Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bibliographicallOOIyelrich A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST DESCRIPTIVE OF ROMANO-BRITISH ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS IN GREAT BRITAIN CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Honfcmt: FETTER LANE, E.C. C. F. CLAY, Manager ©iinburgfj: ioo, PRINCES STREET Berlin: A. ASHER AND CO. ILeipjtg: F. A. BROCKHAUS • £«fo lorfe: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS iSombag anH Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. Ah rights reserved A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST DESCRIPTIVE OF ROMANO-BRITISH ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS IN GREAT BRITAIN BY ARTHUR H. LYELL, M.A., F.S.A. > t • „ • • Cambridge : at the University Press 1912 ^ Cambrtoge : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE HTHE description of discoveries of Roman Architectural ■» Remains in Britain are scattered so widely that on the suggestion of the late Mr George E. Fox I commenced this Bibliographical List, in the hope that the student of the future might thus easily obtain all available information regarding any excavated site. The List may also serve two other purposes : either to prevent needless excavations on sites that have been exhaustively explored or on the other hand to stimulate the thorough exploration and planning of sites hitherto only imperfectly investigated. It has been found necessary to omit obscure evidence of buildings, as for instance where roof tiles have been found without a trace of any foundations. Burial sites although indicating the probable proximity of dwellings, remains of which indeed may actually exist to-day and await discovery, are also excluded. On the other hand some Forts which have not been explored, but which there is every reason to believe will furnish evidence of architectural remains have been included, as well as a few minor and possibly doubtful sites. Nearly all the publications referred to may be found in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries of London. I cannot «3 VI PREFACE boast of having exhausted all works which may contain refer- ences. It is more than probable that there may be some books and periodicals which refer to remains of buildings contained in this list and in most cases quoted or gleaned from the books I have cited. Newspaper notices have been generally omitted ; but it is to be hoped that no important work will be found missing. To Mr Mill Stephenson I am profoundly indebted for un- remitting kindness in advice, as well as for incalculable help in revising and checking all the references. •A. H. L. London, July, 1912. CONTENTS PAGE V Preface Bibliography and Abbreviations ix England Bedfordshire 1 Berkshire 1 Buckinghamshire 4 Cambridgeshire 5 Cheshire ... ... * • 5 Cornwall «•• 8 Cumberland 8 Derbyshire J 5 Devonshire I0 Dorsetshire l 7 Durham 2I Essex 23 Gloucestershire 2 8 Hampshire 3^ Herefordshire 43 Hertfordshire 45 Huntingdonshire 4° Kent 47 Lancashire 54 Leicestershire 5^ Lincolnshire ... ... ••• ••• ••• °° London: City Wall and Gates 65 Buildings and Pavements 7 1 Southwark 85 Westminster ... ... 86 Monmouthshire 86 Norfolk 88 Northamptonshire 9° Northumberland 94 Nottinghamshire IQI Oxfordshire i°2 Rutland i©5 Shropshire io 5 Vlll CONTENTS England {continued) page Somersetshire ... ... ... 108 Staffordshire 118 Suffolk 118 Surrey 120 Sussex 122 Warwickshire 125 Westmorland ... 126 Wiltshire 126 Worcestershire 130 Yorkshire ., 131 Scotland Dumbartonshire .. 137 Dumfriesshire 138 Elginshire ... 139 Fifeshire 139 Lanarkshire * 139 Linlithgowshire 139 Midlothian 139 Peeblesshire ... 139 Perthshire 140 Roxburghshire 140 Stirlingshire ... . 141 Wales Brecknockshire 142 Cardiganshire 143 Carmarthenshire ... 143 Carnarvonshire 143 Denbighshire ... 144 Flintshire ... 144 Glamorganshire ... 144 Merionethshire ... ... ... ... 145 Montgomeryshire .1 146 Pembrokeshire 146 Radnorshire 146 Index 147 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS The following list of works includes those which deal with England, Scotland and Wales. Works dealing with particular counties will be found under the heading of the respective county ; but where a publication only treats of one particular site or contains an account of only one or two sites, the title in each case is given in full under the respective name of place. Antiquarian Repertory. Antiquarian Repertory, 4 vols. 1775 — 84, 1807 — 9. Antiquary. The Antiquary, 1. — xlv. 1880— 1909. Archaeologia, see London S.A. Archaeologist. The Archaeologist. Edited by J. O. H alii well, 1842. Arch. Jour. The Archaeological Journal and other Volumes published by the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland : (a) Arch. Jour. 1.— lxvii. 1845— 1910. (b) Winchester Volume, 1845. (c) York Volume, 1846. {d) Norwich Volume, 1847. (e) Lincoln Volume, 1848. (/) Salisbury Volume, 1849. (g) Oxford Volume, 1850. (k) Bristol Volume, 185 1. (z) Newcastle Volume, 1852. (J) Chichester Volume, 1853. Arch. Review. Archaeological Review, A Journal of Historic and Pre- historic Antiquities, 1888 — 90. Arch. Scotica, see Scotland S.A. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports. The Associated Architectural Societies Reports and Papers, 1.— xxix. 1850— 1908. Athenaeum. The Athenaeum, Journal of Literature, 1831 — 19 10. Ayr and Gall. Colls. Archaeological and Historical Collections relating to the Counties of Ayr and Wigton. Published by the Ayrshire and Wigton (now Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Association), 9 vols. I875—95- X BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS B.A.A. British Archaeological Association : {a) Collectanea Archaeologica, 2 vols. 4to. 1862, 1871. (b) Journal, 1.— L. 1845—94; N.S. 1.— xv. 1895— 1909. (c) Proceedings at Canterbury, 1845. (d) Transactions at Gloucester, 1846. (e) Transactions at Winchester, 1845. (/) Transactions at Worcester, 1848. Bateman's Diggings. Bateman, Thomas. Ten Years digging in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York from 1848—58, Lond. 1861. Bib. Topog. Brit. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, 1780. Birm. and Mid. Inst. Trans. Birmingham and Midland Institute Transac- tions, Archaeological section, 1870 — 78. Blome's Britannia. Blome, R. Britannia ; or a Geographical description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, etc. 1673. Brit. Curios. British Curiosities in Art and Nature (printed for Sam. Illidge, 1 721). Brit. Mus. British Museum, Pavements exhibited. Brit. Romana, see London S.A. Britton and Brayley. Britton, J., and Brayley, E. W. Beauties of England and Wales, 26 vols. 1801— 15. Builder. The Builder, I.— XCVII. 1843— 1909. Camden, see Gough. Carter. Carter, J. Ancient Architecture, 1795. Coll. Antiq., see Smith, C. Roach. Dugdale's Imbanking. Dugdale, Sir W. History of Imbanking and Drain- ing Fens and Marshes. Edited by C. N. Cole, 1772. East Anglian N. and Q. The East Anglian: or Notes and Queries on Subjects connected with the County of Suffolk, Cambridge, etc. Edited by C. H. Evelyn White, L— IV. 1864—69, N.S. 1.— x. 1885— 1904, 3 S. xi.— xii. 1905—8, 4 S. xiii. 1909—10. East Anglian Miscell. East Anglian Miscellany. Fowler's Pav. Fowler, W. Mosaic Pavements of Great Britain, 1804. Gent. Mag. Gentleman's Magazine, vols. I — 138, 1731 — 1868. Gent. Mag. Lib. Rom. Gentleman's Magazine Library Romano-British Remains. Edited by G. L. Gomme, 2 parts, 1887. Godwin's Arch. Handbook. Godwin, Henry. The English Archaeologist's Handbook, 1867. Gough's Brit. Top. Gough, Richard. British Topography, 2 vols. 1780. Gough's Camden. Camden, William. Britannia. Edited by Richard Gough, 2nd ed. 4 vols. 1806. Grose's Antiq. Grose, Francis. Antiquities of England and Wales, 6 vols. 1773— %7- Hearne's Reliquiae. Hearne, Thomas. Reliquiae Hearnianae : the remains of T. Hearne, with notes by P. Bliss, 2 vols. 1857. Holinshed. Holinshed, R. Chronicles of England, 1587. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS XI Horsley. Horsley, John. Britannia Romana, 2 vols. 1732. Hiibner. Hiibner, Aemilius. Inscriptiones Britanniae Latinae, 1873. Illust. Arch. The Illustrated Archaeologist. Edited by J. R. Allen, vol. 1. 1904 {see The Reliquary). Illust. Lond. News. Illustrated London News, 1842— 191 1. Kennett's Antiquities. Kennett, White. Parochial Antiquities, 1695. King's Mun. Antiq. King, Edward. Munimenta Antiqua, 1799. — 1806. Knight's England. Knight, Charles. Old England, 2 vols. 1845. Leland's Itin. Leland, John. The Itinerary of. Edited by T. Hearne, 3rd ed. 9 vols. 1768 — 69. Lewis. Lewis, Samuel. A Topographical Dictionary of England, 5th ed. 4 vols. 1845. Lewis. Lewis, Samuel. A Topographical Dictionary of Wales, 3rd ed. 2 vols. 1845. London Royal Inst. Proc. London, Royal Institution of Great Britain, Proceedings, 1851 — 19 10. London R. S. London, Royal Society {a) Philosophical Transactions, 1735 — 1910. (b) Classified Papers in the Archives of the Royal Society, 1606 — 1 74 1, by A. H. Church, 1907. {c) Letters and Papers in the Archives of the Royal Society, 1741 —1806, by A. H. Church, 1908. London S.A. London, Society of Antiquaries of : (a) Archaeologia. Archaeologia, 1. — lxii. 1779 — 19 10. (b) Brit. Rom. Britannia Romana (A collection of Original Drawings, etc. belonging to the Society), 4 vols. (c) Minute Book. MS. Minute Books, 1.— xxxviii. 1718— 1844. (d) Proc. Proceedings, I.— iv. 1849—59, N -S. 1.— xxm. 1859— 1910. (e) Topog. Colls. Topographical Collections. (/) Vet. Mon. Vetusta Monumenta, 6 vols. Dysons' Envir. Lond. Lysons, Daniel. The Environs of London, 4 vols. 1792— 1811. Lysons' Mag. Brit. Lysons, Daniel and Samuel. Magna Britannia, 1806 — 22. Lysons' Reliquae. Lysons, Samuel. Reliquae Britannico Romanae, 1801 — 17. Mag. Brit. 1738. Magna Britannia Antiqua et Nova, 6 vols. 1738. Midland Antiq. Midland Antiquary, Nos. 1 — 14, 1882 — 86. Midland Co. Hist. Coll. Midland Counties History Collector. Edited by J. Thompson, 2 vols. 1854 — 56. Morgan. Morgan, Thomas. Romano- British Mosaic Pavements : a History of their discovery, 1886. Nichols' Horae Romanae. Nichols, W. L. Horae Romanae, 1838. N. and Q. Notes and Queries, Eleven Series, 1850 — 1910. Phil. Trans., see London R.S. Xll BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS Pointer's Brit. Rom. Pointer, John. quities in Britain, 1724. Prynne's Diary. Surtees Society Publications, Liv. Diary of Abraham de la Prynne, the Yorkshire Antiquary. Reliquary. The Reliquary. Edited by Llewellynn Jewitt, 1. — xxvu. i860 —86, N.S. 1.— viii. 1887— 1894. Reliquary and Illust. Arch. The Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 1. — XV. 1895 — 1909. R.I.B.A. Trans. Royal Institute of British Architects, Transactions, 23 vols. 1860—84, N.S. 1.— viii. 1885—92, 3 S. 1.— xvi. 1896— 1909. Roy. Roy, William. Military Antiquities of the Romans, 1793. Royal Society, see London R.S. Salmon's England. Salmon, Nathaniel. New Survey of England, 1731. Scarth's Rom. Brit. Scarth, H. M. Roman Britain, n.d. Scotland S. A. Scotland, Society of Antiquaries of : (a) Arch. Scot. Archaeologia Scotica, 1792 — 1890. (b) Proc. Proceedings, 1. — xlii. 1855 — 1909. Smith, C. Roach. Smith, C. Roach. (a) Coll. Antiq. Collectanea Antiqua 1.— vn. 1848—80. (b) Retrospections. Retrospections, Social and Archaeological, 2 vols. 1883—85. Strutt's Chronicle. Strutt, Joseph. Chronicles of England, B.C. 54 to a.d. 1066, 1779. Stukeley's Itin. Curios. Stukeley, W. Itinerarum Curiosum, 2nd ed. 1776. Stukeley's Letters. Surtees Society Publications, Vols. 7^, 76, 80. W. Stukeley's Letters and Diaries, 1. 11. III. Tour in Britain. Tour in the whole Island of Britain by a Gentleman, 3rd ed. 1742. Vet. Mon., see London S.A. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Wren's Parentalia. Wren, C. Parentalia : or memoirs of the family of the Wrens, 1750. Wright's Arch. Album. Wright, T. Archaeological Album or Museum of National Antiquities, 1845. Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon. Wright, T. The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon, 5th ed. 1892. Wright's Wanderings. Wright, T. Wanderings of an Antiquary, 1854. ROMAN REMAINS BEDFORDSHIRE V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Bedfordshire, II. 1908. Bedford (Castle Lane). Pavement. Building News, Oct. 7, 1881 ; V.C.H. 11. 5. Shefford. Foundations, cemetery, etc. Arch. Jour. I. 397 ; Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Pubs. 4to, I. 8th paper, 10 (plan) ; V.C.H. 11. 11 (plan). Yelden. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XXXIX. 82 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Rep. xvi. 263 ; V.C.H. 11. 15. BERKSHIRE Berks. Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Jour. Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Archaeological Journal, I. — XVI. 1895 — 1910. Berks. Quarterly Jour. Quarterly Journal of the Berkshire Archaeological and Architectural Society, 3 vols., N.D. King. King, Cooper. Popular History of Berkshire, 1887. Newbury Field Club Trans. Newbury District Field Club Transactions, I.— iv. 1871—95. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Berkshire, I. 1906. Abingdon. Foundations. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. III. 145, 202; V.C.H. I. 202. Bagshot Heath (Wickham Bushes). Foundations. Lysons' Mag. Brit. I. 199; V.C.H. I. 206. Basildon. Building and pavements. B.A.A. Jour. XVI. 32 ; Coll. Antiq. I. 65 ; Hedges, J. K., Hist, of Wallingford, 1881, I. 136; Hussey, R., An account of the Roman road from Alchester to Dorchester, 1841, 20 n ; Lewis, I. 161; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVIII. 447, and Minute Book, XXXVII. 350; Morgan, 145, 148; Newbury Field Club Trans. IV. 98 ; V.C.H. I. 203. l. 1 2 , - - : : BERKSHIRE Blewbury (Lowborough Hill). Foundations. Arch. Jour. v. 286; Gent. Mag. 1838, i. 48, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 4; Hewett, W., Hist, of Compton, 1844, H3; V.C.H. I. 203. Boxford. Foundations. Newbury Field Club Trans. I. 208 ; V.C.H. I. 203. Bradfield. Foundations (?). Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVI. 276; V.CH. I. 203. Brimpton. Building. Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 59; V.C.H. I. 204. Bucklebury (Marlstone). Building and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XVI. 290, XVII. 336, XXXVI. 28 ; King, 49 ; Newbury Field Club Trans, iv. 184; V.C.H. I. 205. Chaddleworth. Pavement. Gent. Mag. 1827, ii. 448, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 6 ; V.C.H. 1. 205. Cranhill, see Letcombe Regis. Easthampstead, see Bagshot Heath. Eling, see Hampstead Norris. Finchampstead. Foundations. Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. IV. 283 ; Surrey Arch. Colls. IX. 345 ; V.C.H. 1. 207. Frilford. Buildings. Antiquary, IX. 42 ; Arch. Jour. Liv. 340 (plan) ; Builder, XLV. 775, 805 ; Oxford Archit. and Hist. Soc. Proc. N.S. IV. 233 ; Times, Dec. 1, 1883 \ V.C.H. 1. 207 (plan). Hampstead Norris (Eling Farm). Buildings and pavements. B.A.A. Jour. XIX. 148, XXXVI. 27 ; King, 49 ; Newbury Field Club Trans. 1. 208, iv. 183; V.C.H. I. 210. (Well House Farm). Buildings and pavements. B.A.A. Jour. XIX. 60; King, 49; Lewis, II. 389 ; Newbury and its Environs, History of, 1839, 218 ; V.C.H. I. 209. Ilsley, East. Foundations. B.A.A. Jour. xvii. 290 ; V.C.H. I. 210. Lambourn (Stancombe Down). Foundations. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xi. 410 ; Newbury Field Club Trans, iv. 190 ; Reliquary, N.S. I. 234; V.C.H. I. 211. Letcombe Regis (Cranhill). Buildings. Arch. Jour. XXXIII. 382 (plan); Oxford Hist. Soc. III. 78; V.C.H. I. 211 (plan). BERKSHIRE 3 Lowborough Hill, see Blewbury. Maidenhead. Building. Antiquary, XIV. 227; Berks. Quarterly Jour. II. 75 ; Maidenhead and Taplow Field Club Reports, 1890 — 91, 50; V.C.H. I. 204. Marlstone, see Bucklebury. Newbury (Enbourne Road). Foundations. Berks. Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Jour. xill. 30 ; Reading Mercury, Apr. 6, 1907. Pangbourn. Foundation. Arch. Jour. I. 164 ; V.C.H. I. 212. Stancombe Down, see Lambourn. Stanford-in-the-Vale. Pavement. Berks. Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Jour. xill. 60; V.C.H. I. 214. Streatley. Foundations. Hoare, R. C, Ancient North Wilts. 53 ; V.C.H. 1. 214. Uffington (Woolstone). Buildings and pavements. Antiquary, x. 133, XI. 278 ; Berks. Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Jour. XIII. 60; Illust. Lond. News, July 5, 1884; Lond.S.A. Proc. 2 S. XXI. 215, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (photos of pavements); Morgan, 149; Newbury Field Club Trans. III. 239, IV. 189 ; Oxford Hist. Soc. III. 78 ; Times, May 23, 1884; V.C.H. I. 222. Waltham St Laurence. Buildings. Arch. Jour. VI. 1 14 (plan) ; Leland's I tin. I. preface, x ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. I. 199 ; V.C.H. I. 216 (plan). Waltham, White. Foundations. Leland's Itin. I. preface, ix ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. I. 199. Watchfield. Foundations. Antiquary, XLI. 403 ; Berks. Bucks. and Oxon. Arch. Jour. xill. 60 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xxi. 163; V.C.H. 1. 218. Well House, see Hampstead Norris. Weycock, see Waltham St Laurence. Wickham Bushes, see Bagshot Heath. Wittenham, Long. Foundations. Antiquary, xxix. 56 ; Athenaeum, Aug. 26, 1893 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVIII. 10 (plan) ; V.C.H. L 219 (plan). Woolstone, see Uffington. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Bucks. Records. Records of Buckinghamshire, I.— IX. 1858 — 1908. Gibbs. Gibbs, R. Buckinghamshire Miscellany, 1891. Sheahan. Sheahan, J. J. History of Buckinghamshire, 1862. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Buckinghamshire, II. 1908. Bletchley, see Shenley. Brickhill, Bow, see Fenny Stratford. Buckingham, see Foscott. Chenies (Latimer). Buildings and pavement. Bucks. Records, III. 180 (plan), IV. 276 ; Sheahan, 842 ; V.C.H. II. 8 (plan). Ellesborough. Buildings. Bucks. Records, II. 53 (plan) ; Gibbs, 174; Sheahan, 132; V.C.H. II. 6. Foscott, or Foxcott. Buildings and pavement. Bucks. Records, I. Catalogue of Museum, 4, HI. 240; Gent. Mag. 1838, i. 302, 1841, i. 81, 1843, i. 303, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 7, 8 ; Sheahan, 275 ; V.C.H. II. 7. Kimble, Little. Foundations and pavement. Bucks. Records, I. 39,11. 48, IV. 276; Sheahan, 131 ; V.C.H. II. 8. Nash Lee. Foundations. V.C.H. II. 10. Oakley. Foundations. Berks. Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Jour. IV. 46; V.C.H. II. 10. Shenley. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, xxxvil. 342 ; V.C.H. II. 4. Stratford, Fenny. Foundations and pavement. Gibbs, 56 ; Lewis, I. 407 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. I. 483 ; Sheahan, 25, 532. Tingewick. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XX. 376 ; Bucks. Records, III. 33 (plan), IV. 36 ; Gibbs, 334; V.C.H. II. 12 (plan). Wycombe, High. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XLIV. 246 ; Britton and Bray ley, I. 362 ; Bucks. Records, III. 160 (plan), V. 156; Gent. Mag. 1817, ii. 551, 1829, i. 546, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 13; Langley, T., History of Desborough, 1797, 29 ; Lewis, I. 407 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. III. 233 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. I. 483 ; Newbury Field Club Trans. IV. 240; Parker, John, Hist, of Wycombe, 1878, 1, 2 (plan), 5 ; Sheahan, 917 ; V.C.H. II. 17, 18 (plan). CAMBRIDGESHIRE— CHESHIRE CAMBRIDGESHIRE Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Trans. Cambridge Antiquarian Society Transactions, 8vo Series, I.— XLiv. 185 1— 1908. Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society Proceedings and Communications, 1. — XIII. 1859 — 1909. Arbury. Foundations. Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Proc. X. 284, XI. 198, 211. Burwell. Pavement. Builder, LXXXIX. 509. Now in Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. Cambridge. Buildings, causeway and bridge. Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 3, 17, 72, XX. 3, 26 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. II. 44. Comberton. Buildings. Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 14 and pi. 2 (plan), XX. 22 (plan), 24; Gent. Mag. 1842, ii. 526, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 14. Fleam Dyke and Mutlow Hill. Foundations. Arch. Jour. IX. 229 ; Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 40, XX. 67. Ickleton. Buildings. Arch. Jour. VI. 14, 96; Athenaeum, Sept. 9, 1848 ; B.A.A. Jour. iv. 356, 365 (plan), v. 54, XXIII. 278, XXXIV. 256, and Coll. Arch. II. 248 ; Gent. Mag. 1848, ii. 633, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 15, 72. Landwade. Buildings and pavement. Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Proc. XI. 210. Litlington. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXV. 30 ; Cambridge Chronicle, May and Dec. 1 841 ; Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 37, XX. 60, 62, and Proc. VI. 310 ; Gent. Mag. 1829, i. 546, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 16 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVI. 368, 376 (plan). SwarTham Prior. Buildings. Antiquary, XXVII. 24 ; Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Proc. VIII. 229 (plan) ; Reliquary, N.S. VII. 57. CHESHIRE Ches. Arch. Soc. Jour. Chester Architectural and Archaeological Society Journal, I.— ill. 1850—85. N.S. 1. — xv. 1887— 1909. Ches. N. and Q. Cheshire Notes and Queries, I.— VI. 1898— 1903. 6 CHESHIRE Hemingway. Hemingway, J. History of Cheshire, 2 vols., 1858. Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society Transactions, 1. — xxi. 1884— 1903. Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society Transactions, 1.— xxv. 1849 — 1909. Ormerod. Ormerod, J. History of Cheshire, 3 vols., 1819. Watkin. Watkin, T. W. Roman Cheshire, 1886. Birkenhead (Wallasey Pool). Bridge. Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 18, XX. 28 ; Chester Arch. Soc. Jour. 1. 55 ; Watkin, 80, 81. Bowden. Building. Watkin, 306. Chester {Deva). The city, walls, gates, etc. Antiquary, xvil. 41, 242, XVIII. 86, 278, XIX. 41 ; Arch. Jour. XLIII. 265, XLIV. 52, XLV. 264, 268, XLVII. 243, XLVIII. 293 ; B.A.A. Jour. V. 212, XLIV. 129, 212, XLV. 199, XLVII. 273, L. 63; Britton and Brayley, II. 195; Builder, LXI. 248; Ches. Arch. Soc. Jour. II. 334, 374, ill. 251, 471, 487, N.S. 1. 177, 203, II. 40, in. 71, XV. 133; Ches. N. and Q. N.S. IV. 228 ; Coll. Antiq. VI. 42 ; Haverfield, F., Catalogue of the Roman and sculptured stones in the Grosvenor Museum, Chester, 5 — 15 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 64, 218; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. IX. 203 ; Lewis, I. 566 ; Liverpool Archit. and Arch. Soc. Proc. II. 33 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XXII. 462 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. II. 427 ; Ormerod, I. 295 ; Pennant's Tour in Wales, 1. 114; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. 1. 59, II. 30 ; Watkin, 86. Black Friars Street. Buildings. Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. IV. 365 ; Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. 4 S. III. 54; Watkin, 319. Bridge Street. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXXVI.6; B.A.A. Jour. VI. 156, XXII. 376, 388 (plan); Britton and Brayley, II. 198; Builder, XXII. 60, XXIII. 109, 157; Ches. Arch. Soc. Jour. I. 355, 435, ill. 1 (plan), 106, N.S. I. 185, 212, VI. 395, VIII. 104, XIII. 139; Earwaker, J. D., Local Gleanings relating to Lane, and Ches. II. 169 ; Gent. Mag. 1863, ii. 6y y 209, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 18 ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 37; Hemingway, II. 352; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 318 ; Lewis, I. 566 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 285 CHESHIRE 7 (plan), and Proc. 2 S. II. 325, XVIII. 96; Ormerod, I. 295 ; Pennant's Tour in Wales, I. 116 ; Watkin, 130. Castle. Buildings and pavement. Gent. Mag. 1837, U 641, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 17 ; Watkin, 192. Commonhall Street. Buildings. B. A. A. Jour. v. 230; Watkin, Eastgate Street. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. N.S. VI. 355 ; Ches. Arch. Soc. Jour. N.S. vm. 82 (plan), 85. Foregate Street. Buildings. Antiquary, XVIII. 124. Northgate Street. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXVI. 25, xxxiii. 361 ; B.A.A. Jour. XLVin. 169, xlix. 298 (plan); Builder, LXII. 307, LXXIH. 51, 153 ; Ches. Arch. Soc. Jour. in. 32, N.S. v. 105, VI. 277 ; Lond. S.A. Proc 2 S. xvni. 91 (plan), and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (plan, etc.) ; Watkin, 157. Nuns' Garden. Pavement. Ormerod, 1. 295 ; Watkin, 192. St Mary's Rectory. Foundations. Watkin, 197. Watergate Street. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XLVl. 312, L. 197, N.S. I. 69; Britton and Brayley, II. 199; Broster, P., Chester Guide, 1872, 24; Ches. Arch. Soc. Jour. 1. 52, in. 32 ; Hemingway, II. 358 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. II. 428 ; Ormerod, I. 295 ; Pennant's Tour in Wales, I. 116; Watkin, 152. White Friars Street. Buildings. Antiquary, x. 37 ; Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. 3 S. XII. 10 (plan), 4 S. ill. 51 ; Reliquary, XXV. 64, N.S. I. 233 ; Watkin, 148. Wishing Steps. Foundations. Watkin, 197. Locality not given. Buildings, etc. Antiquary, XXXVII. 13 ; B.A.A. Jour. II. 193 ; Blome's Britannia, 53 ; British Curiosities in Art and Nature, 93 ; Magna Britannia Antiqua et Nova, I. 277. Eccleston. Pavement. Britton and Brayley, II. 238. Farndon. Buildings. Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. 4 S. III. 56. Kinderton. Foundations. Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. IV. 244. Lyme. Pavement (?). Ches. N. and Q. N.S. 1. 82 ; Marriott, W., Hist, of Lyme, 18 10, 261. Malpas. Pavement. Watkin, 286. 8 CHESHIRE— CORNWALL — CUMBERLAND Northwick. Foundations. Ches. Arch. Soc. Jour. I. 46 ; Watkin, 253. Statham. Foundations. B.A.A. Jour. VII. 12. Tarporley (Eaton). Foundations. Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. 4 S. III. 57. Wilderspool. Station, buildings, kilns, excavations, etc. Antiquary, XXXIV. 354, XXXVI. 258, XXXVII. 13; B.A.A. Jour. VII. 8, XVII. 60 ; Beamont, W., Account of the Roman station at Wilderspool, 1876; Kendrick, J., Guide to the collection of Roman remains from Wilderspool, 1872, 4, 8 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. XVII. 141, 239, 269, XX. 249 ; Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. 4 S. XII. 1 (plans), xiv. 1 (plans), xvi. 1 (plans), xxi. 190, 219, xxn. 15; May, Thos., The Roman Fortifications recently discovered at Wilderspool, 1899, and Warrington's Roman Remains discovered at Wilderspool, etc. 1904 (plans, etc.) ; Reliquary, X. 88, XI. 43 ; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. VI. 263 ; Watkin, 260. CORNWALL Borlase. Borlase, W. Antiquities of Cornwall, 1754. Helston. Ovens. Arch. Jour. XX. 64. St Erth (Bossens). Buildings. Lond. S.A. Minute Book, VIII. 109; Phil. Trans. LI. i. 13. St Paul (Kerris). Arched vault paved with stone. Borlase, 286. Wendron (Goldvadneck Barrow). Stone vault and fine chequered brick pavement found in 1700. Borlase, 286. CUMBERLAND Arch. Survey. An Archaeological Survey of Cumberland and Westmor- land, by R. S. Ferguson, printed in Archaeologia, Lin. (1893), 485 — 531. Bruce's Rom. Wall. Bruce, J. Collingwood. The Roman Wall, 3rd ed. 1867. Bruce's Handbook. Bruce, J. C. Handbook to the Roman Wall, 6th ed. 1909. CUMBERLAND 9 Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions, 1. — xvi. 1874 — 1900, N.S. I.— x. 1901— 10. Ferguson. Ferguson, R. S. Popular History of Cumberland, 1890. Hodgson. Hodgson, J. History of Northumberland, 3 vols., 1820—58. Hutchinson. Hutchinson, W. History of Cumberland, 2 vols., 1794. Maclauchlan. Maclauchlan, Henry. Memoir on the Roman Wall, 1858. Nicolson and Burn. Nicolson, J., and Burn, R. History of Westmorland and Cumberland, 2 vols., 1777. Roy. Roy, W. Military Antiquities of the Romans, 1793. Warburton. Warburton, J. Vallum Roman,um, 1753. Whellan. Whellan, W. History of Cumberland and Westmorland, i860. Beckfoot, see Mawbray. Bewcastle. Station, buildings, etc. Arch. Jour. XI. 124; Arch. Survey, 493; Britton and Brayley, III. 115; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 354, and Handbook, 250 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. II. 242 ; Ferguson, 75 ; Gent. Mag. 1792, ii. 1074, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 20; Hutchinson, I. 92; Lysons' Mag. Brit. iv. cxlv ; Maughan, J. A., Memoir on the Roman station and Runic cross at Bewcastle, 1857 ; Nicolson and Burn, II. 477 ; Whellan, 630. Birdoswald (Amboglanna). Station, buildings, etc. Arch. Jour. XXXIX. 454 ; Arch. Survey, 494; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. VII. 74, XII. 277, XIV. 199; Britton and Brayley, III. 118; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 253, and Handbook, 200; Ches. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 333 ; Coll. Antiq. III. 200 ; Cumb. and West. Arch. Soc. Trans. XIV. 184, XV. 180, 201, 346, 351, 353; Dorset Field Club Proc. XIV. 32 ; Ferguson, 93 ; Gent. Mag. 1852, i. 483 ; Glasgow Arch. Soc. Trans. 1. no; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 206, 295 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 107 ; Hutchinson, I. 65 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxxxvii ; Maclauchlan, 54; Newcastle S.A. Arch. iEliana, IV. 63, 141, N.S. xxiv. 39, Proc. 11. 216, VII. 225, 3 S. II. 291, and Lapid. Septen. 180; Nicolson and Burn, 504; V.C.H. London, I. 66 ; Warburton, 81 ; Whellan, 689. Borrowdale. Part of bridge. Arch. Survey, 494 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. III. 225. Bowness-on-Solway. Station, etc. Arch. Survey, 494 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 191 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 303, and 10 CUMBERLAND Handbook, 242; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 212 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 225 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 109, 158, 267; Hutchinson, II. 484; Lewis, I. 309; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, III. 244 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxl ; Maclauchlan, 87, 88 n ; Newcastle S.A. Proc. II. 240; Nicolson and Burn, II. 214; Whellan, 149, 151. Brampton. Foundations. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVI. 422 ; Maclauchlan, 63, 64. Brunstock Park. The Wall. Builder, LXVII. 87, 195 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. XIII. 459; Maclauchlan, 73. Burgh-on-Sands. Station, etc. Arch. Survey, 495 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 190; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 151 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 221 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 156; Hutchinson. II. 501 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxxxix ; Maclauchlan, 81 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. XII. 171, and Proc. II. 238 ; Nicolson and Burn, II. 222 ; Whellan, 153. Caermote. Fort and foundations. Arch. Survey, 497 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 43, 76, VI. 191 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. III. 224. Cambeck, see Castlesteads. Carlisle (Luguvallium). The city, walls, etc. Arch. Survey, 497 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 96 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 293, and Handbook, 233 ; Ferguson, 98 ; Hutchinson, II. 585, 650; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. IV. 47 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxlvi ; Maclauchlan, 75 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. XII. 163 ; Nicolson and Burn, II. 228 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. 11. 54; Whellan, 139. Bank Street. Stockade. Arch. Survey, 497 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXIII. 523, xxxiv. 242, 260; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 134, IV. 91 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VII. 217, 356. Blackfriars Street. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Survey, 498 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XIII. 263. Citadel Row. Stockade. Arch. Survey, 498 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXIII. 523, xxxiv. 260; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 134, IV. 91. Devonshire Street. Buildings. Arch. Survey,498 ; Jefferson, S., CUMBERLAND 1 1 Hist, of Carlisle, 1838, 330; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XIII. 264, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (plan). Eden river. Bridge and walk. Arch. Survey, 498 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. IX. 167 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XI. 209. English Street. Stockading and tanks of oak. Arch. Survey, 498; B.A.A. Jour, xxxiii. 523, xxxiv. 260; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 134, IV. 91, N.S. III. 412 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. vii. 216, 356. Tullie House. Stockading and timber platform. Arch. Jour. L. 20 ; Arch. Survey, 499 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. XII. 344 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xiv. 222 ; Newcastle S.A. Proc. v. 156. Carlisle, Old, near Wigton. Station and buildings. Arch. Survey, 500 ; B.A.A. Jour. III. 43 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 196; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 362, and Handbook, 251; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 64; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 234; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 112; Hutchinson, II. 400; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, X. 137; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxlii ; Newcastle S.A. Proc. II. 158 ; Nicolson and Burn, II. 144; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 54; Whellan, 267. Castlesteads, or Cambeck Fort, Walton. Station and buildings. Arch. Survey, 500; Britton and Brayley, III. 126; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 276, 277 ; Coll. Antiq. IV. 148 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 204, N.S. II. 391, III. 346; Gent. Mag. 1740, 171, 1742, j6, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 34; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 211, 316; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 107 ; Hutchinson, I. 102 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XI. 63, and Minute Book, XVII. 17 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxxxviii; Maclauchlan, 62; Newcastle S.A. Proc. 3 S. II. 295 ; Nicolson and Burn, II. 483 ; Stukeley's Letters, II. 65, 105 ; Whellan, 694. Denton, Nether. Fort and walls. Arch. Survey, 502 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 88 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. IV. 45. Drumburgh. Station, etc. Antiquary, XXXVI. 8 ; Arch. Survey, 502 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 191 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 301, and Handbook, 240; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. 12 CUMBERLAND Trans. I. 209, XVI. 81 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 223 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 157; Hutchinson, II. 486; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxl ; Maclauchlan, 85 ; Newcastle S.A. Proc. II. 2 39> 3 S. III. 296; Nicolson and Burn, II. 214; Stukeley's Letters, II. 64; Whellan, 151. Ellenborough (Maryport). Station, buildings, etc. Arch. Jour. XXXVII. 320 ; Arch. Survey, 503 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 202 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 365, and Handbook, 251 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 237 ; Ferguson, 68 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 238 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 113 ; Hutchinson, II. 269 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, It 58, X. 140, and Proc. 2 S. VIII. 392 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. I v. cxli, clxxxvi ; Nicolson and Burn, II. 109; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 49 ; Whellan, 325. Flimby, Risehow. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XXXVII. 344; Arch. Survey, 504 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 124 (plan). Gilsland. Fort and buildings. B.A.A. Jour. N.S. XV. 51; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. IX. 164 (plan), XIII. 467, XIV. 401 ; Lond. S.A. Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (plan of buildings) ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. XII. 160 (plan). Hardknott. Walled fort and buildings. Antiquary, XXVI. 25, 41, 90, 171, XXVIII. 137; Arch. Survey, 506; Britton and Brayley, III. 235; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans, vin. 68, XII. 375 (plans), XIII. 449, N.S. I. 303 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 70 ; Ferguson, 63 ; Hutchinson, I. 569 (plan); Jefferson, S., Hist, of Allerdale, 1842, 184; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxlviii ; Whellan, 411. Harehill, near Lanercost. Turret. Arch. Survey, 506 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 274 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxxxiii ; Mac- lauchlan, 58. Harrow's Scar, near Birdoswald. Mile Castle. Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. XV. 375 (plan). Keswick. Pavement. Arch. Survey, 509; Hutchinson, II. 155. Kirkandrews-upon-Eden. Mile Castle. Arch. Survey, 509 ; Maclauchlan, 80; Whellan, 170. Kirksteads. Station. Arch. Survey, 509 ; Cumb. and Westm. CUMBERLAND 1 3 Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 148 ; Newcastle S.A. Proc. II. 237 ; Whellan, 171. Lanercost. Camp and bridge. Arch. Survey, 510; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 272 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 40. Maryport, see Ellenborough. Mawbray, or Mawburgh. Walled camp. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 424, XXXVII. 230; Arch. Survey, 511 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 318, V. 136, N.S. I. 81 ; Ferguson, 71 ; Hutchinson, II. 346 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VIII. 206 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxxxvi ; Whellan, 236, 238, 422. Moresby. Station and foundations. Arch. Survey, 512; Britton and Brayley, III. 214; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 372; Ferguson, 67; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 248; Hutchinson, II. 90; Jefferson, S., Hist, of Allerdale, 1842, 59; Lewis, III. 329; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. V. 138 ; Nicolson and Burn, II. 47 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 52 ; Whellan, 421, 440. Netherby. Station and buildings. Arch. Survey, 513 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 99; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 355, and Hand- book, 251 ; Ferguson, 75; Gent. Mag. 1742, 76, 1750, 27, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 34, ii. 386 ; Gough's Brit. Topog. I. 287; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 249, 316; Hutchinson, n - 533, 539 (plan); King's Mun. Antiq. II. 181 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, II. 59, X. 141, and Minute Book, IX. 89, X. 179, XVI. 322, 339; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxlvi ; Maitland's Scotland, I. 206 ; Nicolson and Burn, 469 ; Roy, 166, 197 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 57, and Letters, II. yj, 85; Whellan, 628. Old Wall. Foundations. Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. XIII. 465 (plan). Orton. Foundations. Arch. Survey, 513; Hutchinson, II. 516; Whellan, 175. Papcastle. Station and buildings. Arch. Survey, 514; Britton and Brayley, ill. 210; Ferguson, 68; Lewis, III. 515; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxlii ; Nicolson and Burn, II. 104; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. 11. 51, and Letters, II. 106 ; Whellan, 292, 301. Penrith, Old, see Plumpton Wall. 14 CUMBERLAND Pike Hill, near Lanercost. Mile Castle. Arch. Survey, 514; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 214 (plan). Plumpton Wall. Station and buildings. Arch. Survey, 514; Britton and Brayley, III. 169; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 361, and Handbook, 251 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. XV. 46 ; Gent. Mag. 1790, ii. 982, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 36 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 1 1 1 (plan) ; Hutchinson, I. 477 ; Jefferson, S., Hist of Leath Ward, 1840, 461; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, X. 137; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxliii ; Nicolson and Burn, 11.420; Warburton, 115; Whellan, 575. Poltross Burn. Mile Castle, excavations, etc. Arch. Survey, 515; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. IX. 163, XV. 209 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XI. 209 ; Maclauchlan, 50 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch, ^liana, N.S. XII. 160. Ravenglass, see Walls Castle. Robin Hood's Butt, on Gillalees Beacon. Building. Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. I. 82. Stanwix. Station, etc. Arch. Survey, 517 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 97 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 290, and Handbook, 229 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. IX. 174; Ferguson, 87 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 218 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 108 ; Hutchinson, II. 577 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. IV. cxxxix ; Maclauchlan, 74 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch, ^liana, N.S. XII, 170, and Proc. II. 234 ; Nicolson and Burn, II. 452 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 56; Whellan, 140, 179. Walls Castle, Ravenglass. Fort, buildings, etc. Arch. Survey, 519 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 23, VI. 216 ; Ferguson, 61, 64 ; Hutchinson, I. 568 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VII. 357, IX. 61, XL 210; Maxwell, Sir Herbert, Memories of the Month, 1 S. 1901, 119; Newcastle S.A. Proc. II. 322 ; Reliquary, N.S. II. 54 ; Whellan, 488. Walton, see Castlesteads. Watchcross. Station, etc. Arch. Survey, 520; Britton and Brayley, III. 131 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 288, and Handbook, 231; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 218; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 154; Hutchinson, I. 121 ; Maclauchlan, 72; Nicolson and Burn, II. 485 ; Whellan, 681. Willowford, Gilsland. Fort and bridge. Arch. Survey, 520 ; CUMBERLAND— DERBYSHIRE 1 5 Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. IX. 166 ; Hutchinson, I. 65, 72 ; Maclauchlan, 52 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. yEliana, N.S. XII. 162, and Proc. 3 S. II. 124. Wolsty. Foundations. Arch. Survey, 520 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans, v. 258. The Wall (general), see Northumberland. DERBYSHIRE Bateman's Ten Years' Diggings. Bateman, T. Ten Years' Diggings in the counties of Derby, etc. 1861. Bateman's Vestiges. Bateman, T. Vestiges of Antiquities in Derbyshire, 1848. Bray. Bray, W. Tour in Derbyshire, 1783. Derby Arch. Soc. Jour. Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Journal, 1. — xxxm. 1879 — 1910. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Derbyshire, I. 1905. Bradwell. Oven (?). Derby Arch. Soc. Jour. XXI. 1 (plan) ; V.C.H. I. 254 (plan). Brough {Anavio). Station, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, xxxix. 291 ; Bateman's Ten Years' Diggings, 251, and Vestiges, 151; Bib. Top. Brit. Pt. XXIV. 39 ; Bray, 208 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 475 ; Builder, LXXXVI. 616 ; Derby Arch. Soc. Jour. vn. 80, xxvi. 177 (plans, etc.); Gough's Camden, 11. 430 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. XXI. 203 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. v. ccxv ; V.C.H. 1. 201 (plans, etc.). Buxton {Aquae). Buildings and pavement. Bateman's Vestiges, 151; Bray, 227; Britton and Brayley, III. 438; Derby Arch. Soc. Jour. VII. 85, xxv. 159, 163, XXVI. 201 ; Gough's Camden, II. 437 ; Lewis, I. 448 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IX. 137 (plan), X. 27, and Minute Book, XXII. 332 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. v. ccxvi ; Reliquary, III. 208 ; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. X. 54 ; V.C.H. 1. 222 ; Whitaker, J., Hist, of Manchester. 2nd ed. 1773, 1. 