AGRfC. LIBRARY m THE HEREDITY OF Dual Purpose Cattle A Study in Farm Economics Based on Red Polled Records From 1808 to 1915 A* DEMOCRAT PRESS RICHLAND CENTER WISCONSIN AGRIC. LIBBARY COPYRIGHTED BY RED POLLED CATTLE CLUB OF AMERICA NINETEEN EIGHTEEN HENRY F. EUREN Founder of the Red Polled Herd Book Owner 15 Years; 25 Years Editor THE RED POLLED CATTLE CLUB OF AMERICA FOUNDED NOVEMBER 24, 1883 [DDE] THE RED POLLED SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND FOUNDED APRIL 21, 1888 PREFACE The fact that full particulars of the formation and development of a new breed of cattle in the last century are yet available is my apology for presenting the following essay on the Heredity of Dual Purpose Cattle as illustrated by the Eed Polled. In preparing the facts and figures which are set forth in the narrative, I have been fortunate in working upon a system of registration of pedigree unlike any form that existed before the year 1874. The plan was feasible from the fact that the Norfolk and Suffolk Polled Cattle were not being bred outside the borders of the two counties. Also that it was possible to glean evidence from men who had both seen and aided in the interfusion of the old variety and the new; that had been skil- fully evolved from the mixture of two types of cattle that had existed in Norfolk from the olden time. That the new variety has won a permanent place in the world is evidenced by the fact that while in 1874 there were only four Red Polled Cattle in America, and these imported in the previous Decem- ber, the issue of the American edition of the Herd Book, which con- tains names, number, and pedigree of the cattle born in the year ending December 31st, 1915, contains the register of Bulls 27083 to 28851, of Cows 40265 to 42651. At the close of the year 1889 there were 132 bulls and 276 cows. In the following three years, when American breeders had begun a co-operation of registration with the British, the number had been increased by 849 bulls and 996 cows. Of the total register in Vols. 7 to 18, the American registry was some 7,500 bulls and 9,000 cows. The Red Polled Cattle Club of America had its separate register as from January, 1901, opening with the bull register number 8909, cow register number 17878. There has thus been an increase in the last fifteen years of Red Polled Cattle in use in the United States (a very few only in the Dominion of Can- ada) : Bulls 19,943, cows, 24,774. Professor C. H. Eckles, of Missouri, in his book on "Dairy Cattle and Milk Production," says of the Red Polled in America: "They have won their way entirely by their merits, and are increasing rapidly in those States where dual-purpose cattle are in demand. They are the most typical and most popular of the re'al dual-purpose breeds." Further evidence of the practical value of the breed as it has spread abroad in the United States is seen in the pages now laid be- fore the student of Farm Economics. The Cattle Club Directors, being informed that I was preparing an essay on the progressive develop- ment of the breed in its several aspects, readily assented to the Club's aiding its issue, in print a resolution for which I most heartily thank them. Four and twenty years ago it needed a protest, through an in- fluential live stock journal, to compel an American official to do jus- tice. A few men had sent their Red Polled cattle to Chicago to com- pete in a Farmer's Cow class. The upholders of some other breeds manifestly sought to kill rivalry, and hoped to do so by ignoring the new-comers. But the truth had to be made known from the "misplaced" papers on which was the noting of points by the judges. In the fol- lowing year the trick was more cleverly arranged. And from the year 1903 there has been no Farmer's Cow class. That "taboo" was the determination would seem to be evidenced by records of tests and experimental trials made in the United States and in the Domin- ion of Canada. But the couple of sentences quoted above, from Prof. Eckles, show that the lowly men who knew their business have held on their way, and have won in the contest. The Jean Du Luth Farm managers have also set a much-needed example by their resolve, as from Jan., 1911, to make whole-herd records, and to systematize the teats for Advanced Registry. It is an unquestionable fact that the Red Polled has come to stay, with Dual-Purpose written on the breed's banners. So much for America. On this side the Atlantic one regrets to say there has been much less determination to uphold a good cause. From the year 1891 three years after the Red Polled Society was formed and acquired the Herd Book the Council, recognizing that the inherited qualities of the cow as a milk and butter producer was a matter of great im- portance in the selection of a bull, not only printed the milk records without any charge to the owner of the herd, but also issued separately the pages containing the records, with live weights of fatted steers and heifers, as the best means of advertising the merits of the Red Polled. This was the practice until the close of the 1907 record. For some time past, however, an advertising rate has been charged for the publication of the year's milk; and there is no record of the live weights of cattle at the Norwich and Smithfield Club shows. "Dublin Castle" controllers of aided agriculture in Ireland have from the be- ginning of their muddling not cared to know of the existence of the Red Polled. A Co. Mayo breeder quoted in this essay has made that plain. English officialism has copied "Dublin Castle." It knows noth- ing of the facts and figures which are presumably the base of a farm economy that is to be an advantage to the community as well as a profit to the land cultivator. It has refused tp acknowledge the "Red Poll" Society when it asked to have its 30 years old systematic milk recording recognized, as it recognizes much more recent and less complete plans. And by other devices there would seem to be an endeavor to foster the interests of a section at the cost of the mass, in the expectation thereby to do for the Red Polled breed what has been done for the Yorkshire Polled, the Irish Polled, and other va- rieties of cattle which were doing good service before the Shorthorn was in existence. I ask the consent of my readers to a challenge of an impartial investigation of my assertion that the battalion of Facts and Figures drawn up in their varied ranks in this essay uphold the declaration of the Missouri professor that the Red Polled cattle are "The most typical of the Real Dual Purpose Breeds." Red Polled Cattle have been exported to South America, South Africa, Australia, and to other distant lands, while at home they are extending the area of their influence. It has been my aim in presenting the long array of Milk Records to show what progress has been made in a section of Farm Economics which has been well-nigh neglected. An endeavor to create a sen- sation, by publishing a big record made in a year, has been all too common a fault, and the principles of evolution have been almost forgotten. Where I have set down an average of yields, the annual total yields have varied but little during the period named; excep- tional returns being quoted apart, and not included for the making of a heavy average. In all cases the number of days when milk was yielded is stated within parentheses, so that the duration of the lac- tation period can be known. As evidence that a record of one day's milk yield in each week, carried on during the days of lactation, will approximate to the year's record, I have given in full the daily yield in 1882-3 of the young cow 1451 Davy 27 HI. That the hardly less important recording of butter-fat contents may be truly estimated by a couple of brief trials the Vermont Experimental Station has demonstrated. Its conclusions are quoted in the supplementary pages of the essay. A photo-snapshot of the fully developed cow, kept for use, should complete the breeder's knowledge whether there is progress, or a standstill, which means loss of capital. The not .less important question from the view of the believer in Farm Economics of the cost of food consumed has been under examination and test for many years at American University Experi- ment stations. At the Minnesota Station such work has been carried on from 1893. The bulletins unfortunately, ignore the Dual-Purpose cow. Possibly it will now have its turn. Then, there should be a good practical manual made ready for the British farmer. I have in a supplement to the essay, tried to cast some light on the food question by re-printing results which were the outcome of the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition Six Months Test in 1901. Averages of each of the ten breeds were quoted at the time. But for a knowledge of what the test really meant, I have given the return by each of the fifty cows: Fifteen dual-purpose cows, twenty generally recognized as dairy cows, and fifteen localized as such. My thanks are due to Mr. R. Harvey-Mason, of Necton Hall; Mr. C. F. Newton, of Saham Toney, Norfolk; Mr. J. B. Chevallier, of Aspall Hall, Suffolk; Mr. Fraser Meadows, Thornville, Co. Wex- ford; Mr. Ralph E. Macan, Agent at Longford Castle, Wilts., and Mr. G. P. Grout, of Duluth, Minn., for material by which to complete my records. My detailed list of Milk Records, and my Full Pedigree tables with a Breed Analysis of each of the Cows and Bulls named there, will be available to students of heredity in the local collection of the Norwich Public Library, on whose shelves is a complete set of the United Kingdom Red Polled Herd Book. Breeders of Red Polled Cattle and students of Farm Economics can hardly fail to detect an inaccuracy here and there in the array of figures quoted from so large a mass of detail as that contained in the records of milk, butter-fat and beef, from which I have had to glean facts and figures. There has been a triple revise, and I trust this, my striving after accuracy, will be accepted as an apology for faults discovered. No small proportion of the credit for a clean page is due to Mr. George Abbs, the linotype operator and mechanic, in the employ of the "Norwich Mercury" Co., Ltd., who has striven to do his best: "Honor to whom honor is due" in a task the like of which few men are called on to undertake. Henry F. Euren. DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE The Inheritance of Dual Purpose Cattle Before there is a consideration of the modern uses of cattle a brief statement of old-time practice may not be out of place. James E. Thorold Rogers, some time M. P., also Professor of Political Economy in the University of Oxford, in 1866 began publi- cation of "The History of Agriculture and Prices in England," facts and figures collected from records extending from A. D. 1258-9 to 1702-3. In 1884, "Six Centuries of Work and Wages: The History of English Labor," admirably presented these researches for the in- struction of the general public. His lectures on England's Economic History, as delivered at Oxford, yet more fully illustrated what it is desirable to be known of the Rise and Progress of more than one branch of Farm Economics. When Rome sought and ultimately won a footing in England they found there a great number of cattle. Probably they were being used in the cultivation of land as was yet the practice when the 19th century opened. It is on record that Seneca, the philosopher, when he was Nero's helper in the government of the Roman Empire, en- ticed the Eceni and others of the Brythonic folk tilling the East Coast lands, to "borrow of him vast sums upon fair promises of easie loan, and for repayment to take their own time, then on a sudden compelling them to pay all at once with great extortion." This may be taken as an illustration of the hazards which were the portion of the worker on the land while under the domination of Rome. When the Angeln folk took possession of the lands the natives who survived were enslaved, and became "landless men." The new settlers, having somewhat superior cattle, would use them as producers of milk, but- iter, and cheese, as well as in the ploughing of their land. In their turn, the English lords, when degraded by their Norman conquerors, who henceforth ruled the peasantry, increased the number of "land- less." Thorold Rogers says farm and manor accounts are numerous from "about the last ten or twelve years of the reign of Henry III," and the handwriting tells the expert the date "within a few years, whether its origin be Lancashire, Kent, Warwichshire, Norfolk, or Northumberland. . . . No other country possesses such a wealth of public records." We thus know that the serf had the use of some 12 acres of arable land with live stock thereon, and as a part of his rent had to till at least half an acre of his lord's land, while the cottagers were for the greater part of the year free laborers. In the course of itime these landless folk acquired right of possession to the use of the lands they cultivated, and to the keeping of their cattle on the unenclosed lands which in the course of years were termed common lands. Mr. Rogers says: 10 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE The ox was kept for plough and draught, a few were kept for fatting, but I consider that the amount of stock regularly fatted for the table was a very small percentage of the whole. They would be consumed only by wealthy nobles and wealthy corporations, and as a matter of fact, fresh beef was put on the table only for a few months in the year. Much was killed and salted in November, but this beef was of grass-fed cattle. The ox, quit of skin, head and offal, did not weigh on an average more than 400 pounds, and was worth about 11s. to sell. There was no attempt to improve the breeds of cattle. The maintenance of the bull was a necessity, and the use of the cow was for the dairy. I do not assert that there were not different breeds, but I am sure that the difference was in the size, not in the quality of the animals, and that there was no distinction made in the character of the breeds. There was hardly a sensible difference betiveen these old rates at which farm stock was sold and those when the 14th century closed. Dairy products were a little cheaper. In the course of time sheep breeding became the more profitable to the husbandman. The cot- tager found his advantage in his cow on the common until common lands were enclosed, in the 18th and early part of the 19th century, and the era of high rents and low wages set in. THE NEW DEVELOPMENT Dual Purpose is a modern descriptive term. When applied to a cow it is expressive of her inheritance of a tendency to yield milk that has a fair percentage of fat as a constituent of its solid contents, and an equal tendency to lay on flesh when fed for that particular purpose. It would seem to have been the ideal of the first improvers of the Longhorn