I f , SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS ! n BRONZE SHIELD FOUND IN THE RIVER VVITHAM, THEREON THE ouTLtNK OF A HOAR, THE NATIONAL SYMBOL. Kcmbk's " Ifora Ferales," page 68. ■>i TT TT! yr f s ii -w^ Ol Some feudal Coats of flrms' AND OTHERS ILLUSTRATED WITH 2,000 ZINCO ETCHINGS PROM TKF BAYEUX TAPESTRY QREEK VASES SEALS TILES EFFIOIBS BRASSES AND HERALDIC ROLLS SOME CHART PEDIGREES JOSEPH FOSTER Hon. M.A. Oxon Author of " Alumni Oxonienses," 8 Vols. ; "The British Peerage aod Baronetage, 1880-3," a Voli. ; and many other Genealogical Works JAMES PARKER & CO. Oxford and London 1902 rk iK H"--^! A u TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT^ ■^■1 1 J M H ^^\-^ n ARMS ON TITLE PAGE. 1344 E. III. Sir Hugh Wrottesi.ev, K.G. 1369 E. III. John, 3RD Lord Neville of Raby, K.G. 1 9 137S R. II. Sir Lewis Clifford, K.G. % 13S2 R. II. Sir Bryan Statleton, K.G. Jw^ 1405 H. IV. Sir John Stanley, K.G. 1 B 1424 H. VI. John, Lord Talbot, K.G. Vi 1461 E. IV. John, sth Lord Scroi'E of Bolton, K.G. y^ 1462 E. IV. Willia.m, Lord Hastin(;s, K.G. 1472 E. IV. John, Lord Howard, K.G. .« 1472 E. IV. Walter, 6th Lord Ferrers of Chartlev, K.G. 1476 E. IV. Thomas, ist Marquis of Dorset, K.G. « J I Baskerville. C I Clifton. «pi 2 I'RIDEAUX. 2 Tukvile. JW^ 3 Pennington. 3 DVMOKE. 1 H 4 Gresley. 4 .Saltmarshe. P^^ 5 COLVILE. 5 Tempest. 4h 6 Courtenay. 6 ROKEBY. B I LUMLEY. Di Grey. P V 2 Salvin. 2 Annesley. Vi 3 Waldegrave. 3 Harington. 7WU 4 Dig BY. 4 Worsley. ■ ■ 5 Trye. 5 LiNGEN. E I Broughton. n 2 Arden. I H 3 Bkacebridge. PJI 4 Chetvvynd. «|ft] 5 Strickland. 6 Grimston. 1 1 Tlie Icltcrs denote the five rows on the lower panel, and the figures the order of k9 the shields in each. See also page .\xxiv. (KiCllAK OUNDKK O Avw II) I>E Granvii.e, !■• Nkath Abbey 1129, iBiTEii Arms. N the year 1S95 our aristocracy wns suddenly startled by what may be des- cribed as a feint on its Heraldic status, delivered in a work hailing from Scotland, entitled, too quaintly, "Armorial Families " ; its very raison d'l-tre being to the contrary, viz. the inclusion of a host of families who, on the advice of certain officers of arms, were inferentially disclaimed as non-armorial ; and who, thus being almost " made infamous by " publication would in some cases be headed to the Heraldic fold for armorial salvation. Nor were the italicized persons long left in doubt as to the meaning of the equivocal distinction conferred upon them ; they were chivalrously informed in the " Saturday Review " by X., who has not so far disclaimed identity with " the Editor " of "Armorial Families," that "one has to insult (a man) publicly in black and white before he can be induced to make the least incjuiry about the arms in question.'* TYn^ iii/Hius Dpcra/iiii oi ^' the Editor" himself was, however, reproved in its turn by the same "Saturday Review" in a weighty article entitled "The Black Book of an Amateur Herald," written, it is understood, by ^\'indsor Herald. The following are the terms of his rebuke : — "Those who decline to take steps which involve the payment of fees to professional men . . . are periodically to be described by implication as impostors. This, if done at all, should be done officially. In an amateur it is meddling ; it is a kind of scandal-mongcring." Windsor, in the same article, goes on to reprove this irregular procedure of his brother Heralds, for he thus writes : — Robert or Glolcest William, Earl of ER, c. 1147-1183. " No individual Herald or Pursuivant has any authority tc man is entitled to coat armour or not." decide whether a given English- EWEl.IVN OF Ai' \iiRWF,KTH, Prince Wales, 1214. As it is admittedly upon the authority of a Herald and a Pursuivant that the procedure, amounting to an " insult publicly in black and white," was evolved, "the Editor" and "X." .sink into the insignificance of irregular Agents of His Majesty's Office of Arms— no other official protesting against these dis- credited devices. These unchivalrous and apparently unwarranted proceedings provided just the necessary incentive to commence a long-cherished design to produce an Armorial which should give the authority for each coat. The compilation of this work from original sources has involved several years' unremitting applica- tion ; the mere accumulation and classification of the various Heraldic Rolls, Visitations, and Manuscripts constituting a most arduous and almost a forbidding task, single-handed. The Heralds having sold practically all their ancient manuscripts or copies of them, I hope ultimately to complete from the unrivalled Heraldic MS. authorities (wholly outside the College of Arms) in the FJriti,>h * P"or strictures on this procedure see — (1) "The Black Book of an Amateur Herald," Satiirjciy Ki-'ic7t\ February 25, iSgg : (2) " Arms and the Gentleman," Conianpoyary Review, August iSgg ; (3) •• Order Arms." the M'or/d, .•\ugust 16, iSgg-. and (4) "A Reformed College of Arms," the Coiile??!/'oraiy /\'tvuu\ July igoo. 253108 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF AR:\I S. — PREFACE. Museum, the Bodleian Library, and the Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge * a trustworthy account of the arms of those families who have borne them (i) by ancient user since Feudal times, that age of Chivalry, long anterior to a Heralds' College ; (2) by ancient grant or other right heraldic ; extending it (3) to those men of family and to county gentry who bear arms by a user of three genera- tions, giving them, as in Ireland, a prescriptive ownership, providing it does not conflict with any pre-existing rights. With some sense of satisfaction, though of shortcoming withal, I now in all modesty place the first instalment of my labours in the domain of Heraldry ■ before the Student and Man of Family under the title of "Some Feudal Coats of Arms," together with some preliminary sheets relating (i) to " Men of Coat Armour, their Bearings and Badges," from ancient and modern examples, and (2) to "Ancestral Families," which will be issued under counties, or groups of counties, of which Yorkshire (see page 240) will be the first, rather than under a single alphabet as originally intended. "Some Feudal Coats of Arms " is primarily a collection, from the Heraldic Rolls, of the names, with the personal insignia displayed on their banners or vestments, of the combatants at the battle of Falkirk, 1 298, and at the siege of Carlaverock, 1300, at the tournaments of Dunstable in 1308 and 1334, at the battle of Boroughbridge, 1322, or at the siege of Calais, 1345-8, and before Rouen, 14 18. With these have been incorporated the names and blasons in the so-called Heraldic Rolls or Lists, some of which I have re-named (ftc pages xxx, xxxi), concluding with the Arundel or Military Roll, emblasoned circa Hen. VL How far these Heraldic Rolls or Lists were compiled from originals and added to by Heralds or Herald-painters of later date must remain a moot point. Of those which are generally accepted as contemporary with the persons whose arms are blasoned therein I may at least refer to the Military Rolls before mentioned, 1298-1418. The copy of the Dering Roll, which is considered to be the earliest of the Rolls assigned to the reign of Hen. HL, agrees to a remarkable extent with the Howard or Planche Roll. The Ashmole copy of this same Dering Roll, No. 11 20, made by that notorious Elizabethan Herald Ralfe Brooke (when Rouge Cross, 1580-93), is by him recklessly described as "the names and amies of those Knightes as weare w' Kinge Richard the firsteat the assigge of Aeon or Acres," 1191 (see Black's Ashmolean Catalogue), another noteworthy instance, I am afraid, of the malpractices displayed by the officious Elizabethan Heralds, secure in their re-incorporation of 1555. For the con- venience of the student I have distinguished the majority of these " Dering " blasons by a double dagger, | ; and those interested in the Roll will find a short article thereon in the " Reliquary," vol. xvi. p. 135. Probably the most interesting of the series. Historically and Heraldically, is the Boroughbridge Roll (1322), long in the possession of the family of Colonel Williams-Wynn, of Coed-y-Maen, to whom I am gratefully indebted for permission to reproduce the examples on pages xxvi, xxviii, and so also, in the case of the Camden Roll (page xxix) I am similarly indebted to the distinguished Director of the British Museum, whose cosmopolitan encouragement of the rejiroduction of object lessons from the vast storehouse under his guidance and control is as highly esteemed as, indeed, it is essential to our progress. The student and Man of Family will no doubt be further interested in the accom- panying expert tracings, as well as in the facsimile of the Boroughbridge Roll and * It is notorious tliat, though Camljridge University accepted the authority of the Heralds on their Visitations, at Oxford they were shown to the door. See Oxford Visitations 1574, 1634, Ilarleian Society edition — preface by Turner. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS.— PREFACE. Knci.and, K. I. [.BERT iiR Clare, the Red Earl OF Gloucester, 1290. Dk Mohun. Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, 26 E. in., 1352-3. De Roos. the corresponding reading taken from the appendix to "the ParHamentary Writs." As is the case nowadays their compilers are to be caught tripping — in the Borough- hridge Roll the arms of Sir Edmond and Sir Geoffrey Cornwall are correctly assigned to them, but the same arms are also ascribed, though erroneously, to Sir Edmond and Sir (leoffrey Curteny, as in the facsimile, page xxviii. Other slips have been detected in the Falkirk and .Carlaverock Rolls, even the simple coat, De Vere was a notable stumbling-block to the early armorists. A volume of facsimiles of these Rolls which have all been edited and printed, some many a time and oft (the Parliamentary Roll half a dozen times), would be more welcome to the Heraldic student who is unable to consult the originals than a nrhauffce, on modern-antique lines, with which we seem to be threatened. In addition to the Roll authority for each coat, the Christian as well as the Surname of its original holder is here given, information not to be found in any of the printed Books of Arms ; the blasons and tricks of the various Rolls have been collated and the whole alphabetically arranged, as in my other works. The voracious hack-editor of kindred works will doubtless calmly appropriate, " out and out," for any new edition of his armoury what I have arranged at infinite pains, in precisely the same way as all the original matter in my Peerage, and more especially in my Baronetage of 1880, was apjiropriated in 1S81 and later years, and that without a breath of acknowledgment, unsuspected and therefore unnoticed by their reviewers and the public. Annotation or identification was no part of my original plan in producing a series of blasons referring for the most part to well-known persons of ancient repute, the identity of whose coat armour has hitherto been carefully tsbscured in the published armouries, in perpetuation of the occult— and the inexact. In order to minimise repetition it will be noticed that I have combined under their respective names those who are named at Falkirk, 1298, and at Carlaverock, 1300, and those who sealed the celebrated Letter from the Barons to the Pope, 1301, which will be found at pages xxiv, xxv. Those who accompanied Prince FMward (E. I.) in the last of the crusades, 1269-70, are distinguished with a cross, t : the Dering Roll (±), which is (sceptically) said to refer to the siege of Acre, 1 191. has already been mentioned. The asterisk denotes those whose descendants are singled out by Mr. Shirley in '' Noble and Gentle Men of England," and those (Shirley) names whose ancestors do not occur in these Rolls are included in square brackets, so *[ ] Shirley. For any who wish to annotate further much valuable information may be readily found in (1) the alphabetical section of the "Parliamentary Writs," by F. T. Palgrave, and in (2) the "Seals in the British Museum," published by the Trustees, under the editorship of Dr. de Gray Birch. As " Hungry time hath made a glutton's meal on this Catalogue of Gen'.ry '' I have compiled, for ready reference, a somewhat tentative list of those named Sir IIi'i;ii lk Uesi'enckk, I!k.ueaiii 20 Nov., 1326. Sir Wii.i DE MoKriMER, lAM LA ZOUCHF. 3 E. III., 1329 1330 Sir kAi.rii he Montmermer. 1325. Sir Kocer Daviory, Sir Joii.n \"Kris. 1317. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl SOME FEUDAL COATS OF AR.MS.-PREFACE. on the Rolls who are still represented in the male line. These families are in very deed the Ancienm: Nobli:ssc of this realm. See paije xxxiv. Perhaps more remarkable still is the exhaustion of the lineal descendants of the Knights of the Garter, for of all those (about 270) created before the reign of Henry VIII. only 13 are now represented in direct male descent. (1) Lord Wrottesley represents .Sir Huijh Wrottesley, a fimiifler, 1344 ; a unique dislinction. (2) M.irtjuis of Abergavenny, K.CI., represents John, Lr)r(l Neville, of Rahy, 1369. (3) Lord Clifford of Chudleigh represents Sir Lewis Clifford, 1378. (4) Kev. Robert Myles Stai:i\'ltoii, Rector of Lolworth, represents .Sir ISryan .Stapluton, 13S2. (5) The Earl of Derby, K.G., represents Sir John Stanley, 1405. (6) The Earl of .Shrevvsburj- represents John, Lord Talbot, 1424 ( 1st Earl of Shrewsbury). (7) Simon Convers .Scrope of Danby represents John, 5th Lord -Scrope of liolton. 1461. (8) The Earl of Huntingdon rcj^resenrs William, Lord Hastings. 1462. (g) The Duke of Norfolk, K.G., represents John, Lord Howard, 1472 (ist Duke of Norfolk). (10) The \'iscoum Hereford represents Walter, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, 1472. (ti) The Earl of Stamford represents Thomas, jNIarquis of Dorset, 1476. (The arms of their knightly ancestors will be found on the title page to this work.) (12) The Duke of Reaufort (c. 1490) and {13) the Duke of Leinster (1504) represent the creations of Henry \'H. The earliest of those genuine Monumental Effigies and l)ras<:es on which coat armour is displayed are some of the most striking Heraldic evidences in the country. Their importance is such that I have not hesitated to include cupies of all the illustrations that I have seen, giving the authority for each. Excellent rubbings can be consulted in the Department of MSS. in the British Museum. My interest in the art s'de of Heraldry (so little appreciated), derived to some extent from my relative, the late Birket Foster, has led me critically to investigate and examine, for the best examples, a host of Heraldic M.S.S. in the British Museum, which contain the work of the older Herald painters ; and I trust that my critics and supporters will agree that my labour has not been in vain ; indeed, I shall be well pleased if this work but afford a starting point for luture en(iuirers. How often, alas ! has a manuscript suffered by its change of owner, extjuisite tricks all but obliterated by the coarsest daubs of colouring, so much so, that the>ordinary consultation of a MS. for aught liut the art-Heraldic woul?<:^y^.5tJl^^^ DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLHS OF EARLY HltRALDIC SEALS (on the oitositk pace) From thk British Museum Catalogue, by Dr. Birch. 1. IIf.nkY DF. AUDITHEl.F.GA, (if Cll'lt^l .iiry in Wiston, S.ilcip, Knighl c. 1233 -fi;t/y, on a (anton across palla. »SIGILLVM : HENRICI : DE AldIt E. C.it.ni Charter, xi. 38. [7017.] 2. Thomas \-v. Bollesdune [i3ih century]— «> /tf;c«ft'i, //;«<;, rttw a«i/<;w. *SIGILLVIV1 TOMAS DE • BOLLESDVNE. [7576.] 3. Margkky he Crei;, widow, of Hixton, Suftolk, \2'&0—i]narlerlY 12 yoiDuiU-s in prle, ,<■;■,•,■ all a bend. ■ SIGILLVM : MARG , . E DE C . EC. St.nve Clmter, 30S. [9063.] 4. .Simon Dehene [i2tli CfnlinyJ -/}W/>—tIiout;h perhaps /,r/(7/,/r' ///)' (/i/.v /raz/evji-, Kvekfi'x of Normandy. . . . ILLVM AlMAR. No. 6 counter- ■seal same arms. *SEGRETUM • A ■ COMITIS GLOVERNIE. Harleian Charter, 45 c. 2S. [9538.] 7. William de Filgeriis, 1200 -« bend hcHvccn Hco estoiks of scrfii /oinis wot^v piurrd^ the shield diapre foutjere. Harleian Charter, 52 A. 15. [9701.] S iV to. RoHERius /(/. 1), Will de Ferrariis : Koiiert de Feki'EKs, ,Sth Earl of Derhy 1254- 1 27S — ?'„;>. «ROBS ■ FIL' • ET ■ HERES ■ DNl ■ WILLI DE FEkRAK' ■ QODA' ■ COMITIS ■ DERBEYE. N... 10 countcrseal same arms. *SIGILLVM ROBERTI DE (FERRAR)IIS COMITIS DERBEYE. Ad- ditional Charter, 20, 459. [5908,] 9, Simon de Ky.ma, of co. Line. lemp. John — a chevron hcl-oeen three estoiks, in base a ereuenl. * SIGILL IS . .' . MA. Harleian Charter, 52 G. 42. [11,154. | 11. Roger de Lasci, coiinterseal. See No. 13. 12. Rii.HARD HE Waken [late I2lh cent.]— /-cw Ivons passanl ^ordant in pale. + SIGILLVM RICARDI DE WAREN. Cutt..n Charter, xvi.-g .\. [14,270.] 13. Roge;< ue Lasci, Con^l.dile .4 Chester 1179-12U— s<^^y5;^<^>v°>5<^*S<^ig^^ SOME EARLY ENGLISH SEALS. HERAl.niC INTRODt'CTION-GREEK VASE, WITH DEVICE. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS— HERALDIC INTRODUCTION. Here Guy seized Harold. After the Baycux Tapestry. ADOMAR UK \aLEN"CE. UO^ER BlGOD. HERALDIC INTRODUCTION. (With Ilhistrations of the Seals of the Barotts, 1 300- 1.) CONFUSION of the symbols and devices of the ancients with Heraldry as an exact system has led to much aimless discussion as to its origin and history, and also to much vague theory, as if, forsooth, Heraldry were really an occult science. Surely in the nature-worshipper we detect the Heraldic protoplasm, the primeval king of arms. He it was who painted the object of his veneration on his skin as a charm against the evil one when at peace, and on his shield in defence of his person when at war ; the presence or \Yhereabouts of his chieftain or tribal head he distinguished by a standard, ensign, or banner, as all writers testify, from Moses downwards ; in this simple statement may not the Heraldic prototype be surely discerned ? Further down the ages it may well have been the bards of every clime who handed down in turn these mystic emblems in their own weird way, inventing as they went the almost forgotten chimera and other monstrosities which were to strike terror into the hearts of the adversary. Later still, the vases of the Greeks (550, 500 B.C.) are eloquent in examples of the Hellenic equivalent of our Heraldic system. Some of these, by consent of Sir E. Maunde Thompson, Director, I am permitted to reproduce from the Illustrated Catalogue of Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum, edited by H. B. Walters, M.A. ;,they may be thus described : — (1) Vase — represenlation of Heracles and Gerj'on, who bears on his shield an eagle or other bird displayed — two examples, pp. xiv, xxxvii. (2) Vase — representation of .Achilles lying in wait for Troilos beyond the fountain, on his shield, 2 lyons gardant [the edge of the shield foreshadowing the bordure of later times], p. xxxvii. (3) Vafe — " Caeretan " Hydria, found in a tomb which belongs at the latest to the end of the sixth century B.C. Representation of four warriors in combat. On the shield of one, a demi-boar salient, p. xxiii. See also enlargement, p. xxiii. (4) Vase — representation of combat of Heracles and Kyknos. On the extreme right is Ares thrusiing with a spear, bearded, helmet, visor up, a Bceotian shield black, on a white roundle, a star of twelve points in black and purple, all between two white lyons rampant regardant, p. xxxvi. Ed.m. ue Morti.mer. Rob. FiTZ Walier. JoH.N, Earl of Warren and Surrey. Richard. Eakl of Arundell. THE BARONS' SEALS, 1300-1301. Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, Leicester, and Ferrers. Henry of Lancaster, Lord of Monmouth. Ralph de Monthermer, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford. Guy de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. Humphrey de BohijN, Earl of Hereford and Essex. John de St, John, of Hanak. Seal not known. Used by John de Hastings, Lord de Bergaveny. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS— HERALDIC INTRODUCTION. William de Braosb, Lord of Gower. Hugh de Verb. Robert de Monhaut. Robert de Tateshal. Passing over the ^?/aj-/- Heraldic aspect which some attribute to Totems and other personal distinctions so commonly employed among nations of imperfect civilisation, I may instance the usage of the Celtic tribes of Gaul and Britain who carried symbols or badges on their shields. Their national symbol — the boar — occurs on one such shield, found in the river Witham (see Frontispiece), and dates from the beginning of our era, see " Archaeologia," xxiii. 95. The symbols of the Normans, at the Conquest, represented in the much- debated Bayeux Tapestry next claim our notice. Mr. Fowke, the latest historian of the Tapestry, recites at length the opinions of Bolton Corney, M. Thierry, Dr. Lingard, Mr. Freeman, and many others, with whom he agrees in regarding it as a contemporary work, but in no way associated with Queen Matilda, though probably made under the orders of Bishop Odo by Norman workpeople at Bayeux for their church of Bayeux.* Of its pre-heraldic devices, represented in the Headpieces of this work, I may, perhaps, be allowed to quote Mr. Fowke's own words : — " As a nearer approach is made to the ages of Chivalry the realistic representations of natural objects give place to those of geometrical figures which were soon systematized as ordinaries, whilst the animals assume the more conventional form in which they were subse- quently borne. Thus the place of the wild beasts is taken by crosses, roundles, or besants, interlacing bands, and simple tinctures, and this stage is most clearly shown in the tapestry*. We do not here find any particular or distinguished person represented twice as bearing the same device (' Archjeologia,' xix. 188), and we must therefore conclude that they are not intended to represent the arms of any individual, or only in some cases and that appropriately, but their representation at all, of course, implies the existence of a system of bearings by which the wearer was known. And this we gather also from Wace, who says — ' E tuit event fet cognoissances Ki Norman alter conust El ke I'autre portuer neuet.* These were cognizances to distinguish one Norman from another, and no man dared to use another's — showing that the assum[ tion of arms was not the subject of mere caprice. "The flags which are shown in the tapestry are of two kinds, the Gonfanon and the Pennon, and liy them is the rank of the bearer determined. Wace tells us — • Li barons ourent gonfanons, Li chevaliers ourent penons. The Gonfanon was a peculiar standard, generally borne near the person of the commander-in- chief ; such an one occurs thrice in the tapestry, and is invariably Argent, a cross or, in a bordure azure." Of 39 ensigns " no less than 30 are triparted, a style of ornament very prevalent with Christian warriors of that period, and considered by Mr. French as emblematic of the Blessed Trinity, and in these points he sees the germ of the pile, a bearing of much disputed origin." * See The Bayeux Tapestry: a Description and History, by Frank Rede Fowke, first published by the Arundel Society in 1875, under the sanction of the Science and Art Depart- ment of the Committee of the Council on Education, and secondly by George Bell & Sons in 1897. Henry de Grey. Hugo Bardolf. Robert de Tonl William de Ros. Reginald de Grey. THE BARONS' SEALS, 1300-1301 Feter Corbet. William le Marshal. Thomas de kurnival. Almakil ije St. Amand. William de Ferrers. Sir William de Cantilupe. Theobald de Verdon. John de Segrave. ffnvkm William le Latimer. Philip de Kyme. Alan la Souche. Ralph de Nevile. FuLKE de Fit7. Warren. John Fitz Reginald. Roger Mortimer. Thomas de Moultox. Edmund de Eyncourt. John de Beauciiamp. Brian I'"itz Alan. John de Mohun. Thomas de Berkki.e. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS— HERALDIC INTRODUCTION. XIX Henry Teiheis. Henry de Tregoz. John de Lancaster. Walter ue Fauconberge. Robert Fitz Fayne. Walter de Huntercombe. Roger le Strange, OF Ellesmere. William Martyn. With the spread of Feudalism, then, came the introduction of the hnear or geometrical, and from the imaginary per pale, per fess, per chevron, per saltire, &c., would naturally be evolved, the pale, the fess, the chevron, the saltire.* Out of this fortuitous combination of some of the elements of Euclid with the objects of the nature-worshipper, sprang that system we call Heraldry. Although there is evidence that Heraldic bearings were assuming a definite form in the reign of Stephen (ii35-54)t it is not a little remarkable that Richard I. is the first English king who is known to have adopted an heraldic bearing. On his great seal (1189) he bore the two lyons for the Duchies of Normandy and of Poictou or Maine. In his second great seal (ii98)i he added a third lyon for the Duchy of Aquitainc, or, as some say, for Anjou ; this has since been our national arms of dominion ; according to Sir Henry Spelman (" Aspilogia,"page 67), the earlier kings of England had marks and tokens painted on their shields, which they altered at pleasure. In this connection it would be interesting to know on what authority, if any, Brooke, York Herald, described the Dering Roll as " the names and armes of those Knightes as weare w*- Kinge Richard the firste at the assigge of Aeon or Acres," 1191 (Ashmole MS. 11 20). Early instances of these symbols or badges are generally found on standards or banners, and it is worthy of note that in the Crusade of (2 and 3 R. i.) 1191, Richard "had a standard of y^ Dragon which he delivered to Peter de Prcaus to beare notwithstanding y' Robert Trusbut chalenged y' carrying thereof as his hereditary right" (Ro. Hoveden, fo. 397, n. 10). " These symbols or badges were not only borne on shields, but were also paynted on silken surcotes worne over their shirts of mail " (and also upon the caparisons of their horses). See the Arundel or Militarj- Roll and seals. " But these surcotes of silke, being at firste made wide and girt close to them at ye waist, did, by reason of their pleates, oftimes confound the marks so paynted on them, which being discerned they were afterwards made straight and plaine, so that ye same marks which stood eminently to be seen on the shield was also as visible on the surcole both before and behind, and being thus depicted on them gave ye first occasion of calling them cotes of armes" (Stowe WS. 662, fo. 16). Does not this defect of the early "pleates" supply a cue to the origin of many of the variations in Heraldry ? The appearance of a plain fess or a plain bend on a standard would vary, according to the point of view or the strength of the breeze, from different directions ; it might suggest, even if it did not appear as, undee, wavy, or dancettee ; add to this the proclivities of each arms painter, or the momentary illusion of, say, an engrele for a lozenge, fusil, dancct, * ^^^ zX%o Antiquities (if Hernldty, by W. Smith Ellis, and "Heraldry, its Laws and its Humours," by Jane MacNeal, Afiiiisey'i Magazine, September 1901. t GeofCrey .Slandeville, by J. IL Round, Appendix A, pp. 38S-396. % Richard the First's change of Seal, see Fi-iidal £/,\-;/an(/, by J. H. Round, page 545. Richaku Talbot. John de BouTot.'RT, Thomas de ChawC'Rth. John le Stkance, oi- Knockyn, Simon de Montacute. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS-HERALDIC INTRODUCTION. Rob. de Scales. Nicholas Poynz. John de Suleye. Robert ue la Wakd. John de Molis. BOGO ME KnoVILE. JOH.N LuVELL. indent, and even a mascle, and their evolution therefrom may be readily accounted for. In Cole's copy of the Parliamentary Roll occurs the ominous note of warning, " Take Hede of his wordes endented and engrayled, and examine such cotes with older Presydents." Nor must we omit to mention the cross nioline, patonce, pati5e and flory, which are often confused, or imperfectly drawn, by the Herald-painter. So with the cross moline, cercelle and recercellc, which are equally confounded in blason and in trick ; even crosses crosslet are often drawn as crosses botonnee in early tricks, probably because it was easier so to do. In a less degree the bend, bendlet or baston, the quarter and the canton, fret and fretty, flory and florettee, often represent the caprice or indifference of the Herald or the Herald-painter of each particular roll. So, too, whether a mullet had 5 or 6 points, pierced or not, whether a label had 3 or 5 pendants ; and yet the theory has gone forth that the label of three denotes a son, and that a label of five denotes a grandson. Perhaps a more interesting feature of these early Rolls is the quaint Norman- French blason ; I specially except such illiterate jargon as obtained under the Gartership of the two Dethicks, and of some succeeding kings-of-arms. The rising generation of Heraldic editors, whether of a Family Armorial or of a County History, hardly seem to justify the "out-of-the-mouthsof-babes-and- sucklings " theory by their eagerness to adopt in lieu of universally recognized formula the A-B-C of the "Accedens of Armoury." With equal intelligence might they rehabilitate the author of " Little Jack Horner," and present him to their admirers as the superior of Rudyard Kipling.* But, to be serious, who will solve the blasons of Berkeley and Cromwell in the Boroughbridge Roll (see facsimile and type, pp. xxvi, xxvii), or explain the " wyfers," which occur not only in the arms of Benhale and of Crek, but also in the arms of Sir Edmond de Mauley ; for Meyrick, in the " Archsologia," vol. xxxi. page 247, unable to resist a thrust at the expense of the Heralds and their College, supposes them to be vipers' nests ? " Tertoleres " in Criel, " voyderis anabeles " in Dolerd, " p'my " in Constable, Dacre and Raynsford, "amptie" in Wellesby, or the " temoyles," "feuilles," " mailles," &c., of Bosville, are also curiosities in their way and wonh consideration. The " und^e en lung" of the Boroughbridge Roll and "ounde de longe" of Jenyns' Roll seem to have bifurcated and become sometimes palets iiebulee, and at others the modern emasculate wavy, in lieu of tlie bold undulating Hnes of the old tricks. In this connection the blason of Theobald de Valoines suggests further complications. The " chevron et demi," of Strecche — " une barre et demi " of Twyford, and " une fees et demi " of Pipard, suggest the accommo- dation of the size of a repetition of charges to artistic effect, 2 chevrons or 2 bars to be equal to i \. * See " Archx'ological Nomenclature," Literature, Nos. 194, 5, 6, July 6, 13, 20 (1901). Rali'h Fitz William. William Paynell. Eustace de Hacche. WaI TF.l; 1)K bLAUCHAMP. John de IIavekinu. Wali'ER de Teve. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS— HERALDIC INTRODUCTION. Nicholas de Carew. FuLKE LE Strange. Walter de Mouxcy. Thomas de la Roche. John le Bretoun'. John de Hodleston. Hesketh (Bart.) assumed Fytton. Leigh assumed Lymme. Lumley (E. Scarborough) assumed Thwenge. Prideaux assumed Orcharton. Stanley (E. Derby) assumed Bamville. Wallop (E. Portsmouth) assumed Barton. Wrottesley (E.) assumed Basset. An early instance of a quarterly coat occurs in the Falkirk Roll, 1298 ; the coat of Sir Simon de Montagu quartered with Monthermer, which may be con- sidered coeval with the oft-quoted coat of Castile quarterly with Leon, borne by Eleanor, Queen of Edward l, who died in 1296. The last point to which I will here refer is the ancient practice of adopting the arms, though not the name, of an heiress, and with the further object of drawing attention to this interesting point I append the few instances that occur to me of old families who do not bear the arms of their original paternal family : Abney assumed Ingwardby ; disallowed to I Harpur (Bart. ) assumed Rushall. Lord Mayor Abney (1 701), Harl. MS. 6179, f^- 66. Congreve assumed Campion. Coles assumed Knightley. Croke assumed Blount. (Croke claims male descent from Blount.) Fleming assumed Hudleston. Contemporary with the early Rolls of Arms are the Seals of the Barons who signed and sealed the famous letter to the Pope (12 Feb. 1 300-1) on his pre- tensions to the crown of Scotland. These hundred seals present the earliest and most authentic evidence of the armorials used by the Barons of England in the fourteenth century, or perhaps in the thirteenth century. From the plaster casts in the British Museum it would seem as if many of the seals had been engraved by the same man for the very purpose of this sealing ; that used by John de Hastings, lord de Bergavenny, is supposed to be hypothetical, or perhaps a very early example of the fictitious in Heraldry ; that of Brian FitzAIan is not heraldic, and that of John de Botetourt is of the nature of a badge or heraldic emblem, while Edmond de Hastings evidently adopted for the occasion the terri- torial or baronial arms (?) of Drummond, encircling them with a Hastings legend. As will be seen on reference to the engravings the majority of the shields are of the triangular or heater shape. William de Paynell affords the earliest example of arms on a lozenge, and Robert FitzPayne bore his arms on an oval shield. On fourteen seals, those to whom they belonged are represented on horseback in complete armour, but only three of them — namely, Thomas Plantagenet, Earl of Lancaster ; Ralph de Monthermer, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford ; and John de St. John — are represented as bearing crests on their helmets. The first named was of the blood royal ; the second married Joan, the King's daughter, widow of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, &c ; the last named, John de St. John, had distinguished himself in the wars of Gascony, France, and Scotland, and was therefore in high military repute. From this fact supposed that the bearing of a crest on a helmet was originally limited those connected with the blood royal, or of the highest military renown, and was in effect the precursor of a much greater honour, eventuating in the Order of the Garter itself. See the ' Archaeologia." Roger de Uuntingfeld. Hugh Pirz Henry. John Fitz Marmaduke. Mathew Fitz John. Edmund Hastings. Ralph de Grendon. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS— HERALDIC INTRODUCTION. Robert Hasstano. Henry de Tynkeny. John de Kingeston. \Vill;am ue Leyburn. OHN de (jREVSTOK. Will. Touc-het. "These great commanders in the wars in France and Scotland, who held of the King in capite, had numerous tenants who served under them, and, for the regular marshalling of their marks and badges, had each a peculiar Herald to see that each (tenant) had a full and clear distinction from the other. These heralds had their titles either from some of the great seigniories belonging to the crown or from those unto whom they were retained." See also the "Com- plete Peerage," by G. E. C., vol. ii. p. 270, note h. Notwithstanding these precautions some heraldic improprieties seem to have occurred subsequent to the battle of Agincourt, for in 5 Hen. v. it was pro- claimed that " all such who had taken ye liberty of wearing cotes of amies in any former expedition where neither they nor their ancestors had ever used any were thenceforth prohibited y" farther enjoyment of them unless they could produce a title thereto by Grant from some person who had authority for that purpose, excepting those only who had been with that warlike King in battell of Agin- court (1415), did then bear them in that memorable service." Close Roll 5 H. V. (141 7), in dorso m. 15. This brings us within measurable distance of that ill-starred incorporation of the Heralds' College by Richard in., six months after he was crowned. The King gave the Heralds a sometime royal residence, Pulteney Inn or Cold Harbore in Thames Street, built by Lord Mayor Pulteney, temp. E. 111. Hardly was the incorporation complete, when Garter Writhe attempted to deprive his brother officers of the advantages of the Royal gift by claiming the house as personal to himself. As a result he resigned his Garter-ship January 4, 14S4-5, and the property once more reverted to the Crown. The battle ot Bosworth sealed the fate of the Heralds as a Corporation, until the reign of Philip and Mary, when it was re-incorporated, July 18, 1555. But this iiiteiregnum Rxiled to allay the spirit of strife inaugurated by Writhe, engendered of personal gain at the expense of his fellows, a spirit which cannot be said to have become extinct. In "Ancestral Families" I shall incidentally show from the more ancient MSS. in the British Museum that the History of official Heraldry is written and embodied in the petty commercial jealousies of the Heralds, in their utter lack of esprit de corps, as pro\ed by the sale of their records, and in their unscrupulous Heraldic and genealogical work, which seems to have culminated at that time in the person and name of Lee, Clarenceux King of Arms, to whom, according to Segar, Queen Elizabeth said, that " if he proved no better " than his predecessor Clarenceux Cooke, " y' made no matter yf hee were hanged," such is the Heraldry of history, and alas ! the Heraldry of to-day.* * C,)i,-(i!,'gis/ [N.S.], xi. 63 ; the Conlcmporntj Review, No. 404, p. 258, August 1S99. Tkick tkmf. II Nicholas ul Meynil. John I'av.nkli..' Harl. MS. 2169, fo. 591^. g^^^g^^^s*^>g*^g^^>y^i^t^>gt^»g^^^gt^>g^^^- THE BARONS' LETTER TO THE POPE 1300 1301. ^Sl < ^ ^ I ^^^^^:ss kkkkkkkkkkkikkkki n ■^*- gf^ vv^*?^! '■^ :x ■oi w ' , ii \ v.- f i .'V -oJitiW V'^'S &^ «Hn^ fc?:c..j 'wf '^^ ij, <^- \ 3H> W^jM ^tsc rayani '■^ ^MU sr^JIt f' '.i^. rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT kkkkkkkkkkkkkkku THE READING OF FACSIMILE PAGE OPPOSITE Parliamentary Writs, Vol. 2, Div. II. p. 197. Sir ll'ifi dc Saunford q^'rtile endente dazure t dermyne. Sire Mayeu dc Basinglnnirne q'rtile dor \ de gut oue qatre cres.sauntz de !un 't lautre. Sire Richard de Egebastotoi dargent oue j. lyoun de .sable j. bastoun j. qntfoil dermyne. Sire Richard de Alundeville dazur frettee dor oue j. label de gut. S\re./oh?i de Cromlnvclle queynty dargent frettee de ses armes dermyne. Sire Richard Chamtnoun de gut oue une saut' de veer bilettee dor. Sire Richard de Mouncanesy dargent oue j. cheueroun 1; iii. billettes dazur. Sire Richard de Croinbivell dargent oue le chief de goules oue j. bastoun gobune dor 't dazur. Sire Roger de Clifford Baneret eschekere dor T; dazur oue j. fesse de gut. Sire Thorn IVake de Blithesworthe dargent oue ij. barres de gut oue iij. pelotz de gut en chief, oue un bordure endente de sable. Sire Symoun de Bereford Aaxgeni oue iij. flurs de liz de sable poudre de croiseletz potente dt sable oue la bordure endente de gut. Sire /ohn de Hardeshulle dargent oue j. cheueroun de sable poudree des inles de gut. Sire Robt de Morle dargent oue j. lyoun de sable coronee dor. Sire Anketyn Salveyn dargent oue j. cheueroun de gout iij. testes de sengler de gut. Sire Richard de Perers q'rtile dargent T: de sable oue j. niolet de gout. Snt John de Etiyle de gut oue j. lyoun dargent flurettee dargent. Sire Wi^ Trussel dargent oue j. croiz [pate] flurette de gut. Sire/ohn de Bavent dargent oue j. cheueroun de gut oue la bordur de sable besauntc de or. Sire Ricliard de Houland dazur oue j. leopard dargent poudree des escalopes. Sire Wit. Latymer Bochard les armes I.atymer oue j. label de sable oue j. merlot dargent. Sire Robt Dufford de sable * eng'ele dor. Sire Berth Datielers dargent oue iij. escuchuns de gut. Sire Berth de ffanaucourt de sable oue j. croiz patee dargent la bordure endentee dor. Sire Wit Latymer Baneret de gut oue la croiz pate dor. Sire Win Hamvard de gut oue j. bende dargent croiselee dargent. Sire Thoih Buchard de gut oue j. label de sable. Sire Gyles de Beauchamp de gut oue j. fesse vj. rnles dor la bordure endente dargent Sire Waryn de Latymer de gut oue la croiz patee dor oue les manches de gut. Le Seign de LLasting dor la maunche de gut. Sire Robt de Daltoii dazur oue j. lypard dargent poudree des croiseletz dor. Sire Htiiy de Turpinton dargent oue j. bende de sable oue liij. moles dor oue iij.coutys de sable oue j. escuchoun les armes le Mortym. Sire Thorn Bouttour oue j. saut' de sable eng'elee oue j. label de gut. Sire Geff'r Hauteville de sable oue j. lyoun dargent croiselee dargent. Sire Thorn de Berkele de gut queyntee de la mermounde. Sire Adam de Hodeleston de gout frettee dargent oue j. label dazur. Jok'n de Latymer de gout oue la croiz patee dor oue j. label de ff'unce. SiK/ohn de Maufvers de sable frettee dor label dargent. Sir Wii de Wytfeld de sable oue j. bend eng'ele dor. fTTTTTTffTTTTTfTTT FACSIMILE OF A TRACING PROM THE BOROUGHBRIDGE ROLL (1322). I \j \^ \j \j'\.i \j\j\^\.»\j\f\^'\^\j\j\ iktSegii^ or^i^fl^C^i^rV ^^0"^oufr IJP cjcitdf^im . n^ .-toy Sn^ . ■(V»K j^^^ ^ ci'aviieQn'=593«»f- ''"'^ /p3 wg^ "Box . ■ ^(J^macrSfe ^ori3^eiii[^>^?t ysCR Jne T W^Sb C8v5"cntrr tyoiACy ^VS^ne • ar(^»f*n,^ ©mciiilffe, 9>^(oiic^/PQiMftt 8t(ya^ (t-wl -moll; aSf^aii- • or or ar r(5; FACSIMILE OF A TRACING FROM THE CAMDEN ROLL, TEMP. E. /. c9 unfire(£ruyCe^!<)cf)c£9:&V2fatcfqntelc^: fCc^jlCB'! nnUbclJ^^ur- trj an arc bdrtbor K Cutcc IcCcii fiq? a C«uf biirr«8 oe gnilcs ■ cT? U11 firc uobV ccaj^^cimXcfcu K ^Ucft EiccuCbarceCuerra' i:a;un- ^c^mr «; tin Ore Mu>> cejctfentmtlcleftiicfqrcelc Jci 't&J?ur'4unlcuntclcde«t»giU£s oj unfit-c (feilt'te faces lefcu vcrre Jtj: t iJC^cles 06 u bcj2&ut^ Jemble ob icf €et%t^ «) un fire ^.c^ niaicfnq^nClcctii «^^t«g aimf Tnt:pnf cacirenr a> unftre ^ol>r<»'a>iinf«5le(cu bcntci^ir^xui-auntabel^gia^- «) un are l&iU'b4t>ouf lefcu J«?ur' atrciC qnte foilcg ctt;. rt} un Cireio7?n eeteni)i6jf leCat «»J oMeC entente Sd^rur cy t\n fireteLan(jcl> Rftu iar^etirob tm^fGCTc ^efableatrerf eftataE^ecfabtc- ^ nnrtrc «^tn'2e&;ra«{h)ntcfmZ92aim^d^cttunree^lcro5k>q^rrV^lf'a^^^^^^^^ o) «n C«-e ^otic 2Sla (6dr& lefcu l?crr e JargcS /f tc Cable. _ dtT C^u(5at<> leCcu oefabic oa unea-oi; bdrg-enr flq:e^ c>r un ftreTtoQn'C»J/,^ketioie'lefcu cca^ur o6tt-etfd;ciiunVdt#a unlabel «>:. ^y un Cue J« ^'cv lefcu barreeatur t lar^cnt • ^ un Cire {&alran fcea)uncelf lefat^arycr db unebcnceccGabler- a) tinfirc aiill/gTanf>^n lefcu,m?ur^oMfCifinoletks io^v C H>i« sarnie mcu^ieti^iicaMe- C urtte je featri U tefcu Je aWe ob tteiCante a^ilcf co; ; o} un C.reffeilf ie^;2:ijun€re^'ietcu cf4mlej:arg«fVc\;tiblc ^ ante «► jungi t^Cca ic gttltsaun ejtc iar^wt CQjonc tcr;- ^ Mn fuv, (Etlf UJ c?i<^mbcrtcng-icrcurea2ut^0J)'trciCdea:i»j • cx; un fire |oI)n romt n leCm cegiUcg a rt^f g-dcbog ic?^. ^ ire «-temrele;IcfatJ9Jaunfaunirceffuli. ^P uacire f^td^oL tt Juig^ohaicfcu jc yules auncftlTc mt^^ 06 traCloCcng« mt^. 00 un ftrcr^li; »o)MfcGgtx5Mcui92 auti Icun t-amfunr seniles • cf> U11 fire 0)0^19 lebcr^pU lefcu ecr^rtilcs au n c^ cucttui jai^cnr- c»^ic5 ^ un Ctre ^tncclvn j»MtctcfmceeMcu jargent o& uncrfeflfc te ^ite9 att«f lift^ ^ un atr-pauf je(e^nt7lcgxn^lcfcuz^ur'a«fte2a^.oDtccftca2^. «> un Cin^iofjn loucllcfru un^^^ii^ieymeca tin label xs^dgW. fl) un Cut-c^auf te yuneKCeiegu{-82. T. boroughbricfye, E. in. .\. VV. Williams-Wynn (11). .■\shniole 831, ff. IOO-S06''. T. Calais, E. III. H. 246, ft". 6"-14''. T. H. 396S, fif. 1 12-127. T. H. 65S9, S. 51" (B). H. 6595, ff. 1-15'', colours. Cott. Tib. E. IX., ff. 81, 89. T ami (B). -Ashmole U20, ff. 150''-l62''. T. Calais (knighted there), E. in. H. 1068, ff. 156-163', 183 (B). H. 1156, ff. 82-83 (B). H. 65S9, f. u (8). Calais (slain there), E. III. Add. 29,502, fragment, colours on vclluni. Camden, E. I. Cotton Roll, XV. -8 (B). H. 6137, If. 66" (1), 72" (13)- T. Carla''€rihk, E. i. H. 1068, ff. 1-6 (B). \{. I40S, ff. 142-143'' (B). 11. 2213, ff. 2S-29''. Tand(B). II. 4033, ff. 58-60, coloured and (K). 11. 4''70, ff. 28-30''. Tanrl iinnameti. 11. 6137, ff. 37"(6)-40(i2). T. CarlaVcTock, E. I. — continued. H, 6589, ff. 13", 50, 51 (B). Cotton, Calig. A. xviii., ff. 23'', 30' (B). " The Poem." Lansd. 209, ff. 257-271. T. Add. 5S48, pp. 155-159' (c). Charles (here called Arden). Colgra-c'e. incorporated mjenyiis' Ordinary. Dering, H. ill. Harl. 6137, ft'. Sg" (i3)-97'' (16). T. H. 6589, ff. 52-53, fragment. T. Lansd. 260, ff. 216-220 (I;). "-Mr. Knyvett's" Ashmole 1120, ff. i7i''-;74. T. Vimstahle (1), E. ii. H. 106S, ft". 6''-i8 (B) 11. 1408, ff. 141, 141'', 144-147' (B). H. 2213, ff. 24-27''. H. 4033. ff. 53-57, coloured and (B). H. 4270, ft'. 24-28. T, unnamed. H. 6137. ff. 3i"(3)-37"(4). T. H. 61 48. ff. 144'' 149. H. 6589, ff. 8'', 41-43'' (B). Add. 5848, ff. 145-154 (c). Dunstable (2), E. iii. H. 65S9, fif. 49-49'", fragment (1:). Cott. Otho. D.4 .sxx., ft'. 1S7-I92'' (B\ Lansd. 860 A., ff. 11 and u''. fragment (B). Sloane 1301, ft'. 257-261'' (B). Falkirk, E. I. H. 6589, ft'. 9, 9''(B). Gloz'er, H. in. H. 6589, r. II" (B). Add. 29,796, part, colours on vellum. Gtitnaidi, E. in. .Stacy Grimaldi, colours on vellmii. Guillim, E. I. H. 6137, ff 57(i9)-6i (4). T, H. 6589, ft'. 44, 45. T. ILLUSTRATIONS. lAGE Frontispitce XIV, XXlll, 214, after Anglo-Saxon Bronze Shield Heraldic Atchievements, see Contents Heraldic Title Page Heraldic Seals — early 13th Century ... Encaustic Tiles and Pavement, &c. , from Neath Abbey, see Preface Greek Vases, 550, 500 B.C Barons' Seals, 1300 ... ... ... Anjou, Geoffrey, Count of, Eftigj', 1150, after Stothard Ai.DEBURGH, Sir William de, Monumental Eftigy, c. 1360, after Stothard Bacon, Sir Henry, Monumental Efifig)', c. 1335, after Stothard Badges and Banners Bagot, Sir William, Monumental Eftigy, 1407, after Boutell Beauchamp, Thos., 4th Earl of Warwick, k.g. 1406, Monumental Eftigy, Waller Beauchamt, Richard, Earl, justying at Gynes c. 1410, from Cotton MS. Julius E. iv. Beauchami>, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Warwick, k.g. 1369, Ruljbing from the Hastings Brass in Elsing Church ... ... ... Berkeley, Thomas de. Monumental Eftigy, 1243, after Gough ... BiTTON, Sir John de. Incised Slab, 1227, after Boutell Blenkinsopp, , Monumental Slal), after Boutell BOHUN, , wife of Sir Peter Arderne, 1465, after Drummond Botiler, Sir John de. Incised Slab, 12S5, after Boutell Bourchier, Henry, Earl of Essex, Monumental Brass, 14S3, after Waller Braose, Thomas, Lord, Monumental Effigy, 1361, after Drummond Bray, Sir Reginald, p.c, H. vii., from Memorial Window, after Carter Bruce, Sir William de. Monumental Effig)', c. 1226, after Drummond Bryan, Sir Guy, k.g. c. 1391, Monumental Eftigy, after Stothard BuREs, Sir Robert DE, c. 1302, Monumental Efiigy, after Waller Calveley, Sir Hugh, temp. E. in.. Monumental Eftigy, after Stothard Cambrifjge — Arms of the University and of its older Colleges Cawne, Sir Thomas, temp. E. iii., Monumental Effigy, after Stothard Clare, Gilbert de, Lord of Clare 1230, Monumental Effigy, after Carter ... Cobham, Sir John, 1407, Monumental Effigy, after Gough Compton, Sir William, of Compton Wynyats, Banner, temp. H. viii. Cornwall, Earl of, John, of Eltham, 1334, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard ... Crek, Sir John DE, 1325, Monumental Effigy, after Waller D'Abernon, Sir John, 1277, Monumental Eftigy, after Waller ... Daubeny, Sir John, 1346, Monumental Slab, after Boutell Dalyngrugge, Sir , 1395, Monumental Eftigy, after Boutell Denton, John de. Incised Slab, after Boutell Despencer, Edward, Lord, 1375, Monumental Eftigy, after Carter Disney, , c. 1350, Monumental Slab, after Boutell ... ... Drummond, Sir John, 1301, Monumental Eftigy, after Drummond A Tournament CI 500, British Mu.seuin, Add. MS. 24,098 St. George and the Dragon, from the Ha.stings Brass England, Reverse of Great Seals, Edward I. -VI. Edward hi., Rubbing from the Hastings Brass Edward the Black Prince, 1376, Monumental Eftigy, after Stothard Kelbrigge, Sir George, 1400, Monumental Effigy, after Boutell Felbrigge, Sir Simon de, k.g. 1416, Monumental Eftigy, after Boutell ~- KiTZ Alan, John, Earl of Arundel, 1434, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard FiTZ Ralph (Sir William), 1323, Monumental Eftigy, after Waller FOLLIOTT, Elizabeth, widow of Richard, 1361, Monumental Effigy, after Stotliard . Foxley, Sir John de, 1378, Monumental Eftigy, after Boutell ~~Gerard, Peter, 1492, Monumental Effigy, after Waller ... Gloucester, Robert, Earl of, surnamed Consul, 1147, Monumental Eftigy, aft Carter Grky de Ruthyn, Roger, Lord, 1352-3, Rubbing from the Hastings Brass ... ni xii v-x xxxvi, xxxvii xv-xxii x.xxviii 2 S 221 9 12 13 14 19 21 22 25 27 2S 31 32 36 37 38 42 40 43 47 49 51 54 57 63 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 72 73 .. 