w^ Haas THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE jJOHN CRERAR LIBRARY jfe^, A J .IST OF BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM JANUARY, 1900 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1900 r\ A ..S.. J 125725 PREFACE. By the will of John Crerar, for many years an honored citizen of Chicago, who died October 19, 1889, the residue of his estate, after the payment of numerous bequests, was given for the creation and endow- ment of a free public library, to be called The John Crerar Library, and to be located in the city of Chicago. The Library was incorporated under the laws of Illinois, October 12, 1894, and was duly organized January 12, 1895. Having carefully considered the library facilities and needs of the city, the Directors decided to establish a reference library of scientific literature. This decision seemed to them to accord with the business activities by which the greater part of Mr. Crerar's fortune had been accumulated, to exclude, naturally, certain questionable classes of books which his will prohibits, and to favor the supreme aim and object which it proposes. A series of conferences with the Chicago Public Library and The Newberry Library was instituted, and an elastic scheme was jointly adopted for dividing among them the available world of books. In accordance with that scheme, the special field of The John Crerar Library is that of the natural, the physical, and the social sciences, with their applications. In the development of the Library, the Directors do not propose to make a greatly disproportionate outlay in any one subject within this field. They do propose, however, to make it excep- tionally rich in scientific periodicals and publications of learned societies. The total endowment, which should be sufificient ultimately to allow the making of a good collection within the limits adopted, will not be encroached upon for any purpose. Therefore, while a building fund is accumulating, and the present temporary accommodations remain ade- quate, the Library will occupy the entire sixth floor and part of the fifth floor of the Marshall Field & Company Building, 87 Wabash Avenue. A complete catalogue of the Library is printed on cards. Copies of these, arranged by authors and subjects, are placed in the Reading Room for use by the public, and a copy of each title may be found also in the Chicago Public Library, the Newberry Library, and in the libraries of the Armour Institute of Technology, the Field Columbian Museum, and the University of Chicago, in the city, the Northwestern University at Evanston, and the University of Illinois at Champaign. The multiplication of copies in card form, however, is limited by the cost of material and distribution, so that provision has been made, by 3 4 PREFACE electrotyping each title, for the publication of bulletins, as they may be required. The list of books in the Reading Room has been chosen as the subject of the first of these bulletins. This collection contains nearly three thousand volumes, and is used by the public without any formality. It is intended to include, besides general works of reference, the best books, both advanced and popular, on each important subject within the scope of the Library, and a selection of others either especially inter- esting in their treatment of the subject or much in demand. Works in languages other than English are included whenever necessary for an adequate presentation of the subject, and the collection undergoes con- stant revision. While the Library in making the selection has had the benefit of suggestions from many persons able to speak with authority, it is felt that the collection can be improved greatly, though it is hoped more by addition than by subtraction, and this bulletin has been prepared at the present time mainly as a means of securing valuable criticism and aid, and not as a bibliographical contribution of intrinsic value. As it is also an experiment in the use of electrotyped titles, peculiarities of typo- graphical arrangement have been determined largely by the previous use of the matter on printed catalogue cards, and inconsistencies in the form of entry are due to the fact that it has not always seemed necessary to reprint the cards when a change in method has been made. If the Library can secure expert advice in improving the collection, and can issue small editions at comparatively frequent intervals and at reasonable cost, it is hoped that future editions of this list may prove to be of value to others than readers in the Library. Chicago, January, 190x3. CONTENTS. SPECIAL CARD INDEXES 7 GENERAL WORKS 9 Bibliography 9 Library Economy 18 Encyclopedias 20 General Essays 25 Journalism 25 Scientific Societies 26 Book Rarities 26 Philosophy and Religion 27 SOCIAL SCIENCES 41 General Works 41 History of Social Sciences and Civilization 44 Statistics 49 Political Science 50 Political Economy 54 Law 71 Administration (Municipal and Other) 75 Military and Naval Science 78 Charities and Corrections 79 Education 81 Commerce and Communication 89 Manners and Customs 90 LANGUAGE 92 PHYSICAL SCIENCES 102 General Works 102 Mathematics 103 Astronomy 107 Physics in Chemistry 120 Mineralogy 126 NATURAL SCIENCES 128 Geology and Physical Geography 128 Paleontology 133 General Works 134 Anthropology and Ethnology ^ 136 Evolution 139 Microscopy 142 Botany 143 Zoology 149 APPLIED SCIENCES 160 General Works 160 Medicine 162 S 6 CONTENTS Engineering 167 Agriculture 175 Domestic Economy 178 Commerce - 180 Printing and Publishing. 180 Transportation 182 Chemical Technology 182 Manufactures 187 Trades 189 Building 191 FINE ARTS 194 General Works 194 Landscape Gardening 197 Architecture 198 Decorative Arts 199 Painting and Engraving 203 Photography 203 Music 205 Amusements 206 Literature 207 HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY 209 General Works 209 Atlases and Maps 213 Antiquities 216 Biography 216 Genealogy and Heraldry 219 Ancient History 220 Europe 220 Asia 223 Africa 224 America 225 Australasia, Oceanica 232 Arctic Regions --. 233 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM SPECIAL CARD INDEXES Bibliographia zoologica. '**'* Bibliographia zoologica. Continued from no. i, 1896. Zurich 1 896-. Compiled under the direction of H. H. Field, of the Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich. Card index; filed in Reading Room. Also published in book form as supplement to Zoologischer Anzeiger; has shelf number 016.59 B47 Clark, Josephine Adelaide. 18213 Card-index of genera, species, and varieties of plants. Continued from no. i. 1885. Washington 1885-. Filed in Reading Room. Congres international de bibliographic des sciences '^"'^ math^matiques. Coimnission permanente dii repertoire. Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques. Con- tinued from no. i. Paris: Gauthiers-Villars, 1894-. Card-index; filed in Reading Room. Congres international de bibliographic des sciences L025.4 C76 *'"*'' mathematiques. Commissioii permanente du repertoire. Index du Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques, public par la Commission permanente du repertoire. Deuxieme edition. xiv,93,[2] p. Q. Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, 1898. Fourtier, [H.], Bourgeois, — , & Bucquet, — . 19034 Bibliotheque photographique. Le formulaire classeur du Pho- to-club de Paris. Formules, notes, renseignements pratiques, recueillis et annotes. Continued from no. i. 1892. Paris: Gau- thier-Villars & fils, 1 892-. Card-index; filed in Reading Room. Torrcy Botanical Club. 18212 Bjbliography of American Botany. Published monthly. Vol. I— 6. 1 894-1 899. Cambridge, Mass., 1 894-1 899. No more published. Reprinted from Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, vol. 21-26. Card index; filed in Reading Room. 8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. ""' [Card index to publications.] Continued from no. i. [Wash- ington 1899-.] Filed in Reading Room. U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. *''°"' Office of Experiment Stations. Subject index of literature of agricultural experiment stations and kindred institutions. Continued from no. I. 1888. Washington 1 888-. Card index; filed in Reading Room. U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. 016.63 U58 "*" Office of Experiment Stations. Key to subject index of literature of agricultural experiment stations and kindred institutions Revised June 25, 1897, [4] p. O. (Circular no. 23.) [Washington 1897.] BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 000 GENERAL WORKS GIG BIBLIOGRAPHY 010-016 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES Wheeler, WiUiam Adolphus. GIG.3 W56 '3"2 YYhQ ^vrote it? An index to the authorship of the more noted works in ancient and modern literature. Edited by Charles G. Wheeler. [2]. 174 p. sq. D. Boston : Lee & Shepard, 1882. Allibone, Samuel Austin. LG15.42A436 ■*"' A critical dictionary of English literature, and British and Amer- ican authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the nineteenth century 3 vol. O. Phila- delphia : J. B. Lippincott Co., 1891. Kirk, John Foster. LG15.42 A4361 ^"^ A supplement to Allibone's Critical dictionary of English litera- ture and British and American authors 2 vol. Q. Phila- delphia : J. B. Lippincott Co., 1892. Georg, Carl, & Ost, Leopold. LG15.43G29 Schlagvvort-Katalog. Verzeichnis der BUcher und Landkarten in sachlichcr Anordnung 2 vol. Q. Hannover: [vol. i], F. Cruse; vol. 2, L. Lemmermann, 1 889-1 898. Contents: [vol. i], 1883-1887; vol. 2, 1888-1892. Vol. 2 published under the title : Karl Georgs Schlagwort-Katalog Bearbeitet ■ von Karl Georg. Sonnenschein, [William] Swan. LG16S699 The best books. A reader's guide to the choice of the best available books (about 50,000) in every department of science, art and literature ; . . . . A contribution towards systematic bib- liography Second edition. [i8],cix,i009 p. Q. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894. Sonnenschein, [William] Swan. LG16S6991 A reader's guide to contemporary literature. Being the first sup- plement to The best books [i6],lxxiv,775 p. O. Lon- don: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. 10 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Fletcher, William Isaac. L016.04F63 ' ~ The "A. L. A." index. An index to general literature: bio- graphical, historical, and literary essays and sketches, reports and publications of boards and societies dealing with education. health, labor, charities and corrections, etc., etc Issued by the publishing section of the American Library Association, v, [2], 329 p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893. 016.05-016.06 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PERIODICALS AND PERIODICAL LITERATURE Cleveland. Public Library. L016.05 C59 '*" Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals. Authors, sub- jects, titles, reviews, portraits. Continued from vol. i. 1896. O. Cleveland 1897-. Annual literary index. L016.05 A615 '•' The Annual literary index, including periodicals, American and English; essays, book-chapters, etc.; with author-index, biblio- graphies, necrolog>% and index to dates of principal events. Edited with the cooperation of members of the American Library Association and of "The Library journal" staff. Continued from vol. I. 1892. Q. Xew York : Publishers' Weekly, 1893-. Edited by W. I. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker. Italy. Camera dei Dcpntati. Bibliotcca. L016.05I88 *^'^ Catalogo metodico degli scritti contenuti nelle pubblicazioni pc- riodiche italiane e straniere. Parte prima. Scritti biografici c critici. xvii,5i7,[i] p. Q. Roma 1885. Primo supplemento. xiv,i73 p. O. Roma 1889. Secondo supplemento. xxiv,229 p. Q. Roma 1890. Terzo supplemento. xxix,[3],338 p. Q. Roma 1895. Poole's Index. L016.05P781 Poole's Index to periodical literature. By William Frederick Poole, with the assistance as associate editor of William I: Fletch- er, and the cooperation of the American Library Association and the Library Association of the United Kingdom. Revised edi- tion. 1 802-1 88 1. Vol. I in 2 parts, paged continuously ; part i : [2],xxvii,i-700 p.; part 2: [2], 701-1442 p. Q. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893, c. 1882. 209 S(i96 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM I I Poole's Index. L016.05 P782 Poole's Index to periodical literature. The first supplement from January i, 1882, to January i, 1887, by William Frederick Poole and William I. Fletcher, with the cooperation of the American Li- brary Association. xiii,483 p. Q. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893, c. 1888. Lettered on the back: Vol. ii. Poole's Index. L016.05 P783 Poole's Index to periodical literature. The second supplement, from January i, 1887, to January i, 1892, by William I. Fletcher, with the cooperation of the American Library Association, xiii, 476 p. Q. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1895. Lettered on the back: Vol. in. Poole's index. L016.05 P784 ^"" Poole's index to periodical literature. Third supplement. From January i, 1892, to December 31, 1896. By William I. Fletcher and Franklin O. Poole. With the cooperation of the American Library Association. xix,637 p. i por. Q. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897. Review of reviews. L016.05 R32 ^"^^ Index to the periodicals .... Continued from 1890. sq.Q. London [1891-]. The issue for 1890 published under the title: The Annual index of periodicals and photographs; 1891-1893: Index to the periodical literature of the world. Ayer & Son, N. W., pnblisJicrs. L016.051 A976 '"" N. W. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual. Containing a catalogue of American newspapers, .... A list of the newspa- pers of the United States and Canada which insert advertisements, .... Separate lists of religious and agricultural publications, .... Continued from 1897. Q. Philadelphia 1897-. Bibliographie. L016.053B47 12372 Bibliographic der deutschen Zeitschriften-Litteratur. Alphabet- isches nach Schlagworten sachlich geordnetes Verzeichnis von ... Aufsatzen, die ... in ... Zeitschriften deutscher Zunge erscheinen sind, ... . Continued from vol. i. 1896. sq.Q. Leipzig 1897-. Edited by F. Dietrich. Repertoire. L016.054 R29 14744 Repertoire bibliographique des principales revues frangaises .... Continued from [no. i]. 1897. Q. Paris 1898-. Edited by D. Jordell. 12 THE JOllX CKERAR LIBRARY Smithsonian Institution. 016.061 S664 ^-** Publications of the Smithsonian Institution. May, 1896. i. Clas- sified hst. II. Numerical list. III. Tables. IV. Inde.x. By Wil- liam J. Rhees. iv,86 p. O. City of Washington 1896. Smithsonian Institution. 016.061 S6641 ^"'* Catalogue of publications of the Smithsonian Institution, (1846- 1882,) with an alphabetical index of articles in the Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, miscellaneous collections, annual re- ports, bulletins and proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, and report of the Bureau of Ethnolog}'. By William J. Rhees. xiv,328 p. O. Washington 1882. 016.1-016.9 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS Bowker, Richard Rogers, ^ lies, George, editors. 016.3 B67 ^'- The readers guide in economic, social and political science; be- ing a classified bibliograph)-, ... with ... courses of reading, college courses, etc. [2]. 169 p. D. (Economic tracts, no. 27.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1891. La Fontaine, H., i5- Otlet, P. 016.3 Lii '''" . . . Bibliographia sociologica. Sociologie et droit. Sozialwissen- schaft und Recht. Sociology and law. Sommaire methodique des traites et dcs revues, dresse conformement a la classification decimale. xiii,[34],i70 p. O. Bruxelles: Office international de bibliographic, [189-]. MUhlbrecht, Otto. 016.3 M89 '"^ Wegweiser durch die neuere Litteratur dcr Rechts- und Staats- wissenschaften Zweite umgearbeitete und vermehrtc Auf- lage. [2],xxviii,748 p. O. Berlin: Puttkammer & Miihlbrccht, 1893. Stammhammer, Josef. L016.3S783 7.109 Bibliographic der Social-Politik. iv,648 p. Q. Jena : G. Fischer, 1896. Marot, Helen. 016.33 M34 '■""" A handbook of labor literature. Being a classified and annotated list of the more important books and pamphlets in the English language. vi,96 p. D. Philadelphia: Free Library of Econom- ics & Political Science, 1899. Rand, Benjamin, Z'//. /^. 016.33 R15 "' A bibliography of economics. [2], 88 p. O. Cambridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 13 Stammhammer, Josef. L016.335S783 '■^°^ Bibliographic des Socialismus unci Communismus. iv,303 p. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1893. Gross, Charles. 016.352 G91 UU97 ^ bibliography of British municipal history including gilds and parliamentary representation. xxxiv,46i p. O. [HARVARD University. Harvard historical studies, vol. 5.] New York- Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. 016.353 H271 it'sss Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government. (A contribution toward a bibliography.) 90 p. O. (U. S. A. Government Printing Office. Super- intendent of Documents.) Washington 1899. Hickcox, John Howard. 016.353 H52 io!sB4 Ui-ji|-g(^ States government publications. A monthly catalogue. Vol. i-io. 1 885-1 894. O. Washington, D. C, 1 885-1 894. No more published. Poore, Benjamin Perley. L016.353 P79 .2587 y^ descriptive catalogue of the government publications of the United States, September 5, 1774- March 4, 1881. Compiled by order of Congress. iv,i392 p. sq.Q. Washington 1885. U. S. A. Government Printing Office. 016.353U58 ^"■" Superintendent of Doeuuients. Checklist of public documents, containing debates and proceed- ings of Congress, from the first to the fifty-third Congress, together with miscellaneous lists of documents, and historical and biblio- graphical notes. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Issued by F. A. Crandall. 222 p. O. Washington 1895. U. S. A. Government Printing Offiee. L016.353 U581 '"" Superintendent of Documoits. Catalogue of the public documents of . . . Congress and of all de- partments of the Government of the United States .... (Being the "Comprehensive Index" provided for by the act approved January 12, 1895.) Prepared under the supervision of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Ofifice. Con- tinued from the Fifty-third Congress, March 4, 1893. Q- Wash- ington 1896. U.S.A. Department of tJie Interior. L016.353 TI582 Superintendent of Documents. Comprehensive index of the publications of the Government, 1889-1893. By John G. Ames, vi, [23,480 p. sq.Q. Washing- ton 1894. 14 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY U. S. A. Govcnimcut Printing Office. 016.353 U583 ''■•s Superintendent of Documents. .... Index to the .subjects of the documents and reports and to the committees, senators, and representatives presenting them. (Being the "consohdated inde.x" provided for by the act of Janu- ary 12. 1895.) Compiled under the direction of the Superinten- dent of Documents. Continued from [no. i]. 54th Congress, 1st session. Dec. 2. 1895. O- Washington 1897. U. S. A. Government Printing Office. 016.353 U584 '^'^is Superintendent of Documents. Catalogue of United States public documents. Issued month- ly by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. Continued from [no. i]. January. 1895. ^- Washing- ton 1 895-. No. 1-3 published under the title : Catalogue of pulilications issued by the Govern- ment of the United States .... U.S.A. Departmentof the Interior. Bureau of Education. O16.353U587 ^'^' Publications of the U. S. Bureau of Education, from 1867 to 1890, with subject-index [2].i453-i 55 i P- O. Washington 1 89 1. Reprint of chapter 30 of the Report of the Commission,)- of Education for iS88-8g. Warman, Philip Creveling. 016.353 W23 """ Bibliography and index of the publications of the United States geological survey, with the laws governing their printing and dis- tribution. 495 p. O. [U.S.A. Department OF THE Interior. Geological Survey.] Washington 1893. Hall, Granville Stanley, &- Mansfield, John M. 016.37 H14 ^^'^ Hints toward a select and descriptive bibliography of education. Arranged by topics, and indexed by authors. xv,309 p. D. [Heath's pedagogical librar}-.] Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1893. Monroe, Will Seymour. 016.37 M75 ■ " Bibliograph}- of education, .xxiv.202 p. D. (International edu- cation series, vol. 42.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. American Manual Training Association. 016.371 A512 '""^ A bibliography of manual training. Prepared by the American Manual Training Association. 24 p. O. New York 1898. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1$ Revue. 016.51 R32 ®**^ Revue semestrielle des publications mathematiques, redigee sous les auspices de la Societe Mathematique d'Amsterdam Continued from vol. i. [1892.] O. Amsterdam 1893-. Contains a check-list of periodicals indexed, in which those .aKen by Dutch libraries are indicated. Tuckerman, Alfred. 016.536 T79 3059 Index to the literature of thermodynamics. v,239p. O. (SMITH- SONIAN Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 34.) Washington 1890. Osterberg, Max. 016.537 O85 io95i Synopsis of current electrical literature. Compiled from . . . technical journals and magazines during 1895 xiii,[2],i43 p. O. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1896. Ronalds, 5z> Francis. 016.537 R66 *^^' Catalogue of books and papers relating to electricity, magnetism, the electric telegraph, &c., including the Ronalds library. With a biographical memoir. Edited by Alfred J. Frost. (Published by the Society of Telegraph Engineers.) xxvii,564 p. O. Lon- don: E. & F. N. Spon, 1880. Bolton, Henry Carrington. 016.54 B63 '*'' A select bibliography of chemistry. 1492-1892. xiii,i2i2 p. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous col- lections, 850.) City of Washington 1893. Geological record. 016.55 G29 17946 jj^g Geological record .... A list of publications on geology, mineralogy, and palaeontology .... Vol. i-[8]. 1874-1884. O. London 1875-1889. Vol. 1-4 edited by William Whitaker, and 5-6, by W. Whitaker and W. H. Dalton, were published annually with sub-title : An account of works on geology, mineralogy, and palaeontology, .... [Vol. 7-8], edited by William Topley and Charles Davies Sherborn, cover, in one arrangement, the five-year period from 1880-1884. Vol. 2-6 contain a cumulative supplement to the previous volumes. No more published. Ripley, William Zebina. 016.572 R48 18757 js^ selected bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe. x,i6op. O. Boston: published by the Trustees of the Public Library, 1899. Including the works on these subjects in the Boston Public Library. Also published as [vol. 2] of The races of Europe, by the same author, which has shelf number 572.94 P900 l6 THE JOHN CRKRAK I.IHRAUV Bibliographia zoologica. 016.59 B47 M7«6 Bibliographia zoologica (diario "Zoologischcr Anzeiger" adnexa) adjuvante concilio bibliographico quod Turici pracside H, H. Field institutum est Continued from vol. i. [1896.] O. Lipsiae 1896-. Published as supplement to Zoologischcr Anzeiger, vol. 19-, and continuing the "Litteratur" in previous vol. of this, which has shelf number 590.53 8. Edited by J. Victor Carus. Cams, Julius Victor, & Engelmann, Wilhelm. 016.59 C25 "■-'" Bibliotheca zoologica. Verzeichniss der Schriften liber Zoologie, welchc in den periodischenWerken enthaltenund vom Jahrc 1846- 1 860 selbstandig erschienen sind. Mit Einschluss der allgemein- naturgcschichtlichen, periodischen and palacontologischen Schrif- ten. 2 vol. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1861. Taschenberg, Otto. 016.59 T18 '*^' Bibliotheca zoologica II. Verzeichniss der Schriften iiber Zoo- logie, welche in den periodischen Werken enthalten und vom Jahre 1 861-1880 selbstandig erschienen sind. Mit Einschltissder allgcmein-naturgeschichtlichen, periodischen und palaeontologi- schen Schriften. Vol. i-. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1887-. Hagen, Hermann August. 016.5957 H12 -'-** Bibliotheca cntomologica. Die Litteratur iiber das ganzc Gebiet der Entomologie bis zum Jahre 1862. 2 vol. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1862- 1863. Association of Engineering Societies. 016.6 A849 11555 -Yhe engineering index Vol. 1-2. O. Vol. i , Chicago : Association of Engineering Societies; vol. 2, New York; Engi- neering Magazine, c. 1 892-1 896. Contents: Vol. I. 1884-1891. Vol. 2. 1892-1896. Edited by J. B. Johnson. Vol. I published under the title: Descriptive index of current engineering literature. Originally published in the Journal of the Association. Galloupe, Francis Ellis. 016.6 G13 '"'" An index to engineering periodicals, 1883 to [1892], inclusive. Comprising engineering; railroads; science; manufactures and trade. 2 vol. O. Boston 1 888-1 893. Vol. 2 published under the title: Galloupe's general index to engineering periodicals. Haferkorn, Henry Ernest. 016.6 Hi i "*' Handy lists of technical literature. Reference catalogue of books printed in English from 1880 to 1888, inclusive ; to which is add- ed a select list of books printed before 1880 and still kept on pub- lishers' and jobbers' lists. Parts 1-6 in i vol. O. Milwaukee, Wis. : parts 1-2 : National Publishing and Printing Co. ; parts 3-6 : H. E. Haferkorn, 1 889-1 891. Parts I and 2 compiled by Henry E. Haferkorn and Paul Heise. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM \^ Repertorium. L016.6R29 ^^'® Repertorium der technischen Literatur die Jahre 1823 bis einschl. 1853 umfassend Bearbeitet von Dr. Schubarth. Heraus- gegeben im Auftrage des Koniglichen Miiiisteriums flir Handel, Gewerbe und offentliche Arbeiten. xvi,i049 p. O. Berlin: Deckersche Hofbuchdruckerei, 1856. Repertorium. L016.6 R291 ^^'-' Repertorium der technischen Journal-Literatur. Herausgegeben im Kaiserlichen Patentamt. Continued from 1854. O. Berlin 1881-. Continuation of Repertorium der technischen Literatur, 1823-1853. From 185410 1881 edited by Bruno Kerl; from 1882-1885 by Rud. Biedermann; from 1886-1894 by Dr. Rieth. Contents: 1854-1868 in 2 vol. : voL i, A-K; vol. 2, L-Z; 1869-1873 in 2 vol. : vol. I, A-K; vol. 2, L-Z; 1874- published annually. From 1854 to 1878 published under the title : Repertorium der technischen Literatur. Neue Folge. Im Auftrage des Koniglich preussischen Ministeriums fiir Handel, Ge- werbe, und offentliche Arbeiten . . . ; from 1879 to 1894: Repertorium der technischen Journal-Literatur. Im Auftrage des Kaiserlichen Patentamtes herausgegeben. Munroe, Charles Edward. 016.662 M92 ^^^"^ Index to the literature of explosives. 2 parts in i vol. O. Bal- timore 1 886-1 893. Sturgis, Russell, &f Krehbiel, Henry Edward. L016.7 S935 6039 Annotated bibliography of fine art. Painting, sculpture, architec- ture, arts of decoration and illustration, by Russell Sturgis. Mu- sic, by Henry Edward Krehbiel. Edited by George lies. [6], 89 P- Q. Boston: published for the American Library Associa- tion Publishing Section by the Library Bureau, 1897. Adams, Charles Kendall. 016.9 A211 ''°* A manual of historical literature, comprising brief descriptions of the most important histories in English, French, and German, together with practical suggestions as to methods and courses of historical study Third edition, revised .... xxxviii.[2], 720 p. O. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1889. 017 CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES American Library Association. 017 A5121 '"' Catalog of "A. L. A." library. 5,000 volumes for a popular li- brary selected by the American Library Association, and shown at the World's Columbian Exposition. xx,592 p. O. (U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education.) Washington 1893. 1 8 ' THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Boston. Public Library. L017 B658 '*"* A list of periodicals, newspapers, transactions, and other serial publications currently received in the principal libraries of Boston and vicinit}-. [4], 143 p. O. Boston 1897. British Museum. Department of Printed Books. L017 B762 ®®'* A subject index of the modern works added to the library of the British Museum .... Compiled by G. K. Fortescue. [Vol. 1-3.] 1880-1895. Q. London 1886-1897. Contents: Vol. I. 1880-1885; vol. 2. 1886-1890; vol. 3. 1891-1895. Chicago. Public Library. 017 C43 9io3 pinding lists of the Chicago Public Library. Seventh edition. Including the first supplement. [2 vol.] O. Chicago 1889- 1895- Prussia. K. Ministerium der off cut lichen Arbeiten. 017 P955 ^^'■•' Katalog der Bibliothek des Konigl. Ministeriums der ciffentlichcn Arbeiten. xiv,[2],666 p. O. Berlin: J. Springer. 1897. 020 LIBRARY ECONOMY Denver, C^/. Public Library. 020.2 D19 ""^^ Public library hand-book, Denver. By the Public Library of Denver. [2], 182 p. il. S. Denver: Carson-Harper Co., 1895. Edited by J. C. Dana. Dana, John Cotton. 020.2 D191 18S73 A library primer. i8o,[io]p. il. D. Chicago: Library Bureau, 1899. Fletcher, William Isaac. 020.2 F63 '^^ Public libraries in America. Second edition. [2], 169 p. 14 pi. 4 por. D. (Columbian knowledge series, no. 2.) Boston: Rob- erts Brothers, 1895. Grasel, Arnim. 020.2 G761 io:)3i jvianuel de bibliotheconomie. Edition frangaise revue par I'au- teur et considerablemcnt augmentec. Traduction de Jules Laude. .... [2],628 p. il. 4 pi. O. Paris: H. Welter. 1897. Plummer, Mary Wright. 020.2 P731 isuj Hints to small libraries. Second edition revised and enlarged. 67, [i] p. 25 il. O. New York: Truslovc & Comba, 1898. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 19 Garnett, Richard. 020.4 Gi8 ""* Essays in librarianship and bibliography. xiv,343 p. D. [Li- brary series, vol. 5.] London: G. Allen, 1899. Contents: Address to the Library Association. Public libraries and their catalogues. The printing of the British Museum catalogue. The past, present, and future of the British Museum catalogue. The British Museum catalogue as the basis of a universal catalogue. Introduction of European printing into the east. Paraguayan and Argentine bibliography. The early Italian book trade. Some book-hunters of the seventeenth century. Librarianship in the seventeenth century. The manufacture of fine paper in England in the eighteenth century. -On some colophons of the early printers. On the system of classifying books on the shelves followed at the British Museum. Subject-in- dexes to transactions of learned societies. Photography in public libraries. The tele- graph in the library. On the protection of libraries from fire. The sliding-press at the British Museum. On the provision of additional space in libraries. Preface to Blades' "Enemies of books". Sir Anthony Panizzi, K. C. B. The late John Winter Jones, V, P. S. A. The late Henry Stevens, F. S. A. The late Sir Edward A. Bond, K. C. B, Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. 020.4 W56 *'■'"' How to form a library. \ai,248 p. D. [Book-lover's library.] London: E. Stock, 1886. Macfarlane, John. 025 M16 io52o Libi-^i-y administration. x,244 p. D. [Library series, vol. 3.] London: G. Allen, 1898. Dewey, MelviL 025.4 D51 ^''^ Decimal classification and relative index for libraries, clippings, notes, etc. Filth edition. 593 p- O. Boston : Library Bureau, 1894. Greenwood, Thomas. ' 027.042 2 1733 Public libraries : a history of the movement and a manual for the organization and management of rate-supported libraries. Fourth edition, revised .... xxxi,604 p. il. D. London: Cassell & Co., 1894. Koopman, Harry Lyman. 028 K83 "■-" The mastery of books. Hints on reading and the use of libraries. 214 p. D. New York: American Book Co., c. 1896. Contains a chapter: Classified list of books. Porter, Noah. 028 P83 12894 gQQ]^g and reading : or, What books shall I read and how shall I read them? viii,378 p. O. New York: C. Scribner & Co., 1871. Thayer, Joseph Henry. 028.3 T33 '"' Books and their use : an address ; to which is appended a list of books for students of the New Testament. 94 p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 1893. 20 THE JOHxN CRERAR LIBRARY 030 ENCYCLOPEDIAS 031 AMERICAN New York Tribune. 031 3 '•■"' Tribune almanac and political register .... Continued from [no. i]. 1838. D. New York [1854-]. The almanacs for 1S3S, 1843-1855 are published under the title: The Whig almanac ... ; for 1839-41 : The Politician's register; for 1838-1854 they are photolithographic reproductions with a general title-page reading: The Tribune almanac . . . 1838-1868, . . . comprehending The Politician's register and The Whig almanac .... Vol. i. None published for 1842. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Wheeler, William Adolphus, & Wheeler, Charles G. 031 O200 **'■" Familiar allusions: a hand-book of miscellaneous information, in- cluding the names of celebrated statues, paintings, palaces, country-seats, ruins, churches, ships, streets, clubs, natural curi- osities, and the like. v. 584 p. O. Boston : J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. American cylopaedia. L031O300 ^^^ The American cyclopaedia. A popular dictionary of general knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. With supplement. 16 vol. il. pi. maps, facsim. table. Index b\- T. J. Conant. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co.. 1 883-1885. Appletons' annual cyclopaedia. L031 O301 "■*■* Appletons' annual cyclopaedia an'd register of important events of the years 1876- New series. Continued from vol. i. il. pi. por. maps, tables. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1885-. Index for vol. 1-9 in vol. 9; for vol. 13-17 in vol. 17. Vol. 1-9 printed in 1885- 1886, c. 1877-1885. Encyclopaedia Britannica. L031 O302 ^"* American supplement to Encyclopaedia Britannica. (Ninth edi- tion.) A dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. 4 vol.il. pi. maps. O. Philadelphia: Hubbard Publishing Co., 1894. Binder's title: Encyclopaedia Americana. Iconographic encyclopaedia. L031 O500 The Iconographic encyclopaedia of the arts and sciences. Trans- lated from the German of the Bilder- Atlas (Iconographischc En- cyclopaedic), revised and enlarged by eminent American special- ists. Published by special arrangement with the proprietor, F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, Germany. 7 vol. pi. maps. Q. Phila- delphia: Iconographic Publishing Co.. c. 1885-1890. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 21 Daily news almanac. 031 O502 10570 Yhe Daily news almanac and political register Continued from vol. 14. 1898. il. D. Chicago, c. 1898-. Compiled by G. E. Plumbe. Frey, Albert Romer. 031 O800 Sobriquets and nicknames. iii,482 p. O. London : Whittaker & Co., [1887]. Century dictionary. L031 O900 The Century dictionary. An encyclopedic lexicon of the Eng- lish language. Prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney. 6 vol. il. F. New York: Century Co , c. 1889. Century cyclopedia of names. L031 O901 The Century c)xlopedia of names. A pronouncing and etymo- logical dictionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, archaeology, fiction, etc., etc., etc. Ed- ited by Benjamin E. Smith. vii,io85p. F- New York: Century Co., c. 1894. Reddall, Henry Frederic. 031 O902 "■' Fact, fancy, and fable : a new handbook for ready reference on subjects commonly omitted from cyclopaedias; .... 536 p. O. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1892. Thorne, Robert, compiler. ' 031 OQ03 Fugitive facts. A dictionary of rare and curious information. A treasury of facts, legends, sayings and their explanation, obtained in large part from sources not generally accessible, .... 506 p. D. New York: A. L. Burt, c. 1889. Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. L031 P300 ■*•'' Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. A new edition, prepared by a corps of thirty-six editors, assisted by eminent European and American specialists, under the direction of Charles Kendall Adams. 8 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: A. J. Johnson Co., 1895- Smith, Henry Percy, editor. 031 P500 A dictionary of terms, phrases, and quotations. The terms and phrases edited by the Rev. H. Percy Smith. The quotations com- piled for the American edition by Helen Kendrick Johnson, x, 724 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. 22 THE JOHN CREJL\R LIBRARY Harper's book of facts. L031 P501 '"" Harper's book of facts: a classified history of the world, embrac- ing science, literature, and art. Compiled by Joseph H. Willsey, edited by Charlton T. Lewis. [4] ,954 p. il. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1895. World almanac. 031 P600 '"■' The World almanac and encyclopedia. 1896. 584p.il. O. New York: Press Publishing Co., 1896. Encyclopaedia Britannica. L031 P700 '^'-"' New American supplement to the latest edition of the Encyclo- paedia Britannica. A standard work of reference in art, literature, science, history, .... Edited under the personal supervision of Day Otis Kellogg 5 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : i- 642p.;vol.2: [6] ,643-1 308 p. ; vol. 3 : [6], 1 309-1974 p. ; vol. 4: [8], 1975-2632 p.; vol. 5: [6],2633-3269 p. il. Q. New York: Werner Co.. 1897. Chandler, William Henry. L031 P801 '"^" Chandler's encyclopedia. An epitome of universal knowledge. .... 3 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xiii,i-520 p. ; vol. 2: 521-1 104 p. ; vol. 3 : [2],! 105-1710P. il. maps. Q. New York: P. F. ColHer, 1898. 032 ENGLISH Statesman's year-book. 032 M400 *"*'* The Statesman's year-book : statistical and historical annual of the states of the world .... Continued from [vol. i]. 1864. D. London 1864-. Vol. 1-19 edited by Frederick Martin; vol. 20-, by J. .Scott Keltic. Published with various subtitles. Whitaker, Joseph, editor. 032.M900 '"" An almanac .... Containing the usual astronomical and other phenomena. Also a large amount of information respecting the government, finances, population, commerce, and general statistics of the British Empire throughout the world, with some notice of other countries, &c., &c. Continued from [no. i ;] 1869. D. London: J. Whitaker, pref. 1868-. Encyclopaedia Britannica. L032 N500 2099 ^YYiQ Encyclopaedia Britannica. A dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. Ninth edition. 24 vol. and index, il. pi. maps. sq.Q. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1875-1888. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 23 Adams, William Davenport. 032 N800 "" Dictionary of English literature: being a comprehensive guide to English authors and their works. Third edition. iv,7o8 p. O. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [188-]. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 Oooi '"" The reader's handbook of allusions, references, plots, and stories. With two appendices, xiii, 1 170 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lip- pincott Co., 1893. Cox, Sir George William, Bart. 032O200 '°'* The little cyclopaedia of common things. Tenth edition. [2], 660 p. il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 O400 "" A dictionary of miracles, imitative, realistic, and dogmatic, xliv, 582 p. il. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1889. Hazell's annual. 032 O600 '*" Hazell's annual .... A cyclopaedic record of men and topics of the day Continued from [vol. i]. 1886. maps. D. Lon- don 1 886-. Vol. 1-6, 1886-1891, edited by E. D. Price; vol. lo-, by Wm. Palmer. Vol. 1-3 published under the title: Hazell's annual cyclopaedia. Chambers' encyclopaedia. L032O800 "^ Chambers' encyclopaedia. A dictionary of universal knowledge. New edition. 10 vol. il. pi. maps. O. London : W. & R. Cham- bers, 1888-1892. Blackie's modern cyclopedia. 032 O900 '■'"^ Blackie's modern cyclopedia of universal information Ed- ited by Charles Annandale. 8 vol. il. maps. O. London: Black- ie & Son, 1894. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 Pico '^° The historic note-book: with an appendix of battles. x, 997 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1894. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 P200 '^"^ Dictionary of phrase and fable. Giving the derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions, and words that have a tale to tell. Twenty-sixth edition, revised To which is added a concise bibliography of English literature, based upon the . . . work ... of W. Davenport Adams viii,i076 p. O. New York: Cassell Publishing Co., [1892]. 24 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Walsh, William Shepard. 032 P300 "" Handy-book of literary curiosities. ii04p. O. London : Gib- bings & Co.. 1S94. Haydn, [^osQ^h.']^ of Lincohis Inu. 032P500 " Haydn's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations. Twenty-first edition, containing the history of the world to the autumn of 1895. ^Y Benjamin Vincent, vi, [6], I 2 16 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1895. Baldwin, James. 032P501 ""* A guide to systematic readings in the Encyclopjedia Brittanica. 316 p. O. Chicago: Werner Co., 1895. 033-039 OTHER ENCYCLOPEDIAS Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexikon. ^033 P200 *^' Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexikon. Vierzehnte vollstandig neu- bearbeitete Auflage. 17 vol. il. pi. maps, tables. Q. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1 892-1 898. Vol. 17 is Supplement and also called Revidierte Jubilaums-Ausgabe. Meyers Hand-Lexikon. 033P300 "' Meyers Hand-Lexikon des allgemeinen Wissens. Fiinfte, ganz- lich umgearbeitctc Auflage. [2].! 702. [2] p. D. Leipzig: Bib- liographisches Institut, 1893. Larousse, Pierre. L034M500 '"' Grand dictionnaire- universel du xix«= siecle frangais, historique, geographique, biographique, mythologique, bibliographique, lit- teraire, artistique. scientifique. etc 17 vol. il. i por. sq.F. Paris [ 1 864-1 876]. Vol. 1-2, 4-6, 8-14, published under the title: Grand dictionnaire universel fran^ais, Vol. 16 and 17 are supplements to the main work. Grande encyclopedie. L034 O500 ""■ La Grande encyclopedic. Inventaire raisonne des sciences, des lettres et des arts, par unc societc de savants ct dc gens des lettres ... . Continued from vol. i. il. maps. F. Paris: vol. 1-22, H. Lamirault & c"". vol. 23-, Societe anonymc de La Grande ency- clopedie, [1885-]. Vol. 1-18, general editor: F. Camilla Dreyfus; vol. 23-, Andr^ Berthelot. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 25 Nordisk familjebok. L038 N600 »^8^c ]\[Qi-(jisi^ familjebok. Konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi, innehallande upplysningar och forklaringar om markvardiga namn, foremal och begrepp Vol. i-. il. Q. Stockholm 1876-. A-Elzheimer, edited by N. Linder; Em-Hemman, by B. F. Olsson, J. Rosen and Th. Westrin; Hemmansklyfning-Oynhausen, by J. Rosen and Th. Westrin, with the exception of the letter S which was edited by B. Meijer; vol. 19-, by Th. Westrin. Vol. 19- are supplements. 040 GENERAL ESSAYS Caird, John. 042 C12 18108 University addresses : being addresses on subjects of academic study delivered to the University of Glasgow. [Edited by Ed- ward Caird.] x,383 p. O. Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Son, 1898. Contents: The unity of the sciences. The progressiveness of the sciences. Erasmus. GaHleo. The scientific character of Bacon. David Hume. Bishop Butler and his theology. The study of history. The science of history. The study of art. The pro- gressiveness of art. The art of public speaking. The personal element in teaching. General and professional education. 050 JOURNALISM Dana, Charles Anderson. 050.4 D19 12388 'pj^g ^j.^ qJ newspaper making. Three lectures. [4], 114 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Hudson, Frederic. 050.9 N200 * Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872. [4], 789 p. O. New York : Harper & Brothers. 1873. Jackson, Mason. 050.9 O500 1032 -Y\ie pictorial press, its origin and progress. xii,363 p. 150 il. O. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1885. Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. 050.9 O700 &"8 English newspapers. Chapters in the history of journalism. 2 vol. O. London: Chatto & Windus, 1887. Pendleton, John. 050.9 Pooi '"'** Newspaper reporting in olden time and to-day. x,245 p. D. [Book-lover's library.] London: E. Stock, 1890. 26 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 060 SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES Becker, Bernard Henry. 062 4 '■'" Scientific London. viii,340 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co.. 1875. 090 BOOK RARITIES Slater, John Herbert. 090.2 P200 *"* Book collecting. A guide lor amateurs. [2], 130 p. il. D. Lon- don: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. Madan, Falconer. 091 P300 **" Books in manuscript : a short introduction to their study and use. With a chapter on records. xv,i88 p. il. 8 pi. i facsim. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul. ... & Co., 1893. With an appendix : List of printed catalogues of manuscripts in European language; in the British Museum, the Bodleian Librarj- at Oxford, the Cambridge University Libra- rj-, etc. Pollard, Alfred William. 096P300 '^' Early illustrated books. A history of the decoration and illustra- tion of books in the 15th and i6th centuries. xvi,256 p. 58 il. I facsim. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co.. 1893. Hardy, William J. 097 P300 '^"' Book-plates. xvi,i75 p. il. 34 pi. 3 por. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, ... &Co., 1893. Castle, Egerton. 097P301 -33< English book-plates, ancient and modern. [New and enlarged edition.] xx,352 p. il. 13 pi. i por. D. [Ex-libris series.] London : G. Bell & Sons, 1894. Vinycomb, John. 097 P400 6233 Q^ ^j^g processes for the production of ex libris (book-plates). .... xii,96 p. il. 22 pi. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1894. Reprinted from the Jottrnal of the Ex Libris Society with additional illustrations. Allen, Charles Dexter. 097 P401 "■' American book-plates. A guide to their stud}-, with examples. With a bibliograph)' by Eben Newell Hewins. xiv,437 p. il. 31 pi. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Hamilton, Walter. 097 P600 ''" French book-plates, x.360 p. il. i pi. D. [Ex-libris series.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1896. Contains a bibliography of works referring to French ex-libris. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 2/ 100-200 PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION 100-120 GENERAL WORKS AND METAPHYSICS Ladd, George TrumbulL 102 Pooi '"' Introduction to philosophy. An inquiry after a rational system of scientific principles in their relation to ultimate reality, xii, 426 p. O. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1890. Kiilpe, Oswald. 102 P500 s5»(, Introduction to philosophy. A handbook for students of psychology, logic, ethics, aesthetics, and general philosophy. Translated from the German (1895) by W. B. Pillsbury and E. B. Titchener. x,256 p. D. London: Swan Sonnenschcin & Co., 1897. Hyde, William DeWitt. 104 H99 13097 Practical idealism. xi,335 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897- Contents: Part i. The natural world, i. The world of sense-perception. 2. The world of association. 3. The world of science. 4. The world of art. Part 2. The spiritual world. 5. The world of persons. 6. The world of institutions. 7. The world of morality. 8. The world of religion. Schwegler, Albert. 109K700 ^"® Handbook of the history of philosophy. Translated and anno- tated by James Hutchison Stirling. Seventh edition xviii, [2],486p. D. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Co., 1879. Ueberweg, Friedrich. 109 N 100 ""•^ History of philosophy, from Thales to the present time. Trans- lated from the fourth German edition, by George S. Morris. With additions by Noah Porter. With a preface by the editors of the Philosophical and theological library. 2 vol. O. [Philo- sophical and theological library.] New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1887, c. 1871-1873. Vol. 2 contains an appendix on English and American philosophy, by Noah Porter, and an appendix on Italian philosophy, by Vincenzo Botta. Windelband, Wilhelm. 109 Pi 00 "^' A history of philosophy. With especial reference to the forma- tion and development of its problems and conceptions. Author- ised translation by James H. Tufts. xiii,659 p. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Burt, Benjamin Chapman. 109P200 '" A history of modern philosophy (from the Renaissance to the present). 2 vol. O. Chicago: McClurg & Co., 1892. 28 THE JOHN CRERAK LIBRARY Weber, Alfred. 109 P600 *"" History of philosophy. Authorized translation by Frank Thilly. From the fifth French edition. xi,630 p. O. New York : C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1896. Contains a bibliography of philosophy and numerous bibliographical notes and refer- ences. Pearson, Karl. 110.2P200 "^' The grammar of science. xvi,493 p. 25 il. D. [Contemporary science series.] London: W. Scott, 1892. With bibliographical references at the end of each chapter. Bradley, Francis Herbert. 110.2P300 ^"" Appearance and reality: a metaphysical essay. xxi\-,5 58 p. O. [Library of philosophy.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. Locke, John. 121 E2 ^^'^ An essay concerning human understanding. Collated and anno- •tated, with prolegomena, biographical, critical, and historical, by Alexander Campbell Fraser. 2 vol. por. O. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1894. 130 MIND AND BODY Mercier, Charles. 132.1O900 '""' Sanity and insanity. xix,395 p. il. i pi. D. [Contemporary science series.] London: W. Scott, 1890. Kerr, Norman. 132.7 P400 "^^* Inebriety or narcomania, its ctiolog}-, pathology, treatment and jurisprudence. Third edition. xx.xix./Ho p. O. London: H. K. Lewis, 1894. Ellis, Havelock. 132.9 Pooi '*" The criminal. viii,337 p. il. 5 pi. D. [Contemporary science series.] London: \V. Scott, 1890. Sully, James. 133.2 Oioo ""■ Illusions: a psychological study. xii,372 p. 7 il. D. (Interna- tional scientific series, vol. 33.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1882. Scholz, Friedrich, lU. D. 135 P300 "" Sleep and dreams: a scientific-popular dissertation, from the German by H. M. Jewett; and The analogy of insanity to sleep and dreams, by Milo A. Jewett. I47 P- D. New York : Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 29 Ribot, Theodule. 136.3 O200 605(1 Heredity : a psychological study of its phenomena, laws, causes, and consequences. From the French. x,393 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Mantegazza, Paolo. 138O500 3263 Physiognomy and expression. x,327 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series.] New York : Scribner, & Welford, 1890. 140 PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS Sully, James. 149.6 N700 2803 Pessimism ; a history and a criticism. xv,477 P- O. London : H. S. King& Co., 1877. 150 PSYCHOLOGY Ladd, George Trumbull. 150. i P501 10372 Philosophy of mind. An essay in the metaphysics of psychology. xiv,4i4 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1895. Carpenter, William Benjamin. 150.2 N600 9967 Principles of mental physiology, with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid conditions. Seventh edition. lxiii,737 p. 17 il. O. London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1896. Lotze, Hermann. 150.2 Oioo '^^' Outlines of psychology. Dictated portions of the lectures of Her- mann Lotze. Translated and edited by George T. Ladd. ix,[2], 157 p. D. [Lotze, H. Outlines of philosophy, vol. 4.] Bos- ton, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., c. 1886. Perez, Bernard. 150.2 O201 15654 yj^g ^j.g|. ^hree years of childhood. Edited and translated by Alice M. Christie. With an introduction by James Sulley. xxiii,295 p. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y^; C. W. Bardeen, 1894. Preyer, William. 150.2 O400 "•" The mind of the child 2 vol. il. D. Translated from the original German by H. W. Brown. (International education series, vol. 7 and 9.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Contents: Vol. i. The senses and the will. Vol. 2. The development of the intellect. 30 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Ladd, George Trumbull. 150.2 O701 ' "* Elements of physiological psycholog)'. A treatise of the acti\i- ties and nature of the mind, from the physical and experimental point of view. xii,696 p. 114 il. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. Romanes, George John. 150.2 O801 '*■" Mental evolution in man. Origin of human faculty. viii,[2].. 452 p. il. I table. O. London: Kcgan Paul, Trench & Co., iRSS. Sully, James. 150.2 O902 ®'"" Teacher's hand-book of psychology, on the basis of the "Out- lines of psycholog>\" Third edition, revised and enlarged, xiv, 445 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. c. 1886. James, William. 150.2 Pooi '" The principles of psychology. 2 vol. 94 il. O. (American sci- ence series, advanced course.) New York : H. Holt & Co., 1890. Preyer, Wilhelm. 150.2 P002 *'" Mental development in the child. Translated from the German by H. W. Brown. xxvi,i70p. D. (International education series, vol. 24.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Sully, James. 150.2 P201 ®-'- The human mind. A text-book of psychology. 2 vol. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Wundt, Wilhelm. 150.2 P203 ^'^^ Lectures on human and animal psychology. Translated from the second German edition by J. E. Creighton & E. B. Titchener. [Second edition.] x,459 p. 45 il. O. London: Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., 1896. Kiilpe, Oswald. 150.2 P300 7400 Outlines of psychology. Based upon the results of experimental investigation. Translated from the German (1893) by Edward Bradford Titchener. xi,462 p. 10 il. O. London: Swan Son- nenschein & Co., 1895. Wundt, Wilhelm. 150.2 P600 ^""" Outlines of psychology. Translated with the cooperation of the author by Charles Hubbard Judd. xviii,342 p. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1897. Titchener, Edward Bradford. 150.2 P601 ^^'■* An outline of psychology. xiv, 352 p. 10 il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 3 1 Compayre, Gabriel. 150.2 P603 '*'®" The intellectual and moral development of the child. Part i. Containing the chapters on perception, emotion, memory, imag- ination, and consciousness. Translated from the French by Mary E.Wilson. ix,[2],298 p. D. (International education series, vol. 35.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Stout, George Frederick. 150.2 P604 '^""' Analytic psychology. 2 vol. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1896. Baldwin, James Mark. 150.2 P702 *^'-' Social and ethical interpretations in mental development. A study in social psychology. Work crowned with the gold medal of the Royal Academy of Denmark. xiv.574p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Harris, William Torrey. 150.2 P801 12857 Psychologic foundations of education. An attempt to show the genesis of the higher faculties of the mind. xxxv,400 p. D. (International education series, vol. 37.) New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1898. Oppenheim, Nathan. 150.2 P802 ""'" The development of the child. viii,[2] ,296 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Titchener, Edward Bradford. 150.2 P805 '"'" A primer of psychology. xvi,3i4p. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1898. Galton, Francis. i50-4 G13 ^°°' Inquiries into human faculty and its development. xii,[2],387 p. il. 5 pi. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1883. Sully, James. 150.4 S953 ^''®" Sensation and intuition : studies in psychology and aesthetics, xix, 372 p. il. O. London: H. S. King & Co., 1874. Contents: i. The relation of the evokition hypothesis to human psychology. 2. New theories of emotional expression. 3. Recent German experiments with sensation. 4. Belief: its varieties and its conditions. 5. The genesis of the free-will doctrine. 6. On some elements of moral self-culture. 7. The basis of musical sensation. 8. Aspects of beauty in musical form. 9. On the nature and limits of musical expression. 10. The sesthetic aspects of character. 11. The representation of character in art. 12. Les- sing's Hamburg dramaturgy. 13. On the possibility of a science of sesthetics. Sully, James. 150.4 S9531 ""' Studies of childhood. viii,527 p. 52 il. O. New York : D. Ap- pleton & Co., 1896. Contains a bibliography of child study. 32 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Ribot, Theodule. 150.9 O600 '* German psycholog}- of to-day : the empirical school. Translated from the second French edition by James Mark Baldwin. With a preface by James McCosh. xxi,3o7 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1886. Mach, Ernst. 152 P700 *'^" Contributions to the analysis of the sensations. Translated by C.M.Williams. viii,[4],2o8 p. 37 il. O. Chicago : Open Court Publishing Co., 1897. Sanford, Edmund Clark. 152 P800 '"'■ A course in experimental psycholog}'. Part I : Sensation and perception. [New edition.] viii,449 p. il. i pi. D. Boston, U. S. A. : D. C. Heath & Co., 1898. "Bibliography," at the end of each chapter. Ladd, George Trumbull. 153 P700 "'^ Philosophy of knowledge. An inquiry into the nature, limits, and validity of human cognitive facult}\ xv.614 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897. Kay, David. 154O800 **"" Memory: what it is and how to improve it. xxvi,[2],340 p. U. (International education series, vol. 8.) New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1895, c. 1888. Gurney, Edmund. L157 Oooi 10253 jj^g power of sound. xi,[2],559 p. il. O. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1880. Lotze, Hermann. 157 O400 ■'^^ Outlines of aesthetics. Dictated portions of the lectures of Her- mann Lotze. Translated and edited by George T. Ladd. \iii. [2],! 13 p. D. [Lotze, H. Outlines of philosophy, vol. 5.] Boston, U.S. A.: Ginn & Co.. c. 1885. Mosso, Angelo. 157 O402 '^"^^ Fear. Translated from the fifth edition of the Italian by E. Lough and F. Kiesow. Autl; 'lised translation. [6] ,278 p. 7 il. 2 pi. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Bosanquet, Bernard. 157 P200 "** A history of aesthetic. xxiii,502 p. O. [Library of philosophy.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. "Bibliography"', p. 494-498. Santayana, George. 157 P^oo **'° The sense of beauty : being the outlines of aesthetic theory, ix, 275 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM Ribot, Th^odule. 157 P602 ^*" The psychology of the emotions. xix,455 p. D. [Contempo- rary science series.] London: W. Scott, 1897. 160 LOGIC Hegel, [Georg Wilhelm Friedrich]. 160.2 Jooi 17435 jj^g jQgj^ qJ Hegel. Translated from the Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences by William Wallace. Second edition, re- vised and augmented. xxvi,439 p. D. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1892. Mill, John Stuart. 160.2 K300 2846 j^ system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive : being a connect- ed view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. Eighth edition. 659 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1874. Jevons, William Stanley. 160.2 N301 The principles of science : a treatise on logic and scientific meth- od. Second edition, revised. xliv,786 p. i il. D. London : Mac- millan & Co., 1877. Lotze, Hermann. 160.2 Oooi 10595 Logic. In three books : of thought, of investigation, and of knowledge. English translation edited by Bernard Bosanquet. [Lotze's System of philosophy, part i.] xxiii,[i],538 p. O. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1884. Bosanquet, Bernard. 160.2 O800 3395 Logic; or, The morphology of knowledge. 2 vol. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888. Wallace, William. 160.2 P400 17436 Prolegomena to the study of Hegel's philosophy and especially of his logic. Second edition, revised and augmented. xix,477 p. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894. Jevons, William Stanley. 162 Oooi ^°" Studies in deductive logic. A manual for students. xxviii,304 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1880. Sidgwick, Alfred. 165O300 ®" Fallacies. A view of logic from the practical side. xvi,375 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 47.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1884. 34 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 170 ETHICS Stephen, Leslie. 170.2 O200 ■•"■' The science of ethics. xxviii,462 p. O. New York : G. P. Put- nam's Sons. 1882. Sidgwick, Henry. 170.2 Pooi '°"^' The methods of ethics. Fourth edition. xx.\,[2],522 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co.. 1890. Murray, John Clark. 170.2 Pioi '■ "" An introduction to ethics. vii,407 p. D. Boston: Dc Wolfe, Fiske & Co.. c. 1891. Spencer, Herbert. 170.2 P200 ^''' The principles of ethics. 2 vol. O. [SPENCER, H. Synthetic philosophy.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 896-1 897, pref. 1893. Wundt, Wilhelm. 170.2 P201 '-■'■' Ethics: an investigation of the facts and laws of the moral life. Translated from the second German edition (1892) by Edward Bradford Titchener, Julia Henrietta Gulliver and Margaret Floy Washburn 2 vol. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.. 1897. ron'.':nt>: \o\. T. The facts of the moral life. \'o\. 2. Ethical systems. Mackenzie, John Stuart. 170.2 P700 '"" A manual of ethics. Third edition Revised, enlarged, and in part rewritten. xvi,456p. D. (University tutorial series.) Lon- don: W. B. Clive. 1899. Bosanquet, Bernard. 170.4 B65 *""■ The civilization of Christendom and other studies. viii,383 p. D. (Ethical library.) London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893- Contents: i. Future of religious observance. 2. Some thoughts on the transition from paganism to Christianity. 3. The civilization of Christendom. 4. Old problems under new names. 5. Are we agnostics? 6. The communication of moral ideas as a function of an ethical society. 7. Right and wrong in feeling. 8. Training in enjoy- ment. 9. Luxury and refinement. 10. The antithesis between individualism and social- ism philosophically considered. 1 1. Liberty and legislation. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 35 Royce, Josiah. 170.4 R81 '"'^ Studies of good and evil. A series of essays upon problems of philosophy and of life. xvii,384p. D. New York : D.Apple- ton & Co., 1898. Contents: i. The problem of Job. 2. The case of John Bunyan. 3. Tennyson and pessimism. 4. The knowledge of good and evil. 5. Natural law, ethics, and evolution. 6. The implications of self-consciousness. 7. Some observations on the anomalies of self-consciousness. 8. Self-consciousness, social consciousness and nature. 9. Origi- nality and consciousness. 10. Meister Eckhart. 1 1 . An episode of early California life : the squatter riot of 1850 in Sacramento. 12. Jean Marie Guyau. Ruskin, John. 170.4 R89 '^'" Sesame and lilies. Two lectures .... i . Of kings' treasuries. 2. Of queens' gardens. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. x\'ii,i8o p. D. New York : C. E. Merrill & Co., 1891. Sidgwick, Henry. 170.4 S568 13438 Pi-actical ethics. A collection of addresses and essays. vi,[2]. 260 p. D. [Ethical library.] London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1898. Stephen, Leslie. 170.4 S828 '^•*'" Social rights and duties. Addresses to ethical societies. 2 vol. D. (Ethical library.) London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1896. Contents: Vol. i. The aims of ethical societies. Science and politics. The sphere of political economy. The morality of competition. Social equality. Ethics and the struggle for existence. Vol. 2. Heredity. Punishment. Luxury. The duties of authors. The vanity of philosophising. Forgotten lienefactors. Sidgwick, Henry. 170.9 O600 '•^''' Outlines of the history of ethics, for English readers. xxiv,2 76 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1886. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. i70-94 N700 ^**"' History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. Third edition, revised. 2 vol. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1887, pref. 1877. Kant, Immanuel. 