GIFT OF Ki/voy 1°. Iv/u-fJ^ . t»J VV^XX/rJr^^Vy vvlis>-r^->r^" r x < '. & Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation HISTORY CLASS OF 1868 YALE COLLEGE if 1864-1914 COMPILED BY Henry P. Wright, Class Secretary NEW HAVEN The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Press 1914 V So with us, Classmates, in the coming years Which shall convey us onward to the tomb, We shall grow feeble, weak and bent with toil. But college memories ne'er will lose their bloom. And when our footsteps lead us here again To view these scenes oft thought of with delight. We may be wayworn, weary with life's work. But olden memories ever will be bright. Linn's Class Poem. Dear Classmates: This book, without doubt the last that will be issued by Sixty-eight, has been prepared especially for the members of the class and their families. It contains the history of the class since its admission to college in the fall of 1864, and includes biographical sketches of all its members, graduate and non-graduate. For the sake of completeness, the important parts of previous class histories have been retained in this. Class- mates who died early have not been forgotten, but have been considered just as worthy of a place in the book as those who have been blessed with a longer life. Following your wishes, as expressed at the reunion in June last, portraits of members of the Faculty are included, and two portraits of each member of the class when these could be obtained. In a few cases it has been found impossible to get any photographs of classmates, except those taken at the time of our graduation. The plan of putting side by side two pictures of each man, one taken at graduation and the other in mature life, originated with the Class of '62, and has been followed by so many classes that it has become a custom which seems likely to be adopted by every class secretary in the preparation of one of the books published a quarter-century or more after graduation. My correspondence with you, kept up during so many years, has taken time, both yours and mine. To me it has been a pleasant recreation, amid the more burdensome duties of a busy life. It is too much to believe that my frequent inquiries for information have always been welcome, but I appreciate the general promptness and completeness of your answers, and am grateful that no one of you has ever shown to me any sign of annoyance because he had to write to me so often. For your frequent expressions of personal regard I am truly grateful. I do not propose to drop my correspondence with you on the publication of this book. I ask you to keep me well informed regarding the events of your individual and family history, that 293271 IV THE CLASS OF 1868, YALE COLLEGE T may from time to time send out letters like those issued in 191 1 and 1912. Of course you will advise me promptly of any change in address. The Class Secretary of '84. the publishers of the Decrow Book, and the editors of the Yale Alumni Weekly have kindly loaned plates for several views of college buildings and for some por- traits of the Faculty. For valuable help in gathering material regarding many non-graduates, I am under obligations to my friend and former assistant in the Dean's Office, Mr. Elmer E. Beeck of New York City. Affectionately yours, Henry P. Wright, Class Secretary NEW Havex. April 28, 1914. HISTORY CLASS OF SIXTY- EIGHT THE CLASS On September 14, 1864, the Class of Sixty-eight entered Yale with one hundred and forty-one members. During the second and third terms of Freshman year twelve others joined, making the whole number of Freshmen one hundred and fifty-three. Eighteen were added in Sophomore year, five in Junior year, and one after the Junior annual. The whole number connected with the class during the four college years was one hundred and seventy-seven. The class lost by withdrawal or dismissal, in Freshman year thirty-four, in Sophomore year twenty-four, in Junior year nine, and two failed to receive their degrees. Three members of the class died during the four years : Edwin Dodge Ryan during the first summer vacation, Henry Saunders Tim- merman during the first term of Sophomore year, and James Sherman Loomis during the first term of Senior year. On the 23d of July, 1868, one hundred and five received the degree of B.A. Five, who left during the course, subsequently received the academical degree from Yale and were enrolled with the class, on the list of which, in the Quinquennial Catalogue, there are one hundred and ten names. A large part of the class received their preparation at well- known academies. Phillips Academy, Andover, furnished twenty-five ; Williston Seminary, twelve ; Hopkins Grammar School, eight ; Hudson River Institute, five ; Albany Academy, four; Connecticut Literary Institution, four; Ithaca Academy, four; Wesleyan Academy, four; Phillips Exeter Academy, three: 2 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Hartford High School, three; General Russell's Collegiate Institute, three; Worcester (Mass.) High School, three; Peeks- kill Academy, three; Edwards Place School (Stockbridge, Mass.), three; Trumansburgh (N. Y.) Academy, two; Yonkers Collegiate Institute, two; West Chester Academy, two; City University of St. Louis, two. Forty-three preparatory schools each sent one representative, and forty-two members of the class were prepared privately. The Civil War closed during our Freshman year. Nineteen members of Sixty-eight had served as volunteers in the Army or Xavy of the United States before joining the class. Eight enlisted from Connecticut, five from Massachusetts, two from Pennsylvania, and one each from Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. Sixty-five per cent, of the class came from New England and New York. Nearly one-half were born in the two States of Mew York and Connecticut, the former being the birthplace of forty-eight and the latter of thirty-eight. Twenty-two were born in Massachusetts, eleven in Pennsylvania, ten in Ohio, seven in Illinois, five in New Jersey, five in Tennessee, three in Maine, three in New Hampshire, three in Vermont, three in Maryland, three in Michigan, three in India, two in Rhode Island, two in Kentucky, two in Missouri, and two in Wisconsin. Delaware, Louisiana, the District of Columbia, Chile and Turkey each contributed one. At the beginning of Freshman year, September 14, 1864, the average age of the class, including all who ever belonged to it, was eighteen years and eight months. On Commencement Day, July 23, 1868, the average age of the one hundred and five gradu- ates was twenty-two years and five months. The age of the oldest member of the class, George Eastburn, was twenty-nine years, nine months and twenty-eight days; of the youngest mem- ber, William C. Wood, nineteen years, two months and three days. Thirteen men were graduated at twenty or under, and twelve at twenty-five or over. Fifty-one, or nearly one-half, were born in the years 1846 and 1847. The religious preferences of the class, as shown by attendance at church, were: Congrega- tionalistS and Presbyterians, seventy-three; Episcopalians, nine- teen; Methodists, seven; Baptists, three; Universalist, one; Lutheran, one. THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS Freshman Year By the beginning of Freshman year every member of the class had been pledged to either Linonia or Brothers. A rather small number attended the regular meetings of these literary societies, but in the annual Prize Debates, of which each society held one for each of the four classes, there was great interest, and the speakers were always sure of a large and enthusiastic audience. Every member of Sixty-eight, except Woodruff, joined either Delta Kappa, Kappa Sigma Epsilon, or Gamma Nu, the three Freshman societies whose meetings were held on Saturday evenings. These societies were beneficial in many ways. They gave every man the chance to get acquainted with a considerable por- tion of the class at the outset. They did much to create a healthy class spirit. They gave opportunity for some literary work, and for unobjectionable entertainment. They kept the Freshmen in New Haven on Saturday evenings. As no member of the class was excluded from their privileges, they were thoroughly democratic. The Presidential election of 1864 aroused great interest in the college world, and nearly all Yale students were enrolled either in the Yale Union Club or the Yale McClellan Club. At the grand Yale Union Meeting in Brothers Hall, letters were read from Edward Everett, William C. Bryant, Charles Sumner, Joseph P. Thompson and William M. Evarts, and stirring addresses made by Henry B. Harrison and Professor Northrop. For the first time we witnessed the enthusiasm of a Yale audience, and felt proud that we were a part of Yale College. On November 16 of this year, the corner stone of the Yale School of the Fine Arts was laid with appropriate ceremonies. The chief address was given by Professor E. E. Salisbury. In the same month the college was called to mourn the loss of one of its most distinguished scholars, Professor Benjamin Silliman, who died on Thanksgiving Day. There were frequent collisions on the street between Sixty- seven and Sixty-eight during the first few weeks. These helped to develop a class spirit, and both classes enjoyed a good rush. 4 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE That these hostile meetings were not always accidental is shown by the following notice, which was read in each of the three Freshman Societies on a certain Saturday evening in the first term, and therefore reached nearly every man in the class : "Reliable information having been obtained that the Sophomores are intending to come out to-night and rush the Class of '68 while coming home from their different Societies, it has been deemed advisable for the three Societies to coalesce and march up together. The best plan will be for Kappa Sigma Epsilon to adjourn, if possible, at 10.30 o'clock and come -AJ.U .M.N 1 in a body to Gamma Nu Hall, which latter Society will then come down and unite with Kappa Sigma Epsilon on the sidewalk, and march up to Delta Kappa Hall. The three will then coalesce and march up together. It is to be hoped that a large company will be thus gathered together, for much depends upon this struggle. Will every man be on hand? "P. S. The Sophomores are also intending to haze certain ones to-night. "Will this notice be read in Delta Kappa this evening? The same will be read in Kappa Sigma Epsilon and Gamma Nu, and the three Societies should take action accordingly." We made an early acquaintance with Candy Sam. who was always to be found, just before recitation, in his place leaning THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 5 against the wall of the old Atheneum, and, with his dejected smile, trying to persuade us to part with our fractional currency. Hannibal, with his "fine, fresh, pure, genuine, superior, excel- lent, home-made, old-fashioned" article, did not condescend to deal with Freshmen "as such." The Thanksgiving Recess, in 1864, included Thanksgiving Day and the Friday and Saturday following. By a peculiar rule then in force, those who did not leave town for this recess were CANDY SAM HANNIBAL put together in new divisions and required to attend the usual recitations. The Thanksgiving Jubilee amused those who were so unfortunate as to remain in New Haven for this short recess. Brewster, Durant, Foster and Smith represented Sixty-eight on the Jubilee Committee. We cheerfully furnished the presidents and secretary for the evening, who were selected in strict accord- ance with the standing rule, stated thus on the program : "The Committee will measure and select the two shortest men in the Freshman Class for Presidents of the meeting, and the longest man for Secretary. The audience are requested to pass the candidates to the stage with great care." PROFESSOR JAMES HADI.EY TUTOR TRACY PECK TUTOR P. R. DEXTER TUTOR A. W. WRIGHT FRESHMAN FACULTY THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 7 H. S. Swayne was the Director of the "Yale Orchestra," and Billy Bragg was on the program for a banjo solo. Following the college custom of our time, the class came out with bangers and beavers on Washington's Birthday. About this time also occurred the memorable rush between Sixty-seven and Sixty-eight on High Street, which was begun by the attempt of Sixty-seven to drag several members of Wright's Club from the dining room into the street. The police, as usual in those days, were unable to stop the "riot" ; but when Tutor Peck and other members of the Faculty were seen coming down High Street, men of discretion suddenly remembered that they had business elsewhere. In Freshman year a temperance society was formed, whose members signed a pledge approved by President Woolsey and binding only while the signers were undergraduates of the College : "We hereby pledge ourselves, on our solemn oath and on our honor as gentlemen, to abstain wholly from the use of intoxicating liquors, except for medicinal purposes, until the close of our college course." Fifty-six names of members of Sixty-eight were on this pledge. For instruction and discipline, the class was divided alpha- betically into four divisions, and carried on four courses of study through the year. During the first term, the fifth and sixth books of the Odyssey were read with Professor Hadley, and the first book of Livy with Tutor Wright. Tutor Dexter taught Euclid, and Tutor Peck, Day's Algebra. In the second and third terms, Tutor Wright read with the class the twenty- first and twenty-second books of Livy and the Odes of Horace. Tutor Dexter followed Professor Hadley with one of our pleas- antest courses in Greek, consisting of the ninth book of the Odyssey and selections from Herodotus and Lucian. Tutor Otis instructed in Euclid and Trigonometry, and Tutor Peck gave us valuable work in Latin Composition and Roman History. Twenty-five members of the class took part in the Freshman Prize Debates, nine in Linonia and sixteen in Brothers. The awards were: <%% ^\ i«w« m nn . (bfhe (ufavm oJiock /Lock %FlOMC WEST HAVEN, 3huadag, Jul, { i>Ofh, 18'b5. A. A. UPSON, Superintendent THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 9 Linonia: 1st Prize, Brewster; 2d Prizes, G. H. Lewis and B. M. Wilson ; 3d Prize, J. Lewis. Brothers: 1st Prizes, Ayers and Welles; 2d Prizes, Hume and Tinker; 3d Prize, J. H. Thomas. The Woolscy Scholarship was won by W. C. Wood; the Hurlbutj by Wright; and the Runk, by Lawrence. The first Mathematical Prize was awarded to Miller, and the second to I [arger. Bragg Greene Parsons Tweedy Bingham Tytus Bull Coffin Sloane FRESHMAN JUBILEE COMMITTEE Annual examinations were introduced at the end of our Fresh- man year, and we were the first class to have four annuals. On July 20, immediately after the last session of the examination, we celebrated with a Dinner at Savin Rock. The class marched down Chapel Street to the old station, headed by Tompkins' Band of Waterbury, took a special train to West Haven, and marched to the Savin Rock House, where we had an Annual Jubilee Dinner, called Annual, not because it was to be repeated each year, but because it came at the close of the Annual Exam- ination. The Jubilee poem was written by Yarnum, and the class histories by Bull and Linn. The Jubilee Committee con- sisted of Bingham, Bragg, Bull, Coffin, Greene, Parsons, Sloane, Tytus, and Tweedy. The following week, a few of us went up IO THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE to Worcester and saw a Yale crew come in with a good lead over Harvard, the only victory in a University race which we ever had the pleasure, as undergraduates, of witnessing. T1MMERMAX AND VARNUM Sophomore Year We returned after the first summer vacation much reduced in numbers, but with all the usual characteristics of a Sophomore class. In that year the disorders between the two lower classes were said to be unusually serious, and many members of Sixty- eight were suspended, among them some of the most prominent and most worthy men in the class. A member of the class wrote in March, 1866: "There has hardly been a class in Yale that has suffered more than our own. Since the beginning of Freshman year, we have lost, in all, sixty- eight men — among them some of our best writers, speakers and scholars, nearly all our strongest boating men and our best musicians and singers. The ordinary causes have removed many, but the Faculty has done the worst. Since the commencement of Sophomore year we have lost twenty- three of our classmates by suspension." The following Resolutions were passed at a meeting on Octo- ber 5, 1865, and sent to the parents of the suspended men : "Whereas, The Faculty of Yale College have deemed it proper to sus- pend several of our classmates on these grounds, namely, that in main- taining, as we claim, the old and established customs of this institution and thus supporting the dignity of our class, we have subjected the Fresh- men to treatment which demanded the attention of the Faculty; THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS II "Therefore, Resolved, That we consider this suspension in every resfeet as too severe and unmerited, and that when we consider the admission of the Faculty themselves that they were punished not for their own faults, but as examples for the offences of the class, we can but think their sentence is more a misfortune than a disgrace. "Resolved, That in the characters of our classmates we recognize the true elements of gentlemen, scholars, and whole-souled friends, and that it is the unanimous wish of the class that they should return to a par- ticipation in their college duties at the expiration of their terms of suspension. "Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the parents of our classmates." Daniel Pratt, the great American Traveler, was a frequent visitor at Yale during this and the two following years, delivering to the students his " famous oratorical and poetical orations on the great laws of mind and matter and the mysteries and miracles, treating on vegetable, man, beast, birds and fish, interspersed with poetry and anecdotes." He announced himself as candidate for the office of President of the United States in 1868, with General Ulysses S. Grant for Vice-President, and in every speech recited the following verses : " Let Shakespeare stand behind the door, Let Byron take his pen no more, Let Milton molder in the tomb, And give the great American room." At the beginning of the third term of our Sophomore year, the College Authorities opened a "Boarding-Place" in the campus house on High Street next to the Art Building, in order "to furnish a substantial and good table at the most reasonable rates." The result of this movement, which was started by Professor Thomas A. Thacher, is seen in the present University Dining Hall, which contains seats for over one thousand persons. In our Sophomore year, the first number of the Yale Pot Pourri was issued by David J. Burrell of Sixty-seven, the first number of the Yale Conrant appeared, and the first College Nine was formed. To the Yale Nine Sixty-eight contributed Coffin as pitcher and Varick as third baseman. This Nine played the Charter Oaks of Hartford for the championship of the State. The two successive victories in the University races at Worcester, 12 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE in the years 1864 and 1865, stimulated the interest in rowing-, and, in the spring races between Yaruna, Glyuna and Undine crews, rowed on Wednesday, June 6, 1866, the class did its share, being well represented in both shell and gig crews, by Bingham, Coffin, Parry, J. R. Holmes and Ferry. Two other aquatic events by members of the class are worthy of mention. During the spring vacation, a crew, composed of Bingham (stroke), Ferry, Parry, Fowler and Coffin (coxswain), made a trip in the Glyuna gig to Hartford by way of the Sound and Connecticut River, stopping at Guilford, Clinton, Goodspeed's YALE BOAT HOUSE Landing, Middletown, and some way stations. The whole journey, counting the subsequent pull down the river to Say- brook, was one hundred and sixty-two miles. On a Saturday afternoon during the Sophomore Annuals, Abbott, Biddle and Ballantyne made a successful sail to the Thimble Islands. On the return they lay becalmed, without food, all Saturday night and until late in the afternoon of Sunday, when, a light breeze springing up, they were able by means of sail and oars to reach New Haven Sunday evening, and quiet the fears of their classmates. On the Thanksgiving Jubilee Committee from Sixty-eight were Manierre, Sloane, Parry and R. L. Reade. Linn's oration at the Jubilee was declared by the editors of the Lit to be "the best of the kind we ever heard." THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 1 3 Parsons was elected Secretary of Linonia, and Varick, Secre- tary of Brothers. Twenty-five members of the class competed in the Sophomore Prize Debates, nine in Linonia and sixteen in Brothers. The awards were: Linonia: ist Prize, Brewster; 2d Prize, J. Lewis; 3d Prizes, G. Lewis and Varnum. Brothers: ist Prizes, Ayres and S. A. Davenport; 2d Prizes, Hume and Tinker ; 3d Prizes, Lawrence and W. C. Wood. At a meeting on February 14, the following were elected Class Historians : First Division, Brewster. Second Division, Linn. Third Division, Welles. Wesson, Varnum and G. Lewis were, at the same meeting, appointed a committee to procure a Class Stamp and Motto ; and Hamilton, Swayne and Scarritt, a committee to arrange a Class Song. Those who had talent and time for music joined the Beethoven Society, a flourishing organization which advertised "a chorus of fifty male voices," and gave concerts in Music Hall, and also in Hartford, Boston, Worcester, Meriden, Brooklyn, New York City and Providence. The Society was welcomed in all these cities, and the papers heartily commended the performers both as singers and as men. The greater part of the selections were encored, but the most popular pieces were "Bagpipes" and "I am Charles Augustus." The Connecticut Legislature met in New Haven in the Old State House, opposite the campus, in our Sophomore and Senior years ; but the glory of New Haven as a State Capital departed, and the Old State House was removed many years since. We had the usual Sophomore studies, in three divisions, viz. : Trigonometry, Conic Sections and Analytics, with Professor Newton; Orations of Demosthenes, Antigone of Sophocles, Alcestis of Euripides, with some selections from Theocritus and Juvenal, with Tutor Kitchel ; the Satires and Epistles of Horace and Cicero's De Officiis, with Tutor Wright, who was replaced in the third term by Professor Northrop in Rhetoric. Mr. F. G. d~*h PROFESSOR H. A. NEWTON PROFESSOR CYRUS NORTHROP MARK ISAILEY TUTOR C. L. K ITCH EL SOPHOMORE FACULTY THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 15 Welch had full classes in the Dio Lewis system of gymnastics, in the old gymnasium, said in the papers of that day to be the best gymnasium, with one exception, in the country. For many of us the most valuable work of the year was done in competi- tion for the five, three and two dollar premiums in Sophomore Composition. First premiums were awarded to Brewster, Harger, Linn, McKinney, Tinker. Second premiums, to Ayres, Coats, J. Lewis, Wright. Third premiums, to Coffin, S. A. Davenport, Ferry, Hume, Lawrence, Viele, Webster, W. C. Wood. Special Prize for English Poem, to Viele. Prizes were also awarded in Declamation: 1st, to Brewster, G. Lewis, J. Lewis, Tinker. 2d, to Coats, Hume, Morse, N. Thomas. 3d, to Ayres, Linn, Moore, Welles, Wright. Prizes for excellence in Mathematics were given: 1st, to Biddle and E. W. Miller. 2d, to W. C. Wood. INGERSOLL, JENNINGS, PHILLIPS PROFESSOR T. A. THACHER PROFESSOR ELIAS LOOMIS PROFESSOR J. D. DANA PROFESSOR o. C. MARSH JUNIOR FACULTY THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 17 In the spring of 1866, there was unusual religious interest in college, which continued in our class till graduation; On Sun- day. June 3, twenty were admitted to the College Church on profession. In some respects the most noteworthy event of this year was the reception by the College Authorities given General William T. Sherman, and his address to the students from the steps of the Library. Many of US received lasting impressions from that plain and practical speech. Junior Year During the summer vacation of 1866, the Yale Glee Club, con- sisting of twelve members from the Classes of Sixty-four, Sixty-five, Sixty-six and Sixty-seven, made a trip along the shore from New Haven to Boston, and gave twenty-one concerts between July 24 and August 31. The Yale Banner came out October 1 as an eight-page sheet, the Banner and Supplement being combined, and it was thought much superior to any previous issue. The second number of the Yale Pot Pourri appeared in pamphlet form, the first number having been issued in November, 1865. The studies of Junior year were especially pleasant. Per- haps the most stimulating course was that of Professor Thacher in the Agricola and Germania of Tacitus, who communicated to us something of his own enthusiasm for his subject. Professor Loomis's lectures in Natural Philosophy kept us interested, and his experiments never failed. He was more sure to hit the bull's-eye with the air gun, loaded the previous year in the presence of the Class of Sixty-seven, than Robert Park was to break a bottle with the air pump. His accurate work in Astron- omy, to which Hume referred in his address at the Alumni Meeting in 1893, can never be forgotten. We continued our pleasant acquaintance with Professor Northrop in a History of English Literature, but of the literature itself we read only short extracts. The class enjoyed, for a third year, the instruction of Tutor Wright, who had us now in his own department of Natural Philosophy; but this he had to supplement in the third term with Logic. Professor Barker began, in the third term, a course in Chemistry, to be continued in Senior year. Elective 1 8 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE courses were offered to a limited extent, each one being required to choose either French or German (both with Professor Whit- ney), and also, either Greek with Professor Hadley or Calculus with Professor Newton. Early in Junior year, a Baseball Association was formed, of which Sloane was Vice-President and Linn, Secretary. Coffin was elected Captain of the University Nine. In the Navy, Coffin was also elected first Fleet Captain. On the crews of this year, Ferry, de Kay, DeForest, I. C. Hall, McKinney, Morse, Page, Parsons and Rawson rowed in the Varuna boats, and Bingham, Edwards, Fowler and Wheeler in the Glyuna. Bragg, Brewster, N. Thomas and Tytus represented the class on the Thanksgiving Jubilee Committee, but, owing to a variety of circumstances, the Jubilee did not take place. Colt was chosen Secretary of Linonia, and Coffin, of Brothers. On February 24, 1867, Professor Northrop was nominated by the Republicans for Representative in Congress from the Second Congressional District, but at the election he was defeated by his Democratic opponent. The only reading room we knew for the first three years was located in the basement of the Gymnasium. In May of our Junior year, a new reading room was opened on the first floor of South Middle College, occupying the four middle rooms. The partitions between the rooms were removed, and the College Book Store, which had before been in 34 South Middle, was transferred to the Reading Room and placed in the center. This reading room was supplied with twenty-one daily and fifteen religious papers, twenty-eight magazines, and ten foreign publications. Nineteen members of the class entered the Junior Price Debates, seven in Linonia and twelve in Brothers. The awards were: Linonia: 1st Prize, Varniim ; 2d Prizes, Coats and G. Lewis; 3d Prize, J. Lewis. Brothers: 1st Prizes, Ayres and S. A. Davenport; 2d Prizes, Coffin and Hume; 3d Prizes, Morse and N. Thomas. The Sixty-eight Junior Appointment List was announced at the beginning of the second term. In a class of one hundred and fifteen, there were seventy-seven who had appointments, i. e., 9 wmimm I w u i f, \r y^le oolle oe, Apr i l 3, 1867 MANAGERS JAMES WHITIN ABBOTT, DONALD MacGREGOR, WILLIAM CHITTENDEN BRAGG, OLIVER CROMWELL MORSE, TIMOTHY PITKIN CHAPMAN LeBARON BRADFORD COLT, WILLIAM PALMER DIXON WILLIAM DURANT, EDWARD JEFFERSON TYTUS JOHN HOWARD WILSON, WILLIAM CURTIS WOOD, HENRY PARKS WRIGHT, NEW HA V E N : PRINTED BY E. HAYE8, 426 CHAPEL 6T, 1867. - 0SB1& m wsssfassm, The Exercises of the Evening will commence at li o'clock. AFTERNOON. 1. Music : Overture, Massaniello. — Aubur. 2. Latin Oration, " De Cieeronis amore erga lilium," by Henry Parks Wright, Oakham, Mass. 3. Dissertation, "The Slave ^Ship and the Pilgrim Ship," by Charles Edwin Searls, Thompson. 4. Dissertation, "Rome in the time of Cicero," by Thomas Fenner Wentworth, Greenland,, A 7 ". H. 5. Music: Selection, Fra Diavolo. — Aubur. 6. Oration, "Thomas Chalmers," by Samuel Parry, Clinton, KJ. 7. Poem, u The Pleasures of Mystery," by Elisha Wright Miller, WU- lisloii, Vt. 8. Oration, "Silent Influence," by Isbon Thaddeus Beckwith, Old Lyme. 9. Music: Cavatina, Nabucco. — Verdi. 10. Dissertation, "The Anglo-Saxon Race," by Henry Collins Wood- ruff, Brooklyn., N. Y. 11. Oration, H The Quaker Settlers of Pennsylvania," by Thomas Wilson Pierce, West Chester, Ri. 12. Music: Selections, Preciosa. — Von Weber. 13. Oration, "Everett and Pericles — their Funeral Orations," by John Kinne Hyde DeForest, Lyme. 14. Dissertation, " Thorcau," by Cornelius DuBois, RmgJikeepsie, A'. Y. 15. Music: Samiel Polka— Tm Flcur. 16. Oration, "Daniel Webster," by Edward Alexander Lawrence, Orford, N. H. 17. Philosophical Oration, "American Reform," by John Lewis, Awf/M/. 18. Music: Athalia March.— -Meyerbeer. EVENING 1. Music : Overture, Poet und Peasant. — Suppe. 2. Greek Oration, "'H tG)v ' Elh\voiv fivdoloyla" by William Curtis Wood, Salara, India. 3. Oration, " Puritan Intolerance," by Timothy Pitkin Chapman, Bridge- port. 4. Dissertation, u Terribly in Earnest," by Richard Austin Rice, New Haven. 5. Music : Selections, Crispino. — Iticci. 6. Oration, "The Statesmanship of Edmund Burke," by James Kingslet Thacher, New Haven. 7. Oration, "National Music," by John Howard Websteu, Cleveland, 0. 8. Oration, " The Fruits of the War," by Robert Allen Hume, New Haven. 9. Music : Quartette Rigolctto.— Verdi. 10. Dissertation, " The New German Empire," by Charles Henry Far- nam, Chicago, III. 11. Oration, " J. G. Percival," by Silas Augustus Davenport, Elizabeth, N.J. 12. Music: Rail Road Galop.— Ountjl. 13. Oration, " Samuel Adams," by James Coffin, Irvington, N. Y. 14. Oration, " The Right of the President to a Policy," by George Henry Lewis, New Britain. 15. Music : Serenade, Don Pasquale. — Donizetti. 16. Oration, " The Age and its Ideas," by Chauncey Bunce Brewster, Mount Carniel. 17., Philosophical Oration, " Reform in England," by Anson Phelps Tinker, Old Lyme. 18. Music: Potpourri, L'Etoilc du Nord.— Meyerbeer. CHAPEL PULPIT THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 23 about sixty-seven per cent, of the class, a very large proportion for that age of severe marking. Junior Exhibition was held on Wednesday, April 3. The exercises occupied the afternoon and evening 1 . The Junior Promenade Concert at Music Hall, on the evening preceding the Junior Exhibition, was well patronized and, as usual, was pronounced unsurpassed. The Prom. Committee, which had charge of both events, consisted of Abbott, Bragg, Chapman, L. B. Colt, Dixon, Durant, MacGregor, Morse, Tytus, J. H. Wilson, W. C. Wood and Wright. Another distinguished guest honored the college by his presence. On June 27, President Johnson, accompanied by Secretary of State William H. Seward and Postmaster-General Randall, visited New Haven, and was received by the Faculty in the College Library, from the steps of which the President and Secretary Seward addressed the students. At a meeting held in the President's Lecture Room on January 19, 1867, the class elected Ayres, J. Lewis, Linn, McKinney and Tinker editors of the Yale Literary Magazine; and Berry, Bing- ham, Dixon, I. C. Hall, Manierre, Parsons, Sloane, Tweedy and Tytus members of the Spoon Committee. Hume, Welles and Walcott were appointed editors of the Yale C our ant for the college year 1867-68. Thirty-six members of Sixty-eight made Phi Beta Kappa, which then took in all men who had Philosophical, High Oration, Oration, and Disser- tation rank on the Junior Appointment List. The W'ooden Spoon Exhibition, from the "Strawberry" opening load to the ''Tragedy of Antigone," was in every way creditable, and was said to be fully equal to any previous exhibi- tion. Sloane gave the Latin salutatory, and Dixon made the presentation speech. The Colloquy, "Love and Ambition," was written by Viele, and "The Tragedy of Antigone," by Means. WOODEN SPOON, CLASS OF l868 I a Q o THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 25 Parry, Coffin and Ferry were on the University Crew, which rowed against Harvard on Lake Quinsigamond at Worcester on Friday, July 19, 1867. Hall and Fowler were also strong candidates for positions on this Crew. We lost the University race, but as we came away from Worcester, we pretended to feel satisfied, since Yale had been successful there in two matches with Harvard in baseball, played by the Nines of the Classes of Sixty-nine and Seventy, and in the Freshman race. Senior Year The studies of Senior year outweighed in interest and import- ance all that had preceded. The class was divided alphabetically into two divisions, and recited, immediately after prayers, to President Woolsey and to Professor Porter, alternately, each of whom also lectured twice in the week at 5 p. m. The President gave instruction in History, Political Economy, Civil Liberty and International Law ; Professor Porter, in Mental and Moral Philosophy, Theism and Evidences of Christianity. From these two eminent scholars we received two-thirds of all our instruction during the entire year. Professor Dana also took the class in Geology, Professor Loomis finished Astronomy, Professor Thacher read the Pro Clucntio, and Professor Barker continued his course in Chemistry, ending it with a series of lectures in the Old Laboratory. An option was offered between Meteorology under Professor Loomis and German under Professor Coe. Professor Hadley delivered a course of twelve lectures on Roman Law, which were afterwards published. Doctor Porter's lectures were published in 1868, under the title of ''The Human Intellect," and this work was used as a text-book for the Senior class for more than twenty-five years. During the summer vacation of 1867, the horse railroad was opened to West Haven, starting at the corner of Church and Chapel Streets and terminating at Bassett's Grove near Savin Rock. The beginning of Senior year was marked by the estab- lishment of the College Post Office, in the reading room in South Middle. In November of this year eight bath rooms were con- structed in that part of the basement of the Gymnasium where the files of newspapers had been kept before the new reading room was established. The publication of the annual catalogue PRESIDENT T. D. WOOLSEY PROFESSOR NOAH PORTER DR. G. J. STOECKEL PROFESSOR W. D. WHITNEY DR. L. J . SANFORD PROFESSOR E. B. COE THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 27 showed six hundred and eighty students in Yale, representing thirty-five states or countries: five hundred and two in the Academical Department and one hundred and seventy-eight in the other departments. The kind and amount of interruption to which the occupants of the Old Brick Row were subjected in the sixties may be appreciated by reading the following notice posted on the door of a room in North College in our Senior year : NOTA BENE Persons are requested to read the following before rapping. — The occupants of 98 North College wish to inform that class known as college bores : — 1. That we are not in. 2. That we have no old clothes to sell. We know that it is a "fine day." We do not want "spittoon cleaned." We are supplied with "matches for the gentlemen." We never eat peanuts, ice cream, apples, or anything else — "fine, old-fashioned, excellent, home-made, superior molasses candy" not excepted. We have no need for patent buttons or any other patents. We have subscribed for Harper's latest publications and for all the latest editions of everything. We do not want any photo- graphs of distinguished individuals — no profiles of ourselves. We propose to make no improvements on the college buildings. 3. We sympathize with widows who have sick babies, and with crip- ples who have lost their fortunes and homes. They will please remember our first point. Worn-out sailors are recommended to the Sailors' Home. Negroes desirous of establishing churches for their "deluded brudderin in de Souf" are informed that we are copperheads. 4. Divines and tutors are politely requested not to call unless cir- cumstances seem to demand it — should our stand rise above High Oration or our morals above the general average, a caution from the above will be promptly attended to and obeyed. Recapitulation. We are not in; we want no visits from old clothes' men, beggars, quack agents, peddlers, or any other of the many bores which infest this college. P. S. Those persons who will persist in using the rug before this door are requested to be as quiet as possible during the operation. It is desirable that all loud talk be dispensed with in front of this room. Early in the first term, Parry was elected Commodore of the Yale Navy, and during the term, Dixon, Durant, Linn and Tweedy were chosen to represent the class on the Thanksgiving. Jubilee Committee. At a class meeting held Wednesday, Septem- ber 25, 1867, Eastburn, Coats, Wright, G. H. Lewis and Hume THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 29 were elected Committee on Class Pictures; Abbott, Bingham, Brewster, Coffin, Cowell, DeForest, Durant, Greene, Hamilton, Linn, Shelton and Tweedy were chosen Class Day Committee; and Hume was elected Class Secretary. In the Society Elections for the first term, Cooper was chosen President and Chapin, Vice-President of Linonia; Welles, President and N. Thomas, Vice-President of Brothers. For the second term, Chapin was chosen President and Coats, Vice-President of Linonia; Ayres, OLD LABORATORY President and Eastburn, Vice-President of Brothers. For the third term McKinney was chosen President and Moore, Vice- President of Linonia ; Bailey, President and S. A. Davenport, Vice-President of Brothers. Twenty-four members of the class took part in the Senior Prize Debates. The awards were : Linonia: ist Prizes, Brewster and J. Lewis; 2d Prizes, McKinney and G. Lewis; 3d Prize, E. W. Miller. Brothers: ist Prize, S. A. Davenport ; 2d Prizes, Beckwith and Tinker; 3d Prize, Hume. 30 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Forty-three members of Sixty-eight, or more than one-third, competed in one or more of the Society prize debates, twenty- six in Brothers and seventeen in Linonia. Ayres, S. A. Daven- port, Hume, G. Lewis, J. Lewis, Morse, Varnum and Welles were competitors in each of the four college years; Beckwith, Brewster, Coats, Rawson, N. Thomas, Tinker, Watson and Woodruff took part in three debates ; Coffin, Colt, F. H. Holmes, Hopke, Lawrence, Linn, Loomis, Means, E. W. Miller, Welch, W. C. Wood, in two; Bailey, Birney, Chapin, DeForest, Ferry, Edwards, McKinney, Moore, Parsons, Searls, Seagrave, South- worth, J. Thomas, Webster, B. Wilson, J. Wilson, in one. In the training for the fall races which took place in the harbor on October 16, Ferry (stroke), DeForest and Parsons rowed in the Varuna shell; McKinney (stroke), Morse, Page and Rawson in the Varuna gig. In the Glyuna shell were Bingham (stroke), de Kay and Fowler. The shell races were given up because Varuna could not obtain a shell in which to row, her own shell having been badly injured at Worcester. The gig race was won by Glyuna. As we moved up to the place of honor on the Fence, we felt the responsibility of age and position, and began some plans of reform. Spasmodic efforts had been made every year since we entered college to revive interest in the open societies, and in our Senior year all electioneering was dispensed with, and the "Statement of Facts" was restored, the Freshmen being left to make their choice between Linonia and Brothers without private influence. The Committee to arrange for the "Statement of Facts" consisted of McKinney and Linn. The meeting was held in Brothers Hall, which was filled to its utmost capacity. Brewster and Coats had been chosen, with Heaton of Sixty-nine, to represent Linonia, and Hume and Ayres, with Sperry of Sixty-nine, to represent Brothers. After the arguments were closed, the Freshmen deposited their choices, and it was found that Linonia had won a great victory, having secured thirty-one Freshmen, while Brothers had captured only thirty. A respect- able portion of our class also attended the meetings conscien- tiously, and took some part in the exercises, but no permanent improvement followed, and after a few years the societies existed only in name. Another effort at reform resulted more successfully. After much discussion in the Con rant, several meetings, and many THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 3* conferences with interested graduates, the club system in boat- ing was given up and the old class system restored. Commodore Parry and B. A. Fowler were the working members of the committee which brought about this change. The property of the Varuna, Glyuna, and Undine Clubs was divided between the several classes in proportion to their contributions to the Navy. Parry was made President of the Navy under the new consti- MHBBBHHMBMm YALE GYMNASIUM tution, and McKinney, Treasurer. Parry was, for the second year, stroke oar of the University Crew. On February 16 the class organized the Sixty-eight Boat Club. Bingham was elected Captain, Parsons Lieutenant, and Page Treasurer. In the spring races, rowed in the harbor on June 30, the Sixty-eight crews were made up as follows : Shell — Bingham (stroke), Page, de Kay, Coffin, Fowler, Parsons (bow). Gig — McKinney (stroke), Morse, Tweedy, Boardman, DeFor- est, Rice (bow). Sixty-nine won in both races. 32 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Under the direction of Mr. Welch, Instructor in Gymnastics, two Gymnastic Exhibitions were given in March for the benefit of the Yale Navy, at which de Kay, Morse and Rawson were captains of the most important classes. Several members of the Faculty were present with their families, among- them President Woolsey, Professors Thacher, Porter and Bailey. The improvement in the Lit was very manifest. The leaders were more generally upon University topics and had an influence upon college sentiment. But the greatest change was in the Editor's Table, which, under the management of the Sixty-eight Board, treated of matters of general interest in an entertaining- way. During this year the Lit came out regularly on the appointed day, the second Saturday of each month. The C our ant also, under the Sixty-eight Board, had a better tone, and there- fore a wider influence. No college paper ever took a nobler stand upon questions of college morals. In the bestowal of class honors, we aimed to select the best men, and planned for a Class Day that would be free from all objectionable features. Brewster was chosen Class Orator, and Linn, Class Poet. The Parting Ode was written by Viele, and the Ivy Song by Linn. Townsend Premiums were awarded to G. Lewis, McKinney, E. W. Miller, Rawson, and Tinker. The DeForest Prize Speak- ing took place in the Chapel on the afternoon of Monday, June 29, before an audience that filled the house, including the gal- leries. The DeForest Medal was awarded to Beckwith (by lot between Beckwith and G. Lewis). Senior awards in English Composition were made: 1 st Prizes to Beckwith, Brewster, S. A. Davenport, J. Lewis, E. W. Miller, Wright. 2d Prizes to Ayres, Lawrence, G. Lewis, McKinney, Thacher, Tinker, W. C Wood. Our Class Day was Wednesday, July i, three weeks before Commencement. The oration and poem were given unqualified praise, and the histories were creditable alike to the historians and to the class. Following the literary exercises in the chapel on Wednesday morning came the annual collation to the gradu- ating class, in Alumni Hall, at which President Woolsey pre- sided. The histories were read in the afternoon under the elms on the campus, in front of South Middle and the Athe- THE FOUR COLLEGE YEARS 33 neum. After planting the Class Ivy, bidding farewell to each of the buildings in the Old Brick Row, and marching to the homes of President Woolsey, and Professors Porter, Daggett and Dana, each of whom spoke briefly in response, the class gathered in a circle on the campus in front of Alumni Hall, for the final leave-taking-, and the undergraduate life of Sixty-eight was closed. ( hi the following' day the three lower classes were assigned new seats in the College Chapel and Sixty-nine took our places in the Senior Aisle. PARTING ODE By Sheldon T. Viele, Buffalo, N. Y. Air: — Auld Lang Sync. Four fleeting years of hopes and fears, Has our affection grown ; But now we part, rend heart from heart, And each goes out alone. The joyous hours of youth and flowers, Together we have spent ; But now the strife of daily life Must hold each one intent. Forth go we now with eager brow, With hope and purpose bright, To share the joys, the heat and noise, These walls shut from our sight; Though some may fail, and some prevail, 'Tis but the common end, We'll bear it then, like brave, true men- May God us all defend. But ere we part, though tears may start From eyes unused to weep, We raise the song we've sung so long, And bid our sorrow sleep; And as again the dear refrain Is heard from each Classmate, 'Twill sadly tell our last farewell To Yale and Sixty-Eight! 34 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Beginning- with Sixty-eight, a change was made in the Com- mencement exercises. The number of speakers was limited to sixteen, and all exercises were to be held in the forenoon, leaving the afternoon free for the Alumni Dinner. Any man with the rank of Dissertation or above was allowed to compete for a place on the program. We were graduated on July 28, with seventy- four appointments in a class of one hundred and five, and with nine men of philosophical rank ; though the Faculty, in order to make the classes seem more nearly equal in scholarship, allowed us only six Philosophicals and drew the line of the lowest appoint- ment at 2.55 instead of at the usual 2.50. If all above 2.50 had been included, as was generally done in other classes, the number of Senior appointments would have been eighty-one. Commence- ment exercises were held in the Center Church on Thursday, July 23, beginning at 10 A. m. Sixty-eight had been severely disciplined in its first two years, but we had the satisfaction of being told by President Woolsey and more than one other officer, at graduation, that Yale College had never sent forth a better class. The Faculty continued to think well of us. Three members of the class were elected as Tutors one year after graduation, and an unusually large number have been invited to serve as college officers. The names of ten members of Sixty-eight appear on the lists of Professors, Tutors, and Assistants that make up the faculties of the University. During our entire course we were under the instruction of twenty different officers, of whom fifteen are now dead : Gov- ernor Dutton died in 1869, Professor Hadley in 1872, Professor Thacher in 1886, Mr. Otis in 1888, President Woolsey and Pro- fessor Loomis in 1889, Professor (afterwards President) Porter in 1892, Professor Whitney in 1894, Professor Dana in 1895, Professor Newton and Dr. Sanford in 1896, Professor Marsh in 1899, Professor Barker in 1910, Professor Bailey in 191 1, and Professor Coe in 1914. Two left Yale to accept positions else- where: Professor Northrop to become President of the Uni- versity of Minnesota, Professor Coe to be pastor of the Collegiate Church in New York City. The other officers remained long at Yale: Mr. Wright as Professor of Physics, Mr. Dexter as Sec- retary of the University and Assistant Librarian. Mr. Peck as Professor of Latin, and Mr. Kitchel as Instructor in Greek and Secretary of the Bureau of Appointments. jpr ORDER OF EXERCISES ^»Li *ntnte*ttst*t« * ON THE ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF TALE COLLEGE, JULY 23, 1868 NEW HAVEN- JJrinieb bg Cattle, gtafeonse < foslor. 1S68. ORDER m EXlECISIi 1. Music: Overture, Midsummer Night's dream. — Mendelssohn. 2. Prater. 3. Salutatory Oration in Latin, by William Curtis "Wood, Satara, India. 4. Dissertation, " Ritualism," by Edward Spencer Mead, New York City. 5. Dissertation, "The Pacific Railroad," by Roger Butler Williams, Ithaca, JV. Y. 6. Music: Serenade. — Schubert. 7. Dissertation, " Henry IV. of France," by Charles Henry I^arnham, Chicago, III. 8. Oration, " Civil Service in the United States," by George Henry Lewis,* Nexo Britain. 9. Oration, "Monumental History," by Timothy Pitkin Chapman, Bridgeport. 10. Music: Arion Fest klaenge. — Grill. 11. Oration, "Arnold of Brescia," by Edward Alexander Lawrence, Orford, JV. H. 12. Oration, "Christopher North," by Robert Allen Hi»ie, New Haven. 13. Music : Overture, Der Freischiitz. — Weber. 14. Oration, " The Overthrow of the Roman Empire," by Silas Augustus Davenport, Elizabeth, N. J. 15. Dissertation, "Saint Paul," by William Allison McKin- ney, Binghainton, JV. Y. * Excused on account of sickness. RECE88, During which the Fifth Symphony of Beethoven will be performed. 16. Philosophical Oration, " History a Manifestation of a Plan of God," by Elisha Wright Miller, Williston, Vt 1 7. Oration, " The Demands of the Present Age on its Scholars," by Isbon Thaddeus Beck with, Old Lyme. 18. Music: Overture, Fra Diabolo. — Auber. 19. Philosophical Oration, "The Future of Republicanism," by Anson Phelps Tinker, Old Lyme, 20. Oration, " The Relation of Christianity to Art," by Chaun- cby Bunce Brewster, Mount Garmel. 21. Music: Serenade from the Midsummer Night's dream. — Mendelssohn. 22. Oration, " Christianity the True Philosophy," with the Vale- dictory Address, by Henry Parks Wright, Oakham, Mass. 23. Music: Overture, Studentenleben. — titoec/cel. 24. Degrees Conferred. 25. Prayer by the President. HONORS. ORATIONS. Henry Parks Wright, Valedictory Oration, Oakham, Mass. William Curtis Wood, Salutatory Oration, Salara, India. Algernon Sydney Biddle, Philosophical Oration, Philadelphia, Ih. John Lewis, Philosophical Oration, Suffleld. Anson Phelps Tinker, Philosophical Oration, Old Lyme. Elisha Wright Miller, Philosophical Oration, Williston, VI. Silas Augustas Davenport, Elizabeth, N. J.\ James Collin, Irvhujton, N. Y. \ Thomas Wilson Pierce, WcstChcslcr. Ik. Chaunccy Bunco Brewster, Mount Carmcl. \ Oscar Harder, Oxford i Timothy Pitkin Chapman, Bridgeport. \ Edward Alexan'r Lawrence, Orfo'rd, N.1I. Chaunccy Isbon Thaddeus Beckwithj Old Lyme. George Henry Lewis, New Britain. Robert Allen Hume, New Hanoi [John Kinne Hyde DeForcst, Lyme. James Kingslcy Thachcr, New Haven. Francis Eugene Scagrave, Uxbridgc, Mass. John Leonard Varick, Poughkecpsic, N. Y. Julius William Russell, Burlington, Vt. Thomas Ilamlen Robbins, Iiocky Hill. I DISSERTATIONS. \ Samuel Tweedy, Banbury. ( John Howard Wilson, Natick,Mass. Samuel Parry, Clinton, N. J. J Edward Spencer Mead, Ncio York City. \ Henry Collins Woodruff, Brooklyn,N. Y. Charles Henry Farnham, Chicago, Bl. \ Samuel Watson, Nashville, Tcnu. \ Cornelius DuBois, Poughkecpsic, N. Y. ) George Eastburn, Lahaska, Pa. ( George Albert Newell, Medina, N. Y. John Howard Webster, Cleveland, O. DISPUTES. Joseph Warren Greene, Brooklyn, N. Y.\ Charles Edwin Scarls, IViompson ( Thomas Fcnncr Wcntworth, Greenland. N.JL David McGregor Means, Andcver, Ma Frank Bradley Lewis, Bridgeport. Horace Phillips, Dayton, 6. Roger Butler Williams, Bhaca, N. Y j Albert Henry Esty, Bhaca, N. Y. ( Thomas Chalmers Sloanc^Vto York City, j i James Whitin Abbott, Yarmouth, Me. < William Henry Ferry, Chicago, III. f Frank Moore, St. Clair, Mich. I 1 I o race StcphcnsCooper,,S7u n \, St (iJfordS/) rings. ( James Henry Wood, New York City. \ Charles William Bingham, Cleveland, 0. j Horatio Greene Yates, I-.'lmiru, N. Y. Benjamin Austin Fowler, S(oucham,Jfttss. ( William Abbott Hamilton, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. I William Parsons, Lark Jfarni, Pa. [Edward Kirk Kawson, Albany* If. Y. George Hubert Cowell, Wdtertwy. ""illiain Durant, WaUnlleL X. Y. lines Trimble, Nashville, Tain. (Jn HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION Since graduation, Sixty-eight has had ten Reunions in New Haven. There was a meeting also of those who attended the Bicentennial Celebration in 1901 ; and several met, by Varick's friendly invitation, at the University Club in New York City on December 1, 19 10. Bingham has been present at every meeting of the class; Cowell attended every meeting during his lifetime; and Shelton every meeting, including Bicentennial, until pre- vented by his last illness. Linn, Newell, Webster, Woodruff, and Wright have missed only one Reunion. Fifteen on our list in the Quinquennial Catalogue have not attended any meeting of the Class of Sixty-eight since its graduation. At Triennial, July 12, 1871, seventy-two members were present : Abbott, Allen, Bacon, Beckwith, Berry, Biddle, Bingham, Boardman, Bradford, Bragg, Brewster, Chapin, Clark, Coffin, Colt, Cooper, Cowell, Davenport, DeForest, de Kay, Dixon, DuBois, Durant, Eastburn, Farnam, Fisher, Fowler, Hamilton, Holcomb, F. H. Holmes, Homes, Hume, Ingersoll, F. B. Lewis, Linn, MacGregor, McKinney, Marsh, Mead, Miller. Moore, Newell, Parry, Parsons, Pierce, Rawson, R. L. Reade, Robbins, Searls, Shelton, Sloane, Spencer, Stowell, Thacher, Thomas, Tinker, Tweedy, Varick, Viele, Walcott, Washburn, Webster, Welles, Wentworth. Wesson, Wheeler, H. S. Williams, Wilson, J. H. Wood, Woodruff, Wright, Yates. The class banquet was served at the New Haven House. Wheeler was chosen to preside. It was the custom then to have, at Triennial, set speeches from several members of the class who represented the different professions and occupations, or who were qualified to speak on other subjects of special interest to a class three years out of college. Linn read a poem on "The Class Boy," and toasts were responded to as follows : "Alma Mater," Wright; "Class of Sixty-eight," Linn; "The Faculty," Beckwith; "Theology," Tinker; "The Law," Wentworth; "Medicine," Bacon; "The Press," McKinney; "Teaching," Wilson; "The Business Men," Sloane; "The Married Men," Dixon ; "The Bachelors," Parsons ; "The Non-Graduates," 4-0 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Wesson; "The Absentees," Rawson. The poem and speeches were printed in the Class Book published in 1872. At this time all the graduates were living, and thirteen were married. The different members of the class were then occupied as follows : thirty-two were practicing law and six others were engaged in legal studies; fourteen were students of theology, four of whom were settled in the ministry the following year; three were studying medicine, and two were already practicing physicians ; twenty-six were engaged in business ; four were tutors at Yale, and eight were giving instruction at other institu- tions ; three were carrying on graduate study at Yale and five were studying abroad ; two were engaged in editorial work, two were civil engineers, and two were unable to undertake any con- tinuous employment on account of ill-health. Thirty-two members registered at Sexennial, June 24, 1874: Abbott, Bingham, Brewster, Coats, Cooper, Cowell, DeForest, Dixon, Durant, Farnam, Fisher, Greene, Harger, Hume, Ingersoll, G. Lewis, Marsh, Parry, Shelton, Slay, Southworth, Thacher, Tytus, Varick, Varnum, Welles, Wesson, Wheeler, R. B. Williams, Wilson, W. C Wood, Wright. Judge Cowell was chosen to preside at the class supper, in Loomis's Temple of Music. Thirty-eight of the class were already married, and two, Chapin and Ayres, were dead. Farnam reported that sixty-eight members of Sixty-eight had subscribed eight thousand dollars to the Woolsey Fund, an amount exceeded by only three other classes. Seven of the class had been called to serve the college as instructors. Special interest was expressed in DeForest and Hume, who were about to enter the foreign mission field. The Decennial Meeting was held June 26, 1878, and was attended by forty-one members : Allen, Bacon, Beckwith, Berry, Biddle, Bingham, Bradford, Brewster. Cowell. Dixon, Eastburn, Farnam, Fisher, Greene, Harger, Ingersoll, Lawrence, Linn, McKinney, Marsh, Moore, Newell, Parry, Parsons, Rawson, Seagrave, Searls, Shelton, Sloane, Southworth, Spencer, Thacher, Thomas, Tweedy, Yarnum. Webster, Wentworth, Wesson, Wilson, Wood, Woodruff. Linn presided at the dinner, which was served in one of the rooms in the Insurance Building, and Wentworth and Brewster HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION 4 1 represented the class at the alumni meetings on Wednesday morn- ing, and Thursday afternoon. At the Quindecennial Meeting, June 26, 1883, thirty-eight members of the class were present : Bacon, Bingham, Brewster, Clark, Colt, Cowell, Davenport, Farnam, Fisher, Greene, Harger, Ingersoll, G. H. Lewis, J. Lewis, Linn, Marsh, Newell, I 'any, Parsons, Pierce, Rawson, Russell, Seagrave, Searls, SE AVENUE Shelton, Sloane, Thacher, Tinker, Varick, Varnum, Viele, Webster, Welles, Wentworth, Wesson, R. B. Williams, Woodruff, Wright. Colt, by invitation of the Alumni Committee, spoke at the alumni meeting on Tuesday morning, and Tinker, at the request of the class, responded for it at the Alumni Dinner on Commence- ment Day. The class supper was furnished by Hill Brothers, at "The Homestead," at Savin Rock. Judge Colt presided. The Vicennial Meeting, on June 26, 1888, was attended by thirty-nine, three of whom had not met with the class since graduation : 4 2 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Allen, Bingham, Burns, Clark, Cowell, de Kay, Dixon, Eastburn, Edwards, Farnam, Fisher, Ingersoll, Lawrence, Linn, McKinney, Marsh, Newell, Parry, Pierce, Pierson, Rawson, Rice, Seagrave, Searls, Shelton, Slay, Sloane, Southworth, Thacher, Tweedy, Yarnum, Webster, Went- worth, Wesson, H. S. Williams, R. B. Williams, Wilson, Woodruff, W r right. Seventy-nine of the class were married, and twelve were dead. The children of the class at this time numbered one hundred and seventv-two. SENIOR FENCE Parry was selected to respond for the class at the alumni dinner on Wednesday. This address, and also the speeches of Wesson, Pierson, Wright and Lawrence, were printed in the Class Book published in 1889. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Farnam gave a Luncheon on Tues- day, to members of Sixty-eight and their wives, at their residence on Hillhouse Avenue. Yarnum presided at the class supper, which, by the kindness of Mr. Hotchkiss, we were allowed to hold in Brothers Hal Informal speeches were made by Wesson, Pierson, Wright, Sloane, II. S. Williams, Burns, Went worth, Linn, Pierce, Cowell ' HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION 43 and Lawrence. At this reunion we gathered for the last time at the Old Fence, which was removed the following summer to make room for Osborn Hall. The Quarter-Century Meeting, on June 27. [893, was the largest gathering of the class since Triennial. Forty-two were present : Allen, Bacon, Berry, Bingham, Bradford, Burns, Cecil, Cowell, dc Kay, Dixon, Eastburn, Farnam, Ferry, Greene, Homes, Hume, G. Lewis, Linn. Mckinney, Morse, Newell, Pierce, Pierson, Russell, Shelton, Slay, South- worth, Tweedy, Upshur, Varick, Varnum, Viele, Walcott, Webster, Welch, Welles, Wentworth, H. S. Williams, R. B. Williams, Wilson, Woodruff, Wright. More than twenty who had expected to attend this reunion were detained by professional engagements or by the exigencies of business owing to the financial depression. Of the forty-two present, two had not attended a class meeting since Triennial, and five others had not met with the class since graduation. Berry was selected to preside at the class banquet and Linn to represent the class at the alumni dinner on Commencement Day. A quarter-century class picture was taken on the steps of the Sloane Laboratory, which formed the frontispiece to the Class Book published in 1894. The banquet was held in the rooms of the University Club, 1018 Chapel Street. The supper was furnished by Stewart. A brief history of the class for the last five years was given by the Secretary, who was instructed to prepare another edition of the Class Book. Letters were read from Abbott, DeForest, Page and Tyler. The class listened also to Ferry, who spoke on the advantages of southern California; to Hume, who was on furlough from India ; to Walcott, who gave an account of his world-wide travels ; to G. Lewis, who had just published his book "National Consolida- tion of the Railways of the United States" ; to Viele, who described the work of the various charitable organizations with which he had long been identified ; and to John Wilson, who spoke on the service which the educated man owes to his city. A detailed account of this meeting including the letters and speeches was given in the Class Book published in 1894, which contained also Hume's address at the Alumni Meeting on Tuesday. HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION 45 Reunion of 1898. By the kindness of Thomas Hooker of Sixty-nine, we obtained the use of the New Haven Lawn Club for the class supper, which was held on Tuesday, June 28, 1898. As Farnam was unable to act on the Committee, Dixon and W'ent- worth took charge of all the details. At the business meeting held in Wright's recitation room, F2 Osborn Hall, at which Webster presided, Varick, Farnam, H. S. Williams, and the Secretary were appointed a Committee to make arrangements for the class meeting in 1903. Arthur F. Lewis of the Class of 1892, son of F. B. Lewis, came to this meeting to present the greetings of his father, who lives in Montana and has not been able to attend any gathering of the class since Triennial. Pierce was accompanied by his son, Thomas W. Pierce, Jr., and Xewell brought his six-year-old boy, George Arthur Newell, who was also present at the class supper in the evening. The majority of the members of the class present went out to the Yale Field and saw Yale defeat Harvard by a score of 7 to o. Vale won the championship in New York on Friday, July 1. The class gathered at the Lawn Club House at six o'clock. There were thirty-six present : Allen, Bailey, Bingham, Brewster, Burns, Coats, Cowell, Day, de Kay, Dixon, Eastburn, Linn, McKinney, Morse, Newell, Parry, Pierce, Rawson, F. W. Russell, Searls, Shelton, Southworth, Stowell, Tweedy, Varick, Varnum, Viele, Webster, Welch, Welles, Wentworth, Wheeler, H. S. Williams, R. B. Williams, Woodruff, Wright. Linn presided. Letters were read from MacGregor, Morse, Homes, Berry, Slay, Beckwith, John Lewis, Hume, Coffin, Abbott, DeForest. The Secretary was directed to send a letter of sympathy to Moore, whose wife had recently died. Ernest, Ruth and Hannah Hume, children of Robert A. Hume, called and were presented to the class. As is our custom, the class list was read and any one present gave such information as he had about each absent member. It was the general opinion of those present that there should be a meeting of the class at the time of the Bicentennial celebration in 1901, but no definite directions were given to the Committee. Bicentennial Meeting. Sixty-eight had no class supper at the time of the Bicentennial celebration in 1901, but thirty-six mem- bers registered at the class headquarters, 1 1 Phelps Hall : 46 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Allen, Bacon, Beckwith, Berry, Coats, L. B. Colt, Cowell, S. A. Daven- port, de Kay, Eastburn, Greene, Homes, G. Lewis, McKinney, Moore, Morse, Newell, Page, Pierce, Rawson, Rice, Searls, Shelton, Southworth, Yarick, Varnum, Viele, Webster, Welles, Wentworth, Wesson, Wheeler, H. S. Williams, R. B. Williams, Woodruff, Wright. The class had a place in the torchlight procession of Monday, October 21, in which about five thousand students and graduates TRUMBULL GALLERY marched, forming a line more than a mile and a half in length : saw the tableaux of scenes in Yale history presented by the Yale Dramatic Association on the campus on Tuesday evening, October 22 ; and were present at the Hyperion Theater on Wednesday, October 23, to hear the Bicentennial Poem by E. C. Stedman and the Bicentennial Oration by Chief Justice Brewer, and to witness the conferring of honorary degrees upon the distinguished guests of the University. Many members of the class, in their letters to the Secretary, expressed their pride and satisfaction in having a part in this great celebration. HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION 47 Reunion of 1903. Twenty-nine members of the elass were present at the class reunion, June 23, 1903, on the thirty-fifth anniversary of our graduation : Allen, Bingham, Brewster, Burns, Coats, Cowell, Deforest, Farnam, Greene, Hill, Linn, McKinney, Manierre, Means, Morse, Newell, Parry, Pierce, Pierson, Seagrave, Varick, Webster, Welch, Wentworth, Wesson, Wheeler, 11. S. Williams, Woodruff, Wright. At a business meeting in ii Phelps Mall, Yuriek, H. S. Wil- liams, and the Secretary were reappointed a committee and instructed to make arrangements for the class reunion in 1908. The majority of those in New Haven attended the Harvard- Yale baseball game, and went in a private car at the close of the game from the Yale Field to the Momauguin at Cosey Beach, where the class supper was served. Letters of regret and fraternal greeting were read from Abbott, Bacon, Bailey, Beckwith, Berry, Coffin, Dixon, Eastburn, Hume, G. Lewis, J. Lewis, MacGregor, Moore, Rawson, Southworth, Yarnum, R. B. Williams, Day, Durley, and Mason. Brief speeches were made by Wesson, Pierce, Linn, DeForest, Brew- ster, Burns, Wentworth, Coats, Parry, and Woodruff. Cowell presided, and it was universally agreed that the older we grow, the more enjoyable our reunions become. Reunion of 1908. About two-thirds of those present came on Monday or earlier. The class headquarters were at Mrs. Lock- wood's, 155 and 159 Elm Street, where nineteen members of the class had rooms. In the hall at 155, where it was delightfully cool, we had many pleasant talks about old times, about our experiences since leaving College, and about our classmates. A business meeting was held at 11 Phelps Hall on Tuesday at 11.30, Webster presiding. Berry was chosen to preside at the class supper. Varick and Greene, with the Secretary, were appointed a committee to make arangements for our next reunion in 1913. There were thirty-three members of the class present in New Haven during Commencement week. Nearly all attended the Harvard- Yale game at the Yale Field (score, Yale 3, Harvard o), and the Alumni Dinner on Commencement Day. The most delightful event was the Reception and Luncheon given to the class by Professor and Mrs. Dexter at their resi- dence, 178 Prospect Street, from twelve to two. 4 8 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE The following were present at the class supper at the Shore- ham, Morris Cove : Abbott, Bailey, Berry, Bingham, Burns, Coats, Colt, Cowell. Day, DeForest, Dixon, Evans (Shefr. '68), Farnam, Fowler, Greene, Hill, Linn, McKinney, Morse, Newell, Parry, Pierce, Pierson, Rawson, Tweedy, Varick, Viele, Webster, Welch, Wheeler, H. S. Williams, Woodruff, and Wright. OLD LIHRARY Berry presided. Following the wishes of the class, as obtained by the Secretary through correspondence, there were no set speeches. The Secretary read letters from Beckwith, Bradford, Brewster, Ingersoll, J. Lewis, MacGregor, Manierre, Parsons, Rice, Searls, Slay, Southworth, Welles, Bull, Durley, L. L. Hicks, J. R. Holmes, Mason, and Van Winkle. Varick also read letters from Page and Esty. The Secretary was directed to make reply to each one from whom a letter had been received, which he did with great pleasure, giving an account of the class meeting and sending the affectionate greeting of all those present. Informal speeches were also made by Abbott, Webster, Fowler, Colt, and I -"vans. HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION 49 Linn was introduced by the Chairman as one who had on former occasions enlivened the class meetings by his wit and good sense. After some preliminary remarks, which most of those present seemed to appreciate, he suddenly brought to light and presented to the Secretary a beautiful loving cup as a token of the esteem and love of Sixty-eight, for which the Secretary returned thanks as well as he could under the circumstances, when taken completely by surprise. A few weeks later he received from the Cup Committee a gold watch, chain, and pencil, with the affectionate greetings of the class. It is not in his power to express, even now, the gratitude which he feels for these priceless gifts. It gladdens his heart to know that his class- mates are not dissatisfied with his services as secretary, and such evidence of their love and esteem is unspeakably precious. It has long been to him a cause for deep gratitude that he was 4 50 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE able to come to Yale, and that circumstances that seemed beyond his control brought him here in time to enter with Sixty-eight. He can never forget the helpful interest of members of the class, by which he was enabled to earn his way in College, in part, and thus to continue without interruption through the four years. For their continued kindness and sympathy in that early period, and during all the fleeting years that have followed, he owes to the men of Sixty-eight a debt which can never be repaid. Between March 28 and May 20, 1905, eleven members of Sixty-eight sent to the Secretary gifts amounting to one hundred and thirty dollars, to be forwarded to DeForest as a contribution from the class to the Japanese Relief Fund. At this reunion DeForest presented to the Secretary, as the representative of the class, a sake cup from Governor Kamei, with a letter in Japanese, which DeForest translated thus : "Mr. DeForest and other gentlemen, having given gold towards the relief of the famine sufferers of the village Ichihasami in the county of Kurihara, are herewith presented with a sake cup. Meiji, 39th year, 10th month, 2d day (October 20, 1906). Kamei Eisaburo, Governor of Miyagi Ken, 3d Order of the Fourth Rank." Class of Sixty-eight Prize in Descriptive Writing. Linn, in a letter dated May 13, 1908, had suggested that the class establish a prize in English : "What would you think of the idea of Sixty-eight contributing a moderate sum, the income of which would constitute a prize to be named after the class, to be open to all members of the Academical Department, and to be awarded to that member who wrote the best descriptive article each year? In my newspaper experience I found that college graduates generally had their minds directed to essay writing, and that in college very little attention was paid to descriptive composition. Then when reporters' work was called for, the teaching had to be done over again. It lias long seemed to me that a competition of this kind in merely descriptive writing, where the student would not be expected to prove himself a philosopher, would have practical use. I would contribute toward such a fund." The suggestion was renewed at the class meeting, and it met with so much favor that Greene, after brief correspondence with HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION 5 I members of the class, received from them contributions by which a fund was established which now amounts to over twelve hundred and fifty dollars. Professor William Lyon Phelps, in a letter to the Secretary, wrote: "You may be sure that I am going- to take up that 1868 prize and make it a success. I am deeply interested in it." From this fund a prize of fifty dollars is awarded annually to the student in Yale College who shall write the best prose description of from twenty-five hundred to five thousand words. The award is based on the merit of the work done for this prize, without regard to achievement in courses. The awards have been : In 191 1, to Neill Compton Wilson of Oakland, Cal., for his description of San Francisco. In 1912, to Philip Burnham Buzzell of Wilmington, Mass., for his description of Yale College life. In 1913, to Ernest Melville Price of New Haven, Conn., for his description of New Haven and its environs. In 1914, to Morris Hadley, son of President Hadley, for his description of New Haven and its environs. The Sixty-eight Class Boy, Dr. Warren Harmon Lewis, was married May 23, 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis went abroad on their wedding tour, and remained till the opening of the college year in September. Inasmuch as the class did not have the privilege, at its Trien- nial meeting, of giving the Class Boy any token of his adoption, it seemed appropriate to improve this opportunity to make him a wedding present. The idea originated with McKinney who, with Varick and Berry, acted as a committee to select the gift. It was generally agreed that nothing would be more appropriate than a loving cup, which would show both our recognition of our Class Boy and our good wishes for his domestic happiness. The class is greatly indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Varick for their interest and for their good taste in the selection and decoration of the cup. It is of solid silver, about nine inches high and five and a half in diameter, standing upon an ebony pedestal. In the first of the three spaces between the handles is the monogram W. H. L. ; in the second, 5 2 the class of l868, yale college The Class of 1868 in yale college to its class boy, Warren Harmon Lewis, MAY 23, I9IO; in the third, an etching of the Old Brick Row, showing South College, the Atheneum, South Middle, the Lyceum, North OLD BRICK ROW Middle, Old Chapel, North College, and Divinity, with the corner of the old college fence in the foreground. Above the picture on the left side are the words, Yale College, and under- neath it the title, (§lb Irtrk Saw. The cup was sent to Professor Lewis, with this letter the committee : from HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION 53 Binghamton, N. Y., October 27, 1910. Professor Warren Harmon Lewis, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Dear Dr. Lezvis: It came to our knowledge through a letter from your father that you were married on the twenty-third day of May last. It occurred to us that it would be a pleasant thing for the Class of 1868 of Yale College, whose Class Boy you are, to give you a wedding present. As you did not receive the cup that was due you as the Class Baby, at our Triennial meeting in 1871, some of us thought that the wedding present might well take the form of a loving cup. This idea was heartily concurred in by the surviving members of the Class, and resulted in the selection of the cup which is herewith sent to you. In common with all your godfathers of Sixty-eight, we sincerely hope that the cup will be cherished by you and your wife as a token that the classmates of your father in old Yale have not forgotten that you are their Class Boy. We would also lovingly call your attention to the fact that the Old Brick Row etched upon the cup, showing the famous corner of the old college fence, is dear to Yale graduates of our day and many days preceding, but exists now only in memory. In behalf of all our classmates, we beg to remain Lovingly and sincerely yours, C. D. Berry, J. L. Varick, W. A. McKinney. To this letter Professor Lewis replied: Baltimore, Md., November 9, 1910. Dear Mr. McKinney: The surprise and delight of the Class Boy and his wife were quite without bounds at the reception into their household of the very beautiful and attractive loving cup from the Class of 1868. I feel very much moved and stirred by the remembrance, not only because of its present day associations, but from the many early memories of the Class of Sixty-eight. Almost as far back as my memory goes, I have known of the Class of Sixty-eight and of Yale, through numerous photographs and records belonging to my father, and many times I have turned over the pages of the large album that contains all your portraits. Because of my love for my father, there has always been a very tender spot for those men who were so closely associated with him in the old college days. You and your classmates may well know that my wife and I will cherish this beautiful gift, for which we thank you most heartily, and 54 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE wish that you might all step in and drink from it with us to Yale and the Class of Sixty-eight. With affectionate regards to my godfathers of Sixty-eight, Warren H. Lewis. Class Meeting in New York. On November 8, 1910, Varick sent out the following letter to all members of Sixty-eight, including non-graduates whose addresses were known : My dear Classmate: It having occurred to me that it might be pleasant for the mem- bers of our Class to get together and talk over old times, and finding that the idea meets the approval of those with whom I have come in contact, I write to ask if you can make it convenient to dine with me at the University Club, 5th Avenue and 54th Street, New York City, on the evening of December 1st, 1910, at 7 o'clock. Kindly advise me at once if I may expect you, and oblige Yours sincerely, J. L. Varick. 