78 •• 79 .. 84 .. .S4 87, lOI .. 88 .. 91 ■ 92 • • 94 rr ■• 95 1 00 fiUilL f^ % .< ^ rA^ 1 iV^Vp^^Vrfy'^R ?.Au^>.^ V^J4 zM ^k m. ?^p 2^ ILLUSTRATIONS. J v> v/ vr^^y^^>-'»V PAGE Gkeystoke, John, Baron of, 1305, Monumental Slab, after Lioutc-ll 100 Harsyck, Sir John, 1384, Monumental Effigy, after Boutell ... 106 Harcourt, Ladv, Monumental Eflig}-, showing the Order of the Garter, after Anstis... 106 Hastings, Laurence, Eaki. of Pembroke, 1348, Monumental Effigy, from the Hastings Brass ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ■•• •■• ••• 107 Hastings, Sir Hugh, 1347, Monumental Effigy, from the Hastings Brass 109 ^Holland and Chari.eton Arms, JoicE, widow of Sir John Tii-toft, 1446, Monu- mental Brass, after Boutell 113 Inns of Court, Arms "xxv Lancaster, Henry, Duke of, k.g. 1347, Rubbing from the Hastings Brass 124 Lancaster, Edmund, Earl of, 1295, from a Missal in the " Archieologia " 125 LiTTELBURY, SiR Hu.MPHREY, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard 129 LONGESPfeE, William, Earl of Salisbury, 1226, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard 131 LovVTHER, , Incised Slal), after Boutell ... ... 132 Lovedaye or Bassett, unidentified Effigy, after Richardson 134 Maclean, of Duart, from Drummond's " Sculptured Monuments in lona " 136 Maclean, of Ross, from Drummond's " Sculptured Monuments in lona" 137 Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke, 1219, Monumental Effigy, after Richardson 138 Mauley, Sir Robert de, temp. E. 11., Monumental Effigy, from the " Archa;ologia " 139 *Mowbray, Tho.mas, Duke of Norfolk, 1400, Heraldic Atchievement wrongly attributed to him instead of Hen. IV., from the " Archiiiologia " 144 -^EVILL, Ralph, Earl of Westmorland, 1425, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard ... 148 Northwoode, Sir Roger, 1361, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard (his wife page 91) 149 Oxford — Arms of the University and of its older Colleges .. ... ... 151 Quartermayne, Richard and Sibilla, of Rycote, Oxon., Monumental Brass ... 152 Pembridge, , Monumental Effigy, after Hollis 156 Richmond, Earl of, Peter of Savoy, 1268, from the " Archa;ologia " 166 Roos, Robert, Monumental Effigy, brought from York to the Temple Church 16S2, after Richardson ... ... ... ... ••■ 16S Royal Quarterings, Atchievements by the late Prater Anselm ... 18S Ryther, Sir William de, 1308, Monumental Effig)-, after Hollis 169 St. Amand, Almaric, Lord, 13S2, Rubbing from the Hastings Brass 172 -Say, Sir John, 1473, Monumental Effigy, after Waller ... ... ... 176 Septvans, Sir Robert, 1306, Monumental Effigy, after vValler ... ... 177 Shelton, Sir Ralph, 1423, Monumental Effigy, after Cotman 178 Shurland, Sir Robert de, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard 179 Stafford, R.alph, Lord, 1347, Rubbing from the Hastings Brass 182 Staunton, Sir Willi.\m, 1326, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard ... 185 Thorpe, Sir Edmund de, 1418, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard 191 Trumpington, Sir Roger de, 1289, Monumental Effigy, after Waller 193 Valence, William de, Earl of Pembroke, 1296, Monumental Effigy, after Gough... 196 Vaux, , Cumberland, Incised Slab, after Boutell 196 Vere, Robert de. Earl of Oxford, 1221, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard ... 197 Waxtley, John, c. 1424, Monumental Effigy, after Stothard 201 Whatton, Sir Richard de, temp. H. in.. Monumental Effig}^ after Stothard ... 205 Willington (?), temp. R. 11., Monumental Effigy, after Stothard ... 206 Wingfield, Sir John, 1400, Monumental Effigy, after Boutell ... ... 207 SPURIOUS AND DOUBTFUL EFFIGIES. Sir Bernard Brocas, in Westminster Abbey — Stothard ... 213 Robert Fitz Hamon, ob. 1107 (Robert FitzRoy, the Consul, and others), in the Abbey Church of Tewkesbury— Carter 213 Richard Wellysburne de Montfort and de Montfort Wellesburne, in Hitchendon Church, Bucks — Stothard ... ... ... 212 Geoffrey de Mag.n'Aville, in the Temple, is an erroneous identification by Stothard and others. See Lovedaye, page 134 213 * See also Boutell's " Heraldrj'," 3rd edition, page 25S. ■ ■ - ■ 1 ANCIENNE NOBLESSE. - SOME FAMILIES WHOSE ANCESTORS APPEAR ON THE HERALDIC ROLLS IN THIS WORK. * Anns engraved on the title page. Bedfordshire - Essex— Northamptonshire Suffolk Si. luhii. *\Valdei;rave. Wake. llervty. Buckinghamshire — Gloucestershire- Northumberland Bernay. Ilarcnurl. Berkeley. *(".rfy. Sussex— Cheshire *Trye. Haggcrslune. .Ashburnham. 'I'.askcrville. Hants- Ogle. I'elham. Davenport. Wallop. Cope. .Swinburne. Cornwall Middleton. Warwickshire- Molusworth. Selby. Shirley. Huntingdon- *Bracebridge. Thornhill. Notts- *Chetwynd. Cumberland— Willoughby. Stanton. 'l'ennins;tiin. Kent- Clinton. Musi^rave. Neville. Westmorland — Huddlestim. Dering. Oxfordshire— Lowther. Derbyshire— Toke. .Stonor. ♦Strickland. ^, . , Blount. Fleming. I ifuslcy. Cur/on. Lancashire— *.\nnesley. Vernon. Sl.inle\". Molyneux. Villiers. Worcestershire- Burdett. Iloghton. Radclifte. Talbot. Cave. Rutland- Winnington. •Civile. *Clifton. Manners. -Menill. Chadwick. *Harington. Wingheld. Yorkshire— Devonshire- Traffbrd. Fit/«illiam. *Courtenay. Scrope. Carevv. Leicestershire- Salop- Stapleton. l'..le. *Turvtle. Corbet. Stourton. Chainpernnwn {iit'e lieaunionl. Cornewall. *Grimston. llarinylon). De Grey. *l.ingen. lianierton. Ailand. Babington. Manwaring, Hotham. IVllew. .Sand ford. *Tenipe.st. Clifford. Lincolpshire Tyrwhil. Boynton. Ujilon. Alington. Waterton. Dorset— *l)yniuke. Staffordshire — »Rokeby. *Uigby. Wrotteslcy. Savile. Norfolk- *Arden. Meynoll. Durham— Howard. Okcover. *.SaUniarshc. •Lundey Astley. Bagot. *Worsley. *.Salvin. ■ Bedingfeld. *Broughton. Wyvill. HERALDIC INTRODUCTION— GREEK VASE, WITH DEVICE. ■ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^f^^^ m Hf ^p— ■'- ' il ,j ^^^t"-^^ i^^^^^^^i __«—*-— -""^^^ ^ -^ V uij^Lji^t^^^j—J^ ^y "^ ^ *" " ^ 1^ 1 - - 1 1 -o 1 ^ 1 \ ^^^^mSJJ ^^ H ^ 1 1 '^^Hf^'%^V^^ r ' ^^^K 1 1 ^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^BHi^^^^^^^^l^^^^. s ^ ^ ■ a B <. ■ ^^^E i .=^ 1 -J in 1 CO < ^1 ^ 1 '^ ■§1^ 1 [eracles a xtreme left lit. — From ' O ^ c C R H z o o P ^ L^ .se) :— Combat ;us interposes, j'ons counter reg UJ Q VOCrofjaP - -^ -5 ■ ^:^Bs»:^ ^^j iii 1 s o ^ < c ^ ^ ^^^wM^ ■^ £ — ^^./^n^^^W ^hS ^^^^^^^R ^^^^^^^9V"^^§B Kj^BJ^C ■.^ ;2 i 1 -^s^af^ HERALDIC /NTRODUCT/OX-GREEK VASES, WITH DEVICES, B.C. 550, s^ Greek Vase : Amphora : — Heracles and Geryon. Heracles seizes the centre head of Geryon, who is winged and triple uiil\- from the waist upwards ; first and second bodies wounded (one full face), on his shield a bird volant ; on left Athenae holding out cup to Heracles. — From " Greek and Etruscan Vases," hy H. B. Walters. Greek Vase: Achilles lying in wait for Troilos behind the fountain. In centre a rock - emitting from a lyon s head into hydria- -surmounted by a crow regarding Achilles, on who.se shield are two lyons, that in base reversed, counter passant gardant. Polyxena looking towards Troilos on the left. — From " Greek ami Etruscan Vases,'' by H. B. Walters. so Mr. FFA'DAI. COATS OF ARMS. C.EOFFREN', COUNl' OF ANJOU, Fatukk ^ SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. Albemarle, see also Auuemarlk. Albemarle, Earl of-(H. iii. Roll) bore, gules, across patonce vair; Glover Roll. &c. V. Albini v. Dawbeny, and de Albini. Aldam, Sir Francis, of Kent fil. John — (E. II. Roll) iiore, azure, a pile or. Par- liamentary Roll ; a sun in Harl. 4033 ; see Ai,iii;h,\m. [Aldeburgh, William de, baron 1371- 1336— bore, azure, a fess argent I)et\vecn three crosses crosslet or : Nobilit)' Roll.] [Aldeburgh, Sir "William de, of Alde- burgh, Yorkshire, 1360 — bore, a fess dan- cett^e from point to point, between three crosses ci'ossiet (now called botonnt^e) an annulet for difterence. See Monumental Brass. J Aldefelde, Robert -(E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a lyon rampant argent debruiscd by a bend sable charged with three crosses crossiei fitch^e argent ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. jAldeham, Thomas de-(H. in. Roll) bore, azm-e. a sun (16 ravs) in his glory or; Dering Roll. Alderby, Sir Walter- (E. in. Rollibore gules, three bulls' heads cabossed argent, horned azure ; Ashmole Roll. *,rAldersey, Hugh de, temp. H. m.— bore, gules, on a bend engrailed argent between two cinquefoyles or three leopards' faces vert — or more anciently, sable, three chargers or dishes argent. Shirley.] Alemande, William, le - ( H . 1 1 1. Roll | bore vair, on a fess gules three martlets or, .\r(len Roll ; the field, undine argent and azure, in St. George Roll. K. Alexander (Count Allisander, doubtful if a surname) -(H. in. Roll) bore, barry (6) or and azure, a bordure gules ; Arden Roll. Alneham, RafTe de— lE. iii. Roll) bore, azure, five fusils in fess or, a bend gules ; Jenyns' Ordinar\'. I'". Alwent, John-(E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron ermine between three fleurs-de-lys of the last ; Jenyns' Ordinary. K. *Alyngton { ), an Essex Knight- (H. VI. Roll) bore, sable, billett^eand a bend engrailed argent ; .Xrundel Roll. JAmbras, William (.Ambes.\s) — (H. in. Roll) bole, or . three dice sable, each charged with an annulet argent, Howard Roll ; a plate in Dering Roll. Amondevill, Robert— (E. in. Roll) bore, vair, three palets gules ; Jenyns' Ordinary. K. Amyas, Dre-we de (or Amy.\s he Dkewe?) —(II. III. kull) bore, gules, three palets sable (azure in trick); Howard Roll. ^<.f^ Jfi- AL^^^^Jh^»rf v> v> V rf<^ /|/^,*>.^ nSof^kS^Mf^'^- nf!'^a^4 Arr^^^i ^^^fr^^ J)i>fiMy ^^^ H*>vry %r, Ar^* Apperley, John de— (E. in. Ki>ll) bore, .ngi-nt a clievron gules between three pine- .i|>ples vert, slipped or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. V. Appelby, Sir Henry of .siaftbrdshire— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, ,i/ure, six martlets or : the same are ascribed t'.J .Sir \\'II.I.I.\M (witli a Inljel of three), and lo EnMiNii in other Rolls. (I-".) -ij. martlets 1(1 .Sir EnML'M> in .Asiinioie. See also John 1.1 MolNH. Appleby, Sir Robert— bore, at the battle of Hcjroughbridge 1322. aiure, the bordure of martlets or— tricked as 8 mardets in orle. Applegarth, Robert~(E. in. Roll) bore, argent, three apples slipped gules; Jenyns' < )rdniary. !■ . Aprie)'sby, Christopher de— (l< 11. Kolli bore, sable, a cross and in the first quarter u cinqucfoyle pierced argent ; .Surrey Roll. Arcalow^e, pir William— bore, at the battle of Horoughbridge 1322, argent, three (bars) gemelles salile. !■'. Areas, Sir Alexander, of co. Ltier — ( K. I!. Roll I bore, sable, three fleurs-de-lys argent; Parly. Roll. H.\Jo H.\s in Harl. Roll Archard, Sir Robert of Berkshire— (K. 11. Roll I b(..re, or, a bend engrailed sable; I'ar- liamentaiy Roll. Archat, Sir Richard -( K. i. Roll bore, argent, on a bend cotised gules three Heurs-de- lys or, a bordure of the second ; Nativity Roll. Archedeckne, John, baron 1343— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, argent three chevronels sable; the same is ascribed H) to .\ii.\M (J) in the Howard and Denng Rolls, and (2) to .Sir Thom.vs of Cornwall 1111 the Parlv. Roll) (iEi IKKV, differi'nced with a label (^Tgnles. Arden and St. (ieorge Rolls. Archedekin, Thomas -(H. iii. Roll] bore, argent, three chevronels sable bczant^e ; (.iiover Roll. V. Archer, Nicol le—( II. 111. Roll) bore, sable, a lyon rampant or ; St. George Roll. I'". Arches, Alexander de— slain at the siege of (.'.ilais 1347, bore, gules, three arches argent. Arches, William —bore, atthe siegcof Rouen 1418, gules, three double arches argent. I-'. "Arden, Sir Thomas and Sir Robert (-\Kiii.UM-.) of Warwickshire— (E. 11. Rull| bore, ei'mine, n, fess compony or and a/.ure ; Parliamentary and other Rolls. In Jenyns' Ordinary, E. ill., a fess "(laren'' (i.e., \Varren) is tricked checcjuy for John. I-" 4.Arderne, Sir John, of .Salop— bore, at the ' tirst I)unstable tournament 1308, gules, crusily and a chief or ; I V. ) .\nother Sir'julIN — bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8. gules, crusily fitch^o and a chief or (K. ). which is also as- cribed to Hi'GH in Jen\'ns' Ordinary and to Wii.i.i AM with crest in Hallard Roll temp. E. IV. Arderne, Rauf de— (H. in. Roll) bore, ermine, on a fess gules three lozenges or; .\rden Roll. V. bore, II. E. 4.Arderne,Randulphde— (H. in. Rull) nr, crusily ,1 lycm r.imp.int sable ; .Xrden Ro Arderne, Wakelinede—(E. 111. Roll) bore, or, a lyon rampant vert, in Segar Roll, eoloiu's reversed, Jenyns' Ordinary (E.) Rkh.vkh, junior, bore, vert, a lyon rampant or dcbruised Iw a fess gules. — Sire DK .Vrdioknh (f) bore, argent, a Ivon rampant azure, dcbruised by a bend gules'; Deiing Roll. Arderne, William de— (H.iii. Rolliborc, sable, thret.- lyons passant or; .\rdcn Roll. Arfois or Arforce, |E. in. Roll) bore, argent, three castli-s triple-turrcted gules; .\shmole Roll. Sir Walter Arden, 1412, Astoit C/uif./i, lyai-wicks. -yttt^tflircf^ tYt%^^r$r%^ crrf'.^ajUjiUAcl^ ^r^'t UJrtke^ . J.i-*^J]r^^ %'r"l'^}dArJ<.rn, tit . 1 V / \ J ^k^%^' ^^a^^^.^ ^.^U/^J^rne '^^^ Ji-rio^TU, g^ */?-«/>" SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. finhnfi- SirJohn i)K Arisen i ine, 13S2. Horseheath, in Canihs. OT-r^-^y^ "Itr^^t Staanhnd- *'* Argentine, Sir Giles nf Cambridge — 1); lie, .It lilt' first Dunstablu toLinianient 1308, i^ules, Liiibily atitl three covered dtps argent. Argentine, Sir John, Knight banneret, 2nd baron —bore, at the tirsl Dunstable lourna- nient 1308, gules, three covered cups argent. [V.) Wil.I,I.\M bore the reverse. Argentine, Reynold de, a baton 1297 -b.'fr(.-. gules, erusil}' tilehCeand three covered cups argent, N'obility Roll ; father of .Sir JiiHN, bef )re named, see facsimile Giii-S. Armine, 7 . Ayrmine and Ermine. Arnes, Robert de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, .i/un . tuo bends or; Howard Roll. Arras, Rafede— (H. iii. Roll) bore, argent, on a cross azure fi\e fleurs-de-lys or ; Arden Roll. (F.) The Castellan of Arras in Nor- mandy 1 + ), bore, gules a chief ermine ; i_)ering Roll. .See also Dakkks. Arthur, Sir Thomas— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418. gules, a chevron argent be- lueeii three clarions or. Artoys, Janico de (Iv in. Roll) bore, gules, four bars wavy argent ; leiivns' Roll. (K.) See U'AUTCMS. ' Arundel, Richard, Earl of, banneret- bore, at the b.ittle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, gules, a l_\-on ram- pant or; sealed the Karons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp .\v.,.\xiv. H(irnealso byEarl 1%I)MI'N1) at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, and by another Karl RirH.\uiiat the siege of Calais I34S-8. .MoLNSVKK RltH.VRl) Dli .\KIN1>EI.I, andiKarl ImiN) Li; Sk. M.\tk.\veks bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, Akinuei,, (juarterly ~ci//i. MA'rii.WEKs. sable, a fret or. {¥.) See also !• I IV ALAN. "[Arundell, Reinfred de, temp. H. in — bore, sable, si.\ martlets (ic/hirondelles) argent. —Shirley.] V. Asdale, Thomas- (K. 111. Roll) bore, gules, a c\giiet p.issant argent ; Jenyns' Roll. F. *Ashburnham, Sir Bartholomew de — bori', at the battle of Boroughbrid,ge 1322. gules, a fess {between) six moles (mullets of 61 argent. (F. )— Sir Joh.n bore the same with martlets in lieu of mullets, and another Sik loilN, bi>re plates instead of mullets; I'arlia- mentary Roll E. II, JAshburnham, Riohard de— (H. in. Roll) bore, gules, a fess and in chief three spur- rovvells argent ; Dering Roll. Ashbye, Sir Robert de-(E. 11. Roll) bore, .ugent. billettee gules and a lyon lampant sable; ill another trick the lyon land not the field) is billettee or; I'arliamentary Roll. Asehe, Sire de— (F^. i. Roll), bore, argent, a fess azure over all a saltire gules. John ihc .\SSK, bore, or, a saltire gules over all a fess sable. (_"amden Roll. Ashebaston, Sir Richard (Im iiehaston) of CO. Leicester ~b(.»r<'. at the battU-of Horough- bi idge 1322, .irgent, a lyou rampant gules, on his shoukler a eint]uefoyle of the first, over all .a baston azure (in another trick the ciiuiuefoyle is oil the baston); Rarliamentary Roll. See also i\i)rjB.\STON. Kor same coal without the baston, see Sir .Xndkew Astley. Asherst, Sir Adam.— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8. gules, a cross engrailefl between four tleurs-de-l\'s argent. Ashfeld ( •'), a Suffolk Knight -(H. vi. Roll) bore, sable, a fess engrailed between three fieurs-ile-Iys nrgeiil ; .\rundel Roll. Asih)ton, Richard de— (F:. iv. Roll) bore, per chevron sable and argent— with cri-st ; Hallard Roll. Aske, Conan de (!'.. m. Roll) bore, or. three bars azure ; (irimaldi Roll. F. Askeby, Sir Robert— (F'.. iii. Roll), bore, argent, a Ivon rampant sable InllelK^c or ; .\shniole Roll. F. Aspall, Sir Robert of Suffolk -(K. 111. Roll) bore, azure, three chevrouels or ; Arundel and I'arliameiUarv Rolls. The field gules in .\shinole Roll. Asse, John de, ;'. Asi hk. Asseles, Alan de - iH. iii. Roll) bore, gules, .1 s.iltne .Hid a chief argent ; .\rden and .Si. (ieorge Rolls. See Lasseli.s. *l Assheton, Sir Robert de, F. in. — bore, argent, .1 niullel pierced saljle. .Shirley. , F". Assi, Sir Robert de-iF',. ni. Roll) bore, gules, a bend colised between si.\ martlets or. .\shnicle Roll. Astinn( ?anF:ssex), Knight— (H. vi. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron between three fieurs- de-lys sable ; Arundel Roll. Astley, Sir Andrew, a baron 1295— liore. at the battle of Falkirk 1298. ai\gent, a lyon rampant gules, on his shoulder a cinque- fovle of Ihe first ; ( F. ) ( Borne w ith a baston by Sir RiciiAUii AsIIER.\sroN. ) Borne with a einquefoyle ermine by Thom.vs (F". ) in leiiyns' (Vdinary. and with a billet ermine in place of the einquefoyle by Sir NICHOLAS, banneret ill Arundel Roll (F.) ; ^ii" GILES of co. Leic. / Thomas. 3rd lord— bore the einquefoyle or ami a label 13) and azure; Parly. Roll F'.. II. Astley, Thomas— bore, in the second Dun- stable tournament 1334, azure, a cincjuefoyle pierced ermine. IF.) .Ascribed also to .\niihe\v. John, and .Sir Tiui.MAS in .St. George and' .\shmole Rolls and Jenyns" Ordw *Thi)NHS, of (Hill) Morton, differenced with a bordure engrailed or; in Siirrey Roll R. II. Sir Raui'E— a bordure argent— in .\shniole Roll F:. III. ; and Thomas de— with a label (3I or. on each point two bars gules, in Surrey Roll R. 11. Vi^J^ ^J^1»JI/5»U^ (So'nc^ i» J}f^ ^■Arrif^ ^—^ '''P-^ '^'^j)^^d^!r^'^ Jlf^ »xO- • SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. THE HERALDIC ATCHIEVEMENT OF JOHN FRANCIS ARUNDELL, 12111 BARON ARUNDELL OF WARDOUR. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. J-ir '^fi^ %.y^ i^ Mffr,^ ^^r-SjU^^y ,?t^e^^J)-S^y ^Astley, Giles— bore, gules, a cinquefoyle pierci'd ermine between three mullets or ; Harl. MS. 1481 fo. 75".] Astley, Robert— (K- '"• Ro") bore, azure. cru.sily or and a h-on passant gardant argent ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Aston, Sir Jolin de, of Northants-(E. 11. Kolll bore, sable, a saltire argent; Parlia- mentary Roll. Aston, Sir Richard de, of Gloucestershire — jE. II. Roll) bore, gules, a lyon rampant or, debruised bx- a benil vair ; Parliamentary Roll. Aston, Sir Richard of Hants or Wilts.— lE. u. Roll) bore, azure, crusily or, and a bend argent cotised of the second. Parlia- mentary Roll. One of these names took up the cross 1270. Aston, Roger de— (E. m. Roll) bore, argent, a dancette (embelif) sable; Jenyns' Roll. F. Atherton, (E. iv. Roll) bore, gules, three hawks or— with crest ; Ballard Roll, Atherton, "Williani, see .\ciierton. •fAthol, (David) Earl of— (H. iii. Roll)bore, ' paly or and sable, in Xorfolk and Grimaldi Roils iK. I— paly (6) in -\rden Roll— or, 4 palets sable, in' How.ard Roll and, or three palets azure, in Segar, Camden and St. George Rolls. Adom.^R of Suffolk, younger brother of D.ivin DE Stk.\boi.gv, differenced with a bendlet .argent. Harl. MS. 1481 fo. 74. Aton. Sir Gilbert de, a baron 1324- bore, .It the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, or, a cross passant sable ;F. ); (borne also by Sir J- _ /, WiLLi.-\M, and baron, in Ashmole); and gules, -. Jllo^^Jwf a cross patonce argent (F. ), in Parliamentary ^^ ' Roll, &c., another (? platey at the points) in Ashmole. Atte Hethe f. Hethe. Attwater, William, Bishop of Lincoln (6 H. VIII. 1515) bore, undfc (b.arry wavy of six) ermine and gules, on a chewon between three shrimps embowed or, a rose gules seeded argent and leaved vert enclosed by two flowers ; Nobility Roll. Attewode, John— (R. n. Roll) bore, gules a Ivon rampant tail fourch^e argent ; Surrey Roll, and as .'\rwooi) in .-Vshmole Roll. Aubemarle, Sir Geffrey of Devon and H.ints— (E. II. Roll) bore, gules, crusily or and a bend lozengv ermine ; Parliamentary Roll. Aucher,Henry— (H.iii. Roll) bore, ermine, on a chief azure three lyons rampant or ; .Arden Roll. Audley, Hughe de. Earl of Gloucester, 1317-47 — bore, or, three chevronels gules, Nobilitv Roll H. V!. .See .also Cl.are. J.a- &oM^i*c MUtri ^tOion Audley, Sir Nicholas de, of Heligh, baron 1207 — bore, at the battle of Falkirk T298, gules, a fret {vcl frctty) or ; so borne also by his son J.\MES, K.c. (a founder), one of the heroes of Poictiers, and by Wn.i.I.VM DE .Dudley (Ji ; Dering Roll. Sir HUGH of ci>. (illoucr. differenced with a label (5) axure (F. ) ; Ht'Gii and John, a bordure .argent (F. ), Cotgraveand Jenyns' Ordinary E. ill. J.-\MES, with a label gobony argent and azure. Cot- grave ; and Sir J.\MES of co. Gloucr. with a label (3) azure, on each point a lyoncel of the second ; Parliamentary Roll E. 11. where Sir NiCHOL.\s first named, appears among the bannerets. .Another J.VMES took up the cross 1270. Auke, Gregory de— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, two bars and in chief three annulets all argent ; Jenyns' Ordin,ary. F. Aunsell, Alexander— (E. in. Roll) bore, ermine, on a fess gules three crosses crosslet or ; Jenyn^' Ordinary. F. Auntesheye, Sir Richard (D.\i.-ntsey) of (Jlouccstershire — (E. II. Roll) bore, per f-ss or and .argent, a fess undde gules. (F. ) Parliamentary Roll. Austre(y),'W"illiamde— (H. in. Roll)borc, gules, a fess .argent, a label (5) or ; or -AUSTRV vel D.M'TKEV ; .Arden Roll. Autrey, "William de (D.\ltrev)— (H. 111. Roll) bore, azure, a fess dancett^c (5) argent, a label (5) gules ; .Arden Roll. Avenbury, Osbern de— ( H. in. Roll) bore. gules, three lyons rampant tails fourchiSe argent ; .Arden Roll. Avene, Sir Leyson de (D.wenev), of co. Glouc. — )E, II. Roll) bore, gules, three chevronels argent ; Parly. Roll. .See X'ENE. Avenel, Sir John de— (E. in. Roll) bore. argent, a fess lietween six annulets 3 and 3 gules; .Ashmole Roll — the same for Sir Wll,- Li.\M of Cambridgeshire in Parliamentary Roll E. II. F. A-wger, Sir Thomas (.Auger) of Kent— iH. VI. Roll I bore, ermine, on a chief azure tliree lyonCL'U\ rampant or ; .\rundel Roll. Awillers v. Davelers. Ailesbury. Sir Robert de— boro, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, azure, a cross argent and a l.ibel (3) gules. John, bore it undifferenced. and another John, withabaston gules, instead of the label ; Jenyns' Ordinary E. III. F. Ayrmyn, 'William- (E. 111. Roll) bore, argent, a .saltire engrailed and a chief gules ; Jenyns' Ordin.ary. (F.) W.M. DE Ermine, bore, ermine, a saltire engrailed gules, on a chief of the last a lyon passant gardant or. Surrey Roll. John. Lord .Audi.ev. Sherc Chittxh^ Surny^ MQI- ^JT^4«ry a* dlnlfi» t/Ju.nt&fka-xj »> »y^ J\ y C>f^ fT**vy c^U/^hi, Jl^^ V^'^^'AMy 2H>~ .y^ ^ A^s^^ ^* SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. "^vf/tt 3a*>^*uiUr^ C'^jnlB ut-tm^ Baa, Sir Walter de "f Bedfordshire- IF.. 11. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron argent between three plates ; Parliamentary Roll. Babington, Sir John de, of Dorset or Somerset-IE. n. Roll) bore, gtiles, platey, though trieked as torteaux in Harl. MS. 4033 ; rarliamentary Roll. *[Babington, Sir John (E. 111.) — bore, art,'r)it, leu torle.ur\ and a label (3) azure. — Shirl.-v.] 1'. Babthorpe, Sir R.— (H. vi. Roll) bore, sable, a ehevroli or between three ereseents ermine: Atkinson Roll. Bacon, Sir Edmond— bore, at the first Dunsl.dile touinauieiit 1308, gtlles, on a chief argent two mullets sable pierced or ; the same was borne by another KiiMuNL) at the second Dunstable 'tournament. 1334 - by Robkrt, within a bordure or— and by JnHN within a bordure engrelt'e or (P.); borne also by Eiivv.Miii in lenyns' Ordinary. Sir EriMtN of Hants or Wilt's, bore the mullets unpierced. (F. ) Parliamentary Roll. [Bacon, Sir Henry, of Gorleston, Sufl'olk, temp. E. III. I 1335I bore, gules a bend fusily s.ible, on .1 chlii argent two spur-rowells of the second.^ .\dd. jMS. 19,116 fo. 129, See Momnnental Effigy. Badewe, Sir Hugh— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, on a bend azure three eaglets dis- played or ; .\shiuole Roll. Probably intended for Sir Hi<;ii I)i-.i.am.\KI'. Badham, Sir John, see |oii\- \v-\t<.\v. Badlesmere, Sire Bartholomew de; b.Liineret (b.u--atrt''Bn(^/ypf*t three horse-shoes or; R.-\FE. bore, H. III., azure, crusily a chevron or. (F. ) St. George Roll ; and another coat under this surname, jialy (6) argent and gules, on a chief azurs Ihrie horse-shoes of the first, occurs in the .\,hniole Roll. Bagworth, (E. iii. Roll) bore, sable a fess engrailed ermine between three boars.' heads couped of the last, tusked argent; .Ashmole Roll. Baiggingedene, Richard de-(H. in. KuU) boie, or a pile sable and nine mullets (6 points) counterchanged 3, 3, 3 ; St. George Roll. (F. ) See also Rohekt dk Chandos. Bakwell, Sir John de, of Middlesex— II. Roll I bore, paly (6) argent and azure, I in .1 chief gules a Ivon passant gardant or; P, niianient.tr}- R(.>ll. Baldreston, Richard de— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent a lyon rampant purpure— same as Sir RuBKKT FiTzRoGKK ; Jenyns' Ordinary. * Baldwin, Roger, of Diddlebury, Salop. 1V18 -bore, argent, a saltire sable. — Shirley.] V. BalioU, Sir Alexander de, a baron 1300 — bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of (Carlaverock 1300, argent, a faux escocheon (an orle) gules, and many of his name bore the same. (F.) John of Barnard Castle, another Ai.I'.x.vxdek and others bore the reverse— the field of the banner borne at Carlaverock is by some stated to have been, or. ABaliol, Eustace de— |H. in. Roll) bore, 1 azure, crusily and an orle or ; Glover Roll. Baliol, Hugh de, of Bywell-(E. iii. Roll> e, argent, on an inescocheon azure, a lyon rampant argent crowned or, all within a bordure gules. Jenyns' Ordinary ; without the liorder in Grimaldi Roll ; a sfjniewhat different coat assigned to EL'sT.\tH he B.m.i.ioi, de 'I'l: \s in Clover Roll. See F.fST.\CE DE ■|iii 1;-. Baliol, Ingram de-lH. in. Roll) bore, gules, an orle ermine ; St. George Roll and Tenvns' Ordiiiarv ; .-v label (y) azure in Arden 'K(.n. F. t\a-»l a- itaketyttj SIR HENRY BACON. In C.oRi.icsTON Church, Suffolk. J{ix d^aiffrri^etlfne i^ Sa^Jr-^A--. t. 1335. After Stotharu. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. AU -B^^oO. H*<^Bayf^ ^v^3'^fnfy^ nr^ nr 03 *w^ &it- Baliol, William de—(H. in. RolUboie, or, anorlevair, a label (5) gules. Another \VlLi,iAM — bore, or, an orle azure, a label (5) gules. Arden and .St. George Rolls. Balnye, 'William de— (E. ni. Roll) bore, argent, an eagle displayed azure, beaked and membered gules. Jenyns' Ordinary. F. See also BiLNKY. tBalun, John, and"Walterde—(H. III. Roll) bore, barry dancettL-e (6 or 8) argent and gules (F.) St. George, Howard and Dering Rolls; Tin>,\i.\s, gules and or, in Jenyns' Ordinary. Balun, John— (E. iil. Roll) bore, per fess indented argent and gules. Jenyns' Roll. F. Bam (me), . a Kentish Knight — (H. vi. Roll) bore, ermines on a chief pily argent two trefoyles sable ; .Xrundel Roll. F. Bamnye ;■. Bawrnd or Bow^nd. Bampfylde, John (B.wmfikld), E. i.— bore, or, on a bend gules, three mullets argent. — Shirley.] V. Banastre, Sir Adam, of Lancashire— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, argent, a cross patonce sable, and also by Sir WiLI.i.VM, who was knighted at the capitula- tion of Calais 1348, and by Sir Thomas K.G. 1376 ; the cross is variously tricked or blasoned, pati^e, patonce, and flory, according to the humour of the Herald or his painter, for they were evidently interchangeable, or one and the same. F. Banastre, Sire William— (E. i. Roll) bore, argent, three chevronels gules, GuiUim Roll, and the reverse in the Parliamentary Roll. Banbury, Gilbert de, and Sir Thomas de, of Oxon — (E. 1. Roll) bore, argent a cross patonce (or flory) gules, between four torteaux ; I'arlianientary Roll. Banbury, Thomas de— (E. i. Roll) bore, argent, a cross between four mullets (6) pierced gules ; Segar Roll. F. Band, Sir Walter le— (E- u. Roll) bore, gules, three pairs of eagles' wings, or ; Parlia- mentary Roll. See alsc Baude. 'nCo^'^o/i*!. ^lOi^foSa^^* g^ h J5»r,^ g^h^a^ jfxff/t^ Mr'^a^ iujtjt^o SIR WILLIAM BA(;OT, 8 Hen. iv. 1407. Baginton Church, Warwickshire. A//er Bun tell. ^ns ^^^^% co^ Banke, John de— (E. u. Roll) bore, sable a cross between four fleurs-de-lys argent, quar- tering argent a che\Ton between three annulets gules, Jenyns' Roll. F. Bardolf, Sir Hugh, a baron 1299— Sealed theB^uons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xvii, xxiv ; bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, azure, three cinquefoyles or ; as also did (i) Sir Thom.vs at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, (2) Le Sr. Bardolphe at the siege of Rouen 1418. and (3) William {%) in the Dering Roll. A Bardolf coat w.thin a bordure engrailed argent in the ,\shniole Roll. Bardolf, John— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, azure, three cinquefoyles argent (as did Sir William, of Norfolk, in Parly. Roll, V.. IL), but his cousin John, also of Norfolk, bore a red field. Bardolfe, Sir Thomas, banneret— (E. 11. Roll) bore, or, three cinquefoyles azure. (F.) Parliamentary Roll; the Surrey Roll (R. II.) ascribes argent three cinquefoyles pierced or, to Lk Sk. ni-; Bardolf. Bardolfe, Thomas— (H. 111. Roll) bore, azure, crusily and three cinquefoyles or. Glover and Norfolk Rolls. Bardwell, William— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, gules, a goat saliant.or, yKar/eT/ji with, or, an eagle displayed vert. One Sir William bore the goat argent homed or. F. as Bedwell. Bare, Sir John de— bore, at the battle ol Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, azure, crusily and two barbes or, a bordure indented gules, engrailed in the Carl.averock Roll— the "barbes" blasoned "poissons" in Harl. 6589 fo. 3'', and "bar- beaux " fo. 50 ; correctly tricked only in .^dd. 5848 fo. 79, as two barbels addorsed em- bowed or; in all other MSS. erroneously blasoned or tricked as Heraldic bars. F. Ralph B.\rry took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 9 Jd<*^ af^ ^^^^^^^ ^i^^ryff'^t^rYdi- D^Oir 'Ba/icirvam. jfoOW d BajJ^tTHtlt ^^oTji^i SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. J)vJUBaj/tft ^««f«/ B^jjtf' r^ ■^ ^^^^^^ w/y 'Qynje,^ff^ /y^t^S^jtH- "^^ OSapoOr^ 'B-*.^^ Basing, Sir John, of Middlesex -(E. ii. I\')1I) borf. azure, a cross vecercel^e voided iir. (!■'.) Sir William, of Kent, bore the same with a hasten gules ; I'arlianienlary Roll. A cross nioline in jenyns' Ordinary. ¥. Baskerville, Andrew de— (H. iii. Rolli IjMre, ari^ent, a chevron azure between three tnrleau\ ; .\rdrn Roll. Baskerville, Sir Richard de, banneret — (K. II. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron gules between three hurts; Parliamentary Roll. John and W'.m.tkk bore torteaux instead of hurts ; .\rden and Glover Rolls. F. *Ba8kervile, Sir Walter, of co. Gloue. — bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. argent, on a chevron gules between three hurts as many mullets (fieurs-de-lys in Cotgrave Roll) or; in the Parly. Roll, crosses crosslet are substituted for mu'llets, and in another MS. 5 instead of 3 crosses crosslet are biased crusily. John took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. {Baspes, Sire de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, gules, three palets vair, on. a chief or a denii fleur- de-lys issuant sable ; Dering Roll. F. Basset, Rauf— (H. in. Roll) bore, or, three piles gules ; Arden Roll. Bassett, Richard, of Weldon, a baron 1299 — bore, or, three palets gules, and a bordure azure. R.AL'i'l". a'so baron, bore the bordure besant^e ; Surrey Roll. Basset, RaufF, of Drayton, ist baron 1264 - (F. I. Roll) bore, or, three piles meeting in base gules, a canton ermine. Segar and St. George Rolls (F.) — and so also Rali'H 4th Baron K.G. 1369. R.ALPH 2nd baron bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, paly (6) or and gules, a canton ermine. F. , probably father of the next named. Basset, Sir Rauf, banneret— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, or, three piles meeting in base gules, a canton ermine. .Sir Simon bore them, with a label (3) azure, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, and R.\UF LK Friz also, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334. In tricks for Sir RoiiLRT or RouKK of Worcestershire the piles are sometimes azure sometimes sable; Parly. Roll. Rogkk bore them sable and the canton gules ; Segar Roll. jBasset, SirRauf— (H. iii. Roll) bore, or three piles meeting in base gules, a canton vair; Arden and St. George Rolls. John, bore on the canton argent, a gryphon segreant sable armed or ; Surrev Roll. Basset, Lord, slain at the siege of Calais 1347 — l)(>re, gules, three piles meeting in base argent, a canton ermine. Basset, RaufF— (H. iii. Roll) bore, paly (6! or and gules, on a canton argent a cross patee sable ; Norfolk Roll. Basset, Sir Richard— bore, at the first Dun- stable tournament 1308, paly (6) or and gules, a bordure sable besanti?e ; (F.) .'\nother Sir RiCH.Miii (E. II. ) bore the bordure azure ; Par- liamentary Roll. Basset, Sire Rauf— (E. i. Roll) bore, argent, tliixe bars undee sable ; Guillim Roll. F. Basset, Rauf, of .Sapcote, a baron 1264. and Simon— (H. in. Roll) bore, undi?e (6) argent and salile ; St. George and Harl. Rolls. Sir liiHNbore the same "besanti?e ; A.shmole Roll. Basset, H.— (H. in. Roll) bore, undfe argent ,ind sable a canton gules ; .St. George Roll. Basset, Lawrence— (H. in. Roll) bore, luidee (6) argent and gules ; Arden and St. George Rolls. Philip bore, or and gules, St. George Rxill ; and Wii.LI.VM the reverse in Jenyns' Ordinary. SvMON (J) bore argent and azure in Howard Roll ; and or and azure in Dering Roll. Ji^^^'BnfU "^^f^-fC^ '^U^ffBaff^ *[Basset, Sir William, of Tehidy, Corn- wall, v.. in.— bore, or, three bars und6e gules — wavv, in Shirley, j F. Bassett, Simon— bore, at the second Dun- .stable lournament 1334, ermine, un partie guK-s, a mullet or ; Collect, and Top. , I\'. 390. Bassett, Sir Lawrence and Thomas, of Cornwall— (K. in. Roll) bore, barry dancett^e (6) argent and gules ; Ashmole Roll, iSLx. Bassett.Philip- (H. in. Roll)bore,quarterly or and gules; Cilover Roll. Bassett, Sir Richard, of Rutland, and Sir William— (E. n. Roll) bore, argent, two bars azure, in chief three chaplets gules ; Parly, and .\shmole Rolls. Bassett, Simon— (E.' in. Roll) bore, ermine, on a canton gules an orle argent ; another a mullet (6) pierced or on the canton ; Ash- mole and Jenyns' Rolls. F. jBassett, Anscel— (H. in. Roll) bore, ermine, a chief dancettt^e gules ; Dering Roll. F. Bassett, Sir John— bore, at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, ermine, on a chief dancettc?e (ir/ indented), gules, three spur-ro>vells or. Sir EtiMONDK, of co. Glouc, his brother, bore escallops in lieu of the spur-rowells. F.F. Bassett, Osmond— (E. in. Roll) bore. ermme, on a chief indented gules, two mullets or pierced vert. Bas(s)ingbourne, Sire Mayeu de- bore, at the battle of Horoughbridge 1322, quarterly or and gules, four crescents counter- changed. F. JBassingbourne, Baldwin, or Jordan— (H. in. K. ill) bore, gyrony (12) vair and gules ; .\rden Roll ; for W'.VKKKN. in Cotgr.ave Roll, and for R.mik in Jenyns' Ordinary. Bassingbourne, Giles / Hlmphrey- (F. m. Roll] bore, gyrony (6) argent and gules, a baston azure ; Cotgrave Roll. Bassingbourne, Sir Humphrey, of co. Cambridge— (E. n. Roll) bore, gyrony (8) argent and gules, Parliamentary Roll ; tricked akij 6 and 12 for other Humphreys. Bassingbourne, Sir John, of Herts— (E. II. Roll) bore, gyrony (8) or and gules; Parliamentary Roll. Bassingbourne, Sir Warren, of co. Lines. — (E. n. Roll) bore, gyrony (8, sometimes 12 and 16), or and azure. Parly. Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. F. *[Bastard ( ), of Kitley, Devon— bore, or, a chevron azure. —.Shirley. 1 F. Battott, (H. VI. Roll) bore, gules, a grvijhon segreant or, a bordure engrailed sable ; Arundel Roll. Bause, Sire William, seeGAi-SE. Baud, Sir Thomas le— (E. 111. Roll) bore, azme. a Ivon passant or ; Ashmole Roll. Baud, Sir Walter le, of Essex— (E. n. R iBtat rhamfr. JmrJ 'Boi^chamfj Bavesar, Walter de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, .iryent, a ]\on ranij^ant tail fouich(^^e gules ; Deling Knll. Baynarde, Sir Robert, of Norfolk— (E. i. Roll) lioie, sable a fess between two chevronels or; I'arlv. Ri^ll. For J(.)HN in Jcnyns' Orel. K. Bayning, "William de—(H. in. Roll) bore, aigent, three lleurs-tle-lys azure ; Howard Roll. Baynton, Sir Robert, knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348 — bore, sable a bend fusily argent. K. Bayous, Sir John, knighted at the capitula- tion of Calais 1348 — bore, gules, two bars and in chief three escallops argent (K.); the same coat was borne by .Sir \\'iLLI.\.M, of co. Line., at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. Bayouse, Herbert, of Merkington— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, .an orle argent over all .1 beiulvair; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Bayouse, Sir Robert, of Hunts.— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent three water-bougets pur- pure; 1'". Parliamentary Roll : lyonceux raill- |)ant in Hail. M.S. 6137/22. Beaucharap, "William, de Elmeley— (E. i. Roll) bore, gules, a fess or — {jrimaldi r. xvi. xxiv); Nobility Roll; borne quarterly also by TllOM.\s, 3rd I'".arl, at the siege of Ca'lais 1345-8, and RlCH.Miii, 5th Earl, at the sicgc' of Rouen in 1418 ; tricki'd crusily (7, 6) inji'iiyns' Ordinary. See Monu- niental Effigies of the 3rd and 4th ICarls, and Tiles, Neath Abbey, p. vii. THOMAS HKAUCHAMl', 4TH E.\KL OF Warwick, K.G. 1406. In S. Rl.vRV Church, \\'.\r\vick. A/A-r IFa/Zer. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 13 , Richard, Erie of Bcauc/iamp, justying at Gyncs ; he cast to the groiinde at his spere poynt behynde the horse taile, the Knyglit called the Chevaler Rugc c. 14 10. Cotton Ms. Julius E. iv. British Museum. 14 SOAfE FEL'DAL COATS OF ARMS. THOMAS r-EAUCHAMP, 3RI) Eari. of Warwick, K.Cl. i3''>(). In lu.siNC. Cni'Kcii, Norfolk. I<'riim the Ilas/iui^s Brass. Beauchamp, Sir John, k.g., brother of Guy. 2nd Karl — hore. at the siege of Calais 1345-8, gules, crusily(3.3)anilafessor, andfor difference, a mulle't sable; WlI.MAM differ- enced with a crescent sable, Surrey Roll ; as did RicHAUI), Lord Abergavenny, at the siege of Rouen 1418 ; Sir Guv differenced with a label (3) azure ; and Sir Thomas difler- enced with an annulet azure, both in Ashnmle Roll; and another John differenced with .1 bortlure engrelee or. Beaucliamp, Sir John, del County de Uarwike— bore, at the first Dunstable tour- nament 1308. gules billettc'e and a fess or ; 12. II. 10. 9 and sometimes 6 billets. (F. ) Ascribed also to John (J) in Dering Roll and to Sir JuH.x of Essex in Parly. Roll. Another Sir JiiHN 16 billet?! difl"erenc'ed with a label (3) azure ; flarl. Roll. Beauchamp, Sir John de, of Hache in countv Somerset, baron 1299. and banneret — Sealed the Barons' letter to tile Pope 1301. pp. N\iii. .\xiv) ; and bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298. and at the siege of Carlavcrock 1300, vair; borne also by Sir Roger at the siege of Calais 1345-8, ascribed to Riihert in Glover Roll (F.). and Ji>hn (J) in Dering Roll. Sir Miles, of Bucks, diftercnced with a label (3) gules, and Sir Humphrey with the label or, in Parly. Roll. Sir Wielia.m. " here " (probably of Sir Riiger), knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348, bore, vair, on an inescocheon argent, the arms of Mortimer. (!•'.) For other differences see Harl. MS. 14S! f'^. 89. B8auchamp,Willianide,ofEtoii— (H. m. Kc.ll) b.ire, gules trrity argent; Glover Rrdinary. !■'. Beavilievi, William— (E. iii. Roll) boie. same C"at as D.M.sroNK, LASSELLS. of .South Cowtou, cVc, argent a chevron dancettee (i.e. indented) between three daws' heatls erased sable ; Jenyns' Roll. 1''. Beauly, John, of the South— (E. iii. Roll) bore, gules and argent embelif battaillte ; lenvns' Roll. .See also liF.UI.EE. F. Jr> H ■y . jD^tn^jHj, (^x^ ^^ 'B&^t^faj . I^Jt.'Beau'ihamlfe ^w^^^c^^^rv Jt.^ " '^^'^ ^r L ^^}i&i/r% ' >e<:L\A.y**oni Beaumays, Sir ( ) de, of Hunts— (E. ii. Roll I bore, azure, three garbs banded or; I'arlianieiUar)' Roll. *B3a(U)niond, Le Sr.— bore, at the siege of Kouen 1418, azure, tlorettiSe and a lyon ram- pant or, quarterly with, azure, three garbs or. (F.) Beaumont,' of Cole Orton, bears the first <|uarter as his coat at the present day. Be(a)umond, Godfrey de-(H. iii. Roll) bore, sable, six martletS3, 2, i, or, in St. George Koll(F. ) ; sable nine martlets in orle argent in .\rden Roll. Be(a)umond, Sire Henry de, banneret— liore. at the l)attle of Boroughbridge 1322, azure, rtorettee and a lyon rampant or, over all a baston gobonv argent and gules ; this coat is also ascribed to Lewes Be.vmmond in lenvns' OnUnary. (F.) See Bonn. Beaumond, John, of Devonshire -(E. iii. Roll) bore, barry of si.x ermine and gules in Jenyns' Ordinary (F.) ; another John, accord- ing'to .Surrey Roll, bore barry (6) vair and gules. Beaumont, Sir Thomas -bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, gules, entoyre of crescents and a lyon rampant argent (F. ) ; his son, Sir Thom-\s, junior, bore them at the same time, with a label (3) or. Be(a)umond, "William de— (H. in. Roll) l)ore, gvrony (12) or aTid gules ; Arden Roll. Beaupell, johnior BE.iLPi.E)-(E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a bend cotised argent; Jenyns' Crdni.try. F. Beaupeyl.Sire Robert— bore, at the battle of Horoughl nidge 1322, gules, a bend vair (F. ); another Sir Robert Be.\upi.e, of Corn- wall (E. II.) bore the same between six escallops argent ; Parliamentary Roll. Beaupr6, Ralph de— (E. in. Roll) bore, vert, a Ivun rampant or, a baston gules; Jenyns' Ordinary. Becard (Sir) PiersHK- "• ^oll) bore, or a saltire between four eaglets azure ; the saltire is gules in some tricks (F.); Parliamentary Roll. Beche, Sir John de la, of Berks.— bore, at the first IJuustable tournament 1308. argent, on a bend gules three bucks' heads erased or, in the cantell a martlet sable ; Parhamentary Roll. Beche, John de la, a baron 1342— bore, vaire argent and gules ; NiCHOi, bore the same, and on a canton of the first a martlet sable ; lenyns' Ordinary, F. Beck, Sire Philip de (Bek)— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322. argent on a fess gules three Vjucks' heads cabosseci or (F. ) ; his son, Sir JOH.\N, bore the same with a martlet sable for difference, but hinds' heads couped, in .\5hm0le Roll. See also Bek. Beckebury, Sir William -(E. in. Roll) bore, azure, an eagle or ; .\shmole Roll. Beckham, Roger de, see Peckh.\m. Bedford, John, Duke of, K.o. 1399, bore France and England quarterly, a label (5) [ler ]>ale ermine and azure, th<' latter florettee or ; K . 400 fo. 6. *Bedingfeld, Piers de-(H. ni. Roll) bore, gules, an eagle ermine; Howard Roll; the reverse is now borne by the baronet's family. Beeston, John— (E. in. Roll) bore, vert, a Ivon rampant argent crowned gules ; Jenyns' (')rdinary. F. The same as Menvii.e. Be3Ston, W.— (E. i. or n. Roll) bore, sable, ciusilv filehfc and a bend or ; Harl. Roll. JBeices, Hameris (Leices or Leites ^ (H. III. Roll) bore, or a lyon rampant gules crowned azure, a bordurc sable besant^e, Ashmole Roll ; the field argent, and the borduie platey in the Dering Roll. 4.Bek, Antony de. Bishop of Durham— boi-e. ' at the battle of F.alkirk 1298. and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, gules a fer-du- moulin ermine. (F. ) The Bishop's name appears among the bannerets in Parliamentary Roll. Brother of the ne.\t named. Bek, John, a baron 1295— (E in. Roll) bore. gules, a cross moline argent in Jenyns' Ordi- narv (F.); the cross recercel^e in the .\rdcn Roll. Fatlier of the next named. Bek, Sir Waut de— ( E. i. Roll) bore, gules, a cross reci'icelt'-e argent ; Gnillim Roll. Bekeyring, Thomas de—(E. i. Roll) bore, checqny argent and gules; Nativity Roll. Bekering, Sir Christofer de, knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348 — bore, checquy argent and gules, a bend sable ( F. ) ; TiiOM.\s, bore it with the baston (or bend) azure; Jenyns' Ordinary. Bekering, Thomas— (R. n. Roll) bore, checquy argent and gules, on a chevron sable three escallops of the first ; Surrey Roll. .Another Thom.\s, bore, E. in., same as a John de i..\ River, lozengy or and gules; Masoned " masclfc," in Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Bekuns, 'Walter— (E. in. Roll) bore. argent, .1 bend engrailed s.able, a label of three .gules; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Bekynham, Sir ( ), a Kentish Knight— (H. VI. Roll) bore, argent, a che\TOn gules between three bucks' heads cabossed of the last, attires or ; Arundel Roll. Belchamp, Geffryde-(H. in. Roll) bore, c|uarterlv, argent and sable ; Glover and Howard' Rolls. Belet, Sir Ingram, of Norfolk— (IC. 11. Roll) bore, argent, on a chief gules three cinquefoyles argent; Parliamentary Roll. ^VII.EI.\^f took up the cross in the last Crusade 12-0. Belett, Miehael-(E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a fess and in dexter chief point a greyhound courant gules ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. jf€fm Jm^ p^A:Ba^ S*,..6- pr,)^ 1B^^\. (9^ B»^^ Of^r. '^»$^rrn» Xy^^-ni ^«^^f^«.^ i6 SOAfE FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. THE HERALDIC ATCHIEVEMENT (Shield III. brought in liv Bellasvse) OF HENRY FITZALAN HOWARD, K.G., 15x11 DUKE OF NORFOLK. See also Pages 60 and 114. NAMES AND BLAZONS OF THE OUARTERINGS. It is hoped that the letters in the second cohimn, which indicate the row of quarterings in the shield, will, with the accompanying numerals, facilitate reference to the atchievement on preceding page. 17 Names Howard . Belasyse Bei.lasis . Spring . BlI.LINGHAM . Errington Barton . Radcliffe norleigh Radcliffe norleigh Davenport (i) Bromhall Belli NGH AM . Burneshead . Sutton . Sutton — Augmentation Cholmondeley WORSLEY Hubbard Gage Sudgrove St. Clere Lovayne Darcy (E. Rivers) . FitzLangley . Harlestov . Lovei.l . Wanton . Weston . Berdweli. Kitson . Donington Broughton Danby of Yafkord Bretvile Conyers . Pye. Tankerville . Chamiserlaixe Gatesden Morteyn ECKNEY . St. John of Lageham Lovayne Abell v. Locher . bourchier Middlemork Edgbaston Greswold Grome Grange (2) Stocki.ev (3) Betham . Wallison Fowler (4) Shield Rf.I'-ek- BNCES gulus, on a liend between six crosses crosslet fitchee argent, llie honorable augmentation for services at the battle of Flodden, I Feb., 1 513-14 quarterly, I and 4 argent, a pale engrailed between two pallets plain sable. 2 and 3, argent, a chevron gules between three fleurs-de-lys azure a 3 or, a fess gules between three torteaux ..... a 4 f argent, an inescocheon and an orle of martlets sable . 