p 1 ^•^^i^-l^-il^^>l--'^%*^¥-^^^^ m ^m^^^ '?;■•■■■:•■ ^ ,§iiyyiiiiP''io^ !■: - ii i- it ;I- !;;■ ■ - |:>! 1- m ;^l |:: !^| i ^1 I' ■ -^^1 ^^1 :^^| '^^1 1 ^1 i ^^1 p- ''^^^1 1^; ^^^1 i- ::;gyS^^gggg;^^ ^^^1 im 4HHH^Hilil^^l^^^^^^H^I hh ^"'"^^-^'^"••Tfriilfliii LIBRARY University of California. Class ARTILLERY AND EXPLOSIVES First Edition .... Septemher 1906 Eejninted . . • • December 1906 ARTILLERY AND EXPLOSIVES ESSAYS AND LECTURES WRITTEN AND DELIVERED AT VARIOUS TIMES BY SIR ANDREW NOBLE, Bart., K.C.B« D.Sc.(OxoN.), D.C.L., F.R.S., Ere, WITH DIAGRAMS AND ILLUSTRATIONS I'S^iiVERSlTY ;i OF LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, W. 1906 6E«W^^ PRE FACE Some apology is certainly due for the republication of the Papers and Lectures which appear in this volume, but I have been asked so often, chiefly by foreign friends, for papers which were out of print that I at last thought it better to republish. But here again I was placed in a position of some difficulty, for the Papers, having been published at intervals during a period of nearly fifty years, had necessarily from their nature a good deal of repetition, and I soon found that, were I to attempt to remove this defect, I should have practically to rewrite the whole volume. I, therefore, decided that it was better to republish the Papers precisely as they were written or delivered, and it may be that this decision has certain advantages. Extraordinary as has been the advance in every department of Science during the long reign of Queen Victoria, the progress in Naval and Artillery Science has been no less remarkable. When I entered the Service, the line-of-battle ships were all sailing vessels, and their armaments and appliances differed but little, except as regards size, from those in use in the days of Henry VIII. and of Queen Elizabeth. Mechanical contrivances the older Officers would not hear of, and I have heard more than one declare that no contrivance should be allowed on board a man-of-war which could not be handled and repaired by the Blue Jackets, who had proved the efficiency both of men and material in so many victorious actions. The same spirit influenced the older I'eninsular and Waterloo Officers of my own Corps, the Eoyal Artillery, and I remember an occasion when it was curiously shown. After the introduction of Eifled Ai'tillery a dinner was given by the Eoyal Artillery Mess at Woolwich to the late Lord Armstrong. It was the duty of the "*? - 10, '1 viii PREFACE President to propose the health of the guest of the evening, which was gracefully done, but after describing what had been effected by Sir W. Armstrong, the orator concluded, " but for myself I am radically opposed to any change." The feeling to which I have referred lasted a considerable time, and led to some retrograde steps, such as the abandonment, for a season, of breech-loading guns, and it led also to England being for a time behind the principal Continental nations from the refusal to adopt improvements until (which will never happen) perfection and finality were reached. Having entered the Service when Eifled Artillery was not thought of, having served as Secretary to the Committee which introduced Eifled Artillery, and having been more or less connected with all the great changes which have taken place, both as regards the guns, their mountings, equipments, and propellants, it may be that the present volume gives, in some respects, a not nninteresting history of the immense changes that have taken place in the Naval and Land Service Armaments. It is not perhaps wonderful that the Officers of both Services, who had taken part in the great land and sea battles of the beginning of last century, should have looked with distrust upon radical changes, and should have insisted upon the sufficiency of the weapons which had served them so well. To illustrate the distrust with which novelties were regarded, I may mention that I was Secretary to a Committee, which had its meetings at the War Office, called, I think, the Committee on Plates and Guns, and at their meetings were discussed, among other things, the details of the gun intended to be the heavy gun for both Land and Sea Service. The Artillery Officers pressed for a gun weighing 7 tons, but the Naval Officers were doubtful whether so heavy a gun could be carried on board ship. The disputed point was com- promised by making the gun 6 J tons, but as strong doubts were expressed as to whether rifling would be successful in such a gun, the calibre was finally ordered to be such that it would fire 100-lb. spherical shell if the gun were unsuccessful as a rifled gun. Twenty of these guns were actually made, and were called, if I remember rightly, the Somerset Gun; the Duke of Somerset being then the First Lord of the Admiralty. The objections to anything like a mechanical contrivance were, as I have mentioned, very strong, especially among some of the older Officers, who could hardly be got to look with patience upon any appliance to which they were not accustomed. All this is now changed. A modern battleship, as I have PREFACE ix pointed out, carries well on to a hundred machines of a very varied, and, in some cases, of a most complicated, character. The country may well be proud of the ability and zeal with which the Naval Officers of the present day have mastered, and the skill with which they use, the varied machinery committed to their charge, and while the energy and zeal which pervades all ranks endure, we may be satisfied that the traditions which have been handed down to us through many generations of great sailors, will not be departed from, and, should occasion arise, that fresh lustre will be added to, the records of the Navy. A.N. CONTENTS I. On the Application of the Theory of Probabilities to Artillery Practice ...... 1 II. Report on Experiments with Navez's Electro-Ballistic Apparatus ........ 23 III. On the Ratio between the Forces tending to produce Translation and Rotation in the Bores of Rifled Guns 42 IV. On the Tension of Fired Gunpowder .... 53 V. On the Pressure required to give Rotation to Rifled Projectiles ........ 87 VI. Researches on Explosives — Part 1 99 Part II 231 VII. Heat-Action of Explosives 325 VIII. Mechanical Science in relation to the Naval and Military Services ....... 355 IX. Note on the Energy Absorbed by Friction in the Bores of Rifled Guns ...... 385 X. Internal Ballistics ....... 397 XI. Preliminary Note on the Pressure developed by some New Explosives ....... 462 XII. Researches on Explosives. Preliminary Note . . 468 XIII. On Methods that have been adopted for Measuring Pressures in the Bores of Guns .... 482 XIV. The Rise and Progress of Rifled Naval Artillery . 499 XV. Some Modern Explosives ...... 521 Index 543 LIST OF FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS Theoky of Probabilities in Aetilleky Practice. PAGE (1) Plate I.— Probable Rectangles of Fall of Shot ... 22 Navez's Electeo-Ballistic Apparatus. (2) Figs. 1 and 2. — Initial Velocity in a 1 2-pr. Gun as a Function of the Weight of Charge . . . {coloured diagram) 32 (3) Fig. 3. — The Same as a Function of the Weight of Projectile {coloured diagram) 32 (4) Fig. 4. — Trajectories of a 12-pr. Gun, -with Service Charges {coloured diagram) 32 (5) Fig. 5. — Trajectories of a 12-pr. Gun, with Service Charges {coloured diagram) 32 Tension of Fired Gunpowders. (6) Plate VI. — Chronoscope of 8 Discs, and Gun — Plan View . . 86 (7) Plate VII. — Chronoscope — Side and End Views . . .86 Pressure to give Rotation to Projectile. (8) Pressures exerted on various Riflings . . {coloured diagram) 98 Researches on Explosives. (9) Plate IX. — Pressures and Densities according to Count Rumford, Major Rodman, and Elswick ..... 230 (10) Plate X.— Closed Vessel, with Crusher-Gauge and Indenthig-Gauge 230 (11) Plate XI. — Measurement of Gas produced by Explosion, and Sketch of partially consumed Powder .... 230 (12) Plate XII.— Observed Tensions of F. G., R. L. G., and Pebble . 230 (13) Plate XIII. — Tensions actually observed in a Close Vessel com- pared with Tensions calculated ..... 230 (14) Plate XIV. — Chronoscope of 10 Discs, and Gun . . . 230 (15) Plate XV. — Curves of Velocity and Pressure with Pebble Powder and R. L. G. . . . . . . . 230 xiii LIST OF FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS (16) Plate XVI. — Enlarged Scale of Commencement of Curves of Velo city and Pressure, from Tables X. and XI. (17) Plate XVII.— Enlarged Scale of Commencement of Curves of Velo city and Pressure, from Tables XIII. and XIV. . (18) Plate XVIII. — Tensions observed in 8-incli, 10-incli, and 11-inch Guns with Pebble or R. L. G. (19) Plate XIX.— Tensions observed in 10-inch and 11-inch Guns Tensions observed in a Close Vessel; Tensions according to Saint Robert, and according to Bunsen and Schischkotf (20) Plate XX. — Tension of Gases expanded vi^ithout doing wor Tensions calculated from Formula (30) ; Tensions in 8-inch and 10-inch Guns with R. L. G. ; and Tensions in 10-inch and 11 -inch Guns with Pebble Powder . . . . 230 230 230 230 Friction in the Bores op Rifled Guns. (21) Plate XXI. — Velocity and Pressure observed in 12-cm. Gun with Amide Powder and Cordite ..... 396 (22) Plate XXII. — Curves of Pressure on Rilie Grooves of parabolic and uniform twists in 12-cm. Gun, with Amide Powder . . 396 Internal Ballistics. (23) Fig. VII.— Chronoscope and Gun 430 Pressures developed by some New Explosives. (24) Pressures from Cordite in Close Vessel compared with Cordite, Ballis- tite. Amide, and Pebble in 4"7-inch Gun . {coloured diagram) 466 Note on Researches on Explosives. (25) Fig. 1.— Velocity Curves from Chronoscope Experiments with 100 calibre 6-inch Gun .... (coloured diagrani) (26) Fig. 2. — Pressure Curves from the same . {coloured diagram) (27) Fig. 3. — Velocity and Pressure from 3 rounds of R. L. G. in 6-inch Gun of 100 calibre, the Gun being clean for round 1 (Chrono- scope Experiment) .... {coloured diagram) 480 480 Measuring Pressures in the Bores of Guns. (28) Fig. 3.— Chronoscope with 16 Points, and Long Gun (29) Fig. 4. — Chronoscope, Side and End Views .... (30) Fig. 7. — Time, Pressure, and Velocity Curves irom Chronoscope Observations with 6-inch 100-calibre Gun, with R. L. Go. (31) Fig. y.— Chronoscope Velocity Curves with 6-inch 100-calibre Cun, with various Explosives . . . . . (32) Fig. 10.— Chronoscope Pressure Curves with the same Cun and Explosives ........ 498 498 498 LIST OF FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS xv Rise and Progeess op Rifled Naval Artillery. PAOB (33) Plate I.— A Gun's Crew of H.M.S. Excellent (1860) . . .520 (34) Plate II.— A Gun's Crew of a 6-inch Q.-F. Gun (1899) . . 520 (35) Plate III.— Comparsion between a 32-pr. Old Gun and a 6-inch New Gun 520 (36) Plate IV.— 4-724-inch 36-pr. Q.-F. Gun on Centre-pivot Recoil Mounting ........ 520 (37) Plate V.— Plan View of the same . . . . .520 (38) Plates VI. and VII.— 47-mm. 3-pr. Gun on Recoil Mounting . 520 (39) Plate VIII.— 76-mm. 3-inch Gun on Pedestal Mounting . . 520 (40) Plate IX.— Plan View of the same . . . . .520 (41) Plate X.— 6-inch 152-mm. Q.-F. Gun on Between-Deck Mounting in Casemate ....... 520 (42) Plate XI.— Plan View of the same . . . . .520 (43) Plate XII.— Dismounting Gear for 6-inch 152-mm. Q.-F. Gun in Casemate or on Upper Deck ..... 520 (44) Plate XIII. — Dismounting Gear, 6-inch, between Decks . . 520 (45) Plate XIV.— 8-inch 203-mm. Q.-F. Gun on Automatic Centre-pivot Mounting of Japanese Ship Takasago .... 520 (46) Plate XV.— Plan View of the same . . . . .520 (47) Plate XVI.— 8-inch Axial Powder Hoist . . . .520 (48) Plate XVII. — Twin Mounting for 254-mm. 10-inch Guns of Italian Ship Dandolo, etc. ....... 520 (49) Plate XVIII.— Plan View of the same . . . .520 (50) Plate XIX.— 8-inch 203-mm. Q.-F. Gun in Armoured Gun House of Chilian Cruiser General O^Higgins .... 520 (51) Plate XX.— Plan View of the same . . . . .520 (52) Plate XXL— Twin Mounting in Armoured Guu House for 8-inch 203-mm. Q.-F. Guns of Japanese Ships Asama and Tokiiua . 520 (53) Plate XXII.— Plan View of the same 520 (54) Plate XXIII.— Turret and Mounting for a pair of 13*5-inch 68-ton B.L. Guns of H.I.M.S. Ee Umherto . . . .520 (55) Plate XXrV.— Gun Carriage and Slide for the same . . .520 (56) Plate XXV.— Turret and Mounting for 12-inch Guns of Japanese Ships Fuji and Yashima ...... 520 (57) Plate XXVI.— Plan View of the same 520 (58) Plate XXVII.— Turret and Mounting for a pair of 12-inch 46-tou Guns of H.M.Ss. Albion and Glory .... 520 (59) Plate XXVIII.— Plan View of the same . . . .520 (60) Plate XXIX.— Alternative Powder and Shot Hoists for the same . 520 xvi LIST OF FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS (61) Plate XXX.— Turret and Mounting for 12-inch 305-nim. B.L. Guns of the Shikishima ....... (62) Plate XXXI.— Plan View of the same (63) Plate XXXII.— Turret and Mounting for a pair of 12-inch 49-ton Guns of H.M.Ss. Formidable and Implojcahle (64) Plate XXXIII.— Turret and Mounting for a pair of 12-inch 49-ton B.L. Guns of the Mik asa (65) Plate XXXIV.— Two 12-inch Guns with central Hoist with Flexible Guides ........ (66) Plate XXXV. — 12-mch Magazine and Shell Kooms for central Hoist with Flexible Guides ...... (67) Plate XXXVa. — Overhead Runner for Circular Rail in Shell Room (68) Plate XXXVL— Turret and Mounting for a pair of 1 2-inch 46-ton Guns, with central Flexible Guide Hoist continued to rear of Guns ........ (69) Plate XXXVII.— Plan View of the same .... Some Modern Explosives. (70) Plate L— 6-inch Gun firing Black Powder .... (71) Plate II. — 6-inch Gun firing Cordite ..... (72) Fig. II.— Velocity Curves from Chronoscope Experiments with various Explosives in a 100-calibre 6-inch Gun (coloured diagram) (73) Fig. III. — Pressure Curves from the Same . (coloured diagram) (74) Fig. VI. — Erosion Experiments . . (coloured diagram) (75) Fig. VII. — Pressure and Energy Observations (coloitrecl diagram) (76) Plate VII. — Apparatus for recording the Rate of Cooling of exploded Gases ........ (77) Fig. VIII. — Curves showing the Rate of Cooling of Cordite, diameter 0'05 inch .... (coloured diagram) (78) Fig. IX. — The same, with Cordite, 0'35-inch diameter (coloured diagram) (79) Fig. X. — The same, with Cordite, 0'6-inch diameter (coloured diagram) PACK OF / I. ON THE APPLICATION OF THE THEOEY OF PEOBABILITIES TO ARTILLERY PRACTICE. {Boyal Artillery Institution Papers, 1858.) DuEiNG the investigations of the Special Committee on Rifled Cannon, it became a point of considerable importance to be able to obtain, with somewhat more accuracy than could be done from a mere inspection of tables of practice, the relative precision of fire of the various guns submitted for report. The plan I adopted for this purpose, with the approval of the Committee, was to calculate for each gun the area within which it was an equal chance that any one shot would strike ; or, as it may otherwise be expressed, that area within which, if a given number of shots were fired, half of that number might be expected to fall. This area I termed the probable rectangle, and, by calculating it for various guns, we are enabled to form a definite opinion as to their compara- tive accuracy. Before, however, entering upon the details of the particular plan adopted, it may not be out of place, and may tend to clearer views on the subject, to give a short account, simplified as much as possible, of the celebrated method upon which that plan is founded. Experience shows that observations, no matter of what kind, when repeated under what we call " precisely similar circumstances," do not give us results exactly the same, but results differing from one another in a greater or less degree, or as we term it, we have observa- tions more or less accurate. The causes of these variations are unknown to us, or if we do know some of their causes, at all events the law according to which the errors occur is unknown ; for if we know both the cause of an error and the manner in which it occurs, such an error is at once removed from the domain of chance. In A 2 ARTILLERY PRACTICE artillery practice, for instance, we are able at once to assign several causes which account for variations of fire {e.g., variable strength of powder, variable rotation of the projectile, windage, etc., etc.) ; but as we do not know the law according to which these causes affect the flight of the projectile, errors induced by them must be treated in the same manner as errors of observation. Two assumptions are made with reference to the causes of error — (1) " That in a given kind of observation, both the number of the sources of error and the number of combinations of which they are capable remain the same " ; and (2) " That the same combination when it occurs produces the same error." Although we are in ignorance both as to the number of the combinations of the various causes of error, and as to the number of the combinations which produce equal errors, yet if we have, in a series of observations, a certain system of errors, we may, knowing the proportion in which errors of various magnitudes have appeared, calculate the probability of their reappear- ance in another set of similar observations. Let us assume the probability of an error A to be (A). Now, by the probability of any error, we understand the ratio which the number of combinations producing this error bears to all possible combinations, so that in a series of m observations — m being so large that we may conclude that all errors have occurred in their due proportion — if m' observations are affected with the error A, we have m-'ii (1) or m(j) (A) = number of observations affected with the error A. In the same way, m(f){A') represents the number of observations affected with the error A', m(A) + c^(A') + (^(A") + , etc. = l . . (2) Now, since Equation (2) contains the probabilities of all errors from zero to ± c», it is evident that if we suppose A to vary continuously, the probability of any determinate A must be in- finitesimal ; the probability then of an error occurring between the error A and the infinitely near error A', or as we may write it ARTILLERY PRACTICE 3 A + fZA, will be (p(A)dA, or in the language of the integral calculus, Equation (2) is equivalent to c/,(d)rfA=l .... (2') J — cc which simply means that the probability of an error between + cc and— 00 = unity or certainty. We must now draw attention to the assumption we have made in symbolising by (p (A), that is a function of A, the probability of an error (A). By this symbolisation, we assert that the proba- bility of a certain error is dependent upon the value of that error. Of this truth we may assure ourselves without the aid of mathematical reasoning; for instance, in firing from a 9-pr. field gun, with the proper elevation, at a target 1000 yards distant, we know that the probability of an error of 300 yards in the range is improbable in a very high degree; an error of 200 yards is also improbable but in a less degree, of 100 yards still less, and so on, while we know that an error of 25 yards (at least with service guns) is not only not improbable, but highly probable. The above symbolisation is merely [as we have yet made no hypothesis as to the form of 0(A)] the mathematical expression of the truth that the degree of probability as to any error is dependent in some way or another upon the amount of the error. There are, however, certain properties which, although still ignorant of the form of (p (A), we yet know that function ought to possess. It is clear that (A) must be of such a form that it will denote an equal amount of probability, when for an error in excess, i.e. a positive error, we substitute an error in defect, or a negative one. To return to our illustration : supposing that we obtain a range of 1000 yards as the result of practice, and suppose further, that at a certain round we are told simply that there exists an error of 25 yards, it is clearly an equal chance whether the error is in excess or defect. No person would give odds on either supposition ; (A) must then denote the same degree of probability, that is, must have the same value for A = 4-25 and A= -25. It is also evident that (A) must be of such a form that it will have a greater value for A = than for any other value of A. We must, in fact, have selected such an hypothesis as to the value to be determined as will make 0(A) greater for that hypothesis than for any other. It must, however, be borne in mind, that although the value selected be more probable than any other value, the probability 4 ARTILLERY PRACTICE that it is the true vahie may be very small when compared with all other hypotheses. The hypothesis, for example, of the range of 1000 yards, deduced as the probable range from practice, although more probable than any other, may be, and generally is (supposing our unit to be a yard and to vary per saltum), improbable when compared with all other hypotheses. Perhaps a clearer view of our meaning may be gained from a somewhat analogous case. If we throw in the air 24 pence, the most probable of all results is that we shall have 12 heads and 12 tails. Such an event, however, although more probable than any other result, is yet improbable when compared with all possible cases. The odds against it are about 6 to 1, (A) must, lastly, be such as to give only insensible magnitudes when A exceeds a certain limit. Suppose, for instance, that in 1000 observations 500 of the errors are less than a certain quantity r, while only one exceeds 5r. ^ (A) must, then, for an error A near br become very small, and for errors notably greater must become infinitesimal. The knowledge of this property is derived from experience, although it might also be anticipated by reasoning. These three properties of ^(A) are thus mathematically ex- pressed : (A) is an even function of A, is a maximum for A = 0, and sensibly vanishes when A exceeds a certain limit. It would be quite out of place to enter here * upon the analytical method by which the form of the function ^ (A) is determined. We must content ourselves with remarking that the expression for (ji (A) is found to be (A,n), while the probability of their concurrence is <^(AOxc^(A,) . . . xc^(A,„)* * If ^1 be the probability of any event, p.^ that of any second event, p.^ that of any third event, pm that of any m*'' event, the probability of their concurrence is = PiXPi-^Pti • • • xp"* This proposition is easily illustrated. If we throw in the air a penny, the chance of throwing heads twice in succession is J x i = ^, or 3 to 1 against it. The chance of throwing heads three times in succession is ^ x i x 4 = |, or 7 to 1 against it, and so on. ARTILLERY PRACTICE which is by Equation (3) A^ -7l2[(a;-,i,r:!+(,l;-»l,)2+ . . . («-W^j)2] . (6) . (7) by virtue of Equation (5). Now it is evident from an examination of (6) that (A,,) = ^.e-'"""^- . . . (9) * This will perhaps be more easily seen if we put the right-hand member of (6) in the form h'- 1___ _ Vl' e/'2(A,2-t-A22 . . : +Am-) ARTILLERY PRACTICE 7 The most probable value of h is that which makes (9) a maximum. Hence, differentiating with respect to h, and equating to zero, we have 1 - 2/<-V, = /' = ,7^ (10) We have above shown that that hypothesis as to x is most prob- able for which the sum of the squares of the errors is the least pos- sible. Now in the simple case we are discussing, the direction to select such a result that the sum of the squares of the errors may be a minimum, is the same as if we were told to take the arithmetical mean. This may easily be verified. Suppose that four shots from a 9-pr. gun gave the results 950, 975, 1025, 1050, the mean of which ranges is 1000 yards. It will be found that the sum of the squares of the errors upon the hypothesis that 1000 yards is the true range is less than it would be upon any other hypothesis whatever. The law of the arithmetical mean* may also be easily deduced from Equation (7) by the differential calculua The sum of the squares of the errors is to be a minimum. Hence, from (5) {x-n^- + (x -n.^- . . . +{x-ii,a)- = mmimura. Differentiating and equating to zero, X — ?i^ -H a- -«.,.. . +a; — n^n = rt, + »o + • • • + Wift or .1- = -i = m We may from geometrical considerations obtain a graphic view of the law represented by Equation (3). If we take the values of A as abscissae, and the corresponding values of 0(A) as rectangular ordinates, we shall be enabled to trace the curve of probable error. The general form of the curve of probabilities is shown in Fig. 1. In this figure the abscissae, such as OA, OC, represent the errors, and * It may be proper to advert here to a common misapplication of the principle of the arithmetical mean, and one which sometimes leads to serious errors. Suppose m different series of equally good observations gave m different values of the mean range a^, a., . . . dm . Suppose further that «i is the result of p^ rounds, Oo the result of fo rounds, am the result of jOm rounds, or as it may otherwise be expressed, suppose tt] to have the weight p^, a^ the weight p.,, a„i the weight j)^ — the most probable value of the range is not, as is frequently assumed, o, + a, + . . . + a,n .V = -^ = m but is ^■ = ^^^ + "^P^- •• +""'P- P1+P2 . ■ . +P,r, 8 ARTILLERY PRACTICE the corresponding ordinates AB, CD the comparative probabilities of these errors. The curve is symmetrical on each side of the axis of y, thus show- ing that positive and negative errors are equally probable, while the rapid decrease of the ordinate AB, as we recede from Oy, shows that large errors are not so probable as small ones, and that when we take a very large error, as OE, the corresponding ordinate, and, therefore, the probability of the occurrence of that error, becomes altogether insensible. The curve, although close to the axis of x at E, and always approaching nearer and nearer, only touches it at infinity, the axis of X being an asymptote to the curve. As said above, the curve of probabilities is always of the nature represented in Fig. 1. The particular form it assumes is, however, dependent upon tlie value of the constant h. An examination of Equation (10) shows that the smaller is the mean error, that is, the more accurate are the observations, the larger is h, while Equation (3) shows that as li is large the more rapidly will 0(A) or the length of the ordinate AB decrease, which is the same thing as to say that as h increases so are large errors unlikely to occur. On account of the ratio between the increase of exactness and the increase of the magnitude of h, h has received the name of the " measure of precision." Fig. 2 is a representation of a curve in which the value of h is large as compared with its value in Fig. 1. If we suppose A to vary continuously, the probability of any particular error A is infinitesimal. We have pointed out that the probability of the occurrence of an error between A and A + dA is (p{A)dA, or substituting for 0(A) from Equation (3) V TT ■.f/A (11) ARTILLERY PRACTICE while the probability that an error lies between OA = a and OC = c is given by the definite integral s] d e .clA (12) This integral represents the area ACDB, Figs. 1 and 2, and it will also express the proportion of errors which should occur F^^.2 between A = a and A = c, the whole area between the axis of x and the curve, or the whole number of errors, being unity. Putting JiA = t. Equation (12) becomes 1 .ch dt (13) If we seek the probability of an error between -\-a and ~~a, that is, if we seek the area AA'^/B'B, Figs. 1 and 2, Equation (13) gives us probability 1 rah 77/ . dt — ah rah J' .dt (14) from the symmetry of the curve. The value of this integral has been calculated and tabulated for gradually increasing values of ah, and it is evident that such a table will show by inspection the number of errors we may expect to find between any two arbitrary limits, no regard being paid to the sign of the errors. A view of the distribution of these errors with regard to magni- tude may be interesting. The number of observations is supposed 10 ARTILLERY PRACTICE large only to show how small is the chance of the occurrence of large errors. In 10,000 errors there will probably be — Between / = and t = 0-5 5205 err / = 0-5 ,, t = 1-0 3222 / = 1-0 „ t = 1-5 1231 , I = 1-5 „ t = 2-0 292 t = 2-0 ., t = 2-5 43 , / = 2-5 t = 3-0 4 „ and between t = 3'0 and t= y- there will probably not, in 10,000 observations, be a single error. The definite integral (14) enables us also to deduce the probable error. By probable error we understand that error, than which there are as many errors less as there are greater. The probability of such an error must be i, and if then we designate the probable error of a single round by r, Equation (1-4) becomes 1 •2_rhr dt (15) and the table of the values of this integral, of which we have spoken, shows that in this case we must have hr = -4:76936 = p, suppose . . . (16) But, by Equation (10), 1 hence ;• = -476936 . e, ^2 = -674489 . e.f (17) Before applying this last formula a correction must be made, the reason for which we shall endeavour to explain. We have supposed e., to have been determined from the true errors of observation, whereas it has been determined only from the most probable errors. Now, we have already pointed out, •674, * It may be useful to note, that it is an even chance that the probable error of a single datum, r, lies oetween , -4769 \ , ^„,. /, -4769 \ 1 and -6/4.0. e., 1 - —, — Also, if R be the mean range, and rn be the number of rounds from which it was obtained, it is an even chance that we have not erred in our determination of R by a quantity greater than — ^ ARTILLERY PRACTICE 11 that although we may select the most probable hypothesis, yet the odds are strongly in favonr of our erring by a small quantity. It will be borne in mind, that 63 was calculat-ed so as to be a minimum, and hence the true mean error (supposing that our hypothesis is erroneous by a small quantity) will be slightly larger than the hypothetical mean error. Equation (17) would then give us a probable error rather too small, and analysis shows that the proper correction is made by substituting in Equation (8) 771 — 1 for '/;'■/, so that we obtain eo as nearly as possible from the equation e.,2 = ^(:^ (18) m — i and this value of eo must be employed in Equation (17). ^Ve are now in a position to apply these results to practice. We shall select for illustration an actual experiment made by the Committee on Eifled Gannon to try the relative accuracy of two gims — a rifled 18-pr. of 12 cwt. and the service brass 9-pr. The first of these guns gave, as regards range, the foUowing data in yards: — 1023 1018 1005 1020 1005 1005 lOlS 1005 1026 1011 1032 1020 1025 1024 1023 1038 1032 1032 1026 1007 1002 1002 1002 1005 1018 1013 1032 1021 1005 1001 1018 1018 1025 1012 1037 1038 1032 1026 I'M- 1025 giving a mean range of 1019 yards. Hence the errors of the preceding data, assuming the mean range to be the true one, are, when arranged according to magni- tude and without regard t^ sisn — (19) Taking the sum of the squares of these eiTors, we obtain from Equation (18) for the mean error, e. = x'i^ = 11-01 yards: \ 3y • whence from Equation (17) we have the probable error, r = -6715 1, = 7-1 yards .... (20) 19 17 U u 13 7 n .-, 1 1 19 17 u 13 13 7 6 5 1 1 18 15 u 13 12 7 6 4 1 1 17 U u 13 7 6 5 4 1 1 12 ARTILLERY PRACTICE We pursue precisely the same course * with respect to the deflec- tions, save that we must first reduce them all to their value at the mean range. In the case before us the deflections at 1019 yards were, in inches — 32 right 2 left G right 30 right 30 „ 20 right 4 left 42 „ 24 „ 38 33 „ 48 „ 19 „ 39 „ 15 right 16 „ 33 „ 39 15 ,j 20 ,, 33 „ 39 J, 15 }> 24 „ 25 „ 32 „ 8 16 „ 2 left 32 „ 37 33 6 left 2 right 18 „ 28 33 4 33 3 „ 14 33 28 33 17 right Hence the mean point of impact is 20 inches right, and the errors, arranged according to magnitude and without regard to sign, are — (21) 28 22 19 18 13 12 8 5 4 26 22 19 17 13 12 8 5 4 24 22 19 17 12 10 6 5 4 24 20 18 14 12 10 5 4 3 4 0[ 3 oJ * It is to be observed that the method here adopted is somewhat faulty. The following would be the stricter course of procedure : — If d be the probable angle of deflection, since is always very small, the angular deflection of each round is given by the equations rj^-f?j = 0, r^e-cL^O, etc, where r,, r^, etc. are the ranges, and dj, d„, etc. the corresponding deflections. The most probable value of d will then be that for which {r^6 - f?i)'^ + {r^O - d.,)- + , etc. , is a minimum. It is also obvious that the probable area is not, as is here supposed, a rectangle, but is such as is shown in Fig. 3. f/g.3 The error, however, induced by adopting the method followed in the text is of a very small order, while the calculations are thereby very much simplified. ARTILLERY PRACTICE la Equation (8) gives us for the mean error /8425 ^ . . . , Co = a/^39~ = ^^'^ inches and .-. r = -6745 6^ = 9-8 inches . . . (22) We have now obtained the probable error in range and in deflec- tion. The probability of each event is |, and consequently the probability that a shot would fall within both the probable errors is I, that is, the chances are three to one against it. Let us now suppose that we have found an error in range A', within which a little more than yV^hs of the errors (-7071) will probably fall, and an error A" in deflection, within which we may also expect -7071 of the errors to fall. The probability of a shot falling, so that its error in range shall be less than A', and its error in deflection less than A", will be = -7071 X -7071 = -5 = h The rectangle 2A' x 2A" (Fig. 4), then, is a rectangle such F/g 4 Ran0t that there is an even chance of any one shot falling within it, and this area, as before mentioned, I have named the probable rectangle. Now, the definite integral (14) enables us to find A' and A". For that integral has been tabulated according to an argument in which the probable error is assumed to be unity. For the argument A the table gives the value of A -^f .c-'\dt .... (23) that is, it shows how many errors may be expected to be less than a given error, provided the ratio of the given error to the probable error be known. Conversely, the value of (23), or the number of errors which should fall within a certain unknown limit, A being known, the table will give the proportion which A bears to the probable error. 14 ARTILLERY PRACTICE 1-56 dt = -7071 A = 1-56/ (24) (25) In the case before us, we have A and the table shows that, in this case, we have A ;• Hence, from Equations (20) and (22) in the case we are discussing, we have A' = 11-54 yards and A" = 15*29 inches, and the probable rectangle laid down as shown in Fig. 4, is 231 yards long by 30-6 inches broad. The field gun which was fired for comparison with the rifled gun, practice from which has been just discussed, gave the following ranges : — 1038 825 1096 1078 977 1021 1014 849 1034 1001 1038 950 1033 1007 1030 910 875 953 942 1013 1053 1006 902 900 1090 1138 975 975 960 940 1008 1080 965 925 1061 932 994 979 910 912 Giving a mean range of 984-75 yards or 985 yards. Hence, the errors arranged as before, according to magnitude, and without regard to sign, are — 160 110 85 75 53 43 36 28 21 10^ 153 105 83 73 49 43 35 25 20 9' 136 95 76 68 48 43 32 23 16 81 111 93 75 60 45 41 29 22 10 6; and taking the sum of the squares of these errors, we have, from Equation (18), /190372 .^„ , ^. = ^-39- = 69-9 yards . whence r = -674562 = 47*2 yards Again, the deflections in feet, at the mean range, wer( (26) (27) (28) 24 right 42 right 6 12 „ 3 6 22 12 „ 9 24 „ 12 „ 9 12 „ 6 „ 9 33 „ 9 jj 9 18 „ 9 » 3 21 „ 24 )> 3 9 „ 6 18 18 „ 6 !3 12 right left 18 left „ „ „ „ „ ., „ „ „ ARTILLERY PRACTICE 15 (29) hence the errors are- as 20 17 11 7 7 7 5 2 1 26 19 16 11 7 7 5 4 2 1 25 17 16 10 7 7 5 2 2 1 25 17 14 10 7 7 5 2 1 1 and summing the squares of these errors, ' we have c-i /6711 V 39 = 13-1 feet r = -6745 e. = 8-8 feet . . • (30) and multiplying the values of r, given in Equations (28) and (30), by 312, we obtain for the probable rectangle in this case a space of 147'2 yards in length by 9"1 yards in breadth. Figs. 5 and 6 (see Plate I., p. 22) show the comparative areas of the probable rectangles of these guns at the given ranges. For the sake of clearness, the various steps to be taken in order to ascertain the probable rectangle by the foregoing method are here recapitulated. First, as regards range — Find the mean range, and assuming it to be the true range, find the errors of each round. Square these errors, and calculate the mean error from the formula '-Vl^^ (-) where 2)(A-) = sum of the squares of the errors and m = number of rounds fired. Calculate the probable error from the formula r = -6745 €, (32) Second, as regards deflection — Eeduce all the deflections to their value at the mean range. Find the mean point of impact, and thence the error in deflection of each round. Square the errors, and the mean error will be given by Equation (31), the probable error by Equation (32). Lastly, multiply the probable error both in range and deflection by 312. We shall then have the dimensions of the probable rectangle.* * It is probable that we do not err in our determination of the probable rectangular area by a quantity greater than \^a~^^ + a"-^'^ where a, ^ are the sides of the probable rectangle, and •477 . a ^, -477 . B m being the number of rounds fired. 16 ARTILLERY PRACTICE The foregoing method of determining the probable error from the sum of the squares of the errors, gives us that probable error with greater certainty than can be attained by any other method. The operation of squaring the errors, however, is laborious, especially if the number of observations be large ; and the method is in truth too great a refinement for ordinary artillery practice. We proceed to indicate a method by which the value of r may be obtained from a knowledge of the errors merely, and which, from its simplicity, and from its indicating the probable error with quite sufficient exactness, is well adapted for general application to artillery practice. Symbolising by e^ the arithmetical mean of all the errors, we must have in this case * e, =1^4 (33) '- m— i where 2A= sum of the errors, without regard to sign; r is determined by the equation r = -8453 €, .... (34) We have mentioned that when r is determined from eo, it is an even chance that r lies between .6745<,(l ± II??) .... (35) In this case, it is an even chance that the value of r lies between .8453., (l±-^^) .... (36) V J,n! ^ ^^ and the numerical part of the limiting values shows that we obtain r within the narrowest limits when we determine it from e,. Let us now apply this method for the purpose of comparison to the cases we have already examined. In the first of these cases we find from (19) that, with reference to range, ;(A) = 366 366 ^1 - ^ gg 9-38 yards and r = 7-9 yards . . . • (37) See Encke, on the Method of Least Squares. ARTILLERY PRACTICE 17 Again, with reference to deflection, from (21) 2(A) = 487 487 ,OA- u €j = -^ = 12-4 inches and r =-845 e^ = 10-4 inches - . (38) and these results, it will be perceived, differ but slightly from those obtained in (20) and (22). In the second case, from (26) we have 2(A) = 2253 2253 ej = -^ = 57-7 yards ; r = 48-6 yards .... (39) Also, from (29) we have — = 10 feet and ?■ = 8-4 feet (40) Eesults again differing by small quantities only from those obtained in (28) and (30). Hence, to obtain the probable rectangle by this method, find the mean range, and thence the error of each round ; calculate the mean error from the equation , ^ ^ (41) ^ 7)1-1 where S(A) = sum of the errors without regard to sign, and m = number of rounds fired. Calculate the probable error from the equation r = -8453 e^ (42) Find the mean point of impact, and thence the error in deflection of each round. Compute the mean and probable errors from Equations (41) and (42). Finally, multiply the probable error, both in range and deflection, by 312, to give the lengths of the sides of the probable rectangle. We shall now apply this method to solve a question which has lately been the subject of extended practice under the direction of Captain Haultain, viz., to find the advantage, if any, in point of accuracy, gained by using with the service 9-pr. a charge of 3 lbs. instead of that at present in use, viz., 2h lbs. B 18 ARTILLERY PRACTICE The2| lbs. charge gave the following ranges wi th 2° e [evatic 798 844 876 893 907 921 943 963 1016 1050 798 845 880 897 908 927 944 964 1017 1050 811 850 880 897 912 930 947 967 1018 1066 818 850 881 898 913 930 947 973 1022 1082 819 850 883 899 915 931 950 974 1024 1082 821 853 884 900 916 931 950 976 1029 1089 822 857 885 901 916 932 950 983 1030 1123 825 867 885 904 916 932 952 1002 1042 1132 837 868 889 905 920 934 954 1010 1049 1139 842 869 891 905 920 935 962 1015 1050 1177 giving a mean range of 936 yards. Four of these rounds we shall discard for the following reason: — In a considerable number of observations, such as is here discussed, we have a right to expect that the greatest errors in excess shall not differ very greatly from the greatest errors in defect. In this case, however, the maximum positive error exceeds the maximum negative by more than a 100 yards, a very improbable result; and as every officer who has had charge of a range party knows how liable, even with the greatest care, is the second graze to be mistaken for the first, we think we may here safely take the liberty of expunging the four rounds which give positive errors so much exceeding the maximum of negative errors. This liberty should, however, be most sparingly exercised, and never without adequate cause. We have now as a mean range 927 yards, and the following system of errors, arranged as before, according to magnitude and without regard to sign : — 162 116 95 77 47 37 26 19 7 156 115 91 77 47 36 25 17 7 155 107 90 75 47 36 23 16 6 139 108 90 74 46 35 23 15 5 129 106 89 70 46 34 23 14 5 129 105 88 60 44 30 23 12 4 123 103 85 59 43 30 22 11 4 123 102 83 58 42 29 22 11 3 123 102 83 56 42 28 20 11 3 122 97 82 51 40 27 20 8 77 49 38 5240 27 55-1 20 yards 7 (43) and r = -8453 cj = 46-5 yards . (44) ARTILLERY PRACTICE 19 The deflections corresponding to the above ranges were, in feet- 11 left 20 „ • 5 „ ^ 5 ,, Si :; 2-5 right 9 le 9 , , 12 , 1 , 27 , 26 , 3 , 8 , 8 , 1 , 23 , ft 19 left 40 „ 14 „ 1 right 2 „ 2 „ 8 „ 12 right 26 „ 31 „ 7 „ 16 „ 20 „ 8 „ 23 „ 47 „ 3 „ 56 „ 13 „ 17 right 14 rig 7 „ 20 , 63 „ 17 , ht 14 right 39 „ 5 „ 22 „ 17 „ 37 „ 6 „ 8 „ 35 ,, 8 „ 20 „ 10 left 1 left 9 „ 6 „ 6 „ 30 right 63 ,' 13 ,, 16 , .15 „ 23 , |19 " 27 , ::28 „ 47 , ^38 „ 17 , 15 „ 15 , 16 M 37 , 32 „ 2 left 29 „ d23 „ ^15 „ £ 14 „ S17 „ 4 right 6 „ 7-5 „ 19 left § 4 „ ^ 7 right ^ 20 „ "57 „ . 2 left ^ 31 „ 5 54 „ *- 22 ,, and these deflections (the effects of wind being eliminated by calcu- lating the errors for each day separately) give the system of errors — 44 42-5 41-5 39-5 36-5 35-5 29 28 28 27-5 26-5 25 25 24-5 20-5 20 20 19 18-5 18 18 18 17-5 17 17 16 15-5 15 14-5 14-5 145 14 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13 13 12-5 12-5 12 12 12 11-5 11-5 11 11 11 10-5 10-5 10-5 9-5 9-5 9-5 9 9 8-5 8 7-5 6-5 6 6 5-5 5 5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4 4 4 4 4 3-5 3-5 3-5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2-5^ 2 2 2 1-5 I 1 I 0-5 0-5 ! 0-5 I 0-0 j (45) and from these errors, and 1186-5 95 •8453 e. = 12-5 feet = 10-5 feet . . . (46) and the probable rectangle is 145*1 yards in length by 10-9 yards in breadth. rhe 3 lbs. charge from the same guns gave the following ranges 816 897 927 947 967 990 1002 1018 1033 820 900 927 950 968 991 1003 1019 1043 826 904 928 950 972 991 1003 1021 1072 839 908 933 951 975 991 1006 1022 1073 863 908 933 951 978 991 1007 1022 1076 868 910 933 952 979 992 1009 1025 1077 873 910 935 955 979 994 1010 1026 1080 877 911 936 960 980 999 1011 1026 1082 882 915 938 960 981 1001 1012 1029 1109 883 919 943 964 987 1001 1012 1030 1112 895 926 947 964 990 1002 1016 1032 1130 20 ARTILLERY PRACTICE One round was discarded from this series for the reason men- tioned in the discussion of the preceding case. The remaining rounds gave a mean of 972 yards, and the following system of errors : — 158 156 104 104 45 45 152 101 64 54 44 36 27 19 8 146 100 64 53 44 35 25 19 8 140 99 62 53 40 34 25 19 7 137 95 62 50 40 34 22 18 7 133 90 61 50 39 31 22 18 6 110 89 61 49 39 31 22 17 5 109 77 60 47 39 30 21 15 4 108 75 58 46 39 30 21 12 3 105 72 57 46 38 29 20 12 Hence 5041 'i 98 51-4 yards and 8453 e^ = 43-5 yards . (47) (48) The errors in deflection, the wind being eliminated as in the former example, were, in fact — (49) 34 21 15-5 13 10 7 5 3-5 30 21 13 10 6-5 5 3 27 20 12 9 6 5 3 24 19 12 9 6 5 3 24 19 12 9 6 5 3 23 19 11-5 9 6 5 2 •5 23 19 11 8 6 4 2 •5 22 18 11 8 6 4 2 •5 22 17 11 7 6 4 2 21 16 13 11 7 6 4 1 21 16 13 11 7 5 4 1 anc ( 1008-8 1 98 10-3 feet; whence r = -8453 €^ = 8-7 feet . (50) and hence the probable rectangle is 135-7 yards in length by 9 in breadth. These comparative areas are exhibited in Figs. 7 and 8 * (Plate I., * It will be seen by comparing Equations (4) and (40) that the probable deflec- tion deduced from the 2i lbs. charge in Captain Haultain's practice is somewhat larger than that obtained by the Committee on Rifled Cannon, with a similar charge and at a similar range. This is doubtless attributable to Captain Haultain's practice having been chiefly carried on during a wind variable and across the range. ARTILLERY PRACTICE 21 p. 22), and it follows that the 3 lbs. charge gives results slightly but decidedly more accurate than those of the 2| lbs. charge.* This advantage in point of accuracy does not, however, appear to increase in a marked manner at higher angles. We have partially discussed the practice made with the 2h lbs. and 3 lbs. charges at 4° of elevation. To avoid a tedious repetition of numerical examples, we merely give diagrams of the probable rectangles, with their dimensions, in Figs. 9 and 10 f (Plate I., p. 22), drawing attention to the singular decrease in accuracy caused by an increase in the range of about 400 yards, the probable deflection being in fact more than doubled, while the range is not increased by 50 per cent. ; and it would follow that a limit is soon reached beyond which it is mere waste of ammunition to fire at an object even of considerable size. There is yet another way of attaining, when the observations are numerous, to an approximate knowledge of the probable error. We have defined the probable error to be that error than which there are as many errors less as there are errors greater ; hence, if the number of observations be odd, the centre error (supposing the errors to be arranged according to magnitude), and if the number be even, the mean of the two centre errors, ought to give an approximation to the probable error. The probable errors deduced in this way from (43), (45), (47), and (49), are 44 yards, 11 feet, 40 yards, and 9 feet— results not differing very greatly from those given in (44), (46), (48), and (50). It now only remains to say a few words relative to the employ- ment of the methods pointed out. We have remarked on the rapid increase of error in the 9-pr. field gun, but we may put the more general question, " What is the relative accuracy of the various guns and projectiles now in the ser- vice, and what are the limits of their effective ranges ? " A series of experiments for the purpose would easily enable us to answer this question, and it is clear that an accurate knowledge of the powers of the guns would not only help to a right decision with regard to the * It may be mentioned as a point of interest, that Captain Haultain's practice above discussed was carried on on five different days. The probable rectangle was calculated separately from the result of each day's practice as well as from the combination of all the days. The differences between these probable rectangles were very trifling, thus showing in a remarkable manner how regular in its irregu- larities was the practice obtained from these 9-pr. guns. t It is to be observed in comparing the relative errors of the 2^ lbs. and 3 lbs. charges, that the errors of the 3 lbs. charge belong to a range somewhat greater than that of the 2^ lbs. charge. 22 ARTILLERY PRACTICE most suitable * for any particular service, but might be a valuable guide in reducing our list of ordnance. We should also, from a series of suitable experiments, be enabled, as has been suggested by Captain Lyons, to determine approximately the errors which are due to some specific causes, such as eccentricity of shot, etc., and also determine the increase of accuracy due to a decreased windage. There is perhaps no branch of mathematics from which more information of importance to practical artillerymen can be gained than from the Theory of Probabilities. In the preceding pages, an attempt has been made to develop one of its applications, and although it has been impossible to enter fully into the subject within the limits of such a paper as the present, we yet trust that the utihty of applying its methods to the examination of artillery practice has been sufficiently exhibited. * To take an instance which has been the subject of considerable discussion, we would be enabled at once to assign the advantages in point of accuracy possessed by the 9-pr. over the 6-pr. at various ranges. PLATE. I. FIG. 5 ^ Pro6ab/e rectao^k^ Rif/ec/ /8 P^ Mean fiance /0/8yan;k. 23-/yan*s ^ FIG 6 Prv6o6/erecian^/e, Service Bnrss 9 P^, (y?aye Z'-^zl^. Afeon /(!7r?pe985yarv(s. I ^! FIG 7 Pro6<76/e rechr^/e, SerWce Bmss 9P^, Ci?arye 2 ^z IM, Afeoo /^an^e 927yanak. 145-1 yare/s FIG. 8. PrvSoS/e iTc^n^k Sery/ce Brass 9P^, C/nryeS L6s, kf&in Pan^ 972y€/rv6 /3S-7yan7ls, I 1 1 FIG. 9 Pro6a6/e rvchrjpk, Brass 9P'?, C/?ar^ Z'^z /.6s. Mean P(rr^ /332yarc/s. 20ej47rck FIG. 10. Prvdcf6/e rec^anp/e, Brass SP^, SlhCharye. Afea/^P?ar^ /409 yarak . r34-7yarak. [To face p. 22. 11. EEPOET ON EXPEEIMENTS WITH NAYEZ'S ELECTEO-BALLISTIC APPAEATUS. {Boyal Artillery Institution Papers, 1863.) 1. In forwarding to the Ordnance Select Committee the results of the experiments in initial velocity, which I have had the honour of carrying on under their direction, I have to make the following remarks : — 2. The instrument employed in these investigations was the electro-ballistic apparatus of Major Navez,* and it may not be out of place here to recapitulate the leading points of its construction. The apparatus itself is merely an arrangement for measuring, with extreme accuracy, a certain very small interval of time. Two screens, the nearer one a short space from the muzzle of the gun, are placed at an accurately measured distance apart, and it is the object of the instrument to ascertain the time which the projectile takes to pass over this measured space. 3. The apparatus consists of three parts, the pendulum, etc., the conjunctor, and the disjunctor. The principal part is the pendulum and graduated arc. The pendulum, before an observation, is held suspended by an electro-magnet, the current magnetising which, passes through the first screen. To the pendulum is attached, by means of the pressure of a spring, an arm with a vernier. The pressure of this spring is so regulated that the arm vibrates freely with the pendulum, but at the same time it offers but little resistance to the action of a powerful horse-shoe electro-magnet, which, when the circuit magnetising it is complete, clamps the vernier arm with great firmness. 4. The current which passes through the second screen holds, by * Belgian Artillery. 24 REPORT ON EXPERIMENTS WITH NAVEZ'S means of an electro-magnet, a weight suspended over a spring, a point from which is kept just over a cup of mercury. When this weight is permitted to fall, it presses the point into the cup of mercury, and completes the circuit, magnetising the horse-shoe magnet, which clamps the vernier needle. This part of the apparatus is termed the conjunctor. The action of the instrument is very simple, and readily understood. When the projectile cuts the wires in the first screen, the magnet which holds the bob of the pendulum in its initial position is demagnetised, and the pendulum commences an oscillation. When the wires in the second screen are cut, the weight of the conjunctor drops, completes the circuit, clamping the vernier, and the arc through which the pendulum has moved is a datum from which may be computed the corresponding time. 5. An important part of the apparatus (the disjunctor) remains yet to be mentioned. It will be obvious that the arc, which we have just supposed to be measured, corresponds to the time which the pro- jectile takes to pass over the distance between the screens, plus the time which the weight of the conjunctor takes to fall from its initial position to the cup of mercury. Now, to obtain the former, the latter of these times has to be subtracted from the reading of the instrument, and the disjunctor enables us to do this by permitting us to break both currents (those through the first and second screens) simultaneously. The mode of procedure is then as follows : — The instrument being arranged, the two currents are simultaneously broken by means of the disjunctor, and the reading of the needle is recorded. The instrument is again adjusted, the projectile fired (the velocity of which it is desired to determine), and the reading of the needle again noted ; the former arc is subtracted from the latter, and the corresponding time computed. It will be observed that, by the use of the conjunctor, any constant source of error (such, for example, as the error due to the time required to clamp the vernier needle) is eliminated, as the same error will occur both in the disjunctor and the projectile reading, and by subtraction will disappear. The disjunctor also enables us to ascertain the degree of regularity with which the instrument is working, as the accidental variations of the reading corresponding to the time are, of course, the same as the variations which would occur in the reading corresponding to any other time. Major Navez lays down, as a rule, that observations should not be proceeded with when in a series of ten or twelve disjunctor readings there is between two successive readings a difference greater than 0°-25. ELECTRO-BALLISTIC APPARATUS 25 6. It is of some importance to be enabled to put an exact estimate on the degree of reliance to be placed on the results of Major Navez's beautiful instrument ; and, to do this, let us observe that the arc from which the required time is computed is the difference between two arcs, in our estimation of each of which we are liable to a small error. We have in fact the value of one arc ^ given by the equation ^ = cl>-^' (1) where (p and (p' are each subject to probable errors (let us suppose) r and ?-'; the probable error of $ is then Jr^ + r"^. If, after the satisfactory working of the instrument has been ascertained and the probable error determined, we take a single reading with the disjunctor, and then with the projectile, r and r are equal, and the probable error of the observation is r J 2. We have it, however, in our power, if it be thought necessary, to reduce even this error, for if the disjunctor reading be taken, the mean of, say five observations, r IW we have h' — —j^, and the probable error of $ is r^J -=, which differs but slightly from r. An example will show how very trifling this error generally is. With an Armstrong 12-pr. shell, whose velocity is determined to be 1181 feet per second, the value of r is found to be 0°"06, and the disjunctor reading being the mean of five observa- tions, the probable error of «l> is 0°-07. Hence the disjunctor reading being 42''"85, and the projectile reading 107°"40, it follows that it is probable that in our determination of 1181 '2 feet as the velocity at a point midway between the screens, we do not make an error exceeding 1*4 feet ; that is to say, it is an even chance that the true velocity of the single observation lies between 1179-8 feet and 11826 feet. As the round from which the above example is selected is one of a series of ten, the probable error in our determination of the mean velocity between the screens will be less than one-third of that just given, or the mean velocity may be assumed, as far as instrumental errors are concerned, to be practically correct. 7. The experience which I have had with Major Navez's instru- ments enables me to say, that if ordinary care be taken in their use, and the instructions carefully followed, the instruments are so nearly perfect as to leave little to be desired, while the ease with which they can be manipulated and the innumerable important problems which can be readily solved by their means, render them an invaluable, an almost indispensable, adjunct to every school of instruction. 26 REPORT ON EXPERIMENTS WITH NAVEZ'S 8. Two instruments, Nos. 24 and 32, were used in these experi- ments. The times of vibrations of the penduhims were carefully determined by means of a stop-watch, and the rate of the watch was ascertained by comparison with an astronomical clock. The observa- tions made for this purpose are given in Appendices * Nos. I. and II., and from them it appears that the time of a small oscillation in instrument No. 24 is 0-3320 seconds, while in No. 32 it is 0-3337 seconds. 9. In Appendices* III. and IV. are given corrected tables, showing the relations between the arcs passed through and the corresponding durations for T = 0-3320 seconds, and for T = 0-3337 seconds. 10. The experiments referred to in this report have regard chiefly to initial velocity alone ; and for the small distance concerned, the law of resistance adopted may be thought of small practical im- portance, especially as before the experiments now carried on are con- cluded, the Committee wiU doubtless be in a position to say whether this law is better expressed by a function of the form v^-\-av^, as proposed by General Piobert, or by one of the form v^ + (iv^, as proposed by the Count de St Eobert and Colonel Mayevski. In the present instance, both the law of resistance and the values of the coefficients given by General Didion in his invaluable work have been followed, although it may, perhaps, be inferred from a passage in the recent edition of the TraiU de Balistiqiie, that late experi- ments with the electro-ballistic apparatus do not give results in quite so close an accordance with theory as might have been expected. 11. In the first edition of General Didion's work, published in 1848, a term was introduced into the expression of the resistance of the air dependent upon the diameter of the projectile, and this form of the expression has been generally used upon the Continent ; but a recalculation of the data upon which this result was founded has led General Didion to conclude that the coefficient is independent of the calibre, and that the resistance is represented with sufficient accuracy by the equation ,= .037.RV.^{,+^-|g} . . . (2) where E = radius, ■?; = velocity, o = density of the air at time of * These Appendices, having reference only to the use of the instruments now superseded, are omitted. ELECTRO-BALLISTIC APPARATUS 27 observation, and Si = standard density of air ; the metre and the kilogramme are taken as units. In this formula the density of the air is denoted by referring its weight to a standard of comparison, which is assumed as the weight of a cubic metre of air at a temperature of 15° Cent., semi-saturated with vapour, and under a barometric pressure of 760 mm. Now, if in Equation (2) the English foot and pound be taken as units, the value of the numerical coefficients will be altered, and the equation becomes •0005 ISTttRV. All + 8, r 1426-4. In the ordinary determinations of initial velocity it is hardly necessary to take the variations of the density of the air into account, and it only remains so to alter the coefficient -0005137 that the error arising from neglecting this variation may be as small as possible. 12. According toKegnault, the weight of a cubic foot of dry air at a temperature of 32° Fahr., and under a barometric pressure of 30 inches, is = 566'56 grains; and according to the same author, the coefficient of the expansion of the air for an increase in tempera- ture of 1° Fahr. is = -002036. Hence if S be the weight in grains of a cubic foot of dry air at any temperature t, and pressure 11, n 566-56 30 1 + -002036 (r - 32°) but (see Miller's Hydrostatics, p. 28) — Weight of moist air at any teinperature and pressure _ ^ o.q>-q ^ Weight of di-y air at same temperature and pressure 11 where T = tension of the aqueous vapour. Hence the density of the air under any circumstances will be found from the following equation : — 1 - 0-378 i^ 566-56 ^l . . . (3) 30 1 + -002036 (r- 32°) And if we assume as the English standard of comparison the weight of a cubic foot of air at a temperature of 60°, under a barometric n( 28 REPORT ON EXPERIMENTS WITH NAVEZ'S pressure of 30 inches, and if we further assume the humidity = 0'5, from (3) we find (5 = 534-3 grains, and Equation (2) becomes P = •00052137rR-V-Yl + -- ^-i— . . (4) ^ V 1426-4; 534-3 ^ ^ and under ordinary circumstances the fraction ,„ . ^ may be taken as equal to unity. 13. The above formula (4) applies to spherical projectiles ; in the case of the Armstrong projectiles, the resistance of the air is repre- sented by „.-000M76.RV^l + j^Jj^ . . (5) The velocity v at a point midway between the screens having been determined by observation, the initial velocity v is deduced from it by the equation 1 + (l + ^).- .... (6) where ?-= 1426-4, a; = distance, on the axis of the gun produced, of w the point corresponding to v, c = -^ — , w being the weight of the projectile in lbs., g the acceleration of gravity, and n, in the case of sj)herical projectiles, =-0005213xR^; in the case of Armstrong projectiles, = •00034757rR2. 14. Discussion of the results. The experiments made relate solely to the determination of the initial velocity of service pro- jectiles fired from service guns with service charges. The detailed results of the practice furnished in extenso give every particular with regard to it, and the table on next page gives an abstract of the general results. It will be observed that the values of the "Measure of pre- cision " for each of the series of which the result is here given, is placed in the above table in a separate column. The value of this constant denotes the comparative regularity of the initial velocity. As might perhaps be expected, from the absence of windage, the 12-pr. Armstrong has shown the greatest regularity, and I have therefore assumed the measure of precision for this gun as unity. An inspection of the values of the " Measure of precision " will show how great is the amount of irregularity which exists in the ELECTRO-BALLISTIC APPARATUS 29 F. T. 1022-2 717-2 1145-3 1169-5 1108-7 712-2 706-1 741-6 810-1 621-3 570-1 455-9 482-3 350-5 274-9 168-9 95-2 82-1 182-0 3-1 0-85 37-2 113-6 •X^IOOpA F. S. 1292-3 940-6 1579-0 1809-9 1790-7 1308-5 1487-9 1464-4 1506-4 1690-0 1618-7 1447-5 1720-5 1690-6 1769-8 1613-7 1484-5 1163-4 1252-7 1167-6 1272-8 946-4 1190-2 •noisioajd JO 9inSB8K O »0 COJr^ CO r-l ^ CO ^ >0 O Tt< CO CO ^ CD CO O OO o Cr>t^OM-*HC00 1'-0(M'*0(M'*000'-lt^CD • • -o ■jji .^ j>. eq oti >^ ip ip CO -^

o0i— ii— 11— i(Nooooo ooco loo %% § 1 2 10-in. gun (87 cwt. ) 68-pr."(95 cwt!) 8-in. gun (65 cwt.) 32-pr. (58 cwt.) 24-pr. (50 cwt.) 18-pr. (38 cwt.) 12-pr. (18 cwt.) 9-pr. (13 cwt.) . 6-pr. (6 cwt.) . 12-pr. howitzer (61 c 24-pr. howitzer (12 c Wall piece Enfield rifle . 6-pr. Armstrong * 12-pr. Armstrong 30 REPORT ON EXPERIMENTS WITH NAVEZ'S initial velocities of some of the projectiles fired from smooth-bored guns. To illustrate the application of these constants, we may compare their value for the 12-pr. howitzer and the 12-pr. Armstrong, the velocities of the projectiles fired from these guns being nearly the same, but by the table it appears that the measure of precision in the former case is only about one-fourth of that in the latter case, or in other words, the mean error in initial velocity alone is nearly four times as great. The great irregularity in the initial velocity of the Martin shells is also very conspicuous. 15. The relation between initial velocity, weight of charge, weight of projectile, and length of bore is given (see Didion, TraiU de Balistique,) by the following equation : — V = y\^ '- log- A — — — . . (7) when V = initial velocity, /m = weight of charge, m = weight of shot, bottom, etc., M = quantity of powder required to fill the bore, = calibre of gun, C' = diameter of shot, y and X are constants whose values have to be detemiined by experiment. The second term of the right-hand member of Equation (7) represents the decrement in initial velocity due to windage, and the value of the coefficient X should be derived from a series of experiments expressly instituted for the purpose. Strictly speaking, this value depends upon a great variety of conditions, but chiefly upon the strength and physical properties of the powder, and upon the length of the bore of the gun. Under normal circumstances, however, the mean value of X may, with but a very trifling error, be assumed ; and General Didion, in his work above referred to, gives X = 2300 as the result of the French investigations with the service gunpowder, but an analysis of the above experiments points to a considerably higher value. Indeed, from instances in these experiments, where the variation in windage was sufficiently great, 3158 has been obtained as the mean value of X, and as this number very nearly agrees with that stated by Colonel Boxer to result from the mean of Major Mordecai's extensive experiments on windage, I have taken as correct the value of X, viz. 3200, given by that officer. Assuming X as above given, y is easily computed from the data furnished by experiments, y varies chiefly with the nature and con- dition of the powder employed, and the annexed table given the values ELECTRO-BALLISTIC APPARATUS 31 which have been obtained for the several guns experimented with, and the nature of the powder used in each case. Table 2. — Values of y for the undermentioned smooth-bored guns, deduced from the experiments recorded in Table 1. Nature of gun. Nature of powder. Value of y. 10-in. gun L. G., W. A. 3284 68-pr. (95cwt.). L. G.',' HaU & Sons 3491 3536 8-in. gun (65 cwt.) 3307 32-pr. (58 cwt). L. G.,W. A. 3428 24-pr. (50 cwt.). „ 3390 18-pr. (38 cwt.). ., 3454 12-pr. (18 cwt.). L. G. 3561 9-pr. (13 cwt.) . ,, 3422 6-pr. (6 cwt.) . ,, 3321 12-pr. howitzer . ,, 3291 24-pr. howitzer. " 3275 The experiments under the discussion show that the equation J, = yy — ^ log.— ^ fX 3 3200 C2 - C'2 C2 (8) gives the velocity due to a variation in the weight either in the charge or projectile with great exactness, the proper value of y being used in each series, and this equation has therefore been used to calculate the initial velocities of the various projectiles thrown from smooth- bored guns. These velocities may be depended upon as correct (supposing the same powder to be used) within very narrow limits, and the computed velocities are in this case perhaps preferable to direct determinations, as, unless the whole series for each gun were carried on at the same time, and with powder of exactly the same nature and date of manu- facture, discrepancies from variations in the strength of the powder would be sure to arise. [Table 32 REPORT ON EXPERIMENTS WITH NAVEZ'S Table 3. — Showing the initial velocities of the various service projectiles fired from the undermentioned guns. The velocities marked * are observed; the re- mainder are calculated from the data furnished by the observed velocities. £ 1 Projectile. i •"^ "3 >. '■2 u Nature of Ordnance. ~ § "c ■S § '5 S 6 6 Nature. Weight. '^ -1 n Lbs. Lbs. " F. S. F. T. 10-gun (87 cwt.) 10 12 Hoi. shot 88-475 -142 1270-4* 990-0 10 8 Mar. shell 117-14 -1425 930-1* 702-8 '/, 10 12 Com. shell 92-625 -15 1257-5 1015-1 10 12 Case 77-625 -18 1353^7 986-3 \\ 10 12 Grape 83-375 -18 1308^1 989-3 68-pr. (95 cwt.) '. 8-12 16 Shot 66-224 -168 1579-0* 1144-9 8-12 16 Nav. shell 51-5 •17 1809-9* 1169-8 8-12 16 Com. shell 49-875 -226 1790^7* 1109-0 8-12 10 Mar. sheU 60-0 -235 1308-5* 712-3 ',! \\ 8-12 16 Diaph. shell Case 60-75 -195 1627-9 1116^3 8-12 16 45-687 -265 1818-1 1047-2 1! " • 8-12 16 Grape 66-5 -3 1475-3 1003-6 8-gun (65 cwt.) 8-05 10 Hoi. shot 46-007 •21 1487-9* 706-3 8-05 10 Com. shell 49-875 •194 1464-4* 741-6 • 8-05 10 Mar. shell 51-5 •13 1506-4* 810-4 ',1 \\ 8-05 10 Diaph. shell 60-75 •125 1356-9 775-6 8-05 10 Case 45-687 •195 1712-7 929-3 '• 8-05 10 Grape 66-5 •23 1214-4 680-0 32-pr. (58 cwt.) 6-375 10 Shot 31-375 •196 1690-0* 621-4 6-375 8 ,, 31-389 •194 1618-7* 570-3 6-375 6 ^^ 31-349 •195 1447-5* 455-5 11 11 '• 6-375 10 Com. shell 24-312 •198 1912-6 616-7 6-375 10 Diaph. shell 28-75 •198 1762-4 619-2 6-375 10 Case 36-094 •228 1543-8 596-5 11 11 6-375 10 Grape 36-25 •228 1510-3 596-4 24-pr. (50 cwt.) 5-823 8 Shot 23-047 •208 1720-5* 482-2 5-823 8 Com. shell 17-5 •228 1948-2 460-4 " r. 5-823 8 Diaph. shell 20-875 •228 1786-0 461-7 5-823 8 Case 25-594 -2435 1594^7 451-3 !! 11 '• 5-823 8 Grape 26-0 -253 1571-6 445-3 18-pr. (38 cwt.) 5-292 6 Shot 17-656 -205 1690-6* 349-9 5-292 6 Com. shell 13-125 -193 1971-6 353-8 5-292 6 Diaph. shell 15-875 -193 1797-3 355-6 5-292 6 Case 19-562 -218 1588-5 342-3 5-292 6 Grape 19-5 -218 1591-2 342-3 12-pr. (18 cwt.) 4-623 4 Shot 12-656 -803 1769-8* 274-9 4-623 4 Com. shell 9-0 •169 1987-4 246-5 r, " 4-623 4 Diaph. shell 10-375 •169 1854-7 247-5 M 11 '• 4-623 4 Case 16-625 •159 1469-8 249-0 9-pr. (13 cwt.) 4-2 2-5 Shot 9-359 •1 1613-7* 169-0 4-2 2-5 Diaph. shell 8-062 •12 1707-3 162-9 4-2 2-5 Case 13-0 •1315 1318-8 156-8 6-pr. (6 cwt.) 3-668 1-5 Shot 6-23 -1 1484-5* 95-2 3-668 1-5 Diapli. shell 5-125 •118 1608-8 92-0 3-668 1-5 Case 8-5 •1275 1215-8 87-1 12'pr- howr. (6icwt.) 4-58 1-25 Com. shell 9-0 •126 1144-6* 81-7 4-58 1-25 Diaph. shell 10-465 •126 1058-1 81-2 4-58 1-25 Case 8-118 •148 1185-5 79-1 24-pr.'howr. (12 cwt.) 5-72 2-5 Com. shell 17-5 •125 1222-9* 181-4 5-72 2-5 Diaph. shell 20-875 •125 1113-0 179-2 " 5-72 2-5 Case 14-014 -15 1369-9 182-4 The mean weights and windages of the various projectiles have been taken. o UJ —) o Q. e? ui o cc ^5 to o «r 3: '^^ ^ CO ^ Si- ^§ ^ r^ :5 ^ ^ (O <^ *^ UJ UJ ^ C 1- 1- -^ ( ) ■to <, 1 U.I cvj . U^ i o _ li o r S5 £| 2 5 t s ■■^s ^S g ^ s c-3 t9 ~ Lb. oz. Lbs oz. F.S. F.T. Lb oz. Lbs. oz. F.S. F.T. Lb. oz. Lbs. oz. F.S. F.T. 1 8 9 1380 118-8 8 22 900 123-5 1 8 35 730 129-3 1 8 10 1321 121-0 8 23 881 123-8 1 8 36 720 129-4 1 8 11 1266 122-2 8 24 864 124-2 1 8 37 710 129-3 1 8 12 1213 122-4 8 25 850 125-2 1 8 38 700 129-2 1 8 13 1174 124-2 8 26 835 125-7 1 8 39 691 129-1 1 8 14 1134 124-8 8 27 827 128-0 1 8 40 682 128-0 1 8 15 1095 124-7 8 28 810 127-4 1 8 41 673 128-7 1 8 16 1060 124-6 8 29 797 127-7 1 8 42 664 128-4 1 8 17 1027 124-3 8 30 785 128-2 1 8 43 655 127-9 1 8 18 997 124-0 8 31 773 128-4 1 8 44 646 127-3 1 8 19 970 123-9 8 32 762 128-8 1 8 45 638 127-0 1 8 20 945 123-8 8 33 751 129-0 1 8 46 630 126-6 1 8 21 923 124-0 8 34 740 129-1 1 8 47 622 126-1 Variation in initial velocity between high and low gauge ^projectiles (Armst7'ong). 24. The experiments in Table 8 were made with a view to ascer- tain whether there is any difference in velocity between projectiles of the highest and lowest gauges admitted into the service. The results are here given, and it will be seen that there exists between the velocities no appreciable difference. Table 8. — Abstract of the results of the experiments made to ascertain the difference in initial velocity hetv^een high and low gauge projectiles. Armstrong 12-pr. No. of rounds. Charge. Projectile. Velocity at 30 yards. Initial velocity Kemarks. Initial energj-. Weight. Diam. No. 224 5 6 11 8 Lb. oz. 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 Lbs. oz. 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 3-080 3-085 3-080 3-085 F.S. 1184-1 1177-2 1184-1 1187-8 F.S. 1193-4 1186-5 1193-4 1197-1 j Bore washed i \ Lubricating / j wads used \ F.T. 114-1 112-9 114-1 114-8 25. In the series of which an abstract, Table 9, follows, are given the comparative initial velocities of the old (A) and new (Q) pattern 12-pr. shells, both with and without lubricating wads. It will be seen that while the old pattern shell has, although scarcely appreciable, a slightly higher initial . velocity, due to the greater diameter at the back end, the introductiDU of the lubricating wads adds to the velocity about 15 feet. ELECTRO-BALLISTIC APPARATUS 37 The effect of the greater diameter at the back end will be again referred to; but it is interesting to observe that while the initial velocity is increased by offering, in the first instance, increased resistance to the motion of the projectile, it is also increased by diminishing as much as possible the resistance of the friction in its passage through the bore. The explanation of these results is too ■obvious to require remark. Table 9.— Abstract of experiments made to ascertain the difference in initial velocity of old and new pattern 12-pr. shells, vnth and toithout lubricating wads. Armstrong 12-pr. No. of rounds. Charge. Projectile. Velocity at 30 yards. Initial velocity. Remarks. Initial energy. Weight. Diam. Lb. oz. Lbs. oz. F. S. F. S. F. T. No. 224 15 14 1 8 1 8 11 9 11 9 3-072 3-085 1154-2 1157-1 1163-2 1166-1 Q. Pattern shell lubricating wad A. Pattern shell lubricating wad 108-4 109-0 " 13 10 1 8 1 8 11 9 11 9 3-072 3-085 1142-0 1140-6 1150-8 1149-4 Q. Pattern shell bore washed A. Pattern shell bore washed 106-1 105-9 26. Table 10 gives an abstract of the experiments made to com- pare the initial velocities of shell of the same form and weight, fired from rifled and smooth-bored 32-prs. of 58 ewt. The ribbed shell was, in the first case, fired from the rifled gun. Shells of the same form, diameter, and weight, but with the ribs removed, were then fired from the rifled gun, and finally similar shells were fired from a smooth-bored 32-pr. Table 10.— Abstract of experiments to ascertain the comparative velocities of the same shell, fired from rifled and smooth-bored 2,2-prs. of 58 cwt. Nature of gun. Charge. Projectile. Velocity at 30 yards. Initial velocity. Remarks. Nature. Weight. Diameter. 32-pr., rifled . 32-pr., 58 cwt. Lbs. oz. 5 8 5 8 5 8 PI. shell Lbs. oz. 54 54 54 6-350 6-350 6-350 1-215-7 1122-1 1187-4 1224-5 1135-3 1201-7 ^ Ribs I of j shell j removed. 38 REPORT ON EXPERIMENTS WITH NAVEZ'S The velocities in these three cases were respectively 1224-5, 1135-3, aud 1201-7 feet per second. The great difference in velocity in thu second case is due to the escape of gas by the grooves in the rifled gun. 27. With the same rifled 32-pr. gun, experiments were also made to ascertain the reduction in the initial velocity due to an elongation in the cartridge, and the results of these experiments are here tabulated. Table 11. — Abstract of experiments made to ascertain the initial velocities o_f projectiles fired from a d2-pr. rifled slmnt gun, with charges made up in cartridges of various lengths. Nature of gun. Xo. of rounds. Cartridge. Projectile. Velocity at 30 yards. Initial velocity. Charge. Length. Nature. Weiglit. Diameter Lbs. oz. Inches. Lbs. oz. Rifled 32-pr. 4 5 8 12 PI. shell 54 6-350 1054-6 1061-7 3 .5 8 9 „ 54 6-350 1076-8 1084-2 1 5 8 8 ,, 54 6-350 1102-2 1109-8 1 f. 8 7-5 ,, 54 6-350 1114-5 1122-3 " 2 5 8 6 " 54 6-350 1187-9 1196-4 From the rapid increase in the initial velocity shown in this table, due to the reduction in the length of the cartridge, the effect of the variation in air space in the 12-pr. Armstrong, to which I have already alluded, will be easily understood. 28. The experience of the preceding practice, together with theoretical considerations, having pointed to a probable decrease in velocity should the diameter of B.L. projectiles be diminished or reduced to that of the bore, the experiments, of which an abstract is given in Table 12, were undertaken with the object of corroborating or discovering this view. From the abstract of this interesting series it will be seen that while the velocity of the projectiles under normal circumstances was 1248-2 feet per second, when their diameter was reduced to that of the bore, with the exception of a narrow band at the back end, it became only 1209-7 feet per second ; and when the diameter was finally reduced throughout to that of the bore, it was reduced to 11 72 -8 feet. In the rounds fired with the reduced diameters, the projectiles in all cases appeared to be perfectly steady in flight. ELECTRO-BALLISTIC APPARATUS 3.) Table 12.— Abstracts of experiments made to determine the effect on the initial velocity of diminishing the lead on the 12-pr. Armstrong projectiles. Armstrong 12-pr. No. of rounds. Charge. Projectile. Velocity at 30 yards. Initial velocity. Remarks. Weight. Diam. Lb. oz. Lbs. oz. No. 1050 4 1 8 11 9 3-074 1238-3 1248-2 Shell fired under nor- mal circumstances. 2 1 8 11 9 3-010 1200-2 1209-7 Same shell reduced to the diameter of 3-01, with the ex- ception of a ring at the base -25 inches broad. " 2 1 8 11 9 3-010 1163-7 1172-8 Same shell reduced throughout. 29. The experiments with the Armstrong 12-pr. having been chiefly carried on with the same gun, the initial velocities obtained under similar circumstances become a measure of the variability, in strength, of the service gunpowder, and it is somewhat surprising to find so great a variation in powder recently made and professedly of the same make. For illustration of this remark, I might point to the differences in initial velocity exhibited in coloured diagram, Figs. 1 and 2, p. 32. In this case, it is true, the results were obtained from different guns ; but under similar circumstances, these guns were found to give nearly identical velocities. Another even stronger case, however, may be taken from the velocities given on different occasions by the gun numbered 1050. Thus, on the 12th March 1861, with a service charge of powder marked (A. 4, W.A., 5/9/60, lot 288), the initial velocity was found to be 1114-8 feet, while under precisely the same circumstances, on the 15th March 1861, with powder marked (A. 4, Hall and Sons, 11/7/60, lot 2), the initial velocity was 1248-2 feeb per second. I may observe that with the Armstrong 12-pr., when the same powder is used, the variation in initial velocity is very slight, the extreme difference in ten rounds rarely exceeding 20 feet. 30. On actual service it is obvious that the strength of the powder may be expected to vary considerably more than is here indicated ; and I venture to draw the attention of the Select Com- mittee to this point, as one seriously affecting the precision of rifled, or indeed of any guns, and as a case in which the electro- ballistic apparatus might be most advantageously employed. 31. My attention during these experiments was early drawn to the ranges obtained at P. B., and at small angles of elevation, with 40 REPORT ON EXPERIMENTS WITH NAVEZ'S the 12-pr. Armstrong. These ranges considerably exceeded those of the smooth-bored field-service guns, although, of course, the initial velocity in these latter is very much higher. I therefore took the usual stejDS for ascertaining the " angle of departure," and, as much additional trouble was not entailed, I also made arrangements for ascertaining the ordinates at various points of the trajectory. It will be seen by these observations that the angle of projection of a projectile fired from a 12-pr. gun, accurately laid with its bore horizontal, varied from 0°23'30" to 0"28'28", the mean angle of projection being 25'33" ; while in the same gun fired with an eleva- tion of 30', the angle of projection varied from 47'0" to 49'6", the mean angle being 48' 18". In coloured diagrams, Figs. 3, 4, and 5, p. 32, 1 have laid down, for the information of the Committee, the mean results of this practice, the observed trajectories being denoted by black, the computed by red, and for the sake of comparison I have also shown, in blue lines, the departure of both curves from the parabolic. The annexed abstract. Table 13, will show how close is the agreement between the computed and observed ordinates in the curves delineated ; while a similar comparison for the majority of the curves observed is made in the detailed report of the practice furnished to the Committee. Table IS.— Abstract of the results of the experiments made to ascertain the angle of projection and the trajectories of the 12-pr. Armstrong projectiles when fired P.B., and at an apparent elevation of 30'. ■J d ft Ordinates at fl II 90 feet. 150 feet. 300 feet. 450 feet. Obs. Com. Obs. Com. Ob.s. Com. Obs. Com. 30 25 44 25 55 48 35 F. S. 1188-1 1170-7 1179-6 F. S. 1197-5 1179-8 1188-9 4-832 4-834 5-431 4-832 4-832 5-441 5-083 5-085 5-097 5-118 5-444 5-472 7-421 5-459 5-443 7-44 5-2 5-202 8-359 5-255 5-207 8-329 Ordinates at- Co) tinvnl 600 feet. 750 feet. 900 feet. 1050 feet. 1200 feet. 1355 feet. Obs. Com. Obs. Com. Obs. Com. Obs. Com. Obs. Com. Obs. Com. 4-527 4-425 8-465 4-483 4-359 8-414 3-417 2-75 8-133 3-133 2-97 8-025 -869 7-089 1-003 7-056 ... 5 •4-28 3-033 0-45 0-01 ELECTRO-BALLISTIC APPARATUS 41 32. The ordinates in Table 13 were calculated on the hypothesis that the resistance of the air was given by the equation 8 r, . V '\ resistance .0005213.RV^^{l ^ ^ 1426-4J The accordance of the ordinates calculated on this hypothesis are, on the whole, exceedingly close ; but it would be unwise to place too much dependence on the results of experiments so partial, and carried on at such low angles. 33. The following table gives an abstract of the results of several miscellaneous experiments : — Table 14. Nature of gun. Charge. Projectile Velocity at Initial velocity. Remarks. 1 Nature. Weight. Diam. 30 yards. Lb. oz. Lbs. oz. 9-pr., brass! 13J cwt. / 14 1 8 Shot 9 5 9 5 4-080 4-080 1011-2 1310-9 ^At 25 yards. Experiments to ascertain the 12-pr., ] Si cwt., y Armstrong] 1 2 S. shell 9 3-074 1130-0 1141-2 initial velocity of a 9-pr. shell with a charge I of 1 lb. 2 oz. Experiments to ascertain the r2-pr., ] initial veloci- 6 cwt, V 1 6 ^, 11 9 3-074 1103-4 1111-8 - ties of 12-pr. Armstrong j shells fired from a 12-pr. gun of 6 cwt. 12-pr., ! 8^ cwt, 1 Armstrong! Experiments to ascertain the 1 8 " 11 9 3-084 1127-6 1136-3 difference in initial velocity and regularity Armstrong ( No. 224 j 1 8 11 9 3-084 1141-8 1150-6 of two 12-prs., the first of which had been exposed to the weather for , several weeks. Experiments U ) ascertain the initial velocity of the old pattern (25 I1>s. ) projectiles fired from 2Q-pr. guns. Lbs. oz. Lbs. oz. Long25-pr. Armstrong R. G. K. r No. 384 2 8 S. shell 25 3-830 963-8 968-8 Without lubri- cating wads. 2 8 ,, 25 3-830 1014-4 1019-8 "1 2 13 ,^ 25 3-830 1083-3 1089-3 1 3 2 ,, 25 3-830 1136-1 1142-5 (Lubricating wads Short 25-pr.] ( used. Armstrong I 2 6 ,, 25 3-830 874-5 878-9 No. 403 1 ^ III. ON THE EATIO BETWEEN THE FOECES TENDING TO PEODUCE TEANSLATION AND EOTATION IN THE BOEES OF EIFLED GUNS. {Philosophical Magazine, Septemhcr 1863.) The magnitude which the rifled ordnance of the present day have attained, and the large charges which are consumed in their bores, render it an object of great interest that we should be able to assign the pressures on the grooves (or other driving-surfaces intended to give rotation) due to different modes of rifling, as well as to determine the increment in the gaseous pressure arising from the nature of rifling adopted. The formulae which I shall hereafter give, have, with slight modifications, been used at Elswick for nearly three years, and are now given, partly because no investigation of Fi.4. 1. the question has, to my knowledge, been ^ „ published, and partly because, as several erroneous statements on the subject have appeared, the formulse themselves may pos- sibly be of use to some artillerists. The case we shall first examine will be that in which the rotation is given by means of grooves, the driving-surfaces of which are such that if a section of the gun, perpen- dicular to the axis, be made, the line drawn from the centre of the bore to the groove is coincident with the section of the driving-surface. A section of such a form of rifling is shown in Fig. 1. The reader is supposed to be looking from the muzzle towards the breech of the gun, and the direction of rotation is shown by the arrow AB. 42 BORES OF RIFLED GUNS 43 It will be seen that the radius CD is coincident with the section of the driving-surface DP. In entering upon this investigation, it will be more convenient to consider the projectile in its motion along the bore of the gun as moving on a fixed axis, and, further, to suppose that the motion of rotation is communicated to the projectile by a single groove. These suppositions will not interfere with the accuracy of our results, and will enable us very much to simplify the equations of motion. Take (Fig. 2) as the plane of xy, the plane passing through the commencement of the rifling at right angles to the axis of the gun. Let the axis of x pass through the groove under consideration, and let the axis of z be that of the gun. Let AP be the helix, and let (see Figs. 1 and 2) P {xyz) be the point at which the resultant of all the pressures on the groove may be assumed to act, the projectile being in a given position. Let the angle AON = ^. Let us now consider the forces which act upon the projectile. We have, first, the gaseous pressure acting on the base of the shot. Let us call this force, the resultant of which acts along the axis of z, G. Secondly, if E be the pressure between the projectile and the groove at the point P, this pressure will be exerted normally to the surface of the groove, and if we denote by X, [x, v the angles which the normal makes with the co-ordinate axes, the resolved parts of this force will be E . cos X, E . cos /x, E . cos v Thirdly, if ^^ be the coefficient of friction between the rib of the projectile and the driving-surface, the force /xiE will tend to retard the motion of the projectile. This force will act along the tangent to the helix which the point P describes ; and if a, j8, y be the angles which the tangent makes with the co-ordinate axes, we have as the resolved portions of this force /x^E , cos a, fi^R . cos ^, ^,E act cos y ; a nd summing up these forces, we have the forces which parallel to x parallel to y parallel to z X = R j cos A - /x^ cos a ] Y = R { cos /x - /Xj cos (3 ] Z = G + R { cos V - /i^ cos y I (1) 44 TRANSLATION AND ROTATION IN THE and the equations of motion will be M. d^_ G + II . { cos V - /«,j cos y } ■ (2) • (3) p being the radius of gyration. We proceed to determine the value of the angles a, ^, y, X, m. V. Let the equations to the helix described by the point P be put under the form r . cos <^, y = r sin (j>, ■ krcf> (4) ]c being the tangent of the angle at which the helix is inclined to the plane of xy. Then dx- and r sin (f}d(f), dij = r cos dx - sin (^ ' s a = -f- = — ds dz = krd^ cos/3 cosy cos (^ A: JT+lfi (5) To determine the values of X, //, f, we shall first seek the equation to the driving-surface of the groove. In the case under consideration, the surface is a well-known conoidal one, the " skew helicoid," and is familiar to the eye as the under surface of a spiral staircase. It is generated by a straight line which passes through the axis of z, always remains perpendicular to it, and meets the helix described by the point P. The equations to the director being given in (4), if x-^, y^, %^ be the current co-ordinates of the generator, its equations are Hence •Vy-^r^ = 0. "1 = ^ (6) and the equation to the surface is BORES OF RIFLED GUNS or, dropping the suffixes, y . cos -^ - X .s\n~ = Q ^ kr kr 45 . (7> Now X, n, V being the angles which the normal to (7) makes with the axes, Now cos A cos /A dx J {(57) + («;) + W) } . c /dF\ z 1 r X 2 . .V — cos -r- + -— . sm -7- r ytr £.1 (8) but since in the case we are now considering (xyz) is a point both in the surface given by Equation (7) and in the directing helix, we have from (4), and Hence .y kr' kr + F cos A COS/X k sin (f> Jl+k-^ k . COS (f> 1 . (9) 46 TRANSLATION AND ROTATION IN THE Now substituting the values of the direction cosines given in Equations (5) and (9), in (1), (2), and (3), we have as the equa- tions of motion, (11) d'^(f) B.r k — [X and hence the normal pressure on the rib of the projectile, '• A' - /Xj * dV- But if ft) be the angular velocity of the projectile, and h be the pitch of the rifling, we have the following relation between the velocities of translation and rotation. Hence and A/f„2 h , h2 O^ r12r, . . . (12) Now, substituting in this equation the value of -^, derived from (10), we have rh k-[x-^ K sjl+k- J dc}> '' dt 27r 27r T 'dt d-4> 27r ^2, " h ' dV^ J R _ Mp2 r Jl+k'^ k-a, 27r T' dh dF^ R _ 2Trp'^Jl+k-^ G^ ~ hr{k-iJL-^) + 27rp\[ji,^k+l) (13) And this equation gives the ratio between the pressures produc- ing translation and rotation. We now proceed to determine the increment of the gaseous pressure due to the resistance, etc., offered by the rifling to the forward motion of the shot. We shall imagine a smooth-bored gun to fire a shot of the same weight as that of the rifled gun. We shall further suppose that the two projectiles are delivered with the same velocity; and we wish to know, the same ballistic BORES OF RIFLED GUNS 47 effect being produced by the two guns, what is the incn pressure which the rijEled gun has had to sustain. Now the equa- tion of motion in the case of the smooth-bored gun is and in the case of the rifled gun, r^2^ ^, R M- df^ G' TTTP^^^'^^^ (14) (15) Now, if the velocity-increments in the two cases be taken as equal, we shall have, from Equations (14) and (15), G' == G+ JL_(/.,^+l) . . . (16) v 1 + /(•" And the second term of the right-hand member of Equation (16) represents the increment of pressure due to the rifling. Let us now examine the pressures which subsist when a polygonal form of rifling is adopted; and we shall suppose the polygon to have n sides. The equations of motion given in Equations (2) and (3) hold here as in the last case, and the values of a, ^, y given in (5) remain the same. The driving-surface is, however, different, being traced out by a straight line which always remains parallel to the plane of xy, meets the helix described by P, and touches the cylinder whose radius is = r cos — (see Fig. 3, where PA represents the generating line drawn from a point P of the helix to touch the cylinder BC) Now the equations to the helix being x = rcos<^, i/ = rsin to (18), the co-ordinates of the point of contact (see Fig. 3) will be X-. = r, . cos ( - -'— ) ) l{\ ■ ■ ■ ■ (1") Now the equation to the tangent drawn through the point x-^y-^ of the circle x^ + i/ = r^ is xx,+yy^ = r^^ .... (20) And substituting in this equation the values of x^ and y-^^ derived from (19), we obtain as the equations of the generator, ar^.cosr<^ - — j+/yr^.sinf<^ - -^j = r^-, £ = krcf> . (21) and as the equation to the driving-surface, Now (f ) = ^°' (& - v)' (f ) = >"" (1^ - v) (s)^iR- + (sin^)^ sm — n (23) BORES OF RIFLED GUNS 49 And putting the values of a, /3, X, y, ix, v in the equations of motion (2) and (3), we have d^ Rr k cos 2 vn:^r"A^ Vl+A-2 ^ / /. ^\2r At A- . sin — Rr I n Hence M.p2 2 Vl+F But d^ _ irr d^z d^ ' IF (24) [ . (25) and making the necessary substitutions, we obtain for the ratio between the forces producing rotation and translation, 27rp2 (26) /"■i Vi+F {2Tr p-k-rh) + sjk^ + (sin f )' ZTT/D-Sin r/i/r In precisely the same manner as in the former case, and on the same hypotheses, we may show that if G" denote the gaseous pressure in a bore rifled on the system we are now considering, and D 50 TRANSLATION AND ROTATION IN THE G denote the gaseous pressure in a similar smooth-bored gun, we shall have r" r ^ T? /"i^ 4- ^^^ "" — . . (27) Hence if we have three guns of the same diameter of bore, viz., a smooth-bore gim ; a rifled gun, the grooves of which are similar to those shown in Fig. 1 ; and a third, rifled polygonally ; and if we sup- pose that the shot in each case are of the same weight, and, further, that in each case the velocity-increments at the moment under con- sideration are equal, then the pressures upon the base of the shot will be as follow : — In the case of the Smooth-bored gun, pressure = G First rifled gun, pressure = G + —t==={ix-Jc+\) Jl+k-^ Polygonally-rifled gun, pressure G + R • ^ 1 sin — (28) We shall now give examples of the cases we have been discussing to exhibit numerically the above results. Let us suppose that two 7-inch guns are rifled — the first accord- ing to the method shown in Fig. 1, with a pitch of one turn in 294 inches, the other octagonally, with a pitch of one turn in 130 inches. It is required to determine in each case the pressure on the driving- surface in terms of the pressure on the base of the shot. Now, in the first case, from (13), Pressure on driving-surface = --— — ^^^-^ — - — - — ; — ->. . G hr (k - /*i) + 27rp\fji^k +1) where 7r = 3-14159, p = /-v/J= 2-475, /r=l.S-3697, A = 294, r=3-5, //i = -1666 whence we obtain R = -0375 G (29) In the second case, from (26), Pressure = ^-X G VF + (sn, -) where BORES OF RIFLED GUNS 51 TT = 3-14159 = 2'350 (c = length of side of polygon) 1 - cos — 2 + cos — 1 .. n 12 yi: = 5-9117, // = 130, r = 3-5, n = 8, /*, = -1666, — = 22° 30" n whence R = -1706 . . . . (30) That is, on the supposition of the same pressure on the base of the shot, the pressure on the driving-surface is in the latter case nearly five times as great as in the former, and is, in fact, no inconsiderable fraction of the propelling force. Let us now compare the gaseous pressures on the base of shot of the same weight supposed to be fired from the guns above described, and from a smooth-bored gun. From Equations (28) we have the pressure upon base of shot fired from Smooth-bored gun . . . = G First rifled gun . . . . = 1-009 G Polygonal gun . . . . = 1-041 G In these calculations we have taken the coefficient of friction = \. It is necessary, however, to observe that very little is known concern- ing the value of this constant at pressures so high as those with which we have here to do. It is evident that in the case of the contact of similar metals, when the point of seizure is approached, the coefficient of friction cannot be considered independent of pressure ; and it is probable that when the rubbing surfaces of both projectile and groove (or other driving-surface) are of the same hard material, the coefficient of friction may be occasionally enormously increased. The resistance due to this cause might under certain circumstances be sufficient to ensure the destruction of the gun ; and this view is to some extent corroborated by the occasional bursting of guns, the failure of which it is difficult to attribute to any other cause ; and in the instances referred to, the recovered fragments of the shot were thought to exhibit decided appearances of seizure. If in Equation (26) we substitute ^ for — , we shall have 1 = ^^^' . (31) 52 BORES OF RIFLED GUNS Fig:. 4. And this equation will represent the ratio of the pressures E and G in any system of rifling, S being the angle which the radius makes with the normal to the driving-surface. Thus in an elhptically- bored gun (see Fig. 4) the angle OPQ represents the angle §, and we obtain ^ by substituting in (31) the value of this angle ; by putting S = 90°, we may derive Equation (13) directly from (31). We have not in this note entered into the question of the absolute pressures existing in the bores of ordnance of various natures, as the subject is too extensive and of too great im- portance to be disposed of within the limits of a short paper. Artillerists acquainted with the subject will be able to form rough approximations to these pressures from the experiments made abroad with smooth-bored gims, with a view to the elucidation of this important question. It is much to be regretted that no experiments of the nature referred to have been attempted in England under G-overnment auspices, as they are of a descrip- tion which precludes their being satisfactorily made by private individuals, and as the information to be derived from them would be especially important in the case of rifled cannon, where so many new conditions are introduced into the problem as to render previous investigations of but little value. We shall, however, in a future note endeavour to discuss this subject, making use of the data at our disposal. IV. ON THE TENSION OF FIEED GUNPOWDER {Trmisactions of the Royal Institution, 1871.) Befoee entering on the investigations which will be the chief subject of my discourse this evening, I find it necessary to give a sketch of the means that have hitherto been adopted to determine, and the views that have been entertained concerning, the pressure of fired gunpowder. The first attempt made to explain the action of gunpowder was, I believe, that of M. de la Hire, who, in the History of the French Academy for 1702, ascribed the force of fired gunpowder to the behaviour of the air enclosed in and between the grains of powder. This air he considered to be highly heated by the combustion of the charge, and the consequent elasticity to be the moving force of the projectile. Eobins, who followed M. de la Hire as the next writer on the subject, and who may be considered to have laid the founda- tion of this, as of so many other departments of artillery science, points out how inadequate to the effect are the forces supposed to act by M. de la Hire. He himself instituted a carefully-planned and well-conducted series of experiments, in which he determined the quantity of permanent gas generated by the explosion of gunpowder ; adduced experiments which he considered to prove that this quantity is the same whether the powder be exploded in the air or in vacuo ; and finally determined the increase of elasticity due to the supposed temperature of the explosion. The conclusions at which Eobins arrived were briefly as follow : — 1. That the whole action of the powder on the projectile was due to the permanent gases generated by the explosion. 