Cattle of Derby Sir Thomas Gresley and Mr. Prin- cep. Their ideal was fairly attained. But their successor in the work, the famous Robert Bakewell, of Dishley, Leicestershire, sought rather "the qualifications of beauty and utility of form, quality of flesh, and aptitude .to fatten," neglecting to accompany these with the fostering of the equally important milk inheritance. Bakewell's methods of selection and in-breeding, as a means of improving cattle, are said to have been attractive to the brothers Charles and Robert Collins, who applied them to what was then known as the Teeswater breed, later as Durhams, after Charles Collins had, in 1783, visited Dishley. Some twenty years later Thomas Booth, of Killerby, and Thomas Bates, of Kirklevington, severally continued the work of improving the Dur- ham, by then termed the Shorthorn. Booth held to the Collins ideal, Bates preferred that of the dual purpose. At the same time John Reeve, of Wighton, Norfolk, began his work, first by hybridisation and then by selection, practically following on what we now know as the Mendelian law. His ideal correponded with that of Bates, but his material was of quite another type, so that the dual-purpose cow would seem to have been the Reeve ideal from the outset. Some two years before he retired from farming he selected of "Durham" stock a young bull and five cows. He may have desired to try his ideal on this variety of cattle, but he could not carry it out, for they were sold with his other live stock in October, 1828. Sir Charles Knightley, at Fawsley, held to the dual-purpose in the Shorthorn herd which he built up in thirty years from about 1826, attaining "a splendid uniformity of type and abundant milking properties." Mr. R. W. Hobbs, of Kelms- cott, is quoted as saying: "I consider that the Shorthorn should be a dual-purpose cow; that is, she should give a good quantity of milk, and, when dry, quickly make a good carcass of beef; and in this ca- pacity the dairy Shorthorn is excelled by no other breed." For some fifty years after the judges for the Royal Agricultural Society, in 1839, set what they deemed to be the standard points of Shorthorn cows and heifers that were competing as breeding stock, DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 11 the tendency was in the direction of the Booth ideal. Judging, year by year, at most shows was thus on lines that, on the whole, corres- ponded with those that governed awards at the Smithfield Club an- nual shows. In many herds, where fashion did n* t rule, however, the dual-purpose was upheld. In recent years it has been more in favor, but with too little attention to the fact that inherited qualities may not be notable in every succeeding generation. "Like begets like" is not always in evidence. The miik and its butter-fat record should therefore be the rule for every cow in the herd. This was the rule in Lord Rothschild's Shorthorn herd at Tring Park from 1899, when it was added to the then existing herds of Jerseys and Red Polled, where milk recording had been maintained from October, 1891, with published lists year by year. Red Polled milk records of each cow's production in the herd began . as from May 1st, 1886, and continue to this day. Moreover, as will be seen from following pages, there has been such a form of registration with group letters and family numbers that it is an easy matter to note the milk inheritance, whether it be through the dam or as influenced by the sire. The beef- making aptitude of a steer or heifer may be as systematically noted by the percentage of increase of live weight, as estimated by a com- parison of the recorded weight of the same animal when competing two years in succession. This is the only true means of reckoning, since the live weight of the calf usually varies according to the breed of the dam and sire. The qualities of beauty and utility of form, of respective types and breed of cattle, can now be seen pictured frequently, for the public, by photo process, and comparative estimates be determined. The money value of the other qualities can be determined by the net profit of milk and butter sold, when the cost of food is set down, or by the price per stone (of 8 Ib. or 14 lb.), at which the fatted animal is bought by the trader at public auction. JOHN REEVE'S IDEAL: RED POLLED CATTLE. Just one hundred and ten years ago a tenant on the Holkham Estate, in North Norfolk, began to experiment on the hybridisation of cattle. John Reeve, a man then in his prime, had held Wheycurd Hall Farm, Wighton, by lease, since 1786. Thomas William Coke "Coke of Holkham" was a man who knew and valued a good tenant, though they differed in opinion in regard to cattle and sheep. John Reeve was one who evidenced independence; he bred neither Devon cattle nor Southdown sheep, which varieties of live stock Mr. Coke held to be the most suitable. Yet a new 21 -year lease had been agreed on in 1806. Mr. Coke, at the Holkham Sheep-Shearing Dinner, to guests and tenants, presenting John Reeve the silver cup as breeder of the best Leicester wether said: He could not neglect that public opportunity of returning his best thanks for the attention Mr. Reeve had paid to the improving his meadows by irrigation. He wished the public to notice that Mr. Reeve had expended 930 pounds on 35 acres of land ; that he (Mr. Coke) had asked him if he, the landlord, should pay the expense, and fix such an additional rent as would pi-ocure him a fair interest for that ex- penditure ; and he was happy to assure them that his tenant had preferred retain- ing the land without any advance of rent, and declared that he would soon be repaid the whole principal, and that he should be amply rewarded, in having made that improvement, by the extraordinary increase of produce. Arthur Young, in his "General View of the Agriculture of Nor- folk" (1804)' had said of John Reeve: 12 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE Every idea of this most accurate farmer merits much attention (p. 261). Mr. Reeve's farm is in such order that attention should be paid to his practice and opinions (p. 276). He may, perhaps, be considered as prince of grass land im- provers: he has very few rivals that have come to my knowledge (p. 375). John Reeve told Young that "he had kept a large dairy of cows," but thought them "the worst stock that can be kept on a farm, as turnips are drawn for them instead of being fed on the land, and more straw is eaten by them instead of being trodden than by any other stock." It is also evident that the two agriculurists had discussed the relative worth not only of Leicester and Southdown sheep, but also of varieties of cattle, for Arthur Young could not fail to tell Reeve that he had viewed a dairy at Mileham, Mr. Carrington's, the only one left in the country of the true old Norfolk breed of cattle middle-horned, color red, in some not much unlike the Devon ; as loose and ill-made as bad Suffolks. He quoted Marshall as "giving a much more favorable idea of those cattle" which he had seen in northeast Norfolk in 1780-2. It may be presumed that Reeve, in 1804, had thus learned from Young that, within a few miles, he might yet find the means of improving Norfolk cattle, rather than by adopting Devons or Durhams. The Norfolk Poll-book, of 1806, shows Reeve voting as "freeholder and occupier" at Wighton; in that of 1815 as "John Reeve, gent., free- holder and occupier;" and in 1837, nine years after he had retired from farming, as yet "freeholder and occupier" at Wighton. THE MATERIAL East Anglia, the name applied to the Norfolk and Suffolk area, is almost an island. Its cattle thus were, down t*> ";he early years of the 18th century, less likely to be a mixture of breeds than in most other parts of the Kingdom. Moreover, there prevailed a strong feeling of antagonism against "off-comes" (to use an old English com- pound); and even fifty years ago "come from the shires" was an ex- pression of stout opposition. Cattle which were supposed to be de- scended from old-time farm herds were termed "Home-breds." Jonn Lawrence, a Colchester man, who had farmed near Bury St. Edmund's, in his "General Treatise on Cattle" (1805, 2d ed. 1809), says: NORFOLK HOMEBREDS, so styled, since that county, from its great im- provement in cultivation, has ceased to be much of a breeding one, having found it generally more advantageous to purchase, are found, nevertheless, to graze earlier and quicker than either the Scots or Welsh, so much inuse in Norfolk : and no cattle are said to make better proof, or to bear a higher character with the Smith- field salesmen, than Norfolk homebreds. Lawrence would seem to have had small acquaintance with the notes on Norfolk made by William Marshall thirty years earlier, or his evidence on "home-breds" would have been quoted. Strange to say, David Low, in his voluminous work "On the Domesticated Ani- mals of the British Isles," is just as silent; though he was, in 1845, "Professor of Agriculture in the University of Edinburgh." He how- ever, proves to be a good commentator on Marshall. That the northeastern low-lying, well-watered, fertile district of Norfolk was settled from beyond the sea long before Roman adminis- tration had ended is evidenced by "Danish camps," to protect the settlers, being near to the streams, that in this olden time were navig- able by "Viking" ships. It is thus that we may account for the "true old Norfolk breed of cows" which Arthur Young saw in 1804 in Mid- Norfolk and at Rainham, this last being a cow 36 years old, of which an oil painting was a few years ago yet at Rainham Hall. "Mr. Marshall," a Yorkshireman who had farmed in his native county, began his most useful career, as an observant, constantly DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 13 enquiring reporter of local agricultural details, by being the agent of Col. Harboard on the Gunton Estate -from August, 1780, to Novem- ber, 1782. In Vol. I of his "Rural Economy of Norfolk" (1787), he generalizes the knowledge he had thus acquired; in Vol. II he recounts his many talks with East Norfolk farmers. He was not a dweller in the county long enough to permit of his inspecting and reporting on other districts. Norwich and St. Faith's the latter place on the oc- casion of the then famous cattle fair were the extent of his move- ment outside the Eastern Coast area. In his most interesting book he says: The native cattle of Norfolk are a small, hardy, thriving race, fattening as freely and finishing as highly at three years old as cattle in general do at four or five. They are small-boned, short-legged, round-barrelled, well-loined, thin-thighed, clean- chapped ; the head, in general, fine, and the horns clean, middle-sized, and bent upward ; the favorite color a blood-red, with a white or mottled face. The breed of Norfolk is the Herefordshire breed in miniature. ... I have seen Norfolk spayed heifers, sent to Smithfield, as well as laid up, and as full in their points as Galloway or Highland "Scots" usually are; and if the London butchers be judges of beef, there are no better fleshed beasts sent to Smithfield Market. Professor Low, writing of the Zetland (Shetland) Islands, re- minds us that they were formerly Norwegian; and that the inhabi- tants, who were essentially Norwegian until the 17th century, spoke the Norse language. Of the Shetland live stock he says: The cattle are distinctly Norwegian in their characters, and a similar race extends to Iceland. They are small, but of very good form when pure, and fatten with great quickness when carried to superior pastures. Their horns are short, their skin soft, and their flesh is equal to that of any cattle produced in the British Islands. . . . The cows are tolerably good milkers . . and in this respect they agree with the cattle of Jersey and the islands of the Channel which are likewise believed to be of Norwegian origin. The East Norfolk settlers, the "by folk," whose place names and personal names abound all over the area, we may assume to have been Lachmanni, whom the Irish chroniclers termed "White Danes" as distinct from the Danars "Black Danes," those who in the 8th century ravaged our lands. When the Romans had left the East Anglian area, taking with them the Brython men-folk, to aid them in their struggles for power in Gaul, the Lachmanni must have taken possession of the, then num- erous harbors and water-ways. Place names Norwich, Lowestoft, Dunwich, Aldeburgh, Ipswich, and others record it. The wooded, inland districts were of little value to the sea-rovers. A new element entered, after the Geotas had shown that they could master the Ro- mano-Brythons and settled in Kent. The Englen, folk who dwelt on what was little better than a waste of heather and sand, in what we know as Schleswig, were not addicted to sea-roving and land-fighting. They, so Bede tells us and he lived about a hundred years after, in an area that had been settled by Englen folk brought over their slaves, their cattle, and all of their live stock, leaving their home land without any living thing, and so it remained for a very long time. That these Englen came in families, one after the other, is evident from their place-names, "ing," denoting a family settlement with its bordering woodland, "the mark;" "-ham" denotes the later, and "-ton" the latest aggregation of families, until the East Coast was settled quite up to the Scoch border. Dr. E. A. Freeman, in his "Norman Conquest of England" (Vol. I, App. A.), shows that the Engl en-name became the one name for the whole land, that which had been mas- tered by Geotas, Seaxan and Frisan, as well as that quietly settled by Englen-folk. Hence our "England." The earliest settlers must have taken possession of the woodland of fairly rich soil, which extended some 25 miles westward from Dun- 14 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE wich, then the nearest harbor; that old port is now covered by the sea. The self-contained area, separated from the sea by the sea-rovers' settlements, became a famous dairy district of some 250 square miles, known as High Suffolk. The second group of Englen Migrants would appear to have entered by the, then wide Yare estuary, and taken possession of Mid-Norfolk, a woodland, fertile district watered by the Wensum, which flows through Norwich. Later Englen immigrants would seem to have taken possession of Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Dur- ham, and Northumberland, with much of the land westward. As to the cattle, which according to Bede, the Englen brought across the North Sea: Herodotus asserts that the Scythians had in their lands cattle without horns, because of the cold, and Hippocrates says the Scythian chariots w r ere drawn by oxen which had no horns. The Scythians, it is said, held the lands from the northern seas to Hungary. In 1869, Prince Leichtenstein visited Elmham, in Mid-Nor- folk, to buy Polled