5 1 argent, three boars' heads within a bordure engrailed sable . a 6 argent, two bars gules on a canton of the second, a lyon passant of the first a 7 argent, two bars and in chief throe escallops azure, a crescent for difference S azure, a fess between three bucks' heads cabossed fir . a 9 argent, two bends engrailed sable . . . . ■ . b I I gules, a cross engrailed argent ....... b 2 argent, two bends engrailed sable ...... b 3 gules, a cross engrailed argent ....... b 4 argent, a chevron between three crosses crosslet fitchee sable, a crescent of the field for difference b 5 I sable, a lyon rampant or . . . ..... b6 I or, a bugle-horn stringed sable — with Assheton on a canton — ! argent, a mullet sable pierced or b 7 i argent, three bendlets gules, on a canton of the second a lyon rampant or b 8 or, a lyon rampant queuee forchee vert ..... b 9 argent, a chevron between three bugle-horns stringed sable . c I gules, in chief two close helmets argent and in base a garb or, a mullet of the second for difference c2 argent, on a chief gules a mullet or ..... . c 3 sable, an estoile or between two flaunches ermine c 4 per saltire azure and argent a saltire gules ..... c 5 argent, semee of trefoyles and a double-headed eagle displayed sable c 6 azure, a sun in splendour or ...... . c 7 azure, on a bend argent cotised or three .saltorelles bendways gules c S argent, three cinquefoyles gules ....... c 9 argent, a fess between six (oak?) leaves slipped gides (11. S07, f 48") d I argent, a fess ermines cotised sable ...... d 2 harry of six nebulee or and gules ...... d 3 argent, a chevron .sable, an annulet of the last . (H. !So7, f. 59) d 4 argent, on a chevron sable three leopards' faces or . . . ds gules, a goal, salient argent horns or ...... d 6 sable, three fish hauriant argent a chief or . d 7 argent, a chevron between three mullets' gules .... d 8 paly of six argent and azure, on a chief gules three besants . d 9 argent, three chevrons interlaced in base, in chief three mullets sable e I gules, a fess wavy or . e 2 azure, a maunch or in chief a cinquefoyle argent .... e 3 argent, on a fess azure three escallops of the field e 4 gules, an escocheon argent eight martlets in orle or . e 5 gules, a chevron between three escallops or .... e 6 azure, six lyonceux rampant 3, 2, i, or . e 7 ermine, a chief dancettee gules ....... e 8 azure, two lyons passant guardant or a label of three argent . e 9 argent on a chief gules two mullets a bordure indented sable f I azure, on a bend argent cotised or three saltorelles in bend gules f 2 argent, a saltire engrailed azure ....... f 3 (Thomas, of the family of Sir Rafe, H. 1480, f. 23'' and 1557, f. 93'') argent, a cross engrailed gules between four water- bougets sable, all within a bordure gobony or and gules f 4 per chevron argent and sable in chief two moor-cocks ppr. . f 5 per pale dancettee argent and azure ...... f 6 argent, a fess gules between two greyhounds courant sable . f 7 I or, three piles to the base gules, on a chief indented azure two closed helmets in profile of the fir-st f 8 per saltire or and sable four griffins' heads erased counterchanged all within a bordure azure f 9 argent, a chevron gules between three boars passant sable . g I ermine, a chevron between three boars passant sable . g 2 azure, a stag trippant ermine, attires or, a chief of the last . g 3 azure, on a chevron engrailed argent between three lyons passant guardant or as many cro.sses moline sable, a (aiitoii eriiiine for Casey Concluded on page K). References to the various mss. Augmentation Cott. Jul. C. VII. f. 237 Lansdowne872,fr. 13,16 Harl. II 78, f. 45 Visitations of IJurham, Ed. Foster . H. 6159, f 19 H. 1535. ff- &c. 1 1 8", 249^ H. 1041, f. 74'' Add. 14, 281, f. H. 2094, f. loi H. 1426, f. 67 44" H. 2094, f. loi H. H. 14S0, f. 23" 1556. f- 93" H. 1394, f. 341 H. 1167, f. 125 '. H. 1 167, f. iS n. 1563, f. 92'' H. 21 13, f. 84 (i) Davenport probably brings in Wettenllall and .Alpraham before Bromhall, as in Randa! Holme. (2) Grange brings in Bromley and Hawes t /■ .u i. u r j ) \ c. ,.-11..., k..:!^™.- :., u .. .1 c .u lor these no arms have been found. (3) .^tocKley brings in rlewett and botherne I . ..... ( 4) Casey should come here, but as no arms are found, a canton ermine has been added to Fowler (g 3) for Casey, to indicate the omission of the name or quartering through which the coats from Fowler to Owen ap Edwyn are introduced. The questionable mode of granting a coat to a family long extinct for the mere sake of introducing quarterings should not be upheld SOME FEUDAL COATS Ob ARMS. ^hsd^e- if^^iB^^fl %<^r&ayr.l o^jSt/Zavt^ r^bnnd d Belituje Jo^ ^M^pjf^ Bellious, Sil- John, "f Kssex— bore, at the first IJniistaljIt- tounianient 1308. argent, three lyonceux rampant gules (F. ) ; and Sir W'lLLiAM (I-'^. II. I hore the same, within a borclure in- lietited s.ible : Parliamentary Roll. Belliuse, Sir John de; knighteil at the capitulation of Calais 1348 -boie, or, on a saltire .gules another vair. V . Belhuss, Rog3r da — (K. 11 1. Roll) bore, or, on a saltire gules ti\ e bezants (F.) ; another bore, sable, a fret enfruet or (F. ): Jenyns' Ordinary. Belhuse, Tebaud de— (H. in. Roll) bore, or, on a iienrl gules five lozenges vair (F.); St. (leorge Roll." Belkamore, John de -(E. iii. Roll) bore, gules, a Ijordiire engrailed argent, over all a bend of the last (F. ); Jenyns' Ordinary. .See ROHERT DE KiLLEMOkE, Bellasyse, John, of Eltoftes— (E, iii. Roll) bore, argent, three chess-rooks sable (F. ); Jeinns' Roll. Bellenden, Sir John de, of co. Glouc — (E. II. Roll) bore, azure, entoyie of martlets (3, 3, 2, i) argent; Parliamentary Roll. Bellers, James— (R. 11. Roll) bore, per pale gules .and sable, a lyon rampant argent; .Surrey Roll. *Bellewe, John— IE. 111. Roll) bore, sable, fr.tty ux ; Jenyns" Roil. F. Belliston, (E. ni. Roll) bore, or, on a elievion .gules, three crosses recercel^e .argent ; Ashmole Roll. I Bellomont, Robert, Earl of Leicester— " Fitz I'ernell "' si:,\L, a cinquefoyle ermine.] Belsede, Sir (• ), of Norfolk— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, four bars sable, a canton of the first; I'arly. Roll. Harl. MS. 6137. BeltoftjLes Armesde— (E. iii. Roll) bore, (.))■, fi'etty and a ehief azure ; Ashmolc rk H.\mi'T(j.n "— (H. hi. Roll) bore, azure, three lyous passant gardaiit or ; Howard Roll. Bsnnet, Sir John, of Norfolk-(E. 11. Roll) Ixire, argent, a chevron gules, a bordure sable bezantt-e; Pari. Roll, Harl. MS. 6137. Benet, Sir Richard (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a lyon rampant ermine, a bordure en- grailed of the last ; .\shmole Roll. Benstede, (H. vi. Roll) bore, gules, three bars argent ; .Arundel Roll. Benstede, Sir John de, a Justice Common Pleas 1309-20 — bore, at the ijattle of Falkirk 1298 [. . . .] a cross pierced and pat(''e and botonn^ argent. F. Benstede, Sir William, of Essex— (E. n. Roll) bore, azure, a fess between tw'o chev- ronels or ; Parliamentarv Roll. F. {Berbling, Walter or William de— (E. III. Roll) bore, argent, three fleurs-de-lys sable ; Dering Roll. Berbroune, Thomas — (E. in. Roll) bore, or, a cross patee fiory gules ; leuvns' Ordinary. F. Berdone, Walter de— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, an eagle azure beak and claws gules ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Bere, see De l.\ Bkre. Bereford, Robert de— bore, at the second I-iunstable tournament 1334, sable, a bend engri-lee argent. F. Bereford, Sir Symon, of co. Warwick- IE. II. Roll) bore, argent, three fleurs-de-Iys sable ; Parliamentary Roll. These arms are ascribed to Sir Hkkrv de Berfeld, in the Boroughbridge Roll. See De Borefeld. Bereford, Sir Symon— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, argent erusily potent and three fleurs-de-lys sable, a bordure en- grailed gules ; erusily fitch^e in Ashmole Roll. Bereford, Sir William, of Northants— (K. II. Roll) bore, argent, eiaisily and three Heurs-de-lys sable; Parly. Roll. B.\ui:)VviN and John— bore erusily fitchfe (F. ); .Surrey Roll and Jenyns' Ordinarv. '3^^ '23«^»*»ore. gules, a quarter ermine ; Bsrley, John— (E. in. three mullets pierced or, Jenyns' Ortlinary. F. Berlingham, Sir Riehai-d— (E. 11. Roll) bore, gules, three bears unmuzzled passant argent ; Parliamentary Roll. Bsrmingham., Sir Richard de (Bering- h.ame) — bore, at the first Dunstable tourna- ment 1308, gules, three owls or. F, Bei'mingham, Sir Poulke and John de— (R. II. Roll) bore, per pale dancettee argent and sable ; Surrey and .\shmole Rolls. F. ^^. ailard Roll. One of these names took u{j the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Beschamp, Sir John (or Beauchamp), of -Somersetshire — (H. vi. Roll) bore, vert three bezants ; Arundel Roll. Besille, John de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, argent three torteaux (F. ); Arden and St. George Rolls. I John, the nephew, bore the same within a bordure azure (F. ); Jenyns' Roll.] .Sir Thom.-\s, E. III., bore a mullet of five or on the first torteau.x ; .\shmole Roll. Bsslingthorpe, Sir Richard, of co. Line. -(E. 11. Roll) bore, .argeiu, a chevron gules a chief indented sable; Parliamejit,iry Roll. Bssonn, Sir Thomas de, of Cumberland- (E. II. Roll) bore, lozengy argent and sable ; Parly. Roll. .See Boson. *[Betton, Walter de, of Salop -bore, argent, two palets sable, each charged with three crosses crosslet fitchfe or. — Shirley.] F. Betune, Baude-wyn de, lord of the manor i)f Skipton in L'ra\en, brother of the Count of Flantlers and Count of Albemarle and He ; who married Hawisia, Countess D'Albemarle — E. 111. Roll, bore, bendy (6) argent and gules [sic] a chief or (F. ) ; Jenyns' Ordinary. JBetune, John de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, azure, on a chief argent a lyon passant gules ; Bering Roll. Betune, Robert ds -(E. i. Roll) bore, or, a l\on lampant salile (F. ); Camden Roll. Betune, William de— (E. i. Roll) bore, argent, a fess gules and in de.xter chief point a lyon passant regardant sable (F. ); Camden Roll. Beulee, Richard de (R. 11. Roll) bore, quarterly argent and gules a rose counter changed seeded or; Surrey Roll. See also Beaulv. Bevercote, Sir John de— bore, at the battle of Borougbbridge 1322, argent a cross patt^e (patonce) azure, a label (3) gules. F. Beynham, Edmund de— (R. 11. Roll) bore, sable three mullets, two and one argent ; Surrey Roll. See also Rf.vnham. Beyton, Sir William de (Rovton or BurrroN)— (E. 11. Roll) bore, azure, si.x escal- lops 3. 2, t, or ; Parliamentary Roll. "R^l? Btrtr^m ria nt<~t tt' » *" Xoan d t^erile lA}lt d Brr^^kam. ^^j ^. Q am^s r>^aif hid^i^ \^ '3^*t'n^ ^y^^tr-B^i^,^ SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS rrS^ ftj ^c\utr&&po&7tt:cke- Biblesworth, Sir Hugh de, of Herts.— (E. III. Roll) bore, azure, three easjlet.s or; (F.) St. George and Parliamentary Rolls. SirjoHN bore si.x eaglets, 3, 2, i, or; Ashniole Roll; both are also ascribed to W.\1.1'i:k. .'\nother Walter took up the cross in the last Cru.sade 1270. Bieklond, John, see Bucki..\nd. tBieknore, John de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, argent a chief azure ; Howard Roll. Bieknore, Sir John de, of Kent— (E. iii. Roll) Ijore, argent, on a chief azure three lyonceux rampant of the first (crowned or, DeringRoU); Parly. Roll. Sir Thom.\s bore the coat with a baston gules ; Ashmole and P.irliamentary Rolls. *[Biddulph (Thomas de), of Staffordshire (H. III.) — bore, vert, an eagle displayed argent ; another coat — argent, three soldering irons sable. — Shirley.] F. Bigod, Roger le, (4th) Earl of Norfolk— (H. III. Roll) bore, or, a cross gules; Glover and St. George Rolls. Bigod, Roger, Earl of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England— bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, per pale or and vert a lyon rampant gules, and so sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. .XV, xxiv. (F. ) R.AUF bore it oppressed by a baston argent ; Arden Roll. Bigod, Hugh— (H. 1 1 1. Roll) bore, gules a lyon ]3assant or ; Norfolk and Glover Rolls. Bigod, Rauff, of Settrington. Yorks— (H. in. Roll) t:»orr, or, on a cross gules five escallops argent. Glover Roll, &c. Ascribed also to lOHN (F. ) in the St. George Roll, and to .Sir R.\FFE, of Norfolk, in the P.arly. Roll. Bigod, John (Bvgood), of Essex, Knight— (H. VI. Roll) bore, argent, on a chief gules two crescents of the first (?or); Arundel Roll. Billemore, Robert de— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, argent a bend gules a bordure engrel6 or. (F. ) See John HE Bf.lk.\mork. Billynge, Nicol— (R. 11. Roll) bore, gules, three fish naiant (in pale) or, a bordure engrailed argent ; Surrey Roll. Bilney, Sir Roger de, of Norfolk— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, argent an eagle vert, borne also by Willi.\m ; (F. ) Jenyns' Ordinary. See also B.\LNYF. Binchestre, Robert de— (E. in. Rolljbore. gules, a chief battaylS argent, tricked, gules a less creiielli^e argent ; (F. ) Jenyns' Roll. *[Bingham, Robert de, of Melcombe, Somerset (H. 111.) — bore, azure, a bend cotised between six crosses patfe or. — Shirley.] F. Bingham, Sire Thos. de, see Bf.ngh.\m. SIR JOHN DE BITTON, 12 Hen. III., 1227. In Bitton Church, Somersetshire. After Boutell. "^^Sjtlf^ Bingham, John and Richard— (E. in. Roll) bore, or, on a fess gules, three water- bougets argent; (F.) Surrey Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Bingham, Sir Richard (E. in. Roll) bore, or two bars gules, charged with three waler- bougets 2 antl i argent ; .Ashmole Roll. Birland, William— (R. u. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron between three bears' heads couped argent, muzzled of the field ; Surrey Roll. Bishopbury, Henry— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent a fess double cotised sable ; Jenvns' Roll. I'". Bishopdonne, Johnde— (E. in. Roll)bore, or. four bendlels azure, a quarter ermine; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Bishopsdonne, 'William- (H. in. Roll) bore, bendy (10) or and saljle; (F.) Arden and .St. George Rolls ; and the same with a canton ermine w.as borne by Sir John Bisiiopstone. of Warwickshire, in Ashniole Roll ; bendy of S in Parliamentary Roll. Bissett, Sir John, of co. Worcester — (R. II. Roll) bore, azure bezanty (3, 3, 2, i) ; Parlia- mentary Roll. Bittone, Sir John— (R. n. Roll) bore, ermine a fess gules ; Parly. Roll. See Incised Slab. Blaen, Sir Raffe (or Bi.o.w) of Cornwall — (R. II. Roll) bore, sable, a sallire engrailed argent ; Parliamentary Roll. See Bloyon. Blakeburne, John de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, paly (6) argent and azure ; St. George Roll. F. Blaked, Sir John, of Bucks-(R. 11. Roll) bore, gules, a chc'vron vair ; Parly. Roll. Blakenham, Benet de— (H. in. Roll) bore, barry (6). s.tljle and or, another sable, two bars' or. (F. ) St. Cieorge Roll ; called Beges DE Blakelig in Arden Roll. Blakenham, Sir Thomas, of Suffolk— (R. II. Roll) bore, azure, crusily and two bars or ; Parly. Roll. Blanchminster. Sir Renaud, Sir Richard and "William— (H. in. Roll) bore, argent, fretty gules; Glover and Nativity Rolls. F. Blande, John— (E. iii. Roll) bore, gules, two bars and S martlets in orle or, 3, 2, 2, i ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Blare, Adam de— (H. in. Roll) bore, sable, crusily argent and six crescents, 3, 2, i, oi' ; Arden and St. George Rolls (which latter gives another coat, enisily fitchte); (F. ) Howard Roll gives three (not six) crescents. r^r^ vva- 0-u-U>n.»->ji- "^M ^ %.^^ a^S'Vse 22 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. O <» >,« J cs s s g u S rt =. O ^ '- ^ ' ' Q< - ^ £ »< o~ S O s -^'^ i cr. ■^ " 'X -^"S < ■n -Si ^£ Q KS < -i2 0.S ■^2 -53 i'S ??! g^ i:C: N p; o K.M "3 ^;:< C g:2^ K ■- h C j£ E -S: 11 S-5.S ':^ = =g> WA o " ^ r- ^ S ^ ol , and f Sir iirne. c c -^ %lii cSgS K «a i "-^e g n " III 11 - - 2£g t ^ i E aO = = :;' — ~ r'>-c — ^o"^ ggi - i<"-^ c > II a.'o£'5 o o 5 - S iiU O ^' " held ssion eShi rghe c tcH -0 a -m 2 E i=>£ "C bij- o — S c -3 ro ^ '^l j=: W - ...Z ■J !£■& > o S a. S > 2 r -z^j; 75< ■ = :; a. aj o - o a- , '-J - C "7] — •^a:^ o u iS lill " t; rt o S^v. = = = « ^ =o3-3-: Sx X-- z a 2S ■«£• S^j •oE H a II — aS 2 a -5 o 2"^ w 3Q Z rt Qj ■< " .<. l« z 'J II hJ=«- rt Jitt -Ou, < 1^ W Z V u ^ K ° s s ^jrO < M . II z ^fe II u al« z So i. r. :::-o CQ in TJ s ^ z=5 g. / z -^" -gj z . H e u^ H i§ X = L r < 3 55 . > A a -a s z c «^ > 1. j:^"" ■S s^^ aa - -.= rt K g^JS ^^ ^ Q - -'-'-5 II c Q-*S .ou ■a 2 « II — < X <^^ tJ CJ] >-? a 3 -c - II . c c ■7 -"3 •SHS ^^ uS 5^t^ ^-^ "^ i;.-2 tr ** c=S^ — w OJ3 „->.o <*. " isJ °-=o Ui 5 St" S^-o z-^"^ S«-3 m|3: pg X -^■- 3-35. u; n"z S c » |UE ^1 C SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 23 5^> $1 E E°S « a 1 - ^ S M 2 c 2 i Offl d ° II z Z-: O II O ■5"^ *- >- 3 rt rtX 3 J3 c o ^2 £ o "-S . "i U . — II II ;Qu J= c 5 o- 13 .D E = n 0-0P5 ~s >£ ^ < = J Zja-o „ o *- c II - 2 E'^c '-'^' y; <> y; <$ " N p;, X > ». M X < o «^-a D— >^C--3- -^ ;^"5 o " y.i lit: Z-o W - V) — ^o 4J . - _- , — C VO c = = - u ^ » 200" II 4( -O 31 7-^ ^ Z U 4; 1-0 :■: 1/, u *o E 3 ^J < C ' tl- p Ul U o h: u = K ■ J 3 o £ 5 eI - - a> c zZ2 " ""iZ ii E ° E n J= ^ tl( « E " ^ a> z 3 Ji H-^ II ~^ z ii 'Ji — J m H 'o a '1 qT u -0 g a II '^ "S -a ■g"gS » -^^ liill t: Q-t; o-u gio iSS „- IZABE Robt. d, of d Cas 1688. -^S . Wo££.S <: _ " we 03 §■; X 2 S o » zH «i - a ^ O i« N > y.a E Jl -^ z " S Sf J3 r-. -i,_M 34 SS o * -=0 z 1- M y. '^ OCJ ul -1 -J <■-} u u 3 O O CO u :7 .2; 3« ^ - o ^■5 ^s'; > s . ^2 co" •- T3 u - ■ K ; d 3 l;-^ -3 =S.i° .2 „■> , 5gs: 2 > s „- ?. F, K « C o < QO < t^ •< OvZ X "^ EooSwNJrn - . ■- < " ^0 S s ". s ti s -: I < O H s s ? ti i vo Z < ^ ;s- a: ^•«? S5 Z ij - J £ o ~ _,7 tn Z ■m-2 S "£ ■E § 5^-a ^ *j « ^ c ; «, i « i -: ^ ■- 64,5 _3 ri as . J:0-2 E o J > — 3 =0 ' zg|:j|<»l « < z 5 ^1: t ' ■* o Z M« Z gosS X "So O 3^ S = 5 ^ j-3^ CO < A- 3"^ Z C^ i? 2:2 XcS >c/: -So 3Sz5z"S5 • "a ".-^ a V c E " fo S J-S So" ^co" :^ C-- 'o s r-3.=Z : -"^U;- II—- •-'■2 i i i z n H 3 d — w O if z t.y « " £^-= z tja ?zi z 0: 5; JO •■ a < vj ^ ^ n 3 7^— ¥ - a/ ) " 00c D 3 ^ O z 5 °-° - ==£1; , ga ■ <-eh=5"i- r i - o 3 iTj: :i > -t: < u 3 o J.y 5~>JB!2Z s ., sj' 3 s 0- g <^ .H|E^ ^ 3 c >^j3 a = =.2"5 ^[^£J=2 II l^ d|ii "kzSgJS- -gsgl: 3*5; a^'^ "-S _ 5 2 5" i '~ ^ .rZ ~ 3 :^ T-3*'j£-^ i-ts -^z "^-^ -^ -tH ^ •a; g ag.Sol-S X^upauooa-^ X -(JS. -O rZ.S - z ,--3 r a z 3^- 24 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. jf."" Ji kLkd '^f^cr**ua,lBu> '<5 Blaunfroun, Sire Thomas -bore, ai thi li.utlr uf l-ionaigliljridge 1322, ermine, on an inescocheon, the arms of SloKTIMK.K or, and aznre. tin- MoKTlMKK inescocheon argent. See also TUKl'INTON or Tkumpingtox. Bleneowe, Jolin de (E. m. Roll) lore, gules, a quarter in'gent ; Ji'nyns' Roll. 1''. Blonkinsopp, Thomas -(E. III. Roll) liore, argent a fess between thri'e garbs sable; (1''.) Jenyns' Ordinary. .See also incised slali ni Pedigree. Blenkinsopp, Thomas, of Helbeck — (E. III. Roll) bore, gules, six annulets 3, 2, i. or, a bordure engrailed argent. Jenyns' Ordinary. Blevei-hassett, John de-(E. iii. Roll) bore, gulp's, three dolphins embowed argent; Jen}'ns' Roll. F. Blewstt, see Bluet. "iBlois, Thomas, of Norton, Suffolk (10 E. i\'.) bore, gules, a liend \'air between two rteurs-de-lys or. —.Shirley. ] F. Blonde v. Blande. (H. III. Roll) bore, argent, a bet\M-ei] fuur torteaux ; St. yiciam- tj' Jilet BlothoTsr, - saltire s-ul CeorgeRoll. F. 'Blovint, Sir William le, of Warwickshire -bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, undfc (6) or and sable (F.) ; borne by another WiLLi.XMat the second Dunstable tournainrnt '334. '■>' r, on a canton of the second a raven ppr. ; .Arden and St. (jeorge Rolls. F. Blondeville, Randolf, Farl of Chester, /Hugh Kevelioke, Earl of Chester [icAom stv} 1180-1231, bore on his seal, a lyon or a wolf salianl ; Journal Brit. .Arch. ,Ass. vol. v. p, 235, but the Rolls (temp. H. ni, ) assign him, azure, three garbs or banded gules ; St, George Roll. F. Blyg'feld,Thomas— ( R. 11. Roll ) bore, argent, on a bend sable tlii'ee plates ; Surrey Ro' Bocking, Johnde— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, crusily (12) and a bend uiidt^e gules; Jenyns' Ordinary, I''. JBocton, Stephen de— (H. in. Roll) bore, azure, on a chief dancetti^e (4) or, three tor- teaux ; Daring Roll. F. ■"[Bodenham, Hugh de, lord of Bodenham in Herefordshire — bore, azure, a fess between three chess-rooks or. — ,Shirlcy.] F. JBodiham, "William de-(H. in. Roll) bore, .gules, an inescocheon argent, and eight Ijesants in orle ; Uering Roll. P". Robert took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Bodiham, "William de— (H. in. Roll) bore, argent, a bend indented per bend indented or and azure, within a bordure gules ; Howard Roll. F. Bodrugan :'. Botringham. Bodrugan, Sir Henry, and Otes, of Corn- wall— (K. n. Roll) bore, argent, three bendlets .gules ; Parly. Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Boer, Robert le—{H. in. Roll) bore, azure, three boars' heads or; Howard Roll. Bohun, Humphrey de, Karl of Hereford, ( 'onstable of England, sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xvi. xxiv. Hebore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298 (with a label gules), at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, and at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, as ilid his father Hl'mfrey also at Falkirk, azure a bend argent cotised or, between six lyonceux rampant of the last IF".) [the bend is often blasoned Hereford cotised {i.e. argent cotised or), and for Hknky, gules cotised or^. .Sir Hu.mphkev of Hereford- shire, bore the bend ermine cotised argent ; Parliamentary Roll. Bohun, Sire Edmund de— bore, at the battle of fioroughbridge 1322, " Hereford without the cotises" i.e., azure, a bend argent between six lyonceux rampant or. Bohun, Edvirard de— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, the arms of the Earl of Hereford with, un enisele (an ines- cocheon) of the arms of England. Wii.LI.XM OK BoHt.'N — bore, at that tournament (1^34) the arms of Hereford (with tlireemul lets gules pierced vert on the bend); and so also did VViIJ.I.VM, Earl of .N'orthanipton, K.G., at the siege of Calais 1345-8, with three nmllets (6) unpierced. Chikf BOHUN, WIFE lUSTICE TEMl PETER ARDERNE, AND Justice of the h. vi. and e. iv King's Bench. In L.\tton Church, Essex, 1465 — 5 Ed. After Drinnmond. IV. 3 d^ju^t^ 26 SOME FEU PAL COATS OF ARMS go ^ st(/ Bohun, Sir Gilbert cle, of co. Heieford- bhiie-lK. II. Roll) bore, azuru on a bend cotised argent lielween six lyonceux rampant or, three eseallops gules ; Parlv. and St. George Kolli. jijilx bore the same without the es- eallups; ,St (leorgeRoll. Bohuu, Sir Edmond de, of Hereford-shire— (I''. !i Roll) bore, a/in"e, a lientl per bend in- dented argent and giile.s pl.nn cotised of the second, between six lyonceu.x rampant or ; far])-. Roll. JBohun, John de— IE. i. Roll) bore, or, a cross azure (K. ), Ueriiig Roll; another JulIN, of Midhuist, a baron 1363, bore the same, Segar and Ashmole Rolls ; ascribed also to Rdhkkt m .Surrey Roll. Bohun, Poulke and Franke, see Burx. Bokkesworthe, Sir William de (or Hill. kwiiK 1 III.) — bore, at tiie hrst Dunstable totirnameiit 1308, or. a ]\on rampant purinire coll.tred or. F. Bolde, Sir Henry, of Bold, Lancashire, Kt. - ( if. \'i. Roll) bore, argent, a gryphon segreanl sable beaked and legged .gules, tjttartcily li'ith sable five fusils conjoined in fess argent, a label of three gnles ; Arundel and Ballard Rolls. Bolebee, Hugh— (H. HI. Roll) bore, vert, a lyon r.mi|iant ermine. Glover Roll ; Sir Hugh, thi- feudal lord, bore ( E. III.), vert, a lyon rampant argent ; Jenyns' Ordinary. V. Bolesby, "William de— (R. n. Roll) bore, s,(bl'', a saltire or ; Surrey fioll. Bolmer, see Hil.mkr. Bolron, (I'., iv. Roll) bore, argent, a bend sable between h\e lozenges in chief and three |iicks in base sable ; with crest : Ballard Roll F. Bolron, Thomas— (E. iii. Roll) bore, sable, on a chief a?-gent a fer-de-moulin of the Hrst ; Jenyns' Roll. ' F. Boltesham, Sir Thomas, of Rutland — (E. II. Roll) bore, gules, three besons or bird- bolts erect argent ; I'arliamentary Roll. Bolton, John de — (E. i. Roll) bore, argent, on .1 briid sable three eaglets, or ; Segar Roll. F. Bolton, Robert de-(E. iii. Roll) bore, argent, on a che\Ton gules three l}-ons passant gardant or ; Jenyns' Ordinar}'. Riorne also by TjiiiM AS H'i-;si,'..\h-|-U- '6cbl^3oro/ypfi^ ^^^Z^UU r^^^S^ ^3.J.a%^ ^a.uf J3if^*,ft %c.^ U BotUr SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 27 r oeiBl -M rgoiis "■^^^^ Bossard, Sire Hugo— bore, at tin: battle of Boioughbrid,i;e 1322, argent, two bars and in chief tliree mullets (6) within a bordure, all sable. F. Bosville, Roger— (K- "'■ R"l') •'"I''' argent, four fusils in fess gules ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Bosvile, Thomas, of Dayvile, in Yorks- (E. III. Roll) bore, argent, five fusils conjoined in fess gules, a crescent sable ; Jenyns' Roll. F. Bosville, Thomas— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, five fusils in fess gules, in chief three leaves (feuilles m Cotgrave and temoyles in Jenvns' Ordinary) slipped sable (F.) ; crosslets in Cotton M.S. & Harl. 6589; foyles or fer- mailes in Harl. 1068 and 1577. Bosvill, John— (R. 11. Roll) bore, ar.gent, five fusils in fess gules, in chief three m.artlets sable ; Surrey Roll. Boteler, AUayne, of Berdon— (E. m. Roll) bore, azure, three covered cups or; Jenyns' Ordinary. I*'. See also incised slab. Boteler, Andrew (Buti.kk)— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, argent six covered cups, 3, 2, I, sable, (jitortcrly with, gules a cross moline argent within a iDordure engrailed or ; Harl. 6137, reverses the quarterings. F. Boteler,Williamde— baron, of Warrington, William, of Weni. and Sir TiioM.v.s, of Beausay— jE. II. Roll) bore, azure a bend between six covered cups or ; Parliamentary, Ballard, and .Xshmole Rolls. John, R. II., bore the bend argent in Surrey Roll. This is not the usually accepted coat — see below. Boteler, James, of Rawcliff, in Lanes., also Sir Nkhui..\s. and JiiHN— (E. HI. Roll) bore, azure, a chevron between three covered cups or; Surrey, Ballard, .\shmole, and .\rundel Rolls. 'W'lLLiAM, of Kirkland, bore three mullets gules on the chevron ; Ballard Roll. Boteler, Sir William le, of Warrington, a baron, 27 E. I. — bore, gules, crusih- or a fess counter-compony (checquy in H. 4033) argent and azure ; Parliamentary Roll. R.\UF bore this argent and sable, in St George Roll. Boteler, William of Wemme, baron 1308, bore, gules, a fess checquy argent and sable, between six crosses pat^e fitch^e at the foot argent ; Nobility Roll. Another, gules, a fess checquy (counter-compony in trick), argent and sable between three crosses potent of the second {F. ); Jenyns' Ordinary. Boteler. William — bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, gules, crusily argent, a fess checc|uy of the last and sable. R.\UF bore this crusily or, in Glover Roll. F. Boteler, Ed-ward and Sir William— (E. 1. RolU bore, gules, crusilv argent a fi'ss counter-compony or and sable; .\rden, Guillini, an(l .Snrre\* Rolls. Boteler, Sir Raife le, of Salop— (E. 11. Roll) bore, gules, a fess checquy or and sable (azure, sometimes), in chief two mullets of the second ; Parliamentary Roll. Boteler, Sir William— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron counter-compony sal)le and .iigent; .\shmole Roll. Bottler, Theobald, Earl of Ormond— (FZ. i. Roll) bore, or, a chief dancett^e (3) azure ; Segar and .Ashmole Rolls, &c. (F. I J.vml.s, 5th F^.arl, K.G., bore it at the siege of Rouen 1418. Botiler, Sire Rauf le— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, argent, two bendlets gules ( F. ) R.VF bore the bendlets azure (.Arden Roll) ; ermine in .\shnlole Roll. Botiler, Sir Henry le—(E. i. Roll) bore, or. two bends gules a chief sable ; (juillim Roll. Botiler, Sir John (Ko.\lkk or Bovlek) knighted at the capitulation of C'alais 1348 — SIR JOHN DE BOTILER, 1285. In S. Bride's Church, Co. Gl.\moroan. After Boukll. bore, gules, four mascles in fess qu.arterlyargent andsable, between threecrossesflory or, H.6;89 (F. ); between six crosses crosslet or, in H. 1068. Botiller dk St. Lys ; le— (E. 1. Roll) bore. c|uarlerly argent and gules ; Holland Roll. Botelsham -■. Boltesham. Boter, Thomas— (E. in. Roll) bore, gyrony (81, oriniiie and gules; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Boterels, Sir William de, b.anneret — (I'".. 11. Roll I bore, checquy or and gules a chev- ron azure ; Parliamentary Roll. Sir RkV.XAL'I), of Cornwall, bore, three horse-shoes argent on the chevron ; Parliamentary Roll. Boterels,Thomas— ( H. in. Roll), bore. gules, bezantee. on a canton argent a cinquefoyle pierced salile ; .Arden and .St. George Rolls. F. Botetourt, Bartholomeiv de and Sir Guy, of Norfolk — (H. in. Roll) bore, ermine, a saltire engrailed gules ; Arden and Parly. Rolls. Sir WiI.I.I.\M, of Norfolk, bore a nmllet or, for difference at the first Dunstable tournament 1308 (F. ); and Sir R.\LF, also of Norfolk, E. II., bore, a label (3) vert, for difference in P.arly. Roll. Botetourt, Sir John, a baron 1305— bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, or, a saltire engrailed sable ; a banneret in the Parliamentary Roll. ( 1''. ) .Sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301 with a cinquefoyle pierced, on e.ach (foyle) a ^.lUire engrailed, pp. xix. xxiv. Botetourt, Sir Thomas, of .\orfolk — bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, and at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, or, a saltire engrailed sable, a label (5) gules. .Sire lun.\x i.K Fiz, bore the same at Borough- bridge, the pendants of the label platey. Botreaux, Benaud (Botr'ws)— (H. in. Koll ) bore, checquy (also vaire) or and gules, on .1 chevron azure three horse-shoes argent (F. ) ; .Arden and St. George Rolls. Sir Wii.i.i.vM reversed the checquy ; Harl. Roll. Botreaux, Le Sire (Nichol.vs) — (E. 111. k,.!lli bore, checquy or and gules, a bend vair. lenyns' Ordinary. F. Botreaux, William (Boirevve)- (R. n. Roll I bore, argent, a gryphon segreant gules .nined azure, .Surrey Roll ; gules and argent in .\shmole Roll. jBotresham, Sire de— (E. i. Roll) bore, or. "*" three mascles two and one .... a chief paly |6t argent and gules ; Derin.gand Camden Roils. F. Botringham ;■. Bodrugan. Botringham, Sire Otes de— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322. argent three liendlets gules i F. ). .Sir Hknky bore the same ; Harl, kn'll. Botringham, William de ( Bl-ttringham) — bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, argent a bend gules. Ji^yrt^otA^ M^/B**f£^ 28 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. '^^f^'B^ih^ ftnoUirn "BcU^ci)! ^^m«3^ Z^# 3o..»P' ^oiP £;*<«.■/««. Hzrchf d -B^Ue '?^^ iiC*t&r l&i cQll. Boys, Nicol de-(H. m. Roll) bore, ermine two bars and a cjuarter gules. Sir John of CO. Line, and Roger bore, over all, a bendlet sable ; Parliantentary and Surrey Rolls. Boys, Henry de, del Usburne-IE. in. Roll) bore, barry (8) gules and or (or and argent in blason) on a chief indented (3) sable, as many escallops of the second ; Jenyns' Roll. F. Boys, Sir Tfiehol de, of Bucks, and John — (E. III. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron sable bezanty (3 or 5) ; Parliamentary Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Boys, Richard de— (H. in. Roll) bore, ^I<1K riMt.Ksarms sable and or. theinescocheon argent biliettee of the first ; .Arden, St. George, and Howard Rolls. One of these names took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Boyton, see Biv riiN. JBoyville, William de (E. 1. Roll), and Sir Wii.m.vm, of Northants— (E. It. Roll) bore, gules, three saltorelles argent (K. ). Dering and Parliamentar\' Rolls, &c. ; colours reversed in St. George Roll. Robert took up the cross in the last Crusade 1269. Boyvile, John— (R. n. Roll) bore, gules, a fess or betw een three saltorelles argent ; Siu'rey Roll Brabason, Sir Roger, of CO. Eeic — (E. 11. Roll) bore, gules, on a bend or three martlets sable ; Parlv. Roll. One of these names with these arms slain at the siege of Calais 1347. *Bracebridge, Sir John de, ofco. Line.- bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, vaire argent and sable a fess gules (F.) ; Parly. Roll. Borne also by R.\FEE at the siege of Rouen 1418. Bracebridge, John— (H. in. Roll) bore, or, a cross azure ; .St. (jeurge Roll. F. Braekonbridge, Sir William, of Arden — (E. III. Roll) bore, argent, a cross pattfc voided (/.<■. quarter pierced ) gules; Ashmole Roll. Brace, William de— (H. in. Roll) bore, gules, a fess argent in chief two mullets (5) or ; Arden Roll [pierced gules St. George] ; borne also by ROHKRT. with a label (4) azure; St. George Roll. F. J\Obt^ d ^-raci fJtrfQ -raretKiO J# JV Ji- :BrATet>rufe Jof^ ^^oyel ■U/tll J B'"*y Thom.\s, baron 1342 ; Surrey Roll. Braose,SirGiles,of Bucks (I-:. 11. Roll) bore, azure, crusily and a !)-on rampant or. charged on the shoulder with a tleur-de-lys gules ; Parly. Roll. Sir John Ijorc the lyons crowned gules, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, and so also Pktkk, as the last, witti a crescent for difference. Braose, Sir Giles de, b.anneret— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, erusil\' and a lyon rampant giiles, tail fourchee renowtie ; Parly. Roll. Braose, Sir John, knighted at the capitu- lation of Calais 1348— bore, gules crusily and a lyon rampant or. Braose, Sir Peers, of (Jloucestershire - (E. n. Rollibore, or, crusily andalyon rampant sable, tail fourchee et renow^e ; Parly. Roll. Braose, John-(R. 11. Roll) bore, argent crusily titeliee and a lyon rampant gules, tail fourchee ; Surrey Roll. Braose, Robert de (Bklis), of Krecknok, baron 1297— bore, barry (6) vaire (potent counter-potent) ermine and gules, and azure; Nobility Roll. .Ascribed also to Wm. dk Bkeus. JBraose, Beynald le (Bki;wi:s)-(H. hi. Roll) bore, aiuie, two bars vaire gules and ermine ; Howard and Dering Rolls ; tricked the reverse(same asjoiis Gresi.kv) in Jenyns' C)rdinarv. F. Bratworthe, Sire Richard- bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, argent, a saltire azure, and a label (3) gules ; F. ; in this roll the arms of Sir John dk Bvkon are erroneously applied to him. See also B.\KKS\VOKTH. *[Bray, Thomas (9 E. in.) -bore, argent. a chevron between three eaglets sable a la cuisse.— Shirley.! F. "^^-£,^04/^^^^ '^IptfUlilRtay '^%:b^^p^ ^""2 ^,«.^,y ,-/^ h '^do^^ ^^r«,»i ^«*^;. 72 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. SIR REGINALD BRAY, PRIVY COUNCILLOR TO HEN. VII. IN lilK NORTH WINllOW OF JESUS COLLEGE, PRIORY CHURCH, GREAT MALVERN. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. T3-*atl€-tofP^ I V ^*^^l I -6 ^ - — -M ^w Ji^ TSic^i^fU 'Bt»r»i^<^ >l»'B^^4<^rtB- ^l^^^fc^h =F Wir^ 3^*^ i«J p^Je^ 1&r^*x»l 'B<'^.C3-^& i-tyn J]myan 'Btfd'tt h ^.-.^y^ Bray, de (0.\on)-(E. in. Roll) bore, quarterly argent and azure, on a bend gules three tleurs-de-lys or ; Cotgrave Roll. Braye, Sir Robert de, of Northants — (E. II. Roll) bore, vair, three bendlets gules; Parly. Roll. See Illustration, Sir Regin.\ld Hk.w. Braybrook, Sir Gerard, of Bucks-(E. ii. Roll) bore, argent, seven mascles conjoined 3, 3, I, gules: Parliamentary Roll; another Gek.\RD bore it with a label of three azure ; Surrey Roll ; and another Gkr.^ird and a Tiio.M.xs bore. si\ mascles, 3, 2, i, gules; Ashmole Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Braylesford, Henry de— (E. iii. Roll) l.di.-. or. a cinquetViyle sable; Jenyns' Ordi- n.\iy. ]■ . Bredenhill ; . Brudenhill. Brenley, Sir Lawrence (or Bkynd.vi.e)— 1 1:. III. Roll! bure. gules, a gryphon segreant or ; ,\siuii')le Roll. Brent, Sir Robert de, of Somerset— (E. 11. Roll) bore, gules, a gryphon segreant argent ; Parliaiiu-nuu'N" Roll. Brentislee, John de-(E. in. Roll) bore, .argent, on a bend engrailed gules three lyon- ceux pa.ssanl of the field ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Brereleghe, Thomas— IE. in. Roll! bore, argent, a cross crosslet gules ; Jenyns' Ordi- nary. V. Brereley, Sir Thomas -(E. 1 i. Roll) bore, argent, a cross potent gules ; .-\5hn10le Roll. Brereton, Andrew of-(E. iv. Roll) bore, argent, two bars sable ; with crest ; Ballard Roll. Bretagne, John de, nephew of K. Edward (8th F.arl of Richmond, / John, Duke of Bkit.vnnyI bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300; Dkelw. with a quarter of Britanny and a bor- dureof England, viz., checquy or and azure, a bordure gules poudr^ with leopards or {i.e., eight Ivons of England passant gardant or), over ail a canton ermine (F.). Borne also by DE MoXTFuK T, Earl of Richmond, K.G. , 1376. Breton, Sire Robert -bore, at the batde of Boroughbridge 1322, azure, a bend between six mullets (6) or ; spur-ro«clls in Jenyns' Ordi- nary and Surrey Roll ; borne also argent and gules, by Peires and Sir WlI.LUM. of co. Line. F. JBreton, John— (E. n. Roll) bore, quarterly or and gules, a bordure azure ; Dering Roll ; and for Sir John, of Essex, in Parliamentary Roll. John i.k Breton, D'n's. de Sfori.e appears to have sealed, with these arms, the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xxi, xxiv. Breton, Sire John, of Essex— (H. vi. Roll) bore, azure, two chevronels or, in chief two mullets pierced argent ; Arundel Roll. Breton, Philip de Cobburne— (E. in. Roll) bore, sable. Iretty argent, a chief or ; Jenyns' ("irdiii.ir\'. I' Breton, Robert de—(H. in. Roll) bore, per pale gules and azure, a fess between two chevrons argent; Arden and St. George Rolls. Breton, Roger— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a che\Ton between three escallops gules ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Brett, Sir Amyan— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, gules, in chief a lyon passant gardant or. F. Brett, Sir Eumenious (or Am.\neu), de la — Ixire. at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaveiock 1300, " gules" ; the arms of the French family of .\i,bret, tricked as the next in Harl. MS.' 6137 fo. 38''. Brett, Sir John and Sir Roger, of Leices- tershire -lE. II. Roll) bore, gules billett^e and a fess dancetti5e o'. (F. ) Ashmole and Parlv. Rolls. Brewes, see also Br.\use and Bruse. Brewes, Johnde (E. n. Roll) bore, ermine, a cross lozengy sable ; Jenyns' Roll. F. Breysy, Sir Piers de— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, or a lyon rampant azure Languecl gules. (K.) See Br,\OSE. Bridelshall, Sir Gilbert de, of county Lincoln — (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, two gemelles azure, in chief three mullets gules ; Parliamentary Roll. Bridmanstone, Sir Stephen de, of Dorset — (E. II. Rf.ill) bore, argent seven mascles conjoined saljle ; another trick, six lozenges, 3, 2. I ; Parliamentary Roll. .See Croupes. Brygge ( 1, an Essex Kt. — (H. vi. Roll) bore, argent, three owls passant sable, beaked and legged or ; .Arundel Roll, F. Brightmere ( 1. of Essex— (H. vi. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron between three swans' heads and necks erased argent ; .Arundel Roll. Brinton, Adam de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, gules, a Ivon rampant ermine tail fourch^e ; Arden and St. George Rolls. F. *[Brisco, Isold, of Crofton. Cumberland, 1390 — bore, argent, three greyhounds courant sable.— Shirley"] F. Britby, Ro'bert de-(E. 11. Roll) bore. gules, billetti5e and a fess dancett^e .argent ; Jenyns' Roll. F. Britehebury, Avery— (R. n. Roll) bore, argent, two bars azure, on a canton of the last, a martlet or; Surrey Roll. Britton, Sir William de (Bevton or Bnvrd.N), of Suffolk— (E. n. Roll) bore, azure, three escallops or ; Parliamentary Roll. Brius, or Briwys, see Br.vose and Bruse. Broe, Laurence de— (H. in. Roll) bore, gules, on a chief argent a lyon passant of the field ; St. George Roll. F. Brocas, Bernard— (R. n. Roll) bore, sable, a Ivon rampant gardam or ; [another Berx.^RD bore it with a label (3) gules, Surrey Roll]; and Sir John also bore it at the siege of Calais 1345-8. F ijiiriiAiAi ^ W 7 \ / \c^ y ^■m A- i^r^tc ^MM.f. t'>-***eft ^ Stt ^i^08.*^^^ IfyJkB^^^ ^nri^^Xz-atJ i^t ll) bore, argent, crusily and a fess uridine gules ; .\rumiel Roll. Broke, Nele de—(H. iii. Roll) bore, gules, a chief indented or; Howard Roll. Broome, Sir Nicholas, of Norfolk— (E. ii. Roil) bore ermine, a fess dancett^e gules; Parly. Roll. Brome, Sire 'William de— liore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, sable a cross passant argent. V. Bromie, Roger de-(H. 111. Roll) bore, argent, a chief dancett^e gules ; St. George Roll. F. Bromley, Sir John of— (E. iv. Roll) bore, c|uarterly per fess daneetti^e gules and or ; with two crests; Hallard Roll. (Bromley?), (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent, on a chevron gules three besants, a bordure "■ngrailed of the second; Surrey Roll. Brompton, see Brampton and Brumton. Brontone, Piers de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, .iig<'iit. on a chief gules three escallops or; -\rden Roll, Brony ( ), a Suffolk Knight-(H. vi. Roll) liore. argent, a chief indented gules; Arundel Roll. *f Brooke, Adam de, lord of Leigluon (H. iii.) - bore, or, a cross engrailed per pale gules and sable.— Shirley. ] V. Brooke, Sir Thomas (or Bokk)— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, a fess dancett^e (3) sable, be/aiitee at the points ; P.arliamentary Roll. *[ Brooke, "William de la, of Brooke, Somer- set. 1231 boie, gules, on a chevron argent, a lyon rampant sable. -.Shirley. ] F. Brotherton, Thomas of, Earl Marshal— fiore. at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, Englantl and a label (3) argent. F. *Broughton, John de— (F. 11. Roll) bore, argent, two bars gules, on a quarter of the last a cross of the first ; Jenyns' Roll. F. Broughton,Thomasde— (R. 11. Roll)boie, ;i/ure, a cross engr,iiled .trgent ; .Surrey Roll. Browe. Hugh de— (R. 11. Roll) bore, gules, on a chevron argent, three roses of the field seeded or ; Surrev Roll. Browne, Sir Thomas, of Kent, Kt — (H. VI. Roll) bore, sable three lyonceu.v be- tween two bendlets engrailed argent, in the sinister chief point an eagle's head erased or ; .Arundel Roll. Bruce, see Br.\ose, Bri-:\VEs and Bkl'sk, F.-\RL UF CaRKICK. Bruce, Robert, lord of Annandale, a baron 1205 — Ijore, or, a saltire and chief gules. (?'. ) See 1-iRl'SK. *[Brudenell, <:liai Bredenhill, 'William da, of IJodington, O.KOn ( K. i.) bore, ar- ,gent, a che\Ton gules between three morions azure. — Shirley.] F. tBruere, Robert de la— (H. 111. Roll) bore, chect|uv argent .ind gules, a chief or and a denii-lyon issuant (sable ?) ; Dering Roll. Brugest ). of Gloucestershire -(E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, on a cross sable a leopard's face or. in the first quarter a crescent of the second : Parliamentary Roll. Brviges,Hue de(or Heggio.s)— (H. 111. Roll) bi.'ie, gules, bezanti^e and a chief ermine; St. (ieorge Roll ; called Kenmays, Hail. 246 fo. 33. Bruili, Roger de — (H. in. Roll) bore, ermine on a bend gules three chevronels or; St. ( ieorge Roll. F. Brumtone, Brian de (or Bro.mpton)— (E. III. Roll) bore, or, two lyons pa.ssaut gules (F. ); Arden Roll and jenyns' Ordinary. W.VLTF.K bore it with a label (5) sable ; Arden and St. George Rolls. F. Bria.n he Brami'- I ( ).\' t' 'ok ui» the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Brumton, John de— (H. ni. Roll) bore, or, two Ivons passant gules, a baston sable (F.), St. (ieorge Roll ; Baihwin bore, three escal- lops or on a liend ; Arden Roll. Brune, Sir Morys le, a baron 1315— bore. .It the first Dunstable tournament 1308, azure, .1 cross moline or; 8 E. 11. (F. ). Parly, and Harleian Rolls, and Jenyns' Ordinary; recercel^e (in Harl. 337), pearled or, in .Ash- mole Roll(F. ); the cross sarcelfc in Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Wll.l.lA.M took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Brune, Sir Richard le—(E. iii. Roll) bore, azure, a lyon rampant argent guttiSe de sang ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Brune, Thomas— (E. 111. Roll) bore, azure, guttc^e de sang, a lyon rampant argent tail ^■estans"; jenyns' Orchnary. Brune, William— (E. iii. Roll) bore, azure, billettee ,ind a lyon rampant or; Jenyns' (.Irdinary. !■'. Bruse, Sir Barnarde, oi Hunts . Ingram de(I), and lefrcr.-, Sir Robert le—(H in. Roll) bore, azure, a saltire and a chief or; Howard, Dering, and Holland Rolls. 6rian tL &o^ntr^t TiJ c*' 3rrontxine. 7*1,0/11 Uci:Bi- wn^ *b<^ ■K*K»i<^ '^Imtal Z3i-n»t^ ^^w*^^ 15«-t.«^ J° < SlTo-ntttme ■:iOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 35 ¥©VJ(5)V[^§ ^^ET THE HERALDIC ATCHIEVEMEXT OF CHARLES GLYNX PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, Esq., OF PRIDEAUX PLACE, CORNWALL. 36 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF AA\US. f*^xl JSr^s-vl o-ui*tt jB-itxiyd VT (^ 111 cr aTxa5«r&etV %ot^ iBrinf. oGrc» ^ 3<^/](5^ 'Kxcka^ le 3-*^*^ %>h? le :BTnH*r JBruse, Richard ds— (H. m. Roll) hoie, !;ultf>,. a saltire and a chief or, Dt-iing Roll ; and RoDEKT (E. I.) bore the reverse (F. ). and anfither Robf.kt (E. i.) liore it with a spur- rowi-11 argent; Canuk-n Roll and Harl. MS. 1481 fo. 43^. •fBruSS, Robert de, Earl of Karrie, T2q2~ bore, or. a sallire sti'i^^^i on a chief of the second a lyon passant gardant or; Cuillini Roll and I'envns' Ordinary. F. He and his fath.-r took up the cross in the last Crusade 1261*. 1270. ^. Brus, Sire Williara de -bore, at the battle of Koroughbridge 1322, gules, a saltire en- grailed and a chief dancettfc argent. Sec F.fHgy, Sir WlI.I,i.\M 1226. In Jenyns' Or- dinary the arms are tricked, gules, a saltire engrailed argent, a chief of the seconil. danrettee throughout gules F'. Brus, Piers, of Skelton, Yorkshire (E. ill. Roll) bore, argent, a lyon rampant azure ; lirimakli and Glover Rolls. Brus, Richard (Bkvs)— bore, at the second I )uns(able tournament 1334, argent a lyon rani- ji.nn gules tail "double tresses et croissele," — fourch(5e et rcnowSe. Sir Rich.\rd Brkousk, of Norfolk (E. II.), bore, the field ermine; Parliamentary and .-\shmole Rolls. ¥. Brus, John-(H. in. Roll) bore, or, three chr\roneK gules, a bordtire engrailed azure ; St. (Jeorge Roll. F. Indented in Norfolk Roll. Brus, Robert de (Bkui.s or Bkiwvs) - (H. HI. Roll) bore, gules, a lyon passant gardant ermine ; St. George Roll. ¥. Brussele, Sire de— (E- i- Roll) bore, or, a s.iltire gules; Camden Roll. (T?.) .See the ■' < ieii'-alogist," Xl\'. n.s. 10. Brut, Richard le— (H. iii. Roll) bore, cheetiuy argent and sable a bend gules. St. (ji-orge Roll. F. Bruton, Robert le, and Joan le— (H. iii. Roll) bore, c|uarterly or and gules a bordtn-e engrailed azure; St. (ieorge Roll (F'. ). FI. "I,^7#75' 80, see BliKTciN. Bryan,SirGuyde,K.G.,a baron 1350— bore, .It the siege of Calais 1345-8, or, three piles meeting in Ijase azure — the colours are often reversed. F", anrl Effigy. Bryane, William le— (R. 11. Roll) bore, or, three i)iles meeting in base azure, on a canton paly (4) argent and azure, a bend gules charged witii three eagles or ; Surrey Roll. Bryanson, Bartholome-w (H. 111. Roll) bore, gyrony (8 or 12) argent and azure; I'.irly. and liering Rolls, Jenyns' < »rtlinar\-, &c. .\scribed also to SiK John , banneret, and' Oti;s. F. Bryndale, Sir Lawrence- ( Iv in. Roll) liore, gnle-s .r gr\|jhon segre.int or ; .\shinole Roll. .See Bkic.ni.ky. Bryne ( ), of Tervaine— (f:. iv. Roll| bore, iirgi-nl an eagle displaved sable; with crest; l'..ilhird Roll. Bueh, Sr. Captal de— bore, at the lut of Falkirk 1298, p,ily or and .gules, .i e.inl ermine .iiul a bordure sable besantee. liii or Hucher. the name of a fort near Bordeaux. ■See Bi;kiii:u.\, di; Foix, and Gu.\ii.i,v. See also pedigree in Allstis' "(),-,]e|- ,,)■ the (iarler, " \ol. T. Introduction, page 8. Buehan, the Earl of -(F.. in. Roll) b,.re, azure, three garbs or banded gules; leiiyns' < 'rdinary. (F. page 39.) .See Comvn. Buchard, Sire Thomas -bore, at ihebniilc of Boroughbridgi- 1322, gules, and a label (5) sable. .See next tntr\'. 1. 1.1AM Die KKUCK i)F L'r,(;i,]:i'..\UN-|;\, Yorks In PuKioRiNi; CiiFRcii, t. I''ri'/n Dniinmoiid. Ti^ ^x9lot^» y-.j^v>-Vv'X'" SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 37 % lBo$9c fyv'a^:BMuU \\.'^^J^ AtT. o&-2^%* W4-cm. Bvichard,Sire Will Latymer ( Boi hakd) bore, at thi? l)atllt' of Horoughhridge 1322, j^ules.a cross (patee or) "' Les Armcs Latymer"'; a label (5) sable charged with a martlet argent (indistinct). Buckhara, Roger de (Bokkiiam) -(K. 111. Roll ) bore, checquy or and sable, a fess ermine ; Irnyns' Ordinary. V. Buckeshall, Walter ( Hukkshall) — (1-:;. III. Roll) bore, argent, crusily and a lyon rampant i^iiIes ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F". See ;ilsw^c ^o^d B^ykU^le ^ ^ ^.^^ -^^^ -B.^^ i!!