2. That at ordinary temperature and atmospheric pressure the permanent gases occupied about 240 times the volume of the unexploded powder. 54 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 8. That the heat of combustion increased this volume to about 1000 times that of the powder, and that hence the maximum force of gunpowder — somewhat less with small, somewhat greater with large charges — was about 1000 atmospheres, that is to say, about 6^ tons on the square inch. But although Eobins considered this pressure the maximum exerted by fired gunpowder, it is worthy of remark that he recognised Fig. 1. the intensity of the local pressure which arises when the gases generated have space sufficient to acquire a considerable velocity before meeting with an obstacle. In a common musket he placed a bullet 16 inches from the charge, and found that at the seat of the shot the barrel was bulged like a bladder to twice its original dia- meter, while two pieces were blown out of it. But the first regular experiments which had for object the determination of the pressure of gunpowder fired in a close vessel or ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 55 chamber were those of Count Rumford, made in 1793, and published in the Transactions of the Royal Society for 1797. The apparatus used by Count Rumford is figured in this diagram (Fig. 1), and will be readily understood. V is a small but strong wrought-iron vessel resting on the pedestal P, and having a bore of :|-inch diameter. The bore is closed by the hemisphere E, upon which any requisite weight may be placed. There is a closed vent, V, which is filled with powder, and the charge is fired by means of a red-hot ball, B. The modus operandi was as follows : — A given charge being placed in the bore, a weight which was considered equivalent to the gaseous pressure was applied on E. If the charge of powder lifted the weight and let the gases escape, the weight was increased until it was just sufficient to confine it, and the pressure represented by the weight was assumed to be that of the powder. The powder used was sporting, of very fine grain, and it is to be remarked that its composition, there being only 67 per cent, of saltpetre, differed notably from ordinary powder. The charges used, moreover, were very small, the maximum being only 18 grains. In one case, indeed, the vessel was filled : about 28 grains were necessary to fill the chamber ; but by this experiment the vessel was destroyed. The objects Rumford had in view were — first, to ascertain the limit of the force exerted by the exploded powder when the gases are at their maximum density ; secondly, to determine the relation between the density of the gases and the tension. The curve shown here (Fig. 2) exhibits the results of the first and most reliable series of Rumford's experiments, and you will observe how nearly, up to charges of 15 grains (60 per cent.), the curve, which is expressible by the empirical equation 2/ = a;^+*^°"'*^, passes through the observed points. Were this law assumed to be true up to the point of maximum density,* it would give the maximum tension at about 29,000 atmospheres, or 191 tons on the square inch. But, great as this pressure is. Count Rumford considers it much below the truth. In addition to the experiments graphically represented by the diagram to which I have drawn your attention. Count Rumford made a second series, the results of which, to use his own words, " are still more various, extraordinary, and inexplicable." From this diagram you will observe that the tension of the gas in the first series of experiments was with 12 grains of powder about 2700 atmospheres ; but in this second series the pressure with the * Considered as unity. 56 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER same charge is repeatedly found to be above 9000 atmospheres. Count Eumford does not attempt to explain the enormous discrep- ancy between the two sets of experiments, unless a remark on the heat of the weather during the second set can be so considered ; but, relying on this second series, and on the experiment in which the vessel was destroyed by 28 grains. Count Eumford arrives at the conclusion that 101,021 atmospheres, or 662 tons on the square inch, is the measure of the initial force of the elastic fluid generated by the combustion of gunpowder. Eumford meets the objection that, if the Fig. 2. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PARTS tension were anything like that he names, no gun would have a chance of standing, by assuming that the combustion of the powder is much slower than is ordinarily supposed, and, indeed, lasts all the time the shot is in the bore ; and he further accounts for the enormous initial tension by ascribing it to the elasticity of the aqueous vapour or steam contained in the powder. Supposing, from M. de Betancourt's experiments, that the elasticity of steam is doubled by every addition of temperature equal to 30° Fahr., his only difficulty, and one which he leaves to his successors to explain, is why the steam liberated by the combustion of the powder does not' exercise a much higher pressure than the 100,000 atmospheres he has assigned to it. ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 57 In 1843 Colonel Cavalli proposed to insert in the bore of a gun a series of small barrels, intended to throw a wrought-iron spherical ball. By ascertaining the velocities of these balls Colonel Cavalli considered that he would be able to assign the corresponding pres- sures. Colonel Cavalli's plan was actually carried out, and from his experiments he deduced what ought to be the theoretical thickness of the metal at various points along the bore. But a very great improvement on Colonel Cavalli's method was introduced in 1854 by a Prussian Artillery Committee, under the direction of General (then Major) jSTeumann. The plan adopted by the Prussian Committee was as follows : — In, say, the centre, or any other point desired, of the powder chamber, a hole was drilled, and in this hole was fitted a small gun- barrel with a calibre of about yo of an inch and a length of, say, 8 inches. Now, suppose the gun to be loaded, and suppose further that in the small side gun we place a cylinder whose longitudinal section is the same as that of the projectile. On the assumption that the pressure throughout the powder chamber is uniform, the cylinder and the projectile will in equal times describe equal spaces, and after the cylinder has travelled 8 inches it will be withdrawn from the action of the gas. If, then, we ascertain the velocity of the cylinder, we shall know that of the projectile when it has described in the bore a space of 8 inches. Again, if we make the section of the cylinder half that of the projectile, it will describe in the same time double the space, and will have acquired double the velocity, and so on; so that, for example, if the section of the cylinder be one-eighth that of the projectile, and we ascertain the cylinder's velocity, we know the velocity of the projectile after it has described 1 inch. These Prussian experiments do not, however, despite the ingenuity of their method, possess a very high interest to us, as they were applied only to comparatively very small guns, the 6-pr. and 12-pr. smooth-bores, and had for their chief object the comparison between elongated and non-elongated cartridges. Further on I shall advert to reasons which prevent this method being altogether reliable, especially for large guns ; but I may state that the general result seems to have been that in the 6-pr. the maximum pressure was about 1100 atmospheres, while in the 12-pr. it was nearly 1300 atmospheres. I shall also further on advert to another remarkable observation made by the Prussian Committee— namely, that in every charge 58 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER Fig. 3. with which they experimented two maxima of tension were distinctly perceptible. The distinguished Eussian artillerist, General Mayevski, who has written an elaborate memoir on the pressure in the bores of guns, founded on these experiments, con- firms the results at which the Prussian Committee have arrived, and points out that from the ex- periments the maximum pressure must be attained before the bullet is any considerable distance from its initial position. General Neumann's method ap- pears to have been repeated in Belgium about the year 1860 with a 70-pr. rifled gun. I have not seen a detailed report of these trials, but the maximum pressure with ordinary powder was stated to be about 3000 atmospheres, or nearly 20 tons per square inch. In 1857-8-9 Major Eodman car- ried on for the United States a most interesting and extensive series of experiments on gunpowder. The celebrity to which Major Rodman's ingenious instrument has attained, the great use which has been made of it in Europe, and the fact that he appears to have been the first person who experimented on the effect of size of grain, and proposed prismatic powder, oblige me to describe both his instrument and his experiments in some detail. It is most unfortunate that experiments so well devised, and carried out with so much care, should be rendered in many cases almost valueless by the absence of important data, by the admission of manifestly erroneous observations, and, finally, by results passed over in silence which are not only frequently anomalous, but in some cases absolutely impossible. ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 59 The instrument which Major Rodman devised is shown in this drawing (Fig. 3). Suppose we wish to determine the pressure in the chamber of a gun. A hole is drilled into it, and a cylinder with a small passage down its centre is inserted. To this cylinder is fitted the indicating apparatus, which consists of the indenting tool g, carrying a knife, shown in elevation and section. Against the knife is screwed a piece of soft copper, h. You will have no difficulty in understanding the action of this apparatus. The pressure of the gas acting on the base of the indenting tool causes a cut in the copper, and by mechanical means the magnitude of the force capable of pro- ducing a similar cut can be determined. A small cup at c prevents any gas passing the indenting tool, and the channel e provides for the escape of gas, should any pass on account of defective arrange- ments. Major Eodman's first series of experiments of importance was the determination of the pressure at different points of a 42-pr. smooth- bored gun, two descriptions of cartridges being used — one being made up with 10 lbs. of ordinary grained powder, the other being what he terms an accelerating cartridge of 13 lbs., a description of which is not given. Major Rodman gives the mean results of this series in a tabulated form, but I have transferred his results to this diagram (Fig. 4), and I draw your especial attention to them. You will notice that among the observed points I have drawn in each case a curve representing, as nearly as may be, the observations. Remark how widely the two curves differ. The horizontal line, the axis of abscissse, represents the length of the bore, and by the length of the ordinates is indicated the maximum amount of pressure existing at any particular point of the bore. These curves illustrate also another point. Since the ordinates represent the pressures, and the abscissae the travel of the shot along the bore, the areas, that is to say, the spaces between the curves and the axis of abscissse, represent the total work done on the shot by each of the charges experimented with. Your eye will tell you that the area, that is the work done on the shot, is, in the case of the grained, nearly double its amount in that of the accelerating cart- ridge, but the actual work in each case was known to be nearly identical. There is here, therefore, a grave contradiction, which requires explanation. But we have not done yet. Knowing, as we do from these curves, the amount of the work done by each nature of 60 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER cartridge on the shot, we are in a position to compute the velocity with which the shot would quit the bore. Performing this calculation, we find that the lesser area repre- sents a muzzle velocity of about 1950 feet, while the larger one represents a muzzle velocity of about 2620 feet— results differing widely from the truth, and showing that the larger of the two areas is about three times greater than it should be, while even the smaller is at least 50 per cent, too high. Two interesting series were fired from the same gun to determine the pressure on the bottom of the bore when the weight of the charge Fig. 4. 12 14 CALI BRES was varied, that of the shot remaining constant, and when the weight of the shot was varied, the charge remaining constant. As far as the experiments were carried, the pressure in both cases appeared to be nearly directly proportional — in the one instance to the weight of the shot, in the other to the weight of the charge. Experiments were then made to determine the pressures in guns of 7-inch, 9-inch, and 11-inch bore, and were so arranged that in each gun an equal column of powder (that is, an equal weight of charge) was behind an equal column or weight of shot. It is hardly necessary to point out that in each gun, in the motion of the shot along the bore, at every point, the gases would be equally expanded, and any incre- ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 61 ment of pressure in the larger-bored guns would be attributable to the use of the larger charge. The mean result of these experiments is given in this diagram (Fig. 5). As before, there are many anomalies and contradictions in the experiments themselves. You will observe what a great increase of pressure is credited to the larger guns, although the same column of powder and shot exists in all cases. As before, again the work done on the shot as indicated by these areas is enormously too large. The results given by these experiments are the more curious. Fig . 5. 40-| A \ ^°" X o z or (0 N w z. o -^-IlGuji - 14 28 because, as Major Eodman himself points out, they are entirely at variance with some subsequent experiments, in which charges of powder of various weights, from 1700 to 11,000 grs., occupying always one-fourth of the space in which they were fired, and the charge escaping through the vent, gave pressures practically identical. The effect of the size of the grains was the next subject investi- gated. The comparative results (care still being taken not to accept these areas as representing the work done on the shot) are obvious from a glance at Fig. 6 ; and Major Eodman arrives at the conclusion that the velocities due to our present charges of small-grained powder may be obtained with a greatly diminished strain on the gun by the 62 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER use of powder properly adapted in size of grain to the calibre and length of bore with which it is to be used. With this statement I entirely agree, and can only regret that, from the absence of information as to density and other particulars of the various samples of powder used, these particular experi- ments have been of no use to us in this country for comparative purposes. The only other experiments of Major Eodman to which I shall draw your attention belong to a series which I am able to compare with the experiments of Count Kumford, as to the pressure of fired TONS 20- Fig. 6. DIAR OF GRAIN 5_ 70 84 INCHES gunpowder in various degrees of expansion — that is, the unfired powder occupying a definite proportion of the space in which it is exploded. Fig. 7 is a drawing of the apparatus Major Rodman used. You will observe that in this apparatus the fired charge escapes through the vent, while in Count Eumford's experiments the products of explosion were generally more or less confined. On the other hand, Count Eumford's charges were exceedingly minute, while the charges we are now considering ranged from 700 to 7000 grs. On the same diagram (Fig. 2) upon which I placed Count Eumford's results I have placed Major Eodman's. You will per- ceive the difference between them. But Major Eodman's experi- ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 63 Fig. 7. ments have not been carried far enough to possess for us much interest. Major Kodman, like Count Kumford, endeavoured to ascertain the maximum force which powder was capable of exerting when fired in its own volume. Major Eodman fired various charges in enor- mously strong shells, through a small vent yo inch in diameter. He considered, from some experiments with which I need not trouble you, that in all cases the maximum pressure would be exerted before the shell burst. His results, however, were very diverse, varying from 32 tons per square inch (4900 atmospheres) to 82 tons, or about 12,400 atmospheres, and, singularly enough, the highest pressure was given by the smallest charge ; from the great discrepancies, as well as from other considerations, I do not think we can accept these determinations as entitled to much weight. Bunsen and Schisch- koff's experiments, both from their completeness, and the eminent position of the distinguished chemists who conducted them, may justly rank among the most important which have been made on our subject. They were directed, in the first place, to determine the exact nature, both of the permanent gases and the solid products generated by the explosion of powder ; secondly, to determine the heat generated by the act of explosion ; thirdly, to determine the maximum pressure which gunpowder fired in a close chamber would give rise to ; and, finally, to determine the total quantity of work which a given weight of gunpowder is capable of producing. The apparatus adopted for obtaining the products of com- bustion was so arranged that the powder to be analysed falls in a very finely-divided stream into a heated bulb, in which, and in Y ) 64 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER tubes connected with it, the resulting products are collected for examination. MM. Bunsen and SchischkofF, in drawing attention to their results, and the extraordinary difference between their estimates and those given by so eminent an authority as Piobert, point out that many of the assumptions previously made must depend on very faulty premises ; but their own experiments have not altogether escaped attack, and I think we are bound to receive some of their results with great reservation, until it can be demonstrated that the products of combustion are the same in the bore of a gun as when produced in the method followed in these experiments. I shall not detain you with the results of their analysis, which you see, however, in this table,* and shall only point out that the permanent gases at a temperature of 0° C. and pressure of 760 mm. occupied a volume 193 times greater than that occupied by the powder, and represented about fVo the weight of the powder. The remainder was solid residue, and MM. Bunsen and Schischkoff conceive that, although a portion of these solid matters may un- doubtedly be volatilised by the high temperature of the explosion yet any pressure which may be exerted by such vapours is quite insignificant. This opinion appears to be founded on the fact that the solid residue arising from the explosion of gunpowder is not fused when exposed to the action of a jet of inflamed hydrogen. Piobert and other authorities, on the other hand, consider that the pressure exerted by the volatilised residue has far more influence on the pressure than the permanent gases. * Transformation experienced by gunpowder in burning, after Bunsen and Schischkoff. 'Nitre . Sulphur a Charcoal . 0-7899 . 0-0984 ( C 0-0769 J H 0-0041 to 0-0307^ r Residue Gases 0^3138 0-9944 fKOSOs 0-4227 KOCOo 0-1264 KOS„0„ 0-0327 KS '.' 0-0213 KC.S^ 0-0030 KONO-, 0-0372 C . . 0-0073 S . . 0-0014 UnH,0,3C0 0-0286 grm. c.c. (N . . 0-0998 = 79-40 CO., . 0-2012 = 101-71 CO" . 0-0094 = 7-49 H . . 0-0002 = 2-34 HS . 0-0018 = 1-16 .0 . . -00 14 = 1-00 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 65 The temperature of the fired gunpowder was determined by exploding a small charge of powder enclosed in a tube, which was itself immersed in a larger tube containing water. From the increment of temperature communicated to the water by the explosion, it was found that one part of fired powder would raise 620 parts of water by 1° Cent., and hence it was calculated that the temperature of gunpowder fired in a close chamber impervious to heat is 3340° Cent., or 5980' Fahr. Assuming, first, that the products obtained in the two methods I have just described are identical, and, secondly, that no variations in the products arise from the combustion of large charges, this result would be very near the truth. The pressure in a closed vessel is readily deducible from the above data, and MM. Bunsen and Schischkoff compute that the maximum tension which the gas can attain — to which it may approximate, but can never reach — is about 4374 atmospheres, or about 29 tons on the square inch. I shall shortly have occasion to show that this pressure has been undoubtedly reached in the case of heavy guns, and con- siderably exceeded in the case of powder fired in closed vessels. MM. Bunsen and Schischkoff also compute, from their data, the theoretical work of a kilog. of gunpowder at 67,400 kilo- grammetres, that is 67,400 kilogs. raised 1 metre in height. The Committee on explosives have, however, realised in the shot alone nearly 60,000 kilogrammetres per kilog. of powder in a comparatively short gun ; and it may therefore be conjectured that this estimate, like that of the maximum pressure, is considerably too low, although undoubtedly much nearer the truth than the extrava- gant estimates which have frequently been made. In the year 1861-2 Sir W. Armstrong, in conjunction with myself, made several experiments to determine the maximum pressure of powder in the bores of what were then considered very large guns the 110- and the 70-prs. Two methods were adopted, and although they, like nearly every experiment connected with gunpowder, gave results in some degree anomalous, yet the conclusion at which we arrived — namely, that the maximum pressure with the powder then used, in the bores of the guns I have mentioned, was about 17 tons on the square inch— is probably not very far removed from the truth. The first of these methods consisted of an arrangement carried in the nose or front part of the projectile, and is shown in these E 66 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER drawings (Figs. 8 and 9). The apparatus itself consisted of a case containing seven little cells, Ih. Each of these cells contained a small pellet, a, of the same weight, and each of these pellets is retained in the front portion of the cell 1)y means of a small wire. Fig, S. Fig. 9. f : ^ ' r'l <-i- III ^ 1 r 1 f 11 k HI l "11 ■^ taiwi!if)i]s mmifffflj I k '■ h 1! [ ;M\\\\m\\\\\\\\\\s\\\m\\^^^^^^ vwww \^ \v\\\v- Experiments were then carefully made to ascertain the exact pres- sures that a graduated series of wires would carry. You will now readily understand this method of deducing the maximum pressure. If we know the maximum pressure exerted during the passage of the shot through the bore to give motion to any known portion of the shot's weight, we can deduce the pressure acting on the whole shot itself. By properly adjusting the strength of the wires, we found that certain wires would give motion Fici- 10. to the pellets without shear- ing ; others would not. Hence we deduced an approximate maximum pressure. The other arrangement was also carried in the front of the projectile, and is here shown (Fig. 10). In this case a known weight w is supported, or rather has motion communicated to it, by means of a cylinder of soft metal c. The amount of crush on the cylinder serves as an indication of the force to which it has been subjected. It is not possible in anything like a reasonable time to give an analysis of the voluminous investigations of Piobert on the question of gunpowder. ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER G7 Generally, however, his views seem to be that he ascribes much of the initial pressure of gunpowder to the effects of the vaporised solid products increasing enormously the tension due to the permanent gases. He points out errors in some of Eumford's conclusions, but accepts as tolerably accurate the pressures given by Eumford's first series, which would, at maximum density, give a tension of about 29,000 atmospheres. I have now run over hastily, but I hope intelligibly, the principal experiments which have been made and the views which have been entertained on the subject of the pressure of fired gunpowder. The enormous discrepancies between the 1000 atmo- spheres estimated by Eobins and the 100,000 atmospheres of Eumford will not have escaped you ; and even coming to quite recent dates, the difference of opinion between authorities like Piobert on the one hand, and Bunsen and Schischkoff on the other, are quite startling enough to show you the difficulties with which the subject is enveloped. What I now have to detail to you chiefly relates to the labours of a Committee, under the presidency of Colonel Younghusband, recently appointed to examine into our gunpowder, which has for some years enjoyed on the Continent the unenviable denomination of " brutal powder." The researches of this Committee having been devoted in the first place to a special object — the production of a powder suitable for the very large guns which are now required by the services — all the experiments hitherto made have been undertaken with this sole end in view. We have turned so far neither to the right hand nor the left, and in consequence our knowledge relating to many important points is very incomplete, in others altogether defective; but, as far as my time permits, I shall lay a few of our facts before you as concisely as I can, and where I may venture to theorise I shall only give views which I believe to be .shared in common with myself by the distinguished gentlemen with whom I have the honour of being associated. The guns we have principally used have been three in number — a gun of 21-inch diameter, firing projectiles of 4f lbs., and charges of 9 ozs. ; an 8-inch gun, firing projectiles of 180 lbs., and charges of from 20 to 40 lbs. ; and a 10-inch gun, firing projectiles of 400 lbs., and charges of from 60 to 70 lbs. of powder. The means we have used to determine the pressure have been likewise three — first, a Eodman gauge; secondly, a crusher gauge, 68 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER Fig designed to overcome certain faults in the Eodman gauge, which I shall presently describe ; thirdly, a chronoscope, designed for measur- ing very minute intervals of time. The Eodman gauge I have already fully described. The crusher gauge is shown in this drawing (Fig. 11), and consists of a screw plug of steel let into the gun at any desired point, which admits of a cylinder of copper, B, being placed in the chamber CDEF. The entrance to this chamber is closed by the movable piston C, as in the case of the Eodman gauge, and the admission of gas is prevented by the use of a gas check. You will have no difficulty in understanding the manner in which results are arrived at with this in- strument. When the gun is fired, the gas acts upon the base of the piston and compresses the copper cylinder. The amount of crush on the copper serves as an index to the maximum force exerted at that part of the bore where the plug is placed. The chronoscope used by the Committee is delineated in Plates VI. and VII., p, 86. It consists of a series of thin discs, AA, each 36 inches in cir- sEciioiM cumference, fixed at intervals on a horizontal shaft, and driven at a high speed by the heavy descending weight B, which is, during the experiment, continually wound up by the handle H, and with a little practice the instrument can be made to travel either quite uniformly or at a rate very slowly increasing or decreasing. The precise rate of the discs is ascertained by means of the stop- clock * D, which can be connected or disconnected with the revolving shaft E at pleasure. The speed with which the circumferences of the discs travel is in this instrument generally about 1200 inches per second. An inch therefore represents the 1200th part of a second, and as by means of a vernier we are able to divide the inch into 1000 parts, the instrument is capable of recording less than the one- millionth part of a second. I may mention, by way of enabling you to realise the extreme minuteness of this portion of time, that the millionth part of a second is about the same fraction of a second that a second is of a fortnight. * An improved arrangement for registering the speed was afterwards introduced. ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 69 I shall now endeavour to describe to you how the shot marks o)i the instrument the record of its passage through the bore. I need hardly remind most of you that when the primary of an induction coil is suddenly severed, a spark under proper management is given off from the secondary, and in the arrangement I am describ- ing, the severance of the primary is caused by the shot in its passage through the bore, and the record of its passage is transferred to the discs in the following way. The peripheries of the revolving discs are covered with strips of white paper coated with lampblack, and are connected with one of the secondary wires of an induction coil. The other secondary wire, carefully insulated, is brought to one of these dischargers, Y, opposite to the edge of a disc, and fitted so as to be just clear of it. The mode of connecting the primary wires of the induction coils with the bore of a gun in such a manner that the shot in passing a Fig. 12. ^'^''^ N°^- ■• 5^. PLUGS -1 16 17 \'i NOS.2.4. definite point shall sever the primary current, and thereby produce a, spark from the secondary, is shown in Fig. 12 which represents a longitudinal section of the bore along which the shot is moving. A hollow plug, C (see Fig. 13, p. 70), is screwed into the gun, carrying at the end next the bore a cutter, D, which projects slightly into the bore. The cutter is held in this position by the primary wire, e, which passes in at one side of the plug, then through a hole in the cutter, and out at the other side of the plug. When the shot passes the cutter it presses it level with the surface of the bore, thereby severing the primary and causing the induced spark to pass instantaneously from the discharger to the disc, making a minute perforation in the paper-covering upon the opposite part of the disc, and at the same time burning away the lampblack, so that the position of the perforation is marked by a white spot. 70 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER To prevent confusion, there is delineated in Plate VI., p. 86, only a single induction coil and cell ; but you will understand that there is an induction coil for each disc, and that each disc, discharger, and coil form an independent instrument for recording the instant when the projectile passes a certain point in the bore of the gun. It only remains to point out that before using the instrument,, we must be satisfied that the various independent instruments of which I have spoken give corresponding results. The best mode which occurred to us of doing this is to get a record upon each disc of the same event. Thus it is obvious that if the whole of the primaries are cut simultaneously, the sparks on all the discs should be in a straight line, and the deviations from a straight line are the errors, either constant or variable, and from the observations the constant errors can, of course, be eliminated. Two methods of securing a simultaneous rupture of the primaries have been followed. One plan consisted in wrapping all the wires round a small magazine of fulminate of mercury, and exploding the fulminate. The other consisted in collecting the whole of the wires on a small screen close to the muzzle of a rifle, and cutting them by means of a flat-headed bullet. Both methods have given excellent results. Having now described the instruments, I turn to the guns. The arrangements in all the guns were similar in character, but I have given to you here (Fig. 12) a drawing of the 10-inch M. L. gun as repre- senting the most perfect arrangement used in the early experiments. We have, in the first place, the power of firing the cartridges in different positions. Eodman's gauges, or the crusher gauges, are always placed in the holes marked ABC, and in such other holes as we may desire, while 8 holes every round are reserved for use with the chronoscope. Suppose, for example, we wished to experiment with a charge of 70 lbs. of powder, our usual course would be : the chronoscope plugs would be placed alternately in the holes 4 to 11, and in 11 to 18, while the crusher gauges would be alternately in the holes ABC, 1, 14, 17, and in the holes ABC, 1, 4, 10. ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 71 The pressures derived from either the Rodman or the crusher gauge are read off from tables at once, but the determination of the pressure from the time curve given by the chronoscope is a very different matter. I am aware that there are many authorities who consider it almost impossible to obtain from a time curve such as is given by the chrono- scope reliable indications of the pressure, and I cannot wonder that many should so think. We who have been investigating this subject, are quite alive to the fact that a cause of error far graver than any chronoscopic error lies in the difficulty, I might almost say impossibility, of assuring ourselves that the projectile in successive experiments should describe precisely the same space in passing between any two suc- cessive plugs ; but, fortunately, errors of this description can gener- ally be removed by known methods of interpolation and correction. Again, if we relied for the determination of our maximum pres- sure on the observation of two velocities only at very short intervals, as trifling errors in the determination of the velocity would give rise to considerable variations in pressure, our results would be open to considerable doubt, but the fact is that, with the assumptions we are at liberty to make, I have found that it is not posssible materially to alter our pressure without setting our records altogether at nought. The time curve — that is, the curve whose ordinate at any distance up the bore represents the time the shot has taken to arrive from zero at that spot — being drawn through the observed points, what may we assume respecting the curve representing the velocity? According to theory, we may assume that it commences by being convex to the axis of abscissae, then becomes concave — that the radius of curvature becomes greater and greater as x increases, and, were the bore long enough, would be finally asymptotic to a line parallel to the axis of x. Again, as regards the curve representing pressure. We know that the pressure will run up with extreme rapidity until it attains a maximum, and that after attaining a maximum the ordinates will rapidly decrease, the curve after passing the maximum being always convex to the axis of abscissse. These considerations, joined to the observations themselves, are amply sufficient to give us the information required. At the com- mencement of motion the plugs are very close to one another (about 2 inches apart), and the distances are gradually increased as they approach the muzzle ; but close as they are at the seat of the shot 72 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER they could advantageously be closer still — say, half the distance — and they would have been so had we not been afraid to add more to the many holes we have bored in a gun destined to be so severely tested. In working out the results for the first 6 inches of motion, the times, velocities, and pressures are interpolated for every sVth of a foot ; after that distance up to 3 feet, for every yV^h of a foot ; and for the remainder of the bore, for every 6 inches. Our experiments with the 2-inch gun do not call for much remark, save that in this calibre the differences between samples of the same class of powder of different manufacture were very strikingly shown, the maximum pressure of one sample of powder of professedly the same make being in some cases nearly double that of other samples. But when we commenced our experiments with the 8-inch gun we were at once brought in contact with some very singular anomalies. Our first experiments with this gun were made with the Eodman gauge and the chronoscope only, and our attention was directed chiefly to two points — the different action of various kinds of powder, and the effect on the same kinds of powder of lighting the cartridge in a different position. On firing 20-lb. charges of the service powder — technically known as E. L. G. — with the vent in the position in which it is generally used in service, that is, at a distance of yV^hs the length of the battering charge from the bottom of the bore, not only did we find the Eodman gauges placed as I have described differ very materially in their results one from the other, but they all indi- cated a pressure very much higher than that shown by the chrono- scope, the maximum chronoscope pressure being 17 tons per square inch, while the maximum pressure of the Eodman gauges varied from 28 tons to 33 tons on the square inch. We then fired a series with the same charge and powder, using instead of the service vent a vent lighting the cartridge in the rear and here the results were still more anomalous. The chronoscope showed a maximum pressure differing but very slightly from the result when the service vent was used, while the Eodman gauge at the point C indicated a pressure of 50 tons. These discrepancies threw some doubt on the accuracy of the indications of the Eodman gauge, and we were led to ascribe this inaccuracy to two causes — first, to the position* of the gauge on the It must be remembered that this defect, due to position, has no existence in many of the experiments with the Rodman gauge made on the Continent, because in the Continental experiments breach-loading guns have been generally used and the ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 73 outside of the gun ; secondly, to what appeared to us to Ije a slight defect in the design of the gauge. You will easily see our grounds for suspecting the effect which the position of the gauge might have if I recall to your recollection the experiment of Mr Eobins, to which 1 alluded early this evening — namely, the enormous local pressure he found in a musket-barrel when he placed the bullet a considerable distance in front of the charge. In the Eodman gauge the indenting piston may be taken to represent Eobin's bullet, and you will observe the distance the gas has to travel before it reaches the indenting tool. The slight defect I have mentioned in the design of the Eodman gauge I may thus explain. Suppose the indenting tool, instead of pressing against the copper as shown, was removed from it by any given space, the gun then fired, and the gas allowed to act, it is obvious that the indication given by the copper could not be relied on, because, in addition to the pressure, the indenting tool would express on the copper the vis viva due to the velocity it had acquired when moving freely. In the Eodman knife the resistance to the motion of the indenting tool commences at zero and rapidly in- creases; but it is possible to conceive that the velocity* imparted to the tool when the resistance is but small may to some extent affect the amount of the indicated pressure. The crusher gauge which I have described, and which admits of being applied either close to the interior of the bore or at the exterior of the gun, was thenceforth generally substituted for the Eodman gauge ; and I may mention, as a proof of the correctness of our views, that in quick-burning powders this gauge, when applied at the out- side of the 8-inch gun, gave pressures about double of those it indicated when applied to the inside. The powders with which we have experimented maybe divided into four classes — 1. The old quick-burning, violent powders, such as E. L. G. and L. G. ; 2. Pellet Powder ; 3. Pebble Powder ; and 4. Prismatic Powder. (See Pig. 14, p. 74.) Here is a sample of the service E. L. G., and I will only remark gauge has been applied to the wedge which closes the breach, and in this position would give satisfactory results ; on the other hand, the pressure would only be obtained at one point, and such a determination, our experiments show, is not to be relied on. * I was informed by General Gadolin, in Paris, that the results of the experi- ments made with the Rodman gauge in Russia were found to be uniform and satis- factory, only when prior to the experiments an indent was made in the copper a little less than that expected to be produced in the gun. This fact may be explained by the considerations referred to in the text. 74 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER that our old rule of proof for powder, that of the eprouvette mortar, seems, with our present lights, to be specially designed to produce in powder those qualities whose absence we most desire. Here are samples of pellet and pebble powders. You will notice that the former are regular cylinders formed in moulds, while the latter are tolerably regular lumps of powder cake, about the size of large pebbles ; and, lastly, here is a sample of the prismatic powder which has attained so considerable a reputation on the Continent. Fig. 14. RUSSIAN PRISMATIC POWDER PELLET FULL SIZE PEBBLE Any one of the three last classes is very much superior to the first. There is, in fact, no great difference, except as regards process of manufacture, between the pellet and pebble. Both give, when properly made, good results, although there seems to be a greater probability of attaining uniform results with the pellet than the pebble ; but the prismatic differs considerably from these in being a less dense powder, and possessing the property of lighting with extreme slowness, as you will see by comparing its velocity or time curves with those of either pebble or K. L. G. 1 might characterise, perhaps, 11. L. G. as a quick-lighting and extremely quick-burning ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 75 powder ; pellet and pebble as quick-lighting, slow-burning powders ; and prismatic as slow-lighting and quick-burning powder. It is probable that the prismatic powder owes it extreme slowness of lighting to the deposition of a heavy coating of saltpetre, due to the moisture present in the process of manufacture. Although we find that almost inappreciable differences in the manufacture cause occasionally great differences of acbion when the powder is submitted to the test of firing, we are able to point to several causes which are of the greatest importance in modifying the behaviour of the powder in the gun. These points are — 1, Specific gravity; 2. Length of time during which the component charcoal Fig. 1 5. X /' . X^ /' .•^' r' ## t ^|C X" ^ ►^"^ nl* ^ ^' 9^ 9 J ^ / ^ / ./ .• /J' < / ' ,'• r a '006 z o o u «/> •004 -•002 S FEET. has been burned ; 3. Degree of moisture employed in manufacture ; 4. Hardness ; 5. Size of grain. I have arranged on diagrams curves intended to illustrate the differences between three of the classes of powder I have been describing, and in each case I have selected an example which I believe to be as nearly as possible a type of the class. For the purpose of comparison, they are all taken from experiments with the 10-inch gun. On this diagram, Fig. 15,* are delineated the time curves, that is, * In this and the following figure the black dots denote the observed points. In each figure, however, to prevent confusion, the dots are omitted in the case of one curve. 76 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER the indications given by the chronoscope itself ; the represent the lengths of bore ; the ordinates, the total time the shot takes to reach those lengths from the commencement of motion. Tliis curve represents R. L. G-., this pebble, and this prismatic. Note p5! ii^*^ 1400 1200 _ 1000 800 _ 600 i- - 400 1 2 3 4-5 Fig. 16. 8 KEET 800- ! _,_-- __,-;cr?=*'*' z- -6'0"0^ -^ '''" ^-^'' © <-) ^^-' — ' — "Z^ '"' ^^^ ''' U J^ Ui^-^ ^ -' "', ^" w /^ ^'^ 1^' "^ u Q. 400- y y^ U 200- ,* // _^ ■'' " '^mStZZ^ 1 Fig. 17. how much less is the time taken by the shot in the earlier parts of its motion in the case of R L. G. and pebble than in that of prismatic. It may be interesting to mention that the total time taken by a projectile, when fired with a battering charge, to reach the muzzle of a 10-inch gun is about the nr^th part of a second. ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 77 The velocities at each point of the bore, deduced from these time curves, are here exhibited. Figs. 16 and 17.* Observe how, in the pebble and prismatic powders, the velocity commences by being con- siderably lower than the K. L. G. velocity ; how they gradually reach it, pass it, and the projectile finally quits the gun, possessing a very considerably higher velocity. The curves towards the muzzle pass very nearly through the observed velocities. Near the origin of motion the curves pass above the observed points, as they necessarily would do. These curves, again. Fig. 18, represent the pressures correspond- Fig. 18. R. L.G 'RISMATIC PEBBLE. ing to those velocities, and their area is the measure of the work done by the respective powders on the shot. You will note that with both the prismatic and pebble powders,- although the maximum pressure is considerably less than with the E. L. G., this area is considerably more than the E. L. G. area. Hence follows the important fact— not only by the use of pebble powder, for example, is the gun much less strained than by the use of E. L. G., but we actually obtain from our gun, with the charges * As, owing to the small scale of Fig. 16, giving the velocities throughout the bore, the differences in velocity near the commencement of motion are not readily perceptible, the same curves for the first 6 feet of motion have been laid down to a larger scale in Fig. 17. 78 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER we are enabled to use, nearly 20 per cent, more effect, the work done by the former powder being about 5700 foot tons, while by the latter it is only 4900 foot tons. The pressures indicated by these curves are obtained from the chronoscope indications, and I now propose to examine what are the corresponding indications with the crusher gauge. They are as follow: — With the pebble, pellet, and prismatic powders, under ordinary circumstances, that is to say, with ordinary or battering charges of the service and with service vents, the pressiire indicated by the crushers placed in the powder chamber in the positions marked A, B, C, do not differ materially from one another, and any of them, or the mean of the whole of them, agree tolerably closely with the maximum pressure indicated by the chronoscope. But when we come to E. L. G-. or L. Gr. powders, a striking difference manifests itself; not only do the pressures in E. L. G. differ very materially from the indications given by the chronoscope, but they differ widely from one another. It is hardly necessary for me to point out to you that on the ordinary theory of the distribution of gas in the powder chamber in the first moments of motion, the density and consequent tension of gas should be least next the shot and should gradually, but not very greatly, increase towards the bottom of the bore. This, however, was not at all so. Thus, for example, with one specimen of E. L. G., while the chronoscope pres- sure was found to be 28 '3 tons, the pressure indicated by the crushers at C was 280 tons, at B was 31-3 tons, and at A was 47-9 tons. From other circumstances we were well aware that when similar ■charges and powder were fired with a rear centre vent, the destructive action on the gun was much reduced, but unfortunately with the destructive action was reduced also the useful effect. On our making the experiment, however, we found the chronoscope maxi- mum pressure 19 tons instead of 28 tons, while the crusher pressure indicated at B was 26 tons instead of 31 tons, and at C 39 tons instead of 28 tons. What then was the cause of these striking differences? I may point out that there is no manner of doubt as to the reality of the facts indicated by the •crushers ; not only do they appear, round after round, with unfail- ing regularity, but we have tested the correctness of the results in every way our ingenuity could suggest. We are therefore met in the case of the destructive powders with difficulties which do not exist in the case of slow-burning powders, and as we are com- pelled to admit that some of those pressures are entirely local, or ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 79 confined to certain portions of the gun, we give the following explanation. I need hardly again recall to your memory the early experiment of Eobins, and the high local pressure he obtained by placing the musket-bullet at some distance from the charge. The explanation of this phenomenon doubtless is that the inflamed gas, vapours, or other products of explosion arising from the combustion of the powder attained a very high velocity before encountering the resistance of the bullet, and the reconversion of the vis viva into pressure accounts for the intense local pressure that Eobins observed. The local pressure we have observed can be similarly explained. The vis viva of the products of combustion of the first portion of the charge ignited is in like manner converted into pressure at the seat of the shot, and as we know that the rapidity of combustion of powder is enormously accelerated by the tension under which it is exploded, it is possible that this pressure may be increased by a violent disengagement of gas from the unconsumed powder at the seat of the shot. The crusher pressure indicated with the rear vent is, as we might expect from the increased run, considerably higher than when the service vent is vised. The time during which this abnormal pressure is kept up must be exceedingly minute, even when compared with the infini- tesimal times we are considering, for we find the chronoscope pressure, which may be regarded in the case of these " poudres brutales" as representing the mean of pressures of a violent oscillatory character, hardly altered at all, even although the local pressures — as, for instance, when the rear vent is used — are increased 50 per cent. Other indications also, which I shall shortly notice, lead to the same conclusion ; but it is worthy of remark that, when violent local pressures are set up, waves of pressure, so to speak, appear to sweep from one end of the inflamed gases to the other, and to continue more or less during the whole time the shot is in the, bore. We are led to this conclusion from the following : — With pebble and other powders, where no wave action is set up, the pressures indicated by the crushers throughout the bore agree satisfactorily with those indicated by the chronoscope, and the area of a curve drawn through the observations represents with tolerable accuracy the work done on the shot, but when 80 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER wave action is set up this no longer holds. The velocity of the shot may be the same, or even less, and of course the area of which I have spoken should correspond. On the contrary, however, it is always greater — frequently enormously so — representing 60 to 70' per cent, more work than is really done on the shot. I have drawn on this pressure curve. Fig. 19, belonging to R. L. Gr., an imaginary line showing the way in which we may suppose these violent oscillations to exist; you will observe that oscillations of this character would not only explain the anomalies obtained with the crusher, but would explain also the double maxima invariably observed by General Neumann's Committee. \ Fig. 19. J A ' W "^ -- - -^ — — 3 0- 2 ~ ^- 0- 6 ftH I will only add that the chronoscope and crusher in these inves- tigations appear to me to be complementary one to the other. The chronoscope hardly recognises the existence of the local pressures; on the other hand, the crusher frequently gives no clue whatever to the mean pressure existing in the chamber. The above remarks as to local pressures apply to quick-firing powders. With service vents and service charges this wave action scarcely seems to exist in the other powders I have discussed; but if the charge be greatly increased in length, more especially if the cartridge be lighted from the rear, it again appears. It must be remembered that, objectionable, for many reasons, as this action is, it is in no way so serious a& if the local pressure extended simultaneously throughout the ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 81 chamber. In fact, certain considerations, with which I need not trouble you, led me to the conclusion that it was possible that under certain circumstances the maxima of the local pressure might be confined, not only to a certain portion in the longi- tudinal section of the bore, but even to a certain small arc in the transverse section through that portion. I therefore caused the records of proof of certain 10-inch guns which have been proved at Elswick in a manner calculated to produce in a high degree local pressures, to be examined, and found that out of 26 guns 16 had, after proof, no expansion at Fig. 20. all, 2 were expanded in a very narrow rim all round at the seat of the shot, and the remainder, 8 in number, had small enlarge- ments technically called dents, but the whole of these dents were confined to the seat of the shot, and to that portion of the section nearly opposite the vent which I have indicated in this diagram. Fig. 20. Again, it is almost certain that the high local pressure indicated at the bottom of the bore in the 10-inch guns is confined to the par- ticular point where the crusher is placed, and is due to the contrac- tion of the bore towards the end. To one difficulty I must allude. In the quick-burning powders, at all events, it seems to be certain F 82 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER that all, or at least all but a very trivial quantity, of the powder is converted into gas by the combustion of the powder before the pro- jectile has been materially moved from its initial position. A glance at one of these pressure diagrams must convince you of this fact ; but this being the case, how are we to account for the great loss of work which results when, under ordinary circumstances, a charge is ignited from the rear vent ? This loss is very variable, but in one instance in our own experiments the work realised in the shot was reduced from 78 foot tons to 58 foot tons per lb. of powder. The cause of this great loss of work, in an instance where it is difficult to believe that any quantity of powder can have escaped ignition, may, perhaps, be sought either on the hypothesis that under this peculiar mode of ignition the products of combustion differ materially from those arising under ordinary circumstances, or, as heat plays so important a part in the pressure of fired gunpowder, it may possibly be surmised that with the rear vent a much greater waste of heat has resulted than in the case of the service vent. I believe it is generally assumed that the loss of work arising from the heat communicated to the gun is altogether insignificant. This is, however, not so. Careful experiments were made on this head some years ago in Italy with rifles, the rifles being fired under three conditions — viz., with the bullet as usual, the bullet very considerably removed from the charge, and with no bullet at all. The results were that in all cases the heat communicated to the barrel represented considerably more than one-third of the total work developed, according to Bunsen and Schischkoff, by the combustion of the powder, being greatest when the ball was placed at some distance from the charge, least when the rifle was loaded in the ordinary manner. The loss of heat would be very different in the case of the large charges with which we are dealing, but it is still much too large to be neglected, and it is certain that where the wave action, to which I have so often adverted, is set up, there is always a considerable loss of useful effect. We are not, however, disposed to theorise too closely on the anomalies to which I have referred, as I believe I may say we have reasonable hopes of being able to solve some of our difficulties. Collaterally with the researches of the Committee on the action of gunpowder in guns, I have made at Elswick a series of experi- ments on the tension of the gases in closed vessels. ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 83 On the same diagram (Fig. 2, p. 56) in which I have placed Rumford's and Eodman's experiments I have plotted down our Elswick experiments, a portion of which were undertaken at the suggestion of General Lefroy. Eumford only succeeded in determining the tension of the powder- gases when the powder occupied less than 70 per cent, of the space in which it was fired. His charges also were insignificant, and his results, possibly from faults arising from his mode of operation, are extravagantly high. Rodman's results, owing to the defect I have pointed out in his instrument, are also high, but he did not determine the tension where the powder occupied a larger proportion of the space than 50 per cent. At Elswick, however, we have been so fortunate as not only to determine the tension of the gases at various densities, but we have exploded charges filling entirely the chambers of close vessels, and have altogether retained, and, by means of a special arrangement, discharged at pleasure the gaseous products of combustion. The results of our experiments, all with Government R. L. G., are shown in the diagram, and it only remains for me to describe the apparatus with which we obtained our results. It is here shown (Fig. 21):- FiG. 21. The inflamed products are confined in the chamber by means of this gas check. The pressure is determined by means of a crusher arrangement fitted at A. The charge is exploded by means of one of Mr Abel's fuzes. The curren passes through this insulated cone, B, which, the moment the charge is fired, destroys the insulating material and effectually closes the passage. The details of one or two of these experiments will be interesting to you. When we first made the arrangement for confining the powder absolutely, I thought 84 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER that the best method of stopping the escape of the gas was to make a steel vent, closing it with a gun-metal plug faced with tin. This arrangement was apparently successful. When I had just got up to the cylinder, and was stooping down to feel its heat, the charge suddenly made its escape with considerable violence. When the cylinder was opened for examination it was found that the escape of the gas was due to the heat of the explosion having melted the tin between the conical plug, and through the melted tin the gas readily Another most remarkable occurrence was noted in the examination of this cylinder. On taking out the crusher apparatus, to my sur- prise I found that a portion of the solid steel projecting into the charge had been melted, and apparently run; also the head of a hardened steel screw had evidently fused. I hold in my hand these evidences of fusion, and call your attention to the exceedingly short time, 32 seconds, in which these effects were produced. By way of comparison, I put, for 37 seconds, into one of the hottest of Siemen's regenerative furnaces, at a temperature probably of about 3300° Fahr., a similar piece of steel. It was raised only to a heat of about 180" Fahr. I must warn you, however, that the temperature of this fusion may have been seriously affected by chemical changes through which the fused metal may have passed ; but an examination which I hope to have shortly made will settle this point. With one other experiment I must trouble you. In the experi- ment I have just related I determined the tension of three-quarters of a pound of E. L. G. powder, completely filling the chamber in which it was fired, and having no escape whatever, to be about 32 tons on the square inch. For the purpose of my lecture this evening, I determined to make a similar experiment with F. G-. and pellet. I have done so, and the results were completely successful. The gas was entirely confined. In the first case, when I got up to the cylinder it was making a singular crepitating noise, due probably to the sudden application of great internal heat. The temperature of the exterior of the cylinder rose rapidly to 111° Fahr., and then remained nearly stationary for some time. I then let the gases escape, which they did with a sharp, hissing noise, rising to a scream when any obstacle was placed on the orifice. With the escaping gases there was not the slightest appearance of smoke, vapour, or colour of any kind. The pressure indicated by the F. G. was 37 tons on the square inch, or about 5600 atmospneres. Here, in those sealed bottles, are the solid residues of combustion ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER 85 from the R G. and also from pebble. In each cylinder had been platinum wire and foil of different degrees of thickness. These have disappeared, and I am unable to say in what state they now are, until the residues have been examined. I look upon the success of these experiments as being of great importance. Not only, with the assistance of my friend and colleague (on the Committee), Mr Abel, so well known for his researches in explosive substances, shall we be able to determine the various products of combustion when the powder is fired at its maximum pressure, but r— 30 Fig. 22. R.L.G.I0"CUN. .C.8 CUN. ,10". GUN. we shall be able to determine whether any, and if so what, change in the products is due to combustion under varying pressure ; we shall also be able to determine the heat of combustion, and solve other important questions. To a remarkable coincidence and singular confirmation of the Committee's results I must draw your attention. Upon my obtaining this curve, giving the relation between the tension and density of the powder-gases in a close chamber, I was anxious to see how these results would conform with similar ones obtained from our observations of the tension in the bores of guns. Accordingly I laid down these curves anew, Fig. 22, representing 86 ON THE TENSION OF FIRED GUNPOWDER pebble-powder fired in 10-inch and 8-inch guns, and K. L. G. fired in 10-inch, 8-inch, and 2-inch guns, the ordinates as before representing the tension of the powder, but the abscissae representing the density of the gas. You will perceive, under this view, how closely the 10-inch and 8-inch pebble and K. L. G. approximate. But when I came to put on the same diagram, as indicated by the crosses, the tensions I had obtained from powder fired in a close vessel, they were nearly absolutely identical with the results obtained in the 10-inch gun from pebble-powder. The coincidence, you will agree, is too remarkable to be accidental. The practical conclusions to be deduced from the investigations forming the subject of this lecture may be arranged as follows : — 1st. — The maximum pressure of fired ordinary gunpowder density being unity unrelieved by expansion, is not much above 40 tons to the square inch. 2nd. — In large guns, owing to the violent oscillations produced by the ignition of a large mass of powder, the pressure of the gas is liable to be locally exalted, even above its normal tension, in a perfectly closed vessel, and this intensification of pressure endangers the endurance of the gun, while detracting from the useful effect. 3rd. — Where large charges are used, quick-burning powder for the same energy greatly increases the strain upon the gun. 4th. — ^The position of the vent or firing point exercises an important influence upon the intensity of wave action, and in further enlarging the dimensions of heavy guns we must look to improved powder, and improved methods of firing the charge, so as to avoid as much as possible throwing the ignited gases into violent oscillation. 5th. — In all cases it is desirable to have the charges as short as possible, and the cartridge so lighted as to reduce the run of the gas to the shortest limit. But I must conclude, and, while regretting the imperfect and incomplete information which I have been able this evening to give you, I trust you will remember that our investigations are still proceeding, and that, should the subject be of interest to you, and our work seem of sufficient importance, I or some other member of our Committee may yet be able to Jay before you the results of our further researches. PLATE VI. PLATE VII. ON THE PEESSUEE EEQUIEED TO GIVE EOTATION TO EIFLED PEOJECTILES. {Philosophical Magazine, 1873.) 1. In a paper published in the Philosophical Magazine for 1863 (vol. XX vi.), and subsequently in the B,evue de Technologie Militaire I gave some investigations on the ratio between the forces tending to produce translation and rotation in the bores of rifled guns. 2. My object in these investigations was to show, 1st, that in the rifled guns with which experiments were then being made the force required to give rotation was generally only a small fraction of that required to give translation ; 2ndly, that in all cases (and this was a point about which much discussion had taken place) the increment of gaseous pressure (that is, the increase of bursting force) due to rifling was quite insignificant. 3. In the paper referred to, although the formulae were sufficiently general to embrace the various systems of rifling then under con- sideration in England, they did not include the case of an increasing twist, which has since been adopted for the 8-inch and all larger guns of the British service ; neither was our knowledge of the pressure of fired gunpowder sufficient to enable me to place absolute values on either of the forces I was considering. 4. Since the date at which I wrote, an extensive series of experi- ments has been made in this country ; and the results of these experiments enable me to give with very considerable accuracy both the pressure acting on the base of the projectile and the velocity at any point of the bore. I am therefore now able not only to assign absolute values where in my former paper I only gave ratios, but also to show the amount by which the studs of the projectiles of heavy guns have been relieved by the introduction of the accelerat- ing twist known as the parabolic system of rifling. 88 ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO GIVE 5. Very little consideration will satisfy any one conversant with the subject, that in the ordinary uniform spiral or twist the pressure on the studs or other driving-surface is a maximum when the pressure on the base of the shot is a maximum, and becomes greatly reduced during the passage of the shot from its seat to the muzzle of the gun. In my former paper I showed, in fact, that in a uniform twist the pressure on the studs was a constant fraction of the pressure on the base of the shot, the value of the fraction of course depending on the angle of the rifling ; and as it is evident that the tension of the powder-gases at the muzzle is very small when compared with the tension of the same gases at the seat of the shot, it follows that in such a system of rifling the studs may have scarcely any work to do at the muzzle, while they may be severely strained at the commence- ment of motion. 6. If, then, the defect of the ordinary or uniform system of rifling be that the studs are severely strained at the flrst instants of motion and are insignificantly strained at the instant of quitting the gun, it is obvious that it is possible to remove this inequality and at the same time allow the projectile to leave the bore with the same angular velocity by reducing the twist at the seat of the shot and gradually increasing it until it gains the desired angle at the muzzle. In fact, if we know the law according to which the pressure of the powder varies throughout the bore, it is theoretically possible to devise a system of rifling which shall give a uniform pressure on the studs throughout the bore. 7. These reasons doubtless led the late Ordnance Select Com- mittee, to whom the application of the increasing twist to the service guns is due, to propose its introduction ; and they selected as the simplest form of an increasing spiral the curve which, when developed on a plane surface, should have the increments of the angle of rifling uniform. This curve is, as is well known, a parabola ; and as con- siderable advantages have been claimed for the parabolic system of rifling, I propose in this paper to examine and evaluate them. I may add that I should not have given the results I now give, before the full experiments made by the Committee of Explosives, as well as some investigations undertaken by Mr Abel and myself are published, were it not that several groundless assertions concerning the Woolwich rifling have recently appeared, and have led to much discussion and very unnecessary uneasiness. 8. The argument commonly advanced against an accelerating twist is based upon the fact of the shot moving slowest at first, it ROTATION TO RIFLED PROJECTILES Fig. 1. being supposed that while moving slowest the shot will require less force to make it rotate ; but there is a fallacy in this argument, which lies in confounding velocity with rate of acceleration. The shot undoubtedly moves slowest at first, but it acquires velocity most rapidly at first, and it is the gain of velocity that determines the strain upon the stud. 9. The first question, then, which I propose is, to determine the pressure on the studs of a projectile fired from a gun rifled on a parabolic or uniformly increasing twist ; and in this investigation I shall adopt the notation used in my former paper. 10. Take, then, as the plane of xy a plane at right angles to the axis of the gun. If the angle of rifling commence at zero, increasing to, say one turn in n calibres, let the plane of xy pass through the commencement of the rifling ; but if the rifling do not com- mence at zero, it will be found more con- venient to make the plane of xy pass through the point where the twist would be zero were the grooves sufficiently prolonged. Let the axis of x pass through one of the grooves ; and, for the sake of simplicity, we shall suppose the rifling to be given by one groove only. Let the axis of z be coincident with that of the gun; let AP (see Fig. 1) be the groove or curve described by the point P, and let P {x, y, z) be the point at which the resultant of all the pressures tending to produce rotation may be assumed to act at a given instant. Let the angle AON = 9!). 11. Now the projectile in its passage through the bore is acted on by the following forces : — 1st. The gaseous pressure G, the resultant of which acts along the axis of z. 2nd. The pressure tending to produce rotation. Calling this pressure E, and observing that it will be exerted normally to the surface of the groove, we have for the resolved parts of this pressure along the co-ordinate axes, E cos X, E cos n, and E cos i/ ; X, /x, and v being the angles which the normal makes with the co-ordinate axes. 3rd. The friction between the stud or rib of the projectile and the driving-surface of the groove. This force tends to retard the motion of the projectile ; its direction will be along the tangent to the curve 90 ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO GIVE which the point P describes. If wi be the coefficient of friction, and if a, (3, y be the angles which the tangent makes with the co-ordinate axes, the resolved portions of this force are /x^R . cos a, /UjE . cos /3, yu^E . cos y. 12. Summing up these forces, the forces which act parallel to x are X = R . { cos A - /a^ cos a } '\ >, j/ „ Y = R.jcos/x-/^^ cos/3} I • • (1) „ 2 „ Z = G + R . { cos V - /Xj cos y } j and the equations of motion are M. J= G + R{cosv-/x, cosy} . . . (2) M.^-l^ = Jl=ll (3) p being the radius of gyration. Equations (1), (2), and (3) are identical with those I formerly gave. 13. Now, in the case of a uniformly increasing twist, the equations to the curve which when developed on a plane surface is a parabola may be put under the form .r = r cos ^ ; y = r sin ^ ; z^ = kr(fi . . . (4) Hence dx= -r sin <^ . c?<^ ; dy = r cos <^ . d; ds = 2" n/402 + k-^.dcf> and we have, to determine the angles which the tangent to the curve described by P makes with the co-ordinate axes, the equations dx - 2s . sin ^ dy 2z . cos (h cos/? = -j^ = ■ ^ . ds Jiz^ + k^ dz k cos y = — - = — . ds Jiz^ + k'^ (5) 14. In the Woolwich guns the driving-surface of the groove may be taken, without sensible error, as the simpler form of surface where the normal to the driving-surface is perpendicular to the radius, the surface itself being generated by that radius of the bore which, passing perpendicularly through the axis of z, meets the curve described by the point P ; but in the first instance I shall examine the more general case, where the normal makes any assigned angle with the radius. ROTATION TO RIFLED PROJECTILES 91 Assume then that on the plane of xy the normal makes an angle S with the radius of the gun. The driving-surface of the groove is then swept out by a straight line which, always remaining parallel to the plane of xy, intersects the curve described by P, and touches the right cylinder whose axis is coincident with that of z, and whose radius =r . cos S. Now, the equations to the director being given by (4), and that to the cylinder, which the generator always touches, being x^ +y-i = (r COS 8)- . . . • (6) it is easily shown that the co-ordinates x^, y^ of the point of contact of the tangent to the cylinder drawn from P parallel to the plane xy, .r-j = r . cos 8 . cos ((/> - 8)^ ^^ = r . cos 8 . sin (^ - 8) / and that the equation to the driving-surface is (7) S\ + y.sinj^ - SJ = r.cos8 • (8) A-r J ' " Kkr 15. The angles which the normal to this surface make with the co-ordinate axes are given by cos A with similar expressions for cos fx and cos v. But ms for cos /j. and cos v. . Therefore the angles which the normal to the driving-surface makes with the axes are given by . sin 8 /S2 k . cos y— cos A COS fl J 4:z%sin 8y + k'^ k . sin (J^ - 8) V4s2(sin8)2 + F 2s . sin 8 JizXsin8y + ¥ (9) 92 ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO GIVE 16. Substituting in (2) and (3) the values given for a, /3, y. A, ijl, v in (5) and (9), the equations of motion become M ^'' n Rf 2.^^in8 f.,k • (10) . (11) ''• dV^ ^ I V402(sin Kf + F ^ 74^2 + rf2<^ R . r (- yt . sin 8 2/XjS ' df^ p^ lV422(sinS)2 + F 74^2 + and from (11), M.^2 rf2^ . (12) C A-, sin 8 2//^s )^ rf/2 17. To determine -^ From (4) ^r<^ = 22 A,. '^'^ 0. dz ^''-i^--r-im^\dt)] d^ 2 i d'^z , ) ./^2 -krV-di^^'^l . 03) and substituting this value of -^ in (12) 2Mp2 ( d ^^2|_^^sin8^ _ , ^^1^^ i J4z%sin 8)2 + F Jiz^ + F for brevity, V-m*'"} A or, substituting the value of j.^ derived from (10) 1 M M VV4s2(^sinS)2 + F ^ V4^2 + ^.2; / and from this expression may be deduced R 2p2iGc+M.2} V4.a2(sin8)2 + F ^ s/4^2:fl2 18. Equation (14) gives the pressure acting between the studs or rib of the projectile and the driving-surface of the groove at any ROTATION TO RIFLED PROJECTILES 93 point of the bore, and for any inclination of the driving-surface ; but, as before stated, in the Woolwich guns the normal to the driving- surface (that is, the line of action of E) may, without material error, be considered as perpendicular to the radius. If in (14) S be put = 90°, the equation is simplified ; and the resulting expression gives the total pressure on the studs for the Woolwich guns. Putting then ^ = 90°, (14) becomes h'Xk - 2/1,^2) + 2p^c(2:: + fx^k) 19. Compare now (14) and (15), the equations giving the pressure on the studs for parabolic rifling, with the equations subsisting where a uniform twist is used. For a uniform twist we have, as I formerly showed, R '^ G. . (16) li^{2ivp^k - rh) (2 V + rhk) sin 8 Jl+¥ "*" V^' + (shi8>^ where h is the pitch of the rifling, k the tangent of the angle which the groove makes with the plane of xy, the other constants bearing the meaning I have already assigned to them in this investigation. 20. In the Woolwich guns, where ^ = 90°, (16) becomes R= 2iTp''J\+lc^ _G . . . (17) hr{k - /Xj) + 2Trp\fj.^k + 1) 21. I proceed to apply these formulae, and propose to examine what are the pressures actually required to give rotation to a 400-lb. projectile, fired from a 10-inch gun with battering charges, under the following conditions :— 1st. If the gun be rifled with an increasing twist as at present. 2nd. If it be rifled with a uniform pitch, the projectile in both cases being supposed to have the same angular velocity on quitting the gun. As the calculations for the uniform pitch are the simpler, I shall take this case first. 22. I have before remarked that with a uniform twist the pres- sure on the studs of the projectile is a constant fraction of that on the base of the shot, and represents, so to speak, on a reduced scale, the pressure existing at any point in the bore of the gun. Calling the fraction in equation (17) C, we have R = C.G (18) 94 where ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO GIVE 27r/D2Vl+l2 Ar(^-/Xj) + 277/3^1^+1) •04426 • (19) the values of the constants in (19) being in the case of the 10-inch gun as follow : — P = -312ft., k Hence 12-732, A = 33-333ft., /•=-417ft., /Xj = -167 R = -04426.0 (20) 23. But the values of G are known with very considerable exact- ness from the investigations of the Explosive Committee under the presidency of Colonel Younghusband. The following Table gives the value of G (that is, the total pressure in tons acting on the base of the projectile) for a charge of 70 lbs. of pebble-powder at various points of the bore, and the corresponding values of E. It will be remarked how high the pressure on the studs is when that on the base of the shot is a maximum, and how rapidly the strain decreases as the shot approaches the muzzle. Table showing the pressure, on the studs in a 10-inch British-service f/un rifled with a uniform tvrist, calculated from (17). Travel of shot, in feet. Total pressure G on base of shot, Value of C. Value of R, or total pressure on studs. in tons. in tons. 0-000 •04426 0-333 1547 ,, 68-5 0-945 1077 47-7 1-8:34 781 34-6 2-723 621 27-5 3-612 510 22-6 4 500 424 18-7 5-389 -356 15-8 6-278 305 13-5 7-167 268 11-8 8-055 240 10-6 8-944 220 9-7 9-833 205 9-1 24 The results in the Table show the pressures required to give rotation, if the 10-inch gun be rifled on a uniform twist. I turn now to the rifling as it actually exists, and which is defined to be a parabolic twist, commencing with one turn in 100 calibres and terminating at the distance of 9 '833 feet with a twist of one ROTATION TO RIFLED PROJECTILES 95 turn in 40 calibres; and first to determine the equation to the parabola. Let the origin be at the point where the twist vanishes when the curve AB is sufficiently prolonged — that is, at the vertex of the parabola. Let Oz and Oy' be the axes of co-ordinates ; let A' = z-^, Fig. 2. OB' = 23; let tan Oi be the tangent of the angle which the curve makes with O2: at A, and tan 0^ be the corresponding tangent at B. Then, from the definition of the parabolic twist, dz constant = c, suppose and But, from (21), tan 6^ = cz.-,, and tan 6^ = cz-^ tan 0^ - tan ( 0047925 (21) (22) Comparing (22) with the form of this equation given in (4), 2 z^ = kr(f), we have y =r(f) and k = — = 417-3 Hence the equation to the development of the parabolic rifling s2 = 417-3r0 (23) and z^ the distance of the origin from the commencement of the rifling tan 6-555 feet. 25. As in the last case, I place in the form of a Table the results 96 ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO GIVE given by (15) for different values of z. The values of the constants are, r= -417 feet, ^ = 417-3, p = -.312 feet, /x^ = -167, M = -00555 Table shoviing the pressure on the studs in a 10-inch British-service gun rifled with a parabolic twist, commencing at one turn in 100 calibres and terminating at one turn in 40 calibres, calculated from (If)). Value of z, the distance from the origin, in Corresponding travel of the shot in the bore, in feet. Corresponding velocity of shot, in feet. Total pressure on base ot shot, in tons. Value of R, or total pressure on studs, in tons. 6-5.55 0-000 6-888 0-333 411 1547 31-2 7-500 0-945 675 1077 28-7 8.389 1-834 873 781 29-0 9-278 2-723 992 621 30-2 10-167 3-612 1078 510 31-4 11-055 4-500 1146 424 32-3 11-944 5-389 1200 356 33-0 12-833 6-278 1245 305 33-8 13-7-22 7-167 1-282 268 34-5 14-610 8-055 1311 240 35-2 15-499 8-944 1333 220 35-8 16-388 9-833 1349 205 36-3 26. From an examination of the values of E given in this Table, it will be seen that the total pressure on the driving-surface reaches about 31 tons shortly after the commencement of motion, and the projectile quits the bore with a pressure of about 36 tons. With the view of making the variations which the pressures undergo more readily comparable, I have laid down in the coloured Plate facing page 98 the curves derived from Equations (15) and (17) for the battering charge of pebble-powder. From these diagrams the pressures on the driving-surface at any point of the bore, both for the uniform and parabolic twists, can be seen by simple inspection. The axis of abscissae gives the travel of the shot, and the ordinates give the corresponding total pressure on the studs. The curves show that with the uniform spiral the pressure on the studs reaches nearly 70 tons after a travel of '3 feet, rapidly falling to about 9 tons at the muzzle, while with the parabolic rifling the pressure at '3 feet of travel, corresponding to the point of maximum pressure, is only 31 tons. The pressure then falls slightly, and amounts to 28 tons at about 1 foot travel; thence it gradually increases to a maximum of 36 tons at the muzzle. By way of comparison, I have added in the Plate a curve showing ROTATION TO RIFLED PROJECTILES 97 the pressures required to give rotation to a 400-lb. projectile fired from the 10-inch gun with uniform twist when E. L. G-. instead of pebble-powder is used. The curve in this case is of the same nature as that derived from the pebble-powder ; but the variation is greater, the maximum pres- sure being much higher, and the muzzle-pressure, owing to the smaller charge, somewhat less. 27. To one more point it is worth while to call attention. If the gun were a smooth-bore gun, the equation of motion would be M.g = G' .... (24) and comparing this equation with (10), we have, on the supposition* that the velocity increments in both cases are equal, G = G' or, in the case of the Woolwich gun, where o = 90°, G = G' + R.f4^±fli| . . . (26) and the interpretation of these equations is that the gaseous pressure in the rifled guns (rifled with the parabolic twist) is greater than that in the smooth-bored gun by the second term of the right-hand member of the equation. 28. The corresponding equations for a uniform twist are or, if ^=90'; G = G' + R|4t±l| .... (28) 29. I shall now put these results in actual figures, and shall again take for illustration the 10-inch gun, supposed (as before) to be rifled, 1st, on the uniform, 2nd, on the parabolic or service twist. With the uniform twist, G- (see Table) = 1547 tons; and using Equation (28) and the values of the constants given in 22, G' = G--24.5R = -989G (29) * Were the velocity increments not supposed equal, the reduction of pressure due to the suppression of rifling would be less than that given in the text. G 98 ROTATION TO RIFLED PROJECTILES Hence the decrement of pressure due to the sujDpression of rifling is only about 1 per cent. ; that is, the total pressure on the base of the shot is reduced from 1547 tons to 1530 tons, or the bursting pres- sure is reduced from 19-7 tons per square inch to 19*5 tons per square inch. At the muzzle of the gun in the same manner we find that the total pressure is reduced from 205 tons to 202 8 tons, and the pres- sure per inch in a corresponding proportion. 30. Similarly, from Equation (26) and the values of the constants given in 25, the values of Gr' at the point of maximum pressure and at the muzzle of the gun are obtained; and I find that with the parabolic twist the pressure on the base of the shot would be reduced from 1547 tons to 1541 tons, or the bursting pressure would be reduced from 197 tons to 19-62 tons per square inch. At the muzzle the corresponding reductions are from 205 tons total pressure, to 196 tons, or from 2-61 tons to 2-49 tons per square inch. 31. For the sake of clearness, I recapitulate the results at which I have arrived. They are as follows : — 1st. That the pressures actually exerted at all points of the bore to give rotation to the 10-inch British-service projectile, compared with the pressures which would be exerted were the gun rifled on a uniform twist, are very approximately exhibited in the diagrams on opposite page. 2nd. That in the 10-inch gun (and other guns similarly rifled) the pressure on the studs due to rifling is but a small fraction (about 21 per cent.) of the pressure required to give translation to the shot. 3rd. That the substitution of the parabolic for the uniform rifling has reduced by about one-half the maximum pressure on the studs. 4th. That the increment of the gaseous pressure, or the pressure tending to burst the gun, due to rifling is exceedingly small,* both in the case of the uniform and parabolic rifling. This result is entirely confirmed by the experiments of the Explosive Committee, who have found no sensible difference of pressure in the 10-inch gun fired in the rifled and unrifled states. 5th. That, small as the increment in gaseous pressure due to rifling is, it is still less in the parabolic than in the uniform system of rifling. ' Although the increase of strain due to rifling is inconsiderable, yet the decrease of the strength of the structure of a gun inseparable from rifling may be, and in many systems is, considerable ; but the discussion of this question is outside of the .scope of my paper. r " ^ I >c> ^ ^^ — 1 •^ .t \ i ^ % ^ ■<^ 1 1 ^- T) I| — "^ "^ 1 t? >% 1 1 a ;i 1 ^ 1 1 -i ft "~~~ ' ^ ~^ ■1 ;'/ § C9 o Gases fK.,CO, •1264 grm. 0-6806- K.S . KCNS •0327 •4227 •0213 •0030 KNO, •0372 (NHJXOg . O . . . . •0286 •0014 Ic . . . . •0073 rsH, . grm. •0018 = 1-16 0-3138 . . CO . •0014 •0094 = 1-00 = 7-49 0-9944 CO., . H : . •2012 •0002 = 101-71 = 2-34 In . . •0998 = 79-40 193^10 In Table 3 a comparative statement is given of the foregoing results with those of other recent experimenters, and with those furnished by our investigations. (See p. 130.) Bunsen and Schischkoff determined the number of units of heat generated by combustion, by exploding a small charge of powder in a tube immersed in water. They found that the combustion of a gramme of powder gave rise to 620 gramme-units of heat ; and hence they calculated that the temperature of explosion, in a^ close chamber impervious to heat, was 3340° Cent. (5980° Fahr.). From the above data the pressure in a close vessel is deducible ; and they computed that the maximum pressure which the gas can attain, which it may approximate to but can never reach, is about 4374 atmospheres, or 29 tons on the square inch. Bunsen and Schischkoff further computed the total theoretical work which a kilog. of gunpowder is capable of producing on a projectile at 67,400 kilogrammetres. In the course of our paper we shall have frequent occasion to refer to these very important researches. In 1858, D. J. Linck* repeated, with Wurtemburg war-powder, Bunsen and Schischkoff analysis of the products of combustion, which were obtained by the same method. The composition of the powder used is given in Table 2, p. 128. Linck's results, which we have placed in the same Table as those of Bunsen and Schischkoff, differed in several points from the results of the latter chemists, but chiefly in the much smaller quantity of * Annalen der Chemie, vol. cix. p. 53. 110 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES potassium sulphate found. Linck considered that 1 grm. of the powder used generated 218"3 c.c. of gas. In 1863, M. von Karolyi * examined the products of combustion of Austrian musket- and ordnance-powder. M. von Karolyi's method of obtaining the products of combustion consisted in suspending in a spherical shell a small case containing a charge of the powder to be experimented with. Before firing the charge, the air contained in the shell was exhausted ; the powder was fired by electricity. The arrangement will readily be understood from the sketch shown in Fig. 3, Plate XI. (p. 230). After combustion, the gases were obtained for examination by means of the stop-cock, while the solid residue remaining in the shell was removed with water and filtered. The composition of the powders used is given in Table 2 (p. 128), and the results of analysis in Table 3, p. 130. Von Karolyi computed that the gases resulting from 1 grm. of small-arm powder generated 2266 c.c, and from 1 grm. of ordnance-powder 200'9. The Astronomer Eoyal, Sir G-. B. Airy, in a paper f published in 1863, " On the Numerical Expression of the Destructive Energy in the Explosions of Steam-boilers, and on its comparison with the Destructive Energy of Gunpowder," considers that " the destructive energy of 1 cubic foot of water (6223 lbs. = 28-23 kilogs.) at the temperature which produces the pressure of 60 lbs. to the square inch is equal to that of 1 lb. of gunpowder, and that the destructive energy of 1 cubic foot of water at the temperature which produces the pressure of 60 lbs. to the square inch, surrounded by hot iron, is pre- cisely equal to the destructive energy of 2 lbs. of gunpowder as fired in a cannon." Airy takes the energy of a kilog. of powder as fired from a gun at 56,656 kilog. metres = 82894 foot-tons per lb. of powder ; so that the total energy of gunpowder would be somewhat less than double the above value. He states, however, that this estimate does not pretend to be very accurate. In 1869 were published, in the Zeitschrift fur Cheviie,% the results of some experiments made by Colonel Fedorow to determine whether the products varied materially with the mode of combustion. Fedorow experimented (1) by firing a pistol with a blank charge * Pogf?endorff's Annalen, April 1863. PhUosophkal Mdgazive, ser. 4, vol. xxvi. p. 266. t PhilosophkaL Mmjaziw, ser. 4, vol. xxvi. p. o29. % Und. vol. v. p. 1 2. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 111 into a glass tube 4 feet long, (2) and by firing a shotted 9-pr. bronze gun with 3 lbs. of powder ; the residues were in each case dissolved in water and analysed. The composition of the powder employed by Fedorow is given in Table 2, and his analytical results are shown in Table 3. From the experiments with the gun, Fedorow calculated that the gaseous products were 826 c.c. N, 1621 c.c. CO.2, and 14 c.c. SO.^ and O, He considers that several successive reactions take place during combustion, that potassium sulphate and carbonic anhydride are first formed, while the excess of carbon reduces the sulphate to carbonate, hyposulphite, and carbonic anhydride. In 1871, Captain Noble,* one of the present writers, in detailing to the Eojal Institution his earlier researches on the tension of fired gunpowder, stated that the conclusion at which he had arrived from the results of his experiments, where the products of combustion were entirely or partially confined, was, that the maximum pressure of fired gunpowder, of the usual gravimetric density, when unrelieved by expansion, did not greatly exceed 6100 atmospheres (40 tons to the square inch). Upon the same occasion a curve was exhibited, showing the relation between the tension and the density of the exploded products. These results have been confirmed by our present more extensive and exact investigations. Captain Noble also stated that, by means of a special apparatus which was fully described at the time, he had not only determined the tension of the gases at various densities, but had exploded con- siderable charges filling entirely the chambers of close vessels, and had altogether retained and at pleasure discharged the gaseous and other products of combustion.f Berthelot J published, in 1872, a collection of theoretical papers upon the force of powder and other explosive substances. Berthelot does not attempt to evaluate the force of fired gun- powder, but evidently accepts as tolerably correct § the tensions assigned by Eumford and Piobert, and accounts for the discrepancy * Proceedings of Royal Institution, vol. vi. p. 282. Revue Scientifique, No. 4S, p. 1125. t In the present paper, in Section K, the results of some of Capt. Noble's earlier experiments are given. They accord, as will be seen, exceedingly well with the series we have discussed at length ; but a few experiments made with a fine- grained powder are excluded, both because the powder, being sporting, was not comparable with the fine-grain used in the present researches, and because the differences in their composition are unknown, the sporting-powder not having been analysed. X Sur la Force de la Poudre. Paris, 1872. •^j Loc. cit. p. 80. 112 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES between their conclusions and those of the modern chemists by assuming that the laws of Mariotte and Gay-Lussac lose all physical significance for pressures so enormous as those developed in the combustion of gunpowder. Berthelot is disposed * to think that dissociation plays a consider- able role during the expansion of the products in the bore of a gun. He supposes that the phenomena of dissociation do not exercise their influence only during the period of maximum effect, but that, during the expansion of the gases, a cooling effect is produced, by which a more complete combination is effected and more heat disengaged. Taking Bunsen and Schischkoff's experiments as a basis, Berthe- lot expresses the decomposition experienced by gunpowder by the equation f I6KNO3 + 6S + 13C = 5K,SO^ + 2K,C03 + K.S + 16N + 1 ICO, which he considers represents their resvilts with sufficient exactness. In 1873, M. de TromenecJ communicated to the Academy of Sciences a short memoir on the means of comparing the absolute force of varieties of powder. His method was based upon the principle that, when a body is exploded without producing mechanical effect, the " force disponible " is converted into heat, and that it is only necessary to explode a given weight in a close vessel and determine the heat produced. The apparatus used by De Tromenec was closed in much the same manner as was that employed by Captain Noble in his earlier experiments already alluded to. The three kinds of powder experi- mented with gave results varying between 729 and 891 calories generated by the combustion of 1 kilog. of powder. In the same § number of the Comptes Rendus in which De Tromenec's memoir is given, appears a note by MM. Eoux and Sarrau, in which, and in a subsequent note,j| are determined, with small charges, some of the points to which our own investigations have been specially directed. MM. Eoux and Sarrau have given, for five species of powder, the number of calories and volume of gas generated by a given weight of powder, and have from these data calculated the temperature of com- bustion and tension of the gas. With one of the powders, representing closely the composition of those chiefly experimented with by us, the number of calories and * Sur la Force de la Poudre, p. 83. f Loc. cit. p. 91. I Comptes Rendus de VAcadimie des Sciences, torn. Ixxvii. p. 126. § Comptes Rendus, torn. Ixxvii. p. 138. || Ibid. p. 478. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 113 volume of the gas agree nearly exactly with the numbers found by ourselves. There is, however, a considerable difference in our deter- minations (both theoretical and experimental) of the tension of the gas and also of the temperature of explosion, the temperature being estimated by Koux and Sarrau at about 4200" Cent., and the tension at about 4700 atmospheres. "We shall return, however, to these points when discussing our own experiments. (&) OBJECTS OF EXPERIMENTS. The chief objects which we had in view in making these investi- gations were : — First. To ascertain the products of combustion of gunpowder fired under circumstances similar to those which exist when it is exploded in guns or mines. Second. To ascertain the tension of the products of combustion at the moment of explosion, and to determine the law according to which the tension varies with the gravimetric density of the powder. Tliird. To ascertain whether any, and, if so, what well-defined variation in the nature or proportions of the products accompanies a change in the density or size of grains of the powder. Fourth. To determine whether any, and, if so, what influence is exerted on the nature of the metamorphosis by the pressure under which the gunpowder is fired. Fifth. To determine the volume of permanent gases liberated by the explosion. Sixth. To compare the explosion of gunpowder fired in a close vessel with that of similar gunpowder when fired in the bore of a gun. Seventh. To determine the heat generated by the combustion of gunpowder, and thence to deduce the temperature at the instant of explosion. Eighth. To determine the work which gunpowder is capable of performing on a shot in the bore of a gun, and thence to ascertain the total theoretical work, if the bore be supposed of indefinite length. (c) METHODS OF EXPERIMENT. 1. Explosion-apparatus. We propose, in the first place, to describe the principal apparatus used in these investigations, and shall commence with that portion H 114 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES which is of primary importance, viz., the vessel in which the explosions were produced. Two sizes of vessels were used, the larger being capable of holding about 2^ lbs. (1 kilog.) of powder, the other being about half that capacity. Both vessels were of the same general construction, and similar to that described in Captain Noble's Lecture at the Eoyal Institu- tion already referred to. A drawing of the apparatus is given in Plate X., Figs. 2 and 3 (p. 230). A (see Figs. 2 and 3) is a mild steel vessel of great strength, carefully tempered in oil, in the chamber of which (B) the charge to be exploded is placed. The main orifice of the chamber is closed by a screwed plug (C), called the firing-plug, which is fitted and ground into its place with great exactness. In the firing-phig itself is a conical hole, which is stopped by the plug D, also ground into its place with great accuracy. As the firing-plug is generally placed on the top of the cylinder, and as, before firing, the conical plug would drop into the chamber if not held, it is retained in position by means of the set-screw S, between which and the cylinder a small washer (W) of ebonite is placed. After firing, the cone is, of course, firmly held, and the only effect of internal pressure is more completely to seal the aperture. At E is the arrangement for letting the gases escape; the small hole F communicates with the chamber where the powder is fired, and perfect tightness is secured by means of the mitred surface G. When it is wished to let the gases escape, the screw E is slightly withdrawn, and the gas passes into the passage H. At K is placed the "crusher-apparatus" for determining the tension at the moment of explosion. When it is desired to explode a charge, the crusher-apparatus, after due preparation, is first carefuUy screwed into its place, and the hole F closed. The cone in the firing-plug is covered with the finest tissue-paper, to act as an insulator. The two wires LL, one in the insulated cone, the other in the cylinder, are connected by a very fine platinum wire passing through a small glass tube filled with mealed powder. Upon completing connection with a Daniell's battery, the charge is fired. The only audible indication of the explosion is a slight click ; but frequently, upon approaching the nose to the apparatus, a faint smell of sulphuretted hydrogen is perceptiljle. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 115 The difficulties we have met with in using this apparatus are more serious than might at first sight appear. In the first place, the dangerous nature of these experiments rendered the greatest caution necessary, while, as regards the retention of the products, the application of contrivances of well- known efficacy for closing the joints, such as papi&r-mdclU wads between discs of metal (a method which has been successfully employed with guns), are inadmissible, because the destruction of the closing or cementing material used, by the heat, woiild obviously affect the composition of the gas. Every operation con- nected with the preparation of the apparatus for an experiment has to be conducted with the most scrupulous care. Should any of the screws not be perfectly home, so that no appreciable amount of gas can escape, the gases, instantly upon their generation, will either cut a way out for themselves, escaping with the violence of an explosion, or will blow out the part improperly secured, in either case destroying the apparatus. The effect produced upon the apparatus, when the gas has escaped by cutting a passage for itself, is very curious. If, for example, one of the plugs has not been sufficiently screwed home, so that the products of combustion escape between the male and female threads, the whole of these threads at the point of escape present the appearance of being washed away, the metal having been evidently in a state of fusion, and carried over the surface of the plug by the rush of the highly-heated products. Again, the difficulty of opening the vessel after explosion, when large charges have been used, is very great. This will be readily understood when the temperature and pressure of explosion are considered. The exploding-chamber being filled with products intensely heated and under an enormous pressure, there is an expansion of the interior surface of the cylinder. Hence small portions of the fluid products become forced in between the threads of the screws. These solidify into a substance of intense hardness, which cements together the metal surfaces, and, on cooling, the contraction of the cylinder puts such a pressure on the screw, that, in attempting to open it, seizure is very difficult to avoid. In one or two cases it was found impossible to open the cylinder until melted iron had been run round it, so as to cause it to expand. This difficulty has been in a great measure avoided, in the more recent experiments, by making the screws conical, so that 116 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES when once started clearance is rapidly given, and they are removed with comparative ease. 2. Measurement of Pressure. The apparatus used for the measurement of the tension of the gas was precisely similar to that which has been used by the Committee on Explosives, and consists of a screw-plug of steel (Plate X., Figs. 4 and 5, p. 230), which admits of a cylinder of copper or other material (A) being placed in the small chamber (B). The entrance to the chamber is closed by the movable piston (C), and the admission of the gas is prevented by the use of the gas-check (D). When the powder is fired, the gas acts upon the base of the piston and compresses the cylinder. The amount of compression of the cylinder serves as an index to the force exerted, the rela- tion between the amount of crush and the pressure necessary to produce it being previously carefully determined. 3. Measurement of the Volume of the Permanent Gases. The apparatus used for the measurement of the permanent gases is shown in Plate XI., Figs. 1 and 2 (p. 230). A is a vessel the annular space (B) of which is filled with water ; on the surface of this a thin film of oil is floated, to prevent any slight absorption of the gas which might otherwise take place. Immediately after the explosion of a charge, the gas from which it is desired to measure, the cylinder (0) containing the products i& placed on the table (D), and the gasometer (E) is placed over the cylinder ; the height of the water on the glass scale (F) being then registered, the escape-screw (G) of the cylinder is turned, by means of a turn-cock passing through the stuffing-box (M). When the gas has all escaped, the height indicated on the glass scale being again registered, the cubic contents are known, and the thermometer (H) and height of barometer being noted, the necessary data are available for reducing the volume of the gas to a tempera- ture of 0° Cent, and a barometric pressure of 760 mm. 4. Measurement of Heat. To determine the heat generated by explosion, a charge of powder was weighed and placed in one of the smaller 'cylinders described, which was kept for some hours in a room of very uniform tempera- RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 117 ture. When the apparatus was throughout of the same temperature, the thermometer was read, the cylinder closed, and the charge •exploded. Immediately after explosion the cylinder was placed in a calori- meter containing a given weight of water at a measured temperature, the vessel being carefully protected from radiation, and its calorific value in water having been previously determined. The uniform transmission of heat through the entire volume of water was maintained by agitation of the liquid, and the thermometer was read every five minutes until the maximum was reached. The observations were then continued for an equal time to determine the loss of heat in the calorimeter due to radiation, etc. ; the amount so determined was added to the maximum temperature. In this method there is a possible source of error ; the walls of the cylinder being of very considerable thickness, it is obvious that, although the outer surface of the cylinder must be of the same temperature as the water, it by no means follows that this is true of the internal surface ; consequently the loss of heat due to radiation, etc., may be in some degree compensated by a flow of heat from the interior. We had reason, from some experiments we made, to believe that the error due to this cause was very small ; and our views were con- firmed by finding no appreciable rise of temperature on placing some water from the calorimeter into the chamber of the cylinder immedi- ately after an experiment. 5. Collection of Gaseous Products. To collect the gases for analysis, a small pipe was screwed into the escape-passage (H) of the cylinder (Plate X., Figs. 2 and 3, p. 230), and an indiarubber tube, terminating in a glass nozzle, was led to a mercurial trough. Before the gas was taken, a sufficient quantity was allowed to escape to clear the tubes of air ; the gas was then collected in tubes over mercury, and confined in the usual manner by sealing them with the blowpipe. The gas was generally collected in from five to fifteen minutes from the time of explosion. Owing to the dangerous nature of the experiments, and the precautions necessary to be adopted in explod- ing such considerable charges of powder, it was not generally possible to collect the gases more rapidly ; but a comparison of the analysis of different tubes taken from the same experiment has shown that, 118 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES at all events within moderate limits, no change takes place in the composition of the gas by its continued contact with the solid pro- ducts. 6. Collection of Solid Products. The collection of the solid products presented much more difficulty than that of the gaseous products. On opening the cylinder, the whole of the solid products were found collected at the bottom, there being generally an exceedingly thin (in fact, with large charges, quite an inappreciable) deposit on the sides. Upon the firing-plug there was usually a button of deposit, which differed considerably both in appearance and in chemical composition from the rest. In the button a crystalline structure was quite apparent, some of the crystals being large and transparent. The surface of the deposit was generally perfectly smooth, and of a very dark grey, almost black, colour. This colour, however, was only superficial, and through the black could be perceived what was probably the real colour of the surface, a dark olive-green. The surface of the deposit, and the sides of the cylinders, had a somewhat greasy appearance, and were indeed greasy to the touch. On the smooth surface were frequently observed very minute particles, in , appearance like soot, but of the greasy texture to which we have alluded. The removal of the deposit was generally attended with great difficulty, as it formed an exceedingly hard and compact mass, which always had to be cut out with steel chisels. Lumps would frequently break off, but a considerable portion flew off before the chisel in fine dust. In various experiments, on examining the fracture as ex- hibited by the lumps, the variation in physical appearance was very striking, there being marked differences in colour, and also, frequently, a marked absence of homogeneity, patches of different colours being interspersed with the more uniform shade of the fracture. There was no appearance of general crystalline structure in the deposit; but, on examination with a microscope and sometimes with the naked eye, shining crystals of metallic lustre (sulphide of iron) were observed. On the whole, the general appearance of the deposit was attended with such considerable variations, that, for minute details, we must refer to the account of the experiments themselves. The deposit always smelt powerfully of sulphuretted hydrogen, and frequently strongly of ammonia. It was always exceedingly deliquescent, and after a short exposure to the air became black on the surface, gradu- ally passing over into an inky-looking pasty mass. As in physical RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 119 appearance, so in behaviour of the solid, when removed from the cylinder, there were considerable differences between the experi- ments. The deposit was transferred to thoroughly dried and warm bottles, and sealed up as rapidly as possible. In most cases, during the very short time that elapsed while the transference was being made, no apparent change took place ; but in some a great tendency to development of heat was apparent ; and in one instance, in which a portion of the deposit (exhibiting this tendency in a high degree) was kept exposed to the action of the air, the rise of temperature was so great that the paper on which it was placed became charred, and the deposit itself changed colour with great rapidity, becoming a bright orange-yellow on the surface. This tendency to heating always disappeared when the deposit was confined in a bottle and fresh access of air excluded. The portion of the residue which could not be removed from the cylinder in a dry state was dissolved out with water, the solution being reserved for examination in well-closed bottles. {d) ANALYSIS OF THE PEODUCTS OF EXPLOSION. 1. Gaseous Prodiiets. The method pursued for the analysis of tlie gaseous products of explosion presented only one important point of difference from that pursued by Bunsen and Schischkoff. The volume of gas at command being more considerable than was the case in the investigations of those chemists, it was found more convenient to have recourse to methods for determining the sulphuretted hydrogen differing from that which they adopted — namely, its estimation by oxidation of the sulphur in the ball of potassium hydrate employed for absorbing the carbonic anhydride and sulphuretted hydrogen together. In some instances the volume of this gas was ascertained by absorption with manganese balls, but generally the following indirect method was pursued. The combined volume of carbonic anhydride and sulphu- retted hydrogen was determined in one portion of the gas by means of potassium hydrate ; another portion of gas was then treated with a small quantity of cupric sulphate, and the volume of carbonic anhydride determined in the gas thus freed from sulphuretted hydrogen. The following numerical data relating to the analysis of the gases obtained by the explosion of 190"5 grms. of E. L. G. gunpowder (of 120 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Waltham-Abbey manufacture) in five times its own space, are given in illustration of the detailed result obtained : — 1. Original volume of gas . 2. After absorption of CO., andSH, . . '. 3. After absorption of oxygen I. Volume. Tempe- rature. Pressure. Volume corrected for temperature and pressure. 144-4 13-3 0-7243 99-80 78-2 13-3 0-6727 50-16 76-9 14-4 0-6795 49-64 Volume oforiginal gas after absorption of sulphu- retted hydrogen . After absorption of CO., . After absorption of oxygen 144-2 82-2 80-6 14-2 16-3 18-8 0-7293 0-6672 0-6735 99-97 51-76 50-79 III. 7. Portion of 3 transferred to eudiometer . 8.*After addition of air After addition of oxygen . After explosion with oxy- hydrogen gas After absorption of CO^ . Portion of 11 transferred to clean eudiometer After addition of hydrogen After explosion (dry) 174-8 15-4 0-1983 32-81 248-4 15-5 0-2712 63-75 319-5 15-6 0-3427 103-58 310-8 15-8 0-3302 97-02 291-6 18-3 0-3271 89-39 301-5 18-6 0-3141 88-66 550-8 18-9 0-5642 290-85 416-0 18-8 0-4295 167-16 By calculation from the above data, the composition of this gas, in volumes per cent., was found to be as follows : — Carbonic anhydride 46-17 Sulphuretted hydrogen 3-91 Oxygen .... 0-52 Carbonic oxide 11-46 Marsh-gas .... 003 Hydrogen .... 2-72 Nitrogen .... 35-18 * Air was added to dilute the gas in this and one or two subsequent explosion experiments ; but this precaution was found to be unnecessary, and was therefore not continued. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 121 The gas in each experiment was generally collected in three or four large tubes. The contents in one tube sufficed, in most in- stances, for the complete analysis; but the results obtained were always controlled by determinations of several, if not of the whole, of the constituents in the contents of another tube. Only in one in- stance were the contents of different tubes, collected from one and the same experiment, found to differ materially in composition ; in this particular instance the proportion of sulphuretted hydrogen in the different tubes was discordant. The mean of the results furnished by the contents of the three tubes was taken to represent the com- position of the gas. 2. Solid Residue. — Preparation of the Hesichie for Analysis. The residue, as collected for analysis, consisted of one or more large masses, besides a quantity in a more or less fine state of division which had been detached from the sides of the vessel. The appearance presented by the large pieces themselves indicated that they were by no means homogeneous, and they evidently differed in some respects from the smaller particles just referred to ; moreover, the foreign matters (metal and glass) could not be expected to be uniformly distributed throughout the mass, and a chemical examina- tion of the latter clearly indicated that certain constituents existed in different proportions in the upper and lower parts of the residue. For these reasons, in order to ensure the attainment of results correctly representing the composition of the residue, it appeared indispensable to operate upon the entire quantity at one time, with the view of determiuing the total amount of matter insoluble in water, and of preparing a solution of uniform composition in which the several components of the residue could be estimated. As the investigation proceeded, much inconvenience and delay were experi- enced from the necessity of working with very large quantities (from 400 to 100 grms.), which rendered the filtration s and washings pro- tracted operations, and necessitated dealing with very large volumes of liquid. It was therefore attempted to expedite the examination of the residues by so preparing them that only portions might be operated upon at one time in conducting the individual deter- minations of the constituents. The impossibility of pulverising and mixing the residue by any ordinary mode of proceeding, on account of the rapidity with which oxygen and water were absorbed from the air, was demonstrated by two or three attempts. An 122 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES arrangement was therefore devised for performing the operation in an atmosphere of pure nitrogen. The gas employed was prepared in the following manner : — A gasometer filled with air was submitted to a gentle pressure causing the air to flow very slowly through a delivery-pipe to a porcelain tulie filled with copper turnings and raised to a red heat. To remove any traces of oxygen, the nitrogen passed from the tube through two Woulfe's bottles containing pyrogallic acid dissolved in a solution of potassium hydrate ; and, finally, to remove moisture, it passed through two U-tubes filled with pumicestone moistened with sulphuric acid. The nitrogen thus obtained was collected in india- rubber bags ; the residue was placed in a closed mill, connected by an indiarubber tube with the gas-bag, which was subjected to a considerable pressure to establish a plenum in the mill. The substance was then ground, and allowed to fall into bottles, which were at once sealed. By this treatment a sufficient degree of uniformity in different samples of any particular residue was generally attained ; in some cases, however, the state of division of the substance was not sufficiently fine to secure such intimacy of mixture as would preclude the occurrence of discrepancies in the analytical results furnished by different samples. It was therefore found necessary to return occasionally to the employment of the entire residue obtained in one experiment for determining its composition. 3. Analysis of the Solid Residue. Qualitative analysis indicated that the proportions of the following substances had to be determined in the solid residue. a. Portion insoluble in loater. — This consisted of steel (unavoidably detached from the interior of the vessel during removal of the residue) and of small quantities of other metals, besides glass, which were used in the construction of the electric igniting arrangement. The weight of these substances was deducted from the residue, as foreign to the research. In addition to these substances, the residue insoluble in water contained generally traces of charcoal, besides sulphur, which was combined with iron and portions of the other metals, and the amount of which is included in the statement of results as free sulphur, together with the proportion which was found, in combination with potassium, in excess of the amount required to form the mono- sulphido. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 123 h. Portion soluble in water. — In this, the chief portion of the residue, there existed the potassium sulphide, sulphocyanate, hj-posulphite, sulphate, carbonate, and nitrate, besides ammonium carbonate, and, in very exceptional cases, potassium hydrate. The estimation of the proportions in which these several constituents existed in the residue was conducted as follows:— c. Water contained in the residue. — It is obvious that the highly hygroscopic nature of the powder-residue rendered it impossible to transfer the product of an explosion from the iron cylinder to suitable receptacles for its preservation out of contact with the atmosphere without some absorption of moisture, however expeditiously the operation was performed. Moreover, any water produced during the explosion, or pre-existing in the powder, would necessarily be retained by the solid residue after explosion, as the gas remained in contact with a large surface of this powerful desiccating agent for some time before it could be collected. In some instances the water was expelled from the residue by exposing it for some time to a slow current of hydrogen at 300^ Cent., the gas and volatile matters being passed into solution of lead acetate, for the purpose of retaining sulphur, and the weight of the dried residue determined. The amount of residue, however, was generally too considerable for this operation to be satisfactorily performed ; there was therefore no alternative in such cases but to assume that the difference between the total weight of the residue and the combined weights of its several solid constituents, ascertained in almost every instance by duplicate and check determinations, represented the amount of water present in the substance.* d. Separation of the portion insoluUe in water, and determination of sulphur in it.— The separation was accomplished by thoroughly washing the entire residue, or about 7 grms. of the ground residue, with well-boiled water until no discoloration was produced in the washings by lead acetate. Boiled water was employed to avoid oxidation of any of the constituents. After drying and washing the residue, it was introduced, with its filter, into a small flask ; a little potassium bichromate was added before addition of nitric acid, to guard against violent reaction and the possibility of minute quantities of sulphur escaping as sulphuretted hydrogen. The oxidation was completed by the addition of potassium chlorate; the liquid, after * If discrepancies existed between the results of determination of the several constituents and the check-determinations, the water was estimated, as described, in a portion of the residue. 124 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES sufficient dilution, was filtered and evaporated, the residue redis- solved in water, with addition of chlorhydric acid, and the sulphuric acid determined in the solution by the usual method. The proportion of charcoal contained in the insoluble residue was, in most instances, so small that no importance could be attached to any attempt to determine the quantity. In a few cases its amount was determined by combustion. e. Fotassium monosulphide. — The method pursued differed but very slightly from that adopted by Bunsen and Schischkoff. The aqueous solution, separated from the insoluble portion, was digested with pure ignited cupric oxide in a well-closed flask, with occa- sional agitation, until it became colourless. The oxide containing sulphide was then filtered off, thoroughly washed, and the sulphur was determined in it by oxidation according to the method just described (d). f. Fotassium sulphate. — The filtrate obtained after the treat- ment with cupric oxide just described (or a measured quantity of it, if the entire residue was operated upon at one time) was mixed with chlorhydric acid and boiled to expel the sulphurous acid resulting from the decomposition of hyposulphite; the liquid was then separated by filtration from liberated sulphur, and the sulphuric acid determined as barium sulphate. g. Potassium hyposulphite. — The solution obtained by treatment, as above described, of about 4 grms. of the residue (or a sufficient volume prepared from the entire residue) was acidulated with acetic acid; 3 or 4 c.c. of starch solution were added, and the hyposulphurous acid determined by means of a standard iodine solution. h. Potassium sulphocyanate. — A solution of the residue, after separation of the insoluble portion and the soluble sulphide, was carefully acidified with a measured quantity of dilute chlorhydric acid, so as to avoid separation of sulphur. The oxidation of the hyposulphite was then effected by the gradual addition of a very dilute solution of ferric chloride until the liquid exhibited a permanent pink tint. A measured quantity of the ferric solution was afterwards gradually added until the greatest attainable depth of colour was produced. To determine what was the amount of sulphocyanate thus arrived at, a volume of water corresponding to that of the original solution tested was mixed with equal volumes of the dilute chlorhydric acid and ferric chloride to those used in the previous experiments. A solution of potassium sulpho- RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 125 cyanate of known strength was then gradually added until a depth of colour corresponding to that of the actual assay was produced. i. Potassium carbonate,. — After the usual treatment of a solution of the residue with cupric oxide, pure manganous sulphate or chloride was added to the liquid in excess ; the resulting precipitate might generally be washed by decantation in the first instance; after complete washing it was transferred to a small flask suitably fitted for the liberation of carbonic anhydride from it, by addition of sulphuric acid, and for the transmission of the gas through small weighed absorption-tubes containing respectively sulphuric acid, calcium chloride, and solution of potassium hydrate. The increase in weight of the latter corresponded to the proportion of carbonic anhydride in the solid residue. y. Potassium sulphide, potassium carbonate, and potassium hydrate. — Pure manganous chloride or sulphate was added in excess to the aqueous solution of the residue, and the amount of manganese, in the thoroughly washed precipitate, determined as red oxide. If the amount obtained exceeded those which would be furnished by the potassium sulphide and carbonate (deduced from the previous determinations), the excess was taken to correspond to potassium hydrate existing in the residue. If it was less, the sulphur exist- ing as monosulphide of potassium was calculated from the weight of the manganous oxide, and the difference between it and the sulphur found in the cupric oxide (in determination e) was taken to represent excess of sulphur, or fi^ee sulphur, and was added to the result of determination d, the necessary correction being made in the number furnished by determination e. h. Total amount of potassium. — The solution of the residue, after treatment with cupric oxide, was evaporated with excess of sulphuric acid, and the residue repeatedly treated with ammonium carbonate and ignited, until the weight of potassium sulphate was constant. Or water and sulphuric acid were added to about 4 grms. of the residue, and after boiling to expel sulphurous acid, two or three drops of nitric acid were added to peroxidise the little iron in solution and excess of ammonia to precipitate the latter. The precipitate and insoluble matters (glass, etc.) were then filtered off, and the solution evaporated, the weight of potassium sulphate being ascertained by treatment of the residue as already described. In this way the amount of potassium arrived at indirectly, by the determinations of the several substances with which it existed in combination, was controlled by direct estimation. 12G rp:searches on explosives I. Ammonium sesquicarhonate. — The solution of about 12 grms. of the residue was diluted to 1 litre; the liquid was then carefully distilled until about 250 c.c. remained in the retort, the distillate being allowed to pass into dilute chlorhydric acid. As some minute quantities of potassium salt might have passed over, the distillate was returned to a retort, mixed with excess of sodium carbonate and again distilled, the product passing into dilute chlorhydric acid. This second distillate was evaporated, and the ammonium determined as platinum salt with the usual precautions, the weight of the latter being controlled by ignition and determination of the weight of the platinum. m. Potassium nitrate. — The portion of solution remaining in the retort, after the first distillation above described, was acidified with sulphuric acid ; a piece of thin sheet zinc was then placed in the liquid and allowed to remain for a week, a small quantity of sulphuric acid being occasionally added. After the lapse of that time the zinc was removed, and the ammonia produced from any nitrate existing in the liquid was determined exactly as at I. (e) COMPOSITION OF THE GUNPOWDERS EMPLOYED. The method pursued in determining the proportions of proximate constituents in the samples of gunpowder present but very few points of difference from those ordinarily adopted, and need therefore not be detailed. It may be mentioned, however, with reference to the deter- mination of the proportion of saltpetre, that a very appreciable amount of the most finely-divided particles of the charcoal generally passes through the filter during the final washings, however care- fully the operation be conducted. These last washings, which contain only a very small proportion of the saltpetre, were therefore evaporated separately, and the residue was carefully heated until the small quantity of charcoal was completely oxidised. The resulting carbonate was then con- verted into nitrate by careful treatment with dilute nitric acid, and the product added to the remainder of the saltpetre previously extracted. The composition of the charcoal contained in the powders was determined by combustion, after as complete a separation of the other constituents as possible. There was, of course, no difficulty in completely extracting the saltpetre; but the sulphur cannot be RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 127 entirely removed from the charcoal by digestion and repeated washings with pure carbon disulphide. The amount remaining was therefore always determined by oxidation of the charcoal, and estimation of sulphuric acid produced; the necessary correction thus arrived at was made in the amount of charcoal used for analysis. The latter was dried by exposing it for some time (in the platinum boat in which it was to be burned) to a temperature of about 170° in a current of pure dry hydrogen; it was allowed nearly to cool in this gas, and dry air was then passed over for some time, the boat being afterwards rapidly transferred to a well-stoppered tube for weighing. The dried charcoal was burned in a very slow current of pure dry oxygen, the resulting products being allowed to pass over the red-hot cupric oxide, and finally over a layer of about 8 inches of lead chromate, heated to incipient redness. The efficiency of this layer in retaining all sulphurous acid was fully established by preliminary test experiments. The following tabular statement (Table 2, p. 128) gives the per- centage composition of the five samples * of gunpowder employed in these investigations as deduced from the analytical results. In every instance at least two determinations were made of each constituent, the means of closely concordant results being given in the table. This table also includes the results of analysis by Bunsen and Schischkoff, Karolyi, Linck, and Federow, of the gunpowders employed in their experiments. It will be seen that the several English service-powders of Waltham-Abbey manufacture did not differ from each other very importantly in composition ; the most noteworthy points of difference are the somewhat low proportion of saltpetre in the F. G. powder and the slightly higher proportion of carbon in the pebble-powder. The charcoals contained in these powders presented some decided differences in composition, as is shown by the following comparative statement : — Pebble. R. L. G. E. F. G. F.G. Carbon 85-26 80-32 75-72 77-88 Hydrogen . 2-98 3-08 3-70 3-37 Oxygen 10-16 14-75 18-84 17-60 Ash . 1-60 1-85 1-74 1-15 * The authors are indebted to Colonel C. W. Younghusband, R.A., F.R.S., the Superintendent of the Waltham-Abbey Gunpowder Works, for having selected and furnished to them the samples of English gunpowder employed in their investiga- tions. 128 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 1c O t- C^ (M '*< »C t^ OC' OS 00 o II >C O O (>] ^ o •c rH OO GO ,;H •^- Oi Tj< Ah ftO t» ft lO 00 QO co^ 11 lO 00 tH rji •S-S CD (JO <» 5p 1^,^ cpoo g-2 00 O A( o O O 00 o ^' ^^ « i ■^ 1 g" O ^ • (M Ol 00 u CO «» l~ ^ • ^ >o CO : o >.* 'f fcf-S CD -^ o-j : i }l K) o : o 4n ,1h Si'?' 4tt eq c-i : "^ 4J a 00 TH o ,^ £ 3|o j^ ;S s S — o c^ o 2 k| ea b s o, .£P .2 S ■§ e •S'- ■« w (D |1 -f< tJ< • 00 CTi O S ^ U-; 0?. i>- 1 lo o : Ci ^ o l^ I—I 5 o Bi| c-^ ?^ : t^ 00 -3< : „ * ^ 2§a S^ w <>] CO ^ ^.2 ft OO (M OS CO ^ 1 o ■pip ^ Oi o o c^ o 1 M i3 a W ^ l^ CM •S 1 ft a s O ll 1 ^ "S 1 ll a ft .= £• lO »C ■ 1- (M r-l 1 A 00 o o> : t4 Oi r^ . C tV» ©tc, of the vessel was successively filled with powder, which was then fired, and the resulting pressures determined. Later on it was found that, as with each description of powder the gravimetric density varied, it was more convenient to refer the pressure not, as at first, to a density arrived at by taking the weight of powder which completely filled a given space as unity, but to the specific gravity of water as unity. The densities given hereafter must therefore be taken to represent the mean density of the powder inclusive of the interstitial spaces between the grains, or, what is the same thing, the mean density of the products of explosion referred to water as unity. The gravimetric density of the modern pebble jDowder closely approxi- mates to 1 ;* that of the old class of cannon-powders, such as L. G., E. L. G., etc., varied generally between f "870 and -920 ; that of R G. and sporting-powders was still lower. The results of the whole of our experiments, as far as they relate to tension, arranged according to the three descriptions of the powder used and to the density of the products of explosion, are given in Table 5. The experiments numbered with an asterisk are taken from the earlier series made by Captain Noble. They accord very well with the present experiments ; but the powder used in the first series not having been analysed, we are not prepared to say that it was of exactly the same constitution as the corresponding kind of powder used in the present experiments, although the difference could of course be but very trifling, it being gunpowder of Waltham-Abbey manufactui^e, which, as shown by the analyses given in Table 2, varies very little in composition. * This statement applies only to the powder taken in considerable bulk. In our explosion-vessels, the gravimetric density, when they were completely filled, did not exceed, with pebble-powder, -92 or -93. The statement, therefore, that the powder was fired in so many per cent, of space does not actually refer to the space occupied in the chamber, but to a chamber of a size that would hold powder of our standard density. t Boxer, Gen., R.A., Treatise on Artillery, 1859, p. 21. Mordecai, Major, U.S.A., Report on Gunpoicder, Washington, 1845, p. 187. [Table 160 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Table 5. — Giving the pressures actually observed, in ions j)er square inch, with F. G., R. L. G; and Pebble jwwders for various densities of the products of explosion. Mean Nature of Powder. Mean Nature of Powder. F. G. R. L. G. Pebble. F. G. R. L. G. Pebble. density of density of products products of explosion. Pressure Pressure Pressure of explosion. Pressure Pressure Pressure in tons in tons in tons in tons in tons in tons per per per per per per sq. inch. sq. inch. sq. inch. sq. inch. sq. inch. sq. inch. •0940 1-6 •5000 10-48 10-48 •1064 1-66 1-39 •5000 10-20 10-70 •1064 1 ^35 1^26 •5000 11-10 •1064 0-96 r28 *-5300 *ll-80 •1973 ... 2-67 •5322 11-48 12-20 •2000 2 •70 •6000 14-14 14-36 13^78 ■2114 2-93 •6000 13^50 •2129 3-70 •6000 ... 14-80 •2129 3-58 *-6100 *15-6 •2129 3-00 *-6200 *16-8 •2963 6-40 •7000 18-2 19-54 18-60 •3000 5 •40 •7000 tl8-9 J17-00 •3171 4-90 *-7500 *2i-90 •3193 6-75 •8000 23-20 24-40 28^60 •3193 6-32 •8000 27-10 23-20 24^20 *^3800 *8-5 *7^7 -9000 •9000 27-20 35-6 33-40 31-60 •3860 7-68 •9000 31-40 •3947 8-1 ^^•9000 *33-l •4258 9-34 8-40 *30-7 •4258 9^10 *31-9 •4615 8-68 •9150 34-5 •4893 10-14 •9300 36-2 •4934 11-50 •9300 *34-0 §35-0 R. F. G. powder. X Spanish spherical pellet. ^ Pellet. We have laid down on Plate XII., p. 230, the whole of these experi- ments. The pressures given by the pebble and the E. L. G. are nearly identical ; we have therefore considered them so, and have drawn but one curve to represent their mean residts. The curve representing the pressures given by the F. G-., although nearly identical with the pebble and E. L. G. at the lower densities, does not coincide at the higher densities. A separate curve has therefore been drawn for this powder. The lower tension is perhaps accounted for by the difference between the quantity of permanent gas yielded by it and l)y the other two powders. The corrected values of the tension, in terms of the density of the different powders, as indicated by the curves, Plate XII., p. 230, are given in the following table : — RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 161 Table 6. — Showing the pressure corresponding to a given density of the products of explosion of F. G., B. L. G., and Pehhle poiaders, as deduced from actual observation, in a close vessel. The pressures are given in tons per square inch, atmospheres, and kilogrammes per square centimetre. Corresponding pressures for Pebble Corresponding pressures for and E. L. G. powders. F. G. powder. Mean density of products of explosion. In tons In In kilos. In tons In In kilos. per sq. inch. atmospheres. per sq. centimetre. per sq. inch. atmospheres. per sq. centimetre. •05 0^70 107 110-2 0-70 107 110-2 •10 1-47 224 231-5 1-47 224 231-5 •15 2-33 355 367-0 2-33 355 367-0 •20 3^26 496 513-4 3-26 497 513-4 •25 4^26 649 670-9 4-26 650 670-9 •30 5-33 812 839-4 5-33 812 839-4 •35 6-49 988 1028-1 6-49 988 1022-1 •40 7^75 1180 1220-5 7-74 1179 1219-0 •45 9^14 1392 1439-5 9-10 1387 1433-2 •50 10-69 1628 1683-6 10-59 1614 1667-8 •55 12-43 1893 1957-6 12-22 1863 1924-5 •60 14-39 2191 2266-3 14-02 2136 2208-0 •65 16-60 2528 2614-3 16-04 2445 2526-1 •70 19-09 2907 3006-5 18-31 2790 2883-6 •75 21-89 3333 3447-5 20-86 3179 3285-2 •80 25-03 3812 3942-0 23-71 3613 3734-1 •85 28-54 4346 4495-0 26-88 4096 4233-3 •90 32-46 4943 5112-1 30-39 4632 4786-1 •95 36-83 5608 5800-4 34-26 5190 5335-6 1-00 41-70 6350 6567-3 38-52 5870 6066-5 In considering the pressures indicated, the question naturally arises as to how their value would be affected if the charges were greatly increased ; or, to put the question in another form, it may be inquired whether the tensions indicated by our experiments are materially affected by the cooling influence of the vessel in which the explosion is conducted. We think there are very strong grounds for assuming that the pressure is not materially affected by the above circumstances, except in cases where the density of the products of explosion is low, and the quantity of powder therefore very small as compared with the space in which it is fired. Thus it will be observed that the pressures obtained in Experi- ment 2 and in Experiments 65, 66, and 68 compare very well (the density being about the same), although the quantity of powder fired in the first case is only half of that fired in the last three experiments. 162 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Again, if there were any considerable decrement of pressure due to loss of heat, we should expect to find that the tension indicated would be higher when means are taken to ensure rapidity of com- bustion. Such, however, is not the case; for if reference be made to Experiments 70 and 71, in which the charges were fired by means of mercuric fulminate, it will be observed that the tension realised in these experiments was not materially higher than when the powder was fired in the ordinary way. We may cite also, in support of our view, some interesting obser- vations made during some earlier experiments, in which charges of 10,500 grains (680-4 grms.) E. L. G-. and pellet powder were fired in chambers entirely closed with the exception of a vent '2 inch (5-08 mm.) in diameter. With the former powder the pressure realised under these circumstances was 36-2 tons per square inch (5513 atmospheres), with the latter 17*3 tons (2634 atmospheres). This large difference was due to the slower combustion of the pellet-powder, upon the ignition of which, therefore, a large part of the products of com- bustion escaped by the vent before the whole of the powder was fired. When, however, the same powders were fired in vessels absolutely closed, the pressure indicated by the pellet-powder was more than doubled (being 35 tons per square inch, or 5330 atmospheres), while the pressure indicated by the E. L. G. was practically the same (being 34 tons per square inch, or 5178 atmospheres). From the experiments made by the Committee on Explosives, we are able to name approximately the absolute time that would be con- sumed in burning a charge of E. L. Gr. and of pebble, assuming that the powder be confined. With E. L. G-. the time would be approxi- mately -00128 second, with pebble approximately -0052 second. Of course these figures must vary greatly with different powders, as they depend not only on the nature, size of grain, and density of the powder, but also on the mode of ignition. They are interesting, however, as indicating the minuteness of the times involved, and the relatively much larger time required for the decomposition of the pebble-powder. It follows, from the accordance of the pressures in the experiments just referred to, when powders dijEfering so con- siderably in rapidity of combustion are fired in close vessels, that there is no very appreciable difference in pressure due to the longer time taken by the pebble-powder to consume under these conditions. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 163 But the strongest, and at the same time an altogether inde- pendent, corroboration of our view is derived from the experiments upon the pressures exerted in the bores of guns by the action of the charge. Not only do these pressures, as obtained by observation, agree with most remarkable accuracy with the theoretical pressures deduced from the experiments in a close vessel, but, when in large guns the tensions due to different charges are compared (not with reference to the position of the shot in the bore, but with reference to the mean density of the products of explosion), a most striking accordance is found to exist. We may therefore conclude that, where powders such as those we have experimented with are employed, there is but a trifling correction to be made in the observed pressure when the powder entirely fills the space in which it is fired, or, indeed, whenever it occupies a considerable percentage of that space. But though the pressure may not be seriously affected when the generated gases are of a high density, it is more than probable that some very appreciable correction should be made in the results we have observed when experimenting with gases of low density. In this latter case the cooling influence of the vessel would be greatly increased, not only from the higher ratio which the cooling surface bears to the charge, but also from the slowness of combustion due to the comparatively feeble pressure ; and we think the effect of slow combustion is clearly traceable in the low tensions observed with pebble-powder (See curve, Plate XII., p. 230) at densities of "1, "2, and "3, as compared with those given at corresponding densities by F. G. powder, the combustion of which would be much more rapid. But we shall return to this point when we compare our results with those demanded by theory. Upon the same plate (Plate IX., p. 230), on which we have given curves representing the experiments of Eumford and Eodman, there is also laid down a curve representing our own experiments. The very high results obtained by Eumford are probably in great measure attributable to his method of experiment. The charges being placed at one end of his little vessel, while the weight to be lifted, so to speak, closed the muzzle, the products of combustion acquired a high vis viva before striking the weight, and thus indicated a much higher pressure than that due to the tension of the gas, just as in Eobins's well-known experiment a musket-barrel may be easily bulged or burst by a bullet placed at some distance from the charge. That Eumford's and even Piobert's corrected estimate of the tension of 164 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES fired gunpowder was very excessive, is of course indisputably proved by our experiments, as the vessels in which they were made were quite incapable of resisting pressures at all approaching those assigned by these eminent authorities. Eodman's results are also too high, from a defect in the applica- tion of his system of measurement, which has elsewhere* been pointed out ; and his experiments on the ratio of tension to density were not carried sufficiently far to admit of comparison in the more important portion of the curve. (I) DETEEMINATION OF HEAT GENEKATED BY THE COMBUSTION OF GUNPOWDER. The amount (that is the number of units) of heat liberated by the combustion of gunpowder is determined from Experiments Nos, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 63. (See pp. 221, etc.). The powder used was the E. L. G. and F. Gr. ; but as it was found that there was no material difference in the heat liberated, we have drawn no special distinction between the experiments made with the two brands. In each of the Experiments ISTos. 46, 48, and 63, 3800 grains (246*286 grms.) were exploded ; and when the necessary reductions were made to convert the alterations in temperature which were observed into their equivalents in water, it was found that in Experi- ment 48 the explosion of 246*286 grms. F. Gr. was sufficient to raise 173,077-4 grms. of water through V Cent. In Experiment 48, the explosion of the same quantity of E. L. G. was equivalent to raising 172,569 grms. of water through 1° Cent., and in Experiment 63 to rais- ing 171,500 grms. through 1" Cent. ; or, expressing these results in a different form, it appears that the combustion of a grm. of powder gave rise to quantities of heat represented by raising a grm. of water through 702°-80 Cent., 700°-69 Cent., and 696°-50 Cent, respectively. In Experiments 47 and 49, the charge used was 393*978 grms. ; and it was found that in Experiment 47 the heat generated by the explosion of the F. G. was sufficient to raise 277,994*1 grms. of water through 1" Cent. ; and in Experiment 49 the explosion of the same quantity of E. L. G. generated heat represented by the raising of 278,185*5 grms. through 1° Cent., — or, in the two experiments, * Noble, loc. cit. p. 25 ; Revue Scientifique, No. 48, p. 1138. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 165 1 grm. of powder gave rise respectively to 705'61 and 706'09 grm. -units. The mean of the whole of these experiments gives 702-34 grm.- units of heat generated by the explosion of a grm. of powder, and we shall probably have a very close approximation to the truth in assuming it at 705 grm.-units. From this datum the temperature of explosion may be deduced, if we know the mean specific heat of the products of combustion. We have only to divide 705 by the specific heat, and the result is the required temperature. The specific heat of all the gaseous products of combustion are known ; and they have also been determined for the principal solid products at low temperatures, when they are (of course) in the solid form. Bunsen and Schischkoff, from their experiments, deduced the temperature of explosion on the assumption that the specific heats of the solid products remain invariable over the great range of tempera- ture through which they pass. With every deference to those distinguished chemists we think their assumption is quite untenable. Without, we believe, any known exception, the specific heat is largely increased in passing from the solid to the liquid state. In the case of water, the specific heat is doubled ; the specific heats of bromine, phosphorus, sulphur, and lead are increased from 25 to 40 per cent, and those of the nitrates of potassium and sodium nearly 50 per cent., while it is more than probable that, even with liquids, the specific heat increases very considerably with the temperature. We shall, however, deduce from our experiments the temperature of explosion on Bunsen and Schischkoff' s hypothesis, both with the view of enabling our results to be compared with theirs, and for the purpose of fixing a high limit to which it is certain the temperature of explosion cannot reach. We shall afterwards endeavour to estimate more accurately the true temperature. The data necessary for computing the specific heat of a grm. of exploded powder are given in the subjoined table. [Table 7. 166 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Table 7. — Shoimng the specific heats and proportions o / the product s generated hy the combustion of gunpowder. 1. Products of combustion. 2. Proportion in a gramme. 3. Specific heat. 4. Authority. 5. Products of columns 2 and 3. Solid -5684. Potassium carbonate •3382 •206 Kopp •06967 „ hyposulphite 0355 •197 Pape •00700 „ sulphate . 0882 •196 Kopp •01729 sulphide . 0630 •108 Bunsen •00680 „ sulphocyanatc 0009 nitrate . 0006 •239 Kopp •00014 Ammonia carbonate . 0006 Sulphur 0414 •171 Bunsen •00708 Carbon •0000 •242 Regnault At constant Gaseous -4316. volume. Sulphuretted hydrogen •0113 •184 Clausius •00208 Oxygen . '. ■0000 •155 Carbonic oxide . •0447 •174 •00778 Carbonic anhydride . •2628 •172 •04520 Marsh-gas . •0005 •468 •00024 Hydrogen . •0010 2-411 •00241 Nitrogen .... •1113 •173 •01925 •18494 Adding up the numbers in column 5, we obtain "18494 as the mean specific heat of the products of explosion of a grm. of powder at ordinary temperatures; and since, as we have said, the temperature of explosion is obtained by dividing the grm. -units of heat by the specific heat, we have the temperature of explosion = :^^ = 3812° Cent.; and we may accept this figure as indicating a temperature which is certainly not attained by the explosion of gun- powder. We defer until further on the consideration of the actual temperature. (m) DETERMINATION OF VOLUME OF SOLID PKODUCTS AT OKDINARY TEMPERATURES. The space occupied by the solid products of combustion at temperatures but little removed from 0°, is deduced from experiments Nos. 46, 48, 49, 57, 58, 60, 61, and 62. From these experiments it appears that 246"29 grms. R. L. G. gave rise to 76*46 q.c. solid residue. 246-29 „ F. G. „ 67*26 „ 393^98 „ R. L. G. „ 123^12 „ RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 386-21 grms. 386-21 „ 386-21 „ 386-21 ,, 386-21 „ F. G. gave R. L. G. P. R. L. G. E.G. rise to 115*34 c.c, solid residue. 110-81 „ 111-78 „ 105-30 „ 108-54 „ 167 Or, stating the results per grm. of powder, it appears that in the several experiments the solid products arising from the combustion of a grm. of powder occupied respectively -3105, -2731, '3125, -2987, -2869, -2894, -2726, and "2810 c.c. The mean of these figures is -2906 ; and we may thence conclude that at 0° Cent, the soHd residue of 1 grm. of burned powder occupies a volume closely approximating to '29 c.c. ; therefore, since the solid products represent 57 per cent, of the original weight of the powder, it follows that at 0° Cent, the specific gravity of the residue is about 1-4. (n) PEESSUEE IN CLOSE VESSELS, DEDUCED FEOM THEOEETICAL CONSIDEEATIONS. From the investigations we have described, it appears that in a close vessel, at the moment of explosion, or at all events shortly afterwards, the results of the decomposition of a given charge (say 1 grm.) of powder such as we have experimented with, are as follows : — 1. About 43 per cent, by weight of permanent gases, occupying at 0° Cent, and under a pressure of 760 mm., a volume of about 280 c.c. 2. About 57 per cent, by weight of liquid product, occupying, when in the solid form and at 0° Cent., a volume of about -3 c.c. Now, if we assume that the conditions known to exist shortly after explosion obtain also at the moment of explosion, we are able, with the aid of our experiments, to compute the pressure, tempera- ture of explosion, and volume occupied by the permanent gases. We propose to make these calculations, and then, by comparison with the results obtained under the varied conditions adopted in our experi- ments, to form an estimate of the correctness of our assumption. And, first, to establish a relation between the tension and the mean density of the products of explosion at the moment of ignition, — Let ABCD (Plate XL, Fig. 4, p. 230) represent the interior of the vessel, of volume v, in which the experiments were made. Let CDEF represent the volume of a given charge of powder placed in the vessel. Let <5 be the ratio which the volume CDEF bears to ABCD, 168 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES and let CDHG {vaS suppose) be the volume occupied by the liquid products at the moment and temperature of explosion. It is obviously, for our present purpose, a matter of indifference whether we suppose the liquid products collected, as in the figure, at the bottom of the vessel or mixed with the permanent gases in a finely divided state. Our conditions on explosion, then, are: — We have the space CJ)B.Gc = vaS occupied by the fluid residue, and the space ABHG = v{l — aS) by the permanent gases. Hence, since the tension of the permanent gases will vary directly as their density, we have, if p represent the pressure and D the density, P = RD3 (1) where E is a constant. Now suppose the charge exploded in the chamber to be increased. In this case, not only is the density of the permanent gases increased on account of a larger quantity being generated, but the density is still further added to, from the gases being confined in a smaller space ; the liquid residue CDHG- being increased in a like propor- tion with the charge (D, in fact, varying as ^_ ), we have p = ^-r\ (2) 1 — ao or if Pq, Sq, be corresponding known values of p and S, ^ 8^ 1 - aS • Poi^ -^ ^ .... (3) In taking the tension of the permanent gases to vary directly as their density, we have of course assumed that the temperature, whatever be the value of S, is the same. In our experiments, the charges exploded have varied in quantity from that necessary to fill entirely the chamber to a small fraction of that quantity; but whatever the charge, it is obvious that if the vessel be considered impervious to heat (and we have already pointed out that only with the lower charges is there a material error due to this hypothesis), the temperature at the moment of explosion would be the same ; for, as in the case of Joule's celebrated experiment, any heat converted into work by the expansion of the gases would again be restored to the form of heat by the impact of the particles against the sides of the vessel. Eeturning to (3), the value of the constant a in this equation has RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 169 yet to be found. If, from Table 6, we take out a second pair of corresponding values ^i, Sj^, a is determined, and will be found = -65, very nearly. Taking a = "65, and from Table 6, or the curve, Plate XII. (p. 230), taking Sq=-Q, Po = 14:-4: tons, Equation (3) becomes 14-63 l-a8 (4) Substituting in this equation successively values of S'05, 1, "15, etc., we obtain computed values of p, which we compare with those derived directly from observation in Table 8. Table S.— Showing the comparison, in atmospheres and tons per square inch, between the pressures actually observed in a close vessel, and those calculated (l-«5o) 5 5n ' 1 - a5 from the formula p = Po- 1. ■2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Value of p Value of n Value of p Value of p Density Value of }) deduced from direct deduced deduced Value of p deduced deduced of products from Equation (3) from Equation (8) deduced from direct from Equation (3) from Equation (8) of com- bustion. observation. when a =-65. when a =-60. observation. when a =-65. when a =-6. Tons per sq. inch. Tons per sq. inch. Tons persq. inch. Atmospheres. Atmospheres. Atmospheres. •05 0-70 •758 •855 107 115 130 10 1-47 1-565 1-765 224 238 269 15 2-33 2-432 2-734 355 370 416 20 3-26 3-363 3-771 496 512 574 25 4-26 4-367 4-879 649 665 743 30 5-33 5-452 6-071 812 830 924 35 6-49 6-628 7-350 988 1009 1119 40 7-75 7-908 8-732 1180 1204 1330 45 9-14 9-305 10-228 1392 1417 1557 50 10-69 10-837 11-851 1628 1650 1805 55 12-43 12 -.524 13-620 1893 1907 2074 60 14-39 14-390 15-554 2191 2191 2369 65 16-60 16-466 17-679 2528 2507 2692 70 19-09 18-791 20-024 2907 2861 3049 75 21-89 21-410 22-625 3333 3260 3445 80 25-03 24-383 25-525 3812 3713 3887 85 28-54 27^789 28-780 4346 4232 4383 90 32-46 31-728 32-460 4943 4831 4943 95 36-83 36-336 36-654 5608 5538 5582 1-00 41-70 41-698 41-477 6.350 6350 6316 Now if the figures given in columns 2 and 5, being those derived from the observations themselves corrected by differencing, be com- pared with the values given in columns 3 and 6, computed on the value a = "65 (that is, on the assumption that at the temperature of 170 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES explosion the liquid residue of 1 grm. of powder occupies "65 c.c), it will be found that the two columns are practically identical, thus affording a confirmation of the strongest nature of the correctness of our assumption. The closeness of agreement will be best seen by examining the graphical representations in Plate XIII. (p. 230). We have already, however, had more than once occasion to remark that there is reason to suppose that the observed pressures are slightly in defect, at all events at low densities. Other considerations have led us to the conclusion that a value of a not far removed from "6 would more nearly represent the truth, were all disturbing influences removed. We have therefore added to the above table the pressures computed on this hypothesis ; and Plate XIII. (p. 230), shows at a glance the comparison between the three curves. (o) DETERMINATION OF THE TEMPERATURE OF EXPLOSION OF GUNPOWDER. We are now in a position to compute the temperature of explosion. Since p, v, and t are, in the case of permanent gases, connected by the equation of elasticity and dilatability, jw = Rt (5) (where E is a constant and t is reckoned from absolute zero), t will be known if p, v, and E be known. Now if we assume a = '6, it follows that in the combustion of 1 grm. of powder (gravimetric density = 1) the gaseous products will, if the powder entirely fill the chamber in which it is placed, occupy a space of '4 c.c. But we know that, at 0° Cent, and under a baro- metric pressure of 760 mm., the gaseous products of 1 grm. occupy a space of about 280 c.c. Hence at 0° Cent., if the gaseous products are compressed into a space of '4 c.c, we have a pressure of 700 atmospheres ; and since absolute zero = — 274° Cent., we have, in the equation ^Q-y^ = Ei^o, the values p^ = 700, Vq = % ^^ = 274; .-. R=™°^*= 1-0218 Hence (5) becomes pv = 1-0218/ .... (6) Now under the above conditions, but at the temperature of explosion, we have, from Table 8,^ = 6400 atmospheres, and, as bef ore, -y = '4. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 171 Therefore '-'-^-'''^ . . ■ w and this is the temperature of explosion reckoned from absolute zero. Subtracting 274° from this temperature to reduce the scale to Centigrade, we have temperature of explosion = 2231° Cent. If we assume a = '65, the temperature of explosion deduced in the same way would be 1950° Cent. ; but this temperature, as we shall shortly show, would be somewhat too low. We have now three points to consider : — 1. Is this temperature a probable one? and can any direct experimental facts be adduced to corroborate this theoretical deduction ? 2. What is the mean specific heat of the solid or Hquid products which the above temperature implies ? and 3. Can any corroboration be given to the high rate of expansion of the soHd residue implied by assuming the value of a as = "6 ? With regard to the direct estimation of the temperature of explosion, we have made several experiments with the view of obtaining this result, by ascertaining the effects of the heat developed on platinum. For example, in Experiment 78 we introduced into the charge of R F. Gr. a coil of very fine platinum wire and also a piece of thin sheet platinum. After the explosion the sheet platinum was found much bent, but unmelted ; but on examination with a microscope there were evident signs of a commencement of fusion on the surface, and a portion of the fine platinum wire was found welded on to the sheet. The coil of wire was not to be found, but portions of it were observed welded to the sides of the cylinder. Now we know that platinum is readily volatilised when exposed to the hydrogen-blowpipe at a temperature of about 3200° Cent., and therefore, if the temperature of explosion had approached this point, we should have expected the very fine wire to be volatiHsed; re- membering the low specific heat of platinum, we should furthermore have been warranted in expecting more decided signs of fusion in the sheet metal. Again, in Experiments 84, 85, and 68, pieces of platinum wire, •03 inch (0-75 mm.) in diameter and 4 inches (100 mm.) long, were placed in the cylinder with considerable charges of E. L. G. and F. Gr. In none of these experiments did the platinum melt, although, as in the case of the sheet platinum, there were signs of fusion on 172 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES the surfaces of the wires. In Experiment 79, however, in which platinum wire was placed with a corresponding charge of the Spanish powder, the wire was fused, with the exception of a small portion. With this powder, indeed, which is of a very different composition from the Enghsh powders, and decidedly more rapidly explosive in its nature, it is quite possible that a somewhat higher heat may have been attained. But, as in one case the platinum wire was nearly fused, and in others it only showed signs of fusion, the conclusion we draw from the whole of these experiments on the fusion of the platinum is, that the temperature of explosion is higher than the melting-point of that metal, but not greatly so. Now, according to Deville, the melting-point of platinum is nearly 2000° Cent. ; and hence we have a strong corroboration of the approximate accuracy of the theoretical temperature of explosion at which we have arrived, viz., 2231° Cent. (p) MEAN SPECIFIC HEAT OF LIQUID PRODUCTS. We have already given the specific heat of the liquid products when in the solid form. If we assume the temperature above specified to be correct, a mean specific heat of the liquid product of •4090, or a total mean specific heat of the entire products of '3094, would result, being an increment of about 67 per cent. ; and this, judging from the analogy of the case we have cited, does not appear an improbable conclusion. {q) PROBABLE EXPANSION OF NON-GASEOUS PRODUCTS BETWEEN ZERO AND TEMPERATURE OF EXPLOSION. So far as we are aware, there were, prior to our experiments, no data existing as to the behaviour of the non-gaseous products of com- bustion at the high temperature involved, except perhaps the experi- ment made by Bunsen and Schischkoff, who exposed on platinum foil the solid residue in an oxyhydrogen jet, and concluded, from there being no ebullition, that at the temperature of 3300" Cent, the tension of the resulting vapour did not reach one atmosphere. Taking the circum- stances into account, we may indeed doubt if the residue itself actually reached the temperature we have named ; but the experiment would at all events prove that, at the temperature which we find to be that developed by explosion, the solid or liquid products are not in the state of vapour, or at least that the small portion volatilised had but an insignificant tension. To test, however, the behaviour of the RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 173 residue for ourselves, we placed in one of Siemens gas-furnaces, the temperature of which was estimated at about 1700° Cent., several crucibles containing powder-residue. The behaviour of the residue was in all cases the same ; at first there was a little spirting (prob- ably due to escape of water), which, however, soon diminished, and in time the contents of the crucibles became perfectly quiet, but up to the end of the experiment only a very slight volatilisation could be observed. In the case of three of the crucibles, two of which contained powder-residue, the other a mixture of potassium carbonate and liver of sulphur, when removed from the furnance after being exposed to the full heat for about a quarter of an hour, the volumes of the contents in the highly heated state were observed without difficulty. The contraction in cooling was evidently very great, especially at first. The contents set at a temperature of between 700° and 800° Cent., and when cool the expansion was measured by calibration with mercury. The first crucible gave an expansion of 77"8 per cent, between 0° Cent, and 1700° Cent. ; the second (potass carb. and liver of sulphur) an expansion of 93-3 per cent. The third (powder-residue) gave a considerably higher rate of expansion, above 100 per cent. ; but we have not included the result, as, owing to the presence of a piece of platinum put in to test the temperature of the furnace, we were unable to make a very accurate measurement. Of course the expansions, under the conditions we have just named, cannot be strictly compared with those which would have taken place in a close vessel under the high tension we know to exist ; but they tend to confirm the results arrived at by a perfectly inde- pendent method. The experiments also show that, at a temperature approaching that developed by explosion, and under atmospheric pressure, the liquid products are still in that condition; and our experiments so far confirm those of Bunsen and Schischkoff to which we have alluded. (r) OBSERVED PEESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS. The data which we shall use for the discussion of the phenomena attending the combustion of gunpowder in ordnance are nearly entirely derived from the experiments carried on by the Committee on Explosives, under the presidency of Colonel Younghusband, F.E.S. Two methods, of an entirely distinct nature, were employed by the Committee for the elucidation of the questions they had to consider. 174 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES One method consisted in determining the tension of the gas at various points in the bore, by direct measurement. The other mode consisted in measuring the time at whicli the projectile passed certain fixed points in the bore, thence deducing the velocities from the seat of the shot to the muzzle, and finally obtaining, by calculation, the gaseous pressure necessary to generate the observed velocities. The apparatus used for determining the tension by direct measurement was the crusher-gauge, which we have already described; that for ascertaining the velocity was a chronoscope, specially designed for measuring very minute intervals of time. As the construction of this instrument has been fully explained else- where, we shall only here give a very general description of it. .Its most recent form is shown in plan and elevation in Plate XIV., Figs. 1 and 2 (p. 230). The mechanical part consists of a series of thin discs. A, A, etc., 36 inches in circumference, keyed on to a shaft, S, and made to rotate at a very high and uniform velocity through the train of wheels F, by means of a very heavy descending weight at B, arranged, to avoid an inconvenient length of chain, upon a plan originally proposed by Huyghens. This weight is continually wound up by means of the fly-wheel and handle at T. The stop- clock D, which can be connected or disconnected with the shaft E at pleasure, gives the precise speed of the circumference of the discs, which is usually arranged at about 1250 inches a second. The recording arrangement is as follows : — Each disc is furnished with an induction-coil, G, the primary wire from which is conveyed to any point, K, in the gun where we may wish to record the instant at which the shot passes. There is at each such point a special con- trivance, by which the shot in passing severs the primary wire, thereby causing a discharge from the secondary, which is connected with the discharger, Y. The spark records itself on the disc by means of paper specially prepared to receive it. The instrument is capable of recording the millionth part of a second, and, when in good working order, the probable error of a single observation should not exceed 4 or 5 one-millionths of a second. The guns were arranged for the experiments as shown in Fig. 3 in the same plate. Holes were drilled in the powder-chamber in the positions marked A, B, C, and in the bore in the positions marked 1 to 18. In A, B, and C, crusher-gauges were always placed ; the holes, numbered 1 to 18, were fitted with crusher-gauges or the chrono- scope-plugs at option. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 175 It would be beside our object in this paper to enter into a discussion of the special experiments undertaken by the Committee on Explosives. The chief object of their investigations was to determine the nature of powder most suitable for use with heavy guns — that is to say, the powder which will allow of the highest effect being realised without unduly straining the structure within which the explosion is confined. A number of experiments were therefore made with powders of abnormal types, interesting and instructive only to artillerists; and these experiments will doubtless be fully reported on at a later date, by the proper authorities. In our present paper we shall confine our attention chiefly, if not entirely, to the results obtained with the well-defined and weU-known powders which have been admitted into the service for use with rifled guns, and which are known under the names of " Eifled Large Grain" and "Pebble." These powders are, moreover, the same as were used by us in our experiments in closed vessels, and therefore allow of a strict comparison with the tensions so obtained. But before giving the details, we cannot pass without notice certain diS"erences in the results obtained by means of the two modes of experimenting to which we have alluded. With pebble and other powders, where a slow and tolerably regular combustion takes place, the maximum tension of the gas, obtained both by direct measurement and by the chronoscope, agrees remarkably closely. There is generally a very slight difference indeed between the indicated pressures; but the case is greatly different where the powder is of a highly explosive or quickly burn- ing description. In such a case, not only are the pressures indicated by the crusher-gauge generally much above those indicated by the chronoscope, but they differ widely in various parts of the powder- chamber, in the same experiment, and even in different parts of the same section of the bore. They are also locally affected by the form of the powder-chamber, and frequently indicate pressures consider- ably above the normal tensions that would be attained were the powder confined in a close vessel. It is not difficult to explain these anomalies. When the powder is ignited comparatively slowly and tolerably uniformly, the pressure in the powder-chamber is also uniform, and approximates to that due to the density of the products of combustion. The crusher-gauges, then, give similar results throughout the powder-chamber, and they accord closely with the results deduced from the chronoscope observations. But when a rapidly lighting or 176 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES " brisante " powder is used, the products of combustion of the portion first ignited are projected with a very high velocity through the interstices of the charge, or between the charge and the bore ; and on meeting with any resistance their vis viva is reconverted into pressure, producing the anomalous local pressures to which we have drawn attention. We have pretty clear proof that, when this intense local action is set up, the gases are in a state of violent disturbance, and that waves of pressure pass backwards and forwards from one end of the charge to the other, the action occasionally lasting the whole time that the shot is in the bore. In fact, with the rapidly burning, and in a less degree even with the slower burning powders, motion is communi- cated to the projectile not by a steady, gradually decreasing pressure like the expansive action of steam in a cylinder, but by a series of impulses more or less violent. The time during which these intense local pressures act is of course very minute ; but still the existence of the pressures is registered by the crusher-gauges. The chronoscopic records, on the other hand, which are, so to speak, an integration of the infinitesimal impulses communicated to the shot, afford little or no indication of the intensity of the local pressures, but give reliable information as to the mean gaseous pressure on the base of the shot. The two modes of observation are, as we have elsewhare pointed out, complementary one to the other. The chronoscope gives no clue to the existence of the local pressures which the crusher-gauge shows to exist ; while, on the other hand, where wave or oscillatory action exists, the results of the crusher-gauge cannot be at all relied on as indicating the mean pressure in the powder-chamber. An interesting illustration of this distinction was afforded by two consecutive rounds fired from a 10-inch gun, in one of which wave-action was set up, in the other not. In both cases the pro- jectile quitted the gun with the same velocity, and the mean pres- sure throughout the bore should of course have been the same. The chronoscopic records were, as they ought to be, nearly identical for the two rounds; but the pressures indicated by the crusher-gauge, were in the one round, at the points A, B, C, 1, 4 (Fig. 3, Plate XIV., p. 230), respectively 63-4, 41-6, ST'0, 41-9, and 25-8 tons on the square inch ; in the other, at the same points, respectively 28"0, 29"8, 30*0 29'8, and 19"8 tons on the square inch. Where no wave-action exists, the chronoscopic pressures are generally somewhat higher than those of the crusher-gauge. The RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 177 difference is not generally greater than about 5 to 7 per cent., although, in the case of some exceptionally heavy shot, this variation was considerably exceeded. Among the causes tending to produce this difference may be cited : — 1. Friction in the parts of the crusher- gauge. 2. Slight diminution of pressure due to windage.* 3. Vis viva of particles of the charge and products of combustion, a portion of which would be communicated to the shot, but would not take effect on the crusher-gauge. On the whole, however, the accordance of results derived from methods so essentially different was quite as close as could reasonably be expected, and entirely satisfactory. We now pass to the consideration of the tensions actually found to exist in the bores of guns. Two series of experiments were made by the Committee on Explosives with the 10-inch 18-ton gun. The one series was with charges of 70 lbs. (31'75 kilos.) of pebble-powder. The weights of the shot were made to vary, the first rounds being fired with projectiles of 300 lbs. (136*05 kilos.), and the weights being successively increased to 350 lbs., 400 lbs., 450 lbs., 500 lbs., 600 lbs., 800 lbs., 1000 lbs., and concluding with projectiles of the weight of 1200 lbs. (544-20 kilos.). In the other series, charges of 60 lbs. (27-21 kilos.) E. L. G. were used. The projectiles were of increasing weights, as above ; but the experiments were not carried so far, the heaviest projectile in this series being of 600 lbs. (272 kilos.) weight. As we shall have occasion more than once to refer to these ex- periments, and as the powder used was carefully selected to represent as nearly as possible the normal service-powder of each description, it appears to us convenient, in order to illustrate the methods followed in determining the powder-pressures, to take an example from each series. This plan will further enable us to compare the difference of behaviour of pebble and E. L. G. powder in the bore of a gun. Commencing, then, with the charge of 70 lbs. (31*75 kilos.) pebble- powder and the projectile of 300 lbs. (136-05 kilos.), the results given by the chronoscope, to which we shall turn our attention in the first instance, are given in Table 9. In this table, column 1 gives the distances of the various plugs * In the experiments with the 38-ton gun, an opportunity occurred of determining the differences in pressure due to the escape of the gases by the windage, and it was found that a reduction of windage of '07 inch (175 mm.), i.e., the difference between '01 inch and "08 inch windage, reduced the maximum pressure indicated by the crusher-gauge by about 1 ton per square inch. Of course the mean pressure on the base of the projectile was not reduced in anything Uke the same proportion. M 178 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES from the seat of the shot in feet (see Fig. 3, Plate XIV., p. 230) (the distance from the seat of the shot to the bottom of the bore being 2 feet = '6 10 metre). Column 2 gives the same distances in metres. Column 3 gives the observed time of passing each plug. Column 4 gives the corrected time from the commencement of motion, the time from the commencement of motion to first plug being interpolated. Column 5 gives the differences of time — that is, the time taken by the projectile to traverse the distance between the plugs. Column 6 gives the mean velocity of the projectile over the space between the plugs, in feet ; and column 7 gives the same velocities in metres. Table 9. — Giving data obtained with chronoscope for calculating velocity and pressure in the bore of a 10-inch \8-ton gun. Charge, 70 lbs. (31-75 kilos.) pebble-powder. Weight of projectile^ 300 lbs. (136^05 kilos.). Muzzle- velocity, 1^27 feet (465^4 metres). 1. 2. Distance from seat of shot. 3. Time observed at plugs. 4. Total time from seat of shot. Time taken by shot to traverse distance between plugs. 0. 7. Mean velocity over spaces between plugs. Feet. 0^00 0^06 0^26 0^46 0-66 0-86 1-06 1-46 1-86 2-26 2-66 3-46 4-26 5-06 6^66 8^26 Metres. 0^000 0-018 0-079 0-140 0-201 0-262 0-323 0-445 0-567 0-689 0-811 1-055 1-298 1^542 2^030 2-518 Seconds. •000000 •001096 •001611 •001967 •002272 •002548 •003036 •003469 •003869 •004244 •004947 -005605 -006234 -007426 -008554 f Seconds. 000000 002683 003779 004294 004650 004955 005231 005719 006152 006552 006927 007630 008288 008917 010109 011237 Seconds. •002683 •001096 •000515 •000356 •000305 •000276 •000488 •000433 •000400 •000375 -000703 -000658 -000629 -001192 -001128 Feet per second. 22 183 388 562 656 725 820 924 1000 1065 1138 1215 1273 1342 1418 Metres per second. 6-7 55-8 118-3 171-3 199^9 221^0 249-9 281-6 304-8 324-6 346-9 370-3 388-0 409-0 432-2 From these data are deduced, by correction and interpolation, the times given in Table 10, pp. 180 and 181. From the differences of the times are calculated the velocities, and from the velocities the pressures necessary to produce them are obtained. We have not space within the limits of our paper to enter upon a discussion of the methods of calculation and correction necessary to arrive at the results tabulated ; they are attended with very great labour, and a full consideration of the question would necessitate a RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 179 separate paper. As we shall hereafter show, it is not difficult, if we were to suppose the powder entirely converted into gas on the instant of explosion, to lay down the law according to which the pressure would vary in the bore of the gun ; but the case under consideration is a much more complicated one. The charge of powder is not instantly exploded, but is generally ignited at a single point ; the pressure (commencing at zero) goes on increasing at an extremely rapid rate until the maximum increment is reached. It still goes on increasing, but at a rate becoming gradually slower, until the maximum tension is reached, when the increase of density of the gas, aided by the combustion of the powder, is just counterbalanced by the decrease of density due to the motion of the projectile. After the maximum of tension is reached, the pressure decreases, at first rapidly, subsequently slower and slower. If these variations in pressure be represented by a curve, it would commence at the origin convex to the axis of x, would then become concave, then again convex, and would finally be asymptotic to the axis of X. In the same way, the curve representing the velocity would commence by being convex to the axis of abscissae ; it would then become concave, and, were the bore long enough, would be finally asymptotic to a line parallel to the axis of x. The results of Table 10 are graphically represented in black lines in Plate XV. (p. 230), the space described by the shot being taken as the equicrescent or independent variable, and the two curves giving respectively the velocity and pressure at any point of the bore. From the table (or curves) it will be seen that the maximum pressure attained by the powder is 18 tons per square inch (2745 atmospheres), and that this pressure is reached when the projectile has moved -5 feet (-153 metre) and at '00437 second from the com- mencement of motion. The results given in the table have, as we have said, been arrived at liy special methods of correction and interpolation ; and their general correctness can be tested by examining whether a material alteration of pressure or velocity at any point can be made without seriously disturbing the times actually observed. It will be found that they cannot. But another question here presents itself for consideration. We have, in the curves on Plate XV. (p. 230), taken s as the independent variable ; but if t were taken as the independent variable, and the relation between s and t were capable of being expressed by the explicit function s =/ {€), the velocity corresponding 180 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES •s^ "^ £ Atmospheres. 262 585 928 1259 1503 1705 1857 1998 2119 2220 2311 2381 2442 2498 2543 2583 2623 2652 2680 2702 2720 2733 2734 2741 2745 2741 2726 2711 2575 2381 Ph Tons per square inch. 1-723 3-843 6-096 8-270 9-873 11-198 12-192 13-120 13-915 14-578 15-174 15-638 16-036 16-407 16-698 16-963 17-228 17-414 17-599 17-745 17-864 17-944 17-957 17-997 18-023 17-997 17-904 17-800 16-910 15-637 > go cooj05t-^t^<»rH(rqo>n(»<»i^oow07HOop.po-?OioOT»T'T'°0':-'? Feet per seco 11 35- 65- 94- 123 150 176 200 223 246 267 288 308 327 345 363 .380 397 413 429 444 459 473 488 501 515 528 540 576 629 a > 1 5 (MO00OCD(rC0-a<-#'*tD S §§g§§§§§8§8§§§§§§88§gS§§§§§S§§ 1 £ OCDtMOOTHOl-^OOOJlOi-lt^COOivOi-HCOTjIOCDC^OO^OOC^lOOiOi— li-H ■g OO.-H.-l(MMC0TM^vnCDt0Wt-C00i0JO.-l.-l(M(MC0':H^l0l0C0WO iS OOpOOpOpppppppppprHi^r-l>^i^i^r^r^rHi^i^>;-lC-1 -t5 O CM tH to 00 O (M ^ CD OO O (M Ttt «D 00 O (M ^ CD 00 O pp c=^ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 181 . t^OiOICOoOMt^OS«OeD'X>Jr^i-(OOOOOTt O 00 (M ^ 5D CO CO 30 CO t^ t^ t^ l^ t^ O ^ O O O -* Tfi ^ CO Otl CO CO CO 000-*OiacOOCOCOi— lOi— lO.— li-"5C0>-HC0l0r-lC0^O'X>-*^'-c0005-*t^ONOSOJvr5t^(MiOu^t^OiiOCOC>5CO.-ICOO ,-it^cqi>cot^5^co.:HiciKc^«prH;^>jr5io-^(MOi^'*iO!mi-H -pcpl>.OC0i;-10iCT)iq,pU.;-i^-jhQp a5Tj<'*oo5tNa5>nocoTj-coooc.i-ii^icOSi-ICOOt-Oii-((M-^ir5t^COO.— l(MCOmO>COC005C-t^t^00GCI00C0020»050505OOOOOO'— li— l.-(>-lr-li— i(M(MCt^OTt050iOcoQoco^co-*oocDO0it^C0l01>-00l^0i .... , ,, . __...___. _l>.'X5COOiCOJ>-OiOOOOi^COOOCOO>COOt^O<:D0305iOOO ^OC0'X>C0OC^C't)'^^:JliOiO^Cur^i^'^*^(^0CNC^i-H05G0C0^CiOr-(C^i— lOCsr^vOCOO 0005I— liMCO^tOt-^OOOJOi— l(MCO'*iOOt^00050i— l>-l!M'-OC5!M^a5C^iOCOOCO;005(M -*-#voiOiO>i-5\Oir5iOiO?0«DeD«DC05DCDC0500t^t^t^t-I:^t^cOOOCOOJCT)OJOOOOi— I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOrHi— 'i-li-lrH ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cq(NCOCOCOTt.J:^0000050500i-li-l.-((M(M'#COCOO(N'*'»I^01t-(OOlOt~ COC003tNlOOOrH-^lr^000500StN»OOOT-l»r500T-l-^r~OCOvni>-OJIM-*<»000(Mmt— OSi-H c<^o^|^^cococo■^■*'*oo>no50Xl«o^~^^^^^^oooooooiOJOl;^(^I■Jt^>p^^^-osOI^ 0^^4-iAhi--(4-Ii-Ii— li--li--IC^C^C^C^Cai'^t:^i-ti-ir-i<^oz<^oooot^'^ait-~ OTOCDt---l^tDOt-(Mi-CCOOC>DOJt^r-,00«5-H O CO O rH ,^ O Oi CO CO -^ O .p Oi ,^ rH Oi .p W t;- •* t-ooo(^^cO'*lTJ^^n■■o^^ooooooo505Gooo^^~to»ri III 0Jt-HC0l0t^i:D^I>-O05t^Ttr;CO(Nt->ncOOt^COt^COCO coc^cooscooor^cocoot^coinaicoooc^cs^ (MrHOOOOCO^-^OOCOt-OiOiCOOOCDCO^lOO CO«DOiCN--«COOOOi,-l(MCOTtMcocococo{M «0Cn as U-; ,-1 CO CO 05 CO COr-HCq,— (0-#i-Hi-<(MlOCOi— liOCOOSTXOi-^COCO t 0500cp(».;^t~-yO'^-^t--^'>pC^tp05O957*<^- 22S^S2S^^^^§S^SSS||S j FU i-lC<10.-lOCD.-H--rMi0 05CO.-ia5.-H005COCncOCOIr^CO p-( coa>o.-io5cqt^m^oo05co>ooovoc2-*t^coio COC005000iOu-2 02io.-ICOCi-i j CO(M(MO-*OJt^COCOCO(NCOC- rHr-i.-i(MC^CSl(McococO'*-*T}r:u-5cocDcot-i>.w Ol-^OJinOOTt^u-lCMt^oOt^WOOt-^lMt^OiOCO'^OO C<305COCOIr^vni>-J>->OOi-ii— (COCOOllNCOlMmOJCOCO oic^irtc^.-H(Mioo:)i-ioinoioco(M(MOcoocoi:nc<)coMi-,-(^co^-t^ O(MC0T(i'*Tj<^lO>OiC^^-*'^C0C0(NC^T-HOOS00 ^-:*H^-*-*-*'#T*iT:HrJ<^-H-*'*^-:H-*-:H^-#COCO + os(Mr-Hioco^co^r-^t^mvn>ct-cococoicco^Oi i-ii-ivot^cocoooot>-C3coooi-(Ot^»ncoi— fcoco^ir: C0C0rHt-t-01C0OC5(MCiOC0C0OOu-. CO>rtTt0 >r5 >0 >-. >0 CO CO CO C^OCOOO T-HCOOlO^COCOCO^i— ICOOT-l^-^tNOSiOOCOirtlO O^C005l-^0i>Oi0 0U:^00C0C0C0C0^00t^OC0C0O lr^C0r^0i(Mr^C0r-lOO(Mioaii0C0r-lr-lC0 (MOCOi^C^t^Cc; 0500.-l(M(NCOCO'*tlC0OO-<*lt^C0i-lt^C0J:^OO c6ol-5oicoeqt^(Ncornt^cow>nTHCT>t-(»co^0505 rHl^ l--^t^'cfW050COOOt^-i^-:»<(N^Oicocooco>r3 0oioiooococOi-iooa5(?oos t:^O:Coco»C(McDco(M-*coi^co^i-~-coi-icoo-^eoo5t-i 05(N05.-H01:-COOO.-lCOCO(MOCO>-O(MC0^.0C0t-00C0 OSOi-l'— llM(N(M(MCOCOCOCOCO^-*'*<-*-*'*-^'ti-* (NCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOOOCOCOCOCOCOCO a50e?^iOcor-co050rH(Ncp-^ip-op05prHoq ■" C0 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 185 The pressures given by the crusher-gauges (which can be com- pared with those given in either of the Tables 10 or 11) at the points A, B, C, 1, 4, are respectively 17-2, 15-6, 15-6, 12-8, and 111 tons per square inch; or in atmospheres, 2169, 2376, 2376, 1949, and 1690. We now pass to the consideration of the results furnished by E. L. a powder. Taking, as in the case of pebble-powder, the particular set of experiments where shot of 300 lbs. (136-05 kilos.) were used, the data furnished by the chronoscope are given in Table 12. Table 12.— Giving data obtained with chronoscope for calculating the velocity and pressure in the hore of a 10-inch 18-ton gun. Charge, 60 lbs. (27-2 kilos.) B. L. G. Weight of projectile, 300 lbs. (136-05 kilos.). Distance from base Time observed otal time from It of shot. Time taken by shot to traverse Mean velocity over spaces of shot. at plugs. gg distance between plugs. betweei plugs. Feet. Metres. Seconds. Seconds. Seconds. Feet per second. Metres per second. 0-00 0-000 ... 000000 •nnn7fi7 78-2 23 •S 0-06 0-018 -000000 000767 000596 336 102-4 0-26 0-079 -000596 001363 000411 488 148^7 0-46 0-140 -001007 001774 000316 633 192-9 0-66 0-201 •001323 002090 000278 719 219-1 0-86 0-262 •001601 002368 000255 781 238-0 1-06 0-323 •001856 002623 000469 855 260-6 1-46 0-445 •002325 003092 r\f\r\A9.r\ 935 285-0 1-86 0-567 •002755 003522 From these data, in the same manner as in the case of pebble- powder, are calculated the velocities and pressures exhibited in Table 13, p. 186. The velocity and pressure obtained with the R. L. G. powder are graphically represented by the dotted curves in Plate XV. (p. 230) ; and by comparing these with the similar curves furnished by pebble- powder, the advantages obtained by the use of the slow-burning pebble-powder are clearly seen. Thus it will be observed that the muzzle-velocity obtained with the pebble-powder is 1530- feet (466-3 metres), while the maximum pressure in the bore is 18 tons per square inch (2745 atmospheres). The velocity given by the R. L. G-. powder is, on the other hand, only 1480 feet (451-1 metres), while the maximum pressure is 22-07 tons per square inch (3360 atmospheres). 186 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Table IZ.-— Giving the total time from commencement of motion, velocity, and tension of products of explosion in bore of 10-inch 18-ton gun, deduced from Table 12. Feet. Metres. 0-00 0-02 0-04 0-06 0-08 0-10 0-12 0-14 0-16 0-18 0-20 0-22 0-24 0-26 0-28 0-30 0-32 0-34 0-36 0-38 0-40 0-42 0-44 0-46 0-48 0-50 0-52 0-54 0-56 0-66 0-76 0-86 0-96 1-06 1-16 1-26 1-36 1-46 1-56 1-66 1-76 1-86 •000 •006 •012 •018 •024 •030 •037 •043 •049 •055 •061 •067 •073 •079 •085 •091 •098 •104 •110 •116 •122 •128 •134 •140 •146 •152 •158 •165 •171 •201 •232 •262 •293 •323 •353 •384 •415 •445 •475 •506 •536 •567 Seconds. •0000000 •0005164 •0006615 •0007674 •0008548 •0009310 •0009994 •0010621 •0011204 •0011750 •0012267 •0012760 •0013231 •0013685 •0014123 •0014547 •0014959 •0015360 •0015751 •0016132 •0016505 •0016870 •0017229 •0017580 •0017925 •0018264 •0018598 •0018927 •0019250 •0020802 •0022262 •0023649 •0024976 •0026253 •0027487 •0028685 •0029851 •0032102 •0033193 •0034264 •0035318 Over Intervals. •0005164 •0001451 •0001059 •0000874 •0000762 •0000684 •0000627 •0000583 •0000546 •0000517 •0000493 •0000471 •0000454 •0000438 •0000424 •0000412 •0000401 •0000391 •0000381 •0000373 •0000365 •0000359 •0000351 •0000345 •0000339 •0000334 •0000329 •0000323 •0001552 •0001460 •0001387 •0001327 •0001277 •0001234 •0001198 •0001166 •0001138 •0001113 •0001091 •0001071 •0001054 Velocity. 137^8 188^8 228-7 262-5 292-2 318-9 343-3 365-7 386-6 405-9 423-9 440-6 456-4 471^2 485-3 498-7 511-4 523-7 535-4 546-8 557-7 568-4 578-7 588-8 598-5 608-1 617^5 644-3 684-9 721^0 753^5 783^1 810-1 834-8 857-6 878^7 898^2 916^3 933-2 949-1 Metres pe: second. 11^80 42^00 57^55 69^71 80-01 89-06 97-20 104-64 111-46 117-83 123-72 129-20 134-29 139-11 143-62 147-92 152-00 155-87 159-62 163-19 166^66 169^99 173-25 176^39 179^46 182^42 185 ^35 188^21 196-38 208-76 219-76 229-66 2.38-69 246-92 254-44 261-39 267-83 273-77 279-29 284^44 289-28 Tons per sq. inch. 7-950 21-204 22-065 22-039 21-999 21-840 21-628 21-403 21-138 20-767 20-276 19-746 19-216 18-713 18^249 17^851 17^440 17^096 16-778 16-499 16-261 16-036 15-863 15-691 15-558 15^439 15^320 15^201 14^700 14^286 13^451 12-722 12-060 11-384 10-774 10-204 9-701 9-210 8-720 8-296 7^885 Atmo- spheres. 1211 3229 3360 3356 3350 3326 3293 3259 3219 3162 3088 3007 2926 2850 2779 2718 2656 2603 2555 2512 2476 2442 2416 2389 2369 2351 2333 2315 2238 2175 2048 1937 1836 1734 1641 1554 1477 1402 1328 1263 1201 If, as in the case of pebble-powder, we express for the first instants of motion the relation between s and t by an equation of the form of that given in (9), we obtain g ^ .57g37^3-42802--02336« + -000245;2 _ _ (14)* * In this equation and Table 14, the unit of time is, for convenience, the one ten-thousandth part of a second. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 187 and the values of s, v, T corresponding to those of t are given in the scheme shown in Table 14, p. 188. The results of Table 14, in comparison with those of the other mode of calculation (Table 13), are graphically compared in Plate XVII. (p. 230). It will be observed that, as in the case of pebble- powder, the two methods give values closely accordant ; and if Plate XVII. (p. 230) be compared with Plate XVI. (p. 230), the differences in velocity and pressure at the commencement of motion between the two natures of powder are very strikingly shown. Thus it will be observed that with pebble-powder the maximum pressure, 2745 atmospheres, is reached when the projectile has moved "5 foot (152 metre), and at about '00437 second after the commencement of motion. With E. L. G. powder the maximum pressure, 3365 atmospheres, is reached when the projectile has moved only '05 foot ("015 metre), and at about "00070 second from the commencement of motion. The first foot of motion is, with the one powder, traversed in about "0025 second, with the other in about "0051 second. The pressure given by the crusher-gauges in the experiments with R. L. G. under discussion (and these pressures should be compared both with those given in Table 13 and with the crusher-gauge pres- sures furnished at the same points by pebble-powder) were, at A, B, C, 1, and 4, respectively 44-2, 30*3, 22-5, 13-5, 12 tons per square inch ; or, in atmospheres, 6731, 4614, 3426, 2056, and 1827. In deducing the pressure from the velocity, we of course assumed that the gaseous products of combustion acted on the projectile in the manner in which gases are generally assumed to act. With the slower-burning powders this hypothesis appears to be not far from the truth; but with the more explosive powders the crusher-gauges show that the powder acts on the shot, as we have already observed, by a succession of impulses ; and in this case the curve of pressures derived from the chronoscopic observations must be taken to represent the mean pressures acting on the projectile throughout the bore. With the various powders experimented on by the Committee on Explosives, there have of course been very great variations in the pressures indicated. The highest mean pressure indicated by the chronoscope was 30'6 tons, 4660 atmospheres ; and this pressure was attained with a charge of 60 lbs. E. L. G., and a projectile weighing 400 lbs. In the same series, the highest local or wave-pressure exhibited by the crusher - gauges was 57"8 tons, 8802 atmospheres ; but this excessive pressure 188 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES » -w ■» s ^ • .SCi5 1^ ,^(i^ -^ 947 2057 2849 3230 3311 3342 3356 3356 3318 3251 3131 3003 2866 2727 2593 2362 2199 2127 (M,-li-l.