UC-NRLF ^B IDD 3SD Ik the Matter OP THE yu:>$l Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District under the Certifi- cate dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Muni- cipal Railway Corporation of the ac- tual cost of Plant and Structure and actual cost of Equipment of the Broadway, Fulton Street and Myrtle Avenue Additional Tracks, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination ^'Additional Tracks'' October 14, 1913. r^ \ . N. Y. M.E. D. Vrlor C 1,500-0. '13 (N) _ To the Public Service Commission for the First District ajid New. York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of Contract 4 and the certificates related thereto, under this date I am ren- dering in detail my determinations of the costs paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, separately with respect to Contract 4 and each certificate. These determinations, summarized, are for Contract 4 Railroad: Cost of Construction ------ $34,185,324.24 Cost of Equipment ------- 784,488.82 Total Cost of the Railroad - - - - $34,969,813.06 Contract 4 Reconstruction of Existing Railroads: Cost of Construction ------ $392,244.39 Cost of Equipment - ------ 130,748.13 Total Cost of Reconstruction of Exist- ing Railroads - $522,992.52 Total Cost of Contract 4 $35492,805.58 Certificate for Additional Tracks: Actual Cost of Plant and Structure - $261,676.11 Actual Cost of Equipment - - - - Actual Cost of Plant and Property - $261,676.11' Certificate for Elevated Extensions: Actual Cost of Plant and Structure - $196,257.08 Actual Cost of Equipment - - - - 196,257.09 Actual Cost of Plant and Property - $392,514.17 Total for Municipal Railway Corpora- tion, Contract 4 and Certificates - $36,146,995.86 ALFRED CRAFEN, Chief Engineer Public Service Commission for the First District, ivi^59'7?6 He Hi/ In the Matter OP THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District under the Certifi- cate dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Muni- cipal Railway Corporation of the ac- tual cost of Plant and Structure and actual cost of Equipment of the Broadway, Fulton Street and Myrtle Avenue Additional Tracks, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination "Additional TrxVcks" October 14, 1913. To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of the CERTIFICATE dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Ser- vice Commission for the First District to the New York Munici- pal Railway Corporation, authorizing it: 'To lay additional tracks on, above or contiguous to, portions of the route or routes of its railroads within New York, ' ' etc. ; And in accordance with the terms of Article IX thereof, I hereby render my determination of the actual cost of the Plant and Structure and of the actual cost of Equipment of the sev- eral Railroads paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. For the Broadway, Fulton Street and Myrtle Avenue Addi- tional Tracks, The actual cost of Plant and Structure (Article IX of the above mentioned Certificate) is as follows: (1) Labor and materials (2) Real estate $179.85 (3) Debt discount and expense 3,138.01 (4) Taxes 100.00 (5) Superintendence, etc 18,428.42 . (6) Interest 239,829.83 Total $261,676.11 The actual cost of Equipment is as follows : (1) Labor and materials (2) Real estate (3) Debt discount and expense (4) Taxes (5) Superintendence, etc (6) Interest Total Actual Cost of Plant and Property $261,676.11 3 Each of these parts of the actual cost of plant and structure and of the actual cost of equipment of the additional tracks is taken up hereafter in its order. They are shown as applied to the several lines of the Railroads and represent actual expen- ditures chargeable to the respective lines. It is necessary to keep the cost separate as to lines in order to provide a basis for com- puting deductions from revenue in the case of temporary opera- tion (Article XLIX, Subdivision 7, of Contract No. 4, embodied in Article X of the Certificate). The records of costs, from which this determination is made, are kept in such detail that the cost of any principal part of the Railroads may be identified so that in case of its retirement or withdrawal from service, the said cost may be withdrawn from the appropriate depreciation fund as provided under Article XLIX, Subdivision 5, of Contract No. 4, embodied in Article X of the Certificate. A summary of these records will be given in appendices as they appear. The Uniform S.ystem of Accounts as prescribed by the Public Service Commission is followed for this purpose. When there are expenditures of an executive and administra- tive nature it is impossible to allocate them to specific construction. Such expenditures made by the New York Municipal Railway Corporation I have distributed among the several lines affected in each particular case on the basis of relative estimated costs. The percentages used are given in a tabulation which represents the understanding with respect thereto between representatives of New York Municipal Railway Corporation and myself. This understanding covers all of the work provided to be done by the New York Municipal Railway Corporation under Contract No. 4 and the related certificates, including their contribution to the City's Railroad, and its terms are stated in my determination of Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment made under Contract No. 4. It is subject to modification by me at any time that the facts indicate that it should be modified. The applica- tion of this percentage distribution accounts for all of the items herein reported. ACTUAL COST OF PLANT AND STRUCTURE Real estate. "(2) The actual and necessary net -^ _ cost in money to the Subway Company of any real estate or interest therein, including consents and easements (other than replacements or substitutions), nec- essarily acquired for the construction or operation of the plant and structure, or such additions thereto, or for con- struction or operation of such improvements or better- ments of existing structures, together with the actual and necessary expenses in connection with such acquisition." The cost of (2) Real estate for such specified lines of the Railroads is as follows : (1) Broadway Line (II) Fulton Street Line: (a) Third and Fourth additional tracks along the line of ex- isting Fulton Street Line . . . (b) Additional connection tracks at East New York from Ful- ton Street to Pitkin Avenue. (Ill) Myrtle Avenue Line $71.94 71.94 26.98 8.99 Total cost for Real Estate pursu- ant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913 $179.85 Debt discount ''(3) The debt discount and expense and expense. actually and necessarily incurred in con- nection with the construction of the plant and structure and additions thereto from time to time, provided, however, that the debt discount and expense, except in the case of additions, shall not exceed an amount equal to three per centum (3%) of the actual cost of the plant and structure, including in such cost the expendi- tures under this paragraph." The cost of (3) Debt discount and expense for such specified lines of the Railroads is as follows : (I) Broadway Line $1,255.20 (II) Fulton Street Line: (a) Third and Fourth additional tracks along the line of ex- isting Fulton Street Line. . . L255.21 (b) Additional connection tracks at East New York from Ful- ton Street to Pitkin Avenue. 470.70 (III) Myrtle Avenue Line 156.90 Total cost for Debt discount and expense, pursuant to the Cer- tificate prior to Mar. 19, 1913 $3,138.01 Taxes. "W Taxes and assessments actually and necessarily paid or accrued upon the items of this definition, pending the beginning of operation, in- cluding in the word 'taxes,' assessments or other gov- ernmental charges (including mortgage recording tax) of every description against the Subway Company in and about the construction of the plant and structure and additions thereto from time to time. During operation, such assessments for benefits as are not properly charge- able against revenue shall be charged to actual cost. ' ' The cost of (4) Taxes, for such specified lines of the Railroads is as follows : (I) Broadway Line $40.00 (II) Fulton Street Line: (a) Third and Fourth additional tracks along the line of ex- isting Fulton Street Line . . . 40.00 (b) Additional connection tracks at East New York from Ful- ton Street to Pitkin Avenue. 15.00 (III) Myrtle Avenue Line 5.00 Total cost for Taxes, pursuant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913 $100.00 6 Superintend- "(5) The actual and necessary net ence, etc. cost in money to the Subway Company for superintendence, insurance, damages, engineering, legal expenses and administration, includ- ing in respect of the plant and structure (exclusive of additions) the expenses above referred to in this para- graph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the Subway Company prior to the date of this certificate, and in addition the actual and necessary expense incurred or payable by the Subway Company in printing, engrav- ing and certifying securities for the plant and structure (exclusive of additions) and the actual and necessary expense in organizing the Subway Company." The cost of (5) Superintendence, etc., for such specified lines of the Railroad is as follows : (I) Broadway Line $7,371.37 (II) Fulton Street Line: (a) Third and Fourth additional tracks along the line of ex- isting Fulton Street Line. . . 7,371.36 (b) Additional connection tracks at East New York from Ful- ton Street to Pitkin Avenue. 2,764.27 (III) Myrtle Avenue Line 921.42 Total cost for Superintendence, etc., pursuant to the Certifi- cate prior to March 19, 1913. . $18,428.42 Interest. '' (6) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided by the Subway Company or on its behalf from time to time for the items of this definition from the respective times of providing said moneys (but not including interest on any moneys provided by the Subway Company or on its behalf prior to October 1. 1912) to the beginning of operation of the part of the plant and structure for which such moneys were pro- vided, less any interest received by the Subway Company or on behalf of the Subway Company on such moneys. ' ' The cost of (6) Interest, for such specified lines of the Railroads is as f olllows : (I) Broadway Line $95,931.93 (II) Fulton Street Line: (a) Third and Fourth additional tracks along the line of ex- isting Fulton Street Line. . . 95,931.93 (b) Additional connection tracks at East New York from Ful- ton Street to Pitkin Avenue. 35,974.48 (III) Myrtle Avenue Line 11,991.49 Total cost for Interest pursuant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913 $239,829.83 APPENDIX EXPLANATORY OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION Debt discount and expense. In the determination of Cost of Construction and Cost of Equip- Lessee's expense for ment of the Railroad for Initial superintendence. Operation made under this same date, the character and division of Taxes. expenditures by the Lessee prior to March 19, 1913, are fully explained, Interest. and reference is hereby made to them to identify the entries herein. UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS The details of the Cost hereinbefore set forth should be classi- fied in accordance with the uniform system of accounts pre- scribed for street and electric railways by the Public Service Commission in its order of December 8, 1908, as follows: 8 For Additional Tracks. The actual cost of Plant and Structure is as f ollo^YS : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $159.38 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 11,751.14 Land: Right of Way 179.85 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 6,617.90 Interest during construction 239,829.83 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 3,138.01 Total cost for Plant and Structure $261,676.11 The actual cost of Equipment is as follows : Note. There have been no expenditures on this account. Total actual. cost of Plant and Property prior to March 19, 1913 $261,676.11 These costs under the Uniform System of Accounts are for each line of the Railroads as follows: BROADWAY LINE Cost of Plant and Structure: Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $63.75 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 4,700.46 Land: Right of Way 71.94 Undistributed Construction Expenditures : Engineering and Superintendence 2,647.16 Interest during construction 95,931.93 Suspe7ise : Unamortized debt discount and expense 1,255.20 Total cost for Plant and Structure $104,670.44 Total actual cost of Plant and I/roixTty of Broadway Line prior to Miwrh ]!). 1913. . .$104,670.44 9 FULTON STREET LINE Cost of Plant and Structure : Intangible Street Railway Capital: (a) (b) Organization $63.75 $23.91 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 4,700.45 1 J62.67 Land: Right of Way 71.94 26.98 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. . . . 2,647.16 992.69 Interest during construction 95,931.93 35,974.48 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 1,255.21 470.70 Total cost of Plant and Structure. $104,670.44 $39,251.43 Total actual cost of Plant and Property for Fulton Street Line, prior to Mar. 19, 1913. $143,921.87 (a) Third and fourth additional tracks along the line of existing Fulton Street Line. (b) Additional connection tracks at East New York. 10 MYRTLE AVENUE Cost of Plant and Structure : Inta7igihle Street Railway Capital: Organization $7.97 Other Intangible Street Railway. Capital .' 587.56 La7id: Right of Way 8.99 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 330.89 Interest during construction 11,991.49 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 156.90 Total cost of Plant and Structure $13,083.80 Total actual cost of Plant and Property for Myrtle Avenue Line prior to :Mar. 19, 1913. $13,083.80 Dated New York, October 14, 1913. Alfred Craven, Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District. 11 In the Mattbb OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission fori the First District under the Certifi-( cate dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Munici- pal Eailway Corporation- of the actual' cost of Plant and Structure and actual cost of Equipment of the Broadway, Fulton Street and Myrtle Avenue Additional Tracks, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Peior Determination " Additional Tracks " November 24, 1913. Note. This Prior Determination was first rendered by me under date of October 14, 1913, and is now revised under this date pursuant to a stipulation entered into between the New York Municipal Hallway Corporation and the Commission as noted herein. N. Y. M, E. D. Prior C 700-Apr., '15 (B) To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of Contract 4 and the certificates related thereto, under this date I am rendering in detail my determinations of the costs paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, separately with respect to Contract 4 and each certificate. These determinations, summarized, are for Expenditures Expenditures Contract 4 Railroad: by City. by Lessee. Total. Cost of Construction $33,531,583.57 $653,740.67 $34,185,324.24 Cost of Equipment 784,488.82 784,488.82 Total Cost of the Railroad $33,531,583.57 $1,438,229.49 $34,969,813.06 Contract 4 Reconstruc- tion of Existing Rail- roads: Cost of Construction 882,999.51 882,999.51 Cost of Equipment 294,183.29 294,183.29 Total Cost of Recon- struction of Ex- isting Railroads.. $1,177,182.80 $1,177,182.88 Total Cost of Con- tract 4 $33,531,683.57 $2,615,412.29 $36,146,995 . 8 Certificate for A d d i t i o n a 1 Tracks: None None Certificate for Elevated Exten- sions: None None Total for New York Municipal Railway Corporation Lines, Contract 4 and Certificates $33,531,683.67 $2,615,412.29 $36,146,996.8* Dated New York, November 24, 1913. ALFRED CRAVEN, Chief Engineer Public Service Commission for the First District. In the Matter OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission fori the First District under the Certifi-' cate dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Munici- 1 pal Eailway Corporation of the actual cost of Plant and Structure and actual cost of Equipment of the Broadway, Fulton Street and Myrtle Avenue Additional Tracks, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination " Additional Tracks '' November 24, 1913. Note. This Prior Determination was first rendered by me under date of October 14, 1913, and is now revised under this date pursuant to a stipulation entered into between the New York Municipal Railway- Corporation and the Commission as noted herein. To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal, Eailway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of the CEETIFICATE dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Municipal Eail- way Corporation, authorizing it: " To lay additional tracks on, above or contiguous to, portions of the route or routes of its railroads within New York," etc. ; And in accordance with the terms of Article IX thereof, I hereby render my determination of the actual cost of the Plant and Structure and of the actual cost of Equipment of the several Rail- roads paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. No expenditures have been apportioned to the Broadway, Ful- ton Street and Myrtle Avenue Additional Tracks which are author- ized under the Certificate for the following reasons : When there are expenditures of an executive and administra- tive nature it is impossible to allocate them to specific construction. Such expenditures may properly be distributed among the several lines affected in each particular case on the basis of relative esti- mated costs. An understanding with respect thereto between rep- resentatives of the Commission, the New York Municipal Eailway Corporation and myself, is shown in " A Schedule of Agreed Divi- sion of General Construction and Equipment Expenses," set forth in my determination under this date of Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment under Contract 4. This understanding covers all of the work done by the New York Municipal Eailway Corpora- tion under Contract 4 and the related Certificates, including the one under which this determination is made. The expenditures on account of New York Municipal Eailway Corporation prior to March 19, 1913, were of the kind covered by the schedule just referred to and in particular, were made in ac- quiring moneys in anticipation of the signing of the Contract and the granting of the Certificates and for organization and prelim- inary legal and engineering expenses. Inasmuch as the Eailroads authorized by this Certificate are not legalized, it was requested by the New York Municipal Eailway Corporation, and deemed proper 5 by the Commission, that these preliminary expenses be applied to Reconstruction of Existing Railroads under Contract 4 for this " Prior " determination. This matter is covered by a stipulation between New York Municipal Railway Corporation and the Com- mission, dated November 18, 1913, in which the principle of the schedule above mentioned is confirmed and " In particular the Rail- way Corporation agrees that the proportionate part of such items that would properly be allocable to additional tracks and extensions (if such consents had been obtained therefor) may be allocated tem- porarily to Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Opera- tion, and that when and as the necessary constitutional consents are obtained for any additional tracks or extensions the Chief Engineer may transfer from Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation to the additional tracks or extensions for which such con- sents shall have been obtained the amounts which otherwise would have been allocated thereto in the first instance." A complete copy of the above mentioned stipulation is hereto annexed as an appendix. Dated November 24, 1913. ALFRED CRAVEN, Chief Engineer Public Service Commission for the First District. APPENDIX. Stipulation made this 18th day of November, 1913, by and between the Public Service Commission for the First District, hereinafter re- ferred to as the " Commission," and New York Municipal Railway Cor- poration, hereinafter referred to as the " Railway Corporation." Whereas acting under the provisions of the (1) Contract dated March 19, 1913, between the City of New York, acting by the Commission, and the Railway Corporation, known as Contract No. 4, (2) The certificate dated March 19, 1913, granted by the Commission to the Railway Corporation for additional tracks, and (3) The certificate dated March 19, 1913, granted by the Commission to the Railway Corporation for extensions. The Chief Engineer of the Commission has rendered certain determina- tions bearing date the 14th day of October, 1913, of the cost of con- struction, cost of equipment, actual cost of plant and structure and actual cost of equipment paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913; and Whereas, included in such determinations are various items of cost not susceptible of specific allocation to the various lines and subdivi- sions referred to in the contract and certificates, but which in such determinations are allocated to such lines and subdivisions in accord- ance with an empirical method of allocation; and Whereas, in accordance with such method of allocation portions of such items have been allocated to lines or subdivisions for which the necessary constitutional consents have not as yet been obtained; and Whereas such method of allocation was based in part upon the suggestion that under the contract and certificates the Chief Engineer was required to make in each determination a definite and final alloca- tion of such items despite the fact that all allocations of such items are necessarily subject to readjustment because of changing conditions arising out of the prosecution of the work under said contract and certificates ; and Whereas, the Commission and the Railway Corporation recognize the right of the Chief Engineer under said contract and certificates to allocate such items in proper proportionate parts to various lines and subdivisions for which the necessary constitutional consents shall have been obtained and thereafter, from time to time, to reallocate such items or portions thereof as may be necessary, so that as soon as practicable there shall be allocated to each line and subdivision its proper proportionate part of such items upon the basis of the rela- tive cost applicable to such line or subdivision to the cost applicable to the other lines and subdivisions as contemplated in said contract and certificates; and Whereas, the Chief Engineer has expressed his willingness to with- draw such determinations upon the request of the Commission and the Railway Corporation; and Whereas, the Commission and the Railway Corporation construe the contract and certificates as giving such right of allocation and reallocation to the Chief Engineer and enter into this stipulation not for the purpose of varying or modifying any of the provisions of such contract and certificates but for the purpose of regulating matters of detail thereimder and to avoid possible future misunderstandings. Now Thekefore, the Commission and the Railway Corporation hereby stipulate and agree as follows : First: The Commission and the Railway Corporation hereby ex- pressly recognize and confirm the right of the Chief Engineer under said contract and certificates to allocate in proper proportionate parts to the various lines and subdivisions for which the necessary constitutional con- sents shall have been obtained all such items of cost as are not suscep- tible of specific allocation, and thereafter, from time to time, to reallo- cate such items in whole or in part as may be necessary, so that as soon as practicable there shall be finally allocated to each such line and subdivision no more and no less than its proper proportionate part of such items upon the basis of the relative cost applicable to said line or subdivision to the cost applicable to the other lines and subdivisions as contemplated in said contract and certificates. Second: In the case of lines or subdivisions for which the neces- sary constitutional consents have not at the time of rendering any determination been obtained, the Chief Engineer may allocate the pro- portionate part of such items that otherwise would be allocable to such lines or subdivision, to other lines or subdivisions for which the neces- sary constitutional consents have been obtained; and thereafter, when and as the necessary constitutional consents are obtained, the Chief Engineer may transfer the amounts so allocated from the lines or subdivisions to which they have been allocated to the line or subdi- vision for which such consents shall have been obtained, so that each line or subdivision will bear its equitable and proper share of such items. In particular the Railway Corporation agrees that the propor- tionate part of such items that would properly be allocable to addi- tional tracks and extensions (if such consents had been obtained there- for) may be allocated temporarily to Reconstruction of Existing Rail- roads for Initial Operation, and that when and as the necessary con- stitutional consents are obtained for any additional tracks or extensions the Chief Engineer may transfer from Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation to the additional tracks or extensions for which such consents shall have been obtained the amounts which otherwise would have been allocated thereto in the first instance. Third: The Chief Engineer may withdraw the several determina- 8 tions bearing the date the 14th day of October, 1913, such withdrawal to have the same force and effect as though such determinations had not been rendered. Fourth: The time of the Chief Engineer to render the determina- tions of cost of construction, cost of equipment, actual cost of plant and structure and actual cost of equipment paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, is hereby extended to and including the 25th day of November, 1913. Fifth: This stipulation shall be without prejudice to any right of the Commission or of the Railway Corporation under said contract or certificates to object to any determinations of the Chief Engineer. Sixth: This stipulation shall not apply to items of cost susceptible of specific allocation, the intention being that the Chief Engineer shall allocate all such items as are susceptible of specific allocation to the particular lines or subdivisions to which they shall respectively belong. Seventh: This stipulation shall continue in force and effect until the beginning of Initial Operation under said contract. In Witness Whereof the Commission has caused its official seal to be hereto affixed and attested by its Secretary and this stipulation to be signed by its Chairman, and the Railway Corporation has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested by its Secretary and this stipulation to be signed by its President, all the day and year first above written. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT, [SEAL OF THE by EDWARD E. McCaLL, COMMISSION] Chairman. Attest : Travis H. Whitney, Secretary. NEW YORK MUNICIPAL RAILWAY CORPORA- TION, [seal OF the rail- by T. S. Williams, WAY CORPORATION] President. Attest : llA. Bullock, Secretary. In the Matter Ho. 3 OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District under the Certifi- cate dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Muni- cipal Railway Corporation, of the ac- tual cost of Plant and Structure and actual cost of Equipment of the Ja- maica Line and the Liberty Avenue Line, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. e^.,a/.^d. ^t Prior Determination ''Elevated Exten- sions" October 14, 1913. N. Y. M. E. D. Prior D 1,500-0, '13 (N) To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Raihvay Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of Contract 4 and the certificates related thereto, under this date I am reo- dering in detail my determinations of the costs paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, separately with respect to Contract 4 and each certificate. These determinations, summarized, are for Contract 4 Railroad: Cost of Construction ------ $34,185,324.24 Cost of Equipment ------- 784,488.82 Total Cost of the Railroad - - - - $34,969,813.06 Contract 4 Reconstruction of Existing Railroads: Cost of Construction ------ $392,244.39 Cost of Equipment - ------ 130,748.13 Total Cost of Reconstruction of Exist- ing Railroads ------- $522,992.52 Total Cost of Contract 4 - - - - - $35,492,805.58 Certificate for Additional Tracks: Actual Cost of Plant and Structure - $261,676.11 Actual Cost of Equipment - - - - Actual Cost of Plant and Property - $261,676.11 Certificate for Elevated Extensions: Actual Cost of Plant and Structure - $196,257.08 Actual Cost of Equipment - - - - 196,257.09 Actual Cost of Plant and Property - $392,514.17 Total for Municipal Railway Corpora- tion, Contract 4 and Certificates - $36,146,995.86 ALFRED CRAFEN, Chief Engineer Public Service Commission for the First District, In the Matter OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District under the Certifi- cate dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Muni- cipal Railway Corporation, of the ac- tual cost of Plant and Structure and actual cost of Equipment of the Ja- maica Line and the Liberty Avenue Line, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination ''Elevated Exten- sions ' ' October 14, 1913. To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of the CERTIFICATE, dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Muni- cipal Railway Corporation, authorizing as follows: To construct the Jamaica Line, Liberty Avenue Line ; terminal yards, stations, etc. ; to acquire real estate therefor and to construct wires, cables, etc. ; And in accordance with the terms of Article IX thereof I hereby render my determination of the actual cost of Plant and Structure and of the actual cost of Equipment of the several Railroads paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. For the Jamaica Line and the Liberty Avenue Line, The actual cost of Plant and Structure (Article IX of the above mentioned Certificate) is as follows: (1) Labor and materials (2) Real estate $134.88 (3) Debt discount and expense 2,353.51 (4) Taxes 75.00 (5) Superintendence, etc 13,821.32 (6) Interest 179,872.37 Total $196,257.08 The actual cost of Equipment is as follows : (1) Labor and materials (2) Real estate $134.88 (3) Debt discount and expense 2,353.51 (4) Taxes 75.00 (5) Superintendence, etc 13,821.33 (6) Interest 179,872.37 Total $196,257.09 Actual Cost of Plant and Property $392,514.17 Each of these parts of the actual cost of plant and structure and actual cost of equipment of elevated extensions is taken up hereafter in its order. They are shown as applied to the several lines, and represent actual expenditures chargeable to 3 the respective lines. It is necessary to keep the cost separate as to lines in order to provide a basis for computing deductions from revenue in the case of temporary operation (Article XLIX, Subdivision 7, of Contract No. 4, embodied in Article X of the Certificate) . The records of costs, from which this determination is made, are kept in such detail that the cost of any principal part of the Railroads may be identified so that in case of its retirement or withdrawal from service, the said cost may be withdrawn from the appropriate depreciation fund as provided under Article XLIX, Subdivision 5, of Contract No. 4, as embodied in Article X of the Certificate. A summary of these records will be given in appendices as they appear. The Uniform System of Accounts as prescribed by the Public Service Commission is followed for this purpose. When there are expenditures of an executive and administra- tive nature it is impossible to allocate them to specific construc- tion. Such expenditures made by the New York Municipal Rail- way Corporation I have distributed among the several lines affected in each particular case on the basis of relative estimated costs. The percentages used are given in a tabulation which represents the understanding with respect thereto between representatives of New York Municipal Railway Corporation and myself. This understanding covers all of the work provided to be done by the New York Municipal Railway Corporation under Contract No. 4 and the related certificates including their contribution to the City's Railroad and its terms are stated in my determination of Cost of Construction and Cost of Equip- ment made under Contract No. 4. It is subject to modification by me at any time that the facts indicate that it should be modi- fied. The application of this percentage distribution accoimts for all of the items herein reported. ACTUAL COST OF PLANT AND STRUCTURE Real estate. ''(2) The actual and necessary net cost in money to the Subway Company of any real estate or interest therein, including consents and easements necessarily acquired for the construction or operation of the plant and structure, or such permanent additions thereto, other than replacements or substitutions, together with the actual and necessary expenses in connec- tion with such acquisition." The cost of (2) Real estate for the specified lines of the Railroads is as follows : (I) Jamaica Line $94.42 (II) Liberty Avenue Line 40.46 Total cost for Real Estate pursuant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913 $134.88 Debt discount ''(3) The debt discount and expense and expense, actually and necessarily incurred in con- nection with the construction of the plant and structure and additions thereto from time to time, provided, however, that the debt discount and expense, except in the case of additions, shall not exceed an amount equal to three per centum (3%) of the actual cost of the plant and structure including in such cost the expendi- tures under this paragraph.'' The cost of (3) Debt discount and expense for the specified lines of the Railroads is as follows: (I) Jamaica Line.* $1,647.46 (II) Liberty Avenue Line 706.05 Total cost for Debt discount and ex- pense pursuant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913 $2,353.51 Taxes. ''(4) Taxes and assessments actually and necessarily paid or accrued upon the items of this definition pending the beginning of operation, including the word 'taxes,' assessments or other govern- ' mental charges (including mortgage recording tax) of every description against the Subway Company in and about the construction of the plant and structure and addi- tions thereto from time to time. During operation such assessments for benefits as are not properly chargeable against revenue shall be charged to such actual cost." The cost of (4) Taxes for the specified lines of the Railroads is as follows : (I) Jamaica Line $52.50 (II) Liberty Avenue Line 22.50 Total cost for Taxes pursuant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913. . . $75.00 5 Superinten- *' (5) The actual and necessary net dence, etc. cost in money to the Subway Company for superintendence, damages, insurance, engineering, legal expenses and administration, in and about the construction or acquisition of the plant and structure or such additions thereto or the improvements or betterments aforesaid and including in respect of the plant and structure (exclusive of additions) the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the Subway Company prior to the date of this certificate and in addition the actual and necessary expense incurred or payable by the Subway Company in printing, engraving and certifying securities for the plant and structure (exclusive of additions), and the actual and necessary expenses in organizing the Sub- way Company." The cost of (5) Superintendence, etc., for the specified lines of the Rail- roads is as follows: (I) Jamaica Line $9,674.93 (II) Liberty Avenue Line 4,146.39 Total cost for Superintendence, etc., pursuant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913 13,821.32 Interest. ^'(6) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided by the Subway Company or on its behalf from time to time for the items of this definition from the respective time of providing said moneys (but not including interest on any moneys provided by the Subway Company or on its behalf prior to October 1, 1912) to the beginning of operation on the part of the plant and structure for which such moneys were provided, less any interest received by the Subway Company or on behalf of the Subway Conipany on such moneys. ' ' The cost of (6) Interest for the specified lines of the Railroads is as follows : (I) Jamaica Line $125,910.66 (II) Liberty Avenue Line 53,961.71 Total cost for Interest pursuant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913 $179,872.37 6 ACTUAL COST OF EQUIPMENT Real estate. ^'(2) The actual and necessary net cost in money to the Subway Company of any real estate or interest therein including consents and easements necessarily acquired for the construction or operation of equipment or such additions thereto, other than replacements or substitutions together with the actual and necessary expenses in connection with such acquisi- tion." The cost of (2) Real estate for the specified lines of the Railroads is as follows: (I) Jamaica Line $94.42 (II) Liberty Avenue Line 40.46 Total cost for Real Estate pursuant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913 $134.88 Debt discount ''(3) The debt discount and expense and expense, actually and necessarily incurred in con- nection with the equipment and additions thereto from time to time, provided, however, that the debt discount and expense, except in the case of additions, shall not exceed an amount equal to three per centum (3%) of the actual cost of equipment including in such actual cost the expenditures under this paragraph." The cost of (3) Debt discount and expense for the specified lines of the Railroads is as follows : (I) Jamaica Line $1,647.46 (II) Liberty Avenue Line 706.05 Total cost for Debt discount and ex- pense pursuant to the Certificate prior to March 19, 1913 $2,353.51 Taxes. "W Taxes and assessments actually and necessarily paid or accrued upon the items of this definition pending the beginning of opera- tion, including the word ' taxes, ' assessments or other gov- ernmental charges (including mortgage recording tax) of every description against the Subway Company in and about the construction or acquisition of Equipment and additions thereto from time to time. During operation such assessments for benefits as are not properly charge- able against revenue shall be charged to such actual cost." The cost of (4) Taxes for the specified lines of the Railroads is as follows (I) Jamaica Line $52.50 (II) Liberty Avenue Line 22.50 Total cost for Taxes pursuant to the Cer- tificate prior to March 19, 1913 $75.00 Superinten- ''(5) The actual and necessary net dence, etc. cost in money to the Subway Company for superintendence, insurance, damages, en- gineering, legal expenses, insurance and administration in and about the acquisition or construction of equipment or such additions thereto, including in respect of equipment (exclusive of additions) the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or pay- able by the Subway Company prior to the date of this cer- tificate and in addition the actual and necessary expense incurred or payable by the Subway Company in printing, engraving and certifying securities for equipment (exclu- sive of additions), and the actual and necessary expense in organizing the Subway Company." The cost of (5) Superintendence, etc., for the specified lines of the Rail- roads is as follows : (I) Jamaica Line $9,674.94 (II) Liberty Avenue Line 4,146.39 Total cost for Superintendence, etc., pursuant to the Certificate, prior to March 19, 1913 $13,821.33 Interest. " (6) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided by the Subway Company or on its behalf from time to time ^ for the items of this definition from the respective times of providing said moneys (but not including interest on any moneys provided by the Subway Company or on its behalf prior to October 1, 1912) to the beginning of operation of the part of the equipment for which such moneys were provided, less any interest received by the Subway Com- pany or on behalf of the Subway Company on such moneys. ' ' The cost of (6) Interest for the specified lines of the Railroads is as follows : (I) Jamaica Line $125,910.66 (II) Liberty Avenue Line. 53,961.71 Total cost for Interest pursuant to the Certificate, prior to March 19, 1918 $179,872.37 APPENDIX EXPLANATORY OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION Debt discount and expense. In the determination of Cost of Construction and Cost of Lessee's expense for Equipment of the Railroad for Superintendence. Initial Operation made under this same date, the character and divis- Taxes. ion of expenditures by the Lessee prior to March 19, 1913, are fully Interest. explained, and reference is hereby made to them to identify the en- tries herein. UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS The details of the Costs hereinbefore set forth should be classified in accordance with the uniform system of accounts prescribed for street and electric railways by the Public Service Commission in its order of December 8, 1908, as follows: 9 For the Elevated Extensions, The Cost of Plant and Structure is as follows : Intangible Street Baihvay Capital: Organization $1 19.53 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 8,813.35 Land : Eight of Way 134.88 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 4,963.44 Interest during construction 179,872.37 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 2,353.51 Total Cost of Plant and Structure $196,257.08 The Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation is as follows : Intangible Street Raihvay Capital: Organization $119.54 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 8,813.35 Land: Right of Way 134.88 Undistributed Construction Expenditures : Engineering and Superintendence 4,963.44 Interest during construction 179,872.37 Siispense: Unamortized debt discount and expense 2,353.51 Total Cost of Equipment $196,257.09 Total Actual Cost of Plant and Property for Elevated Extensions prior to March 19, 1913 $392,514.17 These costs under the Uniform System of Accounts are for each line of the Railroads as follows: 10 JAMAICA LINE Cost of Plant and Structure: ^ Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization 83.67 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 6,169.35 Land: Right of Way 94.42 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 3,474.41 Interest during construction 125,910.66 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 1,647.46 Total cost of Plant and Structure $137,379.97 Cost of Equipment: Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization 83.68 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 6,169.35 Land : Right of Way 94.42 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 3,474.41 Interest during construction 125,910.66 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 1,647.46 Total cost of Equipment 137,379.98 Total Actual Cost of Plant and Property for Jamaica Line, prior to March 19, 1913 $274,759.95 11 LIBERTY AVENUE LINE. Cost of Plant and Structure : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $35.86 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 2,644.00 Land: Right of Way 40.46 Undistrihuted Construction Expenditures : Engineering and Superintendence 1,489.03 Interest during construction 53,961.71 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 706.05 Total Cost of Plant and Structure $58,877.11 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Raihvay Capital: Organization $35.86 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 2,644.00 Land: Right of way 40.46 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 1,489.03 Interest during construction 53,961.71 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 706.05 Total Cost of Equipment $58,877.11 Total Actual Cost of Plant and Property for Liberty Avenue Line prior to March 19, 1913 $117,754.22 Dat( (I N( w York, October 14, 1913. Alfred Craven, Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District, 12 In the Mattbb OP THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for] the First District imder the Certifi- cate dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Munici- pal Eailway Corporation, of the actual' cost of Plant and Structure and actual cost of Equipment of the Jamaica Line and the Liberty Avenue Line, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Pkioe Determination ^^ Elevated Exten- sions November 24, 1913. Note, This Prior Determination was first rendered by me under date of October 14, 1913, and is now revised under this date pursuant to a stipulation entered into between the New York Municipal Bailway Corporation and the Commission as noted herein. N. Y. M.B. D. Prior D,700-Apr., '15 (B) To the Puhlic Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pnrsiiaut to the provisions of Contract 4 and the certificates related thereto, under this date I am rendering in detail my determinations of the costs paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, separately with respect to Contract 4 and each certificate. These determinations, summarized, are for Expenditures Expenditures Contract 4 Kailroad: by City. by Lessee. Total. Cost of Construction $33,531,583.57 $653,740.67 $34,185,324.24 Cost of Equipment 784,488.82 784,488.82 Total Cost of the Railroad $33,531,583.57 $1,438,229.49 $34,969,813.06 Contract 4 Reconsti-ue- tion of Existing Rail- roads : Cost of Construction 882,999.51 882,999.51 Cost of Equipment 294,183.29 294,183.29 Total Cost of Recon- stmction of Ex- isting Railroads.. $1,177,182.80 $1,177,182.80 Total Cost of Con- tract 4 '$33,531,583.57 $2,615,412.29 $36,146,995.86 Certificate for Additional Tracks: None None Certificate for Elevated Exten- sions : None None Total for Ne>4- York Municipal Railway Corporation Lines, Contract 4 and Certificates $33,531,683.57 $2,615,412.29 $36,146,995.86 Dated Xew York, ]Srovember 24, 1913. ALFRED CRAVEN, Chief Engineer Puhlic Service Commissiofi for the First District. In the Matter OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission fori the First District under the Certifi-| cate dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Service Commission for the First District to the New York Munici- pal Railway Corporation, of the actual cost of Plant and Structure and actual cost of Equipment of the Jamaica Line and the Liberty Avenue Line, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination "Elevated Exten- sions " November 24, 1913. Note. This Prior Determination was first rendered by me under date of October 14, 1913, and is now revised under this date pursuant to a stipulation entered into between the New York Municipal Railway Corporation and the Commission as noted herein. To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of tlie CEETIFICATE, dated March 19, 1913, from the Public Ser- vice Commission for the First District to the New York Municipal Eailway Corporation, authorizing as follows: To construct the Jamaica Line, Liberty Avenue Line ; terminal yards, stations, etc. ; to acquire real estate therefor and to construct wires, cables, etc.; And in accordance with the terms of Article IX thereof I hereby render my determination of the actual cost of Plant and Structure and of the actual cost of Equipment of the several Railroads paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. No expenditures have been apportioned to the Jamaica Line elevated extension and the Liberty Avenue Line elevated extension which are authorized under the Certificate for the following reasons : When there are expenditures of an executive and administra- tive nature it is impossible to allocate them to specific construction. Such expenditures may properly be distributed among the several lines affected in each particular case on the basis of relative esti- mated costs. An understanding with respect thereto between rep- resentatives of the Commission, the New York Municipal Railway Corporation and myself, is shown in " A Schedule of Agreed Divi- sion of General Construction and Equipment Expenses,^' set forth in my determination under this date of Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment under Contract 4. This understanding covers all of the work done by the New York Municipal Railway Corpora- tion under Contract 4 and the related Certificates, including the one under which this determination is made. The expenditures on account of New York Municipal Railway Corporation prior to March 19, 1913, were of the kind covered by the schedule just referred to and in particular, were made in ac- quiring moneys in anticipation of the signing of the Contract and the granting of the Certificates and for organization and prelim- inary legal and engineering expenses. Inasmuch as the Railroads authorized by this Certificate are not legalized, it was requested by the New York Municipal Railway Corporation, and deemed proper by the Commission, that these preliminary expenses be applied to Reconstruction of Existing Railroads under Contract 4 for this "Prior" determination. This matter is covered by a stipulation be- tween New York Municipal Eailway Corporation and the Commis- sion, dated November 18, 1913, in which the principle of the sched- ule above mentioned is confirmed and " In particular the Railway Corporation agrees that the proportionate part of such items that would properly be allocable to additional tracks and extensions (if such consents had been obtained therefor) may be allocated tem- porarily to Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Opera- tion, and that when and as the necessary constitutional consents are obtained for any additional tracks or extensions the Chief Engineer may transfer from Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation to the additional tracks or extensions for which such con- sents shall have been obtained the amounts which otherwise would have been allocated thereto in the first instance." A complete copy of the above mentioned stipulation is hereto annexed as an appendix. Dated November 24, 1913. ALFRED CRAVEN, Chief Engineer Public Service Commission for the First District. APPENDIX. Stipulation made this IStli day of November, 1913, by and between the Public Service Commission for the First District, hereinafter re- ferred to as the " Commission," and New York Municipal Railway Cor- poration, hereinafter referred to as the " Railway Corporation." Whereas acting under the provisions of the (1) Contract dated March 19, 1913, between the City of New York, acting by the Commission, and the Railway Corporation, known as Contract No. 4, (2) The certificate dated March 19, 1913, granted by the Commission to the Railway Corporation for additional tracks, and (3) The certificate dated March 19, 1913, granted by the Commission to the Railway Corporation for extensions. The Chief Engineer of the Commission has rendered certain determina- tions bearing date the 14th day of October, 1913, of the cost of con- struction, cost of equipment, actual cost of plant and structure and actual cost of equipment paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913 ; and Whereas, included in such determinations are various items of cost not susceptible of specific allocation to the various lines and subdivi- sions referred to in the contract and certificates, but which in such determinations are allocated to such lines and subdivisions in accord- ance with an empirical method of allocation; and Whe7^eas, in accordance with such method of allocation portions of such items have been allocated to lines or subdivisions for which the necessary constitutional consents have not as yet been obtained ; and Whereas such method of allocation was based in part upon the suggestion that under the contract and certificates the Chief Engineer was required to make in each determination a definite and final alloca- tion of such items despite the fact that all allocations of such items are necessarily subject to readjustment because of changing conditions arising out of the prosecution of the work under said contract and certificates ; and Whereas, the Commission and the Railway Corporation recognise the right of the Chief Engineer under said contract and certificates to allocate such items in proper proportionate parts to various lines and subdivisions for which the necessary constitutional consents shall have been obtained and thereafter, from time to time, to reallocate such items or portions thereof as may be necessary, so that as soon as practicable there shall be allocated to each line and subdivision its proper proportionate part of such items upon the basis of the rela- tive cost applicable to such line or subdivision to the cost applicable to the other lines and subdivisions as contemplated in said contract and certificates: and Whereas, the Chief Engineer has expressed his willingness to with- draw such determinations upon the request of the Commission and the Railway Corporation; and Whereas, the Commission and the Railway Corporation construe the contract and certificates as giving such right of allocation and reallocation to the Chief Engineer and enter into this stipulation not for the purpose of varying or modifying any of the provisions of such contract and certificates but for the purpose of regulating matters of detail thereunder and to avoid possible future misunderstandings. Now Therefore, the Commission and the Railway Corporation hereby stipulate and agree as follows : First: The Commission and the Railway Corporation hereby ex- pressly recognize and confirm the right of the Chief Engineer under said contract and certificates to allocate in proper proportionate parts to the various lines and subdivisions for which the necessary constitutional con- sents shall have been obtained all such items of cost as are not suscep- tible of specific allocation, and thereafter, from time to time, to reallo- cate such items in whole or in part as may be necessary, so that as soon as practicable there shall be finally allocated to each such line and subdivision no more and no less than its proper proportionate part of such items upon the basis of the relative cost applicable to said line or subdivision to the cost applicable to the other lines and subdivisions as contemplated in said contract and certificates. Second: In the case of lines or subdivisions for which the neces- sary constitutional consents have not at the time of rendering any determination been obtained, the Chief Engineer may allocate the pro- portionate part of such items that otherwise would be allocable to such lines or subdivisions, to other lines or subdivisions for which the neces- sary constitutional consents have been obtained; and thereafter, when and as the necessary constitutional consents are obtained, the Chief Engineer may transfer the amounts so allocated from the lines or subdivisions to which they have been allocated to the line or subdi; vision for which such consents shall have been obtained, so that each line or subdivision will bear its equitable and proper share of such items. In particular the Railway Corporation agrees that the propor- tionate part of such items that would properly be allocable to addi- tional tracks and extensions (if such consents had been obtained there- for) may be allocated temporarily to Reconstruction of Existing Rail- roads for Initial Operation, and that when and as the necessary con- stitutional consents are obtained for any additional tracks or extensions the Chief Engineer may transfer from Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation to the additional tracks or extensions for which such consents shall have been obtained the amounts which otherwise would have been allocated thereto in the first Instance. Third: The Chief Engineer may withdraw the several determina- tions bearing the date the 14th day of October, 1913, such withdrawal to have the same force and effect as though such determinations had not been rendered. 