« #1 ra '^o^ L:& tTeho-n 'H-'^-ffi Burnell, Philip— (H. m. Roll) bore, argent, a lynn rampant sable, on a bend gules three escallops or ; St. George Roll. Three mullets argent in Arden Roll. Robert took up the cross in the last Crusade T270. Burnell, Hugh, and Philip-(H. ni. Roll) bore, argent, a lyon rampant sable, debruised by a baston gules; Howard, Camden, and .St. (ieorge Rolls. F. Burnell, Sir Kichard— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a Ivon rampant azure guttle d'or crowned of the last, langired and armed gules; Ashmole Roll. Burneville, Sir John de— bore, at ihe liattle of Boroughbridge 1322, gules, a saltire engrailed (argent) between four cinquefoyles or ( K. ) ; ascribed also to Sir Robert, of Suffolk, in Parliamentary Roil. Burnliam, Sir Thomas, v. Bourneham. Burnham, Sir Walter, of Norfolk— (E. u. K"ll)bi-jre, s,tl)le, a cross between four cres- cents ari^ent ; Tarliainentary Roll. Burninghill, Hugh de— (E. 11. RolUbore, sable three bats (or rere-mice) argent ; Jenyns' Roll. F. Burowdon, Thomas -(E. \\\. Roll) bore. argent three cinc|Uefoyles sable ; Jenyns' Ordi- naVv. (F. ) See aIso'W..\LTEK Bor'down. Burrell (H. ui. Roll) bore, paly (6) or and azure, over all a fess gules ; St. George R..1I. .See PaKi-.iiii.i,. F. Burrell.Rogerde— (H. iii. Roll) bore, paly ( 10) argent and sable, a bend gules ; St. George Rull. 'F. Burton, Sir Kauf de— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, paly (6) or and gules on a bend sable three water-bougets argent ; borne also l)y JOHN; see Surrey Roll and Jenyns" Ordinary. F. Burton, Sir John de— (E. in. Roll) bore. gules, three plates on each a chevron sable ; AshTuole Roll. Burton, Sir Roger de-(E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a fcss sable fretty or ; Ashmole Roll. Burton, Sir William— (E. iii. Roll) bore, sable, a chevron between three owls argent IF.); .Ashiuole Roll. Tho.m.vs. R. il. bore, the owls crowned or ; Surrey Roll. Buslingthorpe --•■ Beslingthorpe. Bussy, Sir Hugh, of CO. Line, and John — (F. 111. Rolli bore, argent three barrulets sable; Parliamentary and Surrey Rolls and lenyns' Clrdinary. V , Buterley,Roger or Stephen— (H. 111. Roll) bore, or, a fess gules in chief three torteaux ; Arden and St. George Rolls. (F. ) .And another, in .Arden Roll, with cinquefoyles pierced gnles in lieu of torteaux. Butler, see BirrEEER. Button, John de-(E. iii. Roll) bore, ermine. .1 fess gales ; Jenyns' Roll. F. Buttringham, William de— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 7334, argent, a bend gules. See also Bodrug.\n and BoTKINGH.\M. BuxhuU :'. Buckeshall. Buxhull, Sire Alayn de (Boxhuee) of Kent— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, or, a lyon rampant azure fretty argent (!•'.), (or, in"H. 6137/10''), P.irliamentary Roll ; Raphe in Jenyns' Ordinary. Bycovyleyn, William— (R. ie Roll) bore, argent, three crescents 2 and I gules; .Surrey Roll. Byron, Sire John de— bore, at tl.e battle of Boroughbridge 1322, argent, three bendlets gules; so also Sir lAMES, of co. Line. R. IE. Parliamentary Roll' and Sir Rii ie\ri>. E. ie. Surrey Roll. In the Boroughbridge Roll, the arms of Sir Rich. BRAKWORTHor Bratvvorth are erroneously assigned to this Sir John. Byron, Sir John, ie fitz -knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348— bore, argent, three bendlets gules and a label (3) azure. .So also Richard, E. e. Xativity Roll. James {%), H. III., bore, a label (5), azure (F.), the tinc- tures reversed in the Dering Roll. Byron, James de—(H. iii. Roll) bore, bendy "(10) argent and gules, a label (5), azure; Howard Roll. Byron, Nicholas, E. iv. See Beron. Byye, Sir William— (H. vi. Roll) bore, three azure crescents or ; .\rundel Roll. %c^ U B^Htrt. V V 4 I f 1 V . V . V ^J*:8- iUn^ "Jtrmej J- ^tTec*ine ■ Giiv uiudusts Harold to William, Duke of t/ir Xormans. After the Bayeux Tapestry. THE ARMS OF THE OLDER COLLEGES IN CAMBRIDGE. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 41 ]J7iere a Clerk and .E/fgA'va l/tcr the Bayciix Tapestry. 0( / " u.v»/ I V t\ y i \ 1 > ^ J / > y r^ / V — c JiclAtn «/• C«il* Hu^ i9fMH^ fflCfO^C C tUTV' HI. Roll) bore, chief gules ; Cai.dkcott of 'K"ff ^^0amoyl Cabery, Alan de, of Hippeswell— |F,. 111. Roll) bore, gules a fessvair ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Caili, Adam de (Caii.i.y)— (H. in. Roll) bore, cliecquy or and gules, an inescocheon ermine ; .St. (jeorge Roll. F. Caili, Thomas, baron 1309— bore, checquy gules and or, a bend ermine ; Nobility Roll. .\scribed to Sir Al).\.\i iiK C.wi.K, of Xorfoik, in Parliamentary Roll. Caili, "Walter de (C.\yi.i;)-(H. hi. Roll) bore, chei.(|uy or and azure, on a fess gules three nuillets argent ; .St. (ieorge Roll. Caili, Sir William (C.u.v)— (E. iii. Roll) bore, quarterly argent and sable, over all lui a baston gules three mullets pierced or ; .^shmole Roll. Caldecott, Richard— (E. per pale argent and azure, Jenyns* Ordinary. .Siric dh Norfolk, bore, per pale or and azure, on a chief gules three leopards' faces of the first ; Parliamentary Roll. Calkin, Sir Hugh, of Flanders— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, argent, a pale between two greyhounds erect sable, (F. ); respecting each other, in Slowe. Calthorpe, Sir "William, of Norfolk— ( I-'. II. R{»11} bore, chectjuy or and azure a fess ermine, Parliamentary RcjII and Jenyns' Ordinary ; also borne, or and sable— another with the fess argent and yet another — checquy or and gules on a fess argent three martlets sable, in the .\shmole Roll. Calthorpe ( ), of Orthenley, Norfolk— (E. HI. Roll) bore, ermine, a niaunch gules; .Asbniole Roil and Jenyns' Ordinary. .See G.M.l'IKIRl'. Caltofte, Sir Johnde, of CO. Line— (K. iii. Roll) bore, argent, three roses gules — Parlia- mentruT Roll — this surname occurs also in Cotgrave Roll and for coat "argent, a lyon vaire and a." Calverley, Sir John— (E. in. Roll) bore, sable, an inescocheon within an orle of owls argent ; Ashmole Roll. Calverley, Hue, John, and "Walter— (R. H. Roll) bore, argent, a fess gules between three calves passant sable, see Effigy : Joii.v bore a crescent and Hugh bore a mullet, for difference ; Surrey Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Calvert, Sir Richard (or Culvet) — {\\. III. Roll) bore, gules, a bend nebulae .iTgi_-iit ; A^hniole Roll. JCam, Richard— (H. ni. Roll) bore, argent six eaglet^ 3, 2, I, displaved sable; Dering Roll. F. Camoyes, Le Sr. — bore, at the siege of Rouen 141S, or, on a chief gules three plates — borne also by ,Sir R.M'IIK and .Sir Thom.\s, K.G. In Howard and Dering Rolls, two plates only are ascribed to John (J) — in the Camden Roil the (3) plates are in fess— in (jrimaldi Roll three torteaux are ascribed to R.\LF. Camoyes, Sir Rauf, banneret — bore, at the first Dunstaljle tourn.uuent 1308, argent, on a chief gules three besants. F. •fCanipaine, Pers de (H. in. Roll) bore, ' argent, a chief gules ; .\rden and St. Oeorge Rolls. See Ch.\mi'.-\ine. Camvile, Sir GeofFrey de, banneret, a baron 120s — I>ore, azure, three lyons passant in pale argent ; Nobility and Parliamentary Rolls, &c. So a,scribed also to Hugh, ROBF.RT (J), and WiLI.I.-\M. (F. ) In the Dering and Howard Rolls the tinctures are reversed for Gkoffrev (J). Cantelo, Philip de— (H. m. Roll) bore, argent, a fess gules fretty or ; Howard Roll. +Cantelou,Sire Johande— (E. i. Rolbibore, azure, three fleurs-de-l\-s or ; Dering Roll, ^:e. — leopards' faces jessant-de-lys in .Ashmole MS. Cantelou, George (E. i. Roll) and "Wil- liam -bore, gules, three fleurs-de-lys or (F. ) ; Camden Roll, ,S;c. .Ascribed also to JORis vet Pres de, in Howard Roll ; .Sir William of Salop bore it with a baston argent, in Parlia- mentary Roll. Cantelupe, Sir John, banneret— bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, azure, three leopards' faces Jessant-de-lys or ( F. ) —perhaps of Snitter- field ; the leopards' faces are often reversed. Sir H. bore a red field in the Atkinson Roll, and so did William, with the faces reversed, in the Segar Roll. Cantelupe, Sir "William, of Ravensthorpe, banneret, a baron 1299, bore, at the battle of ?'alkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, gules, a fess vair between three leopards' faces jessant-de-lys or; F. Parliamentary Roll— faces reversed in Jenyns' Ordinary, &c. Sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301 with (gules) a fess vair between three fleurs-de-lys (or) ; pp. xviii, .xxiv. Capelle, Sir Richard de, of co. Hereford — bore, -at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, argent, a chevron gules between three torteaux. F. ftittlBe J^nuMttff Cec ■ c/ Carte fe/o ^t ^r^&a^^^^ •^-^ (9afi^ r^^iL^\Jo 42 SOAfE FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. /yfi*ii ^(t^iortii //y. ^ar'^&^^^tJ& Capon, Sir Robert— (K. in. Roll) bore, sales, thret.' caprms antl a bnrduro eni;railc(l argent : Ashniole Roll. Cappsor Cappus( ). a Kentish Knight— (H. VI. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron between three trefoyles sable, an escallop of the first ; Arundel Roll. Caraunt ( ), an Ksse\ Knight — (H. vi. Roll) bore, argent, three hurts each charged with as jiiany chevronels gules {sii) ; Arundel Roll. Carbonell, John— (K. in. Roll) bore, gules. a cross argent, a bordure or ; Jeuyns' Ordinary. Carbonell, "William— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334. gules, a cross argent, a bordure engrailed or. (F. } .\scribed also to Rdheki' in .Surrey Roll, and to Sir John in Ashniole Roll ; tricked indented for Sir John, of Suffolk, in Parliamentary Roll. Carbonell ( ). a Suffolk Knight— (H. vi. Roll) bore, gules, a cross argent lozeng\- sable ; .\rundel Roll. Cardelecke, Henry— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, a/iu'c, a castle triple tin reted oi . F. Cardeston, John de— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334. gules, a saltire argent, a label besantt^e (.^/r). (F. ) See also KKKIIKSTdN. Caresville, Sir 'Williani— (F. 111. Roll) Iwre, argent, three gentclies sable; .Ashniole Roll, ascribed to John in Jenyns' Roll, with the remark —same as Peks dk C.vkevv. Careswelle, Williani de -bore, at the .secoiul Ounst.ible tinirnamcnt 1334, argent frett\- gules, a fess azLU'c. V. *Carew, Nicholas de, banneret — bore, at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, or, three lyons pas- sant sable (F.) and as Lord DE Mli.eskiiku sealed the Baions" letter to the Pope 1301. pp. .\xi, x.xiv. Sir John bore it at the siege of Calais 1345-8, on which occasion .Sir John. junior, of co. f ilouc. , differenced w itli a label (3) gules. See Baron DE C.\HE\v in JeiiN-ns' Orflinary. Carew, Pers de (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent, three g<-nielles sable ; Surrey Roll, same as John ('AKEsvn.LE. Carington , (E. iv. Roll) bore, sable, on a bend argent three lozenges of the field ; with crest ; Haflard Roll. Carlyell, Sir William de, of Cumberland— 1 1-.. II. RoUl bore. or. a cross patonce gules ; I'.irliameutary Roll. Carminow, Thomas— (F". ni. Roll) bore, azure, a bend or, and a label (3) gules ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Carnaby, William -(F". in. Roll) bore, argent, two bars azure m chief three hurts ; Jenyns' Rr)il. Carrick, Earl of (H. in. Roll) bore, sable, three ciuquefoyles 2 antl i, or, Howard Roll; argent in Camden Roll. (F. ) This coat pro- bably appertains to the name of Carrick rather than to an l\arl of that name., *[Cary, Sir Robert, of Gary, Devon (H. v.) — bore, argent, on a bend sable three roses of the first.— Shirley. J F. Casa Nova, Otha de, bannerei, v. Sasse- nau. Cassynges, Sir William — bore, at the first Dunstable tounianient 1308, azure, a cross nioline \oided 01 , over all a bendlet gules. F". Castell, Sir William (or de Ch.\stel), of CO. Glouc. — (!•;. II. Roll) bore, gules, two bars argent on a canton of the last a castle sable ; Parly. Roll. .\I.AN, of the city of London, took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Castelmyne i' Gaseeline. Castilton,Sirede( ). a Knight banneret, — bore, .It the battle of I'alkirk 1298, gules, a castle or. F. Castre, Sir John de - bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. azure, an eagle displaved barrv (10), argent and gules, (F.); (8) in Ashmole'M.S. Castre, Sir John de, of Norfolk- (F~. 11. Roll) Ijore. sable, an eagle displayed barry 1 12) argent and gules : Parly. Roll. Thomas. bore, the field argent and the eagle barry of 14 ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Caterall, Thomas— (E. n. Roll) bore, azure, three m.iseles or, in trick blasoned, lozenges pierced ; Jenyns' Roll; of Garstang, in Lanes, with crest ; Ballard Roll. Catesbury, Sir Richard de—(F.. n. Roll) bote, gules, a fess \air between three goats' heads erased argent ; Parliamentary Roll. .See GoTEsuiRV. T SIR liUdll CALVELEV, Oi Li;a, in BuxbURv Church, (JlIF.^llIRK, TKMP. I'",. III. ^l//ir St, 'f hard. aiic V^*^X*t^ ^rtr» S^ %JJi^ 7^. 5. A/.. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 43 i5a*^JU>->^ ^tr^ &(V)'^ifl Caundysh, Andrew— (R. ii. Roll) bore. sable, three crosses botoniii5e fitch& 2 and i or ; Surrey Roll. •Caunton, Sir John de, of co. Leic— (E.ii. Roll) bore, gules, two bars and in chief as nianv niulkts argoit ; Parliamentary Roll. Causton, Robert de— (E. iii. Roll) bore, argent, on a bend sable three crosses crosslet fitch^e of the held ; Ashmole Roll and Jenyns' Roll and Ordinary. .\nother in .Ashmole, argent, a bend between six crosses crosslet fitch^e 3 and 3 sable. Caux f. Corbet. *Cave, 'William— (K. m. Roll) bore, azure, fretty argent ; lenvns' Ordinary. *[Cavendish, Sir John, Chief Justice E. in. — bore, sable, three bucks' heads cabossed argent. — Shirley. J V. [Cawne, Sir Thomas, of Melcomb, Kent, E. III. — bore, a Ivon rampant ermine— see Monumental Effigy.] Cayville, John— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, a fess florett<^e (flory counterfiory), gules ; Jenyns' Roll. Cayle,'Walterde— iH. iii.Roll)bore,checquy or and azure, on a fess gules three mullets argent. (F.) Arden and St. George Rolls; sometimes written C.AI'EL. See also C.viLi. Ceinteyno, John de (or St. Ive)-(H. hi. Roll) bore, or, three Ivons passant gules; .\rdcn Roll. Cerne, Philip de-(H. iii. RoHi bore, per fess argent and gules, a lyon rampant within a bordure all counterchanged. (F.) .St. George, Dcring and Howard Rolls. ^Chadivick, Sir J.,of Chadwick and Healey, CO. Lane. -(H. VI. Roll) bore, gules, an ines- cocheon within an orle of martlets argent ; Atkinson Roll. Chaiers, Ralph— (E. 11. Rolll bore, argent, a fess between two ehevronels sable ; Jen}'ns' Ordinary. .\n ( l^ssex ?) Knight of the name (H. VI. Roll) bore, argent, a fess between three annulets gules ; -\rundel Roll. -fChaluns, Piers de-(H. in. Roll) bore, I gules, fi\"e fusils conjoined in fess ermine, a label (3 or 5I, azure. (F.) .Arden and .St. George Rolls, Jen\'ns' Ortlinarv. Chamberlain, Herbert le and Martin (H. III. Roll) bore, gules, three escallops or; Glover Roll. .Sir John bore the same [¥.. i. or 11.); Holland Roll. ■Chamberlain, Sir Richard, of Lincoln- shire— tF'.. II. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron between three escallops or ; Sir Robkkt bore a fess. Parliamentary ,'ind .Surrey Rolls ; and for John in Jenyns' Roll. Chamberlain, Simon— (F"".. hi. Roll) bore, quarterly gides and or, in the first a fer-de- Tuoulin argent ; Jenyns' Ordinary. ^t £ ^of^-^^n>4U ^'^■^o ^^. ^iChamberlain, Philip— (H. 111. Roll) bore; gules, two crossed keys wards to the sinister , Howard Roll. Wards inward in the Dering Roll. F. J Chamberlain, "William le-(H. 111. Roll) V;ore, azure, three keys erect wards to the de.xter 2 and i or. (F. ) Dering Roll. Chammon, John (Ch .\ N .NON or Ch .A u MON D), of Colthorpe — It;, ill. Roll) bore, gules, a lyon rampant argent within a bordure en- grailed gobony or and argent (in some azure) ; Jenyns' Ordinary. •fChampaine, Pers de-(H.iii. Roll) bore, ' argent, a chief gules ; .\rden and .St. (ieorge Rolls. See C.\MP.\1NE. JChampalne, Robert de— (H. 111. Roll) bore, argent, three bars und^e gules. (F". ) Sometimes blazoned wa\y, and in others nebuMe ; Howard and Dering Rolls. Sir JOHX of Kent bore the same (E. II.); Parliamentary Roll. Champayne, Sir 'William- lE. 111. Roll) bore, or, fretty' sable crusily fitchde at the joints argent ; .Ashmole Roll. tChampernon, Henry de— (H. 111. Roll) bore, gules, a saltire vair ; Howard and Dering Rolls. Champernoun, Sir Richard— bore, at the battle of fcioroughbridge 1322, gules, bil- lell^e or, a saltire vair. (F. p. 45.) John also bore thisco.at ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Hexkv .and RlCH.VKH bore the coat crusily (E.) instead of billettfc ; St. George Roll and Jenyns' Ordi- nary. tChampernoun, John— (H. 111. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron or ; Dering Roll ; the field azure in .-Xshmole Roll. Chancellor, "Walter— (E. 11. Roll) bore, ermine, on a quarter argent a saltire engi-ailed sable ; Jenyns' Roll. Chanceux (Hugh) de : . Chauncy. ffUpt SIR THOMAS C.VWNE, Of Nulco.mi;, ix Ighth.am ("hurch, Kent, temp. E. hi. From Stothard. ^erj^ CI aL.^ (^U.f, d Ce rne He. cL a^Lez:^.. '^^'* J^r^«^ i/>A 44 SO^TE FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. THE HERALDIC ATCHIEVEMENT OF ROBERT, 3rd MAROUIS OF SALISBURY, K.G. SOVE FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 45 %■ ■flM^^-rt' H"^r nooi 't^Jab tt Clitmttdux lio^&pt j^ w q:J^ -^ i^^y 4.Chawortli, Hervieus de (Hkkeui ni-: ' ( 'llALUs) -(H. 111. Roll) liorc. gules, crusily .mil a bend or : Ardeii Roll. Cliaworth, "William de -bore, burrulcT-e (20) .areent and giiles three martlets 2 and i sable; Harl. MS.' 1481 fo. 47. Checker : De la Checker. Chelton, Rauf de l»>re, at the seeond Dun- stable tournament 1334, argent ow a bend azure three fleurs-de-lys {,^ic). W Cherleton :'. Charleton. Cheslmnt, Sir Raynold— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, gules, three bendlets ermine. Y. Chester, Earl of-bore. azure, three garbs, or. in must uf the earliest Rolls. K.\NDi)LI'lI TfV. Ii!,e)M>]:viLi.i-:. the last earl, died 26 October 1232, and bore on his seal a lyon or wolf saliant. See Bi.oNiiKvir.i^E and Kevkliok. Chester, Earl of-bore. England within a bnrdure .tztire ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Thom.xs Hi)li,\Ni), ICarl of Kt-nt. liore the borilure ai-gent. Chester, Williara-U'-- "i. Roll)bore, gules, .1 ehe\ Ton argent between three arming- liuekles tongues to the de.xter or; Jenyns' Ordui;n\'. '■[Chetwode, John de (E. 111.) ~ bore, quarterly argent and gules, four crosses pat^e counterchanged ; Shirley.] F. *Chetwynd, Sir John— bore, at the Imttle of P.oroughbridge, azure, a chevron between three mullets or. (F, ) This coat was also borne bv \VlI,I.I.\M, ui the .Surrey Roll, the nuillets also pierced. Chetwynd, Sir John de, of Salop -(K. 11. R(jll) bore, azure, n chevron or between three besants ; I'arli.lmenlary R(.>11. Cheverell, Sir Alexander, of Wilts -bore, at the first Uunstable tournament 1308, argent, three lyonceu\ rampant sable. F. Cheveresden, Johnde -bore, at the second Dunst.tble tourn.irnent 1334, or, on a bend gules tlnee che\r(.Mls ermine. 1'". Cheveresden, Johnde -(K. iii. Roll) bore, argent, on .1 bL'ud gules, three " chevres " pas- sant of the field. (F. ) Jenyns' Ordinary. Chevouse, Henry de-( II. in. Rull) liore, argent, a cross gules between four lyons ram- pant azure ; Norfolk Roll. Chevndutt, Sir Ralph, of Rucks— (E. 11. Rtilll bure, .tzure, a che\-ne or, a label of three gules; I'.trliamentary Roll. F. F. Che(y)nev ( 1. de, .1 Buckinghamshire Knight — ( K.. II. Roll I bore, argent, a fess and in chief three martlets gules ; Parliamentary Roll. Cheyne ( ), an Fsse.x Knight-(H. 11. Roll) bore, quarterl)- sable and argent, si.x hjzenges conjoined in benrl sinister [aic) ; .\rundel Roll. JChe(y)ne Alexander de-(H. 111. Roll) bore, quarteily or ani.1 gules, a label (:;) azure (F.); Dering Roll —label \ert in .\shnioie Roll. Che(ylney, John - (R. n. Roll) bore, quarterly or and azure, a fess gules frctty ermine ; Surrey Roll. Chefylney, John— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, checqtiy or and azure, a fess gules frctty ermine ; qitarti-i-!y jcith, or, a lyon rampant per fess gules and saljle ; .\shniole Roll— the quarters sometimes reversed. V. Che(y)ney, John, Henry and Robert de --(H. III. KrjU) bore, checquy or antl azure, ,1 fess gules fretty argent. (F. ) .\rden and St. Oeorge Rolls. In Jenyns' Ordinary the tinctures are sometimes reversed. Cheyne, John-(E. iii. Roll) bore, gules, four fusils in fess argent, on each an escallop sable; Jenyns' Ordinary— R.\UFF bore this coat w ithin a bordure of the secontl ; Surrc}' Roll, Che(y)ney, "William— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, azure, a cro«s patonce or, ij/tai'- tcrly wif/i, gules five fusils conjoined in fess argent, on each an escallop sable — evidently for CmcYNEV. F. Cheyny, Robert (F. in. Roll) bore, azure, Semite of estoiles and two lyons passant or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Cheyne, Thomas -{R. 11. Roll) bore, azure on a fess nebulee between three crescents or, a fleur-de-lys gules ; .Surrey Roll. Che(ynyl, Sir "William— bore, at the battle of Htiroughbridge 1322, gules, frett<5e or, a label (;) argent." F. *[ Chichester, Richard, of Devon (F. 111.) — bore, checc]uy or and gule^, a chief vair ; Shirley.] F. Chieker, see De l.\ Chickek. Chideoke, Sir John-(E. 11. Roll) bore, gules, an inescocheon within a double tresstire argent ; Parliamentary Roll, as a northern Knight. Chidiock, John -(F. in. Roll) -bore, gules, a false escocheon within an oiie of martlets argent ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Chilton -c: Chelton. Chilton che\ron t (F. III. Roll), ; .\shm.,lc Roll. Chirchingliam, Sir "Walter de, kmghiid at Calais 1348 —bore, argent, three bars gules in chief as many torteaux, over all a bendlet sable. F. c/)/l»/i ^W/Oftf/// Allt/Jii y ds- cifini- ^^^^ ^^^ 7{oU cL.CU emrti (B^ry^SvJh '^%>*tt iS^^>tj >ittiP^Sy SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS 47 XjZ »i^^M^ Chiston, Robert da— bore, at ihe second Dunstable lournanient 1334, argent, three bends sable crusil\- litchee of the field. F. *[Cliolinondeley, Sir Hugh, of Cholmonde- ley in Cheshire (H. in. I -bore, gules, two helmets in chief argent, and in base a garb or ; Shirley.] F. Chcwne, Andre^w, slain or drowned at the siege of Calais 1345-8— bore, argent, a fess and in chief three martlets gules. Chraieiheth iH. iii. Roll) bore, gtiles, five fusils in bend or, a label (5) argent ; .Arden Roll. Perhaps Cr.\CHKR0dk. Christinas ( 1, a Kentish Knight— (H. vi. Roll I — bore, gules, on a bend sable three covered cups argent ; .Arundel Roll. Chycheley ( ) an Essex (?) Knight — (H. VI. Roll) bore, or, a chevron between three cinquefoyles pierced gules ; .Arundel Roll. Cifrewast,E,ichardde— (H.iii. Roll) bore, azure, two bars gemelles and a chief or. (F. ) St. George and Arden Rolls. Three bars gemelles (H. VI. Nobility Roll) and the chief argent in Jenyns' Roll. See Syffrewast. Cir(en)cester, Sir Thomas de, of Glouc. — (E. II. Roll I bore, argent, a chevron azure, a label (3) gules ; Parliamentary Roll. Clapham, Robert— (E. 11. Roll) bore, ar- gent, on a Ijend sable three covered cups of the first, in chief a quatrefoyle slipped of the second ; jenvns' Roll. Clare, Le Ssigneur de— (E. 11. Roll)— bore, argent a quarter gules ; Jenyns' Roll ; this coat was borne by Lyonel at the second Dunstable tournament in 1334. Clare ( ), de (F. III. Roll) bore, ermine, three chevronels gules ; Cotgrave Roll : some are of opinion that the original arms of Cl,.-\RE were the clarions usually ascribed to Gr.vn- VILLK, seeTiles, Xeath .Abbey, p. vii. Tho.m.-vs, brother of the Earl of Gloucester, took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Clare, Gilbert de. Earl of Hertford and Gloucester — bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, or, three chevronels gules (see Monumental Effigy). Sire Gilbert and Thom.as differenced w'ith a label (5) azure; Guillim and Camden Rolls. Sir R;ich.\ri> differenced with a label (3) azure at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. (F. ) WlI.LI.AM DE Cl.\re differenced with a label azure; Glover Roll. See also .Audley and Gloucester. Clare, Robert, 4th brother of Earl Gilbert — bore or, a fess lietween two chevronels gules — "antecessor " B,rron de Fitzwater ; Harl. MS. 14817;^ I,, 28. Clare, Sir If ieholas, of co. Glouc— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, or, three chevronels gules, a bordure indented sable— engrailed in Harl. 6137 fo. 31*. F. Clarence, Duke of, Lionel of .Antwerp- bore. France and England quarterly, a label (3) argent on each pendant a _canton gules; Jenyns' Ordinary ; a billet in dexter base of pendant. K. 398 fo. 32 ; 400 fo. 5. fee- dS^f^epfal^ (fi£*,fXf*ttn ^icS,^. '^c^r^ (^lat^ Clarendon, Roger de—(R. 11. Roll) bore, gules, a Ijend or ; Surrey Roll. Claron, Sir John— (E. 1. Roll) bore, gules, a cross recerceWe argent, over all a bendlet azure charged with three mullets (6) of the -Second ; H.arleian Roll. Clavering, Sir John de, 2nd baron. FlTzRoHERT LE FiTzRoGER — bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Car- laverock 1300 (when ho assumed the name of Clavering by the King's command), cjuarterly or and gules, a baston sable, a label (3) azure at Falkirk and vert at Carlaverock ( F. ) wrongly blasoned in Harl. M.S. (juarterly or and gules fretty argent. .See Firz Roger. The antient coat, vair, a chief gules ; Xobility Roll 1299. Clavering, Sir John, banneret— (H. vi. Roll) bore, quarterly or and gules a . bend sable, .Arundel Roll ; a baston in .Ashmole Roll. Robert bore a bendlet ; Surrey and I irinialdi Hulls. Clavering, Sir Allen— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345. quarterly argent and gules, on a bend sable three nmllets of the first. The metal is altered to or in the -Ashmole .VIS. (F. ) in which the mullets are both argent, and or. .Sir .Alex.\nder. an Essex Knight, bore this coat (E. 11. Roll), with the metal or, in the Parliamentan," Roll. Clederow,Roger,a Kentish Knight— (H.vi. Roll) bore, argent, three covered cups and a bordure engrailed sable ; Arundel Roll. Clere, John de— (H. 111. Roll) bore, argent a fess azure and in chief a Ij-on passant gules ; Howard Roll. Clervaux, (Cl.^reval-.x), of Croft— lE. III. Roll) bore, sable, a saltire or. Grimaldi Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary, where the coat is tricked, or, a saltire engrailed gules for John Cl.\rev.\lx. See also John Tromyn. Cleseby, Aseulphus de (Hursqi:i)— (F. III. Roll) bore, gules, a fess between three lozenges 2 and i argent, Grimaldi Roll (F. ) ; John and Robert bore the same, Jenj-ns' Ordinary. F. Cles3by, John de— (E. 11. Roll) Ixjre, gules, "abendet demi " argent, a quarter ermine, tricked as 2 bends ; Jenviis' Roll. Cleulsby (or Clemsby), Sir John, of co. Leic— uiistable tournament 1308, cliecquy or and a/ure a fess gules ; sealed, as Castellan of Appleby, the Harons' letter to the Pope 1301 ; pp. xvii, xxiv. Sire Rocek, banneret, bore the same at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322 (K. t, as alsoSir Lkvvis, K.G. 1378, see title page, and Riiin-.R {%) Dering Roll. Another RoBiOkT dif- ferenced, with a crescent or, Surrey Roll ; and RoGEK le Irz, with cinquefoyles pierced argent on the fess (K. ), Arden and St. George Rolls ; roses in the Canulen Roll. F. RoMi-:K'r took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Clifford, Le-wys de— (R. 11. Roll) bore, checquy or and azure a fess and bordure gules, .Surrev Roll : borne also by Clikkokd, a Kentish Kn'lglU (H. Vl.) .\rundel Roll. ^Clifford, Roger, Sir John, of .Somerset, ' Rsinaud, and Walter— (H. 111. Roll) bore, checquy or and azure, a bend gules (F. ), Parlia- mentary, St. George, Grinialdi, Arden, St. (ieorge. anti Glover Rolls. Clifford, John de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, checquy or and azure on a bend gules three lyoiis rampant argent, (F'\) .St. George Roll. kicti.VKD of Franipton-upon-Se\'ern. bore the lyuns passant or ; Harl. AIS. 1481 fo. i,j. Clifton, Adam de— (E. in. Roll) bore, checquy or and gules, a bend ermine, Jenyns' Roll : in Jenyns' Ordinary, a mullet azure for diflerence. In .\shmole Roll (E. in.) occurs, checc[uy or and gules, a bordure ermine. Clifton, Sir John de— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, or, a lyon rani- paiu sable crowned gules (F. ) ; borne also by Sir F;i).muxd(E. ilir) and Rf.n.4ud (H. ill.), .\shmole and St. George Rolls ; Sir UitiN bore the lyon azure, according to the Parliamentary Roiin-;. II.). Clifton, Gervase de— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a lyon rampant azure, on its shoulder a Ifeur-de-lys gules ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Clifton, Sir Gervase (K. iii. Roll) bore, sable, a lyon rampant witliin an orle of six- foyles pierced argent ; .\shmole Roll. .\n- cestor of the baronets, who bore cinquefovles. Clifton, John -(R. 11, Roll) bore, argent, a lyon rampant within an orle of cinquefoyles sable ; Surrey Roll. Clifton ( ), of Hodsock, Xotts. — (E. ill. Roll) bore, argent, a lyon rampant sable tail fourchSe ; Jenyns' Ordinary ; same as Thom.\s Cki;< Y, V. Ckkssy. Clifton, John de (Ci.ivkdon)- bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, argent, three escallops gules ( F. ) ; Sir John, who was knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348, bore mascles {V. ) alii escallops. Clifton, Roger de-(H. iii. Roll) bore, .ngent, a chevron sable between three si\- foyles pierced gules (F. ); .\rden and St. George Rolls ; roses in Jenyns' Ordinary. •■Clifton, James, of Clifton-(E. iv. R<,ll), John (E. III. Roll), Robert de (R. 11. and W., E. II. Rolls) bore, sable, on a bend argent three mullets gules; Ballard and Surrey Rolls; mullets pierced in Harl. Roll and Jenyns Ordinary. Clifton,' Nycolde-IR. 11. Roll) bore, sable, on a bcaid argent three crescents gules, in the cantel a crescent of the second ; Surrey Roll. *Clinton, Sire "William de (a baron 1330) — bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, argent, on a chief azure two mullets (6) or. (F.) John, baron de Clinton 1299, bore the nmllets pierced ; Nobility and Parliamentary Rolls. Thom.\s (R. II.) differenced with a lal.)el of three points ermine ; .Surrey Roll. Clinton, Le Sr. — bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, quarterly or and gules, for S.\Y, quarterly ivith Clinton, argent, on a chief azure two mullets pierced or. F. Clinton, Sir John, of Warwickshire— (F;. ii. Roll) bore, argent on a chief azure two fleurs- de-lys or ; Parliaiuentary Roll. Clinton, Sir Thomas de, of Warwick- shire — (E. II. Roll) bore, ermine, on a chief azure two mullets or ; Parliamentary Roll. Clinton, Sir John de— bore, at the battle of Horoughbri*^^^^7tUn SOME FEUDAL- ■\.r\i\.i-^ '-v' vv\.'>>^^vx -/^^ pi d'cM*^ Cobhani, Sire Stevene de, a baron 1326— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, gules, a cross argent ; so borne also by Thomas and Sir Hknkv, of Kent, uncle of Sir Stkimikn. vvho differenced with a label (3). azure ; Surrey and Parliamentary Rolls. ROBEKT (H. III. Roll) bore, gules, a cross ermine. (F. ) Arden and St. George Rolls. jCobham, Henry de— (H. m. Roll) bore. guK's, flnretlt^e or. a cross argent. (F. ) Dering and St. George Rolls. Cobham, Sire Rauf de, a baron 1324— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, argent, a lyon (rampant) checquy or and sable. (F.) Sir John/Rauf bore it checquy or and azure ; Ashmole Roll. Cobham, Thomas -(F. n. Roll) bore, ermine, three crescents gules each charged with a besant ; Jenyns' Roll. Cobham, Le Sr. de (Sir John Oldcasti.k) — bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, gules, on a chevron or three lyonceux rampant sable, qi4nrtt'rly loith, argent, a castle sable. F. Cobham, Sir John, a baron of the Ex- chequer 1297— bore, gules, on a chevron or three lyonceux rampant sable. Nobility Roll; ascribed to another John [%) in Dering Roll. Cobham, Sir Henry de, of Kent— (F. 11. Roll) bore, gules, on a che\ron or three tleurs- de-lys azure; Parliamentary Roll. (Ascribed also to John in Howard Roll and Tenyns' Ordinary). Sir RiCHAKn, of Kent, bore mullets in lieu of fleurs-de-lys. Cobham, John de— (E. iii. Roll) bore, gules, on a chevron or between three tleurs- de-lys azure [sic\, as many estoiles sable; Cotgrave Roll. Cobham, Reginald, a baron 1342. k.g.— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, gules, on a chevron or three estoiles sable. |F. ) Sir John bore the same at the siege of Calais 1345-8, differenced with a label (3) or. Cobham, Sir Reginald— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345. argt-nt, on a chevron sable three estoiles (jr ; L'otton MS. Cobham, Sir John— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8 ; gules, on a chevron or three martlets sable ; see Monumental Brass. Borne also bv Stki'HEN, Bishop of Lincoln. Harl. MS. i^Si, fo. 64. Cobham, John, of l^lackburgh in Devon- bore, gules, on a chevron or three eaglets sable ; and Thomas fil Henry of Beluncle in Hoo. Kent, differenced with crescents in lieu of eaglets; Harl. MS. 1481. fo. 64. Cobham, Sir Reynold or Richard de, of Kent — [v.. 11. Roll) bore, gules, on a chev- ron or three mullets azure ; Parly. Roll. *Codrington, John, of Codrington, co. (ilouc. — arms confirmed 5 Julv 1441. or i Iul\' 1442, jaer R. Leigh clar. , altered 23 May 144^. " as worne by him in the service (as standard —COATS OF ARMS. 49 SIR JOHN COBHAM. In the Chancel at Cobham, 1375-1407. After Gough. f^^^o^<^ "M^CcS^^u^ bearer) of Henry V. in battaile watch and warde," to argent, afess between threelyonceux passant gules ; and for augmetitation 19 Hen. VI. the fess was embattled counter- embattled sable fretted gules (F, ) ; in 1473 an additional coat was granted him as a supporter of the House of Lancaster, viz., vert, on a bend argent three roses gules, a dexter hand couped of the second ; Add. MS. 6297 fo. 139, Harl. MS. [359 Ashmole MS. 857 ^ 520- r, copy of confirmation in Bodleian Library. Cokesalton, John d3 {v. Kokksalton)— (H. III. Roll) bore, argent, fretty gules; Arden Roll. Coderinge,Baude'wynde(orCoDKRUGGE) — |H. HI. Roll) bore, gules, three lyonceu.v rampant or. a label (3 or 5), argent (F.); Arden. St. George and Jenyns" Ordinary. Cogan, Johnde— (H. in. Roll) bore, lozcngy argent and gules ; Howard Roll, same as Thomas FitzThomas. Thomas bore gules, three lozenges (2 and 1 1, argent; Jenyns' Ordinary. Cogan, Sir Riehard-(F.. 111. Roll) bore. gules, three leaves vert ; Ashmole Roll. Cogeshall, William— (R. 11. Roll) bore. argent, a cross between four escallops sable ; Surrey and Parly. Rolls for an Kssex Knight. Cokayn, John— (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent. three cocks (2 and i) gules; Surrey Roll. Argent, three cocks passant sable, in Ashmole Roll. See also Thomas de CoivKFn-:i,n ; Hf.xrv 1)K Cokin'gto.v bore the reverse. *[Coke, Hugh,of Trusley.co. Derby(K. mi.)- bore, gules, three crescents and a canton or. — Shirley. F. Cokke, Thomas (or Cy^ ■y^M <^(r^&r>?*U Mi ^^< h&c/mM& SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS 5' ^A (9c^ipj^^(nt^-t»/i)& ^&<^^) . Va.NN'ALI, ((-) . Ayi.worth (6). Paver {/>) Brereton {/>) . Malpas, i.e Ci.erc . Malpas . Egerton Keveliok Blundeville . Lupus '. Corbet . Swinnkrton . Berkeley (h) . Hardixge Robert FitzHardince Berkeley of Dursley Creoun . Betteshorne (b) Walden . OWGAN . Greanwis Staunton Joyce HORFORD Malyfant ROCH Milburne Spencer . Beaumont Jerusalem Co.myn . QUINCY . Blanchmains . Robert, Earl of M Waier . Bretville, Earl of grentme5nil . Allen, Lord Galloway Lord Morville Evekingham . BiRKIN . MAU REWARD . Shepey . Lucy FORCHES . HUGFORD MlDLETON Pabenbam De la Planch Haversham . Trayley Acton KiNGSMILL elleni Hereford Fawconer Cock Hamond . Adams Forster . Goodyer Bury Pinchepole Wall Smlph Clephane Douglas. Maclean I Escqcheon of Herring j Pretence Ij 2 d lo e I e 2 e 3 e 4 e 7 e S e 9 e lo f I f 2 f 3 f 4 f 5 f 10 g I g g g s g 9 g lo h I Blazons lie sable, a lion passant gardant or between three closed helmets argent argent, a chevron vert, a bordure azure bezantee argent, a fess engrailed between six billets 3 and 3 or . argent, on a chevron gules three fleurs-de-lys or . argent, two bars sable, a mullet for difference gules gules, three pheons 2 and I argent .... argent, a cross flory azure ...... argent, a lyon rampant gules between three jiheons sable azure, six garbs 3, 2, i or . azure, three garbs 2, i or . azitrt\ a 7uolt's head erased ardent .... or, two ravens in pale propei ..... argent, a cross palee florettee sable .... gules, crusily patee and a chevron argent a bordure of the last gules, three Danish axes erect 2 and I or . gules, a chevron argent, semee of cinquefoyles sable argent, a fess between three martlets 2 and i sable azure (? gules), a saltire or (? argent), guttee de sang argent, on a saltire gules five estoiles or or, on a bend gules cotised azure between six martlets 3 and 3 of the second, three wings argent ; (with Talbot) on a canton, liendy of ten argent and gules or, (in a chief .sable, three martlets or, a crescent for diflercnce or, a chevron ermine ...... vair, argent and sable, a canton or . argent, a chevron between three leaves vert, slipped gules gules, tliree eagles displayed argent .... argent, on a chief sable, a lyon passant gardant or gules, three roche naiant in pale argent gules, a chevron between three escallops argent . argent, two bars gemelles between three eagles displayed sah azure, florettee and a lyon rainpant or, a crescent sable ardent, a cross potent between tour crosses humettec or . gules, three garbs 2 and i or banded gules . gules, seven mascles conjoined 3, 3, I or . gules, a cinquefoyle ermine ..... lozengy or and azure, a bordure gules platey per faic or and salile, a hendvair .... gules, a rend argent, over all a fess or . . ■ gules, a pale or ....... azure, a lyon rampant argent crowned or . azure, florettee and frett\' or gules, a lyon rampant vair, crowned or argent, a fess azure, a label (5) gules . azure, a fess between three cinquefoyles or . azure, a cross or fretty gules ..... gules, cru.sily or, three lucies hauiiant argent gules, a lyon rampant argent crowned or . or, an eagle displayed sable ducally gorged argent azure, a stag's head cabossed or . harry (6) argent and sable on a bend gules three mullets or argent, billettee and a lyon rampant sable, crowned or azure, a fess between six crosses crosslet argent . or, a cross engrailed (? plain) between four mullets gules gules, a fess ermine, within a bordure engrailed argent argent, crusily fitchee sable, a chevron ermines between thrc' millrinds of the second, a chief of the third sable, three falcons 2 and I argent, beaked and belled quarterly gules and argent ...... or, a chevron engrailed sable between three mullets gules vert, on a cross engrailed or, a mullet gules sable, a chevron ermine between three pheons or gules, a fess between two chevrons vair vert, a cross crosslet or ..... . [sable argent, an unstringed bugle garnished or between three trefoyles argent, on a cross sable five lyons rampant or . I. ermine, on a saltire between three crescents one in chief and two in fess and a dolphin embowed in base azure, an escallop or ; 2. argent, in base on waves of the sea a ship in distress all ppr. ; 3. or, a crescent gules; 4. azure, a cat, y sejant, watching, the dexter paw extended argent argent, a lyon (of Scotland) rampant gules, a close helmet azure . II and 4. argent, a man's heart gules ensigned with an imperial crown ppr. on a chief azure three mullets argent 2 and 3. argent, three piles from the chief gules, in chief two mullets of the first, all within a bordure azure buckled on / I. argent, a lyon of Scotland rampant gules; 2. azure, a castle triple turretted ppr. bannered gules ; 3. or, an armed arm from the sinister ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitchee sable ; 4. per fess or and vert in chief a galley sable, in base a ^ fish naiant argent 1 and 4, azure, on a fess or, in chief a bear's head couped proper muzzled and ringed or 2 and 3, gules, crusily or, three lucies haurient 2 and i argent, a cross patee fitchee for difference II. 14S7, References to the various mss. II. 1395, f. 44 Add 14, 305, f. 108 H. 1395, f. 14" H. 1424, f. 17 "H. 1535. f- 67" H. 2187, f. 97 H. 139s, f. 44 H. 1073, f. 273 H. 1395, f. 62 ,11. 1395, f. 44 H. 1552, f. 1S6 H. 1552, f. 1 86 Edmondson's Baronagitmi II. 1349, f. 34" II. 1073, f. 22 ^, H. 1 180, f. 121 H. 6125, f. 117" M. 1180. f. 121 ) j-PL 1563, f. 23" I \ H. 1167, ff. I, I" I H. 1563, f. 23" ^H. 1504, f. 14 I \ - H. 1556, f. 102- ) ■ Douglas Baronage Family Papers Modern Grants !(*) Balliol Window. (c) In Compton Winyates Cliurch. Italic blasons denote the fabulous. 54 SOME FEUDAL- m-i '^^.6^- La Corbet, Sire Johan— here, at thu li.utle nf Huioughbridge 1322. argent, two liars and a (|uarii-r gules, a label argent. !•'. Corbet, "William- bore, at tlie .seeoml DiTH- stabk- tournament 1334, argent two bars gules " tni lece (.I'asure." Corbet, Sir Roger— Knighted at the capitu- lation of Calais 1348, bore, argent two bars gules on a canton of the last a cinciuefovle argent. F. Corbet, Robert Ik. 11. Roll) bore, argent, two bans and a eantiMi gules, RuBEKT son fitz, difterenced with a label (3) argent ; Surrev Roll. Thiscoatascribed to Sir Robert (1-:. in.') in Ashmole Roll. Corbridge, (F.. 111. Roll) bore, ermine, a less fusily gules and vair (a better blasoii may be, ermine on a fess gules five lozenges vair) ; Ashmole Roll. Corder, Sir Galyon (altered to .sir William ui .\shnioIe k. ill)— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, or. on a ehief mdented (or dancetti^e) aziue, three crosses erosslet of the field. F. Corraayle, Sir John— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, three crows proper ; Ashmole and Parliamentary Rolls ; See also CoM.\LE. Cormmale, Richard de— (H. in. Roll) bore, argent, on a fess sable three bezants ; Howard Roll. Cornerth, Sir Richard, of Suffolk— Kiughted at the c.i|.ituhUion of Calais 1348, when he bore, azure a fess between two che\- ronelsor. (F. ) Borne also by TnuM.\s (R. n. ) ; Surrey Roll ; and by Sir THt)M.\s (iK.\Y in Ashmole Roll. Cornwall, John of Eltham,K.\KL 01- ; A- Einv.VKu II. bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, England within a bordureof France. .See Effigy. Cornwall, Piers Gaveston, Earl of— (E. II. Roll) bore, vert six eagles displaj'ed 3 and 3or ; .\rund.-l koll ( H. vi.). Cornewall, Sir Edmond de -bore, at the tirst Dunstable tuurnamcnt 1308, and at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, argent, a lyon rampant gules crowned or debruised by a baston sable thereon five bezants. (F. ); Add. MS. 5848— (no baston in Harl. MS. 6137 fo. 37). Sir EoMONIi, of Oxon. bore, three bezants on the bend ; I'arly. Roll ; as did Symox in Cotgrave Roll. Sire Geoffrey bore it at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, with three mullets (6) or, on the bend. (F. ') These two Boroughbridge coats are also as- cribed to Sir Edmoxi'i and Sir Geffrey CUKTENEYE in that Roll — an instructive blunder. Cornwall Richard and Edmund, Earls of-(E. I. Roll) bore, argent, a lyon rampant gules crowned or, within a bordure sable bezantde (F. ) in all the Rolls, Sir Edward bore the same (1",. iii.); Ashmole Roll. Sir John, k.g. (II, iv. 1, b. ire the bordure engrailed, K. 400 fo. 21. Corn-wall, John, a baron 1433— bore, at the siege of koucn 1418, ermine, a lyon rampant gules erownctl or within a bordure sable bezantfe. Borne .ilso by ♦Bkvan ; Surrey Roll. -CO A TS OF ARMS. JOHN OF ELTHAM, Earl of Cornwall, 2ND son of Edward il, in St. Edmund Chapel, Westminster Ahbkv, 1334. Aftci- Stofhai-d. (L<^'j. '^^ar^(PffMH?Y^ Cornwall, John de— (R. n. Roll) bore, argent, ihree fusils in bend between si.\ crosses erosslet htchde sable ; Surrey Roll. Cornwall, Richard de-(H. in. Roll) bore, argent on a fess sable three besants (plates in^the Dering Roll). (F.) Arden and St. (Jeorge Rolls. Rohert (J) bore the same in the .\shmole Cop\ <•( the Dering Roll. Cornwall, Sir Richard— Knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348— bore argent, on a bend sable three plates ; a marginal note adds />/f/fl or, /.t'. besants. Cornwall, Sir Walter de, of the West (E. H. Roll) bore, argent, a cross sable bezantfe (;, 9); Parliamentary Roll. Sir L.\urenc:e of the North, bore, argent a cross jjatonce sable bezanlije ; Parliamentary Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary, in which latter the cross is tricked flory. Corry, Sir "Walter de, of Cumberland— ( E- II. Roll I bore, argent, a saltire sable, on a ihief aziue three cinc|uefoyles or; Parly. Roll. Cospatrick, Thomas, of Workington— (E. III. Roll) bore, argent, fretty gules, a chief azure, according to the biason, but tricked, argent, three chevronels interlaced in basegules, a chief azure, sameasCHRisTorHER Cl'RWEN. Jenyns' Ordinary. Cossington, Stephen— (H. in. Roll) bore, .izure three roses or; Howard Roll (a single rose in lenvns' Ordinary). Ascribed also to Sir Willi .\M of Hants in the Parliamentary and Surrey Rolls. tCossington, Stephen— (H. in. Roll) bore, a/ure. crusilv and three cinqiiefoyles pierced or. (F. ) Dering Roll. No crosslets in the .\shmole Copy. Costantyn, "William, of Esse.x— (H. vi. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron gules between three hurls ; .\rundel Roll. Cotel, Sir Ellis, of Somerset-(E. 11. Roll) bore, or. a bend gules; Parliamentary Roll. rnii.\L\s also bore it ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Cotenham, John de— (E. in. Roll) bore, barry dancettfe (8) argent and gules, tricked as barry dancettiie (6) gules and argent ; Jenyns' Ordinary. *fCotes ( ) of Cotes, CO. Stafford, wrongfully bore the arms of KNiGIlTI.EY which see,^ l-",rdeswiek ; .Shirley.] Cotingham, (E. iv. Roll) bore, sable, two hinds (perhaps colts) passant counter- passant argent ; with crest ; Ballard Roll. Cottlngham, John de-(E. in. Roll)bore, sable, .1 che\r(.>n engrailed between three quills (? plumes) argent ; Jenyns' Roll. \Cotton, Roger, of .Alkington, Cheshire (R. II.) bore, azure, a chevron between three liawks' lures (or cotton hanks) argent. — Shir- ley.] F. -f-Cotun, RafiFe de— (H. in. Roll) bore, barry ' (6) aigent and azure, in chief three buckles gules tongues to the dexter ; Arden and jenyns' Rolls, where it is also tricked argent two bars azure, tS:c. ' oVn/ncayl^ Iltcl] " CorHivaiu &OT:n/^aytd- '^oyll)borc, gules, six pens erect argent ; Parliamentary Roll. F. Coiipland, Sr. de — (E. 11. Roll) bore, ar- griu, a tiiii-f gules ; Jenyns' Roll. Same as \\'!L1.1AM FoRs. Earl of Albemarle. Coupland, John de— (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent, on a cross sable a mullet of the field ; Surrey Roll. The nuillet is pierced in K'nvus' Roll.' ♦Courtenay, Sir Hugh de, banneret ; a bjron 1299, Earl of L)e\'on 1335 — bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, or, in chief three tor- teaux, a label azure. The label distinguished the English from the elder branch settled in I-rance. Courtenay, Hugh de. banneret— bore, ;it the siege of Carlaverock 1300. or, three torteaux {2 and i) a label azure (F.) (with a label of liye in Nicolas); as also did Sir Philip at the first Dunstable tournament 1308 (F. ); bornealso by Sir HuCH. K.G., a founder, and Sn- F*iKRs, K.G. Another Hugh bore thesame at the second Dunstable tournameiU 1334, on which occasion TmtMAs bore it with a baston azure; Guillim, St. (jenrge, and Howard Rolls. Courtenay, Sir Hugh--bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, or. three tor[eaux, a label (3} azure, each pendant charged with as many crescents of the fieltl— besants, in Cotton MS. — annulets in Harl. MS. (F.) Sir Hugh, who was knighted at the capitulation of Calais T348. bore, or. three torteaux, a laljel(5) azure. on each pendant a fleur-de-lys argent ( F. ) ; and Philip of Powderham differenced with plates in lieu of Heurs-de-lys ; Harl. MS. 1481 fo. 5s. Courtenay, (Hugh 4th), Earl of Deyun— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418. or. three tfirteaux ijuart-'rly with, or, a lyon ranii)ant azure (for Rkdvkus). (F. ) In "the Grimaldi Roll the Earl of Devonshire's coat is blasoned or three gastrels gules (besants) a label azure. Courtenay, Monsy3r— Ixne. at the siege ol Rouen 1418. or, three torteaux, a label (3) azure, on each pendant as many annulets argent (F.); plates in the Ashmole MS. .and so borne by Mons. Philip (R. 11. ) Surrey Roll, and Sir Petkk. k.g. 1388. K. 399 fo. 25. Courtenay, Sir Philip, of Somersetshire — \Y.. II. R-.'ll) bore. or. three torteaux. a bend gobony argent and azure ; Parliamentary Roll ; Harl. MS. 6137 fo. 7^ ; a bend azure in Harl. MS. 4033 fo. 33. See Sir PHILIP. 1308. Courtenay, Sir Edraond and Sir Geof- fsry. See Sir FiiMoM) and Sir (jRoPFKKY (..