh seh hwo wuhpu § fi, S ^ ?||- W, 5. — Names of — , in Chinese, Thibetan, and Mongolian. Yoh Ming ^ ^. Z, 2. Trade List of— ; with Rules of Trade, etc.. for the Province of Kiang-su. MS. Su ti koh ch'u yin p'i kwei li pien Ian ^ Jfe S" j^ ^ -& ^ ^J M M- Shanghai, 1852. W,5. Dudgeon (J.). Report of London Missionary Society's Hospital, Peking, 1861-69, with Notes on Chinese Cases. Shi i sin luh M M ft fi- W, 5. Dutch Grammar. Translated into Japanese. Yih Hwo-lan wdn yu ^ ft 1^ ^SC pp • W, 4. Dwarf,— Eed—. Translated by Griffith John, from a work by Mark Guy Pearse. Hung chuj'U chwen ^ ^ M It- Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Dyer (S.). A Selection of 3,000 Characters in the Chinese language, for printing purposes. Ch'ung kiao ki shu tsoh yin tsih tsz' ^ ^ ^ m i^ ^ ^ ^. 1834- w, 1. Eclipse of the Sun. Jeh shih t'u shwoh f jj M Wt' '852. w, 5. Edkins (J.). Almanack, — Chinese and Foreign — . Htca Yang hwo hoh t'ung shu ^ i^ ft -^ 3i §. 1852. W. 1. Almanack, — Chinese and Western — . Chung Si t'ung shu ff W jiS §"• Shanghai, 1854. W. 1. — , translator. Whewell's Mechanics. Chung Moh :g ^. Shanghai, 1867. 2 vols. W, 1. 10 146 ELE— FOL Electric Telegraph. D. J. Macgowan. Poh wiiht'ungshu tf ^f^ jl #• /«fo^. Physiology. Ts'ilen Pi sin lun ^ ff ff 1^- ^> ^^ Embroidered Handkerchief, — Story of the — . Siup'a ki ff ijlg ffi. See Ch'iin Ts'ao T'ang Miscellany. W, 6. Emperors, Kings, Famous Ministers, and others in successive ages, — llubbings of Forms of Inscriptions of—. Lih tai ti, wang, v)ing shin, chu kia, fah tieh, yih clii shih ^ iX ^> 3E, « e, si ^. ?* "Iifi. - S +• 10 vols. Foldings 33 to 42 : V, 2. Encyclopaedia. Koh cU kin yiien ^ |5! # j[^- 20 vols. W, 5. Lung wei pi shu ^ J^ ^ ft- 72 vols. in 9 cases. W, 6. F&n Men kiang hu Ta htvui Pu ^ ^ }[£, ^ ^ j$ M • I^arge Map of tho Capital of Japan. Folding 49 : V, 2. England, — History of — , "W Muirhead. Ta Ying kwoh chi ^ 5^ ^ <*• Q, 3. Euclid. A. "Wylie. Ki ho yuen pan ^ -frij ^^ TJS . English bound. Q, 3. , first six books ; translated by M Ricci. Ki ho yuen pan ^ "(pI i^ ^- MS. i6io. Z, 2. — — in Fifteen Sections. M. Ricci. JTi ITo yuen pdn, shih wu kiien ^ "(nf Jt^ ^ » "h* 5- ^ • Bound in 8 vols. W, 1. Reprinted by Tsang Kwoh-fan. Ki-ho yuen pdn ^ jpf M Tts • Shanghai, 1867. 8 vols. W, 1. Exodus. See under Bible, — Old Testament. Explanation of Names with Viri fications. Shih ming shu ching ^ ^ J^ IS • 4 vols. W, 1. Eye, — Diseases of the — . Yin hai hing wei, Yenk'o mm^WL> B^Sf^- Also Midwifery, Inoculation, Advice in "Urgent Cases. Tah shung, Pao ying, Kiu-kih ^ ^. i5i^ H. i!c i;- English bound. Q, 3. P. Fables. N. Trigaut. MS. Swmg-i \^ ^. W, 5. — — of .^sop and others in the Shanghai dialect. A. B. Cabaniss. I-so-pUi yil yen fi* ^ ^ 1 b". Shanghai, 1856. W, 6. Fah Siang, etc., etc. : f^ 49) ftc., etc. Buddhist Pamphlets. See Coins, — Two "Works on — . Q, 2. Famous Places in Chekiang. Pictures with explanations. Cheh Kiang ming shing Pushwoh ^ tL ^ m mWi' Folding 6: V, 2. Fang t'ien t'ung fah "jj plain Mensuration. Rules of W, 4. Five Table Mountain and the Country Palaces, — Complete Map of the — . Wu-Tai shan hing kung tso loh ts'uen t'u ^ ^ ]\\ ^ ^ M. M ^ U' Folding?: V, 2. Flowers, — Early training of — . Japanese. Zih hioa tsao ^ ^ .^ . Plates. W, 4. of the Four Seasons, — Poetry of planting the — . Japanese. Ch'ah hwa «s' ki yung fi iiS ^ Ik' Many plates. W, 4. Treatise on — . Hwa King ^ l^- W, 5. Flying Dragon Reporter; Newspaper. Three numbers. London, 1866 and 1867. X, 2. Foldings, Rubbings from Stone, etc., — List of — . 1. Han Wan-kung's Writings. 2. Maps, etc., of Kien Lung's Southern Journey. 3. Biographies and Eulogies of Eminent Men, etc. 4 & 5. Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Chau ngoh. 6. Pictures of Famous Places in Chekiang. 7. Five Table Mountain and the Country Palaces. 8. Map of Japan, with Names and Distances. 9. Nestorian Tablet. 10. Tablet of Ta-chi, Ancient Recluse. 1 1 . Three Repositories of the Holy Religion. 1 2. Inscription on the Temple of the Great"Wu. 13-15. Inscriptions in Mongolian at Kin- Ch'wen. 16. Inscription on the Ts'in pih T'ang. 17. Epitaph put on the Great Officer Ki's grave. 18. Inscriptions concerning Famous Men of Sung. 19. Writings of Famous Men of Sung; Vol.vi. 20. Inscriptions of the Cloud - Ascending Chamber. 21-23. Liu Wan-tsing-kung's Forms of Inscription. 24. Hwang Hwai-Kiang's Epitaph. 25-30. Inscriptions in the Hall of Vastness. 31. Prince Ching on Advancement in Learning. 32. Inscriptions of the Profitable Retreat. 33-42. Inscriptions of Emperors, Kings, Famous Ministers, etc. 43. Inscription on Tablet of Li Huen-tsing. 44. Complete Map of the Chinese Empire. 45. Wan Chang on Unostentatious Goodness (by Lin). 46 & 47. Illustrations of the Miao-tsz*, etc. 4 vols. X, 1. 48. Drawings of Instruments in Peking Observatory. X, 1. 49. Large Map of the Capital of Japan. [Excepting 46, 47, & 48.] V, 1. 'MLfj^r ^ ^^XiE^K^mf^L L v^ FOR— GOS 147 Forms of Prayer. See Catalogue of Chinese Library. Tao-Jcao wan shih Shanghai, 1861. W, I. Fortune Easily Read. Yun k'i i Ian jg ^ ^ %. MS. 2 vols. W, 1. Four Books. See Characters of the — . Sz^ shu puh 'rh tsz' yun yin shih tcan ^ ^ ZI ^ ti ^ # 35C- 2 vols. W, 4. with Commentary. Sz^ shu pien mung chang ku tsih chu ^ "^ ^ ^ % ^ ^ !£• 1849. 5 vols, in case. V, 1. Four- Character Classic, [R.C.]. Julius Aleni. T'ien Chu shi'ng Mao 8z' tsz' king wan 3'C i ^ li ^ ^ ^- 1642- Republished, 1856. Four Last Things. (R.C.) Sz' chung Uoh i n^^ ^1^' ^706. W, 3. Four Written Languages (Manchu, Mongol, Tibet, Chinese) in p:irallel columns. Sz' Vi hoh pih wdn kien ft '^ H ^ IS- 11 vols. 2 sets. W, 2. Fragments of Gold and Jewels. Kin yuh so sui. See Ch'un Ts'ao T'ang Miscellany. W, 6. Friends, — Two — . Dialogue on Christianity. "W. Milne. Chang Yuen liang yiu siang lun 51 >t K ^ +a ^n^- Hongkong, 1845. W, 3. Fryer (John). Chinese Scientific Magazine, No. 1. Koh chi wei pien |§ ISl ® Ig- Shanghai, 1876. W, 4. Fu ying sin shwoh ^ 3| §f fl- Midwifery. B. Hobson. Shanghai, 1858. W, 4. AUo see Hobson (B.), Medical "Works, etc. Fuchow,— Map of—. Fuh Mu chun Pi sh&n chuh '^ # if t|. *$ %• Prayer to the Mother of Buddha, — Times and Seasons and Forms for — . "W, 1. Fuh-ytn hoh ts'an pien mung 1^ ^ -^ ^ §5 ^• Harmony of the Gospels ; in the Mandarin dialect. D. B. McCartee. 1861. W, 3. Fuh-yin shu «z' kiien jjli ^ § ^ . Four Gospels in easy Wen - li. Griffith John. Hankow, 1884. A A, 3. Fuh-yin ta chi ff^ ^ -^ ^ . Great Themes of the Gospel. Griffith John. Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Fuh-yin tHao hwo f I '^ f^ ^ • Harmony of the Gospels. W. H. Medhurst. 2nd vol. of 1st edition, Batavia, 1834. "W, 3. a. "W. Milne. Tu poh n m m m- m- W, 1. Griffith John. Teh hwui Juh mdn {^ ^ A PI- Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Genii, — Records of the — . Lieh Sien ts'uen chwen M \^ ^ %' 2 vols. Q, 2. Talk about the — ; Yuen Dynasty. Lieh Gambling, — Evils of- ming lun Uoh kiang Malacca, 1819. Gate of Virtue and Wisdom vm sien shwoh ^ij ||Ij ^. Geography. "W. Muirhead. Jife Si ^ ^- 2 vols. , iJTew Explanation of — . k'^ if # m a 1 55:. 1847. z, 2. Ti li ts'ilen chi Q, 3. Sin shih ti li pi English bound. V, 1. , [native] Treatise on — . luh m m ^ ^ M- of the Islands and Roads of Japan. Ta Jeh-p&n tao chung hing ch'ing ;^ ^i' 1^ ^ n %' w,4. of the "World. Translated into Japanese from a European work. Wan kwoh yil ti t'u shicoh ^ WiM^ UWi- 4 vols. W, 4. Hai kwoh w&n 1793. W, 5. , Universal ; " The Circle of the Ocean." Ying hwan Chi Uoh j^ ^ iS ;§ • » 848. Z, 2. With Maps and Illustrations. R. Q. Way. Ti k'iu shwoh Uoh Jfe J^ ^ Jf.. Ningpo, 1856. W, 1. God, — Correct Discussion on the true — . A. P. Happer. Chan shdn ching lun ^ 91^ JE !&• Canton. ^ W, 3. Tract on the term for — ; with English translation. J. Chalmers. Ching ming yao ;«w jE ^ ^ 1^. W, 3. Good Life and Happy Death. A. Lobelli. Shen shdng fuh chung ^ ^ $g ^. (R.C.) 2 vols. W, 3. Good Words Exhorting the Age. R. Morrison and Leang A-fah. K'iien thi Hang yen 1^ IS K "s- Canton, 1832. 9 vols, (vol. iii wanting). W, 3. Gospel, — Great Themes of the — . Griffith John. Fuh - yin ta chi f S "^ :;^ ^ • Hankowi 1882. W, 3. Gospels, — Harmony of the — . W. H. Medhurst. Fuh yin t'iao hwo fl ^ 1^ ^^ 2nd vol. of Ist edition. W, 3. Mandarin Dialect. D. B. McCartee. Fuh-yin hoh ts'an pien mung J^ ^ ^ ^ W,'3. 1^ 1861. Gospels and Acts. Set under Bible, Kew Testament Portions. lurj /L r^r^rm^rMkU. t^^m,u u u^ 148 GOY— HIS Government, — Emperor Shun-chi on — . Manchu character. Q, !• Faithful instructions on — . Muh nnn Chung haoSi^ ^ ^ %> Z, 1. Graduates of the second degree (M.A.) in - Kiang-nan. Kianq-nan hiang-shi t'i ming luh ■ ii ^ ^E^tf « m- ^85'. W.5. Grammar. 8ee D utch — , translated into Japanese. Grammar and Exercises (Chinese). Lun wan ts'ien shwoh %^ ^ f^ |^. W, 5. Great Britain. See Treaty between — , and Siam. Guide to Heaven. J. L. Nevius. THm lu chi nanj^%^^. Shanghai, i86i. W, 3. H. Hades, Narrative [Buddhist] of Events in — , Metempsychosis, etc. Plates. Yiih lih ch'ao ehwen king shi ^ ]g IJJ If # IS- W, 5. Mai kwoh wdn Men luh f^ g fj^ ^ $^. Treatise [native] on Geography. 1793. W, 5. Hall of Vastness, — Rubbings of Forms of In- scription in the — . Hi-hung Pang Fah shu ; Yih chi M J^ ^ ^ ?i # ; - ?g >^. 6 vols. Foldings 25-30 : V, 2. Han Dynasty, — Brass Seals of the — . Han t'ung gin ts'ung ^ 1^ PP ^- 1st and 5th vols. 1753. W, 5. Han-¥ttu Tsz^-yang shu yuen Chi lioh ("H P f^ li « 1^ iS !■• The History of the Tsz'-Yang College at Hankow. Q, 3. Han-kow, — History of the Tsz'-Yang College at — . Han-h'au 'fsz'-yang shu-t/uen Chi lioh m P ^ Pi «^ liJc J^> i-. English bound. Q, 3. Han t'ung gin ts'ung ^ ^ ^W M.- Brass Seals of the Han Dynasty. 1753. Ist and 5th vols. W, 6. Han "Wan-kung's Writings engraved on stone — , Rubbings of — . Han-yii wdn ||! ;^ TX- Folding 1 : V, 2. Hang hat kin ch&n i|pl ?§ ^ ilf Storms, — Law of—. D. J. Macgowan. Ningpo, 1853. Z, 2. Hdng sing t'u piao "jg Stars. #. The Fixed W, 4. Hao k'iu chwen M ^ ^. The Happy Union. A Chinese novel in 4 vols. English bound. Q, 1. Happer (A. P.). Correct Discussion on the true God. Chdn shdn ching lun ^ ^^ JE tfi- W, 3. Happy Union. A Chinese novel in 4 vols. Hao k'iu chwen ft} '^ ^- English bound. Q, 1. Healing and Chinese Medicines, — Remarks on — . Also a Catalogue of Christian and other works in Chinese. MS. Chung i lioh lun 4» S :^ p^. W, 5. New book on — ; Compendium of the Practice of Medicine. Tsi chung sin pien ^ ^ ?;f ili- Corean publication. 5 vols. Z, 1. Heavenly Principles. W. H. Medhurst. THen li yao /mw 5c iH M %^' ^' ^' ; T'ai-p'ing pamphlet. T'ien li yao lun 5C S ^ 1^- W, 5. Herbal and Materia Medica [Chinese]. Pan ts'ao Kang-muh TfS !^ |fi @. 8 vols. Q, 1. Heroes, — Book of — ; Japanese. Ying hiung poh Jan 3^ li "5 A • 2 vols. Illustrated. w , ^. Military — ; Japanese. Ying yung wu che Men "^ M ^ ^ ^- Coloured prints. W,4. Herschell's Astronomy. Translated by A. Wylie. T'an THen M li- Shanghai, 1859. 3 vols. W, 1. Also 5 vols. In case. Z, 2. -4 ^«o 2nd edition. 1874. P, 2. Hi-hung Pang Fah shu ; yih chi luh J^ f^ ^ J'^ ^ ; — ^ •^. Rubbings of Forms of Inscription in the Hall of Vastness. 6 vols. Foldings 25-30 : V, 2. 1: ^. A String Hia 'rh kwan chdn jH I of Pearls from far and near. Serial. Hongkong, 1853-56. 4 vols, in 2. English bound. Q, 3. Hien Fung, — Proclamation issued in the third year of — . Hupeh. JTao shi ^ j^. "W, 3. Hien - Sie - kung kia chwen ^ f|5 S" ^ il? • Biography of Hien - Sie - Kung. Rubbing from tablet. Folding. W, 3. Hills and Seas, — Classic of the— king Pu ^ U UU' Elates. Shan hai 4 vols. W, 1. of Japan, — Picture Sketches of the Notable Things of the — . Shan hai ming wuh t'u hwui ll] ^ ^ ^ ^ f t • 5 vols. Japanese. Nihon sankai meibutsu dzuge. W, 4. Hing Chwen kieh yao ff f? ^ M • Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. J. Sadler. Amoy, 1856. W, 3. Histories, — Essays on the Nineteen Dynastic — . Section 4. Ku kin lih tai piao t'i chu shih kuen chisz' -^^Mi^M^M^^^ j^ pg . Printed in Corea. Z, 2. \u.rm>rm. g^^m '^ r^ fjt. HIS— HWA 149 History, — Chinese — , Abstract of—. Tuh-shi lun lioh WL ^ t^ ^' ^'^' of the [R.C.] Church, a genealogical book beginning with Adam, and including the Mission in China. Tao hioh kia chwen it M ^ it. MS. W, 3. of the Ink-slab. Yen siao shi ^ )J» ^ . W, 4. Ho Tsin-slien. Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Edited by J. Lcgge. Sin-yoh ts'uen shu Chushih—lUa-Vai M "fik ^ "^ tSi W^y f^ -j^. Hongkong, 1854. 2 vols. W, 3. Hobson (B.). Commentary on the Gospel of John. Edited by W. Muirhead. Yoh-han Shing Ki7ig Shih liai $§ ^ ^ $S ^ %. Shanghai, 1867. W, 3. Forms of Prayer. KH tao shih todn m SS ^ %' L.M.S., Canton, 1854. W, 3. Medical works, etc. Including: — Ts'uen Vi sin lun ^ ^ M %^- Physiology. Siiliohlm'^ ^ % %^ - Surgery. Nei k'o sin shtcoh ^ ^^ M Wt- Medicine. / hioh Ying Hwa tsz' shih -^ i^ ^ ^ ^ p|. Medical Vocabulary in English and Chinese. Fu ying sin shwoh f^ ^ ^ Wt- Mid- wifery. Poh tvuh sin pien ff ^ if li- Natural Philosophy, etc. English bound. Q, 2. Medical Vocabulary in English and Chinese. / hioh Ying Hiva tsz' shih Also in vol. Medical Works. Q, 2. — Medicine. Nei k'o sin shwoh ^ ^ llf 1^. /m i-o?. Medical Works. Q, 2. Midwifery. Fu ying sin shwoh ^ ^ if Wt- Shanghai, 1858. W, 4. Also in vol. Medical Works. Q, 2. — " l^atural Philosophy," etc. Fuh with sin pien tf J^ if ^- English bound. Q, 3. Also in vol. Medical Works. Q,, 2. Also Reprinted in Japan. 3 vols. W, 4. Physiology. Ts'uen t'i sin lun ^ ^ if p^' 1st edition. W, 1. Also in vol. Medical Works. Q, 2. Also with Astronomy and Macgowau's Electric Telegraph. Also Reprinted in Japan. 3 vols. Also 2nd edition. Coloured plates. bound. Surgery. Si i lioh lun "^ % Shanghai, 1857. English bound. Also in vol. Medical Works. Also Reprinted in Japan. V, 2. W, 4. English a, 3. Q. 3. Q, 3. W,4. Hoh t'ing sing v>u f^ "^ i^ ^. Incentive to Examination and Reflection. Mahommedan work in Arabic. W, 6. Holy Spirit, — Concerning the Work of the — . Romanized. Lun S^ng-sin. Amoy, 1892. AA, 3. Hung chu ju chwen ^ \^ ^ % - The Red Dwarf. Translated by Griffith John, from a Work by Mark Guy Pearse. Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Hung sileh yin-yiien t'u ki 1^ '^ @ IK iS • Famous Scenery, with descriptions. 2 vols. English bound, with title, "Chinese Picturesque Scenery." Q, 1. Hwa King '::^ §^. Treatise on Flowers. W, 5. Hwa Yang hwo hoh t'ung shu ^ |^ ^ >^ 5^ ^. Almanack, — Chinese and Foreign — . J. Edkins. Shanghai, 1852. W, 1. Hwah ch'wen mei Ian chuh kuh S f|P ■f^ 1^ fj* ^. Descriptive Drawings of Peach- blossom, Orchids, Bamboos, and Chrysan- themums. Q, 1. Hwang Ch'aolik'i t'u shih 1 |3 jJH || @ ^. Court Dross and Arms. English bound, with title "Chaou-le." Q, 1. Hwang Ch'ao yih t'ung yil ti ts'uen ^'m ^ ^ — 3^ ^ i^ :^ ffl • ^ complete [panoramic] Map of the Chinese Emi)ire under the reigning dynasty. Founded on the map made by the Jesuits, with parallels of latitude and longitude. Reprint. 1842. Folding 44 : V, 2. Hwang Family, — Genealogical Table of the — . MS. Hwang shi kia i?" '^ ^ ^ |f . W, 5. Hwang Hwai-kiang, — Rubbing of an Epitaph granted by the Imperial Ts'ing Ruler to the Great Officer — . Hwang t'sing ch'ih shdu ta fu Hwai-kiang Hwang mu chi ming ^ ^ %^fi :^ ^ tS a ^ 1 ^ IS. Folding 24 : V, 2. Hwang-i \g ^. Fables. MS. N. Trigault. W, 5. Hwang shi kia J9W ^ ^ ^ |f . The Genealogical Table of the Hwang Family. MS. W, 5. Hwang ts'ing ch'ih shdu ta fu Hwai-kiang Hwang mu chi mitig ^T^I^ijflh^'^^U^ ^ ^ J^ |g . Rubbing of an Epitaph granted by the Imperial Ts'ing Ruler to the Great Officer Hwang Hwai-kiang. Folding 24 : V, 2. Hwang ts'ing kao shdufung ching tafuK'u kiun mu chiming '^ m t^ t^ ^ ^ :k ^ ^ M ^ iS f^ • Rubbing of the Epitaph put on the Great Officer Kii's grave by Ta-t*sing, Imperial order. Folding 17 : V, 2. 150 HWA— JAP Hwang tsHng Icing h'ai, Yii hung ^ ^ W^ ^t ^ ^. The Imperial Ts'ing [dynasty] ex- planation of the Classics. Single vol. Tribute of Yii. W, 4. Hwui Hwui yuen /«« lej IbJ |^ 3K« Origin of the Mahommedans in China. W, 4. Hwui Icai sin Ye-su shwoh lioh {@ ^ f^ IRS Wf^ Wi ^' ^^I'it'f discourse on Repentance and Faith in Jesus. D. M. McCartee. New edition. Shanghai, i860. W, 3. Hwui wan lei tsii \^ "% '^ W- Circular and Complicated "Ways of Writing Chinese. "W, 5. Hymn Book. London Missionary Society. Tsung Chu shi p'ien ^ "3^ ||p ^. Shanghai, 1836. W, 3. H3riunal, — Church — . J. Lees. Shing Tciao shiko ^ |!c It ^. Tientsin, 1891. W, 3. Also 2nd edition. Tientsin, 1898. 8vo. English bound. W, 3. Hymns and Prayers. R. Morrison. KH tao wan tsan ah an shi Wi fiS ^ p1 %^ if- W, 8. and Tunes. Music adapted by J. Chalmers. London Missionary Society. Tsung chu shi Chang ^ i |# #• Canton, i860. W, 3. with Music. J. Chalmers. Tsung chu sinko ^ i if ^- t'anton, 1880. W, 3. I. Ihioh YingHwatsz'shih ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p. Medical Vocabulary in English and Chinese. See Hobson (B.), — Medical works, etc. — . Ishu muh luh Books. mm ^ List of Medical W, 6. I-80-p'u yii y«» # y^ ^ % W • ^sop's Fables. Translated by R. Thorn. Shanghai, 1838. AV, 4. . Fables of JEsop and others in the Shanghai Dialect. A. B. Cabanis. Shanghai, 1856. W, 6. / Tsin Chai Fah shu |§ ^ ^ fi ^. Rubbings of Forms of Inscription of the Profitable Retreat. Folding No. 32 : V, 2. Illustrated Accounts of "What I have Seen. See Ch'un Ts'ao T'ang Miscellany. W, 6. Illustration of Things in the Study. Wdn fang »z' tao t'u shwoh ic B ^ ^ M M- W, 5. Imaharihira MukasM Omokage. A Japanese novel. Ritsutei Senko. Illustrated by Yoshitora. Part 3. Vols, i and ii. Kin yeh p'ing, son ^m^,'E' w,4. Incentive to Examination and Reflection. A Mahommedan work in Arabic. Hah Ving sing wum^ ^-^ ^- W, 6. Ink-slab, — History of the — . Yen siao shi Inquests. Si yuen luh 'i% ^ M- ^> ^' Inscribed Metal Implements, etc. JCin shoh, 5z' ^^ ^ . No. 6, No. 4. Z, 1. Stone Monuments. No. 6. Shih shoh, Luh ^ #,. ^- ^' 1- Inscription, — Chinese and Mongolian — . Shih moh tsiien hwa ^ H lj| ^. I590- English bound. Q> 3. Inscriptions, — Chinese Seals and — . Siien hwo tsih, ku-yin shi ^ |U ^, "^ PP &• English bound. P, 2. , Four Sections, by Chau-ngohof Changsha, — Rubbings of Miscellaneous — . Chang sha Ch&u-ngoh tsih, Pei wan «s' kilen ^ W ^ Ii ^ ?| :X ^- Foldings4&5: V, 2. in Mongolian, put up by Imperial Order at two [places called] Kin-Ch'wen,— Rubbings of — . Yii chi pHng ting Hang kin ch'icen pei Foldings 13, 14, 15: V, 2. wan # ^ Metal and Stone. S. English bound. Kin shih k'i Q, 1. Km ku ising she kin shih t'u ^ 1^ ^ 'k ^ ^ M- English bound. P, 2. Printed on Sheets. Nos. 1 and 2, Nestorian. No. 3, Buddhist ; mi to fuh. Nos, 4, 5, and 6, Mongolian. X, 2. lok-pek. The Book of Job, Romanized. See wider Bible, Old Testament Portions. lok-su-a Ki. Book of Joshua, Romanized. Sea under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Isai-a. The Book of Isaiah, Romanized. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Isaiah. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Itinerary of the Chinese Empire, 1798. Chdu hingpilan M ^ ifl ^' W, 6. J. Jdn shdn t'u shwoh A # © ^, J^'i ^•'» <'" shwoh -^ §^ El 0^ • Anatomy and Mechanics. English bound. Q, 1. Japan, — Geography of the Islands and Roads of — . Ta Jeh-pan tao chung hing ch'ing ^ ;^ 5t 4» If 5^. Map. Folding: W, 4. , Map of — . Jeh pan yU ti fs'uen t'u "^^ m ^ ^ M' Folding: W, 4. JAP— JOH 151 Japan, — Map of — , with name of every town and village, and distances. Ta Jehpan si Icien chi chang ts'uen i'u -^ H TlS ^ £ ^1* ^ ^ U • Folding 8 : V, 2. , the Capital of — . Fan Men kiang hu Ta hwui tu ^ \^ tL P h \^ M- Large scale. Folding 49 : V, 2. Japan, Reprinted in; English and Japanese Vocabulary. W. H. Medhurst. Ying yii tsien ff H. 3 vols. W, 4. ts'ien pien j^ |§ ^ — ; Natural Philosophy. B. Hobson. Poh wuh sin pien fS ^ jS^ i^ • 3 vols. "W, 4. ; Physiology. B. Hobson. Ts^ue7i Pi sin lun ^ ti if Pir. 3 vols. W, 4. ; Surgery. Parti. B. Hobson. Siiliohlun W M 1. 1^. W, 4. JAPANESE :— Account of the Great Earthquake, Yeddo. Ta-ti chdn :/c Jife M- Illustrated. 1855. W, 4. ; Anderson on Kak'he. 2nd edition. An-shi kioh kH ping shicoh ^ J^ /M ^ ^ ^. W, 4. Sook of Heroes. Ying hiung poh jan "^ ^ ■g" A. 2 vols. W, 4. — , Description of a Dissection by a — ; in Chinese and Japanese. Kai tsang i'u fu M MM i5- 1822- Plates. W, 4. — , Dictionary, — Chinese and — . Ching isz' yukp'ien IE ^ 3E ^- W, 4. — , Dutch Grammar translated into — . Yih Mwo-lamvan yii Bl # M 3SC to- W, 4. — ; Early Training of Flowers. Lih hwa tsao jgr ^ 4 • Plates. W, 4. — Map of Yeddo, folding in case. Yii kianq-hi hwui if'M :^ iX ^ Ji @ . W, 4. — ; Military Heroes. Coloured plates. Ying yung wu che kien 31 ^^ J^ :^ f^. W, 4. Novel, Asakao Monogatari. Illustrated by Kunisada. Part 5. Chao yen wuh yii, Wu j)ie7t, Mia kiien ^ 1853- ^ f§ 5. ili T ^ W, 4. , Imaharihira Mukashi Omokage. By Ritsutei Senko. Illustrated by Yoshitora. Parts 1 and 2. Kin yeh p'ing, san ^ ^ 2|i, H. 3 vols. W, 4. — , Kin Hon Ichidaiki. Eecord of Heroism. Illustrated. Kung pan wu yung chwen '^ % ^ ^ %- W, 4. , Muchi Sai Bon. Illustrated by Jeisen. 3rd part. TFu chi tsai lun, san pien ^ ^ ^ m, H |g- W, 4. JAPANESE :— Novel, Taketon Monogatari. Illustrated by Kunisada. 1st vol. of 3rd part. Chuh ts'U wuh yu, pien san ft ® i^ t§, |g H- W, 4. , Yehon Sei Seiko Yo Ichidaiki. Last part. Illustrations. Hwui pun ts^ing ching kung yu, yih tai ki, hia |t ;$^ iH IE ^ iP, - n IB, T- w, 4. Plan of Nagasaki with description. Ch'ang- k'i chi t'u ^ t^ ± ^. Folding. W, 4. Poetry of Flowers of the four seasons. Ch'ah hwa «z* ki yung tH ^ ^ ^. Many plates. W, 4. See Botany. See Chronology, — New System of — . See Geography of the World. See Natural History. See Pilgrim's Progress. See Thousand-Character Classic. — Shinji Andon. Lamp for Spiritual Guidance. Pt. 3. Model sketches for Artists. Coloured plates. Shan shi king tang jjllp i^ fj >^. Shoshoku Oral, an Official's Vadc Mecum. Chu chih wang lai §^ J^ !^ ^. W, 4. Wahun Kura. Treasury of [light] Litera- ture. ByMarteiOja. Illustrated by Kunisada. Vol. ii of Part xl. Wo wan k'u, sz' shih kiien chihia m'XM>B-v m ^y- w, 4. Jeh - kiang Ch'un ts'iu kiai i Q 1^ ^ ^ J5^ ^. The Ch'un-ts'iu Classic, with daily explanatory readings. 32 vols. W, 4. Jeh-pan yii ti ts'uen t'u ^ :^ ^ ^ ^ ^. Map of Japan. Folding. W, 4. Jeh shih t'u shwoh Q flfi ® ^- Eclipse of the Sun. 1852. W, 5. Jeh yueh sing chdn kiai ^ S ^ ^ • The Truth concerning the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Religious tract by Griffith John. Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Job. See under Bible, Old Testament. John, — Gospel of — . See under Bible, New Testament portions. John (Griffith). Christian Catechism. Chdn tao juh man wan tah ^ ^ ^ p^ p^^ ^. Hankow, 1852. W, 3. Christian Trimetrical Classic. Ye-su shing kiao san tsz' king fl|5 ffic |^ IJC H ^ S^- Hankow, 1880. ~* W, 3. Four Gospels in Easy "Wen-li. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. 152 JOH— KIE John (Griffith). Gate of Virtue and Knowledge. Teh htcui juh man f^ ^ A. P^* Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Great Themes of the Gospel. Fuh-yin ta chi M "§ :k m- Hankow, 1882. TV, 3. Important Truths. Chdn li tsoh yao 9t M, Wl^' Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Leading in the Right Way. Yin tao san chang §| >i H :^- Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Leading the Family in the Right Way. Yin kia tang iao 51 ^ ^ tE* Hankow, 1882. W, 3. New Testament in Easy Wen-li. Sin yoh tiUien shu. See under Bible. in Mandarin. Sin yoh ts'iien shu. See under Bible. Psalms in Easy Wen-li. Kiu-yoh ship'ien. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Psalms and Proverbs in Wen-li. Kiu-yoh Shi-p^ien, chdn yen. See under Bible, Old Testament Poi-tions. (translator.) Red Dwarf. Mark Guy Pearse. ITung chu j'ii chwen ^ \^ Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Road to Heaven. Tien lu chi ming '^ ^ ^ 0J. Hankow, 1880. W, 3. Truth concerning the Sun, Moon, and Stars, a religious tract. Jeh ytieh sing chdn kiai H ^ M ift 15?' Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Truth in eight chapters. Chdn li pah p'ien ^ M A M- Hankow, 1880. W, 3. Joshua. See under Bible, — Old Testament. K'ai Fung Fu, Capital of Honan, — Annals of — . - ■ — ^ 12 vols. W, 1. K'ai Fung Fu Chi g§ iJ J^ ,u.> IT'ai Fung Fu Chi ^ ^ ^ •^.. Annals of K'ai Fung Fu, Capital of Honan. 1 2 vols. W, 1. JTai tsang t'u fu ^ M, M Wi- Complete description of a dissection by a Japanese in 1822. In Chinese and Japanese. Plates. W, 4. Kak'he, — Anderson on — . Japanese. ^An shi kioh k'i ping shwoh ^ J^ IJSR |l^ ^ ^- 2nd edition. W, 4. Kang Ei Ti^z'-tien ^ ^. i^ .^. Great Standard Chinese Dictionary, published under the direction of the Emperor Kang-hi. 6 vols. V, 1. K'ang Ei Tsz'-tien tsoh yao ^ ^.^^Wi"^. Abridgement of Kang-hi's Dictionary. J. Chalmers. 1878. English bound. W, 1. Kao hdu mung k'iu 1^ j^ ^ ^- Astronomy, with star charts. 1807. W, 4. JTao shi •^ jj^. Proclamation issued in the third year of Hien Fung. Hupeh, 1853. X, 2. Ki ho yuen pan ^ ^J 1^ ^« Euclid. A. Wylie. Q, 3. . . First Six Books. Translated by Matthew Ricci. MS. 1610. Z, 2. . . Reprinted by Tsang Kwoh-fan. 8 vols. Shanghai, 1867. W, 1. Ki ho yuen pan, shih wu kiien ^ ■jnj |^ -45 "h S ^' Euclid. In 15 sections. M. Ricci. 8 vols. VV, 1. Ki k'i t'u shwoh ^ §^ ® ^. Mechanics. In vol. Anatomy and Mechanics. Q, 1. Ki tao juh mdn yao kileh f jf f § \, P^ ^ ^ • Manual of Prayer. D. B. McCartee. Nin-ipo, 1849. W, 3. Ki tao shih wdn f[^ |§ ^ 35C- Porms of [Christian] Prayer, in Mandarin. MS. W, 3. . B. Hobson. Canton, 1854. W, 3. K'i tao wdn tsan shdn shi ^)f ^ ^ S§ S'i' W' Prayers and Hymns prepared and printed under the direction of Dr. Morrison. W, 3. Kit'ienk'ao^ H 5fe- Mensuration. Z, 2. Kia Ping kiang hwa ^ -^ IS f§- The Ordering of the Family. Treatise in Mandarin Colloquial. 1805. W, 5. Kiai tsz' yuen Hwa chwen, sz' isih ^ -J* ^ ^ Jlf> ^' Drawing, — Native Treatise on — , with illustrative biographical sketches. 4 vols. W, 1. Kiang hu chih tuh ^ fSB )^ ^f[. Fan yun tsoh y«o ^ ]g^ |g ^ . The Letter Writer's Vade Mecum, and Cantonese Syllabary. 1859. W, 5. Kiang-nan hiang-shi t'i ming luh ^ ^ HJ ^ ^ ^ $%,• Graduates of the Second Degree (M.A.) in Kiang-nan. 1851. W, 6. Kiang-su, — Map of — . Mounted. X, 1. Kiao Yao su Itin ^ ^ ^ p^. Mysteries of the Faith. Series of Discourses by Ferdinand Verbiest. 1850. English bound. V, 1. K'ien-lung, — Syllabary, facilitating the repre- sentation of sounds from the Mongolian, Thibetan, and Sanscrit, in Chinese characters, by — . Sin ting tui yifi tsz' shih jj^ j£ §^ § J? ^. Q, 3. K'ien-lung's Southern Journey. JVam siiin shing tien "i^ % ^ ^- 8 vols. English bound. Q, 2. , Maps and explanations to — . Nan siun shing tien t'u shwoh ^ '^ J^ ^ M Wt- Folding 2 : V, 2. KIH— KWO 153 Kih kin su kien M "g ^ Jilf ^ ^|^. On Coins. English bound. Q, 3. Kin ling chih fan ^ W. W^ tk- The State of Nanking during the Taiping Rebellion. W, 5. Kin ling t'u ^ |^ @. Pictures of Nanking. W, 4. Kin shih k'i ^ ^ ^. Inscriptions on Metal and Stone. English bound. Q, 1. Kin shih ts'ui pien ^ ^ ^ i^« Chinese Archaeology. 10 vols. English bound. Q,, 2. Inscribed Metal Z, 1. Kin ting is'ien luh ^ ^ §^ $^. On Chinese Coins. 2 vols. ^Y, 1. Kin shoh «s' # ^ Implements, etc. No. 4. King kiao pet -^ Nestorian Tablet. Rubbing of the Folding 9 : V, 2. King Pao ^ ^ . Peking Gazette, Fourth year, 2nd month, 2nd day, of Hien Fung. 1854. Also Fifth year, 2nd month, ord day, of Hien Fung. 1855. Also Tenth year, 9th month, 15th day, of Hien Fung. i860. Containing Anglo-Chinese Treaty. W, 1. King-teh chan fao luh ^ f* ^ ^ ^* Records of the Potteries of King-Teh chan. English bound, with title, "On Porcelaine." Q, 2. Also 4 vols, in case. W, 2. King-tu san tsz' ko "^ ^ "^ i^ ^. Peking Trimetrical Song, with Colloquial Commentary. W, 5. King shi kin shu $S ift ^ ^. Golden Book on Lightly Esteeming the World. A trans- lation of Thomas a Kempis' " De Contemptu Muiidi." P. E. Diaz. Peking, 1800. English bound. V, ]. Kings. See under Bible, Old Testament. Kiu Hon Ichidaiki ; a Record of Heroism. Japanese novel. Illustrated. Kung pdn wu yungchwen "^ "^ % ^ %.. "W, 4. Kiu ku tsing she kin shih fu^'^H^'^^ ^ ^ . Inscriptions on metal and stones. English bound. P, 2. Kiu p'in lien i'ai t'u jlj ^ '^ ^ ^. Pictures of the Nine Ranks on the Lotus Seats [Buddhist]. W, 4. Kiu shi yao lun i^ ^ '^ 1^. Important Discussion on Salvation. W. A. P. Martin. Shanghai, 1862. W, 3, Kiu yah Shi-p'ien W i^5 Ifp ^- Psalms in Easy "Wen-li. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Kiu-yoh Shi-p'ien, Chan-yen § f5 ff ^, ^ "g. Psalms and Proverbs in Wen-li. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Koh chi king yilen '^ §5[ 20 vols. Encyclopaedia. W, 5. Koh chi wei pien ^ |5! ft !§• Chinese Scientific Magazine. No. 1. Edited by John Fryer. Shanghai, 1876. W, 4. Ku kin lih tai piao Pi chu shih, kuen chi sz^ ^ ^ M fi: P @ l± m,,^ i 0. Essays on the nineteen Dynastic Histories, Section 4. Printed in Corea. Z, 2. Ku shi tin yuen i^ ^ ^ JJf,. Investigation of Proverbial Sayings. V» !• K'ii's grave, — Epitaph put on the great officer — , by Ta-ts'ing Imperial Order. Hwang tsHng kao shau fung ching TafuKil kiun mu chi ming ' * it :^ ^ m ^ m Folding 17 : V, 2. Kiien kai shih ya pHen yen fK ?^ ^ :J^ )r 'jQ • Exhoitations to Break off Opium Smoking. Plates. W, 4. Kilen shi Hang yen St ift ^ "s • Good words exhorting the Age. R. Morrison & Leang A-fah. Canton, 1832. 9vol8. (Vol. iii wanting.) W, 3. Kung pdn wu yung Chwen '^ 7[C |^ ^ j§. Japanese novel. Kiu Hon Ichidaiki. A record of heroism. Illustrated. W, 4. 1 iW IS Kwan hwa wei pien "g |^ Phrases. MS. Mandarin V, 1. Kwan shing ti kiun, Shing Uih t'u chi || ^ ^ ^ S^ M IS IS • Adventures of the deified hero Kwan — the God of "War, and his Associates. Illustrated. Q, 1. Kwan, the God of "War, and his Associates, — Adventures of the deified hero — . Kican shing ti kiun shing tsih t'u chi || ig ^ :§■ ^ ^ @ 13. Illustrated. English bound. Q, 1. Kwan wu Hang shau Fuh king t'u su»g ^ ^ M. % '^ M. M 'M' Illustrated Account of Buddhist Deities. In vol. Kwan, the God of War. Q, 1. Kwang-yen-tang Mountains, — A ccount of the — . Kwang yen tang shan chi /^ JH ^ jlj IS . 1790. 8 vols. ' W, 6. m ^ Kwang yen tang shan chi ^ ^ ^ m p^. Account of the Kwang-yen-tang Mountains. 1790. 8 vols. "W, 5. Kwei chang ts'uen yun ^ Manual for teaching Corcans Chinese. ^f Tonic W, 4. Kwei lin hien, Hiang siieh fang ^ >H^ $T> ^ ^ ^ ; Koh seh hwo wuh pu ^ f^ '^ ^ f^ . List of Drugs, etc., at the Cassia Forest Pavilion and at the Hall of Fragrant Snow. W, 5. Ktcoh Ch'ao pao kien ^ ^ Historical Work. 2 vols. Corean Z, 2. 154 LAK— LOO I. Lake, — Complete account of the Great — . T'ai irupeitao± m m m- W, 1. Lamp for Spiritual Guidance. Shinji Andon, Part 3. Japanese, Model sketches for artists. Shan shi king tang jp^ ^ fj ^. "W, 1. Lan e kiu-tsu la-so Ki-tok e Sin lok. The New Testament in the dialect of Amoy, Romanized. See under Bible. Leading in the Right Way. Griffith John. Yin tao san cliang §1 jlE H ^ • Hankow, 1882. 3 chapters. W, 3. Leading the Family in the Right Way. Griffith John. Yin Ida tang tao ^\ ^ ^ jE- Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Lees (J.). Church Hymnal. Shing Mao shi ho ^ li It ^- Tientsin, 1891. 8vo. -4^so 2nd edition. Tientsin, 1898. English paper. 8vo. W, 3. Legge (J.), editor. Commentary on the New Testament. The Gospel of Matthew. By Ho TsiD-shcn. Sin-yoh ts'iien shii Chu shih. Ma-taiWim ^ « l£ #. M ±. 1854. 2 vols. W, 3. Letter- writer's Vade Mecum ; and Cantonese Syllabary. Kiang hu chih tuh ; Fan gun tsoh 1/ao ft MR HI; ^ mm^- 1829. w, 5. Leviticus. See under Bible, — Old Testament Portions. Li-Bi Ki. Book of Leviticus. Romanized. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Li Huen-tsing, of Kwang-ling, in Mao-shan, — Eulogistic Inscription on the Tablet of — . A Monument of the T'ang dynasty. Yiu T'ang Mao-shan Huen-tsing sien shang Ktoang-ling Li kiun pei ming tHeh W ^ ^ UJ S |9h 3fc ^ ^ P^ ^ S ?l ^ W- Folding 43 : V, 2. Liang Ts'ang Vung fah Cubic Mensuration. t f^. Rules of W, 4. Liat-ong Ki-liok. Kings, Books i and ii. Amoy dialect Romanized. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Lieh sien shwoh JlJ fjlj ^. Talk about the Genii. (Yuen Dynasty.) Z, 2. Lieh sien ts'iien chw en ^Ij jjlj ^ j^- Records of the Genii. 2 vols. Q, 2. Lien ch'wen ming jdn hwah siang ^ Jll ^ A ^ ^. Portraits of famous men of Lien Ch'wen. (Reign of Emperor Kang-hi.) 4 vols. W, 1. Lien Ch'wen,— Portraits of Famous Men of — . Lien ch'tven ming Jdn hwah siang |^ ]\\ ^ A ^ ^- (Reign of Emperor Kang-hi.) 4 vols. W, 1. Life, — Sceptre of — . (Taouist.) Sing ming kweichi 14 ^ ^ H- 4 vols. W, 1. Lih hioa tsao jfc ^ -^ • Early Training of Flowers. Japanese, Plates. W, 4. Lih tai ti, wang, ming shdn chu kia fah tieh ; yih Chi shih M fi: ^ I ^ E 5# ^ f^ Ipdl ; — ^ -f-. Rubbings of Forms of Inscriptions of Emperors, Kings, Famous Ministers, and others, in successive ages. 10 vols. Foldings 33 to 42 : Y, 2. Lih tai ti-wang nien piao M f^ ^ '^- ^ ^' Chronology. English bound. Q, 3. Lin, — Wan Ch'ang (the God of Literature) on Unostentatious Goodness ; in the autograph of Commissioner — , Wan ch'ang ti kiiln yin chih wan ^ ^ ^ :g p 15 3SC. Rubbing from stone. Folding 45 : V, 2, Ling hwun tsung lun ^ ^ ^% %^. Tract on the Soul, nth edition, Shanghai, 1862. W, 3, Ling Shang ts'iien yen ^ ^ ^ "s"- Exposition of Spiritual Birth. Shanghai, 1863. W, 3. Literary Degrees, — List of Successful Candidates in Suchow and Tai ts'ang. Su T'ai Hang shuh t'ung tang ts'iien luh "^ -j^ "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m- *" w, 4. Literature of the T'aiping Rebels, brought from Nanking, 1853. Tien ming eh ao chdnshu 5c ^ 13 fl^ §, 10 works in 1 vol. W, 5. Liu Wun-ts'ingkung fah shu ^ij 35C ifl 5^ \^ ^. Rubbings of Liu Wan-ts'ing-kung's Collection of Forms of Inscription. 3 vols. Foldings 21, 22, and 23 : V, 2. Liu Wan-ts'ing-kung's Collection of Forms of Inscription, — Rubbings of — . Liu Wdn-ts'ing- kungfahshu%\ ^ ^ ^ f^ ^. 3 vols. Foldings 21, 22, and 23 : V, 2. Lobelli (A.). Good Life and Happy Death. (R.C.) Shen shdng fuh chung ^ ^ JjiS ^' 2 vols. W, 3. Lo-ma chi Mbh shi ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ • Romans to Revelation. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. Lo-ma shu chu kiai j^ ,P| ^ ,if f^. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. W. H. Medhurst. Shanghai, 1857. ^^' ^• Lohhienpien |§| ff |g. Chinese Prescriptions and Drugs. 1849. W, 5. Longhead (Dr.). Treatise on Vaccination. Copied by his grandson, Yow Acheo. Yin t&u liok ch'ao 51 ^ J^ ^' 1861. W, 1. Loo-Choo, — Account of — . Chung shan ch'ilen sin /mA 4» llj j^ f^ ^. English bound. Q, 1. LOO— MAP 155 Loomis' Algebraic Geometry, with Differential and Integral Calculus. A. Wylie. Tai wet tsih sink kill ft: ^ -^ f& 15. Q, 1- Lotus Seats,— Pictures of the Nine Eanks on the — . Buddhist work. Kiu pHn lien Vai Pu )l w M M U' Plates. W, 4. Lu-h'a ch'wenfuh-yin shu ^ fjn JS fS "W ©■• Chinese and Japanese Grospel of Luke. i>ee under Bible, New Testament Portions. Lull hoh ts'ung Pan ^^ ^ ^ |^ . Universal Miscellany. (Chinese serial.) Shanghai, 1857. Q, 3. Luke. See under Bible, New Testament Portions, Lunfuh sin chi li Wi ^ M ^3- Discourse on Renovation. W. H. Medhurat. 1862. W, 8. Lun seng-sin. Concerning the work of the Holy Spirit. Romanized. Amoy, 1892, AA, 3. Lun shen ngohjdn shdng «3* |^ ^ ^ A ^ ^ • Poor Joseph, and other tracts. J. Stronach. W, 3. Lun loan tsHen sliwoli fi^ 35C ^ ^* Chinese Grammar and Exercises. W, 5. Lung Pu hung ngan, kiien kiu h| ® S* ^> ^ jl,. The ninth section of a romance. W, 1. Lung wet pi shu || J^ ^ 72 vols, in 9 cases. Encyclopaedia. W, 6. Ma k'o Lu-kia Wj Pf 5& J&H' Mark and Luke, Delegates' Version. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. Jfa-Pai ch'wen fuh-yin shu ^ dfc Jl^ fM ^ ^' Matthew in Chinese and Manchu. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. McCartee (D. B.). Christian Customs. Ye-su kiao li gen M M W^ M 'm > Shanghai, 1863. W, 3. • Harmony of the Gospels. Mandarin dialect. Fuh-yin hoh ts^an pien mung ^ -^ >& # ® ^. W, 3. K'i tao j'uh man ^ ^. Ningpo, W, 3. Manual of Prayer. yao kueh W{ W /< f 1849. Repentance and Faith in Jesus ; a brief discourse. Uwui kai sin Ye-sxi shwoh lioh m ^ ^ m W^ ^- New edition. i860. W, 3. Macgowan (J.). Commentary on Psalms i-xxxix. Shi p^ien chu shih !# ^ u£ ^' Amoy, 1875. W, 3. , translator. Eadie's Biblical Cyclopaedia. Shing-king ch'en iiang H ^ R| l¥ • 2 vols. Amoy. W, 3. Macgowan (J.). Electric Telegraph. Poh wuh Pung «Am in ^ 5^ ^ . In vol. Physiology. Ts'iien Pi sin lun ^ ff if 1^- V, 1- Mahomedan Calendar. 1802. "W, 3. Mahomedans in China, — Origin of the — . ITwui Hwui yuen lai U Isl |^ ^ • W, 4. Sfanchdu, Mungku, Han tsz', San hoh ts'ieh yin ts'ing wan kien % ^ M "^ ^ '^ ZL ^ ■fiJ "b iH "% J^- Vocabulary of Manchurian, Mongolian, and Chinese. 32 vols, in 4 sets. W, 2. Manchu Almanack. 1863. Z, 2. language, — Conversations in Mandarin on learning the — . Ch'u hioh chi-nan f)J ^ ^ f^. English bound. Q, 1. . See Four "Written Languages. . See Shun-che on Government. Q, 1. Manchu and Mongol Version of the Chinese Triraetrical Classic {san tsz' king), with com- mentary. Man Munq hoh pih san ■tsz'- -king chu kiai m m ^ m ^ ^ m tSL m- English bound. Q, 2. Manchurian, — Dialogue on the Advantages of Learning—. Wen ta pHen fp^ ^ ^. Z, 2. See Chinese-Manchurian Dictionary. Ts'ing tv&n K'i mung 5p| 35C ^ ^ • English bound. V, 1. See Vocabulary. Manchurian and Chinese Primer. Ch'u Hioh chi-nan U ^ f g ^ • English bound. Q, 1 . Mandarin Colloquial, — Treatise on the Ordering of the Family — . Kia Ping kiang hiva ^ J^ m n- 1805. w, 5. Dialect, — Lessons in the — . Ching yin tsoh yao jE "W 1^ ^* • "^^^ editions, 1 834 and 1852. English bound. V, 1. Easy Sentences in — . Tang ying p'ten Phrases in — . Kwan hwa tcei pien *^ |^ ^ i^. MS. English bound. V, 1. Phrases in Northern and Southern — . Nan Poh Kwan hwa wet pien ^ ^b 'gf f§ ^ H. (Reign of Emperor Kia King.) V, 1. Mdng-tsz' shing tsih ^'w ^ •? H |^ ^. Vestiges of Mencius. See in vol. TVu Kiun koh hien Pu chwen tsan :^ ?5 §" If ffl 1? ^ • V, 1. Map. Chart of the "World, in four sheets. X, 1. (Panoramic) of the Chinese Empire under the reigning dynasty. Founded on the map made by the Jesuits, with parallels of latitude and longitude. Hwang ch'ao yih Pung yii ti ts'uen ^'« ^ m — j^ ii ilk ^ la. Reprint, 1842. Folding 44 : V, 2. 156 MAP— MEM Map. Plan of Concession, Tientsin. X, 1. Sea Chart. X, 1. Map of Canton. Mounted. China. Folding 44 : V, 2. (large), in fifty sheets. X, 1 . Fuchow. X, 1. Japan. Jeh-pdn yii ti ts'uen t'u Q 4^ M it ^ M- Folding. W, 4. with name of every town and village, and distances. 7a Jeh-pdn si kien chi chang ts'uen ^'w :^ B * ifl li ta ^ ^ ffl- Folding 8 : V, 2. Kiang-su. Mounted. X, 1. Mediterranean Sea. X, 1. Peking. X, 1, Provinces of China. Eighteen sheets. X, 1. Road from Pekin to Kiatchta, by the great camel route. From a Russian sketch made in 1858. Peh-hing chi K'iah-h'^oh-Pu lu chHng Pu it %^'\^%U ^ "^m- Folding in case. W, 1. Maps and Explanations concerning Kien Lung's Southern Journey. Nan stiin shtng tien vu skwoh ^ 'M ^. M U Wt' Folding 2 : V, 2. to the Gazetteer of the Ta Ts'ing Dynasty. Tai ts'ing yih t'ung chi ^'w "^^ ^ — 5^ J* 0. English bound, with title, "Yih Tung Che." Q, 1. Mark ; and Mark and Luke. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. Marshman (J.). Bible. Shing Icing |^ $^. See under Bible. Martin ("W. A. P.). Important Discussion on Salvation. Kiu ski yao lun ^ "IS ^ l^* Shanghai, 1862. W, 3. Search for the Source of the Heavenly Doctrine. T-ien Too su yuen 3^ 'M, Wi M>' Ningpo, i860. W, 3. Mathematical Work. Chdu pi swan Icing W, 5. Matthew, — Gospel of — . See under Bible, New Testament Portions. Maxwell (J. L.), translator, assisted by Missionaries of the London Missionary Society. The Now Testament in the dialect of Amoy, Romanized. See under Bible. Mechanics. K'i k'i t'u shwoh ^ §§ ^ ^. See in vol. Anatomy and — . Q, 1 . • , Whewell's— . Translated by J. Edkins. Chung hioh "^ ^. Shanghai, 1867. 2 vols. W, 1. Medhurst (W. H.). Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Lo-ma shu chu kiai ^ Mj "^ |£ jjjijf. Shanghai, 1857. ' W, 3. Condensed Statement of Christianity. Te-su kiao lio % U W^ ^- Shanghai, 1858. W, 3. — Discourse on Renovation. Lunfuh sin chi U %k UISi ^ M- 1862. w, 3. English and Japanese Vocabulary. Ying yii tsien ts'ien pien ^ ^ ^ fl^ ^. Japanese reprint. 3 vols. W, 4. Exposition of the Ten Commandments. Shdn-t'ien shih t'iao shing kiai Chu kiai |l^ ^C + ii ^ M pi ^. Malacca, 1832. W, 3. Harmony of the Gospels. Fuh-yin t'iao hwo Batavia, 1834. gl3 ^. 1st edition. 2nd vol. W, 3. — Heavenly Principles. T'ien li yao hm HmW: tk- W, 3. — Sermons in Chinese. Chdn li t'ung tao fl^ S 31E ?1- Shanghai. Svo. English bound. V, 1. — Ten Commandments Explained. Shih t'iao kiai chu ming + j^ ^ ^ Bfl- Part i. 1840. (Printed from Chinese metal types.) W, 3. — Theology. Part i. On God. Shd^i li tsting hm |l^ S H p^. Malacca, 1833. W, 3. Three-Character Classic [Christian]. San tsz'king^ ^ ^. Peking, 1864. W, 1. Medhurst (W. H.) & Gutzlaff (K. F. A.). New Testament in Chinese. See under Bible. Medical Books, • List of — . MS. / shu muh luh W, 6. Practice, — Compendium of Eastern — . Corean reprint of Chinese edition. Tung i poo kien % ^ ^ ^' 25 vols. Z, 1. Vocabulary, — English and Chinese — . / hioh Ying Rwa tsz' shih -^ i^ ^ ^ ^ ^. See Hobson (B.), Medical Works, etc. Medicine. B. Hobson. Nei k'o sin shwoh p^ f^ Jjf ^. In Medical Works. U, 2. Meditation, — Directory to—. (R.C.) Yih sz* Chi nan 4 vols. iS> ^ ^- Reprinted, 1844. Mediterranean Sea, — Map of the — . X, 1 . Memorial to the Emperor of China, dated August, 1854. Bishop Mouly (B.C.). With Chinese text attached. T'ien- Chu kiao tsdu cheh ^ i I* ^ ^- Hongkong, 1855. W, 3. MEN— MTJI 15T Hencius. Si hiang Mang-ts%' W If !£ *?• Q, 3. Vestiges of — . Mang tsz' shing tsih t'u. See in vol. Wu Kiiln Icoh Men t'u chwen tsan Mensuration. Ki Pien ¥ao |^ ffl ^- Z, 2. Rules of Cubic — . Liang T'sang Pung fah M t 5i fi- W, 4. Eules of Plain — . Fang Pirn t'ung fah :fr ffl ji f*. w, 4. See Silver Coinage. Metempsychosis. See Hades, — N'arrative of Events in — . Yiih lih ch'ao chwen king shi ^ M # It # IS- w. 5. Miao-tsz, and other aboriginal tribes in China, — Illustrations and descriptions of the — . Miao- tsz' koh chmig t'u shwoh "^of •? ^ M K 1^ • 4 vols. (See a translation of the work in English from the Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, entitled '• Sketches of the Miau tsz.") Foldings 46 and 47 : X, 1. Miao-tsz' kohchung t'u shwoh ^ "F S M ® i^- Illustrations of the Miao-tsz and other Aboriginal Tribes in China, with descriptions. 4 vols. Foldings 46 and 47 : X, 1. Midwifery. B. Hobson. Fu ying sin shwoh ^ ^ MWi' Shanghai, i8s8._ W, 4. Also in " Medical Works in Chinese." See Hobson (B.). -, Inoculation, and Advice in Urgent Cases. Tah Shang, Pao ying^ Kiukih ^ ^ f;^ |§. ^ ^. (See Eye, — Diseases of the—. Q, 3. Milne (W.). Christian Catechism. Yiu hioh is'ien kiai wan tah ^ ^ J^ |^ PO ^. (Printed on paper made from the bark of the Macassar-tree.) i8i6. W, 1. Dialogue between two Friends, Chang and Yuen. Chang Yuen Hang yiu siang lun 5^ j^ M ^ 4a 1^- Hongkong, 1845. Also Rendered into the Shanghai dialect by M.T.Yates. 1856. W, 3. Evils of Gambling. Tu poh ming lun lioh kiang^ % ^]^ Ik ^ W- Malacca, 1819. W, 1. — — Tract on the Strait Gate. Tsin siao man tsdu tseh lu kiai lun J^ >I» P^ jfe ^ 8§ ^ 1^. Malacca, 1816. W, 3. Mineral and Medical Products of China, with their localities. Ta ts'ing yih t'ung yok shih :^ iS — 5^ ^ 'ff- ^S. 4 vols. Odd. W, 5. Ming Dynasty, — Banners of the Army of the — . Ta ming kiiln muh ;fc ^ ^ @ • Plates. W, 4. (R.C.) Tung kiao . i860. W, 4. Miscellany, — Ch'un Ts'ao T'ang. Ch'un ts'ao T'ang tsih M M "^ ^- Including: — P'ing t'i Literature. P'ing t'i Wan ]^ §1 "iSC- Odes. ITu kin t'i shi "iS" i£ ^ If • Rhythmic Pieces. Ts'z' luh =pj fj^. Yellow River. Mwang ho yuen shang ^ X^ it ±. Story of the Embroidered Handkerchief. Siup'aki H IpQ IE- Story of the Blood[-red] Plum. Sueh meiki jOi ^ BE- Fragments of Gold and Jewels. Kin yuh sosui ^ ^ 3i i$. Illustrated Account of what I have seen. Shu hwa so kien luh ^ S ^ M. fl^ • Patterns of Cash. T'sien shih ^'w ^ ^ © . Botany. Hwa muh siao chi ^ ^ >J» i^. 24 vols, in 4 sets. W, 6. Moh yuen ^ ^ . Art Collection. 2 vols. Z, 2. Mongolian Literature, — Important Extracts from — . Mung w&n fah ch'ing ^ "^ fi ^• 4 vols, in case. W, 2. See Four Written Languages. See Vocabulary. Morrison (R.), — Hymns and Prayers, prepared and printed under the direction of — . K'i tao wdn tsan Shan shi fj/f ^ ^ 1^ ?$ !#• W, 3. Shorter Catechism. Wdn tah ts'ien chu Ye.su kiao fah f^ ^ i^ ^ M B WC f*- Canton, 181 2. W, 3. Morrison (R.) & Leang A-fah. Good Words exhorting the Age. K'iien shi Hang yen ^ 1ft !M "a - Canton, 1832. 9 vols. (vol. iii wanting). W, 3. Morrison (R.) & Milne (W.). Bible in Chinese. Shdn Tien shing shu jpl^ 5^ H §. See under Bible. Monly (Bishop). Memorial to the Emperor of China, August, 18.54, with Chinese text attached. (R.C.) T'ien-Chu kiao tsdu cheh 5C i 15: ^ ^. Hongkong, 1855. W, 3. Mirror of Christianity. tsungkien ^ fc ^ i Plain Words for Religious Admonition. (R.C.) Suh yen king kiao iiS a" ^ |fe. Peking, 1857. W", 3. Muchi Sai Ron. Japanese novel. Pt. iii. Illustrated by Jeisen. Wu chi tsai lun san pien ^ ^ '^ ^Sr H H. W, 4. Muh min chung kao 4t .K *© "^- Faithful Instructions on Government. Z, 1 . Muirhead (W.),— Edited by — , Commentary on the Gospel of John. Yoh-han Shing King Shih kiai $§ ^ ^ i^ # Ij?. B. Hobson. Shanghai, 1867. W, 3. 158 MXJI— PAN Muirhead (W.). History of England. Ta Ying Kwoh cM :^ ^ ^ J^,. 1856. Q, 3. Mu»g w&n fah chHng '^ 3^ fi ^' Extracts from Mongolian literature. 4 vols in case. W, 2. Mysteries of the Faith. Discourses by F. Verbiest. X^i'ao yao su lun ^ ^ ^ %^. 1850. English bound. V, 1. H. Nagasaki, — Plan of — , with description. Ch^ang- ti chi Pu -^ ^ ^ ^. Folding: W, 4. Nan Poh Kwan hica wei pien ]§ Jtj "gp f?5' ft li- Phrases in Northern and Southern Mandarin. (Reign of Emperor Kia King.) V, 5. Nan siiin shing tien "^ % ^ ^. Kien Lung's Southern Journey. 8 vols. English bound. Q, 2. Nan siiin shing Hen Vu shwoh ]^ j^ :^ ^ ^ ^. Maps and Explanations to Kien Lung's Southern Journey. Folding 2 : V, 2. Nanking during the Taiping Rebellion, — The State of — . Kiu ling chih Van ^ ^ J^ |j|^. W, 5. Natural History, — Japanese "Work on—. Ta hwo pan ts'ao :^ ^ Tf* ]^. 4 vols. W, 4. Natural Philosophy, etc. B. Hobson. Foh wuh sin pien \% ^ ^ |B- English bound. Q, 3. Also in Medical Works, etc. See Hobson (B.). Q. 2. Also Reprinted in Japan. 3 vols. "W, 4. Net to sin shwoh ^ f^ j^ ^. Medicine. Jn Medical Works. See Hobson (B.). Q, 2. Nestorian Tablet,— Rubbing of the — . ITing kiao pei J; ^ {IJi . Folding 9 : V, 2. Nevius (J. L.). Guide to Heaven. Tien lu chi nan ^ 5& ta ^- Shanghai, 1861. W, 3. Nevius (Mrs.). Christian Catechism, in the Mandarin dialect. Ye-su kiau kwan hwa w&n tah%^ ^^^ Pp^ J§. Shanghai, 1853- W, 3. New Testament. See under Bible. , Chinese Version of Dr. Rogue's Essay on the — . D. Collie. Shing shu p'ing kit tsung /mw H ^ H ^ J^ p^. Malacca, 1826. 3 vols. W, 3. — — History. (R.C.) Sin i chao shing shi kilioh H^ 5t 13 ^ A ^ ^- W, 3. Newspapers. Paopien ^ ^ . 1 . Flying Dragon Reporter, three numbers, viz., February 14th and August 14th, 1866, and January 14th, 1867. 2. Oriental, or Tung-ngai snn luk % M ^ M' Three numbers, viz., January 6th, 1855, and two others. San Francisco. X, 2. Ning^o Mission Press. See Chinese Type. "W, 1 . North China Hymn Book. Sung Chu Shing shi &M i M If- Peking. W, ^. Diseases of W, 4. Nil to Ts'ieh yao ^ ^^ ^ "Women. Numbers. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Nung Ching ts^uen shu j^ 1^5^ ^ ^. Encyclo- psedia of Agriculture. 3 vols. English bound. Q, 2. 0. Object Lessons for Children. Tui siang tsah tsz* m ^ m^' 1862. w, 5. Odes. Ku kin t'i shi. Miscellany. See Ch'un Ts'ao T'ang W, 6. , Book of — ; Part of the Preface and 4th section of the — . Shi-su, Shi chwen kilen «2* If ^, It ii ^ B- 2 vols. w, 1. , ; with Commentary. Shi king g^p ^ . (Reign of Emperor Kia King.) 2 vols. English bound. V, 1. Odes for Youth. Boys' Second School Book. Yiu hioh Shi 4Jff ^ If. "W, 4. Old Testament. See under Bible. Opium, — Tract on- ^ 'M' 1832. Ya p'ien chi mi ^ )y W, 1. Opium Smoking,— Exhortations to Break oflF the Habit of — . K'-ilen kiai shih ya p'ien yen la 5^ :t ^ K^ J:a. Plates. W, 4. On Breaking off the Habit of — . Chung Wai cUu kiai Yang yen ch'&h lun ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ m n%k- 2 vols. W, 4. Ordering of the Family, — Treatise on the — , in Mandarin Colloquial. Kia t'ing kiang hwa m m*^ m- 'Sos. w,5. Oriental. Tung-ngai sdn-luk "§$. ^ M Wi' Newspaper. Three numbers. San Francisco, 1855. X, 1. Origin of All Things,— The True—. J. Aleni. (R.C.) Wan wuh Chdn yuen M ^ S: W^' 1791. Also in MS. W, 3. Ornamental Writing, — Remarks on Long Life, in — . Shdu yen g "g. Z, 2. P. Pdn ts'ao kang muh "J^ "^ ^ § . [Chinese] Herbal and Materia Medica. 8 vols. Q, 1. P'an yun koh Tieh ; shang, hia ^ ^ {^ f JSf > J2 , "P . Rubbings of the Forms of Inscrip- tions of the Cloud- Ascending Chamber. Folding 20 : V, 2. PAO— POR 159 Fao p'oh tsz' 1^ /j=b -P . Alchemy. A Taouist book, with directions for making the Elixir Vitaj and the Philosopher's Stone, or powder, for transmuting the baser metals into gold. English bound. Q, 3. Patterns for Embroidering. Sui htoa t'u W, 4. Pearcy (Mr.). New Method of Writing the Shanghai Vernacular. W, 1, Peh-lcing chi K'iah-k'ok-Pu lu cVing t'u -)^ ^f S 'I^ ^ ffl ^ Jg S- Road Map from Peking to Kiatchta by the Great Camel Route, From a Russian sketch made in 1858. Folding in case. W, 1. *' Peking,— Account of — ." Ch'dn ymn chi lioh 'M. ^M Wi ^' English bound. 2 vols. Q, 3. Map of — , Observatory, X, 1. Drawings of Instruments in the — . T'ien wan t'ai chu i siang 5C 35C ^ ^. Folding 48 : X, 1. -, Remarkable Objects in- wtih lioh ^ ^ Ti-Ktng Mng Q, 2. — Report of L.M.S. Hospital, 1861-69 ; with notes on Chinese Cases, etc., by J. Dudgeon. Shiisinluh % ^ ^ $^- W, 5. -, Streets and shops of — . Ta'dng pu tu man hilioh^ ^ ^ PI ^ 1- English bound. a, 3. to Kiatchta, by the great camel route. Road map from a Russian sketch made in 1858. Folding in cloth case. Peh-king chi K'iah- toh-t\ lu ch'ing t'u '\t "M ^ ^^ '^ M Trimetrical Song, with colloquial com- mentary. King tu san tsz' ko "^ ^ ^ ^ W, 5. Peking Gazette. Fourth year, 2nd month, 3rd day, of Hien Fung, 1854. Also Fifth year, 2nd month, 3rd day, of Hien Fung, 1855. Also Tenth year, 9th month, 15th day of Hien Fung, 1860, containing the Anglo- Chinese Treaty. King pao ff^ f^. W, 1. Peking Magazine (Protestant). 21 numbers, from 1872 to 1875. Chung Si wan Men luh ►t' H ^1 E $^- w, 4. Physiology. B. Hobson. Ts'Uen t'i sin lun ^ ^ if P^. 1st edition. W, 1. Also in Medical Works. See Hobson (B.). a, 2. Also with Astronomy and Macgowan's Electric Telegraph. V, 1. Also Reprinted in Japan. 3 vols. W, 4. Also 2nd edition. English bound. Coloured plates. Q, 3. Pi shu ^ ^. Ancient Works ; Historical, etc. 16 vols. W, 6. Pictures of Kin ling. Kin ling t'u ^ ^M ^ • W, 4. , Various ; including a sheet on the Evils of Opium Smoking. X, 2. Pien hioh shu kao W^ ^ ^ ^ . Biography and writings of Sii Kwang-k'i (styled Vv''an-ting- kung), a famous Roman Catholic convert. MS. 2 vols. W, 5. Pilgrim's Progress. W. Burns. T'ien lu lih ch'ing 3^^ ^ S ^' Shanghai, 1856. Also Amoy, 1852. -4 ?«o Hongkong, 1855. Also Shanghai, 1862. W, 3. in Japanese. W. J. White. T'ien lu lih ch'ing ^ ^ Jg 5^- 2nd edition. Tokyo, 1889. 8vo. V, 1. Ping shan yueh shi kung tuh yao ^ ^ -^ ^ 5V ^f[ ^. Public Documents on Alfairs in Canton. 1856. W, 1. P'ing t'i Literature. P'ing t'i wdn. See Ch'un Ts'ao T'ang Miscellany. W, 6. Plates, — Various — , and Specimens of running hand by Tung-p'o. Wu shwang pu Tung-p'o i i SlE H ^ ^ jE S- w, 4. Poh Ma sing "5 ^ ^ • '^^® Book of Chinese Surnames. W, 4. Poh Ma sing hiun-ku "^ ^ M gill li^- Sur- names with explanations. See Classics for Youth. Q, 1. Poh ku t'u luh tu "^ © H- Descriptions of Ancient Vases, etc. Plates. 