cattle with which to Infuse fresh blood into the cattle which had been from time immemorial on his Transylvania estate. The English animals were, he said, like those cattle in polled character and color. In the summer of 1888 I found cattle hornless, and others similar to those which Low says were the Shetlanders, in equal numbers in a Norwegian mountain farmyard, some three miles north of Stalheim. They had that morning given an abundant flow of rich milk, and the herd was just then to be driven to the saeter for pasture. In 1880 polled cattle were seen by a visitor to Iceland, which was settled from Norway in the 9th century. Photographs of polled cattle were sent home in 1884 by American consuls as repre- senting live stock existing in named districts of northern and central Russia. It may thus be fairly asserted that the Englen folks' cattle were polled, and that those which were in the early years of the 19th century respectively known as the "Suffolk polled," "Norfolk polled," which last Lawrence says were "a most excellent breed, carrying vast "Northern and Yorkshire polled," which last Lawrence says were "a most excellent breed, carrying vast substance, and of great size," and as to which R. W. Dickson, M. D., in his "Improved Live Stock and Cattle Management" (1825), bears similar testimony, adding that such polled stock were to be found as far south as Cambridge, were descended from these new-comers of the '6th century. William Camden, in 1589, wrote, in Latin, and published his "Brit- tania." It was Englished in 1610 by Dr. Philemon Holland. Therein we may read: Suffolk has a fat and fertile soil, with pastures as battable for grazing and feeding of cattle: and great store of cheeses are there made, which, to the great commodity of the inhabitants, are vented into all parts of England, nay, into Ger- mania, France, and Spain also, as Pantaleon, the Phisitian, writeth, who stuck not to compare these of ours for taste both, with those of Placentia. John Speed, in the "Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain" (1611), says: The commodities of this shire are many and great, whereof the chiefest con- sist of corn, cattle, pasturage . . and as Abbo Floricensis hath depainted . . above 600 years since, and now we find as he hath said, to which we may add their gain from the pail. Daniel Defoe, in his "Tour through the Eastern Counties of Eng- land" (1722), says: At Woodbridge begins that part which is ordinarily called High Suffolk, which being a rich soil, is for a long tract of ground wholly employed in dairies, and then again famous for the best butter and perhaps the worst cheese in England. The butter is barrelled, or often pickled in small casks, and sold, not in London only, but I have known a firkin of Suffolk butter sent to the West Indies and brought back to England again, and has been perfectly good and sweet, as at. first. . . . This DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 15 part of England is also remarkable for being the first where the feeding and fat- tening of cattle, both sheep and black cattle with turnips, was first practised in England. Arthur Young having come into possession of the Bradfield Hall Home Farm (six miles south of Bury St. Edmund's), in the follow-, ing January, 1786, visited Aspall Hall, the home of the Chevallier family, to make a close inspection of dairy farms and farming. His "Minutes" are printed in Vol. V, "Annals of Agriculture. They relate to twelve of the twenty-nine parishes which were the headquarters of the dairies of High Suffolk. He says of the polled cattle: The points they generally admire here, are a clean throat, with little dewlap ; a snake head ; clean, thin legs, and short ; a springing rib and large carcass ; a good loin, the hip-bones to lie square and even ; and the tail to rise high from the rump. In respect to color no particular rule, except an idea that light ones indicate ten- derness. In size a preference of- small cows. In his "General View of the Agriculture of Suffolk" (1792) he says: "This is the description of some considerable dairymen," and he varies it in some particulars. The more noteworthy of these, "udder large, loose, and creased when empty; milk-veins remarkably large, and rising in knotted puffs to the eye," are notable yet, espec- ially in the detail of milk-veins. "The best milkers I have known have either been red, brindle, or yellowish cream colored" the old time designation of this last was "dun." Marshall's analysis of the form of the Norfolk "homebred" ap- plied to the form of the best Norfolk Polled of 1860, save that they were hornless, and that their milk-veins were largely developed. Not a few, however, were too high on the leg, with an uneven carcase, a narrow loin, and the backbone ridged. Young noted only one polled herd in his Norfolk "General View," and that would appear to have been a mixture of Suffolk and Scot, as it came from Euston, the Duke of Grafton's seat. Yet Michaelmas sale advertisements of farm stock a great feature in an agricultural area year after year, from 1778, evidence that there were in the county dairies of polled cows. Six such herds were, sold in 1802; and in 1804, when Young was taking his "General View," no fewer than thirteen, most of which were on farms in Mid-Norfolk. Lord Sondes' Elmham Estate had only polled cattle. They had been the favorite "homebred" for nobody knew how long. When early in the 19th centurey he came to Elmham, Lord Sondes asked Mr: Coke's counsel as to what he knew only as "homebreds." The advice received was to hold to the stock. One who had been more than eighty years tenant of a farm at Gately, and was in his hundredth year when he died, on March 1st, 1872, said from his earliest recollection the only cattle on the estate were red and polled. At Elmham Hall, when I was making my enquiries for the first issue of a Herd Book, I was shown by Lord Sondes an oil paint- ing, dated 1836, of two polled oxen which were bred and grazed on the Home Farm. The bullocks were depicted of a good red color, each had a spot of white between the fore-legs, white under the belly and on the jowl, and with a few white hairs in the tuft or crest of hair hanging over the forehead. An inscription read: Exhibited at Fakenham Agricultural Show, obtained two prizes, and allowed to be the best homebreds ever shown under four years old. Killed by G. Nicholson ; weighed 187 st. 8 Ibs. The earliest mention in an advertisement of such stock as "Nor- folk Polled" occurs in the year 1818. The cows declared to be "al- most unequalled," were bred on the good land which bordered the county on the north side of the river Waveney. 16 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE THE EXPERIMENT John Reeve had not ended his irrigation preparations when Young visited his farm. Reeve had told him that he "had kept a herd of dairy cows," which he had found to be wasteful stock. The 35 acres of prime pasture, the outcome of irrigation, might put dairying in a brighter place in farm economy. But then came in the fact that while there was a rapidly increasing demand for Norfolk "homebreds" for the London market, the practice of spaying "homebred" heifers, which had been pursued for many years, endangered it. Was it possible to breed a cow which would be prime both as a producer of milk and butter, and as dam of stock that from the butcher's point of view would be equal to the nearly extinct "homebred?" Marshall had put on record that the mating of the "Norfolk native, hardy, thriving cows" with the Suffolk polled bull gave "an increase of size and an improvement of form," but a diminution of hardihood and of the apti- tude to fatten quickly at an early age. Further, he held that what we term environment the "soil, climature, and system of manage- ment" should be a primary consideration. We may be sure that Reeve pondered the problem. It was then the custom of the Norfolk farmer to ride on his cob to Norwich for the Saturday market. There he might take counsel with men w^ho had full knowledge of the "homebreds." Such men were not rare. We have in the record of the Holkham Sheep Shearing dinners, that Mr. Coke, in 1812, read the award of two farmers who acted as judges in a contest at Hopton, near Yarmouth. James Thur- tell had accepted a challenge, a wager of 20 pounds, that a pair of his bullocks of "the native Norfolk breed" would "plough 12 acres in 12 successive journeys of 5 hours each." The trial began on Monday, June 8th, and ended on Saturday, 13th. The judges reported that 14 acres, 2 roods, 22 poles 3^ furrows to each yard, except 6 furrows, 7 inches deep were "ploughed clean, and in a husbandry manner." This James Thurtell had bred, and, in 1810, had slaughtered a "home- bred" of 103 st. 6% Ibs.: the hide and head weighed 7 st. 8 Ibs. A month earlier another "homebred, bred at Ormesby, gave as carcase weight 150 st. 5 Ibs. (14 Ibs. to the stone): quarters 116 st., loose fat 19 st. 13 Ibs., hide 10 st. 3 Ibs., head 12 st. 10 Ibs., tongue 12 Ibs.: the best bullock ever bred and grazed in Norfolk, and not five years old" (Norwich Mercury," June 19th, 1810). Thurtell at the dinner spoke to Mr. Coke and his guests of the worth of the "Norfolk breed," of which "he had many years full knowledge." Doubtless there were others with whom John Reeve talked ere he resolved to buy a num- ber of polled homebreds, of which as we have mentioned there was in the autumn of 1804 an ample choice within a few miles of Wighton. When the new lease was resolved on he would appear to have secured the service of a blood-red Norfolk "homebred" bull with which to mate his dairy cows. These we may guess were the facts; no record exists that was known to Richard England, his grandson. (This Mr. England was the third of the name to own and cultivate the wealthy, well-watered Binham "Abbey Farm," an area that from the close of the llth century was owned by a few Benedictine monks. The west front of their beautiful priory yet stands. To him I owe my earliest knowledge of the beauties and points of the Red Polled of today, and the speedily formed resolve to establish a Herd Book). HYBRIDISATION The first well-grounded result of John Reeve's experiment in hybridisation that has come down is th&t on July 1st, 1808, he met DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 17 his fellow members of the East Norfolk Agricultural Society at Swaff- ham, and showed them a bull of his own breeding. In the advertised official report of the awards we read: The stock shown was not numerous, but excellent of its kind. The premiums adjudged were . . . for the bull (one only being shown) to Mr. J. Reeve, of Wighton. This breed is a new kind, partaking of the best qualities of the Suffolk and Devon and the old Norfolk. It has no horns, is of a true Devon or Norfolk red, and will get stock that will fatten to about 50 or 60 stone, with as little coarse meats as can be expected. A further development was evidenced at the Holkham Sheep Shearing in June, 1810, when the choicest stock of landlord and ten- ants were shown. The county newspapers reported as follows: Mr. Reeve showed his Norfolk bull and two-year-old heifers, which convinced every person who saw them to what a height of perfection breeding may be carried on by care in selection. Mr. Reeve's Norfolk bull was greatly admired as an ani- mal of very superior bone and points, and his heifers are such as few men can exhibit. Mr. Reeve, of Wighton, showed a real Norfolk bull, four years old, "a noble beast," of his own breeding, being a short, compact anima), small in bone and great in bulk, of the Devonshire color. It may be supposed that subsequently Mr. Coke and Mr. Reeve had a talk as to the worth of "the new breed," and especially of the heifers as producers of prime "homebred" beef. The end of it was a challenge to Reeve to show one of his heifers against a Holkham- bred Devon heifer; the premium, a money wager. Accordingly, after the Thurtell incident, above noted, the company went to inspect Mr. Coke's five-year-old Devon and Mr. Reeve's three-year-old Norfolk homebred. A large number put down their money to support their estimate of the carcase weight of the Devon. On Wednesday the first business was to see the carcases of the two heifers. The reporters give the names of two persons who estimated the exact weight of the Devon carcase, but never a word of the more interesting detail: "Who won the wager?" The American Minister, Mr. Russell, who was one of the guests, may have written home this detail of his Nor- folk holiday, but he could not have anticipated that the "Norfolk red polled homebred" was, just a century later to have thousands of representatives in the United States. Our present day interest is in the record of those carcase weights which may be compared with the weight of similarly bred animals of today. The newspapers give these figures: DEVON 5-year-old. NORFOLK 3-year-old. st. Ibs. st. Ibs. Forequarter 14 3 Forequarter 13 5 Forequarter 14 8 Forequarter 12 11 Hindquarter 13 10 Hindquarter 11 12 Hindquarter 13 12 Hindquarter 11 12 56 5 49 12 Tallow 8 st. 11 Ibs. Tallow 8 st. 14 Ibs. to the stone. Dr. Rigby, a Norwich physician, in a pamphlet on farm eco- nomics, states that he, as one of a large party of guests, was taken by Mr. Coke, in July, 1818, to see at Wighton, a herd of Devons and on the adjoining farm Mr. Reeve's cattle, "bred from Norfolk stock with probably a cross from the Suffolk: they are very fine." Though the first trial at hybridising gave .to all appearance the results that had been sought, there came with the following genera- tions abundant occasion for judgment in selection. Reeve's skill was made plain in September, 1828, when his farming days were ending. There was issued the general invitation in these terms: 18 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE Sale of Mr. Reeve's stock, at Wheycurd Hall Farm, Wighton Eleven match- less blood-red cows in calf, two three-year-old heifers in calf, eleven two-year-old heifers in calf, and a two-year-old blood-red bull, one of the most perfect animals in the Kingdom. In the work of breeding and selection Reeve had from the year 1810 the aid of the Hudsons (fellow tenants), and of Mr. G. B. George, farming at Eaton, on the Norwich county border, whose stock in 1822 were so many that he sold by auction twelve blood-red polled cows and a year-old blood-red polled bull. Richard England, John Reeve's aider, had by 1817 bought the Binham Abbey Farm, and his son Richard then occupied it. Soon after, this young farmer married Reeve's daughter, and thenceforward joined in the breeding and se- ection of the stock until 1844 some time after Reeve's death. His son Richard recalled in June, 1873, the memory of "thirty cows of a beautiful red. I doubt if there are any better at the present time." That the Reeve stock were used by a number of breeders from 