-lTjlio^'J<010CO— ICOOO(M^'a'Cii-ltOOCOCDOi— li-l(N I— l\rimOiOi— lrHrHOOOOt^lOCO(NO>t^lX> t^C0i--;c3iOi— l!M!MOOl-~>J-l>-l^r-{COt:^tO(N p; 03ir5a5>nu:i>r2^xtii-ioo(M-#t^cciTf.T-lrHlOCr30i— li— It^CQ^'^COOO'fflt^ 05C5(M.-ioo5aicocor-iooo(Masc^TjHcD ?99"?P9'?99?9999?999 t^C0'#t^C00500CX)^OOCsC0a5oot-.i-.j.-.---!t^.o^050«Dvnoo«r-jco^ lOi— looco^L-mtocooiosoOi— ii— ii-Hoo r-^,-l(^^c-IOOCDr-H«D 0 (M O OO l-^ 1.- Ttl CO 1— 1 CD CD O CO (M o ^ in o ^ o o ^ c<] >n ^ I- -*< «-. oj r- a> rH lo o .o .-1 (N>ncDt^C0O5C^lOO5C0J:^(Mt^0ii— IVOOSIO rH>-lr-l(N(MCOCO'HCOt-000 s ooot^r-(vn(MO.-io>t^coojco«oo5eoT-iinvOi-i i^s§Srtsss§Sf^gS5g2^;s§f^S C0C0O5>Or»— IO0CCD^C0t-lOt^'#0Q05t^ •«• in »n RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 189 was exhibited only in the crusher marked A in Plate XIV., Fig. 3 (p. 230), and was probably confined to that particular point. The pressures exhibited by the same powder in the same round, at the points B and C in the powder-chamber, were respectively 37 tons, 5634 atmospheres ; and 29-6 tons, 4507 atmospheres. But although, in the various guns and with the various charges and special powders experimented with, the pressures at different points of the bore exhibit, as might be expected, marked differences, these differences almost altogether disappeared when powders of normal types and uniform make were experimented with, and when the pressure was referred, not to fixed positions in the bore of the gun, but to the density of the products of combustion. We have already referred to the experiments made with cylinders gradually increasing in weight in the 10-inch gun. A similar series was made in the 11-inch gun with charges of powder of 85 lbs. (38"56 kilos.); and as the series in both guns were made with great care and under as nearly as possible the same conditions, we selected, in the first instance, the experiments with pebble-powder in these guns, to test the accordance or otherwise of the tensions, under the varied conditions of experiment, when taken simply as functions of the density. The results of these calculations are graphically represented in curves 1 and 2, Plate XYIII. (p. 230) ; and it will be observed that with these different calibres and charges the tensions developed are as nearly as possible identical. Curves 3 and 4 on the same plate exhibit the results of similar calculations for 60 lbs. Pt. L. G. fired in the 10-inch gun, and 30 lbs. R. L. G. fired in the 8-inch gun. In this case also, although there are differences between the curves representing the pebble and R. L. G. powders, to which we shall allude further on, the accordance between the same description of powder fired from the different guns is almost perfect. (s) EFFECT OF INCREMENTS IN THE WEIGHT OF THE SHOT ON THE COM- BUSTION AND TENSION OF POWDER IN THE BORE OF A GUN. In our preliminary sketch of the labours of previous investigators, we alluded to the views held by Ptobins and Paimford upon the rapidity of combustion within the bore. The latter, relying chiefly upon the fact that powder, especially when in very large grains, was frequently blown unburned from the muzzle, concluded that the com- 190 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES bustion was very slow. Kobins, on the other hand, considered that, with the powder he employed, combustion was practically completed before the shot was materially displaced ; and it is not easy to see why the unanswerable (if correct) and easily verified fact of which he makes use has received so little attention from artillerists. Eobins, it will be remembered, argues that if, as some assert, a considerable time is consumed in the combustion of the charge, a much greater effect would be realised from the powder where heavier projectiles were used, but that such is not the case. The Committee on Explosives have completely verified the correct- ness of Eobins' views. In the 10-inch gun, with a charge of 60 lbs. (27-2 kilos.) E. L. G. powder, the work realised from the powder is only increased by about 5 per cent, when the weight of shot is doubled. In the slower-burning pebble-powder, with a charge of 70 lbs. (31"75 kilos.), with a similar increase in the shot, the greater effect realised was about 8^ per cent. ; but when the weight was again doubled (that is, increased to four times the original weight), the additional effect was barely 1 per cent. Piobert's views, moreover, that the pressure exercises but a trifling influence upon the rate of combustion, appears to us entirely unten- able. With a particular sample of service pebble-powder, we found the time required for burning a single pebble in the open air to be about 2 seconds. The same sample was entirely consumed in the bore of a 10 -inch gun, and must therefore have been burned in less than -009 second. (t) EFFECT OF MOISTUKE UPON THE COMBUSTION AND TENSION OF POWDER. It is perhaps unnecessary to say that we do not share the views of those who consider that the presence of water in powder may increase the tension of the products of explosion. We have made no experiments upon this head in closed vessels ; but the following table exhibits the effect of moisture in gunpowder upon the velocity of the projectile and the tension of the gas when the powder is fired in a gun, the proportions of moisture varying from 0'7 to 1"55 per cent. The powder from which these results were obtained, was pebble, care- fully prepared by Colonel Younghusband, and was the same in all respects, except as regards the quantity of moisture. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 191 Table 15. — Showing the effect of moisture in the powder upon the velocity of the projectile and pressure of the gas. Percentage of Moisture. Velocity. Maximum Pressures. Feet. Metres. Tons per square inch. Atmospheres. 0-70 1545 i 470-92 22-02 3353 0-75 1541 774-50 21-70 3304 0-80 1537 468-47 21-38 3256 0-85 1533-5 467-41 21-07 3208 0-90 1530 466-34 20-77 .3163 0-95 1526-5 465-30 20-47 3117 1-00 1523-5 464-40 20-18 3073 1-05 1520-5 463-44 19-90 3030 1-10 1517-5 462-53 19-63 2989 1-15 1514-5 461-61 19-37 2949 1-20 1512 460-85 19-12 2911 1-25 1509-5 460-10 18-87 2873 1-30 1507 459-33 18-63 2837 1-35 1504-5 458-60 18-40 2802 1-40 1502 457-80 18-18 2768 1-45 1499-5 1 457-04 17-97 2736 1-50 1497-5 456-43 17-76 2704 1-55 1495-5 455-82 17-55 2672 From this table it will be seen that, by the addition of consider- ably less than 1 per cent, of moisture, the muzzle-velocity is reduced by about 60 feet, and the maximum pressure by about 20 per cent., pointing obviously to a much more rapid combustion in the case of the drier powder. (u) LOSS OF HEAT BY COMMUNICATION TO THE ENVELOPE IN WHICH THE CHAEGE IS EXPLODED. We have now given a hasty sketch of the means that have been adopted to determine the pressures actually existing in the bores of guns, and of the general results we have arrived at ; and before pro- ceeding to the theoretical consideration of the relation which should then exist between the tension and the density of the gases, we must direct attention to an important point — and that is, " what loss of heat do the gases suffer ? or, in other words, what proportion of energy in the powder is wasted by communication to the envelope in which the powder is fired, that is, to the barrel of the gun ? " Every one is aware that if a common rifled musket be very rapidly fired, as may easily now be done by the use of breech-loading arms, the barrel becomes so hot that it cannot be touched with the 192 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES naked hand with impunity, and, even with a field-gun, the increment of heat due to a few rounds is very considerable. So far as we know, the Count de Saint-Eobert* made the first atten^t to determine the amount of heat actually communicated to a small arm. De Saint-Eobert made three series of experiments with service rifled muskets, firing the ordinary charge of 4-5 grms. In the first series, the muskets were loaded in the usual manner ; in the second series, the ball was placed near the muzzle ; in the third, the muskets were loaded with powder alone. The results at which De Saint- Eobert arrived, and which are not difficult to explain, were, that the greatest quantity of heat was communicated to the musket when the ball was placed near the muzzle, that the quantity communicated when no projectile at all was used, stood next in order, and that least heat was communicated when the musket was loaded in the usual manner. He further found that the quantity of heat communicated in this last case, with the powder and arm used, was about 250 grm.-units per grm. of powder fired. We found ourselves unable, however, to adopt Count de Saint- Eobert's important results for the guns and charges we have been considering, because conclusions derived from small arms could hardly be applied to large ordnance without modificatiun. We therefore instituted the experiments described under Nos. 72 and 73. The gun used was a 12-pr. B.L., and in the first Experiment (No. 72) nine rounds were fired with If lb. (794 grms.) and a projectile weighing nearly 12 lbs. (5330 grms.). Prior to the rounds being fired, arrangements were made for placing the gun, whenever the series should be concluded, in a vessel containing a given weight of water ; and before the experiment was commenced the gun and water were brought to the same temperature, and that temperature carefully determined. After the firing, the gun was placed in the water, and the rise of temperature due to the nine rounds determined. This rise was found to be equivalent to 236,834 grms. of water raised through 2°-305 Cent., or the heat communicated to the gun by the combustion of 1 grm. of the charge was equal to 764 grm.-units. Of course an addition has to be made to this number, on account both of some loss of heat in the determination and of the unavoidable loss of heat between the rounds. * TraiU de Thermodnamique (Turin, 1S65), p. 120. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 193 The second Experiment (No. 73) was made with five rounds of 1| lb. (680-4 grms.) of the same powder with the same weight of projectile. The heat communicated to the gun by the five rounds was, when expressed in water, sufficient to raise 112,867 grms. through 2°-694 Cent., or 1 grm. of the charge, in burning, communicated to the gun 894 grm.-units of heat. Considering the difficulty, in an experiment of this nature, of avoiding a considerable loss from radiation, conduction, and other causes, we do not think we shall be far wrong in assuming that in the case of the 12-pr. B.L. gun, fired under the conditions named, the heat communicated to the gun is about 100 grm.-units for each gramme of powder exploded. To arrive at the amount of heat communicated to the gun when still larger guns are employed, there are two principal points to be considered — 1st, the ratio which the amount of the surface bears to weight of the charge exploded ; and 2nd, the time during which the cooling effect of the bore operates upon the products of explosion. The first of these data is of course exactly known, and from our experiments the second is also known with very considerable exact- ness. Computing, therefore, from the data given by the 12-pr., the loss of heat suffered by the gases in the 10-inch gun, we find that loss to be represented by about 25 grm. -units ; and hence we find that the quantity of work in the form of heat communicated to the gun varies approximately from 250 grm.-units per grm. of powder in the case of a rifled musket, to 25 grm.-units in the case of a 10-ineh gun. Similar considerations lead us to the conclusion that in a close vessel such as we employed for explosion, lohen filled with powder, the loss of pressure due to the communication of heat to the envelope would not amount to 1 per cent, of the total pressure developed. (-y) PKESSURE IN THE BORES OF GUNS, DERIVED FROM THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS. We now pass to the theoretical consideration of the question. Suppose the powder to be fired, as is the case in the chamber of a gun, and suppose, further, that the products of combustion are allowed to expand, what will be the relation between the tension of the gases and the volume they occupy throughout the bore ? For the sake of simplicity, we shall, in the first instance, assume that the gravimetric density of the powder is unity, that the powder N 194 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES fills completely the space in which it is placed, that the whole charge is exploded before the projectile is sensibly moved from its initial position, and that the expansion takes place in a vessel impervious to heat. In our preliminary sketch we alluded to the results of Button's investigations as to the relations existing between the density and tension of the gases and the velocity of the projectile at any point of the bore. Hutton, however, assumed that the tension of the inflamed gases was directly proportional to their density, and inversely as the space occupied by them. In other words, he supposed that the expansion of the gases, while doing work both on the projectile and on the products themselves, was effected without loss of heat. Kecent research, which has demonstrated that no work can be effected by the expansion of gases without a corresponding expen- diture of heat, has enabled modern artillerists to correct Hutton's assumption ; and the question of the pressure exercised and work per- formed by gunpowder in the bore of a gun has been examined both by Bunsen and Schischkoff, and by the Count de Saint-Eobert.* De Saint-Eobert, like Hutton, supposed that the whole of the products of the explosion were, on ignition, in a gaseous state, and that hence the relation between the pressure and the volume of the products followed from the well-known law connecting the tension and volume of permanent gases. Bunsen and Schischkoff, on the other hand, who, like ourselves, have arrived at the conclusion that at the moment of explosion a large part of the products is not in the gaseous state, have deduced the total work wlrich gunpowder is capable of performing, on the assumption that the work on the projectile is effected by the expan- sion of the permanent gases alone, without addition or subtraction of heat, and that, in fact, the non-Q;aseous products play no part in the expansion. Sufficient data were not at the command of either of the authori- ties we have named, to enable them adequately to test their theories ; and we propose in the first place, with the data at our disposal, to compare their hypothesis with actual facts, by computing the tensions for different volumes and comj^aring the calculated results, both with the tensions in a close vessel and with those derived from actual experiments in the bores of guns. Assuming, in the first place, with De Saint-Eobert, that the whole of the products are in the gaseous form, — *Trait6 de Thermodynainique, p. 164. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 195 Let p be the value of the elastic pressure of the permanent gases by the combustion of the powder corresponding to any volume V, and let p^^, v^ be the known initial values of p and v. Let also C be the specific heat of these gases at constant pressure, and C„ be the specific heat at constant volume. Then, from the well-known relation existing between p and v, where a permanent gas is permitted to expand in a vessel impervious to heat, we have P^\ ■^y^ . . . . (15) and this equation, upon De Saint-Eobert's hypothesis, expresses the relation between the tension of the gases and the volume occupied by them in the bore of a gun. Taking p^ from Table 8, at 41 "477 tons per square inch, and assuming at unity the space v^ occupied by the charge when at a C gravimetric density of 1, taking, further, the value of -^ = 1-41 as computed by De Saint-Eobert, Equation (15) becomes ;. = 41-477(1) .... (16) If we now take Bunsen and Schischkoff's view, that a portion only of the products is in the form of permanent gases, and that they expand without addition or subtraction of heat, we are able, from Equation (15), to deduce the law connecting the tension and the pressure. For if we call v and v'^ the volume at any instant and the initial volume of the permanent gases, we have from (15) pA'^V" .... (17) but if a be the ratio wliich the volume of the non-gaseous products at the moment of explosion bears to that of the unexploded powder, we have ^''o = Vl-«)» V = v-av^ . . . (18) and Equation (17) becomes "^i^y- ■ ■ ■ (-) 196 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES and this is the relation between p and v on Bunsen and Schischkoff s hypothesis. Taking, as before, ^o = 41 -477, -^0 = 1, and remembering that we have found the value of a to be '6, we have •4 \c„ '' - "-"'C^cr" (20) The value of the exponent -^ can be deduced from the data given in Table 16. Table 16. — Showing the percentage iveights, specific heats at constant volume, and the specific heats at constant pressure of the permanent gases produced hy the explosion of powder. Nature of gas. Percentage weight of gas. Specific beat at constant pressure. Specific heat at constant volume. Sulphuretted hydrogen Carbonic oxide Carbonic anhydride Marsh-gas .... Hydrogen .... Nitrogen .... •0262 •1036 •6089 •0012 •0023 •2579 •2432 •2450 •2169 •5929 3-4090 •2438 •1840 •1736 •1720 •4680 2^4110 •1727 From the data in this table the value of C^ is found to be = •23528, of a = 1782, and that of the fraction -rf = 1-3203; and Equation (20) becomes P 41-477 C^eT (21) The results of (16) and (21) are given in Table 17; and in the same table are given the values of p, both as deduced from actual experiment in the bore of the 10-inch and 11 -inch guns (see Plate XVIII., p. 230), and also as deduced from our experiments in a close vessel. The results of the experiments upon the tension of different densities in a close vessel represent of course the elastic force which would exist were the gas allowed to expand in a vessel impervious to heat, without production of work. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 197 Table 17. — Shovnng in terms of the density (1) the tension actually found to exist in the bores of guns ; (2) the tension which would exist were the gases suffered to expand without production of work; (3) the tension calculated upon De Saint-Robert's hypothesis ; (4) the tension calculated on Bunsen and Schischkoff's hypothesis. Tension observed Tension observed Tension calculated Tension calculated in bore where the gases upon Count upon Bunsen of 18-ton gun expand without De St.-Robert's and Schischkoff's Mean density (pebble-powder). production of work. hypothesis. hypothesis. of products of combustion. Tons Atmo- Tons Atmo- Tons Atmo- Tons Atmo- per sq. inch. spheres. per sq. inch. spheres. per sq. inch. spheres. per sq. inch. spheres. 1-00 41-48 6320 41-48 6320 41-48 6320 •90 20-35 3101 32-46 4946 35-75 5448 30-00 4572 •SO 17-01 2590 25^52 3889 30-14 4593 21-85 3330 •70 14-03 2133 20-02 3051 25-08 3822 15-85 2416 •60 11-33 1722 15-55 2370 20-18 3076 11-62 1771 •50 8-87 1352 11-85 1806 15-61 2378 7-93 1209 •40 6-65 1019 8-73 1330 11-40 1736 5-30 808 •30 4-67 722 6-07 925 7-60 1157 3^28 500 •20 2-93 459 3-77 574 4-29 653 1-75 267 •10 1-77 270 1-61 246 •64 98 The graphical representation of this table is given in Plate XIX. (p. 230) ; and by examination either of the table or of the curves, it is obvious that neither Formula (16) nor (21) gives results which can be taken as at all representing the truth. The values of the elastic force, calculated on the assumption that the whole of the products of com- bustion are in the gaseous state, and that the effect on the projectile is produced by such expansion, are largely in excess of the pressures observed in the gun, and very greatly in excess even of the pressures observed when the gases were expanded without production of work On the other hand, the pressures calculated on the assumption that the work is caused by the expansion of the permanent gases alone, without addition or subtraction of heat, are considerably in defect of those actually observed, and this too, although no allowance is made for the absorption of heat by the gun. At an early stage in our researches, when we found, contrary to our expectation, that the elastic pressures deduced from experiments in close vessels did not differ greatly (where the powder might be considered entirely consumed, or nearly so) from those deduced from experiments in the bores of guns themselves, we came to the con- clusion that this departure from our expectation was probably due to the heat stored up in the liquid residue. In fact, instead of the expansion of the permanent gases taking place without addition of 198 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES heat, the residue, in the finely divided state in which it must he on the ignition of the charge, may be considered a source of heat of the most perfect character, and available for compensating the cooling effect due to the expansion of the gases on production of work. The question, then, that we now have to consider is — What will be the conditions of expansion of the permanent gases when dilating in the bore of a gun and drawing heat, during their expansion, from the non-gaseous portions in a very finely divided state ? To solve this question we must have recourse to certain well- known principles of thermodynamics. Let dB. be the quantity of heat added to, or drawn from, the non- gaseous portion of the charge by the permanent gases, while the latter pass from the volume v and temperature t to the volume v' -\- dv' and temperature t -f dt, we then have * dH = t.dcf, . . . . (22) ^ being Eankine's thermodynamic function. But if X be the specific heat of the non-gaseous portion of the charge, and if ^ be the ratio between the weights of the gaseous and non-gaseous portions of the charge, and if we assume further, as we can do without material error, that X is constant, we shall have dH = - /3\dt .... (23) and by integration d^=-(3X± . . . . (24) But the value oi (p — (pQ for permanent gases is well known, being readily deduced from the general expression for the thermodynamic function. This expression being f c/> = Clog^M-i^.||.rf.' . . . (26) (J being Joule's equivalent), and ~ being readily obtained from the equation of elasticity and dilatability of perfect gases, pv' = R/ * Rankine, Steam Engine, p. 310. De Saint-Robert, loc. cit., p. t Rankine, loc. cit., p. 311. De Saint-Robert, loc. cit., p. 72. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES we deduce from (26), by integration, ^-4>, .--(i)" '■(0 since* J = =c,-a. =-.a)' '■(3)"'-' Hence, equating (25) and (27), Therefore 1 = -0 and or, since v 'o = ^o(l- -a), v = v-aVQ, p (-Vo(l-a)|c^+^X 199 (27) (28) (29) (30) and Equation (30) gives the true relation connecting p and v when the gaseous products expand in the bore of a gun with production of work. The values of the constants in this equation we have already determined ; they are as follow : — C„=-1782, C^ = -2353, p,==il-An, A = -4090, ^ = 1-3148. The results of Equation (30) are given in Table 18, p. 200 ; and, as before, for comparison we give similar values of p both as derived from experiments with heavy ordnance and on the supposition of expansion without performance of work. The results of Table 18 are graphically represented in Plate XX. (p. 230) ; and on the axis of abscissse are figured, for convenience, both the density of the products and the volume they occupy. * Rankine, loc. cit., p. 318. Clausius, loc. cit., p. 39. De Saint-Robert, loc. ciU, p. 93. 200 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Table 18. — Giving, in terms of the density, the tensions actually found to exist in the bores of guns toith pebble and It. L. G. powders ; giving, further, (1) the tensions calculated from Equation (30) ; (2) the tension which toould exist loere the gases suffered to expand without production of toork. Tension observed Tension observed in Tension calculated Tension observed when the gases expand without production of work. Mean density in bores of guns. Pebble-powder. bores of guns. R. L. G. powder. from Formula (30). of products of combustion. Tons Atmo- Tons Atmo- Tons Atmo- Tons Atmo- per sq. inch. spheres. per sq. mch. spheres. per sq. inch. spheres. per sq. inch. spheres. 1-00 41-48 6316 41-4,8 6316 •95 36-30 5528 36 ^65 5581 •90 20-35 3099 27-33 4162 31-84 4848 32^46 4943 •85 18-63 2837 24-63 3751 27-95 4256 28^78 4383 •80 17-01 2590 22-01 3352 24-56 3740 25^53 3888 •75 15^48 2357 19-50 2969 21-56 3283 22^63 3446 •70 14-03 21.36 17-16 2613 18-89 2877 20-02 3049 •65 12-65 1926 15-05 2292 16-51 2514 17-68 2692 •60 11-33 1725 13-21 2011 14-38 2190 15-55 2368 •55 10^07 1533 11-61 1768 12-46 1897 13^62 2074 •50 8-87 1351 10-18 1550 10-72 1632 11-85 1804 •45 7^73 1177 8-87 1351 9-15 1393 10-23 1558 •40 6^65 1013 7-65 1165 7-71 1174 8-73 1329 •35 5^63 857 6-49 988 6-40 975 7-35 1119 •30 4^67 711 5-39 821 5-21 793 6-07 924 •25 3^77 574 4-34 661 4-11 626 4-88 743 •20 2-93 446 3-33 507 3-11 474 3-77 574 •15 2-15 327 2-35 358 2-20 335 2-73 416 •10 1-37 209 1-76 268 The curve marked A represents the tensions deduced (with a slight correction for loss of heat) from actual observation in a close vessel, and may, as we have already said, be taken to represent the pressures that would exist were the products of combustion allowed to expand in a vessel impervious to heat and without production of work. The curve marked B, derived from Equation (30), denotes the tensions that would exist in the bore of a gun, if we suppose the powder, of a gravimetric density = 1 and filling entirely the chamber, to be completely consumed before the projectile is moved from its place, and to expand in a gun impervious to heat. By comparison with the curve A will be seen the difference in tension arising from the loss of heat due to the work expended. The great importance of the heat contained in the non-gaseous portion of the charge is rendered apparent by comparison of curve B with curve 4, Plate XIX. (p. 230), or Table 17, where, on Bunsen and Schischkoff 's hypo- thesis, the permanent gases are supposed to expand without deriving any heat from the non-gaseous portion of the charge. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 201 The area comprised between curve B and the axis of abscissae represents the maximvim work that it is possible to obtain from powder. Curve C represents the mean results obtained with R. L. G. powder from the 8-inch and 10-inch guns, and curve D represents the mean results obtained with pebble-powder from the 10-inch and 11-inch guns. It is interesting to study the differences exhibited by these curves B, C, and D. The curve C, representing the pressures obtained with E. L. G., denotes tensions not far removed from the theoretic curve, while the densities are still very high ; before the volume is much increased, the two curves slide into one another and become almost coincident. The curve D, on the other hand, is at first very considerably below both the E. L. G. and the theoretic curve. It is still consider- ably lower even when the E. L. G. curve is practically coincident with the theoretic curve, and it retains a measurable though sHght inferiority of pressure even up to the muzzle of the gun. These differences are without doubt due to the fact that with the E. L. G. powder, at least under ordinary circumstances, the whole or a large proportion of the charge is consumed before the projectile is greatly removed from the seat of the shot. With the slower-burning pebble-powder, on the other hand, a considerable quantity of powder remains unconsumed until the projectile approaches the muzzle ; and the curve indicates in a very striking way the gradual consumption of the powder, and the portion of the bore in which the slow-burning powder may be considered practically burned. It might perhaps be expected that the difference between the theoretic curve B and the observed curves C and D near the muzzle would be greater than is shown, since the curve B has been obtained on the supposition that the expansion has taken place in a vessel impervious to heat. We have pointed out, however, that although in muskets and small arms the loss of heat arising from communication to the bore is very considerable, it is comparatively unimportant in very large guns. In our calculations also we have taken X, the specific heat of the non-gaseous portion of the charge, at its mean value. It should, however, be taken at a higher value, since the specific heat must increase rapidly with the temperature ; and this difference no doubt more than compensates for the loss of heat to which we have referred as not being taken into account. 202 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Our hypothesis as to a portion of the charge remaining uncon- sumed until the projectile approaches the muzzle, is confirmed by the well-known fact that in short guns, or where powder of high density or very large size is employed, considerable quantities some- times escape combustion altogether. The appearance of pellet or pebble powder which has been ignited and afterwards extinguished in passing through the atmo- sphere, is well known to artillerists. The general appearance (and in this appearance there is wonderful uniformity) is represented in Plate XI., Fig. 5 (p. 230), and gives the idea of the combustion having proceeded from centres of ignition. If we imagine a grain, or rather (taking into account the size of the grains of the present day) a pebble, of powder arriving uncon- sumed at a point a little in advance of that of maximum pressure, it is not difficult to conceive that such pebble will traverse the rest of the bore without being entirely consumed, when the great influence of diminished pressure, combined with the shortness of time due to the increasing velocity of the projectile, is considered. Thus, by reference to Table 10, it will be found that the time taken by the projectile to describe the first foot ("305 metre) of motion is about "005 second, while the time taken to describe the remaining length of the bore, 7'25 feet (2-21 metres), is only about "Oil second. The mean powder-pressure over the first foot, again, is about 15 tons per inch (2300 atmospheres), and over the remainder of the bore is only 5-25 tons (800 atmospheres). (w) TEMPEKATUKE OF PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION IN BOKES OF GUNS. The temperature in the bore of the gun during the expansion of the products is given by Equation (28), or, restoring the values of v' and v'q, "-{ v-ar Y^"-^^ . . . (31) The temperatures calculated from this formula are given in Table 19. It is hardly necessary to point out that the values given in this table are only strictly accurate when the charge is ignited before the projectile is sensibly moved ; but in practice the correction due to this cause will not be great. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 203 Taui.e 19.— Giving the temperature in degrees Centigrade, and in terms of the density, of the products tvhen expanded, with production of work, in the bore of a gun supposed impervious to heat. Number of Temperature. Mean density Number of Temperature. of products of volumes of Degrees of products of volumes of Degrees combustion. expansion. Centigrade. combustion. expansion. Centigrade. 1-00 1-0000 22°31 •50 2-0000 2019 95 1-0526 2209 •45 2^2222 1996 90 1-1111 2188 •40 2-5000 1971 85 1-1765 2167 •35 2-8571 1943 80 1-2500 2146 •30 3-3333 1914 75 1-3333 2126 •25 4-0000 1881 70 1-4286 2105 •20 5-0000 1843 65 1-5385 2084 •15 6-6667 1796 60 1-6667 2063 •10 10-0000 1734 •55 1-8182 2041 •05 20-0000 1637 {x) WOEK EFFECTED BY GUNPOWDER. The theoretic work which a charge of gunpowder is capable of effecting during the expansion to any volume v is, as we have said, represented by the area between the curve B, Plate XX. (p. 230), the ordinates corresponding to v and v^^, and the axis of abscissae. In mathematical language, it is expressed by the definite integral dv (32) Replacing in this equation the value of p derived from Equation (30) we have for the work done by the powder in expanding from v^ to v, 3(l-a) -.C^+^X^^, .... (33) ^0 J W 7^0 Po^o(l-«)(C. + W h c -c V v-av^J %{l-a) \%+^X\ (34) The values of all the constants in this equation have already been given ; but for our present purpose it is convenient to determine the work which 1 grm. of powder is capable of performing for different degrees of expansion. Assuming, then, that a gramme of powder is of the gravimetric density of unity (that is, that it occupies a volume of 1 CO.), we have Vq = 1; and expressing the initial pressures 41*5 tons (6320 atmospheres) in grammes per square centimetre, we have ^0=6,532,450 grms. per square centimetre. We have calculated W from (34) from various values of v up to and inclusive oi v = 20. The results are embodied in the following 204 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES table, and are expressed both in kilogrammetres per kilogramme and foot-tons per lb. of powder. Table 20. — Giving the total work that gunpowder is capable of per- forming in the bore of a gun, in kilogrammetres per kilogramme and foot-tons per lb, of powder burned, in terms of the density of the products of explosion. Total work that the gunpowder is capable of realising. Density of products of Number of volumes Per kilogramme burned in Per lb. burned combustion. of expansion. kilogrammetres. foot-tons. •95 1-0526 3210-8 4-70 90 1-1111 6339-6 9-29 85 1-1768 9412-8 13-79 80 1-2500 12443-8 18-23 75 1-3333 15460-8 22-65 70 1-4286 18488-1 27-08 65 1-5385 21544-9 31-56 60 1-6667 24650-8 36-11 55 1-8182 27841-9 40-78 50 2-0000 31153-7 45-62 45 2-2222 34614-0 50-70 40 2-5000 38290-0 56-08 35 2-8571 42234-7 61-86 30 3-3333 46565-9 68-21 25 4-0000 51414-8 75-31 20 5-0000 57031-7 83-53 17 5-8824 60952-1 89-35 16 6-2500 62368-1 91-45 15 6-6667 63884-4 93-64 14 7-1429 65470-1 95-94 13 7-6923 67138-4 98-39 12 8-3333 68940-1 101-00 11 9-0909 70855-4 103-82 10 10-0000 72903-7 106-87 9 11-1111 75214-5 110-18 8 12-5000 77679-9 113-81 7 14-2857 80462-1 117-85 6 16-6667 83582-1 122-42 •5 20-0000 87244-4 127-79 The results embodied in this table are of very considerable importance. They enable us to say by simple inspection what is the maximum work that can be obtained from powder such as is employed by the British Government in any given length of gun. To make use of the table, we have only to find the volume occupied by the charge (gravimetric density =1) and the number of times this volume is contained in the bore of the gun. The maximum work* * It is hardly necessary to point out that the velocity of the projectile at any point of the bore is directly deducible from Equation (34).> For the velocity being connected with the work by the equation velocity =./-^.W \ w RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 205 per kilogramme or pound which the powder is capable of performing during the given expansion, is then taken out from the table ; and this work being multiplied by the number of kilogrammes or pounds in the charge, gives the total maximum work. Thus, for example, in an 18-ton 10-inch gun, a charge of 70 lbs. (31'75 kilos.) pebble- powder is fired, and we wish to know what is the maximum work that the charge is capable of performing. "We readily find that the length of the gun is such that 'y=5'867 vols.; and from the table we find that 89-4 foot-tons or 61,000 kilogrammetres is the maximum work per lb. or per kilog. ; multiplying by the number of pounds or kilos., we find that 6258 foot-tons or 1,936,750 kilogrammetres is the maximum work which the whole charge is capable of performing. As a matter of course, this maximum effect is only approximated to, not attained ; and for actual use it would be necessary to multiply the work so calculated by a factor dependent upon the nature of the powder, the mode of firing it, the weight of the shot, etc. ; but in service-powders fired under the same circumstances, the factor will not vary much. In the experimental powders used by the Com- mittee on Explosives, there were, it is true, very considerable differences, the work realised in the same gun varying from 56 foot-tons to 86 foot-tons per lb. of powder; but with service- powders fired under like conditions this great difference does not exist. We have prepared at once, in illustration of the principles we have just laid down, as a test of the general correctness of our views and as likely to prove of considerable utility, a table in which we have calculated, from the data given, first, the total work realised per lb. of powder burned for every gun, charge, and description of powder in the English service ; second, the maximum theoretic work per lb. of powder it would be possible to realise with each gun and charge ; and third, the factor of effect with each gun and charge — that is, the percentage of the maximum effect actually realised. w being the weight of the shot, we have only to take out, from Equation (34) or Table 20, the value of W for any given expansion, multiply it by the " factor of effect " (see p. 206) for the particular gun, charge, etc. , and use in the above equation the value of W so found. As an illustration, if it be required to determine the velocity at the muzzle of the 10-inch gun under the circumstances discussed at p. 205, the total work, as shown in the text, which the charge is capable of effecting, is 6258 foot-tons ; multiplying this by the factor for the gunpowder and weight of shot, we have W = 4880 foot-tons ; substituting this value of W in the above equation, we obtain i5 = 1532 feet, or nearly identical with the observed velocity. 206 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES ^•1 1^ « 1% I 1 rHt^C0C00C.-IOOl.^l^r-lrHcrit^C0-*C0t-HrH,-lrH(M-*'*0000C0 CO(Mt^OO'H^OO'i<'*(M(M(M05CO(NOaJ05I>-t~000000?0«Ot- O5cooot^i^oocoooooaoooooooi>.i>-oooot^t^t~i>.t~i^j>.t^t^t^ •nimmx'Bni pa^Binoiuo ii 0(NasojOi<»c»oo(jq(Noo<»T)<-^t;->pr;Tt<^oocoiniocoeoco(NoooicDoooo.io O'*IM^r-(«0(N0>lO»O0000C0.-l051>.CDOOC-5)<-^05i-lT-(00t^t^Tj<-*t^t^O-^05t^X.^-^-alOOOiOOO'^CDCO-*'^^'*COOOCOCOiOu-;'N coooiaicDt^i:^i>~iocoi-i.-ioooococcc^t^t^co^iOT-i,-i>-ii-(t^ t^to.iovoasoo>jr^ioi»':D05'i=50t^t^o £ > Ii ^COC0C0rHrH(Mi-IC0C0Cq(Mt0CO>-IO5rH'*Tt(t0C0rH'*^eOC0r-l 1 1-3 1 1 i ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 odd dd dd ddd ddd Oh' 0^ e^' 0^ a; J J h4 Oh' iih' J J p.; a; 0^ h4 J Ph* a; J J 1-3 clh' eu J ,j J } 1 6 >p ipo cq >p oi CO i 03 (?q M 4t< CO -* g| i % C^ (N iM --1 O 05 CO i so 3 1 CO en «3 «3 tn to C c c c c c o 52 BBS B B ■ *l § SSS ^ S 2 ^ RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 207 00■^•*cO'XlOlplpOrHOO^^-l^3'pr^a3co■Jt^■JHOc QnooaiOii-HOOOOOJOST-li-li-lrHi-ll-HOjasOaiasOOOi-IOOl-IOSprHl-HC^rHi-HOi-Hi-HOOi-Hr-H oot-hi— ic^OiOsfMCNC^-^Ocoooasaji - oo oo oo CO < "' "" " " "" " " •- — ' ■ 00<:DOC005ai rH.— I »Oin?DtOl»5DCD^iCC^OOCQi»C305rHC50005KrtO^ I§-^SoiCDlO»OMCOOCOCRt^c»t^.-ia5t^.--10COOr-iOr-10a3050JrtiIOC^CO-^COOio0^2^ lO^-*CO(rOC^(Mi-H.-l.-l>-l l^OOCDCOrHi <»cDooooocO(^5^^-50'aDT(<(MO»OCO(Ni— (^ ,_lrHi-H.-IOi— li-li-lT-(OOOOOOi^i^rH>7l>;H7^'7l _i-jmcncrilo\r^OOOO(MOilOOt^':OlOmOOOC— lvoCO(M^>0-*COCOiOOOOOOt^tO SSSSSScqSmM§SS-*MLnSo>nc.«Dcoc30cgco>ovQi-rH2S^2g^^;2; ioio»o>o>ovo»nioioo^-*^-*oooioi 0000000000000000000000000(NOO^ ^ (N ,-1 OS Oi t^ t^t^ CD-*!N!NrH05!D 208 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES If the factors of effect be examined, it will be observed how, in spite of the use of slow-burning and therefore uneconomical powders in the large guns, the percentages realised gradually increase as we pass from the smallest to the largest gun in our table — the highest factor being 93 per cent, in the case of the 38-ton gun, the lowest being 50"5 per cent, in the case of the little Abyssinian gun. This difference in effect is of course in some measure due to the communication of heat to the bore of the gun, to which we have so frequently referred. {y) DETERMINATION OF TOTAL THEORETIC WORK OF POWDER WHEN INDEFINITELY EXPANDED. To determine the total work which powder is capable of perform- ing if allowed to expand indefinitely, the integral in Equation (33) must be taken between oo and v^. If so taken, we have Total work =2»(i^?ifff±^). . . (35) = 332,128 gramme-metres per gramme of powder (486 foot-tons per lb. of powder). Bunsen and Schischkoff's estimate of the work which powder is capable of performing on a projectile, if indefinitely expanded, we have already given ; but their estimate (being only the fifth part of that at which we have arrived) is altogether erroneous, as these eminent chemists appear to have overlooked the important part which the non-gaseous portion of the charge plays in expansion. It is interesting to compare the above work of gunpowder with the total theoretic work of 1 grm. of coal, which is about 3,400,000 grm. -units. The work stored up in 1 grm. of coal is therefore more than ten times as great as that stored up in 1 grm. of powder. The powder, it is true, contains all the oxygen necessary for its own combustion, while the coal draws nearly 3 grms. of oxygen from the air. Even allowing, however, for this, there is a considerable inferiority in the work done by gunpowder, which is doubtless in part due to the fact that the coal finds its oxygen already in the form of gas, while a considerable amount of work is expended by the gunpowder in placing its oxygen in a similar condition. In an economic point of view also the oxygen stored up in the gunpowder is of no importance, as that consumed by coal costs noth- ing, while the oxygen in the powder is in a most expensive form. The fact is perhaps worth noting as demonstrating the impractica- RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 209 bility of making economic engines deriving their motive power from the force of gunpowder. (z) SUMMAKY OF EESULTS. It only now remains to summarise the principal results at which we have arrived in the course of our researches ; (a) when gunpowder is fired in a space entirely confined ; (b) when it is suffered to expand in the bore of a gun. (a) The results when powder is fired in a close space are as follow, and for convenience are computed upon 1 grm. of powder occupying a volume of 1 c.c. : — 1. On explosion, the products of combustion consist of about 57 per cent, by weight of matter, which ultimately assumes the solid form, and 43 per cent, by weight of permanent gases. 2. At the moment of explosion, the fluid products of combustion, doubtless in a very finely divided state, occupy a volume of about •6 c.c. 3. At the same instant the permanent gases occupy a volume of 4 c.c, so that both the fluid and gaseous matter are of approximately the same specific gravity. 4. The permanent gases generated by the explosion of a gramme of powder are such that, at 0" Cent, and 760 mm. barometric pressure, they occupy about 280 c.c, and therefore about 280 times the volume of the original powder. 5. The chemical constituents of the solid products are exhibited in Tables 3 and 6. 6. The composition of the permanent gases is shown in the same tables. 7. The tension of the products of combustion, when the powder fills entirely the space in which it is fired, is about 6400 atmospheres, or about 42 tons per square inch. 8. The tension varies with the mean density of the products of combustion according to the law given in Equation (3). 9. About 705 grm.-units of heat are developed by the decomposi- tion of 1 grm. of powder such as we have used in our experiments. 10. The temperature of explosion is about 2200° Cent, (about 4000° Fahr.). (b) When powder is fired in the bore of a gun, the results at which we have arrived are as follows: — 1. The products of explosion, at all events as far as regards the 210 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES proportions of the solid and gaseous products, are the same as in the case of powder fired in a close vessel. 2. The work on the projectile is effected by the elastic force due to the permanent gases. 3. The reduction of temperature due to the expansion of the permanent gases is in a great measure compensated by the heat stored up in the liquid residue. 4. The law connecting the tension of the products of explosion with the volume they occupy is stated in Equation (30). 5. The work that gunpowder is capable of performing in expand- ing in a vessel impervious to heat is given by Equation (34), and the temperature during expansion is given in Equation (31). 6. The total theoretic work of gunpowder when indefinitely ex- panded is about 332,000 grm.-metres per gramme of powder, or 486 foot-tons per lb. of powder. With regard to one or two other points to which we specially directed our attention in these investigations, we consider that our results warrant us in stating that : — 1. Very small-grain powder, such as F. Gr. and E. F. G-., furnish decidedly smaller proportions of gaseous products than a large-grain powder (E. L. Gr.), while the latter again furnishes somewhat smaller proportions than a still larger powder (pebble), though the difference between the gaseous products of these two powders is comparatively inconsiderable. 2. The variations in the composition of the products of explosion furnished in close chambers by one and the same powder under different conditions as regards pressure, and by two powders of similar composition under the same conditions as regards pressure, are so considerable that no value whatever can be attached to any attempt to give a general chemical expression to the metamorphosis of a gunpowder of normal composition. 3. The proportions in which the several constituents of solid powder-residue are formed, are quite as much affected by slight acci- dental variations in the conditions which attend the explosion of one and the same powder in different experiments as by decided differences in the composition as well as in the size of grain of different powders. 4. In all but very exceptional results the solid residue fur- nished by the explosion of gunpowder contains, as important constituents, potassium carbonate, sulphate, hyposulphite, and sul- phide, the proportion of carbonate being very much higher. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 211 and thai of sulphate very much lower, than stated by recent investigators. Abstract of Experiments. In this abstract the following abbreviations are used : — S to represent the mean density of the products of explosion ; A the area of the piston of the crusher-gauge ; a the sectional area of the crushing-cylinder. Experiment 1, April 20, 1871.— The cylinder (Fig. 2, Plate X., p. 230) having been prepared for the experiments, was cahbrated and found to contain 14,000 grs. (907-20 grms.). A charge of 1400 grs. (90*72 grms.) E. L. G. powder was then placed in the cylinder and fired. The gaseous products of combustion were collected in tubes and sealed. On opening the cylinder the solid products of combustion were found adhering to the sides pretty uniformly, but thicker at the bottom ; they had to be scraped off for collection. Crush, copper Pressure per cylinder. square inch. •009 1-6 ton. •0940 •1667 -0417 Experiment 2, April 4, 1871.— Fired 3500 grs. (226-80 grms.) K. L. G. powder as above, in a similar cylinder, the powder exactly filling the space in which it was confined. The gas was retained in the cylinder for about a second, and then, owing to a want of accurate fit in the coUecting-screw, made its escape with a considerable explosion, completely, so to speak, washing away every trace both of the male and female screw along the channel it cut out for itself. On opening the cylinder but little solid residue was found, and that uniformly distributed over the surface, and about '07 inch thick. Its colour was of a very bright vermiHon red, rapidly changing to black on the surface, and was similar in all respects to the deposit so often seen in the powder-chambers of heavy guns. Eesidue collected and sealed up in a test-tube. Crush, copper Pressure per 0. ^- '^'- cylinder. square inch. •91.5 ^1667 -083.3 -293 34^5 tons. Experiment 3, April 29, 1871.— Cylinder No. 6 cahbrated and found to contain 14,702 grs. (952-68 grms.). 2940 grs. R. L. G. (190-54 grms.) were fired and the gases collected within fifteen minutes after firing. 212 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES On opening the cylinder the solid products were found to be collected at the bottom, only a very thin light -coloured deposit being on the sides. The appearance of the deposit was very different from any yet obtained, being grey on the smooth surface and very bright yellow in fracture. It was exceedingly hard and very deliquescent. The interior surface of the cylinder appeared quite bright when the deposit was removed. A portion of the deposit, whitish on the surface, dark grey next the cylinder, was collected and sealed in separate test-tubes. A tin cylinder was substituted for copper, to measure the crush in this experiment. Crush, tin Pressure per "• • "■ cylinder. square inch. •1973 -1667 -0833 -165 2-67 tons. Experiment 4, May 10, 1871.— 4411 grs. (285-5 grms.) of E. L. G. powder were fired in cylinder No. 7. Gases were collected, com- mencing seven minutes after explosion. On opening the cylinder the solid products were found in a mass at the bottom ; and the sides of the cylinder were also as noted in the last experiment. The residue, however, was of intense hardness, and the difficulty of removing it was very great. Hardly any could be got off in lumps, but it flew off like sand before the chisel. Copper firing-wire fused off and dropped in the form of a button. Crush, copper Pressure per 0. ^' '■'' cylinder. square inch. •2963 -1677 ^0833 ^033 6^4 tons. Experiment 5, June 22, 1871. — Cylinder No. 6 calibrated and found to contain 15,859 grs. P. powder. Eired 1586 grs. (102-77 grms.) P. ; but, owing to the low pressure, the cylinder did not become closed up very tightly, and most of the gas slowly Solid products at the bottom, and easily removed. Colour light grey on surface, dark grey next steel, shading into light grey near the surface. Crush, tin Pressure per "• ^- "■ cylinder. square inch. •1064 •1667 •0833 ^042 h39 ton. Experiment 6, June 28, 1871.— -Fired 1586 grs. (102-77 grms.) pebble in same cylinder (No. 6) as that used in the last experiment. Crush, tin Pressure cylinder. in tons. •032 1-26 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 213 Nearly all the gas escaped from the same cause (defect of pressure). Products of combustion not collected. 5. A. a. •1064 •1667 -0833 Experiment 7, June 28, 1871.— Fired 3150 grs. (20412 grms.) pebble-powder in cylinder No. 6. Gas collected immediately. Solid products at bottom as usual, and tolerably easily detached. Colour whitish grey on the smooth surface, almost black next steel. Fracture yellowish green with splotches of grey. s \ a Crusl), tin Pressure "• • ■ cylinder. in tons. •21U -1667 •0833 -188 2-93 Experiment 8, June 29, 1871.— Fired 1586 grs. (102-77 grms.) pebble-powder in cylinder No. 6. There was a slight escape of gas at first, but the plug soon tightened. Gas collected and sealed immediately. On opening the cylinder, the deposit was found principally at the bottom. It adhered very firmly, and was removed with great difficulty. The colour of the smooth surface was light grey and green, buff in one or two places. Fracture yellowish green. The portions of the residue that could not be removed with a chisel were dissolved out. The firing copper wires '07 in diameter were melted and had formed a button, having, however, rather long stumps. ^- A. a. Crush, tin. Pressure in tons. •1064 ^1667 -0833 -033 1-28 Experiment 9, June 29, 1871.— Fired 4725 grs. (30618 grms.) pebble in cylinder No. 4. On firing there was a slight escape of gas past the crusher-gauge. The gases were collected within five minutes of the explosion ; and after the tubes were sealed a rough measurement was made of the remaining quantity of gas, which amounted to ^ 59,000 c.c. t The residue was very V- easily detached from the ^•^^;.S^,=^=as£ ^ ,„- ^^J:--, cylinder. It was darker grey on the surface than in the last experiment. The fracture was a deep olive-green with a stratum of light grey in the middle, thus (see figure). 214 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES The deposit was all on the bottom, excepting a very thin coating on the sides. Firing-wires fused level with the plug. Crush, copper Pressure 8. A- "• cylinder. in tons. -.3171 -1667 -0833 -018 4-90 Experiment 10, July 5, 1871.— Fired 6344 grs. (411-09 grms.) P. powder in cylinder No. 6. Most of the gas escaped before enough could be collected. Eesidue was found, when the cylinder was opened at the bottom, not in the usual hard compact mass, but much looser in texture. On the surface there were three large spongy projections, presenting an appearance as if the surface had been broken by the escape of occluded gas, thus (see figure). Colour of surface grey in parts, also light yellow shading into dark yellow. Colour of fracture grey, shading off into dirty yellow and occasionally into gamboge. Powerful odour of sulphuretted hydrogen. Crush, copper Pressure 5. ^- "• cylinder. in tons. •4258 -1667 -0833 -054. 8-4 Experiment 11, July 5, 1871.— Fired 5881 grs. (381-09 grms.) E. L. G. in cylinder No. 4. Some little escape of gas past crusher- plug. Eesidue very hard and adhering strongly to the side ; a portion obtained in solid lumps. Colour grey on surface, black next steel. Fracture olive-green. A good deal of the deposit was chiselled off in the form of fine dust, and this, when it had lain for a minute or two, heated very much, say to about 80° or 90° Cent., agglomerating into loose lumps and changing from a light greenish-grey colour to a bright yellow. A portion of this last deposit was collected in a separate bottle. When the crusher-gauge was taken out, the plug at the end was found to be broken right through transversely. The fracture was perfectly clean and bright; it was therefore RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 215 concluded that it must have broken after the great heat had sub- sided. 5. •3947 A. •1667 •0833 Crush, copper Pressure cylinder. in tons. •051 8^10 Crush, copper Pressure cylinder. in tons. •091 11-5 Experiment 12, July 8, 1871.— Fired 6344 grs. (411-09 grms.) P. powder in cylinder No. 6. A good deal of leakage past the crusher- plug. Gas collected. Eesidue very hard, but it split off tolerably easily. The colour was grey throughout ; fracture much the colour and appearance of slate. The difference in physical appearance between this residue and that in the last experiment was very great, the colour of the fine dust being grey, while in the last experiment it was a light yellow. - , Crush, copper Pressure "• ■^- "• cylinder. in tons. •4258 -1667 -0833 -063 9-1 Experiment 13, July 12, 1871.— Fired 7351 grs. (476-34 grms.) E. L. G. in cylinder No. 6. The products cut away the screw of the pressure-gauge and escaped. 8. A. •4934 -1667 ^0833 Experiment 14, July 12, 1871.— Fired 7930 grs. (513-86 grms.) P. in cylinder No. 4. Gas and residue collected as usual. Cylinder tight. 5. A. •5322 •1667 ^0833 Experiment 15, July 22, 1872.— Fired, in cylinder No. 6, 1586 grs. (102-77 grms.) of F. G. Cylinder perfectly tight. Gas and residue collected. . ^ Crush, copper Pressure °- "' cylinder. in tons. •1064 •1667 ^0467 -003 1-66 Experiment 16, July 22, 1872.— Experiment 15 repeated with tin cylinder. . Crush, Pressure 0- ^- "• tiu. in tons. •1064 -1667 -0467 •US 1^25 Experiment 17, July 24, 1872.— Fired, in cylinder No. 6, 3172 grs. (205-55 grms.) F. G. Collected gas and residue. Residue very Crush, copper Pressure cylinder. in tons. •100 12-2 216 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES hard, but not so dark in colour as that in Experiment No. 16. Surface dark grey, but of a lighter colour when fractured. A very thin coating on the sides of the cylinder. Small bright yellow crystals pretty uniformly distributed through the residue. ■ush, copper Pressure cylinder. in tons. •0475 3-70 •2129 -1667 ^0417 Second experiment. •2129 -1667 ^0417 •0435 3-58 Experiment 18.— Fired 4758 grs. (308-32 grms.) F. G. in cylinder No. 6. Cylinder perfectly tight. Collected gas and residue. On opening the cylinder the residue was found all collected at the bottom ; and it had evidently run down the sides in a very fluid state, the deposit on the side being very thin. Colour on surface dark grey. Fracture more uniform than usual, there being no patches of yellow and but few of a lighter colour. ^ . Crush, copper Pressure "• ■ ■ cylinder. in tons. •3193 -1667 -0467 ^132 rv75 Experiment 19, August 26, 1872.— Fired, in cylinder No. 6, 6344 grs. (411 "09 grms.) F. G. Cylinder perfectly tight. Colour and fracture dark grey, nearly black ; but in places both surface and fracture light grey. No appearance of yellow anywhere in this deposit. All the residues, so far, of F. G. differ very considerably in appearance both from pebble and E. L. G. The deposit on the sides was exceedingly thin, not more than •01 inch in thickness. . . Crush, copper Pressure "• ■ ■ cylinder. in tons. •4258 -1667 -0417 ^222 9-98 (This pressure rejected.) Experiment 20, August 28, 1872.— Fired, in cyhnder No. 6, 7930 grs. (513^86 grms.) F. G. Cylinder was absolutely tight. Gas collected in the usual manner. On opening the cylinder and remov- ing the firing-plug, observed that the little button of residue adher- ing to the firing-plug, when cut into, had a large well-defined crystalline structure, the crystals being transparent although the surface of the button was dark grey. Sealed a portion in a tube for examination. Crush, copper Pressure cylinder. in tons. •145 15-8 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 217 Eesidue in mass at bottom of cylinder as usual ; next to nothing on sides. Colour and fracture much the same as in the last experi- ment, but the centre much lighter grey. 5. A. a. •5322 •1667 •0834 (This pressure rejected.) Experiments 21 to 24. — These experiments discarded. N.B. — From Experiment 16 inclusive, the crusher-gauge was put loose in the charge of powder to be fired ; but it having been found that the crusher-gauge was heated to such an extent as to soften the copper cylinder and thereby affect the observations, these experiments were repeated, as far as regards the pressure determinations, in Experiments 25 to 32. Experiment 25, October 1, 1872.— Fired 2974 grs. (192-72 grms.) F. G. in cylinder No. 7. . Crush, copper Pressure "• ' ■ cylinder. in tons. •3860 -0834 -0417 •OSl 7^68 Experiment 26, October 17, 1872.— Fired 1586 grs. (10277 grms.) F. G. in cylinder No. 6. S. A. •1064 -0834 -0417 Experiment 27, October 18, 1872.— Fired 3172 grs. (205-55 grms.) F. G. in cylinder No. 6. 5. A. a. •2129 -0834 -0417 Experiment 28, October 18, 1872.— Fired 4758 grs. (308-32 grms.) F. G. in cylinder No. 6. Crush, tin Pressure cylinder. in tons. •016 0^96 Crush, copper Pressure cylinder. in tons. •008 3-0 Crush, copper Pressure cylinder. in tons. •032 6^32 •3193 -0834 -0417 Experiment 29, October 19, 1872.— Fired 6344 grs. (411-09 grms.) F. G. in cylinder No. 6. 5. A. a. •4258 ^0834 ^041 7 Crush, copper Pressure cylinder. in tons. •074 9^34 218 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Experiment 30, October 21, 1872.— Fired 7930 grs. (513-86 grms.) F. G. in cylinder No. 6. Crush, copper cylin y /; .^ '^,' ■■ y ^ <: '■' -^ f»^ -1 ' / ^^ y- ^ i> s ia3 HdS ow. V H, ; an; S3* d 'i I J 1 1 1 1 1 § 3 1 I J 1 J J 1 1 J § § 1 =j PLATE XIII. T— T r n s R j il 1 1 n 3a s a: 1 T OJ. ; s 5 3 n an ;s3 r r r n 1 li J II z o o ^ 1 ■ ; ~ a , ' ^ I K) 1 1 i o «> ■t <^ Cy /; -^ '■f s •^ i'l 1 '^ = / /; i z V ^ o 4 ^ ■■' V T^ fj 7 < uJ Ss /, / 5 1 , // JU 1 1 / ^ Z;-'^ ^ e^ c § J J M § p 1 § J J J 1 1 J § «) J 1' § PLATE XIV. PLATE XV. \t i 1 ri i i 1 g S i ^ '-nf 'fJO 3-izzntM rNOoas asd ±33i — axiooi3a ,1 1 ■ 1 111 ' ; ^ b q: \\ ^ ' E • ^S \ , ■g 1 \\ ^ ^ Y 1 "^ s \ a. \ 1 ^ \ ', f^ s \ ^ f^ ', ~ 1 / \ \ e j^ \ \ \ ^ 1 ^ \\ ^lll / "* ^ „ «^ / \ 1 II i 1 \ ^ \ -^ % \ 5. X ^ V y / o u f ^ » »- / a t Ss i / \ H 1 / / ^•■ III / ^ \ / s| \ ,/ i UIUUUI § 1 \s3y3Hd90W±V NI 1 "1 § i 1 s 1 ^ « ss 3 ob t ii ti i ji ■^ «. ,V ^ en ^ i i i i ei ^ " ^ s las li s ^ aar 4s lad 'i V / /' •■' i 1 i ^ / X X s t 1 - -^ -^ — - ■^ \ S , s y ir: =i ■JT - — ; b ;;:■ ~~ ■^ rj - — 'Z =. = ii ^ :^ :s PLATE XVI. PLATE XVII. I'LATE XVIII ? I ?" ^ T b ^ T H3 ., yt s J3c p 7 NO L Nl 3J ns S3i r ] 1 -T= m fjj < ^ ''1 ? «^ ^ ^ I;/ 1 ^5 '.U i'i ■S 1 .^ 1 1 ^ s; i i MD 1 3 m •7 1 ^ ^ / 1 S i 1 1 ; / 1 1 o ^ ^ / >■ p •y f 1 t ^ M / ■/ '4 "N . , / 7 A ^§ / '/ a 1 i ^ 1 1 / / / / 2 < Ul 1 ^ // / / / <> CV Of 5 ■* .^ / ." w ? . ^ /.' V/ b G <^. s^ ^ <^ ^ ^' ^ ^ ^ ;>^ ,.;= ^ " ^ >' jj - , " _^ , _^ — ■■ _, ^ -■;;;; -- '■ _.. '_^ -^ 33 i 3H JSC Wl / Nl 3M( s« 3h rt . ^ PI P, 99' Q ^ n P p ^ « ^ !?; o 6 S ^ ci J^ s ^^ s r^: * 9 P f^ y H }=; !. OC. ■^ . H « _j M N K i -J - -^ 1 — PLATE XIX. "■" i=i "^ n^ ~T r ^ n -r "^ ^~^ T "^ r t ^^ F ^ "^ ' ijpil ONI ■M s I3d s 101 Mr " lUd , ! 1 1 i j i j '\ ;l 1 1 i i ?> •e \ 1 ^ g j^ ? ^ ^ g ^' 1 1 fe '1' IsS i^ ■^ § 1 «> 1" •5s 1 1 8 i \l 1 "' 1 1 s? \ i is ^ 1 1 ^ ! f 1 1 1 \ ? rl 1 ^ 1 1 1 i / ,' 1 / / 2 s « 10 •) r> ! ^ .§ -^ ^^ ' M. fi "rJ *J / ( / f!^ f> fj; Si / / * - c «• * / / / i ./ ' / / **• / / ' '/ / Ik. ^' '/ ''■ ,' ^ / ^ ■ .'' ^ 09 = =: = zz: := = = = = = — Z^ ^r: zIZ 1^ ^ ^ E:: — r^ = rr =^ OT- = is ^ m ^ 2= = =Sg = = = == = ^ ^ — -^ sSZ M 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i 1 i 1 i 1 i saasHdsowxv ni aanssiad PLATE XX. =n= r =i= r H' Nl ub 5 biac T NO aa rr 1S« 3« i r r j i 1 i i; z I 1 ^i 9 1- ti ! if 3 s ^ ij( f^ •^ o ■f ■1 * i ! V. 'fe ^ ^ \ I U) 1 <6 ■a \ \ i 13 o 1^ is ^ 1 1! li. o ^ 1 k ;io ^ ie '•'i 1 j ■~§ ^ 1 (0 1 ^ ^ // u Q s V , ',■ 1 1 1 1 / t ll UJ 5 V / :J 1 "3 ^ ^ II, 1 1 / /' 1 tsi Ki K t-« \' ' ''/ (.1. < CO o Q /■ 7 / / V / I>fr. / / s*. .^' --;•■ / ^, .-^ ..- ^- , 00 ^ •a^BnoqiBoinbSGS O t^ «D v" r' o CD CO CT> Oi cN-^ : (N lO • r-ICO p '^l ^ ?^ T' 1 amissT!^o 00 1 uinissB:}opc o (M oo T-H (M CO .-( CO -^ CO CO CO '-' CO lO 1-1 OO CO Tj< 05 O CO CO CO CO a •sbS-iisjbk co

=> Oi O -* CO o __, o CD CO a •nsSoi:)!^ r-ll^ CO ppCN CO CD CO lO °p o 8 ^ CO CO 1-1 005t- »o a l^Oop -^pp »o 00 "? lO t- § oiuoqj'BO CO CD O cot- 00 O CDt^ ■* 00 ■^ t- CO ^ r-l •apijpjfqtiB 0 05 CO ^ CD a> o ^ CO »o copcq pw^. CO cp ?' oiuoqjuo OO i-l ■* iO lO lO CO ■ "S -M • 4J • "S-*^ . . . S-S ^ S-c g s^ ae s'jonpojd sl^l s^ J ; J ^ JO X^isnep WBSM ^K^ o o o o o " ,^ ' " , ' < < d 6 ■ be • ^ ..s s g- :§ HJ o ^ Oi- ^0=^ l>CO . Ph Pi fo ■'^ I-l 05 236 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Table 2.* — Composition hy weight of the products of combustion of 1 (jramme -S Nature of i Proportions by weight of gaseous products. .2 p, powder. .2i .2 . j3 u 1 a • Bi 1 if II 5° z 1 i 1 >> o ■7 3 II 8 Pebble, W. A. . 10 •2553 •0514 •1140 •0133 •0007 •308 7 20 •2494 •0570 •1108 •0182 •0009 ::: i •318 9 30 •2595 •0545 •1113 •0124 •0007 ... •328 12 40 •2624 •0471 •1085 •0069 •0006 •0006 •311 14 50 •2743 •0469 •1128 •0083 •0012 •0005 •306 37 60 •2654 •0470 ■1087 •0093 •0011 •0005 •321 38 70 •2604 •0415 •1065 •0128 •0007 ■0005 •285 43 80 •2690 •0396 •1084 •0080 •0006 •0004 •332 77 90 Means •2684 •0359 •1080 •0085 •0013 •0005 •364 •2627 •0468 •1099 •0109 •0006 •0006 ... •319 Highest •2743 •0570 •1140 •0182 •0013 •0009 •364 1 R. L. G.,W. A. Lowest 10 •2494 •0359 •1065 •0069 •0004 •285 •2569 •0300 •1188 •0164 •0006 •0005 •297 3 20 •2477 •0389 •1189 •0148 •0001 •0006 •0022 •309 4 30 •2582 •0386 •1096 •0126 •0007 ... •298 11 40 •2595 •0356 •1125 •0077 •0005 •0006 •278 70 50 •2494 •0558 •1011 •0065 •0016 •0007 •348 39 60 •2648 •0467 •1065 •0066 •0007 •0005 •359 96 60 •2457 ■0490 •1090 •0176 •0007 •0005 •370 41 70 •2576 •0441 •1053 •0114 •0011 •0004 •343 44 80 •2672 •0401 •1060 •0062 •0014 •0004 ... •377 68 90 Means •2720 •0352 •1074 •0076 •0015 •0003 •371 •2580 •0414 •1095 •0106 •0008 •0005 •0002 •335 Highest •2720 •0558 •1189 •0176 •0016 •0007 •0022 •377 16 F. G.,W. A. . Lowest 10 •2457 •0300 •1011 •0062 •0003 •278 •2423 •0561 •1122 •0095 •0004 •0010 •0006 •277 17 20 •2475 •0410 •1074 •0153 •0010 •34C 18 30 •2586 •0370 •1050 •0088 •0008 •0010 •264 19 40 •2689 •0334 •1055 •0079 •0008 •257 75 50 •2611 •0338 •1080 •0087 •0005 •0007 •32C 40 60 •2651 •0312 •1080 •0089 •0003 •0006 •23£ 42 70 •2678 •0253 •1100 •0080 •0009 •0005 •0006 •246 47 80 •2598 •0265 •1105 •0101 •0008 •0005 •0007 •25] 69 90 Means •2698 •0247 •1088 •0116 •0003 •0005 •28J •2596 •0343 •1084 •0099 •0003 •0007 •0003 •27( Highest •2698 •0561 •1122 •0153 •0009 •0010 •0010 •34( 78 R. F. G.,W. A. Lowest 70 •2423 •0247 •0285 •1050 •0079 •0005 •23< •2652 •1110 •0063 •0002 •0006 •34^ 79 Spanish spherical 70 •2424 •0133 •1091 •0096 •0003 •0007 •21 196 Curtis and Har- vey's No. 6 30 •2576 •0245 •1124 •0082 •0046 •0008 •33 194 Mining powder . 30 •2254 •1508 •0849. •0385 •0070 •0017 •19 See Tabic 13. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 23T fired (funpowder of the undermentioned natures, and of various gravimetric densities. Proportions by weight of the solid residue. °i =5 Si 1 1 ft §1 "h bo 11 If 11 1 p ■ It 11 ij "^1 s . ■3 5 II "o =t o ° 11 < ^ 1 6 •0835 •1152 •0412 •0005 •0027 •0009 •0034 •0095 •4347 •5558 •0095 •0760 •0206 •1001 •0003 •0005 ■0381 •0095 •4363 •5542 •0095 •0696 •0239 •0911 •0012 •0002 •0007 •0372 •0095 •4384 •5521 ■0095 •0745 •0794 •0548 •0014 •0005 •0077 •0004 •0342 •0095 •4261 •5644 •0095 •0652 •0335 •1045 •0013 •0011 •0003 •0337 •0095 •4440 •5565 •0095 •0752 •0556 •0641 •0019 •0017 •0003 •0384 •0095 •4320 •5585 •0095 •0726 •1827 •0127 •0022 •0014 •0003 •0110 •0095 •4224 •5681 •0095 •0584 •1167 •0220 •0026 •0018 •0005 •0303 •0095 •4260 •5645 •0095 •0518 •0754 •0218 •0032 •0025 •0007 •0480 •0095 •4226 •5679 •0095 •0696 •0781 •0569 •0016 •0013 •0009 •0005 •0306 •0095 •4314 •5601 •0095 •0835 •1827 •1045 ■0032 •0027 ■0077 •0009 ■0480 ■0095 •4440 •5681 •0095 •0518 •0206 •0127 •0003 ■0002 •0003 ■0034 ■0095 •4224 •5521 •0095 •1160 •1154 •0228 •0032 ■0003 ■0041 •0072 •0106 •4232 •5662 ■0106 •1364 •0326 •0541 •0003 •0007 •0004 •0323 •0001 ■0106 •4232 •5662 ■0106 •1380 •0732 •0334 •0003 •0002 •0002 •0260 •0106 •4197 •5697 ■0106 •1310 •1379 •0116 ■0009 •0007 •0002 •0118 •0106 •4164 •5730 •0106 •0266 •1455 •0204 •0017 •0029 ■0006 ■0284 •0106 •4151 •5743 •0106 •0619 •0365 •0559 •0015 ■0006 •0475 •0106 •4258 •5636 ■0106 •0608 •0392 •0434 •0016 •0026 •0491 •0106 •4225 •5669 •0106 •0600 •1059 •0219 •0028 •0024 ■0001 •0329 •0106 •4199 •5695 •0106 •0501 •0175 •0514 •0014 •0010 •0006 •0684 •0106 •4213 •5681 •0106 •0482 •0486 •0409 •0021 •0011 •0009 •0521 •0106 •4240 •5654 •0106 •0829 •0752 •0356 •0013 •0015 •0004 •0353 •0007 •0106 •4211 •5683 •0106 •1380 •1455 •0559 •0028 •0032 •0009 •0684 •0072 •0106 •4-258 •5743 •0106 •0266 •0175 •0116 •0041 •0106 •4151 •5636 •0106 •1005 •1338 •0193 •0011 •0308 •0004 •0148 •4221 •5631 •0148 •1388 •0304 ■0294 •0001 •0005 •0009 •0328 •0148 •4122 •5730 •0148 •1302 •1583 •0161 •0004 •0006 •0001 •0038 •0148 ■4112 •5740 •0148 •1250 •1640 •0193 ■0004 •0005 ■0002 •0067 •0148 •4115 •5737 •0148 •1186 •0768 •0248 •0004 •0005 •0005 •0301 ■0148 •4128 •5724 •0148 •1269 •18-22 •0009 •0010 •0183 •0001 •0026 ■0148 •4141 •5711 •0148 •1202 •1836 •0013 •0011 •0170 •0002 •0026 •4131 •5721 •0148 •1218 •1995 •0014 •0015 •0002 •0005 •0148 •4089 •5763 •0148 •1046 •1474 •0152 •0014 •0015 •0002 •0112 •4157 •5695 •0148 •1207 •1418 •0138 •0007 •0009 •0074 •0003 •0100 •0148 •4135 •5717 •0148 •1388 •1995 •0294 •0014 •0015 •0308 •0009 •0328 •0148 •4221 •5763 •0148 •1005 •0304 •0005 •0001 •4089 ■5631 •0148 •1268 •0472 •0245 •0002 •0004 •0005 •0386 •0080 •4118 •5802 •0080 •2943 •0470 •0196 •0003 •0058 •0002 •0348 •0065 •3754 •6181 •0065 •1243 •0228 •0582 •0017 •0005 •0332 •0117 •4081 •5802 •0117 •0028 •0277 •1578 •0138 •0004 •0084 •0614 •0095 •0161 •5083 •4756 •0161 1238 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES regards as satisfactorily explaining (" and definitely reducing to five simple reactions ") the formation of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, potassium sulphate, sulphide and carbonate, from a powder of what we call normal composition.* After giving further equations which apply to the extreme results {in regard to the chief products only) assumed to be obtainable from the introduction, on the one hand, of excess of saltpetre, on the other of excess of charcoal, into the composition of powder, M. Berthelot passes to what he terms the accessory products and, excluding from these potassium hyposulphite, which he deals with separately, he first gives two equations to account for the production of sulphocyanide; then two more to explain the existence of ammonium sesquicarbonate (which he believes to be formed by the action of water-vapour on potassium cyanide). The existence of sulphuretted or free hydrogen are explained by two more equations, and marsh-gas is assumed to result from " the pyrogenous decomposition of the charcoal in the powder." Lastly, an equation is given to account for the possible formation of traces of hyposulphite, which Berthelot however regards * The five simple reactions in question are thus explained : — 1. NOfiK + S + C, = K.S. + 3C0o + N 2. NOeK + S + C3 = K.C.O3 + CO. + CO0 + N + S 3. NOfiK + S + Cs = KCOj + UC.O.o + N + S + iC 4. NOfiK + S + C, = KSO4 + 2CO. + N + C 5. NOeK + S + Cs = KSO4 + CO.0 + N + C2 When sulphate is formed in such small quantities that it may be neglected, the simultaneous reactions supposed to occur are 1, 2, and 3, by quantities of the powder proportionate to the numbers J, A, and J ; but when the sulphate amounts to 12 or 14 per cent, the simultaneous reactions supposed to occur are Nos. 1, 3, 4, and 5, with quantities of powder corresponding to the numbers i, about h, g, and yV As there is only one single instance out of twenty-nine analyses of powder-residues in which the sulphate was found to amount to as little as 4-6 per cent, of the sohd products (the next lowest proportion being nearly double that amount), it can scarcely be assumed that M. Berthelot's first arrangement of reactions can represent any but a most exceptional result. Again, the acceptance of his arrangement of four equations in the proportions he indicates as accounting for the formation of the chief products when the sulphate amounts to 12 or 14 per cent, of the total con- stituents, involves the assumption that a somewhat considerable proportion of charcoal should remain unoxidised ; in fact, nearly 2-5 per cent, of carbon should be found in the residue. The detection and determination of such a constituent of powder-residue does not involve any difficulty, yet there were only three instances out of eighteen residues (in which the sulphate was considerable in amount) where the charcoal was present in estimable quantities ; in two of these it was below 1 per cent, in the other it was only 0-01 per cent In a few other residues only traces of charcoal were discovered ; the larger number contained none. These points are referred to in illustration of how imperfectly M. Berthelot's not very simple arrangement of theoretical reactions correspond to the results actually obtained, even so far only as the chief products are concerned. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 239 entirely as a product formed during the collection and analytical treatment of the solid residue, but which we n^ertheless beUeve we shall conclusively prove * to be formed in very notable quantities before the solid residue can have undergone alteration from external causes. It will be seen from the foregoing outline of M. Berthelot's theoretical explanation of the chemical changes involved in the meta- morphosis of gunpowder, that the simplest form of expression which he can give to the formation of the products of explosion consists in the incorporation of nine or ten distinct reactions occurring simultane- ously, but in very variable proportions, which have to be supplemented by three or four other chemical equations, by which the formation, during the process of cooling, of certain products believed to be secondary, is explained. Now, although such speculations as the above are unquestionably interesting, and, it may be added, of a nature which must occur to those who desire to give some kind of definite explanation, for purposes of elementary instruction, of the chemical changes involved in the explosion of powder, we fail to see that beyond this they do more than afford the strongest confirmation of the correctness of our conclusion, that " no value whatever can be attached to any attempt to give a general chemical expression to the metamorphosis of a gunpowder of normal composition." With regard to the potassium hyposulphite which is included in our statement of the composition of the soHd products of explosion, we have to submit the following considerations. In the analytical results furnished by the soHd residues, as detailed in our first memoir, the hyposulphite ranged in amount from 3 to 35 per cent. ; and on comparing the results of different analyses it is observed that in most instances the proportion of monosulphide was small when the hyposulphite was large in amount, and in a few instances — all of them F. G-. powder-residues — in which the proportion of the latter was very high, there was no sulphide at all. Being fully alive to the possibility of the existence of potassium polysulphide in the solid residue giving rise to the production of some hyposulphite through the agency of atmospheric oxygen, great precautions were taken, especially in the latter experiments, in collecting and preserving the residue and in submitting it to treat- ment for analysis, to guard against this possible source of error. In the first place, it should be mentioned that the residue con- sisted in nearly all cases of fused, very hard masses, collected at the * See note at end of this memoir (p. 309), 240 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES bottom of the explosion-vessel, the sides of which were, moreover, generally covered with very thin films. The action of atmospheric oxygen upon the fused solid could only be superficial, but would vary in extent with the amount of surface of the residue exposed to the air during removal from the explosion apparatus or subsequent exposure. The latter was avoided as much as possible, as the residues were transferred at once, as they were detached from the surfaces of the explosion-vessel, into small bottles, in which they were carefully sealed up. It was only in one or two instances that, before opening the bottles, an odour of sulphuretted hydrogen, distinctly perceptible at the sealed surfaces of the mouths, indicated a slight imperfection in the sealing of the bottles. The difficulties in the way of reducing to a minimum the ex- posure to air of the residues during their detachment from the explosion-vessel were, however, very much greater. We pointed out in our first memoir that in almost all cases the residues were in the form of exceedingly hard and compact masses, which had to be cut out with steel chisels, and that although portions of the mass were detached in the form of lumps, a considerable amount of it flew off before the chisel in fine dust. The utmost care was taken to avoid exposure of the detached residues to the air, but it was of course impossible to avoid their being more or less attached by atmospheric oxygen during the period of their collection. There is no doubt, moreover, that the residues, which differed greatly from each other in structure and in their tendency to absorb moisture and to become heated upon exposure to air, were susceptible in very variable degree to atmospheric oxidation. We, therefore, are quite prepared to admit that, of the large amount of hyposulphite found in a number of the analyses, a proportion, and in some instances possibly a large one, may have been produced by the agency of atmospheric oxygen during the removal of the residue from the apparatus; and the results of some special experiments, which we shall presently quote, appear to favour the conclusion that in those instances where no sulphide was discovered, its absence may have been ascribable to atmospheric oxidation. We regret having neglected to make any reference to this probable source of error in describing the results of our analyses, our belief being at the time that any important alteration of the residue by atmospheric action was sufficiently guarded against ; at the same time, it is right we should point out that, in several instances in which the circumstances attending the manipulation of the solid residue and its consequent mechanical RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 241 condition were apparently most favourable to its accidental oxidation, the proportion of hyposulphite formed was comparatively moderate in amount. On the other hand, we cannot concur in M. Berthelot's view that the existence of hyposulphite among our analytical results is also ascribable in part to accidental oxidation of potassium sulphide during the analytical manipulations. These were carried out with great uniformity so far as certain preliminary operations were con- cerned, which consisted, firstly, in dissolving the residue in water which had been carefully boiled to expel air, and secondly, in filtering the solution in closed vessels — both of these being rapidly completed operations. The receiving vessel contained pure ignited cupric oxide, with which, as soon as the filtering opera- tion was completed, the solution was agitated until it became colourless. The fact that in some of the analyses, all of which, we repeat, were uniformly conducted in regard to the above points, from 3 to 10 per cent, only of hyposulphite were found, while the proportion of monosulphide in these analyses ranged from 7 to 19 per cent, (being above 9 per cent, in eight instances), appears to afford substantial proof that accidental atmospheric oxidation during the collection and analysis of the residues is not sufficient to account for all but the very small quantities of hyposulphite which M. Berthelot considers could only have pre-existed in the residue examined by us. That chemist appears, moreover, to have overlooked the following facts given by us in our first memoir : — 1. Separate examinations (conducted precisely alike) of the upper and lower portions of some of the residues showed that considerably larger proportions of hyposulphite existed in the upper portions. In one case quoted by us in our first memoir, the upper portion con- tained 1714 per cent, of hyposulphite, while the lower portion only contained 4-34 per cent. At the same time there was only a difference of 1-27 per cent, in the proportions of monosulphide existing in the two portions of the residue (6-03 in the upper part, and 7"3 in the lower), while there was a very great difference in the amount of free sulphur (4-88 in the upper part, and 10-09 in the lower). 2. One of the small buttons of the fired solid products, of which there was generally one found attached to the firing plug in the cylinder, was examined for sulphide and hyposulphite (it having Q 242 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES been detached without fracture, and at once sealed up in a small tube). It contained the latter, but none of the former, while the mass of the residue of this particular experiment contained a some- what considerable proportion of sulphide. 3. The production of high proportions of hyposulphite was but little affected by any variations in the circumstances attending the several explosions (i.e., whether the spaces in which the powder was exploded were great or small), excepting that the amount was high in all three cases when the powder was exploded in the largest space. On the other hand, a great reduction in the size of grain of the gunpowder used appeared to have a great influence upon the production of hyposulphite, as when passing from a very large-grain powder (pebble or E. L. G.) to a fine grain-powder (F. G.). Thus the production of hyposulphite exceeded 20 per cent. 3 experiments out of 9 with pebble-powder (Nos. 8, 38, 43). (pp. 211, 3 „ „ 10 „ R. L. G. „ (Nos. 1, 11, 70). [etc.) „ a J, r KNos. 16, 18, 19, 40, 42, 7 „ ,, 9 „ 1^. (j. „ '^ 47,69). It was below 10 per cent, in — 4 experiments out of 9 with pebble-powder (Nos. 7, 9, 11, 37). 5 „ „ 10 „ R. L. G. „ (Nos. 3, 39, 44, 68, 96). 1 „ „ 9 „ F. G. „ (No. 17). There were no circumstances connected with the carrying out of the explosions, or with the collection and analysis of the residues, to which the above great differences between the results furnished by fine-grain powder and by the two large grain powders could be ascribed. While, however, certain of the great variations in the proportions of hyposulphite and sulphide, which cannot be accounted for by variations of structure of the residue or of manipulations favourable to oxidation by atmospheric agency, appear to us to demonstrate that the hyposulphite is formed in the solid residue before the explosion-vessel is opened, and indeed in such amount that it must be regarded as an important product (whether it be a primary or a secondary one), we have been anxious to obtain, if possible, some more decisive evidence as to the probable proportions of hyposulphite actually existing in the residues furnished by the explosion of gunpowder in closed vessels. We therefore varied the method of RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 243 collecting and preparing the residues for analysis, in the experiments of which the following is an account : — 1. 5960 grains (386-2 grms.) of the K. L. G-. and pebble powders used in these researches were fired in the large cylinder under a density of 0-40. Immediately on opening the cylinder in each case, the solid products were as nearly as possible divided into two equal portions, consisting of the top and the bottom. Each of these portions was again divided roughly into two equal parts, one of which, in large lumps, was, as rapidly as possible (being but for a few seconds exposed to the air), sealed in dry bottles freed, or nearly so, from oxygen, the other moieties being finely ground and freely exposed to the air for 48 hours. The only point of difference calling for remark in the appearance of the two residues was the difference in colour, the residue from the pebble being decidedly the lighter in colour, both on the surface and in fracture ; but there were material differences in the behaviour of the ground portions of the two powder-residues. "With both powders, the bottom ground portion heated very decidedly more than the top ; but while, in the E. L. G-., this tendency was exhibited in a remarkably low degree, with the pebble the tendency to heat was, we think, abnormally high. In the latter case, the ground deposit from the top began to heat immediately on being placed upon paper. The deposit on the apex of the cone and in the interior, where the heat was highest, changed rapidly in colour to a light yellow, tinged with green. The ground bottom part of the residue darkened considerably during the development of heat, and an orange-coloured deposit was condensed on the surface. When the heat was highest, a considerable quantity of vapour was given off. Its smell was very peculiar ; SHg was distinctly per- ceptible, but was by no means the dominant odour. The maximum temperature appeared to be reached at about twenty minutes after exposure. A thermometer placed in the centre indicated a temperature of over 600° Fahr. (315° Cent.), and the paper on which the residue was placed was burnt through. After half an hour's exposure the deposit cooled very rapidly. It should be observed that the physical characteristics of the ground deposit were altered very materially by the heating. When the residue is taken out of the exploding cylinder, it is difficult to pound in the mortar, being somewhat unctuous; but 244 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES after the development of heat it becomes crisp, and is readily powdered. 2. In the examination that we have instituted of the products of explosion of a sample of sporting powder (Curtis and Harvey's No. 6), and of mining powder, the following course of proceeding was adopted for the removal of the solid residue from the explosion-vessel, and its preparation for analysis :— Distilled water which had been freed from air by long-continued boiling, was siphoned into the explosion-vessel when the latter had cooled, so that air was never allowed to come into contact with the solid residue. When the cylinder was thus quite filled with water, it was closed, and set aside for sufficient time to allow the residue to dissolve completely. The solution was then decanted into bottles freed from oxygen, which were quite filled with the liquid, and carefully sealed up until required for analysis, in carrying out which the course already described was pursued. The products obtained by the first of these modifications of the ordinary course of procedure were submitted to partial examination, the chief object being to see to what extent the proportions of hypo- sulphite and sulphide varied in the upper and lower portions of the residue, and the extent to which they were affected by the great difference in the mode of treatment sustained by the different portions of one and the same residue. The proportion of hyposulphite was determined in every instance, and the products were also examined in all cases for sulphide. In the first experiment the exact propor- tion of this latter constituent was ascertained only in one of the three portions of the residue in which it existed ; it will be seen that one of the ground portions contained none. The sulphate was determined in all instances, and, in the second experiment, the proportions of carbonate existing in the upper and lower portions of the (unground) residue were ascertained. The analytical results obtained are given in the following table : — RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 245 — 9. p CO to 10 »o tn «*-< Se . Si • i; 3 : -M 3 : r« §1 ll II S Ph c3 Ph w^ 6 Ti 4J "m c s s >-< Ci 1 a : ITS 00 • t^ • -% ii o '■a 4J 5 § % ^ ^ c 4) o p-a c s s 3 aj «D 4; 4) (M « 8 ' 1 be I 1 § i -s 3 S il CO c^ ,-1 -* ^ CO CD ^ •s » 00 >p ip 00 -1< 05 sg !>• CO CD u-5 Ah i (M II (M CO CO CO "" So; 'Ji (N 10 1^ 00 (M IM •i"S oo c» Cq CO

> 1 i i 1 III •04193 •00244 •01898 •00178 •00072 •00011 •04476 •05805 •00932 •00213 •00006 •00139 •00007 •00598 00 CO^OSOS -OO l>.«Dt^OSOu:5 -OiO • "^i-HOo :oo .-iCT>->*i-ioo :oco : CN0,;H0 00 -IOO 'Oi-iO 000000 opoooo 000 CO 4ii .-1 ,-1 i-i i-il;^ 00 .-H (M 'i* ir.coro ' OSCOtOOSr^rH - J^(NOO.-(MiO -OOCNOS l*^" (M i-lW to 10 CO CO CD VO 5D .-H 0010 § <» «D0Ot-CO«D0O to 00 i-( OS t^ in CD tj< CO 00 ^ • CO in CO 00 • >-( • CO ■ eo(Mr-iooo : ^(M(Min :o : oco : -< 6 iisiiii liiiiiiii '- CD 05 4:i ^.- to ^ 00 CO t^ CO ':t< ic r^ oi in CO rM C0-*<00000 0(M^-*<00t^00 • CDOT^^OOO CO(M rl^ .-: OrH : C-05pQO^-00 6554- 5839- 5208 4647 4144 3691 3283 2909 2569 2257 1970 1705 1460 1231 1019 821 635 461 298 144 55 CD.-ICDC005CD^C^O00f-«DlOC0C0C^rHOO 4^■*l^0O0(^^(N(^^(^t^lt-l,-lAl.-^1^1-^T-^r^.-l1-l 1* OT-lt-as05(N-*05CDr-IC00300C005<3it-CO^vO OMr-l^,-H,-HOOyM.;HO0J0i M<»4jHOj>.4j<,-iosi)-^(N.-iC5oo»o-*co.-i Tj00(M>0-*p5pOSt-IJ^J>-