201. Chester, Little (JDerventio). Station, foundations, and pave- ments. Bateman's Vestiges, 145 ; Bray, 109 ; Britton and Brayley, III. 383 ; Derby Arch. Soc. Jour. VII. 75 ; Gough's 1 6 DERBYSHIRE — DEVONSHIRE Camden, II. 419; Lewis, I, 567; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, X. 26 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. v. ccxv ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 54 (plan) ; V.C.H. I. 216 (plan). Crich. Foundations. Bateman's Vestiges, 158; Derby Arch. Soc. Jour. VIII. 226; Lysons' Mag. Brit. V. ccviii ; V.C.H. I. 256. Derby, see Chester, Little. Melandra Castle. Station, buildings, excavations, gates and walls. Antiquary, xxxvi. 7; Bateman's Vestiges, 153; Britton and Brayley, Hi. 456 ; Derby Arch. Soc. Jour. VII. 87, XXIII. 90 (plans, etc.), xxix. Appendix, the Report of the Manchester and District Branch of the Classical Asso- ciation on the Excavations (plans, etc.) ; Gough's Camden, II. 431 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 63 (plan); Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. VI. 224, xvn. 105, 141, 258 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, III. 236; Lysons' Mag. Brit. v. ccxvi ; V.C.H. I. 210 (plans, etc.). Parwich. Foundations. Bateman's Vestiges, 1 54 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. V. cexvii. DEVONSHIRE Devon Assoc. Trans. Devonshire Association Transactions, 1. — XLI. 1863 — 1909. Oliver. Oliver, G. History of the city of Exeter, 186 1. Polwhele. Polwhele, R. History of Devonshire, 3 vols. 1793 — 1806. Shortt. Shortt, W. T. P. Sylva Antiqua Iscana, Exeter, N.D. Brixham (Berry Head). Walled fort. B.A.A. Coll. Arch. II. 23 ; Devon Assoc. Trans. XXIII. 77 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. VI. cccli. Chudleigh. Foundations of bridge. Devon Assoc. Trans. XXI. 436. Exeter (Isca Dumnuniorum). Gates and walls. Polwhele, I. 184; Shortt, 55, yS, 137; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 156 (plan). Cathedral (near). Pavement. B.A.A. Jour, xvill. 260; Devon Assoc. Trans, xxill. 84; Gent. Mag. 1843, i. 191, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 44 ; Oliver, 2. DEVONSHIRE — DORSETSHIRE 1 7 Fore Street. Pavement. Polwhele, I. 185. High Street. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XVIII. 260 ; Devon Assoc. Trans. XXIII. 84 ; Jenkins, A., Hist, of Exeter, 1 806, 6 n ; Lond. S. A. Archaeologia, VI. 5 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. VI. cccx ; Shortt, 55, 142, and Nos. 10 and 15 on plan. Pancras Lane. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour. xvin. 260, and Coll. Arch. II. 28 ; Devon Assoc. Trans. XXIII. 84 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. VI. cccx ; Polwhele, I. 185 ; Shortt, No. 16 on plan ; Stukeley's I tin. Curios. I. 158. Queen Street. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. I. 140, XVIII. 260. South Street. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. xvm. 260 ; Devon Assoc. Trans, xxill. 83 ; Devon and Cornwall Notes and Gleanings, HI. 97; Gent. Mag. 1834, ii. 40; Oliver, 2; Shortt, 21, 23, 25, 29, 35, 41, 114, 139, 140. Holcombe, see U ply me. Modbury. Foundations (?). Devon Assoc. Trans. XXIII. 79 ; Gent. Mag. 1846, ii. 517, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 44. Seaton (Hannaditches). Buildings. Devon Assoc. Trans, xxill. 48, 54, 81. Teignbridge. Bridge. Devon Assoc. Trans. XXXIII. 81 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XIX. 308 ; Lysons' Mag. Brit. VI. cccxi. Uplyme (Holcombe). Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XI. 49 ; B.A.A. Jour. VI. 450; Builder, VIII. 471 ; Devon Assoc. Trans, xxill. 48, 54, 82 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xlv. 462 (plan), Proc. 1 S. II. 265, 2 S. V. 276, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plan, etc.). DORSETSHIRE Dorset Field Club Proc. Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club Proceedings, I. — XXX. 1877 — 1909. Hutchins. Hutchins, J. History of the county of Dorset, 3rd ed., 4 vols., 1861—67. Warne's Anc. Dorset. Warne, C. Ancient Dorset, 1872. Warne's Vestiges. Warne, C. Dorsetshire, its Vestiges, Celtic, Roman, etc., 1865. Bere Regis (Kingston Down). Walled well. Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, xxxix. 87. 1 8 DORSETSHIRE Bradford Abbas. Floors and ovens. Dorset Field Club Proc. H. 53- Charminster. Pavement. Dorset Field Club Proc. xiii. xxii, XVII. xxv. Dewlish. Pavement. Arch. Jour. XXII. 345 ; Arch. Review, IV. 297 ; Hutchins, II. 607. Dorchester (Durnovaria). Amphitheatre. Arch. Review, IV. 297 ; B.A.A. Jour. II. 10 1, xxviil. 91 ; Britton and Bray ley, IV. 341 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. 1. 8 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 163 ; Warne's Anc. Dorset, 213, and Vestiges, 22. Walls and gates. Arch. Jour. XX II. 348 ; Barnes, W., Guide to Dorchester ; Blome's Britannia, 86 ; Britton and Brayley, IV - 339; Dorset Field Club Proc. XII. xxxi, 135, XIV. xxii, 44, XX. 131 ; Hutchins, II. 394 ; Lewis, II. 69, 70 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 161 ; Warne's Anc. Dorset, 210, and Vestiges, 22. All Saints Glebe. Pavement. Dorset Field Club Proc. XXIV. xliii. Castle or Gaol. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XVI. 82, 183, XXII. 344, 348 ; Arch. Review, IV. 298 ; Athenaeum, Sept. 25, 1858; B.A.A. Jour. XXVIIL 214; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXIX. lxxviii ; Hutchins, II. 394; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xvil. 330, Minute Book, XXXIII. 84, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing of a pavement) ; Morgan, 211; Warne's Anc. Dorset, 212. Pavement now . in gaol chapel. Cedar Park. Pavement. Dorset Field Club Proc. XVI. xliii. Durngate Street. Pavement. Antiquary, XLI. 286 ; Blandford Herald, July 13, 1905 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXVII. 239; Times, July 10, 1905. Orig. pav. in museum. Fordington Field. Pavement. Athenaeum, Sept. 2, 1899; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. v. 266. Gas Works. Pavement. Antiquary, XXXVIII. 108. Icen Way. Pavement. Antiquary, XXXVII. 195 ; Builder, lxxx. 543. Olga Road. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXXV. 289, 364 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXII. xxiv, xxviii, XXIII. 1 10, XXVII. 239. Portion of orig. pav. in museum. DORSETSHIRE 19 Somerleigh Court. Pavement. Antiquary, xx. 124; Arch. Review, IV. 299 ; Dorset County Chronicle, Aug. 1, 1899 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. Xiv. xxiv. South Street. Pavements. Antiquary, XXXVI. 105 ; Arch. Review, IV. 299 ; Builder, LXXVII. 602 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XVIII. xxiii ; Hutchins, II. 394 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XXI. 154; Warne's Anc. Dorset, 212. S.W. angle of town. Pavement. Arch. Review, IV. 299 ; B.A.A. Jour. xx. 201 ; Gent Mag. 1841, ii. 413, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 56; Hutchins, II. 396; Warne's Anc. Dorset, 212. Mr Templeman's garden (1747). Pavement. Hutchins, II. 692; Warne's Anc. Dorset, 212. Victoria Park. Pavement. Builder, LXXVII. 485, 602. Locality not given. Pavements. Antiquary, XXXI. 101, XXXIII. 230; Builder, lxxix. 470; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 253. Fifehead Neville. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, xxxix. 4 ; Arch. Jour, xxxviii. 433; Builder, LXXXIH. 535 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. xxiv. xxxix, lxxiv, 172 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VIII. 543, IX. 66, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (drawings); Morgan, 215. Frampton. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. xvi. 186, XXII. 345 ; Arch. Review, IV. 300 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxvui. 217, XXXVIII. 303 ; Britton and Brayley, IV. 511; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXI. 176; Hutchins, II. 685-7; Lysons' Reliquiae, I. Pt. 3; Morgan, 33, 60, 201, 211; Warne's Vestiges, 10; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 250, 253, 356. Halstock. Pavement. Arch. Review, IV. 300; Gent. Mag. 18 18, i. 5, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 56. Hemsworth, see Witchampton. Hod Hill. Buildings. Warne's Anc. Dorset, 1 54. Holcombe, see Uplyme, Devon. Holwell, near Cranborne. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XLIV. 395 ; Warne's Anc. Dorset, 225 n. Iwerne Minster. Buildings. Antiquary, XXXIII. 16; Dorset Field Club Proc. XII. xxxiii. Jordan Hill, see Preston. 20 DORSETSHIRE Maiden Newton. Pavement. Arch. Review, IV. 301 ; Hutchins, II. 687 ; Lewis, ill. 205. Milton Abbas (Bagber). Kiln. Arch. Review, IV. 296 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XIII. 23, XVII. 127; Warne's Vestiges, 14, 38. Portland. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XXVHi. 32. Preston (Jordan Hill). Buildings and pavements. Arch. Jour. I. 280, 385, XXII. 345 ; Arch. Review, IV. 302 ; Athenaeum, Dec. 7, 1844 ; B.A.A. Jour. 1. 324, XXVIII. 90, 93, 94 ; Buck- land, F., Curiosities of Natural History, 2 S. 107, 109, ill ; Builder, XCIII. 107 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. x. xxviii, XXI. xxxv, 205 (plan); Gent. Mag. 1844, i. 185, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 60 ; Harford, H. C, Essay on Roman remains near Weymouth, 1 844 (plan) ; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 503 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLVI. 447, Proc. I S. I. 32, and Minute Book, XXXVIII. 381 ; Morgan, 214 ; Oxford Ashmolean Soc. I. 55 ; Price's Roman Antiquities, 34; Warne's Anc. Dorset, 224, 225, 227. Rampisham. Pavement. Arch. Jour. XXII. 345 ; Arch. Review, IV. 302 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XVII. xxxvii ; Hutchins, II. 692 ; Warne's Vestiges, 10. Rushmore, see Woodcuts and Woodyates. Sherborne : The Abbey. Pavement. Dorset Field Club Proc. XII. xxii. Lenthy Common. Pavement. Arch. Jour. II. 85, XXII. 345, 360; Arch. Review, IV. 301; B.A.A. Jour. I. 57; Dorset Field Club Proc. XIV. xxix ; Warne's Vestiges, 1. Now in the dairy of Sherborne Castle. Tarrant Hinton. Buildings with pavement. Arch. Jour. XLIV. 392; Arch. Review, IV. 302; B.A.A. Winchester vol. 1845, 179 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXX. 3 ; Morgan, 201, 214. Thornford. Buildings. Arch. Review, IV. 302 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. I. 41. Tollard Green. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XXIV. 168. Wareham. Town. Dorset Field Club Proc. XII. 115. Creech Grange. Pavement. Dorset Field Club Proc. X. xvi, XI. xix. Furzebrook. Pavement. Antiquary, XIX. 78; Dorset Field Club Proc. XIII. 90. DORSETSHIRE— DURHAM 21 Weymouth (Newberry Terrace). Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXXVIII. 108 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXIII. xxvi. See also Preston, Jordan Hill. Witchampton (Hemsworth). Buildings and pavement. Anti- quary, XLIV. 407; Arch. Jour. XXIV. 167, XLIV. 391 ; Builder, XCV. 395 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XI. 19, xxx. 1 ; Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, XI. 177, 178 ; Times, Oct. 12 and 20, 1908; Warne's Vestiges, 17. Orig. pav. in Brit. Mus. Woodcuts. Hypocausts. Arch. Review, IV. 303 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. V. 334, VIII. 2; Pitt-Rivers, Lt.-Gen., Excavations in Cranborne Chase, I. 16, 29 (plans, etc.) ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxv. 284, 300. Woodyates. Hypocausts. Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. VIII. 2 ; Pitt-Rivers, Lt.-Gen., Excavations in Bokerly and Wansdyke, 1 5, 67, 82 (plans, etc.). Wynford Eagle. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXII. 345 ; Arch. Review, iv. 303 ; B.A.A. Jour. XX. 273. DURHAM Billings. Billings, R. W. Illustrations of the Architectural Antiquities of the county of Durham, 1846. Bruce's Rom. Wall. Bruce, J. Collingwood. The Roman Wall, 3rd ed. 1867. Bruce's Handbook. Bruce, J. C. Handbook to the Roman Wall, 6th ed. 1909. Durham and Northumb. Arch. Soc. Trans. Durham and Northumberland Architectural and Archaeological Society Transactions, 1. — v. 1870 — 1907. Hodgson. Hodgson, J. History of Northumberland, 3 vols., 1820 — 58. Maclauchlan. Maclauchlan, H. Memoir on the Watling Street, 1852. Newcastle S.A. Newcastle Society of Antiquaries. (a) Archaeologia ^Eliana, 1.— iv. (1816 — 54), N.S. 1.— xxxv. (1857— 1903), 3 S. i.— vi. (1904— 1909). (d) Proceedings, 1. — x. (1883 — 1902), 3 S. 1. — in. (1903 — 1909). (c) Lapidarium Septentrionale, 1870. Surtees. Surtees, R. History of the county of Durham, 4 vols., 1816 — 40. Binchester ( Vinovium). Station, buildings, etc. Antiquary, III. 83 ; Auckland Chronicle, Feb. 28, 1879 ; B.A.A. Jour. XLIII. ill (plan), 177, 299 (plan), XLVI. 253 (plan); Britton and 22 DURHAM Brayley, V. 217; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 353, and Handbook, 250; Builder, xxxiv. 77, 78 (plan), xxxvu. 289; Coll. Antiq. IV. 134; Hooppell, R. E., A Lecture on Vinovium, 1879, and Vinovia, a buried Roman City, 1891 (plans); Lewis, I. 239 ; Maclauchlan, 4, 6 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana N.S. IX. 191, and Lapid. Septen. 371. Chester-le-Street. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. XXII. 87; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 310, and Handbook, 247; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, iv. 292, and Lapid. Septen. 279. Ebchester. Buildings. Antiquary, xvill. 75 ; Arch. Review, II. 5 1 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 346, and Handbook, 249; Phil. Trans. XXIII. 1 1 29; Maclauchlan, 16; Surtees, II. 299. Hylton. Bridge. Hooppell, R. E., On the evidences of a Roman bridge at Hylton, 1882 ; Newcastle Daily Journal, July 27, 1882. Jarrow. Foundations. Bruce's Rom. Wall, 308 ; Hodgson, III. ii. 230 ; Lewis, II. 620 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. XXII. 30. Lanchester. Station, buildings, etc. B.A.A. Jour. XXII. 87 ; Billings, 51; Britton and Brayley, V. 206; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 347, and Handbook, 249; Coll. Antiq. IV. 136; Durham and Northumb. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. xlii, V. xlv ; Maclauchlan, 13, 14; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, I. 118, and Proc. 3 S. II. 403, 406, 407 ; Surtees, II. 303, 304. Piercebridge. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. XLIII. 91 ; Britton and Brayley, V. 223 ; Maclauchlan, 2 ; Newcastle S.A. Proc. 3 S. I. 123. Seaton Carew. Buildings. Arch. Instit. Newcastle vol. 1852, 1. 52. Shields, South. Station, buildings, etc. B.A.A. Jour, xxxiv. 233, 255, 373 (plan), XLII. 430 ; Britton and Brayley, V. 158 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 308, and Handbook, 245 ; Hodgson, III. ii. 228, 316; Hooppell, R. E., On the Discovery and Explora- tions of Roman Remains at South Shields, 1878 (plans, etc.); Lewis, IV. 79 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLVI. 163 (plan) ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. x. 223, 230 (plan), 3 S I. 94, III. 10, and Lapid. Septen. 273 ; Surtees, II. 101. Stanley. Fort. Arch. Instit. Newcastle vol. 1852, I. 52. Wearmouth. Building. Arch. Instit. Newcastle vol. 1852, I. 52. ESSEX 23 ESSEX Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. Essex Archaeological Society Transactions, 1. — v. 1858—73, N.S. I.— xi. 1878— 1910. Essex Review, 1892 — 19 10. Morant's Colchester. Morant, P. History of Colchester, 1748. Morant's Essex. Morant, P. History of Essex, 2 vols., 1768. Muilman. Muilman, P. History of Essex, 6 vols., 1770 — 72. Ogborne. Ogborne, E. History of Essex, 18 14. Salmon. Salmon, N. History of Essex, 1739. Wright's Essex. Wright, T. History of Essex, 2 vols., 1842. Alresford. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XI. 36; Athen- aeum, Dec. 6, 1884; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. III. 114, 130, 136 (plan), x. 87 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. x. 178. Piece of original pavement in Colchester museum. Ashdon. Buildings and kiln. Arch. Jour. X. 14, 16 (plan of building), 21, 22 (plan of kiln); Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 195. Bartlow. Buildings. Arch. Jour. X. 17, 18 (plan) ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 195 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXV. 6, XXVI. 462. Billericay. Buildings (?). Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 69. Bradwell-near-the-Sea (Othona). Station, walls, etc. Arch. Jour. XXII. 64, XXIII. 60, LXIV. 201 ; Athenaeum, Oct. 22 and Nov. 12, 1864; Blome's Britannia, 97; Gent. Mag. 1865, ii. 403, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 6j ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLI. 439 (plan), and Proc. 2 S. III. 520; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XIV. 258 (plan) ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 448. Brightlingsea. Buildings and pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. III. 137, x. 88 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XL 195. Chelmsford. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XVIII. 94 ; Athenaeum, Dec. 15, 1849; B.A.A. Jour. VI. 81 ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. 1. 59 (plan), N.S. X. 117 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. II. 28. Chesterford, Great. Station, buildings, kilns and pavements. Arch. Jour. VI. 14, 18 (plan of building), XVII. 117, 158; B.A.A. Jour. ill. 328, IV. 368 (plan of building), V. 54; Britton and Brayley, V. 381 ; Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Proc. X. 24 ESSEX 178 (kiln), and Trans. XX. 66; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 193, N.S. IX. 190; Gent. Mag. 1848, ii. 633, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 72 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 55 ; Lewis, I. 569 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IV. 84, 95, XXXII. 350 ; Morant, II. 553 ; Muilman, II. 328 ; Neville, Hon. R. C, Antiqua Ex- plorata, 7, 9 (plan of station), and Sepulchra Exposita, 87 (plan of building and pavements); Salmon's Essex, 135, and Herts. 261 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 78 (plan), and Letters II. 148; Wright's Essex, II. 131, and Celt, Roman and Saxon, 204. Chigwell. Pavement. Lond. S.A. Minute Book, xxiil. 270. Chipping Ongar. Foundations. Britton and Brayley, V. 424 ; Wright's Essex, II. 330. Coggeshall. Foundations. Britton and Brayley, V. 341 ; Muil- man, vi. 1 13 ; Dr Laver, F.S.A., notes foundations, etc., on south side of church. Colchester {Camulodunum). Walls, gates, etc. Antiquary, XII. 86, 97 ; Archaeologia Oxoniensis, 1892 — 95, 93, 175 ; Arch. Instit. Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 16, 17; B.A.A. Jour. 11. 29, XXI. 169, L. 192 ; Blome's Britannia, 96 ; Britton and Brayley, V. 286 ; Cutt's Colchester, caps. III. and IV. ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. 1. 26 ; Lewis, I. 638 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IV. 84, 95 ; Morant's Colchester, i. 5, and Essex,. I. i. 5 ; Muilman, VI. 254 ; Parish, J., Portfolio of Antiquities, No. 1, Colchester, 1876; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 151 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 45, 52, 122, 159, 177, 188, and Essex, I. 268. Angel Lane. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour. III. 318; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. X. 84, 89; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, II. 287, and Minute Book, xil. 204 ; Morgan, 1 50. Berry Fields. Pavement. Morant's Colchester, iii. 21, and Essex 1. iii. 183; Wright's Essex, I. 295. Botanic Garden. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 36, V. 159. Castle Grounds. Buildings, drain and pavements. Antiquary, xxvi. 187, xxvii. 24, xlii. 327 ; B.A.A. Jour. 11. 37, N.S. XII. 210, XIII. 71 ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 55, 210, N.S. IV. 299, IX. 122 (plan), x. 90, 323 (plan); Lond. S.A. Proc. ESSEX 25 2 S. XIV. 242 ; Morant's Colchester, iii. 21, and Essex, I. iii. 183; Wright's Essex, I. 295. Chantry Lands. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 159. Cherry Garden. Pavement. Morant's Colchester, iii. 21, and Essex, I. iii. 183. Culver Street. Pavements. Antiquary, XV. 29 ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. III. 207, X. 88 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XI. 195. Piece of one pav. in town museum. East Hill. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. X. 89 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XVI. 147. Gardeners' Market. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 155- Head Street. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. III. 140 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VIII. 543 ; Morant's Colchester, iii. 21, and Essex, I. iii. 183 ; Wright's Essex, I. 295. Herrick's Chapel. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 159. High Street. Pavements. Britton and Brayley, V. 293 ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 154, 158, 160, N.S. X. 87, 89; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XVI. 147 ; Morant's Colchester, iii. 21, and Essex, I. iii. 183, 184; Morgan, 150; Stukeley's Letters, II. 162, 163 ; Wright's Essex, I. 295, 309. Holy Trinity parish. Pavements. Britton and Brayley, V. 293; Morant's Colchester, iii. 21, and Essex, I. iii. 183; Wright's Essex, I. 295. Hospital Garden. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. X. 89. Lion Walk. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 155, 157. Long Wire Street. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 157, N.S. x. 89. Lordsland. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 159, N.S. X. 89. North Bridge. Wall. Gent. Mag. 1843, ii. 189, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 73. North Hill. Buildings and pavements. Antiquary, XLII. 447 ; B.A.A. Jour. 1. 54, 339, N.S. XII. 289; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 53 (plan), v. 155, 156, 159, 161, N.S. x. 84, 85. Portions of pavements in town museum. 26 ESSEX North Street. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. II. 189, III. 129, X. 87. Portion in town museum. Osborne Street. Pavement. Antiquary, XXXIX. 65 ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. x. 88. Portion in town museum. Papillon Road. Pavement. Antiquary, XXXI. 130. Peoples' Hall. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans, v. 158. Queen Street. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. X. 89. Portion in town museum. St Martin's Lane. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour. II. 366 ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 160 ; Gent. Mag. 1794, ii. 801, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 72 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XVI. 147, Vet. Mon. III. pi. 39, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing). St Mary-at-the-Wall. Buildings and pavements. B.A.A. Jour. XXI. 231; Britton and Brayley, v. 293; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 155, 156, 160; Morant's Colchester, iii. 21, and Essex, I. iii. 183; Wright's Essex, I. 295. St Peter. Concrete floor. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans, v. 155. Sheep's Plead Field (near). Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 157. Stockwell Street. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 156, 159. Terrace. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans, v. 155. No locality given. Buildings or pavements. B.A.A. Jour. I. 54, V. 85 ; Builder, LI. 682 ; Muilman, VI. 304. Faulkbourn. Foundations. Lewis, II. 218 ; Wright's Essex, I. 226. Hadstock. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. VII. 389, viii. 27 (plan), X. 64, XIV. 63; Athenaeum, Jan. 23, 1847; Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 23, XX. 35 ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. L l 95> I 9Sy IL 62; Gent. Mag. 1850, ii. 418, and Lib. Eng. Topog. iv. 114; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXII. 352, and Proc. 1 S. I. 171 ; Neville, Hon. R. C, Antiqua Explo- rata, 36. Harlow. Foundations and pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 199; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XIX. 410, and Minute Book, XXXIV. 316, 317; Wright's Essex, II. 292. ESSEX 27 Harwich. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 198 ; Lewis, II. 427 ; Morant's Essex, I. 499. Heydon. Foundations. B.A.A. Jour. III. 340, IV. 76 ; Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 64, XX. 102 (plan); Price's Rom. Antiq. 41. Kelvedon. Building. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 198. Latton. Foundations. Wright's Essex, I. 269. Lexden (Stanway). Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. II. 45 ; Coll. Antiq. II. 41 ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 92 ; Gent. Mag. 1842, ii. 526, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 73 ; Morgan, 150. Kilns. Arch. Jour. XXXIV. 302; Athenaeum, March 24, 1877; B.A.A. Jour. xxxm. 221, 230, 231, 258, 267 (plan), 468; Builder, XXXV. 499 ; Coll. Antiq. VII. 1 ; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. 1. 192, v. 77 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. iv. 433 ; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 151. Ley ton, see Wanstead. Littlebury. Foundations. Morant's Essex, II. 594; Muilman, III. 67 ; Salmon, 133. Mersea, West. Buildings and pavements. Antiquary, XXXIII. 231 ; Britton and Brayley, V. 324; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. III. 132, VI. 284, VII. 112 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, V. 230, XVI. 148, Proc. 2 S. XVI. 426 (plan), Minute Book, I. 96, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (pavement found in 1767); Morant's Essex, I. 15, 424, 425 ; Muilman, V. 449 ; Salmon, 434. Piece of an orig. pav. in Colchester museum. Pleshy. Traces of pavement. Gough, R., Hist, of Pleshy, 1 803, 3 ; Wright, II. 255. Ridgewell. Buildings and pavements. B.A.A. Jour. XIX. 279 ; Britton and Brayley, V. 374; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 197; Essex Review, II. 189; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XIV. 61,62 (plan), XXXV. 62, and Minute Book, XXVIII. 342 ; Muilman, II. 194 ; Wright's Essex, I. 39, 605. Rivenhall. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. II. 281, 339 ; Essex Review, III. 145 ; Gent. Mag. 1847, i. 185, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 80. St Osyth. Buildings and pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. x. 88. 28 ESSEX— GLOUCESTERSHIRE Shoebury. Camp, etc. Arch. Jour. XLVH. 78 (plan). Kiln. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. IV. 202, VI. 13 (plan), 195 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xvi. 40 (plan). Stanway, see Lexden. Tollesbury. Foundations (?). B.A.A. Jour. XXXII. 419. Tolleshunt Knights. Pavement. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 199; Morant's Essex, I. 393. Wakering. Kiln. Essex Review, V. 61. Wanstead (Leyton). Buildings and pavements. Britton and Bray ley, V. 467; Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 199, N.S. X. 20; Gough's Camden, II. 348 ; Hammock, W. G., Hist, of Leyton- stone, 4 ; Kennedy, ]., Hist, of Leyton, 2; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 170; Lewis, III. 78, IV. 452 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, I. 73, and Minute Book, II. 98; Lysons' Environs, IV. 158, 231 ; Morant's Essex, I. 22, 28 ; Muilman, IV. 226, 241 ; Ogborne, 79; Stukeley's Letters, II. 145, 154. Wenden. Buildings. Arch. Jour. X. 170, 357, XI. yy (plan); Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 193. GLOUCESTERSHIRE Atkyns. Atkyns, Sir R. The Ancient and Present state of Gloucestershire, 1712. Bath Field Club Proc. Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club Proceedings, 1.— X. 1867— 1905. Bigland. Bigland, R. History of Gloucestershire, 2 vols., 1791—92. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeo- logical Society Transactions, 1. — XXXI. 1876 — 1908. Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. Clifton Antiquarian Club Proceedings, 1. — VI. 1888— 1908. Cotts. Field Club Proc. Cottswold Field Club Proceedings. Fosbroke. Fosbroke, T. D. History of Gloucestershire, 2 vols., 1807. Glouc. N. and Q. Gloucestershire Notes and Queries, 1. — VI. 1881 — 1906. Lysons' Reliquiae. Lysons, S. Reliquiae Britannico Romanae, vol. II. Roman Antiquities discovered in Gloucestershire, 181 7. Lysons' Romans in Glouc. Lysons, S. The Romans in Gloucestershire. A lecture, i860. Lysons' Woodchester. Lysons, S. An account of Roman Antiquities dis- covered at Woodchester, 1797. Rudder. Rudder, S. History of Gloucestershire, 1779. GLOUCESTERSHIRE 29 Rudge. Rudge, T. History and Antiquities of Gloucester, 181 1. Scarth's Rom. Bath. Scarth, H. M. Aquae Solis, or Notices of Roman Bath, 1864. Seyer. Seyer, S. Memoirs of Bristol, 2 vols., 1821 — 23. Witts. Witts, G. B. Archaeological Handbook of the county of Gloucester, with map, 1883. Beach, see Tracy Park. Bibury. Buildings and pavement. Pointer, J., Account of a Roman pavement found at Stunsfield, Oxon., 17 13, 37; Witts, 55. Bisley (Lillyhorn). Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. II. 42 (plan), XX. 186; Athenaeum, Dec. 14, 1844, ri 54; B.A.A. Jour. I. 44, 11. 324 (plan) ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 208, V. n, 14, 38; Lewis, I. 257; Morgan, 79; Witts, 55 (plan on map). (Custom Scrubs). Buildings. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. V. 39 ; Lewis, I. 257. Bitton. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Instit. Bristol vol. 1851, lxvi ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 28, 88 ; Cotts. Field Club Proc. VI. 231 ; Rudder, 294; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 125 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. V. ii. 59. Bourton-on-the-Water. Buildings. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. VII. 16, 71, XX. 265, 349 ; Cotts. Field Club Proc. VI. 209 ; Rudder, 303 ; Witts, 56. Brockworth, see Witcombe. Brown's Hill, see Stroud. Chedworth. Buildings and pavements. Arch. Cantiana, XV. 43 ; Arch. Jour. xxi. 391, XXII. 370, xliv. 322 (plan), xlvii. 423; B.A.A. Jour. xxiv. 129, xxv. 177, 215 (plan), 400, xxvi. 251, XXIX. 126, XXXVIII. 303 ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 18 n, 68, iii. 88 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 19, iv. 208, xiii. 99, xiv. 214, xx. 265, 266, 349, xxx. 13; Britton and Brayley, V. 667 ; Buckman, J., and Hall, R. W., Roman Villa at Chedworth, 1872 (plan); Builder, XXIII. 605, XXIV. 904, XXVI. 639 ; Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. I. 296, II. 57; Cotts. Field Club Proc. iv. 201, 233; Fosbroke, II. 519; Gent. Mag. 1865, ii. 302 and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 81; Glouc. N. and Q. I. 215; Lewis, I. 547; Lond. S.A. 30 GLOUCESTERSHIRE Archaeologia, Lix. 210 (plan); Morgan, 33, 69, 80 (plan) ; Rudder, 334; Scot. S.A. Proc. VI. 278 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXII. 38 ; Witts, 57 (plan on map). Cherington. Buildings. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XX. 265; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xvill. 114 (plan), 117; Lysons' Romans in Glouc. 42 ; Morgan, 68 ; Witts, 58 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 227. Cirencester (Coriniuni). Amphitheatre, buildings, pavements, walls, etc. (general). Arch. Jour. VI. 318, 321, vm. 187, 415, IX. 91, XIV. 354, XVII. 333, 345 ; Atkyns, 350; B.A.A. Jour. 11. 381, xix. 100, xxv. 101, 212, xxxiii. 275, xxxviii. 300, 303, XLVII. 93 ; Blome's Britannia, 102 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 13, 14, III. 256, VIII. 185, 309, XVII. 13; Britton and Brayley, V. 592 ; Buckman, J., and Newmarch, C. H., Illustrations of the remains of Roman Art in Ciren- cester, 1850 ; Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Proc. I. 55 ; Church, A. H., The Corinium Museum, 10th ed. 1910; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXI. 172, 175 ; Fosbroke, II. 481 ; Gough's Camden, I. 287 ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera)97; Illust. Lond. News, Sept. 8 and Nov. 17, 1849; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 169; Leland's Itin. V. 65; Lewis, I. 598; Mag. Brit. 1738, II. 795 ; Morgan, 28, 72, 270, 274 ; Rudder, 345 ; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 141 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 66 ; Witts, 60 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 161. Basilica. Antiquary, xxxiv. 233 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XXI. 70 (plan); Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. IV. 87; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVII. 201 (plan); Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. IV. 213. Ashcroft. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXXVIII. 377, xlv. 366. Barton Farm. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour. II. 381, xxv. 103, XXXVIII. 303; Birmingham and Midland Instit. Trans. X. 126, XXIV. 74; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 9, XXXIII. 67 (illustration); Buckman, 32 ; Gent. Mag. 1824, i. 454, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 94 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, XXXI. 461, and Proc. 1 S. I. 18; Morgan, 33, 80; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxvii. 7. Cricklade Street. Pavement. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xiv. 192. GLOUCESTERSHIRE 3 1 Dyer Street. Buildings and pavements. Antiquary, xxvi. 150; Arch. Jour. VI. 318, 321, 396; Athenaeum, Aug. 18, 1849 ; B.A.A. Jour. v. 360, VII. 64; Buckman, 28, 35 (plan), 62 (plan); Gent. Mag. 1849, ii. 357, 1850, i. 25, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 87, 88; Illust. Lond. News, Sept. 8, 1849; Lond. S.A. Vet. Mon. II. pi. 44, and Minute Book, XXII. 330; Lysons' Reliquiae, II. pis. v, VII, XXXIII, and III. 10; Reliquary, XIX. 97 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 197, 253. Orig. pavs. in town museum. The Leauses. Buildings and pavements. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XVII. 63 ; Cheshire Arch. Soc. Jour. I. 52 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, VII. 407, XVIII. 124, and Minute Book, 1. 58, 98, xvn. 160, xvm. 10, 106, xix. 130, xx. 11. New Road. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. xxv. 177; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 9, 14 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XIV. 191. Quern Lane. Pavement. Buckman, 32 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, xxxi. 461, and Proc. 1 S. 1. 18. Watermoor. Foundations. Arch. Jour. VIII. 187. Locality not given. Pavement. British Curiosities in Art and Nature, 1721, 65 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XXI. 163. Cold Harbour Farm, see Tracy Park. Colesbourne (Combend). Buildings and pavement. Bigland, I. 409 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. I V. 208 ; Britton and Bray ley, v. 672 ; Fosbroke, II. 521 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 174, 179; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IX. 319, xvill. 112, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plan, etc.) ; Lysons' Reli- quiae, III. 7 ; Witts, 58 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 204. Congrove, see Tracy Park. Cromhall. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XVII. 332 ; Bath Field Club Proc. IX. 52 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XXIII. 20 (plan); Lysons' Romans in Glouc. 42; Rudder, 397; Witts, 59 (plan on map); Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Daglingworth. Buildings and pavement. Atkyns, 379 ; Lysons' Rom. Antiq. at Woodchester, 19 n; Morgan, 68; Rudder, 400 ; Witts, 61 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 227. 32 GLOUCESTERSHIRE Dodington. Buildings. Lysons' Romans in Glouc. 42 ; Witts, 61. Dryhill, near Cheltenham. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XII. 10, XXXV. 72 ; Bath Field Club Proc. IX. 52 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 208, XX. 265 ; Gomond, W. H., Notes on Cheltenham, 1 849 ; Witts, 60 (plan on map). Eastington. Foundations. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. III. 204. Farmer's Field, see Tracy Park. Frocester. Buildings. Morgan, 69 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Gloucester (G/evum). Gates, walls, etc. Antiquary, XXXIII. 231, 360; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XXII. ii. lxxxiii ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 34, 153 (plan), II. 210, VI. 345, XIII. 49, 96, 294; Builder, LXXIH. 334; Cotts. Field Club Proc. VI. 154; Gent. Mag. 1854, i. 487, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 91 ; Lysons' Romans in Glouc. 13 ; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. IV. 195 ; Rudge, 4; Witts, 62; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 161. Cathedral. Pavement. Athenaeum, Dec. 28, 1867. The Cross (near). Buildings and pavement. Gent. Mag. 1854, ii. 248, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 580. Eastgate Street. Buildings and pavements. Antiquary, XXVII. 69; Arch. Review, II. 254; Bigland, 8; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 157; Gent. Mag. 1806, ii. 869, 1841, ii. 190, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 89 ; Glouc. N. and Q. vi. 184 (plan); Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XVIII. 123, 443, Proc. 2 S. XII. 158, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (photos); Lysons' Reliquiae, III. 10; Rudge, 7. An orig. pav. in town museum. Grey Friars. Pavement. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1-34- Longsmith Street. Buildings and pavement. Gent. Mag. 1854, ii. 248, 1855, ii. 42, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 91, ii. 581. Mitre Street. Pavement. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XIII. 294 ; Gent. Mag. 1843, & 420, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 89; Morgan, 72. New Guildhall. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour, xlvii. 97. GLOUCESTERSHIRE 33 Northgate Street. Pavement. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XIII. 5 1 ; Rudge, 6. Quay Street. Foundations and pavement. Antiquary, XXVII. 73; Gent. Mag. 1846, ii. 517, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 89. Orig. pav. in town museum. St Mary-le-Crypt. Pavement. Bigland, 8. Tolsey (site of). Buildings. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans, xix. 142, 154; Illust. Arch. I. 259 (plan). Westgate. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. IV. 58 ; Rudge, 6. Locality not given. Pavement. Arch. Review, 1. 282 ; B.A.A. Jour. XL 64. Grammer's Rocks, see Tracy Park. Hanham, see Bitton. Haresfield. Buildings. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 208, xix. 280 ; Cotts. Field Club Proc. VI. 211 ; Witts, 62. Hucclecote. Buildings. Antiquary, XXXVII. 342. Kingscote. Buildings and pavement. Lewis, II. 669 ; Lysons' Woodchester, 19 n, and Romans in Glouc. 42 ; Morgan, 68; Rudder, 512 ; Witts, 63 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 227. Lasborough. Buildings. Lysons' Romans in Glouc. 42. Lechlade. Buildings and pavement. Britton and Brayley, V. 629 ; Ireland, S., Picturesque Views on the river Thames, 31 ; Lewis, III. 44. Lydney. Buildings, pavements and temple. Antiquarian Reper- tory, 1st ed. 1775, 1. 162 (plan), 2nd ed. 1808, II. 389 (plan); Arch. Cantiana, XV. 136; Arch. Jour, xxviii. 174, xxxvi. 419, XLVii. 345, 419, and Bristol vol. 185 1, 61 ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 17, IV. 369; Bathurst, W. H., Roman Antiquities at Lydney Park, 1879 (Monmouth and Caerleon Antiq. Assoc, xvil); Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. VI. 40, 210 (plan), XIII. 99, XVIII. 10; Britton and Brayley, V. 721 ; Builder, XXXVII. 425 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, V. 208, Proc. 2 S. v. 96, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (plan); Rudder, 525; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 163; Somer- set Arch. Soc. Proc. XII. 26; Witts, 63 (plan on map); Woolhope Field Club Proc. 1874, 32, 37, 38. Olveston, see Tockington. L- 3 34 GLOUCESTERSHIRE Painswick. Buildings. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XXVII. 156 (plan); Cotts. Field Club Proc. VI. 211; Witts, 64. Rodmarton. Buildings and pavement. Britton and Brayley, V. 592; Lewis, in. 661; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xvm. 113 (plan); Lysons' Reliquiae, II. pi. VIII (plan), ill. 7, and Romans in Glouc. 42; Morgan, 68, 80; Rudder, 631; Witts, 64 (plan on map) ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 227. Sea Mills. Buildings and pavements. Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. II. 159, ill. 16, 80, 175; Seyer, I. 155 (plan). Sedbury, see Tidenham. Spoonley, see Winchcombe. Stinchcombe (Stancombe Park). Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. II. 349, and Worcester vol. 185 1, 376; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 157, IV. 208, VIII. 158; Sussex Arch. Colls. II. 314; Witts, 65. Stroud (Brown's Hill). Buildings and pavement. Lysons' Wood- chester, 19 n; Morgan, 69 ; Witts, 56. Sudeley, see Winchcombe. Swell, Nether. Buildings. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 209, VII. 72 (plan), 76, XX. 349 ; Witts, 65. Tidenham (Sedbury). Kiln. Arch. Jour. xvn. 190, 192. Tockington. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XVI. 222, XVII. 37; Arch. Instit. Bristol vol. 185 1, 49, 50; Arch. Review, II. 51; B.A.A. Jour. XLIV. 181, XLV. 192; Bath Field Club Proc. VI. 355 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. Xll. 159 (plan), XIII. 196 (plan), XIV. 192; Builder, LIU. 553, 699 ; Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. II. 160; Reliquary, N.S. II. 26, 118 ; Seyer, 1. 203. Tracy Park (in and near). Buildings. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 334; Athenaeum, Nov. 18, 1865 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXIV. 248, XXXV. 208 ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 1 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. II. 457; Rudder, 211 ; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 125; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XII. i. 25, xxiv. ii. 14. Trewsbury. Buildings. Morgan, 68; Lysons' Romans in Glouc. 41 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 227. Tytherington. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Instit. Bristol GLOUCESTERSHIRE 35 vol. 185 1, 49 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XII. 323 ; Rudder, 766; Witts, 121. Upton. Buildings. Scarth's Rom. Bath, 126. Winchcombe (Spoonley). Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, V. 226; Arch. Jour, xlvii. 346; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 215 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XIV. 208; Builder, XLII. 498 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXX. 4 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, LII. 651 (plan), Proc. 2 S. Xlll. 16, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (plan) ; Witts, 70 (plan on map). (Wadfield). Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. N.S. I. 188, 242 (plan); Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 27, 208; Dent, E., Annals of Winchcombe and Sudeley, 13 (plan); Witts, 66 (plan on map). Witcomb, Great. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XII. 10; Bath Field Club Proc. V. 123 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans, iv. 34, 207, xx. 265, 266, 319, xxvui. 16, xxx. 246 (plan); Builder, XXXVII. 863; Cotts. Field Club Proc. V. 247; Knight's Old England, I. 54, fig. 178 (plan) ; Lewis, IV. 617; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XIX. 178 (plan), and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plan); Witts, 66 (plan on map); Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 253. Withington. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 300, 303 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 208, XX. 265, 349 ; Builder, XLII. 757, 758 ; Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. I. 295 ; Gent. Mag. 181 1, ii. 80, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 95 ; Lewis, IV. 620 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XVIII. 1 18 (plan), and Minute Book, XXXIII. 239; Lysons' Reliquiae, II. pis. XVIII — XXI, III. 8; Morgan, 33, 78, 241, 273 ; Witts, 67 (plan on map) ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 253. Four pieces of orig. pa v. in British Museum. Woodchester. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Cantiana, XV. 137; Arch. Jour, xlvii. 303, 365, 422 ; Atkyns, 848 ; B.A.A. Jour. 11. 380, 382, xxxvi. 356, xxxviii. 291, 292, 303, 304, 306; Bath Field Club Proc. 1. ii. 17; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans, iv. 209, v. 21, 34, 46, 142 (plan), vi. 3, 7, 28, XIII. 99, XX. 265 ; Britton and Brayley, v. 573 ; Builder, XLII. 757; Etchings of Views in Glouc. 