022 118 _^IOSANGEI O 0? T O f ff .2 48 A SHORT ADDRESS TO THI PUBLIC; CONTAININ8 SOME THOUGHTS H O Vf The National Debt may be reduced, AND All Home Taxes, including Land- Tax, abolifhed. BY WILLIAM, LORD NEWHAVEN. LONDON: Printed for J. DE BRETT, oppofite BURLINCTOK- HOUSE, PICCADILLY, 1786. [ Price One Shilling. ] StacR "* Antic* A SHORT ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC; CONTAINING SOME THOUGHTS HOW The National Debt may be reduced, AND All Home Taxes, including Land- Tax, abolifhed. TH E very opprefled flate of this country frgm the enormity of its debt, naturally excites the warmeft atten- tion of every man who has any flake in it, or who is actuated by principles of humanity towards his fellow creatures, B whoft 1140194 whofe happinefs depends on a reafon- able competency, flowing from a well re- gulated induftry. The many expenfive wars, the fatal lofs of America, have all contributed to load this country with taxes, which the utmofl exertion of in- duftry, or the clofeft ftruggle with penury, cannot long fupport. The world is now one great Chamber of Commerce, of which each nation make a part, feverally ftriving by every poffible means to fupplant each other, and that nation which has the feweft taxes, bids faireft for the victory. In this perfuafion it is that I fubmit the following ichemes to your confideration, which, if adopted, and carried into execu- tion with vigour and perfeverance, can- not fail of reducing in a mort time our national debt, and confequently our taxes, which muft diffufe a relief through every branch of our manufactures, and give opulence ( 3 ) opulence and happinefs to a now burdened, but patient and fufferlng people. I am rtill more confirmed in my fan- giiine expectations, from the following fchemes, by the report of the Commif- fioners of the Public Accounts, who in their i ith Report, pages 34 and 36, have thefe remarkable words : " It is expedient that the true ftate of " the national debt mould be difclofed " to the public ; every fubject ought to " know it, for every fubjecl is interefted " in it. This debt is fwelled to a magni- *' tude that requires the united efforts of 44 the ableft heads and pureft hearts to *' fuggefl: the proper and effe6:ual means <( of reduction. The nation calls for the " aid of all its members to co-operate " with government, and to combine in B 2 " carrying " it ( 4 ) " carrying into execution fuch meafures " as fhall be adopted for the attainment " of fo indifpenfible an end. This aid " the fubject is bound to give to the fcate " by every other obligation, as well as " by the duty he owes to his country, " and with fuch general aid, the diffi- culties, great as they appear, will, we truft, be found not unfurmountable r Let public benevolence take the lead " of private interefl ; example may pro- " duce much, and muft begin fome- '* where. An extraordinary, an unpre? *' cedented conjuncture in the finances of a country, may require extraordinary and unprecedented efforts. Every man may dedicate a portion of his income, *' or fome (hare of his affluence, accord- " ing to his faculties, to this great na- " tional object. Let the produce of fuch 44 a general exertion be wifely directed The grofs receipt of duties on goods imported for the year, ending at Michaelmas, 1784, laid before theHoufe ofCom- mons, amounted to -59 22 > l8 9 M " From which dedud drawbacks for fo- reign goods im- ported 971,152 50 Bounties 342,808 5 6 Certficates of da- rnag over en- triesj &c. 44.817 2 o Charges of manage- ment 205,907 17 o ._- : 1,567,685 9 6 = 4>354>54 2 5 545'495 J 7 7 Deficient ( '4 ) Deficient only this fum, which a va- riety of other favings would eafily pro- vide for, without adding frem burthens on the fubjecl:, or it might be charged on the furplus of the-one per cent, or the annual contribution. To give fome idea of the value ofhoufes, I mall juft ftate that the rental of houfes in the fingle hundred of OfTulfton, in the county of Middlefex, on which a three- penny rate was laid, to make good the damage done by the riots in 1780, amounted to the enormous fum of 1,605,0547. fterling, and this not above tw r o thirds of their value. The mode of carrying thefe fchemes into execution, after the papers I have mentioned are produced to parliament, may be by bill, and opening books at the Treafurjr Treafury for all perfons to fubfcribe ac- cording to their feveral rated abilities. No taxes, however, to be taken off, till a permanent and effective fund is actually eilablifhed upon one or other of thefe plans. But it will probably be objected, tkat this mode is new, that it will be at- tended with much trouble to come at the knowledge of peoples property, and that there is not a number of perfons to be found, capable of paying at the rates I have flated, and that the rental is not equal to what I make it. The anfwer to this is plain and obvious, that the fituation of this country is alfo perfectly new, and can- not be faved without infinite trouble, ex- periment and exertion ; now deprived of America, and finking under an unexampled load of debt ; but if there is not numbers and ability to effect either of thefe plans in the extent I propofe, yet they may cer- tainlv ( '6 ) tainly be tried and carried as far as they will go, though I am perfuaded from the communication I have had with the public on this fubjeclr, let the experiment be fairly made, there will be found both inclination and ability in the country to accomplim this great national object; efpecially if Government buys in the different flocks at the price of the day^ fome of which, with the utrnofl: pomblc rife they can have, will flill be confider- ably under par. The fubjet at this moment expects td be called upon for fome extraordinary exertion, however new, under the pa* ternal care of our moil gracious So- vereign, who is ever anxious for the happinefs, profperity, and welrare of his people. Whatever? ( '7 ) Whatever novelty may appear in thefc fchemes, they are, in fome refpecb, not without precedent ; witnefs Demaretz's plan for conducting the finances of France, during a mofl critical period. Twelve commiflioners were appointed for the infpection and the receipt of the then exifting taxes, and fuch others as might in future be charged upon the fubje&i They demanded no falary, the King was at the expence of maintaining the public offices at