niC'X).-IOaiC-OiOcot-^.-ic^^wo(Nepooc r-70 127° l°-77 |28° l°-83 1^29° l°-90j "33 o RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 299 Experiments for the determination of the specific heats of the vessels used for determining the heat generated hy explosion. In all cases the vessel was boiled, and then kept for five minutes suspended in the escaping steam; it was then transferred to the calorimeter containing 30,000 grs. of distilled water. Experiment 141.— Weight of vessel, 21,311-6 grs. (1381-0 grms.). P'ahr. Temperature of air . . . . . . . 58°-8 „ steam 2ir-65 „ calorimeter before immersion of vessel 58°-88 „ calorimeter after thei'mometer be- came stationary . . . . 70° '08 Loss of heat in vessel . 2ir-65-70°-08 + 0°-2 =14r-77 Gain of heat in water . . . ir-2 +0°-44= ir-64 Hence specific heat of vessel = 1156. Experiment 142. — The same vessel. Temperature of air ....... 59°-0 „ steam 2ir-65 „ calorimeter before experiment . 62°-21 „ „ after „ . . 73°-20 Loss of heat in vessel . 2ir-65-73°-20 + 0°-2 =138°-65 Gain of heat in water . . . 10°-99 + 0°-44 = ir-43 Hence specific heat of vessel = -1158. Experiment 143. — The same vessel. Temperature of air ....... 60° '20 steam 212°-20 „ calorimeter before experiment . 61°'ll after „ . . 72°-20 Loss of heat in vessel . 212°-20 - 72°-20 + 0°-20 = 140°-20 Gain of heat in water . . . ll°-09 + 0°-44 = ir-53 Hence specific heat of vessel = 'IISS. Experiment 144. — The same vessel. ^^^^ Temperature of air 60° -20 steam 212°-10 „ calorimeter before experiment . . 65°' 10 after „ . . 75°-95 Loss of heat in vessel . 212°-20 - 75°-95 + 0°-2 =136°-45 Gain of heat in water . . . 10°-85 + 0°-44 = ir-29 Hence specific heat of vessel = -1163. Hence mean specific heat of vessel from four experiments = -1158 300 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Experiment 167.— Weight of vessel, 52,931-6 grs. (3430 grms.). Falir. Temperature of air . . . . . . . 60°-0 „ steam 2ir-14 ,, calorimeter before experiment . 55°-75 after „ . . 84"-52 Loss of heat in vessel . 2ir-14 - 84°-52 + 0°-2 = 126°-82 Gain of heat in water (25,000 grs.) 28°-77 + T '86 = SO^-GS Hence specific heat of vessel = -1140. Experiment 168. — The same vessel. p^j^^. Temperature of air . . . . . . • 62° '0 „ steam 2ir-14 „ calorimeter before experiment . 55° -48 after ,, . . 84°-10 Loss of heat in vessel . 2ir-14 - 84°-10 + 0°-2 =127°-24 Gain of heat in water . . . 28°-60 + 1°-85 = 30°'40 Hence specific heat of vessel = •1132. Experiment 169. — The same vessel. p^j^^. Temperature of air 62°-0 „ steam 211°-14 ,, calorimeter before experiment . 55-°55 after „ . . 84°-30 Loss of heat in vessel . 2ir-14 - 84°-30 + 0°-2 =127°-04 Gain of heat in water . . . 28°-75 + r-86 = 30°-61 Hence specific heat of vessel = 'IISS. Hence mean specific heat of vessel from three experiments = •1137. Deter7ni7iatio7i of heat evolved hy the various poivders. A. — Small explosion-vessel. Grs. Weight of water, 30,000 grs. . equivalent in water 30,000^0 explosion-vessel, 21,311 •G grs. „ „ 2,465^8 „ powder products . . . „ „ 28 ^5 Equivalent in watei*, of contents of calorimeter . . . 32,494^3 When 200 grs. of powder used, the equivalent in water of the contents of the calorimeter is . . . . . 32,503"8 Experiment 146. — Exploded 150 grs. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6. Falir. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion, . . 61°"50 after „ . . 67°^78 Hence difference 6°-28 + 0°^24= 6°^52 Hence heat evolved = 784"0 grm. -units Cent. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 301 Experiment 147. — Exploded 150 grs. Spanish. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 65°"10 after „ . . 7r-20 Hence difference 6°-10 + 0°-24= 6°-34 Hence heat evolved = 762-5 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 148. — Exploded 150 grs. E. L. Gr. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . .56°'28 after „ . . 62°-07 Hence difference 5°-79 + 0°-24= 6°-03 Hence heat evolved = 72.5-1 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 149. — Exploded 150 grs. pebble. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion , . 60° -42 after „ . . 66°-10 Hence difference 5°-68 + 0°-24= 5^-92 Hence heat evolved = 711-9 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 150. — Exploded 150 grs. F. Gr. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 65°-16 after „ . . 70°-80 Hence difference .... 5°-64 + 0°-23= 5°-87 Hence heat evolved = 706-45 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 153. — With 200 grs. pebble. Failure ; the plug being spoiled by the explosion. Experiment 154. — Exploded 150 grs. F. Gr. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 49°-55 „ „ after „ . . 55° -45 Hence difference 59°-0 + 0°-24= 6°-14 Hence heat evolved = 738-9 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 155. — Exploded 150 grs. E. L. Gr. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 86° -GO after „ . . 9r-73 Hence difference 5°-73 -|-0°-24 = 5°-9r Hence heat evolved = 718-4 grm. -units Cent. 302 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Experiment 156. — Exploded 150 grs. pebble. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 56°'07 after „ . . 6r-95 Hence difference 5-°87 + 0°-23= 6°-10 Hence heat evolved = 734*1 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 157.— Exploded 150 grs. Spanish. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 56°-90 after „ . . 63°-06 Hence difference 6°-16 + 0°-25- 6°-41 Hence heat evolved = 771-4 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 158. — Exploded 150 grs. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6. Falir. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 57°-92 after „ . . 63° -87 Hence difference 5°-95 + 0'-24= 6°-19 Hence heat evolved = 744-9 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 159.— Exploded 150 grs. mining. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 58° -50 after „ . . 62°-54 Hence difference 4°-04 -hO°-16 = 4°-02 Hence heat evolved = 505-5 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 160.— Exploded 150 grs. K. L. G. ^^^^ Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 62° -42 after „ . . 68°-06 Hence difference 5°-64 + 0°-24= 5°-88 Hence heat evolved = 707-5 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 161.— Exploded 150 grs. pebble. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 49° -05 after „ . . 54° '59 Hence difference 5°-54 + 0°-23= 5°-77 Hence heat evolved = 694-4 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 162.— Exploded 150 grs. mining. ^^^^^ Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 56° -80 after „ . • 60°-82 Hence difference 4°-02 + 0=-20= 4-22 Hence heat evolved = 507-9 grm.-units Cent. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 303 Experiment 163. — Exploded 150 grs. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 52°'80 after „ . . 58° -65 Hence difference 5°-85 + 0°-24= 6°-09 Hence heat evolved = 732-9 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 164. —Exploded 150 grs. F. G. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 57° -42 after „ . . 63°-26 Hence difference 5°-84 + 0°-24= 6°-08 Hence heat evolved = 731*7 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 165. — Exploded 150 grs. Spanish. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 55"-70 after „ . . 6r-72 Hence difference 6°-02 + 0°-24= 6''-26 Hence heat evolved = 753-4 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 166. — Exploded 150 grs. pebble. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 61°-12 after „ . . 66°-80 Hence difference 5°-68 + 0°-22= 5°-90 Hence heat evolved = 710-0 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 151.— Exploded 200 grs. mining. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 60°-38 „ „ after „ . . 65°-87 Hence difference 5°-49 + 0°-22= 5°-7l Hence heat evolved = 512-7 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 152. — Exploded 200 grs. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 64° -95 after „ . . 7 3° -00 Hence difference 8°-05 + 0°-32= 8°-37 Hence heat evolved = 755*7 grm.-units Cent. B. — Large explosion-vessel. Grs. Weight of water, 25,000 grs. . . equivalent in water 25,000-0 „ explosion-vessel, 52,931-6 grs. . „ „ 6,018-3 „ powder products, 400 grs. . . „ „ 76-0 Equivalent in water, of contents of calorimeter . . . 31,094-3 304 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Experiment 171. — Exploded 400 grs. pebble. Fahr. Temperature of caloi'imeter before explosion . . 54° '38 after „ . . 69°-43 Hence difference .... 15°-05 + r-24 = 16°-29 Hence heat evolved = 703-41 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 172.— Exploded 400 grs. E. L. G. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 57° "08 after ,. . . 72°-44 Hence difference .... 15°-36 + r'26 = 16°-62 Hence heat evolved = 717"7 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 173.— Exploded 400 grs. E. L. G. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 57°'22 after „ . . 72°-74 Hence difference .... 15°-52 4- 1°-26 = 16°-78 Hence heat evolved = 724-7 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 174. — Exploded 400 grs. pebble. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 57°'13 after „ . . 7 2° '42 Hence difference .... 15°-29 + r-26 = 16°-55 Hence heat evolved = 714-7 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 175. — Exploded 400 grs. pebble. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 56°-40 after „ . . 72°-00 Hence difference 15°-6 -h r-27 = 16°-87 Hence heat evolved = 728-5 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 176.— Exploded 400 grs. E. L. G. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 67°-12 after „ . . 82°-38 Hence difference .... 15°-26 4- r-26 = 16°-52 Hence heat evolved = 713'4 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 177. — Exploded 400 grs. mining. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter ])efore explosion . . 53°-27 after „ ' . . 64°-13 Hence diflerence .... 10°-86 + 0°-71 = ll°-57 Hence heat evolved = 499-65 grm.-units Cent. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 305 Experiment 178.— Exploded 400 grs. mining. Fahr. Temperature of calorimetei* before explosion . . 57°-25 after „ . . 68°-27 Hence difference .... ir-02 + 0°-72 = ir-74 Hence heat evolved = 507*0 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 179. — Exploded 400 grs. mining. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 64°-73 after „ . . 76°-03 Hence difference .... ir-30 + 0°-74 = 12°-04 Hence heat evolved = 520-0 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 181. — Exploded 400 grs. Spanish. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 5r-62 after „ . . 67"-76 Hence difference .... 16°-14 + 1' -32 = 17°-46 Hence heat evolved = 7540 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 182. — Exploded 400 grs. Spanish. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 66°-90 after „ . . 83°-21 Hence difference .... 16°-31 + T -33 = 17'^-64 Hence heat evolved = 761-8 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 183. — Exploded 400 grs. special mining. Falir. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 52°-72 after „ . . 63° -58 Hence difference .... 10°-86 -hO°-71 = ir-57 Hence heat evolved = 499-65 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 184. — Exploded 400 grs. Spanish. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 58°"52 after „ . . 75°-03 Hence difference .... 16°-51 + r-35 = 17°-86 Hence heat evolved = 771-3 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 185. — Exploded 400 grs. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 53°-19 after „ . . 69° -26 Hence difference .... 16°-07 + 1°-31 - 17°-38 Hence heat evolved = 750-6 grm.-units Cent. U 306 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Experiment 186. — Exploded 400 grs. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 55°*80 „ „ after „ . . 72°-19 Hence difference .... 16°-39 + r-33 = 17°-72 Hence heat evolved = 765*3 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 187. — Exploded 400 grs. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 53°-48 after „ . . 69°-58 Hence difference .... 16°-10 + r-32 = 17°-42 Hence heat evolved = 752'3 grm. -units Cent. Experiment 189.— Exploded 400 grs. F. G. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 55°*61 after „ . . 7r-26 Hence difference .... 15''-65 + r-28 = 16°-93 Hence heat evolved — 731*1 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 191.— Exploded 400 grs. F. G. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 53°'04 after „ . . 68° -49 Hence difference .... 15°-45 + r-27 = 16°-72 Hence heat evolved = 722-1 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 192.— Exploded 400 grs. F. G. Fahr. Temperature of calorimeter before explosion . . 53°-95 after „ . . 69°-59 Hence difference .... 15°-64 + r-28 = 16°'92 Hence heat evolved = 730*7 grm.-units Cent. Experiment 193. — Fired 5960 grs. = 386-2 grnis. mining powder in cylinder No. 6, containing 14,900 grs. Temperature of gas = 55°-5 Fahr. = 13°-1 Cent. Bar. 30*025 = 762*35 mm. Amount of gas = 27"*94 - 8'''*35 = 19"*59. = 444-8 X 19*59 -I- 18 cub. inches. = 8731*63 cub, inches. = 143,076-49 c.c. at 13°*1 Cent., and 762*35 mm. = 143,518*9 c.c. at 13°*1 Cent., and 760 mm. = 136,944*2 c.c. at 0" Cent., and 760 mm. = 354*6 times original volume. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 307 Experiment 194. — Fired 4650 grs. (301*3 grms.) mining powder in cylinder containing 15,500 grs. In letting the gas escape, foimd for the first time that the gas lighted, giving rise to an intensely suffocating smell of sulphurous acid, showing, as was indeed otherwise apparent, that sulphydric acid was present in large quantities. Sealed up gases for examination. Did not take out the deposit as usual, but after the gases had escaped, filled the cylinder, by displacement, with distilled water, entirely freed from air by long boiling. On the water touching the deposit, it decrepitated with consider- able sharpness. When the cylinder was full it was entirely sealed, and reopened after an interval of about forty-eight hours. The solution was then decanted into bottles, freed from oxygen, and sealed for examination. 5. A. a. Crush. Pressure. •30 -0833 -0417 -015 5-04 tons per square inch. Experiment 195. — Fired 5960 grs. = 386"2 grms. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6, in cylinder No. 6. Temperature of gas = 60°-8 Fahr. = 16°-0 Cent. Bar. 30"'430 = 772-9. Amount of gas = 444*8 x 13-10 -t- 18 cub. inches. = 5,844-88 cub. inches. = 95,774-2 c.c. at 772-9 and 16°-0 Cent. = 97,399-8 c.c. at 16°-0 Cent, at 760 mm. = 92,004-6 c.c. at 0° Cent., and 760 mm. = 238-23 vols. Experiment 196. — Fired 4650 grs. = 301'3 grms. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6, in cylinder containing 15,500 grs. Took all the precautions described in Experiment 194 ; observed gas issuing from vessel would not light. 5. A. a. Crush. Pressure. •30 -0833 -0417 -015 5-04 tons per square inch. Experiment 197. — Fired 10,000 grs. of mining powder in cylinder containing 15,500 grs. of water. A good deal of gas escaped past crusher-plug. 5. •700 •0833 -0417 Crush. Pressure. A -220 = 20-8 tons per square inch. B -221 = 20-8 C -226 = 21^2 Deposit approximately = 2025 grs. water. 308 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Experiment 198. — Fired 10,000 grs. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6. The greater proportion of the gases escaped, the gas getting between the steel barrel and the coil, by the screw of the crusher- plug, causing the coil to crush, and indenting the steel and the coil in a very remarkable manner. 5. A. a. Crush. Pressure. •70 -0833 -0417 A -214 = 19-95 tons per square inch. B -197 = 19-11 C -197 = 19-11 Experiment 199. — ^A series of experiments in guns of various calibres with mining powder. Experiment 200. — Fired cylinder hooped with B. E. iron No. 3, and with a capacity of 11,000 grs. water, with a charge of 8750 grs. pebble, and 2250 grs. F. G. — 11,000 grs. in all. Copper in crusher- plug crushed beforehand to 35 tons. Head of crusher-plug broke off by the explosion, and gas escaped, taking, as nearly as could be guessed, from one to two seconds to escape. Outside diameter of cylinder before firing . lO'^-SeS after „ . 10"-393 Pressure developed over 39 tons, but not reliable, owing to the escape of the gases. Ex^Deriment 201. — Fired cylinder hooped with Siemens' mild steel No. 2, and with a capacity of 11,200 grs. water, with a charge of 11,200 grs. powder, consisting of 8750 grs. pebble and 2450 grs. F. G. Gas escaped with great rapidity past the firing cone, which was of course destroyed ; great difficulty found in extracting the crusher- piston, which had been jammed by the compression of the chamber in which it was placed. Its record was therefore valueless. Experiment 202. — Fired same cylinder with a charge of 13,640 grs. powder, of which 8375 grs. were pebble, the rest F. G. Crusher- plug blew out before charge fully fired. Experiment 225. — Fired 9000 grs. pebble and 3000 grs. F. G. in cylinder No. 2, containing 12,680 grs. water, less 670 grs. occupied by ijiternal crusher-gauge. One internal crusher used ; gas escaped slowly. 0. A. a. Crush. Pressure. 1-0 -0417 -0833 B crusher -193 = 42-52 tons per sq. inch. C „ -193 = 42-72 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 309 Experiment 230. — Fired in N"o. 2 cylinder (Siemens'), containing 12,680 grs., 11,360 grs. mining powder, same as that tested in the 2-5-inch B.L. gun on 4th September 1878. The gas escaped through the insulated cone, almost at once. It did not escape with any violence. Pressures indicated were as follow : — 3_ A. (t. Crush. Pressure. 1 •0417 •OSSS A •leS = 36"8 tons per square inch. (A, doubtful ; piston being jammed.) B -200 = 43^9 tons per square inch. = 43^9 C ^200 Experiment 233.— Eired 9000 grs. pebble, and 4000 grs. F. G-., total 13,000 grs. (842-4 grms.), in No. 2 Siemens' cylinder, cubic contents, 12,680 grs. — 2000 grs. for two internal crusher-gauges; total contents, 10,680 grs. The pressure forced out the closing-plugs by shearing the threads. 5. 1-21 A. •0417 •0833 A crusher B c „ Crush. Pressure. •256 = 55-6 tons per sq. inch. •256 = 55-6 •260 = 56^8 Note.— {Added 9th March, 1880.) Since this memoir was submitted to the Society, we have been led, in consequence of a communication made to us by Dr Debus, to modify considerably our views with regard to the formation of hyposulphite. The experiments rendered necessary by Dr Debus's discovery are fully described and discussed in a note submitted to the Eoyal Society,* but as the facts there given have led us to the conclusion "that although it would seem that in certain cases and under certain exceptional circumstances potassium hyposulphite does exist as a secondary, it exists in no case as a primary product, and should not, therefore, be reckoned among the normal constituents of powder- residues," we have recalculated the whole of our analytical results, and we append two tables, Nos. 12 and 13, giving for each experi- ment the products of decomposition calculated on the hypothesis that prior to removal from the explosion-vessel the whole of the hyposulphite found was in the form of mono- or polysulphides. * Proc. Roy. Soc, vol. xxx., p. 198. 310 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Table 12. — Showing the mean analytical results ohtained from an examination of powders ; showing also the same particulars 2 Percentage composition by g S Mean density of products ' K Nature of powder. of combustion. O X .2 .g o Yl II 1 o ItJ •^ H 1° 'A ft c4 1 8 Pebble, W. A •10 46-66 14-76 32-75 3-13 7 20 44-78 16-09 31-31 4-23 9 30 47^03 15-51 31-71 2-90 12 40 49^52 13-95 32-16 1-70 14 50 49-82 13-36 32-19 1-96 37 60 49-48 13-75 31-83 2-24 38 70 49-93 12-51 32-08 3-18 43 80 51-54 11-88 32-61 1-96 77 •90 Means 51^75 10-87 32-72 2^13 48-95 13-63 32-15 2-60 Highest 51-75 16-09 32-75 4-23 1 R. L. G.,W. A Lowest •10 44-78 10-87 31-31 1-70 49-00 8-98 35-60 4-06 3 •20 46-56 11-47 35-13 3-58 4 •30 49-35 11 •eo 32^96 3-11 11 •40 50-25 10-84 34^23 1-93 70 •50 47-21 17-04 30^29 1-61 39 •60 46-29 14-52 32^40 4-29 96 •60 50-22 13-93 31^74 1-62 41 •70 49-75 13-38 31-94 2-85 44 ■80 51-62 12-16 32-16 1-56 68 •90 Means 52-65 10-73 32-65 1-90 49-29 12-47 32-91 2-65 Highest 52-65 17-04 35-60 4-29 16 F. G.,W. A Lowest •10 46-29 8-98 30-29 1-56 44-76 16-25 32-57 2-26 17 •20 47-41 12-35 32-35 3-76 18 •30 50-45 11-33 32-22 2-21 19 •40 51-79 10-31 32-54 2-00 75 •50 51-04 10-38 33-15 2-20 40 •60 5200 9-60 33-28 2-26 42 •70 53-02 7-91 34-26 2-03 47 •80 51-80 8-32 34-64 2-61 69 •90 Means 53-34 7-71 33-81 2-95 50-63 10-47 33-21 2-48 Highest 53-34 16-25 34-64 3-76 78 R. F. G., W. A. ... Lowest •70 44-76 7-71 32-22 2-00 52-40 8-86 34-51 1-60 79 Spanish spherical •70 53-34 4-62 37-80 2-74 196 Curtis and Harvey, No. 6 . •30 50-22 7-52 34-46 2-08 194 Mining powder .... -30 32-15 33-75 19-03 7-10 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 311 the solid and gaseous products of decomposition of Fehble, B. L. G., and F. O. toith respect to four other poxoders. volume of the gas. Percentage composition by weight of the .solid residue. i 1 W O u II 4 If li S . |.| (2 " S ll r 11 1 1 0-32 0-58 0-55 0-35 0-34 0-68 2-70 3-59 2-84 2-35 2-08 2-15 1-95 1-67 1-85 58-56 58-01 60-09 57-25 57-04 59-00 54-64 62-35 66-43 15-84 13-85 12-74 13-69 12-12 13-82 13-91 10-94 9-45 20-50 20-41 19-24 18-52 23-02 17-68 22-72 16-84 11-92 0-09 1 0-51 0-06 ! ... 0-21 i 0-03 0-25 j 0-08 0-23 1 0-20 0-36 1 0-32 0-41 , 0-26 0-06 ! 0-33 0-59 0-44 0-17 0-09 0-17 0-07 0-08 0-06 0-06 0-08 0-12 4-33 7-58 7-52 8-74 7-31 8-76 8-00 9-40 11-05 1-40 0-31 0-68 2-35 3-59 1-67 ... 59-26 66-43 54-64 12-93 15-84 9-45 18-98 23-02 11-92 0-25 0-24 0-59 0-51 0-06 0-03 0-10 0-17 0-06 8-08 11-05 4-33 0-16 1-40 0-29 0-07 0-28 0-84 0-36 0-35 0-55 0-77 0-80 2-07 2-62 2-98 2-47 3-01 2-14 2-14 1-53 1-72 1-27 0-57 55-41 55-47 54-16 51-82 64-77 66-43 64-88 63-25 67-00 67-16 21-58 24-44 25-03 24-35 4-96 10-90 11-16 11-04 8-88 8-71 16-68 13-08 13-76 17-00 19-47 11-85 13-91 15-34 10-92 12-50 0-05 0-05 0-17 0-30 0-28 0-26 0-51 0-25 0-38 0-59 0-12 0-03 0-13 0-53 0-46 0-44 0-18 0-20 0-06 0-06 0-04 0-04 0-11 0-09 0-11 0-08 0-11 0-15 4-93 6-76 6-93 6-49 9-86 9-99 9-68 9-34 12-66 10-90 0-75 0-02 0-43 0-84 0-07 2-19 3-01 1-27 0-06 0-57 61-03 67-16 51-82 15-10 25-03 4-96 14-45 19-47 10-92 0-22 0-51 0-05 0-27 0-59 0-03 0-08 0-15 0-04 8-74 12-66 4-93 0-08 0-75 0-18 0-27 0-18 0-50 0-41 0-16 3-83 4-13 3-51 3-36 2-96 2-68 2-13 2-04 2-04 0-15 0-28 o'-15 0-18 52-43 60-20 47-17 48-37 57-97 45-55 48-39 47-80 54-17 19-00 24-55 23-24 23-46 21-45 24-15 23-61 23-15 19-64 18-30 8-30 19-23 21-50 12-55 20-12 20-90 21-98 18-88 0-02 0-07 0-08 0-07 0-17 0-26 0-26 0-27 0-21 0-08 0-10 0-10 0-09 0-18 0-21 0-28 0-28 5-74 3-49 0-07 0-15 0-01 0-04 0-08 0-01 0-03 0-04 0-03 4-25 6-70 10-18 6-45 7-79 6-33 6-60 6-49 6-73 0-19 0-50 2-96 4-13 2-04 0-08 0-28 51-34 60-20 45-55 22-47 24-55 19-00 17-97 21-98 8-30 0-13 0-27 0-17 0-28 0-08 1-02 5-74 0-05 0-15 0-01 6-83 10-18 4-25 0-12 2 •46 2-73 2-51 1-29 3-26 5-24 0-21 60-17 35-66 59-10 41-36 22-35 48-55 21-65 0-59 9-14 7-72 12-42 37-10 0-04 0-04 2 '-95 0-06 0-95 0-29 0-09 0-05 0-04 0-09 1-78 8-19 7-04 6-45 14-11 2-02 312 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Table 13. -Composition by weight of the products of combustion of 1 ijravimetric 3 Proportions by weight of gaseous products 1 s ! 1 Nature of powder. ^1 It II Nitrogen. Sulphhydric ]' 1 1 5 8 Pebble, W. A. . •10 •2634 •0530 •1176 •0137 •0007 7 •20 •2505 •0572 •1114 •0183 •0009 9 •30 •2609 •0548 •1120 •0124 •0007 12 •40 •2683 •0481 •1109 •0071 •00()7 •0006 14 •50 •2768 •0472 •1137 •0084 •0012 •0005 37 •60 •2695 •0477 •1103 •0094 •0011 •0005 38 •70 •2748 •0438 •1124 ■0135 •0007 •0005 43 •80 •2785 •0409 •1121 •0082 •0007 •0004 77 •90 Means •2743 ■0367 •1103 •0087 •0014 •0005 •2685 •0477 •1123 •0111 •0006 •0006 Highest •2785 •0572 •1176 •0183 •0014 •0009 1 R. L. G., W. A. . Lowest •2505 •0367 •1103 •0071 ... •0004 10 •2653 •0309 •1226 •0170 •0006 •0005 3 20 •2497 •0391 •1198 •0148 •0001 •0006 •0022 4 30 •2633 •0394 •1119 •0128 •0007 11 40 •2702 •0371 •1172 •0080 ■0006 •0006 70 50 •2601 •0581 •1053 •0068 ■0017 •0007 39 60 •2480 •0495 •1101 •0177 •0007 •0005 96 60 •2672 •0471 •1074 •0067 •0007 •0005 41 70 •2655 •0454 •1085 •0118 •0011 •0004 44 80 •2651 •0397 •1051 •0062 •0014 •0040 68 •90 Means •2760 •0358 •1089 •0077 •0015 •0003 •2630 •0422 •1117 ■0109 •0008 •0009 •0002 Highest •2760 •0581 •1226 •0177 •0017 •0040 •0022 16 F. G.,W. A. Lowest •10 •2480 •0309 •1051 •0062 •0001 •0003 •2512 •0580 •1163 •0098 •0004 •0010 •0006 17 •20 •2490 •0413 •1081 •0153 •0010 18 •30 •2621 •0374 •1065 •0089 •0008 •0010 19 •40 •2765 •0350 •1105 •0082 •0008 75 •50 •2665 •0344 •1102 •0089 •0005 ■0007 40 •60 •2782 •0327 •1133 •0093 •0003 ■0007 42 •70 •2804 •0266 •1152 •0083 •0010 •0005 •0006 47 •80 •2752 •0281 •1171 ■0107 •0008 •0005 ■0007 69 •90 Means •2812 •0259 •1134 ■0120 •0003 •0005 •2689 •0355 •1123 ■0101 •0004 ■0007 ■0003 Highest •2892 •0580 •1171 ■0153 ■0010 ■0010 •0010 78 R. F. G., W. A. . Lowest •70 •2490 •0259 •1065 •0082 ■0005 •2686 •0289 •1126 •0064 •0002 •0006 79 Spanish spherical . •70 •2457 •0136 •1108' •0097 •0003 •0007 196 Curtis&Harvey.No.e •30 •2593 •0247 •1132 •0083 •0046 •0008 194 Mining powder •30 •2279 •1522 •0858 ■0389 •0070 •0017 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 313 qramme of fired gunpowder of the undermentioned natures, and of various densities. Proportions by weight of the solid residue. oi P It || 1 . 1 S 6 a^- s| 4 B . a §3 i"! -:i II ll .3§ CO >> II .S5 II 1° II 1 1 a-3 si 2g ^ M a ^1 "o o a 3 m o Is. gs •3174 •0858 •1111 •0005 •0027 •0009 •0234 •4484 •5418 •0095 •3203 •0765 •1127 •0003 •0005 •0419 •4383 •5522 •0095 •3303 •0700 •1058 •0012 •0002 •0009 •0413 •4408 •5497 •0095 •3176 •0760 •1028 •0014 •0004 •0004 •0485 •0077 •4357 •5548 •0095 •3096 ■0658 •1249 •0012 •0011 •0004 •0397 •4478 •5427 •0095 •3257 •0763 •0976 •0020 •0018 •0003 •0484 •4385 •5520 •0095 •2977 •0758 •1238 •0022 •0014 •0003 •0436 •4457 •5448 •0095 •3428 •0601 •0926 •0003 •0018 •0004 •0517 ... •4408 •5497 •0095 •3711 •0528 •0666 •0033 •0025 •0007 •0617 •4318 •5587 •0095 •3258 •0710 •1042 •0014 •0013 •0005 •0445 •0008 •4409 •5496 •0095 •3711 •0858 •1249 •0033 •0027 •0009 •0617 •4484 •5587 •0095 •2977 •0528 •0666 •0003 •0003 •0234 •4318 •5418 •0095 •3059 •1191 •0921 •0033 •0003 •0272 •0041 •4369 •5520 •0111 •3121 •1375 •0736 •0003 •0007 •0003 •0380 •0001 •4263 •5626 •0111 •3037 •1403 •0772 •0003 •0002 •0002 •0389 •4281 •5608 •0111 •2877 •1352 •0944 •0010 •0007 •0002 •0360 •4337 •5552 •0111 •3601 •0276 •1083 •0017 •0030 •0006 •0548 •4327 •5561 •0112 •3739 •0614 •0667 •0016 •0026 •0005 •0562 •4265 •5629 •0111 •3629 •0624 •0778 •0015 •0006 •0541 ... •4296 •5593 •0111 •3519 •0614 •0853 •0028 •0024 •0004 •0520 •4327 •5562 •0111 •3802 •0504 •0620 •0014 •0010 •0006 •0718 •4215 •5674 •0111 •3764 •0488 •0700 •0021 •0011 •0008 •0611 •4302 •5603 •0111 •3415 •0844 •0807 •0013 •0015 ... 1 -0004 •0490 •0004 •4298 •5591 •0111 •3802 •1403 •1083 •0021 •0033 •0008 •0718 •0041 •4369 •5674 •0112 •2877 •0276 •0620 •0002 ■0272 •4215 •5520 •0111 •2872 •1042 •1003 •0011 •0315 •0004 •0233 •4372 •5480 •0148 •3434 •1401 •0473 •0001 •0005 •0009 •0382 •4147 •5705 •0148 •2683 •1321 •1093 •0003 •0005 •0001 •0579 •4167 •5685 •0148 •2680 •1300 •1192 •0004 •0006 •0002 •0358 •4310 •5542 •0148 •3269 •1210 •0708 •0004 •0005 •0005 •0439 •4212 •5640 •0148 •2508 •1330 •1108 •0009 •0010 •0192 •0001 •0349 •4345 •5507 •0148 •2674 •1305 •1155 •0014 •0012 •0002 •0364 •4326 •5526 •0148 •2640 •1278 •1214 •0014 •0015 •0002 •0358 •4331 •5521 •0148 •2989 •1084 •1042 •0015 •0016 •0002 •0371 •4333 •5519 •0148 •2861 •1252 •0999 •0007 •0009 •0056 •0003 •0381 •4282 •5569 •0148 •3434 •1401 •1214 •0015 •0016 •0315 •0009 •0579 •4372 •5705 •0148 •2508 •1042 •0473 •0005 •0001 •0233 •4147 •5480 •0148 •3458 •1285 •0525 •0002 •0003 •0003 •0471 •4173 •5747 •0080 •2186 •2975 •0473 •0002 •0058 •0002 •0431 •3808 •6127 •0065 •3413 •1250 •0717 •0017 •0005 •0372 •4109 •5774 •0117 •1945 •0028 •1745 •0139 •0004 •0084 •0664 •0095 •5135 •4704 •0161 314 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Note on the Existence of Potassium Hyposulphite in the Solid Eesidue of Fiked Gunpowdek. In our second memoir on fired gunpowder we have discussed in detail that part of M. Berthelot's friendly criticism of our first memoir, which relates to the potassium hyposulphite found by us, in variable proportions, in our analyses of the sohd products obtained by the explosion of gunpowder in the manner described. While pointing out that we had taken every precaution in our power to guard against the production of hyposulphite by atmospheric action upon the potassium sulphide during the removal of the hard masses of solid products from the explosion-vessel, and had effectually excluded air from them, when once they were removed until they were submitted to analysis, we admitted the impossibility of guarding against the accidental formation of some hyposulphite during the process of removal, especially in some instances in which the structure of the residue had certainly been favourable to atmo- spheric action, and in which a more or less considerable development of heat had afforded indications of the occurrence of oxidation. We contended, however, that the method of analysis, and the precautions adopted by us in carrying it out, precluded the possi- bility of accidental formation of hyposulphite at this stage of our investigations. With respect to the precautions, we could, and still do, speak with perfect confidence ; and we certainly have beheved ourselves fully justified in being equally confident with respect to the process adopted by us for the determination of the proportions of sulphide and hyposulphite, inasmuch as we accepted and used in its integrity the method pubHshed in 1857 by Bunsen and Schischkoff in their classical memoir on the products of explosion of gunpowder, and adopted since that time by several other investigators who have made the explosion of gunpowder the subject of study, and whose results are referred to in our first memoir. Imposing implicit confidence in the trustworthiness of this method of analysis, emanating as it did from one of the highest authorities in experimental research, we considered ourselves fully justified in maintaining that the very considerable variations in the amount of hyposulphite found in different analyses, carried out as nearly as possible under like conditions, and the high proportions o f sulphide obtained in several of those analyses, afforded substantial proof that accidental oxidation during the collection and analysis of the residues was not sufficient to account for all but the very small RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 315 quantities of hyposulphite, which, in M. Berthelot's view, could have pre-existed in the powder-residues. Other facts, estabhshed by the exhaustive series of experiments detailed in our first memoir, were referred to by us in our second memoir, in support of the above con- clusion (from which we have still no reason whatever to depart). At the same time we described a series of supplementary experiments which had been instituted by us, with a view to obtain, if possible, further decisive evidence as to the probable proportions of hypo- sulphite and sulphide actually existing in the residues furnished by the explosion of gunpowder in closed vessels. In the first place, the residues obtained by the explosion of charges of E. L. G. and pebble powders were submitted to special treatment. Portions of each, consisting exclusively of large masses, were very speedily detached and removed from the explosion-vessels, and sealed up in bottles freed from oxygen, having been exposed to the air only for a few seconds. Other portions of the same residues were very finely ground, and exposed to the air for 48 hours. As was stated in our recent memoir, the portions of the residues treated in the last-named manner contained very large proportions of hyposulphite (although in one of them there still remained about 3 per cent, of sulphide), while those portions which had been for only a brief period exposed to air (and which presented but small surfaces) were found to contain from 5 to 8-5 per cent, of hyposulphite. As, throughout our entire series of previous experiments, no accidental circumstances had occurred which even distantly approached the special conditions favourable to the oxidation of the sulphide presented in these particular experiments, we considered ourselves fully justified in concluding that the non-discovery of any sulpliides in the analyses of residues furnished by the fine-grain powder in three out of the whole series of experiments, was not due to accident in the manipula- tions ; and that in those instances, in our several series of experi- ments, in which large quantities of hyposulphite were found, the greater proportion of that substance must have existed before the removal of the residues from the explosion-vessel. Not suffering the question to rest there, however, we proceeded, in the second place, to adopt new precautions, in two special experi- ments, for guarding against the possible formation of hyposulphite in the removal of the residues from the explosion-vessel, and their pre- paration for analysis. Distilled water, carefully freed from air by long-continued boiling, was syphoned into the vessel when it had cooled after the 816 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES explosion, and thus no air was ever allowed to come into contact with the solid products. "When the vessel was quite filled with water it was closed, and, after having been left at rest for a sufficient time to allow the residue to dissolve completely, the solution was rapidly transferred to bottles which had been freed from oxygen. These, when completely filled with the liquid, were hermetically sealed until the contents were submitted to analysis in accordance with the usual method, when they furnished respectively 4 and 6 per cent, of hyposulphite. These results corresponded closely to others obtained by the analysis of seven residues obtained in experi- ments with P., E. L. Gr., and L. G-. powders, in which there were no pecuHarities assignable as a possible reason why the proportions of hyposulphite should be so much lower in these cases than in other experiments carried out with the same powders under as nearly as possible the same conditions. By the results obtained under the various conditions pointed out in the foregoing, we are forced to the conclusion that the discovery of a small or a larger proportion of hyposulphite by the analysis of the powder-residue, obtained as described, is consequent upon some slight variation (apparently not within the operator's control) attending the explosion itself; but that hyposulphite does exist, though generally not to anything like the extent we were at first led to believe, as a normal and not unimportant product of the explosion of powder in a closed space. Some time after the submission of our second memoir to the Eoyal Society, we received a communication from Professor Debus, which has led us to institute a further series of experiments bearing upon this question of the existence of hyposulphite, and the results we have arrived at have led us so greatly to modify our views on this point, that it is our duty to communicate them without loss of time to the Eoyal Society. As introductory to these, it is necessary to repeat the account, given in our first memoir, of the method pursued by us for determin- ing the proportions of potassium monosulphide and hyposulphite in a powder-residue. The solution of the residue, prepared by the several methods already described, was separated by filtration, as rapidly as possible, from the insoluble portion, the liquid being collected in a flask, in which it was at once brought into contact with pure ignited copper oxide. The solution and oxide were agitated together, from time to time, in the closed flask, the two beings allowed to remain together RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 317 until the liquid' was perfectly colourless. In a few instances the oxide was added in small quantities at a time, in others the sufficient excess was added at once, with no difference in the result obtained. The only points in which this method differed from that described by Bunsen and Schischkoff in their memoir, was in the employment of a flask well closed with an indiarubber bung for the stoppered cylinder which was employed by them ; and in occasionally curtailing somewhat the prescribed period (two days) for which the liquid and the copper oxide were allowed to remain together, the operation being considered complete when the solution had become colourless. Bunsen and Schischkoff prescribed that the liquid when separated by filtration from the mixed copper oxide and sulphide obtained in the foregoing treatment, is to be divided into seven equal volumes, in one of which the amount of hyposulphite may be most sunply estimated by acidifying it with acetic acid, and then titrating with a standard iodine solution. This course was adopted by us, and it will therefore be seen that we departed in no essential point whatever from the method of Bunsen and Schischkoff, which we had considered ourselves fully warranted in adopting, without questioning its trustworthiness. We were informed, however, last July by Dr Debus, that in sub- mitting potassium polysulphides to treatment with copper oxide, he had found much hyposulphite to be produced, even when air was perfectly excluded, it having been in the first instance ascertained that the several polysulphides experimented with did not contain any trace of hyposulphite. We proceeded at once to confirm the correct- ness of his observations by submitting potassium polysulphides to treatment with copper oxide, proceeding exactly according to the method prescribed by Bunsen and Schischkoff for the treatment of powder-residues. In one experiment we obtained as much as 871 per cent, of potassium hyposulphite (calculated upon 100 parts of potassium monosulphide). Even in an experiment with pure potas- sium monosulphide, we obtained 11"6 per cent, of hyposulphite upon its treatment for the usual period with copper oxide. We next proceeded to convince ourselves that by substituting zinc chloride solution for copper oxide, the sulphur existing in solu- tions of potassium mono- and polysulphides might be abstracted, according to the usual method of operation, without producing more than the very small quantities of hyposulphite ascribable to the access of a little air to the sulphides before or during the method of treatment. Having confirmed the validity of Dr Debus's objection to Bunsen and Schischkoff's method, and established the trustworthiness of a 318 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES modification of that method (zinc chloride being substituted for copper oxide), we proceeded to submit to precisely similar treatment with these two reagents portions of solutions obtained by dissolving, with total exclusion of air (in the manner described in our last memoir and the present note), the residue furnished by special experiments with P., E. L. G., and F. G. powders, exploded under the usual conditions obtaining in our researches, and in quantities rang- ing from 4200 to 35,000 grs. (272-2 grms. and 2268 grms.). The following is a tabulated statement of the results obtained by the two modes of treatment, and of the differences between the proportions of hyposulphite obtained by treatment of portions of one and the same residue with the two different reagents under conditions as nearly alike as possible : — Table 1. Amount of hyposulphite furnished Quantity used. by 100 parts of powder with No. of experiment. Description of powder. Density of employment of— cliarge. Grains. Grams. Zinc chloride. Copper oxide. Difference. 245 P. 3,396 220-05 0-3 -12 1-93 1-81 241 P. 5,660 366-76 0-5 -07 2-46 2-39 246 R. L.G. 4,200 272-16 0-4 •05 1-43 1-38 244 R. L. G. 5,250 340-19 0-5 •06 1-58 1-52 243 F.G. 4,523 293-41 0-4 -07 1-56 1-49 242 F.G. 6,300 408-23 0-6 -27 2-26 1-99 247 P. 35,000 (5 lb.) 2,267-97 0-23 -78 2-82 2-04 For purposes of comparison, we subjoin a statement of the lowest proportions of hyposulphite furnished by 100 parts of the three powders used in our general series, and also the proportions, similarly expressed, which were obtained in the experiments with sporting and mining powder, the residues of which were dissolved with the same special precautions adopted in the case of the experiments given in Table 1. Table 2. No. of experiment. Nature of powder. Amount of hyposulphite in 100 parts of gunpowder used. Remarks. 7 44 17 196 194 Pebble R. L. G. F.G. (Curtis and \ Harvey / No. 6 f Mining \ powder 2-06 1-75 3-04 V 2-28 1 2-77 ] Lowest proportions fur- y nished by the respective J powders. Special precautions taken in collecting the residue. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 319 In reference to the foregoing numerical statements, we have to offer the following observations : — 1. Substituting zinc chloride for copper oxide as the precipitant of the sulphur which existed in the form of sulphide in solutions of powder-residues to which air had not had access at all until the time of its treatment with the zinc chloride, the amount of hyposulphite existing in solution after such treatment was found to range from 0'05 to 0*78 in 100 parts of gunpowder, while the treatment of por- tions of the same solutions with copper oxide, in the precise manner adopted in our series of experiments, yielded proportions ranging from 1-43 to 2'82 per 100 of powder used. Comparing the results furnished by the two modes of treatment, it will be seen that in the case of the parallel experiment (Experiment 246), which exhibited the least considerable difference in the amount of hyposulphite found, that existing after the copper oxide treatment was about twenty-eight times greater, while in the case of the highest differ- ence (Experiment 241) it was about thirty-four times greater than that found after the treatment with the zinc chloride. 2. It would appear from these results that, in four or five out of seven experiments, no hyposulphite, or at any rate only minute quantities, existed in the residues previous to their solution, and although it would seem to have existed in very appreciable amount in two out of seven residues, the highest proportion found after the zinc chloride treatment was less than one-half the lowest proportion found in our complete series of analyses in which the copper oxide treatment was adopted. 3. A comparison of the results among each other leads, therefore, to the conclusion that potassium hyposulphite cannot be regarded as a normal constituent of powder-residue (obtained in experiments such as those carried out by us), and that M. Berthelot is correct in regarding this salt as an accidental product, which, if existing occasionally in appreciable amount in the solid matter previous to its removal from the explosion-vessel, is formed under exceptional con- ditions, and then only in comparatively small proportions. While submitting this as the conclusion to be drawn from our most recent experiments, we are of opinion that the following points deserve consideration in connection with the question whether hypo- sulphite may not, after all, occasionally exist, as the result of a secondary reaction, in comparatively large proportion in the explosion- vessel before the residue is removed. It will be observed that although the copper oxide treatment. 320 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES when applied to the sulphide in the pure condition {i.e., undiluted with the other potassium compounds found in powder-residue), gave rise to the production of very large proportions of hyposulphite, when polysulphides were used, the highest proportion of that substance found, after the treatment of the particular residues used in the experiments given in Table 1, only amounts to 2'82 per cent, upon the gunpowder (pebble-powder) employed, which corresponds to about 14'5 per cent, of the average proportion of monosulphide exist- ing in the residue furnished by that powder. In observing this, it must be borne in mind that the sulphide existing in powder-residue is always present, in part, and sometimes to a considerable extent, in the form of polysulphide, also, that the experiments with the sul- phides were conducted precisely according to the method pursued in the treatment of the powder-residues. It would appear, therefore, as though the mixture of the sulphide with a very large proportion of other salts in solution rendered it less prone to oxidation by the copper oxide than when the undiluted sulphide is submitted to its action. In comparing with the results furnished by the zinc chloride those obtained by the copper oxide treatment, in the special experiments given above, it is observed that, omitting one exceptional result (Experiment 241), for which we do not attempt to account, the highest proportions of hyposulphite are furnished by those residues which also gave the highest with the zinc chloride, the differences ])etween the results furnished by the two treatments being likewise the highest in these three cases ; so also the lowest proportions fur- nished by the copper oxide treatment correspond to the lowest obtained with the zinc oxide, and the differences between the results furnished by the two methods are in the same manner the lowest in these. It would almost appear, therefore, as though the existence of a very appreciable proportion of hyposulphite in the solution of the residue had some effect in promoting the production of hyposulphite when the residue is submitted to treatment with copper oxide. In a recalculation of the results of our analyses of the powder- residues upon the assumption that the whole of the hyposulphite obtained existed originally as monosulphide, it is found that, in several instances in which the proportion of hyposulphite was high, the analytical results are much less in accordance with each other than when it is assumed that the hyposulphite found, or at any rate a very large proportion of it, existed as such in the residue before removal from the explosion-vessel. Thus, taking the F. G. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 321 series, in which the mean quantity of hyposulphite actually found is about double of that obtained either from the pebble or R L. G. powders, selecting from this series the three experiments which gave the highest proportions of hyposulphite, and calculating in the manner described in our first memoir the total quantities both of solid and gaseous products ; first, from the basis of the analysis of the solid products ; secondly, from the basis of the analysis of the gaseous products ; and, further, on the assumption that the hyposulphite found existed as hyposulphite either as a primary or secondary product prior to removal from the explosion-vessel, we have as follows : — Experiment No. 40, F. G. powder. — Density, "6 ; hyposulphite found, 18'24 per cent. Calculated , solid products. Calculated gaseous products. Grms. Grms. 170-268 125-220* 172-509* 122-979 From analysis of solid products From analysis of gaseous products Experiment No. 42, F. G. powder. — Density, '7; hyposulphite found, 18-36 per cent. Calculated solid products. Grms. 200-191 Calculated gaseous products. Grms. 144-547* 200-220* 144-520 From analysis of solid products From analysis of gaseous products Experiment No. 47, F. G. powder. — Density, '8; hyposulphite found, 19-95 per cent. Calculated Calculated solid products. gaseous products. Grms. Grms. From analysis of solid products . 231-652 162335* From analysis of gaseous products . 229*392* 164-595 * Water included. Calculating now in the same manner the quantities of solid and gaseous products on the assumption that the hyposulphite found was, prior to removal from the explosion-vessel, in the form of mono- or polysulphide, we have from the same experiments : — Experiment No. 40. Calculated Calculated solid products, gaseous products. Grms. Grms. From analysis of solid products . 157-273 133-842 From analysis of gaseous products . 168-136 122-979 X 322 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES Experiment No. 42. From analysis of solid products From analysis of gaseous products Calculated solid products. Grms. 185-914 Calculated gaseous products. Grms. 155-722 197-118 144-520 Experiment No. 47. Calculated solid products. Grms. 211-462 Calculated gaseous products. Grms. 176-694 223-561 164-595 From analysis of solid products Fi-om analysis of gaseous products Lastly, we still think that the following facts, given in our second memoir, must not be overlooked in considering the question of possible occasional existence of considerable proportions of hypo- sulphite, viz. : — That " the production of high proportions of hypo- sulphite was but little affected by any variations in the circumstances attending the several explosives (i.e., whether the space in which the powder was exploded were great or small), excepting that the amount was high in all three cases when the powder was exploded in the largest space ; on the other hand, a great reduction in the size of grain of the gunpowder used appeared to have a great influence upon the production of hyposulphite, as when passing from a very large- grain powder (P. or E. L. Gr.) to a fine-grain powder (F. G.). Thus, the production of hyposulphite exceeded 20 per cent, (on the solid residue) in only three out of nine experiments with P. powder, in three out of ten with E. L. G-., and in seven out of nine with P. G. ; while it was below 10 per cent, in four out of nine experiments with P. powder, in live out of ten with E. L. G., and in only one out of nine with P. G. powder." The experiments made with these several powders followed in no particular order, and no circumstance existed in connection with them to which these great differences in the results obtained could be ascribed. We append a recalculation of the mean results of our three series of analysis, adding the values of the hyposulphite found, as mono- sulphide, to the amount of sulphide actually found, and we hope to be allowed to add to our second memoir a similar recalculation of the whole of our analyses. This recalculation develops (as we pointed out in our second memoir must necessarily be the case) a more or less considerable RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 323 deficiency of oxygen in the total products of explosion; there is, however, in every instance, also a deficiency of hydrogen, and it may, therefore, be reasonably concluded that the deficiencies in the total quantities of the oxygen and the hydrogen in the powder used, which are unaccounted for in the products found, on the assumption that variable proportions of the total hyposulphite found actually existed in the residues as sulphide, are properly accounted for by assuming that the missing quantities of these elements actually existed among the products as water, the amount of which it was obviously impos- sible to determine. In conclusion, we have to state that we considered it right, in consequence of the error discovered in the method adopted for the examination for hyposulphite, to repeat the experiments described m our first memoir as having been made by us, with the view of ascer- taining whether hyposulphite could exist at temperatures approach- ing those to which the solid products of explosion were actually subjected in the explosion-vessels in our experiments. To test this point, we submitted, for between ten minutes and a quarter of an hour, to the highest heat (about 1700'' Cent.) of a Siemens' regenerative furnace, two platinum crucibles, one filled with powder-residue, the other with potassium hyposulphite. At the conclusion of the exposure, and wliile the crucibles were still red hot, they were plunged into water, deprived of air by long-continued boiHng, and at once sealed. The powder-residue was found still to contain 1-27 per cent, of hyposulphite, while the crucible with the pure salt consisted of a mixture of sulphate and sulj)hide, but with an amount of 2'1 per cent, of hyposulphite. It is probable that, if the exposure had been still longer con- tinued, the hyposulphite would have altogether disappeared, and the experiment can only be taken as proving that the hyposulphite, especially if mixed with other salts, is neither quickly nor readily decomposed, even at very high temperatures. [Table S. 324 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES &5 ~ 1-1 » S 5 i ^ •J81B.\i •0095 •0111 •0148 •s^onpojd puos JO !}q9raAi j£q uoi^odoj,! •5496 •5593 •5569 •s^onpoad sno9SBS JO !Hi3t8AV Xq uoi^iodoj,! •4409 •4298 •4282 § o s % •IBOOJBUO •0008 •0004 •Jtiqding •0445 •0495 •0381 ■8|Buoqjv'0inbs9S ranmouitnv ■0005 •0004 •0003 •apixo uimssB^oj CD 9 tnntssB^od •0013 •0015 •0009 •apmB.tooqdins uinissTJ^oa •0014 •0013 •0007 •spiqdinsouom mnissB^oj •1042 •0787 •0999 •a^Bqdius raniBSB^od •0710 •0844 •1252 •a^BuoqaBO ramss'B:^0(i ■3258 •3415 •2861 ! t 1 pLi ■ubSAxq •0002 •0003 •uaSojpXH •0006 •0009 •0007 •SBS-qs.iBM •0006 •0008 •0004 •piOB oijp^qqdins •0111 •0109 •0101 •ueSomx •1122 •1117 •1123 •opixo oitioqjBO •0480 •0422 •0355 •opiJiiXquB omoqaBO •26S5 •2630 •2689 •jepAiod JO 8irnB>j Pebble R.L.G. F.G. . VII. HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES. {Lecture, delivered at the Institution of Civil Eiigineers, 1884.) Examples of explosive substances will readily occur to all of you. The saKent peculiarities of some of the best known may roughly be defined to be the instantaneous, or at least the extremely rapid, conversion of a solid or fluid into a gaseous mass occupying a volume many times greater than that of the original body, the phenomenon being generally accompanied by a considerable development of measurable heat, which heat plays a most important part not only in the pressure attained, if the reaction take place in a confined space, but in respect to the energy which the explosive is capable of generating. Fulminates of silver and mercury, picrate of potassa, guncotton, nitro-glycerine, and gunpowder, may be cited as explosives of this class. But you must not suppose that substances such as I have just named are the only true explosives. In these solid and liquid explosives, which consist generally of a substance capable of being burnt, and a substance capable of supporting combustion, in, for example, guncotton or gunpowder, the carbon is associated with the oxygen in an extremely condensed form. But the oxidisable and oxidising substances may themselves, prior to the reaction, be in the gaseous form; as, for instance, in the case of mixtures of air or oxygen with carbonic oxide, of marsh-gas with oxygen, or of the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen forming water, which, if regard be had to the weight of the combining substances, forms an explosive possessing a far higher energy than is possessed by any other known substance. But these bodies do not complete the list, and, under certain circumstances, many substances ordinarily considered harmless must be included under the head of explosives. 326 HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES Finely-divided substances capable of oxidation, or certain vapours, form, when suspended in, or diluted with, atmospheric air, mixtures which have been unfortunately the cause of many serious explosions. Minute particles of coal floating in the atmosphere of coal-mines have either originated explosions, or in a very high degree intensi- fied the effects of an explosion of marsh-gas. Flour-dust and sulphur-dust suspended in the air have produced like disastrous results. Lines of demarcation are generally difficult of definition, and the line between explosive and non-explosive substances forms no exception to the rule ; but, from the instances I have given, you will note that an explosive may be either solid, liquid, or gaseous, or any combination of these three states of matter. In the course of my lecture, I propose, in the first instance, to give you a short account of the substances of which some explosives are composed, illustrating my meaning by giving you the composi- tion of one or two which may be considered as types, and which are well known to you. I shall, in the second place, show the changes which occur when our explosives are fired ; and shall endeavour to give you some idea of the substances formed, of the heat developed, of the temperature at which the reaction takes place, and of the pressure realised, if the products of our explosive be absolutely confined in a strong enough vessel, as well as of the experiments which have been made, and the apparatus which has been used either directly to ascertain or to verify the facts required by our theory. I shall in certain cases suppose our explosives to be placed in the bore of a gun, and shall endeavour to trace their behaviour in the bore, their action on the projectile, and on the gun itself. I shall, at the same time, describe to you the means and apparatus that have been employed to ascertain the pressure acting on the projectile and on the walls of the gun, and to follow the motion of the projectile itself in its passage through the bore. Let us take, suppose at the temperature 0° Cent., and at the pressure 760 mm. of mercury, two equal volumes of the gases hydrogen and chlorine, which when combined produce hydrocliloric acid. I have the gases in this tube, and let us apply a light ; you will observe that the mixture explodes violently, with considerable evolution of heat. Now this is perhaps as simple a case of an explosive as we can have. If we suppose the gases to be exploded in an indefinitely long HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES 327 cylinder, closed at one end, and with an accurately fitting piston working in it, and if we suppose the gases (fired, you will remember, at 0° Cent, and atmospheric pressure) to be again reduced to the temperature and pressure from which we started, the piston will descend to its original position, and the gases will occupy the same space as before they were exploded. If we now suppose that we had, in a calorimeter, measured the quantity of heat produced by the explosion, that quantity of heat, about 23,000 grm. -units per gramme of hydrogen, or about 600 grm.- units per gramme of the mixture, expresses, without addition or deduc- tion, the total amount of work stored up in the unexploded mixture, and from that datum, knowing the specific heat, we are able to deduce not only the temperature at which the explosion takes place, but the maximimi pressure produced at the moment of explosion, and the work which the gases, in expanding under the influence of the heat evolved, are capable of performing. If, instead of a single volume each of hydrogen and chlorine, we take two volumes of hydrogen and one of oxygen (which when com- bined produce water), or by weight two parts of hydrogen and sixteen of oxygen, and explode them as I now do, you will observe that there is a still more violent explosion, and I may add that there is a still greater development of heat. If, as before, we supposed the explosion carried on in an indefi- nitely long cylinder, the piston, on the gases being brought back to the temperature and pressure existing before the charge was fired, would no longer stand at its original height, but at two-thirds of that height, the three volumes would be condensed into two, and the heat determined by our calorimeter, about 29,000 grm.-units per gramme of hydrogen, about 3300 grm.-units per gramme of the gaseous water produced by the explosion is increased above what may be considered the true heat of the explosion by the condensation which the aqueous vapour has suffered in passing from three to two volumes. From the heat determined, however, we are able as before to deduce the temperature of explosion, the pressure exerted on the walls of a close vessel at the instant of maximum temperature, and the energy stored up in the exploded gases. I have mentioned that the potential energy stored up in this mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is, if taken with reference to its weight, higher than that of any other known mixture, and it may fairly be asked why should such an explosive, whose components 328 HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES are so readily obtainable, not be more largely employed as a pro- pelling or disruptive agent ? There are several objections ; but you will readily appreciate one when I point out that if we assume a kilog. of gunpowder forming a portion of a charge for a gun, to occupy a litre or a decimetre cubed, a kilog. of hydrogen, with the oxygen necessary for its combustion, would at zero and at atmospheric pressure occupy a volume sixteen thousand times as great. Let us now pass to guncotton, known also as pyroxyhn or trinitro- cellulose. This substance, as you probably know, is prepared by submitting ordinary, but carefully purified, cotton to the action of a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids at ordinary temperatures, where a proportion of the hydrogen in the cellulose is replaced by an equivalent amount of nitric peroxide. Nitro-glycerine is in like manner formed by the action of a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids on glycerine ; but we shall for the present confine our attention to guncotton. The formula representing guncotton is C6H73(NO.,)05, and gun- cotton itself may be employed in several forms in the flocculent or natural state ; or it may be made up into strands, yarns, or ropes ; or it may be granulated or made into pellets ; or it may be highly com- pressed into slabs or discs, in which last form it is almost invariably used for industrial or military purposes, and for which we are so largely indebted to the labours and researches of my friend and colleague. Sir Frederick Abel. Samples of all these forms are on the table before you. When guncotton is fired, practically the whole of its constituents, which before ignition were in the solid, assume the gaseous form, and this change is accompanied by a very great development of heat. I now fire a train of different forms of guncotton, and you will note, in the first place, the small quantity of smoke formed, and this may be taken as an indication of the small amount of solid matter in the products of combustion. You will observe, also, that instead of the explosions which took place when our gaseous mixtures were fired, guncotton appears rather to burn violently than explode. This, however, is due to the ease with which the nascent products escape into the atmosphere, so that no very high pressure is set up. Were we, by a small charge of fulminate of mercury or other means, to produce a high initial pressure, the harmless ignition that you have seen would be converted into an explosion of the most violent and destructive character. HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES 329 You will finally note that this transformation differs materially from those which we have hitherto considered. In both of these the elements were, prior to the ignition, in the gaseous state, and the energy liberated by the explosion was expressed directly in the form of heat. In the present instance, a very large but unknown quantity of heat has disappeared in performing the work of placing the products of explosion in the gaseous state. Let me try to show you how large an amount of heat may be absorbed in the conversion of solid matter into the gaseous state. You are aware that if a gramme of carbon be burned to carbonic anhydride there are about 8000 grm. -units of heat evolved, whereas if a gramme of carbon be burned to carbonic oxide, there are only evolved about 2400 grm.-units. Now a priori we may certainly suppose that the assumption by the carbon of the two atoms of the oxygen should result in equal developments of heat, but you will note, from what I have stated, that in the combination with the second atom of oxygen about two and a third times more heat is developed. Whence, then, comes the difference, and where has the heat disappeared which our calorimeter declines to measure ? The missing heat may be assumed to have disappeared in performing the work of placing the solid carbon in the gaseous state. In the case which we have been considering, the oxygen which supports the combustion of the carbon is already in the gaseous state ; but with guncotton all the gases are, prior to combustion, in the solid state. Their approximate w^eights are exhibited in the following table : — Composition. Products of Explosion. Carbon 24-89 Carbonic anhydride . ,, oxide . 0-424 Hydrogen 2-69 0-280 Nitrogen . 13-04 Hydrogen 0-011 Oxygen . .56-66 Nitrogen . 0-145 Ash . . . . 0-36 Marsh-gas 0-003 Moisture . 2-36 Water 0-116 Formula— CfiH^SCNOoPg. Original moisture 0-021 Carbonic oxide and anhydride, nitrogen, hydrogen, aqueous vapour, and a little marsh-gas, are the products of explosion, and their quantities are such that a kilog. of guncotton, such as that with which Sir F. Abel and I have each made so many experiments, will produce, when the gases are reduced to atmospheric pressure and to a temperature of 0° Cent., about 730 litres. In this volume the water produced by the explosion is not included, being at that temperature and pressure in the liquid form. In estimating either 330 HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES the pressure exerted on the walls of the close vessel, or the potential energy of the gimcotton, we have to add to the work done, that is, to the heat absorbed by the great expansion from the solid state into the number of volumes I have indicated, the potential energy due to the heat at which the reaction takes place. As might be expected from the definite nature of the chemical constitution of guncotton, the constituents into which it is decom- posed by explosion do not very greatly vary ; the chief point to be observed being that the higher the tension at which the explosion occurs, the higher is the quantity of carbonic anhydride formed, that is, the more perfect is the combustion. Gunpowder, the last and most important example I shall select, is also by far the most difficult to experiment with, as well as the most complicated and varied in the decomposition which it undergoes. To begin with, it is not, like guncotton, nitro-glycerine, and other similar explosives, a definite chemical combination, but is merely an intimate mixture, in proportions which may be varied to a con- siderable extent, of those well-known substances, saltpetre or nitre, charcoal, and sulphur ; and in this country the proportions usually employed are 75 parts of saltpetre, 10 of sulphur, and 15 of charcoal. They do not during manufacture undergo any chemical change, and it is perhaps owing to this circumstance that gunpowder has for so many generations held its place as the first and principal, indeed almost the only, explosive employed for the purposes of artillery and firearms. One great advantage for the artillerist which gunpowder possesses in being a mixture, not a definite chemical combination, is that when it is fired it does not explode in the strict sense of the word. It cannot, for example, be detonated as can guncotton or nitro- glycerine, but it deflagrates or burns with great rapidity, that rapidity varying largely with the pressure under which the explosion is taking place. As an instance of the difference in the rate of combustion due to pressure, we have found that the time necessary for the combustion of a pebble of powder in free air is about two seconds. The same pebble in the bore of a gun is consumed in about the aw part of a second ; but a more striking illustration of the effect of pressure in increasing or retarding combustion is shown by an experiment devised by Sir F. Abel, and which by his kindness I am able to repeat. It consists in endeavouring to burn powder in vacuo, and you will see for yourselves the result of the experi- ment. The powder refused to explode. But although the composition of gunpowder is in this country HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES 331 approximately what I have said, the requirements or experiments of the artillerist have for certain purposes modified in a high degree both the constituents and the physical characteristics of gunpowder. In the following table are exhibited the composition of the numerous powders with which Sir F. Abel and I have experimented ; and the samples which I have upon the table, many of which will be new to some of you, illustrate the irregular forms into which we mould the mixture, which by a misnomer we still call gunpowder. Here you see the forms with which all are familiar, and which are called fine grain and rifled fine grain. Here, a little larger, you see rifled large grain, which at the introduction of rifled guns was the powder then used. Here these small lumps are called pebble-powder, and this powder is that generally used in this country with rifled guns of medium size. Here is a still larger size of service pebble. Table 2.- -Showing the composit Ion of various gunpowders. u 25 o I. < < 6 ; ^ ^ ^; S ^ £ 1 M 1 1 i 6 hi 6 .1 1 i •6192 Saltpetre . •8130 •7783 •6374 •7724 •7883 •7476 •7456 •7391 •7559 •7468 Sulphur . ■0018 •0028 •1469 •0615 •0204 •1007 •1009 •1002 •1242 •1037 •1506 Charcoal . •1671 •1972 •2018 •1543 •1780 •1422 •1429 •1459 •1134 •1378 •2141 Water . •0181 •0217 •0139 •0118 •0133 •0095 •0106 •0148 •0065 •0117 •0161 This form, prismatic, differing from the others both from its regular shape, and from the hole or holes traversing the prisms, is perhaps the most convenient form in which powder can be made up in large charges, while these blocks exhibit still larger masses, representing powders which have been used with success in very large guns. The object of the holes in the prismatic and other powders, is to obtain more uniform production of pressure to ensure the more complete combustion of powder by increasing the burning surface, as the prism is consumed, and consequently diminishes in size. I draw your particular attention to these samples, because I shall have, before I conclude, something to say about them. You will observe that they are in the prismatic form, and that they differ from the other prisms, with which you can compare them, in being brown in colour instead of black. Let us now apply a light to trains of different natures, and to some other samples of powder — experiments which I daresay at one 332 HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES time or another you have made for yourselves — and observe the result. You will note, in the first place, that an appreciable time is taken by the flame to pass from one end to the other ; but you will also note an essential difference between this combustion and that I showed you a short time ago with guncotton, viz., that there is a large quan- tity of what is commonly called smoke slowly diffusing itself in the air. Now this so-called smoke is really only finely-divided solid matter existing as a fluid, or volatilised only to a very slight extent at the moment and temperature of explosion, and if, adopting means which I shall presently describe to you, we had exploded in a close vessel the powder which we have just burned in the air, and allowed the vessel to stand for a few minutes, the products would be divided into two classes — one, a dense solid, generally very hard, and always a disagreeably smelling substance ; the other, colourless gases, the odour of which is, I must confess, not much more fragrant than that of the solid matter to which I have referred. These large bottles on the table contain a portion of the so-called smoke of a charge of 15 lbs. of powder, collected in the manner I have described, in a closed vessel. You will see it is a very solid substance indeed ; but as these products are sometimes very protean in their characteristics, I have upon the table one or two other specimens of these residues differing considerably in appearance. I have also in this steel vessel the products of combustion of 2 lbs. of powder. I shall not now let the gases escape ; but after the lecture shall be glad to do so for the benefit of those who have no objection to a disagreeable smell. If the gases produced by the combustion be analysed, they will he found to consist of carbonic anhydride, carbonic oxide, and nitrogen, as principal constituents, with smaller quantities of sulphhydric acid, marsh-gas, and hydrogen, with — this point depending much on the constitution of the charcoal — always small quantities, and occasionally considerable, of aqueous vapour. The solid substances are found to consist of, as principal ingredi- ents, variable quantities of potassium carbonate, sulphate, and sulphides, with smaller quantities of sulphocyanate, and ammonium sesquicarbonate. The annexed table shows by weight the products of combustion in the different powders examined by Sir F. Abel and myself, and I call your special attention to the considerable variations in the decomposition of powders which are intended practically to have the same chemical constitution. HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES 333 4 •enpisaj pnog •5812 •5773 •4692 •5591 •5825 •5496 •5591 •5569 •6127 •5774 •4201 •s^onpoad snoes^o •4187 •4216 •5307 •4409 •4175 •4409 •4298 •4282 •3808 •4109 •5135 3 s 1 1 s ■s •()n8;S!X8-8jd JQ^BAi r-l t- Oi CO CO O CD CO lO I- r-l Sj^Sn^oSi^loI^S •jnitdins •0627 •0352 •0445 •0490 •0381 •0431 •0372 •0664 ■8^BnoqjBombs9S ranmouimv OOOi-lCD vO-HCO(71in-l' OC100 -oooooo oooo oooooo •apixo mnissB-joj ::.::::§::: •a^Bj^m mnissB^od; SSgg^S ■■■■■■■■ :§§8§§§ •a^BUBXooqdins ranissB^oj ■0187 •0005 •0014 •0013 •0007 •0003 •0139 •apiqdinsonoui runissBC^o,! •0034 •0006 •1646 •0382 •1042 •0807 •0999 •0473 •0717 •1745 •e^iUdtnsodXq ratnissB^oj •0048 •0008 •0073 •0029 •s;Biid[ns uinissB^oa •0017 •0006 •0042 •0230 •1332 •0710 •0844 •1252 •2975 •1250 •0028 •9:)Buoqi'BO umissB^oj •5474 •5296 •2036 •4579 •4360 •3258 •3415 •2861 •_'186 •3413 •1945 1 ea O S ■s •j8;BAi •0225 •0026 •0832 •uaS/CxQ ooo •neSoip^H 7, . ,-, rH CD CD Oi t^ CO CO l^ §§§g§§§§§ig •SBS-qsJBH lllllll 11 •piov oijp^uqdins •0191 •0091 •01 11 •0109 •0101 •0096 •0083 •0389 •u8.goj'}!jv[ •1158 •1200 •0875 •1188 •1049 •1123 •1117 •lliiS •1108 •1132 •0858 •apixo oiaoqjBQ Oi .* in 03 CD t^ w in CD I- .71 (71 1— 1 i-l (7) oo i:^ (7) in CO ^ (M •apupjCiinB oraoqjBO •2253 •1915 •2723 •2467 •2198 •2685 •2630 •2689 •2457 •2593 •2279 Powder " A " Cocoa-powder Pebble, W.A., means. R.L.G., W.A., means F.G., W.A., means . Spanish C. & H. No. 6 . Mining 334 HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES Considerations such as are suggested by this table led Sir F. Abel and myself to make a statement which has been somewhat misunder- stood, and which has been the subject of a good deal of controversy, viz., that, except for instructional purposes, but little accurate value can be attached to any attempt to give a general chemical expression to the metamorphosis of a gunpowder of normal composition. Now by this statement, to which, after many years of research, we most emphatically adhere, we did not mean to say that, given precisely the same conditions, the same products would not follow ; but we did mean to say that the circumstances under which gun- powder, nominally of the same composition, may be exploded, are so varied — the nascent products may find themselves under such varied conditions both as to pressure, temperature, and the substances with which they find themselves in contact — this last point depending much on the physical characteristics of the powder — that it is not wonder- ful if considerable variations in the products ensue. I need only refer in illustration of my remarks to the very interesting decomposition experienced by cocoa-powder. Observe the very small quantity of carbonic oxide, and the large quantity of water formed, while the solid constituents are reduced in number to two. Let me now call your attention to another point. The table giving the decomposition of gunpowders shows also the ratio between the weights of the solid and gaseous products ; but it is necessary that we should know the volume of the gases at ordinary tempera- tures and pressure. A kilog., then, of these powders, at a tempera- ture of 0" Cent, and a barometric pressure of 760 mm., would give rise to the following quantities of gases : — The numbers in the table expressing litres per kilog., or c.c. per gramme of jDowder exploded. Table 4. — Shoxoing the, volumes of permanent gases evolved by the combustion of 1 (jramme of the undermentioned fowders. ^ a < - IS ^ y^ 1 1 •2 1 1 1 i 6 2 d .1 1 d c Vols, of gases . 254 315 347 282 198 278 274 263 234 241 360 That is to say : — Assuming that a kilog. of each of these powders occupied a decimetre cubed, the figures in the table represent for each description of powder the number of similar volumes occupied by the liberated gases when at the temperature and pressure I have named. HEAT-ACTION OF EXPLOSIVES 335 I have, in the case of each explosive that I have described, given to you the number of heat-units produced by the explosion. Follow- ing the same course with these powders, the number of grm.-units of heat evolved by the combustion of a gramme of each of the powders with which we have experimented is given in Table 5. Table 5. — Showing the units of heat evolved hy the combustion of 1 gramme of the undermentioned powders. ' /] \\ ? 1 ■ft / k ( / ' P ^ ?' K H t ^ ^ ^ i< ^ / i| '^ / ^ ^ Vl ^ ' / A ^ ^.. § '^ / / \ // \ / \ ^ \ \ / / X •^ / ^i>' >P< X ':^ k!^ ^v ( ■ ^. ^-T r.rz ~- . _1 ^^^ >^^ [To face p. PLATE XXII. 1 ».■ ^ i f .■^ ^ ? i '•^ '': / 1 •! "^ i .C ^ 1 ^ {^ ^ ^ lO / ^ Os r,^ 5 § "* IS -0 0" / >. ^ 11 / / 5 5; 'i ^ ^ ^ ^ / 1 t ""l ^ r / : .C 1 ^ ft A ■ s" ^ ^ 1 ~s ■^ <5 / 7 i ; is ^ N / / ^0 ^ ' 1 ^ f: ' -f- / i ^ J r-H ^ O-J 0 CD 00 lO l-^ i-t S^CO.-HCOaiO-45 ;2; ?2! 5" S S! §§§§ =§§8§§§ •apixo rantssB^oa \Ci . . . :::::::§::: •8:}w:jm ranissBioj CO >c 05 oo t^ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ '999999 "' •a^BtrejCoondins ranissE^oj s .^ ■apiqdinsonora ' mnissB^Od: r# .a^ CD (M (M i^ 03 CO 1^ m COO'tflOO .^OOit^i— 1^ 1 •acnqdinsodi^il OOTOCOOi llll :::::: : 1 •8;Bi[dins umissB^oa t-MO(MO^(MlOOOO oooc-iSoricoe^osiMO OOOOi— lOOi— iC^li-HO ?^ •8^Bnoq.reo mnissi^'jo.i '*(MO>OC0(M'*00i-4.^05 »OlO(MM<^COCOC0(^^ CI .^H (>i (>i 91 c^i o^ 91 C-1 (N c^ r r s :: S^-<: . . • . INTERNAL BALLISTICS 407 appreciable time is taken by the flame to pass from one end to the other ; but you will also note that there is a large quantity of what is called smoke slowly diffusing itself in the air. Now this so-called smoke is really only finely-divided solid matter existing as a fluid, or volatilised only to a very slight extent at the moment of explosion ; and if the powder you have just seen fired had been exploded in larger quantity in a close vessel such as I have described, nearly 60 per cent, of the weight of the powder would have lieen converted into the so-called smoke, and when the products had cooled would have been found at the bottom of the cylinder in the shape of a dense, hard, evil-smelling substance, generally very difficult of removal, with a smooth, dark surface, and an olive green fracture. In the bottle which I hold in my hand, I exhibit to you a portion of the so-called smoke of a charge of 15 lbs. of powder fired in a close vessel in the manner I have mentioned. I need hardly call your attention to the magnitude of the charge which has thus been entirely confined. At the date of the Crimean war the highest charge of the 56 cwt. 32-pr., the principal heavy gun of the service, was only 10 lbs., but I have fired and succeeded in absolutely retaining in one of these vessels a charge of no less than 23 lbs. The principal constituents of the solid residue are potassium carbonate, potassium sulphate, and potassium sulphide, with small quantities of the other substances you see in Table 2. There are considerable fluctuations in the proportions of the principal con- stituents, two charges fired as nearly as possible under the same circumstances frequently differing more in the products of decom- position than do others in which both the nature of powder used and the gravimetric density at which they are fired have been changed. For these fluctuations it is difficult to assign any cause, unless it be that in a combination and decomposition of such violence, the nascent products find themselves in contact sometimes with the products of explosion, sometimes with powder not yet consumed. But it may interest you to know the appearances presented by the solid products when cool, and after the opening of the cylinder in which the powder was exploded. The whole of the solid products were usually found collected at the bottom of the cylinder, there being but an exceedingly thin deposit on the sides. The surface of the deposit was generally quite 'smooth, and of a very dark grey, almost black, colour; this colour, however, was only superficial, as 408 INTERNAL BALLISTICS through the black could be perceived what was probably the real colour of the surface, viz., a dark olive green. The surface of the deposit and the sides of the cylinder had a somewhat greasy appear- ance, and were, indeed, greasy to the touch. When the charge was large and the confined gases at a high pressure were allowed to escape rapidly, the surfaces, especially in the vicinity of the point of escape, were covered with a deposit of solid carbonic acid, this deposit arising from the cooling effect due to the rapid expansion. In cases where the gas had escaped before the deposit was cold, the surface was rough, and the deposit somewhat spongy, as if occluded gas had escaped while the deposit was still in a semi-fluid state. In various experiments, on examining the fracture as exhibited by the lumps, the variation in physical appearance was very striking, there being differences in colour and texture, and also frequently a marked absence of homogeneity, patches of different colour being interspersed. There was no appearance of general crystalline structure in the deposit, but shining crystals of sulphide of iron were frequently observed. The deposit had always a powderful odour of sulphuretted hydrogen, and frequently smelt strongly of ammonia. It was always extremely deliquescent, and small portions, after a short exposure to the air, became black, gradually passing into the inky-looking, pasty substance familiar to you all as resulting from the residue left in the bores of guns after practice. As in physical appearance, so in behaviour, when removed from the cylinder, the solid products presented great differences. In most cases, during the short period that elapsed while the deposit was being transferred to thoroughly dry and warm bottles, no apparent change took place, but in some a great tendency to development of heat arising from the absorption of oxygen from the air was apparent. In one case where a deposit exhibited this tendency to heat in a high degree, a portion was ground, placed in the form of a cone on paper, and observed. The action proceeded very rapidly, the deposit on the apex and in the interior, where there was greatest heat, changing rapidly in colour to a light sulphury yellow, with a tinge of green. During the development of heat, the residue gave off a good deal of vapour, and an orange-coloured deposit, probably resulting from this vapour, formed on the surface. The staell was very peculiar, sulphuretted hydrogen being distinctly perceptible, but being by no means the dominant odour. INTERNAL BALLISTICS 409 The maximum temperature occurred at about twenty minutes after the commencement of the exposure — a thermometer placed in the centre showing a temperature of over 600° Fahr. The tempera- ture was no doubt somewhat higher, but the thermometer had to be removed, to avoid fracture. The paper on which this deposit was placed was entirely burned through. From an examination of the cylinder when opened after an explosion, it was easy to see that the solid products had been in a fluid state; but to ascertain the state of the contents at different periods, the following experiments were made. The cylinder, being about two-thirds full of powder, was fired, and 30 seconds after explosion was tilted so as to make an angle of 45°. Two minutes later it was restored to its first position. On opening, the deposit was found to be lying at the angle of 45°, and the edges of the deposit were perfectly sharp and well-defined. Again, the cylinder being about three-fourths filled with powder, was fired, and allowed to rest for 1 minute after explosion. It was then placed sharply at an angle of 45°, and 45 seconds later was returned to its first position. Upon opening, it was found that when the cylinder was tilted over, the deposit had just commenced to congeal, for upon the surface there had been a thin crust, which the more fluid deposit underneath had broken through. The deposit was at an angle of 45°, but the crust through which the fluid had run was left standing like a sheet of ice.* Another experiment with the vessel completely full of powder showed that at a minute and a minute and a quarter after explosion the non-gaseous products were still perfectly fluid, and that it was nearly 2 minutes before their mobility was destroyed ; and my con- clusion from the whole of the experiments is, that immediately after explosion the non-gaseous products are collected at the bottom of the vessel in a fluid state, and that some time elapses before the products assume the solid form. The existence of this fluid residue in the bore of a gun is some- times clearly shown by the occurrence of large splotches of residue, frequently close to the muzzle, and which indicate that considerable masses of the residue, travelling at a high velocity, had been arrested * Note.— In consequence of this action, in later experiments the deposit was not removed by chisels, but distilled water, freed from air by long-continued boiling, was siphoned into the explosion-vessel, so that air was never allowed to come into contact with the sohd residue— when the cylinder was thus quite filled with water, it was closed, and allowed to stand until the residue was completely dissolved. 410 INTERNAL BALLISTICS by striking the sides of the bore. In the chambers of guns, again, considerable masses are frequently found, the residue having evidently, while in a fluid state, run down the sides and collected at the bottom of the chamber. In the 100-ton gun chamber masses of about three- quarters of an inch in thickness have been found. One of these specimens is before you. Turn now to the gaseous products. These do not exhibit the variations shown by the solid products; on the contrary, if the powder be of similar composition, as, for instance, in the case of the Waltham- Abbey powders, the gases are remarkably uniform in com- position. In weight they amount to about 43 per cent, of the unexploded powder, and consist chiefly of carbonic anhydride, nitrogen, carbonic oxide, and sulphuretted hydrogen, with small quantities of marsh-gas and hydrogen. The proportion of carbonic acid was found slightly, but decidedly, to increase as the gravimetric density of the charge was increased; this, of course, corresponding with increased pressure in the explosion-vessel, and pointing, under this condition, to a more perfect oxidation of the carbon. The quantity of permanent gases generated by explosion difiers very considerably with the nature of the powder, and even with the size of grain. Thus the quantity of gas generated by a gramme of dry pebble-powder was found to be 278-3 c.c. ; by a gramme of E. L. G., 274-2 ; and by a gramme of F. G., 263-1. All the above volumes are reduced to the standard barometric pressure of 760 mm., and the temperature of 0'^ Cent. I ought perhaps to explain, that the statement that a gramme of powder generates so many cubic centimetres is equivalent to the assertion that, at the temperature and pressure stated, the gases occupy the same number of times the volume that the powder occupied in the unexploded state, the gravimetric density of the unexploded powder being supposed to be unity. You will observe that there is an appreciable difference in the volume of the permanent gases generated by Waltham- Abbey pebble- powder and F. G., two powders which are intended to be of precisely the same composition, and which in reality differ but slightly. But if I take some other powders I have experimented with, you will find that the differences in the volumes of the gases produced are very striking. Thus 1 grm. of Curtis & Harvey's well-known No. 6 powder generated 241 c.c, 1 grm. of English mining 360-3 c.c, while 1 grm. of Spanish pellet generated only 234-2 c.c. Table 3 shows the volumes of permanent gases evolved by the INTERNAL BALLISTICS 411 combustion of 1 grm. of the powders whose composition was exhibited in Table 1. Table 3. — Shovnncf the volumes of permanent gases evolved hy the comhustion of 1 gramme of the undermentioned powders. 5 1 (2 1 Q i 8 < 6 hi < i ■s ''A S Volumes of gases . 254 315 347 282 198 278 274 263 234 241 360 Observe, now — for I shall shortly have occasion to draw your attention to the point — the arrangement of these six last powders on the list. If I place them in ascending order of magnitude with respect to the volumes of gas they respectively generate, first we have the Spanish pellet with 234 volumes, next comes the Curtis & Harvey with 241 volumes, then F. G. with 263, and so on, while mining- powder with 360 volumes closes the list. You will remember I have explained to you what I mean by the expression " quantity of heat." All the powders in Table 1 have, by carefully conducted calorimetric experiments, had the number of units of heat they were capable of evolving carefully determined, and the results of these determinations are given in Table 4. Table 4. —Showing the units of heat evolved hy the combustion c f 1 gramme of the undermentioned powders. < m d «■ < pi < 6 f5 fe .^ S a oT " t? ■5 W ti: 'i •% 5 & 1 3 ^ o ■^ ■= ^ ^ s ^ S rt fa m " s Units of heat . 800 715 525 745 837 721 726 738 ni 764 517 As in the case of the quantity of gas, so with the heat evolved there is a great variation, but with this peculiarity, that the powders producing the largest quantity of gas evolve the least quantity of heat. Take, for example, the six last powders on the table to which I recently drew your attention. You will remember that when I gave you the volumes of gas generated by the different powders, I arranged the powders in an ascending order of magnitude. Now that I give you the quantities of heat evolved by the same powders. 412 INTERNAL BALLISTICS I arrange them in descending order, and I want you to observe, as you will see from Table 5, that not only do the same powders head and close the list, but that the order of arrangement taken from the two sets of data is absolutely identical. Table 5. Nature of powder. Units of heat per gramme exploded. Cubic centimetres of gas per gramme exploded. Spanish pellet . Curtis & Harvey's No. 6 . W.A.F.G. W.A.R.L.G. . W.A. pebble . Mining .... 767-3 764-4 738-3 725-7 721-4 516-8 234-2 241-0 263-1 274-2 278-3 360-3 Observe also, that although the mining-powder generates about 50 per cent, more gas than does the Spanish spherical, on the other hand about 50 per cent, more heat is generated by the Spanish than by the mining-powder. As a matter of fact, the products of the quantities of heat multiplied by the volumes of gas generated (which may be taken approximately as a measure of the potential energy stored up) do not differ very greatly from a constant quantity, and as a further matter of fact, the pressures developed by the powders at various gravimetric densities are very much the same, and this circumstance is remarkable when the variety in the composition of the powders and the decomposition which they experience is taken into account. But another question here arises, and that is, are we able in any way to account for the great difference in the quantity of heat measured when two powders, such as mining and Spanish, are exploded ? I believe we are, and I shall endeavour to make my meaning intelligible. You are all aware that when, for example, ice at 0" Cent, is converted into water at 0" Cent., or when water at 100" Cent, is converted into steam at 100" Cent., a large quantity of heat has to be commvmicated to the ice or water as the case may be, — and as this heat produces no effect on the thermometer, it has received the name of latent heat. But the modern theory of heat — I need not detain you with an explanation of this theory — has shown that the heat which was supposed to have become latent has really disappeared in performing work of one sort or another — in doincj work ag-ainst molecular forces, INTERNAL BALLISTICS 413 or in communicating motion to the molecules of water. In placing a gramme of water at 100° Cent, in the form of steam at 100" Cent., no less than 537 units of heat are absorbed. Again, you all probably know that when a gramme of carbon unites with a single equivalent of oxygen, the gas carbonic oxide is formed ; and that when a second equivalent of oxygen is taken up, carbonic anhydride, or in the old nomenclature carbonic acid, is formed. But the quantities of heat generated when carbon burns to carbonic oxide, and when carbon or carbonic oxide burn to carbonic acid, are well known, and it appears that while the union of one gramme of carbon with an equivalent quantity of oxygen burning to carbonic oxide gives rise only to about 2445 units of heat, the assumption of the second equivalent quantity of oxygen gives rise to 5615 units, or to 8060 units in all. Now I think we may regard it as certain that the great difference indicated in the heat shown by the figures I have given you is due to the fact, that when carbon burns to carbonic oxide a very large proportion of heat escapes measurement, because its potential energy has been expended in placing the solid carbon in a gaseous form, just as in the case of water and steam which I cited just now, a large amount of heat is absorbed in placing the steam in a gaseous form ; but when carbonic oxide, which is already a gas, burns to carbonic acid no such expenditure of heat is necessary, and we are able to measure, and if need be to utilise, the whole quantity, or at all events the greater proportion of the heat generated. You will now, I think, have no difficulty in understanding the interpretation I put upon the relation between the quantities of heat generated and the quantities of permanent gas evolved by the various powders with which I have experimented. The case is by no means a simple one, as a glance at Tables 2 and 3 will show you how numerous are the substances which play a part in the metamorphosis, and in addition the powders themselves differ very considerably ; but I venture to lay down the broad rule, that the heat measured by the calorimeter in the case of the mining- powder is greatly less than that measured in the case of the Spanish powder, because a much larger quantity of heat has been expended in placing the solid constituents of the powder in a gaseous state. Coming now to specific heat ; since we know the specific heats at ordinary temperatures of the solid products of explosion, and since we know also the specific heats of the permanent gases, we should be in a position to determine the actual temperature of explosion if 414 INTERNAL BALLISTICS we could assume that the specific heats of the soHd products remained invariable over the great range of temperature through which they pass. Our distinguished predecessors in researches on gunpowder (Bunsen and Schischkoff) made this assumption, and from it calcu- lated the temperature of explosion to be 3400° Cent., about 6150° Fahr. Sir F. Abel and I are, however, agreed in considering this hypothesis (piite inadmissible. I know of no exception to the general experience that the specific heat is largely increased in passing from the soHd to the liquid state. The specific heat of water, for example, in so passing is doubled, and in addition it is more than probable that even with liquids the specific heat increases very considerably with the temperature. For these reasons, I consider it certain that the temperature of explosion calculated in the manner followed by Bunsen and Schisch- koff would give a temperature much higher than that really attained. But the determination of the real temperature is a matter of extreme difficulty and doubt. I employed two methods to settle the point, and these two methods gave approximately the same temperatures. The first method I can only briefly describe, as its basis rests on theoretical considerations. It may be thus described. If we know the space in which a given quantity of permanent gases are confined, if we know also the pressure they exert upon the walls of the chamber in which they are confined, we have the necessary data for determin- ing at what temperature the gases must be. Now the course of our researches (and to these I shall presently refer) led us to a pretty definite conclusion as to the space that the permanent gases occupied at the moment of explosion when confined in a close vessel, and a calculation from the data I have mentioned gave a temperature of nearly 2200° Cent. To check this theoretical temperature I made numerous experi- ments with sheet and wire platinum of various degrees of thickness, also with similar wires of iridio-platinum. Now if the platinum, when the vessel is opened, were found completely melted, this would be a proof that the temperature of explosion is considerably higher than the melting-point of that metal. In the experiments in which I have placed platinum wire or sheet in the explosion-vessel, although in nearly all cases the surfaces of the sheet or wire showed signs of fusion, there was only one instance in which the platinum was completely melted, and this was in the case of the explosion of a charge of Spanish powder, which, you will remember, in the heat INTERNAL BALLISTICS 415 experiments developed a larger qviantity of heat than any of the other powders. The conclusion I draw from the whole of these experiments with platinum and iridio-platinum is, that since in nearly every case the surface of the metal was melted, or showed signs of fusion, and since in one case (and that the case where we know the greatest heat was developed) the platinum did fully and entirely melt, we may conclude that with these powders the temperature is above the melting-point of platinum, but not very greatly above it. Now the melting-point of platinum is about 2000^ Cent., and of the iridio-platinum still higher. Hence, I should infer from these direct experiments that the temperature of explosion of powders like the W.-A. powders is between 2100° Cent, and 2200° Cent., thus confirming the theoretical determination to which I referred. The apparatus used for the determination of the tension or pressure existing in the closed cylinder at the moment of explosion is shown in diagram Fig. III., and its action is easily understood. The Fio. III. CRUSHER GAUGE gauge consists of a small chamber in which is placed a cylinder of copper of fixed dimensions and well-determined hardness. This copper cylinder is acted on by a piston of steel, the piston itself being acted on by the tension of the gases. The pressure corresponding to a given compression of the copper cylinder being known and registered in tables, it is only necessary after each explosion to ascertain the altered length of the small pillars. In the earlier experiments a 416 INTERNAL BALLISTICS single crusher-gauge only was employed ; but in nearly all the more recent experiments two or three gauges were used so as to check the accuracy of each determination. To ensure accurate results with these gauges, certain precautions under varying circumstances have to be carefully attended to, or pressures may be obtained which are very wide of the truth ; but as this subject is of great importance and has caused no inconsiderable amount of discussion, I shall endeavour to explain the conditions which under the indications given by the crusher-gauge may be safely relied on. It will be easily understood that if a pressure of, say, 20 tons per square inch is suddenly applied to the piston, and if this pressure be resisted by a copper pillar which initially is only capable of support- ing, without motion, a pressure of 4 tons per square inch, a certain amount of energy will be communicated to the piston, and the copper pillar when taken for measurement will have registered not only the gaseous tension, but, in addition, a pressure corresponding to the energy impressed upon the piston during its motion. To get rid of this disturbing cause, it has been found necessary, when high pressures are being measured, to employ cylinders which are capable of supporting, without motion, pressures very near to those which it is desired to measure. Thus, if it be desired to measure expected pressures of 15 tons per square inch, cylinders which would support 14 tons would be selected. If it were desired to measure 20 tons pressures, cylinders of between 18 and 19 tons per square inch would be taken, and so on. But there is another cause which may seriously affect the indica- tions given by the crusher-gauge. If we could suppose that an explo- sive was homogeneous, that it filled the chamber of the gim or explosion-vessel in which it was confined completely, that it could be instantaneously and simultaneously exploded right through its mass, and that when so converted into gas or other products of explosion there was no motion of any of the particles ; in that case, a properly adjusted crusher-gauge would give an accurate measurement of the pressure ; but the actual state of the case is very different. The explo- sive is generally hghted at a single point. The products of explo- sion are projected at a very high velocity, occasionally with large charges, through considerable spaces, and impress their energy upon any bodies with which they may come in contact. If that body happen to be the piston of a crusher-gauge, to the mean gaseous pressure existing in the chamljer will or may be added the pressure INTERNAL BALLISTICS 417 due to the action I have just explained. I may illustrate my mean- ing by asking you to imagine the effect of a charge of small shot fired into the crusher-gauge, — the products of explosion projected with a high velocity act in a precisely similar manner. But there is yet another point to consider. In the ignition of very large charges, especially when the explosive is transformed with great rapidity, it is a -priori in every way probable that in different sections of the chamber very different pressures may exist, and experi- ments have shown that this is the case. In such instances the crusher- gauges may give approximately the pressures that actually existed during an infinitesimal portion of time, but such pressures must not be taken as correctly indicating the pressure due to the density and temperature of explosion. It was to escape action of this sort that the very large grain slow-burning powders of the present day were elabo- rated, and with such powders the pressure in the powder-chamber is also tolerably uniform ; but with the old " brisante " powders a portion of the charge was exceedingly rapidly decomposed, the products of explosion were projected with a high velocity to the other end of the chamber, and on striking the shot or other resisting body this vis viva was reconverted into pressure, producing intense local pressures. When this intense local action was set up, it commonly happened that waves of pressure swept backwards and forwards from one end of the chamber to the other, and crusher -gauges placed at different points would register the maximum pressure of these waves as they You will fully understand — I must not detain you by going into great detail — that these high local pressures act only upon a small section of the chamber at the same instant, and therefore are not very serious as far as the radial strength of the gun is concerned. They are however exceedingly serious in breech-loading guns, as the breech screw or other breech arrangement has to sustain the full efiect of all such wave action as I have just been describing. In the " brisante " powders of many years ago it was frequently a matter of doubt whether or not this wave action would be set up; but to illustrate my remarks I give you an instance which I have before cited. In experiments with a 10-inch gun in which a rapidly lighting powder was used, two consecutive rounds were fired, in one of which wave action was set up, in the other not. The two rounds gave practically the same velocity, so that the mean pressure in the bore must have been the same ; but five crusher-gauges, three of which 2 D 418 INTERNAL BALLISTICS were in the powder-chamber, one in the shot-chamber, and one a few inches in front of the shot-chamber, gave the following results : — With wave action, 63-4, 41-6, 37-0, 41-9, and 25-8 tons per square inch. With no wave action, 28-0, 29-8, 30-0, 29-8, and 19-8 tons per square inch. Chronoscopic observations of the velocity were simultaneously taken in these two rounds, and were, as they ought to be, nearly identical. When experimenting with high explosives, I have found it necessary to use a special form of gauge; with guncotton, for example, which detonates with great readiness under certain con- ditions, the gauges were so formed as only to allow the gases to act on the piston after passing through an extremely small hole in a shield or cover protecting the piston. To illustrate the difference between a gauge protected as I have described, and a gauge such as that shown in Fig. 3, I need only refer to an experiment in which I employed four crusher-gauges, three of which had shielded pistons, and indicated pressures of respectively 32-4, 32-0, and 33-6 tons per square inch. The unshielded gauge, which was placed at the end of the chamber, and was free to receive the full energy of the wave action, indicated 47 tons per square mch, or over 7000 atmospheres. For similar reasons, although I do not deny that crusher-gauges placed in the chase of a gun may give valuable indications, I still consider that unless confirmed by independent means the accuracy of their results is not to be relied on. Where gases and other products of combustion are in extremely rapid motion, there is always a prob- ability of a portion of these products being forced into the gauge at a high velocity, when too high a pressure would be indicated, and there is a possibility that occasionally a pressure somewhat in defect might also be registered. The experiments made to determine the tension at various gravi- metric densities have been very numerous, and on the whole exceed- ingly accordant. The highest density at which I have been perfectly successful in retaining absolutely the products of combustion and obtaining a perfectly satisfactory determination has been unity. Even to obtain these I have at this density had several failures, all arising from the gas at one point or other succeeding in cutting its way out. It is worth while mentioning that although with such explosives as gun- INTERNAL BALLISTICS 419 cotton, cordite, ballistite, etc., the explosion-vessels have been subjected to much higher pressures than with gunpowder, the difficulty in retaining the products is not nearly so great. The reason probably is, that under the first violent action of the explosion, portions of the non-gaseous products are immediately forced between the surfaces intended to be closed by the pressure. Perfect closure is thus rendered impossible, and the destruction of the surfaces is an immediate consequence. The tensions obtained in the experiments with service-powders gave for a density of unity a pressure of about 6500 atmospheres, or 43 tons per square inch, the tensions at lower densities representing the pressures, and the axis of abscissae the densities. But, having determined the tensions by direct measurement, it became important to ascertain how far these tensions were in accord with those deduced from theoretical considerations. It is not possible for me here to explain to you the details of the calculations by which the formula connecting the density and the tension is arrived at; but I have placed the theoretical curve and that arrived at from actual experiment in juxtaposition in Fig. IV. (see p. 420), and you will note that the two are practically identical. The fi2;ures from which the curve is drawn are given in Table 6. Table 6. — Pressures in closed vessels observed and calculated. Density of products of combustion. Volumes of expansion. Pressures observed in explosion-vessels. Pressures calculated. Tons per sq. inch. Tons per sq. inch. 90 1-11 32-46 32-460 80 1-25 25-03 25-525 70 1-43 19-09 20-024 60 1-66 14-39 15-554 50 2-00 10-69 11-851 40 2-50 7-75 8-732 30 3-33 5-33 6-071 20 5-00 3-26 3-771 10 10-00 1-47 1-765 •05 20-00 0-70 -855 We are now in a position to give answers to the questions relating to gunpowder which I propounded to you a short time ago, and for the sake of clearness I shall give these answers categorically. I say, then, — 1. That the substances produced by the explosion of the different natures of gunpowder of which I have to-day spoken are shown in Table 2, and that they occur in the proportions there stated. 