■(iRM'AVAVI.K. *LCourthope ( — ). of Goudhurst, Sussex c. 1413— bore, argent, a fess azure iietween three* estoiles sable - Shirley.] F. Cove, Sir John, of Norfolk — bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, gules, a bend argent cotised or; written as Coui:, CowK, and ToNYK. Parly. Roll, cS;c. JCovert, Roger le—(H. iii. Roll)bore, gules. a fess ermine, in chief two mullets pierced or, (F. ); Dering and Howard Rolls. The fess is between three mullets, or in the Ashmole MS. Couffolds — barrulets .uid ore. argent five Aruiuk-1 R(j11. -(II. VI. R< I quarter gu Co-wley, Sir Robert (Cdvklkv) -(F. 111. Roll) bore, argent, on a chevron sable, three leopards" faces or ; Ashmole Roll. Cozans, Sir William — Knighted at the capitulation of Calais 134S, bore, argent, a bend fusily sablf, a label 15) gules. F". Craddok, Richard — (R. 11. Roll) bore. ai'gi-nt, on a ehevrt.m azure tfiree garbs or ; Surrev Roll. bore, or. a cross (F. ) St. (Jeorge Craili, John-(H. iii. Roll) between four mullets gules. Roll. See Tkavi.kv. Crameville, Sire Johan de-bore, at the battle of Hur-jughbridge 1322, gules, an in- escoeheon and a bordure moUetiee argent — /.t'. mullets in orle. F. Crane ( ). a Suffolk Knight— (H. vi. Roll) bore, argent, a fess between three crosses erosslet fiichee gules ; Arundel Roll. Crawcestre, John — (F. 11. Roll) bore, c^uarterly or and gules in the first a martlet sable ; Jenyns' Roll. Crek, "Walter de — bore, at the second Dunstable tournanient 1334. argent a bend azure three " wyfres " /.c. cotises wavy. (F. ) See also \^l■.^^\\\\^•^. ajitf and " Archar-ologia,"' Vol. 31. 247, where they are c|uainl]y defined as vi[K'rs' nests. Jcf/n. (Ptr^^ Tfc^'h t^o^/^ Idvtvd^/rtfi^ Xtlti-ix ^Jkr J^^i9rS- /^Ji ifo^ «^ SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 0%. ^ ^trrrtr*, J- C*^/ /hoj^ ^ f9rfoy -^Ct and Harl. MS. 1068 fo. 172 (F. ). Perhaps Okiel, which see. Criol, John (Kykiei.)— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament T348, or, three chev- ronels and a canton gules. F. Criol, Sir Thomas, K.G.-(H. vi. Roll)bore. or two chc\ToneIs (a chevron et demye) and a quarter gules; .Atkinson Roll. Bertr.\m (J) (F. )or Robert, John and Sir Nichol.\s of Kent bore the same ; Dering, Parly., Howard, Jenyns' and Surrey Rolls. +Crispin, "William— (H. in. Roll) bore, lozengy argent and gules (or, in Dering Roll). (F. ) John differenced it with a label {5) azure ; Howard Roll. See also Crepin. Cristemasse. .See Christm.\.s. Croft, Sir Hugh, of Salop —bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, quarterly per fess indented azure and argent (in the first quar- ter) a Ivon passant gardant or (F". ) and Parlv. Roll-'H. 6137 fo.'27t'. In Harl. MS. 4033 the tinctures are reversed, the Iyon appearing in the second quarter. In the Ashmole Roll it is erroneously tricked per pale and a chief i' indented, lic. tji^^ffr-cff^- M ^^F ^^ t M^'fKosii y^^rf SIR JOHN DE CREKE. In Wf.stley W.\terless Church, in c.\mbridgeshire, 1325. After Walh-r. 'i^% -e* (!)^iy 'BfL-rirpLm A Cxitl is '^k,fi /*«/ ^.^ 3^^^'-^ ^2o ^Cr^ptf S8 SO.UE FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS THE HERALDIC ATCHIEVEMENT EORNK HV RALPH CRKYKE, Es^.., Or" RAWCT.IFFl-: IIAIJ,, \( )1< KSI 1 IKi: ; lIKiil SHERIl'F, i8i)4- \ SO.\rE FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 59 ^eti> (^ *ok ^*rfl U Cfpnpff ^Ife- (9-rcf^ Wfoxfcfci Stmon Crofte, Nicholas de— (E. in. Roll) bore, lozengy argent and sable fmascles in blason) ; Jenyns' Ordinary and Ballard Roll ; borne also by Sir Pktek Li:k of co. Lane. Croke -■. Sir Thomas Blount. Croke, Piers— (H. ni. Rollibon-, azun- thrn- crooks or; St. George Roll. Birtls' he.ids in Harl. M.S. 6137. fo. 86''. F. Nk hoi.as and RjHiiKi' took up the cross in the last Oiisade 1270. Crokedayke, Sir Adam ds, 1297— bore, ermine three |)ellets ; Xobility Roll. Crombe, Simon de— (H. in. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron gules on a chief of the hvst three escallops of the first I F. 1 ; .St. George Roll. In the .\rden Roll, the field ermine and the escallops or, sometimes argent. Cromwell, John de— bore, at the siege of rtey.s) — ( H- VI. Roll) bore, ermine on a canton gule^s an orle argent ; .\rundel Roll. Curw^an, Thomas de— (H. in. Roll) bore, gules, frettv argent ( F. I ; Arden and St. George Rolls. Curw^en, Christopher —(E. in. Roll)bore. .argent, fretty gules, a chief azure ; Thom.vs bore, argent fretty and a chief gules, Jenyni' Ordinary, but they are tricked, probably iu error, argent three che\Tons interlaced in base gules, a chief azure for Christopher ; the chief of the fieUI, for Thom.\s ; Jenyns' Roll. See Cosi'.XTKK'K. Cusance, 'William- (E. in. Roll)"bore, argent, a bend engrailed sable, in chief an escallop of the last ; Jenyns' Ordinary. ^ i&A^a 3^n (9n rfo^ . "^^ (P, »? * ^huSTrMu^^Mn •htrcf %& ^u^^^ rrP^ ^ ^**4^^fF %^^(9 ^Ju). J Ctn 6o SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. THE HERALDIC ATCHIEVEMENT (Siiiii.ii II., r,Rle .... argent, a bend between six martlets 3 and 3 gules argent, a lyon rampant per fess gules and sable . quarterly or and gules, a bordure vair or, a fret gides (as Earl Marshal only, PL 154, f 55) . or, a chevron dancettee azure ..... or, a fess gules ........ per pale argent and vert a lyon rampant gules gules, a pale or ....... gules, four lozenges in bend or . argent on a chief azure three crosses formee fitchee at the foot of the first gules three lyons passant argent ....... sable, three garbs 2 and I argent ...... ermine, on a bend gules, three bezants ..... References to the various mss. Augmentation Cott. Jul. C. VII. f. 237 Lansdowne 872,11.13,16 Harl. 1 178, f. 45 H. 4259, f. I2'' IL 1375, f. 4g 11. 1425 f 12'' f H. 1415, f. iig" 1 1. 425g, f. 12'' I^H. S07, fi. 22''-2 5 I \ Edmondson v. 4S4 >. V. 4S3 H. 807, f. 23 H. 807, f. 23 I H. 1047, f. 38" PL 4259, f 12'' I IL 1047, f. 39 I IL 807, f. 22'', 70" II. 1396, f. 304 H. 1047, f 44 H. 1396, i. 304 H. 1047, f. 39 H. 1 396, f. 304 H. 1047, f. 37 H. 141 1, f. 54 - H. 1396, f. 3G4 ) D. Ormonde ; H. i3g5, f. 8 H. 6125, f. 117' [iL 1396 f 304 I H. 1047, f 44 /' Baronage • Galloway Ts generally said to bring in Scott and Waltheof but in this connection it is verj' doubtful ; Alan probably had more than one wife. 62 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. JJiikf W'llliivu Old his army lanie t,i Mont Saint- Miilhl. After the Bayciix Tapestry. tla hern '}^\.^ fi-erS- ^^^^A:&Uof /^ :M ^«#- ^d- ^, ^ 4- 4- 1 ,* ^ 4. 4^^ v 1 r J \ * > 1^/ \ sl / ^^"^^a^/cvHrk- 0aLta,ft^^ D'Abernon, Sir John, of Surrey- (H. iii. KolU b'jrc, azuie. ;i chevron or; St. (jeorge and Huwiird Rolls; set.' Mon. Br'iss ; his son Sir John (hfferenced with a label (3) argent, at the first Hunstrible tournament 130H. and nt the battle of H.iroughbridge 1322. V. D'Abitot, Geoffrey, of Hindlip, co. Wore. ^{H. 111. Roll) bore, per pale gules and vert two lyons passant gardant argent —another, or. two lyons passant gardant that in chief gules, that in base azure. {V.) Arden and St. (ieorge Rolls. D'Abitot, Sir "William, of co. Wore. ~(K. II. Roll) bon-, ermine, a chief bendy (6) or and sable ; Parlianicnt.u'y Roll. Dabridgcourt, Sir John (k.g. 1413)— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, ermine three bars humett(^e gules. (K. ) Borne also by Nicoi. and by San'chet, k.g., a founder; Surrey Roll (R. n. ). This coat by an heraldic illusion may be bbsoned the reverse, viz., gules two Imrs and a bordure ermine. Dabridgecoiirt, John de-(R. 11. Roll) I>ore, ermme, three bars humetttV gules each charged with as many escallops or ; Parly. Roll. Dacre, Sir William, of Cumberland— (E. 1 Roll) bore, gules, three escallops argent. (l'\) Srgnr, Aslunolc and Parliamentary Rolls. Dacrs, Sir Edward, of Cumberland -(K. 11. Roll) b(»rr. gules, Horett^e or, three escallojjs argent ; I'.n'Ii.imentarv Roll. Daere, Randolph |H. m. Roll) Ixire, azure on a cros.s or five escallops gules. (K. ) Arden and St. (jeorge 'Rolls; (same as NiCHoL Vii.LKKs); in jenvns' Ordinarv the cross is described as p'my. See (_-<»NsT.\Hi.i-: aiul RAV-NSFOKI). Das:nall, Robart- (H. iii. Roll) bore, paly |h) or and azure, a chief gule.,; Howard Roll. Dagworth, Thomas, a baron 1^47 — bore, n mine on a fess gules three besants. Borne also by Sir John of Suffolk, Parly. Roll— and R.M.i'H, in Ashmole Roll ; torteaux in lieu of besants for NinioLAs in Surrey RollfR. 11.). Dagworth, Thom.a3-(K- ni. Roll) bore, er lunu- on .i t^ Iil-\ ion gides tliree besants ; b-nyns' Ordinary. Daksneye, Sir Baldwin, of Camiiridge (i:. 11. Rolli. John and "WilliamtM. in. Roll ) bore, azuri*, a cross betwfen four Ivonceu.x rampant or. (F.) Parliamcntarv, St. (Jeorge and Clover Rolls. Dalceney, Sir Thomas, of Xorfolk \V.. 11. Roll ) bore, argent, a cross between four Iwmilcu\ rampant gules; Parliamentary Roll. Dalden, Jordan de (Iv 11. Roll) bore, ardent, a cro^s pUe*e (patonce in trick) gules, between four da vs prop -i' ; Jenvns' Roll. vmi' %J aZ4^rX' X)<»M da*y«vC S0.1f£ FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 63 3F^ ^*^X Dale, Sir Tliomas-(F.. m. Roll) bore, gules, a swan close argent, menibered sable ; Ashniole and Surrey Rolls. Dallingridge, MoVNSVER-bore, at the sieee of Rouen 1418. argent, a cross engrailed gules (F.I, and in Jenyns Roll. See Monu- ineTUal lirass. D'Alry, Johan (i>f. .M.re)-(H. hi. Roll) bore, argent, thr.-e escallops gules; Howard Roll.' Dalston, Jolinde-(E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron engrailed sable between three daws head.s erased \)f the last ; Jenyns' Roll. Dalton, SireKobert de-bore at the battle of. H..roughbridge 1322 and at the siege of Calais 1345-8, azure, crusily or, a lyon rampant gardant argent. Dalton, Robert de-(K. iii. Roll) bore, azure, a leopard rampant argent-;. c. a lyou rampant gardant ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Dalton { ), a Yorkshire Knight-(H. vi. Roll) bore, azure, Horettee or, a lyon rampant gardant argent. (K.) Arundel Roll. Dammerell,Williani-(K. iii. Roll) bore azure, on a chief gules two crescents and another in base argent ; Ashmole Roll. Damory, Sir Riehard-bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, vmAit (6) gules and argent-possiblv an error for argent and gules; another Sir RiCH.Mii) of O.xon. bore at the siege of Calais 1345-8. ""'^•'^« (^ °'' °' argent and gules -also in Parliamentary Roll. •ROBFKT bore the same with a label (5) sable ; Arden Roll ; -In Dering Roll the labels azure each file being charged with three bezants. (1- . ) Said to be vairy (modern) argent and gules, &c., in Howard' Roll. Damory, Sir Roger, baron 1317-bore at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. unriee (6) argent and gules a bend azure. (F. ) See Tiles, Neath Abbev, page vii. Dan castre, Robert- (E. in. Roll) bore, or on a bend azure, three castles triple turreted argent. (F.) lenyns' Ordinary. Daneston, Joiin| a Suffolk Knight-(H. yi. Roll) bore, argent three Danish axes gules quarterh u. Knight lianneret, (2) NORM.\N(t) (F.). and also (3) by an Essex Knight ; Dering and Howard Rolls. J^otn'om^art-y ^uyvr .SIR JOHN D\\BERNON. Ix Stoke Dabernon Church, Surrey, 1277. A/tei- Walk): p^ ^'^^ %£^^ ^^'y (>4 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. THI'. HI'RALDIC ATCHIEVEMENT OF ROBERT DARCV, 4111 am. last EARI. OV IK )LnERNESSE, NOW VKSTKD IN UK DUKE OF LEEDS, ]!.\RONESS CONVICRS (CTSS. VARBOROUGH), CTSS. OF POUIS MRS, C. J. WI':FD.in.U\I)i-J.l., H()\. MRS. W. R. I'lr/WTLIJAM, AND OTllI^RS. SO^fE FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 6S ^ Scu^e^ '^h ^a-ttj ^yv>itty)'^'^^y^ W^r^ 'LJi^kt^ ^^^ ij\^^Un-l j?^ ^*m^Wy g 'J""** «t yl*«i>*n» Darey, Sir Norman, kniglucd ,ii the capi- tulation of Calais 1348 liore, argent three cinqucfoyles gules a label (5) azure. F. Roses for Sir NtiKMAN, ofco. Line, in Parly. Roll. Darey, Sir Robert — bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, argent three cinquefoyles gules a bordure indented sable — engrailed in Harl. MS. 6137 fo. 31''. D'Arcy, Sir William— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, azure, crusily and three cinque- foyles argent. (F.) See also Cotgrave. (Sir lOHN, of CO. Lincoln, bore roses; in Parlia- mentary Roll ). The same coat was borne at the siege of Rouen 1418 by Le Sr. DE D.MiCYE —and "by D.\RCY /e nepiicu ; Jcnyns' Ordinary (ROGEK, 2nd son of John of Knaith, in York- shire, bore it within a bordure or, Harl. MS. 1481 fo. 88); and Le Sr. Darcy (R. ii. Roll) bore it ijuarterlyuiilli, azure three gemelles and a chief or ; Surrey Roll. Darcy, Norman — bore, at the second Dun- stable tnurnament 1334, argent, three six- foyles gules ; Segar Roll. Borne also by John in Jenyns' Ordinary. Another Norman differ- enced with a label azure ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Robert bore it (E. i.) within a bordure en- grailed sable. (F.) Segar and Harleian Rolls. In Segar tricks roses may be intended. Darey, Sire Robert— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, argent three si.\-foyles gules a bordure vair eglettfe or. (F. ) Tricked in the Ashmole MS. rather like— vert, on an inescocheon gules three si.v-foyles gules all w ithin an orle of eaglets displayed or. Darey, Sir John— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8. argent three roses gules. (F. ) (.See also 6th Nobility Roll, H. vi.) Sir John, the son, bore the same arms at this siege differenced with a label (3) gules. Borne un- differenced bv Sir Philip, a baron (2s K. i.) and reversed by Sir William, of co. Line, in Parly. Roll. Darcy, Sir "William, of co. Line— (E. n. Roll) bore, argent, three roses gules ; and Sir Robert, also of co. Line, bore it within a bordure indented sable ; Parliamentary Roll. Darcy, Nicol— (H. in. Roll) bore, sable, a lessor. (F.) St. George Roll. Darres, Sir Robert— (E. in. Roll)— bore, argent on an orle gules eight escallops or ; .\shinole Roll. See Sir John and Robert Darcy ; see also .\rras. D'Artois, Janico (he Artovs)— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules four barrulets wavy argent ; Jenyns' Roll. See facsimile, p. 5. Dassy, Sir Robert (de Assi)— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a bend cotised or between six martlets of the last ; Ashmole Roll. Daubeney, Le Sr.— (E. 11. Roll) bore, gules, three fusils conjoined in fess argent ; Jenyns' Roll. Daubeny, Elias (de Albiniaco), baron 1295-1305 — bore, gules four lozenges conjoined in fess argent ; Nobility Roll. Borne also by Sir Giles, of Devon or Cornwall, Parly. Roll. Philip and R..\UF, the latter in Segar Roll (E. I. ). See also Monumental Slab. Daubeny, Sir John, of O.xon, 1346— bore, four fusils conjoined, each charged with a mullet (5) pierced ; surrounded by three different Daubeny coats here named and a fourth lozengy argent and gules, a bordure of the first. See Monumental Slab. Daubeny, Elys— (E. 1. Roll) bore, gules four fusils conjoined in fess argent, a baston azure. (F. ) .Segar Roll. William bore the same at ■ the second Dunstable tournament 1334, though blasoned as a fess engr^le. F. Daubeny, Felipe— (E, i. Roll) bore, gules four fusiis conjoined in fess argent and in chief three martlets or; Segar Roll — five fusils in the St. (Jeorge Roll, iic. (F. ) And so also for Rauee and William (J) in the Howard and Dering Rolls. DaTWbeney, Sir Ellis, banneret— bore, at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, gules five fusils conjoined in fess argent. (Y.) Drawn as a fess engrailed in '^Km.M— Gent's. Mag. .xcvi. pt. I, p. 400 — an " engr^le" is differently interpreted by the earlier arms painters. Sir John, who was knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348, bore'the same coat. So also Elias, Baron Daubeney, Parly. Roll, and Rauf(J) Dering Roll, blasoned in the latter as a fess engrailed in Glover Roll. {Da-wbeny, Philip— (E. in. Roll) bore, gtiles, a fess fusily (vel lozengy vel 5 fusils in fess) argent, and in chief three mullets pierced or ; Dering and Howard Rolls. Dawbneye, Sir John— (E. 11. Rolli bore, gules a fess lozengy argent (another ermine, and in a third trick a fess indented ermine) in chief three mullets or. (F.) See also Monu- mental Slab. Parly. Roll. Da-wbeney, Sir Ralph— (]•;. in. Roll) bore, gules five fusils csnjoined in fess (another a fess engrailed) argent, in chief three escallojis or. (F.) Holland and St. George Rolls. William bore the same, over all a bend azure ; .St. George Roll. Dawbeny, William, de Belvoir— (E. in. Roll) bore, or two chevronels and a bordure gules ; Glover and Grimaldi Rolls ; the bordure engrailed, on the Monumental .Slab. Daubeny, William (de Ai-'beny)- (E. hi. Roll) bore, sable, three helmets 2 and i argent. (F.) Arden Roll. Daundelegh, Philip— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, two bars gules each charged with three crosses crosslet or ; Jenyns' Roll and Ordinary. Daundely, Sir Robert— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, three bars gules crusily 3, 2, i or ; Ashmole Roll. Dauntesey, John (Dandeseve)-(R. ii. Roll)— bore, per pale or and argent three bars undee gules ; .Surrev Roll. Dauntesey, Sir Richard (Auntesheye), of CO. Glouc— (E. II. Roll) bore, per fess or and argent a fess undee gules ; Parly. Roll. F. Dautrey, Geffrey (De Alta Ripa)- (E. HI Roll) bore, azure five fusils conjoined in fess iu-gent, a baston gules ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Dautrey, Lyon— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a bend argent between two cotises engrailed or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Dautrey, John— (R. n. Roll) bore, sable, five fusils conjoined in fess argent ; Surrey Roll. William (I) differenced it with a label (5) gules. (F.) .^rden, Dering and Howard Rolls— blasoned also as a fess dancett^eof five. In Cotgrave Roll, fusilsgules, for Dawtrvnk- SIR JOHN DAUBENY. In Norton Brize Church, O.XON., 1346. After Botitell. ent. '"■"jji.i tff 66 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. xN^Xr^.•X*^^ Daiitrey, Richard— (K.. in. Roll) hore, ur five fu>ils conjoined in fess sable ; Aknoi.u ['[■lu'V, bore the same ; Ien)'nb' Ordinary. Daveney v. Avene and Vene. *Davenport, "William (E. iv. Roll) bore, arizent. a che\Ton iietween three cro.sses crosslet fitehee sable -w itli crest ; Ballard and .Arundel Rolls. Daventree, John -(E. m. Roll) bore, ermine, a fess cliecqiiy (counter compony in trick) or and azure; Jenyns' Ordinary. Daventry, Robert -bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, ermine, a fess sanies. (F. ) A cross in Jenyns' Ordinary. Daveye, Philip— (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent, on a chevron sable between three mullets pierced gules, a crescent of the field ; .Surrev Roll. Davelers, Sire Bartholome-w, of Suffolk — bore, at the liattle of Boroughbridge 1322. argent, three inescocheons gules. ( F. ) L)E AvviLl.ERS in Parliamentary Roll. Davereignes. See de Vai.oigxes. *[Dawnay, John, 17 E. 11.— bore, argent, on a Ijend cotised sable three annulets of the field. —Shirley. J F. Dawney, John — (E. Iii. Roll) Ijore, per decision of Earl Perc)', or five fusils conjoined in fess azure, a bordurc aziu"e besant^e " pei iJarell (i/c) Karl Percy"; Jenyns' Onlinarv- Dawtrey v. Dautrey. *rDayrell, Richard, of Lillingston, Bucks, ('. 1200 — bore, azure, a lyon ramiiant or crowned argent. -Shirley.] F. de Albini, Nigel (ofwhom the Mhwbk.ws) — (H. I. Roll) bore, gules, a lyon rampant argent ; his brother William, chief butler of England (father of William, F:,ai-1 of Akundel), bore, gules, a lyon rampant or — Harl. MS. 1481 fo, 34'', De AltaRipa,Geoffray— (E. in. Roll)bore, azure, fi\e fusils conjoined in fess argent, a baston ,gules ; |en\ns' Ordinary. See also D AUTRE V. Deane, Sir William (de Den), of Essex— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, a fess dancett^e gules ; Parliamentary Roll. Deane, Sir Henry (de Den), of Northants -bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, argent, a fess dancetti^e between three crescents gules. (F. ) See also Parly. Roll. Deen, Sire Johan de— l)ore, at the battle of Boroughbridge T322, argent, two bars sable crusily patee or. (F. ); three on each bar in A.shmoleMS. — in Parliamentary Roll for Den. of Hunts, Knight (E. 11.), the bars gules, and the crosses |)atonce. 'Jo^yy.^ (l^/^^yr^^ Deane (.XlysaOnder de Anno)— (E. in. Roll) boie, gules, fretty argent ; Howard Roll. Deane, Drew (de Axe)— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules ,1 saitirc ermine ; another coal — argeiU gutn'-e tie p(ji\. (I-^. ) Arden and St. George R..1I,. Leic.-(E II. Roll rampant purpura ; SIR — DALYNGRUGGE. In Fletching Church, Sussex, 139s ; S Ric- II. After Boiitcll. Dene, Sir John de. of c — bore, argent, a lyon Parliamentary Roll. Dene, John— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, three bars a quarter argent and a torell de sable ; tricked as, barry (6) gules and argent, on a quarter of the last a bull passant gardant sable ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Deane, Robert (Dene) of Sussex-(E. 11. Roll) bore. |jer bend sinister enhanced azure and gules, a maunch argent (also tricked with the nuinnch o\er all) ; Jcn\-ns' Roll. Deincourt -•-■. Deyncourt. De Insula, Sir John, 1297— bore, or, a fess between two chevrons sable; Nobility Roll. He signed, but did not seal, the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, p. xxiv. See also De Lisle and Lisle. Deiville ; . Deyville. De la Beehe, John, a baron 1342 — bore, vane, argent and gules. NiCHOL. added, on a canton of the first, a martlet sable; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. , vide Beche. De la Beche, Sir John, of Berks. — (E. n. Roll) Ijorc, argent, on a bend gules three bucks' heads erased or (cabossed in Harl. 4033) ; in the cantell a martlet sable ; Parlia- mentary Roll. See De la Vache. De la Bere, John- (E. n. Roll) bore, azure, crusily fitchi^e and three boars' heads couped or. ( F. ) Jenyns' Roll. One of these names took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. De la Bere, Simon— (E. in Roll) bore. azure, a bend cotised argent between six martlets tir. ( F. ) Surrcv Roll. Cotised or, in St. George Roll. De la Checker, Sir Laurence- (E. n. Roll) bore, checquy argent and azure ; Holland Roll. De la Ferret, Sir John— (E. 1. Roll) bore, gnles, a double-heatled eagle displayed or; Holland Roll. De la fForde, Sir Adam, of Wilts.— bore. at the siege of Carla\erock 1300. azure, three Ivonceux rampant 2 and i crowned or. (F. ) Parliamentarv Roll. Sir Richard bore the same ; Holland Roll. De la Freign, Sir Foiilk, of Ireland — bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8. azure on a saltire or, a saltorelle gules. I-'. De la Hacche, Sir Eustace, banneret, a baron 1299— bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298 and at the siege of Carla\erock 1300, or a cross engrailed gules; Guilhni wnA Parb-. Rolls -^ytat* J£.tt/n^ Hdvxrj tf^ ^< 9t999i 9 e \y ] '^ H^<^^^ r^^i ^.^ Oi>ttcn a. la a4\e SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 67 D D 1 *, J \d n c 7 u n 'Jo**' 4o<*<71^ %6- L:p&*:irr9- U^UUpan^ ^ll^^,^^ 68 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF AA\US. J^ c//. o riMtr -^^ii.-^ l^f^i)^ f\obP d% la x^a^rJn /l^Jt.fB^aJM^ -^^c^^V^ ^c^ .VV^'f* De la Poyle, Sir John of MidilN. Kt. - (K. II. Roll! hore, :iis;fnt. a saltirc gules, a bordure sable besaiU\- ; Parliamentary Roll. Walter bore the reverse ; Arclen and How aid Rolls. De la River, Sir Richard— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322. argent, fretty saiile and an mescoehijon giilcs (F.) ; Jenyns', Ashniole, and Arundel Rolls. De la Ryver, Sir Nicholas— ( K. n. Roll) bore, vaire argent and gules, a bordure azure besantile ; Parliamentar}' Roll. De la River, Sir John (of Berks)— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, azure two dancets or (K. ) (two bars dancett^e in Parly. Roll). He signed but did not seal the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, p. .\xiv. Another John bore this coat at the second Dunstal)ie tournament 1334 : RicH.\K[) l)ore it also; St. George and Arden Rolls. Sir R. bore three dancets ; .'\tkinson Roll. H. VI. +De la Roee, Guy (E. iii. Roll) bore, or, three bends azure, within a bordure gules entoyre of fleurs-de-lvs argent. {V.) Dering Roll. De la Roch, Thomas, a baron 1300— bore. s.ible, two ])'ons passant gardant argent ; Nobility Roll ; (ascribed to John in Jenyns' Ordinar\'). Sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, |jp. .\.\i. wiv. De la Roche, "William— (H. ni. Roll) bore, gules, two belKis .trgent, each charged with as nian\' lozenges bendways azure ; Howard Roll. De la Vache, Hugh r. Vache. De la Vache, Sir John (of Berks)— bore. at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, argent on a bend gules three ("deym")deer heads erased or, in the cairtell a martlet sable. Called Dk i...\ Bechk in the Parly. Roll, where the heads are cabossed. De la Vach, Sir Richard, of Bucks, k.g. 1356 — bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, gules, three l\'onceu.\ rampant argent crowned or. (F. ) AshmoleRoll; as did Sir Philip, k.g. 1399; K. 399 fo. 19. Sir RlCH.\RD bore it (E. 11.) differenced with a label (3) goboiiy or and argent ; P.irly. Roll. See also Delaffukuk. De la Vale, Gilbert, de la iMarche— (H. in. Roll) bore, argent a cross foiu-ch(^*e gules; Glover Roll. De la Val, Guy-(H. III. Roll) bore. or. egletti^e 4, 4, 3. 3, azure on a cross gules fi\e escallo|js argent ; Howard Roll. De la Val, John- (E. 11. Roll) bore, ermine two bars \eit ; Jen}'ns' Roll. .-Xnother, ermine two geinelles and a chief or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. De la Ward, Sir Robert, baron 1299— bore, at the battle of Falkiilv 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, \aire argent and sable. (F. ) Dering and Camden Rolls. Sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301. pp \\. \\!\ .\51.1 il" d ,il-,o ti' Ji iIlN ni Jeiivns' ( De la "Warde, Robert— (E. iii. Roll) bore. und^e (b) argent and sable ; Jenyns' Ordinary. De la Warr, Roger— bore, at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, gules, crusily (fitchee in NicoL.AS. but wrongly) and a lyon rampant argent ; Dering and Howard Rolls. Ascribed also to John (E. hi.). .Sir John, a baron (27 E. I.), and Sir John, Kt. banneret. For John. second baron, see next entry also. (De) La "Warr, Roger, baron, of Isfield, signed, but did not seal, the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, p. xxiv. He bore (E. i. Roll) gules, crusily fitchee and a lyon rampant argent. (F. ) (See preceding entry. ) Ascribed also to a John and a Robert ; the latter perhaps took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. John. son of Roger, differenced with a label (3) azure, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308 ; Nobility Rolls. De la "Warre, Sir "William, knighted at the cafjitulation of Calais 1348 — Ijore. gules crusily fitcht^e argent a l\on rampant or. Delefend, Sir Gilbert— bore, at the first [^unstable tournament 1308, und^e (6) sable and argent a label (3) gules. John bore or two bars und^e sable. F. De Le Fend, Sir John— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, "argent two barres imde de sa. " De L'lsle, Gerard— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a lyon passant argent crowned or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Same as Warin del Idle, whom see. De Lisle, Sir John, banneret— (E. 11. Roll) —bore, or, on a chief azure three lyons ram- pant of the first ; Parliamentary Roll. De Lisle, Sire John— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, ermine tw^o chevrons sable. F. De Lisle, Sir John, k.g., a founder, and Robert— (E. 111. Roll) bore, or a fess between tv\(j ehevronels sable. (F. ) St. George Roll and Jen)'iis' Ordinary. -See also (i) Sir R(.jbert LiKL Idle, who bore the same at the battle of Boroughbridge. 1322. and (2) John, Baron Lisle. De Lisle, John, of Hants— (E. iii. Roll)— bore, gules, a chevron between three " foyles de gletvers" gules : Parly. Roll(lea\'es slipped), or, in Jenyns' Ordinary. Delves, (E. IV. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron gules between^hree billets (delves) s.ible ; with crest ; Ballaffl Roll. Dengayne ■•. Engayne. Denham, Sir John (Denom)— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a bend sable lozengy or cotisecl gules ; Ashmole Roll. Dennardeston, Sir Peers de, of Suflfolk— (IC. II. Roll) bore, a/ure. two bars argent, on a chief gules a lyon passant (gardant in 11. 403310. 15) or : Parly. Fioll. X^ &»-ta-ff»i%J' d^y^^ .^ ^rp^kL^U ^:~^S-ir d la ZOfxe %^i Jl l^h / SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 69 O0O /tue-ci& Dennis ( ),a Kentish Kniglu— (H. VI. RoU) bore, argent, a fess undine gules between six fieurs-dc-lys 3 and 3 azure : Annidel Roll. Dennis (R. n. Roll) bore, sable three hatchets erect 2 and i argent ; Surrey Roll. Dent, "William de— (E, 11. Roll) bore, vert, a buck's head cabossed or, a bordure engrailed of the last; Jcnyns' Roll. Denton, John de, of .\instable— bore, two bars in chief three martlets. .See Incised Slab, from Boutell. Denton, Richard— (E. iii. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron lietween three crescents argent. Denton, Sir Richard— (E. iii. Roll) bore, argent, two bars gules in chief three cinque- foyles pierced sable ; Ashmole Roll. De Ore, Nicole—IH. iii. Roll) bore, argent a cross gules frettt^e or between four jackdaws proper. (F. ) Dering Roll. De Ore, Richard--(H. in. Roll) bore, barry (6) argent and azure on a bend gules five bezants. (F. ) Dering Roll. Depden, John— (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent, on a chief azure three lyons rampant or ; Surrey Roll. Depham, Sir Stephen of Norfolk, Kt.— (E. a. Roll) bore, argent on a fess gules three lyonceu.x passant gardant or ; Parliamentarv Roll, Derby (Henry), Earl of (E. 11.)— bore, England and a baston azure ; Cotgrave Roll. According to the 6th Nobility Roll, temp. H. VI., bore England undifferenced. Derby, Henry " of Bolingbroke," E.vkl of— (R. II. Roll) bore, France and England quarterly, differenced with a label (5) per pale » (2)ermineand(3)azureHoretteeor; Surrey Roll. [Dering, Richard, fil. ; de Haute, bore, SE.il., 19 Hen. IV.-- argent, afessazure in chief three torteaux.— Shirley.] F. Said to be father of the next-named. jDering, Ric. lefiz— (H. iii. Roll) bore, or, ■•■ a saltire sable ( F. ) ; Dering Roll. The arms of De Mokinis. De River. See River. Dernford, William— (H. iii. Roll) bore, sable, an eagle displayed argent (F.); Arden and Howard Rolls. .Another WiI,LI.\M bore argent two wings conjoined sable (F. ), and a third William bore three fish hauriant con- joined in triangle (Y|— (F. ); .\rden and St. George Rolls. Der'wrard ( ). an Essex Knight— I H. vi. Roll) bore, ermine on a chevron sable three crescents or ; Arundel Roll. Derwentwater, John— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent ("a fez et demy ") two bars gules on a quarter of the last a cinquefoyle pierced of the first ; Jenyns' Roll and Ordinary ; pierced or, in Siirrey Roll. %t^t»ptr,^ '^fPlP^r "7 jDespencer, Sir Hugh le, banneret (baron 1265-1326)— bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, F. ; and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, argent, quarterly loith, gules a fret or over all a baston sable ; [his son Sir Hugh, banneret (baron 1314-1326), differenced with a label (3) azure at the first Dunstable tournament 1308.] Hugh (Earl of Gloucester) bore the same at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, and at the siege of Calais 1345-8. Philip, 2nd lord, also bore this at the siege of Rouen 141 8 ; another Hugh, differenced with a martlet sable, in Surrey Roll; Sir Gilbert, with a bend en.grailed ; Ashmole Roll. Sir Hugh Le and Sir Philip V»re it at the siege of Calais 1345-8, over all on a bend sable three mullets of the first ; Sir Philip differenced with a label (3) azure. See Tiles, Neath Abbey, pp. vii, ix, and the Effigy of Edward 5th lord. Dethike, Robert— (E. in. Roll)bore, argent, a fess vaire or and gules between three water- bougets azure (sable in trick) ; Jenyns' Ordy. +Detling, William de— (E. i. Roll) bore, sable, six Ivonceux rampant 3, 2, i argent ( F. ) ; Dcriiig and Camden Rolls. Called EcLVNGE or Oclvne in Jenyns' Ordinary. Devereux ( ) bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, argent, a fess gules and in chief three torteaux (F. ); borne also by 'Walter, 6th Lord Ferrers, k.g. 1472, see title page ; attributed to Walter in Arden and St. George Rolls, and to Sir John, K.G., baron 1384-94, differenced with a mullet pierced or ; K. 399 fo. 22. John differenced it with a mullet or (R. II.); Surrey Roll. Devereux, John (E. in. Roll), and Sir William, of Cheshire — bore, the reverse i.(. gules, a fess argent, in chief three plates ; Ash- mole, Glover and Parliamentary Rolls ; besants in Harl. MS. 4033 fo. 49'=, probably an error for the first coat. EDWARD, LORD DESPENCER. IN THE Abbey Church at Tewkesbury, 1375- Afii-r Carter. y^u»-f».%^»p^ ^^ ^^^-^ 70 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. jf«f«« %- f^MI^ fh^fiTfi uinament 1308, and Sh- buiN, who was knighted at the capi- tulation of Calais 1348, bore, argent, billetti^e and a fess dancettt^e sable ; also borne by John ( R. II.) and Sir Roger of Essex, Kt. ; Surrey and Arundel Rolls. Deyncourt, Hugll-(H. iii. Roll) bore, ciieequy or and azure on a fess gules three roses .n-gent ; St. (jeorge Roll —buckles (F. ) in Harl. M.S. 6137 fo.'yS''. Deyncourt, Raf—( H. in. Roll) bore, gules, billetti^e and a fess dancett^e or ; Arden and .St. George Rolls. •Deyncourt, Sir "William— (E. i. Roll) bore, ermine a fess daneettt^e sable ; a note in Jenyns' Ordinary, an earlier coat than that of, argent billettee dansey sable. See Sir WiLI.I.\j\i above. Deyvill, Sir John- of Falkirk 1298, or, : coiniterehanged — 3, 3, 2 Borne also by Robert ; -bore, at the battle fess gules, florett^e I —3, 2, I {F. ) 2, 2, 2. Jenyns' Ordinary. Deyvill, Roger— (E. in. Roll) bore, or, a fess sable, florett^e counterchanged ; Tenyns' Ordinary. Deyvile, Sir John, banneret— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, gules, florettte and a lyon rampant argent. {F. ) Parliamen- tary Roll. {Deyvile, Ansele (he Vile)- (H. hi. Roll) bore, argent a fess between si.\ mullets (6) pierced gules ; (F. ) Dering Roll ; three pierced nuillets (5) in chief only, in Ashmole MS. Dichant, John and Robert— (E. iii. Roll) bore, ermine two gcmelles and a chief gules — tru kctl as two bars cotised ; Jenyns' Roll and (.)rdinar\-. *Digby, Sir John de, of co. Leicester— (v.. 11. Roll) bore, azure, a fleur-de-lys argent ; Parliamentary Roll. Digges ( J. a Kentish Knight— (H. vi. Roll bore, gules, on a cross argent five eaglets dis- played sable ; Arundel Roll. Dinant, Sire Oliver, banneret, a baron 1295 -bore, gules, five fusils conjoined in fess ermine ; Nobility Roll ; ascribed to another Oliver (J) in Dering Roll ; blazoneil also as a fess dancett^e, a fess of fusils and a fess fusily — four lozenges conjoined in Parliamentary Roll. Robert bore 3 escallops in chief ermine ; Howard Roll. Another Robert! J) bore the fess between four escallops 3 and i ermine. ( F Dering Roll. Dinant, Roillans de~(H. iii. Roll) bore, gules five fusils conjoined in fess between six roiuulles einhne ; Howard Roll. Dinant, Geoffrey de— (H. in. Roll) bore, gules, crusilv or five fusils conjoined ermine. (1".) St. George Roll. Dinawesbran, Sr. ( )de— (H. in. Roll) bore, azure, erusih' an orle or ; Arden Roll. Dinham :'. Dynham. Disney, "William (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent, three hons p.tssant in pale gules ; .Surrey and Cotgrave Rolls, *iDisney, Sir "William (H. 111.) -bore, argent, on a fess gules three fleurs-fle-lys or. Shirley.] F. See Monumental Slab. D'Obehale ;'. Obehale. Dockseye, Sir Richard de, of Salop- (E. n. Roll) bore, argent, a lyon rampant azure, a baston gobony or and gules ; Parlia- mentary Roll. *[Dod, Hugo, of Cleverly, Salop (H, IV.)- bore, argent a fess gules between two cotises wavy sable. Don of Edge bore, three cres- cents or, on the fess. — Shirley.] F. Doddingsells, John (z: Odingsells)- (k. II. Roll) bore, argent, a fess gules; Surrey Roll, Dodingsells, Sir John {v. Odingsells), banneret -boie, at the first Dunstable tourna- meiu 1308, argent, a fess and in the dexter chief point a mullet (6) gules ; Parliamentary Roll. ( Odingsells, le filz, differenced with a label azure, at the second Dunstable tournament 133.1); borne also (F.) bvML'GH (K. 1.) and Rali-(E. hi.) in Jenyns' Ordinary. .-\nother Hugh and William of Long Ichen- don, bore two mullets (6) in chief (F. ) Jenyns' Ordinary and Segar Roll ; spur-rowells in Dering Roll, but in the .\shniole Copy the fess IS between three spur-rowells. Dodingsells, Nicolas (v. Odingsells) (/William) (H. hi. Roll) bore, .argent on a fess gules three escallops or in chief two spur- rowells of the second. (V.) .St. George Roll ; the fess between three spur-rowells, in Harl. \IS. i48r fo. 87''. /y^^Jf'^tfyt^ 7 H^ Monumental Slab. DISNEY, In KiN'i;KRbv Church, LiNCDLNSHIRK, C. 1350. Af/t-r Boutcll. %*rr-yi}y Dointon, John de (H. iii. Roll) boru. azLire two trumpets [vel hautboys) pileways or. ( F. ) Arden and St. George Rolls. Dokesworth, Sir John, of co. Cambridge I K. II. Roll) bore, azure, a cross between four !y Jiiccu.\ rampant argent ; Pari. Roll. Dolerd, Sir H— (H. vi. Roll) bore, gubs, \\\o fiaunches (voyderis anabelees) argent, a bordure sable : .\tkinson Roll. F. Domare, John de (7Donm.\re)— (H. ii. Roll) bore, azure, billettfe and a crescent or, ( F. ) St. Georoe Roll. Donneworths, Robert de— (E. i. Roll) bore, gules a cross argent between four besants. (1".) Seg.ir Roll. Dordant, Sil" John, fell at the siege of Calais 1348 — bore, per fess indented azure and argent a pipe gulcs, Dovedale, Sir John (or De Uved.'vle), of .Surrey or Sussex (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent a cross moline gules in trick, blasoned, recercelde ; Parliamentary and Jenyns' Rolls. Thom.vs boreit(E. in. Ro\\)iiuarterh zvit/i, azure fretty or : Jenyns' Roll. Dovre, Richard deHH. m. Roll) bore, gules, two leopards {i.e. h'ons) passant or ; Glover Roll. Doyley, John— (E. in. Roll) bore, or, two bends gules ; Jenvns" Ordinary. Draicott, Richard de, baron -bore, 1297, pah' (6) argent and gules a bend ermine; ist Nobility Roll. Bertr.xm took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Drayton, Sire Symon de— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, argent a cross engr^le gules. F. [Drewe, William, of Orcheston, Devon, c. 1300— bore, ermine a Ivon passant gules — Shirley.] F. Dre-well, Sir John (or Di'KWEL), of Bucks ■-(E. II. Roll) bore, quarterly argent and sable, in the first a crescent gules ; Pari. Roll. Driffield, William, of the Wold-(E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron between three lyons" heads erased sable ; Jenyns' Roll. Drokenesford, John de (Dkochkord)— bore, at the Vjattle of Falkirk 1298, quarterly or and azure (4) roses counterchanged ( F. ) ; Keeper of the Wardrobe, Bishop of Bath and Wells 1309-^29. Dronsfield, Christopher— (E. 11. Roll) bore, gules, twobastons couped in " guise du chevron " or, tricked, gules a chevron raguly fracted in the centre argent (F. ) ; Jenyns' Roll Drummond, Sir John, of Inchniahome, 1301 — bore, three liars wavy. See Monu- mental Slab. He was taken prisoner in the Scottish wars, his lands were conferred on -Sir Edmund Hastings, who signed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, and sealed it with this Sir John's seal, p. .\.\ii. Seefiosi 107. Drury ( ) a Knight— (H. VI. Roll) bore, argent on a chief vert two mullets or ; Arundel Roll. Mullets pierced in Ashmole Roll ; NiCHO[,.\s of Saxham. Suff. bore a cross Tau between the mullets ; Harl. MS. 1481 fo. 84. Dryby, William— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, three quartrefoyles and a quarter gules — tricked argent three cinquefoyles pierced and a quarter gules ; Jenyns' Roll. Dryland ( ) a Kentish Knight— (H. vi. Roll) l)ore, gules guttee d'eau, on a fess und^e (uebuliie) argent an ermine spot ; Arundel Roll. iSiAao^^^^g- SIR JOHN DRUMxMONl). In the Choir of Inchmakome. On. 1301. After Drummond. @, ^^ Duckinfield ( R. ii. a cru-^i. \uided salile, qu. six annulets 3 and 3 gules, for Pl-iccv Roll. Roll) bore, argent. rti-ny with, argent Surrey Dunbar, Patrick, Earl of— bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, .gules, a lyon rampant argent, a bordure of the second charged with roses of the first ; he bore this also at the siege of Carlaverock 1300. when he was styled " Conte de Laonis " (Lothian); at the same siege his son f',\TRiCK differenced the arms with a label (3) gules (F. ); though according to Nicolas a blue label of 5 points ; most of the Rolls blazon the roses (fraises) as cinque- foyles. The bordure is omitted from the Norfolk Roll. JDunstanville, Walter de~(H. hi. Roll) bore, argent, fretty (6) gttlcs, on a quarter of the second a lyon passant gardant or (!•". ); Dering, Glover, and Howard Rolls. Diinsta(n)ville, Sir Robert, k.g.— (R. 11. ) bore, argent a fret gules within a bordure en.grailed sable, over all on a canton of the second a lyon passant or ; K. 399 fo. 30. This K.G. is doubtful. Dunyton, Reynald de— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent three crosses moline gules — fer-de- moline in trick ; Jcnyns' Ordinary. Durace v. Deraee,le Conte— (E. iii. Roll) bore, gules, three palets vair, on a chief or a demi fleur-de-lys issuant sable; Jenyns' Ordi- nary. Duresme, Sir Emon (or Gei.em ) of Essex — (E. III. Roll) bore, argent on a cross of .St. George (gules) five fleurs-de-lys or; Parlia- mentary Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary ; six fleurs- de-lys in .'Xshmole Roll. F. A TOURN.VMKNT, CIKCA I500; JiRIILSH .MuM.VM, Ai>i>. Ms. 24,098. Dursvassal, John (Diron-.-\spal)— (H. III. Roll) bore, vert, three fieiu-s-de-lys or (F.) ; Arden and St. George Rolls. The field also' azure in the latter roll. - Durwell ; . Drewell. Dutton, Laurence de— (R. 11. Roll! bore, M-^QX\\. quarterly unth, gules a fret or; Surrey Roll (F. ) ; ascribed to Sir PlEKS in the Atkin- son Roll. See also .-\LAVN DE Ellesfeld. " Dykes, William de, of Dovenby in Cumber- land (E. III.)- bore, or, three cinquefoyles salile ; Shirley.] F. Dyk(e)s, William de— (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent, a fess \aire or and .gules between three waler-bongets sable ; .Surrey Roll. F. Dymoke, John— (R. 11. Roll) bore, sable, two lyonceux passant in pale argent crowned or ; Surrey Roll and Jenyns" Ordinary. F. Dymot, Sir David, of co. Lane— (E. 11. Knllf bore, gules, ow a chief or a lyon passant sable (another of the field) ; Parliamentary Roll. Dyne, Sir John of Oxon— (E. 11. Roll) bore, or a fess sable ; Parliamentary Roll. Dynham, Sir Oliver, knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348 —bore, gules, four fusils conjoined in fess ermine, a bordure en- grailed argent (F. ) J(iHN bore the arms with- out the bordure ; Surrey Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. .Sometimes five fusils and some- times ermines. Dynham, Oliver de— (E. ni. Roll) bore, gules, three be/ants ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Dyve ( ) a Suffolk Knight— (H. vi. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron between three dyvers- sable, the breasts argent ; .\rundel Roll. F. i^fy,^ 5^^-^%^ 0XV* l''i;n.M THE Ha.stings Brass in Ei.sing Church. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 7?, ^' Here t hex gave the Kings Crown to Jiaro/d." His Coronation. After the Bayeiix Tapestry. — E H^n-vy Coutn, n^ 5e S'^^jr^^ [Earn, Sir Henry, k.*;., a founder— bore, or, a fess sable, is^iunnt therffrom a demi-lyon rampant gules ; K. 398 fo. 28. F. ] Eceleshail, Sir Robert de— (K. n. Roll) bore, gules, a bend between six martlets 3and 3 argent ; another sable and or ; Parliamentary Roll. Echebaston. Sir Richard (or Ashkbas- ToN). See Knor.KAsroN. Echingham, William de,a baron, 8 K. 11. — (K. I. Roll) bore, azure fretty argent. (F. ) Camden Roll. Borne also at the siege of Rouen 1418. Ascribed also to another William cj:) in the Dering Roll. Echingham, Sir Robert de, of Kent— I K. IL Roll) bore, a/.ure. fretty argent, a bordure indented or ; Parliamentary and Ash- mole Rolls. Le Sir dk K. bore the bordure engrailed in Jenvns' Ordinary. Eclynge, "William de (or Oclvne)— (K. hi. Roll) bore, sable, six lyonceux rampant argent; Jtnyns" Ordinary. Called Detmng in the Camden Roll. Eden( ). a Suffolk Knight-(H. vi.'Roll) bore, azure, a chevron between three close helmets or; Arundel Roll. Edenham, Robert, of Swaledale— (E. u. Roll) Ijore, azure, on a bend gules three dol- jihins embowed argent. {F". ) Jenyns' Roll. '''Edgcumbe, Richard, 1292 -bore, gules, on a bend ermine cotisedor, three boars' heads couped argent. — Shirley.] F. Edgebaston. Sir Richard de, of co. Line. ^bore, at the battle of Horouijhbridge 1322, argent, a lyon (rampant) sable, a baston azure a cinquefoyleermine. ( F. ) The lyon gules and the cinquefoyle argent in the Parliamentary Roll— the cinquefoyle sometimes on the lyon's shoulder and at other times on the baston. Edlington z'. Erdington. [Ed"wardes ( ) of Kilhendre, Salop — bore. gules, a chevron engrailed between three tygers' heads erased argent. — Shirley.] F. *LEgerton, Uryan, of Fgerton, in Cheshire. 14th cent. —bore. M.\LI'AS, argent (a lyon ram- pant gules between) three pheons sable. ^ Shirley. ] V. Eglescliff, Walter de-(K. in. Roll) bore, or. on a sallire azure five plates; Jenyns' Ordniary. Eglesfield, John de-(K. l Roll) bore, arijent, three eaglets displayed gules ; Jenvns' Roll. Eglestone, Adam de, of Wilberfosse— (K. I. Roll) bore, argent an eagle displayed sable, membered purpure ; Jenyns' Roll. Ekont :-. Glanvile. Elands, Sir Hugh tK. n. Rolli bore, argent, on a bend gules three escallops or ; Parliamentary Roll. Elande, Thomas de— (R. n. Roll) bore, gules tw o bars argent between eight martlets 3. 2. 3 of the last ; Surrey Roll. Ellerton, Roger de, of Swaledale— ( F. iil Roll I bore, argent, a chevron between three bucks' heads cabossed sable ; Jenyns' Roll. Ellesfield, Sire Gilbert de (or El.mes- FiKLit),of Oxon^bore.at the battle of Borough- bridge 1322. imd^e (6) argent and sable ( F. ). (Three bars in Ashniole Roll.) Sir John of Oxon bore the same ; another Sir Gilbert differenced it with a label (3) gules; Parha- mentary Roll. EUasfeld, Sir John (Flchf.skield) of Oxon (F. IL Roll! bore, argent two bars undee sable ; Parliamentary Roll. Ellesfeld, Alayn de— (E. l Roll) bore. DiTToN. over all on a bendlet sable three mullets (6) of the third (or). (F.) Segar Roll. Ellis ( 1. of Thornton Rust, Yorks.— (E. III. Roll) bore, sable, three (" hachcsbatantz ") battle axes argent ; (irimaldi Roll. Ellis, Sir Henry, of Yorkshire— (E. 11. Roll) bore, or, on a cross sable five crescents argent ; Parliamentary Roll. JoHN bore escallops ; Surrey Roll. H^iit'tt. CadrUfi, '^a^Cq^, 74 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. t\^ I •-\*-v>\>-v/"V"* ■'x'* ' KING EDWARD VII. ^bc 2)^na6t^ of Saix-Coburg anb (3otba AS TRACED FROM 1f3cnt3ist, 1F 1 liIN(; i'\(;i.:: — I THK KRNKSTIXK LINE. Kknkst, Klectoi- of Saxony, governed joiniIy = Ei-izAnr.TH, tl.m. with his brother Albert for 20 years, and of Albert iii , then divided their territories. Krnest got Duke of Bavaria ; Thuringia. with the Klecloral dignity, and m. 1460, d. 1484. Albert liecame owner of Meissen. This , partition originated the distinction of the ! Ernestine and Albertine lines, still ob- served in the House of Saxony ; b. 24 Mar. 1441 ; d. 26 Aug. i486. I THE ALBERTINE LINE. Albkkt, Margrave of Meissen, surnamed the Courageous, founder of the Albertine line ; b. 31 July. 1443; d. at the siege of (iroeningen 12 Sept. 1500. leaving two sons. George and Henry, ancestor of the Kings of Saxony ; this line received the Electorate in 1547 on the depri- vation of John Frederick I. \MAi.iA, wife of Ann, wifeof Albert, Lewis, Duke of Klector of Bra?i- Landshut, m (lenbiirg; d. ( )ct. I^avaria. and d. TSI2. 18 Nov. 1502. M i.DWtt;, Abbess of (Juedlingburg. \HOAKKT, Abbess of Seuselitz. I Ekkdkrick. Elector of Saxonv. surnamed the Wise, founded the Uni- versity of Wittenberg 1502, * the protector of Martin Luther'; b. 17 Jan. 1463 ; d. unni. 5 May, 1525, just upon the rising of the Boors in rebellion. Sophia (ist wife), dau. of: Magnus, Duke of Meck- lenberg, betrothed 23 Oct. 1499; d. 12 July, 1503- I JuHN. Elector of Saxony: on the death of his brother. 