1813 on their old style polled "homebred," and that his son John bred them at Walsingham would seem to be the fact. The County Societies, however, ignored them till 1846, providing classes for Devons, Shorthorns, and Herefords, while Ayrshires were brought in as dairy cattle. A fair number of Suffolk men were more liberal in their support, but so late as January, 1862, others would be content even with a cross-bred if only it was polled and born in Suffolk. Fortunately, the Council of the R. A. S. E. ended this bit of localism by requiring for the 1862 show, to be held in what is now Battersea Park, London, that the cattle, which had in previous years been competitors in the "Any Other Breed" classes, should be ex- hibited as "Norfolk and Suffolk Red Polled." Continuous progress was delayed by the outbreak of rinderpest in 1866-77. Well-bred herds fell victims, and but for the selection in the year 1864, by Benjamin Brown, a small Thursford farmer, there would have been no certainty that any of the Reeve stock yet existed. THE GROUNDWORK The lovers of the "Red Polled" under which title the Herd Book was issued when the cattle had won a place in the United States have to thank a few men on each side of the Atlantic for their en- thusiasm in making good the damage that has been sustained by the "new breed;" and yet others for their care in recording the results by which to demonstrate what heredity has done for it. When my offer to prepare a Herd Book was accepted by breeders in the N. A. A. Showyard, in June, 1873, no Standard Description was available. A small- company met in Norwich and drafted what was needed. They were not very hopeful of success, since they knew that very few records had been kept. Newspaper duties leaving Saturdays available, I visited many of the breeders, and week by week gave the public the information thus acquired. Interest was aroused. This led to the Rev. George Gilbert, Vicar of Claxton, near Norwich, one of the few amateurs who had mastered Shorthorn pedigrees, and whom "The Field" accordingly retained for its cattle department, to call on me. Being of a very old Norfolk family, to whom stock and breeding was a pleasure, he offered his aid. We examined all avail- able Herd Books, and were agreed that most of them were wanting in definiteness. In view of what my personal enquiries and notes made available, Mr. Gilbert suggested the grouping of cows into families, arranging the groups under Place or Personal Names, each Foundation Cow in a Group having a number added to the Group letter as its ancestress of a Family. DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 19 It follows that the lineal descent, whether of dam or the bull with which it was mated, is seen at a glance. Given the Register No. and the Group letter with its attendant number, and the searcher for facts has his path clear. In the second part of the Foundation Volume of the Herd Book, a Register No. was set down before the name of every cow, that of the bull following the name. Later the pedigree was so printed as to show the descent to the third generation and the state- ment of the number of generations recorded from the Foundation Cow. The name and register number of sire and its sire are also seen in each pedigree. By this plan present-day breeders group their cattle in the Herd List. The groups now represented are: A. Elmham, B. Biddell, C. Cranmer, D. Cley, E. Eaton, F. Easton, H. Ham- mond, I. Hudson, K. Kimberley, L. Mileham, M. Marham, N. Necton, O. Oakley, and Thornham, P. Powell, Q. Stalham, R. Starston, S. Stoke, T. Thursford, U. West Suffolk, V. East Suffolk, W. Wolton, X. Trimley, 1 Norf. Pond, 2 Norf. Mann, 5 Norf. Ransom, 7 Norf. Hill, 1 Suff. Baker, 2 Suff. Boon, 4 Suff. Lock, 5 Suff. Mum- ford, 6 Suff. Sheppard, 7 Suff. Wilson, 9 Suff. Wolton. For the study of the heredity of the Red Polled, as evidenced by its milk production and its beef production, I have prepared the ex- tended pedigree of each of 29 cows bred in the United Kingdom, and of 11 in the United States. These are for the most part in chrono- logical order, so as to show where pedigrees coalesce. Further, I have assumed as fact, .that for a very long time, the polled "home- bred" of Norfolk was separate from the polled Suffolk, while all the Red Polled since 1873 have had an infusion of the Reeve blood-red breed. The proportion of each of these three elements in each of the several cows and bulls named in the extended pedigrees has been worked out. In a few cases the total is 1,000: in all the others 999.9 and a fraction. The stock whose breeding could not be even guessed at, save that it was pure, have been counted as N. 1,000 for Norfolk; S. 1,000 for Suffolk; RP. 800, for the Reeve hybridisation. The excep- tions may be thus set down: Elmham, A. (Home Farm), from 1854, N. 800, S. 200; Powell P., from 1845 to 1870, N. 200, R. P. 800; Eaton, E., to the year 1850, N. 300, R. P. 700; after 1850, N. 300, S. 200, RP. 500; Hudson, I., N. 750, RP. 250; Oakley and Thornham, O., S. 800, RP. 200; Starston, Rl, N. 300, S. 500, RP. 200; Glemham, V 814, N. 600, S. 400. Some cows to be seen in 1873-4 appeared to have a good- ly proportion of R. P. blood, but in the absence of recorded facts they have been set down as 1,000. Facts and figures are here presented to show heredity and milk production. Then follow details of the breeding of the more note- worthy bulls which have been mated with the cows, so as to suggest to students of lieredity possible grounds for an increased return of milk, or for an increase of the live weight and the dressed carcase of the Red Polled dual purpose cattle; with the no less important consid- eration of the cost of feeding for milk and beef respectively. MILK RECORDS There have been published 2,150 records of milk production since May 1st, 1886. The rule of the Herd Book being "all or none," every cow which came into full profit had to appear in the Herd Records sent for publication year by year. In the United States, since Decem- ber, 1908, there has been a system of "Advanced Registry," based on the monthly return to the secretary for a term of 365 days, with inspection by persons appointed by the Board of Directors. , The daily record of milk production of a whole herd was a very rare thing in 1880, when Mr. R. Harvey Mason, who had then come into possession of the Necton Hall Estate, began the practice. He 20 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE had made his selection of Necton-bred Red Polled cattle at the public auction in the prevous October. When I prepared for Messrs Cassell & Co. (Ltd.) an article on "Red Polled for the Stall and the Dairy," to appear in the "Live Stock Journal Almanac" of 1883, Mr. Mason kindly furnished me with precise details of milk production. Being at Bale, to choose from Mr. John Hammond's well-known "Davy" family a heifer, for the group of 10 heifers which I was in July, 1882, asked by Col. J. B. Mead and Mr. Robert J. Kimball to select for their farm in Vermont, Mr. Hammond, who was a veterinary surgeon as well as a farmer, kindly met my request to record the milk yield of 1451 Davy 27th HI. The cow which had produced her second calf, on August 16th, had such an escutcheon as the Guenon theory held to be the sign of a good milk yielder. The record was made to April 30th, 1883, when, by Messrs. Cassell & Co.'s permission, I was perparing the "Almanac" article for re-issue in the second volume of the Herd Book. A monthly summary of the yield of four cows in the Didlington herd from September 1st, 1882, to May 21st, 1883, was also kindly made for me. These last were of the families B 9, B 10, B 20, and V 2. In this way I was enabled to give the public milk records which were evidence of heredity then well-nigh unpar- alleled. (My American readers will find these records, with well- nigh all my reprinted article, and also a re-production of the beauti- ful wood-cut of a group of Red Polls drawn from three separate photographs for the L. S. J. Almanac, contributed by one with whom I had no communication direct or indirect, and put forth by him as original, in the "United States Consular Reports: Cattle and Dairy Farming," issued in 1888). Further, it is well to note that in the "Live Stock Journal," annually from May, 1887, milk records of whole Red Polled herds were published; that in 1887 a similar record of the Whitlingham Herd prepared by me at Mr. Garrett Taylor's request was circulated among the members of the "British Dairy Farmers' Association," then visiting Norwich; and that from June, 1890, the publication of "whole herd" Milk Records was authorized by the Red Polled Society, which had bnen established in April 1888. Yet a Scotch authority on Milk Records asserts that "the present system of taking milk records originated in Vejen, a small parish in that part of Denmark known as Jutland ... in the beginning of the year 1895," and that it was also begun in Holland and in Swe- den in 1897. It is a matter of fact which anybody may see in Vol. XIII of the Red Polled Herd Book (Vol. VIII of the American edition) that in the year 1895 there were 13 whole herd milk Red Polled records (320 cows) laid before the public, all well authenticated. I can per- sonally vouch for the truth of the Whitlingham record of the 126 cows for that year. I regularly inspected the milking from time to time, was supplied with the weekly and monthly sheets; calculated the total returns, and made full notes with grass feed results, for an annual issue by Mr. Taylor, on milk yield totals and inheritance, year by year, from 1887 to the spring of 1904. It may perhaps, be granted that my voluntary work of the kind was equal to that of a paid official, who probably has had fewer opportunities of acquiring knowledge. PROGRESSIVE MILK INHERITANCE The foundation of Al Family in the Elmham Group was 427 Primrose. She was in the herd when, in the fifties,' Mr. Thomas Fulcher was appointed Estate Agent, with direction of the home farms. He found Live Stock Account Books from the year 1849. DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 21 The herd was then one Polled bull, ten Polled cows, and 36 head of young stock. Primrose was set down -as a young heifer. She was bred regularly to June, 1874, had a good name as a milker, and in May, 1875, though then 26 years old, she may have added yet further to the herd, but fell into a water hole and was drowned. From three of her progeny, bought at Elmham sales, were descended the 40 cows whose milk records have been published. (To economize space the number of days recorded is printed within parentheses). Mr. T. Brown, founding a herd at Marham, bought 332 Mar- guerite, whose sire was a Royal Eaton-bred bull. Her gr.-dr. 329 Maggie gave birth to two cows, each by a P3 bull: 2382 Mistleto, 3d c., 7,021 Ib. (288), 7,310 Ib. (284); and 3002 Modesty, 7,259% Ib. (407), 7,617% Ib. (330), 5th c., 12,258% Ib. (584). Mistletoes Breed Analysis: N. 476.56, S. 79.68. RP. 443.75: Modesty's N. 553.90, S. 78.12, RP. 67.96. At Elmahm sale Mr. Robert Lofft, of Troston, bought 195 Elm- ham Rosebud, 4-yr.-old progeny of 468 Rose, whose dam, 427. By a Troston-bred bull he added to his herd 872 Elmham Rosebud 2d. Mr. J. J. Colman also bought at Elmham the 1st calf of 195 196 Rosebud 2d. From 195 there thus resulted two strains of diverse blood, which at Whitlingham made milk records. 1031 Moss Rose, the progeny of 196 by Powell 143, bred 1934 White Spot, and she in two succeeding years gave birth to 2488 Red Spot and 2765 Dot. 2488's best returns were 6,575 Ib. (302), 7,642 Ib. (343): Dot's-2d c.-9,345 Ib. (360), and after 14 days her last calf 5,067% Ib. (307). When 20 years had passed her Amrecian-bred progeny, tracing to 3993 Dorothy, added to Dot's record. Red Spot covered by lago 1025-09, produced 9223 Spot 3d. Breed- Analysis: N. 441.40, S. 83.97, RP. 474.60. Mr. Garrett Taylor assented to his ex- perienced herdsman, Fox, selecting heifers, which had dropped a first calf, to be milked as long as they would yield freely and delay service. The problem was: Will such a fostering of the milk ten- dency influence the milk inheritance? Several bits of evidence may be found in these records. 8223 Spot 3d was one of the early selec- tion. She was in milk 422 days; yield 7,824% Ib. After 16 days-2d c.-and in the following 35 days gave 1,065 Ib., in the year's yield 6,348% Ib. (342), butter fat 3.7: her total yield 45,521% Ib. (2,501). 8223's 12959 Shalot, 15,437 Ib. (815); 17687 Spot 3d 1st c. on Oct. 1st, 1902 record from November 13th, '02, to December 31st, '03, 6,096% Ib. (415). The Troston-bred 6330 Elmham Rosebud 4th (with two instal- ments of N 2 blood) 116 days after 1st c. began her record at Whit- lingham: 5,088 Ib. (346), fat 4.6. In following years: 6,273 Ib. (350), 9,023 Ib. (365), 6,536 Ib. (336), fat 4.9; 10,038% Ib. (354), 8,222% Ib. (364), 6,920% (320); 9th c. 5,480 Ib. (287); total, 57,500% Ib. (2,688). Breed Analysis: N. 409.37, S. 565.71, RP. 24.89. From her dam, with U43 and 19 inheritance, was 7082 Elmham Rosebud 9th-3d c.- 10,159 Ib. (322), 9,262 Ib. (308), 10,368 Ib. (321), 9,647 Ib. (230). 7082's 13250 Brentwood Bud (by a VI sire)-lst c.-6,883 Ib. (301), 6,534 Ib. (307), 9,278 Ib. (318). 13250's 21071 Brookshall Bud 2d, record 7,159 Ib., and in the two following years 21,089 Ib. 13250's 21589 Brook- shall Violet-2d c.-8,193 Ib. Dot's 3993 Dorothy Al (by Falstaff 303, which served both in Norfolk and America) when covered by Corporal 4313-T1 gave [18100] Daisy and [24886] Darling (square brackets distinguish American registration after December, 1900, from British registra- 22 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE tion, Darling, in 1909, on test 7,374 Ib. fat, 281.46; Daisy, served by Marmion 5674, produced [26377] Diana, and, by Jonah [11778], [26378] Diana 2d. Diana's tests gave 7,439 Ib., fat 285.77; 6,477 Ib., fat 240.86; 6793.1 Ib., fat 238.88; 9276.6 Ib., fat 340.26. Diana 2d's tests: 7082.6 Ib., fat 316.58; 7,439 Ib., fat 305.19; 9132.7 Ib., fat 398.34; 10,719 Ib. fat 469; 12620.1 Ib., fat 546.89. Dot's Breed Anal- ysis: N. 377.34, S. 44.91, RP. 577.73. Dorothy's: N. 554.29, S. 43.54, RP. 402.14. Diana 2d has a larger proportion of Suf- folk inheritance through her V9 sire: N. 512.24, S. 158.44, RP. 329.28. Diana gave three of her progeny to the test all got by Proctor Knott [12092] Ell, son of Corporal 4313. [30177] J. D. L. Daisy's 6035.7 Ib., fat 225.18. [31786] J. D. L. Daisy 2d's, 5468.5 Ib., fat 208.7. [35788] J. D. L. Dot's, as a 2-yr.