420 INTERNAL BALLISTICS 2. That, with service-powders, about 57 per cent, by weight of the products of explosion are non-gaseous. 3. That, with the same powders, about 43 per cent, of the products of explosion are in the form of permanent gases, and that these gases, at a temperature of 0° Cent, and at a barometric pressure of 760 mm., occupy about 280 times the volume of the unexploded powder. 4. That, at the moment of explosion, the non-gaseous products are in a liquid state. 5. That a gramme of dry ordinary service-powder, by its explosion, generates about 720 grm. -units of heat. Fio. IV. PRESSURES IN CLOSED VESSELS OBSERVED AND CALCULATED K a rs u ° a 16 V) 14 z O ,2 \ \ \ V, \ \ \ u e N1'\ ^ ^^^ :i:^ ft ~ "^"^ ^^^^ ^^^ -■^^■^ _ -0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 10 II 12 13 14. 15 16 17 IB 19 20 VOLUMES OF EXPANSION. 6. That at the moment of explosion the temperature of the products is about 2200° Cent, or nearly 4000° Fahr. 7. That the mean specific heat of the products of explosion at the temperature of explosion is about "31. 8. That the relation between the tension of the products of explosion and their mean density is as exhibited in the curve in Fig. IV. or Table 6. 9. That the changes produced in the products by a variation in the gravimetric density of the charge are slight — the one of most importance being the increase in the quantity of carbonic acid, and the corresponding decrease in carbonic oxide. 10. That the effect of changes in the chemical composition of gunpowder on its metamorphosis are very considerable, the propor- INTERNAL BALLISTICS 421 tions of the products, the quantity of heat, the amount of permanent gases, being all materially altered, but that these variations do not alter as much as might be expected the tension of the products in relation to the gravimetric density of the charge. 11. That the form and size of the grain affects to some extent the quantity of permanent gases formed, as well as the proportions in which the various products occur. Guncotton, known also as pyroxylin or trinitro-ceUulose, is prepared by submitting cotton to the action of a mixture of con- centrated nitric and sulphuric acids, a portion of the hydrogen in the cellulose being replaced by an equivalent quantity of nitric peroxide. The formula representing guncotton is given in Table 7, and in this table I have also given both the ultimate composition of gun- cotton and the metamorphosis which it undergoes on explosion. It is employed in several forms. For the most useful, the compressed, and for many other improvements in guncotton, we are indebted to the labours of Sir F. Abel. Several of the forms of guncotton are before me. Here is granulated guncotton, here is guncotton in yarns, strands, and ropes. Here it is in pellets, here in discs, here in slabs ; and in these last two forms it is generally used for military and industrial purposes. Table 7. — Showing the composition and metamorphosis of pellet guncotton. Composition. • Products of Explosion Carbon . 24-89 Carbonic anhydride . oxide . 0-424 Hydrogen . 2-69 0-280 Nitrogen . 13-04 Hydrogen . 0-011 Oxygen . 56-66 Nitrogen . 0-145 Ash . 0-36 Marsh-gas 0-003 Moisture . 2-36 Water 0-116 Formula-C6H73(NOo)05. Original moisture 0-021 I may explain that these last two specimens, which represent considerable quantities of guncotton, are wet, and perfectly safe unless treated in the manner I shall presently describe. Guncotton differs from gunpowder in this, that when fired, prac- tically the whole of its constituents assume the gaseous state, and the transformation is accompanied by a much higher temperature. Something is to be learned by observing the ignition. I fire here a piece of yarn ; observe the time that the flame takes to traverse the train. Here, again, is a strand : you will note that the ignition is much more rapid, while if I fire this piece of rope you will observe that the rapidity of combustion is so great as to amount almost to an explosion. The slowness of combustion of the yarn and strand gun- 422 INTERNAL BALLISTICS cotton is due to the ease with which the nascent products escape, so that no very high pressure is set up. The rapidity of combustion of the rope is due to the higher pressure arising from the greater compression and the much larger quantity of gas liberated in a given section. Were I, by using a few grains of fulminate of mercury, to produce a high initial pressure, the harmless ignition you have seen would be converted into an explosion of the most violent and destructive character. This disc I hold in my hand would blow a hole in a tolerably thick iron plate, and I need not say would make an end of myself and any who had the bad fortune to be very near me. One great advantage that guncotton possesses lies in the fact that we are able to keep it and use it in the wet state, and in that state to produce quite as effective an explosion as if it were dry. It is only necessary that a few ounces of dry guncotton be in close juxtaposition to the wet, and that the dry guncotton be detonated, as I have described, with a few grains of fulminate of mercury. I may mention as a curious fact that Sir F. Abel has shown, by means of a chronoscope I shall presently describe, that whereas the detonation of dry guncotton travels at the rate of about 18,000 feet a second, or about 200 miles a minute, the detonation of wet gun- cotton is at the rate of about 21,000 feet a second, or 240 miles a minute. When the fact is known, it is not difficult to understand the cause of this increased rapidity. The effect of pressure in increasing the rapidity of combustion of explosives may be very well illustrated by comparing the rapidity of combustion of pebble-powder under different circumstances. A pebble such as I hold in my hand is generally, in the bore of a gun, and under a pressure of from 15 to 20 tons per square inch, entirely consumed in less than the 200th part of a second. In free air the time taken for such a pebble to burn is about two seconds, and ioi vacuo it will not burn at all. A beautiful experiment for showing this phenomenon has been devised by Sir F. Abel, but for want of the necessary apparatus I am unable to show it here. In an exhausted receiver a platinum wire, which can be heated by an electric battery, is arranged, touching either gunpowder or guncotton. On raising the wire to a red heat the gunpowder or guncotton in contact with the wire burns, but the cooling effect of the immediate expansion of the gases is so great that the combustion is confined to the explosive in actual touch with the heated wire INTERNAL BALLISTICS 423 The effect of pressure in increasing the rapidity of combustion will enable you to understand the action of fulminate of mercury on guncotton, nitro-glycerine, picric acid, and other high explosives. I ought to explain that, destructive as are the effects of fired gun- powder, I should not myself include gunpowder in my list of true explosives. It is not Hke guncotton, nitro-glycerine, and other similar explosives, a definite chemical combination in a state of unstable equihbrium ; but it is merely an intimate mixture in proportions which, as you see from Table 1, may be varied to a very considerable extent, of those well-known substances, nitre, sulphur, and charcoal. These constituents do not, during the manufacture of the powder, undergo any chemical change, and being a mere mixture, gunpowder cannot be detonated; but it deflagrates or burns with great rapidity — that rapidity, as I have pointed out, varying largely with the pressure under which the explosion is taking place. Gun- cotton, on the other hand, when, by means of fulminate of mercury an extremely high local pressure has been set up, transmits that pressure to the adjacent guncotton with extreme rapidity. A charge of pebble-powder in a gun would be consumed in about the 200th part of a second, but a charge of 500 lbs. of these slabs would, if effectively detonated, be converted into gas in somewhere about the 20,000th part of a second. Eeverting again to Table 7, you will observe that carbonic anhydride, carbonic oxide, nitrogen, and water are the principal products of the decomposition of guncotton. The composition of these gases does not vary much with the pressure, but, as in gun- powder, with the higher pressures a larger proportion of carbonic anhydride is formed. The permanent gases, when reduced to 0° Cent, and 760 mm. barometric pressure, measure between two and three times the number of volimies given off by gunpowder, 1 grm. of guncotton generating about 730 c.c. of permanent gas, while the temperature of explosion is at least double that of gunpowder. From these data it is obvious that the tension of fired guncotton is very high, and, provisionally, I have placed it at about 120 tons per square inch, or nearly 20,000 atmospheres ; but all efforts actually to measure with any degree of accuracy these enormous pressures have so far proved futile. The highest pressure I myself have reached was, with a density of "55, about 70 tons per square inch ; but all the crusher-gauges used having been more or less destroyed, this measurement must be accepted with a good deal of reserve. I have experimented with so many varieties of amide powder 424 INTERNAL BALLISTICS which have differed considerably in their composition, that I would find difficulty in giving you in a few words the somewhat varied results obtained from them. I shall, therefore, take one only as a sample, and I select this because I shall have occasion, shortly, to refer to some results obtained with it. The powder in question consisted of a mixture of 40 per cent, of potassium nitrate, 38 per cent, of ammonium nitrate, and 22 per cent, of carbon. Its explosion generates a considerably larger quantity of permanent gases than ordinary powder, and the quantity of heat developed is also greater. The permanent gases consist of 30 per cent, of carbonic acid, 13 per cent, of carbonic oxide, 27 per cent, of hydrogen, and 30 per cent, of nitrogen. The powder cannot truly be called smokeless, but the smoke formed is much less dense and more rapidly dispersed than that of ordinary powder. Its potential energy, as I shall shortly show you, is also much higher, and it further, as far as my experiments on that subject have gone, appears to possess the invaluable property of eroding steel to a much less degree than any other powder with which I have experimented. The main objection to its extended use is the tendency to deliques- cence, arising from the use of ammonium nitrate in its composition, and necessitating the powder being kept in air-tight cases. As, however, at aU events on board ship, all powders are supposed to be so kept, I do not know that this undoubtedly serious objection would be an insurmountable difficulty if the other advantages of the powder should be fully established. I come now to the last class of explosive with which I shall trouble you. It is a new explosive, of which you have probably heard, known by the name of "Cordite," and for which we are indebted to Sir F. Abel and Professor Dewar. I have on the table several samples of this explosive. This, which you see looks like a thick thread, is for use in rifles. This size, a little thicker, is used in field guns. These two sizes, like thick cords, a resemblance to which they owe their name, are for 4-7-inch and 6 -inch guns. As with guncotton, I burn one or two lengths. Like guncotton, you will observe there is no smoke ; but, unlike guncotton, you will note that there is not the striking difference in the velocity of combustion that you observed with that explosive. I drew your attention to the power we possessed of detonating guncotton by means of fulminate of mercury. This property you will readily understand makes guncotton a most valuable explosive for torpedoes, INTERNAL BALLISTICS 425 or other cases where a maximum of explosive effect is desired ; but it imfits it for safe use in large charges in a gun, because under certain abnormal circumstances a detonation might be set up, when the failure of the gun would be the almost infallible consequence. It would be too much at present to say that under no condition is it possible to detonate cordite ; but I am able to say that at all events it is in a very high degree less susceptible to detonation than gun- cotton, and that so far, even by the use of fulminate with the charges with which I have experimented, I have not succeeded in detonating it. The explosive has other advantages ; it is, as you see, made in a form specially suitable for making into cartridges. It is not injured by being wetted. I dip it into water, and on removing the superficial water with my handkerchief to allow it to light, you see it burns much as before. The samples of cordite I have shown you consist approximately of 58 per cent, of guncotton, trinitro- and dinitro-cellulose, 37 per cent, of nitro -glycerine, and a small percentage of a hydrocarbon. From explosive experiments I have made, it has been found that the products of combustion, which are all gaseous, consist of approximately 27 per cent, of carbonic acid, 34 per cent, of carbonic oxide, 27 per cent, of hydrogen, and 12 per cent, of nitrogen, and to these permanent gases has to be added a considerable quantity of aqueous vapour. The volume of the permanent gases, at 0° Cent, and 760 mm. barometric pressure, is as nearly as possible 700 c.c. per gramme of cordite, while the quantity of heat developed is 1260 grm.-units. These figures show that the potential energy of this explosive must be very high, as will be demonstrated to you when I come to treat of its action in a gun. On the diagram Fig. V. I exhibit to you the pressures that I have measured with this explosive up to gravimetric densities of '55. For purposes of comparison, I have placed on the same diagram the corresponding curve for gunpowder, and you will note how with the cordite the pressures are much higher in relation to density. With this explosive I have made experiments at higher densities than are shown on the curve, and have in fact measured pressures up to 90 tons per square inch ; but certain anomalies and difficulties in the interpretation of the results prevent my relying on their exactness until confirmatory experiments have been made. I believe I mentioned to you that ballistite, an explosive of some- thing of the same nature as cordite, is now being introduced on the 426 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Continent for military purposes. In appearance it is very different, as you will see from the samples on the table ; but it possesses the same property of smokeless combustion. The gases generated are the same as those of cordite in somewhat different proportions, but their quantity is less, being about 615 c.c. per gramme, while the quantity of heat is higher, being 1356 grm. -units. The potential energy is somewhat less than that of cordite, and I have placed on the same diagram as the cordite the pressures with ballistite for different densities. I return to gunpowder, which we shall now consider under very different conditions, and shall study the behaviour of a charge when placed in the chamber of a gun, and allowed to act upon a projectile. Fio. V. pressures observed in closed vessels with \arious explosives. 65 fiD / ' fir / /. / > i = / 'X au ^-i^ ^ n? f^'^ TT ^ t' ^^ _^ ^ ^-^ ..-^ ^r ^ rW^^- J--^ p9>t ti^ IS ^ ' ^ ^ ■—^ - s "" ^ ' 1=T • lO -i 5 • 30 •; 55 •< -i 5 . 50 -S >5 •€ -C 5 -7 O • i> • 0. -8 DENSITY OF PRODUCTS OF EXPLOSION You will remember, and forgive me for repetition, that the charge when fully exploded, and at the moment of explosion, consists of about 57 per cent, of liquid products in an extremely 'fine state of division, and about 43 per cent, of permanent gases ; also that when the gravimetric density of the charge is unity the tension when unrelieved by expansion is 6770 atmospheres, or 43 tons per square inch. Let us suppose in the first instance that the gravimetric density of the charge is unity, and that the charge is entirely consumed before the projectile is removed from its seat. Now under these circumstances, if we represent the relation between the tension and volume occupied by that charge in the bore by a curve, representing the tensions by the ordinates, the volumes or the distances travelled INTERNAL BALLISTICS 427 by the shot corresponding to these volumes by the abscissae, you will at once see that the curve will be of the form shown in the diagram Fig. IV. This curve, in fact, is the same as that indicated in the diagram Fig. V., and represents the relation between the tensions and densities of the products of combustion, where the gases expand without cooling or production of work ; but the densities, instead of being as in the former curve taken as the independent or equicrescent variable, are here dependent on the volume, or numbers of expansions occupied by the charge in the bore, these expansions in this instance being taken as the independent variable. The maximum tension under the circumstances supposed would, as I have said, be 43 tons per square inch, but the tensions at other points would not, for reasons I shall explain later on, be as great as are shown on this curve. But many of you are aware that in reality, and especially with the slow-burning powders now introduced for large guns, we cannot consider the charge to be instantaneously exploded, and although the determination of a theoretic curve of pressures to include the first moments of combustion would be a work of the very greatest difficulty, it is yet tolerably easy to see what the general form of this curve of pressures must be. The charge of powder is generally ignited at a single point. No doubt, especially with pebble, P2, or prismatic powders, the flame is very rapidly communicated to all the grains, pebbles, or prisms. In each individual pebble, supposing it to be ignited on the whole of its surface, the burning surface is of course a maximum at its first ignition ; but the quantity of gases generated will depend so much on the pressure at any particular moment, that it does not necessarily follow that the greatest quantity of gas is given off at the moment when there is the largest burning surface. Be this as it may, however, it is obvious that before the charge is fuUy consumed there will be a great decrement in the quantity of gases given off, unless, as in prismatic and some other powders, arrangements are made by means of holes to keep as large as possible the ignited surfaces, or unless the interior of the large pebbles is composed of more explosive and easily broken up material. The pressure, then, when the charge is ignited commences, with muzzle-loading guns, at zero; with breech loading-guns, with a pressure of 2 to 4 tons per square inch, or with whatever pressure may be necessary to force the driving-ring of the projectile into the grooves and into the bore of the gun. The pressure increases at an 428 INTERNAL BALLISTICS extremely rapid rate until the maximum increment is reached. It still goes on increasing, but at a rate gradually becoming slower, until the maximum tension is reached, and this tension is attained when the increase of density of the gases due to the combustion of the powder is just balanced by the decrease of density due to the motion of the projectile. After the maximum tension is reached the pressure decreases, at first very rapidly, subsequently slower and slower. Now, if these variations in pressure be represented by a curve, it is easy to see that the curve will commence at the origin by being convex to the axis of the abscissae. It will then become concave, then convex, and will finally be asymptotic to the axis of x. It will be in general form similar to the gun-pressure curve shown on the diagram Fig. VI. Fig. VI. DIAGRAM SHOWING THE FORMS OF PRESSURE AND VELOCITY CURVES IN A GUN, AND OF CURVE OF PRESSURES IN A CLOSED VESSEL. \ """" " "^ \ IML/M 19- OVON ■RESSUf s )9 ^ . / \ \ - 5!r / \ ^ ..oOi i — —' / \ \ % &^ \ \ ^^ \ \ ^^ \ / \^ < IZ y\ M>. 1200* 3 ,, / . ^ / \ 1000] fA 1 / \ '"/^ """^e \ , «00 FS^ ^^^f. ^UNrr. 0. 7 *^. ■~-~ia 6 600 -^■^ ^/., ■=^ 5^£ "S / ^^r t____^ / i^OO ^iC^c 1- 7 / ~~-— -_ / 200 — -^__ C ) 1 FE ET 1 -RAVE i A L F SH or 1 N. B J 3 OF C 1 UN, 3 1 1 1. 2 13 13 i In like manner, the curve representing the velocity in the bore of a gun would commence by being convex to the axis of abscissae. It will then become concave, and were the bore long enough, would be finally asymptotic to a line parallel to the axis of x. The velocity curve is shown in the same diagram, Fig. VI. Such, then, would be the general form of these curves. Let me now describe to you the means which have been taken to obtain the data necessary for the construction of such curves by actual observation. INTERNAL BALLISTICS 429 It is obvious that if we desired to know the pressure exercised by the gases on the projectile at various points of the bore, the velocities of the projectiles at the same points, and the times taken by the projectile to reach these points from the commencement of motion, there are two courses open to us. We may either, first by suitably prepared gauges (if it be possible to construct such gauges) determine the pressure at various points of the bore, from the pressures deduce the velocities, and thence the times, or we may follow the inverse method. We may measure the times at which the projectile passes certain known points in the bore. From these times we may calcu- late the corresponding velocities, and finally calculate the pressures necessary to produce these velocities at all points along the bore. Now, both these methods have been followed, and I shall endeavour to describe the instruments and methods in as few words as possible. To Eodman, as far as I know, is due the merit of having first used a pressure-gauge to determine the pressure in the bore of a gun. Eodman's own experiments with his gauge are, however, as I have elsewhere shown, unreliable, his pressures being generally much higher than any possible actual pressures, since the pressures given by him as existing at various points along the bore would, if assumed to act on the projectile, give energies in some cases nearly three times as great as .in reality. In this country the crusher-gauge I have already described is almost universally employed. The results it gives are, with proper precautions, reliable when the gauge is placed in the chamber ; but it cannot, as I have endeavoured to explain, be depended upon with any accuracy when placed in positions where the products of explo- sion are moving at a high velocity. Two methods have been employed for obtaining the pressure by the inverse method. One method consisted in shortening the gun by successive calibres, and at each length determining the velocity imparted to the projectile by the same charge. This method, however, is a very rude one, and is open to several very serious objections, and a preferable method is to measure the time at which the projectile passes certain fixed points in the bore. To effect this object a chronograph was employed, with certain peculiarities of construction designed to measure very minute inter- vals of time. This instrument is shown in the diagrams Figs. VII.. VIII., and IX. 430 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Fia. VITI, END ELEVATION. It consists of a series of thin discs, each 36 inches in circum- ference, made to rotate at a very high and uniform velocity through the train of wheels F by means of a heavy descending weight B, arranged, to avoid an inconvenient length of chain, upon a plan originally proposed by Huyghens, the weight being, during the experiment, continually wound up by the handle C, and thus the instrument can be made to travel either quite uniformly or at a rate very slowly increasing or decreasing. The speed with which the circumference of the discs travels is usually about 1200 inches per second ; an inch, therefore, represents the 1200th part of a second; and as by means of a vernier we are able to divide the inch into 1000 parts, the instru- ment is capable of recording less than the one millionth part of a second. You will appreciate the extreme minute- ness of this portion of time, if I point out that the millionth of a second is about the same fraction of a second that a second is of a fortnight. The precise rate of the discs is ascertained by means of the in- termediate shaft, which in the earlier arrangement worked a stop clock, but in the more recent, by means of a relay, registers the revolutions on a subsidiary chronoscope (each revolution of the intermediate shaft corresponding to 200 revolutions of the discs), upon which subsidiary chronoscope a chronometer, also by means of a relay, registers seconds. The recording arrangement is as follows. The peripheries of the discs we cover with specially prepared paper, and each disc is provided with an induction coil. You are aware that when the primary of an induction coil is suddenly, severed, a spark, under proper management, is given off from the secondary, and in the arrangement I am describing the severance of the primary is caused INTERNAL BALLISTICS 431 by the shot in its passage through the bore, and as each successive wire is cut the induction coils record on their own discs the instant at which the shot cuts the wire, that is, passes the particular point with which the primary wire is connected. To prevent confusion, there is delineated in the diagram only a single induction coil and cell ; but you will understand that there is an induction coil for each disc, and that each disc, discharger, and cell form, so to speak, independent instruments for recording the Fia. IX. SIDE ELEVATION. instant when the projectile passes a certain point in the bore of the gun. The diagram will give you an idea of the manner in which the primary wires are conveyed to the interior of the gun. By experiments with which I need not now trouble you, I have found that when the instrument is in good working order the probable instrumental error of a single observation does not exceed from two to three miUionths of a second. Let me now give you some of the actual results obtained by the means I have just described. I have given you a short account of two or three of the more 432 INTERNAL BALLISTICS modern explosives — I mean amide powder, cordite, and ballistite — and have, I fear, somewhat wearied you with the details into which I have gone in respect to the old powder. Now on this diagram. Fig. X., are exhibited the results obtained with three of these powders, all fired from the same gun, under the same conditions, with approximately the same maximum pressures ; but, as you see, with very different results as regards velocity and energy. You will note that the axis of abscissae. Ox, denotes the length of Vw. X. CURVES FROM CHRONOSCOPE co?.93:^-^-- ..ajfP- .2036.. B.-"""'..„A.^-''''-: ....IP.??- ...- .Bn--- PEBBLE il7 ,--' ..--".-— b; U Z 16 A o^^->5-'''' '''''''' e ^^^ '^ ^ IS 111 E 11 5,2 t\ S^^' .^<:^^ ^^^ -A^ S.^ wC ^ ^>^0^^ ■ II V^.-* K <-^ ^ ^ 10 Av% ^- ^■^^ '/ \2»^ \> ^ ^-^ Z il / Wv^ f 3 O :!• x\/*^ t- 7 '/'•' >yy V ^ 2 6 ! /yy^ \ ^\^^ " 5 '' /y \ ^\^C, u u 1 A ^. ■\. _I 0:4 ^3 r ^\ ^ ^ ^^«a ^ N 2 2 m "~--C!^!;;^ ^^^i:::::::;:;--^,^ S I' J\\ PL UCS 1 N CUN 1 £ 1 3 ~ /2 3 -. .5 , e ^ e g > A ^0 1 2 J 4 5- 6 / a 3 10 «/ /2 ■ a «4 FEI :t TR AVEL OF ■ Sl- OT the l3ore of the gun traversed by the shot under the action of the explosion, and that the ordinates to the crosses on the curves A^, A,, Ag denote the times occupied by the shot in reaching the various points shown. The total time taken by the shot in traversing the whole bore is "01 second in the case of pebble-powder, -0095 seconds with amide powder, and '009 seconds with cordite. The velocities at all points of the bore are indicated by the curves Bp B,, Bg, and you see that the muzzle velocity of ordinary powder is 1839 feet per second, of amide powder 2036 feet per second, and cordite 2150 feet per second. INTERNAL BALLISTICS 433 In like manner, the pressures at all points of the bore are shown by the curves C^, C2, C3. Observe that the maximum pressure with pebble-powder is 16 "4 tons per square inch, with amide powder 16 tons per square inch, and with cordite 14*4 tons per square inch. The area between the curves C, the axis of abscissae Ox, and the ordinate at the muzzle represent for each curve the energy developed by that explosive in the bore. It is easy by mere inspection to see that the total energy of the amide powder and of the cordite is much higher than that developed by the pebble ; but if we make the required calculations and put the result in figures, we shall find that the energy developed by the pebble-powder was 1055 foot-tons, by the amide 1293 foot-tons, and by the cordite 1435 foot-tons, or, with less maximum pressure, nearly 40 per cent, higher than in the case of pebble-powder, and an examination of the pressure curves will show in what portions of the bore this great additional energy is reaHsed. It is important to observe that these greatly higher energies developed by the modern powders are obtained with considerably reduced charges, the weight of the charge of amide powder being reduced to 85 per cent., and of cordite to 47 per cent, of that used when the service pebble-powder is employed. These results have been obtained by actual experiment, and it remains to ascertain what accordance there is between them and what we have a right to expect from theoretical considerations. Taking, again, gunpowder as our illustration ; Hutton appears to have been the first person who attempted anything like a theoretical explanation of the action of gunpowder on a projectile, but he not unnaturally fell into the error of assuming that the whole of the products were in a gaseous state, and, further, that their tension was directly proportional to the density, and inversely as the space they occupied. In other words, he supposed that the gases in expanding and performing work accomplished that work without expenditure of heat. De Saint Eobert, who was the first to apply to the question the modern theory of thermo-dynamics, corrected Hutton's error, but, like Hutton, he assumed that the whole of the products were in a gaseous state, and, as gases, doing work on the projectile. Bunsen and Schischkoff, in their well-known researches on gun- powder, pointed out that although it was probable that there might be a slight volatilisation of the solid products, yet it was in the highest degree improbable that such volatilisation would ever reach a single atmosphere of pressure, and that any effect on the projectile 2 E 434 INTERNAL BALLISTICS would be perfectly insignificant. They therefore, in their calculations, disregarded the solid residue altogether, and calculated the total work which gunpowder is capable of perforndng on the assumption that such work is done by the expansion of the gases alone without addition or subtraction of heat, and that, in fact, the non-gaseous products played no part in the expansion. The effect of these erroneous assumptions was that the tensions calculated on De Saint Eobert's hypothesis were considerably higher (for given densities) than those which were observed in a close vessel where the gases expand without production of work, while the tensions calculated on Bunsen and Schischkoff's hypothesis were greatly in defect, not only when the tensions were taken from those observed in a close vessel, but also in defect of the pressures actually observed in the bores of guns. At an earlier stage in the researches carried on by Sir F. Abel and myself, I came to the conclusion, when I found that the pressures deduced from experiments in close vessels did not differ so much as I anticipated from those taken in the bores of guns, that this departure from expectation was probably due to the heat stored up in the liquid residue ; and it must be noted that this liquid residue being in an exceedingly finely divided state, and thoroughly mixed up with gases, constitutes a source of heat of the most perfect character, immediately available for compensating the cooling effect due to the expansion of the gases when employed in the production of work. On correcting the assumptions I have referred to, and calculating the tensions that would exist in the bore of a gun, it was found that the anomalies to which I have drawn your attention were entirely removed, and that theory and observation were in accord, the pressures obtained with Waltham-Abbey powder being, even while the densities were still very high, not greatly removed from the theoretic curve, while when the powder may be considered entirely consumed the two curves slide into one another, and for all practical purposes become coincident. In my address to the mechanical section of the British Association I drew attention to the extraordinary stagnation that had existed in guns and artillery during a period of more than two centuries — a stagnation that was the more remarkable because the mind of this country during the long period of the Napoleonic and earlier wars must have been to a large extent fixed on everything connected with our Naval and Military Services. INTERNAL BALLISTICS 435 It is not too much to say that the changes and improvements in artillery made during the ten years that followed the Crimean "War far exceeded in importance all the improvements made during the previous 200 years. What the future may produce it is difficult to say ; but to show you that during the last ten or fifteen years great progress has been made both in guns and the explosives which are used in them, I draw your attention to the results obtained from a 7-inch 7-ton rifled gun of fifteen years ago and those obtained from a 6-inch 6|-ton quick- firing gun with a charge of cordite. To show you the difference in the appearance of the guns, I have placed side by side half sections of Fio. XI. COMPARISON BETWEEN A 7-INCH OLD GUN AND A 6-INCH NEW GUN 2680 TEET FER-'St'cONil ^^^.^^y'-'--' r ^X ,,-""" IStl FEET PER SECOND / \- ' ^^^»^ / ''' V ^^-^^ W \^<.,^^^ ■~-~~-«as . —- -___ }i ^"~^~.^,.,^_^ 1 , the two guns (see Fig. XI.). Note the difference in the length of the guns. Taking first the velocity curves, note the enormous difference in velocity, the old gun having a velocity of 1560 feet per second, while no less than 2680 feet per second were realised with the 6-inch. But the energy of the projectile shows in the most striking way the difference between the guns. The maximum pressure being about the same, the energy of the 7-inch projectile is only 1943 foot-tons, while that of the 6-inch gun is 5000 foot-tons, or not far off three times as great. To emphasise what I have said as to the magnitude of the advances in artillery that have been made since 1856, it is enough to point out that smce that date the charges of gunpowder fired in guns have 436 INTERNAL BALLISTICS increased from 16 to 1000 lbs., the weights of the projectiles from 68 to 2000 lbs., the velocities from 1600 feet per second to 2700 feet per second,* and the energies developed in the projectiles from 1100 foot- tons to 62,000 foot-tons. In referring to the diagram to which I just now called your atten- tion, I pointed out the great difference in the length of the two guns compared, but I am bound to admit that as a thermo-dynamic machine the old guns were more economical than the new ones ; the reason being, that as the charges are proportionally much larger in the new ones, the tension of the gas at the muzzle is also larger, and the products are discharged with a larger proportion of their total energy unrealised. It may interest you to know what this total energy amounts to. Knowing the permanent gases formed, knowing also the specific heats and the tensions at the moment of explosion, the ordinary laws of thermo-dynamics enable us to calculate the total energy which will be developed. In the case of gunpowder the calculation is somewhat complicated by the large proportion of non-gaseous products, but, as I have else- where shown, with certain modifications the ordinary laws are appli- cable, and the total energy obtainable if the charge be indefinitely expanded is about 34,000 kilogrammetres per kilogramme of powder or, in English measure, nearly 500 foot-tons per pound of powder. Cordite would give, approximately, under the same conditions, a total energy four times as great, or, say, 2000 foot-tons per pound of cordite. When we consider the destructive effects realisable by even a small charge of gunpowder, it is somewhat surprising to reflect that this potential energy of gunpowder is only about one- tenth of that of one pound of coal, and is not even equal to the energy stored up in the carbon which forms one of its own constituents. At the same time, it must not be forgotten that the gunpowder has stored up in it the oxygen necessary for the oxidation of its carbon and other oxidisable substances, while one pound of carbon, in burning to carbonic acid, has to draw from the air nearly 3 lbs. of oxygen. You may, possibly, desire to know what proportion of the total theoretic work of gunpowder is realised in modern artillery. * Were it necessary, with our new explosives still higher velocities and energies might be obtained. The highest possible veloc-ity, however, interesting as it may be in a scientific, is not always desirable in a practical point of view. INTERNAL BALLISTICS 437 A gun being, as I have said, an extremely simple form of the thermo-dynamic engine, the coefficient of effect is high. The actual energy realised varies considerably, dependent on circumstances, but may be taken as something between 50 and 90 foot-tons per pound of powder, or, say, from about one-tenth to one-fifth of the total theo- retic effect. The average coefficient of effect, comparing the energy expressed in the projectile with that due to the expansion of the gases, may, I think, be taken as somewhere near 80 per cent. It rarely falls below 70 per cent., and, occasionally, with large guns and charges, is considerably above 90 per cent. But I must conclude, and conclude as I began, by emphasising the indebtedness of my own department, as well as of nearly all depart- ments of knowledge, to the great man whose anniversary my lecture to-night is intended to commemorate. It must ever be a subject of pride to this country that the two inventions — I mean the steam engine and the locomotive — which in my judgment have done far more than any other which can be named to advance civilisation and the welfare of the human race, are due to her sons. These inventions have for some generations brought to this country great wealth, and employment for thousands upon thousands. But other nations are now running us close, and unless the patient industry, laborious search after truth, and energy in overcoming difficulties, which were the distinguishing characteristics of James Watt and George Stephenson, be preserved in some degree among all classes in the generation which shall carry on our work, the days of England's manufacturing pre-eminence are numbered. In the following table I have given the values of certain constants which are of common occurrence in questions connected with " Internal Ballistics." Tliis table requires no explanation, but to it I have added some other tables which I have calculated, and which in my own work I have found exceedingly useful. These tables are as follow : — First, a table giving the work in foot- tons that 1 lb. of service gunpowder is capable of performing, in expanding from a volume whose gravimetric density is unity, to any given number of volumes, up to forty. As an example of the use of this table, suppose that in an 8-inch gun, a charge of 100 lbs. of powder, with a gravimetric density of unity, is fired, and suppose further, that the number of expansions that this charge suffers, when the base of the projectile reaches the muzzle, is 4*29; what is the 438 INTERNAL BALLISTICS maximum energy that the powder is capable of generating ? From the table it will be seen that the work corresponding to an expansion of 4-29 volumes is 85'068 foot-tons per lb. of powder, and as the charge is supposed to be 100 lbs., the maximum energy, under the conditions stated, which that charge would be capable of generating, would be 8506'8 foot-tons. The maximum effect is of course never realised, and for proved powders a factor of effect is generally approximately known. If we suppose this factor to be 0-84; then 8506-8 x 0-84= 7145-7 foot- tons represents the energy which will be realised. Should the density not be unity, a correction has to be made. Thus if the gravimetric density of the charge were 0-87, which density corresponds to 1-15 volumes of expansion, from the value 85'068 foot-tons per lb. of powder given above, would have to be subtracted* 12-625 foot-tons, the energy due to the expansion of 1*15 volumes, the maximum energy realisable would be (85-068-12-625) 100 = 7244-3 foot-tons, while assuming the same factor of effect, the energy which would be actually realised would be 6085 foot-tons. The second table gives the energy in foot-tons stored up in 1 lb. in weight, moving at any velocity, up to 3000 feet per second. For example, if we desired to know the energy stored up in a 100-lb. shot moving with a velocity of 2182 feet per second, from the table we see that that energy is 3301-4 foot-tons; or if we wished to know the velocity with which a projectile 200 lbs. weight, possessing 7145-7 foot-tons energy, was moving, —„-^ = 35-7285, and from the table >dJ' o' 200 the velocity required is 2270 feet per second. Tables 3 and 4 differ from Tables 2 and 1 only in the metre and kilogramme being employed to replace the foot and pound as the units of length and weight. Table 5 is for converting cubic inches per pound of powder into densities and volumes, and vice versd. * See Phil. Trans, of the Roy. Soc, part i., 1880. INTERNAL BALLISTICS 439 ft 3 I i « o.' s 1 1 o a tS ^ d .5 £ Hi II S 2 a s _ 3 a ■a o o a , C3 « _• =3 CS a g I .S c s'-a .a £ o a a a ^ -M c3 ei c4 J-! aa "2 ^ 6 d C» CD O 0-^'*ClCa >p^ .|^«iii.|; s s a S :b M 6 £1. a II o o o o a O O Pi Pi H Ph O a d O O • S . a ■s a -ti -ti o o d g S M-g^ § a a S <4-. O o a §3 :ti ^ ^ .^^ »_ a^ K .- .ii a a a -a -5 ^ a O O Pi Oh 3Q Pi 440 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Table shoioing the work in foot-tons that 1 lb. of gunpowder is capable of performing in expanding from volume = \, to any given number of volumes up to 40. i •00 •01 ■02 •03 •04 •05 •06 •07 •08 •09 I Work in Foot-tons. Work in Foot-tons. 1 1 2 0-000 8-852 16-063 •978 9-637 16-716 1-934 10-406 17-359 2-868 11-160 17-992 3-780 11-899 18-614 4-672 12-625 19-226 5-545 13-338 19-828 6-399 14-038 20-420 7-234 14-725 21 -003 8-051 15-400 21-577 3 4 5 •22-142 27-380 31-986 22-699 27-867 32-417 23-248 28-348 32-843 23-789 28-823 33-264 24-323 29-291 33-681 24-850 29-753 34-093 25-370 30-211 34-500 25-882 30-663 34-903 26-388 31-109 35-301 26-887 31-550 35-695 6 7 8 36-086 39-778 43-133 36-473 40-128 43-452 36-855 40-474 43-769 37-233 40-817 44-083 37-608 41-156 44-394 37-979 41-493 44-703 38-346 41-827 45-009 38-709 42-158 45-313 39-069 42-486 45-614 39-425 42-811 45-913 2 9 1 46-209 49-050 51-673 46-503 49-321 51-927 46-795 49-590 52-179 47-085 49-857 52-429 47-372 50-121 52-677 47-657 50-383 52-923 47-940 50-643 53-167 48-221 50-902 53-410 48-500 51-160 53-652 48-776 51-417 53-893 3 4 54-132 56-439 58-605 54-370 56-662 58-814 54-606 56-883 59-022 54-840 57-103 59-229 55-073 57-322 59-435 55-304 57-539 59-639 55-534 57-755 59-842 55-762 57-970 60-044 55-989 58-183 60-245 56-215 58-395 60-444 5 6 7 60-642 62-563 64-385 60-839 62-750 64-562 61-035 62-936 64-738 61-230 63-121 64-913 61-424 63-304 65-088 61-616 63-486 65-262 61-807 63-667 65-435 61-997 63-848 65-607 62-186 64-028 65-778 62-375 64-207 65-949 3 8 9 66-119 67-771 69-347 66-288 67-932 69-501 66-456 68-092 69-654 66-623 68-251 69-806 66-789 68-410 69-958 66-955 68-568 70-109 67-120 68-725 70-259 67-284 68-882 70-409 67-447 68-938 70-558 67-609 69-093 70-706 1 2 3 70-854 72-301 73-690 71-001 72-442 73-826 71-148 72-583 73-962 71-294 72-723 74-097 71-440 72-863 74-231 71-585 73-002 74-365 71-730 73-141 74-498 71-874 73-279 74-631 72-017 73-417 74-764 72-159 73-554 74-896 4 5 6 75-027 76-315 77-553 75-158 76-441 77-674 75-289 76-566 77-795 75-419 76-691 77-916 75-548 76-816 78-036 75-677 76-940 78-156 75-805 77-064 78-275 75-933 77-187 78-394 76-061 77-310 78-513 76-188 77-432 78-631 7 8 9 78-749 79-905 81-024 78-866 80-019 81-134 78-983 80-132 81-244 79-100 80-245 81-353 79-216 80-357 81-462 79-332 80-469 81-570 79-447 80-581 81-678 79-562 80-692 81-786 79-677 80-803 81-893 79-791 80-914 82-000 4 82-107 83-157 84-176 82-213 83-260 84-276 82-319 83-363 84-376 82-425 83-466 84-476 82-530 83-568 84-575 82-635 83-670 84-674 82-740 83-772 84-773 82-845 83-873 84-872 82-949 83-974 84-970 83-053 84-075 85-068 3 4 5 85-166 86-128 87-064 85-263 86-223 87-156 85-360 86-317 87-248 85-457 86-411 87-340 85-554 86-505 87-432 85-650 86-599 87-523 85-746 86-692 87-614 85-842 86-785 87-705 85-938 86-878 87-795 86-033 86-971 87-885 6 7 8 87-975 88-861 89-724 88-065 88-948 89-809 88-154 89-035 89-894 88-243 89-122 89-979 88-332 89-209 90-063 88-421 89-295 90-147 88-509 89-381 90-231 88-597 89-467 90-315 88-685 89-553 90-399 88-773 89-639 90-482 5 9 1 90-565 91-385 92-186 90-648 91-466 92-265 90-731 91-547 92-344 90-814 91-628 92-423 90-896 91-708 92-501 90-978 91-788 92-579 91-060 91-868 92-657 91-142 91-948 92-735 91-223 92-028 92-813 91-304 92-107 92-891 2 3 4 92-968 93-732 94-479 93-045 93-807 94-553 93-122 93-882 94-627 93-199 93-957 94-701 93-276 94-032 94-774 93-352 94-107 94-847 93-428 94-182 94-920 93-504 94-257 94-993 93-580 94-331 95-066 93-656 94-405 95-138 •00 •01 •02 •03 •04 •05 •p6 •07 •08 •09 INTERNAL BALLISTICS 441 Table shoxmng the work hi foot-tons that 1 lb. of f/unpowder, etc. — continued. Work in Foot-tons. Work in Foot-tons. 95-210 95-925 96-625 97-310 97-981 99-282 99-915 100-536 101-145 101-744 102-333 102-912 103-480 104-038 104-586 105-125 105-655 106-176 106-688 107-192 107-688 108-177 108-659 109-133 109-600 110-060 110-514 110-962 111-404 111-840 112-270 112-695 113-114 113-528 113-937 114-341 114-739 115-133 115-521 115-905 116-284 95-282 95-996 96-694 97-378 98-047 98-703 99-346 99-978 100-598 101-205 101-803 102-391 102-969 103-536 104-093 104-640 105-178 105-708 106-228 106-739 1U7-242 107-737 108-226 108-707 109-180 109-646 110-106 110-559 111-007 111-448 111-883 112-313 112-737 113-156 113-569 113-978 114-381 114-779 115-172 115-559 115-943 116-322 116-659 116-696 116-733 117-029 117-066 117-103 117-395 117-432 117 95-354 96-066 96-763 97-446 98-113 98-768 99-410 100-041 100-659 101-265 101-862 102-449 103-026 103-592 104-148 104-694 105-231 105-760 106-280 106-790 107-292 95-426 96-136 96-832 97-513 98-179 98-833 99-474 100-103 100-721 101-325 101-921 102-507 103-083 103-648 104-203 104-748 105-284 105-812 106-331 106-841 107-342 109-227 109-692 110-152 110-604 111-051 111-492 111-926 112-356 112-779 113-197 113-610 114-018 114-421 114-818 115-211 115-598 115-981 116-359 95-498 96-206 96-901 97-580 98-245 99-537 100-165 100-782 101-385 101-980 102-565 103-140 103-704 104-258 104-802 105-3.37 105-864 106-382 106-892 107-392 95-570 96-276 96-970 97-647 98-311 98-962 99-600 100-227 100-843 101-445 102-039 102-623 103-197 103-760 104-313 104-856 105-390 105-916 95-641 96-346 97-038 97-714 98-377 99-026 99-663 100-289 100-904 101-505 102-098 102-681 103-254 103-816 104-368 104-910 105-443 105-968 106-433 106-484 106-942 106-992 107-442 107-492 107-786 107-835 107-884 107-933 108-274 108-323 108-371 108-419 108-755 108-803 108-851 108-898 109-274 109-738 110-198 110-649 111-096 111-536 111-969 112-399 112-821 113-239 113-651 114-059 114-461 114-858 115-250 115-636 116-019 116-397 116-770 117-140 117-505 109-321 109-784 110-244 110-694 111-140 111-580 112-012 112-442 112-863 113-280 113-692 114-099 114-501 114-897 115-289 115-675 116-057 116-434 116-807 117-176 117-541 109-368 109-830 110-289 110-739 111-184 111-624 112-055 112-485 112-905 113-322 113-733 114-140 114-541 114-937 115-328 115-713 116-095 116-472 116-844 117-213 117-577 107-982 108-467 108-945 109-415 109-876 110-334 110-784 111-228 111-668 112-098 112-527 112-947 113-363 113-774 114-180 114-581 114-976 115-367 115-752 116-133 116-509 116-881 117-249 117-613 95-712 96-416 97-106 97-781 98-443 99-090 99-726 100-351 100-965 101-565 102-157 102-739 103-311 103-872 104-423 104-964 105-496 106-020 106-535 107-042 107-541 108-031 108-515 108-992 109-462 109-922 110-379 110-829 111-272 111-711 112-141 112-569 112-989 113-405 113-815 114-221 114-621 115-016 115-405 115-790 116-171 116-547 116-918 117-286 117-649 95-783 96-486 97-174 97-848 98-508 99-154 100-413 101-025 101-625 102-216 102-797 103-368 103-928 104-478 105-018 105-549 106-072 106-586 107-092 107-590 108-080 108-563 109-039 109-508 109-968 110-424 110-873 111-316 111-754 112-184 112-611 113-031 113-446 113-856 114-261 114-660 115-055 115-444 115-829 116-209 116-584 116-955 117-332 117-685 113-487 113-897 114-301 114-700 115-094 115-482 115-867 116-247 116-622 116-992 117-359 117-721 442 NTERNAL BALLISTICS Table showinf/ the loork in foot-tons that 1 lb. of c/unpowder, etc. — continued. Work in Foot-tons. Work in Foot-ton.s 10-0 11 VI 13 14 If. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 117-757 121-165 124-239 127-036 129-602 131-970 134-168 136-218 138-138 139-944 141-647 143-258 144-788 146-242 147-629 148-960 150-232 151-452 152-622 153-743 154-819 155-857 156-856 157-824 158-771 159-678 160-556 161-411 162-241 163-046 118-114 121-486 124-531 127-302 129-846 132-195 134-382 136-413 138-326 140-117 141-813 143-415 144-937 146-383 147-765 149-090 150-356 151-571 152-736 153-852 154-925 155-959 156-954 157-919 158-863 159-767 160-643 161-495 162-323 163-125 118-468 121-804 124-820 127-566 130-089 132-419 134-594 136-608 138-513 140-289 141-977 143-571 145-085 146-524 147-900 149-219 150-480 151-690 152-850 153-961 155-030 156-060 157-052 158-014 158-955 159-856 160-729 161-579 162-404 163-204 118-818 122-119 125-107 127-828 130-330 132-642 134-804 136-802 138-698 140-461 142-140 143-726 145-233 146-664 148-035 149-348 150-603 151-808 152-963 154-069 155-135 156-161 157-150 158-108 159-046 159-944 160-815 161-663 162-485 163-283 119-164 122-431 125-391 128-088 130-570 132-863 135-012 136-995 138-881 140-632 142-302 143-880 145-380 146-803 148-169 149-476 150-726 151-926 153-076 154-177 155-239 156-262 157-247 158-202 159-137 160-032 160-901 161-746 162-566 163-361 119-506 122-739 125-671 128-346 130-809 133-083 135-218 137-187 139-063 140-803 142-463; 144-033 145-526 146-942 148-302 149-603 150-848 152-043 153-188 154-285 155-343 156-362 157-344 158-296 159-228 160-120 160-987 161-829 162-647 163-439 119-845 123-045 125-949 128-602 131-040 133-302 135-422 137-379 139-243 140-973 142-623 144-186 145-671 147-080 148-435 149-730 150-970 152-160 153-300 154-393 155-447 156-461 157-441 158-390 159-319 160-208 161-072 161-912 162-727 163-517 120-180 123-347 126-224 128-856 131-281 133-520 135-624 137-570 139-421 141-143 142-782 144-338 145-815 147-218 148-567 149-856 151-091 152-276 153-411 154-500 155-550 156-560 157-537 158-483 159-409 160-295 161-157 161-995 162-807 163-595 120-512 123-646 126-507 129-107 131-513 133-737 135-824 137-760 139-597 141-312 142-941 144-489 145-958 147-355 148-699 149-982 151-212 152-392 153-522 154-607 155-653 156-659 157-633 158-586 159-499 160-382 161-242 162-077 162-887 163-673 120-840 123-944 126-777 129-356 131-743 133-953 136-022 137-949 139-771 141-480 143-099 144-639 146-100 147-492 148-830 150-107 151-332 152-507 153-633 154-713 155-755 156-758 157-729 158-679 159-589 160-469 161-327 162-159 162-967 163-751 INTERNAL BALLISTICS 443 Tahle giving in foot-tons the energy stored up in 1 Ih. in vmght, moving at any velocity between 10 and 3000 feet per second. 1 > 1 ' 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 20 •0007 •0028 •0008 •0031 -0010 -0034 •0012 •0037 -0014 -0040 •0016 •0043 •0018 •0047 •0020 •0050 -0022 -0054 •0025 •0058 30 40 50 •0062 •0111 •0173 •0067 •0117 •0180 •0071 •0122 •0187 •0076 •0128 •0194 •0080 •0134 •0201 •0085 •0140 •0209 -0090 -0147 -0217 •0095 •0153 •0225 -0100 •0160 •0233 •0105 •0166 •0241 60 70 80 •0250 •0339 •0444 •0258 •0349 •0455 •0267 •0359 •0466 •0275 •0369 •0477 •0284 •0380 •0489 •0293 •0390 •0501 -0302 -0400 -0513 •0311 •0411 •0525 •0321 •0422 •0537 •0330 •0433 •0549 90 100 110 •0561 •0693 •0839 •0574 •0707 •0854 •0587 •0721 •0870 -0600 -0735 -0885 •0613 •0749 •0901 •0626 •0764 •0917 -0639 -0779 -0933 •0652 •0794 •0949 •0665 •0809 •0965 •0679 •0824 •0982 120 130 140 •0999 •1172 •1359 •1015 •1190 •1379 •1032 •1208 •1398 •1049 •1226 •1418 •1066 •1245 •1438 •1083 •1264 •1458 -1101 -1283 -1478 •1118 •1301 •1498 -1136 -1321 •1519 •1154 •1340 •1539 150 160 170 •1560 •1775 •2004 •1581 •1797 •2028 •1602 •1820 -2051 •1623 •1842 -2075 •1644 •1865 •2099 •1666 •1888 •2124 -1687 •1911 -2148 •1709 •1934 •2172 •1731 •1957 •2197 •1753 •1980 •2222 180 190 200 •2247 •2503 •2774 •2272 •2530 •2801 •2297 •2556 •2829 -2322 -2583 -2857 •2348 •2610 •2886 •2373 •2637 •2914 -2399 -2664 -2942 •2425 •2691 •2971 •2451 •2718 •3000 •2477 •2746 •3029 210 220 230 •3058 •3356 •3668 •3087 •3387 •3700 •3116 •3417 •3732 -3146 -3448 -3764 •3176 •3479 •3797 •3205 •3510 •3829 •3235 •3542 •3862 •3265 •3573 •3895 •3295 •3604 •3928 •3326 •3636 •3961 240 250 260 •3994 •4334 •4687 •4027 •4369 •4724 •4061 •4403 •4760 -4095 -4438 -4796 •4128 •4474 •4833 •4162 •4509 •4869 •4196 •4544 •4906 •4230 -4580 -4943 •4265 •4616 •4980 •4299 •4651 •5018 270 280 290 •5055 •5436 •5832 •5092 •5475 •5872 •5130 •5514 •5912 -5168 -5553 -5953 •5206 •5593 •5994 •5244 •5632 •6034 •5282 •5672 •6075 -5320 -5712 -6116 •5359 •5751 •6158 •5397 •5791 •6199 300 310 320 •6241 •6664 •7100 •6282 •6707 •7145 •6324 •6750 •7190 -6366 •6793 -7234 •6408 •6837 •7279 •6450 •6880 •7324 •6493 •6924 •7369 -6535 -6968 •7415 •6578 •7012 •7460 •6621 •7056 •7506 330 340 350 •7551 •8016 •8494 •7597 •8063 •8542 •7643 •8110 •8591 -7689 -8158 -8640 •7735 •8205 •8689 •7782 •8253 •8738 •7828 •8301 •8788 •7875 -8349 -8837 •7922 •8397 •8887 •7969 •8446 •8936 360 370 380 •8986 •9493 1^0013 •9036 •9544 1^0066 •9086 •9596 l^OllS -9136 -9647 1-0171 •9187 •9698 1^0225 •9238 •9751 1^0278 •9289 •9803 1^0331 -9339 -9855 1-0385 •9390 •9908 1^0439 •9441 •9960 1^0493 390 400 410 1^0547 1^1095 1^1656 1^0601 P1150 1-1713 1-0655 1-1-206 1-1,770 1-0710 1-1262 1-1827 r0764 1^1318 1^1884 1^0819 1^1374 1^1942 1^0873 1^1430 1^2000 1-0929 1-1486 1^2058 1^0984 1^1543 1^2115 1-1039 1-1599 1-2174 420 430 440 1^2232 1-2821 1-3424 1^2290 1^2881 1-3485 1-2348 1-2941 1^3547 1-2407 1-3005 1-3608 1^2466 1^3061 1^3670 1^2525 1^3121 1^3731 1^2584 1^3181 1^3793 1^2643 1^3242 1-3855 1^2702 1^3303 1^3917 P2762 1 •3363 1^3979 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 444 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Table of enen/ies — continued. 1 !3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 440 450 460 1-3424 1 -4042 1-4673 1-3485 1-4104 1-4736 1-3547 1-4167 1-4800 1-3608 1-4229 1-4865 1-3670 1-4292 1-4929 1 -3731 1-4355 1-4993 1-3793 1-4418 1-5058 1-3855 1-4482 1-5122 1-3917 1-4545 1-5187 1-3979 1-4609 1-5252 470 480 490 1-5317 1-5976 1-6649 1-5383 1-6043 1-6717 1-5448 1-6110 1-6785 1-5514 1-6176 1-6853 1-5579 1-6243 1-6922 1-5645 1-6311 1-6990 1-5711 1-6378 1-7059 1-5777 1 -6445 1-7128 1-5843 1-6513 1-7197 1-5910 1-6581 1-7266 500 510 520 1-7335 1-8036 1-8750 1-7405 1-8106 1-8822 1-7474 1-8177 1-8894 1-7544 1-8248 1-8967 1-7614 1-8320 1-9039 1-7684 1-8391 1-9112 1-7754 1-8462 1-9185 1-7824 1-8534 1-9258 1-7894 1-8606 1-9331 1-7964 1-8678 1-9404 530 540 550 1-9478 2-0220 2-0976 1-9551 2-0295 2-1052 1-9625 2-0370 2-1128 1-9699 2-0445 2-1205 1-9773 2-0520 2-1282 1-9847 2-0596 2-1359 1-9921 2-0672 2-1436 1-9996 2-0747 2-1513 2-0070 2-0823 2-1590 2-0145 2-0899 2-1668 560 570 580 2-1745 2-2529 2-3326 2-1823 2-2608 2-3407 2-1901 2-2687 2-3487 2-1979 2-2767 2-3568 2-2057 2-2846 2-3649 2-2135 2-2926 2-3730 2-2214 2-3006 2-3811 2-2292 2 -3086 2-3893 2-2371 2-3166 2-3974 2-2450 2-3246 2-4056 590 600 610 2-4138 2-4963 2-5802 2-4219 2-5046 2-5886 2-4302 2-5129 2-5971 2-4384 2-5213 2-6056 2-4466 2-5297 2-6141 2-4548 2-5380 2-6226 2-4631 2-5464 2-6312 2-4714 2-5549 2-6397 2-4797 2-5633 2-6483 2-4880 2-5717 2-6569 620 630 640 2-6655 2-7521 2-8402 2-6741 2-7610 2-8491 2-6827 2-7696 2-8580 2-6913 2-7784 2-8669 2-7000 2-7872 2-8758 2-7086 2-7960 2-8847 2-7173 2-8048 2-8937 2-7260 2-8136 2-9027 2-7347 2-8225 2-9117 2-7434 2-8313 2-9206 650 660 670 2-9297 3-0205 3-1127 2-9387 3-0296 3-1220 2-9477 3-0388 3-1313 2-9568 3-0480 3-1406 2-9658 3-0572 3-1500 2-9749 3-0664 3-1593 2-9840 3-0757 3-1687 2-9931 3-0849 31781 3-0022 3-0942 3-1875 3-0113 3-1034 3-1969 680 690 700 3-2063 3-3013 3-3977 3-2157 3-3109 3-4074 3-2258 3-3205 3-4171 3-2347 3-3301 3-4269 3-2442 3-3397 3-4366 3-2537 3-3493 3-4464 3-2632 3-3590 3-4562 3-2727 3-3686 3-4660 3-2822 3-3783 3-4758 3-2918 3-3880 3-4856 710 720 730 3-4955 3-5946 3-6952 3-5053 3-6046 3-7053 3-5152 3-6146 3-7155 3-5251 3-6247 3-7256 3-5350 3-6347 3-7358 3-5449 3-6447 3-7460 3-5548 3-6548 3-7562 3-5647 3-6649 3-7664 3-5747 3-6750 3-7766 3-5847 3-6851 3-7869 740 750 760 3-7971 3-9004 4-0051 3-8074 3-9108 4-0157 3-8177 3-9213 4-0262 3-8280 3-9317 4-0368 3-8383 3-9421 4-0474 3-8486 3-9526 4-0580 3-8589 3-9631 4-0686 3-8693 3-9736 4-0792 3-8797 3-9841 4-0898 3-8900 3-9946 4-1005 770 780 790 4-1112 4-2187 4-3276 4-1219 4-2295 4-3385 4-1326 4-2404 4-3495 4-1433 4-2512 4-3605 4-1540 4-2621 4-3715 4-1648 4-2730 4-3825 4-1755 4-2839 4-3934 4-1863 4-2948 4-4044 4-1971 4-3057 4-4155 4-2079 4-3166 4-4266 800 810 820 4-4378 4-5495 4-6625 4-4489 4-5607 4-6739 4-4600 4-5720 4-6853 4-4712 4-5832 4-6967 4-4823 4-5945 4-7081 4-4935 4-6058 4-7195 4-5046 4-6171 4-7310 4-5158 4-6284 4-7424 4-5270 4-6398 4-7539 4 -.-.382 4-6511 4-7654 830 840 850 4-7769 4-8927 5-0099 4-7884 4-9044 5-0217 4-7999 4-9160 5-0335 4-8115 4-9277 5-0453 4-8230 4-9394 5-0571 4-8346 4-9511 5-0690 4-8462 4-9628 5-0809 4-8578 4-9745 5-0927 4-8694 4-9863 5-1046 4-8811 4-9981 5-1165 860 870 880 5-1285 5-2i83 5-3696 5-1404 5-2604 5-3818 5-1523 5-2725 5-3940 5-1643 5-2846 5-4062 5-1763 5-2967 5-4185 5-1883 5-3088 5-4308 5-2003 5-3209 5-4431 5-2123 5-3330 5-4554 5-2243 5-3452 5-4677 5-2364 5-3574 5-4800 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Table of energies — continued. 445 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 880 890 900 5-3696 5-4925 5-6166 5-3818 5-5048 5-6291 5-3940 5-5172 5-6416 5-4062 5-5296 5-6541 5-4185 5-5420 5-6666 5-4308 5-5544 5-6792 5-4431 5-5668 5-6918 5 -4554 5-5792 5-7043 5-4677 5-5917 5-7169 5-4800 5-6041 5-7295 910 920 930 5-7421 5-8690 5-9973 5-7547 5-8818 6-0102 5-7674 5-8946 6-0231 5-7800 5-9074 6-0360 5-7927 a-9202 6-0490 5-8054 5-9330 6-0620 5-8181 5-9458 6-0749 5-8308 5-9587 6-0879 5-8435 5-9715 6-1009 5-8563 5-9844 6-1139 940 950 960 6-1270 6-2580 6-3905 6-1400 6-2712 6-4038 6-1531 6-2844 6-4171 6-1661 6-2976 6-4305 6-1792 6-3108 6-4438 6-1923 6-3241 6-4572 6-2054 6-3373 6-4700 6-2186 6-3506 6-4840 6-2317 6-3639 6-4974 6-2448 6-3772 6-5108 970 980 990 6-5243 6-6595 6-7961 6-5377 6-6731 6-8098 6-5512 6-6867 6-8236 6-5647 6-7003 6-8374 6-5782 6-7140 6-8512 6-5917 6-7276 6-8649 6-6052 6-7413 6-8787 6-6187 6-7550 6-8926 6-6324 6-7687 6-9064 6-6459 6-7824 6-9202 1000 1010 1020 6-9341 7-0735 7-2142 6-9480 7-0875 7-2284 6-9619 7-1015 7-2426 6-9758 7-1156 7-2567 6-9897 7-1296 7-2709 7-0036 7-1437 7-2851 7-0176 7-1578 7-2994 7-0315 7-1719 7-3136 7-0455 7-1860 7-3278 7-0595 7-2001 7-3421 1030 1040 1050 7-3564 7-4999 7-64 48 7-3706 7-5143 7-6594 7-3850 7-5288 7-6740 7-3993 7-5433 7-6886 7-4136 7-5577 7-7032 7-4279 7-5722 7-7178 7-4423 7-5867 7-7325 7-4567 7-6012 7-7471 7-4711 7-6157 7-7617 7-4855 7-6302 7-7764 1060 1070 1080 7-7911 7-9388 8-0879 7-8059 7-9537 8-1029 7-8206 7-9686 8-1179 7-8353 7-9834 8-1329 7-8501 7-9983 8-1480 7-8648 8-0132 8-1630 7-8796 8-0281 8-1780 7-8944 8-0431 8-1931 7-9092 8-0580 8-2082 7-9240 8-0730 8-2233 1090 1100 1110 8-2384 8-3903 8-5435 8-2535 8-4055 8-5590 8-2687 8-4208 8-5743 8-2838 8-4361 8-5897 8-2990 8-4514 8-6052 8-3142 8-4667 8-6206 8-3294 8-4820 8-6361 8-3446 8-4974 8-6516 8-3598 8-5127 8-6671 8-3750 8-5281 8-6826 1120 1130 1140 8-6981 8-8541 9-0116 8-7137 8-8698 9-0274 8-7292 8-8855 9-0432 8-7448 8-9012 9-0590 8-7604 8-9169 9-0749 8-7760 8-9327 9-0908 8-7916 8-9484 9-1067 8-8072 8-9642 9-1226 8-8228 8-9800 9-1385 8-8385 S-9958 9-1544 1150 1160 1170 9-1703 9-3305 9-4921 9-1863 9-3466 9-5083 9-2023 9-3627 9-5246 9-2183 9-3788 9-5408 9-2343 9-3950 9-5571 9-2503 9-4111 9-5734 9-2663 9-4273 9-5897 9-2823 9-4435 9-6060 9-2984 9-4597 9-6223 9-3144 9-4759 9-6387 1180 1190 1200 9-6550 9-8194 9-9851 9-6714 9-8359 10-0018 9-6878 9-8524 10-0184 9-7042 9-8690 10-0351 9-7206 9-8855 10-0518 9-7370 9-9021 10-0685 9-7535 9-9186 10-0852 9-7699 9-9352 10-1019 9-7864 9-9518 10-1187 9-8029 9-9685 10-1354 1210 1220 1230 10-1522 10-3207 10-4906 10-1690 10-3376 10-5077 10-1858 10-3546 10-5247 10-2026 10-3715 10-5418 10-2194 10-3885 10-5589 10-2363 10-4055 10-5761 10-2531 10-4225 10-5932 10-2700 10-4395 10-6103 10-2869 10-4565 10-6275 10-3038 10-4735 10-6447 1240 1250 1260 10-6619 10-8345 11-0086 10-6791 10-8519 11-0261 10-6963 10-8692 11-0436 10-7135 10-8866 11-0611 10-7308 10-9040 11-0786 10-7483 10-9214 11-0961 10-7653 10-9388 11-1137 10-7826 10-9562 11-1312 10-7999 10-9737 11-1488 10-8172 10-9911 11-1664 1270 1280 1290 11-1840 11-3608 11-5390 11-2016 11-3786 11-5569 11-2193 11-3964 11-5748 11-2369 11-4141 11-5928 11-2546 11-4319 11-6107 11-2722 11-4498 11-6287 11-2899 11-4676 11-6466 11-3076 11-4854 11-6646 11-3254 11-5033 11-6826 11-3431 11-5211 11-7006 1300 1310 1320 11-7186 11-8996 12-0820 11-7367 11-9178 12-1003 11-7547 11-9360 12-1186 11-7728 11-9542 12-1370 11-7909 11-9724 12-1553 11-8089 11-9906 12-1737 11-8271 12-0089 12-1921 11-8452 12-0271 12-2105 11-8633 12-0454 12-2289 11-8814 12-0637 12-2473 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 446 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Ta1)le of energies — continued. 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 1380 1390 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 1500 1510 15:20 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1590 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 1680 1690 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 12-0820 12-2657 12-4509 12-6374 12-8253 13-0146 13-2053 13-3974 13-5908 13-7857 13-9819 14-1795 14-3785 14-5789 14-7807 14-9839 15-1885 15-3944 15-6017 15-8104 16-0205 16-2320 16-4449 16-6592 16-8748 17-0919 17-3103 17-5301 17-7513 17-9739 18-1979 18-4232 18-6500 18-8781 19-1076 19-3385 19-5708 19-8045 20-0395 20-2760 20-5138 20-7531 20-9937 21-2357 21-4791 12-1003 12-2842 12-4695 12-6561 12-8442 13-0336 13-2244 13-4167 13-6103 13-8052 14-0016 14-1994 14-3985 14-5991 14-8010 15-0043 15-2090 15-4151 15-6225 15-8314 16-0416 16-2533 16-4663 16-6807 16-8965 17-1136 17-3322 17-5522 17-7735 17-9962 18-2203 18-4458 18-6727 18-9010 19-1306 19-3617 19-5941 19-8279 20-0631 20-2997 20-5377 20-7771 21-0178 21-2600 21-5035 12-1186 12-3026 12-4881 12-6749 12-8631 13-0526 13-2436 13-4360 13-6297 13-8248 14-0213 14-2192 14-4185 14-6192 14-8213 15-0247 15-2295 15-4358 15-6434 15-8524 16-0627 16-2745 16-4877 16-7022 16-9181 17-1354 17-3541 17-5742 17-7957 18-0186 18-2428 18-4684 18-6955 18-9239 19-1537 19-3849 19-6174 19-8514 20-0867 LA) -3235 20-5614 20-8011 21-0420 21-2842 21-5279 12-1370 12-3211 12-5067 12-6936 12-8820 13-0717 13-2628 13-4553 13-6491 13-8444 14-0411 14-2391 14-4385 14-6393 14-8415 15-0451 15-2501 15-4564 15-6642 15-8733 16-0838 16-2958 16-5090 16-7237 16-9398 17-1572 17-3761 17-5963 17-8179 18-0409 18-2653 18-4911 18-7182 18-9468 19-1767 19-4081 19-6408 19-8749 20-1103 20-3472 20-5855 20-8251 21-0661 21-3086 21-5524 12-1553 12-3396 12-5253 12-7124 12-9009 13-0907 13-2820 13-4746 13-6686 13-8640 14-0608 14-2590 14-4585 14-6595 14-8618 15-0656 15-2707 15*4772 15-6850 15-8943 16-1050 16-3170 16-5305 16-7453 16-9615 17-1791 17-3980 17-6184 17-8402 18-0633 18-2879 18-5137 18-7410 18-9697 19-1998 19-4313 19-6641 19-8983 20-1340 20-3710 20-6094 20-8491 21-0903 21-3329 21-5768 12-1737 12-3581 12-5440 12-7312 12-9198 13-1098 13-3012 13-4939 13-6881 13-8836 14-0806 14-2789 14-4786 14-6797 14-8821 15-0860 15-2913 15-4979 15-7059 15-9153 16-1261 16-3383 16-5519 16-7668 16-9832 17-2009 17-4200 17-6405 17-8624 18-0857 18-3104 18-5364 18-7638 18-9927 19-2229 19-4545 19-6875 19-9218 20-1576 20-3947 20-6333 20-8732 21-1145 21-3572 21-6013 12-1921 12-3766 12-5626 12-7500 12-9387 13-1289 13-3204 13-5133 13-7076 13-9033 14-1003 14-2988 14-4986 14-6998 14-9025 15-1065 15-3119 15-5186 15-7268 15-9363 16-1473 16-3596 16-5733 16-7884 17-0049 17-2228 17-4420 17-6627 17-8847 18-1081 18-3329 18-5591 18-7867 19-0156 19-2460 19-4777 19-7108 19-9454 20-1813 20-4185 20-6572 20-8973 21-1387 21-3815 21-6-258 12-2105 12-3952 12-5813 12-7688 12-9577 13-1479 12-2289 12-4137 12-6000 12-7876 12-8065 12-9766 12-9956 13-1671 13-1861: 13-3396 13-3588 13-5327 13-5520 13-7271 13-7466 13-9229 14-1201 14-3187 14-5187 14-7200 14-9228 15-1269 15-3325 15-5394 15-7477 15-9574 16-1684 16-3809 16-5948 16-8100 17-0266 17-2446 17-4640 17-6848 17-9070 18-1305 18-3555 18-5818 18-8095 19-0386 19-2691 19-5010 19-7342 19-9689 20-2049 20-4423 20-6812 20-9214 21-1629 21-4059 21-6503 13-9426 14-1399 14-3386 14-5388 14-7403 14-9432 15-1474 15-3531 15-5601 15-7686 15-9784 16-1896 16-4022 16-6162 16-8316 17-0483 17-2665 17-4860 17-7069 17-9293 18-1529 18-3780 18-6045 18-8323 19-0616 19-2922 19-5242 19-7576 19-9924 20-2286 20-4662 20-7051 20-9454 21-1872 21-4303 21-6748 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Tahle of eiierc/ies — continued. 447 1760 1770 1780 1790 ISOO ISIO 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 21-4791 21-7238 21-9700 22-2175 22-4665 22-7168 22-9685 23-2216 23-4761 23-73-20 23-9892 24-2478 24-5079 24-7693 25-0321 25-2963 25-5618 25-8288 26-0972 26-3669 26-6380 21-5035 21 -7484 21-9947 •22-2424 22-4915 22-7419 ■22-9938 23-2470 23-5016 23-7576 24-0150 24-2738 24-5340 24-7955 25-0585 25-3228 25-5885 25-8556 26-1241 26-3940 26-6652 1970 26-9105 26-9379 1980 27-1844 27-2119 1990 27-4597 27-4873 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 2180 2190 2200 27-7364 28-0145 28-2939 28-5747 28-8570 29-1406 29-4255 29-7119 29-9997 30-2888 30-5794 30-8713 31-1646 31-4593 31-7554 32-0529 32-3517 32-6520 32-9536 33-2566 33-5610 21-5279 21-7730 22-0194 22-2672 2-5164 22-7670 23-0190 23-2724 23-5272 23-7833 24-0408 24-2997 24-5601 24-8217 25-0848 •25-3493 25-6151 25-8824 26-1510 26-4210 26-6924 26-9652 27 '2394 27-5150 21 -5524 21-7975 22-0441 22-29-21 22-5414 22-7922 23-0443 23-2978 23-5527 23-8090 24-0667 24-3257 •24-5862 24-8480 25-1112 25-3758 25-6418 25-9092 26-1780 26-4481 26-7196 26-9926 27-2669 27-5426 21-5768 21-8221 22-0689 22-3170 '22-5664 22-8173 23-0696 23-3232 23-5783 23-8347 24-0925 24-3517 24-6123 24-8743 25-1376 25-4024 25-6685 25 -9360 26-2049 26-4752 26-7469 27-0199 27-2944 27-5702 27-7641 28-0423 28-3219 28-6029 28-8852 29-1690 29-4541 29-7406 30-0285 30-3178 30-6085 27-7919 27-8197 27-8475 28-0702 28-0981 28-1261 28-3500 28-3780 28-4061 28-6311 28-9136 29-1974 29-4827 29-7694 30-0574 30-3468 30-6377 30-9299 31-1940 31-2234 31-4889 31-5184 31-7851 31-8148 32-0827 32-3817 32-6821 32-9839 33-2870 33-5916 32-1125 32-4117 32-7122 33-0141 33-3174 33-6221 28-6593 28-9419 29-2259 29-5113 29-7981 30-0863 31-2529 31-5480 31-8445 32-1424 32-4417 32-7423 33-0444 33-3478 33-6526 28-6875 28-9702 29-2544 29-5399 29-8269 30-1152 30-4049 30-6960 30-9885 31-2823 31-5776 31-8742 32-1723 32-4717 32-7725 33-0747 33-3782 33-6832 21-6013 21-8467 22-0936 22-3418 22-5914 22-8425 23-0949 23-3487 23-6038 23-8604 24-1184 24-3777 24-6384 24-9005 25-1640 25-4289 25-6952 25-9628 26-2319 26-5023 26-7741 27-0473 27-3219 27-5979 27-8753 28-1540 28-4341 28-7157 28-9986 29-2829 29-5686 29-8556 30-1441 30-4339 30-7251 31-0178 31-3118 31-6072 31-9040 82-2021 32-5017 32-8026 33-1050 33-4087 33-7138 21-6258 21-8714 22-1184 •22-3667 22-6165 22-8677 23-1202 23-3741 23-6294 23-8861 24-1442 24-4037 24-6646 24-9268 25-1904 25-4555 25-7219 25-9897 26-2589 26-5294 26-8014 27-0747 27-3494 27-6256 27-9031 28-1820 28-4622 28-7439 29-0269 29-3114 29-5972 29-8844 30-1730 30-4630 30-7544 31-0471 31-3413 31-6368 31-9337 32-2320 32-5317 32-8328 33-1353 33-4391 33-7444 21-6503 21-8960 22-1431 22-3917 22-6416 22-8929 23-1455 23-3996 3-6550 23-9119 24-1701 24-4297 24-6907 24-9531 25-2169 25-4820 25-7486 26-0165 26-2858 26-5566 26-8287 27-1021 27-3770 27-6533 27-9309 28-2099 28-4903 28-7721 29-0553 29-3399 29-6259 29-9132 30-2020 31-0765 31-3708 31-6664 31-9635 32-2619 32-5617 32-8630 33-1656 33-4696 33-7750 21-6748 21-9-207 22-1679 22-4166 22-6666 22-9181 23-1709 23-4251 23-6806 23-9377 24-1960 24-4558 24-7169 24-9794 25-2433 25-5086 25-7753 26-0434 26-3129 26-5837 26-8559 27-1296 27-4046 27-6810 27-9587 28-2379 28-5185 28-8004 29-0837 29-3684 29-6545 29-9420 30-2309 30-5212 30-8128 31-1058 31-4003 31-6961 31-9933 32-2919 32-5918 32-8932 33-1959 33-2263 33-5001 33-5305 33-8056 33-8362 448 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Tahle of energies — continued. 2200 2210 2220 2230 2240 2250 2260 2270 2280 2290 2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360 2370 2380 2390 2400 2410 2420 2430 2440 2450 2460 2470 2480 2490 2500 2510 2520 2530 2540 2550 2560 2570 2580 2590 2600 2610 2620 2630 2640 33-5610 33-8668 34-1740 33-5916 33-8975 34-2048 34-4826 34-5135 34-7925 34-8236 35-1039 35-1351 35-4166 35-7307 36-0462 36-3631 36-6814 37-0010 37-3221 37-6445 37-9684 38-2936 38-6202 38-9481 39-2775 39-6083 39-9404 40-2739 40-6089 40-9452 41-2829 41-6219 41-9624 42-3043 42-6475 42-9921 43-3381 43-6855 44-0343 44-3845 44-7360 45-0890 45-4433 45-7990 46-1561 46-5146 46-8745 47-2358 47-5984 47-9625 48-3279 35-4480 35-7622 36-0779 36-3949 36-7133 37-0331 37-3543 37-6769 38-0008 38-3261 38-6529 38-9810 39-3105 39-6414 39-9737 40-3074 40-6424 40-9789 41-3167 41-6559 41-9965 42-3385 42-6819 43-0267 43-3728 43-7203 44-0693 44-4196 44-7713 45-1244 45-4788 45-8347 46-1919 46-5505 46-9106 47-2720 47-6348 47-9990 48-3645 33-6221 33-9282 34-2356 34-5445 34-8547 35-1663 35-4793 35-7937 36-1095 36-4267 36-7452 37-0651 37-3865 37-7092 38-3588 38-6856 39-0139 39-3436 39-6746 40-0070 40-3408 40-6760 41-0126 41-3506 41-6899 42-0307 42-3728 42-7161 43-0612 43-4075 43-7552 44-1042 44-4547 44-8065 45-1597 45-5144 45-8703 46-2277 46-5865 46-9467 47-3082 47-6711 48-0355 48-4011 33-6526 33-9588 34-2664 34-5754 34-8858 35-1976 35-5107 35-8252 36-1411 33-6832 33-9895 34-2973 34-6064 34-9169 35-2288 35-5421 35-8568 36-1728 36-4585 36-4903 36-7771 36-8091 37-0972 37-1293 37-4187 37-7415 38-0658 38-3914 38-7184 39-0468 39-3766 39-7078 40-0403 40-3743 40-7096 41-0463 41-3844 41-7239 42-0648 42-4071 42-7507 43-0958 43-4422 43-7900 44-1392 44-4898 44-8418 45-1951 45-5499 45-9060 46-2635 46-6225 46-9828 47-3444 47-7075 48-0720 48-4378 37-4509 37-7739 38-0983 38-4240 38-7512 39-0797 39-4097 39-7410 40-0737 40-4077 40-7432 41-0801 41-4183 41-7580 42-0990 42-4414 42-7852 43-1304 43-4769 43-8249 44-1742 44-5249 44-8771 45-2306 45-5854 45-9417 46-2994 46-6584 47-0189 47-3807 47-7439 48-1085 48-4745 33-7138 34-0203 34-3281 34-6374 34-9480 35-2601 35-5735 35-8883 36-2045 36-5221 36-8410 37-1614 33-7444 34-0510 34-3590 34-6684 34-9792 35-2914 35-6049 35-9199 36-2362 36-5539 36-8730 37-1935 33-7750 33-8056 33-8362 34-0817 34-1125 34-1432 34-3899 34-4208 34-4517 34-6994 35-0103 35-3226 35-6363 35-9514 36-2679 36-5858 36-9050 37-2256 37-4831 37-5154 37-5477 37-8063 37-8387 37-8711 38-1308 38-1633 38-1959 38-4567 38-7840 39-1127 39-4427 39-7742 40-1070 40-4412 40-7768 41-1138 41-4522 41-7920 42-1332 42-4757 42-8196 43-1649 43-5117 43-8597 44-2092 44-5600 44-9123 45-2656 45-6210 45-9774 46-3352 46-6944 47-0550 47-4169 38-4894 38-8168 39-1456 39-4758 39-8074 40-1404 40-4747 40-8105 41-1476 41-4861 41-8260 42-1673 42-5100 42-8541 43-1996 43-5464 43-8946 44-2442 44-5952 44-9476 45-3014 45-6566 46-0131 46-3711 38-5220 38-8496 39-1786 39-5089 39-8406 40-1737 40-5082 40-8441 41-1814 41-5201 41-8601 42-2015 42-5444 42-8886 43-2342 43-5812 43-9295 44-2793 44-6304 44-9830 45-3369 45-6922 46-0489 46-4069 34-7304 35-0415 35-3540 35-6678 35-9830 36-6176 36-9370 37-2578 37-5799 37-9035 38-2284 38-5547 38-8824 39-2115 39*5420 39-8739 40-2071 34-7615 35-0727 35-3853 35-6993 36-0146 36-3314 36-6495 36-9690 37-2899 37-6122 37-9359 38-2610 38-5874 38-9153 39-2445 39-5751 39-9071 40-2405 46-7304 46-7664 47-0911 47-1273 47-4532 47-4895 47-7803 47-8167 48-1450 48-1816 48-5111 48-5478 47-8531 48-2181 48-5845 40-5418 40-5753 40-8778 40-9115 41-2152 41-2490 41-5540 41-8942 42-2358 42-5787 42-9231 43-2688 43-6159 43-9644 44-3143 44-6656 45-0183 45-3723 45-7278 46-0846 46-4428 46-8024 47-1634 47-5258 47-8896 48-2547 48-6212 41-5880 41-9283 42-2700 42-6131 42-9576 43-3035 43-6507 43-9993 44-3494 44-7008 45-0536 45-4078 45-7634 46-1204 46-4787 46-8384 47-1996 47-5621 47-9260 48-2913 48-6580 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Table of enerc/ies— continued. 449 1 > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2640 2650 2660 48-3279 48-6947 49-0629 48-3645 48-7315 49-0998 48-4011 48-7682 49-1367 48-4378 48-8050 49-1736 48-4745 48-8418 49-2106 48-5111 48-8786 49-2475 48-5478 48-9155 49-2845 48-5845 48-9523 49-3215 48-6212 48-9892 49-3585 48-6580 49-0260 49-3955 2670 2680 2690 49-4325 ! 49-8035 50-1758 49-4695 49-8407 50-2132 49-5066 49-8778 50-2505 49-5437 49-9150 50-2878 49-5807 49-9523 50-3252 49-6178 49-9895 50-3625 49-6549 50-0267 50-3999 49-6920 50-0640 50-4373 49-7292 50-1013 50-4747 49-7663 50-1385 50-5122 2700 2710 2720 50-5496 50-9247 51-3012 50-5870 50-9623 51-3390 50-6245 50-9999 51-3767 50-6620 51-0375 51-4145 50-6995 51-0752 51-4522 50-7370 51-1128 51-4900 50-7745 51-1505 51-5278 50-8120 51-1881 51-5656 50-8496 51-2258 51-6035 50-8871 51-2635 51-6413 2730 2740 2750 51-6792 52-0584 52-4391 51-7170 52-0965 52-4773 51-7549 52-1345 52-5154 51-7928 52-1725 52-5536 51-8307 52-2106 52-5918 51-8686 52-2486 52-6300 51-9066 52-2867 52-6682 51-9445 52-3248 52-7064 51-9825 52-3629 52-7447 52-0205 52-4010 52-7829 2760 2770 2780 52-8212 53-2047 53-5895 52-8595 53-2431 53-6281 52-8978 53-2815 53-6666 52-9361 53-3200 53-7052 52-9744 53-3584 53-7438 53-0128 53-3969 53-7824 53-0511 53-4354 53-8211 53-0895 53-4739 53-8597 53-1279 53-5124 53-8984 53-1662 53-5510 53-9370 2790 2800 2810 53-9757 54-3633 54-7523 54-0144 54-4022 54-7913 54-0531 54-4410 54-8303 54-0919 54-4799 54-8693 54-1306 54-5188 54-9083 54-1694 54-5577 54-9474 54-2081 54-5966 54-9864 54-2469 54-6355 55-0255 54-2857 54-6744 55-0645 54-3245 54-7134 55-1036 2820 2830 2840 55-1427 55-5345 55-9277 55-1819 55-5738 55-9670 55-2210 55-6130 56-0065 55-2601 55-6523 56-0459 55-2993 55-6916 56-0853 55-3385 55-7309 56-1248 55-3776 55-7702 56-1642 55-4168 55-8096 56-2037 55-4560 55-8489 56-2432 55-4953 55-8883 56-2827 2850 2860 2870 56-3222 56-7182 57-1155 56-3618 56-7578 57-1553 56-4013 56-7975 57-1951 56-4409 56-8372 57-2350 56-4804 56-8769 57-2748 56-5200 56-9167 57-3147 56-5596 56-9564 57-3545 56-5992 56-9961 57-3944 56-6389 57-0359 57-4343 56-6785 57-0757 57-4743 2880 2890 2900 57-5142 57-9143 58-3158 57-5541 57-9544 58-3560 57-5941 57-9945 58-3962 57-6341 58-0346 58-4365 57-6741 58-0747 58-4768 57-7141 58-1148 58-5170 57-7541 58-1550 58-5573 57-7941 58-1952 58-5976 57-8342 58-2354 58-6380 57-8742 58-2756 58-6783 2910 2920 2930 58-7187 59-1229 59-5286 58-7590 59-1624 59-5692 58-7994 59-2029 59-6099 58-8398 59-2435 59-6505 58-8802 59-2840 59-6912 58-9206 59-3246 59-7319 58-9610 59-3651 59-7726 59-0015 59-4067 59-8133 59-0419 59-4473 59-8541 59-0824 59-4879 59-8948 2940 2950 2960 59-9356 60-3440 60-7538 59-9764 60-3849 60-7949 60-0172 60-4259 60-8359 60-0580 60-4668 60-8770 60-0988 60-5078 60-9181 60-1396 60-5487 60-9592 60-1805 60-5897 61-0004 60-2213 60-6307 61-0415 60-2622 60-6717 61-0827 60-3031 60-7128 61-1238 2970 2980 2990 61-1650 61-5776 61-9915 61-2062 61-6189 62-0330 61-2474 61-6603 62-0745 61-2886 61-7016 62-1160 61-3299 61-7430 62-1575 61-3711 61-7844 62-1991 61-4124 61-8258 62-2406 61-4537 61-8672 62-2822 61-4950 61-9086 62-3237 61-5363 61-9501 62-3653 3000 62-4069 62-4486 62-4902 62-5318 62-5734 62-6151 62-6568 62-6985 62-7402 62-7818 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 F 450 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Table givimf in dinamodes the PMerffy stored up in 1 kilogramme in weight, moving at any velocity between 1 and 1000 m,etres per second. '5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 •00000 •00510 •02038 •00005 •00617 -02247 •00020 •00734 •02466 •00045 •00861 ■02696 -00082 -00999 -02935 -00127 •01147 -03185 -00183 -01305 •03445 •00249 •01473 -03715 ■00326 -01651 -03995 -00413 -01840 •04285 30 40 50 •04586 •08154 •12740 •04897 -08566 •13255 •05218 •08989 •13780 •05549 •09422 -14315 •05891 •09866 •14860 •06243 •10319 •15415 •06604 •10783 •15981 -06976 -11257 -16557 -07359 -11741 -17143 •07756 •12235 •17739 60 70 80 •18346 •24970 •32614 •18962 •25689 •33435 •19589 •26418 •34265 •20226 •27157 •35106 •20873 •27906 -35957 •21531 •28665 •36819 •22198 •29434 •37690 -22876 -30214 •38572 -23564 •31004 -39463 •24262 •31804 •40365 90 100 110 •41278 •50960 •61662 •42200 •51984 •62788 •43132 •53019 •63924 •44075 •54063 •65071 -45028 •55118 •66228 •45991 •56183 •67395 •46965 •57258 ■68572 •47948 •58344 •69789 ■48942 •59440 -70957 •49946 •60546 •72164 120 130 140 •73382 •86122 •99881 ■74610 •87452 ]^01314 •75849 •88793 1^02756 •77097 •90143 1^04208 •78356 •91504 1-05671 •796-25 •92875 1-07143 •80904 •94256 1-08626 •82193 •95647 ri0129 -83493 -97048 1-11623 •84802 •98460 1-13136 150 160 170 1^14660 1 •30458 1^47274 M6194 P32093 1^49012 1^17738 1-33740 1-50760 1-19292 1-35396 1-52518 1-20857 1-37062 1-54286 1-22431 r38739 1^56065 r24016 1^40425 r57854 r25611 1-42122 1-59652 1-27216 1-43829 1-61461 1-28832 1-45547 1-63281 180 190 200 1^65110 1 •83965 2^03840 1^66950 1^85907 2^05883 1^68880 1^87859 2^07937 1-70660 1-89821 2-10001 1-72530 1-91793 2-12075 1-74410 1-93775 2-14159 1-76301 1-95768 2-16254 1-78201 1-97771 2-18358 1-80113 1-99783 2-20473 1-82034 2-01807 2-22598 210 220 230 2^24734 2 •46646 2^69578 2^26879 2^48894 2^71928 2^29035 2^51151 2^74287 2-31200 2-53419 2-76657 2-33376 2-55697 2-79036 2-35563 •2-57985 2-81427 2-37759 2-60283 2-83827 2-39965 2-62592 2-86237 2-42182 2-64910 2-88658 2-44409 2-67239 2-91089 240 250 260 2 •93530 3-1 8500 3-44490 2^95980 3^21053 3^47145 2^98442 3^23616 3^48810 3-00913 3-26190 3-51485 3-03395 3-28773 3-54170 3-05887 3-31367 3-57867 3-08389 3-33971 3-60572 3-10902 3-36586 3-63288 3-13424 3-39210 3-66015 3-15957 3-41845 3-68752 270 280 290 3-71498 3^99526 4^28574 3-74255 4-02385 4-31534 3-77022 4^05254 4^34505 3-79800 4-08133 4-37486 3-82587 4-11023 4-40478 3-85385 4-13923 4-43480 3-88192 4-16832 4-46491 3-91010 4-19752 4-49513 3-93839 4-22683 4-52545 3-96678 4-25623 4-55587 300 310 320 4^58640 4-89726 5-21830 4^61703 4^92890 5^25097 4^64775 4-99065 5-28374 4-67859 4-99250 5-31660 4-70952 5-02445 5-34958 4-74055 5-05650 5-38265 4-77169 5-08866 5-41582 4-80293 5-1-2092 5-44910 4-83426 5-15328 5-48248 4-86571 5-18574 5-51596 330 340 350 5-54954 5-89098 6-24260 5 •583-22 5^92568 6^27832 5-61701 5-96048 6^31415 5-65090 5-99539 6-35007 5-68489 6-03040 6-38610 5-71899 606551 6-42223 5-75318 6-10073 6-45847 5-78748 6-13604 6-49480 5-82187 6-17146 6-53124 5-85637 6-20698 6-56777 360 370 380 6-60442 6-97642 7-35862 6-64116 7^01418 7^39740 6-67800 7-05205 7-43629 6-71495 7-09001 7-47526 6-75200 7-12808 7-51435 6-78915 7-16625 7-55354 6-82640 7-20452 7-59283 6-86375 7-24289 7-63223 6-90120 7-28137 7-67172 6-93876 7-31994 7-71132 390 400 410 7-75101 8-15360 8^56639 7^79081 8^19442 8^60822 7-83073 8^23534 8^65016 ' 7-87072 8-27636 8-69221 7-91083 8-31749 8-73435 7-95103 8-35871 8-77660 7-99134 8-40004 8-81894 8-03175 8-44147 8-86139 8-07226 8-48300 8-90394 8-11288 8-52463 8-94660 420 430 440 8^98935 9^42251 9^86585 9 •03-221 9-46639 9-91075 9^07517 9^51037 9^95575 9-11823 9-55445 1000084 9-16139 9-59863 10-03605 9-20466 9-64292 10-08135 9-24803 9-68730 10-13676 9-29149 9-73178 10-18227 9-33506 9-77637 10-22787 9-37873 9-82106 10-27359 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INTERNAL BALLISTICS 451 Table giving in dinamodes the energy stored up in 1 kilogramme in weight, etc. — continued. 440 450 470 480 490 500 510 5:^0 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 640 650 660 670 680 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 810 820 840 850 9-86585 10-31940 10-78313 9-91075 10-36531 10-83007 11-25706 11-30502 11-74119 11-79016 12-23550 12-28550 12-74000 13 25470 13-77964 14-31472 14-86000 15-41546 12-79101 13-30673 13-83269 14-36879 14-91508 15-47157 15-98112 il6-03824 16-55697 16-61511 17-14301 17-20218 17-73924 18-34567 18-96220 19-58911 20-22611 20-87330 21-53071 22-19828 22-87605 9-95575110-00084 10-41133 10-45745 10-87710 10-92424 11-35307111-40123 11-83924 111-88842 12-33558:12-38578 12-84212 12-89334 13-35891 113-41114 13-88584113-93909 14-42296 14-47723 14-970?7 15-02556 15-52778 15-58409 16-09547 16-15280 16-67336 jl6-73171 17-26144117-32081 10-03605 [10-08135 10-13676 11018227 10-50367 I1O-54999 10-59642 |l0-64294 10-97148:11-01883 11-06627 11-11381 11-44949111-49785 11-93769 [11-98708 12-43607 !l2-48647 12-94465 13-46348 13-99245 14-53160 15-08096 15-64040 12-99607 13-51592 14-04590 14-58608 15-13645 15-69701 17-79942 18-40687 19-02451 19-65235 20-29036 20-93858 21-59710 22-26560 22-95439 17-85971 18-46818 19-08683 17-92010 18-52958 19-14926 16-21023 16-26777 16-79016 16-84872 17-38028 17-43985 17-98059 18-04118 18-59109 J18-65271 21179119-27442 19-71569 19-77914 20-35473 20-41919 21-00396 21-06944 26-41779 27-15672 21-66351 22-33300 23-02283 23-70283 24-40303 •25-11341 25-83399 26-56476 27-30572 21-73001 32-40053 23-09137 23-56402 23-63338 24-26217 124-33255 24-97052 25-04192 25-76148 26-49123 27-23117 27-90583 27-98130 28-05688 128-66514 i28-74163 28-81822 129-43464 ;29-51215 29-58976 30-21433 '30-29286 30-37149 31-00422 ;31-08376 31-16342 31-80429 131-88486 31-96553 23-77240 23-84206 24-47361 24-54429 25-18501 125-25671 25-90661 26-63840 27-38038 28-13255 28-89492 29-66748 32-61456132-69615 33-43502133-51763 34-26567 j34-34929 35-10652 135-19116 35-95755 36-04322 36-81878 36-90546 37-69020 38-57181 39-46362 37-77790 38-66053 39-55336 32-77784 33-60034 34-43303 35-27591 36-12898 36-99225 37-86571 38-74936 39-64320 19-84269 20-48376 21-13503 21-79641 22-46815 23-15001 25-97933 26-71214 27-45514 28-20833 28-97172 29-74529 30-45023 30-52906 31-24317 31-32302 32-04630 32-12718 32-85963 33-68315 34-51685 35-36076 36-21485 37-07914 37-95361 38-83828 39-73315 32-94152 33-76606 34-60079 35-44571 36-30082 37-16613 38-14162 38-92731 39-82319 19-90634 20-54843 21-20072 22-53590 23-21876 23-91182 24-61507 25-32852 26-05215 26-78598 27-53000 28-28421 29-04862 29-82321 11-54631 12-03656 12-53697 13-04759 13-55845 14-09946 14-64066 15-19205 15-75363 16-32540 16-90737 17-49953 18-10188 18-71442 19-33715 19-97009 20-61320 21-26651 11-59488 12-08614 12-58758 13-09922 13-61109 14-15312 14-69534 15-24775 15-81035 16-38314 16-96613 17-55930 18-16267 18-77623 19-39999 20-03394 20-67807 21-33240 10-22787 10-68957 11-16146 11-64355 12-13583 12-63828 10-27359 10-73630 11-20921 11-69232 12-18562 12-68909 13-15094 13-20277 13-66383 !l3-7l668 14-20689 14-26075 14-75012 14-80500 30355 15-35945 15-86717 115-92409 16-44098 '16-49892 17-02499:17-08395 17-61918 17-67916 18-22357118-28457 18-83815 18-90017 19-46292(19-5-2596 20-09790 I2O-I6I95 20-74304 20-80812 21-39821 21-46441 21-93003 21-99694 22-60372I22-67165 23-28761 23-35656 23-98169 24-68596 25-40042 26-12508 36-85992 37-60496 28-36019 29-12562 29-90123 30-60800130-68704 31-40298 31-48304 32-20815 32-28923 33-02352 33-84907 34-68482 35-53076 36-38689 37-25322 38-12973 39-01644 39-91334 33-10561 33-93219 34-76896 35-61591 36-47307 37-34041 38-21794 39-10567 40-00359 22-06395 22-73969 23-42561 24-05166 24-75695 25-47243 26-19810 26-93397 27-68003 28-43628 29-20272 29-97935 30-76618 31-56320 3-2-37041 33-18781 34-01541 34-85319 35-70117 36-55934 37-42770 38-30626 39-19501 40-09394 22-13107 22-80782 23-49476 24-12173 24-19190 24-82804 24-89923 25-54454 25-61675 26-27123 7-00812 7-75519 28-51246 29-27992 30-05758 30-84542 31-64346 32-45169 33-27011 34-09873 34-93753 26-34446 27-08237 27-83046 28-58875 29-35723 30-13590 30-92477 31-72382 33-35251 34-18215 35-02197 35-78653 35-87199 64572 36-73220 51510 37-60260 38-39467138-48319 39-28444,39-37398 40-18440 ko-27495 452 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Table giving in dinamodes the energy stored np in 1 kilogramme in weight, etc. — continued. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000 39-46362 40-36561 41-27780 42-20018 43-13275 44-07552 45-02848 45-99162 46-96497 47-94850 48-94222 49-94614 50-96025 39-55336 40-45637 41-36958 42-29298 43-22657 44-17035 45-12433 46-08850 47-06286 48-04741 49-04216 50-04709 51-06222 39-64320 40-54723 41-46146 42-38588 43-32049 44-26530 45-22029 46-18548 47-16086 48-14643 49-14219 50-14815 51-16429 39-73315 40-63820 41-55345 42-47888 43-41451 44-36034 45-31635 46-28256 47-25896 48-24555 49-24233 50-24930 51-26647 39 82319 40-72927 41-64553 42-57199 43-50864 44-45548 45-41251 46-37974 47-35716 48-34477 49-34257 50-35056 51-36875 39-91334 40-82043 41-73772 42-66520 43-60286 44-55072 45-50878 46-47702 47-45546 48-44409 49-441:91 50-45192 51-47113 40-00359 40-91170 41-83001 42-75850 43-69719 44-64607 45-60514 46-57441 47-55386 48-54351 49-54335 50-55338 51-57361 40-09394 41-00308 41-92240 42-85191 43-79162 44-74152 45-70161 46-67189 47-65237 48-64304 49-64389 50-65495 51-67619 40-18440 41-09455 42-01489 42-94542 43-88615 44-83707 45-79818 46-76948 47-75098 48-74266 49-74454 50-75661 51-77888 40-27495 41-18612 42-10749 43-03904 43-98078 44-93272 45-89485 46-86717 47-84969 48-84239 49-84529 50-85838 51-88166 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 INTERNAL BALLISTICS 453 Table showing the work in dinainodes that 1 kilogramme of gunpo^nder is capable of performing in expanding from volume = 1, to any given number of volumes up to 40. 1 ■3 > ■00 •01 •02 •03 •01 •05 •06 •07 •08 ■09 1 1 2 •000 6-038 10-957 -667 6-574 11-402 1-319 7-098 11-841 1-956 7-612 12-273 2-578 8-117 12-697 3-187 8-612 13-114 3-782 9-098 13-525 4-365 9-576 13-929 4-934 10-044 14-327 5-492 10-505 14-718 3 4 5 15-104 18-676 21-818 15-483 19-009 22-112 15-858 19-337 22-403 16-227 19-661 22-690 16-591 19-980 22-974 16-951 20-030 23-256 17-305 20-608 23-533 17-655 20-916 23-808 18-000 21-220 24-080 18-340 21-521 24-348 6 7 8 24-615 27-133 29-422 24-879 27-372 29-639 25-140 27-608 29-856 25-397 27-842 30-070 25-653 28-073 30-282 25-906 28-303 30-493 26-157 28-531 30-702 26-404 28-757 30-909 26-630 28-981 31-114 26-893 29-202 31-318 2 9 1 31-520 38-458 35-247 31-764 33-643 35-420 31-920 33-826 35-592 32-118 34-008 35-763 32-313 34-189 35-932 32-508 34-367 36-100 32-701 34-545 36-267 32-892 34-721 36-432 33-083 34-897 36-597 33-271 35-073 36-761 2 3 4 36-924 38-498 39-998 37-086 38-650 40-118 37-248 38-801 40-260 37-407 38-951 40-401 37-566 39-100 40-542 37-724 39-248 40-681 37-881 39-396 40-819 38-036 39-542 40-957 38-191 39-688 41-094 38-345 39-832 41-230 5 6 7 41-365 42-675 43-918 41-499 42-803 44-039 41-633 42-930 44-159 41-766 43-056 44-278 41-899 43-181 44-398 42-029 43-305 44-516 42-160 43-428 44-634 42-289 43-552 44-752 42-418 43-675 44-868 42-547 43-797 44-985 3 8 9 45-101 46-228 47-303 45-216 46-338 47-408 45-331 46-447 47-512 45-445 46-555 47-616 45-558 46-664 47-720 45-571 46-772 47-823 45-784 46-879 47-925 45-896 46-986 48-027 46-007 47-024 48-129 46-117 47-130 48-230 1 2 3 48-351 49-318 50-265 48-431 49-414 50-358 48-531 49-510 50-451 48-631 49-606 50-543 48-730 49-701 50-634 48-830 49-796 50-726 4R-92S 49-891 50-817 49-027 49-985 50-907 49-124 50-079 50-998 49-221 50-173 51-088 4 5 6 51-177 52-056 52-900 51-267 52-142 52-983 51-356 52-227 53-066 51-445 52-313 53-148 51-533 52-398 53-230 51-621 52-482 53-312 51-708 52-567 53-393 51-795 52-651 53-474 51-883 52-735 53-555 51-969 52-818 53-636 7 8 9 53-716 54-505 55-268 53-796 54-583 55-343 53-876 54-660 55-418 53-956 54-737 55-492 54-035 54-813 55-567 54-114 54-889 55-640 54-192 54-966 55-714 54-271 55-041 55-788 54-349 55-117 55-861 54-427 55-193 55-934 4 1 2 56-007 56-723 57-418 56-079 56-793 57-486 56-151 56-864 57-554 56-224 56-934 57-623 56-295 57-003 57-690 56-367 57-073 57-758 56-439 57-143 57-825 56-510 57-211 57-892 56-581 57-280 57-960 56-652 57-349 58-027 3 4 5 58-093 58-750 59-388 58-160 58-814 59-451 58-226 58-878 59-514 58-292 58-942 59-576 58-358 59-007 59-659 58-423 59-071 59-701 58-489 59-134 59-763 58-554 59-198 59-825 58-620 59-261 59-887 58-685 59-324 59-948 6 7 8 60-001 60-614 61-203 60-071 60-673 61-261 60-132 60-732 61-318 60-192 60-792 61-376 60-253 60-851 61-434 60-314 60-910 61-491 60-374 60-969 61-548 60-434 61-027 61-606 60-494 61-086 61-663 60-554 61-144 61-720 5 9 1 61-776 62-335 62-882 61 -833 62-391 62-936 61-889 62-446 62-990 61-946 62-501 63-043 62-002 62-556 63-097 62-058 62-610 63-150 62-114 62-665 63-203 62-170 62-720 63-256 62-225 62-774 63-310 62-280 62-828 63-363 2 3 4 63-415 63-936 64-446 63-468 63-988 64-496 63-520 64-039 64-547 63-573 64-090 64-597 63-625 64-141 64-647 63-677 64-192 64-697 63-729 64-243 64-747 63-781 64-294 64-797 63-833 64-345 64-846 63-885 64-395 64-896 •00 •01 •02 •03 •04 •05 •06 •07 •08 •09 454 INTERNAL BALLISTICS Table showing the work in dinamodes that 1 kilogratnme of gunpowder^ e.uivioo«oo = M ii^/f-i^fifTS, eB - . _| 1 ^" ---v--.-^ "~~~- ■"- —•-... ! \ 1 ^1 1 i — • ...JX ..'U ^1^ .^..-. __, '7' ---r - "'<"- * ^, -^ 0' ,. « 1 „.- ....... g'.. 0. « 0< kCH • / , •/ ^^ / y /. / y^ / .' V y Cx- / J.. / ...... y / ^ n W r ■n m / / / 6 P'' / / m / /\ p / H o.- 1 / 1 y ,/1 i H > ] -\ / S/ir, 0. / ' / ■'/ / < s>- j / / m O n DO > m 1 / ! / / 1 r 1 1 1 / • f / — -si - i i / : 1 / ' / i/ i / 1 CD o \i / X) 00- i •' +U-i -{■-•■ / — . 1 o ; ^ / * / 2 i» CD ■> "> -n ' / / 5 / s > J D ! / 1 / / * i / p - - PD 1 O C ///I/ p r vi B G z 1 ( • !\ 1 11 / , /' 1/ H o- // i n z jz ^ 2 ! i* / •4 "^ - f7f^ * 3 I'/ i ^ I fsJ •1// / to i Tl Si' } 1 ■ 1 i i 1 1 1 ! i 1 r\i O) 4> (!• TONS PER SQUARE INCH. O = IV o< -^ 0> <}^ DEVELOPED BY SOME NEW EXPLOSIVES 4G7 those obtained from crusher-gauges. To facilitate this comparison I have added to the pressure curves I have described a curve showing the pressures developed by cordite when fired in a close vessel, and I have further added the results of five rounds of cordite fired for the Explosives Committee in the crusher-gauge gun, the pressure of each individual round at each point of observation being indicated. The sample of cordite used in these experiments was not of the same make as that employed in my own. The pressures given on the axis of y denote those taken in the powder chamber, and are compar- able with the crusher-gauge pressures I have given as derived from my own experiments. It will be observed that the mean chamber pressure indicated is two- or three-tenths of a ton higher than that I obtained ; but it will be further observed that if I attempt to draw a pressure curve through the mean of the crusher-gauge observation, such curve would indicate pressures far higher than are necessary and sufficient to develop the work impressed on the projectile. Again, the pressures indicated after the projectile has moved 1 foot are about 2 tons per square inch higher than those observed in the powder chamber, and it will be further noticed that not only are these observations, at all events at certain points, considerably too high, but they exhibit in the forward part of the bore variations quite unknown when the pressures are taken in the powder chamber. Thus, in the particular experiments I am discussing, the mean pressure in the powder chamber being about 13 '5 tons, the extreme ^•ariation in the five rounds amounts only to about IJ tons per square inch, while the crusher-gauge placed in the chase at a point about 8i feet from the seat of the shot, gave in the same number of rounds an extreme variation of 3 tons per square inch, the mean pressures being only about 4 tons ; and it will further be noted that, while some of the rounds indicated pressures below those deduced by the method I have described, other rounds at the same point indicated pressures even exceeding those which would have existed under the same gravi- metric densities in a close vessel. It may also be noted that from the crusher-gauge experiments, round 5 should have given the lowest muzzle energy of the series ; as a matter of fact it gave the highest. My conclusion, therefore, is that, although crusher-gauges placed in the chase may, and doubtless do, give valuable comparative results, they cannot be relied on for absolute determinations, unless confirmed by observations altogether independent in their nature. XII. EESEAECHES ON EXPLOSIVES. PEELIMINAEY NOTE. {Proceedings of the Koyal Society, 1894.) The researches on which I, in conjunction with Sir F. Abel, have been engaged for very many years, have had their scope so altered and extended by the rapid advances which have been made in the science of explosives, that we have been unable to lay before the Society the results of the many hundreds of experiments under varied conditions which I have carried out. We are desirous also of clear- ing up some difficulties which have presented themselves with certain modern explosives when dealing with high densities and pressures ; but the necessary investigations have occupied so much time, that I am induced to lay a few of our results before the Society, trusting, however, that before long we may be able to submit a more complete memoir. A portion of our researches includes investigations into the trans- formation and ballistic properties of powders varying greatly in composition, but of which potassium nitrate is the chief constituent. In this preliminary note I propose to refer to powders of this description chiefly for purposes of comparison, and shall devote my attention principally to guncotton and to those modern explosives of which guncotton forms a principal ingredient. In determining the transformation experienced during explosion, the same arrangements for firing the explosive and collecting the gases were followed as are described in our earlier researches,* and the gases themselves were, after being sealed, analysed either under the personal superintendence of Sir F. Abel, or of Professor Dewar, and to Professor Dewar's advice and assistance I am indebted, I can hardly say to what extent. The heat developed by explosion, and the quantity of permanent gases generated were also determined as described in our researches, but the amount of water formed plays so important a part in the * Phil. Trans., vol. clxv., p. 61. RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVP^S 469 transfonnation that special means were adopted in order to obtain this product with exactness. The arrangement employed was as follows : — After explosion the gases formed were allowed to escape through two U -tubes filled with pumice-stone and concentrated sulphuric acid ; when the gases had all escaped the explosion cylinder was o})ened, and the water deposited at the bottom of the cylinder was collected in a sponge, placed in a closed glass vessel, and weighed. The cylinder was then nearly closed and heated, and a measured quantity of air was, l)y means of an aspirator, drawn slowly through the (J -tubes till the cylinder was perfectly dry. This was easily ascertained by observing when moisture was no longer deposited on a cooled glass tube through which the air passed. The U -tubes were then carefully weighed, the amount of moisture absorbed determined, and added to the quantity of water directly collected. The aqueous vapour in the air employed for drying was, for each experiment, determined and deducted from the gross amount. Numerous experiments were made to ascertain the relation of the tension of the various explosives employed, to the gravimetric density of the charge when fired in a close vessel ; but I do not propose here to pursue this part of our inquiry, both because the subject is too large to be treated of in a preliminary note, and because approximate values have already been published * for several of the explosives with which we have experimented. With certain explosives, the possibility or probability of detona- tion was very carefully investigated. In some cases the explosive was merely placed in the explosion-vessel in close proximity to a charge of mercuric fulminate by which it was fired, but I found that the most satisfactory method of experiment was to place the charge to be experimented with in a small shell packed as tightly as possible, the shell then being placed in a large explosion-vessel and fired by means of mercuric fulminate. The tension in the small shell at the moment of fracture and the tension in the large explosion-vessel were in each experiment carefully measured. It may be desirable here to explain that I do not consider the presence of a high pressure with any explosive as necessarily denot- ing detonation. With both cordite and guncotton I have developed enormous pressures, close upon 100 tons per square inch (about 15,000 atmospheres), but the former explosive I have not succeeded Noble, Internal Ballistics, 1892, p. 33; Roy. Soc. Proc. vol. Hi., p. 128. 