8 Fourth: The time of the Chief Engineer to render the determina- tions of cost of construction, cost of equipment, actual cost of plant and structure and actual cost of equipment paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, is hereby extended to and Including the 25th day of November, 1913. Fifth: This stipulation shall be without prejudice to any right of the Commission or of the Railway Corporation under said contract or certificates to object to any determinations of the Chief Engineer. Sixth: This stipulation shall not apply to items of cost susceptible of specific allocation, the intention being that the Chief Engineer shall allocate all such items as are susceptible of specific allocation to the particular lines or subdivisions to which they shall respectively belong. Seventh: This stipulation shall continue in force and effect until the beginning of Initial Operation under said contract. In Witness Whereof the Commission has caused Its oflficial seal to be hereto affixed and attested by its Secretary and this stipulation to be signed by its Chairman, and the Railway Corporation has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested by its Secretary and this stipulation to be signed by its President, all the day and year first above written. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT, [SEAL OF THE by Edwabd E. McCall, COMMISSION] Chairman. Attest : Travis H. Whitney, Secretary. NEW YORK MUNICIPAL RAILWAY CORPORA- TION, [SEAL OF THE RAIL- by T. S. WiLLIAMS, WAY CORPORATION] President. Attest : t\.A. Bullock, Secretary. In tiie Matter yiO, OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District under the contract, dated JMarch 19, 1913, between The City of New York, acting by the Pub- lic Service Commission for the First District, and New York Municipal Railway Corporation, of the cost of construction and cost of equipment of the Railroad paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination ''Railroad" October 14, 1913. In the Matter OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for . the First District under the contract, \ dated March 19, 1913, between the ; City of New York, acting by the Pub- lic Sersdce Commission for the First District, and New York Municipal Railway Corporation, of the cost of Reconstruction of Existing liailroads, paid or accrued i)rior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination ''Reconstruction of Existing Railroads. ' ' October U, 1913.^ > or ' ,^ ^'^ N. Y. M. E. D. Prior A 1 ,500-0. '13 (N) N. Y. M. E. D. Prior B 1.60CW), '13 (N) To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of Contract 4 and the certificates related thereto, under this date I am ren- dering in detail my determinations of the costs paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, separately with respect to Contract 4 and each certificate. These determinations, summarized, are for Contract 4 Railroad: Cost of Construction ------ $34,185,324.24 Cost of Equipment ------ 784,488.82 Total Cost of the Railroad - - - - $34,969,813.06 Contract 4 Reconstruction of Existing Railroads: Cost of Construction ------ $392,244.39 Cost of Equipment ------ 130,748.13 Total Cost of Reconstruction of Exist- ing Railroads ---.---- $522,992.52 Total Cost of Contract 4 - - - - - $35,492,805.58 Certificate for Additional Tracks: Actual Cost of Plant and Structure - $261,676.11 Actual Cost of Equipment - - - - Actual Cost of Plant and Property - $261,676.11 Certificate for Elevated Extensions: Actual Cost of Plant and Structure - $196,257.08 Actual Cost of Equipment - - - - 196,257.09 Actual Cost of Plant and Property - $392,514.17 Total for Municipal Railway Corpora- tion, Contract 4 and Certificates - $36,146,995.86 Dated New York, October 14, 1913. ALFRED CRAVEN, Chief Engineer Public Service Commission for the First District. In the Matter OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District under the contract, dated March 19, 1913, between The City of New York, acting by the Pub- lic Service Commission for the First District, and New York Municipal Railway Corporation, of the cost of construction and cost of equipment of the Railroad paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination *' Railroad" October 14, 1913. To the Public Service Commission for the First District, and New York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of the contract dated March 19, 1913, between The City of New York, acting by the Public Ser- vice Commission of the First District, and New York Municipal Kailway Corporation, know^n as Contract No. 4, and in accord- ance with the terms of Article XXIX thereof, I hereby render my determination of the ''Cost of Construction" and the "Cost of Equipment" of the Railroad paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. For the Railroad, The Cost of Construction (Article II, Subdivision 14) is as follows : (1 ) Labor and materials $25,406,350.87 (2) Real estate 2,607,748.59 (3) Debt discount and expense 7,845.04 (4) City's expenses for superintendence, etc 2,226,301.25 (5) Lessee's expenses for superintendence, etc. . . . 46,071.06 (6) Taxes 250.00 (7 ) Interest 3,890,757.43 Total $34,185,324.24 The Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation (Article II, Subdivision 15) is as follows: (1) Labor and materials (2) Real estate (3) Debt discount and expense $9,414.05 (4) Superintendence, etc 55,285.27 (5) Taxes 300.00 (6) Interest 719,489.50 Total $784,488.82 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment $34,969,813.06 3 Each of the seven parts of the Cost of Construction and the six parts of the Cost of Equipment is taken up hereafter in its order. They are shown as appHed to the several portions, or hues, of the Railroad. The City's share and the Lessee's con- tribution to Cost of Construction are shown separately, and represent actual expenditures chargeable to the respective lines, and the sum of the City's share and the Lessee's contribution as tabulated above represents the actual and necessary cost. It is necessary to keep separate the City's share and the Lessee's contribution as to parts of the Railroad in order to provide a basis for computing deductions from revenue in the case of temporary operation (Article XLIX, Subdivision 7, and Article LII). It is also necessary to separate the cost of con- struction and cost of equipment into lines of the Railroad to accord with the provisions of the contract relative to recaption. The records of costs, from which this determination is made, are kept in such detail that the cost of any principal part of the Railroad may be identified so that in case of its retirement or withdrawal from service, the said cost may be withdrawn from the appropriate depreciation fund as provided under Article XLIX, Subdivision 5. A summary of these records is given in an appendix. The Uniform System of Accounts as prescribed by the Public Service Commission is followed for this purpose. COST OF CONSTRUCTION Labor and ' ' ( 1 ) The actual and necessary net materials. cost in money of all labor and materials entering into Construction." Section 11 of Article II says: ''The word 'Construction' to mean all work of constructing the Railroad including the doing of work, the providing of materials, the restoration and reconstruction of street surfaces, sewers, and all surface, subsurface and overhead and abutting structures inter- fered with during the building of the Railroad and all other work to be done or materials to be furnished of every nature whatsoever necessary to the completion of the railroad structure, all tracks (meaning thereby the track structure complete, including all ballast, ties, con- crete, rails, special work, spikes, joints, bolts, tie plates, and all other material or apparatus necessary to build the track, but not including electrical or signal material or apparatus), together with all real estate and interests therein necessary to be acquired or extinguished for the purpose of constructing and operating the Railroad." The cost of (1) Labor and materials for such specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad is as follows : Lessee 's City's Share Contribution Total (I) B 'way -Fourth Ave. Line.... $25,352,089.24 $54,261.63* $25,406,350.87 (II) Culver Line . . (III) Fourteenth St.- Eastern Line Total cost for Labor and materials pur- suant to the con- tract for the period prior to March 19, 1913 $25,352,089.24 $54,261.63 $25,406,350.87 *NoTE. Certified estimates for work done under modifying- agreement on Construction Contract for Route 5, Sec. 3, which amount, pursuant to Art. XI of Contract 4, is payable by the Lessee as Cost of Canal Street physical connection. (For details, see pp. 16 to 34 post.) 5 Real estate. ''(2) The actual and necessary net cost in money of any real estate or interest therein acquired or extinguished for Construction, in- eluding terminals, storage yards and shops, together with the actual and necessary expense in connection with such acquisition or extinction, but there shall not be included in the term 'real estate or interest therein' any damages the City may have to pay for acquiring rights or ease- ments for the Railroad in streets under the principles of the decision in Matter of Board of Rapid Transit Rail- road Commissioners (Joralemon Street), 197 N. Y. 81. There shall be included, however, damages the City may have to pay for extinguishing rights of light, air and access in connection with the construction of the elevated portions of the Railroad. " The cost of (2) Real estate for such specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad is as follows : Lessee 's City's Share Contribution Total (I) B'way - Fourth Ave. Line... $2,607,748.59 $2,607,748.59 (II) Culver Line. . . . (III) Fourteenth St.- Eastern Line. Total cost for real es- tate pursuant to the Contract prior to March 19, 1913. $2,607,748.59 $2,607,748.59 (For details, see pp. 34 to 36 post.) ' 6 Debt discount "(3) The debt discount and expense and expense. in connection with Construction, pro- vided, however, that the debt discount and expense (except in case of Additions) shall not exceed an amovint equal to three percentum (3%) of the part of the cost of construction borne by the Lessee, including the cost under this paragraph (3)." The cost of (3) Debt discount and expense for such specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad is as follows : Lessee 's Contribution (I) Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line $6,276.03 (II) Culver Line 392.25 (III) Fourteenth St.-Eastern Line 1,176.76 Total cost for Debt discount and expense pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $7,845.04 (For details, see pp. 43 to 45 post.) 7 City's expense for ''(4) The actual and necessary superintendence, etc. net cost in money to the City for superintendence, insurance, damages, engineering, and legal expenses and administration in and about Construction and Equipment, and in and about the plant and property constructed and provided under the certificates for extensions and additional tracks herein- before referred to, including in respect of the cost of con- struction the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the City in and about the Construction and Equipment (and such construction and provision of the plant and property of such extensions and additional tracks) prior to the date of this contract." The cost of (4) City's expense for superintendence, etc., for such specified portions of the Railroad and about the plant and property con- structed and provided under certificates and also in and about the reconstruction of existing railroads is as follows: (I) Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line $2,164,018.01 (II) Culver Line 11,525.33 (III) Fourteenth St.-Eastern Line 40,196.38 *(IV) Reconstruction of Existing Railroads 5,280.78 (V) Additional Tracks provided under certificate. . 2,112.30 (VI) Elevated Extensions provided under certifi- cate 3,168.45 Total cost for City's expense for superintendence, etc., prior to March 19, 1913 $2,226,301.25 The above determination includes only expenditures of the City's money by the Public Service Commission for the First District, and its predecessor, the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners. * Note : This item is not specifically covered by the definition above quoted. {See Appendix.) (For details, see pp. 37 to 38 post.j 8 Lessee 's expense for ''(5) The actual and necessary superintendence, etc. net cost in money to the Lessee for superintendence, insurance, dam- ages, administration, engineering and legal expenses in and about Construction including in respect of the cost of construction for initial operation the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the Lessee in and about Con- struction prior to the date of this contract and in addi- tion the actual and necessary expense incurred or pay- able by the Lessee in printing, engraving and certifying securities for Construction and the actual and necessary ('xpense in organizing the Lessee." The cost of (5) Lessee's expense for superintendence, etc., for such spec- ified portions, or lines, of the Railroad is as follows : Lessee's Contribution (I) Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line $36,856.85 r (II) Culver Line 2,303.55 (III) Fourteenth St.-Eastern Line 6,910.66 Total cost for Lessee's expense for superintendence, etc., pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, ^ 1913 $46,071.06 (For details, see pp. 43 to 47 post.) 9 Taxes. " (6) Taxes, assessments or other gov- ernmental charges (including mortgage recording tax) of every description against the Lessee actually and necessarily paid or accrued in and about Construction pending the beginning of operation of the part of the Railroad as to which such taxes, assessments or other governmental charges were paid or accrued. During operation such assessments for benefits as are not properly chargeable against revenue shall be charged to cost of construction." The cost of (6) Taxes for such specified portions, or lines, of the Rail- road is as follows: Lessee's Contribution (I) Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line $200.00 (II) Culver Line 12.50 (III) Fourteenth St.-Eastern Line 37.50 Total cost for Taxes pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $250.00 (For details, see pp. 43 to 47 post.) 10 Interest. '' (7) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided by the City or by the Lessee or on its behalf from time to time for the items of this definition from the respective times of providing said moneys (but not including interest on any moneys provided by the licssee or on its behalf prior to October 1, 1912) to the beginning of operation of the part of the Railroad for which such moneys were provided, less any interest received by the City or by the Lessee or on behalf of the Lessee on such moneys." ''In case any portion of the cost of construction borne by the City shall be met by other than corporate stock or other long term interest bearing securities, the same shall be deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock or other long term interest bearing securities." The cost of (7) Interest for such specified portions, or lines, of the Rail- road is as follows : City's Lessee's Share Contribution Total (I) B'way - Fourth Ave. Line... $3,286,756.62 $479,659.66 $3,766,416.28 (II) Culver Line. .. 419.37 29,978.73 30,398.10 (Ill) Fourteenth St.- Eastern Line. 3,671.76 89,936.18 93,607.94 (IV) Reconstruction f Existing Railroads .... 167.55 167.55 (V) Additional Tracks 67.03 67.03 (VI) Elevated Exten- sions 100.53 100.53 Total cost for Interest pursuant to the Con- tract prior to March 19, 1913 $3,291,182.86 $599,574.57 $3,890,757.43 (For details, see pp. 38 to 41 and 48 to 49 post.) 11 COST OF EQUIPMENT Debt discount ''(3) The debt discount and expense and expense. in connection with Equipment, provided, however, that the debt discount and ex- pense (except in case of Additions) shall not exceed an amount equal to three per centum (3%) of the cost of equipment for initial operation, including the cost under this paragraph (3) J ? The cost of (3) Debt discount and expense for such specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad is as follows : (I) Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line $7,060.53 (II) Culver Line 1,412.11 (III) Fourteenth St.-Eastern Line 941.41 Total cost for Debt discount and expense pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $9,414.05 (For details, see pp. 43 to 47 post.) 12 Superintend- "(4) The actual and necessary net ence, etc. cost in money to the Lessee for superin- tendence, insurance, damages, administra- tion, engineering and legal expenses in and about the provision of the Equipment, including in respect of the cost of equipment for initial operation the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the Lessee in and about Equip- ment prior to the date of this contract, and in addition the actual and necessary expense incurred or payable by the Lessee in printing, engraving and certifying securi- ties for Equipment and the actual and necessary expense in organizing the Lessee. ' ' The cost of (4) Superintendence, etc., for such specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad is as follows : (I) Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line $41,463.96 (II) Culver Line 8,292.79 (III) Fourteenth St.-Eastern Line 5,528.52 Total cost for Superintendence, etc., pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $55,285.27 (For details, see pp. 43 to 47 13 Taxes. '' (5) Taxes, assessments or other gov- ernmental charges (including mortgage recording tax) of every description against the Lessee actually and necessarily paid or accrued in and about the provision of the Equipment pending the time when the portions of the Equipment as to which such taxes, assess- ments or other governmental charges were paid or ac- crued are placed in operation. During operation such assessments for benefits as are not properly chargeable against revenue shall be charged to cost of equipment." The cost of (5) Taxes for such specified portions, or lines, of the Rail- road, is as follows : (I) Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line $225.00 (II) Culver Line 45.00 (III) Fourteenth St.-Eastern Line 30.00 Total cost for Taxes pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $300.00 (For details, see pp. 43 to 47 post.) 14 Interest. '' (6) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided by the Lessee or on its behalf from time to time for the items of this defini- tion from the respective times of providing said moneys (but not including interest on any moneys provided by the Lessee or on its behalf prior to October 1, 1912) to the beginning of operation of the part of the Equipment for which such moneys were provided, less any interest received by the Lessee or on its behalf on such moneys." The cost of (6) Interest for such specified portions, or lines, of the Rail- road is as follows : (I) Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line $539,617.12 (II) Culver Line 107,923.43 (III) Fourteenth St.-Eastern Line 71,948.95 Total cost for Interest pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $719,489.50 (For details, see pp. 48 to 49 post ) 15 APPENDICES EXPLANATORY OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATIONS. Labor and ''Labor and materials" means the cost of con- materials, striicting the Railroad by sections under the sev- eral construction contracts which have either been entered into or may be entered into from time to time. These construction contracts cover the prosecution of the con- struction work and payment therefor. Each month the various contractors executing the contracts are paid upon the basis of monthly estimates certified to by me. The aggregate of these monthly estimates represents the cost of labor, and materials entering into construction. These monthly estimates are cus- tomarily made as of the last day of the month and cover the cost of construction as of such date. The estimates are identified by numbers, which indicate the serial order in which such esti- mates have been made. Article XXIX requires the Chief Engineer to determine the cost of construction paid or accrued prior to the date of the contract. Therefore, this covers the cost to and including March 18, 1913. For this reason it has been assumed that 18/31sts of the March construction contract regular estimates accrued prior to March 19, 1913, leaving 13/31sts of such certi- fied estimates to be entered into the cost of construction for the first quarterly determination. This is the most satisfactory method of dividing the labor and material costs for March as between the prior determination and the quarterly determination. Since the labor and^ material is based upon the section contract for construction, as already explained, it has been considered advisable to subdivide the labor and material deter- mination by sections. Also a certain arnount of subdivision IS desirable so that if the Commission should declare any part of the Railroad ready for operation, as provided under Article LII of the contract, the cost of such part to be used as a basis for the distribution of revenue could be readily determined. Exactly what parts might be declared ready for operation it is hardly feasible to say at this time. The construction contract is a reasonable unit to keep identified so that any combination may be made as required. Therefore, (1) The cost of labor and material as included in this determination for the cost of construction paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, by sections and estimates is as follows: IG 2 ^ ooi^ooooiOOoi'^t^Meo^^iNO t^ (N ^ O O O 00 lO lO (N lO t^ (N O <*< Tf * T-H I O 1-1 CO CO CO CO OXIOCOCOIN'OCO OJOcooooTtioco C0-*<-iC^C0iOXC5 O CO O t^ 5C O (N o a 10 D lOO O5^00CiiOTt<(Z)00G0t^Tt0 lO GO CO of CO 00 CO i-r CD ^c^coooooo5ooO'-Ha>iMaot> co E2 oci a s i a T50!2;Qi-3fo^<1X><1><1><1MX! a>a>OQjaj(i>(Dai(uaia> !^.2[!S!h!2^!2!h!2^!h[5!S^^!2!^^!^ < < < < -' LO O ^ i< ^1 17 lO o O (N C0(N^O0 CO Tf lO (M rH 00 00 ^ >-o CM '^ o t> -*< O -^ C^ .^ >-H l>. 05 (-5 ,_( oj t^ t~- CO rH 00 00 00 r> 00 00 ^ a> CO N. h. CO 05 i-i X (N <& CO tH iO tti 00 OS C5C0O(N00OIN050(M OCO(N030t^-*02'0(M rt<>0j >^ M So 3 3 a a 1:^ a a a 1 r4 >-M OS . xxxxxxxxxx ued. Physi Com 't, t t '^ '^ t ' '^ "^ 1 S o ^ g 5 ^ O B5 O |h CO ffl ^ 18 * on <) O ^ CO CO CO lO o (N CD 00 o ^ O t^ irocooo5iOi-i -l CO CO I 1> Tf i'j ^ CO 00 00 * CO >o N. iCOlt^OSOOCOCOCOiO l> O (N -* CO CO rt< CO CO >* o a> CO O" rH Ci" CO CO ^ b OO h-i Pm < 2 s S S 2 J^ S 05 '"' O " 1-H UN 3S : 5 05 05 o 05 O a; b-i Ml PlH ^ << 00 . o ^ 00 2 S P '-' III l-S 1-5 < o:z; - S S r^ 2 rH <^ 05 2 ;i^ i-l ,_( i-H Oi o >> . _ 05 -( ilj =3 S - t^ T-i i:;^ O P C I- ra r-i ^ I S g = -?_- i=! -5 rt Ol CO * IC CO t- oo < < < < a <1 CO o "S Eh ft, <;S X >^ ;^ > 05 Ot^l^COTt^O'-iCOO t^OOOlOOO-^COQOiO rOQOC^QOOOOO-^CO OOCNlTtHCOOOJQOiOCOiOCOOO'-^(MC^'CC00005t^i-i Ot-I > ""1 f^> '^^ ^ "^. *"! ^. R ^. ^. ^ ""1 '^. f^ *^ "^ ^> ^> ''I ""1 ""1 '^. 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September 30, 1909 . . . 1909 , c a- c _ o c o to d 2 lo" s< *r 1^ :3 3 ^ a a '^ Q. -2 > o o S^ S 5> 5 2 -2 -b t- 43 (N (N IM t! r -2 -5 ^ ^ ^ -^ ^ s a a a " S - i 03 c3 a^ rH 05 O o o >* moo lO TJH CD IC O o O IC 00 o o 00 (M CD o o o i-J o 0> TjJ t^ o CO d d d d d N.' CO .-I d d d d CO 00 t^ Ol Tt* O r-l CO o CD CD 00 CO CD_ rH (N t^ lO -* IN t^ O 00 t^ lO CO 00 1 1 * t> t^ 1> 00 (N ^ CO <=> 2 02 05 05 o> o O 05 ii 05 OS ^< ;ii 05 03 Oi C35 a ^ M (-1 03 rt a ^ Oj'^^i' CS Wh '-''-^leHleH r ,r .- . 3 3 b -5 t-5 >-5 1-5 <1 < O U (U -J o 0:2; p ^H PI PI o o Eh H CMCOTtfiCCOl>OOOiO lCC0t^00a>O'-HrH(MiMC0C0TjH->*OiCCOt^0005O'-irH,-H rH.-i,-iT-.r-HCM(N H OS g I g ^ Q g ^ g rt O O W H OJ 22 Ci 1^ (N o N ifl t>i (M (M iC 2 o CC o o (N (N kO O Hi t>i o 8 K) OC o i> c t> K * (N <* 03 t^ 9 ^ o t- C IM K C ^ a c cc lO D IC (N iC w IM CO OC o- 00 o t> cc o OO tc (N (N CO CC o- IC C^ U5 05 (35 00 c IC C< C b- (N c : ;^ ^ 3 (N OS CO 00 OC c CO CO c OC c>; !> CO IC IC IN c Tt 0 t> CO o c IC " cc o tr. t-- c< C <* ' c " b- " OC " (N , " o lO rH o cc OC ' IC (> co" eo C^ IC " CC " CC CO lO o iH 1 t-. OC g 1 1 t -2 a 1 t s c o <= c - CT t- C c t 1 1 1 OC s > a: OC s _> 2 'J 1. a a 0. > c > >- - > > 1- o: X 1 1 CT P 4 1 o 3 O fc 1- 1 a. c C ec 00 i January, 191 December, 1! February, 19 March, 1910 April, 1910. . May, 1910. . if ,. c^ c*" ''t : N OC OC o- ? ^ 2? * ^ fc 2? w CO g ? 1 S Tf C< ec ;* 15 cc lO (N(N(NC '-i(N'-tOCOTjH(M>00 iCl^OOiOG005-HD(N(N05COTt O (N eO_ CO iO_ UO (N .__ TJH_ t-.__ TjH_ CD lO q_ N " -h" ci" o" o id GC ci' i-d co" S2 lO N. +J o "' C3 05 05 03 ;-J CO CO CO CO g ^ QJ ^ o fo o o o . 