-old, 8478.2 Ib., fat 389.27. Diana 2d's get; [30176] J. D. L. Diana 3d, 5584.4 Ib., fat 221.77 (311); and [31787] J. D. L. Dorothy, 5348.9 Ib., fat 253.11; 8523.8 Ib., fat 428.57; 11614.8 Ib., fat 571.46 Ib. Record of other progeny of 468 Rose A 1, besides those of 195 Al, is: 8667 Primula 3d (from 30 days after birth of 6th calf) 9,613 Ib. (350), 7,622V 2 Ib. (322), 9,245 Ib. (310). The third set of 427 Primrose records is through 371 Nelly, which entered Mr. W. Bradfield's herd. He used in succession The Palmer 138, its son Rufus 188, and an Eaton bull. Then a B4 bull, whose blood was almost wholly Suffolk, w r as used by a new owner of the stock, and the result, 6962 Bower Blush Al. She was bought as the beginner of Mr. C. F. Newton's small, now also noteworthy, herd, at Saham Toney. 6962's earliest annual yields were 7,694 Ib. (358), 8233% Ib. (327); her total 44,270% Ib. (2,083). Of Bower Blush's progeny: 11539 Meadow Sweet's record was 52,985% Ib. (2,697); 12619 Meadow Blush 2d a year younger than 11539, and got by Jupiter 4475 N6 began her record with 5,518 Ib. (228), and in succeeding years it ranged from 6,950 Ib. to 9,510V 2 Ib.; total yield from 17th May, 1890, to 6th January, 1911, when she was sold, 91,508 3 /4 Ib. (4,156), fat 4.0 to 4.6. 6952's 17009 Little Blush's 4th c.-8,154 Ib., fat 3.9 (339); total 27,- 238 V 2 Ib. (1,183). Also of 12619's progeny, 17126 Meadow Blush 3d by Lord Kitchener 7316 2 Norf. She began with 7799% Ib., fat 4.4 (350); the 12 records to 30th September 1915, are: 8,002% Ib., fat 5.1 (365); 9,881 Ib. (322), 9,336 Ib. (330), 9,018 Ib. (329), 9,509 Ib. (319), 10,370 (353), 8,364 Ib. (355), 8,908 Ib. (354), 9,754V 2 Ib. (354), 10,380 Ib. (365), 9,773 Ib. (329); 9,387 Ib. (330). After giv- ing birth to 2d c., June 8th, 1903, 17126 was in milk 615 days, and 3d c. was born January 6th, 1905. Breed Analysis of 17126: N. 684.88, S. 142.60, RP. 172.51; of Bower Blush, N. 398.03, S. 435.34, RP. 166.62. Of the 17126's daughters, the records were 18720 Maf's Blush 1st c.- 6,521% Ib., fat 4.6 (341); 21,729 Meadow Blusl 5th-lst c.-8,060 Ib., fat 4.7 (325). The Families A3, 4, and 5 were founded on cows bought in 1854 from Mr. John Palmer's old herd at Brettenham, and akin to K18 and 19. It is probable that the inheritance was a combination of Norfolk, West Suffolk, and the Reeve "Red Polled." The A3 records were made at Aspall Hall by Mr. J. B. Chevallier: 12986 Snowball's 8,223 Ib., 8,199 Ib.; total 17,845 V 2 Ib. 12986's 18771 New Snowball 1st c.-6,138 Ib.; then 2-yr av., 6,197 Ib. The 28 records of A4 cows began with 2669 Carlista-2d c-8,603% Ib. (267). 6267 Cosy was got by a son of lago 1025 out of a daugh- ter of 2669. Record lst-c.-4645% Ib. fat 5.2 (301). .In 11 years she gave birth to 12 calves. Total yield, 72,374 Ib. (3,336); highest rec- DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 23 ord, 8,657^4 Ib. (294). Breed Analysis: N. 428.71, S. 68.16, RP. 503.12 6267's 10116 Cosy 3d, total, 31,029% Ib. (1518); 4807 Carlista 2d by lago 1025-lst c.-6,446% Ib. (321); 10-yr. av., 7,726 Ib. (3,100); high- est record, 10,086 Ib., fat 5.2 (301). 14712 Cono-lst c. gave 11,486% Ib. July llth, 1901, to October 29th, 1903, 833 days, and before her sale in March, 1904, had-2d c.-given 2,025 Ib. (77). At the 1916 R. A. S. E. Show, 21925 Russet's Belle 2d won first prize for 56.37 Ib. milk, fat 14,60. 6199 Blossom 5th, the first A5 record-lst c.-9912% Ib. (457); highest records, 10,024% Ib. (350), 10,247 Ib., fat 4.4 (364); 7-yr. av., 8638.89 Ib. 6199's 16190 Berlin-lst c.-8,755& Ib. (457). 7687 Bertie, produce of 6198 Blossom 4th-lst c-8,21.3% Ib., fat 4.1 (414). The Families A6 to A29 were bred by Elmham tenants. 9067 Nanfred A6, 6-yr. av., 7399.68 Ib.; 21277 Nettie A6, 3 calves and 24,444% Ib. yield; highest record, 8,724% Ib. The earliest All records that of 2805 Felicity, when 12-yrs.-old, was 9,069 Ib. (280), and 9352 Foliage, from the same dam, 7,812 Ib. (349). 7712 Bower Branchlet All, after 2d c., 8,341% Ib. (449), 3d and 4th c., 21,809% Ib. (931), and in the two following years, 14,615 Ib. (522). 18182 My Lassie, a gr.-dr. of 7712, gave a 3-yr. av., 6642.1 Ib. In 1872 Mr. Fulcher sent Elmham stock to Mr. G. F. Faber, in New York State, a bull calf, two heifers in-calf, and 401 Ocean Maid A12, a yearling. This first lot of the dual-purpose Red Polled for breeding in the United States was supplemented in 1874 by three heifers. These seven and their progeny, bred at the Ravine Wood Farm, were, until 1882, the only pure-bred representatives of the new breed in America. Ocean Maid was bred by a small farmer ten- ant, who held to the practice in vogue for more than a century the "folding" of his three cows on turnips, so that the stock was very hardy, and had a heavy coat. Ocean MaM's 2d c., 1015 May, in 1884, gave birth to 2965 Mayflower, which was sold to Captain V. T. Hills, Delaware, Ohio. He, in 1892, bred from her, by Melton Chief 2424, 8025 Mayflower 2d, which won a most noteworthy position in the records of milk production. The programme of the Pan-American Exposition, at Buffalo, New York, in 1901, provided for a Model Dairy with a test of breeds of cattle, to extend from May 1st to October 31st. The American Red Polled Cattle Club resolved to do its part in the test, but cows due to calve in April were not available. Cap- tain Hills, however, undertook to send five cows. It must be said that a more haphazard lot for so important a test cannot be imagined. One of the cows was 13 years old, three 8 years, and ono 6, and they had calved down from 42 to 70 days when the test began. Yet their record for milk, butter, and increase of live weight, ranked the Red Polled Cattle fifth. It is a singular fact that a copy of the Officia) Report, which would give the details for each cow of the ten contest- ing breeds is not available in England, and the whole instructive business was well-nigh ignored by British agriculturists and dairy- men. 8025 Mayflower 2d, in the particular of individual records of net butter profit, came second to a Guernsey, whose record was 59.41 dollars. Mayflower's was 52.10. The net butter profit of the best cow of the several other breeds was Jersey 50.24, Holstein 49.43, Ayrshire 46.07, Shorthorn 43.91, Polled Jersey 42.80, Brown Swiss 41.23, French Canadian 40.63, Dutch Belted 38.02 dollars. Mayflower's milk yield in the 184 days was 6,161 Ib.; estimated butter 323 Ib. The Red Polled were in charge of a herdsman who was not an expert in cat- tle feeding, whereas the other cows were in the care of experienced men. Mayflower 2d's Breed Analysis was: N. 556.14, S. 295.82, RP. 153.0 24 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE [31727] J. D. L. Marigold, whose granddam was 9552 Mayflower 3d, and was got by Proctor Knott, records were: 7103.7 lb., fat 295.88; 8562.4 lb., fat 337.08. Breed Analysis: N. 506.54, S. 154.48, RP. 338.93. [23496] Marigold, her dam, was sired by Corporal 4313. Rec- ord: 7590.7 lb., fat 321.23. Breed Analysis: N. 522.82, S. 213.86, RP. 263.27. 9552's [17915] April May's records: 7096.9 lb., fat 249.52; 6817.4 lb., fat 225.53. [22934] Lot, 5th in descent from 401 Ocean Maid through 1681 Mollie, gave 6527.5 lb., fat 276.32 (296). 18723 Margot A13, bought in 1907 for the Earl of Radnor's herd at Longford Castle, near Salisbury, was sired by Red Knight 7539, 11-yr. av., 6976.6 lb. (3,467), highest record 7,919 lb. (322). 18723's 21715 Longford Devote's record, 19588 lb. (756); highest, 9,380 lb. (350). American A13 records: [8067] Clara L., 7112.8 lb., fat 383.04. [20493] Spot, 10136.5 lb., fat 440.95. [25814] Audrey A., 6117.2 lb., fat 229.30. [20493] 's [28396] Spicy, 1,681 lb., fat 327.34. 12079 Brocade A21, 3-yr. av., 6115.6 lb. 8686 Little Lass A22-lst c.-5,083% lb., 6-yr. total record, 46,444 lb. (2,165); highest, 9,657y 2 lb., fat 5.5. 9461 Kathleen A24-lst c.-6,078% lb. (415); 4th c., 12,235% lb. (364); 5th c., 10650% lb. (300); next three years rang- ing from 9,000 lb. (360) to 9,979% lb. (326). 15858 Selina A24, 4-yr. av., 6200.5 lb. Her progeny, 19897 Majilini, 3-yr. av., 7,129 lb.; high- est record, 8,570 lb. (329); and 20445 Majiselo, 4-yr. av., 7755.25 lb. American A24 records: [30221] Beauty S., 5,777 lb., fat 223 (247); 8136.5 lb., fat 353.3 (334). Out of the same dam, [32011] Gazelle, 7029.5 lb., fat 297 (305); 8861.5 lb., fat 430.98. [25609] Pocket A29 records 6047.1 lb., fat 204.46 (332); 8554.1 lb., fat 346.66 (348). 2568 Sybil 6th A31, 5-yr. av., 7429.3 lb.; largest record, 9468 lb. (468). A large proportion of the B Group had their origin at Playford, where was Mr. Arthur BiddelPs herd. Mr. Herman Biddell asserted that records of breeding and tests were made in his herd and that of his brother, Mr. Manfred Biddell, but none were available. A study of the form of the cows evidenced that sires from Sir Edward Kerrison's herd at Oakley had been used on the High Suffolk type, and thus there had been an infusion of the Reeve "Red Polled" blood. It was also probable that the old Norfolk strain had been drawn from Mr. Moseley's herd, brought to Glenham Hall in 1823 from West Tofts. The Herd Book Register in 1874 had a record of a strong mixture of Norfolk blood, from 1869, through Seneca 195, from M-r. Henry Birkbeck's herd at Stoke Holy Cross. This was followed from 1874 by the use of Iron Duke 125, which had Powell blood for two generations following on two of the old Elmham strain. In 1882 Mr. A. J. Smith set up a Red Polled herd at Rendlesham, selecting 21 cows of the B Group, and a while after adding others. By the policy of making the best of his early selection, with systematic milk rec- ords from September, 1889, he won a reputation for the herd. The quoted records of the Group are few of the many published. The Rendlesham and Eyke mine of wealth was well worked while Mr. Smith lived, and only ended at the sale of the herd in September, 1913. [18060] Christmas Bess B4, 7802.50 lb., fat 266.55. 4234 Neck- lacethe get of Davyson 7th 476-B 5 made a 7-yr. av., 4323.97 lb. Her daughter, by Grand Duke 1388, son of 476, was 6594 Necklace Grand, 30,354 lb. (1,256), 4-yr. av., 7588.5 lb., highest record, 8,719 lb. (343). 6594's 11612 Necklace Grand 3d, 4-yr. av. 6592.25 lb., and 1205 Necklace Grand 4th, 6-yr av. 6256.66 lb. 11612's in her turn 18187 Necklace Grand 7th-lst c-6,997 (336), then 3-yr. av., 8,360 lb., 4234 also got 9611 Necklet, 4-yr. av., 5299.75 lb., and 13471 Eyke Neck- DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 25 lace 3-yr. av., 5657.3 Ib. (959), while her gr.-dr. 22195 Nectrine had a 3-yr. av., 6,640 Ib. There are 63 records of B6; of four daughters of 3169 Sweet Pear and Monarch 4th 351, bought of Mr. H. Biddell in 1885 by Mr. Smith. 3100 Ripe Pear, 8-yr. av., 6647.7 Ib.; 3628 Orange Pear, 3- yr. av., 6485.7 Ib.; 3777 Sweet Orange Pear, 4-yr. av., 6388.2 Ib.; 4393 Sweet Pear 2d, 7-yr. av., 6884.32 Ib.; highest record, 8,493 Ib. The best of 3100's progeny, 5181 Wonder Pear, 14-yr. av., 6162.8 Ib.; total 86,280^4 Ib.; and 6631 Pear Again-lst c.-5,884 Ib., then 2-yr. av., 7,232 Ib. Of 3628's 7274 Louise Bonne, 4-yr. av., 5293.6 Ib. Of 4393's 9151 Billy's Pear, 10-yr. av., 6624.51 Ib. 5181's 9066 Wander- ess, 9-yr. av., 6443.5 Ib. (2,992). Breed Analysis: N. 337.34, S. 449.88 RP. 172.76, varying little from that of 3011: N. 382.02, S. 485.35, RP. 182.61. Following on Wanderess' line, we have 17522 Rendlesham Wanda-lst c.-7,745% Ib. (317), then 7,713 Ib. (322); 6,440 Ib. (269); and her twin sister sire Comely Roger 3856 17523 Rendlesham Wanda 2d-after 2d c.- 18722 Ib. (674), 20021 Rendlesham Gipsy, the last of the progeny of Wanderess-lst c.-7,005 Ib. (322); 5-yr. av., 7271.1 Ib. (1,725). Breed Analysis: N. 353.20, S. 451.92, RP. 194.84. 4393 Sweet Pear 2d-lst c., 6857 Wholly-a-Pear, 5-yr. av., 5544.54 Ib. 6887's 13472 Eyke Pear, 10-yr. av., 6763.8 Ib. 13472's 3d c. 18200 New Pear 1st c.-6,047 Ib. (308); 6-yr. av., 6095.7 Ib. Third in descent from 3628 Orange Pear, 19454 Rendlesham Lucy, 7-yr. av., 8712.5 Ib. 11764 Rendlesham Pear, progeny of 6631 Pear Again, 5-yr. av., 7132.2 Ib., and its 17520 Rendlesham Pearmain-lst c.-6,528V 2 Ib. (271), followed by 7-yr. av., 8,540 Ib. (2,083). 17520's 25024 Rendlesham Pear Blossom during a 5-yr. yield, gave 8,595% Ib. (330), 9124 Ib. (295), 9,334% Ib. (283), and in Lord Radnor's herd 9,036 Ib. (266). 17520's 21362 Rendlesham Sweet Pear-3d c.- 10867 Ib. (684). 21830 Rendlesham Main Pear in 2 years gave 3 calves and 13,388% Ib. (652). 21290 Sudbourne Buerre 3d won sec- ond prize at the 1914 R. A. S. E. Show, for milk 56.37 Ibs., fat 12.40; and that of 1915 for 63.37 Ibs. milk, fat 13.28. 20021's 21353 [30851] Rendlesham Nomad on test 6716.2 Ib., fat 357.67. 10259 Firefly B8-lst C.-5423 Ib.; 3d c., 9813 Ib., was so uneven a yielder that her 8-yr. av. was 6,188 Ib. Her 11255 Fly, 8-yr. av., 7761.1 Ib. [20619] Nancy 8502.5 Ib., fat 362.17. The only record of B7 was [23509] Dolly, 7960.75 Ib., fat 347.14. 5096 Rosamond 2d B9, 7-yr. av., 6749.7 Ib. Her 15731 Rendlesham Rosamond, with a prolonged 3d c. yield, followed by twins, gave a 4-yr. av. 6374.37 Ib. 8035 Old Lowestoft B9 whose 6th c. yield was 6058 Ib. (291), by her 11474 Lowland Lassie-lst c.-6,420 Ib. (277), gave-5th and 6th c.- 13,636 Ib. (447), and her 18404 Woodland Lassie-2d c.-7,525 Ib. (227). Of BIO only American records are worth noting: 11298 Gold Drop, 11,889 Ib., fat 510.62, and her [18099] Cresco Goldie, 8,755 Ib., fat 370.81. [26428] Goldred got by six generations of Norfolk blood, 9,188 Ib., fat 336.28. Of the Bll Family there are 111 records, made during 20 years. Of the many cows and heifers of this family in the Smith selection the following are noteworthy: 2010 Belle, whose best of 3-yrs. yield was 6,840 Ib. 2175 Eyke Duchess lOth-llth and 12th calves-21,160 Ib. 3954 Countess of Eyke 3d, 6-yr. av., 4578.4 Ib.; and 2177 Eyke Lassie (15 calves), 4-yr av., 4371.3 Ib. 2177's 3200 Village Lassie by 351 -Ql 3-yr. av., 6866.4 Ib., and her gr.-dr., 6110 Wild Lady, 4-yr. av., 7833.25 Ib. (1,279). 6100's 9075 Wild Lass-4,th c.-8,096 Ib. (357). Village Lassie, in her last year, produced, by Starston Hero 2083 K19, 7748 Chicago Lassie, 6-yr. 26 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE av., 7118.7 lb. (1925). 7748's 10095 Chicago Maid, 7-yr. av., 7,865 lb.; 13295 Chicago Lass-lst c.-4,882% lb. (286), 8-yr. av., 7018.7 lb.; 16347 Chicago Girl, 2-yr. av., 8081.5 lb. (554); and 17905 Chicago Maiden-lst c.-7,178 lb. (290). 10095's 18459 Belle of Chicago-lst c.- 5,246 lb. (298), then 5-yr. av., 6,087 lb. (1,719); her 26076 Rendles- ham Chicago, 5-yr. av., 7,608 lb. (1,348), and 20521 Rendlesham Chi- cane's, with 2 calves, 12,150V 2 lb. (630). 13295's 17954 Chicago Gem, in 2d yr., 8,193 lb. (365), and her twin sister, 17955 Chicago Jewel, 6,225 lb. (356). 20446 Melton Majivi, third generation from 6110 Wild Lady, 4-yr. av., 7638.33 lb. (1,410), followed by 10,618 lb. (354) and 10,251 (334). 7625 Wilful (another of Village Lassie's gr. drs.), after 1st c., 9,077 lb. (514). Her 9677 Wilful 2d, 8-yr. av., 7115.1 lb. (2,551). 9677's 21005 Winsome, 7-yr. av., 7730.1 lb. (2,255), and her 22173 Longford Fairy, in the years 1913-15, 6,791 lb. (273), 9,472 lb. (339), 10,328 lb. (364). Village Lassie's Breed Analysis: N. 457, S. 410.34, RP. 13260. Wilful 2d's: N. 374.90, S. 428.67, RP. 196.39. The 2010 Belle progeny began to make its mark with 3876 Beta- 1st c.