Paris, and elfe where* All the money that was raifed, was immediately paid into the King's Trea 1 - fury, the twelve directors accounting directly with the commiflioners of the treafury, without the interference of any iifelefs defcription of men, too often D found ( I* ) found in flourifhing flates, but who muft be abolifhed in the hour of national diftrefs. Ten per cent, was laid upon all the eftates in the kingdom, real and perfonaL A deduction took place of ten per cent, upon all peniions and other monies, ifTu- ing out of the Treafury. Confiderable fums were advanced by private indivi- duals ; and ten per cent, was laid on the lands and revenues of the church, which the convocation compounded for. The advantages that will refult to this country by fuch a reduction of the national debt, are infinite, befides the fuperiority it will give us over all other nations, who we fhall be able to under- fell at foreign markets, as every neceffary of life and manufactures will then be purchafed ( '9 ) purchased at their real intrinfic price, without the artificial value now charged upon them, owing to accumulated taxes of every kind. The landed property of Great-Britain will be increafcd in value beyond all be- lief; a circumflance which well deferves the moft ferious .confideration of the country gentlemen. As the taking off all home taxes muft occalion a conlider- able reduction of revenue officers, it may be afked what is to be come of them, who have fpent their beft days in the fervice of the public. To this I have to reply, that fmaller boards of excife and cuftoms muiO: ftill exifl for the collection of duties on goods imported; and fuch as do not make part of thefe boards, their falaries to be continued for life, or till vacancies happen at faid D 2 boards., boards, to which they fhould fucceed by feniority, and their falaries ceafe. Another great advantage of thefa fchemes taking effeft, would be the an- nual faving of the interefr. of foreign moT ney in our funds, the payment of which, at prefent, fwallows up a very conlider- able part of the balance of foreign trade in our favour. Could we confine the borrowing of money within ourfelves, the evil would be lefs, as the intereft would remain at home ; but the borrow- ing of foreigners, carries the intereft out of the country, and has ever been deemed injurious to the public. But it will, per- haps, be urged, that we have the ufe of the money, it is true, if borrowed to carry on trade, which left a confiderable profit, it would be a public benefit, but when borrowed by the State, for the defraying defraying expenfive wars abroad, and ex- ceilive eftablifhments at home, it is a real national evil. Whereas, if, on the other hand, by paying off the debt, we are able to lend money abroad, the interefc returned will be an addition to the balance of our trade, arifing from the exports of our- manufactures, by which alone Great- Britain can be fupported. It is often faid, with no fmall degree of exultation and triumph, that the home taxes produce annually fo many millions, We muit fee through a very narrow me- dium indeed, and be endowed with a very fmall mare of knowledge and in- formation, not to know, that however the produce of thefe taxes may dazzle the eyes of the Public, and make the Exchequer Exchequer overflow, the commerce of the country is in proportion loaded, by its commodities going fo much dearer to foreign markets ; and if the old taxes are continued, and new ones impofed, every year, it will foon amount to a prohibition of our exports, which, in many in- flances, has now only our ftaple commo- dity left, to infure us a market abroad. Thus, from the heft of motives, I ven- ture to lay thefe few imperfect thoughts before a candid Public, in a manner, I truft, fo plain and fimple, that without the labour of much calculation, every man may try them by his own circum- ilances; which, if he does jufHy, and without prejudice, he will plainly fee how much individual and national hap- pinefs muft refult from the adoption of them, by this country being ^delivered from ( 23 ) from Its prefent mod oppreffive debt and taxes, under which, at this moment, our commerce ftaggers, and public ruin ftares the nation in the face. N E W H A V E N. . 20, 1 ' BOOKS printed for J. DEBRETT, op- pofite Burlington-Houfe, Piccadilly. THE PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER, of the laft, being the Second Seflion of the Sixteenth Parliament of Great Britain, Containing an accurate, full, and impartial account of all the Debates of the laft Sef- fion, collated with the notes and papers of fcveral Gen- tlemen, who have very obligingly communicated the fame, in two vols. half bound and lettered. * # * Speedily will be publimed No. i, of the Prefent Seflion. 3* At the defire of feveral Perfons of diftinguifhed abi- lities and rank, tkis work was undertaken. The favour- able reception it has met with during the whole of the two laft Parliaments, not only demands the mcft grateful acknowledgments of the Editors, but encourages them to a continuation of the fame through the prefent Parlia- ment. For this purpofe, and to prevent mifreprefenta- tion, they beg leave again to folicit the afliftaiice of their former friends, and ev^ry other gentleman. A ftrift at- tention will be paid to all their commands and favours ; nor will any aiTiduity or care be wanting to preferve that truth and accuracy, for which this work has hitherto keen diftinguifhcd. The PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER of the for- mer Seffion compleat, being the Firft of the Prefent Parliament. Containing, amongft a great number of interefting Debates, the Debates on Mr. Pitt's India Bill ; n the attain) of the Eaft India Company; on the Par- liamentary Reform; on the Wetlmmfter Ele6tion ; the Report at length of the Privy Council, concern ng the Intercourfe between the Contitieat of America and the Weft- India Ifland', which is no where tlfa rrinred tot fale, &c. &c. in two vols. Price 155. half bound and lettered. The PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER of the lad Parliament, complete, viz. from 1780 to 1784, in fourteen volumes. Pr;ce 5'. 8'. h.l boun^. The PARLIAMENTARY REGIS 1 LR of the for- mer Parliament, from 1774. to 1780, in feventeen vols. tfrice 61. 6s. half bound and leit^ied. The ,*ME-UNIVER% i5 ^ p o <' 4^5 & < 3 V 8 ^ 000286 195