171 Fi ioo97 j^^j^^'g Critique of practical reason and other works on the theory of reason. Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott. Being an enlarged edition of "Kant's Theory of ethics." With memoir. lxiv,438,[2] p. I por. D. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1879. Morley, John. 171 N400 **" On compromise. x,2i4p. O. London : Chapman & Hall, 1874. 36 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Green, Thomas Hill. 171 O300 *"''"' Prolegomena to ethics. Edited by A. C. Bradley. xxxv,42 7 p. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1883. Martineau, James. 171 O601 "*'' Types of ethical theory. Second edition, revised. 2 vol. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1886. Muirhead, John Henry. 171 P200 '^''"' The elements of ethics. An introduction to moral philosophy. xiii,239 p. D. [University extension manuals.] New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Seth, James. 171 P400 *'■•* A study of ethical principles. xvi,46o p. O. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1894. D'Arcy, Charles F. 171 P501 '*''■* A short study of ethics. xxvii,278 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Williams, Charles Mallory. 171.7P200 '"■' A review of the systems of ethics founded on the theory of evolu- tion. XV, 581 p. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Evans, Edward Payson. 171 -7 P700 >6i96 Evolutional ethics and animal psychology. v,386 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. "Bibliography" p. 359-367- MacCunn, John. 172. i P400 ®'"' Ethics of citizenship. [Third edition.] x, [2], 148 p. D. Glas- gow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1896. Contains a chapter: "Some economic and moral aspects of luxury." Andrews, Elisha Benjamin. 174 P400 ®'°' Wealth and moral law. The Carew lectures for 1894, Hartford Theological Seminar}-. 135 p. D. Hartford. Conn.: Hartford Seminary Press. 1894. Cyclopaedia. L178.03 Pioo *'"" The Cyclopaedia of temperance and prohibition. A reference book of facts, statistics, and general information on all phases of the drink question, the temperance movement and the prohibition agitation. 671 p. O. New York : Funk & Wagnalls, 1891. Wines, Frederick Howard, & Koren, John. 178.4 P700 "'"^ The liquor problem in its legislative aspects. An investigation made under the direction of Charles VV. Eliot, Seth Low, and James C. Carter, sub-committee of the Committee of Fift>' to in- vestigate the liquor problem. vi,[2],342 p. il. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 3/ 180-190 ANCIENT AND MODERN PHILOSOPHERS Benn, Alfred William. i8o B43 '"^' The Greek philosophers. 2 vol. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1882. Zeller, Eduard. 180 Z3 13496 ^ history of eclecticism in Greek philosophy. Translated from the German with the author's sanction by S. F. Alleyne. viii, 383 p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1883. "This is a translation of the second section of Dr. Zeller's 'Philosophie der Griechen, Drifter Theil, Erste Abtheilung.' " Zeller, Eduard. 182 Z3 15105 j^ history of Greek philosophy from the earliest period to the time of Socrates. With a general introduction. Translated from the German . . . with the author's sanction by S. F. Alleyne. 2 vol. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1881. Zeller, Eduard. 185 Z3 "*' Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics. Being a translation from Zeller's Philosophy of the Greeks. By B. F. C. Costelloe and J. H. Muirhead. 2 vol. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Aristoteles. 185. i 1 10607 ^Yhe politics and economics of Aristotle, translated, with notes, original and selected, and analyses. To which are prefixed, an introductory essay and a life of Aristotle, by Dr. Gillies. By Edward Walford. [6],lxxx,338,[2] p. D. [Bohn's classical library.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1881. Grote , George . 1 85 . i G9 1 ^' Aristotle. Edited by Alexander Bain and G. Croom Robertson. Third edition. xvi,68i p. O. London: J. Murray, 1883. Bacon, Francis, Baron Verulam. 192.061 *■''* Bacon's Essays and Colours of good and evil, with notes and glossarial index by W. Aldis Wright. [Third edition.] xxxi,388 p. S. London: Macmillan & Co., 1892, pref. 1865. Fowler, Thomas, M. A . 192.06 F82 "'' Bacon. vi,202 p. D. (English philosophers.) London : Samp- son Low, . . . , & Rivington, 1881. Mill, John Stuart. 192.57 M59 ''' Autobiography. vi,3i3p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1873. 38 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Fowler, Thomas, J/../. 192.81 F82 '*"' Shaftesbur>- and Hutchcson. viii,240 p. D. (English philoso- phers.) London: Sampson Low, .. ,8: Rivington. 1882. Farrer, James Anson. 192.82 F24 "'"' Adam Smith (1723-1790). [2],iv,20i,[3] p. D. (English philosophers.) London: Sampson Low & Rivington. 1881. Everett, Charles Carroll. 193.28 E93 ''*" Fichte's Science of knowledge. A critical exposition. xvi,287 p. D. [German philosophical classics for English readers and stu- dents.] Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1884. Harris, William Torrey. 193-39 H24 1059' Hegel's Logic. A book on the genesis of the categories of the mind. A critical exposition. xxx,403 p. D. [German philo- sophical classics.] Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1890. Kedney, John Steinfort. 193-39 K23 ii6.2 Hegel's /Esthetics. A critical exposition. xviii,302 p. D. [German philosophical classics for English readers and stu- dents.] Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co.. 1885. Watson, John, J/. A., LL. D. 193-79 W33 ''"* Schelling's Transcendental idealism. A critical exposition, xv, 251 p. D. [German philosophical classics for English readers and students.] Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1882. Cousin, Victor. I94>i9 i "'*'" Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good. Increased by an appendix on French art. Translated, with the approbation of M. Cousin, by O. W. Wight. 391 p. O. New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1854. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 194.22 M27 ""^' Descartes. vi,2ii p. i por. S. [Philosophical classics for Eng- lish readers.] Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co.. 1881. 200 RELIGION Brinton, Daniel Garrison. 209.1 P700 '"" Religions of primitive peoples. xiv,[2],264 p. O. [American lectures on the history of religions. Second series.] New York ; G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Lang, Andrew. 209.1 P800 ""* The making of religion. [8], 380 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co.. 1898. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 39 Seebohm, Frederic. 209.2 S451 12234 ^Yhe Oxford reformers : John Colet, Erasmus, and Thomas More. Being a history of their fellow-work. The second edition (re- vised and enlarged). xiv,55ip. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1869. Bible. L220 B2 7396 Yj^g parallel Bible. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues : being the auth- orized version arranged in parallel columns with the revised ver- sion x,[2],i024,xii,3io p. O. Oxford: University Press 1886. Cruden, Alexander. L220.2 Fi ^*® A complete concordance to the Old and New Testament : or a dictionary and alphabetical index to the bible To which is added a concordance to the apocrypha. With a compendium of the bible, and a brief account of its history and excellency. With a sketch of the life and character of the author, by William Youngman. xii,[2],7i9,[i] p. i por. Q. London: J. Dinnis, 1854. Smith, Sir William, LL. D. 220.3 O400 17699 p^ dictionary of the Bible: comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, natural history and literature. With the latest re- searches and references to the revised version of the New Testa- ment. Revised and edited by Rev. F. N. and M. A. Peloubet. [Teacher's edition.] 818 p. il. i pi. 8 maps. D. Philadelphia: H. T. Coates & Co., c. 1884. Hastings, James, editor. L220.3 P800 12179 ^ dictionary of the Bible dealing with its language, literature, and contents, including the biblical theology. Edited by James Has- tings, with the assistance of John A. Selbie, and, chiefly in the revision of the proofs, of A. B. Davidson, S. R. Driver, H. B. Swete Vol. i-. il. maps. O. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1 898-. Davis, John D. 220.3 P801 18253 ^ dictionary of the Bible. vii,8o2 p. il. 2 p. of maps, 9 maps. O. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1898. 290 MYTHOLOGY Clodd, Edward. 291 O500 ^'" Myths and dreams. Second edition, revised. x,25i p. D^ London: Chatto & Windus, 1891. 42 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Spencer, Herbert. 302 N300 "'•' The study of sociology. xiv,45 i p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 5.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1884. Fairbanks, Arthur. 302P600 ""' Introduction to sociology. xv,274 p. O. [English and foreign philosophical library.] New York: C. Scribner's Sons. 1896. Giddings, Franklin Henry. 302 P800 16993 jj^g elements of sociolog>'. A text-book for colleges and schools. xi,353 p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Wright, Carroll Davidson. 302 P802 178S9 Outline of practical sociology. With special reference to Ameri- can conditions. xxv,43i p. i map, 10 tables. O. (American citizen series.) New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. Contents : i . The basis of practical sociolog)-. 2. Units of social organism. 3. Ques- tions of population. 4. Questions of the family. 5. The labour system. 6. Social well-being. 7. The defence of society. 8. Remedies. "References," at the beginning of each chapter. Lalor, John Joseph, editor. L303O100 '" Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States, by the best American and European writers. 3 vol. Q. New York : Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1895. Handworterbuch. L303 Pooi "" Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. Conrad, Dr. L. Elster, Dr. W. Lexis, Dr. Edg. Loening. 6vol. Q. Jena: G.Fischer, 1890-1894. Erster Erganzungsband. ix,[i],904p. Q. Jena 1895. ■ Zweiter Supplementband Mit Register zum ersten und zweiten Supplementband, bearbeitet von Dr. Paul Lippert. x,i076 p. Q. Jena 1897. Block, Maurice. L303 P600 '"" Petit dictionnaire politique et social. vi,8oo p. O. Paris: Li- brairie academique Didier, 1896. Bliss, William Dwight Porter, editor. L303 P700 10652 jj-,g encyclopedia of social reform. Including political economy, political science, sociology, and statistics, covering anarchism, charities, civil service, currency, land and legislation reform, penol- ogy, socialism, social purity, trades unions, woman suffrage, etc. .... vii,[i],i439 p. il. Q. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 43 Addams, Jane, & others. 304 A222 9976 Philanthropy and social progress. Seven essays by Miss Jane Addams, Robert A. Woods, Father J. O. S. Huntington, Profes- sor Franklin H. Giddings, and Bernard Bosanquet. Delivered before the School of Applied Ethics at Plymouth, Mass. during the season of 1892. With introduction by Professor Henry C. Adams. xi,268 p. D. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1893. Contents: i. Addams, J. The subjective necessity for social settlements. 2. — . The objective value of a social settlement. 3. Woods, R. A. The university settlement idea. 4. Huntington, J. O. S. Philanthropy — its success and failure. 5. — . Philanthropy and morality. 6. Giddings, F. H. The ethics of social progress. 7. Bosanquet, B. The principles and chief dangers of the administration of charity. Bosanquet, Bernard, editor. 304 B65 ^" Aspects of the social problem, by various writers. x,334 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contents: 1-2. Bosanquet, B. The duties of citizenship. 3. Dendy, H. The chil- dren of vk^orking London. 4. M'Callum, M. The protection of children. 5. Dendy, H. The position of women in industry. 6. Dendy, H. Marriage in East London. 7. Dendy, H. The industrial residuum. 8. Bosanquet, B. Character in its bearing on so- cial causation. 9. Dendy, H. Old pensioners. 10. Loch, C. S. Pauperism and old- age pensions. II. Dendy, H. The meaning and methods of true charity. 12. M'Cal- lum, M. Some aspects of reform. 13. Dendy, H. Origin and history of the English poor law. 14. Loch, C. S. Some controverted points in the administration of poor relief. 15- Loch, C. S. Returns as an instrument in social science. 16. Bosanquet, B. Social- ism and natural selection. 1 7r Bosanquet, B. The principle of private property. 18. Bosanquet, B. The reality of the general will. Gladden, Washington. 304 G45 '^^"^ Social facts and forces. The factory — the labor union — the corporation — the railway — the city — the church. iv,[2],235 p. D. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Massart, Jean, & Vandervelde, Emile. 304 M38 ""* Parasitism, organic and social. Translated by William Macdon- ald, revised by J. Arthur Thomson. With a preface by Prof. Patrick Geddes. xi,i24 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 86.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. "Works consulted," p. 123-124. Mill, John Stuart. 304 M59 *^^ On liberty. The subjection of women. [2], 394 p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1873. Ruskin, John. 304 R89 ®'®^ The crown of wild olive. Four lectures on industry and war. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edi- tion. X, [2], 250 p. D. New York: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1893. 44 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Brookings, Walter Du Bois, & 307 P500 '^^^*"- Ringwalt, Ralph Curtis, editors. Briefs for debate on current political, economic, and social topics. With an introduction by Albert Bushnell Hart. xlvii,2i3 p. D. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. "Biblio!::raphv of debating," p. xli-xlvii. Bibliographical references to each topic. Knapp, John Matthew, editor. 307-5 P50C 13871 'Y\vc universities and the social problem. An account of the uni- versity settlements in East London. x,235 p. D. London: Rivington, Percival & Co., 1895. Contents: Gorst, Sir J. Introduction: "Settlements" in England and America. In- gram, A. F. W. Working men's clubs. Barnett, [S. A.] Hospitalities. Alden, P. The university settlement in relation to local administration. Jackson, C. The children's countr)- holidays fund, and the settlements. Corbett, M. Mayfield House. Talbot, M. St. Margaret's House, Bethnal Green. Legge, H. The Repton Club. Bailward, W. A. The Oxford House and the organization of charity. Jay, O. Shelters. Mace, Mrs. Thrift and social intercourse. Peppin, T. S. The clubs of the Club and Institute Union. Fiennes, G. The Federation of Working Men's Social Clubs: what it is and what i' may be. Ely, Richard Theodore, editor. L308 2 18666 Political economy, political science and sociology. A practical and scientific presentation of social and economic subjects pre- pared for the University Association* by a corps of specialists under the supervision of Richard T. Ely. iv,793 p. il. i pi. Q. Chicago: University Association, c. 1888-1899. Bibliographies scattered through the book. Originally issued in periodical form. 309 HISTORY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND CIVILIZATION Maine, Sir Henry Sumner. 309M100 ^ ■* Ancient law: its connection with the early history of societ\- and its relation to modern ideas. Tenth edition. x,[2],4i5 p. O. London: J. Murra}-, 1885. Maine, Sir Henry Sumner.' 309 O300 '°°-' Dissertations on early law and custom, chiefly selected from lec- tures delivered at Oxford. 6, [2], 402 p. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1886. Contents: i. The sacred laws of the Hindus. 2. Religion and law. 3. Ancestor- worship. 4. Ancestor-worship and inheritance. 5. Royal succession and the Salic law. 6. The king, in his relation to early civil justice. 7. Theories of primitive society. 8. East European house communities. 9. The decay of feudal property in France and England. 10. Classifications of property. 11. Classifications of legal rules. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 45 Jhering, Rudolph von. 309 P401 10296 jYie evolution of the Aryan. By Rudolph von Ihering. Trans- lated from the German by A. Drucker. xviii,[2],4i2 p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1897. Lubbock, 5//' John, Barf.' 309.1 Nooi *'^ The origin of civilization and the primitive condition of man. Mental and social condition of savages. xvi,38o p. 20 il. 5 pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1871. Tylor, Edward Burnett. 309.1 N300 Primitive culture. Researches into the development of mythol- ogy, philosophy, religion, language, art and custom. First Am- e'rican, from the second English edition. 2 vol. O. New York: H. Holt& Co., 1874. Maine, Sn- Henry Sumner. 309.1 N400 "'""' Lectures on the early history of institutions. Seventh edition. viii,[2],4i2 p. O. London: J. Murray, 1897. Gummere, Francis Barton. 309'i P200 12807 Qermanic origins. A study in primitive culture. viii,[2],490 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Morley, John. 309.275 M821 ""^ Rousseau. [Third edition.] 2 vol. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1 891, pref. 1886. Fustel de Coulanges, [Numa Denis] . 309-3 N400 ^^' The ancient city : a study on the religion, laws, and institutions of Greece and Rome. Translated from the latest French edition by Willard Small. 529 p. O. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1874. Morgan, Lewis Henry. 309-3 N700 15363 Ancient society ; or, Researches in the lines of human progress from savagery through barbarism to civilization. xvi,56o p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1878. Ducoudray, Gustave. 309.3 O600 ^^^^ The history of ancient civilization. A handbook based upon M. Gustave Ducoudray's "Histoire sommaire de la civilization." Ed- ited by the Rev. J. Verschoyle. xii,295 p. il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1889. Maspero, Gaston. 309.3 P200 "^^ Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. From the French. xv,376p. 188 il. D. New York: D. Appleton &Co.. 1892. 46 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Simcox, Edith J. 309-3 P400 9095 Primitive civilizations ; or, Outlines of the history of ownership in archaic communities. 2 vol. il. O. London : Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., 1894. Cunningham, William. 309-3 P800 '*'" An essay on western civilization in its economic aspects. (An- cient times.) xii.220 p. il. 4 maps. D. [Cambridge historical series.] Cambridge: University Press, 1898. Guhl, Ernst, & Koner, W. 309-37 N300 *^*' The life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique mon- uments. Translated from the third German edition by F. Huef- fer. ix,[2],620p. 543 il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1875. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 309-38 N900 "" Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander. [Seventh edition,] xvi,495 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 309.38 O700 17919 Qreei^ jifg ^nd thought from the age of Alexander to the Roman conquest, xxxviii.600 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1887. Mahaffy, John Pentland. 309.38 P601 I93I7 Qreei^ ijfg a^j thought from the death of Alexander to the Ro- man conquest. Second edition, corrected and considerably enlarged. xlii,669 p. D. [Social life of the Greeks, vol. 2.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. May, Sir Thomas Erskine. 309.4 N700 *'** Democracy in Europe: a history. 2 vol. O. London: Long- mans, Green, & Co., 1877. Ducoudray, Gustave. 309.4 O600 '■"" The history of modern civilization. A handbook based upon M Gustave Ducoudray's "Histoire sommaire de la civilization." XX, 585, [3] p. il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1891. Edited by J. Verschoyle. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. 309.4 O800 *" The economic interpretation of history. (Lectures delivered in Worcester College Hall, Oxford. 1887-8.) xvii,[3],547 p. O. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1888. Nash, Henry Sylvester. 309.4 P700 *"" Genesis of the social conscience. The relation between the estab- lishment of Christianity in I^urope and the social question, viii, 309 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 47 Woods, Robert Archey. 309.42 Pico 11579 English social movements. Third edition. vii,[2],277 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897, c. 1891. Contents: i. The labor movement. 2. Socialism, 3. The university settlements. 4. University extension. 5. The social work of the church. 6. Charity and philan- thropy. 7. Moral and educational progress. Porritt, Edward. 309.42 P302 17173 jj^g Englishman at home. His responsibilities and privileges. xiv,379,[2] p. D. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1893. Traill, Henry Duff, editor. 309.42 P400 **'" Social England. A record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, litera- ture and manners, from the earliest times to the present day. By various writers. 6 vol. O. New York: G, P. Putnam's Sons, 1 894-1 897. "Authorities" at the ends of the chapters. Vol. I published in 1896. Scudder, Vida Dutton. 309.42 P800 ''''°'* Social ideals in English letters. [6] ,329 p. O. Boston : Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. Contents: Part I. The England of our forefathers: i. William Langland and the Middle Ages. 2. The Utopia of Sir Thomas More. 3. The age of Jonathan Swift. Part II. The England of our fathers: i. Outlines. 2. Social pictures: Dickens and Thackeray. 3. The awakening: "Sartor resartus". 4. The indictment. 5. The new intuition. 6. George Eliot and the social conscience. 7. A glimpse of America. 8. What to do: according to Carlyle. 9. What to do: according to Ruskin. 10. What to do: according to Arnold. 11. Toward democracy. 12. Toward authority. Con- clusion: Contemporary England. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. 309.44 N500 ^^''' The origins of contemporary France. The Ancient regime. Trans- lated by John Durand. xvi,42i p. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1876. Symonds, John Addington. 309.45 N500 '^"® Renaissance in Italy. 5 parts in 7 vol. por. O. New York: H. Holt& Co., 1881-1887. Contents: Part i. The age of despots. Part 2. The revival of learning. Part 3. The fine arts. Part 4. Italian literature. Part 5. The Catholic reaction. Parts 3 and 5 are in Author's edition. Part 3 has pref. date 1877. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. 309.44 Pooi 19507 yj^g modern regime. Translated by John Durand. 2 vol. O. (Les origines de la France contemporaine.) London: Sampson Low, ... & Rivington, 1 891-1894. 48 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bazin, R^n^. 309-45 P400 1I590 j^^Q Italians of to-day. From the French. Translated by Wil- liam Marchant. iii.247 p. D. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1897. Williams, Samuel Wells. 309-5i O200 '*' ... The Middle Kingdom. A survey of the geography, gov- ernment, literature, social life, arts, and history of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. Revised edition. 2 vol. il. pi. por. map in pocket. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1883. Biart, Lucien. 309-72 O500 15795 jj.jg Aztecs. Their history, manners, and customs. From the French. Authorized translation by J. L. Garner. 343 p. 18 il. 2 maps. O. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1892. c. 1886. St. John, Sir Spenser. 309.7294 O800 '"*" Hayti, or the black republic. Second edition. xxiv,389 p. i map. O. New York: Scribner & Welford. 1889. Tocqueville, Alexis de. 309-73 1-002 '"'* Democracy in America. Translation by Henry Reeve, as revised and annotated from the author's last edition by Francis Bowen. With an introduction by Daniel C. Oilman. 2 vol. por. map. O. New York: Century Co., 1898. "Biblin£jraphical note", p. xlvii-xlix. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, cc/ifor. L309.73P400 *'^ The United States of America. A study of the American com- monwealth, its natural resources, people, industries, manufactures, commerce, and its work in literature, science, education, and self- government. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co.. 1894. Bryce, James. 309-73 P401 *'-■ The American commonwealth. Third edition, completely revised throughout, with additional chapters. 2 vol. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1 896-1 897. " South End House, Boston. 309.744 P800 ''*^* The city wilderness. A settlement study by residents and asso- ciates of the South End House. Edited by Robert A. Woods, Head of the House. South End, Boston, vii, [4], 319 p. 6 maps, I table. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. Contents: i. Cole, \V. I. Introductory. 2. Haynes, F. E. Historical. 3. Bushee, F. A. Population. 4. Underhili, E. D. Public health. 5. Woods, R. A. Work and wages. 6. The roots of political power. 7. Cole, W. I. Criminal tendencies. 8. Haynes, F. E. Amusements. 9. Cole, W. I. The church and the people. 10. Strongholds of education. 11. Woods, R. A. Social recovery. 12. — . The total drift. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 49 Cable, George Washington. 309«75 O500 ®®" The silent South. Together with The freedman's case in equity and The convict lease system. New edition. vi,[2], 213 p. i por. D. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1895, c. 1889. Cable, George Washington. 309.75 Pooi The negro question. vi,[2],i73 p. D. New York : C. Scribner's 9693 Sons, 1890. 310 STATISTICS Smith, Richmond Mayo-. 310.2 P500 ""' Science of statistics. Part I. Statistics and sociology. xvi,399 p. O. New York : Macmillan & Co., 1895. Mulhall, Michael George. L310.3 P900 19029 -pj^g dictionary of statistics. Fourth edition, revised to November 1898. [8], 853 p. 10 tables. Q. London: G. Routledge, 1899. Commercial year book. 310.51 1 '"* The Commercial year book, a statistical annual, ... , of the United States and foreign countries Published by The Journal of commerce and commercial bulletin. Continued from vol. I. 1896. il. tables. O. New York 1 896- Vol. 2- edited by Walter A. Dodsworth. Vol. I has sub-title: a statistical and historical record. Pidgin, Charles Felton. 311 O800 12224 Practical statistics : a handbook for the use of the statistician at work, students in colleges and academies, agents, census enumer- ators, etc. vi,[2],20i p. il. O. Boston: W. E. Smythe Co., i: Meitzen, August. 311P100 ^"^ History, theory, and technique of statistics. Translated, with an introduction, by Roland P. Falkner. 2 vol. in i, paged contin- uously; vol. i: i-ioo p.; vol. 2: 101-243 p. il. tables. O. Philadelphia 1891. Published as supplement to the Annals of the American Academy of Political ana Social Science, March and May, 1 89 1. Bertillon, Jacques. L311P500 Cours elementaire de statistique administrative. Elaboration des statistiques — organisation des bureaux de statistique — elements de demographic. Ouvrage conforme au programme arr^te par le Conseil Superieur de Statistique pour I'examen d'admission dans diverses administrations publiques. [2] ,iii,599 p. il. 3 tables, I map. Q. Paris: Societe d'Editions Scientifiques, 1895. 13964 50 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Newsholme, Arthur. 3^2 O900 noMi -pi^j, elements of vital statistics. Third edition, xxiv.326 p. il. D. London: Swan Sonncnschcin & Co., 1892. U. S. A. Treasury Department. Bureau of Statistics. 317*3 3 *"* Statistical abstract of the United States Continued from no. I. 1878. tables. O. Washington 1879-. 320 POLITICAL SCIENCE Platon. 320.1 A3 The Republic of Plato translated into English with introduction, analysis, marginal analysis, and index by B. Jowett. The third edition, revised and corrected throughout. [6],ccxxxi,379 p. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888. Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul. 320.1 O900 10545 'Y\\Q modern state in relation to society and the individual. [4], 215 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 40.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891. Translated ])y A. C. Morant. Ritchie, David George. 320.1 P400 7645 Natural rights. A criticism of some political and ethical concep- tions. xvi,304 p. O. [Library of philosophy.] London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. 320.1 P600 '"^ An examination of the nature of the state. A study in political philosophy. xii,448 p. O. New York : Macmillan & Co., 1896. M'Kechnie, William Sharp. 320.1 P601 *®^" The state & the individual. An introduction to political science, with special reference to socialistic and individualistic theories. xv,45i p. O. Glasgow, J. MacLehose & Sons, 1896. Woolsey, Theodore Dwight. 320.2 N700 ""' Political science; or. The state theoretically and practically con- sidered. [Second edition.] 2 vol. O. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1893, c. 1877. Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar. 320.2 O500 '*" The theory of the state. Authorised English translation from the sixth German edition. Second edition. xxv,[2],550 p. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 5 1 Burgess, John William. 320.2 Poor ^^*'' Political science and comparative constitutional law. 2 vol. O. (Columbia College. Faculty of Political Science. Sys- tematic series.) Boston: Ginn & Co., 1891. Sidgwick, Henry. 320.2 P700 10833 j]^g elements of politics. Second edition, revised throughout. xxxiii,665 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Wilson, Woodrow. 320.9 P500 12036 -j^Q state. Elements of historical and practical politics. A sketch of institutional history and administration. xxxvi,686 p. D. Boston, U.S.A.: D. C. Heath & Co., 1 895 , c. 1 889. Lowell, Abbott Lawrence. 320.94 P700 i«"o Governments and parties in Continental Europe. [Second edi- tion.] 2 vol. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897. Bodley, John Edward Courtenay. 320.944 P900 19270 Prance. New and revised edition. xxvii,676 p. O. London : Macmillan 8z. Co., 1899. Maine, Sh- Henry Sumner. 321.2 N600 10995 Village-communities in the East and West. Six lectures delivered at Oxford. Seventh edition. xii,4i3 p. O. London : J. Murray, 1895. Contains also the following lectures: The i.'ffects of observation of India on modern European thought. Address to the University of Calcutta. The theory of evidence. Roman law and legal education. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. 321.8 P600 ®*° Democracy and liberty. 2 vol. D. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Godkin, Edwin Lawrence. 321.8 P800 16250 Unforeseen tendencies of democracy. [2],vii,265 p. O. Bos- ton: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. Contents : Former democracies. Equality. The nominating system. The decHne of legislatures. Peculiarities of American municipal government. The growth and ex- pression of public opinion. The Australian democracy. Deploige, Simon. 321.85 P201 17499 jj^g referendum in Switzerland. With A letter on the referendum in Belgium by M. J. van den Heuvel. Translated into English by C. P. Trevelyan. Edited with notes, introduction, and appendices by Lilian Tomn. lxix,334 p. D, [Studies in economics and political science, vol. 4.] London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. "Bibliography," p. 315-322. 52 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Stanton, Elizabeth, [/wv/] Cady, Anthony, Susan B., 324.2 O700 '"" & Gage, Matilda Joslyn, iditors. Histor}' of woman suffrage I \'o\. per. O. Rochester, N. Y. : S. B. Anthony. 1887. McMillan, Duncan Cameron. 324.73 Oooi *'* The elective franchise in the United States. A review of the effects of the caucus system upon the civil service and upon the principles and policies of political parties. With a preface by Hon. Horatio Seymour. 198 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1880. Dallinger, Frederick William. 324.73 P700 "'"■* Nominations for elective office in the United States, xiv.290 p. O. [Harvard University. Harvard historical studies, vol. 4.] New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Lewis, Sir George Cornewall. 325.3 Kioo 10091 ^^ essay on the government of dependencies. (Originally pub- lished in 1 841.) Edited with an introduction by C. P. Lucas. lxviii,392 p. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1891. Froude, James Anthony. 325.342 O500 *" Oceana; or, England and her colonies, ix, [2], 396 p. 8 pi. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1888. Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, Bart. 325.342 Pooi '^*" Problems of Greater Britain. 2 vol. maps. O. London : Mac- millan & Co., 1890. Egerton, Hugh Edward. . 325.342 P700 '"'^ A short history of British colonial policy. xv,503 p. O. Lon- don : ]\Iethuen & Co.. 1897. Seward, George Frederick. 325.73 Oioo Chinese immigration, in its social and economical aspects, xv, 420.[i] p. O. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1881. Smith, Richmond Mayo-. 325.73 Pooi 10963 Emigration and immigration. A study in social science. xiv,3i6 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1895, c- 1890. U. S. A. Treasury Dcpartviciit. 325.73 P500 '^'' Inimigratio7i Investigating Commission. Immigration service. Report of the Immigration Investigating Commission .... 183 p. O. Washington 1895. Walpole, Spencer. 327.42 O200 12323 Foreign relations. [4], 162 p. D. [English citizen.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1882. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 53 Burrows, Montagu. 327.42 P500 6895 ^Yhe history of the foreign poHcy of Great Britain. xiv,372 p. O. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1895. Schuyler, Eugene. 327.73 O600 ®^*' American diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce. xiv,469 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, i886. Reddaway, William Fiddian. 327.73 P800 12481 -pj^g Monroe doctrine. vii,i62 p. D. Cambridge: University Press, 1898. Skottowe, Britiffe Constable. 328.429 O600 "^" A short history of parliament. [Fourth edition.] xii,339 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 44.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. Dickinson, G. Lowes. 328.429 P500 4505 Yhe development of Parliament during the nineteenth century. viii,i83 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Follett, Mary Parker. 328.739 P600 **'"* The Speaker of the House of Representatives. With an intro- duction by Albert Bushnell Hart. xxvi,378 p. D. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. McConachie, Lauros Grant. 328.739 P800 '*'" Congressional committees. A study of the origins and develop- ment of our national and local legislative methods. xiv,44i p. D. [Library of economics and politics.] New York: T. Y, Crowell & Co., c. 1898. Houghton, Walter R. L329O001 '^"^ Conspectus of the history of political parties and the federal Government. [2]78i,[i] p. il. 2 unbound pi. sq. F"*. Indian- apolis, Ind. : Granger, Davis & Co., 1880. Brown, Everit, & Strauss, Albert. 329 P200 11963 ^ dictionary of American politics: comprising accounts of polit- ical parties, measures and men, and explanations of the constitu- tion, divisions and practical workings of the government, together with political phrases, familiar names of persons and places, note- worthy sayings, etc., etc. 574p. D. NewYork: A.L. Burt, 1895. 54 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 330 POLITICAL ECONOMY 330.1-330.9 GENERAL WORKS Ruskin, John. 330.1 Ni 00 6764 ]viunera pulveris. Six essays on the elements of political econ- omy. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brant- wood edition. xl,2i7 p. D. New York : C. E. Merrill & Co., 1891. Contents: i. Definitions. 2. Store-keeping. 3. Coin-keeping, 4. Commerce. 5. Government. 6. Mastership. Marx, KarL 330.1 O300 "* Capital : a critical analysis of capitalist production. Translated from the third German edition, by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling, and edited by Frederick Engels. xxxi,8i6 p. O. New York: Appleton & Co., 1889. Graham, William, M. A . 330. i O600 **° The social problem in its economical, moral, and political aspects. xx,479 p. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1886. Laveleye, Emile de. 330-i O701 ®^'- Luxury. Second edition. iv,i79 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 24.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891. Contains a bibliography of Laveleye's works. Contains also : Law and morals in political economy. Bbhm-Bawerk, Eugen von. 330.1 O802 lis^s The positive theory of capital. Translated with a preface and analysis by William Smart. xl,428 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Smart, William. 330.1 P102 "°" An introduction to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, Wieser, and Bohm-Bawerk. vi,88 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Taussig, Frank William. 330.1 P600 "" Wages and capital : an examination of the wages fund doctrine, xviii,329 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Pantaleoni, Maffeo. 330.1 P800 16J92 Pjjj.^ economics. Translated by T. Boston Bruce. xiii,3i5 p. 49 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Macfarlane, Charles William. 330.1 P802 Value and distribution. An historical, critical, and constructive study in economic theory. Adapted for advanced and post- graduate work. 317 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1899- BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 55 Veblen, Thorstein [B.] 330. i Pooo 18606 Yhe theory of the leisure class. An economic study in the evo- lution of institutions. viii,400 p. D. New York : Macmillan Co., 1899. Contents: I. Introductory. 2. Pecuniary emulation. 3. Conspicuous leisure. 4. Con- spicuous consumption. 5. The pecuniary standard of living. 6. Pecuniary canons of taste. 7. Dress as an expression of the pecuniary culture. 8. Industrial exemption and conservatism. 9. The conservation of archaic traits. 10. Modern survivals of prowess- II. The belief in luck. 12. Devout observances. 13. Survivals of the non-invidious in. terest. 14. The higher learning as an expression of the pecuniary culture. Smith, Adam. 330.2 Fi 15077 _^j^ inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Edited by James E. Thorold Rogers. Second edition. 2 vol. por. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1880. Walker, Francis Amasa. 330.2 O701 *^^^ Political economy. Third edition, revised and enlarged. vi,[2], 537 p. il. O. (American science series, advanced course.) New York: H. Holt & Co., 1888. Denslow, Van Buren. 330.2 O801 4877 Principles of the economic philosophy of society, government and industry. xxx,782 p. 9 tables. O. New York: Cassell & Co., c. 1888. Ely, Richard Theodore. 330.2 O900 *^°* An introduction to political economy. 358 p. O. New York: Hunt & Eaton, c. 1889. Nicholson, Joseph Shield. 330.2 P301 17054 Principles of political economy. Vol. i-. O. New York: Mac- millan Co., 1 897-. Vol. I published in 1898, c. 1893. Ely, Richard Theodore. 330.2 P302 17940 Outlines of economics. xii,432 p. 6 il. O. New York : Hunt & Eaton, 1893. "Bibliography," p. 413-426. Marshall, Alfred. 330.2 P500 6022 Principles of economics. Vol. i. Third edition. xxxi,[i],823 p. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Brandeis, [Louis Dembitz]. 330.2 P501 "" Business law 390 p. O. [Boston 1895-1896.] Notes to lectures; printed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the use of its students. No title-page. 58 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Ashley, William James. 330.942 O800 '^^-' An introduction to English economic histor}' and thcor)' Third edition. [Vol. i, part i]-2. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 894-1 898. Contents: Part i. The Middle Ages. Part 2. The end of the Middle Ages. "Authorities," at the beginning of each chapter. Price, Langford Lovell [Frederick Rice]. 330.942 Pooi *"" A short history of political economy in England, from Adam Smith to Arnold Toynbee. Second edition. xi,20i p. D. [University extension series.] London: Methuen & Co., 1896, pref. 1890. Cunningham, William. 330.942 P201 ®"' The growth of English industry and commerce in modern times. xvi,77i p. 2 tables. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. "List of authorities", p. 704-738. Cunningham, William. 330.942 P600 ^*^" The growth of English industry and commerce during the early and Middle Ages. Third edition. xv,[i],7i4 p. O. Cam- bridge: University Press, 1896. "List of authorities", p. 651-673. Porter, Robert Peel. 330.97291 P900 19272 Industrial Cuba. Being a study of present commercial and indus- trial conditions, with suggestions as to the opportunities presented in the island for American capital, enterprise, and labour. xi,428 p. 62 pi. 6 maps. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899, "This volume aims to give a description of Cuba as it appeared to the author when, as special commissioner of the United States, he was sent by President McKinley to report on its industrial, commercial, and financial condition, soon after the signing of the proto- col of peace, Aug. I2, 1898." Introduction. Wright, Carroll Davidson. 330.973 P500 12440 jj^^ industrial evolution of the United States. 362 p. il. i por. 4 maps. D. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1897. 331-331.7 LABOR Thornton , William Thomas . 33 1 . 2 M800 **'" On labour: its wrongful claims and rightful dues; its actual pres- ent and possible future. Second edition. xii,499 p. O. Lon- don : Macmillan & Co., 1870. BOOKS IX THE READING ROOM 59 Hobson. John Atkinson. 331.02 Pioo ^'--' Problems of povert}-. An inquin- into the industrial condition of the poor. Third edition. \-i.[2].232 p. D. [Social questions of to-da}-.] London: Methuen &: Co., 1S96. Contains ci list of authorities cited. Labour annual. 331.052 2 ''■■"'' The Labour annual. The _\-ear-book for social and political reformers Continued from vol. 4. 1S9S. il. D. London pref. 1897-. Edited by Joseph Edwards. Gohre, PauL 331.0943 Pioo 10350 xhree months in a workshop. A practical study. Translated from the German by A. B. Carr. With a prefatory note by Pro- fessor Richard T. Ely. x, j].ji9 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 79.] London: Swan Sonnenschein ^ Co.. 1S95. Dawson, William Harbutt. 331.09494 P700 *'^'' Social Switzerland. Studies of present-day social movements and legislation in the Swiss republic. x.30i.[3] p. D. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Ely, Richard Theodore. 331.0973 O602 S990 j]^g labor movement in America. xvi,3 73 p. D. Xow York : T. Y. Crowell& Co., c. 1886. With a chapter : Co-operation in America. Wyckoff, Walter Augustus. 331.0973 P700 1644J -pj^g workers. An experiment in reality [2 vol.] pi. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons. 1S99. Contents: Vol. i. The East. Vol. 2. The West. Hull-House, C/iicago. 331.09773 P500 "''" Hull-House maps and papers." A presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested district of Chicago, together with com- ments and essays on problems growing out of the social conditions. By residents of Hull-House, a social settlement Chicago, 111. \iii,230 p. 8 pi. 2 maps in pockets, 2 tables. O. [Librar\- of economics and politics, vol. 5.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & • Co.. c. 1S93. Contents: Addams, J. Prefaton- note. i. Holbrook, A. S. Map notes and conv ments. 2. Kelley, F. The sweating-system. 3. Kellev, F. & Stevens, A. P. Wage- earning children. 4. Eaton, I. Receipts and expenditures of cloakmakers in Chicago. 5. Zeublin, C. The Chicago Ghetto. 6. Zeman,J.H. The Bohemian people in Chicago. 7. Mastro-Valerio, A. Remarks upon the ItaHan colony in Chicago. S. Lathrop, J. C. The Cook Count)' charities. 9. Starr, E. G. Art and labor. 10. Addams, J- The set- Uement as a factor in the labor movement. Appendix. Hull-House: a social settle- lient. 56 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Hadley, Arthur Twining. 330.2 P601 "'■' Economics ; an account of the relations between private property and public welfare. xi,496 p. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Davenport, Herbert Joseph. 330.2 P602 "*^ Outlines of economic theory. xii,[2]38i p. il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. Bullock, Charles Jesse. 330.2 P701 '"** Introduction to the study of economics. Slip. D. New York: Silver, Burdett & Co., 1897. "Literature," at the end of each chapter. "Bibliography", p. 485-501. Say, Leon, &- Chailley-Bert, Joseph. ^330.3 Pioo 18139 Nouveau dictionnaire d'economie politique .... 2 vol. and sup- plement. O. Paris: Guillaumin et C'^, 1 893-1 897. "Bibliographic", at the end of the most important articles and also in the Table analytique, vol. 2, p. 1 265-1 345. Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis, i\/it(?r. 330.3 P400 "" Dictionary of political economy. Vol. i-. O. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1 894-. Clark, John Bates. 330-4 C54 ■"" The philosophy of wealth. Economic principles newly formu- lated. [Second edition.] xv,236 p. D. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1894, c. 1885. Contents: I. Wealth. 2. Labor and its relation to wealth. 3. The basis of eco- nomic law. 4. The elements of social sen.nce. 5. The theory of value. 6. The law of supply and demand. 7. The law of distribution. 8. Wages as affected by combina- tions. 9. The ethics of trade. 10. The principle of cooperation. 11. Non-competi- tive economics. 12. The economic function of the Church. Ely, Richard Theodore. 330.4 E52 *"^ Problems of to-day. A discussion of protective tariffs, taxation, and monopolies. New edition, revised and greatly enlarged X. [2], 296, [2] p. D. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1888. Nicholson, Joseph Shield. 330.4 N52 "'" Strikes and social problems. viii,238 p. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1896. Contents : Strikes and a living wage. Labour combinations and competition. Profit- sharing. The reality of industrial progress. The living capital of the United Kingdom. Capital and labor: their relative strength. A plea for industrial liberty. Political econ- omy and journalism. The reaction in favour of the classical political economy. Old age pensions versus an old commandment. A voyage around Africa. Slavery in Zanzi- bar. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM $7 Keynes, John Neville. 330.7 Pooi 14935 -pj^g scope and method of political economy. Second edition, revised. xiv,374 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897, pref. 1890. Cohn, Gustav. 330-9 O500 3394 ^ history of political economy. Translated by Dr. Joseph Adna Hill. With an introductory note by Edmund J. James. 142 p. O. Philadelphia 1894. Published as supplement to the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, March, 1894. Ingram, John Kells. 330.9 O700 *^^^ A history of political economy. With preface by Prof. E. J. James. XV, [2], 2 50 p. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894, c. 1887. Wells, David Ames. 330.9 O900 ^^^ Recent economic changes and their effect on the productioft and distribution of wealth and the well-being of society, xii, 493 P- O- New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Cossa, Luigi. 330.9 P300 ®° An introduction to the study of political economy. Revised by the author and translated from the Italian by Louis Dyer, x, [2], 587 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Bonar, James. 330.9 P301 12886 Philosophy and political economy in some of their historical rela- tions. xvi,4iop. O. [Library of philosophy.] London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. Spahr, Charles Barzillai. 330-9 P601 ®^'^ An essay on the present distribution of wealth in the United States. Second edition. viii,i84 p. D. [Library of economics and politics, vol. 12.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1896. Toynbee, Arnold. 330.942 O400 '"'^ Lectures on the industrial revolution of the i8th century in England. Popular addresses, notes and other fragments. To- gether with a short memoir by B. Jowett. [Edited by Alfred Milner.] Fifth edition — with appendix. xxxvii,3i9p. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896, pref., 1884. Contents: Ricardo and the old political economy. The industrial revolution. Popu- lar addresses: i. Wages and natural law. 2. Industry and democracy. 3. Are radicals socialists? The education of co-operators. The ideal relation of church and state. Notes and jottings. 58 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Ashley, William James. 330.942 O800 '^*" An introduction to English economic histor>' and theory Third edition. [Vol. i, part i]-2. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 894-1 898. Contents: Part i. The Middle Ages. Part 2. The end of the Middle Ages. "Authorities," at the beginning of each chapter. Price, Langford Lovell [Frederick Rice]. 330.942 Pooi *°" A short history of political economy in England, from Adam Smith to Arnold Toynbee. Second edition. xi,20i p. D. [University extension series.] London: ^lethuen & Co., 1896, pref. 1890. Cunningham, William. 330.942 P201 ®®*' The growth of English industry and commerce in modern times. xvi,77i p. 2 tables. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. "List of authorities", p. 704-738. Cunningham, William. 330.942 P600 ^^^^ The growth of English industry and commerce during the early and Middle Ages. Third edition. xv,[i],7i4 p. O. Cam- bridge: University Press, 1896. "List of authorities", p. 651-673. Porter, Robert Peel. 330.97291 P900 ''■^"■^ Industrial Cuba. Being a study of present commercial and indus- trial conditions, with suggestions as to the opportunities presented in the island for American capital, enterprise, and labour. xi,428 p. 62 pi. 6 maps. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. "This volume aims to give a description of Cuba as it appeared to the author when, as special commissioner of the United States, he was sent by President McKinley to report on its industrial, commercial, and financial condition, soon after the signing of the proto- col of peace, Aug. 12, 1898." Introduction. Wright, Carroll Davidson. 330.973 P500 1S440 'Y\\Q. industrial evolution of the United States. 362 p. il. i por. 4 maps. D. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1897. 331-331. 7 LABOR Thornton, William Thomas. 33^ -02 M800 "°' On labour: its wrongful claims and rightful dues; its actual pres- ent and possible future. Second edition. xii,499 p. O. Lon- don : Macmillan & Co., 1870. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 59 Hobson, John Atkinson. 33i-02 Pioo 5923 Problems of poverty. An inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor. Third edition. vi,[2],232 p. D. [Social questions of to-day.] London: Methuen & Co., 1896. Contains a list of authorities cited. Labour annual. 331.052 2 10260 -pj-jg Labour annual. The year-book for social and political reformers Continued from vol. 4. 1898. il. D. London pref. 1897-. Edited by Joseph Edwards. Gohre, Paul. 33i-0943 Pioo 10350 Ym-ee months in a workshop. A practical study. Translated from the German by A. B. Carr. With a prefatory note by Pro- fessor Richard T. Ely. x,[2],2i9 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 79.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. Dawson, William Harbutt. 331.09494 P700 ^"-^ Social Switzerland. Studies of present-day social movements and legislation in the Swiss repubhc. x,30i,[3] p. D. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Ely, Richard Theodore. 331.0973 O602 2990 ^Yhe labor movement in America. xvi,373 p. D. New York : T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1886. With a chapter : Co-operation in America. Wyckoff, Walter Augustus. 33i-0973P700 16448 jj^g workers. An experiment in reality [2 vol.] pi. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. Contents: Vol. i. The East, Vol. 2. The West. Hull-House, Chicago. 331-09773 P500 11355 Hull-House maps and papers." A presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested district of Chicago, together with com- ments and essays on problems growing out of the social conditions. By residents of Hull-House, a social settlement, . . . , Chicago, 111. viii,230 p. 8 pi. 2 maps in pockets, 2 tables. O. [Library of economics and politics, vol. 5.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & • Co., c. 1895. Contents: Addams, J. Prefatory note. i. Holbrook, A. S. Map notes and comr ments. 2. Kelley, F. The sweating-system. 3. Kelley, F. & Stevens, A. P. Wage- earning children. 4. Eaton, I. Receipts and expenditures of cloakmakers in Chicago. 5. Zeublin, C. The Chicago Ghetto. 6. Zeman, J. H. The Bohemian people in Chicago. 7. Mastro-Valerio, A. Remarks upon the ItaHan colony in Chicago. 8. Lathrop, J. C. The Cook County charities. 9. Starr, E. G. Art and labor. 10. Addams, J. The set- tlement as a factor in the labor movement. Appendix. Hull-House: a social settle- ment. 6o THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Barns, William Eddy, editor. 331. i O600 ""' The labor problem. Plain questions and practical answers. With an introduction by Richard T. Ely, and special contributions by James A. Watervvorth and Fred Woodrow. 330 p. S. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1886. Price, Langford Lovell Frederick Rice. 331.1O700 *®^® Industrial peace: its advantages, methods, and difficulties. A re- port of an inquiry made for the Toynbee trustees. With a preface by Alfred Marshall. xxxi,i27 p. i por. O. London : Macmillan &Co., 1887. Reprinted, with additions, from tKe Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, March, 1887. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. 331.2 O500 ^* Work and wages. Being a popular edition (abridged) of "Six centuries of work and wages." (Cobden Club edition.) [6] ,206 p. D. (Social science series, vol i.) London: Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., [1890]. Smart, William. 331.2 P500 "-^ Studies in economics, x, [2], 341 p. O. London : Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contents: Studies in wages: i. The standard of comfort. 2. A li\nng wage. 3. The sliding scale. 4. Women's wages. — Studies in currency : 5. A mere commodity. 6. Must prices fall? 7. Overproduction. — Studies in consumption. 8. New wealth and old. 9. The socialising of consumption. — 10. The place of industry in the social organism. Willoughby, William Franklin. 331-25 P8oo ^^"^^ Workingmen's insurance. xii,386 p. D. [Library of economics and politics.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1898. "Bibliographical note," p. 379-386. Campbell, Helen, [/w;/ Stuart]. 331.4 O700 ^"® Prisoners of poverty. Women wage-workers, their trades and their lives. [2], 25 7 p. D. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1895, c. 1887. Campbell, Helen, \_boni Stuart]. 331.4 Pooi '*"" Prisoners of poverty abroad. [2],248 p. D. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1890. Campbell, Helen, \_boni Stuart]. 331.4 P300 II9S2 w^rncn wage-earners: their past, their present, and their future. With an introduction by Richard T. Ely. 313 p. D. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1893. Irish peasant. 331.75 P200 15097 jj^g Irish peasant. A sociological study. Edited from original papers by a Guardian of the Poor. x,i64p. D. [Social science series, vol. 53.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 6 1 331.8 LABORING CLASSES Booth, Charles, ^(^^zV^r. 331.8 O900 '°*° Life and labour of the people in London. 9 vol. and appendix. Tables, maps, maps in pocket. O. London: vol. 1,2, and ap- pendix: Williams & Norgate, 1889-1891 ; vol. 3-9: Macmillan & Co., 1892-1897. Contents: Vol. i. East London. Vol. 2. London continued. Vol. 3. Blocks of buildings, schools, and immigration. Vol. 4. The trades of East London. Vol. 5-8. Population classified by trades. Vol. 9. Comparisons, survey and conclusions. Vol. I, 2, and appendix published under the title: Labour and life of the people. Vol. I is in second edition. Drage, Geoffrey. 331.8 P400 "'^^ The unemployed. xiv,277 p. 6 tables. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Hobson, John Atkinson. 331.8 P600 ^^^* The problem of the unemployed. An enquiry and an economic policy. xvi,i62 p. D. [Social questions of to-day.] London: Methuen & Co., 1896. Salmon, Lucy Maynard. 331.8 P700 ^'"^ Domestic service. xxiv,307 p. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1897. Contains a bibliography. Robertson, John Mackinnon. 331.81 P300 5006 Yhe eight hours question. vi,[2],i50 p. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. Rae, John. 331 -81 P400 10"" Eight hours for work. xii,340 p. O. London : Macmillan & Co., 1894. Wolff, Henry W. 331.82 P700 **°" Employers' liability : what ought it to be? [2],ii4p. O. Lon- don: P. S. King & Co., 1897. Birrell, Augustine. 331.82 P701 '"** Four lectures on the law of employers' liability at home and abroad. [6], 123 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. White, Alfred Tredway. 331.835 Pico Improved dwellings for the working classes, 1879. Better homes for workingmen, 1885. Riverside Buildings, 1890. Various paging, il. 7 pi. O. Brooklyn, N. Y., pref. 1891. 62 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Worthington, T. Locke. 331-835 P300 ®*'*'' The dwellings of the poor and weekly wage-earners in and around towns. With an introduction by G. V. Poore. xvi,i64 p. il. 3 pi. D. [Social science series, vol. 69.] London : Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., 1893. Howell, George. 331.88 Pooi *°'* The conflicts of capital and labour historically and economically considered. Being a history and review of the trade unions of Great Britain Second and revised edition, .... xxxvi, 536 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Webb, Sidney, & Webb, Beatrice. 331.88 P400 "* The history of trade unionism. xvi,558 p. i map. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1894. Contains a bibliography of trade unionism, prepared by Robert Alec. Peddie. Webb, Sidney, & Webb, Beatrice. 331.88 P700 13503 Industrial democracy. 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i : xxii, 1-452 p.; vol. 2: vii,453-929 p. table. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897, "A supplement to the bibliography of trade unionism", vol. 2. p. 878-900. 332 MONEY AND BANKING Jevons, William Stanley. 332.02 N500 "*' Money and the mechanism of exchange. xviii,349 p. il. D. (In- ternational scientific series, vol. 17.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1896, pref. 1875. Walker, Francis Amasa. 332.02 N700 '"' Money. xv,[2] ,550 p. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1878. History. L332.09P600 ^°^* A history of banking in all the leading nations ; . . . . Edited by the editor of The Journal of commerce and commercial bul- letin. 4 vol. il. table. Q. New York: Journal of commerce and commercial bulletin, 1896. Contents: Vol. i. Sumner, W. G. Banking in the United States. Vol. 2. MacLeod, H. D. Banking in Great Britain. Horn, A. E. Banking in the Russian Empire. Townsend, J. P. Savings-banks in the United States. Vol. 3. Des Essars, P. Banking in the Latin nations. Raffalovich, A. Banks of Alsace-Lorraine after the annexation. Walker, B. E. Banking in Canada. Vol. 4. Wirth, M. Banking in Germany and Austria-Hungary. Borght, R. van der. Banking in the Netherlands. Jensen, A. Banking in the Scandinavian nations. Soyeda, J. Banking in Japan. Jernigan, T. R. Banking in China. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 63 Nicholson, Joseph Shield. 332.02 P700 10933 j^ treatise on money and Essays on monetary problems. Fourth edition. xviii,448 p. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1897. Schoenhof, Jacoh. 332.09 P7oi ^®" A history of money and prices. Being an inquiry into their re- lations from the thirteenth century to the present time. Second edition. xvii,352 p. D. [Questions of the day, no. 86.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Bagehot, Walter. 332.0942 N300 ^"'^ Lombard Street: a description of the money market. viii,359 p. D. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1874. Sumner, William Graham. 332.0973 N400 ^°" A history of American currency. With chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money. To which is ap- pended "The bullion report". iv,39i p. 2 tables. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1876. U. S. A. Treasury Depavtme7it. 332.0973 O600 '^"^ Laws of the United States relating to loans and the currency, coinage and banking. [4],xiii,459 p. O. Washington 1886. White, Horace. 332.0973 P500 ■85" Money and banking. Illustrated by American history. x,488 p. I pi. D. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 469-477. Indianapolis Monetary Convention, iSf^y. 332.0973 P800 12585 Report of the Monetary Commission of the Indianapolis Conven- tion of boards of trade, chambers of commerce, commercial clubs, and other similar bodies of the United States. xv,6o8 p. il. 2 tables. O. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1898. Howarth , William . 332.1 O400 ^'°* Our clearing system and clearing houses. 200 p. il. D. Lon- don : E. Wilson, 1884. Dunbar, Charles Franklin. 332.1 Pioo ^"^* Chapters on the theory and history of banking. vi,i99 p. D. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891. Conant, Charles Arthur. 332.1 P602 19091 ^ history of modern banks of issue. With an account of the economic crises of the present century. Third edition, xv, 595 P- O- New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 64 ^ THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Walker, Francis Amasa. 332.42 P607 10900 International bimetallism. v,297 p. D. New York: H. Holt& Co., 1896. Laughlin, James Laurence. 332-42 P701 9000 -pj^g history of bimetallism in the United States. Fourth edition, with new appendices: a study on the fall of silver since 1885, and the experience of the United States with silver to 1893. xviii, 353 p. 20 tables. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Darwin, Leonard. 332.42 P704 '*''*^ Bimetallism. A summary and examination of the arguments for and against a bimetallic system of currency. viii,34i p. i il. D. London: J. Murray, 1897. Russell, Henry Benajah. 332.44 P800 1636S International monetary conferences. Their purposes, character, and results with a study of the conditions of currency and finance in Europe and America during intervening periods, and in their relations to international action. x,477 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1898. Goschen, George Joachim. 332.45 M400 ®®'*® The theory of the foreign exchanges. Ninth thousand. xv,i52 p. O. London: E.Wilson, 1896. Norman, John Henry. 332.45 P701 »'98' Norman's universal cambist. A ready reckoner of the world's foreign and colonial exchanges of seven monetary and currency intermediaries. . . . , Being the second edition of the author's Ready reckoner of the exchanges of gold and silver issued in 1893. xxix,269 P- 3 tables. O. London: E. Wilson, 1897. Manual. 332.6 i *®'^ The Manual of statistics Stock exchange hand-book. Rail- roads, street railways, miscellaneous and industrial companies. Grain and produce; cotton; petroleum; mining; banks; trust companies and insurance Continued from vol. 9. 1886. maps. O. New York, c. 1887-. With slight variations in the title. Vol. 10, 13-15, 17-18 missing. 333 LAND George, Henry. 333.1 O300 '""" Social problems. [2], 304 p. D. [Sterling library, vol. i, no. 5.] New York: Sterling Pubhshing Co., 1894, c. 1883. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 65 Cox, Harold. 333.1 P200 "^^ Land nationalization. [6], 189 p. D. [Social questions of to-day, no. 8.] London: Methuen & Co., 1892. 334 COOPERATION Hughes, Thomas, &- Neale, Edward Vansittart, editors. 