-8,285 lb.; 3d c., 10,247% lb. (322); 4-yr. av., 7893.6 lb.; and 6907 Beatrice-lst c.-5,566 lb. (308). 6907's 18442 Beatrice 2d, 5-yr. av., 8301.6 lb. (1790); highest record, 9,686 lb. (364). 6402 Grand Belle (gr.-dr. of 2010), 7-yr. av., 6789.88 lb. 6402's 8302 Abbess, 4- yr. av., was 7570.25 lb. (994); her 13474 Fair Abbess, 7-yr. av., 5874.8 lb. (2294). 13474's 19448 Rendlesham Abbess-lst c.-5,109V 2 lb. (309), then 3-yr. av., 6697.66 lb. (900); and 21352 Rendlesham Lovely Abbess, 2-yr. av., 6924.5 lb. (635). 8302's 1715 Rendlesham Abigail, 8-yr. av., 7753.8 lb. (2,781); highest record, 10,080 lb. (358). 10176 Donna Barbara, 6-yr. av., 6742.3 lb. (2,086); the dam of 18603 Eyke Babs, 2-yr. av., 5,051 lb. (681), and gr.-dm. of 18327 Sudbourne Babs, which at 3-yr.-old made 4,602 lb. (194). 18327's 19617 Babs 2d 6-yr. av., 7,237 lb. 18327's 19502 Shameful-lst c.-5,703 lb. (204); a late 4-yr. av., 8,796 lb. (1234). 19502's 20682 Cheriton Shame-2d c.- 6,994 lb. (336); 7th c., 7,610 lb. (306). 21324 Red Nun, with her dam 20017 Rendlesham Fair Abbess, was taken to Thornville, Co. Wex- ford, by Major Meadows, in 1908, a 5-yr. av., 6000.2 lb. (1,413); and in the year 1915, 7,273 lb. (365). 20017's 4-yr. av., 5189.5 lb. (1,225); her 22246 Red Nun 2d, 2-yr. av., 5064.5 lb. (594). Of many other Bll records published, these are of recent date: 18327's 21025 Ashmoor Florence-5th c.-8,92iy 2 lb. (344), 6-yr. av., 8,534 lb,, and her 22417 Ashmoor Flo, 3 yr. av., 8077.3 lb.; 22416 Ashmoor Chic-Chic-4th c.-8,912 lb. The earliest B12 record 2256 Honeywood was made at Whitling- ham, 6,-yr. av., 6,563 lb.; the highest, 7,950 lb. (449), fat 4.1. 2256's 5543 Honeycomb-lst c.-4,660 lb. (352). 7640 Anemone-5th c.-9,113 lb. (267); 2-yr. av., 8,526 lb. (505). Her 10932 Auburn, 2-yr. av., 8,150 lb. (610). 20032 Rendlesham Sunbeam-lst C.-6138, her 21360 [30853] Rendlesham Sundial 7985.13 lb., fat 213.63. 21973 Ashmoor Bessie, 3- yr. av., 7525.5 lb. 5026 Motherless B13 had a 10-yr. av., 5354.75 lb.; highest yield, 5,953% lb. (288). 6630 Peach Girl, 7-yr. av., 7261.6 lb (2332). 8100 Peach Leaf 6th, 5 yr. av., 5612.4 lb. 7387 Peace, 3-yr av., 7687.33 lb. (964). Breed Analysis: N. 360.35, S. 415.86, RP. 223.77. 7387's 10606 Peaceful-lst C.-6592 lb. (269); 3d c., 9,291 lb. (287); 7th c., 11,428 lb. (328); 7-yr. av., 9,010 lb.; 10-yr. av., 8,644 lb.; her 17347 Pearl 1st and 2d C.-13404 lb. (798), followed by a 2-year av., 7,310 lb. (625). 6630's 10607 Peach-lst C.-6513 lb. (243), then a 2-year av., 7,283 lb. (679). 8100's 9963 Apricot-4th to 6th c.-av., 7,059 lb. (1,012), falling DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 27 off to 9th c. 6,425 Ib. (317). Her 20527 Rendlesham Apricot, however, had a 4-yr. av., 7476.75 Ib. (1286). 21325 Red Rag, a gr.-dr. of 9963, has at Thornville a 5-yr. av. 6482.4 Ib. (1,668); record in 1915, 7,932 Ib. (336). 22850 Sudbourne Minnie, which traces back to 5026 Motherless, had the distinction of being first of all the contending breeds at the London Dairy Show of 1914. When competing she had been in milk 19 days. Her two mornings' milk was 72.6 Ib., fat 3.46, and the even- ings' 64.6, fat 3.74: solids other than fat, 9,98 and 9.36. She won the Red Poll Society's prize, the Barham Challenge Cup as scoring the freatest number of points in the milking trials, 1,449, and also the hirley Challenge Cup for giving the greatest weight of the milk in the trials. Her record for 1915 was 15,043% Ib. 4724 Stout Fruit B18 led off that Family's records at Rendles- ham-2d c.-8,447 Ib. (294), 7,616 Ib. (280), 9,514 Ib. (360). Her sister (both were by 581 Ql), 5488 Fresh Fuss, 5-yr. av., 7371.5 Ib.; her best record, 9,296% Ib. (350). 5488's 8553 Fresh Flora, 6-yr. av., 7185.2 Ib. (1,906); and 10294 Fussy-3d c.-8,176 Ib. (264). 8553's 13528 Fresh Flo, 3-yr. av., 7,533 Ib. (968); 16337 Comely Flora, after 2d c., 15,442% Ib. (620); 3d c., 8,713% Ib. (365); and 20524 Rendles- ham Florist-lst c.-7,518 Ib. (298), then 6,273 Ib. (332), 8,248% Ib. (333). Of B20 there are 17 records at Rendlesham, 6 in America. 4152 Knockin 3d, from 5th c., 4-yr. av., 7085.6 Ib. 6470 Knockin 7th, the progeny of the same dam, from 3d c., 7-yr. av., 7,471 Ib. (2,347). 4152- 1st C.-6050 Turn-in, 3-yr. av., 5,793 Ib. 6470's 15723 Rendlesham Loo- 1st c.-5,617 Ib., then 8-yr. av., 8007.2 Ib. (2,541); highest record-7th c.-ll,024% Ib. (344); 15723's 21814 Rendlesham Bridge, 2-yr. av., 7025.5 lb.(779); and 22264 Rendlesham Lily-lst c.-7,021 Ib. (301). 7275 Lovely (nearly allied to Knockin 7th)-lst c.-7,510 Ib. (3,257); subsequent 3-yr. av., 7692.6 Ib. (981). Lovely's 8862 Pretty, 4-yr. av., 7,757 Ib. (944). American series: [19928] Lilian, 6,356 Ib., fat 276.83 (282); 8,836 Ib., fat 283.1 (317); 8,093 Ib., fat 320.33 (304); 10,121 Ib., fat 400.35. Lilian's [26746] Lillette, 8563.9 Ib., fat 387.37; 5231.5 Ib., fat 239.71 (246); 6019.9 Ib., fat 262.7 (295); 6842.1 Ib., fat 301.79; 10028.2 Ib., fat 451.52; [27546] J. D. L. Lilian, 7308.3 Ib., fat 261.15; 9,360 Ib., fat 329; [31729] J. D. L. Latona, 11053.6 Ib., fat 423.57; and [33552] J. D. L. Linnet, 7390.8 Ib., fat 265.33. Lillette's [31728] Lillette 2d, 7615.5 Ib., fat 284.90; 9813.2 Ib. fat '442.11; 10891.9 Ib., fat 492.29. J. D. L. Lilian's [31729] J. D. L. Lilian 2d, 5560.6 Ib., fat 206,24; her [35757] J. D. L. Laura-lst C.-7897.2 Ib., fat 331.56. Breed Analysis: 10429 Linnett, d. of [19928] ; N. 371.85, S. 430.70, RP. 197.40. [19928] Lilian, N. 454.48, S. 266.78, RP. 27869. [34863] J. D. L. Latona, N. 472.37, S. 180.94, RP. 346.64. The earliest of eleven B24 records 7065 Doll, gave, in 364 days of 1899-90, 10,624% Ibs. with, in 287 further days of 1890, 7,611 Ib., and in 1902, 7,374% (364). Her gr.-dr., 21322 Red Doll, best of 5-yr. records (these in Ireland), 5,131 Ib. (259), 4,966 Ib. (294). Red Doll's 22742 Red Doll 3d-lst C.-6907 Ib. (351), 6,062 Ib. (350), 6,408 Ib. (336). 8522 Faithful, in 1901, 8th to 12th c., 5-yr. av., 8,602 Ib. (1,415); thence to 15th c., 3-yr. av., 5795.66 Ib. (798). 8522's 18881 Rendle- sham Fay-lst c.-6,886 Ib. (240), then 57,622 Ib. (1,981); 4th c., 10,286% Ib. (349) 6th c., 11414% Ib. (347); 7th c., 11,390% Ib. (320); total yield, 64.278 Ib. (2,221). Breed Analysis: Faithful N. 79.43, S. 853.44 RP. 66.71; Rendlesham Fay N. 256.00, S. 517.66, RP. 226.30. Of 8522's 28 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE get also 15721 Rendlesham Faith, 4-yr. av., 6,176 Ib. (1,299); and 20523 Rendlesham Faithless, 3-yr. av., 7,266 Ib. (969). 18881's 22259 Rendlesham Fancy-2d c.-7,128V 2 Ib. (344). The E Group has some of its pedigrees from the year 1852, just forty years after G. B. George saw John Reeve's "new breed at Hoik- ham, calculated its possible value, and became one of its realisers. He seems to have been the means, through Sir Edward Kerrison and other practical men, of improving the Norfolk and Suffolk Polled cattle to such a degree that just fifty-two years after a bull and two heifers were first exhibited they were a recognized breed. Mr. G. George, his elder son, had kept a register more than twenty years, but said little to enlighten the collector of pedigrees, when his brother, Mr. T. W. George, of Cringleford (lands near to Eaton), on retiring from farming in 1873, sold his Red Polled herd. The Herd Book, how- ever, was supplied with the desired facts. G. George's 6-yr.-old cow, 412 Polly Ell, sold when he retired in 1876, has been the means of adding to the repute of the Red Poll in the United States. 4169 Linnet E2-lst c.-4,56iy 2 Ib. (350), with 4th c. gave 6,578 V 2 Ib. (301). Her 5652 Linnet 2d (by lago 1025)-lst c.-8,714V 2 Ib. (658); then 5-yr. av., 7,072 Ib. (1,582), fat 4.9. And 5652's 9518 the Linnet- 1st c.-8,040V 2 Ib. (693), fat 5.7. 9518's 11448 L-mon-lst c,-7,260 Ib. (483), 2-yr. av., 6,796 Ib. (631). The E3 Family, transferred in 1889 to Mr. E. Smith Jameson, Mount Sterling, Kentucky, has only American records: [23497] Miss Matson-3d c.-6,651 Ib., fat 27853; 7,063 Ib. fat 301.37; 7744.5 Ib., fat 328.92; 8923.9 Ib., fat 400.54. [33551] J. D. L. Millie, 9413.7 Ib., fat 372.74. [34870] J.D. L. Lady Watts-lst C.-10263.2 Ib., fat 412.46. 5227 Belinda E 5, in Lord Hastings' herd gave the first record- ist c.-5,097 Ib. (264); 6-yr. av. 6,256 Ib. (1,816). Her 9630 Olinda, 2-yr. av., 7,318.5 Ib. (679). The Ell records descended from 412 Polly, open with 3851 Annie Belle: 3-yr. av., from the 4th c., 6451.33 Ib. (925). Her dam was 1985 Annie, whose 9th c. return was 4,909 Ib. (320). 3464 Georgina, at Whit- lingham in 1889-91, recorded-3d c.-13,850 Ib. (744), and her 6385 Georgina 2d-lst c.-5,051% Ib. (438), fat 3.6; then 6-yr. av., 6,896 Ib. (1,954). 14825 Donna-4th c.-10,761 Ib. (343), 5th c., 10,104 Ib. (322). 16723 Gold-drop, gr.-dr. of 6385, recorded-lst c.-8,05lV 2 Ib. (411); and 15884 Snowflake, bred from the Ell's, ended that family's record at Whitlingham with-lst c.-8,916 Ib. (478). In Sir Walter Corbet's herd, from the same source, 19606 Acton Sweetbriar gave-2d c.-7,786 1 / 2 Ib. (358). Breed Analyses: 412 Polly, N. 382.5, S. 300, RP. 337.5. 1738 Polly 2d sent in 1882 to Col. J. B. Mead and Mr. Robert J. Kimball, N. 439.06, S. 198.43, RP. 362.5. 8858 Portia, N. 449.99, S. 129.09, RP. 420.89. 10024 Biddy, N. 463.57, S. 80.21, RP. 456.2. 13205 Biddy 2d, N. 427.44, S. 216.5, RP. 356.03. Records: [26744] Princess Portia, 6536.2 Ib., fat 268.84; 6626.8 Ib., fat 246.33; 5640.6 Ib., fat 222.57. Her [34866] J. D. L. Belmont, 9286.8 Ib., fat 395.91. E12 Family records have been regularly made at Heytesbury, Wilts. Lord Heytesbury founded a Red Polled herd there in 1893, which Margaret Lady Heytesbury has well maintained to the present time. All the records are from descendants of 5158 Susanna 5th. 15073 Heytesbury Frederica, 6,759 Ib. (283). Her gr.-dr., 19822 Heytesbury Fredleaf 2d, 6-yr. av., 6581.3 Ib. (1,720); highest record-7th c.-7,559 Ib. (304). Her 21205 Heytesbury Pendant, 4-yr. av., 7,201 Ib. (1,161); DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 29 21681 Heytesbury Passion 1st, 5,371 Ib. (234); then 6,459 Ib. (306), 6,306 Ib. (257). Third in descent from 15073, 20397 Heytesbury-Su- sanna-lst c.-5,848 Ib. (238), then 5-yr. 'av., 6,750.2 Ib. (1,367); highest record, 7,448 Ib. (273). Her 23052 Heytesbury Hanna-lst c. (in 1914)- 5,584 Ib. (235). 21202 Heytesbury Patience-lst c.-7,086 Ib. (343); 22612 Heytesbury Susan 3d 1st c.-6,507 Ib. (263); 2d c. 9,850 Ib (365). In another line of descent from 587 Susanna, 22625 Horton Peach has a record of (in 1912) 8,248 Ib. (308); in 1914, 6,832 Ib. (243). Her 22974 Cheriton Peach-2d c.-7,949*4 Ib. (298), fat 4.60. [34831] Saucy'& Pride, 8178.5 Ib., fat 313.79 (297). The E13 Family got a strong foundation at Elmham through Davyson 3d 48 and Rufus 188, then passed into Mr. Hy. Birkbeck's herd at Stoke, and thence to Whitlingham, where 2159 Elizabeth opened the record-5th c.-6,702 Ib. (350), 6 yr. av., 7,833 Ib. (2136), fat 3.4 to 6.8. 2159's gr.-dr. 7842 Ethel 2d-lst C.-7542 Ib. (444); and 7842's 11206 Ethel 3d-2d c.-6,826 Ib. (427); 4th c., 8,792 Ib. 16555 Ellen 3d, another of the Whitlingham E13's, 1st c. November 15th, 1902, recorded to December 31st, 2,954 V 2 Ib. (43), in 1903 6,682 Ib. (365), and on March 31st?, 1904, when her week's yield was 132% Ib., had to her credit a total yield 11,509 Ib. in 521 days. The sale cata- logue credited her with a 1904 yield 5,566 Va Ib. and 2d calf. Two Families of F Group are recorded: 6793 Success F4, 7-yr. av., 5450.93 Ib. (1,970). Her 17063 Magnolia 1st c.-5,465 Ib. (280); then 7-yr. av., 6,665 Ib. (1,892). 17063's 20443 Majimag-lst c.- SfllSy* Ib. (511), 20789 Melton Magnum-lst c.- 5445% Ib. (364), 21259 Melton Daisy-lst c.-8,10iy 2 Ib. (316); 2d c. 9478 Ib. (348), 21730 Melton Baroness, 3-yr. av., 7,788 Ib. (899), and- 22670 Melton Constance, from November 12th, 1912, 1st c., 8,985 Ib. (415), milked to March 15th, 1914; on March 18th, 2d c., and the year's yield 6,624 Ib. (363). 20443's 22675 Melton Ruby, 1st c. October 15th, 1913; 2d c. September 30th, 1914; milk yield the 434 days, 7,988 V 2 Ib. Lord Heytesbury, at the starting of his herd, bought two F4 and two F6. There has been a re-registry, with Heytesbury added to the former names, and new numbers. (These are now quoted). 15092 Heytesbury Silk F4-3d c.-6,878 Ib. (313). Her 19831 Heytes- bury Silk 3d, 7-yr. av., 6,777.14 Ib. 1,905); highest record, 8,155 Ib. (296); and 22,611 Heytesbury Satin-lst c.-with yield-2d c. from De- cember 2d, 1913, 6,507 Ib. (252), then 9,850 Ib. (365). The earliest F6 record 1737 Poll was at Whitlingham-6,th to 9th c-4-yr. av., 7,078 Ib. (1,169). 2961 Maud the dr. of 1680 Moll, twin of 1737 Poll was bought by Lord Heytesbury. Her 15078 Heytes- bury Magnetic was dam of 15077 Heytesbury Magnet, 7,684 Ib. (323), and 15084 Heytesbury Perennial, 6073 Ib. (243). 15084's 19824 Heytes- bury Perennial 2d, 3-yr. av., 6391.66 Ib. (865), and 19823 Heytesbury Oak Apple-lst c.- 5,673 Ib (309). 19824's 22608 Heytesbury Peren- nial 3d, 16719 Ib. (287), 7847 Ib. (298). Mr. John Hammond's HI and H2 Families have won many a prize in Royal and other competitions for beauty of form and high worth as beef cattle. Some 70 milk records may be found to evidence good value in .the other condition; for which the dual-purpose cattle will yet be held to be the most satisfying of all needs in farm econom- ics. Reference has been made in the note on Milk Records to the 30 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE daily yield of 1451 Davy 27th HI from August 20th, 1892, to April 30th, 1893. A brief analysis of the record may be of value for com- parison not only with the Red Polled averages set forth in these pages, but also with records of the yield of other breeds, dairy as well as dual-purpose. On the 5th day of the record the yield was 42 pints; the 8th to 19th, 48 save two days, 44; to 26th, 52 to 56; the next 22 days, 48 to 40; 25 days of October, 38 to 36; November, 41 and 40; December, 5 days, 40; 26 days and on to January 24th, 39; then to March 28th, 38 to 33, 4 days, 26; and on to April 30th, 24 to 22. At the last named date the total was 9,349 pints (11,218.8 Ib.) in 251 days, and she was then yielding 154 pints (192 1 / 2 Ib.) for the week. As Davy 27th gave birth to 2741 Davy 54th on August 5th, 1893, it calls for little guesswork to come to the conclusion that she would have increased her total to something like 10,000 pints (12,250 Ib). No other record is available from Bale, so there are wanting details to estimate how much of this result was due to en- vironment. All the HI cows bred there are registered as Davy with an appended number. 4851 Davy 87th, 4,th in descent from 167 Davy 5th (which was dam of Davy 27th), 5th c., 8,714y 2 Ib. (288); 9th c., 9,866 Ib. (265); 6-yr. av., 7698.4 Ib. (1,659). 6288 Davy 99th-3d c.- 10,881 V 2 Ib. (681). 