00 o o CO CJ c^ +^ " 5 is O 01 -5 fa ^ a 00 00 o o s 2 2 <; t-5 H-, - Ci S o t^ 'I' .QOOiOi-Hi-(.-l pi^ pq CO CO CO Tt< C^CO'<*iOCOt^00050'-i(MCO-^iOOl^OC ^^ fa O --I --H (N (N r-1 5 "o fa fa fa U ^ ^ bC ?^ yi y' M M ^ bu bU bC bO bC bdD U bU ooaaooooovvoouvuvioooox Hp:^tfrtrtfaHfa p^p5p:5P5tfp^P:;p^p:;p^e:;P^PitftfHfap5W 2 24 I "t CO o oc GO 05 >-i r- r^ CD o o CO C5 "3 * <*< t^ CO t^ >iH_ lO Ci_ CO CD o cT t^OOOGOCDOOCO'-i'-Ht^OOlN ^CDOfMOfOfNCOiOCDiOO OTjiOOO'OOCOOCDt^'-llM'-lOO C5COCO'-l.-l05CD(MiOO o S 2 o o '^ 2 '^ '^ -^ < < >4 2 2 o ^ ;:; 2 2 c o O 01 ^ Q "!_ 2 "^ "^ S ^ S 2 ^' ^- 2 1 S 2 3 S ^^ >; b^ 2 oi o B ?^ 5 fc H C -5 <5 c O-H I? 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O t> f^ J H Q 5 W t5 g 05005(N-*'-l(NOOlCi-ICOr-l05(N'-l.-IOOOOCJ CDCOCO'-i00t^'-(CO>-OcOC^00CO-* " TjT fo" CO o o o" i> -"-T tC oi" (N oiocot^oocr50 (Ncocofococof0focococorococo-.0005O'-l < ^ H 1 P P Ui S 29 lOt^OCii-HCOOCih-iCINTjH o O o SS ^s O5TjH(N'-ifO-<0000iO-* iQ (N (N Tf CD O 05 < CD 00 00 IN r^ (N CO rf GO" t^ I 1 lO (N' O500t>t^'*lM00^ < t.. ^^o;gQ^^S^S (N g^ ^ (N 00050 (4 (_ ki 11 a 333333333333S22223 3 3 3 3 p^p^tfP^rttfrtpHPHrt H 2 w ^ o a Z P w u w . 7 !>* O CO iOCCiiOi-HrJ<_OOC500C500CC (N o i-o i^ o rH c of ^'" ^ (Mr^iot^oot^ooooii-i . IN ^ (32 (N - >: s -s - !" g (N iM M rt r-l 3 2 2 ; . 2 2 2 S5 ^- -S ^-' Q 4? f^ ^ -< ^ ^ t^ <^ c^ O ^ ^ Pn S << ^ ^ S Q ^ ^ ^ o1 S ^^ ^ OOOiO sS :e cj 3 3 3 c3 c^ rt c3 >-l Li (^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 UJ (,\J W^ WJ l.'.J WU bfibObbObOb0^b(l&jD&{)bOb()b()bCb0^bb(] c3_2^ rt cSj3 rt eS^ c3_^ 03^ 333'3333'33'3333 b w S f^ PS w S ^ H 3 r ^ P5 c^ 31 it 6^ u 1 o <* CO ^ Tt< t> ro o o Tj* ^ O N lO o o o IN CO O o o o C-l s (N 05 o (N 05 o i-O t^ 05 o 05 i t-l t-l ^ ^ CO ^ d 00 t>. ec * CO l>. CO o (N o CO OS IM . t^ t^ o "^ to .-1 00 CO rt< CO T}< CM CO_ o CO Tj< (N ^ O ^ J-l CO t-t l^ t>r (N 00 ^ i U5 o 1 OJ lO" co" Tir uS 05 <*< 00 * t^ 00 t* ^ 00 CD OS O t^ t^ CO "* * CO (N (N 03 c3 c3 3 3' g< o o .S .g .5 b s ^ M ^ lO ;S t^ 00 C5 O 0) rt rt rt I I H Pi O H H '^ ^ u t-J -< o W Cl< TJ( o a H a t3 M m < CO g g H O O ^ Ph Pt* o 33 The Roman figures under the column ''Certified Under" refer to article numbers in the construction contracts. Article XI covers work susceptible of classification which is certified to under the regular estimates at the regular unit prices. Article XII covers work not susceptible of classification for which special estimates are made. The words ''regular" and "extra" are used (in the column "Certified Under") in the case of the older construction contracts. These were let on terms different from the newer ones in that the contract was for a lump sum subject to modification as in the respective contracts provided. "Regular" refers to payments made of the lump sum value of the contract and the monthly payments are made relative to the said contract value of the entire work. "Extra" refers to payments made for the work done under modification of the respective contracts. All "regular" estimates and esti- mates for "extra" work submitted regularly (the older con- struction contracts) are included in the determination as ac- cruing on the last day of the month which they cover. Special estimates covering scattered work prosecuted at various times are considered as having accrued on the date on which the esti- mate is certified. The detailed plans for construction of some of the older sec- tion contracts provide for pipe galleries, and separate contracts for such galleries accompanied the contracts for construction of the railroad. The definition of construction covers the restora- tion and reconstruction of street surfaces, sewers and of surface, subsurface and overhead and abutting structures interfered with in the building of the railroad, and all other work to be done or materials to be furnished of every nature whatsoever, necessary to the completion of the railroad structure (Chapter II of said construction contract). The cost of pipe galleries does not come within this definition and is therefore not included in the deter- mination. Real estate. "Real estate" means, as represented by the amounts which have entered into this determina- tion, the disbursements as reported by the Auditor of the Public Service Commission, covering the following necessary expendi- tures in the acquisition of properties, easements, and leases : Compensation of Commissioners of appraisal, consulting engineers, experts of appraisal of lands, buildings, machinery, etc. ; clerical, stenographic and photographic services rendered to 34 the commissioners of appraisal, printing and supplies for the same; advertising of notices of the several authorities; fees for examining and insuring titles; payments and awards together with the credit of proceeds from the rental and sales of buildings and lands. As in the case of labor and materials, a certain amount of sub- division is desirable and is given in the following tabulation: (2) Real estate represented by City's expense as included in this determination for the Cost of Construction for the period prior to March 19, 1913, is as follows : 35 1-1 eo o CD ??SS^ i "' ?5 u B ^. ^ OJ c^ d U3 t> 05 lO b- Ci CD 00 lO IN IN ^ <1 00 e o n o w Ph M 36 City's expenses The City's expenses for superintendence, for superintendence, etc., means, as represented by the amounts which have entered into this determination a portion of the payroll of the Engineering Department, determined partly from the time records as being chargeable to cost of con- struction and partly from other information available in the files of the Chief Engineer's office; also a portion of the payrolls of the Secretary's office and the other departments of the Com- mission, estimated as being chargeable to this work; also employes' disbursements; stationery, supplies and printing; rental; tele- phone and telegraph ; furniture and fixtures; instrument supplies; maps, plans, prints and photo supplies, etc. It includes also the cost of test borings. A proportion of these disbursements other than salaries was charged to the several lines on the basis of the salary charges. Besides the expenditures mentioned in the preceding paragraph as made by the Public Service Commission there has been added the value of the work done by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners prior to July 1st, 1907, so far as such work has been incorporated in the Dual System. This work consists of base lines, bench levels, surface topography (field and office work), sub-surface topography including cross-sections (field and office work), test borings, administrative and legal expenses, rent, supplies, etc. It includes designs for the Centre Street Loop and the Fourth Avenue Brooklyn Subway. The expenditures by the Public Service Commission during the years 1907 to 1910 inclusive were for the most part taken from the records made for the purpose of the legislative report known as the Carlisle investigation. Of the Tri-Borough Route there reported, 29 per cent, is incorporated in the Broadway- Fourth Avenue Line. The Brooklyn Loop Line and the Fourth Avenue subway were taken in their entirety. To these costs has been added a proper percentage of rent, supplies, of the Engineering Department and of administrative and legal ex- penses, etc. For the year 1911 the charges to each line were arrived at by estimation. During the year 1912, from January to May inclusive, the charges of the Engineering Department to the respective lines were arrived at by estimation; for June to December inclusive the charges are the result of records made up from time reports as to the field divisions and from partial time reports as to the 37 designs division. An estimated amount was added for the Legal and other departments of the Commission. For the year 1913 up to March 18th same conditions ruled as for June to December, 1912. Although the item for the Reconstruction of Existing Railroads (IV) is not specifically included in ''City's Expenses for Super- intendence, etc./' under the Cost of Construction of the Railroad, its determination is provided for in Article XIII of Contract 4. Interest on moneys Interest on moneys provided by the provided by the City. City has been computed in four parts : First, interest actually paid on corporate stock and notes, less credit of interest on bank balances; Second, interest computed on corporate stock interest ''deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock"; Third, interest on City's expenses for superintendence, etc., "deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock"; Fourth, credit of interest computed on proceeds received from the sale and from the use of real estate, "deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock." The interest actually paid on corporate stock has been reported to the Public Service Commission by the Comptroller in a statement under date of September 30th, 1913, which gives details of moneys provided for the Centre Street Loop Lines, for the Fourth Avenue subway and for the Broadway-Lexington Avenue Route. This statement gives the amounts provided by notes prior to the sale of corporate stock and that provided by the sale of corporate stock with the dates thereof, the total interest payable at the several interest dates and the credit of interest on bank balances, also the allotments as the money was used. It was necessary to divide the interest of the Broadway- Lexington Avenue Route into three portions; First, That portion embodied in the Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line ; Second, That por- tion included in the Lexington Avenue branch of the Seventh Ave- nue-Lexington Avenue Line; Third, That portion involved by con- tract section 6 of Route 5, which is not a part of the Dual System. To do this the following assumption was made. The interest on the total of the allotted amounts at each interest date was divided on the basis of the total monthly estimates to each respective date. The following are the ratios used: 38 To To To To Mar. 1, Sept. 1, Mar. 1, Mar. 18, Line 1912 1912 1913 1913 Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Broadway - Fourth Avenue 0.33 15.79 24.31 24.31 Lexington Avenue Branch 81.91 79.57 73.74 73.74 Ehminated 17.76 4.64 1.95 1.95 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Interest on unallotted amounts was assumed to be chargeable proportionately to the sum of the contract value of each contract section, divided by the number of months required to complete, giving the following ratios; applied up to June 1st, 1912: Per Cent. Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line 15.93 Lexington Avenue Branch 72 . 37 Eliminated 11.70 100.00 For the period subsequent to June 1st, 1912, we get Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line 18 . 05 Lexington Avenue Branch 81 . 95 Eliminated 100.00 Before applying these ratios the interest chargeable on ex- penditures for real estate was deducted. The application of the above ratios gives an interest charge to the Broadway- Fourth Avenue Line, as follows: Broadway Portion of Broadway-Lexington Avenue Route, Corporate Stock Interest TO March 19, 1913. Corporate Stock Interest actually paid or accrued . . $68,347 . 83 Interest on same at 4i per cent 524 . 57 Total Interest Chargeable to Cost of Con- struction $68,872.40 39 It was necessary to reduce the interest reported by the Comp- troller as paid on account of the Centre Street Loop Lines by an amount chargeable to the construction of pipe galleries. To do this the ratio of expenditures to March 19th on pipe galleries to the total expenditures on railroad and pipe galleries was applied to the total interest charge. The ratio was 1.92 per cent. Before applying this ratio deduction was made of the interest computed on payments made for real estate. The following table shows the correction: Center Street Loop-^Interest to March 19, 1913 Corporate stock interest actually paid or ac- crued $1,744,306.50 Interest on same at 4} per cent 139,556.87 $1,883,863.37 Interest on Real Estate ($2,991,062.55) (compounded) at 4i per cent. . . . 290,253.26 $290,253.26 $1,593,610.11 Deduct 1 . 20 per cent, for pipe galleries 19,123 . 32 1,574,486.79 Total Interest on Railroad and Real Estate $1,864,740.05 Credit Interest on Proceeds from Real Estate ($753,775.04) at 4| per cent 75,748.33 Total Interest Chargeable to Cost of Con- struction $1,788,991 .72 40 The same was the case with the Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, subway. The ratio in this case was 1 . 20 per cent. The following table shows the correction: Fourth Avenue Subway Interest to March 19, 1913. Corporate Stock Interest actually paid or ac- crued $1,124,399.87 Interest on same at 4| per cent 43,023.45 $1,167,423.32 ^ Interest on Real Estate ($386,297.69) (compounded) at 4 J per cent 25,831.09 $25,831.09 Net interest chargeable to Railroad and pipe galleries $1,141,592.23 Deduct 1.92 per cent, for pipe gal- leries 21,918.57 1,119,673.66 Total Interest on Railroad and Real Estate $1,145,504.75 Credit Interest on Proceeds from Real Estate ($15,836.61) at 4i per cent 1,580.56 Net Interest Chargeable to Cost of Construction.$l, 143,924. 19 Moneys provided by other than corporate stock or corporate stock notes is "deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock or other long term interest bearing securities." The ruling rate from 1910 to date has been 4i per cent. The rate of interest on corporate stock sold prior to 1910 averaged very close to 4i per cent., and the same rate of 4i per cent, therefore has been applied to all disbursements. Inasmuch as the exact date of the disbursements for City's expenses for superintendence on which interest has been computed is not known, it has been assumed that the expenditures for six months, as July 1st to December 31st inclusive, were made at the middle day of the period, that is, September 30th, and interest has been computed from such date. A summary of all interest on moneys provided by the City follows : 41 -3 cj cS a> 5r! (-C 'C -S -2 ^ y_ (U M O - O o (M t^ -O i-O fO CO o ro t^ lO o lO o o ^' i> t^ o ci lO t^ 2 -o o 00 t>- * o r-l o ro ^ ^. n o o -ij rt E 03 o a ft ft g S ^* i^i^ CO lO CO lO CO 00 00 d (N T-t TJH 00 rH Cft t^ iC cT ^" lO" rs" .-H N ^ m o fo -r *? "^ N ^J S i -1 q. '-^ ^ - C3 > t, 23 a o ;n 2 s- 2 ^ O 20 i ^ III 7! O V -a Ji K P^ pq ^ W is OS .2 So ? l-g 2 o o- O W ^s S o o t3 '^ a : O ffi ft i^ : 1 1* I r" rt o a i ^- .^ o S o o O < :g S I S-S i 1 ^- .1 O g 03 44 This understanding is subject to modification by me at any- time that the facts indicate it should be modified. It covers all of the work provided to be done by the New York Municipal Railway Corporation under Contract No. 4 and the related certi- ficates, including their contribution to the City's Railroads. The amounts appearing in this determination as Lessee 's con- tribution to the cost of construction and of cost of equipment are all of them the result of the application of the above men- tioned percentage distribution. Debt discount All of the expenditures to cost of construc- and expense. tion items (3) Debt discount and expense,! (5) Lessee's expense of superintendence, (6) Taxes; Lessee 's and to cost of equipment items (3) Debt discount expense for and expense, (4) Superintendence, etc., (5) superintend- Taxes, are represented by a bill for ''expendi- ence, etc. tures between February, 1911, and March 19, 1913, in and about rapid transit matters culmin- Taxes. ating in the contracts dated March 19, 1913, be- tween the City of New York, by the Public Ser- vice Commission for the First District and the New York ]\Tuni- cipal Railway Corporation said expenditures being represented by vouchers submitted for inspection and examination and cover- ing preliminary enginering, legal and administrative disburse- ments, organization of the New York Municipal Railway Cor- poration, printing, advertising, engraving, certification of secur- ities, etc., etc., but not including interest on moneys provided" for the amount of $217,114.00, which gives the following details ; 45 O CO O O 5 OS O 0> 05 00 O CO Is 8 I iH 5 - if w O =3 S^S s O O 00 C<3 lO CO W C T-l f-l O Q d, S S to CQ 3 JE pq c K 6 S =4 S 2^ a > CJ fl O Ih ^ q; tH ^ k^ ?! Ph : CC (1( Ph l<5 46 The full amount of this bill was distributed in accordance with the understanding after having been investigated by the Commission's Bureau of Statistics. Of the ''Organization" charges $1,000.00 is entered under contract and certificate item ''Taxes/' the remainder under "Superintendence, etc." Of the "Other Intangible Capital" (including administrative salaries, legal expenses, miscellaneous), and of engineering and superin- tendence, the full amount is entered under "Superintendence, etc." Of the "Right of Way" the full amount is entered under "Real estate" and of "unamortized debt discount and ex- penses" the full amount is entered under "Debt discount and expense." 47 Interest. All of the expenditures to Lessee's contribu- tion to cost of construction item (7) Interest, and to cost of equipment item (6) Interest, in this determination are represented by a bill presented by the New York Municipal Rail- way Corporation as f oIIoays : ''85 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y., March 19, 1913. New York Municipal Railway Corporation, To BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY, Dr. Comptroller's Bill re. Month Mar., 1913. 6% interest paid on $40,000,000.00 par value 6 year 5% notes sold for your account pursuant to agree- ment of October 1, 1912, to equal 6% per annum basis ^2,400,000.00 Discount 409,200.00 Net Interest Payment ! $1,990,800.00 Interest paid on $40,000,000.00 par value notes October 1, 1912, to December 31, 1912. 500,000.00 Less 3% on balances 287,380.00 212,619.20 Interest accrued on $40,000,000.00 par value notes January 1, 1913, to March 19, 1913.. . 433,333.33 Less 3% on balances 241,253.73 192,079.60 Interest on amount ($212,619.20) ad- vanced December 31, 1913, to pay January 1, 1913, Interest on notes to March 19, 1913 2,799.49 $2,398,298.29 This bill was before the Commission and was acted on by them under date of June 30, 1913, in the following resolution : "Resolved, That the said item of $2,398,298.29, being the amount incurred by Brooklyn Rapid Transit Com- pany in behalf of New York Municipal Railway Corpora- tion as set forth in the above bill, be and it hereby is deemed to be interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys paid by New York Municipal Railway Corporation or on its behalf from time to time prior to March 19, 1913, within the term 'interest,' as the same is defined in subdivision 7 of paragraph 14 and subdivision 6 of paragraph 15 of contract between tlie City of New York, by the Public Service Commission for the First District, with New York Municipal Railway Corporation, upon the express stipulation and condition that there shall be deducted from the cost of construction and from the cost of equipment an amount equal to one per cent (1%) per annum, payable semi-annually upon the cost of such construction and equipment, computed from the date when said construction or equipment is placed in operation to July 1, 1918." The amount of this bill has been distributed in accordance with the said understanding. 49 UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS The details of the Costs hereinbefore set forth should be classified in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts prescribed for street and electric railways by the Public Service Commission in its order of December 8, 1908, as follows: For the Railroad. The Cost of Construction is as follows : Lessee 's City's Share. Contribution. Intangihle Street Railway Capital: Organization S398.45 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 29,377.84 Land : Right of Way $2,607,748.59 Road and Electric Line: Tunnels 25,352,089.24 54,261.63 Undistrihuted Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. . 1,920,437.46 16,544.77 Law expenditures during construc- tion 106,639.47 Interest during construction 3,291,182.86 599,574.57 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 199,224.32 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and ex- pense 7,845.04 Totals 133,477,321.94 $708,002.30 Total Cost of Construction $34,185,324.24 The Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation: Intangihle Street Railway Capital: Organization $478.14 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 35,253.40 Undistrihuted Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 19,853.73 Interest during construction 719,489.50 Suspense: Unamortized debt discount and expense 9,414.05 Total Cost of Equipment $784,488.82 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $34,969,813.06 50 These costs under the Uniform System of Accounts are for each hne of the Railroads, as follows: BROADWAY-FOURTH AVENUE LINE Lessee's ^'CosT OF Construction": City's Share. Contribution. Intangible Street Bailway Capital: Organization $318.76 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 23,502.27 Land: Right of Way $2,607,748.59 . Road and Electric Line: Tunnels 25,352,089.24 54,261.63 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. 1,884,811.68 13,235.82 Law expenditures during con- struction 99,263.70 Interest during construction 3,286,756.62 479,659.66 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 179,942.63 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 6,276.03 Totals $33,410,612.46 $577,254.17 Total Cost of Construction $33,987,866.63 ''Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation": Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $358.61 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 26,440.05 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. 14,890.30 Interest during construction 539,617.12 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 7,060.53 Total Cost of Equipment $588,366.61 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $34,576,233. 24 51 CULVER LINE ''Cost of Construction." Lessee 's City's Share. Contribution. Intangible Street Bailivay Capital: Organization $19.92 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,468.89 Undistrib utecl Construction Expenditures : Engineering and Superintendence. $6,262.50 827.24 Law expenditures during con- struction 1,125.17 Interest during construction. ..... 419.37 29,978.73 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 4,137.66 Suspense: Unamortized debt discount and expense 392.25 Totals $11,944.70 $32,687.03 Total Cost of Construction $44,631.73 "Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation": Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $71.72 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 5,288.01 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 2,978.06 Interest during construction 107,923.43 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 1,412.11 Total Cost of Equipment $117,673.33 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. . .$162,305.06 52 14th STREET-EASTERN LINE ''Cost of Construction": Lessee 's City 's Share. Contribution. Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $59.77 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 4,406.68 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. $24,399.36 2,481.71 Law expenditures during con- struction 4,243.90 Interest during construction 3,671.76 89,936.18 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 11,553.12 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 1,176.76 Totals $43,868.14 $98,061.10 Total Cost of Construction $141,929.24 "Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation": Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $47.81 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 3,525.34 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 1,985.37 Interest during construction 71,948.95 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 941.41 Total cost of Equipment $78,448.88 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. . .$220,378.12 53 CITY'S SUPERINTENDENCE ON CERTIFICATE LINES AND ON RECONSTRUCTION OF EXISTING RAILROADS *'CosT OF Construction": Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence $4,963.92 Law expenditures during construction 2,006.70 Interest during construction." 335.11 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 3,590.91 Total Cost of Construction . $10,896.64 Pursuant to Article II, Subdivision 14, Item (4), City's ex- pense for superintendence ' ' in and about the plant and property constructed and provided under the certificates for extensions and additional tracks hereinbefore referred to" is included in ''Cost of Construction." The City's superintendence on Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation has also been included. Dated New York, October 14, 1913. Alfred Craven, Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District. In the Matter OP THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District under the contract, dated March 19, 1913, between the City of New York, acting by the Pub- lic Service Commission for the First District, and New York Municipal Railway Corporation, of the cost of Reconstruction of Existing Railroads, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination ''Reconstruction op Existing Railroads. ' ' October 14, 1913. L I To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Railvjay Corporation: Pursuant to the provision of the contract dated IMarch 19, 1913, between the City of New York, acting by the Public Ser- vice Commission for the First District, and the New York Muni- cipal Railway Corporation, known as Contract No. 4, and in accordance with the terms of Article XIII, I hereby render my determination of the Cost of Reconstruction of Existiiig Rail- roads for Initial Operation for the period prior to March 19, 1913. Said Article XIII requires that the Cost of the Reconstruc- tion of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation shall be deter- mined by the Engineer in the same manner as the Cost of Con- struction or the Cost of Equipment of the Railroad and upon the basis of the definitions of Construction, Equipment, Addi- tions, Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment * * *." Therefore the Cost of the Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation would seem to include as to Construction thereof : (1) Labor and materials (2) Real estate (3) Debt discount and expense $4,707.02 (4) City's expense for superinten- dence, etc * (5) Lessee's expense for superinten- dence, etc 27,642.63 (6) Taxes 150.00 (7) Interest 359,744.74 ^ Total $392,244.39 Hknd as to Equipment thereof: Hp (1) Labor and materials m (2) Real estate B (3) Debt, discount and expense $1,569.01 (4) Superintendence, etc 9,214.21 (5) Taxes 50.00 B (6) Interest 119,914.91 ' Total $130,748.13 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. .