334 2 794S ^ manual for co-operators. Prepared at the request of the Co-operative Congress, held at Gloucester, in April, 1879; and revised 1888. Published for the Central Co-operative Board, ... , Manchester. xvi,265 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., iT"" Brabrook, Edward William. 334 4 19275 Pi-ovident societies and industrial welfare. 224 p. D. [Victorian era series.] London: Blackie & Son, 1898. Co-operative Wholesale Societies. 334-052 i 5668 'pj^g Co-operative Wholesale Societies, limited, England and Scot- land, annual Continued from 1897. i^- pl- por- maps. O. Manchester, pref. 1896-. Dexter, Seymour. 334- ^ i ''®' A treatise on co-operative savings and loan associations, includ- ing building and loan associations, mutual savings and loan asso- ciations, accumulating fund associations, co-operative banks, etc. With appendix containing laws, precedents, and forms. vm,2gg p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1889. Wolff, Henry W. 334-2 2 10308 People's banks : a record of social and economic success. Sec- ond edition. Revised and enlarged. xxi,399 p. O. London : P. S. King& Son, 1896. Gilman, Nicholas Paine. 334-65 i ®" Profit sharing between employer and employee. A study in the evolution of the wages system. x,46o p. O. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1889. "Bibliography", p. 446-448. Taylor, Sedley. 334-^5 2 -12377 Profit-sharing between capital and labour, six essays by Sedley Taylor, to which is added a Memorandum on the industrial part- nership at the Whitwood collieries (i 865-1 874) by Archibald Briggs and the late Henry Currer Briggs, together with remarks on the Memorandum by Sedley Taylor, xiii,i70 p. D. Lon- don : Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1884. 66 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Baernreither, J. M. 334-942 i "••* English associations of working men. English edition (enlarged and revised by the author). Translated by AHce Taylor. With a preface by J. M. Ludlow. xv,472 p. O. London: Swan Son- nenschein & Co., 1893. Webb, Beatrice, [doru] Potter. 334-942 3 10932 -pj^g co-operative movement in Great Britain. [Third edition.] xii,26o p. 2 maps. D. [Social science series, vol. 33.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. Lloyd, Henry Demarest. 334.942 7 16530 Labor copartnership. Notes of a visit to co-operative workshops, factories and farms in Great Britain and Ireland, in which employ- er, employe, and consumer share in ownership, management and results. [6] ,3 5 I p. 13 pi. D. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1899. 335 SOCIALISM Mallock, William Hurrell. 335-oi O200 ^'" Social equality: a short study in a missing science. 212 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1882. Ely, Richard Theodore. 335-02 P400 ^^^' Socialism. An examination of its nature, its strength and its weakness, with suggestions for social reform. Sixth edition. xiii,449 p. i table. D. [Library of economics and politics, no. 3.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1894. "Bibliography", p. 399-442. Flint, Robert. 335-02 P500 '°'»» Socialism. 512 p. O. London: Isbister & Co., 1895. Morris, William. 335.04 M83 10564 5jgj^s Qf change. Seven lectures delivered on various occasions. New edition. viii,[2],202 p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Contents: How we live and how we might live. Whigs, democrats, and socialists. Feudal England. The hopes of civilisation. The aims of art. Useful work versus useless toil. Dawn of a new epoch. Rae, John. 335.09 Pico 10837 Contemporary socialism. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xii,508 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896, pref. 1891. Chapter I2: The agrarian socialism of Henry George. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 67 Kirkup, Thomas. 335-09 P200 '*"" A history of socialism. vi,[2],30i p. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1892. Sombart, Werner. 335-09 P800 '*^" Socialism and the social movement in the 19th century. With a chronicle of the social movement 1 750-1896. Translated by Anson P. Atterbury, with an introduction by John B. Clark. xvii,i99 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Nordhoff, Charles. 335.29 N400 2813 'p|-,g communistic societies of the United States ; from personal visit and observation: .... 439 p. il. 15 pi. i por. i map. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1875. Contains a bibliography of communistic societies in the United States. Gronlund, Laurence. 335-3 Pooi ''°' The co-operative commonwealth. An exposition of socialism. Revised and enlarged edition. ix,304 p. il. D. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1893. Zenker, Ernst Victor. 335-6 P700 '-"" Anarchism. A criticism and history of the anarchist theory. xiii,323 p. D. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. George, Henry. 335-75 N900 3345 Progress and poverty : an inquiry into the cause of industrial de- pressions, and of increase of want with increase of wealth. The remedy. xi,[2],viii,5i2 p. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1882. Nitti, Francesco Saverio. 335-93^200 "" Catholic socialism. Translated from the second Italian edition by Mary Mackintosh, with an introduction by David G. Ritchie, xx, 432 p. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. 336 FINANCE Cohn, Gustav. 33^-02 O900 '"■''' The science of finance. Translated by T. B. Veblen. xi,8oo p. O. [University OF Chicago. Economic studies, no. i.] Chi- cago: University of Chicago Press, 1895. Bastable, Charles Francis. 336.02 P500 12663 Public finance. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xx,7i6p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. 68 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Adams, Henry Carter. 336.02 P800 I844S -YliQ science of finance. An investigation of public expenditures and public revenues. xiii,573 p. O. (American science series -advanced course.) New York: H. Holt & Co., 1898. Daniels, Winthrop More. 336.02 P900 19434 -pj^g elements of public finance including the monetary system of the United States. vii,383 p. D. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1899. Ely, Richard Theodore. 336.2 O800 ®^®^ Taxation in American states and cities. By Richard T. Ely, Assisted by John H. Finley xx,544p. 2 tables. D. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1888. Adams, Henry Carter. 336.3 O700 ®'''' Public debts. An essay in the science of finance. xi,407 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895, c. 1887. Taussig, Frank William. 336.73 P300 '"*' The silver situation in the United States. viii,i33 p. i table. D. [Questions of the day, no. 74.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. Rabbeno, Ugo. 336-73 P403 17U6 ^YiiQ American commercial policy. Three historical essays. Second edition, partly re-written and entirely revised by the author. Translated at the Translations Bureau. xxiv,4i4p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Upton, Jacob Kendrick. 336-73^500 ^®® Money in politics. With an introduction by Edward Atkinson. [Second edition.] xxii,292 p. D. Boston : D. Lothrop Co., 1895. Gordon, Armistead Churchill. 336-73 P501 ''"^® Congressional currency. An outline of the federal money sys- tem. ix,234 p. D. [Questions of the day, no. 85.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Noyes, Alexander Dana. 336-73 P800 12530 -piiii-ty years of American finance. A short financial history of the government and people of the United States since the Civil War, 1865-1896. xv,277 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Taussig, Frank William. 336.73 P801 17939 j^^^ ^^j.j^ history of the United States. A series of essays. Fourth edition, revised, with additional matter. xi,[2],422 p. D. [Questions of the day, no. 47.] New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898, c. 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 69 337 PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE Fawcett , Henry. 337 . i N8o i 3270 pj.gg trade and protection. An inquiry into the causes which have retarded the general adoption of free trade since its intro- duction into England. xvi,i73 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. 338 PRODUCTION AND MANUFACTURE Dyer, Henry. 338P500 *'®' The evolution of industry. xv,307 p. D. New York : Macmil- lan & Co., 1895. Mulhall, Michael George. 338 P600 ^^*° Industries and wealth of nations. xii,45 i p. 32 tables. D. Long- mans, Green, & Co., 1896. Elliott, James Rupert. 338.1 Pooi 4887 American farms. Their condition and future. Second edition — revised with notes. vi,[2],274 p. D. (Questions of the day, no. 62.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890. Taylor, R. Whately Cooke. 338.4 Pioo '^" The modern factory systeni. vii,476 p. O. London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1891. Nicholson, Joseph Shield. 338.4 P200 10921 jj^g effects of machinery on wages. New and revised edition. xi,i43 P- D. [Social science series, vol. 54.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. Hobson, John Atkinson. 338.4 P401 10327 Yhe evolution of modern capitalism. A study of machine pro- duction. xiv,[2],388 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 25.] London: W. Scott, 1894. Brentano, Lujo. 338.4 P402 10568 f^Quj-g ai-i(j wages in relation to production. Translated by Mrs. William Arnold. viii,i43 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 70.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894. Cook, William W. 338.7 Pioo "^^ The corporation problem. The public phases of corporations, their uses, abuses, benefits, dangers, wealth, and power, with a discussion of the social, industrial, economic, and political ques- tions to which they have given rise. vi,262 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. 70 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Lloyd, Henry Demarest. 338.8 P400 566U Wealth against commonwealth. iv,563 p. O. New York : Har- per & Brothers, c. 1894. Halle, Ernst von. 338.8 P600 103U4 Trusts^ Qj- industrial combinations and coalitions in the United States. xvi,350 p. 2 tables. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 338-350. Baker, Charles Whiting. 338.8 P900 ""'■' Monopolies and the people. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xxiii,[2],368 p. D. [Questions of the-day, no. 59.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. 339 PAUPERISM • Booth, Charles. 339P100 '""* Pauperism: a picture; and the endowment of old age: an argu- ment. viii,355 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. Drage, Geoffrey. • 339P500 "'^^ The problem of the aged poor. xvii,375 p. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1895. Pretyman, John Radclyffe. 339.942 N600 "^® Dispauperization. [6], 159 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1876. Booth, William, of tJic ''Salvation Army." 339.942 Pooi " In darkest England, and the way out. [6],285,xxxi p. O. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1890. Riis, Jacob August. 339-9747 P200 **^ The children of the poor. xi,300 p. il. i pi. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Booth, Charles. 339-942 P400 »i9-9 -phe aged poor in England and Wales. Condition. vi,[2],527 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 7^ 340 LAW 340 GENERAL WORKS American and English encyclopaedia of law. 340 O700 ^'**° The American and English encyclopaedia of law 31 vol. O. Northport, Long Island, N. Y. : E.Thompson Co., 1887- 1896. Vol. 1-20 edited by John Houston Merrill; vol. 21-22, 26, by Charles F. Williams; vol. 23-25, by Charles F. Williams, assisted by Thomas J. Michie; vol. 27-29, by Charles F. Williams, assisted by David S. Garland; index, vol. 30-31, by Thomas J. Michie. American and English encyclopaedia of law. L340 P601 ^'*^ The American and English encyclopaedia of law Second edition. Vol. i-. Q. Northport, Long Island, N. Y. : E. Thomp- son Co., 1 896-. Edited by David S. Garland and Lucius P. McGehee, under the supervision of James Cockcroft. Amos, Sheldon. 340.2 N400 The science of law. xx,4i7 p. i table. D. (International scien- tific series, vol. 10.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1874. 341 INTERNATIONAL LAW Pomeroy, John Norton. 341.02 M700 Lectures on international law in time of peace. Edited by Theo- dore Salisbury Woolsey. xiv,[2],48i p. O. Boston: Hough- ton, Mififlin& Co., li 127:! 10961 Levi, Leone. 341-02 O701 ®"®' International law. With materials for a code of international law. xii,346 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 60.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895, pref. 1887. Woolsey, Theodore Dwight. 341-02 Pico 11330 Introduction to the study of international law. Designed as an aid in teaching and in historical studies. Sixth edition, revised and enlarged by Theodore Salisbury Woolsey. xix,527 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897, c. 1891. Walker, Thomas Alfred. 341.02 P500 ^^'^ A manual of public international law. xxviii,244 p. O. Cam- bridge : University Press, 1895. 72 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Hall, William Edward. 341.02 P501 14315 A treatise on international law. Fourth edition. xxvii,[i],79i p. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895. Bowen, Herbert Wolcott. 341.02 P600 '^" International law : a simple statement of its principles. vi,i65 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1896. 342 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Fiske, John. 342 Oooi ^'-'^ American political ideas viewed from the standpoint of universal histor>'. Three lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in May 1880. 158 p. D. New York : Harper & Brothers, c. 1885. Boutmy, Emile. 342 O800 ®''" Studies in constitutional law. France — England — United States. Translated from the second French edition by E. 'SI. Dicey, with an introduction by A. V. Dicey. xiv,[2],i83 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Borgeaud, Charles. 342 P300 ^'^* Adoption and amendment of constitutions in Europe and America. Awarded the Rossi prize by the Law Faculty of Paris. Trans- lated by Charles D. Hazen. With an introduction by John M. Vincent. xxi,353 p. O. New York : ]\Iacmillan & Co., 1895. Stubbs, William. 342.42 N300 ""^ The constitutional history of England in its origin and develop- ment. 3 vol. D. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford: Claren- don Press, 1875-1878. Vol. I in second edition. Covers the period to the end of the Middle Ages. Anson, Sir William Reynell, Bart. 342.42 P200 ®'®® The law and custom of the constitution Second edition. 2 vol. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1 892-1 896. Macy, Jesse. 342.42 P700 The English constitution. A commentary on its nature and growth. xxii,534 p. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 73 Macy, Jesse. 342.42 P700 ®^'" The English constitution. A commentary on its nature and growth. xxii,534 p. O. NewYc«'k: Macmillan Co., 1897. Langmead, Thomas Pitt Taswell-. 342.429 N900 1=401 EngHsh constitutional history. From the Teutonic conquest to •the present time. Fourth edition, revised throughout, with notes and appendices, by C. H. E. Carmichael. xli,883 p. O. Lon- don : Stevens & Haynes, 1890. "List of authors and editions cited by the editor", p. xxxiii-xH. Adams, Sir Francis Ottiwell, & Cunningham, C. D. 342.494 P400 10902 -pi^g Swiss Confederation. xx,289 p. i map. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Madison, James. 342-73 ^i 10166 Journal of the Federal Convention. Reprinted from the edition of 1840, which was published under direction of the United States Government from the original manuscripts. A complete index specially adapted to this edition is added. Edited by E. H. Scott. 805 p. O. Chicago: Albert, Scott & Co., 1895. Hoist, Hermann von. 342.73 N300 586S -pj^g constitutional and political history of the United States. Translated from the German by John J. Lalor .... [8 vol.] O. Chicago: Callaghan & Co., 1 876-1 892. Vol. 8 consists of an index and Ust of authorities, by Ira Huchinson Brainerd. Vol. I translated in co-operation with Alfred B. Mason; vol. 3, with Paul Shorey. Ford, Worthington Chauncey. 342-73 O300 ®"' The American citizen's manual. 2 vol. in i. map. D. (Ques- tions of the day, no. 5, 6.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896, c. 1883. Pomeroy, John Norton. 342.73 O600 10960 ^/^j^ introduction to the constitutional law of the United States. Especially designed for students, general and professional. Tenth edition, revised and enlarged, by Edmund H. Bennett, xxxviii, 709 p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1888. Hare, John Innes Clark. 342-73 O904 10962 American constitutional law. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : lxxxi,[2],i-652 p.; vol. 2 : [2], 653-1400 p. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1889. ^A^ 74 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Fiske, John. 342.73 P002 *'•- Civil government in the United States considered with some reference to its origins. xxx,36o p. il. i map. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., c. 1890. "Bibliographical note", at the end of each chapter. Cooley, Thomas Mclntyre. 342-73 P003 10092 j^ treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American Union. Sixth edition, with large additions, giving the results of the recent cases, by Alexis C. Angell. xcviii,885 p. O. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1890. Black, Henry Campbell. 342-73 P701 *'" Handbook of American constitutional law. Second edition. [Hornbook series, vol. 5.] xxiv,7i6 p. O. St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1897. Schouler, James. 342-73 P702 ""^ Constitutional studies, state and federal. xii,332 p. D. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897. Contents: Part i. Early charters and constitutions. Part 2. The federal union. Part 3. State constitutions since 1789. Jameson, John Alexander. 342-732 O700 10954 ^ treatise on constitutional conventions; their history, powers, and modes of proceeding. Fourth edition, revised, . . . , and en- larged. xxix,684 p. O. Chicago: Callaghan & Co., 1887. Bancroft, George. 342.739 O400 ®*^* History of the formation of the constitution of the United States of America. xxii,495 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896, c. 1884. 343 CRIMINAL LAW Farrer, James Anson. 343 Oooi 14435 (;;i-imes and punishments. Including a new translation of Bec- caria's 'Dei delitti e delle pene.' x,[2],2 5i p. D. London: Chatto & Windus, 1880. Contents: I. Beccaria's life and character. 2. The general influence of Beccaria on legislation. 3. The influence of Beccaria in England. 4. The problems of penology. Beccaria's 'Crimes and punishments,' translated. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 75 345-347 AMERICAN AND ENGLISH LAW Illinois. General Assembly. L345.2243 P600 10965 Annotated statutes of the state of Illinois in force May i, 1896. Embracing the revision of 1874, and all general statutes enacted since such revision, so far as in force, with digested notes of decisions construing or illustrating their provisions by the courts of Illinois and of the United States, and historical notes compar- ing the present statutes with previous legislation. Edited by Merritt Starr and Russell H. Curtis. Second edition. 3 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xxv,i-i422 p.; vol. 2: iii,i423- 2842 p. ; vol. 3 : iv, 2845-4447 p. Q. Chicago : Callaghan & Co., 1896. Illinois. General Assembly. L345.2243 P700 10963 jj^g revised statutes of the state of Illinois, 1897. Comprising the "Revised statutes of 1874," and all amendments thereto, together with the general acts ... , being all the general statutes of the state in force on the first day of December, 1897. Com- piled and edited by Harvey B. Hurd. xv,i830 p. i por. Q. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co., 1897. Alger, Arthur Martineau. 347 •! P700 12096 p^ treatise on the law in relation to promoters and the promotion of corporations, xxviii,302 p. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1897- Parsons, Theophilus. 347-7 P300 '*^®' Laws of business for all the states and territories of the Union and the Dominion of Canada. With forms and directions for all transactions and abstracts of the laws of all the states and terri- tories on various topics. New revised edition. 864, [4] p. O. Syracuse, N. Y. : W. Gill, 1897. 350-354 ADMINISTRATION (MUNICIPAL AND OTHER) Civil service question book. 351-3 O800 12033 j]^g ^j^jj ggi-yjcg question book. ... : intended to be a sufficient review in all the subjects upon which questions are asked in the civil service examinations. With full answers and directions as to applications for examination and position. Fourth edition, 279 p. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W, Bardeen, c. i 76 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Eaton, Dorman Bridgman. 351.6 N900 "^ Civil service in Great Britain. A history of abuses and reforms and their bearing upon American politics. [2],xii,[2],469 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1880. Goodnow, Frank Johnson. 352 3 *®" Municipal problems. xiii,32i p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Wilcox, Delos Franklin. 352 5 I0S73 -phe study of city government. An outline of the problems of municipal functions, control and organization. xiv,268 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co.. 1897. Conference for Good City Government. 352 7 120S2 Proceedings of the . . . Conference for Good City Government .... Continued from [no. i]. 1894. O. Philadelphia 1 894-. No. 1-4 published under the title: Proceedings of the National Conference for Good City Government. No. 4 is called on the title-page : Proceedings of the Third National Conference .... Municipal affairs. 352 8 >3o>2 Municipal affairs. A quarterly magazine devoted to the consid- eration of city problems from the standpoint of the taxpayer and citizen. Continued from vol. i. [March,] 1897. O- New York 1897-- Eaton, Dorman Bridgman. 352 11 18604 -pj^g government of municipalities. x,498,i4,i4 p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Shaw, Albert. 352.04 i 11930 ]\im-jicipal government in continental Europe. xii,[4],505 p. O. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1897. Bell, Sir James, Bart., & Paton, James. L352.041G46 *^" Glasgow, its municipal organization and administration, xxiii, 426 p. il. I pi. 2 maps. sq.Q. Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Sons, 1896. Shaw, Albert. 352.042 2 '"■" Municipal government in Great Britain. viii,[4],385 p. O. New York: Century Co., 1895. Webb, Sidney. 352.042 L842 12330 -pj-jg London programme. viii,2i8 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 39.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM T 'J Tolman, William Howe. 352.073 2 4480 jj^g text-book of the new reformation. Municipal reform move- ments in the United States. With an introductory chapter by the Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst. 219 p. D. New York: F. H. Rev- ell Co., 1895. Devlin, Thomas Clarke. 352.0733 '^^* Municipal reform in the United States. ix,i74p. D. [Ques- tions of the day. no. 90.] New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. Conkling, Alfred Ronald. 352.0734 6061 City government in the United States. xii,227 p. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Goodnow, Frank Johnson. 352.073 5 ®"® Municipal home rule. A study in administration. xxiv,283 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Durand, Edward Dana. 352.0747 N4211 12806 -pj^g finances of New York city. xii,397 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Chicago. Civil Service Commission. 352.0773 C43 '"'' Annual reports of the Civil Service Commissioners of the city of Chicago. Continued from vol. i. O. Chicago, Ills., 1896-. Horr, Norton Townshend, &• Bemis, Alton A. 352.2 i 10957 p^ treatise on the power to enact, passage, validity and enforce- ment of municipal police ordinances. With appendix of forms and references to all the decided cases on the subject in the United States, England and Canada. xxxi,3i2 p. O. Cincin- nati: R. Clarke Co., 1895, c. 1887. Bemis, Edward Webster, editor. 352.5 P900 '"'* Municipal monopolies. A collection of papers by American economists and specialists. ix,69i p. 3 tables. D. [Library of economics and politics.] New York: T. Crowell & Co., c. 1899. U. S. A. Department of the Ititerior. Census Office. -^3533037 '*"' Statistical atlas of the United States, based upon results of the eleventh census. By Henry Gannett. 69 p. il. 54 maps, 9 tables. sq.F*. Washington 1898. U. S. A. Civil Service Commission. 353 Pgoo Manual of examinations for the classified civil service of the United States. (Revised to January i, 1899.) 118 p. 2 tables. O. Washington 1899. 78 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Gushing, Marshall. 353-4 P300 '*"" The story of our post office. The greatest government depart- ment in all its phases. [4],i034p. il. i por. O. Boston, Mass. : A. M. Thayer & Co., 1893. Chicago Post Office. Bureau of Publication. 353.4 P800 13006 Postal guide prepared by the Chicago Post Office (Bureau of Publication) containing revised and corrected postal information for the business public with time charts, scheme and schedules showing arrival, departure, delivery and collection of mails. [Number 5, March, 1898.] 158 p. O. [Chicago] 1898. U. S. A. Civil Service Commission. 353.8917 P701 *"*' Schedule of examinations, and instructions to applicants. Clas- sified civil service. (Revised to January i, 1897.) .... 102 p. 4 pi, I facsim. i table. O. Washington 1S97. Stockholm. K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien. 354-485 i ""'" Sveriges statskalender ... . Utgifven efter Kongl. Maj:ts nadigste forordnande af dess Vetenskaps-Akademi. Bihang: Utdrag ur Norges statskalender. Continued from 1898. O. Stockholm 1897-. 355-359 MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCE [Bigelow, John, Jr.] 355-02 Pi "" Military science. 194 p. il. 8 maps, 3 tables. O. [Boston 189-.] Notes to twenty-five lectures; printed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the use of its students. No title-page. Lectures 1,4, 12, 19, lacking. Farrow, Edward S. L355.03O400 "^" Farrow's Military encyclopedia. A dictionarj' of military knowl- edge. 3 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: published by the author, 1885. Oman, Charles [William Chadwick]. L355.09P800 '"*° A history of the art of war. The Middle Ages from the fourth to the fourteenth century. •icj,66'j p. 7 pi. 17 maps. O. Lon- don: Methuen & Co., 1898. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 79 Naval encyclopgedia. L359.03 Oooi 16267 ^ naval encyclopaedia: comprising a dictionary of nautical words and phrases ; biographical notices, and records of naval officers ; special articles on naval art and science, written ... by officers and others of recognized authority in the branches treated by them. Together with descriptions of the principal naval stations and seaports of the world. 1017 p. il. Q. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly & Co., 1881. Naval annual. L359.052 i 12650 The Naval annual. .. . Continued from [vol. 12]. 1898. il.pl. maps, tables. Q. Portsmouth 1898-. Edited by T. A. Brassey. Callwell, Charles Edward. 359* 09 P700 12816 'pj^g effect of maritime command on land campaigns since Water- loo. xv,[i],38o p. 7 maps. D. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1897. Mahan, Alfred Thayer. 359-0973 P700 '°"' The interest of America in sea power, present and future. vi,[4], 314 p. 2 maps. O. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1897. Spears, John Randolph. 359-0973 P701 10861 jj-jg history of our navy from its origin to the present day. 1775- 1897. 4 vol. il. pi. por. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897. 360 CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS Warner, Amos Griswold. 360.973 P400 American charities. A study in philanthropy and economics. Third thousand. viii,430 p. il. i map, 6 tables. D. [Library of economics and poHtics, vol. 4.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1894. Tolman, William Howe, ^-HuU, William I. 360.9747 P400 *^^° Handbook of sociological information, with especial reference to New York City. Prepared for the City Vigilance League, New York City. xi,257 p. O. New York 1894. Contains a bibliography of sociology. Visher, John. 360.9773 P700 "°^^ Hand-book of charities [of Chicago]. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 253, [9] p. il. i pi. O. Chicago: C. H. Kerr & Co., t8Q7, 80 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY London. Charity Organisation Society. 362.1 P300 12SS2 jY\e epileptic and crippled child and adult. A report on the present condition of these classes of afiflicted persons, with sug- gestions for their better education and employment, xii.159 p. D. (Charity organisation series.) London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.. 1893. Letchworth, William Pryer. 362.2 O900 "'^ The insane in foreign countries. xii,374 p. 19 pi. 2 maps. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1889. Chance, William. 362.7 P700 '-'"' Children under the Poor Law : their education, training, and after- care. Together with a criticism of the report of the Departmental Committee on Metropolitan Poor Law Schools. xii,443 p. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. Du Cane, Sir Edmund Frederick. 364 O500 1054S -pj^g punishment and prevention of crime. vi,[2],235 P- D- [English citizen.] London: ]\Iacmillan & Co., 1885. Ferri, Enrico. 364P300 ^"'^ Criminal sociolog}'. xx,284 p. D. [Criminolog}' series, vol. 2.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Wines, Frederick Howard. 364 P500 I097O Punishment and reformation. An historical sketch of the rise of the penitentiary' system. xi,339 p. il. 6 pi. [Library of econom- ics and politics, vol. 6.] New York : T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1895. Morrison, William Douglas. 364 P600 6036 Juvenile offenders. xx,3i7p. O. [Criminology series, no. 3.] London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1896. Winter, Alexander. 365.9747 E48 12555 'pj^g New York State Reformatory in Elmira. Original English edition published simultaneously with the German edition. With a preface by Havelock Ellis. x,i72 p. D. [Social science se- ries, vol. 19.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891. Coit, Stanton. ^ 367 P200 106T6 ]\'eighbourhood guilds. An instrument of social reform. Second edition. x,i50p. D. [Social science series, vol. 34.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM O \. 370 EDUCATION 370.1-370.9 GENERAL WORKS Rosenkranz, Johann Karl Friedrich. 370-i K800 ='*'^ The philosophy of education. Translated from the German by Anna C. Brackett. Second edition, revised, and accompanied with commentary and analysis. xxviii,2 86 p. D. (Internation- al education series, vol. i.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. Spencer, Herbert. 370.1 Mooi ^'^^ Education: intellectual, moral, and physical. 283 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896, c. i860. Parker, Francis Wayland. 370- 1 P401 '"'* Talks on pedagogics. An outline of the theory of concentration. [2],xvi,49i p. I por. D. (Kellogg's teachers' library, vol. i.) New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co., c. 1894. Herbart, Johann Friedrich. 370-i P700 '^"^ The science of education. Its general principles deduced from Its aim and the aesthetic revelation of the world. Translated from the German with a biographical introduction by Henry M. and Emmie Felkin. And a preface by Oscar Browning. Second edition. xx,286 p. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. Fitch, Joshua Girling. 370.2 Oioo '" Lectures on teaching, delivered in the University of Cambridge during the Lent term, 1880. New edition. xvii,[i],436 p. D. Cambridge : University Press, 1883. Tate, Thomas. 370-2 O500 10369 jj^g philosophy of education ; or. The principles and practice of teaching. With an introduction by Edward E. Sheib. 331p.il. S. New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co., 1885. Rein, Wilhelm. 370-2 P200 "'« Outlines of pedagogics. Translated by C. C. and Ida J. Van Liew, with additional notes by the former. 232 p. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1895. Contains a bibliography of pedagogics. Laurie, Simon Somerville. 370.2 P202 ^**' Institutes of education, comprising an introduction to rational psychology ix,272 p. D. Edinburgh: J. Thin, 1892. 82 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Holman, Henry. 370-2 P6oo "^" Education. An introduction to its principles and their psycho- logical foundations. xii,536 p. D. New York : Dodd, Mead & Co., 1896. Scott, Harriet M. 370-2 P700 7S03 Organic education. A manual for teachers in primary and gram- mar grades. By Harriet M. Scott, assisted by Gertrude Buck. vii,[i],29i,[i] p. D. Ann Arbor, Mich.: J. V. Sheehan, 1897. "Books of reference," p. 281-289. Barnett, Percy Arthur, editor. 370.2 P701 ®'"*' Teaching and organisation. With special reference to secondary schools. A manual of practice. xix,4i9 p. il. D. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1897. Contents: i. Barnett, P. A. The criteria in education. 2. Pollard, A. T. Organisa- tion and curricula. 3. Welldon, E. A. The kindergarten, 4. Burrell, A. Reading and speaking. 5. Morris, I. H. Writing. 6. — . Drawing. 7. Wormell, R. Mathematics 8. Abbott, E. A. On the teaching of English grammar. 9. Barnett, P. A. English Utera ture. 10. Somervell, R. Modern history. 11. Withers, H. L. Ancient history. 12 Conner, E. C. K. Ceography. 13. Lyttelton, E. Classical teaching. 14. Miall, L. C The teaching of science. 15. Storr, F. The teaching of modern languages. 16. Mc Naught, W.G. Vocal music, 17. Sidgwick, A. Form management. 18. Buckle, G. E Ineffectiveness in teaching. 19. Glazebrook, M. G. Specialisation. 20. Martin, A. T School libraries. 21. Dukes, C. Health and physical culture. 22. Hill, W. K. Furni ture, apparatus and appliances. 23. Sandford, M. E. Organisation and curricula in girls' schools. Kiddle, Henry, & Schem, Alexander J., editors. 1^370. 3 O300 ^^'^ The Cyclopaedia of education : a dictionary of information for the use of teachers, school ofificers, parents, and others. Third edi- tion. With appendix. [2],v,868,xvii,[io] p. Q. New York: E. Steiger& Co., 1883, c. 1876. Dictionnaire. I'370.3 O700 *"^ Dictionnaire de pedagogic et d'instruction primaire. Public sous la direction de F. Buisson, avec le concours d'un grand nombre decollaborateurs. 2 parts and supplement in 4 vol. il. Q. Paris: Hachette & C*^ 1 887-1 888. Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of education. 370.3 P200 *^^^ Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of education. A handbook of refer- ence on all subjects connected with education (its history, theory, and practice), .... Edited by Alfred Ewen Fletcher. Third edition. [6], 562 p. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. Contains also A select and systematic bibliography of pedagogy by William Swan Sonnenschein. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 83 Rein, Wilhelm. ^370-3 P500 5966 Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Padagogik. Vol. i-. O. Lan- gensalza: H. Beyer & Sohne, 1895-. Eliot, Charles William. 370-4 E42 '"'* Educational reform. Essays and addresses. ix,4i8 p. O. New York: Century Co., 1898. Contents: I, Inaugural address as president of Harvard College. 2. Address at the inauguration of Daniel C. Oilman. 3. Teachers' tenure of office. 4. On the education of ministers. 5. What is a liberal education? 6. Liberty in education. 7. Can school programmes be shortened and enriched ? 8. An average Massachusetts grammar school. 9. The gap between common schools and colleges. 10. The aims of the higher educa- tion. II, Shortening and enriching the grammar-school course. 12. Undesirable and desirable uniformity in schools. 13. The grammar school of the future. 14. The unity of educational reform. 15. Medical education of the future. 16. A wider range of electives in college admission requirements. 17. An urban university. 18. The func- tion of education in democratic society. Locke, John. 370-4 1^79 "^"^ Some thoughts concerning education. With introduction and notes by the Rev. R. H. Quick, Second edition lxiv,240 p. S. (Pitt Press series.) Cambridge: University Press, 1889, pref. 1884. Payne, Joseph. 1 808-1 8y6. 370.4 P29 ^^'^ Lectures on the science and art of education. With other lectures and essays. Reading Club edition By C. W. Bardeen. 281 p. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen, 1885. Compayre, Gabriel. 370-9 O300 5938 -pj^g history of pedagogy. Translated, with an introduction, notes, and an index, by W. H. Payne. Third edition. xxvi,598 p. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. Painter, Franklin Verzellius Newton. 370.9 O600 "^* A history of education. xix,343 p. D. (International education series, vol. 2.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896, c. 1886. Quick, Robert Hebert. 370.92 Q41 ^^'*' Essays on educational reformers. Only authorized edition of the work as rewritten in 1890. xxxiv,568 p. D. (International ed- ucation series, vol. 17.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1896, pref. 1890, Fitch, 5z> Joshua [Girling]. 370.9204 F55 ''^^^ Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influence on English edu- cation. ix,277 p. D. [Great educators.] New York : C, Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. 84 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Laurie , Simon Somerville . 370 . 92 1 8 L37 '''' John Amos Comcnius, Bishop of the Moravians: his Hfc and ed- ucational works. Reading-circle edition, with a new bibliography 272 p. il. I pi. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syra- cuse. X. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1892. Hughes, Thomas, 5. y. 370-9252 H87 '^"* Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. ix,302 p. D. (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 370.9254 H59 12968 f^orace Mann and the common school revival in the United States. vii,326 p. D. (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. Guimps, Roger de. 370.9267 G94 3393 Pestalozzi : his life and work. Authorized translation from the second French edition, by J. Russell xix,[3],438 p. D. (International education series, vol. 14.) New York : D. Apple- ton & Co., 1890. Davidson, Thomas. 370-9275 1^28 '*^®' Rousseau and education according to nature. vii,253 p. D. (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. Davidson, Thomas. 370.938 P400 *"'^ The education of the Greek people and its influence on civiliza- tion. xiv,[4],229 p. D. (International education series, vol, 28.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Sharpless, Isaac. 370.942 P200 *"" English education in the elementary and secondary schools. xiii,i93 p. D. (International education series, vol. 22.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. American college. 370-973 i '^°" American college and public school directory. Continued from vol. 21. 1898. O. St. Louis, Mo., [1898-]. 371 METHODS AND MANAGEMENT Klemm, Louis R. 371 O800 10578 European schools, or what I saw in the schools of Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland. xvi,4i9 p. 523 il. D. (Inter- national education series, vol. 12.) New York: D, Appleton & Co., 1890. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 85 Baldwin, Joseph. 371 P700 *'"* School management and school methods. xix,395 p. il. D. (International education series, vol. 40.) New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1897. Salmon, David. 371 P801 17664 -Y\\Q art of teaching. [4] ,289 p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. Bardeen, Charles William. 37i-i P700 "^^' Teaching as a business. Four addresses. 154 p. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1897. Greenwood, James M. 371-30700 6062 Principles of education practically applied. [6], 192 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co.. 1894, c. 1887. Hackwood, Frederick William. 37 1 -3 P600 9380 -pj^g practical method of class management, A ready guide of useful hints to young class teachers. 90 p. D. London: G, Philip & Son, 1896. McMurry, Charles Alexander, & McMurry, Frank M. 371.32 P700 ®®" The method of the recitation. 319 p. D. Bloomington, 111.: Public School Publishing Co., 1897. MacArthur, Arthur. 37i«42 O400 *^^^ Education in its relation to manual industry. xv,393 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892, c. 1884. Salomon, Otto. 371.42 P400 ®^'® The theory of educational sloyd. The only authorised edition of the lectures of Otto Salomon. Revised and edited for English and American students by an inspector of schools. Together with a resume of the history of manual training, and a biography of Herr Salomon. Second edition. xii,i50 p. i pi. i por. D. London: G. Philip & Son, [1894]. De Garmo, Charles. 371.44 P500 5589 Herbart and the Herbartians. ix,268 p. D. (Great educators.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. Contains a bibliography of Herbartian literature. Herbart, [ Johann Friedrich] . 371.44 P600 6159 Herbart's ABC of sense-perception and minor pedagogical works. Translated, with introduction, notes, and commentary, by William J. Eckoff. xxxi,288 p. 10 il. 2 tables. D. (International edu- cation series, vol. 36.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. 86 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Hughes, James Laughlin. 371.46 P700 7S6J Froebel's educational laws for all teachers. xiii,296 p. D. (In- ternational education series.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Posse, Nils. 371.73 Pool •"' The Swedish system of educational g>'mnastics. Second edition, enlarged. [ 10], 284 p. 264 il. O. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 189 1. 372 PRIMARY EDUCATION. CHILD STUDY Parker, Francis Wayland. 372 O300 "" Talks on teaching. Reported by Lelia E. Patridge. Fifteenth edition 181 p. D. (Kellogg's teachers' library, vol. 3.) New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co., 1896. Wiggin, Kate, [bom'] Douglas, {afterwards Riggs] . 372 P200 17812 Children's rights. A book of nursery logic. [Tenth thousand,] [6] ,235 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin & Co., 1898, c. 1892. Three chapters written by Nora A. Smith. Warner, Francis. 372 P703 17795 -pi^g Study of children and their school training. xix,264 p. 19 il. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Smith, Nora Archibald. 372 P802 16533 The children of the future. [6], 165 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin &Co., 1898. Froebel, Friedrich. 372.2 H600 ^'•'* The education of man. Translated from the German and anno- tated by W. N. Hailmann. xxv,332 p. D. (International edu- cation series, vol. 5.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896, c. 1887. Froebel, [Friedrich]. 372.2 O700 5573 proebel's letters on the kindergarten. Translated from the Ger- man edition of 1887 by Hermann Poesche. Edited and annotat- ed by Emilie Michaelis and H. Keatlcy Moore. Authorized American edition. x,[2],33i p. D. Syracuse, N. Y. : C. VV, Bardeen, 1896. Harrison, Elizabeth. 372-2 Pooi 12808 ^ study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint. Six- teenth edition. 207 p. D. [Chicago:] Chicago Kindergarten College, 1895, c- 1890. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 87 Wiggin, Kate, \born'\ Douglas, \_afterwards Riggs], 372.2 P500 5131 fy Smith, Nora Archibald. Froebel's gifts. xi,[2],202 p. D. (Republic of childhood, vol. I.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896. Willard, Eleanor Withey, editor. 372.2 P501 «"3 Children's singing games. [Second edition.] 67 p. il. sq.O. London: F. A. Stokes Co., c. 1895. Froebel, Friedrich. 372.2 P502 \789i jj^g songs and music of Friedrich Froebel's Mother play (Mutter und Kose Lieder). Songs newly translated and furnished with new music. Prepared and arranged by Susan E. Blow. xv, 272 p. il. D. (International education series, vol. 32.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. Wiggin, Kate, Iborn^ Douglas, laftcrwards Riggs], 372.2 P600 5132 (3- Smith, Nora Archibald. Froebel's occupations. [4].3I3P-D. (Republic of childhood, vol. 2.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897. Major, Henry. 372.3 P400 "'^ The teacher's manual of object-lessons and elementary science. Second edition. 415 p. il. D, London: Blackie & Son, 1895. Howe, Edward Gardnier. 372.3 P500 *"" Systematic science teaching. A manual of inductive elementary work for all instructors. xxix,326 p. il. D. (International edu- cation series, vol. 27.) New York: D, Appleton & Co., 1895. Jackman, Wilbur Samuel. 372.3 P600 ^®" Nature study and related subjects, for the common schools. ,. . . . 2 parts. Chicago: by the author, c. 1896. Part I in F; part 2 in D. Part I has shelf-mark L372.3 P600. Aber, Mary Rose Ailing-. 372.3 P702 ""^ An experiment in education. Also the ideas which inspired it and were inspired by it. vii,[i],244,[i] p. D. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1897. Wilson, Mrs. Lucy Langdon, [_born'] Williams. 372.3 P703 11055 Nature study in elementary schools. A manual for teachers. With a preface by Francis W. Parker. xix,262 o. il. i pi. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. 88 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Cannell, [Alice] Elizabeth Maud, & Wise, Margaret E. 372.3 P704 '*'"' Outlines for kindergarten and primary classes in the study oi nature and related subjects. Arranged by months. 162 p. D. New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co., c. 1897. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 372.6 P600 *''' Teaching the language-arts: speech, reading, composition, xxv, 205 p. D. (International education series, vol. 34.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Contains a bibliography. Gregory, Robert. 372-942 i ^^°^ Elementary education. Some account of its rise and progress in England. 192 p. D. London: National Society's Depository, 1895. 373-379 OTHER EDUCATIONAL TOPICS Woodward, Calvin Milton. 375.6 Pooi 4987 Manual training in education. viii,3io p. il. D. [Contemporary science series.] London: W. Scott, 1896. Lange, Helene. 376.941 3302 Higher education of women in Europe. Translated and accom- panied by comparative statistics by L. R. Klemm. xxxvi,i86 p. il. D. (International education series, vol. 16.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Adler, Felix. 377-2 P200 ®'"* The moral instruction of children. xiii,270p. D. (International education series, vol. 21.) New York : U. Appleton & Co., 1895. Paulsen, Friedrich. 378.432 "'' The German universities, their character and historical develop- ment. Authorized translation by Edward Delavan Perry. With an introduction by Nicholas Murray Butler, xxxi,2 54 p. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Thwing, Charles Franklin. 378.73 6 14651 'pj^g American college in American life, iv, [23,31 3 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 89 Oilman, Daniel Coit. 378.73 7 16494 University problems in the United States. [8],3I9 p. O. New York: Century Co., 1898. Contents : The Johns Hopkins University in its beginning. The utility of universi- ties. The characteristics of a university. The Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Uni- versity, New Haven. The University of California in its infancy. Knowledge and charity. Modern progress in medicine. University libraries. The Teachers College of Columbia University. Washington and Lee University. Higher education in the United States. The proposals for a national university in Washington. Seeley, Levi. 379-43 i 10751 Y\ie common-school system of Germany and its lessons to Amer- ica. 251 p. D. (Kellogg's pedagogical library.) New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co., 1896. Bardeen, Charles William. 379-747 1 "^^ A manual of common school law. [New edition, enlarged and rewritten.] 276 p. D. Syracuse: C. W. Bardeen, 1896. 380 COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATION Chisholm, George Goudie. 380.2 P200 *^® Handbook of commercial geography. New edition. x,[2],5i5p. il. 19 maps. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1894, pref. 1889. Gibbins, Henry de Beltgens. 380.94 Pioo 12744 The history of commerce in Europe. Second edition. viii,233 p. 9 maps. D. [Elementary commercial class-books.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Bastable, Charles Francis. 382 P700 7840 'pj^^ theory of international trade. With some of its applications to economic policy. Second edition, revised. xii,i83 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Dabney, Walter Davis. 385 O900 1689 jYie public regulation of railways. v,28i p. D. (Questions of the day, no. 60.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889. Bonham, John Milton. 385 P002 '"'' Railway secrecy and trusts. 138 p. D. (Questions of the day, no. 61.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890. Acworth, William Mitchell. 385 Pi 00 "^^ The railways and the traders. A sketch of the railway rates question in theory and practice. Second edition. 14,378 p. D. London: J. Murray, 1891. go THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Lewis, George Henry. 385 P301 10901 National consolidation of the railways of the United States. [2], xv,326 p. D. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1893. Dixon, Frank Haigh. 385 P600 '"" State railroad control. With a history of its development in Iowa. With an introduction by Henry C. Adams. ix,25i p. i map, i table. D. [Library of economics and politics, vol. 9.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1896. Thurston, Robert Henry. 389 O300 '^"' Conversion tables of metric and British or United States weights and measures. With an introduction. 83,xiip. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1883. Clark, Latimer. 389 Pico 139S1 ^ dictionary of metric and other useful measures. 113 p. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1891. Ridgeway, William. 389 P200 "" The origin of metallic currency and weight standards. xii,4i7 p. 60 il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. 390-397 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Walsh, William Shepard. 390.3 P800 12483 Curiosities of popular customs and of rites, ceremonies, observ- ances, and miscellaneous antiquities. 1018 p. il. 3 pi. O. Phil- adelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1898. Fernand-Michel, [Francois Fortune]. 390.4 F39 16862 -pj^g Story of the stick in all ages and lands. A philosophical history and lively chronicle of the stick as the friend and the foe of man Translated and adapted from the French of Antony Real (Fernand Michel). x,254p. D. New York : J. W. Bouton, 1875. Dyer, Thomas Firminger Thiselton. 390.942 N500 13815 Bi-jtisi^ popular customs, past and present; illustrating the social and domestic manners of the people : arranged according to the calendar of the year. [4], 520 p. D. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1891, pref. 1875. Ashton, John. 390.942 O200 '''" Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. Taken from original sources. A new edition. xix,474 p. 84 il. i facsim. D. Lon- don: Chatto & Windus, 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 9 1 Westermarck, Edward. 392.5 Pioo ^''* The history of human marriage. xix,[i],644 p. O- London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis. 393-3 P300 12148 Y\\Q mummy. Chapters on Egyptian funereal archaeology, xvi, 404 p. il. 6 pi. 3 facsim. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1893. Rowbotham, John Frederick. 394-7 P500 ""'* The troubadours and courts of love. xxiii,[i],324 p. il. i pi. 2 maps. D. (Social England series.) London: Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., 1895. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. 396.04 H53 ''"^^ Common sense about women. Fourth (stereotyped) edition. 270 p. D. [Social science series, vol. 20.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. Leland, Charles Godfrey. 397O200 '° The gypsies. Fourth edition. 372 p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886. 398 FOLK-LORE Brinton, Daniel Garrison. 398.1 B77 "" The mjths of the new world. A treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America. Third edition, revised. 360 p. O. Philadelphia: D. McKay, 1896. Hulme, Frederic Edward. 398-35 H871 17064 Myth-land. viii,243 p. il. D. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1886. Hartland, Edwin Sidney. 398.4 H25 The science of fairy tales. An inquiry into fairy mythology. viii,372 p. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. II.] London: W. Scott, 1 89 1. "Bibliographical list of some of the works referred to", p. 353-365. Martinengo-Cesaresco, Evelyn. . 398.8 M36 Essays in the study of folk-songs. xl,395 p. O. London: G. Redway, 1886. Christy, Robert. 398.9 C46 Proverbs, maxims and phrases of all ages. Classified subject- ively and arranged alphabetically. 2 vol. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. 92 THEJOHX CRERAR LIBRARY 400 LANGUAGE 400-410 GENERAL WORKS Miiller, Friedrich Max. 401 M91 10769 ^Yhe science of thought. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : xxii, 1-326 p.; vol. 2: vii, 327-656 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. Contents: Vol. i. i. The constituent elements of thought. 2. Thought and lan- guage. 3. On Kant's philosophy. 4, Language the barrier between man and beast. 5. The constituent elements of language. 6. On the origin of concepts and roots. Vol. 2. 7. The roots of Sanskrit. 8. Formation of words. 9. Propositions and syllogisms. 10. Conclusion. Miiller, Friedrich Max. 402 M91 "^^ The science of language. Founded on lectures delivered at the Royal Institution in 1861 and 1863. 2 vol. D. London: Long- mans, Green, &Co., 1891. Sayce, Archibald Henry. 402 S274 "®^ Introduction to the science of language. Third edition. 2 vol. D. London: Kegan Paul, ... , & Co., 1890. Whitney, William Dwight. 402W611 **' The life and growth of language : an outline of linguistic science, vii, [2], 326 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 16.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1882. Paul, Hermann. 409 P28 2266 Principles of the history of language. Translated from the second edition of the original by H. A. Strong. New and revised edi- tion (1890). xlviii,5ii p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1891. Strong, Herbert Augustus, Logeman, Willem S., 409S923 '"'' & Wheeler, Benjamin Ide. Introduction to the study of the history of language. x,[2],435 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1891. Grober, Gustav, edt/or. L410 G89 ^'^" Grundriss der romanischen Philologie. Vol. i-. pi. maps. Q, Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, il BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 93 Sweet, Henry. 4^4 S974 16704 A primer of phonetics. xi,ii3 p. S. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. 420 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. 420.9 L93 '"'^ History of the English language. Revised and enlarged edition. xiv,505 p. 2 maps. D. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1894. Marsh, George Perkins. 420.9 M35 '"* The origin and history of the English language and of the early literature it embodies. Revised edition. xv,574 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Teall, F. Horace. 421.9 T2 2 18005 Punctuation. With chapters on hyphenization, capitalization, and spelling. vii,i93 p. S. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. Skeat, Walter William. 422 S627 2043 Principles of English etymology. First series : The native ele- ment. Second and revised edition. xxxiv,[2],547 p. O. (Clar- endon Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. Skeat, Walter William. 422 S6271 2044 Principles of English etymology. Second series : The foreign ele- 'ment. xxxi, 505 p. O. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford : Clar- endon Press, 1 89 1. White, Richard Grant. 422 W58 •''^o Words and their uses, past and present. A study of the English language. Twenty-seventh edition, revised and corrected. [2], vii,467 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., c. 1870. Fennell, Charles Augustus Maude. L423F36 ^'®° The Stanford dictionary of anglicised words and phrases. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press. xv,[i],826 p. sq. Q. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. Murray, James Augustus Henry, editor. L423M96 ■*■*" A new English dictionary on historical principles ; founded main- ly on the materials collected by the Philological Society Continued from vol. i. sq. F"*. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1884-. 94 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Ogilvie, John, LL.D. L423O34 2306 yj^^^ imperial dictionary of the English language : a complete en- cyclopedic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological. New edition, ... revised and ... augmented. Edited by Charles An- nandale.' 4 vol. il. Q. London: Blackie & Son, [1882-1883]. Skeat, Walter William. L423S627 '"' An etymological dictionary of the English language. Second edition. xxxii,844 p. sq.Q. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1893. Standard dictionary. L423 S785 *"" A standard dictionary of the English language upon original plans designed to give . . . the orthography, pronunciation, mean- ing, and etymology of all the words and the meaning of idiomatic phrases in the speech and literature of the English-speaking peo- ples. Prepared . . . under the supervision of Isaac K. Funk, Francis A. March, Daniel S. Gregory, .... xx,23i8p. il. 14 pi. F. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1895. Stormonth, James. L423S885 A dictionary of the English language, pronouncing, etymological, and explanatory, embracing scientific and other terms, numer- ous familiar terms, and a copious selection of old English words. The pronunciation revised by the Rev. P. H. Phelp, with supplement by William Bayne. New edition. xvi,i288 p. Q. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1895. Webster, [Noah]. L423W39 "'"* Webster's international dictionary of the English language. Be- ing the authentic edition of Webster's unabridged dictionary, comprising the issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884. Now thoroughly revised and enlarged under the supervision of Noah Porter. With an . . . appendix. cvi,2i26p. il. 4 pi. i por. F. Springfield, Mass. : G. & C. Merriam Co., 1895, c. 1890. Webster, [Noah]. 423 W391 "9'9 Webster's academic dictionary. A dictionary of the English language, giving the derivations, pronunciations, definitions and synonyms of a large vocabulary of the words in common use, with an appendix containing various useful tables. Abridged from Webster's international dictionary. xxxii,704 p. il. O. New York: American Book Co., c. 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 95 Worcester, Joseph Emerson. L423 W89 '**** .... A dictionary of the English language. With supplement .... And an appendix .... Ixxii,2i68 p. il. 27 pi. 6 pi. of por. I por. sq.Q. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897, c. 1886. Halliwell- [Phillips] , James Orchard. 423. i H15 '^^^^ A dictionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs from the fourteenth century. Eleventh edition. 2 vol. O. London: Reeves & Turner, 1889. Crabb, George, M. A . 424 C84 2338 English synonyms explained in alphabetical order, with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers. 638 p. O. London: G. Routledge & Sons, [1892]. Davidson, William L. 424 D28 ®®'* Leading and important English words : explained and exemplified. .... [Second edition.] viii,225 p. S. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Fernald, James Champlin. 424 F39 ^^o" English synonyms and antonyms. With notes on the correct use of prepositions x, [2], 564 p. O. (Standard educational series.) New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1897. Roget, Peter Mark. 424 R63 ^°*' Thesaurus of English words and phrases, classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition. Enlarged and improved, partly from the author's notes, ... , by John Lewis Roget. New edition. xliv,[2],670 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1894. Soule, Richard. 424 S722 *''* A dictionary of English synonymes, and synonymous or parallel expressions. Designed as a practical guide to aptness and vari- ety of phraseology. New edition, revised and enlarged by George H. Howison. viii,[2],488 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1892. Abbott, Edwin Abbott. 425A131 How to parse. An attempt to apply the principles of scholar- ship to English grammar. With appendixes on analysis, spelling, and punctuation. xxxi,343 p. S. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1892. 96 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Carpenter, George Rice. 425 C22 11963 Priiiciples of English grammar. For the use of schools. x,2 54 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Matzner, [Eduard]. 425 M26 "'^ An English grammar: methodical, analytical, and historical. With a treatise on the orthography, prosody, inflections and syn- tax of the English tongue ; . . . . Translated from the German, ... , by Clair James Grece. 3 vol. O. London: J. Murray, 1874. Sweet, Henry. 425 §974 '°^^ A new English grammar, logical and historical. Part I. Intro- duction, phonology, and accidence. xxiv,499 p. D. (Claren- don Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. Wliitney, William Dwight. 425 W61 "®* Essentials of English grammar xi, 260, 16 p. D. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1889, c. 1877. Morris, Richard. 425.1 M83 ^"^ Historical outlines of English accidence, comprising chapters on the history and development of the language, and on word-forma- tion. Revised by L. Kellner, with the assistance of Henry Brad- ley. xiii,[3],463 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Wright, Joseph. L427 W93 13857 'Yhe English dialect dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to have been in use during the last two hundred years. Founded on the publications of the English Dialect Society and on a large amount of material never before printed. Vol. i-. sq. F. London: H. Frowde, 1898-. Bartlett, John Russell. 427.95 B28 "®^ Dictionary of Americanisms : a glossary of words and phrases usu- ally regarded as peculiar to the United States. Fourth edition, ... improved and enlarged. xlvi,[2],8i3 p. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1896, c. 1877. [Osmun, Thomas Embly.] 428.3 O83 "'" The verbalist. A manual devoted to brief discussions of the right and the wrong use of words and to some other matters of interest to those who would speak and write with propriety. By Alfred Ayres. New and revised edition, much enlarged. vi,337 p. S. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Alfred Ayres is pseudonym of Thomas Embly Osmun. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 97 430-490 OTHER LANGUAGES Heyne, Moriz. L433 H51 ^'®' Deutsches Worterbuch. 3 vol. Q. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1890- 1895. Kluge, Friedrich. 433^71 ^'^' Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. FUnftever- besserte Auflage. xxvi,49i p. Q. Strassburg : K. J. Triibner, 1894- Fliigel, Felix. L433.2F67 2337 Allgemeines englisch-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Worter- buch. Zweiter . . , vermehrter Abdruck der vierten . . . Auflage von Dr. J. G. Flugel's Vollstandigem Worterbuch der englischen und deutschen Sprache. 2 vol. in 3. Q. Braunschweig: G. Westermann, 1894. Muret, Eduard. 