2289 Lady Day, 2-yr. av., 6,683 Ib. (682). Her 5773 Mrs. Gamp, 7- yr. av., 6,354.28 Ib. (2210), and 5492 Galatea, 5 yr. av., 8079.4 Ib. (1,636); highest record, 9,408 Ib. 2289's gr.-dr. 8026 May Queen, 7-yr. av., 8378.57 Ib. (2,141); highest records, 7th c., 10,144 Ib. (322); 8th c., 9,861 ^ Ib. (322). These records were made at Melton Con- stable, in the same area of Norfolk as Bale. Turning to a very dif- ferent environment: 10849 Troston Davy 2d (on Lord Rothschild's es- tate), 3-yr. av., 6,083 Ib. (914). Her 11899 Troston Davy 3d-lst c.- 7,623 Ib. (327); 6-yr. av., 6690.8 Ib. (1,975); highest record, 7,980 Ib. (341). With her, 18736 Troston Davy 4th-lst c.-18,905 Ib, (408), 2d c., 9,452 Ib. (319). 13390's Davy Lass 2-yr. av., 5412.5 Ib. (529). 19114 Daphne-lst c.-6,015 Ib. (428); 2d c., 6,283 'b. (490). 20457 Molly Bawn's (bred in West Suffolk) 21032 Ashmoor Molly (removed to East Suffolk)-6th c.-6,241 Ib. (332); 21978 Ashmoor Mary-lst c.- 6,491 Ib. (354), and 22420 Ashmoor Margaret-2d C.-6666.2 Ib. (336). American Records: 15647 Princess 5th, 7065.8 Ib., fat 231.39. 16457 Davy 213-th, 9871.25 Ib., fat 329.22. [19119] Vetie, 5986.9 Ib., fat 238.67 (282). [24136] Kate 7884.7 Ib., fat 351. [24137] Beauty, 8739.5 Ib., fat 359.73; her [30940] Betty, 7092.4 Ib., fat 292.75. [28208] Dolly, 9453.1 Ib., fat 374.89 (334). [29605] Daisy, 8079.3 Ib., fat 301.12; 12939.1 Ib., fat 501.83 (352). [29972] Dell, 8459.6 Ib., fat 294.67. [31224] Dale, 8350.4 Ib., fat 293.11. Breed Analyses: 167 Davy 5th, N. 800, RP. 200; 1451 Davy 27th, N. 628.12, S. 40.62, RP. 331.25 [24137] Beauty, N. 544.64, S. 99.42, RP. 355.89. [30940] Betty, N. 501.66, S. 180.17, RP. 318.11. 73 Buttercup H2, which, as a 2-yr.-old heifer was a Royal and County winner, Mr. J. J. Colman bought at 100 guineas from Mr. Hammond, won yet other honors, and in due course the third of de- scent from her, 2123 Daisy Chain, was transferred to Whitlingham. 5th c., she recorded 7,650 Ib. (478), 6th c. 6,580 Ib. (361), and a 3-yr. av. followed 4,786 Ib. (856). 2487 Red Daisy having the same gr. d., 823 Daisy 3d, also came: 3d c. 9,555 Ib. (357), 4th c. 8,579% Ib. (311), then 7,485 Ib. (325), and lastly 6th c.-ll,269y 2 Ib. (424). 4000 Easter, from the same dam 1474 Easton Daisy-lst c.-9,009 1 /4 Ib. (617), and 5 calves after that, av. 5,022 Ib. (1,436), fat 3.2 to 4.1. 2123's 7707 Daisy Chain-lst c.-7,524 Ib. (357), fat 3.2; 6,809 Ib. (305); DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 31 8,906 Ib. (328). 1474's 3818 Whitlingham Daisy was sold to Captain V. T. Hills with her 5190 Amarylis, and her calf Whitlingham Chief and H2 stock were thus introduced into the United States as HI had been in 1882. Record of [26749] Flossie (5th in descent from Ama- ryllis), 9067.1 Ib., fat 357.24; 12929.5 Ib. fat 531.17. [28994] Flora (progeny of the same dam 16647 Floe, and sire Marmion 5674), 5316.5 Ib., fat 234.64; 7,442 Ib., fat 320.81. Breed Analyses: 1474 Easton Daisy, N. 368.75 RP. 631.25. 3818 Whitlingham Daisy, N. 450.15, S. 28.71, RP. 511.13. 5190 Amaryllis, N. 505.85, S. 4306, RP. 451.07. 16647 Floe, N. 516.82, S. 589.63, RP. 393.92. [26749] Flossie, N. 535.78, S. 92.19, RP. 371.96. The Hudson Red Polled- with its Reeve blood, as bred at Billing- ford for many years, was in 1859 introduced into the Elmham herd. A later addition 516 Ruby 12 was bought in 1866 for the Marham herd, and the progeny got a further addition of the Reeve blood. Mr. A. J. Smith, in 1882, bought at Marham a young heifer 2791 Eyke Jennie. By a large measure of Suffolk blood was got 4018 Eyke Jane, 11-yr. av., 5943.34 Ib.; highest record-8th c.-7,835% Ib. (355). 4018's 7456 Squaw-lst c.-5,870 Ib. (323), then 3-yr. av., 7,406 Ib. (933); and 7845 Eyke Jessie, which transferred to Whitlingham in October, in 1896, with 2d c. gave 8,852 V 2 Ib. (371), fat 3.2; then 6,588 & Ib. (289), followed by 10,325V 2 Ib. (297), 10,624 Ib. (320), 11,097% Ib. (340). Breed Analyses: 2791 Eyke Jennie, N. 476.56, S. 77.34. RP. 446.9. 4019, N. 425.78, S. 324.60, RP. 249.60. 7845 Eyke Jessie, N. 429.88, S. 371.81, RP. 198.28. 7845's 16603 Eyke Jessie 2d-lst c.- 6,914 V 2 Ib. (327), and from 1906, 5-yr av., 7210.4 Ib. (1,487). 7456's 15900 Squaw 2d-lst c.-9,982 Ib. (631); 2d c., 6,337V 2 Ib. (272). Third in descent from 2791, 12266 Eyke Judy, 3-yr av., 6805.33 Ib. (867); 13408 Eyke Jeannette, 6-yr. av., 7521.7 Ib. (1,948); 15158 Jessie-lst c.-13,007% Ib. (728); 13470 Eyke Joyous-2d c.-9,794 Ib. (624); and 18027 Eyke-lst c.-7,385 Ib. 18027's 21635 Echo, 3-yr. av., 6,586 Ib. (963). Mr. Savory, of Rudham Grange, was one of the early Norfolk adopters of the Reeve material. 19, 112, and 113 cows made a few records. 3272 Bridesmaid 19 (bred at Troston), from 10th c., had a 4-yr. av. 8406.5 Ib. (1,235). 6499 Lovely 4th 112, 6-yr. av., 6,980 Ib. (2,063), fat 4.0; highest record, 2d c., 8,265% Ib. (350). 6501 Lovely 7th 112-lst c.-4,774% Ib., then 8-yr. av., 6416.3 Ib. (2,452), fat 3.8 to 4.5. 18148 Lottie 2d 112-lst c.-8,998V 2 Ib. 10343 Heroine 113, 4-yr. av., 6,371 Ib. (1,083). 2270 Jessie 121 (the Hudsoh of Quarles strain), 8th c., 6,457% Ib. (360). Of the old-time Red Polled herds which were in the Kimberly district, only a few survived the rinderpest cattle plague. 6376 Gal 2d K15 had a 7-yr. av., 8,005 Ib. (2,302); top record, 8th c., 9,915 1 /i Ib. (305). Gal 4th-lst c.-6,528% Ib. (413), fat 3.8. 6376's 10185 Dor- othy-lst c.-10,813 Ib. (483). 3895 Atkins 2d K17 (5th in descent from 90 Cherry, which B. Brown had rescued from the Coston herd), 7-yr. av., 5856.5 Ib (2,084). Cherry's 599 Thursford Queen, at Thorn- Jiam, gave High Suffolk breeders access to the prime strain. 5876 Queen D. 3d (4th from 599), at Tring Park, 4-yr. av., 10,409 Ib. (1,196). 13912 Minnow, 4 calves, av., 5,045 Ib. (1,111); her 19899 Melton Maji- mina-lst c.-5,483y 2 Ib. (308), then 6-yr. av., 8444.66 Ib. (1,990). [22638] 32 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE Lady, 8370.7 lb., fat 313.70; 8189.8 lb., fat 286.88 (338); 9346.6 lb., fat 333.45 [27711] Lady 2d, 7405.4 lb., fat 277.4; 7631.5 lb., fat 290.76. Of K18 there are only American records. [21885] Princess, 9,326 lb., fat 391.77. [36378] Rozelle, 10121.5 lb., fat 422.07. Of K19, only English 17264 Nellie 6th, 4-yr. av., 8657.5 lb. (1,252). 19075 Chedda, 5-yr. av., 7,085 lb. (1,327). K23 has only American records. [19435] Countess 2d, 5589.5 lb., fat 250.03 (242); 8,670 lb., fat 357.02 (347); 6539.9 lb., fat 229.45 (268). [24608] Jane, 9838.35 lb., fat 420.11; 9528.5 lb., fat 400.37. [24607] Jennie, 8155.4 lb., fat 341.23 (334); and her [31090] Jennie Red, 5342.2 lb., fat 272.3 (340); 5835.9 lb., fat 285.37 (315). [28454] Claw, 9420.9 lb., fat 413.34. K24 com- pletes the Palmer of Wilby contribution to the K Group. 4911 Frag- iel, 3-yr. av., 5789.9 lb. (756); her 7329 Miss Fragile-lst c.-5,853% lb. (441), and 4th in descent from 4911, 18036 Fanny, 2-yr av., 6,146 lb.. (568). K25 and K26 Families are progeny of two cows, each from an old herd near Watton. Grand-daughters of 3638 Patience: 9355 Found K25, lO-yr.-old record, 9,248 lb. (425), and 12009 Belle, 17,549 lb. (803). 12789 Plum was taken to Wisconsin by Mr. J, W. Martin, where, in 1905, was bred a gr.-dr. [24888] Pear, by Corporal 4313 Tl-lst c.-6,387 lb., fat 262.98, followed by 9,183 lb., fat 445.45; 7616.2 lb., fat 338.68 (340); 9544.6 lb., fat 419.89; 13160.6 lb. fat 603- .66; 9,177 lb., fat 407.17; 8183.1 lb., fat 372.2 (287). Pear's daughters [28991] J. D. Pear, 7,450 lb., fat 304.86 (322); 13538.4 lb., fat 546.34; 16598.4 lb., fat 407.24; [31726] J. D. L. Peach, 6115.3 lb., fat 271.87; 7264.4 lb., fat 312.54; 11357.2 lb., fat 501.08; and [33553] J. D. L. Plum, 8451.9 lb., fat 421.60. J. D. Pear's [35782] J. D. L. Pineapplle, 6871.1 lb., fat 301.03. From [18801] Peach which was also the dam of Pear [28400] Pattie, 6,591 lb., fat 282.16 (304); 10490.3 lb., fat 435.14. Tracing to the same 1723 Patience, 12323 Fondle, 10-yr-old record, 6014.05 lb., fat 292.69 (335); [22712] Flora, 6553.25 lb., fat 263.83 (335, in milk 396) ; -[24229] Freda, 8220.4 lb., fat 334.52; [26869] Fret, 6254.2 lb., fat 252.03 (257); [28397] Pretty, 8,482 lb., fat 270.74 (324); 9861.6 lb., fat 396.16. Breed Analyses: Plum, N. 421.41, S. 381.40, RP. 197.15. Peach, N. 511.67, S. 209.74, RP. 278.55. Pear, N. 521.11, S. 135.43, RP. 343.42. J. D. L. Pear, N. 511.20, S. 156.53, RP. 332.22. The only K26 records: 18896 Rude, 2-yr. av., 7,482 lb. 19748 Duel-2d c.-6,932 lb. (289). L3 Family is descended from old Elmham stock, brought to Mile- ham. 19162 Ella, 4-yr. av., 8931.65 lb.; yr. 1914 record, 10,954 lb., fat 4.14 (321). 19759 Emma 7th, 2-yr. av., 6543.5 lb. (496). 22882 Wroxham Elf-lst c.-6,469 lb. (248); 2d c., 8,151 lb. (359). L3 American records: [24874] Ethel, 9597.1 lb., fat 415.2. [25896] Upshot 2d, 9,959 lb., fat 370.17. [26618] Floss, 11602.9 lb., fat 449.99. [26619] Flora, 6982.3 lb., fat 262.11; 12,590 lb., fat 593.73. [28389] Missie, 6051.7 lb., fat 215.77 (317). [29275] Gipsy, 7411.8 lb., fat 305.65 (313). [29276] Goldie, 8248.5 lb., fat 304.43; 9289.1 lb., fat 360.99 (333). [29278] Gale, 6912.5 lb., fat 244.53 (357); 10664.4 lb., fat 400.13 (343). [29279] Hannah, 7592.4 lb., fat 305.89. [30939] Minnie's Last, 8476.3 lb., fat 308.79 (358). [33015] Rosa, 5196.9 lb., fat 213.34 (296). [33016] Blaze, 8087.8 lb., fat 262.47. [35139] Inez, 8373.7 lb., fat 320.44 (321); 11082.20 lb., fat 438.9. 4186 Lula L9 (from a Wending herd) 1st c.-5,461 lb. (269), 4th c. 7,547 lb., fat 4.3 (297). 6997 Chestnut, 10-yr. av., 5289.4 lb., fat DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 33 3.8 to 4.7 (2866). Her 9014 Sweet Chestnut, 3-yr av., 5,798 Ib. (872). 9915 Wild Rose, 3-yr. av., 7444.66 Ib. ,(1,024). 9014's 13627 Honest Wayward-3d c.-6,955 Ib. (397); 5th and 6th c., 18,800 Ib. (693). 19290 Lark, 7-yr. av., 7,345 Ib. (2,312); highest record, 10,220% Ib., butter 459 Ib. .(302). L12 from an old herd at Longham, 18148 Lottie 2d-4th c.-l 1,833% Ib. (329), 5th c. 11,728% Ib. (351). 19874 Kintore-lst C.-11443 Ib. (723). M2 Family, believed to be of A5 stock, introduced into the Mar- ham herd. 2356 Marham, 1887-90, 4-yr. total, 26,510% Ib. (1,294). 7189 Hopeful, 6-yr. av., 6737.28 Ib. (1,788); highest record, 8,067 Ib. (315). M5 of Eaton stock, 4927 Glee-lst c.-7,791% Ib. (442), 2d c. 6,200% Ib. (287). 11270 Gay, 4-yr. av., 6,603 Ib. (1,369). [28393] Gay, 7,219.3 Ib., fat 326.66. Of the N Group, there are records from Nl to 7 and N24, all tracing back to the early days of the 18th century, and N17, which from the Oakley* strain, combined good form and substance with heavy milking qualities. As there are full records taken at Necton Hall Farm 30 years, those are here selected to evidence the progres- sive inheritance. 1733 Phoebe Nl got 13 calves: 8th to 10th C.-7955.66 Ib. (970), 3-yr. lesser av., 6,146 Ib. (877). Fourth in descent from 1733, 18548 Dame, 10-yr. av., 6981.1 Ib. (3,166); her 22662 Longford Mandoline 3d c.-9,472 Ib. (332). 18053 Frosty Face-3d c.-8,084 Ib. (282); 5th c.-8,231 Ib. (331); 10th c., 5,662 Ib. (245). Her 21102 Cheriton Per- dition-lst c.-12,401 Ib. (427); 4th c., 8,690 Ib. (320), and 22046 Cher- iton Frost-lst c.-7,894 Ib. (340). Of N2 Family there are 42 records of descendants of 342 Minnie, which Lord Sondes bought of Col. Mason in 1856, and which was sired by the Red Polled that won -at the Norwich R. A. S. E. in 1849. Daughters went to Mr. Colman's at Easton, to Marham, and to Tros- ton a while before the Herd Book was founded. 3244 Barbara, from the Marham stock, averaged with 5th and 6th c. 6318.75 Ib. (646). Her 8028 Meddlesome-4th to 6th c.-av. 7684.66 Ib. (1,262). 4th in descent from 3244, 20788 Melton Maggie-lst c.-8,149 Ib. (350), then 4-yr. av., 8316.75 Ib. (1,166), and in 1914-flth c.-10,733% Ib. (291). Her 22671 Melton Florry, 3 calves, 2-yr. av., 8839.5 Ib. (685). 4th in descent from 3244, 13958 Muriel, 6-yr. av., 8143.5 Ib. (1,759): top record-7th c.-10,219 Ib. (316). 3d in descent at Troston from 342, 7373 Omelet-4th c.-ll,425 Ib., 5th c. 10,514 Ib., 6th c. (11,045 (952); Her 9857 Sweet Omelet-2d c.-6,992 (318), 4th c. 7,832 Ib. (371); 7-yr. av., 6942.14 Ib. (2,337): 13600 Hastoe Tulip-4th to 6th c. av.-8513.33 Ib. (802). 6th in descent from 342, 4997 Maggie, 8 calves, av. 6749 Ib., fat 3.8 to 4.7 (2,452). Her 13823 Maggie 2d, 2-yr. av., 5520.5 Ib. (569), and 13823's 17075 Maple-lst c.-6,104 Ib. [34036] Minnie 2d, 7732.2 Ib., fat 308.11; 9512.8 Ib., fat 395.32. Breed Analysis: N. 548.76, S. 236.57, RP. 214.62. Of N4 records 122: The earliest 1496 Empress 5th-10th c.-7-yr. av., 5470.28 Ib.; top record-lOth c.-8,738 Ib. (257). Her gr.-dr., 9562 Mempriss-8th c.-7,291 Ib., fat 3.99 (335); 8th c., 8,171 Ib., fat 4.33 (256). 4th from Empress, 10746 Rustle, 9-yr. av., 7401.36 Ib., fat 3.73 to 4.9 (3,182). 10207 Effigy-7th c.-8,438 Ib., fat 3.4 (344); 10th c., 10,552% Ib., fat 3.2 (365); 12th c., 9,116% Ib., fat 3.8 (353). Her 34 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 18602 Expectation-lst c.-6,181 3 /4 lb., fat 3.9 (337); 8-yr. av., 6130.37 Ib. (2,413). Expectation's 21162 Evangeline lst-5th c. av.-5511.8 lb.; 1915 record, 6,046 lb., fat 4.4 (295). 4388 Rosina 3d, 9-yr. av., 6480.1 lb., fat 3.7 to 4.5 3,152); 8th c., 7,163 lb. (365); 9th c., 7,472 lb. (366). 4549 Eugenie 4th, 8-yr. av., 5171.1 lb., fat 3.6 (2,649); her gr.-dr., 11272 Geenie, 9-yr. av., 7355.6 lb., fat 3.4 to 4.15 (2,600, 4 last years milked 1,460 days). Geenie's 19220 Gemma, 9-yr. av., 9,009 lb., fat 3.7 to 4.4 (3,279, not dry 2d to 5th c.) [25106] Leona, 11069 lb., fat 469.52. [26498] Liza, 10807.75 lb., fat 545.25. [26501] Lily Davy, 9404.25 lb., fat 390.96. [29110] Luna Davy, 8,573 lb., fat 379.4*6. [30808] Popular Luna, 10,038 lb., fat 435.98. [31335] Popular Liza, 8,689 lb., fat 375.73 (305). [31352] Lady Rose, 9592.25 lb., fat 437.72. [31357] Luna Lassie, 10765.75 lb., fat 502.32. Breed Analyses: 1496 Empress, N. 737.5, S. 159.37, RP. 103.12. Mempriss, N. 658.34, S. 137.24, RP. 304.40. Geenie, N. 461.95, S. 279.49, RP. 158.52. Gemma, N. 496.25, S. 170.30, RP. 333.40. [18552] Luna, N. 461.79, S. 190.72, RP. 347.44. [31357] Luna Lassie, N. 460.76, S. 285.07, RP. 254.13. Of N5 the records are few. 5117 Sheba 3d, 9-yr. av., 8140.77 lb., fat 3.62 to 4.0 (3,145). Her gr.-dr.'s 18095 Sceptre, 4-yr. yield, 8,103% lb. to 9,360 lb., av. 8403.87 lb., and 15893 Spitfire-lst c.-6,907 lb. (361). The 50 records of N6 open with 3988 Daystar, 10-yr. av., 6,660 lb., fat 3.3 to 3.75 (last 3 yrs. 1,095). From the same dam, 2751 Day- light N6, 9290 Dusk 4th-8th c.-5-yr. av., 7565.3 lb., fat 4.2 to 5.0 (1,667). Her 18587 Duchess-lst c.-6,904% lb., fat 3.5 (351) 10-yr. av., 7142.4. Duchess' 20316 Duchess of Necton-lst c.-7,487 lb. (365), 6-yr. av., 6587.6 lb., fat 3,4 to 4.3 (2,390); 5th c., 7,000% lb., fat 4.3 (330). 12216 Dot-lst and 2d c.-6,678V 2 lb., 4,740 lb. (730), then 3-yr. av., 6217.75 lb., fat 3.8 to 4.20 (2,684); last year, 6,477 lb. (365). Her 21630 Dove, 2-yr. av., 7290.5 lb., fat 3.8 (630). 