$522,992.52 * City's Expense for Superintendence, etc., has been included in Cost of Construction of the Raih'oad. 3 Each' of these parts of the Cost of Construction and of Equip- ment of the Eeconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation is taken up hereafter in its order. They are shown as applied to the several portions, or lines, of the Existing Rail- roads, and represent actual expenditures chargeable to the respec- tive lines. It is necessary to keep the costs separate as to parts of the Existing Railroads in order to provide a basis for comput- ing deductions from revenue in the case of temporary operation (Article XLIX, Subdivision'?). The records of costs, from which this determination is made, are kept in such detail that the cost of any principal part of the Existing Railroads may be identified so that in case of its retirement or withdrawal from service, the said cost may be with- drawn from the appropriate depreciation fund as provided under Article XLIX, Subdivision 5. For this determination the only charges are of an executive and administrative nature. The Uniform System of Accounts as prescribed by the Public Service Commission is followed for this purpose. When there are expenditures of an executive and administra- tive nature it is impossible to allocate them to specific construction. Such expenditures made by the New York Municipal Railway Corporation I have distributed among the several lines affected in each particular case on the basis of relative estimated costs. The percentages used are given in a tabulation which represents the understanding with respect thereto between representatives of New York Municipal Railway Corporation and myself. This understanding covers all of the work provided to be done by the New York Municipal Railway Corporation under Contract No. 4 and the related certificates including their contribution to the City's Railroad, and its terms are stated in my determination of Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment of the Railroad, made under this Contract No. 4. It is subject to modification by me at any time that the facts indicate that it should be modified. The application of this percentage distribution accounts for all of the items herein reported. COST OF CONSTRUCTION Debt discount ''(3) The debt discount and expense and expense, in connection with Construction, provided, however, that the debt discount and ex- pense (except in case of Additions) shall not exceed an amount equal to three per centum (3%) of the part of the cost of construction borne by the Lessee, including the cost under this paragraph (3). The cost of (3) Debt discount and expense for the respective portions of the Eeconstruction of Existing Railroads is as follows: (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St.. . . $470.70 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Nep- tune Av. and Coney Island term. 470.70 (III) Sea Beach Line. . /. 1,176.76 (IV) Myrtle Avenue and Broadway Connection 235.35 (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 235.35 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (Vril) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 1,176.76 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops. . . 941.40 Total cost for debt discount and expense pursuant to the Con- tract prior to March 19, 1913. $4,707.02 Lessee's expense " {^) The actual and necessary net forsuperin- cost in money to the Lessee for super- tendence, etc. intendence, insurance, damages, admin- istration, engineering and legal ex- penses in and about Construction including in respect of the cost of construction for initial operation the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and neces- sarily incurred or payable by the Lessee in and about Construction prior to the date of this contract and in addition the actual and necessary expense incurred or payable by the Lessee in printing, engraving and certify- ing securities for Construction and the actual and neces- sary expense in organizing the Lessee. ' ' The cost of (5) Lessee's expense for superintendence, etc., for the re- spective portions of the Reconstruction of Existing Railroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $2,764.26 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island term. 2,764.26 (III) Sea Beach Line 6,910.66 (IV) ]\Iyrtle Av. and B'way Connection 1,382.13 (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 1,382.13 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canaraie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 6,910.67 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops.. 5,528.52 Total cost for Lessee's expense for superintendence, etc., pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $27,642.63 Taxes. "(6) Taxes, assessments or other govern- mental charges (including mortgage record- ing tax) of every description against the Lessee actually and necessarily paid or accrued in and about Construction pending the beginning of operation of the part of the Railroad as to which such taxes, assessments or other governmental charges were paid or accrued. During op- eration such assessments for benefits as are not properly chargeable against revenue shall be charged to cost of construction. ' ' The cost of (6) Taxes for the respective portions of the Reconstruction of Existing Railroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $15.00 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island term. 15.00 (III) Sea Beach Line 37.50 (IV) Myrtle Av. and B'way Connection 7.50 (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 7.50 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 37.50 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops.. 30.00 Total cost for Taxes pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $150.00 Interest. " (1) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided by the City or by the Lessee or on its behalf from time to time for the items of this definition from the respective times of pro- viding said moneys (but not including interest on any moneys provided by the Lessee or on its behalf prior to October 1, 1912) to the beginning of operation of the part of the Railroad for which such moneys were pro- vided, less any interest received by the City or by the Lessee or on behalf of the Lessee on such moneys." The cost of (7) Interest for the respective portions of the Reconstruc- tion of Existing Railroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $35,974.48 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island term. 35,974.48 (III) Sea Beach Line 89,936.18 (IV) Myrtle Av. and B'way Connection 17,987.23 (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 17,987.23 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 89,936.19 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops.. 71,948.95 Total cost for Interest pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $359,744.74 I COST OF EQUIPMENT Debt discount "(3) The debt discount and expense and expense. in connection with Equipment, provided, however, that the debt discount and ex- pense (except in case of Additions) shall not exceed an amount equalto three per centum (3%) of the cost of equipment for initial operation, including the cost under this paragraph (3). The cost of (3) Debt discount and expense for the respective portions of the Equipment of the Reconstruction of Existing Railroads is as follows: (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $78.45 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island term. 235.35 (III) Sea Beach Line. /. 235.35 (IV) Myrtle Av. and B'way Connection (Y) Lutheran Cemetery Line 78.45 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 156.90 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops.. 156.90 (XIV) Car Equipment 627.61 Total cost for Debt discount and ex- pense pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $1,569.01 Superintend- ''(4) The actual and necessary net ence, etc. cost in money to the Lessee for superin- tendence, insvirance_j damages, adminis- tration, engineering and legal expenses in and about the provision of the Equipment, including in respect of the cost of equipment for initial operation the ex- penses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the Lessee in and about Equipment prior to the date of this contract, and in ad- dition the actual and necessary expense incurred or pay- able by the Lessee in printing, engraving and certifying securities for Equipment and the actual and necessary expense in organizing the Lessee." The cost of (4) Lessee's expense for superintendence, etc., for the re- spective portions of the Reconstruction of Existing Railroads is as follows : ; (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $460.72 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Avenue and Coney Island terminal 1,382.12 (III) Sea Beach Line 1,382.12 (IV) Myrtle Av. and B'way Connection. (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 460.72 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 921.42 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops.. 921.43 (XIV) Car Equipment 3,685.68 Total cost for Lessee's expense for superintendence, etc., pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $9,214.21 10 Taxes. "(5) Taxes, assessments or other govern- mental charges (including mortgage recording tax) of every description against the Lessee actually and necessarily paid or accrued in and about the provision of the Equipment pending the time when the portions of the Equipment as to which such taxes, assessments or other governmental charges were paid or accrued are placed in operation. During operation such assessments for benefits as are not properly chargeable against revenue shall be charged to cost of equipment." The cost of (5) Taxes for the respective portions of the Reconstruction of Existing Railroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $2.50 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island term. 7.50 (III) Sea Beach Line 7.50 (IV) Myrtle Av. and B 'way Connection. (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 2.50 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops.. 5.00 (XIV) Car Equipment 20.00 Total cost for taxes pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $50.00 Interest. '' (6) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided by the Lessee or on its behalf from time to time for the items of this definition from the respective times of providing said moneys (but not including interest on any moneys pro- vided by the Lessee or on its behalf prior to October 1, 11 1912) to the beginning of operation of the part of the Equipment for which such moneys were provided, less any interest received by the Lessee or on its behalf on such moneys. ' ' The cost of (6) Interest for the respective portions of the Reconstruction of Existing Eailroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, betw^een Church Av. and Malbone St $5,995.75 (II) Brighton Beach Line,, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island term. 17,987.28 (III) Sea Beach Line 17,987.23 (IV) Myrtle Av. and B'way Connection (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 5,995.75 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 11,991.49 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops.. 11,991.49 (XIV) Car Equipment 47,965.97 Total cost for Interest pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $119,914.91 APPENDIX EXPLANATORY OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION Debt discount and expense. In the determination of Cost of Construction and Cost of Equip- Lessee's expense for ment of the Railroad for Initial superintendence. Operation made under this same date, Character and division of the Taxes. expenditures by the Lessee prior to March 19, 1913, are fully explained Interest. and reference is hereby made to them to identify the entries herein. 12 UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS The details of the Costs hereinbefore set forth should be classified in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts prescribed for street and electric railways by the Public Service Commission in its order of December 8, 1908, as follows: For the Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation. The Cost of Construction is as follows : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $239.07 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 17,626.70 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 9,926.86 Interest during construction 359,744.74 Suspense: Unamortized debt discount and expense 4,707.02 Total Cost of Construction $392,244.39 The Cost of Equipment is as follows : Intangible Street Railwau Capital: Organization $79.69 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 5,875.57 Undistributed Construct io n Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 3,308.95 Interest during construction 119,914.91 Suspense-: Unamortized debt discount and expense 1,569.01 Total Cost of Equipment $130,748.13 Total Cost of Reconstruction of Exist- ing Railroads for Initial Operation to March 19, 1913 $522,992.52 13 These costs under the Uniform System of Accounts are for each portion of the Existing Railroads, as follows: BRIGHTON BEACH LINE, BETWEEN CHURCH AV. AND MALBONE ST. Cost of Construction : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $23.91 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,762.67 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 992.68 Interest during construction 35,974.48 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 470.70 Total Cost of Construction $39,224.44 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $3.99 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 293.78 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 165.45 Interest during construction 5,995.75 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 78.45 Total Cost of Equipment $6,537.42 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $45,761.86 14 BRIGHTON BEACH LINE, BETWEEN NEPTUNE AV. AND CONEY ISLAND TERMINAL Cost of Construction: Intangible Street Railivay Capital: Organization $23.91 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,762.67 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 992.68 Interest during construction 35,974.48 S^ispense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 470.70 Total cost of Construction $39,224.44 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $11.95 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 881.33 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 496.34 Interest during construction 17,987.23 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 235.35 Total cost of Equipment $19,612.20 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $58,836.64 15 SEA BEACH LINE Cost of Construction: Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $59.77 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 4,406.67 TJndistrihuted Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 2,481.72 Interest during construction 89,936.18 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 1,176.76 Total cost of Construction $98,081.10 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $11.95 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 881.33 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 496.34 Interest during construction 17,987.23 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 235.35 Total cost of Equipment $19,612.20 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $117,673.30 16 MYRTLE AVENUE AND BROADWAY CONNECTION Cost of Construction: Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $11.95 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 881.34 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 496.34 Interest during construction 17,987.23 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 235.35 Total cost of Construction $19,612.21 Cost of Equipment : Note. There have been no expendi- tures on this account. Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $19,612.21 17 LUTHERAN CEMETERY LINE Cost of Construction: Intangible Street Raihvay Capital: Organization $11.95 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 881.33 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 496.35 Interest during construction 17,987.23 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 235.35 Total cost of Construction $19,612.21 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $3.99 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 293.78 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 165.45 Interest during construction 5,995.75 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 78.45 Total cost of Equipment $6,537.42 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $26,149.63 18 CONEY ISLAND TERMINAL Cost of Construction : Intangible Street Bailway Capital: Organization $59.77 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 4,406.68 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 2,481.72 Interest during construction 89,936.19 Suspense : LTnamortized debt discount and expense 1,176.76 Total cost of Construction $98,06L12 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $7.97 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 587.56 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 330.89 Interest during construction 11,991.49 Suspense : LTnamortized debt discount and expense 156.90 Total cost of Equipment $13,074.81 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $111,135.93 19 TERMINALS, SHOPS AND YARDS Cost of Construction: Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $47.81 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 3,525.34 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 1,985.37 Interest during construction 71,948.95 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 941.40 Total cost of Construction $78,448.87 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization 7.97 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 587.56 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 330.90 Interest during construction 11,991.49 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 156.90 Total cost of Equipment $13,074.82 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $91,523.69 20 CAR EQUIPMENT Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Baihvay Capital: Organization $31.87 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 2,350.23 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 1,323.58 Interest during construction . 47,965.97 Suspense : Unamortized debt discount and expense 627.61 Total cost of Equipment $52,299.26 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $52,299.26 Dated New York, October 14, 1913. Alfred Craven, Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District. 21 Vo. ^ In the Matter OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer . _, _ of the Public Service Commission for f ^^^^^ Determination the First District under the contract, I *' Railroad'* dated March 19, 1913, between the \ City of New York, acting by the Pub- / October 14, 1913. lie Service Commission for the First District, and Interborough Rapid Transit Company, of the cost of con- struction and cost of equipment of the Railroad paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. (^C^-t^a^-^ 3j I. R. T. E. D. Prior 1,500-0.' 13 (N) I In the IMatter OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District under the contract, dated March 19, 1913, between the City of New York, acting by the Pub- lic Service Commission for the First District, and Interborough Rapid Transit Company, of the cost of con- struction and cost of equipment of the Railroad paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination *' Railroad" October 14, 1913. To the Public Service Commission for the First District, and Interhorough Rapid Transit Company: Pursuant to the provisions of the contract dated March 19, 1913, between the City of New York acting by the Public Ser- vice Commission for the First District, and Interhorough Eapid Transit Company, known as Contract No. 3, and in accordance with the terms of Article XXIX thereof, I hereby render my determination of the Cost of Construction and Cost of Equip- ment of the Railroad, paid or accrued -prior to March 19, 1913. For the Railroad and the physical connections with the Exist- ing Railroads, for Initial Operation. The Cost of Construction (Article II, Subdivision 17), is as follows : (1) Labor and materials $6,679,178 . 09 (2) Real estate 264,750.39 (3) Debt discount and expense (4) City's expenses for superinten- dence, etc 1,261,353.07 (5) Lessee's expenses for superinten- dnece, etc 271,965.01 (6) Taxes (7) Interest 377,107.80 Total $8,854,354.36 The Cost of Equipment (Articles II, Subdivision 18), is as follows : (1) Labor and materials (2) Real estate (3) Debt discount and expense (4) Superintendence, etc $55,440.00 (5) Taxes (6) Interest Total $55,440.00 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment $8,909,794.36 3 Each of the seven parts of the Cost of Construction and the six parts of the Cost of Equipment is taken up hereafter in its order. They are shown as apphed to the several portions or lines, of the Railroad. The City's share and the Lessee's con- tribution to Cost of Construction are shown separately, and represent actual expenditures chargeable to the respective lines, and the sum of the City's share and the Lessee's contribution as tabulated above represents the actual and necessary cost. It is necessary to keep separate the City's share and the Lessee's contribution as to parts of the Railroad in order to provide a basis for computing deductions from revenue in the case of temporary operation (Article XLIX, Subdivision 7, and Article LII). It is also hecessary to separate the cost of con- struction and cost of equipment into lines of the Railroad to accord with the provisions of the contract relative to recaption. The records of cost, from which this determination is made, are kept in such detail that the cost of any principal part of the Railroad may be identified so that in case of its retirement or withdrawal from service, the said cost may be withdrawn from the appropriate depreciation fund as provided under Article XLIX, Subdivision 5. A summary of these records is given in an appendix. The Uniform System of Accounts as prescribed by the Public Service Commission is followed for this purpose. COST OF CONSTRUCTION Labor and '^ (1) The actual and necessary net materials. cost in money to the City (and the Lessee through its contribution, including the Steinway Tunnel at three million [$3,000,000] dollars, toward the cost of construction) of all labor and materials entering into Construction." The cost of (1) Labor and materials for such specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad is as follows : City's Lessee's Share Contribution Total (I) Seventh Ave. Lexington Ave. Line (a) Seventh Ave. Branch (b) L e X i n g - ton Avenue Branch $6,679,178.09 $6,679,178.09 (II) Eastern Park- way Line. . . (III) Steinway Tun- nel Line. . . . (IV) White Plains Road Line . . Total cost of labor and materials pursuant to the contract paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. $6,679,178.09 $6,679,178.09 (For details, see pp. 11 to 17 post.) 5 Real estate. *'(2) The actual and necessary net cost in money to the City (and the Lessee through its contribution, including the Steinway Tunnel at three milHon [$3,000,000] dollars, toward the cost of construction) of any real estate or interest therein here- after acquired or extinguished therefor or the reasonable value of any real estate or interest therein heretofore ac- quired and hereafter appropriated for the purpose of the Eailroad), including terminals, storage yards, and shops, together with the actual and necessary expense in connec- tion with such acquisition, extinction or appropriation, but there shall not be included in the term 'real estate or in- terest therein' any damages the City may have to pay for acquiring rights or easements for the Railroad in streets under the principles of the decision in Matter of Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners (Joralemon Street) 197 N. Y. 81. There shall be included, however, damages the City may have to pay for extinguishing rights of light, air and access in connection with the construction or opera- tion of the elevated portions of the Railroad. ' ' The cost of (2) Real Estate for such specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad, is as follows: City's Lessee's Share Contribution Total (I) Seventh Ave. Lexington Ave. Line (a) Seventh Ave. Branch (b) Lexing- ton Ave. Branch $264,750 . 39 $264,750 . 39 (II) Eastern Park- way Line . . . (III) Steinway Tun- nel Line. . . . (IV) White Plains Road Line. . Total cost for real estate pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $264,750 . 39 $264,750 . 39 1 (For details, see pp. 17 and 18 post.) 6 Lessee's ex- "(5) The actual and necessary net penses for cost in money to the Lessee for superinten- superinten- dence, insurance, damages, administra- dence, etc. tion, engineering and legal expenses in and about Construction, including in re- spect of the cost of construction for initial operation the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the Lessee in and about Construction prior to the date of this contract and in addi- tion the actual and necessary expense incurred or payable by the Lessee in printing, engraving and certifying securi- ties for Construction.