1^433 '2 M94 "^' Encyklopadisches englisch-deutsches und deutsch-enghsches Worterbuch. Ein Parallelwerk zu Sachs-Villatte's franzosisch- deutschem und deutsch-franzosischem Worterbuche. Mit Angabe der Aussprache nach dem phonetischen System der Methode Toussaint-Langenscheidt Grosse Ausgabe. Vol. i-, Q. Berlin: Langenscheidtsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1891-. Schmidt, Immanuel, & Tanger, G. L433.2 S3511 6646 piijggi _ Schmidt - Tanger, A dictionary of the English and German languages for home and school. With special reference to Dr. Felix Fliigel's Universal English-German and German-English dictionary. Second edition. 2 vol. Q. New- York : Lemcke & Buechner, 1897. Eberhard, Johann August. 434 E16 ^^"^ Johann August Eberhards synonymisches Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Fiinfzehnte Auflage. Nach der von Fried- rich Riickert besorgten 12. Ausgabe durchgangig umgearbeitet, vermehrt und verbessert von Dr. Otto Lyon. Mit Ubersetzung der Worter in die englische, franzosische, italienische und rus- sische Sprache ... . [2],xliv,ioi i p. O. Leipzig : T. Grieben, 1896. g8 THE joh:^ crerar library Behaghel, Otto. 435 B39 *°^* A short historical grammar of the German language, translated and adapted from Professor Behaghel's "Deutsche Sprache", by Emil Trechmann. viii,i94 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Wliitney, William Dwight. 435 W61 '"" A compendious German grammar. Sixth edition, . . . revised and with new exercises. xii,472 p. D. New York : H. Holt & Co., c. 1888. Ten Bruggencate, K. 439-332 T25 ''""' Engelsch woordenboek. 2 vol. O. Groningen : J. B. Wolters, 1895-1896. Vol. I. Engelsch-Nederlandsch; vol. 2. Nederlandsch- Engelsch. Bjbrkman, C. G. 439.732 B55 ''" Svensk-engelsk ordbok [61,1360 p. O. Stockholm : P. A. Norstedt & Soner, c. 1889. Wenstrom, Edmund, 6- Lindgren, Erik. 439.732 W52 '""" Engelsk-svensk ordbog [6], 1758 p. O. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1889. Larsen, Anton. 439-832 L32 "■'" Dansk-norsk-engelsk Ordbog. Anden forogede og omarbeidede Udgave. viii,695 p. O. Kjobenhavn : Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1888. Olson, Julius Emil. 439-85 ^45 14716 Norwegian grammar and reader. With notes and vocabulary. x,330 p. O. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1898. Littre, Emile. L443L73 """ Dictionnaire de la langue frangaise. Supplement renfermant un grand nombre de termes d'art, de science, d'agriculture, etc. ... suivi d'un dictionnaire etymologique de tous les mots d'origine orientale, par Marcel Devic. [2],iv,375,[2],vii,84p. sq. F. Par- is: Hachette & C'«, 1882. Scheler, Auguste. L443S322 ^^"^ Dictionnaire d'etymologie frangaise d'apres les resultats de la science moderne. Troisieme edition revue et augmentee. x, [2], 526, [2] p. Q. Bruxelles: T. Falk, i: BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 99 Brachet, Auguste. 443-2 B72 2040 js^^ etymological dictionary of the French language Trans- lated by G. W. Kitchin. Third edition. xii,cxxviii,407 p. D. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882. With an introduction on French etymology and phonetics. Deshumbert , Marius . 443 . 2 D45 ^"® Deshumbert's dictionary of difificulties met with in reading, writ- ing, translating, and speaking French. Fifth edition. vii,[i],i32 p. D. London: D. Nutt, 1894. Hamilton, Henry, & Legros, E. L443.2H18 ^^"^ Dictionnaire international frangais-anglais Nouvelle edi- tion [6] ,903 p. Q. Paris: A. Fouraut, 1896. Smith, Leon, & Hamilton, H. L443.2H181 ^*"" The international English and French dictionary New edi- tion [6], 798 p. Q. Paris: A. Fouraut, 1896. Spiers, Alexandre. 443-2 S755 14656 Dictionnaire general anglais-frangais [et frangais-anglais]. Nou- vellement redige d'apres Johnson, Webster, Richardson, etc., les dictionnaires frangais de I'Academie, de Laveaux, de Boiste, de Bescherelle, etc., ... . Vingt-huitieme edition. [2 vol.] O. Paris: Baudry, 1882. Contents: Vol. i, Anglais-franc^ais; vol. 2, Francjais-anglais. Villatte, Cesaire, & Sachs, Karl. ^443-3 V71 '^^^ Encyklopadisches franzosisch-deutsches und deutsch-franzosisches Worterbuch 2 vol. Q. Berlin : Langenscheidtsche Ver- lags-Buchhandlung, 1 894-1 895. Franzosisch-deutsches Supplement-Lexikon viii, 329 p. Q. Berlin : Langenscheidtsche Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1894. Vol. I : ninth edition; vol. 2: eighth edition. The supplement is bound with vol. i. Each volume has also a title-page in French. Lafaye, Benjamin. 444 L13 ^'^^ Dictionnaire des synonymes de la langue frangaise : avec une in- troduction sur la theorie des synonymes Sixieme edition, suivie d'un supplement. [4],lxxxiii,i io6,iv,336 p. O. Paris: Hachette & C'^ 1893. Brachet, Auguste. 445 B72 2063 js^ historical grammar of the French language, from the French of Auguste Brachet. Rewritten and enlarged by Paget Toynbee. xxii,[2],339 p. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896. 100 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Otto, Emil. 445 O91 13951 pi-ench conversation-grammar. Revised by Ferdinand B6cher. With full vocabularies, by L. Pylodet. Third American edition. (The Bocher-Otto French course.) 489 p. D. New York : H. Holt & Co., c. 1884. Davenport, John, &- Comelati, Guglielmo. 453.2 D27 *''^ A new dictionary of the Italian and English languages, based up- on that of Baretti, and containing, ... ; a copious list of geo- graphical and proper names, both ancient and modern. 2 vol. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1855. Grandgent, Charles Hall. 455 G76 16063 j^^ij^j-j grammar. Third edition, revised and enlarged. vii,i32 p. D. (Heath's modern language series.) Boston, U. S. A: D. C. Heath & Co., 1898, c. 1887. Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. L463.2V54 ""®' A pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages : composed from the Spanish dictionaries of the Spanish Academy, Terreros, and Salva. Upon the basis of Seoane's edition of Neu- man and Baretti 2 vol. Q. London: Hirschfeld Bros., 1893, c. 1852. Vol. 2 has title-page in Spanish. Edgren, August Hjalmar. 465 E23 10373 ^ brief Spanish grammar. With historical introductions and exercises. vii,i23 p. D. Boston, U. S. A.: D. C. Heath & Co., 1898, c. 1891. Knapp, William Ireland. 465 K72 "" A grammar of the modern Spanish language as now written and spoken in the capital of Spain. Second edition, . . . revised by the author. x,488 p. D. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1896, c. 1882. Lewis, Charlton Thomas, &• Short, Charles. L473.2 L58 '^'^ A Latin dictionary founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Lat- in dictionary revised, enlarged and in great part rewritten, xiv, 2019 p. Q. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896. Smith, Si;- William, L. L.D., & Hall, Theophilus D. 473.2 S664 '"" A copious and critical English-Latin dictionar}-. Fifth edition, xi.[i],963,[i] p. O. London: J. Murray, 1888. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 10 1 Allen, Joseph Henry, & Greenough, James Bradstreet. 475 A427 *°" Allen and Greenough's Latin grammar, . . . , founded on compar- ative grammar. Revised and enlarged by James Bradstreet Greenough, assisted by George L. Kittredge. xii,488 p. D. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn & Co., 1895, c. i' Lane, George Martin. 475 L24 17724 p^ Latin grammar for schools and colleges. [Completed by Mor- ris H. Morgan.] xiv,[2],57i,[i] p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1898. Liddell, Henry George, & Scott, Robert. L483.2L61 '"^ A Greek-EngHsh lexicon. Seventh edition, revised and augment- ed ... . xvi,i776 p. F. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890. Goodwin, William Watson. 485 G63 2012 ^ Greek grammar. Revised and enlarged. xxxvi,[i],45 1 p. D. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1895. 102 THE JOHX CRERAR LIBRARY 500 PHYSICAL SCIENCES 501-509 GENERAL WORKS Mill, Hugh Robert. 502P200 The realm of nature. An outline of physiography. xiii,366 p. 68 il. 19 maps. D. [University extension manuals.] New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Rossiter, William. 503 O800 '*" An illustrated dictionary of scientific terms. 3 50, [2] p. il, D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, pref. 1878. Clifford, William Kingdon. 504 C61 ^'" Lectures and essays. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Frederick Pollock, with an introduction by F. Pollock. 2 vol. il. por. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1879, Contents: Vol. i. Introduction: Biographical. Selection from letters, etc. Biblio- graphical. — On some of the conditions of mental development. On theories of the physical forces. On the aims and instruments of scientific thought. Atoms. The first and last catastrophe. The unseen universe. The philosophy of the pure sciences. Vol. 2. Instruments used in measurement. Body and mind. On the nature of things-in- themselves. On the types of compound statement involving four classes. On the sci- entific basis of morals. Right and wrong : the scientific ground of their distinction. The ethics of belief. The ethics of religion. The influence upon morality of a decHne in reUgious belief. Cosmic emotion. Virchow on the teaching of science. [Kelvin], William Thomson, \_ist Baron']. 504 K29 12360 Popular lectures and addresses by Sir William Thomson 3 vol. il.pl. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1891-1894. Contents: Vol. i. Constitution of matter. Vol. 2. Geology and general physics. Vol. 3. Navigational affairs. Vol. I is in second edition, with additions and corrections. Dyer, Henry. 507 P300 *^"* Science teaching in schools: an address. [6], 128 p. D. Lon- don: Blackie & Son, 1893. With appendixes. Marmery, J. Villin. 509 P500 Progress of science. Its origin, course, promoters, and results. With an introduction by Samuel Laing. xxxi,358 p. O. Lon- don: Chapman & Hall, 1895. 157S7 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM IO3 Youmans, William Jay, editor. 509.2 Y8 *'^* Pioneers of science in America. Sketches of their lives and sci- entific work viii,5o8 p. 5 il. 49 por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Reprinted with additions from the Popular Science Monthly. Brewster, Sir David. 509.262 B75 •*" The hfe of Sir Isaac Newton. A new edition. Revised and ed- ited by W. T. Lynn. xii,346 p. il. i por. D. London : W. Tegg & Co., 1875. 510 MATHEMATICS Carr, G. S. L510.2 O002 19396 ^ synopsis of elementary results in pure mathematics : containing propositions, formulae, and methods of analysis, with abridged demonstrations. Supplemented by an index to the papers on pure mathematics which are to be found in the principal journals and transactions of learned societies, both English and foreign of the present century. xxxvi,[2],935 p. il. 20 pi. Q. London: F. Hodgson, 1886. Merriman, Mansfield-, & Woodward, Robert S., editors. 510.2 P600 69''3 Higher mathematics. A text-book for classical and engineering colleges. First edition xi,576 p. il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Contents: i. Merriman, M. The solution of equations. 2. Weld, L. G. Determi- nants. 3. Halsted, G. B. Projective geometry. 4. McMahon, J. Projected geom- etry. 5. Byerly, W. E. Harmonic functions. 6. Fiske, T. S. Functions of a commonplace variable. 7. Johnson, W. W. Differential equations. 8. Hyde, E. W. Grassmann's space analysis. 9. Macfarlane, A. Vector analysis and quaternions. 10. Woodward, R. S. Probability and theory of errors. 11. Smith, D. E. History of modern mathematics. Davies, Charles, df Peck, William G. 510.3 L500 **^ Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science. .... 592 p. il. O. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., c. 1883. McLellan, James Alexander, & Dewey, John. 510.7 P500 9096 jj^g psychology of number and its applications to methods of teaching arithmetic. xiv,[2],309 p. D. (International education series, vol. 33.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Ball, Walter William Rouse. 5io-79 P200 12382 Mathematical recreations and problems of past and present times. xii,240 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. 104 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Vega, Georg von. S^o-S 2 °'^' Georg's Freihcrrn von Vega logarithmisch-trigonometrisches Handbuch. Neue vollstandig durchgesehene und erweiterte Stereotyp-Ausgabe. Bearbeitet von Dr. C. Bremiker xxviii,575 p. O. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1895. Newcomb , Simon . 510-83 ""^ Logarithmic and other mathematical tables, with examples of their use and hints on the art of computation. [4],ii,8o,[2],i04 p. O. (Newcomb's mathematical course.) New York : H.Holt & Co., c. 1882. Ball, Walter William Rouse. 510.9 P301 "°® A short account of the history of mathematics. Second edition. xxiv,520 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Wentworth, George Albert, Of Hill, Thomas. 511 Oioo '"^ A high school arithmetic. (Wentworth & Hill's practical arith- metic) XV, [i], 362 p. il. D. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1890, c. 1881. McLellan, James Alexander, & Ames, A. F. 511 P700 ®°^® The public school arithmetic. Based on McLellan and Dewey's "Psycholog)' of number." x,346 p. il. D. New York: Macmil- lan Co., 1897. Todhunter, Isaac. 512 Nooi 19325 Algebra for the use of colleges and schools New edition. x,6o8 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Key .... [4] ,244 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Todhunter, Isaac. 512 P700 '"' Algebra for beginners. With numerous examples. New edition, revised and enlarged by S. L. Loney. viii,42 8,xxxvi p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Todhunter, Isaac. 512.82 Oooi '®^'° An elementary treatise on the theory of equations, with a collec- tion of examples. vi,328 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Hanus, Paul H. 512.83 O600 '^**®- An elementary treatise on the theor>' of determinants. A text- book for colleges. viii,2i7p. O. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1888. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM IO5 Phillips, Andrew Wheeler, &■ Fisher, Irving. 513 P^oi ««'"' Elements of geometry. viii,540p. il. O. (Phiilips-Loomis math- ematical series.) New York: Harper & Brothers, 1896. Eukleides. 5i3 P702 *'" Euclid : books I-IV. By Rupert Deakin. viii,309 p. il. D. (Uni- versity tutorial series.) London: W. B. Clive, pref. 1897. Evans, Thomas Jay, & Pullen, W. W. F. S^S ^706 ^^"•* A treatise on practical plane and solid geometry. Containing solutions to the honours questions set at the examinations of the Science and Art Department (i 887-1 896) inclusive. vi,[2],400 p. il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Hobson, E. W. SM Pioo 9657 ^ treatise on plane trigonometry. Second edition. xv,36o p. il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1897. Briggs, William, &■ Bryan, G. H. 514P700 ®"° The tutorial trigonometry. viii,326 p. 140 il. D. (University tutorial series.) London: W. B. Clive, pref. 1897. Todhunter , Isaac. 5i4-5 ^4^0 19371 Plane trigonometry for the use of colleges and schools, .... vi, 341 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Graham, Robert Hudson. S^S Pioo '""° Geometry of position. xv,i92 p. il. 2 pi. D. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1 891. Butterfill, Henry Holt-. 515 P700 8513 pjj-gt principles of mechanical and engineering drawing. A course of study adapted to the self-instruction of students and apprentices to mechanical engineering in all its branches ... . xii,2ii p. 203 il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Spanton, J. Humphrey. 515.6 P800 IS054 Complete perspective course. Comprising the elementary and advanced stages of perspective, the projection of shadows and reflections, with exercises in theory and practice, also the practi- cal application of perspective. Designed to meet ... : the ex- aminations of the Science and Art Department, South Kensing- ton, and of the College of Preceptors ; the Oxford and Cambridge local examinations .... xvii,282 p. 191 il. O. ["Britannia" science series.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Binder's title: Science and art drawing. I06 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Loney, S. L. 5^6 P500 ^"' The elements of coordinate geometry. Second edition, revised. ix,4i6,xiii p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Bailey, Frederick Harold, & Woods, Frederick S. 516P700 "^' Plane and solid analytic geometry. xii,37i p. il. O. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn& Co., 1897. Lambert , Preston Albert . 5 1 6 P70 1 ""' Analytic geometry for technical schools and colleges. xi,2i6 p. 17911. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Smith, Charles. 516.22 O300 I68S3 ^j^ elementary treatise on conic sections. [Second edition, re- vised.] xi,352 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Reye, Theodor. 516.5 06oi "•^^ Lectures on the geometry of position. Translated and edited by Thomas F. Holgate. Part i. xix,248 p. il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Scott, Charlotte Angas. 516.5 P400 "^^'* An introductory account of certain modern ideas and methods in plane analytical geometry. xii,288 p. 64 il. O. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1894. Byerly, William Elwood. 516.56 P300 12016 p^^ elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylin- drical, and ellipsoidal harmonics, with applications to problems in mathematical physics. ix,287 p. il. O. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn & Co., 1895. Kelland, Philip, & Tait, P. G. 516.8 O200 11340 Introduction to quaternions, with numerous examples. Second edition. xiii,232 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1882. Tait, Peter Guthrie. 516.8 Pooi ^'^^ An elementary treatise on quaternions. Third edition, much en- larged. xxvii,422 p 1. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1890. Hathaway, Arthur Stafford. 516.8 P600 ®"' A primer of quaternions. x,li3p. il. D. New York: Macmil- lan & Co., 1896. Greenhill, Alfred George. 517. i P6oi 6100 Differential and integral calculus, with applications. Third edi- tion. x,[2],46o p. 62 il. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 107 Smith, Robert Henry. 5i7-i P700 ^^'* The calculus for engineers and physicists : integration and differ- entiation, with applications to technical problems ; with classified reference tables of integrals and methods of integrals. xi,[i], 176 p. 29 il. I table. D. London: C. Grififin & Co., 1897. Perry, John. 5i7'i P702 ^^" The calculus for engineers. Second edition, vi,[2],378 p. 106 il. D. London: E. Arnold, 1897. Lamb, Horace. 5i7«i P703 '"*' An elementary course of infinitesimal calculus. xx,6i6 p. 149 11. D. Cambridge: University Press, 1897. Byerly, William Elwood. 517.2 N900 12038 Elements of the differential calculus, with examples and applica- tions. A text book. xv,2 58 p. il. O. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1895, c. 1879. Williamson, Benjamin. 5i7-2 P300 12339 j^^ elementary treatise on the differential calculus, containing the theory of plane curves, with numerous examples. Eighth edition, revised and enlarged. xvi,472 p. 82 il. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1893. Byerly, William Elwood. 517.3 O800 ■^'"° Elements of the integral calculus, with a key to the solution of differential equations, and A short table of integrals [compiled by B. O. Peirce.] Second edition, revised and enlarged, xvi, 339,[2],65-76,32 p. il. O. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1895, c. 1888. Forsyth, Andrew Russell. 517.38 O500 6388 j^ treatise on differential equations. xvi,42i p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1885. Johnson, William Woolsey. 519 P200 10257 -Y\iQ theory of errors and method of least squares. First edition. x,i52,[22] p. 5 il. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. 520 ASTRONOMY Chambers, George Frederick. 520.2 O900 A handbook of descriptive and practical astronomy. Fourth edition. 3 vol. il. pi. O. [Clarendon press series.] Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1 889-1 890. I08 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. 520.2 P300 ^** In the high heavens. 383 p. 40 il. i pi. O. London: Isbister & Co., 1894. Howe, Herbert Alonzo. 520.2 P600 "" A study of the sky. 340 p. 144 il. i pi. D. (Chautauqua Read- ing Circle Literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1 896. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. 520.2 P601 ^^'' Elements of astronomy. New edition, thoroughly revised, xiv, 469 p. 130 il. D. [Text-books of science.] Longmans, Green, &Co., 1896. Gierke, Agnes Mary, Fowler, A., & Gore, J. Ellard. 520.2 P700 13720 -phe concise knowledge astronomy. xvi,58i p. il. i pi. O. [Con- cise knowledge hbrary.] London: Hutchinson & Co., 1898. Young, Charles Augustus. 520.2 P800 17-73 ^ text-book of general astronomy for colleges and scientific schools. Revised edition. ix,630 p. 24611. i pi. O. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1898. Todd, David Peck. 520.2 P901 20015 S|;ars and telescopes. A hand-book of popular astronomy, founded on the 9th edition of Lynn's Celestial motions. xvi, 419 p. il. 7 pi. 4 gr. of por. i por. 3 maps, i table. D. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1899. Bibliographical references at the end of each chapter. Gierke, Agnes Mary. 520.9 O700 ****' A popular history of astronomy during the nineteenth century. Second edition, xvi, 502 p. i pi. O. Edinburgh : A. & C. Black, 1887. Berry, Arthur. 520.9 P800 20195 ^ short history of astronomy. xxxi,440 p. il. 17 pi. 9 por. I map, 2 tables. D. [University extension manuals.] London: J. Murray, 1898. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. 520.92 B21 763S Qj-eat astronomers. xii,372 p. il. i pi. O. London: Isbister & Co., 1895. Lodge, Oliver [Joseph]. 520.92 L82 •'""' Pioneers of science. xv,404 p. 120 il. i por. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM IO9 Blake, John Frederick. ' 520.93 N700 ^^''^ Astronomical myths, based on Flammarion's "History of the heavens." xvi,43i p. il. 6 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1877- Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman. 520.932 P300 "" The dawn of astronomy. A study of the temple-worship and mythology of the ancient Egyptians. xvi,432 p. il. i pi. i map. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Lockyer, Sh- Joseph Norman. 522 N700 *"° Stargazing:' past and present xiv,[2],496 p. 217 il. i pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. Fowler, A. 522P500 4500 Popular telescopic astronomy. How to make a 2-inch telescope and what to see with it. vi,[2],77 p. il. i pi. D. New York : T. Whittaker, 1896. Campbell, William Wallace. 522 P900 19058 jj^g elements of practical astronomy. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xii,264 p. 28 il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Scheiner, Julius. 522.67 P400 '"■^ A treatise on astronomical spectroscopy. Being a translation of Die Spectralanalyse der Gestirne. Translated, revised and en- larged, with the cooperation of the author, by Edwin Brant Frost. xiii,482 p. 81 il. 2 pi. O. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1894. "A bibliography of astronomical spectroscopy", p. 427-472. Langley, Samuel Pierpont. 523 O700 "°* The new astronomy. xii,26o p. 93 il. O. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896, c. 1887. Serviss, Garrett Putnam. 523 O800 ®^"' Astronomy with an opera-glass. A popular introduction to the study of the starry heavens with the simplest of optical instru- ments. With maps and directions to facilitate the recognition of the constellations and the principal stars visible to the naked eye. Eighth edition, with appendix. vi,i54 p. il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895, c. 1888. Ball, Sir Robert St a well. 523 P200 ®'^® An atlas of astronomy. A series of . . . plates, with introduction and index. xi,57,i7p. 72 pi. sq.O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. no THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Flammarion, Camille. 523 P400 7920 Popular astronomy. A general description of the heavens. Translated from the French ... by J. Ellard Gore. xix,686 p. 288 il. 3 pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., [1894]. Chambers, George Frederick. 523 P500 ■*■"'■ The story of the solar system simply told for general readers. 188 p. il. I pi. S. [Library of useful stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Howe, Herbert Alonzo. 523 P7oi "^* Elements of descriptive astronomy. A text-book. xii,340 p. il. 4 pi. 5 maps. O. New York: Silver, Burdett & Co., 1897. "List of reference books," p. 320-326. Nasmyth, James, & Carpenter, James. 523.3 O500 9692 yj^g moon : considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite. [Third edition.] xv,[i],2i3 p. 46 il. 26 pi. O. London: J. Murray, 1885. Elger, Thomas Gwyn. I'523.34P5oo ^^" The moon. A full description of its principal physical features, viii, 1 73 p. 4 maps. Q. London: G. Philip & Son, 1895. Lowell, PercivaL 523.43 P500 7946 ]\/[ars. Second edition. x,228 p. il. 26 pi. O. Boston: Hough- ton, Mififlin & Co., 1896. Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman. ' 523.5 Pooi ^^'^ The meteoritic hypothesis : a statement of the results of a spectro- scopic inquiry into the origin of cosmical systems. xvi,56o p. IQI il. 7 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Angot, Alfred. 523.59 P500 *"'' The aurora borealis. xii,264 p. il. 16 pi. D. (International sci- entific series, vol. T'j.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. 523.7 P300 The story of the sun. xii, 376 p. 82 il. 11 pi. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1893. Young, Charles Augustus. 523.7 P500 *^" The sun. New and revised edition, xii, 363 p. 100 il. 2 pi. D. (International scientific series, vol. 34.) New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1895. Gierke, Agnes Mary. 523.8 Pooi The system of the stars. xix,[i],424 p. 50 il. 6 pi. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1890. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM III Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. 525.6 O900 ®^'^ Time and tide, a romance of the moon. Third edition, revised. .... 192 p. 5 il. I pi. S. (Romance of science.) London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1895. Darwin, George Howard. 525.6 P800 16879 'pi^g tides and kindred phenomena in the solar system. The sub- stance of lectures delivered in 1897 at the Lowell Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. xviii,378 p. 43 il. O. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1898. "Authorilies," at the end of each chapter. Gore, James Howard. 526.09 Pioo ^°^® Geodesy. vi,[4],2i8 p. il. 2 pi. D. (Riverside science series.) Boston: Houghton, Mififlin & Co., 1891. Gillespie, William Mitchell. 526.9 P600 5918 ^ treatise on surveying, comprising the theory and the practice. Revised and enlarged by Cady Staley 2 vol. il. map. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 896-1 897. Johnson, John Butler. 526.9 P700 11931 -pj^g theory and practice of surveying. Designed for the use of surveyors and engineers generally. But especially for the use of students in engineering. Thirteenth edition, revised and enlarged. .... [2], XXV, 754 p. il. 3 maps. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897, c. 1886. Smith, Richard Somers. 526.98 O500 A manual of topographical drawing. Revised and enlarged by Charles McMillan. Third edition xi,ii2 p. 57 il. 16 pi. 4 maps, 3 tables. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1 894, c. 1 885 . Stebbing, Frank Cole. 527 P601 ®"° Navigation and nautical astronomy. xi,328 p. 140 il. O. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1896. 530-536 PHYSICS Tait, Peter Guthrie. 530.1 Pooi "*^ Properties of matter. Second edition — enlarged. xii,332 p. 41 il. D. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1890. [Kelvin] , William Thomson, ist Baron, 530.2 N900 "'' & Tait, Peter Guthrie. Treatise on natural philosophy. New edition. Vol. i in 2 parts. il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1879-1883. No more published. 112 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Barker, George Frederick. 530.2 P200 "'■" Ph)'sics. Advanced course. Fourth edition, revised. x,902 p. 380 11. I map. O. (American science series.) New York: H. Holt& Co., 1893. Privat-Deschanel, Augustin. 530.2 P400 ""^ Elementar>^ treatise on natural philosophy, based on the Traite de physique of A. Privat Deschanel. By J. D. Everett. Thir- teenth edition. 4 parts in 4 vol. il. pi. map. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 894-1 896. Vol. I was published in 1896. Avery, Elroy McKendree. 530.2 P500 ""* School ph}-sics 608 p. 473 il. D. New York: Sheldon & Co., c. 1895. Daniell, Alfred. 530.2 P503 ®^^' A text book of the principles of physics. Third edition xxv,783 p. 257 il. O. New York: Alacmillan & Co., 1895. "Bibliography", p. 751-756. Ames, Joseph Sweetman. 530-2 P6oo "'^ Theory of physics. xviii,5i3 p. 283 il. O. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1897. Nichols, Edward Leamington, & Franklin, William S. 530.2 P602 ""^ The elements of physics 3 vol. il. pi. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1 896-1 897. Contents: Vol. i. Mechanics and heat. Vol. 2. Electricity and magnetism. Vol. 3, Light and sound. Ganot, [Adolphe] . 530.2 P802 20296 Elementary treatise on physics, experimental and applied Translated and edited from Ganot's Elements de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. Atkinson. Fifteenth edition, revised and enlarged. xi,ii42 p. 1057 il. 2 pi. 6 maps, i table. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. Tail, Peter Guthrie. 530.4 T13 16060 Lectures on some recent advances in physical science. xii,337 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1876. Everett, Joseph David. 530-8 1 '^'^ Illustrations of the C. G. S. system of units, with tables of physi- cal constants. [Fourth edition.] xvi,220 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 113 Kohlrausch, Friedrich. 530-8 7 «'"*® An introduction to physical measurements, with appendices on absolute electrical measurement, etc. Third edition. Translated from the seventh German edition by Thomas Hutchinson Waller and Henry Richardson Procter. xix,476 p. 91 il. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Gray, Thomas. 530-8 8 «''" Smithsonian physical tables. [2] ,xxxiv,30i p. O. (SMITH- SONIAN Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections.) Washington 1896. Landolt, Hans, &- Bornstein, Richard, editors. L530.8 11 9409 physikalisch-chemische Tabellen. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. C. Barus, ... [und Anderen], herausgegeben. Zweite, stark vermehrte Auflage. xi,[2],563 p. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1894. Cajori, Florian. 530-9 PQOo 18568 ^ history of physics in its elementary branches including the evolution of physical laboratories. viii,322 p. 18 il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Garnett, William. 530-92 G18 16947 Heroes of science. Physicists vii,339 p. D. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, pref. 1885. Goodeve, Thomas Minchin. 531 O700 '"® A manual of mechanics. An elementary text-book designed for students of applied mechanics. Third edition. vii,228 p. il. S. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1887, Mach, Ernst. 531 O800 "^^* The science of mechanics. A critical and historical exposition of its principles. Translated from the second German edition, by Thomas J. McCormack. xiv,[2],534 p. 250 il. O. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1893. Maxwell, James Clerk. 531 Pooi '^" Matter and motion. Second American edition. viii,224 p. 18 il. S. [Van Nostrand's science series, vol. 36.] New York : D, Van Nostrand Co., 1892. Thornton, Arthur. 531 P401 19568 Theoretical mechanics. Solids, including kinematics, statics and kinetics. New edition. xii,440 p. 220 il. D. [Longmans' ad- vanced science manuals.] London: Longmans, Green, & Co., i8q7 114 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Rankine, William John Macquorn. 53i P500 '="" A manual of applied mechanics. Fourteenth edition, thoroughly revised. By W. J. Millar. xiv,67i p. il. O. London: C. Griffin & Co.. 1895. Todhunter, Isaac. 531-2 O700 19327 ^ treatise on analytical statics, with numerous examples. Fifth edition. Edited by J. D. Everett. viii,364 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1887. Routh, Edward John. 53i-2 P200 ""^ A treatise on analytical statics. With numerous examples 2 vol. il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1 892-1 896. Vol. I is in second edition, published in 1896. Routh, Edward John. 531.3 P700 8563 -pj^g elementary part of a treatise on the dynamics of a system of rigid bodies. Being part I. of a treatise on the whole subject. With numerous examples. Sixth edition, revised and enlarged. xiii,[i],424 p. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Thurston, Robert Henry. 531-8 P400 12236 -pj^g animal as a machine and a prime motor, and the laws of en- ergetics. First edition 1^,97 p. 3 il. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons. 1894. Minchin, George Minchin. 532 P201 "'"^ Hydrostatics and elementary hydrokinetics. ix,424 p. 11 5 il. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. Stone, T. W. 532.5 Oioo "®'^ Simple hydraulic formulae. viii,90 p. 9 pi. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1881. Kimball, Arthur Lalanne. 533- 1 Poo^ ^®'' The physical properties of gases. viii,238 p. 39 il. D. (River- side science series, no. 2.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1890. Fijnje van Salverda, J. G. W. 533.6 P201 *"' Aerial navigation. Translated from the Dutch by George E. Waring, Jr. With notes concerning some recent developments in the art. vi.209 p. 25 il. i pi. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Chanute, Octave. 533-6 P400 Progress in flying machines. iv,[2],3o8 p. il. O. New York: American Engineer and Railroad Journal, pref. 1894. bbbb BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM II5 Tyndall, John. 534 P300 ^"'' Sound. Sixth edition. xv,464 p. il. i pi. i por. D. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Helmholtz, Hermann von. I'534«3 O500 ^'^' On the sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of music. Translated, thoroughly revised and corrected, rendered conformable to the fourth (and last) German edition of 1877, with numerous additional notes and a new additional appendix bringing down information to 1885 and especially adapted to the use of musical students, by Alexander J. Ellis. Third edition. xix,576 p. 70 il. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Zahm, John Augustine. 534-3 P200 ^^'° Sound and music. 452 p. il. i pi. O. Chicago: A. C. McClurg S: Co., 1892. Tyndall, John. 535^500 '" Six lectures on light, delivered in America in 1 872-1 873. Sec- ond edition. xvii,272 p. 59 il. i pi. i por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883. Wright, Lewis. 535 P200 "®'' Light. A course of experimental optics, chiefly with the lantern. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xv,[i],39i p. 207 il. 9 pi. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Thompson, Silvanus Phillips. 535 P701 14647 Light, visible and invisible. A series of lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, .. . , 1896. xii,294 p. il. 7 pi. 3 por. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Preston, Thomas. 535.1 Pooi ^''® The theory of light. xvi,465 p. 205 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Rood, Ogden Nicholas. 535.6 N900 ®'^ Modern chromatics, with applications to art and industry. 329 p. 130 il. I pi. D. (International scientific series, vol. 26.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1879. Le Conte, Joseph. ^ 535-7 Oioo ^°^ Sight: an exposition of the principles of monocular and binocu- lar vision. 275 p. 132 il. D. (International scientific series, vol.31.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1881. Il6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Wright, Lewis. 535 -Si P500 113.13 Qptical projection. A treatise on the use of the lantern in exhi- bition and scientific demonstration. Third edition, with appendix. vi,[2],438 p. 237 il. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Landauer John. 535.84 P601 ""■^ Spectrum analysis. Authorized English edition by J. Bishop Tingle. First edition x,239 p. 44 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1898. Preston, Thomas. 53^ P402 '"*' The theory of heat, xvi.jrg p. 190 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Stewart, Balfour. 536 P500 '^"^■"' An elementary treatise on heat. Sixth edition. Revised with additions by Robert E. Baynes. xxiv,476 p. 86 il. D. (Clar- endon Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895. Tyndall, John. 536.1 Oooi ^°'' Heat a mode of motion. Sixth edition. xix,59i p. 125 il. i pi. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895, pref. 1880. Sloane, Thomas O'Conor. 536.42 P900 '"-' Liquid air and the liquefaction of gases. Theory, history, biog- raphy, practical applications, manufacture. [2], 365 p. il. O. New York: N. \V. Henley & Co.. 1899. 537-538 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Maxwell, James Clerk. • 537-02 P103 39-2 ^ treatise on electricity and magnetism. Third edition. 2 vol. il. pi. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. Burch, George James. 537.02 P300 *"^ A manual of electrical science. xi,26o p. 39 il. D. [University extension series.] London: Methuen & Co., 1893. Thompson, Silvanus Phillips. 537-02 P505 "'*"' Elementary lessons in electricity & magnetism. [New edition.] xv,622 p. il. I map. S. [Macmillan's school class books,] London: Macmillan & Co., 1899. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 117 Sloane, Thomas 0' Conor. 537-03 P700 17675 -pj^g Standard electrical dictionary. A popular encyclopedia of words and terms used in the practice of electrical engineering. Second edition, with appendix to date. 682 p. 393 il. i pi. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1898. Houston, Edwin James. I'537.03 P800 19581 ^ dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases. Fourth edition. With appendix. Greatly enlarged. vi,[2],990 p. 582 il. Q. New York: W. J. Johnston Co., 1898. Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin. 537-090700 ^^" A century of electricity. 229p.il. D. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1888. Lodge, Oliver Joseph. 537- 1 P201 10237 Modern views of electricity. [Second edition.] xvi,48o p. 6^ il. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. Thomson, Joseph John. 537-1 P501 19268 Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism. Second edition. viii,5o8 p. 133 il. D. Cambridge: University Press, 1897. Trowbridge, John. 537.1 P600 «096 What is electricity? viii,3i5 p. 53 il. i pi D. (International scientific series, vol. 75.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Lodge, Oliver Joseph. 537-4 P200 15S2 Ligiitning conductors and lightning guards. A treatise on the protection of buildings, of telegraph instruments and submarine cables, and of electric installations generally, from damage by at- mospheric discharges. xii,544 p. il. 20 pi. D. [Specialists' se- ries.] London: Whittaker & Co., 1892. Gray, Andrew. 537.7 O801 "'"^ The theory and practice of absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism. 2 vol. in 3 ; vol. 2, parts i and 2 paged contin- uously; part I : xxiii,[i], 1-346 p.; part 2 : xx, 347-868 p. il. D London: Macmillan & Co., 1 888-1 893. Urbanitzky, Alfred von. 537-8 P303 12302 Electricity in the service of man. A popular and practical treatise on the applications of electricity in modern life. By R. Wormell. (From the German of Dr. A. R. von Urbanitzky.) Revised and enlarged by R. Mullineux Walmsley. xx,976 p. 955 il. I pi. O. London: Cassell & Co., 1897. Il8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Slingo, W., & Brooker, A. 537-8 P8oi '*'"' Electrical engineering for electric light artisans and students, (embracing those branches prescribed in the syllabus issued by the City and Guilds Technical Institute). Revised and enlarged edition, vi,[2],78o p. 359 il. D. London: Longmans, Green, &Co., 1898. Maver, William, Jr. 537-8i P700 """ American telegraphy : systems, apparatus, operation. [Second edition.] xvi,563,[9] p. 43° il. O. New York: \V. Maver & Co., 1897. Field, Henry Martyn. 537. 815 P200 '^''® The story of the Atlantic telegraph. ix,4i5 p. 4 il. i por. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898, c. 1892, Fahie, J. J. 537-8i9 O400 "°®' A history of electric telegraphy, to the year 1837. Chiefly com- piled from original sources, and hitherto unpublished documents. xix,542 p. 35 il. 2 pi. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1884. "Bibliography", p. 531-536. Preece, William Henry, & Stubbs, Arthur J. 537-82 P300 "^*^ A manual of telephony. xviii,5o8 p. 333 il. D. (Specialists' series.) London : Whittaker & Co., 1893. Whipple, Frederick H. 537.83 O801 '*'' Municipal lighting. 257 p. il. O. Detroit, Mich., 1888. Crocker, Francis B. 537-83 P600 "■** Electric lighting. A practical exposition of the art ... . Vol- ume I. The generating plant. viii,450 p. 152 il. O. New York : D. Van Nostrand Co., 1896. Urquhart, John W. 537-83 P802 19C97 Electric light: its production and use. Embodying plain direc- tions for the treatment of dynamo-electric machines, batteries, accumulators, & electric lamps. Sixth edition, revised, with an additional chapter. xvi,428 p. 153 il. D. London: C. Lock- wood & Son, 1898. Thompson, Silvanus Phillips. 537 835P700 ^'"^ Dynamo-clcctric machinery. A manual for students of electro- technics. Sixth edition, with supplement: [Latest dynamo-elec- tric machines]. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : x, [2], 1-5 30 p.; vol. 2: [2],53i-835,x,39 p. il. pi. O. [Finsbury technical manuals.] London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM I IQ Fischer-Hinnen, J. 537-836 P900 ''*** Continuous-current dynamos in theory and practice. With details of methods and formulae used in construction. A practical hand- book for designers, manufacturers, and users. xiv,4i7,vi p. il. I pi. 4 tables. O. London: Biggs & Co., 1899. Urquhart, John W. 537-839 P701 '^''^^ Electric light fitting. A handbook for working electrical engi- neers, embodying practical notes on installation management. Third edition, revised, with further additions. xiii,3i6 p. 95 il. I pi. I table. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1898. Borchers, W. 537-85 P700 *^'** Electric smelting and refining : the extraction and treatment of metals by means of the electric current. Being the second edition of "Elektro-metallurgie." Translated, with additions, by Walter G. McMillan. xx,4i6 p. 188 il. 2 pi. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1897. Langbein, Georg. 537.85 P800 13029 ^ complete treatise on the electro-deposition of metals Translated from the German of Dr. George Langbein. With ad- ditions by William T. Brannt. Third edition, thoroughly revised and much enlarged. xxix,498 p. 150 il. i pi. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1898. Treadwell, Augustus. 537.86 P801 1771S jjjg storage battery. A practical treatise on the construction, theory, and use of secondary batteries. xix,[i],2 57 p. 117 il. I pi. I table. D. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1898. Neumayer, Georg. L538.7 Pioo '"'° Atlas des Erdmagnetismus. 20 p. il. 5 maps. F*. (Berghaus' PHYSIKALISCHER Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung 4.) Gotha: J. Perthes, 1891. 539 MOLECULAR PHYSICS Risteen, Allan Douglas. 539- ^ P500 16683 Molecules and the molecular theory of matter. viii,223 p. 52 il. O. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1896. 120 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 540 CHEMISTRY . 540-541 GENERAL WORKS AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY Graham, [Thomas, J/. A.], & Otto, [J. F.] 540.2 M800 I3S27 Graham-Otto's ausfuhrliches Lehrbuch der Chemie Vol. I-, il. pi. tables. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1868-. Vol. I is in third edition, published in 1885; vol. 2 is in fifth; vol. 3-4 are in second. Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield, & Schorlemmer, C. 540.2 Pooi 10047 A treatise on chemistry. New edition .... Vol. i-. il. por. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890-. ^"ol. I is revised by Sir H. E. Roscoe, assisted by H. G. Colman and A. Harden. Vol. I published in 1894. Mendelyeev, Dimitry. 540.2 P400. i4.^b-- xj^e principles of chemistry. Translated from the Russian (sixth edition) by George Kamensky. Edited by T. A. Lawson. 2 vol. il. tables. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Wurtz, Adolphe. 540 2 P605 "'^" Elements of modern chemistry. By Charles Adolphe Wurtz. Fifth American Edition. Revised and enlarged by Wm. H. Greene, and Harry F. Keller. 808 p. 136 il. i por. i table. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3M800 '"^^ Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et appliquee. Comprenant : la chimie organique et inorganique ; la chimie appliquee a I'industrie, a I'agriculturc et aux arts : la chimie analytique, la chimie physique et la mineralogie. 3 vol. in 5. il. pi. O. Paris: Hachette & C'^ 1870-1878. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3M800 "'"' Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et appliquee Supplement. 2 vol. il. pi. O. Paris: Hachette & C'^ [1880-1886]. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3 M800 ^^'' Dcuxicmc supplement au Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et ap- pliquee. Public sous la direction de Ch. Fricdel Vol. i-. il. O. Paris: Hachette & c'^ 1892-. Neues Handworterbuch. 540.3 Nioo '^'** Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie. Auf Grundlage des von Liebig, Poggendorff und Wohler, Kolbe und Fehiing herausge- gebenen Handworterbuchs der reinen und angewandten Chemie und unter Mitwirkung von mehren Gelehrten bearbeitet ... . Vol. I-. il. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1874-. Vol. 1-3 edited by Herman von Fehiing; vol. 4- by Carl Hell. BOOKS IN IHE READING ROOM 121 Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison, 540.3 O800 ''"' &■ Morley, H. Forster, editors. Watts' dictionary of chemistry, revised and entirely rewritten .... [With addenda.] 4 vol. il. O. London: Longmans, Green, Sz; Co., 1 890-1 894. Vol. i: second edition; vol. 3: new edition. Meyer, Ernst von. 540.9 O800 7735 ^ history of chemistry, from earhest times to the present day, being also an introduction to the study of the science. Trans- lated ... by George M'Gowan. xxii,556 p. O. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1891. Tilden, William Augustus. 540 -9 P900 ®'^^' A short history of the progress of scientific chemistry in our own times. x,2'/6 p. il. pi. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison. 540.92 M89 16948 Hgj-Qgg q[ science. Chemists vii,332 p. 8 il. D. Lon- don: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1883. Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield. 540.9221 R71 10987 Jq1-,j-j Dalton and the rise of modern chemistry. 216 p. il. i por. 2 facsim. D. (Century science series.) London: Cassell & Co., 1895. Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison. 541 O400 ^''" A treatise on the principles of chemistry. Second edition. xxvii,[i],490 p. 49 il. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1889. Meyer, Lothar von. 541 O401 '*'«• Modern theories of chemistry. Translated from the German (5th edition) by P. Phillips Bedson and W. Carleton Williams. xliii,587 p. i table. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1888. Scott, Alexander. 541 Pioi 10996 js^^ introduction to chemical theory. viii,266 p. il. 2 tables. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1891, Dobbin, Leonard, & Walker, James. 541 P200 '**" Chemical theory for beginners. viii,240 p. il. i table. S. [Mac- millan's school class books.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison. 541 P300 The chemistry of fire. viii,i63 p. 17 il. D. [University exten- sion series.] London: Methuen & Co., 1893. 122 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Remsen, Ira. 541 P600 "" The principles of theoretical chemistry, with special reference to the constitution of chemical compounds. Fifth edition, thor- oughly revised. 326 p. O. Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co., 1897- Berthelot , Marcellin . L541 . 16 P700 ""* Thermochimie. Donnees et lois numeriques 2 vol. Q. Paris: Gauthier-Villars 81 Fils, 1897. Ostwald, Wilhelm. 541.17 P602 "°°* Elektrochemie. Ihre Geschichte und Lehre. xvi,ii5i,[i] p. 260 il. O. Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1896. Hoff, Jacobus Henricus van 't. 541.7 P400 ""'* The arrangement of atoms in space. Second revised and enlarged edition. With a preface by Johannes Wislicenus and an appen- dix : Stereochemistry among inorganic substances by Alfred Werner. Translated and edited by Arnold Eiloart. xi,2ll p. il. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. Comey, Arthur Messenger. 541.8 P500 '"* A dictionary of chemical solubilities inorganic. xx,5i5 p. O. London: ]\Iacmillan & Co., 1896. Morgan, John Livingston Rutgers. 541.8 P700 "'° An outline of the theory of solution and its results. For chemists and electricians. First edition vii, 63 p. D. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. Threlfall, Richard. 542.2 P800 '^®°' On laboratory arts. xii,338 p. 91 il. D. [Macmillan's manuals for students.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Contents: i. Hints on the manipulation of glass and on glass-blowing for laboratory purposes. Appendix. On the preparation of vacuum tubes for the production of Pro- fessor Rontgen's radiation. 2. Glass-grinding and opticians' work. 3. Miscellaneous processes. 4. Electroplating and allied arts. Appendix. Platinising glass. 543-545 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Bockmann, Friedrich, r^i/or. 543-02 P300 '"'® Chemisch-tcchnische Untersuchungsmethoden der Gross-Indus- trie, der Versuchsstationen und Handelslaboratorien Dritte vermehrte und umgearbeitete Auflage. 2 vol. il. O. Berlin : J. Springer, 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 23 Wiley, Harvey Washington. 543-02 P400 5694 Prii-iciples and practice of agricultural analysis. A manual for the estimation of soils, fertilizers, and agricultural products 3 vol. il.pl. O. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1 894-1 897. Caldwell, George Chapman. 543«02 P401 12543 Elements of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. Third edition, revised and enlarged. viii,i87 p. il. O. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1894. Crookes, William. 543-02 P402 '^^°° Select methods in chemical analysis (chiefly inorganic). Third edition, rewritten and enlarged. xxii,7i8 p. 6^ il. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1894. Smith, William Robert. 543-02 P602 "'" The laboratory text-book of public health. xx,322 p. 82 il. 9 pi. O. London: H. Renshavv, 1896. Stillman, Thomas Bliss. 543-02 P700 5698 Engineering chemistry: a manual of quantitative chemical an- alysis xxiii,[i],523 p. 15411. O. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1897. Ulzer, Ferdinand, £f Fraenkel, A. 543-02 P705' 18S54 Introduction to chemical-technical analysis. (Authorized trans- lation), with appendix by the translator, Hermann Fleck, vii, 188 p. 13 il. O. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1898. Lewkowitsch, Julius. 543-02 P800 14587 (3iiejjiical analysis of oils, fats, waxes and of the commercial pro- ducts derived therefrom. Founded on Benedikt's second edition of 'Analyse der Fette.' Second thoroughly revised and enlarged edition. xxi,834 p. 48 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Allen, Alfred H. 543-02 P803 Commercial organic analysis : a treatise on the properties, proxi- mate analytical examination, and modes of assaying the various organic chemicals and products employed in the arts, manufac- tures, medicine, with concise methods for the detection and de- termination of their impurities, adulterations, and products of decomposition. Third edition with revisions and addenda by the author and Henry Leffmann. Vol. i-. il. O. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1898-. 124 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Blyth, Alexander Wynter. 543-1 P602 is«64 Pq^^^Js; their composition and analysis. A manual for the use of analytical chemists and others. With an introductory essay on the History of adulteration. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. xxxii,735 p. 81 il. 4 pi. 6 tables. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1896. Wanklyn, James Alfred, & Chapman, Ernest Theophron. 543.3 P600 12332 Water-analysis. A practical treatise on the examination of pota- ble water. Tenth edition. Revised and partly rewritten by J. Alfred Wanklyn. 205 p. il. D. London: Kegan Paul, ... ,& Co., 1896. Hoffmann, Frederick, & Power, Frederick B. 543-4 O300 14366 ^ manual of chemical analysis as applied to the examination of medicinal chemicals. A guide for the determination of their identity and quality, and for the detection of impurities and adul- terations Third edition, thoroughly revised and greatly enlarged. 624 p. 179 il. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Lea's Son & Co., 1883. Fresenius, Carl Remigius. 544 P400 i2ou7 ]yja(-,yal of qualitative chemical analysis. Authorized translation by Horace L. Wells. New edition, thoroughly revised from the sixteenth German edition xvii,748 p. 48 il. i table. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. Endlich, Frederick M. 544-3 P201 13226 ]\janual of qualitative blowpipe analysis and determinative miner- alogy. Second edition. xv, 11-456 p. il. i table. O. New York: Scientific Publishing Co., 1895. Fresenius, Carl Remigius. 545 Oioo ''"' A .system of instruction in quantitative chemical analysis. [Sec- ond American edition.] P'rom the last English and German editions. Edited by O. D. Allen, with the cooperation of Sam- uel W. Johnson. xvi,883 p. 107 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897, c. 1881. Talbot, Henry P. 545 P700 ^®" An introductory course of quantitative chemical analysis, with explanatory notes and stoichiometrical problems. 125 p. il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 25 Classen, Alexander. 545-3 P701 '"'^ Quantitative Analyse durch Elektrolyse. Viene umgearbeitete Auflage. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Walther Lob. viii,249 p. il. 7 pi. O. Berlin: J. Springer, 1897. Classen, Alexander. 545-3 P800 ""^ Quantitative chemical analysis by electrolysis. By Dr. Alexan- der Classen in co-operation with Dr. Walter Lob. Authorized translation, third English from the revised and greatly enlarged fourth German edition by William Hale Herrick, and Bertram B. Boltwood xii,30i p. il. 8 pi. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1898. 546 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Remsen, Ira. 546O900 '"" Liorganic chemistry. Second edition, revised. xxi,827 p. 78 il. O. (American science series. Advanced course.) New York : H. Holt& Co., 1890. Ramsay, William, F. R. S. 54^ Pioi • U145 ^ system of inorganic chemistry. xv,700 p. 56 il. O. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1891. Freer, Paul Caspar. 546P400 '^"^ Descriptive inorganic general chemistry Revised edition. ix,55o p. 54 il. O. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1894. Thorpe, Thomas Edward. 546 P800 19318 j^ manual of inorganic chemistry New edition. 2 vol. il. D. London: W. Collins, Sons, & Co., 1898. 547 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Pinner, Adolf. 547-02 Oioo io4od ^j^ introduction to the study of organic chemistry. Translated and revised from the fifth German edition by Peter T. Austen. Second revised edition xxi,403 p. 12 il. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1894. Richter, Victor von. 547-02 Pico '^'' Chemistry of the carbon compounds, or organic chemistry. Au- thorized translation, by Edgar F. Smith. Second American edi- tion, from the sixth German edition. 1040 p. 9 il. O. Phila- delphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1892. 126 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Beilstein, Fedor [Fedorovitch] . L547.02 P301 ""'* Handbuch dcr organischen Chcmie. Dritte, umgcarbcitete Auflage Vol. i-. Q. Hamburg: L. Voss, 1893-. Bernthsen, August. 547«02 P302 13016 ^ text-book of organic chemistry. Translated by George M'Gowan. Third English edition revised and extended by au- thor and translator. xix,[i],596 p. il. D. London: Blackie & Son, 1896. Meyer, Victor, & Jacobson, Paul. 547-02 P303 '"" Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie Vol. i-. il. table. O. Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1893-. Schorlemmer, CarL 547-09 P400 11265 -pj^g j.jgg ^^^ development of organic chemistry. Revised edition. Edited by Arthur Smithells. xxvii,28op. il. i por. D. London: Macmillan &Co., 1894. "Bibliography," p. xxv-xxvii. Hammarsten, Olof. 547.9 Pooi '^'^^ A text-book of physiological chemistry. Authorized translation from the second Swedish edition and from the author's enlarged and revised German edition by John A. Mandel. First edition. .... x,5ii p. I table. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. Bunge, Gustav [von]. 547.9 P400 '^'" Lehrbuch der physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie. In fUnfundzwanzig Vorlesungen flir Artzte und Studirende. Dritte vermehrte und verbesserte Aufiage. iv,447 p. O. Leipzig: F. C. W. Vogel, 1894. 549 MINERALOGY Dana, James Dwight. L549.02 P200 ""^ The system of mineralogy of James Dwight Dana, 183 7-1 868. Descriptive mineralogy. Sixth edition, by Edward Salisbury Dana, entirely rewritten and much enlarged. Ixiii,ii34 p. il. Q. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Bibliographical references throughout the book. Dana, Edward Salisbury. 549-02 P500 '^"'^ Minerals and how to study them. A book for beginners in min- eralogy. Second revised edition vi,38o p. 318 il. i pi. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 12/ Dana, Edward Salisbury. 549-02 P802 18809 ^ text-book of mineralogy with an extended treatise on crystal- lography and physical mineralogy. New edition, entirely re- written and enlarged. vii,593 p. 1008 il. i pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. "Literature," p. 2-4, and scattered through the book. Dana, Edward Salisbury. L549.02 P900 .18524 pjj.g|- appendix to the sixth edition of [J. D.] Dana's System of mineralogy. Completing the work to 1899. x,75 p. il. Q. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. Bibliographical references throughout the book. Egleston, Thomas. L549-03 P200 13571 js^ catalogue of minerals and synonyms. Third edition, revised and enlarged. [2],iii,[4],379 p. Q. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1892. Chester, Albert Huntington. 549-03 P^oo 8168 j^ dictionary of the names of minerals, including their history and etymology. First edition xxxvii,[i],320 p. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. With bibliographical references. Brush, George Jarvis. 549* i P800 18300 jyj^j^yal of determinative mineralogy. With an introduction on blowpipe analysis. Revised and enlarged, with entirely new tables for the identification of minerals, by Samuel L. Penfield, Fifteenth edition. x,3i2 p. il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. 128 " THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY NATURAL SCIENCES 550 GEOLOGY 550.1-550.9 GENERAL WORKS Howorth, Sir Henry Hoyle. 550-i P201 135,1 jj^g glacial nightmare and the flood. A second appeal to com- mon sense from the extravagance of some recent geology. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xxvii,[i],i-376 p. vol. 2 : xi,377- 920 p. O. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1893. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. 550.2 O402 ^'^-'^ A first book in geology xvii,255 p. 127 il. D. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1894, c. 1884. Contains also chapters on the organic life on the earth. Le Conte, Joseph. 550.2 Pioo '°'' Elements of geology Revised and enlarged. xvii,640 p. 982 il. I pi. O. New York: D. Applcton & Co. 1891. Berghaus, Hermann. L550.2 P201 12768 ^tlas der Geologic. Unter beratender Mitwirkung von Prof. Dr. K. V. Zittel bearbeitet von Dr. Hermann Berghaus 7 p. '14 maps. F\ (Berghaus' physikalischer Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung i.) Gotha : J. Perthes, 1892. Geikie, 5/;- Archibald. 550.2 P300 13696 Text-book of geology. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xvi,ii47p. 471 il. I pi. I table. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Bonney, Thomas George. 550-2 P301 '" The story of our planet. x;i,[2],535 p. 170 il. 4 pi. 2 maps. O. New York: Ca;.scll Publishing Co., c. 1893. Dana, James Dwight. 550-2 P401 12.161 Mjiriual of geology. Treating of the principles of the science with special reference to American geological history. Fourth edition. 1088 p. 1575 il. 2 maps. O. New York: American Book Co., 1896. Geikie, .SVr Archibald. 550.2 P600 *"' Geology. vi,i37 p. 46 il. S. (Science primers, no. 5.) New York: American Book Co., [1896]. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 29 Watts, William Whitehead. 550.2 P800 IBD82 QgQiQgy fQi- beginners. xvii,352 p. 3091!. i pi. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Geikie, Archibald. 550.4 G27 ^^'^ Geological sketches at home and abroad. x,382 p. 29 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1882. Geikie, Sir Archibald. 550-92 G27 10341 -pj^g founders of geology. x,297 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Bonney, Thomas George. 550.9252 B64 '-'**'° Charles Lyell and modern geology. 224 p. i por, D. (Century science series.) London: Cassell & Co., 1895. 551-551. 4 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY CroU, James. 551.02 N500 ®*^° Climate and time in their geological relations ; a theory of secular changes of the earth's climate. xvi,[2],577 p. 12 il. 2 pi. 5 maps, I table. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1875. Reclus, Elisee. L551.02O600 *"^ A new physical geography. Edited by A. H. Keanc. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. Contents: \o\. i. The earth. A descriptive history of the phenomena of the Hfe of the globe. Vol. 2. The ocean, atmosphere, and life. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. 551.02 O900 **^^ Aspects of the earth : a popular account of some familiar geolog- ical phenomena. xix,344 p. il. 16 pi. O. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1890. Tarr, Ralph Stockman. 551.02 P500 •''"' Elementary physical geography. xxxi,488 p. 267 il. i pi. 9 maps. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Simmons, Arthur Thomas. 551.02 P704 "•" Physiography for advanced students. viii,483 p. 218 il. D. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. 551.02 P800 Outlines of the earth's history. A popular study in physiogra- phy. vii,4i 7 p. 23 il. I o pi. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1898. 130 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Davis, William Morris, (5- Snyder, William Henry. 551.02 P801 '"'" Physical geography. xvii,[i],43 i p. 261 il. i pi. 2 maps paged in, 7 maps. D. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1899. "References for supplementary reading," p. 409-416. Dana, James Dwight. 551.21 Pooi '*^* Characteristics of volcanoes, with contributions of facts and prin- ciples from the Hawaiian Islands, including a historical review of Hawaiian volcanic action for the past sixty-seven years, a discus- sion of the relations of volcanic islands to deep-sea topography, and a chapter on volcanic-island denudation. xvi,399 p. il. 4 maps. O. New York: Dodd, :\Iead, & Co., 1890. Russell, Israel Cook. 551.21 P700 *'"' Volcanoes of North America. A reading lesson for students of geography and geolog}'. xiv.346 p. 10 il. 12 pi. 4 maps. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Tyndall, John. 551.31 N200 "• The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers. xxiii,[i] 196 P- 35 il- I por. D. (International scientific series, vol. i.) New York: D. Appleton & Co.. 1882. Geikie, James. 551.4 P800 '"" Earth sculpture; or. The origin of land-forms. xvi,320 p. 89 il. 2 pi. O. [Progressive science series.] London: J. ^Murray, 1898. Berghaus, Hermann. L551.46P100 13149 Atlas der Hydrographie. 5 p. 1 1 maps. F\ (Berghaus' physi- kalischer Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung 2.) .... Gotha: J. Perthes, 1891. Russell, Israel Cook. 551.48 P500 °'" Lakes of North America. A reading lesson for students of geog- raphy and geolog>'. x,[2],i25 p. 9 il. 13 pi. 10 maps. O. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1895. Russell, Israel Cook. 551-48 P801 16294 j^iygj-s of North America. A reading lesson for students of geography and geology. xix,327 p. 23 il. 11 pi. 6 maps, i ta- ble. O. [Science series, vol. 3.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM I3I 551.5 METEOROLOGY Abercromby, Ralph, F. R. Met. S. 551 .5 O700 ^°^ Weather. A popular exposition of the nature of weather changes from day to day. xix,472 p. 96 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 58.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1887. Hann, Julius. L551.5O704 '"^^ Atlas der Meteorologie. 12 p. 12 maps. F'. (Berghaus' PHYS- IKALISCHER Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung 3.) Gotha: J. Perthes, 1887. Waldo, Frank. 551.5 P401 10904 jvjodern meteorology : an outline of the growth and present con- • dition of some of its phases. xxiii,46o p. il. i map, 2 tables. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 2 1 .] London : W. Scott, 1894. Davis, William Morris. 551-5 P402 "*'^' Elementary meteorology. xi,[i],355 p. 106 il. 6 maps. O. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn & Co., 1894. Russell, Thomas. 551.5 P403 "°*' Meteorology, weather, and methods of forecasting, description of meteorological instruments and river flood predictions in the United States. xxiii,277 p. il. i pi. 45 maps. O. New York : Macmillan & Co., 1895. Archibald, [Edmund] Douglas. 551.5 P700 "®'* The story of the earth's atmosphere. 194 p. 43 il. i pi. S. [Li- brary of useful stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. CroU, James. 551.56 O600 ®'^® Discussions on climate and cosmology. xii,327 p. i map. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. 551-7-551.9 STRATIGRAPHICAL AND STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Geikie, James. 551.79 P500 "^^ The great ice age and its relation to the antiquity of man. Third edition, largely rewritten. xxviii,850 p. 78 il. i pi. 18 maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Darwin, Charles. 551.96 O900 ^"' The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Third edition, with an appendix by Prof. T. G. Bonney. xv,344 p. il. 3 maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1889. The appendix is entitled : Summary of the principal contributions to the history of coral reefs since the year 1874. 132 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 552 PETROGRAPHY Merrill, George Perkins. 552 P700 *'"■ A treatise on rocks, rock-weathering and soils. xx,4ii p. 42 il. 25 pi. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. 553 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Tarr, Ralph Stockman. 553 P300 ****'•' Economic geology of the United States, with briefer mention of foreign mineral products. [Second edition.] xx, [2], 525 p. 27 il. 2 pi. 2 tables. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Phillips, John Arthur. 553-1 P600 **""* A treatise on ore deposits. Second edition, rewritten and greatly enlarged by Henry Louis. xxii,[2],943 p. 128 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Thorpe, [Thomas Edward], editor. 553.2 N800 '-■'" Coal : its history and uses. By Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Rucker, and Marshall. xii,363 p. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. Contents: i-2. The geology of coal. 3. Coal plants. 4. Animals of the coal meas- ures. 5-6. The chemistry of coal. 7. Coal as a source of warmth. 8. Coal as a source of power. 9-10. The coal question. Martin, Edward Alfred. 553-2 P6oo ».393 -j-j^^ story of a piece of coal. What it is, whence it comes, and whither it goes. 1 68 p. 38 il. i pi. S. [Library of useful stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. NicoUs, William Jasper. 553-23 P700 12205 -pj^g story of American coals. 405 p. i pi. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897. 13718 Davies, David Christopher. 553-6 P200 A treatise on earthy and other minerals and mining. By D. C. Davies. Third edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged by his son E. Henry Davies. xviii,394 p. "j^ il. D. London: C. Lock- wood & Son, 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 133 557 GEOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA Miller, Samuel Almond. L557 O900 1688 ]^oi-th American geology and palseontology 664 p. 11 94 il. Q. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1889. 560 PALEONTOLOGY Williams, Henry Shaler. 560.2 P500 "*"^ Geological biology. An introduction to the geological history of organisms. xix,395 p. 120 il. O. New York : H. Holt & Co., 1895- Woods, Henry. 562 P600 13035 Elementary palaeontology. Invertebrate. Second edition, xiii, 296 p. 112 il. D. [Cambridge natural science manuals.] Cam- bridge: University Press, 1896. "List of palceontological works", p. 272-285, Hutchinson, Henry Neville. 566 P300 6809 Extinct monsters. A popular account of some of the larger forms of ancient animal life. With illustrations by J. Smit and others [Second edition.] xxii,27o p. 59 il. 26 pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., pref. 1893. Hutchinson, Henry Neville. 566P400 ^** Creatures of other days. xxiv,270 p. 79 il. 22 pi. 2 por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. 134 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY ' 570 NATURAL SCIENCES 570.1-570.9 GENERAL WORKS Letoumeau, Charles. 570.2 N600 "'® Biolog>\ Translated from the French. New edition. xi,48o p. 83 il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1890. McAlpine, Daniel, & McAlpine, A. N. L570.2 Oooi ^^''^ Biological atlas: a guide to the practical study of plants and ani- mals With accompanying text containing arrangement and explanation, equivalent terms, glossary and classification. ix,49 p. 24 pi. sq. F. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1881. Sedgwick, William Thompson, & Wilson, Edmund B. 570.2 O600 ^""^ General biology. Part I. Introductory. vii,i93 p. 89 il. O. (American science series.) New York: H. Holt & Co., 1889, Parker, Thomas Jeffery. 570'2 P700 *'®^' Lessons in elementary biology. [Third edition.] xxiii,503 p. 127 il. D. [Macmillan's manuals for students.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. Spencer, Herbert. 570-2 P800 17702 yj^g principles of biology. Revised and enlarged edition. 2 vol. il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. Vol. 2 is reprinted from first edition, c. 1867. Naturalists' directory. 570-3 2 J3090 ^Yhc Naturalists' directory. Containing the names, addresses, special departments of study, etc., of professional and amateur naturalists, chemists, physicists, astronomers, etc., etc., of the United States and Canada [1877]. Continued from 1898. D. Boston 1 877-. Edited by Samuel E. Cassino. Vol. for 1877 has slight variations in the title; published in Salem, Mass. Stormonth, James. 570.3 N900 '"" A manual of scientific terms: pronouncing, etymological, and ex- planatory ; chiefly comprising terms in botany, natural history, anatomy, medicine, and veterinary science : with an appendix of specific names Second edition. xi,488 p. D. Edin- burgh : J. Thin, 1894. Allen, Grant. 570-4 A425 ""' Flashlights on nature. With 150 illustrations by Frederick Knock. viii,3i2 p. il. D. London: G. Newnes, 1899. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 135 Gibson, William Hamilton. L570.4 G352 10095 sti-oiig by starlight and sunshine. 194 p. il. i pi. Q. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1891. Gibson, William Hamilton. 570-4 G353 •2523 My Studio neighbors. x,245 p. il. i pi. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1898. Torrey, Bradford. 570-4 T63 '«">« A world of green hills. Observations of nature and human nature in the Blue Ridge. [43,285 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. Wallace, Alfred Russel. 570.4 W16 ^'' Tropical nature and other essays. xiii,[2],356 p. il. O. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1878. Contents: i. The climate and physical aspects of the equatorial zone. 2. Equato- rial vegetation. 3. Animal life in the tropical forests. 4. Humming-birds : as illustrat- ing the luxuriance of tropical nature. 5. The colours of animals and sexual selection. 6. The colours of plants and the origin of the colour-sense. 7. By-paths in the domain of biology. 8. The distribution of animals as indicating geographical changes. Buckley, Arabella Burton, {^aftcnvards Fisher]. 570.9 O800 '''° A short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of the Greeks to the present day Fifth edi- tion. xxix,509 p. 74 il. I table. D. London: E. Stanford, 1894. Darwin, Charles. 570.91 J600 ^' Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy. New edition, x, 519 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1878. Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville. 570.91 N600 *^ . The voyage of the "Challenger." The Atlantic. A preliminary account of the general results of the exploring voyage of H. M. S. "Challenger" during the year 1873 and the early part of the year 1876. 2 vol. il. pi, por. maps, tables. O. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1878. Moseley, Henry Nottidge. 570.91 N604 ^'°' Notes by a naturalist on the "Challenger", being an account of va- rious observations made during the voyage of H. M. S. "Challen- ger" round the world, in the years 1 872-1 876, .... xvi,620 p. il. 2 pi. I map. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1879. 136 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Agassiz, Alexander. L570.91 Oooi *''' A contribution to American thalassography. Three cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer "Blake" in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. 2 vol. il. pi. maps, tables. Q. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin & Co., 1888. Belt, Thomas. 570.9728 N300 3699 jj^^^ naturalist in Nicaragua. A narrative of a residence at the gold mines of Chontalcs ; journeys in the savannahs and forests; with observations on animals and plants in reference to the theory of evolution of living forms. Second edition xxxii,403 p. 11. 4 pi. I por. I map. D. London: E. Bumpus, 1888. Muir, John. 570-9794 P400 1422G Yhe mountains of California. xiii,[2],38i p. il. i pi. D. New- York: Century Co., 1898. Rodway, James. 570-988 P500 1092-.' j^ ^j^g Guiana forest. Studies of nature in relation to the strug- gle for life. With introduction by Grant Allen. Second edition. xxiii,242 p. 16 pi. D. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. Forbes, Henry 0. 570-99i O300 '®'" A naturalist's wanderings in the Eastern archipelago. A narra- tive of travel and exploration from 1878 to 1883. xix,[i],536 p. 65 il. 22 pi. 6 maps. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1885. 571-573 ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY Lubbock, 5/;- John. 571.02 M900 67o4 i^j-g-historic times, as illustrated by ancient remains, and the man- ners and customs of modern savages. Fifth edition. xxvii,[i], 6sy p. 228 il. 3 pi. I map. O. London: Williams & Norgate, 1890. Clodd, Edward. 571.02 P500 "'" The story of "primitive" man. 190 p. 88 il. i pi. S. (Library of useful stories.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Starr, Frederick. 571.02 P502 Some first steps in human progress. 305 p. ^^ il. i pi. D. (Chautauqua Reading Circle literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 137 Hutchinson, Henry Neville. 57i-02 P6oo "^^ Prehistoric man and beast. xxii,298 p. lo pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Haddon, Alfred Cort. 57i-04 H12 16756 -pj^g study of man. xxv,4iO p. 40 il. 8 pi. O. [Science series.] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Contents: i. Measurements and their importance in anthropology. 2. Hair and eye colour. 3. Value of head-form in anthropology. 4. The nose. 5. The ethnography of the Dordogne district. 6. The evolution of the cart. 7. The origin of the Irish jaunt- ing car. 8. Toys and games: cat's cradle and kites. 9. Toys and games: tops and the tug-of-war. 10. The bull-roarer. 11. The singing games of children. 12. "Lon- don Bridge": foundation sacrifice. 13. "Draw a pail of water": water worship. 14. Courting games. 15. Funeral games. 16. Practical suggestions for conducting ethnographical investigations in the British Islands. Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan. 571.0942 P700 ^■*°^ Life in early Britain. Being an account of the early inhabitants of this island and the memorials which they have left behind them. XV, 244 p. 6^ il. i map. D. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Munro, Robert. 571.09439 P500 ^^°® Rambles and studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia. With an account of the proceedings of the Congress of Archaeologists and Anthropologists held in Sarajevo, August, 1894. xx,395 p. 144 il. 32 pi. O. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1895. Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen. 571.0948 Oooi 12376 'pj^g pre-history of the North, based on contemporary memorials. Translated, with a brief memoir of the author, by H. F. Morland Simpson. xxx,2o6 p. 19 il. i map. D. London: Triibner & Co., 1886. Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen. 571.0948 O200 12462 -j-j^g industrial arts of Denmark from the earliest times to the Dan- ish conquest of England. 2 parts in i. il. map. D. [SoUTH Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London : Chapman & Hall, 1882. Nadaillac, [Jean Francois Albert du Pouget,] 571.097 O400 Marquis de. Pre-historic America. Translated by N. d'Anvers. Edited by W. H. Dall. [ix],566p. 21911. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884. 138 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Haddon, Arthur Cort. 571.7 P500 13062 Evolution in art: as illustrated by the life-histories of designs. xviii,[2],364 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 30.] London: W. Scott, 1895. Contents: Introduction. The decorative art of British New Guinea: as an example of the method of study. The material of which patterns are made. The reasons for which objects are decorated. The scientific method of studying decorative art. Grosse, Ernst. 571.7 P700 7639 jj^g beginnings of art. xiv,327 p. 32 il. 3 pi. D. [Anthropo- logical series.] New York : D. Appleton& Co., 1897, pref. 1893. Peschel, Oscar. 572.02 N400 '^^ The races of man, and their geographical distribution. From the German. xiv,[2],528 p. il. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1876. Quatrefages [de Breau], Armand de. 572-02 N700 ^*^' The human species. x,498 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 27.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Taylor, Isaac. 572.02 O900 ■•''* The origin of the x\ryans. An account of the prehistoric ethnol- ogy and civilisation of Europe. xi,339 p. 30 il. D. [Contempo- rary science series.] London: W. Scott, pref. 1889. Contents: I. The Arjan controversy. 2. The prehistoric races of Europe. 3.The neolithic culture. 4. The Arj'an race. 5. The evolution of Arj'an speech. 6. The Ar)-an mytholog}-. Gerland, Georg [Karl Cornelius]. L572.02P200 "^' Atlas der Volkerkunde. 15 P- I5 maps. F\ (Berghaus' Phy- SIKALISCHER Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung 7.) Gotha : J. Perthes, 1892. Ratzel, Friedricli. L572.02 P400 "*"' The history of mankind. Translated from the second German edition by A. J. Butler. With an introduction by E. B. Tylor. 3 vol. il.pl. maps. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1 896-1 898. Keane, Augustus Henry. 572.02 P600 '''®' Ethnology. In two parts : I. Fundamental ethnical problems. II. The primary ethnical groups. Second edition revised, xxx, 442 p. il. O. [Cambridge geographical series.] Cambridge: University' Press, 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 139 Ripley, William Zebina. 572.94^900 19089 j^^ j.^(,gg Qf Europe. A sociological study. Accompanied by a supplementary bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe, published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. [2 vol.] il. pi. of por. maps. O. (Lowell Institute lectures.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1899. [Vol. 2] is the bibliography, and has also been published separately under the title: A selected bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe; this has shelf number 016.572 1148 "Special list of authorities on acclimatization", [vol. l], p. 589-590- Short, John Thomas. 572.97 N900 '°'^ The North Americans of antiquity. Their origin, migrations, and type of civilization considered. 544 p. il. O. New York : Harp- er & Brothers, 1880. Brinton, Daniel Garrison. 572.97 Pico ^"* The American race : a linguistic classification and ethnographic description of the native tribes of North and South America. 392 p. O. New York: N. D. C. Hodges, 1891. Im Thurn, Everard Ferdinand. 572.988 O300 '®®" Among the Indians of Guiana. Being sketches chiefly anthro- pologic from the interior of British Guiana. xvi,445 P- 43 il- 10 pi. I map. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1883. Tylor, Edward Burnett. 573.02 Oioo ^^•^ Anthropology. An introduction to the study of man and civil- ization. xv,448 p. 78 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 62.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896, pref. 1881. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. 573.4 Pico ^■'" Nature and man in America. xiv,290 p. D. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1891. 575 EVOLUTION Haeckel, Ernst. 575N900 The evolution of man: a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny. From the German. 2 vol. il. pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. Wilson, Andrew, F. R. S. E. 575 O200 '"" Chapters on evolution. xv,383 p. 259 il. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1883. 140 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Eimer, Gustav Heinrich Theodor. 575 O801 »>'" Organic evolution as the result of the inheritance of acquired characters according to the laws of organic growth. Translated by J. T. Cunningham. xxviii,435 P- ^ il- O- London: Mac- millan & Co., 1890. Haeckel, Ernst. 575 OQOi >.36a4 -pi^g history of creation ; or, The development of the earth and its inhabitants by the action of natural causes. A popular exposi- tion of the doctrine of evolution in general, and of that of Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck in particular. From the eighth German edition. The translation revised by E. Ray Lankester. Fourth edition. 2 vol. il. pi. map. O. London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1892. Brooklyn Ethical Association. 575 Pioi **®® Evolution in science, philosophy, and art. Popular lectures and discussions before the Brooklyn Ethical Association. ix,475 P- 6 il. 3 por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1891. "Collateral readings recommended", at the beginning of each paper. Weismann, August. 575 Pi 02 "^^^ Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems. Edited by Edward B. Poulton, Selmar Schonland, and Arthur E. Shipley. Authorised translation. — Second edition. 2 vol. il. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1 891-1892. Vol. 2 is in first edition. Contents: Vol. i. i. The duration of life, 1881. 2. On heredity, 1883. 3. Life and death, 1883. 4. The continuity of the germ-plasm as the foundation of a theory ol heredity, 1885. 5. The significance of sexual reproduction in the theory of natural selection, 1886. 6. On the number of polar bodies and their significance in heredity, 1887. 7. On the supposed botanical proofs of the transmission of acquired characters, 1888. 8. The supposed transmission of mutilations, 1888. Vol. 2. 9. Retrogressive development in nature, 1886. 10. Thoughts upon the musical sense in animals and man, 1889. 11. Remarks on certain problems of fhe day, 1890. 12. Amphimixis 01 the essential meaning of conjugation and sexual reproduction, 1891. Romanes, George John. 575 P201 "^'* Darwin, and after Darwin. An exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions 3 vol. il. pi. por. facsim. O. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1892- 1897. Contents: Vol. i. The Darwinian theory. Vol. 2. Post-Darwinian questions. Hered- ity and utility. Vol. 3. Post-Darwinian questions. Isolation and physiological selection. Vol. 2 and 3 edited by C. Lloyd Morgan. Clodd, Edward. 575P401 ^^^' A primer of evolution. viii,i86 p. il. i pi. S. New York : Long- mans, Green, & Co., 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM I4I Jordan, David Starr. 575 P800 J6623 poot-notes to evolution. A series of popular addresses on the evolution of life. With supplementary essays by Edwin Grant Conklin, Frank Mace McFarland, James Perrin Smith, xviii, 392 p. il. 6 pi. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. Contents : i . The kinship of Hfe. 2. Evolution : what it is and what it is not. 3. The elements of organic evolution. 4. Conklin, E. G. The factors of evolution from the standpoint of embryology. 5. The heredity of Richard Roe. 6. McFarland, F. M. The physical basis of heredity. 7. The distribution of species. 8. Latitude and verte- brae. 9. Smith, J. P. Evolution of fossil cephalopoda. 10. The evolution of the mind. 11. Degeneration. 12. Hereditay inefficiency. 13. The woman of evolution and the woman of pessimism. 14. The stability of truth. 15. The struggle for realities. Weismann, August. 575.1 N500 *^^ Studies in the theory of descent. With notes and additions by the author. Translated and edited, with notes, by Raphael Mel- dola. With a prefatory notice by Charles Darwin. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xxxvi, 1-400 p.; vol. 2: 401-729 p.; pi. O. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1882. Contents: On the seasonal dimorphism of butterflies. — On the final causes of trans- formation: I. The origin of the markings of caterpillars. 2. On phyletic parallelism in metamorphic species. 3. The transformation of the Mexican axolotl into amblystoma. 4. On the mechanical conception of nature. Romanes, George John. 575 -i O600 16310 An examination of Weismannism. ix,22i p. i por. O. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1893. Contents: i. Statement of Weismann's system up to the year 1886. 2. Later addi- tions to Weismann's system up to the year 1892. 3. Weismann's Theory of heredity (1891). 4. Examination of Weismann's Theory of evolution. 5. Weismannism up to date (1893). Appendix i. On germ-plasm. 2. On telegony. Galton, Francis. 575.1 O900 ^"'^ Natural inheritance. ix,[2],2 59 p. 16 il. O. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1889. Weismann, August. 575.1 P20i 12296 ^Y[Q germ-plasm : a theory of heredity. Translated by W. New- ton Parker, and Harriet Ronnfeldt. xxii,[2],477 p. 24 il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 22.] London: W. Scott, 1893. Darwin, Charles. 575.2 N600 The variation of animals and plants under domestication. Sec- ond edition, revised 2 vol. il. O. New York: D.Apple- ton & Co., 1876. Contains a chapter: The provisional hypothesis of pangenesis. 142 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Wallace, Alfred Russel. 575.4 Nioo '®- Contributions to the theory of natural selection. A series of essays. Second edition, with corrections xvi,384 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1871. Wallace, Alfred Russel. 575.4 O900 '"' Darwinism. An exposition of the theory of natural selection, with some of its applications. xvi,494p. 37 il. i por. i map. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1889. Darwin, Charles. 575.5 N400 '" The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. Second edition, revised .... xvi,688 p. 78 il. D. London : J. Murray, 1874. 576 ORIGINS AND BEGINNINGS OF LIFE Hertwig, Oscar. 576.3 P200 i2«49 -pi^g ^gjj Outlines of general anatomy and physiology. Trans- lated by M. Campbell, and edited by Henry Johnstone Campbell. xvi,368 p. 168 il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. "Literature," at the end of each chapter. Wilson, Edmund Beecher. 576.3 P600 5632 Thg cell in development and inheritance. xvi,37i p. 142 il. O. (Columbia University. Biological series, vol. 4.) New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. With bibliographical references at the end of each chapter. 578 MICROSCOPY Stokes, Alfred Cheatham. 578.02 P400 19079 Microscopical praxis: or, Simple methods of ascertaining the properties of various microscopical accessories. xv,244 p. il. I pi. D. Portland, Conn.: E. F. Bigelow, 1894. Griffith, John William, df Henfrey, Arthur. 578.03 O300 13691 -phe micrographic dictionary; a guide to the examination and in- vestigation of the structure and nature of microscopic objects. Fourth edition. Edited by J. W. Grififith, assisted by the Rev.' M. J. Berkeley, and T. Rupert Jones. 2 vol. in i. il. pi. O. London: J. Van Voorst, 1883. Vol. I, text; vol. 2, plates. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 143 Zimmermann, Albrecht. 578.8 P300 12093 Botanical microtechnique. A hand-book of methods for the preparation, staining, and microscopical investigation of vegetable structures. Translated from the German by James Ellis Hum- phrey. xii,296 p. 6311. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1893. "Literature", p. 265-283. Lee, Arthur Bolles. 578-9 P^oi 9379 jj-jg microtomist's vade-mecum. A hand book of the methods of microscopic anatomy. Fourth edition. xii,536 p. O. Lon- don: J. & A. Churchill, 1896. 580 BOTANY 580.1-580.9 GENERAL WORKS Henfrey, Arthur. 580.2 N800 ^*" An elementary course of botany, structural, physiological, and systematic. Third edition. By Maxwell T. Masters. xv,74i p, 618 il. D. London: J. Van Voorst, 1878. Gray, Asa. 580.2 N901 16702 gj-j-uctural botany, or. Organography on the basis of morphology. To which is added the principles of taxonomy and phytography, and a glossary of botanical terms. (Sixth edition.) xii,442 p. 695 il. O. (Gray's botanical text-book, vol. i.) New York: American Book Co., c. 1879. Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 580.2 O200 17672 Text-book of general botany. Translation from the second Ger- man edition. Revised by Patrick Geddes. viii,374 p. 408 il. 4 tables. O. Edinburgh: Y. J. Pentland, 1885. Kerner von Marilaun, Anton. L580.2O700 6308 'j'j^g natural history of plants : their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution. Translated and edited by F. W. Oliver, with the assistance of Marian Busk and Mary F. Ewart. 2 vol. in 4. il. pi. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1895. Gray, Asa. 580.2 O702 13026 Qj-^y's Lessons in botany. Revised edition. The elements oi botany for beginners and for schools, 226 p. 589 il. O. New York: American Book Co., c. 1887. Published with Gray, A. Field, forest, and garden botany, under the title : Gray's school and field book of botany. 144 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Gray, Asa. 580.2 O702 I30J7 piei(j^ forest and garden botany. A simple introduction to the common plants of the United States east of the looth meridian, both wild and cultivated. Revised and extended by L. H. Bailey. 519 p. O. New York: American Book Co., c. 1895. Published with Gray, A. Gray's Lessons in botany, under the title: Gray's school and field book of botany. [Moore], Jane Hancox, [dom^ Newell. 580.2 O800 '*"' Outlines of lessons in botany. For the use of teachers, or mothers studying with their children. By Jane H. Newell. Illustrated by H. P. Symmes. 2 vol. il. pi. D. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1893-1898. Vol. I published in^iSgS, c. 1888. Aveling, Edward [Bibbins]. 580.2 Pioo *''° An introduction to the study of botany. With a glossar}' of over 600 words. iv,363 p. 271 il. D. [Introductory science text- books.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891. Strasburger, Eduard, & others. 580.2 P500 •"''^ A text-book of botany by Dr. E. Strasburger, Dr. Fritz Noll, Dr. H. Schcnck, Dr. A. F. W. Schimper. Translated from the German by H. C. Porter. ix,[i],632 p. 594 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Hooker, 5/;- Joseph Dalton. 580.2 P600 ^''* Botany. Third edition, revised and corrected. 129 p. 6% il. S. (Science primers, no. 8.) New York: American Book Co., [1896]. Loudon, [John Claudius] . 580.3 L500 ^"* Loudon's encyclopaedia of plants ; comprising the specific charac- ter, description, culture, history, application in the arts, and every other desirable particular respecting all the plants indigenous to, or introduced into Britain. Edited by Mrs. Loudon, assisted by George Don and David Wooster xxii,i 574 p. il. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1880. Allen, Grant. 580.4 A425 6893 piowers and their pedigrees. [6] ,266 p. 54 il. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1884. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 145 581-581. 8 PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY Sachs, Julius von. 581 O200 10730 Outlines in classification and special morphology of plants. By Dr. K. Goebel. A new edition of Sachs' Text-book of botany, book II. Authorised English translation by Henry E. F. Garnsey. Revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour. xii,5i5 p. 407 il. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1887. Sachs, Julius von. S^i O201 13826 Text-book of botany, morphological and physiological. Edited, with an appendix, by Sidney H. Vines. Second edition, xii, 980 p. 492 il. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882. Massee, George. 581 Pioo ■'^'*' The plant world: its past, present, and future. An introduction to the study of botany. x,2i2 p. 56 il. .D. [Whittaker's library of popular science.] London: Whittaker & Co., 1891. Massee, George. 581 Pi 01 *'^' The evolution of plant life. Lower forms. viii,242 p. 38 il. D. [University extension series.] London: Methuen & Co., 1891. Allen, Grant. 581 P600 ^°'^ The story of the plants. 213 p. 49 il. S. [Library of useful stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Arthur, Joseph Charles, & MacDougal, Daniel Trembly. 581 P800 11578 Liyiiig plants and their properties. A collection of essays, ix, 234 p. il. I pi. O. New York: Baker & Taylor, 1898. Coulter, John Merle. 581 P900 20030 Plant relations. A first book of botany. vii,264 p. 206 il. O. (Twentieth century text-book.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1899. Darwin, Francis, & Acton, E. Hamilton. 581. i P500 9196 Practical physiology of plants. Second edition. xix,[3],340 p. 45 il. D. [Cambridge natural science manuals. Biological series.] Cambridge: University Press, 1895. Detmer, Wilhelm. 581.1 P501 18777 Practical plant physiology. An introduction to original research for students and teachers of natural science, medicine, agriculture and forestry. Translated from the second German edition by S. A. Moor. xix,555 p. 18411. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1898. 146 THE JOtlN CRERAR LIBRARY Darwin, Charles. 581.13 N500 '" Insectivorous plants. x,462 p. 30 il. O. New York : D. Apple- ton & Co., 1875. Allen, Grant. 581.157 O200 i75:u The colours of flowers as illustrated in the British flora. vi,i I9p. 45 il. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1882. Darwin, Charles. 581.17 Oioo 14659 -Yhe power of movement in plants. By Charles Darwin, assisted by Francis Darwin. x,592 p. 196 il. O. New York: D.Apple- ton & Co., 1897. Ward , Harry Marshall . 581.23 O900 '""^ Diseases of plants [4], 196 p. 53 il. S. (Romance of science.) London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1896. Bary, Anton de. 581.4 N700 ""' Comparative anatomy of the vegetative organs of the phanerogams and ferns. Translated and annotated by F. O. Bower and D. H. Scott. xvi,659 p. 241 il. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1884. Darwin, Charles. 581.5 N600 " The movements and habits of climbing plants. Second edition, revised. viii,2o8 p. 13 il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1876. Taylor, John Ellor. 581.5 O400 ^^^"^ The sagacity & morality of plants. A sketch of the life & conduct of the vegetable kingdom. A new edition. xi,3ii p. 100 il. 1 pi. D. London: Chatto & Windus, 1891. Candolle, Alphonse de. 581.6 O200 '' Origin of cultivated plants. viii,[2],468 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 48.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1885. Smith, John. 581.61 O200 17880 j^ dictionary of popular names of the plants which furnish the natural and acquired wants of man, in all matters of domestic and general economy. Their history, products, & uses. ix,457 P- O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1882. Strasburger, Eduard. 581.8 O900 "'* Handbook of practical botany Edited from the German by W. Hillhouse. Revised by the author and with many addi- tional notes by author and editor. [Fourth edition.] xxiv,425 p. ii6il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 147 581.9 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Drude, Oscar. L581.9 O700 '^"' Atlas der Pflanzenverbreitung. 6 p. 8 maps. F*. (Berghaus' PHYSIKALISCHER Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabc] Abteilung 5.) Gotha: J. Perthes, 1887. Newhall , Charles Stedman. 58 1 • 97 P300 ®^** The shrubs of northeastern America. 249 p. il. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Gray, Asa, & others. L581.97 P500 17528 Synoptical flora of North America: vol. I. — Parti. Fascicles I and II. Polypetalae from the ranunculaceae to the polygalaceae. (Thalamiflorae et disciflorae.) Edited by Benjamin Lincoln Rob- inson. 1 895-1 897. XV, 506 p. Q. New York: American Book Co. c. 1895-1897. Britton, Nathaniel Lord, & Brown, Addison. L581.97 P600 5636 ^j^ illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada, and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean west- ward to the I02d meridian 3 vol. il. Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 896-1 898. Newhall, Charles Steadman. 581.97 P700 10230 'Y\y& vines of northeastern America. xxx,207 p. il. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Newhall, Charles Stedman. 581.974 Pooi ■*"** The trees of northeastern America. Illustrations from original sketches. With an introductory note by Nath. L. Britton. xiv, 250 p. il. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895, c. 1890. 582-589 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY Apgar, Austin Craig. 582 P200 1723 -pj-ees of the northern United States. Their study, description and determination. For the use of schools .... 224 p. il. D. New York: American Book Co., c. 1892. Bennett, Alfred William, &• Murray, George. 586 O900 12727 ^ handbook of cryptogamic botany. viii,473 p. 382 il. O. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889. "Literature" for each class. 148 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Campbell, Douglas Houghton. 586 P500 ^^■^^ The structure & development of the mosses & ferns (archegon- iatae). viii,544 p. 266 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contains a bibliography. Underwood, Lucien Marcus. 589 P900 ^""'^ Moulds, mildews and mushrooms. A guide to the systematic study of the fungi and mycetozoa and their literature. v,236 p. 10 pi. D. New York: H. Holt & Co.. 1899. With bibliographical references for each order. "The geographic distribution of American fungi," with bibliographical references, p. 165-200. Schneider, Albert. 589.1 P800 ""^ A guide to the study of lichens. xii,[2],234 p. 11 pi. D. Bos- ton: B. Whidden, 1898. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. 589.2 N400 *■" Fungi : their nature and uses. Edited by the Rev. M. J. Berke- ley. xii,299 p. 109 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 15.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1880. Gibson, William Hamilton. 589.22 P500 6310 Qjjj. eclibie toadstools and mushrooms and how to distinguish them. A selection of thirty native food varieties . . . , with sim- ple rules for the identification of poisonous species. x,[2],337 p. il. 30 pi. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1895. Contains a bibliography. 589.9 BACTERIOLOGY Jorgensen, Alfred. 589.9 P200 ""* Micro-organisms and fermentation. New edition. Translated from the re-written and much enlarged third edition in German by Alex. K. Miller and E. A. Lennholm, and revised by the author. viii,257 p. 56 il. O. London: F. W. Lyon, 1893. Contains a bibliography of bacteriology. Woodhead, German Sims. 589-95 Pioo '" Bacteria and their products. With ... an appendix giving a short account of bacteriological methods, and a diagnostic de- scription of the common bacteria. xiii,459 p. 20 il. D. [Con- temporary science series.] New York: Scribner & Welford, 1891. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 49 Migula, Walther. 589-95 P200 6730 j^^ introduction to practical bacteriology for physicians, chemists and students. Translated by M. Campbell and edited by H. J. Campbell, viii, 247 p. il. D. [Introductory science text-books.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. Sternberg, George Miller. 589-95 P301 "°'"' A manual of bacteriology. xii,886 p. 268 il. 8 pi. O. New York: W. Wood & Co., 1893. "Bibliography," p. 769-876. Conn, Herbert William. 589.95 P706 9686 -pj^g Story of germ life. 199 p. 34 il. S. [Library of useful stories.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. 590 ZOOLOGY 590.1-590.9 GENERAL WORKS Agassiz, Louis. 590.1 M300 ®"*^ Methods of study in natural history. Twenty-first edition, viii, 319 p. il. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893. Brooks, William Keith. 590.1 P900 17885 'pj^g foundations of zoology. [A course of lectures delivered at Columbia University on the principles of science as illustrated by zoology.] viii, 339 p. O. (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Biologi- cal series, vol. 5.) New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Contents: i. Introductory. 2. Huxley, and the problem of the naturalist. 3. Na- ture and nurture. 4. Lamarck. 5. Migration in its bearings on Lamarckism. 6, parti. Zoology, and the philosophy of evolution. 6, part 11. A note on the views of Galton and Weismann on inheritance. 7. Galton, and the statistical study of inheritance. 8. Darwin, and the origin of species. 9. Natural selection, and the antiquity of life. 10. Natural selection and natural theology. 1 1 . Paley, and the argument from contri- vance. 12. The mechanism of nature. 13. Louis Agassiz and George Berkeley. Claus, Carl. 590.2 N900 ®^" Elementary text-book of zoology. Special part: MoUusca to man. Translated and edited by Adam Sedgwick, with the assist- ance of F. G. Heathcote. [Sixth edition.] 352 p. 215 il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. I 50 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Brehm, Alfred Edmund. L590.2 Poor '"■" Brchms Ticrlcbcn. Allgemeine Kunde dcs Ticrreichs. Dritte, giinzlich neubearbeitete Auflage. Von Prof. Dr. Pechuel- Loesche 10 vol. and index, il. pi. por. maps. O. Leip- zig: Bibliographisches Institut, i890-[i897]. Contents: Vol. 1-3. Brehm, A. E. Die Siiugetiere. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Wilh. Haacke neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Vol. 4-6. Brehm, A. E. Die Vogel. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Wilh. Haacke neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Vol. 7. Brehm, A. E. Die Kriechtiere und Lurche. Neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. O. Boettger und Professor Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Vol. 8. Brehm, A. E. Die Fische. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Wilh. Haacke neubearbeitet von Pro- fessor Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Vol. 9. Taschenberg, E. L. Die Insekten, Tausendfiisser und Spinnen. Vol. 10. Schmidt, O. Die niederen Tiere. Neubearbeitet von Professor Dr. W. Marshall. Packard, Alpheus Spring. 590.2 P200 ^"^^ Zoology for high schools and colleges. Ninth edition, revised. viii,722 p. 545 il. 19 pi. O. (American science series.) New York: H. Holt & Co., 1895. Thomson, J. Arthur. 590.2 P201 9086 -pj^g Study of animal life. Third edition. xii,375 p. 71 il. D. [University extension manuals.] New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. "Some ot the 'best books' on animal life", p. 351-369. Lydekker, Richard, &" others. 590.2 P701 ^^^" The concise knowledge natural history. [The animal kingdom.] By R. Lydekker ; R. Bowdler Sharpe ; W. F. Kirby ; W. Gar- stang ; B. B. Woodward ; F. A. Bather ; R. Kirkpatrick ; R. I. Pocock ; and H. M. Bernard. xvi,77i p. 530 il. O. [Concise knowledge library.] London: Hutchinson & Co., 1897. Parker, Thomas Jeffery, &• Haswell, William A. 590.2 P702 '"" A text-book of zoology. 2 vol. il. O. London : Macmillan & Co., 1897. "(}ui(le to modern zoological literature," vol. 2, p. 651-655. Sedgwick, Adam, J/, y^. ■ 590.2 P8oo io864 ^ student's text-book of zoology. Vol. i-. il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschcin & Co., 1898-. Lydekker, Richard. 590.4 L98 13603 Phases of animal life, past and present. [6] ,248 p. 82 il. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM I5I Mivart, St. George. 590.4 M69 12120 Ai^igrican types of animal life. viii,374 p. 103 il. D. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1894. Furneaux, William S. 590-7 P^oo ®"^^ Life in ponds and streams. 406 p. 311 il. 8 pi. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Bateman, Gregory C. 590-7 P700 10853 jj^g vivarium, being a practical guide to the construction, arrange- ment, and management of vivaria, containing full information as to all reptiles suitable as pets, how and where to obtain them, and how to keep them in health. [4] ,424 p. il. 6 pi. D. Lon- don: L. U. Gill, pref. 1897. Audubon, Maria R. 590.9205 A9161 11981 ^u(;juj-,on and his journals. With zoological and other notes by- Elliott Coues. 2 vol. pi. por. facsim. O. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. 591-591. 8 PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY Morgan, Conway Lloyd. 5gi Pioo ^"' Animal life and intelligence. [Second edition.] xvi,5i2p. 40 il. I pi. O. London: E. Arnold, 1891. Griffiths, Arthur Bower. 59i-i P200 *^^ The physiology of the invertebrata. xvi,477,[i] p. 81 il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Verworn, Max. 591. i P701 General physiology. An outline of the science of life. Trans- lated from the second German edition and edited by Frederic S. Lee. xvi,6i5 p. 285 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. 589-599. Marey, Etienne Jules. 591.17 O900 '''^ Movement. Translated by Eric Pritchard. xv,323 p. 204 il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 73.) New York : D. Apple- ton & Co., 1895. M'Kendrick, John Gray, & Snodgrass, William. 591.18 P300 3309 Xhe physiology of the senses. xx,3i8p. 127 il. D. (University extension manuals.) New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. Halliburton, William Dobinson. 591.19 Pioo ^"® A text-book of chemical physiology and pathology. xx,874 p. 104 il. O. London; Longmans, Green, & Co., 1891. 152 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Foster, Michael, & Balfour, Francis M. 59^ -3 0300 *-'^ The elements of embryology. Edited by Adam Sedgwick and Walter Heape. [Second edition revised.] xiv,[2],486 p. 141 il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896, pref. 1883. Korschelt, Eugen, &■ Heider, K. 591.3 P500 '*"*• Text-book of the embryology of invertebrates. Translated from the German by Edward L. Mark [and] W. McM. Woodworth. With additions by the authors and translators xv,[i], 484 p. 225 il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. "Literature," at the end of each chapter. Lang, Arnold. 591.4 Pioi ®^'^ Text-book of comparative anatomy [of the invertebrata] . With preface to the English translation by Professor Dr. Ernst Haeckel. Translated into English by Henry M. Bernard and Matilda Ber- nard. 2 vol, il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891-1896. "Literature" in each chapter. Davenport, Charles Benedict. 591.4 P600 ^^^* Experimental morphology. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : i-xiv, 1-280 p.; vol, 2: [2],xa-xb,xv-xviii,28i-509 p. il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1 897-1 899. "Literature" at the end of each chapter. Contents: Vol. i. Effect of chemical and physical agents upon protoplasm. Vol. 2. Effect of chemical and physical agents upon growth. Wiedersheim, Robert. 591.4 P700 ®°®* Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Adapted from the German of Dr. Robert Wiedersheim, by W. N. Parker. Second edition (founded on the third German edition), xvi,488 p, 307 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. "Bibliography", p. 389-480. Holder, Charles Frederick. 591.5 O800 "'^° Marvels of animal life. x,240 p. 32 pi. D. (Marvels of animal life series,) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1895, c. 1888. Cornish, C. J. 591.5 P600 '''"'* Animals at work and play. Their activities and emotions, xi, 323 p. 12 pi. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Morgan, Conway Lloyd. 591.5 P602 "®* Habit and instinct. [6], 351 p. i pi. O. London: E.Arnold, 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 153 Thompson, Ernest [Evan] Seton. 591-5 P8oo 16293 \Yii(i animals I have known. Being the personal histories of Lobo ... and Redruff. 358 p. il. 29 pi. paged in. O. New York City: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. Mathews, Ferdinand Schuyler. 59i«5 P801 16495 pamiliar life in field and forest. The animals, birds, frogs and salamanders. xvi,284 p. il. 26 pi. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. Mills, Wesley. 591.5 P802 16519 Yi^g nature & development of animal intelligence. xii,307 p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Darwin, Charles. 591.51 N300 '^ The expression of the emotions in man and animals. v,[2],374 p. il. 7 pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1873. Romanes, George John. 591.51 Oioo **■* Animal intelligence. xiv,520 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 44.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883. Romanes, George John. 591.51 O300 ^'^ Mental evolution in animals. With A posthumous essay on in- stinct. By Charles Darwin. [2], 411 p. 3 il. i table. O. Lon- don: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1883. Lubbock, Sir John, Bart. 591.51 O800 ^^'^ On the senses, instincts, and intelHgence of animals, with special reference to insects. xxix,292 p. 118 il. D. (International sci- entific series, vol. 64.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1888. Groos, Karl. 591.51 P601 17002 -Y\ie play of animals. Translated with the author's co-operation by Elizabeth L. Baldwin. With a preface and an appendix by J. Mark Baldwin. xxvi,34i p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., c. 1898. Poulton, Edward Bagnall. 591.57 Pooi 8896 ji^g colours of animals. Their meaning and use, especially con- sidered in the case of insects. xiii,[2],36op. 66 il. i pi. i table. D. (International scientific series, vol. 6^.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Schafer, Edward Albert. 59i-8 P700 '*"'' A course of practical histology. Second edition. xi,298 p. 59 il. D. Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co., 1897. 154 THE JOHN CREIL\R LIBRARY Schafer, Edward Albert. 591.8 P8oo 17709 jj^g essentials of histology, descriptive and practical Fifth edition. xi,359 p. 392 il. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. 591.9 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Wallace, Alfred Russel. 591.9 N600 *^ The geographical distribution of animals. With a study of the relations of living and extinct faunas as elucidating the past changes of the earth's surface. 2 vol. pi. maps. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1876. Marshall, William. L59I-9 O700 12792 ^|-|as der Tierverbreitung. 10 p. 9 maps. F\ (Berghaus' PHYSIKALISCHER Atlas. [Dritte Ausgabe.] Abteilung 6.) Gotha: J. Perthes, 1887. Beddard, Frank Evers. 591.9 P400 16700 ^ text-book of zoogeography. viii,246 p. il. 5 maps. D. (Cam- bridge natural science manuals. Biological series.) Cambridge: University Press, 1895. Lydekker, Richard. 59i-9 P600 "56 ^ geographical history of mammals, xii.400 p. 82 il. i map. O. [Cambridge geographical series.] Cambridge : University Press, 1896. Wallace, Alfred Russel. 591.922 Oooi ^"^ Island life; or, The phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates. xvii,[2],526 p. il. 3 maps. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1880. 592-595 INVERTEBRATES McMurrich, James Playfair. 592 P400 *'*' A text-book of invertebrate morphology. Second edition, re- vised. vii,66i p. 291 il. O. New York: H. Hoh & Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 155 Binet, Alfred. 593 O900 ®*®' The psychic life of micro-organisms. A study in experimental psychology. Translated from the French by Thomas McCor- mack. With a preface by the author written especially for the American edition. xii,i20,[2] p. il. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1889. Darwin, Charles. 595 •! Oioo ®'"® The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms, with observations on their habits. vii,326 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Stebbing, Thomas Roscoe Rede. 595-3 P300 6463 ^ history of Crustacea. Recent malacostraca. xvii,466 p. 32 il. 19 pi. D. (International scientific series, vol. 71.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1893. Huxley, Thomas Henry. 595.37 N900 ^^^ The crayfish. An introduction to the study of zoology. xiv,37i p. 81 il. I pi. D. (International scientific series, vol. 28.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1880. Lubbock, Sii' John, Bart. 595-7 N300 9263 Q^ ^j^g origin and metamorphoses of insects. xvi,io8 p. il. i pi. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. List of the author's memoirs on the annulosa, published in the transactions of various societies, p. viii-x. Packard, Alpheus Spring. 595.7 Oi 00 '°^" Half hours with insects. viii,384 p. 260 il. 2 pi. O. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, c. 1881. Saunders, William. 595-7 O300 *^°' Insects injurious to fruits. Second edition. 436 p. 440 il. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1889, c. 1883. McCook, Henry Christopher. 595.7 O400 Tenants of an old farm ; leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. [Second edition.] [6],iii,46o p. 140 il. D. New York : Fords, Howard, & Hulbert, 1885. Miall, Louis C. 595-7 P500 **^^ The natural history of aquatic insects. ix,[2],395 p. 116 il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Comstock, John Henry, (S-Comstock, Anna Botsford. 595.7 P501 13953 ^ manual for the study of insects. Second edition. x,70i p. 797 il. 6 pi. O. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock PubHshing Co., 1897. 156 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Smith, John Bernhard. 595.7 P600 "^' Economic cntomolog)' for the farmer and fruit-grower, and for use as a text-book .... 481 p. il. 19 pi. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co.. 1896. Comstock, John Henry. 595-7 P700 ■"' Insect life. An introduction to nature-study [6] ,349 p. 296 il. 6 pi. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Packard, Alpheus Spring. 595.7 P800 15260 j^ text-book of entomology including the anatomy, physiology, embryology and metamorphoses of insects. For use in agricul- tural and technical schools ... as well as by the working entomol- ogist. xvii,729 p. 654 il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. "Literature" scattered through the book. Hofmann, Ernst. 595-76 P700 ®"^ The young beetle-collector's handbook. With an introduction b}- W. Egmont Kirby. viii.i/S p. 20 pi. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. French, George Hazen. 595-78 P600 10914 ji^j^ butterflies of the eastern United States. For the use of classes in zoology and private students. New and revised edition. 414 p. 93 il. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896, c. 1885. Holland, William Jacob. L595.78 P800 '"" The butterfly book. A popular guide to a knowlege of the but- terflies of North America. xx,382 p. 183 il. 48 pi. Q. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898. Lubbock, Sir John, Bart. 595.79 Oioo Ants, bees, and wasps. A record of observations on the habits of the social hymenoptera. xix,448 p. 31 il. 5 pi. D. (Inter- national scientific series, vol. 42.) New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1882. 596-599 VERTEBRATES Jordan, David Starr. 596N800 Manual of the vertebrates of the northern United States, including the district east of the Mississippi River, and north of North Caro- lina and Tennessee, exclusive of marine species. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. 406 p. D. Chicago : Jansen, McClurg & Co., 1884, c. 1878. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM ' 157 Dean, Bashford. 597 P500 9845 Pishes, living and fcssil. An outline of their forms and probable relationships. xiv.SOQ p. il. i pi. O. (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Biological series, vol. 3.) New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. "Bibliography", p. 231-251. Willey, Arthur. 597-1 P400 9605 Amphioxus and the ancestry of the vertebrates. With a preface by Henry Fairfield Osborn. xiv,3i6 p. 135 il. i pi. O. (CO- LUMBIA University. Biological series, vol. 2.) New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. "References", p. 295-309. Baird, Spencer Fullerton, Brewer, T. M., L598.2 N502 •°"« &■ Ridgway, R. A history of North American birds. Land birds. 3 vol. il. pi. Q. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1875. Langille, John Hibbert. 598.2 O400 °^® Our birds in their haunts : a popular treatise on the birds of east- ern North America. 624 p. il. 2 pi. sq. O. Boston: S. E. Cas- sino & Co., 1884. Trumbull, Gurdon. 598.2 O800 "°' Names and portraits of birds which interest gunners, with descrip- tions in language understanded of the people. viii,22i p. 61 il. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1888. Coues, Elliott. L598.2 P003 12794 ]^gy |-Q North American birds. Containing a concise account of every species of living and fossil bird at present known from the continent north of the Mexican and United States boundary, in- clusive of Greenland and Lower California, with which are incor- porated General ornithology: an outline of the structure and classification of birds ; and Field ornithology, a manual of collect- ing, preparing, and preserving birds. The fourth edition, exhibit- ing the new nomenclature of the American Ornithologists' Union, and including descriptions of additional species, etc. xxx,907 p. 561 il, I pi. Q. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1896, c. 1887. Mivart, St. George. 598.2 P200 ^'^' Birds : the elements of ornithology. [8],329 p. 170 il. D. Lon- don: R. H. Porter, [1892]. 158 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Newton, Alfred. 598.2 P301 "" A dictionary of birds. By Alfred Newton, assisted by Hans Ga- dow. With contributions from Richard Lydekker, Charles S. Roy, and Robert W. Shufeldt. 4 vol. in i, paged continuously, il. map. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1 893-1 896. Elliot, Daniel Giraud. 598.2 P500 '*" North American shore birds. A history of the snipes, sand- pipers, plovers and their allies inhabiting the beaches and marshes of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the prairies, and the shores of the inland lakes and rivers of the North American continent ; . . . . A reference book for the naturalist, sportsman and lover of birds. 268 p. 3 il. 71 pi. O. New York: F. P. Harper, 1895. Chapman, Frank Michler. 598.2 P501 ^^* Handbook of birds of eastern North America Third edi- tion. xiv,427 p. 115 il. 20 pi. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. American Ornithologists' Union. 598.2 P503 12728 Check-list of North American birds. Prepared by a committee of the American Ornithologists' Union. Second and revised edi- tion. xi,372 p. O. New York 1895. The members of the committee were: Elliott Coues, J. A. Allen, Robert Ridgway, William Brewster, H. \V. Henshaw. Headley, F. W. 598.2 P505 '"■"'^ The structure and life of birds. xx,4i2 p. yy il. i pi. O. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Nuttall, Thomas. 598.2 P600 *"" A popular handbook of the ornithology of eastern North America. Second revised and annotated edition, by Montague Chamber- lain. With additions. 2 vol. il.pl. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1896. Ridgway, Robert. 598.2 P604 "**' A manual of North American birds. Second edition. xiii,653 p. 62 pi. I por. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896. Baskett, James Newton. 598.2 P700 ^"* The story of the birds. xxix,263 p. il. 21 pi. D. (Appleton's home reading books.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Wright, Mabel Osgood, & Coues, Elliott. 598.2 P703 "^^ Citizen Bird. Scenes from bird-life in plain English for beginners. With . . . illustrations by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. xiv,430 p. il. I pi. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM I 59 Apgar, Austin Craig. 598.2 P806 ''*'' Birds of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. A manual for the identification of species in hand or in the bush. 415 p. il. D. New York: American Book Co., c. 1898. Flower, Sir William Henry, & Lydekker, Richard. 599 Pi 00 14115 ^j^ introduction to the study of mammals, living and extinct. xvi,763 p. 357 il. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1891. Garner, Richard L. 599-8 P600 6896 Qorillas and chimpanzees. viii,[2],27i p. il. i por. O. London: Osgood, Mcllvaine & Co., 1896. l60 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 600 APPLIED SCIENCES 601-609 GENERAL WORKS Van Cleve, B. Frank. 602 Pooi 18071 ^YYiQ English and American mechanic : an every-day hand-book for the workshop and the factory. Containing several thousand receipts, rules and tables .... A new, revised, enlarged and improved edition edited by Emory Edwards. xxv,476 p. il. D. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1893. Workshop receipts. 603 i 13725 Workshop receipts. Continued from [first series], il. D. Lon- don 1 892-. [First series] edited by Ernest Spon; second series, by Robert Haldane; third-fourth series, by C. G. Warnford Lock. [First series] is in second edition, revised, published in 1895 under the title: Work- shop receipts for the use of manufacturers, mechanics and scientific amateurs. Knight, Edward Henry. L603 N201 ""* Knight's American mechanical dictionary. A description of tools, instruments, machines, processes, and engineering ; history of inven- tions ; general technological vocabulary ; and digest of mechani- cal appliances in science and the arts. 3 vol. paged continuous- ly; vol. i: vi,[2],i-944 p. ; vol.2: iv,945-i888 p. ; vol. 3: [4], 1889-2839 p. il.pl. Q. Boston: vol. 1-2, Houghton, Osgood & Co., 1880; vol. 3, Hurd & Houghton, 1877. Knight, Edward Henry. L603 N202 "°^ Knight's new mechanical dictionary. A description of tools, in- struments, machines, processes and engineering, with indexical references to technical journals (1876-1880.) viii,96o p. 2549 il. 56 pi. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1884. Colange, Leo de. L603 Oooi The American encyclopedia of commerce, manufactures, com- mercial law, and finance : . . . . 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i: vii, 1-622 p.; vol. 2: [23,623-1 141 p. 502 il. Q. Boston: Estes & Lauriat; vol. i.: prcf. 1881, vol. 2: c. 1880. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM l6l Lock, Charles G. Warnford, editor. L603O200 '^^' Spons' encyclopaedia of the industrial arts, manufactures, and raw commercial products. 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol i : viii,io88 p. ; vol. 2 : 1089-2142p.il. Q. London : E. & F. N. Spon, 1882. Rohrig, Ernst, editor. 603O600 "'^ TechnologischesWorterbuch: deutsch-englisch-franzosisch Vierte verbesserte und . . . vermehrte Auflage. 3 vol. O. Wies- baden : J. F. Bergmann, 1887-1891. Vol. 3, revised edition, printed in 1887. — Contains also terms relating to the natural sciences. Hopkins, Albert Allis, editor. 603P200 '"' The Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts, notes and queries. [4], 708 p. il. O. New York: Munn & Co., 1895. Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied mechanics. 1-603 P202 ^*'" Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied mechanics. Revised . . . edi- tion. A dictionary of mechanical engineering and the mechanical arts. Edited by Park Benjamin. With a supplementary volume (Modern mechanism). 2 vol. and suppl. il.pl. Q, New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1893. Modern mechanism. L603 P203 ^■•^a Modern mechanism : exhibiting the latest progress in machines, motors, and the transmission of power. Being a supplementary volume to Appleton's cyclopedia of applied mechanics. Edited by Park Benjamin. vi,924 p. il. 12 pi. Q. New York: D. Ap- pleton & Co., 1892. Cooley, Arnold James. L603 P204 °^^* Cooley's cyclopaedia of practical receipts and collateral information in the arts, manufactures, professions, and trades, .... Designed as a ... supplement to the pharmacopoeia and general book of reference ... . Seventh edition, revised and greatly enlarged by W. North. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : x, [2], 1-896 p.; vol. 2 : [2], 897-1 827 p. il. Q. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1892. Lueger, Otto, editor. L603 P400 Otto Luegers Lexikon der gesamten Technik und ihrer Hilfswis- senschaften 7 vol. il. Q. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags- Anstalt, pref. 1894- [1899]. Bureau of the American Republics. L603 P700 ^^"■^ Commercial nomenclature. Published by recommendation of the International American Conference. August 1897. iii,670 p. F. Washington 1897. 1 62 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Knight, George H. 608.73 P300 '**" Patent-Office manual, including the law and practice of cases in the United States Patent Office and the courts holding a revisory relation thereto. Also, an appendix of copyright decisions, etc. [8], 65 5 p. O. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1893. Beckmann, Johann. 609 K600 ®" A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins. Translated from the German, by William Johnston. Fourth edition, . . . revised and enlarged by William Francis and J. W. Griffith. 2 vol. por. D. [Bohn's standard librar>^] London: H. G. Bohn, 1846. Yeats, John. 609 O700 19802 Technical, industrial, and trade education. The technical history of commerce ; or. The progress of the useful arts Third edition, revised and much enlarged. xxviii,527 p. i map in pocket. D. London: G. Philip & Son, [1887?] Coclirane, Robert, editor. 609 P700 ^"'^ The romance of industry and invention. 295 p. il. i pi. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897. Mason, Otis Tufton. 609.1 P500 ""■ The origins of invention: a study of industry among primitive peoples. 419 p. il. 9 pi. D. [Contemporar}' science series, vol. 28.] London: W. Scott, 1895. Jones, Evan Rowland. 609.2 J71 17260 j^eroes Qf industry-. Biographical sketches. 324 p. 16 por. D. London: Sampson Low, ... & Rivington, 1886. Smith, George Barnett. 