470 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES in detonating, while guncotton can be detonated with the utmost ease. It is obvious that if we suppose a small charge fired in a vessel impervious to heat, the rapidity or slowness of combustion will make no difference in the developed pressure, and that pressure will be the highest of which the explosive is capable, regard being of course had to the density of the charge. I say a small charge, because, if a large charge were in question, and explosion took place with extreme rapidity, the nascent gases may give rise to such whirl- winds of pressure, if I may use the term, that any means we may have of registering the tension will show pressures very much higher than would be registered were the gases, at the same temperature, in a state of quiescence. I have had innumerable proofs of this action, but it is evident that in a very small charge the nascent gases will have much less energy than in the case of a large charge occupying a considerable space. The great increase in the magnitude of the charges fired from modern guns has rendered the question of erosion one of great importance. Few, who have not had actual experience, have any idea how rapidly with very large charges the surface of the bore is removed. Great attention has therefore been paid to this point, both in regard to the erosive power of different explosives and in regard to the capacity of different materials (chiefly different natures of steel) to resist the erosive action. The method I adopted for this purpose consisted in allowing large charges to escape through a small vent. The amount of the metal removed by the passage of the products of explosion, which amount was determined by calibration, was taken as a measure of the erosive power of the explosive. Experiments have also been made to determine the rate at which the products of explosion part with their heat to the surrounding envelope, the products of explosion being altogether confined. I shall only briefly allude to these experiments, as, although highly interesting, they have not been carried far enough to entitle me to speak with confidence as to final conclusions. Turning now to ballistic results. The energies which the new explosives are capable of developing, and the high pressures at which the resulting gases are discharged from the muzzle of the gun, render length of bore of increased importance. With the object of ascertaining with more precision the advantages to be gained by length, the firm to which I belong has experimented with a 6-inch gun of 100 calibres in length. In the particular experi- I RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 471 merits to which I refer, the velocity and energy generated has not only been measured at the muzzle, but the velocity and the pressure producing this velocity have been obtained for every point of the bore, consequently the loss of velocity and energy due to any particular shortening of the bore can be at once deduced. These results have been obtained by measuring the velocities every round at sixteen points in the bore and at the muzzle. These data enable a velocity curve to be laid down, while from this curve the corresponding pressure curve can be calculated. The maximum chamber pressure obtained by these means is corroborated by simul- taneous observations taken with crusher-gauges, and the internal ballistics of various explosives have thus been completely determined. Commencing with guncotton, with which a very large number of analyses were made, with the view of determining whether there was any material difference in the decomposition dependent upon the pressure under which it was exploded, two descriptions were employed : one in the form of hank or strand, and the other in the form of compressed pellets. Both natures were approximately of the same composition, of Waltham-Abbey manufacture, containing in a dried sample about 4-4 per cent, of soluble cotton and 95 ^G per cent, of insoluble. As used, it contained about 2-25 per cent, of moisture. The following were the results of the analyses of the permanent gases. They are placed in five series, viz. : — first. — Analyses showing the decomposition of the strand or hank guncotton. Second. — Analyses showing the decomposition of pellet guncotton. In both these series the analyses are arranged in the order of the ascending pressures under which the decomposition took place. Third and fourth. — Examples of the decomposition of strand and pellet guncotton when exploded by means of mercuric fulminate. And, fifth, a series showing the decomposition experienced by pellet guncotton saturated with from 25 to 30 per cent, of water, and detonated by means of a primer of dry guncotton and mercuric fulminate. I leave these resvilts for discussion in the memoir which Sir F. Abel and I hope before long to submit, and will only remark that, in Tables 1 and 2, the same peculiarity we have before remarked upon in reference to gunpowder, is again exhibited ; I mean the marked manner in which the carbonic anhydride increases with the pressure. It will be noted that in Table 1 the volumes of carbonic anhydride and carbonic oxide are nearly exactly reversed ; 472 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES P i .2 i| il 1' 'I 1 36-18 27-57 16-76 16-15 3-34 9 34-77 28-66 17-48 16-05 3-04 p 34-70 28-60 16-56 16-83 3-31 p O 33-01 30-32 18-25 16-60 1-82 CO 33-63 31-20 17-99 16-23 0-95 CO 3 32-70 31-36 19-23 16-25 0-46 9 (M 32-23 30-65 20-38 16-43 0-31 p 31-00 32-76 18-80 16-90 0-54 9 30-95 32-27 19-10 17-20 0-48 ip 29-62 35-03 17-13 18-18 0-04 ^2 26-49 36-66 19-68 16-85 0-32 -3 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ I 9 00 'H O CO 00 lo OS f S CO u-5 O 'J' CM CO (M i-( 9 ^s^gg (M 25S?:2<= 9 s^sgg t^ s^^ss^ p :SS^§S ^ CO lo 00 CO I-l Kl CO !-• r-l 1 9 25-75 38-00 19-71 15-26 1-28 p 1-1 CO t^ lO 'S* -ti ^) CO CO CO 1 t^ t^ OS lO o C ^1^SS-* lO CO lO O 00 T*" poopoo<>5 '"' ^^;^s- V o ssss^ S^i^S^ ^ 1 . . : : i s s RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 473 Table 3. — Results of the analyses of strand gunrotton token fired in a close vessel hy detonation. Pressure * jier sq. incli. 1 ton. 3 tons. CO., (vols.) . 19-21 29-08 CO" „ . 41-25 32-88 H „ . 23-07 20-14 N „ . 16-21 17-50 CH, „ . 0-26 0-75 The pressures given are those due to the gravimetric density of the charge. Table 4. — Similar results for pellet guncotton. Pressure per sq. inch. 3 tons. 10 tons COo(vols.) . 25-76 26-50 CO „ . 39-34 37-48 H „ . 18-71 20-97 N „ . 16-19 15-05 CH4 „ . Nil Nil Table 5. — Results of analyses of saturated pellet guncotton fired close vessel hy detonation. ', per square inch. Under 10 tons. 10-5 tons. 16 tons. 16-5 tons 32-14 33-25 32-93 35-60 27-04 25-90 27-25 23-43 26-80 26-53 25-76 24*22 13-83 14-32 14-06 15-25 0-19 Nil Nil 1-50 CO., (vols.) CO" „ . H „ . N „ . CH, „ . again, considering that the composition of the pellet and strand guncotton is practically the same, the distinct difference between the proportions of these products in the two series is sufficiently remarkable. It not improbably is connected with the rapidity of combustion of the two samples. Another striking peculiarity is the manner in which the COo is increased (as exhibited in Table 5) when saturated pellet cotton is detonated. Such are the average analyses of the permanent gases generated by the decomposition of guncotton under the various conditions I have described, and it will be evident from these analyses that the volumes of the permanent gases may be expected to ditfer to some very appreciable extent, depending both upon the density under which it is exploded, and also upon the mode of explosion. I have found it most convenient to explode the charges, the permanent gases from which were to be measured, under a pressure of about 10 tons per square inch (1524 atmospheres), and, under these circumstances, the average of several very accordant determinations 474 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES gave, at 0' Cent, and 760 mm. of mercury, 689 c.c. per gramme of strand guncotton and 725 c.c. per gramme of pellet guncotton. At the temperature of explosion the whole of the water formed is in the gaseous state. It is therefore necessary, in order to obtain the total gaseous volume, to add to the above volumes of permanent gases the equivalent volume of aqueous vapour at the temperature and pressure stated. Now the quantity of water formed by the explosion of 129"6 grms. of guncotton was found to be 16'985 grms. ; hence 1 grm. of guncotton generated 01311 grm. of water, equivalent to 162"6 c.c. of aqueous vapour, and the total volume of gaseous matter at the temperature and pressure stated is for strand guncotton 852"2 c.c. per gramme, for pellet 887'6 c.c. The heat measured reached, with strand guncotton, 1068 grm.- units (water fluid), or 988 grm.-units (water gaseous), while with pellet guncotton these figures were 1037 or 957 grm.-units respectively. Pellet guncotton made at Stowmarket generated 738 c.c. of permanent gas and 994 units of heat per gramme, while dinitro- cellulose containing 12-8 per cent, of nitrogen generated 748 c.c. of gas and 977 units of heat, the water in both cases being fluid. Guncotton, both pellet and strand, I have detonated by means of mercuric fulminate with ease and certainty. The effect of employing this means of ignition in a close vessel is very striking, and the indications of intense heat are much more apparent than when the charge is fired in the ordinary way. This effect is probably partly due to an actual higher temperature, caused by the greater rapidity of combustion. I allude elsewhere to the extreme rapidity with which the gases part with their heat, but this higher heat is, I think, clearly indicated by the surfaces of the internal crusher- gauges becoming covered with innumerable small cracks, and by thin laminae occasionally flaking off exposed surfaces ; but perhaps the most striking proof of the violence of this detonation is shown by its action on a cast-iron shell fired as I have described ; where no detonation takes place the shell is broken into fragments of various sizes, such as are familiar to all acquainted with the burst- ing of shell; but when detonation, with guncotton, for example, takes place, the whole shell is reduced to very minute fragments, and, what is more remarkable, two-thirds of the total weight are generally in the form of small peas and of the finest dust. The ease with which guncotton can be detonated renders it unsuitable for use as a propulsive agent, unless this property be in some way neutralised. I have, therefore, made but few experiments RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 475 ill this direction, and shall not further allude to them in this note, as more suitable explosives — explosives also of which guncotton is a principal component — have been elaborated ; and these not only possess to the full the high ballistic properties of guncotton, but are more or less free from the tendency to detonate, which, however useful it may be in other directions, is a fatal objection to the employment of guncotton for propelling purposes. Turning now to cordite ; cordite consists, as is well known, of nitro-glycerine and guncotton as its main ingredients. As now made, it contains 37 per cent, of guncotton (trinitro-cellulose with a small proportion of soluble guncotton), 58 per cent, of nitro- glycerine, and 5 per cent, of a hydrocarbon known as vaselin. On account of the importance of this explosive, I have made numerous experiments, both with large and small charges, to determine the relation of the tension to the density of the charge. Up to densities of 0-55 the relation may be considered to be very approximately determined : above that density, although many determinations have been made, these determinations have shown such wide variations that they cannot, until certain discrepancies are explained, be assumed as at all accurate. The average results of some of the analyses of the permanent gases are given below : — The first four analyses were made from experiments with the earlier samples of cordite when tannin formed an ingredient of cordite. They are not, therefore, strictly comparable with the later analyses. There appears also to be a difference in the transforma- tion, slight but decided, which the same cordite experiences, depen- dent upon the diameter of the cord ; and this difference is shown at once in the analyses, in the volume of permanent gases, in the heat developed, and, I think, in the amount of aqueous vapour formed. The following are some of the analyses: — Table 6. I'res.sure per square inch. ^ 0-048 Cordite. 0-220 Cordite. 2-5 tons. 6 tons. 10 tons. 14 tons. 10 tons. 12 tons. 11 tons. 14 tons. COo 29-9 30-4 32-0 31-6 27-0 28-4 23-9 26-3 CO" 28-3 30-7 32-9 32-1 34-2 33-8 37-2 35-8 H 19 -S 20-0 18-0 21-6 26-9 24-4 28-4 26-1 N 22 '5 18-9 17-1 14-8 12-0 13-4 10-4 11-8 CH, traces. In the whole of these analyses the water formed by the explosion smelt stronglv of ammonia. 476 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES The quantity of permanent gases measured, under the same condi- tions as in the case of guncotton, was found to be : — For tlie earlier cordite, 655 vols. For the present service cordite, 0'255 inch in diameter, 692 vols., and for that 0-048 inch in diameter, 698 vols. In the two latter samples the aqueous vapour was determined, and was found to amount to 20-257 grms. for the 0-255-inch cordite, and to 20-126 grms. for the 0-048-inch cordite ; or, stating the result per gramme, these figures are respectively equivalent to 0-1563 grm., or 194 c.c. aqueous vapour, and to 0-1553 grm., or 192-5 c.c. per grm. of cordite. Hence the total gaseous products generated by the explosion of cordite amount per grm. to 886 c.c. for the 0-255-inch cordite, and to 890-5 c.c. for the 0-048-inch cordite, the volumes being, of course, taken at 0° Cent, and 760 mm, atmospheric pressure. The heat generated was found to be: — For the earlier cordite, 1214 grm. -units water fluid ; for the service 0-2 5 5 -inch cordite, 1284 grm. -units water fluid or 1189 units water gaseous ; for the service 0-048-inch cordite, 1272 units water fluid or 1178 units water gaseous. From my very numerous experiments on erosion, I have arrived at the conclusion that the principal factors determining its amount are : (1) the actual temperature of the products of combustion, (2) the motion of these products. But little erosive effect is produced, even by the most erosive powders, in close vessels, or in those portions of the chambers of gims where the motion of the gas is feeble or nil ; but tJhe case is widely different where there is rapid motion of the gases at high densities. It is not difficult absolutely to retain without leakage the products of explosions at very high pressures, but if there be any appreciable escape before the gases are cooled, they instantly cut a way for themselves with astonishing rapidity, totally destroying the surfaces over or through which they pass. Among all the explosives with which I have experimented, I have found that where the heat developed is low, the erosive effect is also low. With ordinary powders, the most erosive with which I am acquainted is that which, on account of other properties, is used for the battering charges of heavy guns: I refer to brown prismatic powder. The erosive effect of cordite, if considered in relation to the energy generated by the two explosives, is very slightly greater than that of brown prismatic ; but very much higher effects can, if RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 477 it be so desired, be obtained with cordite, and, if the highest energy be demanded, the erosion will be proportionally greater. There is however, one curious and satisfactory peculiarity connected with erosion by cordite. Erosion produced by ordinary gunpowder has the most singular effect on the metal of the gun, eating out larg& holes, and forming long, rough grooves, resembling a ploughed field in miniature, and these grooves have, moreover, the unpleasant habit of being very apt to develop into cracks ; but with cordite, so far as my experience goes, the erosion is of a very different character. The eddy holes and long grooves are absent, and the erosion appears- to consist in a simple washing away of the surface of the steel barrel. Cordite does not detonate; at least, although I have made far more experiments on detonation with this explosive than with any other, I have never succeeded in detonating it. With an explosive like cordite, capable of developing enormous pressures, it is, of course, easy, if the cordite be finely comminuted, to develop very high tensions, but, as I have already explained, a high pressure does not necessarily imply detonation. The rapidity with which cordite gases lose their temperature, and consequently their pressure, by communication of their heat to their surrounding envelope, is very striking. Exploding a charge of about If lb. of cordite in a close vessel at a tension of a little over 6 tons on the square inch, or say 1000 atmospheres, I have found that the pressure of 6 tons per square inch was again reached in 0"07 second after explosion, of 5 tons in 0171 second, of 4 tons in 0-731 second^ of 3 tons in 1-764 second, of 2 tons in 3-523 seconds, and of 1 ton in 7-08 seconds. The loss of pressure after 1 ton per square inch was reached, was, of course, slow, but the figures I have given were closely approximated to in two subsequent experiments. With ordinary gunpowder the reduction of pressure was very much slower, as was to be expected, on account of the charge being much larger ; on account, also, of the temperature of explosion being much lower. These experiments are now bemg continued with larger charges and higher pressure. It only remains to give particulars as to ballistics, that is,, as to the velocities and energies realisable by cordite in the bore of a gun; but these will be most conveniently given with similar details regarding other explosives with which I have experimented. 478 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES The ballistite I have used has, like the cordite, been changed in composition since the commencement of my experiments. The sample I used for my earlier experiments was nearly exactly composed of 50 per cent of dinitro-cellulose (collodion cotton) and 50 per cent, of nitro-glycerine. The cubes were coated with graphite, and the nitro-cellulose was wholly soluble in ether alcohol. The second sample was nominally composed of 60 per cent, of nitro-cellulose and 40 per cent, of nitro-glycerine. The proximate analysis gave — Nitro-glycerine . . . .41-62 Nitro-cellulose .... 59'05 as before the whole of the nitro-cellulose was soluble in ether alcohol. The earlier sample gave the following permanent gases under i^ressures of 6 and 12 tons per square inch respectively: — CO H N CH^ 37-3 38-49 27-8 28-35 19-1 19-83 15-8 13-32 traces. One gramme of this ballistite gives rise to 610 c.c. of permanent gases, and to 01588 grm. of aqueous vapour, corresponding to 197 c.c. at O'Cent. and 760 mm. Hence the total volume of gas is 807 c.c, and the heat generated by the explosion is 1365 grm.-units (water fluid), 1269 grm.-units (water gaseous). Although I have not made nearly so many experiments on detona- tion with ballistite as with cordite, those I have made with the earlier samples (50 per cent, guncotton and 50 per cent, nitro- glycerine), neither detonated, nor did they show any tendency to detonate ; but the case is different with respect to a sample of ballistite consisting of 60 per cent, guncotton and 40 per cent, nitro-glycerine. This sample, 0'2-inch cubes, detonated with great violence on two occasions; but I am unable, without further experience, to say whether this result was due to the change in the composition of the ballistite or to defective manufacture. The erosive action of ballistite is, as might perhaps be anticipated RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 479 from the higher heat developed, greater than with cordite, but the remarks made with respect to the action of cordite apply also to ballistite. The French B. K powder consists of nitro-cellulose partially gelatinised and mixed with tannin, with barium, and potassium nitrates. When exploded under a pressure of 6 tons per square inch, the permanent gases were found to consist of CO., . . . . .28-1 vols. CO" 32-4 „ H . . .... 21-9 „ N . . . . . 16-8 „ CH^ . . . . . 0-8 „ These permanent gases occupied at the usual temperature and pressure a volume of 616 c.c. ; the aqueous vapour formed occupied in addition 206 c.c, so that the total gaseous volume was 822 c.c. The heat generated was 1003 grm.-units (water fluid) or 902 grm.- units (water gaseous) ; the ballistics obtained with this powder are given along with those furnished by other explosives. For purposes of comparison, I have introduced among the ballistic results those obtained with amide prismatic powder, and with 11. L. G. Particulars as to both these powders have already been given * and need not here be repeated. In a preliminary note, like the present, the most convenient mode of comparing the velocities and energies developed by the new explosives is by the aid of diagrams. Accordingly, in Fig. 1 (coloured diagram, p. 480), I show the velocities of seven different explosives from the commencement of motion to the muzzle of the gun ; the position of the points at wdiich the velocity is determined are shown, and on the lowest and highest curves the observed velocities are marked where it is possible to do so without confusing the diagram. Lines are drawn to indicate the velocities that are obtained with the lengths of 40, 50, 75, and 100 calibres. Fig. 2 (coloured diagram, p. 480) shows the pressures by which the velocities of Fig. 1 were obtained. The areas of these cm^ves represent the energies realised, and the lines intersecting the curves indicate the pressures at which the gases are discharged from the muzzle for lengths of 40, 50, 75, and 100 calibres respectively. The * Eoy. Soc. Froc, vol. lii., p. 125 ; FIiH. Trans., part i., 1880, p. 278. 480 RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES chamber pressures indicated by crusher-gauges are also shown in Fig. 2, and it will be observed that the two modes of determining the maximum pressure are in general in close accordance. It will further be observed that with the slow-burning powders the chronoscopic maximum pressures are somewhat, though not greatly higher, than are those indicated by the crusher-gauges. This observation is not new.* It was noted in the long series of experiments with black powders carried on by the Committee of Explosives. The result is widely different where an explosive powder or a quickly-burning powder, such as E. L. G., giving rise to wave-pressure, is employed; the crusher-gauge in such cases f gives considerably and frequently very greatly higher pressures, and this peculiarity is illustrated in the curve from K. L. G. in Fig. 2. It is, perhaps, hardly necessary to point out that the results given in Fig. 1 have to be considered in relation to the facts disclosed in Fig. 2. Thus it will be noted that the velocities and energies realised by 22 lbs. of 0-35-inch cordite and 20 lbs. of 0-3-inch cordite are practically the same; but reference to Fig. 2 shows that, with the 0-3-inch cordite, this velocity and energy has been obtained at the cost of nearly 30 per cent, higher maximum pressure. A similar remark may be made in regard to the French B. N. powder if compared with the ballistite. Its velocity and energy are obtained at a high cost of maximum pressure, and it is interesting to note how the velocity curve of B. N., which for the first 4 feet of motion shows a velocity higher than that of any other explosive, successively crosses other curves, and gives at the muzzle a velocity of 500 feet per second under that of cordite. The velocities and energies at the principal points indicated in Figs. 1 and 2 are summarised in the annexed table, which shows for each nature of explosive the advantage in velocity and energy to be gained by correspondingly lengthening the gun. Fig. 3 (coloured diagram) is an interesting illustration of a point to which I have elsewhere adverted. Cordite and ballistite leave no deposit in the bore. Eound 1 with E. L. G. was fired with a clean bore. The difference in velocity between round 1 with a clean bore and rounds 2 and 3 with powder deposit in the chase, is very clearly marked, and it will be noted that in this instance the effect of the foul bore is only distinctly shown when the length exceeds 40 calibres. '■ Noble and Abel, Pliil. Trans., vol. clxv., p. 110. t Compare Noble and Abel, loc. cit., p. lOP. Velocity in f* per Sec 11. . . ■ li. . ,.r , ■ .1. .. .1. OC2 T>OoO ■DOO OOOOOOCn r S p 5 O O J - w rv ixjfufuoi O (J> too 1» 33 o» *-5i ■ I I I I te T Velocity in f* per Sec. Pressure m tons per sguare Inch. o ■ ■ ■ ■ X Tons per sq inch. Pressure in tons per square inc h g ° ' ' L...UJ' • ' ' , ,6 , , , , a. f^^^^^^^T 'a ''•- ffi .y''^^ ^^^, 2 /^' ^^N ■c- 1 # Ot V o o>- °5 // 0/ - .'^ V <<> \\ ^ / cT \ 5- ;I ^ ^ \ I. INJ- ~ 'f \' - ;! •D -1 V •f>~ ^:.'L TO 1 5- ^;/ 40Ca//bres ss \ _; \ :! T -N ; 5 0-5 l\ ;/ 3 o 2. :c 'l\ °' ;( -1 O " 0«^ S r- \\ ( 50 Calibres ?c..=^0 'A fs- "t o 5 -- '^ TT ro I i g-S?5 ''\ ■»•" ii 8^-01 "<3 a Wi 3' \ ro i; " NU IVJ. 1; "^5*° c^ G» •'; a> T T c III lis" It ii '1 i •^ tft o j; Co 1 1 »• Ii 75 Calibres Co C) <^-s 1 1 ft :r- ! 1 s- i; 1 j; ss- s- 1 - t- ii ii ^ 1 — 1 — 1 \ — 1 1 1 ... ,„ ... -. ii 4- Velocity in feet per second RESEARCHES ON EXPLOSIVES 481 From 40 calibres onwards, the loss of velocity due to a bore encrusted with deposit is very distinctly shown. Table 7. — Showing the velocities and energies realised in Q-inch gun loith the undemoted explosives. Length of bore, 40 calibres. Length of bore, 50 calibres. Length of bore, 75 calibres. Length of bore, 100 calibres. weight of charge. 1 > 2 1 !> 1 > i 1 > i s Cordite, 0-4-in. dia., 27-5 lbs. . 2794 5413 2940 5994 3166 6950 3284 7478 Cordite, 0-35-in. dia., 22 lbs. 2444 4142 2583 4626 2798 5429 2915 5892 Cordite, 0-3-in. dia., 20 lbs. 2495 4316 2632 4804 2821 5518 2914 5888 Ballistite, 0-3-in. cubes, 20 lbs. 2416 4047 2537 4463 2713 5104 2806 5460 French B.N., 25 lbs. . 2422 4068 2530 4438 2700 5055 2786 5382 Amide Prismatic, 32 lbs. 2225 3433 2331 3768 2486 4285 2566 4566 R. L. G..„ 23 lbs. . 1533 1630 1592 1757 1668 1929 1705 2016 2 H XIII. ON METHODS THAT HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FOE MEASUEING PEESSUEES IN THE BOEES OF GUNS {Paper read 'before the British Association, Oxford, 1894.) The importance of ascertaining, with some approach to accuracy, the pressures which are developed at various points along the bores of guns by gunpowder or other propelling agent is so great that a variety of means have been proposed for their determination, and I purpose, in this paper, to give a very brief account of some of these means, pointing out at the same time certain difficulties which have been experienced in their employment, and the errors to which these methods have been in many cases subject. The earliest attempt, by direct experiment, to ascertain pressures developed by fired gunpowder, was that made by Count Eumford in his endeavour to determine the pressures due to different densities of charge. He assumed, the principles of thermo-dynamics being then unknown, that charges fired in a small closed gun-barrel would give pressures identical with those given by charges doing work both on the projectile and on the products of combustion themselves ; but even this error was a small one compared with that which led him to adopt, as correct, his extravagant estimate of the pressures developed. For a density of unity — or, in other words, for a charge approximately filling a chamber in which it was fired — he estimated the pressure at over 101,000 atmospheres, or at 662 tons per square inch. He adopted this pressure notwithstanding the great discrepancy which he found to exist between the two series of experiments which he made, and he meets the objection that, were the pressure anything approaching that which he gives, no gun that ever was made would have a chance of standing, by assuming that the MEASURING PRESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS 483 combustion of powder is exceedingly slow, and lasts the whole time occupied by the projectile in passing through the bore. It is sufficiently curious that a man so eminent for his scientific attainments as was Eumford should have fallen into so great an error, both because any attempt at calculation would have shown him his mistake, and because Eobins, sixty years earlier, had conclusively proved that with the small-grain powders then used — and it must be remembered that Eumford's powder was sporting of very fine grain — the whole of the powder was fired before the bullet was very greatly removed from its seat. Eobins's argument — and it is incontrovertible — was, that were it otherwise a much greater energy would be realised from the powder when the weight of the projectile was doubled, trebled, quadrupled, etc. ; but his experiments showed that under these circumstances the work done by the powder was nearly the same. Eor other objects, on a much larger scale, and with appliances far superior to those which the great man I have named had at his disposal, I have had occasion to repeat Eobins's experiment, and the results are interesting. With a charge of 10 lbs. of the powder known as E. L. G. 2 and a shot weighing 30 lbs., a velocity of 2126 feet per second, representing an energy of 97l"6 foot-tons, was attained. The same charge being used, but the weight of the projectile being doubled, the velocity was reduced to 1641 feet per second, while the energy was increased to 1125 foot-tons. With a shot weighing 120 lbs. the velocity was 1209 feet per second, and the energy 1196 foot-tons. With a shot of 150 lbs. the velocity was 1080 feet per second, and the energy 1191-5 foot-tons; while with a shot of 360 lbs. the velocity was reduced to 691 feet per second, representing a muzzle energy of 1191*9 foot-tons. These energies were obtained with maximum chamber pressures respectively of 13'5 tons, of 17"25 tons, of 19 tons, of 20 tons, and of 22 tons per square inch. It will be noted that the maximum energy obtained was realised with the shot of 120 lbs. weight, the energy given by a shot of 360 lbs. — i.e., three times that weight, or twelve times the weight of the original shot — being nearly exactly the same. Very different, however, were the results when one of the modern powders, introduced with the special object of insuring slow combustion, was compared with the E. L. G. 2 experiments which I have just quoted. With brown prismatic or cocoa powder, an exactly similar series 484 ON METHODS THAT HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FOR was fired. The 30-lb. shot gave a velocity of 1515 feet per second, and an energy of 493-4 foot-tons; the 60-lb. shot gave 1291 feet per second, or an energy of 693-4 foot-tons; the 120-lb. shot, 1040 feet per second, or 877-5 foot-tons; the 150-lb. shot, 948 feet per second, and 920-7 foot-tons ; while with the heaviest shot, the 360-lb., the velocity attained was 654 feet per second, equivalent to an energy of 1064*7 foot-tons. The maximum chamber pressures in this series varied from 4*8 tons per square inch with the lightest projectile, to 9*6, with the heaviest ; and with this powder it will be observed that the energy developed increased steadily and considerably with each increment in the weight of the shot, while the low chamber pressure shows that, even with the heaviest shot, the projectile must have moved a considerable distance from its seat before the charge can be considered to have been entirely consumed. I have mentioned the discrepancy between Eumford's two series of experiments. This discrepancy was very great, the one series giving, for a density of unity, a tension of about 190 tons per square inch, or 29,000 atmospheres, the other series giving a tension of over 101,000 atmospheres. It is remarkable that Eumford makes no attempt to explain this discrepancy, but, as he deliberately adopts the higher tension, it is not improbable that he was led to this conclusion by an erroneous estimate of the elastic force of the aqueous vapour contained in the powder or formed by its explosion. He considered, relying on M. de Betancourt's experiments, that the elasticity of steam is doubled by every addition of temperature equal to 30° Fahr., and his only difficulty appears to have been — he expressly leaves to posterity the solution of the problem — why the tension of fired gunpowder is not much higher than even the enormous pressure which his experiments appeared to indicate. It will be remembered that Ptumford's apparatus consisted of a small but strong wrought-iron barrel, terminated at one end by a small closed vent, so arranged that the charge could be fired by the application of a red-hot ball. At the other end it was closed by a hemisphere upon which any required weight could be placed. His method was as follows: — A given charge being placed in the bore, a weight judged to be equivalent to the expected gaseous pressure was applied. If the weight were lifted, it was increased until it was just sufficient to confine the gases, and the pressure was then assumed to be that represented by the weight. MEASURING PRESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS 485 It seems probable that Euiiiford's erroneous determinations were mainly due to two causes : — 1st. To the weight closing the barrel being lifted, not by the mere gaseous pressure, but by the products of explosion (produced, it will be remembered, from a very " brisante " powder, and consider- ably heated by the red-hot ball), being projected at a high velocity against it. In such a case, the energy acquired in traversing the barrel would add notably to the pressure due to the density of the charge ; and it is again remarkable that the augmentation of pressure due to this cause was clearly indicated by an experiment designed for the purpose by Eobins. 2nd. To the gases acting on a much larger area than was allowed for in his calculations ; and this view appears to be confirmed by the r4sum4 he gives of his experiments. No attempt was made for very many years either to corroborate or amend Count Eumford's determinations ; but, in 1845, General Cavalli endeavoured indirectly to arrive at the pressure developed by different kinds of powder in a gun of 16 cm. calibre. His method consisted in drilling holes in the gun at right angles to the axis, at different distances from the base of the bore, in which holes were screwed small barrels of wrought iron, so arranged as to throw a bullet which would be acted on by the charge of the gun while giving motion to the projectile. By ascertaining the velocities of these bullets he considered that the theoretical thickness of the metal at various points along the bore could be deduced. His experiments led him to some singular results. He believed that with some very brisante Belgian powder with which he experimented a chamber pressure of 24,022 atmospheres (157"6 tons per sqviare inch) had actually been reached, while with an ordinary powder and a realised energy of nearly the same amount the maximum chamber pressure was only 3734 atmospheres (24"5 tons per square inch). With the brisante powder this erroneous conclusion was doubtless due to two principal causes, viz. : — 1st. To the seat of the small bullet being at a considerable distance from the charge. Under these circumstances, as later on I shall have occasion to describe experiments to prove, a far higher pressure induces motion in the bullet than is due to the tension of the gases in a state of rest. 2nd. To the brisante nature of the powder. With such powders, especially in large charges, it has been proved that great variations of pressure exist in the powder chamber itself, in some cases the 486 ON METHODS THAT HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FOR pressure indicated at one point of the chamber being more than double that at others. It has further been proved that with brisante powders waves of pressure of great violence sweep from one end of the chamber to the other, and if Cavalli's small bullet were acted on by one of these waves an exceedingly high pressure would, without doubt, be indicated. 3rd. A third cause of error, but much slighter, is due to the muzzle pressure, when the small bullet quits its barrel, being both abnormally high and also abnormally sustained ; hence there will be a considerable increment of velocity after the bullet quits the gun. It is but fair to add that the results obtained by Cavalli with the powders which he terms "inoffensive" are, if some correction be made for the third cause of error alluded to above, not far removed from the truth. A Prussian Artillery Committee, under the presidency of General Neumann, made, in 1854, a great improvement on the plan proposed and employed by Cavalli. Their mode of procedure consisted in drilling a hole in the powder chamber of the gun to be experimented with, in which hole was placed a small barrel of about 6 inches in length. Now when the gun was loaded, if in the small barrel were placed a cylinder of a length equal to that of the projectile, it is clear that, on the assumption that the pressure in the powder chamber is uniform, the cylinder and the projectile will describe equal spaces in equal times ; hence, if we determine the velocity of the cylinder when it quits the small barrel, we know the velocity of the projectile when it has moved 6 inches from its seat. By altering the length of the column of the cylinder placed in the small barrel, and ascertaining the resultant velocity, the velocity of the projectile at any desired point of the bore can be determined. General Neumann's Committee carried out their experiments only in very small guns and with the grained powder used in those days. Their results were probably not far from the truth, although subject to one of the defects to which I alluded in reviewing General Cavalli's experiments. Indeed, these results were examined and entirely confirmed by the distinguished Eussian artillerist General Mayevski, in a very elaborate memoir ; but the experiments of the Prussian Committee were chiefly remarkable for being, so far as T know, the first to recognise the variations of pressure which may exist in the powder chamber itself, variations which may, under MEASURING PRESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS 487 certain circumstances, attain great magnitude, and to which I have akeady drawn attention. The results of the Prussian experiments showed, with every charge fired, two distinct maxima of tension. Other relative maxima no doubt existed, but the mode of experiment was not sufficiently delicate to render them perceptible. Before passing to the more modern methods adopted for deter- mining the tensions in guns, I must advert to one which has been repeatedly resorted to during the last one hundred and fifty years. I mean the method of firing the same weight of charge and projectile from guns of the same calibre but of different lengths, or, as has sometimes been done, by successively reducing the length of the same gun by cutting off a determinate number of cahbres from the muzzle. It is obvious that if, under the circumstances supposed, we know the muzzle velocities of a projectile from a gun of, say, 25 caUbres in length and from a gun of 30 calibres in length, we are able from the increased energy obtained to deduce the mean pressure acting upon the projectile over the additional 5 calibres. The earhest experiments with different lengths of guns appear to have been made in England as far back as 1736. These experiments, however, have but little value, as the velocities were not directly determined, and could only be deduced from the observed ranges. The same objection applies to the long series of experiments carried on in Hanover in 1785, and those cited by Piobert in 1801 ; but the interesting observation that the ranges obtained from guns of 12, 15, 19, and 23 calibres in length were relative maxima cannot be relied on in any way as showing abnormal variations in the muzzle pressure accompanying variations in length. In Hutton's experiments, made with guns varying in length from 15 to 40 calibres, the muzzle velocities were obtained by means of the ballistic pendulum; and, between these limits of length, the mean powder-pressure he realised can with sufficient certainty be deduced. This remark appHes also to the numerous similar experiments where the muzzle velocities have been obtained by the more accurate chronoscopes that have been for many years in common use ; but this mode of determining the pressure has many inconveniences, and ceases to be reliable when the bore is of a very reduced length and the pressures approach their maximum value. To the important and extensive series of experiments carried on by Major Eodman for the United States Government in 1857 to 488 ON METHODS THAT HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FOR 1859, the main object of the expenments being to ascertain the effect which the size of grain of the powder used has upon the pressure, we are indebted for that officer's most ingenious pressure gauge ; and the crusher gauge, which is now so extensively used, can only be considered a modification of Major Eodman's instrument designed to remove certain difficulties attending the use of the original instrument. Major Eodman's gauge is well known, but its construction is Fio. 1.— Rodman's Pressure Apparatus. shown in the accompanying drawing (Fig. 1). Major Eodman applied his gauge in the following manner: — Desiring to ascertain the pressure at various points along the bore of a gun, he bored at these points channels to the interior surface of the bore, and in these' channels cylinders with small holes drilled down the centre were inserted ; to this cylinder is fitted the indicating apparatus, carried by Major Eodman on the outside of the gun, and consisting of an indenting tool G with its knife (shown in elevation and section). Against the knife is screwed a piece of copper H. The pressure of the gas acting on the piston I forces the knife into the copper ; by mechanical means a similar cut can be produced, and hence the magnitude of the cut gives the measure of the pressure which has produced it. A small cup at c prevents any gas passing the indenting tool. The great improvements that Major Eodman made in gunpowder are well known. To him we are indebted both for the earliest experiments on the effect of the size of grain on the maximum MEASURING PRESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS 489 pressure and for the powder adopted by all nations for large guns, I mean prismatic powder ; but it is a question whether he was not in some degree led to these great improvements by an erroneous estimate of the pressures produced, this erroneous estimate being mainly due to the necessity of placing the Eodnian gauge at the exterior of the gun; and the effect of this objectionable position would be greatly exaggerated if the powder experimented with were of a " brisante " nature. It is curious that so distinguished an artillerist as Major Eodman should never have taken the trouble to calculate what energies the pressures which his instrument gave would have generated in a projectile ; had he done so he would have found that many of the results indicated by his instrument were not only improbable but were absolutely impossible. As an illustration of Major Eodman's method I take an interest- ing series of experiments made in smooth-bored guns of 7-inch, 9-inch, and 11-inch calibres, and so arranged that in each gun an equal column or weight per square inch of powder was behind an equal column or weight per square inch of projectile. Under these con- ditions, in each gun, during the passage of the shot along the bore, the gases would be equally expanded, and the energy per unit of column developed at every point in the three guns should be the same, except for slight differences on account of increased temperature and pressure in the larger guns, due to the smaller cooling surface in proportion to the weight of charge. Major Eodman measured his pressures at the base of the bore and at every 14 inches along it, and his results are given in the annexed table, which is a most instructive one : — Dia- Weight Weight 1 meter of rt; Pressure at different Distances from Bottom of Bore | of Charge Shot ° in Tons per sq. m., at | Bore. in oz. in lbs. > In Sq. in. Sq. in. F.S. Bottom. 14 in. 28 in. 42 in. 56 in. 70 in. 84 in. 7 2-13 1-973 904 16-26 7-08 3-74 3-01 3-06 3-59 3-00 9 2-13 1-99.5 888 29-96 9-42 7-92 6-65 13-16 9-36 10-19 11 2-1.3 1-997 927 38-73 13-04 12-41 10-01 12-68 15-11 11-18 Examining this table, it will be observed, in the first place, that the muzzle velocities of the equal column projectiles are nearly the same; that of the 11-inch gun being, as it should be, somewhat the higher ; hence the energies per square inch must be nearly the same, 490 ON METHODS THAT HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FOR and the mean pressures per square inch, inducing these energies, must likewise be the same. But, for example, comparing the 7-inch and the 11 -inch guns, it will be noted that in the latter gun the pressures are always twice and sometimes more than four times as great as in the 7-inch gun, the mean pressure being nearly three times as great. The energy should be in the same proportion; hence, if the pressure observations had been correct, the observed velocity should have been 1570 feet per second, instead of 927 feet per second. It will be noted also that the forward pressures not only differ greatly in the several calibres, but, for instance, in the 9-inch gun the pressure at 56 inches from the bottom of the bore is double the indicated pressure measured at 42 inches. Eodman accepts the pressures up to and including 42 inches as correct, but ascribes the irregular pressures in the chase to the vibrations of the metal due to the discharge. Some experiments made by the earlier Explosive Committee fully explain the cause of the differences between the pressures exhibited by the 7-inch and 11 -inch guns. In the first of the experiments of this Committee, they used simul- taneously Eodman's gauge and the chronoscope to which I shall presently advert. In the former case, of course, the pressure was determined directly. In the latter it was deduced from the motion communicated to the projectile. The results were quite irreconcil- able, as a few examples will show. In an 8-inch gun, with a charge of 32 lbs. of Kussian prismatic powder and a projectile of 180 lbs. weight, fired from a vent a little in advance of the centre of the charge, and called the forward vent, the chronoscope gave a maximum pressure of 204 tons, while the Eodman gauge gave maximum pressures in the powder chamber varying from 267 to 337 tons per square inch. In the same gun, under similar conditions, a similar charge of pellet powder gave, with the chronoscope, a maximum pressure of 19 '2 tons per square inch, while the chamber pressures given by the Eodman gauge varied from 41-6 tons to 49'2 tons per square inch. But perhaps more striking discrepancies were exhibited by two series of experiments with E. L. G. of Waltham-Abbey make, fired from the same gun, and developing in the projectile approximately the same energies. In the first of these series, with a charge of 20 lbs, fired from a forward vent, the maximum chronoscope pressure was MEASURING PRESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS 491 13-3 tons, while the Eodman gauge gave pressures varying from 24-6 to 38'9 tons per square inch. In the second series, all conditions being the same, except that the charge was fired from the extreme rear, the maximum chrono- scope pressm-e was 14-3 tons, while the Eodman pressure varied from 31-6 tons per square inch to over 50 tons per square inch, that pressure being the highest which the instrument was capable of registering, every observation in this series with the gauge placed at the seat of the shot being over fifty tons. Shortly afterwards the Eodman gauges were destroyed, two of them being blown from the gun. These discrepancies led the Committee to investigate with certain powders the variation in pressure indicated when a guage was placed at the surface of the bore and at the exterior of the gun, as with the Eodman gauge. For this purpose they used the crusher-gauge, which admits of being placed in both positions. With pebble-powder the gauge placed at the interior of the bore gave 14-5 tons ; placed under precisely the same conditions at the exterior it gave 27 tons per square inch. With E. L. G-. the similar figures were respectively 20 and 57 tons, and with L. G. respectively 19-5 and 45-5 tons per square inch. The error I have just discussed was due to the position of the gauge; but Eodman's pressures and the pressures of the Explosive Committee were exaggerated from another cause. It will be readily understood that if a pressure of, say, 20 tons per square inch be suddenly applied to a gauge, and if the resistance to the motion of the knife be initially trifling, a certain amount of energy will be communicated to the piston and knife ; and the copper when measured will indicate not only the gaseous pressure, but in addition a pressure corresponding to the energy impressed upon the piston during its motion. This cause of error can, however, be eliminated by producing beforehand by mechanical means a cut indicating a pressure a little less than that to be expected. Eodman admits that his chase pressures are erroneous; their exaggeration is no doubt greatly due to the causes I have just pointed out ; but in my opinion, based upon long experience, no gauge of this description placed in the chase, where the products of explosion are moving with a very high velocity, can be depended upon to give reliable results. 492 ON METHODS THAT HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FOR If we disregard the energy of the moving products and suppose the gauge to be acted on by pure gaseous pressure, with a projectile moving at the rate of 2500 feet per second (and such velocities are now quite within the range of practical ballistics), the projectile would pass the entrance to the Eodman gauge in something like the TO oVoo-l'h part of a second. It is difficult to imagine that the full indentation could be given to the copper in this small fraction of time, and, if it were not so given, the gauge would indicate the pressure at a point considerably in advance of the gauge. On the other hand, if, as would generally be the case, the products of explosion moving at a high velocity acted on the piston, the energy of these products would be reconverted into pressure, and the gauge would in this case give too high a result. Major Eodman appears to have considered it impossible that any gauge could rightly indicate a pressure higher than that indicated by another nearer to the seat of the shot. This, however, is not so; nothing is more certain than that, with the powders known as " Poudres brutales," and, possibly, in a less degree with all explosives, motion is communicated to the shot by a series of waves or impulses : and it is easy to see that, if the position of a gauge coincided with the " hollow " of a wave, while that of a more forward gauge coincided with the " crest," the latter might easily show the higher pressure. Later on I shall revert to this point. The crusher-gauge is a modification of the Rodman gauge, designed to overcome some of the defects of that instrument, and it is now Fig. 2. — Crusher-Gauge, almost universally used for the direct measurement of pressure : it is shown in the diagram exhibited (Fig. 2), and its action is easily understood. The powder gases act upon the base of the piston, com- pressing the copper cylinder; the amount of crush on the cylinder serves as an index to the maximum tension acting on the piston. It MEASURING PRESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS 493 is usual, where possible, to employ in each experiment two or three gauges so as to check the accuracy of the determination. Properly used, very great confidence may be placed in their results; but, as may be gathered from my remarks on the Eodman gauge, this and all similar gauges will cease to give reliable information as to the energy that can be impressed on a projectile, or as to the mean pressure on the surface of the bore, if there be any probability of the products of explosion being projected into them at a high velocity. In such a case the pressure indicated would not be the true gaseous pressure, such as, for instance, would exist were the products of ignition retained in a vessel impervious to heat until the waves of pressure generated by the explosion had subsided. But I defer an examina- tion of the results given by the crusher-gauge until I compare these results with those given by the indirect method of deducing the pressure from the motion of the projectile within the bore. The method I have adopted for this purpose consists in register- ing the times at which a projectile passes certain fixed points in the bore of a gun. The chronoscope (Figs. 3 and 4, p. 498), which I have designed for this purpose has been so often described that I shall only here briefly allude to it. It consists of a series of thin discs made to rotate at a very high and uniform velocity through a train of geared wheels. , The speed with which the circumference of the discs travels is between 1200 and 1300 inches per second, and, since by means of a vernier we are able to divide the inch into thousandths, the instrument is capable of recording the millionth part of a second. The precise rate of the discs' rotation is ascertained from one of the intermediate shafts, which, by means of a relay, registers the revolution on a subsidiary chronoscope, on which, also by a relay, a chronometer registers seconds. The subsidiary chronoscope can be read to about the -g-oVotb part of a second. The registration of the passage of the shot across any of the fixed points in the bore is effected by the severance of the primary of an induction coil causing a spark from the secondary, which writes its record on prepared paper gummed to the periphery of the disc. The time is thus registered every round at sixteen points of the bore. In the earlier experiments with this instrument the primary was cut by means of the arrangement shown in Fig. 5, and this was entirely satisfactory when velocities of from 1400 to 1600 feet per second were in question. But with the very high velocities now employed, with velocities, for example, between 2500 and 3500 feet 494 0\ METHODS THAT HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FOR per second, the knife, instead of being knocked down, frequently cuts a long groove in the cast-iron projectile, on some occasions reaching the driving band of the shot before being forced into its place. FlO. 6.— Original Apparatus for Cutting Wire by Moving Shot. On account of this defect I have in all recent experiments adopted the arrangement shown in Fig. 6, which gives extremely satisfactory results, if care be taken that the plug is sufficiently secured to Fig. 6.— Improved Apparatus for Cutting Wire by Moving Shot. prevent its being forced out of its place by the rush of compn air displaced by the passage of a projectile. I have ascertained by experiments which I need not here describe that the mean instrumental error of this chronoscope, due chiefly to the deflection of the spark, amounts only to about three one-millionths of a second. MEASURING PRESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS 495 I must not conceal the fact that the determination of the pressure by this method is attended with very great labour. As an illustra- tion I have prepared a diagram (Fig. 7, p. 498) of a recent set of experiments. Usually the pressures are deduced from the mean of three consecutive rounds fired under the same circumstances. In this case, owing to the bore being clean, a much higher velocity was obtained from the first round, and the velocities and pressures were therefore calculated both for the mean and independently for each of the three rounds. The first curves represented in the diagram are the time curves. So far as the eye can see, the time curves in all cases pass through the observed points. From the time curves the velocity curves are deduced, and I have given for each velocity curve the observed velocities, so that the accordance of the computed curve with the observed velocities will be seen. The velocity curve being fixed, the pressure curve of necessity follows, and the diagram shows both the accordance of the two rounds fired under the same circumstances and the slight discordance in the forward part of the curve of the round with the bore clean is very distinctly shown. Comparing now the methods of determining the pressures which have been chiefly used in this country — I mean the chronoscope and the crusher-gauge — if the object sought be merely to determine the maximum pressure developed with the powders now generally in use, no instrument can be simpler than the crusher-gauge, and, when properly used, its indications may be taken as very approxi- mately correct, but it cannot be relied on to give accurate results when, placed in positions where the products of explosion are moving with a high velocity. The maximum pressures under the conditions I have supposed are very approximately confirmed by the chronoscope, as may be seen by comparing the pressures shown on the diagram giving the results as to pressure obtained with certain new explosives, to which I shall presently advert. As a general rule, it may be said that, where the powders are slow in lighting and no wave action exists, the chronoscope pressures are generally somewhat higher than those of the crusher-gauge; but the case is very different where the powder is of a highly explosive or quick-burning description. With such powders, not only are the crusher-gauge pressures greatly above those of the chronoscope, but the widest difference frequently exists between the pressures indicated in different parts of the chamber in the same experiment. The 496 ON METHODS THAT HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FOR pressures, moreover, are often greatly above those which would exist were the charge absolutely confined in a close vessel. A very striking instance may be cited from the early experi- ments of the Explosives Committee with a M. L. 10-inch gun (Fig. 8). The first round was fired with a charge of 87^ lbs. Belgian Pebble, the charge being lighted in two places. The maximum pressure with the chronoscope was 25-2 tons. With the crusher-gauge the pressure in the chamber varied from 22*2 to 24'8 tons per square inch, while the energy developed by the powder on the shot was 6240 foot-tons. With the second round, all conditions being the same except that the charge was fired at a single point, the chronoscope pressure was as nearly as possible the same ; but the chamber pressure was, at the rear, 79'1 tons; in the middle, 52*0 tons ; at the seat of the shot, 39'5 and 48'0 tons per square inch. Fig. 8.— Position oi Pressure Plugs in 10 inch Gun. C 2 4 A similar large excess of pressure was shown at points 1 foot and 2 feet in advance of the seat of the shot, and the crusher-gauges did not show their normal pressures until points 5 or 6 feet from the seat of the shot had been reached. Yet with the violent difference in pressure shown between the crusher-gauges in this round and in the previous round (which I have just cited), the difference of energy developed in the shot was exceedingly trifling, being only 6249 foot-tons, as against 6240. I believe I have expressed pretty clearly my views that crusher- gauges placed in the chase are for absolute determination not of much value, and their main use, if used at all, is to give comparative results. But the same remark does not apply to crusher-gauges placed in the chamber. Gases moving at a high velocity in the chase are, so to speak, performing their proper function ; but the same is not true of those MEASURING PRESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS 497 violent waves of pressure in the chamber which appear to accompany the explosion of all brisante powders, and which occur either when the projectile has hardly moved at all or when it is moving with a comparatively slow velocity. It is our object, and in this we have had great success, to avoid these waves as much as possible; and in attaining this end our indebtedness to the crusher-gauge is very great, as this instrument has made plain to us not only the extreme violence but the variability of these oscillations. I have heard it urged that these waves of pressure are, after all, not of high importance, because their maxima act at the same time only upon a very small section of the bore, and the continuity of the metal is amply sufficient to resist the stress. This is no doubt true, but it is not true of the base of the bore, which in modern guns is almost invariably a movable piece, and which under certain circumstances might have to sustain the full force of the violent pressures, a sample of which I have cited. To ascertain the mean pressure throughout the bore, it seems to me that there is no method so satisfactory, despite its attendant labour, as that of making the projectile write its own story. In that case we cannot fall into the error of making the pressures three or four times as great as are necessary to generate the energy the projectile has actually acquired, while occasional errors, due to causes I have not time to explain, are easily detected and eliminated. To give an idea of how great is the range of velocity over which these experiments have been carried, I exhibit here diagrams (Figs. 9 and 10, p. 498) showing the velocities and pressures obtained with several of the new explosives which in recent years have attracted so much attention. Observe also how closely, with the exception of the one somewhat brisante powder, the results given by the chronoscope accord with those given by the crusher-gauge. Where these differ, as I have elsewhere pointed out, the two modes of research so widely different are complementary to each other. The chronoscope takes little or no note of the violent oscilla- tions of pressure acting during exceedingly minute intervals of time. On the other hand, if with the explosives I allude to we trusted to the indications of the crusher-gauge, we should arrive at a most erroneous idea of the energy communicated to the projectile. In concluding, if I may venture to quote the excuse of a much more eminent man than myself, I have only to express my regret 2 I 498 MEASURING PRESSURES IN THE BORES OF GUNS that I have not had time to condense the remarks with which I fear I have fatigued you, while at the same time I am aware that there are many important points in connection with my subject which I have left altogether untouched, and others upon which I have touched that require further elucidation. f=^=0 IMjCDO: K}C3a ^2 MXII30 ONONIS M3d O C r 4 uJ\\ 2 1 ocV. sajqiieQ ofr ^' I V- t 4p i i 1 : " !^ \\ /' 2 \\ \ /// 2„ > <* CM .=...,=.^ ^.^^.^-^^^^^-^^'"^^ ■,^, _^ o *n -t tf\ ^ i i J> .i ,1 «, rf) * <«> ci^r~o HONI 3MVnC)S y3d SNOl Nl 3bnss3ad O CT>0 OO t~ ' 'honi ayyncss y3d snoi XIV. THE EISE AND PKOGEESS OF EIFLED NAVAL ARTILLEEY {Paper read at the Institution of Naval Architects, Neiocastle-upon-Tyne, 1899.) At the last meeting which the Institution of Naval Architects held in this city, an invaluable paper by Lord Armstrong and Mr Vavasseur was read and discussed, and it appears to me that, using this paper as a landmark, it may be convenient, and not uninteresting, to give a brief sketch of the subject of my paper during the fifty years of my connection with artillery, and to note the striking progress which artillery science, in common with other applied sciences, has made during the last years of the century now drawing to a close. In the paper to which I have referred, Lord Armstrong and Mr Vavasseur draw attention to the primitive carriages on which the guns of the first half of the present century were mounted ; but the guns themselves were nearly as primitive, differing in little, except in size and power, from those with which the fleet which met the Great Armada were armed. It is both interesting and instructive to compare the guns which in 1850 formed the principal armament of the most powerful frigates or line-of -battle ships, with the guns which now form the principal secondary armament of first-class cruisers and battleships. In the year I have mentioned, and it will be remembered that within a short period the long peace which succeeded the Napoleonic wars was broken, the principal guns with which our ships were armed were 32-prs. They were, we must admit, of very rude con- struction, mere blocks of cast iron, the sole machining spent upon them being the formation of the bore and the drilling of the vent. The velocity of the shot was about 1600 feet per second, and the energy developed in it by the charge was about 570 foot-tons. 500 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY The carriage upon which this rude gun was mounted was even more rude. It was made, as described by Lord Armstrong and Mr Vavasseur, entirely of wood ; generally, in later years, of teak or mahogany. It was carried on wooden trucks, or sometimes the rear trucks were replaced by a chock. The recoil was controlled by the friction of abnormally large wooden axles, and sometimes by wedges acting on the trucks, and was finally brought up by the breeching by which the gun was attached to the vessel's side. The elevation was fixed by quoins resting on a quoin bed, and handspikes were used either for training or for elevating. For the running out, at the date I have mentioned, blocks and tackle were generally employed. To work, with any degree of smartness, such rude weapons, a very strong gun's crew was necessary, and, indeed, the gun and its carriage were absolutely surrounded by its crew. For the sake of the younger members present, who may probably not have seen the weapons I have been describing, I show in Plate I. * (p. 520), a 32-pr. gun of H.M.S. Excellent, with its crew at practice. In the year 1858 the first great step in artillery progress was made. In that year the Committee on Eifled Cannon recommended the introduction of the rifled Armstrong guns into the service, and the experiments which were made with these and other rifled guns opened the eyes of all who gave attention to the subject to the great advantages possessed by the new artillery. With regard to range, accuracy, and penetrative power, the superiority of rifled guns was so conspicuous that nearly all artillerists were at once convinced that the days of smooth-bored guns were numbered. The advantage in range at high angles of elevation at first excited some surprise, as the velocity of the projectile was, from causes to which I shall later advert, very much lower than in the case of the smooth-bored guns. Comparing, for example, the velocities and energies of the 32-pr. smooth bores, to which I have adverted, and the 40-pr. E. B. L. guns, which, on the introduction of rifled guns replaced them, the com- parative muzzle-velocities were respectively 1600 and 1200 feet per second, and the comparative muzzle-energies respectively 570 and 400 foot-tons. It is hardly necessary to point out that at comparatively short distances the superiority of the rifled gun, both in regard to range and penetration, manifested itself. But in these early days of rifled artillery, the point which attracted most attention was the great increase of accuracy. The writer, * From Sir Howard Douglas's Naval Otmnerif. RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 501 in using the method of " Least Squares " to determine the relative accuracy of rifled and smooth-bored guns of approximately the same weight, showed that, at a range of 1000 yards, half the shot fired from a rifled gun fell in a rectangle of about 23 yards long by 1 yard wide, while in the case of the smooth bore the similar rectangle was about 145 yards long by 10 yards broad. The objection to the use of iron and steel as a material for carriages was shown by careful experiment to be founded on prejudice, and the introduction of iron carriages has been so fully described in the paper by Lord Armstrong and Mr Vavasseur that I need not here further refer to it. I have alluded to the reduction in velocity of projectiles fired from rifled guns when these weapons were first introduced, and this reduction arose from two causes. First, because the flatness of the trajectory and increased penetrative power of rifled projectiles at long ranges were at first supposed to be sufficient ; and, secondly, because the numerous failures of rifled guns, with the materials and modes of construction then in vogue, rendered artillerists cautious as to the stresses to which rifled guns, especially those with deep grooves, were subjected. But the battle between guns and armour rendered it a matter of first-rate importance to increase the potential energy of our rifled guns, and the first steps in this direction were made by the Explo- sives Committee, who, by their experiments, showed that, with improved forms of ]iowder, the velocities, which had generally run between 1200 and 1300 feet per second, could, in the same guns, be raised to 1600 feet per second, the increase in velocity being at the same time accompanied by a very considerable reduction of maximum pressure. But perhaps the most important step was made by my firm, who, acting upon certain experiments carried out at Elswick, and which formed the subject of memoirs by myself and Sir F. Abel, made, in 1877, 6-inch and 8-inch guns, with which, while the maximum pressures remained the same, the velocities of the rifled projectiles were at a single bound raised from 1600 to 2100 feet per second, thereby increasing the energies by nearly 75 per cent., and immedi- ately another reconstruction of guns and their mountings became a necessity. At the same time, from the increase in the length of guns, which the slow-burning powders and high energies then introduced de- manded, a return to breech -loading from the somewhat retrograde 502 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY change to muzzle-loading, which had some years before been adopted, was also necessitated. Nearly all these breech-loading guns were arranged for velocities somewhere about 2000 feet per second, the mountings also were greatly improved ; but it is unnecessary for me here further to allude to these improvements, as they have been fully described in the paper by Lord Armstrong and Mr Vavasseur, to which I have so often referred. At about the date of that paper, however, experiments were being made in three directions, the whole of which experiments were destined to have a most important bearing on the progress of naval artillery. The first of these had reference to the question as to whether gunpowder, which had since the days of Eoger Bacon, that is for nearly seven centuries, no serious competitor as a propelling agent for artillery purposes, was to retain its pre-eminence. The second was due to my own initiative. Seeing the great advantages that had attended the introduction of the small rifled guns designed by Hotchkiss and Nordenfeldt, my firm had con- structed 4-7-inch and 6-inch quick-firing guns, and submitted them to the Admiralty. The success of these guns, both in our own and in foreign navies, was rapid and complete ; and it is not too much to say that, for cruisers and the secondary armaments of battleships, their adoption amounted to another reconstruction of artillery. The third series of experiments were on the question of the introduction of high explosives as bursting charges for shell— a question of great importance, both in an artillery point of view, and as affecting naval construction. With reference to the first of these questions, it is unnecesary to tell you that the long pre-eminence of gunpowder has come to an end. In this country, for artillery purposes, it has been replaced by the cordite of Sir F. Abel and Professor Dewar, and this explosive has also been used extensively abroad. Many other nations employ ballistite or kindred explosives, giving results generally similar, but having a somewhat less potential energy. Having spent many years in experimenting on gunpowder, I cannot quit that interesting subject without regret; but, as I have also experimented largely with cordite and other kindred agents, I am obliged to confess that the new explosives have many and great advantages. The absence of smoke, and an increase of energy, with the same maximum chamber pressure, of about 50 per cent., are advantages much too great to be overlooked. There is one point, however, to which I RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 503 ought to allude, and which is, I believe, at present exercising the minds of the authorities to a considerable extent. I mean the rapid destruction of the bores due to the erosion by cordite. It must be borne in mind, however, that if taken in relation to the energy developed, the erosion of cordite differs but little from that of brown prismatic powder, which is also very erosive, and gives rise to erosion of a much more objectionable character. Erosion is, in my opinion, caused by three factors — the heat of combustion, the pressure,* and the motion of the products of combustion — not to any chemical action. This view is borne out, not only by my numerous experi- ments on this subject, but by the state of the surface of close vessels in which large charges have been fired, and by the examina- tion of the chambers of guns from which a large number of charges have been fired. In the forward part of the chamber, where the gases are in rapid motion, the erosion is decided ; but in the rear of the chamber, where the temperature and pressure are highest and longest continued, but where there is little or no motion, there is no trace of erosion. Let, however, but a slight leakage past the pad occur, and the effects of erosion are immediate and decided. The object, then, at which we have to aim is to diminish the temperature of explosion, and I am not without hopes that this greatly-to-be-desired end may before long be achieved. The velocities obtainable with cordite are very high. There would be no difficulty, should it be desired, in approximating with ordinary projectiles to 3000 feet per second ; but, for many reasons, I consider very high velocities objectionable, and, if a given energy be required, would prefer to see it represented by a lower velocity. I may here mention that, with a 100-calibre 6 -inch gun, and with a projectile of the dimensions of the ordinary 6-inch projectile, but of aluminium, I have obtained a muzzle velocity of close upon 5000 feet per second. Turning now to the quick-firing guns, I think it will be most convenient to consider the guns themselves in connection with their mountings ; because these last, when rapidity of fire is in question, are quite as important as the arrangements of the guns themselves. Early in the year 1887, the gun and mounting shown in Plates IV. and V. (p. 520) were submitted for trial on board H.M.S. Handy. The gun was the first mounted on the Elswick cradle, having the * Subsequent experiments showed that pressure exercised but little influence on the erosion. 504 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY recoil-press and spring box beneath the cradle, the piston rods and the attachments for compressing the springs during recoil being fixed to a horn on the gun. The weight of the gun and mounting was taken on balls under the pivot, and the mounting and shield were carefully balanced. The whole weight of the gun and mounting was about 4 tons 12 cwt., and it could be trained quite easily by the shoulder, no gear being used. The sights were placed on the cradle, and did not recoil with the gun. No. 1 could with ease train with the shoulder-piece, work the elevating gear, lay, and fire by means of an electric pistol. During the operation he was quite clear of the breech, and could keep the gun pointed continuously on the object. With this gun and mounting a very great advance in rapidity of fire was obtained. The breech mechanism was of the three-motion type, and was very quick and handy; but the great speed was obtained by the careful design of both gun and mounting, in such a manner that the movements of one did not interfere with those of the other. At the trial above mentioned ten rounds were fired in 47| seconds, and later as many as fifteen rounds per minute were obtained. An interesting incident connected with this gun and mounting may be mentioned. The gunboat Mastiff was ordered to fire ten rounds as rapidly as possible from her service 5 -inch B. L. gun. The time taken for the ten rounds was 6 minutes 16 seconds, so that the quick-firing gun fired its ten rounds before the then service gun fired its second shot. About the same time a great improvement was made in the mode of mounting of the smaller 3-pr. and 6-pr. quick-firing guns. Up to that date they were movmted on crinoline, or so-called elastic, stands ; but, with this pattern, the strains on the decks and holding-down bolts were very severe. The mounting shown in Plates VI. and VII. (p. 520), in which the gun recoils in the line of fire, was submitted for trial at Portsmouth, and proved itself so successful that it was at once adopted in our own and many other navies. In 1890 an important improvement in quick-firing mountings was introduced, viz., the pedestal mounting shown in Plates VIII. and IX, (p. 520). The cradle is of the same type as that of the 4-7-inch quick-firing gun above mentioned. The carriage is of forged steel in the form of a " Y," having a long shank which fits into the pedestal and forms the pivot. The whole weight is taken on the end of the pivot, and the mounting can be trained with ease by a few pounds applied at the shoulder-piece. The pedestal is very solid, is of forged steel, and affords excellent protection to the pivot ; the base is also RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 505 small, and, there being no rollers or roller-paths, the deck may be considerably distorted without interfering with the working of the piece. The shield is of a very substantial character, 3 inches thick,, and perfectly balanced ; it is attached to the carriage by means of flexible stays, so arranged that, if the shield be struck, the stays yield, and a very reduced shock is transmitted to the carriage. This mounting was the first to be fitted with the bar and drum sight, also shown on Plates VIII. and IX. (p. 520). In 1891 an experimental mounting of this type was made for a 47-inch gun. It was fitted with a 3-inch shield with sloping roof, carried by yielding stays, and with this mounting a firing trial was carried on to compare its resistance to injury with that of a centre pivot roller-path mounting, in which a shield 3 inches thick formed an integral portion of the mounting, which had in addition an outer shield 1 1 -inch thick. The latter mounting was disabled after two rounds, one each from a 3-pr. and a 6-pr. This trial showed con- clusively that steel castings, although giving excellent tests, could not withstand a severe blow from a projectile. The pedestal mount- ing received no less than twelve rounds before it was disabled, four from a 3-pr., six from a 6-pr., and two from a 4-7-inch gun ; and it would not then have been disabled, had the pedestal been made, as they are now, of forged steel. In the experimental mounting the pedestal was of plate and angle ; the last projectile fired penetrated the pedestal and jammed the pivot. Even then the damage was not serious, and could have been rectified in a few hours, but with this exception, the mounting in all other respects was as good as ever. This type of mounting for guns up to 6-inch calibre is now almost universal in our own and many other services. In Plates X. and XI. (p. 520) are shown a 6-inch mounting of the latest type as arranged for a casemate between decks. It differs chiefly from those previously described in having training gear fitted on both sides, and in having a special arrangement made for removing the balls which form the bearing at the base of the pivot from the side instead of from below. A small jack is provided to take the weight of the gun and mounting, and in a few minutes the balls can be removed, examined, and replaced. The arrangements permit the gun to be elevated through the whole angle of 22° in 11 seconds, and to be trained through the whole angle of 120" in 16 seconds by one man. An important improvement in the cradles for 6 -inch and larger mountings was the result of a trade dispute. In 1894 a strike of 506 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY moulders took j)lace. The cradles up to that date had been made of cast steel, and, as at Elswick, considerably more than 100 mountings were stopped for want of cradles, it was determined to substitute forged for cast steel. A new design was consequently made, and a much more satisfactory cradle, lighter and more reliable, was pro- duced. At Elswick cast-steel cradles are not now made, unless specially ordered. I am now in a condition to make the comparison referred to in the opening sentences of this paper. In Plate III. (p. 520), I have placed side by side diagrams of the 6"3-inch 32-pr. of 1850 and of the 6-inch 100-pr. of the present day, while Plates I. and II. (p. 520) show the crews necessary to work the guns. You will observe the diagrams give the pressures, velocities, and energies of the two guns. The velo- city and energy given by the 32-pr. are, respectively, about 1600 feet per second and 570 foot-tons. The corresponding figures for the 6 -inch Q. r. are 2570 feet per second and 4580 foot-tons. But the rapidity of fire and accuracy of the modern gun are even more remarkable. Most of you are doubtless aware of the conditions under which target practice is carried on in the navy. Each gun's crew has 3 minutes to fire as many rounds as they can with accuracy, the variable range commencing at about 2200 yards, diminishing to about 1600 yards, and again increasing to 2200 yards. In H.M.S. Blahe the best gun's crew fired eighteen rounds, hitting the target fifteen times, while the total number of rounds fired by her ten guns was one hundred and forty-eight, the target being hit one hundred and ten times. H.M.S. Royal Arthur did nearly as well, the best gun having fired eighteen rounds, striking the target fourteen times. In Plates XII. and XIII. (p. 520) are shown two systems of dis- mounting gear for 6 -inch guns. The bogie system is used for the upper deck, or for casemates where it is not necessary to run the gun back for stowing. It is only used for purposes of examination, and is found to be very convenient. One pair of bogies is usually supplied per ship. The between deck dismounting gear is shown on the same plate. It consists of a lever L mounted on rollers on an overhead rail, which can be run backwards or forwards by means of an endless chain on a sprocket wheel, worked by means of worm gear and hand chain as illustrated. The lever L is readily attached to the cradle at aliout the centre of gravity, and the screw J to the breech end. Then, by means of the capstan head, the lever L takes the weight of the gun, and gun and cradle are run back together, rested on chocks, and secured as shown. This system of dismounting gear has been RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 507 rendered necessary from the great projection of the muzzle when guns are mounted on the broadside, due to the length of the guns. The time occupied from commencement to " gun secured " is about 4 minutes, and from casting loose to gun in firing position, aliout 3 minutes. The above arrangement is that now in the service, but a new design has recently been made, fitted up, and experimentally tried at Elswick. From the results of these experiments, it seems probable that the above times will be reduced to something between a half and a third of those I have mentioned. Plates XIV. and XV. (p. 520) show an 8-inch C. P. mounting for swift cruisers. The man at the sights can look over the top of the shield, thus commanding a good field of view, his head being protected by a hood. Electric and auxiliary hand training gear is provided, either of which can be applied at once, should the other be disabled. The elevating gear is worked entirely by hand, the trunnions being mounted on Mr Brankston's anti-friction arrangement, with knife edges supported on springs to relieve the shock when the gun is fired. So easily does this gear work, that one man can elevate or depress the gun at the rate of 2° per second. With the hand training gear one man can train the mounting through 60° in 25 seconds, and with the electric gear through 180' in 30 seconds. The shield is 4| inches thick, and is supported on elastic stays in the usual manner. The powder-supply is brought up the centre, ancl is delivered at the side under cover of the shield. The axial hoist for this purpose is shown in Plate XVI. (p. 520), and is so arranged that, when one charge is going up, the empty case is going down, thus effecting a great saving of time and labour, as the weight of the two cases balance each other, and there is thus only the actual weight of the charge to lift. Four rounds have been fired in a minute from this gun. In 1889 Mr Vavasseur and the writer submitted to the Admiralty the design of a mounting so arranged that the gun could be fired at all elevations up to 35° or 40", the firm having been requested by a foreign government to consider whether or not such an arrangement was feasible. The naval authorities were much pleased with the design : but, as the arrangement was altogether novel, it was not unreasonably stipulated that, before it could be introduced into the service, its success must be proved by an experimental mounting being made, and by passing a satisfactory firing trial. My firm agreed to the stipulation, and a high angle mounting for 508 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY a 9'2-inch gun was made at Elswick at the firm's expense, and fitted up in the Handy. It passed a most satisfactory firing trial in April 1890. The total weight of the gun and mounting was 54 tons, and it could he trained quite easily by hand power. The gun had a range of elevation from 5° depression to 40"^ elevation, and an arc of 45° could be traversed in 30 seconds by one man. At the trial, roimds were fired at angles varying from 5° depression to 39° elevation, and the results were most satisfactory. The range of three of the rounds at 39° was estimated to be about 10 miles, but the shot could not be seen to strike the water. In this mounting the slide was horizontal, and the carriage was of the Vavasseur type, the recoil-press and carriage being in one piece of forged steel ; the gun consequently, did not recoil in the line of fire, but horizontally, and was returned to the firing position by means of springs, the force of the springs being regulated by means of a controlling ram in the recoil-press. Illustrations of this type of mounting are shown in Plates XYII. and XVIII. (p. 520). A con- siderable number of vessels, chiefly in foreign navies, are fitted with this form of mounting. Plates XIX. and XX. (p. 520) show the type of armoured gun- house arranged for the very powerful Chilian cruiser O'Higgins. This mounting affords excellent protection to the gun's crew, having 8-inch armour in front, and 5-inch on the sides and rear ; the trunk for the supply of cartridges being also protected by 5-inch armour. The gun and mounting can be trained either by electric gear or by hand power. A store of projectiles is carried in the gunhouse for ready supply. The cordite charges come up the central trunk by means of a hydraulic motor; arrangements are also provided for bringing shell up this trunk to replace the ready supply. Plates XXI. and XXII. (p. 520) show the type of twin-armoured gunhouses supplied to several Japanese cruisers. The following points may be mentioned. The training gear can be worked by hydraulic, electric, or hand power. Sighting gear for both guns is supplied to both sighting stations, and the mountings can be trained, and both guns elevated or depressed, from either station. A good supply of projectiles is carried in the gunhouse (30 per gun), and an electric bollard is provided to enable this supply to be replaced. The cordite is supplied through a central trunk, protected by an armoured barbette. The armour of the gunhouse is attached to the turntable by means of elastic stays. RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 509 Before passing to the arrangements connected with the guns, which form the principal armament of battleships, I may mention a discussion which illustrates in a striking manner how widely sepa- rated are the ideas held by those who now rule the Queen's Navy and by those who held a similar position forty years ago. About thai time I was secretary to a long-forgotten committee, called the " Committee on Plates and Guns," and among the subjects discussed was the design of a rifled gun of 7 tons weight. The naval authorities, however, vere very strong in insisting that no gun weighing more than 6 tons could be safely carried on board ship, and I believe that the weight selected for that extraordinary weapon called the " Somerset Gun " was due to a compromise betw^een the weights I have mentioned. Turning now to guns of larger calibre, I propose to draw attention to some of the designs of the last twelve years. At the beginning of this period was designed the Be Umherto, with two barbettes, each having a pair of 13|-inch 68-ton guns. The mounting of these guns is principally noteworthy, because of two features which have again come to the front in more recent ships, viz. : what is known as all- round loading of the guns, which, in the Re Umherto, were protected by a circular barbette, and the provision of what is known as a working chamber below the turntable, into which depend, from the rear of the gun, hoists which are charged from this working chamber, the charges being first brought up by a central hoist terminating at the floor of the working chamber. As will be seen from Plates XXIIL and XXIV. (p. 520), the guns had trunnions, partly in order that they might be also available for land service. They were exactly balanced on these trunnions, in order to reduce the work of elevating and depressing the guns (which in this design is entirely done by hand) to a minimum ; that is, so far as the work of lifting- weight is concerned. To reduce the work of overcoming the friction of the trunnions, a special device is placed under the trunnion of the gun between the plates of each cheek of the carriage. It consists of the arcs S, supported on the spring T, Plate XXIY. (p. 520). The springs are made powerful enough to lift, say, 98 per cent, of the weight of the gun, so that, although the gun is not thereby lifted off the usual trunnion bearing in the carriage, the majority of the weight is transferred to the rolling surface of the arc U, and to its point at W, where the knife-edge friction is insignificant. The recoil-presses are made on the Vavasseur principle. The piston rods pass out of their cylinders 510 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY at opposite ends, and are attached to the gun sHdes, so that one may- be used as a means of running the gun out, and the other be used for running it in. The hydraulic pressure for this purpose is passed to and from the cylinders by means of a passage drilled up the centre of each piston rod, so that the connection of the hydraulic system is only made to that end of each cylinder which never receives a high recoil pressure. The ammunition hoists behind the gun are carried upon the centre girder of the turntable to which their guides are attached. The powder-tube is inclined at the loading angle, and is partially blocked up at its bottom end, so that the powder when passed into it may not slide too far through. The powder-charge, delivered by the central hoist, is passed over by hand in separate parts to this tube. The shot trough is also fixed at the loading angle, and is pivoted, so that it may be slung round to receive the shot from the central hoist. The cylinders for working these ammunition hoists are telescopic, the smallest ram having insufficient power to lift the powder and shot, so that it is not till after the shot is rammed into the gun that the hoist has power to lift the cage to the height required for ramming the powder home. The breech mechanism is hydraulic, and is carried in the turn- table within the protection of the armour, so that, although the guns, as will be noticed, are almost entirely exposed, there is no very vulnerable part about them. The central ammunition hoist passes up from the shell-room and magazine passages to the battery through an armoured tube. The cage is almost cylindrical, and is provided with a turntable top. Before sending the hoist down to receive the charge, it is necessary to turn this table top into one particular position, and this position will present the shell and powder receptacles in the correct direction for charging the hoist down belov/. If, when the hoist comes up with the charge, it is found that the gun is so trained that the rear hoist is not in line with the centre hoist, the turntable top can be revolved to the proper position, and if the gun turntable is in motion the hoists can be locked together while the shot is passed through from one to the other. The trial of this mounting took place on 26th April 1893, and later on those of the Slcilia and Sardinia, which were of the same design. Six ships of the Royal Sovereign class had their guns mounted in oval barbettes with one fixed loading station. These guns also were RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 511 almost entirely devoid of armoured protection. Then came the desire to have a second or alternative station for loading, together with breech mechanism carried on the gun, and armoured shields protecting as much of the guns as possible, which found expression in the design shown on Plates XXV. and XXVI. (p. 520). This design, like some of the earlier ones, had a single fixed load- ing station, but had an important alteration to the hydraulic loading rammers. These were made with a trough, attached to and moving with the second, or larger, ram. The ammunition cage, instead of coming up between the rammer and the gun, was placed alongside the rammer, so that the shot and powder charges could readily be rolled out into the trough carried l)y the rammer. Moreover, as this trough advances towards the gun it acts as a locking bolt to secure the gun turntable in position, and then to secure the gun-slide in position, and finally it bridges over the breech-screw threads in the gun. The smaller ram of the rammer next advances, pushing the charge from the trough into the gun. This arrangement removed all fear of damage to the rammer by movement of the ammunition cage, training of the turret, or depressing the gun. For the alternative method of loading, the gun was placed in line with another hydraulic rammer fitted at the rear end of the gun shield where space was allowed for a small chamber, giving room to work projectiles from a small bin to a trough in line with the rammer. This loading gear can, of course, be used in any position of train- ing of the guns. A concurrent advantage of the shield is that the sighting hoods are placed well above the guns, thereby giving a better all-round view. At the same time, however, it should be noted that the men at the guns are not so well protected, and there is a possibility that they may suffer from small projectiles entering at the gun ports. The ships fitted according to this design are seven, of the Majestic class, also the Japanese ships Fugi and Yashima. The last five of the Majestic class might have been fitted with all-round main loading positions, had it not been, I believe, that the frames for the oval bar- bettes were well advanced, and it was feared that any alteration of design might cause delay. The Canopus mounting, designed at Openshaw, was therefore the first for the English Admiralty to be carried out with all-round loading. I regret that time has not allowed me to have lithograph drawings 512 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY of this prepared. The chief feature is the provision of a roomy work- ing chamber below the gun turntable, into which the powder and projectiles are brought by suitable central hoists. These hoists are fixed in relation to the ship. In order to transfer the shot to the gun hoists, hydraulic cranes are fitted. Also in the working chamber there are shell bins holding twenty- four rounds per gun, which are also commanded by the hydraulic cranes, and these shell bins could all be exhausted first, and be replenished by the central hoists at leisure. There is no doubt some disadvantage in having two sets of hoists, the central ones and those behind the gun, as it involves an additional set of operations to transfer the charges from one to the other ; but against this must be set the fact that, having a large store of pro- jectiles immediately under the gun turntable, an ordinary action might be fought before this store could be used up, so that the central hoists might never be required for use during the action. We have indeed brought forward the idea that, by still further increasing the storage of shell below the turntable, the provision of central shot hoists and shell-rooms at the bottom of the ship would be unnecessary. I am assured by my colleague, Mr Watts, the Chief Constructor at Elswick, that, although it might not be possible to carry out this idea in existing ships, there would be no difficulty in designing a ship to meet this requirement, and I would point out that there would be a considerable total saving of weight if the central hoists and the shell-room gear could thereby be dispensed with. This is, perhaps, particularly observable in the next 12 -inch design to which I now draw your attention, and which is shown on Plates XXVIL, XXVIII., and XXIX. (p. 520). This mounting is fitted with a pair of main hoists, each carrying a projectile and powder-charge from the bottom of the ship to the rear of the guns. It also has, as an alternative, a pair of shot hoists reaching from the bottom of the ship to the rear of the gun shield, and arranged to deliver or pick up shot from the working chamber. These latter hoists work either by hydraulic power, or alter- natively, by hand. Also a pair of powder hoists reaching from the bottom of the ship to a platform placed between the two guns ; these work by hand only. In addition, it is provided that either shot or powder can be hoisted from below to the working chamber by hand tackle as a last resource. Very great precautions are, therefore, as }'0U see, taken to make RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 513 sure that the projectiles stowed below can be brought up to the gun. Nevertheless, three rounds per gun are stowed in the gunhouse, and eight rounds per gun in the working chamber. The weight of gear for transporting shell in the shell-room and the weight of tlie shell hoists and their gear is about equal to 54 tons per ship, or equal to half the weight of the projectiles stowed in the shell-rooms. In order to charge the main hoists a revolving platform is pro- vided in the shell-room, having on each side trays for carrying a couple of projectiles. This revolving platform is first locked in one particular position to the ship, and shell are placed in the trays by overhead tackle in the shell-room. The platform is then unlocked and moved to whatever position is necessary to bring the shot trays opposite the hoist doors. It is then locked to the hoist trunk until the shot are required to be passed into the hoist cages. To manage this heavy platform in a seaway, it has been thought necessary to revolve it by hydraulic engines. These platforms and the gear for working them have a total weight per ship of 9 tons. The alternative method of charging the hoist cages, which I myself prefer, shown on Plates XXX. and XXXI. (p. 520) and Figs. 1 and 2, Plate XXXVa. (p. 520), and which is being fitted to four Japanese ships, is by a pair of overhead circular rails, the outer one of which is fixed to the ship and the inner one to the trunk of the hoist. A small four-wheeled chariot runs upon these rails. The point of suspension of the supporting tackle carried by this chariot can be shifted so as to throw the weight entirely on the one rail or the other. While picking up shot on the ship the load is on the wheels which run on the fixed rails. The suspension point is then shifted to throw the load on to the moving rail, so that, while the shot is being placed in the hoists, any movement of the hoists carries the projectile with it. I have already referred to the danger, which I consider exists, of small shot entering the gun ports. In these four ships this is met by providing on the top of the gun a port protector, indicated at A, Plate XXXIII. (p. 520). Alternative electrical training gear, con- trolled and worked by the same hand-wheel as is ordinarily used for the hydraulic training, is also being fitted for these Japanese ships. The design for the FormidabU and three sister ships, Plate XXXII. (p. 520), also has a working chamber below the gun turntable, and a pair of hoists in the rear of the gun. The central hoists are contained in a cylindrical casing, 6 feet 6 inches diameter, extending from the under side of the working chamber to within 2 feet of the ship's bottom. 