7 vols. Q, 1. Poh wuh sin pien tH 2^ ^ Wi' Natural Philosophy, etc. English bound. Q, 3. Also in Medical Works. See Hobson, (i, 2. Also Reprinted in Japan, 3 vols. W, 4. Poh wuh t'ung shu ■{§ ^ jE §• Electric Telegraph, D. J. Macgowan. Bound with Hobson's Physiology, Ts'uen t'i sin lun, and Astronomy, T'ien wdn lioh lun. V, 1 . Poor Joseph., and other Tracts. J. Stronach. Lun shen ngoh j'dn shdng «z' p^ ^ ^ A ^ n- W, 3. Porcelain. Tao-shwoh^^. English bound. Q, 3. .4^50 Peking, 1862. With note on cover by W. Lockhart. W, 5. Portraits of Famous Men of Lien Chw'en. Lien chiv'en ming jdn hwah siang ^ )\\ ^ A § ^. 4 vols. (Reign of Emperor Kang Hi.) W, 1. of Various Worthies. Wu Miin koh hien t'u chwentsan^ %^ g ^ % ^. English bound. V, 1. 160 POT— Rim Potteries at King Teh Chan, — Records of the — . King teh cUn t'ao luh §■ ^ ^ ^ f|. Q, 2. Also 4 vols, in case. "W, 2. Prayer, — Forms of — . B. Hobson. Ki too shih wdn |jf ]|# ^ ^. L.M.S. Canton, 1 85+. W. 3. , Manual of — . D. B, McCartee. K'i tao juh mdn yao kileh IJf |i A H M ^• Ningpo, 1849. W, 3. Prayers, etc., — Roman Catholic — . Tien Chu Iciaow&n ^ ^ Uc ^- "W", 3. in Mandarin, — Book of [Christian] Ki tao shih wan ^JX W "A %• ^S. W, 3. Prayers and Hymns in Chinese. Prepared and printed under the direction of Dr. Morrison. IT'i tao w&n tsan Shdn shi |^ )^ 35C n® m If- '833. W, 3. Prescriptions and Drags, — Chinese — . Loh hienpien |§| |f |g. 1849. W, 5. Proclamations, and other Official Documents; Forms of Petition, etc. ; in large official envelope used in the Treaty negotiations of 1842 by the Imperial Commissioner E-li poo. X, 2. Profitable Retreat, — Rubbings of the forms of inscription of the — . / Tsin chai Fah shu M ^ ^ fi «. Folding No. 32 : V, 2. Proverbial Sayings, — Investigation of — . Ku shi sin yuen "^ ^ ^ ilf, • ^j 1 • Proverbs. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Psalms. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Quaterman (J. W.). Scripture Narratives. Shing hing t'u W^ ^ ^ ^. Illustrated. Ningpo, 1855. W, 3. Religion, — Evidences of the Faith of the Holy [R.C.] — . Shing Mao sin ching ^ ^ fs ^ MS. 2 vols. W, 3 Important Classic of the Holy [R.C.] — T. Dacosta. Shing kiao yao king ^ ^ ^ ^ 1834. W, 3 Religions Admonition, — Plain Words of — (R.C.) Bishop Mouly. Suh yen king kiao fS S 2f ^. Peking, 1857. W, 3 Renovation, — Discourse on — . W. H. Medhurst Lun fuh sin chili p& f|[ jSf i S- 1862. W, 3 Repentance and Faith. A. brief discourse. D. M. McCartee. Hwui kai sin Ye-su shwoh lioh% ^iM "% U'WL ^' I^ew edition. i860. W, 3. Repositories of the Holy [Buddhistic] Religion, — Inscription of the Three — . Ta T^ang san tsang shing kiao t'ieh i^ ^ ^ Wi ^ W^ ^H • Great T'ang Dynasty. Folding 11 : Y, 2. 'Rh-ya Dictionary, with Pronunciations and Illustrations. 'Jih ya yin t'u ^ i^fi W IB • 3 vols, between wooden boards. X, 1. 'M-ya i/in Pu ^ j5f| ^ p . The 'Rh-ya Dictionary with Pronunciations and Illustra- tions. 3 vols, between wooden boards. X, 1 . Rhyming Dictionary. Shi yun han ying ff |^ ^ ^. V, 1. Rhythmic Pieces. Ts'z' luh. See Ch'un Ts'ao T'ang Miscellany. W, 6. Ricci (De). Roman Catholic Tracts. Shing shi eh'ujao ^ j^ U M' '846. W, 3. Ricci (M.). Euclid ; in fifteen sections. JTi ho yuen p&n, shih wu kilen ^ ^ >!^ ^ . + 5R ^ . Bound in 8 vols. W, 1 . , First six books. MS. 1610. English bound. Z, 2. Road to Heaven. Griffith John. Tien lu chiming ^ ^ ^ ^^' Hankow, 1880. W, 3. Roman Catholic Tracts. De Ricci. Shing shi ch'ujao ^ IS ^ H*. 1846. W, 3. Romance (?). Ninth section. Lung i'ukungngan, kilen kiu ^ ^ ^ ^, ^ JU- W, 1. Romanized in the Amoy Dialect; — Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Joshua, Samuel i and ii, Kings i and ii. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiab, New Testament. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions, and New Testament. in the Shanghai Dialect ; — Gospel of John. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. AA, 3. See Holy Spirit. Rongh Account of the Doctrine of Nature. Julius Aleni. Sing hioh ts^u shuh ^ ^ *li (IS) m- Peking, 1863. W, 1. Rules and Regulations for Passing the Day. (For Jesuit Converts.) Tu jeh kwei tseh M 3^ H'l- MS. 1705. English bound. V. 1. Running Hand, arranged according to the lihyming Dictionary. Ts'ao yun tcei pien ^m^M' 8 vols. W, 1. See Plates, — Various — , and Specimens of the—. SAC— SHA 161 S. Sacred Edict, — A Series of Moral Discourses on the — . Shing yii kwang hiun ^ |^ ^ fllj • Small edition. English bound. -4^50 Larger edition. 1802. English bound. V, 1. Also Large size. Silk. Z, 2. Illustrated. Shing yii siang Jciai % %^ i%. M- 4 vols. English bound Q, 1. History, — The Important Facts in — . (R.C.) Shing shi t'i yao ^ ^ ^ ^. i860. W, 3. Spots, Temples, etc. Shing yin sz' tdng t'u ® ^ ^ S • Prints. W, 5. Sacrificing to Ancestors, — On the Error of—. Sz' sien pien miu Wt ^ W^ W" Shanghai, 1861. W, 3. Sadler (J.). Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Hing chwen hieh yao fr f§ ^ ^ • Amoy, 1856. W, 3. Salvation, — Important Discussion on — . W. A . P. Martin. Kiu ski yao Inn ^ ift ^ P^- Shanghai, 1862. W, 3. Samuel. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. San hwoh chi ^ ^ ^. Records of the Three Kingdoms. (A Romance.) 20 vols, in 2 cases. W, 2. San tsz^ king H ^ S^* Cliristian Three- Character Classic. W. H. Medhnrst. Peking, 1864. "VV, 1. Three-Character Classic. (Boys' first schoolbook.) W, 4. San tsz' king hiun hi H ^ J^M llll !&• Three- Character Classic, with explanations. See '• Classics for Youth." Q, 1. Sanscrit, — See Thousand-Character Classic in Chinese, Japanese, and — . Sat-Bo-Ni Kl Siong-ko^n. Samuel, Book i, in the Amoy Dialect. Romanized. 1881. 8vo. Also Book ii, Ha Koan. A A, 3. Scenery, — Famous — , with description. Hung- siieh-yin-yilen t'u ki ^ "^ @ l§^ Bl Ifi • 2 vols. a, 1. Scripture Lessons of the British and Foreign School Society. Shin^ shu jeh k'o ^ ^ iJ. 1832. 3 vols. AY, 3. — Narratives Illustrated. J. W. Quatcrman. Shing king t'ti ki ^ j^ H IB . Ningpo, 1855- W, 3. Sea-Chart. X,l. Seals. Chung hwa yin luh tf» ^ ^{1 fj^* Numerous engravings. Q, 3. — and Inscriptions, — Chinese — . Suen-htco- tsihkuyin-shi% # ^ T^f PD &• I*. 2. of the Han Dynasty, — Brass — . Vols, i and V. San t'ung yin ts'ung ^ ^p] PP ^ . 1753- W, 5. Search, for the Source of the Heavenly Doctrine. A. P. Mart.n. I'-ien Taosuyiien ^'M,W\ M,' Ningpo, i860. W, 3. Sermons in Chinese. W. H. Medhurst. Chan li t'ung ^ffo fl^ ^ 51, tE • English bound. V, 1. Shan hai king Pu ^ f§ $M ® • Classic of the Hills and Seas. Plates. 4 vols. W, 1. Shan hai ming wuh t'u htvui \[\ ^ ^ 11^ g f;§. Picture Sketches of the Notable Things of the Hills and Seas. Japanese. Plates. 5 vols. Shan kung sz' y^o jpl^ X ^« important spiritual works. (R.C.) Shan li tstinq lun jplp 3^ ^ P^- Part i, on 'God.' W. H. Medhurst. 1833- H ^Y, 4. The four i860. W, 3. Theology. Malacca, W, 3. Lamp for Shan shi hinj tang jjilp Spiritual Guidance. Model sketches for artists. Pt. iii. Japanese. Shinji Andon. Coloured prints. W, 4. Shan T'ien Shing shu jpl^ 3'C ^ §• Morrison & Milne. See under Bible. Bible. Shan - T'ien Shih t'iao Shing kiai, Chu kiai # 5C + (i ^ M |£ ^. Exposition of the Ten Commandments. W. H. Medhurst. Malacca, 1832. W, 3. Shang hai pel wan _i^ f^ ^^ 35C* Rubbings of Biographies and Eulogies of Eminent Men, engraved on stone in Shanghai, 1796-1820. Folding 3 : V, 2. Shang hai t'ung jdn t'ang, ching sin luh Jt ^ (pI t ^ ilt (t II- Report of the [native] Benevolent Hall and Foundling Hospital at Shanghai. 1854. W, 5, Shanghai, — Catalogue of a Chinese Libiary at — , and Forms of Prayer. Chi shu J^ ^. MS. Shanghai, 1852. W, 5. Mission Press. /See Characters, — Chinese — . , Report of the [native] Benevolent Hall and Foundling Hospital at — . Shang hai t'ung jdn fang, ching sin ^mA _t ^ fnj tl ^ ^ IS II . 1844. W, 4. Vernacular, — New Method of writing the — . Mr. Pearcy. AV, 1. Shdu yen ^ g*. Remarks on Long Life, in Ornamental Wiiting. Z, 2. U 162 SHE— SHU Sheets, — Printed — . Astronomical, nine. Inscriptions, six. Newspapers, six. Pictures, seven. Proclamations, etc., seventeen. X, 2. Also Taiping Edicts, mounted. 2 copies. Z, 2. See also Maps. Shen sMng fuh chung ^ ^ jjfg i^^ . A Good Life and Happy Death. A. Lobelli. (R..C.) 2 vols. W, 3. Shi i sin luh jJS § fs fj^ • Report of London Missionary Society Hospital, Peking, 1861-69, with notes on Chinese cases. J. Dudgeon. W, 5. Shi King ff ^. The Book of Odes. With commentary. (Reign of Emperor Kia King.) 2 vols, in case. V, 1. Shi p'ien chu sh'h f|p ^ itt ^. Psalms i-xxxix, — Commentary on — . J. Macgowan. Amoy, 1875. W, 3. Shi-sii and Shi ehwen Men sz' |^ ^ and |# 1S S 0- Part <>f the Preface and Fourth Section of the Odes. 2 vols. "W, 1 . Shi gun han ging ffp ^^ •^ ^. Rhyming Dictionary. V, 1. Shih hi J^ ^. Stone Drums [of the Chou Dynasty]. W, 1. Shih ming shu ching 5^ ^ j^ f§. Explanation of Names, with Verifications. 4 vols. W, 1 . Shih moh tsilen hwa ^ ^ i^ ^. Chinese Inscriptions in Stone and Ink. 1590. Q,, 3. Shih-san hing, Tsih tsz' mu pan -p H $M ^ ^ ^ ^- A Collection of the Characters used in the Thirteen Classical Writings. 2 vols. V, 1. Shih shoh, Luh ^ §^ , /^. Inscribed Stone Monuments, etc., No. 6. Z, 1. Shih siang su ming chtven ^ |^ 1^ 0^ fl^. A real, careful, and clear Record (re China and England). 1840-41. W, 4. Shih Viao kiai chu ming 'f* j^ J^ ^ B^. The Ten Commandments Explained. Part I, Dr. Medhurst. 1 840. (Printed from Chinese metal types.) W, 3. Shih tsih luh chtven ^ ^ fj| fl^. Life of Christ. By a Greek Church Missionary. 1861. W, 1. Shing Jciao shi ko "^ ^ || ^. Church Hymnal. J. Lees. Tientsin, 189 1. Also 2nd edition. English paper. Tientsin, 1898. 8vo. W, 3. Shing Mao sin ching ^ ^ ^ |§ . Evidences of the Faith of the Holy [R.C.] Religion ;— a Report. MS. English bound. V, 1. Shing Mao yao li icdn iah || |i M 3® fp^ ^ • Catechism in Mandarin (R.C.). 1845. W, 3. Shing hiao yao Icing |g ^ -^ |M- Important Classic of the Holy [R C] Religion. T. Dacosta. 1834. AV, 3. Shing Icing "^ '^. Bible. Marshman's Yersion. See under Bible. Shing Mng ch^en siang ^ ^ H^. Eadie's Biblical Cyelopsedia. Translated by J. Macgowan. 2 vols. Amoy. W, 3. Shing king shi ki, ^rh shih kiu chang ^ ^ ^ f S , I!l -f* ^ ^ . Bible History, Chap. xxix. Shanghai, 1846. W, 3. Shing king Pu ki ^ $M ffl gg. Bible Narratives. Illustrated. J. W. Quaterman. Ningpo, 1855. W, 3. Shing shi ch'u jao ^J^ *[tf; ^ 5^. Roman Catholic Tracts. De Ricci. 1846. W, 3. Shing shi tH yao ^ ^ ^^ ^ • The Important Facts in Sacred History. (R.C.) i860. W, 3. Shing shu jeh k'o ^ "^ |^. Scripture Lessons of the British and Foreign School Society. 1832. 3 vols. W, 3. Shing shu pHng kil tsung lun ^ ^ ji| ^ ^ pi^. Chinese Version of Dr. Bogue's Essay on the New Testament. D. Collie. Malacca, 1826. 3 vols. W, 3. Shing tsih t'u ^ ^ ^ . Vestiges of Confucius. Plates. W, 5. Also in vol. Wu kiiin koh hien t'u chtven tsan ^m ^ wm mm- v, i. Shing yin sz^ tang ^'m ^ @ ^ ^ ^. Pictures of Sacred Spots, Temples, etc. W, 5. Shing yil kivang hinn |^ fj^ ^ fl). Moral Discourses on the Sacred Edict. Small edition. English bound. -4 ^so Larger edition. 1802. English bound. V, 1. Also Large size. Silk. Z, 2. Shing yii siang kiai ^ |^ f^ ^. Sacred Edict. Illustrated. 4 vols. English bound. Q, 1. Shorter Catechism. Wan iah ts'ien chu Ye-su kiao fah fsi ^ t^ tsi M m m m- Canton, 1812, W, 3. Shoshoku Oral. Oflicial'a vade mecum. Japanese. Chu chih wang lai 0^ ^ f± ^. VV, 4. Shu hioh TcH mung ^ ^ WC ^- Compendium of Arithmetic. A. Wylie. Shanghai, 1853. W, 5. Shu king ^ |^. Shu King, with Commentary. Imperial Edition. 16 vols. W, 5, SHU— STR 163 Shut tao t'i hang 7JC '^ ways of China. The Water- Q. 2. ^. Four Last '^ W, 3. "Shun-che on Government,— The Emperor—." (In the Manchu character.) Q.. 1- Si ching lioh i |3 ^^ Things. (ll.C.) 1706. Si fan yih yii W # to M- Chinese- Tibetan Vocabuhiry. MS. 1685. 2 vols. W, 5. Si i lioh lun H ^ "^ t^- Surgery. B. Hobson. 1857. English bound. Q, 3. Also Eeprinted in Japan. 1st vol. W, 4. Also in Medical Works. See Hobson (B.). Q, 2. Si hiang Mdng-tsz' W If iS ^ • Mencius. English bound with title " Meng Tseu." Q, 3. Si-pMan. Book of Psalms. Eomanized. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. >S* t'ien muh tsu shan cU W 5'C @ Jffl lii /S • Account of the T'ien Muh Ancestral Mountain. (Buddhistic.) 4 vols, in case. W, 2. Si yuen luh ^ bound. Inq^uests. English Q, 3. Si guh t'ung-wdn-eJii H J^ R iX JS* Com- parative Vocabulary, — Tibet, etc. 2 vols. (4, 2. Si yuh wan hien luh "g' ^^ ft^ ^ f|^ . An Account of Western Territories. 1778. W, 5. Siam. See Treaty between Great Britain and — . Silkworms and Mulberry Trees, Ts'an sang hoh pien ^ # '^ ^ • (l^ei^n of Emperor Tao Kwaug.) W, 4. Silver Coinage, — On Testing — , and the use of the Abacus. Yin pu sivan Jah ^ 5^^ ^ f^. W, 5. Sin c¥dh hang sing t'u piao ^ \% M M ® ^ • Astronomy : The Fixed Stars. Plates. W, 4. Sin chung tixulH fah fjf H 5a ^ \ii- The New and Wonderful System of Vaccination. W, 4. Sin chwen nien piao ^jf ^ :^ ^. New System of Chronology. Japanese work. 1855. W, 4. Sin i chao nhing shi hi lioh if ifi IS 1& ^ *P. a. New Testament History. (R.C.) W, 3. Sin i chao shu f;J jS iS W- ^^w Testament. Morrison's Version. See tinder Bible. Sinhiu yohts'ilen shu ^^ tt ^^vf ^ ^- Bible. American Version. See under Bible. Bible. Delegates' Version, etc. See under Bible. Sin shih ti li pi h'ao ff # M 31 il 5fc- New Explanation of Geography. 1847. English bound. V, 1 . Sin ting tui yin isz' shih ?5i)f S l^if ^ i^ 5^ • Syllabary of K'ien Lung [facilitating the representation by Chinese characters of sounds from the Mongolian, Thibetan, and Sanscrit]. Q, 3. Sin yoh hiu-yoh ts'iien shu tsieh luh ?^ ^^ ^ $^ ^ # ii i«- ^ible Stories, — Earth's —. Amoy, 1857. W, 3. Sin yoh hwan hwa fjf $'^ 'j^ |^. Gospels and Acts in Colloquial Mandarin. See tinder Bible, New Testament Portions. Sin yoh ts'ilen shu ^ ^ ^ '^- New Testa-t ment. Delegates' Version, etc. See under Bible. Sin yoh ts'iien shu chu shih, Ma-t'ai ^ ^ ^ ^ pi W M >fC- Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Ho Tsin-shen. Edited by J. Legge. Hongkong, 1854. 2 vols. W, 3. Sing hioh ts'u shuh 'f| ^ ^^ (|S) jjg. Rough Account of the Doctrine of Nature. Julius Aleni. Peking, 1863. W, 1. Sing ming hwei chi 'f!^ ^ ^ g* . The Sceptre of Life. {Taouist.) 4 vols. W, 1. Soul, — Tract on the — . Ling hwun tsung lun M ^ ^, %^. 11th edition. Shanghai, 1862. W, 3. Speaker, — The Chinese — . Extracts from works written in the Mandarin Dialect as spoken at Peking. E. Thorn. Ching yin tsoh yao ^. Ningpo, 1846. W, 1. IE # Spelling, — On — . (A Chinese way of representing the pronunciation of an unknown character by means of other tAvo characters.) Ts'^ieh yim chi chang -tlj fM ^ ^* ^1,2. Spiritual Birth, — Exposition of — . Ling shdng ts'ilen yen ^ ^ ^ "g • W, 3. Works,— The Four Important—. (R.C.) Shan hung sz^ yao jpl^ X ^- '^^c W, 3. Stars, — The Fixed — . Hang sing t'u piao IS M ® ^- W,4. State Papers Relating to China and England. 1 842 ? Ta Ying hwoh shu ehah ;;^ ^ ^ Stone Drums [0/ the Chou Dynasty']. Shih hu ^ m- w, 1. storms, — Law of—. D. J. Macgowan. JSang hai hin chdn %\ f# ^ ff. Ningpo, 1853. Z, 2. Strait Gate. W- Milne. Tsin siao mdn isdu tseh lu kiai lun '^ ih f^ it ^ l^ M t^- Malacca, 181 6. W, 3. 164 8TR— TAM String of Pearls from Far and Near. Serial with domestic and foreign news. Hia Wh Jcwan chAn JM jS K ^- Hongkong, 1853. 4 vols, in 2. Q, 3. Stronach (J.). Poor Joseph, and other tracts. Lun shen ngoTi jan shang sz* f^ ^ ^ A ^ ^- W, 3. Sti Kwang-k'i (styled Wan-ting-kung, a famous E.G. convert). Biography and "Writings of — . Fien hioh shu kao M ^ M ^- ^S. 2 vols. W, 5. Su T'ai Hang shiih t'ung tang ts'uen luh ^ "j^^ J® IrI ^ ^ ii' List of Successful Candi- dates in Su-chow and T'ai-ts'ang for literary degrees. "W, 4. Su ti Tcoh cli'u yin pH hvei U pien Ian ^ \^ ^ ^ IS i^ M ^J M 1- Trade List of Drugs with rules of trade, etc., for the Province of Kiang-su. MS. 1852. W, 5. Suen-hwo-tsih Icu-yinshi ^ ^ ^ "^ PP ^. " Seals and Inscriptions." English bound. P, 2, Silen lei sui kin J^ ^ ^ M- Chinese Riddles with Characters. W, 1. SUen ts'i)ig siao tsien j Coins, — Two Works on- >], U. See Suh Shih hiao ching miu .^ ^ ^ jE ^• Elementary Tract on Buddhism with corrections of Buddhist Errors : a continuation. J. Edkins. Shanghai, 1859. W, 1. Suh yen king^ hiao #f a" ^ fj;. Plain Words for Religious Admonition. (R.C.) Bishop Mouly. Peking, 1857. W, 3. Sui hwa i'u ^ :{^ ^ . Patterns for Em- broidering. W, 4. Summers (J.). John's Gospel in the Shanghai Dialect. Romanized. Ya-hon zen ho sing-vang. London, 1853. 12mo. A A, 3. Sung, — Rubbings of Forms of Inscription con- cerning Famous Men of — . Sung ming jan fah shu ^ ^ A fi #. Folding 18 : V, 2. Writings of Famous Men of — . Sung ming jan shu ; Icuen ti ^mA 5^ ^ A ^ J ^ M •;• ^ol. vi. Folding 19 : V, 2. North China W, 3. Sung Chu siting shi ^ ^ Hymn Book. Peking. Sung ming jdn fah shu 7^ ^ A fi ^• Rubbings of Forms of Inscription concerning Famous Men of Sung. Folding 18 : V, 2. Sung ming jan shw, Men ti luh ^ ^ A ^; ^ M 'y\' Writings of Famous Men of Sung. Vol. vi. Folding 19 : V, 2. Surgery. B. Hobson. Si i lioh lun "g -^ P^ l^. English bound. Also in vol. Medical Works. Q, 3. Also Reprinted in Japan. W, 4. It- Surnames, — Book of Chinese — . Poh hia sing ■g ^ m.' w, 4. with explanations. Poh hia sing hiun hu "S" ^ ^1 f II li&. See Classics for Youth. Q, 1. Syllabary of Kien Lung, [facilitating the repre- sentation by Chinese charactei's of sounds from the Mongolian, Thibetan, and Sanscrit]. Sin ting tui yin tsz' shih ^jf j£ M 'b' ^ JC- English bound. Q,, 3. of the Chinese Language. Wu fang yiien yin 5. 3^ 7C ^- '830. English bound. (Reip;n of Emperor Tao Kwang.) Also 1852. English bound. V, 1. Sz'fuh yin ; shi t'u chwen liM ^; ^ ^ M- Gospels and Acts. See tmder Bible, New Testament Portions. Sz' shu pien mung chang hii tsih chu fl- lH ^ i^ 'to ^ pi- The Four Books, with Com- mentary. 1849. 5 vols, in case. V, 1. Sz' shu puh 'rh t^z' yun yin shih wan ^ ^ H '■? bI "s # 35C- The Characters of the Four Books, with tones and meanings. 2 vols. W, 4. Sz' shu tcu king puh 'rh tsz' § jG. $M 'T* ^ i^. The Characters of the Four Books and Five Classics, with tones and rhymes. V, 1. Sz' sien pien miu f E ^ ^ ^ • On the Error of Sacrificing to Ancestors. Shanghai, 1861. W, 3. Sz' t'ihohpih iv&n hien fl ^ M "iSC IS- The Four Written Languages (Manchu, Mongol, Tibetan, Chinese) in parallel columns. W, 2. T. Ta-chi ("Great Wisdom"), Ancient Recluse of the T'ang Dynasty, — Rubbing of the Tablet of — ; (a.d. 731). Ta t'anq hu Ta-chi shen sz'pei :^^ M '^ -k^ M m m- Folding 10 : V, 2. Ta hwo fan ts^ao ;;^ ^ 7[i !^ • Japanese Work on Natural History. 4 vols. W, 4. Ta Jeh-pan si hien chi chang ts'uen t'u ;/(^ Q :^ U ^ ^n ^ ^ U- Map of Japan, giving the name of every town and village with distances. Folding 8 : V, 2. Ta Jeh-pan tao chung ling eh'ing ^ H ^ jiE tf f^ 5^. Geography of the Islands and Roads of Japan. Map. Folding: W, 4. Ta Mei lien pang chi lioh -^ H ||^ ^(5 J^ ;^ • History of the United States of America. 2 vols. Z, 2. Ta Ming hiiin muh ;/c ^ jJ^ @ • Banners of the Army of the Ming Dynasty. Plates. W, 4. TAT— TAO 165 T(X-T'angkuTa chisheyisz'pei ^ )^ '^ :J<^ ^ JiiBfl 0iR 'PI- Rubbin.s; of the Tablet of the Ancient Recluse Ta-chi (" Great Wisdom ") of the T'ang Dynasty, ad. 73). Ta T^anfj san tsang shing Mao t'ieh ;^ ^ H ^ S ^ W- Tlie Inscription of the three Kepositories of the Holy [Buddhist] Religion, Great T'ang Dynasty. Folding 11 : V, 2. Ta Ts'hig chung cli'u pi Ian ; shang hia ^n^ ^ 4* fli 111 "^ ^fc T- ^^^^ ^^ Promotions for 1861. See Ta Ts'ing Dynasty. Ta Ts'ing Dynasty, — Complete Official Lists for 1855, 1861, and 1863. Ta Ts'ing Uin nhan ts'iien shu, san t'ao :J\i ^ |^ $^ ^ §, ^ ^. 12 A'ols. Also List of Promotions for 1861, in 2 toIs. Ta Ts'ing chung ch'ti pi Ian, shang hia J';, M 4* fli ffn ^> -t T- 3 cases. W, 6. — List of Promotions for 1861. in Ta Ts'ing Dynasty. 2 vols. See Ta-TsH'ng tsinshdn ts'iien shu, san t'ao ;/c i^ ^ |r{l >^ ^, H ^- Ta Ts'ing Dynasty,— Complete Official Lists for 1855, 1861, and 1863. 12 vols. Also Ta Ts'ing chung ch'u pi Ian, shang hia ^ ira "^^ til. ff 1, ± T- List of Promotions for 1861, in 2 vols. 3 cases. W, 6. Ta-Ts'ing yih-i'ung-chit'u :/c ^ "" 5^ iu? ^• Maps to the Gazetteer of the Ta Ts'ing Dynasty. English bound. Q, 1. Ta Ts'ing yih t^ung yoh shih ;/JC ^ I n^" Two sheets, mounted. Z, 2. ■ Pamphlets. Heavenly Principles. T'ien li yao lun^ ^ ^. tk- W, 5. Proclamation T'ai-p'ing t'ien-kwoh, Kao yil "Jk, ^ ^ M> t^ Wl- Mounted in case. Rebellion, — State of Nanking during the — . liin ling chih fan ^ f^ |^, |^. W, 5. Rebels, — Literature of the — ; brought from Nanking, 1853. T'ien viing chao chdn shu 3'C ^ IS -^ e"' 10 vols, stitched together. W, 5. T'ai p'ing t'ien-kwoh :lc ^ ^ S * T'ai p'ing Calendar and Pamphlets. (Brought from Nanking by W. H. Medhurst in the " Raffles," July 7th, 1854.) W, 5. Tai shang hwun yuen tao teh chdn king ^ Jl i^ JC tI fi :R $S. Tao Teh King,— Taouist Classic. ' Z, 2. Tai shu hioh fii ^ ^ . De Morgan's Algebra. A. Wylie. Shanghai, 1859. W, 1. Tai-si jdn shdn shwoh kai ^ W A J^ ^ 1^ • Western Anatomy. Joannes Terentius. MS. 1630. W, 4. Tai wei tsih shih kih fij ^ ^ f^ 15 • Loomis' Algebraical Geometry with Differential and Integral Calculus. A. Wylie. Shanghai, 1859. Q, 1. Taketon Monogatari, A Japanese novel. Illustrated by Kunisada. Vol. i of part iii. Chuh ts'ii wuh yil, san pien ft JS ^ po PO» W, 4. T'an-t'ien |^ ^. Herschcll's Astronomy. Translated by A. Wylie. Shanghai, 1859. 3 vols. W, 1. Also 5 vols, in case. Z, 2. Also 2nd edition. 1874. P, 2. Tang ch'ing chih fah |^ ^ H, \^' Oii AYeigbing and Measuring. W, 5. Tdng T'ang-shan ts'ii pao lun ^ ^ ]\\ 1^ ^ p^. Chinese Natural Theology, from the China Review, with quotations in Chinese and English. J. Chalmers. 1876. W, 3. Tao hioh kia chwen jE ^ ^ ^- History of the [R.C.] Church. Genealogical book from Adam to the Mission in China. MS, W, 3. Tao kao wdn shih |^ "c^ 35C ^' Forms of Prayer. Shanghai, 1861. W, 3. Tao shu ts'iien tsih 7^ ^ ^ ^ ; Kin-tan and Wu chdn p'ien ^ ^ and ^ fl^ ^. Collection of Taouist Books, including works on Alchemy and the Recognition of the Truth. 8 vols. W, 1. 166 TAO— TIE T^ao shwoh ^ |^. Ou Porcelainc. English bound. Q, 3. Also Peking, 1862, with note on cover by W. Lockhart. W, 5. Tao Teh King, — Taouist Classic. T'-ai shang hicun yuen tao teh chdn Icing "j^ X^ \^ "^ ^, fi B: U' Z, 2. Taouist Book, — Sceptre of Life. Sing whig kwei chi *i^ ^ ^ H • W-, 1 . Taouist Books, — Collection of — , including works on Alchemy and the llecognition of the Truth. Tao shu ts'ilen tsih ?^ ^ ^ ^ ■ Kin-tan and Wu chdn p'ien ^ -^ and '|^ ^ ^. 8 vols. W, 1. Teh hwui j'lih man (^ ^ A P^ • ^^te of Virtue and "Wisdom. Griffith John. Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Ten Commandments Explained. W.H.Medhurst. Shih t'iao Jciai chii ming -f" |^ ^ ^ HH. Part i. 1840. (Printed from Chinese metal types.) W, 3. Exposition of the — . W. H. Medhurst. 8hdn - THen shih f'iao shing Jciai chu Mai iP 5^ + (i ^ III ft£ 'm- Malacca, 1832. AV, 3. Ten Thousand Bits of Valuable Information. Tsdng pu wan pao ts'iien shu ^ ?S 1^ % ^ ^. Illustrated. W, 6. Teng ying p'ien ^ ^ ^ . Simple Sentences in Mandarin. Z, 2. Terentius (J.). Anatomy, — Western — . Tai si jan shdn shwoh Tcai ^ "gf A ^ nJfc ^• MS. 1630. W. 4. Theatrical Pictures. Wan siao fang hwah chwen HI ^ ^ a fi- Z.2. Theology. Part i, Ou God. W. H. Medhurst. Shdn li tsung lun %^ M ^ tk- Malacca, 1833- W, 3. Comparative — . Si Three-Character Classic (Boys' first schoolbook). Sa7i tsz' Icing E. ^ tS,- ' W, 4. Tibet. See Vocabulary, ^'ung-wan-chi "^ -, Topography of — yuh T'ung-wan-chi |f :^ fpj ^St <^- Tibetan. Wei tsang Pa chi a li- 4 vols. W, 6. See Four "Written Languages. Vocabulary, — Chinese and—. Si Fan yih y" W # ft^ . MS. 2 vols. W, 5. Thom (R.), translator, ^sop's Fables. I-so p'u yu yen ^ '^ -m % -^ , Shanghai edition. "W 4. Thousand-Character Classic. Ts'ien tsz wdn ^ ^ 3SC- (Boys' third schoolbook.) W, 4. in Chinese, Japanese, and Sanscrit. Ts'ien tsz' wdn ^ ^ "%, etc. "W, 4. "With Commentary. Ts'ien tsz' wdn shih i "f^-xm^- w,4. Also in Classics for Youth. Q, 1, — [Christian]. W. H. Medhurst. San tsz' king ;£ ^ M- Peking, 1864. W, I. Modification of W. H. Medhurst's Work, with Commentary. Chdn li san tsz' king chu shih m S H ^ $S l£ #• Ningpo, 1847. W, 1. Three Kingdoms, — Records of the — . (A romance.) San kwoh chi j:i ^ i^- 20 vols. in 2 cases. W, 2. Ti-king king tvuh lioh i^ M "^ 111 ^• Remarkable objects in Peking. English bound. a, 2. Ti k'iu shook lioh ife M WL ^ • Greography. With illustrations and maps. R. Q. "Way. Ningpo, 1856. W, 1. Ti li ts'iien chi J| ^ W. Muirhead. 2 vols. ^ J^>- Geography. Q, 3. Tien- Chu kiao tsdu cheh 5^ ^ 15; ^ ?f • [R.C.] Bishop Moulj's Aleiuorial to the Emperor of China, dated August, 1854. With Chinese text attached. Hongkong, 1855. W, 3. Tien- Chu kiao wdn ^ ^ 15; '^' Roman Catholic Prayers, etc. W, 3. Tien- Chu shing kiao sz' tsz' king icdn 5c i ^ ^ E9 ^ $M ^' Four-Character Classic LR.C.]. Julius Aleni. 1642. Republished, 1856. W, 4. Tien king ming kien 3'C 1% ^ ^- Celestial Mirror. D. Collie. Malacca, 1825. W, 3. Tien li yao lun ^ ^ ^ pi^. Heavenly Principles. W. H. Medhurst. W, 3. Heavenly Principles. A Taiping pamphlet. W, 5. Tien lu chi ming 5c 1^ ^a W* ^oad to Heaven. Griffith John. Hankow, 1880. W, 3. Tien la chi nan ^C ff& ^0 ]§• Guide to Heaven. J. L. Nevius. Shanghai, 1861. W, 3. Tien lu lih ch'ing ^ I^^ ^ fi- Pilgrim's Progress. W. Burns. Shanghai, 1856. -4/^so Shanghai, 1862. -4 ?so Hongkong, 1855. Also Amoy, 1853. W, 3. Pilgrim's Progress in Japanese. W. J. White. 2nd edition. Tokio, 1889. Svo. V, 1. Tien ming chao chdn shu ^ 4- Treaties [Chinese] wiih Different Nations, viz. : — English, two, 1843, and one, 1858. French, one, 1844. American, one, 1844. Tariffs and Regulations, one, 1843. Chu kwoh hwo goh ^ % ^ f^. Z. 2. and Commercial Regulations, — Memorial of — , newly settled at T'ien-tsin with four nations, viz. : — 1. With England, 26th Juno, 1858. Supplementary, 24th October, 1860. 2. With France, 1858. Supplementary, 25tli October, 1860. 3. With Russia, 13th June, 1858. 4. With America, 1858. Tsau chun Tien-tsin sin i sz' Iwoh t'ung-!>hang Piao-¥wan ^^i^^^ffliffl lil^ Treaty between Great Britain and Siam. Ta Ying Sieu-lo hwo yoh ^^ ^ )g ^ ^ ^. Z, 2. Tribute of Yu. Yu hung chii cW^^^^. 2 vols. Q, 3, Trigault (N.), translator. Fables. Hwang - i \^ ^. MS. W, 5. Trimetrical Classic,— Christian — . Griffith Johju Ye-su shing kiao san tsz' king JfP f ^ ^ ^ JH ^ ^. Hankow, 1 88o. W, 3. with explanations. San tsz^ king hiun ku ^ ^ M W\ W- 'S 1- Tsin-Shen (Agent of the L.M.S., Honglionp:). Journal of a trip to Canton MS. Tsin-shen jeh ki lioh M ii # tl la ^i- fi- W, 3. Tsin-shen jeh ki lioh luh j^ ^ IB ^ f^ • Journal of a Trip to Canton. By Tsin-shen (Agent of L.M.S., Hongkong). MS. W, 3. Tsin siao man fsdu tseh lu kiai lun j^ >J> P*] ^ ^ ^ M fk' The Strait Gate. Tract by W.Milne. Malacca, 18 16. W, 3. Ts'ing [dynasty] Explanation of the Classics, — The Imperial — : a single vol., — The Tribute of Yii. Hwang TsHng king kiai, Yil kung M m u m, ^ n- w, 4. Ts'ing tcdn k'i mung iH jSC J^ ^* Chinese- Manchurian Dictionary. English bound. Y, 1 . ^ Ts'iu-pih t'ang fa\ shu j§^ _ Eubbing of a Form of Inscription on the Ts'iu-pih t'ang (Hall of Autumn jade). Folding 16 : Y, 2. Ts'iu-pih T'ang (Hall of Autumn jade), — Rubbing of a form of Inscription on the — . Ts'iu-pih t'ang fah shu ^ ^ ^ fi ^• Folding 16: Y, 2. Ts'ilen tH sin lun ^ ^ ^ tk- Physiology. B. Hobson. Ist edition. W, 1. Also in vol. Medical Works. See Hobson (B.). Q, 2. Also with Astronomy and Maegowan's Electric Telegraph. English bound. Y, 1, Also Reprinted in Japan. 3 vols. W, 4. Also 2nd edition. Coloured plates. English bound. Q, 3. Tsung Chu shi chang ^ ^ |f 1^. Hymns and Tunes. London Missionary Society. Mtisic adapted by J. Chalmers. Canton, 1863. W, 3. Tsung ChusUp'ien ^ i ff ^. Hymn Book. London Missionary Society. Shanghai, 1836. W, 3. Tsung Chu sin ^0 ^ ^ §f 1^. Hymns with music. J.Chalmers. Canton, 1880. W, 3. Tsz' hioh hwui tsung ^ ^ ^ ^. Ancient and modern methods of writing the Chinese Characters. "W 6. Tsz' hioh kiiyu J? ^ B^W\- Guide to the correct writing of Chinese Characters. 1846. W, 4. Tsz' hi piao yun ^ Dictionary. 1841. M hM- Small W, 5. Tu Jeh kwei tseh J^ B ^ ^Ij. Rules and Regulations for Passing the Day. (For Jesuit Converts.) MS. 1705. English bound. Y, 1. Tu poh ming km lioh kiang B^ fH BJ f]^ ^, ff . The Evils of Gambling. W. Milne. Malacca, 1819. W, 1. Tuh shi lun lioh ^ ^ f^ ^. Abstract of Chinese History. Q, 3. Tui pei t'upi pan ^ ^ |H ^ ^. Allegorical Sketches with Secret Political Reference. MS. 1389. English bound. Y, 1. Tui siang tsah tsz' ^ ^ ^ ^ . Object lessons for children. 1802. W, 5. Tung i pao Hen |^ -^ ^ i^- A corapehdium of Eastern Medical Practice. 25 vols. A Corean reprint of the Chinese edition. Z, 1. Tung kiao tsung kien "^ ^ ^ ^' The Mirror of Christianity. (R.C.) i'86o. W, 3. T'ung yung tsah hwa Swa Ying %, V^ W- t^ ^ ^. Chinese-English Yocabulary. J. Goddard. Bankok, 1847. W, 4. Two Friends, Chang and Yuen, — Dialogue between — . W. Milne. 1 845. Rendered into the Shanghai dialect by M. T. Yates. Chang Yuen Hang yiu siang lun 5§ j^ ^ ^ 4B ff^ • 1856. ' AY, 3. U. United States of America, — History of the — . Ta Mei lien pang chi lioh ^^ ^ ?|^ ^J ^ ^■ 2 vols. Z, 2. Universal Miscellany. Chinese Serial. Luh hoh ts'ung fan 7^ '^ ^ M- Shanghai, 1857. Q, 2. V. Vaccination, — IS'ntive Tract on — . Published at Canton, 1817; Republished Peking, 1828. Yin tdu sin shu 'Jl ^ ^ ^. W, 1. — Now and Wonderful System of- chung tdu k'i fah M ^ M ^ fi- Sin W, 4. New English Book on the Wonders of — . Ying kih-li kwoh sin ch'uh chunq tdu k'i shu ^ If^ ^J P if Hi II 5t # «• '806. w, 4. — Treatise on — . Yin tdu lioh 51 ^ ^« 1817. W, 4. — . Dr. Longhead. (Copied by his Grandson, Yow Achee.) Yin tdu lioh, ch'ao §1 ^ 1". ^- Canton. 1861. W, 1. VAD— WUF 169 Vade Mecum, — An Official's — . Japanese. Shoslioku Orai. Chu chih wang hi |§ |^ a ^'. W, 5. Vases, etc., — Plates and Descriptions of Ancient — . Poh ku t'u luh fH "(^ E ^^• 7 vols. Q, 1- Verbiest (F.). Mysteries of the Faith; Discourses by — . Ju'ao i/ao sii lun ^ M ^ ?&• '850. English bound. V, 1. "Vernal Fragrance." Corcan novel. Ch^unhiang chven § ^ f$- "^» 4. Victories, — The Seven — , [over the seven capital sins]. (R.C.) TsHh ¥oli A^ %• Peking, 1643. English bound. V, 1. Vocabulary, — Cantonese Phonetic — . J. Chal- mers. Ch'u hioh yueh gin tsofi yao "^ ^ ^^ "a ^ ^- Hongkong, 1855. W, 5. , Chinese and English — . ITwa Ting t'ung yung tsah Awa ^ ^ )§ ^ ^ p^- W, 4. , Chinese-Tibetan — , 1685. Si Fan yih yil ■^ ^ mU- MS. 2 vols. W, 5. , Comparative — , Tibet, etc. Si-yuh T'ung- wan-cld "^ i^ fWI 3X JS- 2 vols. English bound. Q» 2. , English and Japanese — . W. H. Medhurst. Japanese reprint. Ting yil tsien ts^ien pien ^%tmt\^' 3 vols. W, 4. , Manchurian, Mongolian, and Chinese. Man chdu, Mung-ku^ Han ts%\ San hoh ts'teh yin ts'ing wan kien ^ ^ W. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ %^- 32 vols, in 4 cases. W, 2. w. Waban Kura. Treasury of Japanese [light] Literature. Martei Oja. IVo wan k'u, s%' shih kuen chi Aw ii ^ i^, na + ^ ;^ T- Illustrated by Kunisada. Vol. ii of Part xl. W, 4. Waikwoh ts'ien wan $h ^ H 35C' ^^^ Coins, — Two "Works on — . Wan ch'ang (the God of Literature) on Un- ostentatious Goodness ; in the autograph of Commissioner Lin. A Eubbing. Wan ch'ang ti kiun yin chih wan 3SC 1^ '^ ^ 1^ ^ ^* Folding 45 : V, 2. Wan ch'ang ti kiiin yin chih wan "^C ^ 'S? ^ 1^ ^ iSC- Bubbing of Wan ch'ang (the God of Literature) on Unostentatious Goodness ; in the autograph of Commissioner Lin. Folding 45 : Y, 2. Wan fang sz' k'ao t'u shwoh 3St M ^ 5fe ^ |ft . Illustrations of Things in the Study. W, 5. Wan kwoh yu ti t'u shwoh f^ M M i^ M ^^ Geography of the World. Translated into Japanese from a European Work. 4 vols. W, 4. Wan siao t'ang hwak Chwen B^ ^ ^ S ■!§• Theatrical Pictures. Z, 2. Wan tah p'ien fp^ ^ ^ ■ A Dialogue on the Advantages of Learning Manchurian. Z, 2. Wan tah ts' ten chu Te-su kiao fah fp^ ^ f^ |£ B15 M fC fi- Shorter Catechism. K. Morrison. Canton, 18 1 2. W, 3. Wan icuh chdn yuen f^ ^ Wt M>- "^^^ True Origin of All Things. (It.C ) Julius Aleni. 1791. (First printed 1628). W, 3. Water-ways of China. Shui-tao t'i-kang i^'M, ^M- English bound. Q, 2. Way (R. ft.). Geography; with maps and illustrations. Ti k'iu shwoh lioh iife ^ |^ :^» Ningpo, 1856. W, 1. Wei tsang t'u chi %^ of Tibet. 4 vols. Ii . Topography W, 6. Weighing and Measuring. Tdng ch'ing chih Mmmn, m- MS. w, 5. Wen-li, Easy — , Psalms and Proverbs in — . Griffith John. Kiu-yoh Shi-p'iett, Chan-yen M ^ W m M 'i- ^^^ «»^^^ Bible, Old Testament Portions. Western Territories, — Account of — . Si yuh wan kien luh H ^ 1^ E M- 1778. W, 5, White (W. J.). "Pilgrim's Progress" in Japanese. T'ien lu lih ch'ing 5^ J^ M. .^^ 2nd edition. Tokyo, 1889. Svo. English bound. V, 1. Williamson (A.). Treatise on Botany. Chih wuh hioh ^ % J^. Shanghai, 1859. Z, 2. Women, — Diseases of — . Nu k'o tsHeh yao World, — Chart of the — , in four sheets. X, 1. Golden Book on Lightly Esteeming the — . Translation of Thomas a Kempis' " De con- temptu mundi." P. E. Diaz. K'ing shi kin shu fl i£ ^ ^- Peking, 1800. English bound. Worthies of Buddha, — The Five Hundred Lo-han, or — . Eubbings with descriptions. Wu poh Lo-han t'u shwoh £. ^ M ^ ffl ^ • X, 1. Writing Chinese, — Circular and Complicated Ways of—. Rwui wan lei tsU fSJ "^C ^ i^ • W, 3. Wu fang yuen yin 35. ^ 7C ^- Syllabary of the Chinese Language. 1852. V, 1. 170 WUK— YIN Wuk'i-siiin (^ iY. J^) ,— "Botany by— . Chih wuh minq shih t'u Ic'ao, {T'ai yuen fu) fjg 9^ ?i n'm ^ i-kUM)' ^848. 40 vols, in 6 cases. "W, 2. IVu Iciiin hnh hien t'ti chwan tsan ^ ^ ^ ^ E i^ ^ • Portraits of Various AVorthies, and Vestiges of Confucius. Plates. English bound. V, 1. Wu poh Lo-Jian, t'u shwoh ^ W M ^ E ^• The Five Hundred Lo-han, or Worthies of Buddha. Eubbings, with descriptions. X, 1. Wu, Piirae Minister of the State of Wu,— Ilubbing of the Inscription on the Temple of the Great Officer — . TVu siang Wu ta-fu miao hi ^ 4n iE :/C ^ ^ E . Folding 12 : V, 2. Wu shwang pu, Tungpo * * ^ 'H |*, "^ :|^ ifi ^' Various specimens of Eunning-hand and Remains of Tung-po. W, 4. Wu siang Wu ta-fu miao hi !^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /^ pB • Rubbing of the Inscription on the Temple of the Great Officer Wu, Prime Minister of the State of Wu. Folding 1 2 : V, 2. Wu t'ai shan king hmg tso loh ts'uen t'u ^ ^ llj fr. "§ JM f^ ^ ffl • Complete Map of the Five Table Mountain and the Country Palaces. Folding 7 : V, 2. Wylie (A.). Chinese and Western Almanack. Chung Si t'ung shu ^t* M jS ^* Compendium of Arithmetic. 8/iu hioh h'i mung tJC ^ ^ ^. Shanghai, 1853. "W. 5. De Morgan's Algebra. Tai shu hioh iX WC B- Shanghai, 1859. W, 1. Euclid. Ki ho yuen pan ^ ^ >^ ^• Q, 3. translator. Herschell's Astronomy. T'an m Shanghai, 1859. English bound. P, 2. Also Shanghai, 1859. 5 vols in case. Z, 2. ^^50 2nd edition. 1874. 3 vols. W, 1. — trandator. Loomis' Algebraical Geometry, with Differential and Integral Calculus. Tai wei tsih shih kih f^ ^ 5^ ^ ^. English bound. Q, 1. Y. Ya-hon zen ho sing rang. Gospel of John in the Shanghai Dialect, Romanized. See under Bihle, New Testament Portions. Ya p'ien chi mi 3i| )r ^a ^- Tract on Opium. 1832. W, 1. Yates (M. T.). See Two Friends. Yeddo, — Account of the Great Earthquake at — . Ta-ti-chdn ^ \'^ '^. W, 4. Map of—. Yii kiang-hu hwui t'u ^ ^ ^ It ^ • Folding in case. W, 4. Yehon Sei Seiko Yo IcMdaiki. Japanese novel. Last part. Ilwui pan tn'ing ching hung yii yih tai ki hia |^ :^ fw IE 5V ^^ — fi; IB 'f . Illustrations. W, 4. Yellow River. Hwang ho yuen shang ^ fpf j§; J; . See Ch'un Ts'ao T'ang Miscellany. W, 6. Yen siao shi 1(^ i]t ^. [Small] History of the Ink- slab. Vol. ii. W, 4. Ye-su kiang shi chwen ^ f^ \^ -ftf; f^. Life of Christ. W, 3. Ye-su kiao htooh iccui '4P i^^ ^ "^ FfO • A Christian Catechism. Shanghai, 1855. W, 3. Ye-su kiao U yen fflS ^ |5: i^ll W • Christian Customs. D. B. McCartee. Shanghai, 186?. W, 3. Ye-su kiao lioh 15 i^ |JC :^ • Outline of the Christian Religion. W. H.Medhurst. Shanghai, 1858. W, 3. Ye-su kiau kwan hwa toan tah ^ ^ f ^ 'rT f§ Pn] ^. Christian Catechism in the Mandarin Dialect. Mrs. Nevius. Shanghai, 1853. W, 3. Ye-su shing kiao san tsz' king W) p$ ^ ^ -'. ~f W:- [Christian] Three-Character Classic. Griffith John. Hankow, 1880. \V, 3. Yih hwo Ian icdn yii ^ %\\ 1^ :^ va Grammar translated into Japanese. t, ^^ Dutch W, 4. Yih sz' chi nan ^ ,g[ ^g" |^. Directory to Meditation. (R.C.) Reprinted, 1844. 4 vols. W, 3. Yinhai tsing ivei, yen ¥0 f# H ^, [Ig jf^. Diseases of the eye. Q,, 3, Yin kia tang tao t]\ ^ ^ jE- Leading the Family in the Right Way. Griffith John. Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Yin king fah pi ^ f^ |f fj. Chinese Account of Dollars. Q, 3. Yin pu, swan fah f^ |f , ^ f^ . On Testing Silver Coinage, and the use of the Abacus. W, 5. Yin tao san chang ^\ 'M. ^ ^' Leading in the Right Way. Three chapters. Griffith John. Hankow, 1882. W, 3. Yin tau lioh ^\ ^ ^. Treatise on Vaccination. 1819. W, 4. Yin tdu liok, ch'ao ^\ ^ ^,^p. Vaccination, — Treatise on — . Dr. Longhead. Copied by his grandson Yow Achee. Canton, 186 1. W, 1. Yin tau sin shu 51 W W( ^' Vaccination, — Native Tract on — . Published at Canton, 1817. Republished Peking, 1828. W, 1. Ying hiung poh j'dn 31 ^ "5 A • The Book of Heroes. Japanese. Illustrated. 2 vols. W, 4. YIN— YUN 171 Ying hwan chi lioh ^ 3^ J^ ^- Universal Geography; "The Circle of the Ocean." 1848. Z, 2. Ying-hih-U hcoh sin ch'tiJi chung tdu IcH shu ^\^^ m m m Hi n ^s ^ «: ^«^ English Book on the Wonders of Vaccination. 1806. W, 4. Ying yimg lou che Tiien ^ |^ 1^ ^ _^* Military Heroes. Japanese. Coloured prints. W, 4. Yiu hioh shi i^ ^ %%. (Boys' second schoolbook.) Odes for Youth. W, 4. yiii hioh tsHen kiai wan tah ^ ^ f^ ^ ng ^. Christian Catechism. AV. Milne. (Printed on paper made from the bark of the Macassar-tree.) 1816. W, 1. Yiu T'ang Mao-shan Hiien-Uing sien shang Kwang-linq Li kiun pei minq tHeh ^ ]^ ^' ]\] ■$: in ^ ^^ m m m n m i^ ^&: Eulogistic Inscription on the Tablet of Li Hiicn-tsing of Kwang-ling, in Mao-shan, a Monument of the T'ang Dynasty. Folding 43 : V, 2. Yoh Chu tcdn shih ii( i "^ ^- [I'art of the] Anglican Liturgy in the Mandarin Dialect. Peking, 1864. W, 3. Yoh-han chan hing shih hiai ^ ^ Ws Wi j^ JPf. Commentary on John's Gospel, Chapters i-xvii. B. Hobson. Hongkong, 1854. W, 3. Yoh-han shing king shih kiai $^ $J| ^ f^ 5^ ^ . Commentary on the Gospel of John. li. Hobson. Reprinted by "W. Muirhead. Shanghai, 1867. W, 3. Yoh ming |^ ^ . Names of Drugs in Chinese, Thibetan, and Mongolian. Z, 2. Yoh fan kin shih ts'ao tsung muh ^ pp -^ ^ ^ M @ ■ Complete List of Vegetable and Mineral Drugs. MS. W, 5. Yii chi p'ing ting lianq kin ch'-wen pei wan UM ^ '^ M # JI| m-X- Rubbings of inscriptions in Mongolian pat up by Imperial order at two [places called] Kin- ch'wen. Foldings 13, 14, & 15 : V, 2. Yu kle yen k'du '^\ f^ ^ P . Buddhistic "Work. [Pali title in Chinese characters.] Q, 3. Yu kung chui chi ^ ^ If ^ ■ A Treatise on the Tribute of Yii. 2 vols. English bound, with title " Yu Kwang." d, 3. Yii ting xoan nien shu ^^ ^ ^ ^ h-» Imperial Chronology. English bound. Q, 1. Yii, — Treatise on the Tribute of — . Yii kung chui chi ^ % M ^n- 2 vols. English bound, with title " Yu Kwang." Q, 3. Yuh lih ch'ao chwen king shi ^ J^ f j? f$ ^ IS • Narrative of Events in Hades, Metempsychosis, etc. (Buddhist), (lleignof Emperor HienFung.) Plates. W, 5. Yun ti i Ian '■,% ^ ^ %. Read. MS. 2 vols. Fortune Easily W, 1. End of Part 11. END OF THE LOCKIIART LIBRARY. PART III. European and Oriental Books in the General Library, related to Foreign Missionary Spheres, Subjects, and Operations, other than in China and the Far East. Titles in Roman Characters^ with Translations zvhere necessary. ABB— ADA Abbs (J.). Twenty-Two Years' Missionary Experience in Travancore. London, 1870. 8vo. B, 2. Abode of Snow. Observations on a journey from Chinese Tibet to tlie Indian Caucasus, through the Upper Valleys of the Himalaya. A. Wilson. Edinburgh 8^ London, 1875. 8vo. B.2. Aboriginal Tribes, — Report of the Parlia- mentary Select Committee on — . London, 1838. Pam.-Vol. 137: H, 3. See British Rule. See under Cape of Good Hope. Aborigines in British Settlements, — Select Committee on the — . No. 12 of 1835; Nos. 1-12, 14, 19, 22-25, of 1836. P.P. London. Pol. Gx, 1. — Report with minutes of evidence and appendix. P.P. London, August, 1836. 4 vols. Fol. -4/so Further Report. June, 1837. Gx, 1. — of New South Wales. /See Australian Grammar. — . See under New South Wales. Abyssinia, — Travels between 1765 and 1773, to discover the source of the Nile, through part of Africa, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia into — . J. Bruce. Plates. London, 1812. 8vo. H, 1. and Nubia. See Africa, East, — Two Years Abyssinia and South-Eastern Africa, — Journals of the Rev. Messrs. Isenborg and Krapf, Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society, detailing their proceedings in the Kingdom of Shoa, and Journeys in other parts of Abyssinia, 1839-42, with a geographical memoir of — . 2 maps. London, 1843. 12mo. H,4. Abyssinian Versions of the New Testament. See Ethiopic. Acts of the Apostles in Bengali. Hindustani. Nongone. Nine. Spanish. Tahitian. Tamil. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. Acts in Samoan, — Notes on the — . le Faama- talaga le tola i le Galuega a le an Aposetolo, Samoa, 1857. 12mo. Also London. 12mo. F, 3. Acts in Force, 1850. Sp.e under Bombay. 1847. See Port St. George. 1853. See Fort William in Bengal. Adam (W.). State of Education in Bengal and Behar, — Extract from Third Report on the — . Agra. Republished, 1845. 8vo. B, 1. Adam's Reports on Vernacular Education in Bengal and Behar, submitted to Government 1835, 1836, and 1838; with a brief view of its past and present condition. J. Long, Calcutta, 1868. 8vo. B, 1. 174 ADD— APR Addis (C. J.). Bible Sunlight. Tamil. 1877. 16rao. D, 6. , translator. God's "Way of Peace. H. Bonar. Tamil. Madras, 1875. 8vo. D, 4. Addis (W. B.). Brief Account of the First Thirty Years of the Coinibatoor Mission of the London Missionary Society. Madras, 1866. 8vo. B, 1. Adi Granth, or the Holy Scriptures of the Sikhs, translated from the original Gurmukhi. Ernest Trumpp. By authority of the Secretary of State for India. London, 1877. 8vo. Cx, 2. Administration. See India,— East — , Eeports. See Indian. See under Punjaub. See Railways in India. Afghan Language. See Gulshan-i-roh. Tribes, Language, Literature, and Descent. Ste Pukhto. Afghanistan. See India, — North-West — . Afioga a le atiia anamua, — le Jala i Tagata — . Scripture History in Saraoan. G. Turner. 5th edition. London, 1888. Svo. F, 3. AFRICA:— — , Across — . V.L.Cameron. London, \%-i'j. 2 vols. Svo. Gx, 1. — , Austral. See under Africa, — South — . — , Charge to the Missionaries to — . October 9th, 1797. E. Parsons. London. Para.-Vol. 139: J, 4. -, Coomassie, and Magdala,— The Story of two British Campaigns in — . H. M. Stanley. Maps and illustrations. London, 1874. Svo. G,l. — , Discovery and Adventure in — . H. Murray. Maps and illustrations. London, 1857. 8vo. H, 6. Edited and extended by Keith Johnston, ■with appendix by A. H. Keane. Maps and illustrations. London, 1878. 8vo. G, 1. — , General Instructions to the Missionaries to — , and Farewell Letters, October 9th, 1797. London. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. — , Heart of — . See under Africa, Central. — , Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels, from the earliest ages to the present time, in — . 2nd edition. Edinlurgh, 1818. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 1. AFRICA:— — , In Darkest — ; or the Quest, Rescue, and Retreat of Emin, Governor of E(}uatoria. H. M. Stanley. 150 illustrations and maps. London, i8go. 2 vols. Svo. H, 2. Journal of a Mission to the Interior of — , in the year 1805. Mungo Park. With an account of his Life. London, 1815. 4to. Hx, 2. — , Missionary Heroes of — . 75 illustrations and map. Sarah G. Stock. London, 1897. Svo. H, 5. — , Natives Tribes in the Interior, etc., etc. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. — , in the Interior of — . Two Lectures by E. Solomon. Cape Town, 1855. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. See Abyssinia. See Campbell (J.). See Languages of — . See Lost Continent. See under Voyage Round the World. — , Slave Trade in — , in 1872; principally carried on for the supply of Turkey, Egypt, Persia, and Zanzibar. C. F. Berlioux. Translated from the French. Preface by J.Cooper. London, 1872. Svo. H, 1. — , Travels in—, 1875-78. W. Junker. Translated by A. H. Keane. Illustrated. London, 1890. Svo. H, 1. — , the Interior Districts of — , 1795-97. Mungo Park. With Geographical Illustrations of Africa by Major Rennell. 2nd edition. Plates and maps. London, 1799. 4to. Hx, 2. — , Tropical, — How to lire in — . A guide to tropical hygiene ; the malaria problem ; the cause, prevention, and cure of malarial fevers. J. Murray. Illustrations. London, 1895. Svo. H,4. , Walk Across — ; or Domestic Scenes from my Nile Journal. J. A. Grant. Edinburgh 8f London, 1 864. Svo. H, 3. AFRICA, CENTRAL:— British — ; Attempt to give some account of a portion of the Territories under British Influence, North of the Zambesi. H. H. Johnston. Six maps and 220 illustra- tions. London, 1897. 4to. H, 1, Eleven Years in — . T. M. Thomas. Maps and illustrations. London, iSjz. Svo. H, 2. AER 175 AFRICA, CENTRAL :— , "Explorations." ramphlet-VoluraeNo. 136. 8vo. Including: — 1. Sketches of Livingstone's Missionary Journeys. London, 1857. 2. Journals of Cruise on the Tanganyika Lake ; Discovery of the Victoria NyanzaLake ; and Adventures in Somali Land. Blackwood. London, 1 859-6 f. 3. Proposed Mission at TJjiji. Minutes and memorandum. J. Mullens. London, 1876. 4. Report of Visit to Zanzibar. II. Price. London, 1896. 5. Lake Tanganyika. E. C. Here. Pro- ceedingn Geographical Society, January, 1882. H, 3. ; Heart of Africa ; Three Years' Travels and Adventures, 1868-71, in the unexplored regions of — . G. Schweinfurth. Translated by E. E. Frewer. Maps and illustrations. London, 1873. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 3. New World of — ; with a history of the First Christian Mission on the Congo. H. G. Guinness. Maps and illustrations. London, 1890. 8vo. G, 1. See English Swahili Dictionary. See Livingstone and the Exploration of — . — See Livingstone, David, — Last Journals of—. — See Livingstone, — How I found — . — See Shire Highlands. South — . See Livingstone's Cambridge Lectures. — , Story of tlie Universities' Mission to — . H. Rowley. Maps and illustrations. London, 1866. 8vo. G, 1. AFRICA, EAST :— , East Central Mission. Statement by the Foreign Missions' Committees for Members of Parliament. Edinburgh, 1888. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. — Eastern Africa as a field for Missionary Labour. Sir B. Frere. Map. London, 1874. Svo. H, 4. , Life, Wanderings, and Labours in — , with account of ascent of Kilima Njaro, and remarks upon East African Slavery. C. New. Map and illustrations. London, 1873. Svo. G, 1. See Zanzibar Waters, — Dhow Chasing in — . — Sir Bartle Frere's Mission to the East Coast, 1872-73. P.P. London. Fol. Gx, I. -, Travels, Researches, and Missionary Labours, during an eighteen years' residence in — . J. L. Krapf. With appendix by E. G. Ravenstein. Maps and illustrations. London, i860. Svo. H, 3. AFRICA, EAST :— , Two Years in — . Adventures in Abyssinia and Nubia, with a journey to the Sources of the Nile. E. Jouveaux. Maps and illustra- tions. London, 1875. Svo. H, 5. AFRICA, EaUATORIAL :— Explorations and Adventures in — . ' P. B. du Chaillu. Map and illustrations. London, 1861. Svo. • H, 3. See Ashangoland. See Dark Continent. ; Through Masai Land. A Journey of Exploration among the Snow-clad Volcanic Mountains and Strange Tribes of — . Illustra- tions. J. Thomson. London, 1885. 8vo. G, 1. AFRICA, NORTH AND CENTRAL :— Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in — , in 1822-24, by Major Denham, Captain Clapperton, and Dr. Oudney. D. Denham. 2nd edition. Plates. London, 1826. 2 vols. Svo. H, 3. Travels and Discoveries in- being a journal of an expedition under the auspices of Her Britannic Majesty's Govern- ment, 1849-55. H. Barth. London, 1857-58. 5 vols. Svo. G, 1. AFRICA, SOUTH:— -. A.Trollope. Map. London, 1878. 2 vols. Svo. H, 4. and its Mission Fields. London, 1878. Svo. J. E. Carlyle. G, 1. Austral Africa, Losing it or Ruling it; being Incidents and Experiences in Bechuana- land, Cape Colony, and England. J. Mackenzie. London, 1887. 2 vols. Svo. H, 2. , Brief History of Methodism and of Methodist Missions in — ; with appendix on the Livingstonian Mission. W. C. Holden. Illustrations. London, i^i"]. Svo. H, 2. , British Rule in — . Official documents, etc., concerning the Orange Free State, the Transvaal Republic, and the Aboriginal Tribes. London, 1868. Pam.-Vol. 137: H, 3. — Delineated; or sketches, historical and descriptive, of its Tribes and Missions, and of the British Colonies of the Cape and Port Natal. T. Smith. Plates. London, 1850. 12mo. H, 5. — , Dutch Reformed Church in — ; a Historical Sketch. J. M'Carter. JSdiiiburgh, iS6g. Svo. H, 5. — , Handbook of — ; including the Cape Colony, Natal, the Diamond Fields, and the Trans- Orange Republics. S. W. Silver & Co. Map and Gazetteer. London, 1875. Svo. H,4. 176 AFR AFRICA, SOUTH:— , Journal of a Visit to — , with some account of the Missionary Settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope. C. I. Latrobo. Map and plates. London, 1821. 8vo. H, 3. , Life's Labours in — . The Story of the Life-Work of Eobert Moifat, Apostle to the Bechuana Tribes. Portrait. London, 1871. 8vo. H, 4. — , Manual of South African Geography, forming a companion to the map of — , to 16° South latitude, H. Hall. Cape Town, 1859. 8vo. H, 4. — , Missionary Travels in — . David Living- stone. London, 1857. 8vo. H, 2. — , " Missions and Natives." Pamphlet- Volume 137a. 8vo. Including : — 1. Christian Missions ; the place they should have in the Colonial Churches. W. Thompson. Cape Town, 1861. 2. Native Tribes in the Interior, etc. 3. Central African Mission at Urambo and Lake Tanganyika. E. \V. Bickley. London, 1894. 4. Kaffir War. Letter to Earl Grey. J. J. Freeman. London, 1851. 5. South Central Africa and its Explorer ; Meeting in honour of Dr. Livingstone. Cape Town, 1856. 6. The Reviever Reviewed ; being Letters to the South African Church Magazine and Ecclesiastical Review. Cape Town, 1855. 7. South African Missionary Society. Report. Cape Town, 1852. 8. The Griquas. A Chapter for the History of our Dealings with Weak Tribes. W. Thompson. Cape Town, 1854, 9. Letter to the Directors of the London Missionary Society on the Present State of their Institutions in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. John Phillip. Cape Town, 1848. 10. Native Tribes of the Interior. Two Lectures by E. Solomon. Cape Town, 1855. 11. The Boers of the Transvaal Republic and the Mission Station at Kuruman. W. Thompson. Cape Town, 1859. 12. East Central African Mission. Statement by the Foreign Missions Committees for Members of Parliament. Edinburgh, 1888. 13. Warning : Large Drops before the Coming Storm. Cape Town, 1855. 14. Succinct Statement of the Kaffir's Case. Letter by S. Kay. London, 1837. 15. South African Recorder, June, 1836. H, 3. — , Original Matter contained in Lieut.