609.2 S648 '"'^* Leaders of modern industry. Biographical sketches. vi,477 p. D. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1894. Contents: The Stephensons. Charles Knight. Sir George Burns. Sir Josiah Mason. The Wedgwoods. Thomas Brassey. The Fairbairns. Sir William Siemens. The Ren- 610 MEDICINE 610.1-610.9 GENERAL WORKS Shaw, Clara S., {boni] Weeks-. 610.2 P200 *'"' A text-book of nursing, for the use of training schools, families, and private students. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 391 p. il. 2 pi. I table. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 63 Polk, R. L., & Qo.y publishers. 610.3 I 12823 Meciical and surgical register of the United States and Canada. Comprising list of physicians and surgeons, ... , the various medical societies, medical colleges, hospitals, . . . and other medi- cal institutions, boards of health, . . . , a synopsis of the laws . . . relating to the profession, medical journals, ... , ofificial list of ofificers of the medical departments of the U. S. army, navy and marine hospital service, .... Fifth revised edition. 2502 p. O. Detroit 1898. Foster, Frank Pierce, editor. L610.3 O800 ^"""^ An illustrated encyclopaedic medical dictionary. Being a diction- ary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French, and German languages 4 vol. il. pi. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 890-1 894. Walters, Frederick Rufenacht. 610.3 Pooi 16867 p^ household dictionary of medicine, preventive and curative. Second edition. [4] ,379 p. 69 il. O. London: Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., 1895. Berdoe, Edward. 610.9 P300 3532 -pj^g origin and growth of the healing art: a popular history of medicine in all ages and countries. xii,509 p. 5 pi. O. London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. 612 PHYSIOLOGY Martin, Henry Newell. 612.02 P600 ""^^ The human body. An account of its structure and activities and the conditions of its healthy working. Seventh edition, revised. xvi,685 p. 192 il. O. (American science series, advanced course.) New York: H. Holt & Co., 1896. Foster, Michael. 612.02 P601 ""'^ A text book of physiology. Revised and abridged from the author's text book of physiology in five volumes. With an ap- pendix on. The chemical basis of the animal body, by A. Sheridan Lea. xlix,i35i p. 234 il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. Donaldson, Henry Herbert. 612.82 P500 10236 jj^g growth of the brain : a study of the nervous system in rela- tion to education. 374 p. yy il. D. [Contemporary science series.] London: W. Scott, 1897. 1 64 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 613-614 HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH Handbuch. L613.02 P300 ""' Handbuch der Hygiene. Herausgegeben von Dr. med. Th. Weyl Vol. I-. il. pi. maps, table. Q. Jena: G.Fischer, 1895-- Vol. I published in 1896. "Literatur," scattered through the work. Finkelnburg, Carl. L613.02 P300 "''®* Geschichtliche Entwickelung und Organisation der offcntlichen Gesundheitspflcge in den Kulturstaaten. 1893. (In Handbuch der Hygiene, vol. i. p. [4], 1-30. Jena 1896.) Blyth, Alexander Wynter. 613.03 N600 12730 ^ dictionary of hygiene and public health, comprising sanitary chemistry, engineering, and legislation, the dietetic value of foods, and the detection of adulterations, on the plan of the "Diction- naire d'hygiene publique" of Professor Ambroise Tardieu. xi,[i], 672 p. 140 il. 2 maps. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1876. Stevenson, Thomas. J/. D., L613.08 i '"" &■ Murphy, Shirley F., editors. A treatise on hygiene and public health. 3 vol. il. pi. maps, tables. O. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1 893-1 896. Vol. I is in second edition, published in 1896. Knight, James. 613.2 P501 Food and its functions. A text-book for students of cookery. 282 p. 35 il. 2 pi. D. London: Blackie & Son, 1895. Arlidge, John Thomas. 613.6 P200 The hygiene, diseases and mortality of occupations. xx,568 p. O. London: Percival & Co., 1892. Lagrange , Fernand . 613.72 Pooi «»9i Physiology of bodily exercise. xvi,395 P- D. (International scientific series, vol. 66.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Manacein, Mariya. 613.79 P700 Sleep: its physiology, pathology, hygiene, and psycholog>-. By Marie de Manaceme. vii,[i],34i p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 34.] London: W. Scott, 1897. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 65 Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward. 613.81 O300 10985 'pgj^ lectures on alcohol. [2], 374 p. D. New York : National Temperance Society & Publication House, [1883]. Sykes, John Frederick Joseph. 614.02 P200 17661 pybiic health problems. xii,370 p. il. i map. D. [Contem- porary science series, vol. 20.] London: W. Scott, 1892. Notter, James Lane, & Firth, R. H. 614.02 P600 6557 -pj^g theory and practice of hygiene. xv,[i],i034 p. 135 il. lO pi. O. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1896. Contains bibliographical references at the end of each chapter. London. International Health Exhibition, 1884. 614.06 i 16987 [Handbooks. 6 vol.] il. pi. maps, tables. O. [London 1884.] Contents: [Vol. i.] Accessories to food. [Vol. 2.] Education. [Vol. 3-4.] Healthy houses for the people. [Vol. 5.] Our food and drink supply. Its adultera- tion. [Vol. 6.] Sanitation and hygiene. American Public Health Association. 614.48 O700 '**®* Committee on Disinfectants. Disinfection and disinfectants : their application and use in the prevention and treatment of disease, and in public and private sanitation. By the Committee on Disinfectants, appointed by the American Public Health Association. 266 p. il. O. Concord, N. H., 1888. Rohe, G. H. Bibliography from 1880 to 1888, p. 242-255. Hill, Charles Thaxter. 614.84 P700 13227 Fighting a fire. xiii,[2],246 p. il. i pi. D. New York : Century Co., 1897. Doty, Alvah Hunt. 614.88 P400 '^"' A manual of instruction in the principles of prompt aid to the injured. Including a chapter on hygiene and the drill regulations for the hospital corps, U. S. A. Designed for military and civil use. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xvi,304 p. 167 il. 2 pi. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. 615 MATERIA MEDICA M70S National Convention for Revising the Pharmacopoeia. 615. 11 P300 The pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. Seventh decennial revision (1890). By authority of the National Con- vention for Revising the Pharmacopoeia held at Washington, A. D. 1890. Official from January ist, 1894. Published by the Com- mittee of Revision. Hx,6o2 p. O. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1893. 1 66 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Wood, George Bacon, & Bache, Franklin. L615.12 P400 11683 'j-j^g dispensatory of the United States of America. Seventeenth edition. Thoroughly revised and largely rewritten. By H. C. Wood, Joseph P. Remington, and Samuel P. Sadtler. xliv,i930 p. il. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1898. Era formulary. 615.13 P300 iii4d -phe Era formulary. 5000 formulas for druggists. A collection of original and prize formulas, to which has been added a selec- tion of formulas from standard authorities in the English, French and German, for application in pharmacy, in the household and the industries; .... First edition Compiled and edited by the Pharmaceutical era. viii,462 p. O. New York : D. O. Haynes & Co., c. 1893. Griffiths, T. M. 615.13 P700 ''°^° Non-secret formulas. A collection of . . . formulas and . . . prize prescriptions for the use of physicians and druggists, to which has been added a selection of . . . original formulas for toilet articles, perfumery and articles of household use, .... First edition, v, 513 p. O. St. Louis 1897. With punplementar}- sheets l-ound in. Solly, Samuel Edwin. 615.834 P700 18920 j^ handbook of medical climatology. Embodying its principles and therapeutic application with scientific data of the chief health resorts of the world. 470 p. il. 11 maps. O. Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co., 1897. 617 DENTISTRY Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 617.6 I '"" R. L. Polk & Co.'s dental register of the United States and Can- ada. Comprising list of dentists arranged by states and prov- inces, giving postofifice address with population and location, date and college of graduation. The various dental societies, dental colleges, a synopsis of the laws of registration, and other laws relating to the profession .... Dental journals with names of editors, frequency of publication and subscription rates, and an index ... arranged alphabetically 1898-99. Third edition. 976 p. O. Detroit, c. 1898. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 6/ 620 ENGINEERING 620.1-620.9 GENERAL WORKS Lanza, Gaetano. 620.1 Pooi 20404 Applied mechanics. Seventh edition, revised viii,929 p. 310 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899, c. 1885. Handbuch. L620.2 O300 iib04 Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Vol. i-. il. pi. maps, tables. Q. Leipzig: W. Engel- mann, 1885-. Vol. I published in 1887. Various editions. Sonne, Eduard, editor. L620.2 O300 "9' Vorarbeiten, Erd-, Strassen-, Grund- und Tunnelbau, sowie Kon- struktion der Stiitz- und Futtermauern. Dritte Abteilung : Erd- rutschungen. Tunnelbau. Bearbeitet von E. Mackensen, Gustav Meyer und R. Richard. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. xvi,428,vi p. 129 il. 23 pi. Q. (Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften, vol. I.) Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1887. "Litteratur", scattered through the book. Rankine, William John Macquorn. 620.2 P700 i45«i A manual of civil engineering. Twentieth edition, thoroughly revised. By W. J. Millar. xvi,8i8p. il. O. London : C. Griffin & Co.. 1898. Byrne, Oliver, & Spon, Ernest, editors. L620.3 N400 Spons' dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and naval : with technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Span- ish. 3 vol. il. tables. O. New York: E. & F. N. Spon, 1874. Harcourt, Leveson Francis Vernon-. 620.9 Pi 00 ^°^ Achievements in engineering during the last half century. Sec- ond edition. vi,[2],3ii p. IQ il. 12 pi. i por. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. 1 68 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 621 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Barber, Thomas Walter. 621.004 P700 ^*" The engineer's sketch-book of mechanical movements, devices, appliances, contrivances, and details employed in the design and construction of machinery for every purpose, classified & arranged for reference for the use of . . . all engaged in the mechanical arts. Third edition, considerably enlarged. 335 p. 2603 il. O. Lon- don : E. & F. N. Spon, 1897. Peabody, Cecil Hobart. 621.01 P800 18071 Thermodynamics of the steam-engine and other heat engines. Fourth edition, rewritten .... v,522 p. 97 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1898. Weisbach, Julius. 621.02 N500 13576 Lehrbuch der Ingenieur- und Maschinen-Mechanik. ]\Iit den nothigen Hlilfslehren aus der Analysis fiir den Unterricht an technischen Lehranstalten sowie zum Gebrauche fiir Techniker bearbeitet. FUnfte verbesserte und vervollstandigte Auflage bearbeitet von Gustav Hermann Vol. i-. il. pi. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1876-. Vol. I published in 1896 as a reprint of the edition of 1875. Vol. 3 is in second edition, re\nsed and enlarged. Unwin, William Cawthorne. 621.02 Pooi 18933 jj^g elements of machine design Sixteenth impression, (revised and enlarged in 1890). 2 vol. il. D. [Text-books of science.] London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 897-1 898. Contents: Vol. i. General principles, fastenings, and transmissive machinery. Vol. 2. Chiefly on engine details. Vol. 2, published in 1897, is in fourteenth edition, revised and enlarged, 1891. Carpenter, Rolla Clinton. 621.02 P200 12563 j^ text-book of experimental engineering. For engineers and for students in engineering laboratories. xx,709 p. 250 il. 2 pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1892. The present work is a third edition of "Notes to mechanical laboratory practice," published in 1890. Rankine, William John Macquorn. 621.02 P300 "'" A manual of machinery and millwork. Seventh edition, thor- oughly revised, by W. J. Millar. xvi,6oi p. il. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 69 Horner, Joseph G. 621.02 P301 1126S Yhe principles of fitting. For apprentices, and students in tech- nical schools. By a foreman pattern maker. And including a number of useful shop notes and memoranda. x,3i3 p. il. 5 pi. D. [Whittaker's library of arts, sciences & industries.] London : Whittaker & Co., [1893]. Barber, Thomas Walter. 621.02 P400 12699 j^Q repair and maintenance of machinery. A handbook of prac- tical notes and memoranda for engineers and machinery users. x,466 p. 417 il. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1895. Jamieson, Andrew. 621.02 P602 "■-" A text-book of applied mechanics. Specially arranged for the use of Science and Art, City and Guilds of London Institute, and other engineering students. Second edition. 2 vol. il. pi. table. O. [Griffin's scientific text-books.] London : C. Griffin & Co., 1 896-1 897. Rankine, William John Macquorn. 621.02 P702 11245 j^ rnanual of the steam engine and other prime movers. Four- teenth edition, revised. By W. J. Millar. xxxii,638 p. il. 2 pi. 1 table. D. London: C. Grififin & Co., 1897. Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 621.02 P901 i«=23 Mechanical movements. Powers, devices and appliances used in constructive and operative machinery and the mechanical arts. For the use of inventors, . . . and all others interested in any way in mechanics. [4] ,402 p. 1649 il. O. New York: Munn & Co., 1899. Clark, Daniel Kinnear. L621.1P001 "^^ The steam engine : a treatise on steam engines and boilers 2 vol. in 4. il. pi. tables. Q. London: Blackie & Son, 1890. Rose, Joshua. L621.1 P303 's'36 Modern steam engines: an elementary treatise upon the steam engine, written in plain language, for use in the workshop as well as in the drawing ofifice. Giving full explanations of the con- struction of modern steam engines ; including diagrams showing their actual operation ; together with complete but simple expla- nations of the operations of various kinds of valves, valve motions, and link motions, etc New edition, revised and improved. 357 p. il. I pi, sq.F. Philadelphia: H, C. Baird & Co., 1897. 170 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Jamieson, Andrew. 621. i P703 "-^* A text-book on steam and steam engines. Specially arranged for the Science and Art, City and Guilds of London Institute, and other engineering students. Twelfth edition. xiv,468 p. il. 7 pi. D. [GrifTin's scientific text-books.] London: C. Griffin & Co., 1897- Stretton, Clement E. 621.13 P604 17683 jj^g locomotive engine and its development. A popular treatise on the gradual improvements made in railway engines between 1803 and 1896. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. xii,2 52 p. il. 9 pi. I por. 2 tables. D. [Weale's scientific & technical series.] London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1896. Thurston, Robert Henry. 621.18 O701 **" Steam boiler explosions, in theory and in practice. Second edition. viii,i74 p. 63 il. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1888. Peabody, Cecil Hobart, & Miller, Edward F. 621.18 P700 '^'* Steam boilers. First edition vi,38o p. 140 il. 5 pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. Bodmer, G. R. 621.2 P500 9063 Hydraulic motors : turbines and pressure engines Second edition, revised and enlarged. xii,[2],55i p. il. Ii pi. 9 tables. O. (Specialists' series.) New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1895. Blaine, Robert Gordon. 621.2 P700 *'" Hydraulic machinery. With an introduction to hydraulics, vii, 383 p. il. 7 pi. I por. O. [Finsbury technical manuals.] Lon- don : E. & F. N. Spon, 1897. Wood, De Volson. 621.24 P600 11598 Turbines, theoretical and practical, with numerical examples and experimental results. Second edition, revised and enlarged. [4], 1 52 p. il. 45 pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Donkin, Bryan. 621.4 P600 *'" A text-book on gas, oil, and air engines ; or. Internal com- bustion motors without boiler. Second edition, revised and largely rewritten. xxiv,500 p. 154 il. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 71 Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 621.4 P700 **=*** Gas, gasoline, and oil vapor engines Illustrating their design, construction, and operation for stationary, marine, and vehicle motive power vi,279 p. 206 il. O. New York: N. W. Henley & Co., 1897. Richards, Frank. 621.5 P500 10726 Compressed air. Practical information upon air-compression and the transmission and application of compressed air. First edition. .... v,203 p. 25 il. I table. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. Tayler, A. J. Wallis-. 621.5 P701 19560 Refrigerating and ice-making machinery. A descriptive treatise for the use of persons employing refrigerating and ice-making installations, and others. Second edition, with additions, xviii, 280 p. il. 4 pi. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1897. Barr, William Miller. 621.64 P300 12134 pi^ij-nping machinery. A practical hand-book relating to the con- struction and management of steam and power pumping machines. 447 p. il. 2 pi. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1893. Robinson, Stillman Williams. 621.81 P600 5921 Principles of mechanism. A treatise on the modification of mo- tion by means of the elementary combinations of mechanism, or of the parts of machines First edition xv,309 p. 353 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Rose, Joshua. L621.9P100 '^95 Mojjei-n machine-shop practice. Second edition, fully revised and with important additions. 2 vol. il.pl. sq. F. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Wilson, Herbert S. 621.9 P803 19335 -Y\iQ practical tool-maker and designer : a treatise upon the de- signing of tools and fixtures for machine tools and metal working machinery, comprising modern examples of machines with funda- mental designs for tools for the actual production of the work ; together with special reference to a set of tools for machining the various parts of a bicycle. xv,209 p. 72 pi. O. Philadelphia : H. C. Baird& Co., 1898. 172 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 622 MINING ENGINEERING Copp, Henry N., editor. 622.007 P600 ®®" American mining code: embracing the United States, state, and territorial mining laws, the Land Office regulations, and a digest of federal and state court and land department decisions, iv, 214 p. O. Washington, D. C. : published by the editor, 1896. Barringer, Daniel Moreau, c/ Adams, John Stokes. 622.007 P701 12074 -pj^^ j^^^, Q^ mines and mining in the United States. cxxv,878 p. il. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1897. Foster, Clement Le Neve. 622.02 P400 ""^ A text-book of ore and stone mining. Second edition. xxviii,[2], 744 p. 711 il. I pi. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1897. Gresley, William Stukeley. 622.33 O300 14090 p^ glossary of terms used in coal mining. x,[2],296 p. 138 il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1883. 624-625 BRIDGE AND ROAD ENGINEERING Merriman, Mansfield, & Jacoby, Henry S. 624.02 P400 13961 ^ text-book on roofs and bridges 4 vol. il. pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1 897-1 898. Vol. I is in fourth edition, published in 1898; vol. 2-3 are in third; vol. 4 is in first. Crosby, Oscar Terry, & Bell, Louis. 625.5 P200 4532 ^\-^Q electric railway in theory and practice. 400 p. 179 il. O. New York: W. J. Johnston Co., 1892. Clark, Daniel Kinnear. 625.5 P401 13157 Tramways, their construction and working. Embracing a com- prehensive history of the system, with accounts of the various modes of traction . . . , a description of the varieties of rolling stock and ample details of cost and working expenses, with special reference to the tramways of the United Kingdom. Second edi- tion, re-written and greatly enlarged. xxxv,[i],758 p. il. 11 pi. I map. O. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1894. Houston, Edwin James, &■ Kennelly, A. E. 625.5 P601 "" Electric street railways. vi,367 p. 158 il. sq. S. (Elementary electro-technical series.) New York: W, J.Johnston Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 173 Farman, D. 625.6 P600 "'^ Auto-cars. Cars, tramcars, and small cars. Translated from the French by Lucien SerrailHer. With preface by Baron de Zuylen de Nyevelt. ix,249 p. 112 il. D. London : Whittaker & Co., 1896. Tayler, A. J. Wallis-. 625.6 P700 ^"•^ Motor cars ; or, Power-carriages for common roads. xii,200 p. 'j6 il. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1897. Love, Edward Gurley, editor. 625.7 Pooi 4903 Pavements and roads : their construction and maintenance [4] ,410 p. il. O. New York: Engineering and Building Record, 1890. Consists of papers reprinted from the Engmcering and Imilding record. Spalding, Frederick Putnam. 625.7 P500 '"*''® A text-book on roads and pavements. By Fred P. Spalding. First edition viii,2i3 p. 44 il. D. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1895. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. 625.7 P600 "*" American highways. A popular account of their conditions and of the means by which they may be bettered. xv,293 p. il. i pi. D. New York: Century Co., 1896. Jeans, J. Stephen. 626 Pooi "*'•- Waterways and water transport in different countries: with a de- scription of the Panama, Suez, Manchester, Nicaraguan, and other canals. xx,507 p. il. 4 pi. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1890. 628 SANITARY ENGINEERING Galton, Sir Douglas. 628.02 P600 646« Observations on the construction of healthy dwellings, namely: houses, hospitals, barracks, asylums, etc. Second edition, re- vised. xvi,3o6 p. 65 il. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896. Chicago. Board of Trustees of the 628.09773 P400 *^^^ Sanitary District. Drainage channel and waterway : a history of the effort to secure an effective and harmless method for the disposal of the sewage of the city of Chicago, and to create a navigable channel between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River. By G. P. Brown, ix, 480 p. il. 12 pi. 4 maps, 2 tables. O. Chicago: R. R. Donnelley & Sons' Co., 1894. 174 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Mason, William Pitt. 628.1 P700 e^i" Water-supply. (Considered practically from a sanitary stand- point.) Second edition, revised .... vii,504 p. il. 9 pi. 2 maps. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. Burton, William Kinninmond. L628.1 P800 19346 ^Yhe water supply of towns and the construction of waterworks. A practical treatise for the use of engineers and students of engi- neering. Second edition, revised and extended. xvi,3i8 p. il. 39 pi. 2 maps, 5 tables. Q. London : C. Loclavood & Son, 1898. Milne, J. Considerations concerning the probable effects of earthquakes on water- works, and the special precautions to be taken in earthquake countries, p. 283-288. Rijke, J. de. On sand dunes and dune sand as a source of water supply, p. 289-294. Rideal, Samuel. 628.16P700 5925 Water and its purification. A handbook for the use of local authorities, sanitary officers, and others interested in water sup- ply. xii,292 p. 66 il. 2 tables. D. London: C. Lock^vood & Son, 1897. Hill, John Willmuth. 628.16 P801 '^"' The purification of public water supplies. xi,304 p. 32 il. O. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1898. Contents: i. Introduction. 2. Sources of public water supply. 3. Bacterial con- tents of various waters. 4. The typhoid bacillus and typhoid fever. 5. Classification of cities by typhoid fever statistics. 6. Pure and purified waters. 7. Citations on typhoid fever epidemics. 8. Sedimentation of polluted waters. 9. Sterilization of drinking-water. 10. Filtration of water supplies. 1 1 . Types of sand filters. 12. Me- chanical filters. 13. Hamburg settling-basins and filters. 14. The filters of the Berlin water-works. 15. The Fischer filter and Anderson purifier. 16. Filters proposed for Cincinnati. 1 7. Cost of filters and filtration. Appendix A. Tj-phoid fever statistics from large cities of the world. Appendix B. The bacteria. Appendix C. The legal liability of cities and water companies for damages by sewage polluted water. "Authorities quoted or referred to," p. 290-293. Rafter, George W., & Baker, M. N. L628.3P300 "" Sewage disposal in the United States. Second edition, xxvii, 598 p. 116 il. 4 pi. I map, 2 tables. Q. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1894. Waring, George Edwin, Jr. 628.4 P800 '""' Street-cleaning and the disposal of a city's wastes : methods and results and the effect upon public health, public morals, and mu- nicipal prosperity. ix,230 p. il. 4 pi. i por. D. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898. Teale, Thomas Pridgin. 628.6 N800 ^^°^ Dangers to health : a pictorial guide to domestic sanitary defects. Second edition. [2],io,vi p. 55 pi. O. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1879. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1/5 Billings, John Shaw. 628.8 P200 *°°^ Ventilation and heating. 500 p. 210 il. O. New York : Engin- eering Record, 1893. 630 AGRICULTURE Webb, Henry J. 630.2 P400 12138 Advanced agriculture. viii,672 p. 100 il. D. [Advanced science manuals.] London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1894. Storer, Francis Humphreys. 630.2 P700 5906 Agriculture in some of its relations with chemistry. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. 3 vol. O. New York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. Bailey, Liberty Hyde, editor. 630.2 P801 20012 jj^g principles of agriculture. A text-book for schools and rural societies. xv,300 p. 92 il. D. [Rural science series.] New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. King, Franklin Hiram. 631 P500 "'" The soil : its nature, relations, and fundamental principles of man- agement. XV, 303 p. 45 il. D. [Rural science series.] New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. Roberts, Isaac Phillips. 631 P700 ®"'® The fertility of the land. A summary sketch of the relationship of farm-practice to the maintaining and increasing of the produc- tivity of the soil. xvii,4i5 p. 45 il. D. [Rural science series.] New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. 929S Crole, David. 633.286 P700 Tea. A text book of tea planting and manufacture. Compris- ing chapters on the history and development of the industry, the cultivation of the plant, the preparation of the leaf for the market, the botany and chemistry of tea, etc., etc. With some account of the laws affecting labour in tea gardens in Assam and else- where. xii,242 p. il. 4 pi. O. London : C. Lockwood & Son, 1897. 176 THE JOHN CRER.\R LIBRARY Nicholson, George, editor. ^634 O400 15975 -pj^g illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopaedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists. Edited by George Nicholson, assisted by professor J. W. H. Trail, in the parts relating to insects, fungi, plant structure, horticultural chem- istry, &c. ; and J. Garrett in the fruit, vegetable, and general gar- den work portions. 4 vol. il. pi. sq.O. London : L. U. Gill, [1884-1888]. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. 634 P702 17-03 -pi^g principles of fruit-growing. Second edition. xvii,5i4p. 120 il. D. [Rural science series.] New York : Macmillan Co., 1898. "American hooks on fruit-growing", p. 488-500. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. 634 P800 16766 'pj^g pruning-book. A monograph of the pruning and training of plants as applied to American conditions. ix,[2],537 p. 331 il. S. [Garden-craft series.] New York : Macmillan Co., 1898. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. 634 P801 '"^^ Sketch of the evolution of our native fruits. xiii,472 p. 125 il. I por. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. "American grape literature", p. 1 17-126. Card, Fred Wallace. 634.3 P800 18050 Bush-fruits. A horticultural monograph of raspberries, black- berries, dewberries, currants, gooseberries, and other shrub-like fruits. xii,537 p. 113 il. D. [Rural science series.] New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Hough, Franklin Benjamin. 634.9 O200 '^"'^ The elements of forestry. Designed to afford information con- cerning the planting and care of forest trees for ornament or profit and giving suggestions upon the creation and care of woodlands, . . . , particularly adapted to the wants and conditions of the United States. ix,38i p. 169 il. O. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & Co., 1882. Ward, Harry Marshall. 634.9 O900 Timber and some of its diseases. viii,295 p. 45 il. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1889. 4^4 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM ''']'] Schlich, William. ^34-9 P500 "•«" A manual of forestry 5 vol. il.pl. O. London : Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., 1895-1897. Vol. I and 2 are in second edition, revised, published in 1896 and 1897. Vol. 4-5 published under the title: Schhch's manual of forestry. Vol. 4 is an English adaptation, by W. R. Fisher, of Hess, Richard. Der Forstschutz; vol. 5 is a translation, by W. R. Fisher, of Gayer, Karl. Die Forstbenutzung. Vol. I contains a new part on The state in relation to forestry, and a general review of the timber requirements of the British Empire. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. 635 P600 "'' The nursery-book: a complete guide to the multiplication of plants. Third edition. xi,365 p. 152 il. D. [Garden-craft series.] New York: Macmillan Co., 1896, pref. 1891. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. 635 P800 '"'* Garden-making. Suggestions for the utilizing of home grounds. Third edition, revised. vii,4i7 p. 256 11. S. [Garden-craft se- ries.] New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Henry, William Arnon. 636 P800 15U94 peeds and feeding. A hand-book for the student and stockman. vi,657 p. O. Madison, Wis.: published by the author, 1898. Fleming, George. 636.1 Pooi 10104 Yj^g practical horse keeper. viii,264 p. il. D. London : L. U. Gill, [1890]. Fleischmann, Wilhelm. 637 P300 12603 jj-jg bQQi^ of the dairy. A manual of the science and practice of dairy work. Translated from the German by C. M. Aikman and R. Patrick Wright. xxiv,344p. 83 il. 6 pi. O. London: Blackie & Son, 1896. Wing, Henry Hiram. 637 P701 ^*'"* Milk and its products. A treatise upon the nature and qualities of dairy milk and the manufacture of butter and cheese. xiii,28o p. 33 il. D. [Rural science series.] New York : Macmillan Co., 1897. Cheshire, Frank R. 638 O600 12720 gggg %i_ bee-keeping; scientific and practical. A complete treat- ise on the anatomy, physiology, floral relations, and profitable management of the hive bee 2 vol. il. pi. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1886-1888. Contents: Vol. i. Scientific. Vol. 2. Practical. 178 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 640 DOMESTIC ECONOMY Campbell, Helen, [doru Stuart]. 640.2 P600 "^^ Household economics. A course of lectures in the School of Economics of the University of Wisconsin. xxi,286 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Richards, Ellen Henrietta, [dom Swallow], 640.2 P700 & Elliott, S. Maria. The chemistry of cooking and cleaning. A manual for house- keepers. Second edition, revised and rewritten. vi,[2],i58 p. D. Boston: Home Science Publishing Co., 1897. Parloa, Maria. 640.2 P801 '®^" Home economics. A guide to household management including the proper treatment of the materials entering into the construc- tion and the furnishing of the house. xii,378 p. 52 il. D. New York: Century Co., 1898. Abel, Mrs. Mary Hinman. 641 P004 ^'" Practical, sanitary and economic cooking adapted to persons of moderate and small means. The Lomb prize essay. Inscription : "The five food principles, illustrated by practical recipes." x, [2], 186 p. D. Rochester: American Public Health Association, 1890. Ronald, Mary. 641 P500 ^'°'' The Century cook book xiv,[2],588 p. 60 pi. O. New York: Centurj' Co., 1896. Atkinson, Edward. 641 P501 °'*® The science of nutrition. Treatise upon the science of nutrition. The Aladdin oven, invented by Edward Atkinson Diet- aries carefully computed under the direction of Mrs. Ellen H. Richards Nutritive values of food materials, collated from the writings of Prof. W. O. Atwater [Fourth edition.] .... 246 p. il. I pi. sq.O. Boston : Damrell & Upham, 1896. Jago, William. 641 P502 "*' A text-book of the science and art of bread-making; including the chemistry and analytic and practical testing of wheat, flour, and other materials employed in baking. 11,648 p. 81 il. 14 pi. O. London : Simpkin, . . . , Kent & Co., 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 179 Pennell, Elizabeth, {boml Robins. 641 P601 "'-' The feasts of Autolycus : the diary of a greedy woman. 264 p. D. [Mayfair set, no. 5.] London: J. Lane, 1896. Farmer, Fannie Merritt. 641 P603 SS50 j]^g Boston Cooking-School cook book. xxx,567 p. il. D. Bos- ton: Little, Brown, & Co., 1896. Konig, Joseph. 643 O900 *^"" Chemie der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel Dritte sehr vermehrte und verbesserte Aufiage. 2 vol. il. O. Berlin: J. Springer, 1 889-1 893. Contents: Vol. i, Chemische Zusammensetzung der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Nach vorhandenen Analysen, mit Angabe der Quellen zusammengestellt. Mit einer Einleitung iiber die Ernahrungslehre. Vol. 2. Die menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, ihre Herstellung, Zusammensetzung und Beschaffenheit, ihre Verfal- schungen und deren Nachweis. Springsteed, Anne Frances. 643 P400 3560 'pj^g expert waitress : a manual for the pantry, kitchen, and dining- room. [8],i3i p. S. New York: Harper & Brothers, c. 1894. Cook, Clarence [Chatham] . 645 N700 13962 -pi^g house beautiful. Essays on beds and tables, stools and can- dlesticks. 336 p. 99 il. O. [New York] : C. Scribner's Sons, 1895, c. 1877. Steele, Frances Mary, & 646 P200 '"'' Adams, Elizabeth Livingston Steele. Beauty of form and grace of vesture. [2],vii,23i p. il. 16 pi. paged in. D. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1894. Davis, Jeanette E., &■ Holahan, Cora M. 646P400 3620 jj^g elements of modern dressmaking : for the amateur and pro- fessional dressmaker. xii,i93 p. 46 il. i pi. D. New York: Cas- sell Publishing Co., c. 1894. Ortner, Jessica. 646 P702 '"' Practical millinery. xii,i70 p. 46 il. D. London : Whittaker & Co., 1897. l80 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 650 COMMERCE Bryant, John Collins. 650.2 Pi 00 ^'" The business man's commercial law and business forms combined. A vade-mecum for the counting-house. Edited by the Hon. Geo. W. Clinton. Fourteenth edition. — Revised. 240, [2], 5 7 p. I por. O. Buffalo, N. Y. : J. C. Bryant, 1897, c. 1891. 655 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING MacKellar, Thomas. 655.02 N800 "^ The American printer : a manual of typography, .... [Eight- eenth edition, . . . enlarged.] xiv,384 p. il. i por. O. Philadel- phia : MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 1893. Putnam, George Haven & Putnam, J. B. 655.02 P700 18752 Authors and publishers. A manual of suggestions for beginners in literature. Comprising a description of publishing methods and arrangements, directions for the preparation of mss. for the press, explanations of the details of book-manufacturing, instruc- tions for proof-reading, specimens of typography, the text of the United States copyright law and information concerning copy- rights, together with general hints for authors. By G. H. P. and J. B. P. Seventh edition, rewritten with additional material, ix, [2], 292 p. I facsim. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Southward, John. 655.02 P800 'sc's Modern printing. A handbook of the principles and practice of typography and the auxiliary arts. By John Southward, assisted by well-known experts. Vol. i-. il. pi. por. table. O. London: Raithby, Lawrence & Co., 1898-. [Pasko, Wesley Washington, editor ^^ L655.03P400 American dictionary of printing and book-making, containing a history of these arts in Europe and America, with definitions of technical terms and biographical sketches. [2],iv,592 p. il. i por. sq. Q. New York: H. Lockwood & Co., 1894. Bouchot, Henri. L655.09O600 *'"* The printed book, its history, illustration, and adornment, from the days of Gutenberg to the present time. Translated and en- larged by Edward C. Bigmore. viii,3i2 p. 118 il. Q. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1887. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM l8l Duff, Edward Gordon. 655.1 P300 ^'" Early printed books. xii,2i9 p. 11 pi. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1893. De Vinne, Theodore Low. 655.11 N600 ^'"^ The invention of printing. A collection of facts and opinions de- scriptive of early prints and playing cards, the block-books of the fifteenth century, the legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster, of Haarlem, and the work of John Gutenberg and his associates. Second edition. 557 p. il. i pi. O. New- York : F. Hart & Co., 1878. Putnam, George Haven. 655.44 P600 ^^^* Books and their makers during the Middle Ages. A study of the conditions of the production and distribution of literature from the fall of the Roman Empire to the close of the seventeenth century. 2 vol. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 896-1 897. Blackburn, Henry. 1^655.53 P400 171S6 ^YliQ art of illustration. Second edition. xvi,240 p. il. 13 pi. paged in, i pi. 2 por. paged in. Q. London: W. H. Allen &Co., 1896. Pennell, Joseph. 655.53 P500 "^ Modern illustration. xxv,i34 p. il. 95 pi. D. [Ex-libris se- ries.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1895. Pennell, Joseph. 655.53 P501 "'-^ The illustration of books. A manual for the use of students, notes for a course of lectures at the Slade School, University College. xii,i68 p. D. New York: Century Co., pref. 1895. Crane, Walter. 655.53 P600 6502 Qj ^j^g decorative illustration of books, old and new. xii,355 p, il. sq.D. [Ex-libris series.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1896. Putnam, George Haven. 655.6 P600 '"^ The question of copyright. Comprising the text of the copyright law of the United States, a summary of the copyright laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world, .... Second edition, revised, and with additional material. xxiv,[2],486 p. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. l82 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 656 TRANSPORTATION Clarke, Thomas Curtis, & others. 656.02 O900 '■'■' The American railway, its construction, development, manage- ment, and appliances. With an introduction by Thomas M. Coo- ley. xxviii,456 p. 264 il. Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Contents: Cooley, T. M. Introduction. Clarke, T. C. The building of a railway. Bogart, J. Feats of railway engineering. Forney, M. N. American locomotives and cars. Alexander, E. P. Railway management. Prout, H. G. Safety in railroad trav- el. Porter, H. Railway passenger travel. Voorhees, T. The freight-car service. Norton, B. How to feed a railway. James, T. L. The railway mail service. Had- ley, A. T. The railway in its business relations. Adams, C. F. The prevention of railway strikes. Adams, B. B., Jr. The every-day Hfe of railroad men. Hewes, F. W. Statistical railway studies. McCain, Charles Curtice, editor. 656.04 M13 ^•'*'* Compendium of transportation theories. A compilation of essays upon transportation subjects by eminent experts. 295 p. O. (Kensington series, no. i .) Washington, D. C. : Kensington Pub- lishing Co., 1893. Hadley, Arthur Twining. 656.09 O500 '°'° Railroad transportation : its history and its laws. iv,[2],269 p. il. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890, c. 1885. Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. 656.0973 N800 ''^' Railroads : their origin and problems. [4],2i6p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. Van Oss, S. F. 656.0973 P200 '*"* American railroads as investments. A handbook for investors in American railroad securities. xv,8i 5,[2],vii p. 5 maps. O. New- York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. Nares, Sir George Strong. 656.9 O200 '"" Seamanship : . . . . Sixth edition, enlarged and revised by Lieut. Arthur C. B. Bromley. xi,[i],29i p. il. 140 pi. O. New Yoik: E. & F. N. Spon, 1882. 660 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY 660.1-660.9 GENERAL WORKS Johnston, James Finlay Weir. 660.2 N900 '^°" The chemistry of common life. A new edition revised, and brought down to the present time by Arthur Herbert Church. xxvi,592 p. 102 il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898, prcf. 1879. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 83 Wagner, Rudolph von. L660.2 O800 "^® Manual of chemical technology, translated and edited by William Crookes, from the thirteenth enlarged German edition as remod- elled by Dr. Ferdinand Fischer. xxiii,968 p. 596 il. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Groves, Charles Edward, & Thorp, William, editors. L660.2 O900 ^""^ Chemical technology ; or, Chemistry in its applications to arts and manufactures. With which is incorporated Richardson and Watts' Chemical technology. Vol. 1-2. il. pi. map. Q. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1 889-1 895. Each volume is written by various contributors. Fischer, Ferdinand. 660.2 P300 "®° Handbuch der chemischen Technologie. (Zugleich 14. vollig umgearbeitete Auflage von R. von Wagner's Handbuch der che- mischen Technologie.) xii,ii64 p. 716 il. O. Leipzig: Otto Wigand, 1893. Sadtler, Samuel Philip. 660.2 P500 4307 ^ hand-book of industrial organic chemistry adapted for the use of manufacturers, chemists, and all interested in the utilization of or- ganic materials in the industrial arts. Second revised and enlarged edition. 537 p. 127 il. i table. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippin- cott Co., 1895. With bibliographical notes at the end of each chapter. Dammer, Otto. 660.2 P501 '"^* Handbuch der chemischen Technologie Vol. i-. il. O. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1895-. Lassar-Cohn, Dr. 660.2 P601 ®'^^ Chemistry in daily life. Popular lectures. Translated by M. M. Pattison Muir. x,324 p. 21 il. D. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1896. Stohmann, Friedrich, & Kerl, Bruno, editors. L660.3O800 **°® Encyklopadisches Handbuch der technischen Chemie. Vierte Auflage Continued from vol. i. [1888.] il. Q. Braun schweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1888-. Has also a title-page reading: Muspratt's theoretische, praktische und analytische Chemie in Anwendung auf Kiinste und Gewerbe. Harris, William A. 660.3 O900 ''^®' A technological dictionary of insurance chemistry. xi,407 p. D. Liverpool : published by the author at the Phoenix Fire Ofifice, 1890. 1 84 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Thorpe, Thomas Edward, editor. 660.3 Pioo '*'''' A dictionar>' of applied chemistry 3 vol. il. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 893-1 895. Vol. l: third edition, 1894. Vol. 2: second edition, 1895. Vol. 3: 1893. Weidinger, G. 660.3 Pioi *®*' G. Weidinger's Waarenlexikon der chemischen Industrie und der Pharmacie. Mit Beriicksichtigung der wichtigsten Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Dr. Med. Joseph Moeller, Dr. Hermann Thoms, K. Thtimmel, herausgegeben von Dr. T. F. Hanausek. Zweite giinzlich umgearbeitete Auflage. ... . iv,iOOO p. O. Leipzig: G. H. Meyer, 1896, pref. 1891. 661-669 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Lunge, Georg. 661 Pioo ''"^ A theoretical and practical treatise on the manufacture of sulphuric acid and alkali, with the collateral branches. Second edition, re- vised and enlarged. 3 vol. il. pi. tables. O. London : Gurney & Jackson, 1891-1896. Fulton, John, E. M. 662.7 P500 '®''* Coke. A treatise on the manufacture of coke and the saving of by-products. With special references to the methods and ovens best adapted to the production of good coke from the various American coals. [2],vi,342 p. il. 4 pi. i por. O. Scranton, Pa. : Colliery Engineer Co., 1895. Hansen, Emil Christian. 663.1 P500 "'^ Practical studies in fermentation : being contributions to the life history of micro-organisms. Translated by Alex. K. Miller, and revised by the author. xiv,277 p. 19 il. O. London : E. & F. N. Spon, 1896. Sykes, Walter John. 663.3 P701 1766H jj^^ principles and practice of brewing. xix,5ii p. il. i pi. O. London: C. Grififin & Co.. 1897. Sulz, Charles Hermann. 663.6 O800 17893 ^ treatise on beverages ; or, The complete practical bottler. Full instructions for laboratory work with original practical recipes for all kinds of carbonated drinks, mineral waters, flavorings, extracts, syrups, etc. xxv,8i8 p. 428 il. O. New York : C. H. Sulz & Co., 1888. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 185 Brannt, William Theodore. 665.5 P400 4331 Petroleum: its history, origin, occurrence, production, physical and chemical constitution, technology, examination and uses ; together with the occurrence and uses of natural gas. Edited chiefly from the German of Prof. Hans Hoefer and Dr. Alexan- der Veith. xxvii,7i5 p. 284 il. i pi. 2 maps. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1895. Butterfield, W. J. Atkinson. 665.7 P500 *^** Gas manufacture : the chemistry of. A practical handbook on the production, purification, and testing of illuminating gas, and the assay of the bye-products of gas manufacture xiv,375 p. il. I pi. D. London: C. Grifhn & Co., 1896. Gibbs, William E. 665.801 P900 19U90 Lighting by acetylene. Generators, burners and electric furnaces. Second edition, revised and enlarged. ix,i6i p. 64 il. D. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1899. Nesbitt, Alexander. 666.1 N800 '*'' Glass. viii,i43 p. il. O. [South KENSINGTON Museum. Art handbooks,] New York: Scribner & Welford, 1879. Powell, Harry James. 666.1 O300 12123 jj^g principles of glass-making, by Harry J. Powell, together with treatises on crown and sheet glass, by Henry Chance, a^id plate glass, by H. G. Harris. vi,i86 p. il. D. (Technological hand- books.) London: G. Bell & Sons, 1883. "List of works relating to glass manufacture," p. 179-180. Hummel, J. J. 667.2 O500 ^"'^ The dyeing of textile fabrics xii,534 p. 97 il. S. [Man- uals of technology.] London: Cassell & Co., 1896, pref. 1885. Terry, George. 667.6 P300 *'" Pigments, paint, and painting. A practical book for practical men. xi,[2],392 p. 49 il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1893. Brannt, William Theodore. 667.7 P300 **"'* Varnishes, lacquers, printing inks and sealing-waxes : their raw materials and their manufacture. To which is added the art of varnishing and lacquering, including the preparation of putties and of stains for wood, ivory, bone, horn, and leather. xix,338 p. 39 il. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1893. 1 86 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Carpenter, William Lant. 668.1 P500 '°" A treatise on the manufacture of soap and candles, lubricants and glycerin. Second edition, revised and enlarged by Henry Leask. x,[2],446p. 104 il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1895. Piesse, Charles Henry. 668.5 Pioo "" Piesse's art of perfumery and the methods of obtaining the odours of plants. The growth and general flower farm system of raising fragrant herbs Fifth edition. xvii,498 p. il. i pi. O. London: Piesse & Lubin, 1891. Lunge, Georg. 668.7 O700 °^^^ Coal-tar and ammonia. Being the second and enlarged edition of 'A treatise on the distillation of coal-tar and ammoniacal liquor.' xvi,739 p. 191 il. O. London: Gurney & Jackson, 1887. Meldola, Raphael. 668.7 Pioo **'^ Coal and what we get from it. A romance of applied science. Expanded from the notes of a lecture delivered in the theatre of the London Institution, Jan. 20th, 1890 2iop. 11 il. S. (Romance of science.) London: Society for Promoting Chris- tian Knowledge, 1891. Austen, William Chandler Roberts-. 669.02 P400 **'"* An introduction to the study of metallurgy. Third edition, revised and enlarged xvi,379 p. il. i pi. i table. O. London: C. Griflfin & Co., 1894. Schnabel, Carl. 669.02 P404 16696 Handbook of metallurgy. Translated by Henry Louis 2 vol. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Richards, Joseph William. 669.703 P500 '*^® Aluminium: its history, occurrence, properties, metallurgy and applications, including its alloys. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xv,666 p. 46 il. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1896. Furman, Howard Van Fleet. 669.9 P600 ^^" A manual of practical assaying. Fourth edition, revised and en- larged vi,43 7p.il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 87 670 MANUFACTURES Lewis, J. Slater. L670.2P600 5953 jj^g commercial organisation of factories. A handbook for the use of manufacturers, directors, auditors, engineers, . . . , etc. xxxvi,540 p. il. 2 tables, 3 tables in pocket. Q. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1896. Bolland, Simpson. 671 P400 2926 YhQ encyclopedia of founding and dictionary of foundry terms, used in the practice of moulding First edition iv,535 p. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1894. Smith, Oberlin. 671 P600 2927 Press-working of metals. A treatise upon the principles and practice of shaping metals in dies by the action of presses, .... First edition 276 p. 431 il. i pi. O. New York: J.Wiley & Sons, 1896. Brannt, William Theodore. 671 P603 12058 jj^g metal worker's handy-book of receipts and processes. Being a collection of chemical formulas and practical manipulations for the working of all the metals and alloys; including the decoration and beautifying of articles manufactured therefrom, as well as their preservation. Edited from various sources, xxiii, 33-538 p. 63 il. D. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1896, c. 1890. Warn, Reuben Henry. 671 P604 12314 ^Y^Q sheet-metal worker's instructor, comprising a selection of geometrical problems and practical rules for describing the vari- ous patterns required by zinc, sheet-iron, copper, and tin-plate workers. New edition, revised and greatly enlarged by Joseph G. Horner. vii,246 p. 429 il. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, II 1 88 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Brannt, William Theodore. 671 P605 '-'■' The metallic alloys. A practical guide for the manufacture of all kinds of alloys, amalgams, and solders, used by metal-workers ; together with their chemical and physical properties and their application in the arts and the industries ; with an appendix on the coloring of alloys and the recovery of waste metals. A new, revised, and enlarged edition. xxvii,527 p. 34 il. O. Philadel- phia : H. C. Baird & Co., 1896. Compiled principally from the following: Thurston, R. H. A treatise on brasses, bronzes and other alloys; Krupp, A. Die Legirungen; Ledebur, A. Die Metallverar- beitung auf chemischphysikalischem Wege; Muspratt, J. S. Theoretische, praktische und analj-tische Chemie. Fuller, John, Sr. 671.19P300 3342 js^^ q£ coppersmithing. A practical treatise on working sheet cop- per into all forms. [2],vii,327 p. 475 il. 2 pi. i por. O. New York: D. Williams, 1894. Wigley, Thomas B. 671.45 P800 19329 jj^g ^j.^ qJ ^jjg goldsmith and jeweller : a treatise on the manipu- lation of gold in the various processes of goldsmith's work, and the manufacture of personal ornaments, &c., &c. By Thomas B. Wigley, assisted by JohnH. Stansbie. xi,248 p. 144 il. O. Lon- don : C. Griffin & Co., 1898. Lethaby, William Richard. 671.49 P300 '"* Leadwork, old and ornamental and for the most part English. viii,i48 p. 26 il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Gee, George E. 671.81 O500 16522 ^YYiQ silversmith's handbook. Containing full instructions for the alloying and working of silver Third edition. xxvi,22i p. 40 il. S. [Weale's scientific & technical series.] London : C. Loclcsvood & Son, 1890. Smith, J. Bucknall. L671.97P100 8967 j^ treatise upon wire, its manufacture and uses, embracing com- prehensive descriptions of the constructions and applications of wire ropes. xxii,[2],347 p. il. 2 pi. i table. O. London : "Engi- neering," 1891. Ede, George. 672M300 ^"' The management of steel. Sixth edition. xii,204 p. D. Lon- don : E. & F. N. Spon, 1891. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 89 Gardner, John Starkie. 672 P200 ^*' Ironwork [2 vol.] il. D. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, 1 893-1 897. Contents: Vol, i. From the earliest time to the end of the Mediaeval period. Vol. 2. From the close of the Mediaeval period to the end of the eighteenth century, exclud- ing Enghsh work. Leland, Charles Godfrey. 675 P200 '"^^ Leather work. A practical manual for learners. xiii,96 p. 60 il. I pi. sq.O. London: Whittaker & Co., 1892. Davis, Charles Thomas. 675 P700 12367 jj^g manufacture of leather: being a description of all of the processes for the tanning and tawing . . . , and the currying, fin- ishing and dyeing of every kind of leather; ... , with special reference to the best American practice. To which are added lists of American patents (i 884-1 897) .... Second edition, revised and in great part rewritten. xxxii,68o p. 147 il. 2 pi. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1897. Cross, C. F., (S- Bevan, E. J. 676O700 "'* Text-book of paper-making. vii,244 p. 81 il. 3 pi. D. London: E. &F. N. Spon, 1888. Watt, Alexander. 676 Pooi 3593 jj^g ^j.^ Qf paper-making : a practical handbook of the manufac- ture of paper . . . , including the manufacture of pulp from wood fibre. With a description of the machinery and appliances used. To which are added details of processes for recovering soda from waste hquors. xii,26o p. 86 il. D. London : C. Lockwood & Son, 1890. Bell, T. F. 677P401 ^^®* Jacquard weaving and designing. vi,[2],303 p. 199 il. O. Lon- don : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Taggart, William Scott. 677.19 P501 ^"^ Cotton spinning 3 vol. il. i pi. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896-1898. Vol. 2 reprinted from The Textile mercury. 680 TRADES Leland, Charles Godfrey. 680.2 P600 6063 p^ manual of mending and repairing. xxi,264 p. il. D. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1896. igO THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Glasgow, David. 68i O500 ^®*° Watch and clock making. xii,34i p. 68 il. S. [Manuals of tech- nology'.] London: Cassell & Co., 1893. Richardson, Milton Thomas, editor. 682 Pooi *"* Practical blacksmithing. A collection of articles contributed at different times by skilled workmen to the columns of "The Black- smith and wheelwright" .... 4 vol. il. D. New York: M. T. Richardson, 1 890-1 895. Compton, Alfred George. 682 P002 "*^ First lessons in metal working. iv,[2],i70 p. 95 il. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1890. Goss, William Freeman Myrick. 684 O700 ®*°^ Bench work in wood : a course of study and practice designed for the use of schools and colleges. xi,i6i p. 306 il. D. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1896, c. 1887. Cabinet maker. 684 P200 "•'^ The cabinet maker: a practical guide to the principles of design, and the economical and sound construction of household furniture, furnishings, and fittiixgs ; .... Edited by the editor of "The in- dustrial self-instructor." xii,i78 p. il. 10 pi. O. [Practical me- chanic series.] London: Ward, ... , & Co., 1892. Hasluck, Paul N. 684.1 O300 '^■^'' Lathe-work. A practical treatise on the tools, appliances, and processes employed in the art of turning . . . etc. Sixth edition. xii,2i2 p. 51 il. D. London: C. Lockvvood & Son, 1898. Lukin, James. 684.1 O800 ""' Turning lathes : a manual for technical schools and apprentices. A guide to turning, screw-cutting, metal-spinning, &c., &c. vi, [2], 160 p. il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1888. Golden, Michael Joseph. 684.1 P700 ®'" A laboratory course in wood-turning. [2], 69 p. 123 il. O. New-York: Harper & Brothers, 1897. Richardson, Milton Thomas, editor. 684.5 P200 *®''^ Practical carraige building: comprising numerous short practical articles .... 2 vol. il. D. New York: M. T.Richardson Co., 1892. Burr, S. D. V., editor. 684.7 P600 ^*-° Bicycle repairing. A manual compiled from articles in the Iron age 166 p. il. O. New York: D. Williams. 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM IQ^ Sharp, Archibald. 684.7 P601 5935 Bicycles & tricycles. An elementary treatise on their design and construction xviii,536 p. 565 il. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. Tayler, A. J. Wallis-. 684.7 P700 "°' Modern cycles. A practical handbook on their construction and repair. xvi,340 p. 304 il. i pi. D. London : C. Lockwood & Son, 1897. Crane, W. J. E. 686O500 '**" Bookbinding for amateurs: being descriptions of the various tools and appliances required and minute instructions for their effective use. vi,[2],i84 p. 156 il. D. London : L. Upcott Gill, [1885]. Zaehnsdorf, Joseph William. 686 Poo i 2133 ^Yhe art of bookbinding. A practical treatise. Second edition, ... enlarged. xix,i90 p. il. 8 pi. D. (Technological handbooks.) London: G. Bell & Sons, 1890. Prideaux, Sarah Treverbian. 686P300 '^ An historical sketch of bookbinding, with a chapter on early stamped bindings by E. Gordon Duff. vi,[2],303 p. 3 pi. O. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. Contains a bibliography of bookbinding. Home, Herbert P. 686 P401 ""® The binding of books. An essay in the history of gold-tooled bindings. xiii,[3],224 p. i il. 13 pi. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, . . . , & Co., 1894. 690 BUILDING Hatfield, Robert Griffith. 690.2 O003 ^"° The American house carpenter. A treatise on the art of build- ing. ... ; together with a compend of mathematics Eighth edition, rewritten and enlarged. Edited by O. P. Hatfield. Twelfth edition [2], 685 p. 450 il. 16 pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1895, c. 1880. Spon, E. & F. ^.^ publishers. 690. 2 O401 "^® Spons' mechanics' own book : a manual for handicraftsmen and amateurs. Third edition. xii,702 p. 1424 il. O. London 1889. 192 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Berg, Louis de Coppet. 690.2 O900 ^''*' Safe building : a treatise giving ... the practical and theoretical rules and formulae used in the construction of buildings. 2 vol. il. pi. tables. O. Boston: Ticknor & Co., 1 892-1 894. Vol. I : fourth edition, revised, published in 1894, c. 1889. Kidder, Frank Eugene. 690.2 P600 "" Building construction and superintendence. Part I-. il. O. New York: W. T. Comstock, 1896-. Thurston, Robert Henry. 691 O900 ^'^* .... Materials of engineering. 3 vol. il. pi. table. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1 893-1 898. Contents: Vol. i. A treatise on the non-metallic materials of engineering, stone, limber, fuel, lubricants, etc. Vol. 2. A treatise on iron and steel. Vol. 3. A treatise on brasses, bronzes, and other alloys, and their constituent metals. Vol. I is in fourth re\ased edition; vol. 2, in seventh revised edition; vol. 3, in third edition, revised. Newman, John. 691.7 P602 ^*^^ Metallic structures : corrosion and fouling, and their prevention. A practical aid-book to the safety of works in iron and steel, and of ships; and to the selection of paints for them. xi,374 p. il. D. London : E. & F. N. Spon, 1896. Leaning, J. 692.5 P700 '■'°' Quantity surveying. For the use of surveyors, architects, engi- neers, and builders. Third edition, revised and enlarged xvi,547 p. 68 il. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1897. Clark, Theodore Minot. 692.6 O300 ^"^ Building superintendence : a manual for young architects, students, and others interested in building operations as carried on at the present day. Thirteenth edition. [4] ,336 p. 194 il. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895, c. 1883. Baker, Ira Osborn. 693 P900 A treatise on masonry construction. Ninth edition, revised and partially rewritten xiii,556 p. 160 il. 6 pi. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. Kemp, Wilfred. 693.6 P300 ^'*° The practical plasterer : a compendium of plain and ornamental ' plaster work, with useful recipes and a glossary of terms. vi,[2], 184 p. 52 il. nar. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1893. Industrial School Association, Boston. 694O100 "" Wood-working tools ; how to use them. A manual. ix,ioi,[i], p. il. D. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1887. c. 1881. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 193 Kilbon, George Baldwin. 694 P300 ^""^ Manual training. Elementary woodwork : a series of sixteen les- sons taught in the senior grammar grade at Springfield, Mass., and designed to give fundamental instruction in use of all the principal tools needed in carpentry and joinery. [4] ,99 p. 207 il. D. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1893. Young, Francis Chilton-. 694P500 ^"' Home carpentry for handy men : a book of practical instruction in . . . constructive and decorative work in wood .... v'n,'j'j2 p. 571 il. O. London: Ward, Lock & Bowden, 1895. Davies, Philip John. 696 O500 "^^ Standard practical plumbing: being a complete encyclopaedia for practical plumbers and guide for architects, builders, gas fitters, hot water fitters, ironmongers, lead burners, sanitary engineers, zinc workers, .... 2 vol. il. pi. por. sq.O. London : E. & F. N. Spon, 1895-1896. Vol. I in fourth, revised edition. Carpenter, Rolla Clinton. 697P501 Heating and ventilating buildings. An elementary treatise. First edition xiii,4ii p. 228 il. I pi. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Baldwin, William James. 697.4 O900 3367 Hot-water heating and fitting ; or. Warming buildings by hot- water. .... Third edition, .... [8], 392, [6] p. il. 2 pi. O. New York: Engineering Record, 1891. Hood, Charles. 697.4 P700 *^'* A practical treatise upon warming buildings by hot water and upon heat and heating appliances in general. With an enquiry respecting ventilation, the cause and action of draughts in chim- neys or flues, and the laws relating to combustion. Rewritten by Frederick Dye. Third new edition, fully revised to date, xvi, 593 P- 369 il. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1897. Steam-heating problems. 697.5 O800 '"'^ Steam-heating problems ; or, Questions, answers, and descriptions relating to steam-heating and steam-fitting, from The Engineering record 233 p. 109 il. O. New York: Engineering rec- ord, 1 891. Pearce, Walter John. 698 P700 ''''-' Painting and decorating. xvi,[2],3i2 p. 88 il. 34 pl- O. Lon- don: C. Griffin & Co., 1898. 194 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 700 FINE ARTS 701-709 GENERAL WORKS Adeline, [Jules]. 703 A229 1O40S Adeline's art dictionary. Containing a complete index of all terms used in art, architecture, heraldry, and arch£eolog}^ Trans- lated from the French, and enlarged. vii,422 p. il. O. New York D. Appleton & Co., 1891. Crane, Walter. 704 C85 ^'^''' The claims of decorative art. vi,r2],i9i p. il. sq.O. Boston: Houghton, MifBin, & Co., 1892. Contents: The claims of decorative art. The architecture of art. Figurative art. Sculpture: from a decorator's point of view. Painting at the present day: from a deco- rator's point of view. On the structure and evolution of decorative pattern. Art and labour. Art and handicraft. The prospects of art under socialism. On the teaching of art. Design in relation to use and material. The importance of the applied arts, and their relation to common life. Art and commerciaUsm. Art and social democracy. Imitation and expression in art. Art and industry. Day, Lewis Foreman. 