*' The cost of (5) Lessee's expenses for superintendence, etc., in and about construction for the specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad is as follows : (I) Seventh Avenue-Lexington Avenue Line: (a) Seventh Avenue Branch $81,589.50 (b) Lexington Avenue Branch 108,786.01 (II) Eastern Parkway Line 40,794.75 (III) Steinway Tunnel Line 27,196.50 (IV) White Plains Road Line 13,598.25 Total cost for Lessee's expenses for superin- tendence, etc., pursuant to the contract paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. . $271,965.01 I (For details, see p. 20 post.) City's expenses ''(4) The actual and necessary for superinten- net cost in money to the City for dence, etc. superintendence, insurance, damages, engineering, legal expenses and ad- ministration in and about construction and equipment; including in respect of the cost of construction for initial operation the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the City in and about Construction and Equipment prior to the date of this contract." The cost of (4) City's expense for superintendence, etc., in and about construction for the specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad is as follows: (I) Seventh Avenue-Lexington Avenue Line: (a) Seventh Avenue Branch $116,690.01 (b) Lexington Avenue Branch 1,033,889.91 (II) Eastern Parkway Line 53,030.27 (III) Steinway Tunnel Line 46,760.83 (IV) White Plains Road Line 10,982.05 Total cost for City's expenses for superin- tendence, etc., pursuant to the contract, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. . $1,261,353.07 The above determination includes only expenditures of the City's money by the Pubhe Service Commission for the First District, and its predecessor, the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners. (For details, see pp. 19 and 20 post.) 8 Interest. "(7) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided from time to time for the items of this definition from the re- spective times of providing said moneys to the beginning of operation of the part of the Railroad for which such moneys were provided, less any interest received by the City or by the Lessee on such moneys; provided, however, that in computing interest during the period of Construction of the Railroad (exclusive of Additions) the rate of interest paid by the Lessee shall be deemed to be six (6%) per centum and the rate received by the Lessee shall be deemed to be two and one-half (2|) per centum, and pro- vided, further, that money shall not be provided by the Lessee in excess of the amount fixed in annual estimates to be agreed upon by the Commission and the Lessee un- less with the consent of the Commission. ^'In case any portion of the cost of construction borne by the City shall be met by other than corporate stock or other long term interest bearing securities the same shall be deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock or other long term interest bearing securities." The cost of (7) Interest for such specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad, is as foUoAvs: City's Lessee's Share Contribution Total (I) Seventh Avenue- Lexington Ave. Line: (a) Seventh Ave. Branch $8,053.62 $3,697.33 $11,750.95 (b) Lexington Ave. Branch . . 351,932 . 07 4,929 . 78 356,861 . 85 (II) Eastern Parkway Line 2,456 . 77 1,848 . 67 4,305 . 44 (III) Steinway Tunnel Line 1,204 . 60 1,232 . 44 2,437 . 04 (IV) White Plains Rd. Line 1,136.30 616.22 1,752.52 Total Cost of Interest pursuant to the Con- tract for the period from March 19 to June 30, 1913, in- clusive $364,783.36 $12,324.44 $377,107.80 (For details, see pp. 20 to 23 post.) 9 COST OF EQUIPMENT Superinten- ''(4) The actual and necessary net dence, etc. cost in money to the Lessee for superin- tendence, insurance, damages, administra- tion, engineering and legal expenses in and about the pro- vision of the Equipment including in respect of the cost of equipment for initial operation the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the Lessee in and about Equipment prior to the date of this contract and in addition the actual and necessary expense incurred or payable by the Lessee in printing, engraving, and certifying securities for Equip- ment. ' ' The cost of (4) Superintendence, etc., in and about Equipment for the specified portions, or lines, of the Railroad, is as follows : (I) Seventh Avenue-Lexington Avenue Line: (a) Seventh Avenue Branch $7,207.20 (b) Lexington Avenue Branch 23,284.80 (II) Eastern Parkway Line 8,870.40 (III) Steinway Tunnel Line 10,533.60 (IV) White Plains Road Line 5,544.00 Total cost of superintendence, etc., pursuant to the contract, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913 $55,440.00 (For details, see p. 20 post.) 10 I APPENDICES EXPLANATORY OP THE ABOVE DETER- MINATIONS. Labor and Labor and materials means the cost of con- materials, structing the Railroad by sections under the several construction contracts which have either been entered into or may be entered into from time to time. These construction contracts cover the prosecution of the con- struction work and payment therefor on a unit basis. Each month the various contractors executing the contracts are paid upon the basis of monthly estimates certified to by me. The aggregate of these monthly estimates represents the cost of labor and materials entering into construction. These monthly esti- mates are customarily made as of the last day of the month and cover the cost of construction as of such date. The estimates are identified by numbers, which indicates the serial order in which such estimates have been made. Article XXIX of the Contract requires the Chief Engineer to determine the cost of construction paid or accrued prior to the date of the contract. Therefore, this covers the cost to and including March 18, 1913. For this reason it has been assumed that 18/3 Ists of the March construction contract regular esti- mates accrued prior to March 19, 1913, leaving 13/31sts of such certified estimates to be entered into the cost of construction for the first quarterly determination. This is the most satisfactory method of dividing the labor and material costs for March as between the prior determination and the quarterly determination. Since the labor and material is based upon the section con- tracts for construction, as already explained, it has been con- sidered advisable to subdivide the labor and material determina- tion by sections. Also a certain amount of subdivision is desir- able so that if the Commission should declare any part of the Railroad ready for operation, as provided under Article LII of the Contract, the cost of such part to be used as a basis for the distribution of revenue could be readily determined. Exactly what parts might be declared ready for operation, it is hardly feasible to say at this time. The construction contract is a rea- sonable unit to keep identified so that any combination may be made as required. Therefore, (1) The cost of labor and materials as included in this deter- mination for the Cost of Construction paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, by sections and by estimates is as follows : 11 1:1 t, H t^ CO T-l Tt< 00 05 lO 00 o 00 ^^ 00 lO o CD t^ rf 00 J^ >o (N IC CO o 00 o o CO ,_4 rH CO 1-^ ,--) Cf) 00 00 O lO lO 00 00 O CO (N S CD o * r^ r^ (N (M fO (N ^ tH o t^ fi (X) r^ fX) CO * CO 04 (X) ^ r^ lO CM M (N <*< rj< t^ 00 lO 05 lO CD t> CO ^ s >. s 5 ^ .- >. T-, 111 ^ fe o o H I i-((NC0t1H10CD1^000>O'-((N'-(C0tJhi0CD!^0001 o c^ O 43 ^ t^ >. o ll rt -5 -! ^ a g a S 03 CO s S rS t- CO CO o t^ Q CO CO o ,_, * -^ .2 r^ CM to O rS (.V) 03 CO CM CO CO !>^-t^ CO 00 00 s^ a& (M CO * <* ^^ 3 o -3 o CO a; < : : -i^ O 2 2 CM O 2 ^ 2 2 2 ^ -- CD ^ 3 S ^ fe /< l-S H-5 Ph <><>< M M M (B O) ^ (B m o J -J -J -J 1 -J <; 2 W g ^ cg K g w o B > ^ 5 >^ H Ph i-J CO >. o -a " O 73 "^ a 00 -^ o o a iz; 12 ^ g ^ 05 s <* 1> s CO 1 i 1 CO o 7t ec s 00 3 ^ s o g >o ^ s 00 00 o t- :S 8 CO o s o l^ 1 1 00 i ^ t^ ^ o CO g 28 i i 1 CO o 00 'ii CO O C5 <* S 5 fe "1 ;>; 2 ^ -^ ^ t; b -: 5 i S g I Si - Is (N oi (N 2 2 2'^'^^'^ r; c h. rn" '-' '-' ^22 fe 2 ^ ,^ 3 t. _ t: ^ j2 ^ s a a ilililiiil O t^ (N 00 CO 05 O rH(NeOTt<>OOt>OOOC'-HT-((M(NCOCO''OCOb. o o o o o o o o o o o o <:<5.-iiCTtHtoo505ooi>roooo 0qM-<^iqiqiCiq (N 00 O" Tjr lO CO tJh" IC l>r o O CD CO CO IN 00 rH 00 03 kC CO CO 05 o O 00 J> fC "I ^1 6^ I I w p o H o H O '-' _J >-< "^ CD i- (NC3Tj(lOCOt^00050'-H(Ni-ICO(NTt I SHS. t^ VS '^ -f3 '^ v;3 V3 '^ "^ '-3 "43 '43 ^|3 '+3 'S '-P '^ "^ "^ '^ "^ VJS '43 '^ 02 I i^^ O S M 14 0000t^'*<>-H(NC51--C5C0>-(ON'00iM0>r-lO5C0T-lt>. lOOCOOt^rHi-HiOiOOliOt^'OCOCOiMt^COOOi-it^ T-H(NTt0-*00>TjH,-(COT+li>OrHcooococDic orcOOCOCDCOCO'kOTJH'ONOOkOCO . - 05 Xh "^ '^ 2 > bC >> i ^ 0. , 1912 911 to Nov. 30, 1912.. . 1912 913 1913 13 i-t ^ Oi Ol Oi tC 2 ^ ^ "' pi 3 > b-^ b o O 0) 2 a3 J2 M fO <* lO O 1> X (MfCrHCO-^iOiOCOb-. i-l(NMr}(iOOl>00O5 (N CO 'iXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^ <-, 00 -r o ,^ ^ o H a w & 3 f^ 15 CO O C 00 CKi t^ i> CO r^ (N q_ o q_ t>._ q^ C o --I (N (N * Ttt Tt< lO iC O --H t^ CO t^ 02 CO Oi 0000>MCOt)HtJkCiMOOiOiCT} '^05Tj5'o(>f0(NcoiCfoeo"odo (MTt*ts.OC0i-IC0i000i-l(N05O l> 03 CO 00 1-1 o CO 05 I> II I1 CD E2 >^ S; 3 IH ti . . -B Q H, f^ g I iH (N CO Tjt 10 >. *^ M M M M >< ^ "o "o 13 "o "o ^ '^ "^ t "^ '^ H <; w 2 im' 2 S f2 r;^ : !I^ - CS . Oi -^ ^ c3 fi E < S 0c0N.00a>O'-HlNC0 M>^M><>^><^><>< 00 ciooo'o'o'o'o'o J3 -JS -^ -.rt 13 -J^ -rt -Tl T! T? T! -r! -rt XXX o O a fl-2 Q -g rH P5 ^ -"^ ^ 5 Oh CO o c Q a III < O H O 18 City's The City's expenses for superinten- expenses dence, etc., means as represented by the for superinten- amounts which have entered into this dence. determination, a portion of the payroll of the Engineering Department, deter- mined partly from the time records as being chargeable to cost of construction and partly from other information available in the files of the Chief Engineer's office; also a portion of the payrolls of the Secretary's office and the other departments of the Commis- sion, estimated as being chargeable to this work; also employes' disbursements; stationery, supplies and printing; rental; tele- phone and telegraph; furniture and fixtures; instrument supplies, maps, plans, prints and photo supplies; etc. It includes also the cost of test borings. A proportion of these disbursements other than salaries was charged to the several lines on the basis of the salary charges. Besides the expenditures mentioned in the preceding para- graph as made by the Public Service Commission there has been added the value of the work done by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners prior to July 1st, 1907, so far as such work has been incorporated in the Dual System. This work con- sists of base lines, bench levels, surface topography (field and office work), sub-surface topography, including cross-sections (field and office work), test borings, administrative and legal ex- penses, rent, supplies, etc. The expenditures by the Public Service Commission during the years 1907 to 1910 inclusive were for the most part taken from the records made for the purpose of the legislative report known as the Carlisle investigation. Of the Tri-Borough Route there reported, 46% is incorporated in the Lexington Avenue Branch. To these costs has been added a proper percentage of rent, sup- plies, etc., of the Engineering Department and of administrative and legal expenses, etc. For the year 1911 the charges to each line were arrived at by estimation. During the year 1912, from January to May inclusive, the charges of the Engineering Department to the respective lines were arrived at by estimation; for June to December inclusive the charges are the result of records made up from time reports, as to the field divisions and from partial time reports as to the designs division. An estimated amount was added for the Legal and other departments of the Commission. 19 For the year 1913 up to March 18th same conditions ruled as for June to December, 1912. Lessee's When there are expenditures of an executive expenditures and administrative nature it is impossible to generally. allocate them to specific construction work. All of the expenditures made by the Interborough Rapid Transit Company prior to the date of the contract, so far as they have been properly chargeable to the Railroad, have been distributed among the several lines, on the basis of relative es- timated costs. Lessee's expenses All of the Lessee's expenditures occurring for superintendence, in this determination come under the cost of construction item (5) Lessee's expenses for superintendence and cost of equipment item (4) Superinten- dence, etc., so far as the Lessee submitted them. The Lessee sub- mitted a list of vouchers for Engineering and Superintendence which when corrected came to a total of $129,405.01. . This amount was distributed under cost of construction among the several lines. The Lessee submitted also evidences of legal ex- penses and administrative charges which after eliminating the expenses of the publicity campaign aggregated $198,000.00. This amount was distributed under cost of construction and cost of equipment among the several lines. Interest on On the first amount in the preceding Lessee's money. paragraph interest has been computed at 6% to March 18th, 1913, from the date of the voucher. No interest has been computed on the second amount, as the date of disbursement for the purpose of this report has been assumed to be March 18th, 1913. Interest on Interest on moneys provided by the moneys provided City has been computed in three parts : by the City. First, interest actually paid on corporate stock and notes, less credit of interest on bank balances; second, interest computed on corporate stock interest, ' 'deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock;" third, interest on City's expenses for superintendence, etc., ''deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock." 20 The interest actually paid on corporate stock has been re- ported to the Public Service Commission by the Comptroller in a statement under date of September 30th, 1913, which gives details of moneys provided for the Broadway-Lexington Avenue Route as well as for others. This statement gives the amounts provided by notes prior to the sale of corporate stock and that provided by sale of corporate stock, with the dates thereof; total interest payable at the several interest dates and the credit of interest on bank balances; also the allotments as the money was required. It was necessary to divide the interest of the Broadway-Lex- ington Avenue Route into three portions; first, that portion in- cluded in the Lexington Avenue Branch of the Seventh Avenue- Lexington Avenue Line; second, that portion embodied in the Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line; and third, that portion involved by contract section 6 of Route 6, which is not a part of the Dual System. To do this the following assumption was made. The interest on the total of the allotted amounts at each interest date was divided on the basis of the total monthly estimates to each respective date. Following are the ratios used: To To To To Line March 1, Sept. 1, March 1, March 18, 1912 1912 1913 1913 Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Lexington Avenue Branch 81.91 79.57 73.74 73.74 Broadway-Fourth Avenue 33 15.79 24.31 24.31 Eliminated 17.76 4.64 1.95 1.95 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Interest on unallotted amounts was assumed to be chargeable proportionally to the sum of the contract value of each contract section divided by the number of months required to complete, giving the following ratios applied up to June 1st, 1912: Per Cent. Lexington Avenue Branch 72 . 37 Broadway-Fourth Avenue^Line 15.93 Eliminated '. 11 .70 100.00 21 For the period subsequent to June 1st, 1912, the ratios were Per Cent. Lexington Avenue Branch 81 . 95 Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line 18 . 05 EHminated 100.00 Before applying these ratios the interest chargeable on expendi- tures for real estate was deducted. The application of the above ratios gives an interest charge to the Lexington Avenue Branch, as summarized on the following page. Moneys provided by other than corporate stock or corporate stock notes is ''deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock or other long term interest bearing securities." The ruling rate from 1910 to date has been 4i per cent. The rate of interest on corporate stock sold prior to 1910 averaged very close to 4i per cent, and the same rate of 4i per cent, therefore has been applied to all disbursements. Inasmuch as the exact date of the disburse- ments for City's expenses for Superintendence, etc., on which interest has been computed is not known, it has been assumed that the expenditures for six months, as July 1st to December 31st inclusive, were made at the middle day of the period, that is, September 30th, and interest has been computed from such date. 22 o ^ _ a <1) c a ;^ Q 3 ^ 0. cS m a o -i^ ro o a S H ^ o o -s ^ fl "^ O -2 o a >> b a> ^ !2 0) ^ '3 03 >> a s S O M >i n 'd ^ o to t^ 1 o *^ 12 CI 00 o c3 o IN r- t^ o o 3 O t^ O CO CO c CO lO O CO O O TlH_ GO rH Cvf ^ o CO CO 05 CO tH o >0 rt< iCi O CO O 05 rj< (N tH o pq c !5 TJ O =3 -I 12 02 (> H a t> 23 UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS The details of the Costs hereinbefore set forth should be classified in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts prescribed for street and electric railways by the Public Service Commission in its order of December 8, 1908, as follows: For the Railroad for Initial Operation, The Cost of Construction is as follows: Lessee 's City's Share. Contribution. Land: Right of Way $264,750.39 Road and Electric Line: Tunnels 6,679,178.09 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. . 1,098,396.49 $129,405.01 Law expenditures during Con- struction 43,811.98 46,800.00 Interest during construction 364,783.36 12,324.44 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 119,144.60 95,760.00 Totals $8,570,064.91 $284,289.45 Total Cost of Construction $8,854,354.36 The Cost of Equipment is as follows : Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Law expenditures during Construction $18,200.00 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 37,240.00 Total Cost of Equipment $55,440.00 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $8,909,794.36 24 These costs under the Uniform System of Accounts are for each hne of the Railroad, as follows: SEVENTH AVENUE BRANCH OF THE SEVENTH AVENUE-LEXINGTON AVENUE LINE: ''Cost of Construction": Lessee 's City's Share. Contribution. Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. $81,113.61 $38,821.50 Law expenditures during Con- struction 8,504.64 14,040.00 Interest during Construction 8,053.62 3,697.33 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 27,07i;76 28,728.00 Totals $124,743.63 $85,286.83 Total Cost of Construction $210,030.46 ''Cost of Equipment": Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Law expenditures during Construction $2,366.00 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 4^841.20 Total Cost of Equipment $7,207.20 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $217,237.66 25 LEXINGTON AVENUE BRANCH OF THE SEVENTH AVENUE-LEXINGTON AVENUE LINE : ''Cost of Construction": Lessee 's City's Share. Contribution. Land: Right of Way $264,750.39 Road and Electric Line: Tunnels 6,679,178.09 Undistributed Construction Expenditures : Engineering and Superintendence. 940,253.93 $51,762.01 Law expenditures during Con- struction 27,967.69 18,720.00 Interest during Construction 351,932.07 4,929.78 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 65,668.29 38,304.00 Totals $8,329,750.46 $113,715.79 Total Cost of Construction $8,443,466.25 "Cost of Equipment": Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Law expenditures during Construction $7,644.00 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 15,640,80 Total Cost of Equipment $23,284.80 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $8,466,751.05 26 EASTERN PAEKWAY LINE : ''Cost of Construction": Lessee's City 's Share. Contribution. Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. $36,794.22 $19,410.75 Law expenditures during Con- struction 3,531.61 7,020.00 Interest during Construction 2,456.77 1,848.67 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 12,704.44 14,364.00 Totals $55,487.04 $42,643.42 Total Cost of Construction $98,130.46 ''Cost of Equipment": Undistributed Construction Expenditures : Law expenditures during Construction $2,912.00 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 5,958.40 Total Cost of Equipment $8,870.40 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $107,000.86 27 STEINWAY TUNNEL LINE: "Cost of Construction": Lessee 's City's Share. Contribution. Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. $36,444.62 $12,940.50 Law expenditures during Con- struction 2,274.43 4,680.00 Interest during Construction 1,204.60 1,232.44 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 8,041.78 9,576.00 Totals $47,965.43 $28,428.94 Total Cost of Construction $76,394.37 ''Cost of Equipment": Undistributed Construction Expenditures : Law expenditures during Construction $3,458.00 Miscellaneous construction expenditures. ...... 7,075.60 Total Cost of Equipment $10,533.60 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $86,927.97 28 WHITE PLAINS ROAD LINE : "Cost of Construction": Lessee 's City's Share. Contribution. Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. $3,790.11 $6,470.25 Law expenditures during Con- struction 1,533.61 2,340.00 Interest during Construction 1,136.30 616.22 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 5,658.33 4,788.00 Totals $12,118.35 $14,214.47 Total Cost of Construction $26,332.82 ''Cost of Equipment": Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Law expenditures during Construction $1,820.00 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 3,724.00 Total Cost of Equipment $5,544.00 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $31,876.82 Dated, New York, October 14, 1913. Alfred Craven, Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District. 29 k^ r To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of Contract 4 and the certificates related thereto, under this date I am rendering in detail my determinations of the costs paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, separately with respect to Contract 4 and each certificate. These determinations, summarized, are for Expenditures Expenditures by City. by Lessee. Total. Contract 4 Railroad: Cost of Construction $33,531,583.57 $653,740.67 $34,185,324.24 Cost of Equipment 784,488.82 784,488.82 Total Cost of the Railroad $33,531,583.57 $1,438,229.49 $34,969,813.06 Contract 4 Reconstruc- tion of Existing Rail- roads: Cost of Construction 882,999.51 882,999.51 Cost of Equipment 294,183.29 294,183.29 Total Cost of Recon- struction of Ex- isting Railroads.. $1,177,182.80 $1,177,182.80 Total Cost of Con- tract 4 $33,531,583.57 $2,615,412.29 $36,146,995.86 Certificate for Aditional Tracks : None None Certificate for Elevated Exten- sions : None None Total for New York Municipal Railway Corporation Lines, Contract 4 and Certificates $33,531,583.57 $2,615,412.29 $36,146,995.86 Dated New York, November 24, 1913. ALFRED CEAYEN, Chief Engineer, Public Service Commission for the First District. Note. Attached hereto is a tabulation giving the Lessee's ex- penditures by items as defined in the Contract. S5g^ oo i ** r^- d\ rM cq 00 CO 1-i 05 05 rtKM sa o ^ < .5 o c 3^S ?? to tH o 00 (MtHCXD ^. l3i_ C>'^ 5 4j C C O^ '5 ^ ^SxJ-co . o 1 1 CO Oi Myrt Aveni Fres Pon Conne tion H ^ r-{ -4 nhsi o ^ "i^ S|s-'|= W O 1 W !i< lO Oi (M fe o* 00 i gs o 1 ^i i sa s^ S ^^^ ?? |S| i N M CO COLO O ??Si ^ ^83 ^ ^ o s * 21 o" I CO Ifl O iH OS 05 o>od g g?3 g i doo g sC S E 05 0->3< ^' lO CO ^ S^ :? ^8^ s" r-l ii i sis 5 s < '"' ?f oo" o- n. ^ t> - : 1 i : 3 ' io t^6 0) ti +-< g o"S 65'^ 1o r "^ " E-i -M ,r, 4) Eh Mi^-jiCL toJ^-S 4J O 0) c'" "^ O 0) c ? It 4 -ilN'-ICC'*U5CDt~-.OOC5 i-HCqCOTtliO t^ GO 05 O (N (N CO s S 00 OS 00 05 o o (N ^ t^ o lO f-> t^ (N o o 05 a> O 00 iC (N 1> o CO CD CO CO CO CO >o "I 00 * <1< a> Oi OS CO lO 05 o ^ to o o> CO CO o CO o ^ 00 rf) 00 (>. ^ ro ^ m o (M OJ o CO 00 o ^ o CO CO lO CO (N Oi rt< o 05 o 05 . 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O 00 O CO (N OOt^t>'CO'#0'-ieOCOt^-<*CDO CO 00 c^oqooeqO'*co"5'-j_'-Hi>iOkC c^'-ioi COi--r05't>r<00'-<h" o Hiz; 2 .00 2 1^ lllllllllllllll 3 3 bC bC <1 > ^ (M)Tt('OOt^OOC^05COO-<*'-l0(NOe01>'*<0005iOOCOi-00(N050'-H(NCO-;j o H ^ g tf O 0^ O CO 18 3 00 O i-H 05 t- rH t^ O kC CO t^ CD CT> IM "3 CO o CD 00 g i 3 C^ 3 00 3 l> II T)< ^ I> CT> 05 O (M ^ (N m CO 5S si 1 CD o 00 IN o ^ t^ 00 CO Tj< 00 IM Tj< CO l^ CO (N 00 05 OS 1 * i o i CO CO 1 1 ^^ s 05 O CO W CD ^ O rH CO lO lO (N O iM o 00 ^ 2 CO ^ oq t^ CO CT> T-t *"" ~ 00 05 CD CO o CO S 00 00 S <=> o 0^05 05 <^s 1 J s -1 >, U) -^ 3 fl) -s ,>,'-" > "-J H, (M 3 5 o > *- 00 d o 05 r-( o '-' CO o <5 S a "8 < O s a Q w a; ty H > > O O o ^ o ^ a| Q^ 22205 oo5052o^5oS ^ T-l 1-1 rH 05 1-1 . - . QfT . 00 rH 10 C iiO ^ CO (N 4^ 333C^3-3 1^ H, H, g o^ ; OCDt^00O5 0-05000'-HT-HC^eO'-li-(C5>Cr}4(NI>000'-lt^iOe<300 Tt< o b- 00 ^- o> oo -4< t^ t^ r- oo . 00 o . 2 5 00 OT ^ o >-* ;h o *^ " O 05 Cft oo a a 03 3 g g g S 05 05 2 ^ g'^-ss.slsSgg'- 15 02 O s a -3 3 ^ ,2 & Cft OS ^ ^ ^ o 05 rH . CO <1) 11 ' ' .00050i-llNCO'*iCCOt^00050'-l'-l(NIMeCCCTf*'^iO r-l,-l^r-l.-l.-l,-(i-lrH>-IM(N (M (MCOCOOI^ lN03(NCO<-lO'*05COOCOCDGOCOiOD(rqOiOOCDl>(Na5CD ^O00i0C0O0'O(NOTf<. cooco>ooiOGqu:icoocoiO'*>OTfO00iOC<3CC r-H r-ifH(NIN(NCO(M ' o 1 1 ,_< 1 '"' n a 1 a ^ o ;^ Q 05 05 o o .03 05 2g^"=^oo2^ o - QJ cu = J3 O O <1 P>H ^ o o c o o 2 -^ ^-- - o5 2 2 >. ^ "s .22 S S ^ _: -". (MCOTfHiOi:Ot^COC50'-H(MCO-*iOOt^OOC5 ^ ^ ;-! ^4 iH b ;h p (4 O 21 S g g s 05 2 1 o o 00 CO 05 i o 5 (N r-( CO fO (N CO O iCI>.COO5CD00O5i-iCO<>JiMa>00 OC0(NQ005i0i0i0C0(MOO-<*< cofNcocoioioiNcqr-iooooicq 02 "^ 00 o 05 r^ Tt< CM c^ ,_( lO lO (/) ^ CO 00 r^ < cx) r^ <+' t^ c IC o CM o 05 o o> lO 00 05 iC CO ^ * CM CM 1> lO o t^ . -P i-i T-H 1 ( I-( o c3 a> 05 C5 C2 S ^ rH 11 05 o S CO CO CO CO b. ^ j-, ^ - ^ ^ XI XI Xi Xi 3 01 n o o o o 1 05 o 3 CO (1) 2 3 ,n < m ! u <3 Ph 1 :S s t3 M H go 1 o 1 d ^ >^ 2g ^^ g^ ^V Q g 1 2 1 P^ M d PQ be bO M M M M fH ft H -< >H & J B5 O W K tf O 22 CO CO o * 05 O CO fO O Tt< 05 CO QO(NCD'#t^05O(Mt^ _'-J_. 2 C -S C3 fe c3 C (MCC-HiOCOt^GOOO'-lC^CO-^iCCOt^GOOO-H'-HfNco-^tOCOt^OOOlO ^ .-li-H^,-l,-(rH,-l,-i,- .-H CCiTf>O(Ttcc3cO'-<05t>.t>.ow rvt ^ ^- ^- -g -g 'r>" -e -5 i ^ t^ ^ o tH T-H a- L. ^ a a O ^ Q 4 .-l(NM'*iOCOt^00 < -^ < -< i-HtNINCOeC-^TtHiCiCO O) Lj o .3'B'33333333g'332323g333~ H o I 9 pq W ^ o < J a Q O W 02 g ^ ^ tf fa ^ 24 iCCDO'-H* lO Tj< t>. to O Cl_ 05_ 00 CO (N 00 O CO O iOt^ODOT-ICO-rioioodMi-J"odod (M (N .l:^0000O5 (Noicocococococococofocoeococoeocococoeocoeococo 43 bO -P -13 -5 MM P3 CL| e g s tf fe ^ 25 1> lO t^ 00 >* (N CO CD O t^ 00 CD coeo05eocDco.-it>t^<-H i>.ioOi-iCOOOiO aieooococ>-*icicocx)oc CO(M(N5CO(N<-HTt; ^Xh' (N (N 05 05 J2 XI SS -S "-5 .-lC^fO-*>OcOt>00030 IN CO - o o o CO ,_, lO CO t^ O Oi o ^ ^ lO lO (N CO o CO CO o IM n (-> r> lO IC ^ ^ Oi lO 05 00 o m fN tn 05 tX) ^ h- * (N m ^ < CO o 05 o CO o lO l^ 00 * "* CO (N t> OOOOO(NC0->*00i0rHO OiOOOOOCOi-liOOOCOiCt^ OOOTfN-^rHC^lOOiOi-lCOT-i COCDCO'-i00t^'-HCOiOcD(N00 (NCOiOOOOCOOOt^OOiOiOO CO (N Tl4 (N CO 05 Tl< (N (N C;2 c >> >> c3 3 !3 r^ 2 o o -H J:; ;ii "i ^ 03 ^ 3 6 d o 05 -l 2 h" ^ S 1^ S fl ^ CO"'''-''-! 0500'-I'-ICOCOI^OOC50 (NcoeococococococococorocoeoTt< i-l(NCO-*iOCOt>.00050 (NCOTjIiOCOIvOOCJi 3 3 3 3 3 c3 c3 c3 c3 c3 ""^ 3 "3 3 3 3333S3=!3f333333333SS bCMMbOMMbflbflbOMMMMbObCWlfciCMM z g a o o o S I I 6 H a w t) - S " w g P S q o ^ Ph PIH M 27 cocoosTj.rJ o O 05 00 O OS CO OS CO 1> o 00 O >0 05 (N lO (N Oi to lO (N 00 Tt< CO CO CD ^ Tj< o CO lO --I CO O r-l 05 i-H # C^ * CO 05 00 rH 05 00 03 CT - a- c- ff CC O > > c cc 5 " l> 1 > IN 5 > u c3 :3 ^2 a> h r-( t-i ^ - 43 +-I H I H ^ o a ^ 2 > O Z ^ b '^ o5 S a :^ . X3 P P ,^ ,^ ,^ ,=3 -^ -I ^ ^' ^ 2 ^" a > > ^-5 ^ 1-5 Hs - - - "-^ " _^- _r ^- _- k^ '^ u^ ri r^ '^ 03 ^ C^} .ph .M '^ -< OcOI>OOCTiO -3 T3 C3^c3^^^03^^c3 33'5333'3'33'3 a>a)aja;aia> o d-2 CQ (N eg H f-i H ;?; H P H < i a -.3 d f rt 1:^ M U W H r-l << ' I i -2 ^ a - ^^s ^ - OS 2 <^ ^ M ^ ^ ^- 2 ^ >1 1-5 [i| - fl fl O ,-1 05 o o o o O O CI o: rH ;i; 1-1 S 03 3 I !