1791, pi. XIX; 36 GLOUCESTERSHIRE— HAMPSHIRE Fosbroke, I. 367; Glouc. N. and Q. IV. 225 ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 56, 59 ; Gough's Camden, I. 283 ; Hearne's Reliquiae, I. 226; Illust. Lond. News, xxi. 1852, 100; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 185 ; Knight's Old England, I. 54, %• l 77 (plan) 5 Lewis, IV. 639 ; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, I. 269, xviii. 8, 23, xxii. 331, xxv. 238, Vet. Mon. 11. pi. 44, and Topog. Colls., brown and red portfolios (drawings) ; Lysons' Reliquiae, II. pis. XXII — xxvii, and Roman Anti- quities discovered at Woodchester, and A Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities, 1803, I. 8, pi. XIX ; Mag. Brit. 1738, II. 775 ; Morgan, 33, 67, 74, 241, 276; Rudder, 841; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 162, 164; Witts, 68 (plan on map); Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 198, 227, 229 (plan), 251. One orig. pav. in British Museum. Wycomb. Buildings. Arch. Jour. xxi. 97, 263 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 209, v. 188 ; Gent. Mag. 1863, ii. 627, 1864, i. 86, ii. 85, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 97, 101 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. II. 302, 422, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plan) ; Witts, 69. HAMPSHIRE Duthy. Duthy, J. Sketches of Hampshire, 1839. Englefield. Englefield, Sir H. C. A Walk through Southampton, 1805. Hants. Field Club Proc. Hampshire Field Club Proceedings, 1.— v. 1885 — 1906. Stevens. Stevens, J. History of St Mary Bourne, 1888. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Hampshire, I. 1900. Warner. Warner, R. History of Hampshire, 6 vols, in 2, 1795. Wilkins. Wilkins, E. P. and Brion, J. and Sons. A concise Exposition of the Geology, Antiquities and Topography of the Isle of Wight, 1859. Woodward. Woodward, B. B., Wilks, T. C. and Lockhart, C. History of Hampshire, 3 vols. 1858 — 69. Abbot's Ann. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. VII. 184, XI. 392; Builder, XIII. 101, XLH. 757; Lewis, I. 2; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXVI. 184; Morgan, 224, 241, 276; Stevens, 58; V.C.H. I. 300; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxi. 295 ; Woodward, III. 161. Three pieces of orig. pav. in British Museum. HAMPSHIRE 37 Alice Holt Woods. Kilns. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVIII. 452, and Proc. 2 S. xv. 178; V.C.H. 1. 306. Alton. Pavement. V.C.H. I. 306 ; Woodward, III. 308. Andover (Castlefield and Finkley). Buildings and pavement. Athenaeum, May 25, 1867; B.A.A. Jour. xxm. 268 (plan), 2 95> 30 J > xxiv. 402, xxv. 67, xxviii. 328, xxxiv. 256; Hants. Field Club Proc. III. 177; Intellectual Observer, XI. 470, XII. 310; Newbury Field Club Trans. I. 135 ; Stevens, 60, 61 ; V.C.H. 1. 302 (plan), 303 (plan) ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXI. 296. Appleshaw. Buildings. Antiquary, XXXIII. 103, 360, XXXIV. 70, xxxv. 40; V.C.H. 1. 295. Bighton, near Alresford. Buildings. Arch. Jour. I. 387 ; V.C.H. I. 306. Binsted, see Wick. Bishopstoke. Buildings. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. II. 329. Bitterne (Clausentum). Foundations, pavements, walls and bastions. Antiquary, VII. 79 ; B.A.A. Jour. IV. 382, N.S. xii. 114, 115, and Winchester vol. 1845, 142, 161 (plan); Britton and Brayley, VI. 122; Davis' Southampton, 2; Englefield, 80, 107 ; Horsley's Rom. Brit. 441 ; Lewis, IV. 146; Lond. S.A. Proc. xix. 56 (plan); Stukeley's Itin. Curios. 1. 193 ; V.C.H. I. 330 ; Warner, I. sec. ii. 179 ; Wood- ward, II. 147 ; Wright's Arch. Album, 223. Bossington (Horsebridge Mill). Piles of Bridge. Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 61. Botley. Pavement and kiln (?). Arch. Review, IV. 68 ; B.A.A. Jour. xlv. 200; Hants. N. and Q. vi. 47; V.C.H. I. 310. Brading, I.W. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, I. 279, II. 35, 226, in. 3, iv. 182, v. 50, viii. 228, xi. 59; Arch. Cantiana, XV. 134; Arch. Jour, xxxvu. 344; Athenaeum, May 22 and Oct. 9, 1880, Apr. 30, Aug. 27, and Oct. 15, 1881 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxxvi. 236, 240, 245, 363, xxxvu. 191, XXXVIII. 291, 298, XXXIX. 361 ; Bath Field Club Proc. v. i. 41 ; Builder, xxxvm. 682, xxxix. 26, 569, 573, 716, XL. 556, 780, XLV. 349 ; Coll. Antiq. VII. 236 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. xxi. 167, 170, 174; Illust. Lond. News, Sept. 3, 1882; Morgan, 25, 27, 32, 33, 41, 225, 234; Price, J. E. and Price, 38 HAMPSHIRE F. G. Hilton, Remains of Roman Buildings at Morton, near Brading, 1881 (plans, etc.) ; R.I.B.A. Trans. 1880 — 81, 125 ; Reliquary, XXI. 50, 127 ; V.C.H. I. 313 (plan). Bramdean. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Cantiana, XV. 133 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 303, 305; Builder, xm. 100; Coll. Antiq. II. 54; Duthy, 32 and pi. XXI (plan); Gent. Mag. 1823, i. 631, 1824, ii. icx), and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 109; Lewis, I. 328 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxil. 52 ; Morgan, 33, 45, 218, 223; Smith, R., Illust. Rom. London, 59, 73; V.C.H. 1. 307 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 253. Brixton, I.W. Foundations. B.A.A. Jour. XII. 141, 159; V.C.H. I. 318 ; Wilkins, 58 ; Woodward, III. Supp. 22. Candover, Chilton. Foundations. V.C.H. I. 306. Carisbrooke, I.W. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XVI. 388, xvii. 63; B.A.A. Jour. xvi. 100, 312, xxxviii. 303; Coll. Antiq. VI. 121 (plan); Gent. Mag. 1859, ii. 399, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 128; Liverpool Archit. and Arch. Soc. Proc. N.S. I. 13th Sess. 192; Morgan, 33, 239; Spickernell, W., Roman Villa, Carisbrooke, i860 (plan); Times, Sept. 13, 1859; V.C.H. I. 316 (plan); Wilkins, 53, 89; Woodward, III. Supp. 19 (plan). Clanville, see Weyhill. Clatterford, I.W. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. XII. 159; V.C.H. I. 317; Wilkins, 57; Woodward, III. Supp. 22. Combly, I.W. Buildings. Gent. Mag. 1867, i. 791, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 131; Times, Sept. 23, 1910; V.C.H. I. 316; Woodward, III. Supp. 22. Corhampton. Foundations. Arch. Jour. VI. 396 ; V.C.H. I. 309. Crondall. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. xvi. 298 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxxviii. 303 ; Builder, XIII. 100 ; Gent. Mag. 1838, i. 192, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 443 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxil. 54, and Minute Book, xxxiv. 237 ; Morgan, 33, 222 ; Surrey Arch. Colls. IX. 350, 351 ; V.C.H. I. 305. Dean, West, see Wiltshire. Finkley, see Andover. Froxfield. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. xil. 199, 278 ; HAMPSHIRE 39 Lond. S.A. Proc. i S. III. 191 ; Stukeley's Letters, II 179; V.C.H. 1. 308. Fullerton. Buildings and pavement. Athenaeum, Feb. 23, 1905. Fyfield (Redenham). Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. VII. 183 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 97; Hants. Field Club Proc. in. 177; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXII. 52; V.C.H. I. 294 (plan) ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXI. 295 ; Woodward, ill. 160. Grately. Building and pavement. Hants. Field Club Proc. VI. 341 (plan). Gurnard Bay, I.W. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XXI. 228, XXII. 351 (plan); Intellectual Observer, VII. 230, XI. 154; Morgan, 240; V.C.H. I. 317; Woodward, III. Supp. 23. Hayling Island. Buildings. Antiquary, XXXVII. 342 ; Arch. Jour. LV. 290, LXIII. 117 (plan); Builder, LXXXI. 299; Ely, Talfourd, Roman Hayling, 1st ed. 1904, 2nd ed. 1908 (plans, etc.); V.C.H. I. 310. Hurstbourne Priors. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. XXIII. 280; Stevens, 25 ; V.C.H. 1. 304. Itchen Abbas. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, VIII. 36 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxxiii. 502, xxxiv. 233, 258, 504, xxxv. 109, 208 (plan), xxxvill. 303 ; Builder, XXXVI. 482 ; Morgan, 33, 221; V.C.H. 1. 307. Kimpton (Great Shoddesden). Buildings. V.C.H. I. 295. Meon, West. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XLI. 326, XLII. 125, 283 ; Arch. Jour. LXII. 262 (plan), LXIV. 1 (plan); Builder, xc. 329; Hants. Field Club Proc. V. 271 (plan); V.C.H. I. 309. Micheldever. Buildings. Arch. Jour. III. 160; B.A.A. Jour. II. 199 ; V.C.H. I. 307. Morton, see Brading. New Forest. Kilns. Arch. Jour. XXX. 319; Coll. Antiq. VI. 174; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxv. 91 (map, etc.), and Proc. 1 S. II. 261, 285, IV. 167 ; V.C.H. I. 326. Penton Mewsey (near). Buildings. V.C.H. I. 297. Petersfield (Stroud). Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, 40 HAMPSHIRE XLIV. 322, XLV. 375 ; Arch. Jour. LXV. 57 (plan), lxvi. 33 (plan). Popham. Foundations. Arch. Jour. VI. 194; V.C.H. I. 306. Porchester. Fort, walls, etc. Arch. Instit. Winchester vol. 1845 (plans, etc.) ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 22, 26 (plan) ; Knight's Old England, I. 29, fig. 104 (plan) ; Royal Instit. Proc. xvi. 39; V.C.H. I. 328 (plan). Redenham, see Fy field. Rowland's Castle. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXXII. 53; V.C.H. 1. 310. St Mary Bourne. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. XXXV. 93 ; Stevens, 59; V.C.H. I. 304. Shoddesden, Great, see Kimpton. Silchester {Calleva Atrebaturri). The city, walls, buildings, ex- cavations, etc. Antiquary, XII. 97, XXII. 170, 218, XXIV. 208, xxv. 49, 233, xxvi. 10, 24, 170, xxvii. 9, 137, 233, XXVIII. 97, 160, xxix. 259, xxx. 41, 77, 207, xxxi. 161, 299, XXXII. 161, xxxiii. 16, 230, xxxiv. 232, xxxv. 248, 365, XXXVI. 335, xxxvii. 35, xxxviii. 376, xxxix. 225, 353 ; Archaeo- logia Oxoniensis, 1892 — 95, 33, 93, 177, 328; Arch. Jour. VIII. 227 (plan of site), XXII. 361, 374, XXIII. 331, xxx. 10, LI - 337 (plans), LIII. 319, also Oxford vol. 1850, xvi, xvii, 101 (plan of site), and Winchester vol. 1845, under Por- chester Castle, 20, 27; Athenaeum, Sept. 8, 1866, Dec. 6, 1890, June 12, 1 89 1, July 9 and 30, 1892, May 2, 1896, May 8 and 29, 1897, May 28, 1898, June 3, 1899, and June 23, 1900; B.A.A. Jour. xvi. 5, 90, 228, xx. 360, xliii. 392, XLVII. 76, N.S. XIV. 211, and Winchester vol. 1845, J 39J Bath Field Club Proc. I. i. 70, VII. 327 ; Berks. Quarterly Jour. II. 45, 50 ; Berks. Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Jour. I. 94, III. 16, 63, V. 54, 63, VIII. 40, IX. 98, X. 50, XIII. 121 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XXI. 294 ; Britton and Brayley, VI. 244; Builder, LX. 27, LXH. 40, LXIV. 186, LXVIII. 308, LXX. 378, LXXII. 507, LXXIV. 542, LXXVI. 544, LXXVII. 603, LXXVIII. 604, LXXX. 544, 581, LXXXII. 563, LXXXVI. 656, 685, XC. 671, XCIV. 742 ; Classical Review, XIII. 79 ; Coll. Antiq. VI. 266 ; Davis, F., The Romano-British City of Silchester (Andrews, W., Bygone Hampshire, 1898); Dorset Field HAMPSHIRE 41 Club Proc. XVI. lxii, XVIII. xxix, XXI. 172; English Historical Review, XIX. 625 ; Gent. Mag. 1833, i. 122, 184 1, ii. 353, 1863, ii. 490, 1865, ii. 297, 1866, ii. 467, 776, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 114; Gough's Camden, I. 218; Graphic, Apr. 2, 19 10; Hants. Field Club Proc. II. 241, III. 177; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 56 (plan) ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 458; Illust. Arch. I. 99, II. 22 ; Illust. Lond. News, Jan. 10, 1891 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 154; Knight's Old England, I. 39; ' Leicester Arch. Soc. Trans, ill. 342 ; Lewis, IV. 109 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVII. 414, XL. 403 (plans), XLVI. 329 (plans), 344 (plans), XLVin. 231, 232, L. 263 (plans), Lli. 733 (plans), LIU. 263 (plans), 539 (plans), LIV. 199 (plans), 439 (plans), LV. 215 (plans), 409 (plans), LVI. 103 (plans), 229 (plans), LVH. 87 (plans), 229 (plans), LVIII. 17 (plans), 413 (plans), LIX. 334 (plans), LX. 149 (plans), 431 (plans), LXI. 199 (plans), 473 (plans), LXII. 317 (plans), and Proc. 2 S. ill. 134, 494, vi. 55, xi. 78, 177, xiii. 85, 208, 209, XIV. 15, 18, 291, 292, xv. 152, 153, 360, 361, xvi. 73, 115, 357,419, xvii. 192, 433, xviii. 173, 359, xix. 133, 305, xx. 144, 338, xxl 212, 485, xxii. 321, 530, xxiii. 264; Mag. Brit. 1738, II. 868 ; Morgan, 33, 143, 148 ; Newbury Field Club Trans, ill. 34; Oxford Archit. and Hist. Soc. Proc. N.S. V. 340, 363; Phil. Trans. XLV. 603; Reliquary, N.S. IV. 246, VI. 178; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 143 ; Shropshire Arch. Soc. Trans. 2 S. XL xi ; Strutt's Chronicle, I. 300 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 177, and Letters, II. 186; Sussex Arch. Colls. XXXI. 72; V.C.H. 1. 271 (plans), 350 (plans); Warner, I. sec. ii. 167; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXI. 292 ; Woodward, III. 193 ; Wright's Arch. Album, 151, and Celt, Roman and Saxon, 122, 161, 189. Original pavements in Reading Museum and at Stratfieldsaye House. Drawings, maps, plans, etc. relating to the 1890 — 1909 excavations in the collections of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Sparsholt (Westwood). Buildings. Antiquary, XVIII. 32, XXXII. 53 ; Hants. Field Club Proc. III. 201 ; V.C.H. I. 312. Stanstead Park, see Rowland's Castle. Stroud, see Petersfield. Thruxton. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XL. 282 ; 42 HAMPSHIRE Arch. Jour. VII. 184, XXIV. 76, and Salisbury vol. 1849, 241 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIH. 303 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXX. 3 ; Gent. Mag. 1823, i. 452, 559, ii. 230, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 112; Hants. Field Club Proc. III. 177; Hoare's Mod. S. Wilts, v. 210; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXII. 49; Morgan, 33, 218, 221; Smith, Roach, Illust. Rom. Lond. 57; V.C.H. I. 298; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXI. 295, xxxiv. 150; Wood- ward, III. 160; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 250, 253, 254. Orig. pav. in British Museum. Twyford. Buildings. Antiquary, XVIII. 32; Arch. Review, II. 51; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XIV. 11, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (plan) ; V.C.H. I. 309. Upham. Buildings. Arch. Jour. VI. 397 ; B.A.A. Jour. v. 376 (plan) ; Times, Dec. 17, 1849; V.C.H. I. 309. Waltham, Bishop's. Pavement. V.C.H. 1. 309. Waltham, North. Buildings. Arch. Jour. VI. 193 ; V.C.H. I. 306. Westwood, see Sparsholt. Weyhill (Clanville). Buildings. Arch. Jour. VII. 184; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LVI. 1 (plan), and Proc. 2 S. XVII. 5 ; V.C.H. I. 295 (plan) ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXXIV. 149. Whitchurch. Buildings. Newbury Field Club Trans. IV. 190. Wick or Wyck (near Binsted). Buildings. Arch. Jour. I. 393 ; Surrey Arch. Colls. IX. 351 ; V.C.H. I. 305. Winchester (Venta Belgarum). City and walls. V.C.H. I. 285. Barracks, formerly the King's House or Palace. Buildings and pavement. Gent. Mag. 1838, ii. 371, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 122; Hartshorne's Salop Antiq. 117 n; Phil. Trans. XXV. 2229 ; V.C.H. I. 287 ; Wren, S., Parentalia, 325. Brook Street, Upper. Pavement. B.A.A. Winchester vol. 1845, 463; V.C.H. I. 288. Cathedral, south aisle of Nave. Pavement. Antiquary, N.S. VII. 123, 162. Cobbett's Road. Buildings. Antiquary, XXXVIII. 175. Dome Alley. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour, xxxvi. 444 ; Builder, XXXIX. 275 ; Reliquary, XXI. 128 ; V.C.H. I. 288. Hall Court Wood. Kiln. Arch. Review, IV. 69. Hammond Passage. Pavement. V.C.H. I. 287. HAMPSHIRE— HEREFORDSHIRE 43 High Street Foundations. V.C.H. I. 288. Hyde Street. Buildings. Antiquary, XXXIII. 360; V.C.H. I. 289. The Lawn. Water channel. Arch. Jour. VI. 397, 408. Minster Lane and Street. Pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXV. 462; B.A.A. Jour. XXXV. 230 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VII. 487 ; V.C.H. I. 288. Orig. pav. in city museum. Petersfield Road. Foundations. V.C.H. I. 288. St Clement's Street. Pavement. V.C.H. 1. 287. St Giles' Hill. Pavement. Antiquary, XI. 84 ; V.C.H. I. 288. St James' Street (near). Pavement. V.C.H. I. 286. St Thomas' Street. Pavement. Antiquary, VII. 276 ; V.C.H. I. 287. Wolvesey Castle. Pavement. B.A.A. Winchester vol. 1845, 146 ; V.C.H. I. 288. Locality not given. Pavement. Antiquary, III. 132; B.A.A. Jour. XXXV. 1 10. HEREFORDSHIRE Arch. Survey. An Archaeological Survey of Herefordshire, by the Rev. J. O. Bevan, Jas. Davies, and F. Haverfield. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1896. Duncumb-Cooke. Duncumb, Rev. J., and Cooke, W. H. History of Here- fordshire, 4 vols., 1804 — 92. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Herefordshire, 1. 1908. Woolhope Club Trans. Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club Transactions, 1872 — 1904. Bishopstone. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXVI. 246 ; Arch. Jour. XXXIV. 361 ; Arch. Survey, 4, 9 ; Duncumb- Cooke, IV. 6 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIII. 417, Minute Book, XXXVI. 54, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (pave- ment) ; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 166; V.C.H. I. 175, 191; Woolhope Club Trans. 1881 — 82, 257. Orig. pav. in Hereford Museum. 44 HEREFORDSHIRE Bolitree, see Weston-under-Penyard. Brinsop. Steened well. Antiquary, XXVI. 245 ; Arch. Survey, 9; V.C.H. 1. 191 ; Woolhope Club Trans. 1886—89, 127. Bury Hill, see Weston-under-Penyard. Kenchester {Magna). Town, buildings, and pavements. Anti- quary, XXV. 22, XXVI. 245, XXVIII. 209 ; Arch. Cambrensis, 3 S. II. 33 ; Arch. Jour. XIV. 83, XXXIV. 351 ; Arch. Survey, 4, 11; B.A.A. Jour, xxvii. 173; Blome's Britannia, 117, 118; British Curiosities in Art and Nature, 1721, 66; Britton and Brayley, VI. 583; Duncumb-Cooke, IV. 112; Gough's Camden, III. 73, 74 ; Horsley's Rom. Brit. 465 ; Lewis, II. 638 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xv. 391 ; Morgan, 72 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 70 (plan), and Letters, II. 189; V.C.H. I. 175 (plan); Woolhope Club Trans. 1881 — 82, 241 (plan), 1893 — 94> 57 J Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 163, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, 35, 40, 41. An orig. pav. in Hereford Museum. Putley. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XXXI V. 363 ; Arch. Survey, 6, 12; B.A.A. Jour. XXXII. 250; Duncumb-Cooke, III. 97; V.C.H. I. 193 ; Woolhope Club Trans. 1881—82, 258. Stoke Prior. Kilns (?). Arch. Survey, 5, 12 ; V.C.H. I. 195. Walterstone (Coed-y-Gravel near Old Castle). Buildings and pavement. Arch. Cambrensis, 2 S. II. 50 ; Arch. Jour. XXXIV. 368; Arch. Survey, 6, 13 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 174; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, VI. 13; V.C.H. I. 196; Woolhope Club Trans. 1881—82, 258. Wellington. Oven(?). Arch. Survey, 13. Weston-under-Penyard. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Cam- brensis, 2 S. V. 99 ; Arch. Jour. XXXIV. 358 ; Arch. Survey, 5, 13; Britton and Brayley, vi. 514; Duncumb-Cooke, III. 214; Fosbroke, T. D., Ariconensia, 1821, 36; V.C.H. I. 187; Woolhope Club Trans. 1881—82, 250; Wright's Wanderings of an Antiquary, 25. Whitchurch. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour, xxxiv. 363 ; Arch. Survey; 13 ; Gent. Mag. 1831, i. 504, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 230; Lewis, IV. 537; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 166; V.C.H. I. 197 ; Woolhope Club Trans. 1881—82, 258 ; Wright's Wanderings of an Antiquary, 14. HERTFORDSHIRE 45 HERTFORDSHIRE Arch. Survey. An Archaeological Survey of Hertfordshire, by John Evans, printed in Archaeologia, liii. (1892), 245 — 62. Clutterbuck. Clutterbuck, R. History of Hertfordshire, 3 vols., 1815 — 27. Cussans. Cussans, J. E. History of Hertfordshire, 3 vols., 1870 — 81. East Herts. Arch. Soc. Trans. East Hertfordshire Archaeological Society Transactions, 1. — 111. 1901 — 08. Norden's Herts. Norden, J. Speculum Britanniae, an historical description of Middlesex and Hertfordshire, 1723. St Alban's Arch. Soc. Trans. St Alban's Architectural Society Transactions, 1885 — 1904. Salmon. Salmon, N. History of Hertfordshire, 1728. Boxmoor. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. x. 4 ; Arch. Survey, 254 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxiv. 394, xxxv. 56, Proc. 1 S. II. 191, 295, and Topog. Colls., brown port- folio (plan). Braughing. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Survey, 254 ; Clutterbuck, hi. 149; East Herts. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 173 ; Salmon, 227. Coleshill. Traces of buildings. Salmon, 118. Elstree (Brockley Hills). Foundations. Clutterbuck, 1. 157; Norden's Herts. 23. Hitchin. Kiln. Arch. Survey, 257 ; Cussans, II. (Hitchin) 6. Langley, Abbot's. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Survey, 253 ; Cussans, III. (Cashio) 86. Purwell Mill, see Wymondley, Great. Radlett. Kiln. Antiquary, XXXV. 40 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. XVII. 261 (plans) ; St Alban's Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. I. 176 (plans). St Alban's ( Verulamium). City, walls, etc. Antiquary, XII. 97 ; Arch. Jour. X. 357, and Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 17; Arch. Survey, 260; B.A.A. Jour. III. 331, XXVI. 45 (plan), 182, N.S. III. 134; Britton and Brayley, VII. 23 ; Clutterbuck, I. xvi, 5 (plan) ; Gent. Mag. 185 1, i. 517, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 395; Gough's Camden, It. 61; Knight's Old England, 1. 46; Lewis, I. 22; 46 HERTFORDSHIRE— HUNTINGDONSHIRE Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, II. 184, IV. 84, 95, Vet. Mon. I. pi. VIII (plan), and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing) ; Norden's Herts. 24; St Alban's Arch. Soc. Trans. 1893 — 94, 49 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 116 (plan) ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 148, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, 45, SO, 55- Theatre. Arch. Jour. v. 237 ; Arch. Survey, 260 ; B.A.A. Jour. III. 345, IV. 73, VI. 91, XXVI. 26, 45 (plan) ; Gent. Mag. 1848, ii. 143 (plan), and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 389 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXIII. 266 ; Lowe, R. Grove, Description of the Roman Theatre at Verulam, 1848. Buildings and pavements. Antiquary, XXXV. 40 ; Arch. Jour. VI. 319, 406 ; Arch. Survey, 260; B.A.A. Jour. III. 337, 341, 345, V. 360, XXVI. 184; Blome's Britannia, 114 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVII. 10, 367 ; Middsx. and Herts. N. and Q. III. 57 ; St Alban's Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. I. 198, 205. Destruction by the Abbots. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, Rolls Series, XXVIII. iv. 23, 24, 26, 27 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXX. 441, XXXIII. 265. Standon. Pavement. Arch. Survey, 261 ; Cussans, I. (Braughing) 164. Stanstead Abbots. Pavement. Antiquary, XXIV. 212 ; Arch. Survey, 261. Wymondley, Great (Purwell Mill). Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XI. 37 ; Arch. Survey, 262 ; Builder, XLVII. 818 ; Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. IV. 39 (plan), 43. Youngsbury, near Ware. Buildings. Builder, XC. 702 ; East Herts. Arch. Soc. Trans. HI. 229. HUNTINGDONSHIRE Alwalton, see Castor, Northants. Chesterton, see Castor, Northants. Earith. Kiln (?). Reliquary, XX. 245. Ramsey. Pavement. Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 81. Sibson, see Castor, Northants. Stibbington, see Castor, Northants. Water Newton, see Castor, Northants. KENT 47 KENT Arch. Cant. Archaeologia Cantiana, published by the Kent Archaeological Society, I.— xxvm. 1858— 1909. Arch. Survey. An Archaeological Survey of Kent, by George Payne, printed in Archaeologia, Li. (1888), 447 — 68. Gostling. Gostling, W. A walk in and about the city of Canterbury, 1825. Hasted. Hasted, E. History of Kent, 4 vols., 1778 — 86. Ireland. Ireland, W. H. History of Kent, 4 vols., 1828. Somner. Somner, W. Antiquities of Canterbury, 1 703. Thorpe's Cust. Roff. Thorpe, J. Custumale Roffense, 1788. Allington. Buildings. Arch. Cant. I. 156, 173, XV. 73; Arch. Survey, 452 ; B.A.A. Jour. II. 88, IV. 67. Aylesford (Eccles). Foundations. Arch. Survey, 452 ; B.A.A. Jour. IV. 82 ; Wright's Wanderings of an Antiquary, 178. (Kits Coty, near). Foundations. Arch. Jour. I. 264 ; Arch. Survey, 452 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXX. 536. Badlesmere. Foundations. Arch. Survey, 453, from G. Payne's Journal. Banning. Buildings. Arch. Cant. I. 173, XIII. 169; Arch. Survey, 453 ; Britton and Brayley, VIII. 1276 ; Coll. Antiq. I. 190. Borden. Foundations. Arch. Survey, 453 ; B.A.A. Jour. II. 346, IV. 68, vi. 448. Boughton Monchelsea (Brushing Farm). Buildings. Arch. Survey, 453 ; Liverpool Arch. Soc. Proc. N.S. I. 13th Sess. 194 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia XXIX. 414 (plan), and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plan). Boxted, see Newington. Buckland, near Faversham. Buildings. Arch. Cant. 1. 156, 173, XV. 73 ; Arch. Survey, 454 ; Gent. Mag. 1866, ii. 758, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 159 ; Reliquary, XIII. 144. Burham. Buildings. Arch. Cant. XXIII. 10 (plan) ; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. ill. 31 (plan), 81 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xvm. 38. Mithraic Chamber. Antiquary, XXXI. 3 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. XV. 184, XVI. 105, 108 (plan, etc.), and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (photos) ; Scot. S.A. Proc. XXIX. 202. 48 KENT Canterbury (Durovernwm). City, walls, gates, etc. Arch. Cant. XV. 338 ; Arch. Survey, 455 ; B.A.A. Jour. XII. 74, XVII. 59, XXXIII. 6$, xxxv. 144; Britton and Brayley, VIII. 753; Coll. Antiq. VII. 203 ; Gostling, 6, 76 ; Gough's Camden, I. 345; Hasted, IV. 413, 415; Ireland, I. 117; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 215 n, 219; Lewis, I. 496; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, XLIII. 151, and Proc. 2 S. I. 327; Somner, 4, 192; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 122; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 146. Burgate Street. Pavements. Arch. Cant. XV. 1 27 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXIII. 79, XLVII. 189; Gent. Mag. 1868, i. 666, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 144; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. v. 128, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (photo) ; Morgan, 154. Dane John (near). Pavement. Antiquary, vill. 266. Fountain Inn. Pavement. Arch. Cant. XV. 127. High Street. Pavements. Arch. Cant. XV. 127; Gent. Mag. 1805, i. 17 (plan), 1 86 1, i. 78, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i, 141 ; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, VIII. 130, 131, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing); Morgan, 153. Jewry Lane. Pavement. Arch. Cant. IV. 38, XV. 127; B.A.A. Jour. XII. 74; Gostling, 66; Hasted, IV. 411 ; Morgan, 154. St Alphege (parish of). Pavement. Arch. Cant. IV. 38 ; Hasted, IV. 411; Somner, 192. St Margaret (parish of). Pavement. Arch. Cant. IV. 37, XV. 127 ; B.A.A. Jour. xil. 74 ; Somner, 192. St Martin (parish of). Pavement. Arch. Cant. IV. 38, XV. 127. Whitefriars. Pavement. Arch. Cant. xvn. 36. Chatham (Luton). Foundations. Arch. Cant. IX. 174 ; Arch. Survey, 455 ; Britton and Brayley, vill. 671 ; Gough's Camden, I. 338, 339 ; Hasted, II. 74; Ireland, IV. 352 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xiv. 31, and Minute Book, xviil. 245 ; Morgan, 147. Chilham. Foundations. Arch. Cant. VII. Hi, liii ; Arch. Survey, 455; Gough's Camden, I. 352, 353; Hasted, III. 126; Ireland, II. 523 ; Lewis, I. 580. Crayford. Foundations. Arch. Cant, xviil. 313; Arch. Survey, 455. KENT 49 Cuxton. Foundations. Arch. Cant. XXV. lxvii. Darenth. Buildings. Antiquary, XXXI. 2, 33, 37 ; Arch. Cant. XXII. 49 (plan) ; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. I. 88 ; Builder, LXVII. 441,447,469, XC. 731 ; Dunkin, J., Hist, of Dartford, xxvi n; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LIX. 218 (plan) ; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. I. 45. Dartford. Building and pavement. Arch. Cant. XVIII. 312, 313. Dover (Portus Dubris). Fort and pharos. Antiquary, XIX. 122; Arch. Cant. XX. 128; Arch. Jour. XIX. 86, XXXIII. 117, LIU. 364, and Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 12 (plan), 13; Arch. Survey, 456; B.A.A. Jour. XXXIX. 415, and Canterbury vol. 1845, 298 ; Batcheller, W., Hist, of Dover, 1828, 15 ; Britton and Brayley, VIIL 1030; Coll. Antiq. IV. 214; Gent. Mag. 181 1, ii. 217, 1852, i. 354, 1855, ii. 504, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 145 ; Gough's Camden, I. 360 ; Hasted, IV. 58 ; Ireland, II. 5 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 157, 159, 215, 218 ; Knight's Old England, I. 27, figs. 89, 91 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, v. 331, x. 14, XLI.436,XLV. 333; Lyon, J., Hist, of Dover, 23; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. VI. 183 ; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 156 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 128; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 191, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, no. Buildings. Arch. Cant. XX. 120, 131, 295 ; Arch. Jour. XXXVIII. 432; Gent. Mag. 1852, i. 355; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, V. 325, and Minute Book, XV. 403 ; Lyon, J., Hist, of Dover, 9 ; Wright's Wanderings of an Antiquary, in. Ewell, see Faversham. Farleigh, East. Buildings. Arch. Cant. I. 173 ; Arch. Survey, 457 ; B.A.A. Jour. II. 75 ; Lewis, II. 210. Faversham. Buildings. Arch. Cant. IX. lxxi, lxxii ; Arch. Survey, 457 ; Reliquary, xni. 142, 144. Folkestone. Buildings. Arch. Cant. X. 173; Arch. Survey, 457; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. v. 479. Frindsbury. Buildings. Arch. Cant. XVII. 189, XVIII. 189; Arch. Survey, 457 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XII. 162. Greenwich Park. Buildings. Antiquary, XXXVIII. 108, 376 ; Arch. Jour. LIX. 210; Builder, LXXXII. 327. 50 KENT Halstow, Lower. Foundations. Arch. Survey, 459 ; Gent. Mag. 1857, i. 232, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 161. Hartlip. Buildings. Arch. Cant. I. 146, TX. lxxvi, XV. 107 ; Arch. Jour. xlvi. 334; Arch. Survey, 459; Athenaeum, June 9, 1849; B.A.A. Jour. I. 314, iv. 398 (plan),v. 88, 370, XXXIV. 249, 256 ; Coll. Antiq. II. 1 (plan) ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 59 ; Hasted, II. 540 (plan) ; Ireland, IV. 9 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 199, 200. Holwood Hill, see Keston. Horton Kirby. Buildings. Arch. Survey, 459 ; Gent. Mag. 1866, i. 817, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 146. Hythe. Foundations. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 366. Ickham. Buildings. Arch. Cant. XIV. 139, XV. 355 ; Arch. Survey, 459 ; Gent. Mag. 1863, i. 354, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 146. Keston. Buildings. Antiquary, XXIX. 56 ; Arch. Cant. XIII. 5 ; Arch. Survey, 459, 460 ; Athenaeum, Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Nov. 18, 1893 5 Cambs. Antiq. Soc. Proc. V. 257 ; Dunkin, J., Hist, of Bromley, 45, and of Dartford, 95 ; Gent. Mag. 1828, ii. 255, 1829, i. 401, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 147; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 37 ; Illust. Lond. News, XXV. (1854), 416 (plan) ; Ireland, IV. 490; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, XXII. 336 (plan), XXXVI. 120 (plan), Proc. 1 S. III. 127, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawings and plans). Loose (Joy Wood, Lockham). Walled cemetery. Arch. Cant. XV. 75, 81 (plan) ; Arch. Survey, 460. Luddenham. Buildings. Arch. Cant. IX. lxxii ; Arch. Survey, 460 ; Reliquary, XIII. 143. Lullingstone. Pavement. Arch. Survey, 460 ; Britton and Brayley, VIII. 1343; Lewis, III. 185; Thorpe's Cust. Roff. 128. Luton, see Chatham. Lyminge. Buildings. Arch. Cant. IX. lxxxvii, 206, x. ci ; Arch. Survey, 460; B.A.A. Jour. XL. 233 ; Coll. Antiq. v. 185, 198 (plan) ; Gent. Mag. i860, ii. 479, 1866, i. 38, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 150; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. X. 169. Lymne or Lympne {Portics Lemanis). Fort, walls, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, XII. 97, XXX. 208 ; Arch. KENT 51 Cambrensis, 3 S. III. 311 ; Arch. Cant. XVIII. 41 ; Arch. Jour, xxxili. 114, LIU. 364 (plan), and Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 1 1 ; Arch. Survey, 460 ; Britton and Brayley, VIII. 1 1 36 ; Coll. Antiq. II. Appendix ; Gent. Mag. 1850, i. 631, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 152 ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 36 ; Gough's Camden, I. 321, 365 ; Illust. Lond. News, Oct. 5, 1850; Ireland, II. 246; Leland's Itin. VII. 141 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 361, 377, XLI. 435, Proc. 1 S. II. 89, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawings); Price, J. E., Roman Pavement in Bucklersbury, 37 (plan of building with hypocaust) ; Royal Instit. Proc. XVI. 40, 41 ; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 156; Smith, C. Roach, Antiquities of Richborough, Reculver, and Lymne, 1850, 233 (plans, etc.); Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 132 ; Sussex Arch. Colls. VI. 103 ; Times, Sept. 9, 1850; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 173, 174, 175, 179, 191, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, 123. Maidstone. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Cant. I. 166, 171, 173, X. 163 (plan), XV. 71 ; Arch. Jour. I. 68, XXXIII. 196; Arch. Survey, 461 ; B. A. A. Jour. II. 86 (plan); Morgan, 150. Milton-next-Sittingbourne. Foundations. Arch. Cant. XII. 428 ; Arch. Survey, 461 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXIII. 265. Newington (Boxted). Buildings and pavement. Arch. Cant. XV. 104 (plan), 129; Arch. Survey, 462 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. IX. 162, 357 ; Morgan, 147, 154. Fragment of orig. pav. in Town Museum. Northfleet. Buildings. Antiquary, XLV. 326 ; Builder, XCVII. 222. Ospringe. Buildings. Arch. Cant. IX. lxxii ; Britton and Brayley, VIII. 722 ; Hasted, II. 800 ; Ireland, II. 663 ; Reliquary, XIII. 144. Plaxtol. Buildings. Arch. Cant. II. 1 (plan); Arch. Survey, 462 ; Coll. Antiq. IV. 217 ; Gent. Mag. 1857, ii. 201, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 594 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XXIII. 109. Reculver {Regnlbium). Fort, walls, etc. Arch. Cant. XII. 1, XV. 54; Arch. Jour, xxxili. 114, LIU. 352 (plan), 380; Arch. Survey, 463 ; B.A.A. Jour. IX. 393 ; Boys, W., Hist, of Sandwich, 837; Britton and Brayley, VIII. 93 5 ; Coll. Antiq. 4—2 52 KENT VI. 222, VII. 163 ; Gough's Camden, I. 343 ; Hasted, III. 634; Ireland, I. 424 ; Knight's Old England, I. 34, 35, fig. 103 ; Lewis, III. 624 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXI. 504, XLL 431, Proc. 2 S. I. 369, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plan); Smith, C. Roach, Antiquities of Richborough, Reculver, and Lymne, 1850, 175 (plans, etc.). Richborough {Rutupiae). Fort, walls, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, XII. 97, XXVII. 207, XXXVI. 334 ; Arch. Cant. VIII. 1 (plan), XVI. lx, XVIII. 8 (plan), XXIV. 201 (plan), 267 (plan) ; Arch. Jour, xxxii. 506, xxxm. 118, Lin. 204, 356 (plan), and Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 9, 11 ; Arch. Survey, 464; B.A.A. Jour. XXVI. 171, xxxix. 416, XL. 105, 235, 260 (plan), N.S. VII. 334, vill. 103 (plan), 209, and Canterbury vol. 1845, 272 ; Battely, J., Antiquitatis Rutupinae, 1745 ; Birmingham and Midland Instit. Proc. VI. 26; Boys, W., Hist, of Sandwich, 835, 865 (plan) ; Britton and Brayley, VIII. 943; Coll. Antiq. VII. 164; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 36 ; Gostling, 356 ; Gough's Camden, I. 316, 355; Hasted, III. 686; Ireland, I. 573; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 2, 6 (plan), 276 ; Knight's Old England, I. 30, 31, figs. 98,99, 100; Lewis, I. 78; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLI. 434, Proc. 1 S. IT. 28, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawings) ; Mag. Brit. 1738, II. 1 164 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, II. 369 ; Planche, J. R., A corner of Kent, 1864, cap. i ; Royal Instit. Proc. XVI. 39 ; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 154; Smith, C. Roach, Antiquities of Richborough, Reculver, and Lymne, 1850, 1 (plans, etc.); Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 124, and Letters, II. 224 ; Wright's Arch. Album, 13, Celt, Roman and Saxon, 146, 172, 177, 179, 188, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, 88, 94, 95. Rochester {Durobrivae). City, walls, etc. Antiquary, XXIX. 244; Arch. Cant. II. 65, xvm. 194, XXI. 1 (plan), 17 (plan), XXII. lviii, XXIV. 6, 7, 12, 15; Arch. Survey, 464; B.A.A. Jour. IV. 30; Builder, LXVI. 432; Chatham Observer, Apr. 28, 1894; Gough's Camden, I. 337; Hasted, II. 2; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XV. 76; Reliquary, N.S. VIII. 183; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 120. Foundations. Arch. Cant. xxil. lxi. KENT 53 Saltwood. Foundations. Arch. Survey, 465, Mr Mackeson's note. Snodland. Foundations. Arch. Jour. I. 164, 262; Arch. Survey, 465; Wright's Wanderings of an Antiquary, 189. Southfleet (Springhead). Buildings. Antiquary, XVI. 127; Arch. Cant. XL xlii, xxill. 8 ; Arch. Jour. XXII. 63 ; Arch. Survey, 465 ; B.A.A. Winchester vol. 1845, 235 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, xiv. 221, 223 (plan), and Minute Book, xxvin. 453. Stone, near Faversham. Foundations. Arch. Cant. IX. lxxix; Arch. Survey, 465; B.A.A. Jour. XXXI. 253, 257; Hasted, II. 800. Strood. Pavement. Arch. Survey, 466; Coll. Antiq. I. 32. Stutfall Castle, see Lymne. Sutton Valence. Walled cemetery. Arch. Cant. XXV. 198 ; Arch. Survey, 466; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxix. 421. Swanscombe. Kiln. Arch. Cant. XXVII. lxxiii. Teston. Buildings. Arch. Survey, 467; B.A.A. Jour. XXVIII. 282, 397, xxix. 45 (plan). Teynham, see Buckland. Thurnham. Buildings. Arch. Survey, 467 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, xxx. 536. Upchurch. Foundations. Arch. Survey, 467; Gent. Mag. 1857, i. 232, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 160. Remains of potteries. Arch. Survey, 467 ; B.A.A. Jour. II. 133 ; Coll. Antiq. VI. 173; Gent. Mag. 1857, i. 232, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 160; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIX. 223, and Proc. 2 S. vn. 291. Wingham. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, IV. 237; Arch. Cant. XIV. 134 (plan), XV. 351 ; Arch. Survey, 468; B.A.A. Jour, xxxvil. 427, 449, xxxviii. 291; Builder, xli. 591; Morgan, 146, 151; Reliquary, xxill. 64. Worth. Buildings. Arch. Survey, 468; Boys, W., Hist, of Sandwich, 869 (plan). Wouldham, see Burham. 54 LANCASHIRE LANCASHIRE Arch. Survey. An Archaeological Survey of Lancashire, by William Harrison. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1896. Baines. Baines, E. History of Lancashire, edited by J. Harland. 2 vols. 1868—70. Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society Transactions, 1. — XXI. 1884 — 1903. Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society Transactions, 1. — xxv. 1849 — 1909. Leigh. Leigh, C. History of Lancashire, etc. 1700. Rauthmell. Rauthmell, R. Antiquitates Bremetonacenses, or the Roman Antiquities of Overborough, 1st ed. 1746, 2nd ed. 1824. Watkin. Watkin, W. T. Roman Lancashire, 1883. Whitaker's Manchester. Whitaker, John. History of Manchester, 2 vols. 1773- Whitaker's Richmond. Whitaker, T. D. History of Richmondshire, 2 vols. 1823. Whitaker's Whalley. Whitaker, T. D. History of Whalley, 1872—76. Dalton-in-Furness. Foundations. Builder, XXXVII. 1059. Dalton-near-Warton (The Quamps). Foundations. Arch. Survey, 10; Gent. Mag. 1776, 310, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 343. Hornby. Tile pavement. Arch. Survey, 14; Baines, II. 613; Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. 3 S. VIII. 82; Watkin, 84, 218; Whitaker's Richmond, II. 250. Kirkham. Foundations and tile pavement. Arch. Survey, 14; Fishwick, H., History of Kirkham, 5, 6; Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. HI. 60; Watkin, 206. Lancaster. Fort, walls, foundations, etc. Arch. Survey, 1 5 ; Baines, II. 550; Britton and Brayley, IX. 51; Gough's Camden, HI. 393; Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. 3 S. IV. 95 ; Leigh, iii. 10 ; Leland's Itin. I. 95 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, V. 98, and Minute Book, XIV. 408, 410 ; Simpson, R., Hist, of Lancaster, 1852, cap. V; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 38; Watkin, 164; Whitaker's Richmond, II. 211. Lydiat. Buildings. Lane, and Ches. Hist, and Genealogical Notes, III. pt. 8, pars. 342, 348, and pt. 9, par. 351. Manchester {Mancunium). Fort, walls, buildings, etc. Antiquary, XXXIV. 133; Arch. Jour. XLIV. 54; Arch. Survey, 16; B.A.A. LANCASHIRE 55 Jour. N.S. I. 214, xill. 72, 197; Baines, I. 267; Britton and Bray ley, IX. 251 ; Bruton, F. A., The Roman fort at Manchester, 1909 ; Earwaker, J. D., Local Gleanings relating to Lane, and Ches. II. 169 ; Gough's Camden, III. 385 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans, vi. 189, xvi. 137, 182, xvn. 87 (plan), 178 (plan), 208 (plan); Leigh, iii. 13; Leland's Itin. V. 94 ; Lewis, ill. 229 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IV. 76; Phil. Trans. XLII. 216; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 28; Times, Jan. 14, 1907 ; Watkin, 92 ; Whitaker's Manchester, I. cap. ii. Overborough. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Survey, 17, 18; Baines, II. 620 ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 101 ; Gough's Camden, III. 379 ; Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. 3 S. XII. 4 ; Rauthmell ; Watkin, 84. Ribchester (Bremetennaciim). Fort, walls, gates, buildings, ex- cavations, etc. Antiquary, xxxv. 70, XXXVI. 8, XLII. 404 ; Arch. Survey, 20; Athenaeum, May 12, 1900; B.A.A. Jour. VI. 229, N.S. XIII. 124, XIV. 213 ; Baines, II. 104; Britton and Brayley, IX. 150; Garstang, J., Roman Ribchester, being the report of excavations made in 1908 ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 37 ; Gough's Camden, III. 391 ; Horsley, Brit. Rom. 302 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. VII. 231, XVI. 216, XVII. 105, 141 ; Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. 4 S. XVII. 189 (plan), 208 (plan); Leigh, iii. 1; Leland's Itin. IV. i. 22 ; Lewis, III. 634 ; Smith, T. C, and Shortt, J., Hist, of Ribchester, 1890, cap. i ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 36; Watkin, 125; Whitaker's Manchester, I. 182, 185 ; Richmond, II. 458, and Whalley, I. 17—40, II. 373. Walton-le-Dale, near Preston. Foundations. Arch. Survey, 24 ; Baines, II. 90; Lane, and Ches. Hist. Soc. Trans. VIII. 127, X. 352 ; Watkin, 202. Warrington, see Wilderspool, Cheshire. Wennington. Abutments of bridge. Arch. Survey, 25 ; Rauth- mell, 2nd ed., 135 ; Watkin, 81. Worsthorne. Foundations. Arch. Survey, 26; Watkin, 210; Whitaker's Whalley, II. 223. Wyersdale. Abutment of bridge. Arch. Survey, 26 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. X. 252. 56 LEICESTERSHIRE LEICESTERSHIRE Burton. Burton, W. Description of Leicestershire, 1622. Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society Transactions, 1. — ix. 1866 — 1905. Nichols. Nichols, J. History of Leicestershire, 4 vols, in 8, 1795 — 181 1. Thompson. Thompson, J. History of Leicester, 1849. Throsby's Leic. Throsby, J. History and Antiquities of the Town of Leicester, 1791. Throsby's Views. Throsby, J. Select Views in Leicestershire, 2 vols. 1790—92. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Leicestershire, I. 1907. Broughton, Nether. Foundations and pavement. Nichols, II. i. 121 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 107; V.C.H. I. 215. Burrough-on-the-Hill. Foundations. Britton and Brayley, IX. 431; Gough's Camden, II. 318; Leland's Itin. V. 105; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IV. y6\ Nichols, II. ii. 524; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 108 ; V.C.H. I. 211, Croft (Langham Bridges). Bridge. Country Life, March 21, 1908; Throsby's Views, II. 519; V.C.H. I. 211. High Cross ( Venonae). Foundations. Bib. Topog. Brit. vn. 287 ; Burton, 72 ; Dugdale's Warw. 2nd ed. I. 71 ; Gough's Camden, II. 297, 303 ; Horsley, Brit. Rom. 385, 420 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. V. 284; Nichols, I. i. cli, IV. i. 125 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 1 10, and Letters, III. 442 ; V.C.H. Leicester- shire, I. 213, and Warwickshire, I. 232. Leicester {Ratae). Town, walls, gates, etc. Antiquary, XII. 97 ; Arch. Jour. xlvi. 46; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. VII. 270; Bib. Topog. Brit. VII. 593 ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 330 ; Burton, 160; Gough's Camden, II. 313; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 169, 215, II. 20, IV. 55, V. 219; Lewis, ill. 56, 59; Nichols, I. i. 4; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 108 (plan); Thompson, 3, 443; Throsby's Leic; V.C.H. I. 181 (plan); Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 151, 189. Jewry wall or Westgate. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 47, and Win- chester, vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 18; B.A.A. Jour. VI. 393 ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 335 ; Gough's LEICESTERSHIRE 57 Camden, II. 313 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 215 ; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 298, 305, II. 20, 202, 354, III. 5, IV. 53, 79, VI. 312, VIII. 42 ; Leic. Lit. and Phil. Soc. Report, Jan. 13, 1 85 1 ; Lond. S. A. Archaeologia, XXVI. 28, Proc. 2 S. XV. 286; Nichols, I. i. 5, ii. 355, 617; Reliquary, XXIV. 174; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 109; Throsby's Leic. 388; V.C.H. I. 184, 186 (plan). Bath Lane. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 62 ; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 22, V. 41 ; V.C.H. 1. 206. Blackfriars Street. Pavements. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 62 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, xvin. lix ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 333 ; Gough's Camden, II. 314; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. VI. 175, 208; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, VII. 163, VIII. 170, X. 196, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing) ; Nichols, I. i. 11 ; Thompson, 445 ; V.C.H. I. 194, 206, 207. Dannet's Hall (Cherry Orchard). Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXX. 216; Arch. Jour. XLVI. 47, 53; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, IX. lxix, cxvii ; B.A.A. Jour. VII. 439 ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 333 ; Builder, IX. 743 ; Gent. Mag. 1786, ii. 825, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 168 ; Gough's Camden, II. 314; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 174; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 280, 334, 387 ; Leic. Lit. and Phil. Soc. Reports, June, 1852, 15, 17 ; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 406; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. II. 205, 2 S. IV. 183 ; Nichols, 1. i. 12; Thompson, 445 ; V.C.H. I. 196, 197 (plan). Portions of orig. pav. in Town Museum. Eastgate. Sewer. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 61 ; Thompson, 447 ; V.C.H. I. 205. Gardiner's factory. Foundations. Gent. Mag. 1806, ii. 870, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 169. Goal. Pavement. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 62 ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 332 ; Throsby's Leic. 383 ; V.C.H. I. 205. Grey Friars. Pavement. Nichols, I. ii. 619 ; Throsby's Leic. 396; V.C.H. I. 190, 206. High Street and Silver Street. Buildings and pavement. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XX. lx, XXVI. 461 ; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 23, 24 ; V.C.H. 1. 206. High Cross Street. Buildings and Pavements. Antiquary, $8 LEICESTERSHIRE XXXVII. ioo, XXXVIII. 108; Arch. Jour. XIV. 280, XLIV. 53, XLVI. 49, 61, 62, 63 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XXVI. 459 ; Bib. Topog. Brit. VII. 596; Builder, LXXX. 195; Fowler, No. 11 ; Gough's Camden, II. 314; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 264; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 215,11.23, IX. 169; Leic. and Rutland N. and Q. III. 136; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XIX. 246, Minute Book, xvill. 271, 295, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing of pavement) ; Morgan, 35, 113, 121, 276; Nichols, 1. i. 9, 11, ii. 356; Phil. Trans. XXVII. 324 ; Pointer's Stunsfleld, 34 ; Reliquary, XIII. 224, XXIV. 174; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 109; Thompson, 445, 447; Throsby's Leic. 19, 20, 383; V.C.H. 1. 190, 205, 206, 207. Octagonal panel and other pieces in Town Museum. Jewry Wall Street (now Great Central Station). Pavements. Antiquary, XXXIII. 17 ; Arch. Jour. XLVI. 62 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XV. civ, XVIII. lix, XXIV. xcix, XXV. xxxvii, lxxviii; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. VII. 159; Builder, LXXI. 363, LXXV. 64; Gent. Mag. 1830, ii. 355, 1841, ii. 190, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 169, 170; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 172; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 22, V. 296, IX. 152; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VII. 280, XV. 287, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (print); Morgan, 113; Reliquary, XXVI. 56; Thompson, 445 ; V.C.H. I. 194, 205. One pavement in situ under the station. Portions of another in the Museum of Archaeology, Cambridge. St Martin's Church. Foundations and pavement. Arch. Jour. 1. 390, XLVI. 50, 59, 62 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports^ VI. 274; B.A.A. Jour. XIX. 113; Gent. Mag. 1861, ii. 141, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 593 ; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 90, 151, IV. 273 ; Nichols, I. i. 8, 12 ; V.C.H. 1. 189, 205. St Nicholas Street. Foundations and pavements. Antiquary, XXXIV. 234, XXXV. 41 ; Arch. Jour. XLVI. 48, 49, 62 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, IX. lxix, XX. lx, xxix. xcix, XXV. xxxvii ; Athenaeum, Oct. 1, 1898; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. IV. 289^ VII. 158; Gent. Mag. 1863, ii. 358, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 169; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. 207, 301, III. 334, v. 41 n, VII. 17, 207, VIII. 375, IX. 6; Nichols, I. i. 12; Reliquary LEICESTERSHIRE 59 and Illust. Arch. N.S. V. 26 ; Thompson, 445 ; V.C.H. I. 187, 188, 205, 206. Sarah Street. Foundations and pavement. Antiquary, XII. 228; Arch. Jour. XLVI. 62; Builder, XLIX. 114, 520; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. 11. 22, v. 41, vi. 210, ix. 174; V.C.H. 1. 195, 206. Silver Street. Pavement, etc. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 62 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XIII. cii, XX. lix ; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans, iv. 106, 194, v. 49, 55, vn. 207; V.C.H. 1. 190, 206, 207. Southgate Street. Pavement, etc. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 62 ; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. 11. 22, 175 ; V.C.H. I. 190, 205. Talbot Lane. Foundations and sewer. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 62 ; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. VIII. 40 (plan); Nichols, I. ii. 618 ; Thompson, 447 ; Throsby's Leic. 2, 388 ; V.C.H. I. 198, 205. Town Hall Lane. Pavement. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XXVI. 462 ; Builder, LXXXIV. 316; V.C.H. I. 189, 207. Vauxhall. Pavement. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 62 ; Gough's Cam- den, II. 314; Nichols, 1. i. 11 ; Throsby's Leic. 19; V.C.H. I. 196, 205. Vine Street. Pavement. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 63 ; Thompson, 445 ; V.C.H. I. 196, 207. A portion in the Town Museum. White Lion Inn. Pavement. Arch. Jour. xlvi. 62 ; Nichols, I. i. 11 ; V.C.H. 1. 205. Medbourne. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XIX. 182, LXVIII. 218; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XIV. lxii ; Gent. Mag. 1795, i. 274, 1801, ii. 1182, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 170; Gough's Camden, II. 301 ; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 209, v. 69, 70, 92, 171 ; Leic. and Rutland N. and Q. II. 209; Lewis, III. 271 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VII. 196, 315, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (lithograph of pavement); Nichols, II. ii. 717; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 109 n ; V.C.H. I. 214. Mountsorrel. Sepulchral chamber. Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans, v. 344; V.C.H. I. 215. Rothley. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXXVII. 66, XXXVIII. 108 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, xxvi. 458 ; 60 LEICESTERSHIRE — LINCOLNSHIRE Britton and Brayley, IX. 406 ; Leic. Arch. Soc. Trans. IX. 157, 169; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IX. 370, Proc. 2 S. XIX. 245, and Minute Book, XXII. 434; Nichols, III. ii. 956; Reliquary, XIII. 18; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. III. '113; V.C.H. I. 216 (plan). Sapcote. Pavement. Nichols, IV. ii. 898 ; Throsby's Views, II. 231 ; V.C.H. I. 217. Wanlip. Pavement. Britton and Brayley, IX. 408 ; Lewis, IV. 452; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, I. 58; Reliquary, XIII. 18; V.C.H. 1. 218. Wymondham. Buildings and pavement. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, VIII. lxiii ; Gent. Mag. 1797, i. 75, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 175; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, XXXIII. 15; Nichols, II. ii. 889; V.C.H. I. 219. LINCOLNSHIRE Allen. Allen, T. History of the County of Lincoln, 2 vols. 1834. Andrew's Winterton. Andrew, W. History of Winterton, 1836. Howlett. Howlett, B. Selection of views in the County of Lincoln, 1805 (not paged). Lines. N. and Q. Lincolnshire Notes and Queries, 1. — vn. 1888— 1904. Trollope. Trollope, E. Sleaford, 1872. Ancaster (Causennae). Buildings and Pavement. Allen, II. 267, 268; Arch. Jour, xxvil. 1 (plan); Arch. Review, III. 178; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, VII. 53 ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 761 ; Coll. Antiq. v. 149; Gough's Camden, II. 335, 358; Holinshed, R., Chronicles of England, 1587, 1. 217; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 432 ; Leland's Itin. 1. 29 ; Lewis, 1. 57 ; Mag. Brit. 1738, II. 1428 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 86 ; Trollope, 471, 474- Kiln. Arch. Jour, xxvil. 1 1 ; Trollope, 480. Appleby. Foundations. Andrew's Winterton, 47. Blyborough. Pavement. Lewis, I. 275 ; Trollope, 57. Boston. Foundations (?). Lewis, I. 296 ; Marrat, W., Hist, of Lines. 1 8 14, I. 3; Stukeley's Letters, II. 257. Bottesford. Hypocaust. Arch. Review, HI. 179. LINCOLNSHIRE 6l Bourne. Pavement. Arch. Jour. xxil. 336 ; Lewis, 1. 303. Caistor. Foundations. Allen, II. 225 ; Arch. Review, III. 179; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, vi. 150; Britton and Brayley, IX. 687; Gough's Camden, II. 386; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 101. Claxby. Pavement. Allen, II. 208 ; Lewis, I. 606. Denton. Buildings and pavement. Allen, II. 315; Arch. Review, III. 179 ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 773 ; Fowler, Nos. 9 and 10; Gough's Camden, II. 359, and Brit. Topog. I. 533; Howlett ; Lewis, II. 29 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxil. 26, 28, and Minute Book, XXXIII. 15 ; Morgan, 139 ; Phil. Trans. XXXV. 428; Stukeley's Letters, I. 203, II. 261 ; Trollope, 45 ; Turnor, E., Hist, of Grantham, 1806, 126. Gedney Hill. Foundations (?). Arch. Review, III. 1 80 ; Gough's Camden, II. 342. Haceby. Buildings and pavement. Allen, II. 284 ; Arch. Re- view, III. 1 80 ; Fowler, Appendix 2, No. 22 ; Gent. Mag. 1 818, i. 634, ii. 38, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 176; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIL 26, 28 ; Morgan, 1 39. Hibaldstow. Foundations. Allen, II. 217; Arch. Review, III. 180; Britton and Brayley, IX. 679; Gough's Camden, II. 376; Lewis, II. 501; Phil. Trans. XXIL 561; Stukeley's Letters, II. 251 ; Trollope, 57. Horkstow. Buildings and pavement. Allen, II. 235 ; Andrew's Winterton, 32 ; Arch. Jour. X. 71 ; Arch. Review, III. 180; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, xix. lxi, xxviii. 44 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 99; Brown, R., History of Barton-on-Humber, I. 3 ; East Riding (Yorks.) Antiq. Soc. Trans. XIV. 82 ; Fowler, No. 2 ; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, XXVI. 499 ; Lysons' Reliquiae, I. i. 1, and pis. I — VII ; Morgan, 33, 129, 136; Trollope, 61 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 253. Horncastle. Walls. Allen, II. 90 ; Antiquary, XLIV. 402 ; Arch. Review, III. 180; Gough's Camden, II. 378; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 30 (plan); Weir, G., Hist, of Horncastle, 1820, 5. Lincoln (Lindum). The city, walls, gates, etc. Allen, I. 101 ; Antiquary, XII. 97, XIX. 33, XXIV. 21 ; Arch. Jour. XVII. 4, XXXVIII. 125, XL. IO6, XLI. 313, XLIV. 53, XLV. 485, XLVIII. 186, LXVI. 343 (plan), 353, Lincoln, vol. 1848, lx (plan), and 62 LINCOLNSHIRE Norwich, vol. 1847, 129, 131 ; Arch. Review, III. 137, 177, 180; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, xxii. 56; B.A.A. Jour. I. 258, viii. 257, xxxv. 308 (plan), xlvi. 8, 55, xlvii. 186, 188; Britton and Brayley, IX. 593; Builder, LXXIV. 215; Gent. Mag. 1771, 200, 1836, i. 583, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. J 77> n - 395 ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 37 ; Gough's Camden, II. 361 (plan) ; Knight's Old England, I. 46 ; Lewis, III. 86 ; Lincoln, History of, 1816, 25, 26, 27, 124, 125; Lincoln, A Survey of the Antiquities of the city of, 1840 — 48, 17, 35, 43, 44; Lines. N. and Q. I. 144; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IV. 81, XII. 179; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 152; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 88 (plan), and Letters, II. 315, 317 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 177. Bailgate. Basilica, forum, mint, wall, etc. Allen, I. 103 ; Antiquary, XXXIII. 99, 231 ; Arch. Jour. XXXV. 100, XXXVI. 281, XL. 3I7,XLIX. 131 (plan), 203, and Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 15 ; Arch. Review, III. 181 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XXI. 3 (plan), XXII. 57 ; Athenaeum, May 18, 1878, June 14, 1884, April 18, 1891 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXIV. 269, XXXV. 315; Britton and Brayley, IX. 595; Builder, xxxvii. 328, LX. 319, lxxii. 304; Gough's Brit. Topog. I. 522; Howlett ; Lincoln, Hist, of, 1816, 125, 140, 141 ; Lincoln, A Survey of the Antiquities of the city of, 1840 — 48, 16; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LHL 233 (plan), LVI. 371 (plan), Proc. 2 S. VII. 435 (plan), XIII. 341, xvil. 5, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (plans); Reliquary, N.S. I. 107. Castle. Buildings and pavement. Gent. Mag. 1786, ii. 540, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 177. Cathedral cloisters. Pavement, 1793. Allen, I. 106, 107; Britton and Brayley, IX. 601 ; Fowler No. 4; Lincoln, Hist, of, 1 8 16, 131; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, XXV. 118, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (coloured drawing). Eastgate. Foundations and shaft. Arch. Jour. XIX. 169, XLL 317 (plan). Exchequergate. Buildings and pavement. Allen, I. 104; Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 277 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, xxii. 59 ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 597 ; Fowler, No. 4 ; Gough's LINCOLNSHIRE 63 Camden, II. 366, and Brit. Topog. 1. 522 ; Knight's Old England, I. 51, fig. 41 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 264; Lincoln, Hist, of, 18 16, 127 ; Lincoln, A Survey of the Antiquities of the city of, 1840 — 48, 25 ; Liverpool Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. I. Session 13, 190; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, IV. 83, Minute Book, III. 230, and Vet. Mon. I. pi. LVII; Phil. Trans. XLI. 855 ; Stukeley's Letters, II. 279, 315. Greetwell Fields. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, x. 228, XXVIII. 162; Arch. Jour. XLI. 321, XLVIII. 187, XLIX. 258 (plan), 408 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XXI. 48 (plan), XXII. 61,68; Builder, LXI. 134; Hull Museum Publications, No. 16 (Sept. 1903); Reliquary, N.S. VII. 185. Orig. pav. in Hull Museum. High Street. Bases of pillars, causeway and pavement. Athenaeum, Aug. 9, 1845; B.A.A. Jour. I. 259, XLVI. 74, 221. King's Arms. Buildings and pavement. Lincoln, Hist, of, 1816, 128. Monson Street. Pavement. Arch. Jour. xvil. 16. New Road. Pilaster. Arch. Jour. XLH. 261. Localities not given. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour. II. 186 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXI. 170, 172 ; Gent. Mag. 1794, i. 274, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 177; Line. N. and Q. 111. 179; Morgan, 138. Marton. Pavement. Trollope, 54. Nettleham. Reservoir. Britton and Brayley, IX. 600 ; Lincoln, Hist, of, 1816, 130; Stukeley's Letters, II. 255 n. Paunton, Great and Little. Buildings and pavement. Allen, II. 316; Arch. Review, III. 183; British Curiosities in Art and Nature, 1721, 100; Britton and Brayley, IX. 778; Gough's Camden, II. 335, 358 ; Howlett ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, XXII. 26, 29; Mag. Brit. 1738, II. 1420; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 85 ; Trollope, 45. Roxby. Pavement. Allen, II. 222 ; Andrew's Winterton, 32, 55 ; Arch. Review, III. 183; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XIX. lxi, lxiii ; Britton and Brayley, IX. 679 ; Fowler, No. 3 ; Gough's Camden, II. 376, 388 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VI. 114, and Vet. Mon. II. pi. IX; Lysons' Reliquiae, I. i. 1 ; 64 LINCOLNSHIRE Morgan, 129, 139; Phil. Trans. XXII. 565; Prynne's Diary, Surtees Soc. LIV. 212; Stukeley's Letters, II. 253, 291; Trollope, 59. Sandton, near Thornholme. Kiln(?). Arch. Review, ill. 183; Gough's Camden, II. 376 ; Phil. Trans, xxil. 564, and Royal Soc. Archives, classified papers, XVI. 47 ; Stukeley's Letters, II. 252. Saxby. Buildings. Allen, II. 35 ; Arch. Review, III. 183. « Scampton. Buildings and pavement. Allen, II. 58 ; Arch. Review, III. 183; Britton and Brayley, IX. 658; Fowler, No. 8 ; Howlett ; Illingworth, C, Account of Scampton, 1808, 3 (plans, etc.); Lewis, IV. 28; Morgan, 139; Trollope, 52. Scawby, see Weston. Stainby or Steanby. Buildings and pavement. Gent. Mag. 1 819, i. 422, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 180; Lewis, IV. 172 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxil. 26, 29. Stamford. Foundations and pavement. Arch. Review, ill. 183 ; Gent. Mag. 1839, & 5 2 7> an d Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 180; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 500 ; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, xvi. 401 ; Nevinson C, Hist, of Stamford, 1879, 23 ; Reliquary, X. 16; Trollope, 42 n. Stoke, North. Buildings and pavement. Godwin's Arch. Hand- book, 59; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXII. 26, 30 (plan); Stukeley's Letters, II. 323. Stoke Rochford. Building. Allen, II. 317 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, XXIII. 385. Sturton-by-Stow. Pavement. Fowler, App. 2, Nos. 10 and 1 1 ; Morgan, 139. Torksey. Foundations. Arch. Review, III. 184; Britton and Brayley, IX. 660 ; Howlett ; Stukeley's Letters, II. 274. Walesby. Buildings. Arch. Review, III. 184; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, VI. 135; Gent. Mag. 1861, i. 683, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 180; Illust. Lond. News, XXXVIH. (1861), 482; Reliquary, II. 49, 52 (plan). Weston, near Scawby. Buildings and pavement. Lewis, IV. 31; Trollope, 57. Winteringham. Pavement. Allen, II. 222 ; Andrew's Winterton, LINCOLNSHIRE— LONDON 6$ 86; Arch. Review, III. 184; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 95 ; Trollope, 62. Winterton. Buildings and pavement. Allen, II. 223 ; Andrew's Winterton, 32; Arch. Jour. X. 71 ; Arch. Review, III. 184; Britton and Brayley, IX. 678 ; Fowler, Nos. 1 and 5 ; Gough's Camden, II. 388, and Brit. Topog. I. 529; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 168, 178; Lewis, IV. 611; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, VI. 75; Lysons' Reliquiae, I. i. 1; Morgan, 33, 129, 135, 139; Phil. Trans. XXII. 565 ; Stukeley's Letters, II. 290, 293, 344 ; Trollope, 59, 60 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 253. Kiln (?) Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. IV. 190; Reliquary, IX. 145; Trollope, 60. LONDON Allen's Lond. Allen, Thomas. The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster and South wark, 1837. Archer. Archer, J. W. Vestiges of Old London, 1851. Cunningham Lond. Cunningham, P. London Past and Present, edited by H. B. Wheatley, 1891. Guildhall Mus. Guildhall Museum Catalogue, 2nd ed. 1908. Harrison's Lond. Harrison, Walter. History, Description and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, 1775. Herbert's Hist, of St Michael. Herbert, William. History and Antiquities of St Michael, Crooked Lane, 1831. Hughson's Lond. Hughson, David. History of London, 1806. Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers. Kelsey, Richard, surveyor, and William Santle, inspector. "A Description of the sewers of the City of London and liberties hereof" (MS. Guildhall), 1840. Knight's Lond. Knight, Charles. London, 1841. Lethaby's Lond. Lethaby, W. R. London before the Conquest, 1902. Loftie's Lond. Loftie, W. J. A History of London, 2nd ed. 1884. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. London and Middlesex Archaeo- logical Society Transactions, 1856 — 191 1. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Proc. London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Proceedings, i860 — 3, 1870 — 4. Lond. Topog. Record. London Topographical Record 1 — VI. 1901 — 9. Maitland's Lond. Maitland, William, The History and Survey of London, 1756. Malcolm's Lond. Malcolm, J. P., Londinium Redivivum, 1802—7. Newton's Lond. Newton, William, London in the Olden Times, 1855. L. c 66 LONDON Price's Bastion. Price, J. E. On a Bastion of London Wall, or Excavations in Camomile Street, Bishopsgate, 1880. Price's Bucklersbury. Price, J. E. A Description of the Roman Tessellated Pavement found in Bucklersbury, 1870. Price's Roman Antiq. Price, J. E. Roman Antiquities illustrated by re- mains recently discovered on the site of the National Safe Deposit Company's Premises, Mansion House, London, 1873. Seymour's Lond. Seymour, Robert. Survey of London and Westminster, 1734—5. Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. Smith, C. Roach. Illustrations of Roman London, 1859. Smith, J. T. Lond. Topog. Smith, J. T. Ancient Topography of London, 1815. Smith, J. T. Streets of Lond. Smith, J. T. The Streets of London, 1849. Stew's Lond. Stow, John. Survey of London, Strype's edition, 1720. Timbs' Lond. Timbs, John. Curiosities of London, new edit. 1868. Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. Tite, W. Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities found at the New Royal Exchange, London, 1848. V. C. H. Lond. Victoria Histories of the Counties of England, London, I. 1909- Wilkinson's Lond. Wilkinson, R. Londina Illustrata, 1819. Woodward's Bishopsgate. Woodward, J. An Account of some Roman Urns and other Antiquities lately digg'd up near Bishopsgate, 17 13. Woodward's Lond. Woodward, J. Remarks upon the Ancient and Present state of London, 3rd ed. 1723. City Wall and Gates Aldermanbury Postern. Wall with blind arches, 1857. Arch. Review, I. 274; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 17 (illus.); V.C.H. Lond. 1. 62, 86. Aldersgate. Wall. Arch. Jour. L. 233 ; Builder, LIV. 314, 316, 335 (section and illus.); Lewis, III. 163 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. XII. 380, 396 ; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 72. Aldgate. Old Aid-gate. Builder, LXXX. 196. Aldgate. Tower of Wall, 1753. Lond. Topog. Record, IV. 9; Timbs' Lond. 713. Aldgate. Corner of Jewry Street, 1861. Gent. Mag. 1861, i. 646, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 221 ; Lond. S.A. Topog. Coll., red portfolio (drawing by D. A. Cobbett). 1905. Antiquary, XLI. 244, XLII. 2 ; The Sphere, June 10, 1905 (illus.). LONDON (WALL AND GATES) 67 America Square (Minories, Vine Street, Fenchurch Street, G.E.R. Station). 1908. Antiquary, III. 62 — 5 (plan); Arch. Jour, xxxvii. 452, XL. 299; B.A.A. Jour, xxxvi. 463, xxxvu. 209 ; Builder, XCV. 266 ; Knight's Lond. I. 163 — 4, and Old England, I. 50 ; Lewis, III. 164 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, XL. 299, Lll. 613, and Proc. 2 S. xxii. 475; Lond. Topog. Record, iv. 9; Maitland's Lond. I. 31 ; Times, Dec. 7, 1880; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 52, Sy, 131. Angel Street and Butcher Hall Lane. Wall, 1842. Gent. Mag. 1843, i- 21, 22 ; V.C.H. Lond. 87. Bethlehem Hospital. Hughson's Lond. 1. 37 ; Smith, J. T., Lond. Topog. 28, 32 (engravings). Bevis Marks, Aldgate, see Goring Street and Houndsditch. Bishopsgate Street and Wormwood Street. Wall and bastion. Harrison's Lond. 10; Knight's Lond. I. 160, and Old Eng- land, I. 47; Price's Bastion; Stow's Lond. I. 10; V.C.H. Lond. I. 56; Woodward's Lond. 15, 48. Blackfriars. 1843. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. I. 353; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1. 7. Bloomfield Street, Broker Row. Antiquary, XL 180. Broad Street, New, at Allhallows Church. Wall and bastion, 1905. Arch. Jour. LX. 176; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX. 197, 214, and Proc. 2 S. xxi. 163, 228, 441 ; Smith, J. T., Rom. Lond. 28; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 58, 92. Bull and Mouth Street, and see Aldersgate. 1841. Arch. Review, 1. 282; Athenaeum, April 28, 1888, 540; B.A.A. Jour. XLVII. 98; Builder, LIV. 3i4(illus.); Knight's Lond. I. 165 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxx. 522 (section), Lll. 609 — 16 (plan); V.C.H. Lond. 1. 63, 122. Bush Lane. Gale's Iter. Brit. (1709), 89; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, xxix. 156, 404, xxxiii. 118. Camomile Street. Wall and bastion. B.A.A. Jour, xxxil. 490 (plan) ; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 83 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. III. 16; Malcolm's Lond. I. 350; Price's Bastion; V.C.H. Lond. I. 55, 56. Castle Street. Wall and bastion. Builder, XLVII. 311; Illust. Lond. News, XLVII. (August 19, 1865), 157; V.C.H. Lond. 1.63. 5—* 68 LONDON (WALL AND GATES) Christ's Hospital. Wall and bastion, 1842. B.A.A. Jour. N.S. XV. 119; Builder, XCII. 672, XCIV. no; Lond. S.A. Proa, 2 S. XXII. 277 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 64, 106. Coopers Row, Crutched Friars. 1864. Antiquary, xil. 97 ; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 52 (illus.) ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 297 (illus.), and Proc. 2 S. II. 419 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 99. Cripplegate, St Giles' Church Yard. Wall and bastion. Anti- quary, XII. 97, XXXVI. 335 ; Arch. Review, I. 276 ; Archer, (pis. IV— VI); Builder, LXXIX. 182; Gent. Mag. 1843, i- 607—8, Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 219 ; Lethaby's Lond. 79 ; Lewis, III. 163 ; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 338, III. 223, N.S. I. 356 (photo and drawing); Lond. Topog. Record, IV. 9, V. 101 ; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 17 ; Smith, J. T. Rom. Lond. 36 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 62, 99. Crutched Friars. Wall, 1905. Antiquary, XLI. 206; Builder, LXXXVIII. 533 ; Daily Graphic, May 9, 1905 (with sketch); V.C.H. Lond. I. 52. Duke Place. Wall. B.A.A. Jour. XXXVII. 209. Duke Street. Wall and bastions. B.A.A. Jour. XLIII. 203 ; Maitland's Lond. I. 31 ; Price's Bastion, 17 (illus.) ; Smith, C Roach, Rom. Lond. 16 (illus.); V.C.H. Lond. I. 53 (plan), see also Houndsditch. Falcon Square. Wall. Lewis, III. 163. Fenchurch Street. Wall and bastion. Athenaeum, Feb. 26, i88i r 304—5 ; Builder, XXXIX. 741. Fore Street, back of. Wall. Lewis, III. 163. Giltspur Street. Wall and bastion. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XXII. 476. Goring Street, formerly Bevis Marks. Wall and bastion, 1 884. Antiquary, X. 134; V.C.H. Lond. I. 55. Houndsditch. Wall and bastion. Arch. Jour. XXXVIII. 289; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVII. 86, XXXVIII. 132 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, LX. 187 (plan and illus.), and Proc. 2 S. XX. 300, XXI. 229; Lond. Topog. Record, IV. 9; Maitland's Lond. I. 31 ; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 16 (illus.); V.C.H. Lond. I. 54, 55, io5- Jewry Street. Wall, 1861. B.A.A. Jour, xxxvi. 163, XLIII. 203 ; LONDON (WALL AND GATES) 69 Builder, LXXXix. 521 ; Gent. Mag. 1861, i. 646, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 221; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX. 191, 193 (plan), and Proc. 2 S. xxi. 229; The Sphere, xxi. 240; V.C.H. Lond. I. 52, 106. Lambeth Hill, see Thames Street, upper. London Wall. Wall, 1817, 1882, 1905. Arch. Jour. LX. 137; Antiquary, xi. 180, XII. 97, xvil. 243 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxxviii. 424; Builder, LVII. 236; Gent. Mag. 1817, i. 196; Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers, 138 ; Knight's Lond. 1. 164 — 5 ; Lewis, III. 163; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX. 169 — 212 (illus.), 237,, and Proc. II. 307, 351, III. 16 ; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 15 ; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xxxi; V.C.H. Lond. I. 59, 60, 90, 112. Ludgate. Wall and Barbican Tower, 1792. Timbs' Lond. 715; V.C.H. Lond. 1.69, 114. 1892. Antiquary, XXV. 51; Archer (plate III); Athenaeum, March 10, 1855, 297 ; B.A.A. Jour. XLV. 200 ; Builder, XLII. 468; Gent. Mag. 1806, ii. 792; Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 213; Knight's Lond. 1. 165 ; Lewis, III. 163 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XXII. 278. Mincing Lane. Wall. Loftie's Lond. 1. 32. Monk well Street (Windsor Court). Wall and bastion. Arch. Review, I. 360; V.C.H. Lond. I. 63, 115. Monument Yard. Wall, 1880. Antiquary, II. 222; V.C.H. Lond. I. 71, 116. Moorgate Street. Wall. Arch. Jour. LX. 176; B.A.A. Jour. xxxviii. 424 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. ill. 16, xx. 299 ; Smith, J. T., Rom. Lond. 28 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 61. Newgate. Wall and gate, 1857 and 1900, 3 and 4. Antiquary, XII. 97 (woodcut), xxxvi. 314; Archer (plate vili) ; Arch. Jour. xxxil. 327, 477; B.A.A. Jour. XXXI. 76, 80, 108, XXXII. 385, 388; Builder, LXXIX. 443 (illus.), LXXXIV. 546, XCIV. 202; Gent. Mag. 1836, i. 135 — 6, 1857, ii. 449; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 195, v. 403, N.S. 1. 351 (illus.); Lethaby's Lond. j6\ Lewis, III. 163; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LIX. 125 — 140 (plan and illus.), and Proc. 2 S. XXII. 278; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 72; Price's Rom. Antiq. 49; V.C.H. Lond. I. 35, 49, 65 (plan, fig. 21), 66, 68, 117, 118. 70 LONDON (WALL AND GATES) Playhouse Yard, Blackfriars. Wall. Arch. Jour. XXXIX. 426 ; Gent. Mag. 1843, i. 635; Lethaby's Lond. j6; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. I. 353 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. I. 7; Smith, C. Roach, Coll. Antiq. I. 125, 127; V.C.H. Lond. I. 69, 118, 133. Printing House Square. Wall, 1849. B.A.A. Jour. v. 155 ; Timbs' Lond. 56, 713; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 69, 119. St Martin le Grand. Wall. Arch. Review, I. 282 ; Athenaeum, April 28, 1888, 540, Feb. 7, 1 891, 192 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, Lll. 609, and Topog. Coll., brown portfolio (3 photos). St Peter's Hill, Upper Thames Street. Wall. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 48; V.C.H. Lond. I. 125. Suffolk Lane. Wall. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 48 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 71, 126. Thames Street, Lower. Wall, 181 3. Laing, David, Descrip. of New Custom House, 5 — 6; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 48; Timbs' Lond. 713; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xxiii ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 35, 71. Thames Street, Upper, at Lambeth Hill. Wall. Antiquary, XII. 100; Knight's Old England, I. 50; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, xxix. 150 — 1; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 18; V.C.H. Lond. I. 70, 107. Thames Street, Upper, opposite Queen Street. Wall, 1839 — 40. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxix. 151; Smith, J. T., Streets of Lond. 380; Timbs' Lond. 717; V.C.H. Lond. I. 70; Wright's Arch. Album, 136. Throgmorton Avenue, opposite Carpenters' Hall. Wall. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XX. 300. Tower Hill. Wall. Antiquary, XII. 97 ; Archer, 4 (pi. II) ; Arch. Review, I. 359; B.A.A. Jour. vni. 240 (illus.), xxxviii. 447; Cunningham's Lond. II. 435; Gent. Mag. 1843, I 607, Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 219; Illust. Lond. News, 1821, XXI. 208, and Sept. 11, 1852; Lewis, III. 163; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 72 ; Price, J. E., Rom. Antiq. 47 ; Smith, C. Roach, Coll. Antiq. ill. 255; and Rom. Lond. 14, 15 (pi. 1), 27 (pi. in), 28; V.C.H. Lond. I. 50, 51, 130, 131. Tower of London. Wall. Antiquary, XII. 98 — 9 (illus.) ; B.A.A. Jour. vii. 241, xxxvi. 464, xxxvii. 209, 280, xxxviii. 127, LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) ?I 447, XLI. 210; Gent. Mag. 1835, i. 491 ; Hubner, VII. 23 ; Lethaby's Lond. 74; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, v. 291, LX. 239, and Proc. 2 S. XX. 299; Lond. Topog. Record, IV. 7 ; Maitland's Lond. I. 148; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 49, 130. Trinity Place. Wall. V.C.H. Lond. I. 50; Wilkinson's Lond. 7. Trinity Square. Wall. Arch. Review, I. 359 n. 25 ; Athenaeum, Feb. 25, 1843, 191, Nov. 11, 1843, 1009 — 10, Nov. 18, 1843, 1030 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 447 ; Builder, X. 562 ; Knight's Lond. I. 163. Vine Street and Vine Yard, see America Square. Warwick Square. Wall. Antiquary, XII. 97 ; Lethaby's Lond. 76 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 68. Water Lane, see Playhouse Yard. Buildings and Pavements Aldersgate Street. Buildings. Lewis, III. 164. Bank Buildings. Wall, 1841. Archaeologist, 221 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIX. 273. Pavement, 1895. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xvi. 36; V.C.H. Lond. I. 87. Bank of England, see Lothbury. Bartholomew Lane. Pavement, 1841. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIX. 155; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 58; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xxxi; V.C.H. Lond. I. 87. Basinghall Street, near. Kiln. B.A.A. Jour. XLIV. 357. Birchin Lane. Walls and pavement, 1785. Allen's Lond. I. 28; Knight's Lond. I. 293; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, VIII. 119, and Minute Book, XXI. 92; Price's Bucklersbury, 18; Timbs' Lond. 531, 715 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 80, 81 (plan), 88. Wall, 1846. B.A.A. Jour. II. 205 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 89. Pavement, 1857. Arch. Review, I. 274; Guildhall Mus. No. 28, and Catalogue, 72; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Proc. 1861, 33; V.C.H. Lond. I. 89. Bishopsgate Church. Vaulted arch, 1725. Allen's Lond. I. 25; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 90 ; Gough's Camden, II. 93. Bishopsgate, St Helen's, Great. Pavement. Guildhall Mus. No. 7, and Catalogue 71. 72 LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) Bishopsgate, St Helen's, Little. Pavement, 171 2. Maitland's Lond. 12; Timbs' Lond. 713. Pavement, 1733. Arch. Jour, xxxni. 269; Gent. Mag. 1733, 436; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 122. Bishopsgate Street Within. Pavement, 1 839. Lond. S. A. Archaeo- logia, XXIX. 155; Morgan, 182; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 54—5 (plate VIII, fig. 1); V.C.H. Lond. I. 89. Pavement, 1873. Illust. Lond. News, July 19, and Aug. 2, 1873 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 80, 89. Bishopsgate Street Within, opposite Crosby Hall. Pavement, 1875. B.A.A. Jour, xxxiil. 106; V.C.H. Lond. I. 89. Bishopsgate Street Within, nearly opposite Crosby Hall. Pavement, 1907 — §. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XXII. 278. Bread Street. Chalk wall. V.C.H. Lond. 1. 92. Bread Street Hill. Foundations. Illust. Lond. News, July 20, 1844; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 92. Broad Street, Old, site of Winchester House. Pavement, 1792. Gent. Mag. 1807, i. 416, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 188; Knight's Lond. I. 290; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxix. 493; Morgan, 179; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 56; Timbs' Lond. 716; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. Broad Street, Old, site of Old Excise Office. Pavement, 1854 and 1893. Arch. Jour. XI. 184, LXVIII. 220; Athen- aeum, Feb. 18, 1854, 221, 284; B.A.A. Jour. x. 112; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 95 ; Builder, XII. 108 ; Guildhall Mus. Nos. 8 — 9, Catalogue 72 ; Illust. Lond. News, April 1, 1854 (illus.); Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXVI. 203 — 13 (illus. and map), xxxix. 496, 498, Proc. ill. 15, 114, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (coloured drawing); Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 31 ; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69; Morgan, 187; Price's Bucklersbury, 23; R.I.B.A. Trans. 3 S. XII. 137; Smith, C. Roach, Coll. Antiq. III. 257, and Rom. Lond. 54 (pi. Vll); Timbs' Lond. 713; Times, Feb. 8, 1854; V.C.H. Lond. I. 92. Bucklersbury. Pavement, 1869. Arch. Jour. LX. 171 ; Arch. Review, I. 275; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 99; Builder, XXVII. 392, 424; Guildhall Mus. No. 1, Catalogue 71 (pi. LV) ; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69, 71; Morgan, 195; Price's LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) 73 Bucklersbury, 26 (plan and illus.); R.I.B.A. Trans. 3 S. XII. 137; V.C.H. Lond. I. 76 (fig. 26), 93 (fig. 40). Tile wall on piles, 1869. Builder, lvii. 236 (illus.); Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. V. 11. Budge Row. Wall. B.A.A. Jour. IX. 84; V.C.H. Lond. I. 93. Bush Lane, Scot's Yard. Pavement, 1666. Harrison's Lond. 7; Knight's Lond. I. 290 ; Leland's Coll. L lx ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxix. 156, xxxix. 492, XL. 6y, and Minute Book, VIII. 25; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69; Maitland's Lond. I. 17; Morgan, 176; Price's Bucklersbury, 17; Sey- mour's Lond. 11. 868 — 9; Stow's Lond. II. 1 App. 23; Timbs' Lond. 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 75, 93; Wright, Arch. Album, 134. Pavement, walls, etc. 1841. Gent. Mag. 1842, i. 268, Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 484; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 213; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxix. 156, 404, XL. 67, and Minute Book, xxxvill. 152; V.C.H. Lond. I. 94. Walls. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 213; V.C.H. Lond. I. 75, 94. Bush Lane, Little. Pavement and wall. B.A.A. Jour. II. 341 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 94. Camomile Street. Pavement, 1707. Allen's Lond. I. 24 — 5 ; Arch. Jour. XXXIV. 131; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 84; Gent. Mag. 1807, *• 4 j 5j an< 3 Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 185 ; Gough's Camden, II. 92!; Knight's Lond. I. 158; Leland's Itin. VIII. (Woodward's letter to Sir C. Wren), 15; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxix. 492, lii. 613; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69 ; Maitland's Lond. I. 12; Malcolm's Lond. I. 350; Morgan, 177; Price's Bucklersbury, 17; R.I.B.A. Trans. 3 S. xn. 137; Stow's Lond. 11. 1 App. 23; Timbs' Lond. 713; V.C.H. Lond. I. 12, 25, 81, 94; Woodward's Bishopsgate, 7, and Lond. 12. Cannon Street, Basing Lane. Walls, 1845. B.A.A. Jour. I. 254; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 95. Pavement, 1852. Illust. Lond. News, April 17, 1852 (illus.); Timbs' Lond. 714. Cannon Street, near Bush Lane. Pavement, 1852. Arch. Jour. IX. 297; Chaffers, W., Marks and Monograms on Pottery 74 LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) and Porcelain, 2 (section) ; Reliquary, IV. 49 (section) ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 95. Cannon Street, New. Pavements and Walls, 1854. B.A.A. Jour. x. no, 190 — 96; V.C.H. Lond. I. 96. Cannon Street, close to Bow Lane. Pavement, 1877. B.A.A. Jour. XXXIII. 260; V.C.H. Lond. I. 96. Cannon Street, corner of Q. Victoria Street. Bath, 1905. Anti- quary, XLII. 1 — 2 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX. 214 (plan and sections), and Proc. 2 S. XXI. 163, 229; V.C.H. Lond. L 77, 96. Carter Lane. Wall. V.C.H. Lond. 1. 69. Cateaton Street, see Gresham Street. Charterhouse Square. Building and wall painting", 1855. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 31. Cheapside. Pavement, 17 14 — 15. Leland's Coll. I. lxxiv ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 97. Cheapside, Bow Church. Foundations and pavement. Allen's Lond. 1. 23; B.A.A. Jour. XVII. 328; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 88; Guildhall Mus. No. 3, Catalogue 71 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 56, 69; Maitland's Lond. I. 14 — 15; Malcolm's Lond. III. 506 ; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xvi ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 123; Wren's Parentalia, 265. Clement's Lane, close to St Clement's Church. Pavement, 1834 and 1840 — 1. Gent. Mag. 1835, i. 82, 1841, ii. 498, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. 215, 326; Knight's Lond. I. 290, 291 ; Lewis, III. 164; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxvu. I4i,xxix. 272; Morgan, 181; V.C.H. Lond. I. 97; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. Pavement, 1877. B.A.A. Jour. XXXIV. 134; V.C.H. Lond. I. 98. Cloak Lane, St John-the-Baptist-upon-Walbrook. Pavement, 1888. Antiquary, IX. 237, 284, XVII. 175; Arch. Review, I. 282 ; Guildhall Mus. No. 26, Catalogue 72 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1.98. College Street, Dowgate Hill. Pavement, 1839. Gent. Mag. 1839, ii. 636, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 206; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 59 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 98. Cornhill, site of Prescott and Co.'s Bank, 50 Cornhill. Walls. LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) 75 Antiquary, XXIV. 212; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX. 223, Proc. 2 S. XIV. 6 — 7, xxi. 229, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (plan and photograph); V.C.H. Lond. I. 99. Crooked Lane, St Michael. Pavement, 1831. Gent. Mag. 1834, i. 157; Guildhall Mus. No. 6, Catalogue 72; Herbert's Hist, of St Michael, 19; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIV. 190; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 123. Crosby Square. Pavement, 1836. B.A.A. Jour. XXXIII. 106; Gent. Mag. 1836, i. 369, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 193; Knight's Lond. I. 290, and Old England, I. 50; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVII. 397 (plan), XXXIX. 496, 501, and Minute Book, xxxvii. 67; Morgan, 182; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 57; Timbs' Lond. 713, 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 99; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. Crutched Friars. Pavement, 1787. Allen's Lond. I. 29; Knight's Lond. I. 290, and Old England, I. 50 ; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, XXII. 281, and original piece at Burlington House; Morgan, 179; Timbs' Lond. 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 99; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. Cullum Street, see Fen church Street. Custom House. Wall. Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xxiii ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 71. Dowgate Hill. Building and pavement. Allen's Lond. III. 508; Archer's Vestiges of Lond. 1 1 ; Loftie's Lond. I. 33 ; Timbs* Lond. I. 714; V.C.H. Lond. I. 100; Wren's Parentalia, 265. East Cheap. Building and pavement, 1831 — 6. Gent. Mag. 1833, i. 69 — 70, ii. 422, 1836, i. 135 — 37, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. 191, 206; Herbert's Hist, of St Michael, 20; Knight's Lond. 290; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIV. 192,. XXV. 602, and Minute Book, XXXVI. 