2 K 514 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY This casing revolves with the mounting, and contains a pair of shot hoists and a pair of powder hoists. The bottom of the casing is fitted with rails, on which a pair of bogies carrying shot trays, can run. These are arranged to be locked to the ship while being charged, and to the hoist casing while dis- charging into the shot cage. The shot on arriving at the working chamber are automatically rolled out into an inclined trough leading to the gun hoists. A new departure in this design is the loading of the guns at an elevation of only 4^°. I believe there is an impression that time can be saved if the guns can be loaded at any angle without coming to a fixed position. If, however, the gun has to be washed out after each round, it would have to be placed at about 4° or 5° of elevation, to allow the water to run out of the chamber. This, and the provision of something to catch the water, seems to make it desirable to place the gun on a stop at this position. On the comparatively rare occasions when more elevation is required, the stop can be easily removed. In the design of mounting shown on Plate XXXIII. (p. 520) for the Japanese ship Mihasa, the outer casing of the hoists is built water- tight at the middle, lower, and platform decks, each of which will therefore be strengthened and bound together. The interior and bottom portions of the hoist are practically the same, and revolve within the fixed casing. This design of hoist is also adopted for the Italian ships Regina Margherita and B. Brin. On Plate XXXII. (p. 520) is shown a chain rammer. About the use of these chain rammers there is some difference of opinion among authorities. In a fixed loading arrangement it is quite possible that a chain rammer might be advantageously used to save room by reducing the lengths of the oval barbette ; but, as now applied to all- round loading arrangements, its u.se appears to me to be doubtful. In the hydraulic rammer we have a machine placed in a line with the work to be done, and making a stroke in a straight line, so that nothing more direct-acting could be devised for the purpose ; and I confess, under the existing circumstances, I fail to see the advantage of a mechanism which first converts rectilinear motion into circular motion, and then converts the circular back again to rectihnear. Moreover, the hydraulic rammer shown on Plate XXXIII. (p. 520), in a similar position to that occupied by the chain rammer, is made up of far fewer pieces, and weighs only one-fourth as much as the chain rammer of similar power. RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 515 I have gone rather fully into the central hoist question, because, when the all-round loading of guns is to be arranged for, the difficulty at once presents itself of how to get the projectiles and charges transferred from the ship to the gun turntable, not only in every position the latter might take up in relation to the ship, but also while the gun turntable is moving or is liable to be moved at any moment. You will notice that in the Be Umherto this difficulty is met by using a turntable top to the central hoist, and sliding the projectiles radially outwards into the gun hoists. In the Canopus, by the employment of overhead travelling cranes placed above the central hoists ; in the Albion, by surrounding the bottom of the ammunition trunk by a revolving platform running on rails on the ship's bottom, and capable of being locked either to the ship or the hoist trunk ; in the ShiUshima, by using a double overhead rail, half of which moves with the hoist and the ..other half a fixture to the ship; and in the Formidable, by having two shot carriages running on rails carried at the bottom of the trunk of the hoist. There are objections to each of these systems, and perhaps they all make too much of what is, after all, a very simple matter. If the hoist cage carrying the projectile can be made to vary its position according to the training of the gun during its ascent from the shell- room all difficulty will be overcome. I wish, therefore, to draw your attention to the design in Plate XXXIV. (p. 520), due to my friend Mr Murray, which accomplishes, I think, exceedingly satisfactorily this end. In this design there is a small fixed central trunk, 2 feet 9 inches outside diameter, which forms a strong pillar guide for a pair of ammunition cages. The back of each ammunition cage is curved to fit partially round this pillar. There is also an outer trunk of about 6 feet 6 inches diameter built to the ship. This outer casing is smooth inside, and the ammunition cages are prevented from falling away from the central pillar because their outer edges are in contact with the outer casing. It will thus be seen, as the cages move up and down, they could be slewed round the pillar or travel up it in a spiral line. In order to make the cages follow the desired path, the central pillar is clasped at convenient intervals by several rings simk in the thickness of its plate, so as not to prevent a free passage. Each of these rings carries an arm on either side, and a pair of ropes kept taut by springs are stretched from top to bottom and pass through 516 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY an eye at the end of each arm. The stretched ropes are secured at the bottom to the ship, and at the top to the under side of the gun turntable. As the turntable is trained to right or left, the ropes take up a spiral position, and, by means of the arms upon the rings round the pillar, guides for the cage, which are also carried on the arms, are likewise compelled to take a spiral form. With this arrangement a most satisfactory method of charging the cages in the shell-room can be employed. This wiU be seen on Plate XXXV. (p. 520). Troughs are provided in line with the position to which the cages always descend. Overhead hydraulic and hand-worked runners command these troughs and shell bins. Hydraulic rammers are placed in line with the troughs for pushing the shot which has been set in the troughs into the cage. On the other side of the trunk the magazine handing-rooms are arranged ; so that, while the shot are being placed in the cage on one side, the powder can be placed from the other side. With this arrangement any shot from the bins can be picked up and put into either cage, and the whole arrangement is simpler and more complete than has yet been fitted on any ship in this respect. In the working chamber the cages always arrive by the side of the trough in line with the gun hoists, into which the shot is automatically rolled. A hand or hydraulic rammer can be used to slide the shot down into the gun hoists, and the powder is transferred by hand in quarter-charges. This is, of course, assuming that the current opinion is in favour of a transference of the ammunition in the working chamber. In Plates XXXVI. and XXXVII. (p. 520), is shown a design in which the central hoist is not stopped at the working chamber, but is carried on to the rear of the guns. There are, I believe, those who fear that this arrangement would give too direct a path for fire to the magazine in case of any accident at the gun. The difference between this and any other system is so very slight that, with proper precau- tionary measures, I do not think there need be any fear. It seems to me that, if it is decided that the shell ought to be at the bottom of the ship, the most perfect arrangement is that in which any shot can be conveyed from any shot bin to either gun in whatever position the gun may be, entirely by mechanical means, and without having to handle it. In concluding this part of my subject, I venture to draw RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 517 attention to one point. In an earlier part of my paper I have alluded to the rough and ready appliances with which the navy of the past achieved such great things, and I myself have heard distinguished naval officers urge that mechanical contrivances which could not at sea be repaired by the crew were out of place on board men-of-war. All this is now changed. A battleship carries well on to a hundred machines of the most varied, and some of the most compHcated character. I have elsewhere expressed my admiration of the ability and zeal with which naval officers of the present day have mastered, and the skill with which they use their varied machinery, but I think there is some tendency to push automatic arrangements too far. The blue-jacket will lose much, if he is ■degraded into a mere machine, and, in regard to the heavy mountings I have been describing, our aim should be to obtain efficiency with as great simphcity and as few complications as possible. The number of explosives which have been used or proposed as bursting charges for shell, is very large, but in this short sketch I shall confine my attention to three — gunpowder, guncotton, and melinite, including under this latter head the form known to our service as lyddite. Mr Vavasseur and the writer were placed in a position to communicate to the authorities of this country full details concerning this last explosive, and the whole of the first experiments with it were made either by, or under the superin- tendence of, my firm. Guncotton and lyddite are not only capable of detonation, but also possess a potential energy very much higher than that of gunpowder. Fired against unarmoured structures, shell charged with gun- powder do not generally explode until they are some short distance within the side of the vessel, but with guncotton and lyddite two alternatives have to be considered. The shell may either be fired with a fuse and detonator so arranged that the shell will burst immediately on impact, or it may be so arranged as to give rise to a slight delay, or hang fire. In the first alternative the shell will burst instantaneously on impact, a result impossible to obtain with gunpowder ; and in such cases a hole of very large dimensions, and impossible to plug, will be made in the side of the ship, while the innumerable small frag- ments to which the shell is reduced sweep the deck in the wake of -the shell. In the second alternative the shell will probably burst inside. 518 RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY making only a small hole in the side of the vessel ; but the full effect of the explosion, and the destruction to the crew from the fragments of the shell would undoubtedly be serious, and the cone of dispersion of the fragments much larger, from the explosion taking place inside the vessel. Shell charged with gunpowder fired against unarmoured structures possess, however, one great advantage. The shell will probably burst from 2 to 4 feet inside the vessel, and, although the dispersion of the fragments is not nearly so great as with high explosives, the large fragments into which the shell parts, are capable of doing much more serious damage to any portion of the ship's structure- with which they may come in contact. If fired at armoured structures, the results will greatly depend upon the thickness and resistance of the plates, and on the size and energy of the attacking projectile. Generally, it may be stated that armour is a most effective protection against high explosives, the shell in the large majority of circumstances bursting comparatively harmlessly against the armour. Even if unfused, but with detonator, and possessing sufficient energy to penetrate the plate, the shell will burst in passing through, but the dispersion of the fragments is not very great. If fired without fuse or detonator, wet guncotton will not explode, but mehnite or lyddite probably will, the result to a great extent depending on the thickness of the armour. From the numerous experiments we have made, either ourselves in this country or elsewhere, I draw the following conclusions : — (1) To attack unarmoured structures, I have no doubt that shell charged with high explosives are a most formidable weapon. The large quantity of explosive that can be carried, and the power of immediately detonating the shell, permit the vessel to be attacked,, either by making large holes at or near the water-line, or if the shell should burst inboard, the effect of the explosion and the destruction to everything in the wake of the shell would be very serious. (2) But with high explosives the shells are reduced to very small fragments, and even very thin steel plates resist penetration. Hence the importance of traverses; and, supposing a first-class cruiser to engage two smaller cruisers firing high explosives, one on each broad- side, a longitudinal traverse of very moderate thickness would be a protection, the importance of which could hardly be overrated. (3) Having regard to the size of the holes made by high explosives, in unarmoured structures, I regard it of great importance that, where- RISE AND PROGRESS OF RIFLED NAVAL ARTILLERY 519 €ver possible, the water-line should be protected from stem to stern with a belt of armour, and that side armour should be provided where guns are carried on the main deck. On the upper deck effective shields, and as thick as can be conveniently carried, should Ije attached to the mountings. (4) Where an attack is made against thin armour, shell charged with gunpowder are more effective than high explosive shell, as, dependent on circumstances, the former can be got to pass through thin armour and burst inside. I doubt if shell charged with any explosives can be got to pass through thick armour without bursting. (5) There is one serious objection to certain high explosives, as bursting charges, which is not shared by wet guncotton, and that is, the liability to detonate if struck by another projectile, or even by a large fragment. Wet guncotton is quite safe in this respect, and yet, if fired, for example, by a fulminate, it detonates even more rapidly than in the dry state. This property has led certain govern- ments to adopt it as the high explosives for use on board ship. In concluding this paper I desire to defend our Elswick practice, which I have sometimes heard attacked, of mounting as many guns on the broadside as can be conveniently carried. Personally, I share strongly the opinion which a distinguished admiral once expressed to me: that, supposing a fight between two cruisers equally ably commanded, the victory would remain with the ship that got in first her second broadside, and the victory would be more assured if her broadside were the more powerful. It must also be remembered that with our modern weapons, allowance must be made for a gun, or two, being disabled without altogether crippling the broadside. For these reasons I prefer to carry as many guns as possible, even if the number of rounds carried per gun be reduced. I feel that I ought perhaps to apologise for the length of this paper ; I may, however, make the excuse which I have before heard, that I have been so much pressed with other work, I had not time to make it short. I must, however, express my obligations to my friends and fellow-workers, Mr Murray and Mr Brankston, who, with this paper, as in many other ways, have given me most valuable assistance. PLATE I. PLATE II. PLATE I! COMPARISON BETWEEN A 32 Pr OLD GUN AND A 6 INCH NEW GUN — _ — — - — -(• _,_. -'' ' ,--• '' ^' ' - sleV 5>!-'J ,- ^- ¥ i / fe«on, /-"^ S / f\' .-" -" < \ / :¥ i ' < / \ \ e // \ ,' / N 1 \ 1 ^ ^>i ' i 1 ^ 1 1 ^ " ^ ~~~~ ■ n \ ~ _^ ! V -r TTMVl *0T i-^ *- ? 3 ^^^f^^^^- 1 PLATE IV. o o o LU oc H O > ui H Z UJ O z o o 6 ft. (0 W z o z s rs PLATE V. o o o Ul DC I- o > Q. UJ oc H z UJ o o ul & 0. to PLATES VI. AND VII. 47M/M3 PR QUICK FIRING GUN ON ELSWICK PEDESTAL RECOIL MOUNTING. ELEVATION 40CalibrRGun 47M/M 3 PR QUICK FIRING GUN ON ELSWICK PEDESTAL RECOIL MOUNTING PLAN 40 Calibre Gun 1^3 PLATE VIII. ,0! z p z o -I o u z o X o z / ro . / J ' >. \ ' ci ' s /v / / "v/ ■ 3 •■ o O H u. in o 9 O -1 Z OQ ; 5i »- u llJ -1 a: u. I- <£ o z UJ o < PLATE XXXVII. "•I- O 52 z o H = z ui ii I" < CD Z U UJ 2 i UI = o ^ < X OF THE A rJiVERSlTY I OF / XV. SOME MODEEN EXPLOSIVES {Pcij)e,r read at the Royal Listitution, 1900.) Neaely thirty years ago, in the Eoyal Institution, I had the honour of describing the great advances which had then recently been made both in our knowledge of the phenomena which attend the decom- position of gunpowder, and in its practical application to the purposes of artillery. I described the uncertainty which up to that date had existed as to the tension developed by its explosion, the estimates varying enormously from the 101,000 atmospheres (about 662 tons on the square inch) of Count Eumford to the 1000 atmospheres (6-6 tons per square inch) of Eobins, or, taking more modern estimates, from the 24,000 atmospheres (158 tons per square inch) of Piobert and Cavalli to the 4300 atmospheres (about 29 tons per square inch) of Bunsen and Schischkoff. These uncertainties were, I think I may say, set at rest by certain experiments carried out both in guns and close vessels at Elswick, by the labours of the Explosive Committee appointed by the War Office, and by researches conducted by Sir F. Abel and myself. These researches were conducted on a large scale, with the view of reproducing as nearly as possible in experiment the conditions that exist in the bore of the gun. You may judge of the magnitude of the experiments, when I tell you that I have fired and completely retained in one of my cylinders a charge of no less than 28 lbs. of ordinary powder. The result of the discussion of the whole series of experiments led to the following conclusions : — 1. That the tension of the products of combustion at the moment of explosion when the powder practically filled the space in which it is fired — that is, when the density is about unity — is a little over 40 tons on the square inch, or about 6400 atmospheres. 521 2 L 522 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 2. Although changes in the chemical composition of powder, and even changes in the mode of ignition, cause a very con- siderable change in the metamorphosis experienced in explosion, as evidenced by the proportions of the pro- ducts, the quantity of heat generated, and the quantity of permanent gases produced, being materially altered, it is somewhat remarkable that the tension of the products in relation to the gravimetric density is not nearly so much affected as might be expected from the considerable altera- tion in the above factors. 3. The work that gunpowder is capable of performing in ex- panding in the bore of a gun was determined both by actual measurement and by calculation, and the results were found to accord very closely. 4. The total potential energy of exploded gunpowder supposed to be fired at the density of unity was found to be about 3.32,000 grm.-units per grm., or 486 foot-tons per pound of powder. I must confess that when I gave the lecture I have referred to, seeing the many centuries during which gunpowder had held its own as practically the sole propelling agent for artillery purposes, seeing also that gunpowder differs in certain important points from the explosives to which I shall presently call your attention, I had serious doubts as to whether it would be possible so far to modify these latter as to permit of their being used in large charges and under the varied conditions required in the Naval and Military Services. Gunpowder is not, like guncotton, cordite, nitro-glycerine, lyddite, and other similar explosives, a definite chemical combination in a state of unstable equilibrium, but is merely an intimate mixture of nitre, sulphur, and charcoal, in proportions which can be varied to a very considerable extent without striking differences in results. These constituents do not, during the manufacture of the powder, suffer any chemical change, and being a mixture it cannot be said under any condition truly to detonate. It deflagrates or burns with great rapidity, varying very largely with the pressure and other circumstances under which the explosion is taking place — a train like that to which I set fire taking, as you see, an appreciable time to burn, while in the bore of the gun a similar length of charge would be consumed in less that the hundredth part of a second. You will further have observed the heavy cloud of smoke which PLATE I. PLATE 11. SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 523 has attended the deflagration you have seen. Nearly six-tenths of the weight of the powder after explosion remains as a finely-divided solid, giving rise to the so-called smoke familiar to many of you, and of which a good illustration is shown in this instantaneous photograph, Plate I. By way of comparison, I hurn similar lengths of guncotton in the form (1) of cotton, (2) of strand, (3) of rope, and you will observe the different rates at which these varied forms of the same material are consumed, the rate depending in this case upon the greater aggregation and higher density, consequently higher pressure of the successive samples. Although the names of cordite and ballistite are prol3ably familiar to all of you, the appearance may not be so familiar, and I have here on the table samples of the somewhat protean forms which these explosives, or explosives of the same nature, are made to assum.e. Here, for instance, are forms of cordite, the explosive of the service, for which we are indebted to the labours of Sir F. Abel and Prof. Dewar. This, which is in the form of fine threads, is used in small arms, and here are successive sizes, adapted to successive larger calibres, until we reach this size which is that employed for the charge of the 12-inch 50-ton guns. A couple of the smaller cords I burn, both for purposes of com- parison and to draw your attention to the entire absence of smoke. The smoke of the gvmpowder you see still floating near the ceiling, but little or no trace of smoke can be seen from such explosives as guncotton, cordite, or ballistite, their products of combustion being entii'ely gaseous. See photograph, Plate II. You will have observed that in the combustion which you have just seen there is no smoke, but I must explain, and I shall shortly show you, that this combustion is not quite the same as that which takes place, for instance, in the chamber of a gun. Here the carbonic oxide and hydrogen, which are products of explosion, burn in the air, giving rise, with the aid of a little free carbon, to the bright flame you see, and somewhat increasing the rate of com- bustion. In a gun, however, owing chiefly to pressure, the cordite is consumed in a very small portion of a second. In brder krTltvistrate the effect of pressure upon the rate of combustion, I venture to show you a very beautiful experiment devised by Sir F. Abel. It has been shown in this room before, but it will bear repetition. In this globe there is a length of cordite. I pass a current 524 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES through the platinum wire on which it is resting, and you see the cordite burns. I now exhaust the air and repeat the experiment. The wire is red-hot, but the cordite will not burn. That the failure to burn is not due to the absence of oxygen, is shown by plunging lighted cordite into a jar of carbonic acid, where, although a match is instantly put out, the cordite continues to burn — but observe the difference. There is no longer any bright flame, although the cordite is being consumed at about the same rate as when burned in air ; and when a sufficient quantity of the COo is displaced, I can make the inflammable gases ignite and burn at the mouth of the jar. Another illustration is- also instructive. I have here a stick of cordite wrapped round with filter paper ; I dip it in water and light the end ; you may note that at first you see the bright flame. But, as the combustion retreats under the wet filter paper, there appears a space between the flame and the cordite, the flame finally dis- appears, hot gases with sparks of carbon alone showing. One other pretty experiment I show. I have here a stick of cordite, which I light. When fairly lighted, I plunge it in this beaker of water. The experiment does not always succeed at the first attempt, but you now see the cordite burning under the water much as it did in the jar of carbonic acid. The red fumes you observe are due to the formation of nitric peroxide caused by the decomposition of the water by the heat. I have on the table samples of certain other smokeless explosives of the same class. Here is a ballistite used in Italy. Here is some Norwegian ballistite. Here again is ballistite in the tubular form, and in these bottles it is seen in the form of cubes. Here is some gelatinised guncotton in the tubular form, and here are some interest- ing specimens with which I have experimented, and which up to a certain pressure gave good results, but which exhibited some tendency to violence when that pressure was exceeded. Here also are some samples of the Trench B. K powder, consisting of nitro- cellulose partially gelatinised and mixed with tannin, and with barium and potassium nitrates. Lastly, I show you here a sample of picric acid, a substance which has been used for many years as a colouring material, but which will be of interest to you, because it is used as the explosive of lyddite shell, concerning which I shall presently have more to say; it differs from all the other explosives in being, in the crystalline form, exceedingly difficult to light. I fuse, however, in this porcelain crucible a small quantity. I pour a little on a slab, and on dropping a fragment into a red-hot test-tube SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 525 you see with how much violence the fragment explodes. I also burn a small quantity, and you will observe that, unlike guncotton, cordite, and ballistite, it is not free from smoke, the smoke in this case being simply carbonaceous matter. You will observe also how much more slowly it burns. The composition of these various explosives (although in the case f>f both cordite and ballistite I have experimented with samples differing widely in the proportion of their ingredients), may be thus stated : — The guncotton I employed was of Waltham-Abbey manufacture, and when dried consisted of 4-4 per cent, of soluble cotton and 95 '6 per cent, of insoluble — as used, it contained 2-25 per cent, of moisture. The service cordite consists of 37 per cent, trinitro-cellulose with a small proportion of soluble guncotton, 58 per cent, of nitro- glycerine, and 5 per cent, of the hydro-carbon vaseline. The ballistite I principally used was composed of 50 per cent, dinitro-cellulose (collodion cotton) and 50 per cent, of nitro-glycerine. The whole of the cellulose was soluble in ether alcohol, and the ballistite was coated with graphite. The French B. K powder consisted of nitro-cellulose partly gelatinised, and mixed with tannin, with barium and potassium nitrates. The transformation experienced by some of these explosives is given in Table 1, while the pressures in relation to the gravimetric densities of some of the more important are shown in Fig. 1. Table 1. Constituents. Cordite. Ballistite. B.N. Lyddite. CO., .... CO" . H . . . . N . . . . HoO .... CH, . . . . Vols. 20-5 23-3 16-5 14-6 23-6 1-5 Vols. 29-1 21-4 15-0 10-1 24-4 trace Vols. 21-1 24-2 16-4 12-6 25-0 0-6 Vols. 12-8 49-7 13-8 19-6 3-8 0-3 Quantity of gas in c.c. per gramme Units of heat 890-5 1272 807 1365 822 1003 960-4 856-3 The decomposition experienced by these high explosives on being fired is of much greater simplicity than that experienced by the old powders, and is moreover not subject to the considerable fluctuations in the ultimate products exhibited by them. The products of explosion of guncotton. cordite, ballistite, etc.. 526 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES are at the temperature of explosion entirely gaseous, consistino' of carbonic anhydride, carbonic oxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, and aqueous vapour, with generally a small quantity of marsh-gas. The water collected, after the explosion-vessel was opened, always smelt, occasionally very strongly, of ammonia, and an appreci- able amount was determined in the water. In examining the gaseous products of the explosion of various samples of gunpowder, it was noted that as the pressure under which the explosion took place increased, the quantity of carbonic anhydride also increased, while that of carbonic oxide decreased. The same Fi^ 1. PRESSURES OBSERVED IN CLOSED VESSELS WITH VARIOUS EXPLOSIVES. •15 -20 25 -SO -35 -40 -AS SO 55 60 -65 DENSITY OF PRODUCTS OF EXPLOSION 75 80 85 peculiarity is exhibited by all the explosives with which I have experimented. I show in Table 2, p. 527, the result of a very com- plete series of a sample of guncotton fired under varying pressures, and it will be noted that the volumes of carbonic oxide and carbonic anhydride are, between the highest and lowest pressures, nearly exactly reversed. There are slight changes as regards the other products, but they do not compare in importance with that to which I have referred. But before drawing your attention to other points of interest, it is desirable to give you an idea of the advances in ballistics which have been made, both by improvements in the manufacture of tlie old powders and by the introduction of the new. VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND, VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND. o o o SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 527 On Fig. II. are placed the results as regards velocity of nine explosives, commencing with the E. L. Gg powder, which was in use in the latter part of the fifties, and terminating with the cordite of the present day. Table 2. Under pressure of E xplosion, tons per square inch. Constituents. 2 tons. 8 tons. 12 tons. 18 tons. 20 tons. 45 tons. 50 tons. Vols. CO, . 21-44 25-06 26-27 27-21 26-75 28-13 29-27 CO . . . 29-66 26-31 25-08 25-24 24-53 23-19 22-31 H . . . . 1.5-92 15-33 16-03 14-56 14-77 14-14 13-56 N . . . . 13-63 13-80 13-22 13-13 13-43 12-99 13-07 H2O . . . 19-09 19-09 19-09 19-09 19-09 19-09 19-09 CH. . . . -26 -41 -31 -77 1-47 2-46 2-70 The experiments I am now referring to were made in a gun of 100 calibres in length, and were so arranged that in a single round the velocities could be measured at 16-points of the bore. The chronoscope with which these velocities were taken has been already described, and I will now only say that it is capable of registering time to the millionth of a second with a probable error of between two and three millionths. One curious fact connected with the mode of registration I may mention. In the early experiments with the old powders, where the velocities did not exceed 1500 or 1600 feet per second, the arrangement for causing the projectile to record the time of its passing any particular point was effected by the shot knocking down a small steel knife or trigger which projected slightly into the bore, but when the much higher velocities, with which I subsequently experimented, were employed, this plan was found to be unsatisfactory, the steel trigger, instead of being immediately knocked down by the shot, frequently preferred, instead, to cut a groove in the shot, sometimes nearly its whole length, before it acted. Hence another arrangement for cutting the primary wires had to be adopted. The diagram I am now showing you is, however, both interesting and instructive. The intention, among other points, was to ascer- tain, for various calibres in length in a 6 -inch gun, the velocities and energies that could be obtained, the maximum pressures, whether mean or wave, not exceeding about 20 tons on the square inch. The horizontal line or axis of abscissse represents the travel of the shot 528 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES in feet, the ordinates or perpendiculars from this line to the curve represents the velocity at that point. The lowest curve on the diagram gives, under the conditions I have mentioned, the velocities attainable with the powder which was used when rifled guns were first introduced into the service, and you will note that with this powder the velocity attained with 100 calibres was only 1705 feet per second, while with 40 calibres it was 1533 feet per second. Next on the diagram comes pebble-powder, with a velocity of 2190 feet per second; next comes brown prismatic, with a velocity of 2529 feet per second. The next powder is one of considerable interest, and one which might have risen to importance had it not been superseded by explosives of a very different nature. It is called amide powder, and in it ammonium nitrate is substituted for a large portion (about half) of the potassium nitrate, and there is also an absence of sulphur. You will observe the velocity in the 100-calibre gun is very good, 2566 feet per second. The pressure also was low, and free from wave action. It is naturally not smokeless, but the smoke is much less dense, and disperses much more rapidly than does the smoke of ordinary powder. Its great advantage, however, was, that it eroded steel very much less than any other powder with which I experi- mented, while its great disadvantage was due to the deliquescent properties of ammonium nitrate, necessitating the keeping of the cartridges in air-tight cases. Next on the diagram comes B. N. or Blanche Nouvelle powder, an explosive which, while free from wave action, is remarkable, as you will note if you follow the curve, in developing a much higher velocity than the other powders in the first few feet of motion, and less in the later stages of expansion. Thus, if you compare this curve with the highest curve on the diagram, that of the four-tenths cordite, you will note that the B. N. curve for the first eight feet of motion is the higher, and that at about eight feet the curves cross, the B. N. giving a final velocity of 2786 feet per second, or 500 feet below the cordite curve. Then follows ballistite, which, with much lower initial pressure, gives a velocity of 2806 feet per second, or somewhat higher than that of B. N. Then follow three different sizes of cordite, the highest of which gives a muzzle velocity of 3284 feet per second, or a velocity nearly double that of the early E. L. Go. In the somewhat formidable-looking table (Table 3) I have placed on the wall, are exhibited the velocities and energies SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 529 realised in a 6-inch gun with the various explosives I have named, and the table, in addition, shows the velocities and energies in guns of the same calibre but of 40, 50, and 75 calibres in length, as well as in that of 100 calibres. Table 3.—Q-inch gun, 100 calibres long. Velocities and energies realised with high explosives. Weight of projectile, 100 Ihs. Nature and weight of explosive. Length of bore, 40 calibres. Length of bore, 50 calibres. Length of bore, 75 calibres. Length of bore, 100 calibres. >> 1 > 1 iS 1 S 1 > >> Cordite, '4 in. (27*5 lbs.) Cordite, 0-35 in. (22 lbs.) Cordite, 0-3 in. (20 lbs.) Ballistite, 0-3 in. cubs. (20 lbs.) . French B. N. (25 lbs.). Amide prism (32 lbs.) . Brown prism (50 lbs.) . Pebble-powder (36 lbs.) R.L. G.2(23lbs.). F. S. 2794 2444 2495 2416 2422 2225 2145 1885 1533 F. T. 5413 4142 4316 4047 4068 3433 3190 2464 1630 F. S. 2940 2583 2632 2537 2530 2331 2257 1980 1592 F. T. 5994 4626 4804 4463 4438 3768 3532 2718 1757 F. S. 3166 2798 2821 2713 2700 2486 2435 2110 1668 F. T. 6950 5429 5518 5104 5055 4285 4111 3087 1929 F. S. 3284 2915 2914 2806 2786 2566 2529 2190 1705 F. T. 7478 5892 5888 5460 5382 4566 4485 3326 2016 If you compare the results shown in the highest and lowest lines of this table, that is, the results given by the highest and lowest curves on the diagram, you will see that the velocity of the former is nearly twice as great as that of the latter, while its energy and capacity for penetration is nearly four times as groat. I need hardly remind most of you that in artillery matters it is the energy developed, not the velocity alone, that is of vital import- ance. I venture to insist upon this point, because so many of those who desire to instruct the authorities, write as if velocity were the only point to be considered. In a given gun with a given charge, if the weight of the shot, within reasonable limits, be made to vary, the ballistic advantage is greatly on the side of the heavier shot, and for three principal reasons : — 1. More energy is obtained from the explosive. 2. Owing to the lower velocity, the resistance of the air is greatly reduced. 3. The heavier shot has greater capacity for overcoming the reduced resistance. You will observe that on this velocity diagram, upon which I have kept you so long a time, is shown, not only the travel of the shot in feet, but the position of the plugs which gave the velocities. 2 M 530 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES Further, on the higher and lower curves, the observed velocities are shown where it is possible to do so. Near the origin of motion the points are so close that it is not possible to insert them without confusing the diagram. At the risk of fatiguing you, I show, in Fig. III., curves showing the pressure existing in the bore at all points, these pressures being deduced from the curves of velocity. You will note the point to which I drew your attention, with regard to the powder called B. N. You will remember that in the early stages of motion it gave velocity to the shot, much more rapidly than did the other powders. You see the effect in the pressure curves, the maximum being considerably higher than any of the other pressures, while the pressure towards the muzzle is, on the other hand, considerably below the average. I fear you may think I have kept you unnecessarily long with these somewhat dry details, but I have had reasons for so doing. In the first place I desire to demonstrate to you the enormous advances which have been made in artillery by the introduction of the new explosives, and which we in a great measure owe to the distinguished chemists and physicists who have occupied themselves with these important questions. Secondly, I desire to show you that the explosive which has been adopted by this country, and which we chiefly owe to the labours of Sir F. Abel and Prof. Dewar, is in ballistic effect inferior to none of its competitors. I might go further, and say that it is decidedly superior. Lastly, at a time when the efficiency of all our arms, and especially our artillery, is a question which has been deeply agitat- ing the country, I may do some good by pointing out that the authorities are well aware that any practicable velocity or energy they may desire for their guns is at their disposal. They have such guns, I mean guns with high velocity and high energy — whether they have enough of them, and whether they are always in the right place, is another matter, for which perhaps the military authorities are not altogether responsible. But velocity and energy is not the only thing that is required under all circumstances in war, and I ask you to believe that if the War Office authorities have, for their field guns, fixed on a velocity very much below what is possible, they have had sound and sufficient reasons for so doing. My firm and I, individually, have had much to do with the introduction of the larger high-velocity and quick-firing guns into PRESSURE IN TONS PER SQ INCH PRESSURE IN TONS PER SQ INCH SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 531 our own and other services ; but as an old artillery officer, in no way responsible for our field guns, I may perhaps be allowed to say that, whether as regards maUriel or personnel, our field artillery is inferior to none anywhere, and I venture to add that in the present war it appears to have been handled in a way worthy of the reputa- tion of the corps. I fear the causes of some of our military failures at the commence- ment of the war must be looked for in other directions, and the present unfortunate war will turn out to be a blessing in disguise, if it should awaken the empire to the necessity of correcting serious defects in our organisation, possibly the natural result of our Con- stitution, and in that case the invaluable lives that have been lost will not have been sacrificed in vain. I now pass to points which have to be considered when weighing the comparative merits of explosives for their intended ends. You will easily understand that between explosives which are intended to be used for propelling purposes, and those which are intended to be used, say for bursting shell, a wide difference may exist. In the former case, facility of detonation would be an insuper- able objection ; in the latter, the more perfect the detonation the better, certain special cases, to which I have not time to refer, excepted. There exists, I think, considerable diversity of opinion as to what does, and what does not, constitute true detonation. I find many persons speak of a detonation, when I should merely consider that a very high pressure had been reached. This guncotton slab on the table affords me, I think, a fair opportunity of explaining my meaning. Were I to set fire to it, except for the large volume of flame and the great amount of heat generated, we in this room would not suffer ; we should probably experience more inconvenience did I fire a similar slab of gunpowder, as detached burning portions would probably be projected to some distance. But if I fired this same slab with two or three grammes of fulminate of mercury, a detonation of extreme violence would follow. The detonation would be capable of blowing a hole in a tolerably thick iron plate, and would probably put an end to a considerable proportion of the managers in the front row. I mentioned to you some time ago the time in which a charge would be consumed in the chamber of a gun — if a charge of 500 lbs. of these slabs were effectively detonated, this charge would be con- 532 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES verted into gas in less than the twenty-thousandth part of a second. No such result would follow were I to try a similar experiment with a slab of compressed gunpowder of the same dimensions. I do not say the experience would be pleasant, but there would be nothing of the instantaneous violent action which marks the decom- position of the guncotton. To give you an idea of the extraordinary violence which accom- panies detonation, I have fired, for the purpose of this lecture, with fulminate of mercury, a charge of lyddite in a cast-iron shell, and those who are sufficiently near, can see for themselves the result. By far the greater part of the cast-iron shell, weighing about 10 lbs., is reduced to dust, some of which is so fine that I assumed it to be deposited carbon until I had tested it with a magnet. I may add that the indentation of the steel vessel by pieces of the iron which were not reduced to powder, would appear to indicate velocities of not less than 1200 feet per second, and this velocity must have been communicated to the fragments in a space of less than 2 inches. For the sake of comparison, I place beside it a cast-iron shell burst by gunpowder. You will observe the extraordinary difference. I also have on the table two small steel shells exploded, one by a perfectly detonated the other by a partially detonated charge. I may remark that in the accounts of the correspondents from the seat of war, frequent mention is made of the green smoke of lyddite. This appearance is probably due to imperfect detonation — to a mixture, in fact, of the yellow picric with the black smoke ; I do not say, however, that imperfect detonation is necessarily an evil. To another experiment I draw your attention. For certain purposes, I caused to be detonated in the chamber of a 12-pr. a steel shell charged with lyddite. The detonation was not perfect, but the base of the shell was projected with great violence against the breech screw. You may judge of how great that violence was, when I tell you that the base of the shell took a complete impression of the recess for the primer, developing great heat in so doing ; but what was still more remarkable, the central portion of the base also sheared, passing into the central hole through which the striker passes. This piece of shell is upon the table, and open to your inspection. One other instance, to illustrate the difference between com- bustion and detonation, I trouble you with. Desiring to ascertain the SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 533 difference, if any, in the products of explosion between combustion and detonation, I fired a charge of lyddite in such a manner that detonation did not follow. The lyddite merely deflagrated. But a similar charge, differently fired, shortly afterwards detonated with such extreme violence as to destroy the vessel in which it was exploded. The manner in which the vessel failed I now show you (Fig. IV.), and I have on the table the internal crusher-gauge which was used, and which was also totally destroyed. The condition of this gauge is very remarkable, and the action on the copper cylinder employed to measure the pressure was one to Fig. IV. EXPLOSION VESSEL Plug Containing Crusher Gauq^. which I have no parallel in the many thousand experiments I have made with these gauges. The gauge itself is fractured in the most extraordinary way, even in some places to which the gas had no access, and the copper cylinder, which when compressed usually assumes a barrel-like form (that is with the central diameter larger than that at the ends, as shown in the diagram. Fig. V.), in this experi- ment, and in this only, was bulged close to the piston, as you see. It would appear as if the blow was so suddenly given that the laminae of the metal next the piston endeavoured to escape in the direction of least resistance, that being easier than to overcome the inertia of the laminae below. The erosive effect of the new explosives is another point of 534 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES first-rate importance in an artillery point of view. The cordite of the service is not, if the effect be estimated in relation to the energy impressed on the projectiles, more erosive than, for example, brown prismatic, which was itself a very erosive powder ; but as we are able to obtain, as you have seen, very much higher energies with cordite than with brown prismatic, the erosion of the former is, for a given number of rounds, materially higher. There is, however, one striking difference: by the kindness of Colonel Bainbridge, the Chief Superintendent of Ordnance Factories, I am enabled to show you a section of the barrel of a large gun eroded by 137 rounds of gunpowder. Beside it is a barrel of a 4-7-inch quick-firing gun eroded by 1087 rounds of gunpowder, and another eroded by 1292 rounds of cordite. You will observe the difference. In the former case the erosion much resembles a COPPER CYLINDERS ploughed field. In the latter, the appearance is more as if the surface were washed away by the flow of the highly-heated gases. But take it in what way you please, the heavy erosion of the guns of the service, if fired with the maximum charges, is a very serious matter, as with the large guns, accuracy and in a smaller degree energy, are rapidly lost after a comparatively small number of rounds have been fired. Cordite was first produced for use in small arms only, where, owing to the small charges employed, the question of erosion is not of the same importance as with large guns ; but its employment, from the great results obtained with it, was rapidly extended to artillery, and the attention of my friends. Sir F. Abel and Prof. Dewar, has for some time been devoted in conjunction with myself to investigating whether it is not possible materially to reduce this most objectionable erosion. With this object I made the following series of experiments. Energy in Foot Tons Heat in Units Gas in C,C Erosion in Inches. PressureinTons. SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 535 1 had cordite of the same dimensions prepared with varying proportions of nitro-glycerine and guncotton. The nitro-glycerine being successively in the proportions of 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 per cent., and with each of these cordites I determined the following points : — 1. The quantity of permanent gases generated. 2. The amount of aqueous vapour formed. 3. The heat generated by the explosion. 4. The erosive effect of the gases. 5. The ballistic energy developed in a gun, and the corresponding maximum pressure. 6. The capacity of the cordite to resist detonation when fired with a strong charge of fulminate of mercury. The results of these experiments were both interesting and instructive. To avoid wearying you with a crowd of figures, I have placed on Fig. VI. the results of the first five series of experiments. On the axis of abscissae are placed the percentages of nitro- glycerine, while the ordinates show the quantities of the gases generated, the amount of heat developed, the erosive effect of this explosive, the ballistic energy exhibited in a gun, and the maximum gaseous pressure. You will note that with the smallest proportion of nitro-glycerine the volume of permanent gases is a maximum, and that the volume steadily decreases with the increase of nitro-glycerine. On the other hand, the heat generated as steadily increases with the nitro- glycerine, and if we take the product of the quantity of heat and the quantity of gas as an approximate measure of the potential energy of the explosive, the higher proportion of nitro-glycerine has an undoubted advantage ; but in this case, as in the case of every other explosive with which I have experimented, the potential energies differ less than might be expected from the changes in transforma- tion, as the effect of a large quantity of gas is to a great extent compensated by a great reduction in the quantity of heat generated. This effect is, of course, easily explained, and was very strikingly exhibited in the much more complicated transformation experienced by gunpowders of different compositions, a long series of which were very fully investigated by Sir F. Abel and myself. Looking at this diagram, you will have observed that the energy developed in the gun is very much smaller with the smaller pro- portions of nitro-glycerine, but if you will look at the corresponding 536 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES maximum -pressure curve you will note that the pressures have decreased nearly in like proportion. Hence it is probable that the lower effect is mainly due to a slower combustion of the cordite, and it follows that this effect may be, to a great extent, remedied by increasing the rate of combustion by reducing the diameter of the cordite to correspond with the reduction in the quantity of nitro- glycerine. To test this point, I caused to be manufactured a second series of cordites of the same composition, but with the diameters successively reduced by '08, as you see with the samples I hold, and this diagram (Fig. VII.) shows at a glance the result. The energies you see are roughly practically the same, but if you look at the pressure curve, you will observe that I have obtained a curve in which, on the whole, the pressures vary in the contrary direction, that is to say, in this case the pressures increase as the nitro-glycerine diminishes. Taking the two series into account, they show that by a proper arrangement of amount of charge and diameter of cord, it would be possible to obtain the same ballistics and approximately the same pressure from any of the samples I have exhibited to you. But I have to draw your attention to another point. From the curve showing the quantities of heat, you will note that in passing from 10 per cent, nitro-glycerine to 60 per cent., the heat generated has increased by about 60 per cent. But if you examine the curve indicating the corresponding amount of erosion, you will see that while the quantity of heat is only greater by about 60 per cent., the erosion is greater by nearly 500 per cent. These experiments entirely confirm the conclusion at which I have previously arrived, viz., that heat is the principal factor in determining the amount of erosion. In experimenting with a number of alloys of steel, the greatest resistance was shown by an alloy of steel with a small proportion of tungsten, but the difference between the whole of these alloys amounted only to about 16 per cent. The whole of these cordites were, as I have mentioned, subjected to detonation tests. None of them, so far as my experiments went, exhibited any special tendency in this direction. I will now endeavour to describe to you a most interesting and important series of experiments, which I regret to say is still a long way from completion. The objects of these experiments were — (1) to ascertain the time required for the combustion of charges of cordite in which the ENERGY IN FOOT TONS — N> to Pressure in Tons. PLATE VII. SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 537 cordite was of different thicknesses, varying from 0"05-inch to 0"6 of an inch ; (2) the rapidity with which the explosives part with their heat to the vessel in which the charge is confined; and (3) to ascertain, if possible, by direct measurement, the temperature of explosion, and to determine the relation between the pressure and temperature at pressures approximating to those which exist in the bore of a gun, and which are, of course, greatly above any which have yet been determined. As regards the first two objects I have named, I have had no serious difficulties to contend with ; but as regards the third, I have so far had no satisfactory results, having been unable to use Sir W. Eoberts-Austen's beautiful instrument, owing to the temperature at the moment of explosion being greatly too high — high enough indeed to melt and volatilise the wires of the thermo-junction. I am, however, endeavouring to make an arrangement by which I hope to be able to determine these points when the temperature is so far reduced that the wires will no longer be fused. The apparatus I have used for these experiments (see Plate VII.) is placed on the table. The cylinder in which the explosions were made is too heavy to transport here, but this photograph will sufficiently explain the arrangement. The charge I used is a little more than a kilogramme, and it is fired in this cylinder in the usual manner. The tension of the gas acting on the piston compresses the spring and indicates the pressure on the scale here shown. But to obtain a permanent record, the apparatus I have mentioned is employed. There is, you see, a drum made to rotate by means of a small motor. Its rate of rotation is given by a chronometer acting on a relay, and marking seconds on the drum, while the magnitude of the pressure is registered by this pencil actuated by the pressure-gauge I have just described. To obtain with sufficient accuracy the maximum pressure, and also the time taken to gasify the explosive, two observations, that is two explosions, are necessary. If the piston be left free to move the instant of the commence- ment of pressure, the outside limit of the time of complete explosion will be indicated ; but on account of the inertia of the moving parts the pressure indicated will be in excess of the true pressure, and the excess will be, more or less, inversely as the time occupied by the explosion. If we desire to know the true pressure, it is necessary to compress the gauge beforehand to a point closely approximating to the expected 538 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES pressure, so that the inertia of the moving parts may be as small as possible — the arrangement by which this is effected is not shown in the diagram, but the gauge is retained at the desired pressure by a wedge-shaped stop, held in its place by the pressure of the spring, and to the stop a heavy weight is attached — when the pressure is relieved by the explosion, the weight falls, and leaves the spring free to act. I have made a large number of experiments with this instrument, both with a variety of explosives and with explosives fired under different conditions. Time will not permit- me to do more than to show you on the screen three pairs of experiments to illustrate the effect of exploding cordite of different dimensions, but of precisely the same composition. I shall commence with rifle cordite. In this diagram (Fig. VIII.), the axis of abscissae has the time in seconds marked upon it, while the ordinates denote the pressures ; and I draw your attention to the great difference, in the initial stage, between the red and the blue curves. You will notice that the red curves show a maximum pressure some 4-| tons higher than that shown by the blue curve ; but this pressure is not real, it is due to the inertia of the moving parts. The red and blue curves in a very small fraction of a second come together, and remain practically together for the rest of their course. The whole of the charge is consumed in something less than fifteen thousandths of a second. In the case of the blue curve, the maximum pressure indicated is obtained in the way I have described, and is approximately correct — about 9 tons per square inch. The rapidity with which this considerable charge parts with its heat by communication to the explosion-vessel is very striking. In 4 seconds after the explosion the pressure is reduced to about one-half, and in 12 seconds to about one-quarter. I now show you (Fig. IX.) similar curves for cordite 0"35-inch in diameter or about fifty times the rifle cordite section. Here you see that the time taken to consume the charge is longer. The effect of inertia is still very marked although much reduced. The true maximum pressure is a little over 8-5 tons, but after the first third of a second the two curves run so close together that they are indis- tinguishable. Again you see the pressure is reduced by one-half in 4 seconds, and in a little more than 12 seconds again halved. The last pair of curves I shall show you (Fig. X.) was obtained co- rn O O z o CO I i PRESSURE IN TON V3 oj -^ oi cn ^ S PE RSQ INCH 5 = io w 1 1 ^ ;:^ ! \ 1 / ^ !" y / ■f> /I / // // o c ? 1 » o m o o o r- 2 O 1 a. 1 ro ■t> 1 (' CD (S 1 1 PRESSURE IN TONS PER SQ INCH _ - — 1. ^ c o: ^ c (0 o . M - CO - / ^ 1 ■t> - — f^ — / / " 1 C X < ! 1 H 9 S 1 ? X 3- 5 1 o O -n 2 ~ o 2<^ D CO ll ^ 8 o n z •^ ' Ol ' 1 5 1 1 1 (O o i i 1 1 s M i 1 1 i I t2l aro> SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 539 with cordite 0'6-inch in diameter, or nearly 150 times the section of the rifle cordite. With this cordite the combustion has been so slow that the effect of inertia almost disappears; it is reduced to about half a ton per square inch. The maximum being nearly the same as in the last set of experiments. The time of combustion indicated I have called slow, but it is about '06 of a second, and the whole of the experiments show a most remarkable regularity in their rate of cooling, the pressures at the same distance of time from the explosion being in all cases approximately the same, as indeed they ought to be. The density being the same and the explosive the same, the only difference being the time in which the decomposition is completed. It appears to me that, knowing from the experiments I have described, the volume of gas liberated, its composition, its density, its pressure, the quantity of heat disengaged by the explosion; and knowing all these points with very considerable accuracy, we should be able, from the study of the curves to which I have drawn your attention, and which can be obtained from different densities of gas, to throw considerable light upon the kinetic theory of real, not ideal gases, at temperatures and pressures far removed from those which have been the subject of such careful and accurate research by many distinguished physicists. The question, as I have said, involves some very considerable difficulties, nevertheless I am not without hope that the experiments I have been describing may, in some small degree, add to our knowledge of the kinetic theory of gas. That wonderful theory faintly shadowed forth almost from the commencement of philosophic thought, was first distinctly put forward by Daniel Bernoulli early in the last century. In the latter half of the century now drawing to a close, the labours of Joule, Clausius, Clerk Maxwell, Lord Kelvin, and others, have placed the theory in a position analogous and equal to that held by the undulatory theory of light. The kinetic theory has, nowever, for us artillerists a special charm, because it indicates that the velocity communicated to a projectile in the bore of a gun is due to the bombardment of that projectile by myriads of small projectiles moving at enormous speeds, and parting with the energy they possess, by impact, to the projectile. There are few minds which are not more or less affected by the infinitely great and the infinitely little. It was said that the telescope, which revealed to us infinite space, 540 SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES was balanced by the microscope, which showed us the infinitely small ; but the labours of the men to whom I have referred, have introduced us to magnitudes and weights infinitesimally smaller than anything that the microscope can show us, and to numbers which are infinite to our finite comprehension. Let me draw your attention to this diagram (Fig. II.) * showing the velocity impressed upon the projectile, and let me endeavour to describe the nature of the forces which acted upon it to give it its motion. I hold in my hand a cubic centimetre, a cube so small that I daresay it is hardly visible to those at a distance. Well, if this cube were filled with the gases produced by the explosion at 0° C. and atmospheric pressure, there would be something over seven trillions, that is, seven followed by eighteen cyphers, of molecules. Large as these numbers are, they occupy but a very small fraction of the contents of the cubic centimetre, but yet their number is so great that they would, if placed in line touching one another, go round many times the circumference of the earth, a pretty fair illustration of Euclid's definition of a line. These molecules, however, are not at rest, but are moving, even at the low temperature I have named, with great velocity, the molecules of the different gases moving with different velocities dependent upon their molecular weight. Thus, the hydrogen mole- cules which have the highest velocity move with about 5500 feet per second mean velocity, while the slowest, the carbonic anhydride molecules, have only 1150 feet per second mean velocity, or about the speed of sound. But in the particular gun under discussion, when the charge was exploded there were no less than 20,500 c.c. of gas, 'and each centi- metre at the density of explosion contained 580 times the quantity of gas, that is, 580 times the number of molecules that I mentioned. Hence the total number of molecules in the exploded charge is 8?; quadrillions, or, let us say, approximately for the total number, eight followed by twenty-four cyphers. It is difficult for the mind to appreciate what this immense number means, but it may convey a good idea if I tell you that if a man were to count continuously at the rate of three per second, it would take him 265 billions of years to perform the task of counting them. So much for the numbers ; now let me tell you of the velocities with which, at the moment of explosion, the molecules were moving. Taking first the high-velocity gas, the hydrogen, the molecules of the * See p. 527. i SOME MODERN EXPLOSIVES 541 gas would strike the projectile with a mean velocity of about 12,500 feet per second. You will observe, I say, mean velocity, and you must note that the molecules move with very variable velocities. Clerk Maxwell was the first to calculate the probable distribution of the velocities. A little more than one-half will have the mean velocity or less, and about 98 per cent, will have 25,000 feet per second or less. A very few, about one in 100 millions, might reach the velocity of 50,000 feet per second. The mean energy of the molecules of different gases at the same temperature being equal, it is easy from the data I have given to calculate the mean velocity of the molecules of the slowest moving gas, carbonic anhydride, which would be about 2600 feet per second. I have detained you, I fear, rather long over these figures, but I have done so because I think they throw some light upon the extraordinary violence that some explosives exhibit when detonated. Take, for instance, the lyddite shell exploded by detonation I showed you earlier in the evening. I calculate that that charge was con- verted into gas in less than the one 60,000th part of a second, and it is not difficult to conceive the effect that these gases of very high density suddenly generated, the molecules of which are moving with the velocities I have indicated, would have upon the fragments of the shell. The difference between the explosion of gunpowder fired in a close vessel and that of guncotton or lyddite when detonated, is very striking. The former explosion is noiseless, or nearly so. The latter, even when placed in a bag, gives rise to an exceedingly sharp metallic ring, as if the vessel were struck a sharp blow with a steel hammer. But I must conclude. I began my lecture by recalling some of the investigations I described in this place a great many years ago. I fear I must conclude in much the same way as I then did, by thanking you for the attention with which you have listened to a somewhat dry subject, and by regretting that the heavy calls made on my time during the last few months have prevented my making the lecture more worthy of my subject and of my audience. INDEX Abel, Sir Frederick, 83, 85, 88, 99, 108, 146, 328, 329, 331, 332, 334, 337, 34-_', 345, 348, 373, 386, 402, 414, 421, 424, 434, 462, 463, 468, 471, 501, 502, 521, 522, 530, 534, 535 ; his article in Philoso- phical Transactions, 480. AcacUmie des Sciences, 112, 232, 234. Accelerating twist, 87-98. Airy, Sir G. B. , Astronomer Royal, his paper in Philosophical Magazine, 110. Albion, H.M.S., 515. Aloncle, Colonel, 267. Amide gunpowder, 372, 373, 386, 389, 390, 397, 400, 423, 424, 432, 433, 464, 481, 526, 528, 529. Ammonia, picrate of, 397. Ammonium carbonate, 136, 149, 166. Ammonium sesquicarbonate, 126. Ammunition hoists, 510. Analytical results from examination of solid and gaseous products (Researches on Explosives), 130. Annalen, Poggendorff's, 108, 110. Annalen der Chemie, 109. Archiv fiir die OJiziere der Koniglich Preussischen Artillerie- una Ingenieur- Corps, 106. Arithmetical mean, law of, 7. Armaments of battleships, past and pre- sent, 366-383. Armour of ships, 518, 519. Armour-piercing guns, 373. Armstrong, Lord, 65, 363, 367, 370, 499, 502. Armstrong projectiles, 25, 28-30, 33-36, 39-41. Artillery, rise and progress of rifled Naval, 499-515. Artillery practice, application of theory of probabilities to, 1-22. Ash, 127-129. Austrian cannon- and small-arra-powder, 128-130, 134. Baker, Sir B., 357. Ballistics, internal, 397-461. Ballistite, 386, 397, 425, 464, 478, 481, 523-529. Battleships, past and present, 362 ; armament of, 366-383 ; their guns in 1850, 499, 500. B. Brin, gimpowder Italian, 514. Belgian " brisante " gunpowder, 106, 176, 417, 465, 485. Benhoio, H.M.S., 378. Bernoulli, Daniel, 102, 539. Bernoulli, John, 102. Berthelot, M., Sur la Force de la Poudre, 111, 112, 157, 158; his article in Comptes Bendus de VAcadAmie des Scieiices, 232-234, 238, 239, 241, 255, 314, 315, 319. Betancourt, M. de, 56, 484. Blake, H.M.S., 506. Blanche Nouvelle (B. N.) French gun- powder, 481, 524, 525, 528, 529. Bloxam, C. L., Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, 100. Boxer, R.A., General, 30, 146; Treatise on Artillery, 159. Boyle, 337. Brarawell, Sir F., 355. Brankston, Mr, 519; his anti-friction gear, 507. Brisante gunpowder, Belgian, 106, 176, 417, 465, 485. British Association, 482 ; Mechanical Science Section of the, 355. British-service 10-inch gun, 94, 96, 98. Bunsen and Schischkoff, 63-65, 67, 82, 108, 109, 112, 119. 127, 134-137, 140, 141, 144, 145, 165, 166, 172, 173, 194- 196, 200, 208, 234, 314, 317, 34?, 349, 414, 433, 434, 521 ; their sporting gun- powder, 128-130. Ccesar, H.M.S., 359, 365. Calorimeter, 256, 297-306. Canopus, H.M.S., 511, 515, Carbon, 127-129, 134, 138, 139, 147, 166, 247-249, 329, 421. Carbonate, potassium, 111,125, 135, 139, 141, 143, 147, 148, 166, 244,250,251, 332, 407. Carbon dioxide, 238. Carbon monoxide, 238. Carbonic anhydride, 104, 111, 119, 120, 134, 138, 139, 142, 143, 148, 166, 249, 329, 332, 413, 421, 423, 471, 526, 541. Carbonic oxide, 104, 120, 134, 138, 139, 143, 147, 148, 166, 249, 329, 332, 413, 421,423,471,526. Cast iron, used for guns, 367. Cavalli, General (article in Bevue de Technologic Militaire, Memoire sui- les Eclatements des Canons, etc.), 57, 105, 106, 485, 486, 521. 544 INDEX Charcoal in gunpowders, 127, 128, 134, 137, 238, 247, 331, 405. Chevreul, M., article in Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, 104. Chilworth Co., 372. Chlorhydric acid, 126. Chloride, potassium, 128, 248; zinc, 319, 320. Chlorine, 326, 327, 337, 398-400. Chronograph, 430, 431. Chronoscope, 68, 70-72, 78-80, 174-176, 347, 432, 493-497; data for calculating velocity and pressure in the bore of a gun obtained with, 178-186. Clausius, 166, 199, 539. Closed vessels, pressures in, 167, 419, 420, 423-429. Cocoa (brown prismatic) gunpowder, 331, 333-335, 405, 406, 411, 483, 529. Colossus, H.M.S., 378, Combustion in bores of guns, tempera- ture of products of, 202. " Comite des Poudres et Salpetres," 103. Committee on Explosives, 116, 146, 162, 173, 175, 177, 187, 190,205,372,373; on Plates and Guns, 509 ; on Rifled Cannon, 368, 500. Oomptes Rendus de VAcadimie des Sciences, 112, 232, 234, 263. Conjunctor, of Navez's electro-ballistic apparatus, 24. Cordite, and experiments with, 386, 390, 396, 397, 424, 425, 432, 433, 436, 462, 481, 503, 523-529, 534, 536-539; an- alyses of the permanent gases gene- rated by, 475, 476; non-detonating, 477. Cowper-Coles turrets, 374. Crimean War, 359. Crusher-apparatus, 114. Crusher-gauge, 67, 68, 70, 71, 78-80, 84, 174-177, 337, 339, 340, 346, 403, 415- 418, 462-464, 467, 480, 492, 493, 495- 497, 533. Cupric oxide, 125, 127, 241. Cupric sulphate, 119. Curtis and Harvey's No. 6 gunpowder, 2.36, 244, 248-250, 257-262, 294, 302, 303, 305-308, 310-313, 318, 331, 333- 335, 405, 406, 410-412. Curve, time, 71. Cylinders, recoil-, 377-383. Debus, Professor, 309, 316, 317. Decomposition of gunpowder, 148, 149. Deflection and range of guns, 11-21. dela Hire, M., 53, 101. Deville, M., 172. Dewar, Professor, 386, 424, 462, 468, 502. Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, 104. Didion, General, Traits de Balistique, 26, 30. Disjunctor, of Navez's electro-ballistic apparatus, 24. Douglas, Sir Howard, Naval Gunnery, 358, 500. Driving-rings, 385 ; result of experiments with, 387, 392-394. Driving-surface, 42-44, 47, 50-52, 89-93. Duke of Wellington, H.M.S., 359, 360, Eiffel Tower, 356. Electro-ballistic apparatus, experiments with Navez's, 23-41 ; Noble's experi- ments (1860), 369. Elswick, experiments at, 42, 81-83, 501, 506-508, 521. Encke, 3Iemoir on the Method of Least Squares, 4, 6, 16. Encyclopcedia Britannica, 104. Enfield rifle, 29. English-service gunpowder (Waltham- Abbey), 127. Eprouvette mortar, 74, 369. E. R. gunpowder, 29. Erosion, cause of, 503 ; from new ex- plosives, 534-536. Excellent, H.M.S., 380, 500. Expansion in closed vessels, volumes of, 419, 420. Explosion, permanent gases generated by, 53; the phenomenon of, 105; results deduced by calculation from analytical data, 151 ; condition of pro- ducts at the instant of or shortly after, 156 ; of gunpowder, determination of the temperature of, 170; the products of, 348; temperature of, 414. Explosion-apparatus, 113-115. Explosion-vessel, 337, 402, 403, 533. Explosive Substances, Committee on, 146. Explosives Committee, 88, 94, 98, 463, 501, 521. Explosives, researches on, 99-324, 468- 481 ; heat-action of, 325-354 ; pressures observed in closed vessels with various, 426-429, 526 ; pressure developed by some new, 462-467 ; some modern, 521-541. Fedekow, Colonel, his article in Ziet- schrift der Chemie, 110; his Russian powder, 127-130, 137. Fine-grain (F. G.) gunpowder, 84, 128- 130, 139-143, 145, 147, 150, 151, 155, 156, 159-161, 164, 166, 167, l7l, 207, 210, 215-219, 221, 222, 224, 226, 227, 230, 235, 239, 242, 246, 249-252, 257- 261, 277, 289-293, 301, 303, 306, 308- 313, 315, 318, 321, 322, 331, 333-335, 404-406, 410-412. Flour dust, 398. Formidable, H.M.S., 513, 515. Fort Fisher, 368. Forth Bridge, 356, 357. Fossano powder, 265. Fowler, Sir John, 357. French B. N. (Blanche Nouvelle) gun- powder, 481, 524, 525, 528, 529. Friction in the bores of rifled guns, 385- INDEX 545 Fuji, Japanese battleship, 511, Fulminate of mercury, 422, 423. Fulminates, 397. Gadolin, General, 73. Gas, marsh, 104, 120, 139, 166, 238, 250, 329, 332, 393, 421. Gas pressure (Explosives), measurement of, 116. Gaseous products of explosion. 111, 117, 119, 130-134, 139, 140, 149, 151, 153, 155, 166, 254, 321, 322, 406, 408 ; possibility of dissociation among, 157. Gases, permanent, generated by ex- plosion, 53, 104, 410, 411 ; measure- ment of volume of, 116, 150; from explosion of guncotton, 472 ; of cordite, 475 ; of ballistite, 478. Gauge, Rodman's, 58, 67, 70-73 ; crusher, 67, 68, 70, 71, 78-80, 84, 174-177, 337, 339, 340, 346, 403, 415-418, 462-464, 467, 480, 492, 493, 495-497, 533; pres- sure. 429. Gay-Lussac, M., 103, 104, 112, 337. Government Committee on Gunpowder, 146. Graham, article in Encyclopwdia Brit- annica, 104. Gravimetric density, 102, 104, 111, 159, 256, 401, 418. Greenock Philosophical Society, 397. Gun-carriages, mountings, turrets, etc., 374-384. Guncotton, 328, 397, 469, 471, 517-519, 523 ; composition and metamorphosis of pellet, 329, 421-423; experiments with, 339 ; temperature of explosion of gunpowder and, 340-345 ; results in volumes of the analyses of permanent gases generated by explosion of strand, 472 ; results of analyses of strand and pellet, fired in a close vessel by detona- tion, 473, 474 ; difference between ex- plosion of gunpowder and, 541. Gun-house, armoured, 508. Gunpowder, tension of fired, 53-86 ; observed in a close vessel, 158 ; de- composition of. 100-105, 112, 148, 149 ; its constituents, 104, 521 ; Govern- ment Committee on, 146 ; specific heats and proportions of the products generated by the combustion of, 166 ; determination of the temperature of explosion of, 170; determination of heat generated by combustion of, 164, 255 ; effect of moisture upon the combustion and tension of, 120 ; work effected by, 203 ; when indefinitely expanded, determination of total theoretic work of, 208 ; note on the existence of potassium hyposulphite in the solid residue of fired, 314 ; temperature of explosion of guncotton and, 340-344 ; its advantages, 343 ; pressure of, 343-345 ; total energy stored up in, 352 ; curves showing pressure and work developed by expansion of, 349 ; its destructive effects, 436 ; shells charged with, 517; difference between explosion of guncotton and, 541. Gunpowders, employed in researches on explosives, composition of various, 126, 331 ; results of analysis of, 128 ; decomposition of various, 333 ; permanent gases and units of heat evolved by combustion of various, 334, 335; "A," "B," " C," and " D," 354, 355, 405, 406, 411. Guns, ratio between the forces tending to produce translation and rotation in the bores of rifled, 42-52 ; smooth- bored, rifled, and polygonal, 50, 51 ; observed pressures in the bores of, 173 ; effect of increments in the weight of the shot on the combustion and tension of powder in the bores of, 189; pressure in the bores of, derived from theoretical considerations, 193 ; temperature of products of combustion in the bores of, 202 ; comparison between early rifled and modern rifled, 350 ; armour-piercing, 373 ; comparison between 7-inch old and 6- inch new, 435 ; methods for measuring pressure in the bores of, 482-498 ; mounting of, 503-509 ; cradles of, 505, 506 ; of larger calibre, 509-511. Hall & Sons, 29, 31. Handy, H.M.S., 503,508. Haultain, Captain, 17, 20, 21. Heat-action of explosives, 325-354. Heat (explosives), measurement of, 116 ; generated by the combustion of gunpowder, determination of, 164, 255 ; of liquid products, mean specific, 172 ; its loss by communication to the envelope in which the charge is exploded, 191 ; " quantity of," 399 ; units of, 411, 412; specific, 413, 414. Heats, and proportions of the products generated by the combustion of gunpowder, 166. Hedon, Commandant, 267. Helmholtz, 354. History of Explosive Agents, 234. History of the French Academy, 53. Hogue, H.M.S., 359. Hoist, ammunition, 510. Hotchkiss, 502. Humphreys & Tennant, 359, 364. Hutton, Dr, Mathematical Tracts, 101, 102, 194, 348, 433, 487. Huyghens, 430. Hydrate, potassium, 119, 125. Hydraulic rammers and cranes, 376. Hydrochloric acid, 326. Hydrogen, 120, 127-129, 137, 149, 166, 247-250, 326-329, 332, 337, 398-400, 421. Hyposulphite, potassium, 111, 124, 135- 546 INDEX 137, 141-145, 148, 166, 232, 238-242, 244-247, 249-251, 253-255, 314-324. Increments in the weight of the shot, their effect on the combustion and tension of powder in the bore of a gun, 189. Initial velocity, experiments in, 23-41. Institution of Civil Engineers, 325. Institution of Naval Architects, 499. Internal ballistics, 397-461. Iridio-platinum, 414, 415. Joint Committee on Ordnance to the U.S. Senate, 367. Joule, Professor, 168, 198, 539. KAROL^ia, M. von, his article in PoggendoriTs Annalen, 110; his experi- ments with Austrian small-arm powder, 127-130, 134, 135, 137, 138, 148, 250. Kelvin, Lord, 539. Kopp, 166. Large-grain (L. G.) gunpowder, 29, 31, 207, 316. Leclanche battery, 403. Lefroy, General, 83. Linck, D. J. , his article in Annalen der Chemie, 109 ; experiments with Wurtemburg powder, 127-130, 134-136, 144, 145, 148, 250. Liquid products, their mean specific heat, 172. Lyddite, 517, 518, 524, 525, 532, 533, 541. Lyons, Captain, 22. Majestic, H.M.S., 511. Maralunga, Spezia, 383. Marsh-gas, 104, 120, 139, 166, 238, 250, 329, 332, 398, 421. Mastiff, H.M. gunboat, 504. Mathematical Tracts (1812), 101. Maudslay Sons & Field, 359. Maxwell, Clerk, 539, 541. Mayevski, General, 26, 58, 486; his article in Revue de TechnologieMilitaire, 107. Measure of precision, 8, 28. Mechanical Science Section of the British Association, 355. Medusa, H.M.S., 364. Melinite, 517, 528. Mercury, fulminate of, 422, 423. Mikasa, Japanese battleship, 514. Mill, J. S. , System of Logic, 4. Miller, Hydrostatics, 27." Mining gunpowder, 236,248-250, 257-266, 277, 294, 302-387, 310-313, 318, 331, 333-335, 405, 406, 410-412. Moisture, its effect on the combustion and tension of powders, 190; its effect in the powder upon the velocity of the projectUe and pressure of the gas, 191. Moncrieff, Colonel, 382. Monosulphide, potassium, 124, 241, 245, 250, '^52, 254. Moorsom's concussion fuse, 360. Mordecai, Major (U.S.A.), Report on Gumpoioder, 159. Morgan, Professor de, works on Proha- hilities, 4. Morin, General, article in Comptes Rendus, 232, 233, 255. Mounting of guns, 503-509. Murray, Mr, 525, 529. Naval and Military Services, mechanical science in relation to the, 355-384. Naval Artillery, rise and progress of rifled, 499-519. Navez, Major, experiments with his electro-ballistic apparatus, 23-41. Neumann, General, 57, 58, 80, 486. Nile, H. M.S., 375. Nitrate, potassium, 126, 136, 139, 144, 148, 149, 166. Nitrogen, 104, 120-122, 143, 166, 329, 332, 421, 423. Nitro-cellulose, 478. Nitro-glycerine, 328, 397, 478, 535. Nitrous oxide, 104. Noble, Captain, 153, 159. 164; his article on " Tension of Fired Gun- powder " in Proceedings of Royal Institution, 108, 111; Internal Ballistics, 469 ; in Philosophical Transactions, 480. Non-gaseous products, their probable expansion between zero and tempera- ture of explosion, 172. Nordenfeldt, 502. O'lligqins, Chilian cruiser, 508. Oil hardening for gun barrels, 370, 371. Ordnance Select Committee, 23, 33, 88, 369. Orlando, H.M.S., 380. Owen, R.A., Lieut. -Colonel, Principles aiid Practice of Modern Artillery, 100. Oxide, potassium, 142. Oxygen, 120, 127-129, 136, 144, 145, 149, 166, 247-249, 254, 255, 327-329, 337, 421. Palliser, Sir W. , 367. Pape, 166. Parabolic rifling, 87-98, 387-396. Parrott guns (U.S.A.), 368. Parsons, 367. Pebble gunpowder, 73-79, 85, 94, 128- 133, 138, 140, 142, 143, 145, 147, 149- 152, 160, 161, 167, 175, 178, 184-187, 189, 190, 200, 201, 206, 210, 212-215, 218-220, 223, 225, 228, 235, 242, 243, 245-247, 249, 251-253, 257-261, 279-283, 301-304, 309-313, 316, 318, 322, 331, 333-335, 385, 386, 391, 400, 405, 406, 411, 412, 427, 432, 433, 462, 463, 528, 529. INDEX 547 Pellet gunpowder, 73-75, 78, 84, 160, 162. Pendulum of Navez's electro-ballistic apparatus, 23. Penn & Sons, J., 359. Permanent gases, generated by explo- sion, 53, 104, 410, 411 ; measurement of volume of, 116, 150; generated by explosion of guncotton, 472 ; of cordite, 475; of ballistite, 478. Philosophical Magazine, 42, 87, 110, 388. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 102. 248, 254, 255, 264-266, 438, 466, 468, 479, 480. Picrates of ammonia and potassa, 397. Picric acid, 524. Piemonte, Italian cruiser, 364. Piobert, General, 26, 64, 66, 111, 163, 190, 487, 521 ; Traiti d' Artillerie Theorique et Experimentale, 100, 103, 104 ; Traits d'Artillerie, PropriHis et Efets de la Poudre, 105. Platinum, 171, 414, 415. PoggendoriTs Annaleu, 108, 110, Polysulphide, potassium, 141, 144, 239. Potassa, picrate of, 397, Potassium, carbonate. 111, 125, 135, 139, 141, 143, 147, 148, 166, 244, 250. 251, 332, 407; chloride, 128, 248; hydrate, 119, 125 ; hyposulphite. 111, 124, 135-137, 141-145, 148, 166, 232, 238-242, 244-247, 249-251, 253-255, 314- 324; monosulphide, 124, 241, 245, 250,252,254; nitrate, 126, 136, 139, 144, 148, 149, 166 ; oxide, 142 ; poly- sulphide, 141, 144, 239 ; sulphate. 111, 124, 128, 135-137, 141, 143-145, 148, 166, 238, 244, 245, 247, 248, 250-253, 332, 407 ; sulphide, 125, 135-137, 141- 145, 148, 166, 241, 242, 244, 246, 249, 250, 252-254, 3o2, 407 ; sulphocyanate, 124, 149, 166, 332. Precision, measure of, 8, 28. Pressure-gauge, 429. Pressure in close vessels, deduced from theoretical considerations, 167 ; in the bores of guns and measurement of, 173, 482-498. Pressures in closed vessels with various explosives, 420, 426, 429, 526, Prismatic gunpowder, 73-78. Probabilities, theory of, its application to artillery practice, 1-22, Proceedings of Royal Institution, 111 ; of the ^ Royal Society, 309, 385, 462, 468, 469. Products, gaseous. 111, 117, 119, 130- 134, 139, 140, 149, 151, 153, 155, 166, 254, 321, 322, 406, 408; possibility of dissociation among, 157; solid, 118, 130-135, 138, 144, 146, 147, 149, 151, 153-155, 166, 254, 321, 322, 407, 409. Products, their condition at the instant of or shortly after explosion, 156 ; generated by the combustion of gun- powder, their specific heats and proportions, 166 ; mean specific heat of Hquid, 172 ; of combustion in bores of guns, their temperature, 202. Projectiles, rifled, pressure required to give rotation to, 87-98. Prussian Artillery Committee, 57, 58, 106, 486, 487. Pyroxylin (guncotton), 328. " Quantity of heat," 399, Range and deflection of guns, 11-21, Rankine, Steam Engine, 198, 199. Ravenhill Miller & Co., 359. Recoil-cylinder, 377-383. Reqina Marqherita, Italian battleship, Regnault, 27, 166. [514. Rendel, George, 378. Rennie Brothers, 359. Researches on explosives, 99-324, 468, 481 ; list of contents. Part I., 99, 100; Part II., 231; summary of results, 209, 211 ; abstract of experiments, 211-230, 279-309, 321, 322. Re Umberto, 378, 509, 515. Revue de Technologie MiUtaire^ 87, 105-107, Revue Scientifique, 164. Reynolds, Professor Osborne, 390. Rifled Cannon, Special Committee on, 1, 11,20. Rifled guns, translation and rotation in the bores of, 42-52 ; energy absorbed by friction in the bores of, 385-396. Rifled Naval Artillery, rise and progress of, 499-519. Rifle fine-grain (R. F, G.) gunpowder, 128-133, 171, 210, 229, 249, 310-313, 400, 404, 405. Rifle large-grain (R. L. G.) gunpowder, 72-74, 76-78, 80, 86, 128-133, 138-143, 145, 147, 150, 151, 156, 159-162, 164, 166, 167, 171, 175, 177, 185, 187-190, 200, 201, 210-212, 214, 215, 219-221, 223-227, 230, 235, 242, 243, 24.5-247, 249-253, 257-26:., 274-277, 284-288, 295, 301, 302, 304, 310-313, 315, 316, 318, 322, 331, 333-335, 400, 405, 406, 410-412, 481, 483, 490, 491, 527-529. Rifling, of Woolwich guns, 88, 90, 93, 97 ; uniform and parabolic, 387-396 ; polygonal, 51. Roberts- Austen, Sir W., 537. Robins, New Principles of Gunnery, 53, 54, 67, 79, 100-102, 163, 189, 190, 483, 485, 521. Rodman, Major, Experiments on Metal for Cannon and qualities of Cannon Poioder, 58, 59, 61-63, 83, 107, 108, 163, 164, 347, 429, 487 ; his pressure apparatus, 488-493. Rodney, H.M.S., 375, Rotation, in the bores of rifled guns, 42- 52 ; to rifled projectiles, pressure required to give, 87-98 ; of modern breech-loading projectiles, 385. Roux and Sarrau, MM., article in Comptes Rendus, 112, 233. 548 INDEX Royal Arthur, H.M.S., 506. Royal Artillery Institution, 1, 23, 108. Royal Institution, 53, 55, 108, 111, 158, 521. Royal Society, 99, 309, 316, 462, 479. Royal Sovereign, H.M.S., 510. Rumford, Count, 55, 56, 62, 63, 67, 83, 100, 102, 103, 105, 111, 163, 189, 482- 485, 521. Saint Robert, Count de {Trait6 de Thermodynainique), 26, 194, 195, 198, 199, 348, 433, 434. Saltpetre, 128, 134, 138, 139, 147, 238, 247, 248, 331, 405. Sardinia, battleship, 510. Science, mechanical, in relation to the naval and military services, 355-384. Schischkoff, Professor, 63-65, 67, 82, 108, 109 ; see also Bunsen and Schischkoff. Sebastopol, guns employed at siege of, 366. Sheffield, and gun steel-making, 370. Shell-fire, importance of, 360, 517, 518. Shells, high explosive, 361. Shikishima, Japanese battleship, 515. Sicilia, battleship, 510. Siemens furnace, 143, 173. Sinope, battle of, 360. Solid products, 118, 130-135, 138, 144, 146, 147, 149, 151, 153-155, 166, 254, 321, 322, 407, 409. SoHd residue (explosion), analysis of, 121-126, 130-133, 406. Somerset gun, 509. Spanish gunpowder (spherical pebble and pellet), 128-133, 135, 139, 151, 160, 229, 236, 249, 257-266, 276, 294, 301-305, 310-313, 331, 333-335, 405, 406, 410-412. Special Committee on Rifled Cannon, 1, 11,20. Sporting gunpowder, 55, 128-130, 236, 244, 248-250, 257-262, 294, 302, 303, 305-308, 310-313, 318, 331, 333-335, 405, 406, 410-412. Steel, for gunmaking, 370, 371. Stephenson, George, 437. Sulphate, potassium. 111, 124, 128, 135- 137, 141, 143-145, 148, 166, 238, 244, 245, 247, 248, 250-253, 332, 407. Sulphide, potassium, 125, 135-137, 141- 145, 148, 166, 241, 242, 244, 246, 249, 250, 252-254, 332, 407. Sulphocyanate, potassium, 124, 149, 166, 332. Sulphocyanide, 238. Sulphur, 128, 134, 140, 145, 147, 149, 166, 245, 248, 250, 251, 331, 405 ; dust, 398 ; free, 122, 124, 141, 142, 144, 250. Sulphuretted hydrogen, 104, 118-121, 123, 134, 166, 238, 250, 408. Sulphuric acid, 332. Temperaturk of explosion, 414 ; its determination, 170. Tension of fired gunpowder, observed in a close vessel, 158. Terrible, H.m.S., 360. Theory of Probabilities applied to artillery practice, 1-22. Theseus, H.M.S., 360. Time curve, 71. Torpedo boats, 365, 381. Trafalgar, battle of, 359. Trafalgar, H.M.S. , 362, 363, 378. Transactions of the Royal Institution, 53, 55 ; of the Royal Society, 99. Translation in the bores of rifled guns, 42-52. Trinitrocellulose (guncotton), 328. Tromenec, M. de, 233, 263 ; article in Comptes Rendus, 112. Turntables, 376-378, 510, 512. Turrets, revolving, 374 et seq. Twist, accelerating, 87-98; no, 387, 392, 394, 396 ; uniform, 94, 97, 98 ; uni- form and parabolic, 392, 393. Uniform rifling, 387-391, 393-396. Uniform twist, 94, 97, 98, 392, 393. United States, use of cast-iron guns in, 367. Units of heat, 411,412. Variations of fire in artillery practice, 1,2. Vavasseur, Mr, 378-380, 383, 385, 499- 502, 507-509, 517. Velocity, experiments in initial, 23-41. Vessels, pressure in close, 167, 419, 420. Victoria, H.M.S., 362, 363. Victoria, Queen, 357. Victory, H.M.S., 357, 359, 360, 363. Walli'iece, 29. Waltham-Abbey gunpowder works, 29, 31, 119, 120, 127, 159, 245, 248, 249, 257-266, 277, 310-313, 331, 333-335, 405, 410-412, 415, 434, 471, 490. Watt, James, 397, 437. Watts, Mr, Chief Constructor at Elswick, 512. Whitworth & Co., Sir J., 370. Woolwich, rifling of guns, 88, 90, 93, 97 ; experiments at, 462, 463. Woulfe's bottles, 122. WiJrtemburg war-powder, 109; cannon- powder, 128-130, 134, 235. Yarrow, 365. Yashima, Japanese battleship, 511. Younghusband, R.A., Colonel, 67, 94, 127, 128, 173, 190. Zeitschrift der Chemie, 110. Zinc chloride, 319, 320. 'HINTED BV OLIVER AND BOVD, EDINBURGH. YD 00551 I 7" ^9:-