1525. surnamed the Constant, gave a total defeat to the rebellious Boors, taking Thomas Manlzer, their leader, prisoner ; b. 30 June, 1468; d. 16 Aug. 1532. Margaret (2nd wife), dau. of W'altlemar. I'rince of Anhalt ; m. 13 Nov. 1513 ; d 7 Oct. 1321. administrator of 1480 ; d. I May, I ! Alhkrt, Mentz 1484. Ernest, Archbishop Magdeburg. 1476 ; 3 -"^Lig. 1513. ClIUI.STIAN, m. 1478, to John, Ring of Denmark. Margaret, ni. 27 Feb. 1487, to Henry, Duke of Brunswick. I JtiHN I-RKHERICK r., Elector of Saxony, surnamed the Magnanimous, taken prisoner at the battle near Mulberg, 24 April. 1547, and deprived of the Electorate ; b. 30 June, 1503 ; d. 3^Mar. 1554. = SVR1M.A, dau. of John, Duke of Cleve, and sister of Anne of Cleve, Queen of Henry vm. of England; m. 2 June, 1527; d. 21 Feb. 1554. I Mary, m. 27 Feb., 1536, to Philip, Duke of Pomerania, and d. 7 Jnn. 15S3. John Ernest, at Coburg, Feb. 1553. dwelt-CA riiKKlNE. dau. of d. 8 Philip, Duke of Brunswick. She re- married to Philip, of Schwartzburg. I (1) John Frederick ii.. Duke and founder of the tem- porary division of Saxe-Gotha, deposed 1567. founded the University of Jena. 1548; d. 9 May. 1595; line extinut on the death of his son, John Ernest, of Eisenach, 23 Oct. 1638, s.p. I (2) John Wii,li.\m. founder of the House of Saxe- Weimar, and succ. his brother m Ciotha. He solicited the hand of Queen Elizabeth on her accession to the English throne, and was refused; b. 11 Mar. 1530; d. 2 Mar. 1573- Dorothy Susanna, dau. of Frederick iii. Elector Palatine of Sinmiern ; ni. 15 June, 1560; d. 29 Mar. 1592. Frederick William, founder of the Altenburg line, which became extinct on the death of his grandson. 14 April, 1672. Dorothea Makl\ fist wife), dau. of=JOHN, Joachin Ernest, Prince of Anhalt ; | 1570 m. 7 Jan. 1593 ; d. 18 July, 1617. I Duke of Weimar, b. 22 May, = Catharine {2nd wife), dau. of Wm., ; d. 31 Oct. 1605. Landgrave of Hesse; ni. 14 May, 1598 ; d. 19 Aug. 1658. I Wn.LLVM, Duke of Weimar, b. ir April, 1598 ; d. 17 May, 1662 ; his son, John Ernest, was foun- der of the line of Saxe- Wei mar. I I John Ernest, b. 21 Feb. 1594; d. in Hungary. 6 Dec. 1626. Frederick, slain in battle in Brabant, 19 .\ug. 1622. i I Albert, Duke of Sax- P'.isenach, m. 24 June, 1633, Dorothy, dau. of Frederick W'm., Duke of Saxe-Alten- buig. John, b. 19 Sept. 1600; died a prisoner 17 Oct. 1628. I I Frederick l. Duke Albert, of of Saxe-Gotha, b. Saxe-Coburg, 15 July. 1646; d. 2 b. 24 May, Aug. 1691, having 1648 ; d. .^.^'i'. m. 14 Nov. 1669. 6 Aug. 1699, Magdalene Sibylla, having mar- Duke of Sar-Halle ried twice, or Weisenfels. She d. 7 Jan. 1681. On the death s.p. of his descendant, Frederick iv. , n Feb. 1825. the House of Saxe-Coburg in- herited Gotha. when Saalfeld passed to Saxe-Meiningen. I Bernard, the Brave, Duke of Weimar, 'an incomparable Hero,' distinguished at Lul- zen. one of the heroes of the Thirtv Years' War; d. at Newburg on the Rhine, 8 July. 1639. I Ern,-:st, Duke of Saxe-Gotha, surnamed the Pious (9th son) founder of the Modern House of Saxe-Gotha, and of the Houses of Saxe- Coburg-Ciotha. Saxe-Meiningen, and Saxe- Altenberg (Hildburghausen). hav'ng, accord- ing to the custom of the House, divided his dominions among his seven sons ; b. 25 Dec. 1601 ; d. 26 Mar. 1675. Bernard, of Saxe-Meinin- gen, b. TO Sept. 1649; d. 27 April. 1706, leaving issue by both his wives. Saxk- Mkimncjks. Duchess Eliza- beth Sophia. only dau. of |ohn Philip, Duke of Altenburg ; ni. 24 Oct. 1636 ; d. 20 Dec. 1680. I Henky, of .Saxe- Runihild. b. ig Nov. 1650 : d. s.p.. 13 May, 1710. having 111. I Mar. 1676. F.lizabcth, dau. of Lewis VI., Landgrave of Hesse Darm- stadt ; she d. 16 .\ug. 1715. I I Christian, of Eknkst, of Saxe- Saxe-F.isenberg, Hildburg- b. 6 Jan. 1653 ; hausen, b. 12 d. 28.\pril,i707, .luly. 1655; d. having married 17 Oct., 1715, twice -left an having m. only dau. 30 Nov. 1680, Sophia Hen- rietta, dau. of George Frederic, Frince of Waldeck ; she d. 15 Oct. 1702. '■^ Saxe-Ai.tenburg. Sophia Hei>wig,=J (ist wife), dau nf (."hristian, Duke of .Sa.xe- Merseburg, ni. 18 Feb. 1680: <1. 2 .\ug. 1686. I OHN EKNEST, Duke of Sa\e- .Saalfeld (7th son), b. 22 Aug. 1658; d, 17 Dec. 1729. haki.otte Joann.\ (2nd wife), dau. of josias. Prince of Waldeck, m. 2 Dec. 1690 : d. I I'^eb. 1699. Christian F.rnkst, Duke = ('HKisTi,\N Fkepe- CiiARi.irnK Wii.- I'kancis Iosias, Duke of Saxe-Saalfeld=-.\NNK .Sophia, dau. of Sophia \\'u.nKL.\n.\.\, of Saxe-.Saalffld , reigned jointly with his brother after his father's death ; b. 18 .\ug. 1683 ; d. ■74S- KKA, of I'o.ss, m. HELMINA, m. 26 and Coburg (which was received from 18 .\ug. 1724. Dec. 1705, to Saxe-Meiningen), jointly until 1745. Phili|3 Reinard, He introtluced the law of primogeni- C'ount of Hanau. ture iiUo his family 1746; b. 25 .Sej^t. 1697 ; d. t6 Sept. 1764. Lewis Frederic!. Prince of Schwartz- burg Rudelstadt, m. 2 Jan. 1723 : d. II Dec. 1780. P'eb. 1720. to Frederic .\n- thony of .Schwartzburg Ru- delstadt. Hi'.Nunrr.\ .\i,bi 1; 1 ink, b. 20 Nov. 1698. Kknest Fked;:- KICK 11., Duke ( Saxe-Saalfehl- Coburg, 1). 8 Mar. 1724 : d. 8 Sept, iSoo, = Soi'iii,\ ,\nt<>ini> rii' , r dau. of l-'erdmand .M- bertii., Dnkc-of Hruns- uiek Wolfenbiittell, 111. 23 April, 1749; d. 17 May, 1802. iilIN Wll.l.l.\M. b. II May, 1726 ; d. 4 June, 1745. Christian Francis, an .\ustrian general, b. 25 Jan. 1730 : d, 18 Sept. 1797. FKi.iir.KirK JoM AS. an .\usliian general, li, 26 Dec. 1737 ; (1. 26 l-'eb. 18 1 5. I Ann Sopiii \, b. 3 Sept. 1727. Cu ARi.nm. Sophia, b. 24 Sept. 1731 ; d. 2 .\u.g. i8io: m. 13 Mav. 175';, to Ludoviek, Prince \on Mecklenburg .Schweiin, who 1 1. 12 .Sept. 1778. Frkoerka Caroline, b. 24 June, 1735; d. 1 8 Feb. T791, having iii. 22 Nov. 1754, to Christian, Mai'- grave von Brandenburg An- spach, who d. 1806. COVTINL-ED ON NEXT I'AIHC. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS, 11 CONCLUDED FROM PRKCICDING I'AGK : I Ernestine Fredekica Sophia (ist wife), dau. of= Francis Frederick Anthony, DukeofSaxe-Saalfel(l- = At'GUSTA Carolina Soi>hl\ (2nd wife), dau. Ernest Frederick Charles, of Saxe-Hildburghausen, m. 6 Mar. 1776 ; d. 28 Oct. following. Coburg, b. 15 July, 1750; d. 9 Dec. 1806. Henry XXiv. June, 1777 ; d. Count of Reuss P^bersdorff, r6 Nov. 1831. of 13 i Ernest Frkdekick=^ Anthony I Charles Lewis i. DukeofSaxe- | Coburg and Gotha \ (K.G.). to which latter he succeeded 12 Nov. 1826. when Saalfeld passed to Saxe- Meiningen ; b. 2 Jan. 1784 : d. 29 Jan. 1844. I F,RNEST Augustus, Duke of Saxe-Co- burg-Gotha, K.G., b. 21 June, 1818 ; died s'p. 22 Aug. 1893; m. 3 May, 1842, Alexandrine, dau. of Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden. Louisa Dorothea (ist wife), only child of Augustus, Duke of Saxe- Gotha Altenburg; m. 31 July 1817 ; d. 30 .\ug. 1831. = .\NT(>INETTA Frederica (2nd wife), dau. of Alexander, Duke of W'urtemburg ; m. 23 Dec. 1832 ; d. 24 .Vpl. i860. "I Albert Francis AugustusCharles F,manuel, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha, Prince Consort, K.G.. K.T.. K.P.. (J.C.M.G., Field- Marshal in the K.nglish Arniv ; ). 26 Aug. 1819 ; !.| Dec. 1861. Mary Louisa = Victoria, b. 17 .Aug. 1786 ; d. 16 Mar. t86i ; m. first 21 Dec. 1803, as 2nd wife to Emich Charles, Prince of Lein- ingen. who died 4 July, 1814. = Edward. Duke of Kent and Strathearn, (2nd husband) K.G.. G.C.B.. Field-Marshal, 4th son of George IIL, King of Eng- land ; b. 2 Nov. 1767 ; d. 23 Ian. 1820. " \ Ferdinand George Augustus. Duke of Saxe- Coburg ; b. 28 Mar. 1785 ; d. 27 Aug. i8:;i. Kf.rdinand, Portugal Regent of: b. 29 Oct. 1816 ;"d. 17 Dec. iSSs (2nd husband). = Makl\ Antoinette. only child and heir of Francis Joseph, Prince of Kohary, in Hungary ; m. 30 Nov. 1815 ; d. 25 Sept. 1862. : Maria da Gloria Queen of Portu- gal, i8^6; d. 15 Nov. 1853. Leopold George Frederick Christian. King of the Helgians [elected) 21 July, 1831, K.(;. ; 16 Dec. 1790; 10 Dec. 186:;. I Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, crowned in Westminster Abbey, 28 June, 1838, and pro- claimed Fmpress of India at Delhi, I Jan. 1877 ; b. 24 May, 1819 ; m. 10 Feb. 1840; d. at Osborne, 23 Jan. 1901. Pedro v., King of Portugal, d. s.p. II Nov. 1861. Louis I., King of= Maria, dau. Portugal, K.G., b. 31 Oct. 1838 ; m. 6 Oct. 1862 ; d. 19 Oct. 1S89. 3f Victor Emanuel ii., King of Italy, in. 6 Oct. 1862. = Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales (ist wife), only child of Geo. 'iv. ; m. 2 May, 18 16; d. s.p. 6 Nov. 1817. = Louise Marie Therese (2nd wife), eldest dau, of Louis Philippe, King of France ; m. 9 Aug. 1832 ; d. II Oct. 1850. i Leopold il, King of the Belgians, 1865, K.G., b. 9 .\pril, 1835 : ni- 22 Aug. 1853, Maria, Archduchess of Austria, 2nd dau, of Archduke Joseph. = 4 daughters 1 arlos. King of Portugal. 1885. = Marie .\melik. K.G., b. 28Sept. 1863, ENTITLED Princess of TO QUARTER THE ANCIENT France, m. 22 Royal Arms of England. ' May, 1886. 1 ALi'M(>Nst>, Duke of Oporto, b. 31 July. 1865. Philip Ku<;ene, ("ount of Flan- ders, Duke of Saxe-Coburg, m. 1867, Princess Mary Louisa, dau. of Charles, Prince of Hohenzollern- Sigmaringen. Pkinck Ai.bfrt I.Kopoi.n, b. 8 April, 1875. Louis Philippe, Duke de Braganza b. 21 March, 1887. Manuki.. Duke de B^ja, b, 15 Nov. 1889. Edward vii., of the = L'uited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- land, and of all the British Dominions be- yond the Seas. King. Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India, ascended the Throne 23 Jan. 1901 : pro- claimed King next day ; born at Bucking- ham Palace, 9 Nov. 1841 ; created Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, 4 Dec. 1841 ; Earl of Dublin (attached to the Crown), 17 Ian. 1850 ; bapt. at St. j Geor.ge's Chapel, Windsor, 25 Jan. 1842. ^I.K.XANDRA -Alfred = Marie -Arthur =i Louise, Leopold, Victoria, ^Frederick Cakoi.im:, Ernest .\I,EXA,N- William, Princess of Duke of Princess HI., Ger- eldest dau. .\LBERT, DROVNA Duke of Prussia .Albany, Royal of man of Christian Duke of (V.A..C. • ). CoN- tV..A.,C.L, 1881, K.G., the United E.MPEROR IX.. K ingof Saxe-Co- only dau. of .N AUGHT R.C.), 3rd K.T., &c.. Kingdom AND King Denmark. burg-Gotha. .\lexis AND Strat- dau. of b. 7 .April, (V.A., C.I.I. OF Prussia l.adv -)f the x393, Dlkk luiipcror of hearn, Prince l8:;3 ; d. 28 Ger.\i.\x 1887, K.G. Order of the OF Edin- all the 1874, K.G., Frederic Mar. 1884; Empress d. 15 June, Uartei 1 burgh, Russias ; K.T.K.P., Charles of in. 27 .April, AND Queen 1888. m. 10 •Mar. 1866, K.G., m. 23 Jan. &c.. Grand- Prussia, 1882, Frederick 1863. K.T.,K.P , 1874. master of G.C.B., m. Princess OF Prussia, P.C.,(;.C B. the United 13 Mar. H.'lene b. 21 Nov. &c. . &c. ; b. Grand 1879. (V..\., C.I., 1840 : m. 25 6. Aug. 1 844; Lodge of R.C. ), dau. Ian. 1858 ; d. 30 Jnlv, Freemasons of late d. 5 .Aug. 1900. K of England, 1901, a ( ieorge X'ictor, 1901. *^*«o 3 daug hters. General in the Army ; born I Alay, Prince of Waldeck and Pvr- ^li\ i^ ^ 1850. uiont. = I?« 11 I I Princess .Alice, Grand Duchess of Kcsse. Princess (Helena) Chris- tian of Schleswig Holstein. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll. Princess (Be.^trice) Henry of Batten ituKG. Prince .Arthur, b. 13 Jan. 1883. I I Princess Margaret. Princess \'ictorl\. Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, Duke OF Clarence and .Avondai.e, AND Earl of .Athlone, K.G.. K.P., d. unm. 14 Jan. 1892. Prince George Frederick Ernest .Albert, K.G.,K.T., K.P., G.C.V.O., Duke of Cornwall, 1901, created Baron Kii.i.ARNEV. Earl OF Inverness and . Duke of York, 24 May, 1892, .Admiral R.N. , Src. , b. 3 June, 1865, m. 6 July, 1893. Princess Victoria Marv (May). V..A.,C.I., onlv dau. of H.R.H. the Duchess and H.H. the Duke of Teck. I I Prince .Alex. John Charles .\lbert. b. 6, d. 7 .April, 1871. Princess Louise (V..A., C.I. I, m. 27 lulv, 1889, to .Alex., ' ist Duke of Fife, K.T., P.C.== I I Princess Victoria (V.A., C.I.i, b. 186-!. Princess M.\ud, ni. 22 July, 1896, to Princ E Christian Frederic of Denmark. Prince Leopold Charles Edward. Duke of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha, 1900, Duke of .Albanv, Earl of Clarence, and Baron .Arklow from his birth (posthu- mousl, 19 July, I Princess .\LICE .Mary Vll T1IR1.\ William ii. =August.^ (Ier.man Emperor AND King OF Prussi.\. K.c;., Hon. -\dmiral of the Fleet, Field-Mar- shal in the .Army, Col.- in-Chief ist Dr.agoons, b. 27 Jan. 1859. Victoria, eldest dau. of Frederick Christian, Grand Duke of Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg .Augusten- burg, m. 27 Feb. 1 88 1. I I Prince Edw.\rd .Albert Christian, b. 23 June, 1894. Prince .Albert F'rederkk Arthur George, b. 24 Dec. 1895. I I Prince Henry Willia.m, b. 31 March. 1900. Princess Victori.\ .Alex- andra, b. 25 .April, 1897. I I Lady .\lexandra Victoria, b. 17 May, 1891. Lady Maud .Alexandra, b. 3. April, 1S93. I I Prince Frederick William, KG.. Ckown Prince of Germany and of Prussia, b. 6 .May, 1882. Prince William Eitel, b. 7 July. 1883. Prince '.Adalbert, b. 14 July, 1884. I I I I Prince .August, 1887. Prince Oscar, b. b. 29 J any. 27 July, b. 17 Dec, I'RiNCE Joachim 1890. Princess A'ictoria Lcuise b. 13 Sept. 1892. 78 SOJ/E FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. Elmbride (Ei-mixdrright) . (K. m. kiill I bore, gules, on a chief or three tremo\ies vert ; Cots^rave Roll. ^See next blazon. Elmeden, William.— (E. ii. Roll) bore, argent, on a benrl sable three erescents of the firit. (F.) Jenyns' Roll. Elmerugge, Adam de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, ehfC(|uy argent and sable on a ehief or three elm leaves slipped vert. (I*".) Arden and .St. (ieorge Rolls. Elmham, Sir W., of KHngh.un or I-Jmham, in Norfolk, Knight — (H. VI. Kolll bore, argent a fess gules between three eagles dis- played sable ; .\tkinson and .\rundel Rolls. Thomas bore it also ; Jenvns' Ordinary. Eltliam, Thomas de- (H. iii. Roll) bore, azure, an estoile of 15 points or ; Howard Roll. Emerike, John— (E. iii. Roll) bore, barry (6) or and sable, a baston ermine ; Cotgra\e Roll. Empryngham, Sir Johan de Vmre, nt the battle of Borougiibridge 1322, vert, an inescocheon withm an orle of (am'oles) mart- lets argent ; the field sable in the Cotgra\'e Roll. See also fJRi'iNGH.WI. *Eneby, Robert— (H. iii. Roll) bore, palv(6) argent :uid gules, a bend sable. (1''. ) Dering and Howard Rolls. Enfende, Sir Bartholomew de, of Middlesex — bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. argent, on a canton sable a mullet or— the canton gules (F. ) in the Parlia- mentarv Roll ; the nndlel pierced in the Ci.tgrave R..11. Enfield, Sir Henry de, 1297— bore, gules, an inescocheon within an orle of martlets or ; ist Nobility Roll ; also borne by Hugh in Jenyns' Roll, and thus blazoned - gules, an orle of martlets or, a false escocheon of the same. Engayne, Sir John de and Sir Thomas de -Ijoth knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348, the latter bore, or a fess dancey sable ; the former bore, gules, a fess dancey or (K. ), which is also ascribed to R.\ke in Jenyns' C)rdinary, in which MS. azure, a fess dancettee argent, occurs for W'li.Li.wi. Engayne, John de, banneret, a baron 1299— bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298 and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, gules, crnsily and a fess dancettee or ; he signed, but did not .seal, the Harons' letter to the Pope 1301, p. xxiv. Sir Hexky bore this also at the siege of Calais 1345-8 (!•'.), and they are ascribed to \\'ili.i.\m in Howard Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Engayne, Eustace (Dkxg.wxk)— (E. m. Hull) bore, azure, billettt^e and a fess danccttc'e or, a label (3) gules; Jenyns' Ordinary. Engayne, John— (R. 11. Roll) bore, azure, on a less dancettee between six escallops argent, a mullet [lierced gules; .Surrey Roll. Engaine, Sir Nicholas de, of Essex - (E. II. Roll) bore, azure, crusilv and .i fess dancctti''e or, over all a bend giiles ; I'.irha- mentary Roll. Engham, Oliver de (see Ingham)-(E. m. R(jII) bore, per pale or and vert, a cross moline gules ; jen\ns' Ordinary. England, Kings of— See Skals. England, Edward I. King of bore at the battle of Falkirk 129S, anil at thi- siege of Carlaveroek 1300, guli's, threi- leoparils passant or- i.e. lyons passant gardant. See Tiles, Neath .Vbbey, ji. vii. England, Edward II. King of bore, as ICdwanl le Fitzioy, at the siege of Car- laverock 1300 ; ICnglahd with a label (3, some- times 5) azure IvlNc; EDWARD III. From II ruhhiiii:^ of the Jlastiin^s Brass, in FJsiiig Church, Norfolk. 3leu^ eLcj/tryg^ England, Edw^ard III. King of— bore- the arms of I'rance and England quarterly — Monumental Brass in Elsing Church, Norfolk. EinvAiiD THK liL.\ci< Pki.n'cic differenced With a label '3 1 at the siege of Calais 1345-8 ; see Monumental I'-ffigy next page, England, Henry V. King of— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, France and England r|Uarterly. England's Royal Princes— See Bedford. (."hestei-, t_'larince, (."ornwall, Derby, Exeter, Gloucester. Huntingdon, Kent, Lancaster,. Richmond, Rutland, Wales, A'ork, &c. &c.. Englefield, Sir Roger de, of Berks.— ( E. II. Roll) liore, liarrv (6) argent and gules, on a chief or a Ivon passant azure ; Parlia- mentary Roll ; argent, three bars gules, &c.,. in Arundel Roll. Englethorpe I ), an' Essex Knight— ; (11. \\. Roll) liore, gules, a cross engrailed P ermine, an annulet argent ; .Arundel Roll. See I.NCI.HTHOKI'K. Englishe, Sir John le (Engleys), of Cumberland— IE. 11. Roll) bore, sable, three l\-onceux rampant 2 and i argent ; Parlia- mentary Roll, Sir Robert and William bore the same ; a second trick in Ashmole Roll makes the lyons ermine. .See also Inglowe. Englosse, Sr. ( ) bore, at tlie siege of Ruuen 1418, gules, three gemelles or. and a. c.iiuon argent billety sable ; .Ashmole Roll. Enneyse,Sr. 1 )de, of Bucks— (E. 11. RoUy, bore, gules, a fess dancettee ermine ; Pari. Roll. Erde ( ), a Kentish Knight— (H. vi. Roll), bore, ermine three saltorelles gules; -Arundel kojl. Erdern, ( ide— (H.iii.Roll) bore, checquy azure and or, a chevron gules ; Arden Roll. See also MAfRfs, post. Erdington, Thomas de— (R. 11. Roll)i azure, two lyons passant in pale or ; .Sun"e\' Ro ' Erdington, Sir Henry (Edrington), or Warwickshire, ,1 baron 1336 — bore, azure, two- lyons passant or a bordure gules ; Parliamen- tary and .Arden Rolls. ? Same as Percev.^ll III: SiiMKKi, in St. George Roll. Ere,Nieholede— (H iii. Roll) bore, ermine, .1 cross gules fiett\- or ; Howard Roll. See Ore. Erington, John de — (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, two bars and in chief three escallops- azure ; Jen\-ns' Roll. Ermine, William de— (R. 11. Roll) bore,, ermine, a saltire engrailed gules, on a chief of the last a hon passant gardant or; Surrey KiiU. .See also .\VRMVN. Erijingham :. Empringham. Erpingham, Sir Thomas, KG. 140 1— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, \ert, an inescocheon. within an orle of martlets argent (F,), and so 1 ascribetl to Sir TiioM.vs of Norfolk, in Parlia- mentary Roll. Erpingham, Thomas de (R. 11. Roll) linie. azur<' an inescocheon within an orle of (8) maillets argent, another or; .Surrev Roll. Ertingdene, Bartholomc-w de (H. iii. Roll) bore. gMiiimv (12) or and sable (F.);, St. George Rull, Eryholme, William— (E. in. Roll) bore, •ligent, a chevron between three martlets sable; Jen\ ns' Ordinar)'. Esehallers, John-lIO. m. Roll) bore,, argent, a fess between two ehcvroncls sable ;. lenvns' Ordinar\-. SOME FEUDAL— ?fe ^ "iiir Hut l^ijUcle- Eschallers, Sir Thomas of Cambiiilge- shire— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent a fess between three annulets gules ; Parliamentary Roll. Esc.\LF.S, Harl. MS. 6137 fo. 18". Escote ;■. Esteote. JEslynge, Raufe de— |H. 111. Roll) bore, azure, a bend gules cotiscd or between six boars' heads 3 and 3 couped of the last (F. ) ; Dering and Howard Rolls. Eslynton, John de— (E. iii. Roll) bore, argent, two bars and in chief three mullets azure ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Essex and Gloucester, Earl of. See Geoffrey de Mandevii.i^e. Estave, Sir Bawde-wyn de (or Estonwe), of CO. Cambridge — {F-. n. Roll) bore, sable, a cross patonce argent ; Parliamentary Roll. Esteote, Hugh de— (E. \i. Roll) bore, sable six escallops 3, 2. r or ; Jenyns' Roll. 4, 3, 2, i (F. ) in Arden and St. George Rolls. [Estcourt, Walter de la, c. 1326— bore, ermine, on achief indented gules, three estoiles or ; Shirle}'. " F. Esterling, John de— (E. i. Roll) bore, paly (6) argent and azure on a bend gules three tleurs-de-lys or 1 1'. ) ; Segar Roll. Estonwe v. Estave. Estotevile, Sir Nicholas de, of Norfolk (E. II. Roll), and Walter IH. in. Roll)— bore, buruli^e argent and gules over all three lyonceux rampant sable ; P.arliamentary and Norfolk Rolls. Sir Robekt, banneret (E. 11. Roll), and Robert le Norm.\nd (H. in. Roll) bore one lyon only; Parliamentary and Glover Rolls. Estotevile, William, de la March— (H. iii. Roll) bore, burulee, argent and gules, over all three cocks sable ; Glover Roll. tEptotot, Robert 1'— (H. in. Roll) bore, ermine on a cross gules five martlets or (F. ) ; Arden and St. George Rolls. Written also SCOTHE, SCOTTO and'STOTOT. Estrateshull, Sir Nicholas de (Est'u- SHULLE), of Norfolk — (E. II. Roll) bore, argent, three cinquefoyles gules ; Parly. Roll. Estun ( ), an F;ssex (?) Knight— (H. vi. Roll) bore, or, three covered cups gules, a label (3) azure ; .-\rundel Roll. Etone V. Stone. Etton, Sir J.-(H. vi. Roll) bore, burulfe gules and argent on a quarter sable a cross pat^e or ; Atkinson Roll and lenyns' Ordinary, differenced by a label (3) azure in Surrey Roll for — DE Ettox. Eure, Henry de. Sir John de, and Raufe de— (H. in. Roll) bore, quarterly or and gules, on a bend sable three escallops argent (F. ); St. George and Parliamentary Rolls, &c. See FiTZ-JOHX. Everard, Osmond— (E. n. Roll) bore, .argent, on a chief gules three mullets pierced of the field ; Jenyns' Roll. -COATS OF ARMS. 97 EDWARD, THE BL.ACK PRINCE. Ob. 1376. In the Ch.\pel of S. TnoM.\s Beckett, C.WTERRfRV Cathedk.m.. After Stotltai-il. T 1 \ T. t W g^/^5 K'^- i^J^<^ Everingham, Adam, baron 1310— bore, gules a lyon rampant vair ; Nobility Roll. Borne also by Sir ADAM, knight banneret ; -Arundel, Nativity, and Parliamentary Rolls, and by John, in Jenyns' Ordinary ; an .\d.\m bore the lyon crowned or in St. George Roll ; Edmu.nd bore it charged with an annulet gules, .\shmole Roll ; and Thomas bore the origin.'d coat with a baston or ; Colgrave Roll. Everingham, Reynold de— (R. n. Roll) bore, .gules, a lyon rampant vair qimrUrly with, sable, .a bend between six crosses crosslet argent ; .Surrey Roll. Everingham, Adam de, of Birkin. 'York- shire, and John— (E. III. Roll) Ixire, argent, a fess azure, a label (3) gules (azure, in Nativity Roll); Jenyns' Ordinary and .\sh- mole Roll. Everingham, Sir Adam, and John of Rnckley (E. in. Roll) bore, quarterly argent and sable a baston gules. L.\URANCE bore tile baston sable ; Surrey Roll. Everley, Walter de—(H. in. Roll) bore, or on a bend azure three escallops of the first ; .Arden and St. George Rolls. W'lLLIAM took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Evington, Sir John de -bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 130S, argent, on a chief azure two fleurs-de-lys or. See also OVINGTON. E'wen, John, an Essex Knight — (H. vi. Roll) bore, sable a che\Ton between three fleurs-de- lys or ; .Arundel Roll. Exeter, Duke of, Thomas Beaufort, k.g. 1400— bore, France and England quarterly, within a bordure .gobonj- ermine and azure. K. 400 fo. 8. Eynes, Sir ( ) of .Salop— (E. n.- Roll) bore, argent, on a fess gules between three hounds (talt)otsl courant azure, as many besants ; Parliamentary Roll. Eynesford, John and William— (E. ni. Roll) bore, gules, a fret ermine at each joint ; .\rden. .\shniole, and Surrey Rolls. Eynesford, William— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, gules, a fret engrailed ermine at each joint (F. ), ascribed also to John in the Surrey Roll, and to Sir John in the .-\shmole Roll, where the trick as an illusion appears as ermine, sem^e of quatre- foyles gules. Thom.as bore the same differenced w ith a bordure azure in Jenyns' Ordinary. Eynegrove, Walter de— (H. ni. Roll) bore, ermine, a chief dancett^e gules (F. ) ; St. George Roll. *[Eyre, William le, of Hope (H. in.)— bore, argent on a chevron sable three quatrefoyles or. — Shirley.] F. Richard le EvR took up the cross in the hast Crusade 1270. *[Eyston, John (H. vi.)— bore, sable, three Ivons rampant or. — Shirley.] F. *[Eyton, John de, 1394 — bore, or, a fret azure guartt-rly with, gules, two bars ermine. — Shirley. ] F. Mrw "D ei4«ve a' ^ yn€ 1l3aU, co. Xciccstev, anb £\^ic of lllppcr Court, CO. 1fvilkcnn\>. One of the most intelligible and best proofs of the ancient consequence of this family is that Stkphen le Eyre was commissioned with another person in 1 1 Ed. iii. to take into the King's hands the Alien Houses (Priories), in the county of Nottingham. —Joseph Hl'ntek. Richard le Eyre, held the fourth part of a knight's fee at Barton, in \\'arvvickshire, with his brother-in-law, Robert Marshall, of ISrough, near Hope, 36 Hen. 111. 1251 2, Testa de Nevill. A namesake Richard, the crusader, ha\ing taken up the cross, was named with others in letter of protection dated at A\'estminster, 26 June, 1270, 54 H. iii. Richard, Wilijam and John Eyre -also RitiL\Ri> and Edward Heyre, occur in the Agincourt Roll, 1415. — Public Record Office. Richard and Hu(.;h Eyre, gen. — with 4 archers — were summoned to serve the King in Normandy for one whole year. 21 Nov. 14 E. w. 1474. Arthur Evr (possibly Sir Arthur), and Tho.mas Eyr his brodyr, his Pety Captayn, were with the army in France. 5 Hen. viii, 1513. \\'ILI.1AM I.i: KVKK, of Hupr. in Derbyshire, tfilip. Hen. III., held one hovate of land there. = of the Ki!ig /«(•<;/>//<• by service of the custody (or forestership) of the l-'orest of High IVak, I in Hopedale, died seised thereof before 4 Dec, 28 Kd. 1., 1291. Inq. p.m. 3 Feb. 28 Kd. i. | 1299-1300. I KoHKRT LE KvR. of Hope, aged 30 in 1291, when he did hontage for his lands, h.ad siinimons to perform military service in person against the i^cots, 29 Ed. I. KoHKur i.K Eyre, of Hope. I Stephen, 1362. John, i Derby. if Chesterfield, E. 11. ['i:ri;i( Hfvk. 1319. = Jo.\N, dau. and co-heir of Walter = Hugh ToTHIi-L, I Tnislow , of Tmslow, in Yorkshire. 1336- I Wii.i.i.XM I.1-: EvK. of Hope, forester of the Forest of High Pe.ak, 19 Nicholas lk Evke, of Hope, heir of his brother, = Ell. in. Patent R(jll, died (./., 4 Xov. 1362, Inq. p.m. '30 Nov., 36 confirmed in his lands together with the custody of Edw. III. ; .Nicholas, his brother and heir. the Forest of High Peak, 23 Jaiiy. 1362-3. I Nicholas le 1-',vke, of Hope, temp. H. 4. = Io.\nna, dau. and heir of Edward Barlow, of Barlow, in Eancashire. _ r I I NirniiL.vs F.VKE, of Hope, Robekt Eyre, of Padley, in Derbyshire, in right of= Joanna, dau. and sole heir of Robert Padley, lord William, of North Lees, iii 12 H. VL ; ' - ... - -- .... ..„..,.,.. ,, .. Nicholas, of i ancestor of l^ondon, 1670. his wife; l'"eet of E'ines, 1432, 1442. 1448; d March, 1459, buried in the church of Hathersagc, to which he was a great benefactor ; brass in the chancel. of Hathersage and of Padley. d. 9 March, 1463, buried with hei husband ; brass in the chancel. Hathersage. TiKi.MA.s, and si.x daughters, who married. KoiiEur l-'.YKE, of Padley. Nicholas Evue, of High Sheriff Derby- Normanton-upon-Soa shire 1482, ancestor of Will .Archer (formerly Eyre), M.P. Hcrks, 1734. Notts, where his des- cendants contiTiucd for five generations. I Roger Eyre, of Holme=ELiZAHETH, dau. and sole Hall, nr. Chesterfield, in Derbyshire, in right 1 of his wife, buried at Whittingtoii, painted in glass in the window behind the altar. heir of Robert Whitting- ton, of Holme Hall, cousin and heir of Henry Rakewell. I III Rali'H, of Ofterton-in-the- Philip, parson, of Ashover. Peak. m. MaR(;.\kict, EnMUNn, ancestor of Robert flau. ^: co-heir of George of Rayton, Notts, 1614. 0.\springe, of O.xspringe Stephen, of Hassop. ancestor Hall, in Vorks. = of Thomas, who died 1792. I I Robert, o.i.p. Roger, 0. t./i. Thomas Evre, of Dunston-MAKOAKET, daughter of. Alured Hall and of Holme Hall, : or Alfred Baniick, of Biil- benefactor to the Church of 1 cotes, Notts. Chesterfield. (jKACe, wife of Robert Fitzhcrbei't, Tissington. Agnes, wife of Nicholas Stafford, Evam. .\nne, wife of .Adam Reresford, cf Benlley. Elizaheth, wife of AUestfee of .Allestree. Pini.ii', lyi. kor;EK Evre, of Holmi^ Hall, lord of the m.mors of Whiltington, Newbold, Dunston, Rampton, = 1-".i.i/.\hlih, dau. of Robert Barley, of Barley, in .Ve. , 1 501-2, d. 22 .Aug., 1510 ; Hill d.ued 7 Aug. 7 H. 8, to be buried at Chesterfield, but if he dieil at Lenton to be buried in tlie Abbey. I''cct of (•'ines, 1,503. Derbyshire. ELI/.AHETH (ist wife), = El)WAK|i l'',VKK, of Holme I widow of John Bosvilc of Newhall, dau. of Ralph Rercsby, of 'I'hriborg, both in Yorks. Hall and of Newbold, aged 30 at his father's death, d. 5 July, I5!;7. -Ai.K E, dau. of Robert Purs- Ciiuisiiiriii.i;, MiciiAM., a priest. gUne, and sister of Robert, t)f Weston- upon-Trent. - Suffragan Bishop of Hull and York, Prioi- of (jis- boin-ne, and Piovost of Rother.un, Xe. \c. Ke Rowland. .Anne, wife of Randle Rye, of Whitwell, in Derljyshire. Eliz.vbeth, wife of Dennian of Ret- ford. Notts. Joan, wife of John Bullock, of Wiitstcr, in Derbyshire. CONTINLEb tiN NEXT PAGE. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 8i CONTINUED FROM PHKCIiDlNG I'AGI-I. ;\n'1'hony Eyre, of Newbold and of Kceton, or Keveton, Yorks, ancestor of Colonel Henry Eyre, C.B., of Kampton, Notts, ' and of the late Vice-Admiral Sir George Eyre, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., father of the late l,icut.-Genl. Sir William Eyre. K.C.B. I I I I r'.I.IZAMETH, wife of [ohn Kollesley, of Rollesley. ANN]';, wife of Thomas Revell, of Carn- thwaitc, Carnfield. Lt;cv, wife of Hum- phrey Stafford , of I'^yam. Faith (ist wife), dau. Sir John Chaworth, Wyvcrton, Xotts. of=TnoMAS Eykk, of Dunston and Holme, some- = of I Makv. Jank^ Sir John Ro'uTU. time of Amerton, all in Derbyshire, a zealous Catholic and great sufferer, temp. 6 l-'liz. ; sold Whittington to procure the pardon of his father-in-law, i-'it/.herbert ; buried :U Dunstou, I May, 1593; ni., ydly, Maky Youk. Jam-: (2nd John Kitz! ley afore: wife), dau. of herbert, of Pad- ,aid. Barbaua (ist wife), dau. and heir of Sir Philip Draycott, of Paynsley, Staff., Kt. EdwjVKD Eyre, of New- = ELLEN (and wife), dau. tf bold and of Dunston I Thomas Lowicke, of Hall, a great sufferer by | Osmotherley, in York, the penal laws in 1648. I md. 1610. Vincent, of Rossington, married Mary, dau. of Robert Fitzherbert, of Somersall. Jane, wife of Plumpton. William El.izAHETH, wife of John Horn. I ■Roger, ' Religious,' baptized at Chester- fickl-in-the-Peak, 26 July, i6t2. Thomas 1'",ykk, of Woodhouse in Dronfield and of Newbold, a^ zealous loyalist, captain in Sir John Fitzherbert's regiment of hor.sc, I raised a troop at his own expense, the first raised in Derbyshire; was in nine battles, ex parte regis ; is said to have fought hand-to-hand at Edge Hill with Oliver Cromwell, then a colonel, thrice in one battle ; ! Governor of Welbeck under the F.arl of Newcastle ; fought at .Vewark, j taken prisoner near Derby in the retreat from Naseby, died in Derby Gaol 1645, from a fever, the result of neglect of his wounds. Buried at West Hallam ; admon. 23 June, 1647, and again 19 May, 1648. Elizahetii, dau. of Robert Outram, of Woodhouse, Stephen Eyre, and niece and ne.\t lieir to .Vlichal and Thomas a volunteer in Burton, of llolm(^sflekl, co. Derliy. .\ runaway his brother's match, shenot(|uitetwelveyearsold; 'twas said that troop; married when three sons were born, the total ages of mother twice, and sons were under twenty-one years. Baptized at Drontield, 13 May, 1624; m. at Barton Blount, 19 May, 1636 ; she died 29 Nov., 1688, the widow of Francis Lowe, of Youlgrave. I Thomas Evre, of Newbold, b. 22 Aug., 1641, d. 29 June, 1682, buried at Newbold. Isabella, eldest dau. and co-heir of John Cattcrick, of Stanwick, in Yorkshire. Michael, o.s.p. Robert, of Holmesfield, parish of = Mary, dau. of Rich.ard Washing- Dronfield, w.d. 9 .April, 1680, ton, of .Xdwiik-Ii-Stn-et, Yorks. proved 22 Jan., 1681. Edward, d. 28 Nov., 1700, buried in Newbold Chapel. Vincent Eyre, of Woodhouse in = Dronfield, a good herald and genealogist, and great friend of Thomas and Edward, 8th and 9th Dukes of Norfolk, b. i Nov., 1673, d. at Glossop 20 Jan., 1759. Ann, dau. of Nathaniel Bostock, M.D., of Whixall. Salop, by Anne, eldi'st tlau. and co-heir of John .Staflbrd. of Bury St. Edmunds, b. 18 Sept. . 1684, ni. I Nov., 1703, d. 10 Dec, 1746. Elizabeth, wife of Henry Balguy, of Derweut ; he buried .-It Hope 27 Nov., 1737- I Mary, wife of Nich. Bagnel, of Hodsock, Notts. Y'lNCENT Eyre, of Highfield, in Ches- terfield, a solicitor in Gray's Inn, unable to practise as he refused to take the oath. Secretary to Thomas, 8th Duke of Norfolk, and Secretary and Gentleman of the Horse to Edward, qth Duke of Norfolk ; born at Whixall 23 Jan.. 1703-4, married, and died, s.p., 23 Oct., 1761. I Edward Eyre, of London, .Silkmercer, ancestor of Lieut. -Col. Eyre, of Middle- ton Tyas, of the late Major- Gen. Sir Vincent Eyre, C. 13. , K.CS.I., and others. I Nathaniel Eyre, of Glossop, m Dorliyshire. steward to Edward, Duke of Norfolk, at Worksop, b. 2^ Jan., 1713, d. 20 .Aug. , 1781. I I II I I = Jane, dau. of John Bromhead, of Teresa. Lidgate, near Sheffield, m. Mary. 1742, d. May, 1807. .\nn. Margaret. Catherine. Ursula. .Ml died unmarried. A'incent Eyre, of Highfield, and Newbold, in Derbyshire, b. Oct., 1744, d. 7 .April, 1801. Catherine, only child of William Parker, of Rainhill, CO. Lanes., m. 3 .April, 1774, d. 2 Nov. , 1840. I I Edw.vrd, a priest, d. 10 Dec, 1777. John, a priest, d. 19 Feb., 1786, and other children died in infancy. Thomas, first President of Crook Hall and Ushaw Col- lege, Durham, d. 7 May, i8ro, buried in the Ushaw Cemetery. JANK, b. 5 Sep , 1839, m. 30 June, 1779, to John Wheble, of St. .Mary Abbot, Kensington, merchant, of the Bulmershe family ; d. 9 June, 1801. I Vincent Henry Eyre, ^ of Highfield and New- bold, High Sheriff Derbyshire, b. 20 Jan. , I775.'d- S Juie, 1851. Mary, dau. of An- thony Wright, of FitzWaters, Essex, m. 1808, d. 19 Dec, 1854- I Charles Nathaniel Eyre, died at St. Croix lez Bruges, 28 Jan. , 1859, leaving Thos. JOSEPH, who died unmarried 17 Sep., 1866. Sarah (i.st wife), dau. ■ of AVilliam Parker, of Kingston-upon- Hull, Yorks, m. Aug. 1811, d. 3 May, 1825. John Lewis Eyre, Count Eyre of the r^ateran Hall and Apostolic Palace in thePapal Dominions, b. 3 Jan., 1789, d. II Nov., 1880. Augustine Cecile PuLCHERIE(2ndwife), dau. of Armand Dumesnill, Marquis de Sommery, m. 13 May, 1828, d. 20 Feb. , 1876. I William Fran- CIS Eyre, b. 14 July, 1793, married twice and had three sons. 'Vincent Anthony=Jane (ist wife), dau. Eyre, of Lindley Edward Huddleston, Hall, CO. Leic. , b. 3 .August, 1805 d. 22 March, 1887. of of CO. 1842, Sawston Hall, Camb., m. 5 April d. 19 .April, 1881. = Hon. Margaret Pres- ton (2nd wife), dau. of Edward, 13th Vis. Gor- manstown, m. 1882, d. 1887. I Anne Mary, wife of John Erring- ton, of High Warden, North- umberland, High Sheriff, 1865. I I Vincent William, a priest, Hon. Chamber- lain to the Sovereign Pontiff, d. 22 Jan., 1871. John Lewis Eyre, a priest, d. 14 Oct.. 1842. William Henry Eyre, a priest S,J.,d.6Mar. 1898. Most Rev. Charles Peter Eyre, Roman Catholic .Archbishop of Glasgow, 1878, &c. .Anne Maria, d. 7Aug. , 1897, m. 4 .April. 1842, to William Henkv Grainger, of Causes- town, CO. Meath, who died July 1872. I Thomas Joseph Evri;, of Upper Court, co. Kil- kenny, High Sheriff 1 868, and of Thorpe Lee, I'-g- hani, .Surrey, b. 11 June, 1821, m. 4 June, 1861, .Anne Jane, 4th d.au. of William Forward Howard, I-'arl of Wick- low. K. P. . and widow of Richard. B,aron Milford. Pulcherie, dic Giftord, of Chillington, co. kilingDr.agoons, b. 29 Jan. ,1843, Stafford, ni. 8 Sep., 1873. d. 26 Sep., 1893. Arthur Henry Eyre, b. 13 Sep., 1851. Julia O'Connor, m. 6 June, 1874. Arthur Nevill. I Ferdinand John EvKE. = Mary, dau. of Sir of Moreton Hall, H. R. Paston- Suffolk. High Sheriff, Bcdingfeld, 6th 1893, b. 1854. Bart., m. 1880. Vincent Thomas Joseph Eyre, of Lind- ley Hall, CO. Leic. , b. 17 Nov. , 1880. Reginald Thomas, b. s June, 1882. Valentine William, b. 16 Sep., 181 Barbara Gertrude May. Muriel Frances. 83 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. THE HERALDIC y\TCHIEVEMENT OF THOMAS JOHN EYRE, E.s<)., OF UPPER COURT, CO. KILKENNY. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. Here Duke Williams soldiers fight against the me7i of Diiiaii, and Conan reached out the keysr After the Bayeux Tapestry. /yppfU -ff-m t'fa } ^-^z F — '^Fairfax, William (H- hi.)— bore, argent, three bars gemelles gules, surmounted by a lyon rampant sable crowned or. — Shirley.] F. *[Fan3, John (Vank), of Hilden, Kent (H. VI.)— boie, azure, three dexter gauntlets or. — Shirley. J F. Falvesley, John da iF.wvsi.ey), a liaron r :^53 —bore, or, two chevron gules ; Surrey Roll. Fanecourt, Sire Bartholomew de- bore, at the battle of Horoughbridge 1322. sable a cross patonce (tlory) argent a bordure indented or — engrailed in Ashmole MS. (F. ) ; and Jenyns' Ordinary. +Fanecourt, Gerard ds— (H. iii. Roll) bore a/ure, billeti^e or, a c|uarter ermine ( F. ); Arden Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. The field gules in St. George Roll ; another argent, billetSe sable, H.arl. MS. 6137 fo. 56. Fanagll, John— (E. iii. Roll) bore, sable a cross or ; Jenyns' Ordinar}'. Fannell, Sir William, of Rutland (F. 11. Rolll and Roger 1 1'. iii. Roll) bore, argent, a bend gule^, a bordure sable bezantte ; Rarhamentary Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. .KUowed to Favell, of Xortha'nts. JFarynges, Richard de (Fkringes) — (H. III. Rolli bore, argent two (bars) gemelles and in cliief a Ivon passant gules. (F. ) Dering and HJ line .iddefl a calUon ermine to the Ok Qui.n'i I c<.,it. F. Perrers, Sir John de— bore, at thi- first Dunstable toiuiiamcnt 1308, vaire or and gules, (.\dd. MS. 5848) a Ivon passant of the hrst, Harl. MS. 6137 fo. ' 32 ; RoBKlcr of Wem, baron 1375, bore the coat with a lyon passant garrlniU 01-, in thi' s;uUrem(." point ; Jenyns' < 'rdln.u\'. Ferrers, Sir Thomas de— bore, ,it the first lJiuist,d)le tournament 1308, vaire or and gules, on a quarti'r thearnisof Pohi.-n, uziue, abend .trgent cotised or between six Ivoueeux rampant of the last. ]■■. Ferrers, "William— (H. iii. Roll) bore, v.urt.' O'ld form) 01 ,uid gules ,1 bordure azure ; .\rdeu Roll. F. Peri-ers, ■William— ([•:. in Roll i bore, vaire nr and gules, a bordure azure, enlo}re of de-crescents or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Ferrers, Richard ( li. in. Roll), William (H. III. Roll) bore, \aire, or and gules, a bor- dure azure, entoyre of horse-shoes argent ; Jenyns' Ordinary, St. George Roll, and Harl. M.S. 1481 fo. 46 ; in the Howard and Camden Rolls the bordure is sable for Wii.i.HM. F'. Ferrers, Sir John and William of Corn- wall-IE. in. Roll) bore, or, on a bend sable three horse-shoes argent ; .-\shmole Roll ,ind Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Ferret, Sir John de la— (F:. i. Roll) bore, gules, a double headed eagle displa\ed cr ; Holland Roll. Petheir, William— (F:. ii. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron ermine betw een three plumes (feathers in trick) argent ; Jenyns' Roll. Harl. M.S. 6589 gi\'es a single ermine spot on the chevron. Pifeliead ; . Pishead. Pyffe, Earl of (K. in. Roll) bore, paly gules and or ; tjrim,dili Roll. *[Pilmor (Robert), of Herst, in Otterden (F^. 11. ) — bore, sable, three bars and in chief as many cinquefoyles or. — Shirley.] J-'. *|Pineh, alias Herbert, Vincent I E. ii.)— bore, argent, a chevron lietween three gr}- phons sable.— .Shirley. 1 1''. Pineux, Sir John, of Kiiu, Kt.— (H. vi. Roll) bore, vert, a chevron between three eagles displayed or, quartt-rly nuth, gules, a lyon rampant argent ; -Arundel Roll. Fishacre (F. in. rrth—(F;. iv. Roll) bore, argent, two cllevronels and a cjuarter gules ; with crest ; Ballard Roll. T{*^UrA cjrjff Jvffi^ ff»^ (^,/e J^jci^rm ^ ff^^^ ?a'^/^/< *t^f /y'tnh»n^ />r>» it^M SOME FEUDAL— ^^jm^ -c^-fP^iJiiu^ ntz Alan, Sir Bryan le, banneret, baron of Borlale 1295, sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, witha strange device, pp. xviii, xxiv. He bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, barry or and gules (K. ) blasoned (i) as barry (10) in the Nobilitv Rolls 1297, 1299, 1300; (2) as barry (8) at Carlaverock ; these arms are said to be the same as Hugh Pointz and to be disputed, see also Glover, Grimaldi, Howard and St. George Rolls and Jenyns' Ordinary ; (3) attri- buted to BHY,\N (t) as barry (61 in Dering and Guillim Rolls, and (4) as, or three bars gules in the Arundel and Parly. Rolls. Fitz Alan, Sir Richard, Earl of .Vku.mii'.i,, banneret— sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301 (pp. .XV, .\.\iv), and bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, gules, a Ivon rampant or; ascribed to John('J) in the Dering Roll (F.); another Earl John bore it at the siege of Rouen 141S quaricrh'wilh M.M.TR.WER.s, sable a fret or ; fretty in Monumental Effigy. See also Arundi;!.. Fitz Aleyne "William— (E. iir. Roll) bore, aziire. Iluee bo.u's' heads erect couped paly (8) a/ure and or ; F. ,\shmole Roll. Fitz Aucher,.H:snry— (E. ni. Roll) bore, ermine, on a chief azure three lyons rampant or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. .See FiTZ Hi.:nrv, Fitz Barnard, John-(E, 11. Roll) bore, vair a fess gules inj chief two mullets pierced or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Fitz Barnard, Ralf le-(H. iii. Roll) bore, vair, on a chief gules a cross patonce argent, (F.I St, George Roll. See Fitz Roger. Fitz Bernard, Sir Tiiomas le, of Kent, baron (8 E. 11.) -bore, vair, on a chief gules two mullets or ; Parlv. Roll. R.'^ff. also bore this coat ; Arden Roll. John and R.vfe bore the mullets pierced in Jenyns' Ordinary and Roll. Fitz Ellis, Robert, of Newton -(E. iii. Roll) bore, argent, a dancettiSe in chief azure. (F, ) (irimaldi Roll and Jenyns' Roll. Fitz Edmund, Athelward— (H. 111. Roll) bore, argent, an eagle displayed azure on a chief of the second a lyon of the first. Rev- N.\UD bore it or and azure. ■Wii'CH.\RD bore the reverse, and RiCH.VRD bore it sable and or. Howard Roll. Fitz Ernys (or Fitz Ermvs), Sir Philip, of Hunts -(E. II. Roll) bore, argent, three torteaux ; Parliamentary Roll. Fitz Eustace, Sir Thomas, of Lincoln- shire (E. II. Roll) bore, azure, crusily or, a. bend argent ; I'arliamentary Roll. Fitz GefFrey, John le— (H. in. Roll) bore, quarterlv or and gules a bordure vair; Glover and Grimaldi Rolls, Jenyns' Ordinary. Same as Ruii.xkd le Fitz John. Henrv. of Horseile, too'c up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. —COATS OF ARMS. 87 JOHN FITZ ALAN, EARL OF ARUNDEL. In the FitzAlan Chapel, Arundel, 1434. After Stothard. Fxtz GDrald, Maurice, 4ih l-.arl oi Kildare — bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, argent, a saltire gules. (F.) Ht^w.ard. Camden and other Rolls. Ascribed to another Maukice(J) in Dering Roll. Fitzgerald, Sire Thomas, Earl of Des- nioiul— (E. I. Roll! bore, ermine a saltire gules; tiuilhm Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Fxtz Gerald, Warine le— (H. lu. Roll) bore, gules a leopard (a lyon rampant) argent, crowned or; Glo\er Roll. Fitz Henry, Sir Aueher le, of Essex, baron 1310 —bore, ermine on a chief az.ure three lyonceux r.ampantor; Nobility and Parhamen- tary Rolls ; borne also by Rohekt, son of Henry, in Parly. Roll. See FiTZ Aucher. Fitz Henry, Conan, of Keltield, in York- shire— lE. III. Roll) and TllOM.vs (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent a cross engrailed sahle ; Jenyns' Ordinary and Surrey Roll. JoiiN Le Fitz Henrv bore the cross gules (.St. Cieorgc Roll), where it is said that the same arms were borne also by .Xndk. LEV.\.iVT and John de i..\ Linde. Henrv. of Sconebrok, took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Fitz Henry, Hugh, lord of Ravenswath IZ94, sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xxi, xxiv; Sir Henrv, knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348 ; and R.\nik)1.1"H (E. iii.lall bore azure frettv and a chief or. (F.) St. (icorge and Grimaldi Rolls. See FiTZ Hl-oh. Fitz Henry, Adam, of l-".llerton, Yorkshire — (E. HI. 'Roll) bore, argent seven mascles conjoined 3, 3, i gules, on a iiuarter ermine a covered cup or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Fitz Herbert, (E. 111. Roll) bore, gules, three Ivonceux rampant or ; Ashmole Roll. See Fli'Z PlEKS and FlTZ RegIN.M.D. Fitz Herbert, Thomas— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, six martlets and two cotises engrailed sable— tricked as argent a plain bend between two cotises engrailed sable ; Jenyns' Roll. * Fitz Herbert, Sir Henry (E. i.)— bore, argent, a chief vaire or and gules, over all a bend sable. —.Shirley. J F. Fitz Hugh, Sir Henry le, banneret— bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, az.ure fretty and a chief or. His son Sir Henrv differenced with a label (3) gules at the first Dunstable tournament 1308 ; .-Vshmolc Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary ; azure, a fret or, in Cotgrave Roll. See Fitz Henry. Fitz Hugh, Sir Henry le, banneret and a baron 1 321 —bore, azure, three chevronels interlaced in base and a chief or ; Arundel, Parliamenlary and Surrey Rolls. F. • Fitz Hugh, Edmond— (R. 11. Roll) bore, gules, three lyons rampant 2 and i or, a bordure engra'iled argent ; Surrey Roll. See Sir Reynold Fitz RE(;iN.\i.n. Fitz Hugh, Jernegan, of Tanfcldc-(E. in Roll) bore, or three bars azure, over all an eagle displayed gules; firimaldi Roll— barry (6) in Howard Roll, aad (14) azure and or in lenyns' Ordinary. 8* /»•#** ioA,. S-rava wh ^"^■^ 88 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. JPitz Humfrey, Walter— (E. ii. Roll) liore, qiiartt'rlv ari^ent and sable. (F. ) I'arly. , Dcring and Howard Rolls. Ascril)i-<1 also to .Sir W.VLTEK, of Kssex, in I'arly. Roll. .Same as Haxitu.ne. Fitz John, Richard le, a baron 1293 ( /John, baron 1264) -bore, quarterly or and gules, a bordmx' vair. (P'. F. ) Borne also by \I.-\TTHHW fil, John. Parliamentary Roll, and by Joii.N(j)in IJering, Howard and Norfolk Rolls. .Same as Jdh.n LE Fitz Geffrey. Fitz John, Roger le, de Evre— (H. iii. Roll) bore quarterly or and gules, a bend sable ; Glover Roll. (Thom.\s Fit/, Nicol Ijore the bendlet argent in .Surrey Roll. ) -Same as Sir RiHiKKT l.i: Fit/. Rugek. Fitz John, Mathew, D'n's de Stokeliam 1297, sealed the Barons* letter to the Pope 1301. pp. .\xi, x.\iv, and bore, per pale (azure and gules) three lyonceu.x rampant (or) ; ascribed to Hekbekt and John le Fit/. Maheu (see) in Glover and Segar Rolls. (F.) Fitz John, Sir Robert le—(F.. i. Roll)bort, checciu\-or and gules; Holland Roll. RICHARD bore it with ,1 ehid" ermine m Jenyns' Ordinary. Fitz John, Randolf, of Woodhall— (F:. hi. Roll) bore, .i/ure .1 chief indented or ; Grimaldi Roll ; dancett^e in .Surrey Roll. .See F^;t/ Randolph. Fitz John, Sir Adam de, of Lincolnshire— (K. II. Roll) bore, s.ible, two bars argent, in chief three plates ; P.trliamentaiv Roll. jFitz Lee or Fitz Lei, William— (E. in. Roil) bore, sable, crusilv and three crescents 2 and I argent- (F. ) Dering Roll. Fitz Maheu, Philip le-(H. in. Roll)— bore, per pale gules and azure three lyon- ccux ram{jant ermine. (F. ) .-\rden and St. George Rolls. See l-'iT/ John. Fitz Marmaduke, John le, banneret (eldest son of Marni. F'itz Geoffry, lord of Hordern tr/ Ha\v"thorne, co. Durham) — bore, at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, gules a fess between three popinjays argent (F. ) ; sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xxi. .x.xiv ; ascribed also to Thvveng of Luniley in Jenjais' Roll and Orchnary. (F.) Sir Rictl\RI) bore it (K. 11. ) with abaston. over all, azin-e ; Parlv., Jin\ns' anil < jlo\'er Rolls. See also Thwengk. Fitz Martin, Nicol le— (H. iii. Roll) bore, argent, two bars gules, a label (3) azure ; Glover and Jenyns' Rolls. -Fitz Michaell, Michael, of Siggeston— il-;. III. Roll) bore, liarry (8J or and gules, .1 ([uarttT ermine; Jenyns' Ordinary. Fitz Nele, Sir Robert— bore, at the first iJunst.djIe tournament 1308, paly (6) argent and gules; borne also (E. II.) by .Sir R.