704 D33 ®**' Some principles of every-day art : introductory chapters on the arts not fine. 2nd edition, revised. [6], 148 p. 70 il. i pi. D. London: B. T. Batsford, 1894. Miller, Fred. 704 M61 "^'^ The training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. 161 il. O. New York : Truslove & Comba, 1898. Contents: i. The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Glass painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. Women workers in the art crafts. 11. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in relief. 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. Morris, William. 704 M83 '*^'' Hopes and fears for art. Five lectures delivered in Birmingham, London, and Nottingham 1878-1881. Fifth edition. [2], 218 p. I pi. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. Contents: The lesser arts. The art of the people. The beauty of life. Making the best of it. The prospects of architecture in civilisation. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 1 95 Ruskin, John. 704 R89 "®^ The eagle's nest. Ten lectures on the relation of natural science to art, given before the University of Oxford ... , 1872. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. XX, 260 p. D. New York: Maynard, Merrill & Co., 1893. Contents: i. Of wisdom and folly in art. 2. Of wisdom and folly in science. 3. The relation of wise art to wise science. 4. The power of modesty in science and art. 5. The power of contentment in science and art. 6. The relation to art of the science of light. 7. The relation to art of the sciences of inorganic form. 8. The relation to art of the sciences of organic form. 9. The story of the halcyon. 10. The heraldic ordinaries. Ruskin, John. 704 R891 *"® The two paths. Being lectures on art and its application to dec- oration and manufacture, delivered in 1838-9. With an intro- duction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. xvii,[2], 270 p. D. New York: Maynard, MerriU & Co., 1893. Contents: i. The deteriorative power of conventional art over nations. 2. The unity of art. 3. Modern manufacture and design. 4. Influence of imagination in architec- ture. 5. The work of iron, in nature, art, and policy. Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, London. 706.204 i 11368 ^j.^ ^j^^ Yx{q_^ and the building and decoration of cities: a series of lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, delivered at the fifth exhibition of the society in 1896. [6] ,260 p. D. London: Rivington, Percival, & Co., 1897. Contents: i. Sanderson, T. J. Cobden-. Of art and life. 2. Lethaby, W. R. Of beautiful cities. 3. Crane, W. Of the decoration of public buildings. 4. Blomfield, R. Of public spaces, parks and gardens. 5. Ricardo, H. Of colour in the architecture of cities. Ashbee, Charles Robert. 707 A819 17000 ^ jg^ chapters in workshop re-construction and citizenship. 165, [i] p. O. London: Guild and School of Handicraft, 1894. Contents : i . Some definitions towards an ideal. 2. On the need for the cultivation of the sense of beauty and the questionable wisdom of looking for this from the British middle class. 3. How can we "run" art at our polytechnics. 4. Decorative art from a workshop point of view. 5. An industrial dialogue between Mr. Archibald Pushing- ton, M.P., and Mr. Thomas Trudge. 6. The honest endeavour of Timothy Thumbs, teacher and humanist. 7. On the higher aspects of technical education and the ele- mentary teacher. 8. On the teaching of design and its bearing on workshop re-con- struction. 9. University Extension and the workshop — a problem and a policy. 10. The policy developed towards workshop reconstruction. 11. The relation of the archi- tect towards workshop reconstruction. 12. On the possibility of a metropohtan school of architecture. 13. Where is the builder of ideas? 14. The art and technical instructor of to-day and the little citizen of the future. 15. On Jack's initiation into the citizen- ship. 196 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Reber, Franz von. 709 R24 '***' History of mediceval art. Translated by Joseph Thatcher Clarke. xxxi,743 p. 422 il. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1897, c. 1886. Conway, Si?- William Martin. 709.1 C76 ib787 Da^vn of art in the ancient world. An archaeological sketch. viii,i89 p. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Cook, Edward Tyas. 709.276 C77 '*'^'" Studies in Ruskin : some aspects of the work and teaching of John Ruskin. Second edition. xiv,304 p. il. 8 pi. i por. D. Orpington: G. Allen, 1891. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. 1-709 -3 P42 '"■** History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor. From the French. Translated and edited by I. Gonino. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1890. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.351 P42 18121 j^ history of art in Chaldaea & Assyria. From the French. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1884. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.355 P42 11892 History of art in Persia. From the French. xii,5o8 p. 254 il. 12 pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1892. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.38 P42 "^*^ History of art in primitive Greece. Mycenian art. From the French. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1894. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.39 P42 History of art in Phoenicia and its dependencies. From the French. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1885. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.392 P42 '"" History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia. From the French. xii,405 p. 283 il. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1892. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 197 711 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Parsons, Samuel. L710.2 P25 "'" Landscape gardening. Notes and suggestions on lawns and lawn planting — laying out and arrangement of country places, large and small parks, cemetery plots, and railway-station lawns — de- ciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs — the hardy border — bedding plants — rockwork, etc. xxii,329 p. il. i pi. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Robinson, William. >7io,2 R56 16683 -pj^g English flower garden. Design and arrangement shown by existing examples of gardens in Great Britain and Ireland followed by a description of the best plants for the open-air garden and their culture. Sixth edition. xii,832 p. il. O. London: J. Murray, 1898. Rose, Nils Jonsson-. L710.2R72 ^'"^ Lawns and gardens. How to plant and beautify the home lot, the pleasure ground and garden. xi,4i4 p. 172 il. i pi. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Amherst, Alicia M. T. L710.9 A515 9091 j^ history of gardening in England. xvi,398 p. il. Q. London: B. Quaritch, 1895. "Bibliography of works on English gardening", p. 323-389. May, W. J. 716 M45 10049 Greenhouse management for amateurs : descriptions of the best greenhouses and frames, ... ; particulars of the various methods of heating; illustrated descriptions of the most suitable plants, with general and special cultural directions ; . . . . Second edition, revised and enlarged. [4] ,3 79 p. 128 il. D. London: L. U. Gill, [1897]- Robinson, William. 7^6 R56 16999 jj^g ^jijj garden ; or, The naturalization and natural grouping of hardy exotic plants, with a chapter on the garden of British wild flowers. Fourth edition illustrated by Alfred Parsons. xx,304 p. il. II pi. paged in, i pi. O. London: J. Murray, 1894. 198 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 720 ARCHITECTURE Ruskin, John. 720.1 R89 '"*'-^® The seven lamps of architecture. With illustrations drawn by the author, and an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood cditon. xxiv,40i p. 14 pi. D. New York: C. E. Merrill & Co., 1892. Statham, Henry Heathcote. 720.2 S797 16559 Architecture for general readers. A short treatise on the princi- ples and motives of architectural design. With a historical • sketch. Second edition, revised. xvi,332 p. il. 12 pi. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. Viollet-le-Duc, [Eugene Emmanuel] . 720.3 V81 16997 Dictionnaire de I'architecture fran^aise du Xl*^ au XVI^ siecle. 10 vol. il. por. O. Paris: vol. i, 9, v*' A. Morel & C'^ vol. 2-8, ID, A. Morel, 1867-1873. Vol. 10 is index. "Henri Sabine. Table analytique et synthetique ... ", was published separately in 1889. Vol. I published in 1S73. Singleton, Esther, editor. 720.8 2 16S87 Turrets, towers, and temples. The great buildings of the world, as seen and described by famous writers. Edited and translated by Esther Singleton. xii,3i7 p. 48 pi. O. New York : Dodd, Mead & Co., 1899. Fletcher, Banister, & Fletcher, Banister F. 720.9 F63 7876 p^ history of architecture Being a comparative view of the historical styles, from the earliest period. Second edition, re- printed from the first. xv,[i 3,313 p. il. 115 pi. D. London: B. T. Batsford, 1896. Mathews, Charles Thompson. 720.9 M42 '^'^ The story of architecture: an outline of the styles in all countries, xvi, 468 p. I pi. 1 75 il. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1 896. VioUet-le-Duc, Eugene [Emmanuel]. 720.9 V81 **" The habitations of man in all ages. Translated by Benjamin Bucknall. xvi, 394 p. il. 9 pi. O. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1876. Sturgis, Russell. 720.94 S935 ^''" European architecture. A historical study. xxviii,578 p. 256 il. 10 pi. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 199 VioUet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. 721 V8i *®°* Rational building : being a translation of the article "Construction" in the Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architecture frangaise, of M. Eu- gene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, by George Martin Huss. xii,367 p. 156 il. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Corroyer, Edouard. 723.5 C81 18961 Qothic architecture. Edited by Walter Armstrong. [Translated by Florence Simmonds.] xvi,388 p. 236 il. i pi. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Perkins, Thomas. 723.5 P41 18494 Handbook to Gothic architecture ecclesiastical and domestic for photographers and others. 223,[i] p. il. i pi. D. London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1897. Statham, Henry Heathcote. 724 S797 »78i6 Modern architecture. A book for architects and the public. x,28i p. 145 il. I pi. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. 730-740 DECORATIVE ARTS Bemrose, William. L736 B42 "*' Manual of wood carving. With practical instructions for learners of the art, and original and selected designs. With an introduc- tion by Llewellynn Jewitt. Twentieth edition. 72 p. il. i pi. sq.Q. London: Bemrose & Sons, [1862]. Humphreys, Henry Noel. 737 H881 ^^" The coin collector's manual, or Guide to the numismatic student in the formation of a cabinet of coins : comprising an historical and critical account of the origin and progress of coinage, .... 2 vol. il. pi. D. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1876. Barber, Edwin Atlee. L738 B23 *^" The pottery and porcelain of the United States : an historical re- view of American ceramic art from the earliest times to the present day. xvii,446 p. 222 il. i pi. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. Young, Jennie J. 73^ Y8 "" The ceramic art. A compendium of the history and manufacture of pottery and porcelain. [23,499 p. 464 il. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1879. 200 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward. 738-54^77 '"" Maiolica. vii,i92 p. 82 il. O. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1875. Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward. 739^77 "^' Bronzes. viii,i62 p. 28 il. O. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1877. Leland, Charles Godfrey. 739 L53 ^"* Elementar}^ metal work : a practical manual for amateurs and for use in schools, xvi.iii p. 12411. i pi. sq. O. New York : Mac- millan & Co., 1894. Day, Lewis Foreman. 740.2 D33 ®^'^ Nature in ornament. xxiii.247 p. 192 il. 123 pi. D. (Text books of ornamental design.) London: B. T. Batsford, 1892. Day, Lewis Foreman. 740.2 D331 9920 -pj^g planning of ornament. Third edition, further revised, .... xi,49 p. 41 pi. D. (Text books of ornamental design, no. 2.) London: B. T. Batsford, 1893. Day, Lewis Foreman. 740.2 D332 ®®-' The application of ornament. Fourth edition, further revised. xi,[i],76 p. il. 48 pi. D. (Textbooks of ornamental design, no. 3.) London: B. T. Batsford, 1896. Mayeux, Henri. 740.2 M45 ^"®' A manual of decorative composition. For designers, decorators, architects, and industrial artists. Translated by J. Gonino. ix, 310 p. 267 il. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1888. Meyer, Franz Sales. 740.2 M57 13584 j^ handbook of ornament. Third English edit'on, revised by Hugh Stannus. xvi,548 p. il. O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1896. Redgrave, Richard. 740.2 R24 "^- Manual of design, compiled from the writings and addresses of Richard Redgrave by Gilbert R. Redgrave. viii,i73 p. 18 il. O. [South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1876. Ruskin, John. 740.2 R89 "*' The elements of drawing in three letters to beginners. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. xxxvi,[2],38o p. 48 il. D. New York: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., c. 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 201 VioUet-le-Duc, [Eugene Emmanuel] . 740.2 V8i ^^^° Learning to draw; or, The story of a young designer. Translat- ed from the French by Virginia ChampHn v, [3], 324 p. no il. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1888, c. 1880. Ward, James. 740.2 W21 ^^'^ The principles of ornament. Edited by George Aitchison. New and enlarged edition. xix,207 p. 189,38 il. i pi. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. White, Gleeson, editor. 740.2 W58 11047 Practical designing. A handbook on the preparation of working drawings [Second edition,] viii,327 p. il. 4 pi, D. Lon- don: G. Bell & Sons, 1894. Contents : Millar, A. Carpet designing. Silver, A. Woven fabrics. Rix, W. P, Pottery. Carter, O. Tiles, Rathbone, R, LI. B, Metal work. Image, S. Stained glass. White, G. Drawing for reproduction. Orrinsmith, H, Book-binding. Silver, A, Printed fabrics, — , Floorcloths, Haite, G. C, Wall papers, Rouaix, PauL I'740.3 R75 17336 j^ictionnaire des arts decoratifs a I'usage des artisans, des artistes, des amateurs et des ecoles. [2],vii,i042,[2] p, 541 il. i pi. Q. Paris: Librairie lUustree, [1885]. Day, Lewis Foreman. 740.4 D33 ^®'^ The anatomy of pattern. Fourth edition, revised .... xi,56 p. il. 41 pi. D. (Text books of ornamental design, no. i,) Lon- don: B. T, Batsford, 1896, Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, London. 740.8 4 12517 ^j.|-g 2Si^ crafts essays. By members of the Arts and Crafts Ex- hibition Society, with a preface by William Morris. xvii,420 p. 6 il. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. Ward, James. 740.9 W21 '^"•^ Historic ornament. Treatise on decorative art and architectural ornament 2 vol. il. pi. O. London : Chapman & Hall, 1897. Appleton's cyclopaedia of technical drawing. L744A649 '^°^ Appleton's cyclopedia of technical drawing. Embracing the prin- ciples of construction as applied to practical design Edit- ed by W. E. Worthen. vii,[2],745,38 p. il. 15 pi. 5 maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. MacCord, Charles William. L744 M13 Practical hints for draughtsmen. Third edition. ... [6],iOO p. 68 il. sq.F. New York: J. W. Wiley & Sons, 1895. Bound with: MacCord, C. W. Mechanical drawing. 1892. 202 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY MacCord, Charles William. L744 M13 ^'°^ Mechanical drawing. Progressive exercises and practical hints. For the use of all who wish to acquire the art, with or without the aid of an instructor. [6], 148 p. 164 il. sq.F. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1892. Bound with this: MacCord, C. W. Practical hints for draughtsmen. 1895. Dillmont, Therese de. 746 D58 ^'^'^ Encyclopedia of needlework. English edition [4]. 5 78 p. 890 il. O. [18 — ]. Lef^bure, Ernest. 746 L52 *■"''' Embroidery and lace : their manufacture and history from the remotest antiquity to the present day Translated and enlarged, with notes, by Alan S. Cole. x,326 p. 1541!. O. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1888. Miintz, Eugene. 746 M92 "■* A short history of tapestry. From the earliest times to the end of the i8th century. Translated by Miss Louisa J. Davis, xvi, 399 P- 94 il- D. [Fine-art library.] London: Cassell & Co., 1885. Edis, Robert William. 747 E23 ^"^* Decoration & furniture of town houses. A series of Cantor lec- tures delivered before the Society of Arts, 1880, amplified and enlarged, xvi, 292 p. il. 29 pi. O. New York : Scribner & Wel- ford, 1 88 1. Day, Lewis Foreman. 74^ D33 'osss Windows. A book about stained & painted glass. x,4i5 p. il. O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1897. Holiday, Henry. L748 H71 ^"* Stained glass as an art xx,i73 p. il. 21 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Eastlake, Charles Lock, Architect. 749^13 °'* Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery and other de- tails. Third edition (revised). xviii,306 p. il. 32 pi. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1872. Pollen, John Hungerford, M.A. 18 20-. 749 ^7^ '°^ Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. vii,i43 p. 62 il. O. [South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1875. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 203 750-760 PAINTING AND ENGRAVING Champlin, John Denison, Jr., ^750-3^35 '""' & Perkins, Charles C, editors. Cyclopedia of painters and painting. 4 vol. il. pi. por. sq.Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1886-1887. Large paper edition, in 500 copies. Bryan, Michael. L750.92 B84 18632 ]3Jc|-ionary of painters and engravers, biographical and critical. New edition, revised and enlarged, edited by Robert Edmund Graves. 2 vol. Q. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1 886-1 895. Vol. 2 edited by Robert Edmund Graves and Walter Armstrong. Hodson, James Shirley. 760.2 H66 "*" An historical and practical guide to art illustration, in connection with books, periodicals, and general decoration [8], 224 p. il. 18 pi. 3 por. I pi. of por. i map, i table. O. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1884. Ruskin, John. 760.4 R89 ®'*® Ariadne Florentina. Six lectures on wood and metal engraving, with appendix, given before the University of Oxford ... , 1872- With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edi- tion, xviii, 298 p. 16 pi. I table. D. New York: C. E. Merrill & Co., 1892. Slater, John Herbert. 760.92 S631 174B4 Engravings and their value : a guide for the print collector. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. [6], 5 72, [4] p. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1897. "A dictionary of engravers and their works. Being an alphabetical list of the prin- cipal engravers, with the prices realised at auction for a selection of their works," p. 95-572. 770 PHOTOGRAPHY Abney, William de Wiveleslie. 770.2 A153 12962 ^ treatise on photography. Ninth edition. xvi,374 p. 116 il. D. [Text-books of science.] London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Brothers, Alfred. 770.2 B79 «962o Photography : its history, processes, apparatus, and materials. Comprising working details of all the more important methods. xiii,364 p. 122 il. 24 pi. O. London: C. Grifhn & Co., 1892. 204 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Burton, William Kinninmond, &- Pringle, Andrew. 770.2 B95 1589 -phe processes of pure photography. 200, ix p. 27 il. O. New- York : Scovill & Adams Co., 1889. Marion & Co., London. 770-2 M33 17651 Practical guide to photography. Sixth edition . . . revised and enlarged. viii,288 p. 50 il. D. London 1898. Wall, E. J. 770.3 W15 ^'®^ The dictionary of photography for the amateur and professional photographer. Revised and brought up to date by Thos. Bolas. Seventh edition, enlarged. iv,632 p. 122 il. D. London: Hazell. Watson, & Viney, 1897. Wilson, Edward Livingstone. 770-3 W69 6251 Wilson's cyclopaedic photography. A complete hand-book of the terms, processes, formulae and appliances available in photogra- phy, arranged in cyclopaedic form for ready reference, 453 p. 247 il. sq.O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, c. 1894. American annual. 770.51 i *^^^ The American annual of photography and Photographic times almanac. Continued from [vol. 2]. 1888. il. pi. O. New York c. 1887-. Vol. 2-5 edited by C. W. Canfield; vol. 7-8, by W. I. Lincoln Adams; vol. 10-, by Walter E. Woodbury. Yearbook. 770.52 2 5530 -pj^g Yearbook of photography and amateur's guide [Vol. 30.] 1889. Continued from [vol. 38]. 1897. il- pl- D. London [1888-]. 18S9 edited by Thomas Bolas; 1897-, by E. J. Wall. 1889 published under the title: The Yearbook of photography and photographic news almanac. Watts, W. A. 770.8 4 18076 jj^g photographic reference book. Hints, information, and methods concerning all kinds of photographic work and recreation. Compiled by W. A. Watts, under the direction of Henry Sturmey. 300 p. il. O. London: IHffe & Son, [1896]. Werge, John. 770.9 W49 17657 Yj^g evolution of photography. With a chronological record of discoveries, inventions, etc., contributions to photographic litera- ture, and personal reminiscences extending over forty years. viii,3i2 p. 4 pl. of per. D. London: Piper & Carter, 1890 BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 205 Meldola, Raphael. 77i'i M48 14392 -pi^g chemistry of photography. xiv,[2],382 p. 14 il. D. (Na- ture series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1891. Andrews, John. 778.22 A567 17608 Studies in photography. xiii,202 p. il. 6 pi. D. London: Ha- zell, Watson, & Viney, pref., 1892. Pringle, Andrew. 778.2578 P93 '^°^^ Practical photo-micrography: by the latest methods. i83,ix p. 42 il. 7 pi. O. [Scovill's photographic series.] New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1890. 780 MUSIC Champlin, John Denison, Jr., L780.3C35 ""^ & Apthorp, William Foster, editors. Cyclopedia of music and musicians. 3 vol. il. por. table. Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 888-1 890. Special edition, with etchings, in 50 copies. Grove, Sir George^ editor. 780.3 G91 '" A dictionary of music and musicians (A. D. 1 450-1889) by emi- nent writers, English and foreign. With appendix, edited by J. A. Fuller Maitland, and index by Mrs. Edmond Wodehouse. 4 vol. and index, il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890-94. Riemann, Hugo. 780.3 R44 ^^'® Dictionary of music. New edition, with many additions by the author. Translated by J. S. Shedlock. [2], 895 p. il. O. Lon- don: Augener & Co., [1893]. Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings. 780.9 P24 17725 ji^g evolution of the art of music. x,342 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 'jG.^ New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896. Wallaschek, Richard. 780.91 W15 11523 Pi-ji-nitiyg music. An inquiry into the origin and development of music, songs, instruments, dances, and pantomimes of savage races. With musical examples. xi,326 p. 9 p. of music. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1893. "Authorities quoted", p. 297-321. Brown, James Duff, & Stratton, Stephen S. 780.92 B81 British musical biography: a dictionary of musical artists, authors and composers, born in Britain and its colonies. [4],ii,[2],462, [2] p. O. Birmingham: S. S. Stratton, 1897. 206 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Paine, John Knowles, Thomas, Theodore, &• L780.92 P16 '"^'^ Klauser, Karl, editors. Famous composers and their works. 4 vol. paged continuously ; vol. I : xii, 1-242 p.; vol. 2: [4], 243-496 p. ; vol. 3 : [4] ,497-732 p.; vol. 4: [4], 733-976 p. il. pi. por. Q. Boston: J. B. Millet Co., c. 1891. Thomas, Theodore, editor. L780.92 Pi6i 12351 panious composers and their works. Musical compositions. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : viii,i-240 p. ; vol. 2 : viii,24i — 472 p. por. Q. Boston: J. B. Millet Co., c. 1891. Published to accompany Paine, J. K., Thomas, T., & Klauser, K., ed. Famous composers and their works. 790 AMUSEMENTS Hopkins, Albert Allis. L793 H77 "" Magic, stage illusions and scientific diversions, including trick photography. With an introduction by Henry Ridgely Evans. xii, 5 56 p. 400 il. I pi. Q. New York: Munn & Co., 1897. "Bibliography of natural magic and prestidigitation. Compiled, with notes, by Hen- ry Ridgely Evans", p. 537-550. BOOKS IN IHE READING ROOM 207 800 LITERATURE Posnett, Hutcheson Macaulay. 8oi P84 "" Comparative literature. x,402 p. D. (International scientific series, vol. 54.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. Bartlett, John. 808.8 B28 ^^' Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and prov- erbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. Ninth edition. xv,ii58p. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1892. Belton, John Devoe. 808.8 B41 "* A literary manual of foreign quotations, ancient and modern, with illustrations from American and English authors and explanatory notes. vi,249 p. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1892. Duyckinck, Evert Augustus, L810.92D95 '"^^ & Duyckinck, George L. Cyclopsedia of American literature ; embracing personal and crit- ical notices of authors, and selections from their writings, from the earliest period to the present day. 2 vol. il. por. Q. New York: C. Scribner, 185 5-1 856. Vol. I printed in 1856. Brooke, Stopford Augustus. 820.9 B79 18023 English literature from the beginning to the Norman conquest. ix,338 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. "Bibliography," p. 325-334. Saintsbury, George. 820.9 S157 ''"*^ A history of Elizabethan literature. [Second edition.] xiv, 471 p. D. [History of English literature.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Saintsbury, George. 820.9 S1571 17168 ^ history of nineteenth century literature (i 780-1 895). xii, 477 p. D. [History of Enghsh literature.] London : Macmillan & Co., 1896. Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. 820.9 Ti3 12353 History of English literature. Translated from the French by H. Van Laun. [New edition.] 4 vol. O. Edinburgh : Edmonston & Douglas, 1873-1874. 208 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Scherer, Wilhelm. 830.9 S326 16S77 ^ history of German literature. Translated from the third Ger- man edition by Mrs. F. C. Conybeare. Edited by F. Max Muller. 2 vol. O. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1886. Brunetiere, Ferdinand. 840.9 B83 ib024 ]\j^j-jy^[ Qf ^YiQ history of French literature. Authorized trans- lation by Ralph Derechef. xxvii,[2],569 p. 16 por. O. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1898. Kelly, James Fitzmaurice-. 860.9 K29 17196 ^ history of Spanish literature. ix,423 p. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1898. "Bibliographical note", p. 399-412. Teuffel, Wilhelm Sigmund. 870.9 T29 '**" History of Roman literature. Revised and enlarged by Ludwig Schwabe. Authorized translation from the fifth German edition, by George C. W. Warr. 2 vol. O. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1891-1892. Mure, William. 880.9 M94 "'^' A critical history of the language and literature of antient Greece. Second edition. 5 vol. map. O. London: Longman, ... ,& Longmans, 1 854-1 859. Vol. 5 is in first edition. , BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 2O9 900 HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY 901-909 HISTORY: GENERAL WORKS Larned, Josephus Nelson. L903P300 °®' History for ready reference from the best historians, biographers, and specialists. Their own words in a complete system of his- tory .... 5 vol. maps, tables. Q. Springfield, Mass. : C. A. Nichols Co., 1895. Bouillet, Marie Nicolas. L903P301 "^° Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographie. Contenant: I'' I'histoire proprement dite : ... ; 2^ la biographic universelle : ... ; 3^ la mythologie : ... ; 4*^ la geographie ancienne et mo- derne Refondu sous la direction de L.-G. Gourraigne. Trente-et-unieme edition. x,2ioi p. O. Paris: Librairie Ha- chette &0^ [1893]. Heilprin, Louis. 903 P302 67UO -pj^g historical reference book. Comprising a chronological table of universal history, a chronological dictionary of universal his- tory, a biographical dictionary. With geographical notes .... Fourth edition, with a supplement revised to 1893. xi)[2],574 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 907 P400 ®'^® How to study and teach history. With particular reference to the history of the United States. Revised edition, with additional matter, including a bibliographical index. xxiii,353 p. D. (In- ternational education series, vol. 25.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Mace, William Harrison. 907 P700 *'^^ Method in history. For teachers and students. xvii,3ii p. D. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn & Co., 1897. Contents: General nature of history. Organization of the periods of American history. The elementary phases of history teaching. Freeman, Edward Augustus. 909 F87 ^'" General sketch of history. Adapted for American students. New edition, revised, .... xxxi,400 p. 16 maps. S. (Freeman's historical course for schools, vol. i.) New York: H. Holt& Co., c. 1876. 210 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Stokvis, A. M. H. J. L909 S874 17837 ]\iaiiuQi cl'histoire, de genealogic ct dc chronologic dc tous Ics etats du globe, depuis les temps Ics plus rccules jusqu'a nos jours, .... 3 vol. tables. Q. Lcide : E. J. Brill, 1 888-1 893. Irving, Joseph. 909.8 A613 *'°'^ The annals of our time : a diurnal of events, social and political, home and foreign, from the accession of Queen Victoria, June 20, 1837, to the Peace of Versailles, February 28, 1871. ix,[6],i033, [i] p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. From February 24, 1871, to the Jubilee, June 20, 1887, [6],987-i65i,[i] p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1889. For continuation see Fyfe, H. H. Annals of our time. Fyfe, H. Hamilton. 909.8 A6131 2103 Aiiiials of our time. A record of events, social and political, home and foreign, .... Vol. 3, parts 1-2. O. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1891-1892. Contents: Part i. June 21, 1887, to January i, 1891. Part 2. 1891. For preceding volumes see Irving, J. Annals of our time. 910.1-910.9 GEOGRAPHY: GENERAL WORKS Reclus, Elisee. L910.2O300 ""'•^ The earth and its inhabitants. Europe. Edited by E. G. Raven- stein. 5 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883. Contents : Vol. I . Greece, Turkey in Europe, Rumania, Servia, Montenegro, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Vol. 2. France and Switzerland. Vol. 3. Austria-Hungary, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Vol. 4. The British Isles. Vol. 5. The north-east Atlantic, islands of the north Atlantic, Scandinavia, European islands of the Arctic Ocean, Russia in Europe. Vol. 5 edited by E. G. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. Reclus, Elisee. L910.2 O301 "^' The earth and its inhabitants. Asia. Edited by E. G. Raven- stein and A. H. Keane. 4 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1884-1885. Contents: Vol. I. Asiatic Russia: Caucasia, Aralo-Caspian basin, Siberia. Vol.2. East Asia: Chinese Empire, Corea, and Japan. Vol. 3. India and Indo-China. Vol. 4. South-western Asia. Vol. 2-4 edited by A. H. Keane. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 2 I I Reclus, Elis^e. L910.2 O302 "^^ The earth and its inhabitants. Africa. Edited by A. H. Keane. 4 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886- 1889. Contents: Vol. i. North-east Africa. Vol. 2. North-west Africa. Vol. 3. West Africa. Vol. 4. South and east Africa. Reclus, Elisee. L910.2O303 5795 jj-jg earth and its inhabitants. North America. Edited by A. H. Keane. 3 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1 890-1 893. Contents: Vol. i. British North America. Vol.2. Mexico, Central America, West Indies. Vol. 3. The United States. Reclus, Elisee. L910.2O304 5796 yj^g earth and its inhabitants. South America. Edited by A. H. Keane. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 894-1 895. Contents: Vol. i. The Andes regions. Vol. 2. Amazonia and La Plata. Reclus, Elisee. L910.2 O305 °'" The earth and its inhabitants. Oceanica. Edited by A. H. Keane. vii,5i2 p. 226 il. 38 pi. 5 maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Annuaire. , L910.3 i 12426 Annuaire international des transports, du commerce et de I'indus- trie. International directory of transports, commerce and industry. Internationales Jahrbuch fiir Transport, Handel und Industrie. Anuario internacional de los transportes, del comercio y de la industria. (1897.) [6] ,4352 p. Index. lxiii,xi,220,xi,220,xi, 248,xi,220 p. Q. Bruxelles: A. Michel & Co., [1897]. [Deschamps, Pierre.] 910.3 Nooi ^'^^ Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne a I'usage du li- braire et de I'amateur de livres, contenant: 1° Les noms anciens, grecs et latins, de la decadence latine et de la renaissance, . . . , avec leur signification actuelle en langues vulgaires ; 2° Les re- cherches . . . sur les origines de la typographic dans toutes les villes, bourgs, abbayes d'Europe, jusqu'au XIX® siecle exclusive- ment ; 3*^ Un dictionnaire frangais-latin des noms de lieux, des- tine a servir de table. Par Un Bibliophile, viii p. 796 col. O. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & O^, 1870. Published as supplement to Brunet, J. G. Manuel du hbraire. Un Bibliophile is pseudonym for Pierre Deschamps. 212 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Thomas, Joseph. L910.3P500 **' Lippincott's Gazetteer of the world. A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world New revised edition, amplified by a series of statistical tables, ... . 2894 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1895. Longmans, Green, & Co. ^ publishers. L910.3P501 """' Longmans' gazetteer of the world. Edited by George G. Chis- holm. xii.i788p. Q. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Ritter, KarL L910.3P502 "'® Ritters geographisch-statistisches Lexikon, . . . . Achte, . . . um- gearbeitete, vermehrte . . . Auflage. Unter der Redaktion von Jobs. Penzler. 2 vol. Q. Leipzig: O. Wigand, 1895. Taylor, Isaac. 910.3 P503 ^"^ Names and their histories, alphabetically arranged as a handbook of historical geography and topographical nomenclature. v,[3], 392 p. D. London: Rivington, Percival & Co., 1896. Strachey, Richeird. 910.7 O800 "'^ Lectures on geography, delivered before the Universit}' of Cam- bridge during the Lent term, 1888. [4] ,2 11 p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1888. Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik. A910.9O900 ^"'' Facsimile-atlas to the early history of cartography, with repro- ductions of the most important maps printed in the xv and xvi centuries. Translated from the Swedish original by Johan Adolf Ekelof and Clements R. Markham. [2],iv,[4],i4i p. 84 il. 51 maps. F. Stockholm 1889. Beazley, Charles Raymond. 910.9 P700 ''"^^ The dawn of modern geography. A history of exploration and geographical science, from the conversion of the Roman Empire to A. D. 900, with an account of the achievements and writings of the early Christian, Arab and Chinese travellers and students, xvi, 538 p. 13 pi. 10 maps. O. London: J. Murray, 1897. "Additional note. I. On the manuscripts of the principal texts, ii. On the editions of the principal texts", p. 517-530. Greely, Adolphus Washington. 910.92 G81 ""' Explorers and travellers. 373 p. il. 3 pi. 4 por. O. (Men of achievement.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 213 Winsor , Justin . 9 1 o . 92 1 8 W73 '"^® Christopher Columbus and how he received and imparted the spirit of discovery. xi,674 p. il. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1891. "The geographical results", p. 529-660. Bunbury, Edward Herbert. 910.93 N900 ^"^ A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans from the earhest ages till the fall of the Roman Empire. Second edition. 2 vol. maps. O. London: J. Murray, 1883. 911-912 ATLASES AND MAPS Spruner [von Merz], Karl. A911L500 *^°^ Hand-Atlas zur Geschichte Asiens, Afrika's, Amerika's und Aus- traliens. Zweite Auflage. [6], 12 p. 18 maps. sq. F\ Gotha: J. Perthes, 1855. Spruner [von Merz], Karl. A911N100 ^^°^ Spruner-Menke Hand-Atlas fiir die Geschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. Dritte Auflage von Dr. K. v. Spruners Hand-Atlas, neu bearbeitet von Dr. Th. Menke. [6] ,42 p. 90 maps. sq. F\ Gotha: J. Perthes, 1880. Freeman, Edward Augustus. 911 Oooi ."J553 -pj-jg historical geography of Europe. Second edition. 2 vol. maps. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1882. Vol. I: Text; vol. 2: Maps. Droysen, Gustav. A911O500 ''*° Professor G. Droysens allgemeiner historischer Handatlas . . . mit erlauterndem Text. Ausgefiihrt von der geographischen Anstalt von Velhagen und Klasing in Leipzig, unter Leitung von Dr. Richard Andree. [4] ,92 p. 88 p. of maps. F^ Bielefeld: Vel- hagen & Klasing, 1886. Labberton, Robert Henlopen. L911O600 ^*'"' New historical atlas and general history. xvi,2i3 p. 71 maps. Q. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Smith, William, LL.D., &- Grove, Sir George, editors. A911.3 N400 "" Dr. William Smith's ancient atlas. An atlas of ancient geography, biblical & classical. To illustrate the Dictionary of the Bible and the classical dictionaries. The biblical maps from recent surveys, and the classical maps drawn by Dr. Charles Miiller. [6] ,26 p. 43 maps. F®. London: J. Murray, 1874. 214 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Kiepert, Heinrich. L911.3P200 ^"' Atlas antiquus. Twelve maps of the ancient world for schools and colleges. Eleventh edition, revised and enlarged. [4] .27 p. 12 maps. F\ (Students' series.) Boston: Leach, Shewell, & San- born, c. 1892. Mac Coun, Townsend. 911.73P200 ^"^ An historical geography of the United States. Revised edition. vi,[2],48 p. 23 pi. of maps. sq. D. New York: Silver, Burdett & Co. 1892. Chisholm, George Goudie, & Leete, C. H., editors. L912 O900 '^^^ Longmans' new atlas, political and physical .... Engraved by Edward Stanford .... iv,3i p. 50 maps. Q. New York : Long- mans, Green, & Co., 1892. Bartholomew, John [George]. L912O901 3577 'j-j-^g library reference atlas of the world. With general index to 100,000 places. [6] ,209 p. 84 maps. F\ London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Bartholomew, John George. L912 O902 ^"^ Atlas of commercial geography, illustrating the general facts of physical, political, economic, and statistical geography, on which international commerce depends. With introductory notes by Hugh Robert Mill. vii,[i] p. 25 maps. sq.F. Cambridge: University Press, 1889. Stieler, Adolph. L912P100 ^'" Adolph Stieler's Handatlas liber alle Theile der Erde und liber das Weltgebaude. [7], 201 p. 95 maps. Y\ Gotha: J. Perthes, [1891]. Rand, McNally & Co., publishers. A912 P200 "*'' Rand, McNally & Co.'s indexed atlas of the world, .. . with his- torical, descriptive, and statistical matter .... Accompanied by a new and original compilation forming a ready reference index, .... 581 p. maps, tables. F®. Chicago 1892. Appleton & Co., Y).^ publishers. L912P201 ^'"^ The library atlas of modern geography : . . . , with a full gazetteer and indexes and . . . descriptive text based on the results of the latest censuses. [228], I09p. il. 103 maps. F''. New York 1895. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 21 5 Stanford, ^^-^dx^^ publisher. A912P300 *'''® Stanford's London atlas of universal geography, exhibiting the physical and political divisions of the various countries of the world. .... Second edition, revised and enlarged. [io],29p. 100 maps. F'. London 1896. Johnston, Alexander Keith. A912P400 '"''° The royal atlas of modern geography, exhibiting, . . . the present condition of geographical discovery and research .... With ad- ditions and corrections to the present date by T. B. Johnston. With a special index to each map. A new edition. viii,[2] p. 57 maps. F^ Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1896. Langhans, PauL L912 P700 "^^* Deutscher Kolonial- Atlas. Unpaged. 30 maps. F\ Gotha: J. Perthes, 1897. Smith, Benjamin Eli, editor. L912 P701 11691 'pj^g Century atlas of the world. Prepared under the superintend- ence of Benjamin E. Smith. [4],xxx,[2],382 p. il. 117 maps. F. New York: Century Co., c. 1897. Cram, George F., publisher. A912 P800 loboo (;;j-^i^'s standard American railway system atlas of the world. Accompanied with a complete and simple index of the United States .... 590,39 p. il. F^ Chicago: G. F. Cram, 1898. U. S. A. War Department. L912.7291 P701 "'*® Adjutant General' s Offiee. Military Information Division. Military map of the island of Cuba. Prepared in the War Department, Adjutant General's Ofhce, Military Information Division, from the latest official sources. 4 maps. sq.F. N. Y. J. Bien & Co., 1897. U. S. A. War Department. 912.7295 P800 ""' Adjutant General's Office. Military Information Division. Military map, island of Puerto Rico, 1898. 60.8x82 cm. sq.O. N. Y. : J. Bien& Co., [1898]. Bien & Co., Julius, publishers. L912.914 P800 "'®" Map of Phihppine Islands and adjacent seas. From material of the English and Batavian governments 1898. 109.5x63.5 cm. nar.Q. New York c. 1898. 2l6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 913 ANTIQUITIES Ely, Talfourd. 913 Pooi ®''®' Manual of archaeology xii,272 p. 113 il. i pi. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890. "Books recommended", at the beginning of each chapter. 920 BIOGRAPHY Gates, William Leist Redwin. L920.01 C28 '" A dictionary of general biography. Third edition, . . . completed to the present time. viii,i484p. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1881. Ghambers's biographical dictionary. 920.01 G35 15300 (3hambers's biographical dictionary. The great of all times and nations. Edited by David Patrick and Francis Hindes Groome. 1002 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1898. Gubernatis, Angelo de. L920.01 G93 ®'^® Dictionnaire international des ecrivains du jour. 3 vol. Q. Florence: L. Niccolai, 1 890-1 891. Vol. I published in 1891. Hoefer, Ferdinand, editor. 920.01 H67 J990 Nouvelle biographic generale depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours, avec les renseignements bibliographiques et I'in- dication des sources a consulter : publiee par MM. Firmin Didot Freres. 46 vol. in 23. O. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & C'^ 1855-1885. Vol. I published in 1862. Men. 920.01 M52 ''■''^ Men and women of the time. A dictionary of contemporaries. Fourteenth edition, revised and brought down to the present time by Victor G. Plarr. vii,[2] ,986 p. O. London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1895. Micbaud, [Joseph Francois, & Michaud, L. G.] , editors. L920.01 M58 ^°°° Biographic universelle (Michaud) ancienne et moderne, ... . Nouvelle edition, . . . revue, ... ; ouvrage redige par une societe de gens de lettres et de savants. 45 vol. Q. Paris: Madame C. Desplaces, i854-[i857]. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 21/ Phillips, Lawrence Barnett. 920.01 P54 *^^ The dictionary of biographical reference, containing over one hundred thousand names, together with a classed index of the biographical literature of Europe and America. New edition, re- vised, . . . with supplement to date, by Frank Weitenkampf xi,[2],i038 p. O. Philadelphia: Gebbie & Co., 1889. Pratt, Alfred T. Camden, editor. L920.01 P88 16547 People of the period. Being a collection of the biographies of upwards of six thousand living celebrities. 2 vol. Q. London: N. Beeman, i897-[i898]. Sanders, Lloyd Charles, editor. 920.01 S215 "*' Celebrities of the century. Being a dictionary of men and women of the nineteenth century, vi, [2], 1077 p. O. London : Cassell & Co., 1887. Thomas, Joseph. L920.01 T36 **® Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. New edition, ... enlarged. [4],xii,2550 p. Q. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1895. Vapereau, Gustave. L920.01 V41 '"^° Dictionnaire universel des contemporains, contenant toutes les personnes notables de la France et des pays etrangers, .... Sixieme edition ... augmentee. [2],iii,[i],i629 p. Q. Paris: Librairie Hachette & C''', 1893. Supplement ... . [4], 103 p. Q. Paris: Librairie Ha- chette & Ci^ 1895. Bound together. Vapereau, Gustave. L920.01 V411 17984 Dictionnaire universal des litteratures. Contenant, I, des notices sur les ecrivains de tous les temps et de tous les pays ... ; II, la theorie et I'historique des differents genres de poesie et de prose, .... Ill, la bibliographic generale et particuliere, .... Seconde edition, revue et augmentee d'un supplement. xvi,2096,2 5 p. Q. Paris: Hachette & C^^ 1884. Who's who. 920.01 W62 '2«3 \Yho's who? .... Continued from vol. 50. 1898. D. London 1 898-. Edited by Douglas Sladen. Also called New issue, vol. 2-. Smith, William, ZZ.Z>. 920.03 S664 **°^ Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 vol. il. O. London: Taylor, Walton, & Maberly, 1849-185 i. 2l8 THE JOHN CREIL\R LIBRARY Boase, Frederic. L920.042 B63 '■"' Modern English biography containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died since the year 1850, with an index of the most interesting matter. Vol. i-. O. Truro: for the author, 1892-. Only 250 copies printed. Dictionary. 920.042 D56 "'^ Dictionary of national biography. Continued from vol. i. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1885-. Vol. 1-21 edited by Leslie Stephen; vol. 22-26, by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee; vol. 27-, by Sidney Lee. Sharp, Robert Farquharson. 920.042 S531 ""^ A dictionary of English authors, biographical and bibliographical. Being a compendious account of the lives and writings of 700 British writers from the year 1400 to the present time. Second edition, with list of errata. vi,2,3io p. O. London: G. Red- way. 1898. Interleaved. Munich. Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. 920.043 M92 >99i Allgemeine deutsche Biographic. Auf Veranlassung . . . seiner Majestat des Konigs von Bayern . . . herausgegeben durch die Historische Commission bei der Konigl. Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Continued from vol. I. O. Leipzig: Duncker & Hum- blot, 1 875-. Vol. I- edited by R. von Liliencron and F. X. Wegele. Glaeser, Ernest, editor. L920.044G45 '^"" Biographic nationale des contemporains, redigee par une societe de gens de lettres. 4.834 p. Q. Paris: Glaeser & C'^, 1878. Brussels. Academie royale des sciences, 920.0493 B83 "09 des lettres et des beaux-arts. Biographic nationale, publiee par I'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Vol. i-. O. Bru- xelles 1 866-. Appleton's cyclopaedia. L920.07A649 ''^ Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. 6 vol. il. por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Who's who in America. 920.07 W62 "908 Who's who in America, A biographical dictionary of living men and women of the United States. 1899- 1900. Edited by John W. Leonard. xxxii,822 p. O. Chicago: A. N. Marquis & Co., c. 1899. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 2ig Canadian men and women. 920.071 M82 15159 jj^g Canadian men and women of the time: a hand-book of Can- adian biography. Edited by Henry James Morgan. First edition. xii,iii7,[i] p. D. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1898. National cyclop8edia. L920.073N21 *"' The National cyclopaedia of American biography. Being the history of the United States as illustrated in the lives of the founders, builders, and defenders of the Repubhc, and of the men and women who are doing the work and moulding the thought of the present time. Edited by distinguished biographers, se- lected from each state, .... Continued from vol. i. il. por. Q. Nqw York: J. T. White & Co., 1892-. Vol. I was published in 1893. Mackail, John William. 920,159 M19 17920 -pj^g jjifg Q^ William Morris. New impression. 2 vol. pi. por. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. Wilson, James Grant, editor. 923.173 W69 12239 jj^g presidents of the United States. 1 789-1 894. By John Fiske, . . . , and others. xii,526 p. il. 23 por. 23 facsim. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Reprinted from Appleton'' s cyclopadia of American biography. 929 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY Burke, Sir [John] Bernard. L929.72 B91 in267 p^ genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronet- age, together with memoirs of the privy councillors and knights. By Sir Bernard Burke. Edited by his son [Henry Farnham Burke]. Sixtieth edition. [2],cxxxiii,i838,[2] p. il. Q. Lon- don: Harrison & Sons, 1898. Hulme, Frederic Edward. 929.9 H87 12430 rpj^g flags of the world : their history, blazonry, and associations. From the banner of the crusader to the burgee of the yachtsman ; flags national, colonial, personal ; the ensigns of mighty empires ; the symbols of lost causes. v,i52 p. 26 pi. D. London: F. Warne & Co., [1897]. 220 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 930 ANCIENT HISTORY Maspero, Gaston. 932 O700 '"'® Eg>-ptian archaeolog}-. Translated from the French by AmeHa B.Edwards. Second edition, revised xx,373 p. 299 il. O. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1889. Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. 932 P600 16334 A history of Eg>-pt [Vol. i-.] il. D. London : Methuen & Co., 1 897-. Various editions. Vol. I published in 1899. Maspero, Gaston. L932 P700 '"^* The dawn of civiHzation. Eg>'pt and Chaldaea. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. Third edition revised, and brought up to date by the author. xiv,8oo p. il. 3 pi. i map. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. Sniitli,William, LL.D., Wayte,William, & Marindin, G. E. 937 Pooi 3396 ^ dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. Third edition, ... enlarged. 2 vol. il, O. London: J. ^Murray, 1890-1891. Grote, George. 938 K600 13594 ^ history of Greece ; from the earliest period to the close of the generation contemporary with Alexander the Great. A new edi- tion. 10 vol. por. maps. D. London: J. Murray, i; 177S9 Tsountas, Chrestos, 6- Manatt, J. Irving. 938 P700 The Mycenaean age. A study of the monuments and culture of pre-Homeric Greece. With an introduction by Dr. Dorpfeld. xxxi,4i7 p. 169 il. 18 pi. 4 maps. O. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1897. 940-990 HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY OF SPECIAL COUNTRIES 940 EUROPE Chisholm, George Goudie. 940 P900 20713 £m-ope. Vol. I. The countries of the mainland (excluding the north-west). (New issue.) xx,736 p. il. 2 pi. 30 maps. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and trav^el.) London: E. Stanford, 1899. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 221 Fyffe, Charles Alan. 940.9 Oooi "^^ A history of modern Europe 3 vol. maps. O. New York: H. Holt& Co., 1890-1891, pref. 1883-1886. Vol. I in second edition, revised, published in 1891, pref. 1883. Andrews, Charles McLean. 940.9 P600 14650 -pj^g historical development of modern Europe from the Congress of Vienna to the present time 2 vol. maps, table. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 896-1 898. Green, John Richard. 942 N700 ^'^^ History of the English people. 4 vol. maps. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1 878-1 880. Lucas, Charles Prestwood. 942 O800 ^*^° A historical geography of the British colonies. Vol. i-. maps, tables. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888-. McCarthy, Justin. 942 P701 ^'^^ Ahistory of our own times. [Vol. 5.] From 1880 to the Diamond Jubilee. viii,567 p. O. London: Chatto & Windus, 1897. Low, Sidney James, &■ Pulling, F. S., editors. 942 P704 10956 Xhe dictionary of English history. Revised edition. vi,[2],viii, II 28 p. O. London: Cassell & Co., 1897. Postoffice. L942.51 1 ®'*^^ The postofhce London directory for 1897, comprising ••• ofificial, street, commercial, trades, law, court, parliamentary, postal, city and clerical, conveyance and banking directories. Vol. 98. xxxv, 3054 p. I map. Q. London: Kelly & Co., pref. 1896. Menzel, Wolfgang. 943 M200 15849 -pj-jg history of Germany, from the earliest period to 1842. Trans- lated from the fourth German edition by Mrs. George Horrocks. 3 vol. por. D. [Bohn's standard library.] London : G. Bell & Sons, 1 890-1 898. Vol. I published in 1892. Sybel, Heinrich von. 943 O900 13958 yj^g founding of the German Empire by William L Based chiefly upon Prussian state documents. Translated by Marshall Livings- ton Perrin assisted by Gamaliel Bradford, Jr. 7 vol. por. O. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1 890-1 898. Vol. 6-7 do not have the words: Based chiefly upon Prussian state documents, and are translated by Helene Schimmelfennig White. 2 22 THE jpHN CRERAR LIBRARY Scherl, Kngnst^ publisher. L943.109P700 SO06 y\dressbuch fiir Berlin und seine Vororte. 1897. Unter Benu- tzung amtlichcr Ouellen. Mit der Beigabe : Plan von Berlin und Umgebung. 2 vol. and supplement. sq.F. Map, separately bound. sq.O. Berlin, pref. 1896. Tuttle, Herbert. 943.171 O300 *'^- History of Prussia .... 4 vol. por. maps. O. Boston : Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1 888-1 896. Vol. 4 contains a biographical sketch of the author, by Herbert B. Adams, and a bibliography of his writings. Vol. I published in 1892, c. 1883; vol. 2, in 1896, c. 18S8. Kitchin, George William. 944N304 "^■' A histon,' of France. Third edition, revised. 3 vol. maps, tables. D. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892- 1896. Joanne, Paul, editor. 1^944 P004 "'^ Dictionnaire geographique et administratif de la France et de ses colonies Vol. i-. il. pi. maps F. Paris : Hachette & C'®, 1 890-. Latimer, Elizabeth, \_boru'] Wormeley. 944 P201 12676 pj-ance in the nineteenth century, 1 830-1 890. Sixth edition. 450 p. 22 por. O. Chicago : A. C. McClurg & Co., 1898, c. 1892. Annuaire. L944.65 1 ^®^* Annuaire-almanach du commerce, de I'industrie, de la magistra- ture et de I'administration, ou Almanach des 1,500,000 adresses de Paris, des departements, des colonies et des pays etrangers, Didot-Bottin. Premiere partie. Paris. Departement de la Seine (cantons et communes). Edition du centenaire Various paging, 3140 p. maps. O. Paris [1897]. Latimer, Elizabeth, \_bor)i'\ Wormeley. 945 P600 '■®''' Italy in the nineteenth century and the making of Austria-Hun- gary and Germany. Second edition. 436 p. 24 por. O. Chi- cago : A. C. McClurg & Co., 1897. Latimer, Elizabeth, \_born'] Wormeley. 946 P700 '^"^ Spain in the nineteenth century. Third edition. 441 p. 23 por. O. Chicago : A. C. McClurg & Co., 1898. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 223 Rambaud, Alfred [Nicolas]. 947N900 "" History of Russia, from the earliest times to 1882 Trans- lated by L. B. Lan^. Edited and enlarged by Nathan Haskell Dole. Including, A history of the Turko-Russian war of 1877- 78, ... , by the editor. 3 vol. por. O. Boston : Estes & Lau- riat, c. 1 879-1 882. Morfill, William Richard. 947O001 ^^^® Russia. vi,226 p. il. 5 pi. 2 maps. D. [Foreign countries and British colonies.] London: Sampson Low, ... ,& Rivington, 1880. Latimer, Elizabeth, [dom] Wormeley. 947 P300 '*"' Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century. Fourth edition. 413 p. 23 por. O. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1897. Woods, Francis Henry. 948 O200 3336 s^veden and Norway. x,[2],266 p. il. 7 pi. i por. 2 maps. D. [Foreign countries and British colonies.] London : Sampson Low, . . . , & Rivington, 1882. Otte, Elise C. 948.9 Oioo ^^^' Denmark and Iceland. vii,[i],267,[i] p. il. 12 pi. 2 maps. D. [Foreign countries and British Colonies.] London : Sampson Low, . . . , & Rivington, 1881. Jebb, Richard Claverhouse. 949-5 O002 17139 Modern Greece. Two lectures delivered before the Philosophi- cal Institution of Edinburgh, with papers on 'The progress of Greece' and 'Byron in Greece.' vi,i83 p. D. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1880. Laveleye, Emile de. 949.6 O700 2036 -pj^g Balkan peninsula. Translated by Mrs. Thorpe. Edited and revised for the English public by the author, with an introductory chapter upon the most recent events .... xxvi,384 p. i map. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1887. 950 ASIA Keane, Augustus Henry. 950P600 Asia (New issue.) 2 vol. il. pi. maps. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.) London: E.Stanford, 1896. 4333 224 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. 951 P800 17990 Qj^ina in transformation. ix,[i],396,[2] p. il. i pi. i map, 3 maps in pocket. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1899. "List of books consulted", p. 386-388. James, Henry Evan Murchison. 951.54 O700 ^*®' The Long White Mountain; or, A journey in Manchuria, with some account of the history, people, administration and religion of that country. xxi,[3],502 p. il. 10 pi. i map. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1888. Griff is, William Elliot. 952 Pooi '®'® The Mikado's empire. Book I. History of Japan, from 660 B, C. to 1872 A. D. Book n. Personal experiences, observations, and studies in Japan, 1 870-1 874. Sixth edition, with supplementary chapters: Japan in 1883, 1886, and 1890. 661 p. il. i pi. i map. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, c. 1890. Hunter, Sir William Wilson. 954 P200 ^••^^ The Indian Empire. Its peoples, history, and products. New and revised edition (the third). 852 p. i map. O. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., pref. 1892. Knight, Edward Frederick. 954P300 3283 \Yhei-e three empires meet : a narrative of recent travel in Kashmir, western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining countries. xvi,495 p. 27 il. 27 pi. I map. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1893. 960 AFRICA Keane, Augustus Henry. 960 P400 "^^ Africa (New issue.) 2 vol. il. pi. maps. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.) London: E. Stanford, 1895. Schweinfurth, Georg. 966N100 ^°*' The heart of Africa. Three years' travels and adventures in the unexplored regions of Central Africa, from 1868 to 1871. Trans- lated by Ellen E. Frewer. With an introduction by Winwood Reade. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1874. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 22 5 Stanley, Henry Morton. 967P001 ^^^° In darkest Africa, or The quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria. 2 vol. il. pi. por. maps, maps in pockets. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1890. Bryce, James. 968 P800 12057 Jmpi-essions of South Africa. xxiv,[2],499 p. 3 maps. O. New York: Century Co., 1898. 970-970.9 NORTH AMERICA: GENERAL WORKS Winsor, Justin, editor. L970O900 ^**^ Narrative and critical history of America. 8 vol. il. pi. por. maps. Q. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin, & Co., 1 884-1 889. Vol. I printed in 1889. Vol. 2 copyrighted in 1886. Contents: Vol. i. Aboriginal America. Vol. 2. Spanish explorations and settle- ments in America from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century. Vol. 3. English explorations and settlements in North America, 1497-1689. Vol. 4. French explora- tions and settlements in North America and those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and Swedes, 1500-1700. Vol. 5. The English and French in North America, 1689-1763. Vol. 6-7. The United States of North America. Part 1-2. Vol. 8. The later history of British, Spanish, and Portuguese America. Parkman, Francis. 970 P701 8>86 Works. Champlain edition. 20 vol. pi. por. facsim. maps. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1897-1898. Fiske, J. Introductory essay, [biographical sketch of Parkman], vol. i, p. xi-lxxxvi. Maclean, John. 970.1 P601 ^^"'' Canadian savage folk. The native tribes of Canada. 641 p. il. I por. O. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1896. Jackson, Helen [dorn Fis^e, formcr/y Hunt]. 970-5 O500 10238 j^ century of dishonor. A sketch of the United States Govern- ment's dealings with some of the Indian tribes. New edition en- larged by the addition of the report of the needs of the Mission Indians of California. x,5i4p. D. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1895, c. 1885. 226 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 971 CANADA Osgood & Co., James R., publisher. 971 N500 12679 -Y\\Q maritime provinces: a handbook for travellers. A guide to the chief cities, coasts, and islands of the maritime provinces of Canada, and to their scenery and historic attractions ; with the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence to Quebec and Montreal ; also, Newfoundland and the Labrador coast. Second edition, revised and enlarged. ix,[i],336 p. i pi. of maps, 7 maps. S. Boston 1880. c. 1875. Lovell & Son, John, publishers. 971 P500 '^'' Lovell's gazetteer of British North America: .... 671 p. O. Montreal 1895. Dawson, Samuel Edward. 971 P700 ®^'* North America. Vol. i. Canada & Newfoundland. xxiv,7i9 p. il. I pi. 12 maps. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel. New issue.) London: E. Stanford, 1897. 972 MEXICO. CENTRAL AMERICA. WEST INDIES Romero, Matias. 1*972 P800 '""'*' Coffee and india-rubber culture in Mexico. Preceded by Geo- graphical and statistical notes on Mexico. xxvi,[2],4i7 p. i pi. I map, I table. Q. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico, p. 1-280. Romero, Matias. L972 P801 id6»9 Mexico and the United States. A study of subjects affecting their political, commercial, and social relations, made with a view to their promotion. Vol. i-. pi. facsim. maps. 0. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898-. Contents: Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. The valley of Mexico's drainage. Historical notes on Mexico. The Anglo-Saxon and Roman systems of criminal jurisprudence. The Mexican free zone. Labor and wages in Mexico. The silver standard in Mexico. The Pan-American Conference of 1889. Supplement to the free zone paper. List of President's messages sent to Congress during the period of French intervention, from 1861 to 1867. Prepared by Mr. Clifford Warren. The Geographical and statistical notes were previously pubUshed as introduction to Coffee and india-rubber in Mexico, by the same author. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 22/ Perry, G. R., editor. 972.83 i 15656 Directorio nacional de Honduras, America Central 502 p. il. I map. O. New York, U. S. A. : Spanish-American Direc- tories Co., 1899. Has also English title-page. Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. 972.85 P500 "* The key of the Pacific: the Nicaragua Canal. xvii,443 p. 60 il. 12 pi. 6 maps. O. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Eden, Charles Henry. 972.9 N900 ^^" The West Indies. viii,239 p. il. 8 pi. i map. D. [Foreign coun- tries and British Colonies.] London: Sampson Low, ... ,& Rivington, 1880. Froude, James Anthony. 972.9 O700 11329 jj^g English in the West Indies; or. The bow of Ulysses. x,[2], 373 p. 8 pi. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897, P^ef. 1887. Hill, Robert Thomas. 972.9 P800 1=400 (^yi^^ ^j-^j Porto Rico, with the other islands of the West Indies. Their topography, climate, flora, products, industries, cities, peo- ple, political conditions, etc. xxviii,429 p. JJ pi. 2 maps. O. New York: Century Co., 1898. Davey, Richard. 972.91 P801 '''^''' Cuba past and present. vi,284 p. 3 pi. i por. i map. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. "The boyhood of Columbus", p. 237-256. Hearn, Lafcadio. 972.98 O900 >^'" Two years in the French West Indies. 431 p. il. 37 pi. D. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890. 