18471 Bifrons Queen- 3d c.-8,100 lb. (411). 19103 Crescent-lst c.-8,073 lb. (500). 22328 Star 6th, 3-yr. av., 9925.5 lb., fat 4.7. 18162 Medlar-3d c.-9,074% lb. (280); 5th c., 10,040% lb. (308); 5 other years' av., 7,939 lb. (1,601). Breed Analyses: Daylight, N. 490.23, S. 248.33, RP. 26142. Day- star, N. 519.49, S. 164.0, RP. 256.49. 3068 Princess N17 record, made 30 years ago, 8,030 lb. (304), then 2-yr. av., 6471.5 lb. (644). Her 3d in descent, 11038 Caister Prin- cess-5th c.-6,680% lb. (319). 20217 Bockmer Carnation-3d c.-5,197 lb. (319). 1724 Patsie N24-5,th c.-7,420 lb. (311); 6th c., 7,563% lb. (307). Her gr.-dr., 11684 Pearl 1st c.-4,646 lb. (428), then 4-yr. av., 7,270 lb. (1,264). Reference has been made to Sir Edward Kerrison's good work at Oakley and Brome, on the northwest border of High Suffolk. There would seem to have been no private register of breeding, while Red Polled cattle were frequently sent by him as competitors from the Cambridge R. A. S. E. Show in 1840. The earliest milk records are of the closing years at Whitlingham of 2446 Pink Ol. Her 3242 Ashlyns Pink, 3-yr. av., 5513.33 lb.; 3913 Carnation, 4th to 6th c., av. 6774.33 lb. (1,009); 12th and 13th c., av. 7,415% lb. (700); and 6171 Ashlyns Sybil, 5-yr. av., 7797.4 lb. (1,407). 3913's 7645 Ashlyns Ca- nation 2d, 7-yr. av., 6650.8 lb., and 17892 Ashlyns Carnation 6th-4th c.-7,109 lb. (364). 7645's gr.-dr., 19900 Majiminor 5th-8th c.-av., 8402.25 lb. (1,270); her 23126 Melton Princess 1st, 5,165% lb. (320). Daughters of 1362 Careless 02 recorded at Whitlingham: 2875 Heedless, 6-yr. av., 7545.2 lb. (1,836); 5th c., 12,679% lb. (536); 6th DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 35 c., 10,642% lb. (395); and 2672 Careful-lst c.-8,137% Ib. (441); 3d c., 14,408% lb. (595); 4th c., 8,717% lb., fat 4.3 (357); and other 4-yr. av., 6322.19 lb. Careless' 7697 Beth-lst c.-5,295% lb., then 3-yr. av., 5240.5 lb. (885). Careful's 9223 Comic-lst c.-6,31iy 2 lb., fat 4.7 (476), then 6-yr. av., 7627.2 lb., (1,792); and 10086 Careful 2d, 6-yr. av., 6664.5 lb. (1,827). 13198 Beth 3d-lst c.-6,658 lb. (353). Breed Analyses: Careful, N. 368.75, S. 454.68, RP. 176.56. Care- ful 2d, N. 431.25, S. 264.06, RP. 304.68. 15720 Rendlesham Cowslip 03, 3-yr. av., 8669.66 lb.; 4th c., 11,352 lb. (365). 11211 Eyke Jewess (14 calves), 71.800% lb. (4,239). 548 Silence O9 came to Mr. J. J. Colman's herd from Sir E. Kerrison's. Her gr.-dr., 2536 Silent Beauty, was transferred to Whit- lingham when 3-yr.-old, and her first record was 6,321% lb. (313), 5th c., 11,133% lb. (556), 8-yr. av., 6,313 lb. (2,338); last year's record, 7,357% lb., fat 4.9 (287). Her 3860 Barmaid-lst c.-7,571 lb. (451); 6783 Sprite, 5-yr. av., 5476.8 lb., fat 3.9 to 4.2 (1,581). 2156 Dummy last 2 yrs., 8,324 lb. (290), 6,582 lb. (306). 5431 Dummy 2d-9th c.- 8,049 lb., fat 3.4 (257); her 11177 Doris-lst c.-8,138 lb. (462), and 14855 Dummy 5th-lst c.-6,421% lb. (476); 2d c., 6,021 lb. (288). Barmaid's 6902 Barbara, 2-yr. av., 5830.8 lb. (543). 6902's gr.-dr., 16148 Barbara 4th-lst c.-4,907 lb. (338), 2d c., 6,206 lb. (341). Doris' 14845 Dot-lst c.-4,281V 2 lb. (294). Breed Analysis: Silent Beauty, N. 427.34, S. 213.08, RP. 359.57. The unique record of 2728 Crocus Oil by Cato 468, I told years ago, but it bears repeating. Her 1st c., 11,178% lb. (523 days from 18th September, 1887, to 22d February, 1889), 21 days after 2d c., and milked to 17th April, 1890, 11,450% lb. (397); 3d c. on llth May, and a mishap, which led to the veterinary certifying that she was incapable of further breeding. The order was giyen to milk as long as possible and then fatten. From 19th June, 1890, she milked to 30th. September, 1899. By 31st December, 1891, she had added 15,055 lb. to her record, fat 5.0 to 5.4. In 1898 she gave 3,540% lb. (365), and in the nine months of 1899, 1,690% lb., 6.17 lb. per day on grass feed, fat 4.3; live weight, 1,831 lb., when slaughtered early in October. Total yield in 9 yr. 4 m., 50,593 lb.; her 12 yr., 9 days, 72,221% lb.; dry 51 days only. Crocus' gr.-dam was 1229 Thornham Polly, and 5 generations later 19298 Little Mary, was bought by Mr. A. J. Smith. 1st c., 6,369 lb. (290); 2d c., 8,079 lb. (302); 3d c., 8,868 lb. (336); 4th c., 5,923% lb. (365). Her 20891 Rendlesham Little Mary-lst c.-7,029% lb. (331); 3d c., 7,260% lb. (296) and 22267 Rendlesham Mary, 6,269% lb. (309). 6341 Eyke Ruth O13-lst c.-7,355 lb. (298); 2d c., 5,685 lb. (293). Her 8959 Ruth, 8-yr. av., 6358.62 lb. (2,602). 15728 Rendlesham Pearly- .1st c.-5,864 lb., then .8-yr. av., 8402.37 lb. (2,505); 8th c., 10,752 lb. (332). 22428 Ashmoor Red Rose-lst c.-5,534 lb.; 2d c., 6,112 lb. (353). 31 records of O14. 5374 Creamy-lst c.-5,831% lb. (506). 9006 Comely-lst c.-5,486 lb. (315). 8940 Rosette-3d c.-9,377 lb. (291); 5th c., 12,233 lb. (290); 6th c., 12,654 lb. (341); 7th c., 10,641 (287); 8th c., 10,806 lb. (306); 9th c., 10,392 lb. (330); llth c., 8,943 lb. (364); 12th c. and last, 8,471 lb. (294). Her 10718 Rosebush-lst and 2d c.- 9,033 lb. (350); 3d c., 9,919 lb. (371); 5th c., 10,069 lb. (321); then 2-yr. av., 9160.5 lb. (550). Breed Analyses: Rosette, N. 393.79, S. 494.57, RP. 111.62. Rosebush, N. 373.03, S. 343.37, RP. 283.54. 10718's 17977 Crimson Rambler-lst c.-6,105 lb. (314); 4-yr. av., 6761.75 lb. Sixth in descent from the head of the O14 Family, 772 Cherry O14, while Rosette was 3d in descent, 12919 Rosie Bud, 8-yr. av., 8842.3 lb. (2,508); highest record, 9,773% lb. (365). Her 14149 Rendlesham 36 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE Rose-lst c.-6,043 Ib. (275), and this 1st calf's 18859 Rendlesham Rosa, 5-yr. av., 6833.8 Ib. (1,400). Of other lines of O14 breeding, 19384 Omega-2d c.-9,411% Ib.; 3d c., 11,684% Ib.; 5th c., 10,186 V 2 Ib.; 6th c., 9,595% Ib.; 7th c., 11,450% Ib.; 8th c., 10,342% Ib.; and her 20471 Omega 3d, 9,256 Ib., 9,899% Ib., 10,464 Ib. 20765 Kettleburgh Rosie 3d, 7-yr. old, 12,192% Ib.; her Kettleburgh Rosie 4th, 10,242 V 2 Ib. 19696 Canterbury- 1st c.- 8,266 Ib.; her 21082 Canterbury Bell, 5-yr. av., 6804.2 Ib. (1,452); high- est record, 1915's 8,062 Ib. (279). 10194 Duchess O16-2d c.-9,921 Ib. (362); 4th c., 9,679 Ib. (364); 5th c., 11,843 Ib. (364). Her 12303 Hastoe Damsel-2d c.-6,054 Ib. (320). Nicholas Powell, whose family, farmed at Little Snoring, near Fakenham, 100 years, was, till railways were established, a noted breeder of the Hackney horse. Like many a Norfolk farmer, he thought the novelty would be fatal to the trotting horse. So he turned his attention to the breeding of Red Polled cattle. He knew all the desirable qualities of the stock, as John Reeve had bred them just five miles distant from Snoring, and that the son-in-law, Eng- land, had just parted with his good cows. Their whereabouts he also knew. So of the Binham Red Polled he secured five heifers for 45 Ibs. Further, he knew where the Reeve stock had been well and freely used, got a bull from Fisher Bradfield at Elmham, and later one from Ben Pond at Dunham. That judicious selection for great depth of color, good form, and milk yield well and over a long period had been his rule I found when I visited him in the autumn of 1873. He had kept no memoranda of breeding, but though well in years his mem- ory was good, and I was made to realize that the Powell blood meant at least four parts of every five a Reeve product. Ben' Brown, of Thursford, had, before I knew Powell, bought of his best; had sup- plied and had bred from them, and, as I have said, thus rescued the fruits of Reeve's and Powell's care from the cattle plague. The only available records of PI are descendants of 372 Nelly (gr.-dr. of 243 Handsome, the foundation cow). Nelly's 1069 Penelope, bred by Mr. Fulcher, was added to the Marham herd. Her 3054 Plaus- ible recorded at Whitlingham-lst c.-4,503% Ib. (277), 2d c. 6,164 Ib. (333) ; and her 3040 Palm had two daughters there, 11666 Palm Branch -1st c.-6,223 Ib. (294), then 4-yr. av., 8693.5 Ib. (1,175), and 11667 Palm 3d c.-7,840 Ib. (322). Palm Branch's 18208 Pamela recorded-lst c.-6,043 Ib. (345), 2d c. 5,972 Ib. (314), 3d c. 8,281 Ib. (334). 8821 Pa- tience, 3d in descent from Penelope, made records by her 18784 Pas- sion, 7-yr. av., 7,156.24 Ib.; highest record in 1912, 8,613 Ib, fat 3.8; and 20473 Pansy, 6-yr. av., 8422.16 Ib., followed in 1914 and 1915 by 10,306 Ib., fat 3.99, and 10,472 Ib. P2 records opened with 2263 Ivy, progeny of 1588 Isabel, 3d in descent from 572 Strawberry, the foundation cow. Ivy's 5-yr. av., 5195.75 Ib. (1,689); highest record, 6,166% Ib. (314). Her 6569 Miss Ivy-lst c.-4,129 (322); 11-yr. av., 4,685 Ib., fat 3.5 (3,036). 2044 Bru- nette, bred by Mr. Colman, was at Whitlingham from 3d c., 5-yr. av., 5178.84 Ib., fat 3.2 (1,411). Her gr.-dr., 101916 Aconite, 8-yr. av., 5358.78 Ib. Third in descent from Brunette, 20488 Primrose, 3-yr. av., 7873.5 Ib. (923); and 20786 Mayflower, 4-yr. av., 8623.25 Ib. 1,227); highest record in 1914, 10,654 Ib. (333). Primrose's 23333, The League-lst c-8,781 Ib. (333), 2d c. 7,489% Ib. (286). The Rose P3 Family has been the most successful of the Group in the prize ring and in popularity. In one herd in Norfolk there were DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 37 at the opening of the present year 119 cows and heifers, and in an- other 12 descendants of 479 Rose 2d, while in several other herds the P3 traced back to 600 Thursford 'Rose, another daughter of 478 Rose. There are 56 P3 records. The earliest, 731 Broom, which was in the Stoke herd, and daughter of 479, 10th c., 6,443% Ib. (530); llth c., 8,575 Ib. (340). Her 3896 Brindy-lst c.-4,291 (390). Other gr.-drs. of the same cow, which Mr. Colman bought of B. Brown, made their records at Whitlingham: 2032 Blush Rose, 4-yr. av., 6825.25 Ib. (1339); 7th c., 8,050 Ib (406). 2386 Rosy Morn-2d c.- 6,955V 2 Ib. (286), then 5-yr. av., 7484.4 Ib., fat 3.5 (1,603). 2386 My Lady-2d c.-6,955V 2 Ib. (286), then 5-yr. av., 7484.5 Ib., fat 3.5 (1603). My Lady's 6584 My Lady 2d-2d c.-7,055% Ib., fat 4.0 (294). 6th in descent from 479, 6717 Roseleaf-lst c.-5,662 3 /4 Ib., fat 4.4 (391); 3d c., 7,356% Ib., fat 3.3 (363). 6584's 9086 Young Lady-lst c.- 5,354% Ib. (343). Fifth in descent from 1830 Ruby Rose exported to America in 1882, and which was third in descent from 479 Rose was 12202 Easter, which though in milk 40 days when entering the test, recorded, at the Pan-American Exposition, 6,085 Ib. in 184 days, and produced 264 Ib. butter. Sixth in descent from 479, fourth from 1146 Rose 5th (the dam of Ruby Rose) [41004] Pear's Sister, 7,555 Ib., fat 316.57 (298). The most complete records, coming from 1896 to the present time, of descendants of 479 Rose 2d, have been made at Necton Hall. 7085 Eugenie-4th c.-5,158 Ib., fat 3.8 (365); 8th c., 7,199% Ib., fat 3.25 (352). Her 9120 Baroness-lst c.-4,563 Ib., fat 3.8 (403); and 18309 Sporle Eugenie, 8-yr. av., 7023.56 Ib., fat 3.6 to 4.2 (2,711). Her 22541 Egeria-lst c.- 5,190% Ib., fat 3.6 (300); 2d c., 6,141 Ib., fat 4.9 (306). 8502 Emily, 10-yr. av., 7,672 Ib., fat 3.4 to 4.4 (3,832). Her 18504 Emerald, 3-yr. av., 6,224 Ib., fat 4.06 to 4.6 (937). Breed Analyses: Emily, N. 491.37, S. 101.81, RP. 406.78. Emerald, N. 560.75, S. 94.73, RP. 344.48. Emerald's 21156 Eleanor, 3-yr. av., 6,193 Ib., fat 4.1 to 4.8 (1,090). 9643 Palgrave Rosa, 6-yr. av., 5870.54 Ib., fat 3.6 to 4.15 (2,142). Her 19394 Pearl-lst c.-5,884 Ib., fat 3.5 (348); 3d c., 8,160% Ib., fat 3.25 (358). [23441] Cresco Queen, 8,380.5 Ib., fat 329.67 (328). To 389 Nina 2d P4 most of the recording cows trace back. 2028 Blue Bell-9th c.-7,585^ Ib. (302). Her 2031 Blue Bonnet-3d c.- 7,033V 2 Ib. (312), 4th c. 8,036% Ib. (370), 6th c. 7,603V 2 Ib. (292), 7th c. 6,893 V 2 Ib. (303). 5650 Linda, 5th from 389-7th c.-6,463V 2 Ib., fat 3.6 (273); 8,th c., 7,297V 2 Ib. (301). Her 13767 Linda 3d was transferred after her 1st c. from Whitlingham to Sir Walter Corbet at Acton Reynold, Shrewsbury, where she is yet in Sir Gerald V. Cor- bet's herd, and a 17-yr.-old cow, bred in June, 1915, 25215 Linda 4th. Linda 3d's published record may well be set down year by year-2d c.-8,900% Ib. (329), 9,084V 2 Ib. (336), 9,985 Ib. (319), 10,605% Ib. (345), 11,026% Ib. (344), 10635^ Ib. (351), 9,834% Ib. (305), 8,520% Ib. (312); 15th c., 9,098V 2 Ib. (323). Linda 3d's 20180 Acton Fillpail 1st, 4,615% Ib. (169), 9,847 Ib. (348), ll,027 1 / 2 Ib. (358). Linda 3d's fat record at a R. A. S. E. test was 3.32. On another line of breeding from 389 Nina 2d, through stock bred near Epsom by Sir John W. Hartopp, and taken by Lord Maurice Fitzgerald to Johnstown Castle, Wexford, came 16483 Desiree of Johnstown, whose record at Acton Reynold was-2d .-10,630^ Ib. (316); then 4-yr. av., 9142.3 Ib. (1,247). Another gr.-dr. of 5413 Donna Gloss, 19503 Shamrock-lst c.-5,298% Ib. (184), then 8,413 Ms Ib. (320). Desiree's 1905 R. A. S. E. fat test was: a. m. 4.14, p. m. 38 DUAL PURPOSE CATTLE 5.10; other solids, a. m. 9.04, p. m. 8.97. At the 1907 Dairy Show: . Fat, a. m. 3.91, p. m. 4.49; her butter ratio, 26.88. Breed Analyses: Linda, N. 368.75, s. 7069, RP. 560.54. Linda 3d, N. 547.54, S. 49.46, RP. 492.49. 5413 Donna Gloss, N. 544.92, S. 12.0, RP. 443.06. 9431 Johnstown Gloss, N. 571.57, S. 65.33, RP. 363.05. Desiree of Johnstown, N. 517.05, S. 195.53 RP. 287.37. Yet one more Family of Nicholas Powell's breeding, P7, was in 1880 transferred to Lord Hastings for the newly-formed herd at Mel- ton Constable. Records have been kept from 1893. 8013 Maid of Honoured c.-9,296 Ib. (561), then 4-yr. av., 6,277 Ib. (1,103). Her 18167 Milkmaid, 3-yr. av., 8799.8 Ib. (990); then 5th c. 10,549% Ib. (330), 6th c. 11,277% Ib. (364); and 19901 Mandoline, 4-yr. av., 7000.25 Ib. (1,307); then 6th c., 10,308 Ib. (357). P9 also of the Pow- ell stock has records: 19461 Retreat, lO-yr.-old, 9,691% Ib. (286), 7,188 Ib. (272); and her 21803 Red River, 4-yr. av., 6668.93 Ib., fat 3.77 (1,240). [29285] Lucile, 8,151 Ib., fat 316.38. In Mr. E. Cooke's herd at Stalham was Ql, based probably on Pond stock. 3953 Countess, transferred to Whitlingham-lst c.-6,345 1 /4 Ib. (440), then 4-yr. av., 8799.56 Ib., fat 3.4 to 3.6 (1,260); next 6th c., 10,876% Ib. (343), and 2-yr. av., 8,988 Ib. (637). Her 6270 Coun- tess 2d-lst c.-10,442% Ib. fat 4.3 to 4.7 (560); after 69 days-2d c.- 8,143% Ib. (364); 27 days dry, and began a 5-yr. av., 8807.57 Ib., fat 3.6 to 3.8 (1,688). 6270's 8745 Miss Countess-lst c.-5,972 Ib. (405), 3d c. 7,259 Ib. (347); 9230 Countess 3d-lst and 2d c.-6,450 Ib. (287); and 12107 Celia-lst c.-5,146% Ib. (229), then 2-yr. av., 6997.5 Ib. (655), and 4th c. 10,017% Ib. (350). Also records of 3953 Countess' progeny: 9199 Cherry 2d, 4-yr. av., 6,555 Ib. (1,218); 11292 Glossy, 7-yr. av., 7222.4 Ib. (2,255); highest record-5th c.-8,587 Ib. (343); and 12127 Choice-lst c.-5,179% Ib. (385), then 2-yr. av., 6299.87 Ib. (616). 3863 Beatric