\l'1'' of Bucks, Parliamentary fioll ; and '["H(_)MAS (E. III.) Jenyns' Ordinary. %^,r) G> fi}}^ %.rU^3c^» ifFitzNel, Robei^t— iH. iii. Roll) bore, paly (6) ari^unt and gules a fess azure ; Dering Roll three bezants on the fess in the Ashmole Copy ; three spur-rowells or (F. ) in the Howard and Segar Rolls. Fitzneel, Tliomas— (E. ii. Roll) — bore, argent, three palets gules, on a fess azure as niajiy martlets or ; Jenyns" Roll. John in Cotgrave, the martlets argent. Fitz Nicol, Rauf le-(H. iii. Roll) bore, gules, .seiiiee of escallops argent, a cinquefoyle ur ; Giover Roll, .\scribed also to Ri( hakd in the Xorfolk Roll. Fitz Wicol, Thomas- (R. ii. Roll) bore. i]uart(.Tly or and gules, a bendlet argent; Surrey Roll. See also RoGEK LE FlTZ JOHN. Fitz Oberne, Sir Roger— (E. ii. Roll) bore, three gemelli-'S and a canton argent ; Parliamentary Roll. -j-Fitz Otes, Hugh le— (H. in. Roll) bore, iiendy (6) or and azure a quarter ermine. (F.) St. George and Camden Rolls— three bends in the Howard Roll — bendy (8) argent and azure a quarter ermine, in Jenyns" Ordinary. Fitz Payne, Robert le, a baron 1299. sealed the Barons" letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xix, x.xiv. Hebore, atthe battle of Falkirk 1298. and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300. gules, three lyons passant in pale argent, a baston azure. (F. ) Parliamentary. Segar and other Rolls (save the Nobility Rolls, in which, as Baron of Lammer 1297-130S, he has only two lyons). Sir Robert, Kt. banneret, bore the same without a baston ; .\rundel Roll (H. VI.) and SiR John or Robert of Glouces- tershire bore, the baston gobony or and azure ; Parliamentary Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Fitz Payne, John le- argeiit, a hawk's lure gule; ■{E. II. Roll) bore ; Jenyns' Roll. (.SIR WILLIAM) I'lTZ RALPH. In Peumarsh Church in Essex, 1323. Afii-r IValkr. Fitzpiers, Reginald (Rkvnai.d. Rev- .NAki) or Renauii i.e -(H. ill. Roll) bore, gules, three lyonceu.x rampant or. (F. ) Howard, Glover, St. George and Camden Rolls. See Fitz Hekhek t and Fitz Regin.ald. Fitz Rauff, Sir Robert le— bore, atthe first Dunstable tournament 1308, burulfe (10) argent and azure three buckles 2 and i gules tongues to the sinister. Fitz Raffe, Sir Robert, of Yorkshire— (K. II. Roll) bore, barry (8) argent and azure three chaplets gules, a label (3) or ; Parly, and Nativity Rolls ; William bore, burulte (14) in .\rden Roll. .Some MSS. assign him buckles, in lieu of chaplets gules, tongues to the dexter. F. .See FlTZ WILLIAM. IS.^.^ ^uc *^p^o,^ H^^^'^d lUk^f^T--'^ Uf^iifO^p^ SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 89 ^o^i/v^/ 2«/^i^.^ V;^f|!^ "^s^^ T^lt /« Afc'vo^v %%i 4ijfihtou^ Fitz Rauffe, Raffe, of Nfulton in Richmond- shire, founder of the Abbey of Egglestone — (E. III. Roll) bore, b.irry (6) or and azure, tricked ns or two bars azure, in Jenyns' Ord. Fitz Rauff, Hugh le— (H. iii. Roll) bore, gules, a fess vair ; Glover Roll. Willl-vm took up the cross in the last Crusade 1269. Fitz RafFe, Sir William of Essex— (E. 11. Roll) bore, or, three chevrons gules on each as man}- fleurs-dc-l)'b argent ; Parliamentary Roll. See Monumental Brass. Same as John Feltgrave, in Jenyns' Roll. Fitz Rauf, Sire Randolf— bore, at the battle of Horoughbridge 1322, purpiire a chief indented or (F.) ; .\shmolo Roll. Fitz Randolph, John, of Spenythorne, and Randolph Fitz John, of Woodall— {V.. III. Roll) bore azure a chief indented or, anil Rauf of Midlehani bore the reverse; Jenyns' Ordinary. Henry bore azure a chief fretty or ; Glover Roll. See also FiTZ Robert. Fitz Reginald, John, baron of Blenleveny in Walr.^ (25 ]■',. I.), sealed the Barons' letter to the I'ope 1301, pp. xviii, xxiv — bore, gules, three lyonceux ram[)antor ; Nobility and Parly. Rolls; called FiTZ R.-\VMOND in Arundel Roll. See FiTz HERBERT and Fitz Piers. Fitz Reginald, Sire Reynald le^bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, gules, three lyonceux (rampant) or within a bordure in- dented argent (F. ) ; tricked engrailed in Ash- mole Roll ; and so ascribed to Edmond Fitz Hugh in Surrey Roll. Fitz Reynarde, Sir John, of Bucks— (E. II. Roll) bore, or, two chevrons gules, on a canton of the Last a lyon passiant argent ; Parliamentary Roll. Called J.\coB in Harl. MS. 4033 fo.' 36'', Fitz Richard, Sire Haniond le— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, gules, a chevron (between) three unicorns argent. F. Fitz Richard, Sire Rauf— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, ermine, a chief bendy (lo) or and azure. F. Fitz Robert, Randolph (of Midleham) or K.\N1)I)I.1'H l>E Mini.KH.VM- (E. III. Roll) bore, or, a chief azure ; Grimaldi Roll. See FiTZ John and Fitz Randolph. Fitz Robert, Sir Walter le, of Rutland— (10. II. Roll) bore, or two chevrons gules; Parly. Roll. .Another Walter bore it with a fess gules ; Grimaldi Roll. See FiTzW.'iLTER. Fitz Roger, Sire Robert le— (K. i. Roll) bore, argent a h'on rampant [jurpure (sable in Bering and Howard Rolls) (F.) ; Guillim Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. RiCHARD Balderston bears the same. Fitz Roger, Sir Robert le, banneret, lord of Clavering — bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, quarterly or and gules a baston sable (F". ) ; signed, but did not seal, the letter to the I^ope 1301, p. xxiv; Nobility, Parly, and other Rolls. Ascribed also to Joiin(j), in the Ash- mole Copy of the Dering Roll ; same as Sir Roger le Fitz John. .See also Sir John DE Clavering. Fitz Roger, Rauf le— (H. iii. Roll) bore vair, a chief gules, (F. ); St. George Roll; ascribed also to JuiiN, Baron Fitz Roger, in the 2nd Nobility Roll 1299. See also Claver- ing and Fitz Barnard. Fitz Simon, Sir Hughand John— (E. hi. Roll) bore, gules, three false escocheons argent (F. ) ; Ashmole and St. George Rolls. RiCH- .■\RD, K.G., a founder, bore the reverse in -\rundel and .Surrey Rolls. Fitz Simon, Sir John, of Norfolk-bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, sable, a fess (between) three crescents argent (F. ); ParHamentary Roll ; another .Sir John bore the same, knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348. Fitz Simon, Sir John, of Herts— (E. 11. Roll) bore, azure three eaglets displayed or a canton ermine ; I'arliamentary Roll ; four eaglets 2 and 2 in Harl. MS. 6137 fo. 13. Fitz Symond, Richard le— bore, at the second DuiisialjU- tournament 1334, gules, a chief or (!•'.); Tho.mas bore the reverse in Surrey Roll. Fi'tz Simon, Sir Raffe, of Lincolnshire- ^K. II, Roll) bore, .azurt-, a lyon rampant crnnne ; Parly. Roll. Robert de Wv' took up the cross in the last Crus,ade 1270. Fitz Simon, Simon le— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, three roses ermine ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Another SiMON (H. III.) bore gules, three chess-rooks ermine IF.) ; St. George Roll. Fitz Stevens, RafFe of Thornton Rust, Yorks — (H III. Roll) bore, azure, three martlets or, tricked as martels (hammers with claws) ; Jenyns' Roll. See Mathew of Thornton .Steward. Fitz Thomas, Thomas le-(H. iii. Roll) bore, lozcngy argent aiul gules (F. ); St. George Roll, called FiTzCoLOM, in Aiden Roll ; same arms as John Cog,\n. See also Fitz William. John, of Wrastuliugwrth, took up the cross in the' last Crusade 1270. Fitz Urse, Reg-inald- (H. iii. Roll) bore, or, a bear passant sable, muzzled argent ; Howard Roll. F. rrft4*u>nc -«> ^auft^^i^ro^ UpS, ^ttHfrt- LiDprnai l^j^^^y^ikM^ 9° SOME FEUDAL COATS OE ARMS. ^^.^M. Pitz Walter, Sir Robert le, baiiniTct, a l.:iroii I2Q5, srnk'd thf Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, \i\i. w, .\\i\. He bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298 and at the siege of Carlaverock 13C0, or a fess between two chevronels gules. (F. ) Xobilit}- and Parly. Rolls. See also Tiles, Neath .\bbey, p. i.\. Borne also by , knisht'-d at the capitulation of Calais 1348. and by Sir RicH.^KD, Kt. banneret in the Arundel R'oH (H. VI.) also by Le Sr. at the siege of Rouen 1418, he' proljably W.M.TICK 7th Lord. .-\.scribed also to RoBERTij) in the Dering Roll. See FiTZ Robert. Fitwaryn, Sir Pouke, of Whutington. banneret and baron 1295 — bore, quarterly per fess indented (tricked, dancett^e) argent and gules. Nobility Roll, (quarterly indented in the Parly. Roll); ascribed also to FiiUKd) in Dering Roll ; sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xviii, xxiv. See also Tiles, Neath .\bbey, p. ix. Another Sir FouKE bore it at the first Dunstable tournament 1308 differenced with a nuillet sable. (F. ) See also Wm. FiTZ M^UJ.I.\M, in Cotgrave. Sir WiL- I.|.\M, baron, bore it (undifterenced) at the siege of Calais 1345-8, on which occasion .Sii- TiiMN differenced with a label (3) aziu'e, and so ascribed to Philip in the Norfolk Roll (H. in.) — reversed for Sir Fouke in Ashniole Roll, where tricked per pale with a chief indented coiuUerchanged - probably in error. Pitzwarren, Sire William -bore, at the 'uattle of Boroughbridge 1322, ciuarterl)- per fess indented (tricked, dancett^e) argent and sable. (F. ) Parly. . Arden, St. George and Seg.ar Rolls ; reversed in Cjuillim Roll. This .Sir Wli.Li.VM may l>e identical with the preceding SirWiM.i AM of Calais. Another WiLEIAM and \'X\ II ' took up tile cross in the last Crusade 1270. Pitz Waren, Alayn— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, quarterly argent and gules, on a canton of the first a martlet sabl.-" V. Fitz Warren, Sir Poulke, k.g.— (E. in. Kiilh Hid Sir William, a baron 1342— bore, c|uarterly per fess indented (tricked, dan- cettt?e) ermine and gules ; Cotgrave, .Surrey and .\rundel Rolls ; reversed in Jen\-ns' Ordi- nary, and in the .\shmole Roll ; where tricked per pale with a chief indented counterchangcd -jiroljably in error. Fitz William, Sir RaufFe le, banneret, l^aron 1295, sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. XX, xxiv. He bore, at the battle of I-'alkirk 1298 and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, burult^e (12) argent and azure, three chap- lets gules (F, ) — barry (6) &c. , in the Nobility Rolls 1297-1310, and Segar Roll ; argent four l.)ars azure, &c. , Parly. Roll ; barry ( 10) -Arundel and Jenyns' Roll ; burul^e (18) in Guillim Roll. ■\A'iI.I.i.\M, of Colcston.took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. See Fitz Raffe and fJUEVSTIirK. *Pitz William, Sir William, a baron 1327 boif, at the first Dunst.dde tournament 1308, lozengy argent and gules. (F. ) Parlia- mentary, .\shniole aiifl Surrey Rolls -masculee in .Vativilv and ParliaineiUary Rolls and hiiyns' Ordinary. .See also Frrz Thomas. Pitzwilliam, Sir John— (K. iii. Roll) bore, ln/rng\- gules and argent ; .\shm()le Roll. V . Fitz William, Thomas le (H, iii. Roll) bore, masculee ermine antl gules; Glover Roll. Pitzwilliam, Sir William- bore, at the b.ittleof Falknk 1298,01-, a fessgules. F. Called I'l.lM.XN ni tin- Wrest Park copy of the Roll. Pitz Wyth, Sir Geoffrey, of Norfolk— (K. II. Roll) bore, azure, three gryphons pa.ssant or ; Parliamentary Roll. See WVTIIK. ftriiit ft Urtun^e ^-^ff^p Fitz W( ), John le- (H. in. Roll) boie, ermine, two bars gules ; Arden Rtill. Plamville, Sir William— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a maunche azure ; .-\shniole and Surrey Rolls. Plamville, Sir Roger, of co. Leicr.— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, a maunche gules, besanti^e ; Parliamentary Roll. JPlandres, Baud-win de— (H. in. Roll) bore, or, a hon raiupant sable w ithin a l)ordure gules. (1'.) Dering Roll — bordure engrailed in Ashmole MS. The Constable of Flanders bore, argent, an inescocheon gules, in Dering Roll. Plaunder, Sir Henry, of Flanders— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, sable, fretty or. Fleming, Sir Baldw^in and Robert— (E. in. rtSt^:a^t3l •"" faerie 92 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. Jil^jfr^^ll Alex. FrivjLc -(E. III. Roll) bore, gules, mascles argent ; Jenyns' Pranks, Sir William— bore, at tlie siege of Calais 1345-8 (kniglited at the capitulation 134S) \ert, asaltire engrailed or (F.) ; Ashniole Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Praser, Sir Symond summoned to Scot- land among the barons 1298, served at Falkirk and Carlaverock. .See Fm'SF-;l,L. Preford, John de- a bend between si.\ Ordinar\'. Prembaude, Sir Nicholas, of Bucks— (K. II. kullf Ijoie, gules, crusily and a cross or ; Parliamentary Roll. Prene, Sir Gerard (Frenye) (E. 11. Roll) bore, or. a fleur-de-lys sable and a bordure gules ; Parliamentary and Harleian Rolls. See also HE L.\ Fkeign. Prene, Hugh de (a baron 1336)— bore, at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, gules two bars ' ' endente" argentaufl azure — indented from point to point (F.); Ashmole Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary 1 the bars, per fess indented in .St. George Roll ; bends, per bend indented, in Parliamentary Roll, and for Sir 'V\'-'\ltkr, of Herefordshire, also, one bend only; H. 6137 fo. 27. Preschville, Raffde, Baron of Stavely 1297 -bore, azure, a bend between six escallops argent ; Nobility Roll ; ascribed also to .AfKER and John in Howard Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary; Raiiff differenced with a' mullet gules ; .Surrey Roll. Previle, Alexander --(H. 111. Roll) bore, nr, .1 saltire lozengy vair and gules. (F. ) ; .■\rden and .St. (ieorge Rolls. Previle, Sir Alexander de, of co.Worc — (E. II. Roll) bore, or, a cross lozeng)' gules and vair. (F. ) Sir B.\ed\vin bore or. on a cross gules five lozenges vair ; Parliamentary Roll ; (cro.ss florv in Jenvns' Ordinarv) ; 12 lozenges (F. ) in St. George Roll. Previle, John— (E. in. Roll) bore, or, on a cross vair 9 lozenges in cross gules ; lenyns' Ordinary. Although the blason of these crosses differ, it should probably be the same in all. Previle, Sir Baldwin -(K. 111. Roll) bore, nr, a cross patonce gules ; .Ashmole and Surrey Rolls. Sir Piers differenced with an annulet azure ; Ashniole Roll. Previle, Baudwin de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, vair. . I cross "passant" gules; Norfolk Roll. Previle, Sir John de, of Cambridgeshire, md Kn ii.AKiiand Riibekt— (K. 11. Roll) bore, gules, three crescents ermine. (F.) Parlia- mentary, .\rden, St. George, and Jenyns' Rolls. .Another Richard (E. i. ) bore, or three crescents gules. (F.) Segar Roll. See Frkisle and Frivile. Pritherby, Edmond de — (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent, three Heurs-de-lys 2 and 1 gules ; Surrey Roll. SIR JOHN DE FOXLRY. In Br.w Church, in Berkshire, 1378. Afkr Boutell. .1 JSeM*<7>r>»»^ „ Prodsam ( ), an Esse.x Kt.— (H. vi. Roll) br.ire, .irgent, on a cross engrailed sable five mullets (8) gules ; Arundel Roll. Prognal ( ), a Kentish Kt.— (H. vi. Roll) bore, sable, two bars or, a chief argent ; Arundel Roll. Prowick ( ), a Suffolk Kt.— (H. vi. Roll) bore, azure, a chevron between three leopards' f.iccs or ; -Arundel Roll. Prysell, Sir Symond (Freseel or Eraser) — bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, sable, six roses (fraises) argent (F. ); and nine roses (fraises) 3, 3, 2, i at the siege of Carlaverock 1300. Pulborne, Sir John de, of Cambridgeshire — (E. II. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron be- tween two wyverns {tails nowed) sable ; Par- liamentary Roll — tricked in Harl. M.S. 6137 fo. 18, or a chevron and in chief tw^o wyverns sable. ''[Pulford, Sir Henry, (E. iii.) — bore, gules, .1 che\'ron argent. — .Shirley.] F. Pulthorp, Alan— (E. 111. Roll) bore, argent, a cross nioline sable. \\'ILLI.\M differenced with a crescent argent ; Surrey Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Purneus v. Porneus. Purnivall, Thomas, Dims de Sheffield, a baron 1295 and a banneret, sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xviii, xxiv ; bore, at the battle of P^alkirk 1298 and at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, argent, a bend between si.x martlets gules. (F. ) Nobility, Parly, and .\rundel Rolls ; borne also by Ger.^rd (of Munden), Sir THOMAsand Walter ; Glover, Guillim and Norfolk Rolls. William dif- ferenced with a label azure ; Glover Roll. In the Glover Roll the field is tricked or for Gerard (Harl. MS. 148 1 fo. 38) and also for Thomas in the St. George Roll. Purnivall, Le Sr.— (E. iii. Roll) bore, gules, on .1 cross pat<..!ice or fi\-e mullets of the field ; .\shmole Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. .Same as Sir Thomas Ughtred. *[Pursdon, "Walter, (E. i.)— bore, argent, a chevron azure between three fire-balls proper. — Shirlev.i F. Roll) bore, sable St. George Roll. fPyl iol, Richard -(H. ii three covered cups or. (F. Fyliol, Sir Thomas, of Essex— (E. ii. Roll) bore. or. on a fess between two chevronels LTules, three trefoyles ardent; Parliamentary Roll. Fyliol, Sir John, of Essex— (E. ii. Roll) bore, vair, a canton gules (F. ); Parliamentary and Arden Rolls. His son Sir John differenced with a mullet (on the canton) or, at the first Dunstable tournanienl 1308, ^,i„ii- 9'^'' yyMH ^ (pt*uy6 Gabriell, Bartholomew— lE. iii. koUi bore, or billely (6) sable ; Cotgrave Roll. See Gaselyn. *[G-age, John (9 H. iv.)— bore, per saltire argent and azure a .saltire gules. — Shirley.] F. Gainsforde ( ) an Esse.';? Knight— (H, vi. Rolll bore, argent, a chevron gules between three greyhounds courant sable ; .\rundel Roll. Galeys, 'Williara de— (E. i. Roll) bore, gules, a fess between two chevronels or ; .Segar Roll. (F. ) See also W.aleis. Galloway, Alan, lord of— (E. in. Roll) bore, azure, a lyon rampant argent, crowned or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. F. Galthorp, Bartholomew, of Orthenley, Norfolk -(F. III. Roll) bore, ermine, a maunch gules ; .Vshmole Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Gammage, Payne de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, argent, a chief azure, over all five fusils in bend gules (F. ) ; .\i)AM, difterenced with a label (5) of the first ; a label or, for NiCHOi. ; .\rden and .St. George Rolls. In Jenyns' Ordinary the bend is engrailed. Gant, Gilbert de, baron (of Lindsey) 1295— bore, barrv (6| or and azure a bend gules ; Nobility and Parliamentary Rolls, .^scribed also to' Geoffrey (H. ii'i.), Norfolk Roll; 'V\''II-Li.\M (H. III.), Glover Roll; and to Gilbert of Swaledale (E. 11.) in Jenyns' Ordinary. Gard, Hugh, of Denmark— (E. iii. Roll) bore, azure, a sun or ; H. 6589 fo. 37. See .Andrew HrciARPK. Gardyn, Sir Thomas de, of Cambridge- shire— (E. II. Roll) bore, argent, two bars sable, a label (3) gules ; Parly. Roll. Gargrave ( ) of Suffolk, Kt. (Sir John, .Master of the Ordnance to King Henry in France) — (H. vi. Roll) bore, lozengy argent and sable on a bend of the last three crescents of the first ; .\rundel Roll. Garshall, Sir Thomas, of Warwickshire— (F. II. Roll) bore, t|uarterly argent and sable on a bend gules three tieurs-de-lys of the first ; Parliamentary Roll. Gaseoigne, William— (E. iii. Roll) bore, argent, on a pale sable a lucie's head couped hauriam of the first ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Gaselyn, Sire Edmond, of Hants— bore, at the battle of Horuughbridge 1322, or, billett^e sable (F. ) (azure, in Parliamentary Roll.) An- other Edmond bore it with a label (5) gules fretty of the second ; Arden and St. George Rolls, and Geoffrey bore it with a label gules, .\nother Geffrey took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Gaselyn, Sir Walter, of Hants— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, or billettfc azure with a label (3) gules ; no label in Parliamentary Roll. Sir John of Hants bore it w-ith a bend gules iF. ), Parliamentary Roll ; and Sir Simond bore the first coat with a label (51 gules ; Guillini Roll. *[Gataere, Humphrey, esquire of the body to Hen. VI. — bore, ciuarterly gules and ermine a fess azure bezant^e between in the second and third quarters three piles meeting in base of the first.— Shirley.] F. tGatton, Hamon de— (H. iif. Roll) bore, checquy argent and azure (F. ); Dering and Camden Rolls. Gartune in the Howard Roll. Gaunte, Le Chastelyn de— (E, in. Roll) bore, azure, a false escocheon argent (an inescocheon) ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Gaunt, Simon de— (E. n. Roll) bore, gules, three de.\ler gauntlets apaum^e argent (F. ); Jenyns' Roll. Gause, Sire William— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, gules, two bars and (in chief) three escallops argent. (F. ) Gaveston, Piers, Earl of Cornwall 1308, banneret — bore, vert, three eaglets displayed or ; Nobility Roll ; si.\ eaglets, 3, 2, i, in Parly. Roll ; 3 and 3 in .\rundel Roll ; the field azure, both in Jenyns' Roll and Ordinary. Gayton, Sir John de, of Rutland. Kt.— (K. II. Roll) bore, argent a fess between six fleurs-de-lys 3 and 3 gules ; Parliamentar}- Roll (F.) ; the fess between three in Arden Roll. A i J>a*,iA C«^tna^ Ha**t*rt*9&^ahc %^(La^(d,^ *l^ Ht***ifi. (liaftt t- r6- ryi>'M' ^'oiijV ^.^ ^ (^ ^i^^ 94 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. ^ni- Gayton, Sir Philip de, of kuilaml -iH. ii. Roll) bore, argent, crusily and three tlcurs-dr- l)-5 azure; Parly. Roll H.-\MiiNn, John. \Vii.Li.\iM and W.M.TKK took up tlic cross in the last Crusade 1270. Geddings, Sir John de, of .Snflblk (!•;. 11. Roll, bore, checquy ars^cnt aTld gules on a fess azure three rtiund buekle.s or, tongues to the dexter ; Parliamentary Roll. Geddinge ( ) a Kentish Knight (H. vr Roll) bore, gules, a chevron argent between three gryphons' heads erased or ; Arundel Roll. Gelres, The Count de (or Guei.dkks in P^landers) (l-".. III. Roll) bore, azure, billett^e and a lyon rampant or ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Possibly of the family of the author of the famous ' ' Armorial de Gelres. " See page xxxvi. Genevill, Geffray de, a baron 1299— bore, azure, three pairs of barnacles expanded in pale or, on a chief ermine a demi lyon ram- pant issuant gules (F.); Nobility Roll, &c. (the barnacles argent in the Harl, Roll). AttriLiuted to another Gp:fi-key (J) in Dering Roll. A Gi'.FFiiEY and William took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Genevile, Simon de (or Jiii.nvii.i.k) - (H. III. Roll) bore, sable three pairs ofbarnacles expanded or, on a chief argent a demi lyon rampant issuant gules ; Glover Roll. jGenne, 'William le— (H. iii. Roll) bore, argent, three Ivons rampant 2 and 1 sable (F.) ; Ilrriug Roll, Genney, Sir Roger, of Norfolk~(E. 11. Roll) i)ore, paly (4) or and gules a chief ermine ; Parly. Roll. See also Genv. *fGent (John), of Wymbish, in Esse.x, 1328 — bore, ermine, a chief indented sable (F. ), and, adds Shirley, a chevron sable is sometimes borne on the shitjd. ] Gentill, Sir Nicholas— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, two bars sable on a chief of the last two mullets pierced of the first ; Parliamelitarv Roll. Gentill, Sir NiehoU, of Sussex or Surrey— Ixjre, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, or, on a chief sable two mullets argent pierced gules (P'. ); pierced argent, in Parlianientary Roll, and gules in Jenyns' Ordinary. Geny, Sir Thomas— (E. iii. Roll) bore, azure, a false escocheon within an orle o( martlets or ; Ashmole Roll, an orle zr/ in- escoelieon voirled. Gerard, Sir Thomas of the Bryne— (E. iv. Roll) bore, azure, a lyon rampant ermine, flucally crowned or ; with crest. Ballard Roll —see Monumental iVass for Pi-:'i'EK, 1492. Gerard, Thomas — (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, three inescocheons ermine ; Jeinns' Ordinary. Sei- W'lLLI.^M Gekmine. *[Gerard, William (16 E. i.)— bore a saltire gules, in .Shirley. | F. argent. V* ^ i * */ w /yyoftCUr: X ^Vi J7£b^ (pM^ufd' PETRR GERARD, Esq. In WiNwicK Chi'rch, Lancashirk 1492. After Waller. Gerberge, John .in.l Raffe— (E. in. Rolli bore, ermine, on a chief gules, three lozenges or ; Jenyns' Roll and Ordinary — the lozenges vair, in .\shmole Roll. Gerberge, Thomas — (R. n. Roll) bore, sable, a fess between two chevrons or ; .Surre\' Roll. Gercomvile ; Jerkavile and Marcon- vile. Germyn :'. Jermyn. Germine, William— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules three false escocheons ermine a mullet (6) argent. (F.) Jenyns' Ordinary. SeeTHOM.vs Gerard, Gernons, seeBLuxDEviLE, Earl of Chester. Gernoun, Sir William de, of Essex— (E. II. Roll) bore, argent, three piles und6e nieenng in base gules ; Parliamentary Roll. \\\av\'in Harl. 6137 fo. 14"^ — paly wavy argent and gules in Glover Roll. Gerthestone, Robert de— (E. in. Roll) Inire, argent, on a fess sable three crosses patonce or ; Jenyns' Ordinary, Gerveys, Robert— (E. n. Roll) bore, argent, .1 chevron azure between three escallops sable : len\ns' Roll. Gery, Sir John— (E. in. Roll) bore, paly (6) or and gules, a chief ermine ; Ashmole and Surrey Rolls. Getingdon, Nicholas— (E. in. Roll) bore, gyronn}- (8) or antl sable ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Gey, Walter de—(H. in. Roll) bore, argeni .] lyon r.tnipanl saljle debruised of a bend gules (.\rden Rolli ; charged with three buckles or. (F.) : in St. George Roll. Ghisnes, Ingelram de, a baron 1295— bore, gules, a chief vair (potent counter potent) : Nobility Roll. Giffarde, Sir John, of co. Wore— (E. 11 Roll) bore, argent, nine lorteaux 3, 3, 2, i ; Parliamentary Roll, .Vle.x.ander. John and Rai'FE bore ten torteaux. (F. ) St. George and Surrey Rolls and Jenyns' Ordinarv. Giffard, William— (K. in. Roll) bore, ai- gent, three stirrups and straps gules ; Jenyns' Roll the reverse in Howard Roll (H. in.). Sir PEIKS bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, azure, three stirrups within a bordure indented all or. (F. ) 'Tricked engi-ailed in .\shniole MS. *Peter Giffurd (H. III.) bore the last coat without the bordure. — Shirley. Giffard, John de, banneret, a baron 1295— bore, gules, three lyons passant in pale argent. (F'. ) Nobility, Parliament.ary and Arundel Rolls — ascribed also to WiLLi.AM in Jenyns' Ordinary. Sir John i.e Boef. of O.xon, bore it (1'",. II.) differenced with a label (3, 5) azure; Parliamentary Roll. Ascribed to another John (J) in Dering Roll. Sir Edmund, of CO. Gkjuc. (10. II.) bore the same difference - but sable in Harl. M.S. 4033 fo. 48, and so also one OsBEKT. baron 1297 ; Nobility Roll. Jtn f^ (pUfU^JhfO 96 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. J\W ^'"'^*^ />**tf^

O^rt^Sf rTy-Jey^YtiS/a^tii' iH»}? iq roMC-nr* Goldingham, Sir Allen de, of Suftolk— (E. II. Roll) bore. undeL- (6) argent nnd gules, alabel (3)a/iire ; Parliamentary Roll. Argent a Ijend nebulae gules is ascribed to another Suffolk Kniuht; Arundel Roll. Goldingham, Alexander -(R. ii. Roll) bore, barrv neliuliV (h) ennine and gules; ^>urrey Roll. Goldingham, William de-(H. iii. Roll) bore, ermine, three bars wavy gules ; Howard Roll. Goldington, Sire John de— bore, at the battle of Horoughbridge 1322, or, two lyons passant sable, a label (3) gules ; borne without the label but with the lyons gardant by Sir Jc.HN, who was knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348. K. Goldington, Sir Raffe de, of Beds— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent two lyons passant in pale azure ; F'arlianientar}- Roll. Golofree, Sir John (E. 111. Roll) bore, undine (6) argent and guTes on a bastoii sable four besants, Ashniole Roll; three besants for loHX and Till iM.-\s, in Surrey Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Gondronville, Gerard de, of Loreyne— bore, at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, vair ; sometimes called HuNTKUCOMHE. See Nicolas edn. Gonnis, Bryan de (K. 111. Rolli bore, vair, a bend lozengy \ycl engrailed) gules I F. ) ; St. George Roll and Jenyns" Ordinary, where it is blasoned vaire or and azure a bend gules. Gonnis, Walter de— (E. in. Roll) bore, t|ii.uteily vair and gides ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Gonnyes, de (E. iii. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron ermine ; Jenyns' Roll and Ordinary ; borne also liy LoDHROOKK. Gonvile, Sir Richard -(E. iii. Roll) bore, or, on a bend sable three mullets argent pierced gules ; Ashmole Roll. Gordon, Sir Adam, of Hants or \\'ilts— (E. II. Roll) bore, gules, three leopards' faces jessant-de-lvs argent ; Parliamentary Roll. ^Gordon, Adam— (H in. Roll) bore, or, a fleur-de-lys gules ; Dering and How art! Rolls. Gordon, Adam de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, gules, three Heurs-de-lys argent (F. ); Arden and St. George Rolls'. See ,ilso Sir Ah,\M GiiKnoN. Gordon, Sir Thomas, or G.\rdyn, of co. ( "ambridge — (E. II. Roll) bore, argent, two bars saltle, a label (3) gules ; Parliamentary Roll. Gorges, RafFe de -bore, at the siege of Car- laverock 1300, and at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, lozengy or and azure (F. ) ; this coal appears in many rolls, sometimes the tinctures are reversed, at others si.\ lozenges 3, 2, T are tricked for lozengy ; the mascles are tricked five lozenges for Sir R,\i-'FE, ban- neret, in Parliamentary and Arundel Rolls ; maseul^e argent and azure is ascribed toJonN, in Jenyns' Roll. Gorges ( - ), a Suffolk Knight -(H. vi. Roll) bore, lozengy or and azure a che-vron guU-s (F. ), ijuarh-i-ly with, argent, on a chief gules three ije/ants ; .Vrundel Roll. Gorges, Rafe de ill. in. Roll) bore, argent, .1 gorge azure (I''.); .\iilen, jenyns', Howard .uid (jlover RcjIIs ; (suceessfull)- claimed b\' W'.vum-KioN of c:heshirc) ; a K.m-k took up the cross in the last Crus.ade 1270. *| Goring, John de (!■'. 11.)- bore, argent, a clu-\ron betwi'en three annuU;ts gules.-- Shirley, , I'' Gornay . Guriiay. Gosehalle, Walter de— (E. in. Roll) bore, or, a hurt charged with a cinquefoyle of the first, on a chief dancett^e (4 indents) azure, two besants (F.); Ashmole Roll. In the Dering Roll the coat is tricked per fess dancettfc, Sc. , for R.viFE or W.m.tek (j). Goteshury, Sir Richard de, of Herts- IE. II. Roll) bore, gules, a fess vair betw^een three goats' heads erased argent : Parlia- mentarv Roll. Gounis I'. Gonnis. Gousell, John— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a fess between six martlets 3 and 3 sable ; Jen\'ns' Ordinary. Gousell, John— (E, in. Roll) bore, paly (6) argent and gules on a chief azure a fess dancetti^e or, R.\FE bore it with the colours of the chief and fess reversed ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Gousell, Thomas (G.\usil)— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, on a bend sable three trefoils or ; Jenyns' Roll. GoushuU, Nicoll (R. 11.) bore, barry (6) or and gtiles, a eantrm ermine, his son NlCHoLL differenced with a label (3) azure; Surrey Roll. Go'wer, Sir Rot)ert-(E. 111. Roll) bore, argent, on a che\i()n sable three leopards' faces or; Ashmole Roll. John de Gl'ER took tip the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Gower, Thomas, of Stittenham (? Stainsby) (E. in. Roll) bore, ermine, a cross flory gules, blasoned as pat^e ; Jenyns' Ordinary, *[Gower, Sir Nicholas, of Stittenham (12 E. 111.)— bore, barrv (8), argent and gules, a cross fior\' gules — blasoned patonee bv Shirley.] F." " Grabom, William (or Gabum) - (H. 111. Roll) bore, argent, on a bend gules three eagles displayed or ; .Arden Roll. Graham, Henry de, banneret— bore, at the siege of Carla\^^rock 1300, gules, a saltirc argent on a chief of the last three escallops gules. F. Grailly v. Bvich, Greilly. Gramary, Henry (E. in. Roll) bore, gules. crusil}' botonnee and a lyon ram[)aiit argent ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Gramary, Sir William -(E. in. Roll) bore, gules, billettee or. and a lyon rampant argent, .\shmole Roll ; biUettfc argent in the coat ascribed to William ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Grancourt, Walter de (Gkauncurt) — (H. III. Roll) bore, sable, florettfe or, (F.); St. George Roll and Arden Roll sable, six fleurs-de-lys 3, 2, i, or. Grandall v. Grendole. f.Grandin, William— (E. i. Roll) bore, azure, I three mullets 2 and i or, (K.); Dering ami Camden Rolls. Grandison, de (V.. iii. Roll) bore, paly (6) argent and azure on a bend gules a castle or. Another (see OTHO)--azure. on a bend argent three escallops gules ; Cot,grave Roll. Grandison, Oto de, a baron 1299 -bore, palv (6) argent and azure on a bend gules three escallops or, ( F. ) ; Nobility Roll, Se, (ascribed 10 another Otks (Din Dering Roll) ; p.ily (4) ll.irl. Roll ; paly (81 in Jenyns' Ord!nar\' ; azure, three [jalets argent, i.^c, ; tiuillim Roll. Grandison, Sir Otho de, knighted at the capitnlatiim of Calais 1348 — bore, paly (6) argent and azure, on a bend gules three buckles, tongues erect bendwise or (F.) ; .\sh- molc Roll. ^ro^^i- cV- (L QYt*M fYY^ (j *»*>%* 0^ o»*tt- SOME FEUDAL COATS OF AR3IS. 97 THE HERALDIC ATCHIEVEMENT OF SIR ROBERT GRESLEY. iith BARONET, OF DRAKELOW, DERBYSHIRE ; HELD OF THE CONQUEROR IN ioS6. Facsimile of an Old Trick showing correctly the Red Hand or Ulster. 98 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS '.TauttcloMn '^P putJO& S-(tntZ 7trf«v» V (JjfTtMt ^ ^^r-*t4*ndot» d**ft (pre^/i>Ji& i.\(rk — bore, at the second Dunstable tournainent 1334. barry (6) argent and azure- a label gules besantt^'e ; borne also by Ric ii.Mji) of .S.indi.icre. in .Ashmole Roll aiul Jenyns' Ordinary. <]>iyj d- (^rtH. 'yy'M (f^yj^/P &^ Hi^*^ ^//!x ^y ^/^^' -flastings Brass in Eisiug Churchy Norfolk. Grey, Sir Thomas (i:. 1. Roll) bore, gules, a lyon rampant and a bordure indented argent, a baston azure; Nativity Roll. Gray ( ), a Knight— (H. vi. Roll) bore. gules, a lyon rampant argent a bordure en- grailed gobony of the second and or ; Arundel Kol), Grey, Sir Thomas, of eo. Lanes.— {E. u. Roll) bore, gules, seven mascles 3. 3, i con- joined or, a baston gobony argent and azure ; Parliamentary Roll. *[Grey, Sir Thomas de, of Suffolk, E. i.— biire. barry (6) argent and azure, in chief three annulets gules. — Shirley.] F. .Ancestor of the Earls of Stamford, who discarded the annulets; this family also bore the coat of COKNERTHK. as in the next enti"\'- Gray, Sir Thomas, of Cambridgeshire- IE. in. Roll) bore, azure, a fess between two chevronels gules ; Ashmole Roll. The coat of CiiRXKKTHK. Grey, Sir Thomas, of Suffolk— (E. 11. Roll) biire. aziu'e. a fess Vietween two chevronels or ,i label (3) gules ; Parliamentary Roll. Greystoke, Sire Rauf de (formerly Fitz William)— bore, at the battle of Bo'rough- tjiidge 1322. burul^e (12) azure and argent, three chaplets gules (F.I. also burul^e (14, 16) argent and azure, &c. ; Ashmole and Sun^ey Rolls and Jenyns' Ordinary ; grandson of R.VLi'H FiTZ William. See that name. ^eyd %>■ Ct^r-ty J<' %0'ry »/ Qxijiot HAKON ( )F C.KEVSTOKi:, 1305. MoN. Sl.Ali Al' GRCYSTOKli. SOME FEUDAL COATS 01- ARMS. »yt,^J. ^ q..jj.A ^^<>ff*'f^fl '^^of.p^'ffil J{u.yxce[ J ^ife Greystoke, John de, a baron 1295, sealed llic Harons' Ictlcr to the Pope 1301, with 3 lozenges ; see pp. xxiii. xxiv, and also Monu- mental Slab — according to the Rolls he Ijore, gules, three cushions or (F.) Nobility Roll; (? argent), in St. George Roll ; or and gules in Jenyns' Roll, and apparently in the Holland ■RoI'I. Greyton, Sir John r. Gayton. Griffith, Evan ap, of Wenunwyn-(H. in. Roll) boir. ny, a Ivon rampant gules {V.) \ \id(ri and .St. ( Jeorge Rolls. See .also Tiles. XcMlh .\bl»-y, p. ix. Griffith, David ap— iH. m. Roll) bore, quarterly or and azure four lyonceux passant gardant counterchanged (F. ) ; St. George Roll. Griffith, Lilewellin ap— (H. iii. Roll) bore. f[Li,\i'terh' oi" .uid gules four lyons j)a-ssant counterclian.gcd ; St. George and Norfolk Rolls. See also Tiles. Neath Abbey, p. vii. Griffin, John (E. iii. Roll) and Thomas (R. n. Roll)— bore, sable, a gryphon segreant argent, armed or ; Cotgrave and Surrey Rolls. Griffith, Ydon, lord of -{H. vi. Roll) bore, azure, a gr\phon segreant armed and mem- bered gules ; " his daughter married to Lrjrd ll..,r'; ,\tl c^!l ,ind |en}ns" Ordinarw Ha(c)ket, Henry— (H. in. Roll) bore, or, three bendlets gules, a label (^) azure ; Arden Roll. jHaeket, Rauf de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, sable, trnsily and three hake-tish hauriant 2 and I (F. ), Dering Roll ; hauriant in pale in Ashniole AIS. ; ascribed to William in Ho^^ard Roll. Ha(c)ket, Sir "Walter, of Dertjyshire- bore ,it the la St Dunstable tournament 1308, argent, two bends gules (F. ), I'arliamentary and Ash- mole Rolls ; ascribed also to John in Jenyns' Ordinary. Ha(c)kley ( ), armiger; slain at the siege of Calais 1347 — bore, azure, a chevron between three bugles argent, a crescent for difference. Ha(e)klute, Sir Edmond, of .Salop— (E. II. Roll) bore, argent, on a (plain) bend between two cotises dancettee gules three mullets or. Sir RiciiAKD bore it with trefoyles in place of mullets on the bend ; Parliamentary and .'\shmole Rolls. Hacklute, Sir Richard- bore, at the first iJniistable tournament 1308, argent, on a bend gules cotised sable three fleurs-de-lys or(F. ) Lkhnard(R. II. Roll) bore, mullets or pierced azure, instead of fleurs-de-lys, on the bend — another trick makes the bend and cotises sable, both in Surrey Roll. Hacklute, John de— (?:. in. Roll) bore, argent, a fess gules and another in chief daucett(!'e of the last : Jeiivns' Ordinary. Ha(c)kelute, Sir Walter, of Salop (K. 11. Roll! bore, gules, a fess dancettee between three Danish hatchets erect or, Parly. Roll ; fess indented argent, Harl. 6137, fo. 27^. Hacon, Sir Hubert {H.\kon), of Norfolk — (F. n. Roll) bore, sable, two bars vaire argent anti vert ; Parliamentary Roll. Hadham, Thomas— (E. in. Roll) bore, argent a bend between six round buckles 3 and 3 azure, tongues to the base ; Jenyns' Ordinary. *Haggerston, Robert— (E. in. Roll) bore, azure, on a liend cotised argent three chess- rooks (? rightly billets) in bend of the field (F. ) ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Originally, a scaling ladder between two lea\es in allusion to a H,azlerigg heiress ; -Shirle\-. Hake, Andrew (F. 111. Roll) bore, azure, three bars or. a bordure engraileil argent; Jen\'ns' Roll. Hakenbeche, Reginald- (R. n.) bore, or two bars azure ; Surre\' Roll. Hales, Sir Stephen de- (E. in. Roll) bore, sable, a chevron between three lyonceaux rampant argent ; Ashmole and Surrey Rolls. Hallys . (F. III. Roll) bore, buruWe (12) argent antl azure, on a canton gules a lyon passant or ; Ashmole Roll. Halnsby ( ), a Knight-(H. vi. Roll) bore, or, a saltire sable ; .\rundel Roll. Halouton, Sir Robert de, of co. Cam- bridge — (li. 11. Roll) bore, argent on a bend gtiles three eaglets displayed or(F. ); F^arlia- mentary Roll and Harl. M.S. 6137, fo. 63. Robert de H.\ult<.in took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Hal(o)uton, Sir Thomas de, neyr.— bore, at the b.utle of Horoughbridge 1322, and another TiuiM.\s bore at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, gules a lyon rampant argent crowned or, and so also did Sir TnoM.\s, knighted at the cajjitulation of Calais i ^48 ; (F.) Ashmole Roll. Hal(o)ughton, Thomas de — (H. 111. Roll) bore, gules, three bucks' heads cabossed or (F. ), St. < ieorge Roll ; one buck's head in .\rden R..11, p*)a^/^aA»: t^t^J^HtMi^ tjfirtyt^tjtJj^^^tHt JpKlytU SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 105 %t%t^ • 4**- Cir /7«>«*^ "'■**- ^<^hla**Jy^ H^^f^fi^o*- H^UrUy \f ^inimU*^» Henrt a- Hamnuile ^■o wridAv^^ Halowt.on, Thomas de—(K. 11. Rolljbore, tfules "a j>alnie" argent— a sinister hand apaumee coiipc-tl in tricl< ; Jenyns' Roll. Halsham, Sir Henry — bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, or, a chevron engrailed between three lyons" heads erased gules (F. ) — the field argent and leoparfis' faces for a Suffolk Knigiit ; Arvmdci Roll. Haltham, Sire Francis de -bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, azure an es- carbuncle or. F. Halton, John de— (F,. in. Roll) bore, .Trgent, two Ijars azure in chief two escallops gule^ -R()Hi:Rr bore three liurts in chief; lenvns' Ordinary. See H.VI.ouTox. Hameldene, Sir Laurence de, of Suffolk, Knight — bore at the first Dunstable tourna- ment 1308, argent, fretty gules, florett^e at the points or — a fret in Parliamentary Roll, F. Hamerton, John — (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a fess between three lyonceu.x ram- pant, tails fourch^e, sable ; Jenyns' Ordinary. *Hamerton, Lawrence— (E. 11, Roll) bore, argent, three martels (i^t7 hammers! sable (F. ) ; Jenyns' Roll. Hamlowe ;■. Hanlowe. Hamlyn, Sir John, of Leicestershire, Knight - bore, at the lirst Dunstable tourna- ment 1308, and at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, gules, a lyon rampant ermine crowned or (F. ): Parliamentary and .\shmole Rolls. Cotgi-ave gives -gules, a lyon or guttee de poi\. for H.i\Mi,VN. F. Hamme :'. Havraes. Hamme, Sir John de, of .Surrey— (E. 11. R'i'Il) I»ore, azure, a chevron between three denii l\ons rampant or ; Parliamentary Roll. Hammon, Sir John(or H.ani.owe), ofO-\on. — (E. II. Roll) bore, argent, .a lyon rampant azure guttle d'oi- ; Parliamentary Roll. Hampton, Sir John (Hopton)— bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, argent, a fess counter componv or and azure, between si.x martlets gules. F, Hancett, Hamond (or H.x.mo H.vutev.n)— (H. III. Roll) bore, gules, three bends or; -\rden Roll ; a label (5, 6) argent ; .St. George koli. ("ompare witii tricks in copies of the .Arden Roll. V . Haningfylde, Sir William, of Essex— (E. II. Roll) bore, or, a chevron sable ; Parlia- mentary Roll. Haninvile, Henry de— (H. in. Roll) bore, s.tijle, crusily fitchee and a bend or (F.); St. George Roll. Surname doubtful. See also H.wviLI-;. Hanitune, John de — (E. i. Roll) bore, quarterly argent and sable (F.), same as FiTZ Umfrey : Guillim and Segar Rolls. Hankeford (E^, 111. Roll) bore, argent. two cotises dancett^e sable ; .-\shmole Roll. Kentish Knight— (H. vi. a saltire engrailed argent ; Hanley ( ) a Roll) bore, vert. -Arundel Roll. Hanlely), Sir John (of Kent)— bore, .at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, gules, three crescents or ; argent in Parliamentary Roll. F, JHanlo, Nichole de— (H. in. Roll) bore, or, two chevronels gules on a quarter of the second a crescent argent (F. ); Dering, Howard and Camden Rolls. Hanlowe, Sir John de (of Oxon.)— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. argent, a lyon rampant azure guttfe d'or IF. ) ; Parlia- mentary Roll (as of Kent) and Jenyns' Ordinary. See also H.XMLVN and Ham.mon. Hansarde, Robert de— bore, at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, gules, three mullets argent (F.) ; ascribed also to Gilbert. John, Sir John, and to .Sir Robert of co. Lines., Parliamentary, Nativity, and .Ashmole Rolls ; in some the mullets are pierced, in others mullets of six pierced occur, i.e. spur-rowells ; estoiles, not mullets for Giebekt are tricked in Cilover Roll ; ami azure, not gules, for the field is ascribed to Wu.i.i.VM in Norfolk Roll. Hansard, Sir John, of Lincolnshire — (E. II. Roll) bore, gules, a bend between six mullets 3 and 3 argent ; P.arliamentary Roll. Hansted r. Hausted -Hawsted. Hanvile, Sir Thomas de, of Bucks— (E. 11. Rollf bore, azure, a fess dancett^e between three " girfauks " (falcons) or, tricked as martlets f Parliamentarv Roll— a plain fess gules in .Ashmole Roll. '.See H.\N1NVILE. Harcla, Sir Andrew, of Cumberland baron i32r. Earl of Carlisle 1322— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, .argent, a cross gules, in the cantel a martlet sable (F.) (.as H.VRTECLEVi ; Parliamentary and Nativity Rolls. Harcla, Sir Nicholas (or Michel Herte- CL.wve) of Cumberland — (E. II. Roll) bore, argent, a cross gules; P.arliament.ary Roll; borne also by one of this name with a Label 15) azure (F. ) knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348. *Harcourt, Sir John de, of co. Leic. banneret— bore, at the first Dunstable tourna- ment 1308. gules two bars or. as also did Roger, k.g. , sl.ain at the siege of Calais 1347. (F.) Parliamentarv Roll Lborne by John/ Sir John, with a label (3. i) azure] the reverse ascribed to another Jcjhn, Rich.\rd, Thom.\s. andWiLLi.VM ; Parliamentary, .Segar. Glover, and St. George Rolls. Harecourte, Robert de-(H. ni. Roll) ■ -bore, gules, two bars ermine"; Howard Roll. Vrif. (T©- //«/r-^?# Het^-i^-rvG Ho/rk/^^B^ Hamo HanU^H n HloUNa.^ J'^hjaho^t^ »*W*rfi.cMr^ /^//^S*/p^ KUi h H,^^l>^ lo6 SOAfE FECDAL- Hardeshull, Sire Johan de~bore. nt the liattU- of lioroLighhridgL- T322. and at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, argent, senif^e of martlets gules, a chevron sable (F. ). in Ashmole MS. ; 3 and 3 martlets at Dun- stable, 7 and 4 in Ashmole Roll, and in Jenyns' Ordinary for Thomas. Hardeshull, Sir ■William, of co. Leic — (K, li. Rfjil) bore, or a cross engrailed gules in the first quarter a martlet vert ; I'arli.imen- tary Roll. See H.\R< i,.\. Harding, Sir Edmond, of Kent, Kt.— (H. \ 1. Roll) bore, i::ules, a lyon rampant (.-iinine o\e!" all a che\'ion or ; .\rundel Roll. tHardres, Robert de (H. 111. Roll) bore, ermine, a lyon rampant gules debruised b_\- a chevron or : Dering Roll; the field argent in Howard Roll. K. ' Harlaston I ) a Sufiolk Knight— (H. M. Roll) bore, argent, a chevron sable, quarterly ivith. argent a fess ermine cotised sable ; Arundel Roll. Harleston, Thomas (K. m. Roll) bore, argent, a saltire gules between four fleurs-de- lys azure ; Jenyns' Ordin.ary ; John Xt.vii.i,, of Lincolnshire, bears these arms. Harley, Sir Richard (H.\ri.kf-) of Salop - (!•'.. II. Roll) bore, or, a bend cotised sable; I'arlianu-ntarv Roll. K. Harling, — , tlorettee argent ; (E. HI. Roll) bore, azure, Ashmole Roll. Harlyns ( 1, a .Suffolk Kt. — (H. vr. Roll) bore, argent, a unicorn rampant sable horned and unguled or ; .Arundel Roll. F. Harington ;•. Haverington. *Harington, Sir John de (H.wi.rixgto.n) .1 baron 1324 -bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. sable fretty argent (F.); Parliamentary Roll. i.S:c. : this coat was also carried at the siege of Rouen 1418. .Sir John, Sir MUH.\KI. and .Sir John appear to have differenced with a label (3) gules ; .Ashmole, Nativity, anrl .Surrey Rolls. Harington ( ), a Knight— (H. vi. Roll) Iwjre, quarterly (i) sable fretty argent, a label (3) gules : (2) argent, a saltire gules ; (3) gules, three escallops argent ; (4) argent, a cross patonce sable ; .\ruiulel Roll. Harington, Sir T. -(H. vi. Roll) bore, sable, a fret argent, a label (5) gules, quarterly luitli, argent a cross patfe sable; Atkinson Roll. Harington, Sir James, of Hornby (F. iv. Roll) bore, argent, frettv sable; with crest; Ballard Roll. Harington, Sir John de— (K. 11. Roll) bori.-, or, a chief gules. o\"er all a bend azure ; Parli.-imrntarv Roll ; the field ar,gent, Harl. MS 613- fo.'io- Harington, John de (F. ni. Roll) bore, or, a chief gules over .ill a bend sable ; lein ns' Ordinary. —COATS OF ARMS. SIR JOHN HAKSVCK. In Soi ni.vcRE Church, Nori'oi.k 1384, 8 R. II. From Bontell. ^pH..fa^^ ^^^^^ Harpden, Sir 'Williara de, of 0-\on.— (F. 11. Roll) bore, argent a mullet pierced gules, I'arlianientary Roll ; a Sufl'olk Knight of this surname, bore (H. VI.) argent on a mullet gules, a besant charged with a martlet sable ; .\rundel Roll. [Harpur ( — ) of Rushall - a plain cross — but bore the arms of Rushall. argent, a lyon rampant within a bordure engrailed sable. — Shirley. Harsiek, John de— (F. iii. Roll) bore, or, a chief indented (4) sable ; Jenyns' Ordinary, a fess in ,\shmole Roll. -See Monumental Brass. Hartford : Hertford. Hartford, Robert iF. 111. Roll) bore, argent, on a fess sable three harts' heads cabossed or ; Jen)ns' Ordinary. Hartford, Thomas, of Badsworth— (E. ni. Rcill) boil', .ngeiit. a lyon purpure masculy fir ; |ell\-ns' C»rdinary. HarthuU, Sir Richard de, of co. Derby— (F. II. Roll) bore, argent two bars vert; Par- liamentary Roll — also ascribed to John Hi;ki iiii.i,. though tricked vair, in Jenyns" Ordinary. Hartwell, (H.\kkvvkll), an Essex? Knight — I H. VI. Roll) bore, sable, a buck's head cabossed argent between the attires a cross patfc of the last ; .\rundel Roll. F. Haseley ( ) aSuffolk Knight— (H. vi. Roll) bore, argent, a fess gules between three hazle nuts or, husks and stalks vert ; .Arundel Roll. F. *[Hasilrig, Thomas, of F'awdon — bore, argent, a che\ron betHeen three hazel leaves slipped vert.