^^ ?ci 'f lO o (NCC-^lOCOt^OOOSO c3 o3 ^ cj c3 c3 c3 c3a3e3c3c3cic3o3cS 3333333333333 p4plP^P^p:?rtrtP4pHp:5p4pHpi s g H O M D H TA) ;z; 32 Q r-< < Tt< '-' m O H H 29 O Oi CO t^ o <* t^ 00 Oi IC (N lO O O O (N o >o t^ a> o C5 OTHTj> >> >5 IM ,-1 (U lO i-H ,-1 ^ T-( 0) II: (N o a 1-5 1-5 ^ a < ^ ^ 1-s 3 bC a ^ ^ o "S C s "3 Pi Tff IC CO I> OO 02 M <5 (M (35 CO 2 f^ aj 0) OJ P^ Ph P5 tf M M pq i-H ^-^ (N ^^ ECTION ruB Street Z g ECTIO UE Stre: "" g ^ s s 25 s S5i '^ w o '^ w o a H H S H ^ M B K t" n f^ S & Sig| rt fe S 31 The Roman figures vunder the column " Certified Under ^^ refer to article numbers in the construction contracts. Article XI covers work susceptible of classification which is certified to under the regular estimates at the regular unit prices. Article XII covers work not susceptible of classification for which special esti- mates are made. The words " regular " and " extra '' are used (in the column "Certified Under ^') in the case of the older construction contracts. These were let on terms different from the newer ones in that the contract was for a lump sum subject to modification as in the respective contracts provided. " Regular " refers to payments made of the lump sum value of the contract and the monthly payments are made relative to the said contract value of the entire work. " Extra " refers to payments made for the work done under modification of the respective contracts. All " regular " estimates and estimates for " extra " work submitted regularly (the older construction contracts) are included in the determination as accruing on the last day of the month which they cover. Special estimates covering scattered work prosecuted at various times are considered as having accrued on the date on which the estimate is certified- The detailed plans for construction of some of the older sec- tion contracts provide for pipe galleries, and separate contracts for such galleries accompanied the contracts for construction of the railroad. The definition of construction covers the restora- tion and reconstruction of street surfaces, sewers and of surface, subsurface and overhead and abutting structures interfered with in the building of the railroad, and all other work to be done or materials to be furnished of every nature whatsoever, necessary to the completion of the railroad structure (Chapter II of said construction contract). The cost of pipe galleries does not come within this definition and is therefore not included in the deter- mination. " Real estate " means, as represented by the amounts which have entered into this determina- tion, the disbursements as reported by the Auditor of the Public Service Commission, covering the following necessary expendi- tures in the acquisition of properties, easements, and leases: Compensation of commissioners of appraisal, consulting en- gineers, experts of appraisal of lands, buildings, machinery, etc. ; clerical, stenographic and photographic services rendered to the commissioners of appraisal, printing and supplies for the same ; 32 advertising of notices of the several authorities ; fees for examining and insuring titles ; payments and awards together with the credit of proceeds from the rental and sales of buildings and lands. As in the case of labor and materials, a certain amount of sub- division is desirable and is given in the following tabulation: (2) Eeal ^estate represented by City's expense as included in this determination for the Cost of Construction for the period prior to March 19, 1913, is as follows: 33 O "3 CO O (N t^ 'O ,-H CO lO <0 T O 1-H Ph m ,_( t^ IN 03 (N "*. (N CD CO CO 05 00 CO (M CO f-l co" 00 O O * lO 05 00 00 C 1> 1> K> OJ O (N O CO 05 ^ 00 CO 00 ^ a OS (N O iC (sj 00 Tt* 1-1 CO O (N CO CO t^ 03 lO lO CO CO CO -< 05 ^ (N r-l CO S "O 00 03. .2 e m (N Q o ^ O ^ 05 S 2 00 a> o 1-1 (N o o '-''-' i-i OJ 0> 03 05 Ol H C O K Ek4 02 H C4 pi . IS M O PS H pq cQ 34 p. , The City's expenses for superintendence, . etc., means, as represented by the amounts * which have entered into this determination a portion of the payroll of the Engineering Department, determined partly from the time records as being chargeable to cost of con- struction and partly from other information available in the files of the Chief Engineer's office; also a portion of the payrolls of the Secretary's office and the other departments of the Com- mission, estimated as being chargeable to this work; also employees' disbursements; stationery, supplies and printing; rental; tele- phone and telegraph; furniture and fixtures; instrument supplies; maps, plans, prints and photo supplies, etc. It includes also the cost of test borings. A proportion of these disbursements other than salaries was charged to the several lines on the basis of the salary charges. Besides the expenditures mentioned in the preceding paragraph as made by the Public Service Commission there has been added the value of the work done by the Board of Rapid Transit Eailroad Commissioners prior to July 1st, 1907, so far as such work has been incorporated in the Dual System. This work consists of base lines, bench levels, surface topography (field and office work), sub-surface topography including cross-sections (field and office work), test borings, administrative and legal expenses, rent, sup- plies, etc. It includes designs for the Centre Street Loop and the Fourth Avenue Brooklyn Subway- The expenditures by the Public Service Commission during the years 1907 to 1910 inclusive were for the most part taken from the records made for the purpose of the legislative report known as the Carlisle investigation. Of the Tri-Borough Route there reported, 29 per cent, is incorporated in the Broadway- Fourth Avenue Line. The Brooklyn Loop Line and the Fourth Avenue Subway were taken in their entirety. To these costs has been added a proper percentage of rent, supplies, of the Engineering Department and of administrative and legal ex- penses, etc. For the year 1911 the charges to each line were arrived at by estimation. During the year 1912, from January to May inclusive, the charges of the Engineering Department to the respective lines were arrived at by estimation; for June to December inclusive the charges are the result of records made up from time reports as to the field divisions and from partial time reports as to the designs division. An estimated amount was added for the Legal and other departments of the Commission. For the year 1913 up to March 18th same conditions ruled as for June to December, 1912. Although the item for the Eeconstruction of Existing Eailroads (IV) is not specifically included in " City^s Expenses for Super- intendence, etc./' under the Cost of Construction of the Eailroad, its determination is provided for in Article XIII of Contract 4. Interest on moneys provided by the Interest on moneys r^-. , , x n ^ ^ . , , p,. City has been computed m tour parts : y y' First, interest actually paid on corporate stock and notes, less credit of interest on bank balances; Second, interest computed on corporate stock interest " deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock '' ; Third, interest on City's expenses for superintendence, etc., " deemed to bear interest at the rate speci- fied in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock " ; Fourth, credit of interest computed on proceeds received from the sale and from the use of real estate, ^'deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock." The interest actually paid on corporate stock has been reported to the Public Service Commission by the Comptroller in a statement under date of September 30th, 1913, which gives details of moneys provided for the Centre Street Loop Lines, for the Fourth Avenue Subway and for the Broadway-Lexington Avenue Route. This statement gives the amounts provided by notes prior to the sale of corporate stock and that provided by the sale of corporate stock with the dates thereof, the total interest payable at the several interest dates and the credit of interest on bank balances, also the allotments as the money was used. It was necessary to divide the interest of the Broadway- Lexington Avenue Eoute into three portions: First, That portion embodied in the Broadway-Fourth Avenue Line ; Second, That por- tion included in the Lexington Avenue branch of the Seventh Ave- nue-Lexinsrton Avenue Line ; Third, That portion involved by con- tract section 6 of Eoute 5, which is not a part of the Dual System. To do this the following assumption was made. The interest on the total of the allotted amounts at each interest date was divided on the basis of the total monthly estimates to each respective date. The following are the ratios used : 36 To To To To Mar. 1, Sept. 1, Mar. 1, Mar. 18, Line 1912 1912 1913 1913 Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Ceni Broadway - Fourth A\'nue 0.33 15.79 24.31 24.31 Lexington A y e n ii e Branch 81.91 79.57 73.74 73.74 Eliminated 17.76 4.64 1.95 1.95 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Interest on unallotted amounts was assumed to be chargeable proportionately to the sum of the contract yalue of each contract section, diyided by the number of months required to complete, giying the following ratios; applied up to June 1st, 1912: Per Cent. Broadway-Fourth Ayenue Line 15.93 Lexington Ayenue Branch 72.37 Eliminated 11 . 70 100.00 For the period subsequent to June 1st, 1912, we get : Broadway-Fourth Ayenue Line 18.05 Lexington Avenue Branch 81.95 Eliminated 100.00 Before applying these ratios the interest chargeable on ex- penditures for real estate was deducted. The application of the aboye ratios giyes an interest charge to the Broadway-Fourth Ayenue Line, as follows: Broadway Portion of Broadway-Lexixgton Avenue Route, Corporate Stock Interest TO March 19, 1913. Corporate Stock Interest actually paid or accrued. . $68,347.83 Interest on same at 4i/4 per cent 524. 57 Total Interest Chargeable to Cost of Construc- tion $68,872.40 37 It was necessary to reduce the interest reported by the Comp- troller as paid on account of the Centre Street Loop Lines by an amount chargeable to the construction of pipe galleries. To do this the ratio of expenditures to March 19th on pipe galleries to the total expenditures on railroad and pipe galleries was applied to the total interest charge. The ratio was 1.92 per cent. Before applying this ratio deduction was made of the interest computed on payments made for real estate. The following table shows the correction : Ceis^tre Street Loop Interest to March 19, 1913. Corporate Stock Interest actually paid or ac- crued $1,744,306.50 Interest, on same at 4^4: per cent 139,556.87 $1,883,863 . 37 Interest on Eeal Estate ($2,991,062 . 55) (compounded) at 4l^ per cent 290,253.26 $290,253.26 $1,593,610.11 Deduct 1.20 per cent, for pipe galleries 19,123.32 1,574,486.79 Total Interest on Eailroad and Eeal Estate ^1,864,740.05 Credit Interest on Proceeds from Eeal Estate ' ($753,775.04) at 4i/i per cent 75,748.33 Total Interest Chargeable to Cost of Construc- tion $1,788,991.72 38 The same was the case with the Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, subway. The ratio in this case was 1.20 per cent. The following table shows the correction: FouKTH Avenue Subway Interest to March 19, 1913. Corporate Stock Interest actually paid or ac- crued $1,124,399.87 Interest on same at 4^4 per cent 43,023.45 $1,167,423.32 Interest on Real Estate ($386,297.69) (compounded) at 4% per cent 25,831.09 $25,831.09 Xet interest chargeable to Railroad and pipe galleries $1,141,592.23 Deduct 1.92 per cent, for pipe gal- leries 21,918.57 1,119,673.66 Total Interest on Railroad and Real Estate $1,145,504.75 Credit Interest on Proceeds from Real Estate ($15,835.61) at 4i/4 per cent 1,580.56 Net Interest Chargeable to Cost of Construction. .$1,143,924.19 Moneys provided by other than corporate stock or corporate stock notes is " deemed to bear interest at the rate specified in the last then preceding sale by the City of corporate stock or other long term interest bearing securities." The ruling rate from 1910 to date has been 4i/^ per cent. The rate of interest on corporate stock sold prior to 1910 averaged very close to 4^ ' per cent., and the same rate of 4^ per cent, therefore has been applied to all disbursements. Inasmuch as the exact date of the disbursements for City's expenses for superintendence on which interest has been computed is not known, it has been assumed that the expenditures for six months, as July 1st to December 31st inclusive, were made at the middle day of the period, that is, September 30th, and interest has been computed from such date. A summary of all interest on moneys provided by the City follows : 39 .2 ^ -5 -2 rt * _ :: 1 s I a fl O 2 - a - "I S 2 o 2 hJ =5 e8 O QO ?2 00 CO CO t^ 00 t^ iC t^ 03 o _^ 00 -^ IC 00 +> S O CO * * ?^ C kC (N (N o iCi O lO a CO CO C! S CO Tj< 00 00 05 .-( t^ t^ CO "-I t^ ^ CO 05 Tt< CO i-l g 00 CO 00 "2 n CO g 00 CD 73 Qj o 2 3 .9 15 ca 03 g P^ OS -> 0? p, d h d o (S a* O >H w 2 ^1 H a i 1-^ t-s "5 U3 .2 o S H d d W 13 a o ^ " r a> OD 43 o o *3 d ^ s a d -^ a i 11 2 o a* g OH X o o ^ ^ pi I '^ 2 .3 d a M 03 d c3 o ^ Q -5 o o . o S".'o. a) a> a> ^ d I d ^ - 0) o 2^ a ^ I. M ^ > d - . CO rt m a> 'O tH -d O -tJ . s p^ i M . .. d 9 QJ tj 2 & 0^ S, ** >. o 2 a> 03 O 5 I .t: - d I. ^ -3 O 03 "-I d .^ d 4 3 g a >-4 0) a S d 03 42 This understanding is subject to modification by me at any time that the facts indicate it should be modified. It covers all of the work provided to be done by the New York Municipal Railway Corporation under Contract No, 4 and the related certificates, in- cluding their contribution to the City's Railroads. The amounts appearing in this determination as Lessee's con- tribution to the Cost of Construction and of Cost of Equipment are all of them the result of the application of the above mentioned percentage distribution. All of the expenditures to cost of construction Lessee's items (5) Lessee's expense of superintendence, (6) expense for Taxes; and to cost of equipment items (4) superintend- Superintendence, etc., (5) Taxes, are repre- ence, etc. sented by a bill for " expenditures between Feb- ruary, 1911, and March 19, 1913, in and about rapid transit matters culminating in the con- tracts dated March 19, 1913, between the City of New York, by the Public Service Commission for the First District and the New York Municipal Railway Corporation said expenditures being represented by vouchers submitted for inspection and exam- ination and covering preliminary engineering, legal and adminis- trative disbursements, organization of the New York Municipal Railway Corporation, printing, advertising, engraving, certification of securities., etc., etc., but not including interest on moneys pro- vided" for the amount of $217,114.00, which gives the following details : 48 sss ft a f-l o sus 8S 550,000 7,512 10,000 lO CO CsT lO r-T -i "* (N O i-H t^ >-i O 03 (D <0 *0 CO O O O O O O O 00 o ..So iw" 0) -i ^ ft < _; M-^ 2 o >" ^ "^ ft o3 to g5 (^ o 03 fl m 03 . ::^ o . ( o .2 >. 03 03 Q o ft a C3 . <0 &s (3 2 OS M 2 -^ ^ ^ r o I .2 U U .^H O C is _- IH -3 5 S o is a bC UD 03 c -g I (1. pu. 2 44 The full amount of this bill was distributed in accordance with the understanding after having been investigated by the Commis- sion's Bureau of Statistics. Of these preliminary expenses the $1,000 incorporation tax is entered under Contract and Certificate item "Taxes''; $449.61 Eight of Way is entered under " Eeal Estate/' and all other items are entered under the administrative expenses item " Superintendence, etc.," of Lessee, in accordance with the definition of same. 45 All of the expenditures to Lessee's contribution to cost of construction item (7) Interest, and to cost of equipment item (6) Interest, in this determination are represented by a bill presented by the New York Municipal Railway Corpora- tion as follows : '' 85 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y., March 19, 1913. New York Municipal Railway Corporation, To BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY, Dr. Comptroller's Bill re. . Month Mar., 1913. 6% interest paid on $40,000,000.00 par value 6 year 5% notes sold for your account pursuant to agreement of October 1, 1912, to equal 6% per annum basis $2,400,000.00 Discount 409,200.00 Net Interest Payment $1,990,800 . 00 Interest paid on $40,000,000.00 par value notes October 1, 1912, to December 31, 1912. 500,000.00 Less 3% on balances 287,380.00 212,619.20 Interest accrued on $40,000,000.00 par value notes January 1, 1913, to March 19, 1913. . 433,333.33 Less 3% on balances 241,253.73 192,079.60 Interest on amount ($212,619.20) ad- vanced December 31, 1913, to pay January 1, 1913, Interest on notes to March 19, 1913 2,799.49 $2,398,298.29 46 This bill was before the Commission and was acted on by them under date of June 30, 1913, in the following resolution: ''Resolved, That the said item of $2,398,298.29, being the amount incurred by Brooklyn Eapid Transit Company in behalf of New York Municipal Eailway Corporation as set forth in the above bill, be and it hereby is deemed to be interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys paid by New York Municipal Eailway Corporation or on its behalf from time to time prior to March 19, 1913, within the term '^ interest,' as the same is defined in subdivision 7 of paragraph 14 and subdivision 6 of paragraph 15 of con- tract between the City of New York, by the Public Service Commission for the First District, with New York Munic- ipal Eailway Corporation, upon the express stipulation and condition that there shall be deducted from the cost of con- struction and from the cost of equipment an amount equal to one per cent. (1%) per annum, payable semi-annually upon the cost of such construction and equipment, computed from the date when said construction or equipment is placed in operation to July 1, 1918.'' The amount of this bill has been distributed in accordance with the said understanding, except as to an adjustment made among the Lessee's own lines, pursuant to a stipulation between the Lessee and the Commission, as fully described in the determination of Cost of " Eeconstruction of Existing Eailroads." 47 UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS The details of the Costs hereinbefore set forth should be clas- sified in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts pre- scribed for street and electric railways by the Public Service Com- mission in its order of December 8, 1908. In the following classification "Miscellaneous construction ex- penditures '' includes debt expenses, because under the provisions of the Company^s first mortgage, all bonds will be amortized through the operation of the sinking fund. For the Railroad. The Cost of Construction is distributed as follows: Lessee's City's Share. Contribution. Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $398.45 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 29,377.84 Land: Right of Way $2,607,748.59 Road and Electric Line: Tunnels 25,352,089.24 54,261.63 Undistributed Construction Expenditures : Engineering and Superintendence. 1,920,437.46 16,544.77 Law expenditures during construc- tion 106,639.47 Interest during construction. 3,291,182.86 599,574.57 Miscellaneous construction expendi- tures 199,224.32 7,845.04 Totals $33,477,321.94 $708,002.30 Total Cost of Construction $34,185,324.24 The Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation : Intangible Street Railway -Capital: Organization $478.14 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 35,253 .40 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 19,853.73 Interest during construction 719,489 .50 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 9,414 . 05 Total Cost of Equipment $784,488.82 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $34,969,813. 06 48 These costs under the Uniform System of Accounts are for each line of the Eailroads, as follows : BROADWAY-FOUETH AVENUE LINE Lessee^s '' Cost of Construction '' : City's Share. Contribution. Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $318 . 76 Other Intangible Street Eailway Capital 23,502.27 Land: Eight of Way $2,607,748.59 Road and Electric Line: Tunnels 25,352,089.24 54,261.63 Undistributed Construction Expendi- tures : Engineering and Superintendence. 1,884,811.68 13,235.82 Law expenditures during construc- tion 99,263 . 70 Interest during construction 3,286,756.62 479,659.66 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 179,942.63 6,276.03 Totals $33,410,612.46 $577,254.17 Total Cost of Construction $33,987,866? 63 " Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation ^' : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $358 . 61 Other Intangible Street Eailway Capital 26,440.05 Undistributed Construction Expendi- tures: Engineering and Superintendence. 14,890.30 Interest during construction 539/617.12 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 7,060.53 Total Cost of Equipment $588,366.61 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. $34,576,233. 24 48 CULVER LINE " Cost of Construction " : Lessee's City's Share. Contribution. Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $19.92 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,468 . 89 Undistributed Construction Expendi- tures: Engineering and Superintendence. $6,262.50 827.24 Law expenditures during construc- tion 1,125.17 Interest during construction 419 . 37 29,978 . 73 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 4,137.66 392.25 Totals $11,944.70 $32,687.03 Total Cost of Construction $44,631.73 " Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation " : Intangible Street Raihuay Capital: Organization $71 . 72 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 5,288.01 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 2,978.06 Interest during construction 107,923.43 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 1,412.11 Total Cost of Equipment $117,673 . 33 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. . $162,305.06 50 14TH STREET-EASTEEN LINE " Cost of Construction " : |. Lessee's I City's Share. Contribution. Intangible Street Railway Capital: t Organization ' $59 . 77 t Other Intangible Street Railway ' Capital 4,406 . 68 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence. $24,399.36 2,481. 71~ Law expenditures during construc- tion 4,243 .90 Interest during construction 3,671.76 89,936.18 Miscellaneous construction expen- ditures 11,553.12 1,176.76 Totals $43,868 . 14 $98,061 . 10 Total Cost of Construction > $141,929 . 24 Cost of Equipment for Initial Operation ^y . Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $47.81 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 3^525.34 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 1,985 .37 Interest during construction 71,948.95 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 941 . 41 Total Cost of Equipment $78,448.88 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. . $220,378.12 51 CITY^S SUPERINTENDENCE ON CERTIFICATE LINES AND ON RECONSTRUCTION OF EXISTING RAILROADS " Cost of Construction " : Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence $4^963 .92 Law expenditures during construction 2,006.70 Interest during construction 335 . 11 Miscellaneous construction expenditures 3,590.91 Total Cost of Construction . $10,896.64 Pursuant to Article II, Subdivision 14, Item (4), City's ex- pense for superintendence " in and about the plant and property constructed and provided under the certificates for extensions and additional tracks hereinbefore referred to '' is included in " Cost of Construction." The City's superintendence on Reconstruction of Existing Rail- roads for Initial Operation has also been included. Dated New York, November 24, 1913. Alfred Craven, Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District. 52 In the Matter OF THE Determination of the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District under the contract, dated March 19, 1913, between The City of New York, acting by the Pub- lic Service Commission for the First | District, and New York Municipal Eailway Corporation, of the cost of Reconstruction of Existing Railroads, paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913. Prior Determination "Reconstruction of Existing Railroads,^^ November 24, 1913. To the Public Service Commission for the First District and New York Municipal Railway Corporation: Pursuant to the provisions of the contract dated March 19, 1913, between the City of New York, acting by the Public Service Commission for the First District, and the ISTew York Municipal Eailway Corporation, known as Contract No. 4, and in accord- ance with the terms of Article XIII, I hereby render my determi- nation of the Cost of Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation for the period prior to March 19, 1913. Said Article XIII requires that "the Cost of the Reconstruc- tion of Existing Eailroads for Initial Operation shall be deter- mined by the Engineer in the same manner as the Cost of Con- struction or the Cost of Equipment of the Railroad and upon the basis of the definitions of Construction, Equipment, Addi- tions, Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment * * */' Therefore the Cost of the Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation would seem to include as to Construction thereof : (1) Labor and materials (2) Real estate $449.61 (3) Debt discount and expense (4) City's expense for superintend- ence, etc * (5) Lessee's expense for superintend- ence, etc 72,786.73 (6) Taxes 337.50 (7) Interest " 809,425.67 Total $882,999.51 and as to Equipment thereof: ( 1 ) Labor and materials (2) Real estate (3) Debt discount and expense (4) Superintendence, etc $24,262.24 (5) Taxes 112.50 (6) Interest 269,808.55 Total $294,183.29 Total Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment. .$1,177,182.80 * City's Expense for Superintendence, etc., has been included in Cost of Construction of the Railroad. 