-Col. Sutherland's Memoir on the Kaffers, Hottentots, and Bosiesmans of — . Cape Town, iS^j. 8vo. H, 1. AFRICA, SOUTH :— Record,— The— ; or a Series of Official Papers relative to the Condition and Treatment of the Native Tribes of—, 1649 to 1809. Compiled and edited by D. Moodie, Cape Town, 1838. Also An Inquiry into the Justice and Expediency of Completing the Publication of the Authentic Records of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, relative to the Aboriginal Tribes. D. Moodie. Cape of Good Hope, 1 84 1. Also Reports of the trials of Stnckenstrom V. Campbell, February 28th, 1838, and of Moodie v. Fairbairn, May 16th, 1837. Cape Town, 1838. In one vol. 4to. Hx, 2. — , Researches in — . Illustrating the Civil, Moral, and Religious Condition of the Native Tribes, etc. J. Philip, Maps. London, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 3. — Reynard the Fox in — , or Hottentot Fables and Tales. Chiefly translated from original MSS. W. H. J. Bleek. Lotidon, 1864, 8vo. H, 1. — Scenes and Services in — . The Story of Robert IMofFat's Halt Century of Missionary Labours. Presentation edition. London, iS-j 6. 8vo. H, 6. See Basutos. See British Rule in- See Dutch Republics. See Ephemerides. See Kemp, — J. T. Vander- See London Missionary Society, Report of Deputation. See Mauritius and — . See Special Deputation Reports. See Zululand. — , Seven Years in — . Travels, Researches, and Hunting Adventures between the Diamond Fields and the Zambesi, 1872-79. E. Holub. Translated by E. E. Frewer. Map and 200 illustrations. London, 1881. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 2. — , "Standard Alphabet "Problem; a General Phonic System considered on the basis of some important facts in the Sechwana Language of — . R. Moffat, jun. London Sf South Africa, 1864. 8vo. H, 1. — , Tour in — , with notes of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine. J. J. Freeman. Map and illustrations. London, 1 85 I. 8vo. H, 1, APR 177 AFEICA, SOUTH:— , Travels in. — ; Narrative of a Second Journey, undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society. J. Campbell. Map and coloured prints. London, 1822. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. H, 1. , ; Undertaken at the request of the Missionary Society, in — . J. Campbell. London, 1815. 8vo. H, 1. , "Various." Pamphlet- Vol. No. 137. 8vo. Including: — 1. Narrative of Mission to tlie Hottentots and .Boschemen, with a general account of the South African Missions. London, 1804. 2. Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Aboriginal Tribes, London, 1838. 3. British Rule in South Africa. Official Documents, etc., respecting the Orange Free State, the Transvaal Eepublic, and the Aboriginal Tribes. London, 1868. 4. Statistics of the Cape Colony. W. L. Blore. Cape Town, 1871. 5. The Bechuanas, the Cape Colony, and the Transvaal. Proceedings of a Public Meeting held November 27th, 1883. London, 1884. 6. The London Missionary Society in South Africa. A retrospective sketch. John Mackenzie. London, 1888. H, 3. AFRICA, SOUTHERN :— , Account of Travels into the Inteiior of — , 1797-98. J.Barrow. London, 1801-4. 2 vols. 4to. Hx, 2. , Memorials of — . B.Shaw. Second thousand. Londo7i, 1 841. 12mo. H, 4. , Missionary Labours and Scenes in — . R. MoflPut. Illustrated. Twentieth thousand. London, 1842. 8vo. H, 1. 8e» Shaw (Barnabas). , Sketches representing the Native Tribes, Animals, and Scenery of — . Prom drawings made by S. Daniell and engraved by W. Daniell. London, 1820. 4to. Hx, 1. , Travels in — , 1803-6. H. Lichtcnstein. Translated from the German by Anne Plumptre. Plates. London, 1812-15. 2 vols. 4to. Hx, 2. , Wild Sports of — ; being the narrative of an Expedition from the Cape of Good Hope to the Tropic of Capricorn. W. C. Harris. Plates. London, 1839. 12mo. H, 1. AFRICA, SOUTH-CENTRAL :— , and its Explorers; being the Report of a Meeting in honour of Dr. Livingstone. Ca^e Town, 1856. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. AFRICA, SOUTH-CENTRAL :— , Reality versus Romance in — . An account of a journey across the Continent from Benguella on the West to the Mouth of the Zambesi on the East Coast. J. Johnston. Map and 51 full-page illustrations. London, 1893. 8vo. H, L AFRICA, SOUTH-EASTERN:— , Gold Regions of—. T. Baines. Map and illustrations. London, 1877. 8vo. G, 1. , Memoir of the Rev. W. Shaw, late General Superintendent of the "Wesleyan Missions in — . Portrait, map, and views. London, 1874. Svo. H, 4. See Missionary, — Earnest — . South-Eastern Africa ; being Parts 1 and 2 of Vol. iv of Historical Geography of the British Colonies. C. P. Lucas. Maps. Oxford, 1892. 2 vols. Svo. H, 5. Story of my Mission among the British Settlers in — . AV. Shaw. Map and 2 illustra- tions. London, i860, 8vo. Also New edition. London, 1872. Svo. H.4. AFRICA, SOUTH-WEST :— , Explorations in — . Account of a Journey in 1861 and 1862 from Walriseh Bay to Lake Ngraa. T. Baines. Maps and illustrations. London, 1864. 2 vols. Svo. H, 3. AFRICA, WESTERN:— -, Brief History of the "Wesleyan Missions W. Fox. Map and H, 2. on the Coast of- illustrations. London, 1851. Svo. — , Missions among the Soosoos, Bulloms, etc., in — , being the First Undertaken by the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. S. A. Walker. Map. Lublin, 1845. Svo. H. 1. — See Ashanti in — . See West Indies. , Six Years of a Traveller's Life in—. F. T. Valdez. Numerous illustrations. London, 1 86 1. 2 vols. Svo. H, 2. AFRICAN :— Affairs, — Notes on South — . W. B. Boyce. London, 1839. Svo. H, \. — , Central Mission at Urambo and Lake Tanganyika. E. W. Bickley. London, 1894. Svo. Pam.-Vol, 137a: H, 3. — Church Magazine and Ecclesiastical Review, — Letters to the South — ; The Reviewer Reviewed. Cape Town, 1855. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. — Bialects, — South — . See Kaffir Language. 12 178 AFR— ALC AFRICAN :— Institution, — Reports of the Committee of the — , 1807-26. London. 4 vols. 8vo. H,4. • Lakes and Back, — To the Central — . The Narrative of the Royal Geographical Society's East Central African Expedition, 1878-80. J. Thompson. - With short biographical notes of the late Mr. Keith Johnson. Portraits and map. London, i88i. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 4. Missionary. See Inglis (W.). — Missionary Society, — Report of the South — . Cape Town, 1852. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. — Missions, — South — . See Hottentots and Boschemen. — Native Literature, or Proverbs, Tales, Fables, and Historical Fragments in the Kanuri or Bornu Language, with translation and Kanuri-English Vocabulary. S. W. Koelle. London, 1854. 8vo. H, 6. — Recorder, — South — , June, 1836. Cape Town, 1836. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. — Sketches. See the Poetical "Works of Thomas Pringle, with sketch of his life by L.Ritchie. London, iS^g. 8vo. H, 1. Slave Trade. T. F. Buxton. London, 1839. 8vo. H, 1. and its Remedy. T. F. Buxton. London, 1840. Bvo. H, 1. Tribes, — South — . See Orange River. Africans at Home ; being a Popular Description of Africa and the Africans, condensed from the accounts of African travellers, from the time of Mungo Park to the present day. R. M. Macbi'air. Map and illustrations. London, 1 861. 8vo. H, 4. Afrika, — Die Missionen in — , in zwanzig karten mit erlauterndera textc dargestellt von R. Grundemann prediger. Gotha, 1867. 8vo. H, 1. , Zuid — , Onderzoekingen naar den tocstand des Christendoms in — . Getrokken uit de Reis van den Eerwaardigen Heer J. Campbell, en uit brieven der zenderlingen tot het einde van het jaar 1815. Door J. Werninck. Map. Groningen, 1817. H, 3. Afrikaner, — Geschichten und Licder der — . A. Seidel. Berlin, 1896. 8vo. H, 1. Afrinagan. See Zend-Avesta. Afrique, — Carte Physique et Politique de 1' — . A. H. Brue. Mounted in case. Paris, 1838. H, L , Traite Orientale, Histoire des chasses a I'homme, depuis quinze ans, pour les marches de I'orient, en — . E. F. Berlioux. Avec une carte. Fa/ris, 1870. Bvo. H, 1. Afrique, — Un Continent Perdu, ou I'Esclavage et la Traite (1875) en—. J. Cooper. Traduit de 1' Anglais de E. Laboulaye. Paris, 1876. 8vo. Hx, 2. Afrique, Sud. See Bassoutos. Agni. See Vedic Hymns. Agra Church Missionary Association, Reports for the years 1864, 1863, 1862, and 1861. Agra. Pam.-Vol. 109: B, 3. See Bengal Obituary. See under Education. Agricultural Produce, — Bill to enforce Con- tracts for — , and Papers relating thereto, Nos. 1 to 6. March, 1861. Fol. Ex, 2. Aikman (J. L.). Cyclopajdia of Christian Missions ; their rise, progi ess, and present position. Map. London, i860. Bvo. ^^so 2nd edition. London, 1861. Bvo. J, 3. Airedale College, — Address on Humility to Students of — , June, 1B40. J. Kelly. Liver- pool. Pam.-Vol. 138: J, 4. Aitareya-arankaka. See Upanishads. Aitareya Upanishad. See Bibliotheca Indica, Vol. (C). Ajmere-Merwara. Census Report for 1881. Pandit Bhagram. Ajmere, 1882. Fol. Ex, 1. Akalcite i te au mea te rangi, — Tuatua ei — First Lessons in Astronomy in Raratongan. 1856. 12mo. F, 5. Aknpapa Auga i te Tuatua Tapa. Scripture History written in Samoan by G. Turner, and translated in Raratongan by Taunga. Mangaia, 1896. 8vo. F, 3. Akaranga Sutra. See Gaina Sutras. Akarikheyya Sutta. See Buddhist Suttas. Alabaster (H.). AVheel of the Law. Buddhism illustrated from Siamese Sources. London, 1 87 1. Bvo. C, 3. Alcorani, — Refutatio — , in qua Mahumetanica? superstitionis radicem securis apponitur; et Mahumetus ipse gladio suo jugulantur : ab auctore, Ludovico Marraccino. Pafavii, 1698. See in vol. Alcorani Textus Universus. Fol. Cx, 1. Textus Universua ex correctioribus Arabum exemplaribus summa fide, atque pulcherrirais characteribus descriptus, eademque fide, ac pari diligentia ox Arabico idiomate in Latiuum translatus ; appositis unicuique capiti notis, atque refutatione. His omnibus pra9missus est Prodromus Totum priorem Tonium implens, in quo contenta indicantur pagina sequenti : auctore Ludovico Marraccio. Patavii, 1698. Atque Refutatio Alcorani ; ab auctore Ludovico Marraccio. Patavii, 1698. See above, Alcorani, — Refutatio — . Fol. Cx, 1. ALD— AME 179 Alder (R.), Wesleyan Missions ; their Prof?ress Stated and their Claims Enforced. With observations and sugp^estions applicable to kindred institutions. London, 18^2. 12mo. J, 3. Alexander (W. L.). Prefatory Memoir of John Paterson. See Bible Circulation in the 'North of Europe and in Russia. Aligarh. See Education, — Indigenous — . Allahabad, — Conference on Christian Literature held at — . Madras, iS-jS- 8vo. C, 6. See Missionary Conference held at — . Allegheny Mountains. See Brainherd (David). Allemand (A. J. d'), editor. Hebrew Bible of J. Lousden, by E. van der Hooght. See under Bible. Allen (N.). The Opium Trade ; sketch of its History, Extent, Effects, etc. 2nd edition. Lowell, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 112 : B, 3. AUgemeine Linguistische Alphabet. K. Lepsius. Berlin, 1855. 8vo. B, 1. •^ AUon (H.). Estimate of the character and work of W. Ellis. See William Ellis, Missionary to the South Seas and Madagascar. J. E. Ellis. G. 1. Also see Pacific. Also see Pomare. Almanack. See Bechwana. See Ceylon. See Madras, 'New — . AlmanaTce ke go re KitshisTio ja Malatsi otlhe le ea Meliro ea JCereke ea J^ouga oa morena oa rona, 1887. Bechwana Almanack. Kuruman. 8vo. H, 6. Alphabet. See Allgemine Linguistische — . See Roman. , Standard — , for reducing unwritten languages and foreign graphic systems to a Uniform Orthography in European letters. R. Lepsius. London, 1855. 8vo. C, 5. Alwis (C). Namawalia, or a Poetical Vocabulary of Singhalese Synonyms by Nallurutum. Ceyhn, 1858. 8vo. b, 4. Amholnmitsimbina. See Fiangonana. America, — Constitutions of the several Inde- pendent States of — , the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confedera- tion between the said States, etc., etc. W. Jackson. London, 1783. 8vo. E, 4. -, Farewell Address by Dr. Duff, previous to America, Central, the West Indies, and South America. Edited by H. W. Bates. With Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane. Maps and illustrations. London, 1875. 8vo. E, 6. America, North, — Three Years in — . James Stuart. Edinhurgh, 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. E, 6. America, North-West Coast. See Voyages made 1788 and 1789. America, West Coast. See Voyage Round the World. American Geography, or A View of. the Present Situation of the United States of America. J. Morse. 2nd edition. London, 11^2. 8vo. E, 4. Scenes and Christian Slavery ; a Recent Tour of four thousand miles in the United States. E. Davies. London, iS^g. 8vo. E, 4. See under Bible Society. American Antiquarian Society,— Transactions and Collections of the — . Archseologia Americana, vol. i. Worcester, Mass., 1820. 8vo. E, 1. American Baptist Missionary Union, — Mis- sionary Magazine of the — , July, 1860. Pam.-Vol. 104: B, 3. AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS For Foeeign Missions:— , Address to the Christian Public, 1811. Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. "American Board." Pamphlet-Volume No. 104. 8vo. Including: — 1 & 2. Reports of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, presented September, 1858, and October, 1861. Boston, 3. Proceedings of the Commissioners in relation to a Recent Interference with its work on the Sandwich Islands. 4. Maps and Illustrations of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, September, 1847. 5. Maps of the American Board of Com- missioners for Foreign Missions. JVew York, 1861. 6. Historical Sketch of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in European Turkey, Asia Minor, and Armenia. JVew York, 1861. 7. Missionary Magazine of the American Baptist Missionary Union for July, 1860. 8. Letter to Dr. Candlish, by R. Anderson. Boston, 1862. B, 3. return to — , October 11th, 1855. Edinburgh. Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. See under Voyage Round the World. , Commemorative Volume in connection with the 75th Anniversary ; held in Boston, October 13-1 6th, 1885. Boston, iSSs- 8vo. J, 2. , Constitution, 1810. Pam.-Vol. 145 : J. 4. 180 AME— AND AMERICAN BOARD of COMMISSIONERS Foe Foreign Missions:— , History of the — . J. Tracey. 2nd edition. Neio York, 1842. 8vo. J, 2. — , of the Missions in India. R.Anderson. Bostoti, 1874. 8vo. C, 5. — , Memorial Volume of the First Fifty Years of the — . Boston, 1861. 8vo. J, 2. — , Mission Schools in India. R. G. Wilder. New York, I'ibi. 12nio. C, 6. - Report for 1853. ^05^0^,1853. 8vo. Also for 1865. Boston, 1865. 8vo. J, 6. — Reports, 1812-18. Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. — >SeeFisk(P.). — See Mahratta and Tamil Missions of the — . — See Missionary Tracts. — , Sermons [Anniversary] preached before the — , as under, viz. : — Sept. 16th, 1813, by T. D wight. Boston. Sept. 15th, 1«14, by J. Richaris. Boston. Sept. 18th, 1816, by H. Davis. Boston. Sept. 18th, 1817, by J. Appleton. Charlestown. Sept. 10th, 1818, by S. Spring. Boston. Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. preached at the Ordination, as Foreign Missionaries, of S. I^ewell, A. Judson, S. Nott, G. Hall, and L. Rice, Feb. 12th, 1812, by L. "Woods. Also of S. J. Mills. J. Richards, E. Warren, H. Bardwell, B. S. Mings, and D. Poor, June 21st, 1815, by S. Worcester. Alio of F. Fish, L. Spaulding, M. Winslow, and H. Woodward, Nov. 5th, 1816, by M. Stuart. Also of E. P. Swift, A. Graves, J. Nicholson, L. Parsons, and D. Butterick, Sept. 3rd, 1817, by L. Beecher. Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. to the Oriental Churches, —History of the Missions of the — . R. Anderson. Boston, 1872. 2 vols. 8vo, C, 6. American Free Baptist Mission in Northern Orissa, 1848-50. Cuttack. Pam.-Vol. 115: B, 3. American Mission among the Marathas. Reports for the years 1860-65, and Report of the Samulcotta Mission for 1864. Bombay. 8vo. B, 6. — Hymns for Children in Marathi. 1862. 12mo. D, 4. " American Presbyterian Mission." Pamphlet-VolumeNo. 101. Svo. Including: — 1. Minutes of First Session of the India Mission Annual Conference at Luckuow, December, 1861. Bareilly. 2-4. Reports of the Furrukabad Mission for 1859-60, 1862-63, 1863-64. Allahabad. 5-11. Reports of the Lodiana Mission for the years 1850-51, 1851-52, 1856-57 to 1859-60, and 1862-63. Lodiana. B, 3. See under Lucknow, Furrukabad, etc. Amitayur-Dhyana-Sutra. See Buddhist Maha- yana Te.\ts. Amparibe. See Fiangorana. Amsterdam Conference. Alliance. See Evangelical — Sacred Songs in Bengalee. Words and music. 1855. 12 mo.. D, 3. Amy ny Mandanja, sy ny Mandrefy, Mamatra, etc. Tables of Weights and Measures. 1873. Pam.-Vol. 135: G, 3. Ananda Giri. See Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad. Aho see Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundi, and Mandukya, TJpanishads. Also see Taittariya and Aittarey a TJpanishads. Anatomia. He Palapala e Iloika ai I ke ana ko ke Kanaka knio. Anatomy in Hawaiian. P. P. Judd. Ohalin, 1%1'i. 12mo. F, 3. Anatomy in Bengali. See Vyuvuchcheda Vidya. in Hawaiian. Anatomia ; He Palapala Uoike ai I ke ano ko ke Kanaka kino. P. P. Judd. Ohalm, i%7,%. 12mo. F, 3. Andaman Islands. Census Report for 1881. Calcutta, 1883. Fol. Ex, 2. Anderson (J.) & Johnston (R.), — Life and Labours of — , traced in the rise au'l develop- ment of the Madras Free Church Mission. London, 1862. 8vo. CO, 1. Anderson (R.). Foreign Missions ; their Relation and Claims. New York, 1869. 8vo. J, 2. Hawaiian Islands, their Progress and Condition under Missionary liabours. Illus- trations. 2nd edition. Boston, 1864. 8vo. F, 2. — History of the Missions of the American Board of Commissions for Foreign Missions in India. Boston, 1874. 8vo. 0,6. of the Missions of the American Board of Commissions for Foreign Missions to the Oriental Churches. Boston, 1872, 2 vols. 8vo. C, 6. — History of the Sandwich Islands Mission. Boston, 1870. 8vo. F, 1. — Letter to Dr. Candlish. Boston, 1862. Pam.-VoL 104 : B, 3. — Peloponnesus and Greek Islands, — Observa- tions made in 1829 upon the — . Map. Boston, 1830. 12mo. E, 2. AND— ARA 181 Anderson (R.). Rudiments of Tamul Grammar, with an introduction to Shen Tamul. London, 1 82 1. 4to. D, 1. Anderson (W. G.)- Introductory Grammar of the Sena Language, spoken on the Lower Zambesi. Zondon, 1897. ^^^- ^» ^• Andrews (L.). Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language, with English-Hawaiian Vocabulary. Honolulu, 1865. 8vo. F, 1. Vocabulary of Words in the Hawaiian Language. Lahainahina, 1836. Svo. F, 1. Aneityumese Dictionary : I, Aneityumese and English ; II, English and Aneityumese. Also Outlines of Grammar. John Inglis. London, 1882. Svo. F, 3. See under Bible, — Xew Testament. Angano. Voadilcan ^ny Missionary. Fables. Translated by the Early Missionaries. Taloha. Pam.-Vol. 135: G, 3. Anglo -Indian Suburban Life. See Rural Life in Bengal. Angola and the River Congo. J. J. Monteiro. Map and engravings. London, 1875. 2 vols. Svo. H, 6. Animalis S. Scrip turae. See Hierozoioon. Animals. See Africa, Southern — , Sketches. Anjili ya Luka Ilivyofasiriha kwa maneno ya Kiunguja. Gospel of Luke in Swahili. R. L. Pennell. Zanzibar, 1872. 16rao. H, 6. Ankadibevava. See Fiangonana. Ankova Dialect. See Malagasy Language. Annals. See Propagation of the Faith. Anson (George), — Voyage round the World in the years 1740-44, by — . Compiled by R. Walter. 15th edition. Maps and plates. London. Prior to 1786. 4to. Fx, 1. Antananarivo, — Proceedings of a Missionary Conference held in — , Jan., 1874. Antananarivo, 1874. Pam.-VoL 134: G, 2. Antananarivo Annual and Madagascar Magazine. Record of Observations on the Topography and Natural Productions of Madagascar, an(i the Customs, Traditions, Languages, and Religious Beliefs of its People. J. Sibree, jun. Antananarivo, 1875-94 and 1897. 5 vols., and 2 parts of vol. vi. Svo. G, 2. Anthropology. See Melanesians. Anti-Slavery Conference, held in Paris, August 26th and 27th, 1867,— Special Reportof the— . London. Svo. J, 1. Society. Application to the High Court. See Gootoo and Inyokwana. — Tracts. London, 1823-26. 2 vols. Svo. GG, 2. Antiquarian Society. See American. Antiquities. See Indian. Antiquity. See India, — Continental — . Anugita. See BhagavadgUa. Anvers (N. d'). To the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi ; from the German of E. Mohr. Map and illustrations. London, 1876. Svo. G, 1. Apastamba. See Aryas, — Sacred Laws of the — . Aphorisms of Sandilya, with the Commentary of Swapneswara. Edited by J. R. Ballantyne. Calcutta, 1 861. In vol. (C) of Bibliotheca Indica. Svo. C, 1. See of the Hindu Atheistic Philosophy. Sankhya-Pravachanya-Bhashya. of the Vedanta by Badarayana, with the Commentary of ^ankara A'charya and the Gloss of Govinda A'nanda. Edited by Pundita Rama Navayana Vidyaratna. 1863. 2 vols., being vol. (M) of Bibliotheca Indica. Svo. Calcutta. C, 1. Apii na te Tamarihi — E Tuatua — . First book in Nengone. London. Svo. F, 5. Apoapoaiga, — tala ma — . Streaks of Light, and Maxims on Parental Duty, in Samoan. G. Turner. London, 1 890. 8vo. F, 3. ra, — Te faa ite raa no te an raa te mau irava i te ohipa a te mau — , Commentary on the Acts in Tahitian. Tahiti, 1863. 8vo. F. 5. Apostolic Commission. 1795. T. Haweis. Sermon, September 22, Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. Appleton (J.). Anniversary Sermon preached before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, September 18th, 1817. Charlestoivn. Pam-Vol. 145 : J, 4. Appleyard (J.W.). The Xafir Language ; com- prising a sketch of its History, which includes a general classification of South African dialects, ethnographical and geographical, with Grammar. King Wtlliani's Toivn <^ London, 1850. Svo. H, 6. Arabe, — Grammaire — , a I'usage des eleves de I'ecole speciale des Lingues Orientales vivantes. A. I. S. de Sacy. Paris, 1810. 2 vols. Svo. D, 1. Arabia, Koordistan, part of Persia, and India, to Madras, — Travels of Rabbi David D'Beth Hillel from Jerusalem through — . Madras, 1832. Svo. B, 2. Arabic Language, — Grammar of the — . John Richardson. New edition. London, 181 i. Fol. Dx, 2. See Koran in — . See Sweet Firstfruits. 182 AEA— ASH Arabic. See under Bible. See under Bible, New Testament. Syntax. Chiefly selected from the Hidayut- oon-Nukvi. H. M. Beresford. London, 1843, 4to. Dx, 2. Arabic and Hindoostannee. See Hidayut ool Islam. Ararat. See Komance of Missions. Arafat Bihlia, — E — . Dictionary of the Bible in Tahitian. A. Pearse. London, 1SS6. F. 3. Arbousset (T.). Yoyage d' Exploration au Nord- est de la Colonie du Cap de Bonne-Esperanee, entrepris 1836, par MM. T. Arbousset et JF. Daumas. Avec onze dessins et une Carte. Paris, 1842. 8vo. E, 1. Archaeologia Americana. See American Anti- quarian Society. Arcot Mission, — Minutes of the Special Meeting of the — , June, 1855. Calcutta. Pam.-Vol. 103: B, 3. of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, — Eeports— , for 1861, 1863, and 1865. Pam.-Vol. 102 : B, 3. Arian Race. See under Hindus. Arithmetic inBechwana(Sechwana). Aritheme- tike Ice go re Lokwato lo lo Rutan BipalS. J. T. Brown. Kuruman, 1892. 8vo. H, 6. in Malagasy. Parts i and ii, 1875, Also key to Part i. Fianara-Marika ; Fizarana i Sf ii : & Valiny, Fi%arana i. Pam.-Vol. 135: G, 3. — in Malay. T. Beighton. Singapore, 1825. D, 6. — in Baratongan. W. M. Lawrence. E huka numero i te reo Raratonga no te Tamarihi Apii. London, 1895. F, 3. in Samoan. le tusi Numera. London, 1892. 8vo. F, 4. in Tahitian. E ffaapii Raa Numera. Tahiti, 1864. 8vo. F, 6. Arithmetic and Geometry in Samoan. G. Turner. le tusi numera ma le tusi Keometreri. London, 1882. 8vo. F, 4. Arithmetical Tables in Samoan. le tusi fua Tupe ma mea Eseese i le ma le Faatele. London. 16mo. F, 5. Arithmetike ke go re Lokwato lo lo Rutan Dipat6. Arithmetic in Bechwana (Sechwana). J. T. Brown. Kuruman, 1892. 8vo. H, 6. Armenia, — Missionary Researches in — . E. Smith and H. G. 0. D wight. With a memoir on the Geography and Ancient History of Armenia. London, 1834. 8vo. B, 4. Researches of E. Smith and H. G. 0. Dwight. E. Smith. Boston, 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. B, 4. See under Missions, American Board. Aronga Lmene, — E—; kota oki te Tuatua aka- meitaki. Hymn Book in Baratongan. 1843. 32mo. F, 6. Arracan. See Mughs, — Among the — . Arrears of Revenue Bill, — Correspondence con- cerning the — . March and April, 1855. Pam.-VoL 126 : Cx, 1. , Further Papers concerning the Law relating to the Sale of Land for — . Sep- tember 19th, 1856. Pam.-Vol. 126 : Cx, 1. in the Bengal Presidency, — Bill concerning Sales of Land for — . December 22nd, 1855. Pam.-Vol. 126 : Cx, 1. Arthava- Veda,— Hymns of the — , together with Extracts from the Ritual Books and the Commentaries. Translated by Maurice Bloom- field. Being vol. xlii of the Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, iSg-j. 8vo. 0,2. Arthur (W.). Mission to the Mysore. London, 1847. 8vo. B, 6. Arts and Sciences. See Hindostan and its—. Arunodaya; An Illustrated Magazine inCanarese. Vols, i-iii. Bangalore, 1862-64. ^^o- ^> 5. Aryan Languages of India, — Comparative Grammar of the Modern — . Vol. i, on Sounds. J. Beames. London. 8vo. B, 2. Aryas, — Sacred Laws of the — , as taught in the Schools of Apastamba, Gautama, Vasishtha, and Baudhayana. ^ Translated by Georg Biihler. Part i, Apastamba and Gautama. Part ii, Vasishtha and Bandayana. Being vols, ii and xiv of the Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1879 & 1S82. 8vo. C, 1. Asa Testamens sida I E'hub Tst LIui aob Yesub Xristub din. New Testament in Nama. Edited by J. G. Kronlein. Berli7i, 1866. H, 6. Asante and Fante Language, called Tshi (Chwee Tvvi), — Dictionary of the — , with Grammatical Introduction, and appendices on the Geography of the Gold Coast. J. G. Christaller. Basel, liii. 8vo. H, 6. Grammar of the — . J. G. Christaller. Basel Sf Lotidon, iSjs- 8vo. H, 6. Ascension. See British Possessions. Ashango-Land, — Journey to — , and Further Penetration into Equatorial Africa. P. B. du Chaillu. Map and illustrations. London, 1867. 8vo. H, 3. Ashantee and the Gold Coast. Being a SUetch of the Histoiy, Social State, and Superstitions, of the Inhabitants of those Countries. J. Beecham. London, 1841. 12mo. H, 6. Ashanti in Western Africa, —Journal of Two Visits to the Kingdom of — . With historical introduction by J. Beecham, 2nd edition. London, 1843. 12mo. H, 5. A8I— BAI 183 Asia. See Christianity in — . See wider Voyage Round the World. Asia, Austral — ; Comprising New South Wales, Van Diemen's Island, Swan River, South Australia, etc.. History of — . R. M. Martin. Being vol. ii of the British Colonial Library. 2nd edition. London, 1839. 8vo. E, 3. Asia Minor and Greece, — Travels in—. R. Chandler. 3rd edition. Map. London, iSij. 2 vols. 4to. Ex, 1. See under Missions. , Travels in Little Known parts of — . Lon- don, 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. B, 4. Asia and Africa, — Geography of — , in Malay. Singapore, 1835. 4to. D, 6. Asiasiga tagata mama 'i, etc. The Visitor's Book of Texts. A. A. Bonar. Translated into Samoan by G. Turner. London, 1892. 8vo. F, 3. Asiatic in England. Sketches of sixteen years' Work among Orientals, J. Salter. London, 1873. Bvo. B, 4. — Subjects of Great Britain,— Observations on the State of Society among the — , particularly with respect to morals, and on the Means of Improving it. Written chiefly in the year 1792. Ordered to be printed, June 15th, 1813. London. Pol. Cx, 1. Assam, — Account of a Journey from Calcutta to — , and Residence there. Pam.-VoL 118: B, 3. Pol. Census Report for 1881. Calcutta, 1883. Ex, 2. Assamese. See Phulraoni and Koruna. Assembly's Shorter Catecbism, — Selections i'rora — , in Uvean. Tusi ne unyi iri taje hofuj a una ame sinalimen ni tusi kap. Uvea, 1871. 12mo. F, 5. Astracan. See Tartary, — Calmuc — . Astronomical Observations made in the course of a Voyage to the South Pole and Round the World, in Her Majesty's Ships "Resolution" and "Adventure," 1772-75, by W. Wahs & W. Bayly. London, 1777. 4to. Ex, 1. Astronomy, — First Lessons in — , in Raratongan. Tuatua ei akakite i te an niea te rangi. Raratonga, 1856. 12mo. F, 5. Atlas, — AUgemeiner — . See under Missions. , Church Missionary — . London, 1859, 1865, & 1863. 3 vols. 8vo. J, 1. See Moravian. Atolls and Islands. See South Sea, — Through — . Auspelsqum sim Algiuk. Nisga Primer. Part i. Spelling and Reading. J. B. McCullagh. London, 1897. 8vo. H, 6. Australasia. See under Voyage Round the World. Australasian, — Reminiscences, English and — ; being an account of a visit to England, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Ceylon, etc. N. L. Doss. Calcutta, i%<)i. 8vo. E, 3. Australes, — Terres — . See Navigations aux — . Australia. See Fifth Continent. See Intercolonial Conference. See Leigh (Samuel). Australian Defences and New Guinea ; Compiled from the papers of Sir P. Scratchley. C. K. Cooke. London Sf New York, 1^%"]. 8vo. F, 1. Grammar of the language spoken by the Aborigines in the vicinity of Hunter's River, Lake Macquarie, etc., New South Wales. L. E. Threlkeld. Sydney, 1%^^. 8vo. E, 3. Language, — Lesser — . See Marquesas. Languages. See Kamilaroi. Awabakal (Australia), — Gospel of Luke, trans- lated into the language of — . L. E. Threlkeld, Sydney, 1891. 8vo. E, 3. Ayliff (J.). Vocabulary of the Kaffir language. 2nd edition. London, 1863. 18mo. H, 6. B. B. (W. B.), Statistics of Protestant Missionary Societies, 1861. London, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 143 : J, 4. Babel, See Geographise Sacrse. Bacbeler (0. R,)' Hinduism and Christianity in Orissa. 1853. l2mo. B, 6. Backhouse (James). Memoir by his Sister. York and London, 1870. 8vo. J, 4. Narrative of a Visit to the Mauritius and South Africa, Mafis, etchings, and engravings. London, 1844.. 8vo. H, 1. Bactria, and the Great Asiatic Kingdoms bor- dering. See Hindostan, — The Modern History of—. Badley (B. H,). Indian Missionary Directory and Memorial Volume. Lucknow ^ London, 1876. 8vo. C. 4. Badri Datt Josi, Pandit. See Christianity In- destructible. Babman Yast. See Pahlavi Texts. Baines (J. A.). Report of the Census of Bombay for 1881. Bombay. 2 vols. Fol. Ex, 2. 184 BAI— BAP Baines (T.). Explorations in South-West Africa ; an account of a Journey, in 1861-62, from Walrisch. Bay to Lake Ngma. Maps and illustrations. London, 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 3. — — Gold Eegions of Map and illustrations. Bakariya Kund, Benares. South-Eastern Africa. London, 1877. Svo. G, 1. See Buddhist Euins. Baker (H.), jun. Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew in Malayalim. Cottayam, i860. 4to. D, 1. Baldwin (Mary E.), — Memorials of — . See Mission Life in Greece and Palestine. Mrs. E. R. Pitman. London, Paris, Sf New York. Svo. B, 4. Baldwin (T.). See Gazetteer of the World. Balfour (R.). Heaven and Earth Eeconciled. Sermon preached May 10th, 1798. London. Pam.-Vol. 140 : J, 4. Ballantyne (J. R.). Aphorisms of the l^yaya Philosophy, by Gautama ; with Illustrative Extracts from the Commentary by Viswanatha. Sanskrit and English. Allahabad, 1850. 2 parts. 8vo. C, 3. Aphorisms of ^andilya, with Commentary of Swapneswara. Calcutta, \ ^61. In vol. (C) of Bibliotheca Indica. Svo. C, 1. Aphorisms of the Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali, with Illustrative Extracts from the Commentary by Bhoja Itaja. 2 parts. Allahabad, 1852-53. Svo. C, 3. Bible for the Pandits ;— the First Three Chapters of Genesis diffusely and unreservedly Commented in Sanskrit and English. Benares, i860. 4to. D, 1. Christianity contrasted with Hindu Phi- losophy; an essay in five books, Sanskrit and English, with Practical Suggestions tendered to the Missionary among the Hindus. London, 1859. Svo. C, 3. — Elements of Hindi and Braj Bhakha Grammar. London, 1839. 4to. Dx, 2. Elements of Logic ; extracted from the works of Richard Whateley ; being No. 6 of Reprints for the Pandits. 1853. Svo. C, 3. First Lessons in Sanskrit Grammar ; with an introduction to the Hitopadesa. 3rd edition. London, 1865. Svo. D, 3. Lecture on the Vedanta, embracing the text of the Vedanta-Sara. Allahabad, 1831. Svo. C, 3. Metaphysics and Mental Philosophy, vol. ii ; being No. 4 of Reprints for the Pundits. Allahabad, 1853. Svo. C, 3, Practical Oriental Interpreter, or hints on the Art of Translating Readily into Hindustani and Persian ; with illustrative exercises and Vocabulary. London, 1843. Svo. D, 1. Ballantyne (J. B,.), translator. Sahitya-Darpana, or Mirror of Composition. Viswanatha Kavi- raja. Revised by E. Rijer. 1851. In vol. (T) of Bibliotheca Indica. Svo. C, 1. Synopsis of Science in Sanscrit and Eng- lish, Reconciled with the Truths to be found in the Nyaya Philosophy. Mirzapore, 1856. 4to. D, L Banerjea (K. M.), editor. Marcandeya Purana ; being vol. (L) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1862. Svo. C, 1. Bangalore. See India Mission Reports. See Missionary Conference for South India. Bantu, — Language-study based on — ; or an Inquiry into the Laws of Root-Formation, Original Plural, Sexual Dual, and Principles of Word-Comparison. F. W. Kolbe. London, 1888. Svo. G, 1. See English Herero Dictionary. Baptism of Christian Converts at IJmritsur, — Letter from the Secretary to the Government of India to the Secretary to the Government of the Punjaub, July 11th, 1859, relating to the Attendance of Mr. Cust and other ofhcers at the — . February 13th, j86o. Pam.-Vol. 128 : Cx, 1. Baptiso ge liliwa na aura geria ere. Guide to Baptism and Church Membership in Keapara. Svo. F, 5. Baptist Mission, Jamaica, from its commence- ment, with Biographical Notices of its Fathers and Founders, — The Voiceof Jubilee, a narrative of the—. J. Clark, W. Dendy, and J. M. Phillippo. With introduction by D. J. East. London, 1865. Svo. G, 4. Baptist Missionaries, Calcutta—. See under Bible, Bengali. in Jamaica, — Memorials of the — . John Clarke. London, 1869. Svo. G, 4. Baptist Missionary Society. Annual Reports. London, 1819-34. 3 vols. Svo. FF, 1. -, Centenary Celebration, 1892-93. Reports of the Commemoration Services, etc. J. B. Myers, editor. Illustrations. London, 189^ Svo. J, i2. — . Centenary Volume of the — , 1792-1892. Articles, maps, and illustrations. J. B. Myers, editor. London, 1892. Svo. J, 2. — See Ceylon and India. See Missionary Herald. See Missions in the East and West. See under Periodical Accounts. BAP— EEC 185 Bapii Deva Sastri (Pundit), revisor. Siddhanta Siromani. Translated by L. Wilkinson. In vol. (K) of Bibliotheca Indica. 8vo. C, 1. -, translator. Siirya Siddhanta. Calciitta, 1 86 1. In vol. (K) of Bibliotheca Indica. 8vo. C, 1. Baralong Tribe of Bechuanas. See Christianity amongst the — . Bardwell (H.). See " Missions, — Foreign — ." Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. Bareilly. See Education, — Indigenous. Barff (Charles). See South Cave. Baroda Census lleport for 1881. Gajanan- Krishna Bhatavadekar. Bimhay, 1883. Ex, 2. Baropakhya Christians and Judge Kemp's Unrighteous Decision, September, 1856. Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. Barrack. See Tent. Barrett (W. G.). See Demarara Martyr. Barripur Mission, — "tfarrative of the — . C. E. Driberg. Lmdon, 1847. Pam.-Vol. 123 : B, 3. Barripur, Tallygunge, Howrah, and Tamlook, — Notes by the Secretary of Visits to the Missions of—, in 1841. Pam.-Vol. 110: B, 3. Barrow (J.). A.ccount of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa, 1897-98. London, 1801-4. 2 vols. 4to. Hx, 2. Barth (H.). Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa; being a Journal of an Expedition under the auspices of Her Britannic Majesty's Government, 1849-55. London^ 1857-58. 5 vols. 8vo. G, 1. Bartll's Church History in Samoan. le Tula Saasaa i le Ukalesia a le Mesia. Samoa, i860. 12mo. F, 4. Baskerville (G. H.) & Yonasani Kayi'zi. Sketch of the Life of Mahomet, and History of Islam, in the Luganda Language. Muwamadi ohulambwe awamu Nedigamho Ebijahaisiramu Nalatiduki. London, 1896. 8vo. H, 6. Basque, — Gospel of Matthew in — . See under Bible, New Testament Portions. Bassein-Karen Mission from 1840 to 1880, — Self-Support as Illustrated in the History of the — . C. H. Carpenter. Boston, 1883. 8vo. B, 6. Normal and Industrial Institute, etc., — Prospectus of the — . Rangoon, 1861. Pam.-Vol. 124: B, 3. Bassoutos, — Les — , ou Vingt-trois Annees de Sejour et d'observations au Sud de I'Afrique. E. Casalis. Paris, i860. 8vo. H, 1. Basutoland, — British — , Estimate of Uevenne and Expenditure for year ending June 30th, 1878. P.P. Cape Town, i%i -J. Fol. Gx, 1. Kecognition of Moshesh and of his Tribe as British Subjects. May, 1870. P.P. London. Fol. Gx, 1. Report by Secretary for Native Affairs of his Visit in June, 1881. P.P. Cape Town, 1882. Fol. Gx, 1. Basutos ; or Twenty - three Years in South Africa. E. Casalis. Illustrations. London, 1861. 8vo. H, 4. Bates (H. W.), editor. Central America, the West Indies, and South America; with Ethno- graphical Appendix by A. H. Keane. Maps and illustrations. London, 1878. 8vo. E, 4. Baudkayana. See Aryas, — Sacred Laws of the — . Bauleah Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England, — Report for 1863. Calcutta. Pam.-Vol. HI: B, 3. Baxter (W. E.). A Winter in India. Londm, 1882. 8vo. C, 6. Baylis (F.). Brief Memoir of Rev. C. C. Leitch, in Tamil. Nagercoil, 1857. 12mo. D, 6. ■ editor. Footsteps of St. Paul, in Tamil. J. K. Macduff. Nagercoil, 1863. 12rao. D, 6. editor. Parenjothi and Kirubei in Tamil. A translation of " Phulmoni and Karuna," by Mrs. Mullens. 2nd edition. Nagercoil, ii6%. 12 mo. D, 6. Triumph of the Gospel in the South Sea Islands ; an Abridgment, in Tamil, of a Narrative of Missionary Enterprises by John Williams. Nagercoil, 1859. 12mo. D, 6. Bayly (W.). Astronomical Observations made in the course of a Voyage to the South Pole and Round the World, in Her Majesty's Ships " Resolution" and " Adventure," 1772-75, by W. Wales and W. Bayly. London, 1777. 4to. Ex, 1. Bazaar. See Tent. Beal (S.), English translator. Fo-sho-hing-tsan- king. A Life of Buddha, by Asvagosha Bodhisattva, translated from Sanscrit into Chinese by Dhamaiaksha, a.d. 420 ; being vol. xix of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1883. 8vo. C, 1. Beames (J.). Comparative Grammar of the Mod- ern Aryan Languages of India. Vol. i, on Sounds. London, \%-iz. 8vo. JB, 2. Beatty's Mission to the Westward of the Allegheny Mountains. See in Brainherd (David). Bechuana Land, — Further Correspondence respecting — , February, 1890. Maps. P.P. London. Fol. Gx, 1. 186 BEC— BEN Bechuana Land, — Report of the Commissioners appointed to determine claims and to Eifect a Land Settlement in — . Maps. London, 1886. Fol. Gx, 1. See under Africa, South, — Austral Africa. Tribes. See Moffat (Robert). Bechuanas, the Cape Colony, and the Transvaal ; Proceedings of a Public Meeting held Nov. 27, 1883. London, 1884. Pam.-Vol. 137: H, 3. Bechwana Almanack. Almanahe he go re Kitshisho ea_^ Malatsi otlke le ea Meliro ea JCereke ea Noaga oa Morena oa rona, 1887. Kuruman. 8vo. H, 6. See Arithmetic. See Sechwana. Beecham (J.). Ashantee and the Gold Coast; being a Sketch of the History, Social State, and Superstitions, of the Inhabitants of those Countries. London, 1841. 12mo. H, 5. Journal of Two Visits to the Kingdom of Ashanti in Western Africa. With Historical Introduction by J. Beecham. 2nd edition. London, 1843. 12mo. H, 6. Beecher (L.). Sermon at the Ordination of Missionaries. Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. Beechey, — Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait in 1825-28, in Her Majesty's ship " Blossom," commanded by Captain — . Plates. London, 1831. 2 vols. 4to. Fx, 1. Behar. See Adam's Report. See Bengal and — . — — See Education in — . See Educational Destitution. Arithmetic, in Malay. Beighton (T.) l8mo. 1825. D, 6. Christian Catechism, in Malay. Malacca, 1824. 12mo. D, 6. Beke (C. T.). Origines Biblicse; or Researches in Primeval History. Vol. i. Map. London, 1834. 8vo. E, 2. Belgaum. See India Mission Reports. Bellary. See India Mission Reports. See Reid (John). Bellary Mission. See Flavel (Samuel W.). Beloochistan. See India, — North - West, — Gazetteer of — . Benares and its Antiquities. Lecture by M. A. Sherring. Benares, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 117 : B, 3. Auxiliary of the London Missionary Society. See Mirzapur Mission Reports. Reports, 1844-65. Mirzapore. Bvo. B,4. Benares Past and Present. Calcutta lievieio. Calcutta, 1865. Pam.-Vol. 117: B, 3. See Buddhist Ruins. See under Berlin Mission. , The Sacred City of the Hindus in Ancient and Modern Times, — Account of — . M. A. Sherring. London, 1868. 8vo. B, 3. Benares and Kumaon, — Life and Work in—, 1839-77. James Kennedy. Introduction by Sir W. Muir. Illustrated. London, 1^%^. 8vo. C, 6. Benezet (A.). Some historical account of Guinea, with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the Slave Trade. New edition. London, I'jSS. 8vo. H, 1. BENGAL :— , Annals of Rural— . W. W. Hunter. 3rd edition. London, 1868. 8vo. B, 2. as a Field of Missions. W. Wylie. London ^ Calcutta, 1854. B, 1. — Auxiliary of the London Missionary Society, Reports, 1819-42. Calcutta. 3 vols. 8vo. Also Tenth Report Also 1866-67. Calcutta, 1828. Pam.-Vol. 125b : B, 3. 2 vols. 8vo. B, 4. — Census Report for 1881. J. A. Bourdillon. Calcutta, 1S8 3. 3 vols. Fol. Ex, 1. — Christian Vernacular Education Society. Second Report of Operations in — . Calcutta, 1864. Pam.-VoL 107: B, 3. -, English Government in — . View of its Rise, Progress, and Present State. 1772. 4to. B, 1. — , Extracts from the Journal of a Missionary Itinerancy in — , December and January, 1845-46. Glasgow. Pam.-Vol. 12U : B, 3. — , First Protestant Missionary to—. Calcutta Review. Pam.-Vol. 122: B, 3. — Government, — Letter respecting the Temple of Juggernaut and the — . See under India, — East India Company. — Language, — Grammar of the — . N. B. Halhed. llooghly, ij-jS. 4to. D, 3. — , Preface to a Grammar of the — . ILoogJily, 1778. 4to. D, 2. — , Lieutenant-Governor of — . Minute on the Report of the Indigo Commission. Calcutta, 1861. Pol. Ex, 2. , Lower- See Indigo System in- — , Missionaries and the Government of — . Calcutta Christian Observer, April, 1862. Pam.-Vol. 118: B, 3. BEN 187 BENGAL :— Missions in Connection with the Church of England, — Handbook of — . J. Long. London, 1848. 12mo. B, 6. in— , during 1846. J. M[ullen8 ?]. Calcutta Christian Observer, June, 1»47. Pam.-Vol. 122: B, 3. Obituary ; a Compilation of Tablets and Monumeutai Inscriptions from various parts of the Bengal and Agra Presidencies, with Bio- graphical Sketches and Memoirs. Holmes and Co. Calcutta, 1848. Svo. B, 1. — Officer. Vindication of tho Hindoos. Part ii, in reply to tho observations of the Christian Observer, of Mr. Fuller, and others. London, 1808. Svo. C, 4. — , Petition of Calcutta Missions in the case of the Cultivators of—. Pam.-Vol. 1 18 : B, 3. — Presidency. See Christianity in the — . — , Proceedings of the Lieutenant-Governor of — , during April, 1859. Calcutta. Pol. Cx, 1. — ,*' Propagation Reports — ." Pamphlet-Volume No. 1 10. Svo. Including: — 1. Calcutta Diocesan Committee of the S.P.G., 1841, 1861, 1863, 1864. 2. Notes by the Secretary of Visits to the Missions of Barripur, Tallygunge, Howrah, and Tamlook, 1841, 3. Calcutta Diocesan Vernacular Committee, S.P.C.K., 1862. 4. Bombay Diocesan Committee of the S.P.G., 1860, 1861, 1862. B, 3. — Protestant Missionaries, — Proceedings of a General Conference held at Calcutta, September 4-7, 1855. Calcutta, i^^$. Svo. C, 6. — See Education in — . See Elgin. See Famine Aspects. See Indigo Cultivation in — . See under Missionaries. See Missions in — . See Pioneers. See llents, — Recovery of — . See Rural Life in — . See Voyages made in 1788 and 1789. Bengal and Behar, — Adam's Reports on Ver- nacular Education submitted to Government, for 1835, 1836, and 1838, with a brief review of its Past and Present Condition. J. Long. Calcutta, 1868. Svo, B, 1. Educational Destitution in — , and the London Christian Vernacular Education Society. Calcutta, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 107: B, "3. See Education in — . Bengal and Nortli-West Provinces. See Edu- cation in — . Bengal and Upper India, — Travels of a Hindoo in — . Bholunanth Chunder. London, 1869. 2 vols. Svo. 0, 6. BENGALEE :— , Abridgement of the History of England by Goldsmith and others in — . F. Carey, translator. Serampore, 1820. Svo. D, 3. — , Bakyabolee, or Idiomatical Exercises in Enjilish and — . J, D. Pearson. Calcutta, 1825. D, 2. -, Dictionary in English and — . Rum Comul Sen. Serampore, 1834. 2 vols. 4to. Dx, 1, Language, — Dictionary of the — . W. Carey. Serampore, 1825. 3 vols. 4to. Dx, 2. -, Dictionary of the — ; Abridged from Dr, Carey's Quarto Dictionary. 2nd edition. Serampore, 1840. 2 vols. 4to. D, 3. — Publications. See Sanscrit and — . Sacred Songs ; Words and Music. American Mission. 1855. 12mo. D, 3. Bengalee and English Vocabulary for the use of Students. Mohunpersand Takoor. 2nd edition. Calcutta, 181 5. Svo. D, 3, BENGALI :— , Bible in — . See under Bible. , Gospel of Luke in—. , Gospels and Acts in — . See under Bible, NeAv Testament Portions. — Grammar, — Rudiments of — . G. C. Haugh- ton. London, 1821. Fol. Dx, 2. Language, — Grammar of the — , with a selection of Easy Phrases and Useful Dialogues. D. Forbes. London, 1861. 4to. D, 1, -, Introduction to the — . W. Yates. Edited by J. Wenger. In 2 vols. Vol. i (only). Containing a Grammar, a Reader, Explanatory Notes, Index, and Vocabulary. Calcutta, 1847. Svo. D, 3. Returns of Publications in 1857, with lists of Native Presses and Books Printed, and notice of the past condition and future prospects of the Vernacular Press of Bengal and the Statistics of the Bombay and Madras Vernacular Presses ; being No. 32 of Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government. Calcutta, 1859. Svo. B, 1. New Testament. See under Bible. Romanized. See under Bible. — Participles, — On the use of — . "W. M. Calcutta and Christian Observer, September, 1844. Pam.-Vol. 121a: B, 3. 188 BEJf— BHA BENGALI :— , Pentateuch in — . , Proverbs in — . , Psalms in — . See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. See Christianity Indestructible. See England, — History of — . See Faith and Victory. See Gospel Magazine in English and — . See Harmony of the Pour Gospels. See Hymns for Divine Worship, New Selection. See Pilgrim's Progress. See Story of Creation, etc. See Vedanta Sir. Selections, with Translations andVocabulary. C. G. Haughton. London, 1822. Eol. Cx, 2. Terms. See India, Glossary. -—— Works, — Descriptive Catalogue of — . J. Long. Calcutta, 1855. Pam.-Yol. 122a: B, 3. Bentley (W. H.). Dictionary and Grammar of Kongo Language, as spoken at San Salvador (or Banza), the ancient capital of the old Kongo Empire, West Africa. Zondon, 1887. 8to. H, 6. Berar. Census Ecport for 1881. JJomhay, 1882. Fol. E. J. Kitts. Ex, 2. Berbice, — Journal of the Rev. John Wray, Missionary at — , commencing April 4th, 1824, and closing April 10th, 1837. MS. Also MS. History of the Mission in the Colony, entitled " Fragments of History." Plates. Fol. Ex, 1. Beresford (H. M.). Arabic Syntax, chiefly se- lected from the Hidayut-oon-Nukvi. London, 1843. 4to. Dx, 2. Berkeley (M. J.). On two Tuberform Produc- tions from Travancore : Paper read May 3rd, 1860. 8vo. B, 2. Berlin, — Christian Conference, September, 1857, at — ; Correspondence. A. Duff. Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. " Mission." Pamphlet-Volume N"o. 108. 8vo. Including Reports as follows : — 1. Chota Nagpore Mission. 1863. 2. German Mission in Tirhoot, 1850, 1860, 1861-62, 1862-63. 3. German Mission in Ghazeepore, 1861-62, 1862-63, 1864-65. 4. German Mission in Chuprah, 1860-61, 1862-63. 5. Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Mission in India, first EnS«^ Ethiopic. Translations in India. — Contributions towards a History of — . Calcutta Christian Observer, 1854. Pam.-Vol. 112 : B, 3. Bibliotheca Indica. Collection of Oriental Works, published under the Superintendence of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Edited by Dr. E. Roer. 13 vols., A to M, including: — Vols. (A & B). Brihad Aranyaka TJpanishad, with the Commentary of Sankara Acharya, and the Gloss of Amanda Giri. Edited with translation by E. Roer. Vol. (C). Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundi, Mandukya Upanishads, with Commentary and Translation ; and that of the Tattariya, Aitareya, Svetasvatara, etc., by E. Rder ; with the Aphorisms of Sandilya, edited by J. 11. Ballantyne. 1850, 1853, and 1861. Yol. (D). Division of the Categories of the Nyaya Philosophy, and Translation by E. Roer. Also Sarradarsana Sangraka, or an Epitome of the Different Systems of Indian Philosophy. Also the Taittariya and Aittareya Upanishads, edited by E. Roer. 1850 and 1858. 13 194 BIB— BOC Bibliotheca Indica. Vol. (E). Chaitanya-Chandrodaya, or the Incarnation of Chaitanya, edited by Eajendralal Mittra. Also First Two Lectures of the Sanhita of the Rig Veda, and trans- lation by E. Roer. Also the Kanshitaki- Bramana-TJpanishad, with translation by E. B. Cowell. 1854, 1849, 1 86 1. Vol. (F). TJttara Naishadha Charita, with the Commentary of Narayana. Edited by E. Roer. 1855. Vol. (G). Sankhya-Pravachana-Bhashya, a Commentary on the Aphorisms of the Hindu Atheistic Philosophy, by^Vijnana Bhikshu. Also the Kavyadri^a of Sri Dandin, edited by P. P. Tarkabagisa. 1856 and 1853. Vol. (H). Taittiriya Brahmana of the Black Yajur Veda, with the Commentary of Sayanacharya. Edited by Rajendralala Mittra. Vols, i and ii. 1859 ^^^ 1862. Vol. (I). Vasavadatta, a Romance, by Suban- dhu, edited by F. Hall. Also the Sahitya- Darpana, or Mirror of Composition, edited by E. Roer, and translated by J. R. Ballantyne. 1859 and 1 85 1. Vol. (J). Sanhita of the Black Yajur Veda, with Commentary of Madava Acharya, edited by E. Roer & E. B. Cowell. Vol. i. i860. Vol. (K). Vaiseshika Darsana, with Com- mentary, edited by Pandita Jayanarayana Tarka Panchanana. Also the Translation of the Surya Siddhanta, and of the Siddhanta Siromani by L. Wilkinson. 1861. Vol. (L). Marcandeya Purana, edited by K. M. Banerjea. Also the Nitisara, or the Elements of Polity, edited by Rajendralala Mittra. 1862 and 1861. Vol. (M). Aphorisms of the Vedanta, with Commentary, edited by Pundita Rama Narayana Vidyaratna. Vols, i and ii. 1863. Calcutta, 1849-63. 8vo. C, 1. Bibliotheca Marsdeniana. Philologica et Orien- talis. A Catalogue of Books and MSS., collected with a view to the General Com- parison of Languages and to the Study of Oriental Literature. W. Marsden. London, 1827. 8vo. Cx, 2. Bickley (E. W.). Central African Mission at Urambo and Lake Tanganyika. London, 1894. 8vo. Pam.-VoL 137a: H, 3. Binney (T,). Discourse on Conscientious Clerical ^Nonconformity, April, 1839. Pam.-VoL 138: J, 4. — — Discourse on Dissent, not Schism, Dec, 1834. London. Pam.-Vol. 138 : J, 4. Discourse on Theatrical Amusements, April, 1838. Pam.-Vol. 138: J, 4. Bird (J. L.). Six Months among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. Illustrations. London, 1875. 8vo. F, 2. Birrell (C). Life of the Rev. Richard Knill, of St. Petersburg. "With a Review of his Character by the late J. A. James. 2nd edition. London, 1859. 8vo, J. 4. Bishop. See Madagascar, — Proposed Appoint- ment. Bitten (J. H.). Official Reports on the Province of Kumaon, with a Medical Report on the Mahamunee in Ghurwal in 1849-50. Map. Agra, 1851. 8vo. B, 6. Black Yajur Veda, — Sanhita of the — , with the Commentary of Madhava Acharya. Edited by E. Roer & E. B. Cowell. Vol. i, being Vol. (J) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1S60. 8vo. C, 1. , Taittiriya Brahmana of the — ; with the Commentary of Sayanacharya. Edited by Rajendralala Mittra. Vols, i and ii, being Vol. (H) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1859 and 1862. 8vo. C, 1. Blaikie (W. G.). Personal Life of David Living- stone. Portrait and map. London, 1880. 8vo. H, 2. Bleek (W. H. J.). Report of Researches into the Bushman Language and Customs. May, 1873. Cape Town. Fol. Gx, 1. Reynard the Fox in South Africa, or Hottentot Fables and Tales, chiefly from original MSS. London, 1864. 8vo. H, 1. Bloomfield (M.), translator. Hymns of the Arthava-Veda ; together with Extracts from the Ritual Books and the Commentaries. Being vol. xiii of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1897. C, 2. Blore (L.). Statistics of the Cape Colony. Cape Town, 1871. Pam.