— .Shirley. ] F. Haslarton :■. Heslarton. Hassell f Hansard. Hastang, Sir Robert de, of co. Staff. , a baron 1311- bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, azure, a chief gules, over all a Ivon rampant or— Guillim, .Segar and Par- liamentarv Rolls. Sir Robert signed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301 and sealed with a Ivon fourchife over all a barrulet in chief, pp.' xxii, x.\iv ; see also Jenyns' Ordinary and I'arlianientary Roll. SIR K(jHi:Kr HAKCOLIRT, k.g. 1461, died 1471 ; and Ills Wife MAKUARET, dai ot Sir John Hvron, qi- Clayton, to. Lanc, Kt.. a Ladv of the Order. ToMii IN the Church near Stanton IIarcoukt, O.xon. From Anstis' History of the Garter. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 107 Hc^S^ Hastang, Sir John de (Hasuncks)— bore at the first Dunstable tour]iaiiit;iit 1308, azure, a chief gules over all a lyon raiu pant argent ; ascribed also to Hl'MFiiv in Ardeii and St. George Rolls, and to Sir Puii.ii', of Staff., in Parliamentary Roll. Hastang, Sire Thomas de bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, azure, a chief gules over all a iyon rampant or, and a label argent; ascribed also to Sir John, /Sir ROBKHT, of CO. Staff., in Parliamentary Roll. Hastang, Sir Wiehol de (of co. Staff.)— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, azure, a chief gules, a Ivon rampant or de- bruised by a baston argeut'(F.) ; Parly. Roll. Hastang, Rafe de-(H. 111. Roll) bore, azure, a chief or and over all a lyon rampant gules ; Howard Roll. Hasthorp, Sire Johan de— bore, at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322. argent on a bend sable three martlets or. F. Hasting [Drew de— bore, before the Con- cjuest per fess or and vert, a bull rampant counterchanged ! ! Jenvns' Roll, .\dd. .\IS. 12,224 fo- 48''. 1 Hastings, John de. Baron of Bergeueny 1299, signed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301 and sealed with a cross which with the field is charged with fleiu's-de-lys, pp. .\vi, xxiv. He bore, at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, or, a maunch gules (F.); Nobility, Parlia- mentary and .Arundel Rolls ; borne also by Hknrv, Sir Hk.nkv, and by [oiiN \\) in Dering Roll ; also by Le Seigneur Die Hastinges at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322— and by L.'iURKNCE, Karl of Pembroke, at the siege of Calais 1345-8; Hastings is borne quarterly with \'.\i.KNiE on the .Monu- mental Brass. Hastings, Sir Edmund de, banneret, a baron 1299 (l)rother of lollN, Baron of Bergavenny)— bore, at the ijattle of F.alkirk 1298, and also at the siege of Carlaverock 1300, or, a maunch gules a label (5) sable (anient, in Nobility Roll ; vert'm Parly. Roll. ) Sir Kn.MUND had from Edward i. the Scottish Karldom of Menteith on the deprivation of Earl .\l.\n. On becoming suretyfor Sir John Dhu.m.mono, a prisoner in England, and having succeeded to his lands and apparently his arms, barry wavy of six, he so sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xxi, xxiv, describing him- self as " D'n's de Enchimcholmok " = Inch- inahome ; see Sir John's effigy, p. 71. Hastings, Sir Hugh, of Gressing, Norfolk, summoned to a council in 1342 — bore, at the siege of Calais 1345, or a maunch gules a label (3) azure (F.) see Monumental Brass; borne also by .Sir Nichol.as at the first Dunstable LAURENCE HASTINtiS, EARL OF PEMBROKE. In Elsing Church, Norfolk. Ob. 13-iS. From a rubbing of the Hastings Brass. ^^ fl^S^P ^ ^//i^-^ tournament 1308 ; Cotgraveand Parliamentary Rolls, and by Sir Willia.m (E. I.I Harl. Roll. -\nother Sir Wii.r.iAM. banneret (E. 11. Roll), bore, a label (31 charged with the arms of Pembroke, checquy argent -and azure three martlets gules ; Parliamentary Roll. Hastings, Sir William de— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, or, a maunch within an orle of martlets gules, a label (3 1 argent, each pendant charged with four barrulets azure, for V'alence. Hastings, Le Sr. de ( ) bore at the siege of Rouen 1418, or, a maunch gules, quarterly with, gules, a bend argent. Hastings, Sir John, of co. C;iouc. (brother of Sir \ViLLiAM)--bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. Hastings within a bordure of \'alence, also blasoned buruMe argent and azure, eight martlets in orle gules, over all on an escocheon (of Hastings), or a maunch gules. |F, ) Sir William, banneret, bore it also (E. 11.) ; Parliamentary Roll. .See another Sir William, who bore'HAsrixGS, with a label of Pkmbkokk. Hastings, Sir Edmund, bore (erroneously it is said) at the battle of Falkirk 1298, or, three maunches gules a label azure ( F. ) (see Sir Edml'NI) above); tricked without the label in Jenyns' Ordin.ary for Osmond and Edmoxii — the field argent for another Ed.mund in Jenyns' and .\rundel Rolls. Hastyng ( ) Knight (H. vi. Roll)— bore, argent a fess gules between three maunches sable ; .\rundel Roll. Hastings, Sir Rafe — Knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348, argent, a maunch sable. (F.) .\shmole and Cotgrave Rolls, &c. ; borne also by William, Lord Hastings, K.G. 1462 : see title-page. Hastings, Sir Miles de, of O.xon.— (K. n. Roll) bore, or, a fess in chief two mullets gules ; Parliament.ary Roll. Sir Philip bore it differenced with a laljel (3) azure at the first Dunstable tournament 1308. Hastings, Sir Robert de, of Cambridge- shire— (E. II. Roll) Ijore, ermine, on a chief azure two mullets or ; Parliamentary Roll. ^Hastings, "William de— (H. 111. Roll) bore, argent, a fess between three lozenges azure. (F. ) Dering, Howard and Camden Rolls. Hatfeld, Thomas, Bishop of Durham- bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, ermine a chevron sable (sometimes gules) impaled on the dexter with the arms of the See of Dur- ham. F. H^H^JU^ ^XHf.^- ik^HaJi^^ V^i.^^ ^7^V^"^ \fstLi'^ io8 .SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. THE HERALDIC ATCHIEVEMENT OF Sn< CHRISTOPHER HATTON, Iv.G., or holdenby hall, northants, LORD CHANCELLOR OE ENGLAND. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. 109 I \y"v v-* v^ vy V ' '^l&f NttMHiftr /^a*ifUtf&- Hatfeild, Thomas— (K. 11. Roll) bore, sable. a chevron between three lyonceux rampant argent, Jenyns' Roll ; the chevron or and a mullet sable in Jenyns' Ordinary. Hatthorpe, Robert— (K. in. Roll) bore, sable, a chevron engrailed or; Jenyns' Ordi- nary. Hauberk, John— iR. n. Roll) bore, argent on a bend sable three eiiu|uefoyIes pierced or. Surrey Roll. Hausted, Sire John de, of Rutland, a baron 1322— bore, at the battle of Borough- bridge 1322, and at the second Dunstable tournament 1334, gules a chief checquy(counter- compony in trick) or and azure, a baston ermine ; Jenyns' Ordinary, I'arliamentary Roll and Ashmole MS. Sir RoMi-.RT bore it at the first Dunstable tournament 1308 with a bend argent (F.); Parliamentary and Had. Rolls- ascribed with a bend sable to another Jo}IN in Jenyns' Ordinary. Hausted, Sir John de— bore, at the first Dunstaljle tournament 1308. argent on a bend vert three eaglets displayed or. F. Haute, Sir "William, of Kent. Kt.— (H. vi. Roll) bore, per pale azure and gules, a lyon rampant argent, quarterly unth, or, a cross engrailed gules; Arundel Roll. See Hawtk. Hauteville, Sir Geffrey lof Devon or Cornwall)~bore. at thu battle uf Borough- bridge 1322, sable crusily and a lyon rampant argent. (F. ) Parliamentary Roll —ascribed crusily fitch^e to Tn()M.\s in Jenyns' Ordinary. Hauteyn, Hamo, v. Hancett. Hautot, Richard de— (H. in. Roll) bore. ermine, on a chief gules three mullets (6) or. (F. ) Arden and St. (leorge Rolls. See HOTTOT. Havering, Sir John de, banneret, baron of Grafton 1299— bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298 (argent) a lyon rampant, gules collared or ; tail fourchee and collared azure in Nobility and Parly. Rolls ; on his seal affi.xed lo the Barons' letter to the Pope, the lyon is fourchee but not collared, pp. .\.\, x.\iv. Havering, Richard and William de— (H. II. Roll) bore, argent, a lyon rampant tail fourchee gules ; St. George Roll and Jenyns" Ordinary. Havering, Sir John— (E. 111. Roll)— bore, argent, crusily fitch^e and a lyon rampant tail fourchee and renow^e all gules ( F. ) ; Ashmole Roll ; ascribed in the same Roll with a label (3) azure to — H.Wekixgh.VM. Havering, John ap,of Essex— (H. 11. Roll) bore, argent, three lyons' heads erased sable. Arundel Roll. F. Havering, John de (H, iii. Roll) bore, azure, on a fess argent, three escallops gules. (F.) St. (George Roll, ^ikli^ 'J^J VH-wtet jfoa-n. Ji- Httutri m Haveringham, r . Sir John Havering. Haverington, Sir John de-(K. ii. Roll) bore, argent, three hintis' heads couped gules, a label (3) or ; Parliamentary Roll. Haverington, Sir John de {v. Hakino- 'loN) -bore, at the t1rst Dunstable tournament 1308, sable fretty argent ; St. (ieorge and Nativity Rolls. Sir Mirii.VKL differenced with a label {3) or, at the first Dunstable tourna nient 1308 — but with a label gules (F.) in Nativity Roll. Haversage, Matthew de (Havk.rskggk) (11. Ill, kolI( bort--, p.aly argent and gules, a chief of tile lirst ; fJlover Roll. Haversham, Nicol de— (II. 111. Roll) bore. a/urr, eru^iIv ami a fess argent : St, George k..ll. Hawrard :•. Howard. Haw^arde, Sire "William, of Norfolk. iiaron 1296 Itore, gules crusily and a bend argent ; Nobility and Parliamentary Rolls. — Sire WiLi.iAM Hauwarde v. Havwardk, bore the same at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322. See also Howard, Hawrke-woode, John— (R. 11. Roll) bore, argent, on a chevron sable three escallops of the field ; Surrey Roll, Haw^kston, Sir Thomas — bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8 argent, on a fess gules tlirec hawks or, K, Hawley, Thomas — (K. 11. Roll) bore, a/.urc, a saltire engrailed argent ; Surrey Roll. Hawnes (Hamme). of Suffolk, Kt.— (H, VI. Roll)bore,vert, twofish (lucies) hauriant addorsed and embowed argent;. Arundel Roll. V. Haw^te, Nicholas — bore, at the siege of Fioucn 1418 ar,gent, on a bend azure three lyons passant or. (F. ) Called H.\ WE in .-Xsh- liiole MS. .See Hau I E. Haye, sec De la Haye. ^W*#* SIR HUGH HASTINGS. From the Hastings Brass in Elsing Church, Norfolk, 1347. ?^'^A''»'^jV»v Nayr^/m^ SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. V Hentit Jel Hcrcie '^^.H^^, '^^^^^//a^^ /YKof-^P % «5^f/„ /ynaU tMH&Cuftf Herei 4 Heifjcrd J Here ejorj Heaton, "William m IC. iv. Roll) ijore, .irgeiit, on ;i bend engrailed sable three bulls' heads erased of thefield, i/iiar/t'i-lvwit/i, argent. a Monr's head wreathed ppr. between three lieurs-de-lys sable ; with crest ; Ballard Roll. Hebden, "William — (E. in. Roll) bore, iinnne, live fusils conjoined n fess gules; .Surrey Roll and Jenyns' Roll and Ordinary. Hedingliam, Richard de (E. in. Roll) bore, argent a chevron betnccn three fieurs-de- lys sable, ermine in blason ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Heggios,Huge (i/ivBKuoKs) -(H. in. Roll) bore, gules, bezants and a chief ermine ; .St. Geoi'ge Roll. *[Heigham, Richard, r. 1340 -bore, sable, a fess chccquy or and azure, between three horses' heads erased argent, -t^hirley.] K. Hekin, Sir Richard, knighted at the siege of Calais 1348— bore, sable, a grvphon segreant argent. F. Hellifield, "William de— (E. iii. Roll) bore, argent, two bends undee sable -same as Ric. i)K Stapi.ito.n ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Hellis, Raufe de-(H. 111. Roll) bore, sable, a bend argent ; Howard Roll. Helyon, Richard and "Walter -(H. iii. Roll) bore, or, a buck's head cabossed sable ; .\rden Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. F. iHelyon, "Walter-(H. 111. Rolll bore, or three bucks' heads couped sable. ( F. ) (azure in .\shinole MS.); Bering and Howard Rolls. Heminghall, Sir Raffe de, of Norfolk- IE. II. Roll) bore, or. on a fess between two chevronels gules three escallops argent ; Parlia- mentary and .\shniole Rolls. Thom.x.s bore the escallops or ; .Surrey Roll. *[Heneage, John, 10 E. in. -bore, or, a grey- hound courant sable between three leopards' faces azure, a border engrailed or. — Shirley. I F. Hengrave, Sir Edward, of .Suffolk ^(E. 11. Roll) bore ,u-gent, a chief riancettfc (4) gules; Parliamentary, .\shmole and Surrey Rolls, dancettee of 3 points in Jenyns' trick. tHenre, "William de-(H. in. Roll) bore, .gules, a cross argent, a label (5) azure ; Dering and Howard Rolls. Henyngham ( ), of Suffolk, Kt.- (H. vi. Roll) bore, c|uarterly or and gules a bordure sable poudr^ of escallops argent ; .\rundel Roll. Herbert, H (E. i. Roll) bore, ernnne, a chief vaire or and gules over alia baston sable • Harl. Roll. Herbert, , (K. in. Roll) bore, per p.dr azure and gules three lyonceux raiii[)ant or ; .\sluiiole Roll. See FrrzHKUHKKr. Hercy, Sir Hugh, of I-nngford, co. Derby (E. III. Roll) bon-, gules, a chief argent; .\shinoie Roll. Sir ni(;ii, of co. Leic. ( E. n.) differenced with a l.diel (:j) azure; Parlia- nientary Roll -reversed in Jenyns' Kijll. I''. Hercy, Henry del (H. in. Roll) bore, .azure, a cross or. (!•'.) St. (ieorge Roll. Herdebye, John de -(E. in. Roll) bore gules, bllletttfe (5, 5) and a fess dancetti.'-e argent ; Jenyns' Ordinary. ^fo^^n.N &>t^M^ Hereford, Earl of, r Boh Her(e)ford, Sir Henry de lE. in. Roll) bore, gules, three eaglets displayed argent ; Ashniole Roll. Hk.nky, differenced with a label (5) azure ; St. Cieorge Roll. F. Hereford, Robert de- (H. in. Roll) bore, or on a chief ilancettf?e azure three annulets argent. (F. ) .\rden Roll. Hereford ( ) de— (H. in. Roll) bore, or, a pair of wings conjoined gules ; .\rden Roll. Hereward, Sir Robert, of Norfolk— (E. n. Roll) bfire, azure, a fess gobony gules ami \ert between thiei.- owls argent ; I^arly. Fioll. F. Hereward, Sir Robert, of Cambridge- shire — (E. II. Roll) bore, chectjuy or and azure on a bend gules three eagles displayed argent; Parly. Roll - in some checquy azure and or. i!vc. Herham, Sir Roger, Knighted at the capitulation of (."al.ns 1348 — bore, uiulf'-e en lung .argent and gules. I'". jHerice, Henry de— (H. in. Roll) bore, or three hedgehogs passant in pale sable (F. ); Howard Roll — 2 and i passant saljle in Dering Roll. Boars in .Ashinole MS. tHeringod, "William, md Sir John, of .Sussex — (E. II. Roll) bore, azure, crusily and si.x herrings hauriant 3, 2, i, or (F. ) ; Dering, Camden, Parly., and Howard Rolls. Herle, Sir Robert— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a chevron between three drakes (shovellers) argent ; .Ashmole and .Surrey Rolls. Heron, Sir Godard, Sir Roger. John, (F. ), Sir John, .if Essex. Sir Odinel, of Northumberland— (E. II. and E. in. Rolls) bore, azure three herons passant argent ; Nati\-ity, Glover, Parly., and .St. George Rolls — tinctures reversed in Parly. Roll for Sir Odinkli.. See Hkronvile, Tiios. Heron, Sir Roger md Sir "William— (E.. II. Roll) bore, gules, three herons passant argent; Parly, and Ashmole RoHs-CJekard differenced with an annulet, and W.xltf.r with a cross crosslet, both in chief, or ; Surrev Roll. Heron, John— (R. 11. Roll) bore, gules, a che\ron between three herons argent — Wi!.- i,i.\M bore the chevron engi"ailed ; Surrey Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Heron, "William -(H. in. Roll) bore, gules, crusily or, a heron argent ; Ardeti ,ind .St. (jeorge Rolls. Herondel, John de— (H. in. Roll) bore, gules, billettt-e .tnd thret.- Ivons rampant or; .\rden Roll. Heronvile, John de ill. 111. Roll) lior.', sable, two Ivons passant .u^ent crowned or ; .\rden Roll.' Heronvile, Thomas lE. n. Roll) bore, azure, three herons p,assaiit argent, same as 1 ll' KdN ; Jenyns' R<'II. Hersham, Simon de lor IIkksiun)— (H. III. Roll) bore, .sable three spur-rowells gules; .Aicleii Roll. Written Hkksiikw in Harl. MS. 4965 fo. 10. Herswell, Simon de (M. in. Roll) bore, sable, three mullets {(>) or ( l\ ) ; St. (icorge Roll. 3fe^' H^d/^a^^ HtnY* rfc Hcfittr lYTij Har yiuiemi Tk/iH' //^rm 3t)an Her-t*n. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. nAEON HMIIY IlANTOr THE HERALDIC ATCHIEVEMENT OF JOHN ARUNDELL HILDYARD, J. P., D.L. OF HUTTON BONVILLE, YORKSHIRE. \ SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. ^^^i kW H^^ d^H^^ym^ ryi'^^'^HM '^^/y^^ ^,^//^/% ^v^Jlft^Hd^^ 1 A f nr^ JU- He/D»^t& Hertford, Earl of, r. Clare. Hertford, . (K. m. K..I1) l.oiv. s.ihk-, tivf Id/t.-iigL's in bend f)r ; Ashniole Roll. Herthill, John- ilv m. Rull) bore. aig<-in two bars vert ; tricked \air ; Jenyns' Ordmnry. See HAKTHUJ,, Hertlington, Henry— (E. iii. Roll) bore, .irr;ent, a h"ii raniijant crowned gules ; Jenyns' ( )rd]nar\-. Hertlow, Sir William-lK. in. Roll) bore, .trgent. thiri- gehR-lles gules ; Ashniole Roll. *Hervy ( 1, an l-'.ssex Knight— (H. vt. Roll) bore, gules, on a bend argent three trefoyles vert ; Arundel Roll, K. See HouN. Hese t'. DE I. A Hesk, Hose, and HussEv. Hese, Henry -(H. iii. Roll) bore. or. three e.igles tlisplaN-ed 2 anil i sable (F. ); .\rden and St, (Jeorge R.)lls. Hesy, Hugh le (R- "■ Roll] bore. or. on a fess sable a h'on jjassant gardant argent ; .Surrey Roll. Hese, John de la— (E. iii. Roll) bore. .irgent, a less sable bet\\een three lyonceux r.mipaut 2 and I gules ; Jenyns' Ordinary, and in Roll as Hessee, and as Sir John de i,\ lIoi-;sE, a Berkshire Knight, in Parly. Roll. Hesilton, Elynaud de -(E. in. Roll) bore. .irgrnt. a saltire gules between four torteaux ; !en\ns' (Jrdinary. *[Heskayte, Sir "William, 1275— boie ''i'' arms ol" Ev I "Ion — argent, on ,1 bend sable three garbs or ; Shirley. | ]■. Heslarton, Sir Thomas de, of Yorkshire — (E. II. Roll) bore, gules, six lyonceux ram- pant 3, 2, 1, argent erov\ned or; Parly. Roll — borne also by Walter in Jenyns' Ordinarv .Hid by Sir RakeI'". in .Aslniioie Roll — in which IS the same coat, within a bordure engrailed .irgent luu \vithout ( "hristian name. Heslarton, Thomas— (E. n. Roll) bore, argent, on a chevron gules three lyonceux passant gardant or ; Jenyns' Roll and Ordinary, borne also by Riuiekt de Boeton. Heslington, Richard de— iH in Roll) bore, .iigenl, Ilirri- ci'eseent^ s.djle ; Xorfolk Roll. Hethe, John Atte-il'., 111. Roll I bore, .gules, on a bend colised argent three heath- cocks sable ; .\shmole Roll. E. Hethersett, . lE. in. Roll) bore, azure. a lyon rampant gardant oi'- another with a uuillet sable on the h'on's shoulder ; Ashmole Roll. Hethman, Sir Raol (or Roosi de— bore. at the hrsl iJinislable totu"nann-ul 1308. azure, fretty argi-nt, a bordure indented or. ]■", Heton, Sir Gilbert de— bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, gules, a cross dory or (E. ) same arms as .Sir Wili.i.am I.Al VMEU. Heton, Henry de iR. n. Roll) bore. .1,'UTe. a lyon rampant argent ; Smrev Roll. Heton, Sir John - il'.. 111. Roll) bore. ,i)g<-m. on a chief indentefl sabli- twofleurs- d.'dys or; .Vslimol.^ Roll. Heton, Thomas de— (IC, 111. koiii bore. gules, a l\'on passant argent ; Jenyns ( Irdmary. Heton, Thomas de— (i:. n. Roll) bore. vert, a l\-oii rampant and a bordure engrailed argent ; Jenyns' Roll. Sei-dui.vof Heton. Hevere, William de— (!■:. i. Roll) bon-. gnles, a cross argent .uul a Label (5) azure. (!■'. I ( ainden Roil. Heverley, Walter— (E. in. R1^vn<> H frtr 114 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF AR.US. V>,/-V/A' \.J'>^\. THE HERALDIC ATCHn^:VEMENT (Shikli. I.) HENRY I'lTZALAN HOWARD, K.G., 15x11 DUKE OF NORFOLK. Shield II., see p. do. Shiki.u 111,, see p. 16. THE NAMES OF THE QUARTERINGS WIIH REFERENCES TO THE HERALDIC AUTHORITIES IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. It is hoped that the letters in the second column, which indicate the row of quarterings in the shield, will, with the accompanying; numerals, facilitate reference to the atchievement opposite. Names OF Hereford EX NY Howard . FiTTON . Bois Scales . Ufford' DE Vai.oines- Blond Tendring Kerdeston Gant Bacon Mylde . Mowbray DE ALblNl Beauchamp Braose . Miles, Earl Balun, of Abergav New MARCH Segrave . Segrave. Chaucombe Brotherton FitzAlan FitzFlael Clun Peverell De Albini St. Hillary Blundeville, Keveliok, Ear Lupus, Earl Hamlin Plan Warren . Marshall Strongbow' Macmorrogh Tii.ney . rochford Roos Thorpe . Aspall . Norwood FitzAlan FitzFlael Clun Peverell De Albini St. Hillary Blundeville, Earl ofChesti Keveliok, Earl of Chester Lupus, Earl of Chester Hamlin Plantagenet Warren . Marshall Strongbow' . Macmorrogh . Matr.-wers . Wydville Lyons of Warkworth S. Lis . EarlofChester L OF Chester OF Chester tagenet . Shield Refer- ences a 2 a3 a4 ^5 a 6 a 7 a8 ag b I h 2 1^3 b4 1'5 1)6 bS I' 9 c I <■' 4 c5 c6 c 7 c8 c9 d I d 2 J 3 d4 d5 d 6 d7 d 8 d9 e I e 2 e 3 e 4 eS e6 e? e 8 e 9 f I f 2 t 3 f 4 f 5 f 6 f 7 f 8 f 9 g I g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 gules, on a bend between six crosses crosslel fitchee argent, and — an honorable augmentation - an escocheon or, charged with a demi lyon rampant pierced tlirough the mouth with an arrow, within the Royal tressure of Scotland ; granted to Thomas, 1st Duke of Norfolk, K.G., "et heredibus suis"; for services at the battle of Flodden, I Feb., 1513-14 azure, three cinquefoyles argent ..... Blomefield's ermine, a cross sable gules, six escallops, 3, 2, i, argent sable, a cross engrailed or . argent, three palets wavy gules . lozengy or and sable .... azure, a fess between two chevronels argent . H. 10471 f. 20'' gules, a saltire engrailed argent between four crosses crosslet fitchee of the last barry of six or and azure, a bend gules ..... gules, three boars passant or . . . Add 19, 116, ft. 33 argent, a lyon rampant sable depressed Ijy a fess counter-compony of the first and or gules, a lyon rampant argent .....•• bendy of eight argent and gules ....■■• quarterly or and gules a bend sable ....■• azure, crusily and a lyon rampant or . gules, two bends the uppermost or the other argent argent, three bars dancettee gules ....■■ gules, five fusils conjoined in fess or . sable, three garbs or . sable, a lyon rampant argent crowned or . or, a chief azure, over all a bend gules . . . ■ ■ England, and a label of three argent . . . ■ • gules, a lyon rampant or ....... • barry of eight or and gules' ....... argent, a chief azure ......... or, a cross engrailed azure ........ gules, a lyon rampant or . argent, on a chief azure, two saltorelles or azure, three garbs or ........ . azure, six garbs, 3, 2, i, or azmv, a wolfs head erased argent ...... azure, florettee or, on a bordure gules eight lycms of England checquy or and azure. ........ gules, five fusils in bend or ...... . argent on a chief azure three crosses patee fitchee at the foot or . sable, three garbs or ........ . argent, a chevron between three griffins' heads erased gules quarterly or and gules, a bordure sable bezantee, in the second quarter an annulet for difl'erence gules, three water-bougets argent gules, three crescents argent azure, three chevronels or . ermine, a cross engrailed gules . gules, a lyon rampant or . barry of eight or and gules'' argent, a chief azure or, a cross engrailed azure gules, a lyon rampant or . argent, on a chief azure, two saltorelles ur . . Edmondson's azure, three garbs or ....... azure, six garbs, 3, 2, i, or azure, a wolfs head erased argent ..... azure, florettee or, on a bordure gules eight lyons of England checquy or and azure. ....... gules, five fusils in bend or ..... . argent on a chief azure three crosses patee fitchee at the foot sable, three garbs or . sable, a fret or . argent, a fess and canton gules ...... argent, a lyon rampant gules ...... argent, two bars and in chief three fleurs-de-lys gules . References to thk various mss. AuciMENTATION Cotton, Julius C. \II. f- 237 Lansdo%vne872,ff. 13,16 Harl. 1 178, f. 45 -Norfolk, IX. 157 ]- H. 1411, f. I" H. 141 1, ft. 50, 5i] \ H. 1484, f. 50 Add 19, 151, f. 14;^ Add 19, 138, f. 146 Add 19, 1 38, f. 154'' -65 and u8 H. 1047, f. 26'' H. 141 1, f. I" I . H. 141 1, r. 4 i_ H. 141 1, f. 53 H. 218S, f. 43 H. 141 1, f. 53 H. 807, f. 73" " H. 141 1, fl'. 23", 43* Edmondson's- -Baronagium,-36l H. 141 1, ft'. 40, 43* H. 1411, f. 68 H. 4031, f. 238 H. 1552, f. 189'' H. 1560, f. 139 j^H. 141 1, f. 43" -Baronagium, 361 ' H. 141 1, ff. 40. 43* I) \ H. S90, f. I ^1 H. 2156, f. 115' ' Ufford is usually made to bring in Vesey and Glanville. They are, however, omitted from this atchievement, as the late Chester Waters rejects the early pedigree of Ufford in his History of the Chesters of Chichele, vol. i. 244. 253. - Valoines, John de, married Isabel, apparently heir in her issue of John de Creke, Harl. 1393, f. 104, but doubt is rather thrown on this in Add. MS. 19, 125, ff. 165 and 169 ; the usual quarterings of Creke and Glanville are therefore omitted, see also Valoines in Add. MS. 19, 153, f. 80. ^ This the Coat borne by Fit7Alan of Hedale \^ included on the authority of Glover, Somerset Herald, and others. ■* Strongbow brings in Giffard, Harl. MS. 1047, f. 44, see Shield II. u6 SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. ^ ^f-:^ ^^ A /^^^Nofoi- 5^ Hopeton (- -i, a Suffolk Knight— (H. vi. I\iill) linrr, ailment. .1 chevron azure; Arundel Hopton, Sir John (or IIami'Ton)— bore, at tile siege of Gala is 1345-8, argent, a fcss coiinter- compony or and azure between six martlets guius — Ijlasuncd checciuv. Hopton, Robert— (E. 11. Roll) bore, argent, two bars sable each charged with three iiuillets jjierced or ; Jenyns' Roll. F. Hopton, Walter de, of co. Glouc— (H. 111. Roll) bole, gules crusily and a Ivon rampant or (F. ) ; ,\rden, St. George, and Parliamentary Rolls. .Sir W.\i,TEK bore it crusily fitch^e (E. III.), Ashmole Roll. Horbourne, Sir John (or Horbury), of Yorkshire— (E. 11. Roll) bore, barry (8) argent and azure, a bend gules (F. ) ; Parliamentary Roll : barry of six and a bendlet ; (juilliin and Camden Rolls. Hore, John— bore, at the siege of Rouen 1418, sable, three cinquefoyles argent pierced gules. F. Horkesley, Sir William, of Essex, Kt.— (I''.- 11. Roll) bor-e, erniuie, on a chief indented azure three lytjuceux rampant or ; Parliamen- tary Roll. Horne, Gerard, ;■. Hournis. Home, Sir John de, of Sussex— (E. 11. Roll) bore, gules, a fret vair ; Parliamentary Roll. Horne ( ), an Essex? Knight — (H. vi. Roll) bore, gules, three bugle horns sable, another impaling, gules, crusily fitch(5e and three cres- cents argent ; .\rundel' Roll. JHornes, William de— (H. 111. Roll) bore, argent, three hunting horns in pale gules garnished sable. (F.) Dering Roll. Horsley, Robert— (E. 11.) bore, gules, three horses' he. ids erased argent bridled sable ; lenyns' Roll. Horsele, Robert de— (R. 11. Roll) bore, sable, three cinquefoyles 2 and i pierced argent — .Surrey Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary. Hoscarle, Sir Thomas— (E. 111. Roll) bore, ,tzme. three Ijattle axes erect argent ; .\shmole Roll- see IluHsiAI. ; surname doubtful. Hoseott, Sir Robert de, of Bedfordshire— (K. II. Re'll) iiore, azure, across pat^e ermine lietween four roses gules; (tricked patonce) ; Parliamentary Roll; a cross patfe argent, Guillim Roll ; and a cross form^e argent ; Surrey Roll. Hose, Niehole de la (Ilicsi-: or Heuse)— (II. III. Roll) -boi'e, argent, three (men's) hose 2 .iiiil 1 gules; .Arden and Howard Rolls. F. Hoter, Thomas— (11. (12* einnne and gules ; 111. \< Arde ill) bore, gvrouny 1 Rol'. Hotham, John de (E. 111. Roll) bore, or, on a bend sable three mullets argent pierced gules (1'".), being the arms of iiK M.\UI,EV with three mullets on the bend ; Jenyns' Ordy. Sir John differenced il with a martlet .gules, at the battle of Poronghbridge i-;22. 'Hotham, John, of Boudlay— (l'.. in. Roll) boie, burnlee (12) argent and azun*, on a canton or a martlet sable; Jenyns' Ordinary. Hotote ( ),a.SuffolkKt.— (II. VI. Rolbbore, azure, a cross nioline argent ; Arundel Roll. Hotot, Sir John, of CO. Glouc.— (E. 11. Roll) bore, azure, on a chevron cotised or between three crescents argent, two bars gemelles of the first ; Parly. Roll — chevron plain in Harl. 6137 fo. 26. Hotot, Richard v. Havitot nul Hoseott. Hotot, Sir William de, of co. (.iloue.— (E. II. ReiU) bore, azure, a chevron or, between three crescents argent ; r'arlianientary Roll. F. Houghton, Sir Robert, of Notts— (E. in. Roll) bore, azure, three bars humettiJe argent ; .\shmolc Roll. Stephen de Houton took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. See also H0GHT0N. Houn, Hervey de— (H. iii. Roll) bore, vert, on a bend argent three escallops gule-s ; .\rden Roll. Hournis, Gerard — (E. in. Roll) bore, argent, a lyon rampant gardant gules — another w ith a label (3) azure ; Ashmole Roll — surname almost illegible. Hovell, Sir Hugh, of Suffolk. Richard, RobertandSirRobert— (H. 111. Roll) Ijore, sable, a cross or; .Arden, Parly, and .St. Cieorge Rolls. Sir Steven, also of Suffolk, bore it at the first Dunstable tournament 1308, differenced with a Label (3) argent (F,) in Parly. Roll. Hovile, Hugh— (H. iii. Roll) bore, argent, a bend azure, a label (5) giiles. (F.) .Arden and St. (.ieorge Rolls. Hovile, Sir John— bore, at the first Dun- stable tournament 1308, C]Uarterly or and gules, a martlet of the second. F. *Howard, Sir John, of Norfolk— (E. 11. Roll) bore, gules, crusily and a bend argent ; Parliamentary Roll. Sir 'WlLLi.VM bore it at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322 (V.), tricked crusily fitch(5e in the .Ashmolean MS. ; .\rden and St. George Rolls (F.) in Arundel Roll ; WlI.I.I.XM in jenyns' CIrdinary. *Howard, Sir William— bore (1297) gules, crusily fitch^e and a bend argent ; Nobility Roll; his son, Sir \VlLLI.\M, bore it also at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322 ; Ashmole MS., as before mentioned. Sir John, Admiral of the North fleete, bore it at the siege of Calais 1345-8 (F.) ; Surrey Roll, Jenyns' Roll and Ordinary (borne also by Huntin'gfiei.ii). See John. Lord Howard, k.g. 1472, after Duke of Norfolk, on title page. This coat appears in the Ashmole Roll differenced with a fleur- de-lys azure, and apparently with an ermine spot on the bend in Harl. MS. 1481 fo. 83. Hoyland, Sir William de, of Lancashire — II''. n. Roll) bore, sable, a cross patonce or; Parli.unent.iry Roll. Huband, Henry— (H. in. Roll) bore, sable three fleurs-de-lys argent. (I'".) St. George Roll. //mC J. Houth ytfy^HtrxfiA- /jVVf* A/ « n%>»ro t.t, W €fftV>»nHo\'&ii^ ^1 ,W- /Vo-wrt.vT' H^v.H t^bancl- v^i 'vo^rvz-v^ f SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. "7 ox- I of. S^jhir [t does seem rather hard that a man should lose his head for using arms fabulously ascribed to a person who never bore arms — those of Edward the Confessor. n8 SOAfE FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. fir S^HevU^ ^rl UHjh /yyialtr. th- H%^na&ri^rt0 \& n*t*tcL^x fcrrS JL ^ 4 4 1 E — "^ — ' vf 4 i 1/ \ -^ / \ / M^ c/ /^«/Ze Huckford, Sir "Walter de (Hukekokd), "f (jloucustersliire- (K. II. Roll) bore, or, an engle displayed salile, collared argent ; Par- li.inientary Roll. Hudehovile, John de— (H. in. Roll) bore, per fxile or and aznre a sallire counterclian.^ed. St. George Roll, See HiNTi-:. *Hudleston, Sir John de, banneret, scaled the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xxi, xxiv. He bore, at the battle of Falkirk 129S, and at the siege of Carlaveroek 1300, gules, fretty (61 argent. (F. ) Arundel, Parliamentary and (luillini Rolls — a fret for John, in Surrev Roll. ImiN DE KOKF.SALTON bore the reverse ; Arden Roll. Hudleston, Sir Adam -bore, at the first I »unst.!ble tournament 1308, and at the battle of Boroughbridge 1322, gules, fretty argent, a label (3) azure ; Nativity Roll (in which RiCHAKi) occurs without the label). .Mso ascribed to Sir Richako in the Parliamentary and Ashniole Rolls, and to Sir Rkh.vki^, thi-: NKPllKVV, also in Parliamentary Roll - the label is sometimes tricked or. Hudleston, Sir Adam de— (F.. 11. Roll) bore, gules, fretty argent, a bordure indented or ,• Parliamentary Roll. Hugarde, Andrevsr, of Danemarke— (E. in. RkH) bore, aziue. a sun argent ; jen\-ns' Roll. llL'i.M G.'\kn bore, azure a sun or; Harl. .\1S. 6589fo. 37. .SeeOGARD. Hugford, William de— (H. in. Roll) bore, aziu-e, three Ijucks" heads cabossed or. (F. ) .'Xi'den antl St. ( ieorge Rolls. Hvxgford, "William de (or Hixc^kkiokd) — (E. n. Roll) bore, azure, three palmesl? quills in trick) 2 and i or. (F. ) Jenyns' Roll. IHugham, Robert de— (H. in. Roll) bore, . I] gent, five chevronels sable. (I-".) Dering Roll; si.\ in Ashmole MS., four in Howard Roll, are ascribed to RoRKRT I.>E Hni.'yM. Hull, Sir Edward, k.i;. (H. vi.)— bore, .irgent three crosses crosslet fitchee in bend azure between two bendlets gules; K. 402, fo. 35. HuUe, John de— (H. in. Roll) bore, azuie, an eagle displayed argent. (1'".) .Arden and St. George Rolls. Hulls, Sir Richard de, of Cambridgeshire — (K. II. Roll) bore, azure an eagle displayed argent, a b.aston gules ; Parli.imentary Roll. *|Hultou, Richard de (32 E. i.)— bore, .iigeut, a lyon r,'iiupant gules. — -Shirlev. [ !■". Hundescote, Sire de (E. i. Rolli bore, ermine, a bordure gules. (F".) Cruuden Roll. Hungerford, "Walter, k.ii. , a baron 142(1 - bole, at the siege of Rouen T.JlS, sable, two bars argent, in chief three plates, iinurtrr/y 7e///^ per pale dancettc'-e gules and vert a chev- ron or (F. ) triekeil in the Ashmole MS., gules, a chevron aiul in chief a dancellee (3) ar.genl - the paternal coat in |en\'ns' Ordinarw .Sir I'", with his pr(jpi!r difft;rence (unnamed) and Sir R. with a labc'l (;| in .\tkinson Roll. llfN- i;kri'orii, •nil', hastakh, slain at the siege of Calais 1345-8, bore, barr\' (61 sable and argent, in chief three plates. Hunte, Sir Oswald, Kt. banneret — (H. vi. Rolb bore, pel pale argent and sable a saltire counterchanged ; ,\rundel Roll. Huntereombe, Sir "Walter, banneret, a baron 1295, sealed the Uarons' letter to the Pope 1301. pp. six, xxiv. He bore, at the battle of Falkirk 1298, and at the siege of Car- laverock 1300, ermine twogemelles gules. (F. ) Nobility, .-Arundel and Parliamentary Rolls — ascribed to Rauf in St. GeorgeRoll. "CV'ili.iam took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Huntereombe, Gerard de, of Loreyne— HONnKkCdMBE, rightly G( IN ORONVILLE. Huntingdon, Earl of. See Scdrx. Hvmtingfield, Roger de, of Bradenham, a b.tron 1297, sealed the Barons' letter to the Pope 1301, pp. xxi, xxiv. He bore, or, on a fess gules three plates ; Nobility Roll. Sir Wii.i.i.'^M, banneret. (F.) bore the same; Parliamentary, Arundel and other Rolls. Huntingfield, Sir Piers de, of Kent — {E. II. f Huntingfield, Sir "William de— (E. i.) bore, argent, crusilv (8. 13) ,ind a bend gules ; Hollaiul Roll, Hurleton, "William -(E. iv. Roll) h>ore, four ermine spots in cross (F. ) \vith crest; Ballard Roll. Hurstal, "William— (H. in. Roll) bore, azure, three ,i\es argent. (F. ) St. George antl .\rden Rolls -ascribed to Sir TlIOMv\-> HoscARLE in Ashmole Roll. Hussey, Henry de, of Stissex, baron 1295 —bore, ermine three bars gules ; Nobility, Parliamentary and Ashmole Rolls ; ascribed to another Henry (%) in the Dering Roll; tricked, barr\' (6) in Arden and Norfolk Rolls. Hussey, Sir John (of Hants or Wilts.), knighted at the e.ipitulation of Calais 1348 b'.ire, or, a cross vert. (F. ) .\scribed also to .Sir RciGI'.K in Ashniole Roll — another Sir John ( E. ii. ) dift'eienced with a label (3) gules ; Parliaiuentar\' Roll and Jenyns' Orilinai")'. Hussee, John de la— (E. in. Roll) bore, gules, a fess between two che\ronels ermine; Jenyns' Ordinary. Hutton, "William, of the Forest— (l-.. u. Roll) -bore, gules, ,1 fess sable between three cushions tasselled argent ; Jenyns' Roll. [Huyshe, John de (13th cent.), bore, argent, on a bend sable three lucies naiaiit of the tirst. - Shirley. ] F. Hyde . a Knight — (II. vi. Roll) bore, gules, ;i saltire engrailed or, a chief ermine ; Arundel Roll. Hyde , (F iv. Roll) bore, azure, a ehe\ ron between tlux-e lozenges or ; with eiest ; P.alhud Roll. /y^lpU Hii^'Miryu 4^ *• #> •^ '♦' t \ <^ ^ ^ -w 'W f \ / Hon-Ti /'*»• ^ MuyJ^ IpcMovec of 1f:)untcr=Me6ton of 1[:)unter8ton, Hvvsbire. The Arms of AiiHor ANnRy:w Hun'Ti: K. Lord High Treasurer of Scoth-ind, 1449-53, found in Melrose Abbey, carved at the base of a niche on the fiftii Ijuttress from the south transept of Melrose Abbey. Two abbots croziers in saltire between a rose in chief and three bugle horns 2 in fess, that in base resting on a mell — adevice for Melrose. Two remaining characters on the shield have been identified as .A. H. Nc)K.\i.\N IIIK HUNTKK, circa 1080-1165. AvLMEK DE i..\ HuNT.XR, of the County of -Ayr, one of the "Magnates Scbtije" who signed the submission to Edward I. of England, 1296, when the Scottish succession was in dispute between Bruce and Baliol. Wiu.iAM Hunter, of Arneil, or Ardneil, obtained a Crown charter from K. Robert 11. 2 May, 1374, " of all that land of .\rnele which had been held by ' Andre Cambell militis' " ; died about 1436. I William Hunter, laird of Arnele-Huntar, paid on his entry to the estate 1447, eleven years' arrears of blench duty, in addition to double entry money — infeft in his estate 1447, and in Hielies in the Barony of Dairy 1452. Custos or hereditary Keeper of the Forest of the Little Cuniray (1453), an island, then a royal forest ; died about 1454. = John, Hereditary forester on the death of his brother, had son Archi- HALI), 1465. .Archibald Hunt.\r, of .Arnele-Huntar, infeft in his of age, 1456 I ob. 1487. I'.state on coming = Margaret, dau. of William Ker, lairtJ I of Kerslaiul ; mar. before 1462. I |{iHN HuNT.\K, of Huntarstone (so styled in sasine 9 .^pl. 1511), or of = Margaret, dau. of John, 2nd Lord that ilk, Hereditary forester of Little Cumray. his fee twenty shillings, | Cathcart, by Margaret, dau. of Sir 1461 ; fell at Flodden 9 Sept. 1513. I William Douglas, of Urumlanrig. Rohert Huntar, of Huntarston, or of that ilk, under age at the death of his father. =JoNET, dau. of John Mont- ' " " ' " ' - - . - gomerie, of Giffen, and widow c>f John Craufurd, of Craufurdland ; died 1547- The King granted him the ile of Cumray by charter, 31 May, 1527, and which was confirmed 12 Nov. 1534 — he however sold it shortly after to the Earl of Eglintoun ; obtained a charter 25 Feb. 1535, of the lands of .Annanhill, within the lordship of Roberton and bailliary of Cuninghame, confirmed by Royal charters 16 March following and i Jany. 1541 — acquired the lands of Campbeltown ; died 1546. I KiCNTiGEKN, or MUNGO HuNTAR, of Easter Arneil, infeft 1537, and of = Huntarstone 8 May, 1546 ; at Dumbarton with the .Army of the King, I 1546 : died " at the faith and peace of Queen Mary, under her standard | at the battle of Pinkiescleulh," 10 Sept. IS47. 1 M.\RiON, dau. of James Hamilton, of Torrance, co. Lanark, and she in possession of the tower, fortalice and manor place of Hunterston fo.' upwards of 48 years; living 1594. I LsoBKL, mar. to John Crau- ford, of Giffordland, who fell at the battle of Pinkie, 1547- KoBERT HUNTAK, of Huntarstoune, or of that ilk, an infant at the death of his father, one of= MARGARET, dau. of Thomas Craufurd, those Ayrshire gentlemen who subscribed the Principal Band in defence of the reformed religion, 4 Sept. 1562. Obtained a Crown charter, of South Games, now the town of Milport, in the island of Gt. Cumbrae, 29 Nov. 1578 ; died 1580. of Auchinames. She re-mar. to John Stewart, burgess, of Glasgow. I John IU'ntar, tutor, of Huntarstoun, m. lanet Lindsay. I Robert Hunter, of Huntarstown, under .age at = Margaret, dau. his father's death, had a Royal charter of South of Patrick Games, in Bute, 1580, and in 1609 a Royal Peibles, of charter of .\rneil-Huntar, with "tower fort- Broomlands. alice," &c. ; died s.p. May 1616. I Jean, 1608, Ale.-(. "1. (2nd)- to Rev. Scrym- geour, minister at Irvine. . Rev. Robert Cun- NINGHAME, minister of Barnwell, ist husband. I I M.\RiON, m. to Robert Peibles, a baillie of Irvine, who died 16 .Sept. 1605. Katherine, m. (ist) to Hugh Garven, of Irvine, who died 29 June, 1607, and (2nd?) 4 May. 1616, to Robert Cunninghame, of Auchinharvie. I Jean Cuninghame, = elder dau. and co- heir. I Patrick Hunter, laird of Hunterstone, by devise of Robert 27 Sept. i6ri, son of William, of Beneberrie Yairds, co. .\yr, by his wife Marion Hamilton — died 1665, jed 74 — epitaphs in Latin and English. I Catherines died before 1613. Robert Cuninghame, of Katherine. .Auchinharvie — husband also Maricjn. of Catherine's aunt. Robert Hunter, laird of Hun- terstone, entered Glasgow- College 27 July, 1627 ; died Dee. 1679. I. Elizabeth, dau. of Patrick Craufurd, of .Auchinames. = 2. Marion, eldest dau. of lames Ciniinghame, of Aiket. I Henry, a minister of the Church of .Scotland, laureated in tilas- gow t'niversity 1650, settled at Dromore in Ireland, ejected 1661 ; died unmar. 1673. Fr.\ncis, said to be ancestor of Hunter of Long Calderwood. 1 I . . in. to .\le.\. Cun- inghame, of Carlung. . Jean, m.. about 1653, to David Kennedy, of Balma- clanachan and Craig. Patrick Hunter, Iaird = MARiON, dau. of John of Hunterston, Langmuir, _/'. n. 1699. and of died in Cuninghame, of Lang- muir ; mar. 15 Aug. 1662. I Robert, m.a. Glasgow Uny. 1643, minister of Kilbride, ancestor of Hunter, of Kirkland. I I James, bred to the bar; m. Margt., Hugh, a sister of Rev. John Spalding, minister physician at Dreghorn, ancestor of Orby Hun- in Kil- ter, of Croyland Abbey. marnock. I Jean, m. (contract 3 Nov. 1658) to Rev. John Spalding, minister of Dreghorn. I P.VTRICK Hunter, laird = Marion, eldest dau. of of Hunterston ; m. 5 | Thomas Craufurd, of May, 1704; d. 9 Nov. | Crawfurdsburn, orCarts- 1738. I burn, CO. Renfrew. I I Henry, minister ofMearns in 1713 ; d. 1733. John. » Dorothea, m. to Hy. Cuninghame, ofCarlung. Marian, m. 1694 to John Peebles, of Crawfield. I 1 -Anne, m. 1702 to Alex- ander Cuninghame, of Clogher, co. Ty''o"<^- Margaret. I I Robert Hunter, laird of=jANE, dau. of Matthew Aitche- David. Hunterston; m. 1762; d. 1796. 1 son, by Eleanora. dau. of John = aged 86. | McGilchrist, of Easter Porsill ; ^ died in 1787. I 2 sons and 3 daus. died young or unmar. I I Elizabeth, m. to John Hynd- man, of Lunderston. M.\RioN, ni. to Hugh Muir. Ele.\nora, only surviving child and b. 22 Oct. 1764 ; d. 24 Dec. 1851. I I Dorothea, m. (ist) to 'William .Margaret, m. Kelso, of HuUerhirst, and Robert Caldwell, (2nd) to Hugh Weir, of Kirk- hall. heiress of Hunterston ;: = Robert C.aldwell, assumed the additional name and arras of Hunter, of Hunterston ; died 22 Aug. 1826. Built Hunterston. Robert Hunter, of Hunterston House and Castle, j.p.. Ayrshire ; b. i Oct. 1799 ; d. 14 March. 1880. = Christian Macknight. eldest dau. of William M. Crawfurd. of Cartsburn. co. Renfrew ; m. 23 Nov. 1B36. 3 sons and 4 daus. died young or unmar. I Jane, elder dau. and co-heir of Hunter- = GouLD Read Hunter-'Weston, of Hunterston, 7.;^., j.p., ston, Lady of Justice of the Order of I D.L., Ayrshire, K.s. a., Lt.-Col. (retd.) H.M. Indian .Army, St. lohn of Jerusalem ; mar. (as 2nd | served at Oudh and Lucknow, 1857, medal and clasps, as- wife) 8 July, 1863. | sumed addl. surname and arms of Hunter, of Hunterston, by Royal licence 8 May. 1880; b. 16 .Apl. 1823. ELE.-iNORA. 2nd dau. and co- heir ; m. 31 Oct. 1866; d. 29 March, 1884. = Robert William Cochran P.^TRICK, of Ladyland and Woodside. Avrshire. I 4- Avi.MKR Goui.D Hunter-Weston, brevet Lt.-Col. Royal l-.ngineers. D. s.o. for services in South .Africa. See Official Quarterly Army List ; born 23 Sept. 1864. Reginald Hugh Hunter-Weston, Seaforth Highlanders : born 11 Apl. late Lieut. : .Agnes, dau. of John Roberts, c.M.G. , of Little- bourne. Dunedin, N.Z. ; m. 9 Aug. 1899. SOME FEUDAL COATS OF ARMS. Tlh- Camp at Hasliiii^s. Tidings of Harold hroitglil to William. A house is burnt. Ajter the Baveux Tapestry. — I— J— K ^ar^U'ji^ ^e-ol ai Jfucule. Ichingham, le Sire— bore, at the siuge of Rouen 1418. ;iziirc, rrett\- argent. (F. ) See Er iii\ y^ yH T^f^rf^ **:&- jhri^ 4-d^J t'J^d^^&JkJU- Iskynsall, (l-.. m. Rolll bore, or, a fess between l\\cj chevroiiels gules, a canton ermine ; Ashniolc Roll. Isle, Earl of the, Baldwin; Eari, ok Dl.voN or Kxi.TKK anil l,iil;i)()r THE Isi.K of WicMiT "IE. I. Koll) bore, or a Is-on rampant nzme ; Segar and St. George Rolls. See also X'kk.non and W.NUKKN dki, Idi.k. Islip, William, Keeper of the f'rivy .Seal - bole, al ilir biege of Calais 1345-8 ermine, a fess engi'ailed between three weasels passant gules. F. *[Jenney, Edmund, r. 1400 - bore, ermine, a bend gules eolised or. - Shirley. J F. Jerkavile, Davy de— (E. i. Koll) bore, (juarlerl)- or and a/.ure in the first quarter a lyon rampant gules. ( F. 1 Cainclen Roll - ealled CiKKi OMVILK in Howard Roll. .See also M.\1«()NVII,K in Dermg Roll. Jermyn, Sir John, of Suffolk, Kt. iH. \ 1. Rolb liore, argent, a Ivon rampant .gardant gules ; .\rundel Roll. *[Jerningliam SirWalter, I22E. 1.1 bore, argent, three buckles, tongues to the dexter gules. -Shirley.] F. Joce, Sir John (or Jos)- bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 1308 argent, an eagle displayed sable a bendlet gobony or and gules." (F. ) Sir John, of Middlesex lE. 11.) iDore the baston gules ; Parliamentary Roll. * Jooelyn, Thomas, (i3F.. I.) bore, azure, a eireidar \\reath argent and sable with four hawks' bells affixed in (|ua(l;ature or. - Shirley." F. John, Le'wis (or JoNKsl, an Essex Knight - (H. VI. Rolll bore, sable, a chevron between three trefoyles argent ; Arundel Roll. Joree, John— (E. III. Roll) bore, per pale azure and gules, an eagle displa^ytd argent membered of the second ; Jenyns' Ordinary. Joreee, Robert — (E. iii. Rolll bore, argent, on a b-^nd or. three water-bougets azure. (F. ) jenyns' Ordin.ir)'. Jove, "William le (H. iii. Roll) bore, argent, three h'ons rampant sable ; Howard Roll. Jumper, "William (? Innpehk) -(H. iii. Rolll bore, argent, a fess between three crescents gules ; .\rclen Roll. Justine, Adam de-lH. in. Roll) bore, barry (6) argent and aziu-e, in chief three tor- teaux ; ,\rden Roll. Kekitmore, Piers de -(E. 111. Roll) bore, gules, three text .S",v 2 and 1 or ; .\rden Roll. 'Kelly, Sir John, I44 E. 111.)— bore, argent, a che\ron between three billets gules ; Shirlew J Iv Kendale, Sir Edmonde de, of the North — IE. 11. Rolll bore, argent, a bend vert cotised gules, all dancettee ; Farlv. Roll — cotises vert, in (jlo\er Roll. Kendale, Sir Robert de, of Herts, -bore, at the first Dunstable tournament 130S, a'gent, a bend vert, a label (31, Parly, Roll; El>w.\Kli, bore it al the secontl I )unstable tournament 1334. (F.I .Ascribed also to RitH.-VRDin lenvns' (>rilinar\. Kendale, Robert iR. 11. Roll) argent, on .1 lii.-nd a.'urc three nnillets pierced or ; Surrey Roll. [Kendall, Richard, 43 E. iii. — bore, argent, a che\'ron between three dolphins naiant enibowed sable. — Shirley.] F. Kene ( ^1 of Essex? Knight— (H. vi. Koll) bore, ermine a cross florettre sable, quarterly with, azure, on a fess between two chevronels or three eaglets displayed gules ; Arundel Roll. RoBKKT i.K Ken, 'took up the cross in the last Crusade 1270. Kenney, Alexander de- (H 111. Roll) bore, (|uarlerly or and gules a label (5) sable bezanty (F. ) ; St. George Roll. Kennings, Sir John, of Norfolk— (E. 11. Roll) bore, azure, a fess engrailed between three escallops argent ; Parly. Roll. Kenette, Pers de-iH. 111. Koll) bore, gules, three talbots-on-the-scent argent ; Arden Roll. Kent, Earl of-HtHEKT dk fUKc^n 1227-43 — bore, lozengy vet masculy vair and gules ; Grimaldi and Parly. Rolls ; 'rever-ed in .Arden and Nobility Rolls. Kent, Earl of, Ed.mi-nh of Woodstock- bore, 1321, England within a bordure argent ; Parly. Roll and Jenyns' Ordinary ; borne also by Hoi.i,,\Ni), Earl of Kent ; Sui^rey Roll. JKent,Thomasde iH.iiI Roll) bore, argent, a fess gules I F, I ; I )eriTig and Howard Rolls. Kent'wode, John iR, ii. Rolli bore, .gules, three roses ernnne ; .Surrey Roll. Kerdeston, Sir William de, of .N'orfolk, knighted at the capitulation of Calais 1348 - bore, gules, a saltire engrailed argent (F. I; Parly. Roll -a.scribed also to John, FoL'ke, and \\'IM,I.\,M in .Arden and Norfolk Rolls and Jenyns' Ordinary Sir Rocek differenced with a label (31 or ; j'arly. and .Ashniole Rolls. Kerdeston, John-bore, at the second Dun- stable tournament 1334, gules a saltire argent a label besantt^e (.w't). Kerdiff, Paul de-(H. iii. Roll) bore, azure, a fess oriF. 1 (St. George Rolll; betwcxm six martlets (3, 31 or, in .\rden Roll. Kevelioke, Hugh, E.\ki, ok Chk.stek— (F.. III. Roll) bore, azure, six garbs 3, 2, i, or ; Jenyns' Ordinary, but see Bi.ONDKViLi.E. Kidesby, Sir "William -bore, at the siege of Calais 1345-8, sable, a fess or, between two chevrons argent, I"", Kidley, Thomas (Kvdei.evi -(R. ii. Roll) bore, sable, a saltire embattled arg'iit ; Surrey Roll. Kishley, Sir Henry (KErnm.KY)- (E, iv. Roll) bore, argent, a fess sable -with crest — Ballard Roll; ascribed to Wii.i.i.vm in lenvns' Ordinary. WTf J. r\e>fit TfertvaZ ^^&>J- 'Pau^djietdxf '^\i.4^^