337; Timbs' Lond. 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 35, 37— 38 (fig. 11), 100; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. East Cheap, Little. Foundations. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia > xxix. 154; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 100. Fenchurch Street, N. end of Mincing Lane. Walls and Pave- ment, 1833. Gent. Mag. 1834, i. 156, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 207 ; Knight's Lond. I. 290 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, xxix. 153 ; Morgan, 185 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 101. 76 LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) Fenchurch Street, opposite Cullum Street. Pavement, 1859. B.A.A. Jour. xxiv. 76, 77 ; Brit. Mus. (orig. fragment pre- served); Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 313; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xvii. 322 ; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69 ; Morgan, 157, 191 ; Price's Bucklersbury, 24 (illus.); Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 58 (illus.), and Retrospections, II. 200; V.C.H. Lond. I. 101. Finch Lane. Pavement, 1844 — 5. B.A.A. Jour. I. 64, II. 206; V.C.H. Lond. I. 102. Finsbury. Kiln. B.A.A. Jour. xliv. 357. Fish Street Hill, Old. Walls, 1845. Arch. Jour. II. 72 ; B.A.A. Jour. I. 45 (illus.); V.C.H. Lond. I. 102. Fleet Street. Arch and Wall, 1886. B.A.A. Jour. XLII. 81 (illus.). Foster Lane. Pavement. Lond. Topog. Record, III. 68 ; R.I.B.A. Trans. 3 S. XII. 137. Friday Street, site of St Matthew's church. Pavement, 1844. B.A.A. Jour. XLII. 435, XLIII. 198; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 339; Reliquary, N.S. I. 108; V.C.H. Lond. I. 102. Friday and Knightrider Streets, between. Wall, 1906. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 49, LX. 219, 221, and Proc. 2 S. XXI. 229 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 76, 102. Gracechurch Street, Halfmoon passage and Corbet Court. Wall, 1834. Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers, 100; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, LX. 236; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xii ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 99, 103. Gracechurch Street, opposite St Benet's Place. Walls and Pavement, 1841. B.A.A. Jour. xxiv. 76— 78 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIX. 154, LX. 226; Price's Rom. Antiq. 24; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xii ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 80, 103. Gracechurch Street, Spread Eagle Yard. Pavement, 1866 — 8. B.A.A. Jour. xxiv. 76, 77; V.C.H. Lond. I. 103. Gracechurch Street, Crypt of St Benet's Church. Wall, 1872. B.A.A. Jour. XXVIII. 179; V.C.H. Lond. I. 103. Gracechurch Street, corner of Leadenhall Avenue. Wall, 1906. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX. 225 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 103. Gresham Street, formerly Maiden Lane, Lad Lane, and Cateaton Street, see also Huggin Lane and Wood Street. Pavement, LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) 77 1843. B.A.A. Jour. 1. 248, III. 335 ; Gent. Mag. 1843, i. 21, 190, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 197 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. II. 184; V.C.H. Lond. I. 103—4. Gresham Street (Maiden Lane). Pavements, 1844. B.A.A. Jour. III. 336; Lond. S.A. Proc. II. 184. Gresham Street (Lad Lane). Pavement, 1848. B.A.A. Jour. III. 335; Lond. S.A. Proc. II. 126. Guildhall. Pavement, 1861. B.A.A. Jour. XVII. 325; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 104. Holborn, opposite St Andrew's Church. Pavement, 1681. Allen's Lond. 1. 23; Gent. Mag. 1807, i. 415—17, 1833, i. 549, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 188; Grew's Catalogue of rarities belonging to the Royal Society, 1681, 380; Knight's Lond. I. 290; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXIX. 491 ; Morgan, 176 ; Stow's Lond. 11. 1 App. 23; Timbs' Lond. 716; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 104; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. Honey Lane. Pavements. Arch. Rev. 1. 278; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Proc. Jan. 1862, 68 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 105. Huggin Lane, Wood Street, see Gresham Street. Pavement, 1851. Lond. S.A. Proc. II. 184; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 105. King William Street, St Clement Church. Walls and Pave- ment, 1834. Gent. Mag. 1835, i. 82; Knight's Lond. I. 290; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVII. 140; Morgan, 181 ; Timbs* Lond. 715, 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 106. King's Arms Yard, Moorgate Street. Pavement. Gent. Mag. 1843, i. 520, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 199; V.C.H. Lond. I. 106. Knightrider Street, Great. Walls. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XL. 49, LX. 219 (plans) ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 69, 76, 107. Knightrider Street, Little. Sewer arch. B.A.A. Jour. I. 253 (illus.); V.C.H. Lond. I. 76, 77 (fig. 27), 107. Lad Lane, see Gresham Street. Lambeth Hill. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour. xxxv. 215; V.C.H. Lond. I. 107. Laurence Pountney Lane. Walls and pavement, 1846. Arch Review, I. 278; B.A.A. Jour. II. 340, 345 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 35, io7- Leadenhall Market. Building and pavement, 1880. Arch. 78 LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) Review, I. 278 ; Athenaeum, Jan. 8, 1881, 63, Feb. 19, 1881, 271 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVII. 84, 90, 209, XXXVIII. 95 ; Guild- hall Mus. No. no, Catalogue 74; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLVIII. 225, and Proc. 2 S. VIII. 524, 528; V.C.H. Lond. I. 74, 107. Foundations and pavements, 1888. Antiquary, XVII. 175; Arch. Review, I. 278, n 13*; Builder, LVII. 236; Guildhall Mus. Nos. 10 — 15 (?), Catalogue 72; V.C.H. Lond. I. 107. Walls, 1906. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX. 225 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 107. Leadenhall Street, end of Lime Street. Pavement, wall, hearth and arched gate, 1576. Allen's Lond. I. 292; Newton's Lond. 24; Timbs' Lond. 715. Leadenhall Street, under East India House. Pavement, 1803. Allen's Lond. I. 29, 30; Bayley's Lond. and Middsx. I. 95; B.A.A. Jour. II. 91—2, XIX. 64; Brit. Mus. orig. pavement ; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 95 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXIII. 113; Gent. Mag. 1804, i. 83, 1806, II. 892, 1807, i. 415, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 185, 212; Hughson's Lond. I. 34; Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers, 53 ; Knight's Old England, I. 50 (fig. 161); Lond. S.A. Archae- ologia, XXXIX. 492, 500, LX. 235, Minute Book, XXX. 182, 253 (coloured engraving inserted), 318, and Topog. Coll., red portfolio ; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69; Morgan, 157, 166, 179, 241 (plate); Newton's Lond. 24; R.I.B.A. Trans. 3 S. XII. 137; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 57 (pi. XII); Timbs' Lond. 319, 715 ; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xiii ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 12, 79, 107 (fig. 45); Wright's Arch. Album, 134, and Celt, Roman and Saxon, 250. Leadenhall Street, site of King's Head Inn, close to site of East India House. Walls, 1846. B.A.A. Jour. II. 340; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXIX. 494; V.C.H. Lond. I. 108. Leadenhall Street, site of E. India House. Pavement, 1863. Arch. Jour. XX. 177; B.A.A. Jour. XIX. 63, 307; Brit. Mus. portion of orig. pavement; Illust. Lond. News, March 12, 1864, 267 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXIX. 500 (pi. XXI), 502, and Proc. 2 S. II. 360, III. 93 ; Morgan, 192, 193 ; Timbs' Lond. 715 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 108. LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) 79 Leadenhall Street, site of Rochester Buildings. Pavement, 1882. Arch. Jour. XL. 108; B.A.A. Jour. XXXIX. 393; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 108. Lombard Street, St Mary Woolnoth. Pavement, 1716. Britton and Brayley,X.i.9i ; Hughson's Lond. 1. 33 ; Maitland's Lond. II. 1 145 ; Stow's Lond. II. 1 App. 24; V.C.H. Lond. I. 123. Pavement, 1730. Allen's Lond. I. 25 ; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 91 ; Malcolm's Lond. III. 518 ; Price's Rom. Antiq. 26. Pavements and Walls, 1785 — 6. Allen's Lond. I. 27; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 93 ; Gent. Mag. 1785, ii. 845, 1807, i- 415, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 186, ii. 593 ; Knight's Lond. I. 293 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, vill. 116 (plates and plans), 127, XXXIX. 492, XL. 69, and Minute Book, XXI. 92, 169; Malcolm's Lond. in. 519 — 521 ; Morgan, 177; Timbs' Lond. 715 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 79, 80, 81 (plan and fig. 30), 109. Pavement, 1839. Lond. Topog. Record, ill. 68; R.I.B.A. Trans. 3 S. XII. 137; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 59; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 109. Pavement, 1868. B.A.A. Jour. xxiv. 294; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 109. Lombard Street, at Plough Court. Wall, 1873. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Proc. 1873, 119; Price's Rom. Antiq. 26; V.C.H. Lond. I. 109. London Wall, opp. Finsbury Circus. Arched sewer or culvert, 1837. Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers, 138 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, xxix. 152, LX. 237; Timbs' Lond. 714; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xxxi ; V.C.H. Lond. I. m. Long Lane, Smithfield. Pavement. Britton and Brayley, X. i. 95 ; Gent. Mag. 1807, i. 417, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 188; Knight's Lond. I. 290; Timbs' Lond. 716; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. Lothbury, Bank of England. Wall, 1732. Lond. S.A. Minute Book, II. 14. Pavement, 1805. Allen's Lond. I. 31 ; Brit. Mus. orig. pave- ment ; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 95, 97 ; Builder, XLII. 759 ; Gent. Mag. 1807, i. 415, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. 187; Knight's Old England, I. 50 ; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 219; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXIX. 495, 80 LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) Minute Book, xxxi. 63, and Topog. Coll., red portfolio ; Lond. Topog. Record, HI. 69; Morgan, I. 81, 241 ; R.I.B.A. Trans. 3 S. XII, 137; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 56 (pi. XI); Timbs' Lond. 715; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xiv ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 87 ; Wright's Arch. Album, 135. Lothbury, Bank Buildings. Pavement, 1895. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVI. 36 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 87. Lothbury, Founder's Court. Pavement, 1834. Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers, 112; Knight's Lond. I. 290; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVII. 141, 147, LX. 236 ; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69, 70 ; Morgan, 181; R.I.B.A. Trans. 3 S. XII. 137; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 57 ; Timbs' Lond. 716 ; V.C.H. Lond.. I. 112 ; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. Pavement, 1892. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XIV. 25 ; V.C.H. Lond.. I. 113. Ludgate Square (formerly Holiday Yard, Creed Lane). Bath and aqueduct. Leland, Coll. I. lxvi ; Stow's Lond. II.. 1 App. 24; V.C.H. Lond. I. 114. Maiden Lane, see Gresham Street. Mansion House. Pavement, 1870. Arch. Jour. XXVIII. 164; Price's Rom. Antiq. 54; V.C.H. Lond. I. 114. Mark Lane. Pavement, 1871. B.A.A. Jour, xxvil. 387 ; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Proc. 1871, 59 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 1 14. Miles Lane. Wall, 183 1. Gent. Mag. 1833, i. 69, 1842, i. 268^ and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 206, ii. 484. Mincing Lane, opp. Clothworkers' Hall. Hypocaust, 1824. Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers, 83 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX.. 235 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 115. Building, pavement, 1850. B.A.A. Jour. VI. 442 ; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Proc. 1862, 91 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 115. Monument. Bath or tank, 1833. Gent. Mag. 1834, i. 95, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 214; V.C.H. Lond. I. 35, 115 — 6. Monument Street, see Pudding Lane. Moorgate Street, see King's Arms Yard. Nicholas Lane. Building, I795 (1) , 1847W, i85o (3) . B.A.A. Jour. II.. 341 ; Gent. Mag. 1850, ii. 114; Hiibner, VII. 22, 23 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, Vlll. I29 (1) ; Smith, C. Roach, Coll. Antiq. I. 146 < 2 >, and Rom. Lond. 29 (3 > ; V.C.H. Lond. I. ii7< 2 >. LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) 8 1 Newgate. Pavement, 1857. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 195; V.C.H. Lond. I. 81, 117. Northumberland Alley. Foundations and pavement, 1787. Allen's Lond. I. 29 ; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 95 ; Gent. Mag. 1807, 1.416, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 188 ; Knight's Lond. I. 290; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxix. 501, and Minute Book, xxn. 281, piece of orig. pavement in Coll. Soc. Antiq. ; Timbs' Lond. 716; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 117; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. Old Jewry, St Olave. Pavement and Wall, 1888. V.C.H. Lond. I. 124. Paternoster Row. Wall, 1834 — 6. Knight's Lond. I. 166; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVII. 150; V.C.H. Lond. I. 118. Pavement, 1839 — 41. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 500; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxix. 155; Morgan, 184; Price's Bucklersbury, 22; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 57; V.C.H. Lond. I. 79, 118. Pavement, 1843. Gent. Mag. 1845, "• 81, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 200; V.C.H. Lond. I. 22, 33, 118. Pavement, 1855, and destroyed. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1. 31. Hypocaust, 1884. B.A.A. Jour. XL. 210. Paternoster Square. Pavement, 1883 — 4. B.A.A. Jour. XL. 123; Builder, XLV. 267 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 118. Poultry, St Mildred's Court. Pavement, 1867. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 195, 217; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 71 ; Morgan, 193 ; Price's Bucklersbury, 25 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 119. Poultry, see also Bucklersbury. Princes Street, Lothbury, and Bartholomew Lane, area between. Pavements. Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers, 258 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, lx. 237 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 8y. Pudding Lane. Wall and hypocaust, 1841. Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, xxix. 154 (plate); V.C.H. Lond. I. 119. Pavement, 1887. Academy, Aug. 13, 1887, 109, Sept. 3, 155 ; Arch. Jour. XLV. 184; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XII. 128, and Topog. Coll. (original drawing by Henry Hodge); Reli- quary, N.S. I. 234. T. 6 82 LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) Queen Street, Cheapside, near Well Court. Walls and Pave- ment, 1 84 1. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIX. 155, and Proc. 11. 93 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 120. Queen Street, Cheapside. Wall and pavement, 1842. Gent. Mag. 1843, i. 21, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 196; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 500; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, XXX. 543 ; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 71 ; Timbs' Lond. 717; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 11, 119, 120. Queen Street, Great St Thomas Apostle. Pavement, 1847. B.A.A. Jour. 11. 350; V.C.H. Lond. I. 125. Queen Street, Little St Thomas Apostle. Walls, 1848. B.A.A. Jour. X. 195 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 125—6. Royal Exchange. Buildings and pavements, 1841. Archaeo- logist, I. 220; B.A.A. Jour. vil. 82 ; Lewis, III. 164; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXI x. 267, XXXV. 60, xxxix. 497 ; Smith, C. Roach, Retrospections, I. 129, and Rom. Lond. 12; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xxxix (plan and sections); Timbs' Lond. 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 121; Wright's Arch. Album, 131. St Bartholomew's Hospital. Column and brick. Athenaeum, Dec. 22, 1877, 824. St Dunstan's Hill. Pavement, 1824. Herbert's Hist, of St Michael, 19; Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers, 80; Knight's Lond. I. 159, 290; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX. 235; Timbs' Lond. 713, 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 11, 122; Wright's Arch. Album, 134. Wall, 1863. B.A.A. Jour. XIX. 63 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 122. St Martin's Lane. Brick arch, 1772. Timbs' Lond. 716. St Martins le Grand. Vaulting, 1819. Timbs' Lond. 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 122. St Mary Axe. Pavement, 1849. B.A.A. Jour. V. 90; V.C.H. Lond. I. 123. St Paul's Cathedral. Potter's kiln, 1677. Essex. Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. VI. 15 ; Gough's Brit. Top. I. 719, and Camden, II. 93; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVI. 42 ; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 74 ; Smith, C. Roach, Coll. Antiq. VI. 174, 185, and Rom. Lond. 79; Stow, Lond. II. 1 App. 23 ; Tite's Cat. Roy. Exch. xx, xxxvi; V.C.H. Lond. I. 124, figs. 55, 56; Wren's Parentalia, 286. LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) 83 St Paul's Churchyard. Pavement and hypocaust, 1 841. Archaeo- logist, 221 ; Gent. Mag. 1841, ii. 264, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 216 — 17; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIX. 272; Morgan, 185; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 33, 125. Seething Lane. Pavement, 1839 — 41. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxix. 154; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 126. Sherborne Lane. Wall and pavement, 1785 — 6. Allen's Lond. I. 27 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, VIII. 116 — 32, XXXIX. 492 ; Morgan, 177; Price's Bucklersbury, 18, and Rom. Antiq. 25 ; Timbs' Lond. 531, 715. See also Birchin Lane. Suffolk Lane. Walls, 1848—9. B.A.A. Jour. IV. 388; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXIII. 120, and Proc. II. 19, III. 194; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 126. Thames Street, Lower, at foot of Fish Street Hill. Masonry, 1834. Kelsey's Descr. of Sewers, 90; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, LX. 235 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 128; Wright's Arch. Album, 132, and Celt, Roman and Saxon, itt. Thames Street, Lower, in Old Fish Street Hill. Foundations, 1845. Arch. Jour. II. 72. Thames Street, Lower. Foundations, pavement and hypocaust, 1848 and 1859. Arch. Jour. v. 25 ; Athenaeum, Feb. 5, 1848, 144, 167; B.A.A. Jour. IV. (plan and illus.) 38, 75, XXIV. 295 (plate); Builder, XVII. 389, XLI. 509; Gent. Mag. 1848, i. 293 — 4, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 217; Illust. Lond. News, Feb. 5, 1848 (illus.) ; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Proc. i860, 9; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXVI. 209, XXXIX. 502, Proc. I. 236, 239, 251, and Topog. Coll., red portfolio; Morgan, 157, 167, 186; Newton's Lond. 18; Timbs' Lond. 713, 717; V.C.H. Lond. I. 35, 74, 75 (plan), 128. Thames Street, Upper, corner of Suffolk Lane. Walls and foundation tiles, 1865. Timbs' Lond. 717. Thames Street, Upper, opposite Vintner's Hall. Pavement. Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 410 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 128. Threadneedle Street, foundations of French Protestant Church. Pavement, 1841. Athenaeum, April 17, 1841, 310; Brit. Mus., two original pieces ; Builder, XLII. 757 — 9 ; Knight's 6—2 84 LONDON (BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS) Lond. I. 290; Lewis, III. 164; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 31 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIX. 400, xxxix. 496, and Minute Book, xxxvili. 149; Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69; Morgan, 183, 184; Price's Bucklersbury, 21; R.I.B.A. Trans. 3 S. xii. 137; Smith, C. Roach, Rom. Lond. 5 5 (plates ix and x) ; Timbs' Lond. 717; V.C.H. Lond. I. 129; Wright's Arch. Album, 135. Threadneedle Street, near Merchant Taylors' Hall. Pavement, 1844. Lond. Topog. Record, III. 69; Morgan, 184; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 129. Tank or bath, 1895. Arch. Jour. LII. 198; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, LX. 218, and Proc. 2 S. XXI. 229; V.C.H. Lond. I. 129. Tower Hill. Portions of buildings, 1852. B.A.A. Jour. VIII. 240 (illus.); Morgan, 168; Timbs' Lond. 717. Tower of London. Masonry and hypocaust, 1 899. B.A.A. Jour. N.S. v. 351, VI. 26; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 130. Tower Street. Foundations on piles. Wright's Arch. Album, 132. Trinity Lane. Walls and remains of fresco paintings, 1845. B.A.A. Jour. I. 254; V.C.H. Lond. I. 131. Trinity Square. Building and pavement. Arch Review, I. 359 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxxviii. 447; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 51, 131. Wallbrook. Pavement. Maidstone, Kent. Original tesserae in the Town Museum. Warwick Square. Buildings. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLVIII. 221, 225 — 6; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 76, 133. Wood Street, St Michael's Church. Pavements, 1843. Gent. Mag. 1843, i. 190 — 1, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 198; Lond. S.A. Proc. II. 184; Morgan, 185; Price's Bucklers- bury, 23 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 134. Wood Street. See also Huggin Lane and Gresham Street. LONDON, (SOUTHWARK) 85 SOUTHWARK Lindsay's Southwark. Lindsay, Ralph. Etymology of Southwark, 3rd ed. i839. Taylor's St Mary Overy. Taylor, W. Annals of St Mary Overy (St Saviour's, Southwark), 1833. Bankside, see Park Street. Deverell Street. Hypocaust, 1825. Gent. Mag. 1825, "• 633, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 320; V.C.H. Lond. I. 137. High Street. Buildings and pavement prior to 1831. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIV. 198 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 35, 82. High Street, King's Head Yard. Pavement, 1880 — 1. B.A.A. Jour, xxxvi. 234, xxxvii. 211 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 138. Kent Road, Bricklayer's Arms. Building. Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, XLVIII. 231. Park Street, Winchester House. Pavement, 1658. Allen's Lond. I. 35 — 6; Dugdale, W., The History of Imbanking and Draining, 2nd ed. 1772, 65 ; Gent. Mag. 181 5, i. 225 note ; Knight's Lond. I. 290 ; Taylor's St Mary Overy, 9 ; Timbs' Lond. 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 139. Park Street, site of Globe Theatre. Pavement, 1892 — 3. B.A.A. Jour. XLVIII. 344, XLIX. 151 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 140. St George's Fields. Pavement, 1810. Allen's Lond. I. 36, 37; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 75; Gent. Mag. 1825, i. 149; Pointer's Brit. Rom. 40 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 140. St Saviour's. Pavement and Walls, 181 8 — 22, 33 — 39. Allen's Lond. 1. 37; Brayley's Surrey, I. 22; Gent. Mag. 1825,11*. 633, 1832, i. 399, 1833, i. 255, 1840, i. 192, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 320, 321, 327; Lindsay's Southwark, 6; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIV. 198, XXIX. 148; Price's Rom. Antiq. 17 note; Taylor's St Mary Overy, 15; Timbs' Lond. 716; V.C.H. Lond. I. 140. St Thomas' Hospital. Pavements, walls, 1840. Gent. Mag. 1840, i. 191, 192, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 327; Lindsay's Southwark, 5 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIX. 148 (pi. XVIII) ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 140. $6 LONDON (SOUTHWARK AND WESTMINSTER) St Thomas' Street, corner of High Street. Pavement, 1819. Price's Rom. Antiq. 17 note; V.C.H. Lond. I. 141. Southwark Park, see Park Street. Southwark Street. Pavements, 1862, 1866. B.A.A. Jour. xxil. 447; Lond. and Middsx. Arch. Soc. Proc. 1862, 84; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 141. Union Street, Court Yard of St Saviour's Schools. Pavement, 1820. Lindsay's Southwark, 5 ; V.C.H. Lond. I. 142. Westminster College Street. Concrete flooring, 1883. Arch. Jour. XLII. 274; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 135. St Martins in the Fields. Brick arch, 1722. Allen's Lond. I. 25 ; Britton and Brayley, X. i. 91 ; Gough's Camden, II. 93 ; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 136. Strand Lane. Bath. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XX. xxxiii ; B.A.A. Jour. xlix. 240, 305 ; Builder, xxx. 983 ; Diprose, John, Some account of the Parish of St Clement Danes, 1868, 265; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 59; Knight's Lond. II. 165 ; Loftie's Lond. II. 70, 433 ; Middsx. and Herts N. and Q. I. 72; Morgan, 167; Newton's Lond. 103; Scot. S.A. Proc. XXIV. 150; Timbs' Lond. 37, 716; V.C.H. Lond. 82, 136. Westminster Abbey. Building, hypocaust, 1882. Antiquary, VI. 37 ; Arch. Jour. XLII. 274, 300; Loftie's Lond. I. 30 note, II. 70; V.C.H. Lond. 1. 29, 136. MONMOUTHSHIRE Arch. Cambrensis. Archaeologia Cambrensis of the Cambrian Archaeo- logical Association, 1. — Liv. 1846 — 191 1. Coxe. Coxe, W: Tour in Monmouthshire, 1801. Mon. and Caerleon Antiq. Assoc. Monmouthshire and Caerleon Antiquarian Association. Wyndham. Wyndham, H. P. A Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, 2nd ed. 1781. MONMOUTHSHIRE 87 Abergavenny. Foundations. B.A.A. Jour. I. 254, XXIV. 112; Britton and Brayley, XI. 91; Gough's Camden, ill. 114; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 319; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, v. 34- Caerleon {Isca Silurum). Town, walls, gates, excavations, buildings and pavements. Antiquary, XXIX. 116, 166, 202, XLV. 241, 285, 335 ; Arch. Cambrensis, 1 S. IV. 73, 4 S. vin. 161 ; Arch. Jour, xxiii. 74, xxxii. 330, xxxiv. 461, xliv. 54, and Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 19 ; B.A.A. Jour. iv. 257, vii. 61, x. 204, xxiv. 113, xliii. 392, XLIX. 206, 219, N.S. XV. 114; Blome's Britannia, 166; Britton and Brayley, XL 124; Builder, XCV. 245; Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. II. 169; Coll. Antiq. VI. 258; Coxe, 80; Gent. Mag. 1835, i. 599, 1866, i. 471, ii. 42, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 222, 225, 229 ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 37 ; Grose's Antiq. of England and Wales, V. ; Gough's Camden, III. 108, 117; Hoare's Giraldus Cambrensis, I. 103; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 320; Lee, J. E., Roman Antiquities at Caerleon, 1845, Isca Silurum, 1862, and Supplement, 1868; Lewis, I. 453 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, II. 5, V. 62, 66, VI. 10, and Proc. 2 S. III. 259, VII. 219; Mon. and Caerleon Antiq. Assoc. XIII. 5, XVIII. 18, XIX. 57; Morgan, O., Notice of Tessellated Pavement at Caerleon, 1866; Morgan, T., Romano-British Mosaic Pavements, 93 ; Pointer's Stunsfield, 35; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 150; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 162; Wyndham, 13. Caerwent ( Venta Silurum). Town, walls, gates, excavations, buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XIV. 228, XXVIII. 192, xxix. 56, 168, 170, 245, xxxv. 365, xxxvi. 336, XXXVII. 342, XXXIX. 230, 348, XLV. 2 ; Arch. Cambrensis, 6 S. IX. 114, 161; Arch. Jour. XII. 275, XIII. 91, XXIII. 67, XXXVIII. 429, Bristol vol. 185 1, 41, and Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 19; Athenaeum, Nov. 18, 1899; B.A.A. Jour. iv. 248, x. 209, xiil 77, xliii. 392, XLIX. 216, N.S. XIIL 196, XIV. 211 ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. i. 66, X. 258, 365 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XXVI. 77 ; Britton and Brayley, XL 169; Builder, lxxviii. 40, LXXXII. 238, LXXXIV. 467, LXXXV. 255, LXXXVII. 235 ; 88 MONMOUTHSHIRE— NORFOLK Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. III. 41 (plans), IV. 236, V. 99, 158, 253; Coll. Antiq. IV. 212; Coxe, 24; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXI. 168, 171, 175; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 36; Gough's Camden, III. 112; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 469; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 170; Lee, J. E., Isca Silurum, 47, 94; Lewis, 1. 454; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, V. 48, 55, 58, vi. 7, vii. 410, xxxvi. 418 (plans), lvii. 295 (plans), lviii. 119 (plans), 391 (plans), Lix. 87 (plans), 289 (plans), lx. in (plans), 451 (plans), LXI. 565 (plans), LXII. 1 (plans), Proc. 1 S. in. 188, 231, 2 S. viii. 542, xi. 195, xv. 142, xvii. 337, xviii. 237, xix. 35, 255, XX. 35, 3*9, x.xi. 207, 475, xxii. 294, 357, xxiii. 216, Minute Book, ix. 62, 64, xvi. 12, 31, 191, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing of pav. found in 1777 and etching of wall); Mon. and Caerleon Antiq. Assoc. XVIII. 22 ; Morgan, 91, 92, 103 ; Pointer's Stunsfield, 35 ; Seyer's Memoirs of Bristol, I. 131 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 169, 173, 189; Wyndham, 7. Chepstow. Potteries. Arch. Jour. XIV. 276. Oldcastle, see Walterstone, Herefordshire. Usk. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XXXV. 20, 26; Britton and Brayley, XL 144; Coxe, 124; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 129. NORFOLK Blomefield. Blomefield, F. and Parkin, C. History of Norfolk, 11 vols. 1805 — 10. Norf. Arch. Norfolk Archaeology. Original papers of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, 1. — XVI. 1847 — 1907. Spelman. Spelman, Sir Henry. Icenia (in the English Works of), 1723. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Norfolk, 1. 1901. Ashill. Foundations and shaft. Arch. Jour. XXXII. 108, XLVI. 333. 334> 35 2 ; B.A.A. Jour. xxxi. 469; Coll. Antiq. VII. no; Norf. Arch. VIII. 224; V.C.H. I. 295. Brampton. Kiln. Blomefield, VI. 430 ; Browne, Sir Thomas, Posthumous Works, 171 2, concerning some urnes found in Brampton Field in 1667; Gough's Camden, II. 193 (under Oxnead); V.C.H. I. 314. NORFOLK 89 Brancaster (Branodunum). Fort, walls, etc. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 345> 353, and Norwich vol. 1847, 9 (plan); Blomefield, X. 298; Britton and Brayley, XL 306; Coll. Antiq. VII. 159; Gough's Camden, II. 179, 197; Lewis, 1. 334; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XII. 134, XXIII. 361, XLI. 428 ; Spelman, 147 ; V.C.H. 1. 304 (plan). Brundall. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 354, 355; V.C.H. I. 297. Caister-by-Norwich ( Venta Icenorum). Town, walls, etc. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 342, 355, and Norwich vol. 1847, I. 178 ; B.A.A. Jour. XIV. 123 ; Blomefield, V. 422 ; Britton and Brayley, XL 186; Gent. Mag. 1807, ii. 913, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 496; Gough's Camden, II. 176, 188; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 49, 74, 146; Lewis, 1. 455; Lond. SA. Archaeologia, XII. 135, 137 (plan), xxill. 365, and Minute Book, xxxill. 723; Phil. Trans. XLVI. 200; Stukeley's Letters, III. 30; V.C.H. I. 288, 289 (plan). Buildings. Arch. Jour. IV. 72 (plan), VI. 180, XVII. 159, xlvi. 356; BA.A. Jour. xiv. 82, 123, 200; V.C.H. 1. 291 (plan). Kiln. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 343, 355; Godwin's Arch. Hand- book, 61 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxn. 412 ; Norf. Arch. VI. 155 ; V.C.H. 1. 291, 292 (plan). Caister-by- Yarmouth. Fort, foundations, etc. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 342, 347, 357; B.A.A. Jour, xxxvi. 89; Britton and Brayley, XL 348; Gent. Mag. 1837, ii. 518, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 230; Gough's Camden, II. 194; Ives, J., Garianonum, 1803; Norf. Arch. IX. 361; Spelman, 155; V.C.H. I. 293. Kiln. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 357 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXI. 346; XXXVI. 89, 206 ; Norf. Arch. IV. 352 ; V.C.H. 1. 294. Elmham, North. Foundations (?). Arch. Jour. XLVI. 360 ; Blomefield, IX. 491. Fring. Pavement (?). Arch. Jour. XLVI. 332, 360 ; Gough's Camden, II. 201 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxill. 370 ; V.C.H. I. 297. Gayton Thorpe. Buildings and pavement. Norf. Arch. XVI. 226. 90 NORFOLK — NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Grimston. Buildings. Antiquary, XLII. 443; Builder, XCI. 549 ; Norf. Arch. XVI. 219 (plan). Hedenham. Kiln. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 361 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. IV. 201 ; Norf. Arch. VI. 149 (plan); V.C.H. I. 318. Kirby Cane. Kiln (?). Arch. Jour. XLVI. 362 ; Norf. Arch. IV. 314; V.C.H. I. 318. Methwold. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 332, 362 ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. no (plan); Builder, XLII. 301 ; Norf. Arch. IX. 366; V.C.H. I. 297. Reedham. Circular foundation. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 363, LVIL 127; V.C.H. I. 298. Saham Tony. Kiln (?). Arch. Jour. XLVI. 363 ; Norf. Arch. vii. 349; V.C.H. I. 320. Stalham. Pavement. Lewis, IV. 177. Wey bourne. Kiln. Arch. Jour. XLVI. 366 ; Norf. Arch. v. 254 (plan), VI. 155 ; V.C.H. I. 322. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Artis. Artis, E. T. The Durobrivae of Antoninus, 1828. Baker. Baker, G. History of the County of Northampton, 2 vols., 1822 — 41. Bridges. Bridges, J. History of the County of Northampton, 2 vols., 1762 — 91. Gibson. Gibson, K. History of Castor, 2nd ed., 1819. Morton. Morton, J. History of Northamptonshire, 17 12. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Northamptonshire, 1. 1902. Wetton. Wetton, G. N. Guide to Northampton, 1849. Whellan. Whellan, W. History of Northamptonshire, 2nd ed., 1874. Apethorpe. Buildings and pavement. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, V. 97 (plan); Coll. Antiq. VI. 250; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLIII. 119; Times, Sept. 9, 1859; V.C.H. I. 191 (plan). Ashley. Pavement. Nichols' Leic. I. cliv ; V.C.H. I. 193 ; Whellan, 781. Ashton. Foundations (?). Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, IX. 1 56 ; V.C.H. I. 189. Bedford Purlieus, see Castor. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE 91 Borough Hill, see Daventry. Brixworth. Foundations. I ond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLIII. 119; V.C.H. I. 194. Castor (Durobrivae) including Alwalton, Hunts. ; Bedford Purlieus; Chesterton, Hunts.; Mill Hill or Field; Sibson, Hunts.; Stibbington, Hunts. ; Sutton Field; Thornhaugh; Wansford ; Water Newton, Hunts. ; and Yarwell. Buildings and pavements. Antiquary, II. 34, XXII. 208 ; Arch. Jour. XXX. 127 ; Artis, pis. I, XIII, xxiii (maps), III, IV, VII, XII, XVIII, XIX, xxi (pavements), VI, viil, xi, xvi, XX, XXII, xxxiv, xxxv (plans of buildings) ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, V. 98 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxxiv. 513, xxxv. 325, xliv. 114, N.S. v. 53, 55, 71, 147; Blome's Britannia, 176; Bib. Topog. Brit. ill. 91 ; Builder, LXXXHI. 586; Gent. Mag. 1821, i. 460, 1822, i. 483, 1826, ii. 355, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 140, 238; Gibson's Castor; Gough's Camden, 11. 269, 286; Morgan, 114, 124, 125, 126; Morton, 509, 510; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 82, and Letters, II. 214, in. 56, 59, 60; V.C.H. I. 166 (plans, etc.), 189. Kilns. Arch. Jour. I. 280, XXX. 1 27 ; Artis, pis. XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXXIX, XL; B.A.A. Jour. I. 1, II. 164, and Canterbury vol. 1845, 332, 334; Coll. Antiq. VI. 173, 179; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 60; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. I. 60; Norf. Arch. VI. 156; Trollope's Sleaford, 35; V.C.H. I. 174, 175, 206; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 263. Chipping Warden. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. V. 83, 168 (plan); Baker, I. 531; Bridges, I. 11 1; Gough's Camden, II. 272; Morton, 526; V.C.H. I. 200 (plan). Corby. Buildings and kiln. Antiquary, XXXVIII. 377. Cotterstock. Buildings and pavement. Artis, pis. LIX, LX ; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 303; Daily Gazetteer, April 1, 1737; Fowler, No. 17; Gent. Mag. 1737, 254; Gibson, 172; Gough's Camden, II. 286, and Brit. Topog. II. 48 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 168; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, II. 233, III. 16, 130, XXV. 126, and Vet. Mon. I. 48 ; Morgan, 33, 121 ; Northampton Mercury, March 23, 1737 ; Stukeley's Letters, III. 33, 38, 39, 49, 52, 67 ; V.C.H. I. 192 (plan). Portion of a pavement preserved at Dean Park. 92 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Daventry (Borough Hill). Buildings and pavement. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, II. 426 ; B.A.A. Jour. 1. 245 ; Baker, L 339> 345 (P lan ); Britton and Brayley, XL 59; Coll. Antiq. I. 113, in. 208; Lewis, II. 16; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxv. 383 (plan), and Proc. 1 S. II. 312; Morgan, 122; North Oxford Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 117; V.C.H. I. 195 (plan). Drayton, see Lowick. Dust on. Foundations. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, VI. 222 ; B.A.A. Jour. xx. 273 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xxn. 252 ; V.C.H. I. 197. Gayton. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. 1. 214; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxx. 125 (plan); V.C.H. I. 198; Wetton, 166. Harpole. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. II. 364, V. 375, VI. 81, 126, X. 93; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXV. 395, XLIII. 119 ; Morgan, 122 ; V.C.H. I. 197 ; Wetton, 148; Whellan, 316. Helpstone. Pavement. Artis, pi. xxiv ; Britton and Brayley, XI. 228 ; Gibson, 62 ; Morgan, 126 ; V.C.H. I. 189. Heyford, Nether. Buildings and pavement. Baker, I. 190 ; Bridges, I. 519; Gough's Camden, II. 277; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 174 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxv. 395 ; Morgan, 115, 122; Morton, 527; V.C.H. I. 196. Higham Ferrers. Baths (?). Cole, J., History of Higham Ferrers, 1838, 2, 102; V.C.H. I. 218 ("probably an error"); Whellan, 917. Irchester. Town, buildings, and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 99, XXXIX. 78 ; Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XIII. 88, XV. 49 (plan); Bridges, II. 181; Britton and Brayley, XI. 186; Builder, xxxvi. n 25; Gibson, 172; Gough's Camden, II. 282 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. IX. 85, and Minute Book, I. 86; Morton, 517; V.C.H. I. 178 (plan). Kettering. Foundations. Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports, XXVII. 382. Longthorpe. Buildings and pavement. Gough's Camden, II. 287 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXV. 392 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 84; V.C.H. 1. 175, 189. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE 93 Lowick. Pavement. Britton and Brayley, XI. 198 ; Gough's Brit. Topog. II. 48 ; V.C.H. I. 194. Mill Cotton, see Raunds. Mill Hill or Field, see Castor. Paulerspury. Buildings and pavement. Illust. Lond. News, 1850, I. 214; V.C.H. Bucks. II. 11. (Under Stony Strat- ford.) Peterborough. Traces of buildings. V.C.H. I. 188, 189. Piddington. Buildings and pavement. Lewis, III. 545 ; V.C.H. I. 198 ; Whellan, 277. Raunds. Foundations. Bridges, II. 190; Gough's Camden, II. 275 ; Lewis, III. 644 ; Morton, 516; V.C.H. I. 194 ; Whellan, 925. Ringstead, see Raunds. Sibson, see Castor. Stanwick. Pavement. Bridges, II. 194; Britton and Brayley, xi. 188; V.C.H. 1. 194. Sutton Field, see Castor. Sutton, King's. Foundations (?). V.C.H. I. 201. Thenford. Buildings. Baker, I. 717; Bridges, I. 203 ; Morton, 529; V.C.H. I. 201 ; Whellan, 498. Thornhaugh, see Castor. Thorpe, see Longthorpe. Towcester. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, VIII. 87 ; B.A.A. Jour. 11. 355 ; V.C.H. I. 184 (plan). Wansford, see Castor. Weekley. Buildings and pavement. V.C.H. 1. 194. Weldon. Buildings and pavement. Britton and Brayley, XI. 207; Gibson, 172 (plan); Gough's Camden, II. 284 (plan), and Brit. Topog. II. 48 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 174; Lewis, IV. 490 ; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, III. 204, 206, 208 (plan), 244, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plan, etc.); Lysons' Reliquiae, I. pt. iv. 4 and pi. VII ; Stukeley's Letters, I. 466, III. 40, 41, 42, 58, 61 ; V.C.H. I. 193 (plan). Whilton. Foundations. Baker, I. 236; Morton, 532; V.C.H. I. 186. Whittlebury. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. VII. 172 ; B.A.A. Jour. vi. 73, 87, 157, vn. 107 (plan); V.C.H. I. 199 (plan). One pav. relaid in dairy at Windsor Castle. 94 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE — NORTHUMBERLAND Woodford. Pavement. Bridges, II. 265 ; Gough's Camden, II, 282; Lewis, IV. 641 ; Morton, 529; V.C.H. I. 194. Yarwell, see Castor. NORTHUMBERLAND Brand. Brand, J. History of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 2 vols., 1789. Bruce's Rom. Wall. Bruce, J. Collingwood. The Roman Wall, 3rd ed., 1867. Bruce's Handbook. Bruce, J. C. Handbook to the Roman Wall, 6th ed., 1909. Budge. Budge, E. A. Wallis. An account of the Roman Antiquities in the Museum at Chesters, etc., 2nd ed., 1907. Durham and Northumb. Arch. Soc. Trans. Durham and Northumberland Architectural and Archaeological Society Transactions, 1. — V. 1870 — 1907. Hodgson. Hodgson, J. History of Northumberland, 3 vols., 1820—58. Maclauchlan. Maclauchlan, H. Memoir on the Roman Wall, 1858. Maclauchlan's Watling Street. Maclauchlan, H. Memoir on the Watling Street, 1852. Maclauchlan's East Branch of Watling Street. Maclauchlan, H. Memoir on the Eastern Branch of the Watling Street, 1864. Newcastle S.A. Newcastle Society of Antiquaries. (a) Archaeologia yEliana, h — IV. (1816—55), N -S- 1.— XXV. (1857— 1903), 3 S. 1.— vi. (1904—10). (b) Proceedings, I.— x. (1883— 1902), 3 S. 1.— in. (1903—09). (c) Lapidarium Septentrionale, 1870. Northumberland, Hist. of. Northumberland, History of, issued by the County History Committee, 9 vols., 1893 — 1909. Warburton. Warburton, J. Vallum Romanum, 1753. ^Esica, see Chesters, Great. Benwell {Condercum). Station, buildings, etc. Brand, I. 606 (plan) ; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 72 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 107 (plan), and Handbook, 49; Gordon, 71, and pi. XXVI ; Gough's Camden, III. 474, 511 ; Hodgson, ill. ii. 175, 316; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 105, 138; Lond. S.A. Topog. Colls. Brit. Rom. in. (plans and drawings); Maclauchlan, 12; Newcastle S.A. Lapid. Septen. 22 ; Oxford Archit and Hist. Soc. Proc. N.S. I. 215. Borcovicus, see Housesteads. Bremenium, see Rochester, High. NORTHUMBERLAND 95 Brinkburn. Bridge piers. Maclauchlan's East Branch of Wat- ling Street, 12, 15. Busy Gap (near). Hypocaust. Phil. Trans. No. 278, 1131. By well. Bridge piers. Newcastle S.A. Lapid. Septen. 338. Caervoran {Magna). Station, buildings, etc. Brand, I. 611; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 117; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 241 (plan), and Handbook, 189; Gordon, 79, and pi. XXIX; Gough's Camden, ill. 482, 503 ; Hodgson, III. ii. 135, 204, 316; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 107, 151; Lewis, I. 270 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIV. 352 ; Maclauchlan, 47, 48 ; Mag. Brit. 1738, III. 638; Newcastle S.A. Proc. 3 S. II. 306; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 59. Carrawburgh (Procolitia). Station, buildings, excavations, well, etc. Brand, I. 609; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 128 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 169 (plan), and Handbook, 126; Budge, 145; Coll. Antiq. VII. 115; Glasgow Arch. Soc. Trans. 1. 117; Gordon, 74, and pi. XXV II ; Gough's Camden, III. 478, 505 ; Hodgson, III. ii. 183; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 106, 145; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VI. 105 ; Maclauchlan, 34 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. yEliana, N.S. VIII. 1, 20 (plan of well), 42, 60, XXIV. 19; Warburton, 55. Castle Nick. Mile castle. Bruce's Rom. Wall, 225, and Hand- book, 176; Maclauchlan, 44. Cawfields. Mile castle and turret. Antiquary, XLI. 365 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 230, and Handbook, 180; Maclauchlan, 44; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, IV. 54, N.S. VI. 54, IX. 211, and Proc. 3 S. II. 286. Chesterholm or Little Chesters ( Vindolana). Station, build- ings, excavations, etc. Brand, I. 610 ; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 122 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 210 (plan), and Handbook, 169; Glasgow Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 113; Gough's Camden, HI. 480, 504; Hodgson, III. ii. 195, 316; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 106, 148 ; Lewis, IV. 434 (under Wall-Town) ; Maclauchlan, 40; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. XXIV. 20; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 60; Warburton, 66. Chesters (Cilurnuni). Station, buildings, excavations, etc. Arch. Jour. XLI. 442; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. VII. 71 ; Berwick- shire Nat. Club Proc. VIII. 224 ; Brand, I. 609 ; Britton and 96 NORTHUMBERLAND Brayley, XII. i. 132; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 149 (plans), and Handbook, 88 (plans); Budge, 87 (plans); Coll. Antiq. II. 183 ; Cumb. and West. Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. I. 84 (plan), IV. 243 (plan); Dorset Field Club Proc. XIV. 34; Gent. Mag. 1868, i. 84, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 246 ; Glasgow Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 118; Gordon, 73; Gough's Camden, III. 477, 508; Hodgson, III. ii. 180; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 105, 143; Illust. Archaeologist, I. 250; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. VI. 195 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLVI. 1 (plans), and Proc. 2 S. VII. 66 ; Maclauchlan, 27, 32 ; New- castle S.A. Arch. iEliana, III. 142, N.S.' VII. 171, vill. 211 (plans), XII. 124 (plans), xin. 374, xxm. 9 (plans), xxiv. 19, Proc. 3 S. II. 284, and Lapid. Septen. 68, 470 ; Warburton, 50 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 208. Bridge. Arch. Jour. XIX. 359; Brand, I. 609; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 133; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 144 (plan), and Handbook, 72 (plan); Budge, 136 (plan); Coll. Antiq. II. 183; Cumb. and West. Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. I. 88; Dorset Field Club Proc. XIV. 35 ; Durham and Northumb. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 5, 15 ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 34; Gordon, 73; Gough's Camden, III. 508; Hodgson, in. ii. 181; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 143; Maclauchlan, 26; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. V. 142, 148, vi. 19, 80 (plan), xvi. 328 (plan), XXIV. 28, and Proc. 3 S. II. 283; Northumber- land, Hist, of, IV. 164 (plan) ; Warburton, 50. Chesters, Great (sEsz'ca). Station, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, XXX. 208, XXXI. 50©, XXXIII. 321, 361 ; Archaeo- logia Oxoniensis, 1892 — 95, 321 ; B.A.A. Jour. 2 S. XII. 275 ; Brand, I. 610; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 120; Builder, lxvii. 196, Lxxii. 543, 552, lxxiv. 557, 569; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 232 (plan), and Handbook, 183 ; Durham and Northumb. Arch. Soc. Trans. II. xvii ; Gordon, 78, and pi. XXVIII ; Gough's Camden, III. 481, 503 ; Hodgson, III. ii. 202; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 107, 150; Lewis, IV. 434 (under Wall-Town); Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVII. 29 (plan of baths); Maclauchlan, 45 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. xxiv. 19 (plans, etc.), and Proc. 3 S. II. 287; Stukeley's I tin. Curios. II. 59; Warburton, 71. NORTHUMBERLAND 97 Chesters, Halton (Hunnum). Station, buildings, etc. Arch. Jour. XIV. 5 ; Brand, I. 608 ; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 173; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 133 (plan), and Handbook, 63; Gough's Camden, ill. 476, 510; Hodgson, III. ii. 179, 316 (plan of baths) ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 105, 142 ; Maclauch- lan, 21. Cilurnum, see Chesters. Condercum, see Ben well. Corbridge (Corstopitum). Town, buildings, excavations, etc. Arch. Jour. LXIV. 39, LXV. 121, 334, LXVI. 53; B.A.A. Jour. 2 S. xii. 202, xiii. 196, xiv. 1, 214, xv. 1 (plan), 115, xvi. i; British Curiosities in Art and Nature, 1721, 119; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 171 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 339, and Handbook, 77 ; Builder, XCV. 320, XCVII. 36, 244; Coll. Antiq. IV. 146; Cumb. and West. Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. vm. 381 ; Gough's Camden, III. 509; Hodgson, III. ii. 243, 316; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 397; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xxil. 300, 410, 411, 521, XXIII. 112, 213; Maclauchlan's Watling Street, 21; New- castle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, 3 S. III. 161 (plans), iv. 205 (plans), v. 305 (plans), VI. 205 (plans), Proc. 3 S. Hi. 98, 101, 107, 163, 279, 313, and Lapid. Septen. 330; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XV. 294. Bridge. B.A.A. Jour. N.S. XII. 205 (plan), XIII. 125; Coll. Antiq. IV. 146; Durham and Northumb. Arch. Soc. Trans. V. ccvii ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 34; Hodgson, III. ii. 244; Maclauchlan's Watling Street, 20; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. VI. 18, xxil. 82, 3 S. III. 177 ; Stukeley's Letters, III. 132; Warburton, 151. Habitancum, see Risingham. Halton Chesters, see Chesters, Halton. Haltwhistle Burn. Camp, buildings, etc. B.A.A. Jour. N.S. XIII. 130; Bruce's Handbook, 181 ; Maclauchlan, 46 ; New- castle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, 3 S. V. 213 (plans), and Proc. V. 157, 3 S. III. 40, 79, 162, 218. Housesteads (Borcovicus). Station, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, XXXV. 71; B.A.A. Jour. 2 S. XII. 272; Brand, I. 609; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 125; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 179 (plan), and Handbook, 143; Budge, 174; Cheshire l. 7 98 NORTHUMBERLAND Arch. Soc. Trans, in. 333; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 72 (plan); Durham and Northumb. Arch. Soc. Trans. III. cii, V. clxxxvi; Glasgow Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 114; Gordon, 75; Gough's Camden, III. 480, 504; Hodgson, III. ii. 185, 316; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 106, 148, 219; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. VI. 197; Leicester Arch. Soc. Trans. I. 303; Lewis, IV. 332 (under Thorngrafton) ; Mac- lauchlan, 38, 92 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, I. 263, N.S. XXIV. 20, XXV. 193 (plans), Proc. I. 186, 3 S. II. 285, and Lapid. Septen. 90, 96 ; Scot. S.A. Proc. XXIV. 153 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 60 ; Warburton, 60 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 178, 187. Milecastles. Bruce's Rom. Wall, 201, and Handbook, 258; Budge, 201; Gent. Mag. 1855, ii. 395, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 251; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. III. 67; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, IV. 269. Hunnum, see Chesters, Hal ton. Limestone Bank, near Chesters. Milecastle and turret. Bruce's Rom. Wall, 167, and Handbook, 123; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. vi. 104; Maclauchlan, 33; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. VII. 256, and Proc. vn. 232. Magna, see Caervoran. Mucklebank Crag. Turret. Antiquary, XXVI. 2 ; Bruce's Hand- book, 186; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. ix.234,xxiv. 13. Newcastle {Pons JElii). The Wall. Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 36; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 98, and Handbook, 43 ; Gough's Camden, III. 473, 511 ; Hodgson, III. ii. 172 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 104, 137; Maclauchlan, 11; Newcastle S.A. Arch. iEliana, IV. 82, and Proc. IV. 270, VI. 66, ix. 214, 3 S. HI. 192; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 64. Bridge. Brand, I. 35; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 36; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 102, and Handbook, 43 ; Durham and Northumb. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 7 ; Gough's Camden, III. 512 ; Hodg- son, III. ii. 173; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VI. 103; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. X. 1 (sections), and Lapid. Septen. 15, 461 (sections). Procolitia, see Carrawburgh. Risingham (Habitancum). Station, buildings, etc. Britton and NORTHUMBERLAND 99 Brayley, XII. i. 141 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 332, and Hand- book, 248; Coll. Antiq. III. 153; Gough's Camden, ill. 506; Hodgson, I. ii. 175, III. ii. 253 ; Maclauchlan's Watling Street, 27; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, III. 150, 158 (plan), and Lapid. Septen. 307. Bridge. Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 141 ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 34 ; Maclauchlan's Watling Street, 28. Rochester, High (Brerneniutri). Station, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, iv. 169 ; Arch. Jour. XIV. 5, and Newcastle vol. 1852, I. 135 (plan); Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 149; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 313, 317 (plan), and Handbook, 248; Coll. Antiq. III. 153 ; Gough's Camden, in. 505 ; Hodgson, I. ii. 138, III. ii. 316; Lewis, in. 658; Maclauchlan's Watling Street, 34 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. I. 69 (plan), XXIV. 1 1 (plan), and Lapid. Septen. 280 (plan). Rutchester ( Vindobald). Station, etc. Brand, I. 608 ; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 176; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 125 (plan), and Handbook, 57; Gordon, 72; Gough's Camden, hi. 475, 513; Hodgson, III. ii. 177; Horsley's Brit Rom. 105, 139; Maclauchlan, 15, 17; Newcastle S.A. Proc. X. 81 ; War- burton, 41. Segedunum, see Wallsend. Shields Lawe. Foundations. Bruce's Rom. Wall, 308, and Handbook, 179. Vindobala, see Rutchester. Vindolana, see Chesterholm. Walbottle Dene. Milecastle. Bruce's Rom. Wall, 123, and Handbook, 53 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. VII. 2, and Proc. 3 S. II. 282. Wallsend {Segedunum). Station, buildings, etc. Brand, I. 604 ; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 78 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, %Z (plan), and Handbook, 37 ; Gordon, 70 ; Gough's Camden, III. 472, $13; Hodgson, III. ii. 170, 316; Horsley's Brit. Rom. !04> J 35 ; Maclauchlan, 6; Newcastle S.A. Proc. 3 S. 1. 42 (plan), II. 278 ; Warburton, 24. Walltown Crag. Turret. Bruce's Handbook, 186; Lond. S.A. Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing of section of wall) ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. iEliana, N.S. X. 57, xvi. 441. 7—2 IOO NORTHUMBERLAND Whitley Castle, near Alston. Station, buildings, etc. Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 107 ; Bruce's Rom. Wall, 354, and Handbook, 250; Hodgson, III. ii. 74, 316. The Wall. General. Archaeological Review, IV. 81, 153; B.A.A. Jour. v. 201, N.S. viii. 132, XII. 269, XV. 51 ; Bell, R., The Roman Wall, 1852 ; Brand, J., Hist, of Newcastle, 1789, I. Appendix ; Bruce, J. Collingwood, The Roman Wall, 1st ed. 1851, 2nd ed. 1853, 3rd ed. 1867, The Wallet Book, afterwards Handbook to the Roman Wall, 1st ed. 1863, 2nd ed. 1884, 3rd ed. 1885, 4th ed. 1895, 5 tn e< ^- 1907, 6th ed. 1909, and Hadrian, the builder of the Roman Wall, 1853; Budge, E. A. Wallis, An account of the Roman Antiquities in the museum at Chesters, etc. 1907 ; Builder, XXXV. 564, 1023 ; Cambridge Antiq. Soc. Proc. IX. 177 ; Cheshire Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 331, N.S.I. 185 ; Coll. Antiq. II. 171 ; Cumb. and West. Arch. Soc. Trans. XIII. 453, XIV. 185, 413, xv. 172, 201, 337, 345, 365, xvi. 80, N.S. 1. 75, "• 384, III. 328, IV. 239 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. XIV. 29 ; Gent. Mag. 185 1, ii. 383 ; Ferguson, R. S., Popular History of Cumberland, 78 ; Gordon, A., Itinerarium Septentrionale, 1726, caps, viii, ix, x ; Gough's Camden, Hi. 467 ; Hodgson, J., The Picture of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 181 2, and History of Northumberland, 3 vols. 1820 — 58, I. i. 25, III. ii. 149; Horsley, J., Britannia Romana, 1732, caps, vii, viii, ix; Hutton, W., History of the Roman Wall, 2nd ed. 18 13; Knight's Old England, I. 42 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. VI. 194; Lewis, S.,Topog. Diet, of England, HI. 422; Lysons' Magna Britannia, IV. exxix ; Mackenzie, E., Hist, of Northumberland, 2nd ed. 1825, I. 177; Maclauchlan, H., Survey of the Roman Wall, 1857 (maps), and Memoir on the Roman Wall, 1858; Neilson, G., Per Lineam Valli, 1891 ; Newcastle S.A. Arch. ^Eliana, N.S. XIII. 85, 181, xvi. 447, xviii. 83, xxiv. 1, Proc. 11. 188, vn. 217, 3 S. II. 277, and Lapid. Septen. ; Scarth, H. M., Roman Britain, 73 ; Stukeley, W., Itinerarium Curiosum, II. (Iter Boreale), 55, and Letters, III. (Surtees Soc. 80), 139; Wallis, J., Hist, of Northumberland, 2 vols. 1769, n. 1 ; Warburton, J., Vallum Romanum, 1753 ; Wellbeloved, C, NORTHUMBERLAND— NOTTINGHAMSHIRE IOI Eburacum, 17; Wright, T., Celt, Roman and Saxon, 157, 191, 226. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Dickinson. Dickinson, W. Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, pt. i. South- well, 1 80 1. Thoroton. Thoroton, R. Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, with additions by John Throsby, 3 vols. 1797. Thoroton Soc. Trans. Thoroton Society Transactions, vol. I. — xm. 1897 — 1910. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Nottinghamshire, II. 1910. Barton-upon-Trent. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XLIII. 30; Athenaeum, Apr. 19, 1856; Gent. Mag. 1856, i. 506, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 259; Lewis, I. 155; Midland Counties Historical Collector, II. 142 ; Nottingham Review, Apr. 18, 1856; V.C.H. II. 23. Bridgeford, East. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XLIII. 17, 18, 19 ; Gough's Camden, II. 400; Lewis, I. 355; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 105 ; Times, Nov. 15, 1910; V.C.H. II. 15. Brough {Crococolana). Foundations, etc. Arch. Jour. XLIII. 1 5 ; Gough's Camden, II. 404 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 439 ; Lewis, I. 646 ; Pointer's Brit. Rom. 41, 53 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 103; V.C.H. II. 11. Collingham, South, see Brough and Cromwell. Cromwell. Bridge. Antiquary, x. 274 ; Arch. Jour. XLIII. 26 ; B.A.A. Jour. XL. 419, XLI. 43, 83 (plan) ; Builder, XLVIII. 258 (plan) ; Durham and Northumb. Arch. Soc. Trans. IV. 16; Notts. Daily Guardian, Feb. 20, 1877 ; V.C.H. II. 25. Littleborough. Foundations and causeway. Arch. Jour. XLIII. II, 12; Gough's Camden, II. 396, 404; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 93 ; Trollope, E., Sleaford, 54 ; V.C.H. II. 19. Mansfield Woodhouse. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XLIII. 28 ; B.A.A. Jour. VIII. 187 ; Britton and Brayley, XII. i. 396; Fowler, No. 16; Gent. Mag. 1786, ii. 616, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 260; Harrod, W., Hist, of Mansfield, 1801, 47 (plans); King's Mun. Antiq. II. 175, 179; Lewis, 102 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE— OXFORDSHIRE III. 241, 443 ; Lincoln, A survey of the Antiquities of the city of, 1 840 — 48, 27 ; Lond. S. A. Archaeologia, vill. 363 (plan), IX. 193, 197, 203, Minute Book, XXI. 296, 472, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (drawing); Morgan, 72, 114, 121 ; Rooke, H., Description of two Roman Villas discovered near Mansfield Woodhouse, 1801 (plans); Thoroton, II. 173 (plan); V.C.H. II. 28 (plans, etc.). Oldcotes, near Blythe (Styrrup). Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXVIII. 66, 71, XLIII. 32 ; V.C.H. II. 34. Southwell. Foundations and pavement. Arch. Jour. XLIII. 26; Dickinson, 97; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IX. 199, and Minute Book, XXII. 422 ; Thoroton Soc. Trans. V. 58 ; V.C.H. 11. 34. Styrrup, see Oldcotes. Thorpe. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XLIII. 30 ; Lewis, IV. 339 ; V.C.H. II. 35. Willoughby. Pavement. Arch. Jour. XLIII. 21 ; Gough's Camden, II. 401 ; Lewis, IV. 569 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxv. 395 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 107 ; V.C.H. II. 17. Winthorpe. Bridge. Arch. Jour. XLIII. 25 ; B.A.A. Jour. VIII. 169; Dickinson, 92; V.C.H. II. 7, 36. OXFORDSHIRE Beesley. Beesley, A. History of Banbury, 2 vols. 1848. Berks., Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Jour. Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Archaeological Journal, 1. — xv. 1895 — 1910. Blomfield. Blomfield, J. C. History of the Deanery of Bicester, 1882. Dunkin's Bicester. Dunkin, J. History and Antiquities of Bicester and Alchester, 18 16. Dunkin's Bullington. Dunkin, J. History and Antiquities of the Hundreds of Bullington and Ploughley, 2 vols. 1823. • Gardner. History, Gazetteer and Directory of the County of Oxford, printed and published by R. Gardner, 1852. Hussey. Hussey, R. On the Roman road from Allchester to Dorchester, 1841. Marshall's Hist, of Woodstock. Marshall, E. The Early History of Wood- stock Manor, etc. 1875. Oxford Archit. Soc. Proc. Oxford Architectural and Historical Society Proceedings, 1.— in. 1840—59, N.S. 1. — vi. i860— 1900. OXFORDSHIRE 103 North Oxford Arch. Soc. Trans. North Oxfordshire Archaeological Society Reports and Transactions, 1856 — 1910. Plot. Plot, R. Natural History of Oxfordshire, 1677. Pointer's Brit. Rom. Pointer, J. Britannia Romana, 1724. Pointer's Stunsfield. Pointer, J. Account of a Roman Pavement at Stuns- field, 1 7 13. Skelton. Skelton, J. Antiquities of Oxfordshire, 1823. Warton. Warton, T. History and Antiquities of Kiddington, 3rd ed. 181 5. Alchester. Foundations and pavement. Archaeologia Oxon- iensis, 1892 — 95, 34; B.A.A. Jour. VI. 154, XII. 176 ; Blomfield, 22, 23, 24 ; Britton and Brayley, XII. ii. 536 ; Dunkin's Bicester, 187, 197, and Bullington, II. 174; Gardner, 776; Gough's Camden, II. 19; Hussey, 21, 29; Kennet, W., Parochial Antiquities, 1695, 693 ; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, X. 118 ; Oxford Archit. Soc. Proc. N.S. V. 355 ; Warton, 58. Beaconsfield Farm, see Tew, Great. Beckley. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XX. 73 ; Oxford Archit. Soc. Proc. N.S. 1. 186 (plan). Bloxham. Kiln (?). Beesley, 609 ; Gardner, 617. Ditchley (Challow Hill). Pavement. Jordan, J., Hist, of Enstone, 1857, 51 ; Warton, 67. Drayton. Pavement. Beesley, 44 ; Gardner, 624 ; North Oxford Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 17. Enstone, see Ditchley. Fawler. Buildings and pavement. Berks., Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Jour. IV. 17. Fencot-on-Otmoor. Kiln. B.A.A. Jour. vi. 60 ; Blomfield, 19 ; Dunkin's Bullington, I. 120 ; Hussey, 33, 34. Fringford. Buildings and pavement. Blomfield, 17. Hanwell. Buildings and pavement. Beesley, 44. Harpsden. Buildings. Antiquary, XLV. 206. Headington. Buildings and kiln(?). Arch. Jour. vi. 183; B.A.A. Jour. v. 159, VI. 52, 54 (plan); Berks., Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Jour. IV. 20; Illust. Lond. News, April 14, 1849; Smith, C. Roach, Illust. Rom. Lond. 81. Horton. Foundations. Arch. Jour. viii. 313. Northleigh. Buildings and pavement. Builder, XCIV. 747 ; Gardner, 682 ; Hakewill, H., Roman remains at Northleigh and Stonesfield, 1826, with map and plan of house; Jordan, J., 104 OXFORDSHIRE Hist, of Enstone, 1857, 51 ; Lewis, III. 63; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXVII. 433 ; Marshall's Hist, of Woodstock, 12; Morgan, ill, 117 (plan of house); Oxford Archit. Soc. Proc. N.S. II. 346, III. 3, 37; Skelton (Wooton Hundred), 9, 1 1 (plan) ; Warton, 67 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 229, 243. Otmoor, see Fencot. Shotover. Kiln. B.A.A. Jour. VI. 60. Steeple Aston. Pavement. Beesley, 45 ; Britton and Brayley, XII. ii. 9; Gardner, 659; Gough's Camden, II. 15; Mag. Brit. 1738, IV. 212, 381 ; Morgan, 113 ; Plot, 327; Pointer's Stunsfield, 34. Steeple Barton. Pavement. Warton, 67. Stonesfield or Stunsfield. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 303 ; Britton and Brayley, XII. ii. 425 ; Fowler, No. 21 ; Gardner, 690 ; Gent. Mag. 18 18, i. 364, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 261 ; Gough's Camden, II. 15, and Brit. Topog. II. 88 ; Hakewill, H., Roman remains at Northleigh and Stonesfield, 1826, 19; Hughson, D., Hist, of London, I. 36; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 169; Leland's Itin. VIII. ix ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXVII. 434, Minute Book, xvn. 164, xvni. 397, xix. 193, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (orig. drawings by W. Lewington) ; Marshall's Hist, of Woodstock, 12 ; Morgan, 33, 108, 116 ; Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (four drawings) ; North Oxford Arch. Soc. III. 118; Pointer's Brit. Rom. 47, and Stunsfield; Royal Soc. Archives, Classified Papers, xvi. 41 (original drawing of plan) ; Skelton (Wooton Hundred), 20 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 47 ; Warton, 66. Tew, Great (Beaconsfield Farm). Buildings and pavement. Beesley, 39, 40, 41, and pi. X (pavement) ; Britton and Brayley, XII. ii. 462 ; Gardner, 692 ; Gent. Mag. 181 1, i. 388, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 261 ; Gough's Camden, II. 15; Lewis, IV. 316; Mag. Brit. 1738,1^212,382; Morgan, 113; Plot, 327 ; Pointer's Stunsfield, 34 ; Warton, 67 (erroneously called Dunstew). Water Eaton. Pavement. Marshall's Hist, of Woodstock, 10. Wendlebury, see Alchester. OXFORDSHIRE—RUTLAND — SHROPSHIRE 105 Wheatley. Buildings. Arch. Jour. II. 350 (plan), III. 92, and Oxford vol. 1850, xix; Athenaeum, Nov. 15, 1845 ; B.A.A. Jour. XI. 65 ; Oxford Archit. Soc. Proc. N.S. III. 4. Wigginton. Buildings and pavement. Beesley, 41, 42 (plan), and pi. XI (pavement) ; Gardner, 632 ; Lewis, IV. 560 ; North Oxford Arch. Soc. Trans. III. 17, 118; Skelton (Bloxham Hundred), 9, 12 (plan). Wood Eaton. Foundations (?). Hussey, 37, 38 ; North Oxford Arch. Soc. III. 1 14. Woodperry. Buildings. Arch. Jour. III. 116, 124; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. I. 107. Woodstock. Buildings. Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 231 ; Marshall's Hist, of Woodstock, 13. RUTLAND V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Rutland, 1. 1908. Casterton, Great. Foundations. Britton and Brayley, xil. ii. 112; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 84; Trollope, E., Sleaford, 43 ; V.C.H. I. 88. Ketton. Pavement. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XIX. 194; V.C.H. I. 90. Market Overton and Thisleton. Foundations, kiln, etc. Arch. Jour. XLI. 219; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xxil. 48 ; Stukeley's Letters, III. 32 ; V.C.H. I. 90, 92, 93. SHROPSHIRE Arch. Cambrensis. Archaeologia Cambrensis of the Cambrian Archaeo- logical Association, 1 S. 1. — IV. 1846 — 49, 2 S. I. — v. 1850—54, 3 S. I. — xv. 1855—69, 4 S. 1.— xiv. 1870—83, 5 S. 1.— xvii. 1884— 1900, 6 S. 1.— x. 1901 — 10. Hartshorne. Hartshorne, C. H. Salopia Antiqua, 1841. Montgomery Colls. Collections Historical and Archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire, published by the Powys-Land Club, I.— xxxv. 1868 — 1910. Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Transactions, 1 S. 1. — xi. 1878—88, 2 S. 1. — XII. 1889— 1900, 3 S. 1. — IX. 1 90 1 — 09. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Shropshire, I. 1908. Wright's Uriconium. Wright, T. Uriconium, 1872. 106 SHROPSHIRE Acton Scott. Buildings. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXI. 339 (plan), and Proc. 1 S. I. 73 ; Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1 S. II. 341, 2 S. xi. 166; V.C.H. 1. 259 (plan); Wright's Uriconium, 29, 31 (plan). Lea, see Pontesbury. Linley Hall. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. XIII. 174, 176, XVII. 213 ; Gent. Mag. 1856, ii. 500, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 264; Illust. Lond. News, Sept. 13 and Oct. 4, 1856; Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1 S. II. 343, 2 S. XI. 166 ; V.C.H. I. 257 (plan); Wright's Uriconium, 24, 25 (plan). Okengates. Hypocaust (?). Gent. Mag. 1797, i. in; Harts- horne, 132; Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1 S. II. 339, 2 S. XI. 165 ; V.C.H. 1. 261. Oswestry, Old. Pavement. Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1 S. II. 340, 2 S. XI. 165 ; Wright's Uriconium, 23. Pontesbury (Lea). Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. LIV. 166 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxxvin. 303 ; Dukes, T. F., MS. History of Uriconium, 1829, in Library of Soc. of Antiquaries, Lond. (coloured etching); Fowler, No. 18; Gent. Mag. 1793, ii. 1 144; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XII. 92, Minute Book, XXV. 75, 226, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing of pave- ment) ; Montgomery Colls., xvil. 109 ; Morgan, 33, 107 ; Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1 S. II. 341, 2 S. V. 230, XI. 166 ; V.C.H. I. 258 ; Wright's Uriconium, 24. Rushbury. Foundations (?). Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1 S. II. 345, 2 S. XI. 166 ; V.C.H. I. 261. Weston. Foundations. Rawdenhurst, T., Hist, of Hawkstone, 53 ; Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1 S. II. 343, 2 S. XI. 165 ; V.C.H. I. 262. Wroxeter {Uriconium or Viroconium). The city, walls, gates, buildings, pavements and excavations. Anderson, J. C, The Roman City of Uriconium, 1867, and Shropshire, its early History and Antiquities, 1867, 132; Antiquary, xil. 97, XXVI. 17, XXX. 208, XXXV. 365 ; Arch. Cambrensis, 3 S. V. 207, 257, VI. 312, xili. 157, 6 S. VI. 181 ; Arch. Jour, xvi. 53, 264, 302, xvil. 54, 73, 240, 269, xix. 80, xx. 196, 385, XXI. 121, 130, LIV. 123 (plans, etc.), and Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 9, 10; Athenaeum, Apr. 16 SHROPSHIRE I07 and June 18, 1859; Blakeway MSS. Bodleian Lib. Oxford ; B.A.A. Jour. XV. 205, 311, XVI. 158 (plans), 205, 342, xvn. IOO, and Coll. Arch. I. 8 ; British Curiosities in Art and Nature, 1721, 92 ; Britton and Brayley, XIII. i. 185 ; Chester Arch. Soc. Jour. II. 309 (plans); Coll. Antiq. III. 29; Dukes, T. F., Antiquities of Shropshire, 1844, 148, and MS. History of Uriconium, 1829, in library of Soc. of Antiquaries, Lond.; Fox, G. E., Guide to Uriconium, 1898 (plans); Gent. Mag. 1813, i. 9, 1828, i. 255, 1859, i. 448, 625, ii. 219, 1862, i. 192, 398, ii. 598, 677, 1863, i- 302, 1867, ii. 514, 1868, i. 665, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 265 ; Gough's Camden, ill. 5, 22, and Brit. Topog. II, 182; Hartshorne, 115; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 419; Illust. Lond. News, XXXIV. (1859), 377> 3^6, 426 ; Lewis, IV. 683 ; Lincoln, A survey of the Antiquities of the city of, 1840 — 48, 27 n ; Liverpool Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. 1. Sess. 13, 189, 192; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IX. 323 (plans), Proc. 1 S. IV. 275, 314, 2 S. I. 394, IV. 55 (plan), Minute Book, I. 51, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plans, etc.); Mag. Brit. 1738,1V. 638, 639,640; Montgomery Colls. XXI. 38 ; Morgan, 96, 107 ; Phil. Trans. XXV. 2226; Reliquary, II. 151, III. 169; Royal Soc. Archives, Classified Papers, XVI. 40; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 135; Shaw's Staffs. I. Introd. 28; Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1 S. II. 317, 326, 2 S. X. xxxii, XI. vii, XII. v, 3 S. II. 163 (plan), III. xxxix ; Times, July 25, Sept. 3, 26, Oct. 19, 1859, Oct. 8, i860, Oct. 8, 1861, Sept. 30, 1862; V.C.H. I. 220 (plans, etc.); Woolhope Field Club Trans. 1881 — 82, 239; Wright, T., Uriconium, 1872, Guide to the ruins of Uriconium, 1859, Celt, Roman and Saxon, 149, 188, 204, 212, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, 25. Yarchester. Foundations. Shrops. Arch. Soc. Trans. 1 S. II. 339, 2 S. XI. 166; V.C.H. I. 261 ; Wright's Uriconium, 35. I08 SOMERSETSHIRE SOMERSETSHIRE Bath Field Club Proc. Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club Proceedings, I.— IX. 1867 — 1905. Batten. Batten, John. Historical and Topographical Collections relating to parts of South Somerset, 1894. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeo- logical Society Transactions, I. — xxxn. 1876 — 1909. Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. Clifton Antiquarian Club Proceedings, 1. — VI. 1884— 1908. Collinson. Collinson, J. History of Somersetshire, 3 vols. 1791. Hoare's Anc. Wilts. Hoare, Sir R. C. Ancient History of North Wiltshire, 2 vols. 1 8 19. Hoare's Pitney Pavement. Hoare, Sir R. C. The Pitney Pavement, 1831. Phelps. Phelps, W. History of Somersetshire, 2 vols. 1836 — 39. Pownall. Pownall, T. Roman Antiquities at Bath, 1795. Pulman. Pulman, G. P. R. Book of the Axe, 1875. Rutter. Rutter, J. Delineations of the N.W. Division of Somerset, 1829. Scarth's Rom. Bath. Scarth, H. M. Aquae Solis, or Notices of Roman Bath, 1864. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Proceedings, I. — lv. 185 1 — 1909. Somerset and Dorset N. and Q. Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, 1. — x. 1890— 1907. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Somersetshire, 1. 1906. Warner. Warner, R. Roman Antiquities discovered at Bath, 1797. Alcombe (Cheney Court). Buildings. Scarth's Rom. Bath 119; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xil. i. 25. Ashton, Long. Foundations. Collinson, III. 141 ; V.C.H. I. 305. Banwell. Foundations. Gent. Mag. 181 1, ii. 105; Rutter, 144; V.C.H. 1. 307. Bath {Aquae Suits). The walls, gates, etc. Arch. Jour. XLVIII. 174; B.A.A. Jour. XIII. 259; Bath Herald, May 7, 1803; Bath Field Club Proc. IV. 138, VII. 114, 116; Collinson, I. 8; Gent. Mag. 1804, ii. 1006; Gibbs' Bath Guide, 1835, 4, 7; Gough's Camden, I. 116; Leland's I tin. II. 61; Pownall, 27; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 7, 108; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXXI. i. 31, ii. 15; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 146; V.C.H. I. 226; Warner, Introd. xii. Temple of Sul Minerva. Arch. Jour. xxv. 159; Athenaeum, SOMERSETSHIRE 109 Dec. 28, 1867; B.A.A. Jour. X. 153, XII. 303, XIII. 257, XVII. 8, XXIX. 190, 379; Bath Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1868, Apr. 8, 1869, Apr. 28, 1870; Bath Field Club Proc. II. 119, 348; Britton and Brayley, Xlll. i. 362 ; Builder, XXVII. 303 ; Carter, J., Ancient Architecture, 1795, I. 8, pis. VII — X; Collinson, I. 8; Crutwell and Duffield's Bath Guides ; Gent. Mag. 1791, i. 103, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 284; Gough's Camden, I. 116; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 215; Knight's Old England, I. 47; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, x. 325, XXXVI. 187, and Minute Book, XXVIII. 352, 364; Lysons' Reliquiae, I. ii. pis. I — IX; Pownall; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 17, and Rom. Brit. 147 ; V.C.H. I. 229 ; Warner, 73 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 168 ; plans and drawings by J. T. Irvine in the National Museum at Edinburgh. Baths. Antiquary, v. 226, vi. 274, xii. 132, xv. 159, xxvil. 154, XXVIII. 45, 139, 161, XXXI. 299; Arch. Jour. XXXV. 100, XXXVI. 323, XL. 263, XLII. II, XLVII. IOI, XLVIII. 177, LXI. 210, 214 (plan); B.A.A. Jour. xin. 257, xvn. 8, xxxiv. 246, xxxv. 190, 427, xxxvi. 122, xxxviii. 91, xxxix. 407, XLI. 92, 378, XLII. 224, XLIII. 145, N.S. I. 97, XL 62; Bath Field Club Proc. IV. 357, vi. i. 75, VII. ii. 118 ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. VIII. 89, xxm. 34; Builder, xliii. 319, LI. 109, 510, lxviii. 228, LXXlil. 328; Davis, C. E., Ex- cavations of Roman Baths at Bath, 10th ed. 1895, A Guide to the Roman Baths, 16th ed. 1884, and The Mineral Baths at Bath, 1883; Gent. Mag.- 1755, 376, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 284; Gough's Camden, I. 114 (plan); Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. II. 84, III. 263; Lewis, I. 164; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. v. 282, vn. 403, vm. 409, 458, XL 130, 194, xvii. 28, xviii. 346, xix. 286, Minute Book, hi. 283, vii. 212, 213, 216, 218, vm. 159 (plan), 282, 339, 357, xxm. 445, xxiv. 34, 77, 83, xxv. 18, 61, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (orig. drawings), and eleven plans and sections by R. Mann; Lucas, C, Essay of Waters, 1756, HI. 222 (plan); Morgan, 168; New Bath Guide, N.D. 10; Phelps, I. i. 155 (plan) ; Reliquary, XXI. 64, XXIII. 64 ; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 14 (plan), and Rom. Brit. 147; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. HI. ii. 77, xxii. i. 35, ii. 20, 22, xxvil. i. 32, xxix. i. 35, 36, I IO SOMERSETSHIRE XXXIII. i. 19, XLI. i. 21 ; Spry, J. H., Practical Treatise on the Bath Waters, 1822, 14 (plan), 149; Sutherland, A., Attempts to Revive Ancient Medical Doctrine, 1763, I. 16 (plan); V.C.H. I. 243 (plan, etc.); Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 168. Abbey Green. Pavement. Omnium Gatherum, 1. 25 ; V.C.H. I. 262. Bluecoat School. Pavement. Bath and Cheltenham Gazette, June 9, 1859; Morgan, 91, 101; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 89; V.C.H. I. 261. Preserved in the school. Mineral Water Hospital. Pavement. Antiquary, X. 229; B.A.A. Jour. XLI. 98, XLIV. 116; Bath and Cheltenham Gazette, May II, 1859; Bath Field Club Proc. vi. i. 37; Building News, Sept. 12, 1884; Gent. Mag. 1862, ii. 209, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 288; Omnium Gatherum, I. 25; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 89, 94; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XI. ii. 187, XII. i. 26; V.C.H. I. 261. Pavements preserved in hospital. Norfolk Crescent. Pavement. Bath Chronicle, Oct. 15, 1818; V.C.H. I. 263. Royal United Hospital. Pavement and foundations. B.A.A. Jour. xxix. 379; Bath and Cheltenham Gazette, Aug. 1864; Bath Field Club Proc. IX. i. 56; Builder, XXII. 623; Intel- lectual Observer, VI. 217; Morgan, 91, 10 1; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 136; V.C.H. I. 262. Walcot Street. Pavement and pier bases. Bath and Cheltenham Gazette, Nov. 20, 18 16 ; Bath Field Club Proc. X. 316; Gent. Mag. 18 15, i. 559, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 285; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, XXXIII. 160; V.C.H. I. 263. Weymouth House Schools. Pavement. Antiquary, XXXIII. 231; Bath Chronicle, June 17 and 25, and July 22, 1897; Times, June 18, 1897 ; V.C.H. I. 262. Bathampton. Kiln. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXIV. ii. 5, 15. Bathford. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 329, 333 ; Bath Field Club Proc. V. i. 66; Britton and Brayley, Xiii. i. 437 ; Collinson, 1. in; Gough's Brit. Topog. 11. 226, and Camden, I. 118; Lewis, I. 169; Lond. S.A. Minute SOMERSETSHIRE 1 1 1 Book, IV. 19, xx. 48 ; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 119; Skrine, H. D., Bathford and Neighbourhood, 1 871, 23; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxii. 1. 51, xxiv. ii. 5, 14; V.C.H. 1. 300. Bathwick. Foundations and pavement. Bath Field Club Proc. 11. 479; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 137; V.C.H. I. 263, 264. Bawdrip. Building and pavement. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. LXix. ii. 187; V.C.H. 1. 329, 352. Bayford, see Stoke Trister. Bratton. Foundations. Phelps, 1. 221; V.C.H. I. 320. Brean Down. Foundations. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxiv. ii. 7, XXXI. ii. 13; V.C.H. 1. 358. Brislington. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XXXVI. 38, 106, 335 (plan); Barker, W. R., Account of Roman villa found at Brislington ; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. xxiii. 263, 289 (plan), xxiv. 283 ; Builder, lxxviii. 22, 45, lxxix. 258, lxxxi. 179; Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. IV. 262, 306, V. 44, 78 (plan); Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XLVII. 56 ; Somerset and Dorset N. and Q. vii. 27 ; V.C.H. I. 303. Orig. pav. in Bristol Museum. Burnett, see Corston. Butleigh Wootton, see Street, near Glastonbury. Cadbury, see Tickenham. Camerton. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 334; Collinson, III. 329 ; Gent. Mag. 1827, i. 252 ; Phelps, I. 179 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XI. ii. 174 (plan), XII. i. 25, XXIV. ii. 14; V.C.H. I. 289 (plan), 290 (plan), 291 (plan), 293. Chard. Foundations and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 334; Pulman, 460 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxii. ii. 30; V.C.H. I- 332. Charlton Mackrell. Buildings. Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 334 ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 18; Hoare's Pitney Pavement, 6; Morgan, %^> ; Phelps, 1. i. 168 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. LIU. 18; V.C.H. 1. 323; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Chedzoy. Hypocaust. V.C.H. I. 352, 359. Cheney Court, see Alcombe. Chesterblade, near Evercreech. Foundations. V.C.H. I. 319. Chew Stoke. Foundations. V.C.H. I. 309. 1 1 2 SOMERSETSHIRE Chilton Polden, see Polden. Coker, East. Buildings and pavements, found in 1753 and 1818. Arch. Cant. XV. 139; Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 329; B.A.A. Jour. XII. 300; Batten, 106; Coll. Antiq. 11. 51 ; Collinson, II. 340, III. 204 (under Yeovil); Gent. Mag. 1753, 293, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 40 (under Coket, Devon) ; Gough's Brit. Topog. II. 226, and Camden, I. 91 ; Lewis, I. 637, IV. 701 (under Yeovil) ; Morgan, 89, 100 ; Phelps, I. i. 167 ; Public Advertiser, June 23, 1753; Royal Society Letters and Papers, Decade II. 361; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. IV. i. 7, V. i. 9, XIII. i. 62, XXII. ii. 30, XXIV. ii. 13, 15 ; V.C.H. I. 329; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 253 ; Yeovil General Evening Post, June 23, 1753. A portion of one pavement in Taunton Museum. Coker, West. Foundations, found in 1861. Arch. Jour. xxiv. 181, 184, xxxvi. 334; B.A.A. Jour, xviii. 392, xix. 321 ; Batten, 107; V.C.H. I. 331. Combe Down. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XI. 289, XXXVI. 334 ; B.A.A. Jour. XII. 304, XIX. 66; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 115 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. V. ii. 60, 145, XII. i. 24, XXIV. ii. 14; V.C.H. I. 309. Combe St Nicholas (Wadeford). Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 329, 336; B.A.A. Jour. XII. 300; Davidson, J., Brit, and Rom. Remains, near Axminster, 1833, j6 ; Lysons' Reliquiae, I. iv. pi. VIII ; Phelps, I. i. 174 ; Pulman, 459; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. I. i. 28, V. i. 9,xm. i. 61, 72 (plan), xxiv. ii. 15, 113, xxvm. i. 44 ; V.C.H. 1. 333 (plan). Congresbury. Buildings. Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. II. 177 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXIII. ii. 9, XXXIII. ii. 5 ; V.C.H. I. 307. Copley, see Kingweston. Corston (Burnett). Buildings and pavement. Scarth's Rom. Bath, 126; V.C.H. 1. 303. Cranmore, West. Pavement. Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 145 n; V.C.H. I. 319. Curry Rivel and Drayton. Foundations. V.C.H. I. 328, 329. Dinnington, see Seavington. SOMERSETSHIRE 1 1 3 Discove. Pavement. Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 334 ; Collinson, I. 215; Gent. Mag. 1823, i. 585 ; Gough's Camden, 1. 100; Lewis, I. 401 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXIV. ii. 14 ; V.C.H. I. 320. Ditcheat. Buildings. Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 334 ; Phelps, II. 263 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXXVI. i. 61 ; V.C.H. I. 320. Edington. Building and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 329; Collinson, III. 433 ; Gough's Camden, I. 99, 103 ; Lewis, II. 145 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XIV. 91 ; Phelps, I. 176 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXIV. ii. 15; V.C.H. I. 352. Kiln. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. I. ii. 55, 57; V.C.H. I. 353, 356. Failand Hill, see Ashton, Long. Farley Hungerford. Buildings and pavements. Arch. Jour. x xxxvi. 334, 335; Bath Herald, Sept. 28, 1822; Collinson, III. 362; Gent. Mag. 1822, ii. 365, 1823, i. 113, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 289, ii. 350; Gough's Camden, I. in; Jackson, J. E., Guide to Farley Hungerford ; Phelps, I. i. 179; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 120; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. III. ii. 114, XII. i. 24, XXIV. ii. 14; Stukeley's Letters, I. 139; V.C.H. I. 300. Flax Bourton. Building. Antiquary, XXXIII. 360. Ham, High. Buildings and Pavements. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XI. i. 33, XIII. i. 62, XXIV. ii. 14; V.C.H. I. 328. Drawings of pavements in Taunton Museum. Ham Hill. Foundations. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. LIU. i. 87, ii. 179, 181. Plan in Taunton Museum. Huntspill. Kilns. Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 328, 335 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxiv. ii. 5, 15 ; V.C.H. 1. 352, 353. Hurcot, near Somerton. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. xxxvi. 335; B.A.A. Jour. XII. 300; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 18; Hoare's Pitney Pavement, 6; Morgan, 88, 99; Phelps, I. i. 168; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxiv. i. 74; V.C.H. I. 322 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Ilchester. Buildings and pavement. Bath Field Club, I. ii. 18 ; Britton and Brayley, xill. i. 515; Collinson, III. 298 ; Gough's Camden, I. 93 ; Phelps, I. i. 166 (plan) ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxil. ii. 30, xxiv. ii. 6, LI. 1 50 ; Somerset l. 8 114 SOMERSETSHIRE Record Soc. XV. 204 ; Somerset and Dorset N. and Q. I. 26 Stukeley's Itin. Curios. 1. 155; V.C.H. 1. 294. Kingsdon. Buildings. Bath Field Club, I. ii. 18; Hoare's Pitney Pavement, 6 ; Morgan, 88 ; Phelps, 1. i. 168 ; V.C.H. L 325 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Kingweston (Copley Wood). Foundations. Arch. Jour. II. 209 ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 18; Hoare's Pitney Pavement, 7; Morgan, 88; Phelps, I. i. 168; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxiv. i. 74 ; V.C.H. I. 322 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Knoll Hill, near Chedzoy. Pavement V.C.H. I. 329 n, 352 n. Langford, Lower. Buildings and Pavement. Gent. Mag. 1856, ii. 108, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 291 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXIV. ii. 15 ; V.C.H. I. 308. See also Wrington. Langridge. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XI. 408 ; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 104, 125 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XII. i. 25 ; V.C.H. I. 301. Lansdown. Buildings. Antiquary, XLIV. 5 ; Arch. Jour. XXVII. 64; B.A.A. Jour. 2 S. XII. 289, xm. 251, XIV. 216; Bath Field Club Proc. 1. ii. 16; Bath Herald, Sept. 20, 1905; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xxil. 34 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxiv. ii. 14, L. 105 ; V.C.H. 1. 301. Littleton. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 335 ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 18 ; Gent. Mag. 1827, ii. 113, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 289 ; Hoare's Pitney Pavement, 7 ; Morgan, 88 ; Phelps, I. i. 168 (plan) ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxiv. i. 74; V.C.H. 1. 323; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Lyte's Cary. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 335 ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 18 ; Hoare's Pitney Pavement, 6; Morgan, 88 ; Phelps, I.i. 168 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxiv. i. 74; V.C.H. I. 326 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Mendip Hills. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XVI. 153; B.A.A. Jour. XXXI. 133; Cardiff Naturalists' Soc. Trans, vii. 1 ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. 42 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XL 30 ; V.C.H. I. 335- Newton St Loe. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 329, 335; Dorset Field Club Proc. XXI. 166; Lond. S.A. SOMERSETSHIRE 11$ Proc. 2 S. XX. 248 ; Morgan, 91, 102 ; Nichols, Rev. W. L., Horae Romanae, 1838, and Description of the Roman Villa discovered at Newton St Loe ; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 114; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XII. i. 24, xxii. i. 37, 64, xx 1 v. ii. 5,14; V.C.H. 1. 302. Norton Fitzwarren. Kiln. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXIV. ii. 5,15; V.C.H. I. 365. Norton St Philips. Building. Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 109. Norton-sub-Hamdon. Tesserae and well. Trask, C, Norton- sub- Hamdon, 1898, 19, 240; V.C.H. I. 331. Paulton. Buildings. V.C.H. I. 315 (plan). Petherton, South. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 335 ; Collinson, III. 106, 107 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXIV. ii. 15 ; V.C.H. I. 331. Pitney. Buildings and pavements. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 329, 335 ; B.A.A. Jour. XII. 300, XXXVIII. 303 ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 18; Gent. Mag. 1828, ii. 361, 1830, i. 17, 1833, i. 148, 1836, i. 194, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 291 ; Hoare's Pitney Pavement, 10 (plan) ; Lewis, III. 552; Lond. S.A. Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawings of pavements) ; Morgan, 33, 98 ; Phelps, 1. i. 169 (plan) ; Rutter, 170 n ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. V. i. 9, xi. i. 23, XIII. i. 62, XXII. ii. 30, xxiv. ii. 5, 13, 15 ; V.C.H. 1. 326 (plan), 328 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Polden. Kiln. Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 328, 329; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. I. ii. 59, XXIV. ii. 5, 15 ; V.C.H. I. 353. Portbury, see Seavington. Radstock. Foundations. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXX. i. 102, ii. 77 \ V.C.H. I. 316. Seavington (Dinnington and Portbury). Buildings and pave- ments. Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 335 ; Collinson, III. 141 ; Gent. Mag. 1862, i. 298 ; Gough's Camden, I. 107; Lewis, III. 574; Norris, H., South Petherton in the Olden Time, 1882, 15; Phelps, 1. i. 177; Pulman, 68, 69 ; Scot. S.A. Proc. VI. 334; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXI v. ii. 11, 15, xxxvil. i. 26; V.C.H. I. 332. Frag, of pavement in Taunton Museum. Sedgemoor, King's. Building. V.C.H. I. 325. 8—2 Il6 SOMERSETSHIRE Shepton Mallet. Buildings. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. Lin. 18; V.C.H. I. 317, 318. Kilns. Arch. Jour. XXII. 163, XXXVI. 328; Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XXVI. 329 ; Coll. Antiq. VI. 194 ; Gent. Mag. 1 864, ii. 770, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 293 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XIII. i. 12, ii. 1, XXIV. ii. 5, 15, XXX. ii. 130, LIU. 18; V.C.H. I. 318. Shipham. Foundations. Phelps, I. i. 135 ; V.C.H. I. 308. Somerton. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 335; Hoare's Pitney Pavement, 7; Lewis, IV. 139; Phelps, I. i. 168 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxil. ii. 30, xxiv. i. 74 ; V.C.H. 1. 324, 325 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Stanchester, see Curry Rivel. Stoke, North. Buildings. Bath Field Club Proc. ix. i. 50 (plan), 89; Bath Chronicle, Dec. 8, 1887; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 126; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxxui. ii. 146; V.C.H. 1. 302. Stoke Trister (Bay ford). Foundations. V.C.H. I. 320. Street, near Glastonbury (Butleigh Wootton). Buildings. Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 333 ; Hoare's Pitney Pavement, 10 ; Morgan, 88 ; Phelps, 1. i. 169 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxiv. i. 74; V.C.H. I. 322 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 228. Temple Cloud. Foundations. Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxiv. i. 74; V.C.H. I. 367. Tickenham (Cadbury). Foundations. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 336 ; Rutter, 234 ; Seyer's Bristol, I. 162 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXIV. ii. 8, 14. Tiverton. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. IX. 74. Wadeford, see Combe St Nicholas. Warley, see Bathford. Watergore, see Petherton, South. Wellow. Buildings and pavements. Arch. Jour. IV. 356 ; XXXVI. 329, 336 ; B.A.A. Jour. XII. 300, XXXVIH. 99 ; Collinson, III. 325; Dorset Field Club Proc. xxill. 113; Gent. Mag. 1787, ii. 961, 1807, ii. 969, 1846, ii. 633, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 295, ii. 596; Gough's Camden, I. 11 1 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 168, 178 ; Lewis, IV. 493 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XIX. 45 and note, Minute Book, III. 53, 56, SOMERSETSHIRE 11 J xxxi. 379, Vet. Mon. I. pis. L— Lli, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plan and pavements); Morgan, 34, 90, 100; Phelps, I. i. 164 (plan); Scarth's Rom. Bath, 112; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. III. i. n, XII. i. 24, XXII. i. 38, XXIV. ii. 5, 14; Warner's Bath Guide, 181 1, 133; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXII. 237; V.C.H. I. 312 — 15 (plans, etc.). Wemberham, see Yatton. Whatley, near Frome. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 329, 336, and Bristol vol. 185 1, lxviii ; Gent. Mag. 1838, i. 435, 1839, ii. 77, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 297; Lewis, I. 408, IV. 526; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. I. i. 38, xii. i. 26, xxiv. ii. 5, 15, xxxix. i. 37; V.C.H. 1. 317. Whitestaunton. Buildings. Academy, Sept. 1, 1883; Antiquary, VIII. 217, 226; Builder, XLV. 283 ; Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. III. 79 ; Dorset Field Club Proc. IX. xxviii ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxviii. i. 15, 43, xxix. i. 35, ii. 98 ; V.C.H. 1. 334. Wick, see Lansdown. Wigborough, see Petherton, South. Wincanton. Pavement (?). Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XVI. i. 5, 14, XXIV. ii. 15; V.C.H. I. 369 (probably mediaeval). Wiveliscombe. Foundations. Britton and Brayley, xill. i. 555; Collinson, II. 488. Woolavington (Coombe). Foundations. Stradling, W., Priory of Chilton Polden, 1839, 12 ; V.C.H. I. 369. Wrington. Buildings. Arch. Jour, xxxvi. 329, 336; Lond. S. A. Proc. 2 S. VII. 1 59, XI. 30 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xxil. ii. 30, xxili. ii. 10, xxiv. ii. 15, xxxm. ii. 4; V.C.H. I. 308. See also Langford, Lower. Yanley. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XXXVI. 336 ; Collinson, II. 304 ; V.C.H. I. 305 n. Yatton (Wemberham). Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XL. 126, XLHI. 104, 353 (plan); Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. Trans. XII. 324 ; Builder, XLIX. 820 ; Clifton Antiq. Club Proc. I. 157; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XI. 29 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XXIV. ii. 15, XXXI. i. 18, 23, ii. I 64 (plan) ; V.C.H. 1. 306 (plan). Yeovil, see Coker, East. 1 1 8 STAFFORDSHIRE— SUFFOLK STAFFORDSHIRE Plot. Plot, R. History of Staffordshire, 1686. Shaw. Shaw, S. History of Staffordshire, 2 vols. 1798— 180 1. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Staffordshire, 1. 1908. Madeley. Foundations. V.C.H. I. 191. Rocester. Foundations. Shaw, 1. Introd. 34 n; V.C.H. I. 192. Sedgley. Foundations (?;. V.C.H. I. 192. Stafford (near). Pavement. Gent. Mag. 1818, i. 78, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 302. Tettenhall. Foundations (?). Plot, 394; Shaw, II. 194; V.C.H. I. 193. Wall (Etocetum). Foundations. B.A.A. Jour. xxix. 53, 116, XLVI. 227 ; Birmingham and Midland Instit. Trans. IV. 38 ; Gough's Camden, II. 495, 504 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 420 ; Mag. Brit. 1738, V. 25 ; Plot, 401 ; Shaw, I. Introd. 18, 19, 356; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 61 ; V.C.H. I. 193. Wetton. Foundations. Bateman, T., Ten Years' Diggings, 193; Reliquary, V. 217 ; V.C.H. I. 196. SUFFOLK Kirby. Kirby, J. The Suffolk Traveller, 2nd ed. 1764. Page. Page, A. History of Suffolk, 1847. Suckling. Suckling, A. History of Suffolk, 2 vols. 1846 — 48. Suff. Arch. Instit. Proc. Suffolk Institute of Archaeology Proceedings, 1.— xni. 1853— 1909. Aldeburgh. Traces of buildings. Builder, XCII. 701 ; Suff. Arch. Instit. Proc. XIII. 24. Barham (Shrubland Park). Buildings. Lewis, I. 136. Burgh, near Woodbridge. Traces of buildings. Antiquary, XXXVII. 342 ; Arch. Jour. LVII. 91 ; Report on excavations at Castle Field, Burgh, by the Woodbridge Field Club, 1900 — 01. Burgh Castle {Garianonum). Fort, walls, towers, etc. Anti- quary, XLV. 210 ; Arch. Jour. XLVI. 348, 366, LIU. 358, LVII. 120, 124 (plan), 136, Norwich vol. 1847, 196, and Winchester SUFFOLK 119 vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 10, IX 3 B.A.A. Jour. I. 46, 49, xiv. 164, 197, xxxvi. 98, 213, and Coll. Arch. II. 244; Blome's Britannia, 217; Britton and Brayley, XIV. 393 ; Builder, VIII. 442 ; Coll. Antiq. VII. 161 ; Gent. Mag. 1846, ii. 638, 1850, ii. 418, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 303, 304 ; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 36 ; Gough's Camden, II. 157, 172; Ives, J., Remarks on the Garianonum of the Romans, 2nd ed. 1803 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 52 ; Lewis I. 421 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XII. I34n, XXIII. 363, XLI. 428, and Proc. 1 S. III. 227 (plan) ; Mag. Brit. 1738, V. 229 ; Norf. Arch. V. 146 (plan) ; Royal Instit. Proc. xvi. i. 40 ; Spelman's Icenia, 155; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 132 (plan), and Letters, ill. 200 ; Suckling, I. 328 (plan) ; Suff. Arch. Instit. Proc. XI. 308 ; V.C.H. Norfolk, 1. 305 ; Wright's Arch. Album, 93, and Celt, Roman and Saxon, 173, 188. Coddenham. Foundations. Arch. Jour. lvii. 140 ; Gent. Mag. 1825, i. 292, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 306. Eye. Buildings. Arch. Jour. LVII. 92, 143 ; East Anglian N. and Q. 1 S. I. 249. Felixstow (Walton Castle). Fort, walls, etc., but submerged since 1740. Arch. Jour. LVIIM14, 143 ; B.A.A. Coll. Arch. II. 246, 247 ; Britton and Brayley, XIV. 272 ; Grose, vol. VI. ; Gough's Camden, II. 166; Kirby, 89; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XI. 12, and Minute Book, I. 71 ; Martin, T., Church Notes, 1. 185 ; Tour in the Whole Island of Britain, by a gentleman, 3rd ed. 1742, 39. Icklingham. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. LVII. 94, in, 148; B.A.A. Jour. xix. 28i,xxxm. 221, 258, xxxiv. 12 (plan) ; Lewis, II. 591. Ipswich, see Whitton. Ixworth. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. lvii. 92, 151 ; B.A.A. Coll. Arch. II. 248 ; Page, 787 ; Suff. Arch. Instit. Proc. I. 74, 77 (plan of hypo.), 78. Pakenham. Pavement. Arch. Jour. LVII. 155; B.A.A. Coll. Arch. II. 248 ; Britton and Brayley, XIV. 191 ; Gough's Camden, II, 162 ; Suckling, I. xx ; Suff. Arch. Instit. Proc. 1.74. Rougham. Foundations, etc. Arch. Jour. LVII. 93, 98, 156; 1 20 SUFFOLK— SURREY Gent Mag. 1843, "• 5 2 4> 1844, ii. 369, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 308; Suff. Arch. Instit. Proc. IV. 262, 271. Stow, West. Kilns. Antiquary, XXIV. 20 ; Arch. Jour. LVII. 104, 161; B.A.A. Jour. XXXVII. 152, XLVII. 94; Builder, LI. 441. Walton Castle, see Felixstow. Wattisfield. Pavement. East Anglian Miscellany, Feb. 1, 1902. Whitton, near Ipswich. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. LVII. 93, 164; Athenaeum, Jan. 20, 1855; B.A.A. Coll. Arch. II. 248 ; Gent. Mag. 1855, i. 179, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 317; Illust. Lond. News, Feb. 10, 1855; Lond. S.A. Proc. I S. III. 199, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing of pavement); Suff. Arch. Instit. Proc. II. 211. Orig. pav. in Ipswich Museum. SURREY Aubrey. Aubrey, J. Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey, 5 vols. 1719. Brayley. Brayley, E. W. Topographical History of Surrey, 5 vols. 1850. Kempe. Kempe, A. J. The Loseley Manuscripts, 1835. Manning and Bray. Manning, O. and Bray, W. History of Surrey, 3 vols. 1804 — 14. Surrey Arch. Colls. Surrey Archaeological Collections, published by the Surrey Archaeological Society, 1.— xxxiii. 1858— 1910. Abinger. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour, xxxiii. 501, xxxiv. no, 243 ; Builder, xxxvi. 19 (plan) ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VIII, 213, XIII. 248 ; More Letters of Chas. Darwin, 11. 213 n. Albury (Farley Heath). Buildings. Arch. Jour. X. 166 ; Aubrey, IV. 79; B.A.A. Jour. IV. 158; Brayley, I. 20, V. 152; Britton and Brayley, XIV. 222; Gough's Camden, I. 251 ; Kempe, xi n ; Manning and Bray, II. 122; Surrey Arch. Colls. XII. 147 ; Tupper, M.F., Farley Heath, 1850, 25, 26. Beddington. Buildings. Arch. Review, IV. 68; B.A.A. Jour, xxvil. 514, and pi. 26 (plan); Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. v. 149, VIII. 212, and Topog. Colls., brown portfolio (plan of site and buildings); Surrey Arch. Colls., VI. 118 (plan). SURREY 121 Bletchingley (Pendhill). Buildings. Brayley, I. 21, IV. inn; Gent. Mag. 18 14, i. 86, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 318; Lewis, I. 271 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxil. 403, and Proc. 1 S. I. 146, 2 S. XIII. 248 ; Manning and Bray, III. Appendix, cxxi, and pi. xxvi (plan). Broadstreet Green, see Worplesdon. Chiddingfold. Buildings. Antiquary, VII. 276, VIII. 84 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. IX. 307, 308, 334 ; Surrey Arch. Colls. XIV. 215. Colley Farm, see Reigate. Coombe Hill, see Kingston. Earlswood Common. Foundations. Lond. S.A. Minute Book, xxxiv. 69. Ewell. Shafts. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xxxil. 451, XLVI. 446, and Proc. 2 S. I. 309. Farley Heath, see Albury. Farnham. Kiln. Surrey Arch. Colls. XX. 228 (plan). Fetcham. Foundations. Surrey Arch. Colls. XX. 1. Kingston (Coombe Hill). Foundations (?). Brayley, I. 21; Gough's. Camden, I. 254 ; Leland's Itin. VI. 23 ; Manning and Bray, I. 329. Pendhill, see Bletchingley. Puttenham. Pavement. Surrey Arch. Colls. XII. 149. Reigate (Colley Farm). Foundations. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XIII. 248. Southwark, see London. Tilford (Whitmead). Kiln. Surrey Arch. Colls. XII. 151. Titsey. Buildings. Arch. Jour. xxxv. 70; Gower, G. L., Handbook to the parish of Titsey, 1869, 16; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, Lix. 214 (plan), and Proc. 2 S. VIII. 211, 213, XIII. 248 ; Surrey Arch. Colls. IV. xiv, xv, 214 (plan). Tongham. Foundations (?). Gough's Camden, I. 248; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 203 n. Walton-on-the-Hill. Buildings and pavement. Brayley, I. 22, IV. 388; Britton and Brayley, XIV. 180; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, ix. 108, Proc. 2 S. IX. 1 10, and Minute Book, xxxill. 346 ; Manning and Bray, II. 644 ; Morgan, 208 ; Surrey Arch. Colls. II. 1 (plan). 122 SURREY— SUSSEX Whitmead, see Tilford. Worplesdon (Broadstreet Green). Buildings and pavement. Kempe, xi n ; Lewis, iv. 672 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXIII. 398 (plan), and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (plan) ; Morgan, 206. SUSSEX Allen. Allen, T. History of Surrey and Sussex, 2 vols. 1829. Dallaway. Dallaway, J. and Cartwright, E. History of Sussex, 2 vols. 1815—30. Horsfield's Lewes. Horsfield, T. W. History and Antiquities of Lewes, 1824. Horsfield's Sussex. Horsfield, T. W. History of Sussex, 2 vols. 1835. Parry. Parry, J. D. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the coast of Sussex, 1833. Sussex Arch. Colls. Sussex Archaeological Collections, published by the Sussex Archaeological Society, I. — Mil. 1849 — I 9 l °- Angmering. Buildings. Dallaway, II. i. 366 ; Horsfield's Sussex, II. 141 ; Sussex Arch. Colls. XLVI. 157. Arundel. Buildings. Sussex Arch. Colls. XL. 283, XLVI. 157. Bignor. Buildings and pavements. Arch. Cantiana, xv. 132 ; Arch. Jour. XLI. 172, XLVII. 270; Athenaeum, June 14, 1879; B.A.A. Jour. x. 153, xxxii. 486, xxxviii. 303, xli. 422, XLH. 57, 212; Britton and Brayley, XIV. 88; Dallaway, II. i. 221 (plan); Gent. Mag. 181 1, ii. 183, 515, 18 12, ii. 437, 1845, ii. 122, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 328; Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 56, 58; Horsfield's Sussex, I. 54,11. 151, and Lewes, 63; Knight's Old England, I. 54 ; Lewis, I. 233; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XVIII. 203 (plans), XIX. 176 (plan), Proc. 2 S. xviii. 26, xxi. 161, 234, xxii. 275, Minute Book, XXXIII. 45, 51, 60, 293, 297, 316, and Topog. Colls., red and brown portfolios (drawings); Lysons' Reliquiae, III. 1 — 6, and pis. I — XXXII, Remains of a Roman Villa at Bignor, also An Account of a Roman Villa found at Bignor in 181 1, 1st ed. 181 5, 2nd ed. 1820; Morgan, 33, 199, 200 (plan), 203 ; Parry, 375 ; Sussex Arch. Colls. XI. 136, XXX. 63; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 243, 253, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, 272. SUSSEX 123 Blatchington, West. Buildings. Gent. Mag. 181 8, ii. 107, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 332; Horsfield's Sussex, I. 157; Lewis, 1. 268 ; Sussex Arch. Colls, xxvn. 70. Bosham. Foundations. Sussex Arch. Colls, xviii. 1, 2, 3, 4, LIU. 272. Bramber. Bridge (?^. Sussex Arch. Colls. II. 63, 73 ; Wright's Wanderings of an Antiquary, 263. Brighton. Foundations. Antiquary, XLII. 164, Chanctonbury Ring. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XLI. 172 ; Sussex Arch. Colls. LIU. 131, 134 (plan), and pi. 13 (plan). Chichester (Regnum). City walls, buildings, pavements, etc. Allen, I. 84, 87 ; B.A.A. Jour. xxm. 88, xlii. 96, 119 (plan), XLIII. 14; Britton and Brayley, XIV. 33, 48, 54; Coll. Antiq. VII. 205 ; Dallaway, I. 2, 5 ; Gough's Camden, 1. 277 ; Horsfield's Sussex, I. 41, and Lewes, 52 ; Lewis, I. 573 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VII. 292, and Minute Book, VI. 35 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. I. 200, 202 ; Sussex Arch. Colls. viii. 291, xv. 167, xix. 198, xxxii. 230. Chilgrove. Foundations. Sussex Arch. Colls. X. 169. Clayton. Buildings. Lewis, I. 608; Sussex Arch. Colls. II. 315, XIV. 178. Densworth, see Funtington. Duncton. Buildings. Britton and Brayley, XIV. 90 ; Gent. Mag. 1 81 2, i. 381, 1 8 16, ii. 17, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 336; Horsfield's Sussex, II. 170; Lewis, II. 100; Lond. S.A. Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing) ; Sussex Arch. Colls. II. 315. Eastbourne. Buildings and pavement. Allen, I. 88 ; Arch. Jour. IV. 209; B.A.A. Jour, xxxiv. 218; Britton and Brayley, XIV. 32, 163 ; East-Bourne, 1787, Appendix ; Gough's Camden, 1. 296, and Brit. Topog. II. 292 ; Horsfield's Sussex, 1. 49, and Lewes, 53, 56, 58; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 488; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 173; Lewis, I. 304; Parry, 198; Phil. Trans, xxx. 549, 783; Stukeley's Letters, III. 212; Sussex Arch. Colls. II. 257, III. ix, IV. viii, IX. 156, XIV. 125, xvi. 308, xxxviii. 160. Fishbourne. Buildings and pavement. Dallaway, 1. 100; Gent. Mag. 1805, Ii 926, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 334; 124 SUSSEX Horsfield's Sussex, II. 52; Lewis, 11. 235; Sussex Arch. Colls, x. 169. Funtington (Densworth). Walled sepulchral remains (?). Sussex Arch. Colls, x. 168, 175 (plan). Harting, South. Foundations. Sussex Arch. Colls, xxxix. 226. Hurstpierpoint. Buildings. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLII. 42 ; Sussex Arch. Colls. X. 210, xiv. 178 (plan). Lancing. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. xil. 279, XLI. 172 ; Coll. Antiq. I. 92 ; Dallaway, II. ii. 388 ; Gent. Mag. 1828, ii. 631, 1830, ii. 17, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 341 ; Horsfield's Sussex, II. 207 ; Lewis, III. 1 5 ; Parry, 349, 363 ; Sussex Arch. Colls. XLVI. 157. Littlehampton. Buildings. Sussex Arch. Colls. XLVI. 157. Newhaven. Foundations. Arch. Jour. IX. 285 ; Sussex Arch. Colls. V. 263. Penhurst (Towncreep). Foundations. Sussex Arch. Colls, xxx VIII. 21. Pevensey (Anderidd). Fort, walls, towers, and excavations. Allen, II. 602; Arch. Jour. XL. 443, LXV. 125 (plans), Chichester, vol. 1853, 4 1 (pl an )> an d Winchester, vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 7, 8 ; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. XIII. 253 ; Birmingham and Midland Instit. Trans. VI. 26; Britton and Brayley, XIV. 158; Builder, LXXXIX. 433, 633,646; Coll. Antiq. VII. 166; Gough's Camden, I. 296 ; Horsfield's Sussex, 1. 309 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 38 (plan) ; Lewis, III. 542 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XLI. 437, and Proc. 2 S. XXI. 410, xxn. 151,274; Parry, 255; Royal Instit. Proc. XVI. 40; Salzman, L. F., and Ray, J. E., Report on the excavations in 1906 — 07, and 1907 — 08 (plans, etc.) ; Smith, C. Roach, Report on the excavations in 1852 (plans, etc.); Stukeley's Letters, III. 224 ; Sussex Arch. Colls, vi. 103, 265, 274 (plan), LI. 99 (plans), LII. 83 (plans) ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 169, 177, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, 146. Portslade. Buildings. Sussex Arch. Colls. XLVI. 157. Preston. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour, xxxin. 518; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VII. 293, 294. Pulborough. Buildings. Dallaway, II. i. 321 ; Horsfield's Sussex, SUSSEX— WARWICKSHIRE 125 II. 164; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVIII. 294, XXIII. 121 (plan) ; Sussex Arch. Colls. XI. 141 (plan), 143. Slindon. Pavement. Sussex Arch. Colls. XXVI. 267. Southwick. Buildings. Horsfield's Sussex, II. 218; Sussex Arch. Colls. I. ix, XIII. 3. Towncreep, see Penhurst. Upmarden. Pavement. Sussex Arch. Colls. XL. 283. Wiston. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. IV. 386 ; Sussex Arch. Colls. II. 313 (plan). Worthing. Buildings. Antiquary, XXXVI. 334; Sussex Arch. Colls, xlvi. 157. WARWICKSHIRE Dugdale. Dugdale, Sir W. Antiquities of Warwickshire, 2nd ed. edited by W. Thomas, 2 vols. 1730. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Warwickshire, I. 1904. Alchester. Foundations. Arch. Jour. XLIV. 55 ; Britton and Brayley, XV. i. 267 ; Dugdale, II. 761 ; Gent. Mag. 1785, ii. 941, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 343 ; V.C.H. I. 236. Coventry. Pavement (?). Britton and Brayley, XV. i. 98 ; Gent. Mag. 1793, ii. ySy ; V.C.H. I. 246 (probably mediaeval). Hartshill. Kilns. Antiquary, XXXIII. 231 ; Britton and Brayley, xv. i. 310; Builder, lxxii. 325 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xvi. 405 ; V.C.H. I. 234, 246. High Cross, see Leicestershire. Mancetter. Foundations. Britton and Brayley, XV. i. 309 ; Nichols' Leicester, IV. 1027 ; V.C.H. I. 233. Monk's Kirby. Foundations. Britton and Brayley, xv. i. 58; Dugdale, I. 74; Gough's Camden, II. 451 ; V.C.H. I. 238. Wilmecote. Stone-lined well. B.A.A. Jour. XXIX. 41 ; Gent. Mag. 1841, ii. 81, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 343 ; V.C.H. I. 249. 126 WESTMORLAND — WILTSHIRE WESTMORLAND Arch. Survey. An Archaeological Survey of Cumberland and Westmorland, by R. S. Ferguson, printed in Archaeologia, Lin. (1893), 485 — 531. Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions, 1 S. L — xvi. 1874 — 1900, N.S. I. — x. 1901 — 10. Nicolson and Burn. Nicolson, J. and Burn, R. History of Westmorland and Cumberland, 2 vols. 1777. Bowes Moor, see Maiden Castle. Brougham. Pavement. Arch. Survey, 522; Stukeley's I tin. Curios. II. 45. Burton (the Quamps), see Dalton-near-Warton, Lane. Kirk by Thore. Foundations and pavement. Arch. Survey, 526; Britton and Brayley, XV. i. 89 ; Gough's Camden, III. 41 1 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. 1. 79 ; Phil. Trans. XIV. 555 ; Watkin's Rom. Lane. 30. Low Burrow Bridge, Tebay. Buildings and pavement. Anti- quary, IX. 25 ; Arch. Survey, 526 ; B.A.A. Jour. VIII. 40, 41 ; Britton and Brayley, xv. i. 207 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans, vili. 1 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. X. 30 ; Watkin's Rom. Lane. 29, 30. Maiden Castle on Stainmoor. Walls. Arch. Jour. XIX. 358; Arch. Survey, 527; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans, v. 69; Gent. Mag. 1862, ii. 47, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. i. 65; Nicolson and Burn, I. 8, 578. Watercrook, near Kendal. Buildings. Arch. Survey, 531 ; Britton and Brayley, XV. i. 204 ; Cumb. and Westm. Arch. Soc. Trans. N.S. vm. 102; Gough's Camden, ill. 404; Lewis, III. 353 (under Natland); Nicolson and Burn, I. 105; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 41. WILTSHIRE Aubrey and Jackson. Aubrey, J. and Jackson, J. E. Wiltshire Collections, 1862. Hoare's Anc. Wilts. 11. (Rom. Aera). Hoare, Sir R. C. Ancient History of North Wiltshire, II. (Roman Aera), 1819. WILTSHIRE 127 Hoare's Mod. Hist. South Wilts. Hoare, Sir R. C. Modern History of South Wiltshire, 5 vols. 1822—44. Smith. Smith, A. C. Guide to the British and Roman Antiquities of the North Wiltshire Downs, 1884. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Magazine, 1.— XXXVI. 1854— 1910. Wilts. N. and Q. Wiltshire Notes and Queries, I.— VI. 1893— 1910. Baydon. Foundations. Gent. Mag. 1866, ii. 335, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 346; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. X. 104 (plan). Bedwyn, Great. Buildings and pavement. Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 12; Lewis, I. 190; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, I. 232 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. VI. 261, XIX. 86. Bishopstrow, near Warminster (Pitmead). Buildings and pave- ments. Britton and Brayley, XV. ii. 316; Gent. Mag. 1786, ii. 990, 1787, i. 221, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 352; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 1 11— 117 (plans); King's Mun. Antiq. II. 169, 171, 174; Lewis, I. 256, IV. 464; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, XXI. 464, xxil. 23, and Vet. Mon. II. 43 ; Morgan, 105 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXV. 196, xxxin. in, xxxiv. 276, 433. Bowood. Foundations. B.A.A. Jour, xxxvil. 1 1 1 ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 124; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxiv. 170. Box. Buildings and pavements. Antiquary, XXXVIII. 376; Arch. Jour. LXI. 1 (plans, etc.); B.A.A. Jour. XVI. 340, XLII. 83, XLIII. 47 (plan) ; Bath Field Club Proc. V. i. 50, IX. ii. 172, X. 257 ; Gent. Mag. 1831,1 595, 1833, i. 357, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 347, 583 ; Illust. Lond. News, Nov. 8, 1902; Lewis, I. 310; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 119; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xil. i. 24, 25, xxiv. ii. 14 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. m. 21, v. 5, xxvi. 405, xxvin. 258, xxxin. 236 (plans, etc.). Bromham. Buildings and pavement. B.A.A. Jour, xxxvil. 83, 88, 109 (plan), 172 ; Bath Field Club Proc. V. i. 36 ; Britton and Brayley, XV. ii. 436; Gent. Mag. 1796, i. 472, ii. 564, 1840, ii. 528, 1 841, i. 81, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 348 ; Gough's Camden, I. 162, and Brit. Topog. 11. 384 ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 123 (plan); Lewis, 1. 383; 128 WILTSHIRE Lond. S.A. Minute Book, x. 63 ; Morgan, 106 ; Smith, A. C, Guide to the British and Roman Antiquities of the North Wilts. Downs, 1884, 29; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. ill. 21, IX. 19, xix. 299 (plan), xxiv. 170, xxv. 194; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 253. Broomgrove, see Milton. Calne, see Studley. Clarendon Wood, near Salisbury. Buildings. Arch. Jour. II. 86 ; B.A.A. Jour. 1. 57 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xm. 34. Colerne. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. xil. 89, xm. 328 (plan); Lewis, I. 643; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 120; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. xil. i. 24, XXIV. ii. 12, 14 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. III. 14, 21, xxv. 196. Cricklade, see Latton. Dean, West. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. II. 82, 86 ; B.A.A. Jour. I. 53, 57, 62, and Winchester vol. 1846, 239; Britton and Brayley, XV. ii. 211 ; Gough's Camden, 1. 154, and Brit. Topog. III. 384 ; Hoare's Mod. Hist, of South Wilts. V. 30 ; Lewis, II. 22 ; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, iv. 103, 107; Morgan, 94, 106; V.C.H. Hampshire, 1. 311; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XIII. 39, 276 (plan), XXII. 243 (plan), XXIX. 90 ; Woodward's Hants. III. 196. Devizes. Pavement (?). Arch. Jour. xliv. 54 (nothing known of this locally). Ditteridge(Hasilbury Farm). Buildings and pavement. Scarth's Rom. Bath, 120; Seyer's Memoirs of Bristol, 1. 174; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XII. i. 25. Easton Grey. Buildings and pavement. Arch. Jour. xliv. 54 ; Aubrey and Jackson, 85 n ; Britton and Brayley, XV. ii. 597 ; Collinson's Somerset, I. 100. Folly Farm, see Mildenhall. Foxley Park. Buildings (unexcavated). Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 101. Froxfield (Rudge). Pavement. Arch. Jour. XIV. 282 ; Britton and Brayley, XV. ii. 698 ; Gent. Mag. 1838, i. 192, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 448 ; Gough's Camden, I. 163 ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 121 (plan) ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, VIII. 98, XV. 189, Minute Book, I. 129, 131, WILTSHIRE 129 165, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (drawing of pavement) ; Morgan, 105 ; Newbury Field Club Trans. IV. 202. Fyfield. Pavement. Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 89 ; Smith, 170. Grittleton. Foundations. Aubrey and Jackson, 128 n. Hannington Wick. Buildings and pavement. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxv. 232 (plan). Hasilbury Farm, see Ditteridge. Heddington. Foundations. Aubrey and Jackson, 5, 45 ; Britton and Bray ley, XV. ii. 435 ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 124 ; Mag. Brit. 1738, VI. 69 ; Marsh, A. E. W., Hist, of Calne, 260. Iford. Buildings. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. V. 5. Latton, near Cricklade. Pavement. Aubrey and Jackson, 152; Lewis, III. 31 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. ix. 232, XII. 127. Littlecote. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XXXVIII. 303 ; Britton and Brayley, XV. ii. 698 ; Fowler, No. 20 ; Gent. Mag. 1838, i. 192, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 448 ; Gough's Camden, I. 163, and Brit. Topog. II. 384; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 117 (plans); Lewis, III. 100; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, VIII. 97, and Minute Book, I. 232, 238 ; Lysons' Reliquiae, I. iv. pis. IX and X; Morgan, 33, 96, 104 ; Newbury Field Club Trans. IV. 202 ; Stukeley's Letters, ill. 254, 256 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxv. 194 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 253. Malmesbury. Hypocaust (?). Arch. Jour. XLIV. 53 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. III. 264. Marlborough, Folly Farm, see Mildenhall. Mildenhall (Folly Farm). Foundations and pavement. Britton and Brayley, XV. ii. 682 ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 71, 72 ; Smith, 221 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XIX. 86. Milton (Broomgrove). Kilns. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXVII. 294. Netheravon. Buildings and pavement. Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xxil. 275 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxxv. 533. Oliver's Camp, near Devizes. Buildings. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxxv. 441. Pitmead, see Bishopstrow. l. 9 130 WILTSHIRE — WORCESTERSHIRE Rotherley. Foundations. Pitt-Rivers, Lt.-Gen., Excavations in Cranborne Chase, II. 55, 114 (plan). Roundway Down, near Devizes. Buildings (?). Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxxv. 441. Rudge, see Froxfield. Savernake. Buildings and pavement. Bath Field Club Proc. I. iii. 91 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xix. 16, 86. Silver Street, near Bromham. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. XXXVII. in ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 124. Studley, near Calne. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour. XXXVII. 1 1 1 ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 124; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, VII. 50 ; Stukeley's Letters, III. 270 ; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXIV. 170. Swindon. Buildings. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. XXX. 90, 217 (plan). Tottenham Park. Buildings. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. VI. 262. Wanborough. Foundations. Aubrey and Jackson, 194 ; Hoare's Anc. Wilts. II. (Rom. Aera) 94. Warleigh. Buildings. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. V. 5. Warminster, see Bishopstrow. Westbury. Buildings and pavement. Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. xxv. 36. Wick. Buildings. Wilts. N. and Q. III. 3. Wraxhall, North. Buildings. Arch. Jour. xvil. 160, XVIII. 146 ; Aubrey and Jackson, 1 17 n ; Bath Field Club Proc. I. ii. 14 ; Gent. Mag. i860, ii. 157, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 354, 584; Scarth's Rom. Bath, 121 ; Somerset Arch. Soc. Proc. XII. i. 24, XXIV. ii. 14; Wilts. Arch. Soc. Mag. VII. 59 (plan), xxv. 196. WORCESTERSHIRE Allies. Allies, J. British, Roman and Saxon Antiquities of Worcestershire, 2nd ed., 1852. Nash. Nash, T. History of Worcestershire, 2 vols. 1781 — 99. V.C.H. Victoria History of the Counties of England, Worcestershire, 1. 1901. WORCESTERSHIRE— -YORKSHIRE 131 Dorn, near Blockley. Foundations. Allies, 87, 355 ; Gough's Camden, II. 489 ; Lewis, II. 73 ; Nash, I. 101 ; V.C.H. I. 221. Droitwich. Buildings and pavement. Allies, 98 ; Arch. Jour, iv. 146; B.A.A. Jour. in. 119, xxxvu. 432; Bainbridge's Droitwich Salt Springs, 1873, 45, 46; Gent. Mag. 1847, »• 72, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 356 ; V.C.H. I. 208. Orig. pav. in Worcester Museum. Eckington. Buildings. Allies, 74; V.C.H. I. 211. Kempsey. Foundations, Allies, 54 ; V.C.H. I. 210. Soddington-in-Mamble. Pavement (?) and kiln (?). Allies, 146 ; Britton and Brayley, xv. i. 277 ; Gent. Mag. 1807, ii. 1009, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 356; V.C.H. I. 220. Worcester. Foundations. Allies, 1, 15, 23 ; Gent. Mag. 1834, i. 96, i860, ii. 159, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 357 ; V.C.H. I. 203, 205, 207. Kilns. Antiquary, XLI. 82; Builder, LXXXVIII. 156; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. I. 148; Norfolk Archaeology, VI. 155; V.C.H. I. 207, 208. YORKSHIRE Allen. Allen, T. History of Yorkshire, 6 vols. 1828 — 31. Drake's Ebor. Drake, F. Eboracum, or the History of York, 1736. E. R. Antiq. Soc. Trans. East Riding Antiquarian Society Transactions, 1. — xvil. 1893 — 1 9 10. Wellbeloved. Wellbeloved, C. Eburacum, or York under the Romans, 1842. Whitaker's Craven. Whitaker, T. D. History of Craven, 3rd ed. by A. W. Morant, 1878. Whitaker's Richmond. Whitaker, T. D. History of Richmondshire, 2 vols. 1823. York Mus. Handbook. York Museum Handbook, 8th ed., 1891. Yorks. Arch. Jour. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, I. — XX. 1870 — 1909. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Proc. Yorkshire Philosophical Society Proceedings, 1855. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Reports. Yorkshire Philosophical Society Reports, 1829 — 1910. Acomb, near York. Pavement. York Mus. Handbook, 95. Part of orig. pav. in Museum. 9—2 132 YORKSHIRE Adel (Cookridge). Foundations. Gent. Mag. 1852, i. 269, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 600; Phil. Trans. XXIII. 1285. Stone aqueduct. Gough's Camden, III. 283 ; Mag. Brit. 1738, VI. 409. Aldborough (Isurium). Town, walls, buildings and pavements. Arch. Jour. VI. 98, XLIV. 53; Athenaeum, Nov. 18, 1848; B.A.A. Jour. iv. 401, v. 73, 80, xx. 39, 189, xlviii. 65, 66 ; Britton and Brayley, XVI. 670 ; Coll. Antiq. VI. 259 ; Drake's Ebor. 24; Gent. Mag. 181 1, ii. 312, 1832, i. 452, 1848, ii. 633, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 303, 361, 362 ; Fowler, No. 6 ; Gough's Camden, III. 299, and pi. XVI, fig. i. (plan) ; Illust. Lond. News, Jan. 20, 1849; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 402 ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. IV. 275 ; Leland's Itin. I. 96 ; Lewis, I. 25, 294 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, IV. 76, Proc. 2 S. VII. 280, Minute Book, VIII. 18, XIV. 170, xvill. 303, and Topog. Colls., red portfolio (lithographs of pave- ments) ; Mag. Brit. 1738, VI. 379; Morgan, 130, 140; Reliquary, VIII. 182, N.S. IV. 91 ; Smith, H. E., Reliquiae Isurianae, 1852; Thoresby, R., Ducatus Leodiensis, 1715,558; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 73, and Letters, III. 281, 302, 364 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 154, 192, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, 235 ; Yorks. Arch. Jour. x. 335, XII. 413. An orig. pav. in the museum of the Leeds Literary and Philosophical Soc. Amotherby. Paved floors. Gent. Mag. 1868, i. 83, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 362. Bishop Burton, near Beverley. Pavements. E. R. Antiq. Soc. Trans. XIV. 60 ; Drake's Ebor. 30 ; Gent, T., Hist, of Ripon, 1733, 77 ; Gough's Camden, III. 319; Oliver, G., Hist, of Beverley, 1829, 18 n, 488; Poulson, G., Beverlac, 1829, I. 16; Thoresby, R., Ducatus Leodiensis, 558. Boroughbridge, see Aldborough. Bowes. Buildings. Arch. Jour. VI. 350; Lewis, I. 307; Yorks. Arch. Jour. VII. 84. Bradley (Grimscar Wood). Hypocaust. Gent. Mag. 1852, i. 269, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 599 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeo- logia, XXXII. 24; Yorks. Arch. Jour. II. 138. See also Greteland. YORKSHIRE 1 33 Bridlington, see Rudston. Burgh, near Bainbridge. Buildings. Mag. Brit. 1738, VI. 614. Castle Dykes, see Stainley, North. Castleford. Foundations. Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 76. Castleshaw, near Delph. Station, buildings and excavations. B.A.A. Jour. N.S. xm. 198, xiv. 213; Bruton, F. A., First Interim Report on the excavations of the Roman Forts at Castleshaw, 1908 (plans, etc.) ; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. Trans. XVI. 151 ; Yorks. Arch. Jour. XX. 100 (plan). Catterick. Station, buildings, &c. Arch. Jour. VI. 213, 215; B.A.A. Jour. XLIII. 105, 238 ; Britton and Brayley, XVI. 292 ; Gough's Camden, III. 336; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 399; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XI. 317; Mag. Brit. 1738, VI. 609; Reliquary, N.S. I. 106 ; Stukeley's Itin. Curios. II. 72 ; Whitaker's Richmond, II. 22. Clementhorpe. Pavement. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Report, 1854, II. 26. Collingham (Dalton Parlours). Buildings and pavements. Antiquary, XXIX. 68 ; Gent. Mag. 1862, i. 607, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 419, 420 ; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 101 ; York Mus. Handbook, 94 ; Yorks. Phil. Soc. Proc. I. 270, and pi. 7 (plan), also Report, 1854, II. 26. Portion of orig. pav. in York Museum. Cookridge, see Adel. Dalton Parlours, see Collingham. Easingwold. Pavement. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Reports, 1854, II. 26. Elslack, near Skipton. Station, walls, gates, etc. Antiquary, xliv. 409, xlv. 201 ; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. xiv. 213, xv. 50 ; Builder, XCVI. 656. Etton, near Beverley. Hypocaust or kiln. Mortimer, J. R., Forty years Researches in British, etc. Burial Mounds in East Yorks. 1905, 342. Filey. Building. B.A.A. Jour. XLIV. 355 ; Scarborough Philo- sophical and Archaeological Society, 26th Report, 1857, 18 (plan) ; Yorks. Arch. Jour. IV. 68 (plan). Gargrave. Foundations and pavement. Allen, VI. 46; Lewis, II. 276 ; Whitaker's Craven, 229. 1 34 YORKSHIRE Greta Bridge. Bridge. Gough's Camden, III. 338. Buildings. Lond. S.A. Minute Book, XVI. 442. Greteland, near Halifax. Foundations. Yorks. Arch. Jour. II. 139; see also Bradley. Grimscar Wood, see Bradley. Harpham. Pavement. Antiquary, XL. 322 ; Athenaeum, Feb. 2 5> l 9°5> E-R- Antiq. Soc. Trans. XII. xxi, XIII. ii. 141 (plan), XIV. 59; Hull Scientific and Field Nat. Club Trans. III. 173; Hull Museum Publications, Nos. 22 and 23; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XX. 215. Portions of orig. pavs. in Hull Museum. Hartlington Bumsall (Upper Wharfedale). Kiln. Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. IV. 47. Hovingham. Buildings and pavements. Gough's Brit. Topog. II. 467, and Camden, III. 328 ; King's Mun. Antiq. II. 169 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVII. 404, and Minute Book, V. 151; Morgan, 142; Stukeley's Letters, III. 354, 356. Ilkley. Foundations. Antiquary, XI. 36; Whitaker's Craven, 286. Kilham, see Rudston. Langtoft, near Driffield. Hypocaust or kiln. Mortimer, J. R., Forty years Researches in British, etc. Burial Mounds in E. Yorks. 1905, 341. Langton. Building. E.R. Antiq. Soc. Trans. X. 71 (plan); Yorks. Phil. Soc. Reports, 1863, 21. Malton (Mosley Bank). Pavement. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXVII. 404; Morgan, 142. Middleham. Foundations. Antiquary, IV. 274 ; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. XII. 288 ; Yorks. Arch. Jour. VII. 459. Millington. Buildings. E.R. Antiq. Soc. Trans, vil. 44 ; Gough's Camden, III. 313; Lewis, III. 305; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, V. 62 ; Phil. Trans. No. 483, 541 ; Poulson, G., Beverlac, 1829, I. 10. Mosley Bank, see Malton. Oulston, near Easingwold. Building and pavement. Antiquary, xxix. 68; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. 111. 135; Newcastle S.A. Proc. IV. 57 ; York Mus. Handbook, 93. Portion of orig. pav. in York Museum. Rotherham, see Templeborough. YORKSHIRE 135 Rudston and Kilham (between). Pavement. Athenaeum, Sept. 14, 1839; Gent. Mag. 1839, "• 4 IO > anc * Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 364. Slack, near Huddersfield. Station, buildings, etc. Antiquary, xliv. 165 ; Arch. Jour, xxill. 66, xxiv. 289 (plan); B.A.A. Jour. xx. 209, N.S. xiv. 141 ; Gent. Mag. 1824, i. 261, 1840, i. 521, 1866, i. 37, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 371, 372; Gough's Camden, III. 274; Lewis, III. 168; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XXXH. 20 ; Whitaker's Manchester, I. 128; Yorks. Arch. Jour. I. 1 (plan), II. 134. Stainley, North (Castle Dykes). Buildings. Arch. Jour. XXXII. 135 (plan), 251, and Ripon Manual (Yorks. Arch, and Topog. Assoc. 1874), 3& Tadcaster. Bridge. Godwin's Arch. Handbook, 34 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. II. 187 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 226. Templeborough, near Rotherham. Buildings. Arch. Jour. XXXV. 66, 101 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxxiii. 503 (plan), xxxiv. 243, 248, 249 n; Builder, XXXV. n 39; Coll. Antiq. VII. 99 (plan); Gough's Camden, III. 266 ; Guest, J., Hist, of Rotherham, 1879, 593 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 482 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. VII. 330 ; Yorks. Arch. Jour. V. 477. Well, near Bedale. Foundations and pavement. Antiquary, XXV. 91 ; B.A.A. Jour. XLII. 433 ; Gough's Brit. Topog. II. 467, and Camden, III. 334; Lond. S.A. Minute Book, II. 148; Newcastle S.A. Proc. 3 S. II. 326 n ; Reliquary, N.S. I. 108 ; Yorks. Arch. Jour. VII. 284. York {Eboracum). City, gates, walls, multangular tower, etc. Allen, II. 45 ; Arch. Jour. XXXI. 221, Norwich vol. 1847, 131, and Winchester vol. 1845, under Porchester Castle, 9; Britton and Brayley, XVI. 109 ; Drake's Ebor. 56, 57 ; God- win's Arch. Handbook, 36; Gough's Camden, III. 303; Half- penny, J., Fragmenta Vetusta, 1807, pis. 1, 2; Lewis, IV. 703; Mag. Brit. 1738, VI. 337; Phil. Trans. XIII. 1683; Scarth's Rom. Brit. 98 ; Stukeley's Letters, III. 378, 379 ; Well- beloved, 47 — 59 (plans, etc.); Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 173, 188, and Wanderings of an Antiquary, 212; Yorks. Arch. Jour. IV. 4; Yorks. Phil. Soc. Reports, i860, 10, 30, 1893, 8 ; York Herald, June 7, 1910. 136 YORKSHIRE York. Bridge. Stukeley's Letters, III. 378. Cherry Hill (Clementhorpe). Pavement. Arch. Jour. X. 166; Gent. Mag. 185 1, ii. 418, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 382 ; York Mus. Handbook, 94. Original drawing in the Museum. Clifton. Pavement. Antiquary, VI. 35 ; Wellbeloved, 68. Davygate and Lendal (between). Foundations. Allen, II. 29; Gough's Camden, III. 303. Dowgate. Foundations. Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, II. 181. Fishergate postern. Arches of gritstone. Allen, II. 44. Fossbridge (near). Pavements. Gent. Mag. 1825, ii. 75, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 379. Friar's garden. Foundations. Allen, II. 27; Gent. Mag. 1770, 391, 1833, i. 357, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 378, 379; Gough's Camden, III. 302; Wellbeloved, 70, 71, 72, 76, 91. Goodramgate. Foundation. Gent. Mag. i860, ii. 222, 1861, i. 48, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 383. Micklegate Bar. Pavement. Allen, II. 33 ; Antiquary, XXIX. 66 ; Fowler, 2nd Appendix, No. 4 ; Wellbeloved, 66 ; York Mus. Handbook, 95. Part of orig. pav. in Museum. The Mount. Sepulchral chamber. Allen, II. 32 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, XVI, 340 ; Wellbeloved, 107. The Mount. Bath. Arch. Jour. X. 64. North Street. Buildings. Yorks. Phil. Soc. Report, 1893, 8. St Mary in Castlegate. Pavement. York Mus. Handbook, 95. Coloured rubbing in Museum. Tanner Row. Pavement. Arch. Jour. x. 166; York Mus. Handbook, 94. A portion of orig. pav. in Museum. Toft Green. Pavements. Gent. Mag. 1853, i. 398, and Lib. Rom. Brit. Rem. ii. 383 ; York Mus. Handbook, 28, 94. Orig. pav. in Museum. SCOTLAND Chalmers' Caledonia. Chalmers, G. Caledonia, 2 vols., 1807 — 10. Christison. Christison, D. Early Fortifications in Scotland, 1898. Gordon. Gordon, A. Itinerarium Septentrionale, 1726. Hodgson's Northumb. Hodgson, J. History of Northumberland, 3 vols., 1820-58. Maitland. Maitland, W. History and Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols., 1757. Macdonald. Macdonald, G. The Roman Wall of Scotland, 191 1. Roy. Roy, W. Military Antiquities of the Romans, 1793. Scot. S. A. Scotland, Society of Antiquaries of : (a) Archaeologia Scotica, 1792 — 1890. (b) Proceedings, I. — xlii. 1855 — 1909. Stuart. Stuart, R. Caledonia Romana, 2nd ed., 1852. DUMBARTONSHIRE Auchindavy. Fort. Gordon, 54 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 266; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 169; Macdonald, 182; Roy, 159, 160, and pi. XXXV ; Stuart, 326. Bar Hill. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Builder, LXXXVI. 389; Gordon, 54; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 265; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 169; Macdonald, 96, pi. V, 187 — 202, pi. XXII (plan); Newcastle S.A. Proc. 3 S. III. 231 ; Re- liquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XII. 4 ; Roy, 160, and pi. XXXV ; Scot. S.A. Proc. XL. 403 (plans, etc.) ; Stuart, 336. Castle Hill. Fort. Gordon, 52; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 268; Macdonald, 160; Roy, 158; Stuart, 305. Dumbarton. Tower (?). Gough's Camden, IV. 92; Stuart, 174. Duntocher or Duntochter. Fort and buildings. Gordon, 51 ; Gough's Camden, IV. 102; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 268; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 164; Knox, J., View of Scotland, 3rd ed. 1785, II. 611; Macdonald, 155, 157; Roy, 158, and pi. XXXV ; Stuart, 295, 302 (plan). 138 DUMBARTONSHIRE — DUMFRIESSHIRE Kilpatrick or Kirkpatrick, New or East. Fort Gordon, 53 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 267 ; Macdonald, 162 ; Roy r 158 ; Stuart, 312. Kilpatrick or Kirkpatrick, Old or West. Fort and building. Bruce, J., History of the Parish of West or Old Kilpatrick (1893), 36; Gordon, 50; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 268 ; Macdonald, 154; Roy, 157; Stuart, 287, 294. Kirkintilloch. Fort, buildings, etc. B.A.A. Jour. XLIV. 389; Gibson's Camden (1695), 959; Gordon, 54; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 266 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 168 ; Mac- donald, 174; Roy, 159, and pi. xxxv ; Stuart, 322. Westerwood. Fort. Gordon, 56 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 265 ; Macdonald, 205 ; Roy, 160; Stuart, 343. The Wall. Arch. Jour. XV. 25 ; B.A.A. Jour. XLV. 131 ; Gordon, cap. VI. 50 ; Hodgson's Northumb. Hi. ii. 260 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. cap. X. 158; Lane, and Ches. Antiq. Soc. XI. 170; Lond. S.A. Proc. 1 S. I. 7 ; Newcastle S.A. Proc. 3 S. III. 229; Roy, cap. IV. 148 ; Stuart, cap. IV. 271. DUMFRIESSHIRE Avon Valley. Foundations. Athenaeum, Jan. 2, 1847; Dum- fries Courier. Birrens. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, I. 91 > XXXI. 301; Christison, 72; Gordon, 18; Gough's Camden, IV. 61 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 251 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVI. 193 ; Maitland, I. 291 ; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XII. 7; Roy, 118, 119, and pi. XXIV; Scot. S.A. Proc. XXX. 81 (plans, etc.) ; Stuart, 122; Stukeley's Letters, III. 400. Birrenswark. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Christison, 85 ; Gordon, 16; Gough's Camden, IV. 62; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVIII. 373; Maitland, I. 292; Roy, 72, 119, and pi. XVI; Scot. S.A. Proc. XXXIII. 198 (plans, etc.) ; Stuart, 132. Middleby. Buildings. Bruce's Rom. Wall, 359; Stukeley's Letters, II. 87. ELGINSHIRE— PEEBLESSHIRE 1 39 ELGINSHIRE Burghead. Fort, etc. Chalmer's Caledonia, I. viii. 130; Christi- son, 150, 254; Roy, 131, and pis. XXXIII — IV; Scot. S.A. Proc. IV. 353 (plan), xxiv. 147 (plan), xxv. 435; Stuart, 213. FIFESHIRE Carpow, near Newburgh. Buildings. Small, A., Roman An- tiquities in Fife, 1823, 175. LANARKSHIRE Bemulie. Fort, buildings, etc. Gordon, 53 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 267; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 167; Mac- donald, 165; Roy, 159, and pi. XXXV; Stuart, 317. Cadder, or Calder. Fort(?). Gordon, 21, 54; Macdonald, 169 — 73; R°y> 159; Scot. S.A. Proc. I. 170; Stuart, 321. Carstairs. Buildings. Stuart, 139, 141. LINLITHGOWSHIRE Inveravon. Fort, buildings, etc. Macdonald, 241 ; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 264; Stuart, 361. MID-LOTHIAN Cramond. Fort and buildings. Gordon, 116; Gough's Camden, IV. 57 ; Hodgson's Northumb. HI. ii. 263 ; Maitland, I. 203 ; Stuart, 165. Inveresk. Buildings. Chambers, R., Domestic Annals of Scot- land, 1858, 1. 33 ; Gough's Camden, IV. 47 ; Scot. S.A. Arch. Scot. II. 159, and Proc. VI. 179 ; Stuart, 156, and pi. IV (plan). PEEBLESSHIRE Lyne. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Christison, 82 ; Re- liquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XII. 16; Roy, 122, and pi. xxvili ; Scot. S.A. Proc. XXXV. 154 (plans, etc.); Stuart, 154. 140 PERTHSHIRE — ROXBURGHSHIRE PERTHSHIRE Ardoch. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, XXXIII. 19; Blair Drummond Papers, Historical MSS. Commission, 10th Report, pt. i. 130; Christison, 73; Gordon, 41 ; Gough's Camden, IV. 121 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVIII. 371 ; Mait- land, 1. 191 ; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XII. 8 ; Roy, 82, 126, and pis. X, XXX; Scot. Hist. Soc. Publications, 1892, 258 (Memoirs of Sir John Clerk of Penicuick) ; Scot. S.A. Proc. xxxil. 399 (plans, etc.); Sibbald, Sir R., Hist. Inquiries concerning Roman Antiquities in Scotland, 1707, 37; Stuart, 188. Inchtuthil. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Athenaeum, Sept. 7, 1901 ; Chalmer's Caledonia, I. 132; Curie, J., The Fort at Newstead, 191 1, 91 (plan of baths) ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 72 (plan of baths) ; Gough's Camden, IV. 138; Maitland, I. 199; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XII. 15 ; Roy, 75, 133, and pi. xvm ; Scot. S.A. Proc. XXXVI. 182 (plans, etc.); Stuart, 210. ROXBURGHSHIRE Jedburgh (Cappuck Farm). Foundations. Reliquary, N.S. I. 177; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. XII. 17. Newstead, near Melrose. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, XLI. 284, 321, 405, 468; B.A.A. Jour. 2 S. XII. 286, XIV. 69, 214; Berwickshire Nat. Club Proc. V. 8; Builder, xcil. 1 1 1 ; Curie, J., A Roman Frontier Post and its people: The Fort at Newstead, 191 1 (plans, etc.); Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xxi. 163 ; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XII. 17; Roy, 115, and pi. XXI; Scot. S.A. Arch. Scotica, IV. 422, and Proc. I. 28, 213 ; Stuart, 262. Ruberslaw. Buildings. Scot. S.A. Proc. XXXIX. 219. STIRLINGSHIRE 141 STIRLINGSHIRE Bankier, West. Fort, buildings, etc. Gordon, 20. Camelon, near Falkirk. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Anti- quary, xxxv. 249; Builder, LXXVI. 282; Gordon, 29; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 172 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, I. 231; Macdonald, 250; Maitland, I. 206; Newcastle S.A. Proc. X. 217, 231 (plan); Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XII. 8; Roy, 126, and pi. xxix ; Scot. S.A. Proc. xxxv. 329 (plans, etc.); Stuart, 180. Arthur's Oon, or Oven. Gordon, cap. III. 24 ; Gough's Cam- den, IV. 96, 103; Horsley's Rom. Brit. 174; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, V. 252; Maitland, I. 208; Newcastle S.A. Proc. X. 217; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XII. 10; R °y> 153, and pi. xxxvi ; Stuart, 183; Stukeley's Letters, III. 414, 432. Castlecary. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, XXXVIII. 176, 324, 377; Gordon, 57; Hodgson's Northumb. III. ii. 264; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 170; Macdonald, 207, pi. XXVII (plan) ; Newcastle S.A. Proc. X. 225 ; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. xii. 10; Roy, 123, 160, 200, and pis. xxxv, xxxix (plan of house); Scot. S.A. Proc. xxxvu. 271 (plans, etc.) ; Stuart, 343. Mumrills. Fort. Macdonald, 239; Maitland, I. 172. Roughcastle. Fort, buildings, excavations, etc. Antiquary, XXXIX. 321 ; Gordon, 59 ; Hodgson^ Northumb. HI. ii. 264 ; Horsley's Brit. Rom. 172; Macdonald, 96, pi. V, 220, pi. xxxill (plan) ; Newcastle S.A. Proc. x. 230, 3 S. in. 230 ; Nimmo's Hist, of Stirlingshire, 1777, 8 ; Reliquary and Illust. Arch. N.S. XII. 13; Roy, 161, and pi. xxxv; Scot. S.A. Proc. xxxix. 442 (plans, etc.); Stuart, 353. Watling Lodge, near Falkirk. Guard House. Macdonald, 248 (plan). The Wall, see Dumbartonshire. WALES Arch. Cambrensis. Archaeologia Cambrensis, published by the Cambrian Archaeological Association, I. — IV. 1846 — 49, 2 S. I. — V. 1850 — 54, 3 S. i.— xv. 1855—69, 4 S. 1.— xiv. 1870—83, 5 S. 1.— xvii. 1884— 1900, 6 S, 1. — x. 1901 — 10. Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. Cymmrodorion Society Transactions, 1908 — 9. Hoare's Giraldus Cambrensis. Hoare, Sir R. C. Giraldus Cambrensis, 2 vols., 1806. Lewis. Lewis, S. A Topographical Dictionary of Wales, 3rd ed., 2 vols., 1845. Montgomery Colls. Montgomeryshire Collections, published by the Powys- Land Club, 1.— xxxv. 1868— 1910. Pennant's Tour. Pennant, T. Tour in Wales, 2 vols., 1784. Wyndham. Wyndham, H. P. Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, 2 ed., 4to., 1 781. BRECKNOCKSHIRE Coelbren. Fort, with brick floors and stone pitchings. Arch. Cambrensis, 6 S. VII. 135; Builder, xci. 330; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 149. Cwmdu, see Penygaer. Gaer Bannan, near Brecknock. Fort, buildings, etc. Arch. Cambrensis, 4 S. IX. 235, 6 S. III. 174; Britton and Brayley, xvili. 3; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 115 (plan), 187; Gough's Camden, ill. 102; Hoare's Giraldus Cam- brensis, I. cxlix; Jones, T., Hist, of Brecknockshire, 1805 — 9, II. 102; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, I. 294, II. 21, 22, VI. 8, and Minute Book, XI. 97 ; Wyndham, 196. Llanvrynach (Penypentre Farm). Buildings and pavement. Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 125 n; Jones, T., Hist, of Brecknockshire, 1805 — 9, II. 599 (plan); Lewis, II. 151 ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, vil. 205 (plan). Penygaer, near Crickhowel (Cwmdu). Fort, buildings, etc. CARDIGANSHIRE — CARMARTHENSHIRE— CARNARVONSHIRE 143 Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 126; Jones' Brecknock, II. 499 (plan); Lewis, II. 138; Scot. S.A. Archaeologia Scotica, III. 91 (plan). CARDIGANSHIRE Llanio. Fort and buildings. Arch. Cambrensis, 3 S. XIV. 450, 4 S. IV. 1 13, 5 S. V. 297 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 106; Gough's Camden, III. 158; Meyrick, S. R., Hist, of Cardiganshire, 18 10, x, 272. CARMARTHENSHIRE Abercover, near Carmarthen. Pavement. B.A.A. Jour. XXIV. 113. Carmarthen. Buildings. Antiquary, xxxm, 231 ; Lond. S.A. Proa 2 S. xvi. 409. Cwmbrwyn. Fort and buildings. Arch. Cambrensis, 5 S. VII. 334, 6 S. VII. 175 (plans, etc.); Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 162 (plan) ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. XVI. 409. Dolau-Cothy (Tre-G6ch). Buildings and pavement. Arch. Cambrensis, 4 S. IX. 320, 5 S. v. 298, X. 90; Cymmrodorion Soc Trans. 1908 — 9, III. Llandovery. Fort (?) and buildings (?). Arch. Cambrensis, 4 S. IV. 125 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 112. CARNARVONSHIRE Caerhun. Fort and buildings. B.A.A. Jour. xxiv. 1 10, N.S. IV. 83, 86 ; Britton and Brayley, XVII. 475 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 81 (plan); Gent. Mag. 1797, i. 296; Gough's Camden, III. 190; Hartshorne's Salopia Antiqua, 117 n; Lewis, 1. 145; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, xvi. 127 (plan). Carnarvon. Fort and buildings. Arch. Cambrensis, 1. yy f 177 (plan), 284 (plan), 5 S. X. 190 (plan), 276; Arch. Jour. ill. 69; B.A.A. Jour- N.S. I. 21, Xll. 210; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 144 DENBIGHSHIRE — FLINTSHIRE — GLAMORGANSHIRE 1908 — 9, 83, 84; Hoare's Giraldus Cambrensis, II, 94; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, VI. 8 ; Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 150. Glasfryn, near Tremadoc. Buildings. Arch. Cambrensis, 6 S. VIII. 287, IX. 473, 477 (plans, etc.) ; B.A.A. Jour. N.S. XII. 206. Llanbeblig, see Carnarvon. DENBIGHSHIRE Abergele. Pharos. B.A.A. Jour, xxxiv. 434. Holt. Hypocaust. Arch. Cambrensis, 6 S. VI. 238 ; Watkin's Rom. Cheshire, 305. Pont Ruffyd. Buildings (?). Arch. Cambrensis, 5 S. IV. 345 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 79. Vale Crucis Abbey. Hypocaust (?). Antiquary, XXXVI. 106; Arch. Cambrensis, 5 S. XL 220. FLINTSHIRE Garreg, near Holywell. Pharos. Antiquary, XL. 292 ; Arch. Jour. LX. 210, 247; Britton and Brayley, XVII. 737; Pennant, T., Hist, of Whiteford and Holywell, 1796, in. Hope (Estyn). Buildings. Arch. Cambrensis, 4 S. II. 98 ; B.A.A. Jour, xxxiv. 431 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 76 ; Gough's Camden, III. 222; Hartshorne's Salopia Antiqua, 117 n; Lewis, I. 429; Watkin's Rom. Cheshire, 306 n. Pentre-fTwrndan, near Flint. Walls, and lead works. Arch. Cambrensis, 3 S. II. 306. Wrexham. Buildings. B.A.A. Jour, xxxiv. 434; Lewis, II. 441. GLAMORGANSHIRE Barry Island. Stone well. B.A.A. Jour. N.S. I. 358. Cardiff. Fort, buildings, and excavations. Antiquary, xxxiv. 233; Arch. Cambrensis, 3 S. VIII. 253 n, 5 S. xvn. 283, 6 S. I. 70 (plan, etc.), Vlll. 29 (plan, etc.), 227 ; B.A.A. Jour. GLAMORGANSHIRE— MERIONETHSHIRE 145 XLIX. 220, 308, N.S. vii. 27 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 154 (plan, etc.); Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, 11. 10, lvii. 335 (plan, etc.); Public Advertiser, Oct. 9, 1777. Cardiff (Ely Racecourse). Buildings. Antiquary, xxix. 234, xxx. 46, 208; Arch. Cambrensis, 5 S. XI. 326; B.A.A. Jour. L. 326; Builder, LXVII. 244; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 159 n. Gellygaer. Fort, buildings, and excavations. Antiquary, xxxvi. 106, xxxvii. 13, XLiv. 245 ; Arch. Cambrensis, 3 S. XV. 86, 6 S. in. 14; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 130 (plan, etc.) ; Lewis, 1. 354 ; Ward, J., The Roman Fort of Gellygaer, 1903 (plans, etc.), also issued as vol. XXXV. of The Trans, of the Cardiff Naturalists Society. Llantwit Major. Buildings and pavement. Antiquary, XIX. 33; Athenaeum, Oct. 20, 1888 ; Arch. Cambrensis, 5 S. v. 413 ; Arch. Review, 11. 254; B.A.A. Jour. XLIV. 69; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 159 n ; Pitt-Rivers, Lt. Gen., Excava- tions in Bokerley Dyke and Wansdyke, 288. Loughor or Llychwr. Buildings. Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 160; Lewis, II. 181. Pennydarren, near Merthyr Tydfil. Fort, buildings, and pave- ment. Antiquary, XXXVIII. 324, 377, XLI. 244, XLII. 45, 361 ; Arch. Cambrensis, 6 S. VI. 193 (plans, etc.); Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908—9, 142 ; Wilkin, C, Hist, of Merthyr Tydfil, 1867, 2. MERIONETHSHIRE Aberglaslyn Pass. Fort, foundations of guardhouse. B.A.A. Jour, xxxiv. 1 10, 460. Caergai, near Bala. Fort, buildings, etc. Arch. Cambrensis, 5 S. II. 196 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 95 (plan). Tomen-y-mur. Fort, buildings, etc. Arch. Cambrensis, 2 S. I. 327, 3 S. xiv. 474, 4 S. 11. 190, 5 S. 1. 334; B.A.A. Jour. xxiv. 117, xxvii. 278; Britton and Brayley, xvn. 932; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 90 (plan, etc.); Hoare's Giraldus Cambrensis, I. cliii. l. 10 I46 MONTGOMERYSHIRE— PEMBROKESHIRE — RADNORSHIRE MONTGOMERYSHIRE Caersws. Fort, buildings, etc. Antiquary, XLV. 333 (plan); Arch. Cambrensis, ill. 91, 3 S. Hi. 151, 309, 4 S. HI. 75; Arch. Jour. XIV. 84; Britton and Brayley, XVII. 838 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 100 (plan) ; Gough's Camden, HI. 164; Hoare's Giraldus Cambrensis, I. clvii ; Montgomery, Colls. II. 46, 54, 56 (plan) ; Pennant's Tour, II. 362. Pennal. Fort, buildings, etc. Arch. Cambrensis, 3 S. XII. 542 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 98. PEMBROKESHIRE Ambleston (Castle Flemish?). Foundations. Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 164; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xvi. 409. Ford. Buildings. Britton and Brayley, XVIII. 737 ; Cymmro- dorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 195 ; Fenton, R., Tour through Pembrokeshire, 181 1, 331 ; Lond. S.A. Proc. 2 S. xvi. 409. RADNORSHIRE Castell Collin, near Llandrindod. Fort, foundations, etc. Arch. Cambrensis, 3 S. II. 32, 4 S. I. 58, 6 S. XI. 411 ; Britton and Brayley, XVIII. 874 ; Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans. 1908 — 9, 105 ; Hoare's Giraldus Cambrensis, I. clvi ; Lond. S.A. Archaeologia, I. 303, IV. 5, VI. 8, XVII. 168, and Minute Book, XI. 101 ; Williams, J., Hist, of Radnorshire, 1859, 48, 50. INDEX Abbot's Ann, Hants. 36 Abercover, Carm. 143 Abergavenny, Mon. 87 Abergele, Denbigh. 144 Aberglaslyn Pass, Merion. 145 Abingdon, Berks. 1 Abinger, Surrey 120 Acomb, Yorks. 131 Acton Scott, Salop. 106 Adel, Yorks. 132 Aesica, see Chesters, Great Albury, Surrey 120 Alchester, Oxon. 103 Alchester, Warwick. 125 Alcombe, Soms. 108 Aid borough (Isurium), Yorks. 132 Aldeburgh, Suff. 118 Alice Holt Woods, Hants. 37 Allington, Kent 47 Alresford, Essex 23 Alton, Hants. 37 Al walton, see Castor Ambleston, Pemb. 146 Amboglanna, see Birdoswald Amotherby, Yorks. 132 Anavio, see B rough Ancaster (Causennae), Lines. 60 Anderida, see Pevensey Andover, Hants. 37 Angmering, Sussex 122 Apethorpe, Northants. 90 Appleby, Lines. 60 Appleshaw, Hants. 37 Aquae, see Buxton Aquae Suits, see Bath Arbury, Cambs. 5 Ardoch, Perth. 140 Arthur's Oon, see Camelon Arundel, Sussex 122 Ashdon, Essex 23 Ashill, Norfolk 89 Ashley, Northants. 91 Ashton, Northants. 91 Ashton, Long, Soms. 108 Auchindavy, Dumbarton. 137 Avon Valley, Dumfries. 138 Aylesford, Kent 47 Badlesmere, Kent 47 Bagber, see Milton Abbas Bagshot Heath, Berks. 1 Bankier, West, Stirling. 141 Ban well, Soms. 108 Barham, Suff. 118 Bar Hill, Dumbarton. 137 Barming, Kent 47 Barry Island, Glam. 144 Bartlow, Essex 23 Barton-upon-Trent, Notts. 101 Basildon, Berks. 1 Bath {Aquae Suits), Soms. 108 Bathampton, Soms. no Bathford, Soms. no Bathwick, Soms. in Bawdrip, Soms. Ill Baydon, Wilts. 127 Bayford, see Stoke Trister Beach, see Tracy Park Beaconsfield Farm, see Tew, Great Beckfoot, see Mawbray Beckley, Oxon. 103 Beddington, Surrey 120 Bedford 1 Bedford Purlieus, see Castor Bedfordshire, 1 Bedwyn, Great, Wilts. 127 Bemulie, Lanark. 139 Ben well {Condercum), Northumb. 94 Bere Regis, Dorset. 17 Berkshire, 1 — 3 Berry Head, see Brixham Bewcastle, Cumb. 9 Bibury, Glouc. 29 Bighton, Hants. 37 Bignor, Sussex 122 Billericay, Essex 23 Binchester (Vinovium), Durham ai Binsted, see Wick 148 INDEX Birdoswald (Amboglanna), Cumb. 9 Birkenhead, Cheshire 6 Birrens, Dumfries. 138 Birrenswarjt, Dumfries. 138 Bishop Burton, Yorks. 132 Bishopstoke, Hants. 37 Bishopstone, Hereford. 43 Bishopstrow, Wilts. 127 Bisley, Glouc. 29 Bitterne (Clausentum) % Hants. 37 Bitton, Glouc. 29 Blatchington, West, Sussex 123 Bletchingley, Surrey 121 Bletchley, see Shenley Blewbury, Berks. 2 Bloxham, Oxon. 103 Blyborough, Lines. 60 Bolitree, see Weston-under-Penyard Borcovicus, see Housesteads Borden, Kent 47 Boroughbridge, see Aldborough Borough Hill, see Daventry Borrowdale, Cumb. 9 Bosham, Sussex 123 Bossens, see St Erth Bossington, Hants. 37 Boston, Lines. 60 Botley, Hants. 37 Bottesford, Lines. 60 Boughton Monchelsea, Kent 47 Bourne, Lines. 61 Bourton-on-the- Water, Glouc. 29 Bowden, Cheshire 6 Bowes, Yorks. 132 Bowes Moor, see Maiden Castle Bowness-on-Solway, Cumb. 9 Bowood, Wilts. 127 Bex, Wilts. 127 Boxford, Berks. 2 Boxmoor, Herts. 45 Boxted, see Newington Bradfield, Berks. 2 Bradford Abbas, Dorset. 18 Brading, I.W., Hants. 37 Bradley, Yorks. 132 Bradwell, Derby. 15 Bradwell-near-the-Sea (Othona), Essex 23 Bramber, Sussex 123 Bramdean, Hants. 38 Brampton, Cumb. 10 Brampton, Norfolk 89 Brancaster (Branodunum), Norfolk 89 Branodunum, see Brancaster Bratton, Soms. in Braughing, Herts. 45 Brean Down, Soms. in Brecknockshire, 142 Bremenium, see Rochester, High Bremetennacum, set Ribchester Brickhill, Bow, see Fenny Stratford Bridgeford, East, Notts. 101 Bridlington, see Rudston Brightlingsea, Essex 23 Brighton, Sussex 123 Brimpton, Berks. 2 Brinkburn, Nor thumb. 95 Brinsop, Hereford. 44 Brislington, Soms. in Brixham, Devon. 16 Brixton, I.W., Hants. 38 Brixworth, Northants. 91 Broadstreet Green, see Worplesdon Brockley Hills, see Elstree Brockworth, see Witcombe Bromham, Wilts. 127 Broomgrove, see Milton Brough {Anavio), Derby. 15 Brough (Crococolana), Notts. 10 1 Brougham, Westd. 126 Broughton, Nether, Leics. 56 Brown's Hill, see Stroud Brundall, Norfolk 89 Brunstock Park, Cumb. 10 Brushing Farm, see Boughton Monchelsea Buckingham, see Foscott Buckinghamshire, 4 Buckland, Kent 47 Bucklebury, Berks. 2 Burgh (near Woodbridge), Suff. 118 Burgh, Yorks. 133 Burgh Castle (Garianonum), Suff. 118 Burgh-on-Sands, Cumb. 10 Burghead, Elgin. 139 . Burham, Kent 47 Burnett, see Corston Burrough-on-the-Hill, Leics. 56 Burton, see Dalton-near-Warton Burwell, Cambs. 5 Bury Hill, see Weston-under-Penyard Busy Gap, Northumb. 95 Butleigh Wootton, see Street Buxton (Aquae), Derby. 15 Bywell, Northumb. 95 Cadbury, see Tickenham Cadder or Calder, Lanark. 139 Caergai, Merion. 145 Caerhun, Cam. 143 Caerleon (Isca Silurum), Mon. 87 Caermote, Cumb. 10 Caersws, Mont. 146 Caervoran (Magna), Northumb. 95 Caerwent (Venta Silurum), Mon. 87 Caistor, Lines. 61 Caistor-by-Norwich (Venta Icenorum)> Norfolk 89 Caistor-by- Yarmouth, Norfolk 89 Calder, see Cadder Calleva Atrebatum, see Silchester Calne, see Studley INDEX 149 Cambeck Fort, see Castlesteads Cambridge 5 Cambridgeshire 5 Camelon, Stirling 141 Camerton, Soms. 111 Camulodunum, see Colchester Candover, Chilton, Hants. 38 Canterbury (Durovemum), Kent 48 Cappuck Farm, see Jedburgh Cardiff, Glam. 144 Cardiganshire 143 Carisbroke, I.W., Hants. 38 Carlisle {Luguvallium), Cumb. 10 Carlisle, Old, Cumb. 11 Carmarthen 143 Carmarthenshire 143 Carnarvon 143 Carnarvonshire 143 Carpow, Fife. 139 Carrawburgh {Procolitia), Northumb. 95 Carstairs, Lanark. 139 Castell Collen, Radnor. 146 Casterton, Great, Rutland 105 Castlecary, Stirling. 141 Castle Dykes, see Stainley, North Castlefield, see Andover Castle Flemish, see Ambleston Castleford, Yorks. 133 Castle Hill, Dumbarton. 137 Castle Nick, Northumb. 95 Castleshaw, Yorks. 133 Castlesteads, Cumb. 11 Castor (Durobrivae), Northants. 91 Catterick, Yorks. 133 Causennae, see Ancaster Cawfields, Northumb. 95 Chaddleworth, Berks. 2 Challow Hill, see Ditchley Chanctonbury Ring, Sussex 123 Chard, Soms. in Charlton Mackrell, Soms. in Charminster, Dorset. 18 Chatham, Kent 48 Chedworth, Glouc. 29 Chedzoy, Soms. in Chelmsford, Essex 23 Cheney Court, see Alcombe Chenies, Bucks. 4 Chepstow, Mon. 88 Cherington, Glouc. 30 Cheshire 5 — 8 Chester (Deva) 6 Chester, Little (Derventio), Derby. 15 Chester-le-Street, Durham 22 Chesterblade, Soms. in Chesterford, Great, Essex 23 Chesterholm or Little Chesters {Vindo- /ana), Northumb. 95 Chesterton, see Castor Chesters (Cilurnum), Northumb. 95 Chesters, Great (Aesica), Northumb. 96 Chesters, Halton {Hunnum), Northumb. 97 Chesters, Little (Vindolana), Northumb. 95 Chew Stoke, Soms. in Chichester {Regnum), Sussex 123 Chiddingfold, Surrey 121 Chigwell, Essex 24 Chilgrove, Sussex 123 Chilham, Kent 48 Chilton Polden, see Polden Chipping Ongar, Essex 24 Chipping Warden, Northants. 91 Chudleigh, Devon. 16 Cilurnum, see Chesters Cirencester {Corinium), Glouc. 30 Clanville, see Weyhill Clarendon Wood, Wilts. 128 Clatterford, I.W., Hants. 38 Clausentum, see Bitterne Claxby, Lines. 61 Clayton, Sussex 123 Clementhorpe, Yorks. 133 Coddenham, Suff. 119 Coed-y-Gravel, see Walterstone Coelbren, Brecknock. 142 Coggeshall, Essex 24 Coker, East, Soms. 112 Coker, West, Soms. 112 Colchester {Camulodunum), Essex 24 Cold Harbour Farm, see Tracy Park Colerne, Wilts. 128 Colesbourne, Glouc. 31 Coleshill, Herts. 45 Colley Farm, see Reigate Collingham, Yorks. 133 Collingham, South, see Brough and Cromwell Combe Down, Soms. 112 Combend, see Colesbourne Combe St Nicholas, Soms. 112 Comberton, Cambs. 5 Combly, I.W., Hants. 38 Condercum, see Benwell Congresbury, Soms. 112 Congrove, see Tracy Park Cookridge, see Adel Coombe, see Woolavington Coombe Hill, see Kingston Copley, see Kingweston Corbridge {Corstopitum), Northumb. 97 Corby, Northants. 91 Corhampton, Hants. 38 Corinium, see Cirencester Cornwall 8 Corston, Soms. 112 Corstopitum, see Corbridge Cotterstock, Northants. 91 Coventry, Warwick. 125 10—3 150 INDEX Cramond, Mid-Lothian 139 Cranhill, see Letcombe Regis Cranmore, West, Soms. 112 Crayford, Kent 48 Crich, Derby. 16 Cricklade, see Latton Crococolana> see Brough Croft, Leics. 56 Cromhall, Glouc. 31 Cromwell, Notts. 10 1 Crondall, Hants. 38 Cumberland 8 — 15 Curry Rivel, Soms. 112 Custom Scrubs, see Bisley Cuxton, Kent 49 Cwmbrwyn, Carm. 143 Cwmdu, see Penygaer Daglingworth, Glouc. 31 Dalton-in-Furness, Lane. 54 Dalton-near-Warton, Lane. 54 Dalton Parlours, see Collingham Darenth, Kent 49 Dartford, Kent 49 Daventry, Northants. 92 Dean, West, Wilts. 128 Denbighshire 144 Densworth, see Funtington Denton, Lines. 61 Denton, Nether, Cumb. 11 Derby, see Chester, Little Derbyshire 15 — 16 DerventWy see Chester, Little Deva, see Chester Devizes, Wilts. 128 Devonshire 16 — 17 Dewlish, Dorset. 18 Dinnington, see Seavington Discove, Soms. 113 Ditcheat, Soms. 113 Ditchley, Oxon. 103 Ditteridge, Wilts. 128 Dodington, Glouc. 32 Dolau-Cothy, Carm. 143 Dorchester (Durnovaria), Dorset. 18 Dorn, Worcester. 131 Dorsetshire 17 — 21 Dover (Portus Dubris), Kent 49 Drayton (Northants.), see Lowick Drayton, Oxon. 103 Drayton, Soms. 112 Droit wich, Worcester. 131 Drumburgh, Cumb. 11 Dryhill, Glouc. 32 Dumbarton 137 Dumbartonshire 137 — 138 Dumfriesshire 138 Duncton, Sussex 123 Duntocher, Dumbarton. 137 Durham 21 — 22 Durnovaria, see Dorchester Durobrivae, see Castor Durobrivae, see Rochester Durovernum, see Canterbury Duston, Northants. 92 Earith, Huntingdon. 46 Earlswood Common, Surrey 121 Easingwold, Yorks. 133 Eastbourne, Sussex 123 Easthampstead, see Bagshot Heath Eastington, Glouc. 32 Easton Grey, Wilts. 128 Eaton, see Tarporley Ebch ester, Durham 22 Eboracum, see York Eccles, see Aylesford Eccleston, Cheshire 7 Eckington, Worcester. 131 Edington, Soms. 113 Elginshire 139 Eling, see Hampstead Norris Ellenborough, Cumb. 12 Ellesborough, Bucks. 4 Elmham, North, Norfolk 89 Elslack, Yorks. 133 Elstree, Herts. 45 Ely Race Course, see Cardiff Enstone, see Ditchley Essex 23 — 28 Estyn, see Hope Etocetum, see Wall Etton, Yorks. 133 Ewell (Kent), see Faversham Ewell, Surrey 121 Exeter (/sea Dumnuniorum), Devon. 16 Eye, Suff. 119 Failand Hill, see Ashton, Long Farleigh, East, Kent 49 Farley Heath, see Albury Farley Hungerford, Soms. 113 Farmer's Field, see Tracy Park Farndon, Cheshire 7 Farnham, Surrey J2i Faulkbourn, Essex 26 Faversham, Kent 49 Fawler, Oxon. 103 Felixstow, Suff. 119 Fencot-on-Otmoor, Oxon. 103 Fetcham, Surrey 121 Fifehead Neville, Dorset. 19 Fifeshire 139 Filey, Yorks. 133 Finchampstead, Berks. 2 Fink ley, see Andover Fishbourne, Sussex 123 Flax Bourton, Soms. 113 Fleam Dyke, Cambs. 5 Flimby, Cumb. 12 INDEX 151 Flintshire 144 Folkestone, Kent, 49 Folly Farm, see Mildenhall Ford, Pemb. 146 Foscott or Foxcott, Bucks. 4 Foxley Park, Wilts. 128 Frampton, Dorset. 19 Frilford, Berks. 2 Frindsbury, Kent 49 Fring, Norfolk 90 Fringford, Oxon. 103 Frocester, Glouc. 32 Froxfield, Hants. 38 Froxfield, Wilts. 128 Fullerton, Hants. 39 Funtington, Sussex 124 Fyfield Hants. 39 Fyfield, Wilts. 129 Gaer Bannan, Brecknock. 142 Gargrave, Yorks. 133 Gart'anonum, see Burgh Castle Garreg, Flint. 144 Gayton, Northants. 92 Gay ton Thorpe, Norfolk 90 Gedney Hill, Lines. 61 Gellygaer, Glam. 145 Gilsland, Cumb. 12 Glamorganshire 144 — 145 Glasfryn, Cam. 144 G/evum, see Gloucester Gloucester {Glevum) 32 Gloucestershire 28 — 36 Goldvadneck Barrow, see Wendron Grammer's Rocks, see Tracy Park Grately, Hants. 39 Greenwich Park, Kent 49 Greta Bridge, Yorks. 134 Greteland, Yorks. 134 Grimscar Wood, see Bradley Grimston, Norfolk 90 Grittleton, Wilts. 129 Gurnard Bay, I.W., Hants. 39 Habitancum, see Risingham Haceby, Lines. 61 Hadstock, Essex 26 Halstock, Dorset. 19 Halstow, Lower, Kent 50 Halton Chesters, see Chesters, Halton Haltwhistle Burn, Northumb. 97 Ham, High, Soms. 113 Ham Hill, Soms. 113 Hampshire 36 — 43 Hampstead Norris, Berks. 2 Hanham, see Bitton Hannaditches, Devon. 17 Hannington Wick, Wilts. 129 Hanwell, Oxon. 103 Hardknott, Cumb. 12 Harehill, Cumb. 12 Haresfield, Glouc. 33 Harlow, Essex 26 Harpham, Yorks. 134 Harpole, Northants. 92 Harpsden, Oxon. 103 Harrow's Scar, Cumb. 12 Harting, South, Sussex 124 Hartlington Burnsall, Yorks. 134 Hartlip, Kent 50 Hartshill, Warwick. 125 Harwich, Essex 27 Hasilbury Farm, see Ditteridge Hayling Island, Hants. 39 Headington, Oxon. 103 Heddington, Wilts. 129 Hedenham, Norfolk 90 Helpstone, Northants. 92 Helston, Cornwall 8 Hemsworth, see Witchampton Herefordshire 43 — 44 Hertfordshire 45 — 46 Heydon, Essex 27 Heyford, Nether, Northants. 92 Hibaldstow, Lines. 61 Higham Ferrers, Northants. 92 High Cross (Venonae), Leics. 56 Hitchin, Herts. 45 Hod Hill, Dorset. 19 Holcombe, see Uplyme Holt, Denbigh. 144 Hoi well, Dorset. 19 Holwood Hill, see Keston Hope, Flint. 144 Horkstow, Lines. 61 Hornby, Lane. 54 Horncastle, Lines. 61 Horsebridge Mill, see Bossington Horton, Oxon. 103 Horton Kirby, Kent 50 Housesteads (Borcovicus), Northumb. 97 Hovingham, Yorks. 134 Hucclecote, Glouc. 33 Hunnum, see Chesters, Halton Huntingdonshire 46 Huntspill, Soms. 113 Hurcot, Soms. 113 Hurstbourne Priors, Hants. 39 Hurstpierpoint, Sussex 124 Hylton, Durham 22 Hythe, Kent 50 Ickham, Kent 50 Ickleton, Cambs. 5 Icklingham, Suff. 119 Iford, Wilts. 129 Ilchester, Soms. 113 Ilkley, Yorks. 134 Ilsley, East, Berks. 2 Inchtuthil, Perth. 140 152 INDEX Inveravon, Linlithgow. 139 Inveresk, Mid-Lothian 139 Ipswich, see Whitton Irchester, Northants. 92 Isca Dumnuniorum, see Exeter Isca Silurum, see Caerleon Isurium, see Aldborough Itchen Abbas, Hants. 39 Iwerne Minster, Dorset. 19 Ixworth, Suff. 119 Jarrow, Durham 22 Jedburgh, Roxburgh. 140 Jordan Hill, see Preston Kelvedon, Essex 27 Kempsey, Worcester. 131 Kenchester {Magna) , Hereford. 44 Kent 47—53 Kerris, see St Paul Keston, Kent 50 Keswick, Cumb. 12 Kettering, Northants. 92 Ketton, Rutland 105 Kilham, see Rudston Kilpatrick, New or East, Dumbarton. 138 Kilpatrick, Old or West, Dumbarton. 138 Kimble, Little, Bucks. 4 Kimpton, Hants. 39 Kinderton, Cheshire 7 Kingscote, Glouc. 33 Kingsdon, Soms. 114 Kingston, Surrey, 121 Kingston Down, see Bere Regis Kingweston, Soms. 114 Kirby Cane, Norfolk 90 Kirkandrews-upon-Eden, Cumb. 12 Kirkby Thore, Westd. 126 Kirkham, Lane. 54 Kirkintillock, Dumbarton. 138 Kirkpatrick, see Kilpatrick Kirksteads, Cumb. 12 Kits Coty, see Aylesford Knoll Hill, Soms. 114 Lambourn, Berks. 2 Lanarkshire 139 Lancashire 54 — 55 Lancaster 54 Lanchester, Durham 22 Lancing, Sussex 124 Landwade, Cambs. 5 Lanercost, Cumb. 13 Langford, Lower, Soms. ri4 Langham Bridges, see Croft Langley, Abbot's, Herts. 45 Langridge, Soms. 114 Langtoft, Yorks. 134 Langton, Yorks. 134 Lansdown, Soms. 114 Lasborough, Glouc. 33 Latimer, Bucks. 4 Latton, Essex 27 Latton, Wilts. 129 Lea, see Pontesbury Lechlade, Glouc. 33 Leicester (Ratae) 56 Leicestershire 56 — 60 Letcombe Regis, Berks. 2 Lexden, Essex 27 Leyton, see Wanstead Lillyhorn, see Bisley Limestone Bank, Northumb. 98 Lincoln {Lindum), 61 Lincolnshire 60 — 65 Lindum, see Lincoln Linley Hall, Salop 106 Linlithgowshire 139 Litlington, Cambs. 5 Littleborough, Notts. 10 1 Littlebury, Essex 27 Littlecote, Wilts. 129 Littlehampton, Sussex 124 Littleton, Soms. 114 Llanbeblig, see Carnarvon Llandovery, Carm. 143 Llanio, Card. 143 Llantwit Major, Glam. 145 Llanvrynach, Brecknock. 142 Llychwr, see Loughor Lockham, see Loose London 65 — 86 London ( South wark) 85 — 86 London (Westminster) 86 Longthorpe, Northants. 93 Loose, Kent 50 Loughor, Glam. 145 Lowborough Hill, see Blewbury Low Burrow Bridge, Westd. 126 Lowick, Northants. 93 Luddenham, Kent 50 Luguvallium, see Carlisle Lullingstone, Kent 50 Luton, see Chatham Lydiat, Lane. 54 Lydney, Glouc. 33 Lyme, Cheshire 7 Lyminge, Kent 50 Lymne or Lympne {Portus Lemanis), Kent 50 Lyne, Peebles. 139 Lyte's Cary, Soms. 114 Madeley, Staffs. 118 Magna, see Caervoran Magna, see Kenchester Maiden Castle, Westd. Maidenhead, Berks. 3 Maiden Newton, Dorset Maidstone, Kent 51 126 INDEX 153 Malmesbury, Wilts. 139 Malpas, Cheshire, 7 Malton, Yorks. 134 Mancetter, Warwick. 125 Manchester (Mancunium), Lane. 54 Mancunium, see Manchester Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts. 101 Market Overton, Rutland 105 Marlborough, see Mildenhall Marlstone, see Bucklebury Marton, Lines. 63 Maryport, see Ellenborough Mawbray, Cumb. 13 Mawburgh, see Mawbray Medbourne, Leics. 59 Melandra Castle, Derby. 16 Mendip Hills, Soms. 114 Meon, V\ est, Hants. 39 Merionethshire 145 Mersea, West, Essex 27 Methwold, Norfolk 90 Micheldever, Hants. 39 Middleby, Dumfries. 138 Middleham, Yorks. 134 Mid -Lothian 139 Mildenhall, Wilts. 129 Mill Cotton, see Raunds Mill Hill or Field, see Castor Millington, Yorks. 134 Milton, Wilts. 129 Milton Abbas, Dorset. 20 Milt on-next- Sittingbourne, Kent 51 Modbury, Devon. 17 Monk's Kirby, Warwick. 125 Monmouthshire 87 — 88 Montgomeryshire 146 Moresby, Cumb. 13 Morton, see Brading Mosley Bank, see Malton Mountsorrel, Leics. 59 Mucklebank Crag, Northumb. 98 Mumrills, Stirling. 141 Mutlow Hill, see Fleam Dyke Nash Lee, Bucks. 4 Netheravon, Wilts. 129 Netherby, Cumb. 13 Nettleham, Lines. 63 Newbury, Berks. 3 Newcastle (Pons Aelii), Northumb. 98 New Forest, Hants. 39 Newhaven, Sussex 124 Newington, Kent 51 Newstead, Roxburgh. 140 Newton St Loe, Soms. 114 Norfolk 88—90 Northamptonshire 90 — 94 Northfleet, Kent 51 Northleigh, Oxon. 103 Northumberland 94 — 101 Northwick, Cheshire 8 Norton Fitzwarren, Soms. 115 Norton St Philips, Soms. 115 Norton-sub- Hamdon, Soms. 115 Nottinghamshire 101 — 102 Oakley, Bucks. 4 Okengates, Salop 106 Oldcastle, see Walterstone Oldcotes, Notts. 102 Old Wall, Cumb. 13 Oliver's Camp. Wilts. 129 Olveston, see Tockington Orton, Cumb. 13 Ospringe, Kent 5 1 Oswestry, Old, Salop 106 Othona, see Bradwell-near-the-Sea Otmoor, see Fencot Oulston, Yorks. 134 Overborough, Lane. 55 Oxfordshire 102 — 105 Painswick, Glouc. 34 Pakenham, Suff. 119 Pangbourn, Berks. 3 Papcastle, Cumb. 13 Par wick, Derby. 10 Paulerspury, Northants. 93 Paulton, Soms. 115 Paunton, Great and Little, Lines. 63, Peeblesshire 139 Pembrokeshire 146 Pendhill, see Bletchingley Penhurst, Sussex 124 Pennal, Mont. 146 Pennydarren, Glam. 145 Penrith, Old, see Plumpton Wall Penton Mewsey, Hants. 39 Pentre-ffwrndan, Flint. 144 Penygaer, Brecknock. 142 Penypentre Farm, see Llanvrynach. Perthshire 140 Peterborough, Northants. 93 Petersfield, Hants. 39 Petherton, South, Soms. 115 Pevensey (Anderida), Sussex 124 Piddington, Northants. 93 Piercebridge, Durham 22 Pike Hill, Cumb. 14 Pitmead, see Bishopstrow Pitney, Soms. 115 Plaxtol, Kent 51 Pleshy, Essex 27 Plumpton Wall, Cumb. 14 Polden, Soms. 115 Poltross Burn, Cumb. 14 Pons Aelii, see Newcastle Pontesbury, Salop 106 Pont Ruffyd, Denbigh. 144 Popham, Hants. 40 154 INDEX Porchester, Hants. 40 Portbury, see Seavington Portland, Dorset. 20 Portslade, Sussex 124 Port us Dubris, see Dover Portus Lemanis, see Lymne Preston, Dorset. 20 Preston, Sussex 124 Procolitia, see Carrawburgh Pulborough, Sussex 124 Purwell, Mill, see Wymondley, Great Putley, Hereford. 44 Puttenham, Surrey 121 Quamps, The, see Dalton-near-Warton Radlett, Herts. 45 Radnorshire 146 Radstock, Soms. 115 Rampisham, Dorset. 20 Ramsey, Huntingdon. 46 Ratae, see Leicester Raunds, Northants. 93 Ravenglass, see Walls Castle Reculver [Pegulbium), Kent 51 Redenham, see Fyfield Reedham, Norfolk 90 Pegnum, see Chichester Pegulbium, see Reculver Reigate, Surrey 121 Ribchester [Bremetennacum), Lane. 55 Richborough (Putupiae), Kent 52 Ridgewell, Essex 27 Ringstead, see Raunds Risehow, see Flimby Risingham {Habitancum), Northumb. 98 Rivenhall, Essex 27 Robin Hood's Butt, Cumb. 14 Rocester, Staffs. 118 Rochester {Durobrivae), Kent 52 Rochester, High (Bremenium), Nor- thumb. 99 Rodmarton, Glouc. 34 Rotherham, see Templeborough Rotherley, Wilts. 130 Rothley, Leics. 59 Rougham, Suff. 119 Roughcastle, Stirling. 141 Roundway Down, Wilts. 130 Rowland's Castle, Hants. 40 Roxby, Lines. 63 Roxburghshire 140 Ruberslaw, Roxburgh. 140 Rudge, see Froxfield Rudston, Yorks. 135 Rushbury, Salop 106 Rush more, see Woodcuts and Woodyates Rutchester {Vindobala), Northumb. 99 Rutland 105 Putupiae, see Richborough Saham Tony, Norfolk 90 St Albans {Verulamium) , Herts. 45 St Erth, Cornwall 8 St Mary Bourne, Hants. 40 St Osyth, Essex 27 St Paul, Cornwall 8 Salt wood, Kent 53 Sandton, Lines. 64 Sapcote, Leics. 60 Savernake, Wilts. 130 Saxby, Lines. 64 Scampton, Lines. 64 Scawby, see Weston Scotland 137 Sea Mills, Glouc. 34 Seaton, Devon. 17 Seaton Carew, Durham 22 Seavington, Soms. 115 Sedbury, see Tidenham Sedgemoor, King's, Soms. 115 Sedgley, Staffs. 118 Segedunum, see Wallsend Shefford, Bedford, i Shenley, Bucks. 4 Shepton Mallet, Soms. 116 Sherborne, Dorset. 20 Shields Lawe, Northumb. 99 Shields, South, Durham 22 Shipham, Soms. 116 Shoddesden, Great, see Kimpton Shoebury, Essex 28 Shotover, Oxon. 104 Shropshire 105 — 107 Shrubland Park, see Barham Sibson, see Castor Silchester {Calleva Atrebatum), Hants. 40 Silver Street, Wilts. 130 Slack, Yorks. 135 Slindon, Sussex 125 Snodland, Kent 53 Soddington-in-Mamble, Worcester 131 Somersetshire 108 — 117 Somerton, Soms. 116 Southfleet, Kent 53 South war k, see London Southwell, Notts. 102 Southwick, Sussex 125 Sparsholt, Hants. 41 Spoonley, see Winchcombe Springhead, see Southfleet Stafford 118 Staffordshire 1 18 Stainby or Steanby, Lines. 64 Stainley, North, Yorks. 135 Stalham, Norfolk 90 Stamford, Lines. 64 Stanchester, see Curry Rivel Stancombe Down, see Lambourn Stancombe Park, see Stinchcombe Standon, Herts. 46 INDEX 155 Stan ford-in-the- Vale, Berks. 3 Stanley, Durham 22 Stanstead Abbots, Herts. 46 Stanstead Park, see Rowland's Castle Stan way, see Lexden Stanwick, Northants. 93 Stanwix, Cumb. 14 Stratford, Fenny, Bucks. 4 Statham, Cheshire 8 Steeple Aston, Oxon. 104 Steeple Barton, Oxon. 104 Stibbington, see Castor Stinchcombe, Glouc. 34 Stirlingshire 141 Stoke, North, Lines. 64 Stoke, North, Soms. 116 Stoke Prior, Hereford. 44 Stoke Rochford, Lines. 64 Stoke Trister, Soms. 116 Stone, Kent 53 Stonesfield, Oxon. 104 Stow, West, Suff. 120 Strood, Kent 53 Stroud, Glouc. 34 Stroud, see Petersfield Streatley, Berks. 3 Street, Soms. 116 Studley, Wilts. 130 Stunsfield, Oxon. 104 Sturton-by-Stow, Lines. 64 Stutfall Castle, see Lymne Styrrup, see Oldcotes Sudeley, see Winchcombe Suffolk 118 — 120 Surrey 120 — 122 Sussex 122 — 125 Sutton Field, see Castor Sutton, King's, Northants. 93 Sutton Valence, Kent 53 Swaffham Prior, Cambs. 5 Swanscombe, Kent 53 Swell, Nether, Glouc. 34 Swindon, Wilts. 130 Tadcaster, Yorks. 135 Tarporley (Eaton), Cheshire 8 Tarrant Hinton, Dorset, 20 Teignbridge, Devon. 17 Templeborough, Yorks. 135 Temple Cloud, Soms. 116 Teston, Kent 53 Tettenhall, Staffs. 118 Tew, Great, Oxon. 104 Teynham, see Buckland Thenford, Northants. 93 Thistleton, Rutland 105 Thorn ford, Dorset. 20 Thornhaugh, see Castor Thorpe (Northants.), see Longthorpe Thorpe, Notts. 102 Thruxton, Hants. 41 Thurnham, Kent 53 Tickenham, Soms. 116 Tidenham, Glouc. 34 Tilford, Surrey 121 Tingewick, Bucks. 4 Titsey, Surrey 121 Tiverton, Soms. 116 Tockington, Glouc. 34 Tollard Green, Dorset. 20 Tollesbury, Essex 28 Tolleshunt Knights, Essex 28 Tomen-y-mur, Merion. 145 Tongham, Surrey 121 Torksey, Lines. 64 Tottenham Park, Wilts. 130 Towcester, Northants. 93 Towncreep, see Penhurst Tracy Park, Glouc. 34 Tre-G6ch, see Dolau-Cothy Trewsbury, Glouc. 34 Twyford, Hants. 42 Tytherington, Glouc. 34 Uffington, Berks. 3 Upchurch, Kent 53 Upham, Hants. 42 Uplyme, Devon, 17 Upmarden, Sussex 125 Upton, Glouc. 35 Uriconium, see Wroxeter Usk, Mon. 88 Vale Crucis Abbey, Denbigh. 144 Venonae, see High Cross Venta Belgarum, see Winchester Venta Jcenorum, see Caistor-by-Norwich Venta Silurum, see Caerwent Verulamium, see St Albans Vindo&a/a, see Rutchester Vindolana, see Chest erholm Vinovium, see Binchester Viroconium, see Wroxeter Wadeford, see Combe St Nicholas Wadfield, see Winchcombe Wakering, Essex 28 Walbottle Dene, Northumb. 99 Wales 142 Walesby, Lines. 64 Wall {Etocetum), Staffs. 118 Walls Castle, Cumb. 14 Wallsend [Segedununi) , Northumb. 99 Walltown Crag, Northumb. 99 Walterstone, Hereford. 44 Waltham, Bishop's, Hants. 42 Waltham, North, Hants. 42 Waltham St Laurence, Berks. 3 Waltham, White, Berks. 3 Walton, see Castlesteads Walton Castle, see Felixstow Walton-le-Dale, Lane. 55 i 5 6 INDEX Walton-on-the-Hill, Surrey 121 Wanborough, Wilts. 130 Wanlip, Leics. 60 Wansford, see Castor Wanstead, Essex 28 Wareham, Dorset. 20 Warleigh, Wilts. 130 Warley, see Bathford Warminster, see Bishopstrow Warrington, see Wilderspool Warwickshire 125 Watchcross, Cumb. 14 Watchfield, Berks. 3 Watercrook, Westd. 126 Water Eaton, Oxon. 104 Watergore, see Petherton, South Water Newton, see Castor Watling Lodge, Stirling 141 Wattisfield, Suff. 120 Wearmouth, Durham 22 Weekley, Northants. 93 Weldon, Northants. 93 Well, Yorks. 135 Well House, see Hampstead Norris Wellington, Hereford. 44 Wellow, Soms. 116 Wemberham, see Yatton Wenden, Essex 28 Wendlebury, see Alchester Wendron, Cornwall 8 Wenniugton, Lane. 55 Westbury, Wilts. 130 Westerwood, Dumbarton. 138 Westminster, see London Westmorland 126 Weston, Lines. 64 W T eston, Salop 106 Weston-under-Penyard, Hereford. 44 West wood, see Sparholt W T etton, Staffs. 118 Weybourne, Norfolk 90 Weycock, see Waltham St Laurence Weyhill, Hants. 42 Weymouth, Dorset. 21 Whatley, Soms. 117 Wheatley, Oxon. 105 Whilton, Northants. 93 Whitchurch, Hants. 42 Whitchurch, Hereford. 44 Whitestaunton, Soms. 117 Whitley Castle, Northumb. 100 Whitmead, see Tilford Whittlebury, Northants. 93 Whitton, Suff. 120 Wick or Wyck, Hants. 42 Wick, see Lansdown Wick, Wilts. 130 Wickham Bushes, see Bagshot Heath Wigborough, see Petherton, South Wigginton, Oxon. 105 Wilderspool, Cheshire 8 Willoughby, Notts. 102 Willowford, Cumb. 14 Wilmecote, Warwick. 125 Wiltshire 126 — 130 Wincanton, Soms. 117 Winchcombe, Glouc. 35 Winchester ( Venta Belgarum), Hants. 42. Wingham, Kent 53 Winteringham, Lines. 64 Winterton, Lines. 65 Winthorpe, Notts. 102 Wiston, Sussex 125 Witchampton, Dorset. 21 Witcomb, Great, Glouc. 35 Withington, Glouc. 35 Wittenham, Long, Berks. 3 Wiveliscombe, Soms. 117 Wolsty, Cumb. 15 Woodchester, Glouc. 35 Woodcuts, Dorset. 21 Wood Eaton, Oxon. 105 Woodford, Northants. 94 Woodperry, Oxon. 105 Woodstock, Oxon. 105 Woodyates, Dorset. 21 Woolavington, Soms. 117 Woolstone, see Uffington Worcester 131 Worcestershire 130 — 131 Worplesdon, Surrey 122 Worsthorne, Lane. 55 Worth, Kent 53 Worthing, Sussex 125 Wouldham, see Burham Wraxhall, North, Wilts. 130 Wrexham, Flint. 144 Wrington, Soms. 117 Wroxeter {Uriconium), Salop 106 Wyck, see Wick Wycomb, Glouc. 36 Wycombe, High, Bucks. 4 Wyersdale, Lane. 55 Wymondham, Leics. 60 Wymondley, Great, Herts. 46 Wynford Eagle, Dorset. 21 Yanley, Soms. 117 Yarchester, Salop 107 Yarwell, see Castor Yatton, Soms. 117 Yelden, Bedford. 1 Yeovil, see Coker, East York (Eboracum) 135 Yorkshire 131 — 136 Youngsbury, Herts. 46 CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. 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