The Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture Edited by G. C. Williamson VELASQUEZ THE GREAT MASTERS IN PAINTING AND SCULPTURE. The following Volumes have been issued, price ^s. net each. BERNARDINO LUINI. By George C. Williamson, Litt.D., Editor of the Series. VELASQUEZ. By R. A. M. Stevenson. ANDREA DEL SARTO. By H. Guinness. LUCA SIGNORELLL By Maud Cruttwell. RAPHAEL. By H. Strachey. CARLO CRIVELLL By G. McNeil Rushforth, M.A., Classical Lecturer, Oriel College, Oxford. CORREGGIO. By Selwyn Brinton, M. A., Author of "The Renais- sance in Italian Art." DONATELLO. By Hope Rea, Author of " Tuscan Artists." PERUGINO. By G. C. Williamson, Litt.D. In preparation. SODOMA. By the Contessa Lorenzo Priuli-Bon. MEMLINC. By W. H. James Weale, late Keeper of the National Art Library. DELLA ROBBIA. By the Marchesa Burlamacchi. EL GRECO. By Manuel B. Cossio, Litt.D., Ph.D., Director of the Musee P^dagogique, Madrid. GIORGIONE. By Herbert Cook, M.A. MICHAEL ANGELO. By Charles Holroyd, Keeper of the National Gallery of British Art. THE BROTHERS BELLINI. By S. Arthur Strong, M. A., Librarian to the House of Lords. REMBRANDT. By Malcolm Bell. Others to follow. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS VELASaUEZ BY R. A. M. STEVENSON LONDON GEORGE BELL & SONS 1900 J. CCebrfan, lb