-Vol. 137: H, 3. " Blossom." See Voyage to the Pacific. Blossom (Thos.). See South Cave, etc. Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, U.S.A. See Missions, — Spirit of — , Boaz (Mrs.). The Mission Pastor; Memorials of the Rev. T. Boaz, LL.D., twenty-four years missionary in Calcutta. London, 1862. J, 4. Boaz (T.). Twenty-four years Missionary in Calcutta, — Memorials of the liev. — . The Mission Pastor. By his Widow. London, 1862. J. 4. Bochart (S.). Hierozoicon sive bipertitum opus de Animalibus S. Scripturse. llevisura atque correctum ab imrauneris mendis, opera atque studio D. Cloodii. IVankfurli ad Moenum, 1675. Fol. Cx, 1. Bocharto (S.). Geographioe Sacroe, Pars Prior Phaleg seu de Dispersione Gentium Terrariim divisione facta in sedificatione turris Babel. Cadomi, 1646. Fol. Ex, 1. BOD— BOW 195 Boddam-Whetham (J.W.). Western Wanderings, a Record of Truvel in the Evening Land. Illustrated. London, 1874. 8vo. E, 4. Boers. See Kuruman. Bogue (D.). Duty of Christians to seek the Salvation of the Jews. Sermon preached May 15th, 1806. London. Pam.-Yol. 142 : J, 4. Objections [against Foreign Missions] Stated and Considered. Sermon preached September 24th, 1795, London. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. Bogue (D.) & Bennett (J.). History of Dissenters, from the Revolution in 1688 to the year 1808. London, 1808. 4 vols. 8vo. J, 6. Bogue's Theological Lectures, translated into Raratongan by A. Buzacott. E au akoanga no vga Tumu Tuatua i kitea i roto i te Tuatua na te atua. Raratonga, 1857. 8vo. F, 3. Boi ena gnra nanan-om ; Vere ogoda ena wano- wano : Madi. Commandments, Lord's Prayer, and Hymns, in Mairu. Kerepunu. 8vo, F, 6. Bokari de Dj chore; Makota Radja-Radja, ou la Courronne des Rois. Traduit du Malais et annote par Aristide Marre. Paris, 1878. 12mo. C, 6. Bombay Census Report for 1881. J. A. Raines. Bumbag, iSSz. 2 vols. Fol. Ex, 2. City, Census Report for 1881. T. S. Weir. Bombay, 1SS3. Fol. Ex, 2. , Public Instruction, — Report of the Director of — , on the Note of A. Monteath, May 4, 1868. London. Pol. Ex, 2. , Regulations of the Government in force at the end of 1850, with list of the Acts of the Government of India in force in that Presidency. Londoyi, 1851. 4to. Cx, 2. See Missionary Experience. Tract and Book Society, Reports for 1860, 1861, 1862, and 1865. Pam.-Vol. 106 : B, 3. Bombay Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Free Church of Scotland, Report for 1861. Bombay. Pam.-Vol. Ill: B, 3. Bombay Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Jubilee Commemoration, Dec. 21, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 105 : B, 3. , Reports for 1861, 1862, and 1864. Pam.-Vol. 105 : B, 3. Bombay Diocesan Committee of the S.P.G., Reports for 1860, 1861, and 1862. Pam.-Vol. 110: B, 3. Bonar (A. A.). See Visitors' Book of Texts. Bonar (A. R.). Incidents of Missionary Enter- prise ; Illustrative of the Progress of Christianity in Heathen Countries, and of the Researches, Sufferings, and Adventures of Missionaries. Illustrations. London, 1847. 8to. J, 3. Bonar (H.). See God's Way of Peace. Bond (A.). Memoir of the Rev. P. Fish, Missionary to Palestine, from the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Edinburgh, 1828. 12mo. B, 4. Bonwiek (J.). Pyramid Facts and Fancies. Lo7idon, iSjj. 8vo. H, 5. Bonyana yoa Lopobo. " Childhood of the World," by E. Clodd, in Sechwana. R. Price. Kuruman, 1885. H, 6. Book and its Missions, past and present, — The — . L. N. Ranyard. London, 1856 & 1857. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. J, 2. Book of Common Prayer. See under New Zealand. Borneo. See Malay Tongue. Bornu or Kanuri Language, — Grammar of the — . 'S. W. Koelle. London, \%^\. 8vo. H, 6. Borthwick (J. B.). Hindee Moral Preceptor ; or Rudimental Principles of Persian Grammar, as the Hindoostanee Scholar's Shortest Road to the Persian Language, or vice versd. 2nd edition. London, 1821. 4to. D, 4. Berwick (J.). Last of the Tasraanians, or the Black War of Van Diemen's Land. Maps and engravings. London, 1870. 8vo. E, 3. Bosjesmans. See under Africa, — South — . Botany Bay, Port Jackson, and Norfolk Island. See Voyage of Governor Phillips. Botha, Andries, Kat River Settlement — , Trial for High Treason in the Supreme Court of the Colony, May 12th, 1852, and subsequent days. Cape Town, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. Also see under Cape of Good Hope. Bottomley (S.). The Advantages of Patience. Sermon preached May 1 1th, 1803. London. Pam.-Vol. 142 : J, 4. Boulainvilliers (Count), — translated from the French of — , Life of Mahomet; in three books. 2nd edition. London, 1"]^-^. 8vo. C, 6. Bourbon. See Slave Trade at the Mauritius. Bourdillon (J. A.). Census Report for Bengal. Calcutta, \%?>i. Fol. 3 vols. Ex, 1. Bourgainville (L. de), — Voyage Round the World, 1766-69, by—. Translated from the French by J. R. Foster. Map». London, 1772. 4to. Fx, 1. Bower (H.). Biblical and Theological Dictionary in Tamil. Madras. 8vo. D, 4. Vocabulary, English and Tamil, Systemati- cally Arranged to advance the learner in Scientific as well as Verbal Knowledge. Madras, 1852. 8vo. D, 4. 196 BOW— BRO Bowley (W.). Hymns in Hinduwee for the use of Native Christians. Calcutta, 1826. D, 6. Bowrey's Dictionary, — Compiled from— ; a Grammar of the Malay tongue, as spoken in Malacca, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Pulo Piuang, etc., etc. Map. London, 1800. Fol. Dx, 2. Bowring (L. B.). Eastern Experiences. London, 1871. B. 2. Boyce (W. B.). Grammar of the Eiaffir Language. 3rd edition, augmented by W. J". Davis. London, 1863. 8vo. H, 6. — Notes on South African Affairs. London, 1839. 8vo. H, 1. See Missionary "World (Preface). Bradley (J.). God's Covenant the Believer's Plea. Sermon preached May 14th, 1806. London. Pam.-Vol. 142 : J, 4. Brahmaha. See Prakrita-Prakasa. Brahmans, — Schism among the — . Calcutta Christian Observer, January, 1845. Pam.-Yol. 122: B, 3. See Sanskrit Literature. Brahmism. See Vedantism. Brahmo Somaj and other Eclectic Systems of lleligion in India. See Religious lleform. Braidwood (J.). True Yoke-Fellows in the Mission Field. Life and Labours of the Revs. J. Anderson & R. Johnston, traced in the rise and development of the Madias Free Church Mission. London, 1862. 8vo. CC, 1. Brainherd (David), Missionary of the S.P.C.K., — Account of the Life of — . Jonathan Edwards With Mr. Beatty's Mission to the Westward of the Allegheny Mountains. London, ijqS. E,3. Bread Fruit. See Mangostan and the — . Brett (W. H.). Indian Tribes of Guiana, their condition and habits, etc. London, 1868. 8vo. E, 3. Brewer (J.). The Accomplishment of Divine Predictions. Sermon preached May 10th, 1798. London. Pam.-Vol. 140 : J, 4. Brewin (W.). See Jamaica in 1866. Brice (N.). Hindustani and English Dictionary, Romanized. New edition. London, 1864. 8vo. D, 6. Brihad Aranyaka TJpanishad, with the Com- mentary of Sankara Acharya, and the Gloss of A'nanda Giri. Edited with translation by E. Roer. Being Vols. (A) and (B) of Biblic- theca Indica. Calcutta, iS^g. 2 vols. 8vo. C, 1. Brihadaranyaka. See TJpanishads. Brihaspati. See Minor Law Books. BRITISH :— Central Africa. See under Africa. Central — . — Colonial Library. R. M. Martin; in- cluding : — Vol. i, Canada; Vol. ii, Austral Asia; Vol. iii, {wanting) ; Vols, iv and v. West Indies; Vol. vi, Nova Scotia, etc. ; Vol. vii, {wanting) ; Vols, viii and ix, East India Company; Vol. x, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. 2nd edition. 8 vols. Zom(?o«, 1836-38. E, 3. — Colonies, their History, Extent, Condition, and Resources. M. Martin. London, 1849. G vols, in 3. 8vo. E, 1. — Commerce, and the Economic Progress of the British Nation, — History of — . Leone Levi. London, 1872. 8vo. E, 2. — Conquests. See India, — Continental — . Guiana, Directory and Almanack for 1867. Bemarara. 12mo. E, 4. . See Coolie, — The — . Institutions, Religious, Benevolent, and Charitable. See Calcutta and its Vicinity. — Patronage and Support of Idolatry and the Superstitions of Heathenism, — Speech of John Poynder, at a Court of ttie East India Company, December 21st, 1836, concerning the letter of the Court of February 20th, 1833, which ordered the withdrawal of — . London, 1837. 8vo. C, 6. — Possessions in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, — History of the — ; comprising Ceylon, Penang, Malacca, Singapore, the Falkland Islands, St. Helena, Ascension, Sierra Leone, the Gambler, Cape Coast Castle, etc., etc. R. M. Martin. Being vol. x of the British and Colonial Library. London, 1837. 8vo. E, 3. Eule. See Africa, — South — . See under India. Settlements; Select Committee on Abori- gines. No. 12, August 31st, 1835. Nos. 1-14, 19, 22-25, 1836. P.PP. London. Fol. Also Report of Committee, June 26th, 1837. P.P. London. Fol. Gx, 1. Settlers. See Africa, — South-Eastem — . Broadbent (S.). Narrative of the first intro- duction of Christianity amongst the Baralong Tribe of Bechuauus, South Africa. London, 1865. 8vo. H, 4. Brodbelt (G. C). Prophecy of the Extension of the Church. Seimon preached May 10th, 1799. London. Pam. -Vols. 140 and 142 : J, 4. Brooks (H.). Natal ; History and Description of the Colony. Edited by R. J. Mann. Maps and illustrations. London, 1876. 8vo. H, 2. BRO— BUD 197 Brown (C. P.). Dictionary, Telugu and English, explaining the Colloquial Style used in business, and the Poetical Dialect. Madras, 1852, 4to. D. 1. Disputations on Village Business, translated into English from the originals in the Telugu Language. Madras, 1855. 8vo. D, 4. — Popular Tales, by Tatachari, in Telugu. Madras, 1855. 8vo. D, 4. Verses of Vemana, moral, religious, and satirical. Telugu text and translation. Madras, 1875. 4to. D, 1. Brown (J.), {of St. Allans). English and Persian Vocabulary. MS. Roman Characters, with specimens of writing by a Native. Also a Persian Grammar. MS. Boman Characters. 181 1. Eol. Dx, 1. Brown (J. C). Hydrology of South Africa ; or Details of the former Hydrographic Condition of the Cape of Good Hope, and of the Causes of its Present Aridity, etc. Compiled by J. C. Brown. London, 1875. 8vo. H, 1. Brown (J. T.). Arithmetic in Bechwana (Sechwana). Aritheimtike he go re Lokuoato lo lo Rutan Dipat6. Kuruman, 1892. 8vo. H, 6. Brown (W.). History of the Propagation of Christianity among the Heathen since the Reformation. London, 1854. 3 vols. 8vo. Also 3rd edition, brought down to a recent date. London. 3 vols. 8vo. J, 1. Browne (G.). History of the British and Foreign Bible Society, from its Institution in 1804 to the close of its Jubilee in 1854. London, 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. J, 1. Brown's Catecliism in Malay. Malacca, 1824. 12mo. D, 6. Bruce (J.). Travels between 1765 and 1773, to discover the Source of the Nile, through part of Africa, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia, into Abyssinia. Plates. London, \%i2. 8vo. H, 1. Also 3rd edition, with life of the Author. Edinburgh, 1813. 7 vols. 8vo. H, 3. Also vol. viii. Plates and maps. Edinburgh, 1813. 4to. Hx, 1. Brue (A. H.). Carte physique et politique de I'Afrique. Mounted in case. Paris, 1838. H, 1. Buchanan (C). Colonial Ecclesiastical Establish- ment, being a brief view of the Colonies of Great Britain, and of her Asiatic Empire, in respect to Religious Instruction, with a sketch of an Ecclesiastical Establishment for British India, humbly submitted for the consideration of the Imperial Parliament, London, 18 13. 8vo. C, 6. Buchanan (C). Memoir on the Expediency of an Ecclesiastical Establishment for British India ; both as a means of Perpetuating the Christian Religion among our own countrymen, and as a foundation for the TJltiinate Civilization of the natives. London, 1805. 4to. B, 1. ^/so 2nd edition. London, 1812. 8vo. C, 5. Star in the East, Sermon preached Feb., 1869. London. Pam.-Vol. 125a : B, 3. Buchanan (J.). Shire Highlands, East Central Africa, as Colony and Mission. Edinburgh, 1885. 8vo. H, 4. Budden (J. H.). Alleged Failure of Indian Mis- sions. Sermon preached at Nynee Tal. Luclcnow, 1878. 18mo. CC, 1. Dharmadharmparikshapatr : Letters dis- cussing Religion and Irreligion, in Hindi. 3rd edition. London, 1861. 8vo. D, 3. Matpariksha ; Examination of Religion. Hindi. 3rd edition. London, 1861. 8vo. D, 3. Muktimala ; the Necklace of Salvation and its Twelve Jewels. Hindi. 3rd edition. London, 1 86 1. 8vo. D, 3. Mumukshu Brittant ; the Seeker of Sal- vation, or the History of a Hindu Pilgrim. Hindi. London, 1861. 8vo. D, 3. Tulu i Aflah i Saddquat. The Rise of the Sun of Righteousness, or the Historical Proof of Christianity. Hindustani. London, 1 86 1. 8vo. D, 2. Buddha, — Gotama — . See Monachism, — Eastern — . Buddha-Karita of Asvagosha. See Buddhist Mahayana Texts. Buddhism Illustrated from Siamese Sources. See Wheel of the Law. in its Connection with Brahmanism and Hinduism, and in its Contrast with Christianity. Sir M. Monier- Williams. London, iS8g. 8vo. C, 3. Buddhist Birth Stories; or Jataka Tales; the oldest collection of Folklore extant. V. FausboU. Translated by T. W. Rhys Davids. Vol. i. London, 1880. 8vo. B, 2. — r Mahayana Texts. Part i, Buddha-Karita of Asvagosha, translated from the Sanscrit by E. B. Cowell ; Part ii, Larger Sukhavati- Vyuha, Smaller Sukhavati-Vyuha, Vagrakkhe- dika, Larger Pragiia-Paramita-Hridaya-Sutra, Smaller Pragiia - Paramita - Hridaya - Siitra, translated by F. Max Miiller ; and Amitayur- Dhyana - Sutra, translated by J. Takakusu : being vol. xlix of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1894. 8vo. C, 2. — Period. See Trident, Crescent, and Cross. 198 BUD— BUS Buddhist Euins at Bakarya Kund, Benares, — Description of — . M. A. Sherring & C. Home. 1864. Journal of Asiatic Societij, Bengal. Pam.-Yol. 117 : B, 3. Suttas ; translated from Pali, by T. W. Bhys Davids, including : — 1 , Maha-Parinibbana Suttanta : 2, Dbamma- Kakka-Ppavattana Sutta: 3, Tevigga Suttanta: 4, Akankheyya Sutta : 5, Ketokldla Sutta : 6, Maba-Sudassana Suttanta: 7, Sabbasava Sutta: Being vol. xi of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1 88 1. 8vo. C, 1. Bugis. See Kumaclina. See Latimakau. Btlliler (Georg), translator. Laws of Manu ; with extracts from seven commentaries. Being vol. XXV of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1886. 8vo. C, 2. translator. Sacred Laws of the Aryas, as taught in the Schools of Apastamba, Gautama, Vasishtha, and Bandhayana. Part i, Apastamba and Gautama : Part ii, Vasishtha and Bandhayana : being vols, ii and xiv of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1879 and 1882. 8vo. C, I. Buka Aiai ; Reading-Book, with Chapters from the Gospels, in Keapara. Kerepunu. Bvo. F, 6. Buha ea Lipsalem tsa Davida, Jchosi le moperofeti mo Yeserelen ; e e Metolecoen mo puon ea Secuana. The Psalms in Sechuana. London, 1 84 1. 12mo. H, 6. Bulta Simine i faaau Hia e te mau orometua. Hymnbook in Tahitian. London, 1852. 32mo. Also London, 1882, 32mo, F, 6. Buka Lualua aloalo aia. Second Schoolbook, in the Dialect of Hula, Hood Bay, Now Guinea. Sydney, 1881. Bvo. F, 5. Buka Lualua levaleva tuahia adipaia. Second Schoolbook, in Port Moresby Dialect. Sydney, 1 88 1. 12mo. F, '6. Buke Ilimeni JLaioaii i Llooponoponoia, — Ka — . New York, 1872. 32mo. F, 6. BuUoms. See Africa, — "Western — . Bundahis. See Pahlavi Texts. Burder (G.). Charge delivered at the Ordination of J. Jerard, Oct. 21th, 1842. London. Pam.-Vol. 142: J, 4. -, Secretary of the London Mission aiy Society, — Memoir. H. F. Burder. London, 1833. 8vo. J, 4. — Sermon on Jonah's Mission, Sept. 22nd, 1795. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. — Welch Indians ; or a collection of papers respecting a people whose ancestors emigrated from Wales to America, in the year 1 1 70, with Prince Madoc, 300 years before the first voyage of Columbus. London, i-jgj. Bvo. E, 3. Burder (H. F.). Memoir of the Rev. George Burder, Secretary of the London Missionary Society. London, 1833. Bvo. J, 4. Burma, — British — , Census Report for 1881. Rangoon, 1881. Fol. Ex, 2. " Burmah." Pamphlet-Volume No. 124. 12mo. Including: — 1. Prospectus of the Bassein Karen Normal and Industrial Institute, etc. Rangoon, 1861. 2. Letters of several Missionaries addressed to the Executive Committee. Maulmain, 1854. 3. Fourth Annual Report of the Rangoon Burmese Missionary Society. Rangoon, 1863. 4. Fifth Annual Report of ditto. 1864. 5. Opinions of the Press on " The Gospel in Burmah," by Mrs. Macleod Wylie. 6. Caste, in the Island of Ceylon. Boston, 1852. B, 3. Burmah, — Gospel in — . Mrs. Macleod Wylie. 2nd thousand. London, iS$q. Bvo. B, 6. Also Opinions of the Press on — . Pam.-Vol. 124 : B, 3. See McLeod and Richardson's Journeys. See Statistical Tables of Protestant Mis- Burmah Bible and Tract Society, Report for 1863. Rangoon. Pam.-Vols. 106 and 118: B, 3. Burman Language, — Grammar of the — . F. Carey. Serampore, 18 14. 8vo. D, 4. See Vocabulary, — English and — . Burning of Females on the Funeral Piles of their Husbands, — Papers respecting — , received since July 10th, 1821. Ahe Papers received since March 23rd, 1823. Also Papers received since June 16th, 1824 ; July 5th, 1825. Also Correspondence since July 5th, 1825, with a detailed statement of the Number of Suttees since 1823. May 17th, 1827. Pam.-Vol. 129 : Cx, L See Hindoo Widows. Burns (B,.). Sermon for the London Missionary Society, May, 1834. Pam.-Vol. 138 : J, 4. Burton (R. F.). Sindh, and the Races that in- habit the Valley of the Indus. London, 1851. Bvo. B, 2. Zanzibar ; City, Island, and Coast. Map and illustrations. London, 1872. 2 vols. Bvo. H, 3. Busa Muganei, — Ta — . First Schoolbook, in East Cape Dialect, New Guinea. Sydney. Bvo. F, 5. Bushman Folk-Lore, etc., — Britf Account of — . W. H. I. Bleek. P.P. London Sf Cape Town, 1875. Fol. Gx, 1. Language and Customs, — Report by Dr. Bleek of Researches into the — . May, 1873. P.P. Cape Town. Fol. Gx, 1. BUT— CAL 199 Butterick (D.). See 'Toreign Missions." Pam.-Vol. 145: J, 4. Buxton (C), editor. Memoirs of Sir T. Powell Buxton, Bart. 2nd edition. Zow«?ow, 1849. 8vo. G, 1. Buxton (T. Powell). African Slave Trade. London, 1839. 8vo. Also London, 1840. 8vo. H, 1. , Memoirs of — , by his son, C. Euxton. 2nd edition. Zowiow, 1849. 8vo. G, 1. , Preface by — . See Congo and Surrounding Countries (1591). Buxtorf. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. Basilea, 1663. 8vo. E, 6. Buyers (W.). Letters on India, with special reference to the Spread of Christianity. London, 1840. 12 mo. C, 6. Recollections of Northern India. London, 1848. 8vo. B, 2. Buzacott (A.), translator. Bogue's Theological Lectures, in Raratongan. E au ahoanga no uga^ Tumu Tuatua i kilea i roto i te Tuatua na te atua. Raratonga, 1857. 8vo. F, 3. Commentary on Leviticus, in Raratongan. E aite auga no te Levitiku. Raratonga, 1856. 18mo. F, 3. Mission Life in the Islands of the Pacific ; with preface by Henry AUori. London, 1866. 8vo. F, 6. Raratongan and English Grammar. Akataha reoRaratonga, — Te — . Raratonga, 1854. 12mo. F, 5. Buzacott (Mrs. & Miss). Mrs. Henderson's Scrip- ture Lessons in Raratongan. IE tuatua ui i te tuatua no to tatou alu, i tataia e Mataio. Raratonga, 1856. 2 vols. 12mo. F, 6. C. Cabul, and its Dependencies in Russia, Tartary, and India, — Account of the Kingdom of — . London, 1815. 4to. Cx, 1. Cachet (F. L.). Een Jaar op Reis in Dienst Der Zending. Amsterdam, 1896. B, 4. Caffre "War, and the Death of Hintza, — Des- patches concerning the — . March 10th, 1886. P.P. London. Fol. Gx, 2. See under Cape of Good Hope. Caine (W. S.). Picturesque India. Illustrated. London Sf New York, 1890. 8vo. B, 2. CALCUTTA :— and its Vicinity, — Brief History of the Cyclone at — . October 5th, 1864. Calcutta, 1865. B, I. , History, Design, and Present State of the Religious, Benevolent, and Charitable Institutions founded by the British. C. Lushiugton. Calcutta, 1824. 8vo. B, \. CALCUTTA :— Auxiliary Bible Society. Reports 1843-64. Also Reports of the Calcutta Christian Tract and Book Society, 1853 and 1857. Calcutta. 2 vols. 8vo. B, 5. Baptist Missionaries. Four Gospels and Acts in Hindustani. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. New Selection of Hvmns for Divine Worship in Bengal [i]. Calcutta, 1846. 8vo. D, 6. New Testament in Bengali. New Testament in Hindustani. See under Bible. - Proverbs of Solomon in Bengali. - Psalms of David in Bengali. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Charge to the Clergy of—. G. E. L. Cotton. 1863. Pam.-VoL 117: B, 3. Christian Observer. Calcutta, 1832-64. 33 vols. 8vo. BB, 2 & 3. — Christian Tract and Book Society. Reports 1857-65. Calcutta. 8vo. B, 5. — " Church Missionary Society, — Reports of the-." Pamphlet-Volume No. 109. 8vo. Including: — 1-2. Reports of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee of the Church Missionary Society for the years 1855, 1856-57. Calcutta. 3-4. Reports of the Umritsur Branch of the Punjab Mission of the Church Missionary Society, 1859-61, 1857-58. Lahore. 5-8. Reports of the Agra Church Missionary Association for the years 1864, 1863, 1862, 1861. Agra. 9-10. Reports of the Kangra Mission of the C.M.S., 1858 to 1863, and 1854 to 1858. 11-12. Reports of the Church Missionary Association, Lucknow, 1858 to 1860, and 1861-62. Lahore. 13. Report of the Mooltan Mission of the Church Missionary Society, 1856 to 1860. Lahore. 14. Report of the Church Missionary Association, Jubbulpore, for 1861. Bombay. B, 3. — Corresponding Committee of the Church Missionary Society. Reports for 1855 and 1856-57. Calcutta. Pam.-Vol. 109 : B, 3. Also Reports 1858-61, 1863, and 1864. Calcutta. 8vo. B, 5. Diocesan Committee of the S.P.G. Reports for 1841, 1861. 1863, and 1864. Pam.-VoL 110: B, 3. — Diocesan Vernacular Committee of the S.P.G. Report for 1862. Pam.-Vol. 110: B, 3. Gazette. July 8th, 1784, to July 7th, 1785. 4to. Cx, 1. 200 CAL CALCUTTA:— Gazettes, 1784-97 ; Selections showing the Political and Social Condition of the English in India seventy years ago. W. S. Seton-Karr. Calcutta, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo, B, 1. Girls' School, Report for 1864. Pam.-Yol. Ill: B, 3. Missionaries, — Case of the Cultivators of Bengal and Petition of the — . Pam.-Yol. 118: B, 3. Missionary Conference. See Native Agents. — "Pamphlets." Pamphlet-Volume No. 117. 8vo. Including: — 1. Charge to the Clergy of Calcutta. G. E. L. Cotton. Calcutta, 1863. 2. Pastoral Letter to the Clergy of Calcutta on the Kemarriage of Converts Bill. G. E. L. Cotton. Calcutta, 1865. 3. India Three Thousand Years Ago. J. Wilson. Bombay, 1858. 4. Benares and its Antiquities. Lecture by M. A. Sherring. Bena/res, 1863. 5. Benares, Past and Present. Calcutta Review. Calcutta, 1865. 6. Description of Buddhist Ruins at Bakariya Kund, Benares. M. A. Sherring & C. Home. 1864. Journal Aiiatic Society, Bengal. 7. Journal of Missionary Tours, 1861-62. M. A. Sherring. Mirzapore, 1862. 8. Ordination of Three Native Preachers, Calcutta, March 20th, 1862 (?). 9. Funeral Sermon for Mrs. Mullens. E. Storrow. Calcutta, 1861. 10. Funeral Sermon for the late G. C. Hay. E. Storrow. Calcutta, 1865. 11. Col. Baird Smith's Famine Report, 1861. By Authority. Bombay, 1861. B, 3. — "Pamphlets." Pamphlet-Volume No. 118. 8vo. Including: — 1. Postal Guide. F. J. Jordan. Calcutta, 1864. 2. Tent, Barrack, and Bazaar. T. G. Gaster. Simla, 1 86 1. 3. Second Report of the Native Christian Family Fund for 1861. Calcutta, 1862. 4. Account of a Journey from Calcutta to Assam, and residence there. 5. Letter to the Earl of Elgin, on the Rent Question in Bengal. J. Murdoch. Calcutta, 1863. 6. Missionaries and the Government of Bengal. Calcutta Christian Observer, April, 1862. 7. Five hundred questions on subjects requiring investigation in the Social Condition of the Natives. Calcutta, 1862. 8. Case of the Cultivators of Bengal. Petition of Calcutta Missionaries, and Appendix. 9. Sir Maudaunt Wells' Judgment in the case of Hema Nath Bose. Calcutta Missionary Conference. Calcutta, 1863. CALCUTTA :— 10. Conference of Missionaries of the London Missionary Society in North India. Calcutta, 1864. 11. Minutes of a Council held in Toungoo, Oct., 1863. 12. Second Annual Report of the Burmah Bible and Tract Society. Rangoon, 1863. 13. Study of Sanscrit in Relation to Missionary Work in India. Monier Williams. London, 1861. B, 3. , Pastoral Letter to the Clergy of — , on the Remarriage of Converts Bill. G. E. L. Cotton. Calcutta, 1865. Pam.-Vol. 117 : B, 3. — , Petition of Inhabitants for the Recall of the Governor General. See Hindoo or Mahometan Shrines. — , Proceedings of Conference of the Mission- aries of the London Missionary Society in North India, held in — , November 20th to 26th, 1863. Calcutta, i%6^. C, 6. ■of General Conference of Bengal Protestant Missionaries, held September 4-7, 1855, held at— . 1855. 8vo. C, 6. — Review, 1844-57, 1859-61. Serampore. 32 vols. 8vo. ( ?Fa?«^«W vols, xxx-xxxii.) BB, 2. — See Missionaries, — Proceedings. — See Ordination of Three Native Preachers. — to Assam, — Account of a Journey from — , and Residence there. Pam.-Vol. 118: B, 3. Town and Suburbs, Census Report for 1881. H. Beverley. Calcutta, 1881. Fol. Ex, 2. — University Calendar, 1860-61 to 1864-65. Calcutta. 5 vols. 8vo. B, 6. Minutes, 1857 to 1864 and 1867-68. Calcutta. 8 vols. 8vo. B, 6. Caldwell (R.). Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian, or South Indian, Family of Languages. London, 1856. 8vo. B, 2. Caliphate, — Annals of the Early — . W. Muir. Map. London, 1883. 8vo. C, 3. , its Rise, Decline, and Fall. W. Muir. London, 1891. 8vo. C, 3. Callaway (J.), translator. Yakkun Nattannawa. A Cingalese poem, descriptive of the Ceylon System of Demonology ; and Kolan Nattannawa, descriptive of the Characters Assumed by Natives of Ceylon in a Masquerade. Plates. London, 1829. 8vo. B, 1. Calvert (J.). Fiji and the Fijians ; Missionary History. Edited by S. Rowe. Illustrations. London, 1858. 8vo. F, 2. Missionary Labours among Cannibals. See Fiji and the Fijians. CAL— CAN 201 Calvinistic Methodists, — History, Eules of Discipline, and Confession of Faith of the — . 2nd. edition. Chester Sf London, 1834. Pam.-Yol. 144 : J, 4. Cambridge. See Missionary Address. Cameron (V. L.). Across Africa. London, iSj-j. 2 vols. 8vo. G, 1. Campbell (A. B.). Indian Missions ; their modes of operation ; a letter. Edinburgh, 1861. Pam.-Vol. Ill : B,. 3. Campbell (A. D.). Dictionary of the Teloogoo Language. Madras, 1821. 4to. Dx, 1. Grammar of the Teloogoo Language. Madras, 1816. 4to. D, 4. ^ /so 2nd edition. Madras, 1820. 4to. Dx, 1. Campbell (P.). A Tear in the New Hebridees, Loyalty Islands, and New Caledonia. Illus- trated. Geelong Sf Melbourne, 1^11. 8vo. F, 2. Campbell (J.), — Life, Times, and Missionary Enterprises of the Kev. — . K. Philip. London, 1841. 8vo. H, 4. • Maritime Discovery and Christian Missions, considered in their mutual relations. En- gravings. London, 1840. Svo. J, 1. — Martyr of Erromanga, or the Philosophy of Missions illustrated from the labours, death, and character of the late John Williams. 1842. 12mo. F, 2. — Personal Narrative of Thirteen Years' Service for the Suppression of Human Sacrifices amongst the Wild Tribes of Khondistan. London, 1864. Svo. C, 5. Travels in South Africa ; Narrative of a Second Journey, undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society. Map and coloured prints. London, 1822. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. H, 1. Travels Undertaken at the Request of the [London] Missionary in South Africa. London, 1815. Svo. H, 1. Campbell (W.). British India in its relation to the Decline of Hindooism and the Progress of Christianity. 2ud thousand. London, 1858. Svo. C, 3. Theology addressed to Hindus ; a series of Discourses in Canarese. Bellary, 1830. Svo. D, 5. Canada, — History, Statistics, and Geography of Upper and Lower — . Being vol. i of the British Colonial Library. H. M. Martin. 2nd edition. London, 1838. Svo. E, 3. , See Indian Nations of — . Canada, Upper, — Short Topographical Description of His Majesty's Province of — . London, 1799. Svo. E, 3. Canadian Pastor. See Inglis, — Rev. W. — . Canara. See German Mission. CANARESE :— and English Dictionary. W. Reeve. Revised and enlarged by D. Sanderson, Bangalore, 1858. D, 5. -, Dialogues in — , by Shrinivasiah ; with English Translation by R. G. Hodson, revised by D. Sanderson. Interleaved. Bangalore, 1857. ISmo. D, 6. — , Genesis in — . See under Bible, Old Testa- ment J'ortions. — , Gospels in — . See under Bible, New Testa- ment Portions. — Grammar, — Tables of — . B. Graeter. Man- galore, 1884. D, 2. — Language,— Elementary Grammar of the Kannada or — . T. Hodson. 2nd edition. Bangalore, 1864. D, 5. -, Practical Key to the — . F. Zeigler. Mangalore, 1882. 12mo. D, 5. -, Luke in — . See under Bible, New Testa- ment Portions. -, Matthew in — . See under Bible, New Testament Portions. — , New Testament in — . See under Bible. — , Pentateuch in — . See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. — Primer. John Sham Rao. Bangalore, 1854. Svo. D, 5. Psalms in- See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. — See Arunodaya. — See under Bhagavat-Geeta. — See Bible. — See Bible, — Epitome of the — . — See Carnataca. — See English Language. — See Katha Mangari, or Bunch of Stories. — See Katha Sangraha. — See Kurnata. — See Pancha Tantra. — See under Pilgrim's Progress. — See under Scripture History. — ■ See Theology addressed to Hindus. Candlish,— Letter to Dr. — , by R. Anderson. Boston, 1862. Pam.-Vol. 104: B, 3. Canmlwyddiant Cymdeithas Genhadol Llundain 1895, ci Hanes a'i Gwaith. London, 1895. Svo. J, 6. 202 CAN— CAP Canoe and Dog-train among the Cree and Salteaux Indians. E, R, Young. London Missionaiy Society's Edition. Illustrated. London, 1892. 8vo. E. 5. Cantiques Chretiens, — Choix de — ; avec des Cantiques a 1' usage des Enfana Frangais et Anglais. Maurice, 1838. ISmo. H, 5. Canton, See Yoyage from New South Wales to—. Cap de Bonne-Esperance. See Yoyage d'Explora- tion au Nord-est. Cape Breton. See Nova Scotia, etc. Cape Coast Castle. See British Possessions. Cape Colony, — Journal of the Bishop's Yisitation Tour, in 1848, through — ; with an account of a visit to the Island of St. Helena in 1849, and a map. London, 1849. 8vo. ui/«o Tour in 1850. London, i^s^i. 8vo. H, 6. See Africa, — Austral — , under Africa, — South—. See Africa, — South—, Handbook. See Bechuanas. , Statistics of the — . L. Blore. Cape Town, 1 87 1. Pam.-Yol. 137 : H, 3. Cape Monthly Magazine. Imperfect ; including : Yol. i, No. 4 ; Yol. vi, No. 33 ; Yol. vii, Nos. 39-41; Yol. viii. No. 44; Yol. ix, N08. 49, 52-54 ; Yol. x. No. 60 ; Yol. xi, Nos. 61-63 ; Yol. xii, Nos. 69-71 ; Yol. xiii, Nos. 73, 74, 76, 77. Cape Town, 1857-76. Svo. Case. H, 5. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE:— , Aboriginal Tribes, — Inquiry into the Justice and Expediency of completing the Publication of the Authentic Records of the Colony relative to the — . Cape of Good Hope, 1 841. Hx, 2. , Account of — . Containing an Historical Yiew of its Original Settlement by the Dutch, its capture by the British in 1795, etc., etc. E. Percival. London, 1 804. 4to. Hx, 2. Caffre "War and the Death of Hintza, — Despatches Relative to the — . London, 1836. Fol. Hx, 2. Commercial Directory and General Business Guide. Cape Town, 1868. 8vo. H, 6. Education Acts in force in 1879, — Report of Commission to Enquire and Report upon the working of the — . Cape Town, i%^o. 8vo. Hx, 2. — , Educational System of the Colony, — Report of Commission to Inquire and Report upon the Government — . Cape Town, 1863. 8vo. Hx, 2. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE :— , History of the Colony, from 1820 to 1868. J. C. Chase. London, i86g. Svo. H, 5. , History, Productions, and Resources of the — . Official Handbook. Illustrations. J.Noble. Cape Town, ii2,b. 8vo. H, 2. Hydrology of South Africa; or details of the Former Hydrographic Condition, and of the causes of the Present Aridity of the — . Compiled by J. C. Brown. London, 1875. 8vo. H, 1. — , Letter to the Directors of the London Missionary Society, on the Present State of their Institutions in the Colony of the — . John Philip. Cape Town, 1848. Svo. Pam.-Yol. 137a : H, 3. -, Master and Servant, — Documents on. the Working of the Order in Council of July 21st, 1846, respecting — . P.P. Cape Town, 1^4^.^. Fol. Gx, 1. — , Missionary Institutions,— Message from tbe Governor concerning certain — . July 24th, 1871. P.P. Cape Town. Fol. Gx, 1. -, Missionary Institutions Bill,— Report of Select Committee on the — . Cape Town, 1872. 8vo. Hx, 2. — Native Affairs, — Blue Books on — . Cape Town, 1874-79 and 1882. 2 vols. Gx, 1. , Proceedings and Evidence taken by the Commission on — . Orahamstown, 1865. 8vo. Hx, 2. Native Laws and Customs, — Report and Proceedings of the Government Commission on — . January, 1883. P.P. Cape Town, 1883. Fol. Gx, 1. — See Africa, South, delineated. — See Africa, South, Journal of a Yisit. — See Africa, Southern, Wild Sports of — . — , Settling or Squatting upon Government Lands, — Committee on — . December 19th, 1851. P.P. Cape Town. Fol. Gx, 1. — , Slavery at the — . 1 83 1. Svo. W. Wright. London, H, 1. , Trial of Andries Botha, Kat River Settle- ment, for High Treason, in the Supreme Court of the Colony of the — . Cape Town, 1852. Svo. H, 1. , Trials of Stockenstrom v. Campbell, Feb. 28th, 1838, and Moodie v. Fairbairn, May 16th, 1837, — Reports of — . Cape Town, 1838. 4to. Hx, 2. Cape Town ; Estimate of Revenue and Ex- penditure for the year ending June 30th, 1878. 1877. Fol. Gx, 1. Schools, — Reports on the Inspection of — . March to June, 1869. P.P. Cape Town. Fol. Aho 1874. Cape Town. Fol. Gx, 1. CAP— CAT 203 Captured Missionary. See under Missionary. Carey, Marshman, and Ward,— Life and Times of — ; embracing the History of the Serampore Mission. J. C. Marshman. London, 1859, 2 vols. 8vo. CC, 1. Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary, Professor of Sanscrit, Bengali, and Marathi in the College of Fort William, Calcutta. G. Smith. Portrait and Illustrations, London, \%?iS- 8vo. CC, 1. Carey (E.). Memoir of William Carey. 1836. 8vo. ..i^so 2nd edition. 1837. 8vo. CC, 1. Carey (F.), translator. Abridgement of the History of England by Goldsmith and others. In Bengali. Serampore, 1820. Bvo. D, 3. Grammar of Serampore, 18 14 — New Testament in Bengali. the Burman Language. Bvo. D, 4. 8vo. D. 3. , translator. Yyuvuchcheda Vidya, or the Science of Anatomy, in Bengali. Translated from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Seram- pore, 1820. 8vo. D, 3. Carey (W.), translator. Bible in Bengali. Part i, Genesis to Deuteronomy. Serampore, 1861. 2 vols. 8vo. D( 3. Dictionary of the Bengalese Language. Serampore, 1825. 3 vols. 4to. Dx, 2. Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians for the Conversion of the Heathens. Leicester, 1792. Pam.-Vol. 141 : J, 4. Also Reprinted in facsimile from the edition of 1792 ; with an Introduction entitled "How William Carey was led to "Write his pamphlet." London, 1891. Bvo. J, 6. — Grammar of the Telinga Language. Serampore, 1814. Bvo. D, 4. - Memoir. E. Carey. 1836. Bvo. ^/so 2nd edition. 1837. Bvo. CC, 1. Carey (W. H.). Oriental Christian Biography ; containing Biographical Sketches and Death- bed Scenes of distinguished Christians who have died in the East. Calcutta, 1852. 3 vols. Bvo. CC, 1. *• Carey's Enquiry, etc." Pamphlet- Volume No. 141. 8vo. Including: — 1 . Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians for the Conversion of the Heathens. W. Carey. Leicester, 1792. 2. Account of the Particular Baptist Society for Propagating tho Gospel among the Heathen. 1792-1800 (?). 3-9. Periodical Accounts of the Particular Baptist Missionary Society, Nos. 1 to 6, with Appendix to No. 5. 1 792-1 800. 10. Note at the end in handwriting of Andrew Fuller. J, 4. Carey's Quarto Dictionary, — Abridged from — . See Bengalee Language. Carlyle (G.). Proceedings of the Geneva Con- ference, held in Sept., 186 1. Edinburgh and London, 1862. 8vo. J, 6. Carlyle (J. E.). South Africa and its Mission Fields. London, 1878. Bvo. G, 1. Carnataca and English, — Dictionary. William Eeeve. Madras, 1832. 4to. Dx, 1. Carnatica Language, — Grammar of the — . John McKerrell. Madras, 1S20. 4to. Dx, 1. Carpenter (C. H.). Self-Support Illustrated in the History of the Bassein-Karen Mission, from 1840 to 1880. Bosto?i, 1S83. 8vo. B, 6. Carsliun, — New Testament in — . See under Bible. -, New Testament in Syriac and — . See under Bible. Carver (J.). New Universal Traveller, con- taining a full and distinct account of all the Empires, Kingdoms, and States in the Known World. Plates. London, 1779. Fol. Ex, 1. Casalis (E.). Bassoutos, — Les — ; ou Vingt-trois annees de sejour et d'observations au Sud de I'Afrique. Paris, i860. Bvo. H, 1. Basutos ; or Twenty-three years in South Africa. Illustrations. London, 1861. Bvo. H,4. Caste in the Island of Ceylon. Boston, 1854. Pam.-Vol. 124 : B, 3. ; Its supposed origin ; its effects ; the duty of Government, Hindus, and Christians with regard to it ; and its prospects. J. Murdoch. Madras, 1887. Pam.-Vol. 121 : B, 3. , Mythical and Legendary Accounts of — . Part i, of Original Sanskrit Texts. J. Muir. London, etc., 1858. Bvo. C, 3. Castes of Hindoos, — Orders of Directors re- garding — . March 1st, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 128 : Cx, 1. Catalogues of Bengali Works, — Descriptive — . J. Long. Calcutta, 1885. Pam.-Vol. 122a: B, 3. Catechism Abrege en la langue de Madagascar, pour instruire sommarement ces peuples inviter et les disposer au Baptemes. Pam.-Vol. 135 : G, 3. Christian — , in Malay. T. Beighton. Malacca, 1824. 12mo. D, 6. in South Cape Dialect, New Guinea. Jfesio ; Eaubada ena rtba aniona aho aba Heatadi. Sydney, 1885. Bvo. F, 5. on the Old Testament in Icosa. W. A. Goodwin. Testamente Endala Ngemibuzo Nempendulo. London, 1897. Bvo. H, 6. See Brown's. 204 CAT— CHA Cathcart (Robert), of the East India Company's Civil Service, Madras, — Memoir of — . 2nd edition. Edinburgh, 1839. 8vo. CC, 1. Census of British India, 1871-72,— Memorandum on the — . London, 1875. Fol. Ex, 1. Census Reports for 1881 ; namely : — Ajmere-Merwara. Pandit Bhagram. Ajmere, 1882. Andamans. Calcutta, 1883. Assam. Calcutta, 1883. Baroda. Gujanan Erishna Bhatavadekar. Bombay, 1883. Bengal. J. A. Bourdillon. Calcutta, 1883. 3 vols. Berar. E. J. Kitts. Bombay, \%%z. Bombay. J. A. Baines. Bombay, 1882. 2 vols. Bombay City. T. S. Weir. Bombay, \%'i'>,. British Born Subjects. Calcutta, 1883. British Burma. Rangoon, 1881. Calcutta, — Town and Suburbs. H. Beverley. Calcxitta, 1 881. Central Provinces. T. Drysdale. 1882-83. 2 vols., and Note on the Census Operations. 1882. Coorg. H. M. S. Magrath. Bangalore, 1881. Indian Empire. London, 1883. 3 vols. Madras. L. Mclver. Madras, 1883. 5 vols. Mysore. L. Rice. Bangalore, 1884. North-West Provinces and Oudh. Edward White. Allahabad, 1882. 2 vols. Punjab. D. C. J. Ibbetson. Lahore, 1883. 3 vols. Eajputana. Bombay, 1882. 32 vols. Pol. Ex, 1 & 2. Centenary Mission Hymnal. London, 1895. 8vo. J, 6. Volume. See Baptist Missionary Society. Central Provinces. See India. CEYLON :— Almanack and Annual Register for 1858. Colombo, 1858. 8vo. B, 6. American Mission, — Brief Sketch of the — . Jaffna, 184.9. Also Reports for 1861. Jaffua. Pam.-Vol. 102: B, 3. , Caste in the Island of—. Boston, 1853. Pam.-Yol. 124: B, 3. Directory, Calendar, etc. A. M. Ferguson. Colombo, 1862. 8vo. B, 6. Mission, — Minutes of the Special Meetings of the — , April and May, 1855. Madras. Pam.-Vol. 103 : B, 3. , North. See Wesleyan Mission. , Ordinance by the Governor, respecting Permanent Public Expenditure. No. 1. 1858. Pam.-Vol. 126 : Cx, 1. CEYLON :- — , Ordinance [Financial] by the Governor of—. No. 12. 1857. Pam.-Vol. 126: Cx, 1. — , Recollections of — , after a residence of nearly thirteen years ; with an account of tlie Church Missionary Society's operations in the Island. J.Selkirk. London, 1%^^. 8vo. B, 2. See Africa, South, — Tour in — . See Australasian. See British Possessions. See India, South, and — . See Missionary Conference for South India. See Palmyra Palm. See Statistics of Missions. See Statistical Tables of Protestant Missions. , South. Jubilee Memorials of the Wesleyan Mission, 1814-64. Colombo, 1864.. 8vo. B, 6. , Timber Trees in, — List of the principal — . A. Mendis. Pam.-Vol. 126 : Cx, 1. Ceylon and India, — Journal of a Tour for the Baptist Missionary Society, by J. Leechraan and Joshua Russell. J. Russell. London, 1852. 12mo. 0,6. " Ceylon and Madura." Pamphlet-Volume No. 102. 8vo. Including: — 1. Brief Sketch of the American Ceylon Mission. Jaffua, 1849. 2-3. Reports of the American Ceylon Mission, 1861. Jaffua. 4-6. Reports of the Arcot Mission of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, 1861, 1863, 1865. 7-8. Reports of the American Madras Mission, 1848 to 1864. Madras. 9-14. Reports of the American Madura Mission for 1857 to 1860, 1863, and 1864. Madras. B, 3. Chaitanya-Chandrodaya, or the Incarnation of Chaitanya ; a Drama in ten acts, by Kari- karnapura, with a Commentary explanatory of the Prakrita passages by Viswanatha Sastri. Edited by Rajendralal Mittra. Calcutta, 1854. In Vol. (E) of Bibliotheca Indica. 8vo. C, 1. Chalmers (Dr.). See Glasgow. See Theology, — Introduction to — . Chalmers (J.). Journal of a Missionary Voyage in the Hervey Group, 1875. London, 1876. Pam.-Vol. 133 : F, 1. Chamberlain (John), late Missionary in India, — Memoirs of — . W.Yates. Calcutta, iSz^. 4to. J, 1. Chandler (R.). Travels in Asia Minor nnd Greece. 3rd edition. Map. London, 18 17. 2 vols. 4to. Ex, 1. CIIA— CHR 205 Chaplin (W.). Missionary Gazetteer, comprising a View of the Inhabitants, and a Geographical Description of the countries and places where Protestant Missionaries Have Laboured, giving a History of Missions throughout the world, and an Alphabetical List of Missionaries and their Stations. Woodstock, \Sz^. 12mo, J, 3. Character and Customs of the Natives. See India. Charles (Mrs.). See Missions, — Romance of — (Introduction). Charles (T.). Yoke of Bondage Destroyed by Christ. Sermon preached May 14th, 1806. London. Para. -Vol. 142 : J, 4. Charlevoix (P.)> — from the French of — . History of Paraguay, containing a full and authentic Account of the Establishments formed there, by the Jesuits, from among the savage natives. London, 1769. 2 vols. 8vo. E, 5. " Charlotte." See Voyage from New South Wales. Charton (E.). Voyageurs Anciens et Modernes. Many iUustratious. Paris, 1867. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. E, 1. Chase (J. C). History of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope from 1820 to 1868. London, 1869. 8\o. H, 5. Chasses a Thomme. See Afrique, Traite Orientals. Chatfield (R.). Historical Review of the Commercial, Political, and Moral State of Hindoostan, from the Earliest Peiiod to the Present Time ; the Rise and Progress of Christianity in the East, its Present Condition, and the Means and Probability of its Future Advancement, etc. London, 1808. 4to. Cx, 2. Cheever (H. T.). Island World of the Pacific. Glasg 010 ^ London, 1850 (?). 8vo. F, 2. Chemistry in Malagasy. A. Davidson. Imari- volanitra, \%ii. 12mo. G, 3. Chesson (F. W.). The Dutch Republics of South Africa. Three letters. London, 1871. 8vo. H, 1. Chiesa Christiana, ed i doveri de' suoi memlri, — Chalichismo Riguardante la natura ddla — . Catechism regarding the nature of the Christian Church. M. Miller. Pam.-Vol. 131 : E, 6. Chikala-kala cha ICuseli ndi Kutumikila Sakra- ments. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Chinyanja, (Lake Nyasa). London, 1897. 8vo. H, 6. "Childhood of the World," by E. Clodd, in Sechwana. R. Price. Bony ana yoa Lopoho. Kuruman, 1885. 8vo. H, 6. Children's Friend, — Berquin's — , in Marat'ha. 4to. D, 4. China and Burmah, — Papers relating to the Route of McLeod and Richardson's Journeys to — . London, August 9th, 1869. Pol. Ex, 2. China, — Sacred Books of — ; including: — The Texts of Confucianism ; translated by James Legge. Part i, Shu King, Religious Portions of the Shih King, and Hsiao King ; Part ii, Yi King ; Parts iii & iv, Lt Ki. The Texts of Taoism ; translated by James Legge. Part i, Tao Teh King, and Writings of Kwang-tsze, books 1-18; Part ii, Writings of Kwang-tsze, books 18-33, and the Thai-Shang tractate of Actions and their Retributions : being vols, iii, xvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxxix, and xl of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1879, 1882, 1885, and 1891. 8vo. C, 1 & 2. See Indian Church History. See Special Deputation Reports. Hx, 1. See Voyages made in 1788 and 1789. Chinsurah, Bengal. See Mundy, Mrs. L. Chinyanja, (Lake Nyasa). See Church History in — . See Prayer, — Portions of the Book of Common- Chitoor. See Indian Missions, Reports. Chota Nagpore. See under Berlin Mission. Christ and Missions, or the Facts and Principles of Evangelism. W. Clarkson. Zowrfow, 1858. 12mo. J, 3. , Imitation of — . See Hindu Version of — . — , Unsearchable Riches of — ; Sermon preached May 12th, 1797, by M. Horn. London. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. -, Yoke of Bondage Destroyed by — ; Sermon preached May 14th, 1806, by T. Charles. London. Pam.-Vol. 142: J, 4. Christ's Headship over Individuals, the Church, and the Nation practically considered. A. Duff. Minhuryh, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. Instructions to the Seventy ; Sermon by Dr. Hunter, August 28th, 1796. London. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. Christaller (J. G.). Dictionary of the Asante and Fante Language, called Tshi (Chwee, Tvvi), with Grammatical Introduction and appendices on the Geography of the Gold Coast. Basel, li?,!. 8vo. H, 6. Grammar of the Asante and Fante Language, called Tshi [Chwee, Twij. Basel and London, 1875. 8vo. H, 6. Christendom, — Religious Condition of — ; Part ii. A series of papers prepared at the instance of the French Branch of the Evangelical Alliance, 1855. E. Steane. London, 1857. 8vo, J, 1. See Zuid-Zee. 206 CHR CHRISTIAN :— Catechism in Malay. T. Beigliton. Malacca, 1824. 12rao. D, 6. Communion. Sermon, Sept., 1842, by R. Wardlaw. Glasgow. Pam.-Vol. 138 : J, 4. Conference at Berlin, Sept., 1857. Corre- spondence. A. Duff. Pam.-Yol. 119 : B, 3. Evidences, in Canarese. J. Reid. Bellary, 1837. 8vo. D, 6. , inTelugu. Bellary,\^i']. 8vo. D, 4. Fellowship, — On the IS'ature of — . Glasgow. Pam.-Vol. 144 : J, 4. , Government and Christian Education. Anti-Caste. London, 1859. 8vo. B, 6. Life, — The Expansion of the — . J. M. Lang. Edinlurgh Sf London, 1897. Svo. J, 4. — Ministry, — Lectures in Tamil on the — . E. Crisp. Bangalore, 1847. 12mo. D, 6. — ^— Missions, their Agents and their Results. T. W. M. Marshall. 2nd edition. London, 1863. 2 vols. Svo. J, 1. — Patriotism ; Sermon for the Home Missionary Society, May 1842. J. Harris. London. Pam.-Vol. 138: J, 3. Period. See Trident, Crescent, and Cross. — Religion, — Diffusing the — . See Civilizing the Subjects. , Truth and Virtue of the — . See Sweet Firstfruits. — Researches. See Mediterranean. See Syria and Holy Land. See under Missions. Work, 1864-71. London. 7 vols. Svo. JJ, 3. Year Book ; containing a Summary of Christian Work, and the Results of Missionary Effort throughout the world. London, 1867 and 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. J, 3. Christian Tract and Book Society. See Calcutta. Christian Vernacular Education Society ; — English Primer. London. 16mo. C, 5. Reader. — , English First Book, or First Standard Reader. New edition. London. 16mo. C, 5. — , Second Book, or Second Standard Reader. New edition. London. 16mo. C, 5. ■ Third Book, or Third Standard New edition. London. 16mo. C, 6. ■ Fourth Book, or Fourth Standard New edition. London. 16mo. C, 5. — , Fifth Book, or Fifth Standard Reader. New edition. London. 16mo. C, 5. — , First Reader. London. 16mo. C, 6. Reader. Christian Vernacular Education Society; — English Second Reader. London. 16rao. C, 5. , Third Reader. London. 16mo. C, 6. , Fourth Reader. London. 16mo. C, 5. , Fifth Reader. London. 16mo. , Senior Reader. London. 8vo. C, 6. C, 5. for India, and Educational Destitution in Bengal and Behar. A. Duff. Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. First General Report. Calcutta, 1863. Also Second Report of Bengal Branch. Calcutta, 1864. Aho Fourth Report of Madras Branch. Madras, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 107 : B, 3. See under ** Vernacular Society." Christian (G. J.). Report on the Census of the North-West Provinces of the Benjjal Presidency taken January 1st, 1853. Calcutta, i^s^/^. B, 1. CHRISTIANITY :— — amongst the Baralong Tribe of Bechu- anas, South Africa, — Narrative of the First Introduction of — . S. Broadbent. London,iSb^. 8vo. H, 4. and Hindooism Contrasted; or a Com- parative View of the evidence by which the respective claims to Divine Authority of the Bible and Hindoo Shasters are suppoited. G. Muudy. Calcutta, 1827. Svo. C, 5. In two parts, in Bengali. G. Mundy. 2nd edition. Calcutta, 1850. D, 6. and the Religions of India. James Kennedy. Mirzapore, 1874. Svo. C, 3. -, Contrasts of — . See Heathen and Jewish Systems. — Destroyed. See Christianity Indestructible. — , Early Years of — . E. de Pres^ense. Trans- lated by A. Harwood. London, 1 86g. Svo. B,4. — , Historical Proof of — . See Tulu i Afldh. — in Asia, — Dissertation on the Propagation of — ; with a brief historic view of the Progress of the Gospel in different nations, since its first formal piomulgation ; illustrated by a Chronological Chart. Hugh Pearson. Oxford, 1808. 4to. B, 1. — in India from the Commencement of the Christian Era, — History of — . James Hough. Vols, ii, iii, iv. London, 1839. 4 vols. Svo. C,4. ; Historical Narrative. J. W. Kaye. Zo« See Missionary Addresses. Church of Scotland's India Mission. Report of the Madras Branch, 1850-61. Pam.-Vol. Ill : B, 3. Churchward (W. B.). My Consulate in Samoa. London, 1887. 8vo. F, 1. Cingalese Poem. See Yakkun Nattannawa. City, Rice-Swamp, and Hill. W. Johnson. Illus- trations. London, 1893. Svo. B, 4. Civil Government. See India, — British — . Civilizing Mountain Men. Mrs. Mason. Edited by L. N. R. London, 1862. Svo. C, 5. the Subjects of the British Empire in India, — Essay on the Best Means of — , and of Diffusing the Light of the Christian Religion througliout the World. Prize Essay. J. Mitchell. Edinburgh, 1 So s- 4to. B, 1. Clapperton (Captain). See Africa, — Northern and Central — . Clarke (J.). Memorials of the Baptist Mission- aries in Jamaica. 1 869. Svo. G, 4. Clarke (J.), Dendy (W.), & Phillipps (J. M.). Voice of Jubilee ; Narrative of the Baptist Mission in Jamaica, from its commencement, with Biographical Notices of its Fathers and Founders. With introduction by D. J. East. London, 1865. Svo. G, 4. Clarke (R.). Regulations of the Government of Bombay in force at the end of 1850; with List of Acts of the Government of India in force in that Presidency. London, 1851. 4to. Cx, 2. %m CLA— COM Clarke (R.). Regulations of the Government of Fort St. George, in force at the end of 1847 ; ■with List of the Acts of the Government of India in force in that Presidency. London, 1848. 4to. Cx, 2. Regulations of the Government of Fort William in Bengal, in force at the end of 1853 ; , •with List of Acts of the Government of India in force in that Presidency. London, 1854. 3 vols. 4to. Cx, 2. See Rohinson (T.). Clarkson (W.). Christ and Missions ; or the Facts and Principles of Evangelism. London, 1858. 12mo. J, 3. Missionary Encouragements in India ; or the Christian Village in Gujarat. 6th edition. London, 1850. 18mo. CC, 1. *' Clear the Way " ; or Hindrances to Missionary "Work considered. E. J. Whately. London, 1880. 8vo. J, 3. Clodd (E.). See Childhood of the World. Clodius (D.), Opera et Studio. Hierozoicon de Animalis S. Scripturse. Authore Samuele Bocharto. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1675. Fol. Cx, 1. Clough (B.). Compendious Pali Grammar, with a Copious Yocabulary. Colombo, 1824. 4to. D,2. Dictionary of the English and Singalese. (A single vol. only.) Colombo, 1S21. 8vo. D, 4. Cochrane (W.). Memoirs and Remains of the Rev. W. Inglis, African Missionary and Canadian Pastor. Toronto, 1887. 8vo. J, 4. Cockin (J.). God's Declared Designs a Motive to Human Endeavours. Sermon preached April 9th, 1798. London. Pam.-Vol. 140 : J, 4. Codrlngton (R. H.). Melanesians ; Studies in their Anthropology and Folklore. Illustrated. Oxford, 1 89 1. 8vo. F, 1. Codrington (R. H.) & Palmer (J.). Dictionary of the Language of Mota, (Sugar Loaf Ishmd, Banks Islands). London, 1896. 8vo. F, 5. Coitnbatoor Mission, South India, of the London Missionaiy Society, — Brief Account of the — ; 1830-61. W.B.Addis. Madras, i86b. 8vo. B,l. See Indian Missions, Reports. Coinage. ' See Indian Antiquities. Colden (C). History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada which are dependent on the Province of New York, etc. 1775. 2 vols. 12mo, E, 3. Colehrook (H. T.). Essays on the Religion and Philosophy of the Hindus. New edition. London, 1858. 8vo. C, 4. College of Fort William, in Bengal. London, 1805. 4to. B, 1. — — See Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary. Colleges and Schools, — Converts from the Government and Missionary — . Calcutta Christian Advocate. Pam.-Vol. 123 : B, 3. Collyer (J.). See Geography, — New System of — . Colonial Churches. See Missions, Christian. Ecclesiastical Establishment ; being a brief view of the Colonies of Great Britain, and of her Asiatic Empire in respect to Religious Instruction, with a sketch of an Ecclesiastical Establishment for British India, humbly sub- mitted for the consideration of the Imperial Parliament. C.Buchanan. London, iSi^. 8vo. C, 6. Life and Missionary Adventure in Both Hemispheres, — Reminiscences of — . A. Pjme. London, 1875. 8vo. E, 3. Colonization in India. See India, British, — Con- siderations of the State of — . See India's Cries. " Come to Jesus" [Newman Hall's], in Sechuana. J. Mackenzie. Tla Go Yesu. Kuruman, 1863. 16mo. H, 6. Commemorative Volume. See American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. COMMENTARY ON:— Acts, in Tahitian. Te faa ite raa no te au raa te mau irava i te ohipa a te mau Aposetolo ra. Tahiti, 1863. 8 vo. F, 5. Bible, in Samoan. G. Pratt. le tusi na Faainatalaina ai le tusi Paia. London. 8vo. F. 4. Epistle to the Corinthians, — First; Chaps. 1-8, in Malagasy. N. J. Pearse. Ileci-teny amy ny Episilily I. Nusoraiany Paoly Apositoly tamy ny Korintiaua. Antananarivo, 1873. 8vo. G, 3. Epistle to the Hebrews, in Tamil. J. 0. Whitehouse. Nayercoil, 1854. 12mo. D, 6. Gospel of Matthew, in Malagasy. W. Montgomery. JJevi-teny amy ny Filazarit- sarany Mataio. Antananarivo, 1878. 8vo. G, 3. in Malayalim. H. Baker, jun. Cot- tayarn, i860. 4to. D, 1. in Sechwana. A. J. Wookey. Phu- thololo ea Eiangeleo e e kwadiliven he Mataio, Moaposotoloi oi ga Yesu Keresete. Kuruman, 1884. 8vo. H, 6. — Gospels of Mark, John, and Epistles of St. Paul, in Taliitian. Lriti Raa Parau no te Kvaneiia a Marelco, no te Fvanelia a Joane, to faa ite raa no te au raa te mau irava, etc. Tahiti, 1861. 8vo. F, 4. — Isaiah, without the text, in Raratongan. W.Gill. Liverpool, 1%%$. 8vo. F, 3. , Gospel of John, and Corinthians, in Raratongan. Liverpool, 1855. 8 vo. F, 3. COM— coo 209 COMMENTARY ON:— Leviticus, in Earatongan. A. Buzacoth. JE aite anga no te Levitiku. Baratonga, 1856. 18mo. F, 3. New Testament, in Eoraanized Hindustani. MusJiarrah Figra i Baibal Nay a ^Ahdndma. 11. C. Mather. London, 1876. 8to. D, 1. — Psalms, Gospels of Mark & John, and Epistle to the Philippians, in Tahitian. Eiriti rem no te mau Sulaino a Davida, etc. Tahiti, 1858. 8vo. F, 4. Philippians andGospel of John, in Tahitian. Le Faaite Raa no te an Raa te man irava. I te Episetole a Paulo i to Philip i ; Iriti Raa Patau no te Ecanelia a Joans. Tahiti, 1854. 8vo. F, 4. Commercial Directory. See under Cape of Good Hope. Compmion to the Bible, in Urdu. Miftali ul liitah, etc. Romanized. Mirzapore, i8^b. 12mo. D, 6. Comparative Vocabulary of Forty- eight Lan- guages, comprising 146 Common English Words, with their cognates in the other languages, showing their Affiuities with the English and Hebrew. J. Tomlin. Liverpool, 1865. 4to. B, 1. Concordance in Samoan. G. Pratt. le tuu faatasi upu e tasi na i le tusi paia. London, 1887. 8vo. F, 3. in Tahitian. Faatoro Raa Parau, i roto i te Parau a te atua. Tahiti, 1852. 8vo. F, 4. ' of the New Testament in the language of Mare. Konlcodans ca N elionehatu Jeu re Ekonejeu Kahesi. Fanny E. Hall. London, 1889. 8vo. F, 3. Conference, — Centenary — , of the Protestant Missions of the World, held June 9th to 19th, 1888, in Exeter Hall, London, — Report of the — . J. Johnston. London, 1888. 2 vols. 8vo. J, 2. of Missionaries in North India. See under London Missionary Society. on Foreign Missions, held at the Conference Hall, Mildmay Park, London, Oct. 5-7, 1886, — Proceedings of the — . London, 1886. 8vo. J, 2. on Mi'^sions, held at Liverpool in 1860. 2nd thousand. London, i860. 8vo. J, 2. Confucianism, — Texts of — . Translated by J. Legge. Part i, Shu King, Religious portions of the Shih King, and Hsiao King. Part ii, Yi King. Parts iii and iv, Liki. Being vols. iii, xvi, xxvii, and xxviii of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1879, 1882, and 1885. 8vo. C, 1 & 2. Congo, and Founding of the Free State ; a Story of Work and Exploration. H. M. Stanley. Maps and many illustrations. London, 1881;. 2 vols. 8vo. H, "2. Cannibals, — Five years with the — . H. Ward. Illustrated. London, i8go. 8vo. H, 1. — Language. See Mosaic History. — See Africa, Central, — New World of — . — See Angola and the River — . Congo and Surrounding Countries, — Report of the Kingdom of the — . Drawn out of the writings and discourses of the Portuguese, Duarte Lopez, by Filippo Pigafetta, in Rome, 1591. Translated from the Italian and edited with notes by Margarite Hutchinson. Fac- similes of the original maps, and preface by Sir T. F. Buxton. London, 1881. 8vo. H, 1. Congregationalism, its Introduction to Australia. See Intercolonial Conference. See Victorian. Congress of the United States. See Indians, Speeches, Congresses, — Reports of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th National — . Calcutta ^ London, 1886, 1889, 1890, and 1 89 1. FoL Ex, 2. Connecticut, etc., — Addressesfrom the Missionary Society of — . LTart/ord, 1802-2^. 8vo. FF, 2. Contracts. See Agricultural Produce. Contributing Congregations, — List of — . Ses London Missionary Sociity. Conversion of the Heathens, — Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians for the — . W. Carey. Leicester, 1792. Pam.-Vol. 141: J, 4. Also Reprinted in Facsimile from the edition of 1792; with an introduction entitled "How William Carey was Led to Write his Pamphlet." London, 1891. 8vo. J, 6. of the Northern Nations. The Boyle Lectures for 1865. C. Merivale. London, 1866. 8vo. J, 1. Converts from the Government and Missionary Colleges and Schools. Calcutta Chrutiati Advocate. .Pam.-Vol. 123: B, 3. Cook (Capt. James), commander. Voyage to the South Pole and Round the World in H.M.S. "Resolution" and "Adventure," 1772- 75. Plates and maps. 4th edition. London, 1784, 2 vols. 4to. Fx, 1. See under Voyage Round the World. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, 1776-80; vols, i and ii of Cook & King's Voyage. [3 vols.] 3rd edition. Plates and maps. London, 1785. 4to. Fx, 1. Cooke (C. K.). Australian Defences and New Guinea ; compiled from the papers of Sir P. Scratchley. London Sf New York, 1887. 8vo. F. L 14 210 COO— CUL Coolie, — The — , his Rights and his "Wrongs ; Notes of a Journey to British Guiana, etc. E. Jenkins. Engravings. London, 1871. 8vo. E, 6. Coomassie and Magdala. See under Africa. Coombaconum. See Indian Missions, Reports. Cooper (J.). Lost Continent, or Slavery and the Slave-Trade in Africa. London, 1875. 8vo. G, 1. Coorg Census Report for 1881. H. M. S. Magrath. Bangalore, i2,'6i. Eol. Ex, 2. Memoirs. H. Moegling. Bangalore, 1855. Pam.-Yol. 123: B, 3. Copland (S.). History of the Island of Mada- gascar. Map. London, 1822. G, 2. Coral Islands, — Gems from the — . W. Gill. London, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. Also London, 12,^6 {^). 1vol. 8vo. F, 2. Reefs, — Structure and Distribution of- Cousins ("W. E.). Concise Introduction to the Study of the Malagasy Language as spoken in Imerina. Antananarivo, 1873. 8vo. G, 3. C.Darwin. 2 ud edition. London, 1874. 8vo. F, 6. Coran, — Testimony home to the Jewish and Christian Scriptures by the — . 2nd edition. North India Tract and Book Society. Alla- habad, i860. 8vo. B, 3. Cotton in India and Elsewhere, — On the Culture and Commerce of — . J. E. Royle. Ltndon, 1851. 8vo. C, 4. Cotton (A.). Light in the Jungles. London. 8vo. B, 6. Cotton (G. E. L.). Charge to the Clergy of Calcutta. Calcutta, i%63. Pam.-Vol. 117: B, 3. Pastoral letter to the Clergy of Calcutta on the Remarriage of Converts Bill. Calcutta, 1865. Catton (H. J. S ). New India, or India in Transition. London, 1885. 8vo. C, 6. Council of the Governor General ; Debate, January, 1865, on the Remarriage of Converts Bill. Calcutta. Pam.-Vol. 116 : B, 3 Select Committee of — ; Remarks of His Excellency the Governor on the Report upon Eixed Establishments. Pam.-Vol. 126: Cx, 1. Counsellor, — The — , in Malagasy ; Vol. i. Mpanolo-tsaina. Imarivolanitra, 1878. 8vo. G,3. Consins (G.). From Island to Island in the South Seas; or the "Work of a Missionary Ship. Map and illustrations. 3rd edition. London, 1894. 8vo. F, 6. Gleanings from Many Fields. 50 illustra- tions. London, 1896. 8vo. J, 6. Malagasy Grammar. Graynara Malagasy Translation of the MaLtgasy Bible. Antananarivo, 1873. Pam.-Vol. 134: G, 2. Consins (W. E) & Parrett (J.). Malagasy Proverbs. Antananarivo, 1871. 12mo. G, 3. Cowell (E. B.), translator. Buddhist Mahayana Texts ; Part i, Buddha-Karita of Asvagosha. In vol. xlix of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1894. 8vo. C, 2. , editor. History of India ; Hindu and Mahometan Periods, by M. Elphinstone. 5th edition, with notes and additions by — . London, 1866. 8vo. C, 3. , translator Sf editor. Kausbftaki-Bramana- Upanishad ; with the Commentary of ^ankara- nanda. Calcutta, 1861. In vol. (E) of Bibliotheca Indica. 8vo. C, 1. Prakrita-Prakasa, or the Prakrit Grammar Lehibe. Antananarivo, 1882. 12mo. G, 3. — Story of the South Seas. Maps and illustrations. London, 1894. 8vo. N, 6. of Vavaruchi, with the Commentary of Brahmaha. 1st complete edition. Hertford, 1854. 4to. D, 1. See Black Yajur Veda. Cox (F. A ). History of The [London] Missionary Society, from 1792 to 1842. London, 1842. 2 vols. 12mo. J, 3. Crantz (D.). History of Greenland ; containing a Description of the Country and its Inhabi- tiints, and of the Mission by the Unitas Fratrum. Translated from the High Dutch. Maps and plates. London, 1767. 2vols.ini. 8vo. E, 4. Crawfnrd (J.). Grammar and Dictionary of the Malay Language. London. 2 vols. 8vo. D, 1. Cree Indians, — Book of Conamon Prayer in the Language of the — . J. Horden. Lnudon, iSgo. E,3. Crisp (E.). Lectures on the Christian Ministry, in Tamil. Bangalore, 1847. 12rao. D, 6. Lectures on Theology, in Tamil. Neyoor, 1836-47. 4 vols. 12mo. i), 6. Crisp (W.). Notes towards a Secoana Grammar. Blomfontein, 1880. 8vo. H, 6. Crook (W.). Essay towards a Dictionary and Grammar of the Lesser Australian Language, according to the dialect used at the Marquesas. MS. 1799 (?). 4to. F, 1. Crowther (S.). Grammar and Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language. With Introduction by E. Vidal. London, 1852. 8vo. H, 6. Cnddalore. See Madras and — . Cuddapah. See Indian Missions, Reports. See Porter, Edward. Cnlluca, — Gloss of — . See Institutes of Hindu Law. CUL— DAV 211 Cultivators of Bengal, — Petition of Calcutta Missiouurios concerning the — . Pam.-Yol. 118: B, 3. Cural of Tiruvalluvar ; first part, with Com- mentary of Parimelaragar. Tamil. W. H. Drew, translator. Madras, 1840. 8vo. D, 4. Oust (R. N.). Essay on the Prevailing Methods of the Evangelization of the Non-Christian World. London, 1894. Svo. J, 3. — Linguistic and Oriental Essays. 2nd series. 1887. Svo. B, 2. Missionary Address to Undergraduates, Cambridge, January, 1888. Hertford. Pam.-Vol. 143 : J, 4. — Notes on Missionary Subjects. London, 1888. Pam.-Vol. 143 : J, 4. Sketch of the Modern Languages of Africa; accompanied by a language-map, and portraits. London, 1883. 2 vols. Svo. H, 4. Customs. See Missionary's Vade Mecum, under India, — North- West— . Cutts (E. L.). Abbreviation of " Some Chief Truths of Religion," in Swahili. Mamho Mangine Mmigine Makuu Ya JDini. Zanzibar, 1S95. 8vo. H. 6. Cyclone of October 5th, 1864. See Calcutta and its Vicinity. Cyclopaedia of Christian Missions ; their rise, progress, and present position. J. L. Aikman. Map. London, i860. Svo. -4/so 2nd edition. London, i85i. Svo. J, 3. of Missions ; containing a comprehensive view of Missionary Operations throughout the World. H. Newcomb. Revised edition. Maps. JVeio York, 1855. Svo. J, 1. D. Dadistan-i Dinik. See Pahlavi Texts. Dakota Prayer-book; for the use of the Sioux Mission. London, 1889. 8vo. E, 3. Dakotas, — Tah-koo Wah-kan, or the Gospel among the — . S. R. Riggs. Bodon, 1869. Svo. E, 3. Dale (B. W.). Introduction to the Authorised Record of Proceedings of the International Congregational Council, London, 1891. London, 1 89 1. Svo. J, 1. Dalhousie (Lord). See India from the Earliest Period, etc. Daniell (S.). Sketches representing the Native Tribes, Animals, and Scenery of South Africa. Engraved by W. Daniell. London, 1820. 4to. Hx, 1. Danish, or Earliest, Protestant Mission to India. See Missionary Addresses. See under Bible. Danske Misionskab. See Missions-atlas. Dark Continent, — Through the — , to the Sources of the Nile, around the Great Lakes of Equatorial Africa, and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean, Maps and illustrations. London, 1878. 2 vols. Svo. H,2. Darmesteter(J.),^rrtwsJ«^or. Zend-Avesta. Parti, 2nd edition, Vendldad ; Partii, Sirozahs, Yasts, and Nyayis; Part iii, Yasna, Visparad, Afri- nagan. Gabs, and Miscellaneous Fragments : being vols, iv, xxiii, and xxxi of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, \%<^i^. 2nd edition, 1883 and 1867. Svo. C, 1 & 2. Darwin (C). Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle " Round the World. 12th thousand. London, 1873. Svo. E, 2. Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. London, 1874. Svo. F, 6. Daumas (F.). See Voyage d'Exploration. David (A.), compiler. Treasury of Illustrations, including Treasury of Wit and Wisdom. Nagercoil, 1882. Svo. D, 4. Davids (T. W. Rhys), translator. Buddhist Birth Stories ; or Jataka Tales : the oldest Collection of Folklore extant. Vol. i. London, 1880. Svo, B, 2. — translator. Buddhist Suttas. 1. Maha- parinibbana Suttanta ; 2. Dhamma-Kakka- ppavattana Sutta ; 3. Tevigga Suttanta ; 4. Akankheyya Sutta ; 5. Ketokkila Sutta ; 6. Maha-Sudassana Suttanta ; 7. Subbasava Sutta : being vol. xi of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1881. Svo. C, 1. translator. Questions of King Melinda. From the Pali ; Parts i and ii : being vols. XXXV and xxxvi of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, iSqo & 1894.. 8vo. C, 2. Davids (T. W. Rhys) & Oldenberg (H.), trans- lators. Vinaya Texts ; from the Pali. Part i, Patimokkha and Mahavagga, 1-4; Part ii, Mahavagga, 5-10 ; and Kullavagga, 1-3 ; Part iii, Kullavagga, 4-12: being vols, xiii, xvii, and xx of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1881, 1882, 1885. Svo. C, 1 & 2. Davidson (A.). Chemistry in Malagasy. Imarivo- lanitra, 1877. 12mo. G, 3. Geographical Pathology; an Inquiry into the Geographical Distribution of Infective and Climatic Disease. Edinburgh !f London, 1892. 2 vols. Svo. ' E, 1. — Hygiene, in Malagasy. Ny Fitandretnana ny Tena. Antananarivo. Pam.-Vol. 135: G, 3. 212 DAY— DIB Davidson (C. J. C). Tara, the Suttee ; an Indian drama in five acts. Zotidon, 1851, 8vo. C, 4. Tavies (E.). American Scenes and Christian Slavery ; a recent tour of four thousand miles in the United States. London, 1849. 8vo. E, 4. Davies (W.). Canmlwyddiant Cymdeithas Genhadol Llundian 1895, ei Hanes a'i Gwaith. London, 1895. 8vo. J, 5. Davis (H.). Anniversary Sermon preached before the Amei'ican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, September 18th, 1816. Boston. Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. ^^'^ Davis (John). History of the Tahitian Mission, n 1801 to 1855. MS. 2 vols. F, 1. Davis (W. J.), editor, etc. Grammar of the Kaffir Language, by W. B. Boyce. 3rd edition, augmented. London, 1H63. 8vo. H, 6. De Corva's Almanack. See Jamaica Pocket Book. De Flavanoourt (Sieur). Histoire de la Grande Isle, Madagascar. Plates. Paris, i66i. 4to. G, 2. De Gougnet (P.), — From the French of — , Origin of Law, Acts, and Sciences, and their Progress among the most Ancient Nations. Fdinhurgh, 1775. 3 vols. 8vo. E, 2. De la Perouse (J. F. G.). Voyajre round the World, 1785-88. Edited by L. A. Milet- Mureau. London, 1798. 3 vols. 8vo. E, 2. Dead Sea, — American Expedition to the — . Calcutta Beview. Pam.-Vol. 122 : B, 3. Debate in the House of Commons on June Ist and 11th, 1824, on a motion of Henry Brougham, Esq., respecting the Condemnation to Death by a Court Martial of the Rev. John Smith, late Missionary to Demerara. London, 1824. 8vo. G, 4. Also London Missionary Society Report of Proceedings bound up with the above. Debt, and the Right Use of Money. Madras, 1888. Para.-VoL 121 : B, 3. Deccan Days, — Old — ; or Hindoo Fairy Legends current in Southern India. London, li-jo. 8vo. B, 6. Decision of Character, — On Foster's Essay on — , and on Moral Courage. J. Murdoch. Ifadran, 1887. Pam.-Vol. 121 : B, 3. Deities. See Indian. Delacour (E. W. Smith-). Shironga Vocabulary, or Word-book of the Language of the Natives in the District of Delagoa Bay, with a Map of the District. London, 1893. Svo. H, 6. Delagoa Bay. See Shironga Vocabulary, above. Delhi. See under Berlin Mission. Demerara Court Martial on the trial of John Smith, a missionary, October and November, 1823, — Proceedings of the—. P.P. Lo7idon, 1824. Fol. Also Further papers, May 24th, 1824. Gx, 2. Insurrection of Slaves, and Trials thereon. Further Papers. P.P. London, 1824. Fol. Gx, 2. Martyr ; Memoirs of the Rev. John Smith, Missionary to Demerara. E A. Wallbridge. With a preface by W.G.Barrett. London, 1848. 8vo. G, 4. See Debate in House of Commons concerning the Rev. John Smith. See London Missionary Society's Report of Proceedings against the Rev. J. Smith. Dendy (J.). See Baptist Mission, Jamaica. Denham (D.). Narrative of Travels and Dis- coveries in Northern and Central Africa, in 1822-24, by Major Denham, Capt. Clapperton, and Dr. Ouilney. 2nd edition. Plates. London^ 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 3. Dennis (J. S.). Christian Missions and Social Progress. Illustrated. Edinhurgh Sf London, 1897. [2 vols.] Vol. i. 8vo. J, 6. Derivationes Alcoranicse. G.Vansittart. Londini, 1826. 8vo. B, 6. Despard (G. P.). Hope Deferred, Not Lost; Narrative of Missionary Effort in South America, in connection with the Patagonian Missionary Society. London, 1852. 12mo. E. 4. Dhamaraksha, Chinese translator, Fo sho-hing- tsan-lcing. Life of Buddha, by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva, from the Sanscrit. Translated from Ciiinese into English by S. Beal. Being vol. xix of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1883. Svo. C, 1. Dhamma-kakka-ppavattana Sutta. hist Suttas. See Budd- Dhammapada, translated from Pali by F. Max Miiller; and Sutta-Nipata, translated from Piili by V. Fansboll ; Canonical Books of the Buddhists : Being vol. x of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1881. 8vo. C, 1. Dharmadharmparikshapatr ; Hindi letters dis- cussing Religion and Irreligion J. H. Bu'iden. 3rd edition. London, i86i. 8vo. D, 3. Dialogues and Conversations. English and Malay. 4to. D, 6. See Telugu and English. Diamond Fields. See Africa, South, — Hand- book — . Dibble (S.). History of the Sandwich Islands. Map. Lahainaluna, 1843. 12mo. F, 2. Die— DIS 213 DICTIONARY :— , Comparative — . ^ee Languages of India. of the Bible, in Tahitian. A. Pearse. E Aratai Bihlia. London, 1886. F, 8. of Universal Philology. See Languages, — Treasury of — . — See Aneityumese. — See Asante and Fante Language. — See Bengalee. — See Biblical and Theological. — See Canarese and English. — See Carnataca and English. — See English and Bengali. — See English and Tamil. — See English-Herero. — See English-Swahili. — See Gujaratl. — See Hawaiian Language. — See Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. — See Hebrew and English Lexicon. — See Hindoostanee. — See Hindostan Language. — See Hindustani and English. — See Hindustani and English, Bomanized. — See Isubu Tongue. — See Kongo Language. — See Languages, — Ti-easury of — . — See Lexicon, Anglo-Ellenekon. — See Malabar and English. — See Malabar Language. — See Malagasy. — See Malagasy-English, — !Xew — . — See Malay. — See Malay Language. See Malayalim and English, etc. — See Marathi and English. — See Marquesas. — See Mota. See Mka-English. See Persian, Arabic, and English. See Pukhto, Pushto, or Afghan. — See Samoan. — See Sanscrit and English. DICTIONARY :— See Sanskrit. See Sindhi. See Sindhi and English. See Singhalese. See Suahili. See Tahitian and English. See Tamil. ■ See Tamil and English. See Teloogoo. See Telugu. See Telugu-English. See Telugu and English. Supplement to the — . See Samoan Grammar and — . Dienst der Zending, — Een Jaar op Reis in — . A nis terdam, 1896. B , 4. Dihela tsa Tihelo ea Modimo. Hymns and Psalms in Sechwana. Kuruman, 1886. 8vo. H, 6. Dihaelo Ue di tlhophilwen mo Testamenftn e Kgologolo e e leu Leholco ya Modino. Line upon Line, in Sechwana. A. J. Wookey. Illustrations. Kuruman, 1890. 8vo. H, 6. Diksionary amy ny JBaiboly, — Ny — ; Natao ho famnvana ny zaratra maro volaza ao amy ny Soratra Masina. Bible Dictionary in Malagasy. J. Sibree. Antananarivo, 1888. 8vo. G, 3. Diksionary F.nglisy sy Malagasy. English and Malagasy Dictionary. J. S. Sewell. Anta- nanarivo, 1875. 12mo. Or, 3. Din IHaqqKl Tahqiq ; Investigation of the True Religion. Prize essay in Urdu by Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society. 2nd edition. Calcutta, 1850. 8vo. B, 6. Dina-i. See Pahlavi Texts. Diodatti (Giovanni), translator. Bible in Italian. London, 1861. 8vo. E, 6. Dirava Sanamoa Motu Gado, — A7ie — . Hymn Book in Motu. Sydney. 32mo. F, 5. Dirava Ihanamona Anedia. Hymn Book in Motu, New Guinea. Sydney, 1896. 32rao. F, 5. Directors. See Castes of Hindus. See Missionary efforts. Directory, Calendar, etc. See Ceylon. for 1863,— Madras Catholic—. Pam.-Yol. 123: B, 3. See Indian Missionary. Discovery. See Maritime and Inland — . " Discovery." See Yoyage of Discovery. DUr— EDE 215 Duff (A.). See Roman Alphabet. ** Duff." See Missionary, — Journal of a Cap- tured — . See Yoyage, — Missionary — . "Duff's Miscellaneous Works; Vol. v." Pamphlet-Yolurao No. 119. 8vo. Including: — 1. Results of Missionary Labour in India. London, 1852. 2. Headship of Christ over Individuals, the Church, and the Nations, Practically Con- sidered. Edinburgh, 1852. 3. Speech at Jubilee Meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Socitty, March 8th, 1853, London. 4. The Claims of Christian Missions, and their relation to the Unity of the Church. Speech, October, 1853. 5. India a field for Missionary Effort: addressed to Collectors and Members of Con- gregational Association of the Free Church's Foreign Missions, Edinburgh, January 26th, 1864. 6. Foreign Missions and America. Speech, May 29th, 1854. 7. Farewell Address previous to return to America, October 11th, 1855. Hdinhurgh. 8. Abolition of Death Penalty for Mussul- mans embracing Christianity in Turkey. Correspondence, March and August, 1856. 9. Letters of Indophilus on the Mutiny of Vellore, its Parallelisms and its Lessons. M ay, 1857. 10. Lord Ellenborough's Blunder respecting the Causes of the Mutiny. 11. Free Church of Scotland, Report on Foreign Missions, submitted May, 1856. 12. The Baropakhya Cliristians and Judge Kemp's Unrighteous Decision. September, 1856. 13. Declaration of the Calcutta Missionary Conferences respecting Salaries of Native Agents. Calcutta Christian Observer. 1856. 14. Christian Conference at Berlin, Septem- ber, 1857. Correspondence. 15. The British and Foreign Bible Society, and Romanized Editions of the Scriptures, etc., etc. Correspondence. Calcutta, 1858. 16. Educational Destitution in Bengal and Behar, and the London Christian Vernacular Education Society for India. Calcutta, 1858. B. 3. " Duff's Miscellaneous Works ; Vol. xii." Pamphlet- Volume No. 125. 12mo. Including: 1 . Our Earliest Protestant Missions to India Reprinted fi-om the first number of the Calcutta Review. 2. Home Organization for Protestant Mis- sions; an address. Edinburgh, 1850. 3-4. Addresses delivered at the Opening and Conclusion of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, May 22nd and June 3rd, 1851, Edinburgh. B, 3. Duncan (P,), Narrative of the "Wesleyan Mis- sion to Jamaica. London, 1849. 8vo. G, 4, Dutch Republics of South Africa ; three letters by F. W, Chesson. London, iSji. 8vo. H, 1. • See under Bible. Dutch Reformed Church, See under Africa, — South—. Duthie (J.), Story of the London Missionary Society for one hundred years, in Tamil. Nagercoil, 1896. 8vo. D, 4, Dwight (H, G. 0.). Christianity in Turkey, Lon- don, 1854. 8vo. B, 4. See Armenia. Dwight (T,). Anniversary Sermon preached before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, September 16th, 1813, Boston. , Pam,-Vol. 145 : J, 4, E. E. (M,). Inquiry into the Constitution of the Primitive Churches. A letter. Glasgow. Pam.-Vol. 144 : J, 4. Ea'o raa e tuatnpapa raa Parau no na Tumu Parau i ilea i roto i te Parau na ie atua e mea iriti hia mat ei Parau I'ahiti. Theology in Tahitian. 1865. 8vo. F, 4. Eardley-Wilmot (S,), editor. Our Journal in the Pacific, by the Officers of H.M.S. " Zealous." Map and illustrations. London, 1873. 8vo. F, 6, Earl and the Doctor, — South Sea Bubbles, by the — . London, 1872. 8vo. F, 2. East. See Sacred Books of the — . See Woman's Influence in the — . East (D, J.). See Baptist Mission, Jamaica. East Cape Dialect, New Guinea. See First Schoolbook. East India Company. See under India. Eastern Experiences, L. B, Bowring. London, 1 87 1. 8vo. B, 2. Eastwick (E. B.), Prem Sagar, or the Ocean of Love ; biing a history of Krishn, according to the tenth chapter of the Bhagavat of Vyasadev. Translated by Lallu Lai. New edition, with Vocabulary, Hertford, i^s^i. Fol. Cx, 2. Ebigamho ebitutegeta thiri mu ByawandiTcihva ebitukuru. Helps to the Study of the Bible, in Luganda, London, iSg6. 12mo. H, 6. Ecclesiastical Grants. See Mauritius. Eden, — Letters from — , and Reminiscences of Missionary Life in the East. Boston, 18 14, 8vo. B, 6. Eden (C, H.), Fifth Continent ; being an Account of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea, with the Adjacent Islands. Map. London ^ Neio York. 8vo. E, 3. 216 EDI— ELL Edinburgh Medical Mission Occasional Papers, January, 1854, to January, 1860 (iVo. 13 wanting) : with Medical Missionary. Gleanings, 1865. Edinburgh. 8vo. JJ, 3. Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society, Quarterly Paper, May, 1871, to November, 1876. Edinburgh. 8vo. Also Reports, Edinburgh, 1849-74 (incom- plete). 8vo. JJ, 3. Edinburgh Missionary Conference, November, 1861,— Report of the— . Pam.-Vol. Ill : B, 8. Education Acts. See under Cape of Good Hope. -, Christian — . See Christian Government and- — in Bengal. History of Native — . Calcutta, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 121a: B, 3. and Behar, — Extract from the Third Report on the State of — . Republished, 1845. 8vo. B, 1. and the North-West Provinces, — Papers concerning — . P.P. London, iS^g. Fol. Ex.2. -, Indigenous — , and Vernacular Schools in Agra, Aligarh, Baroilly, Etawah, Farrukabad, Mynpoory, Muttia, and Shahjahanpur, for 1853-54. Agra, 1854. Pam.-Yol. 116: B, 3. — See under India. See Windward and Leeward Islands. -, Vernacular — . See Bengal and Behar,- Adam's Reports on — . Educational Destitution in Bengal and Behar, and the London Christian Vernacular Education Society for India. A. Duff. Calcutta, 1858. Pam.-Vols. 107 & 119: B, 3. Educational System Commission. See Cape of Good Hope. Edwards (B.). History, Civil and Commercial, of the British West Indies. 5th edition. Maps and plates. London, 18 19. 5 vols. 8vo. G, 4. • Maps and Plates to History of the British West Indies. London, 1888. 4 to. Tx, 1. Edwards (Jonathan). Account of the Life of David Brainherd, Missionary of the S.P.C.K., with Mr. Beatly's Mission to the Westward of the Allegheny Mountains. London, 1798. 8vo. E, 3. Eggeling (J.), translator. Satapatha-Brahmana, according to the Text of the Madhyandia School. Part i, books 1 & 2 ; Part ii, books 3 & 4 ; Part iii, books 5, 6, & 7 ; Part iv, books 8, 9, & 10 : being vols, xii, xxvi, xli, and xliii of Sacred Books of the Eai^t. Oxford, 1882, 1885, and 1894. 8vo. C, 1 & 2. Egypt, — Among the Huts in — . Scenes from real life. M. L. Whateley. Illustrations. Lon- don, 1 87 1. 8vo. H, 5. Egypt. Ste Africa, South, — Tour in — . Ekalesia a Jesu, — E tuatua no te tupu anga te — . Short Church History in Raratongan. W. Gill. London, 1876. 8vo. F, 3. Ekalesia a le JUesio, — 1$ tala Saasaa i le — . Barth's Church History in Samoan. Samoa, i860. ]2mo. F, 4. Also London, 1895. 8vo. F, 3. Ekalesia Bukana. Service Book in the Kwato Dialect of New Guinea. Auckland, 1898. 12mo. F. 6. Elema District, — Reading Book with Hymns and Catechism for the — . Siare Karoro Satiriararia ; Llarisu Areve 0, Jesu Mesia artve ita; Fara; Ava. Kerepunu, 1893. 8vo. F, 5. Elgin, — Earl of — , Letters on the Rent Question in Bengal to — . J. Murdoch. Calcutta, iS6^. Pam.-Vol. 118: B, 3. Ella (S.). Psalms, in Uvean. Ta j'e salm anyi David me keheu laten khong. Sydney, 1880. 8vo. F, 3. Romans to Revelation, in Hvean. Ta j'e tusi a Sinalimen Paulo m« keheu ta j'a Aposetolo ka ta je ekalesia anyin Kerisou me Naomanma anyi Jesu Keriso ko Joane. Sydney, 1878. 8vo. F, 3. Ellenborough, — The Earl of — . See under India, — Education in — . EUenborough's Blunder respecting the Causes of the Mutiny, — Lord — . A. Duif. Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. Ellis (John). Description of the Mnngostan and the Bread Fruit. Plates. London, 1775. Fx, 1. Ellis (J. E.). Life of William Ellis, Missionary to the South Seas and Madagascar ; with estimate of his character and work by H. Allon. London, 1873. 8vo. G, 1. Ellis (Mary M.), wife of the Rev. William Ellis,— Memoir of — , including Notices of Heathen Society, and of the Details of Missionary Life. W. Ellis. London, 1835. 8vo. J, 4. Ellis (Mrs.). Madagascar ; its Social and Religious Progress. London, 1863. Svo. G, 2. Ellis (W.). American Mission in the Sandwich Islands ; a Vindication and an Appeal. London, 1866. 8vo. F, 2. History of Madagascar. London 8f Parix, 1838. 2 vols. Svo. G, 2. History of the London Missionary Society ; Vol. i. With portraits inserted. London, 1844. Svo. J, 1. Introduction to Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands, during the years 1823-25, by C. S. Stewart. London, 1828. 12mo. F, 2. — Madagascar Revisited. Illustrations. 1867. Svo. G, 2. ELL— EPE 217 Ellis (W.). Martyr Church. Narrative of the Jntroduction, Progress, and Triumph of Christianity in Madagascar. London, 1870. 8vo. G, 2. Memoir of Maiy M. Ellis, wife of Rev. W. Ellis; includinp: Notices of Heathen Society, and of the Details of Missionary Life. London, 1835. 8vo. J, 4. , Missionary to the South Seas and Mada- gascar. J. E. Ellis ; -with estimate of his Character and Work by H. AUon. Portrait. London, i^j^. 8vo. G, 1. — Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii, or Owhyee. London, 1826. Syo. F, 1. — Polynesian Researches, during a residence of nearly six years in the South Sea Islands. London, 1829. 2 vols. Svo. F, 1. Also London, 1831-36. 4 vols. Svo. F, 3. Three Visits to Madagascar, in 1853, 1854, and 1856. Illustrations. London, 1858. Svo. G. 2. , editor. Visit to the South Seas during the years 1829-30: byC. J. Stewart. London, 1831. Svo. F. 3. Ellis's Madagascar ; Review in the Spectator, November 17th, 1838. London. Fol. Gx, 1. Elmslie (Dr.). Medical Missions as illustrated by some letters and notices of the late — . Edinhurgh, 1874. 8vo. CC, 1. Elphinstone (M.). Account of the Kingdom of Cabul, and its Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India. London, 1815. 4to. Cx, 1. History of India : Hindu and Mahometan periods. 5th edition. With notes and addi- tions by E. B. Cowell. London, 1866. Svo. C, 8. Emin, Governor of Equatoria, — In Darkest Africa ; or the Quest, Rescue, and Retreat of — . H. M. Stanley. 150 illustrations and maps. London, 1890. 2 vols. Svo. H, 2. Emin Pasha and the Rebellion at the Equator ; a story of nine months' experiences in the Last of the Soudan Provinces. A. J. Mountney- Jephson. Revised by H. M. Stanley. 2nd edition. Map and numerous illustrations. London, 1890. 8vo. H, 2. Relief Expedition, — Story of the Rear Column of the — . J. S. Jameson. Map and illustrations. London, 1890. Svo. G, 1. Empires, Kingdoms, and States in the known World. See Traveller. " Endeavour." See Voyage to the South Seas. England, — History of — . See Bengalee. England and India: an essay on the Duty of Englishmen towards the Hindoos. Baptist W. Noel. London, 1859, Svo. C, 4. English Book, — First—, or First Standard Reader. Christian Vernacular Education Society. New edition. London. 16rao. Also Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Books. 16mo. C, 6. Circumnavigators : the Most Remarkable Journeys Round the World by English Sailors. D. L. Purves. Maps, etc. Edinhurgh, 1874. Svo. E, 2. — First Reader. Christian Vernacular Educa- tion Society. London. 16mo. Also Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Senior Readers. London. 16mo. C, 5. in India Seventy Years Ago. See Calcutta Gazettes. Language, — Help [to the Canaresel in Ac- quiring a Knowledge of the — . A. J. Reid. Bellnry, 1835. Also 2nd edition, revised and corrected. 1840. D, 5. Language, on Nasmyth'a Practical System, adapted to Oordoo. 1. T. Prichard. London, 1873. Svo. D, 6. — Primer. Christian Vernacular Education Society. London. 16mo. C, 6. — - See Quzerattee. Translations of Select Tracts published in India, with lists of the Tracts in each language. J. Murdoch, eafifor. Madras, 1 96 1. 12mo. C, 5. English and Bengali Dictionary; an Abridg- ment of Johnson's. J. Menzies. 2ud edition. Calcutta, 1857. 2 vols. Svo. D, 3. English and Carnataca Dictionary. William Reeve. Madras, 1824. 4to. Dx, 1. English and Malagasy Dictionary. J. S. Sewell. Dilcsionary Englisy sy Malagasy. Antananai-ivo, 1875. 12mo. G, 3. See Vocabulary. Englishand Malay. See Malay, — Dialoguesin — . English and Tamil Dictionary. W. Nevins, «//fls Chedambara Pillay. Madras, li^i. 12mo. D, 6. Dictionary for the use of Schools. J. Knight & L. Spaulding. Revised by S. Hutchings. Madras, 1844. 4to. D, 2. English-Herero Dictionary, with an introduction to the study of Herero and Bantu in general. F. W.Kolbe. Cape Toivn, 1883. H, 6. English-Swahili Dictionary, compiled for the use of the Iliiiversilies' Mission to Central Africa. A. C. Madan. Oxford Sf London, 1894. Svo. H, 6. Eperii, — le Faamatalaga h tusi a Paulo ia — . Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews, in Samonn. G.Turner. Illustrations. London. 12mo. F, 3. 218 EPH— EVA Ephemerides ; or Occasional Poems, written in Scotland and South Africa. T.Pringle. London^ 1828, 12mo. H, 5. Erromanga, — Martyr of — , or the Philosophy of Missions illustrated from the labours, death, and character of the late John Williams. J. Campbell. London, 1842. 12 mo. F, 2. Erromangan, — Luke in — , Testament Portions. See under Bible, New Esap Niti Katha. Esop's Eables in Marat'ha. Bombay, 1828. 16mo. D, 5. Eseese, i le lagi ma la lalolagi, atoa ma le tola ifetu, — le uiga mea — . Natural History and Astronomy in Samoan. H. Nisbet & G. Pratt Diagrams. London, 1892. 8vo. F, 3 Eseese, — le tala i tino tagata ma mea ola- Manual of Zoology in Sarnoan, embracing the Animals of Scripture. T.Powell. London, 1886 8vo. F. 3 Esop's Fables, in Kimambwe. D. P. Jones Maliasi Yakwe Esopo. London, 1897. 8vo H, 6 , in Marat'ha. Esap Niti Katha. Bombay 1828. 16mo. D, 6 Essays, Analytical, Critical, and Philological. See Sanscrit Literature. and Lectures. See Hindus. " Essays and Sermons." Pamphlet-Volume No. 142. 8vo. Including: — 1. Es?ay on Marriage. W.Jay. Jiath, iSoj. 2. The Harmony of Scripture. Andrew Fuller. London, iSij. 3. Ordination Service, J. Jerard, Oct. 24th, 1804; and Charge delivered by G. Burder. London. . 4. Universal Diffusion of Divine Knowledge. J. Findlay, May 8th, 1799. London. 5. Prayer and Missions. I. Tozer, May 8th, 1799. London. 6. Dominion of Jesus. J. Moody, May 9th, 1799. London. 7. Prophecy of Extension of the Church. G. C. Brodbelt, May 10th, 1799. Lo7idon. 8. Knowledge of the Messiah. S. Newton, May 13th, 1807. London. 9. Future Prosperity of the Church. E,. Jack, May 13th, 1807. London. 10. Signs Favourable to Missions. J. Griffin, May 14tb, 1807. London. 1 1 . Missionary Exertions Directed by Christ. H. Draper, May 16th, 1807. London. 12. Directors' Keport [L.M.S.] presented May 12th, 1802. London. 13. Triumphs of Messiah. S. Lowell, May 12th, 1802. London. 14. Glory of Messiah. G. Townsend, May 12th, 1802. London. 15. Messiah's Throne. J. M. Mason, May 13th, 1802. London. 16. The Holy Ghost and Success in Missions. E. Hawker, May 14th, 1802. London. 17. Advantages of Patience. S. Bottomley, May 11th, 1803. London. 1 8. St. Paul's Conduct a Pattern for Missions. T. Young, May 11th, 1803. London. 19. God and Heathen Ignorance. G. Ewing, May 12th, 1803. London. 20. St. Paul's Mission to the Gentiles. J. Newell, May 13th, 1803. London. 21. Yoke of Bondage Destroyed by Christ. T. Charles, May 14th, 1806. London. 22. God's Covenant the Believer's Plea. S. Bradley, May 14th, 1806. London. 23. Duty of Christians to Seek the Salvation of the Jews. D. Bogue, May 15th, 1806. London. 24. Messiah lifted up as an Ensign to the People. K. Whittingham, May 16th, 1806. London. J. 4. Etawah. See Education, — Indigenous — . Ethic Philosophy. See Yoyage Round the World, Observations. EtMopic Biblical MSS. in the Royal Library of Paris, and in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Societv, with Specimens of Yersions of the New Testament in the Modern Languages of Abyssinia, — Catalogue of the — . T.P.Piatt. London, 1823. 4to. Hx, 2. Euphrates, — Ten Years on the — ; or Primitive Missionary Policy Illustrated. Map and illus- trations. Bodon. 8vo. B, 4. European Letters. See Alphabet, — Standard — . Evangelia huei LuTte Jina Xiwamomone. Gospel of Luke in Nengoue. 12mo. F, 6. Evangelia huei Matthiu hna Xiwamomone, etc., etc. Four Gospels and Acts in Nengone. Nengone. 12 mo. F, 5. Evangelia Mareko Detarer. Gospel of Mark in the Murray Island Dialect. Sydney, 1855. 8vo. F, 6. Evangelia MareTco Minarplalan, — Ina — . Gospel of Mark in Language of Saibai, Tuan, Mabuiag, — Torres Straits. Sydney. 8vo. F, 5. Evangelia ni Jesu Kt-riso, hiia Xiwamomo nei Ifareko, — Eo re — . Gospel of Mark in Nengone. Nengone, 1855. F, 5. Evangelical Alliance, — Proceedings of the Amsterdam Coiiference of the — , held in August, 1867. E. Steane. London, i868. 8vo. J, 2. -, Proceedings of the Geneva Conference, held in September, 1861. G. Carlylc, Edinburgh Sf London, 1862. 8vo. J, 5. Evangelical Christendom, vols, v to vii and ixtoxv. Zowf?o?«, 1864-66 & 1868-74. 10 vols. JJ, 3. Evangelical Magazine, from 1793 to 1859. London. 67 vols. Svo. EE, 1, 2, & 3. EVA— FAT 219 Evangelical Magazine, Yol. for 1797, with siguature of Mark Clark, first subscriber to the London Missionary Society. London. 8vo. GG, 2. Evangelization of the Non-Christian World, — Essay on the Prevailing Methods of the — . R. N. Gust. London, 1894. 8vo. J, 3. Ewing (G.). Grod and Heathen Ignorance. Sermon preached May 12th, 1803. London. Pam.-Vol. 142 : J, 4. Exhibition, — Fort St. George Gazette, June 10th, 1851, conceruing Articles sent to the Great — . Pam.-Vol. 126: Cx, 1. Expenditure, — Permanent Public — . See Ceylon, — Ordinance of the Governor. Extension of the Churcli,— Prophecy of the — . Sermon preached May 10th, 1799, by G. C. Brodbelt. London. Pam.-Vols. 140 & 142: J, 4. F. Faaite Ran no te an Raa te mauirava, — Te — ; 7 te Episetole a Paulo i to Philipi ; Iriti Raa Parau no te Evangelia a Joane. Commentary on the Philippians and the Gospel of John, in Tahilian. Tahiti, 1854. 8 vo. F, 4. Faamatalaga tusi a Paulo in Timoteo, ma Tito, ma Filemoni, ma iusi e tolu a Joane atua ma le tusi a Juta. Notes of the Epistles of Paul to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, with those of Peter, John, and Jude, in Samoan. G. Turner. London. 8vo. F, 3. Faamatalaina ai le tusi Paia,— le tusi na — . Commentary on the Bible in Samoan. G. Pratt. London. 8vo. F, 4. a upu Peritania, — le — . English and Samoan Vocabulary. J. E. Newell. London, 1893. 8vo. F, 6. Faataoto ma tala faatusa, — — . Fables from many lands, in Samoan. Translated by G. Pratt. London, 1890. 8vo. F, 6. Fuatasi upu e tusi na i le tusi paia. Concordance in Samoan. G.Pratt. London, 1887. 8vo. F, 3. Faatoro Raa Parau, i roti i te Parau a te atua. Concordance in Tahitian. Tahiti, i^f^z. Svo. F, 4. Fables from Many Lands, in Samoan. Trans- lated by G. Pratt. Faataoto ma tala faatusa. London, 1890. Svo. F, 6. Translated by the early Missionaries. Angano ; Foadikan' ny Mission'iry. Taloha. Pam.-Vol. 135 : G, 3. Fabricius(J.P.). Tamil New Testament. Madras, 1840. Svo. D, 4. Fabricius (J. P.) & Breitbaupt. Malabar and English Dictionary. 2Qd edition. Vepery {Madras), 1809. 4to. Dx, 1. Fabricius (J. P.) & Ebenius (C. T. E.). Tamil Pocket Bible. Madras. 12 mo. D, 6. Faith and Victory, in Bengali. Mrs. Mullens. Calcutta, 1867. Svo. D, 3. Falkland Isles. See British Possessions. Falkner (T.). Description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America. Maps. Here- ford, 1784. Fol. E, 1. False Gods ; or the Idol Worship of the World. F. S. Dobbins, assisted by S. Wells Williams and J. Hull. Illustrated. Philadelphia, etc. Svo. B, 2. Famine Aspects of Bengal Districts. W. W. Hunter. London, 1874. Svo. B, 6. lleport of Col. Baird Smith. Bombay, 1861. Pam.-Vol. 117: B, 3. Fanadinana ny Tenin Andriamanitra. Catechism on the Word of God. Antananarivo, 1873. Pam.-Vol. 135: G, 3. Fanazavana ny Soratra Masina, avy amirC ny Tsangain-Bato Aman-anona naton^ ny firenena Maro tany Aloha. Light on Scripture from Ancient Monuments, etc., in Malagasy. T. T. Matthews. Antananarivo, 1897. Svo. G, 3. Fandehanan ny Mpivahiny, — JVy — . Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, in Malagasy. Antananarivo, 1878. ISmo. Also 32mo. G, 3. Fanehena Taloha, — Ny boky Sasany amy ny — ; and JVy Teniny ny Fanekem- Baovao, milanza any lesio Kiraisity, mpamoujy, tompontsikia. D. Griffiths. Bible in Malagasy. Lvndon, 1864 & 1855. Svo. Also London, 1865 & 1855. Svo. G, 3. Fanekena vaovao any Jesosy Kraisty mpamonjy, toinpontsika, — Soralra Masina any ny — ; Sady nahitsiny no ampiany fizahan-teny. New Testa- ment in Malagasy. Kevised with references. London, 1870. Svo. G, 3. Far Away, or Life at Tanna and Samoa. Philadelphia. 18 mo. F, 3. Farawd Lddfin Magana Llama ko Makoyi Mag man Gdsk'ia da JLa'inya Ga Rni JLal Ahadd, etc. Hausa Vocabulary and Primer. Berlin, i^ii. 12mo. H, 6. Farwell (N. L.). History of Phulmoni and Koriina, translated from the Bengali into Assamese. Sihsagor, Assam, 1854. 12mo. D, 6. Fate Island Dialect, — Gospel of Mark in — . See wider Bible, New Testament Portions. Fathers and Founders of the London Missionary Society; with a brief Sketch of Methodism, and Historical Notices of the several Protestant Missions, from 1556 to 1839. J. Morrison. London S^ Paris. 2 vols. Svo. Also New Edition with 21 portraits. London, 1844. 1 vol. J, 2. 220 TAU— FIR Faufaa api a to iatou faiu e te ora, a Je/iu Mesta JRa, — Te — . New Testament in Tahitian. London, 1853. 12 mo. F, 4. Fausboll (V.). Buddhist Birth Stories ; or Jataka Tales ; the oldest collection of Folklore extant. Translated by T. W. Ehys Davids. Vol. i. London, 1880. 8vo. B, 2. , translator. Sutta-Nipata ; from the Pali. In vol. X of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1 88 1. 8vo. C, 1. "Fawn,"— H.M.S.— See Western Pacific. Feagaiga Fou a lo tatou alii Jesu Keriso, — le — . New Testament in Samoan, London, 1849. 8vo. F, 3. Also Interleaved. Svo. F, 4. Feagaiga Fou a lo tatou ahi Jesu Keriso na Faasamoainn, — le — . New Testament and Psalms in Samoan. London, 1868. 16mo. F, 3. Feejee Islands, — relating to the Annexation of the—. P.P. London, 1871. Pol. Gx, 1. Female Education. See Missionary Address by A. Duff. See under India. — Missionaries. See under India. — Orphanage and Schools of the Madras Branch of the Scottish Ladies' Association for 1860-61. Pam.-Vol. Ill : B, 3. — School Society. See Native. Fenger (J. F.). History of the Tranquebar Missions. Iranquehar, 1863. 8vo. B, 6. Fenning (D.) & Collyer (J.). New System of Geography ; or a general description of the Whole Known World. London, i']]z. 2 vols. Fol. Ex, 1. Ferguson (A. M.). Ceylon Directory, Calendar, etc. Colomho, 1862. 8vo. B, 6. Ferguson (J.). Dictionary of the Hindostan Language, in two parts, with a Grammar pre- fixed. London, 1773. 4to. D, 2. Ferguson (B,.). Missionary Memoirs ; Man in Earnest ; exemplified in the Life and Labours of the Kev. E. W. Wheeler, eleven years a Missionary in Jamaica. London, 1857. 12mo. G,4. Ferguson (W.). The Palmyra Palm ; a popular description of the Palm and its Products, with special reference to Ceylon. Colombo, 1850. Pam.-Vol. 116: B, 3. Fesili i mea silisili ua tusia i le tusi paia. Shorter Catechism in Samoan. Samoa, 1861. 12mo. F, 4. Fiannra - Martha ; Fizarana i, ii, Sf Valiny, Arithmetic in Malagasy, parts i. ii, and Key to parti. 1875. Pam.-VoL 135: G, 3. Fiangonana Lsan Emin-BoJcua; JVg Filanzana ny Rahiraha Nato Tao Amparibe. Meeting of the Missionary Conference ; Reports of the work at Amparibe, Ambohimitsinibina, and Ankadibevava, in Malagasy. Antananarivo, 1873. Pam.-Vol. 135: G, 3. Fibrous Plants. See under India. Fifth Continent, with tlie Adjacent Islands ; being an account of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. C. H. Eden. Map. Lonlon 6f New York. 8vo. E, 3. Figuier (L.). Les Races Huraaines. Deuxieme edition. 288 Gravures dessines sur hois et 8 Chromolithographies. Pan's, 1873. Svo. E, 1. Fihirana, natoni/ Hihivany ny Ambaniandro, hiderana an' Adriamanitra. Malagasy Hymns. London, 1853. 32mo. G, 3. Fiji and the Fijians, by T. Williams ; and Mis- sionary Labours among the Cannibals, extended with notices of recent events, by J. Calvert. Edited by G. S. Howe. Illustrations. London, 1870. 8vo. F, 2. Missionary History. J. Calvert. Edited by S. Howe. Illustrations. London, 1858. 8vo. F, 2. — , King and People of — ; with a life of Thakoraban. J. Waterhouse. London, 1866. 8vo. F, 2. , our New Province in the South Seas. J. H. de llicci. Two maps. London, 1875. 8vo. F, 2. Fijian. See under Bible. Filanza ny firaharahana nataon-d Euinilaiar irony, Prime Minister sy Comma7ider-in-Chief ny Madagasliara sy M. le Mt/re de Viler s, Iraka Manampahefanan *ny Repnblika Frantsay, niantomboka tamy ny 17 Oclobra, 1894. Cor- respondence between the Prime Minister of Madagascar and M. le Myre de Vilers, October, 1894. 4to. Gx, 1. Filazantsarany Lioha, — Fianarana avy amy ny — . Lessons from Luke's Gospel, in Malagasy. Antananarivo, 1875. G, 3. Finance. See under India, — East — . Findlay (J.). Universal Diffusion of Divine Knowledge. Sermon preached May 8th, 1799. London. Pam.-Vols. 140 & 142: J, 4. Fink (Rev. J. C), — Memorials of—. See Mughs, — Among the — . First Book, in Nengone. E Taatua Apii na te Tamariki. London. Svo. F, 5. First School Book, in East Cape Dialect, New Guinea. Ta BusaMuganei. Sydney. Svo. F, 6. in Murray Island Dialect. Iiikiam ereuerem jauali : Miriam Mer. A. E. Hunt. Murrav Island, 1888. F, 6. FIS— FEE 221 Fish. (P.). Missionary t,o Palestine from the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, — Memoir of the liev. — . A. Bond. Jidmb'urff h, 1S2S. 12mo. B, 4. See "Foreign Missions." Para.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. Fitandremance ny Tena. Hygiene. A. Davidson. Antananarivo. Pam.-Vol. 135 : G, 3. Fitton (E. B.). New Zealand ; its Present Con- dition, Prospects, and Kesources ; being a description of the country and general mode of life among New Zealand Colonists, for the information of intending Colonists. London, 1856. 8vo. E, 3. Fixed Establishments. See Council. Fimhan teny nalahatry Dr. Chalmers. Intro- duction to Theology by Dr. Chalmers, in Malagasy. Antananarivo, 1875. 12mo. G, 3. Flavel (Samuel W.), Native Pastor of the Bellary Mission, — Memoir of — . Bellary, 1848. 12mo. CC, 1. Flemming (F.). Kaffraria and its Inhabitants. Map and illustrations. London, 1854. H, 6. Fletcher (Joseph). Funeral discourse for William Orme. May, 1830. London. Pam.-Vol. 138: J, 4. Fly River, New Guinea, — Visit of Inspection to Island of Kiwai at Mouth of—, Dec. 9th, 1889. P.P. Brishane. Fol. Also December 2 4th, 1889; February 4th, 1890; February 25th, 1890; and March 19th, 1890. Fol. Gx, 1. Fo-Sho-IIing-Tsnn-King. Life of Buddha, by Asvaghosha Bodhisuttva. translated from San- skrit into Chinese by Dharaaraksha, a.d. 420, and from Chinese into English by Samuel Beal. Being vol. xix of Sacnd Books of the East. Oxford, 1883. 8vo. C, 1. Folklore. See Bushman. See Melanesians. Footsteps of St. Paul, by J. R. Macduff, in Tamil. Translated by F. Bajlis. Nagercoil, 1863. 12mo. D, 6. Forbes (D.). Dictionary, Hindustani and English, and English and Hindustani. London, 1857. 8vo. D, 2. Grammar of the Bengali Language, with a selection of Easy Phrases and Useful Dialogues. London, 1861. 4to. D, 1. Grammar of the Hinlustani Language, in the Oriental and Eoman character, with a Vocabulary, London, 1862. 4to. D, 2. Hindustani Manual, including Grammar and Vocabulary. Revised by J. T. Plaits. London, 1874. 18mo. D, 6. Forbes' Plea for India Missions, — Strictures on Mr. — . Free Church Missionaries. Culcutta, 1865. Pam.-Vol. 120: B, 3. Fordyce (A. D.), — Brief Obituary of — , and Sermon by J. Macdonald. Calcutta, 1 845 . Pam.-Vol. 121a: B, 3. Forster (G.). Voyage Round the World in the " Resolution," commanded by Capt. Jas. Cook, 1772-75. Map. 1777. 4to. F, 1. Fort St. George, — Regulations of the Government in force at the end of 1847 ; with a list of the Acts of the Government of India in force in that Presidency. London, 1848. 4to. Cx, 2. Fort William in Bengal, — Regulations of the Government in force at the end of 1853 ; with list of the Acts of the Government of India in force in that Presidency. London, 1%$^. 3 vols. 4to. Cx, 2. See College of — . Foster (J. R.). Observations made on Physical Geography, Natural History, and Ethic Philo- sophy, during a Voyage round the World ; with Chart of Islantls in the South Seas, etc. London, 1778. 4to. Ex, 1. , tramla'or. Voyage Round the World, 1766-69, by Lewis de Bourgainville. From the French. Map.'^. London, 1772. 4to. Ex, 1. Fox (G. T.). See Hebich, Samuel,— Life of—. Fox (H. W.). Chapters on Missions in South India. London, 1848. 8vo. CC, 1. Fox (W.). Brief History of the Wesleyan Missions on the Western Coast of Africa. Map and illustrations. London, iS$i. 8vo. H, 2. Francais et Anglais, — Cantiques— . See Can- tiques Chretiens. Francois et Malagache. See Vocabulaire. Eraser (A.). Statistical Report of the District of Goorgaon, etc. Published by authority of the Governor of the North-West Provinces, Agra, 1849. 8vo. B, 6. Free Church of Scotland, — Addresses delivered at the Opening and Closing of the General Assembly, May 2nd and June 3rd, 1851. Fdtnhurgh. Pam.-Vol. 125 : B, 3. of Scotland (Quarterly. March, 1858, to September, 1868. Edinhurgh. 8vo. J, 3. of Scotland's Report on Foreign Missions, submitted May, 1856. A. Duff. Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. Aho Reports 1864 and 1866. 8vo. J, 6. Free Church's Foreign Mission. See India a Field for — . Free State. See Congo and the Founding of the — . Freeman (J. J.). Dictionary of the Malagasy Language, iu two parts. Part i, English and Malagasy. Antananarivo, 1835. 8vo. G, 3. Kaffir War. Letter to Earl Grey, London, 1851. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. 222 FRE— GAS Freeman (J. J.). Tour in South Africa, with notices of Natul, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine. Maps and illustrations. London, 1851. 8vo. H, 4. Freeman (J. J.) & Johns (D.). Narrative of Persecutions in Madagascar. London, 1840. 12mo. G, 2. Freeman (T. B.). Journal of Two Visits to the Kingdom of Ashanti in "Western Africa; with Historical Introduction by J. Beecham. 2nd edition. London, 1843. 12mo. H, 5. Freemasonry. See Medical College Hospital, French Government. See Madagascar, Corre- spondence. P.P. London, I Sg J. Fol. Gx, 1. in India, — History of the — . G. B. Malleson. London. 1868. 8vo. C, 6. Man-of-War, — A Lady's Cruise in a — . C. F. Gordon-Cumming. New edition. Map and illustrations. LJdinburgh, iSSz. 8vo. F, 2. Frere (B.). Eastern Africa as a Field for Mis- sionary Labour. Map. London, 1 874. 8vo. H,4. Indian Missions. London, 1873. 8vo. C, 6, Frere (M.). Old Deccan Days ; or Hindoo Fairy Legends current in Southern India. London, 1870. 8vo. Frere's (Bartle) Mission to the East Coast of Africa, 1872-73. London. Fol. Gx. 1. Friend of India. See under India. Friendly Isles. See Polynesia, — Ten Years in South-Central — . Friendly and Feejee Islands ; Missionary Visit to various Stations in the South Seas, in tlie year 1 847. W. Lawry. Edited by E. Hoole. Illustrations. London, 1850. 12mo. Also Second Missionary Visit. London, 1 85 1 . F, 2. Fruits of Toil. London Missionary Society. Illustrated with maps and sketches. Lo7)don, 1869. 8vo. J, 1. Fuller (Andrew). Expository Remarks on the Discipline of the 'Piiinitive Churches. 3rd edition. London, 1803. Pam.-Vol. 144 : J, 4. Harmony of Scripture. London, 1817. Pam.-Vol. 142 ; J, 4. , Note at the end of " Carey's Enquiry," in the handwriting of — . Pam.-Vol. 141 : J, 4. Fulness of Times; Sermon, September 23rd, 1795. J. Hey. London. Pam.-VoL 139: J, 4. Furrukabad Mission, Reports for 1859-60, 1862-63, and 1863-64. Allahahad. Pam.-Vol. 101 : B, 3. See Education, — Indigenous — . Futtehgurh Mission and her Martyred Mis- sionaries, — Memorial of the — . J. J. Walsh. Philadelphia ^ London, 1859. ^'^o. C, 4. Futtehpore, — Statistical Report of the District of — , July, 1851. C. W. Kinloch. Calcutta, 1852. Fol. Cx, 1. Fyfe (L. R.). See Jamaica, Handbook for 1882. G. G. (E.). Un Parislen a Madagascar. Aventures et Impressions de Voyage. 138 Gravures. 2nd edition. Paris, 1898. 8vo. G, 1. Gaelic. See under Bible. Gage (W. L.), translator. Comparative Geography of Palestine and Sinaitic Peninsula. C. Ritler. Edinhurgh, 1866. 4 vols. 8vo. B, 4. Gagna Peritania e a'oa'o ai i tagata Samoa, — le Faamatalaga le — . Grammar of the English language for the use of Samoans. J. E. Newell. London, i8gi. 8vo. F, 3. Gahs. See Zend-Avesta. Gaina Sutras, translated from Piakrit by H. Jacobi. Part i, Akaranga Sutra and Kalpa Sutra ; Part ii, Uttaradhyayana Sutra and Sutrakritahga Sutra : being vols, xxii and xlv of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1884 and 1895. 8vo. C. 2. Gajanan Krishna Bhatavadekar. Census Report of Baroda for 1881. Bombay, 1%%^. Ex, 2. Galnega a le an Aposetolo, — le Faamatalaga le tala i le — . Notes on the Acts in Sanioan. G. Turner. Samoa, 1857. 12mo. F, 4. Also with Map and illustrations. London. 12mo. F, 3. Gambler. See British Possessions. Gardiner (Allen), 1^.'^., commander, — Story of — ; with Sketches of Missionary Work in South America. J. W. Mask & W. H. Stirling. 4 maps. London, 1867. 8vo. E, 6. Gardner (W. J.). History of Jamaica, from its discovery by Christopher Columbus to the present time. Map. London, i^^-^. 8vo. G, 4. Garrett (J.), editor. Bhagavat-Geeta, or dia- logues of Krishna and Arjoon, in 18 lectures: Sanscrit, Canarose, and English, in parallel columns. Bangalore, 1849. Fol. Cx, 2. Katha Mangari, or Bunch of Stories. Ban- galore, 1864. 8vo. D, 5. Pancha Tantra, or Panchopakhyana ; five collections of Stories in Canarese. 2nd edition. Bangalore, 1865. 8vo. D, 6. Garrow Tribes, — Some accountof the — . Calcutta Christian Observer {"i). Pam.-VoL 121a : B, 3. Gaster (T. G.). The Tent, the Barrack, and the Bazaar. Simla, 1861. Pam.-VoL 118: B, 3. GAU— GIL 223 Gaussen (M.). Les Juifs Erangelises enfin et bientot lletables. Diseours par — . Paris, 1843. Pam.-Vol. 112: B, 3. The Jews at length Evangelized and soon Restored. Calcutta Christian Obserier, April, 1845. Para.- Vol. 121a : B, 3. Gautama. See Arjas, — Sacred Laws of the — . Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary of the World, — [Lippincutt's] Complete Pronounc- ing — . Edited by J. Thomas & T. lialdwin. Fhiladelphia, 1870. 8vo. E, 1. ' See India, Central Provinces. See India, — North-West — . See India, — Southern — . General Baptist Mission. See Orissa, its Geo- graphy, etc. General Baptist Missionary Society, Quarterly Papers, IS'os. 5, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 85, 108, 109, 118. Derby. Pam -Vol. 115 : B, 3. lleports for 1821, 1824-43, 1845, 1846. London. Pam.-Vol. 114 : B, 3. Also 1847-51. London. Pam.-Vol. 115 : B, 3. Genesis, — Eirst three Chapters. See Bible for the Pandits. Genevan New Testament. See under Bible. Gentoo Laws, — Code of — ; or Ordinations of the Pundits, from a Persian translation, made from the Original Sanscrit. L'indon, 1776. 4to. Ex, 1. Geograph-iae Sacrse, Pars Prior Phaleg seu de Dispersione Gentium Terrarum divi-^ione facta in a3(Hticatione turris Babel. Authore S. Bochartj. Cadomi, 1646. Eol. Ex, 1. Geographical Pathology : an inquiry into the geographical distribution of Infective and Climatic Diseases. A. Davidson. Edinburgh and London, 1892. 2 vols. 8vo. E, 1. Geographic. Bulletin de la Societe Neuchateloise. Tome vi. Neuchatel, 1891. 8vo. E, 1. GEOGRAPHY :— , Historical- Eastern — . See under Africa, — South - — in Hawaiian. He ILoihehonua, he mea ia e hoakaka'i i he ano ha honua nn, a me na mea maluna iho. Oahu, 1832. 12mo. Also Oahu, 1836. 12mo. F, 4. — in Malay, with Maps. Malacca, 1855-56. 2 vols. 4to. D, 6. — in Niuen. F. E. Lawes. Laleolagi. Niue, 1893. ^^^• Ko e tohi he he F, 3. — in Raratongan. Koia ohi te tuatua enua. Illustrations. Raratonga, 1862. 12mo. F, 5. — in Samoan. le tala i le Lalolagi. Maps. London, 1864. 18mo. F, 6. GEOGRAPHY :— in Samoan. le tala i le Lahlagi, atoa ma ana Faafunua. Maps. London, 1887. 8vo. F, 6. — , Modern — ; Description of the Empires, Kingdoms, States, and (^olonies, with the Oceans, Seas, and Isles, in all parts of the World. J. Pinkerton. Maps. 3rd edition. London, 181 1. 2 vols. 4to. Ex, 1. , New System of — ; or a General Descrip- tion of the Whole Known World. D. Penning and J. Collyer. Maps and plates. London, if'] z. 2 vols. Eol. Ex, 1. — rhysikalg na Filazana ny Amy ny Toetry, ny Tany, etc., etc. Physical Geography in Malagasy. R. Toy. Antananarivo^ 1876. 8vo. G, 3. — See Africa, South, — Manual. — See Asia and Africa. , Universal — . M. Malte-Brun. Edinburgh^ 1822-25. 5 vols. Svo. E, 2. German [Basel] Mission in the Southern Mahratta, Canara, and Malabar Provinces ; Reports, 1842-65. Madras, Bangalore, Mangalore. 2 vols. Svo. B, Mission. See Berlin Mission. See under Bible. Gessnius. Hebrew and English Lexicon to the Old Testament ; including the Biblical Chaldee. Edited by J. W. Gibbs. London, 1827. Svo. E, 6. Ghaut Murders. See India's Cries. Ghazeepore. See und»r Berlin Mission. Ghose (B. Kishore). History of Pooree, with an account of Juggunnath. Cuttack, 1848. Pam.-VoL 115: B, 3. Gibbs (J. W.), editor. [Gesenius's] Hebrew and English Lexicon to the Old Testament; in- cluding the Biblical Chaldee. , London, 1827. Svo. E, 6. Gibraltir and Spain, — Memoir of a Mission to — . W. H. Rule. London, 1844. 12mo. E, 5. Gilbert (T.),commanflerof the "Charlotte." Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in the year 1788, with views of the Islands discovered. London, 1789. 4to. Ex, 1. Gilchrist (J.). Dictionary, English and Hindoo- stanee. Calcutta, i^Sj. 2 vols. 4to. Dx, 1. , superintending translator. Hidayut ool Islam, in Arabic and Hindoostanee. In 2 vols. Vol. i. Calcutta, 1804. Svo. D, 1. Hindee Story Teller ; or entertaining Expositor of the Roman, Persian, and Nagree Characters, in their application to the Hindoo- stanee Language. Vol. ii. 2nd edition. Calcutta, 1 806. Svo. D, 2. 224 GIL— GOR Gilchrist (J.). Roman Orthoepigraphical Ulti- matum, or a systematic, discriminative view , of Oriental and Occidental Visible Sounds, on fixed and practical principles for the languages of the East, exemplified in the popular story of feukoontula Natuk. Calcutta, 180-I-. 8vo. D, 2. -, superintended h;/, Tota Kuhanee ; a transla- tion into the Hindoostanee tongue, of the Popu- lar Persian Tales, entitled Totee Namu. Sneyud Huedur Bukhshi Hueduree. Calcutta, 1804., 4to. Dx, 1. Gilchrist (J. B.)- Dialogues in English and Hin- doostanee, for illustrating the Grammatical Principles of the Stranger's East Indian Guide, etc. 3rd edition. London, 1820. 4to. D, 2. Gill (W.), — Autobiography ; being a record of his Life as a Missionary in the South Sea Islands. London, 1880. 8vo. F, 1. Church History in Raratongan. E tuatua no te tupu anga te JEhahsia a Jesu, London, 1876. 8vo. F, 3. Also Mangai, 1897. Svo. F, 6. Commentary on the Book of Isaiah, with- out the text, in Raratongan. Liverpool, 1855 Svo. F, 3. Gems from the Coral Islands. London, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. Aha with Illustrations. London, 1856 (?). 1 vol. Svo. F, 2. Gill (W. W.). From Darkness to Light in Polynesia, with illustrative clan songs. London, 1894. 8vo. F, 2. Historical Sketches of Savage Life in Polynesia, with illustrative clan songs. Wellington, 1880. 8vo. F, 2. Life in the Southern Isles ; or Scenes and Incidents in the South Pacific and New Guinea. London, 1876. Svo. F, 2. Myths and Songs in the South Pacific. Preface by E. Max Miiller. London, 1876. Svo. F, 2. South Pacific and New Guinea, past and present. Sydney, 1892. Pam.-Vol. 133 : F, 1. Gitonga and Xitswa. See Gospel Picture Book, with explanations. Gladwin (F.). Dissertations on the Rhetoric, Prosody, and Rhyme of the Persians. Calcutta, 1801. 4to. B, 1. ^ , From the Calcutta edition of — . Gulistan of Musle-Huddeen Shaik Skdy of Sheeraz, in Persian. London, 1809. 4to. D, 2. Glasgow, — Two letters to Dr. Chalmers on increasing the Number of Churches in — . J. A. Haldane. 2ad edition. Edinburgh, 1820. Pam.-Vol. 144 : J, 4. Glyn (?) (William), trayidator. Psalms in Persian. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. God and Heathen Ignorance ; Sermon preached May 12th, 1803, by G. Ewing. London. Pam.-Vol. 142: J, 4. Revealed ; an Outline of Christian Truth ; being Sunday Afternoon Lectures delivered to educated Hindus. T. E. Slater, Madras, iSj 6. 12mo. C, 6. God's Call our Directory ; Sermon preached May 12th, 1796, by J. Pentycross. London. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. Covenant the Believer's Plea ; Sermon preached May 14th, 1806, by S. Bradley. London. Pam.-Vol. 142 : J, 4. Declared Designs a Motive to Human Endeavours ; Sermon preached April 9th, 1798, by J. Cockin. London. Pam.-Vol. 140: J, 4. — Truth; a tract. Pam.-Vol. 120: B, 3. Way of Peace, by H. Bonar, translated into Tamil by C, J. Addis. Madras, iS-j^. Svo. D,4. Gogo. See Hymn Book in — . Gold Coast, — Geography of the — . See Asante See Ashantee and the — . , "Western Africa. See "West (D.), "Wesleyan Minister. Gold Regions. See Africa, — South-Eastern — . Gondi Grammar and Vocabulary. H. D. "William- son. London. Svo. D, 6. Good (J.). Hymns and Psalms in Sechwana. LiMla tsa Tilielo ea Modimo. Kuruman, 1886. Svo. H, 6. Good Words, in Malagasy. Teny Soa, — Ny — . Antananarivo, 1870, 1872, 1875, 1877, 'S?^- 6 vols. Svo. G, 3. Goodwin (W. A.). Catechism on the Old Testa- ment, in Icosa. / Testamente Endala Ngemihuto Nempeniulo. London, 1897. Svo. H, 6. Goojratee New Testament. See under Bible. Goorgaon. Statistical Report of the District. Published by Authority of the Governor of the North-West Provinces. Jgra, i8^g. Svo. B, 6. Goatoo and Inyokwana, Africans. Application of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society for Appointment of Guardians, in the High Court of Justice. London, 1891. Svo. H, 1. Gordon (T. F.). History of Penn.sylvania, from its Discovery by Europe ins to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Philadelphia, 1829. Svo. E, 4. GOE— GRA 225 Gordon-Cumming (C. T.). A Lady's Cruise in a Freticli Mun-of-War. New edition. Map and illustrations. £dinburff h, 1SS2. 8vo. F, 2. Gospel Ethnology. S. R. Pattison. London. 8vo. J. 3. — , Everlasting — ; Sermon preached May 1 1th, 1797, by J". Nicholson. London. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. Grace, — Glorious Displays of — ; Sermon by Eowland Hill. September 24th, 1795. London. Pam.-Yol. 139 : J, 4. Greatest of Blessings ; Sermon preached May 11th, 1896, by G. Lambert. London. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. Magazine, in English and Bengal (?). i8ig and 1820. 2 vols. 4to. B, 5. , Ministration of the Holy Spirit in the — ; Sermon by J. Macdonald. Calcutta, 1847. Pam.-Vol. 121a: B, 3. Picture Book, with Explanations, in Gitonga and Xitswa. Lidangalila nya Milandu ya Pfuniu. Dangarila ga Timhaka ta Hosi. Loudon, 1896. 8vo. H, 6. , Prayer for the Success of the — ; Sermon preached May 12th, 1796, by W.Jay. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. Gospels. See Harmony of the Four — . in Syro-Chaldaic. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. Government, — Civil — . See India, British, — Considerations of the State of the — . Govinda Ananda. See Aphorisms of the Vedanta. Graeter (B.). Tables of Canarese Grammar. Mangalore, 1884. D, 2. Gramara Malagasy. Malagasy Grammar. Pam.-Vol. 135 G,3. Gramara Malagasy Lehihe. Malagasy Grammar. G. Cousins. Antananarivo, i88z. 12mo. G, 3. Gramara Malagasy ; Nohafohezina Hianaran ' ny Anhiry Madenika. Malagasy Grammar, abbre- viated for children. Antananarivo, 1875. Pam.-Vol. 135: G, 3. Grammaire. See Arabe. GRAMMAR :— -, Comparative—. See Dravidian or South Indian. — , English.. See under Samoan. — , Introduction to — . See Sanskrit Language. — , Persian. See Hindu Moral Preceptor. -, Prakrit — , of Vavaruchi. See Prakrita- Prakasa. — See Aneityumese Dictionary. See Arabic Language. GRAMMAR:— See Aryan Languages. See Asante and Fante Language. See Australian. See Bengal Language. See Bengali. See Bengali Language. See Bornu or Kanuri Language. See Bur man Language. See Canarese. See Canarese Language. See Carnatica. See Hindi. See Hindi and Braj Bhakha. See Hindostan Language. See Hindustani. See Hindustani Language. See Hindustani Manual. See Kaffir Language. See Kafir Language. See Kimambwe. See Kongo Language. See Malagasy. See Malay Dictionary. See Malay Language. See Malay Tongue. See Marquesas. See Moskito Language. See Motu. See Namaqua Hottentot Language. See Persian. See Persian Language. See Pukhto, Pushto, or Language of the Af gh ans. — See Raratongan and English. — See Samoan. — See Samoan Dictionary.' — See Sanscrit. — See Sanskrita Language. — See Secoana. — See Sena Language. — See Siamese. — See Sindhi. 15 226 GRA— GRI GRAMMAR:— See Syriac. See Tahitian and English. See Tahitian Dialect. See Tamil. See Tamil, — Abridgment of — . See Tamil Language. See Tamul. See Tamulian Language. See Telinga Language. See Teloogoo Language. See Yei Language. See Vocabulary, — English and Burman — . See Yornba Language. Grammar and Dictionary, — Supplement to the — . See Samoan. Grammar and Vocabulary. See Gondi. See Motu. See New Zealand. See Pali. Grant (C). Gazetteer of the Central Provinces of India. 2nd edition. Map. iV%^ur, 1870. 8to. B, 1. Grant (J. A.). "Walk Across Africa ; or Domestic Scenes from my Nile Journal. Edinburgh ^ London, 1864. 8vo. H, 3. Grant-Duff (M. E.). Notes of an Indian Journey. London, iSjb. 8vo. B, 2. Graves (A.). See under "Missions, — Foreign " — . Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. Gray (C). Life of Robert Gray, Bishop of Cape Town and Metropolitan of Africa ; edited by his son — . Portrait and map. London, 1876. 2 vols. Svo. G, 1. Gray (Robert), Bishop of Cape Town and Metropolitan of Afi-ica, — Life of — ; edited by his son, C. Gray. Portrait and map. London, 1876. 2 vols. Svo. G, 1. Great African Island. See Madagascar. Commission, or the Christian Church Constituted and Charged to Convey the Gospel to the World. John Harris. 2nd thousand. London, 1842. Svo. J, 3. Effects from Feeble Means ; Sermon preached May 13th, 1796, by D. Jones. London. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. Greatheed (S.). Missions founded upon the Moral Law j Sermon, September 23rd, 1895. London. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. Greaves (E.). Grammar of Modern Hindi. Benares, 1896. 8vo. D, 6. Notes on the Grammar of the Ramayan of Tulsf Das. Benares, 1895. 8vo. D, 2. Greece. See Asia Minor and — . Greece and Palestine. See Mission Life in — . Greek Islands. See Peloponnesus. Mission, — Narrative of the — , or Sixteen years in Malta and Greece, etc. S. S. "Wilson. Engravings. London, 1839. Svo. E, 2. Modern. See under Bible. See Pilgrim's Progress, with Burder's Notes. See Scott's Essays. See Sermons, — Burder's Village — . New Testament. See under Bible. See Lexicon, Anglo-EUenekon. Greek-English Lexicon, compiled by H. G Liddell & R. Scott. 5th edition. Oxford London, 1861. 4to. E, Green (A. 0.). Practical Hindustani Grammar, with Adventures of King Azad Bakht, MS. Letters, etc., etc. ; Parts i & ii. Oxford, 1895. 2 vols. 8vo. D, 6. Greenland, — History of — , containing a descrip- tion of the country and its inhabitants and of the Mission by the Unitas Fratrura. D. Crantz. Translated from the High Dutch. Maps and plates. London, 1767. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. E, 4. Gregory (W.). Journal of a Captured Missionary, iu the second voyage of the ship "Dulf." London, 1800. Svo. F, 6. Grey (Earl). See Kaffir War. Griffin (J.). Memoirs of Captain J. Wilson, with Missionary Voyage to the South Seas. London, i8i4(?). Svo. Also 2nd edition. London. Svo. J, 4. Mercies Received a Claim for Admiration and Gratitude ; Thanksgiving Sermon preached August 6th, 179S. London. Pam.-VoL 140: J, 4. Signs Favourable to Missions ; Sermon preached May 14th, 18u7. London. Pam.-Vol. 142: J, 4. Griffiths (D.). Grammar of the Malagasy Lan- guage, in the AnUova Dialect. JVoodbridge, 1 854. 12mo. G, 3. New Testament in Malagasy. See under Bible. Grihya - Sutras ; Rules of Vedic Domestic Ceremonies. Part i, Sahkhayana, Asvalayana, Piiraskara, Khadira, translated by Hermann Oldenberg ; Part ii, Gobhila, Hiranyakesin, Apastamba, translated by Hermann Oldenberg; Apastamba, Yagna-paribhasha siitras, trans- lated by F. Max Miillor : being vols, xxxi and XXX of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1886 & 1892. Svo. C, 2. GEI— HAL 227 Griquas ; chapter for the History of our Dealings ■with Weak Tribes. "VV. Thompson. Cape Town, 1854.. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. Gritton (J.). Missionary Monograms ; or Recrea- tions of an Indian Evangelist. London, 1872. 8vo. C, 6. Groves (A. N.), Brief Account of the Present Circumstances of the Tinnevelly Mission. Sidmouth Sf Lo7idon, 1835. 18 mo. Pam.-Vol. 125b: B, 3. Grundemann (Von R,), prediger. Allgemeiner Missions- Atlas, nach Original quellen bearbeitat Ton—. Gotha, 1867-71. 4to. J, 1, , prediger. Die Missionen in Afrika, in Zwanzig karten mit Erlauterndem texte dargestellt — . Gotha, 1867. 8vo. H, 1. Guiana, — Essay on the Natural History of-—, and an Account of the Religion, Manners, and Customs of Several Tribes of its Indian Inhabitants. London, 1769. 8vo. E, 6. See Indian Tribes of — . Guinea, — Some Historical Account of — , with an Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of the Slave Trade. A. Benezet. New edition. London, 1788. 8vo. H, 1. Guinness (H. 6,). Mosaic History and Gospel Story epitomised in the Congo Language. London, 1882. 8vo. H, 6. New World of Central Africa, with a History of the First Christian Mission on the Congo. Maps and illustrations. London, 1 890. 8vo. G, 1. Gujarat! and English. See Christianity; — the Touchstone of Truth. , Dictionary in English and — . E. P. Robertson. Bombay Sf Calcutta, 1%^/^, Bvo. D, 6. See under Bible. Gujurat, — Missionary Encouragements in India ; or the Christian Village in — . W. Clarkson. 6th edition. London, 1850. 18mo. CC, 1. GujuratM. See Pilgrim's Progress. Gulistan of Musle - Huddeen Shaik Sady of Sheeraz, in Persian. From the Calcutta edition of F.Gladwin. London, 1809. 4to. D, 2. or Rose Garden of Musle - Huddeen Shaik Sady. F. Gladwin, translator. New edition. London, 1822. C 5. Gulshan - i - roh ; being selections. Prose and Poetical, in the Pushto or Afghan Language. H. G. Raverty. London, i860. 4to. Dx, 2. Guriguri, Bubu ai hae hoaulaia dolca koaulaia dolco. Litany in Motu. Sydney, 1896. 24mo. F, 5. Guru Sishyo. Story of Creation, etc., in Bengali. Calcutta, 1824. 12mo. D g. Guzerathi Terms. See India, Glossary. Guzerattee, Mahratta.and English Languages, — Illustrations of the Grammatical Parts of the — . Bombay, i8o8. 4to. Cx, 2. Gypsies and their Language, — English — . London, iSy^. 8vo. B, 4. H. Raapii Eaa Numera. Arithmetic in Tahitian. Tahiti, 1864. 8vo. F, 5. Habits, Character, and Moral Improvement. See Hindoos. Haddon (A. C). Secular and Ceremonial Dances of Torres Straits. Plates. Leiden,- iSg^. 4to. Fx, 1. See also Torres Straits. Halcombe "(J, J.), editor. Mission Life ; a magazine consisting chiefly of readings on Foreign Lands with reference to the scenes and circumstances of Mission Life. Many illustrations. London, 1866-69. ^ "^^Is. 8vo. J. 2. Haldane (J. A,). Letters containing Strictures on a Recent Publication by J. Walker. LJdifi- hurgh, 1820. Pam.-Vol. 144: J, 4. Two letters to Dr. Chalmers on Increasing the Number of Churches in Glasgow. 2nd edition. Edinburgh, lizo. Pam.-Vol. 144 : J, 4. Halhed (N. B.). Grammar of the Bengal Lan- guage. Kooghly, 1878. 4to. D, 3. Hall (F.), Contribution towards an Index to the Bibliography of the Indian Philosophical Systems. Published by the order of the Govern- ment of North- West Provinces. Calcutta, 1859. 8vo. B, 6. , editor. Vasardatta, a Romance, by Subandhu; accompanied by Sivarama Tripathiri's perpetual gloss, entitled Darpana. Calcutta, 1859. In vol. (I) of Bibliotheca Indica. 8vo. C, 1. , editor. Vishnu Purana ; a system of Hindu Mythology and Tradition. Translated from the Sanscrit, and illustrated by notes derived chiefly from other Purarias. H. H. Wilson. London, 1864-68. 4 vols. 8vo. C, 3. Hall (Fanny E.). Concordance of the New Testamentin the Language of Mare. Konkordans ca Nekonekatu Jeu^ re Ekonijen Kdbesi. London, 1889. 8vo. F, 3. Hall (G.). See Missions, — Foreign — . Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. Hall (H.). Manual of South African Geography, forming a companion to the map of South Africa, to 16° South latitude. Cape Town, 1 859. 8vo. H, 4. Hall (J.). See False Gods. Hall (J. C). Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man. See in vol. Man,— The Races of — , by C. Pickering. 228 HAL— HAW Hall (J. G.). History of South Cave and of other Parishes in tlie East Riding of the County of York. [Contains references to the following Missionaries, viz., CliarlesBarff, p. 59 ; Thomas Blossom, p. 79; and Barnabas Shaw, p. 213.] Hull, ^i2>q2. 8vo. J, 6. Halliday (J. G.), translator. Life of Samuel Hebich. From the German. With preface byG. T. Fox. London, iS-j 6. 8vo. CC, 1. Hamilton (R. W.). Missions, their Authority, Scope, and Encouragement. London, 1842. 8vo. J, 1. Sermon on the Intercommunion of Churches, October, 1842. London. Pam.-Vol. 138: J, 4. Hardcastle (Joseph), first Treasurer of the London Missionary Society, — Memoir of — . London, i860. 8vo. J, 4. Hardy (R. S.). Eastern Monachism, an account of tbe order of Mendicants founded by Gotama Buddha. London, i860. 8vo. C, 3. Sare-Mahasoa, sy ny tori-teny sasany, — Ny — . Sermons and Addresses in Malagasy. An- tananarivo, 1 87 1. 12mo. G, 3. Harmony of the Eour Gospels in Bengali, con- taining a Complete History of the Life of Christ. Calcutta, 1822. 12 mo. D, 6. Harris (J.). Christian Patriotism ; Sermon for the Home Missionary Society, May, 1842. London. Pam.-Vol. 138 : J, 3. Great Commission ; or the Christian Church constituted and charged to Convey the Gospel to the World. 2nd thousand. 1842. 8vo. J, 3. Harris (T. S.) & Young (J.). Christ's Sermon on the Mountain translated into the Seneca Tongue. JVew York, 1829. 18mo. E, 3. Harris (W. C). Wild Sports of Southern Africa ; being the Narrative of an Expedition from the Cape of Good Hope to the Tropic of Capricorn. Plates. London, 1839. 12mo. H, 1. Hartwig (G.). Tropical World; a popular and scientific Account of the Natural History of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms in the Equatorial Regions. London, 1863. B, 4. Harvest Field, — The — ; Vols. i-iv. Bangalore, 1862-65. 4 vols. 8vo. C, 5. Harvey (T.). See West Indies in 1837. Harvey (T.) & Brewin (W.). Jamaica in 1866, Narrative of a tour through the island. !Map. London, I Sby. 8vo. G, 4. Harwood (A.), translator. Early Years of Christi- anity. E. de Pressense. London, 1869. 8vo. B,4. , translator. Martyrs and Apologists, by E. de Tressense. London, 1871. 8vo. B, 4. Hassell (J.). Erom Pole to Pole ; a Handbook of Christian Missions, for the use of Ministers, Teachers, and others. Xo«n "Words, in Keapara. A. Pearae. Sydney, 1892. 12inn. F, 5. lies Comores. See Madagascar et aux — . lies du Grand Ocean, — Voyages aux — . J. A. Moerenhout. Paris, 1837. 2 vols. 8vo. F, 2. Imeni ei akapaapaa anga i te Atua. Hymn Book, in Karatongan. 1st edition. Paratonga, iS^^. 32mo. ^^»o 2nd edition. London, 1855. 32mo. ^^«o 3rd edition. Zotidon, iS-j 2. 32mo. ^/«o 4th edition. London, iSSo. 32mo. F,5. Imerina. See Malagasy Language as spoken in — . Immolations ; Jfumber of "Women Immolated in Each of the Presidencies, etc., from 1815 to 1823, or a part of that period. July ist, 1825. Pam.-Vol. 129: Cx, 1. -.Voluntary — . /Ss^ Hindoo "Widows. Also see Burning of Females. INDIA :— American Missions." Pamphlet-VolumeNo. 103. 8vo. Including: — 1. Missionary Experience ; or Reports and Letters connected with Special Meetings of the American Boiird of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, February to May, 1855. Pomhay Sf Madras. 2. Minutes of the Special Meetings held at Madura, February and March, 1855. Madras. 3. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Ceylon Mission, April and May, 1855. Madras. 4. Proceedings on Occasion of a Visit of a Deputation to the Madras Mission, July, 1855. Calcutta. 5. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Arcot Mission, June, 1855. Calcutta. B, 3. — and Christian Missions. Edward Storrow. London, 1859. 12 mo. C, 6. — and Indian Missions ; including Sketches of the Gigantic System of Hinduism, both in theory and practice. Alexander Duff. 2nd edition. Edinburgh, 184.0. Svo. C, 6. — , Census of British -born Subjects for 1881. Calcutta, 1883. Fol. Ex, 2. — Christian Association, Occasional Papers, Nos. 1 to 4. Pdinburgh. Pam.-Vol. Ill : B, 3. — , Christianity in, — Letters with Special Reference to the Spread of — . "William Buyers. London, 1840. 12mo. C, 6. INDIA:— , Continental — . Travelling Sketches and Historical Recollections, illustrating the Antiquity, Religion, and Manners of the Hindoos, the Extent of British Conquests, and the Progress of Missionary Operations. London, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. B, 2. , Conversion of — , from Pantsenus to the Present Time, ad. 193-1893. George Smith, CLE. Illustrations. London, 1893. 8vo. C, 6. -, Darkness and Dawn in—. Two Missionary Discourses by Narayan Sheshadri and John Wilson. Edinburgh, 1853. Svo. CC, 1. — Domestic Life, Character, and Customs of the Natives of — . Jas. Kerr. London, 1865. 12mo. C, 6. — , Education as a Missionary Agency in — . John Murdoch. Madras, 1872. Svo. C, 5. -, Education in — . Answers to Queries on the "Working of the Education Dispatch of 1854, sent out by the General Council of — . London, 1882. Fol. Ex, 2. — , , Dispatch on General — ; July 19th, 1854. P.P. London. Fol. Ex, 3. Also in Pam.-Vol. 128 : Cx, 1. — , Letter of the Earl of Ellenborough, April 28th, 1858, and Memoir of Sir G. Russell- Clerk, July 28th, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 128 : Cx, 1. , Letter to the Marquis of Ripon, by John Murdoch. Madras, 1881. Svo. C, 6. , , National — . J. Murdoch. Ifadras, 1863. Pam.-VoL 107: B, 3. , , Note on the State of — , in 1865-66. A. M. Monteith. P.P. Calcutta, iSe-j. FoL Ex, 2. — , Papers connected with the Establish- ment of Universities. P.P. Calcutta, 1857. Fol. Ex, 2. — , Report of the Director of Public Instruction, Bombay, on the Note of A. M. Monteith, May 4th, 1868. P.P. London. Fol. Ex, 2. — , , with Special Reference to Vernacular Schools, — Hints on — . John Murdoch. Madras, i860. 12mo. C, 6. — , English Rule and Native Opinion in — , from notes taken 1870-74. James Routledge. London, 1878. Svo. B, 2. J. "Wilson. Edinburgh, B, 6. — , Evangelization of- 1849. Svo. — , Female Missionaries in — ; Letters from a Missionary's wife abroad to a friend in England. Mrs. Weitbrecht. 2nd edition. London, 1843. ISmo. CC, 1. -, Female Society of the Free Church of Scotland for promoting the ChrLstian Educa- tion of the Females of — , Reports, 1860-62. Pam.-VoL 111: B, 3. 236 IND INDIA :— , Fibrous Plants of—, fitted for Cordage, Clothing, and Paper, with an account of the cultivation and preparation of Flax and Hemp and their substitutes. J. F. Royle. London, 1855. 8vo. C, 4. , Field for Missionary Effort : addressed to Collectors and Members of Congregational Associations of the Free Church Foreign Mis- sion. A. Duff. Edinburgh, January 26th, 1854. Pam.-Yol. 119: B, 3. — , "Free Churcli Mission." Pamphlet-Volume No. 111. 8vo. Including: — I . Eeport of Conference on Foreign Missions. Edinhurgh, November, 1861. 2-4. Reports of the Female Society, Free Church of Scotland, for Promoting the Christian Education of the Females of India, for the years I860, 1861, and 1862. 6-7. Accounts and Reports of the Madras Free Church Mission, 1859-61, 8. Indian Missions : their modes of opera- tion. Letter by A. B. Campbell. Edinburgh, i86i. 9. Proceedings of Madras Missionary Con- ference, 1858 (?). 10. Reports of the Madras Branch of the Church of Scotland's India Mission, 1860-61. II. Report of the Female Orphanage and Schools [Madras Branch] of the Scottish Ladies Association for 1860-61. 12. Report of the Bombay Auxiliary Mis- sionary Society of the Free Chui-ch of Scotland for 1861. Bombay. 13. Report of the Free Church. Mission at Poona, 1861 and part of 1862. Bombay. 14. Report of the Bauleah Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England for 1863. Calcutta. 15. Report of the Calcutta Girls' School for 1864. Calcutta. 16. India Cliristian Association, Occasional Papers, Nos. 1 to 4. Edinburgh. 17. Memorial Discourse on Death of Rev. S. Hislop, of Najpur. J. Wilson. Bombay, 1864. 18. Maharaj Libel Case. Calcutta, i86z. B, 3. — , Friend of — ; containing information relative to the state of Religion and Literature in India, vrith occasional intelligence from Europe and America. Vol. i, May to December, 1818. Serampore. 8vo. C, 6. — , Government of — . Converts. See Baptism of Christian See India, Glossary of Terms. See Missionary Efforts. See Pagodas and Mosques. — , Governor General, — Petition for the recall of the—, February 11th, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 128: Cx, 1. INDIA :— , Hindu and Mahometan Periods. M. Elphinstone. 5th edition. With notes and additions by E. B. Cowell. London, 1866. 8vo. C, 3. -, History of — , from the earliest period to the close of Lord Dalhousie's Administration. J. C. Marshman. London, iS6g. 3 vols. 8vo. C, 6. — , See under British India. the British Empire in — . E. Thornton. Zort^i. 8vo. E, 5. Jenner (T.). That Goodly Mountain and Lebanon. London, 1874. 8vo. B, 4. Jerard (J.), — Charge delivered at the Ordination Service of — , October 24th, 1804, by G. Burder. London. Pam.-Yol. 142: J, 4. Jerusalem. See Arabia, Kordistan, etc. JesosyKraisty, — Tori-teny Milaza any — . Sermons in Malagasy. Antananarivo, 1873. 12mo. G, 3. Jesu Keriso ena Evanelia Marelto. Gospel of Mark, in South Cape dialect, New Guinea. Sydney, 1892. 8vo. F, 5. Jesu Keriso ena Evanelia Ilarelco revareva he tolea. Gospel of Mark, in the language of Motu. Sydney, 1882. 12mo. F, 5. Jesu, — le Soo — . Young Disciple ; a Manual for Samoan Catechumens. Lotidon, iSg;}. 8vo. F, 4. Jesu, — Tala ia — . Story of Jesus, in Samoan, Samoa, 1840. 12mo. F, 4. Jesuit. See under India. Jesuits : their Origin and Order, Morality and Practices, Suppression and Restoration. A, Duff. Calcutta, li^s- Pam.-Yol. 121a: B, 3. Jesus, — Blood of — , by W. Reid, in Sechuana. Translated by R. Price. Muri a Yesu, go kwarilwe he Rev. W. Reid. Kuruman, 1872. 16mo. H, 6. Dominion of — ; Sermon preached May 9th, 1799. London. Pam.-Yols. 140 & 142: J, 4. Story of — , in Samoan. le Tala ia Jesu, etc. Samoa, 1840. 12mo. F, 4. Jesus Christ, — History of — , in Malagasy; Part i, Ny Tantarany lesosy Kraisty Aralca ny Foalaza ao amy ny Fila%antsara Efatra. Antananarivo, 1873. 8vo. G, 3. Jews at length Evangelized and soon Restored. M. Gaussen. Calcutta Christian Observer, April, 1845. Pam.-Yol. 121a: B, 3. 244 JEW— JUG Jews ; Duty of Christians to Seek the Salvation of the — . Sermon preached May 15th, 1806, by D. Bogue. London. Pam.-Vol. 142: J, 4. See Mission of Inquiry to the — . Jogonnath in 1849, — Great Shrine of — . A.F, Lacroix. Calcutta, i8^g. Pam.-Vol. 122 : B, 3. John Sham Rao. Canarese Primer. Bangalore, 1854. 8vo. D, 6. Johns (D.). See Madagascar, — Narrative of Per- secutions in — . Johnson (F.). Dictionary : Persian, Arabic, and English. London, 1852. 4to. Dx, 1. Johnson (W.). City, Rice Swamp, and Hill. Illustrations. Lotidon, 1893. 8vo. B, 4. Johnston (F.). Hitopadesa, the Sanscrit text of the First Book, or Mitra-Labha; with Grammatical Analysis. London, i%^o. 4to. Cx, 2. Johnston (H. H.). British Central Africa ; an attempt to give some account of a portion of the Territories Under British Influence, North of the Zambesi. Six maps and 220 illustra- tions. London, 1897. 4to. H, 1. Livingstone and the exploration of Central Africa. 22 illustrations and 7 maps. London, 1 89 1. 8vo. H, 4. Johnston (J.). "Indian Education Commission"; Abstract and Analysis of the Report, with notes, and the recommendations in full. London, 1844. 8vo. C, 4. ' Reality versus Romance in South Central Africa ; an account of a Journey Across the Continent from Benguella on the West to the mouth of the Zambesi on the East Coast. Map and 51 full-page illustrations. London, 1893. Bvo. H, 1. Report of the Centenary Conference of Protestant Mis^sions of the World, held June 9th to 19th, 1888, in Exeter Hall, London. 2 vols. Bvo. J, 2. Johnston (Keith), editor. Africa; with appendix by A. H. Keane. Maps and illustrations. London, 1878. 8vo. G, 1. , Biographical Notes of — . See African Lakes. Johnston (S. F.) and Matheson (J. W.) & (M. J.), Missionaries on Tanna, — Memoirs of — ; with notices of the New Hebridees, etc. Philadelphia. 8vo. F, 5. Jolly (J.), translator. Institutes of Vishnu ; being vol. vii of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1880. 8vo. C, 1. Minor Law Books ; Part i, Narada, and Brihaspati ; being vol. xxxiii of Sacred Books of the East. 0.r/or«?, 1889. 8vo. C, 2. Jonah's Mission ; Sermon by G. Burder, September 22ud, 1795. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. Jones (Admiral). See Madagascar, Report of the Visit of—. Jones (D.). Great Effects from Feeble Means ; Sermon preached May 1 3th, 1796. London. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. Jones (D. P.). Esop's Fables, in Kimambwe. Maliasi Yakwe Esopo. London, 1897. 8vo. H, 5. Outlines of Kimambwe Grammar, with English -Kimambwe and Kimambwe-English Vocabularies. London, 1893. 8vo. H, 6. Jones (J.), — Expulsion of the Rev. — . See Mare. Jones (Sir W.). Grammar of the Persian Lan- guage. 7th edition. London, \%oc). 4to. D, 1. Jones-Parry (S. H.). My Journey Round the World. Vol. ii. London, i%%\. 8vo. E, 2. Jordan (F. J.). Postal Guide. Calcutta, i%bi^. Pam.-VoL 118: B, 3. Journey Round the World, — My — : Vol. ii. S. H. Jones-Parry. London, 1881. 8vo. E, 2. Jouveaux (E.). Two years in East Africa ; adventures in Ab}ssinia and Nubia, with a journey to the sources of the Nile. Maps and illustrations. London, 1875. 8vo. H, 5. Jowett (W.). Christian Researches in Syria and the Holy Land. 2ud edition. Lundon, 1826. 8vo. B, 6. Christian Researches in the Mediterranean. London, 1822. 8 vo. B, 5. Joy Gopal Turkulunkar, revisor. Mahabharut, translated into Bengali verse. Serampore, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. D, 3. Juhblepore Mission of the Church Missionary Association. Report for 1861. Bomhay. Pam.-Vol. 109": B, 3. Judd (P. P.). Anatomy in Hawaiian. Anatomia, He Palapala e lluiha Ai 1 ke ano Ko lie Kanaka kino. Ohalm, 1838. 12mo. F, 3. Judson (A.), — Memoir of the life and labours of the Rev. — . F. Way land. 2 vols. London, 1853. 8vo. CC, 2. See " Foreign Missions." Pam.-Vol. 145: J, 4. Juggernath, — Petitions to Parliament against tlie Grant to — , and the Connection of the East India Company with the Hindu and Mussalman Religions. Calcutta, June, 1853. Pam.-Vol. 116: B, 3. Juggernaut, — Reflections on Scenes near the Temple of — , or Meditations Among the Dead in 1825. C. Lacey. London. Pam.-VoL 114 : B, 3. See under India, — East India Company. Juggunnath, — History of Pooree, with an account of — . B. Kisliore Ghose Cultiick, 1848. Pam.-Vol. 115: B, 3. JUG— KAU 245 Jugonnath. See Lacroix (A. F.), — Voyage du Missionnaire — . Juifs, — Les, — Evangelises enfin et bientot lletables. Discours par M. Gaussen, ancien pasteur. Paris, 1843. Pam.-Vol, 112: B, 3. Jukes (C). Country Work in Madagascar, being the Journal of a visit to the Betsileo Province. London, 1870. Pam.-Vol. 134: G, 2. Junker (W.). Travels in Africa, 1875-78. Translated by A. H. Keane. Illustrated. London, iSgo. 8vo. ' H, 1. Juvenile Missionary Mag^azine, 1844 to 1894. 46 vole. 24mo, 12mo, 4to. London. GG, 3. E. Kaflfers. See Africa, South, Original Matter. Eaffers' Case, — Succinct Statement of the — . Letter by S. Kay. London, 1837. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. Kaffir Language, — Grammar of the — . W. B. Boyce. 3rd edition, augmented by W. J. Davis. London, 1863. 8vo. H, 6. , Vocabulary of the — . J. Ayliff. 2nd edition. London, 1863. 18mo. H, 6. ■ Races, — Past and Future of the — ; their History, Manners and Customs, Preservation, and Improvement. W. C. Holden. Map and illustrations. London, 1866. 8vo. G, 1. War. Letter to Earl Grey by J. J. Freeman. London, 1851. 8vo, Pam.-Vol. 137a.: H, 3. KaflEraria and its Inhabitants. F. Fleming. 2nd edition. Map and illustrations. London, 1854. 8vo. H, 5. Kafir, Hottentot, and Frontier Farmer; Passages of Missionary Life from the Journals of Archdeacon Merriman. Map and illustrations. 3rd thousand. London, i%i\. 8vo. H, 4. -, Judges to Chronicles in — . See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Language ; comprising a Sketch of its History, which includes a General Classifica- tion of South African Dialects, Ethnographical and Geographical, with Grammar. J. W. Appleyard. King Williani's Town Sf London, 1850. 8vo. H, 6. — Laws and Customs, including Genealogical Tables of the Kafir Chiefs, and Various Tribal Census Returns, — Compendium of — . Colonel Maclean. Ca^e Town, 1866. 8vo. H, 1. — , New Testament in — . See under Bible. Tribes, and Outbreak on Eastern Frontier of the Colony, — Correspondence respecting the—. February 3rd, 1852. P.P. London. Fol. Gx, 1. Lialati e ia e loma Na Miemla, na kalati ya Behiisedi. Epistles and Revelation, in Dualla. Cameroons? 1861. 8vo. H, 6. Kalati ya Bom ya Mbztz e lehelele Jenisia ; Bwatnbu bo Isuhu. Genesis, in Isubu. Bimbia, 1847. 8vo. H, 6. Kalati ya Lola Bwamlu ho Dual/a. New Testa- ment, in Dualla (or Cameroons). Cameroons, 1855. 8vo. H, 6. Kalpa Sutra. See Gaina Sutraa. Kama, — Report of Inquiry into the Claim of the Chief — , to certain land in the Division of King William's Town. Maps. P.P. CapeTown, 1883. FoL Gx, 1. Kamandaki. See Nitisara. Kamilaroi, and other Australian Languages ; with comparative table of words from twenty Australian languages, etc. W. Ridley. 2nd edition. New South fVales, 1875. 4to. E, 1. Kanada. See Canarese. Kandogya. See Upanishads. Kangra Mission of the Church Missionary Society, — Reports from 1854 to 1863. Pam.-Vol. 109 : B, 3. Kanoha JTou a Tco Jcakou halcu e ola'i a Jesu Kerido, — Ke — . New Testament in Hawaiian. Oahu, 1835. F, 4. Kanuri, or Bomu, Language. See African Native Literature. Kanuri-English Vocabulary. See African Native Literature. Karikarnapura. See Chaitanya-Chandrodaya. Karnata Terms. See India, Glossary. Kasee Dass. Mahabharut, translated into Bengali Verse. Revised by Joy Gopal, Turkuluukar. Serampore, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. D, 3. Kashinath Trimbak Telang, translator. Bhaga- vadgita, with Sanatsugatiya, and Anugita ; being vol. viii of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford. 8vo. C, 1. Kat River Settlement. See under Cape of Good Hope. Katha. See Upanishads. Katha Mangari, or Bunch of Stories, in Canarese. J. Garrett. Bangalore, 1864. 8vo. D, 5. Katha Sangraha, or Prose Selections, in Canarese. D. Sanderson. Bangalore, 1863. 8vo. D, 5. Katha Upanishads, See Bibliotheca Indica, vol. (C). Kaushitaki-Bramana-Upanishad, with the Com- mentary of Sankarauanda ; edited, with an English translation, by E. B. Cowell. Calcutta, 1 86 1. In vol. (E), Bibliotheca Indica. 8vo. C, 1. 246 ICAV— KIN Kavyadarsa of ^rf Dandin; edited, with a Commentary, by Pandita Premchandra Tarka- bagisa ; being vol. (G) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1863. 8vo. C, 1. Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java. Wilhelm von Humboldt. -5er/m, 1836-39. 3 vols. 4to. Cx,l. Kay (S.). Succinct Statement of the Kaffers' Case. Letter. London, 1837. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. Kaye (J. W.). Christianity in India. A His- torical Narrative. London, 1859. 8vo. C, 5. Keane (A. H.). Appendix to "Africa," edited by Keith Johnston. , translator. See Africa, — Travels in — . Keapara Dialect, New Guinea, — First Lesson Book, in — . Palaku na ila reea, ia na e aia ; Mart. Kerepunu. Svo. F, 5. , First Reading Book, and Children's Games, in — . Melo Oeria Buka Aiai Gune na ; Vaharipa liana; Ulaula liana. Kerepunu. 8vo. F, 5. , Geography and Arithmetical Tables, in — . Tiographe ; Hau Vahagelegelera. Kerepunu. 8vo. F, 6. , Gospel Harmony, {commencement), in — . Jesu Keriso na Evanelia. Kerepunu. Svo. F, 5. — — , Guide to Baptism and Church Membership, in — . Bajptiso ge liliwa na aura geria ere. Svo. F. 5. , Hymn Book, in — . Mari ; Palagu ia na e Vahanama. Sydney, 1895. Svo. F, 6. , Mark, in — . See under Bible, New Testa- ment Portions. , Reading Book, with Chapters from the Gospels, in — . Baku Aiai. Kerepunu, Svo. F, 6. Scripture Portions, Hymns, Catechism, Form of Faith, Lord's Prayer, Commandments, and Foreign "Words in — . A. Pearse. Ila reea Palugu na buka aona na e ah Vanageia ; Mari; Biblia Varenagina ; Tauvau kalora, ia kaloraH ia na e ilagia. Sydney, 1892. 12mo. F,5. Kelly (J.). Address to Students of Airedale College on Humility, June, 1S40. Liverpool. Pam.-Vol. 13S: J, 4. Kelly (P.). Oriental Metrology ; comprising the Moneys, Weights and Measures of the East Indies, and other trading places in Asia ; with an Appendix on Oriental Measures of Time. London, 1832. Svo. B, 1. Kemp (J. T. van der), Missionary in South Africa, — Memoir of — . By order of the Directors. 2nd edition. London, 181 2. Svo. H, 5. Kemp's (Judge) ITnrighteous Decision respecting the Baropakhya Christians. September, 1856. Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. Kena Upanishad. ^S'eu Bibliotheca Indica, vol. (C). Kennedy (Jas.). Christianity and the Religions of India. Mirzapore, 1874. Svo. C, 3. Life and Work in Benares and Kumaon, 1839-77. Introduction by Sir W. Muir. Illustrated. London, 1884. Svo. C, 6. Memoir of Margaret S. Kennedy. By her husband. London, 1892. Svo. CC, 1. Kennedy's (C. B.) Expedition. See "Rattle- snake." Kern (H.), translator. Saddharma-Pundarika ; or the Lotus of the True Law ; being vol. xxi of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1884. 870. C, 2. Kerr (J.). Domestic Life, Character, and Customs of the Natives of India. London, 1865. 12mo. C, 6. Kessler (J.). Introduction to the Language and Literatui'e of Madagascar. Map. London, iSjz. Svo. G, 3. Ketokhila Satta. See Buddhist Suttas. KJiolangano e Nea ea Yesu Keresete eo len Morena oa Bona le Moreboluki ; e e Hetolecoen Puon ea Secuana. New Testament in Sechuana. R. Moffat. London, 1872. 12mo. H, 6. Khondistan, — Personal Narrative of Thirteen Years' Service for the Suppression of Human Sacrifice amongst the wild tribes of — . John Campbell. London, 1864. Svo. C, 5. Kikiam ereueremjauali ; Miriam Mer. First School- book in Murray Island Dialect. A. E. Hunt. Murray Island, 1888. F, 6. Kilima Njaro. See Africa, Eastern, — Life, Wan- derings, and Labours in — . Kimambwe Grammar, — Outlines of — , with Euglish-Kimambwe and Kimambwe-English Vocabularies. D. P. Jones. London, 1893. Svo. H, 6. , Gospel of Mark in — . See under Bible, New Testament Portions. See Esop's Fables. See Hymn Book. See Readings from the Scriptures. Spelling-book. Luapapulo lua Kansalilita. Frambo, 1891. ISmo. H, 6. Kindersley (N. E.). Specimens of Hindoo Litera- ture, consisting of Translations from the Tamoul Language of some Hindu Works of morality and imagination, etc. London, ijg^. Svo. C, 6. King (Captain James), — Voyage to the Pacific Ocean for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, 1776-80, vol. iii, written by — . 3rd edition. Plates and maps. London, ijS 5. [3 Tols.] 4to. Fx, 1. KIN— KOR 247 King (Joseph). Ten Decades ; the Australian Centenary Story of the London Missionary Society. London. 8vo. J, 5. Sling Azad Bakht, — Adventures of — . In Hindustani Grammar [Green's]. "King George" and "Queen Charlotte." See Voyage Kound the World. King William's Town, — Eeport of the Inquiry into the Claim of the Chief Kama to cei'tain land in the Division of — . Maps. P.P. Cape Town, 1883. Pol. Gx, 1. Kingsmill (J.). Missions and Missionaries ; Apostolic, Jesuit, and Protestant Christian. 2nd edition. London, 1854. 8vo. J, 1. Kinloch (C. W.). Statistical Report of the District of Futtehpore, July, 1851. Calcutta, 1852. Pol. Cx, 1. Kirad. See Pahlavi Texts. Kirvai. See Ply River. Kisbey (W. H.). Zigua Exercises. London, 1897. 8vo. H, 6. Kisukuma Primer. Mihayo Ya Kuandia mu Kisu- kuma. London, 1896. 8vo. H, 6. Kitdb I Muqaddas yaine Purdnd aur Naya Idhd- Ndma, etc. Bible in Urdu, in Roman Characters. London, i860. 8vo. Dx, 2. Kitts (E. J.). Report of the Census of Berar, for 1881. Bombay, 1882. Pol. Ex, 2. Kloff (D. H.). Reize door den weinig bekenden Zuidelijken Molukschen Archipel en langs de geheel onbekende Zuidwest kust van New Guinea. Amsterdam, 1S2S. Svo. F, 2. Knibb (William), Missionary in Jamaica, — Memoir of — . J. H. Hinton. London, 1847. Svo. G, 4. Knight (J.) & Spaulding (L.). English and Tamil Dictionary for the use of Schools. Revised by S. Hutchings. Madras, 1 844. 4to. D,2. Knight (W.). Missionary Secretariat of Henry Venn, B.D., of the Church Missionai'y Society; with Introductory Biographical Chapter, etc., by his sons, J. & H. Venn. Portrait. 1880. 8vo. J, 4. Knill (Richard). Memoir of Walter Venning, who died at St. Petersburg, from a fever contracted in visiting one of the gaols of that city. Preface by R. Winter. London, 1822. 8vo. J, 4. of St. Petersburg, — Life of the Rev. — ; with a Review of his Character by the late J. A. James. C. M. Biirell. 2nd edition. London, 1859. Svo. J, 4. — Rise and Progress of the Madras Mission. MS. 4to. B, 1. ITo e tau Lolago Ice fahahelce ahi he he attia. Hymn Book in Tahitian. Sydney, 1885. 32mo. F, 6. JTo e Tohi he he Lalogai. Geography in Nieuen. Nieue, 1893. 8vo. F, 1. Koe Tohi oe Fuahava Foou a ho tau eihi moe fahamoui ho Jisu Kalaisi. New Testament in Tongan. Lonitoni (London), 1852. 12mo. F, 4. Koe Tohi Johe, etc. Job to Malachi in Tongatabu. No title. Svo. F, 4. Koe Tohi Tabu Katoa. Bible in Tongatabu. Lon- don, 1862. 8vo. F, 4. Koelle (S. W.). African Native Literature, or Proverbs, Tales, Pables, and Historical Prag- ments in the Kanuri or Bornu Language, with translation and Kanuri-English Vocabulary. London, 1854. Svo. H, 6. I Grammar of the Bornu or Kanuri Language. London, 1854. ^^^' H> 6- Mohammed and Mohammedanism Critically Considered. London, 1889. Svo. C, 3. Outlines of a Grammar of the Vei Language, with a Vei-English Vocabulary, etc. London, 1854. Svo. H, 6. Koia ohi te tuatua enua. Geography, in Raratongan. Illustrations. Raratonga, 1862. 12mo. F, 5. Koilas Chunder Mookerjee, — Memorial of—. Piim.-Vol. 121a: B, 3. Kolan Nattannawa. See Yakkun Nattannawa. Kolbe (F. W.). English-Herero Dictionary, with an introduction to the study of Herero and Bantu in General. Cape Town, 1883. H, 6. Language Study based on Bantu ; or an Inquiry into the Laws of Root-formation, Original Plural,. Sexual Dual, and Principles of Word Comparison. Londo7i,i2>%2>. Svo. G, 1. Kongo Language, — Dictionary and Grammar of the — , as spoken at San Salvador (or Banza), the Ancient Capital of the Old Kongo Empire, West Africa. W. H. Bentley. London, 1887. Svo. H, 6. Konhodans ca Nehonehatu Jeu '0 re Ehonejen Kabesi. Concordance of the New Testament in the Language of Mare. Panny E. Hall. London, 1889. Svo. F, 3. Koordistan. See Persia and — . Koran in Arabic: MS., with illuminations. 12mo. Cx, 1. See Alcorani Refutatio, See Alcorani Textus Universus. See Derivationes Alcoranicae. — , Selections from the — ; compiled from various writers. In series " Sacred Books of the East Described and Examined." London c^ Madras, 1896. Svo. C, 3. — , with Explanatory Notes. George Sale. London, 1801. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. B, 5. 248 XOE— LAM Korero-Motu ou a to tatou atua e te ora a Jem Mesiah, — Te — . New Testament, in Rara- tongan. London, 1841. 12mo. F, 4. Korrdistan. See Arabia and — . Kotzebue (0. von). New Journey Round the World. Maps and plates. London, 1830. 2 vols. 12mo. E, 2. Krapf (J. L.). Travels, Researches, and Mis- sionary Labours during an Eighteen Years' Residence in Eastern Africa. With appendix by E. G. Ravenstein. Maps and illustrations. London, i860. 8vo. H, 3. Krapf (L.). Dictionary of the Swahili Language. London, 1882. H, 1. Krapf (I.) & Rebmann (J.). Nika-English Dictionary. Edited by T. H. Sparshott. London, 1887. 8vo. H, 6. Krishn, — History of — . See Prem Sagar. KrishnsB et Arjunae Colloquium. See Bhagavad- Gita. Krobn (F.). Das Missionswesen in der Siidsee ; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte von Polynesien. Hamhurg, 1833. 8vo. F, 2. Kronlein (J. G.), editor. New Testament in Nama. I Asa Testamens sida \ Khvh 2s1 Hai-aob Yesub Xristub die. Berlin, 1866. 8vo. H, 6. Kullavagga. See Vinaya Texts. Kumaclina, — History of — , in Bugis or Macassar. MS. Fol. Cx, 1. Kumaon Mission. See Mirzapur Mission. Official Reports on the Province, with a Medical Report on the Mahamurree, in Ghurwal, in 1849-50. Map. Agra, 1851. 8vo. B, 6. — See Benares and — . Kurnata, — New Testament in — . Serampore Mis- sionaries. Serampore, 1823. 8vo. D, 6. Kuruman, — Boers of the Transvaal Republic and the Mission Station at — . W. Thompson. Cape Town^ July, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 137a : H, 3. Kwang-tsze, — Writings of — . See under China, Sacred Books of — , Texts of Taoism. Kwato, New Guinea, — Service - Book in — . Ekalesia Bukana. Auckland, 1898. 12mo. F. 6. I. La Trobe (C. J.), translator. History of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. G. H. Loskicl. London, 1794. Svo. E, 3. laboulaye (E.), traducteur. Tin Continent Perdu, ou I'Esclavage et la Traite (1875) ea Afrique. J. Cooper. Paris, 1876. Svo. Hx, 2. Lacey (C). Reflections on Scenes near the Temple of Juggernaut, or Meditations Among the Dead in 1825. London. Pam.-Yol. 114: B, 3. Lacombe (F. L. de). Voyage a Madagascar et aux lies Comores, 1823 a 1830 ; tome ii. Paris, 1840. Svo. G, 2. Lacroix (A. F.), translator. Brief Memorials of the Rev. J. Mullens ; with brief memorials of Mrs. Mullens, by her sister. London, 1872. Svo. CO, 1. Deathbed of a Child of twelve years. Cal- cutta Christian Observer, May, 1847. Pam.-Vol. 121a: B, 3. Extracts from the Journal of a Missionary Itinerancy in Bengal, in December and January, 1845-46. Glasgow. Pam.-Vol. 121a: B, 3. — Great Shrine of Jogonnath in 1849. Cal- cutta, 1849. Pam.-Vol. 122: B, 3. — , Journal of — . Calcutta Christian Observer, September, 1847. Pam.-Vol. 122: B, 3. Letter to Mr. Cullen, Leith, July 13th, 1844. Calcutta Christian Observer. Pam.-VoL 122: B, 3. — See Malay Translation of the Bible. , Voyage du Missionnaire — , au temple de Jugonnath, traduit de 1' Anglais, et precede d'une Notice sur ce Missionnaire, par W. Petavel. 2nd edition. Neiichatel, 1851. Pam.-Vol. 116: B, 3. Laidler (S.) & Massie (J. W.). Religion in India ; a Voice directed to Christian Churches for Millions in the East. Lotidon, iSzy. Svo. C, 5. Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa. See Zambesi and its Tributaries. H, 2. Lai Behari De, — Searchings of Heart in con- nection with Missions in — . Serampore, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 120: B, 3. Laleolagi, — Ko e tohi Tie he — . Geography, in Niuen. F. E. Lawes. Nine, 1893. Svo. F, 3. Lallu Lai. See Prem Sagar. Lalolagi, atoa ma ona Faafanua, — le tola i le — . Geography, in Samoan. Maps. London, 1887. Svo. F, 5. Lalolagi, — le tola i le — . Geography, in Sa- moan. Maps. 1864. ISmo. F, 5. Lambert (G.). Gospel the Greatest of Blessings ; sermon preached May 11th, 1796. London. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. Lament (E. H.). Wild Life among the Pacific Islanders. Illustrated. London, 1867. Svo. r, 1. LAN— LEI 249 Lands of the Bible, Visited and Described, J. Wilson. Edinburgh^ 1847. ^ vols. 8vo. B,4. Lang (A.). Introduction to "From myYerandah in New Guinea." Lofidott, i8Sg. 8vo. F, 1. Lang (J. M.). Expansion of the Christian Life. JEdinhurgh Sf London, 1897. 8 vo. J, 4. Lang (J. 0.). Historical and Statistical Account of New South Wales, both as a Penal Settle- ment and as a British Colony. 2nd edition. London, 1837. ^ '^^l^* ^^'^' E» !• Language and Customs. See Bushman. and Literature. See Madagascar, — An In- troduction to the- -, Lectures on the Science of — . Max Miiller. April-June, 1861. 3rd edition. 1862. 8vo. Also Second series. February-May, 1863. 31 woodcuts. London, 1864. 8vo. B, 2. — of Hindoostan. See Oriental Linguist. Languages of Africa, — Sketch of the Modern — . Accompanied by a language-map and portraits. London, 1883. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 4. of India and High Asia, — Comparative Dictionary of the — ; with a Dissertation based on the Hodgson Lists, Official Records, and MSS. W. W. Hunter. Londoti, 1868. 4to. Cx, 1. See Comparative Vocabulary of Forty-eight. See under Polynesia. , Treasury of — ; Rudimentary Dictionary of Universal Philology. London, 1873 (?). 8vo. E,2. Lansdell (H.). Through Siberia. Illustrations and maps. 4th edition. London, iS8^. 8vo. B, 4. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia ;— History of Maritime and Inland Discovery : Vol. i. London, 1830. 8vo. E, 2. Aapivxov, — 'laropta -rov — . La Roche; or the Good Priest of Switzerland. S. S. Wilson. Mall a. Pam.-Vol. 131 : E, 5. Laseron (E.). Malayalim and English, and English and Malayalim Dictionary. Cotiyam, 1856. 8vo. JD, 4. Latham (R. G-.). Elements of Comparative Philology. London, 1862. 8vo. B, 2. Latimakau, — History of — , in Bugis or Macassar. MS. Fol. Cx, 1. Latrobe (C. I.). Journal of a visit to South Africa, with some account of the Missionary Settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope, Map and plates. London, 1 82 1. 8vo. H, 3. Lauga i h Afioga a le Atua, — — . Skeletons of Sermons, in Samoan. London. 12mo. F, 3. Law, — Abstract Principles of — , for the Guidance of Officers employed in the Administration of Civil Justice in the Punjaub. Calcutta, 1856. Fol. Cx, 2. Lawes (F. E.). Geography, in Niuen. Ko e tohi ke he Laleolagi. Nine, 1893. 8vo. F, 3. Lawes (W. G.). Grammar and Vocabulary of the language spoken by the Motu Tribe, New Guinea. 3rd edition. Sgdneg, i8g6. 8vo. F, 3. Motu Grammar and Vocabulary. Sydney, 1885. 8vo. F, 3. Lawrence (John), — Despatches of — . 1858. See in vol. Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India. Ex, 2, Lawrence (W. N.). Arithmetic, in Raratongan. LI huka numero i te reo Raratonga no te Tamariki. London, 1895. F, 3. Lawry (W.). Friendly and Feejee Islands ; — Missionary Visit to various stations in the South Seas, in the year 1847. Edited by E. Hoole. Illustrations. London, 1850. 12mo. Also Second Missionary Visit, etc. London, 1851. F, 2. Laws, Arts, and Sciences. See Origin of—. Lawson (J. A.). Wanderings in the Interior of New Guinea, Map. London, 1875. 8vo. F, 2. Lebanon, — That Goodly Mountain and — , T. Jenner. London, 1874. 8vo. B, 4. Lechler (J. M.). History, in Tamil, of the Old and New Testaments. Neyoor, 1839-41. 2 vols. 12mo. D, 6. Lee (S.), editor. Vetus Testamentum Syriace. See under Bible, Old Testament. Leeward Islands. See Tahiti and the — . Legge (J.), translator. Sacred Books of China; including: — The Texts of Confucianism : Part i, Shu King, Religious Portions of the Shih King, and Hsiao King; Part ii, Yi King; Parts iii and iv, Lt Ki. The Texts of Taoism : Part i, Tao Teh King, and Writings of Kwang-tsze, books 1-17; Part ii. Writings of Kwang-tsze, books 18-33, and the Thai-Shang tractate, of Actions and their Retributions : being vols, iii, xvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxxix, and xl of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1879, 1882, 1885, and 1891. 8vo. C, 1 & 2. Leigh (Samuel), Missionary to the Settlers and Savages of Australia and New Zealand, — Life of the Rev. — ; with a history of the Origin and Progress of the Missions in those Colonies. Illustrated edition. London, 1870. 8vo. E, 5. Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Mission in India. First English Report. Madras, 1856. Pam.-Vol. 108 I B, 3. 250 LEI— LOD Leitch (C. C), — Brief Memoirs of the Eev. — , in Tamil, r. Baylis. Nagercoil, 1857. 12mo. D, 6. Memoir and Remains of Rev. — , Missionary at Neyoor. Edinburgh, 1856. 8vo. CC, 1. Leland (C). English Gypsies and their Language. London, 1873. 8 vo. B, 4. lennep (H. J. van). Travels in Little Known parts of Asia Minor. Zow(/ow, 1870. 2 vols. Svo. B,4. Lepsius (R.). Das Allgemine Linguistische Alpha- bet. Berlin, 1855. Svo. B, 1. —— Standard Alphabet for Reducing TTn-written Languages and foreign graphic systems to a Uniform Orthography in European Letters. London, 1855. Svo. C, 6. Leslie (Mary E.). Dawn of Light ; a Story of the Zenana Mission. Introduction by E. Storrow. London, 1868. 12mo. CC, 1. Lessons from the Gospel of Luke, in Malagasy. Fianarana my amy ny Fila%antsarany Lioka. Antananarivo, 1875. G, 3. Leupolt (C. B.). Recollections of an Indian Missionary. 2nd edition. London, Svo. C, 6. Lensden (J.). Bible in Hebrew. See under'Ki\AQ. Levi (Leone). History of British Commerce, and the Economic Progress of the British Nation. London, 1872. Svo. E, 2. Levitihu, — JE aite anga uo te — . Commentary on Leviticus, in Raratongan. A. Buzacott. Rara- tonga, 1856. ISmo. F, 3. Lexicon Anglo-Ellenekon. G. Polymere. Ermou- polei, 1854. Svo. E, 6. Ll Ki. See China, — Sacred Books of — . Liberated Africans. See Seychelles. Lichtenstein (H.). Travels in Southern Africa, 1803-6. Translated from the German by Anne Plumptre. Plates. London, 1812-15. 2 vols. 4to. Hx, 2. Lidangalila nya Milandu ya Pfumu : Dangarila ga Tunhaka ta Hon. Gospel Picture Book, with explanations, in Gitonga and Xitswa. London, 1866. 16mo. H, 6. Liddell (H. G.) & Scott (B.),— Greek-English Lexicon, compiled by — . 5th edition. Oxford a,nd London, 1861. 4to. E, 1. Lieutenant Governor. See under Bengal. Lifu Mission, — Story of the — . S.MTarlane. Lon- don, 1873. Svo. F, 2. — — , New Testament and Psalms in — . See under Bible, New Testament. Lifuan. See Hymn Book. Light in the Jungles. Sir A. Cotton. London. Svo. B, 6. Likaelo tsi ri tlaocoen mo Liknolen tsa Morimo, go huisioa mo Likolen kaha Thutanon ea Mokhna oa Jieritan, ka puon ea Secuana. Scripture lessons in Secuana. R.Moffat. London, 184 1. 12mo. H, 6. Line upon Line, in Sechwana. A. J. "Wookey. Illustrations. Likaeh tse at tlhophilwen mo l^estametiten e Kgologolo e e left Lekoko ya Modimo. Kuruman, i8go. Svo. H, 6. Linguistic and Oriental Essays. Second Series. R. N. Cast. London, 1%%']. Svo. B, 2. Literature. See Hindoos, — Yiew of the — . See Madras Journal. Livingstone and the Exploration of Central Africa. H. H. Johnston. 22 illustrations and 7 maps. 1 89 1. H, 4. , How I found — . Travels and Adventures in Central Africa. H. M. Stanley. Illustrations and maps. 2nd edition. London, 1872. Svo. H,2. Livingstone (David), — Last Journals of — , in Central Africa, from 1865 to his Death; with a narrative of his Last Moments and Sufferings. H. Waller. Portrait, maps, and illustrations. London, 1874. 2 vols. Svo. H, 3. Missionary Travels in South Africa. Lon- don, 1857. ^^^- ^> 2. , Personal Life of — . "W. G. Blakie. Portrait and maps. London, 1880. Svo. H, 2. Livingstone (David & C). Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries, and of the discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, 1858-64. London, 1865. Svo. H, 2. Livingstone (Dr.), — South Central Africa and its Explorer; being report of a meeting in honour of — . Cape Town, 1856. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. Livingstone River. See Dark Continent. Livingstone's Cambridge Lectures ; with Life of Livingstone, etc., etc., the whole work being a Compendium of Information on the Central South African question. W. M.onk. Portrait and maps. London, 1858. Svo. H, 6. Livingstonian Mission. See Africa, South, Brief History. Livingston's Missionary Journeys, — Sketches of—. London, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 136: H, 3. Lloyd (W.). Letters from the West Indies during a visit in 1836-37. London, 1838 (?). Svo. G, 4. Locto Loa Mokereseti lo lo coan hatsin yenu lo ea hatsin ye le tlan. Bunyan's '* Pilgrim's Pro- gress," in Sechuana. Illustrations. Kuruman, 1848. 16mo. H, 6. Lodiana Mission, Reports for 1850-51, 1851-52, 1856-57 to 1859-60, & 1862-H3. Lodiana. Pam.-VoL 101 : B, 3. \ LOD— LON 251 ** lodiana Mission Reports, 1858-71." Pamphlet-VolumeNo. 113. 8vo. Including: — Twenty-one Eeports, from 1856 to 1870. B, 3. Logic, — Elements of — . Extracted from the works of Richard Whateley ; being No. 6 of Eeprints for the Pandits. J. E. Eallantyne. Allahabad, 1853, 8vo. C, 3. , in Malagasy. Logika ; Fizarana I. An- tananarivo, 1878. 12mo. G, 3. Logiha ; Fizarana I. Logic, in Malagasy. An- tananarivo, 1878. 12mo. G, 3. Lohoalo loa ntlha, lo Jo Rutan go Bala mo puon ea Secoana. Sechwana Eeading Book. A. J. Wookey. Kuruman, 1889. 8vo. H, 6. Also London, 1896. 8vo. H, 5. Lokwato ioa ntlha lo lo Rutan go Bala mo puon ea Secwana. Sechwana Spelling Book. A. J. Wookey. London, 1885. 12mo. H, 6. Aha Kuruman, 1893. Lokwato loa ntlha lo lo Rutan go Buisa mo puon ea Secwana. Sechwana Primer. A. J. Wookey. London, 1876. 8vo. H, 6. Lokwato loa Sekole Dito tse di Chivantsen go Itsiwe. Sechwana Eeader. J. Tom Brown. London, 1899. 8vo. F, 6. London and Calcutta Compared in their Heathenism, their Privileges, and their Prospects. Joseph Mullens. 6th thousand. London, 1869. 8vo. C, 6. London City Mission, — What is the — ? London, July, 1844. Pam.-Vol. 121a: B, 3. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY :— , Annual Report, 1 795 to 1898, and forward, London. 47 vols. 8vo. HH, 1 & 2. Centenary; Proceedings of the Founders' Week Convention, September 21st to 27th, 1895. London, 1895. 8vo. J, 2. — , Chronicle of the— , 1850 to 1898, etc. HH, 2 & 3. Conference of Missionaries, held at Cal- cutta, November 20-26, 1863. Calcutta, 1864. C, 6. in North India. Calcutta, 1864. Pam.-Yols. 118 & 125a: B, 3. Directors' Report presented at Second General Meeting, 1796. London. Also at Third General Meeting, held May 10th, 1797, with Proceedings. London. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. Also presented May 9th, 1798, with Pro- ceedings. London. Also at Special General Meeting, respecting the South Sea Missions, Aug. 7th, 1798. London. Also May 8th, 1799. London. Pam.-Vol. 140 : J, 4. Also May 12th, 1802. London. Pam.-Vol. 142 : J, 4. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY:— -, Fathers and Founders of the- with a Brief Sketch of Methodism, and Historical Notices of the Several Protestant Missions from 1556 to 1839. John Morison. London, 1839. 2 vols. 8vo. J, 4. Also 2nd edition (without the Sketch of Methodism and the Historical Notices). London, 1844. 1 vol. 8vo. J, 2. -, History of the—. W. Ellis. Vol. i ; (with Portraits inserted). London, i2i\j^. 8vo. J, 1. in South Africa. A Eetrospective Sketch, by J. Mackenzie. London, 1888. Pam.-Vol. 137 : H, 3. — , Introductory Memorial respecting the Formation of the — . London, I'jg^. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. — List of Contributing Congregations and Treasurer's Account. London. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. — <' Memorials I." Pamphlet- Volume No. 139. 8vo. Including: — 1. Introductory Memorial respecting the Formation of the Missionary Society. London, 1795- 2. Sermon i, September 22nd, 1895, on tho Apostolic Commission. T. Haweis. London. 3. Sermon ii, on Jonah's Mission, September 22nd, 1795. G. Burder. 4. Sermon iii, on Missions Founded upon the Moral Law, September 23rd, 1795. S. Greatheed. London. 5. Sermon iv, on the Fulness of Times, September 23rd, 1795. J. Hey. London. 6. Sermon v, on Glorious Displays of Gospel Grace, September 24, 1795. Eowland Hill. London, 7. Sermon vi, Objections Stated and Con- sidered, September 24th, 1795. D. Bogue. London. 8. On the Most Eligible Part to Begin a Mission, and the Most Probable Means of Accomplishing it : Discourse by T. Haweis, September 24th, 1795. London. 9. Directors' Eeport at Second General Meeting. London, 1796. 10. The Gospel the Greatest of Blessings : Sermon i, May 11th, 1896. G. Lambert. London. 1 1 . God's Call our Directory : Sermon ii. May 12th, 1796. T. Pentycross. London. 12. Prayer for the Success of the Gospel: Sermon iii. May 12th, 1796. W. Jay. 13. Great Effects from Feeble Means: Sermon iv, May 13, 1796. D. Jones. London. 14. Proceedings at the Third General Meeting, and Eeport of the Directors. May 10th, 1797. London. 15. Mary's Memorial : Sermon i, May 10th, 1797. W. Moorhouse. London. 16. Peaceful Endeavours to Enlighten the World: Sermon ii. May 10th, 1797. A. Waugh. London. 17. The Everlasting Gospel: Sermon iii, May 11th, 1797. J. Nicholson. London. 252 LOIS" LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY:— 18. The TJnsearcliable Riches of Christ: Sermon iv, May 12th, 1797. M. Horae. London. 19. List of Contributing Congregations and Treasurer's Account. London. 20. Account of Ordination Service for twenty-nine Missionaries. August 28th, 1796. London. 21. Christ's Instructions to the Seventy: Sermon by Dr. Hunter, August 28th, 1796. London. 22. Missionary Advice and Encouragement : Charge addressed to the Missionaries, by E. "Williams, August 28th, 1796. London. 23. Counsels and Instructions for the Regulation of the Mission, etc. 24. The Leading Instructions of the Mace- donian Mission considered : Sermon by W. Nicol at the designation of two Missionaries for Africa, October 9th, 1797. London. 25. Charge to the Missionaries to Africa, by Edward Parsons, October 9th, 1797. 26. General Instructions to the Missionaries to Africa andEarewell letter, October 9th,1797. London. J, 4. '« Memorials II." Pamphlet-Yolume No. 140. Bvo. Including : — 1. Directors' Report presented May 9 th, 1798, with Proceedings of the Society. London. 2. God's Declared Designs a Motive to Human Endeavours : Sermon by J. Cockin, April 9th, 1798. London. 3. Accomplishment of Divine Predictions : Sermon by J. Brewer, May 10th, 1878. London. 4. Heaven and Earth Reconciled : Sermon by R. Balfour, May 10th, 1798. London. 5. The Apostolic Missionary : Sermon by G. West, May 11th, 1798. London. 6. List of Contributions. 7. Director's Report at Special General Meeting of August 7th, 1798, respecting the South Sea Missions. London. 8. Mercies Received a Claim for Admiration and Gratitude : Thanksgiving Sermon by J. Griffin, August 6th, 1798. 9. Grateful Memorials : Thanksgiving Ser- mon by T. Haweis, August 6th, 1798. London. 10. Report of the Directors, presented May 8th, 1799. London. 1 1 . The Universal Diffusion of Divine Know- ledge : Sermon by J. Findlay, May 8th, 1799. London. 12. Prayer and Missionary Exertions : Ser- mon by J. Tozer, May 8th, 1799. London. 13. Dominion of Jesus: Sermon by J. Moody, May 8th, 1799. London. 14. Prophecy of the Extension of the Church : Sermon by G. C. Brodbelt, May 10th, 1799. London. J, 4. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY :- , Missionary Principles and Plans, as illus- trated by letters recently addressed to the Directors of the — . London, iS6g. 8vo. J, 4. Missionary Sketches, 1820 to 1822. Lon- don. 2 vols. 8vo. J, 5. — , Quarterly Chronicle of the — , 1822-33. London. 4 vols. 8vo. GG, 2. — Quarterly Paper, January, 1869, to Octo- ber, 1884. London. 8vo, J, 6. Reports of the Deputation to New Guinea and South Seas, April to August, 1897: of the Deputation to Madagascar, September to December, 1897 : and of the Deputation to South Africa, January to March, 1898. Printed for the use of the Directors only. London, 1898. 8vo. J, 2. Bengal Auxiliary, Calcutta, 1819-42. 3 vols. 8vo. B, 3. Madras District Eastern Committee, 1850,1851,1855-61. 2 vols. 8vo. B, 3. Madras Western Committee, 1846-65. 8vo. B, 3. Travancore District Committee, 1858- 65. Nagercoil. 2 vols. 8vo. B, 4. — &ee Africa, South, — Travels in — . — See Benares Auxiliary, — See Bengal Auxiliary Reports. — See Cape of Good Hope, Letter. — See Fruits of Toil. — See Hardcastle (Joseph). — See under Mahi Kantha. — See Missionary Society, — The — . — See Register of Missionaries, etc. — See Sermons preached in London at forma- tion, etc. Sermon for the— , May, 1835. G. Spring. — Missionary Magazine 1849 to 1898 and forward, Bvo & 4to. and Chronicle, 30 vols. LoTidon, HH, 2 & 3. London. Also May, 1832. J. Morison. London. Also May, 1834, R. Burns. London. Also May, 1842. J. Sortain. London. Pam.-Yol. 138: J, 4. Sermons preached at the May Anniversary in London, from the Commencement to the Jubilee in 1844. {A few wanting for latter years.) London. 14 vols. 8vo. GG, 2. , Story of the — , for one hundred years, in Tamil. Nagercoil, 1896. 8vo. D, 4. London Missionary Society's Report of the Proceedings against the late Rev. J. Smith, of Demarara, who was Tried Under Martial Law and Condemned to Death on a charge of aiding and assisting in a Rebellion of the Negro Slaves. London, 1824. 8vo. G, 4. LON— MAC 253 Long (C. C). leaked Truths of Naked People. An account of Expeditions to the Lake Nyanza and the Makraka Niaru-niam. Map and illus- trations. London, 1876. 8vo. H, 2. Long (J.). Adam's Reports on Vernacular Edu- cation in Bengal and Behar, submitted to Government 1835, 1836, and 1838; with a brief Review of its past and present condition. Calcutta, 1868. 8vo. B, 1. — Descriptive Catalogue of Bengali Works. Calcutta, 1855. Pam.-Vol. 122a: B, 3. — Handbook of Bengal Missions in connection with the Church of England. London, 1848. 12mo. B, 6. Returns of Publications in the Bengali Language, in 1857, with list of Native Presses and Books Printed, and notice of the past condition and future prospects of the Vernacular Press of Bengal, and the statistics of the Bombay and Madras Vernacular Presses ; being No. 32 of Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government. Calcutta, 1859. 8vo. B, 1. Strike, but Hear ! Evidence explanatory of the Indigo System in Lower Bengal. Calcutta, 1861. Loskiel (G. H.). History of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. Trans- lated from the German by C. J. La Tiobe. London, 1794. 8vo. E, 3. Lost Continent ; or Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa. London, 1875. Svo. G, 1. Lotu, — nai upu e fai ai — . Orders of Service for Marriage, Baptism, and Burial, in Samoan. London, 1896. 8vo. F, 3. Lotu Pope, ma mea au sese ai lea lotu, — le tusi e Faamatala atu ai le niga le — . Lectures on Popery, in Samoan. H. Nisbet. Sydney, 1868. Svo. F, 3. Low (J.). Grammar of the T'Hai or Siamese Language. 1828. 4to. Dx, 1. Lowell (S.). Triumphs of Messiah : Sermon preached May 12th, 1802. London. Pam.-VoL 142 : J, 4. Lowrie (J. C). Manual of Missions ; or Sketches of tlie Missions of the Presbyterian Church, with maps showing the Stations and Statistics of the Protestant Missions among the Un- evangelized Nations. JSew York, 1854. 8vo. J, 3. Missionary Papers. New York, 1881. 12mo. J, 3. Loyalty Islands. See New Hebrides. Luapapulo lua Kansalilita. Spelling Book, in Kiraambwe. Erambo, 1891. 18mo. H, 6. Lucas (C. P.). South and East Africa: being parts 1 & 2 of vol. iv of a Historical Geography of the British Colonies. Maps. Oxford, iSgz. 2 vols. Svo. H, 6. Lucknow, — Minutes of First Session of Annual Mission Conference at — , December, 1864., Bareilly. Pam.-Vol. 101: B, 3. , Mission of the Church Missionary Society, Reports for 1858-60 and 1861-62. Lahore. Pam.-Vol. 109 : B, 3. Luganda Language. See Mahomet. See Bible, — Helps to the Study of the — . Lukas, — Nam su vis tumpora, mgku yetiyi ugi — . Gospel of Luke, in Erromangan. Aneityum, 1864. Svo. ^/«o Large type. Aneityum, 1864. Svo. F, 4. Lundie (G. A.). Missionary Life in Samoa, as exhibited in the Journals of — , in 1840-41. Edited by his mother. Edinburgh, 1 846. Svo. F, 2. Lushington (C). History, Design, and Present State of the Religious, Benevolent, and Charitable Institutions Founded by the British in Calcutta and its vicinity. Calcutta, 1824. Svo. B, 1. Lutheran Liturgy in Malagasy. Perikopa amy ny Fiangonana Lutheria. Antananarivo, 1873. 12mo. G, 3. Lutterworth (H.). 0-Taiti Histoire et Enqueto. Paris, 1845. Svo. F, 2. M. M. (J.). Review of the Life of John Williams, by E. Prout. Calcutta Review, January and February, 1845. Pam.-Vol. 121 : B, 3. M. (W.). On the Use of the Bengali Participles. Calcutta Christian Observer, September, 1844. Pam.-Vol. 121a: B, 3. Proposed Version of Theological Terms, with a View to Uniformity in Indian Scripture Translations. Calcutta Christian Observer, October, 1844. Pam.-VoL 12U : B, 3. Macassar. See Kumaclina. See Latimakau. Macbrair (R. M.). Africans at Home; being a Popular Description of Africa and the Africans, condensed from accounts of African Travellers, from the time of Mungo Park to the present day. Map and illustrations. London, 1861. Svo. H, 4. Macdonald (J.). Believer's Victory in Death, and Brief Obituary of A. D. Fordyce. Calcutta, 1845. Pam.-VoL 121a: B, 3. , Brief Memorial of — . From the IVee Churchman. Calcutta, 1847. Pam.-VoL 121a: B, 3. — Duelling Spiritually Considered : Discourse. Calcutta, 1845. Pam.-VoL 121a: B, 3. Ministration of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel: Sermon. Calcutta, 1847. Pam.-VoL 121a: B, 3. 254 MAC— MAD Macdonald (J.) (?). Thoughts on the Observance . of Hindu Holidays. Calcutta, 1846. Pam.-Vol. 12U: B, 3. Macdonald (K. S.), editor. Indian Evangelical Review; a Quarterly Journal of Missionary Thought and Effort: Vol. xv. Calcutta, 1888-89. 8vo. C, 6. Macduff (J. R.). See Footsteps of St. Paul. Macedonian Mission, — Leading Instructions of the — , considered : Sermon at the designation of two missionaries for Africa, October 9th, 1797. W. Nicol. London. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. Macfarlane (S.). See New Guinea, — Journal of a Missionary Voyage. Story of the Lifu Mission. London, 1873. 8vo. F, 2. Macgillivray (J.). Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Rattlesnake " ; with an Account of E. B. Kennedy's Expedition. Maps. London, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. F, 1. Mackay (A. M.), of Uganda, Pioneer Missionary of the Church Missionary Society. By his sister. Portrait. London, 1890. 8vo. G, 1. Mackenzie (J.). Austral Africa, Losing it, or Ruling it ; being Incidents and Experiences in Bechuanaland, Cape Colony, and England. London, 1887. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 2. London Missionary Society in South Africa. A Retrospective Sketch. London, 1888. Pam.-Vol. 137 : H, 3. Ten Tears North of the Orange River; a story of Everyday Life and Work among the South African tribes, 1859-69. Edinlurqh, 1871. Svo. Gj L Mackenzie (J. M.). Sermon on the Death of — , August, 1843. Glasgow. Pam.-Vol. 138: J, 4. Mackenzie MSS. ; Reports on the Progress made in their Examination, etc. W. Taylor. Madras, 1837-38. Svo. C, 6. Mackenzie River, — Hymns in the Tenni or Slavi Language of the Indians of the — . London. 12mo. E, 3. Maclean (Col.). Compendium of Kafir Laws and Customs, including Genealogical Tables of the Kafir Chiefs, and Various Tribal Census Returns. Cape Town, 1866. Svo. H, 1. Maclear (G. F.). History of Christian Missions during the Middle Ages. Cambridge ^ London, 1863. Svo. J, 2. M'Carter (J.). Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa : a Historical Sketch. Edinburgh, 1 86q. Svo. H, 5. McCuUagh (J. B.). Nishga Versions of Portions of the Book of Common Prayer. London. 12mo. E, 3. Mclver (L.). Report on the Census of Madras for 1881. Madras, 1883. 5 vols. Fol. Ex, 2. McKerrell (J.). Grammar of the Carnatica Lan- guage. Madras, i8zo. 4to. Dx, 1. McLeod (J.). Madagascar and its People. Map. London, 1865. Svo. G, 2. McLeod & Richardson's Journeys to China and Burmah, — Papers relating to the Route of — . P.P. London, August 9th, 1869. Fol. Ex, 2. McLeod (Norman) & Watson, — Report of a Conference held at Calcutta, January 25th, 1868, to receive the Revds. — . Calcutta, 1868. Pam.-Vol. 125a : B, 3. M'Clung (J. A.). Sketches of Western Adventure, with an Account of the Most Interesting Incidents connected with the Settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794. Philadelphia, 1832. 12mo. E, 4. M'Kean (T. S.), Missionary at Tahiti, — Memoir of — . J. A. Miller. With introduction by A. Tidman. London, 1847. 12mo. F, 5. MADAGASCAR :— , Affaires de — ; Documents Diplomatiques, 1882-83, 1884-86. Paris, 1884, and 1886. 2 vols. Fol. Gx, 1. — and its People. L. McLeod. Map. London, 1865. Svo. G, 2. — ; Notes of a Four Tears' Residence ; with a sketch of the History, Position, and Prospects of Mission Work among the Malagasy. J. Sibree, jun. London, 1870. Svo. G, 2. and the East Indies, — Voyage to — . Abbe Rochou : translated from the French by J. Tiapp. With Map, and Memoir of Mr. Brunell on the Chinese Trade. London, 1792. Svo. Also London, 1793. Svo. G, 2. , Children of — . H. F. Standing. Map and many illustrations. London. Svo. G, 2. , Copies et Traductions Francaises des documents et correspondances entre Son Excel- lence Rainilaiarivony, Premier Ministre de — , and M. le Myre Vilers, Plenipotentiaire de la Republique Frangaise. October, 1894. Antananarivo. Fol. Gx, 1, Correspondances diverses, et Rapports des Conferences entre les Plenipotentiaires de Madagascar, etles PlenipotentiairesduGouverne- ment de la Republique "FranQaise, 1882-84. Antananarivo. Fol. Gx, 1. , Correspondence between H.M.'s Govern- ment and Radama, the Sovereign Chief of — , April 1st, 1828. P.P. London. Fol. Gx, 1. , between the Prime Minister of — , and M. le Myre de Vilers, October, 1894. Filanza ny Jiraharahana nataond Rainilaia- rivony, Prime Minister sy Commander -in- Chief - ny Madagashara sy M. le Myre de Filers, Jraka Manampahe/anan^ny Repohlika Frautsay, niantomboka tamy ny Oktobra, 1894. Anta- nanarivo, 1894. 4to. Gx, 1 MAD 255 MADAGASCAR :— , Correspondence respecting the Affairs of — . P.P. London, 1844. Pol. Gx, 1. respecting? the Mission of Hova Envoys to Europe, in 1882-83. P.P. London, 1883. Pol. Gx, 1. respecting the Treaty of Dec. 17th, 1885, between Fiance and—. P.P. London, March, 1886. Pol. Gx, 1. , with the French Government relating to—. P.P. London, 1897. Fol. Gx, 1. , Country Work in — ; being the Journal of a Visit to the Betsileo Province." C. Jukes. London, 1870. Pam.-Vol. 134: G, 2. et aux lies Comores, 1823 k 1830,— Voyage a — . F. L. de Lacombe. Tome ii. Paris, 1840. 8vo. G, 2. , Histoire de la Grande Isle — . Sieur de Flavacourt. Plates. Paris, 1661. 4to. G, 2. Historical and Descriptive Account of the Island and its former Dependencies. S. P. Oliver. Maps. London, 1SS6. 2 vols. 8vo. G, 2. , History of — . W. Ellis. London Sf Paris, 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. G, 2. , the Island of — . S. Copland. Map. London, 1822. G, 2. ■ , Introduction to the Language and Litera- ture of — . J. Kessler. Map. London, 1872. 8vo. G, 3. , its Missions and its Martyrs. London, 1863. 8vo. G, 2. , its Social and Religious Progress. Mia. Ellis. London, 1863. 8vo. G, 2. , Martyr Church. : a Narrative of tbe Intro- duction, Progress, and Triumph of Christianity in—. W.Ellis. London, 1 8-] o. 8vo. G, 2. *' Missionary." Pamphlet-Volume No. 134. 8vo. Including: — 1. Country Work in Madagascar, being the journal of a Visit to the Betsileo Province. C. Jukes. London, 1870. 2. The Translation of the Malagasy Bible. W. E. Cousins. Antananarivo, 1873. 3. Proceedings of a Missionary Conference held in Antananarivo, January, 1874. Anta- nanarivo, 1874. G, 2. , Narrative of Persecution in — . J. J. Freeman & D. Johns. London, 1840. 12mo, G, 2. , Notes of Nine Years' Mission Work in the Province of Vonizongo, North-West — . T. T. Matthews. Illustrations. London, 1881. Svo. G, 2. , or Robert Drury's Journal during Fifteen Tears' Captivity on that Island. London, 1729. Svo. G, 2. MADAGASCAR :— , Past and Present. By a Resident. London, 1847. 8vo. G, 2. , Proposed Appointment of a Bishop of — , June 16th, 1873. P.P. London. Fol. Gx, 1. , Report of the Visit of Admiral Jones to the Queen of — , July, 1881. P.P. London, 1883. Fol. Gx, 1. — , Review of Ellis's — . Spectator, November 17th, 1858. London. Fol. Gx, 1. — Revisited. W. Ellis. Illustrations. London, 1867. 8vo. G, 2. — See Africa, South, — Tour in — . — See Antananarivo Annual. — See London Missionary Society, Report of Deputation. — , Ten Years' Review of Mission Work in — . Aiitananarivo, 1880. 8vo. Also 1880-90. Antananarivo, iSgo. Svo. G,2. -, The Great African Island, Chapters on- a Popular Account of Kecent Researches, Geo- graphical, Geological, Historical, Botanical, Ethnological, Philological, etc., etc. J. Sibree, iun. Maps and illustrations. London, 1880. G, 2. -, Three Visits to—, 1853, 1854, 1856. W. Ellis. Illustrations. London, 1858. 8vo. G, 2. -, True Story of the French Dispute in — . S. P. Oliver. Map. London, 1885. Svo. G, 2. — , Twelve Months in — . J. Mullens. Illustra- tions. London, 1875. Svo. G, 2. — , Un Parisien a — : Aventures et Impres- sions de voyage ; par E. G. 13Sgravures. 2™^ edition. Paris, 1898. Svo. G, 1. — , " Vernacular." Pamphlet- Volume No. 135. Time. Including: 1. iVy Fanadinana ny Tenin Andriainanitra. Catechism on the Word of God. Antananarivo, 1873- 2. Angano. Voadihan''ny Misionary. Fables: translated by the early missionaries. Taloha. 3. Ny Fitandremanany Tena. Hygiene. A. Davidson. Antananarivo. 4. Grammar of the Malagasy Language, Orthography. 5. Gramara Malagasy. 6. Gramara Malagasy; Nohafohezina Hian- aran' ny Ankizy Madiniha. Malagasy Grammar Abbreviated for Children. Antananarivo, 1875. pp. 36. 7. " iVy Fiangonana Lsau Fnim-Bolana.'^ Ny Filanzana ny Raharaha Natao Tao Amparihe. Meeting of the Missionary Con- ference. Report of Work at Amparibe. Fara- vohitra, 1873. S. Filazana ny Raharaha Natao Tao Amho- himitsimhina. Report of Work at Ambohimit- simbina. Antananarivo, 1874. 256 MAD MADAGASCAR :— 9. Filanza Raharaha Natao Tao Anhadihevava. Report of Work at Aukadibevava. Antanana- rivo, 1875. 10. Fianara- Mariha ; Valiny ; Fizarana i. Arithmetic, Key to pt. i. Antananarivo, 1875. 11. Fianara-Marika ; Fizarana i. Arithme- tic, parti. Antananarivo, 1875. 12. Fianara-Marika; Fizarana ii. Arithme- tic, part ii. Antananarivo, 1875. 13. iVy amy ny Mandanja sy ny Mandrefy, Mamatra, etc. Tables of Weights and Measures. Antananarivo, 1873. 14. Catechisme Abrege en la Langue de Madagascar pour instruire sommarement ces peuples les Inviter et les Disposer au Bapteme. G, 3. Madan (A. C). English-Swahili Dictionary, compiled for the use of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa. Oxford Sf London, 1894. 8vo. H, 6. Madava Row. Reports on the Administration of Travancore, for the years 1862-63 and 1863-64. Trevandrum. 2 vols. 8vo. Ex, 2. Madavarcharya. See Rig Veda Sanhita. Madhava Acharya. See Black Yajur Veda. Madhavach.arya. Sarvadarsana San grab a, or an epitome of the Different Systems of Indian Philosophy. Edited by Pandita Iswarachandra Vidyasagara. Calcutta, 1858. In vol. (D) of Bibliotheca Indica. Svo. C, 1. Madhub Chundur (Pundit). Sanscrit Grammar for the use of Native Students. Calcutta, 1824. 12mo. D, 6. Madhyandina School. See Satapatha-Brahmana. MADRAS :— Auxiliary. See Wesleyan Mission. Auxiliary Bible Society, — Reports for 1852, 1861, and 1864. Pam.-Vol. 105 : B, 3. — Branch of the Christian Vernacular Educa- tion Society, — Fourth Report, 1862-63. Madras, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 107 : B, 3. Church of Scotland's India Mission, — Report, 1860-61. Pam.-Vol. Ill : B, 3. — Scottish Ladies' Association Female Orphanage and Schools, — Report for 1860-61. Pam.-Vol. Ill: B, 3. Catholic Directory for 1863. Pam.-Vol. 123 : B, 3. Census Report for 1881. L.McIver. Madras, 1883. 5 vols. Fol. Ex, 2. Christian Instructor & Missionary Record. Jffl(^fl«, 1843-55. 13 vols. Svo. B, 5. Church Missionary Record, 1850-52, and 1863-65. Madras. 7 vols. Svo. B, 6. MADRAS :— Diocesan Committee of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel,— Report for 1861. Madras. Pam.-Vol. 116: B, 3. District Committee [Eastern] of the London Missiouary Society, — Reports, 1850, 1851, and 1855-61. 2 vols. Svo. B, 3. — Free Church Missions, — Report and ac- counts, 1859-61. Pam.-VoL 111 : B, 3. Journal ofliterature and Science. Madras, 1840, 1844, 1845, 1847, ^^5°> and 1851. Svo. 2 cases. B, 6. Mission,— Rise and Progress of the—. R. Knill. MS. 4to. B, 1. , Visit of a Deputation of the American Board — , July, 1855. Calcutta. Pam.-Vol. 103 : B, 3. — Missionary Conference, 1858, — Proceedings of the—. Pam.-Vol. Ill: B, 3. — , Mysore, and the South of India. E. Hoole. 2nd edition. London, 1844. 12mo. B, 6. — New Almanack, General Directory, and Register for 1839. Madras. Svo. B, 6. — Quarterly Missionary Journal, July, 1850, to July, 1852. Madras. 2 vols. Svo. B, 5. Report of the Upper Secondary Examina- tion and Government Order, June 20th, 1SS9, No. 351. Madras. Fol. Ex, 2. — , Reports of the American Mission 1848-58 and 1859-64. Pam.-VoL 102: B, 3. See Cathcart (Robert). See Imlian Missions, Reports. See Missionary Experience. — Tract and Book Society. Reports for 1852 and 1861. Pam.-Vol. 106: B, 3. — Western Committee of the London Mis- sionary Society, — Reports, 1846-65. 8vo. B, 3. — ** and Bombay Bible Society." Pamphlet- Volume No. 105. Svo, Including: — 1-3. Reports of the Madras Auxiliary Bible Society for 1852, 1861, and 1864. 4. Jubilee Commemoration at Bombay of the British and Foreign Bible Society, December 21st, 1853. 5-7. Reports of the Bombay Auxiliary British and Foreign Bible Society, 1861, 1862, and 1864. B, 3. " and Bombay Tract Society." Pamphlet- Volume No. 106. Svo. Including: — 1. Report of the Bombay Tract and Book Society, 1865. Bomhay. 2-5. Reports North India Bible Society, 1862, 1S63, and 1864. Allahabad. 6-7. Reports of the Jaffna Auxiliary Bible Society, 1861 and 1862. Jafna. MAD— MAL 257 MADRAS :— 8. Tlie Britisli and Foreign Bible Society, and Romanized Editions of the Scriptures. Calcutta. 9. Report of the Burmah Bible and Tract Society for 1863. Rangoon. 10-11. Reports of the Madras Tract and Book Society for 1852 and 1861. Madras. 12-14. Reports of the Bombay Tract and Book Societyfor 1860, 1861, and 1862. Bomhay. B, 3. • andCuddalore in the last Century, — Notices of — , from Journals and Letters of the S.P.C.K. London^ 1858. 8vo. B, 6. — and Wallajahnuggur. See Railway. Madura, — Minutes of the Special Meetings re- specting American Missions held at — , February and March, 1855. Madras. Pam.-Vol. 103 : B, 3. Mission, — Reports of the American — , 1857-60 and 1863-64. Pam.-Vol. 102 : B, 3. Magrath (H. M. S.). Report on the Census of Coorgfor 1881. Bangalore, 1881. Fol. Ex, 2. Maha Parinibbana Suttanta. Suttas. See Buddhist Maha-Sudassana Suttanta. See Buddhist Suttas. Mahabharata ; an Epic Poem, written by the celebrati^d Veda Vyasa Rishi : Sanscrit text. I'ublished under the Authority of the Com- mittee of Public Instruction. Calcutta, 1834. 4 vols. Fol. Cx, 1. Mahabharut, translated into Bengali verse, by Kasee Dass. Revised by Joy Gopal Turku- lunkar. Serampore, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. D, 3. Mahamurree in Ghurwal. See Kumaon, Official Reports. Maharaj Libel Case. Calcutta, 1862. Pam-Vols. Ill & 120: B, 3. Mahavagga. See Vinaya Texts. Mahi Kantha [late Baroda] Mission of the London Missionary Society, — Reports for 1848, 1851, and 1852. Pam.-VoL 122a: B, 3. Mahomet, — Life of — . "W. Muir. New edition. London, 1877. 8 vo. C, 3. , , in three books ": translated from the French of Count Boulainvilliers. 2nd edition. London, 1743. 8vo. C, 5. , Sketch of the Life of — , and History of Islam, in the Luganda Language. (i. K. Baskerville & Yonasani Kayi'zz. Muwamadi obulamhioe aivamu Nehigamho Ebyabaisiramu Nahatuluki. London, 1896. 8vo, H, 6. Mahometan Period. See India, — History of — . Mahratta, — New Testament, in — . See under Bible. See Guzerattee. Mahratta, Southern — . See German [Basel] Mission. Wars. See India, British, — Considerations of the State of- Mahratta and Tamil Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, — Reports and letters connected with special meetings of the — . February to June, 1855. 8vo. CC, 1. Mahuhu a Morimo a a eutsicoeii Kholaganon e Kholugolu, ebon Liperovereba tsa Solomon, U Moreri le Liperofeslio tsa Yesaia, mo puon ea Secuana. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Isaiah, in Sechuana. Kuruman, 1847. ^^*^* ^' ^* Mahumetus ipse gladio suo Jugulantur. See Alcoiani Refutatio. Maingog-t. See Pahlavi Texts. Mairu, — Commandments, Lord's Prayer, and Hymns in — . Boi ena gora nanau-om ; Vere ogoda ena wanowano ; Madi. Kerepunu. 8vo. F, 5. Maitland (Sir Peregrine),— Correspondence re- specting his Resignation, February 12th, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 128 : Cx, 1. Maitrayana-Brahmana. See TJpanishads. Makota E.adja-Radja, ou la Couronne des Rois, par Bokari de Djohore ; traduit du Malais et anuote par Aristide Marre. Paris, iSj 8. 12mo. C, 6. Malabar [Tamil] Language, — Dictionary of the — . Robt. Drummond. Bombag, ingg. 4to. Dx, 2. See German [Basel] Mission. Malabar and English Dictionary. Fabricius & Brcithaupt. 2ud edition. Veperg{Madras), iSog. 4to. Dx, 1. Malacca. See British Possessions. See Malay Tongue. Malagache. See Vocabulaire. MALAGASY :— Bible, — Translation of the— . W. E. Cousins. Antananarivo, 1873. Pam.-Vol. 134: G, 2. English Dictionary, — New — . J. Richard- son, editor. Antananarivo, 1885. 8vo. G, 3. -. Gramara Malagasy. Pam.-Vol. 135 G, 3. G. Cousins. Gramara Malagasy Lehibe. Antananarivo, 1882. 12mo. G, 3. — Grammar Abbreviated for Children. Gramara Malagasy ; Nohafohezina LLianaran' ny Anhizy Madinika. Antananarivo, 1875. Pam.-Vol. 135 : G, 3. History of Jesus Christ, in — : Part i. Ny Tantarany Jesosy Kraisty araka ny Voalaza ao amy ny Filazuntsara Efatra. Antananarivo, 1873. 8vo. G, 3. 17 258 MAL MALAGASY :— Language, as Spoken in Imerina, — Concise Introduction to the Study of the — . "W. E. Cousins. Antananarivo, 1873. 8vo. G, 3. — ^ — — , Dictionary in two parts ; Part i, English and Malagasy. J. J. Freeman. An- tananarivo, 1835. 8vo. G, 3. , Grammar of tlie — ; Orthography. Pam.-VoL 135: G, 3. in the Ankova Dialect, — Grammar of the — . D. Griffiths. Woodbridge, 1854. 12rao. G, 3. — Light on Scripture from Ancient Monu- ments. T. T. Matthews. Ny Fanazavana ny Soratra Masina, avy amin ny Tsangam-Bato Aman-anona naton' ny firenena Maro tany aloha. Antananarivo, 1897. 8vo. G, 3. — , New Testament, in — . See under Bible. — Proverbs, collected by W. E. Cousins and J. Parrett. Antananarivo, 1871. 12mo. G, 3. -, Psalms, in — . See under Bible, Old Testa- ment Portions. — See under Bible. — See Bible Dictionary. — See Chemistry. — See Commentary on Corinthians i, chs. 1-8. — See Commentary on Matthew. — See Counsellor. — See Dictionary of the — . — See Good Words. Teny Soa. — See Hermaneutics. — See Hymns. — See Ikotofetsy and Imahaka. — See Introduction to the Books of the New Testament in — . See Jesus Christ, — History of — . See Lessons from the Gospel of Luke. See Logic. See Lutheran Liturgy. See Physical Geogi-aphy in — . See Pilgrim's Progress. See Scripture History. See Sermons and Addresses. ' See Sermons in — . See Singing, — Simple Lessons in — . See Theology, — Introduction to — . See " Think WeU." See Tunes and Hymns. See Vocabulary, English and — . Malaice, Novum Testaraentum. See under Bible, New Testament. , Vetus Testamentum. See under Bible, Old Testament Malam'e le Tacao, — le — . "Peep of Day," in Samoan. Mrs. H.Nisbet. Illustrations. Glasgow, 1869. 12mo. F, 5. Malay Archipelago. A. E. "Wallace. London, 1869. 2 vols. 8vo. B, 4. , Diagrams in English and — . Malacca. 4to. D, 6. Dictionary, in two parts, English and Malay, and Malay and English : with a Malay Grammar prefixed. Jas. Howison. London, 1 80 1. Fol. Interleaved. Dx, 2. Language, — Grammar and Dictionary of the — . John Crawfurd. London, iS^z. 2 vols. 8vo. D, 1. — , Matthew, in — . See under Bible, New Testa- ment Portions. — , Psalms, in— ment Portions. See under Bible, Old Testa- — See Arithmetic. — See Asia and Africa, — Geography of — . — See Brown's Catechism in — . — See Christian Catechism in — . — See Dialogues and Conversations in English and — . — See Geography. — See Proverbs in — . — See Reading Book in — . — See Serial. — See Story in — . — Tongue, — Grammar of the — , as spoken in Malacca, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Piilo Pinang, etc., etc. : compiled from Bowrey's Dictionary, etc. Map. London, 1800. Fol. Dx, 2. Translation of the Bible : Article by W. R. van Hoevell, translated by A. F. Lacroix. Calcutta Christian Observer, June, 1847. Pam.-Vol. 121 a: B, 3. , Vocabulary of the English and — . New edi- tion. Singaj)ore, 1863. 8vo. D, 3. Malayalim and English, and English and Malay- alim Dictionary. E. Laseron. Cottay am, 1856. 8vo. 3), 4. Christian Lyrics. S. Mateer. 3rd edition. Cottayam, 1874. 24mo. Also 5th edition. 12mo. j) k Hymn Book. S. Mateer. Cottayam 1870 12mo. ' j^'q MAL— MAP 259 Malayalim. Life of Christ, etc. ; Lyrics, by Moses Walsalam. Cottayam, 1880. 12mo. D, 6. -, Matthew, in — . See M«(?«r Bible, Kew Testa- ment Portions. Now Testament, in — . See under Bible. See Sermons, in — . Terms. See India, Glossary. Malayo-Polynesians, — Some Characteristics of the — . S. J. Whitmee. London, 1878. Pam.-Vol. 133: F, 1. Malcolm (John). Memoir of Central India, including Malwa. 2nd edition. London, i^z^. 2 vols. 8vo. C, 5, Maliasi TakweEsopo. Esop's Fables, in Kimambwe. D.P.Jones. London, 1897. 8vo. H, 5. Malleson (G. B.). History of the French in India. London, 1868. 8vo. C, 6, Malta Bible Society, — Eeport for the year 1820-21. Malta. Pam.-Vol. 130 : E, 6. Malta Ladies' Charitable Society, — Eeports 1824-29 and 1831. Malta. Pam.-Vol. 130: E, 5. *' Malta Mission." Pamphlet-VolumeNo. 131. 12mo. Including: — 1. La Scrittura Expositrice della Scrittura, Malta. 18mo. S. S. Wilson, 2. 'IffTopi'a Tov Aapivxov. La Roche, or the Good Priest of Switzerland. S. S. Wilson. Malta. 18mo. 3. 'ATTwSei^ei^ OTTO Tas TraXaid^ TrpoCprjieia's oti 6 2»;Xu> TTpevrei va ^X9e, Kal oti 6 awo Nat^apeT ■^ o Me !• , Hymns for Children, in — . American Mis- sion. 1862. 12iiio. D, 4. , New Testament, in — . See under Bible. See under Bible. Terms. See India, Glossary. Marcandeya Purana. Edited by K. M. Banerjea. Calcutta, 1862. In vol. (L) of Bibliotlieca Indica. 8vo. C, 1. Mare, — Expulsion of the Rev. J. Jones by the French Authorities. P.P. London, August 7th, 1888. Fol. Gx, 1. See Concoi'dance. Mardco Detail, — Evangelia — . Gospel of Mark, in Murray Island Dialect. Sydney, 1879. 8vo. F, 4. Mareko, ma le tusi a Paulo ia Kalatia, — le Faamatalaga le tusi a — . Notes on the Gospel of Mark and the Epistle to the Galatians, in Samoan. G.Turner. Lo7idon, iSSj. 8vo. F, 3. Mareko na Evanelia; Ilia reea Palugu na Buka aona na e alo vanagia 0. Mark, in Keapara. Sydney, 1892. 8vo. ^^«o 2nd edition. Sydney, 1895. 8vo. F, 5. Mareko, no te evanelia a Joane, te faa ito raa no te au raa te man irava, etc., — Irili Raa Paran no te Evanelia — . Commentary on the Epistles of Mark and John and tlie Epistles of !St. Paul, in Tahitian. Tahiti, 1861. 8vo. F, 4. Marhatta Empire, — Notes relative to the late Transactions in the — . 6 engravings. Furt William, December I5th, 1803. London, 1804. 4to. B, 1. Mari a Yesu go kwarilwe ke Rev. W. Reid. ** The Blood of Jesus," by W. Reid, in Sechuana. Translated by R. Price. Kuruman, 1872. 16mo. H,6. Mari ; Palagu ia na e vahanama. Hymn Book, in Keapara. Sydney, 1895. 8vo. F, 5. Maritime and Inland Discovery, — History of — : Vol i. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. London, 1830. 8vo. E, 2. Discovery and Christian Missions, con- sidered in their mutual relations. J. Campbell. Engravings. London, 1840. 8vo. J, 1. Markham (C. R.). Memoir on the Indian Sur- veys. London, 1871. 8vo. Cx, 1. Marley (R.). Medical Missionaries ; or Medical Agency Co-operative with Christian Missions to the Heathen. London, 1800. 8vo. J, 3. Marquesas, — Essay towards a Dictionary and Grammar of the Lesser- A ustrulian Language, according to the Dialect used at the — . W. Crook. MS. 1799 (?). 4to. F, 1. Marre (A.), traducteur. Makota Radja-Radja, ou la Couronne des Rois, par Bokari de Djohore, traduit du Malais et annote. Paiis, 1878. 12mo. C, 6. Marriage,— Essay on — . W. Jay. Bath, 1807. Pam.-Vol. 142: J, 4. Marriages in India, — Act No. v of 1852, re- specting — . Pam.-Vol. 126: Cx, 1. Marsh (D. W.). The Tennesseeau in Persia and Koordistan. Philadelphia, 1869. 8vo. B, 4. Marsh (J. W.) & Stirling (W. H.). Story of Commander Allen Gardiner, R.N., with Sketches of Missionary Work in South America. 4 maps. London, 1867. 8vo. E, 5. Marshall (T. W. M.). Christian Missions, their Agents and tlieir Results. 2ud edition. London, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. J, 1. Marshnian(J.). Thoughts on Propagating Christi- anity More Effectually among the Heathen. 2ud edition. Serampore, liz-j . 18mo. CC, 1. Marshman (J. C). History of India from the Earliest Period to the Close of Lord Dalhousie's Administration. London, 1869. 3 vols. 8vo. C, 6. Life and Times of Carey, Marshman, and Ward, embracing the History of the Serampore Mission. London, 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. CC, 1. Martin (M.). British Colonies, their History, Extent, Condition, and Resources. London, 1 849. 6 vols, in 3. 8vo. E, 1. Martin (R. M.). History of Austral Asia ; com- prising New South Wales, Van Diemen's Island, Swan River, South Australia, etc. : being vol. ii of the British Colonial Library. 2nd edition. London, 1839. 8vo. E, 3. History of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, the Sable Lshinds, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas, Newfoundland, etc. ; being vol. vi of the British Colonial Library. London, 1837. 8 vo. E, 3. MAR— MAU 261 Martin (R. M.). History of the British Posses- sions in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans ; com- prising Ceylon, Penang, Malacca, Singapore, the Falkland Islands, St. Helena, A« ^- See Fathers and Founders of the London Missionary Society. Methodist Conference. See Missionary Notices. Methodist Episcopal Church, — Reports of the Missionary Society for the years 1861, 1862, and 1865. Mw York. 8vo. B, 5. Also hound with Report of the American Bible Society, 1859. Miftah ul Kitah, etc. Companion to the Bible, in Romanized Urdu. Mirzapore, 1856. 12mo. D, 6. Mihai/o Ya Kuandia mu Kisuhuma. Kisukuma Primer. London, 1896. 8vo. H, 6. Mill (J.). History of British India. 5th edition ; witli notes and continuation by H. H. Wilson. London, 1858. 8vo. 10 vols. C, 6. Miller (J. A.). Memoir of the Rev. T. S. M'Kean, missionary at Tahiti ; with introduction by A. Tidman. London, 1847. 12mo. F, 5. Miller (M.). Chatichismo riguardante la Natura della Chiesa Christiana, ed i doveri do' suoi niembri. Catechism regarding the Nature of the Christian Church. Malta. Pam.-Vol. 131 : E, 5. Mills (S. J.). See Ming (B. S.). See Missions, — Foreign — ." Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. ' Missions, — Foreign — ." Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. Minor Law Books ; Part i, Narada, Brihaspati ; translated by Julius Jolly : being vol. xxxiii of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1889. 8vo. C, 2. Mirzapur Mission of the London Missionary Society, — Reports, 1838-39, 1845, 1847-49, 1854, 1856, 1859-65. Mirzapur. 8vo. B, 4. Miscellaneous Fragments. See Zend-Avesta. MISSION :— among British Settlers. See Africa, South- Easteru, — Story of — . — '■ — at Arcot, — Minutes of the Special Meeting of the — , June, 1885. Calcutta. Pam.-Vol. 103 : B, 3. — at Benares, — Baptist — , Reports 1861 to 1863. Pam.-Vol. 108 : B, 3. — at Delhi,— Baptist — , Report for 1861. Pam.-Vol. 108 : B, 3. — at Furrukabad, — Reports 1859-60, 1862- 63, and 1863-64. Allahabad. Pam.-Vol. 101 : B, 3. — at Lodiana, — Reports 1850-52, 1857-60, and 1862-63. Lodiana. Pam.-Vol. 101 : B, 3. — at Madras, — First Century of the Earliest Protestant — . W. Taylor. Madras, 1847. Pam.-Vol. 112: B, 3. , Reports of the American — , 1848-58 and 1859-64. Pam.-VoL 102: B, 3. — , Berlin—. Pam.-Vol. 108: B, 3. — by the TJnitas Fratrum. See Greenland. — Churches. See Native. — Conference at Lucknow, — Minutes of the First Session of the Annual — , December, 1864. Bareilly. Pam.-VoL 101 : B, 3. — Fields. See Africa, South, and its — . — , History of the General Baptist — . SeeOrh^B,. — in Ceylon, — Brief Sketch of the American — , Jaffna, 1849. Also Reports for 1861. Jaffna. Pam.-Vol. 102 : B, 3. -, Minutes of the Special Meetings of 4he — , April and May, 1855. Madras. Pam.-Vol. 103 : B, 3. in Chota Nagpore — , Report for 1863. Pam.-Vol. 108 : B, 3. in Chuprah, — German — , Reports 1860-61, and 1862-63. Pam.-VoL 108 : B, 3. in Ghazeepore, — Reports for 1861-62, 1862-63, and 1864-65. Pam.-Vol. 108: B, 3. in India, — Leipzig Evangelical — , First English Report. Madras, 1856. Pam.-Vol. 108: B, 3. in Tirhoot, — Report of the German — , 1850, and 1860-63. Pam.-Vol. 108 : B, 3. 264 MIS MISSION :— Life, — Magazine consisting chiefly of Headings on Foreign Lands with reference to the Scenes and Circumstances of — . J. J. Halcombe, editor. Many illustrations. London, 1866 to 1869. 4 vols. 8vo. J, 2. in Greece and Palestine ; Memorials of Mary B. Baldwin, missionary to Athens and Joppa. Mrs. E. E.. Pitman. Illustrated. London, Paris, 8c New York. 8vo. B, 4. — of Inquiry to the Jews, from the Church of Scotland, in 1839, — Narrative of a — . 