118 West 5/th Street. All but eight of the graduates replied. Eighteen were present at the dinner, including the Class Boy, Dr. Lewis. The members of the class were seated alphabetically around a table, the center of which was strewn tastefully with an abundance of choice flowers. The dinner was perfect in all respects ; it could not have been otherwise when Varick was the host. Every one present spoke for himself and for absent classmates about whom he had recent information, and the universal tone was one of pride and satisfaction for what the class had accomplished and of hope for many years of active service yet to come. It was worth much to get together at this half-way station between our fortieth and forty-fifth anniversaries, and in this quiet way enjoy an evening in reviving college memories and in telling one another our experiences in these later years. There were present : Bingham, Brewster, Dixon, Greene, Hume, Linn, McKinney, Newell, Pierce, Pierson, Varick, Dr. Lewis, Viele, Welch, Wheeler, R. B. Williams, Woodruff, Wright. Inquiry was made for all who could not come, and letters or telegrams were read during the evening from Abbott, Bailey, HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION 55 Beckwith, Berry, Bradford, Burns, Coats, Colt, Cramer, Daven- port, Day, de Kay, Durant, Fowler, Hill, Holmes, Homes, [nger- soll, F. B. Lewis, G. H. Lewis, John Lewis, Manierre, Morse, Page, Parry, Rawson, Rice, Robbins, Seagrave, Searls, Slav, Southworth, Trimble, Upshur, Washburn, Webster, Welles. Since the meeting 1 in New York, the Secretary lias sent to the members of Sixty-eight, graduate and non-graduate, Class Letters dated March 20, 191 1, and May 20, 1912. Wright Memorial Hall was opened for occupancy in Septem- ber, 191 2, and furnished accommodations during the college year km j-13 to more than one hundred and sixty members of the Freshman Class. The building was dedicated with appropriate exercises on Saturday, November 23. The presentation address was made by George E. Ide of the Class of 1880. President Hadley accepted the gift for the University. Among the memo- rial suites are three, with the following inscriptions: Room 667. The gift of Charles W. Bingham, Class of 1868, and Henry P. Bingham, Class of 19 10. Room 669. The gift of Dean Wright's Class, 1868. Room 670. In memory of Coburn Dewees Berry, Class of 1868. The gift of the Class. The Reunion in 19 13. Room 121, Hotel Taft, was engaged by the Committee for Commencement week, and here members of Sixty-eight were to be found from Saturday, June 14, till the Thursday following Commencement Day. Many of the class had rooms at Hotel Davenport, and some were pleasantly located with Mrs. B. R. Cowan at 371 Crown Street. Twenty- four came to the reunion : Bailey, Bingham, Brewster, Bull, Coats, Dixon, Greene, Hill, Linn, McKinney, Morse, Newell, Pierce, Rawson, Robbins, Searls, Slay, South- worth, Varick, Webster, Welch, Welles, Wheeler, Wright. Bull had not been at a class meeting since 1866; Robbins had not met with us since Triennial. The presence of these two classmates added greatly to the enjoyment of the week. There are now so many objects that claim attention at the time of the annual Commencement that there is hardly an hour of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday that is not taken up by some public exercise. Sixty-eight did not attempt to take HISTORY SINCE GRADUATION 57 in much beyond the Baccalaureate Sermon, the Organ Recital, and the annual meeting of the Yale Foreign Missionary Society on Sunday; the Presentation Day exercises, and the Glee Club Concert on Monday; the Phi Beta Kappa meeting in the Chapel, and the Harvard-Yale baseball game at the Yale Field, on Tues- day. On Wednesday a part of the class attended Commence- ment in Woolsey Hall, and all went to the Alumni Dinner in the Yale Dining Hall. ( )f course the chief event of all, for us, was our class supper on Tuesday evening. Webster presided, and Bishop Brewster said grace. The menu gave universal satisfaction. A telegram was received from the Pacific coast, to which a reply was sent by the presiding officer : Los Angeles, Calif., June 16, 1913. Sixty-eight Reunion, Hotel Taft, New Haven, Conn. We will convene Tuesday evening, eight-forty eastern time, to greet you across the continent in affectionate libation to Sixty-eight, to the health and welfare of all our dear classmates still with us, and fond remembrance of those gone before. Is all well? Ixckrsoll and Abbott. New Haven, Conn., June 17, 1913. Ingersoll and Abbott, Los Angeles, Cal. Twenty-four in number, we most heartily return your greetings and tenderly regret your absence. As of old, we are with you in your libations, and here's another to you and dear old Yale. J. H. Webster, Chairman. The Secretary read letters from Beckwith, Bradford, Colt, Cramer, Davenport, de Kay, Fowler, Homes, Hume, J. Lewis, Manierre, Means, Miller, Moore, Morse, Parry, Rice, Seagrave, Viele, H. S. Williams, R. B. Williams, Barnett, Boylan, Day, Durley, L. L. Hicks, Hobson, J. R. Holmes, Potter, and Upshur. The informal speeches of Newell, Bull, Robbins, Brewster, Linn, Rawson, Southworth, Coats, Welch, Slay, Searls, and Welles brought back pleasant memories of undergraduate days and gave inspiration and hope for the years to come. 58 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE It was voted that a contribution from Sixty-eight be made to the fund for the erection of a Memorial Church in honor of DeForest, in Sendai, Japan, where he was located for twenty-five years. Twelve members of the class sent to the Secretary gifts of from five to forty dollars each, amounting in all to two hundred and sixteen dollars. This sum has been forwarded, through the American Board, to the Committee in Japan. Rev. Arthur F. Lewis, son of our classmate, F. B. Lewis, was the guest of the class, and brought greetings from his father in Montana. This was one of our best reunions, and was made especially impressive by the memory of so many dear classmates who have passed from earth. The exercises of the evening were fittingly closed with the benediction by Welles. W. C. WOOD AND TINKER BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES James Whitin Abbott Son of Rev. J. J. Abbott (Dartmouth 1839) and Margaret F. (Whitin) Abbott. His father was for many years Trustee of Bowdoin College and was one of the most learned Hebrew scholars of his time in the United States. His mother was the daughter of Paul Whitin and sister of Paul and John C, the original Paul Whitin & Sons. His brothers, J. J. Abbott, Ph.B. Yale '72, and Paul Whitin Abbott, Ph.B. Yale '83, are still living. His brother, William Whittlesey Abbott, Ph.B. Yale '77, died July 8, 1899. James W. Abbott was born at Whitinsville, Mass., August 29, 1846, and graduated at Phillips Academy, Andover, in the Class of [864. In college he gave special attention to gymnastics and athletics, and was a member of the Junior Promenade Com- mittee. After graduating from college, he pursued the course in civil engineering at the Sheffield Scientific School, receiving the degree of Ph.B. in 1870, and after a further year of gradu- ate study, received the degree of Master of Arts from Yale in 1871. From October, 1871, to June, 1872, he was assistant engineer on the Kings County Town Survey, Brooklyn. During the fol- lowing two years he was engineer for the estate of Hon. William Walter Phelps in Bergen County, New Jersey. In January, 1875, J. W. and J. J. Abbott established the firm of Abbott Bros., at Lake City, Colo., where they were engaged in civil and mining engineering. He remained there until 1883, when the camp collapsed in financial panic. Up to that time he had prospered, but all his hard-bought accumulations were then swept away. After eighteen months spent in tentative effort to get satis- factorily into line in the East, he again returned to Colorado, where he assumed charge of the large transportation business of 6o THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE his brother-in-law, David Wood, at Ouray. He was soon appointed Clerk of the District Court at that place and held that office for ten years, finding some time to devote to his profession and other pursuits. The panic of 1893 produced a depression at Ouray, which threatened the existence of the camp, at that time principally a silver producer. In 1894 he went to the University of California for a six months' post-graduate course in mining branches, and in 1895 was elected manager of a large mining enterprise, known as the Ybarra Gold Mining Company, in Mexico. There he made a signal success, winning the confidence and esteem of the directors and stockholders of the company. After getting the business so thoroughly organized and systematized that he felt it no longer needed his supervision, late in 1896, he resigned and resumed general practice as mining engineer in California and Oregon, and in 1899 he returned to Colorado. In 1900 he received, unsolicited, the appointment of Special Agent for the United States Department of Agriculture, High- way Division, in charge of the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast branch, his field covering the entire region between the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 6 I Missouri River and the Pacific Coast. This position he held for five years and acquired a national reputation as the "Pioneer Good Roads Man" of the West. He built object lesson roads, addressed public bodies, conventions and other assemblies, and wrote voluminously for publication. His monographs, entitled " Mountain Roads," "Mountain Roads as a Source of Revenue," and "The Use of Mineral Oil in Road Improvement," were published by the Government and many editions were required to supply the demand. In 1905 the road work of the Government was entirely reorganized, and Abbott declined to remain under the changed conditions. He returned to the practice of engineering, and for the next six years was located at Pioche, Nevada. A cataclysm similar to that which befell Lake City and Ouray came to Pioche in 19 10, when the most disastrous flood in all railroad history paralyzed every activity. In 19 12 he withdrew from Pioche and is now living in Los Angeles, where he expects to remain permanently. He has recently published a booklet in clear and attractive style which convincingly shows the wonderful future of Los Angeles and Southern California. Abbott was married in Lake City, September 24, 1877, to Florence Wood of Topeka, Kansas, and has two children : Charles Whitin, born December 5, 1878; Ruth Beatrice, born March 24, 1881. Charles is a mining engineer of diversified experience, but has no university diploma. He is at present manager of a large sheep enterprise in Idaho, and is acquiring a state-wide reputa- tion as an expert in that line. Ruth was graduated from Wellesley in 1904. She was married in June, 1906, to Edward H. Letchworth, now member of the law-firm of Kenefick, Cooke, Mitchell & Bass, Buffalo, N. Y., successor to the old firm of Grover Cleveland and former Postmaster-General Bissell, Yale '69. They have two children: Edward H., Jr., born January 9, 1909, and George Cutler, born September 12, 191 1. *Edwin Lee Allen Son of Edwin Lee and Lydia Waterman (Smith) Allen. His father, Edwin Lee Allen (first of the name), was born in North Ashford, Conn., June 11, 1832, and died in Providence, October 16, 1849. He was a 62 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE descendant of William Allen, who settled in Salisbury, Mass., about 1638. Allen's mother, Lydia Waterman Smith, was born in North Scituate, R. I., August 14, 1826. The first of her line in this country was Christo- pher Smith of Providence, one of the earliest settlers of Rhode Island. After the death of her husband, Edwin Lee Allen, she married his brother, William Lafayette Allen, and had three sons, all of whom received the degree of B.A. at Yale: William L. Allen, Jr., in 1880, Martin S. Allen in 1882, and Z. Nelson Allen in 1886. Edwin L. Allen was born February 29, 1848, in Providence, R. I. In 1857 the family removed to Xew York, where he was prepared for college at Mount Washing-ton Collegiate Institute. After a year's residence in New York, the family removed to Brooklyn, from which place he came to college. During the first year after graduation he taught in Columbia Grammar School, New York City. He then entered into busi- ness with his father, becoming a member of the firm of William L. Allen & Company, commission merchants, with which he was connected till his death. His three brothers, after graduating from Yale, all became members of the firm of William L. Allen & Company. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 63 Allen was a member of the Central Congregational Church, a Masonic veteran, and one of the Board of Governors of the Sons of the American Revolution. He was married February 9, 1876, to Mary Tudor Pratt, daughter of John M. and Mary (Tudor) Pratt of Brooklyn, and had five children: Edwin Lee, born January 28, 1877; Harold Bruce, born May 17, 1880, died January 25, 191 1; Marion Tudor, born January 31, 1883, died April 18, 1884; Alice Cleveland, born March 18, 1889; John Pratt, born December 18, 1895. The eldest son, Edwin Lee, is interested in a large real estate and insurance firm in New York City. His residence is in Xetherwood, N. J. He was married April 15, 1902, to Annie Elliott Langdon of Brooklyn and has two boys : Edwin Lee, fourth of the name, born June 6, 1905, in Brooklyn, and Lang- don, born March 28, 1909, in Netherwood. Alice Cleveland was married November 26, 19 13, to Walter B. Spellmire of Pittsburgh, Pa. John Pratt lives with his mother at the family home, 456A Classon Avenue, Brooklyn. Our classmate, Edwin Lee Allen, died suddenly at his home in Brooklyn, after a brief illness, December 19, 1904, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. He was a loyal member of his class and college, and liberal in his support of all good enter- prises. *Russell William Ayres Son of James R. and Eliza (Marshall) Ayres, was born at Peekskill, N. Y., January 10, 1844. When he was four years of age, his parents removed to Waterbury, Conn., from which place he came to college. He began his preparation for Yale at Fort Edward Institute, but interrupted his studies for a year's service in the army. August 21, 1862, he enlisted in the Twenty-third Connecticut Infantry. He was mustered in, November 14, and was appointed Corporal. The regiment, early in the winter, em- barked for the Gulf Department in Louisiana, and was chiefly employed in guarding the railroads and suppressing the guerrillas, while Ayres was detailed for duty at headquarters in New Orleans. He was discharged August 31, 1863, and in Septem- 64 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE ber entered Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., where he completed his preparation for college. He was awarded prizes in Sophomore and Senior Composition ; won first prize in Debate in Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years; was an editor of the Yale Literary Magazine, President of Brothers, and one of the two Orators chosen from the class to represent Brothers in the "Statement of Facts" at the begin- ning of Senior year. After graduating at Yale, he commenced reading law with Judge Charles W. Gillette of Waterbury, and was admitted to the Bar in 1869. The following year was spent at the Harvard Law School, where he received his degree in June, 1870. Owing to ill-health, he was compelled to defer entering upon the active practice of his profession, though he still continued his literary as well as his legal studies, occasionally contributing to the local press. In the spring of 1872 he removed with his father to the town of Milford, Conn., near the seashore, seeking by out-of-door exercise and the management of a farm to recruit his health. Chiefly through his exertions, a depot on the New York and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 65 New Haven Railroad was located midway between Milford and West Haven, and a new settlement commenced, to which he gave the name of Woodmont. His hope was to make this his residence and to practice his profession in New Haven. The winter of 1872-73 was spent in Florida, with some benefit to his health ; but while traveling in the West in the early part of December, 1873, he took a severe cold, and returning homeward stopped to visit his eldest brother at Syracuse, N. Y., where he was attacked with pneumonia and died after a brief illness, on the 14th of December, 1873. ♦William Turner Bacon Son of Leonard H. and Elizabeth C. (Turner) Bacon, and grandson of Rev. William W. Turner. On his father's side he was descended from Michael Bacon, one of the founders of the town of Dedham, Mass (1640), and on his mother's side from Captain Nathanael Turner, who came from England with Governor Winthrop in 1650 and was one of the early settlers of the New Haven Colony. On his mother's side he was also descended from Lieutenant Zaccheus Peaslee of the staff of Gen. Moses Hazen of Revolutionary fame. His grandfather, Rev. William W. Turner, was graduated from Yale College in 1819. William T. Bacon was born in Hartford, Conn., August 2J, [846, and was prepared for college at the Grammar School in Hartford. He entered college with '67, remained with that class till the close of Sophomore year, and joined '68 in May, 1866. After graduation he was a student of medicine in New York City, at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and at the University of the City of Xew York, where he was graduated in 1 87 1. He was for twenty months on the House Staff of Charity Hospital, Blackwell's Island, and was subsequently tutor in Physiology and Histology in the medical department of the University of the City of New York; assistant surgeon in the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary; attending physician at the Bureau of Outdoor Relief ; and assistant to Dr. Janeway in the pathological rooms of Bellevue Hospital, New York City. From October, 1876, till his death, he practiced medicine in Hartford, making a specialty of the eye and the ear, and became one of the most distinguished specialists in his line in New England. He was Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon to the Hart- ford Hospital, a member of the American Ophthalmological 5 66 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Society, of the Connecticut Medical Society, and of the Ameri- can Medical Association, and President of the Hartford Medical Society and of the Hartford County Medical Society. The following papers were read before different Medical Societies and published in the proceedings of the Connecticut Medical Society or in pamphlet form: "Syphilitic Hypalitis," 10// "Treatment of Phlyctenular Ophthalmia by Stimulation," 1878. "A Case of Secondary Sarcoma Causing Ocular Paralysis and Loss of Sight," 1882. "Glioma of Retina," 1884. "Adenoid Vegetation," 1891. "School Life in Relation to the Eyes," 1892. "Ophthalmia Neonatorum." "Reflex Neurosis Depending on the Eye." An article on "Color Blindness" was published in the Report of the Connecticut Board of Health for 1879. In 1877 he joined the Asylum Hill Congregational Churc and allowed nothing to interfere with his attendance at the religious services. He was married in Hartford, June 10, 1875, to Mary E. Coit daughter of Samuel Coit of that city. t, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 67 He died from disease of the kidneys at his home in Hartford, March 16, 1906. In his will he left a legacy of one hundred thousand dollars to the Hartford Medical Society, and a residuary bequest to Yale University, from which it received sixty-eight thousand six hundred and thirty-one dollars available for the general purposes of the University: Dr. Harmon G. Lowe, in his obituary notice, said of him: "Dr. Bacon was a ready writer. He was explicit in his statements and forcible in discussion, yielding a point only when thoroughly convinced of error. He was well versed in parliamentary usage, and made an excel- lent presiding officer. Under a sometimes austere exterior, he possessed an extremely kindly and charitable disposition." Stephen Goodhue Bailey Son of Thomas Duston and Ruth Folsom (Goodhue) Bailey. His paternal ancestor, Richard Bailey, came from England to Rowley, Mass., and was there connected with one of the first cloth mills in America. His father's mother was a Duston, descended from Thomas, eldest son of the Hannah Duston of Haverhill, Mass., who was captured by the Indians in 1697, and who escaped, after killing her captors, and returned to Haverhill with ten Indian scalps to prove her story. A commemorative statue has been erected to her at Haverhill, and a second monument stands on the little island, the scene of the tragedy, at the confluence of the Contoocook with the Merrimack, near Concord, X. H. His father's early life was spent on a farm in New Hampshire, which he left at the age of sixteen to serve an apprenticeship as mason and con- tractor, which occupation he followed in later years. Bailey's mother was a descendant of William Goodhue, born in Eng- land in 1612, who came to America in 1635 and settled in Ipswich, Mass. She was a native of Hebron, N. H., where her father, Stephen Goodhue, kept the village store, was Postmaster and Justice of the Peace. Her maternal grandfather was Rev. Thomas Page, who came to Hanover, X. H., from Connecticut at about the same time with Wheeler who founded Dartmouth College. "Priest Page," as he was familiarly called, saw some little service in the American Revolution and served as clergy- man in that region till his death. The two branches of his father's family, Bailey and Duston, as of his mother's family, Goodhue and Page, all trace their origin in this country from northeastern Massachusetts early in the seventeenth century. Stephen G. Bailey was born in Lowell, Mass., January 23, 1845, and was prepared for Yale at the Lowell High School. He was a devoted member of Brothers, and was President of that Society during the third term of his Senior year. 68 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Comparing present accommodations with those of our day, he writes: ''I came to Yale from a public high school, not acquainted with one man in the class, with no preparatory school backing. I roomed during my Freshman year in the old Athe- neum, occupying the classroom for a study and sleeping in the adjoining dark bedroom. In return for the care of the room and fire, I paid no rent. My callers were few, and I have always remembered with special gratitude a call from Tim Chapman, who came with abundant good feeling. This housing was not strictly demanded from the point of economy, though practiced with this end in view." After graduation, Bailey taught in Brattleboro, Vt., Brook- field, Mass., Marblehead, Mass., and became in 1871 Principal of the Franklin Grammar School, Lowell. This position he resigned in July, 1874, and engaged in the coal business. In 1875 he entered the Boston University School of Medicine, where he was graduated with honor in May, 1880. In th Medical School he was President of his class, and his graduating essay, on "The Germ Theory of Disease," won an important prize. After practicing for one year in Haverhill, Mass., he • BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 69 opened an office in Lowell, where he applied himself closely to his profession and was rewarded by a steadily increasing practice. In 1890 he went to the new State of Washington, where he spent eighteen months, practicing medicine and getting some knowledge of booming new towns and speculating in town lots. In the fall of 1891 he returned to Lowell and resumed the I tract ice of his profession, and continued the same till 1898, when he entered the United States Customs service at Boston, where he still remains. Though of delicate constitution in early life, he has taken such care of his health, that at the age of sixty-nine years he can walk thirty miles in a day on the public highway. August 6, 1873, he was married at Lowell to Ella P. Pray, daughter of John Jones Pray, a native of Maine, a mason and builder in Lowell for many years. They have five children : Sidney Pray, born June 23, 1876 ; Thomas Duston, born July 25, 1878; Philip Goodhue, born March 7, 1880; Paul, born July I, 1884; and Ruth Merrill, born May 24, 1886. Sidney Pray was married to Gertrude Hall in Lowell, June 6, 1898, and has two children: Edward Hall, born February 1, 1 90 1, and Helen Margaret, born September 4, 1907. Thomas Duston was married to Marion Mason Hill at Rich- mond Hill, Long Island, April 19, 1910, and has two sons: Thomas Duston, Jr., born February II, 191 1, and Stewart, born October 1, 1912. Ruth Merrill was graduated from Mount Holyoke College in 1909. Isbon Thaddeus Beckwith His father, William Beckwith, son of Titus Beckwith, was born in East Lyme, Conn., November 26, 1803. The ancestors of his father's family came from England and settled in eastern Connecticut about 1640. The ancestors of his mother, Caroline (Champion) Beckwith, also came from England and settled in eastern Connecticut about 1645. Those of his own immediate line on both sides have always lived in that part of the country. They have been respectable and respected in their com- munities, following the common callings of the farmer, merchant, and trader, serving sometimes in offices for the town and sometimes in war. Isbon T. Beckwith was born in Old Lyme, Conn., October 18, 1843, was prepared for college by Rev. J. C. Nichols of Old Lyme, and entered the class January 6, 1865. He was one of the 7° THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE speakers at Junior Exhibition and at Commencement, with High Oration rank in scholarship. In Senior year he received a first prize for English Composition, and was awarded the DeForest Medal, dividing the honor with G. H. Lewis. For two years after graduation he was Instructor in Greek in East Tennessee University, Knoxville. In September, 1870, he became Tutor in Greek at Yale College, and continued in the tutorship till July, 1872, when he received the degree of Ph.D. upon an examination in Philosophy and Philology. He then spent two years at the Universities of Gottingen and Leipsic, studying Theology and Philology, and on his return became again Tutor in Greek at Yale. In 1879 he accepted the professor- ship of Greek in Trinity College, Hartford, which he held till called in 1898 to the professorship of the Literature and Inter- pretation of the New Testament in the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, located in New York City. He resigned this position in 1906, and has since resided in Hartford, where he has taught classes in Trinity College and continued his studies in New Testament Greek. His time and strength have been spent mostly on teaching, in which his success has been remarkable. He is BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 7 I one of the very few teachers who can make his students, even the undergraduates, his friends and daily companions without any loss of dignity. He has published : "The Bacchantes of Euripides," in the College Series of Greek Authors, Ginn & Co., l88s A paper on "The Articular Infinitive with els," in the Journal of Bibli- cal Literature, 1896. He is now engaged in some writing- in the department of New Testament exegesis. Beckwith is a member of the Archaeological Institute of America, of the American Philological Association, and of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. He was ordained to the diaconate in the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1875, an d to tne priesthood in 1876. Trinity College conferred on him the degree of D.D. in 1898. *Coburn Dewees Berry Son of YV. T. and Mary (Tannehill) Berry. His father was the head of the well-known book firm of W. T. Berry & Company of Nashville, Tenn. His home was three miles from Nashville, on the Franklin Pike, where our classmate's boyhood was spent. Coburn D. Berry was born in Nashville, October 27, 1844. For several years he and his brother (now Admiral Albert Berry of the United States Navy) attended the local school taught by Andrew Campbell. His father was a Union man, and in 1863 he sent his son North for his education and entered him in the Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven, placing him in the family of the Rector, Rev. J. M. Whiton. Berry finished his preparation for college in one year, and entered Yale in September, 1864. James Trimble, Horace Cooper, and Samuel Watson, all from Nashville, entered at the same time. The gift of the wooden spoon marked him as the most popular man in his class. In the fall of 1868 he returned to Nashville, where he studied law with Hon. Edmund Baxter. In 1871 he became a member of the law firm of Campbell, McEwan, Berry & Lea. The firm ceased to exist in 1875, and he continued the practice alone. He devoted himself mainly to the chancery division and built 72 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE up a very large practice, and likewise gained to such a degree the respect and confidence of the community that he became one of the most popular and prominent citizens of Nashville. He was the trusted counsellor of a large number of clients who had perfect faith in his integrity. In 1888 he was elected, by the Tennessee Senate, Trustee of the University of Nashville, and through that office became Chairman of the Montgomery Bell Academy Commission. He gave much time and attention to the interests of these two institutions, and was never absent from a meeting of the University Trustees. October 29, 1873, he was married, at Nashville, to Mannie Kirkman, daughter of John Kirkman. He had five children, all born in Nashville: John Kirkman, September 5, 1874; Coburn Dewees, March 19, 1877; Catherine Kirkman, September 25, 1879; James Porter Kirkman, June 27, 1882; William Tyler, October 9, 1884. John Kirkman was graduated from Yale College in 1896, received the degree of LL.B. from New York Law School in 1898, and is now a lawyer in New York City. 1M( GRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 73 Coburn Devvees was graduated from Yale College in 1899. He died at Asheville, N. C, March 16, 1901. James Porter Kirkman completed the course in Civil Engineer- in- with the Class of 1904 in the Sheffield Scientific School, and began work with an engineering corps near Knoxville, Tenn. He died March 11, 1905, after an illness of four days, with acute pneumonia. William Tyler was graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School in 1906, and is a civil engineer located in Nashville. In November, 1909, Berry wrote to the Secretary: "I have a mind to retire to my farm, a fine one in an adjoining county, and enjoy rural life for the balance of my days. I am looking forward to a country life." In September, 191 1, he went north with Mrs. Berry for a week's visit with his son, John K. Berry, in Greenwich, Conn. While calling at the home of his classmate, Samuel H. Wheeler, in Bridgeport, he was taken seriously ill and died suddenly on Wednesday, September 13. Funeral services were held at his home in Nashville, on the Franklin Pike. The burial was in Mount Olivet. Berry was a man universally beloved by his classmates, and the world will never seem quite the same to any of us now that we see his face no more. He was the perfect Southern gentle- man, warm-hearted, sympathetic, companionable, always thought- ful of others, responding generously to those in need. The Nashville Tennessean of September 14 said: "Personally, Mr. Berry was a man of courtly bearing, and possessed the happy faculty of attaching many friends to him, who seemed to rely upon him for all the tender offices of friendship. He was a public- spirited man, and his views on all public matters were often sought. He had the full respect and esteem of his fellow-lawyers, who reposed in him as a man and as a lawyer the utmost confidence." Judge Robert Ewing paid this tribute to his friend : "He was notably a charitable man, helpful to those in sorrow and dis- tress, never better satisfied than when he had relieved the cares and set at peace the minds of those left alone in life and needing a wise counsel- lor. By a large class of these he will be sorely missed, for he was indeed their friend. "Those who knew Mr. Berry most intimately, and had the opportunity of seeing what he was quietly accomplishing, were of opinion that the finest trait of his character was his intense interest in the educational 74 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE welfare of boys and girls, especially those who needed help. Number- less, almost, are the names of those who gratefully remember him for assistance rendered. "Mr. Berry was a modest, retiring man. His own views on all impor- tant questions were pronounced, but he never sought offensively to force these on others. He was respectful and considerate of the feelings of those with whom he came in contact. His education, thorough knowledge of the best literature, and his keen sympathy in the affairs of life which touched his friends, rendered him a delightful companion ; but most of all he was prized as a friend in time of sorrow. Three days before leav- ing Nashville he went to Craggie Hope, to the bedside of a dying school- mate. Thursday following, he arranged for his funeral in the old city cemetery, and was the comforting friend of those left behind." * Algernon Sydney Biddle Son of George Washington and Maria (McMurtrie) Biddle. His father, George W. Biddle, was the son of Clement Cornell Biddle, a Colonel in the War of 1812, and grandson of Colonel Clement Biddle, an officer of the Revolutionary Army, who was known as the "Quaker Soldier." The family was descended from William Biddle, the immi- grant, who settled in New Jersey in 1681. Two brothers were graduates of Yale College : George W. Biddle in the Class of '63, and Arthur Biddle in the Class of '73. Algernon S. Biddle was born in Philadelphia, Pa., October II, 1847, and was fitted for college at the school kept by Rev. James Gilbourne Lyons, near Rosemont, a station on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. He joined our class at Yale at the beginning of the third term of Sophomore year, and at once took a high rank as a scholar. In mathematics and kindred subjects none could surpass him. He took first prize in mathematics, wrote for the Lit, and was awarded the Berkeley Scholarship at graduation. The year after graduation he spent in Germany, chiefly for the purpose of mastering the German language. He returned at the end of the year to his home in Philadelphia and entered upon the study of his profession, the law, in the office of his father. He succeeded as a lawyer, and as a man was honored by all who met him. He argued great causes, and was chosen one of the Professors of Law at the University of Pennsyl- vania. His voice was heard on the public stage in aid of good government. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 75 After a brief illness, he died in Philadelphia, April 8, 1891. He was stricken down in the midst of his usefulness, and before he had had the opportunity to show all that was in him. Those of us who were with him in college knew that above his talents and his industry stood out the natural kindliness, the manliness, courage and truthfulness which formed the chief attraction of his character. Biddle was married June 28, 1879, to Frances Robinson, daughter of Moncure Robinson of Philadelphia, and had four children: Moncure, born October 2J, 1882, a student in Harvard College from 1901 to 1904; George Washington, born January 27, 1885, graduated from Harvard College in 1908 and from the Harvard Law School in 191 1 ; Francis Beverley, born May 9, 1886, graduated from Harvard College in 1909 and from the Harvard Law School in 191 1; Sydney Geoffrey, born June 16, 1889, graduated from Harvard College in 19 13. 76 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Charles William Bingham Son of William and Elizabeth (Beardsley) Bingham. His father was born in Andover, Conn., and was son of Cyrus Bingham. His Bingham ancestors settled in Norwich, Conn., but soon removed to Andover, where five generations lie in the old cemetery. Some of them were soldiers in the War of 1812. His mother was of Quaker descent; her father, David H. Beardsley, came from Philadelphia to northern Ohio in 1820, and was appointed, by Governor Jeremiah Morrow, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1824. Charles W. Bingham was born in Cleveland, Ohio, May 22, 1846, and prepared for college at Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven. He was a member of the Freshman Jubilee Com- mittee and of the Wooden Spoon Committee ; was Second Lieu- tenant of the Glyuna Boat Club in Sophomore year and Captain of the '68 Boat Club in Senior year, rowed on the Glyuna or class crew every fall and spring while in college and was stroke of the Glyuna Shell and of the '68 Shell in Senior year. He went abroad soon after graduation, and the greater part of the years 1868, 1869 and 1870 were spent in Europe in study and travel. On his return to Cleveland, he was for one year in the employ of the hardware firm of William Bingham & Company, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 7 7 when he began with the Cleveland Iron Company and worked his way up through the various grades to that of General Superin- tendent. In 1878 he went back to William Bingham & Company as a member of the firm. During his active and useful life he has had his share of posi- tions of honor and trust, among which may be mentioned the following: President of the Standard Tool Company, manufac- turers; President of the Standard Welding Company, manu- facturers ; President of the Perry-Payne Company, real estate ; President of the Country Club, golf, etc.; Vice-President of the \\ . Bingham Company, hardware; Trustee and Treasurer of the Case Library; Trustee of Adelbert College, of the Case School of Applied Science, of Western Reserve Historical Society, of the Cleveland Art Museum, and of the First Presbyterian Church ; Director of the Bank of Commerce, of the National Commercial Bank, of the Citizens' Savings and Trust Company, and of various other corporations, also of the Rowfant Book Club, and of the University Club, of which he was the first President. He likewise has had the care of several fund- left by will for various charitable objects, or for the encouragement and advancement of art and education. He was married in Cleveland, June 8, 1876, to Mary Payne, daughter of Hon. II. B. Payne of the United States Senate, and of Merry (Perry) Payne, and has had five children, all born in Cleveland : Oliver Perry, born December 2, 1877, died in 1900 at his home in Florida after a seven years' struggle with valvular disease of the heart. William, born July 20, 1879. Elizabeth Beardsley, born September 29, 1881, married Septem- ber 29, 1910, to Dudley Stuart Blossom, a graduate of Yale College in the Class of 1901. Frances Payne, born March 29, 1885, married to C. C. Bolton, a graduate of Harvard College, in 1905. Henry Payne, born December 9, 1887, graduated from Yale College in 1910, now with the Upson Nut Company, Cleveland. He was married January 13, 19 12, to Harriette, daughter of Caleb Emery Gowen. Mrs. Mary Payne Bingham died in Florida, after a short illness, on January 20, 1898. 78 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE '^Herbert Boardman Son of Hon. Truman Boardman, member of the New York State Senate. Herbert Boardman was born in Covert, Seneca Co., N. Y., October 23, 1845, an d was a student at the Trumansburg Academy, under E. M. Maynard, where he pursued the studies in preparation for Yale. In college he was interested in boating, and rowed on his class crew in Senior year. After his graduation he engaged for a short time with his brother, Myron Boardman, in fruit farming, near Trumansburg Landing, and taught successfully in the Ithaca Academy. After- ward, through the influence of his uncle, Judge Douglass Board- man, he received an appointment as clerk in the General Land Office, Department of the Interior, at Washington. In 1870 he attended medical lectures at the Georgetown University, where he received his degree of M.D. in March, 1872. He was married June 18, 1873, to U. Louise Cole of Covert. In September of the same year he resigned his clerkship at Washington and began the practice of his profession at Rochester. He won the respect and confidence of the ablest and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 79 most experienced physicians of the city, and was summoned to their consultations. He was elected President of the Patho- logical Society, January I, 1875; attending physician, in turn, to the Rochester Free Dispensary, April, 1875 ; and was also a member of the city and county medical societies. While attending a patient who died of malignant diphtheria, the germs of that disease were implanted in his system, and after an illness of only four days, he sank rapidly and expired on the morning of July 4, 1875. Edward Green Bradford Son of Judge Edward G. and Mary Alicia (Heyward) Bradford, is a descendant in the eighth generation from Governor Bradford of the Plymouth Colony, and is a great-grandson of Thomas Heyward, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Edward G. Bradford was born in Wilmington, Delaware, March 12, 1848, and was prepared for college by Rev. W. Murphy of that city. Soon after leaving college he entered a lawyer's office in Wil- mington, and May 9, 1870, was admitted to the Bar. He has worked steadily for over forty-three years, and has long been one of the most prominent lawyers in Delaware. May 11, 1897, he was appointed United States District Judge of the District of Delaware. Bradford has taken considerable interest in politics, being still, as he was in college, a pronounced Republican, which has not been favorable to his political advancement in a Democratic state. In 1881 he was a member of the Delaware House of Repre- sentatives, received a complimentary vote for the Speakership from the Republican members, and was the acknowledged leader of the Republican party in that body. In 1888 he was chairman of the Delaware delegation to the Republican convention at Chicago, which nominated Harrison and Morton. When Dela- ware elected a Republican Legislature in 1888, Bradford was mentioned for U. S. Senator. Referring to this, the Philadelphia Times of December 17 said: "It is a good thing to know that there is even a remote possibility of having the lightning strike a candidate so well equipped. He is the ablest young lawyer at the Bar of the State, a man with all the qualities for the high position, and a favorite with all factions of the party." 8o THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE He was the most active member of the Delaware Constitutional Convention that framed the existing constitution of 1897, received the complimentary vote of the Republican members of that body for the office of President of the Convention, and contributed to the constitution the provisions relative to the purity of the ballot. For twenty years he has been an active delegate at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. He is Governor of the Society of Colonial Wars in Delaware ; Vice-President of the American Bar Association for Delaware ; member of the International Maritime Law Committee ; and connected with many other organizations, social, scientific, and philanthropic. In advocating before President Taft the promotion of Judge Bradford from the United States District Court to the bench of the Circuit Court of Appeals, Col. Benjamin Nields, the oldest practicing lawyer at the Delaware Bar, said : "Since May II, 1897, for nearly fifteen years, he has been a District Judge who has heard and tried cases in every District in the Third Circuit. "As a District Judge sitting in the Circuit Court of Appeals he has heard over a hundred cases and decided over seventy-five cases. His BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 8 1 opinions appear in the Federal Reporter from Volume 82 to 100 inclusive. He has rendered notable decisions in admiralty, patent, trade-mark, and unfair competition cases, as shown in recent text-books. No writ of error was ever presented from the numerous criminal cases he has tried in the District of Delaware, the bar of Delaware acquiescing universally in the fairness of his charge to juries. "He was designated by the Maritime Association of the United States to represent that Association at the Venice Conference of the International Maritime Committee, where he took an active part and was elected a Vice-president of the permanent International Maritime Committee. He attended and participated in the Conference at Bremen. Judge Bradford has had fifteen years' experience as a Judge in the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. We present a candidate whose record is established by the decisions of that court. His record will compare favorably with the record of any District or Circuit Judge in the United States. He is the senior in commission of the eight District Judges in the Third Circuit. "We want him and judges like him, who will maintain the fundamental principles upon which our government is founded. We therefore ask that he may be appointed." In commenting- on this much-desired appointment, the editor of the Wilmington Star, in its issue of February 25, 1912, said : "Bradford's long and honorable service as a member of the national judiciary is a matter of pride to every Delawarian, and all of us would be glad to see that service fittingly recognized by his elevation to a higher and more remunerative post." When through the death of Justice Brewer a vacancy occurred in the United States Supreme Court, the Bench and Bar of Delaware united in recommending Judge Bradford for this position, and presented to President Taft the following petition : "To the President of the United States: "We, the undersigned members of the Bench and Bar of the State of Delaware, respectfully propose and recommend for your consideration, Honorable Edward G. Bradford for the existing vacancy in the Supreme Court of the United States. He has served for thirteen years as United States District Judge in the District of Delaware, with notable ability, not only in original causes which have come before him in the Circuit and District Courts, but also in appellate causes in the Court of Appeals for this circuit. "As a lawyer Judge Bradford ranks with the foremost. In essential qualities of mind and temperament and practical achievement as a judge, we believe Judge Bradford to fully measure up to the high standard of the greatest of American judicial tribunals." 6 82 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Bradford was practically the unanimous choice of the con- gressional delegation, and of the judiciary, as well as of the lawyers of Delaware. The nomination was supported by the public press. The Wilmington Star of April 24, 1910, after giving an account of his career, said : "Judge Bradford's qualifications as a jurist are not questioned, and that he is well fitted for the high post of Supreme Court Judge is the gen- eral opinion of every lawyer and jurist in the State. As Judge, he has measured up to every requirement. Important cases in admiralty, bank- ruptcy, receiverships, and patent cases have been heard and determined by him, and his decisions have almost without exception been upheld when appealed to a higher tribunal." The following is from the Morning News of the same city, dated April 27, after Justice Brewer's successor had been named : "Many men were suggested for the vacant seat, and among the names offered was that of the Honorable Edward G. Bradford of the United States Court for the District of Delaware. Judge Bradford is fitted for a position on the Supreme Court Bench, but Delaware has never had a representative in that Court, which fact is not to the discredit of Dela- ware, but instead seems to imply that the State is too small to receive such an honor. Judge Bradford is unquestionably one of the strongest men to be found among the United States Judges, and he has a record of the highest quality in respect to opinions on important questions. Dela- ware would have been pleased to have had Judge Bradford advanced to the Supreme Court, but it is also pleased to know that he is to be kept in his present position. He performs his duty with dignity, and shows a keen interpretation of the law that places him in the front ranks of the members of the national judiciary." Judge Bradford, in expressing his appreciation of this nomina- tion, said : "This tribute I prize all the more as it came unsought by me, and origi- nated wholly without my knowledge or suspicion. That my course on the bench has met with such warm and general approval as has just been shown will ever remain a source of the liveliest satisfaction to me. I shall always cherish with affectionate gratitude the regard and esteem so generously bestowed upon me by so many of my fellow-citizens, regard- less of party. Such a manifestation of friendship and approval from those among whom my lot has been cast affords me far keener pleasure than would the possession and enjoyment of the exalted office of which they deemed me worthy." Bradford has written for the press from time to time numer- ous articles upon political and social subjects, and has made many public addresses. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 83 He was married on the 18th of September, 1872, at St. John's Episcopal Church, Wilmington, to Eleuthera Paulina du Pont, and has had five children: Eleuthera du Pont, born July 12, 1873; Mary Alicia Heyward, born August 5, 1875; Edward Green, born September II, 1878; Alexis Irenee du Pont, born February 14, 1880, died in March of the same year; Joanna du Pont, born July 17, 1881. Eleuthera du Pont Bradford was married September 15, 1897, in St. John's Church, Wilmington, to Henry Belin du Pont, and has one child, Henry Belin du Pont, Jr., born July 23, 1898. Mary Alicia Heyward Bradford was married April 30, 1902, in Christ Church near "Hagley," to George Amory Maddox, and had one daughter, Alicia Amory Maddox, born August I, 1903. Having been divorced from Mr. Maddox, Mrs. Maddox was married on October 15, 1907, to Alfred Irenee du Pont, in New York. Edward Green Bradford, Jr., was graduated from Yale College in the Class of 1900. He is a lawyer, with offices in Wilmington and residence at "Hagley," a few miles out of the city. In the fall of 1912 he was elected to the State Legislature, of which he had been a member in 1908. Joanna du Pont Bradford was married June 21, 1905, in St. John's Church, Wilmington, to William Bush, and has three children : Joanna du Pont Bush, born December 2, 1906 ; Mary Hemphill Bush, born May 5, 1908; and Martha Potter Bush, born April 17, 191 1. ^William Chittenden Bragg The third child of Dr. Addison G. and Ruby A. (Benton) Bragg. Dr. Addison G. Bragg was born in Springfield, Vt., in 181 1 ; removed to Illi- nois about 1839, where he practiced medicine for several years, and later removed to St. Louis. He was married (1) to Maria Fessenden, who was born at Petersboro, N. H., in 1813, and by whom he had two children ; (2) to Ruby A. Benton, born at Cornwall, Vt., September 26, 1821, died at Los Angeles, Cal., in 1903. By her he had seven children. William C. Bragg was born in Belleville, 111., April 12, 1845, and was prepared for college in St. Louis, by Wallace C. Wilcox. He was a member of the Freshman Jubilee Committee, of the 8 4 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Junior Promenade Committee, and of the Thanksgiving Jubilee Committee in Junior year. After graduating, he studied law at St. Louis, and, having been admitted to the Bar in 187 1, opened an office at New Haven, Mo. In the autumn of 1873 he removed to St. Louis, where he continued in practice till his death. In 1878 he removed his residence to Kirkwood, fourteen miles from the city, on the Missouri Pacific Railway. He edited : "A Digest of the Decisions of the Missouri Court of Appeals," in two volumes, the first in 1881, and the second in 1883. "Missouri Masonic Law: a Digest of the Decisions of the Grand Lodge. A. F. & A. M., of the State of Missouri, from 1820 to 1885." 1885. He died of congestion of the brain, September 7, 1895, at the Alexian Brothers' Hospital in St. Louis. September 22, 1872, he was married, at New Haven, Mo., to Emma Ross, the youngest of six children of Captain John T. and Eliza (Hardy) Ross. Mrs. Bragg's father, Captain John T. Ross, was of Scotch descent and came to America as a sailor BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 85 in early life. Her mother, Eliza Hardy, was born at Marble- head in 1800, of English parents, was married to Captain Ross in 1828 at Newburyport, and died in New Haven, Mo., in 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Bragg- had three children: Mary Ross, born October 17, 1873, at St. Louis; Ruby Benton, born July 27, 1875, at St. Louis, died October 4, 1881 ; Harry Nicholas, born April 26, 1880, at Kirkwood. Mary Ross was married in Kirkwood, to J. H. Ewald of St. Louis, and resides in Kirkwood. Children: William Bragg Ewald, born August 3, 1897, and James Howard Ewald, Jr., born March 19, 1900. Harry Nicholas was married in St. Louis, December 17, 1908, to Eleanor Henley, who died October 20, 1910. Chauncey Bunce Brewster Eldest son of Rev. Joseph Brewster (Yale College 1842) and of Sarah Jane (Bunce) Brewster, and brother of James H. Brewster (Ph.B. Yale 1877), Professor of Law in the University of Michigan; Rev. William J. Brewster (B.A. Yale 1881), Rector of St. John's Church, Warehouse Point, Conn.; and Benjamin Brewster (B.A. Yale 1882), Missionary Bishop of Western Colorado. He is descended from Elder Brewster, the leader of the Mayflower Colony. His grandfather, James Brewster, was a public- spirited and philanthropic citizen of New Haven, and was one of the cor- porators who secured the charter of the Hartford and New Haven Railroad. He gave a new building to the New Haven Orphan Asylum. Two of his mother's ancestors, Thomas Bunce and Thomas Bull, were among the founders of Hartford. The latter was in command of the fort at Saybrook when Sir Edmund Andrus attempted to capture it. His great-grandfather, David Bunce, was in Colonel Wolcott's regiment, which responded to the call of Washington for troops from New England in the spring of 1776. Chauncey B. Brewster was born in Windham, Conn., September 5, 1848, prepared for college at Hopkins Grammar School, and entered from Mt. Carmel, where his father resided, being then Rector of Christ Church, New Haven. He had Oration rank at Junior Exhibition and High Oration at Commencement; won first prize in English Composition in both Sophomore and Senior years, first prize in Declamation, and first in Debate whenever he entered the competition ; and was unanimously elected Class Historian and Class Orator. 86 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE The first year after graduation he spent in study in New Haven, the second at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. He was Tutor in Latin and Greek at Yale College one year, and then continued his theological studies in Middletown. In 1872 he was ordained Deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and served a year as Assistant Minister of St. Andrew's Church at Meriden, Conn. May 2, 1873, he was ordained to the Priesthood, and became Rector of Christ Church, Rye, N. Y., in June following. On the 26th of February, 1882, having resigned his parochial charge at Rye, he entered upon the rector- ship of Christ Church, Detroit, Mich. In 1885 he accepted a call to Grace Church, Baltimore, where he remained till April, 1888, when he removed to Brooklyn and became Rector of Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights. In June, 1897, he was elected Bishop Coadjutor of Connecticut and was consecrated in New Haven. October 28. On February 7, 1899, he became Bishop of Con- necticut. The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by Trinity in 1897, by Yale in 1898, and by Wesleyan in 1903. He has published, in addition to sermons, lectures, and various articles in reviews : BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 87 "The Key of Life," Good-Friday Addresses, Thomas Whittaker, 1894. "Aspects of Revelation," Longmans, Green & Co., 1901. "The Catholic Ideal of the Church," Thomas Whittaker, 1905. "The Kingdom of God and American Life," Thomas Whittaker, 1912. He was married to Susan Huntington Whitney, daughter of Eli Whitney, October 15, 1873, at New Haven. A son, Eli Whitney Brewster, born May 15, 1885, died on the 29th of the same month. Mrs. Brewster died May 24, 1885. On June 20, 1893, he was again married to Alice Tucker Stephenson, daughter of George S. Stephenson of Brooklyn. A daughter, Eleanor Longfellow, was born July 5, 1894. *Joseph Scribner Burns • Son of Colonel John G. and Mary (Kimball) Burns. His father, son of John Burns, of French nationality, was a hustling business man, a farmer, a brick maker, and manager of extensive lumber business on the great lakes of Maine. He was active in politics and acquainted with many of the prominent public men of his day. His mother was daughter of Peter Kimball, a carriage maker, four of whose sons, in connection with George and David Cook, once had a large carriage factory in New Haven, Conn. Joseph S. Burns was born in Oxford, Me., January 14, 1842, and was prepared for college by N. T. True, Bethel, Me. He came to Yale from Bowdoin College, and entered the class in September, 1867. Soon after graduation he went to Atlanta, Ga., and made the South his home for ten years. He first engaged in railroad business, and, at the time he left it, he was Assistant Superin- tendent of the Brunswick and Albany Railroad. In 1871 he returned to the study of medicine, which he had abandoned some years before to prepare for the academic course. He was grad- uated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, in the Class of '73, and entered into practice at once in Chatta- nooga, Tenn. In the course of his practice in that city, he took his turn in serving as surgeon in charge of the City Hospital. In the epidemic of yellow fever which reached Memphis soon after cholera had subsided, he was appointed by the Mayor of Chattanooga as one of the Quarantine Officers to inspect Memphis trains. 88 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE In the summer of 1874, while visiting charity patients in the country, he received a partial sunstroke, from which he did not make a good recovery, and feeling much depressed the following spring, he left the South, expecting never to revisit it. In Octo- ber, however, having, as he thought, fully recovered, he returned, but passed an indifferent winter, and from the spring of 1876 till his final return to the North in April, 1879, his health constantly declined. In the fall of 1880, being much improved in health, he engaged at the Highland Military Academy, Worcester, Mass., where he remained four years, the last three as Head Master. He spent the next two years at Chester, Pa., as Professor of Latin and Greek in the Pennsylvania Military College. In 1886 he became Master of Mathematics in St. Paul's Cathedral School, at Garden City, L. I. From 1889 to 1894 he was Principal of public schools in Brooklyn, N. Y. He resigned this position March 6, 1894, and removed to East Orange, N. J., where he had lived at various times for about twenty years. From 1899 to [906 he was Principal of the High School in Hardwick, Mass. On February 13 of the latter year he was taken seriously ill BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 89 in the school room, and was not able to teach after that date. His home for the remainder of his life was in Braintree, Mass. His service as teacher and principal covered a period of twenty- six years. After a long illness he died July 26, 1913, at Ashmont, Mass., from locomotor ataxia. While in the practice of his profession in Chattanooga, he published the following papers: "On the Diagnostic Value of Certain Symptoms in the Early Stages of Small Pox." Boston Journal of Medicine and Surgery. "On Medication by Hypodermic Injection." Nashville Journal of Medi- cine and Surgery, August. 1874. "On the Pathology of Cholera." Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery, August, 1874- *John Marvin Chapin The only son of Marvin and Rebecca (Stow) Chapin, was born in Springfield, Mass., May 15, 1844. After having attended the Academy at Westfield, Mass., and YVilliston Seminary at Easthampton, he completed his prepara- tion for college under the late Rev. Henry M. Colton of Middle- town, Conn. In college, though not a brilliant scholar, he was a faithful student, and derived more benefit from his studies than many who ranked above him in scholarship. He gave time to debating, was a competitor in the Linonia Sophomore Prize Debate, and was President of Linonia during the second term of Senior year. He was especially prominent for his religious activity, was a member of the College Church Committee, and was also engaged in work in the Mission Sunday Schools of the city. During his last year he was Superintendent of the Temple Street Sunday School. After graduation, he spent a few months in the office of an insurance company in Springfield. In February, 1869, he went out with another gentleman from Springfield, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, to labor among the churches of Hampden County which had no pastors. His first service was at North Blanford, Mass., where the people were so much attracted to him that he was induced to continue his 9° THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE work there for several months. Here he awakened a new interest among those who, before his coming, had been discouraged and divided, and they were anxious to settle him, even then, as their pastor. In the following autumn, he entered the Theological Seminary in Hartford, Conn. On May 9, 1871, he was licensed to preach by the Association at Springfield, and in November following, soon after entering upon his last year at the Seminary, he received a call to the First Church in West Springfield, Mass., which, after much deliberation, he accepted. On the 19th of June, 1872, he was ordained to the work of the ministry. After a pastorate of only four months, he was prostrated by typhoid fever, and died at his home in Springfield, Friday evening, October 25, at ten o'clock. In college Chapin was universally respected and beloved. His genial good nature made him a welcome companion and endeared him to all. There was no insincerity and no selfishness in his nature. Though he was generous in his judgment of others and saw something good in every one, few could warn a companion of danger or administer a rebuke so effectively as he. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 9 I From boyhood he had a strong desire to preach the gospel, and when the time came for him to engage in the work to which he had so long looked forward, he did it with great earnestness and an entire consecration of everything to Christ. He teemed to have but one thought, and that was to be a faithful minister of the gospel whose influence would lead men to the Saviour. Yet he undertook his work with very great self-distrust. A sense of the high responsibilities of the office of a Christian minister, of his own unfitness for the work, and of his unworthiness to stand as the ambassador for Christ, seemed at times almost to overpower him. Joined with this, however, was a simple faith in God. And thus, notwithstanding his natural distrust of his own abilities, he undertook with confidence the duties of a very difficult position in a church nearly two centuries old, which had enjoyed the ministrations of many eminent men. As a preacher, he was peculiarly acceptable. He sought to set forth the truth in a plain, earnest way, and his sermons are characterized by those who heard them as having been "filled with the spirit of Christ." As a pastor, his influence was very great. He seemed fitted by nature for the pastoral office. His heart was full of love and sympathy, and he could not help manifesting the most tender interest in the welfare of his people. His simple invitation to them on the first Sabbath after his settlement was as sincere as any words ever spoken: "If any of you are ill, summon me ; if any are dying, let me know it ere the feet touch the silent waters ; if any are burdened with guilt and there arises in the heart a longing to know of Jesus, you will always be welcomed. I shall ever be anxious to know of your cares and sorrows, that I may speak words of comfort in season. Come then to me, for I desire to be a friend to the young and a helper to all." During the first two months of his pastorate, he visited every resident member of the church, and nearly every family in the parish, and he soon became devotedly attached to his flock, and ardently beloved by all. His genial ways, his consistent life, and his earnestness in the pulpit, produced a growing and deep- ening interest in religious things. When just entering upon a life giving such promise of usefulness, he was suddenly called to a higher service. 9 2 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE * Timothy Pitkin Chapman Second son of Timothy Pitkin and Rachel Thompson (Hartwell) Chap- man, and brother of Dr. S. Hartwell Chapman (Yale College 1866) and John H. Chapman (Ph.B. Yale 1876). His mother was a descendant of Roger Sherman. Timothy P. Chapman was born in Bridgeport, Conn., June 24, 1848, and was prepared for college at Anthon's Grammar School in New York City. At the age of sixteen he entered the Fresh- man Class in Yale College. He was a member of the Junior Promenade Committee, ranked in scholarship among the High Orations, and was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition and at Commencement. Immediately after graduation he entered Columbia College Law School, where he received the degree of LL.B. in 1870, and became a member of the New York Bar. While attending the Law School he also studied in the office of Seward, Griswold, Blatchford & DaCosta, a distinguished law firm in the city of New York. Before entering upon the active practice of his profession he went to Europe, where he spent fifteen months in travel and study, and on his return to this country, in the autumn BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 93 of 1871, he again connected himself with the law office above named and in the spring of 1874 he became junior member of the firm. On November 25, 1873, he was married to Leila Tisdale of Brooklyn, and lived in that city until his death, which occurred September 13, 1875. His wife survived him with one child, Leila Ilartwell Chapman, born March 4, 1875. *Elihu Leach Clark Son of Honorable Elihu Leach and Isabella T. (Beane) Clark. His father was a native of Walworth, Wayne County, N. Y., who removed early in life to Adrian, Lenawee County, Mich., where he became a lead- ing citizen. Elihu L. Clark was born in Adrian, April 25, 1846, and was prepared for college at Williston Seminary. He entered Yale in September, 1863, and remained with the Class of '67 till the end of Junior year. At the beginning of the following winter term he joined '68. For some years after graduation he was engaged in private banking and real estate with his father at Adrian. His residence was in Detroit and his office at Adrian, where his business was carried on. After 1881 he spent much time in foreign travel, visiting Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Eng- land, Scotland, and Italy. When in America his residence was generally in Cambridge, Mass. In a letter to the Secretary after the reunion in 1903, he wrote: "I should have enjoyed seeing my beloved friends and classmates once more, yet have been denied this happiness. By care and forethought I have kept in comfortable health, but have not been able to do what a good and loyal son of Yale is naturally prompted to do for his Alma Mater and for his fellow men. Living in the neighborhood of Boston for the reason that it has been more congenial to my tastes and health, I have been no less loyal to our beloved Alma Mater, whose name and precepts produce inspiration and a benediction wherever one goes." He attended the Yale Commencement in 1906. While in New Haven he was taken suddenly ill, and died at the Hotel Daven- port, June 28, at the age of sixty years. 94 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE He was married at New Rochelle, N. Y., October 13, 1874, to Margaret M., daughter of Morris Miller and Elizabeth S. (Stratford) Davidson, and had one daughter, Lucretia Davidson, born at Adrian September 20, 1875. John Coats Son of Ansel and Eunice (Randall) Coats. His ancestors on both his father's and his mother's side were among the earliest settlers of the town of Stonington, Conn., coming from Rhode Island. Through the Grey and Peabody families, he traces his ancestry back to John and Priscilla Alden. Colonel Randall, his grandfather, commanded the Thirteenth Connecticut Regiment at the time of the attack on Stonington in 1813, and his father, Ansel Coats, was a Captain in the same regiment. Colonel William Randall was born March 25, 1763, and died June 14. 1841. He was six times elected a Representative to the Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly, and was State Senator in 1822 ; was a member of the State Convention which framed the present Constitution of Connecticut in 1818, and was an Associate Judge of the County Court from 1818 to 1833. John Coats was born in North Stonington, Conn., May 9, 1842, and was prepared for college at the Connecticut Literary BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 95 Institution, Suffield, where he was a classmate of John Lewis and Oscar Harger. Before coming to college he served in the army one year, in the Twenty-second Connecticut Volunteers. He was one of the prominent speakers in college. He won prizes in Composition, Declamation, and Debate ; represented Linonia as orator in the Statement of Facts; and was Vice- President of Linonia in the second term of Senior year. After graduation he taught in the Connecticut Literary Institution one year, then studied law in Hartford and in the Columbia College Law School, receiving the degree of LL.B. from Columbia in 1871. In October, 1871, he began the practice of law in Chicago, but, on account of the great fire in that city, he returned to Connecticut in 1872 and again became instructor in the Institu- tion at Suffield. In April, 1877, he was appointed Principal of the High School at Windsor Locks, Conn., but a few years later he took up again the practice of law. In 1884 he represented Windsor Locks in the Connecticut Legislature, and was a mem- ber of the Committee on Judiciary. About the beginning of the year 1887 he opened a law office in New Britain, where he has since been located. In 1894 he was elected Judge of the Probate Court for the District of Berlin, Conn., which office he held eight years ; also Associate Judge of the City Court of New Britain. In 1901 he was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Hartford County. Upon his retirement by the age limit in 191 2, he was appointed a State Referee, which office he now holds. He was married to Josephine L. Walker, June 2.2, 1871, in Hartford. They have no children. Mrs. Coats traces her ancestry back to early times in Rhode Island, the family being remarkable for the large number in different generations who have been engaged in the Christian ministry. * James Coffin Son of Edmund and Sarah Harrison (Lamdin) Coffin, and brother of Edmund Coffin (Yale College 1866). James Coffin was born in New York City, October 13, 1847, and was prepared for college by Edward B. Coe, afterward Street 9 6 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Professor of Modern Languages at Yale. He came to college from Irvington, N. Y., to which place his father had removed a few years previous. In scholarship he ranked among the best twelve, won prizes in English Composition and Debate, and was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition. He was also one of the most prominent athletes in college in his time, and was one of the pioneers in modern baseball. He rowed on the Varuna shell crew in Soph- omore year. At the beginning of Junior year he was pitcher on the Yale nine, and Captain, but developing into a superior oars- man, he resigned his position \>n the Nine and was given a place on the University Crew and rowed in the race with Harvard on Lake Quinsigamond at Worcester in July, 1867. Soon after graduation he entered the banking house of Drexel, Morgan & Company (now J. P. Morgan Company), and was afterwards for a short time in Providence, R. I., and in Omaha, Nebr. In 1875 he went to San Francisco and engaged in banking, at first with a savings bank and afterwards in the Nevada Bank. In 1879 ne removed to Portland, Oregon, and remained there BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 97 about six years, when he returned to San Francisco. He dealt in stocks and bonds. Coffin was one of the early pioneers in the manufacture of beet sugar on the Pacific Coast, and one of the organizers of the Alameda Sugar Company and later of the Union Sugar Company. He put into the business all of his energies and splendid abilities, and it succeeded even beyond his expectations. The new factory of the Alameda Sugar Company is one of the largest and most perfect on the Coast. Coffin was a man of great strength of character, a man of courage, and intense earnestness, and of strong convictions. No one ever had a doubt as to where he stood on any question of right and wrong. In all his business transactions he was known as a man who represented things just as they were. December 5, 1878, he was married, in Trinity Church, San Francisco, to Sarah Lucia Allen, daughter of Lucius Hamilton Allen (West Point 1842) and of Sarah deWitt Allen, and sister of John deWitt Hamilton Allen (Yale College 1876). They had three daughters : Marion, born March 22, 1882, at Portland, married September 26, 1903, to John Shepard Eells (Yale College 1901) ; Natalie, born December 20, 1885, in Ross Valley, Marin Co., Cal., married August 24, 1912, to A. Crawford Greene (Yale College 1906) ; Sarah deWitt, born August 31, 1888, in Ross Valley. James Coffin died of pneumonia at his residence, Ross, Marin Co., Cal., on December 28, 1906. LeBaron Bradford Colt Son of Christopher and Theodora G. (DeWolf) Colt, and brother of Colonel Samuel Pomeroy Colt, Attorney General of Rhode Island, 1882-85. His father, Christopher Colt, was son of Christopher and a descendant in the sixth generation of John Colt, one of the early settlers of Windsor, Conn. His mother was daughter of General George DeWolf and a descendant of Charles DeWolf, the ancestor of the Rhode Island DeWolf s. LeBaron B. Colt was born in Dedham, Mass., June 25, 1846, studied under Alonzo Lewis of New Hartford and Rev. F. W. Osborn of Hartford, and finished his preparation for college at Williston Seminary. 9 8 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Immediately after graduation from Yale he entered Columbia College Law School, where he received the degree of LL.B. in May, 1870. The following year was spent in traveling in Europe. In 1 87 1 he began practicing in Chicago, in company with L. L. Palmer (Yale College 1867), under the firm name of Palmer & Colt. The great Chicago fire destroyed the office of the firm and the house in which Colt lived, and he decided to return East. In 1876 he located in Rhode Island, living in Bristol and practicing in Providence. He was associated with Francis Colwell, later City Solicitor of Providence, under the firm name of Colwell & Colt, and continued in practice till he was placed on the bench. In 1879 he was elected by the town of Bristol to the General Assembly of Rhode Island and served two terms. In March, 1881, during his second term in the Assembly, he was appointed by President Garfield United States District Judge for Rhode Island; and on July 6, 1884, he was appointed by President Arthur United States Circuit Judge for the First Judicial District, including Maine, Xew Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode [sland. In 1891 a Circuit Court of Appeals was formed to BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 99 relieve the work of the United States Supreme Court, and Judge Colt was selected as Presiding Justice. He received the honorary degree of M.A. from Brown in 1882, and the honorary degree of LL.D. from Columbia in 1904, and from Yale in 1905. He was elected United States Senator from the State of Rhode Island, January 21, 1913, for the term of six years, beginning March 4, 191 3. He has been a loyal citizen of Bristol. In 1880 he delivered the address at the Bicentennial Celebration of the town, and in 1883 the address at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Burnside Memorial Building in that place. On the Sunday following his election as United States Senator, the Providence Tribune said : "Much of the fame and reputation achieved by Judge Colt rests upon his decisions in patent cases, among them being the Bell telephone suits. The most notable concerned the Berliner long distance telephone patent owned by Bell. Judge Colt wrote the opinion for the Court of Appeals, holding that Berliner was not the inventor of the long distance telephone. An important place in the law reports is occupied by other cases which Judge Colt decided or in which he wrote the opinion of the Court. He sat on the Edison-Baker cases, and heard much of the litigation over the shoe machinery cases, sewing machine cases, admiralty cases (embracing all matters and crimes on the high seas), custom house cases, copyright and trade-mark cases, in all of which he showed a remarkably comprehensive knowledge of the business involved. "Judge Colt's tastes are literary and scholarly as well, and with all his duties on the bench, he has managed to find ample time for study, his library containing over five thousand volumes. His ever-constant interest in national political questions has been shown by his addresses, a volume of which he has published. One of these had for its subject Chief Jus- tice John Marshall, delivered at the celebration by Brown University and the Rhode Island Bar Association in 1901. In the following year, at Concord, N. H., Judge Colt spoke on 'The Protection of the President of the United States,' following the assassination of President McKinley. Other addresses by Judge Colt are : 'Law and Reasonableness,' before the annual meeting of the American Bar Association in 1903; 'Contribu- tions of Rhode Island to the American Union,' the principal address at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition on Rhode Island Day, October 5, 1904; and 'America's Solution of the Problem of Government,' at Fanueil Hall in 1904. "As a lawyer, as a Rhode Island legislator, as a Justice of the United States District and Circuit Courts, and as the Presiding Justice of one of the United States Courts of Appeals, Judge Colt has been constantly and invariably the true representative of the best American ideals, the IOO THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE faithful exponent of American principles, and the stanch upholder of the American constitution and American laws." December 17, 1873, he was married to Alary Louise Ledyard, daughter of Guy Ledyard of Chicago and descendant of the Ledyards of Newburgh and New London. They have had six children : Theodora Ledyard, born January 27, 1875 ; LeBaron Carlton, born February 26, 1877 ; Guy Pomeroy, born December 4, 1878, died November 17, 1885 ; Alary Louise, born July 25, 1880; Elizabeth Linda, born October 29, 1887; Beatrice, born June 1, 1891 ; the first at Chicago, the others at Bristol. Theodora Ledyard was married January 17, 1900, to Edwin Armington Barrows of Providence, R. I. They have three children: Theodora Barrows, born January 8, 1901 ; Edwin Armington Barrows, Jr., born February 11, 1903; Barbara Barrows, born August 6, 1909. LeBaron Carlton was graduated as Bachelor of Arts from Brown University in 1899. On June 10, 1903, he was married to Edith Converse, daughter of the late Admiral George Converse of the United States Navy. They have three children : LeBaron Carlton Colt, Jr., born March 10, 1904; Joujou Edith Converse Colt, born October 3, 1907 ; George Albert Converse Colt, born October 19, 1908. Mr. Colt is Manager of the National India Rubber Company and resides at Bristol. Mary Louise was married January 17, 1907, to Harold Judson Gross of Providence, R. I. Elizabeth Linda was married January 17, 19 12, to Andrew Weeks Anthony of Boston. They have one boy: Silas Reed Anthony, 2d, born October 30, 191 2. *Horace Stephens Cooper Eldest son of Edmund and Mary E. (Stephens) Cooper. Edmund Cooper was Private Secretary of President Andrew Johnson and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under his administration, and was brother of William F. Cooper (Yale College 1838), Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tennessee from 1878 to 1886, and of Hon. Henry Cooper, United States Senator from Tennessee from 1871 to 1877. Horace S. Cooper was born in Bedford County, Tenn., April 25, 1846, and entered college from Shelbyville, Tenn., having been BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES^GKADUA7PS I On prepared at the Collegiate Institute, Yonkers, N. Y. He was especially interested in debating and was President of Linonia in the first term of Senior year. In the fall of 1868 he began the study of law in Shelby ville, where he was admitted to the Bar in 1870. After practicing several years in Shelbyville, he removed to Columbia, Tenn., and devoted his attention chiefly to the management of his farm. From 1879 to 1883 he was Clerk of the Chancery Court for Maury Count v. In 1889 he removed to Nashville to engage in newspaper busi- ness, being connected till 1891 with the Nashville Evening Herald, and after that time with the Nashville Daily American, the leading Democratic daily of the state, of which he was Managing Editor till 1899, when he returned to Shelbyville and resumed the practice of law. He was married January 13, 1881, at Spring Hill, Maury Co., Tenn., to Ella Polk, daughter of Lucius J. Polk, and grand- daughter of Col. William Polk, who served through the Revolu- tionary War. Miss Ella Polk was a relative of President Polk, and niece of Leonidas Polk, bishop of the diocese of Louisiana, ;*Q$ -TtfJE £L.A5S OF l868, YALE COLLEGE who was Major General in the Confederate Army in the Civil War, and was killed at Pine Mountain, Ga., June 14, 1864. ^ r - and Mrs. Cooper had one child, Horace Polk, born January 2, 1887, near Columbia, who graduated from Harvard College in 19 10, and is now deputy consul at Bordeaux. Cooper died of heart failure at Shelby ville, February 10, 1907, and was buried in Willow Mount Cemetery. A member of the Shelbyville P>ar said of him : "He had an even disposition ; his politeness and pleasant manner to everybody impressed me; he was free from rashness of speech and always serene as the sunshine; he had a wonderful power of self-control and bridled his temper and his tongue. When asked on one occasion, as we were traveling on the train together to attend the Supreme Court at Nashville, how he managed to preserve such a uniform temper, he replied : 'Life is too short to give way to temper and say unkind things.' He was a sound lawyer, with a high regard for the truth, cautious in stating the facts in a case, and not given to exaggerating them in favor of his client." The Shelbyville Gazette said : "As a lawyer he was not an orator, but he was blessed with a legal mind, and as a legal adviser and in legal council his powers shone with splendor. He was a man well-versed in the ancient and modern classics, and was conversant with current events. As a man he was greatly beloved because of his purity of character and sterling integrity. A falsehood, a vulgarity, or an oath was never heard to escape his lips, and he was never known to speak evil of any one.'' * George Hubert Cowell Son of Nelson and Jeannette (Bronson) Cowell. Nelson Cowell was descended from John Baldwin, who was killed by the British in the invasion of New Haven in 1779. On the maternal side, Cowell was descended from Samuel Hotchkiss, who was in New Haven as early as 1641. Captain Gideon Hotchkiss, his ancestor in the fourth generation, was the first of the family to locate in Waterbury. George H. Cowell was born in Waterbury, Conn., March 25, 1840, and was prepared for college at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass. He entered the Senior Class at Columbia College Law School, was graduated in 1869, and began the practice of law in Water- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES IO bury. When he had been out of the law school only one year he was a candidate for the office of Probate Judge of \\ 'aterbury District, but was defeated. He was Assistant Clerk of the Con- necticut House of Representatives in 1871, Clerk of the same in 18/J, and Clerk of the Connecticut Senate in 1873. In 1872 and 1873 he was Deputy Judge of the Waterbury City Court. In the early part of 1874 he spent several months in Florida in order to improve his health, which had failed by reason of over- work, and while there he wrote a series of letters on "The Condition of the South," which were published in the Waterbury American. In 1875-76 he was Chief Clerk in the Post Office Department at Washington, and in 1876 was admitted to the practice of law in the Supreme Court of the United States. He was made Judge of the Waterbury City Court in July, 1877, which position he held four years. From July 1, 1881, to July 1, 1883, he was Judge of the Waterbury District Court, and from January 1, 1884, to January 1, 1888, Alderman and Chairman of the Law Committee of the city government. July 1, 1887, he was made Deputy Judge of the District Court and served for six years. 104 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Cowell was a member of the Connecticut House of Repre- sentatives, sessions of 1895 and 1897. In the session of 1895 he was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and Republican leader of the House. He was elected Judge of the City Court in 1895 for two years, and in 1897 he was again elected Judge of the Waterbury District Court, a position which he held till he reached the retiring age. In addition he was Clerk of the City Board of Health, Acting School Visitor, Assistant Town Clerk, Registrar of Voters, and an officer in the Second Regiment of Infantry. In 1889 he secured a charter for the West Side Savings Bank, and was for many years its President. Cowell had the fraternity spirit also. He joined Nosahogan Lodge, I. O. O. F., in 1870, and in two years passed through all its chairs. He was also a member of Continental Lodge, F. A. M., Eureka Chapter, R. A. M., and Speedwell Lodge, K. P., was a charter member and first regent of Mattatuck Council, Royal Arcanum, chairman of committee on laws in the Grand Council, and was the first representative to the Supreme Council from this state. He was also a charter member and first sachem of Tunxis Tribe, I. O. R. M., and chairman of committee on laws in the Great Council. He was largely instrumental in originating Patucko Assembly, Royal Society of Good Fellows, was its first ruler, a member of the Supreme Assembly and on the committee on laws. In 1891 he was Grand Master of Odd Fellows, and was largely instrumental in establishing the Odd Fellows' Home at Fairview (Groton), on the banks of the Thames River, nearly opposite New London. In addition to all the cares mentioned above, he was largely interested in Waterbury real estate, having erected over fifty houses in the city. In 1898 he purchased Maplehurst in Worth- ington, Mass., a farm of nearly eight hundred acres, the home- stead of Colonel Nahum Eager of Revolutionary fame, which had been in possession of the Eager family from 1763 till he secured it for his summer vacations and the home of his old age, when, as he wrote, there would be "No weary lawyers with endless tongues, No doubtful balance of Rights and Wrongs, But health and quiet and loving words And low of cattle and song of birds." BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I 05 On March 25, 1910, he retired from the bench of the District Court of Waterbury, having reached the age of seventy. A banquet was given in his honor at the Elton on April 4, by members of the Waterbury Bar. He died at his home in Waterbury on August 10, 1910. The following is from the Waterbury Republican of August 13, 1910: "With the flag he loved half-masted, with the offices of the city and of local courts closed, and business largely suspended during the hours of the funeral, Waterbury paid high tribute to the memory of one of its old- est and best beloved citizens, Judge George Hubert Cowell. The simplicity that was the keynote of his long life was the distinguishing feature of his funeral; yet the absence of pomp and gorgeous ritual made the uni- versality of the tribute paid more impressive. The crowded church con- tained but few of the thousands who during the services rested for a moment in factories, in places of business and in hundreds of homes, pay- ing silent but no less sincere honor to the memory of one who had been the friend, counselor and benefactor of few know how many in the city where he had lived his life." Rev. Dr. J. G. Davenport said in his funeral discourse : "There w r as a certain largeness in his nature that we all respected and admired. His imposing physical proportions suggested largeness of brain and largeness of heart. Intellectually he was broad, 'full of wise saws and modern instances,' possessed of a wealth of information and anecdote, quick to discern the central truth, and able generously to illustrate its bearing; a man who drew his generalizations from abundant facts, and who, having arrived at satisfactory conclusions, held to them with strong, although never offensive tenacity. He was always able to give a reason for the faith he cherished and the hope that was in him." He was married November II, 1878, to Alice Sewell Barton, at Washington, D. C, and had three children : Olga, born Sep- tember 28, 1883, died in October of the same year; Hubert Barton, born December 9, 1889, died August 3, 1892 ; Jeanette Elizabeth, born January 3, 1892. Frank Cramer Son of Eliphalet and Electa (Fay) Cramer, and brother of Edward Cramer (Yale College 1871). His father was born in 1813 in Waterford, Saratoga County, N. Y., and died in 1872. He was son of John Cramer, Member of Congress from the State of New York. Electa Fay. his mother, was born near Utica, N. Y., in 1818, and died in 1910, in her io6 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE ninety-second year. She was daughter of Dr. Jonas Fay, at one time Surgeon in the United States Navy. Frank Cramer was born in Milwaukee, Wise., August 7, 1847, and was prepared for college at General Russell's Collegiate and Commercial Institute in New Haven. After graduating, he spent one year in Europe and then returned to Milwaukee and was with F. H. McClure & Company, bankers, for several years. In 1882 he removed to Chicago, and, in company with a younger brother, Eliphalet W. Cramer, con- ducted a banking and brokerage business under the name of Cramer & Company. His brother retired from the firm in 1887, and he continued the business under the same firm name for a time, but has not been in active business for some years. His home is in Chicago, but he spends considerable time in foreign travel. In May, 1913, Cramer wrote to the Secretary: "With the exception of my mother's death three years ago, there have been few important changes in my life since last report. I am still unmarried, I have many devoted friends, good health, and much to be thankful for." BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 107 Silas Augustus Davenport Son of Silas and Betsy Ann (St. John) Davenport. His mother was the daughter of Matthias St. John of New Canaan, Conn. Silas A. Davenport was born June 27, 1846, in Brooklyn, N. Y. His parents removed to Elizabeth, N. J., in 1854, and he studied in preparation for college under Mr. John Young of that city. In 1861 he entered the employ of John M. Davies & Company of New York City, with whom he remained two years, after which he completed his preparation for Yale under Rev. J. F. Pingry, D.D., of Elizabeth. In college he was awarded prizes in Sophomore and Senior Composition, was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition and Commencement, was President of Brothers, won first prize in Debate in Sophomore, Junior and Senior years, and was graduated with a Philosophical standing. He studied theology at Princeton two years, from 1868 to 1870, and at Union Seminary one year, graduating at the latter place in 1871. He also completed a medical course at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, and received io8 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE the degree of M.D. in 1873. He was ordained to preach by the Presbytery of Elizabeth, N. J., and went out, by appointment of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, to labor as a medical missionary at Ningpo, China, leaving home December 3, 1873. In the summer of 1874, he was suddenly called home by sickness and death in his father's family. January 1, 1875, he received a call to the Presbyterian Church in Port Carbon, Pa., and preached there till July, 1877. He was pastor in Landisburg, Perry Co., Pa., from January, 1878, till April, 1880, when he was called to the pastorate of Middle Tuscarora Presbyterian Church, Beale, Pa. These country charges were full of labor of a pastoral character, requiring very much time for the traveling necessary in order to do all the work. In 1883 he was called to the Aisquith Street Pres- byterian Church at Baltimore, Md., and began his labors there October 1. By his physician's advice, he resigned his pastorate and left Baltimore toward the close of the year 1888, and went with his family to Sorrento, San Diego County, Cal., where he lived upon a small ranch, trying to get rest by out-of-door employ- ment. He became a farmer of the Cincinnatus type, holding the plow, and wielding the spade and the hoe, ready to be called from his farm to serve the public in whatever way he might be useful. In February, 1890, he returned to the East, restored in body and in mind, and immediately received a call to his old charge in Juniata Co., Pa., Middle Tuscarora Presbyterian Church in union with Lower Tuscarora Presbyterian Church. He resigned his pastorate at Tuscarora in October, 1898, and in 1901 pur- chased a productive farm at Spruce Hill, Pa., where his main occupation was the cultivation of the soil and the handling of the stock. He continued to reside on this farm till November 20, 191 1. Since that date he has lived with his son, Oliver Sidney, at McMechen, West Virginia. He has recently pur- chased a small piece of ground in Washington Co., Alabama, and expects to spend his winters there later. He has published various newspaper articles in the Port Royal Times, the Philadelphia Presbyterian and the Baltimore Presby- terian Observer. A paper on "Presbyterian Church Extension in Cities" was read before the Presbyterian Association of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 109 Baltimore, and was printed in the Transactions of the Association for the year ending December 31, 1886. He was President of the Harvest Home Association for two years, Moderator of the Presbytery of Baltimore one term, and also of the Presbytery of Huntingdon. August 28, 1878, he was married to Martha Ellen Mateer, daughter of Samuel and Mary Isabel Mateer of St. Clair, Schuylkill Co., Pa., and has had five children: Mary Isabel, born July 1, 1879, at Landisburg; Jesse St. John, born February 17, 1881, at Bealtown; Oliver Sidney, born February 20, 1884; Ellen Augusta, born January 21, 1886; Walter W., born March 28, 1888; the last three in Baltimore. His wife died January 13, 1892, after two weeks' illness from la grippe, complicated with pneumonia. Mary Isabel was graduated from Wilson College, Chambers- burg, Pa., in June, 1898, and was married February 13, 1909, to Samuel Harries Daddow of St. Clair, Schuylkill County, Pa. She died at her home in Reading, Pa., January 1, 1910, at the age of thirty years and six months. Jesse St. John is a Sergeant in the Hospital Corps of the United States Army. He has been in the Army for about four- teen years, in the Infantry, and later in the Hospital Corps. He was in the Philippines till October 14, 1913, when he returned to this part of the United States and is now on duty at Fort Bayard, New Mexico. Fort Bayard is a Government Tuber- culosis Sanitarium for officers and enlisted men of the United States Army. Jesse is in the laboratory as a microscopic assist- ant to the surgeons. In Manila he made a study of typhoid and Asiatic cholera germs, as well as of tuberculosis. Oliver Sidney resides in McMechen, West Virginia, and is conductor on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Wheeling and Grafton. Ellen Augusta is in the Lucy Webb Training School for Deaconesses, Washington, D. C, preparing for work in the West Virginia Methodist Episcopal Conference. Walter W. at present is in Des Lacs, North Dakota, employed in mining and agricultural work. His varied training in coal mining, locomotive repair work, and agriculture has fitted him for some line of usefulness when he shall have decided for himself on his future occupation. 1 IO THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE *John Kinne Hyde DeForest Son of Rev. William A. Hyde (Amherst College 1829) and of Martha (Sackett) Hyde, and brother of Joel W. Hyde (M.D. Yale 1861). His father was a descendant in the fifth generation of John Hyde of Norwich, Conn., who was born in 1667 and died in 1727. This John was the father of John, born 1698, whose son Asa, born 1741, was the father of Joel born 1764, who was the father of Rev. William A. Hyde, born 1805. John H. DeForest was born June 25, 1844, in Westbrook, Conn., where his father was then pastor of the Congregational Church, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. In 1862-63 he served in the army, with the Twenty-eighth Con- necticut Volunteers, in Florida. He was a member of '67 about two months, and joined '68 in January, 1865. He entered Yale as John Kinne Hyde. Receiving the DeForest Scholarship, he added DeForest to his name, as was then required of the recipi- ents of this scholarship who were not members of the DeForest family. He graduated with Phi Beta Kappa rank in scholarship, and was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition. He gave con- siderable attention to boating, and rowed in the Varuna shell and on his class crew in Senior year. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I I I He was graduated at the Yale Theological Seminary in 1871, and was ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational Church at Mount Carmel, Conn., May 24 of the same year. June 5, 1 871, he was married in New Haven to Miss S. C. Conklin, who died March 15, 1872, after a painful illness. DeForest remained at Mount Carmel for more than three years, and developed a first- class working church. In July, 1874, he resigned to enter the service of the American Board in Japan, much to the regret of his people, by whom he was greatly beloved. September 23, 1874, he was again married, to Sarah Elizabeth Starr, at Guilford, Conn., and sailed with his wife from San Francisco to join the Japan mission, October 31 of the same year, only five years after the establishment of the mission. In com- pany with him were Dr. A. H. Adams (Yale College 1867) and Rev. Joseph Neesima, a native of Japan. After learning the Japanese language, he engaged in evangelistic work in Osaka and was identified with the early history of four of the Congrega- tional churches in that city. While on duty there, he visited most of the important cities in central Japan, addressing large audiences in the theatres (the only public halls). In 1882 his health failed, and he came home for rest and treatment, returning somewhat improved in 1884. In 1886 he removed to Sendai, to assist in establishing a school with the plan of making it into a Christian college like the New England colleges. This school was the first in the Empire to be established by prominent Japanese for the express purpose of putting it under Christian influences. It had the support of many wealthy and influential men, and was well patronized, but after an existence of five years it was discontinued. DeForest remained till his death at Sendai, the commercial and educational center of the northern half of the Empire. During this period of twenty-five years he was engaged in mission work, but devoted much of his time to writing for the press, for when he began his work in Japan there was no Christian literature in the Japanese language. When he went to Japan in 1874 he found the feeling anti- foreign and anti-Christian, but by his wisdom and tact, and his kind and sympathetic interest in the Japanese people, he won his way to the heart of the nation. He studied the Japanese language and literature, its history, its moral and social standards. He became a fluent and eloquent speaker in the Japanese language, 112 THE CLASS OF I 868, YALE COLLEGE and as he always had something - to say that was worth hearing, he was much in demand for public lectures and addresses. He trav- eled extensively and spoke to the people wherever he found them, and came to be known and respected throughout the Empire. During the later years of his life he gave much of his time and strength to an interpretation of Japan to the West. He was so loyal to Japan, and so thoroughly identified himself with the interests of its people, that they came to regard him as a Japanese rather than an American. During his thirty-seven years in Japan, he visited America five times. These furloughs were largely occupied by public addresses, devoted mainly to an interpretation of Japan to America. In 1907 he came by way of China and Europe. During his stay in the States (that is, between May 27, 1907, and September 22, 1908) he delivered more than one hundred addresses on various subjects of world-wide interest, denounced the false rumors about the warlike intentions of Japan, and did much by his speeches and writings to enlighten the American people as to Japan's real policy and spirit. His open letter to Captain Hobson was circulated everywhere, and did much to counteract the anti-Japanese agita- tion. In May he spoke at the meeting- of the American Peace Society in Boston, and was made one of the Vice-Presidents of the organization. While on this furlough and during the next few years there appeared from his pen the following articles of international interest : "Open Letter to Captain Hobson." "Conditions of Peace betweeen the East and the West." "Is Japan a Menace to the United States?" Published by the Peace Society. "American Ignorance of Oriental Languages." "Exterritoriality in China." Published by the Association for International Conciliation. "Moral Greatness of the Japanese People." "Moral Purpose of Japan in Corea." "The Japanese Government and Missionaries in Chosen." Published in the Independent. On his return to Sendai he was welcomed by a large public meeting- of citizens. After this he was in greater demand than ever as a public lecturer. In 1909 he visited China and spent some weeks at Killing, and at the request of a representative committee from the hundreds of missionaries gathered there he delivered an address on "The BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 113 Bearing of Historical Criticism on Missions." In 1905 he went to Manchuria, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, with letters from the Premier to the nine leading Japanese generals. He was treated as a guest of the Japanese army and shown every courtesy, and was the first foreigner allowed to enter the city of Mukden after its capture. While in Manchuria he addressed the soldiers often, and the following pamphlets wore widely disseminated among them: •The American Spirit." "Religion and War." "Why America Sym- pathizes with Japan." In the fall of 1905 came the famine in the Northeast, and DeForest was appointed a member of the Famine Relief Com- mittee of the foreign residents there. Very much of the success of this Committee was due to his efforts. Ten members of '68 made a generous contribution to this work, for which DeForest was exceedingly grateful. He received several silver cups from the government for famine work; and, doubtless in recognition of his services by voice and pen in dispelling anti-Japanese thoughts and feelings in America, although officially because of his labors for the famine sufferers and for the soldiers on the battle-fields of Manchuria, the Emperor in November, 1908, decorated him with the fourth grade of the Order of the Rising Sun. In October, 1910, he went with Mrs. DeForest to Chosen, where he spent a busy month under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., traveling the length of the peninsula. He spoke in various places, and interviewed Japanese military officers, school principals, Americans, and a few Coreans, in order to get at the true state of affairs. Impressions of his stay in Chosen were published in the Independent and in the Missionary Herald. For nearly twenty-five years he published a yearly review of the principal events in Japan in one of the January numbers of the New York Independent, and contributed to this paper many other articles on timely and interesting subjects. He acted as special correspondent for this magazine during the Russo-Japanese War. His best known book in English is ''Sunrise in the Sunrise Kingdom." The following were issued by him before his visit to America in 1907-08: 114 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Five books in the Japanese language : "Geography of the Bible." "Commentary on First Thessalonians." "Unique Character of Jesus. "The Greatest Fact in History — the Resurrection. "Addresses to Students." Pamphlet and magazine articles in the Japanese language : A set of tracts on the Ten Commandments under the following titles : "The Foundation of Religion." "The Evils of Worshiping Dried Wood." "The Sabbath." "The Great Learning of Parents and Children." "Revenge, Suicide, etc." "The Great Learning of Husband and Wife." "Medicine for Thieves." "Medicine for Liars." "Funeral of the Seven Gods of Luck." "Questions and Answers on Isaiah and Jeremiah." "How to Find One's Life Work." "A Temperance Sermon." "Translation of 'The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles.' " "Catholicism, Greek Religion and Protestant- ism." "Resurrrection of Christ and the Five Senses." "Morality and Religion." "The Influence of Pantheism." "The Influence of Belief in the Creator." "The Historic Development of Monotheism." "Inspira- tion." "Mixed Residence, or Unrestricted Admission of Foreigners to Japan." "The Signs of the Times." "The Greatest Learning." The following, printed in English : Eleven booklets published by the American Board : "A Province without a Missionary." "Four Days of Joy in Joshu." "History of a Little Church." "Welcome to a Returned Missionary." "Letters to Yale Seminary." "Acts of Minor Apostles." "A Jinrikisha Ride in Tokyo." "The Kingdom Coming in Japan." "Across the Aizu Valley." "A Basket of Chips" (Series 1 and 2). "One Piece of a Story." "Japanese Verbs of Saying." "Education in Japan." "The Political Situation in Japan and its Relation to Mission Work." (This article was translated into the Jiji newspaper of Tokyo, and republished by other newspapers.) "The Basis of Society." "The Machinery of Missions." "Annual Reviews of Events in Japan." "Pantheism as it exists in the East." "Japan's Codes." "Congregationalism in Japan." "On the Word, Heathen." "On the Word, Natives." "Supplementary Methods of Mis- sionary Work in Japan" (3 numbers). "Popular Aspects of Buddhism." "Ema" (Japanese votive pictures). "Why Nikko is Beautiful." "Union Work in Japan." "Confucian Ethics as seen from Japan." "Japanese Characteristics." "Moral Preparation for Christianity in Japan." "The Great Hokkaido." "Broad Culture demanded of Missionaries." "False Religions so called." "Brief History of the American Board Mission in Japan." BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 115 DeForest was member and Vice-President of the American Peace Society, member of the Japan Peace Society, and of the American Peace Society of Japan, and of the National Red Cross Society of Japan ; also member of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States and of the Sendai Educational Asso- ciation, of the Publishing - and Evangelistic Committees of the A. B. C. F. M. in Japan, of the Board of Trustees of the Tokwa School, and in the early years member of the Osaka Municipal Council and Leading Hose on the Fire Brigade. In 1889 Yale University honored him with the degree of D.D. He has had five children: Sarah Lydia, born at Mino, Japan, July 9, 1877 ; Charlotte Burgis, born February 23, 1879, at Osaka ; Elizabeth Lay, born April 29, 1881, at Osaka, died at Guilford, Conn., September 11, 1882; John Starr, born at North Haven, November 26, 1882; Louise Flyde, born at Osaka, February 26, 1885. Sarah L. was graduated from Smith in 1901, was married June *3> I 9°5> to William B. Pettus, Student Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association in China, and has two sons, John DeForest, born May 1, 1909, and William Winston, born February 25, 1912. Charlotte B. was graduated from Smith in 1901, and is a teacher in Kobe Girls' College. She has written an interesting life of her father, entitled "The Evolution of a Missionary — John Hyde DeForest," published by the Revell Company. John S. was graduated as Bachelor of Science from Amherst in 1906, and is connected with the Weather Bureau in Washington, D. C. He was married, February 13, 191 1, to Camille Estelle Pinder of Key West, Florida. Louise H. was graduated from Smith in 1907, and taught music two years in the Doshisha Girls' School, Kyoto, Japan. She was married, December 3, 191 3, in Kobe, to Robert Kelsey Veryard, an English Y. M. C. A. Secretary in work for Chinese students in Tokyo. Deforest was taken ill December 21, 1910, with hardening of the arteries. He seemed to improve till April 14. Two weeks later he was taken to St. Luke's Hospital, Tokyo. His right arm and leg were soon paralyzed. Pneumonia set in and he died May 8. The funeral was in the largest church in Sendai, and was attended by the whole of the foreign community of Sendai and by all the n6 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE leading local Japanese officials and residents. Interment was in the Kitayama Cemetery, near Sendai. The Japanese inscription reads : FOURTH ORDER OF MERIT AMERICAN DOCTOR OF DIVINITY DE FOREST HIS GRAVE The Japan Evangelist of June, 191 1, thus characterized him: "In disposition Dr. DeForest was wide awake and active. He read, observed, and thought much. His fine library was an indication of what he was and did. He made it a special point to keep in living touch with current events, — religious, educational, social, and political. He never allowed himself to get into ruts or grow stale. His ideas were fresh and stimulating. He kept moving. He was the embodiment of abounding life and hopefulness." BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 117 Dr. Lyman Abbott in the Outlook of May 27, 191 1, said of him : "He served in a very real sense as an ambassador. He officially repre- sented no government, but he did very truly act as a representative of American civilization to the civilization of Japan. Perhaps some idea of what it means to a man like Dr. DeForest to be a missionary may be gained from the statement of what happened to him on his return to Japan from a visit to the United States. When he arrived at Sendai, where his home was, he was met by a great crowd of the Japanese people. In the throng were the Governor of the province and the Mayor of the city. In that throng, too, were men and women of all classes, from jinrikisha men to students. A Japanese paper, in expressing the value of Dr. DeForest's services, likened his work in cementing the friendship of Japan and the United States to the visit of Admiral Sperry's sixteen battle ships, and called Dr. DeForest himself 'our new national benefac- tor.' Dr. DeForest was not only a missionary from the United States to Japan, but also from Japan to the United States. Through his public utterances and through his writings (for instance, in his readable little book, 'Sunrise in the Sunrise Kingdom') he did much to acquaint Americans with the spirit of the Japanese. Broad in his human sym- pathies, he was broad too in his religious thinking. How highly his intellectual powers were esteemed is indicated by the fact that on one occasion, when about a thousand missionaries from China, Japan and Corea were gathered at Kuling in China, it was Dr. DeForest who was chosen by them to give a paper on 'The Present Status of Theological Thought.' " Rev. Dr. T. P. Prudden (Yale College 1869), in the Congrega- tionalist of May 20, 191 1, paid this tribute to his college friend: "For more than forty years I have known Dr. DeForest intimately, and the charm of his personality, the beauty and breadth of his spirit, and his exceeding fitness for his work have seemed constantly increasing. Doubtless his training in a country parsonage, his army experiences, seven years at Yale, and his pastorate of three years at Mt. Carmel, Conn., developed his strong character. But he found himself when, amid the brightest professional prospects, he decided to go to what was then called 'barbarous' Japan, where he not only saw the critical needs, but foresaw much which has since come to pass. "In the spirit of a knightly soldier he volunteered, and with his devoted wife has worked, fascinated by hard tasks but never daunted; courageous though his knees shook ; persistent whatever his weariness ; looking for and grasping each opportunity; responding to the least call for help; keeping his sword sharp and ready; and never sparing himself, but experiencing always the intense joy of those who love the battle and who unselfishly serve. Il8 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE "Years of study on the language were a burden, but his indomitable pluck made him a fluent orator, speaking by invitation to large audiences in theatres through the land, and the widely-known representative of Christian and American civilization to a vast multitude. His long winter tours, living in Japanese hotels, with no fire save a brazier of coals, and enduring Japanese beds and food, required a sacrifice well-nigh heroic, but that produced a friendliness and open-mindedness towards Christianity and America not easily estimated. "His energy and capacity for work were boundless ; he longed to do things; he loved the people; he thought his strength without limit; his manhood appealed to men ; his personality created friendships ; his smile and wit disarmed hostility ; men felt his warm-heartedness ; he drew them to his cause because he drew them to himself. In Sendai the officials and military officers and even Buddhist priests were his friends and visitors, and their welcome when he last returned from America was a public ovation. Young men sought his counsel. He was a man of affairs, but with the vision of Christ always with him. He looked and planned far ahead for the Kingdom of God, but with the eye of a states- man. Because of his recognized character and loyalty to Japan, he was made the guest of the army in Manchuria and granted rare privileges. "Dr. DeForest inspired trust; he could give comfort to the troubled and put himself in another's place. He looked for the good in men and saw the good in the Japanese religions. Religious convictions tested by experience and faith in the Infinite Love were at the basis of his character. "He was an all-round man, who used each talent to the utmost. To me he seemed an ideal missionary, a typical Christian whose light has so shined that very many have seen the glory of God ; a valiant knight without fear and without reproach, a soldier who has fought a good fight, and not least a dear and tested friend, loved by all who have known him, but knit to a few by ties which neither distance nor time have weakened." Charles A. de Kay Fourth son and seventh child of Commodore George Coleman and Janet Halleck (Drake) de Kay, both of New Y T ork City. His mother was the only child of the poet Joseph Rodman Drake, author of "The American Flag," "The Culprit Fay," and other well-known poems. Charles A. de Kay was born July 25, 1848, in the old Van Ness or "haunted" house at Washington, D. C, which his father had leased. After the death of his father a few months later the family returned to Xew York and settled at Oyster Bay, L. I. De Kay spent four years in boyhood in Dresden, Saxony, and completed his preparation for Y^ale at General Russell's Military BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES II 9 School in New Haven. In college he gave special attention to athletics and gymnastics. He was Captain of one of the Gym- nastic Classes, and rowed in the Glyuna shell and on his class crew in Senior year. After leaving college he lived on Staten Island and was for a short time engaged in business in New York City. Having an inherited fondness for writing and books, he soon renounced mer- cantile pursuits and returned to his studies. His life has been devoted to literature and art. He has been a constant contributor to periodical literature, and from 1876 to 1906 was on the staff of the New York Times as editorial writer, literary critic and art critic. After 1907 he was for a time connected with the New York Evening Post. From 1894 to 1897 ne was United States Consul General at Berlin. His published works include : "The Bohemian," a tragedy of modern life. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1878. "Hesperus, and Other Poems." Charles Scribner's Sons. 1880. "Vision of Nimrod," an oriental romance. D. Appleton & Co. 1881. "Vision of Esther," a sequel to the "Vision of Ximrod." D. Appleton & Co. 1882. 120 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE "Love Poems of Louis Barnaval." D. Appleton & Co. 1883. "Manmat'ha," in "Stories by American Authors," Vol. X. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1884. "The Life and Works of Antoine Louis Barye, Sculptor." New York. 1889. "The Family Life of Heinrich Heine," from the German. Cassells. 1892. "Bird Gods," a study of myths and religions in ancient Europe. A. S. Barnes & Co., 1898. Also, "Essays on Ancient Ireland," in the Century Magazine; "Wonders of the Alphabet," in St. Nicholas. "Life and Works of Louis Comfort Tiffany." Privately printed. De Kay is founder of the Fencers Club, New York, 1880; founder of the Authors Club, New York, 1882; also of the National Sculpture Society, New York, 1892, as well as of Der Berliner Fecht Klub, Berlin, 1896; likewise of the National Arts Club, New York, 1899, of the Circle of Friends of the Medallion, 1909, and of the American Institute of the Graphic Arts, New York, 1914. On June 4, 1888, he was married to Edwalyn Coffey, daughter of Major Edward Lees Coffey, British Army of India, and of Lucy Edwalyn Haxall of Richmond, Ya. His children are: Phyllis Dunboyne de Kay, born June 6, 1889; Helena van Brugh de Kay, born January 6, 1891 ; Katharine Finola de Kay, born August 20, 1893; Adrian Barton Drake de Kay, born December 7, 1894; Marion Eckford de Kay, born May 23, 1896; Rodman Drake de Kay, born February 1, 1898; Ormonde Kay de Kay, born October 10, 1900; and Sylvia Octavia de Kay, born December 31, 1902. Phyllis Dunboyne, a graduate of the School of Applied Design for Women, New York City, has been studying painting in Florence, Italy. Her pictures have been exhibited in New York and Florence. Helena van Brugh, a graduate of the Institute of Music, New York City, went on the stage with Mrs. Fiske, and has been leading lady in Broadhurst's play, "Bought and Paid For." Marion Eckford has a position on the staff of St. A T icJw!as. Rodman Drake is preparing for Annapolis. Katharine Finola, a graduate of the School of Applied Design for Women, New York City, has been cartoonist for the Herter Looms, New York City. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 121 Mrs. de Kay has been prominent on the amateur stage, and has written and acted in several very charming short plays given for various charities. She also has gone on the professional stage and has been playing during the past season (1913) in Edward Sheldon's "Romance" at the Maxine Elliott theatre. William Palmer Dixon Son of Courtlandt P. and Hannah E. (Williams) Dixon, who were mar- ried in Stonington, Conn., September 9, 1841. His father, Courtlandt Palmer Dixon, was born in Westerly, R. I., June 23, 1817, and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 5, 1883. Courtlandt P. Dixon's father was Nathan Fellows Dixon, United States Senator from Rhode Island, who died in Washington, D. C, January 29, 1842, while serving his term as Senator; his mother was Betsy Palmer Dixon, daughter of Captain Amos Palmer of Stonington, Conn. She died in Westerly, R. I., March 30, 1859. Dixon's mother, Hannah Elizabeth Williams, born in Stonington, Novem- ber 16, 1817, died in the City of New York October 30, 1888, was daughter of Captain Ephraim Williams of Stonington, who was a collateral descend- ant of Colonel Ephraim Williams who founded Williams College. Her 122 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE mother was Hannah Eliza Denison, daughter of Amos Denison of Ston- ington, who was son of Deacon Joseph Denison and great-grandson of George Denison of Westerly. A brother, Ephraim W. Dixon, was graduated from Yale College in 188 1. William P. Dixon was born in New York City, March 19, 1847. The family removed to Brooklyn in 1848, and he was prepared for college there by J. C. Overhiser. He was a member of the Promenade Committee, which had charge of the Junior Exhibi- tion and Promenade, was one of the nine Cochlaureati, made the Presentation Address at the Wooden Spoon Exhibition, and was a member of the Thanksgiving Jubilee Committee in Senior year. He was graduated at Columbia College Law School in May, 1870, and formed a partnership with Farnam, under the firm name of Dixon & Farnam, with whom he continued till 1875, when Farnam retired. Dixon continued by himself at 29 Wall Street until January 1, 1882, when he joined George Macculloch Miller and Wheeler H. Peckham, forming the firm of Miller, Peckham & Dixon. This firm continued until July 1, 1900, when it was dissolved, and he entered into partnership with his cousin, Jabish Holmes, forming the firm of Dixon & Holmes. Dixon is a Trustee of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York ; a Director of the Lawyer's Title Insurance Com- pany of New York, of The Mortgage-Bond Company, of The Fidelity and Casualty Company, of The American Exchange National Bank, of The City of New York Insurance Company; President and Director of the New York Real Estate Association, of The Manhattan Real Estate Association, of The Central Real Estate Association, of The Colonial Real Estate Association. April 26, 1871, he married, at Riverdale-on-Hudson, Evelena F. Babcock, daughter of Samuel D. Babcock, Esq. They had one daughter, Evelena Babcock, born in New York City, Janu- ary 7, 1873, an d two sons, William Henry, born at Riverdale (New York City), August 16, 1877, and Courtlandt Palmer, born at Seabright, N. J., July 2, 1884. Evelena was married December 2, 1896, to Eben Stevens (Yale College 1892), and has two sons: Byam K. Stevens, born November 16, 1897, and William Dixon Stevens, born May 17, 1 901. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I 23 William Henry was graduated as Bachelor of Arts from Columbia College in 1900 and is now a broker in New York City. On January 30, 1901, he married, in the City of New York, Josephine T. Williams, and has two children: William Palmer Dixon, born March 19, 1902, and Barbara W. Dixon, born April 30, 1903, both in New York City. Courtlandt Palmer was graduated as Bachelor of Arts from Yale College in 1908. He was a member of the Yale Polo Team three years, and in Senior year was President of the Yale Uni- versity Club. On January 26, 191 1, he was married in New York City to Hortense Howland. Mrs. Evelena F. Dixon died in New York City, April 30, 1908. Cornelius DuBois, Jr. Son of Cornelius DuBois of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Julia Ann (Moore) DuBois of Washington County, N. Y. His father, Cornelius DuBois, was of the fifth generation in direct descent from Jacques duBois, a Huguenot of France who settled at Esopus (Kingston), N. Y., in 1675 and died there in 1676. In 1707, Pierre duBois, son of Jacques, moved to Fishkill, Dutchess County, N. Y., the home of this branch of the DuBois family in America. The name appears frequently in the Colonial and Revolutionary history of New York. Cornelius DuBois, Sr., at his death in 1879, was President of the First National Bank of Poughkeepsie. He was also with Matthew Yassar, Samuel F. B. Morse, Benson J. Lossing and others, one of the original trustees of Vassar College and of the Hudson River State Hos- pital (for the insane) at Poughkeepsie, as well as one of the founders in 1855 of the Republican party in Dutchess County, N. Y. Edward Cornelius DuBois, brother of our classmate, was graduated from Yale College in the Class of 1854. He died May 25, 1903, at Lima, Peru, after a very active life as an engineer and builder of railroads. Cornelius DuBois, Jr., the third son and the eighth and last child of the family, was born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 7, 1845, and was prepared for college at the Dutchess County Academy, Poughkeepsie. He joined the Class of '68 at Yale at the begin- ning of Sophomore year, having spent his Freshman year at Amherst College, where he was the Greek prizeman of his class. At Yale he was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition and was graduated with Phi Beta Kappa rank. After graduation, DuBois taught Latin at Cook's Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies (later Lyndon Hall School) at Pough- 124 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE keepsie. In 1871 he entered the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, New York City, but remained only one year. Thereafter he studied law in the office of Mr. Tristam Coffin of Poughkeepsie, and he was admitted to the New York Bar at Poughkeepsie on May 13, 1875. DuBois remained in Poughkeepsie until 1888, practicing law and interesting himself for many years in the local Board of Educa- tion and in the Dutchess County branch of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, carrying on this latter work with the greatest enthusiasm, often single-handed and prac- tically always at his own expense. DuBois was one of the organ- izers in 1873 of the Amrita Club of Poughkeepsie. Upon leav- ing Poughkeepsie, he practiced law for some years in New York City. In 1894 he became associated with the Trow Press in Xcw York but from this he has recently withdrawn. DuBois was married in the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Beloved Disciple, East 89th Street, New York City, on November 20, 1894, to Sarah Ann Kelly, of Staten Island. Mrs. DuBois died in the New York Hospital, December 1, 1894, aged forty-one years, and she is buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 125 *William Durant Son of William C. and A. E. (White) Durant. His father, William C, was son of Edward, born July 12, 1779, and grandson of Thomas, born March 18, 1746. Abigail Durant, sister of this Thomas, was grandmother of the Founders of Wellesley College, Henry Fowle Durant and his wife Pauline (Fowle), who were second cousins. Thomas Clark Durant, builder of the Union Pacific Railroad, was a first cousin of Durant's father. The first American ancestor was George Durant, who came from England, and settled in Middletown, Conn., in 1663. William Durant was born in Albany, N. Y., August 21, 1846, and was prepared for college at Albany Academy. After traveling one year in Europe, he began the study of theology at Princeton, where he was graduated April 23, 1872. During the following summer he supplied the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church, Milwaukee (Rev. G. P. Nichols, pastor). After a season of western travel, he returned to Albany, where he was ordained to the ministry and installed pastor of the Sixth Presbyterian Church, December 9, 1873. May 11, 1883, he was installed in the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church at Morristown, N. J., where he remained till May, 1887, when 126 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE he resigned to accept the call of the Boundary Avenue Church, Baltimore, Md. At his request, he was released from the latter June 1, 1892. After four months of travel with his wife in France, Holland and England, he returned in time to sit as a member of the Presbytery of New York during the trial of Professor Charles A. Briggs, and voted for the latter's acquittal. Early in December, 1892, he received a unanimous call to the First Presbyterian Church of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., where he was installed as pastor February 15, 1893. He resigned his pastorate at Saratoga Springs May 1, 1908, anl settled at Welles- ley, Mass., in 1909. In 1894 he received the honorary degree of D.D. from Union College. He has published : "Church Polity," a selection from articles contributed by the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D., to the Princeton Review: pp. xi, 532. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1878. "History of the First Presbyterian Church, Morristown," with genea- logical data for 13,000 names on its registers, 928 pages, octavo. He has furnished numerous contributions to religious papers on subjects of ecclesiology and practical religion, and published a score or more of sermons in pamphlet form. July 17, 1878, he was married at Albany to Elizabeth F. Stantial. They had three children, only one of whom is now- living : Elizabeth, born in Albany, April 16, 1880, died in Morris- town, December 25, 1883; William Clark, born in Morristown, February 13, 1883; Betty Stantial, born in Morristown, March 18, 1885, died July 22, 1885. William Clark was graduated from Union College in 1904 with the degree of B.E., was four years with the General Elec- tric Company, four years General Superintendent of Prince Rupert (B. C.) Hydro Electric Co., and is now sales manager of the Connecticut River Transmission Co., Worcester, Mass. He was married, May 17, 1912, to Heloise Timbrel Durant, granddaughter of Thomas Clark Durant, and daughter of William West and Janet Lathrop (Stott) Durant. Mrs. Elizabeth F. (Stantial) Durant died in Morristown, March 18, 1885. Durant was again married, May 19, 1887, to Lucy B. Stantial of Albany, N. Y. They have one child, Lois Pierson, born in Baltimore, January 7, 1890, graduated from Wellesley College, Department of Music, in 191 3. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 127 William Durant died at his home in Wellesley on March i, 1 9 14. Funeral services were held in Wellesley Monday morn- ing, and on Tuesday in the chapel of the Albany Rural Cemetery, where interment was made in the family plot. Mrs. Durant resides at 44 Dover Road, Wellesley, Mass. *George Eastburn Son of Jacob and Elizabeth K. (Taylor) Eastburn, was born Septem- ber 25, 1838, in Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pa., where the East- burns had resided since 1729. Before entering college, he served in the Union Army, in the Eleventh Pennsylvania Infantry. This was a three months' regi- ment, organized at Harrisburg, April 26, 1861, two weeks after the attack on Fort Sumter. Eastburn was prepared for Yale by Dr. Joseph Thomas, Phila- delphia, and entered with the Class of '67. At the end of Sophomore year he obtained leave of absence and taught a year to replenish his finances, joining '68 at the commencement of 128 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Junior year. He was superintendent of the reading room in Senior year, was interested in debating, was one of the Presidents of Brothers, and was graduated with Phi Beta Kappa rank in scholarship. In October, 1868, he opened an English and Classical School in the building of the Third National Bank at Broad and Market Streets, Philadelphia, with seven pupils. In January, 1870, in company with John G. Moore, he purchased the private school of Caleb S. Hallowell, and transferred his pupils to the rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Hallowell, on Tenth Street above Arch, and there mustered about fifty pupils. During the summer of 1870 he moved into a new building on Ninth Street above Arch, and opened with increased numbers under the title of ''Hallowell Select High School." As his partner, Mr. Moore, was absent a good deal delivering lectures upon science, East- burn was the recognized head of the institution. Mr. Moore died in April, 1872, and after July first of that year Eastburn was the sole Proprietor and Principal. He could accommodate only about seventy pupils in the build- ing on Ninth Street, and judged it necessary to obtain, as soon as practicable, other quarters. In September, 1877, he opened his school at the northwest corner of Broad Street and Fairmount Avenue, and adopted a new name: "North Broad Street Select School." In 1893, the name was changed to "Eastburn Acad- emy." He was Headmaster of this school for thirty-three years, and during this time prepared many boys for the two under- graduate departments of Yale, and for Princeton and other universities. In 1905, on account of failing health, he withdrew from the Academy and opened a home school at Atlantic City, limited to ten pupils. A year later he returned to Philadelphia, to accept the Professorship of Science at the Northeast Manual Training School in that city. At the annual meeting of the Schoolmasters' Association in 1889, he presented a paper on the Metric System, which was afterwards published by the American Metrological Society. In February, 1889, he made an address on the Metric System before the National Association of Builders of the United States of America, at their annual meeting, which was published in full in the Report of the Proceedings of the Association for that year. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I 29 In 1890, he was President of the Schoolmasters' Association of Philadelphia. At the annual banquet of this Association for that year, Colonel Clayton McMichael referred to its President as follows : "Thirty years ago I was the pupil of a fair-faced, smiling-eyed, honest and conscientious lad, so fresh himself from boyhood as to have a sympa- thetic knowledge of the ease with which plastic youth may be moulded by careful touch ; yet ripe in the wisdom of an earnest appreciation that negligent handling of the facile clay would imprint upon it such defac- ing marks as might show through every subsequent effort to remove them. The thick black hair which then clustered in profusion about my temples has been thinned and whitened by the bleaching wastes of Time ; the soar- ing aspirations of extravagant expectation have been met by the impas- sible obstacles of experience; the exaggerated contests of childhood have long been forgotten in the common struggles of maturity. But through every period of a life that has not been uneventful, I have been grate- ful to him whose eyes to-night are not less smiling, whose face to-night is not less fair, your deservedly honored president, George Eastburn, who first taught me that affection, frankness and confidence, the discipline of truth and tenderness that makes obedience a pleasure, the cement of loyal and trusting fellowship — all those qualities that hold us in such fealty to the associations of kindred and of home, could not be less potent in the school-room than in the happy domestic circles where previously I had known them best. "There are tradesmen who adulterate their merchandise ; there are finan- ciers who betray their trusts ; there are boys who are not ashamed of false pretense. There would be a less number of either if all schoolmasters had been as was this one whom I have named.'' Princeton College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1890. Eastburn was married to Mary Olden Davis, September 8, 1870, in Philadelphia, and had by this marriage one son, Holmes Davis, born May 15, 1872. His wife, after a lingering illness, died May 8, 1873. He was again married, July 12, 1876, in Philadelphia, to Elizabeth M. Beale, and had another son, George Eastburn, Jr., born in Germantown, August 31, 1877, and a daughter, Agnes Grant, born in Philadelphia, October 16, 1878. Holmes D. Eastburn was married April 30, 1895, to Eleanor J. Whitten, and was for a time Assistant Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of Philadelphia. George Eastburn, Jr., was a member of Haverford College till the end of Freshman year. Eastburn died of uremia in Philadelphia, October 13, 1907, in his seventieth year. 9 130 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE *Tryon Holkar Edwards Son of Rev. Tryon and Catherine (Hughes) Edwards. His father, Tryon Edwards (Yale College 1828), son of Jonathan Walter Edwards (Yale College 1789) and Elizabeth (Tryon) Edwards, was the founder of Wilson College for Women at Chambersburg, Pa. Tryon H. Edwards was born February 26, 1846, in New London, Conn., was prepared for college at the Edwards Place School, Stockbridge, Mass., and was a member of '67 till the close of Sophomore year. In September, 1866, he joined '68, and was a member of the class till near the close of Junior year. After leaving college, he taught several years in Easton, Pa., and then traveled west, south, and abroad. He afterwards studied law, and in 1873 began practicing as an attorney in Hagerstown, Md. In 1880 he became an attorney and counsellor- at-law of the Supreme Court of the United States, his specialty being Railroad and Corporation Law. For several years he was Commissioner of the Court for Washington County, Md. In June, 1892, Yale University conferred on him the degree of Master of Arts, with enrollment in his Class. He was married February 13, 1873, at Hagerstown, to Lydia Hollingsworth Kennedy, and had four children: Katharine H., born December 7, 1873 ; Mamie H. K., born July 6, 1875 ; Lydia H. K., born April 20, 1878; Tryon P., born October 24, 1880. Mrs. Edwards died March 19, 1882. Tryon H. Edwards died February 18, 1904. *Albert Henry Esty Son of Edward S. and Frances Amelia (Wilgus) Esty. On his father's side he was ninth lineal descendant from John and Mary Winslow of the Mayflower through his paternal grandmother, and ninth from Isaac Esty of Topsfield and his wife, Mary Esty, who was executed as a witch on Salem Hill. His father, Edward S. Esty, reformed the entire school sys- tem of Ithaca and was President of the new Board of Education from its formation till his death. He had a successful career in the New York State Senate and proposed many measures of reform, in which he was associ- ated with Theodore Roosevelt, who was in the Assembly at the time. Frances Amelia Wilgus, born in Westmoreland, N. Y., 1827, was a descendant of Peregrine White of the Plymouth Colony. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 131 Albert H. Esty was born at Ithaca, N. Y., May 29, 1847, an( l was prepared for college at Ithaca Academy. After graduation he taught Latin and higher mathematics two years in the Ithaca Academy. In 1871 he went to Europe for further study, with the view of making teaching his profession. He spent several months at Wolfenbuttel in Germany in the study of the German language, and subsequently was matriculated at the University of Leipsic, where he attended lectures for a year. On his return to Ithaca in 1873, as his father needed him in his expanding business and was desirous of more time for public service, Esty became associated as a partner with his father and brother, Clarence H. Esty, in the leather business, under the firm name of E. S. Esty & Sons. They were manufacturers of Hum- boldt sole leather, and had in operation three tanneries located in or near Ithaca. After the death of his father in 1890, the firm name became E. S. Esty's Sons. The business was continued till the formation of the United States Leather Company in 1893, when a merger was made in that Company. After a year spent in travel, he located with his mother and brother in Brookline, 132 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Mass., in order to be able to enjoy the musical and cultural advantages of Boston. While in Ithaca he occupied many positions of trust. Among them were the following : Trustee First Presbyterian Church ; Director First National Bank ; Trustee Ithaca Trust Company ; member of Board of Education of the City of Ithaca; Trustee Children's Home, founded by his father; Trustee Ithaca City Hospital, which was founded by the family in honor of his father and to which he gave, in addition to his original contribution, five thousand dollars to endow a free bed. He showed signs of failing health not many years after his retirement from active business, and after a protracted illness died, April 13, 19 10, in Brookline, from hardening of the arteries at the base of the brain, and his body rests in Mount Auburn. The following is taken from a personal letter written by his brother Clarence to McKinney : "Albert developed a careful, systematic, painstaking method in business tasks, and was respected widely in business circles for sound ability, abso- lute integrity, and perfect fairness in all his dealings with his employees. All through his life there played a genial humor, which made him a delightful companion in any society. Pronounced originality of thought and view made his comments on men and things of unfailing interest. He dispensed a quiet, but generous charity of word and purse to the poor and afflicted. He was generous to the point of being lavish in his gifts to those he loved, and was constantly doing good to those he called 'God's poor.' Little crippled newsboys and flower sellers in Boston were among the sincerest mourners at his death. He will live in the loving remem- brance of his friends and of every one who ever knew him, and that is all the fame he ever craved. His heart seemed centered in his mother, sister, and brother, and their children, and he never married. The closest and tenderest bonds of love held us together as a family, and I can never feel that the plan of existence is complete until we are united again." *Charles Henry Farnam Was a descendant in the eighth generation from Ralph Farnam. who sailed from Southampton, England, April 6, 1635, arrived in Boston June 3, following, and settled at Andover, Mass. His father, Henry Farnam, bore the chief part of the expense of Farnam Hall, completed in 1870, and was one of the most generous benefactors of Yale College. His great-grandfather, Captain Eliab Farnam, served in both Colonial and Revolutionary Wars. His mother, Ann Sophia Whitman, was descended from John Whitman of Weymouth, Mass. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES *33 Three other sons of Henry Farnam have received degrees from Yale: George B. Farnam (M.D. Yale 1869) ; William W. Farnam (Yale College 1866), Treasurer of Yale University from 1888 to 1899; and Henry \\ . Farnam (Yale College 1874), Professor of Political Economy in Yale University. Charles H. Farnam was born September 12, 1846, in New Haven, Conn., and received his preparation for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. The family removed to Chicago in 1857, and was living there when Farnam entered Yale. He had Phi Beta Kappa rank in scholarship, and was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition and at Commencement. After graduation, he spent one year in Europe and two years in New York City at the Columbia College Law School, where he was graduated in 1871, and the same year entered into partnership with Dixon under the firm name of Dixon & Farnam. The partnership was dissolved in 1875. He removed to New Haven and from 1877 to 1891 was Assist- ant in Archaeology in the Peabody Museum of Yale University. After several years of genealogical research, he published : "The History of the Descendants of John Whitman of Weymouth, Mass.," 1,500 pages, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1889. 134 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Farnam was a very active and useful citizen of New Haven. He was a member of the New Haven Board of Councilmen in 1879, and of the Board of Aldermen in 1880 and 1881. For several years he was President of the Board of Fire Commis- sioners. He was especially interested in the Fire Department, and did much to bring - the force to a high degree of efficiency. It was in no small measure due to his efforts that the department was freed from the control of the political machine. June 8, 1870, he was married in New Haven to Alice Mordant Davies, daughter of John May and Alice S. (Hopper) Davies, and had two children: Annie May, born March 29, 1871, in New Haven; Charles Henry, born September 12, 1873, in New York City. Mrs. Farnam died February 10, 1899, and he was afterwards married to Caroline Sutton, who died in 1907. Annie May Farnam was married, February 10, 1891, at Trinity Church, New Haven, to Frank L. Woodward (Yale College 1888). A son, Charles Farnam Woodward, was born February 20, 1892, and died August 21 of the same year. Charles Henry Farnam, Jr., was graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School in 1895. He died of meningitis at Epinay, a suburb of Paris, May 8, 1909. After an illness of more than a year, Farnam died, September 24, 1909, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Woodward, in Denver, Colorado. During his lifetime (August 21, 1901) he created a trust from which Yale University will eventually receive securities that will yield probably about $10,000 a year, for the benefit of the department of History. *William Henry Ferry His earliest paternal ancestor in America was John Ferry, a refugee from Lorraine, who emigrated in the middle of the seventeenth century and eventually settled in Springfield, Mass. His grandfather, Heman Ferry, was the son of Noah and Hannah (Montague) Ferry of Granby. His father, William H. Ferry, a native of Remsen, N. Y., was State Senator from Oneida County in 1859, and was President pro tern, of that body. In 1861 he was Chairman of the County Committee, and by a personal canvass elected Roscoe Conkling to his first term in Congress. Mr. Ferry was a leader in New York State politics, and was influential in forming the Republican party. In 1859 he was a delegate to the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 35 Chicago Convention that nominated Lincoln, and was made Chairman of the Central New York State Republican Committee in that campaign. He removed to Chicago in 1865, where he was a prominent railroad director and re-organizer. Ferry's mother, May Ann Williams, was of Welsh descent. Her grandfather, Captain Williams, was in both the French and Indian and the Revolutionary Wars. A brother, Charles Herbert Ferry, was graduated from Yale College in 1872. William H. Ferry was born in Utica, N. Y., May 15, 1845, was prepared for college partly at Utica Free Academy and partly by a private tutor, and entered Yale from Chicago. He rowed in the Varuna gig in Sophomore year, stroked the Varuna shell in the fall races of our Senior year, and was a member of the Uni- versity crew that rowed in the race against Harvard on Lake Quinsigamond at Worcester in July, 1867. On his return to Chicago after graduation, he arranged to study with a prominent law firm in that city, but a weakness of his eyes, experienced in college, continuing, he was at length forced to abandon his plans of a professional life. In 1870-71 he traveled in Europe, for the greater part of the time with J. W. Greene. On his return in 1872, he became nego- tiator of real estate and loans in Chicago, and handled some large 136 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE subdivisions in city limits. Afterwards he went into wholesale dry goods, which business he gave up in 1885 and removed to California, where he purchased a ranch of about three thousand two hundred acres in El Cajon Valley. He spent much of his time in San Diego, and became Vice-President of the San Diego Flume Company, which completed a flume forty-eight miles in length, that conveyed the water from a reservoir in the Cuyamaca mountains to supply the City of San Diego and to irrigate the valley and table-lands around it. This flume passed through seven tunnels having an aggregate length of four thousand one hundred and twenty-four feet, and over twelve trestles having a total length of eight thousand eight hundred and four feet. It was said to be at the time the most solidly and thoroughly built structure of its kind in the United States. Ferry was also for several years President of the San Diego Water and Land Company, which had some one thousand three hundred acres suitable for lemon and orange culture. In addition to his official duties, he found time for planting trees, clearing off land, and putting it under cultivation. He made a specialty of fig growing and curing, which had pre- viously received little attention, and took first prize whenever his figs were exhibited, in both the County and State fairs. He was called upon to write articles for magazines and to deliver numerous addresses upon figs and fig culture, and it is generally acknowl- edged that he did more than anyone else to make the production of the dried fig a commercial success in California. For his exhibit of dried figs at the World's Columbian Exposition he received a diploma and medal. He met an accidental death, March 4, 1900, when only fifty- four years of age. He had been at Lake Forest to visit his sister, and had reached the station to take a train to return to Chicago a little before nine in the evening. The local train which he expected to take was preceded by a fast express by only two or three minutes, and he evidently did not know about this fast express which did not stop. In crossing the track to get his train, he was struck and instantly killed. His funeral services were held at Lake Forest on Wednesday, March 7, and he was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery. Ferry was always hopeful, and reverses that would discourage most men only stimulated him to greater effort. In many direc- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I 37 tions he had a thorny, disturbing life. His experiences in Cali- fornia were those of many others who had invested heavily and were continually disappointed in crops and returns, and by depreciating- values. He was just beginning to see daylight after these hard struggles, but the values which he had seen to be so near were to be appreciated by others. October 12, 1875, he was married at Chicago, 111., to Abbie Farwell, daughter of John V. Farwell, and had five boys : William H., born July 13, 1876, died February 25, 1883; John Farwell, born October 10, 1877 ; Frank Farwell, born November 12, 1878; Montague, born September 22, 1881 ; Horace Farwell, born May 13, 1884. John Farwell was graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School in 1 90 1. He was General Secretary of the Sheffield Chris- tian Association for one year after his graduation, and Ornitholo- gist of the Field Columbian Museum from 1906 till his death, February 12, 19 10. Frank Farwell was graduated from Yale College in 1900, and is Superintendent and Secretary of the J. V. Farwell Company of Chicago. Montague was graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School in 1902 and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1903. He is City Electrician and Inspector of Electric Lights, Chicago. He married Josephine, daughter of Judge J. N. Carter of Quincy, 111. They have a daughter, Phyllis Carter Ferry, born June 24, 191 1, at Chicago. Horace Farwell was graduated from Yale College in 1906 and from Union Theological Seminary in 191 1. He was ordained to the Christian ministry by the Presbytery of Chicago, April 17, 1912, and is now in charge of six Home Mission churches, with headquarters at Superior, Wis. 4 *George William Fisher Second son of Erastus and Mary F. (Dresser) Fisher. His father was son of Laban Fisher, who was born in Killingly, Conn., in 1783, and mar- ried Abigail Dexter of that town. He died in i860. Mary F. Dresser was daughter of Ebene.^er Dresser, a farmer by occupation, who was born May 16, 1772. 138 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE George W. Fisher was born in Grafton, Mass., November 18, 1843. His parents lived in Worcester when he came to college, and he was prepared at the Worcester High School. Immediately after graduation he went into business with his father, who had been the chief manufacturer of cotton goods in Grafton since 1845. The following year Mr. Fisher transferred a one-fourth interest to each of his two sons, George W. and Albert L. Fisher. The young men gave an impetus to the busi- ness. New buildings were erected, and the capacity of the mill was nearly doubled. In 1880 Erastus Fisher died, leaving his sons in charge of the mills. The following year the entire plant was destroyed by fire. In the spring of 1882 a new company. The Fisher Manufacturing Company, was incorporated, and George W. Fisher was made the sole manager. Descended from a long line of successful manufacturers, he had inherited great executive ability, and it was due directly to his business capacity that one of the largest manufacturing plants in New England was built ui>. At the time of his death, it included the four- story brick mill (the second largest in the Blackstone Valley), BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES I 39 an office, three storehouses, the village store, thirty-two houses containing one hundred and two tenements, two private resi- dences, and several small buildings. The mill was equipped with all modern machinery. The goods were of such a quality that the company had practically the monopoly of its special products in New England. The business was in Fisherville, but Fisher's residence was in Grafton, about three miles distant. He became Grafton's most prominent manufacturer and one of its wealthiest and most honored citizens. Though averse to holding office, he took much interest in town affairs and served the town in 1878 and 1879 as Selectman, was Assessor, and member of the School Committee. He was a Trustee of the Public Library and a Director in the National Bank of Grafton. He was married at Northbridge, Mass., January 18, 1876, to Ella Frances Farnum of Uxbridge, daughter of Luke S. and Chloe (Taft) Farnum. He died at his home in Grafton on February 17, 1900, at the age of fifty-six years. On the day of his death the Worcester Telegram said : "The generous disposition of its owners has made the Fisher mill one of the highest salaried in New England. Throughout the Blackstone Valley, the employees of the Fishers were regarded as favored individuals, and the village was almost always overrun with applicants for positions. In George W. Fisher the four hundred people employed at the plant had a kind, considerate, generous employer and benefactor. During the panic of 1893 he ran the mill at a loss rather than see his employees suffer through lack of work." Benjamin Austin Fowler Son of Benjamin Coleman and Sophia Cowdrey (Stevens) Fowler, and brother of Herbert G. Fowler (Yale College 1874). Benjamin A. Fowler was born in Stoneham, Mass., December 14, 1843, attended the public schools in Stoneham, and prepared for Yale at Phillips Academy, Andover. He rowed in the Glyuna shell, and on the class crew in the Harbor races in Senior year. In August, 1862, soon after graduating at Andover, he enlisted in the Fiftieth Massachusetts Volunteers and joined General 140 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Banks at New York, where he was detailed for special service in the United States Signal Corps and sent to Louisiana. He was before Port Hudson from the first till its surrender in July and participated in most of the battles. Upon the day of its surrender, he accompanied an expedition to Donaldsonville, which met with a severe repulse. He was mustered out of the service in August, 1863, and came to college. After passing the first and second terms of Freshman year with '67, he left on account of ill health resulting from disease contracted in the army, and joined '68 in January, 1865. After graduation he taught one year at Danvers, Mass., studied law one year in the Boston office of Russell, Russell & Suter, and then engaged in business in Boston. From 1874 to [878 he was agent for the subscription departments of A. J. Johnson and D. Appleton & Company, both of New York City. The firm of B. A. Fowler & Company, publishers, was estab- lished in 1878. They were publishers of "The Student's Shake- speare," which had a large sale, and of other subscription books; were New England agents for "The International Cyclopedia." BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 141 Dodd, Mead & Company (Mead '68), publishers; and likewise New England agents for the Western Publishing House of Chicago. Until the fall of 1888, Fowler's home was in Stoneham, where he was prominent in town affairs. He was a member of the Stoneham Board of Education from 1871 to 1876. February 1, 1889, he removed to New York City, and became General Manager of the Subscription Department of Dodd, Mead & Company. In May, 1894, he severed his connection with them after a service of more than eight years as agent and general manager, and bought a half interest in the firm of Powers Brothers of Chicago, later Powers, Fowler & Lewis, manu- facturers of subscription and educational specialties. From this firm he withdrew May 1, 1898, later went west to Arizona, and in March, 1899, purchased a fruit ranch in the Salt River Valley near Phoenix. At once he became prominent in the industrial, political and social life of the Territory, and has been a leader in all public enterprises for the development of the city and valley. In 1901 he was a member of the Twenty-first Territorial Legislature; in 1904 Republican nominee for Territorial Dele- gate to Congress; from August, 1900, to February, 1903, head of the water storage movement in the Salt River Valley. It was largely due to his efforts that the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association was organized, bringing together the various canal and agricultural interests. The Association now has about thirty-six hundred shareholders, owning two hundred and fifty thousand acres of land, pledged to reimburse the United States Government for over ten million dollars expended in constructing the Salt River irrigation project, including the Roosevelt dam. He spent part of the winter of 1900-01 and the first six months of 1902 in Washington, laboring for the passage of the National Irrigation Act. At the celebration, June 13, 1908, on the completion of the Granite Reef diversion dam built by the United States Reclamation Service as auxiliary to the Roosevelt impounding dam, Chief Justice Kent (Harvard '83) of the Arizona Supreme Court said: "It is not necessary nor advisable at this time, under the conditions of temperature and the long ride ahead of us, to undertake to give credit or even a bare mention of the names of many men in the valley who 142 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE have given much time and effort to this notable and in many ways pioneer work, many of whom are here to-day. However, there is one man who is unable to be here, who has worked unceasingly both here and in Wash- ington, from the inception of this project, and whose work could scarcely have been dispensed with. That man is B. A. Fowler, who has served as President of the Water Users' Association ever since it was organized, and who has worked assiduously for the success of the undertaking at all seasons." March 13, 1906, F. H. Newell, Chief Engineer of the United States Reclamation Service, wrote from Washington, D. C, to Governor Kibbey of Arizona : "My dear Governor: Mr. B. A. Fowler has just left for Phoenix, having informed me that the purchase of the Arizona canal is practically completed. I feel that Mr. Fowler has acomplished a great work, and I wish at this time, while the matter is fresh in mind, to express to you, and through you possibly to others, the high appreciation felt here of his untiring energy on behalf of the Territory, not only along water storage lines, but on all matters. "I have never met a man of more persistent effort and tireless energy, combined with patience and tact. He has been confronted with some very difficult situations, which would have appalled another man ; and prob- ably no one outside of a few acquaintances ever will know of the tire- less persistency with which he has followed up every detail. "I hope it will be possible now to push forward energetically and effec- tively the dam at the head of the Arizona canal, as well as the other work in the Territory. Very truly yours, (Signed) F. H. Newell, Chief Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service." Fowler was President of the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association from its organization until 19 10, when he declined to be again a candidate for that office, after having given ten of the best years of his life to this work and having witnessed the realization of his hopes and efforts. The following estimate of his services to the Association is from the Arizona Republican of March 24, 1910: "The services of Benjamin A. Fowler to this valley have been of value beyond the possibility of realization by any citizen who has not kept books on his work. At a time when the rest of us looked upon 'federal irri- gation' as a mere dream of impractical enthusiasts, and too chimerical BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 143 for serious consideration, Mr. Fowler took up the cause with an energy and enthusiasm which was infectious. At his own expense he made trip after trip to Washington, and with Mr. George H. Maxwell and a little band of 'cranks,' as they were then regarded, he pounded into Congress- men the notion of federal reclamation of the arid lands. "It is safe to say that in one way or another, counting direct expendi- ture from his own pocket and the free gift of his time in the cause, it has cost him quite as much as he has received in the whole aggregate of his petty salary since the Water Users' Association was formed. When President Roosevelt came on the scene, the federal irrigationists acquired a powerful ally, and two years afterward success was achieved in the form of the Reclamation Act. "When that act was passed, Mr. Fowler was one of the first to see that it was practicable to apply it to the needs of this valley. Immediately a movement was started for a local organization of water users, with a view to obtaining the benefits of the act. "Now that everything is working so smoothly, it is difficult to realize the obstacles encountered in those days of preliminary organization. The people of the valley were at loggerheads. Litigation over conflicting claims to an inadequate water supply was the order of the day. People were suspicious of each other, and, above all, discouraged. In the streets of Phoenix there were almost daily auction sales of household goods by ranchers who were selling the newer lands for pitifully small prices and moving away. To weld the warring elements into a cohesive organiza- tion ; to infuse a belief in the possibility of team work by the whole valley; and to create enthusiasm and a spirit of cooperation, was an under- taking of such magnitude that perhaps not more than a dozen citizens stuck steadily to the task. In this corporal's guard, Mr. Fowler was an indefatigable leader. Always good-humored and tactful, always patient and optimistic, he was a restless peacemaker. While large credit belongs to not a few other public-spirited citizens, it is not invidious to say that, so far as the work of promotion was concerned, first credit belongs to B. A. Fowler." Fowler is a Director of the Phoenix Title and Trust Company ; Vice-President of the National Conservation Congress, and of the Rivers and Harbors Congress. He has been President of the Arizona Agricultural Association and of the Phoenix Board of Trade; and Vice-President of the American Forestry Association and of the Trans-Mississippi Congress. In 1907 he was elected Secretary of the 16th, and in 1908 Secretary of the 17th National Irrigation Congress. In 1909, he was elected at Spokane, Wash., with practical unanimity, President of the 18th National Irrigation Congress. The honor came to him entirely unsought and unsolicited. In September, 144 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE 1910, he was elected at Pueblo, Colo., President of the 19th Irrigation Congress, which convened in Chicago, 111., where he was succeeded as President by United States Senator Francis G. Newlands, Yale '67. Also at Chicago, in appreciation of his services as a presiding officer the year before, a delegation of Pueblo, Colo., citizens presented him with a large gavel, made in Colorado of Colorado wood and beautifully mounted with Colorado embossed gold and silver, a rare gift which Fowler prizes highly. '' He was the first, and for four years, President of the Asso- ciated Charities of Phoenix, organized in 1907. In April, 1907, he was Chairman of a Subscription Committee, which organized an eleven day Y. M. C. A. campaign and raised funds totalling $103,000 in a city of 12,000 population, for a beautiful build- ing completed in January, 191 1. He was President of this Association from 1908 to 19 14. Referring to his interest in the work of this Association, he says in a recent letter: "In my small circle, I am endeavoring to do what I can, in the few years of life that are left to me, for the uplift of the community in which I live, as every honest, public-spirited man should do, regardless of politics or denominational preferences." Fowler is the first President of the Arizona Yale Alumni Association, organized in November, 1913. He says, "I was chosen because the boys wanted an antique." Five years ago at the first meeting of the Arizona Harvard Alumni Association, Fowler was invited to be present, and, being the oldest Yale graduate in the vicinity, the Harvard boys made him an Honorary member. He was married October 17, 1888, to Ella Frances Quinby of Medford, Mass. Joseph Warren Greene Son of Joseph W. and Mary A. (Smith) Greene. Joseph W. Greene was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 2, 1846, and was prepared for college by James D. Clark of that city. He was graduated from Yale with Phi Beta Kappa rank- in scholarship. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES <45 In May, 1870, he received the degree of LL.B. from the Columbia College Law School, and in 1871 attended university lectures in Braunschweig, Germany. Since 1872 he has been practicing law in New York City. His office at present is at in Broadway. Greene is a Director in the Home Life Insurance Company and in the Niagara Fire Insurance Company; a Trustee of the South Brooklyn Savings Institution ; a member of the Executive and Law Committees of the New York Civil Service Reform Association; and was for some years a Vestry- man in the Holy Trinity Church. He was formerly one of the Board of Commissioners for the Improvement of Brooklyn Heights ; a member of the Civil Service Commission of the old City of Brooklyn; a Director in the Brooklyn Young Men's Christian Association. Since 1900 he has been Class Agent for the Yale University Alumni Fund. In 1896 he was nominated for Supreme Court Justice on an independent citizens' ticket. The purpose in putting up the ticket was to defeat the candidate of an odious political ring. This was accomplished, but, as was expected, the candidate of the other regular party was elected. 146 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE The summer of 1903 he spent with his son Herbert and his daughter in Europe, visiting North Wales, Scotland, the English lakes, and the cathedral and university towns. He was married October 20, 1874, to Julia S. Sherman, at Brooklyn Heights, and has four living children : Joseph Warren, born February 22, 1876; James Taylor, born February 24, 1877; Herbert Gouverneur, born November 6, 1881 ; Julia Sherman, born April 28, 1885. One child, Katharine, died in infancy. Joseph Warren was graduated from Yale College in 1899, was admitted to the Bar in New York City, and is now connected with the real estate department of the New York Telephone Company. James Taylor is engaged in farming at W T eybridge, Vt. Herbert Gouverneur was graduated from Yale College in 1903 and is now in the employ of the Telephone Company in New York City. *Ira Cole Hall His father, John C. Hall, was born February 1, 1808, and died Decem- ber 21, 1882. He was by occupation a farmer, and was elected a member of the Xew York State Assembly for Seneca County. His mother, Adelia (Cole) Hall, born September 19, 1819, died February 25, 1897, was descended through her father from Daniel Cole, who came to Plymouth from England in 1632, and through her mother, from Elder William Brewster, and Stephen Hopkins of the Mayflower. Ira C Hall was born in Covert, Seneca County, N. Y., October 9, 1846, and was prepared for college at Trumansburgh Academy. He was a member of the Wooden Spoon Committee, and rowed in the Varuna shell in Sophomore year. After graduation he returned to Covert and was engaged in farming and stock dealing, until 1871, when he removed to Farmer Village (now Interlaken), a village in the town of Covert three miles north of his birthplace, where with his father he opened a coal and grain business, and was engaged in buying and shipping farm products. This business he conducted for thirty years. For several years he served also as Station Agent on the Geneva, Ithaca & Sayre Railway. In 1904 he was elected to the Board of Supervisors and served four years, during the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 147 last two being Chairman of the Board. He was Trustee of the First Baptist Church. He was married to Caroline Frances, daughter of Milo V. and Druzilla (Hopkins) Cole, October 6, 1869, at Covert, and had three children: Wallace Stowell, born May 19, 1872, died young; Alice Louise, born November 2, 1876; John Wilbur, born October 9, 1879. Alice Louise was married December 25, 1903, to Dr. Walter D. Hopkins, a teacher of Latin in the Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. John Wilbur was married September 1, 1906, to Mrs. Edith Penn of Syracuse, and is now a salesman for Taggart Brothers Company, manufacturers of rope papers, flour and cement bags. He is located in Pittsburgh, Pa. Ira C. Hall died of neuralgia of the heart at his home in Interlaken, April 27, 1908, at the age of sixty-one years. Funeral services were held Thursday, April 30, and burial was in Lake View Cemetery, with Masonic services. Mrs. Hall resides at Interlaken, N. Y. 148 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE ♦William Abbott Hamilton Son of Robert P. Hamilton, M.D., and Jane L. (Abbott) Hamilton. William A. Hamilton was born in Chicago, 111., August 31, 1848, and came to college from Saratoga Springs, N. Y., to which place the family had removed in 1854. He was prepared for college at Williston Seminary. After graduating at Yale, he returned to Saratoga Springs, where he was employed for several years as bookkeeper. He subsequently studied medicine and in 1876 received the degree of M.D. at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Xew York City. He was House Physician at Bellevue Hospital' from 1876 till 1878, when he established himself in his profession at Minne- apolis, Minn. He died in that city, October 21, 1881. In his brief practice of three years there, he gained the confidence of a growing circle of friends and the respect of other physicians. In presenting the resolutions adopted by the Bachelor's Club of Minneapolis, on the day after his death, Mr. Riley said: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 1 49 "I cannot refrain, as I offer these resolutions, from remarking how inade- quate any such expression must be as a full representation of the pro- found sorrow with which we take leave to-day of all that is mortal of our dear friend, Dr. Hamilton. Never can we recall his memory without a grateful appreciation of his excellence. He was so truly manly, so honorable, so upright, so courteous, so kindly, so intelligent and accom- plished, and withal so conspicuously modest, that the loss of his presence and influence we must all deeply feel. No casual observer could fail to perceive how estimable a man he was in all the relationships of his life. But to us, who have from time to time been closely brought into contact with him as a member and officer of our association, his memory will always be endeared as we recall his quiet humor, his constant cheerful- ness, the intelligence and clear-sightedness of his conversation, the kindly benevolence of his countenance, and the invariable dignity of his whole demeanor. Having lost him, it may be a solace to reflect that he must have known how much respected, valued and loved he was, and that dur- ing the years in which he was among us, he had found in this association friendships which warmed and cheered his life. And to-day, if he can look down from the mysterious world to which he has gone, as we are assem- bled in this room fragrant with his memory, he will discern hearts sincerely mourning him because they have sincerely honored and loved him." *Oscar Harger On his father's side of Huguenot descent, was the son of Alfred and Ruth (Beardsley) Harger, and brother of Charles Harger (Ph.B. Yale i857). Oscar Harger was born in Oxford, Conn., January 12, 1843, and was prepared for Yale at the Connecticut Literary Institution in Suffield, where he was a classmate of Coats and John Lewis. As an undergraduate he excelled in all studies, but was espe- cially fond of mathematics and natural science. Even then he had the spirit of an investigator, and was never willing to accept anything as true until he had himself proved it. Many of the class will recall the experiments in physics which he performed in his room, 48 South Middle College, in our Junior year. He was obliged to practice the greatest economy, and supported himself in part by doing mathematical work under the direction of Professor Newton, chiefly upon valuation tables for the Insur- ance Department of the State of New York. In the fall of 1868 he took up the study of zoology with Pro- fessor Verrill. Two years later he was made Assistant in 1 5° THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Palaeontology in Yale College. From this time until his death he worked chiefly with Professor Marsh in palaeontology, and had a general supervision of the work in Peabody Museum in that department, but continued also his studies in zoology, as time and health allowed. He went with Professor Marsh on his geological expeditions in 1871 and 1873. In the summer of 1872, in com- pany with Professor S. I. Smith, he visited St. George's Banks in the Coast Survey Steamer "Bachc," on a dredging expedition. J ^-3% T*-> the results of which were published by Professor Smith and him- self in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy for 1874. With the exception of these scientific excursions he worked for eighteen years without interruption, except during the college vacations, in his laboratory in the Peabody Museum, and even during a considerable part of the vacations he visited the museum daily to oversee the work going on. How much his investigations added to the world's knowledge will never be known. The first symptoms of heart trouble were noticed in 1879. Classmates who saw him at the annual gatherings of the Alumni, where he was always present to welcome any member of '68, were BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 151 pained to observe a steady decline in his strength from year to year. Toward the close of his life he became quite feeble, so that he reached his room, on the second floor of the museum, with much difficulty, and was obliged to rest often on the way. He continued his work, however, almost to the time of his death, which occurred on Sunday, November 6, 1887, at his home, 14 University Place. Funeral services were held at the house on the Tuesday following, the Rev. E. S. Lines, and his classmate and friend Professor Beckwith, officiating. Harger was an investigator, and his achievements were of such a character that a proper estimate of their value can be given only by those who w r ere co-laborers with him in the same depart- ment. An account of his life and work by Professor S. I. Smith, for fifteen years his colleague and companion, and his most intimate friend, was printed in the American Journal of Science for May, 1888. He was married, May 13, 1875, to Jessie Craig of New Haven. His published papers are included under fourteen titles. Sev- eral of these were contributions by him to articles written by Professor Smith, or Professor Verrill. Descriptions of new North American Myriapods. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. No. XXIII. Amcr. Jour. Sci., Ill, iv, pp. 117-121, pi. 2, August, 1872. On the sexes of Sphaeroma. Amer. Jour. Sci, III, v, p. 314, April, 1873. [Isopoda, pp. 569-573, pH- 5, 6.] Catalogue of the marine invertebrate animals of the southern coast of New England, and adjacent waters. By A. E. Verrill, S. I. Smith, and Oscar Harger. Report U. S. Commis- sioner Fish and Fisheries, part I, pp. 295-778, pll. 1-38, 1874. Notice of a new fossil Spider from the Coal Measures of Illinois. Amcr. Jour. Sci., Ill, vii, pp. 219-223, figure, March, 1874. On a new genus of Asellidae. Amer. Jour. Sci., Ill, vii, pp. 601-602, June, 1874. Report on the dredgings in the region of St. George's Banks in 1872. By S. I. Smith and O. Harger. Trans. Conn. Acad., iii, pp. 1-57, pll. 1-8, August, 1874. [Descriptions of Asellus communis, Asellopsis, and Asellopsis tenax, pp. 657-661, pi. 1, figures 3, 4.] Crustacea of the fresh waters of the United States. By Sidney I. Smith. Report U. S. Commissioner Fish and Fisheries, part ii, pp. 637-665, pll. 1-3, 1874. Description of Mancasellus brachyurus, a new fresh water Isopod. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. No. XXXVII. Amer. Jour. Sci., Ill, xi, pp. 304-305, April, 1876. Descriptions of new genera and species of Isopoda, from New England and adjacent regions. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum 152 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE of Yale College, Xo. XXXVIII. Amer. Jour. Sci., Ill, xv, pp. 373-379, May, 1878. [List of Isopoda, p. 6.] Preliminary check-list of the marine inverte- brata of the Atlantic coast, from Cape Cod to the Gulf of the St. Lawrence. By A. E. Verrill. New Haven, June, 1879. Notes on New England Isopoda. Proc. U. S. National Mus., ii, pp. 157-165, November, 1879. Report on the marine Isopoda of New England and adjacent waters. Report U. S. Commissioner Fish and Fisheries, part vi, pp. 297-462, pll. 1-13, 1880. [Isopoda, p. 450.] Preliminary notice of the Crustacea dredged, in 64 to 325 fathoms off the south coast of New England, by the United States Fish Commission in 1880. By S. I. Smith. Proc. U. S. National Mus., iii, pp. 413-452, January, 1881. Report on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, on the east coast of the United States, during the summer of 1880, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake," Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding, XXIII. Report on the Isopoda. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zobl, xi, No. 4, pp. 91-104, pll. 1-4, September, 1883. Mrs. Harger was a valuable assistant of her husband in much of his scholarly work. The following sketch is furnished by Miss M. Louise Greene: "Mr. Harger, at the time of his death, had just finished his work as the authority for the terms in palaeontology to be found in the Inter- national edition of Webster's Dictionary. Much of the revision for that edition was done in New Haven. Three weeks after Mr. Harger's death, Mrs. Harger joined the editorial staff for the cross-reference work. Some three years later, upon the completion of the revision, she refused an excellent offer of similar work because it would take her away from home. "Mrs. Harger had been a student at the Yale Art School, entering October 1, 1880, and receiving, as was then the custom, her certificate upon completing the course, June 1, 1883. She returned for graduate work during that and the following year. "At the close of the dictionary days, it was Mrs. Harger's desire to go abroad to complete her art studies, but her mother, then nearing seventy, felt herself too old for such a journey. Mrs. Harger gave up temporarily her wish, and entered the Yale Library. There, as she spoke German, read French, and in addition to her knowledge of botany and of Mr. Harger's subjects, knew also enough of Latin, Italian, Old French, Dutch, and even Scandivanian, for the cataloguing of books in these languages, she spent eighteen years of active service. Often she was called upon for fine penmanship and drawing, as in the copying of some old script or rare broadside. She had also done considerable genealogical work. She was happiest when historical or art books came to her to be BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I 53 catalogued. She thoroughly enjoyed the nature of her work, but found it very confining, and, as the years wore on, she missed more and more the freer outdoor life to which she had been earlier accustomed. "At no time did she wholly give up the art interest which had been hers from childhood. Vacations gave some opportunity for color work, and winter evenings a little time for black and white. She determined to hold herself in readiness to return to some field of art. When interest in the ivory miniature sprang up in America, she devoted every spare moment to perfecting herself in its technique. For a number of years she exhibited in the New Haven Paint and Clay Club — of which she was a member — both water-color and pastel work of excellence, as well as miniatures. That the latter were successively hung at the Annual Exhibition in New York of the American Society of Miniature Painters, with their exacting standards, speaks for her technique and excellence. "Leaving the Yale Library some four years before her death, Mrs. Harger devoted herself to miniature painting. Her greatest pleasure was in the spontaneous tributes to her skill in reproducing personality, faithful in line and character. "Comrade in his work and recreation, and, like him, brave, sunny, unflinching in her years of labor and undaunted in her year of peril, Jessie Craig Harger, widow of Oscar Harger, after months of severe and painful illness, died September 2, 1913, of malignant inflammation of the pancreas." Horace Adams Hicks Son of Horace P. and Susan (Adams) Hicks. Horace A. Hicks was born October 7, 1844, in Charlton, Mass. He came to college from Worcester, Mass., having been prepared at the Worcester High School. After graduation he went at once into business. For several years he was engaged in the manufacture of pianos in Boston, but in 1895 ne removed to Spencer, Mass., and established him- self there as a manufacturer of carriages, in which business he is still engaged. He was married in Spencer in 1873 to Mrs. Helen J. Caswell of Lisbon, Vt., and by this marriage had two children, one of whom died young. A daughter, Susan Hicks, is living with her father in Spencer. Mrs. Helen J. C. Hicks died June 26, 1881, and he was again married, April 8, 1888, to Josephine A. Green of Dorchester, Mass. 154 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Beach Hill Son of Edward and Cornelia (Beach) Hill. Edward Hill, his father, kept a well-equipped country store in Easton, Conn. He was a land sur- veyor, settled estates, and held about all the offices of a country town. He was known by the title of "Squire Hill." Though not a lawyer, he was a good judge of law and had a good library, kept in a room in his house called "The Office." People came at all hours of the day and night, even from long distances, to get his advice. He never had a law- suit of his own, but conducted cases in court for others and seemed to know how a case should be conducted in order to win. Mr. Hill was strict, but perfectly fair in the discipline of his children. A younger son had the habit of getting home late from school. The father said to him: "Young man, which would you prefer — to come straight home from school, or take a good whipping?" He answered: "I prefer a good whipping." The father did the job with a whip that had merit in it, and thereafter the son claimed the right to get home from school when he pleased, and his claim was allowed. Beach Hill was born at Easton, Conn., August 26, 1839. He was prepared for college at Easton Academy, entered with '63, and remained with that Class till the second term of Sophomore year. In 1862 he enlisted in the Twenty-third Connecticut BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES I 55 Volunteer Infantry and served in Louisiana under General Banks till mustered out at the close of his term of service. He joined '68 in September, 1865. During the first term of Senior year he got leave of absence from college and opened an academy at Newtown, Conn., under unusually favorable cir- cumstances. At the opening of the winter term he employed a graduate of Yale, '67, to take charge of the school till July, returned to college and graduated with his class at Commencement. After graduation he again became Principal of the academy at Newtown, where he continued four years. During this period he was married. After two years more of teaching, this time at Easton Academy, he purchased a farm in Trumbull, Conn., with the idea of establishing a boarding and day school. After a few years of this experience, he rented his farm and taught six years as Principal of a select high school in Bridgeport. He greatly enjoyed the life of a teacher, and has prepared many boys for college. In a letter to the Secretary dated February 10, 1913, he wrote: "I am living on my farm in Trumbull. My daughter Edith keeps house for me, and my son Wallace manages the farm. I often think that almost everybody has a call to come back to the land. If you seek the favor of Mother Earth in good earnest, she will respond with much comfort and blessing. "I belong to the Baptist Church in Stepney, and have charge of the Bible Class. I have been a teacher of the Bible in city or town for a great many years. My experience is that the Bible is to the wayfarer who seeks another and better country what the 'old oaken bucket' on the farm used to be to the thirsty traveler." He was married at Stepney, Conn., February 3, 1869, to Mary Leavenworth, and has had four children: Ina, born at Monroe, Conn., February 4, 1870, died August 4 of the same year; Edith May, born March 25, 1873, at Long Hill; Bertha, born December 1, 1874, at Long Hill, died March 14, 1877; Wallace Leavenworth, born October 28, 1878, at Bridgeport. Wallace was married to Grace Frances Hall at Bridgeport, June 26, 1908, and has one son, Carroll Leavenworth, born July 4, 1910, who is expecting to enter Yale somewhere about 1930. Mrs. Mary Leavenworth Hill died January 18, 1903. '5* THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE * James Winthrop Holcombe Eldest son of James Huggins and Emily Merrill (Johnson) Holcombe, and brother of John Marshall Holcombe (Yale College 1869). James W. Holcombe was born in Hartford, Conn., February 3, 1846. He was prepared for college at the Hartford Grammar School, and spent Freshman year at Trinity College, entering the Class of '68 at Yale in September, 1865. For two years after graduation he was private tutor to young men preparing for college, at the same time devoting considerable attention to German and French and translating for the press from both languages. September 2, 1871, he started on a tour around the world, passing through China, India, Egypt, the Holy Land, Turkey, Greece, Italy, and other parts of Europe, and returning home in the summer of 1872. The academical year 1873-74 was spent in study at the University of Leipsic, and from this time till his death he lived in Europe, occupied with artistic and literary pursuits. From 1879 to 1889 he spent most of the time in Italy, making, however, several journeys to Eng- land and various parts of the Continent. Until 1886 his resi- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES I 57 dence was on the island of Capri, and after that date at Naples. From 1889 to 1899 he resided in England, France and Spain. The last ten years of his life (1899-1909) he spent mostly on the island of Capri. In 1886 at London and in 1887 at Florence, he received medals for artistic work. Of his magazine articles the following are especially worthy of mention: "Campanian Originalities," a series of letters from Naples for the Hartford Times. "Description of the Eighteen-hundredth Anniversary of the Destruction of Pompeii," an illustrated article for Harper's Weekly. "Arrival at Naples of Professor Nordenskiold's ship Vega from her Arctic voyage," another illustrated article for the same paper. "The Model Performances of German Dramatic Stars," for the New York Dramatic Magazine. "Description of Street-life at Naples" (illustrated), for the London Graphic. He also published: "Baden," translated from the German, and "In search of the Cast- aways," translated from the French. James W. Holcombe died of pneumonia at Capri, June 26, 1909, at the age of sixty- three years. Henry Freeman Homes Son of Henry A. Homes (B.A. Amherst 1830; M.A. Yale 1834; LL.D. Columbia 1873) and Anna Whiting (Heath) Homes. In response to the class Secretary's request for some informa- tion as to his ancestors. Homes writes as follows: "My father was a direct descendant of Rev. William Homes and of Josiah Franklin the father of Benjamin Franklin. William Homes received the degree of M. A. from the University of Edinburgh in 1693 and came to America in 1714 and was settled in Massachusetts. "Capt. Robert Homes, his son, married in 1716 Mary Franklin, a sister of Benjamin Franklin. The latter in his autobiography and letters makes frequent mention of Captain Homes and his wife. My father's first maternal ancestor in this country was Samuel Freeman, who came from England in 1630, and his descendants Enoch Freeman and Judge Samuel i5» THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Freeman were very prominent and public-spirited citizens of Portland, Maine. "My father was a missionary in Turkey, from 1836 to 1851, when he became Charge d'Affaires of the U. S. at Constantinople. From 1854 to the time of his death, Nov. 3, 1887, he was Librarian of the New York State Library at Albany, N. Y. While a divinity student at Yale, my father had rooms with Noah Porter, late President of Yale College, on the corner of Chapel and Temple Streets. "My mother was a direct descendant of Nathaniel Whiting, who came from Lincolnshire, England, in 1638 and received a grant of land in Lynn, Mass. '"Colonel Daniel Whiting of the third generation was born in 1732. He served in the French and Colonial wars and did valiant service through- out the Revolutionary War, receiving high commendation from General La Fayette. My mother's mother was a descendant of Ebenezer Newell, who came from Oxfordshire, England, to Dedham, Mass., before 1690. My mother's paternal grandfather was Ebenezer Heath, born 1765, and his estate in Brookline, Mass., is still occupied by his descendants. Her earliest paternal ancestor in this country was William Heath, who came from England in 1632. He was the ancestor of Major General William Heath, a prominent officer in the Revolutionary War." Henry F. Homes was born April 20, 1847, in Constantinople, Turkey, and was prepared for college at the Albany Academy. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I 59 After graduation, from October, 1868, until January, 1871, he was employed in the New York State Insurance Department at Albany, N. Y. From 1871 to 1878 he was a Consulting Actuary in New York City. In 1879 ne was graduated at the Columbia College Law School, and has since been in the practice of law, first in Albany, where he remained till 1885, and since then con- tinuously in New York City. *Edward Frederick Hopke Son of Eide F. and Anna C. (Von Essen) Hopke. Both parents came from Hannover, Germany, and after a residence of a few years in New York City removed to Hastings, Westchester County, N. Y. Edward F. Hopke was born October 29, 1846, in New York City, and was prepared for college at the Commercial and Collegiate Institute, Yonkers, N. Y. After graduation he studied one year in the New York Uni- versity Law vSchool, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Laws there in 1869, an d began at once the practice of law in New York City. In 1874 he formed a partnership with a law school class- 160 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE mate, Thomas L. Henry, afterwards District Judge of New Jersey, under the firm name of Henry & Hopke, but this part- nership was dissolved after a short time. He was also associated in the practice of law with Mr. Cornelius Hoffman and Mr. William Van Hosen. While a law student in New York he joined the state militia and rose to the rank of Adjutant of the Fifth Regiment, which was called out by Governor Hoffman and did active service in quelling the riot in New York City in 1871. In the spring of 1880, on account of ill health and brighter business prospects, he went to the Hawaiian Islands, where for six years he was the successful manager of a large sugar planta- tion, when, hoping for larger returns, he went to the Samoan Islands. This venture proved a failure, and he returned to the United States and located in Oakland, Cal., where he was engaged in business for several years. He subsequently removed to San Francisco, and, in company with a younger brother, established Dye and Chemical Works, in the management of which they had unusual success. In his last letter to the Secretary, he wrote : "I am glad to be able to state that my health is now good, and that business prospects are likewise bright. I fully expect to come East again some day, and fondly hope to have the great privilege of meeting once more surviving friends and classmates." This hope was never realized. He died suddenly, of pneu- monia, at San Francisco, December 30, 1904, at the age of fifty-eight years, and was buried by the side of his brother in Cypress Lawn Cemetery, San Mateo, Cal. Robert Allen Hume Son of Rev. Robert W. Hume (Union College 1834) and Hannah D. (Sackett) Hume, and brother of Rev. Edward S. Hume (Yale College 1870). Robert A. Hume was born in Bombay, India, March 18, 1S47. He came to America in 1855, resided several years at Springfield, Mass., and completed his preparation for college at Williston Seminary. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 161 He won prizes in Composition and Declamation in Sophomore year, and in Debate during each of the four college years ; grad- uated with Phi Beta Kappa rank, and was speaker at Junior Exhibition and Commencement; was editor of the Yale Counint, represented Brothers as Orator at the "Statement of Facts" in our Senior year, and was awarded the Clarke Scholarship at graduation. After graduating at Yale, he taught one year in General Rus- sell's Military School, New Haven ; studied two years in the Yale Theological Seminary; taught one year at the Edwards Place School, Stockbridge, Mass. ; studied one year at the Theological Seminary at Andover, where he was graduated in 1873 ; and then taught another year in New Haven. May 10, 1874, he was ordained for the missionary work in India, in New Haven, at the Third Congregational Church. President Woolsey preached the sermon, on 'The Probability of the Spread of Christianity over all the World." On August 11 of the same year he sailed to join the Maratha Mission, with which he has been connected for forty years. His work has been largely in connection with the Ahmednagar Theological Seminary, 1 62 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE for which, at first as Dean and later as President, he has had the main responsibility. He has also been Superintendent of a large district in which are several schools and churches. He has edited the Anglo-Marathi weekly newspaper named the Dnyanodaya (The Rise of Knowledge), besides doing general eyangelistic work, mainly through the medium of the Marathi language. In 1885 Hume returned to America for a year's vacation, which was prolonged to two by the Prudential Committee of the Ameri- can Board, in consequence of a few harmless words in an after- dinner speech at the Andover Commencement in 1886. While the Prudential Committee were occupied with the "Hume Contro- versy," Hume himself was doing good work for the cause of missions, in America. He labored unceasingly among the churches and theological seminaries in the New England, Middle and Western States, endeavoring to awaken increased and more intelligent missionary interest and consecration. In June, 1887, he was sent back to India. The Theological Seminary, which was closed when he came to America in 1885, was reopened, and he took up again the work of training native pastors and teachers, in which he had before been engaged. In May, 1893, he returned again to the United States for a furlough. He was present at the quarter-century meeting of the Class, and made an address at the Alumni Meeting on June 26. After a year in this country, he resumed his work in India. He came home also on furlough in 1904, and again in 1910. He has been very happy in his missionary work at Ahmed- nagar, one hundred and fifty miles east of Bombay. Though his most important work was as President of a Theological Seminary, yet a great deal of miscellaneous work came to him as senior missionary in a station where, according to the government census, six per cent, of the population of the city were members of his mission. In the decade from 1891 to 1901 the Christian com- munity of this immediate vicinity grew from less than 7,000 to over 20,000, that is, two hundred per cent. ; and he had to build a church to seat thirteen hundred in the city, because such accom- modation was absolutely necessary. In the sad famine of 1899- 1900, he succeeded his brother Edward as Chairman of the largest famine fund from America, and Secretary of the second largest American famine fund, and in general they helped to administer about one million dollars. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 1 63 His services were recognized by the British Government, he being decorated with the Kaiser-i-Hind gold medal in the name of the Queen, for public service. Yale conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1895. He has published in English various pamphlets, among which are: "Is Christianity True?" ; "Theosophy" ; "Relief for Native Christians Married in Childhood"; "Christianity Tested by Reason"; "Marriage and Divorce: How to make the ideas and customs of marriage among Indian Christians conform more and more to the Christian Standard." Also articles on the "Mission- ary Work in India," in the Missionary Herald, 1878-88, numerous articles in other religious papers in America, and sundry tracts in Marathi. He translated from the English into Marathi: "The Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament." The F. H. Revell Company has published for him: "Missions from the Modern Point of View," one chapter of which has recently been reprinted as a booklet entitled "How Gangaram Became Acquainted with God." "An Interpretation of India's Religious History," a course of lectures given in many universities and theological seminaries during his stay in America in 1910-11. In a brief farewell letter to his many friends at the close of his last furlough, he wrote, under date of April 22, 191 1 : "Since July, 1910, I have been in the United States, on my fourth fur- lough. Soon I shall return to India for a fifth period of service. "I did not feel the need of rest, and therefore have not taken it during this furlough. I have tried to do three things — to grow, to serve, and to earn money for my children's education. Intercourse with many strong men and women, and attending exercises in educational institutions and conferences have afforded means of growth. I have had fine opportuni- ties to serve. Thus far I have spoken in many leading churches, theo- logical seminaries, universities, colleges, and conferences. I have a record of two hundred and nine formal addresses. By July fifth, when I sail from San Francisco, this number will be materially increased. I have been enabled to earn a good amount for the education of my children. "I am grateful for the opportunities enjoyed, for helpful intercourse, and for courtesies to my family and to myself. I hope to return to America in about seven years. I go back to India in good health, arid 164 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE with a profound conviction of the greatness and urgency of missionary work in that marvelous country. I rejoice that churches and leaders in the world have a growing understanding of the importance and value of Missions. "With gratitude to my Father and my friends, I go joyfully and hope- fully to my beloved land and work." A He was married in New Haven, July 7, 1874, to Abbie Lyon Burgess, by whom he had four children, born at Ahmednagar: Ruth Peabody, June 2, 1875; Robert Ernest, March 20, 1877; and Hannah, March 11, 1878. A son, Alfred Penfield, born October 5, 1879, died May 6 of the following year. His wife, Abbie Burgess Hume, died July 25, 1881, and he was again married, at Ahmednagar, September 7, 1887, to Katie Fair- bank, daughter of Dr. Samuel Fairbank of the same Mission, and has had by this marriage four children : Wilson McClaughry, born May 9, 1888; Walter Fairbank, born March 15, 1890; Henry Woods, born November 15, 1895; Mary Ballantine, born Sep- tember 1, 1897. His daughter, Ruth Peabody, was graduated from Wellesley in 1897, studied medicine at the Woman's Medical College in Phila- delphia, and took her degree there in 1902. She went to India in 1903, and since then has been the physician in charge of the Woman's Hospital of the American Board Mission, in Ahmed- nagar. Robert Ernest was graduated from Yale College in 1898, received from Yale the degrees of M.A. in 1900 and Ph.D. in 1901, was graduated from Union Theological Seminary in 1904, and in October, 1907, became a Missionary and Professor in the Theo- logical Seminary at Ahmednagar, India. He was soon trans- ferred to Bombay, where for several years he has been editor of the English portion of the Mission paper for which his grand- fathers, father, and uncle, had done so much. In November, 1913, he was elected to the Marcellus Hartley Professorship of the Philosophy and History of Religion and Missions in the Union Theological Seminary and arrived in New York to enter upon his work there, April 1, 1914. He was married on March ! 5> I 9°7* at Milltown, New Brunswick, to Laura Caswell, daughter of William Thomas Caswell of that place, and has two sons, both born in India: Robert Caswell, April 17, 1908, and Edward Putnam, July 14, 191 1. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I 65 Hannah was graduated from Wellesley in 1900, and assisted her aunt, Miss Sarah Hume, in the City Mission work of New Haven for about two years. October 1, 1903, she was married in New Haven to Rev. Theodore Storrs Lee, and went with him to the American Mission at Satara, Western India. Mr. and Mrs. Lee had two children born in India: Grace, October 24, 1906; Theodore Hume, April 15, 1910. Mr. Lee died in 191 1 in the Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. In 1912 Mrs. Lee returned with her two little children to her work in Satara. Wilson McClaughry was graduated from Yale College in 1909, and during the following year was connected with the Young Men's Christian Association work in Cambridge, Mass. From 1910 to 1913 he was Educational Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association in New Britain, Conn. August 20, 191 3, he was married in New Britain to Elizabeth Cathcart. He is now connected with the Young Men's Christian Association work in India, being stationed at Lahore, Punjab, North India. Walter Fairbank was graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School in 1912 and is studying in the Medical School of Columbia University, with the purpose of becoming a Medical Missionary. Henry Woods is a student in Yale College, in the Class of 1916. Jonathan Ingersoll Son of Hon. Charles A. Ingersoll (M.A. Yale College 1827), Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut, and of Henrietta (Sidell) Ingersoll, and brother of Charles D. Ingersoll (Yale College 1864) and Thomas C. Ingersoll (Yale College 1865). Jonathan Ingersoll was born in New Haven, April 23, 1848, and was prepared for Yale at General Russell's Collegiate and Commercial Institute. After leaving college he spent a year in the Law School at Albany, N. Y., graduating in 1869, and began immediately the practice of law in New Haven. From May, 1873, to December, 1874, he was Executive Secretary of the State of Connecticut. He was Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court for New Haven County from 1875 till 1882, and Clerk of the same Court from 1882 till 1888. From June, 1870, to January, 1872, he was mem- ber of the Court of Common Council of the City of New Haven. i66 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE He removed from New Haven in 1889, and went to the Pacific coast. In 1899 he entered the service of the Southern Pacific Railroad at Los Angeles, California. From 1902 until 1910 he was in charge of the Advertising Department at Los Angeles, and is now chief of the Accounting Department of the Los Angeles office of that road. He was married (1) in Albany, N. Y., to Grace King Skinner, October 6, 1870; (2) in New York, March 16, 1889, to Alice M. Anderson. He has had five children : Anne, born Novem- ber 22, 1 87 1, died September 19, 1872; Charles Anthony, born January 21, 1873, in New Haven ; Henrietta, born August 3, 1874, at Ridgefield, Conn. ; Jonathan, Jr., born February 5, 1876, at New Haven; and Randolph, born September 6, 1893, in Orange, N. J. Charles Anthony was graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School in 1893, and is employed as mechanical engineer by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company of New Haven. He was married, July 8, 1903, to Susan Goodwin Moody of New Haven, and has two children, Thomas C. Ingersoll and Grace Ingersoll. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 167 Henrietta married Thomas McDonough Russell, son of Samuel Russell of Middletown, Conn., and resides in that city. Jonathan, Jr., was graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School in 1896, and is Secretary and Treasurer of the Mines Finance Company of New York City. Randolph is manager of the branch office of the Los Angeles Times. *Edward Alexander Lawrence Son of Rev. Professor Edward A. Lawrence (Dartmouth College 1834), of the Theological Seminary at East Windsor Hill (now the Hartford Theological Seminary), and of Margaret (Woods) Lawrence. Edward A. Lawrence, our classmate, was born January 16, 1847, at Marblehead, Mass., and was prepared for Yale at Phillips Academy, Andover. He won the Runk Scholarship in Freshman year, was awarded prizes in Composition and Debate, was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition and Commencement, and was graduated with High Oration rank in scholarship. 1 68 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE After leaving college, he spent one year at Princeton Theo- logical Seminary. In the spring of 1869 he went to Germany, and was two years in the Theological Department of the Uni- versity at Halle and one year in the University at Berlin. From January until July, 1873, he was Tutor in German in Yale College. He preached at Champlain, N. Y., for about two years, and in September, 1875, was settled over the Congregational Church at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In November, 1883, leaving Pough- keepsie, he accepted a call to the pastorate of Plymouth Church, Syracuse, N. Y., where he remained until March, 1885. Then, resigning his pulpit, he started on a mission tour around the world, visiting Japan, China, India and Turkey, and returning to America in December, 1887. In 1888 he delivered a course of ten mission lectures at Andover Seminary, on the "Hyde Foundation." Various mission articles from his pen were pub- lished in the Andover Review for 1887 and 1888, and in different religious and secular papers. In the fall of the years 1891 and 1892 he delivered two courses, of six lectures each, on "Modern Missions in the East," before the Yale Divinity School; and in the spring of 1892 six of the same lectures were given at Beloit College, Wis. In this year the degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by Beloit. After supplying the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church at Sing Sing, N. Y., for one year from May, 1888, he accepted a call in May, 1889, from the first Congregational Church in Baltimore, Md., where he remained until his death, on November 10, 1893. His last illness was brief. His health had always been unusu- ally good, and a week before his death he had no symptoms of disease. He complained of slight indisposition on Sunday, November 5, but no one anticipated any serious result. On Tuesday his physician became anxious about him and called in another physician for consultation, who, recognizing the serious nature of his disease, advised that he be taken at once to the hospital. A surgical operation was performed, which revealed a stage of appendicitis so advanced as to preclude the slightest hope. He died on Friday morning at nine o'clock. His principal strength during his pastorate in Baltimore seemed to lie in his ability to organize and direct the social and charitable work of his people. Whoever had a plan of work in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 169 these lines was sure to carry it to him, and was also sure to come away with many helpful suggestions and the assurance of his cordial assistance. In portions of the city where his sym- pathies often led him, there were many Germans, and his fluent use of their language gave him large influence among them. He went into their homes and talked freely and easily with them, thus making an opening, himself, into which he could wisely direct the efforts of those wishing to take up the work after him. Rev. M. D. Babcock said at his funeral: "Dr. Lawrence was a man of marvelous balance, a man of grace and of a logical mind. He was a man in whom the playfulness of child- hood blended with logic, all in harmony. He was a friend, tender, responsive, receptive; his smile will always be to me a beautiful memory. This man of faith said at the funeral of his father: 'This is not a home of mourning, though mourners are here; this is not the house of death, though death is here. He lives.' " Rawson wrote in a private letter soon after his death : "Lawrence was a man of wide and catholic tastes and of unusual cul- ture. He told me that before he went to Germany he was determined to acquire the language so thoroughly that he might be able to preach in German without notes. Since graduation I have met him from time to time. He visited me on board the Minnesota when that large ship poked her bow up the Hudson as far as Poughkeepsie. He was then living opposite the town, like Montaigne, in the tower of a house sit- uated on a high bluff above the river. For extra professional reading he was enjoying ' 'Jevon's Logic of Science.' Later, when I was at the Naval Academy, he came down to Annapolis to deliver a lecture before St. John's College on Athanasius — a very creditable effort. "I have thought of him as having had an ambition to fit himself for any position which the exigencies of his profession might demand. His missionary tour around the world is evidence of this. His settlement alone among the poor of Baltimore in the tenement districts is additional confirmation of unusual and sanctified ambitions. "He was a near neighbor to me, Baltimore being only an hour's run from Washington. I saw less of him than I hoped or desired. But I knew he was there, and I miss him. As a class, I think we have reason to be proud of him, his manliness, his culture, his unselfishness, his success." The life of our classmate has been delicately and lovingly portrayed in a memorial volume, "Reminiscences of Edward A. Lawrence, Jr., by his Mother, Margaret Woods Lawrence." 517 pp. Published by the Fleming H. Revell Company in 1900. iyo THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Frank Bradley Lewis Son of George T. and Mary (Bradley) Lewis, was born July 25, 1844, in the township of Fairfield, Conn., in the district that is called Greenfield, about two miles northeast of Greenfield Hill. The family removed to Bridgeport when he was quite young, and he received his preparation for college in part at the private school of the Rev. G. B. Day in that city, and in part at Fairfield Academy, Herkimer Co., N. Y., then one of the best of the old New York State academies. His chief classical instructor was Albert B. Watkins, a graduate of Amherst. After graduation he taught for two years at St. Mark's School, Southboro, Mass., afterwards attended the Berkeley Divinity School at Middletown, Conn., and then served as assistant min- ister at Meriden, Conn. In May, 1872, he became Rector of St. Paul's Church, Brookfield, Conn. From January, 1873, till June, 1879, ne was Principal of Oxford Academy, Oxford, N. Y., when he resigned and went to the Rocky Mountain region as a home missionary. August 2, 1879, he located in Bozeman, Montana, where he still resides, having been engaged in frontier missionary work for BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 171 more than a third of a century. For many years he had charge of the religious work in towns situated one hundred and fifty miles apart, and was responsible for two counties each larger than the State of Connecticut. In 1894, in addition to the care of his church in Bozeman, he had charge of the church in Livingston, twenty-five miles east, and his work was still spread over two very large counties. In Bozeman he had a very comfortable rectory, a stone church, the finest in the state, and a good congregation of earnest helpers in all lines of Christian work. He has been a member of the Bozeman Board of Education for nearly twenty-five years, and is now its Secretary. February 28, 191 1, he wrote: 'There is not much to add about my work. I am still in charge of the work which I assumed here thirty-two years ago. So far as I know, I have been longer in one place than any other clergyman in Montana. We have a good church property and a fair congregation. I have also three missions, now nearer home than those I had charge of seventeen years ago, all being in Gallatin County. I am Secretary of the Diocese of Montana, and have been one of the two Examining Chaplains for more than twenty-five years. I have been Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templars of Montana for twelve years. "I bought a farm of two hundred and twenty-five acres last year in this county, and as I am sixty-seven years old this summer and think I am entitled to a little rest in my old age, I expect to retire into the country before long." He resigned from his pastorate over St. James July 1, 191 1, and withdrew to his farm, but on account of the accidental death of his son-in-law two months later, he sold his farm and moved back to the city, where he and Mrs. Lewis are now living with their daughter. He has recently taken charge of some missions in the valley at Belgrade and Manhattan, but will continue to reside in Bozeman. He was married to Georgia F. Ambler, June 7, 1871, and has had five children: Arthur Franklin, born February 29, 1872, at Meriden, Conn. ; Giles Deshon, born June 8, 1873, at Oxford, died of scarlet fever in the fall of 1879, at Bozeman; Alice Elizabeth, born June 20, 1875, at Oxford ; Mary Curtis, born June 4, 1878, at Oxford; and Eleanor Birdseye, born in Bozeman March 15, 1889, died October 5 of the same year. Arthur Franklin Lewis was the first of the sons of '68 to enter Yale, where he was graduated as Bachelor of Arts in 1892. He 172 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE studied theology at the General Theological Seminary, New York City, receiving his degree in 1896, and is Rector of St. John's Church in North Haven, Conn. He was married June 2, 1896, in Bridgeport, Conn., to Edith Raynor Thompson, and has a son, George Birdseye Lewis, born in Bozeman, September 20, 1897. Alice Elizabeth was married in 1902 to Irenaeus K. Wisner, and has three children, born in Bozeman : Frank Bradley, April 11, 1906; Arthur Whitney, November 29, 1907; Mary Kneeland, November 15, 191 1. Mr. Wisner met an accidental death at the farm in August, 191 1. *George Henry Lewis Son of George and Lucy P. (Gager) Lewis. His ancestors were among the original settlers of Farmington, Conn. His parents died when he was quite young, and he was brought up by relatives. George H. Lewis was born in New Britain, Conn., September 6, 1842. At the close of the seminary year 1861-62, he left Williston Seminary, where he was preparing for Yale, and enlisted in Company F, Fourteenth Connecticut Volunteers. The regiment was ordered to Washington in August, and although undisciplined and inexperienced was engaged in the battle of Antietam, September 17, where it suffered severely. In this engagement Lewis was wounded in the left shoulder. After nearly three months in the hospitals at Washington and Alexandria, he rejoined the regiment at Falmouth, December 6. A week later, December 13, 1862, occurred the disastrous battle of Fredericksburg, in which the Fourteenth Connecticut Regi- ment lost nearly one-third of its number. Here Lewis received a severe wound, from which he never fully recovered. He was discharged in October, 1863, returned to Williston, and completed his preparation for college. In college Lewis showed great ability as a writer and speaker. He won prizes in Debate in each college year; also prizes in Sophomore Declamation and in Senior Composition. In Senior year he was awarded a Townsend Premium, and divided the DeForest Prize in Oratory with Beckwith. After graduation at Yale, he was employed as teacher for one year at Branford, Conn., and for two years in Iowa College, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 173 at Grinnell, Iowa. His training at Yale led him to take especial interest in debating and speaking at Grinnell, and the Lewis Literary Society is still a memorial to his services in that insti- tution. In July, 1871, he resigned his position at Grinnell and removed to Des Moines, which he made his permanent home. He lived forty-two years in that city and almost forty in the same house. He was admitted to the Bar in Des Moines in October, 1872, soon became a prominent lawyer, and was Dean and Man- ager of the Law School in connection with Drake University at Des Moines from its organization till 1886, when he resigned to devote himself wholly to business. In April, 1886, he became President and Manager of the Lewis Investment Company, which negotiated real estate loans and dealt in municipal bonds. This company suffered severely in the panic of 1893. Shortly after, a private firm for loans and insurance was organized under the firm name of George H. & E. L. Lewis. Since the death of Mr. Lewis the business has been continued by Mrs. E. L. Lewis, the surviving partner, at 415 Chestnut Street. 174 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE He made a special study of railroad problems and published : "National Consolidation of the Railways of the United States," 350 pp., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1893. V This work was favorably noticed by most of the prominent papers in the country. All did not, of course, agree with the author, but nearly all regarded the book as an important con- tribution to the discussion of the railway problem. Ex-Governor William Larrabee of Iowa, the author of "The Railroad Ques- tion," considered Mr. Lewis's book the best presentation of the problem that had yet appeared, and Senator Chauncey M. Depew wrote to Mr. Lewis that his book was the fairest to all parties concerned that had yet come to his notice. Lewis also published several articles on railway subjects, among which are the follow- ing, which appeared first in the Chicago Railway Review and afterwards were issued in pamphlet form: "Government Control and Ownership of Railways," March, 1891. 'The Railway Problem : a Review of Chairman A. B. Stickney's Book," May, 1891. "National Ownership of the Consolidated Railways of the United States," August, 1891. "Public or Private Control of Railways," February, 1892. Lewis was several times President of the Commercial Club, which he helped to organize. He did not aspire to hold any political office, but he was elected Alderman on an independent ticket in 1884, and again in 1885. He was deeply interested in Plymouth Congregational Church, of which he was senior Deacon, and had great influence in shaping its history. He was Chairman of the General Committee for the construction of the new church building, one of the finest in the West and costing $120,000, and delivered an address on behalf of the Committee at the meeting of the State Association of Congregational Ministers held in the church when it was dedicated in May, 1902. The same year he read a paper on "The Attitude of Men of Affairs toward the Church" before the Grinnell Association of Congregational Ministers. He published also a number of articles on religious subjects in the magazines. In 1879-80 he was dangerously ill, and for many weeks was not expected to recover, and for nearly six months did not see BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 175 the inside of his office. For the next twenty-five or thirty years his health was as firm as ever. In December, 1909, he fell com- ing down the stone steps at his home and injured the knee in which he was wounded at Fredericksburg, and was compelled to go back again to crutches, using the same pair which he used during his first two years at Yale. For thirty years before this accident he had been able to discard crutches and walk with a single cane. He was married August 27, 1869, to Elmina Elizabeth Buell of Sherburne, N. Y., by whom he had three children, born at Des Moines : Anna Newton, August 6, 1873, now Field Secre- tary of the Sunday School Association, with headquarters at Provo, Utah; Henry Buell, October 18, 1874, now Vice- President of the Baird-Taylor-Crawford-Lewis Company of Des Moines; Lucy Gager, September 12, 1876, wife of Dr. Erwin Schenk. Mrs. Elmina Buell Lewis died in May, 1896, and he was again married December 5, 1898, to Emma Estina Lorimer, by whom he had twin daughters, born October 7, 1900, Martha Estine and Mary Louise. Mr. Lewis died of cardiac asthma at his home, 415 Chestnut Street, Des Moines, on Sunday, March 16, 1913, at the age of seventy years. Funeral services were held on Wednesday after- noon at Plymouth Church. Among the many tributes to his worth were the following: "The career of George H. Lewis, who passed away at his home in this city yesterday morning, discloses a splendid type of the useful citizen. Mr. Lewis could maintain a deep and intelligent interest in all public affairs without engendering any personal passion for public office. He was a soldier of the Civil War, and he felt and lived true patriotism. He was a college man and was an able defender of the higher education. He was a lawyer and he made it a lifelong study how to apply the sound principles of the law in promoting the cause of good government. He believed in the church, and the church learned to depend upon him not only for material aid but for the wise counsel which he was always able and willing to give." — The Des Moines Capital, March 17, 1913. "Des Moines will miss the cultured face and kindly voice of George H. Lewis. Mr. Lewis was typical of the men New England contributed to the new West. Of liberal attainments himself, he had the New England zeal to secure liberal attainments for others. He stood for leadership in education, in the church, in city building. In his forty years in Des Moines he made a definite impress on the growth and character of the city." — The Des Moines Evening Tribune, March 17, 1913. 176 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE John Lewis Son of Warren and Maria (Phelps) Lewis. On the paternal side he was descended in the eighth generation from George Lewis, who landed at Plymouth in 1630, and on both his father's and his mother's side in the fourth generation from Aaron Phelps, who was graduated from Yale College in 1758. John Lewis was born in Suffield, Conn., June 22, 1842, and was prepared for college at the Connecticut Literary Institution in his native town. In 1862 he enlisted in the Twenty-second Connecticut Volunteers, and served nearly a year in Virginia. In college he was awarded prizes in Declamation (first prize) and in Composition (second prize in Sophomore year and first in Senior year) ; won four prizes in Debate (third in Freshman year, second in Sophomore and Junior years, and first in Senior year) ; had Philosophical Oration rank in scholarship ; was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition ; and was one of the editors of the Yale Literary Magazine. For a year after graduation he taught in the Hartford High School, and was admitted to the Bar in the latter city in March, 1870. He delivered the Historical Address at the celebration BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 177 of the Bicentennial Anniversary of the settlement of the town of Suffield, Wednesday, October 12, 1870. In January, 1871, he went to Chicago and was an assistant in the City Law Depart- ment until December, 1873, when he became a member of the law firm of Tuley, Stiles & Lewis, succeeded in 1879 by Stiles & Lewis. The latter firm continued until 1891, when Lewis retired from active practice. Since then he has been engaged mostly in legal writing. He brought out a series of books entitled "American Railroad and Corporation Reports." Volume I of the series was published in 1890, and Volume XII, com- pleting the series, in 1896. E. B. Myers & Company of Chicago were the publishers. In 1888 he published a work on which he had been engaged for fourteen years, "The Law of Eminent Domain" ; a second edition of the same, in two volumes, was published in 1900, and a third edition in 1909. This work was issued by Callagham & Company, Chicago. He has resided since 1873 at Oak Park, which adjoins Chicago on the west. He was Treasurer and Trustee of his town from 1879 to 1 881, and again for the year 1898-99, and was President of the town in 1899- 1900. He has been a library Trustee since 1883. He is also Trustee of Unity Church and President of the Oak Park Historical Society. In 1909 he wrote to the Secretary: "It sometimes seems as if I had not much to show for my sixty-seven years of life. I have lived in a quiet way, in a quiet town; but the quiet town is quiet no longer. From a community of less than a thousand when I came here in 1873, it has grown to number more than twenty thousand souls. We did not have a separate municipality of Oak Park until 1902. Prior to that time we were a part of the larger town of Cicero, and we had a long and weary struggle extending over some fifteen or twenty years to get ourselves set off as a distinct municipality." In his address at the laying of the corner-stone of the new Oak Park Municipal Building on Saturday, November 14, 1903, Mr. Jesse A. Baldwin said : "The evolution of this village, with its high ideals, has been gradual ; not at every step of the way has the end been distinctly in view ; but for the past ten years its accomplishment has been the deliberate purpose of many of our earnest citizens. To this end the columns of our news- papers have been used ; our various church clubs and other similar organ- izations have spent entire evenings in the discussion of the matters 12 178 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE involved ; clergymen, tradesmen, physicians, mechanics, teachers, lawyers, bankers, — all, all have had a part. For months at a time it has been the all-absorbing topic in our community. "Though many causes and many persons have actively contributed to produce our present municipal condition, it is a matter of common knowl- edge that the efforts of one man in his private and official life have contributed more to that end than those of any other person. Why need I wait till he is dead and past the possibility of knowing how highly he is esteemed, to thus publicly recognize our indebtedness to him? You all know him — Mr. John Lewis." Referring to this tribute to our classmate, the editor of Oak Leaves, on November 20, made the following editorial comment : "There was no feature of the corner-stone laying last Saturday that was more pleasing to the citizens of Oak Park than the tribute which Mr. Jesse A. Baldwin paid to Mr. John Lewis, as the man to whom, more than to any other, we owe our village government. Mr. Lewis's labors in behalf of the Oak Park public have been through many channels, but none have been more effective than the services which he gave when hold- ing the office of Supervisor, and then of President of the town of Cicero, in 1898, 1899, and 1900. "Mr. Lewis, against his own political and financial interest as an office- holder of the old town, cast his influence for a separate government for Oak Park. His career in public office has been marked by a degree of unselfishness and probity that is rarely found in American political life." He was married, July 27, 1868, to Adelaide E. Harmon, of Suffield, by whom he had three children : Warren Harmon, born at Suffield, June 17, 1870; John Gurdon, born at Chicago, December 10, 1872; Helen Adelaide, born at Oak Park, June 16, 1876. Mrs. Lewis died April 21, 1881. He was again married July 6, 1882, to Isadel H. Read of Bloomington, 111., by whom he has had two sons: Read, born May 19, 1887, and Harmon, born October 30, 1888. Dr. Warren Harmon Lewis, the '68 Class Boy, was prepared for college at the Chicago Manual Training School and was graduated as Bachelor of Science at the University of Michigan in 1894. After serving two years as Assistant in Zoology at that university, he entered Johns Hopkins Medical School, where he was graduated in 1900. He has since taught Anatomy at Johns Hopkins, as Assistant till 1904, when he was promoted to an Associate Professorship. In 19 13 he was appointed Pro- fessor of Physiological Anatomy. His publications along ana- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 179 tomical lines consist of about twenty-five papers. He is one of the editors of the Anatomical Record, and has been for several years on the research staff of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Wood's Hole. He was married May 23, 1910, at Cedar Lawn, Govans, Maryland, to Margaret A. Reed, daughter of Mr. Joseph C. Reed of Meyersdale, Pa., and has a daughter, Margaret N. Lewis, born in Baltimore, August 20, 191 1, and a son, War- ren Reed Lewis, born in Baltimore, December 28, 1912. Mrs. Lewis, before her marriage, was Instructor in Zoology and Physi- ology at Barnard College. Professor and Mrs. Lewis have aroused much public interest by their success in growing various tissues from embryos outside the living organisms in solutions or media of known chemical constitution. They have cultivated in this manner nerves, heart, liver, spleen, intestine, and other tis- sues, and are still actively at work. John Gurdon Lewis (M.E. University of Michigan 1897) has resided in Detroit since 1901, where he has been connected with the Detroit Screw Works as Superintendent and otherwise. He is now General Superintendent of the Standard Screw Com- pany, which has factories at Chicago, Detroit, Elyria, Hartford and Worcester, and Factory Manager of the Detroit Screw Works. He was married to Margaret Lloyd Philip of Hill- side, Wis., June 26, 1902, and has one child, Philip Gurdon Lewis, born February 22, 1906. Mrs. Margaret Philip Lewis, wife of John Gurdon Lewis, died February 27, 1912. Helen Adelaide was married to Frank E. Banks of Lawrence, Kans., on May 22, 1901, and resides in that city. Read was graduated as Bachelor of Arts from the University of Wisconsin in 1909, spent one year in graduate work at Columbia, and is now (1914) taking the law course in the latter university, where he expects to take his degree in June. Harmon was graduated as Bachelor of Arts from the Uni- versity of Wisconsin in 191 1 and continued graduate work at the same institution in geology and kindred subjects. In 1912 he went to Brazil for two years as geologist for an iron and steel company. 8o THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE William Alexander Linn Son of Dr. Alexander Linn (Union College 1831) and Julia (Vibbert) Linn, daughter of Horace Vibbert. His great-grandparents were Joseph Linn, born in 1725, and Martha Kirkpatrick, born in 1723. They were Scotch (Linn being Scotch for waterfall) . The Kirkpatricks came from Wattie's Neach, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. His great-grandparents came to America in 1736, landing at New Castle, Del., and settling near Basking Ridge, N. J. His grandfather, John Linn, was born in Warren County, N. J., December 3, 1763. In the Revolutionary War he joined Captain Manning's Sussex County Troop, as a private, and became Sergeant. After the war he read law. He was elected to the State Assembly in 1803, and the next year to the Council, as the Senate was then called. In 1810 he was elected by the Legislature a Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas, holding the office four terms. He was Sheriff of Sussex County in 1812, and was elected to Congress in 1819, holding his seat until his death in Washington in January, 1824. He married Martha Hunt in 1791, and by her had fourteen children, of whom Dr. Alexander Linn was the eighth. William A. Linn was born in Deckertown (now Sussex), N. J., September 4, 1846, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. He delivered the Thanksgiving- Jubilee Oration in our Sophomore year, and represented the class on BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES l8l the Thanksgiving Jubilee Committee in our Senior year; was Secretary of the First University Baseball Association at Yale; won first prize in Sophomore Composition; was an editor of the Yale Literary Magazine, one of the three Class Historians, and the Class Poet. In August, 1868, he went to New York, entered his name in a law office, and at the same time began looking for a situation in journalism. After applying in vain at the Times and Sun offices, he went to the Tribune, where he stumbled across John Russell Young, the managing editor, and told him what he wanted. Mr. Young said they sometimes "gave young men a chance," and introduced him to the city editor, who told him to "come around" the next day. He "went round," but was told there was no assignment for him that day. He kept this up for about a week, with the same result, when he again sought Mr. Young and told him of his poor success. Mr. Young again told the city editor to give the new-comer a chance, and he then got his first assignment — to make an index of Mr. Greeley's "Busy Life" from the author's notes. As he could read only about one word in five, he made slow work of it. Next he was set to work making "political notes" from newspaper clippings (during the first Grant campaign). From this time he got occasional assignments as a reporter, making on an average about ten dollars a week. On New Year's night, 1869, on reach- ing the office he found a note appointing him assistant city editor, his duty being to prepare the reporters' copy for the press as it was turned in. This was night work, keeping him up until 2.30 a. m., and compelling him when the car tracks were blocked with snow, to break a path up Broadway at that hour. On May 13, 1869, the managing editor assigned him to the editorship of the weekly and semi-weekly editions, "as an expression of my confidence in your efficiency, industry and fidelity." In December, 1869, the then managing editor, Whitelaw Reid, wrote him : "The weekly has been greatly improved, and we have to thank you in large part for it." On September 1, 1870, he was appointed to the night editorship of the daily Tribune. The duties of the weekly desk were pleasant, except that they required the holder of it to sit up, three nights in the week, until the daily was out, in order to use its type. The irregular hours told somewhat on his health, and in this way the new 1 82 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE assignment was an improvement, although it was considered the hardest position on the paper. In December, 1870, the managing editor wrote him : "Your work as night editor has proved cleaner, more thoroughly tasteful and every way satisfactory than I expected, and my expectations were by no meahs low." He kept this position till November, 1871, when he resigned to accept the city editorship of the New York Evening Post, thus emerging from night to daylight. In July, 1872, he was offered the editorship of the Troy (N. Y.) Morning Whig, with the privilege of purchasing an interest in the paper. He remained in Troy until May, 1873, working night and day, with incompe- tent assistance (with one exception). Finding that the paper had no financial standing, and that it would take more capital than he could command to put it on a paying basis, he resigned and returned to the city. He was at once offered the position of news and superintending editor on the Evening Post, with which paper he remained twenty-six years, becoming its man- aging editor in October, 1891. He continued to hold the position of managing editor of the Evening Post until April, 1900, when his resignation as a member of the staff, tendered the previous December, was accepted. Long years of wearing and continuous labor, with little real rest, had aggravated his indigestion and worn on his nerves until he was warned by his physician that he must have rest. When finally his resignation was accepted, the trustees of the paper presented to him a silver loving cup, with the following resolutions: "The trustees of the Evening Post Publishing Company accept with sincere regret the resignation of Mr. William A. Linn, managing editor, necessitated by ill health. They desire to place on record their appreci- ation of his nineteen years of punctual and capable service under the present ownership of the paper, following more than a decade of like service under the former regime. His loyalty has been conspicuous amid many examples to the contrary, and without regard to personal remu- neration or advantage. His editorial writing has been forcible and effective, and always on a high plane. His character for integrity and independent principle has commanded the respect of his employers and associates, who lose in him, before all, a man. The trustees assure him of their grate- ful esteem and their best wishes for his early restoration to health and usefulness." His associates on the editorial staff presented to him, engrossed and signed in autograph, the following testimonial : BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 1 83 "Dear Mr. Linn: Your associates on the staff of the Evening Post desire to testify their extreme regret that the state of your health has compelled you to resign your position as managing editor. They wish also to express their regard and admiration for your long, faithful and invaluable service to the paper, and for your splendid record as one of the ablest of American journalists. You are the senior of all of us but one, in point of service, on the Evening Post, and you have richly earned the many years of quiet and rest which we trust now await you. The honors due to a long career of usefulness and to a character without stain, will always surround you in our estimation. We wish you long life, health and pros- perity, and shall watch your future career with the deepest interest in whatever field your remarkable activity may make itself felt." The exacting duties of his journalistic positions gave him little time or energy for outside work. He contributed an article on "Italian Music Boys" to the Galaxy in 1869; an article on "District Telegraph Boys" to St. Nicholas; and two articles on Building and Loan Associations to Scribner's Magazine (in June, 1889, and May, 1890), since published in book form in "Homes in City and Country." Besides these, he contributed short anonymous articles to the Atlantic Monthly and to Harper's Young People, and a series of hunting sketches to The Country, a weekly paper. He was also for many years the New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Telegraph and the Boston Transcript. During the later years of his connection with the Evening Post Linn had been collecting material for a history of Mormonism, and had been instrumental in securing for the New York Public Library an unique collection of works on the subject, for the purchase of which Miss Helen Gould contributed two thousand five hundred dollars. He at once began work on his "Story of the Mormons" as soon as he had left the Evening Post, and had the manuscript ready for the publishers (the Macmillan Company) in the autumn of 1901, and the book was published in June, 1902. In the summer of 1902 he wrote "Rob and his Gun," a book for boys, giving an account of his own hunting experiences, and this was published by Scribner's in September of that year. Later in the same year he undertook a biography of Horace Greeley for Appleton's "Series of Historic Lives," and this was published in March, 1903. Since giving up journal- ism, he has contributed to editorial pages of the Evening Post and the Times's Literary Supplement, and to some periodicals. 184 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Since 1875 ne nas been a resident of Hackensack, N. J. He was the President of the Bergen County Republican Club for a year or two, until Blaine was nominated, when he became a Mugwump. He assisted in forming the Hackensack Mutual Building and Loan Association in 1887, and was its fir"st Presi- dent. He was in 1890 and 1891 Vice-President of the Building and Loan Association League of New Jersey. He has been a Director of the Hackensack Hall and Armory Association, a Trustee of the Hackensack Golf Club, and Secretary of the Hackensack Investment Association, a corporation dealing in real estate. In 1900 the Governor of New Jersey appointed him a member of the Commission authorized by the Legislature to devise means to preserve the Palisades. This Commission secured the passage of the law (by the Legislatures of New Jersey and New York) under which the Palisades Interstate Park Commission was established, and he was appointed by the Governors of the two states a member of the original Commission and was reappointed for five years in the spring of 1903 and again reappointed. This Commission has stopped the destruction of the Palisades and will soon have title to the whole front. He has continued to hold the office of President of the Hack- ensack Mutual Building and Loan Association, which now has assets of over $1,600,000, has never made a loss, and has not a dollar's worth of real estate among its assets. This record is said to be unique among such associations. He has been a Trustee of the Johnson Public Library of Hackensack since its organization in 1901. In the spring of 1903 a state bank with a capital of $75,000 was organized in Hackensack, and the presidency was tendered to Linn and accepted by him. He writes : "I would have been glad to continue my literary work, which the crit- ics have received with a good deal of favor. But 'serious literature,' like history and biography, does not bring a large remuneration to the author, and I decided to drop the pen and go into banking, with the idea that, if the bank is a success, it will keep me out of the poorhouse in my later years, and if it is not, it will get me settled there the sooner." The bank has proved a great success, and is now the largest "bank in Bergen County, with a capital, surplus and undivided profits of $350,000 and deposits of $2,700,000. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 1 85 In 1910, he, with other directors of the Peoples National Bank, organized the First National Bank of Ridgefield Park, N. J., three miles from Hackensack, and has been its president since that time. This bank is also a success, and has recently moved into a handsome building which it has erected for its own business. In 1895 he purchased a farm of one hundred and seventy-two acres in the mountain region of Sussex County, N. J., where he set out three thousand peach trees and a large apple orchard, and where he had a dairy of between thirty and forty cows. He continues to own this farm, which was a source of some levity at the reunion in 1898, makes it yield over eight per cent, on the investment, and is satisfied that farming intelligently and liberally conducted "pays." On July 11, 1912, Linn resigned his membership in the Pali- sades Interstate Park Commission, having served as a member of this commission since its organization. To his letter of resignation, Governor Dix replied: "It is a source of much regret to me that you are to sever your con- nection with that important Commission. The service that you are per- forming for the benefit of future generations in your efforts to provide, preserve and protect some of the most beautiful scenery of the world, located in this Park, is commendable, and I feel that in your superior qualifications for that important service the State is losing one of its most valued servants in your resignation." He was for a year a member of the Executive Committee of the Yale Alumni Association of New York and is a member of the Authors' Club of that city. He studied law in 1882 and 1883 with Varnum, and was admitted to the Bar of New York in March, 1883, but has never practiced. He was married January 31, 1871, in New York City, to Miss M. A. Martin. Mrs. Linn died March 5, 1897, of acute brain trouble. *Donald MacGregor Youngest child of James and Christiana (MacMartin) MacGregor. His mother was daughter of Judge Duncan MacMartin of Broadalbin, N. Y., and granddaughter of Duncan MacMartin, who was at the head of the Latin School in Albany at the close of the last century. i86 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Donald MacGregor was born in Utica, N. Y., November 30, 1844, and entered college from Brooklyn, N. Y., having been prepared at Albany Academy. After leaving Yale he studied theology at Princeton, graduat- ing there in 1871. He was installed pastor of the Park* Presby- terian Church, Troy, N. Y., in 1872, and continued in charge of that church until his death. No better proof of the success of his ministry is needed than the fact that his pastorate extended over a period of nearly thirty-eight years. He died of apoplexy on Wednesday, May 11, 1910, in Water- vliet (formerly West Troy), at the residence of Mr. Frederick W. Orr, with whom he had resided for thirty-five years. The funeral services were held on the following Saturday in the church of which he was pastor. Interment was in the Albany Rural Cemetery. A short time before his death, he wrote to the Secretary: ''Mine has been a very quiet life and a very small work, judged by common standards. My books are written only in human lives and hearts. I should reluctantly compare my humble life with the more successful lives of many of my classmates, and yet I am confident that it has not BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 1 87 been wasted. I seem to have one distinguishing quality only, that is, 'patient continuance.' I am still preaching in the church in which I was ordained in 1872. The best word about my work is that we are hold- ing our own against difficulties." The following estimate is from the Troy Daily Press of May 1 1 : "He was a scholarly man and a great Bible student, well versed in theology. His sermons showed depth of thought, and he was able to preach the truths of the Scriptures in a convincing manner. He took a prominent part in the meetings of the Troy Presbytery, and his voice was always raised in favor of any movement that would advance the cause of his church and religion generally. He was also greatly interested in the weak and struggling churches of the Presbytery. Particularly, he gave a great deal of time to the organization of the Armenian Presby- terian Church in this city, and its successful installation is due in a large measure to him." Mr. Frederick W. Orr wrote on August II, 1910, regarding his life and work: "In addition to the work in his church, Mr. MacGregor devoted con- siderable time and labor in aiding the Armenians, who were being attracted to Troy by its collar industry, to learn our language and to obtain religious instruction. He finally succeeded in establishing an Armenian Presbyterian Church under care of a pastor and in the erec- tion of a church building, earning thereby the name of 'The Father of the Armenian Church of Troy.' "The course of his pastorate ran very smoothly throughout its entire length. By well-directed and indefatigable toil, he kept life in a church whose inevitable demise from natural causes was a foregone conclusion, owing to the abandonment by Protestants to Roman Catholics of the territory in which his church was situated. Although for the last fifteen years of his life he was far from being in good health, still he was always in his pulpit on the Sabbath. I have known him to be so ill on Satur- day that he could hardly be about, but on Sunday he would rise superior to bodily infirmities, and from sheer force of will power perform the duties of the day. "He never committed any of his work to print. During the thirty-five years of our living together, I never knew him to write a single sermon. He carried into the pulpit only a single sheet of note paper on which was written merely the heads of his discourse. His sermons and lectures were always interesting and full of suggestive thought, and he had a very attrac- tive way of presenting his subjects. Had he been selfishly ambitious, he could have written his name well up on the scroll of fame. His only ambition was to merit his Master's commendation. i88 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE "I will close with the words uttered at the first meeting of his church after his death, which may throw some additional light upon the estima- tion in which he was held by his people : 'We venerate the day that Donald MacGregor came into our lives.' " William Allison McKinney Son of Edward McKinney and Marcia M. (Phillips) McKinney, and brother of Edward P. McKinney (Yale College 1861). His father was born at Binghamton, N. Y., in 1806, and was the son of Jacob McKinney, one of the earliest settlers of the place. Jacob McKinney was the fourth in descent from John McKinney, who came to Boston from the Isle of Skye in 1668 and settled near what is now Scarborough, Maine. Marcia M. McKinney, the mother of William A., was the daughter of John Phil- lips of Exeter, N. Y., the third John in descent from John Phillips of Cambridge, Mass. William A. McKinney was born August 31, 1845, at Tod- town, just out of Cooperstown, N. Y. He received his prep- aration for college in part at the Susquehanna Seminary in Binghamton, and later at Phillips Academy, Andover, where he graduated in 1863. He entered Yale that fall in the Class of '67, but at the close of Freshman year left the class for the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I 89 army, and joined his brother, of the Class of '61, who had been appointed by President Lincoln Commissary of Subsistence. McKinney was made clerk in the Commissary Department, and was attached to headquarters of the Second Brigade of the First Cavalry Division of the Army of the Potomac, under General Merritt. He reached the front in the summer of 1864, and was with this cavalry division during- the operations of General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. Returning after the close of the war, he joined '68 at the beginning of Sophomore year. He was interested in boating; was stroke of the Varuna gig crew in Junior year and of the '68 gig crew in Senior year. He also gave special attention to writing and speaking; won prizes in Composition and Debate; was President of Linonia in the third term of Senior year; was an editor of the Yale Literary Magazine; was one of the six competitors for the DeForest Prize in Oratory, and one of the speakers at Commencement. Immediately after Presentation Day, he became the Assistant Editor of the Norwich Bulletin of Norwich, Conn., which was then edited by William H. W. Campbell of Yale 1856. In 1869 he became Associate Editor of the Hartford Evening Post, then under the editorship of the late Isaac H. Bromley. The following year he entered Columbia College Law School, under Professor Dwight, graduated in the summer of 1871, and opened an office in Binghamton. That year he was appointed Secretary of the New York State Council of Political Reform, but continued his practice of law in Binghamton until he was prostrated with a severe attack of typhoid fever in the autumn of 1872. While convalescing, he went to Europe for a short stay, and then returned, with health completely restored, to his office in Bing- hamton, where he has remained in practice ever since. His office is now at 540 Security Mutual Building, and his residence at 187 Court Street. He was married at Syracuse, N. Y., May 8, 1880, to Mary E. Xiven, daughter of the late Robert J. Niven, Esq., and has had two children: Elisabeth Niven, born at Binghamton, June 8, 1881, died July 20, 1882; and Charlotte Niven, born November 12, 1886, at Binghamton. Charlotte Niven was married at Binghamton, Tuesday, Octo- ber 28, 1913, to Dr. Louis Watson Alston, and resides at 15 Thirty-sixth Street, East, Savannah, Ga. 190 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE George Manierre, Jr. Son of Hon. George Manierre, Sr., a lawyer, who was born in New London, Conn., July 15, 1817, came to Chicago in 1835, and died in the latter city May 21, 1863. He was elected in 1855 and 1861 Judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Illinois. He was one of the organizers of the Law Institute and Library, of Lincoln Park, the Chi- cago Historical Society, the Republican Party, the Young Men's Asso- ciation (afterwards the present Public Library), of the Anti-Slavery movement, and of the Union Defense Committee at the beginning of the Civil War. His death was deemed a public calamity. The Court House was draped in mourning, as were all public offices, and all the City Courts, both State and Federal, adjourned out of respect to his memory. The members of the Chicago Bar in a body, all the officers of the Courts, the Mayor and Common Council, and other prominent men were at his funeral, and the body was escorted through the streets amid the tolling of the City bells. He was a descendant of Louis Manierre, who settled in New London, Conn., in 1785, and whose ancestor came from Normandy to this country with a colony of Huguenots in 1680; the sur- name "Manierre," variously spelled, being derived by appointment from Royalty to coin money of the Realm. He was also a lineal descendant on the female side of Lieutenant Thomas Miner, one of the early set- tlers who bore a conspicuous part in the settlement of both New London and Stonington, Conn., prior to his death in 1690. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 191 His mother, Ann (Hamilton) Manierre, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, October 23, 1823, and was a daughter of Hon. William Reid, barrister, of that city, whose ancestor, from his estate of Kilbryd, fought with his tenants at the battle of Bothwell Bridge, June 22, 1679, under the flag "For God, King and Covenants." She was married in Detroit in 1842, and died in Chicago, June 8, 1900. George Manierre, Jr., was born in Chicago, February 5, 1845. He was prepared for college at Lake Forest Academy (1859-63), and was for three years a member of '68. In Freshman year he was 4th Lieutenant and in Sophomore year 3d Lieutenant of the Yaruna Boat Club. In Sophomore year he represented the class on the Thanksgiving Jubilee Committee, and in Junior year he was a member of the Spoon Committee. He received the degree of B.L. from Columbia Law School, New York City, in 1869. I n recognition of his studies in English and of his public services as a citizen, the degree of Master of Arts, with enrollment in the Class of '68, was conferred on him by Yale University June 28, 1893. He has been in the real estate business since 1870. On Feb- ruary 1, 1886, he formed a partnership with Henry Dibblee (who died December 19, 1907) under the firm name of Dibblee & Manierre, real estate. He is a Life Trustee of the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, elected January 22, 1894, and on June 8, 1908, was elected "Patron for eminent services to the Field Museum of Natural History." He is a Life Trustee of the Newberry Library of Chicago, elected December 5, 1899. He is also a member of the Chicago Club, the Mid-Day Club, the Saddle & Cycle Club, and the Chicago Historical Society, and is a governing member of the Art Institute. He has col- lected a large library of readable books in Standard Literature, early Voyages and Travels, and early American History. On February 9, 1876, he was married to Ann Eliza Edgerton of Fort Wayne, Ind., who was born in Hicksville, Ohio, June 4, 1849, educated at the Farmington School in Connect- icut (1863-67), and is a member of the Colonial Dames of America. She was a daughter of Hon. Alfred P. Edgerton, descendant of Richard Edgerton, Original Proprietor, Norwich, Conn., 1659, and a lineal descendant on the female side of Lieutenant William Pratt, one of the early settlers who bore a conspicuous part in the settlement of Hartford and Saybrook, 192 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Conn., prior to his death in 1678, and of Charlotte (Dixon) Edgerton, who was born in New London, Conn., June 1, 1816, and died in Hicksville, Ohio, January 21, 1891. Alfred P. Edgerton was born in Plattsburg, N. Y., January 11, 1813, and died in Hicksville, Ohio, May 14, 1897. He was a prominent pioneer in Northwestern Ohio, was engaged in real estate, canal, railroads, and gas works, was a Congressman and Independent Democratic nominee for Vice-President of the United States in 1872, with Charles O'Conor for President. Mr. and Mrs. Manierre have had four children : Alfred Edgerton, born August 13, 1878; graduated from Yale College in 1902, and took a graduate course in architecture at Illinois State University; is by profession an architect; was married March 20, 1907, to June G. Parkinson of Chicago, who was born April 16, 1881. Their daughter, Barbara Drake, was born in Chicago, August 24, 1908. Louis, born September 23, 1879 ; graduated from Yale College in 1901 and from Northwestern University Law School in 1904; is in the real estate business with the firm of Dibblee & Manierre, Chicago. Arthur, born April 29, 1881 ; graduated from Yale College in 1903; served apprenticeship in Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company's car shops at Havelock, Neb., and was subsequently engaged in the manufacturing business in Chicago ; was married December 20, 1906, to Eleanor Mason, daughter of Henry B. Mason, Yale College 1870. She was born December 17, 1883, and was graduated from Bryn Mawr College in 1905. Arthur Manierre died in Henrotin Memorial Hospital, October 7, 1912, after a surgical operation. He and his partner were the inventors of a Hermetic Seal for milk and other bottles and of the machinery for making it. He was in active charge of the business of making and supplying this product to dairies throughout the United States. Francis Edgerton, born May 16, 1884; graduated from Yale College in 1907; was Secretary of the Chicago Real Estate Board 1912-1913; is a member of the Executive Council of the Legislative Voters League; is in the real estate business with the firm of Dibblee & Manierre, Chicago. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 93 *Charles Clark Marsh Son of Augustus and Rebecca (Clark) Marsh, was born Sep- tember ii, 1847, m Jersey City, N. J., and was prepared for college at the Jersey City Grammar School. He came to college from New York City. After leaving Yale he spent about six months in Europe, and on his return went into business in New York City. In 1871 he became a member of the firm of Augustus Marsh & Company, wholesale grocers, with which he remained till 1883, when he with- drew for the purpose of engaging in banking, forming with Charles W. Durant, Jr., and Joseph W. Collins the firm of Durant, Marsh & Company. The firm afterwards became C. C. Marsh & Company. He was married in New York City, April 12, 1877, to Emma Maria Rees, and had two sons : Arthur Rees, born July 20, 1879 ; Douglass, born May 19, 1886. Charles C. Marsh died of Bright's disease, after a very brief illness, on November 2y, 1890, in New York City. 13 IQ4 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE * Edward Spencer Mead Son of E. M. Mead and Elizabeth (Hoe) Mead, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., January 10, 1847, an d was prepared for college at the Collegiate School, 71 West Fourteenth Street, New York City. Entering Yale at seventeen, Mead was one of the younger mem- bers of the class. He was a quiet, unassuming, gentlemanly youth, and few of his classmates at first appreciated the brave and manly spirit which actuated him. A favorite nephew of Richard Hoe, the famous inventor and manufacturer of the great Hoe Power Press, he was called in a short time to leave the class for some months to care for a son of Mr. Hoe, whose health required a sojourn in a milder climate. His absence on this regretted but pleasant duty was one reason why for a considerable time Mead was but little known among his classmates generally. Returning to Yale, he was of course under great disadvantages : yet taking up his task courageously, he soon attained a good rank as a student. His sterling qualities of heart and mind quickly endeared him to all who had the good fortune to be associated BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 195 with him intimately. He was ever true and sincere, and, as a natural corollary, brave and high-spirited. Soon after graduation he entered into partnership with Frank H. Dodd, in the business of book publishing, in which he was engaged at the time of his death, as one of the members of the house of Dodd, Mead & Company . Assuming quietly the duties and burdens of active life, Mead soon developed excellent business ability, as well as fine literary taste. During a residence for a considerable time in France, aided by much study, he acquired an excellent knowledge of the best and purest French literature and a fine command of the language. Several admirable translations of French works were prepared by him and issued under a iwm dc plume. No better testimony to the purity of his character, as well as the high quality of his liter- ary taste, can be given than is shown in the selection of these works. They are admirable in artistic merit and in the moral tone pervading them. Much other literary work of a high char- acter was performed by him, but such was his modesty that few outside of his most intimate friends knew that it was the product of his pen. The amount and character of the work done by Mead is remarkable, especially in view of the fact that for many years, almost for his entire life of adult manhood, he was in feeble health, and much of the time a confirmed invalid. In May, 1870, he was married to Susie Abbott, daughter of the famous author, John S. C. Abbott. Edward S. Mead died at Southampton, L. I., January 10, 1894. David MacGregor Means Son* of Rev. James Means (Bowdoin College 1833) and Elizabeth Phebe Means. His father was a well-known teacher, and was for several years Principal of Lawrence Academy at Groton, Mass. When the Civil War broke out, he accepted an appointment as hospital chaplain at Xewbern, X. C. He had always been interested in the negro slaves, and when thousands of them came into the Union lines he was made Super- intendent of Freedmen, with rank of Captain. This was a position for which he was especially well fitted. The work of caring for so many freedmen was overwhelming, and he broke down under the burden and died at Xewbern, April 6, 1863, at the age of fifty years. 196 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE David MacG. Means was born in Groton, Mass., May I, 1847. When he came to college the family residence was at Andover, Mass., and he was prepared at Phillips Academy. In College he gave special attention to writing. He had articles in the Yale Literary Magazine, and was the avTthor of the "Tragedy of Antigone" presented at the Wooden Spoon Exhibition. After graduation he taught one year at Lawrenceville, N. J., one year in Phillips Academy, Andover, and one year at Wolcott- ville, Conn. He then spent one year in study in Germany, and two at the Theological Seminary at Andover. In September, 1874, he became connected with the Theological Seminary in New Haven, giving also special attention to the study of political science. During the winter term of 1875 he was Instructor of the Sophomore Class in Latin in Yale Col- lege. The following year he was appointed to one of the Fellow- ships at Johns Hopkins University. In 1877 he was made Professor of Political Science at Middlebury College, Vt., where he remained till the close of the college year in 1880, when he removed to New York City and began practice as a lawyer. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 197 For many years he wrote reviews of books and editorials for the Nation and Evening Post, and contributed articles to various magazines. He has published three books, the first under the assumed name of Henry Champernowne : "The Boss, an Essay upon the Art of Governing American Cities." New York. George H. Richmond. 1894. "Industrial Freedom, with an Introduction by Hon. David A. Wells." New York. D. Appleton & Co. 1897. "The Methods of Taxation compared with the Established Principles of Justice." New York. Dodd, Mead & Co. 1009. In 1898-99 Means gave a course of eight lectures on Govern- ment before the Lowell Institute, and in 191 1 he gave another course at Colorado College. Professor Lawrence Lowell, now President of Harvard University, was so well pleased with "The Boss" that he used it in his classes at Harvard, and "The Methods of Taxation" is used as a text-book at Princeton. In 1912 he received the degree of L.H.D. from Hobart College. Since 1894 his summer home has been at Middlebury, Vt, and that is his permanent address. He is a member of the Century Association in New York, and in winter may usually be addressed there. In 1905 and 1906 he traveled in Europe with his family. He was married in Philadelphia, April 5, 1877, to Laura Haven, and has two daughters: Margaret Appleton, born May 30, 1887, at Summit, X. J.; and Elinor Haven, born November 12, 1888, at the same place. They were graduated at the Kent Place School there in 1905, and at Smith College in 1910. Elisha Wright Miller Son of Charles Eliott and Emily (Clark) Miller, and brother of Eliott Saunders Miller (Yale College 1873), Hiram Allen Miller (Sheffield Scientific School 1876) and Charles Miller (Yale College 1879), and cousin of George Douglas Miller (Yale College 1870). The family is of English origin. Two brothers settled in Springfield, Mass. Descendants of one removed to Middlebury, Vt., and later to Williston, Vt., where Charles Eliott Miller, father of our classmate, was born, June 15, 1808. His mother, Emily Clark, daughter of Wright Clark, was born at Royalton, Vt., July 7, 1821. The Clark family was from Connecticut stock. Elisha W. Miller was born in Williston, Vt., October 29, 1845, and was prepared for college at Williston Academy in that town. 198 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE From September, 1863, to April, 1864, he was a member of '67. He joined the Class of '68 in May, 1865. He was awarded first prizes in Mathematics in Freshman, Sophomore and Senior years, a Clarke Premium for the solution of problems in ^Practical Astronomy in Senior year, first prize in Senior Composition, and second prize in Senior Debate. He had Philosophical rank in scholarship, presented a Poem at Junior Exhibition, was a Com- mencement speaker and one of the six Townsend speakers for the DeForest Gold Medal. During- the first year after graduation he taught in Stamford and in Danielson, Conn., and then became a student at the Yale Theological Seminary, where he was graduated in May, 1872. He was ordained as a Congregational minister at Hersey, Midi.. October 23, 1873. During the twelve years succeeding his grad- uation from the Theological Seminary, he served as pastor of Congregational churches at the following places: South Royalton, Vt, 1872-73; Hersey and Reed City, Mich., 1873-74; Rockford, Mich., 1874-77; Big Rapids, Mich., 1877-82; and Clinton, Mich., 1882-84. For seven years (1884-91) he was State Sunday School Superintendent, for Michigan, of the Congregational Sunday BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES I 99 School and Publishing Society. In 1891 he became pastor of the Congregational Church at Eaton Rapids, Mich., where he con- tinued until 1896, when he removed to Carson City, Mich., to serve as pastor of the Congregational Church there. In February, 1898, he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church in Douglas. Mich. In 1906 he removed to Wakefield, Kansas, and two years later to Riviera, Nueces County, Texas. From 1879 to 1882 he was a member of the Board of Education at Big Rapids. He has furnished numerous articles for religious and secular papers, and has edited: "A Catechism for Children's Training Classes," published by the Congregational Sunday School and Publishing Society, 1887. He was married at Ada, Mich., July 6, 1876, to Carrie E. Livingston, and has a daughter, Laura Livingston, born at Clinton, November 12, 1883, now a teacher in the Jackson (Mich.) High School. Frank Moore Son of Reuben and Margaret T. (Riddle) Moore. His father was of English, and his mother of Irish descent. Frank Moore was born in St. Clair, Mich., September 6, 1845, was prepared for college at Williston Seminary, entered Yale with '67, remaining with that class a year and one term, and joined '68 at the beginning of Sophomore year. He was awarded a prize in Sophomore Declamation, and was Vice-President of Linonia in Senior year. After graduation he spent six months in a law office in Detroit, and subsequently became bookkeeper in a lumber yard at Toledo, Ohio. In 1871 he gave up his position in Toledo and returned to Detroit. He continued in the lumber business in that city, and afterwards in Saginaw and St. Clair, till 1879, when he purchased the St. Clair Republican, a weekly paper, which he continued to edit and publish till 1895. He has been twice Postmaster of St. Clair, and held that office for about nine years. He was first appointed June 1, 1881, and served till April 1, 1886. In March, 1890, he was appointed for a second term and served until April 1, 1894. He was in the Michigan Legislature two terms, 1899- 1900, and 1901-02. 200 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE In 1887 he united with a number of other citizens of St. Clair in forming a company which was incorporated under the name of the Diamond Crystal Salt Company, of which he was elected Secretary and Treasurer. Since disposing of his paper, thisjbusi- ness has received his entire attention. He spends the winters on the Pacific coast. In the winter of 1913-14 he lived first at 3106 Harvard Boulevard, Los Angeles, later at 1229 S. Bonnie Brae Street, Los Angeles. He was married June II, 1873, in Toledo, Ohio, to Emily Sprague Parmelee, who was born June 20, 1847, at Chesterfield, Ohio, and educated at Mount Holyoke College. Children : Laura, born January 19, 1875, at Saginaw; Franklin, born September 6, 1877; Margaret E., born November 28, 1879; Emily C, born January 4, 1885. The last three were born at St. Clair. Mrs. Moore died at Castile, N. Y., June 20, 1898, nine days after the twenty-fifth anniversary of her wedding, and on the fifty-first anniversary of her birth. Laura was graduated from the University of Michigan in June, 1899, and for three years had a position in the Congressional Library at Washington. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 20: Franklin, when quite young, entered the employ of the Diamond Crystal Salt Company at St. Clair, and having acquired a good knowledge of the business, now holds an important position with that company. He was married June 27, 1905, to Jeanette Harkness, and has three children: Margaret E., born April 22, 1906; Franklin H., born September 1, 1907; Jane P., born April 22, 1912. Margaret E. attended Olivet College three years, but did not graduate. June 27, 1905, she was married to Henry J. Phelps, wlin is in the employ of a wholesale dry goods firm in Detroit. Emily C. was graduated from Wellesley College in June, 1908. She taught three years and a half at Albert Lea, Minn. Oliver Cromwell Morse Son of Richard Cary Morse (Yale College 1812), editor of the New York Observer, and Louisa (Davis) Morse. He belongs to the seventh generation of the direct descendants of Anthony Morse, who came to this country in 1635 from Marlboro, Wiltshire, England, and settled in Newbury, Mass. His grandfather, Rev. Dr. Jedediah Morse, was the first American geographer, and therefore known as the "Father of Ameri- can Geography." His grandmother, wife of Dr. Jedediah, was grand- 20 2 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE daughter of Samuel Finlay, fourth President of Princeton College. Their sons were Professor S. F. B. Morse, known as the inventor of the elec- tric telegraph; Sidney E. Morse, and Richard Cary Morse, father of our classmate, who were founders and co-editors of the New York Observer. His grandfather, father and uncles were all graduates oi^-Yale, as were also his three brothers, Sidney E. Morse of 1856, Rev. Richard C. Morse of 1862, and William H. Morse of 1867. Oliver C. Morse was born in New York City, September 18, 1847, an d was prepared for Yale at Phillips Academy, Andover. In college he took prizes in Sophomore year in Declamation, and in Junior year in Debate. In Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years he rowed on the Yaruna gig crew. He was also a member of the Junior Promenade Committee. After graduation, he spent the summer of 1868 in Germany, and the academic year 1868-69 at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. From August, 1869, to September, 1871, he studied in Europe, chiefly at the Universities of Berlin and Leipsic. The following year was spent in travel in European countries and in Palestine. While a student in Leipsic he organized, and for six months superintended, the second Sunday School for German children ever established on the American plan in the Kingdom of Saxony. The winter of 1872 he passed in study in Beirut, Syria, and in the following spring made a trip through the Holy Land. On the way home, at the request of the Foreign Sunday School Association, he spent July and August in Hungary, where he organized in the principal cities of that country eight Sunday Schools. In anticipation of his Sunday School work in Hungary, he had had a few simple rules for organizing and conducting a Sunday School translated into Hungarian, and on his arrival in Beirut, Dr. Van Dyke, the translator of the Bible into the Arabic lan- guage, translated these rules into Arabic and published them in a journal which he edited and which had a circulation throughout the Turkish Empire and Lower Egypt. A thousand extra copies of the paper containing these rules were struck off for Morse to distribute at various points in Palestine. In Bethel and in Ramoth Gilead he called together the officers of little mission churches, with the children, and explained to them the nature of Sunday School work ; and in Jerusalem, Dr. Klein, a representative of an English missionary society and discoverer of the Moabite stone, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 203 called the young; people of his mission together one Sunday and had them organized into a Sunday School, the first ever formed in Jerusalem. Morse's Arab traveling companion, a graduate of the Syrian Protestant College in Beirut, who acted as his inter- preter, became so much interested in this method of Christian work that he resolved that, if ever he became a native pastor, he would make much of the Sunday School, which determination he afterwards carried into effect as pastor of the church in Zahleh in Coelo-Svria. Morse studied during the winter of 1872-73 at Princeton Theological Seminary and in the spring of 1874 completed his theological studies at Union Seminary. Till 1875 he supplied the pulpit of the Congregational Church at Greenport, L. I. In 1876 he became General Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of Schenectady, N. Y. In the fall of 1878 he accepted a call to a similar position in connection with the Y. M. C. A. of Washing- ton, D. C, where he remained till the spring of 1881, when he took the secretaryship of the Association in Cleveland, Ohio, which he retained till April, 1884. He was temporarily con- nected with the work of the New York City Y. M. C. A. from May to November, 1884. During the winter of 1884-85 he preached in various pulpits, with a view of returning to the ministry. During the summer of 1885 he assisted Rev. Dr. F. F. Ellinwood in editing the Foreign Missionary, published by the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. He then accepted an invitation to become the acting pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Watertown, N. Y., for one year, from September, 1885, to August, 1886. In the fall of 1886 he returned to Y. M. C. A. work, accepting the position of Assistant State Secretary of the New York Associations. This office he resigned in the summer of 1887, to accept the position of Corresponding Secretary of the School for Christian Workers (at Springfield, Mass.), and of Instructor in Christian Evidences and in Old and New Testament Canons. In 1890, when the Young Men's Christian Association Department of this School had become a separately incorporated institution, he was appointed Secretary and instructor in both schools for one year, at the end of which he severed his connection with the School for Christian Workers, to devote himself entirely to the interests of the International Y. M. C. A. Training School. From 1898 to 1904 he was Vice-President of Rollins College, at 204 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Winter Park, Florida. During- the following year he was Vice- President of the Bible Teachers' Training School in Xew York, and from 1905 to 1907 was Executive Secretary of the Bible League of North America. In 1907 he engaged in the real estate business. In September, 1912, he became officially connected with the National Bible Institute, and is now Field Secretary of The Eastern Association School, for the training of employed officers of Young Men's Christian Associations; office, 125 East 27th St., New York City. In May, 1905, he was invited to give the Commencement Address at Rollins College, at the close of which he received the Honorary Degree of D.D. He was married, June 22, 1881, to Ella Jones, at Washington, D. C, and has six children: Richard Cary, born March 18, 1882, in Cleveland; Marguerite, born June 16, 1883, in Cleveland; Elizabeth, born November 26, 1884, in New York City; Oliver Cromwell, Jr., born July 3, 1888, in Springfield, Mass. ; Anthony, born January 23, 1891, in Springfield; Rebecca Finlay, born December 4, 1899, in Norwich, Conn. Richard was graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School in 1906, and was Captain of the Yale University Crew in his Senior year. He was also Secretary of Byers Hall during the last two years of his college course, and for two years after graduation was on the secretarial staff of the International Y. M. C. A. Com- mittee, as Educational Secretary of the Railroad Department. He is now Assistant Passenger Train Master of the Pittsburgh Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. On October 26, 1909, he was married to Margaret Rupp of New Rochelle, N. Y., at 9 Meadow Lane, the bride's home. Two daughters have been born to them : Margaret Louise, in Greensburg, Pa., April 4, 1912; Anna Finlay, in Wilkinsburg, Pa., July 5, 1913. Marguerite took the four years' course in Norwich Free Acad- emy and the two years' course in Dr. Savage's Institute of Normal Physical Culture in New York. She was for a year teacher of physical culture in the public schools of Washington, D. C, and for the following year was Physical Director of the Washington Y. W. C. A. She was married December 8, 191 1, to William 1 1. Walcott, M.D., who is settled in Rio, West Virginia. A son, William Hunt Walcott, was born August 2y, 1913. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 205 Elizabeth was graduated from Mount Holyoke in 1907, and, after one year in the Congressional Library, studied three years in the Woman's Medical College in Philadelphia and completed her medical studies in London, England, in preparation for the work of a medical missionary. On March 15, 19 13, she sailed for her mission field in British East Africa, under the auspices of the Africa Inland Mission. Oliver C, Jr., was graduated from Yale College in 19 10, and is now (1914) a teacher of mathematics in the new Yale College at Changsha, China. Anthony is a member of the Class of 1915, Yale College. Rebekah is a student in the Huntington High School on Long Island. George Albert Newell Son of Arthur W. and Cornelia E. (Smith) Newell. He traces his descent from (1) Thomas Newell, who came from England prior to 1632, through (2) Samuel, (3) Samuel, (4) Asahel, (5) Solomon, (6) Solomon, (7) Arthur W. His grandfather, Solomon Newell, was mar- ried to Sarah Steadman. His mother, Cornelia Elizabeth (Smith) Newell, was daughter of Thomas Flagg and Mary Ann (Taylor) Smith. 206 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE George A. Newell was born in Medina, N. Y., January n, 1846, and was prepared for Yale at Medina Academy. In college he was interested in athletics, especially in baseball. He played left field on the Yale Nine, and graduated with Phi Beta Kappa rank in scholarship. •" After leaving Yale, he returned to Medina, where he studied law, and where he practiced as an attorney from 1871 to 1878. In 1874 he was elected Police Justice and Justice of the Peace ; also Village Clerk, which office he held four years. In 1877 he was elected County Clerk of Orleans County, and was reelected in 1880, and again in 1883. November 6, 1884, he was made Cashier of the Union Bank of Medina, and since January 1, 1887, he has devoted all his time to the business of the bank. On Janu- ary 10, 1893, he was elected its President. In 1888 he was chosen Village Treasurer, and has been reelected every year since, and with two or three exceptions, without contest. In November, 1893, he was elected Treasurer of Orleans County, and was reelected in 1896, 1899, and 1902. His recreation has consisted of Masonic activities. Having become a member of Medina Lodge, No. 336, F. & A. M., in April, 1877, he served as its Master in 1880, has been one of its Trustees for several years, and since 1893 its Secretary. In Royal Arch Masonry he served as High Priest for twenty-seven years consecutively, probably the longest continuous service by any person in that office, and is now Secretary of his Chapter. As a Royal and Select Master he has occupied the office of Master for several years. As a Knight Templar, he was in 1891, 1892 and 1893 Eminent Commander of Genesee Commandery, No. 10. In the Scottish Rite he presided for several years as Thrice Potent Master of the Lodge of Perfection, and in 1895 was crowned a Thirty-third Degree Mason. In the Grand Lodge of New York he has served as Grand Steward, District Deputy Grand Master, and Trustee, and for his services as Trustee has been made a permanent member of the Grand Lodge. In the Grand Chapter of New York, he presided as Grand High Priest during 1904. In the Grand Council of New York, he served as Grand Master during the years 1894 and 1895, and since 1903 has been its Grand Treasurer. In the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of New York, he was elected Grand Treasurer in 1898, and still continues in that office. He is a permanent member of the Gen- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 207 eral Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the United States, and has served several years on its Finance Committee. He has passed through the subordinate offices of the General Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the United States, and last September was elected to the third office in that body. In 1874 he became a charter member of the Alert Hose Com- pany, and served as an active fireman for over thirty years, and is now the oldest member of its successor, the Alert Company, a social club. He is also a member of the Masonic Club of New York City. Owing to the cares and responsibilities of civil and fraternal activities, he has been unable to devote much time to other work. He has, however, written "A History of Early Freemasonry in Orleans County, N. Y." "A History of Medina Lodge No. 336, F. & A. M." "A History of the Alert Hose Company and the Fire Department of Medina." He was married, September i, 1886, to Anna E. McGrath, at Medina, and has five children: Gladys Cornelia, born July 5, 1887; Frances Berenice, born May 4, 1890; George Arthur, born April 3, 1892; Hildred Anna, born December 11, 1894; and Natalie Christine, born February 1, 1901. Gladys Cornelia was married, November 25, 1908, to H. Blake Murray at Kansas City, Mo., where they now reside. George Arthur, through too violent exertions in athletics at high school, was seized with an attack of Bright's disease and heart trouble, which compelled him to remain out of school for a year. Declining to return to high school, he entered Hobart College, where the year before, at a meeting- of high schools, he had taken the second prize for running. Here he studied a year and then entered the University of Illinois, where he is pursuing a course in banking- and economics. His other children are residing at home, the two youngest attending high school and seventh grade respectively. *Charles Page Son of Thomas S. and Anna M. (Liljevalch) Page, and brother of Dr. Olof Page (Yale College 1864). His mother was of Swedish descent. His father was a noted physician of Valparaiso, Chile. 208 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Charles Page was born in Valparaiso, March 12, 1847. He was prepared for college by Rev. J. G. Lyons, West Haverford, Pa., and entered the class at the beginning of Sophomore year. In college he was scholarly and athletic, doing his class-room work thoroughly, but without the slightest regard^to rank. He was Treasurer of the '68 Boat Club, rowed in the Varuna gig and on the class shell crew, and played center field on the Yale Nine. After graduation he spent fourteen months in Europe, attending law lectures at the Universities of Brussels and Berlin. On his return he continued his law studies in San Francisco, Cal.. was admitted to the Bar in 1872, and for forty years was a busy and successful lawyer in that city, becoming one of the best known and most highly respected members of the San Francisco Bar. In 1896 he became associated with Mr. E. J. McCutchen, and subsequently these were joined by Mr. Samuel Knight and Mr, Warren Olney, Jr., and the firm of Page, McCutchen, Knight & Olney was formed. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 209 Page's specialty was admiralty cases, and he was the most prominent admiralty attorney on the Pacific coast, having an international reputation. Among his most important cases the following may be mentioned. In 1891, when United States officers seized the steamboat Itata, belonging to Chilean insur- gents, who were finally successful in the war. Page was employed to defend the captain of the vessel. A few years later he was counsel for Gen. Antonio Ezeta, commander of the government forces of Salvador in the revolution of 1894, when his extradi- tion and that of four other refugees was sought from the United State> by the new republic. He was also counsel for the owners of Mission Rock in their controversy with the United States government. He successfully prosecuted, through the Circuit Court of Appeals, the case now known as the Germanicus. Other important admiralty cases in which Page played a con- spicuous part w r ere those arising out of the loss of the Rio de Janeiro in San Francisco Harbor on Washington's Birthday, 1901 ; the salving of the Manchuria, which went ashore a number of years ago on one of the Hawaiian Islands ; the collision between the steam schooner San Pedro and the steamship Columbia, in which a large number of lives were lost; and the losses of the Corona and Pomona on the Humboldt Bar. Page's last appearance in court was as counsel for the steamship Beaver, in the case arising out of the collision of that steamer and the Norwegian steamer Selja, which took place off the Golden Gate in November of 1910. Page attended the International Maritime Conference at the Hague in 1909 as one of the American delegates, and addressed the Conference upon the "Hartes" Act. He was married at San Francisco, September 12, 1877, to Sallie H. Myers, daughter of Gen. William Myers, U. S. A., and had two children : Charles Randolph, born May 24, 1878, was graduated from Yale College in 1900, and is now with the Fireman's Fund Insur- ance Company of San Francisco. He was married March 24, 1904, in San Francisco, to Louise Hoffacker, daughter of Bernard and Lavina Hoffacker, and has four sons, all born in San Francisco: Charles, November 11, 1904; Edward Bradford, October 27, 1905; John Randolph, January 21, 1910; Stanley Arthur, November 16, 191 1. 14 2IO THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Henry Stanley, born March 3, 1885, was educated at the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology, and has a responsible position with the Union Gas Engine Company in San Francisco. Charles Page died of pneumonia at his residence in San Fran- cisco, on February 26, 191 2. Among his bequests- was one of five thousand dollars to the Yale Alumni University Fund, and another of the same amount for the Golden Gate Park. He left bequests also to the Seamen's Institute, to the Golden Gate Orphanage and Industrial Farm, and to Mount Zion Hospital. The Board of Directors of the Yale Alumni University Fund Association, in their Twenty-third Annual Report, said : "The report for the year would be incomplete without a special reference to the bequest of the late Charles Page of the Class of 1868, amounting to $5,000. The Board wishes to express its appreciation of this generous gift, no less because of its direct help to Yale, but because it again emphasizes the great potentialities of this unostentatious method of building up the University." Page was President of the California Title Insurance and Trust Company, and a Director of the Fireman's Fund Insur- ance Company. He was a member of the Pacific Union Club and of the Chamber of Commerce, and one of the founders of the Yale Club of California. His life was simple and open. He was a genuine man, and had nothing to conceal. He had high regard for his profession and always treated his opponents with respect, being always fair and honorable towards them. In the court room he was courteous and amiable, and never allowed himself to become ruffled or irri- table. His self-control was perfect. The legal firm of which he was the head was the largest in California and had a world- wide reputation. No lawyer in San Francisco stood higher than Page in the affections of his professional brethren or in the esteem of the courts. His death came to his associates as a per- sonal bereavement, and their sense of loss was most keen, a loss for which there was no recompense. Mr. Samuel Knight, for many years Page's law partner, wrote respecting his life: "There was perhaps no one who stood higher at the Bar here at the time of his death than did Mr. Page. He had the reputation of being not only a very good lawyer, and a safe and experienced adviser, hut a man who cherished and practiced the highest ideals of his profession. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 211 As you know, he was of a very kindly nature, which showed itself in his dealings with his fellow practitioners, and by no one was this more appreciated than by the younger members of the Bar, to whom a kindly word of assistance means much in many instances. He was a man of charitable instincts, and many are the people and charities which he has in one way or another assisted. His integrity was unquestioned; and he despised sham and subterfuges. "I recall that, on one recent occasion, he criticized severely an attorney with whom he was associated in a case, who was anxious to have a plead- ing interposed which to Mr. Page seemed ambiguous. His associate said that he had framed the pleading designedly so. Mr. Page retorted that he was not accustomed to practice law in that way, and that it was his practice never to let his position remain in doubt in any case which he undertook to prosecute or defend." The following: tribute is from the San Francisco Recorder of '6 February 28, 191 "To those who knew him most intimately, Mr. Page was a man of most charming and affable personality. He was a very scholarly man and a great student and linguist, speaking Spanish, French and German fluently. "As a lawyer he occupied a foremost position at the Bar; as an advo- cate he was noted for his clarity of reasoning and his forcefulness of statement. Always courteous to court and counsel, he was yet keenly insistent for the cause of his clients. In his death there is removed from the Bar of San Francisco one of its most brilliant figures, and from the community a splendid man and foremost citizen." At a gathering of the Bar of San Francisco on Thursday, May 23, 19 1 2, to pay a tribute of respect and affection to the memory of our classmate, Mr. Sidney V. Smith said : "Both as counselor and advocate he manifested all the qualities of a sound, fearless, highly trained lawyer, reaped largely of the fruits of his professional labor, won the confidence of his clients and the respect of the courts. In all his dealings with men, whether as President of the Pacific Union Club, or founder of the Yale Club, or Director of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, or President of the California Title Insurance and Trust Company, he revealed such a force of character, undoubted integrity, and sound judgment as commanded the admiration and confi- dence of all those who were connected with him. Happily married, with a charming home, he rounded out a full and honorable and happy life, and left as an example and a legacy to his sons his own unblemished reputation. "His opinions on commercial law were read and valued in Liverpool and London. He had a world-wide reputation as an admiralty and marine insurance lawyer, which came very largely from his painstaking, laborious way of going slowly, thinking carefully and quietly, and putting down on paper, where he could see it with his own eye, the process of thought. 212 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE "He conducted his own legal investigations. With a staff of young men about him upon whom he could have called at any moment for work through the digests, for investigation of the points he had before him, he preferred to do it himself, and as long as his strength lasted, until his health failed, he conducted his own searches among the cases and authorities, depending upon no one else. The consequence was a thor- oughly equipped, philosophical lawyer, one who knew the precedents and who understood the principles of the law, and was imbued with its spirit. He was resourceful to an extraordinary degree, so that no matter what kind of question was presented to him, whether it was a question of a sort with which he was most familiar, growing out of admiralty law or connected with marine insurance, or whether it was a question of real estate law, with which he had not dealt in the early course of his prac- tice, — whatever it was, Page approached it with a skill and confidence born of a thorough knowledge of legal methods of reasoning and a trained experience in the application of legal principles to concrete facts. "If I were asked to point to what I consider the principal feature of Charles Page's character, I should say it was something higher than ability. Ability is common. There is plenty of it at the Bar; there is plenty of energy ; there is plenty of fire ; there is plenty of labor ; all that is common. But it is not every man that has what I think was Page's principal characteristic. I mean his warm, loving heart. Of all the men I have met at the Bar, I can think of no one who had this wonderful quality to the degree with which Page was endowed with it. He was a man who loved his fellow-men and their companionship, loved to walk and to talk with them, to exchange views with them, to get close to them. And it is the most valuable quality that a professional man or any man can have; something that he cannot cultivate, something whose value he may recognize and that he may yearn for, and long for in himself ; but if he has not got it implanted in him, he cannot acquire it by taking thought, any more than he can add a cubit to his stature. Mr. Page had it naturally ; it was as easy for him to get near to his fellow-man, and to draw his fellow-man to him, as it was to breathe, and the result was that he did draw men to him. The judges before whom he practiced loved him, knew that he was their friend in the truest sense of the word, and were his friends. The clients that he gathered about him loved him, felt that they could trust not only in his ability but in his interest in themselves and in their business. It was the strong- est tie that could bind one man to another, that tie which comes from the feeling that the man that you are dealing with is interested in you, not only in the fee which he is going to make from you, but in you individually and personally. It is a thing indescribable, and yet I think we all recognize it ; and as we now look back upon him, we can under- stand why he was always 'Charlie Page,' not Charles Page, to the people who knew him, and even to people who did not know him intimately. I do not believe that there is a man that has practiced before this court who came so close to its members, who delighted so to have them in his own house, who met them so warmly, who so thoroughly and gracefully bridged that distance which sometimes separates the advocate from the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 213 judge before whom he practices. How that warm quality shines out in that clause of his will, in which he makes provision for a certain charity as 'a friendly thought of the companion of many a morning walk, J. B. Levison' ! See how much that phrase, that unusual phrase in a lawyer's will conveys; see the picture that it draws of Page walking to his office morning after morning with Levison, hearing Levison talk to him about his favorite charity, listening, not bored, but genuinely interested, to all that Levison had to say, sympathizing with his friend's hobby, and finally, years after, when he came to sit down and in cold blood make pro- vision for his family, he had thought, too, of his friend and of the thing which lay close to his friend's heart. I think it is a beautiful incident, one that throws a wonderful light upon what Page really was. Think, too, of his humor; how he loved to laugh; how he could raise a laugh; how infectious his own was, how human it was ; how free that ready wit was of all unkindness, with what unerring good taste and sanity he risked, but never shocked. "As an illustration of the warmth of his heart, I would refer to his attitude toward the young men whom he gathered about him. His was always the most popular office, the most sought for by the graduates of our law colleges intending to practice at our Bar. They wanted to be associated with him from their reverence for him, from their apprecia- tion and respect for him, and because they knew what kind of a relation would exist between him and them. And it was charming — geniality, sympathy, kindness, forbearance, patience, guidance, everything that a young man could ask for he got from Page, and it all came from Page's heart and character and was indicative in the highest degree of what he was." I add Page's last letter to the Class, dated November 14, 1910. "My dear Varick : Your note of invitation to a dinner of '68's survivors, so far as they can be got together, has just reached me. A just recognition of your proffered hospitality would call for my thanks at an early day, but more urgent still in the impulse is the thought that here is the opportunity to say a few words of greeting to the companions of more than forty years ago. "Fate took me, soon after graduating, from the scenes of the neighbor- hood of Yale and brought me to the far away State of California. Here I have pursued my profession, here I married, and here my children have grown up. It would be treason in me to regret that I did not stay in the home of some of the years of my boyhood. I have prospered, have enjoyed life, have gained the good will of my neighbors, and have known that greatest of joys — seeing my boys grow up to be useful men. I am thrice a grandfather. Nevertheless, again and again during all these years, the thought has come and still comes into my mind, that it would be a great happiness were I able to keep more in touch with the old days 214 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE at Yale by meeting those I knew so intimately there and by now and again taking a little run up to New Haven. There are not many of you, I imagine, whom I should know by sight. Few would recognize me. Diverse pursuits and interests in the long interval have made it impossi- ble to think that it would be likely that renewed intercourse would revive the same old feelings which we had for each other in our young days ; but the suggestion of the mind that there is the grasp of the hand to be had, the few words which virtually tell the history of more than one-half of one's lifetime, the rush of recollection of events long ago buried in forgetfulness — this is all happiness, though it fade in an hour. For this pleasure, did circumstances permit it, I should be glad to travel across the continent. Nay, let me not entirely and absolutely refuse your kind invitation. Things may change and I may go, but — now that I appreci- ate that the date is December 1st — it looks out of the question. "Give all manner of kind greetings to the fellows. I hope all are well and holding their own yet against the inveterate enemy of every man — time. Imagine me joining with you in every toast to our old College, to all of the faculty, all of the graduates, and all of the students. May all prosper ! Affectionately your classmate, Chas. Page." Mrs. Charles Page's address is 2518 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco. Samuel Parrv His ancestors on his father's side came from Wales at the end of the seventeenth century. They were Quakers and settled amidst the William Penn Colony near Philadelphia, where many of his relatives still reside. His mother's ancestors came from Holland in 1653 and settled on Long Island, from which the family extended into New Jersey. His father, Samuel Parry, a miller, was son of Samuel Parry, a farmer, who lived near Philadelphia. His mother, Selinda Van Syckel, was daughter of Daniel Van Syckel, a merchant of Milford, N. J. Samuel Parry was born March 29, 1845, at Lambertville, N. J., removed to Clinton, N. J., when two years old, and was prepared for college at the academy at Blairstown, N. J. He was the leading boating man in '68, rowed in the Varuna shell in the Harbor Races in his Sophomore year, was Commodore of the Yale Navy, and stroke oar of the University Crew in 1868, rowed in 1867 and 1868 in the races with Harvard on Lake Quinsigamond at Worcester, and was graduated with Phi Beta Kappa rank in scholarship. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 2I 5 In 1868-69 ne taught at Blairstown Academy, then studied two years at Princeton Theological Seminary and one year at Union Theological Seminary, New York City, where he was graduated in [872. April 30, 1873, he was ordained to the gospel ministry by the Presbytery of Elizabeth, and installed pastor of the Pluck- amin Presbyterian Church, at Pluckemin, N. J., where he con- tinued in the pastorate for thirty-three years. On April 30, 1906, Oil the thirty-third anniversary of his ordination and installation over this church, he retired from active service in the ministry. He is engaged in historical studies, and preaches occasionally as opportunity offers. He delivered a historical discourse in the Pluckamin Presby- terian Church on Tuesday, March 12, 1901, on the fiftieth anni- versary of its organization, in which he sketched the history of the churches in the village and vicinity from 1720, and gave the biographies of the pastors and most of the deceased ruling elders since 185 1. He is Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Elizabeth, having been elected in 1888 and reelected every five years since, and was Secre- 2l6 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE tary of the Inter-Church Federation of Somerset County, N. J., from its organization till 1912, when he refused reelection. He is also Secretary of the Raritan Ministerial Association. December 1, 1875, he was married, in Somerville, N. J., to Harriet E. Cornell, daughter of Rev. Dr. F. F. Cornell, a former pastor of the Pluckamin Church, and had one son, Samuel Cor- nell, born March 24, 1881, died on the 25th of the same month. *\Yilliam Parsons Son of Judge William and Frances (Strong) Parsons. His mother was granddaughter of Captain Benaija Strong, a Revolutionary soldier. William Parsons was born August 19, 1844, at Beech Creek, Clinton County, Pa., and was prepared for college at West Chester Academy. He was a member of the Freshman Jubilee Committee and of the Wooden Spoon Committee, was Secretary of Linonia, Lieutenant of the '68 Boat Club, and rowed (as bow) in the Varuna shell and on the class shell crew in Senior year. He attended the Albany Law School. one year, graduating in 1869, was admitted to the Bar May 20, 1869, and began practic- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 21 J ing at Lock Haven, Pa., from which place he had entered college. He served as Attorney for Clinton County for five years (1869- 74), and in the summer of 1874 was elected District Attorney for five years. In 1877 he resigned the office of District Attorney to become editor of the New Haven Daily Register, with which he was con- nected till 1883. In 1880 he was Delegate at Large from Con- necticut to the Democratic National Convention. In 1883 ne established the Llartford Telegram and in 1884 became Congres- sional Editor of the Washington Post. He was appointed in June, 1885, a Special Agent to investigate and examine into the several Indian agencies of the United States, and in 1886 was constituted Umatilla Commissioner to make a treaty with the Umatilla Indians, Oregon, for opening their reservation, to appraise the lands of the reservation, and to allot lands in sev- eralty to said Indians. He was particularly influential among the Umatilla Indians, whose counsel he was for many years, having appeared in their behalf before President Harrison. March 31, 1888, he resigned the special Indian agency and removed from Washington, D. C, to Pendleton, Oregon, where he engaged in legal practice until 1902, when he went to the Philippines to visit his son. Here he remained five years as supervising teacher in the Bureau of Education. An accident which fractured his skull, broke his hip joint and right arm, so impaired his strength that he was no longer able to endure a tropical climate and the doctors ordered his return to the States. He was transferred in 1907 to the School Department of the Indian Service, and placed in charge of the school on the Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington, at Fort Simcoe. He wrote several valuable reports on Indian affairs to the Secretary of the Interior, one of which — an account of his explorations in the Navajo Indian Reservation, New Mexico, and of the resources of that comparatively unknown region — was printed by Congress. He also wrote a series of articles in 1886 for the Portland Oregonian, on the relations of the Roman Catho- lic Church to the government of the United States Indian Schools. In 1902 he completed a ''History of Umatilla County, Oregon," with a condensed history of Oregon and Washington, a quarto volume of six hundred pages, published by the Northwest Pub- lishing Company of Spokane, Washington. 2l8 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE November 26, 1872, he was married, at New Haven, Conn., to Charlotte Rebecca Osborn, daughter of Minott A. Osborn, for many years editor of the New Haven Register, and sister of Col. Norris G. Osborn (Yale College 1880). Children: William Osborn, born at Lock Haven, October 3, 1873; Mmott Osborn, born at Lock Haven, September 6, 1875, died March 1, 1890; Katharine Osborn, born at Lock Haven, August 26, 1877; Ethel Osborn, born in Hartford, September 1, 1884. William Osborn Parsons was Captain in the Philippine Con- stabulary force for several years. After resigning this office, he removed to San Francisco and enlisted in the Coast Artillery Corps, 67th Company, being finally discharged in April, 191 2, to become Editor of the Pacific Coast Hotel Gazette, a weekly trade paper published in San Francisco. He was married in San Fran- cisco, March 2, 191 2, by the Rev. Father Perrin, to Delia Beagle of Pendleton, Oregon. Katharine Osborn Parsons was married on September 18, 1901, at Pendleton, to William House, M.D. Children : Janet Par- sons House, born in Weston, June 20, 1903, and Priscilla Osborn House, born September 18, 1909, in Portland, Oregon. Ethel Osborn Parsons was married December 5, 1907, in San Francisco, to Charles Erwin Borden, and has two children : Alan Osborn Borden, born in San Francisco, October 23, 1908; Wil- liam Parsons Borden, born November 10, 191 2. William Parsons died at his home on the Reservation of the Yakima Indian Training School, Fort Simcoe, November 21, 1908, at the age of sixty-four years. The following editorial is from the Xew Haven Journal- Courier of November 24, 1908: "The news of the death of William Parsons, a former resident of this city, recalls the lively political times in Connecticut twenty-six years ago. when the younger Democratic element of the State wrested the control of the organization from the old leaders. The metamorphosis was more due to the leadership of Mr. Parsons in that struggle between party fac- tions than to any one else. His was just the nature and temperament to make a fight of that character successful. "He was never what would be technically known as a newspaper maker. He was, however, an editorial writer of unusual force and effectivemss. It became his self-imposed task to inoculate the Democratic party of the State with more of the spirit of progressiveness than it possessed under the leadership of the older and conservative leaders who had for years BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 219 dictated the policy of the organization and selected its standard-bearers. He, with his political counselors, selected young Tom Waller of New London as the man most likely to win in the State convention. "The convention which that year nominated Mr. Waller for governor is still well remembered by many, who have since played but a small part in the life of the Democratic party. No man could have been selected for governor who was so offensive to the old men as he. They regarded him as a reactionary, and they professed not to know what would hap- pen to the historic organization if he were given the reins. Undismayed by this forceful opposition, Mr. Parsons and his friends set out to win the day. In a struggle which has not its parallel in the history of the Democratic party in Connecticut, the Waller faction made constant and sensational gains, defying threatened excommunication and scorning offers of compromise. In the end they had driven the old warriors of the party into the corner and had forced them to surrender uncondition- ally. Waller was the nominee of the convention, and after a whirlwind campaign, such as he could alone make, was elected by a clear majority Over all opposing candidates, as required at that time by the State constitution. "The character of the fight Mr. Parsons put up against the Republican nominee and the fearlessness of his campaign for Mr. Waller convinced the State of his ability as a political leader, but when he sought con- firmation by the Republican State Senate of his nomination by Governor Waller for the insurance commissionership, revengeful human nature asserted itself and he was rejected by a large majority. The very source of his power in the State convention proved to be the source of his weakness before the Senate as a formal nominee for an important State office. Within four years thereafter Mr. Parsons had received an import- ant appointment to the federal service at President Cleveland's hands, and he passed out of the political life of Connecticut. "Of Mr. Parsons' personality it can be said with truth that few men, if any, have ever entered the journalistic life of Connecticut and within so short a time impressed themselves so indelibly upon it. He made firm friends and determined enemies, but he was recognized by all as a fear- less and straight fighter for the truth as he saw it. His death closes an adventuresome and picturesque career, a career which found much to further shape it in the breezy West." *Horace Phillips Son of Jonathan Dickinson and Lucianna (Greene) Phillips. His father, Jonathan D. Phillips, was son of Horatio Gates Phillips, who moved from New Jersey to Dayton, Ohio, in 1804 and married Eliza- beth, daughter of Hon. William Churchill Houston. The father of Horatio Gates Phillips was Captain Jonathan Phillips of the Second Regi- ment of the Continental Army, who served through the war and was one of the original members of the Society of the Cincinnati, which mem- 2 20 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE bership has been handed down to Horace Pease Phillips, the eldest son of our classmate. The Phillips family traces its ancestry to George Phillips of Boxford, England, who came with his family to America with Governor Winthrop in 1630. Lucianna Greene was daughter of Charles Russell and Achsah (Dis- brow) Greene, who came from Trenton, N. J., to Marietta" on December 17, 1788, and to Dayton in 1820. The first ancestor of the family was John Greene, who came to America on the ship Lyon in 1631. He was ban- ished from Boston for defending Wheelwright and Mrs. Hutchinson, and was the first President of the Rhode Island Society. Horace Phillips was born in Dayton, Ohio, April 9, 1847, and was prepared for college by Mr. J. W. Hall of that place, and at Mount Pleasant Academy, New York. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa on the ground of rank in scholarship on the Junior Appointment list. From the time of graduating until 1874 he was engaged in railway construction along the upper Mississippi. During 1S74 and 1875 he was in Europe, and from 1875 to 1888 he resided at Dayton, being connected with various railways under construc- tion and reconstruction. He built the Dayton & Southeastern BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 22 1 Railroad, and had engineering charge of it from [876 till about 18S6. In 1 889 ho undertook the placing underground of all tele- phone wires in Chicago, but was forced t<» give Up the work on account of ill-health. He removed to Seattle, Washington, and for eleven years was engaged in engineering on the Pacific coast. He spent much time at South Bend, Washington, where he owned interests in the local water works and electric light plants. After an illness of over two years, he died from nervous prostration at his home in Seattle, May 7, 1904, at the age of fifty- seven years. He was a man of unusual ability, upright, consci- entious, and thorough in every enterprise which he undertook. He was married at Dayton, January 7, 1876, to Nannie E. Pease, daughter of Horace and Sarah Louise (Bellville) Pease, and had six children: Charlotte VanCleve; Horace Pease; Jona- than Dickinson, died October 17, 1892; Walter Bellville; Luci- anna Greene; Dorothy Disbrow. Charlotte VanCleve received the degree of B.A. from Stanford University in 1897, an artist; was married to Frederic Arthur Schneider of San Jose, Cal., in 1900, and has had two sons : Phillips Sumner, born February 7, 1901 ; Frederic Arthur, born 1905, died 1909. Horace Pease was graduated from the University of California in 1903, a mechanical engineer; was college apprentice for the Santa Fe system three years, and is now manager and superin- tendent of a manufacturing plant in Reno, Nevada. He was married March 10, 19 10, to Mary May Thomas, daughter of Rev. John H. Thomas (Yale '68) of Dayton, Ohio, and has two daughters: Elizabeth Ann, born 191 1, and Mary May, born 1913. Walter Bellville, educated at the University of California, in the Class of 1909, is an architect in Berkeley. Lucianna Greene, educated at the University of California, in the Class of 1909, resides in Berkeley. Dorothy Disbrow was graduated in 1912 from the University of California. She was married to William Winter Salsig of Berkeley, Cal., on August 30, 191 3, and is now residing at Gualala, Cal. Mrs. Horace Phillips resides at 2823 Forest Avenue, Berkeley, Cal. 222 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Thomas Wilson Pierce His father was Wilson Pierce, born in Pennsbury Township, Chester County, Pa., in 1809, and died in 1865. His mother was Elizabeth Harvey Levis, born in the adjoining Township of Birmingham, Chester County, in 1816, and died in 1879. They were married in 1835. Wilson Pierce's father was Joshua Pierce, of Pennsbury, who married Mary, the daughter of his neighbor, Thomas Wilson, of Christiana Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware, whose name our classmate bears. The Pierce family began in America with George Pierce, who sailed from Bristol, following William Penn to his province, about 1685. He formed a settlement to which he gave the name Thornbury, after the village in Gloucestershire where his wife had been born. Elizabeth Harvey Levis's father was William Levis, a pioneer in the manufacture of hats, now a large industry in Southeastern Pennsylvania. His ancestry arrived in Pennsylvania about 1684. His wife was Rebecca Darlington Brinton, daughter of William Brinton, who was third in descent from W r illiam Brinton, the first settler, who came from the neighborhood of Birmingham and gave that name to the Township. Thomas W. Pierce's forebears have all been farmers except his father and his mother's father, and all were members of the Orthodox Society of Friends except his mother and her father. A narrow circle of ten miles will embrace the scene of all their lives for upwards of two hundred years. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 223 Thomas W. Pierce was born August 3, 1845, m Dilworthtown, in the township of Birmingham, Chester County, Pa., a place about four miles south of West Chester on the Wilmington road. The village lies on high ground a little to the rear of Washing- ton's extreme right at the Battle of Brandywine, and where he made his last effort to stay the disaster of that day. In 1861 he went to the West Chester Academy to prepare for college, a purpose which he had already formed in mind, but with no definite hope that it might ever be realized. He finished his preparation in 1863, but was not able to enter till the following year. In College he took a high rank in scholarship, lie had a High Oration on the Junior Appointment list, and was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition. At Commencement he had raised his grade to 3.31, i. e. above the usual line of Philo- sophical Oration, but owing to the large number of men of Philosophical standing in '68, he, with Davenport and Harger, received only a High Oration appointment. For two years after graduation he was engaged in teaching in West Chester, and was a law student until March, 1871, when he was admitted to the Bar and began practice in West Chester, where he has been working steadily for more than forty years. He has done well in his profession, and has had the best of health. He writes: "In my earlier professional life I was often tempted to seek a wider held. While I might have done better financially elsewhere, I could not have lived more happily, and comfortably, nor with more healthful and charming surroundings." In 1878 he was elected District Attorney for Chester County, and served one term of three years from January 1, 1879. In 1890 he was the nominee of the Democrats and Independent Republicans for Congress, in the Seventh Congressional District, composed of Chester and Delaware Counties. The district being a Republican stronghold, he was not elected, but he greatly reduced his opponent's majority. March 11, 1884, he was married, in Russellville, Chester County, Pa., to Sarah J. (Ferree) Woodward, widow of Henry Clay Woodward. A son, Thomas Wilson, Jr., was born Decem- ber 24, 1884. 224 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Mrs. Pierce was daughter of Adam and Isabella (Hunter) Ferree. Her mother was daughter of Andrew and Jane Hunter. Her father, Adam Ferree, a husbandman, son of David and Alary (Baker) Ferree, was descended in direct line from Daniel Ferree, a manufacturer living in France, near the Rhone. Daniel Ferree died, and his widow with her six children came to America in 1708. Four years later she took title to two thousand acres of land in Pequea Valley. She died in 171 6, and was the first one interred in the plot she had reserved for the family burial place. * Stephen Pier son Eldest son of Edward and Phebe Elizabeth (Guerin) Pierson. He was born in Morristown, N. J., November 8, 1844. and w; prepared for college at the Morris Academy. He entered Yale in 1861 with the Class of '65, but left at the close of Freshman year to join the army, enlisting as a private in the Twenty-seventh New Jersey Infantry, a nine months' regiment. He was in Burnside's Fredericksburg campaign, and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 225 afterwards in Kentucky, and when mustered out of service he had risen to the rank of Second Lieutenant. Immediately after reach- ing home, he reenlisted as Sergeant-Major in the Thirty-third New Jersey Infantry, and went West under Hooker He served in the campaign about Chattanooga, and was with Sherman on the whole of his Atlantic campaign, the march to the sea, the cam- paigns of the Carolinas, and Joe Johnston's surrender. He was wounded once, became Adjutant of the regiment, and was brevet- ted Captain, and afterwards Major, for gallant conduct, and came out of the service in July, 1865, the youngest officer in the brigade. He returned to college in September following, joined '68, and continued with the Class about one year. In 1888 he received from Yale the degree of M.A., with enrollment in the Class of '68. After leaving Yale, he was a student of medicine at the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, where he was graduated in 1869, and was appointed house physician at Belle- vue Hospital. He located as a physician in Boonton, N. J., in 1870, where he built up a lucrative practice and took an active part in the business and social life of the community. In 1873 he removed to Morristown as an associate with his old preceptor, Dr. William Quinby, whom he later succeeded. Here he soon had a large practice and acquired a reputation as a sympathetic and skillful physician. He was a member of the Morris County Medical Society and of the New Jersey State Medical Society, was a leader in his profession, and kept abreast of the best thought of the day. Dr. Pierson was a member of the Morristown Board of Edu- cation for more than thirty years, for a part of the time its President, and the excellence of the public school system of that city is due in no small degree to him. He also served for a time as a member of the State Board of Education. When the All Souls' Hospital was established in 1892, he was appointed Medical Director and retained that position till his death. When the Grand Army Post of Morristown was organized, he became a member, was actively interested in its affairs, and ready to aid his needy comrades. He was a member of the Loyal Legion of the United States and of the Washington Association of New 15 2 26 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Jersey, of which he became Vice-President. He was a Director of the Morris Aqueduct Company, and was actively identified with many organizations having for their object the betterment of conditions in the community. He was married at Morristown, September 13, 187a; to Amelia F. Cory, and had two sons: Edward, born at Boonton, January 7, 1872, died at Morristown, June 12, 1886; Stephen Cory, born at Morristown, August 25, 1886, died July 26, 1893. Mrs. Pierson died suddenly, on Saturday, February 17, 1894. After a long and brave fight with an insidious disease, Dr. Pierson died on Thursday, August 15, 191 1, at the age of sixty- six years. The funeral services were held in the First Presby- terian Church, of which he was a member. The edifice was filled. In addition to the immediate family and friends, representatives of the Grand Army of the Republic, of the Board of Education, of the Morris County Medical Society, Trustees of the Library and Lyceum, the Board of Directors of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association, and official boards of other organizations, were present. Interment was in the family plot in the First Church cemetery. In response to an inquiry from the Secretary, Charles H. Ray- mond, 2d, of the Class of 1909 Yale College, wrote : "I feel complimented and touched that you should ask me about Dr. Pierson. He brought me into this world twenty-six years ago, and all through my childhood watched over me, conducting me through the ordinary diseases and saving my life in a case of diphtheria. A man with a world of sorrow on his own shoulders (you know he had lost in a period of eight months his only son and his wife), he was always gentle and cheerful and a man of infinite humor. He was loved, no man more, and every one that came into contact with him felt his kindly influence. Reticent about himself, no one will ever know how much good he did or what his own sacrifices were in order that he might help others. "In his profession he was admired. The doctors here all looked up tc him as a sort of father confessor. Most of them had been his assistants as they started into practice. "Not only myself, but all who knew Dr. Pierson, have lost a man that was a loyal friend and counselor, one that was the incarnation of all goodness and unselfishness. The fellows of my age used to drop in to see him on all occasions, knowing that they would have a warm wel- come, and it was worth a day's journey to see him smile. His whole kindly face lit up as he rose to welcome us. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 227 "I wish I could add more, and express the loss of all Morristown, and in some way convey to you the love we all felt for him; but you knew him, and I need say no more." The following tribute to Dr. Pierson is from the editorial columns of the Morristown Jerseyman of August 18, 191 1: "Than Dr. Pierson, no man of the present generation had entered more generally into the life of the town in all its aspects. He was a leader in the medical profession, a clear-headed business man in public and private matters, the life of social gatherings, and above all, with his broad, sympathetic nature deepened by personal affliction, he was a min- istering angel in many afflicted homes. Truly he has left behind him a reputation that all may envy, and an example of unselfish devotion to his fellow men that all should strive to emulate. A good soldier. A beloved physician." Edward Kirk Rawson Son of Rev. Thomas R. Rawson (Amherst College 1830) and of Louisa W. (Dawes) Rawson. He is descended from Edward Rawson, who came to this country in 1632, landing at Newbury, Mass., and was for thirty-eight years Secretary of the Massachusetts Colony, a nephew of the first pastor of the First Church and one of the original members of the Old South Church, Boston. His mother, Louisa W. Dawes, was sister of Hon. Henry L. Dawes (Yale College 1839), member of the United States Senate from Massachusetts, whose ancestor is supposed to have been the William Dawes who rode with Paul Revere. Edward K. Rawson was born in Albany, N. Y., February 21, 1846, and was prepared for college at Albany Academy. For nearly two years, 1863-65, he was a Clerk in the Provost Mar- shal's office, Tenth Massachusetts District, at Springfield. He entered the class at the beginning of Sophomore year. In col- lege he gave special attention to English, and was one of the six Townsend speakers for the DeForest Gold Medal. He was also interested in athletics and gymnastics, rowed on the Varuna gig crew, and was captain of one of the classes in the Gymnasium. After graduation he taught one year in New Haven, and then became a student at the Yale Theological School. In 1870 he entered Andover Theological Seminary, from which he was graduated in 1872. In January, 187 1, he was appointed and com- 228 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE missioned Chaplain in the United States Navy, by Congress. After traveling in Europe on leave of absence in 1873 and 1874, part of the time with Rice, he was ordered on board the United States steamer Richmond, cruising in the North and South /Pacific, where he remained about two years and a half. He was subse- quently on duty on board the training ship Monongahela one year, and on the United States training ship Minnesota for three years, and at the Boston Navy Yard for three years. Following his duty at the Boston Xavy Yard, he took charge of the First Con- gregational Church at New London for Rev. Edward Bacon, who was ill in California. He was then ordered, in 1886, to the United States Naval Academy, as Chaplain, where he remained four years. In October, 1888, he was made Head of the Department of English Studies, History and Law, at the United States Naval Academy in addition to his duties as Chaplain. During his term of duty at the Naval Academy he was Chaplain of the United States ship Constellation on the practice cruises. In October, 1890, he was examined for a professorship in the Navy, and was commissioned, by the United States Senate, Professor of Ethics BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 229 and English Studies at the Naval Academy. He was then ordered to the Library of the Navy Department, where he remained twelve years; five years of this time he was Superin- tendent of Naval War Records and in charge of the Library. In 1902 he was ordered to the Naval Academy as Head of the Department of English, History and Law, where he remained till 1907. Having been detached in September of that year, he was ordered to duty in connection with the Naval War Records, and was engaged in publishing Records of the Union and Confed- erate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, when his active career in the service was ended on account of age and he was put upon the Retired List. In August, 1908, he went abroad with his two daughters, and traveled in England, Wales, and on the Continent for two years. Since his return, he has been living in Washington, writing and endeavoring to make himself generally useful. He has published : "Twenty Famous Naval Battles : Salamis to Santiago." 2 vol. New York. T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1899. Also magazine articles, among which are : "Anarchic Socialism," New Englander, January, 1884. "The Rationale of Russian Socialism," And over Review, September, 1884. "The Naval Chaplaincy," And over Review, September, 1892. "Admiral Farragut," Atlantic Monthly, 1893. April 10, 1888, he was married, at Philadelphia, to Eleanor Wade, daughter of Robert Wade, the American representative of the old firm of Wade & Butcher of Sheffield, England. He has two children: Eleanor Wade, born July 3, 1889; Kath- arine Dawes, born August 24, 1894. Mrs. Eleanor Wade Rawson died August 24, 1894. Richard Austin Rice Son of Richard Elisha Rice (Yale College 1839) and Parnella (Scran- ton) Rice, daughter of Hubbard Scranton of Madison, Conn. Richard A. Rice was born in Madison, October 22, 1846, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. He was a frequent contributor to the Lit, both in verse and in 2 3 THE CLASS OF I 868, YALE COLLEGE prose ; was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition ; and was bow oar on the class gig crew in Senior year. The first year after graduation he spent mostly in New Haven. In the fall of 1869 he entered the Yale Theological School, and in the spring of 1870 went to Europe and continued his studies in history and philology at the University of Berlin. In December, 1 871, he returned and resumed his place in his class at the Yale Theological School, where he was graduated in 1872. In May, 1873, he went to Germany again, and remained abroad for two years, devoting his time to the study of European languages and art. He was appointed Professor of Modern Languages and Liten ture in the University of Vermont in 1875, an d taught in that institution till the summer of 1881, when he accepted the same professorship in Williams College. In 1890 he was made Pre f essor of History, and in the same year he became Director of th< Williams Art Association. The department of the History oi Art at Williams grew out of a voluntary Art Association estab- lished many years before by the students, supported by them and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 23 I sonic of the alumni. Professor Rice had given a course of lec- tures hefore this Association for several years. In [897 the President and Dean suggested that this course of lectures should be expanded and made a part of the curriculum. This proving acceptable after two years' trial, they proposed the addition of a half-year course, and in 1904 the department was created and he was made Professor of the History of Art and Civilization. He was for many years on the Advisory Committee of the Faculty and served as Dean of the College in 1894-95. Rice retired from active service at Williams College in July, mi i. and was given a retiring allowance by the Trustees of the Carnegie foundation. He went abroad in July and worked for several months in the libraries of Heidelberg, Paris, and London. He returned at the close of the year 191 1, and was for a year in charge, provisionally, of the Prints Division of the Library of Congress. After acquainting himself to some extent with the immediate needs of the Library in this Division, he went again to Europe in January, 1913, in search of material which could not easily be acquired through the ordinary channels of library agencies; such as rare books, works which demanded careful collation before purchase, old views and plans of towns, early printed books, manuscripts, engravings and portrait medals. He spent the rest of the winter and the spring in Italy, the summer in Germany and Switzerland, the autumn in Paris and London, returning to the Library in January, 1914, where he is now arranging that part of the above-mentioned material which falls directly under his supervision. November 28, 1876, he was married to Marion Ashley Foster, at Geneva, N. Y. He has three children: Richard Ashley, born in Burlington, Vt, January 29, 1878, graduated as Bachelor of Arts from Williams in 1899, took gradu- ate work at Harvard (with instructor's duties) and at Paris. He is now Assistant Professor of English in the University of Indiana, at Bloomington. He is author of several publications, the latest being a study of "Wordsworth's Mind." Maxwell Ware, born at Williamstown, Mass., August 1, 1882, graduated as Bachelor of Arts from Williams in 1903, and as Bachelor of Divinity from the Episcopal Theological Seminary at Cambridge in 1906. He w r as a missionary 1908- 19T 2 under 2 3 2 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Bishop Spalding- at Garfield, Utah, where his work was mainly among the mining communities of that district. He is now in charge of the Emery Memorial House, University of Utah, at Salt Lake City. / Roger Leavitt, born at Williamstown, July 31, 1883, was a student at Williams till the end of Sophomore year, when he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. An excellent business opportunity influenced him to leave college six months before graduation. He is a member of the firm of Messmer & Rice, engineers and contractors, at Los Angeles, Cal. June 13, 1912, he was married in Los Angeles to Lela Morrison of that city, and has one child, a daughter, born December 7, 1913. Thomas Hamlen Robbins Son of Allen A. and Anna (Goodrich) Robbins, was born in Rocky Hill, Conn., November 4, 1841. Soon after the close of the spring term of the Hudson River Institute, Claverack, N. Y., where he was studying in preparation for college, he enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Connecticut Volunteers and served as Corporal in the army in Louisiana. He was with the regiment when BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 233 engaged in the operations against Port Hudson, and in the action at Irish Bend, April 14, 1863. He was mustered out August 26, 1863, completed his prepara- tion at Claverack, and entered Yale in September, 1864. He had Phi Heta Kappa rank in scholarship on both Junior and Senior appointment lists. After graduating at Yale, he taught in the Amenia Seminary at Amenia, X. Y., till 1872, when he went West and was engaged for something more than a year in civil engineering. The busi- ness outlook at this time was unfavorable to railroad construc- tion, and to new enterprises generally, and he returned East in October, 1873, and resumed temporarily his old position in the seminary at Amenia. When business revived, he went back to his chosen profession of civil engineering, which he has since followed for nearly thirty- live vears, and from the nature of his business has been without a permanent home. The years 191 1 and 1912 he spent mostly in Des Moines, Iowa. He is at present located at Colorado Springs, and is still in active practice as an engineer. May 5, 1895, he was married to Mrs. C. A. Zimmerman. Mrs. Bobbins died August 15, 1909. * Julius William Russell Son of William P. and Lydia (Miner) Russell, was born Sep- tember 1, 1846, in Moria, N. Y., and came to college from Bur- lington, Yt. He was prepared privately by Mr. H. F. Fisk, Cazenovia, N. Y., passed Freshman and Sophomore years at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., and joined the Class of '68 at Yale at the beginning of Junior year, graduating with Phi Beta Kappa rank in scholarship. The year following graduation, he was Principal of the academy at Hinesburgh, Vt. In December, 1869, he began the study of law in the office of Judge William C. Shaw in Burlington, and in 1870 entered the Columbia College Law School. He was admitted to the Chittenden (Vt.) County Bar in September, 1871, and formed a partnership with Washburn, which was continued till 1874, when W'ashburn withdrew. He became prominent in his profession. From 1882 to 1884 he was State's Attorney for Chittenden County, and from 1889 to 1891 he was City Attorney 234 THE CLASS OF I 868, YALE COLLEGE for the City of Burlington. On April 2, 1894, he was appointed Judge of the City Court, being the unanimous choice of the County irrespective of party. During his six years in this office many important cases came before him and his decision^ gave unusual satisfaction. December 31, 1872, he was married to Kate Beecher, daughter of Dr. Elmer Beecher of Hinesburgh, Vt. She is descended from families prominent in the American Revolution, in one of which was Roger Sherman, who signed the Declaration of Inde- pendence. The first American ancestor of the Beecher family came from England about 1630 and settled in Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. Russell had three children: Flora Emeline, born July 12, 1875; William Julius, born December 25, 1876; Elmer Beecher, born January 15, 1885; all at Burlington. Flora was married May 8, 1907, to Mahlon P. Lamoureux of Minneapolis, Minn., and has two children: Russell, born July 4, [911; Mahlon, born April 6, 191 3. William was graduated as Bachelor of Arts from the University of Vermont in [898, and is a member of the firm of Gregory, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 235 Jennison & Company, grain commission merchants, of Minne- apolis. He was married January 16, 1912, to Hazel Alness of St. Paul, and has one child, Dudley, born April 6, 1913. Elmer was graduated as Bachelor of Philosophy from the University of Vermont in 1906, studied law at Harvard, and received the degree of M.A. from Columbia in 191 1. Judge Julius W. Russell died of typhoid fever at his home in Burlington, February 25, 1900, at the age of fifty-three years. Mrs. Russell lives in the old home at Burlington. Francis Eugene Seagrave Son of John and Almena (Ross) Seagrave. He is descended in the fifth generation from Captain Edward Seagrave, who commanded a com- pany of infantry from Uxbridge, Mass., in the War Of the Revolution, and from his son, John Seagrave, who enlisted at the age of fifteen years in the same company, at first as a fifer and later as a regular soldier, and served to the end of the war. On his mother's side, his grandfather, Ziba Ross, served in the American army during the War of 1812. Francis E. Seagrave was born November 5, 1843, at Belling- ham, Mass. In 1845 his parents returned to the home of the 236 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Seagrave family in Uxbridge, where they were living when he entered Yale. He was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, and graduated from Yale with Phi Beta Kappa rank in scholarship, and was one of the Presidents of Linonia. After graduation he was Principal of the High School at Toledo, Ohio, till July, 1871, when he resigned his position and engaged in banking, becoming a member of the firm of Raymer & Seagrave. This firm became Raymer, Seagrave & Company in 1873, when his brother, Orville B. Seagrave of Uxbridge, was admitted as a member. They were very successful financially for a number of years, but in 1883 became somewhat involved in some large operations, and in December, 1884, the firm was dissolved. About January 1, 1885, the new firm of Seagrave Brothers was formed and offices were opened at Toledo, Ohio, and at Boston and Uxbridge, Mass. Business started with very flattering pros- pects, but the sudden death of O. B. Seagrave in February, 1886, was a serious blow. F. B. Seagrave conducted the business under the name of Seagrave Brothers after that date. Seagrave was among the first to become interested in electric railways, and has constructed several important lines. In 1901 he was Secretary and Treasurer of the Toledo & Western Rail- way Company, and in 1903-06 was President of the Toledo & Chicago Interurban Railway Company. In 1906-07 he built the Indianapolis & New Castle Railway. He has not been actively engaged in railroad construction since November, 1907, but has been interested in mining operations in Colorado. He was married to Charlotte C. Lee, July 1, 1869, at Toledo, Ohio, and has had five children, all born at Toledo : Mary Almena, December 7, 1871 ; Jessie Lee, May 14, 1874; Harry Wentworth, February 25, 1878, died April 21, 1884; Walter Howard, September 12, 1881 ; Lillian Miner, October 26, 1885. Mary Almena was married to Rodell D. Murray at Toledo, January 2^, 1906. They have two daughters, born at Toledo: Evelyn Huntington Murray, February 6, 1910; Charlotte Dexter Murray, February 22, 19 14. Jessie Lee is a teacher in the Public Schools of Toledo. Walter Howard was married to Alice Duty at Cleveland, Ohio, June 6, 191 1. He received the degree of Ph.B. from Yale in 1904, and of LL.B. from Western Reserve in 1907, and is now practicing law in Cleveland. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 237 Lillian Miner was married to Ralph M. Chapman at Toledo, July 21, 1909. They have two children: Ralph Seagrave Chap- man, born December 31, 191 1; Walter Howard Chapman, born December 7, 191 2. Mrs. Charlotte L. Seagrave died at her home in Toledo Decem- ber 6, 1912. Charles Edwin Searls Son of Edwin C. and Caroline (Mathewson) Searls. His father's ancestors were English, his mother's Scotch. The Searls family came from Dorchester, England, to Dorchester, Mass., early in the history of the Colonies, and one branch drifted across the line into Windham County, Conn. The family motto is, "Swift as the greyhound and gentle as the dove." Charles E. Searls was born March 25, 1846, in Pomfret, Conn. He lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. from the time he was three years old till the death of his father in 1857, when he removed with his mother to Thompson and was prepared for college there by Henry S. Parker. After graduation he returned to Thompson, where he has since resided. He studied law with Hon. G. W. Phillips of Putnam, 238 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE was admitted to the Bar in August, 1870, and has since prac- ticed his profession at Putnam. He was Town Clerk of Thomp- son in 1869 and 1870, a member of the Connecticut Legislature in 1 87 1, Secretary of State in 1881-82, and received a compli- mentary vote for Member of Congress, from his County, in the Convention of 1884. In 1886 he was again member of the Connecticut House of Representatives, and was candidate for Speaker, but was defeated. In 1886 his name was prominently mentioned among the candidates for Lieutenant Governor. In 1896 he was delegate from Connecticut to the Republican National Convention at St. Louis. He was Special Counsel to the Comptroller of the Currency in 1898 and 1899 ; was appointed, by the Judges, State's Attorney for Windham County in 1903, and has held that office continuously since ; and was Connecticut State Senator from the 28th Senatorial District in 1909 and 1910, serving as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and also as Chairman of the Joint Committee on Rules and of the Senate Committee on Rules. Searls is a prominent man in Connecticut, and is respected and trusted by both political parties alike for his integrity and fair- ness. He has, however, kept out of politics and devoted him- self almost exclusively to the practice of his profession. He is a member of the American Bar Association and of the State Bar Association, and has held offices in both. He is also a member of the National Economic League, and a Director of the Connecticut branch of the National Citizens' League. In a recent letter to the Secretary he writes : "I am getting to be something of a globe trotter, spending the sum- mers in Europe and a month or so every winter in some warm climate. I find that the old saying, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,' applies to me, and so I am taking a fair proportion of play with my work." He was married, October 8, 1902, at Trinity Church, Boston, to Sarah Alice Fell of that city. *William Roumage Shelton Son of William J. and Mary (Hough) Shelton. The family came from Stratford and Huntington. His ancestors were of Revolutionary stock, and his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all physicians. His grandfather and great-grandfather were both graduates of Yale. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 239 William R. Shelton was born in Bridgeport, Conn., September 11, 1845. He was prepared for college by Hubbard Arnold of New Haven, and entered the Class of '68 at the beginning of Sophomore year. In 1866 he received from President Andrew Johnson an appointment to the West Point Military Academy from Connect- icut, which appointment he was allowed to turn over to his younger brother, Edwin H. Shelton, while he continued his under- graduate studies at Yale. This brother was graduated from West Point in 1870, commissioned Second Lieutenant in the First Regiment United States Cavalry, and was sent to the west- ern frontier, where he participated in many encounters with the Indians. He died in the service January 13, 1880. After graduation from Yale, Shelton returned to Bridgeport, where he studied law with Henry S. San ford. He was admitted to the Bar in June, 1872, and at once began the practice of his profession in his native city. He was Assistant City Attorney of Bridgeport in 1874 and 1875, and Deputy Judge of the City Court of Bridgeport from 1875 to 1877. 240 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE July 4, 1884, he was appointed Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court, and October 14 of the same year he was made Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Fairfield County. April 21, 1891, he was appointed Clerk of the Superior Court, and -Clerk of the Supreme Court of Errors, which offices he held till fail- ing health forced him to resign them in 1908. Shelton's posi- tion as Clerk of the Fairfield County Superior and Supreme Courts for nearly two decades brought him into touch with the entire legal fraternity of Connecticut, and made him known to members of the Bar in many other states of the Union. Among the legal profession, his administration of the office of Clerk was everywhere noted for its proficiency, the clearness and legibility of his records, their unvarying freedom from errors, even of the most minute degree. The records of his office during his admin- istration are said to be models of their kind, and it was said by prominent lawyers of other states that his court records were the best in any court in New England. After a long illness, he died of heart failure, January 13, 191 1, at the home of his sister, Mrs. William H. Stevenson, in Bridge- port. He was sixty-five years of age. Funeral services were held on January 16, which were largely attended by the business and professional men of the city. The interment was in Moun- tain Grove Cemetery. The following loving tribute was paid to his memory by the Bar of Fairfield County: "The Bar of Fairfield County desires to affectionately place upon its records this tribute to the memory of our deceased brother, the late William R. Shelton, whose personality had become endeared to us by many years of professional, official and social intimacy, and whose lamented death occurred on the 13th of January, 191 1. "Born in Bridgeport, September 11, 1845, a graduate from the Academ- ical Department of Yale College in the Class of 1868, for four years there- after a diligent student of the law, under the late Henry S. San ford, when he began the practice in June, 1872, his admirable equipment, his naturally discriminating and well-balanced mind, his high integrity, and large and influential acquaintance opened to him the prospect of an honorable and lucrative career at the Bar; and for a while he pursued that course, with no effort at spectacular display, but in a manner that impressed all who had knowledge of his work with a distinct idea of his unusual legal ability. "He was not, however, destined to continue long in that particular line of activity, but was soon called to other fields of usefulness. As Assist- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 24 1 ant Attorney of the City of Bridgeport and Judge of the City Court, he exhibited the qualities demanded by those responsible positions and acquitted himself in the discharge of their important duties with invariable distinction. "In October. 1884, he was appointed Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Fairfield County by the Honorable Frederic B. Hall, then Judge of that Court and now Chief Justice of the State. The same year he was selected by the Judges of the Superior Court as Assistant Clerk of that Court in this County, and, having held that position until April 12, 1891, he was promoted to the higher office of Clerk, and served in the latter capacity until July 1, 1908, when, by failing health, to the great regret of the Court and Bar, he was compelled to retire. It was dur- ing this long period of his official labors so intimately related to the daily life and pursuits of the entire profession that we came to know him best, and to appreciate his rare fitness for the place, and the unfail- ing fidelity, accuracy, patience and kindliness that characterized his intercourse with us. in that exacting and laborious round. "No one not familiar with the details of judicial archives and procedure can comprehend, and even practicing lawyers are apt to forget, and it is well that we should, in this memorial to our deceased brother, recall, consider, and realize how much is due to the faithful clerk ; what knowl- edge of law he must possess, what memory he must exercise, what familiarity with rules and forms and precedents he must have, what con- stancy and punctuality he must at all times display, what readiness to meet extraordinary emergencies, to solve unusual complications, to grant every request, and to bear every burden, is demanded of him ; and with what courtesy and inexhaustible good nature he is expected to comply with these most onerous requirements. "It can truly be said, and it is enough to say, that William R. Shelton fully exemplified this noble ideal. "The documents and volumes where his diligent and careful hand traced the history of litigation are a monument to his efficient public service. "His sterling and amiable character has a lasting place in our loving remembrance. Robert E. DeForest, Morris W. Seymour, Morris B. Beardsley, Committee. "Upon motion to the Superior Court, in session at Bridgeport, on Fri- day, February 17, 191 1, Hon. Milton A. Shumway, Judge, presiding, it was ordered that the foregoing Memorial be spread upon the Records of the Superior Court. William T. Haviland, Clerk." William Merrick Slay Son of William and Louisa (Onins) Slay, of Queen Anne County, Md., and brother of John O. Slay (Yale College 1859). His father 16 242 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE returned in 1847 to Kent County, Delaware, which had been the home of the Slay family for more than a hundred years. William M. Slay was born August 5, 1846, in Queen Anne County, and was prepared for college by William A. Reynolds of Dover, Del., a native of Rhode Island and a graduate of Wesleyan College, Middletown, Conn. He joined the Class of '68 at the beginning of Sophomore year. After graduation he taught one year at Chestertown, Aid., and studied law two years in the same place, with his brother, in the office of Vickers & Slay. In October, 187 1, he was admitted to the liar, and has since been established as an attorney-at-law in Chestertown. He soon acquired a good, active, and constant practice. As side issues, he has indulged in farming and politics. He writes that he considers himself a very fair farmer, but a very poor politician ; but whatever he may think of his own work, he certainly as a public official has rendered the kind of service that the country needs. In 1883 he was a candidate for the office of State's Attorney for Kent County, Aid., for a term of four years. After a very hot BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 243 fight he was defeated in a very close contest; but at the next election, in 1891, received the unanimous vote of the Demo- cratic Nominating Convention on the first ballot, and was elected without opposition, the Republican party making no nomination against him, though that party frequently elects a portion, and, on two occasions, has elected all of its ticket in that county. He held the office eight years, being elected again without opposition in 1895. He was eminently successful in this office in a number of important cases, civil and criminal. Slay holds the record in the United States for the conviction of the largest number of murderers in one case. While State's Attorney in 1892, he prosecuted nine negroes indicted together for the murder of Dr. Hill, and convicted eight of them of mur- der in the first degree. After the trial, being satisfied from a long and close study of the case that at least four of the prisoners, owing to their extreme youth, ought not to suffer death, in defi- ance of the maddened public clamor throughout the State for the blood of all the murderers, almost alone he faced the hostile pub- lic press and people, interceded with the Governor and explained the case to him, and secured from him the commutation of the death sentences of the four youthful convicts to imprisonment for life. In the Democratic State Convention of 1896, Slay was nomi- nated for Presidential Elector, but the national ticket was defeated in Maryland. In 1898 he suffered a severe attack of typhoid fever, which left him a physical and nervous wreck, and all thought of further activity in any line of business was necessarily abandoned ; but after several years of comparative helplessness, he gradually regained a little strength physically and mentally, and by following strictly the advice of Dr. William Osier to keep himself busy with light work and diversion, he continued to mend, though very slowly, and in 1907 took up again a strenuous busi- ness life and also entered somewhat into politics. His special business was that of straightening out an exceedingly large and tangled estate, on which he is still at work. In the same year (1907) he was elected State Senator. The following extract from a private letter from ex-Attorney Gen- eral Isaac Lobe Straus shows what was thought of Slay's work as a State Senator: 244 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE "I hope you will not think I am bandying compliments when I say that I have always put the highest value upon your services in the Senate. No one had a better opportunity than I, as Attorney General, to observe and estimate the worth of your work, and I unhesitatingly say that in devotion to the public interests and in intelligent and vigorous effort to that end, unmoved by all personal or private considerations, your services were not surpassed in absolute value by those of any man in the Senate during the Sessions in which you served." Slay is a Director and the Attorney of the People's Bank of Chestertown, and has been for many years a member of the Board of Visitors and Governors of Washington College at Chester- town, an institution at whose dedication General Washington him- self was present. December 3, 1885, he was married, at Chestertown, to Augusta Eccleston Hynson, daughter of Richard Hynson, Esq. *Thomas Chalmers Sloane Fifth son of William and Euphemia (Douglas) Sloane and brother of Henry T. Sloane of the Class of '66. Thomas C. Sloane was born in the City of New York, October 21, 1847, was prepared for college by James N. McElligott of that city and entered Yale with the Class of '68. He was a member of the Spoon Committee and delivered the Latin Salu- tatory at the Wooden Spoon Exhibition. After graduation he joined his father and brothers, who, under the firm name of W. & J. Sloane, were engaged in the carpet business in New York City. He brought to the business the enthusiasm of youth restrained by rare good judgment, and a comprehensive knowledge of men and affairs quite remarkable in one of his years. So eager was he to assume and discharge his full share of the duties and responsibilities incident to the con- trol and management of a large and increasing business, that he failed to realize that he might be overtaxing his strength. Devotion to business did not narrow his views of life. He fondly cherished the love of Alma Mater, and was ever ready to assist, with money and advice, all efforts to increase the useful- ness of the University. In 1880, after the death of his father, he suggested to his brother, Henry T. Sloane, that in no way BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 245 could they more worthily show their love and veneration for their father's memory than by the gift to the University of a suitable memorial. The suggestion was acted upon, and the Sloane Physical Laboratory (now called Sloane Lecture Hall), completed in 1883, the gift of the brothers, was the result. Later, in response to the call of those who deemed a new gym- nasium necessary in order to supply the increasing- demands of the students, he diligently assisted in securing the necessary funds, contributing liberally himself for the purchase of the land and erection of the Gymnasium, which was completed and pre- sented to the L^niversity in 1892. In June, 1889, he was elected by the Alumni a member of the Yale Corporation. His rare personal qualities, his business experience and efficiency, made him a very useful member of that body. Concerning his personal traits little need be said, for we all knew him from his boyhood up. It would be difficult to say why we loved him ; but we all agree that he was, as boy and man, worthy of the love we bore him. His character won respect ; his kindly manner and considerate thought of others made friends of all with whom he came in contact. 246 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE On the 3d day of June, 1873, he married Priscilla P. Dixon, daughter of Courtlandt P. and Hannah Elizabeth Dixon. Dur- ing the winter of 1888 his health, which had not been rpbust, began to fail, and Bright's disease soon developed. About the middle of June, 1890, he removed to Lenox, Mass., where he had arranged to spend the summer. He died there very suddenly, on the 17th day of June, 1890. *Charles Edwin Smith Son of Richard Smith, proprietor of the Cincinnati Gazette, and Mary (Quinn) Smith. Charles E. Smith was born in Cincinnati, September 29, 1847, and was prepared for college at the Chickering Institute in that city. After leaving college, he returned to Cincinnati and entered the editorial department of the Cincinnati Gazette, expecting to succeed his father in the management of that paper. His work here was creditable, and gave promise of a successful career. About 1876 he became conscious of pulmonary weakness, which threatened to become serious. A vacation of several months BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 247 spent in Colorado and California helped him so much that he returned to Cincinnati, confident of a permanent cure. It was not thought best that he should take up again his editorial duties till his health was fully established, and he accepted a position temporarily in the Internal Revenue Office. He was, however, soon compelled to relinquish this position by reason of failing strength. From this time he declined rapidly till his death, which occurred at his residence in Clifton, December 23, 1880. He had in him the seed and promise of an honorable and use- ful life. He was upright in his dealings, fair in his judgments, friendly in his manner, true in his affections, strong in his con- viction^, careful in his decisions. His was a well-rounded char- acter. Boyish in his appearance, he was singularly mature in his views and in the way he looked on life. He was married February 20, 1873, to Sophia B. Whiteman, daughter of B. B. Whiteman, Esq., of Cincinnati. Mrs. Smith survived her husband only four years, dying November 13, 1884, leaving a son, Whiteman Smith, born June 20, 1879. Mase Shepard Southworth Son of Hon. Edward Southworth (Harvard College 1826) and Ann Elizabeth (Shepard) Southworth. Edward Southworth was a lineal descendant of Edward Southworth, the Leyden pilgrim, who returned from Holland to England in 1620 and died the following year. In 1623 his wife, Alice Southworth, came with her two young children, Constant and Thomas, to Plymouth, where she married Governor William Brad- ford, then a widower, and the two Southworth boys were brought up in the Bradford family. Ann Elizabeth Shepard was daughter of Rev. Mase Shepard (Dartmouth College 1785) of Little Compton, R. I., and sister of Professor Charles U. Shepard of Amherst College. Her mother, Deborah Hoskins, was a sister of Ruth Hoskins, the mother of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Three brothers have graduated at Yale: George C. S. Southworth of the Class of 1863, Professor of English Literature in Kenyon Col- lege; Dr. Edward Southworth of the Class of 1879; and Dr. Thomas S. Southworth of New York City, of the Class of 1883. Mase S. Southworth was born in West Springfield, Mass., September 2^, 1847, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. He left the class at the end of the first term of Junior year, and spent several years in the study of chemistry at Gottingen 2 4 8 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE and Tubingen, Germany, receiving* the degree of Ph.D. at Tubin- gen, August 2, 1872. In 1877 he received the degree of M.A. from Yale, with enrollment in the Class of '68. In 1876 lip was appointed Professor of Chemistry at Williams College, but resigned his professorship in 1881 and went abroad for further study. After his return he continued his studies in chemistry, but in recent years he has been forced to give more and more attention to business interests. He is a Director of the Spring- field Fire and Marine Insurance Company, and Trustee of the Hampden Savings Bank and the Union Relief Association. He was married, November 25, 1879, to Mary Virginia Mal- lory of New York City. *Edward Leavitt Spencer Son of William and Mary J. (Dunham) Spencer. The Spencers were farmers and traders who had emigrated from England in the latter part of the seventeenth century. Selden Spencer removed about t;o from eastern Massachusetts, where the family had been settled for sev- eral generations, to the vicinity of Hartford, Conn. His grandson, William Spencer, father of our classmate, was born in Cheshire, Conn., BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 249 in 1804, and died in New Haven in 1868. He was for many years a member of the wholesale dry goods nrm of McCurdy, Aldrich & Spencer of New York. Mary Jane Dunham was born in Berlin, Conn., in 1822, and died in Morristown, N. J., in 1894. The Dunham family had lived in the vicinity of Berlin for a number of generations, and had been farmers and seafaring people. Edward L. Spencer was born May 20, 1847, in Brooklyn, N. Y., and was prepared for college at the Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn. After graduation he traveled in Europe for a year and a half, and then attended Columbia College Law School, where he received the degree of LL.B. in May, 1872. After another tour of Europe he settled in Xew York City in the practice of his profession. He made a specialty of real estate law in Xew York City and Brooklyn. May 1, 1883, he entered into partnership with Spencer Aldrich (Columbia College 1874), a son of his father's old partner, with whom he was associated in the management of the Aldrich estate. In May, 1894, he severed his connection with this estate and devoted himself to real estate law in Xew York City. He died at the Methodist Episcopal Hospital, in Xew York City, May 2, 1905, in the fifty-eighth year of his age. 250 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE In a private letter to the Secretary a few years before his death, he wrote: "My life has been a quiet one. My engagements confine me sojnewhat closely to the office during business hours, and when these are over, Eng- lish and French literature have become my pleasure and study. I have taken no active part in politics, but hold decided views therein. I have grown up in my political life with the Evening Post, and am glad that that journal generally agrees with me in matters of political faith. It is, therefore, unnecessary for me to explain what that faith is. "In closing, let me assure you, and through you the other members of the Class of '68, that their classmate, now a gray-haired and middle- aged man, retains in his heart an affection for them and for Old Yale, as warm as in the days when we were boys together. The memories of those days are very pleasant to me." Spencer was married in New York City, September 25, 1 871, to Katharine Angell Weeden, who was born in Providence, R. I., in 1850. On the paternal side she is descended from the Weeden family which had settled in Rhode Island in early Colonial times. Several members of this family took part in the Revolutionary War. On the maternal side she is descended from the King family of Rhode Island, who were also early settlers there. Sam- uel Ward King, her grandfather, was Governor of Rhode Island, during the so-called "Dorr" rebellion. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer had three children: Mabel, born Sep- tember 1, 1873, died September 1, 1873; Elliott Linn, born August 1, 1875; Edith, born December 25, 1877. Elliott was graduated in 1896 from Cornell University, with the degree of M.E., and is engaged in the engineering depart- ment of the gas industry. He is at present Chief Engineer of the Central Union Gas Company of New York. In 1905 he was married to Anna Dare of Brooklyn, N. Y. Edith was married in 1897 to Newton Ailing, Vice-President of the National Nassau Bank of New York. They have one child, Kathryn, born in 1899. Mrs. Katharine W. Spencer resides at 490 St. Nicholas Avenue, New York City. *Calvin Daniel Stowell Son of John C. and Marietta (Lord) Stowell, was born in Ithaca, N. Y., January 25, 1846, and was prepared for college at Ithaca Academy. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 2 5* Immediately after graduation he returned to Ithaca and entered into partnership with his father in the wholesale grocery trade, under the firm name of J. C. Stowell, Son & Company, and was actively engaged in that business till his death. In addition to his other business activities, he was a Director of the First National Bank of Ithaca, a Trustee of the City Hospital Associa- tion, a Trustee of the Ladies' Union Benevolent Society, and closely identified with the Inlet Mission. He was also a mem- ber and Trustee of the First Presbyterian Church. During the later years of his life he had borne the greater share of the burden of the business, gradually relieving his venerable father of its cares and responsibilities. A few years before his death, he wrote to the Secretary : "My life has been fairly prosperous, peaceful, uneventful, free from bereavement and misfortune, not glorified to any extent by honors or titles, and yet not without a certain amount of success not satisfying to my ambition, but perhaps sufficient." He was married at Ithaca, December 18, 1873, to Amelia W. Esty (Vassar 1871), daughter of Senator Edward S. Esty, and 252 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE had three children: Mary Esty, born June 16, 1877; Edward Esty, born October 22, 1879; Harley Lord, born December 30, 1883. Mary Esty Stowell was graduated from Vassar in 1899, an d was married September 27, 1910, to Archibald R. Davidson. A son, Archibald R. Davidson, Jr., was born August 17, 191 1. Edward E. Stowell was graduated from Hamilton in 1901, from Columbia Law School in 1904, and is a member of the firm of Greene, Hurd & Stowell, counsellors at law, in New York City. He was married June 24, 191 1, to Alice Fellowes, and has a son, Edward Esty Stowell, Jr., born May 29, 1912. Mr. Stowell resides at 829 Park Avenue. Harley Lord Stowell was graduated from Hamilton in 1905, and from the Harvard Law School in 1908, and is practicing in New York City with the firm of Rounds & Schurman. Stowell died of angina pectoris at his home in Ithaca on Feb- ruary 26, 1901, at the age of fifty-five years. After her husband's death, Mrs. Stowell spent part of her time in Ithaca and part in New York City. She withdrew almost entirely from social activities, and devoted her time very largely to charity, being interested in, and a contributor to, a wide variety of institutions. She was a member of the Daughters of the Revo- lution and of the Mayflower Society. She died on September 19, 1913. * Henry Stuart Swayne Son of Justice Noah H. Swayne (LL.D. Yale College) of the United States Supreme Court, and of Sarah Ann (Wager) Swayne. The family is descended from Francis Swayne, who came to America with William Penn, and settled near Philadelphia. Three brothers are graduates of Yale College: Gen. Wager Swayne of the Class of 1856, Noah H. Swayne of the Class of 1870, and Frank B. Swayne of the Class of iS,-_\ Henry S. Swayne was born in Columbus, Ohio, June 2, 1S4;. and was prepared for college by Edwin C. Benson of Gam- bier, Ohio. He was a member of '67 till the second term of its Sophomore year, and entered '68 in September, 1865. After graduation he was engaged in business for one year. He was Assistant Civil Engineer of the St. Paul, Minneapolis BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 253 & Manitoba Railroad from 1869 till the spring of 1872, when he resigned and went abroad, returning the following winter. January I, 1873, he entered into partnership with I I. ( tsborn and H. J. Chase of Toledo, Ohio, under the firm name of Osborn, Chase & Swayne, for the purpose of manufacturing mouldings. They were doing a fine business until October 2, 1873, when they were burned out with heavy loss. They rebuilt and continued the business till January 1, 1885, when Swayne withdrew in order to have time to attend to the care of property in which he had become interested. He was married at Bloomington, 111., December 22, 1875, to Sallie W. Davis, daughter of Hon. David Davis, Vice-President of the United States. On the death of Vice-President Davis, he was made executor of his estate. In August, 1893, ne returned from Europe, where he had been traveling for several months. Soon after his return, serious pulmonary trouble developed, the result of a cold contracted in Paris. He grew rapidly worse, and died, at his home in Bloom- ington, November 25, 1893. 254 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE * James Kingsley Thacher The eldest son of Professor Thomas A. Thacher (Yale College 1835) and of Elizabeth (Day) Thacher, daughter of President Jeremiah Day (Yale College 1795). Six brothers are graduates of Yale College: Thomas Thacher in 1871 ; Edward S. Thacher in 1872; Alfred B. Thacher in 1874; Dr. John S. Thacher in 1877; Sherman D. Thacher in 1883; William L. Thacher in 1887. James K. Thacher was born in New Haven, Conn., October 19, 1847, an d was prepared for college at the Hopkins Grammar School, in New Haven. He spent the first two years after graduation as a teacher in California, and the third in study in New Haven. From 1871 to 1879 he was tutor in physics in Yale College. He received the degree of M.D. from the Yale Medical School in 1879, and at once began the practice of medicine in New Haven. In the same year he was appointed Professor of Physiology in the Yale Medical School. The subject of Clinical Medicine was added to his professorship in 1887. In addition to his lectures in the Medical School, he gave instruction in physiology and zoology to the academic students until 1888. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 255 Dr. Thacher was ardently devoted to his profession. He car- ried to the bedside of his patients the same thoroughness that marked his researches in more purely scientific studies. No detail was too trivial to be noted and weighed, so long as it could have a bearing upon the case; and he felt that it devolved upon him to see that failure of treatment did not come through ignorance or want of care and attention on the part of others. He was eminently fair in his judgments and inflexibly honest in the expression of his opinion, and hated all show and pretension. He was not content simply to practice medicine, but loved the theoretical and practical sides of his profession, and visitors in his study often found him at work with German and French texts, keeping abreast of the most authoritative medical con- clusions, especially those bearing on diagnosis, in which depart- ment of medical science he won distinction. I lis scientific investigations were of permanent value. Of his published papers, the following are best known : 'Median and Paired Fins, a Contribution to the History of Verte- brate Limbs." Transactions of the Connecticut Academy, 1877, p. 281 ff. "Professor Maxwell on the Relativity of Motion." Mind, April, 1879. "Physiological Action of Electricity." 1885. "The Relation of Cardiac Hypertrophy to Nephritis." Proceedings of the Connecticut Medical Society, 1888, p. 87 ff. "General Physiology of the Nerves." Buck's Reference Handbook of Medical Science, Vol. V, pp. 136-142, 1888. "Pulse-wave Velocity and Ventricular Close-time in Health." Trans- actions of American Physicians, 1888. The first of these has been most widely read. It involved a criticism of Huxley and Geyenbaur on vertebrate evolution, which had hitherto occupied the field. The gist of Dr. Thacher's view was that the limbs of the higher vertebrates had developed from the fins of fishes. His work at once attracted attention both in England and in Germany. He also had charge of the department of medicine, surgery and physiology in the Century Dictionary, and his contributions to this book show what a great amount of original literary work was prepared by him, or under his immediate supervision. His practice was extensive, and among many of the best fami- lies in the city, but he was always ready to attend to the wants 256 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE of the poor, and to serve, without remuneration, in the hospital and other public institutions. He never shrank from the call of duty, however repellant and uninviting, but devoted himself to the relief of suffering wherever he found it, and without any thought of his own discomfort or danger. His death was very sudden. On returning from his profes- sional visits on Friday, he was taken seriously ill with pneumonia, and he lived only until seven o'clock on the following Monday morning, April 20, 1891. The following obituary notice, from the pen of Dr. DeForest, was published in the Proceedings of the Connecticut Medical Society of 1891 : "While ably discharging his duties as tutor, he had still found time to make valuable investigation in regard to vertebrate evolution, and his work on this subject received wide-spread attention and praise both in this country and Europe. Indeed, when, in the summer of 1885, Dr. Thacher visited the various European countries, he found that this work had in advance won him many warm friends. "But although greatly interested in that department of science, and although especially fitted to conduct such original investigation, he felt himself drawn into other lines of work. For shortly after his appoint- ment to a professorship in the Medical School, that institution was reorganized to better meet the requirements of the present time. To this work of reorganization and development Dr. Thacher devoted himself. A skillful organizer, an indefatigable worker, and a tireless student, he had the qualities which insure success. The attainment of one object was but the incentive to labor for another, and the work grew and prospered in his hands. Well versed in all branches of clinical medicine, he was especially interested and skilled in disorders of the nervous system. A large portion of his time, both at the Medical School Clinics and at the State Hospital where he had for years been one of the staff, was spent in studying this class of diseases. "In general practice, his abilities and learning had already won for him a high reputation. Entirely free from all the small faults of the pro- fession, conscientious, considerate, modest and frank, he impressed all with his unselfish devotion to scientific medicine. Elevated by such quali- ties and ambitions, he made no enemies. "His skill in differential diagnosis caused his advice to be often sought in consultation. To the young practitioner especially was Dr. Thacher a delightful and profitable consultant. His genial spirit of comradeship, his genuine and unselfish interest in a case, his delight in investigating and in clearing up obscure and difficult points, in bringing out the impofv tant features of the disease, and his skill in deciding upon their rational treatment, will long be gratefully remembered by many." BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 257 Dr. Thacher was married in Boston, September 10, 1878, to Emily Baldwin Foster, daughter of Judge Dwight Foster (Yale College 1848), and had three children: Henrietta Foster, bom January 17, 1880; Henry Clarke, born June 30, 1881; Thomas Anthony, born July 2, 1887. Henrietta Foster was graduated from Brvn Mawr College in 1901, taught three years at the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore, and is now living- with her mother at 216 Edwards Street, New Haven. Henry Clarke was graduated from Yale College in 1902, and from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1906. He is practicing medicine, associated with his uncle, Dr. John Thacher, in New York City. He was married in Washington, D. C, October 21, 191 1, to Ethel, daughter of Dr. Joseph Longworth Anderson of Cincinnati. Thomas Anthony was graduated from Yale College in 1908 and from the Yale Law School in 1910. He is in the law office of his uncle, Thomas Thacher, 62 Cedar Street, New York City. ^Nathaniel Phillips Smith Thomas Son of Allen M. and Charlotte P. (Smith) Thomas, and brother of Rev. E. S. Thomas (Yale College 1858) and A. S. Thomas (Yale College 1869). Nathaniel P. S. Thomas was born in Wickford, R. I., Novem- ber 17, 1844, and was prepared for Yale at the Hopkins Grammar School. Before entering college he served as Commodore's Aide in the U. S. Navy. He was graduated in May, 1870, at the Columbia College Law School, and began practicing in Minneapolis, Minn. In 1873 he returned to Wickford to reside, and opened during the same year a law office in Providence. He built up a good law business and gave some attention to politics. He was elected to the General Assembly of Rhode Island in 1874, and reelected in 1875, and from 1876 to 1879 was Clerk of the State Senate. In 1878 he was a member of the Board of Education at Wickford. From 1879 till his death, he was one of the Commissioners of Shell Fisheries, and made a careful study of the various methods of cultivating oysters. For twelve years he was a member of the Republican State Central Com- 17 *5* THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE mittee and for most of that period its Secretary. He was also Commander of Rodman Post, G. A. R., and Judge Advocate General on the Staff of the Department Commander. s He had suffered from angina pectoris for several years, and during the winter of 1889-90 he visited Europe in the hope that he would be benefited by rest and a change of scene. While there he was taken seriously ill with la grippe complicated with pneumonia. As soon as he was able, he returned home, but from the effects of this illness he never fully recovered. He died May 12, 1890. His death came at last very suddenly, as he had attended to his duties as usual the day before, in good spirits and apparently in comfortable health. *Anson Phelps Tinker Youngest child of Deacon Reuben Champion and Almira (Wade) Tinker. Reuben Champion Tinker, born at Kartright, N. Y.. April 13, 1805, married March 20, 1837, Almira Wade, who was born April 15, 1805, in Old Lyme. He was a deacon of the church in Old Lyme for many years and died there January 6, 1876. His wife died there June 12, 1888. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 259 Anson Phelps Tinker was born in Old Lyme, Conn., October 15, [844. When he was about seventeen years of age, he entered on a business life in New York City, but soon after, forming the purpose of going to college, he left New York and resumed bis Studies, which he pursued for a year in the I [igh School in South Weymouth, Mass. 1 1c entered Yale with the Class of '67, but in the spring of his Freshman year withdrew on account of ill-health, and reentered / I 1 4 %J» I in the fall with the Class of '68. He won prizes in Composition, Declamation and Debate; was one of the speakers at Junior Exhibition and Commencement, was an editor of the Yale Lit- erary Magazine, and one of the six Townsend speakers for the DeForest Gold Medal; and was graduated with Philosophical rank in scholarship. During the year following graduation he studied in the Yale Divinity School, and after that he was for a year Tutor of Mathematics in Yale College. He then completed his theological studies at Andover, and, before his graduation there in 1872, had accepted a call to the pastorate of the High Street Congregational Church in Auburn. Maine. On account of ill health he was 260 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE unable to enter immediately on his work and took a voyage to Europe, from which he returned in May, 1873. He was ordained and installed at Auburn, October 16. -' He was married, (1) October 9, 1873, to Martha J. White of South Weymouth. Mrs. Tinker died January 20, 1880, and he was married, (2) July 20, 1881, to H. Maria Walker of Newton- ville, Mass., who died May 12, 1882. November 25, 1884, he was again married, (3) to Mrs. Kate (Elias) Longman of Brooklyn, N. Y. He had two children by his first marriage, born at Auburn: Catharine Matson, July 26, 1874; Chauncey Brewster, October 22, 1876. Catharine Matson is Instructor in Latin and Mathematics in the Hartford High School. Chauncey Brewster received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from Yale College in 1899, and his Doctor's degree in 1902. In 1899, while a graduate student, he was made Assistant in English in Yale College, and in the spring of 1900 gave instruc- tion in English in the Sheffield Scientific School. In the year 1902-03 he was Associate in English at Bryn Mawr, returning to Yale in September, 1903, to accept an instructor ship in English. He was made Assistant Professor in English in 1908, and pro- moted to a full professorship in 1914. In a letter to the Secre- tary, dated April 3, 1912, he writes: "Permit me to thank the Class of 1868, in the name of the family, for the interest which they have always shown in us. Not the least pleasant of my experiences at Yale has been the realization that the personality of my father lingers here in the affectionate memory of his friends." Tinker was dismissed from his charge in Auburn, December 20, 1882, to accept the pastorate of the Fort Street Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich., but nine months later he was obliged, on account of pulmonary disease, to go to Colorado. Though par- tially restored to health, he was unable to return to his parish but in June, 1885, undertook the charge of the Capitol Avenue Presbyterian Church in Denver. In the spring of 1886 he was obliged to give up preaching, and his death occurred in Denver, November 25, 1886, at the age of forty-two. Mrs. Tinker divides her time between the two children, resid- ing now in Hartford and now in New Haven. Rawson's beautiful tribute to Tinker in the Quarter Century Class Record is here repeated: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 26 1 "His exuberant enthusiasm, a marked characteristic, united with a marvellous patience in learning, a rare combination, made his fellowship an unusual privilege. He often said that at Andover he spent two of the happiest years of his life. He was a good comrade. There he found a group of Yale men who were proud of him, whose society he greatly- enjoyed : Collins, '67; Woodruff. Rawsoft, '68; Dana, Phelps, '69; Sei- dell, Terry, '70. He made his way through life under difficult circum- stances, for his health for many years, apparently good, was never robust. During all his professional life he was lavish of energetic effort, though frugal of energies outside his vocation. "Every one knew his enthusiasm. In this conventional age, it was refreshing to see. Coldness never took this burning heat out of him. It seemed inexhaustible. It found manifestation in all his life, whether at work or at play. People wondered at it and smiled, and yet were ever responsive to it. "He was kind and tender-hearted, loving and forgiving. His sympathy was an especial part of him. A vivid imagination let him into the secrets of other men's hopes and fears, so that he was of great help to them in his pulpit and pastoral work. "One bitterly cold winter night on Andover Hill, he suddenly arose from the firelight, although it was late, and, taking his hat and coat, went out against remonstrances, vouchsafing no information as to his errand. Not long after, it was learned that he had gone to apologize for a remark, which he thought might possibly have hurt the feelings of a classmate during the day. The friend afterwards said : 'I wondered at his coming. I could not recall the remark, and I knew his genuinely kind heart.' No one could take offence at him. "Few men have had the gift of stirring speech, of fervid eloquence, in greater measure. In later years the torrential nature of his utterances was relieved by a composure which added dignity to his address and great charm of contrast. "In 1883, at Commencement, he spoke at the Alumni Meeting for the class. Xo one who was present will ever forget his words. He spoke from his heart, and most eloquently. Allusion had been made to the poverty of the University and its great needs. With a quick turn of speech he evoked exceeding applause, saying: 'Poor? poor? Yes, but making many rich.' "The value of a life is not measured by the number of years, but by the quality and force of living. In this way judged, his was an emi- nently successful life. He put more of himself into his work, and sent more of his personality afloat on the current of his time, than is possible with most men. His Christian character no man ever doubted. The good he did lives after him in lives stimulated, comforted, inspired. The memory of a personality singularly unique in its geniality, intellectual power and fervor of soul, remains with us as a priceless possession. To remember him is to cherish the precious memory of a rare, a radiant life." 262 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE * James Trimble Son of John and Margaret (McEwen) Trimble. His first American ancestor on his father's side came from Londonderry, Ireland, during Colonial times, and settled in Rockbridge County, Virginia, near the Natural Bridge, where he acquired a large landed estate. He had a family of ten children, from whom the Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee Trimbles are descended. His great-grandfather, John Trimble, left Virginia and settled in Roane County, East Tennessee. His grandfather, James Trimble, an only child, was there born. He was United States District Attorney under President Jefferson, and for many years State Circuit Court Judge in East Tennessee. His father, John Trimble, was at various times a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives, also many times a State Senator, was a member of the State Supreme Court, and also a member of Congress. He was noted for his intense loyalty to the United States Government during the period of the Civil War. James Trimble was born in Nashville, Tenn., September 2J, 1845, an d was prepared for college at the Hopkins Grammar School. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 263 After graduation he returned to Nashville and studied law in his father's office. He was admitted to the Bar in May, 1869, and at once began practice in his native city, devoting himself almost exclusively to Courts and Equities. From April, 1871, to October, 1880, he was United States Circuit Court Commis- sioner for the Middle District of Tennessee, and from the spring of 1874 to March, 1879, a Special United States Commissioner for the Court of Claims for the same district. At one time he entered actively into politics. During the years 1881 and 1882 lie was a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives, and in 1887 and 1888 a member of the State Senate. He retired from politics in 1888, and gave his time exclusively to law practice. He was married at Nashville, October 26, 1876, to Letitia Lindsley, and had three children: Adrienne Lindsley, born November 27, 1877, died July 3, 1878; James Lindsley, born February 1, 1880, died February 4, 1880; James, Jr., born September 9, 1892. His wife, Letitia Lindsley Trimble, died September 24, 1894, and he was again married, February 12, 1896, to Marina Turner Woods, who still survives him. James Trimble died suddenly at his home in Nashville on August 6, 191 1, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. * Samuel Tweedy Son of Edgar S. and Elizabeth Sarah (Belden) Tweedy. He was of the fifth generation in direct descent from John Tweedy, of Scotch ances- try, who came to America about 1738, and who was married in Woodbury, Conn., to Jane Edmunds. They had four children: Jane, Samuel, John, and Ruth. His great-grandfather, Samuel Tweedy, was born in 1744 and was married in 1769 at Nine Partners, N. Y., to Ann Smith, by whom he had six children : Reuben, William, John, Samuel, Ann, and Smith. His grandfather, Samuel Tweedy, was born March 18, 1776, and on September 22, 1805, was married to Ann Burr. Of their seven children, two died in infancy and the others were Oliver B., Edgar S., Mariette, Edmund, and John H. His father, Edgar S. Tweedy, was born May 23, 1808. He was a leading manufacturer of Danbury, Conn., and an original director of the Danbury & Norwalk Railroad. On June 4, 1834, he was married to Elizabeth S. Belden. They had ten children: Annie, wife of Charles H. Benedict (died February 15, 1893) ; two daughters each named Martha, who died in infancy; Edmund, Jennie B., John, Samuel, Edgar, Elizabeth (who died in infancy), and Eleanor. Mr. Edgar S. Tweedy died March 10, 1893. 264 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Samuel Tweedy was born April 21, 1846, in Danbury, Conn., and was prepared for college under Professor Edward Olmsted at AYilton Academy. He was a member of the Freshman Jubilee Committee and of the Wooden Spoon Committee, represented the class on the Thanksgiving Jubilee Committee in 1867, rowed on the class gig crew in Senior year, and was graduated with Phi Beta Kappa rank in scholarship. He studied at Columbia College Law School from October, [868, to January, 1870, and afterwards in the office of Averill & Iirewster at Danbury, and was admitted to the liar on Janu- ary 19, 1871, at Bridgeport. He at once began practice in 1 )an- bury. March I, 1871, he went into company with his instructor in law, Lyman 1). Brewster (Yale College 1855), Mr. Averill having retired from the partnership with Mr. Brewster. In August, 1878, Howard B. Scott (Amherst College 1874) wa$ admitted as a partner, and the firm name became Brewster, Tweedy & Scott. Mr. lirewster withdrew September 1. 1892. and a new firm of Tweedy, Scott & Whittlesey was formed. Mr. ( rranville Whittlesey becoming a partner. In 1906 he joined with COl. J. M. Ives, and the firm became Tweedy & [ves. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES GRADUATES 265 He was married in Danbury, on July 16, 1879, to Carrie M. Krom. A daughter, Maude Douglass, was born March 21, 1887. lie took an interest in public affairs, but never sought office and refused to be a candidate for any public position except on the Board of Education of Danbury, of which lie was a member for many years. Tweedy was one of the ablest, best loved, and most successful lawyers in Fairfield County. He excelled as a trial lawyer. being especially skillful in cross examination, and had tried many of the most important cases that had come before the courts in the county during the last twenty-five years. His sunny dis- position made him popular with everybody, and his sincerity and fairness gave him great influence with judge and jury. He was noted f<»r his thoroughness and conscientiousness in the prepara- tion of his cases, and his untiring devotion to his professional duties no doubt shortened his life. The preparation of cases that he was t<> try in the Superior and Common Pleas Courts deprived him of the greater part of his summer vacation of 1910. He went for a little rest to his summer home on Bell Island, South Nbrwalk, toward the end of September. On October 2 he was suddenly attacked with acute Bright's disease, from which he died October 6, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. At a meeting of the Fairfield County Bar, October 21, 1910, Judge Dempsey said of him: "It was never necessary to speculate as to where he stood upon ques- tions involving honor and heart interest, as he was constitutionally stead- fast to all that was just, tender, and fair. The one great ambition and object of his professional career was to be remembered as a skillful and competent lawyer. In this his life ambition was attained. Triumph in itself meant little to him, but the productive results of conscientious labor and self-sacrifice appealed to him as things worth while. Religion with him was a personal matter, and was exemplified in his belief and practice that one way to worship God was in the daily treatment of his beings/' Mr. William T. Haviland (Yale College 1883), Clerk of the Superior Court, has kindly furnished the following estimate of Mr. Tweedy, taken from the resolutions presented at this meet- ing by a committee consisting of Howard B. Scott, Robert E. DeForest, and J. Belden Hurlburt, and ordered spread upon the records of the Court : 266 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE "His intellect was clear and powerful, his physique was remarkable for strength and endurance, and he had a charm of manner that never failed to attract those with whom he came into contact. Possessed of all the advantages, he achieved success in his profession from the first, and became a leader of the Bar while still a young man, retaining his leader- ship to the end. His devotion to his profession was very marked. Had he chosen to enter the field of politics, his ability and personality would have secured him high official position ; but he loved the practice of law so well that he steadfastly declined all invitations to abandon it even temporarily. His knowledge of the principles of law was exhaustive, and while he was faithful and tireless in his efforts in behalf of his clients, his mind was so calm and equable that he was never led away by the enthusiasm of advocacy to assume extreme and untenable positions of law. As a counselor, he merited and inspired unlimited confidence. As a trier, he was especially distinguished by the careful preparation of his case, by his skill in the examination and cross-examination of witnesses, and by the calmness and courage that he always displayed during a trial. He was a model of courtesy and fairness towards his opponents, and his kindly and genial disposition won the affection of all who knew him.'' * Edward Jefferson Tytus Son of Francis J. and Sarah (Butler) Tytus, was born in Middletown, Ohio, August 2.2., 1847, and was prepared for col- lege at home by Mr. J. F. Elder. He was a member of the Freshman Jubilee Committee, of the Junior Promenade Com- mittee, of the Wooden Spoon Committee, and of the Thanks- giving Jubilee Committee of Junior year. After leaving college he spent a year in Middletown, engaged in farming. He then removed to Milwaukee, Wis., where, in company with his brother, J. B. Tytus of 70, he opened a whole- sale paper warehouse. In August, 1871, his brother retired from the business, and a new firm was formed under the firm name of Tytus, Van Buren & Company. This partnership was dissolved in November, 1874. In April, 1875, he sailed for Europe, and while there was warned of serious trouble in his lungs. Returning to this country in November, 1875, by the advice of his physician he spent this winter and the following at Asheville, N. C, and the two succeeding years, both summer and winter, in the Adiron- dack woods. During all this time he was slowly but surely los- ing ground, but was generally cheerful and hopeful of a possible recovery. After a heroic struggle against the disease which he BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 267 could not overcome, he died, May 19, 1881, at Saranac Lake, X. Y., in his thirty-fourth year. The first symptoms of the disease which terminated his life appeared so early after his graduation, that Tytus never had the opportunity, which he so much desired, of devoting himself to a life work. In college he was deservedly popular, and received many proofs of the esteem in which he was held. He was married, June 24, 1874, to Charlotte Mathilde Davies, daughter of John M. Davies, Esq., of New Haven, Conn., and had one son: Robb DePeyster Tytus, born at Asheville, N. C, February 2, 1876; received from Yale College the degree of B.A. in 1897 and of M.A. in 1903. He was married May 10, 1903, to Grace Seely Henop, daughter of Louis P. and Alice (Seely) Henop, and had two daughters: Mildred Mordaunt, born at Cairo, Egypt, April 7, 1904, and Victoria, born October 22, 1909. In 1903 he purchased fifteen hundred acres of land in Tyringham, Mass., and became deeply interested in practical farming. In 1908, and again in 1909, he represented his district in the Massachusetts legislature. He died of pulmonary tuber- culosis at Saranac Lake, August 15, 1913. 268 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE / * Spencer Reynolds Van Deusen Son of Stephen and Ann Van Deusen, was born December 31, 1842, at Moreau, Saratoga County, X. Y., and came to college from Ghent, in the same state, having been prepared at the Hud- son River Institute at Claverack. During Senior year he was afflicted with mental disease, and was obliged to leave college before graduation, but received his degree with his class. He was taken soon after to an asylum at Utica, X. Y., where he remained two years, when, seeming somewhat improved, he returned home. But it was soon discovered that his case was hopeless, and he was sent, May 14, 1872, to the Willard Asylum for the Insane, at Seneca Lake. Here he had the best of care, but there was at no time any change for the better in his mental condition. He died of pleurisy, May 16, 1881, in his thirty-ninth year, and his remains were taken to Chatham, Columbia County, X. Y., for interment. John Leonard Varick Son of Abraham and Margaret V. S. (Bronk) Varick. His great- great-uncle, Col. Richard Varick, was Private Secretary to General Wash- ington during the Revolution, and was Mayor of New York City for twelve years. The name Bronx, applied to one of the Boroughs of Greater New York, is from an ancestor on his mother's side named Bronk. The name Bronx is another form of Bronk's, as applied to the river and village (ville). John L. Varick was born in Poughkeepsie, X T . Y., December 1, 1846, and was prepared for college at Warring' s Military Academy in that city. He was Secretary of Brothers, played third base on the Y r ale Nine, and graduated with an Oration rani; ii. scholarship. Since graduation he has been in Xew York City, engaged in the hardware business, located at 107 Chambers Street and else- where in Xew York City. From the time of its establishment in Xew York City in 1869 till 1913 he was associated with the UpsOflj Post & Frisbie Company and the Union Nut Company, the selling" agents in that city of the Upson Xut Company of Unionville, Conn., and Cleveland, Ohio, in both of which he was also inter- ested. He was Treasurer of the Union Nut & Bolt Company, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 269 successors of the Union Nut Company, of New York and Chi- cago; Director in the Upson Nut Company, rnimiville, Conn., and Cleveland, Ohio: and is Director in the Miller's tails Com- pany, Miller's Falls, Mass. He was Secretary of the Hardware Club of New York from March 19, 1892, to March 28, 1898, when he refused reelection, served two years as Vice-President and two years as President and has been a member of the Board of Governors of the Hard- ware Club since its incorporation in 1892. He was President of the Dutchess County Society from 1905 to 1907 and is again one of its trustees after a short interim. Yarick is a member of the University Club of New York, the Yale Club of New York, the Hardware Club of New York, Graduates Club of New Haven, Conn., the Holland Society, Phi Beta Kappa Society of New York, Dutchess County Society of New York, and of the Quill Club of New York. He was married to Julie Henriques de Leon, October 16, 1883, at Calvary Church, New York City. 270 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE *James Mitchell Varnum Was on the paternal side a descendant of George Varnum, who came to America from England about 1635, and of Colonel Joseph Varnum and Major Samuel Varnum of Massachusetts, who were officers in the Colonial wars; was a great-grandson of Major General Joseph B. Var- num of Massachusetts, who served in the Army of the Revolution and in the Massachusetts militia, was Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, President pro tern, of the United States Senate, and held other prominent public offices ; was great-grandnephew and senior repre- sentative of Major General James M. Varnum of Rhode Island, Brigadier General in the Continental line and Major General in the Rhode Island militia (serving with the Comte de Rochambeau), member of Continental Congress, United States Judge of Northwestern Territory in 1787; grand- son of Captain James M. Varnum, an officer in the War of 1812 : and son of Hon. Joseph B. Varnum (Yale College 1838), a prominent law- yer and citizen of New York and Speaker of the New York State Assembly. His mother was Susan M, (Graham) Varnum. James M. Varnum was born in New York City, June 29, 1848. and was prepared for college by Rev. Benjamin W. Dwight of that city. He was a good debater and won first prize in the Linonia Prize Debate of Junior year. He also wrote poetry, and was one of the three candidates for the position of Class Poet. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — GRADUATES 27 I He spent a year after graduation in Europe, engaged in travel. In October, 1869, he entered Columbia College Law School, where he was graduated in 1871, beginning at once the practice of his profession in New York City as junior member of the firm of Varnum, Turney & Harison. In [879 and 1880 he was a member of the New York Legis- lature, and in the latter year was Chairman of the Committee on Cities. For three years (1880-82) he was on the Military Staff of Governor Cornell, as senior Aide-de-Camp, and ranking as Colonel in the National Guard of the State of New York. In 1S81 he was appointed one of the Commissioners of the State of New York to receive the French and German guests at the Yorktown celebration. In 1883 he was Chairman of the Com- mittee of Arrangements in charge of the Centennial Celebration of the Evacuation of New York City. In 1889 he was a member of the Committee of five having the general supervision of the Centennial Celebration of Washington's Inauguration. In April, 1893, he was Chairman of the Committee on the great Columbia Ball in honor of the Duke of Veragua and the naval officers of the ten nations represented at the great Naval Review. In the same year he was Chairman of the special committee of the City of New York for the reception of H. R. H. the Infanta Eulalie of Spain, the guest of the nation at the World's Fair Celebration. In 1896 he organized and commanded as Grand Marshal the brigade of three thousand five hundred lawyers of New York of all parties in the great "Sound Money Parade." Varnum was a Republican in politics and always took a great interest in political matters, but after he declined a reelection to the Legislature in 1881 he refused to be a candidate for any political office not in the line of his chosen profession of the law. In 1889 he was nominated by the Republicans for Attorney Gen- eral of the State, but was defeated, although polling about 490,000 votes and running about 12,000 votes ahead of the Republican ticket. In 1890 he was the Republican, County Democratic, and Citizens' Candidate for Judge of the Superior Court, but with all on his ticket failed of an election in the tidal wave of that year. In 1 89 1 he was elected permanent Chairman of the Republican State Convention at Rochester, and delivered the principal address on that occasion. 272 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE On January i, 1894, he was appointed by Governor Levi P. Morton Paymaster General of the State of New York, with the rank of Brigadier General in the National Guard. In 1896 he became senior member of the firm of Varnum & Harison. In February, 1899, he was appointed by Governor Theodore Roosevelt as the Surrogate of New York County. After his retirement from the bench, Judge Varnum returned to active practice in his profession, confining himself, however to certain special branches of the law. After this time he did not take any special active interest in political, public or social matters, but devoted himself exclusively to his profession. In January, 1903, he was complimented by the French Govern ment by his appointment as a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France (the national order). Varnum was a member of the Bar Association, the Century, Union, Metropolitan and University clubs, having been one of the Governors of the latter. He was a hereditary member of the old Revolutionary Order of the Society of the Cincinnati, a member of the Sons of the Revolution and of the Society of the War of 1 81 2 and of the Society of Colonial Wars. He was also one of the original members of the New York Real Estate Exchange, was acting chairman at the first meeting, chairman of the committee on dedication of the new Exchange (delivering one of the principal addresses on that occasion), and was for three years chairman of the Legislative Committee of the Exchange. He was one of the Directors of the Lawyers' Title Insurance Company (elected from members of the Bar), a Trustee of the Real Estate Loan and Trust Company, and was connected with other financial or business corporations. June 14, 1899, he was married to Alary Witherspoon Dickey, daughter of Charles D. Dickey, formerly a partner in the bank* ing house of Brown Brothers. Varnum was fatally injured in an automobile accident on Broadway, New York, and died at Roosevelt Hospital, March 26, 1907, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. Sheldon Thompson Viele Son of Henry Knickerbocker Viele, lawyer and Colonel of a New York regiment in the Civil War, born 1819, died 1881 ; a son of John Ludovicus Viele, lawyer, born 1788, died 1832, State Senator in 1822 anenham and Elizabeth E. Hotchkiss, was born March 20, 1847, in Xaugatuck, Conn., and was prepared t"<>r college at the Collegiate Institute, Matawan, N. J. He left the chiss in [866, and has since been engaged in business. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — NON-GRADUATES 339 He was for two years with Newel] Brothers, button manu- facturers, in Springfield, Mass. In 1868 he became Treasurer of the Tomlinson Spring Company, Xevvark, N. J., holding this position till he retired from business in 1903. Since 191 1 he has been connected with the Department of Labor, State of New Jersey, with headquarters at Newark. On September 21, 1882, he was married to Emma Louise Canfield of Newark, and now resides at 189 Clinton Avenue in that city. *Henry Marshall Howe Son of Hon. Thomas M. Howe, born in Pittsburgh, Pa., May 10, 1846, and prepared for college at Western University in that city. He left the class in April, 1866, on account of ill health. The winter of 1866-67 he spent in Europe, with a brother and sister, seeking- the restoration of his health. After his return, illness prevented his engaging in any business or returning to college, but he undertook a systematic course of reading, which he kept up as long as his strength allowed. The two following winters he passed in Florida, hoping for some benefit from change of climate, but he gradually grew worse and died at noon on the first day of January, 1870. Chauncy Alonzo Jacobs Son of Dr. Horace Jacobs, was born in Springfield, Mass., November 1, 1843, and was prepared for college by Josiah Clark, at Northampton, Mass. He joined the class in January, 1865, and left it in March following. After leaving college he studied medicine, in part with his father at Springfield, and engaged in practice for a time in that city, but soon went into business. For many years he has been at the head of the firm of Jacobs, Whitcomb & Co., fancy goods, 92 Federal Street, Boston. Dr. Chauncy Alonzo Jacobs resides at 92 Columbia Street, Brookline, Mass. 34° THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE ♦William Bard Capron Jennings Son of John Freeman and Ellen C. Jennings, was born in Rhinebeck, N. Y., September 17, 1846, and was prepared for college by William McGeorge of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He was a member of '67 till the close of the first term of Sophomore year. He entered the Class of '68 in May, 1865, and was with the class till July, 1868, but did not receive his degree. After leaving college he was employed as a clerk in Detroit. and subsequently in New York City. He died of apoplexy at his mother's home in Detroit, April 5, 1881. *Miller Ketchum Son of Morris and Margaret (Miller) Ketchum. His father was ;•• banker, of New York City; his mother was daughter of Judge Sylvanus Miller of Long Island. Miller Ketchum was born in Westport, Conn., April 14, [846, and was prepared for college at the Edwards Place School, Stockbridge, Mass. He left the class during Freshman year. BIOGRAPHICAL SKKTCHES NON-GRADUATES 34 J and was a banker and broker for several years in Savannah, Ga., and later in New York City. He was also especially interested in farming. In 1868 he was married to Miss Mary W. Coffin of New York City, and had two children : George Ketchum, now in business in New York City, at 35 Nassau Street; and Elizabeth C. Ketchum, now Mrs. J. Tufton Mason. Miller Ketchum died June 21, 1892, at Westport. *William Bergh Kip Son of Henry James and Sarah Ann (Bergh) Kip, and direct descend- ant in the eighth generation of Hendrick Kip who came from Holland to New Amsterdam about 1650. The family name is still preserved locally in "Kip's Bay," which is a part of the East River washing Man- hattan Island. In this locality are still found a Kip's Bay Brewery, a Kip's Bay Iron Works, a Kip's Bay Day Nursery, a Kip's Bay Market, a Kip's Bay Realty Company. William B. Kip was born in Rhinebeck, N. Y., October 15, 1846, and was prepared for college at the Peekskill Academy. He left the class in December, 1864, and was graduated at the Albany Law School in 1867. He practiced law for a short time, but soon gave it up and spent much time improving his estate at Rhinebeck on the Hudson, an ancestral home of the Kip family since 1686, the Indian deed of which is still in the possession of his descendants. He was Vice-President of the Rhinebeck Sav- ings Bank, Supervisor of the village, and interested generally in local politics. December 21, 1871, he was married in New York City to Sarah Ann Spies, daughter of Adam W. Spies, a New York merchant, and had four children : Florence Adele, born November 11, 1872 ; Henry Spies, born June 29, 1874; William Ruloff, born March 18, 1876; Garrett Bergh, born December 7, 1877. Florence Adele was married to Arthur C. Humbert, and died in October, 1895. Henry Spies was graduated from Yale College with the Class of '96 and from the New York Law School in 1901. He is a member of the New York Stock Exchange, and is at present a member of the banking house of Butler, Herrick & Kip, 7 Wall Street. During the Spanish-American War he served as First Lieutenant 342 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE and Battalion Adjutant of the Ninth New York Volunteers. October 25, 1902, he was married to Frances Coster Jones, and has one son, William Bergh Kip, 2d, born February 11, 1905. William Ruloff entered the Sheffield Scientific School in 1894. but left in Freshman year to take up painting and art in New York and Paris. He is now interested in aviation and airships. On January 21, 1914, he was married in New York City to Mildred Frothingtiam Corwin, daughter of George Homan Cor- win of Greenport, L. I. Garrett Bergh was graduated from Yale College in the Class of 1901, studied law, and entered the stock brokerage business. He is now Treasurer of the Herrick Engine Company, 74 Broad- way, New York City. April 25, 1903, he was married to Carola de Peyster, and has one daughter, Carola de Peyster Kip, born April 26, 1904. William Bergh Kip, who was never a very strong man, died of heart failure, August 16, 1888, and was buried in the family plot in the Rhinebeck cemetery. Mrs. Kip was again married to John Blake Baker of New York City. She died July 8, 1910. *Moses Hamilton Kittredge Son of Moses and Caroline (Lord) Kittredge, was born in St. Johnsbury, Vt., January 30, 1846, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. He left the Class of '67, Amherst College, and entered the Class of '68 at Yale in January, 1865, remaining with it one term. After leaving Yale, he was employed for about two years in a wholesale boot and shoe store in New York City. In 1867 he went to Michigan as an agent for the firm, and in 1871 established a shoe store at Bay City, Mich., in connection with an older brother. He died, June 21, 1903, in New York City. John Lillie Son of Mrs. Elizabeth E. Lillie, was born December 11, 1845. in Lebanon, Ohio, and was prepared for college at Phillips Acad- emy, Andover. He left the class in July, 1865, and was a member of '69 two terms. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES NON-GRADUATES 343 After leaving college, he traveled in Europe and in the Southern States. In 1875 he was assistant editor of the Galaxy, and editor in charge of the American Builder, a monthly magazine devoted to architecture and ship-building. He was also for some years London editor of Harper's Magazine. In 191 3 he had lived thirty-seven years in London, England, and at that time his residence was Ivy Hall, Petersham Road, Richmond, Surrey. * James Sherman Loomis Son of James Chaffee Loomis, was born in Bridgeport, Conn., May 8, 1846, and was prepared for college at the Hartford High School. No event in our course made a deeper impression on the class than the death of Loomis in our Senior year. He was taken ill in the lecture room October 7. His illness proved to be typhoid fever, from which he died Tuesday, October 22. He was buried in the cemetery in Bridgeport. The whole class attended his funeral, and no one of us will ever forget the afternoon when, just as the sun was sinking in the west, we stood around his open grave and left him to sleep his last sleep. *William Lyman Mason Son of Timothy B. and Abigail (Hall) Mason. His father was born in 1801 at Medfield, Mass., where all his paternal ancestors were born as far back as Thomas Mason, one of the founders of Medfield in 1650. This Thomas was son of Robert Mason,, who came to Dedham, Mass., with one of John Winthrop's companies in 1630. The father of our classmate was a brother of Dr. Lowell Mason, "the father of church music," and collaborated with him in arranging and publishing several books of church music. William L. Mason was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, January 21, 1847, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. He left the Class of '68 during the last term of Sophomore year and returned to Cincinnati, where he was employed as cashier in the dry goods house of L. C. Hopkins & Company for five years. In 1873 he removed to Chicago and was connected 344 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE with the house of John D. Gardiner & Company and their suc- cessors for seventeen years. In 1891 he went to Milwaukee, Wis., and took a position as Auditor and Comptroller of the Villard Syndicate, which owned and operated the electric railway and lighting- system of that city. He remained with this com- pany till January, 1898, when he resigned the position and went to Washington, where he accepted a government position in the office of the Auditor of the War Department, which he retained until his death, October 12, 1909. Mason was a member of the District of Columbia Society of Sons of the American Revolution and of the New York City Society of the Order of Founders and Patriots of America, and for a time was genealogist of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Wisconsin. He was an active member of the Apollo Musical Club of Chicago for many years, and wrote songs, both words and music. His last piece, "A Song in the Night," has been especially commended. In 1891 he published a genealogical work entitled "A Record of the Descendants of Robert Mason of Roxbury, Massachusetts." BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES NON-GRADUATES 345 June 5, 1878, he was married to Puella Follett Hall of Cin- cinnati, daughter of Rev. Leverett and Sarah (Lord) Hall. One who knew him best of all has said of him : "His motto was love of God and his fellow-men. No one ever asked him for help who did not receive all that he could afford to give. He was charitable with his means, his words, and his thought." *William King Miller Son of Hon. Josiah T. Miller, was born in Seneca Falls, N. Y., September 16, 1848, and was prepared for college at the Hudson River Institute, Claverack, N. Y. Miller left the class at the close of the first term of Sophomore year, and afterward entered Hobart College, from which he graduated in 1869. He studied law and located in Omaha, Neb., where he died December 20, 1884. Miller was a member of Phi Beta Kappa at Hobart. *Claiborne Hooper Phillips Son of William Phillips, was born in Nashville, Tenn., July 1 1, 1847, and was prepared for college by A. B. Hoge of that city. He was a member of the class one year. After leaving Yale, he returned to Nashville and engaged in business, becoming a member of the firm of Phillips, Jackson & Company, the largest wholesale grocery house in the state. He was elected Mayor of Nashville and served one term, but declined a renomination. In the fall of 1886 he went with a party of friends on a hunting trip to Dakota, and while there was acci- dentally killed. He was married to Mary Gentry, in Edgefield, Tenn., July 8, 1869, an d na d a son, William Walter Phillips, born May 8, 1870. 346 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE George White Potter Son of Peter White and Almeda (Underwood) Potter. Peter White Potter, a son of Jeremiah Potter, a sea captain of Providence, R. I., went west in 1845 and at the time of his death was counted among the most important citizens of the city of Keokuk, Iowa. In the early years of the State of Iowa, numerous industrious Hollanders emigrated to Iowa, landing at Keokuk with their baggage on the river boats. Many located at Pella and other points. Being unacquainted with the vernacular of this country, they found a most valuable friend in Mr. Potter, who spoke Holland Dutch fluently, having learned it in his youth. Becoming their interpreter, he rendered them valuable aid in securing homes in Iowa. Mrs. Peter White Potter was daughter of Artch Underwood. Her home in Keokuk was full of historic memories. Professor Thacher of Yale had a brother who was pastor of the Keokuk church. It was a letter of membership from his church that George White Potter carried with him when he left home for Yale. George W. Potter was born July 26, 1843, in Norwich, Che- nango County, N. Y., and was prepared for college at the Hopkins Grammar School. He left the class at the close of Freshman year. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES NON-GRADUATES 347 For the first ten years after leaving Yale, George White Potter resided in New York City, where he was engaged as custom house clerk for a large importing house. He then went west to Iowa in poor health, but recovered in about a year sufficiently to take a position as manager of a paper in Fort Madison, Iowa. Removing to Burlington, he was on the Daily Hawk eye for about thirteen years and later on the Gazette. Recently he has been doing some work also for a real estate and insurance office in Burlington. In a recent letter he expresses what we all feel : "I am saddened greatly as I read of the passing of Berry and Trimble, and as I look upon their youthful faces in the photograph of my class at the Hopkins Grammar School, it casts a deep shade of sadness over the otherwise delightful dream of the past. I have found great satis- faction in the study of Browning in my leisure moments during the last sixteen years. He helps us to look into the beyond which will come to us all." George White Potter was married in 1877 to Sadie E. Havens of Highland Falls, N. Y., daughter of David Highland Havens, one of the early steamboat captains on the Hudson. Their only child, a little girl, died many years ago. Mrs. George W. Potter's mother was Nancy Buckingham, daughter of John Buck- ingham, a relative of Governor Buckingham of Connecticut. * Robert Livingston Reade Son of Robert Reade, was born September 5, 1846, in Auburn, N. Y., and was prepared for college by Rev. B. W. Dwight of New York City. He left '68 in April, 1866, and was graduated with the Class of '69. His biographical sketch is given in the '69 class book. *Isaac Gardner Reed Son of Isaac Reed, was born in Acton, Mass., July 31, 1846, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. He left the class in December, 1865, and was afterwards connected with '69 one term. 348 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Reed studied law with Messrs. Ranney & Morse, and practiced in Boston for ten years, making his home at West Acton. In 1880 he moved west, where he continued his law practice till a short time before his death. In December, 1868, he was married to Jennie M. Broatch in Middletown, Conn., and had three children : Robert Gardner, born May 17, 1869; Arthur Livingston, born January 5, 1873; Mabel Atherton, born February 27, 1874. Isaac Gardner Reed died in West Acton, July 10, 1900, at the home of his son Robert. *John Connelly Reeves Son of Willis Long and Caroline (Wilson) Reeves. His father was a farmer, and was for a number of years Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts of Todd County, Kentucky. John C. Reeves was born in Elkton, Ky., April 8, 1846, and was prepared for college at Elkton Academy. He left the class before the close of the first term. After leaving college he applied himself to the study of law, and was licensed to practice in Elkton, his native town. He was considered a more showy and brilliant man than his brother, Willis L. Reeves of the Class of '65 in Yale. He was a member of a leading firm of lawyers in Elkton, while his brother Willis (afterward Judge Reeves) was a member of another firm, and they were frequently opposed in litigation. Reeves was above six feet tall, aggressive, self-confident, and popular, and at the time of his death was already regarded as an able and accom- plished lawyer. An attack of typhoid fever in the spring of 1868 prostrated him to such an extent that he never fully recovered. He died August 16, 1868. *James Thomas Rizer Son of Edward Richard and Mary Barclay (Harrison) Rizer, was born February 19, 1846, in Franklin, Ky. He was the eldest • >f twelve children, eleven of whom lived to be more than thirty BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — NON-GRADUATES 349 years old. Rizer and a brother who died in infancy were the only boys in the family. He was prepared for college by James S. Fall of Russellville, and was a member of the class during- Fresh- man year. After graduating in medicine from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in New York City in 1868, Dr. Rizer located in Boone- ville, Mo., where he practiced for something over two years ; but owing to the ill-health of his father, he returned to Russellville to assist in the management of a shoe business which his father conducted at that time. Subsequently he was employed by a large jobbing shoe house of Cincinnati as a traveling salesman, and remained with them until his death, November 17, 1875. He was eminently successful in this undertaking, and at the time of his death he was receiving a very large salary for one with his experience. Rizer was a man with strong Southern sympathies during the Civil War, and in the exciting days following the assassination of Lincoln he was at times not quite as temperate in speech as prudence demanded ; but all admired him for his courage, and his withdrawal from the class caused universal regret. He was married to Susan T. Mayo, of Chillicothe, Ohio, September 1, 1869. Four children were born of this union : John Mayo, June 29, 1870; James T., Jr., September 25, 1871 ; Edwin R., November 28, 1873 ; Mary E., October 30, 1875. James T. died when only about one year old. John Mayo lives in Columbus, Ohio; Edwin R., in New York City; and Mary E., who married a Mr. Murphy, lives in Corning, Ohio. Howell Williams Robert Son of Christopher Rhinelander Robert, was born in New York City, December 15, 1844, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. He left the class at the end of the first term of Junior year, and graduated with '6g. His biography is given in the '69 class book. 35° THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Frederick William Russell Son of Major Ira and Roannah (Greenwood) Russell, was born January 29, 1845, in Winchendon, Mass., and was prepared for college at the Natick High School. He left the class at the close of Sophomore year, and was graduated with the Class of '69 at Harvard. After teaching a few months at Winchendon, he commenced the study of medicine at the Medical Department of the Uni- versity of New York, from which he received the degree of M.D. in 1870, and at once began practice at Winchendon, being asso- ciated with his father. For many years he was Assistant Super- intendent of the Highland Family Home, for the treatment of nervous and mental diseases, of which for about twenty-five years he was the sole owner. He also served the town of Winchendon as Chairman of the Board of Health and as Presi- dent of the Board of Water Commissioners, and was President of the Cooperative Bank and of the Electric Light and Power Company. He has been a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, of the Boston Society of Neurology, and of the Society of Medical Superintendents of Insane Hospitals. Dr. Russell removed from Winchendon to Dallas, Texas, in 1910, to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Hall. June II, 1872, he was married, at Lancaster, Mass., to Caroline Emily, daughter of Rev. Abijah P. and Caroline H. Marvin. Children : Rowena Mary, born February 6, 1881 ; Dorothea Marvin, born June 9, 1884, died December 9, 1889; Walter Marvin, born April 12, 1887. Rowena Mary studied at Mt. Holyoke College in 1898-99; married Dr. F. J. Hall of Dallas, Texas, August 28, 1901. Chil- dren: William Russell, born August 11, 1903; Franklin Marvin, born May 26, 1905; Richard Walter, born December 18, 1906. * Edwin Dodge Ryan Son of John W. Ryan, was born in Erie, Pa., May 6, 1846, and was prepared for college at the Erie Academy. He died at his home in Erie, September 6, 1865. Though with us only one year, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES NON-GRADUATES 35 I we remember him as a pleasant companion and a man whose character was beyond reproach. William Russell Scarritt Son of Russell Scarritt, was born July 14, 1846, at Alton, 111., and was prepared for college at the City University, St. Louis. He left the class in December, 1865, entered Amherst, and gradu- ated with the Class of '69. Soon after he entered the Union Theological Seminary, New York City, where he completed the course of study in 1872. He was ordained in 1877, an d nas since been actively engaged in the ministry. From 1885 to 1894 he was pastor of the Con- gregational Church at Marshalltown, Iowa, of the Union (Inde- pendent) Church at Longwood, 111., and of the Presbyterian Church at Morgan Park, 111. After three years of literary work, he entered the Episcopal Church, and became Assistant Minister of St. George's Church at St. Louis, Mo. In 1904 he went to Cambridge, Mass., where he was engaged in literary work for three years, when he became Rector of Trinity Church, Bridge- water, Mass. In 1908 he became Rector of St. Stephen's Parish in Millidgeville, Ga. In 1880 he received the honorary degree of D.D. from Lane University. *Joseph Henry Sears Son of David and Jane (Warren) Sears, was born at Plymouth, Mass., October 1, 1836, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. Before entering college he served in Co. G of the Sixth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in Virginia. He left the class at the close of Freshman year. For four years he was Superintendent of Education for Dallas County, Ala., residing at Selma. Later he was traveling sales- man for farm machinery for a St. Louis firm, his territory being in the State of Texas. On October 4, 1905, he was admitted to the Soldiers' Home in Chelsea, from which he was discharged April 8, 19 1 3, and went to the Mountain Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers at Johnson City, Tenn. 35 2 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE On June 12, 19 14, he was re-admitted to the Soldiers' Home at Chelsea. He died at Chelsea July 28, 19 14, and was buried in Vine Hill Cemetery, at Plymouth. Sears was married in April, 1871, in Ocala, Fla., to Emily C. Stowe of New Haven. George Baldwin Selden Son of Judge Henry R. Selden, was born September 14, [846, in Clarkson, N. Y., and came to Yale in July, 1865, from the University of Rochester. He left the class at the close of Junior year to visit Europe. After his return he spent a few months at the Sheffield Scientific School, and then commenced the study of law at Rochester, in the office of his father. He was admitted to the Bar at Rochester in November, 1871, and has been a suc- cessful lawyer, his specialty being patent law. When a small boy he became interested in road locomotion. As early as 1872 he was considering steam as a means to this end, but rejected it. From his research he learned of the attempt of Lenoir and others to build vehicles using compressed gas and heavy non-compression engines. He also saw the work of Bray- ton, who failed to drive a street-car but succeeded in operating motor boats with his engine, using kerosene oil as fuel. Clearly more power and less weight were needed. Acting on these ideas, he started work on a six-cylinder engine of the two-cycle type. doing away with the heavy construction of the others and running at a speed never before attempted. Although too poor to build a vehicle, his experiments showed that he had succeeded. By an important modification of Brayton's engine, he got higher pres- sure in his cylinders. May 8, 1879, he applied for a patent, covering all the essential features in the modern automobile. His work had shown him what he needed. November 5, 1895, the patent was issued. Being not only a gifted inventor, but a very able attorney as well, and conducting his own application, the issue of the patent was timed so that when the patent was issued, the world had grown up to an appre- ciation of its need for it, principally through development of the art in Europe. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — NON-GRADUATES 353 The suit which followed to establish the validity of this patent will stand forever as one of the most noted in all the history of patent jurisprudence. Judge Hough, who tried it, decided in Seidell's favor. The decision which he rendered was a clear exposition of the entire case from the first, and placed Selden among the great inventors of the world's history. This decision was reviewed by the United States Court of Appeals. While by this decision credit was still given to Selden as the original inventor of the automobile, Judge Hough was overruled in the matter of infringement of the particular feature over which the case was contested. A very large element of the legal profession versed in patent jurisprudence still accept the decision of Judge Hough as more correctly analyzing the facts of a very compli- cated case and from them basing a finding which ought in strict justice to have been sustained. It is certainly true that the name of Selden was for years better known than any other in the automobile industry. Will not history accord him the credit of inventing the automobile as fully as it accords to Hudson the invention of the steamboat? 23 354 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE On December 14, 187 1, he was married to Clara D. Woodruff of Brooklyn, N. Y. He has four children : Henry R. Selden, named from his distinguished grandfather; George Baldwin Selden, Jr. ; Sayre S. Selden; and Louise Selden, who is the wife of Charles Carey. Myron Charles Simkins Son of Aaron Simkins of Algansee, Mich., and brother of Rev. William H. Simkins of Freemont, Ind. Myron C. Simkins was born March 14, 1846, in Algansee, and was prepared for college at the Hudson River Institute, Claverack, N. Y. He left the class at the close of the first term of Sopho- more year. After leaving Yale, he taught for some years in Coldwater, Mich., and was much in advance of the times in his theories of education. He introduced new methods, sought to interest his pupils in their studies, and organized among them a literary union. Later he was agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany of New York, with headquarters at Omaha, Neb. In 1897 he published "Betsy Gaskins," under the nom dc plume of W. I. Hood. He is married and has been for several years a resident of Los Angeles, Cal. *George King Sistare His father, George King Sistare, born in New London. Conn., July 0, 1809, was a descendant from Gabriel Sistare, an admiral in the Spanish Navy, who settled in New London about 1682. His mother was Sarah Vreeland (Cole) Sistare of New York City, a descendant of the Wester- velts who had come from Holland with a patent from the Dutch King to ten thousand acres of land in New Jersey, directly opposite New York City. George K. Sistare was born in New York City, November 5. 1845, and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. He was with '67 for a short time, and was a member of the Class of '68 till April, 1865. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES NON-GRADUATES 355 Upon leaving college, he entered the banking house of his father, which had been established in 1820. After his father's death in 1880, he continued the business with his brother, William H. Sistare, and others, as G. K. Sistare's Sons. This was the leading firm in the country in handling New York City bonds. When a New York bond sale offered the opportunity, the Sistare firm usually outbid all competitors and took the entire issue. It became interested also in the reorganizing of small railroads. The firm had branch offices in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing- ton, and Detroit. In 1890 the discovery of a very large defalca- tion and embezzlement in the Philadelphia office compelled the firm to announce suspension, and the demands of its creditors were such that it could not recover, and the firm went down. George K. Sistare withdrew from the firm in 1886, when it was at the height of its prosperity. He went to Newburgh, N. Y., where he continued to reside as a country gentleman, living a rather uneventful life, interesting himself in stockbreeding and horticulture. October 18, 1877, he was married, at Trinity Church, Easton, Pa., by the Rev. Joseph J. Elsegood, Rector of Trinity Church, East New York, to Mary W. Clemens, daughter of the late Dr. J. Breckenridge Clemens, of Easton. Mrs. Mary Clemens Sistare died at Easton, April 10, 1880, and is buried in Easton. George K. Sistare died in New York City, July 28, 1892. His body was cremated at Troy, N. Y., and the ashes taken to Easton and buried by the side of his wife. *John Hampden Thomas Son of Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Thomas (Miami University 1834), Presi- dent of Hanover College 1849-54, and Professor in Lane Theological Seminary at Cincinnati 1871-75. His grandfather, Rev. Thomas Thomas, of Welsh descent, who was graduated from Hoxton Academy, Lon- don, and ordained an Independent minister in Chelmsford, England, emigrated in 1818 to Cincinnati. Ohio, and labored as pastor and mis- sionary, till his death at Venice, Ohio, in 1831. John H. Thomas was born in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio, May 5, 1848, and was prepared for college by his father at home. At 356 THE CLASS OF I YALE COLLEGE Yale he showed ability in writing" and speaking, and was awarded a third prize in the Brothers Freshman Prize Debate. At the end of Freshman year he left college and engaged in the book business at Dayton, Ohio, until 1884. Both his father and his grandfather were Presbyterian min- isters, and he always had a strong desire to preach the gospel. While engaged in business he found time to read extensively, and gained a thorough acquaintance with church history and govern- ment. He kept up his Greek and Latin, and studied Hebrew under the direction of Professor Harper of Yale, and September 25, 1884, was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Dayton. June 3, 1885, he was ordained by the Presbytery of Whitewater. Ind., and installed over the Presbyterian Church in Lawrence- burg, the church with which Rev. Henry Ward Beecher began his ministry. He removed in February, 1888, to Marion, (Irani Co., Ind., where he remained eight years in charge of a rapidly growing church, which gave him abundance of work. In [897 he went to Oxford, Ohio, and accepted the chair of Lecturer on the History of Christianity in the Western College for Women. During the year 1900-01 he was at the head of Oxford College BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES NON-GRADUATES 357 for Women, also at Oxford. From 1901 to 1903 he lectured at schools and Chautauquas, on the History of Christianity, always a favorite subject with him. In the fall of 1903 he accepted the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church in Langdon, North Dakota. [t was here, and while actively engaged in this pastorate, that he died, on January 18, 1904, of pneumonia contracted as a result of a long', cold drive after an evening preaching service in a small town at some distance from Langdon. In 1888 Hanover College conferred on him the degree of M.A., and in 1901 Miami University honored him with the degree of D.D. He wrote occasionally for the press. An article from his pen, entitled "The Characteristics of Hebrew Poetry," appeared in The Presbyterian Quarterly for August, 1888. He was married to Linda S. Rogers, at Dayton, January 17, 1878, and had five children, two of whom, a son and a daughter, died in infancy. Those living are: Elizabeth Rogers, born in Dayton, December 22, 1878; Mary May, born in Dayton, April 23, 1880; Isabel Carr, born in Lawrenceburg, April 20, 1886. Elizabeth was married, October 23, 1906, to C. Harrington Davis of Newark, Ohio. Mary May was married, March 10, 1910, to Horace Pease Phillips (son of Horace Phillips, Yale '68), who was graduated from the University of California with the degree of B.S. in 1903, and now resides in Reno, Nev. Isabel Carr was married, June 28, 19 10, to Allen Perry Love joy (Yale College 1904) of Janesville, Wis. Mrs. John H. Thomas resides at 205 North Eleventh Street, Newark, Ohio. *Henry Saunders Timmerman Son of Benjamin Timmerman, was born in Buffalo, N. Y., September 22, 1843, and resided there until his death. At the commencement of the Civil War he offered his services to the Government, but was not accepted on account of physical dis- ability. In June, 1863, he volunteered in the Seventy-fourth New York National Guards, a Buffalo regiment ordered into the service for one hundred days. With this regiment he was in Pennsylvania during Lee's invasion and the battle of Gettysburg, 35 8 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE and narrowly escaped capture by the Confederates in the first part of the raid. After Lee's retreat, the regiment was ordered to the city of New York to assist in quelling the riots of that year. Timmerman returned home, resumed his studies, and entered college in 1864, completing his Freshman year. The Monday after his return to New Haven at the beginning of Sophomore year, he had occasion to visit New York and return by the night boat. He took a severe cold, which developed into typhoid fever, from which he died October 28, 1865. Timmerman was one of the marked men of the class. His scholarly training was thorough, and despite the many attractions of student life, which he enjoyed so well, his name stood high on the lists of the faculty. He was distinguished as a writer and speaker. No one of us entered more heartily into the varied pursuits of true college life, and few gave greater promise of excellence. * George Whittlesey Tyler Son of Rev. Edward Royal and Sarah Ann Tyler, was born in New Haven, Conn., November 2, 1847, and was prepared for college at the New Haven High School. He left the class during the first term ; was appointed from Louisiana to the United States Naval Academy October 3, 1864, from which he was graduated June 10, 1868, ranking thirty-sixth in a class of eighty-one members. Among his classmates at the Naval Academy were Colonel R. M. Thompson of New York, Commanders Raymond Perry Rodgers, Seaton Schroeder, YV. J. Barnette, Richard Wainwright, John M. Hawley, and Frederick Singer. Tyler remained in the United States Navy till his death, rising to the rank of Lieutenant. He served on the Asiatic Station, 1868-70; on signal duty at Washington, 1870; on Guerriere, European Station, 1870-72; Coast Survey, 1873-75; Franklin, 1876-77; Colorado, 1877-78; Plymouth, North Atlantic, 1878; Naval Academy, 1878-81 ; Tennessee, flagship, North Atlantic, 1881-84; Naval Academy, 1884-88; Mohican, North Pacific. 1888-91 ; Library and Naval War Records, 1892-96. He died in Washington, February 17, 1898, leaving a widow and one daughter. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — NON-GRADUATES 359 George Martin Upshur Son of Dr. George Martin and Priscilla (Townsend) Upshur. His mother was daughter of Levin Townsend of Snow Hill, Md. A dis- tinguished relative of his was Abel P. Upshur, Secretary of State in the Cabinet of President John Tyler. Among his ancestors was Sir George Yeardley, Governor of Virginia, in 1620, when the capital was at James- town, and who organized the first legislative body that ever met on the North American Continent; another was John Custis, of Northampton (then Accomac) County, Va., the lineal ancestor of John Custis (the fifth of that name) who was the first husband of Martha Washington, and whose granddaughter married Gen. Robert E. Lee. The Upshurs first settled in Virginia about 1638. The first immigrant was Arthur Upshur, who came from the County of Essex, England. He was the father of Arthur, who was the father of Abel, who was the father of John, who was the father of James, who was the father of George Martin, who was the father of the subject of this sketch, all of whom except the first and the last named were born in Virginia. George M. Upshur was born in Snow Hill, Md., December 14, 1847, and was prepared for college at Union Academy in that place. He entered Yale with the Freshman Class, but left in December, 1866, and returned to Snow Hill. There he studied law in the office of Hon. E. K. Wilson, who was afterwards United States Senator from Maryland. He was admitted to the Bar in 1869 in Snow Hill, where he successfully engaged in the practice of law, and became senior member of the firm of Upshur & Purnell. In January, 1874, he was appointed Secretary, Treasurer and Examiner (ex officio Superintendent) of the public schools of Worcester County, Md. In the fall of 1887 he was elected a member of the House of Delegates of the Maryland Legislature, and was chosen Speaker of that body. In 1892 he removed from Snow Hill to Baltimore, where he practiced his profession until 1907, and that year returned to Snow Hill where he has since been practicing law with his son Franklin, under the firm name of Upshur & Upshur. He was one of the Alternate National Commissioners from Maryland to the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, receiving his commission from President Harrison, upon the nomination of Governor Jackson of Maryland. In 1892 he was a Delegate at Large from Maryland to the Democratic National 360 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Convention at Chicago, which nominated Grover Cleveland for President, and made the motion in that convention to make the nomination of Mr. Cleveland unanimous. In 1900 he was appointed by Governor John Walter Smith (now United States Senator) President of the Board of Police Commissioners of Baltimore City for two years. In 1902 he was reappointed to the same office for another term of two years, and served until the expiration of his term. In 1901 he was appointed by Governor Smith a Colonel on his staff and held that office for four years. He was married June II, 1873, to Emma Franklin, the daughter of Judge John R. Franklin, formerly a member of Con- gress and at that time one of the Associate Judges of the First Judicial Circuit of Maryland. He has had four children : Priscilla, born May 5, 1874, who in 1905 married Professor Harry F. Covington of Princeton University. Franklin, born November 27, 1875, who first entered Johns Hopkins University and then went to Princeton, entering the Junior Class, and graduating in 1897, then studying law at the University of Maryland, graduating in 1899, becoming Assistant State's Attorney of Baltimore under State's Attorney Robert M. McLane, Jr. (afterwards Mayor of Baltimore). He was married June 23, 1909, at Snow Hill, to Ethelyn Winder Wilson, daughter of Ephraim King Wilson, former United States Senator from Maryland, and has one child, a daughter, Priscilla Wilson Upshur, born November 11, 191 1. George Martin, born January 5, 1878, died April 16, 1880. Emily Franklin, born April 23, 1892. The last was born in Baltimore, the others in Snow Hill. *Albert Waling Van Winkle Son of John Waling and Margaret Virginia (MacCurdy) Van Winkle. His father was a descendant in the seventh generation of Jacob Waling Van Winkle, who came to this country from Horn, Holland, in 1636, on the ship "King David," and purchased and settled on lands at Bergen, which are now a part of Jersey City, N. J. The present Van Winkle Street of Jersey City was once a part of the Van Winkle farm. His mother was daughter of Daniel and Priscilla MacCurdy. Albert W. Van Winkle was born April 17, 1842, and was prepared for college by John Grant, Newark. He left the class BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES NON-GRADUATES 36 1 during the first term, to take care of his brother, a student at Cambridge, who was seriously ill, and who did not recover. After his brother's death, he entered the Harvard Law School, from which he was graduated with the degree of LL.B. in 1869. He spent one year in a law office, and was then admitted to the Bar in New York City, where he spent his life busily occupied as an attorney and counselor at law. He became President and Counsel of the corporation of R. S. Luqueer & Company, 67 Murray Street, which was established in 1814. Albert W. Van Winkle died December 15, 1909. *John Read Walker Youngest son of Anthony Smith and Mary (Read) Walker, and descendant of Robert Read, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. John R. Walker was born in Pleasant Green, Mo., March 18, 1846, and was prepared for college by F. T. Kemper at Boone- ville, Mo. He left the class at the close of the second term of Sophomore year. In 1867 he removed to Bates County, Mo., bought a large farm and engaged in stock raising. From 1870 to 1872 he represented Bates County in the Missouri Legislature, and was Chairman of the Committee on Elections. He was then only twenty-four years of age, and the youngest member of the Legislature. He subsequently studied law and settled as an attorney in Booneville. In November, 1880, he was elected Prosecuting Attorney for Cooper County, and held the position for two years, during which time he prosecuted three hundred and twenty-nine criminal cases and secured conviction in all but three. The Fund Commissioners appointed him, in 1884, Special Agent for the State to secure the Missouri war claims from the United States Government. December 5, 1888, he was appointed one of the Board of Man- agers of the Missouri State Reform School for Boys, and was made Secretary of the Board. He was reappointed December 1, 1892, for four years. In May, 1886, he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and was one of the Board of Trustees ; also a member of the Board of Stewards, being President of both 362 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Boards. For six years he was Superintendent of the Booneville M. E. Sunday School. In October, 1893, he was elected by the annual conference of the M. E. Church South one of the four delegates to the general conference which met at Memphis, Tenn., in May, 1894. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention which was held at Chicago in June, 1892, and was earnest in the support of Mr. Cleveland for renomination. He took an active part in the canvass of 1892 and contributed much to the success of his party in his district. February 20, 1894, he was appointed by President Cleveland United States District Attorney for the western district of Missouri. He served in this office until the expiration of Mr. Cleveland's second term in 1897. After his retirement, he took up the practice of law in Kansas City, Mo., and was retained by the United States Government as special counsel to argue in the Supreme Court of the United States, on behalf of the Government, an important case involving the question of Interstate Commerce. After that he received from the Attorney General of the United States two special appointments to try cases on behalf of the Government, one case in Iowa and the other in Missouri. Senator Cockrell says of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES — NON-GRADUATES 3^3 him : "He was a man of the highest character and of most decided ability^ and obtained a high position in his profession." He was married, October 13, 1880, at Jefferson City, Mo., to Alice B. Ewing, daughter of Judge Ephraim B. Ewing of the Missouri Supreme Court, and had four children: Alice Ewing, born July 29, 1881, at Jefferson City, died September 14, 1897; John Read, Jr., born December 31, 1882, at Booneville; Ewing Addison, born December 16, 1885, at Booneville; Ephraim Brevard, born at Booneville, November 17, 1893. John Read, Jr., is President of the Lumberman's Bureau, and lives in Washington, D. C. Ewing Addison and Ephraim Brevard are engaged in the lumber business in Hattiesburg, Miss. John Read Walker died in January, 1899, in Kansas City, Mo., as a result of some heart affection caused by overwork. Mrs. Walker died in Kansas City, January 10, 1914. Frank Alvord Warfield Son of Abijah Baker and Sarah Elizabeth Warfield, was born in Holliston, Mass., October 4, 1846. He was prepared for col- lege at Phillips Exeter Academy, entered the class in September, 1865, and left it in July, 1866. He studied two years at the Theological Seminary in Hartford, preached thirteen months in Meriden and Stafford Springs, Conn., was ordained January 10, 1871, in Globe Village, Mass., and installed July 31, 1873, at Greenfield in the same State. February 1, 1876, he was called to the Union Congregational Church, Bos- ton, where he remained till November, 1881, when he was settled over the Porter Church in Brockton, Mass. In 1908 he became pastor of the First Congregational Church in Milford, Mass. Warfield was for some time a Trustee of Doane College, from which he received the Honorary degree of D.D. in 1898. He was married in 1866 to Miss Mary Jane Reade of Medway, Mass., and has four children : Frank A., who studied at Amherst and Middlebury, an electrical engineer in Denver, Col. ; Clarence V., a merchant in Omaha, Neb. ; Eva Louise, Wellesley '92, who lives with her father in Milford; and Jane Elizabeth, Wellesley '97, now Mrs. Frank E. Beckwith of Palmer, Mass. 3 6 4 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE ♦Edward Payson Wilder Eldest son of Rev. Royal Gould Wilder (Middlebury College 1840) and Eliza J. Wilder, was born July 22, 1847, in Ahmed- nagar, India, where his parents were stationed as missionaries of the American Board. He came to America in 1857 and was prepared for college at the Rural High School, Clinton, N. Y. He left the class on account of ill health at the beginning of the second term of Freshman year, afterwards entered '69, and graduated with that class. His biography is given in the '69 class book. Benjamin Mairs Wilson Son of Lieut. Col. John Wilson, United States Army, was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., November 5, 1848, and was fitted for Yale in the Preparatory Department of Columbia College. He was a good writer and speaker, and won second prize in the Linonia Prize Debate in Freshman year. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES NON-GRADUATES 3 6 5 Wilson left the class during the first term of Sophomore year, to accept the position of Vice-Consul at Antwerp. While abroad, he continued his studies and received the degree of D.C.L., sum ma cum laudc, at Heidelberg, in December, 1870. In May, 1871, he returned to the United States and began in Chicago the practice of law, which he continued till 1893. In 1879 and 1880 he was a member of the Illinois Legislature from the Second (Chicago) District. Since 1893 he has traveled extensively, and has spent much time in Europe. He was married at Chicago, December 10, 1874, to Frances Huntington of that city, by whom he had two children : Hunt- ington, born December 15, 1875, and Sarah Lorraine, born Feb- ruary 13, 1883, died August 14, 1887. Mrs. Frances H. Wilson died in June, 1904. He was again married in 1908 to Edith St. George Huntington, and now resides in Versailles, France. Huntington Wilson was graduated from Yale College in the Class of 1897, and was appointed Second Secretary of the Ameri- can Legation at Tokyo May 4, 1897; Secretary, October 10, 1900. May 26, 1906, he returned to America to serve in the Department of State. June 22, 1906, he was appointed Third 366 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Assistant Secretary of State ; March 5, 1909, Assistant Secretary of State ; September 30, 1910, accredited as Ambassador Extraor- dinary on Special Mission to the Ottoman Empire. He was married in June, 1904, to Lucy Wortham James of St. James, Mo. Isaac B. Woodbury His father was Isaac B. Woodbury, a well-known musical composer, who did much for the improvement of church music in America and who spent much time during his short life in holding musical conventions in many parts of the United States. He wrote church music, issued several church music books, and published The Musical Review for several years. Among his best-known tunes are "Siloam" and "Esmonton.'' Isaac B. Woodbury was born March 5, 1848, in Salem, Mass., and was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover. He was with the Class of '68 till the beginning of Sophomore year. Since leaving Yale he has been in the banking business. His life has been spent mostly in Kansas City, Mo., and in San Francisco. He has been President of the American Banking and Trust Company, Tulsa, Indian Territory ; American Bank, Tulsa, Okla. ; American Bank, Porter, Okla. ; First State Bank, Clarks- ville, Indian Territory; First State Bank, Bristow, Indian Terri- tory; Lincoln Mortgage and Trust Company, Ashland, Kan. November 28, 1888, he was married to Mary M. C. Conway of San Francisco, and has had four children: Isaac B., born Sep- tember 3, 1889, deceased; Charles P., born September 2, 1892; Jesse C, born May 4, 1894; Frank B., born July 25, 1896. STATISTICS PLACE OF BIRTH. GRADUATES. New York. Ayres, Boardman, Coffin, S. A. Davenport, Dixon, DuBois, Durant, Esty, Ferry, Greene, I. C. Hall, Hopke, MacGregor, McKinm y. Mead, Morse, Newell, Rawson, J. W. Russell, Sloane, Spencer, Stowell, Van Deusen, Varick, Varnum, Viele, Wesson, R. B. Williams, J. H. Wood, Woodruff, Yates. — 31. Connecticut. Bacon, Beckvvith, Brewster, Chapman, Coats, Cowell, DeForest, Edwards, Farnam, Harger, Hill, Holcombe, Ingersoll, F. B. Lewis, G. H. Lewis, J. Lewis, Rice, Robbins, Searls, Shelton, Thacher, Tinker, Tweedy, Washburn, Welch, Welles, Wheeler. — 27. Massachusetts. Abbott, Bailey, Chapin, L. B. Colt, Fisher, Fowler, H. A. Hicks, Lawrence, Means, Seagrave, Southworth, J. H. Wilson. — 12. Ohio. Bingham, H. Phillips, Smith, Swayne, Tytus. — 5. Pennsylvania. Biddle, Eastburn, Parsons, Pierce. — 4. Tennessee. Berry, Cooper, Trimble, Watson. — 4. New Jersey. Linn, Marsh, Parry, Pierson. — 4. Illinois. Bragg, Hamilton, Manierre. — 3. Maine. Burns, Wentworth. — 2. New Hampshire. Webster, Wright. — 2. Vermont. E. W. Miller, Woodbridge. — 2. Rhode Island. Allen, N. P. S. Thomas. — 2. Maryland. Slay, T. H. Williams.— 2. Michigan. Clark, Moore. — 2. Wisconsin. Cramer, Walcott. — 2. India. Hume, W. C. Wood. — 2. Delaware. Bradford. — 1. Washington, D. C. de Kay. — 1. Chile. Page. — 1. Constantinople, Turkey. H. F. Homes. — 1. Thirty-one members of the Class lived after graduation in the towns or cities in which they were born. Twelve others did not change their residence after they were settled in their business or profession. NON-GRADUATES. New York. Birney, Bowman, Calhoun, R. L. Colt, W. B. Davenport, Foster, Hamlin, Jennings, Kip, W. K. Miller, Potter, Reade, Robert, Selden, Sistare, Timmerman, H. S. Williams. — 17. 368 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Massachusetts. Bemis, Buck, F. C. Hall, Hayden, L. L. Hicks, F. H. Holmes, Jacobs, Reed, F. W. Russell, Sears, Warfield.— n. Connecticut. Averill, Backus, Barnett, Day, Drake, Hotchkiss. Ketchum, Loomis, Tyler, Woodbury. — 10. Pennsylvania. Ballantyne, Cake, Emerson, Howe, Ryan, Van Winkle B. M. Wilson.— 7. Ohio. Boylan, Cecil, Lillie, Mason, J. H. Thomas. — 5. Illinois. Bull, Durley, Frick, Scarritt. — 4. Missouri. J. R. Holmes, Walker.— 2. Kentucky. Reeves, Rizer. — 2. Tennessee. C. H. Phillips. — 1. New Jersey. Foote. — 1. Maine. Hobson. — 1. New Hampshire. Ballou. — 1. Vermont. Kittredge. — 1. Maryland. Upshur. — 1. Michigan. Simkins. — 1. Louisiana. Forrest. — 1. India. Wilder. — 1. TIME OF ENTERING THE CLASS. GRADUATES. With the Class. Abbott, Allen, Ayres, Bailey, Berry, Bingham, Board- man, Bradford, Bragg, Brewster, Chapin, Chapman, Coats, Coffin. L. B. Colt, Cooper, Cowell, Cramer, S. A. Davenport, de Kay, Dixon, DuBois, Durant, Esty, Farnam, Ferry, Fisher, Greene, I. C. Hall, Hamilton, Harger, H. A. Hicks, H. F. Homes, Hopke, Hume, Ingersoll, Lawrence, F. B. Lewis, G. H. Lewis, J. Lewis, Linn, MacGregor, Manierre. Marsh. Mead, Means, Morse, Newell, Parry, Parsons, H. Phillips, Pierce, Rice, Robbins, Seagrave, Searls, Sloane, Smith, Southworth, Spencer, Stowell, Thacher, N. P. S. Thomas, Tinker, Trimble, Tweedy, Tytus. Van Deusen, Varick, Varnum, Viele, Walcott, Watson, Webster, Welch. Welles, Wesson, Wheeler, R. B. Williams, J. H. Wilson, J. H. Wood. W. C. Wood, Woodbridge, Woodruff, Wright, Yates. — 86. Freshman Year, Second Term. Beckwith, DeForest, Fowler. — 3. Sophomore Year, First Term. Hill, Holcombe, McKinney, Moore, Page, Pierson, Rawson, Shelton, Slay, Swayne, Washburn, Wentworth, T. H. Williams. — 13. Sophomore Year, Third Term. Bacon, Biddle, E. W. Miller. — 3. Junior Year, First Term. Eastburn, Edwards, J. W. Russell. — 3. Junior Year, Second Term. Clark. — 1. Senior Year. Burns. — 1. XON-GRADUATl IS. At the Beginning of the Course. Averill, Ballou, Barnett, Bemis, Birney, Bowman, Buck, Bull, Cake, Calhoun, Cecil, R. L. Colt, Day, Drake, Foote, STATISTICS 369 Forrest, Foster, Frick, F. C. Hall, Hamlin, Hayden, L. L. Hicks, Hobson, J. R. Holmes, Hotchkiss, Howe, Ketchum, Kip, Lillie, Loomis, Mason, W. K. Miller, C. H. Phillips, Potter, R. L. Reade, I. G. Reed, Reeves, Rizer, Robert, F. W. Russell, Ryan, Scarritt, Sears, Simkins, Sistare, Timmerman, J. H. Thomas, Tyler, Upshur, Van Winkle, Walker, Wilder, H. S. Williams, B. M. Wilson, Woodbury. — 55. During Freshman Year. Backus, Ballantyne, Boylan, W. B. Davenport, Durley, Jacobs, Jennings, Kittredge, Warfield. — 9. During Sophomore Year. Emerson, Selden. — 2. During Junior Year. F. H. Holmes. — 1. TIME OF LEAVING THE CLASS. During Freshman Year. Averill, Barnett, Bemis, Buck, Cake, Calhoun, R. L. Colt, W. B. Davenport, Day, Drake, Durley, Foote, Forrest, Foster, F. C. Hall, Hamlin, Hayden, L. L. Hicks, Hobson, Jacobs, Ketchum, Kip, Kittredge, Lillie, C. H. Phillips, Potter, Reeves, Rizer, Sears, Sistare, T. H. Thomas, Tyler, Van Winkle, Wilder. — 34. During Sophomore Year. Ballou, Bowman, Boylan, Bull, Cecil, Emer- son, Frick, J. R. Holmes, Hotchkiss, Howe, Mason, W. K. Miller, Pierson, Reade, Reed, F. W. Russell, Scarritt, Simkins, Walker, Warfield, Wesson, H. S. Williams, B. M. Wilson, W T oodbury. — 24. During Junior Year. Backus, Ballant}me, Birney, Edwards, Manierre, Robert, Selden, Southworth, Upshur. — 9. During Senior Year. F. H. Holmes, Jennings. — 2. PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS. GRADUATES. Theology. Brewster, Chapin, S. A. Davenport, DeForest, Durant, Hume, Lawrence, F. B. Lewis, MacGregor, E. W. Miller, Morse, Parry, Rawson, Tinker, Welles, Woodruff. — 16. Law. Ayres, Berry, Biddle, Bradford, Bragg, Chapman, Coats. L. B. Colt, Cooper, Cowell, Dixon, DuBois, Farnam, Greene, Hopke, Ingersoll, G. H. Lewis, J. Lewis, McKinney, Page, Parsons, Pierce, J. W. Russell, Searls, Shelton, Slay, Spencer, N. P. S. Thomas, Trimble, Tweedy, Varnum, Viele, Washburn, Watson, Webster, Welch, Wentworth, Wesson, J. H. Wilson, J. H. Wood.— 40. Medicine. Bacon, Bailey, Boardman, Hamilton, Pierson, Thacher, Woodbridge. — 7. Education. Beckwith, Burns, Eastburn, Edwards, Harger, Hill, Means, Rice, T. H. Williams, W. C. Wood, Wright.— 11. Business. Allen, Bingham, Coffin, Esty, Ferry, Fisher, Fowler, I. C. Hall, H. A. Hicks, Homes, Marsh, Mead, Moore, Seagrave, Sloane, South- worth, Stowell, Swayne, Tytus, Varick, Wheeler, R. B. Williams. — 22. Engineering. Abbott, H. Phillips, Robbins, Yates.— 4. Journalism. Linn, Smith. — 2. 24 37° THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Finance. Clark, Cramer, Manierre, Newell. — 4. Literature, de Kay, Holcombe. — 2. XOX-GRADUATES. Theology. Emerson, Scarritt, J. H. Thomas, Warfield. — 4. Law. Averill, Cake, Durley, Foote, Frick, W. K. Miller, R. L. Reade, I. G. Reed, Reeves, Selden, Upshur, Van Winkle, Walker, Wilder, B. M. Wilson. — 15. Medicine. Ballantyne, Barnett, Boylan, Drake, Forrest, F. W. Rus- sell.— 6. J id it cat ion. H. S. Williams. — 1. Business. Ballou, Bemis, Bowman, Buck, Bull, Cecil, Day, F. C. Hall, L. L. Hicks, Hobson, J. R. Holmes, Hotchkiss, Jacobs, Jennings, Ketchum, Kip, Kittredge, Mason, C. H. Phillips, Potter, Rizer, Robert, Sears, Simkins. — 24. Journalism. Backus, F. H. Holmes, Lillie. — 3. Finance. Hamlin, Sistare, Woodbury. — 3. U. S. Xaval Service. Tyler. — 1. DEGREES. GRADUATES. Ph.B. Abbott, Yale 1870. M.A. L. B. Colt, Brown 1882; Edwards, Yale 1892; G. H. Lewis, Grinnell 1871 ; Manierre, Yale 1893; Pierson, Yale 1888; Rice, Williams 1883 ; Southworth, Yale 1877 ; Wesson, Yale 1888 .* Ph.D. Beckwith, Yale 1872; Eastburn, Princeton 1890; Southworth, University of Tubingen 1872; Wright, Yale 1876. LL.B. Ayres, Harvard 1870; Chapman, Columbia 1870; Coats, Columbia 1871 ; L. B. Colt, Columbia 1870; Cowell, Columbia 1869; Dixon, Columbia 1870; Farnam, Columbia 187 1 ; Greene, Columbia 1870; Homes, Columbia 1879; Hopke, New York University Law School 1869; Ingersoll, Albany Law School 1869; McKinney, Columbia 187 1 ; Manierre, Columbia 1869; Parsons, Albany Law School 1869; Spencer, Columbia 1872; N. P. S. Thomas, Columbia 1870; Varnum, Columbia 1871 ; Watson, Harvard 1870; Welch, Yale 1870; J. H. Wood, Columbia 1870. M.D. Bacon, New York University 1871 ; Bailey, Boston University 1880 ; Boardman, Georgetown Medical College 1872 ; Burns, Columbia 1873; S. A. Davenport, Columbia 1873; Hamilton, Columbia 1876; Pier- son, Columbia 1869; Thacher, Yale 1879; Woodbridge, Columbia 1872. 15.1). DeForest, Yale 1871 ; E. W. Miller, Yale 1872; Welles, Yale 1872. LL.D. L. B. Colt, Columbia 1904, Yale 1905; Wright, Union 1895. * Forty-three members of the Class three years or more after graduation received the degree of Master of Arts from Yale on the payment of the usual fee. STATISTICS 3 7 I D.D. Beckwith, Trinity 1898; Brewster, Trinity 1897, Yale 1898, Wes- leyan 1903; DeForest, Yale 1889; Durant, Union 1894; Hume, Yale 1895; Lawrence, Beloit 1893 ; Morse, Rollins 1905. L.H.D. Means, Hobart 1912. NON-GRADUATES. B.A. Averill, Yale 1869; Backus, Yale 1870; Buck, Yale 1870; Foote, Hobart 1868; Forrest, Rutgers 1868; Hamlin, Yale 1869; W. H. Miller, Hobart 1869; R. L. Reade, Yale 1869; Robert, Yale 1869; F. W. Russell, Harvard 1869; Scarritt, Amherst 1869; Wilder, Yale 1869. Ph.B. H. S. Williams, Yale 1868. M.A. Boylan, Lafayette 1875; W. B. Davenport, Yale 1887; Drake, Yale 1883; J. H. Thomas, Hanover (Ind.) 1888. Ph.D. H. S. Williams, Yale 1871. LL.B. Hamlin, Albany Law School 1870; Kip, Albany Law School 1867; R. L. Reade, Columbia 1872; Wilder, Columbia 1871. M.D. Ballantyne, Bellevue Hospital Medical College 1870; Ballon, University of Pennsylvania 1868; Barnett, Yale 1869; Boylan, University of Leipzig 1874; Drake, New York University 1871 ; Forrest, Bellevue Hospital Medical College 1872; Rizer, Bellevue Hospital Medical College 1868. D.C.L. B. M. Wilson, Heidelburg 1870. D.D. Scarritt, Lane University, Kansas 1880; Warfield, Doane College, Neb. 1898. MILITARY RECORD. Eighteen members of Sixty-eight, twelve graduate and six non-graduate, served in the Civil War : Ayres, Twenty-third Connecticut Infantry. Coats, Twenty-second Connecticut Infantry. DeForest, Twenty-eighth Connecticut Infantry. Eastburn, Eleventh Pennsylvania Infantry. Fowler, Fiftieth Massachusetts Infantry. Hill, Twenty-third Connecticut Infantry. G. H. Lewis, Fourteenth Connecticut Infantry. John Lewis, Twenty-second Connecticut Infantry. Pierson, Twenty-seventh New Jersey Infantry and Thirty-third New Jersey Infantry. Robbins, Twenty-fifth Connecticut Infantry. M. Thomas, Commodore's Aide, United States Navy. Wright, Fifty-first Massachusetts Infantry. Ballantyne, One Hundred and Ninety-third Pennsylvania Infantry. Birney, Twenty-second Connecticut Infantry. L. L. Hicks, Fifty-first Massachusetts Infantry. F. H. Holmes, Fifty-second Massachusetts Infantry and Second Massachusetts Cavalry. 372 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Sears, Sixth Massachusetts Infantry. Timmerman, Seventy-fourth New York State National Guard. COLLEGE FAMILIES. In the following lists the degree is Bachelor of Arts unless otherwise stated. I. SONS OF COLLEGE GRADUATES. Abbott Rev. J. J. Abbott, Dartmouth 1839. Brewster Rev. Joseph Brewster, Yale 1842. DeForest Rev. William A. Hyde, Amherst 1829. Edwards Rev. Tryon Edwards, Yale 1828. Farnam Henry Farnam, M.A., Yale 1871. Homes Rev. Henry A. Homes, Amherst 1830. Hume Rev. Robert W. Hume, Union 1834. Ingersoll Hon. Charles A. Ingersoll, M.A., Yale 1827. Lawrence Rev. Edward A. Lawrence, Dartmouth 1834. Linn Dr. Alexander Linn, Union 1831. Means Rev. James Means, Bowdoin 1833. Morse Richard C. Morse, Yale 1812. Rawson Rev. Thomas R. Rawson, Amherst 1830. Rice Richard E. Rice, Yale 1839. Southworth Hon. Edward Southworth, Harvard 1826. Swayne Judge Noah H. Swayne, LL.D., Yale, Hon. 1865. Thacher Professor Thomas A. Thacher, Yale 1835. Varnum Hon. Joseph B. Yarnum, Yale 1838. Woodbridge Hon. Frederick E. Woodbridge, Univ. Vermont 1841. Buck Edward Buck, Yale 1835. Emerson Rev. Dr. Daniel Hopkins Emerson, Dartmouth 1830. J. H. Thomas Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Thomas, Miami 1834. Wilder Rev. Royal Gould Wilder, Middlebury 1840. II. BROTHERS OF COLLEGE GRADUATES. Abbott Jacob J. Abbott, Ph.B. Yale 1872. William W. Abbott, Ph.B. Yale 1877. Paul W. Abbott, Ph.B. Yale 1883. Allen William L. Allen, Yale 1880. Martin S. Allen, Yale 1882. Z. Nelson Allen, Yale 1886. Biddle George W. Biddle, Yale 1863. Arthur Biddle, Yale 1873. statistics 373 Brewster James H. Brewster, Ph.B. Yale 1877. William J. Brewster, Yale 1881. Benjamin Brewster, Yale 1882. Chapman S. Hartwell Chapman. Vale 1X66. John H. Chapman, Ph.B. Yale 1876. Coffin Edmund Coffin, Yale 1866. Cramer Edward Cramer, Yale 1871. DeForest Joel W. Hyde, M.D. Yale 1861. Dixon Ephraim W. Dixon, Yale 1881. DuBois Edward C. DuBois, Yale 1854. Farnam George B. Farnam, M.D. Yale 1869. William W. Farnam, Yale 1866. Henry W. Farnam, Yale 1874. Ferry Charles H. Ferry, Yale 1872. Fowler Herbert G. Fowler, Yale 1874. Harger Charles Harger, Ph.B. Yale 1857. Holcombe John M. Holcombe, Yale 1869. Hume Edward S. Hume, Yale 1870. Ingersoll Charles D. Ingersoll, Yale 1864. Thomas C. Ingersoll, Yale 1865. McKinney Edward P. McKinney, Yale 1861. E. W. Miller Eliott S. Miller, Yale 1873. Hiram A. Miller, Ph.B. Yale 1876. Charles Miller, Yale 1879. Morse Sidney E. Morse, Yale 1856. Richard C. Morse, Yale 1862. William H. Morse, Yale 1867. Page Olof Page, Yale 1864. Slay John O. Slay, Yale 1859. Sloane Henry T. Sloane, Yale 1866. Southworth George C. S. Southworth, Yale 1863. Edward Southworth, Yale 1879. Thomas S. Southworth, Yale 1883. Swayne Wager Swayne, Yale 1856. Noah H. Swayne, Yale 1870. Frank B. Swayne, Yale 1872. Thacher Thomas Thacher, Yale 1871. Edward S. Thacher, Yale 1872. Alfred B. Thacher, Yale 1874. John S. Thacher, Yale 1877. Sherman D. Thacher, Yale 1883. William L. Thacher, Yale 1887. N. P. S. Thomas Elisha S. Thomas, Yale 1858. Aaron S. Thomas, Yale 1869. Watson William P. Watson, Yale 1869. Wesson Charles H. Wesson, Yale 1863. R. B. Williams Henry S. Williams, Ph.B. Yale 1868. 374 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE III. FATHERS OF COLLEGE GRADUATES. Eighty-three children of Sixty-eight, fifty-nine sons and twenty-four daughters, have received academic degrees or are now students in college and candidates for degrees. Abbott Ruth Beatrice, Wellesley 1904. Bailey Ruth Merrill, Mount Holyoke 1909. Berry John Kirkman, Yale 1896. Coburn Dewees, Yale 1899. William Tyler, Ph.B. Yale 1906. Biddle George Washington, Harvard 1908. Francis Beverly, Harvard 1909. Sydney Geoffrey, Harvard 1913. Bingham Henry Payne, Yale 1910. Bradford Edward Green, Jr., Yale 1900. L. B. Colt LeBaron Carlton, Brown 1899. Cooper Horace Polk, Harvard 1910. Davenport Mary Isabel, Wilson (Pa.) 1898. DeForest Sarah Lydia, Smith 1901. Charlotte Burgis, Smith 1901. John Starr, B.S. Amherst 1906. Louise Hyde, Smith 1907. Dixon William Henry, Columbia 1900. Courtlandt Palmer, Yale 1908. Durant William Clark, B.E. Union 1904. Farnam Charles Henry, Jr., Ph.B. Yale 1895. Ferry John Farwell, Ph.B. Yale 1901. Frank Farwell, Yale 1900. Montague, Ph.B. Yale 1902. Horace Farwell, Yale 1906. Greene Joseph Warren, Jr., Yale 1899. Herbert Gouverneur, Yale 1903. Hume Ruth Peabody, Wellesley 1897. Robert Ernest, Yale 1898. Hannah, Wellesley 1900. Wilson McLaughry, Yale 1909. Walter Fairbank, Ph.B. Yale 1912. Henry Woods, Yale 1916. Mary Ballantine, Mount Holyoke 1918. Ingersoll Charles Anthony, Ph.B. Yale 1893. Jonathan, Ph.B. Yale 1896. F. B. Lewis Arthur Franklin, Yale 1892. John Lewis Warren Harmon, B.S. Univ. of Michigan 1894. John Gurdon, M.E. Univ. of Michigan 1897. Read, Univ. of Wisconsin 1909. Harmon, I'niv. of Wisconsin 191 1. STATISTICS 375 Manierre Alfred Edgerton, Yale 1902. Louis, Yale 1901. \rtluir, Yale 1903. Francis Edgerton, Yale 1907. Means Margaret Appleton, Smith 1910. Elinor Haven, Smith 1910. Moore Laura. Univ. of Michigan 1899. Emily C, Wellesley 1908. Morse Richard Cary, Ph.B. Yale 1906. Elizabeth, Mount Holyoke 1907. Oliver Cromwell, Jr., Yale 1910. Anthony, Yale 1915. Page Charles Randolph, Yale 1900. H. Phillips Charlotte Van Cleve, Stanford 1897. Horace Pease, B.S. Univ. of California 1903. Dorothy Disbrow, Univ. of California 1912. Rice Richard Ashley, Williams 1899. Maxwell Ware, W r illiams 1903. Russell William Julius, Univ. of Vermont 1898. Elmer Beecher, Ph.B. Univ. of Vermont 1906. Seagrave Walter Howard, Ph.B. Yale 1904. Spencer Elliott Lines, Cornell 1896. Stowell Mary Esty, Vassar 1899. Edward Esty, Hamilton 1901. Harley Lord, Hamilton 1905. Thacher Henrietta Foster, Bryn Mawr 1901. Henry Clarke, Yale 1902. Thomas Anthony, Yale 1908. Tinker Chauncey Brewster, Yale 1899. Tytus Robb de Peyster, Yale 1897. Viele Grace, Smith 1901. Dorr, Yale 1902. Sheldon Knickerbocker, Yale 1916. Welch Bradley Agard, Yale 1902. Welles Grace Southworth, Mount Holyoke 1895. Mary Wolcott, Mount Holyoke 1900. Wheeler Theodora Rumsey, Vassar 191 1. Nathaniel, Yale 1914. Ellen Rumsey, Vassar 1915. Wright Alice Lincoln, Wellesley 1897. Henry Burt, Yale 1898. Alfred Parks, Yale 1901. 376 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE VITAL STATISTICS. Name Date of Birth Date of Marriage Children Boys Girls Age at Marriage Age at Death Abbott Aug. 29, 1846 Sept. 24, 1877 I 1 31 Allen Feb. 29, 1848 Feb. 9, 1876 3 2 28 56 Ayres Jan. 10, 1844 29 Bacon Aug. 27, 1846 June 10, 1875 28 59 Bailey Jan. 23, 1845 Aug. 6, 1873 4 1 28 Beckwith Oct. 18, 1843 Berry Oct. 27, 1844 Oct. 29, 1873 4 1 29 66 Biddle Oct. 11, 1847 June 28, 1879 4 31 43 Bingham May 22, 1846 June 8, 1876 3 2 30 Boardman Oct. 23, 1845 June 18, 1873 27 29 Bradford March 12, 1848 Sept. 18, 1872 2 3 24 Bragg Apr. 12, 1845 Sept. 22, 1872 1 2 27 50 Brewster Sept. 5, 1848 (1) Oct. 15, 1873 (2) June 20, 1893 1 1 25 Burns Jan. 14, 1842 /i Chapin May 15, 1844 28 Chapman June 24, 1848 Nov. 25, 1873 1 25 27 Clark April 25, 1846 Oct. 13, 1874 1 28 60 Coats May 9, 1842 June 22, 187 1 29 Coffin Oct. 13, 1847 Dec. 5, 1878 3 31 59 Colt June 25, 1846 Dec. 17, 1873 2 4 27 Cooper April 25, 1846 Jan. 13, 1881 1 34 60 Cowell March 25, 1840 Nov. 11, 1878 1 2 38 70 Cramer Aug. 7, 1847 Davenport June 27, 1846 Aug. 28, 1878 3 2 32 DeForest June 25, 1844 (1) June 5, 1871 (2) Sept. 23, 1874 1 4 27 66 de Kay July 25, 1848 June 4, 1888 3 5 39 Dixon March 19, 1847 April 26, 1871 2 1 24 Du Bois July 7, 1845 Nov. 20, 1894 49 Durant Aug. 21, 1846 (1) July 17, 1878 (2) May 19, 1887 1 2 1 31 67 Eastburn Sept. 25, 1838 (1) Sept. 8, 1870 (2) July 12, 1876 1 1 ! 42 69 Edwards Feb. 26, 1846 Feb. 13, 1873 1 3 27 58 Esty May 29, 1847 62 Earn am Sept. 12, 1846 June 8, 1870 1 I 23 63 Ferry May 15, 1845 Oct. 12, 1875 5 30 54 Fisher Nov. 18, 1843 Jan. 18, 1876 32 56 Fowler Dec. 14, 1843 Oct. 17, 1888 44 Greene Nov. 2, 1846 Oct. 20, 1874 3 2 28 Hall Oct. 9, 1846 Oct. 6, 1869 2 I 23 61 Hamilton Aug. 31, 1848 33 Harger Jan. 12, 1843 May 13, 1875 32 44 STATISTICS 377 Name Hicks Hill Holcombe Homes Hopke Hume Ingersoll Lawrence Lewis, F. B. Lewis, G. H. Lewis, J. Linn MacGregor McKinney Manierre Marsh Mead Means Miller Moore Morse Newell Page Parry Parsons Phillips Pierce Pierson Rawson Rice Robbins Russell Seagrave Searls Shelton Slay Sloane Smith Southworth Spencer Stowell Date of Birth Oct. 7, 1844 Aug. 26, 1839 Feb. 3, 1846 April 20, 1847 Oct. 29, 1846 March 18, 1847 April 23, 1848 Jan. 16, 1847 July 25, 1844 Sept. 6, 1842 June 22, 1842 Sept. 4, 1846 Nov. 30, 1844 Aug. 31, 1845 Feb. 5, 1845 Sept. 11, 1847 Jan. 10, 1847 May 1, 1847 Oct. 29, 1845 Sept. 6, 1845 Sept. 18, 1847 Jan. 11, 1846 March 12, 1847 March 29, 1845 Aug. 19, 1844 April 9, 1847 Aug. 3, 1845 Nov. 8, 1844 Feb. 21, 1846 Oct. 22, 1846 Nov. 4, 1 84 1 Sept. 1, 1846 Nov. 5, 1843 March 25, 1846 Sept. 11, 1845 Aug. 5, 1846 Oct. 21, 1847 Sept. 29, 1847 Sept. 23, 1847 May 20, 1847 Jan. 25, 1846 Date of Marriage 0) 1873 (2) April 8, 1888 Feb. 3, 1869 (1) July 7, 1874 (2) Sept. 7, 1887 (1) Oct. 6, 1870 (2) March 16, 1889 June 7, 1871 (1) Aug. 27, 1869 (2) Dec. 5, 1808 (1) July 27, 1868 (2) July 6, 1882 Jan. 31, 1871 May 8, 1880 Feb. 9, 1876 April 12, 1877 May, 1870 April 5, 1877 July 6, 1876 June 11, 1873 June 22, 1881 Sent. 1, 1886 Sept. 12, 1877 Dec. 1, 1875 Nov. 26, 1872 Jan. 7, 1876 March 11, 1884 Sept. 13, 1870 April 10, 1888 Nov. 28, 1876 May 5, 1895 Dec. 31, 1872 July 1, 1869 Oct. 8, 1902 Dec. 3, 1885 June 3, 1873 Feb. 20, 1873 Nov. 25, 1879 Sept. 25, 1871 Dec. 18, 1873 Children Age at Boys Girls Marriage 29 I 1 3 29 Age at Death 63 2 2 3 I 2 2 I 27 22 26 27 26 24 34 3i 29 23 29 30 27 33 40 30 30 28 28 38 25 42 30 53 26 25 56 39 25 25 32 24 27 58 46 70 65 43 47 65 64 57 66 53 42 33 58 55 378 THE CLASS OF l868, YALE COLLEGE Children Age at Age at Name Date of Birth Date of Marriage Boys Girls Marriage Death Swayne June 2, 1845 Dec. 22, 1875 30 48 Thacher Oct. 19, 1847 Sept. 10, 1878 2 I 30 43 Thomas Nov. 17, 1844 45 Tinker Oct. 15, 1844 (1) Oct. 9, 1873 (2) July 20, 1881 (3) Nov. 25, 1884 I I 29 42 Trimble Sept. 27, 1845 Oct. 26, 1876 2 I 31 65 Tweedy April 21, 1846 July 16, 1879 I 33 64 Tytus Aug. 22, 1847 June 24, 1874 I 26 33 Van Deusen Dec. 31, 1842 38 Varick Dec. 1, 1846 Oct. 16, 1883 36 Varnum June 29, 1848 June 14, 1899 51 58 Viele Jan. 4, 1847 June 5, 1877 2 3 30 Walcott May 20, 1844 55 Washburn Jan. 22, 1847 (1) Oct. 30, 1873 (2) June 25, 1885 1 1 26 Watson July 11, 1846 57 Webster Nov. 8, 1846 (1) Oct. 18, 1870 (2) April 27, 1910 2 1 24 Welch Sept. 22, 1844 Oct. 8, 1873 I 29 Welles Aug. 7, 1846 (1) Dec. 4, 1872 (2) Oct. 15, 1913 2 26 Wentworth Sept. 25, 1845 July 7, 1886 40 62 Wesson Aug. 27, 1845 Aug. 13, 1878 1 33 59 Wheeler Sept. 16, 1845 (1) May 17, 1876 (2) June 18, 1884 I 1 2 30 Williams, R. B. May 8, 1848 (1) Nov. 2, 1870 (2) Dec. 17, 1874 I 1 1 22 Williams, T. H. April 4, 1845 Sept. 23, 1873 28 67 Wilson March 9, 1847 May 22, 1877 30 58 Wood, J. H. Nov. 21, 1848 April 26, 1877 2 1 28 52 Wood, W. C. April 20, 1849 26 Woodbridge July 29, 1848 38 Woodruff Feb. 16, 1845 Oct. 15, 1884 39 Wright Nov. 30, 1839 July 7, 1874 3 1 34 Yates Jan. 25, 1846 June 4, 1884 1 1 38 50 STATISTICS 379 DEATHS BY DECADES. Sixty-one members of the class have died since 1868, by decades as follows : John Marvin Chapin, October 25, 1872. Russell William Ayres, December 14, 1873. Herbert Boardman, July 4, 1875. William Curtis Wood, July 15, 1875. Timothy Pitkin Chapman, September 13, 1875. Charles Edwin Smith, December 23, 1880. Spencer Reynolds Van Deusen, May 16, 1881. Edward Jefferson Tytus, May 19, 1881. William Abbott Hamilton, October 21, 1881. Anson Phelps Tinker, November 25, 1886. Enoch Day Woodbridge, January 4, 1887. Oscar Harger, November 6, 1887. Nathaniel Phillips Smith Thomas, May 12, 1890. Thomas Chalmers Sloane, June 17, 1890. Charles Clark Marsh, November 27, 1890. Algernon Sydney Biddle, April 8, 1891. James Kingsley Thacher, April 20, 1891. Edward Alexander Lawrence, November 10, 1893. Henry Stuart Swayne, November 25, 1893. Edward Spencer Mead, January 10, 1894. William Chittenden Bragg, September 7, 1895. Horatio Green Yates, March 18, 1896. Douglas Walcott, June 29, 1899. George William Fisher, February 17, 1900. Julius William Russell, February 25, 1900. William Henry Ferry, March 4, 1900. Calvin Daniel Stowell, February 26, 1901. James Henry Wood, March 23, 1901. Samuel Watson, October 5, 1903. Tryon Holkar Edwards, February 18, 1904. Horace Phillips, May 7, 1904. Frederic Wesson, November 30, 1904. Edwin Lee Allen, December 19, 1904. Edward Frederick Hopke, December 30, 1904. Edward Leavitt Spencer, May 2, 1905. John Howard Wilson, February 2, 1906. William Turner Bacon, March 16, 1906. Elihu Leach Clark, June 28, 1906. James Coffin, December 28, 1906. Horace Stevens Cooper, February 10, 1907. James McCall Varnum, March 26, 1907. 380 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE George Eastburn, October 13, 1907. Thomas Fenner Wentworth, November 11, 1907. Ira Cole Hall, April 27, 1908. William Parsons, November 21, 1908. James Winthrop Holcomb, June 26, 1909. Charles Henry Farnam, September 24, 1909. Albert Henry Esty, April 13, 1910. Donald MacGregor, May 11, 1910. George Hubert Cowell, August 10, 1910. Samuel Tweedy, October 6, 1910. William Roumage Shelton, January 13, 191 1. John Hyde DeForest, May 8, 191 1. James Trimble, August 6, 191 1. Stephen Pierson, August 10, 191 1. Coburn Dewees Berry, September 13, 191 1. Charles Page, February 26, 1912. Thomas Hanse Williams, August 29, 1912. George Henry Lewis, March 16, 1913. Joseph Scribner Burns, July 26, 1913. William Durant, March 1, 1914. SUMMARY. Whole number connected with the Class 177 Number of members at the beginning of Freshman year 141 Number subsequently admitted 36 Number of graduates no Number of non-graduates 67 STATISTICS ;i8 1 POST OFFICE ADDRESSES. James W. Abbott, 123 North Grand av., Los Angeles, Cal. Stephen G. Bailey, M.D., Custom House, Boston, Mass. Rev. Prof. Isbon T. Beckwith, Ph.D., D.D., Hartford, Conn. Charles W. Bingham, 2157 Euclid av., Cleveland, Ohio. Hon. Edward G. Bradford, Federal Building, Wilmington, Del. Rt. Rev. Chauncey B. Brewster, D.D., Hartford, Conn. Hon. John Coats, 41 Vine St., New Britain, Conn. Hon. LeBaron B. Colt, LL.D., 105 Waterman st, Providence, R. 1. Frank Cramer, 1306 Ritchie pi., Chicago, 111. Rev. S. Augustus Davenport, M.D., McMeclnn, \\ . \ a. Charles A. de Kay, 413 W. 23d st., New York City. William P. Dixon, 32 Liberty st., New York City. Cornelius DuBois, 265 Pelton av., West New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. City. Benjamin A. Fowler, Box 965, Phoenix, Ariz. J. Warren Greene, 115 Willow st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Horace A. Hicks, Spencer, Mass. Beach Hill, R. F. D. 3, Bridgeport, Conn. Henry F. Homes, 52 Broadway, New York City. Rev. Pres. Robert A. Hume, D.D., Ahmednagar, India. Jonathan Ingersoll, 212 W. 7th st., Los Angeles, Cal. Rev. Frank B. Lewis, Bozeman, Mont. John Lewis, 424 X. Oak Park av., Oak Park, 111. William A. Linn, 164 Clinton pi., Hackensack, N. J. William A. McKinney, Binghamton, N. Y. George Manierre, 112 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. D. McGregor Means, Middlebury, Vt. Rev. Elisha W. Miller, Riviera, Texas. Frank Moore, 722 N. Riverside av., St. Clair, Mich. Rev. Oliver C. Morse, Box 212, Greenlawn, N. Y. George A. Newell, 127 W. Center st., Medina, N. Y. Rev. Samuel Parry, 204 E. Main st., Somerville, N. J. Thomas W. Pierce, West Chester, Pa. Rev. Prof. Edward K. Rawson, 2137 Le Roy pi., Washington, D. C. Prof. Richard A. Rice, Washington, D. C. Thomas H. Robbins, 241 Franklin st., Colorado Springs, Colo. Frank E. Seagrave, Toledo, Ohio. Hon. Charles E. Searls, Thompson, Conn. Hon. William M. Slay, Chestertown, Md. Prof. Mase S. Southworth, Ph.D., Springfield, Mass. J. Leonard Varick, Great Northern Hotel, 118 W. 57th st., New York City. Sheldon T. Viele, 104 Richmond av., Buffalo, N. Y. Henry L. Washburn, 100 William st., New York City. John H. Webster, Variety Iron & Steel Works Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Hon. Gideon H. Welch, Torrington, Conn. Rev. T. Clayton Welles, Torresdale, Philadelphia, Pa. 3§2 THE CLASS OF 1 868, YALE COLLEGE Samuel H. Wheeler, Fairfield, Conn. Prof. H. S. Williams, Ph.D., Ithaca, N. Y. Roger B. Williams, 306 N. Cayuga st., Ithaca, N. Y. Rev. Henry C. Woodruff, Bridgeport, Conn. Prof. Henry P. Wright, 128 York st., New Haven, Conn. John F. Barnett, M.D., 34 Church st., West Haven, Conn. Halsted Boylan, M.D., 36 West Biddle st., Baltimore, Md. W. B. Bull, Chicago Club, Chicago, 111. J. A. Cake, Sunbury, Pa. Hon. A. W. Durley, Superior, Douglas Co., Wis. F. C. Hall, 22 N. Sangamon st., Chicago, 111. Hon. J. W. Hobson, 1049 Phelan Building, San Francisco, Cal. Hon. J. R. Holmes, 285 Congress pi., Pasadena, Cal. E. M. Hotchkiss, 189 Clinton av., Newark, N. J. Dr. C. A. Jacobs, 92 Columbia st., Brookline, Mass. George W. Potter, 320 North Fourth st., Burlington, Iowa. F. W. Russell, M.D., 41 19 Cedar Springs Road, Dallas, Texas. Rev. William R. Scarritt, St. Stephen's Rectory, Millidgeville, Ga. G. B. Selden, Rochester, N. Y. M. C. Simkins, 1144 Angelina st., Los Angeles, Cal. Hon. George M. Upshur, Snow Hill, Md. Rev. F. A. Warfield, Milford, Mass. B. M. Wilson, 49 Boulevard de la Reine, Versailles, France. I. B. Woodbury, 425 Delaware st., Kansas City, Mo. ■^Wr* 5^gWg UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ^§t^ X^r .-"TS^^'