973-979 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA McMaster, John Bach. 973 O300 13963 ^ history of the people of the United States, from the Revolution to the Civil War. Vol. i-. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897-, c. 1883-. Baedeker, Karl. 973P300 2049 jj^g United States, with an excursion into Mexico. Handbook for travellers. c,5i6p. i pi. 35 maps. S. Leipsic : K. Baedeker, 1893. 228 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Schouler, James. 973 P401 1396-. History of the United States of America under the constitution. Revised edition Vol. i-. maps. O. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., c. 1894-. Jameson, John Franklin. L973P500 "^ Dictionary of United States history. 1492-1895. Four centuries of history. Written concisely and arranged alphabetically in dictionary form. [23,733 p. i pi. 22 pi. of por, i facsim. Q. Boston, Mass.: Puritan Publishing Co., c. 1894. Gannett, Henry. 973P800 15063 ]sjorth America. Vol. II. The United States. xvi,466 p. il. i pi. 16 maps. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel. New issue.) London: E. Stanford, 1898. Lodge, Henry Cabot. 973-2 Oioo "'^ A short history of the English colonies in America. Revised edi- tion. viii,56o p. I map. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, c. 1881. Doyle, John Andrew. 973«2 O201 ^*^^ English colonies in America 3 vol. maps. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1889, pref. 1882-1886. Contents: Vol. I.Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas; vol. 2-3. The Puritan col- onies. , , Winsor, Justin. 973-2 P500 17242 -pj^g Mississippi basin. The struggle in America between Eng- land and France, 1697- 1763. ix,484 p. il. O. Boston : Hough- ton, jyiififlin & Co., 1895. Winsor, Justin. 973-4 P700 20178 -pj^g westward movement : the colonies and the republic west of the Alleghanies, 1 763-1 798. With full cartographical illustra- tions from contemporary sources. viii,595 p. il. O. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin & Co., 1899. Rhodes, James Ford. 973-6 P200 History of the United States from the compromise of 1850 Vol. I-. maps. O. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1896-. j^oston. 974.410 I The Boston directory, containing the city record, a directory of the citizens, business directory and street directory. No. 92, 95. 1896, 1899. por. maps. O. Boston: Sampson, Murdock & Co., c. 1 896-1 899. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 229 Trow Directory, Printing & Bookbinding Co. ^publishers. L974.762 i 4290 Xrow's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, City of New York Vol.91, no, 11 3- i877. 1896, 1899. maps. Q. New York, c. 1877-c. 1899. Previous to 1899 published under the title: Trow's New York city directory. Gopsill's Sons, James, puhlisJiers. 974.8681 «°** Gopsill's Philadelphia city directory, for 1897 2271 p. O. Map. 76x105 cm. Philadelphia 1897. Soards, L., publisher. 976.3621 «°**^ Soards' New Orleans city directory, for 1897, vol. xxiv ii74p. O. New Orleans [1897]. Polk & Co., R. 1,.^ publishers. 976-7 I 12546 Arkansas state gazetteer and business directory. 1898-9 Vol. IV. 715 p. il. O. Detroit [1898]. Kentucky state gazetteer. 976.9 1 '^^^ Kentucky state gazetteer and business directory. 1896 1296 p. O. Detroit: R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1895. Blanchard, Rufus. 977N900 **® Discovery and conquests of the North-West, with the history of Chicago. 768 p. 3 pi. 7 maps. O. Wheaton : R. Blanchard & Co., 1881. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 977 O800 1065 -pj^g ^j^ Northwest. With a view of the thirteen colonies as con- stituted by the royal charters. vi,[2],440 p. il. 10 maps. O. New York: T. Mac Coun, il Thwaites, Reuben Gold. 977 P700 17893 Afloat on the Ohio. An historical pilgrimage of a thousand miles in a skiff, from Redstone to Cairo. xiv,334 p. D. Chi- cago : Way & Williams, 1897. "Selected list of journals of previous travelers down the Ohio," p. 320-328. Williams & Co. ^ publishers. L977.1 i "90 Williams' Ohio state directory .... 1896. 87i,[i],95 p. Q. Cincinnati, c. 1895. Cleveland Directory Publishing Co. 977.117 i 7585 ^]^Q Cleveland directory for the year ending July, 1893, ••• • 1 47 1 p. I map. O. Cleveland 1897. 230 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Williams & Co., publishers. 911 -'^^1 5 '*'■' Williams' Cincinnati directory ... , including Avondale, Clifton, Linwood, Riverside, and Westwood, .... No. 48. 1898. O. Cin- cinnati c. 1898. Indiana state gazetteer. 977-2 1 "'"" Indiana state gazetteer and business directory. Seventh edition. 1895 1075 p. O. Indianapolis, Ind. : R. L. Polk & Co., [1896]. Illinois state gazetteer. 977-3 i ''"'^ Illinois state gazetteer and business directory. 1864-5. O. Chi- cago: J. C. W. Bailey, 1864. Vol. 3, 7-8. 1882, 1890-1893. O. Chicago: R. L. Polk & Co.. c. 1S82-1893. Moses, John. 977-3 O700 ^*^^ Illinois, historical and statistical, comprising the essential facts of its planting and growth as a province, county territory, and state. .... 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i: 1-5 51 p.; vol.2: 553— 1316 p. il. pi. por. facsim. maps. O. Chicago 1889— 1892. Lakeside. L977.316 2 '^'' The Lakeside annual directory of the city of Chicago. Embrac- ing a complete general and business directory, miscellaneous in- formation, and street guide Continued from [vol. i.] 1874. O. Chicago c. 1874-. Vol. for 1876-1886 compiled by Thomas Hutchinson, 1887-, by Reuben H. Don- nelley. Vol. for 1874-1891 are in Q. Chicago blue book. 977 -316 3 ^*^^ The Chicago blue book of selected names of Chicago and subur- ban towns. Containing the names and addresses of prominent residents, .... Continued from [vol. 8]. 1897. ^- Chicago, c. 1896- Andreas, Alfred Theodore. L977.316 O400 ^"•^ History of Chicago. From the earliest period to the present time 3 vol. pi. por. maps. sq. F. Chicago : A. T. Andreas Co., 1884-1886. Moses, [John], (S- Kirkland, [Joseph], editors. L977.316P501 ^^'^ Aboriginal to metropolitan. History of Chicago, Illinois. 2 vol. il. pi. por. pi. of por. maps. O. Chicago: Munsell & Co., 1895. Michigan state gazetteer. 977-4 i "'" Michigan state gazetteer and business directory. 1897 231 1 p. I map. O. Detroit: R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1897. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 23 1 Polk& Co., R. \..^ publishers. 977.422 i 6690 Detroit city directory .... [No. 60, 63.] 1896,1899. maps. O. Detroit, c. 1896-c. 1899. Wisconsin state gazetteer. 977«5 1 "25 Wisconsin state gazetteer and business directory. 1897-8 1618 p. I map. O. Chicago: R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1897. Wright, Alfred Q.^ publisher. 9*7*7 -SSI ^ ««*9 Wright's directory of Milwaukee ... 1896, 1899. maps. O. Milwaukee 1 896-1 899. Polk & Co., R. Jj.y publishers. 911 ^^11 I '''' R. L. Polk & Co's St. Paul city directory .... 1896, 1899. maps. O. St. Paul, c. 1896-c. 1899. Iowa state gazetteer. 977-7 i '^^^ Iowa state gazetteer and business directory. 1897. 1658 p. i map. O. Des Moines: R. L, Polk & Co., c. 1897. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 911-^ I '^'®° Missouri state gazetteer and business directory. 1898-99. Twen- ty-third year Published biennially. 2132 p. O. St. Louis, Mo., c. 1898. Gould Directory Co., publishers. 911-^11 i """ Gould's St. Louis directory .... Being a complete index of the residents of the entire city, and a classified business directory, ... . No. 25, [28]. 1896, 1899. O. St. Louis 1896-1899, Roosevelt, Theodore. 978O900 ^"' The winning of the West. 4 vol. maps. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 894-1 896, c. 1 889-1 894. Contents: Vol. i. From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1 769-1 776. Vol. 2. 1 777-1 783. Vol. 3. The founding of the trans-Alleghany commonwealths, 1 784-1 790. Vol. 4. Louisiana and the Northwest, 1 791-1807. Chapin, Frederick Hastings. 979 P200 ''""' The land of the Cliff-Dwellers. [2], 188 p. 64 pi 3 maps. D. Boston: W. B. Clarke & Co., 1892. Crocker Co., H. S., publishers. 919 Al^ i Crocker-Langley San Francisco directory for year commencing April, 1897 2135 p. I map. O. San Francisco, c. 1897. Elliott, Henry Wood. 9^^.806oo Our Arctic provmce, Alaska, and the Seal Islands. xv,473 p. il- 49 pl. 3 maps. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. 232 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 980 SOUTH AMERICA Bates, Henry Walter. 980 N800 '"" Central America, the West Indies and South America. With ethnological appendix [Ethnography and philology of America] by A. H. Keane. Second and revised edition. xviii,[2],57i p. il. 20 pi. 13 maps. O. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.) London: E. Stanford, 1882. Bureau of the American Republics. L980 P700 ^^^^ Commercial directory of the American republics Vol. i-. maps. sq.Q. Washington 1897-. 990-997 AUSTRALASIA. OCEANICA Wallace, Alfred Russel. 990 P300 "^^ Australasia (New issue.) 2 vol. il. pi. maps. D. (Stan- ford's compendium of geography and travel.) London : E. Stan- ford, 1 893-1 894. Contents: Vol. i. Australia and New Zealand. Vol. 2. Malaysia and the Pacific archipelagoes. Vol. 2 edited and greatly extended by F. H. H. Guillemard. Stevens, Joseph Earle. 991-4 P8oo 13850 Yesterdays in the Philippines. xx,2 32 p. 30 pi. 2 por. i map. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898. Worcester, Dean Conant. 991.4 P801 13959 -pj^g Philippine Islands and their people. A record of personal observation and experience, with a short summary of the more important facts in the history of the archipelago. xix,529 p. il. I pi. I map. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Foreman, John. 991.4 P900 17924 Yhc Philippine Islands. A political, geographical, ethnographi- cal, social and commercial history of the Philippine archipelago and its political dependencies, embracing the whole period of Spanish rule. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xvi,653 p. 17 pi. I pi. of por. 2 por. 2 maps, i map in pocket. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, [printed in London], 1899. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 233 Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah. 992.2 P700 ""^^ Java the garden of the East. xiv,339 p. 2 il. 35 pi. paged in. i pi. D. New York: Century Co., 1898. Romilly, Hugh Hastings. 993 O600 32S9 The western Pacific and New Guinea: notes on the natives, Chris- tian and cannibal, with some account of the old labour trade. Second edition. vi,[2],284 p. i map. D. London: J. Murray, 1887. Guppy, Henry Brougham. 1*993.5 O700 ^"^^ The Solomon Islands and their natives. xvi,384 p. il. 9 pi. i map, I pi. of music Q. London : Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., 1887. Hutchinson's Australasian encyclopaedia. 994P200 '"® Hutchinson's Australasian encyclopaedia. Comprising a descrip- tion of all places in the Australasian colonies, an account of the events which have taken place in Australasia from its discovery to the present date, and the biographies of distinguished early colonists. By George Collins Levey. [4] ,437 p. i map. D. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1892. Sutherland, Alexander, & Sutherland, George. 994P400 ^^*" The history of Australia and New Zealand from 1606 to 1890. iv,[2],248 p. il. I por. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1894. Churchward, William B. 996.1 O700 11696 -^y consulate in Samoa. A record of four years' sojourn in the Navigators Islands, with personal experiences of King Malietoa Laupepa, his country, and his men. xii,[2],403 p. O. London: R. Bentley & Son, 1887. [Bishop], Isabella L. [dom] Bird. 996.9 N500 **"^ The Hawaiian Archipelago. Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. Seventh edi- tion. xv,[i],3i8 p. il. I pi. I map. D. New York: G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1894. 998 ARCTIC REGIONS Greely, Adolphus Washington. 998P500 "°^ Handbook of Arctic discoveries, x, [2], 257 p. il. i por. 10 maps, D. (Columbian knowledge series, no. 3.) Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1896. 234 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Nansen, Fridtjof. 998P601 73U3 Fridtjof Nansen's "Farthest north." Being the record of a voy- age of exploration of the ship Fram, 1893-96, and of a fifteen months' sleigh journey by Dr. Nansen and Lieut. Johansen. With an appendix by Otto Sverdrup, captain of the Fram. 2 vol. il. pi. por. maps. O. Westminster: A. Constable & Co.. 1897. Lachambre, Henri, £f Machuron, Alexis. 99^ P701 '^^^' Andree and his balloon. 305. [i] P- il- ^ P^- ^ PO""- ^- ^^'^' minster: A Constable & Co., 1898. Prentiss, Henry Mellen. 998 P703 155:6 -pj^g great polar current, Polar papers. De Long — Nansen — Peary. [6],i53 p. D. New York: F. A. Stokes Co., c. 1897. INDEX. This index includes names of individual and corporate authors, of editors and translators, of authors of substantial introductions and special chapters. It includes also titles of anonymous works, of collective works, such as dictionaries, encyclo- paedias, etc., and striking titles, especially when they do not indicate the subject. A figure in parentheses, following the pagination, indicates the number of entries in which the name will be found on that page. "A. L. A." index, lo. *'A. L. A." library, 17. Abbott, E. A., 82, 95. Abbott, T. K., 3S. Abel, M. H., 178. Aber. M. R. A., 87. Abercromby, R., 131. Abney, W. de W., 203. Acton, E. A., 145. Acworth. W. M., 89. Adams, B. B., Jr., 182. Adams, C. P., Jr., 182 (2). Adams, C. K., 17, 21. Adams, L. S., 179. Adams, Sir F. O., JZ- Adams, H. B., 222. Adams, H. C, 68 (2), 90. Adams, J. S., 172. Adams, W. D., 23 (2). Addams, J., 43, S9. Adeline, J., 194. Adler, P., 88. Adressbuch fitr Berlin, 222. Afloat on the Ohio, 229. Agassiz, A., 136. Agassiz, L., 149. Aikman, C. M., 177. Aitchison, G., 201. Alden, P.. 44. Alexander, E. P., 182. Alger, A. M., 75. Alien, A. H., 123. Allen. C. D., 26. Allen, G., 134, 136, 144, 145, 146. Allen, J. A., 158. Allen, J. H., loi. Allen, O. D.. 124. Alleyne, S. P., 37 (2). Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, 218. Allibone, S. A., 9 (2). American and English encyclopaedia of law, 71 (2). American annual of photography, 204. American college and public school di- rectory, 84. American cyclopaedia, 20. American dictionary of printingand book- making, 180. American encyclopedia of commerce, 160. American Library Association, 10 (2), II (3), 17 (2). American Manual Training Association, 14- American mechanical dictionary, 160. American mining code, 172. American newspaper annual, 11. American Ornithologists' Union, 158. American Public Health Association, 178. American Public Health Exhibition, 165. American railway, 182. American supplement to the Encyclopae- dia Britannica, 20. Ames, A. P., 104. Ames, J. G., 13. Ames, J. S., 112. Aniherst, M. T., 197. Amos, S., 71. Anderson, R. B., 40. Andree, R., 213. Andree, A., 213. Andree and his balloon, 234. Andrews, C. M.. 221. Andrews, E. B., 36. Andrews, J., 205. Angell, A. C, 74. Angot, A., 1X0. Annals of our time, 210 (2). Annandale, C., 23, 94. Annuaire-almanach. . . .de Paris, 222. Annuaire international des transports, 211. Annual cyclopaedia, 20. Annual literary index, 10. Anson, Sir W. R. Bart., ']2. Anthony, Susan B., 52. Anvers, N. d', 137. Apgar, A. C., 147, 159. Appleton & Co., D., 214. Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, 20. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biog- raphy, 2x8. Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied me- chanics, 161. Appleton's cyclopaedia of technical draw- ing, 20X. Apthorp, W. P., 205. Archibald, E. D., 131. Ariadne Plorentina, 203. Aristoteles, 37. Arkansas state gazetteer, 229. Arlidge, J. T., 164. Armstrong, W., 196 (2), 199, 203. 235 236 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Arnold. Mrs. W.. 69. Art and life, 195. Arthur, J. C. 145. Arts and crafts essavs. 201. Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. Lon- don, 195. 201. Ashbee, C. R., 195. Ashley, W. J., 58. Ashton, J., 90. Association of Engineering Societies. 16. Atkinson, E., 68, 112, 178. Atterbury, A. P., 67. Atwater, W. O., 178. Audubon, M. R., 151. Austen, P. T.. 125." Austen, W. C. R., 186. Australasian encyclopaedia, 2^^. Authors and publishers, 180. Aveling, E. B., 54, 144. Avery, E. M., 112. Ayer & Son, N. W., 11. Ayres, A., 96. Bache, F., 166. Bacon, F.. 37. Baedeker. K., 227. Baernreither, J. M., 66. Bagehot. W., 41, 63. Bailey, F. H., 106. Bailey, L. H., 144, 175, 176 (3), i77 (2). Bailward, W. A., 44. Bain. A., 37. Baird. S. F.. 157. Baker, C. W., 70. Baker. I. O.. 192. Baker. M. N., 174. Baldwin, E. L., 153. Baldwin, J. M., 31, 32, 153. Baldwin, James, 24. Baldwin, Joseph, 85. Baldwin, W. J., 193. Balfour, F. M., 152. Balfour, I. B., 145. Ball, Sir R. S., 108 (3). 109, no, iii. Ball, W. W. R., 103, 104. Bancroft. G., 74. Barber, E. A., 199. Barber, T. W., 168, 169. Bardeen, C. W., 83, 85, 89. Baretti, G., 100. Barker, G. F., 112, Barnett, P. A., 82. Barnett, S. A., 44. Barns, W. E., 60. Barr. W. M., 171. Barringer, D. M., 172. Bartholomew. J. G., 214 (2). Bartlett. J., 207. Bartlett. J. R., 96. Barus, C., 113. Bary, A. de, 146. Barsable, C. F., 67, 89. Bateman, G. C., 151. Bates. H. W., 232. Bather, F. A., 150. Bayne, W., 94. Baynes, R. E., 116. Bazin, R., 48. "Beagle," Ship, 135. Beazley, C. R., 212. Becker, B. H., 26. Beckmann. J.. 162. Beddard, F. E., 154. Bedson, P. P., 121. Behaghel. O., 98. Behrens, W. J., 143. Beilstein, F. F., 126. Bell, Sir J. Bart. 76. Bell, L., 172. Bell, N. R. E. M., see Anvers. N. d'. Bell, T. F., 189. Belt. T.. 136. Belton. J. D., 207. Bemis, A. A., 77. Bemis. E. W., 77. Bemrose. W., 199. Benedikt, R., 123. Benjamin. P.. 161 (2). Benn, A. W., 37. Bennett. A. W., 147. Bennett, E. H., 73. Berdoe, E., 163. Berg. L. de C., 192. Berghaus, H., 128. 130. Berkeley, M. J., 142. 148. Berlin, Adressbuch, 222. Bernard, H. M., 150, 152. Bernard, M., 152. Bernthsen, A., 126. Berry, A., 108. Berthelot, A., 24. Berthelot, M., 122. Bertillon, J., 49. Best books, 9. Bevan, E. J., 189: Biart, L., 48. Bible, 39. Bibliographia sociologica, 12. Bibliographia zoologica, 7, 16. Bibliographic der deutschen Zeitschrif- ten-Litteratur, 11. Bibliography of American botany. 8. Bibliophile, see Deschamps, P. Biblioiheca entomologica, 16. Bibliotheca zoologica, 16 (2). Bibliotheque photographique, 7. Bicycle repairing, 191. Biedermann, R., 17. Bien & Co., J., 215. Bigelow, J., Jr., 78. Bigmore, E. C, 180. Billings, J. S., 175. Binet, A., 155. Biographic nationale (Bruxelles), 218. Biographic nationale des contemporains. ( Paris j, 218. Biographie universelle, 216. Birrell, A., 61. Bishop, I. L. B., 233. Black, H. C, 74- Blackburn, H., 181. Bjurkman, C. G., 98. Blackie's modern cyclopedia, 23. Blaine, R. S., 170. Blake, J. F., 109. Blanchard, R... 229. Bliss, W. D. P., 42. Block. M.. 42. Blomfield, R., 195. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 237 Bluntschli, J. K.. 50. Blyth, A. W., 124. 164. Boase, F., 218. Bocher, F., 100. Bockmann. F., 122. Bodley. J. E. C. .m. Bodmer, G. R., 170. Boettger. O., 150. Boffart. J., 182. Bohm-Bawerk, E. von. S4- Bolland, S.. 187. Bolton. H. C. 15. Boltwood. B. B.. 125. Bonar. J.. 57. Bonham. J. M.. 89. Bonney, T. G., 128. 129, 131. Booth. C. 61, 70 (2). Booth, VV., 70. Borchers. W., iig. Bore^eaiid. C, 72. Borght. R. van der, 62. Bornstein, R., 113. Bosanqiiet, B., 32, 3;^ (2). 34, 43 (2). Bcsanquet, H. D. See Dendy. H. Boston Public Library. 15, 18, i.^o. Boston Cookine-School cook book, 179. Boston directory, 228. Botta, v., 27. Bouchot, H.. 180. Bouillet. M. N.. 209. Bourgeois. — , 7. Bourne, H. R. F., 25. Boutmy, E., 72. Bovi^en, F., 48. Bowen, H. W.. 72. Bower. F. O.. 146. Bowker. R. R.. 10. 12. Brabrook, E. W.. 65. Brachet, A., 99 (2). Brackett. A. C., 81. Bradford, G.. jr., 221. Bradley, A. C, .36. Bradley, F. H., 28. Bradley, H.. 96. Brainerd, I. H., 73. Brandeis. L. D., 55. Brannt, W. T., 119, 185 (2), 187, 188. Brehm, A. E., 150. Brentano, L., 69. Brewer, E. C., 23 (4). Brewer, T. M., 157. Brewster, Sir D., 103. Brewster, W., 158. Briggs, A., 65. Briggs, H. C, 65. Briggs, W., 105. Brinton, D. G., 38, 91, 139. British Museum, Department of Printed Books, 18. British North America. Gazetteer. 226. Britton, N. L.. 147. Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexikon, 24. Brooke, S. A., 207. Brooker, A., 118. Brookings. W. D., 44. Brooklyn Ethical Association. 140. Brooks, W. K., 149. Brothers, A., 203. Brown, A., 147. Brown, E., 53. Brown, G. P.. 173. Brown. H. W.. 29. 30. Brown. J. D., 20S. Browning, O., 81. Brunetiere. F., 208. Brush. G. J., 127. Brussels. Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts, 218. Bryan, G. H., lo.i^. Bryan, M., 203. Bryant, J. C.,"i8o. Bryce, J., 48, 225. Bucknall. B., 198. Budge. E. A. W., 91. Buck, G., 82. Buckle, G. E., 82. Buckley, A. B., 135. Bucquet, — , 7. Buisson, F., 82. Bullock, C. J.. 56. Bunbury, E. H., 213. Bunge, G. von, 126. Burch, G. J., 116. Bureau of the American republics, 161, 232. Burgess. J. W., 51. Burke. H. F., 219. Burke. Sir J. B., 219. Burr. S. V. D.. 190. Burrell. A., 82. Burrows, M., 53. Burt, B. C., 27. Burton, W. K., 174, 204. Bushee, F. A., 48. Busk. M., 143. Butler, H. J., 138. Butler. N. M., 88. Butterfield, W. J. A., 185. Butterfill, H. H., 105. Byerly, W. E., 103, 106, 107 (2). Byrne, O., 167. Cabinet maker, 190. Cable, G. W., 49 (2). Caird, J., 25. Cajori. F., 113. Caldwell, G. C, 123. Callwell, C. E., 79. Campbell, D. H., 148. Campbell, H. J,. 142, 149. Campbell, H. S., 60 (3), 178. Campbell, M., 142, 149. Campbell, W. W., 109. Canadian men and women, 219. Candolle, A. de. 146. Cannell, A. E. M., 88. Card, F. W., 176. Card index of genera, ... of plants, 7. Carmichael, C. H. E., 73. Carpenter, G. R., 96. Carpenter, J., no. Carpenter, R. C, 168, 193. Carpenter, W. B., 29. Carpenter, W. L., 186. Carr, A. B., 59. Carr, G. S., 103. Carter, O., 201. Cams, J. v., 16 (2). Cassino, S. E., 134. 238 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Castle. E., 26. Catalogue of the public documents ... of the United States, 13. Catalogue of the United States public documents. 14. Cates. W. L. R.. 216. Celebrities of the century. 217. Century atlas of the world. 215. Century cook book. 178. Century cyclopedia of names, 21. Century dictionary. 21. Century of dishonor. 225. Chailley-Bert. J.. 56. "Challenger," Ship. 135 (2). Chamberlain. M., 158. Chambers. G. F., 107, iro. Chambers' encyclopedia, 23. Chambers's biographical dictionary, 216. Champlin, J. D.. Jr.. 203, 205. Champlin. V.. 201. Chance, H., 185. Chance, W., 80. Chandler, W. H., 22. Chandler's encyclopedia, 22. Chanute, O., 114. Chapin, F. H.. 231. Chapman. E. T.. 124. Chapman. F. M.. 158. Check list of public documents. 13. Chemisch - technische Untersuchungs- methoden, 122. Chemistry of common life, 182. Cheshire, F. R., 177. Chester. A. H.. 127. Chicago. Board of Trustees of the Sani- tary District, 173. Chicago. Civil Service Commission, "]"]. Chicago. Directory, 230. Chicago. Public Library. 18. Chicago blue book. 230. Chicago Post Office. Bureau of Publica- tion, 78. Chipiez. C.. 196 (6). Chisholm, G. G., 89. 212, 214, 220. Christie, A. M., 29. Christy, R., 91. Church, A. H.. 182. Churchward, W. B.. 2},2,- Cincinnati. Directory. 230. City wilderness, 48. Civil service question book, 75. Clark, D. K., 169, 172. Clark, J. A., 7. Clark, J. B., 56, 67. Clark, L., 90. Clark, T. M., 192. Clarke, J. T., 196. Clarke, T. C, 182. Classen, A., 125 (2). Claus, C, 149. Gierke, A. M., 108 (2), no. Cleveland. Directory, 229. Cleveland. Public Library, 10. Clifford, W. K., 102. Clinton, G. W., 180. Clodd, E., 39, 136. 140. Cochrane, R., 162. Cockcroft, J., 71. Cohn, G., 57, 67. Cohn, L. See Lassar-Cohn. Coit. S.. 80. Colange. L. de, 160. Cole, A. S., 202. Cole. W. L. 48. Colquhoun, A. R.. 224, 227. Comelati, G.. 100. Comey. A. M., 122. Commercial directory of the American republics. 232. Commercial nomenclature, 161. Commercial year book, 49. Conipayre. G.. 31. 83. Compendium of transportation theories, 182. Comprehensive index of the publications of the government. 13. Compton, A. G., 190. Comstock, A. B.. 155. Comstock. J. H., 155, 156. Conant, C. A., 63. Conant, T. J., 20. Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich, 7, 16. Concise knowledge astronomy, 108. Concise knowledge natural history, ii^o. Concordance to the Old and New Testa- ment, 39. Conference for Good City Government. Congres international de bibliographic des sciences mathematiques, 7 (2). Conklin, E. G., 141. Conkling, A. R., JT. Conn, H. W., 149. Conrad, J., 42. Conwav, Sir W. M., 196. Conybeare, M. E. M., 208. Cook, C. C, 179. Cook, E. T., 196. Cook, W. W., 69. Cooke, M. C, 148. Cooley, A. J., 161. Cooley, T. M., 74, 182. Co-operative Wholesale Societies, 65. Copp, H. N., 172. Corbett, M., 44. Cornish. C. J., 152. Corroyer, E.. 199. Cossa, L., S7. Costelloe, B. F. C, yj. Coues, E., 151, 157, 158 (2). Coulter, J. M., 145. Cousin, v., 38. Cox, Sir G. W., Bart., 23. Cox, H., 65. Crabb, G., 95. Cram, G. F., 215. Crandall, F. A., 13. Crane, W. 181, 194, 195. Crane, W. J. E., 191. Creatures of other days, 133. Creighton, J. E., 30. Crocker, F. B., 118. Crocker Co., H. S., 231. Crole, D., 175. Croll, J., 129, 131. Crookes, W., 123, 183. Crosby, O. T., 172. Cross. C. F., 189. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 239 Crown of wild olive, 41. Crozier, J. B., 41. Cruden, A., 39. Cumulative index. 10. Cunningham, C. D., 73. Cimningham, J. T., 140. Cunningham, W., 46, 58 (2). Curtin, J., 40. Curtis, R. H.. 75. Cushing, M., 78. Cyclopaedia of American bioeranhv. 218. Cyclopaedia of American literature, 207. Cyclopaedia of education, 82. Cyclopjedia of political science, 42. Cyclopjedia of temperance. 3,6. Cvclopedia of music and musicians, 20=;. Cvclopedia of painters and painting, 203. Dabney, W. D., 8g. Daily news almanac, 21. Dall. W. H., 137- Dallinger. F. W., 52. Dalton, W. H., 15. Dammer, O., 183. Dana, C. A., 20, 25. Dana, E. S., 126 (2), 127 (2). Dana, J. C, 18 (2). Dana, J. D., 126, 127, 128, 130. Daniell, A., 112. Daniels, W. M., 68. D'Arcy, C. F., 36. Darwin, C, 131. 135. 141 (2), 142, 146 (3), 153 (2), 155- Darwin, F., 145, 146. Darwin. G. H., iii. Darwin, L., 64. Davenport, C. B., 152. Davenport, H. J., 56. Davenport, J., 100. Davey, R., 227. Davidson, A. B., 39. Davidson, T.. 84 (2). Davidson, W. L., 95. Davies. C, 103. Davies. D. C, 132. Davies, E. H., 132. Davies, P. J., 193. Davis, C. T., 189. Davis, J. D., 39. Davis, J. E., 179. Davis, L. J., 202. Davis, W. M., 130, 131. Dawson, S. E., 226. Dawson, W. H., 59. Day, L. F., 194, 200 (3), 201. 202. Deakin, R., 105. Dean, B., 157. De Garmo, C, 85. Dendy, H., 43. Denslow, V. B., 55. Dental register, 166. Denver, Col. Public Library, 18. Deploige, S., 51. Derechef, R., 208. Deschamps, P., 211. Deschanel, A. P. See Privat-Dc'&cha- nel, A. Descriptive index of current engineering literature, 16. Des Essars, P., 62. Deshumbert, M., 99. Detmer. W., 145. Detroit. Directory, 231. Devic, M., 98. De Vinne, T. L., 181. Devlin, T. C, 77. Dewey, J., 103. Dewey, M., 19. Dexter, S., 65. Dicey, E. M., 72. Dickinson, G. L., 53. Dictionnaire de geographie, 211. Dictionnaire de pedagogic, 82. Dictionnaire geographique et adminis- tratif de la France, 222. Dictionnaire international des ecrivains du jour, 216. Dictionnaire universel des contem- porains, 217. Dictionnaire, universel des litteratures, 217. Dictionnaire universel d'histoire, 209. Dictionary of Americanisms, 96. Dictionary of applied chemistry, 184 Dictionary of biographical reference, 217. Dictionary of dates. 24. Dictionary of English authors. 218. Dictionary of general biography. 216. Dictionary of miracles, 23. Dictionary of music. 205. Dictionary of music and musicians. 205. Dictionary of national biography. 218. Dictionary of painters and engravers. 203. Dictionary of phrase and fable, 23. Dictionary of the Bible, 39 (3). Didot Freres, F., 216. Dietrich. F., 11. Dilke. Sir C. W., Bart.. 52. Dillmont. Therese de, 202. Directorio national de Honduras. 227. Disinfection and disinfectants, 165. Dixon. F. H., 90. Dobbin. L.. 121. Dodsworth, W. A., 49. Dole. N. H., 223. Don. G., 144. Donaldson. H. H., 163. Donkin, B., 170. Donnelley, R. H., 230. Dotv. A. H., 165. Doyle, J. A., 228. Drage, G., 6.1, 70. Drainage channel and waterway. 173. Dreyfus. F. C, 24. Driver, S. R., 39. Droysen, G., 213. Drucker, A., 45. Drude, O., 147. Du Cane, Sir E. F., 80. Ducoudray. G.. 45. 46. Duft, E. G.. 181, 191. Dukes, C, 82. Dunbar, C. F., 63. Durand. E. D., 77. Durand, J., 47 (2). Duyckinck. E. A., 207. Duyckinck, G. L.,. 207. Dye, F.. 193. Dyer, H., 69. 102. 240 THE JOHX CRERAR LIBRARY Dyer. L.. •,?■ Dyer. T. F. T.. go. Easfle's nest. lo;. Eastlake. C. L.. 202. Eaton. D. B.. 76 (2). Eaton. I.. 59. Eberhard. J. A.. 97. Eckoff. W. J.. 85. Ede. G.. 188. Eden. C. H.. 227. Fdarren. A. H.. 100. Edis. R. W.. 202. Edwards. A. B.. 220. Edwards. E.. 160. Edwards. J., sg. Egerton. H. E.. 52. E^leston. T., 127. Eiloart. A.. 122. Eimer. G. H. T.. 140. Ekelof. J. A.. 212. Elger. T. G.. no. Eliot. C. W.. 83. Elliot. D. G.. 158. Elliott. H. W.. 231. Elliott. J. R.. 69. Elliott. S. M.. 178. Ellis. A. J.. 115. Ellis. H.. 28. 80. Elster. L.. 42. Ely. R. T.. 44. 55 (2). 56. 59 (2). 60. 66. 68. Ely. T.. 216. Encyclopadisches Handbtich der tech- nischen Chemie. 183. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 22. 24. EncNxlopsedia Britannica. American sun- plement. 20. Encyclopjedia Britannica. New American supplement. 22. Encyclopedia of needlework. 202. Encyclopedia of social reform. 42. Endlich. F. ^I.. 124. Engelmann. W., 16. Engels. E., 54. Engineering index. 16. English dialect dictionary. 96. Era formulary. 166. Euclid. See Eukleides. Eukleides. 105. Evans. E. P., 36. Evans, H. R.. 206. Evans. T. J.. 105. Everett. C. C.. 38. Everett. J. D., 112 (2), 114. Ewart. AI. F., 143. Extinct monsters, 133. Fact, fancy and fable, 21. Fahie. J. J., 118. Fairbanks. A.. 42. Falkner. R. P.. 49. Familiar allusions. 20. Familiar quotations. 207. Famous composers, 206 r?V Farman, D., 173. Farmer, F. M., 179. Farrer, J. A.. 38. 74. Farrow, E. S.. 78. Farthest north. 234. Fawcett, H., 69. Feast of Autolycus, 179. Fehling. H. von. 120. Felkin^E.,81. Felkin, H. M. 81. Fennell. C. A. M.. 93. Fernald. J. C.. 95. Fernand-Michel, F. F., 90. Ferri. E.. 80. Field. H. H.. 7. 16. Field. H. M.. 118. Fiennes, G.. 44. Fiinje van Salverda. J. G. W., 114. Finlev. T. H.. 68. Firth. R. H.. 165. Fischer. F.. 183 (2). Fischer-Hinnen. J., 119. Fisher. A. B. B. See Buckley. A. B. Fisher. I.. 105. Fisher. W. R.. 177. Fiske. J.. 72. 74. 218, 225. Fiske, T. S.. 103. Fitch. Sir J. G.. 81. 83. Flags of the world. 219. Flammarion. C.. 109. no. Flashlights on nature. 1.^4. Fleck. H.. 123. Fleischmann. W., 177. Fleming. G.. 177. Fletcher. A. E.. 82. Fletcher. B.. 198. Fletcher. B. F., 198. Fletcher. \V. I.. 10 (3). 11 (:;). 18. Flint. R.. 66. Flower. Sir \V. H., 159. Fliigel. F.. 97 (2). Flugel. J. G., 97. Follett. M. P.. 53. Forbes. H. O.. 136. Ford, \V. C, 73. Foreman, J., 232. Foreman pattern maker, 169. Forney. M. N., 182. Forsyth. A. R.. 107. Fortescue. G. K.. 18. Fortnum. C. D. E.. 200 (2). Foster. C. L. N., 172. Foster. F. P., 163. Foster, M., 152. 163. Fourtier, H., 7. Fowler, A., 108. 109. Fowler, T.. 37. 38. Fraenkel. A.. 123. Francis, \V.. 162. Franklin, W. S., 112. Eraser, A. C., 28. Freer, P. C., 125. Freeman. E. A., 209. 213. French. G. H.. 156. I Fresenius. C. R.. 124 (2). Frewer. E. E.. 224. I Frey. A. R., 21. Friedel. C.. 120. Froebel, F.. 86 (2). 87. Frost. A. J., 15. Frost, E. B., 109. Froude, J. A., 52, 227. Fuertes. L. A., 158. Fugitive facts, 21. Fuller, J., Sr.. 1S8. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 241 Fulton, J., 184. Funk, I. K., 94. Furman, H. V. F., 186. Furneaux, W. S., 151. Fustel de Coulanges, N. D.. 45. Fvfe, H. H., 10. Fyflfe, C. A., 221. Gadovv, H., 158. Gage, M. J., 52. Galloupe, F. E., 16. Galton. Sir D., 173. Galton. F., 31, 141. Gannett, H., T], 228. Ganot, A., 112. Gardner, J. S., 189. Garland, D. S.. 71. Garner, J. L., 48. Garner, R. L., 159. Garnett, R., 19. Garnett. W., 113. Garnsey, H. E. F., 144. Garrett, J., 176. Garstang, W., 150. Gayer. K., 177. Geddes. P., ^^. 143. Gee. G. E., 188. Geikie, Sir A., 128 (2), 129 (2). Geikie, J., 130, 131. Geological record, 15. Georg, C.. 9. George. H., 64. 67. Gerland, G. K. N.. 138. Germany. Kais. Patentamt, 17. Gibbins, H. de B., 89. Gibbs, W. E., 185. Gibson, W. H., 135 (2). 148. Giddings, F. H., 41, 42, 43. Gillespie, W. M., iii. Gillies. J., 37. Gilman, D. C.. 48, 89. Gilman, N. P., 65. Gladden, W., 43. Glaeser, E., 218. Glasgow, D.. 190. Glazebrook, M. G.. 82. Godkin. E. L., 51. Goebel. K., 145. Gohre. P.. 59. Golden, M. J., igo. Gonino, J., 196, 200. Gonner, E. C. K.. 82. Goodeve, T. M., 113. Goodnow. F. J., "j^. jy. Goodwin. W. W.. loi. Gopsill's Sons. J., 229. Gordon. A. C. 68. Gore, J. E., 108. Gore, J. H., III. Gorst, Sir J., 44. Goschen, G. J,, 64. Goss. W. F. M.. 190. Gould Directory Co., 231. Graham, R. H., 105. Graham, T., 120. Graham, W., 54. Grande encyclopedic, 24. Grandgent, C. H., 100. Grasel, A.. 18. Graves, R. E., 203. Gray, Andrew, 117. Gray, Asa, 143 (2), 144. 147. Gray. T., 113. Greely, A. W., 212, 23^. Green, A. H., 132. Green, J. R., 221. Green, T. H., 36. Greene, W. H.. 120. Greenhill, A. G.. 106. Greenough, J. B., loi. Greenwood. J. M., 85. Greenwood, T., 19. Gregory, D. S., 94. Gregory. R., 88. Gresley, W. S., 172. Griffis, W. E., 224. Griffith, J. W., 142, 162. Griffiths. A. B., 151. Griffiths, T. M., 166. Grimm, J., 40. Grober, G., 92. Gronlund. L., 67. Groome, F. H., 216. Groos, K., 153. Gross, C., 13. Grosse. E., 138. Grote, G.. 2i7< 220. Grove, Sir G., 205. 213. Groves, C. E., 183. Gubernatis. A. de, 216. Guhl. E., 46. Guillemard. F. H. H., 232. Gulliver, J. H., 34. Guimps, R. de. 84. Gummere, F. B.. 45. Guppy, H. B., 233. Gurney, E.. 2i2- Haacke, W., 150. Haddon. A. C., 137. 138. Hadley. A. T., 56. 182 (2). Haeckel. E., 139, 140. 152. Haferkorn, H. E., 16. Hagen, H. A., 16. Hailmann, W. N., 86. Haite, G. C., 201. Haldane. R., 160. Hall, G. S., 14. Plall, T. D.. 100. Hall, W. E., 72. Halle, E. von, 70. Halliburton, W. D., 151. Halliwell-Phillips. J. O., 95- Halsted, G. B., 103. Hamilton, H., 99 (2). Hamilton, W., 26. Hammarsten, O., 126. Hanausek, T. F., 184. Handbuch der Hygiene. 164. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften. 167. Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaf- ten, 42. Handy lists of technical literature. 16. Handy-book of literary curiosities. 24. Hann, J.. 131. Hansen. E. C, 184. Hanus, P. H.. 104. Harcourt, L. F. V., 167. Hardy, W. J., 26. 24: THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Hare, J. I. C. ^^. Harper's book of facts, 22. Harris. H. G., 185. Harris. W. A.. 183. Harris. \V. T...V.38. Harrison, E., 86. Hart. .\. B.. 44. SX Hartland, E. S., 91. Hasluck, P. N., 190. Hasse. A. R., 13. Hastings. J., 39. Haswell, W. A., 150. Hatfield. O. P., 191. Hatfield. R. G., 191. Hathaway. A. S., 106. Haydn. J., 24. Haynes. F. E., 48. Hazell's annual. 2t,. Hazen. C. D.. ^2. Hcadley, F. W., 158. Heape. W., 152. Hearn. L., 227. Heathcote. F. G., 149. Hegel. G. W. F., .33. Heider. K., 152. Heilprin. L., 209. Heise, P., 16. Hell, C., 120. Helmholtz, H. von, 115. Henfrey. A., 142. 143. Henry, W. A., 177. Henshaw, H. W., 158. Herbart, J. F., 81, 85. Hermann, G., 168. Hcrrick. W. H., 125. Hertwig. O., 142. Hess, R.. 177- Hewes, F. W., 182. Heyne. M., 97- Hickcox, J. H., 13. Hieeinson, T. W., 91. Hill. C. T., i6s. Hill, J. A., 5-/. Hill, J. W., 174. Hill, R. T., 227. Hill, T., 104. Hill, W. K., 82. Hillhouse, W., 146. Hinsdale. B. A., 84. 88. 209. 229 Hiscox, G. D., 169, 171. Historic note-book. 22,. Historical reference book, 209. History for ready reference. 209. History of banking, 62. Hobson, E. W., 105. Hobson, J. A., 59, 61, 69. Hodson, J. S., 203. Hoefer, F., 216. Hoefer, H., 185. Hofif, J. H., van't., 122. Hoffmann, F., 124. Hofmann, E., 156. Holahan. C.M., 179. Holbrook, A. S., 59. Holder, C. F., 152. Holgate. T. F., 106. Holiday, H., 202. Holland, W. J., 156. Holman, H.. 82. Hoist. H. von. "jz. Honduras. Directorio, 227. Hood, C.. 19.3. Hooker. Sir J. D., 144. Hopkins. A. A., 161, 206. Horn, A. E.. 62. Home, H. P., 191. Horner. J. G., 169, 187. Horr. N. T.. -77. Horrocks, Mrs. G., 221. Hough. F. B.. 176. Houghton. W. R., 53. Household dictionary of medicine, 163. Houston, E. J.. 117, 172. Howarth. W., 63. Howe, E. G., 87. Howe. H. A.. T08. no. Howell. G., 62. Howorth, Sir H. H., 128. Hudson. F.. 25. Huefifer. F.. 46. Hughes. J. L.. 86. Hughes. T., 6s. Hughes. T., S. J., 84. ' Hull, W. I.. 70 Hull-House, Chicago, 59. Hulme, F. E., 91, 210. Hummel, J. J.. 185. Humphrey. J. E.. 143. Humphrevs, H. N.. I99- Hunt, H. F. See Jackson, H. F. Hunter, Sir W. W.. 224. Huntington. J. O. S.. 43. Hurd, H. B., 75. Huss, G. M., 199. Hutchinson, H. N., i^"? f2>, 137. Hutchinson's Australasian enc'clopaedia, 23.3- Huxley, T. H., 155. Hvde. E. W., 103. Hyde, W. D., 27. Iconographic encyclopaedia, 20. Ihering, R. von. See Jherinz, R. von. lies. G., 12, 17. Illinois General Assembh^, 75 (2). Illinois state gazetteer, 230. Illustrated dictionary of gardening. 176. Illustrated encyclopaedic medical diction- ary, 163. Im Thurm, E. F., 139. Image, S.. 201. Imperial dictionary, 94. Index to engineering periodicals, 16. Index to the periodicals, 11. Index to the subjects of the documents and reports, 14. Indiana state gazetteer, 230. Indianapolis Monetary Convention. 18'"'' 63. Industrial School Association, Boston. 192. Ingram, A. F. W., 44. Ingram, J. K., 57. Iowa state gazetteer, 231. Irish peasant, 60. Irving, J., 210. Italy. Camera dei deputati. Biblioteca, 10. Jackman, W. S., 87. Jackson, C, 44. Jackson, H. F., 225. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 243 Jackson, M., 25. Jacobson, P.. 126. Jacoby. H. S., 172. Ja.eo, W., 178. James, E. J., 57. James, H. E. M., 224. James, T. L., 182. James, W., 30. Jameson, J. A., 74. Jameson, J. F., 228. Jamieson, A., 169, 170. Jay, O., 44. Jeans, J. S., 173. Jebb. R. C. 223. Jensen, A., 62. Jernigan, T. R., 62. Jevons, W. S., .11 (2). 62. Jewett, H. M., 28. Jewett, M. A.. 28. Jhering, R. von, 45. Joanne, P., 222. Johnson, H. K., 21. Johnson, J. B., 16, in. Johnson, S. W., 124. Johnson. W. W., 103, 107. Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. 21. Johnston, A. K., 215. Johnston, J. F. W., 182. Johnston, T. B., 215. Johnston, W., 162. Jones, E. R., 162. Jones, T. R., 142. Jordan, D. S., 141, 156. Jordell, D., 11. Jorgensen, A., 148. Jowett. B.. 50, 57. Judd, C. H.. .^io. Kamenskv, G., 120. Kant, I., 35. Kav. D.. 32. Kedney, J. S., .38. Keane. A. H., 129, 138, 210, 211 (3), 223, 224, 232. Kelland, P.. 106. Keller, H. F., 120. Kelley, F.. 59. Kellner, L., 96. Kellogg, D. O., 22. Kelly, J. F., 208. Kelvin, W. T., ist Baron, 102, in. Kemp, W., 192. Kennelly, A. E., 172. Kentucky state gazetteer, 229. Kerl, B., 17, 183. Kerr, N., 28. Kerner von Marilaun, A., 143. Kevnes, J. N., 57. Kidd. B., 41. Kidder, F. E., 192. Kiddle, H., 82. Kiepert, H., 214. Kiesow, F.. 32. Kilbon. G. B., 193. Kimball, A. L., 114. King, F. H., 175. Kirbv, W. F., 150. Kirk. J. F., 9. Kirkland, J., 230. Kirkpatrick, R., 150. Kirkup. T.. 67. Kitchin, G. W., 99. 222. Kittredge. G. L., loi. Klauser, K., 206. Klemm, L. R., 84, 88. Kluge, F., 97. Knapp, J. M., 44. Knapp, W. I., 100. Knight, E. F., 224. Knight, E. H., 160 (2). Knight. G. H., 162. Knight, J., 164. Kohlrausch, F., ii^. Koner, W., 46. Konig. J., 179. Koopman, H. L., 19. Koren, J., 36. Korschelt, E., 152. Krehbiel, H. E., 17. Kiilpe. O., 27, .30. Labberton, R. H., 213. Labour annual, 59. Lachambre, H., 2,34. Ladd, G. T., 27, 29 (2), 30, 32 (2). Lafaye, B., 99. Laing. S., 102. La Fontaine, H., 12. Lagrange, F., 164. Lakeside annual directory, 230. Lalor, J. J., 42, 7Ti. Lamb, H., 107. Lambert, P. A., 106. Lane, G. M., roi. Landauer, J., 116. Landolt, H., 113. Lang, Andrew, ,38. Lang, Arnold, 152. Lang, L. B., 223. Langbein, G., 119. Lange, H., 88. Langhaus, P., 215. Langille, J. H., I.S7. Langley, S. P., 109. Langmead, T. P. T., 7^. Lankester, E. R., 140. Lanza, G., 167. Earned, J. N., 209. Larousse, P., 24. Larsen, A., 98. Lassar-Cohn, Dr., 183. Lathrop, J. C., 59. Latimer, E. W., 222 (3), 223. Laude, J., 18. Laughlin, J. L., 64. Laurie, S. S., 81, 84. Laveleye, E. de, 54, 223. Lawson, T. A., 120. Lea, A. S., 163. Leaning, J., 192. Leask, H., 186. Lecky, W. E. H., 35. 51, Le Conte, J., 115^ 128. Lee, A. B., 143. Lee, F. S., 151. Lee, S., 218. Leete, C. H., 214. Lefebure, E., 202. Leffmann, H., 123. Legge, H., 44. 244 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Legros. E.. qg. Leland. C. G.. oi. i8q (2), 200. Lennholm. E. A.. 148. Leonard. J. W.. 218. Lerov-Beaulieu, P.. 50. Letchworth. W. P.. 80. Lethaby, W. R., 188. 195. Letourneau, C, 134. Levey. G. C, 233. Levi, L.. 71. Lewis. C. T., 22. 100. Lewis, Sir G. C, 52. Lewis, G. H., 90. Lewis. J. S., 187. Lewkowitsch, J., 123. Lexis. W.. 42. Library Association of the United King- dom. 10. Librarv atlas of modern geography, 214. Liddeli, H. G., loi. Life and labour of the people in London. 61. Liliencron. R. von, 218. Linder. N.. 25. Lindgren. E.. q8. Lippert, P., 42. Lippincott Co., T- B., 212. 217. Little cycloppedia of common things. 23. Littre. E.. q8. Lloyd. H. D.. 66 70. Lob. W., 125 (2). Loch, C. S., 43- Lock, C. G. W., 160. 161. Locke. J.. 28. 83. Lockver. Sir J. N.. 109 (2), no. Lodge. H. C. 228. Lodge, O. J.. 108. 117 (2). Loening. E., 42. Logerman. W. S.. Q2. London Charity Organization Society. 80. London. Directory. 221. London. International health exhibition. 1884. 165. London atlas of universal geography, 215. Loney. S. L.. 106. Longmans. Green & Co., 212, 214. Lotze. H.. 29. 32, 33. London, J. C., 144. London. J. W., 144. Lough. E., 32. Louis, H., 132, 186. Lounsbury, T. R., 93. Love. E. G., 173. Lovell & Son, J., 226. Low, S. J., 221. Lowell. A. L., SI. Lowell, P., no. Lubbock, Sir J., Bart., 45. 1,36. 153. 155. 156. Lucas, C. P., 221. Lueger, O., 161. Lukin, J., 190. Lunge, G., 184, 186. Lydekker, R., 150 (2). 154, 158, 159. Lynn, W. T., 103, 108. Lyon, O., 97. Lyttelton, E., 82. JMcAlpine, A. N., 134. McAlpine, D., 134. Mac.'Xrthur. A.. 85. McCain, C. C, 182. McCallum. M.. 43. McCarthy. J.. 221. McClure. M. L., 220. McConachie, L. G., 53. MacCord, L. W.. 202. ATcCormack. T. J., 113. I55- McCosh. J.. 32. MacCoun. T.. 214. McCook. H. C. 155. MacCunn. J.. 36. IMacdonald. W.. 43. MacDougal. D. T., 145. Mace, Mrs. — . 44. I\Iace, W. H.. 209. McFarland. F. M.. 141. ]\Tacfarlane. A., 103. Macfarlane. C. W.. 54. Macfarlane. J.. 19. McGehee. L. P., 71, M'Gowan. G., 121. 126. Mack. E., 32. 113. Machurgn, A., 234. Mackail. J. W.. 219. M'Kechnie. W. S.. =^0. MacKellar. T.. 180. M'Kendrick, J. G.. 151. Mackenzie. J. S., 34- 41. Mackintosh, M., 67. Maclean. J., 225. McLellan, J. A., 103. 104. MacLeod. H. D.. 62. McMahon. J., 103. McMaster, J. B.. 227. McMillan, C, in. McMillan. D. C. 52. McMillan. W. G., 119. McMurrich. J. P.. 154. McMurry. C. A., 8=;. McMurry. F. M.. 85. McNaught. W. G.. 82. Macy, J., 72. 73- Madan. P.. 26. Madison, J.. 73. Mahaffv, J. P.. .38.46 (3). ^lahan. A. T., 79- Maine, Sir H. S.. 44 (2), 45. 51. Maitland. J. A. F., 205. Maior. H., 87. Mailock, W. H.. 66. Manacein, M., 164. Manatt, J. L, 220. Mandel, J. A., 126. Mansfield, J. M.. 14. Mantegazza. P.. 29. Manual of statistics. 64. Map of Philippine islands, 215. March, F. A., 94. Manhaut, W., 48. Marey. E. J., 151. Marindin. S. E., 220. Marion & Co., London, 204. Maritime provinces, 226. Mark. E. L., 152. Markham, C. R., 212. Marmery, J. V., 102. Marot. H., 12. Marsh, G. P., 93- BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 245 Marshall, A., 55, 60, 132. Marshall, W., 150, 154. Martin, A. T., 82. Martin, E. A., 132. Martin, H. N., 163. TkTartineau. J., 36. Martinengo-Cesaresco, E., 91. Marx. K., 54. Mason. A. B.. T^- Mason, O. T.. 162. Mason, W. P., 174. Maspero. G., 45. 220 (2). Massachusetts Institute of Technolo?v. 78, 85. Massart, J., 43. Massee, G., 145 (2). Masters, M. T.. 143. Mastro-Valerio. A., 59. Mathews. C. T.. 198. Mathews. F. S., 153. Matzner. E.. 96. Mauer. W.. Jr.. 118. Maxwell. J. C. 113. 116. May. Sir T. E.. 46. May. W. J.. 197. Mayeux, H., 200. Mechanics' own book, 191. Medical and .surgical register of the United States and Canada. 163. Meijer. B., 25. Meitzen, A.. 49. Meldola, R., 141, 186, 205. Men and women of the time. 216. Mendelyeev. D.. 120. Mendenhall. T. €., 117. Menke. T., 213. Menzel. W., 221. Mercier. C., 28. Merrill. G. P., 1.32. Merrill, J. H., 71. Merriman. M., 103, 172. Meyer, E. von. 121. Meyer, F. S., 200. Meyer, L. von, 121. Meyer, V., 126. Mevers Hand-Lexikon. 24. Miall, L. C.. 82, 132, 155. Michaelis, E., 86. Michaud. J. F., 216. Michaud, L. G., 216. Michie, T. J., 71. Michigan state gazetteer, 230. Migula, W., 149- Military map, island of Puerto Rico. 2m. Military map of the island of Cuba, 215. Mill, H. R., 102. Mill, J. S., 33, Z7, 43- Millar, A., 201, Miller, W. J., 114. 167. 168. 169. Miller, A. K., 148, 184. Miller, E. F., 170. Miller, F., 194. Miller, S. A., 133. Mills, W., 153- Milne, J., 174. Milner, A., 57. Milwaukee. Directory, 231. Minchin. G. M., 114. Missouri state gazetteer, 231. Mivart. St. G., 151, 157. Modern English biography, 218. Modern mechanism, 161. Moeller, J., 184. Monroe. W. S.. 14. Moor, S. A.. 145. Moore, H. K.. 86. Moore, J. H. N., 144. Moore, S.. 54. Morant. A. C.. 50. Morfill, W. R., 223. Morgan, C. L., 140, 15.1, 152. Morgan, H. J., 219. Morgan. J. L. R.. 122. Morgan. L. H.. 45. Morgan, M. H., loi. Morley, H. F., 121. Morley, J., 35. 45. Morris. G. S.. 27. Morris, I. H., 82. Morris. R.. 96. Morris. W.. 66, 194, 201. Morrison, W. D.. 80. Moseley, H. N.. 135. Moses, J., 230 (2). Mosse. A., 2,'2-. Miihlbrecht, O., 12. Muir, J.. 136. Muir, M. M. P.. 121 (4), 183. Muirhead. J. H., 36. ^7. Mulhall. M. G., 49. 69. Miiller, C, 213. Muller. F. M., 92 (2), 208. Munera pulveris, 59. Munich. K. Akademie der Wissen- schaften, 218. Municipal affairs, "](>. Munro, R., 137. Munroe, C. E.. 17. Miintz, E., 202. Mure, W., 208. Muret. E.. 97. Murphy. S. F., 164. Murray, G., 147. Murray. J. A. H. 93. Murray. J. C, 34- My studio neighbors. 135. Nadaillac, J. F. A. du P., marquis de, 137. Names and their histories, 212. Nansen, F., 234. Nares, Sir G. S., 182. Narrative and critical history of America, 22^ Nash, H. S., 46. Nasmyth, J., no. National Convention for Revising the Pharmacopoeia, 165. National cyclopaedia of American biog- raphy, 219. Naturalists' directory, 134. Naval annual, 79. Naval encyclopaedia, 79. Neale, E. V., 65. Nesbitt, A., 185. Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie. 120. Neumayer. G.. 119. New American supplement to the Ency- clopsedia Britannica, 22. New English dictionary, 92. 246 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY New Orleans. Directory, 229. New York, N. Y., City Vigilance League, 79. New York. N. Y. Directory. 229. Newcomb. S., 104. Newell. J. H. See Moore. J. H. N. Newhall, C. S., 147 (3). Newman, J., 192. Newsholme, A., 50. Newton. A.. 158. Nichols, E. L., 112. Nicholson, G., 176. Nicholson, J. S., 55, 56. 63, 69. Nicolls, W. J., 132. Nitti, F. S.. 67. " Noll, F., 144. Non-secret formulas, 166. Nordenskiold. A. E., 212. NordhofF. C, 67. Nordisk familjebok, 25. Norman, J. H., 64. North W., 161. Norton, B., 182. Norton, C. E., 35, 43, 54. 195 (2). 198, 200, 203. Notter. J. L.. 165. Nouvelle biographie generale. 216. Noves. A. D.. 68. Nuttall. T., 158. Ogilvie, J., 94. Ohio. Directory. 229. Oliver, F. W.. 143. Olson. J. E., 98. Olsson, B. F., 25. Oman, C. W. C, 78. Oppenheim, N.. 31. Orrinsmith, H., 201. Ortner, J., 179. Osgood & Co., J. R.. 226. Osmun, T. E., 96. Ost. L., 9. Osterburg, M., 15. Ostwald, W., 122. Otlet, P., 12. Otte, E. C, 223. Otto. E.. 100. Otto. J. F.. 120. Paine. J. K., 206. Painter, F. V. N., 83. Palgrave. R. H. I., 56. Pantaleoni. 'SI., 54. Packard. A. S., 150, i--^. 156. Paris. Annuaire-almanach, 222. Parker, F. \V., 81, 86. 87. Parker, T. J., 134, 150. Parker, \V. N., 141, 152. Parkhurst, C. H., 77. Parkman. F.. 225. Parloa. M. 178. Parry, C. H. H.. 205. Parsons, S., 197. Parsons, T., 75. Pasko, W, W., 180. Paton. J.. 76. Patrick, D., 216. Patridge, L. E., 86. Paul. H., 92. Paulsen, F., 88. Pavements and roads, 173. Pavne, J.. 83. Pavne. W. H.. 83. Peabody. C. H., 168, 170. Pearce, W. J.. 193. Pearson, K., 28. Pechuel-Loesche, E.. mo. Peck. W. G., 103. Peirce, S. O., 107. Peloubet, F. N., 39, Peloubet, AI. A., 39. Pendleton, J.. 25. Penfield. S. L.. 127. Pennell. E. R., 179. Pennell, J., 181 (2). People of the period. 217. Peppin. T. S., 44. Perez. B.. 29. Perkins. C. C. 203. Perkins. T.. 199. Perrin. AI. L., 221. Perrot. G.. 196 (6). Perry, E. D., 88. Perry. G. R.. 227. Perrv. J.. 107. Peschel, O., 138. Petrie, W. M. F., 220. Phelp. P. H.. 94. Philadelphia. Convention for forming the Constitution. 1787, 73. Philadelphia. Directory. 229. Philanthropy and social progress. 43. Phillips, A. \V., 105. Phillips, J. A., 132. Phillips, L. B., 2"i7. Pidgin, C. F., 49. Piesse. C. H., 186. Pillsbury, \V. B., 27. Pinner, A., 125. Plarr, V. G., 216. Platon, 50. Plumbe. G. E., 21. Plummer. M. W., 18. Pocock, R. I., 150. Poesche, H., 86." Polk. R. L. & Co., 163. 166, 229, 230, 231 (4). Pollard, A. T., 82. Pollard. A. W., 26. Pollen, J. H., 202. Pollock, F., 102. Pomeroy. J. N., 71, 73. Poole, F. O., II. Poole. W. F.. 10, II. Poole's index, 10, 11 (3). Poore, B. P., 13. Poore, G. V., 62, Porritt, E., 47. Porter, H., 182. Porter, H. C, 144. Porter, N., 19, 27, 94. Porter, R. P., 58. Posnett, H. M., 207. Posse. N., 86. Postoffice London directory. 221. Potter, B. See Webb. B. P. Poulton, E. B., 140, 153. Powell, H. J., 185,' Power, F. B., 124. Practical blacksmithing, igo. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 247 Practical carriage building. 190. Practical designing, 201. Pratt. A. T. C, 217. Preece, W. H., 118. Prentiss. H. M., 234. Preston, T., 115, 116. Pretyman, J. R., 70. Preyer, W., 29, 30. Price, L. L. F. R., 58, 60. Prideaux, S. T.. 191. Principles of fitting,-'l69. Pr ingle. A., 204, 205. Pritchard, E., 151. Privat-Deschanel. A., 112. Proctor, H. R., ii"?. Prout, H. G., 182. Prussia. K. Ministerium der offent- lichen Arbeiten, 18. Prussia. K. Ministerium fiir Handel. Ge- werbe u. offentliche Arbeiten, 17 (2). Pnllen, W. W. F., 105. Palling, F. S.. 221. Pvitnam, G. H., 180, 181 (2). Putnam. J. B.. 180. Pylodet. L., 100. Quatrefages de Breau, A. de. 138. Quick, R. H.. 83 (2). Rabbeno, U.. 68. Rae, J., 61, 66. Raffalovich. A., 62. Rafter, G. W., 174. Rambaud, A. N.. 223. Ramsay, W., 125. Rand, B.. 12. Rand, McNally & Co., 214. Rankine, W. J. M., 114, 167, 168, 169. Rathbone, R. L. B., 201. Ratzel, F., 138. Ravenstein, E. G., 210 (2). Reade. W., 224. Reader's guide to contemporary litera- ture. 9. Reader's guide in economic, social and political science, 12. Reader's handbook of allusions, 23. Real, A., pseud. See Fernand-Michel, F. F. Reber, F. von., 196. Reclus, E., 129, 210 (2), 211 (4). Reddall, H. F., 21. Reddaway, W. F., 53. Redgrave. G. R., 200. Redgrave, R., 200. Reeve, H., 48. Rein, W., 81, 83. Remington, J. P., 166. Remsen, I., 122, 175. Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques, 7. Repertoire bibliographique des revues frangaises, 11. Repertorium der technischen Journal- Literatur, 17. Repertorium der technischen Literatur, Review of reviews, 11. Revue semestrielle des publications ma- thematiques, 15. Reye, T., 106. Rhees, W. J.. 12 (2). Rhodes, J. F., 228. Ribot, T., 29, 32. Ricardo, H., 195. Richards. E. H. S.. 178 (2). Richards, F.. 171. Richards. J. W., 186. Richardson, Sir B. 'W., 165. Richardson, M. T., 190 (2). Richardson, T., 183. Richter, V. von, 125. Rideal. S., 174. Ridgeway, W., 90. Ridgway, R.. 157. 158 (2). Riemann, H., 205. Rieth, Dr. — . 17. Riis. J. A., 70. Rijke, J. de, 174. Ringwalt, R. C., 44. Ripley, G., 20. Ripley, W. Z.. 15, 139. Risteen, A. D., 119. Ritchie. D. G., 41, 50, 67. Ritter, K.. 212. Rix, W. P., 201. Roberts, I. P., 175. Robertson. G. C., 2i7- Robertson. J. M., 61. Robinson, B. L. 147, Robinson, S. W., 171. Robinson, W., 197 (2). Rodway, J.. 136. Rogers, J. E. T., 46, 55, 60. Roget, J. L.. 95. Roget, P. M., 95. Rohrig, E., 161. Romance of industry, 162. Romanes. G. J.. 30, 140, 141, 153 (2). Romero, M., 226 (2). Romilly, H. H., 233. Ronald. M., 178. Ronalds, Sir F., 15. Ronnfeldt, H., 141. Rood, O. N., 115. Roosevelt, T.. 231. Roscoe, Sir H. E., 120, 121. Rose, J., 169, 171. Rose, N. J., 197. Rosen, J.,' 25. Rosenkranz, J. K. F., 81. Rossiter, W., 102. Rouaix, P., 201. Routh, E. J., 114 (2). Rowbotham, J. F., 91. Roy, C. S., 158. Royal atlas of modern geography, 215. Royce, J., 35. Riicker, J., 132. Riickert, F., 97. Ruskin, J., 35. 43, 54, 195 (2), 198, 200, 203. Russell, H. B., 64. Russell, J., 84. Russell, I. C., 130 (3). Russell, T., 131. Sachs, J. von, 145 (2). Sachs, K., 99. Sadtler, S. P., 166, 183. St. Louis. Directory, 231. 248 THE JOHX CRERAR LIBRARY St. Paul. Directory. 231. Saintsbury. G.. 207 (2). Salmon. D.. 85. Salmon. L. M.. 61. Salomon. O.. 85. San Francisco. 231. Sanders. L. C. 217. Sanderson. T. J. C. 195. Sandford. M. E.. 82. Sanford. E. C. 32. Santayana. G., 32. Saunders. W., 155. Say. L.. 56. Sayce. A. H.. 92. 220. Schafer. E. A.. 153. 154. Scheiner, J., 109. Scheler, A.. 98. Schem. A. J.. 82. Schenk. H.. 144. Scherer. \V.. 208. Scherl. A., 222. Schimper A. F. W.. 144. Schlagwort-Katalog, 9. Schlich. W., 177. Schmidt. I., 97. Schmidt. O., 150. Schneider. A., 148. Schoenhof. J.. 63. Scholz. F., 28. Schonland. S., 140. Schorlemmer. C., 120, 126. Schouler. J.. 74, 228. Schubarth. E. L., 17. Schuyler. E., 53. Schwabe. L.. 208. Schwegler. A.. 27. Schweinfurth. G., 224. Schnabel. C. 186. Scidmore. E. R.. 2^^. Scientific American cyclopedia of re- ceipts. 161. Scientific London, 26. Scott, A., 121. Scott, C. A., 106. Scott, D. H., 146. Scott, E. H., 73. Scott, H. M., 82. Scott, R., loi. Scudder. V. D., 47. Sedgwick. A., 149, 150, 152. Sedgwick. W. T., 134. Seebohm, F., 39. Seeley, L., 89. Selbie, J. A., 39. Serraillier, L., 173. Serviss. G. P., 109. Seth. J., 36. Shaler, N. S., 48, 128, 129 (2), 139. 173. Seward, G. F., 52. Sharn. A., 191. Sharp, R. F.. 218. Sharpe, R. B., 150. Sharpless, I., 84. Shaw, A., 76 (2). Shaw, C. S. W., 162. Shedlock, J. S., 205. Sheib. E. E., 81. Sherborn, C. D., 15. Shipley, A. E., 140. Shorey. P.. 73. Short, C., 100. Short, J. T.. n9. Shufeldt. R. W.. 158. Sidgwick. A., 31. 82. Sidgwick. H.. 34. 35 (2). 51. Silver. A.. 201. Simcox. E. J., 46. Simmonds. F.. 199. Simmons. A. T.. 129. Simpson. H. F. M.. 137. Singleton. E., 198. Skeat. W. W., 93 (2). 94. Skottowe. B. C., 53. Sladen. D.. 217. Slater. J. H.. 26, 203. Slingo. W.. 118. Sloane, T. O., 116. 117. Smart, W., 54 (2), 60. Smith, A., 55. Smith. B. E.. 21. 21s. Smith, C., 106. Smith. D. E.. 103. Smith. E. F., 125. Smith. G. B., 162. Smith. H. P.. 21. Smith. J., 146. Smith, J. B., 156, 188. Smith, J. P., 141. Smith, L., 99. Smith. N. A., 86, 87 (2). Smith, O.. 187. Smith. R. H., 107. Smith, R. M., 49. 52. Smith, R. S.. III. Smith. Sir W.. 39. 100. 213. 217. 220. Smith. W. R., 123. Smithells. A., 126. Smithsonian Institution. 12 (2). Snodgrass, W., 151. Snyder, W. H., 130. Soards, L.. 229. Sobriquets and nicknames, 21. Social England. 47. Societe mathematique d'Amsterdam. 15. Society of Telegraph Engineers, 15. Solly, S. E., 166. Sombart. W., 67. Somervell. R., 82. Sonnenschein. \V. S.. 9 (2). 82. Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of education, 82. Soule. R., 95. South End House. Boston. 48. South Kensington Museum, 185, 189, 200 C3). 202. Southward, J., 180. Soyeda, J., 62. Spahr. C. B.. 57. Spalding, F. P., 173. Spanton, J. H.. 105. Spears, J. R.. 79. Spencer, H., 34, 41, 42, 81, 134. Spiers, A., 99. Spon. E., 160. 167. Spon. E. & F. X.. 191. Spons' dictionary of engineering. 167. Spon's encj-clopaedia of the industrial arts, 161. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 249 Springsteed, A. F., 179. Sprnner von Merz, K.. 213 (2). Staley. C, iii. Stallybrass. J. S., 40. Stammhammer, J., 12. 13. Standard dictionary. 94. Stanford. E.. 214. 2i.^. Stanford's compendium of sreosfraphy, 220, 223, 224, 226, 228, 232 (2). Stanley, H. M., 225. Stannus. H.. 200. Stansbie. J. H., 188. Stanton, E. C, 52. Starr, E. G., 59. Starr, F.. 136. Starr, M., 75. Statesman's year book, 22. Statham, H. H., 198. 199. Steam-heating problems. 193. Stebbing, F. C. iii. Stebbing. T. R. R., 155. Steele. F. M., 179. Stephen. L., 34. 3^;. 102, 218. Sternberg. G. M., 149. Stevens, A. P., 59. Stevens, J. E., 232. Stevenson, T., 164. Stevi'art, B., 116. Stieler, A., 214. Stillman, T. B., 123. Sterling, J. H., 27. Stockholm. K. Svenska vetenskaps-aka- demien, 78. Stohmann, F., 183. Stokes, A. C., 142. Stokois, A. M. H. J., 210. Stone, T. W., 114, Storer, F. H., 175. Stormonth, J., 94, 134. Storr, F., 82. Stout, G. F., 31. Strachey, R,, 212. Strasburger, E., 144, 146. Stratton, S. S., 205. Strauss, A., 53. Stretton, C. E., 170. Strolls by starlight and sunshine, 135. Strong, H. A., 92 (2). Stubbs, A. J., 118. Stubbs, W., 72. Sturgis, R., 17, 198. Sturmey, H., 204. Subject index of literature of agricultural experiment stations^ 8. Sully, J., 28, 29 (2), 30 (2), 31 (2). Sulz. C. H., 184. Sumner, W. G., 62, 63. Sutherland, A., 2.33. Sutherland, G., 233. Sverdrup, O., 234. Sveriges statskalender, 78. Sweet, H., 93. 96. Swete, H. B., 39. Sybel, H. von, 221. Sykes, J. F. J., 16=?. Sykes, W. J., 184. Symonds. J. A., 47. Taggart, W. S., 189. Taine, H. A., 47 (2.). 207. Tait, P. G., 106 (2). Ill (2), 112. Talbot. H. P., 124. Talbot, M., 44. Tanger, G., 97. Tarr, R. S., 129, 132. Taschenberg, E. L., 150. Taschenberg, O., 16. Tate. T., 81. Taussig, F. W., 54, 68 (2). Tayler, A. J. W., 171, 173, 191. Taylor, A., 66. Taylor, L, 138, 212. Taylor, J. E., 146. Taylor, R. W. C., 69. Taylor, S., 65. Teale, T. P., 174. Teall, F. H.. 93. . _ Technological dictionary of insurance chemistry. 183. Ten Bruggencate, K., 98. Terrv. G.. 185. Teuffel, W. S., 208. Thaver, J. H., 19. Thesaurus of English words and phrases, 9.=;. Thilly. F., 28. Thomas, J., 212, 217. Thomas, T., 206 (2). Thompson, E. E. S., 153. Thompson, S. P., 115, 116, 118. Thoms, H., 184. Thomson, Sir C. W., 135. Thomson, J. A., 43, 150. Thomson, J. J.. 117. Thomson, Sir W., see Kelvin, W. T., ist Baron. Thorne, R., 21. Thornton, A., 113. Thornton, W. T., 58. Thorp, W., 183. Thorpe, B., 40. Thorpe. M., 223. Thorpe, T. E.. 125. 132. 184. Threlfall, R., 122. Thiimmel, K., 184. Thurston, R. H., 90, 114, 170, 192. Thwaites, R. G., 229. Thwing, C. F., 88. Tilden, W. A., 121. Tingle, J. B., 116. Titchener, E. B., 27, 30 (3), 31, 34. Tocqueville, A. de, 48. Todd. D. P., 108. Todhunter, I., 104 (3), 105, 114. Tolman, W. H., 77, 79. Tomn, L., 51. Topley, W., 15. Torrey, B., 135. Torrey Botanical Club, 8. Townsend, J. P., 62. Toynbee, A., 57. Toynbee, P., 99. Trail, J. W. H., 176. Traill, H. D., 47. Treadwell, A., 119. Trechmann, E., 98. Trevelyan, C. P., 51. Tribune almanac. 20. Trow Directory Co., 229. 250 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Tro\vbrid,s;e. J.. 117. Trumbull. G., 157. Tsountas. C, 220. Tuckerman, A., 15. Tufts. J. H.. 27. Turrets, towers, and temples, 198. Tuttle, H.. 222. Two paths, 19s. Tylor. E. B., 4.=;. 138, 130. Tyndall, J., 115 (2). 116, 130. Ueberwepf. F., 27. Ulzer. F., 123. Underbill, E. D., 48. Underwood. L. M., 148. United States Kovernment publications. 13. U. S. A. Civil Service Commission, ^T, 78. U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. 8 (3). U. S. A. Detiartment of the Interior, Bu- reau of Education. 14. U. S. A. Denartment of the Interior, Census Office, T7. U. S. A. Department of the Interior, Geo- logical Survey. 14. U. S. A. Department of the Interior, Su- perintendent of Documents, 13. U. S. A. Government Printing Office. Superintendent of Documents, 13 (2), 14 (2). U. S. A. Treasury Department, 63. U. S. A. Treasury Department, Bureau of Statistics, 50. U. S. A. Treasury Department, Immigra- tion Investigating Commission. 52. U. S. A. War Department, Adiutant- General's Office, Military Informa- tion Division, 215 (2). Universal pronouncing dictionary of bi- ography, 217. Unwin, W. C, 168. Upton, J. K., 68. Urbanitzky, A. von, 117, Urquardt, J. W., 118, 119. Van Cleve. B. F., 160. Van den Heuvel, J., 51. Van Laun, H., 207. Van Liew, C. C, 81. Van Liew, I. J., 81. Van Oss, S. F., 182. Vandervelde, E., 43. Vapereau, G., 217 (2). Veblen, T. B., 55, 67. Vega, S. von, 104. Veith, A., 185. Velazquez de la Cadena, M., 100. Verschoyle, J., 46. Verworn, M., 151. Villatte, C, 99- Vincent. B., 24. Vines, S. H., 145. Vinycomb, J., 26. Vioilet-le-Duc, E. E., 198 (2), 199, 201. Visher, J., 79. Voorhees, T., 182. Waarenlexikon der chemischen industrie, 184. Wagner, R. von, 183 (2). Waldo. F., 131. Walford, E., 2,T. Walker, B. E., 62. Walker, F. A., 55, 62. 64. Walker, J., 121. Walker, T. A., 71. Wall, E. J., 204. Wallace, A. R., 135, 142 (2), 154 (2), 232. Wallace, W., 33 (2). "^'Vallaschek, R., 205. Waller, T. H., 113. Walmsley, R. M., 117. W'alpole, S., 52. \\'alsh, W. S., 24. 90. Walters, F. R., 163. Wanklyn. J. A.. 124. ''Vard.H. M.. 146, 176. ^Vard, J.. 201 (2). AVaring, G. E., Jr., 114, 174. ^ ,'arnian, P. C, 14. Warn, R. H., 187. Warner, A. G., 79. Warner, F., 86. Warr. G. C. W., 208. Warren, C, 226. Washburn. M. F., 34. Waterworth, J. A., 60. Watson. J., 38. Watt, A., 189. Watts. H. E.. 183. Watts, W. A., 204. AVatts, W. W.. 129. Wayte, W., 220. Webb. B. P., 62 (2), 66. Webb, H. J., 175. Webb, S., 62 (2), 76. Weber, A., 28. Webster, N.. 94 (2). Wegele, F. X., 218. Weidinger, G., 184. Weisbach, J., 168. Weismann, A., 140, 141 (2). Weitenkampf, F., 217. Weld, L. G., 103. Welldon, E. A.. 82. Wells, D. A., 57. Wells, H. L., 124. Wenstrom, E., 98. Wentworth, G. A., 104, Werge, J., 204. Werner, A.. 122. Westermarck. E., 91. Westrin, T., 25, Weyl, T., 164. Wheatley, H. B., 19. Wheeler, B. I., 92. \\ heeler, C. G., 9, 20. Wheeler, W. A., 9, 20. Where three empires meet, 224. Whipple, F. H., 118. Whitaker, J., 22. Whitaker, W., 15. White, A. T., 61. White, G., 201. White, H., 63. White, H. S., 221. White, R. G., 93. Whitney, W. D., 21, 92, 96, 98. BOOKS IN THE READING ROOM 251 Who wrote it? 9. Who's who? 217. Who is who in America, 218. Wiedersheim, R., iS2. WiRRin. K. D., 86, 87 (2). Wight, O. W., 38. WiRley, T. B., 188. Wilcox, D. F., 76. Wiley, H. W., 12.3. Willard, E. W., 87. Willey, A., 157. Williams, C. F.. 71. Williams, C. M., 32, 36. Williams, H. S., n3. Williams. S. W., 48. Williams, W. C, 121. Williams & Co., 229, 230. Williamson, B., 107. WillouRhby, W. F.. 60. Willoughby. W. W.. 50. Willsey, J. H., 22. Wilson, A., 139. Wilson, E. B., 134, 142. Wilson, E. L., 204. Wilson, H. S., 171. Wilson, J. G., 218, 210. Wilson, L. L. W., 87. Wilson, M. E.. 31. Wilson, W., 51. Windelband, W., 27. Windle, B. C. A., 137. Wines, F. H., 36, 80. Wing, H. H., 177. Winning of the West, 231. Winsor, J., 213, 225, 228 (2). Winter, A., 80. Wirth, M., 62. Wisconsin state gazetteer, 231. Wise, M. E.. 88. Wislicenus, J., 122. Withers, H. L., 82. Wodehouse, Mrs. E., 205. Wolff, H. W.. 61. 65. Wood, D. v., 170. Wood, G. B., 166. Wood, H. C. 166. Woodhead. G. S., 148. Woodrow, F., 60. Woods. F. H., 223. Woods, F. S., 106. Woods, H., 133. Woods, R. A.. 4"?, 47, 48. Woodv/ard, B. B., 150. Woodward, C. M., 88. Woodward. R. S., 103. Wood-working tools, 192. Woodworth. W. M.. 152. Woolsey. T. D., 50, 71. Woolsey. T. S., 71 (2). Wooster, D.. 144. Worcester. D. C., 232. Vv^orcester, J. E., 95. Workshop receipts. 160. World almanac, 22. Wormell, R., 82, 117. Woorsaae, J. J. A., 137 (2). Worthen, W. E., 201. Worthington, T. L., 62. Wright. A. G.. 231. Wright, C. D., 42, 58. Wright, J.. 96. Wright, L., ii> 116. Wright. M. O..' 158. Wright. R. P., 177. Wright, W. A., yj- Wundt, W., 30 (2), 34. Wurtz, A., 120 (4). Wurtz, C. A., see Wurtz. A. Wyckoff. W. A., 59. Year book of photography, 204. Yeats, J., 162. Youmans, W. J., 103. Young, C. A., 108, no. Young. F. C., 193. Young. J. J., 199. Youngman. W., 39. Zaehnsdorf, J. W., 191. Zahm. J. A., 115. Zeller, E., z^] (3). Zeman, J. H., 59. Zenker, E. V., 67. Zeublin, C.. 59. Zimmermann, A., 143. Zittel, K. von, 128. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 315 D 000 375 078 ■Hi m X,ilj'i>U^NfXi^^^ih i '>>?ffl^^^^^^H iji?7