21st thousand. Edinburgh, 1846. Bvo. J, 3. — on the Congo. See Africa, Central, — New World of—. -, On the Most Eligible Part to Begin a- and the Most Probable Means of Accomplishing it : Sermon September 4th, 1795, by T. Haweis. London. Pam.-Vol. 139: J, 4. — Pastor ; Memorials of the Rev. T. Boaz, LL.D., 24 years missionary in Calcutta. By his widow. London, 1862. J, 4. — Schools. See under India. — See African, Central — . — See under American. — See German [Basel]. — See Gibraltar and Spain. — See India, — Free Church — . — See India, South, — Taylor's—. — See Kuruman. — See Madras — . — See New Hebrides, — Bible Illustrations. — See Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Somers Islands. — See Orissa Baptist — . — See " Orissa Mission Reports." — See Otaheite. — See under Samoa. — See under Sandwich Islands — . — See Tinnevelly. — See Ujiji. — Station at Kuruman. See Boers and the — . — to the Friendly Isles. /Se, 7 to 10, and 12. 8vo. FF, 2. , their Authority, Scope, and Encourage- ment. 11. W. Hamilton. Londoti, 1842. 8vo. J, 1. , Theory of — , or a Scriptural Enquiry into the Doctrine of the Everlasting Torment of the Barbarous Nations, and Countless Ignorant Heathen, of Ancient and Modern Times. E. White. London, 1855. 8vo. J, 3. Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific -with a United States Government Expedition, — Diary of a Journey from the — . B. Mollhausen. Introduction by A. von Humboldt, translated by Mrs. P. Sinnett. Map and illustrations. London, 1858. 2 vols. 8vo. E, 5. Mitchell (J.). Essay on the Best Means of Civilizing the Subjects of the British Empire in India, and of Diffusing the Light of the Christian Religion throughout the Eastern World. Prize essay. JEdmburffh,iSos- ^to. B, 1. Mithila. See Yivada Chintamani. Mitra-Labha. See Hitopadesa. Mizan ul Haqq. Search after Truth. Hindustani. Leipzig, 1888. D, 2. Moegling (H.), Coorg Memoirs. Bangalore, 1855. Pam.-Vol. 123 : B, 3. Moerenhout (J. A.). Voyages aux lies du Grand Ocean. Far is, 1837. 2 vols. 8vo. F, 2. Moffat (J. S.). Lives of Mary and Robert Moffat. Portraits and maps. 3rdedition. 1885. 8vo. G, 1. Moffat (R.), Apostle to the Bechuana Tribes, — Story of the Life-work of — : a Life's Labours in South Africa. London, 1871. 8vo. H, 4. — Hymn Book, in Sechuana. Edited by J. Good. Dihela tsa Tiheto ea Modimo. London, 1894. 8vo. Also London, 1873. 16mo. Also London, 1882. 8vo. Also London, 1883. 8vo. H, 6. — Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa. Illustrated. 20th thousand. London, 1842. 8vo. H, 1. — New Testament, in Sechuana. LDwlangano e Nea ea Yesu Keresete eo e Im Morena oa Rona h Moreboluki ; e e Hetolecoen Puon ea Secuana. London, 1872. 12mo. H, 6. — Scripture Lessons, in Sechuana. Likaelo tsi ri tlaocoen mo Liknaloti tsa Morimo, go huisioa mo Likolen kaha Thuta7ion ea Mokhua oa Beritan, ka puoii ea Secuana. London, 1841. 12mo. H, 6. — See Africa, South, — Scenes and Services MOF— MOR 271 Moffat (R.). The " Standard Alphabet" problem; a general phonic system considered on the basis of some important facts in the Sechwana Language of South Africa. 1864. 8vo. H, 1. Moffat (Robert & Mary), — Lives of — . J. S. Moffat. Portraits and maps. 3rd edition. 1885. 8vo. G, 1. Moffat and Livingstone. See Heroes of the Desert. Mogul Empire. See Hindoostan, — Memoir of a Map of — . Mohammed and Mohammedanism Critically- Considered. S. W. Koelle. London, 1889. 8vo. C, 3. Mohammedan Period. See Trident, Crescent, and Cross. Mohammedanism and its Sects, — History of — . W. C. Taylor. London, 1834. Svo. C, 3. Mohammedans. See Martyn (Henry), Saint and Scholar. Mohr (E.). See Zambesi. Mohunpersand Takoor. Vocabulary in Bengalee and English, for the use of Students. 2nd edition. Calcutta, 1815. 8vo. D, 3. Moister (W.). Barnabas Shaw ; the Story of his Life and Missionary Labours in Southern Africa, with a brief Account of Wesleyan Mis- sions iu that Country. Illustrations, London, 1877. Svo. H, 5. — History of Wesleyan Missions in all parts of the World, from the commencement to the present time ; with Introduction by E. Hoole. Numerous engravings. 3rd edition. London, 1 87 1. Svo. J, 3. — Memorials of Missionary Labour in Western Africa and the West Indies. London, 1850. 8vo. G, 4. Missionary Pioneers ; being Memorial Sketches of Eminent Ministers who have Led the Way in Different Parts of the Mission Eield. 8 coloured engravings. London, 1871. 8vo. J, 3. Molesworth (J. T.). Dictionary, Marathi and English. 2nd edition, llevised and enlarged. Bombay, 1857. Eol. Dx, 1. Mollhausen (B.). Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific with a United States Government Expedition. Intro- duction by A. von Humboldt, translated by Mrs. P. Sinnett. Map and illustrations. Lon- don, i^^%. 2 vols. Svo. E, 5. Monachism, — Eastern — : an Account of the Order of Mendicants founded by Gotama Buddha. R. S. Hardy. London, i860. Svo. C, 3. Moneys, Weights, and Measures of the East Indies. See Oriental Metrology. Monk ("W".). Livingstone's Cambridge Lectures ; with Life of Livingstone, etc., etc. ; the whole being a Compendium of Information on the Central South African Question. London, 1858. Svo. H, 5. Monteath (A. M.). Note on the State of Educa- tion in India in 1865-56. Calcutta, 1861. Fol. £x, 2. See Bombay, — Public Instruction. Monteiro (J. J.). Angola and the River Congo. Map and engravings. London, 1875. 2 vols. Svo. H, 5. Montgomery (J.), compiler. Voyages and Travels Round the World, by D. Tyerman & G. Bennett, for the London Missionary Society. 2nd edition. London, 1840. E, 1. Also London, 1831. 2 vols. Svo. E, 2. Montgomery (W.). Commentary on Matthew, in Malagasy. ILeci-teny amy ny Filazaritsarany Malaio. Antananarivo, 1878. Svo. G, 3. Moodie (D.), compiler Sf editor. The Record ; or a Series of Official Papers Relative to the Con- dition and Treatment of the Native Tribes of South Africa. Cape Town, 1 8^8. 4to. Hx, 2. Moodie v. Fairbairn. See under Cape of Good Hope. Moody (J.). Dominion of Jesus : Sermon preached May 9th, 1799. London. Pam.-Vol. 140 : J, 4. Mooltan Mission of the Church Missionary Society, — Reports 1856-60. Lahore. Pam.-Vol. 109 : B, 3. Moor (E.). Hindu Pantheon. London, 1810. 4to. C,2. Moore (J. H.). New and Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels ; containing all that have been remarkable from the earliest period to the present time. Maps and plates. London. Fol. Ex, 1. Moorhouse (W.). Mary's Memorial : Sermon preached May 10th, 1797. London. Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. Moosulmans of India. See Q,anoon-e-Islam. Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India, 1870-71 to 1875-76, and 1882-83. Fol. 1 vol. and 3 parts. Ex, 2. Morals, — State of — . See Asiatic Subjects of Great Britain. Moravian Atlas, embracing Statistics of the Church of the United Brethren in her Home and Foreign Departments. London, 1853. J> 3. Morison (J.). Fathers and Founders of the London Missionary Society ; with a brief sketch of Methodism, and Historical Notices of the Several Protestant Missions from 1556 to 1839. London ^ Paris. 2 vols. Svo. Also Jubilee Edition (without the sketch of Methodism and Historical Notices). London, 1844. 1 vol. Svo. J, 2. 272 MOR— MUL Morris (J. C). Teloogoo Selections, with Trans- lations and Grammatical Analyses, and with a Glossary of Be venue Terms. Madras, 1823. Fol. Dx, 1. Morrison (D.), translator. Gospel of Mark in the Dialect of Fate Island. Nufsanwi nig Jesu Krist nag Murk. Sydney, 1866. 12mo. F, 5. Morrison (J.). Sermon for the London Missionary Society, May, 1832. London. Pam.-Vol. 138: J, 4. Morse (J.). American Geography ; or a Yiew of the Present Situation of the United States of America. 2nd edition. London, ijgz. Svo. E, 4. Mosaic History and Gospel Story Epitomized, in the Congo Language. H. G. Guinness. London, 1882. 8vo. H, 6. Mose, — tusi e Lima a — . Pentateuch, in Samoan. Samoa, 1851. 12uio. F, 2. Mose Ra, — Te Mau buka a — . Pentateuch, 'in Tahitian. London, 1844.. Svo. F, 4. Moses Walsalam. Life of Christ, etc. ; Lyrics, by — . Cottat/am, iSSo. 12mo. D, 5. Moshesh. and His Tribe, — Recognition as British Subjects, May, 1870. London. Fol. Gx, 1. See Basutoland. Moskito Language, — Grammar of the — . A. Henderson. New York, 1846. 8vo. E, 3. Moss (F. J.). Through Atolls and Islands of the great South Sea. London, 1869. 8vo. F, 6. Mota (Sugar Loaf Island, Banks Islands), — Dictionary of the Language of — . R. H. Codrington & J. Palmer. London, 1896. Svo. F, 5. Motu, — Catechism, etc . , in — . Hernanadai; Dirava ena Herevamai anidia ida Baine Iladibadia. Sydney, 1896. Svo. F, 5. Dictionary of the Language of Mota. R. H. Codrington & J. Palmer. London, 1896. Svo. F,6. — , Ethnology of the — . W. Y. Turner. London, 1878. Pam.-Vol. 133 : F, L — , Geography and Arithmetic, in — . Siogarapi mai Arimetika Hadihalaidia Bukana. Sydney, 1896. Svo. F, '6. , Gospels, in- ment Portions. See under Bible, New Testa- — Grammar and Vocabulary, in — . W. G. Lawes. Sydney, 1885. 8vo. Also 3rd edition. Sydney, 1896. Svo. F, 3. — , Hymn Book, in — . Ane Dirava Hanamoa Motu Oado. Sydney. 32mo. F, 6. — , Dirava Ihanamona Anedia. Sydney, 1896. 32mo. F, 6. Motu, — Litany, in — . Guriguri, Duhu ai hae koaulaiadokokoaulaiadoko. Sydney, 1896. F, 6. , Mark, in — . See under Bible, !New Testament Portions. , New Testament, in — . See under Bible. , Old Testament History, in — : Selections. Revareva Helaga Taravatu gunana revarevadia haida. Sydney, 1896. Svo. F, 3. Mountain Men. See Civilizing — . Mountney-Jephson (A. J.). Emin Pasha and the Rebellion at the Equator ; a story of Nine Months' Experiences in the Last of the Soudan Provinces. 2nd edition. Map and numerous illustrations. London, 1890. Svo. H, 2. Moxa, — Arte de la Lengua — , con su Vocabulario y catechismo, Maraban. Lima, 1701. Svo. E, 4. Mpanolo-tsaina, — Ny — . The Counsellor, in Mala- gasy. Vol. i. Imarivolanitra, 1878. Svo. G, 3. Mughs, — Among the — : or Memorials of the Rev. 1856. Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. Christian Family Fund ; Second Report, 1861. Calcutta, 1862. Pam.-VoL 118 : B, 3. Female School Society ; Eeports for 1832, 1833, 1838-40, 1844, 1845, 1850, and 1851. Calcutta. Pam.-Vol. 122a: B, 3. Inhabitants of India. See Hindu and Ma- hometan Shrines. Laws and Customs. See Cape of Good Hope. Life. See Travancore. Literature. See African. Mission Churches, — Self-Support of — . J.Murdoch. 1864. Pam.-Vol. 120 : B, 3. Opinion. See India, — English Eule and — . Preachers. See Ordination. Presses. See Vernacular. NATIVE :— States of the Continent of India. India, East India Company, — Gazetteer. 8*$ , Statistical Papers relating to Indian — . 1851? Pam.-Vol. 127: Cx, 1. — Tribes, Condition and Treatment. See Africa, South, — Eecord. in the Interior [of Africa], etc., etc. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. of the Interior [of Africa]. Two lectures by E. Solomon. Cape Town, 1855. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a : H, 3. See Africa, Southern, — Sketches. Natives. See Social Condition of the — . Natural History of Man. J. C. Hall. See in Man, — Eaces of — . J. C. Pickering. See under Man. of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms. See Tropical World. See Guiana. See Voyage Eound the "World (Foster's). Natural History and Astronomy, in Samoan. H. Nisbet & G. Pratt. le uiga mea eseese, i le lagi ma le lalolagi, atoa ma le tala i fetu. Diagrams. London, 1892. 8vo. F, 3. Natural History and Geology. See Voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle " round the world. Navigations aux Terres Australes, — Histoire des — . Paris, 1756. 2 tomes. E, 1. Nederlandsche Zendelinggnootschap, — Geden- boek uitgegeven ter gelengenheid van het Honderdjarig Beestaanvan het — ; 1797-1897. Rotterdam, 1897. '^^^- Hx, 2. Nengone, — Gospels and Acts, in — . See under Bible, New Testament Portions. -, Luke, in — . >SMMWHA— POL Pharaoh & Co. Gazetteer of Southern India, with the Tennasserim Provinces and Singapore. Madras, 1855. 8vo. B, 1. Philip (John). Letter to the Directors of the London Missionary Society on the Present State of their Institutions in the Colony of the — . Cape Town, 1848. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a : H, 3. Researches in South Africa; illustrating the Civil, Moral, and Religious Condition of the Native Tribes, etc. Maps. London, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. H, 3. Philip (B,.). Life, Times, and Missionary Enter- prises of the Rev. J. Campbell. London, 1841. 8vo. H, 4. Phillippo (J. M.). Jamaica ; its Past and Present State. London, 1843. ^'^^^- ^> ^' See Baptist Mission, Jamaica. Phillips (G.). Elements of Syriac Grammar. Camhridge Sf London, 1837. 8vo. D, 2. Phillips (M.). Teaching of the Vedas, what light does it throw on the Origin and Development of Religion? ZowS«5 Gulshan-i-roh. Pyne (A.). Reminiscences of Colonial Life and Missionary Adventure in both Hemispheres. London, 1875. 8vo. E, 3. Pyramid Pacts and Pancies. J. Bonwick. London, 1877. 8vo. H, 5. a. ftanoon-e-Islam ; or the Customs of the Moosul- mans of India. Containing a full and exact account of their various Rites and Ceremonies, from the moment of birth to the hour of death. Jaifur Shurreef . Translated by G. A. Herklots. London, 1832. 8to. C, 3. ftuarterly. See Free Church of Scotland — . Quarterly Chronicle. See London Missionary Society. Quarterly Paper. See London Missionary Society. Queen's Government and the Religions of India. J. Mullens. London, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 125a: B, 3. Queensland, — Importation into — . See South Sea Islanders. Questions of King Milinda, translated from the Pali by T. W. Rhys Davids ; Parts i & ii : being vols, xxxv and xxxvi of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1890 & 1894. 8vo. C, 2. Quiohua, — General de los Indies dc el Peru, — Arte y Yocabulario de la Lengua. D. De T. Rubio. Lima, 1754. 16mo. E, 4. Quilon. See Indian Missions, Reports. Quran, translated by E. H. Palmer : Part I, Chapters i to xvi ; Part II, Chapters xvii to cxiv : being vols, vi and ix of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, i%^o. 8vo. C, 1. R. Raa Ril, — Te man a'o — . Skeletons of sermons, in Tahitian. Tahiti, 1854. 8vo. Also Second Series. Tahiti, 1859. F, 4. Eabearana, Rahezandrina, and Ralaitafikia. Vocabulary, English and Malagasy, with illus- trative sentences, and an introductory lesson in Geography. London, 1S6 2. 8to. G, 3. Races Humaines. L. Figuier. Deuxieme edition. 288 Gravures dessinees sur bois et 8 Chromo- lithographies. Paris, 1873. 8vo. E, 1. Radicals. See Sanskrita Language. Raiatea e Tahaa, — JS Ture no te hau — . Laws of the Government of Tehauroa, king of Raiatea and Tahaa, in Tahitian. Raiatea, 1 844. 8vo. F, 5. Raikes (Rohert), VaiKov. Life of — . See Tofieprov Railway between Madras and Wallajahnuggur, — Selections from the Records of the Madras Government on the proposed — ; by Authority. Madras, 1852. 8vo. B, 1. Railways, — East India — ; Capital, Interest, and Disbursements. August nth, 1859. Pam.-Vol. 128 : Cx, 1. in India, — Administration Report of the — , for 1889-90. London, iHgo. Fol. Ex, 2. Rainbow in the Cloud. See Indian Mutiny. Rajendralala Mittra, editor. Chaitanya-Chandro- daya, or the Incarnation of Chitanya ; a Drama in ten acts by Karikarnapura, with a Com- mentary explanatory of the Prakrita passages ; by Visvanatha Sastri. Calcutta, 1854. lu vol. (E) of Bibliotheca Indica. 8vo. C, 1. 288 EAJ— REI Rajciidralala Mittra, editor. Nitisara, or the Elements of Polity ; by Kamendaki. Calcutta, 1 86 1. In vol. (L) of Bibliotheca Indica. 8vo. C, 1. , Taittiriya Brahmana of the Black Yajur Veda, with the Commentary of Sayana- charya ; Vols, i & ii : being vol. (H) of Biblio- thecalndica. Calcutta, 1859 & 1862, 8vo. C, 1. Rajputana. Census Reportforl881. Bombay, 1 882. Fol. Ex, 2. Ram Comul Sen. Dictionary, in English and Bengalee. Seram]^ore,\%i\. 2 vols. 4to. Dx, 1. Rama Narayana Vidyaratna, Pundita, editor. Aphorisms of the Vedanta, by Badarayana, with the Commentary of Sankara A'charya, and the Gloss of Govinda Ananda ; being vol. (M) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, iS6^. 2 vols. 8vo. C, 1. Ramayan of Tulsi Das, — Notes on the Grammar of the — . E. Greaves. Benares, 1895. 8vo. D, 2. Rangoon Burmese Missionary Society, — Fourth and Fifth Annual Report. Rangoon, 1863-64. Pam.-Vol. 124 : B, 3. Ranyard (L. N.). The Book and its Missions, Past and Present. London, 1856&18S7. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. J, 2. Raratongan and English Grammar. A. Buzacott. Te ahataha reo Raratonga. Earatonga, 1854. 12mo. F, 5. , New Testament, in — . See under Bible. See Arithmetic. See under Bible. See Bogue's Theological Lectures. See Church History. See Commentaries on Isaiah, Gospel of John, and Corinthians. See Commentary on Leviticus. See Geography. See Hymn Book. See Pilgrim's Progress. — — See Pleasant Pages. See Scripture History. See Scripture Lessons. " Rattlesnake," — H.M.S., — Narrative of the Voyage of — ; with an account of E. B. Kennedy's Expedition. J. Macgillivray. Maps. London, 1 8^2' 2 vols. 8vo. F, 1. Ravenstein (E. G.). See Africa, — Eastern, — Travels, etc. Raverty (H. G.). Dictionary of the Pukhto, Pushto, or language of the Afghans. London, i860. 4to. Dx, 2. Raverty (H. G.). Grammar of the Pukhto, Pushto, or language of the Afghans ; with remarks on the Language, Literature, and Descent of the A fgh an Tribes. 2nd edition. London, i860. 4to. Dx, 2. Gulshan-i-roh ; being Selections, Prose and Poetical, in the Pushto, or Afghan, language. London, i860. 4to. Dx, 2. Rawlinson (G.). Contrasts of Christianity with Heathen and Jewish Systems. London, 1861. 8vo. J, 1. Ray (S. H.) & Haddon (A. C). Study of the Languages of Torres Straits, with Vocabularies and Grammatical Notes; Part i. Lublin, 1893. 8vo. F, 5. Reading Book, in Malay, 1843. 8vo, D, 5. Readings from the Scriptures, in Kimambwe. Mawerengo ya Malembelo Maswepe ; Ulangilio wa mpiti. Illustrations. London, 1894. 8vo. H, 6. Reality versus Romance. See Africa, — South Central — . Recorder, — South African — , June, 1836. Cape Town. 8vo. Pam.-Vol. 137a: H, 3. Reeve (W.). Canarese and English Dictionary ; Revised and enlarged by D. Sanderson. Banga- lore, 1858. D, 5. Dictionary, English and Camataca. Madras, 1824. 4to. Dx, 1. (?) Pentateuch, in Canarese. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Reformed Protestant Dutcli Church. See under Arcot. Register of Missionaries and Deputations of the London Missionary Society, from 1796 to 1896, J. 0. Whitehouse. London, 1896. 8vo. J, 1. of the Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society, from 1804 to 1862, {An Appendix.) London. 8vo. J, 1. See Missionary. Regulation of the Mission, — Counsels and In- structions for the — . Pam.-Vol. 139 : J, 4. Regulations. See Pagodas and Mosques. Reid (H. S.). General Report on Public Instruc- tion in the North-Western Provinces, for 1854-55. Agra, 1856. Pam.-Vol. 116: B, 3. Report on Indigenous Education and Ver- nacular Schools in Agra, Aligarh,' Bareilly, Etawah, Farrukabad, Mynpoory, Muttra, and Shahjahanpur, for 1853-54. Agra, 1854. Pam.-Vol. 116: B, 3. Reid (John). Evidences of the Christian Religion, in Canarese. Bellary, iS^j. 8vo. D, 6. , Memoir of the Rev. — , comprising Incidents of the Bellary Mission for a period of eleven years, from 1830 to 1840. R. "VVardlaw. Glasgow, iS^S- 8to. CC, 1. REI— KHE 289 Reid (J. A.). Help to the Canarese in acquiring a knowledge of the English Language. Bellary, 1835. 8vo. Also 2nd edition, revised and corrected. Bellary, 1840. D, 6. Relcareha na U au mapu e te au tamarihi Icite. Pleasant Pages, in Karatongan. Raratonga, 1856. 12mo. F, 6. Religion," — Abbreviation of " Some Chief Truths of — , inSwahili. E. L. Cutts. Zanzibar, 1895. Svo. H, 6. and Irreligion, — Letters discussing — . See Dharmadharamparikshapatr. — and Philosophy of the Hindus, — Essays on the — . H. T. Colebrook. New edition. London, 1858. Svo. C, 4. — , Examination of — . See Matparfksha. — , Investigation of the True — . Prize Essay written in Urdu, and translated by one of the writers. 2nd edition. Calcutta, 1850. 12mo. C. 6. — , Origin and Development of — . jSeeVedas. — See Guiana. — See Hindoos, — View of — . — See Hindus, — Essays and Lectures. — See India, — Continental — . Religions, — Account of False — , in Samoan. le tala i Lotu ese ese. Upolu, 1839. 12mo. F, 6. of India. See Christianity and the — . See Queen's Government and the — . of the World and their Relation to Christianity. F. D. Maurice. 4th edition. Camhridge Sf London, i^di. Svo. B, 4. See Missionary's Vade Mecum. Religious Aspects. See Hindu Philosophy. Belief, — Draft Act respecting Non-For- feiture of Rights of Property for — . J. M[ullens?]. Calcutta Christian Observer, Mar., 1850. Pam.-Vol. 122 : B, 3. History of India. See Trident, Crescent, and Cross. Institutions of the Native Inhabitants of India. See Hindoo and Mahometan Shrines. , Philosophical, and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus. See Indian Wisdom. Reform : Part i, Popular Hinduism ; Part ii, Philosophic Hinduism ; Part iii, Vedic Hinduism ; Part iv, The Brahmo Samaj, and other modern eclectic systems of Hinduism in India. J.Murdoch. Madras, 18SS. Pam.-Yol. 121 : B, 3. — Sects. See Hindus, — Sketch of the — . Religious Tract Society,— Proceedings of the First Twenty Years of the — . London, 1820. Svo. FF, 1. Remarriage of Converts Bill, — Debate in the Council of the Governor-General, January, 1865, on the— . Calcutta. Pam.-Vol. 116: B, 3. See under Calcutta, Pastoral Letter. Rennell (J.). Geographical Illustrations. See Africa, — Travels in the Interior. Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan, or the Mogul Empire. 2nd edition. London, 1792. 4to. Cz, 1. Rent Question in Bengal. See Elgin. Rents, — Recovery of — , in the Bengal Presidency ; Draft of Bill. October 10th, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 126: Cx, 1. Rents Recovery Bill, — Further Paper relative to the—. No. 14. June 19, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 126 : Cx, 1. — , Papers respecting the — . No. 1. January 26th, 1858. Pam.-Vol. 126 : Cx, 1. — , Petition of Protestant Missionaries, Cal- cutta, concerning the — . No. 8. April 18th, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 126: Cx, 1. — , Petition of the British Indian Association relative to the—. No. 12. May 30th, 1857. Pam.-Vol. 126 : Cx, 1. Resident (A). Madagascar, Past and Present. London, 1847. Svo. G, 2. "Resolution." See Voyage Round the World in the—. "Resolution" and "Adventure." >Setf Astronom- ical Observations. See Voyage towards the South Pole. Revareva Helaga ; Taravatu gunana revarevadia haida. Selections from Old Testament History, in Motu. Sydney, 1896. Svo. F, 6. Review. See Calcutta. Reviewer Reviewed ; being Letters to the South African Church Magazine and Ecclesiastical Review. Cape Town, 1855. Svo. Pam.-Vol. 137a : H, 3. Rhenius (C. T. E.). Grammar of the Tamil Lan- guage. Madras, i 9 ^6. Svo. Also Madras, 1853. Svo. D, 4. Harmony of the Gospels, in Tamil. Vethavu- tharana Thirattu. Madras, 1835. Svo. D, 4. , Memoir of the Rev. — ; comprising Extracts from his Journal and Correspondence, with Details of Missionary Proceedings in South India. By his Son. London, 1841. Svo. CC, 1. , translator. New Testament, in Tamil. See under Bible. Rhenius' Tamil Grammar. See Tamil Grammar, — Abridgment of — . 19 290 RHO— ROE Ehode Island. See Williams (Roger). Bicci (J. H. de). Fiji ; our New Province in the South. Seas. 2 maps. London, 1875. 8vo. F, 2. Rice (B.). Arunodaya, an illustrated Magazine, in Canarese. Yols. i, ii, & iii. Bangalore, 1862-64. 8vo. D, 5. Epitome of the Bible in the "Words of Scripture. B. Rice. i86i. 12mo. D, 5, Hymns, in Canarese. 4th edition. Bangalore, 1863. 18mo. D, 6. Isaiah, in Canarese. See under Bible, Old Testament Portions. Scripture History in Scripture Language ; Old and iN'ew Testament, in Canarese. Banga- lore, 1844. 2 vols. 12mo. D, 5. Rice (L.). Report on the Census of Mysore, for 1881. Bangalore, iSS^. Ex, 2. See " Missions, — Foreign — ." Richards (J.). Anniversary Sermon preached before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, September 15th, 1814. Boston. Pam.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. Set "Missions, — Foreign — ." Richardson. See McLeod and — . Richardson (C). New Dictionary of the English Language. 3rd edition. Zondon, 1S62. 8vo. E, 2. Richardson (J.), editor. New Malagasy-English Dictionary. Antanatiarivo, 1885. 8vo. G, 3. Simple Lessons in Singing, in Malagasy. Lesoiia tsotsotra amy ny Hira ; Fi%arana i. Antananarivo, 1877. 8vo. G, 3. ■ Tunes and Hymns, in Malagasy, with Simple Instruction in Singing, Tmia sy Fihirana mhamy ny Fampianarama Tsotra amy ny Hira. Antananarivo, 1875. 8vo. G, 3. Richardson (Jno.). Grammar of the Arabic Lan- guage. New edition. London, 1 8 1 1 . Fol. Dx, 2. Ridley (W.). Kamilaroi, and other Australian Languages ; with Comparative Table of Words from Twenty Australian Languages, etc. 2nd edition. New South Wales, 1%']$. 4to. E, 1. Rig-Veda, — First two Lectures of the Sanhita of the — ; with the Commentary of Madava- charya, and an English translation of the text, by E. Roer. In vol. (E) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1849. 8vo. C, 1. , Sanhita of the — . Sanscrit text and trans- lation. Bombay, i?,^^. 4to. C, 3. Rig-Veda-Sanhita ; Collection of Ancient Hindu Hymns. London, 1850-57. 3 vols. Svo. C, 3. Rig-Veda-Sanhita ; Sacred Hymns of the Brah- mans; together with the Commentary of Sayan- acharya. Edited by Max Miiller, London, 1849-62. 4 vols. Fol. Cx, 2. , ; translated and explained, by F. Max Miiller. Vol. I: Hymns to the Maruts, or the Storm Gods. London, 1869. Svo. C, 3. Ripon (Marquis of). See India, —Education in — . Ritchie (L.). Sketch of the Life of Thomas Pringle. See African Sketches. Ritler (C). Comparative Geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula, translated by W. L. Gage. Fdinburgh, I S66. 4 vols. 8vo. B, 4. Vo^eprov VaiKOV, — /8/09 tou evapciov eKeivov (plXavOpioTTov — . Life of Robert Raikes. MeXtT//, 1831. Pam.-Yol. 132: E, 5. Robertson. See Church History. Robertson (E. P.). Dictionary, in English and Gu- jarat!. Bombay ^ Calcutta, 1854. 8vo. D, 6. Robertson (T. C), Lieut. -Governor North- Western Provinces, — Minute, January 3rd, 1843. Pam.-YoLl26: Cx, 1. Robinson (E. J.). Hindu Pastors ; a Memorial. London, 1867. 8vo. B, 6. Robinson (R.). Among the Mughs ; or Memorials of the Rev. J. C. Fink, Missionary in Arracan. Calcutta, 18 "J 1. 8vo. C, 6. Robinson (T.) & Clarke (R.). Rise and Progress of the Missions in Tinnevelly. London, 1846. Pam.-Yol. 123 : B, 3. Robson (J.). Hinduism and its Relation to Christi- anity. London, 1874. 8vo. C, 6. Rochou (Abbe). Yoyage to Madagascar and the East Indies ; translated from the French by J. Trapp, with map and memoir, of Mr. Brunell, on the Chinese Trade. London, 1792. 8vo. Also London, 1793. 8vo. G, 2. Roer (E.), translator Sf editor. Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad, with the Commentary of Sankara Archarya, and the Gloss of A'nanda Giri : being vols. (A) & (B) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1849. 2 vols. 8vo. C, 1. — , translator ^ editor. Division of the Cate- gories of the Nyaya Philosophy, with Com- mentary by Viswanatha Panchanana : in vol. (D) of Bibliotheca Indica. 1850. 8vo. C, 1. , translator. First two Lectures of the Sanhita of the Rig Yeda, with the Commentary of Madavacharya, and an English translation of the text: in vol. (E) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1849. 8vo. C, 1. — , editor. Tsa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundi, Mandukya, Upanishads, with the Commentary of Sankara A'rcharya, and the Gloss of A'nanda Giri : in vol. (C) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1850. 8vo. C, 1. TlOE— RUS 291 Roer (E.), revisor. ^ahitya-Darpana, or Mirror of Composition ; a Treatise on Literary Criticism, by Viswanatha Kaviraya ; translated by J. R. Ballantyne : in vol. (I) of Bibliotheca Indica, Calcutta, i^^i. 8vo. C, 1. , editor. Swetaswatara Upanisbad, with the Commentary of Sankara A'rcharya : in vol. (D) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, iS^o. 8vo. C, 1. -, editor. Taittariya and Aittareya Upanishads, with the Commentary of Sankara Acharya, and the Gloss of Ananda Giri : in vol. (D) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, iS^o. 8to. C, 1. -, translator. Taittariya, Aitareya, Svetasva- tara, Kena, Tsa, Katha, Prasna, Mundaki, and Mandukya Upanishads, translated from the Original Sanscrit : in vol. (C) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1853. 8vo. C, 1. -, editor. Uttara Naishadha Charita, by 6ri Harsha, with the Commentary of Narayana being vol. (F) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1855. 8vo. C, 1. Eber (E.) & Cowell (E. B.). Sanhita of the Black Yajur Veda, with the Commentary of Madhava Acharya ; Vol. i : being vol. (J) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, i860, 8vo. C, 1. Rogers (Stanley), compiler & editor. Centenary Mission Hymnal. London, i8gs- 8vo. J, 5. Roma, — le Faamatalaga le tusi a le Aposetolo Paulo ia — . Notes on the Epistle to the Romans, in Samoan. H. Msbet. London. 12mo. F, 3. Roman Alphabet, its Application to all the Oriental Languages ; Papers by C. E. Trevelyan, J. Prinsep, J. Tytler, A. Duff, and H. T. Prinsep. Serampore, 1834. 8vo. B, 1. Characters, — Bible in Urdu, in — . See under Bible. . See Hindee Story Teller. Orthoepigraphical Ultimatum, or a Systematic, Discriminative View of Oriental and Occidental Visible Sounds, on Fixed and Practical Principles for the Languages of the East, exemplified in the Popular Story of Sukoontula Natuk. J. Gilchrist. Calcutta, 1 804. 8vo. D, 2. Romance of Missions ; or Inside Views of Life and Labour in the Land of Ararat. Maria A. West. Introduction by Mrs, Charles. London. 8vo. J, 3. Romanised, — Bible, in Hindustani — , See under Bible. Editions of the Scriptures, Calcutta. Pam.-Vol. 106 : B, 6. -, etc., etc., — British and Foreign Bible Society and — ; Correspondence. A. Duff", Pam.-Vol. 119: B, 3. Romanised, — New Testament, in Hindustani — . See under Bible. See Hindustani and English Dictionary. , "Women of the Bible, in Hindustani — . I Romily (H. H.). From my Verandah in New Guinea; Sketches and Traditions. Introduction by A. Lang. Map. London, iHq. 8vo. F, 1. " Rosario," — H.M.S. — . Reports of Proceedings during her Cruise among the South Sea Islands, in 1871-72. London, 1872. Fol. Gx, 1. See South Seas, — Kidnapping in the — . Rost (R.), editor. Essays, Analytical, Critical, and Philological, on subjects connected with Sanscrit Literature ; by H. H. Wilson. London, 1864-65. 3 vols. Svo, C, 3. , editor. Essays and Lectures, chiefly on the Religion of the Hindus ; by H, H, Wilson. Lotidon, 1862. 2 vols. Svo. C, 3. Routledge (J.). English Rule and Native Opinion in India; from notes taken 1870-74. London, 1878. Svo. B, 2. Rowe (G. S.), editor. Fiji and the Fijians, by T. Williams ; and, Missionary Labours among the Cannibals, extended with notices of recent events, by J. Calvert. Illustrated. London, 1870. Svo. F, 2. , . Fiji and the Fijian s ; Mission His- tory. J. Calvert. Illustrations. London, 1858. Svo. F, 2. Rowley (H.). Story of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa. Maps and illustrations. Lon- don, 1866. Svo. G, 1. Royal Geographical Society's East Central African Expedition, 1878-80. See African Lakes and Back, Royle (J. F.). Culture and Commerce of Cotton in India and elsewhere. London, iS^i. Svo. C,4. Fibrous Plants of India, fitted for Cordage, Clothing, and Paper ; Avith an account of the cultivation and preparation of Flax, Hemp, and their Substitutes. London, 1855. 8vo. C, 4. Rnbio (D. de T.). Arte y Vocabulario de la Lengua Quichua general de los Indies de el Peru. Lima, 1754. 16mo. E, 4. Rudra. See Vedic Hymns to — . Rule (G. H.), translator. Acts, Romans, and Corinthians, in Spanish. See under Bible, New Testament Portions. Rural Life in Bengal; illustrative of Anglo- Indian Suburban Life : by the author of "Anglo-Indian Domestic Life," 146 engravings, London, i860. Svo. B, 1. Russell (J.). Journal of a Tour in Ceylon and India, for the Baptist Missionary Society, by J. Leechman and Joshua Russell. London, 1852. 12mo. C, 6. 292 BUS— SAC RuBsell-Clerk (G.)- See under Education. Russia, — Biblical Researches and Travels in — . E.Henderson. Maps and plates. London, 1826. 8vo. E, 2. See Bible Circulation. Russian, — New Testament and Psalms, in — . See tinder Bible, New Testament Portions. Russie, — Description de toutes les Nations de I'Erapire de — ; traduite de I'Allemand. St. Petersburg, I "Jib. 3 tomes. 4to, E, 1. Ryerson (J.). Hudson's Bay ; or a Missionary Tour in the Territory of the Honourable Hudson's Bay Company. Illustrations. Toronto, 1855. 12mo. E, 3. S. Sabbasava Sutta. See Buddhist Suttas. Sable Islands. See Nova Scotia, etc. SACRED BOOKS OF THE EAST; translated by various Oriental Scholars, and edited by r. Max Miiller. First Series. Vol. i, Upanishads. Translated by F. Max Miiller. Part i, iT^andogya-upanishad, Talava- kara-upanishad, Aitareya-arawyaka, KausWtaki- brahmawa-upanishad, and Va^asaneyi-sawihita- upanishad. Vol. ii. Sacred Laws of the Aryas, as taught in the Schools of Apastamba, Gautama, VasishiAa, and Baudhayana. Translated by Georg Biihler. Part i, Apastamba and Gautama. Vol. iii. Sacred Books of China : Texts of Confucianism. Translated by James Legge. Part i, Shu King, Religious Portions of the Shih King, and Hsiao King. Vol. iv, Zend-Avesta. Translated by James Darmesteter. Part i, Vendidad. 2nd edition. Vol. v, Pahlavi Texts. Translated by E. W. "West. Part i, Bundahis, Bahman Yast, and Shayast la-shayast. Vols, vi & ix, ftur'an. Parts i & ii. Trans- lated by E. H. Palmer. Vol. vii, Institutes of Vish«u. Translated by Julius Jolly. Vol. viii, Bhagavadgita, with Sanatsu^atiya, and Anugita. Translated by Kashinath Trimbak Telang. Vol. X, Dhammapada, translated from Pali by F. Max Miiller; and Sutta-Nipata, trans- lated from Pali by V. Fausboll : being Canoni- cal Books of the Buddhists. Vol. xi, Buddhist Suttas. Translated from Pali by T. W. Rhys Davids. 1, Mahaparinib- bana Suttanta ; 2, Dhamma-X-akka-ppavattana Sutta ; 3, Teviy^a Suttanta ; 4, Akankheyya Sutta ; 5, JEetokhila Sutta ; 6, Maha-sudassana Suttanta ; 7, Sabbasava Sutta. Vol. xii, >S'atapatha-Brahmawa, according to the Text of the Madhyandina School. Trans- lated by Julius Eggeling. Part i, Books i & ii. Vol. xiii, Vinaya Texts. Translated from the Pali by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg. Part i, Patimokkha ; Mahavagga, i-iv. Vol. xiv. Sacred Laws of the Aryas, as taught in the Schools of Apastamba, Gautama, Vasish^Aa, and Baudhayana. Translated by Georg Biihler. Part ii, Vasish^Aa and Baudha- yana. Vol. XV, Upanishads. Translated by F. Max Miiller. Part ii, Ka^Aa-upanishad, Mu«(?aka- upanishad, Taittiriyaka-upanishad, Br«hadara»- yaka-upanishad, /Svetasvatara-upanishad, Praswa- upanishad, and Maitrayawa-brahmana-upani- shad. Vol. xvi, Sacred Books of China : Texts of Confucianism. Translated by James Legge. Part ii, the Yl King. Vol. xvii, Vinaya Texts. Translated from the Pali by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg. Part ii, Mahavagga, v-x ; ^ulla- vagga, i-iii. Vol. xviii, Pahlavi Texts. Translated by E. W. West. Part ii, Dat^istan-i Dlnik and Epistles of Manijs^lhar. Vol. xix, Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king. A Life of Buddha by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva, trans- lated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharma- raksha, a.d. 420, and from Chinese into English by Samuel Beal. Vol. XX, Vinaya Texts. Translated from the Pali by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg. Part iii, JTullavagga, iv-xii. Vol. xxi, Saddharma-puwflJartka ; or, Lotus of the True Law. Translated by H. Kern. Vol. xxii, 6^aina-Sutras. Translated from Prakrit by Hermann Jacobi. Part i, A/rarahga- Sutra and Kalpa-Siitra. Vol. xxiii, Zend-Avesta. Translated by James Darmesteter. Part ii, Sirozahs, Ya«ts, and Nyayi*. Vol. xxiv, Pahlavi Texts. Translated by E. W. West. Part iii, Dlna-i Main6g-Khira ^* Seneca Tongue, — Christ's Sermon on the Moun- tain, translated into the — . T. S. Harris & J.Young. New York, 1829. ISmo. E, 3. SepeUta sa Secoana le Lipalo. Sechuana Spelling Book, Blomfontein, 1890, 16mo, H, 6. Sepoy removed from his regiment at Merut, in 1819, for embracing Christianity, — Papers re- specting — , February 9th, 1858, London. Pam.-Vol. 128 : Cx, 1. Serampore Mission, — History of the — . See Carey, Marshman, and Ward. Serampore Missionaries. New Testament, in Canarese. Serampore, 1823. 8vo. D, 5. New Testament, translated into the Sungskrit Language from the Original Greek. Serampore, iSoS. 4to. Dx, 2. Serial, in Malay. Vol, ii, No. 6, July, 1859. Singapore. 4to. D, 6. " Sermons." Pamphlet- Volume No. 138. 8vo. Including: — 1. Sermon for London Missionary Society, May, 1832. John Morison, of Brompton. London. 2. Funeral discourse for William Orme. Joseph Fletcher. May, 1830, London. 3. Sermon for London Missionary Society, May, 1834, R.Burns. London. 4. Sermon for London Missionary Society, May, 1835. G. Spring. London. 5. Sermon for London Missionary Society, May, 1842. J. Sortain. London. 6. Charge to J. Hodgens and J. D. Smith, June, 1840. E. Wardlaw. Dublin. 7. Sermon on Christian Communion, Sept., 1842. R, Wardlaw. Glasgow. 8. Sermon on the death of J, M, Mackenzie. August, 1843. R. Wardlaw. Glasgow. 9. Address to Students of Airedale College on Humility, June, 1840. J.Kelly. Liverpool. 10. Sermon on the Intercommunion of Churches, October, 1842, R, W. Hamilton. London. 1 1 . Sermon on Christian Patriotism ; for the Home Missionary Society, May, 1842, J.Harris, London. 12. Sermon on the Witnessing Church, April, 1837. J.Harris. London. 13. Discourse on Theatrical Amusements, April, 1838. T. Binney. Literary Gazette. 14. Discourse on Conscientious Clerical Non- conformity, April, 1839. T. Binney. London. 15. Discourse on Dissent not Schism, Decem- ber, 1834. T. Binney. London. 16. Protestant Dissent Vindicated. A letter to Dr. S. Lee by J. Pye Smith, December, 1834. 2nd edition. London. J, 4. Sermons and Addresses, in Malagasy. Ny Sare- Mahasoa, sy ny tori-teny Sasany. Antananarivo, 1871. 12mo. G, 3. , Burder's Village — , translated into Modern Greek, by S. S. Wilson. Malta, 1829. 12mo. E, 6. , in Malagasy. Tori-teny Milaza any lesosy Kraisty. Antananarivo, 1873. 12mo. Q, 3. , in Malayalim, — Fifty-two Sketches of — . Compiled by S. Mateer. Cottayam, 1 875. 12mo, D, 6. Preached in London at the Formation of the London Missionary Society, and at the Annual Meetings. Zowc^ow, 1793 to 1844. {A few want- ing for latter years.) 14 vols. 8vo. GG, 2. Service-book and Hymns, in the dialect of Darnley, Murray, and Stevens Islands, Torres Straits. Itmer ; ade ra gelar ; Tonar le ispili didhare ade ra opem ; Atkoli Janali; Gaire ned miriam mer debele adim nedakiriar. Sydney. 12mo. F, 6. Seton-Karr (W. S.). Selections from the Calcutta Gazettes, 1784-97 ; showing the political and social condition of the English in India Seventy Years Ago. Calcutta, iS6s. 2 vols. 8vo. B, 1. Sewell (J. S.). English and Malagasy Dictionary. Diksionary Englisy sy Malagasy. Antananarivo, 1875. 12mo. G, 3. Vocabulary, English and Malagasy. Haha- mora ny Fianarana teny English. Antananarivo, 1870. 12mo, G, 3. Seychelles, — Correspondence concerning the Con- dition of Liberated Africans at the — . P,P. London, 1873, Fol, Ox, 1. — — See Slave Trade at the Mauritius. 298 SHA— SIB SMhjalianpiir. See Education, — Indigenous — , Shakespear (A.). Comparative Tables of the District Establishments in the North - West Provinces; by authority. Calcutta, iSs 3- 8vo. B, 1. Memoir on the Statistics of the North- Western Provinces of the Bengal Presidency. Calcutta, 1848. 8vo. B, 1. Shakespear (J.). Dictionary, Hindustani and Eng- lish. 2nd edition. London, 1820. Dx, 1. . Grammar of the Hindustani Language. 3rd edition. London, 1826. 4to. Dx, 2. Shaw (Barnabas). Memorials of Southern Africa. 2nd thousand. London, i%^i. 12mo. H, 4. See South Cave, — History of — . Story of his Life and Missionary Labours in Southern Africa, with a brief Account of "Wesleyan Missions in that country. Illus- trations. London, 1877. 8vo. H, 6. Shaw (R. B.). Sketch of the Turki Language, as Bpoken in Eastern Turkistan, together with a Collection of Extracts. Part i. Lahore, 1875. 4to. D, 1. Shaw (W.), late General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Missions in South-Eastern Africa, — Memoir of the Kev. — Portrait, map, and views. Zo«S2. 8vo. B, 1. Statistics of Missions in India and Ceylon, — Revised — . J. Mullens. Calcutta, 1852. Pam.-Vol. 125a : B, 3. of Protestant Missionary Societies, 1861. W. B.B. London, 1863. Pam.-Vol. 143 : J, 4. , Protestant — . See Missionary Societies. See India, North-Western Provinces. Statutes, — Revised — . See Jamaica. Steane (E.). Proceedings of the Amsterdam Con- ference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in August, 1867. London, 1868. 8vo. J, 2. Religious Condition of Christendom, Part ii : a Series of Papers prepared at the instance of the French Branch of the Evangelical Alliance, 1855. London, 1857. ^^°' J> ^• Steere (E.). Collections for a Handbook of the Nyamwezi Language, as spoken at TJnyanyembe. London. 12mo. H, 6. Handbook of the Swahili Language, as spoken at Zanzibar. 2nd edition. London, 1875. 8vo. H, 6. Swahili Talcs, as told by the Natives of Zanzibar; with an English translation. 2nd edition. London, 1889. 8vo. H, 6. Stennett (S.). Memoirs of Rev. W. Ward, late Baptist Missionary in India ; containing a few of his early poetical productions, and a monody to his memory. 2nd edition. London, 1825. CC, 1. 8TE— SUT 303 Stephenson (W. W.). Canticles, in Telugu. 2ii(i edition. Madras, 1884. 12mo. D, 6. Christian Lyrics, in Telugu. 1890. 12mo. Also 2ncl edition. 1893. 12mo. D, 5. Sterling (A.). Orissa, its Geography, Statistics, History, Keligion, and Antiquities : with a history of the General Baptist Mission by J. Peggs. London. 8vo. B, 6. Sterne (H.). Statement of Facts, submitted to His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, Preparatory to an Appeal about to be made by the Author to the Commons of Great Britain, seeking redress for grievances committed upon him under the Administration of the Island of Jamaica, with an exposure of the present system of Jamaica apprenticeship. London, 1837. 8vo. Q-, 4. Sterne's Exposure of Jamaica Justice, or a brief account of the Author's individual wrongs, — A key to — . 8vo. G, 4. Stewart (C. S.), Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands during the years 1823-25; with introduction by W. Ellis. London, 1828. 12mo. ^^50 2nd edition. Duhlin, i%ii. 12mo. F, 2. Visit to the South Seas during the years 1829-30. Edited and abridged by W. Ellis. London, 1831. 8vo. F, 3. Stock (Sarah G.). Missionary Heroes of Africa. 75 illustrations and map. London, 1897. 8vo. H, 6. Stockenstrom v. Campbell. See Cape of Good Hope. Stoddard (C. W.). Summer Cruising in the South Seas. Illustrations. London, iSjj. 8vo. F, 2. Storrow (E.). Funeral Sermon for Mrs. Mullens. Calcutta, 1861. Pam.-Yol. 117: B, 3. Funeral Sermon for the late G. C. Hay. Calcutta, 1865. Pam.-Yol. 117: B, 3. — India and Christian Missions. London, 1859. 8vo. C, 6. New Edition, brought down to date, of " Missions in India, from their Commencement in 1706 to 1881." M. A. Sherring. With 4 maps. London, iSS^. 8vo. 0,6. Protestant Missions in Pagan Lands ; a Manual of Missionary Facts and Principles relating to Foreign Missions Throughout the World. London, 1888. 8vo. J, 3. Story in Malay. 1856. 12mo. D, 6. — of Creation, etc., in Bengali. Guru Sishyo. Calcutta, 1824. 12mo. D, 6. — of the London Missionary Society, 1795- 1895. C. S. Home. Maps and many illus- trations. 2nd edition. London, iSgs- 8vo. J, 2. Strachan (A.). Life of the Rev. Samuel Leigh, Missionary to the Settlers and Savages of Australia and New Zealand, with a history of the Origin and Progress of the Missions in those Colonies. Illustrated edition. London, 1870. 8vo. E, 6. Streaks of Light and Maxims on Parental Duty, in Samoan. G. Turner. Tala ma apoa- poaiga. London, 1890, 8vo. F, 3. Stuart (Jas.). Three Tears in North America. Edlnhurgh, 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. E, 4. Sturge (J.) & Harvey (T.). The West Indies in 1837; being the Journal of a Visit to Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, and Jamaica. 2nd edition, with maps. London, 1838. 8vo. G, 4. Suahili Language, — Dictionary of the — . L. Krapf. London, 1882. H, 1. Subandhu. See Vasavadatta. Sudsee, — Das Missionswesen in der — : ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte von Polynesien. F. Krohn. Hamhurg, 1833. 8vo. F, 2. Sukhavati-Vyuha, — The Larger and the Smaller — . See Buddhist Mahayana Texts. Snkoontula Natuk. /S^e Roman Orthoepigraphical Ultimatum. Sulivan (G. L.). Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters, and on the Eastern Coast of Africa ; Narrative of Ten Years' Experience in the Suppression of the Slave Trade. Map and illus- trations. London, 1873. 8vo. H, 2. Sumatra. See Malay Tongue. Sungskrit, — New Testament in — . See under Bible. Support of Idolatry and the Superstitions of Heathenism. See British Patronage of — . Suppression of Infanticide. See India, Western, — History of the — . Surveys, — Memoirs on the Indian — . London, 1 87 1. 8vo. Cx, 1. Surya Siddhanta, translated by Pundit Bapii Deva Sastri : in vol. (K) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1 86 1. 8vo. C, 1. Sutherland's (Col.) Memoir. See Africa, South, — Original Matter. Sutrakritanga Sutra. See Gaina Sutras. Sutta-Nipata ; translated from the Pali by V. FausbiiU : in vol. x of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1 88 1. 8vo. C, 1. Suttee. See India's Cries. Suttees, — Detailed Statement of the Number of — . See Burning of Widows. Sutton (A.). Orissa and its Evangelization. Derly and Calcutta, 1850. 12mo. B, 6. 304 8YE— TAH Svetasvatara. See Upanishads. Svetasvatara TJpanishad. See Bibliotheca Indica, vol. (C), Swahili, — Gospel of Luke, in — . See under Bible, New Testament Portions. Language, as spoken at Zanzibar, — A Hand- book of the — . E. Steere. 2nd edition. London, 1875. 8vo. H, 0. Tales, as told by the Natives of Zanzibar ; with an English translation. E. Steere. 2nd edition. London, 1889. 8vo. H, 5. Swan (W.). Letters on Missions ; with intro- duction by W. Orme. 2nd edition. London, 1843. 8vo. J, 3. Memoir of Mrs. Paterson, wife of the Rev. Dr. Paterson, St. Petersburg. 3rd edition. Edinlurgh, 1824. 12mo. J, 4. Swan River. See Asia, — Austral — . Swapneswara. See Aphorisms of ^andilya. Swedish. See under Bible. Sweet Firstfruits: a Tale of the Nineteenth Century on the Truth and Virtue of the Christian Religion. Sir W. Muir. From the Arabic. London, iSg^. Svo. B, 4. Swetaswatara XTpanishad, with the Commentary of Sankara Acharya. Edited by E. Roer. In vol. (D) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1850 Svo. C, 1. Swift (E. P.). See " Missions,— Foreign— ." Para.-Vol. 145 : J, 4. Syntax. See Arabic. Syria. See Indian Church History. Syria and the Holy Land, — Christian Researches in — . W. Jowett. 2nd edition. London, 1S26. Svo. B, 5. Syriac Grammar, — Elements of— . Geo. Phillips. Cambridge Sf London, 18 i"]. Svo. D, 2. , New Testament, in. See under Bible. Syriac and Carshun, — New Testament, in — . See under Bible, Sjrriace, Bible. Yetus Testamentum — . See under Sjrro-Chaldaic, — Gospels, in — . See under Bible, New Testament Portions. T. Tables of Weights and Measures. iVy Amy ny Mandanja, ay ny Mandrefy, Ifamatra, etc. Antananarivo, 1873. Pam.-Vol. 135: G, 3. Tablets and Monumental Inscriptions. See Bengal Obituary. Tahiti; containing a Review of the Origin, Character, and Progress of French Roman Catholic Efforts for the Destruction of English Protestant Missions in the South Seas. From the French of Mark Wilks. London, 1 844. Svo. F, 6. -, History of — ; from the earliest times to the Discovery of Cook. R. Thomson. MS. 4to. F,l. See M'Kean. Tahiti and Society Islands, — Missionary Records of — . Map. London. ISmo. F, 3. Tahiti and the Leeward or Society Islands, — Papers relating to — . Zondon,iS^-j. Fol. Gx, 1. TAHITIAN :— Dialect, — Grammar of the — . Tahiti, 1823. 12mo. F, 3. -, Gospels, etc., in — . See Bible, New Testa- ment Portions. Laws of the Government of Tehauroa, king ofRaiateaandTahaa. E, Ture no te hau Raiatea e Talma. Raiatea, 1844. Svo. F, 5. Lectures on the great doctrines of the Bible. Eao Raa e tuatapapa raaparau no ra. Svo. F,4. -, Mark, John, Acts, and Paul's Epistles, in — . See Bible, New Testament Portions. Mission, — History of the — , 1801-55. John Davies. 2 vols. MS. F, 1. , New Testament, in — . See under Bible. , Pentateuch, in- Testament Portions. See under Bible, Old See Arithmetic. See Bible. See Commentary on Acts. See Commentary on Mark, John, and the Epistles of Paul. See Commentary on Philippians and the Gospel of John. See Commentary on the Psalms, etc. See Concordance. See Dictionary of the Bible. See Hymn Book. See Skeletons of Sermons. See Theology. Tahitian and English Dictionary, with intro- ductory remarks on the Polynesian Language, and a Short Grammar of the Tahitian Dialect. Tahiti, 1851. Svo. F, 3. Tah-koo Wah-kan ; or the Gospel among the Dakotas. S.R.Rigga. Boston, iS6g. Svo. E,3. TAI— TAM 305 Taittanya, Aitareya, Svetasvatara, Kena, I'sa, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, and Mandukya Upanishads, translated from the original San- scrit by E. Eoer : in vol. (C) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1853. 8vo. C, 1. and Aittareya Upanishads, with the Com- mentary of Sankara Acharya, and the Gloss of AnandaGiri; edited by E. Roer : in vol. (D) of Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta, 1850. 8vo. C, 1. Taittiriyaka. See Upanishads. Takakusu (J.), translator. Buddhist Mahayana Texts. Part ii, The Amitayur-Dhyana-Sutra ; in vol. xlix of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1894. 8vo. "C, 2. Tala i Ituaiga Israela. Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Samoa, \^$^. 12mo. F, 4. Tala i Tagata sa i ai le afioga a le atua ananma, — le — . Scripture History, in Samoan. G. Turner. London. 8vo. F, 5. Talavakara. See Upanishads. Tallygunge Mission. See Barripiir. Pam.-Vol. 110 TAMIL :— B, 3. — Book, — Lady's — ; containing portions from the Book of Common Prayer, in llomanized Tamil, with English Version, and Anglo-Tamil Grammar and Vocabulary. E. Hoole. London and Jfa»«« Pacific. 320 ZET— ZWI Zeigler (F.). Practical Key to the Canarcse Lan- guage, Manyahre, 1882. ISmo. D, 5. Zenana Mission, — Da-wn of Light, a Story of the — . Mary E. Leslie, Introduction by E. Storrow. London, j868, 12mo. CC, 1. Zend-Avesta, translated by Jas. Darmesteter : Part i, 2nd edition, Vendidad ; Partii, Sirozahs, Yasts, and Kyayis ; Pait iii, Yasna, Visparad, Afrinagan, Galip, and Miscellaneous Frag- ments : being vols, iv (2nd edition), xxiii, and xxxi of Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1895, 1883, and 1887, 8vo. C, 1 & 2, Zigua Exercises. W, H. Kisbey. London, 1897. 8vo. H, 6. Ztt'j) Ka\ QcivaT09, etc. Life and Death, MeXir*;. Pam.-Vol. 132: E, 6. Zoology, Embracing the Animals oi Scripture, — Manual of — , in Samoan, Illustrated. T, Powell. le tala i tino tagcda nia men ola essese, etc, London, 1886. 8vo. F, 3. Zoroastrianism, — Marvels of — . Texts, See Pahlavi Zuid-Zee, — Het Christendom in de — , of Reizen en Lotgevallen van den zendeling J, "Williams met platen, Tweede deel. Gorinchem, 1839, Svo. F, 2. Zululand, a Mission Tour in South Africa. H. G. Mason. London, 1862. Svo. H, 5. Zwick (A.) & Schill (J. G.). Calmuc Tartary ; or a Journey from Sarepta to several Calmuc Hordes of the Astracan Government. London, 1 83 1. Svo, B, 4, [The End.] BRINTED BY STBPHFN AVSTIN AM) gOMS, HERTFORD.