3 Each of these parts of the Cost of Construction and of Equip- ment of the Reconstruction of Existing Eailroads for Initial Opera- tion is taken up hereafter in its order. They are shown as applied to the several portions, or lines, of the Existing Eailroads, and represent actual expenditures chargeable to the respective lines. It is necessary to keep the costs separate as to parts of the Existing Eailroads in order to provide a basis for computing deductions from revenue in the case of temporary operation (Article XLIX, Sub- division 7). The records of costs, from which this determination is made, are kept in such detail that the cost of any principal part of the Existing Eailroads may be identified so that in case of its retire- ment or withdrawal from service, the said cost may be withdrawn from the appropriate depreciation fund as provided under Article XLIX, Subdivision 5. For this determination the only charges are of an executive and administrative nature. The Uniform System of Accounts as prescribed by the Public Service Commission is fol- lowed for this purpose. When there are expenditures of an executive and administra- tive nature it is impossible to allocate them to specific construction. Such expenditures may properly be distributed among the several lines affected in each particular case on the basis of relative esti- mated cost. An understanding with respect thereto between rep- resentatives of the Commission, New York Municipal Eailway Cor- poration and myself, is shown in ^^ A Schedule of Agreed Divi- sion of General Construction and Equipment Expenses," set forth in my determination under this date of Cost of Construction and Cost of Equipment of the Eailroad under Contract 4. This under- standing covers all of the work done by New York Municipal Eail- way Corporation under Contract 4 and the related Certificates. The expenditures on account of New York Municipal Eailway Corporation prior to March 19, 1913, were of the kind covered by the schedule just referred to and in particular were made in ac- quiring moneys in anticipation of the signing of the Contract and the granting of the Certificates and for organization and prelim- inary legal and engineering expenses. Except as to that portion chargeable to " Cost of Construction " and " Cost of Equipment " of the Eailroad, all of the said expenditures have been applied to Eecon- struction of Existing Eailroads, for the reason that it was requested by New York Municipal Eailway Corporation, and deemed proper by the Commission, that these preliminary expenses be applied to Reconstruction of Existing Eailroads under Contract 4 for this " Prior '' determination. This matter is covered by a stipulation be- tween New York Municipal Railway Corporation and the Commis- sion, dated November 18, 1913, in which the principle of the sched- ule above mentioned is confirmed and " In particular the Railway Corporation agrees that the proportionate part of such items that would properly be allocable to additional tracks and extensions (if such consents had been obtained therefor) may be allocated tem- porarily to Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Opera- tion, and that when and as the necessary constitutional consents are obtained for any additional tracks or extensions the Chief Engineer may transfer from Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation to the additional tracks or extensions for which such con- sents shall have been obtained the amounts which otherwise would have been allocated thereto in the first instance/' A complete copy of the above mentioned stipulation is hereto annexed as an appendix. COST OF CONSTRUCTION. Real Estate. '^(2) The actual and necessary net cost in money of any real estate or interest therein acquired or extinguished for Construction, including termi- nals, storage yards and shops, together with the actual and necessary expense in connection with such acquisition or extinction, but there shall not be included in the term ' real estate or interest therein' any damages the City may have to pay for acquiring rights or easements for the Railroad in streets under the principles of the decision in Matter of Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners (Jorale- mon Street), 197 N. Y., 81. There shall be included, how- ever, damages the City may have to pay for extinguishing rights of light, air, and access in connection with the con- struction of the elevated portions of the Railroad. The cost of (2) Real estate for the respective portions of the Reconstruc- tion of Existing Railroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Nep- tune Av. and Coney Is. Term (III) Sea Beach Line 5 (IV) Myrtle Av. and Broadway Connec- tion (Y) Lutheran Cemetery Line (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton St. Line (VIII) Myrtle Av. Line (IX) Lexington Av. Line (X) Fifth Av. Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops. . . $449.61 Total cost for real estate, pursuant to the Contract prior to March 19, 1913 $449.61 Lessee's expense " (5) The actual and necessary net for superin- cost in money to the Lessee for super- tendence, etc. intendence, insurance, damages, admin- istration, engineering and legal ex- penses in and about Construction including in respect of the cost of construction for initial operation the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and neces- sarily incurred or payable by the Lessee in and about Con- struction prior to the date of this contract and in addition the actual and necessary expense incurred or payable by the Lessee in printing, engraving and certifying securities for Construction and the actual and necessary expense in organizing the Lessee.^' The cost of (5) Lessee's expense for superintendence, etc., for the respec- tive portions of the Eeconstruction of Existing Eailroads is as fol- lows: (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $7,278 . 67 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island Term. 7,278 . 67 (III) Sea Beach Line 18,196.69 (IV) Myrtle Av. and BVay Connection. 3,639.34 (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 3,639.34 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line. 6 (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 18,196 . 70 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops. . . 14,557.32 Total cost for Lessee's expense for superintendence, etc., pursuant to. the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $72,786.73 Taxes. "(6) Taxes, assessments or other govern- mental charges (including mortgage recording tax) of every description against the Lessee actually and necessarily paid or accrued in and about Construction pend- ing the beginning of operation of the part of the Eailroad as to which such taxes, assessments or other governmental charges were paid or accrued. During operation such assess- ments for benefits as are not properly chargeable against revenue shall be charged to cost of construction.''\ The cost of (6) Taxes for the respective portions of the Eeconstruction of Existing Eailroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $33 . 75 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island Term 33.75 (III) Sea Beach Line 84.37 (IV) Myrtle Av. and B'way Connec- tion 16.87 (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 16.88 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 84.38 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops. 67.50 Total cost for Taxes pursuant to the Contract, prior to March ^ 19, 1913 $337.50 7 Interest. '^7) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided by the City or by the Lessee or on its behalf from time to time for the items of this definition from the respective times of pro- viding said moneys (but not including interest on any moneys provided by the Lessea or on its behalf prior to October 1, 1912) to the beginning of operation of the part of the Eailroad for which such moneys were provided, less any interest received by the City or by the Lessee or on behalf of the Lessee on such moneys." The cost of (7) Interest for the respective portions of the Eeconstruction of Existing Railroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $80,942.57 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island Term 80,942.57 (III) Sea Beach Line 202,356.41 (IV) Myrtle Av. and B^vay Connec- tion 40,471.28 (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 40,471.28 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line. (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 202,356.42 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops. 161,885.14 Total cost for Interest pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $809,425.67 COST OF EQUIPMENT Superintend- "(4) The actual and necessary net cost ence, etc. in money to the Lessee for superintend- ence, insurance, damages, administration, engineering and legal expenses in and about the provision of the Equipment, including in respect of the cost of equip- ment for initial operation the expenses above referred to in this paragraph actually and necessarily incurred or payable by the Lessee in and about Equipment prior to the date of this contract, and in addition the actual and necessary ex- pense incurred or payable by the Lessee in printing, engrav- ing and certifying securities for Equipment and the actual and necessary expense in organizing the Lessee/' The cost of (4) Lessee's expense for superintendence, etc., for the respect- ive portions of the Eeconstruction of Existing Eailroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $1,213.12 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island terminal 3,639.32 (III) Sea Beach Line 3,639.32 (IV) Myrtle Av, and B'way Connec- tion (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 1,213.12 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line . (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line ,. (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 2,426 . 22 CXIII)- Terminals, Yards and Shops. 2,426.23 (XV) Car Equipment 9,704.91 Total cost for Lessee's expense for Superintendence, etc., pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $24,262.24 Taxes. " (5) Taxes, assessments or other governmental charges (including mortgage recording tax) of every description against the Lessee actually and necessarily paid or accrued in and about the provision of the Equipment pending the time when the portions of the Equipment as to which such taxes, assessments or other governmental charges were paid or accrued are placed in operation. During opera- tion such assessments for benefits as are not properly charge- able against revenue shall be charged to cost of equipment/' The cost of (5) Taxes for the respective portions of the Eeconstruction of Existing Railroads, is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St . . $5 . 62 (II) Brighton BeaCh Line, between Keptune Av. and Coney Island term ".f. . 16.87 (III) Sea Beach Line 16.88 (IV) Myrtle Av. and B'way Connec- tion (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 5.63 (VI) Broadway Line (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 11.25 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops. 11.25 (XIV) Car Equipment ^ 45 . 00 Total cost for Taxes pursuant to the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $112.50 Interest. "(6) Interest actually and necessarily paid or accrued on moneys provided by the Lessee or on its behalf from time to time for the items of this defini- tion from the respective times of providing said moneys (but not including interest on any moneys provided by the Lessee or on its behalf prior to October 1, 1912) to the beginning 10 of operation of the part of the Equipment for which such moneys were provided, less any interest received by the Les- see or on its behalf on such moneys." The cost of (6) Interest for the respective portions of the Eeconstruction of existing Eailroads is as follows : (I) Brighton Beach Line, between Church Av. and Malbone St $13,490.43 (II) Brighton Beach Line, between Neptune Av. and Coney Island term 40,471.28 (III) Sea Beach Line 40,471.28 (IV) Myrtle Av. and BVay Connec- tion (V) Lutheran Cemetery Line 13,490.43 (VI) Broadway Line /. . (VII) Fulton Street Line (VIII) Myrtle Avenue Line (IX) Lexington Avenue Line (X) Fifth Avenue Line (XI) Canarsie Line (XII) Coney Island Terminal 26,980.85 (XIII) Terminals, Yards and Shops. 26,980.85 (XIV) Car Equipment 107,923.43 Total cost for Interest pursuant to \ the Contract, prior to March 19, 1913 $269,808.55 APPENDIX EXPLAXATORY OF THE ABOVE DETERMIXATIOX Lessee's expense for In the determination of Cost of Con- superintendence, struction and Cost of Equipment of the Railroad for Initial Operation made un- Taxes. der this same date, the character and di- vision of the expenditures by the Lessee Interest. prior to March 19, 1913, are fully ex- plained and reference is hereby made to them to identify the entries herein. The stipulation hereinbefore mentioned, affecting the disposition of these expendi- tures in the " prior " determinatiou, is as follows: 11 Stipulation made this IStli day of November, 1913, by and between the Public Service Commission for the First District, hereinafter re- ferred to as the " Commission," and New York Municipal Railway Cor- poration, hereinafter referred to as the " Railway Corporation." Whereas acting under the provisions of the (1) Contract dated March 19, 1913, between the City of New York, acting by the Commission, and the Railway Corporation, known as Contract No. 4. (2) The certificate dated March 19, 1913, granted by the Commission to the Railway Corporation for additional tracks, and (3) The certificate dated March 19, 1913, granted by the Commission to the Railway Corporation for extensions. The Chief Engineer of the Commission has rendered certain determina- tions bearing date the 14th day of October, 1913, of the cost of con- struction, cost of equipment, actual cost of plant and structure and actual cost of equipment paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913 ; and Whereas, included in such determinations are various items of cost not susceptible of specific allocation to the various lines and subdivi- sions referred to in the contract and certificates, but which in such determinations are allocated to such lines and subdivisions in accord- ance with an empirical method of allocation ; and Whereas, in accordance with such method of allocation portions of such items have been allocated to lines or subdivisions for which the necessary constitutional consents have not as yet been obtained ; and Whe?'eas such method of allocation was based in part upon the suggestion that under the contract and certificates the Chief Engineer was required to make in each determination a definite and final alloca- tion of such items despite the fact that all allocations of such items are necessarily subject to readjustment because of changing conditions arising out of the prosecution of the work under said contract and certificates ; and Whereas, the Commission and the Railway Corporation recognize the right of the Chief Engineer under said contract and certificates to allocate such items in proper proportionate parts to various lines and subdivisions for which the necessary constitutional consents shall have been obtained and thereafter, from time to time, to reallocate such items or portions thereof as may be necessary, so that as soon as practicable there shall be allocated to each line and subdivision its proper proportionate part of such items upon the basis of the rela- tive cost applicable to such line or subdivision to the cost applicable to the other lines and subdivisions as contemplated in said contract and certificates; and 12 Whereas, the Chief Engineer has expressed his willingness to with- draw such determinations upon the request of the Commission and the Railway Corporation; and Whereas, the Commission and the Railway Corporation construe the contracts and certificates as giving such right of allocation and reallocation to the Chief Engineer and enter into this stipulation not for the purpose of varying or modifying any of the provisions of such contract and certificates but for the purpose of regulating matters of detail thereunder and to avoid possible future misunderstandings. Now Therefore, the Commission and the Railway Corporation hereby stipulate and agree as follows : First: The Commission and the Railway Corporation hereby ex- pressly recognize and confirm the right of the Chief Engineer under said contract and certificates to allocate in proper proportionate parts to the various lines and subdivisions for which the necessary constitutional con- sents shall have been obtained all such items of cost as are not suscep- tible of specific allocation, and thereafter, from time to time, to reallo- cate such items in whole or in part as may be necessary, so that as soon as practicable there shall be finally allocated to each such line and subdivision no more and no less than its proper proportionate part of such items upon the basis of the relative cost applicable to said line or subdivision to the cost applicable to the other lines and subdivisions as contemplated in said contract and certificates. Second: In the case of lines or subdivisions for which the neces- sary constitutional consents have not at the time of rendering any determination been obtained, the Chief Engineer may allocate the pro- portionate part of such items that otherwise would be allocable to such lines or subdivisions to other lines or subdivisions for which the neces- sary constitutional consents have been obtained ; and thereafter, when and as the necessary constitutional consents are obtained, the Chief Engineer may transfer the amounts so allocated from the lines or subdivisions to which they have been allocated to the line or subdi- vision for which such consents shall have been obtained, so that each line or subdivision will bear its equitable and proper share of such items. In particular the Railway Corporation agrees that the pro- portionate part of such items that would properly be allocable to additional tracks and extensions (if such consents had been obtained therefor) may be allocated temporarily to Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation, and that when and as the necessary con- stitutional consents are obtained for any additional tracks or extensions the Chief Engineer may transfer from Reconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Operation to the additional tracks or extensions for which such consents shall have been obtained the amounts which otherwise would have been allocated thereto in the first instance. Third: The Chief Engineer may withdraw the several determina- tions bearing date the 14th day of October, 1913, such withdrawal to have the same force and effect as though such determinations had not been rendered. 13 Fourth: The time of the Chief Engineer to render the determina- tions of cost of construction, cost of equipment, actual cost of plant and structure and actual cost of equipment paid or accrued prior to March 19, 1913, is hereby extended to and including the 25th day of November, 1913. Fifth: This stipulation shall be without prejudice to any right of the Commission or of the Railway Corporation under said contract or certificates to object to any determination of the Chief Engineer. Sixth: This stipulation shall not apply to items of cost susceptible of specific allocation, the intention being that the Chief Engineer shall allocate all such items as are susceptible of specific allocation to the particular lines or subdivisions to which they shall respectively belong. Seventh: This stipulation shall continue in force and effect until the beginning of Initial Operation under said contract. In Witness Whereof the Commission has caused its oflicial seal to be hereto aflixed and attested by its Secretary and this stipulation to be signed by its Chairman, and the Railway Corporation has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested by its Secretary and this stipulation to be signed by its President, all the day and year first above written. , PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT, [SEAL OF THE by Edwabd E. McCall, COMMISSION] Chairman. Attest : Tbavis H, Whitney, Secretary. NEW YORK MUNICIPAL RAILWAY CORPORA- TION, [SEAL OF THE RAIL- by T. S. WiLLIAMS, WAY CORPORATION] President. Attest : T. A. Bullock, Secretary. UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS The details of the Costs hereinbefore set forth should be classi- fied in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts pre- scribed for street and electric railways by the Public Service Commission in its order of December 8, 1908. In the following classification " Miscellaneous construction ex- penditures," includes debt expenses, because under the provisions of the Company's first mortgage, all bonds will be amortized through the operation of the sinking fund. For the Eeconstruction of Existing Railroads for Initial Opera- tion. The Cost of Construction is distributed as follows: Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $537.91 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 39,660.08 Land : Right of Way ' 449.61 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 22,335.45 Interest during construction 809,425.67 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 10,590 . 79 Total Cost of Construction $882,999.51 The Cost of Equipment is distributed as follows: Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $179.30 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 13,220.03 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 7,445 . 14 Interest during construction 269,808.55 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 3,530 . 27 Total Cost of Equipment $294,183.29 Total Cost of Reconstruction of Exist- ing Railroads for Initial Operation to March 19, 1913 $1,177,182.80 15 These costs under the Uniform System of Accounts are for each portion of the Existing Eailroads, as follows : BEIGHTON BEACH LINE, BETWEEN CHUECH AV. AND MALBONE ST. Cost of Construction : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $53.79 Other Intangible Street Eailway Capital 3,966.01 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 2,233.54 Interest during construction. 80,942.57 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 1,059 . 08 Total Cost of Construction $88,254.99 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $8.97 Other Intangible Street Eailway Capital 661.00 Undistributed Construction Expenditures : Engineering and Superintendence 372.26 Interest during construction 13,490.43 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 176 . 51 Total Cost of Equipment $14,709 . 17 Total Cost for Eeconstruction of this portion of Existing Eailroads $102,964.16 16 BEIGHTO^^ BEACH LIXE, BETWEEX XEPTUNE AY. AXD CONEY ISLAND TERMINAL Cost of Construction : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $53 . 80 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 3,966.01 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 2,233.53 Interest during construction 80,9-12 .57 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 1,059 . 08 Total Cost of Construction $88,254.99 Cost of Equipment: Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $26 . 89 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,983.00 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 1,116.76 Interest during construction 40,471.28 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 529 . 54 Total Cost of Equipment $44,127.47 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $132,382.46 17 SEA BEACH LINE Cost of Construction : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $134 . 48 Other Intangible Street Eailway Capital 9,915.01 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 5,583.87 Interest during construction 202,356.41 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 2,647 . 70 Total Cost of Construction $220,637.4 Cost of Equipment: Intangible Street Eailway Capital: Organization $26 . 89 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,983.00 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 1,116.76 Interest during construction 40,471.28 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 529 . 55 Total Cost of Equipment ...$44,127.48 Total cost for Eeconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $264,764.95 IS MYETLE AVENUE AND BROADWAY CONNECTION Cost of Construction: Intangible Street Railivay Capital: Organization $26 . 89 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,983.01 Undistributed Oonstruction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 1,116.77 Interest during construction 40,471.28 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 529 . 54 Total Cost of Construction $44,127.49 Cost of Equipment : Note. There have been no expenditures on this account. Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads. . . $44,127.49 19 LUTHERAN CEMETERY LINE Cost of Construction: Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $26 . 89 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,983.00 Undistributed Construction Expenditures : Engineering and Superintendence 1,116.79 Interest during construction 40,471.28 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 529 . 54 Total Cost of Construction $44,127.50 "Cost of Equipment: Intangible Street Raihvay Capital: Organization $8.97 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 661.00 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 372.27 Interest during construction 13,490.43 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 176.51 Total Cost of Equipment $14,709.18 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $58,836.68 20 CONEY ISLAND TEEMINAL Cost of Construction : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $134.48 Other Intangible Street Eailway Capital 9,915.03 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 5,583 . 87 Interest during construction 202,356.42 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 2,647 . 70 Total Cost of Construction $220,637.50 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $17.93 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,322 . 01 Undistributed Construction Expenditures : Engineering and Superintendence 744.50 Interest during construction 26,980.85 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 353 . 03 Total Cost of Equipment $29,418.32 Total cost for Eeconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $250,055.82 21 TERMINALS, SHOPS AND YARDS Cost of Construction : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $107 . 58 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 7,932 .01 Land: Right of Way 449 . 61 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 4,467.08 Interest during construction 161,885.14 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 2,118 . 15 Total Cost of Construction $176,959.57 Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $17.93 Other Intangible Street Railway Capital 1,322 . 01 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 744 . 52 Interest during construction 26,980.85 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 353 . 02 Total Cost of Equipment $29,418.33 Total cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $206,377.90 22 CAE EQUIPMENT Cost of Equipment : Intangible Street Railway Capital: Organization $71.72 Other Intangible Street Eailway Capital 5,288.01 Undistributed Construction Expenditures: Engineering and Superintendence 2,978.07 Interest during construction 107,923.43 Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 1,412 . 11 Total Cost of Equipment $117,673.34 Total Cost for Reconstruction of this portion of Existing Railroads $117,673.34 Dated New York, November 24, 1913. Alfred Craven, Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission for the First District. 2 ^' RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO #^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 ( b ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ''^23 1996 FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 YC 91^^^^ CDSSEDSm3 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY w