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IN the ancient cathedral and monastic churches of England,
the Martyrology was read daily in the chapter house after prime. 1
For this reading every large church was provided with a book
known as the Martyrologium, which contained not only the brief
notices of saints and martyrs which were read on the day pre-
ceding their celebration and gave the name to the book, but also
the records of the obits of the members of the chapter and of
their benefactors, together with memoranda of various kinds.
Several of these books are still in existence. Qf the Martyro-
logium of Christ Church, Canterbury, two copies have come
down to us. The earlier, which is in the British Museum
(Arundel MS., 68), is a thirteenth century MS. When this had
become antiquated, an illuminated copy was made at the
beginning of the sixteenth century, which is preserved in the
Library of Lambeth Palace (Lambeth MS., 20). This is a large
folio, still in its original leather binding, protected by plates
and corner-pieces of latten. Both of these books contain an
Obituarium as well as the Martyrology.
Another complete Martyrologium is that which belonged to
the Brigettine monastery of Syon in Middlesex (British
Museum, Add. MS., 22, 285), which will be more fully described
Occasionally the Martyrologium is included in the Breviarium,
of which a fine example may be seen in the British Museum
(Harleian MS., 2785).
These Martyrologia were adapted solely to the purposes of
the particular church in which they were used. Even the
Martyrology proper has its variations, according to the locality
1 W. Maskell's Monumenta Pitnalia, 2nd ed. 1882, vol. i. pp. clxx-clxxiv.
in which the book was to be used. They all exhibit variations
and local additions which are often sufficient by themselves to
indicate the church for the use of which the book was written.
Probably these variations may be sufficient to explain the
reason why the Martyrologium is not found amongst the service-
books printed for use in England. It may also be added that
only one copy of the book was actually required in each church
for the use of the reader. 1
But though the Martyrologium was not printed for liturgical
use, there is an interesting English version of it made for private
use by Richard Whytford, a brother of Syon monastery, and
printed by Wynkyn de Worde, as a small quarto, in 1526. Of
this book about seven copies are known to be in existence, of
which some are imperfect.
A reprint of this rare book is now offered to members of the
Henry Bradshaw Society. Its title is :
The Martiloge in englysshe after the vse of tJie chirche of
Salisbury \ and as it is redde in Syon\ with addicyons.
This English version was made, as the translator tells us in
his preface, " for the edificacyon of certayn religyous persones
vnlerned/ that dayly dyd rede the same martiloge in latyn/ not
vnderstandynge what they redde." Thus the motive which led
1 There is some uncertainty as to the custom of reading the Martyrology in parish
churches. The Martyrologium is not among the books which parishioners were
required to provide for their churches by the Constitutions of Archbishop Robert
Winchelsey (Lyndewode's Provinciate, London, W. Bretton, 1505, fo. 137). The
book is not always found in inventories of church goods, but it is found at Cherry
Hinton, Trumpington, Histon, and elsewhere in Cambridgeshire, the book being
sometimes a separate volume, or at other times bound up with the Processionale
or Ordinale. (Churches of Cambridgeshire, pp. 9, 40, 60, 83, 104.)
The Rev. Christopher Wordsworth adds the following note :
" The Martyrology did not appear in the list of seven books which an archdeacon
of Sarum, in his charge, cir. 1485, required as ' sufficient boks . . . whiche ye
are bownde to have.' See Fasti Sarisb. p. 131. Even in the account of the visitation
of prebendal churches and their chapels by the Dean of Sarum in 1220-24 no mention
is made of any martyrology either produced or required. A ' martyrologium ' was
one of the eight or nine books with which Bede had counselled the young priest to
furnish himself before his ordination (De remediis peccatorum cap. i, quoted by
Maskell Mon. Rit.> 2nd ed., 1882, Vol. I. p. xv). But I have not come across
any instance of its purchase being made compulsory by authority."
to the production of this work was the same as that which gave
to the same monastery The Myroure of Oure Lady 1 in the
prologue of which the translator, addressing the " daughters of
Syon," says : "forasmoche as many of you, though ye can synge
and rede, yet ye can not se what the meanynge therof ys
I haue drawen youre legende and all youre servyce in to
Englyshe, that ye shoulde se by the vnderstondyng therof, how
worthy and holy praysynge of oure gloryouse Lady is contente
therin, and the more deuoutely and knowyngly synge yt and
rede yt, and say yt to her worship."
Towards the end of the sixteenth century the Roman
Martyrology was translated into Spanish with similar motives
by the Jesuit Father Dionysio Vasquez, 2 who in his prologue
states that it was made to meet the wants of those brethren
(hermanos) of the Company of Jesus who were ignorant of
Latin, with the hope that it might be useful also to others, who
might be desirous to read " in a language so spread over the
whole world [en una lengua tan esparzida por todo el mondo] a
book so holy and profitable, which kindles our devotion by
living examples, animates our weakness, warms our coolness,
and consoles those distressed and tried by temptations and
trials when they see the noble spirit of the glorious martyrs."
It is added that no tables of the epacts and moons are given,
because the book was for private use, and not for the services of
the choir [porque no hauiendo de seruir esto libro en Romace
para los coros en que se dizen los horas : no lo juzgamos neces-
sario]. The same omission will be noticed in our English
In the seventeenth century an English translation was made
of the reformed Martyrologium Romanum, which the translator
recommended for daily use "in every Catholick family," just as
1 The Myroure of Oure Lady. Printed in London by Richard Fawkes, 1530.
Reprinted for the E.E.T.S., 1873.
2 Martyrologio Romano .... Traduzido ahora nueuamente de lengua Latina en
la Espanola : por el Padre Maestro Dionysio Vasquez de la Campania de IESVS,
Valladolid, 1586.
its Latin orignal was used in every religious community. 1 This
Martyrologe is, of course, purely Roman ; there are no English
saints inserted in addition to those which have a place in the
Martyrologium Romanum, and there is nothing to suggest
that the translator had seen the Martiloge of Richard
It is now necessary to return to the Martiloge of Richard
Whytford, and to examine its claim to be regarded as " after the
vse of the churche of Salysbury/ and as it is redde in Syon."
To test the accuracy of this statement we naturally turn to
the Latin Martyrologium used in Syon monastery, and now
preserved in the British Museum (Add. MS., 22, 285). Some
results of this comparison are given in the Notes in this volume,
and it will be found that the Martiloge of Whytford (excluding
the " addicyons ") is substantially a translation of that actually
in use at Syon monastery.
There are, however, some variations which seem to show that
the copy used by Richard Whytford was not the same as that
which has come down to us. Many of the peculiarities of spel-
ling in the Martiloge are also found in the Syon Latin Martyro-
logium 2 (which for convenience will be referred to as A.) ; but on
1 A copy before me has the title : The Roman Martyrologe set forth by the com-
mand of Pope Gregory XIII. , and reviewed by the Avthority of Vrban VIII. Trans-
lated out of Latin into English by G. K., of the Society of lesvs. The second
edition .... Printed at S. Omers by Thomas Gevbels, 1667.
2 Examples of peculiar spellings common to the Martiloge and A. :
March 19. 1. 5. at surety ke. apud sureticum A., for Surrentum.
Sept. IO. 1. 14. Brydhestane. brydhestani A., for Frithestani.
Sept. 19. 1. 5. pluteolane. pluteolana A., for Puteolana.
Oct. i. 1. 12. In the graild port, in portu granda A., for: in portu Ganda.
On the other hand, the following examples seem to show that the translator had
before him a text which differed in some respects from A. :
Jan. 30. 1. 3. Innouate. nouati A. Some MSS. of Usuard read Innou-
Feb. 8. 1. 3. Coynt. Corinthe A. Cointha is the reading of most MSS.
of Usuard.
May 14. 1. 3. two of the emperours sones. duo philippi imperatores A. It
seems probable that the translator was led into this mistake by a text
with the spelling : duo filippi imperatores. By a stretch of charity
towards R. Whytford, we may further suppose his text to have been :
duo filii imperatoris.
the other hand there are many cases in which the Martiloge has a
reading which is more correct than A. It will also be noticed
that many of the additions to A are not found in the Martiloge.
For example, the two feasts of St. Osmund, his deposition on
Dec. 4, and his translation on July 16 are not in the Martiloge,
though they appear to have been added to A before 1526.
Again, the two feasts of St. Thomas of Canterbury are not
in the Martiloge? though they are both in A, having been erased
in the time of Henry VI I L, and reinserted in the time of Queen
Mary, when for a short time the " daughters of Syon " returned to
their old home, and brought back their Martyrologium with them.
We may then be satisfied that the Martiloge is for the most
part a translation of that which was daily read at Syon ; but the
other claim of its being " after the vse of the chirche of Salis-
bury " remains to be considered. There is a priori reason for
supposing that the Martyrologium used at Syon would be after the
use of Salisbury, because by the Constitutions of the Brigettine
Order, the brothers were ordered to sing mass and office after
the use of the diocese in which any house of the order might be
situated. 2 The monastery of Syon was in the diocese of Lon-
don, in which the old use of St. Paul's was displaced and Sarum
use ordered for adoption by Bishop Clifford in 14 H, 3 the year
before Henry V. granted a charter to Syon monastery, and the
King himself laid the foundation stone in the presence of that
bishop. Thus the Martyrologium used at Syon was doubtless
regarded as being after the use of Salisbury, and the two
May 27. 1. 4. adartens. atrebatensi A. Other MSS. read adartensi.
Nov. 19. 1. 5. Crispy ne. Cipriani A. Crispini is the reading of most
MSS. of Usuard.
It may be added that Diocleciax is the usual spelling of the Martil&ge (Dec. 24
and elsewhere), but that A. always uses the form Dioclicianus.
1 The feast of St. Thomas is placed in, the Addicyons on Dec. 29, but is not in
the Martiloge proper.
2 Sorores erunt sexaginta et non plures que clericos habebunt qui quotidie de
tempore missam et officium quod habetur in ecclesiis cathedralibus illarum terrarum
in quibus huiusmodi monasteria sunt decantabunt. Cap. X. [British Museum, Add.
MS. 5208, fo. 8. b.]
3 The original text of the mandate has been recently printed by Dr. W. Sparrow
Simpson in Proc. of the Soc. Ant. of 'London , vol. xiv. p. 1 1 8.
calendars bound up with it are certainly of that use, with the
slight exception that the second calendar, which contains the
obits, has the Deposition of St. Erkenwald on April 30, and his
Translation on November 14 (the observance of which two feasts
was allowed by Bishop Clifford). There are also the three feasts
of St. Bridget, viz., her Natalis on July 23, her Translation on
May 28, and her Canonization on October 7, and also (in a later
hand) St. Catherine of Sweden on June 25. In the Martyrology
of A. the dedication of the church of Salisbury is noticed on
September 30, and that of St. Paul's, London, on October i.
But before accepting this Syon Martyrologium as after the
use of Sarum, it is further desirable to compare it with other
Martyrologies, which may be supposed to be of the same use.
Unfortunately we have no knowledge of the original Martyro-
logium of the cathedral church of Salisbury, beyond a few
extracts made by John Leland 1 when he saw the book in the
sixteenth century, and these extracts are taken exclusively from
the Obituarium There is, however, a Martyrology contained in
a MS. Brevi&rium ad usum Sarum of the fifteenth century
(British Museum, Harl. MS., 2785), which may be supposed to be
of Sarum use. This has been partly collated in the Notes (where
it is referred to as H), and it will be found that it varies con-
siderably from the Syon version, and is, in particular, remarkable
for the long notice of St. Oswald on Feb. 28.
Another Martyrology in the British Museum (Roy. MS., 2
A. xiii) has on the verso of its last leaf a list oifesta duplicia and
festa maiora duplicia in ecclesia Sarum, and it may be inferred
that the book was intended for use in connection with barurn
rites. But in this MS. the notices of English saints differ from
those in the Harleian and Syon MSS.
The Canterbury Martyrologium again, from which the
extracts relating to English saints are printed in the Appendix
to this volume, confines its notices of English saints in greater
part to the Archbishops of Canterbury and Kentish saints, and,
1 Itinerary of John Leland, edited by Thomas Hearne, 3rd ed., Oxford, 1769,
vol. iii, p. 95.
as might have been expected, the notices of St. Thomas on the
feasts of his martyrdom and his translation are unusually full.
There is also a commemoration, probably peculiar to Canterbury,
of the return of St. Thomas to Canterbury after his exile (Dec. 2).
Whilst these books differ amongst themselves in the notices
of English saints, they all agree, in common with most mediaeval
Martyrologies of the Western Church, in having for their basis
the Martyrology compiled in the ninth century by Usuard, a
monk of Paris. From the materials consulted we cannot deter-
mine that the Martyrologe of a church following Sarum use was
required to be anything more than a variant of Usuard, with
additions of English saints selected according to local circum-
The Syon Martyrologium is of this class. It closely follows
a rather corrupt text of Usuard, and has numerous variations and
additions. Its most remarkable peculiarity is the long notice of
St. Mary of Egypt on April 2, and the four feasts of St. Edward,
King and Martyr, viz., on Feb. 13, Feb. 18, March 18, and June
20. Nearly all English calendars and Martyrologies record the
martyrdom of St. Edward on March 1 8, and his translation on
June 20 ; but the Syon book not only has these, but two addi-
tional celebrations, on Feb. 18, of the receiving (Adventus) of
the Martyr's body at Shaftesbury from Wareham, and a trans-
lation on Feb. 13.
These notices are such as we should expect to find in a Marty-
rologium for the use of Shaftesbury, where the body of St. Edward,
King and Martyr, was shrined in great honour. The Shaftes-
bury character of the book is confirmed by the notices of St.
Elgiva, whose name appears on May 18 as Eluina in A, and in
the blundered form "Elene" in the Martiloge ; and on Dec. 21,
where again we have Eluina in A, but " Ewyne " in the Martiloge.
At the same time, as Shaftesbury is only twenty miles from
Salisbury, it is just possible that these notices might have been
inserted in a Salisbury Martyrology. 1
1 The two February feasts of S. Edward appear in the Calendar of the Red
Book of Derby (The Leofric Missal, ed. F. E. Warren, Oxford, 1883, p. 271).
The Addicyons. We have seen that the Martiloge proper is
a translation of the Martyrologium which was read daily in
capitulo. The translator has, however, supplied his readers with
'* addicyons " which have no liturgical authority of any kind.
The names of saints given by him are in many cases not found
in other Martyrologies or accredited Calendars, but are gathered,
as we are told in his Preface, from \hzLegendaAurea of Jacobus
de Voragine, the Catalogus Sanctorum of Petrus de Natalibus,
and other sources, including the Sanctiloge, which we might be
inclined to identify with the Sanctilogiiim of John of Tinmouth,
of which a copy exists in the British Museum, (Cottonian MS.,
Tiberius, E. I.) But fortunately the Catalogue of the Library
of the Brothers of Syon Monastery is preserved amongst the
MS. treasures in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cam-
bridge, and we are thus enabled to see what books Richard
Whytford was able to consult.
The books are all entered with the names of their donors, 1
press-marks, titles, and the first words of their second folio for
the purpose of identification. The two volumes of which the
Sanctilogium consisted are thus entered :
Prima pars Sanctilogii Saluatoris de legenda et historiis sanctorum
continens libros &. cum tabula de nominibus sanctorum infra conten-
torum et kalendario generali secundum ordinem martilogii in principio
Secunda pars Sanctilogii Saluatoris continens libros septem residues
1 Among the names of the donors we find many times " Whytforde " who was
perhaps the wealthy uncle of our Richard Whytford, also " Wynkyn," i.e., Wynkyn de
Worde, who presented copies of his Ortus Vocabulorum and Nona legenda Anglic,
but his Martiloge does not appear in the Catalogue.
The name of the subsequent destroyer of the peace of Syon is also recorded
amongst the donors :
REX HENRICUS OCTAUUS. ..23. 2 fo.. dicamus ut
Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martinum Lutherum edita ab illustris-
simo Rege nostro henrico, eius nominis octauo..
For the opportunity of examining this most interesting record I am indebted to
the courtesy of the Rev. J. R. Harmer.
Thus we see that the Sanctilogium Saluatoris would have
supplied suitable material for the " addicyons," and as there
does not appear to have been a copy of the Sanctilogium of
John of Tinmouth in the Syon Library, we can hardly be wrong
in supposing that it was the former of these books which
Richard Whytford made use of, and referred to as the
All the other books which are referred to in the Preface as
having been used for the Addicyons are also found in this
Catalogue (see Notes, p. 206).
When we begin to study the " Addicyons " it will be found
that they have been put together in a somewhat careless and
unsystematic manner. There is comparatively little in them
which is specially English. A very large proportion of the
matter has been obtained from the Catalogus Sanctorum. In
the month of January no less than fifty-two saints out of a total
of ninety-two have been taken from this book.
The saints drawn from other sources are mostly British
worthies, or hermits of the desert, and in making his selection
the translator seems to have been generally guided by his love
of the marvellous. The wild extravagance of the legends which
he relates in the " Addicyons " stands out in contrast to the
comparative soberness of the Martyrology proper. 1
As examples of want of care, we find certain saints not only
mentioned in the Martiloge on the proper day of their celebra-
tion, but also given again in the " addicyons " either on the
same day or on a day or two before or after. For example,
1 The earliest Martyrologies, such as the Hieronymian, contains only the name,
place, and day of the passion of the martyrs. The Martyrology of Bede has short
histories added to the names, and this process was extended by Ado, archbishop of
Vienne, who filled up many days left vacant by Bede. Then Usuard, a monk of Paris,
towards the end of the ninth century condensed the work of Ado, and produced his
Martyrology, which has been the basis of the Syon, as well as of most Western Mar-
tyrologies. For further information see Art. " Martyrology " in Smith and Cheetham's
Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, 1880, ii. p. 1132 ; and also the learned disserta-
sions of Baronius in his edition of Marty rologiwn Romanum, Romae, 1586 ; of Floren-
tinius in his Vetustius Occidentalis Ecdesice Martyrologium, Lucae, 1668 ; and of
Sollerius in the Bollandist Acta Sanctorum^ Junii, torn. vi.
" Grymbald " of " wynchester," in July 7, Add., is the same as
" Grubald " of " wentane " on July 8 ; and on this latter day
St. Kilian of Wurzburg is mentioned no less than three times,
viz., as Ciliane and Kyliane in the Martiloge proper, and again
as Ciliane in the " addicyons." So, too, his companions are
mentioned first as Colonare and Conace, and reappear in the
" addicyons " as Colonate and Romane.
Mistakes of other kinds are not uncommon. Thus, on
May 7, we find the early church of Queen Bertha described as
"saynt Martyns in london"; and on November 12 we read of
" Salomon and his sone leroboam."
We may also notice that some of the saints in the " Ad-
dicyons," such as " saynt Rowlande " and " saynt Olyuer " on
June 1 6, and the story of Amilius and his Amicus on October 4,
belong rather to the regions of romance than to hagiology ;
though it must be acknowledged that they are also to be found
in the Catalogus Sanctorum.
The British Saints in the Martiloge. To facilitate comparison
with other English Martyrologies it may be useful to give accord-
ing to the order of the calendar a list of the British Saints in the
Martiloge, distinguishing by italics those which occur only in the
A. Additional MS., 22, 285.
D. Drummond Missal.
U denotes the names found also in Usuard's Martyrology.
Inverted commas mark words according to the spelling of the
Square brackets give additional particulars from other sources.
5. St. Edward, K.C., at Westminster.
Octave of St. Thomas of Canterbury.
8. St. Wolsyn, bishop of Sherborne.
9. Translation of St. Judocus (' Nidoke') at Winchester ( wentane')
St. Adrian, abbot of Canterbury.
12. St. Aired, abbot [of Rievaulx, d. 1 166].
St Benedict Biscop, abbot of Wearmouth.
13. St. Kentigern, B.C.
15. St. Dorothy or Sythe [= St. Ita], in Ireland.
1 6. St. Fursey, C. U.
St. Sigvbert, K.M.
St. Henry, hermit of Coquet Island, Northumberland.
1 8. ' Saynt Vulstane,' B.C., ' at wyllenchester,' see Notes, Jan. 18
St. Deicolus, abbot.
19. Translation of St. Branwallatour, B.C. [at Milton Abbas].
St. Wulstan ('Vulstane '), B.C., at Worcester.
20. St. Fechin ( ' Fekyne'), abbot in Ireland.
29. St. Gildas [' gildas sapiens.' A.].
30. St. Batildis, Queen.
1. St. Brigide or Bryde, V., in Ireland [' Scotlonde']. U.
2. St. Laurence, archbishop of Canterbury (' doroberne ').
3. St. Werburg (' warburge '), V. [at Chester].
4. St. Gilbert, C. [of Sempringham].
St. Aldate ('Eldade'), B.C. at Gloucester.
6. .S^S". Mele, Melke, Munyse, bishops, and St. Ryoke, abbot, all sons of St.
Darerke and nephews of St. Patrick of Ireland.
St. Fynian, abbot in Ireland.
7. St. Augulus, B.M., at London ['august']. U.
St. Richard, K.C., father of SS. Willibald, Winibald and Walburga.
9. St. Theliaus, Elios or Eliud [= St. Teilo].
10. St. Merwin (' Merpwyn') [first abbess of Romsey].
13. Translation of St. Edward, K.M. (* confessour') [at Shaftesbury].
St. Ermenilda [Queen of Mercia, afterwards abbess of Ely].
17. St. Finian, Pr. C., in Scotland [Fintanus]. U.
1 8 The Receiving [' Adventus.' A.] of St. Edward, K.M., at Shaftesbury
St. Endehne, V. [= Ethelina, see Notes, Feb. 18].
20. St. Wulfrick (* Wolryke '), born near Bristol.
St. Bolke, in Ireland.
24. St. Ethelbert ('Atheibert'), K.C.
25. St. Walburga (' Walpurge '), V.
28. St. Oswald, archbishop of York, at Worcester.
St. Ayd, in Ireland.
1. St. David, archbishop in Wales.
2. St. Chad, B.C., at Lichfield.
St. Cedde, B.C., brother of St. Chad.
St. Willyam, Priest, 'in the tyme of the Emperour Henry ye thyrde.' 1
3. St. Winwalloc (' wynewale '), abbot, C.
5. St. Cieran ('Ciaue'), in Ireland.
St. Peran or Keran, in Cornwall [the same as the above].
6. St. Kyneburga, abbess [of Dormundcastor, now Castor, near Peter-
borough], St. Kyneswide, her sister, and St. Tybbe, her kinswoman.
7. St. Esterwyne, abbot of St. Paul's [J arrow].
8. St. Felix, B.C., apostle of East Anglia.
St. Fenan (Senan. D.), in Ireland.
12. St. Alphege, bishop of Winchester (' wentane').
1 6. St. Fynan, in Ireland.
St. Abbane or Kyryne, 'whose syrname was Boniface,' in Scotland.
17. St. Patrick, B.C., in Ireland ('in scotlonde'). U.
St. Withburga (' witburge '), V.
1 8. Passion of St. Edward, K.M.
St. Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury.
20. St. Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne. U.
24. St. Hildelyth, V., abbess of Barking.
St. Sebba, K.
St. Mackartyne (Meic Cairthinn. D.).
26. St. Fincfittt(S'mchdL D.), abbot in Ireland.
29. St. Gundleus, K., hermit.
1 Cf. R. Stanton's Menology of England and Wales, 1887, p. 671.
3. St. Richard of Chichester, B.C.
4. St. Tiernake (Tigernach. D.), in Ireland.
7. St. Bernake.
ii. St. Guthlac [hermit at Crowland].
13. St. Caradoke, Priest, hermit, at Brecknock.
15. St. Paternus or Padarn, B.C.
St. William of Norwich, Boy- Martyr.
1 8. St. Lafreane (= Laisrean), abbot.
19. St. Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury, M.
21. Deposition of St. Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury.
24. St. Mellitus, B.C., archbishop of Canterbury (619-624). U
St. Egbert, Priest.
{Translation of] St. Wilfrid, archbishop of York.
Invention of St. Ive.
29. Translation of St. Edmund, K.M.
St. Wilfrid, junior, archbishop of York.
30. Deposition of St. Erkenwald, B.C., at London.
I. St. Walburge, called also { Gauburge,' V.
7. Deposition of St. John Beverley, B.C.
St. Letard, B.C.
8. St. Catald, in Ireland [afterwards bishop of Tarentum].
St. Indractus ( Indrake'), K.M., in Ireland.
10. St. Congall, abbot in Ireland.
St. William, ' borne in englond.'
11. St. Fremund, K.M.
13. St. Maeldoke, C., in Ireland.
14. St. Carthake, bishop in Ireland.
15. St. Brithivyne, abbot of Beverley.
16. St. Brendan [or Brandon], abbot in Ireland.
St. Carantock, called also ' Ceruach, 3 C., in Ireland.
18. Translation of St. 'Elene, quene and empresse' [= Elgiva, 1 queen of
Edmund I].
19. St. Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury.
20. St. Ethelbert (' Adalbert'), K.M., at Hereford.
21. St. Godric of Finchale (' fynthall ').
25. St. Aldhelm, B.C., at Malmesbury ('mildunens ').
26. St. Augustine, B.C., Apostle of England. U.
Venerable Bede (' called y e worshypfull ').
28. St. Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury.
1 Eluina. A. Cf. Martyrologium in British Museum (Roy. MS., 2 A.
xiii) : In britannia apud Sheftesburiam natale sancte ^Elgiue anglorum
St. ^Elgiva also appears on this day (May 18) in the calendars of 'The
Red Book of Derby' and the Missal of Robert of Jumieges (see Warren's
Leofric Missal, pp. 272, 280).
In the Litany of a MS. Psalter in the British Museum (Landowne, 383,
fo. 147) we find Elgiua under the form Eluiua, which is not far removed
from Eluina.
r. St. Wistan, K.M. at Evesham (' ewsham').
2. St, Odo, archbishop of Canterbury.
3. St. Kenyne, bishop in Ireland [Coemgin. D.].
4. St. Petrock (' Patryke'), C.
5. St. Boniface, B.M., bishop of Mainz, born in England. U.
6. St. Goodwale, B.[St. Gudwal of Cornwall, afterwards bishop of St. Malo].
7. Translation of St. Wulstan, bishop of Worcester.
St. Colman, bishop in Ireland.
St. Robert, abbot [of Newminster, near Morpeth].
8. St. William, archbishop of York.
9. St. Columba (' Columbane'), in Scotland. U.
Translation of St. Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury.
10. St. Ithamar, [bishop of Rochester.]
{Translation of] St. Ive ( ( yue j ).
St. Margaret, Q. of Scotland.
JUNE- continued.
14. [Translation of] St. Brandane (or Brandon), abbot in Ireland.
1 5. Deposition of St. Eadburga, V. [at Pershore].
1 6. Translation of St. Richard, B.C., of Chichester.
17. St. Botulph, abbot.
St. Molyng, bishop in Ireland.
20. Translation of St. Edward, K.M.
21. Translation of St. Werburg (' warburge 3 ) of Chester.
St. ' Cassiane] C., * in englond.'
22. St. Alban, M. U.
St. Winifred (' wenefrede '), V.M.
23. St. Etheldreda (' Audre '), V. U.
24. St. Bartholomew of Durham.
25. St. Kyneburga (' Keneburge'), V., at Gloucester.
St. Amphibalus, M., with St. Alban.
St. Milburga, V. [abbess of Wenlock].
27. St. Benignus (' Bemonus '), C., at Glastonbury.
1. SS. Aaron andjutius, MM.
2. Deposition of St. Swithun, B.C.
St. Oudoceus (' Ondoce '), bishop of Llandaff.
5. St. Modwen, V.
St. Anselm, C. (Cat. Sanct. vi. 57).
St. Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury (Cat. Sanct. vi. 56).
6. St. Sexburga.
7. [Translation of St. Thomas of Canterbury, in A., but omitted in Marti-
St. Hedda, B.C.
St. Ethelburga ('called Alborowe'), V.
St. Erkengode, daughter (' sister ') of St. Sexburga.
St. Grimbald, abbot of New Minster or Hyde, at Winchester.
8. St. Grimbald, abbot at Winchester.
St. Neot, C.
Translation of St. Withburga (' Wydburge 3 ).
13. St. Mildred, V. [abbess of Minster].
St. Juthware, V., ' in englond.'
15. Translation of St. Swithun, B.C.
St. Deusdedit, archbishop of Canterbury.
16. [Translation of St. Osmund, B.C., added secunda manu in A., but
omitted in Martiloge.]
17. St. Kenelm, K.M.
1 8. St. Eadburga.
20. St. Arildis.VM. (' Aryld'), at Gloucester.
St. Modmund, M., at Gloucester.
25. St. Jtidocus, hermit, C. [not in English calendars on this day. Cf
Jan. 9 and Dec. 13].
30. St. Tadwin, archbishop of Canterbury.
31. St. Neot ('Neoche'), Pr., C.
SS. Wolfade and Rufyne, sons of King Wolfere, MM.
1. Deposition of St. Ethelwold (' Adelwold '), B.C., at Winchester.
St. Hugh, Child-Martyr, of Lincoln.
St. Kenede [hermit in Wales].
2. Invention of St. Alban, M.
3. St. Wallene or Waltheof\zb\>v\. of Melrose, d. 1159].
5. St. Oswald, K.M. U.
St. Thomas, monk [of St. Martin's, Dover, M., 1295].
12. St. Eadwold, hermit (' Ethelwold ').
1 8. St. Fiacre, C, born in Ireland [hermit near Meaux].
St. Daygens [Dega. D.], C. in Ireland.
20. St. Oswin, K.M.
21. St. Moghteiue, abbot in Ireland.
23. St. Eugene [Eogain. D.], abbot in Ireland.
25. St. Ebbe, V. [abbess of Coldingham].
St. Ebbe [V.M., abbess of Coldingham].
St. Edburt, K., monk.
26. St. Brigwin, archbishop of Canterbury.
29. St. Edwold, K., hermit [near Shaftesbury].
31. St. Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne, at Glastonbury (' glastingens ').
St. Cuthburga, V. [at Wimborne].
St. Eanswyde, V. [at Folkestone].
4. Translation of St. Cuthbert.
Translation of St. Birinus, bishop [of Dorchester].
6. St. Maculin [Meic Cuilinn. D.], C. in Ireland.
7. St. Dunstan [placed here in error, see Notes, Sept. 7].
St. Alhmund (' Alkunde'), bishop of Hexham.
9. St. Queranus or Keranus. U.
St. Mod wen, V. [at Polesworth].
St. Osman, V., in Ireland.
St. Wulfhild wolsyld '), abbess of Barking and Horton.
10. St. Frithstan (' Brydhestane '), bishop of Winchester (909-931).
Translation of St. Ethelwold ('Adelwold'), at Winchester.
Translation of St. Augustine, apostle of England.
St. Pynan or Wynyn, B.C., in Ireland.
12. St. Albey [Ailbus, D.], in Ireland.
1 6. St. Edith of Wilton (' wynchester ').
SI. Ninian (' Mynyane'), B.C.
19. St. Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury.
2 5. St. Ceolfrid (' Golfryde '), abbot of Jarrow (' iarevve ').
St. Barry, bishop in Ireland.
26. St. Colman Elo (' Colmauell '), in Ireland.
28. St. Forseus ('Fors'), bishop in Ireland.
30. Dedication of the church of Salisbury.
1. St. Melour, son of the duke of Cornwall.
Dedication of St. Paul's, London.
2. Deposition of St. Thomas of Hereford.
OCTOBER continued.
7. St. Osyth, V.M. [at Chic, now St. Osyth, in Essex].
8. St. Iwigius ('yve'), [iui. A.]
St. Keyna or Keynivir, d. of St. Breghan, * kynge of breknoke.'
9. St. Aymon, archdeacon of Canterbury.
10. St. Paulinus, archbishop of York.
11. St. Canitius ('Canuke'), in Scotland. U.
St. Ethelburga, V. [abbess of Barking].
12. St. Wilfrid, B.C., of York.
St. Edwin, K.M., of Northumberland.
13. Translation of St. Edward, K.C.
1 7. Translation of St. Etheldreda (' Awdre '), V.
SS. EthelredvaA Ethelbright, MM.
19. St. Frideswide, V.
St. Ethebyne (or Ethbin), abbot in Ireland.
20. The Dedication of the church of Syon.
St. Acca (' Akke 3 ), B.C., of Hexham.
21. Ordination of St. Duns tan.
23. St. Elflede, V. [third abbess of Romsey].
25. [Translation of] St. John of Beverley, B.C.
27. St. Abbany, in Ireland.
29. St. Elflede, V. Cf. Oct. 23.
30. Ordination of St. Swithun, B.C.
31. St. Foyllane, B.M., of Ireland.
2. St. Malachi, bishop in Ireland. Cf. Nov. 5.
St. Herke (Erccus. D.), bishop in Ireland.
3. Translation of St. Edith, V.
St. Winifred, V.M.
St. Kenelm.
St. Clitanke, M.
St. Rumwold, C., at Buckingham.
4. St. Birnstan (' Brinstane ; ), bishop of Winchester.
St. Clare, M., born at * Orchester.'
5. St. Malachi [archbishop of Armagh, d. 1148].
6. St. Iltute, cousin of King Arthur.
7. St. Willibrord, bishop [of Utrecht].
8. St. Keby, bishop in Cornwall.
10. St. Just, archbishop of Canterbury (' Yorke ').
14. Translation of St. Erkenwald, B.C.
St. Dubricius, bishop of Llandaff.
St. Constant, abbot in Ireland.
St. Laurence [archbishop of Dublin (1162-1180)].
1 6. St. Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury, d. at Pontigny [1240].
17. St. Hugh, bishop of Lincoln.
St. Hilda, V., abbess (' in yrelonde ').
1 8. St. Hilda, V., abbess [of Whitby].
20. St. Edmund, K,M.
21. St. Columban, abbot. U.
23. St. Columban, in Italy [at Bobio], a repetition of the above.
24. St. Kenan [Cianan. D.], in Ireland.
3. Deposition of St. Birinus, B.C.
St. Lucius ('Lucy'), K.C.
4. [Deposition of St. Osmund, B.C., added secunda manu in A., but not
noticed in the Martiloge.']
5. St. Justinian, hermit, M., at St. David's.
7. St. Boetius [Butus. D.], bishop in Ireland.
12. St. Finian ('Fynany'), in Ireland.
13. Deposition of St. Judocus (' ludoke').
St. Columba (' Columby '), abbot in Ireland.
19. St. Samdyne [Samthainna. D.], V. in Ireland.
21. St. 'Ewyne' (Eluina. A.), Queen. Cf. May 18.
St. Berenwald, Pr. M., at Bampton (' betony '), Oxon.
28. St. Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury, M.
29. [St. Thomas of Canterbury in A., but not in Martiloge proper.]
Passion of St. Thomas of Canterbury, M.
30. St. Egivin ('Ewgyne'), bishop of Worcester, d. 717 [at Evesham].
The greater number of the saints contained in the above
lists (excluding those in the " addicyons") are found in early
English Calendars. For instance, if a comparison is made with
"the Red Book of Derby" (MS., C.C.C.C., No. 422), it will be
seen that out of fifty-four English saints in its Calendar, 1 no. less
than fifty-two are also in the Martiloge. They are also to be
found in the treatise De Sanctis qui in Anglica patria requi-
escunt, of which there are several variants in Latin and also in
Anglo-Saxon. 2
Richard Whytford. Of Richard Whytford, as the translator
of the Martiloge and compiler of the " addicyons," it may be
well to say a few words. According to Wood's Athena
Oxonienses (Ed. Bliss, 1813, pp. 132-4) he was educated at
Oxford, and afterwards became chaplain of Richard Foxe,
Bishop of Winchester in the time of Henry VII. He is said
to have been acquainted with Sir Thomas More, 3 and also with
Erasmus, 4 but the only expression in the Martiloge which at all
1 The Leofric Missal (ed. F. E. Warren), p. 272.
2 A collation of some of these is given by F. Liebermann, Die Heiligen Englands>
Hannover, 1889.
3 More's Life of Sir Thomas More, ed. Hunter, 1828, Chap. III. p. 46.
4 Cf. Desiderii Erasmi Opera Omnia, Lugd. Batavorum, folio, 1703, vol. III.
p. 7, where there is a letter which appears by the Index to this work to have been
addressed to Richard Whytford, but we have no certainty that this is our Richard.
He is addressed as " Ricarde candidissime cura ut bene valeas, teque tua
philosophia oblectes. "
implies any sympathy with the opinions of the latter is the
marginal note on April 21 (Add.), appended to the account of
Ulphilas (' Gulphyle ') : " Note here how dilygent holy faders
were to traslate holy scripture I to the moder togue and
comune language."
Richard Whytford afterwards became a brother in the
Brigettine monastery of Syon in Middlesex, of which an uncle
of the same name, who died in 1511, had previously been a
brother. The elder Richard Whytford was a wealthy clerk
possessed of lands at Hope, Whitford, and elsewhere, both in
Cheshire and also in Lancashire. The numerous presents of
books which stand in the name of Whytford in the Catalogue
of the Syon Library probably came from him.
Our Richard Whytford, the younger, was the author or
translator of many books, written whilst he was a brother of
Syon. A list of them is given by Bliss in his edition of Wood's
Athena Oxonienses. The best known are a translation of the
Rule of St. Augustine, The Martiloge, printed by Wynkyn de
Worde in 1526, The Pype\ or Tonne I of the lyfe of Perfection,
printed by Robert Redman in 1532 ; and a translation of
Imitatio Christi, entitled The Folowinge of Christe, which was
printed in 1556 and again in I585. 1
In the Martiloge, as well as in other of his books, Richard
Whytford signs himself in self-depreciation as " the wretche of
Syon," and in The Pype or Tonne of tJie Lyfe of Perfection as " the
olde wretched brother of Syon." He evidently took for his
model the saint whom he describes as " a man of grete notable
mekenes, so that whan a rude persone in dyspleasure called hym
wretche, he lowly thanked hym" (p. 150. Cf. also p. 158).
During the troublous times of the visitation of Syon
Monastery by the Commissioners of Henry VIII., Richard
Whytford is several times referred to as having incurred the
displeasure of these unscrupulous visitors. In one of Thomas
BedylFs letters to Secretary Cromwell, dated Aug. 28, 1534,
1 This has lately been reprinted with modernized spelling and an Introduction by
Dom Wilfrid Raynal, O.S.B., London, 1872.
there is a passage recounting that " on Sunday last, one Whit-
ford, one of the most wilful of that house, preched, and wold
speke no word of the Kinges Grace said title [supreme Hed of
the Churche of England] ; and this man hath but small lernyng,
but is a greate rayler." 1
At the suppression of Syon Monastery in 1539, Richard
Whytford received a pension of eight pounds per annum, 2 and is
said to have lived in retirement with William Blount, Lord
Montjoy. 3 There is some uncertainty as to the exact date of
his death. In the copy of The Pype or Tonne of the lyfe of
Perfection preserved in the Library of Lambeth Palace (xxviii.
I. 6), on the verso of the first leaf, below the name of " The olde
wretched brother of Syon/ Richarde Whytford," a sixteenth cen-
tury hand has written, " obijt ano dni 1542."
Richard Whytford as a translator. We have just read the
opinion of Thomas Bedyll concerning Richard Whytford that
he was a man of " small lernyng." Unfortunately, his work as a
translator does not enable us to disprove this statement. Even
after making allowance for the standard of scholarship at the
beginning of the sixteenth century, we are unable to regard the
learning of Richard Whytford as anything but " small." We
may at once concede that he did not attempt close accuracy,
but was satisfied if he could convey the general sense to his
readers. Thus, he perhaps considered himself justified in
rendering " cameli " by " mules " on Feb. 27, but it is not
quite so easy to excuse him when he translates "in portu
Romae" by " in a gate of Rome" (Aug. 22, 23; Sept. 5), or
"via Claudia" by "the village of clawde." On July 5, "que
dum ad confessionem beati petri apostoli oraret " is turned into
" bycause she praysed the vertue of saynt Peter," and the mistake
is repeated on the following day.
Again, his knowledge of geography could not have been
1 Aungier's History and Antiquities of Syon Monastery , 1840, p. 436.
Aungier, I.e., p. 90. 3 //>., p. 535.
extensive when we find him turning the river Tiber into " the
cite of tyberym " (March 24).
Our translator often gets himself into difficulties by his
fondness for offering explanations of words unfamiliar to him-
self and to his readers. Thus he is certainly very wide of the
mark when he explains the torture known as " equuleus " as
"an huge instrument of metall made lyke a hors/ all full of
pryckes and hote as fyre " (Feb. 6) ; and the " olympiades " as
"a notable date amonge the iewes " (Dec. 25).
We may also notice that when he is in difficulty as to the
translation of certain forms of torture, he cuts the matter short
by the convenient phrase, " many variaunt and cruell turmentes "
(Dec. 30, and elsewhere). On the other hand, he frequently
adds expressions to the text with a view to increasing the
piquancy of his narrative. Thus, on Feb. I, "leones" be-
comes with him " wode and rampynge lyons." And in order
to round off his sentences, descriptive phrases not found in the
original are often added, such as, " that was a pyteous man
and of hygh perfeccyon " (Jan. 2), " of synguler vertue and
holynes" (Apr. 19), "w l grete solempnite and moche loyfull
honour" (March 31).
When we come to the proper names, there are many errors
caused by mistakes which easily occur in reading a mediaeval
MS. Thus, f was read as a long s, giving us Sawster for
Fawster (Feb. 6), and Sawstyne for Fawstyne (May 22), and
tu was read as ni, giving "Nidoke" for "Judoke" (Jan. 9).
Some mistakes of this kind had already occurred in the Latin
original, and they must not all be laid upon Richard Whytford.
In treating the Latin names of persons, the translator has
not been very successful in finding satisfactory equivalents
in English. Thus with him "Lucy" does duty for Lucius
(Dec. 3), and for Lucia (Sept. 16) ; so too Victor is used
not only as a masculine but also for the female Victoria
(Dec. 23). Occasionally we are glad to welcome the colloquial
names of the sixteenth century, such as Agas for Agatha,
Audry for Etheldreda, Alborowe for Ethelburga, Pernell for
Petronilla, Benet for Benedict, Effam for Euphemia, Rewle for
But the names of places were a greater stumbling block to
Richard Whytford than the names of persons. Such names as
Sicilia and Cilicia, Phrygia and Frisia, Sirmium and Smyrma, are
continually interchanged.
For most of the Latin names of places he was unable to
give any English equivalent, but contented himself with the
original word, not always changing the oblique case of the word,
or the adjectival forms used in Latin for describing the see of a
bishop. Thus we have such words as " trecas " for Troyes
(Trecae), "calcidy" for Chalcis, "assisiour" for Assisii, "pic-
tauis " for Poitiers, " ephesum " for Ephesus (July 27), " arela-
tens " for Aries, " atrebacens" for Arras, " tolosane" for Toulouse,
and " ratisponens " for Ratisbon.
Among the names of foreign places we have the vernacular
English lor a few of them, such as Parys, Rone (Rouen), Reme
(Rheims), Orlyaunce, Naples, and a few others ; and occasionally
a familiar English name is made to serve for several distinct
Latin ones. Thus, " Oxforde " not only represents Oxonium
(Dec. 21), but also Oximae, Exmes in Normandy, on Dec. 29,
and Oxona, Burgo de Osma in Spain, on Apr. 2. So too
" Venyse " does duty not only for Venetia but also for Venusia,
Venosa (Oct. 24) ; and even " englonde " stands not only for
Britannia, but also for Britannia Minor (Brittany), as in the
" addicyons " on Oct. 24.
The names of places in England seem to have presented no
less difficulty than the foreign ones. Even " Wentana civitas " is
left as " wentane," although Syon was only separated from the
diocese of Winchester by the river Thames ; and Dorobernia
remains as " doroberne," except on Nov. 10, where "dorobern-
ensis " is confused with " Eboracensis," and St. Just is made
" archebysshop of yorke."
The Martyrologium of Syon Monastery (British Museum, Add.
MS. 22285). The history of this book is so closely connected
with the fortunes of the " daughters of Syon," that a few words
must be said about the monastery itself. 1
The monastery of St. Saviour and SS. Mary the Virgin and
Bridget of Syon was founded in Middlesex by King Henry V.
in 1415, and was the only Brigettine house in England. Like
other monasteries of this Order it was a double foundation for
Sisters and Brothers, each with a separate enclosure. It was
suppressed by Henry VIII. in 1539, when many of the Sisters
retired to the Continent, and continued to live together according
to the rule of their Order. By Queen Mary the daughters of
Syon were restored to their old home in 1559, but they were
dispossessed by Queen Elizabeth, when they took refuge a
second time on the Continent, and resided successively at
Dermond, Antwerp, and Mechlin. They removed to Rouen in
1584, but after the surrender of that city to Henry of Navarre,
they again took flight and reached Lisbon in 1594, where they
received a gift of houses and grounds from Isabel de Azevedo,
and built a church and monastery. Here they remained until
1 809, when troubles on the Continent urged them to take refuge
in England, and nine sisters returned, bringing with them some
books, their seals, and other relics. They at first lived in a
small house at Walworth, and then at Peckham and elsewhere.
Subsequently they removed to Spetisbury in Dorsetshire, and
they are now settled at Chudleigh near Newton Abbot in
The MS. Martyrologium which had been the companion of
the Sisters in all their wanderings was brought back to
England in 1809, and sold to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from
whose executors it was acquired for the British Museum in
Although this MS. has certainly been in the hands of the
Sisters since the suppression of the monastery of Syon, in 1539,
there is reason to suppose that the volume originally belonged to
the Brothers. We know for certain that there were two
1 A full and interesting account of Syon Monastery at Isleworth will be found in
Aun^ier's History and Antiquities of Syon Monastery, Londun, 1840.
Martyrologia at Syon, one for the use of the Sisters, the other
for the Brothers. They are referred to at fo. 17 b. of the MS.
we are about to describe, in the chapter " De exequiis pro bene-
factoribus librariarum" where it is ordered that the name of
Thomas Graunte, a donor of books, is to be inscribed in each of
the two Martyrologia. "Concessum est eciam quod nomen
dicti Magistri Thome inseretur et inscribetur utrisque martilo-
giis scilicet tarn sororum quam fratrum."
The reason for concluding that we have left to us the
original Martyrologium of the Brothers is that the book contains
the form of profession of the clerical Brothers whether sacer dotes
or diaconi) and also for the lay-brothers (focarii), but there is no
corresponding form for the Sisters. It will also be observed that
the directions for the services for deceased members of the house
and for benefactors would concern the Brothers rather than the
We now proceed to describe the MS., which fortunately
retains its fifteenth-century binding of white leather with over-
lapping edges. The clasp still remains. The leaves, which are
of coarse vellum, measure lof inches by 7 inches.
The figures in the following description of the contents refer
to the modern numbering of the leaves.
Fo. I. Pasted into the cover there is a memorandum on paper
relating to the death of St. Bridget in 1373, and the
translation of her relics to the monastery of Wastein in
Sweden in 1391. One bone was brought to England by
Robert Bell, Confessor General of Syon, and by him
enclosed in a silver gilt reliquary and presented to the
monastery of Osney, near Oxford.
Fo. 2. List of Abbesses of Syon beginning with the first
abbess " Dna Joanna Northe," and ending with the six-
teenth " Dna Birgitta Mendanha, Lusitana, i a ."
List of Confessors General.
Fo. 3 a-4 b. Regulations for the service which was said by
the Brothers for deceased Sisters and Brothers and for
Henry V., founder, and other benefactors.
Fo. 5 a-io b. Calendar of Sarum use (but only a few feasts
are distinguished by being written in red).
There are a few other entries and obits which are all
in a later hand.
x. Kal. Feb. Sancte osburge virginis. non sarum.
vii. Kal. Jul. Canonizatio sancte katerine maius duplex.
Non. Oct. Canonizatio beate Birgitte.
Nov. 17. Exequie pro serenissima Maria regina Anglie.
et pro D. Reginaldo Polo Cardinali. 17 die huius
mensis. Anno dni. 1558. Cum cantu.
Fo. 11,12. Markers giving the plural forms of Soror, Focarius,
Frater, Focaria, Benefactrix and other words used in
reading the Obits.
Fo. 13. Rules for reading the Martyrologium, relating prin-
cipally to grammar, commencing :
Martilogium legatur post de profundis cotidie exceptis
duobus diebus ante pascha et die pentecostes.
Fo. 14. De prima fundacione huius monasterii.
Fo. 15. De quibusdam exequiis singulis annis persoluendis.
Fo. \jb. De exequiis pro benefactoribus librariarum.
Fo. 18 b, 19 a. The form of profession of a Brother, whether
priest or deacon, promising obedience to the Confessor
General, and to observe the Rule of St. Augustine, the
Constitutions of St. Bridget, and also such local statutes
and additions as might be made.
Fo 19 b., 20 a. The form of profession of a lay brother or
focary. [Two forms are given, one more " compendious,"
both of them in English. They have been printed in the
Introduction to The Myroure of oure Ladye, E.E.T.S.,
1873, p. xxi.]
Fo. 21. De iacentibus in ambitibus fratrum et sororum. ab a
dni 1485.
Fo. 21 b.-69 b. The Obituarium consisting of a calendar,
arranged with four days on each page, leaving blank
spaces to be filled in from time to time with the names of
Sisters, Brothers, or Benefactors.
Until about 1470 the entries are in the same hand, and have
been copied from some older book. After that date, they have
evidently been added from time to time. The dates range from
1422 to 1639.
The following extracts, some of which have been partly
chosen to illustrate the continental wanderings of the Sisters, will
show the nature of the record.
Januarii. f. 6. Epiphania dni.
Thomas Herberd frater laicus, 1500.
Dfia Birgitta Rooke nona Abbatissa : obiit Rhotomagi in Nor-
mannia. anno dni 1594. sepulta est ibidem in ecclesia sancti
Loi coram summo altari.
Januarii. f. 20. Fabiani et sebastiani.
Effam eland soror.
Soror Catherina Dendi. Laica, 1639. [This appears to be the latest
Februarii. e. 16. Juliane uirginis.
Joana lud soror.
Anna Martina soror, 1629. iacet in choro inferiori sororum
Februarii. g. 18.
Dns dauid turson sacerdos.
I 574- Joanna Damster Manra Soror. obiit Mechlinise et ibi
sepulta est apud fratres Augustinenses. De ea vide plura
in registro nostro
Aprilis. d. 12.
Henricus Chicheley archiepiscopus cantuariensis qui hie fecit
primam professionem. 1443.
May. e. 4.
1535. D. Richardus Raynold sacerdos qui mortem sustinuit
apud Tyburne propter catholicam fidem. Martir. [the last
word in a later hand].
Julii. f. 14.
Isabella ffyshborn. Soror.
1496. Isabella Marchall. Soror.
1594. Francisca Shelly. Soror. iacet apud Carmelitas excalsas
Julii. A. 23. Natalis sancte birgitte.
Thomas Jan Episcopus Norwicensis A do 1 . 1500.
Soror Margerie Harte. Ulissiponae 1628.
Augusti. e. 31. Cuthberge uirginis.
Dns Henricus rex anglie quintus : fundator huius monasterii primus.
Obiit Anno dni 1422.
Septembris. g. 9. Gorgonii martiris.
Thomas Rasche ffrater laicus.
Dns Clemens Maydeston. diaconus 1456.
[Probably Clement Maydeston, author of Directorium Sacerdotum
and other works. Bishop Clifford's registers show that he was ordained
sub-deacon and deacon in 1410, and priest in 1412.
The following extract from cap. x of the Constitutions of St. Bridget
(Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 5208, fo. 8 b.) shows that one holding the office
of " diaconus " at Syon might be a priest in order :
" Sorores erunt sexaginta et non plures que clericos habebunt qui
quotidie de tempore missam et officium quod habetur in ecclesiis
cathedralibus illarum terrarum in quibus huiusmodi monasteria sunt
decantabunt Ipsi quidem sacerdotes debent esse trede-
cim iuxta numerum tredecim apostolorum. quorum Paulus tertius
decimus non minimum laborem sustinuit. Deinde quattuor diaconi
qui etiam sacerdotes possunt esse si volunt et ipsi figuram habent
quattuor precipuorum doctorum. Ambrosii. Augustini. Gregorii et
Septembris. g. 16. Edithe uirginis.
Agnes ffogge. Soror. 1479.
D. Richardus Whitford. Sacerdos. 1
D. Thomas Hardingus. Sacre theologie professor, bene-
factor, 1572.
Nouernbris. f. 17. Hugonis episcopi et confessoris.
Regina Maria que restaurauit monasterium et religionem
nostram post schisma et fuit noua fundatrfo et restauratrix
Eodem die obijt Reginaldus Polus Cardinalis et legatus a
latere/ qui et reconsiliauit totum regnum nostrum Anglie ad
unitatem ecclesie catholice/ et constituit nouam incorpora-
cionem de religiosis personis que superstites fu erunt prius
ante dissolucionem pertinentibus ad istum nostrum monas-
terium, 1558.
Decembris. A. 31. Siluestri pape [the last word erased and subse-
quently restored].
Eodem die Dns Henricus ffitzhugh. qui primo hunc
ordinem adduxit inangliam. Obijt a dni. 1426.
Fo. 70. Noniina specialium benefactorum et amicorum.
Dns Henricus ffitzhugh dedit dominium et manerium de Hentofi
ut patet in principio huius martilogij ca ij.
Ricardus Clyfforde episcopus london. Ad valorem, x. li.
Henricus Chicheley archiepiscopus cantuariensis. Ad valorem.
xx. ti.
Rogerus Walden. episcopus London.
Johannes dux Bedfordie. Ad valorem, xx. ti.
1 Probably the uncle of our Richard Whytford.
Dopn' loft, london. Reclusus Westmon.
Thomas Langley episcopus dunelmensis. xx li.
Margareta ducissa Clarencie. cc. li.
[and others, in all 88 names.]
Fo. 72. A form of bidding prayer for the soul of Thomas
Jan, archdeacon of Essex, commencing " Orate fratres
presentes et futuri specialiter pro anima literatissimi
iustissimique viri Thome Jan decretorum doctoris.
Archidiaconi Essex' ac ecclesie cathedralis sancti Pauli
london. canonici Residenciarii. . ."
[several blank leaves.]
Fo. 77 a- 1 88 a. Incipit martilogium : per anni circulum.
This is the Martyrology which Richard Whytford has trans-
lated. The original text has received many additions and
corrections. In some cases the correction has been written on a
slip of paper and pasted in, and in other cases the erasure of the
former writing has been so complete that it is not possible to
determine the original reading.
In the upper and lower margins have been added in a later
hand short passages to be read in capitulo, e.g. :
Jan. i. In clericis tonsura quoddam signum est quod in corpore
signatur. sed in animo agitur : scilicet ut hoc signo in
religione vicia resecentur : et criminibus carnis nostre quasi
crinibus exuamur : atque inde renouatis sensibus ut comis
rudibus enitescamus. expoliantes nos: iuxta apostolum veterem
hominem cum actibus suis. et induentes nouum hominem qui
renouatur in agnitione dei. Tu autem domine miserere nostri.
Deo gratias.
Mar. i. Tarn doctrina quam vita : clarere debet ecclesiasticus
doctor. Nam doctrina sine vita arrogantem reddit : vita sine
doctrina inutilein facit
The course of the Martyrology is interrupted at fo. 94, 95 by
two leaves containing the Preces in capttulo, which are evidently
placed here as being almost exactly in the middle of the book.
At the end of the Martyrologium on fo. 1 88: Absolucio
ffratrum die Canonizacionis beate Birgitle.
Auctoritate eciam dei patris omnipotentis et domini nostri ihesu
christi. et beatorum petri et pauli apostolorum. et auctoritate michi in
hac parte indulta. ego concede tibi persistent! in sinceritate fidei
catholice. imitate sancte romane ecclesie. ac obediencia et deuocione
romani pontificis plenam remissionem omnium peccatorum tuorum dc
quibus corde contntus es et ore confessus. In nomine patris et filii et
spiritus sancti. Amen.
Fo. 1 88. b. Preces in capitulo repeated.
Fo. 1 89. Sepultura fratrum iuxta gerras. 1
24 names follow.
Sepultura fratrum prope murum.
24 names.
Fo. 190. b. Sepultura sororum iuxta Januam earum.
6 names.
Fo. 191 a- 1 92 a. Sepultura sororum iuxta gerras^.
42 names.
Sepultura sororum prope murum.
42 names.
The last entries are :.
Johanna Russhe soror. An do 1 . 1557, 20 die decembl obijt.
Maria Neuel. soror. An' J do 1 1558 17 die [erasure] obiit hie
in Syon.
The reading of the Martyrologium in capitulo. It has been
already mentioned that the Martyrologium was read in cathedral
and monastic churches, where Sarum use was followed, at the
conclusion of prime, when the clergy went in procession to the
Chapter House. 2 At Syon the usual custom was not literally
followed, for on fo. 13 of A, we have the direction " Martilogium
legatur post de profundis." This service known as De Profundis
was peculiar to the Brigettine rule, and consisted of a recitation
of the Psalm De Profundis followed by a collect at a grave kept
always open. This service, according to cap. xxiv of the rule of
St. Saviour, was to be said after tierce, 3 and consequently the
1 Gerra . . . . in plurali vero adhuc aliud significat. nam gerre raru dicuntur
sepes ferrese circa altaria et chores. Balbi (Joannis de Janua) Catholicon, s. v.
2 An account of the service in capitulo will be found in Dr. Todd's Introduction
to The Book of Obits and Martyrology of Christ Church, Dublin (Irish Archaeological
Society), 1844, pp. Ixxxvii-xcii.
3 Cf. The Myroure ofoure Ladye (E.E.T.S.), p. 142.
Martyrology at Syon could not have been read at the end of
prime as it was elsewhere.
The printed Sarum Breviaries, which were intended for use
in parish churches, take no direct notice of the reading of the
Martyrologium and the service in capitulo. Reference is made
to it incidentally in the rubrics in Commemoratione Defunc-
torum (Breviarum ad usum Sarum, ed. Procter and Wordsworth,
III. 986), and also in the rubrics relating to prime for Maundy
Thursday and Good Friday (Ib. I. dcclxxxiv, dccxciv). 1 There
are similar incidental allusions to the reading of the Martyrology
in the York Breviary (ed. Lawley, vol. i. 287, 406 ; vol. ii. 667).
In the Hereford Breviary, as I am informed by the Rev. W.
Howard Frere, the reading of the Martyrology is referred to at
the end of prime : " Lecto Martilogio sequitur y. Preciosa."
But the expression " ubi vero martilogimn non habetur " implies
that the reading of it was not universally enforced.
The following account of the service in capitulo at the end
of prime is extracted from a MS. " Portiforium ad usum Sarum,"
of the fifteenth century in the possession of the writer of this
Introduction. 2 The book was written for use in the diocese of
Norwich, as is shown by the entry in the Calendar on Sept. 24.
" Dedicacio ecclesie cathedralis Norwicensis. ix lecciones."
Hiis dictis eant processionaliter clerici in capitulum. et sit ibi quidam
de prima forma scilicet puer indutus superpelliceo paratus ad legendum
leccionem de martilogio absque lube domine sed pronunciando primo
numerum nonarum. Iduum uel calendarum. et etatem lune quales erunt
in crastino secundum quod dies uidebitur exigere etfiniatur leccio sine. Tu
autem. hoc modo. Et aliorum plurimorum sanctorum martirum con-
fessorum atque uirginum.
Finita lecdone. si quis obitus fuerit pronuncietur post predictam
clausulam. scilicet. Et aliorum. etcetera et legatur per omnia sicut pre-
dicta leccio uidelicet hoc modo. Eodem die obiit. N. de w. qui fuit
decanus istius ecclesie uel cancellarius uel huiusmodi qui legauit C.
1 A MS. Sarum Portiforium in my possession, which appears to have belonged to
the parish of Shillington, Beds. , has a rubric in the Sanctorale before the feast of St.
Matthias giving directions for the reading of the Martiloge in leap year which are
almost identical with the extract from an Ordinale printed in the Notes of this
volume, p. 212.
" Mr. Christopher Wordsworth has called my attention to a rubric in the printed
Sarum Antiphoner of 1520, which is similar to that of the MS. Portiforium.
xxxiv INTR OD UC 7 ION.
lihras ad emendacionem operis sancte marie et C. marcas ad usum
canonicorum et uicariorum. Si uero plures fuerint obitus hoc modo
legantur. Eodem die obierunt. et cetera. Tune sacerdos post ipsum
lectorem stans dicat sine nota. Anima eius. uel. Anime eorum et
anime omnium fidelium defunctorum. et cetera. ty. Amen.
Deinde dicat sacerdos. Preciosa est in conspectu. R^. Mors
sanctorum eius.
Deinde dicat sacerdos. sine Dominus uobiscum. et sine Oremus hanc
Sancta maria mater domini nostri ihesu christi atque omnes sancti
iustt et electi del intercedant et orent pro nobis peccatoribus a[d]
dominum deum nostrum, ut nos mereamur ab eo adiuuari et saluari.
qui in trinitate perfecta uiuit et regnat deus per omnia secula seculorum.
B^. Amen.
Postea sacerdos dicat sic. Deus in adiutorium meum intende.
Domine ad adiuuandum me festina et dicatur tribus uicibus Gloria patri.
Sicut erat. Kyrieleyson. Christeleyson. Kyrieleyson. Pater noster. et
ne nos inducas. Sed libera. Et ueniat super nos misericordia tua
domine. Salutare tuum secundum eloquium. Et respice in seruos tuos
et in opera tua. Et dirige filios eorum. Et sit splendor domini dei
nostri. super nos. Et opus rnanuum tuarum dirige super nos et opus
manuum nostrarum dirige.
Hec sequens or ado dicitur infestis dupplicibus et quocienscumque chorus
regitur extra ebdomadam pasche et sine. Dominus uobiscum. sed cum.
Omnipotens sempiterne deus dirige actus nostros in beneplacito
tuo. ut in nomine dilecti filii tui mereamur bonis operibus habun-
dare. Qui tecum uiuit et regnat in unitate spiritus sancti deus per
omnia secula seculorum. E^. Amen. Dominus uobiscum. Benedi-
In omnibus aliis festis sine regimine chori et inferiisper totum annum
preterquam a cena domini usque ad octavam pasche dicitur hec oracio sine
Dominus uobiscum sed cum Oremus.
Dirigere et sanctificare et regere dignare domine deus quesumus
corda et corpora nostra in lege tua et in operibus mandatorum tuorum.
ut hie et ineternum te auxiliante sani et salui esse mereamur. Per
dominum nostrum ihesum christum. filium tuum. Qui tecum. et
iiniatur cum Dominus uobiscum. et cum Benedicamus domino.
Hijs itaque peractis. puer lector legat aliam leccionem de ome[liis]
et de libra theologorum quam cum. Jube domine. incipiat et eandem cum.
Tu autem. terminat.
Sacerdos autem dicat benedicdonem scilicet quando chorus regitur sim-
plidter. Ille nos benedicat qui sine fine uiuit et regnat.
In dupplicibus festis in capitulo et in xl a ad colladonem dicitur ista
benedicdo. scilicet. Omnipotens deus sua gracia nos benedicat.
Sacerdos uero dicta benedicdone ante leccionem in loco suo se reponat et
hec omnia in capitulo dicantur omnibus dericis interim stantibus et exinde
sedere tenentur usque post lectam tabulam puer uero finita leccione a pulpito
descendat et tabulam legat.
Et quandocunque dicitur Psalmus. Ad le leuaui. ad matutinas. tune
ad primam dicitur Psalmus. Leuaui oculos meos. stando sine nota cum.
Gloria patri. et Sicut erat. Sequitur. Kyrieleyson. Christeleyson. Pater
noster. Et ne nos. Sed libera. Ostende nobis domine misericordiam
tuam. Et salutare tuum da nobis. Saluos fac seruos tuos et ancillas
tuas. Deus meus sperantes in te. Mitte eis domine auxilium de
sancto. Et de syon tuere illos. Esto eis domine turris fortitudinis. A
facie inimici. Nichil proficiat inimicus in eis. Et films iniquitatis non
apponat nocere eis. Domine exaudi oracionem meam. Et clamor
meus ad te ueniat. Dominus uobiscum. Et cum. Oremus.
Adesto domine supplicacionibus nostris. et uiam famulorum tuorum
in salutis tue prosperitate dispone : ut inter omnes uie et uite huius
uarietates tuo semper protegantur auxilio.
Alia Oracio.
Omnipotens sempiterne deus salus eterna credencium. exaudi nos
pro famulis tuis pro quibus misericordie tue imploramus auxilium : ut
reddita sibi sanitane 1 graciarum tibi in ecclesia tua referant acciones.
Per christum dominum. E^. Amen.
Et utraque dicatur sub uno. Per christum. Excellencior persona
dicat. Benedicite. Chorus. Dominus. Sacerdos. In nomine patris
et filii et spiritus sancti. E/. Amen.
Et sic unusquisque muniat se signo cruets et ita recedant in chorum
Description of " The Martiloge in englysshe after the vse of the
chirche of Salisbury/ *\ as it is redde in Syon/ with addicyons."
Printed at London by Wynkyn de Worde, Feb. 15, 1526.
The book is a small quarto consisting of 144 leaves. The
first two leaves are unnumbered and without signature, the
former of them having a woodcut of St. Bridget, with the title
above it, whilst the other leaf has the preface in larger type than
the rest of the book.
The numbered leaves are in 35 gatherings of 4 each (except
the last, kk, which has 6), with signatures a-z, % 9, aa-kk.
There are a few mistakes in the numbering of the leaves, fo.
1 sic for sanitate.
C 2
xcviii, c, and cxli are wrongly numbered xcvii, xcix, and cxxxix,
respectively. The last leaf is unnumbered.
The pages are of 32 lines, and the printed page measures
152 mm. by 97 mm. (excluding the head lines). The preface is
in larger type, 29 lines to the page, and the size of the printed
page is 1 60 mm. by 95 mm.
The woodcut of St. Bridget on the first leaf (see the facsimile)
represents her seated at a desk writing her revelations at the
dictation of an angel. Above there is a representation of the
Holy Trinity and of the Nativity. Below her kneel a brother
and a sister of the order founded by her. Behind her are placed
the staff and scrip as symbols of her pilgrimage to Rome ; and
the crown and arms mark her rank as Princess of Nericia in the
kingdom of Sweden.
This woodcut, of which a facsimile is given in this reprint,
was used not only by Wynkyn de Worde, but also in same year
(1526) by R. Pynson (three times in the same book) for the
Pilgrimage of Perfection. It was also used by Richard Fawkes in
his edition of The Myroure of oure Ladye, 1530, and by Robert
Redman in The Pypej or Tonne / of the lyfe of Perfection, 1532,
and elsewhere.
The copies of this book which have come under our notice
are the following :
1. BRITISH MUSEUM. [C. 25. c. (4)] A fine and perfect copy.
perfect copy.
3. LAMBETH LIBRARY, [xxxv. 2. 7.] This copy wants the
first two leaves, but is interesting as being in its origi-
nal binding of stamped leather. On one side are panels
with figures of SS. George, Barbara, Michael and
Catharine, and on the other the arms and supporters of
Henry VIII, with the legend : laufcate fcomtmtm &C
terra trracows ct otmus abgssi. G.R.
copy wants the last leaf.
5. HUTH LIBRARY. See Catalogue of the Huth Library,
vol. iii, p. 924. A perfect copy.
6. STONYHURST COLLEGE. See F. H. Dickinson's List of
Service Books , 1850, p. 15.
Christopher Wordsworth we are indebted for knowledge
of this copy.
(Information as to the existence of other copies will be
The present reprint. In reprinting the Martiloge, an endea-
vour has been made to reproduce as closely as possible the
peculiarities of the old print, and with this object the contractions
have not been expanded. No alteration has been consciously
made even in the punctuation, except in a few cases, where in
the original print a full stop was left out at the end of a line
from want of space, although the next line commenced with a
capital letter. As the present print does not reproduce the old
one line for line, and the break no longer comes at the end of a
line, the stop has usually been supplied. In order to save space
the marginal notes have been indented into the text of the re-
print. The use of Roman type instead of the black letter of
Wynkyn de Worde has of course entirely changed the typo-
graphy of the book. In some few cases a difficulty has occurred
in finding exact equivalents for the marks of contraction in the
original. It will be noticed that occasionally the marks of con-
traction are not used in the conventional manner. In these
matters the original has been strictly followed. The contrac-
tions in the old print were often determined by the desire of the
compositor to compress his matter into one line. Consequently,
in our reprint the contractions appear to be used capriciously,
as the reason for their use is not apparent without consulting
the original text.
The number of typographical errors in Wynkyn de Worde's
print does not appear to be large. They have not been cor-
rected in the reprint, but have been marked with an obelus (f) to
assure the reader that the text has been reproduced, and that
the mistake has not been made in the process of reprinting.
c 3
The same mark has also been placed against some of the proper
names, which differ in their spelling from that used in other
Martyrologies, and in such cases the word is generally referred to
in the Notes. In the use of capitals for the proper names, the
old printer has been very irregular. Usually his names of persons
have capitals, but the names of places begin with small letters. It
will, however, be noticed that at the commencement of the book
many of the names of places have capitals. When the names of
persons begin with z, the want of a capital z in his fount has
compelled Wynkyn de Worde to use a small letter. A small
initial w is also often used, and the capital w which sometimes
occurs is in reality only a small w belonging to a larger fount.
The book has been reprinted from a transcript made by the
Rev. F. Procter from the copy preserved in the Cathedral Library
at Lincoln, which was lent for the purpose by the Dean and
Chapter. The proofs have been read by Mr. Procter, and com-
pared with this copy ; and they have also been compared by his
co-editor with the copy of the same edition in the British Museum.
The Editors desire to express their thanks to many who
have helped in the production of this book. In the first
place, thanks are due to the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln for
placing their copy of the Martiloge at the disposal of Mr. Procter
for making a transcript, and for the subsequent correction of the
proofs. Acknowledgments are also due for facilities and courteous
assistance afforded at the British Museum, and in the Library
of Lambeth Palace. From several members of the Council of the
Henry Bradshaw Society, much help has been received in
elucidating obscure and difficult matters. The Rev. Canon
Cooke (Chairman), Dr. J. Wickham Legg, Rev. F. E. Warren,
Mr. W. H. St. John Hope, have contributed from their stores of
knowledge ; and especial thanks are due to the Rev. Christopher
Wordsworth, Prebendary of Lincoln, who has taken the greatest
interest in this work. To him the Society is indebted for the
Index Sanctorum which he has compiled, and also for his kind-
ness in reading the proofs of all the sheets as they appeared,
and for many valuable suggestions with which he has enriched
the edition.
In conclusion, it should be added that although Mr. Procter
has kindly read the proofs of the Notes, Indexes, and Introduc-
tion, he is not responsible for the opinions expressed in them,
nor for the many errors which it is feared may be found.
E. S. D.
March 22nd r , 1893.
Introduction : PAGE.
The Martyrology v
R. Whytford's Addicyons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xii
British Saints in the Martiloge ... ... ... ... ... ... xiv
Richard Whytford ... ... ... ... ... ... xxi
Richard Whytford as a translator xxiii
The MS. Martyrologium of Syon Monastery
The reading of the Martyrologium in capitulo
Description of " The Martiloge in englysshe after the vse of the chirche
of Salisbury/ and as it is redde in Syon/ with addicyons." Printed
at London by Wynkyn de Worde in 1526 ...
The present reprint ...
Notes .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 205
Index Sanctorum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 237
Glossarial Index of Names of Places 279
Glossary of obsolete or unusual words 285
Appendix :
Extracts relating to English Saints in the Canterbury Martyrology ... 287
'ottlje cl)tt$eof fauttjutp/ $ as
tt is reDDe m >pon'ttnti) aDD tcpons*
C Vnto the deuoute reders/ Rychard whytford preest and
professed broder of Syon/ in our lorde god and moost
swete sauyour lesu Salutacyon.
MAny deuoute persones/ specyally religyous/ whan
they done sende forthe werkes of theyr owne
makynge/ theyr owne gaderynge/ or translacyon/
done vse customably to reteyne (of mekenes) theyr
names : whiche thynge I do not discomende/ but rather do I
prayse them therin : notwithstandynge I beseche you good
deuout reders/ take none occasyon in me/ though I do contrary/
that is to saye/ though I (knowyng that my poore labour and
doynge in suche thynges/ is no thynge worthy prayse : T: also that
myne own conscyence doth not requyre ony maner thanke
prayse/ or other teporall or worldly rewarde but onely doth
desyre the spirytuall profyte of the reders or herers) though
I saye/ do set forthe my name vnto euery thynge that I sende
forth/ not (as I sayd for ambicyon/ our lorde vnto wytnes) but
rather to expowne and offre my selfe vnto iust correccyon :
wher vnto I do in moost humble maner submyt my selfe. And
also an other cause why I do so set forth my name/ is that I
haue herde of dyuerse werkes that be foude in prynt as faderles
childer without auctours/ that be not onely y e lesse regarded
bycause they ben without auctours/ but also ben suspected/ as
not holdyng T: kepyng y e ryght path of christianite. I wold
therfore none other pson shold be reproued ne blamed for my
dede/ but rather that I shold my selfe (as the comune puerbe
sayth) drynke suche as I brue. Trustynge therfore in your
charite/ that ye wyll ascrybe applye/ T: take all thynge vnto y e
best/ we haue sent forth this martiloge/ whiche we dyd translate
out of latyn in to englysshe/for the edificacyon of certayn religyous
psones vnlerned/ that dayly dyd rede the same martiloge in latyn/
not vnderstadynge what they redde. And the addicyons for theyr
more edificacyon/ we gadered out of the sanctiloge/ legendaurea/
catalogo sacto^/ the cronycles of Antonine/ T; of saynt Vincet/
1; other dyuers auctours. I beseche you of your christyan fauour
T; charitable prayer. I shall humbly beseche our lorde that all
you/ accordynge vnto the very purpose T; effecte of our mynde
may profyte in the redynge hereof. Valete.
IT Our lord god T; moost swete sauyour lesu sende vs all
his mercy T: grace. Amen.
f[ The sayd wretche of Syon
Rychard whytford.
[f_ The Martiloge was gadred T: ordeyned to be redde \ fo. i.
by the holy doctour -saynt lerome/ T; is contynued in the chirche/
that where all the sayntes may not (for theyr multytude) be
syngulerly serued w 4 offyce/ they sholde at y e leest vpon theyr
dayes/ knowen ouer euen/ haue a memory/ or breue remem-
brauce/ wherby euery persone moued in grace accordynge vnto
theyr deuocyon may worshyp them. The maner of redynge
C Here begynneth the Martyloge after the vse of the chirche
of Salysbury/ and as it is redde in Syon/ with
TO morowe the fyrst day of January shall be y e feest of
the circucysyon of our lord T: sauyour Chryst lesu/
\vherin he fyrst shed his precyous blode for our redemp-
cyon. At rome the feest of sayt Almache a martyr
that prechynge vnto y e people/ sayd vnto them in this maner.
This daye (sayd he) is the octaue/ or eyght daye of y e byrth
of our sauyour/ wherfore ye people cease T; put awaye your
superstycyousf/ your false religyon/ T; your worshyppynge of
ydolles/ and leue also your vnlawfull games. For the whiche
wordes he was forthwith put to deth by y e comaundement of
the May re T; chefe offycer. At rome also the feest of .lx.
soudyours or men of warre/ that for Chryst were put to deth
by y e emperour Diocleciane. At rome also the feest of saynt
Martyne a virgyn/ that vnder y e emperour Alexander was put
to many dyuerse turmentes/ T: at the last heded. At the cyte
of spolete/ the [feest of saynt Concorde a martyr/ [fo. i. b.
that in y e tyme of Antonyne the emperour/ was fyrst beten
w* staues/ than hanged on a gybet/ T; after taken in to pryson
a longe tyme fast fettred/ T; so pyned T: nere famysshed/ where
notw^tandynge he was conforted by augels/ T; at the last he
ended his martyrdome slayne by the swerde. In Cesary the
chefe cyte of Capadoce/ the deposicyon of saynt Basyle a
bysshop/ whose chefe feest is kepte the .xiiij. daye of lune.
In Affryke the feest of saynt Fulgence bysshop of y e chirche
of ruspence/ that for the fayth of Chryst/ T; for his noble
doctryne/ was exiled a longe tyme : but at y e last he returned
vnto his chirche T: there honourable in lyuyng/ T; diligent in
prechynge he made a holy ende. In the terry tory or frauchest
of Lyons the feest of saynt Augend an abbot/ whose lyfe full of
vertue T: myracles/ was grete lyght and good example vnto y e
people. In Alexander y e feest of saynt Eufrosyne a virgyn.
f[ Addycyons.
Gregori 9 . C The feest also of another saynt Fulgence/
that was bysshop of Vtruculane/ a man of grete
holynes/ that by myracle was delyuered from y e cruelty of y e
kynge of Gotes. The feest also of saynt Odyle a holy abbot T;
of many myracles/ moche liberal in almes/ pyteousT; mercyful in
all correccyon/ y* whan he was chalenged 1 rebuked for pro-
dygalite in expences/ T: as remysse T: negligent in correccyon/ he
answered/ sayenge/ that yf he sholde be dampned/ he had leuer
it were for mercy tha for rygour. The feest also of many other
holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofessours T: virgyns. This last clause/ of
many other sayntes ."lc. must euer be redde last.
H To morowe.
[C The seconde daye of January. At the cyte of Antio- [fo. ii.
che y e passyon of blessed saynt Ysidour a bysshop 1 martyr. In
Thomis a cyte of pont/ the feest of saynt Arge saynt Marcesset
1b saynt Marcellyne/ all thre breder \ chylder of age/ y l were
taken amonge soudyours that were vnder the capytayne 1 prynce
Licyne/ 1 bycause they were founde of Chrystes fayth/ they
were fyrst beten 1 turmented nere vnto deth/ 1 after taken in to
pryson/ "I there almoost famysshed/ 1 at the last they were
drowned in the see. In the cyte of Thebaida the feest of saynt
Machary an abbot. The feest also of sayt Syridion a bysshop/
1 the octaue of saynt Steuen/ 1 the feest of saynt Barbaria a
confessour. At the towne of Syluiake/ the feest of saynt
Odilion a holy abbot/ that was a pyteous man and of hygh
perfeccyon. {[ Addycyons.
f[ The feest also of an other sayt Machary a preest of egypt/
of many myracles that amonge other restored a woman vnto
her owne fourme/ y l was wytched by nigromancy lyke vnto a
beest. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/
cofessours/ 1 virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
C The thyrde day of lanuary. At rome in appia strete
the feest of saynt Anthery the pope/ y l whan he had well ruled
y e chirche of Chryst .xii. yeres/ suffred deth 1 martyrdome
vnder y e emperour Maximyan/ It was buryed in the cimitery of
saynt Calixt. In the cyte of Aulane y e feest of saynt Peter/ y l
for Chryst folowynge his mayster suffred the deth of the crosse.
At ellespont the feest of saynt Ciryke/ saynt Prime 1 saynt
Theogene. At Paryse the feest of saynt Genofeue a virgyn of
A 2
noble vertue/ and consecrate by saynt Germayne. [The octauc
also of saynt lohn the euangelyst [fo. ii. b.
f[ Addycyons.
f[ At Padwey the feest of saynt Daniel a deacon and
martyr/ whose holy body was there foude many yeres after his
deth by reuelacyon made vnto a blynde woman y* therby was
restored to syght. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
mar?, confes. "I virgyns.
C To morowe.
f[ The fourth day of January/ y e feest of saynt Tyte discyple
vnto saynt Paule the apostle/ It of hym made preest 1 bysshop
of cretens/ that faythfully fulfyllyng the office of prechynge/
made a blessed ende/ T; was buryed in the same chirche. In
afTryke the feest of saynt Aquilyne/ saynt Gemyne/ saynt
Eugence/ saynt Martiniane/ saynt Quintyne/ saynt Theodour/
and saynt Tryphon all martyrs/ whose noble actes 1 dedes ben
wryten in theyr legendes. At Rome the feest of saynt Priske a
preest/ saynt Priscillyane a clerke/ and saynt Benedicte a
virgyn/ y l all togyder accomplisshed theyr martyrdome by the
swerde in the tyme of the emperour lulyane. At rome also y e
feest of saynt Dafrose/ wyfe vnto saynt Fabyane the martyr/
after whose deth she was fyrst exiled/ It after by y e mayre called
prynce heded. In bonony y e feest of saynt Hermete/ sayt
Aggey/ "t saynt Key martyrs/ 1 the octaue of y e Innocentes.
C Addycyons.
C[ The feest also of saynt Rigobert archebysshop of remens/
a man of noble blode/ It fro his youth of synguler sanctite/ had
in moche honour It drede/ It yet more beloued of all persones.
At cyzyke in hellespont y e feest of saynt Theogenes a martyr/
y 1 was take 1 brought vnto a company of soudyours/ where he
confessynge [Chryst/ was beten w* flayles/ tyll .xviii. of [fo. Hi.
them were fatigate 1 weryed/ than was he put in prison 1 there
nayled fast vnto a stocke/ whome our sauyour with a grete
multytude conforted w l loude voyce/ so that all y e people rnyght
here : yet after was he cast in to the see where in his drownynge
was suche a sodeyn lyght 1 splendour/ that all the people were
stryken blynde/ \ thereby all couerted/ It honourably dyd bury
his holy body cast upon the land by y e wawes. The feest also
of many other holy sayntes martyrs/ cofes. 1 virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
C The fyfth day of lanuary. At rome y e feest of saynt
Thelesfory the pope/ that was the seuenth pope after saynt
Peter/ \ a noble martyr. At antioche the feest of saynt Symeon
a monke/ whose lyfe and conuersacyon was meruaylous holy.
At westmynster y e feest of sayt Edwarde kynge 1 cofessour.
The octaue also of saynt Thomas of Canterbury, And y e euen
of y e epyphany. C Addycyons.
f[ The feest also of two sayntes y 1 were kynesmen vnto our
sauyour Chryst/ whose names be not rehersed but that in the
tyme of y e emperour Domiciane that slewe and put to deth all
persones of the blode T: kynne of Dauyd/ these twayne were
brought vnto hym/ 1 whan he had examined them of Chryst/ he
toke theyr sayenge as folysshenes/ T; so suffred them to departe
1 they contynued in the chirche profytynge in the same vnto
the tyme of the emperour Traianus/ 1 bycause theyr daye is
vnknowen as well as theyr names/ I put them here in y e feest of
our sauyour. The feest also of many other holy sayntes mar?,
cofessours 1 virg.
f[ To morowe.
ff[ The syxth day of January. The epyphany of \_fo. in. b.
our sauyour/ in the whiche daye he was honoured of the thre
kynges with gyftes of mystery/ \ in the whiche day he accom-
plysshed in hymselfe the hygh ofTyce of our saluacyon/ the sacred
foutayne of baptym/ receyuynge y e same of holy
Nota. saynt lohn his precursor It foregoer. And in y e
A^rytory whiche daye also he turned water into wyne at y e
is alone to maryage in the cyte of Cane in y e coutree of Galile.
saye as a ^ In the terrytory of Remens the feest of saynt
frauchest. ' Macrea a virgyn/ that by the mayre called rikcio-
uare was cast hedlonge into a grete fyre/ It therin
remayned a long tyme w l out hurt/ after she was kept longe in a
foulestynkynge prison/lthere nerehandefamysshed/ than were her
brestes or pappes kytte away/ It she after rolled naked vpon hote
syndres \ brennynge coles/ It there in prayer she yelded the
spiryte. At the cite of Redomisf the feest of saynt Melane a
bysshop \ confessour of grete vertue and many myracles.
C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of y e sayd .iii. kynges/ called of Coleyri
that in theyr homage dyd offre vnto our sauyour golde/ sence/ 1;
myrre : at whiche tyme after dyuerse auctours/ saynt lasper
called also Caspar was of y e age of .lx. yeres/ saynt Balthazar
of .xl. yeres/ 1 saynt Melchior .xx. that whan they came home
in to theyr owne coutrees by an other waye (as is sayd in the
gospell) they lefte T: forsoke all gentilite T: lyued a holy lyfe/ yet
styll vnbaptysed vnto y e tyme y* after y e deth of Chryst saynt
Thomas the apostle came in to ynde/ of whome they receyued y e
holy sacrament of baptym T: of cofyrmacyon/ T: were made w l
hym prechers of the fayth/ T: therin they dyed/ whose holy
bodyes were translate [by the emperour Constantyne in \_fo. iiii.
to y e cite of constantynople. And after they were traslated
agayne by saynt Eustorge bysshop of Myllen. And now they
lye at Coleyn. The feest also of many other holy sayntes
martyrs/ confessours and virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .vij. day of January. The relation of tydyges of the
chylde our sauyour lesu in egypte. And y e feest of saynt
Luciane bysshop of antioche/ that was a famous man of grete
lernyng T: eloquence/ 1 for y e fayth of Chryst he was put to deth
in the cite of Nicodemef by the persecucyon of y e emperour
Maximiane/ T: buryed at helionoplef in bithynie. At antioche
the feest of saynt Clere a deacon/ that for Chryst was .vij. tymes
racked and put to many turmentes/ famysshed in pryson/ and
at the last heded. In the cite of Heraclea the feest of saynt
Felix and saynt January.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Siricius pope/ that among other
noble actes dyd make an ordynauce T: constytucyon/ that no
preest sholde saye masse but in places or awters halowed by a
bysshop. The feest also of saynt zozyme pope also/ that was a
man of grete vertue/ T: vnto poore people very liberall T: moche
beneficyall/ T: ordeyned that preestes sholde kepe no tauernes ne
sell mete or drynke. The feest also of saynt Simplyce/ the nexte
pope after saynt Hilarye/ a grete holy man/ and he ordeyned that
no man of the chirche sholde receyue his habyte of a ley man.
The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours
and virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
C The .viij. daye of January. At campane in naples [the
feest of sayt Seueryne a bysshop T: cofessour/ that was \_fo. hit. b.
broder vnto saynt Victoryne y e martyr/ T: a man of grete
holynes. At beluake the feest of sayt Luciane a bysshop/ saynt
Maximian a preest/ T: saynt lulyan a deacon all martyrs by the
svverde. The feest also of saynt Eugenian a martyr. At
augustndune the feest of saynt Eugenian a bysshop. In greke
land the feest of saynt Timothie a martyr.
f[ Addicyons.
IT In englonde the feest of saynt Wolsyn a bysshop and
cofessour/ borne of noble blode in y e cite of London/ T: for
bycause he was all gyuen vnto vertue in youthe/ his frendes put
hym in to y e abbey of westmynster/ where after he was abbot/
T; after that bysshop of shyrborne a man of harde lyfe/ grete
pfeccion 1 many myracles. The feest also of an other saynt
Seueryne an abbot of lyfe augelicall/ that had the spiryte of
pphecy/ T: by y e grace of his presence/ euery cite where he came
was preserued from y e barbarous infydeles that destroyed many
coutrees. The feest also of sayt Erhard bysshop of ratisponens/
a man of moche pyte vnto the poore T: of notable vertue. The
feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours and
To morowe.
f[ The .ix. day of lanuary. At antioche y feest of sayt
lulian an abbot of a .M. monkes/ 1 of his wyfe saynt Basilysse
a holy virgyn/ for they departed by one assent virgyns bothe in
to religyon/ T: she dyed T: all her virgyns before of whome she
was abbesse/ T: he after was take in the tyme of the emperours
Dioclecian T: Maximian T: put to meruayllous turmentes \ cruell
deth T: al his monkes T: many y l fledde vnto hym from [the
horryble persecucyon/ among whome was saynt Antonyne/ \^fo. V.
saynt Anastase/ 1 a chylde called saynt Celsus w l his moder T:
many other all brent. In affryke the feest of saynt Reuocate/
saynt Firmyn/ with other thre persones all martyrs. The
feest also of saynt Pascasia a virgyn and martyr. In wentane
the translacyon of saynt Nidoke a confessour. In Cesariens the
feest of saynt Marciane a virgyn and martyr.
C Addicyons.
[ The feest alsoof saynt Marcellyne bysshop of aconitanef/ an
honourable man of holy lyf/ that whan he was seke T: myght not
go/ and the cite was all on fyre lyke hooly to haue ben lost/ he
comauded to set hym in a chayre before the fyre/ T: so it
ceased T: dyd no hurte. In englonde y e feest of saynt Adriane/
borne in affryke T; abbot of veridiane/ that for his grete fame \
synguler vertue was sent in to englonde w 1 saynt Theodore that
was prymate of englonde nexte after saynt Augustyn/ T: saynt
Adriane abbot of Canterbury/ T; there lyued a holy lyf .xl. yeres
in grete labours T; prechynge T: dyd many grete myracles bothe
in his lyfe 1 after. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
martyrs/ confessours and virgyns.
C To morowe.
C The .x. daye of January. In cipris y e feest of saynt
Nichanour/ one of the .vij. deacons y 1 were in the fyrst begynynge
of y e chirche/ a man of grete T; meruaylous vertue T: grace of
fayth. In the cite of thebaida y e feest of saynt Paule the fyrst
heremyte/ whose blessed soule saynt Antony sawe couayde T:
caryed in to heuen by y e quere T; celestyall company of augels/
apostles T: other sayntes. At Rome the feest of saynt Melchi-
ades the [pope/ a man of grete vertue and holynes. [fo. v. b.
C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of another saynt Paule/ whose syrname was
symple/ that fyndynge his wyfe w 1 aduoutry/ forsoke her 1 went
in to wyldernes/ T; was discyple vnto saynt Antony/ T; he was
after his name very symple *\ meke T: synguler in the vertue of
obedyence/ he cured many psones by myracle where saynt
Antony fayled/ he knewe y e secrete thoughtes of many persones/
T; had very many other graces. At bituricens y e feest of saynt
wylliam a bysshop T: cdfessour/ a man of noble blode/ T; of grete
myracles T; synguler sctite. The feest also of many other holy,
saytes/ mar./ 9fes. t virg.
H To morowe.
H The .xj. daye of January. In afftyke/ the feest of saynt
Saluerf/ at whose obit saynt Augustyn preched vnto y e people
of cartage. In Alexander y e feest of saynt Peter/
a. 1. leonce saynt Seuere/ 1 saynt Lucius all confessours whose
actes ben notable.
C Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Ygyn pope T: martyr/ that in the
psecucyonsof y e emperour Seuere sufTred moche trouble/ 1 at the
last was put to deth/ he made many good ordynauces/ for he
diuyded y e degrees of y e clergy T; ordeyned y 1 euery psone shold
in his baptym at y e lest haue one godfader T: one godmoder : T:
in cofirmacyon one godfader or one godmod/ w 1 many other.
The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, cofes. ^ virg.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xij. day of lanuary. In achaia y e feest of sayt
Sataryf a martyr/ that by y e sygne of y e crosse T: a blast of his
mouth/ dyd ouerthrowe T: cast down an ydoll/ for y e whiche dede
he was forthw 1 heded. In maturi[tane at casaryf y e feest [fo. in.
of saynt Archade a martyr/ a noble man of byrth/ but more noble
in vertu T: myracles. At nicomede the feest of saynt Pastor *\
saynt Victor. f[ Addicyons.
C In englond y e feest of saynt Alrede an abbot/ whose face
beynge a chylde in his cradell/ was seen bryght shynynge w l
beames y 1 gaue shadowe as the sonne/ T: he was a man of very
grete pacyence T; many myracles. In englonde also y e feest of
saynt Benedict a syrname bysshop an abbot/ that
Nota. buylded y e monasteryes vpon y e waters of were T:
tyne/ T: he was .v. tymes at Rome/ fro whens he
brought y e chefe syngynge man of Rome to teche his monkes/ and
so brought he fyrst prycksonge in to englonde/ he brought also
thens many royall bokes. And he fyrst brought in to englonde
makers of glaswyndowes/ 1 of stone wyndowes barred. And he
brought vp of a chylde the grete clerke of englonde called saynt
Bede/ that is comynly named the venerable or worshypfull Bede.
The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofessours T;
C To morowe.
The .xiij. day of January. At rome in lauicane strete the
feest of .xl. soudyours/ that in the psecucyon of y e emperour
Galien were put to dethe for Chryst. At pictauis the feest of
saynt Hylary a bysshop 1 cofessour/ that for Chryst was exiled
iiij. yeres in to the lande of frige/ where amonge many other
grete myracles he reysed a persone from deth. At the chefe
cite of reme/ y e feest of saynt Remyge a bysshop of synguler
vertue/ whome for his grete fame T: stroge fayth the frensshe
men haue in grete honour T; worshyp. The octaue also of the
epyphany. {[ Addicyons.
[C At the castell of grauion the feest of saynt Vincent [/. vi. b.
a holy man/ T: had reuelacyon of aungels/ but fyrst he was a pagan
T: couerted by saynt Gregory nazanzene whose feest (after some
bokes) is also this same daye. The feest also of sayt Fyrme a
martyr/ whose holy body was foude by myracle in y e cite of
ambience/ in the translacyon wherof/ y e frost T:yse was in lanuary
turned into hete T: pleasaut weder as somer/ so y 1 the bare trees
sodeynly florysshed T: brought forth fruyte/ wherby seke psones
were cured. In wales the feest of sayt Kentegerne/ that was
goten his moder wyst not how/ whan/ nor by whome/ yet was
she a holy woman/ T: moche loued our lady. Whan the people
perceyued she was with childe/ she was (after the lawe than vsed)
cast downe hedlonge from the heyght of a rocke/ and yet scaped
vnhurte/ than was she put in to y e see alone in a leder bote/ T:
without sayle or ore/ T: came in to Yreland T; there forthw 1
trauayled/ whiche an holy heremyte sawe in spiryte/ 1 was
comaunded to brynge vp the chylde/ T: with hym in youth he
reysed two deed persones/ T: dyd many myracles in scotlonde/
englonde/ T: wales/ where he was accompanyed w* saynt Dauid
T: was there abbot of .ix.c.lxv. monkes/ \ yet he was before a
bysshop in englonde of meruaylous hygh perfeccyon. The feest
also of saynt Longyse a confessour. And of many other holy
sayntes/ mar?, cofes. T: virg.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xiiij. day of January. At nole a cite of capeyn the
feest of saynt Felix a cofessour/ y 1 as saynt Paulyne wryteth
after many turmentes T: longe imprisonmet was delyuered by
an augell. The feest also of an other saynt Felix/ naturall
broder vnto the same/ T: a preest [and martyr. The [fo. vii.
traslacyon also of saynt Fayth a virgyn. And the feest of saynt
Eufrase a bysshop. And of saynt Clere a deacon : and of saynt
Ponciane. fl Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Timothy bysshop of alexander.
And of an other saynt Felix/ y l after hath an other daye
festyuale. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/
confessours/ and virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
H The .xv. day of January the feest of sayntes Abacuke ^
Micheas y e pphetes/ whose holy bodyes were foude by diuyne
reuelacyon/ in y e tyme of y e emperour Archadius. In egypte the
feest of saynt Machary an abbot/ that was discyple vnto sayt
Antony/ a man of grete fame T: myracles. The feest also of sayt
Ysydour an honourable man/ of holy lyuyng/ grete fayth/ and
wonderous in myracles. In auerne the feest of saynt Bonyte a
bysshop T: cofessour/ whose lyfe by synguler vertue was vnto the
people a lanterne of lyght. In y e terry tory of andogauencef the
feest of saynt Maure an abbot/ 1 discyple vnto saynt Benet/ y l
by his maysters comaudement went vpon the water/ T: toke out
of the same a chylde called saynt Placidus/ yt was in peryll.
The feest also of saynt Man lean an abbot of grete holynes and
vertue. C Addicyons.
C In yrelande the feest of saynt Dorythy/ that by an other
name is called also saynt Sythe/ y l was of grete blode/ T: whan
she sholde haue ben maryed vnto a gentyle/ she flede vnto a
monastery of virgyns/ where y e deuyll appered vnto her/ T: whan
he coude not psuade nor entreate her to leue her purpose/ he
thretened her/ but all she despysynge toke y e nexte morowe ye
habyte [and was after abbesse of holy lyfe T: many [fo. vii. b.
myracles/ she moche loued pouerte/ in so moche y l whan golde
T: ryches was offred vnto her/ she cast it from her with dis-
dayne/ T: called for water to wasshe her handes bycause she had
touched that fylthy mucke T: dungue of the erth. The feest
also of an other saynt Micheas a prophete also/ that was of y e
cite of morast/ of whome saynt lerome wryteth. The feest also
of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours/ and virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xvj. day of January. At rome in salary strete the
feest of saynt Marcell pope/ y l by the iudge Maximian was for
Chrystes fayth set to be comun herde T: to kepe swyne T: beestes/
wherein as a bondman he contynued many yeres/ weryng harde
here/ and doynge grete pennuce/ wherin he dyed. In the cite of
aurelatensf ye feest of saynte Honorate a confessour/ whose lyfe
in doctryne and myracles was very honourable. In odoberg y e
feest of saynt Ticiane a bysshop T: cofessour. In the monastery
of patron the feest of sayt Furcey a cofessour/ y 1 oftetymes was
inrapt T: had meruaylous vysyons T: dredefull reuelacyons. At
Rome the feest of saynt Pricillt a virgyn of synguler sanctite T:
holynes. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of an other saynt Marcell bysshop of anti-
cyrane/ of whom saynt lerome wry teth. And y e feest of saynt
Felix bysshop of tubabocens/ T: a martyr. And of an other sayt
Honorate bysshop of ambianens a man of grete miracles/ whan
one tyrne in his masse he sholde after the pax haue receyued y e
sacrament/ he sawe the ryght hande of Chryst take the hoste
fro his hande T: put it in his mouth/ T: so he was comuned of
[Chryst hymselfe. The feest also of the thyrd saynt [fo. viii.
Honorate an abbot of .cc. mokes/ a man of strayte dyete T: precyse
in silence. The feest also of sayt Melance a bysshop of grete
mekenes/ T; for Chryst he suffred exyle 1 moche trouble. And y e
feest of saynt Faust y* fyrst was an abbot/ T: after a bysshop/ a
holy man and a grete clerke. The feest also of saynt Sigybert y 1
was a kyng of englonde/ T: by enemyes chased into frauce/ where
he receyued the fayth of Chryst T: was baptysed/ T: restored vnto
his kyngdome/ where he set vp scoles of holy scripture/ and after
resygned his crowne to a kynnesman/ T: was a monke of hygh
pfeccyon/ T; at y e last he was martyred for the faythe. The feest
also of saynt Henry that was borne in y e north partyes of englonde
of noble blode/ T: whan he sholde haue ben maryed/ he had
reuelacyon to go in to y e yle of coket besyde northuberlond/
where he lyued a strayte lyfe/ and had many- reuelacions/ and
dyd grete myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
martyrs/ confes. and virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xvij. daye of January. In thebaida the feest of
saynt Antony/ whose holy body was foude by reuelacyon in the
tyme of y e emperour lustiniane/ T: was brought in to alexander/
I there buryed in y e chirche of saynt John baptist. At lynguon
y e feest of saynt Sewsyppe/ saynt Helewsyppe/ and saynt
Melewsyppe all breder T: martyrs/ that in the tyme of y e em-
perour Aureliane were put to deth/ T: with them saynt Leonyll
theyr graudmoder/ T: saynt lonyll/ saynt Neon/ and saynt
Theon. In biturica the feest of saynt Sulpyce a martyr/ whose
holy lyfe T; precyous deth ben gretly comended by many
gloryous myracles. [C Addicyons. [fo. viii. b.
f[ The feest also of saynt Andoke and saynt Benigne preestes
1 martyrs/ y l were discyples vnto saynt Policarpe a bysshop T:
discyple vnto saynt lohn y e euangelyst/ T: these two preestes
couerted many coutrees/ T; dyd grete miracles/ T: at the last
were put to deth/ T: w l them saynt Tyrs/ w l other psones many.
The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T: virg.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xviij. day of January. The feest of saynt Peter called
cathedra/ that is to saye/ his chayre or trone wherein he was fyrst
stalled at rome. The feest also of saynt Prisce a vir-
Lectoris. gy n and martyr. At pont the feest of saynt Moyses T:
In y e holy saynt Ammon that were lectours in order/ but fyrst
sacramet of men o f warre / where they were accused T: boyled
^ben vr in lede / and Caste in t0 a S rete fy re ^ brent At
orders of wyllenchester the deposicyon of saynt Vulstane a
y e whiche bysshop T: confessour. In the monastery of turon
lector is one. the feest of saynt Leonard!/ y l forsoke his kynne 1
coutree T: bare in hymselfe y e crosse of Chryst/ ~t in
y e same monastery enclosed hymselfe as an ancre in a very
narowe place or sell. C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of sayt Deicolus an abbot of englond
that was fyrst discyple vnto saynt Colubane/ T: after he
buylded a monastery T: was abbot of hygh perfeccyon/ a
well sprange sodeynly where he set his staffe/ and he reysed a
deed corps/ with many other notable myracles. The trans-
lacyon also of saynt I^ucye vnto venyse/ the yere of our lorde
M. xl. And the feest of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/
confes. T: virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
The .xix. dayeof January. At smyrme the feest of [saynt
Germanyke a martyr/ that vnder the tyrautes Marke/ [fo. ix.
Antony T; Luce awreyle iudges/ was put to wylde beestes to be
deuoured/ *\ so had the crowne of martyrdome. At spolete in
y e time of ye emperour Antonyne the feest of saynt Ponciane a
martyr/ that by a cruel iudge was fyrst scourged/ than caused to
walke upon hote coles barefote/ after hanged vpon a racke full
of hokes yt rent all his flesshe/ T; yet put agayne in pryson/ where
he was coforted by augels/ T: at y e last after many turmentes he
was slayne by the swerde. In the frauchest of dorkasyn the
feest of saynt Lanomyare a preest. And y e translacyon of
saynt Branwallatour a bysshop and cofessour. The feest also
of saynt Vulstane bysshop of Worcester/ a man of synguler
sanctite. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Bassiane bysshop of landensf that
was borne of pagans and sent to rome to study/ where he
receyued baptym/ T: by reuelacyo was sent to rauen/ and after
made bysshop of landensf/ a man of hygh vtue T: many myracles/
he buryed sayt Ambrose. The feest also of many other holy
savn. in. co. T; WET,
sayn. m. co. t vg.
To morowe.
C The .xx. day of January. At rome the feest of saynt
Fabiane pope/ that whan he had ruled y e chirche .xiiij. yeres/
was in the tyme of Decius y e emperour put to martyrdom/ Tt
buryed in the chircheyerde of saynt Calixt. At kathacube the
feest of saynt Sebastian a martyr/ that was chefe capyteyn w l
the emperour Dioclecian/T: brought forth as a prisoner w l a tytle/
that is to say/ a paper vpon his heed/ to declare y l he was a true
chrystian/ T: so he was boude vnto a stake in y e myddle of the
felde for the soudyours to shote at/ T: yet at y e last [they [/. ix. b
bette hym to deth w' clubbes. In cornel strete the feest of saynt
Marius T; of his wife saynt Martha/ T: of theyr two sones saynt
Audifax T: Abacuke/ al borne in perse of noble lignage/ Ht all
came to rome in pilgrymage in y e tyme of y e grete pryce Claudr 9 /
where they were put to many turmentes/ fyrst beten w l staues/
than racked 1: torne w* hokes/ theyr handes cut of/ cast in y e
fyre/ and Martha was slayne in a bath/ T: all the other heded and
theyr bodyes brent in the fyre.
f[ Addicyons.
C In yrelonde y e feest of saynt Fekyne/ of the kynges blode/
whose byrth was before shewed by reuelacyon and after he was
an abbot of hygh perfeccyon/ he heled y e blynde T: defe so
borne/ lepres T: palseys/ T: reysed thre psones to lyfe/ w l many
other myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
mar?, confes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxj. day of January. The feest of saynt Publy the
second bysshop of athens after saynt Denyse/ a noble man of
lernyge T; vertue/ l for Chryst a martyr. At rome y e feest of
sayt Agnes a virgyn/ y l by Symphroniane y e mayre was cast in
to a grete fyre/ whiche by her prayer was queched/ T; she after
heded. In spayn at terascone y e feest of saynt Fructuous a
bisshop/ sayt Augurre T: saynt Euloge bothe deacons/ y 1 in the
tyme of Galiene y e emperour were prisoned/ 1 after bouden T:
cast in to a grete fyre whiche brened theyr bondes and loused
them w l out grefe : than all they layd theyr handes in crossevvyse
eche ouer other/ T; prayed our lorde they myght be cosumed w l
the fyre/ and so they were. At trecas the feest of saynt Patroclus
a martyr. f[ Addicyons.
[fl At cesare palestyne the feest of saynt Thotist/ \_fo. x.
saynt Dompne/ sayt Theotigne/ T: sayt Agapy al bisshops.
And y e feest of many other holy sayn. mar. 9fes. \ virg.
f[ To morowe.
H The .xxij. daye of January. The feest of saynt Tymothe
disciple vnto saynt Paule/ whome he made bisshop of ephesy/ T;
after many grete turmentes he had the crowne of martyrdome.
In spayne at valentyne y e -feest of saynt Vincent a deacon/ y l
vnder the Judge Daciane in the tyme of y e emperour Diocleciane
and Maximiane suffred meruaylous T: many cruell turmentes 1
therby had y e triuphe 1 noble victory of martyrdom. At rome
the feest of saynt Anastace a monke T: martyr that in cesary
palestyne by the perses suffred his passyon by many turmetes/ T:
at the last heded/ T: w 1 hyrn also .Ixx. psones. At ebredune y e
feest of an other saynt Vincet/ saynt Oronce T: saynt Victor all
holy martyrs. C Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Potite a martyr. And of an other
saynt Anastace y i was y e popes notary in rome/ And he forsoke
his office and was a monke of suppentona/ where he was after
abbot of hygh perfeccyon/ and had reuelacion of his deth. The
feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofessours/ T:
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxiij. day of January. At philyppes the feest of
saynt Parmene/ one of y e .vij. fyrst deacons/ T; baptysed of y e
discyples of Chryst/ T: by y e grace of prechynge he dyd moche
pfyte/ T: at last he obteyned y e glory of martyrdome. At rome
the feest of saynt Emerenciane a virgyn/ y l as she was in prayer
at the tumbe of saynt Agnes/ T: there couseyled other psones to
forsake theyr [lawe of gentylite/ T: bad y e christyans \_fo. x. b.
beware of them she was taken T: stoned to deth/ T; with her
suffred also saynt Machare for y e same cause. In maritymy at
genecesary the feest of saynt Seueriane/ T: of his wyfe saynt
Aquila/ that for Chryst were brent. At y e cite of antinonf
the feest of saynt Askle a martyr/ y l for Chryst was haged T:
racked/ T; his body I rybbes beteri w l fyre hote plates/ w* many
turmentes/ T; at the last drowned in a flode.
f[ Addicyons.
C This day after some auctours ben remembred the feestes
of certayne sayntes of y e olde testament/ y i is to saye/ of our
fyrst parentes saynt Adam T; saynt Eue/ saynt Abel T: saynt
Seth/ saynt Enos and saynt Caynan/ saynt Malaliel T: saynt
lared/ saynt Enock and saynt Mathusale. At tolete the feest
of saynt Nedolfonsf a bysshop of famous lyfe T; grete doctryne.
And y e feest of many other holy sayntes/ mar?./ confes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxiiij. daye of January. At antioche y e feest of
saynt Babyll/ y l in the psecucyon of the emperour Decius
suffred oftentymes many turmentes/ T: yet dyed in pryson.
And .iij. chylder (as is sayd) suffred passion and deth w 1 hym/
that is to saye/ saynt Vrbane/ saynt Prelidane T: saynt Epolon.
In cesary at geneof y e feest of saynt Mardon/ saynt Muson/
saynt Eugen *\ saynt Marcelt all martyrs/ that were for Chryst
brent/ 1 the asshes cast in a ryuer. The feest also of saynt
Codoke T; saynt Tymothe.
H Addicyons.
C The feest also of sayt Modest a cofessour/ a famous man
of singuler doctryne/ T: he confouded the heretyte Marcion.
The feest also of saynt Musan a preest T: cofessour of grete
lernynge also/ and he made many bo[kes one specyally [fo. xi.
agaynst the heretyke Taciane and his secte or company called
Eucratykes. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
martyrs/ cofes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxv. daye of January, the couersyon of saynte Paule/
y 1 gracyously happed in the seconde yere after the ascencyon
of our lorde lesu. At Damaske the feest of saynt Ananye that
baptysed the same holy apostle saynt Paule. At auerne the
feest of saynt Proiectf and saynt Amarynef martyrs/ that were
put to deth by y e states of the same cite. At gauale y e feest
of saynt Seueryane a bysshop of grete holynes T: doctryne. At
lucas castell the feest of saynt Lyuence a confessour.
^[ Addicyons.
f[ At lyons in frauce y e feest of saynt Pagate a preest T;
confessour/ T: of saynt Vect a confessour/ y l in the persecucyon
of y e emperour Antonyn/ w 1 many other psones nere innumer-
able of y e same cite/ were put to deth for Chryst. The feest
also of saynt Alcippiade a martyr/ y i was of strayte abstynence/
T: that also whan he was in prison/ wherfore reuelacyon was
shewed vnto sayt Attale a prisoner also with hym T: martyr/
that his felowe dyd not well in y* strayte abstynence/ T: so he
was refourmed/ T: they bothe togyder martyred. The feest
also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T: virg.
C[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxvj. daye of January. At smyrme the feest of
saynt Policarpe a bysshop/ y* was discyple vnto saynt lohn the
euangelyst/ T: by hym made prymate of all asye/ T: after he was
accused vnto the prynces Marke Antonyn ^i Lucius aurel/ T:
put to deth by y e fyre brent. And w* hym .xij. other psones
also y 1 came w l hym from [philadolphf. The feest also [/#. xt. b.
of saynt Theogenes T: other .xxxvj. persones/ y l all togyder were
put to deth by the emperour Lyzyne.
C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt lonas the pphete y 1 as a fygure of
Chryst was .iij. dayes in y e bely of a whale/ and that preched
vnto the cite of Niniue/ T: he is one of the .xij.
Eccl'i. xlix. prophetes nombred in scrypture. The feest also
of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofes. T;
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxvij. day of January, the feest of saynt lohn
crisostom bysshop of Constantinople/ one of the .iiij. doctours
of the grekes/ that by his profoude doctryne T: holy example of
lyfe/ dyd moche pfyte the religyon of Chryst. The feest also of
saynt Marius abbot of bobacens/ whose holy lyfe wryteth y e holy
fader saynt Dyname. In bethleem lude y e feest of saynt Paula
a notable woman/ whose holy lyfe saynt lerom wryteth T: therin
testifyeth y l she was crowned w* longe martyrdom. In affryke
the feest of saynt Auite a martyr. At cenoman. the feest cf
saynt lulian that was the fyrst bysshop of y e cite/ T: he was the
same Symon leprose w 1 whome our sauyour dyned/ whan Mary
mawdeleyn was couerted. The feest also of saynt lohn an
abbot of meruaylous sanctite and hygh perfeccyon.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of an other saynt lulian/ and of his wyfe
saynt Castell/ whose legend is redde in y e frater. And this is
he vnto whome the people praye for good herborowe or lodgyge.
The feest also of y e thyrde saynt lulian a man of noble blode/
and of his seruaut saynt Fereole bothe martyrs. The feest also
of y e fourth sayt lulian a martyr also y 1 was put to dethe in y e
tyme of [the emperour Dioclecian. And y e feest of \_fo. xii.
saynt Paule the pope/ a man of pfoude mekenes/ T: very pyteous
T: mercyfull/ T: a grete defender of the chirche/ for often tymes he
wrote sharpe lettres vnto y e emperours Costantyne T: Leo/ T:
refourmed theyr errours/'the fyrst ordeyned that diuyneseruyce
~t the houres in lent/ all saue complyn/ sholde be done before
none/ with many other notable actes \ grete myracles. The
feest also of saynt Adiute abbot of carnotens/ called now portese/
a man of hygh pfeccyon/ T: had reuelacyon of his deth T: dyd
many myracies/ bothe in his lyfe *\ after. And y e feest of many
other holy sayntes/ mar. confes. ^ virg.
f[ To niorowe.
The .xxviij. daye of lanuary. At rome the seconde feest
of saynt Agnes. In apollonia the feest of saynt Lewce/ saynt
Tricef T; saynt Galenice all martyrs/ y l in the tyme of the
emperour Decius were put to deth T; heded. In alexander y e
feest of saynt Ciryll bysshop of the same/ a noble doctour/ T: a
grete defender of Chrystes chirche. In the monastery of reomens
the feest of saynt lohn a preest of holy couersacyon. And the
feest of saynt Charles the emperour/ called Charlemayne that
wanne the holy lande and dyd grete myracles.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt lulian a confessour/ whose syrname
was sabba an heremyte of holy lyfe T: moche applyed to contem-
placyon/ T: he had the spiryte of prophecy. The feest also of an
other saynt lulian a cofessour also/ that was a man of grete
wytte T: hygh lernynge/ bothe in greke 1 latyn/ T: very eloquent/'
and he wrote many noble werkes/ 1 was a grete almes man. In
y e territory of trecacyne/ the feest of saynt Fabian a [martyr.
The feest also of an other saynt Ciryll bisshop of [Jo. xii. b.
lerusale/ T; he was a grete clerke T: famylyer with saynt lerome/
T; wrote many of his myracles/ T; buried hym. Here ben
remembred (after some auctours) certayne holy faders of the
olde testament/ saynt Noe that made the shyppe T: therin was
saued whan all y e worlde (except y e shyppe) was drowned.
Saynt Sem also T: saynt Arphaxat/ saynt Sale T; sayt Heber/
sayt Falek T: saynt Rewe/ saynt Saruke T: saynt Nachor/ saynt
Thare T; saynt Aram. And y e feest of many oAc.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xxix. day of January. At rome in numentane strete
y e feest of saynt Papie *t sayt Maure soudyours that for the
cofessyon of Chryst were put to many turmentes by the mayre
Laodice/ knocked on the mouth with stones tyll theyr tethe fell
out/ T: than after hard prison/ beten w l staues T; with plumettes
of lede vnto deth. At treuer y e feest of saynt Valery a bisshop
T: discyple vnto saynt Peter. In the territory of trecas y e feest
of saynt Salunianef/ that for Chryst was heded by y e emperour
lulian. The feest also of saynt Gyld a holy man.
f[ Addicyons.
{[ In the cite of mutyne the feest of saynt Geminian a noble
man borne/ T: from youth gyuen all to vertue/ and so bysshop
of the same cite/ T; of many grete myracles T: hygh pfeccion,
The feest also of many other .
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxx. day of lanuary. At antioche the passyon of
saynt Ypolite a martyr/ y 1 fyrst was somewhat deceyued by a
sysmatyke T: false heretyke called Innouatef/ but after by the
grace of god he was refourmed 1 dyd returne vnto y e charite of
Chrystes chirche/ in y e whi[che for the same he nobly \_fo. xiii.
suffred deth. At Jerusalem y e feest of saynt Mathye a bysshop/
of whome ben wryten many meruaylous actes/ T: grete turmentes/
and yet notwithstandynge he dyed in the peace of Chryst. The
feest also of saynt Flauian a martyr. In the territory of paryse
the feest of saynt Batyld a quene.
C Addicyons.
f[ The traslacyon of saynt Marke y e euagelyst/ whan his
holy body was brought from alexander vnto Venyse/ in y e tyme
of the emperour Leo/ T: the duke of Venyse was than lustiniane.
the ycre of our lorde .cccc.lxv. where were done many myracles.
The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. T:
f[ To morowe.
C The .xxxj. daye of January. In alexander the feest of
saynt Metran a martyr/ that in the same cite was put to many
turmetes/ his lymmes broken/ his eyes put out/ \ at the last
stoned to deth. In y e same cite also the feest of saynt Saturnyn/
saynt Tyrce T: saynt Victor. And the passyon of saynt Cyref T;
saynt lohn martyrs. In y e monastery of malbody y e feest of
saynt Aldegunde a holy virgyn.
C Addicyons.
C In alexander y e feest of saynt Apollony a confessour a
man of grete lernyng/ y l wrote agaynst y e heretykes called
cataphriges/ T; confounded theyr opynyons. At ephesum the
feest of saynt Policrate bisshop of y e same cite/ a noble man of
doctryne and holy lyfe/ of whome Eusebius wryteth. The feest
also of many other .1:2.
f[ To morowe.
THe fyrste daye of February, the feest of saynt
i-cuiuai. Ignace a bysshop T: martyr/ that after saynt
Peter was y e thyrde bysshop of antioche/ a man of
pro[foude doctryne T: a grete precher/ y 1 in the \_fo. xiii. b.
persecucyon of y e emperour Traianus was as a prisoner bouden
T: brought to rome/ where in presence of the emperour 1 the
senate he was put to meruaylous turmetes/ and at the last he was
cast vnto wode T; rampynge lyons/ 1 of them deuoured. At
smyrme the feest of saynt Pion a martyr/ that for Chryst was
put in prison/ where by his holy exhortacyons he conforted many
persones/ 1 made them stronge in herte T; redy to martyrdome/
~t he was put to many varyaut turmentes/ <\ at the last nayled
fast vnto a table T: so hanged oner a grete fyre vnto deth/ w*
whome were put to deth .xv. other persones. The feest also of
saynt Effrem a deacon of y e chirche of edissen. At tricas the
feest of saynt Paule a bysshop/ whose lyfe by many grete vertues
as laudable/ 1 his deth by myracles moche comended. In
Scotlonde the feest of saynt Brigide/ called comynly saynt Bryde/
whose lyfe in vertue T; myracles was very famous. The feest also
of saynt Pollicarpe Hb saynt Seueryne bothe bysshops.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Seuer/ that whan he was a poore
symple man vnlerned/ was chosen bysshop of rauen by myracle
B 2
of a fyry pyller T: bryght beme that descended from heuen T;
remayned vpon hym/ forthw 1 after whiche eleccyon he was
lerned in all y e offyce of a bysshop/ T; eloquent in prechynge/ he
moche edifyed by holy lyf T; many miracles. The feest also of
an other saynt Seuere/ borne in the same cite/ a preest of hygh
perfeccyon i grete myracles/ amonge whiche he reysed one
psone to lyf/ of whose fame ye emperour Maximian heryng/ sent
for hym/ T: bycause he wold not do sacrefyce vnto the ydolles/
he caused hym to be heded/ [whose soule in the syght \_fo. xiiii.
of the people was caryed bytwenetwo'aungels in to heuen. The
feest also of the thyrde saynt Seuere/ whose syrname was symple/
a preest T: cofessour/ borne in aquyne of noble lygnage/ a man
of hygh doctryne/ T: made many werkes/ he was discyple vnto
sayt Martyn/ whose lyfe he wrote/ T; folowed the same in vertue
and myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
martyrs/ confes. T; virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The seconde daye of February, the purificacyon of our
lady saynt Mary/ T; y e oblacyon of our sauyour lesu in the
temple/ accordynge vnto the lawe of Moyses whome Symeon
takynge in armes sayd. Nuc dimittis seruu tuu dne. Tic. by the
visyon of whose beauty T: bryghtnes all this worlde is illumyned
1 lyghtned/ T: vnto ryght fayth of saluacyon repared. At
cesary the feest of saynt Cornelius/ whome sayt Peter
baptysed that in the same cite was bysshop/ T: of grete
holynes. At rome in salary strete the feest of saynt Apro-
pinian that was a gentyle/ T: beyng in the company of saynt
Sysyn a deacon/ herde a voyce fro heuen sayenge vnto the
saued soules these wordes of the gospel. Venite bndicti pris
mei. l2. that is saye/ come ye blessed chylder of my fader/ T:
receyue the realme or kyngdome of heuen/ prepared T: ordeyned
for you from y e begynyng of the worlde/ by the whiche voyce
he was couerted T: baptysed/ T: after for the confessyon of Chryst
he was heded. At rome also the feest of saynt Fortunate/ saynt
Feliciane/ saynt Fyrme/ T: saynt Cadidus. At orliauce the feest
of saynt Frustole a bysshop. At doroberne the feest of saynt
Laurence an archebysshop.
f[ Addicyons.
[C The feest also of sayt Heraclyte a cofessour/ \_fo. xiiii. b.
of grete lernyng/ T: made many werkes/ of whome
lit. v. ca. Eusebius wryteth. And the feest also of saynt
xxvij. Maximus a grete clerke also/ of whome is wryten in
y e same place. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar. cof. T; virg.
C To morowe.
f[ The thyrde day of February, in sebasten the feest of
saynt Blase a bisshop/ that werkyng many myracles was taken
by y e iudge Agricolaus T: beten/ scourged T: hanged on a racke/
1 there his flesshe torne w* hokes/ 1 yet put longe in pryson/ 1
after cast in to a stynkynge podell or lake/ T: at y e last he was
heded/ T: with hym were slayne two yonge men/ T: .vij. women y 1
gad red his blode as relykes from the groude. In afifryke the
feest of saynt Celeryne a deacon/ T: of saynt Laurence/ saynt
Ignace/ and of a woman called also saynt Celeryne martyrs/ of
whose martyrdome saynt Cipriane wryteth a pystle. At nice
the feest of saynt Triphon a martyr/ y l was put to deth in the
tyme of y e emperour Decius. At wapyng y e feest of saynt
Tygryde T; saynt Remedy bothe bysshops/ \ the feest also of
saynt warburge a virgyn.
f[ Addicyons,
f[ At alexander the feest of saynt lohn bysshop T;patriarke of
the same cite/ that for his pite T; large almes was called by syrname
y e almeser/ a noble man borne T: of grete lernyng/ holy of lyf T:
of many myracles. At nouariens the feest of saynt Gaudence
bysshop of the same cite/ y 1 was disciple 1 scrybe vnto saynt
Marty n and after his mayster of lyfe T: myracles. The feest
also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The fourth daye of February, in egypt at thymus [the
feest of saynt Sylef a bysshop/ that in the same cite \_fo. xv.
(as the story ecclesiastyke sheweth) was put to deth/ T: w l hym
the capytaynes owne chylder/ T: other chrystyans innumerable.
At rome in y e market place y e passyon of saynt Aquilyne/ saynt
Gemyne/ saynt Gelas/ saynt Magnus/ T: saynt Donate martyrs.
At trecas the feest of saynt Auentyne a bysshop 1 cofessour.
The feest also of saynt walburge a virgyn/ T: of saynt Gylbert a
cofessour. At glocester the feest of saynt Eldade.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Symeon the holy prophete that in
y e presentacyon of our sauyour toke hym in his armes/ sayenge
Nuc dimit. T:c. The feest also of saynt Phyllorony/ y l
beholdynge y e costancy of saynt Sylef/ and the cruelty of the
iudge/ openly reproued hym/ for the whiche he was put to the
same deth. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?,
confes. T: virg.
r {[ To morowe.
f[ The fyfth daye of February, in cicyle at" cathenens the
feest of saypt Agast virgyn I martyr/ that suffred for Chryst
many meruaylous and cruell turmentes/ strokes/ buffets/ im-
prisonment/ rackyng/ scourgyng/ her mamelles or pappes kytte
fro her body/ tumbled T: turned naked vpon hote syndres T;
brennynge coles/ ^ at the last vnder y e iudge Quinciane she was
slayne in pryson. At vien the feest of saynt Adiutt a bysshop
1 cofessour/ by whose wysdom el; doctryne the frensshe countree
was preserued from arryanes heresyes.
{[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Ingemyne bisshop of sabionens/ a
holy man T: of grete costancy. The feest also of saynt Albuyne
bysshop of brixinens/ a famous man of [many myracles. [/#. xv. b.
Here ben remebred certayne sayntes of y e olde testament/ the
hygh patriarke T: preest saynt Abraham/ vnto whome was made
the fyrst expresse promesse of our sauyour T: saluacyon. saynt
Sare his wyfe. saynt Melchisedek preest T: kyng of Jerusalem
after whose order Chryst in scripture is called a preest sayenge
the prophete. Tu es sacerdos ineternu scdm ordinem melchi-
sedech. Saynt Lot neuewe T; broders sone vnto Abraham.
Saynt Ysaac the patriarke sone T: heyre vnto Abraham/ that
was borne whan his fader was of y e age of .C. yeres/ 1 his moder
Sara .Ixxx. Saynt Rebecca his wyfe/ sayt Jacob theyr sone/
sayt Rachel T: saynt Lia his wyues/ T; the .xij. patriarkes his
sones/ of whome came all the .xij. tribes T: chylder of israel/
whose names ben these. Ruben/ Symeon/ Leui/ ludas/ Isachar/
zabulon/ Gad/ Aser/ Dan/ Neptalim/ Joseph/ and Beniamyn.
saynt Joseph is more specially named/ bycause he was sold in to
egypt T: ruled all y e londe/ T: brought thyder his fader/ breder T:
al his kynne/ whose lignage was brought thens by myracle ouer
the reed see. T:2. Saynt Effraim T: saynt Manasses sones vnto
Joseph/ all these ben here remebred. And y e feest also of many
other holy sayntes. T:c.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .vj. daye of February. At cesare capadoce/ the feest
of saynt Dorothe a virgyn T: martyr/ y 1 was put to meruaylous
paynes/ she was closed in an huge instrumetof metall made lyke
a hors/ all full of pryckes and hote as fyre/ after scourged T; her
flesshe rent/ T: at the last heded/ by whose example T: exhortacyon
a scoler called Theophilus was couerted to Chryst/ T: forthwith
he was turmented in the same hors/ 1 after lyke [wyse [fo. xvi.
heded. At auerne the feest of saynt Antolian a martyr. The
feest also of saynt Vedast called comynly in englysshe saynt
Sawsterf/ bysshop of traiectens/ T: of saynt Amand a bysshop
also/ *\ bothe gloryous/ T: of many myracles. The feest also of
saynt Sotheris a virgyn. H Addicyons.
f[ At alexander the feest of an other saynt Dorothe of noble
blode/ that made vnto Chryst y e vowe of chastite T: in the
persecucyon of y e tyraut Maxime y 1 compelled men to worshyp
ydolles/ T: women to breke chastyte/ this holy virgyn fledde in to
wyldernes/ T: there dyed in the peace of Chryst/ by y e example
of whome/ many other virgyns dyd the same/ T: so preserued
theyr virginite. In yrelond y e feest of saynt Mele/ saynt Melke
and saynt Munyse bysshops/ T: of seynt Ryoke an abbot/ T: all
foure breder T; neuewes vnto saynt Patryke by his syster saynt
Darerke/ all men of synguler sanctite T: grete myracles. In
yrelond also y e feest of saynt Fynian an abbot/ of grete byrth '"I
more holynes. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar.
cof. 1 virg.
{[ To morowe.
f[ The .vij. daye of February. In brytayne at august the
feest of saynt Agylf a martyr T: a bysshop. - The feest also of
saynt Moyses a bysshop y l fyrst lyued in desert T; there shewed
many tokens of hygh vertue by many myracles. And after he
went abrode T: couerted vnto Cryst a grete multytude T: coutrees
of the sarasyns and was theyr bysshop/ and by example T: grete
myracles and prechynge he moche edyfyed.
f[ Addicyons.
H The feest also of an other saynt Moyses an abbot in the
desert of syth a holy fader/ of whome is wry ten [in \_fo. xvi. b.
vitas patru. The feest also of saynt Richard a cofessour/ that
was a kynge of englonde/ T; for grete deuocyon he lefte his
kyngdome T; went in pylgrymage to rome with his two sones
saynt wyllybald and saynt wenebald/ T; as he returned he dyed
in y e cite of luke/ T: his sones came home/ T: one was a bysshop/
Ht y e other an abbot And theyr sister the kynges doughter
saynt walpurge was an abbesse/ and all of grete holynes T: many
myracles. At papye y e feest of saynt Syre a bysshop of singuler
sanctite "I many myracles. And y e feest of many other holy
sayntes/ martyrs/ confes, 1 virg.
If To morowe.
C The .viij. day of February, at armeny the lesse/ the feest
of sayt Denyse/ sayt Emilian/ and sayt Sebastian. At alexander
the feest of saynt Coynt a virgyn T: martyr/ that bycause she
wolde not worshyp ydolles was drawen by y e heles or feet thrugh
y e cite/ T: so they brake her bones T;tare her flesshe tyll she dyed.
In lusytane at corduba y e feest of sayt Salomon a martyr. At
rome the feest of saynt Paule a bysshop/ T; y e feest of sayt
Lucius T; saynt Ciriake. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Serapion/ that with saynt Coynt
was put to deth/ T; so were many other psones for the persecu-
cyon was so cruell than in alexander y l fewe chrystyans myght
escape. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/
confessours/ T; virg.
f[ To morowe.
C The .ix. daye of February, at alexander the passyon of
saynt Apolyne a virgyn/ whose persecutours fyrst knocked out
her tethe/ and after bycause she wold not worshyp theyr ydols/
she was brent/ wylfully goyng her selfe in to the fyre. In cipris
the feest of saynt Am[monye and saynt Alexander. \fo. xvii.
In rone the feest of saynt Ausbert bysshop of the same cite/
of grete holynes. f[ Addicyons.
C In englond the feest of saynt Theliaus/ that is called saynt
Elios/ T: y e comyn people done call hym saynt Eliud/ a noble
man borne/ T: from youth apply ed vnto vertue/ T: whan he was
lerned in scripture/ he herd y e fame of saynt Paulyn in wales/ T:
thyder comyng he foude there saynt Dauid/ 1; they twayne lyued
ogyder as breder : in theyr tyme the pictes hethen men entred
englonde T; destroyed many places T: slewe moche people/ T: a
prynce T: capytayne of them went in to wales/ y 1 by this holy
saynt was couerted/ T: he had reuelacyon to go w 1 saynt Dauid r t
saynt Paterne vnto lerusalem/ where they all thre preched in y l
tongue that before they neuer knewe/ as the apostles/ T: in all
languages/ T; dyd there I by the waye many grete rnyracles/ ^
whan they came home/ saynt Dauid was archebysshop of wales/
T: this saynt a bysshop/ 1 whan he was deed thre coutrees dyd
cotend T; stryue for his body/ T: at y e last by couseyle they fell all
vnto prayer/ T: comytted the Judgement vnto almighty god T: our
sauyour lesu/ T: on y e morowe after they foude there thre bodyes/
all T: eueryche so lyke vnto other/ that no difference myght be
noted/ wherfore euery of the thre coutrees praysynge god toke
one body/ one of them lyeth at landaf/ the seconde at kayrmyr-
thyn/ T: the thyrde in west wales. The feest also of many other
holy. Id
C To morowe.
C The .x. daye of February, at rome the feest of saynt
zotyke/saynt Hyerenef/ sayt lacynct/ T; saynt Amance all mar-
tyrs. In the eest coutree the feest of saynt Softheris [/. xvii. b.
a virgyn/ y l after many varyaut turmentes accomplysshed her
martyrdome by the swerde. At rome also in lauican strete the
feest of .x. soudyours. At y e castell of cassyn the feest of saynt
Scolastica a virgyn/ T: sister vnto saynt Benet. In the territory
of rone y e feest of saynt Austrobert a virgyn/ T: y e feest of saynt
Merpwyn a virgyn/ T; ye translacyon of saynt Gertrude virgyn T:
martyr. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Apy a confessour and a grete
clerke/ that wrote many werkes/ 1; in the cofessyon of Chrystes
faythe very famous. And the feest of saynt Sext a cofessour
also/ T: of hygh doctryne/ that made a noble treatyse of the
resurreccyon of Chryst/ *\ of y e generall resurreccyon. And y e
feest also of saynt Arabiane a cofessour/ T: a lerned man also/
that confouded many heretykes/ of whome saynt Eusebius
wryteth. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar. cof.
1 virg.
fl[ To morowe.
f[ The .xj. day of February, at lyons the feest of saynt
Desyre a bysshop T: cofessour/ T: of saynt Ponce a martyr.
At castelnaut the feest of saynt Seueryne/ abbot of aganens/ by
whose prayer y e noble kynge Clodoueus was cured of a grete
sekenes. At alexander the feest of sayt Eufras a virgyn/ y l in
her monastery was by synguler vertue/ grete abstinece T; many
myracles moche famous T; honourable.
C Addicyons.
C In alexander the feest of saynt Leonides a martyr that
was natura 11 fader vnto y e grete clerke Orygene that than beynge
of y e age of .xvij. yeres wrote a pystle vnto his fader a prysoner/
wyllyng him to be costaut in y e fayth/ for y e whiche he gladly
toke his deth/ heded with a swerde. The feest also of saynt
Mamy a quene [T: moder vnto the emperour Alexander/ \_fo. xviii.
y l was couerted by the same grete clerke Orygene/ 1 by her
owne sone y e sayd emperour put to deth for Chryst. The feest
also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T; virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xij. daye of February. At hylpanef the feest of
saynt Eulale a virgyn/ y l was put to deth in barcinon by y e
emperour Dioclecian. In affryke y e feest of saynt Saturnyn a
preest/ saynt Datyue/ saynt Felix/ saynt Apely/ w l many other
all martyrs/ that by y e procosull Auolynf were put to deth. At
alexander y e feest of saynt Modest and saynt Ammony bothe
chylder. The feest also of saynt Machary/ sayrit Ruffyne/ 1
saynt lust. f[ Addicyons.
f[ At cesary capadoce the feest of sayt Firmiliane bysshop of
y e same cite/ T: discyple vnto y e grete clerke Origene/ T; the feest
of saynt Theodour T: saynt Anthinodour naturall breder T: dis-
ciples also vnto y e same Origene/ that for theyr grete lernynge T:
synguler vertue were copelled in theyr yonge age bothe to
be bysshops. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
mar? fie.
fll To morowe.
C The .xiij. day of February, the translacyon of saynt
Edward kynge T: cofessour/ whose holy body was taken vp by
prouydence of god T: his owne reuelacyon/ T: by y e ayde of his
owne broder kynge Etheldrede/ w 1 the bysshops T: clergye/ T: all
the nobles of englond/ 1 shryned w 1 grete honour/ T: set amonge
other holy relykes. At antioche the feest of y e holy pphete sayrit
Agabus/ of whome sayt Luke wryteth in y e actes of y e apostles.
At mylen in armenye the feest of saynt Poliact a martyr/ whose
name by interpretacyon is prayenge/ or he [that \_fo. xviii. b.
prayeth. In the cite of andegaue the feest of sayt Lizyne/ a
man of grete grauite and synguler sanctite. In brytayne the feest
of saynt Ermenyld a virgyn of noble blode.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ At rauen the feest of saynt Fuske a virgyn of grete blode/
that in y e age of .xv. yeres was baptysed by the meanes of her
nourysshe or brynger vp. saynt Maure that w l her was put to
dethe by the accusacyon of her owne fader. At grautmout the
feest of saynt Sephanf an abbot/ a noble man borne/ of synguler
vertue T: many wonderous myracles. The feest also of an other
saynt Stephan an abbot also/ that (as saynt Gregory wryteth) was
of grete T: hygh vertue/ but synguler in pacience. The feest also
of saynt Castor/ of noble byrth and an abbot in desert/ by whose
prayer a shyppe was saued/ T: the psones refourmed \ made
pyteous/ with many other myracles. The feest also of sayt
Hyldebert bysshop of myldynens/ a man of synguler pfeccyon/
y 1 besyde many other grete myracles/ reysed one psone to lyfe.
The feest also of saynt lulian/ T: of many other holy sayntes/
martyrs/ confessours and virgyns.
H To morowe.
|[ The .xiiij. day of February. At rome y e feest of saynt
Valentyn a preest T; martyr/ a man of many myracles specyally
in curynge of the seke/ T: he was of grete lernyng T: stronge
fayth/ for the which he suffred many turmentes/ in the tyme of
the emperour Claude /T; at the last heded. At Rome also the feest
of saynt Vitale/ saynt Felycule T: saynt zenon all martyrs. At
interam the feest an other saynt Valentyne a bysshop T; martyr/
that after longe imprisonment T: many turmetes was heded. At
alexander y e feest of saynt Basse/ saynt [Antony T: saynt \^fo. xix.
Protholyke all martyrs/ y l for Chryst were drowned in y e see.
The feest also of saynt Ciryon a preest/ T: of saynt Moyses/
saynt Bassimiane T; saynt Agathon that were brent/ T: of saynt
Denyse T: saynt Ammon y l were heded.
C Addicyons.
C At alexander the feest of saynt Syre a martyr/ that bycause
he wold not do sacrefyce vnto y e ydolles/ was stryken in y e bely
w l a swerde/ 1 so y e martyr of Chryst. In y e same alexander the
feest of saynt Cheramon bysshop of nicopole T: a martyr/ and of
his wyfe/ T; many other psones/ that in y e persecucyon of Decius
y e emperour were murthered T; pryuely slayne. And the feest
of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xv. daye of February. At rome y e feest of saynt
Craton a martyr/ y l was couerted by saynt Valentyne and soone
after bothe he T: his wyfe T: all his houshold were put to deth.
In bryxe the feest of saynt Faustyne T; saynt louite a deacon
martyrs. In frauce at vasion the feest of saynt Quinyde a
bysshop/ whose precyous deth by many myracles is . proued
acceptable vnto our lorde. At interampnis the feest of saynt
Agapes a virgyn. At antioche the feest of saynt loseppe a
deacon. f[ Addicyons.
H The feest also of saynt Calocery y 1 was put to deth with
saynt Faustyne T: saynt louite. The feest also of a certayne
holy matrone/ T; of her two doughters virgyns/ whose names be
vnknowen/ y l in ye persecucyon of ye emperours Dioclecian 1
Maximian were put to deth for Chryst. And the feest of many
other holy Ac.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xvj. daye of February, the feest of saynt Hone[simus/
of whome saynt Paule wryteth vnto Philemon/ T: he \_fo. xix. b.
was bisshop of ephesios/ where sayt Paule lefte hym w l grete
charge to preche/ than was he accused ^t brought to rome T: there
stoned to deth/ whose holy body was brought by his discyples
where he was bysshop. At cume the feest of saynt Julian
virgyn and martyr/ that suffred many turmentes/ T; kepte open
batayle with the fende/ T: was cast in to a grete fyre/ T; after
boyled in a potte/ and at the last heded.
fl Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Honest a martyr/ T: of saynt
Adaucte y l was duke of a cite in fryge land/ T: in y e persecucyon
of Dioclecian/ whan he T: his cite all chrystyans were desyred to
do sacrefice/ 1 they all denyed/ the cite was set on fyre/ 1 all
the people nere innumerable brent. In alexander the feest of
many martyrs/ y 1 in y e same psecucyon were put to deth by
many varyaut T; moost cruel turmentes. And y e feest of many
other Ad.
C To morowe.
C The .xvij. daye of February. In egypte the feest of saynt
lulian a martyr/ ^ of other psones y 1 with hym were put to
deth for Chryst .v. M. In babilon a cite of perse the feest of
saynt Policron a bysshop T: martyr/ y l in the presence of y e
emperour Decius dyed in prayer. At corduba y e passyon of
saynt Donate/ saynt Secundian/ saynt Romule/ w l other .viij. C.
and .vj. martyrs. In scotlond y e feest of saynt Finian a preest
T: cofessour of singuler vtue. In teruens y e feest of saynt
Syluyne bysshop of tolane. At cleremout the traslacyon of
saynt Luuiane a confessour.
C Addicyons*
f[ At cawsyne y e feest of saynt Sauyne bysshop of the same
cite/ y* by an enemy dranke poyson/ by y e whiche [drynke [/#. xx.
y e same enemy beynge in an other coutree ferre thens/ was
forthw 1 intoxicate T: poysoned to deth/ as though he hymselfe
had dronke the poyson/ T: the bysshop was not hurt therby
The feest also of many . T:c.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xviij. day of February, the receyuyng of saynt
Edwarde kynge T: martyr in to sephton fro perham. And the
feest of saynt Symeon a bysshop T: martyr/ T; nere kynsman
vnto our sauyour Chryst/ for he was sone vnto Cleophas y l was
broder vnto Joseph/ T: he was nexte after saynt lames called
Chrystes broder bysshop of Jerusalem/ *\ in y e psecucyon of
Traianus after many varyaut turmentes he was crucyfyed/ T: so
valyautly he toke his deth/ that the selfe iudge T: all the people
had meruayle/ to se a man of y* age of .Cxx. yeres suffre so
strongly the paynes of y e crosse. At hoste the feest of saynt
Maximus/ saynt Claudius/ T: saynt Prepedlge wyfe vnto saynt
Claudius/ w 1 two of theyr sones/ all martyrs/ of noble byrth/ T;
exiled for Chryst by the emperour Dioclecian/ T: after put to
deth by y e fyre. In affryke the feest of saynt Rutyle/ saynt
Syluane T: saynt Maximiane.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ In englond y e feest of saynt Eudelme a holy virgyn. At
alexander ye feest of saynt Phyle/ saynt Hesychius saynt Pacho-
mius T: saynt Theodour/ all bysshops of egypt T: martyrs/ put
to deth in the psecucyon of Dioclecian. The feest also of saynt
Panucius a bysshop of egypt/ that was put to deth by the
emperour Maximiane. And the feest of many other holy sayntes
f[ To morowe.
{[ The .xix. day of February, the feest of saynt Gabine a
preest T: martyr/ y 1 by the emperour Dioclecian was [put [fa. xx. b.
to deth by many cruel turmentes. In affryke the feest of saynt
Publy/ saynt lulian/ T: saynt Marcell.
f[ Addicyons.
C In germany the feest of saynt Gall a preest 1 cofessour.
In y e coutree of ybery the feest of a holy woman of
lib. .x. whome Eusebius wryteth/ y 1 was taken prysoner
out of christianite/ T: thyder brought T: kept as a
thrall or bonde woman/ by whome yet at y e last all y e coutree
was couerted vnto Chryst/ notw l standyng her name is not
expressed. The feest also of many other holy fie.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xx. daye of February. At tyre y e feest of a grete
multitude of martyrs/ whose nobre passyng mannes wytte/ is
onely reserued vnto y e knowlege of god/ whiche multytude by
the emperour Dioclecian were put to deth by diuerse turmentes/
scourgynge/ hangyng/ rackynge/ terynge w l hokes/ T: at the last
brent in fyre/ of y e whiche multytude these were chefe/ saynt
Ciran saynt Siluan/ saynt Pelewse/ T: saynt Line a bysshop and
saynt zenoby a preest In the yle of cipres the feest of saynt
Potamye/ and saynt Nemesye. In almayne the feest of saynt
Gaslyf a preest T; cofessour. At rome y e feest of saynt Gayus/
saynt Victor/ T; saynt Pakamye.f
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Eukare bysshop of orliauce/ and a
man of grete holynes. In englongef the feest of saynt wolryke a
preest/ borne .viij. myles fro bristowe that in youth was very
wylde 1 a grete hunter/ 1 yet after he closed hymselfe as an ancre/
T: was of hygh perfeccyon/ **l many myracles. In yrelonde the
feest of saynt Bolke/ y i was borne in englonde/ of noble blode/
whose moder after the deth of her housbonde went in [to \_fo. xxi.
yrelonde beynge w 1 chylde T: there dyed/ T; was buryed/ whome
her owne natural broder saynt Patryke reysed by prayer/ T;
forthw* she trauayled T: was soudly deliuered of this holy saynt/
T: after he was of hygh perfeccyon/ T: many grete myracles.
The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. and
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxj. day of February. At scicilief y e feest of .Ixxix.
holy martyrs/ that vnder y e emperour Dioclecian/ by dyuerse
cruell turmentes/ receyued of Chryst for y e cofessyon of his
name y e crowne of perpetuall glory. In affryke at adrumete y e
feest of saynt Verole/ saynt Secudyn/ saynt Serule/ T: .xx. other
psones all martyrs. f[ Addicyons.
f[ At rome y e feest of saynt Symake pope/ that made Gloria
in excelsis/ T: ordered y e same to be songe or sayd euery sondaye
T: feestfull day at masse. At his eleccyon was a sysme/ but he
obteyned T: was of holy lyf T; many myracles. The feest also
of many other holy. T:c.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxij. daye of February. At antioche the stallacion
or tronizacyon of saynt Peter called cathedra sctl Petri. And y e
feest of sayt Papie bysshop of ierapole/ y l was discyple vnto
saynt lohn the euangelyst/ 1: scole felowe w l saynt Policarpe.
The feest also of saynt Aristion/ one of the .Ixxij. disciples of
Chryst. At alexander the feest of saynt Abily bysshop of y e
same/ T: the second after saynt Marke/ 1 well ruled his chirche
in vertue T: good example .xiij. yeres. The feest also of saynt
Tecla a virgyn. C Addicyons.
f[ At tornate the feest of saynt Piaton a preest T: martyr/
borne at Rome T: sent w l saynt Denyse in to frauce/ [where
after he had conuerted moche people/ he was heded [fo. xxi. b.
in the persecucyon of the emperour Domiciane whose deed body
toke vp the heed in his owne armes and bare it more than two
myles/ by the whiche myracle moo than .M. gentyles were
couerted. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?,
confes. T; virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxiij. day of February. At siryne y e feest of sayt
Seueref a monke T: martyr/ y* by the emperour Maximian was
heded for chryst. The feest also of .Ixxij. martyrs that in the
same cite were put to deth. And y e feest of saynt Policarpe a
preest T: confessour/ that w* saynt Sebastian couerted many
persones/ and by his holy exhortacyons conforted them vnto
martyrdome. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of sayt Modest bisshop of treuer. And of
saynt Pion an abbot/ of whome is wryten in vitas patru. The
feest also of saynt Apelles/ y l was a smyth by occupacyon/ vnto
whome the deuyl appered lyke a woman of singuler beaute/
whome he stroke on y e face w l the hote yren y* he wrought/ \
he lyued many yeres without ony fode but onely y e holy sacra-
ment whiche he receyued euery sonday/ T: he was taught by an
augell/ 1 preched T: moche edifyed/ T; he knewe the preuy vyces
or vertues of his breder/ w l many other notable thynges. The
feest also of many other holy sayn. T:c.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxiiij. day of February, the feest of saynt Mathye
the apostle/ that after y e ascencion of our sauyour was chosen
by lotte T: by grace of y e holy ghost/ by the other .xj. apostles/
in y e place T; rome of Judas y e traytour/ 1 he preched the gospell
in the londe of iudee.
rt [f[ The feest also of the inuencyon of saynt lohn [fo. xxii.
* baptystes heed/ that was foude in the tyme of the prynce
Marcian/ by y e reuelacyon of y e same holy saynt lohn that was
made vnto two monkes. In cesary the feest of sayt Serge a
martyr/ whose noble gestes ben wryten in the legend. In
englond the feest of saynt Athelbert/ the fyrst chrysten kynge
of this realme.
A canon or rule for the redynge of this Martiloge in the
lepe yere.
f[ In euery lepe yere this lettre .ff! in the
For the kalender is twyse nombred for two dyuerse dayes/
lepe yere. and euer vpon the latter daye is saynt Mathyes
daye/ and therfore ye must begyn your Martiloge
on y e fyrst f. the .xxiiij. daye thus.
f[ The feest also of y e inuencyon fie. at this marke And
the nexte daye after rede of saynt Mathye/ vnto the same marke/
1 than your addicyons as folowe.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Gerard bysshop of Panony/ pro-
moted therunto for his sanctite by saynt Stephen kynge of
Hungary/ T: there as he preched he was put to deth by infydeles.
The feest also of an other saynt Gerard a cofessour T; bysshop
of luke/ T; of meruaylous sanctite/ T: many myracles. The feest
also of saynt Serene a monke T: martyr/ that by the emperour
Maximian was put to deth for Chryst. And the feest of an
other saynt Serene an abbot of synguler graces/ specyally in the
vertue of chastite. And the feest of many other holy sayntes/
martyrs/ confessours T; virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxv. daye of February. In egypte the feest of
[saynt Victoryne ^t saynt Victor/ saynt Nicofore 1 [/o. xxiL b.
sayt Claudiane/ saynt Dioscour/ saynt Serapion/ T: saynt Papy/
yt by y e emperour Numeriane were put to many varyaunt \
moost cruell turmentes T: vnto dyuerse dethes. At rome the
inuencyon of saynt Paules heed the apostle.
H Addicyons.
f[ The y e f feest also of saynt Walpurge a virgyn. The feest
also of saynt Piamon a preest in y e deserte of sythe that by the
reueiacyon of an augell knewe his breders synnes/ *\ refourmed
them to penaunce ^t forgyuenes. And y e feest of saynt Beniamyn
an olde fader/ y l dwelled in wyldernes/ and beynge seke hym-
selfe/ so that he myght not go/ he heled all maner of persones y l
were brought vnto hym of all maner of sekenes. The feest also
of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, cofes. T: virg.
C To morowe.
{[ The .xxvj. daye of February. In pergenpamphyle the
feest of saynt Nestour a bysshop/ that in y e persecucyon of y e
emperour Decius was racked T: put to many cruell turmentes/
whiche w 1 a stronge hert T: noble courage he susteyned for
Chryst/ \ at y e last as a noble chapion he folowynge his mayster
Chryst/ dyed vpon the crosse. In alexander the feest of saynt
Alexander/ that was a sage fader of profoude doctryne. And
in a generall sene of .cccxviij. bysshops T; reuerende faders of y e
chirche/ he codempned for euer/ l cursed solempnely the grete
heretyke Arrius Ht all his secte T: opinyons with many other noble
actes. The feest also of saynt Fortunate/ saynt Felix/ w l other
xxvij. holy martyrs. C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of sayt Syre/ sayt Paule/ saynt Isay that
all togyder mette at a water banke/ T: all purpo[synge \_fo. xxiii.
one thynge/ T; yet none knewe of an other/ T: all they went to
vysyte a holy fader saynt Anub/ T: were caryed all ouer that
water by myracle/ T; eueryche of them had a singuler reuelacyon
of y e same saynt Anub \ he had reuelacyon of them T: theyr
thoughtes/ 1 in y e mornyng after he dyed amonge them/ T:
they after/ all full of sctlte 1 pfeccyon. The feest also of many
oth. lc.
f[ To morowe.
C The xxvij. day of February. In alexander the passyon of
saynt lulian a martyr/ y 1 was seke of y e gowte not able to go/ T:
therfore he was brought before the iudge on horsbacke/ with
his seruaut saynt Euno/ by whome they were iudged to be
caryed thrugh the cite vpon mules/ *\ in the syght of y e people
to be scourged in dyuerse stretes/ T: theyr flesshe was rent T:
torne w l hokes/ tyll by suche turmentes they were deed. In
spayne in the cite of hyspale the feest of saynt Leandre a
bysshop T: cofessour/ by whose prechynge/ wysdome and
doctryne/ all the gotes w l theyr kynge saynt Recared were
conuerted from y e wycked heresye of Arrius. At lyons y e feest
of saynt Baldomere/ at whose tombe ben done many grete
myracles. In alexander the feest of saynt Abundance/ and of
saynt Fortunion. C Addicyons.
C At cesary capadoce y e feest of saynt Honoryne a holy
virgyn/ y l after many strauge turmentes was slayne by the
swerde/ \ with her were put to deth saynt Kalixt T: saynt Trist
bothe virgyns/ y 1 by her were couerted vnto Chrystes fayth. The
feest of many other .1:2.
To morowe.
The .xxviij. daye of February. In the terrytory of lyons
the feest of saynt Romane/ fyrst an heremyte/1 [after \_fo. xxiii. b.
an abbot/ euer of holy couersacyon T. famous in myracles. The
feest also of saynt Machare/ saynt Rufyne/ saynt lust/ 1 saynt
Theophyle. In englonde at Worcester the feest of saynt Oswalde
an archebysshop of moche vertue.
C Addicyons.
f[ In yrelonde y e feest of saynt Ayd. At Rome the feest of
saynt I ohm a monke of hygh perfeccyon/ y { was closed in a stray te
sell/ T: foude of almes by his owne fader T; moder/ but vnknowen
vnto them/ vnto the tyme of his deth. The feest also of an other
saynt lohn an abbot in sythe/ that whan an heremyte came to
vysyte hym/ that there had dwelled .xl. yeres/ T; saynt lohn
axed hym of his moost pfeccyon. He answered/ y e sonne (sayd
he) sawe me neuer ete ne drynke. Ne me (sayd saynt lohn)
angry/ wrothe/ or dyspleased. Hereof is wryte in vitas patru.
The feest also of y e thyrde saynt lohn an abbot also of y e
desert of y e hygher thebaydes that thre yeres contynually prayed
euer standynge/ *\ neuer dyd he syt nor lye/ ne neuer ete ne
dranke/ but y l euery sondaye he receyued the body of our lorde/
after he went forth to preche by the reuelacyon of an augell by
whome he was euery sonday refresshed at his sell. Of hym is
also wry ten in vitas patru. The feest also of y e fourth saynt
lohn/ wryten of in vitas patru also a gracyous man/ T: vnto all
persones moche cofortable and of grete myracles. The trans-
lacyon also of our holy fader saynt Augustyne/ from hypponens
vnto papye/ solempnly done by kynge Luprand/ kynge of
longobardynes/ in the yere of our lord .vij. c. xviij. T; after his
deth .CC. and .Ixxx. yeres/ at whiche translacyon were done
many grete myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
martyrs/ confessours T: virg.
[C To morowe. [/. xxiiii.
e fyrst day of Marche. at rome y e feest of
Marche. ccxij. martyrs/ whome y e emperour Claudius
fyrst condempned chrystyans/ T: for theyr punysshe-
ment he set them to labour T: to dygge sondes for y e cite/ \ after
syth they wolde not forsake Chryst/ they were teyed without
salary gate in a playne/ to be shotte at by the soudyours/ T: so put
to deth. 'In cartage y e feest of saynt Donate a martyr/ that by
the iudge Vrsace/ T: the tribune Marcelline was there put to deth.
In andegatie the feest of saynt Albyne a bysshop T: confessour/
a famous man of synguler sanctite. At massylye the feest of
saynt Heremete and saynt Adrian. The feest also of saynt Leo
a martyr/ of many myracles. In brytayne now wales/ the feest
of saynt Dauid an archebysshop and confessour/ a man of many
graces T: notable vertues. In peruse y e feest of saynt Erculauef
a bysshop.
f[ Addicyons.
{[ In sythe y e feest of saynt Sare an holy abbesse/ y l in
youth was moche tempted w l lechery/ but so by contynuall
prayer she resysted/ that y e deuyll appered vnto her T: sayd/
y u hast vaynquysshed 1 ouercome me. Nay sayd she/ my lorde
god T: sauyour Chryst/ T: not I hath vaynquysshed T; confounded
the/ T: than she went in to desert/ ^ there was an abbesse of
blessed lyfe .lx. yeres. The feest also of saynt Syncletyke an
abbesse also in y e same wyldernes/ of whome is wryten in vitas
patru. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?. IxL
C To morowe.
H The seconde day of Marche. at rome in latyn strete the
feest of saynt louyne T; saynt Basylewe martyrs that were put
to deth by y e empcrours Galiene T: Va[leriane. At [fo. xxiiii. b.
rome also y e feest of many martyrs vnnombred/ that by y e
emperour alexander were put to deth by many turmentes. In
englond at lychefelde y e feest of saynt Chadde a bysshop T:
confessour/ whose lyfe of meruaylous vertue sayt Bede wryteth.
The feest also of saynt Lucius a bisshop/ saynt Absolon and
saynt Lorgef confessours.
C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of sayt Cedde y l was naturall broder vnto
saynt Chadde a bysshop also T; a cofessour of synguler vertue ~t
many myracles. The feest also of saynt Symplice pope T;
martyr. In ytaly y e feest of .CCCC. martyrs that were put to
deth by y e longobardes. In affryke the feest of many bysshops/
prelates T: clerkes that in the tyme of the emperour lustinian
were put to deth by the wandales. In englonde y e feest of saynt
Wyllyam a preest of grete fame in vertue T: myracles that
flourysshed in the tyme of the emperour Henry y e thyrde.
And the feest of many other holy sayntes fie.
f[ To morowe.
C The thyrde day of Marche. at cesary palestyne the feest of
saynt Maryne/ a man of warre/ y l confessynge the name of
Chryst boldly/ was heded in the persecucyon of the emperour
Valeriane/ by whose constancy saynt Astecef a senatour cofessed
hymselfe a chrystyan also/ T: lapped the holy corps in his
senatours cloke/ to haue buryed it w 1 due honour/ for the whiche
he was forthw 1 put to the same deth. In galace at legionens y e
feest of saynt Enutheretl saynt Seledon y 1 were there soudyours/
T: put to many turmentes/ 1 after brought to calagurryn/ T: there
C 2
receyued the crowne T: palme of martyrdome. The feest also of
saynt wynewale a bysshop.
41 Addicyons.
[C In almayne at bamberge the feest of saynt [/. xxv.
Kunegund a virgyn/ ~t wyfe vnto saynt Henry y e emperour and
yet bothe by one assent kepynge purite lyued virgyns/ notw 1 -
standynge/ she by the malyce of y e deuyll T; enuyous suspicyon
was accused of incontynency/ but she for her purgacyon went
barefoted thrugh a grete fyre of grete length/ T: vpon coles T:
glowyge hote yren w'out blemysshe or noyaunce/ *\ so was
declared. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar. cof.
1 virg.
C To morowe.
C The .iiij. day of Marche. at rome in appia strete the feest
of saynt Luke pope T: martyr/ y* in the psecucyon of y e
emperours Valeriane T: Galiene was fyrst put to exile for Chryst/
T: after by dyuyne reuelacyon he was called home vnto his chirche/
T: there heded. At Rome also in y e same strete y e feest of .ix. C.
martyrs/ that in y e same psecucyon were put to deth/ T: buryed
in y e cimytery of saynt Cicilyes. The feest also of saynt Gay
and saynt Palatynef that were drowned in the see/ T: with them
xxvij. other person es all martyrs.
C Addicyons.
C At nicomede y e feest of saynt Adrian/ that after many
affliccyons was there put to deth/ T: w l him .xxiij. other persones
all martyrs. The feest also of saynt Tabite/ y l in y e grete
monastery of thebaydes was holden T: supposed a fole T; drabbe
of kechyn/ of whome was reuelacyon made vnto saynt Piery/
whiche knowen she fledde in to desert/ The feest also of many
other .1:2.
f[ To morowe.
C The .v. day of Marche. At antioche y e feest of saynt
Poke a martyr/ y l suffred many affliccyons 1 open batayle w 1 the
deuyll in y e syght of y e people/ wherof they [speke \_fo. xxv. b.
vnto this daye. The feest also of saynt Eusebius saynt Palatynef/
T: .xj. other martyrs. In yrelonde the feest of saynt Ciaue a
bysshop and confessour.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Quiryake a bysshop T: martyr/ that
was y e same ludas y l was copelled by saynt Elene to fynde the
holy crosse/ T: after his baptym he was bisshop of Jerusalem/ T:
put to deth for y e fayth of the crosse. At palestyne y e feest of
saynt Theophile bysshop of y e same cite/ of whome saynt
Terome wryteth grete prayse. And y e feest of an other saynt
Theophyle bysshop of alexander/ a man of excellent doctryne/
that confouded many heresyes/ *t wrote many werkes agaynst
them. In gornwell y e feest of saynt Pyrane/ called also saynt
Keran/ borne of the nobles of yrelonde in the tyme of saynt
Patryke/ a man of hygh pfeccyon ~t very many myracles/ T: had
visyon of augels/ T; lyued meruaylously longe without sekenes or
disease. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar. cof. 1
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .vj. day of Marche. At nicomede y e feest of sayt
Victor T; saynt Victoryne/ y l by the space of thre yeres were with
saynt Claudiane 1 saynt Basse his wyfe/ in grete affliccyon/ T: at
the last they dyed in pry son. At tolete y e deposycyon of saynt
lulian a bysshop/ y l there is had in grete honour.
C Addicyons.
C At terdon the feest of saynt Marcian a bysshop and
martyr/ y 1 by augels was brought out of pryson for y e con forte
of saynt Secude/ whiche saynt Secude was ledde by an augell/
after y l vnto hym in y e same prison/ T: brought hym the sacra-
ment of Chrystes body before his martyrdome. In englond the
feest of saynt Kyne[burge/ doughtervnto kynge Penda/ {fo.xxvi.
T: wyfe vnto the kyng of the marches/ T; after an holy abbesse.
And the feest also of her syster Kenyswyde a.virgyn/ y l after
her succeded abbesse. And y e feest also of theyr kynswoman
saynt Tybbe a virgyn/ T: all thre of synguler sanctite T: grete
myracles. And y e feest of many oth. T;2.
C To morowe.
C The .vij. day of Marche. At mauritane amonge y e tybur-
bitans y e feest of ( y e holy women sayt Perpetua T: saynt Felicite
martyrs/ T: of saynt Reuocate and saynt Saturnyne/ that w l them
by the prynce Seuere were put to deth all deuoured w l wylde
beestes/ L the feest of saynt Secudole that was taken with them/
but he dyed in pryson/ and so with them a martyr.
fl Addicyons.
H The feest also of saynt Thomas of aquyne/ a noble man
borne/ T: yet more noble in vertue T: myracles/ T: y l amonge holy
sayntes was of excellent lernynge/ and amonge lerned men of
synguler sanctite. The feest also of saynt Satyre/ broder vnto
sayt Saturnyne/ T: (after some auctours) put to deth w 1 his
broder T: his felowes. In the monastery of saynt Paule vpon
y e water of tyne in englonde/ y e feest of saynt Esterwyne abbot
of the same/ T: a man of grete pfeccyon. And ye feest of many
other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe,
f[ The .viij. day of Marche. At antion y e feest of saynt
Philomonf T: saynt Apollyn a deacon/ y l bycause they wolde not
do sacrefice vnto the ydolles/ were thrylled or bored thrugh the
heles vnder y e ancles/ T: so drawen by cordes thrugh y e cite/ T;
at y e last slayne by y e swerde. In the same cite y e feest of
saynt Ariane/ saynt Theo[tyke/ T: of other thre psones \_fo. xxvi. b.
all martyrs/ y l after many horryble turmentes were drowned in
y e see/ whose holy bodyes were brought to londe by a delfyne.
At cartage the feest of saynt Ponce a deacon/ *\ of saynt
Cirprianef a bysshop T: his companyon in all troubles/ of whose
lyfe/ noble actes and passion he made a notable boke/ T: after
for Chryst suffred gloryous martyrdom. In brytayne y e feest of
.sayt Felix a bysshop r l cofessour.
f[ Addicyons.
U In yrelonde the feest of saynt Fenan a bysshop/ of whome
sayt Patryke pphecyed .vj, score yeres before he was borne/
shewynge y 1 suche a man of his name T: maner/ shold be in his
rome archebysshop of yrelonde/ and so he was/ T: of lyke holy-
nes and myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
mar. cof. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
C The .ix. day of Marche. At nice y e feest of sayt Gregory
a bysshop/ T; broder vnto sayt Basyle bysshop of cesariens/ a
man of grete fame/ synguler doctryne/ goodly eloquence/ T: of
hygh pfeccyon. At barcinon the feest of saynt Pacian/ y 1 dyed
in the tyme of prynce Theodos. At sebasten the feest of .xl.
martyrs all famous men of warre.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ In the regyon of galace the feest of saynt Phyllorrony a
preest of meruaylous abstinence/ T; of cotynuall labours/ T; often-
tymes had open batayle w l euyll spirytes/ T: yet was of grete
cotemplacion. The feest also of saynt Gadane/ a man of harde
Lyuyng/ for he neuer lay in hous ne couerture/ but alwaye in
y e open ayre T; weder. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes .T:c.
C To morowe.
C The .x. day of Marche. At apamia the feest of saynt
[Alexander/ T: saynt Gay martyrs/ that (as saynt \_fo. xxvii.
Apolinar bysshop of lerapolitan wryteth in his boke agaynst
the catafryges) were put to deth in y e persecucyon of Antonyn
vere. In perse y e feest of .xlij. martyrs. At parys y e feest of
saynt Dorothene an abbot/ 1 discyple vnto saynt Germayn the
bysshop. The feest also of saynt Atale an abbot T: discyple vnto
saynt Colubane. And y e feest of saynt Agathe/ saynt Gorgon
and saynt Fyrme. fl Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Syluia a virgyn/ that was doughter
vnto y e mayre of alexander/ T: of grete doctryne/ % very eloquent/
1 spent y e nyghtes hooly in redyge of holy scripture/ T: the daye
in prayer T: cotemplacyon content w l ly tell slepe T: small fedynge/
*\ she lyued in y e wyldernes of the thebaides .lx. yeres/ T: neuer
laye in bedde ne strawe/ but vpon the bare erth. The feest
also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T: virg.
41 To morowe.
f[ The .xj. day of Marche. At sebasten in y 6 lesse armenye
the feest of .xl. martyrs men of warre/ y l by kynge Lucyne had
many turmentes/ T: at y e last theyr thyes T: legges were broken/
T: so ended theyr martyrdome/ y e capytaynes and moost noble
men of them were saynt Cirion 1 saynt Candidus.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ In the marches of englond the feest of saynt Paule
bysshop of leonens/ y l whan he was a nouyce droue before hym
a flocke of byrdes that destroyed the corne/ T: brought them
vnto his abbot to be punysshed. And after he comaunded the
see to remoue a rnyle backe/ T: to leue all y e lande vnto the
monastery/ 1 so it yet remayneth/ w l many other grete myracles.
At cartage y e feest of saynt Hyrade/ saynt zozime/ saynt
Alexander/ saynt [Candidus/ saynt Piperion/ 1 other [_fo. xxvii. b.
xx. psones all martyrs. In fraunce the feest of saynt Gupert
bysshop of herbipole/ y l for his holynes 1 hygh vertue/ was
compelled agaynst his wyll to be a bysshop/ T; he lyued but
a smal tyme after. The feest also of many other ho. T:c.
C To morowe.
{[ The .xij. day of Marche. At rome the feest of saynt
Gregory the pope/ '"I one of the .iiij. doctours/ called also the
apostle of englond/ bycause he sent saynt Augustyne in to
englonde/ by whome the people there were couerted. At
nicomede y e passyon of saynt Peter a martyr/ y 1 was seruaut. T:
of y e chambre w l the prynce Dioclecian/ T; whan he sawe the
cruelte of his prynce vnto the chrystyans/ he boldly reproued hym/
for y e whiche he was hanged by the heles T; scourged/ T: his
fiesshe rent T: toren/ 1 than vynegre T: salte cast therupon/ T;
after he was broyled vpon the coles/ 1 so made the hoste T:
sacrefyce of Chryst. At the same cite the feest also of saynt
Eddune a preest w l other .vij. martyrs/ y l vnto y e terrour T;
fere of the people were put to deth eerie after other. The feest
also of saynt Alphege bysshop of wentane 1 a confessour.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ At rome the feest of saynt Peter a deacon/ T: disciple
vnto saynt Gregory. The feest also of saynt Sysyn a monke of
grete vertue/ but synguler in chastite/ so y l he neuer knewe
differece bytwene man kynde T; women. In the desert of
thebaydes y e feest of saynt Diocles/ y l was fyrst a seculer
philosopher of grete lernyng/ T: after of strayte T: harde lyuyng
closed in a caue many yeres vnto y e ende of his lyf. And y e
feest of many oth. Tx?.
C To morowe.
C The .xiij. daye of Marche. At nicomede the feest of
[saynt Macedon a preest/ saynt Patryke/ T: saynt \_fo. xxviiL
Modest martyrs. At nice the feest of saynt Thensete/ sayt
Horre/ saynt Theodour/ sayt Nympodour/ sayt Marke/ T: saynt
Arabye martyrs/ all brent. At thebaydes y e feest of saynt
Eufrase a virgyn. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Capithon a cofessour/ that in youth
was a stronge thefe/ T: after went in to wyldernes/ T: there for
his penaunce he enclosed hymselfe in a denne .1. yeres/ T: neuer
came in to y e company of people. The feest also of saynt Amata
a virgyn T; an abbesse of .lx. virgyns in y e desert of thebaides/ a
woman of hygh pfeccion/ T; in y e age of .Ixxx. yeres she before
her systers not feynynge seke ne dyseased/ made her redy to be
buryed/ T: whan she came vnto y e sepulcre/ she yelded her
spiryte. The feest also of many other holy sayntes .12.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xiiij. day of Marche. At rome the feest of.xlix.
martyrs/ that were baptyzed of saynt Peter/ whyle he was in
pryson in the kepynge Mamurtyne w l his coapostle and felowe
saynt Paule/ where they were kepte .ix. monethes/ but these holy
sayntes were put to deth by the tyranny T; swerde of the cruel
emperour Nero. In affryke the feest of saynt Peter a martyr.
And the feest of saynt Eufrose a bysshop T; confessour.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ In egypte y e feest of saynt Puny fyke/ an honourable preest
1 abbot of many monkes/ T: of hygh pfeccion Ht many myracles/
y l in his age wyllynge to auoyde y e fame T: prayse of the worlde/
fiedde pryuely in a seculer habyte vnto an other abbey in desert/
of more strayter lyuynge/ T: there he remayned many dayes/
layenge styll before ye gates/ desyryng to be receyued/ but they
[longe deferred bycause of his age/ yet at y e last by [fo. xxviii. b.
his importunite/ they toke hym/ T: there he dyd the moost vyle
labours in y e hous/ T: oft he wold ryse in y e nyght to do certayn
labours necessary/ bycause no man shold knowe the doer. Than
his owne monastery fell in dekey/ T: the breder went abrode to
seke hym/ T: whan he at y e last was founde/ he returned home/
T: there ended his lyf. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes fie.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xv. day of Marche. in cesary Capadoce y e passyon
of saynt Longyne/ that perced T: opened the syde of our
sauyour w 1 a spere/ as in his legende is wryten. The translacyon
also of saynt Leodegare a bysshop T: martyr. At y e cite of
thessolonyke the feest of saynt Macronef a martyr/ a woman of
grete coscyence/ that confessyng euer the name of Chryst/ was
beten to deth w* staues. The feest also of saynt lames T: saynt
Luke/ bothe bysshops; {[ Addicyons.
C In sythe the feest of saynt Theremon an abbot/ of hygh
pfeccyon. At pamphilye y e feest of saynt Arteby a bysshop/
that was an heremyte/ T: by violence was made bysshop of y e
sayd cite/ T: well T: holyly ruled his flocke/ T: there lyeth buryed.
In ytaly y e feest of saynt Habetdeu/ bysshop of lunens 1 a
martyr/ yt after exyle T: many troubles was heded by y e wadales.
The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T: virg.
C To morowe.
C The .xvj. day of Marche. at aquiley y e feest of saynt
Hyllary a bysshop/ T: saynt Taciane a deacon/ y l were hanged
on a gybet/ T: by many other turmetes put to deth/ T: w 4 them
were also martyred saynt Felix/ saynt Large/ T; saynt Denyse.
At rome the passyon of saynt [Ciriake a deacon/ that \_fo. xxix.
after longe imprysonmet was taken out T: hote pytche w l sulphure
pored vpon hym/ than was he racked T: his mebres stretched w l
cordes/ T; at the last by the comaudement of the tyraut Maxi-
mian he was heded/ T: w 1 hym were put to deth saynt Large *\
saynt Smaragdus/ with .xx. other psones/ whose seconde feest
is kepte the .viij. daye of August, whan they were translated and
tombed or shryned by saynt Marcel pope. At auerne y e feest
of saynt Patrike a bysshop T: confessour.
C Addicyons.
f[ In yrelonde y e feest of saynt Fynan a bysshop of synguler
sanctite/ he reysed thre psones from deth/ w l many famous
myracles. In scotlond y e feest of saynt Abbane/ called also
saynt Kyryne/ whose syrname was Boniface/ and therfore
of many called saynt Boniface/ borne in y e coutree of galilee
at bethsayda/ T: by nacyon a iewe/ T: ordered a bysshop by
saynt lohri patriarke of lerusale/ T: after he was a grete
pylgrym vnto all the places where Chryst had ben/ T: than to
Rome by reuelacyon/ T; from thens to scotlond/ where he
couerted the kynge T; the coutree/ T; after he went in to y e
out yles/ where he buylded .C. chirches/T: couerted of the people
vnto Chryst .xxxvj. M. T: reysed .vij. psones fro deth/ T: he made
y e defe to here/ the blynde to se/ y e lame to go/ and he cast
out \vycked spirytes/ w 1 many other myracles/ T: he lyued vnto
the age of .C. yeres T: moo. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar?. TxL
f[ To morowe.
C The .xvij. daye of Marche. In scotlonde the feest of
saynt Patrike bysshop T: confessour/ that fyrst preched there
Christes fayth. At nicomede y e feest of saynt Eugene/ saynt
Paphilian/ saynt Castor/ T: saynt Serene. [The feest [fo. xxix. b.
also of saynt witburge a virgyn. In the monastery of nugell the
feest of saynt Geretrude a virgyn and martyr.
C Addicyons.
f[ At alexander the feest of saynt Ambrose a deacon of the
same cite T: chefe chirche/ T: a notable man of hygh vertue. The
feest of saynt Cassiadour/ y l was chauceler vnto the kynge of
ytaly/ T: after a senatour of rome T: all he forsoke T: was a monke
of grete holynes T: excellent lernyng/ T: wrote many werkes
vnto the edifycacyon of Christes chirche/ T: after his deth he
dyd many myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayn. Ic.
C To morowe.
H The .xviij. daye of Marche. In englond the feest of
saynt Edward kynge T: martyr/ sone T: heyre vnto the noble
kynge Edgare/ that was a grete founder of monasteryes/ whiche
sayd kynge Edward as a true professour of Chrystes fayth/ was
martyred by the psecucyon of his stepdame/T; of certayne lordes
of her counseyle/ wherby he was ioyned vnto y e college T; com-
pany of holy sayntes in heuen/ as playnly is declared by
many grete miracles dayly shewed at his tombe. The feest
also of saynt Alexander a bysshop/ y l for deuocyon wente from
capadoce his owne cite vnto Jerusalem/ where by diuyne
reuelacyon he toke vpon hym y e cure T; gouernauce of y e cite/ T:
after in his olde age he was brought prysonervnto cesary/ where
for the fayth of Chryst he was put to deth by the persecucyon
of the emperour Decius. C Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Frygdiane bysshop of lucane T: a
cofessour/ of hygh pfeccyon. And one of y e feestes of saynt
Ancelme. The feest also of saynt Geremare an abbot/ borne of
grete kynne/ T; after the deth of his pafrentes he solde [/#. xxx.
all his londes T: goodes T: dystrybuted vnto the poore/ T; after
was made abbot by saynt Audowene/ T: yet remoued thens by
the enuy of his monkes/ but he after buylded an other monastery
by the shewyng of an augell/ T: therin serued god vnto y e
ende of his lyfe. The feest also of many other holy sayn. T;2.
C To morowe.
C The .xix. day of Marche. the feest of saynt lohn/ a man
of grete pfeccion/ y l borne in syria came in to ytaly T: there
in the towne of penarens buylded a monastery T: therin re-
mayned all his lyfe/ w l other religyous breder/ T: dyd many
miracles. At suretyke y e feest of saynt Quynt/ saynt Quyntyll/
saynt Quartyll/ saynt Marcyll/ w l other .ix. all martyrs. At
bryxe the feest of saynt Coloteryf a martyr. And the feest of
saynt Joseph the holy virgyn 1 spouse of our blessed lady
*l euer virgyn Mary/ that also was nouryssher T: bringer vp
of our sauyour Chryst. The feest also of saynt Theodour a
bysshop/ saynt Appolon/ saynt Leonce/ and saynt Florence.
The traslacyon also of sayt Mary mawdeleyn.
H Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Remachlewe a bysshop/ that of
humylite resygned his bysshopryke T: was a poore monke T; a
nouyce T: moost lowly in obedience/ T: lyued euer as a discyple/
notwtstandynge y l before he was a bysshop. The feest also of
many other holy sayn?. T:c.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xx. day of Marche. In englonde y e feest of sayt
Cutbert/ that of an ancre was made bisshop of lyndisfarnes/ a.
man of grete age % synguler sanctite/ w l many grete myracles/
whiche thynge his holy body doth testyfye/ that yet remayneth
vncorrupted. In asya y e [feest of saynt Archyppe/ [fo. xxx. b.
that was disciple vnto saynt Paule/ 1 his contynual companyon
in prechynge T: in Chrystes warre/ of whome he wryteth vnto
the colosenses. In syre the feest of saynt Paule/ saynt Cyryll/
saynt Eugene/ T; other .iiij. psones all martyrs. In the frauchyse
of rone y e feest of saynt Vlfran a confessour T, bysshop.
C Addicyons.
C At the monastery of crispinens y e feest of saynt Landelme
a cofessour/ y* fyrst was in youth a stronge thefe T: a robber/ T:
after couerted by saynt Ausbert bysshop of cameraces/ T: after
that he was discyple vnto saynt Martyne/ T: he fouded two
monasteryes/ 1 was abbot in the sayd crispinens/ of holy lyfe T;
many myracles/ in whose tyme many famous psones came to
religion out of englonde/ scotlond/ and other partyes/ amonge
whome was sayt Gyslen an abbot/ saynt Maldegare a duke T:
saynt Valdetrude his wyf/ T: her sister saynt Aldegude/ T: sayt
Trude/ w l many other/ whose feestes be vnknowen. The feest
also of many other holy .1:2.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxj. day of Marche. At y e castell of cassyne the
feest of the holy fader saynt Benedict/ called saynt Benet an
abbot/ T: fyrst fouder of y e blacke monkes/ whose holy lyfe full
of vertue and myracles/ saynt Gregory wryteth. In alexander
the feest of saynt Serapion an ancre/ T: a man of synguler vertue.
In the terry tory of lyons y e feest of saynt Lupycyne an abbot/
whose gracyous T: holy lyfe was by many myracles moche
famous. f[ Addicyons.
C At rome the feest of saynt Benet y e pope/ that from youth
was of synguler vertue/ T: so encreaced T: grewe therin that he
was worthy y l dignite/ he was of pro[foude mekenes/ \_fo. xxxi.
very pyteous T: lyberall. The feest also of the thyrde saynt
Benet a monke of campane .xl. myles from rome/ that was sore
vexed by infydeles y 1 set fyre vpon his sell/ but it wolde not
bren/ than they hete an ouen fyre hote/ T: put hy closed therin
all nyght T: on y e morowe they foude hym in helth/
iij. di. ca. ^ his clothes vntouched/ of hym wryteth saynt
xviij. Gregory. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar. confes. 1 virg.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxij. daye of Marche. At septimane in byterne the
feest of saynt Affrodose a bysshop T; cofessour/ T: the feest of
saynt Paule/ y 4 was ordered T: made bysshop of narbonens by
y e apostle Paule/ where after many gloryous actes T: grete
myracles/ he rested in our lorde.
C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Berno abbot of cluniacens/ <\ the
fyrst fouder of y l religyon/ a holy man of hygh perfeccyon/ T:
many myracles/ y 1 before his deth resygned his rome vnto his
owne discyple < t monke saynt Odo/ and so dyed an obedyenser
in the peace of Chryst. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar. cof. T; virg.
H To morowe.
H The .xxiij. daye of Marche. In affryke the feest of saynt
Victoriane/ T: of two natural breder called bothe by one name/
saynt Frumence/ that (as saynt Victor bysshop of affricane
wryteth) were put to many grete turmentes by y e kynge
Honoryke for Chrystes fayth. In antioche y e feest of saynt
Theodour a preest. In cesare the feest of saynt lulian.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ In affryke the feest of .xij. infantes yonge persones that in
the persecucyon of the wandales/ bycause they wolde not by
ony psuasyon or entreates forsake chryst [they were \_fo. xxxi. b.
scourged to deth/ by the example of whome two ryche marchautes
called bothe saynt Frumence by one name/ and .v. religyous
psones/ saynt Liberate abbot of cartage/ saynt Boniface a deacon/
saynt Rustyke a subdeacon/ T: saynt Rogate T; saynt Maximus
monkes/ were all put to deth for y e cofessyon of Chryst. In
affryke also the feest of an other saynt Liberate w 1 his wyfe T;
two chylder/ *\ saynt Crescence a preest/ w l an other chylde of
vij. yeres olde/ y l in the persecucyon of the arryanes were all
put to deth for Chryst. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar. cof. Ht virg.
To morowe.
The .xxiiij. daye of Marche. The grete hygh and
solempne feest called y e souper of our lorde T: sauyour lesu/
wherin he consecrate y e sacrament of his owne precyous body 1
blode/ *\ therw 1 comuned his apostles T: wasshed theyr fete. At
Rome y e passion of sayt Pigmeny a bysshop/ yt was mayster T;
brynger vp of Julian the apostata/ that after forsoke T: renyed
Chryst T; his fayth/ 1 was a cruell tyraut T; persecutour therof/ T:
so in the cite of tyberym he put to deth his owne mayster the
foresayd saynt Pigmeny. In mauritane the feest of saynt
Romule/ saynt Secundole/ naturall breder T: martyrs. At syre
y e feest of saynt Agapite a cofessour of holy lyfe.
C Addicyons.
H In afifryke the feest of saynt Murite a martyr/ y 1 by a
renegate whome he before had baptized was put to deth/ w'
many other bothe of y e clergy T: comyn people. In englond at
the monastery of barkynge the feest of saynt Hyldelyth a
virgyn/ T: nexte abbesse after saynt Ethelburge/ a woman of
synguler graces (as saynt Bede wryteth) and of many myracles/
T: put to deth T: [brent with all her systers/ T: the hole \_fo. xxxii.
monastery by the danes y* slewe saynt Edmonde. The feest
also of saynt Sebba a kynge of englond/ y l gyuen or applyed all
to vertue of youth/ wolde haue resygned T: left his crowne for to
haue ben a religyous man/ but the quene his wyfe wolde not
consent therunto/ tyll after whan he had chylder/ T; had reygned
xxx. yeres/ than she assented/ T: he was a monke consecrate by
y e bysshop of london/ T: was of synguler perfeccyon T; many
myracles. The feest also of saynt Mackartyne/ y 1 came w l
saynt Patryke from ytaly vnto yrelonde/ ~t was cotynually
accopanyed w l hy/ T: euery where famous of holy lyf \ grete
myracles. The feest also of many other holy .T:c.
H To morowe.
f[ The .xxv. daye of Marche. y e hygh T: solernpne feest
called good fryday/ in y e whiche daye our sauyour lesu the
lambe of god was offred in sacrefyce for y e saluacyon of the
worlde/ T: so enhauced 1 exalted on y e crosse/ he by moost
paynfull T: moost shamefull deth temporal redemed vs from deth
eternall T: everlastynge. In nazareth at galilee the annunciacyon
of our blessed lady saynt Mary/ where (after y e byleue of our
moost true fayth) the augell Gabriell saluted T: grette her/ y l
was predestynate T: ordeyned to chylde T: brynge forth y e redemer
of the worlde our swete sauyour Chryst lesu/ she notw^tandynge
euer remaynynge a virgyn moost pure/ moost clene/ immaculate
T; vndefouled. At siryne the passyon of saynt Hyren a bysshop/
that in the tyme of the emperour Maximus/ after longe prison T:
many cruell turmentes was heded. At rome y e feest of saynt
Ciryne a martyr/ y* by the kyng Claudius was spoyled of all his
goodes/ T: than after hard pry son T: many [affliccyons [/. xxxii. b.
T, turmentes slayne by the swerde. At nicomede the feest of saynt
Theole/ called also saynt Dule a virgyn/ y 4 was bond mayde
vnto a man of warre/ T: slayne for y e defence of her chastite. In
the yle of andro the feest of saynt Hermeland an abbot/ whose
holy lyf and conuersacyon is euydent by many myracles.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ All though saynt Gabriell the archaugell hath no ppre ne
specyall daye festyuall/ yet is he of many persones more deuoutly
and singulerly honoured as this daye/ bycause that on y e same
daye he brought y e moost ioyfull message of our saluacyon.
Tue feest also of sayt Dysmas the thefe that was hanged vpon
the ryght hande of Chryst/ T: he is a cofessour T: not a martyr/
bycause he was put to deth by deseruynge for his owne synnesT:
euyll dedes/ T: not for y e fayth of Chryst. The feest also ot
many other holy sayntes/ mar. cof. T: virg.
C To morowe.
f[ The.xxvj. daye of Marche. the holy T: solempne saterdaye/
in the whiche our lorde T: sauyour lesu after his deth/ repaused
and rested in his sepulcre/ therby shewynge T: assurynge vs/ y l
yf we dye well/ we shall haue rest euerlastyge
Note. in our soules. At pentapolym in libia the feest
In the holy of saynt Theodour a bysshop/ saynt Hyreney a
sacrament of deacon/ saynt Serapion and saynt Ammony bothe
P ^f orders lectours in order. At rome in lauicane strete the
i. Lector. feest of saynt Castole a martyr/ y l (as is wryten in
ii. Hostiarie. the werkes of sayt Sebastyan) was thre tymes
Hi. Exorcist, hanged % euer taken downe T: newly examyned/ T;
whan by no meanes he wolde forsake Chryst/ but
v. subdeacon. A , J . _ r 11- ' , ,
vi. Deacon. rather w* more constancy cofessed his name/ he
vii. Freest. was buryed quycke T: moche sonde 1 grauell cast
vpon hym. At smyrme the [feest of [fo. xxxiii.
saynt Montane a preest/ T: saynt Maximianf/ y l bothe togyder
were drowned in the see/ T: so martyrs.
C Addicyons.
C In yrelond ye feest of saynt Fynchell an abbot/ borne
there of blode royall/ T: euer frd youth gyuen to vertue and so
contynued in many myracles. The feest also of saynt Peter a
bysshop T: confessour. At Rome y e feest of saynt Quiryne a
martyr. y l after some auctours hath his solempnite T: chefe feest
the .xix. day of lanuary w l saynt Mari 9 ^ his felowes. The
feest also of many Ac,
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxvij. daye of Marche. the gloryous resurreccyon of
our lord % sauyour lesu Chryst/ and the noble victory of his
triumphe/ wherby he ouercame y e deuyl T: brake vp the gates T:
clausures of hell/ T: therby also shewed playnly vnto vs example
of our resurreccyon bothe in soule ^i body/ how y l in tyme to
come we shall also aryse/ T: as his propre membres folowe hym
our heed vnto loye T: blysse euerlastyng. In egypt y e feest of
saynt John an holy heremyte/ y 1 amonge other
Nota. many myracles T: tokens of vertue/ shewed by y e
spiryte of pphecy vnto y e moost chrysten
emperour Theodosius how he sholde haue the victory of y e
tyraut his enemy. In the frauchest of aspane the feest of saynt
Euthery that was bysshop of Tourney. At Pamon| the feest of
saynt Alexander a martyr of grete constancy.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of sayt loseph ab arymathy/ that buried y e
body of our sauyour/ T: therfore was by y e iewes put in pryson/
to the entent that after y e feest of pace he sholde be put to deth/
vnto whome Chryst apperynge conuayed T: brought hym vnto his
owne hous at ary[mathy/ T: after that he was bap- \_fo. xxxiii. b.
tized by the apostles/ 1 preched w l them/ T: in prechynge he was
taken 1 closed vp in a wall/ where whan y e emperours destroyed
lerusale/ he was foude in good helth T; went forth to preche
agayne/ T: therin dyed w'out other martyrdom. The feest also of
sayt Nicodeme that halpe loseph to bury Chryst/ T: therfore the
iewes dyd bete and stryke hym w 1 staues/ T: lefte hym for deed/
but saynt Gamaliell brought hym to his hous T: kepte hy many
dayes 1 at the last he buryed hym in his owne tombe/ where
after he hymselfe T; saynt Steuen were buryed. The feest also
of saynt Mary lacobi/ moder vnto saynt lames the lesse/ T; syster
vnto our blessed lady/ that w 1 her was at y e deth of our sauyour/
t w l Mary mawdeleyn went to anoynt hym in the sepulcre.
The feest also of her syster saynt Mary Salome/ moder vnto
saynt lames y e more T: vnto saynt lohn the euangelyst/ that w l
the other two Maryes was also diliget to anoynt our lord. And
whan she herde y l her sone saynt lohn was taken at rome/ she
came thyder/ but than was he exiled/ T: she returned vnto the
cite of campane/ where she dyed/ T: laye in a denne or caue
many yeres/ tyll by the reuelacyons of saynt lames her sone/ her
holy body was foude smellynge all swete as roses/ T: there is
honourably shryned/ where almyghty god shewed many grete
myracles. The feest also of saynf Rupert bysshop fyrst of
warmaciens/ 1 after of saltzpurge/ a man of the blode royall of
frauce/ 1 of hygh pfeccyon T: many grete myracles. And y e
feest of saynt Virgyl y* after hy was bysshop there/ 1 a sure
folower of his steppes T; sanctite. The feest also of many other
holy sayn. Id.
C To morowe.
[C The .xxviij. day of Marche. At cesare pales- [fo. xxxiiii.
tyne the feest of saynt Pryske/ saynt Malcus T: sayt Alexander
martyrs/ y l in the psecucyon of y e emperour Valeriane were so
hote kendled w l the feruour of Chrystes fayth that wylfully they
reproued the iudge of his cruell tyranny agaynst the seruautes
of Chryst/ for y e whiche the same iudge caused them to be
deuoured w 1 wylde beestes. At cabilonens y e feest of saynt
Gudran a kyng that so feruently applied hymselfe vnto the
werkes of mercy T: vnto spirytuall exercyse/ that he left T:
forsoke all teporall estate/ T: gaue all his tresour T; goodes vnto
the chirche T: vnto y e poore people/ T: was of hygh perfeccyon.
At tharse y e feest of saynt Castor/ \ saynt Dorothey.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt lohn/ whose syrname was called
obedience/ for his synguler pfeccyon in y* vertue with other/ T: a
man also of many myracles. The feest also of saynt Syxt a pope/
^ of many other holy fie.
C To morowe.
C The .xxix. day of Marche. In affryke y 6 feest of sayt
Armogaste/ saynt Archymyne/ T: saynt Satyre c5fessours/ y* in
y e psecucyon of y e wandales vnder kyng Geseryke/ susteyned T:
suffred many grete troubles for y e cofessyon of Chryst/ T: therin
ended theyr lyues by martyrdome. At nicodemef the feest of
saynt Pastor/ and of saynt Victory n. And the deposycyon
of saynt Eustace abbot of luxaniensf/ and fader of .vj. C.
monkes/ and a man of synguler vertue/ and many myracles.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Or an heremyte of synguler
sanctite/ y 1 by the space of thre yeres was fedde w ! out ony
bodyly fode. In englond y e feest of saynt Gudlewse [a kynge
of the south parte of englond/ T: a kynges sone euer [fo. xxxiiii. b.
moche desyrous of spirytuall exercyse T: encreace of pfeccyon/
so y l an augell appered vnto hym \ shewed hym a place on a
hyll after his mynde T: desire/ where he sholde do seruyce vnto
almyghty god/ wherfore he fortw 1 resygned his crowne T; realme
vnto his sone/ T: on y l hyll buylded a chirche/ T: therin lyued
a pfyte lyfe full of myracles. The feest also of many other
holy /tt.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxx. day of Marche. At rome in appia strete y e
passyon of saynt Quiryne/ T: of saynt Trybune martyrs/ y l vnder
y e emperour Valerian were put to many turmetes/ theyr tongues
kytte/ haged vpon gybettes theyr handes T: fete stryken of/ T: at
the last ended theyr gloryous martyrdom by the swerde. In
thessalonyke the feest of saynt Ddnyne/ saynt Philopole/ and
saynt Achayce. At the castell of syluanectence y e feest of
saynt Rewle a bisshop i cofessour. At orliauce y e feest of saynt
Pastor bysshop of palatyne.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Secunde/ a man of warre/ y 1 was
couerted vnto Chrystes fayth by an augell/ T; after his baptym
he was comuned by y e augell/ T: than after many meruaylous
turmentes he was put to deth but his holy body was buryed by
augelles. The feest also of saynt Mamertyn an abbot/ y* was
a pagan/ T: couerted by reuelacyon T; myracle/ T: baptized of
saynt German/ T: after hym abbot of synguler pfeccyon T; many
myracles. The feest also of many other holy sa ,T;2.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxxj. daye of Marche. the feest of saynt Amos the
pphete/ that by the cruell kynge Ozie was bored thrugh the
temples of the heed/ T: so put to deth/ notw^standyng \_fo. xxxv.
he was not fully deed/ vnto y e tyme he came vnto his coutree
where he was buryed. At Rome the feest of saynt Balbyne a
virgyn/ T: dough ter vnto sayt Quiryne the martyr/ y l after y e
course of this lyf spent in grete holynes/ was buryed in appia
strete besyde her sayd fader. In affryke the feest of saynt
Diodole T: saynt Anesye martyrs. At the monastery of fontanel-
lence the feest of saynt wandrigesyle '"I saynt Ausbert/ whan
theyr holy bodyes were translated vnto y e chirche of saynt Peter
y e apostle/ w l grete solempnite T: moche loyfull honour.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Hugh bysshop of granopole/ of
whome his moder wha he was in her wombe/ had a reuelacyon/
T: he was after of grete holynes T: many myracles. And after
some auctours he was a monke of the charterhous/ 1 one of the
fyrst fouders T: begynners of y e ordre. The feest also of saynt
Amos an abbot in y e desert of sythe/ T: fader of .M. T: .v.C.
monkes/ the moost holy T: pfyte cogregacion y l we rede of. The
feest also of saynt Amony an abbot of y e inward T: depe desert
of nitrea/ T, the feest of his two naturall breder/ saynt Euseby T:
saynt Eutymy/ y l with hym were monkes/ T: so also his spuall
breder/ 1 of the thyrde broder a bysshop vnnamed. And of
many other holy sayntes .T:2.
C Apryle.
H To morowe.
e fyrst daye of Apryll. At rome the pas-
Apryll. syon of saynt Theodour/ syster vnto the noble
martyr saynt Heremete/ a holy woman/ T: put
to dethe by the prynce Aurelian/ T: buryed in salary strete
besyde her sayd broder. The feest also of saynt Venance a
bysshop I martyr. In egypt the feest of saynt Victor T: of saynt
[Steuen/ *\ the deposicyon of saynt Valery an abbot, [fo. xxxv. b.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Hugh a moke/ whome saynt
Bernard made abbot of boneuale/ a man of hygh vertue T: grete
myracles. The feest also of sayt Deodorike a bysshop/ that
was cosyn vnto y e emperour Othon/ a man of synguler deuocyon
vnto relykes/ so y* he gadered in to his chirche the relykes of
xx. sayntes/ where he after was buryed/ T: sheweth many
myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar.
cof. 1 virg.
H To morowe.
f[ The seconde daye of Apryll. At cesare capadoce the
passyon of saynt Theodose a virgyn T: martyr/ y l in the last
dayes of the emperour Dioclecian offred her selfe wylfully amonge
other christyans y* were taken/ and was put to many turmentes/
racked/ drowned in the water/ T; cast vnto wylde wode beestes/
w 1 other paynes/ T: yet after all ouercome T: vaynquysshed/ she
was heded. At lyons y e feest of saynt Nicesy y e bisshop there
whose lyfe and also deth was by holynes T: myracles moche
laudable 1 gloryous. The feest also of saynt Eustace abbot of
luxoniens. At palestyne the feest of saynt Mary egypcyake/ so
called bycause she was borne in egypt/ y l from thens came vnto
the cite of alexander/ T: there from the age of .xij. yeres vnto
xxix. she lyued all in fylthy lechery a comyn woman/ than
came she vnto Jerusalem to se the holy crosse/ but Chryst wolde
not suffre her to come in to the temple/ than she loked by T:
sawe an ymage of our blessed lady/ before whiche she kneled/
T: w l depe cotrycyon r t plenteous teres wepyng besought her of
helpe 1 socour/ 1 than she entred in to the temple 1 honoured
D 2
y e holy crosse w 1 grete reuerece T; [depe deuocyon/ [/. xxxvi.
mekely besechynge forgyuenes T: mercy/ T: forthw 1 as she went
out/ a voyce fro heuen spake vnto her/ sayenge. Mary/ go in to
y e wyldernes ouer T: beyonde the water of lordane/ T; there y u
shalt obteyne saluacion. wherunto she obeyed Ht there lyued
xvij. yeres w l two loues and a halfe of brede/ T: after she lyued
xxx. yeres by herbes T: rotes/ where than saynt zosymas foude
her/ of whome she was purely T: hooly confessed/ *\ vpon
sherthursdaye next she went drye foted ouer y e water of lordane
vnto his monastery/ T; there of hym receyued the sacrament of
Chrystes body/ T: so returned in to the same wyldernes/ T: there
forthw 1 yelded her spiryte vnto almyghty god/ whose holy body
the same holy fader foude a yere after hole *\ vncorrupted/ vnto
whome came a lyon T: made y e graue/ wherin he buryed her.
C Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Dydake bysshop of oxfordef/ that
was mayster vnto sayt Dominyke/ T: a grete precher/ T: couerted
many heretykes in the coutree of albigens/ T; after came home T;
there lyeth ful of myracles. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar?. iS.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The thyrde day of Apryl. In syth at thomis y e feest of
saynt Euagrye a bysshop/ T: of saynt Benygne. At thessalonyke
y e passyon of saynt Agapis a virgyn/ T; of saynt Chionye a
virgyn also/ y* bothe togyder suffred many affliccyons by the
emperour Dioclecian/ T: after all they were cast in to a grete
fyre/ but no thynge greued w l all/ tyll they prayed our lorde to
take them by y l martyrdom/ T; so he dyd. At tawromeny in
cicile y e feest of saynt Pacrace. In englond y e feest of saynt
Richard bysshop of chechester.
fl Addicyons.
[C The feest also of an other saynt Euagrye a [fo. xxxvi. b.
preest of grete doctryne/ T: made many werkes/ T: was of holy
lyfe T: many myracles. The feest also of saynt Florence bysshop
of argentyne/ a man of gloryous lyfe T: hygh pfeccyon. And y e
feest also of many other holy sayfi Ac.
C To morowe.
f[ The .iiij. day of Apryll. At mylen the deposicyon of
saynt Ambrose bysshop T: cofessour/ by whose dilygece T;
labouryous prechyng (besyde his other noble actes of hygh
doctryne/ holy lyf T: many myracles) all ytaly was couerted from
the false opinyons 1 wycked heresyes of y e cursed arryens. At
hyspale the deposicyon of saynt Isydour a bysshop.
C Addicyons.
f[ In englonde the feest of saynt Tiernake y l was of the
kynges blode of yrelond/ Ht in y e tyme of warre was taken a
childe It brought in to englond T: sold as a bond man/ whome
for his fauour T; beauty y e kyng bought T: layde hym in his
owne chambre/ T: euery nyght the bedde where he lay semed to
be all on fyre/ whiche perceyuynge the quene/ caused hym to
lye in bedde w 1 her two sones/ T: on y e morowe after they were
foude bothe deed/ but by his prayers they were reysed/ T: than
the kyng made hym free/ T: foude hym to scole tyll he was a
bysshop/ than after y e kynges deth he went to rome/ in whiche
iourney (besyde other myracles) he reysed .ix. psones to lyfe/ 1
whan he came home in to englond he reysed y e yonge kynges
wyfe 1 sacred her a holy virgyn/ T: an other man that longe had
been deed/ w' many other grete myracles. The feest also of
many other fie.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .v. day of Apryll. In egypt y e feest of saynt
Nichandre/ T: of saynt Appolon martyrs. At thessalonyke
[the feest of saynt Hyrene a virgyn/ that by y e erle [/#. xxxvii.
Sysynny was slayne w 1 an arowe of his owne skotynge/ by whose
tyranny T: false accusacyons her two systers saynt Agapes and
saynt Chyon y l before ben spoken of were put to deth. At lice
in cesary y e feest of saynt Amphian T: of saynt Marcian.
H Addicyons
C The feest also of saynt Vincent/ a man of grete holynes/
1 of hygh doctryne/ T: of the ordre of saynt Dominyke. The
feest also of saynt Bene an abbot in desert/ y 1 (as sayt Terom
wryteth) neuer sware ne lyed/ ne neuer was wroth/ ne neuer
ydle/ T: of moost pfoude mekenes/ T: dyd many myracles. The
feest also of ma .1:2.
C To morowe.
C The .vj. day of Apryl. at rome y e feest of saynt Syxt
pope *\ martyr/ y l in the tyme of the emperour Adriane gladly
suffred deth for Chryst. In macedony the feest of saynt
Tymothy/ and of saynt Diogenes. C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of sayt Theodour bysshop of ancyran a
holy T: grete lerned man/ and made many werkes agaynst
heresyes/ specially agaynst y e heretyke Nestor. At antioche y e
feest of an other sayt Theodour a preest y 1 also was a man of
hygh doctryne T: noble eloquence. T: made .xv. bokes agaynst y e
heretykes called appolynaryes T: anomeyes. The feest also of
many other .1:2.
f[ To morowe.
C The .vij. daye of Apryll. In afTryke y e feest of saynt
Epiphan a bisshop/ saynt Donate/ T: other .xiij. psones all
martyrs. The feest also of sayt lesyppe/ a grete holy man/ y l
was nere the tyme of y e apostles/ i wrote all the actes of the
prelates T: faders of the chirche/ from the passyon of Chryst vnto
his tyme/ that lyke as he [folowed theyr holy lyfe [/. xxxvii. b.
T: couersacyon/ so by his wrytynge other rjsones myght lerne
the same. In alexander the feest of saynt Peluse a preest of
grete holynes. f[ Addicyons.
f[ In englonde y e feest of saynt Bernake a gentylman of
grete possessyons/ whiche all he solde T; went on pylgrymage to
rome/ where T; by the waye he dyd many myracles/ T: whan he
came in to englonde agayne/ he was of grete fame T: moche
magnifyed/ whiche to declyne and auoyde/ he fledde pryuely in
to south wales/ where he was assayled w 1 the tetacyon T: per-
secucyon of a lady in lyke maner as loseph in egypt/ but with
grace he vaynquysshed T: was of hygh pfeccyon/ many myracles/
T: had reuelacyons T: also vysyons of augels. The feest also of
many other holy sayntes j~tc.
f[ To morowe,
C The .viij. daye of Apryll. At corynth y e feest of saynt
Denyse a bysshop/ by whose lernynge T: gracyous sermons in
the tyme of Marke/ Antony and Luke aurell emperours many
persones were gretly edifyed/ T: yet many ben edyfyed/ ~t
instructed vnto this tyme. At turynef the feest of saynt Per-
petuus/ a man of meruaylous sanctite.
41 Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Pitrion an abbot in thebaide that
was discyple vnto saynt Antony/ a man of grete grace in helyng
of seke psones/ T: in auoydyng of euyll spirytes/ T: had meruay-
lous knowlege of them where T: in whome they dwelled/ T: he
wold ofte saye y l a persone shold neuer chace T: auoyde wycked
spirytes/ tyll he fyrst auoyded T: chaced awaye his owne synnes/
T: that who so euer wolde vaynquysshe his owne vyces shold
soone vaynquysshe all euyll spirytes/ he was al[so of [fo. xxxviii.
precyse abstinence and many myracles. The feest also of many
other holy sayntes/ mar. confes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .ix. day of Apryll. the feest of saynt Prokor/ one of
the .vij. fyrst T: chefe deacons/ a famous man/ that in antioche
was put to martyrdom. In syryne y e feest of .yij. holy virgyns/
that by theyr precyous T: paynfull deth bought the herytage of
blysse euerlastynge. 4T Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Dioscour an abbot of .C. monkes/
T; a man of singuler sanctite. In y e desert of nitrea the feest of
sayt lerony/ yt was discyple vnto sayt Antony/ a man of moost
pfoude mekenes/ T: there dyed in y e age of .C. ^i .x. yeres. The
feest also of many other fie.
To morowe.
The .x. day of Apryll. the feest of saynt Ezechiel the
pphete/ a martyr of y e olde testament/ y l was slayne by a iudge
of the chylder of israell in babylon/ T; was buryed in y e sepulcre
of Sem ~t Arphaxat. At rome y e feest of many martyrs y l were
baptized of pope Alexander/ T: by the tyraut Aurelian they were
put in to the see in an olde shyppe/ T: theyr neckes teyed vnto
grete stones and the shyppe bored/ T: so all drowned. At alex-
ander y e feest of saynt Appolon a preest/ T: with hym other
fyue persones martyrs. C Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Diogenes an ancre/ y l was discyple
vnto saynt Antony in the desert of nitrie/ T: by his holy worde
moche edifyed many psones. The feest also of saynt lulius called
by syrname Aphrycan/ a grete wryter of storyes/ T: restored many
errours T: contrauersyes in the gospell/ specyally in Mathewe
and Luke. And the feest of many other holy sayntes fl.
[H To morowe. [/. xxxviii. b.
C The .xj. daye of Apryll. the feest of saynt Leo y 6 pope in
whose tyme was the sene T: generall couseyie of calcedonens.
In crete at gortyn the feest of saynt Phylyp a bysshop/ y l in y e
tyme of Antonyn vere T; Lucy auriell emperours/ was a man of
grete fame/ T: honourable in all vertue T; doctryne. In dalmatyke
at saloma the feest of sayt Domion a bysshop/ 1 of .viij. men of
warre all martyrs. At nicomede the feest of saynt Eustorge
a preest. In brytayne the feest of saynt Guthlake a confessour.
C Addicyons.
f[ At turon the feest of saynt Agryke an abbot of grete
holynes. At lyons the feest of saynt Fiagry a bysshop. The
feest also of sayt Archiloke/ called also Archilawe bysshop of
mesopotamy/ a man of honourable couersacyon/ T: of grete
lernyng/ y i made a boke agaynst y e manyches/ T: disputed y e
same w l an heretyke/ with many other noble actes. The feest
also of many other ho. T:c.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xij. day of Apryll. At rome in aurely strete the
feest of saynt luly the pope/ y l in the tyme of Costance the
emperour was exiled in grete trouble y e space of .x. monethes/
after whose deth he was brought agayne to rome w l grete glory
1 ioyfull triuphe/ T: there dyed in the peace of Chryst. The
feest also of saynt zenon/ bysshop of veronens/ y l in the tyme
of strayte T: cruell psecucyon ruled his chirche w 1 meruaylous
wysdom T: in the tyme of Galiene the emperour he suffred deth
for y e same. At wapyng y e feest of sayt Costantyn a bysshop.
C Addicyons.
f[ At alexander y e feest of saynt Agryppe called by syrname
Castor/ a c5fessour/ T: a man of pfoude doctryne/ [that [fo. xxxix.
confouded T: improued .iiij. c. T: .xxiiij. bokes/ y l the heretyke
Basilides wrote vpon the gospelles cotrary. vnto y e fayth T: vnto
the determynacyon of y e chirche/ T: he made a boke agaynst
them/ T: therin in a style moost eloquent he defended T: declared
the true fayth/ and he was a notable man of holy lyfe T: good
example. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar.
confes .T:2.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xiij. day of Apryll. In asya at pergamu the feest of
saynt Carpe a bysshop/ T: of saynt Papyre a deacon T:. of y e
vertuous matrone saynt Agathonyke/ T; of many women that
with her were put to deth by y e emperours Antonyne vere T:
Aurely comedy/ w l the whiche women saynt lustyne also was
put to deth/ a man of grete lernynge T: eloquence/ T: toke grete
labours for y e religyon of Chryst. In spayne the feest of saynt
Erminygyld a kyng/ y l for Chrystes fayth after many affliccyons
was knocked on y e heed w l an axe/ 1 so chauged his teporall
realme for y e kyngdom of heuen. The feest also of saynt Eufeme
a virgyn T: martyr called EfTam.
C Addicyons.
f[ In wales at breknoke the feest of saynt Caradoke/ a man
of noble blode/ T; fyrst a courtyer T: a galaut/ but after he forsoke
y e worlde T: was a preest of holy lyfe/ T: had reuelacyon of
augels T: open coflict w l the deuyll ' T: dyd many grete myracles
The feest also of sayt Atyke bysshop ot costantynople/ a man
of grete lernyng/ that made a boke of fayth T; of virgynite vnto
y e doughters of y e emperour Archady/ in y e v/hiche boke he also
confouded ye heresyes of Nestorye/ T: was of noble fame ^t many
myracles. The feest also of many other ho. T:c.
H To morowe.
[f[ The .xiiij,. day of Apryl. At rome in appia [fo. xxxix. b.
strete the feest of saynt Tiburce/ saynt Valeriane T; Maximy all
martyrs. At alexander y e feest of saynt Fronton an abbot of
grete fame T; holynes. At interamnis the feest of saynt Procule
a martyr. The feest also of saynt Donyne a virgyn/ T; w* her
many other virgyns all martyrs.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of sayt Bacchyle bysshop of corynthy a
man of synguler sanctite T; grete lernynge. The feest also of
sayrit Fetyke bysshop of aduens/ a man also of notable lernynge/
T: made a boke agaynst the heretyke Nouaciane/ w 1 many other
profytable werkes/ T; was of hygh pfeccion T: holynes. The feest
also of many fl$.
C To morowe.
H The .xv. day of Apryl. In perse at corduba the feest of
saynt Olympiade/ and of saynt Maximy martyrs/ that were
noble men of byrth/ and for Chrystes fayth they suffred by
Decius y e emperour many turmentes T: at the last they were
knocked on y 1 hedes w l butchers axes like beestes/ T: so acco-
plysshed theyr martyrdom. In ytaly the feest of saynt Maro/
saynt Euticete/ and saynt Victoryne martyrs/ y 1 were fyrst
exiled in to the yle of ponciane/ where they couerted many
psones/ Ht after by prynce Nerue they were by many varyaunt
turmentes put to deth. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Paterne/ borne of y e noble blode
of englond/ 1 of youth applyed all to vertue/ y l with saynt
Dauid went vnto lerusale/ where he receyued sodeynly y e grace
of togues to speke in euery laguage/ where also he dyd many
myracles/ T: was there made bysshop by y e handes of y e patri-
arke/' T: after came in to englond where he had the reuelacyon
of augels/ T; reyfsed two persones to lyf/ w 1 many other [fo. xL
grete myracles. In englond also at norwyche y 6 feest of saynt
wylliam of whome his moder had reuelacion whan he was in her
wombe/ he was of poore byrth/ T; a childe set vnto a crafte in
norwyche/ where certayn iewes that tyme dwellyng stale hym
vpon a good fryday/ T: with meruaylous turmentes they crucy-
fyed hym in the age of .xij. yeres/ \ after by reuelacyon he was
founde/ T: dyd many myracles/ T: so he dyd in his lyfe before he
was .vij. yeres olde. The feest also of many other holy .l2.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xvj. day of Apryll. At corynthe y e feest of saynt
Calixt 1 of saynt Carisy/ w l other .vij. psones all drowned in the
see. In cesaraugust y e feest of.xviij. martyrs that is to saye/
saynt Quintilian/ saynt Cassian/ saynt Matutyn/ saynt Publy/
saynt Vrbane/ saynt Marciall/ saynt Fauster/ saynt Successe/
saynt Felix/ saynt January/ saynt Primityue/ saynt Euote/ saynt
Cecilian/ saynt Optate/ saynt froton/ saynt Lupert/ saynt
Apodeme/ T: saynt luly/ that by y e president of spayne Daciane
were put to deth by moost greuous turmentes for y e gloryous
name of Chryst. C Addicyons.
H In egypte y e feest of saynt Pholcas bysshop of tampnis a
noble man borne T: of grete possessions T: ryches T: all he lefte to
serue god/ T: was of grete lernyng T: very eloquent/ T: he made
a boke of y e laude of holy martyrs/ wherin he prophecyed of his
owne martyrdom. T: so was he put to deth in the psecucyon of
Maximian the emperour. The feest also of saynt Genand
bysshop of costantinople/ a man of quycke vnderstandyng/ T: of
eloquence/ T: he expowned the boke of Daniel thrugh/ with many
other werkes/ T: was also of synguler san[ctite. The \_fo. xl. b.
feest also of many other holy sayntes .T:c.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xvij. day of Apryll. In affryke y e feest of saynt
Mappalyke a martyr/ y 1 (as saynt Ciprian wryteth) was put to
deth w 1 many other psones. At antioche y e feest of saynt Peter
a deacon/ ^ of saynt Hermogeny. In the eest countree y e feest
of saynt Nicofore/ y* vnder Valerian T; Galiene y e emperours was
put to deth for Chryst. At corduba the feest of saynt Hely a
preest/ T: of saynt Paule T: saynt Isidour monkes. At rome y e
feest of saynt Anicete pope T: martyr.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Heleny an abbot/ y 1 in desert dyd
many myracles/ 1 in disputyng longe tyme w 1 an heretyke he
entred a grete fyre in y e quarel of his fayth and remayned therin
a longe season w l out hurte or blemysshe/ wherby the heretyke
was confouded/ he had also reuelacyon of augelles. The feest
also of an other saynt Paule an abbot in libia/ T: fader of .v.C.
monkes T: of hygh pfeccyon. The feest also of many other Ac.
f[ To morowe,
f[ The .xviij. day of Apryll. In naples at messany the feest
of saynt Euletherf a bysshop/ and of saynt Anthye his moder/ a
man he was of hygh pfeccyon T; a martyr/ y l by prynce Adriane
was put to many cruell turmentes/ he was cast vpon a bedde of
yren full of pryckes/ *\ than lyke saynt Laurece layd vpon a hote
gyrdyron/ after that he was put in to a potte boylynge w 1 oyle/
pytche/ rosyne I brymstone/ T: yet after cast vnto wylde wode
beestes/ T; euer he remayned vnhurt/ T: at the last he was heded
w l his sayd moder. At rome the feest of saynt Appolon a
senatour/ y fc by his owne seruaut was accused vnto prynce
Comod 9 for a christyan [and brought before the senate/ [/. xli.
where he redde openly a boke y l he had made of the prayse T;
poyntes of Chrystes fayth *\ religion/ for the whiche by y e iudge-
ment of the same senate he was heded. At corduba y e feest
of saynt Perfyte a preest 1 martyr. The feest also of sayt
Lafreane an abbot. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of sayt Apollon an abbot of .v.C. monkes/
y l for more pfeccyon dwelled in a caue or den/ nere vnto herme-
pole/ where our sauyour Chryst appered vnto hym T: badde hym
put his hande in his owne bosom/ T: pull out what he foude T:
holde fast/ T: he pulled out a fende a deuyll : y 1 fende sayd
Chryst is y e spiryte of pryde/ wherwith y u hast ben sore assayled/
T: for y e auoydauce wherof y u hast so longe T: cotinually prayed/
thou hast now vaynquysshed hym/ do w 1 hym what y u wylt for
y u art now delyuered of hym/ T: than the holy fader cast hym in
a quyksand/ T: lowly thanked our lord/ and so he returned to
his monastery/ where he fedde a hole coutree .iiij. monethes w l the
vytayle y l was scant able T: sufficyent for his breder by theyr
custome one day/ T: many other grete myracles he dyd. The
feest also of y e thyrde sayt Appolon a cofessour/ a holy man
T: of grete charite to seke psones. The feest also of many oth.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xix. daye of Apryll. the feest of saynt Thimon/ one
of the .vij. fyrst deacons/ y l was a doctour of Chrystes fayth at
beron/ 1 goynge about to preche y e worde of god/ he came to
corynth/ where by malyce of the iewes T: of the grekes he was
cast in to a grete fyre/ but no hurte had/ than was he nayled
vnto the crosse lyke vnto his mayster Chryst/ T; so ended his
martyrdome. The feest also of sayt Alphege an archebysshop *\
mar[tyr. At mylytane in armeny the feest of saynt [fo. xli. b.
Hermogenis/ saynt Gayus/ saynt Expedite/ sayt Aristonyke
saynt Rufe/ T: saynt Galathe al martyrs. At cantiliber the
passyon of saynt Vincent a martyr. In y e suburbes of hamonens
y e feest of sayt Cosmare a bysshop *\ cofessour of synguler
vertue T: holynes. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Fronton an abbot/ T: fader of .lx.
monkes y l lyued in desert/ T: neuer made puysyon of ony fode
for the next daye/ but euer abode y e ordynauce of god/ T; yet
they neuer wanted/ for an augell warned the ryche men of the
cytees by course to visyte them w'fode. The feest also of saynt
Leo the .x. pope of y l name a man of synguler pyte vnto the
poore. And the feest of saynt Tymon bysshop of vesegoryne
in araby/ where he for Chryst was put to martyrdome. The
feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. and virg.
C To morowe.
C The .xx. daye of Apryll. at rome y e feest of saynt Victor
the .xv. pope after sayt Peter/ T: .x. yeres he moche edifyed y e
chirche of Chryst/ T: than by prynce Seuere put to deth. At
rome also y e feest of saynt Sulpice/ sayt Publy T: saynt Seruu-
lanef martyrs/ y 1 were couerted by the prechynge 1 myracles of
saynt Domicill y e virgyn/ T: after bycause they wold not do
sacrefyce vnto y e ydolles/ they were by the mayre Aniane all
heded. In frauce at bredunensf the feest of saynt Marcell a
cofessour/ T; bisshop of the same cite/ y l by diuyne reuelacyon
came from affrike vnto the moutaynes of ytaly w l his disciples T:
companyons saynt Vincent T: saynt Domnion/ where by his holy
worde T: myracles he couerted the moost parte of y l coutree.
C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of an other saynt Victor bisshop of carftage/
a holy man T: of pfoude doctryne/ y l wrote a boke agaynst \_fo. xlii.
y e heresyes T; opinyons of y e grete heretyke Arrius/ w l many
other good werkes vnto y e edificacyon of Chrystes fayth. The
feest also of many other holy . T:2.
C To morowe.
C The .xxj. day of Apryl. In perse y e feest of saynt
Symeon a bysshop T; martyr/ y l by kyng Sapour of perse was
taken/ T: confessynge w 1 lowde voyce the name of Chryst he was
put in harde prison/ T: w 1 hym .C. other psones/ some preestes/ T:
other of dyuerse orders/ T; at y e last after many turmentes he T:
they al were heded/ w 1 whome also were put to deth certayne
noble persones saynt Vskazand/ saynt Abdell/ saynt Ananye/ T;
saynt Publy w 1 his doughter a holy sacred virgin. At alexander
y e feest of saynt Arator a preest/ saynt Fortune/ sayt Felix/
saynt Syluy T: saynt Vitale all martyrs/ T: dyed in prison. The
deposicyon also of saynt Ancelme an archebysshop of Canter-
bury. C Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Gulphyle the fyrst bysshop T:
apostle of the people called gothes/ y* by his
f[ Note here holy lyfe/ grete myracles T: dilygent prechynge/
how dilygent conuerted them vnto Chryst/ and he fyrst ordeyned
holy faders lettres T: the wrytynge of theyr speche/ for before
were to tras- they had no wrytyng but all by hert/ and he trans-
late holy scri- lated the byble in to theyr moder tongue and
ptureitothe commune language. The feest also of saynt
moder togue Gemyne bysshop of nisebene/ a man of grete lern-
and comune ynge for his age/ 1 of synguler sanctite. The feest
language, also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T;
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxij. day of Apryll. At rome in appia strete the
feest of saynt Gay pope/ y l after he had ben pope .xj. yeres .vij.
monethes and .xij. dayes/ was put to martyr[dom by [fo. xlii. b.
the prynce Dioclecian. In perse y e feest of many martyrs
vnnamed/ y l were put to deth by y e tyraut kynge Sapour/
amonge whome these were knowen saynt Melesy a bysshop/
saynt Accepsymy a bysshop with his preest saynt lames/ saynt
Marcias '~t saynt Bitro bothe bysshops w l .CC. psones of theyr
clergy/ T; with .1. monkes/ and many sacred virgyns/ amonge
whome saynt Tarbua a quene T: syster vnto y e bysshop saynt
Symeon/ w l her bondmayd/ were kytte thrugh the bodyes w 1 a
sawe. At corduba y e feest of saynt Permenye/ saynt Helymen
*\ saynt Schrysotele preestes/ T: of saynt Luke 1 saynt Mycy
deacons/ al martyrs/ of whose triuphe T; noble victory is wryten
in y e legend T: passyon of saynt Laurence. At lyons the feest
of saynt Epypode a martyr/ y 1 by the persecucyon of Antonyne
vere/ was after many turmentes heded. The feest also of saynt
Sother pope T; martyr. And y e inuencyon of saynt Denyse 1
his felowes. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Oportune a virgyn/ T: an abbesse/
of many grete graces/ specially in curyng of seke psones. At
rome y e feest of an other sayt Gay a preest T: cofessour/ a man
of grete holynes T: of excellet doctryne that confouded 1
destroyed many heresyes. The feest also of saynt Leo y e fyrst
pope of y 1 name/ y 1 codempned many heretikes/ T: wrote agaynst
them many werkes by y e reuelacyon T: instruccyon of saynt
Peter/ T: where he had stryken of his owne hand/ bycause it was
occasyon of teptacyon vnto a frayle woman/ it was agayn
restored by the myracle of our blessed lady/ 1 he after of more
hygh pfeccyo T: many myracles. The feest also of saynt Agapite
y e fyrst pope of y 1 name/ y* fyrst ordered y l Query sonday sholde
be pcessyon/ T: he was of grete ho[lynes T: many [fo. xliii.
myracles. The feest also of many . Tx.
f[ To morowe.
fl The .xxiij. daye of Apryll. In perse at dyospole the
passyon of sayt George a martyr/ whose gestes (as
Apocripha vn to grete parte) ben nobred amonge y e apocri-
ben called su- phase/ notwithstandynge his noble martyrdom is
or wrkn?es ^ ad in ^ cmrcne m solempne honour T: deuout
as ben of no reuerence/ specyally in englonde. In frauce at
sure grounde valence y e feest of saynt Felix a preest/ T: of sayt
ne of certayn Fortunate T: saynt Achilley deacons/ that whan
auctoryte/ 1 ^ ^ad couerted the moost parte of y e cite vnto
therfore ben ^. J , A , , . . ,
not accepted ^-hryst/ were taken/ imprysoned/ scourged/ theyr
for verey legges T: thyes broken/ T; all theyr membres T: hole
trouth/ all body stretched vpon a rote or turnyng whele/
though they hanged on a gybet ouer a grete smoke/ and at the
^e^ryten/ ^ ast en ^ed theyr martyrdom by the swerde. In
spoken t byle- the castell of syluanect the feest of saynt Rule/ a
ued without bysshop T: cofessour. At bruce the feest of saynt
offence. Adhelbert a bisshop T: martyr of hygh perfeccyon.
{[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest alsoof saynt Leomy a bysshop/T: of saynt Malachy
y e prophete. In egypte y e feest of saynt Heraclide a cofessour/
y l was disciple vnto saynt Isidour/ T: by hym brought vnto the
desert of thebaydes/ T: there comitted disciple vnto saynt
Dorothey y e holy abbot w 1 whome he lyued many yeres/ T;
after hym he occupyed his rome T: place/ T; wente aboute vnto
many solytary persones/ T: wrote a boke of theyr lyues/ T: so
after many myracles and grete holynes he departed vnto our
lorde. The feest also of many other holy sayntes . T:2.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxiiij. day of Apryll. In frauce at lyons y e feest of
saynt Alexander a martyr/ y l in the psecucyon of Antonyne
vere was so rent T: torne in his body w l hokes y 1 [his \_fo. xliii. b.
rybbes opened T: his bowelles came out/ T: after all he was (as
his mayster) put vpon the crosse where he yelded his holy
spiryte/ 1 w l hym were put to deth also .xxxiiij. other psones.
In brytayn y e feest of saynt Mellyte a bysshop T: confessour.
At hylyber the feest of saynt Gregory a bysshop T: confessour.
The feest also of saynt Crowne a virgyn. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest of saynt Egbert y l was borne in englonde T:
spent his lyf hooly in other londes in prechyng T; pylgrymage.
And y e feest of saynt wylfryde archebysshop of yorke/ borne in
englonde of y e blode royall. At whose byrth was seen a pyller
of fyre/ so y 1 all the hous semed on fyre/ he was euer vertuous
from youth/ T: so contynued in singuler perfeccion T: many
myracles. The inuencion also of saynt Yue. At blese y e feest
of saynt Deodate an abbot. At reme the feest of saynt
Boue/ T; saynt Dode bothe virgyns. And y e feest also of many
oth. T
To morowe.
The .xxv. day of Apryll. At rome is the grete letany T:
pcessyon vnto y e chirche of saynt Peter. At alexander the
feest of saynt Marke y e euangelyst/ y l was discyple vnto saynt
Peter/ and his interpretour/ y l required instautly by many
peticyons of y e chrystyans/ wrote the gospell T: lyfe of lesu/ T:
whan they had receyued T: admytted y e same gospell/ he went
in to egypt/ T: he fyrst preched Chrystes fayth in alexander/ T:
there he ordeyned a chirche/ T: than was he taken by the
infydeles T: put to many cruell turmentes/ in y e whiche he had
cofort by y e reuelacyons of augels/ 1: after of our sauyour hym-
selfe/ by whome he was called vnto y e kyngdome celestyall the
viij. yere of Nero the emperour. At syracusane the feest of
saynt Euody T: saynt Hermogenis.
f[ Addicyons.
[C The feest also of saynt Adelbert a bysshop T: a [fo. xliiii.
martyr/ that was a noble man borne and all applyed vnto vertu/
1 brought vp in lernynge w* the archebisshop of paryhenopole/
after whose deth he was called vnto y e emperours courte T: made
a knyght/ but after by diuyne reuelacyon he was called agayn
to religyon T; was bysshop of prage/ a holy man T: diligent in
prechynge/ specially vnto y e infydeles/ of whome by y e last he
was put to martyrdom. The feest also of many other . 1:2.
C To morowe.
C The .xxvj. daye of Apryll. At rome the feest of saynt
Clete y e second e pope after saynt Peter/ y 1 after he had ruled 1
gouerned the chirche .xij. yeres/ was in y e persecucyon of y e
emperour Domician put to martyrdom. At rome also the feest
of saynt Marcellyne a bysshop/ that whan he had wel gouerned
his chirche .ix. yeres T: .iiij. monethes/ was in the psecucyon of
y e emperour Dioclecian put to deth/ 1 w 1 hym saynt Claudy/
saynt Ciryne T: saynt Antonyn. In y l tyme was a grete
psecucyon/ so y 1 in one moneth .xvij. M. chrystyans were put
vnto martyrdome. In the frauchest of pontyne at the monastery
of Centule the feest of saynt Rychary a preest T: confessour.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ In the yle of sardyny y e feest of saynt Lucifere bysshop of
calaritane/ y l wrote a boke agaynst y e heresy of Arrius/ T: sent
the same boke vnto the emperour Constance y 1 was of the same
opinyon/ by whome he was put in exile/ after whose deth he
moche edyfyed y e chirche of Chryst/ of whome saynt lerome
wryteth. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar. cof.
T: virg.
C To morowe.
[f[ The .xxvij. day of Apryl. At rome the \_fo. xliiii. b
deposicyon of saynt Anastace the pope/ of whome saynt lerom
reuerently sayth/ the worlde was not worthy to haue his lyf ony
longe tyme. At nicomede the feest of saynt Anchymy a bysshop
T: martyr/ yt in the psecucyon of Dioclecian (as is wryten in the
story ecclesiastyke) was heded/ 1 with hym y e moost parte of all
his flocke T: cure was put to deth/ some heded/ some maymed/
some brent/ some manacled T: cast in to the see/ T: some slayrie
by many other cruell turmentes. In eicilief at tharse y e feest of
saynt Castor T: of saynt Stephan martyrs.
C Addicyons.
C At altyne the feest of saynt Liberall a confessour of hygh
perfeccyon/ T: had reuelacyon of augels. At ciuilitane y e feest
of saynt Pule a lector in ordre/ y l in the psecucyon of Dioclecian
1 Maximian the emperours sufifred passyon for Chryst. The
feest also of saynt Ancare a man of meruaylous sanctite. And
the feest of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours T;
C To morowe.
H The .xxviij. day of Apryll. At rauen y e feest of saynt
Vitale a martyr/ y* bycause he buryed w 1 due reuerence the holy
body of saynt Vrsylyne/ was taken by the tribune Paulyn/ \-
after rackynge T: many turmentes he was buryed quycke. At
alexander y e feest of sayt Theodour a virgyn/ y l bycause she
wold not do sacrefyce vnto the ydolles/ was sent to y e bordelhous/
from whens saynt Didymus inflarnbed w 1 heuenly zele/ rauysshed
her by violence 1 strength/ and after w 1 her was put to martyr-
dome. The feest also of saynt Affrodose/ saynt Carilyppe/
saynt Agapy/ ~l saynt Euseby all martyrs. At padwayf the
feest of saynt Palionj a martyr.
[f_ Addicyons. [/. xlv.
4[ The feest also of saynt Valeriane/-wyfe vnto saynt Vitale/
that after she had sought her sayd housbonde was in her returne
taken by y e infydeles T: put to deth. At treuer the feest of
saynt Latrocinian a martyr/ that borne in spayne came in to
frauce/ T: there sowed y e sede of Chryst/ T; was there put ther-
fore to deth by y e tyraut Maximian/ T: in y e tyme of y e emperour
Theodosius/ y e fyrst of y l name. The feest also of many other
holy .
f remens. And of saynt Vedasty a confessour also *\ bysshop/
bothe of atrebacens T: of cameracens. In the graud portf y e
feest of saynt Bauon a cofessour. And the feest also of saynt
Melour a martyr/ [that was sone vnto y e duke of [fo. cviii. b.
cornwell. The dedicacion also of sayt Paules at london.
H Addicyons.
f[ Here ben remembred certayne of the sayntes of the
olde testamet. The feest of saynt Mathathy duke T: capytayne
of the iewes/ whose noble actes ben remembred in scripture.
The feest also of his sone 1 successour ludas machabeus hygh
preest T: duke also of y e iewes. And of saynt lonathas his
broder T: successour/ preest T: duke in lyke maner. And
of saynt Symon machaby theyr broder 1 lyke successour also.
And of his sone and successour saynt lohn machaby. The
feest also of sayt Symon hygh preest/ that was sone vnto saynt
Ony/ a noble man/ as appereth in scripture. And
Eccli. v. of his sone T: successour saynt Onyas/ a noble
man also/ as appereth in the seconde boke of the
machabeys. And y e feest of saynt Eleazary a
Machabeo^. ij. martyr of the old testament in the tyme of the
machabeys/ as appereth in y e second boke. The
feest also of saynt Piatour a preest/ y 1 with saynt Denyse came
in to frauce/ where he was put to martyrdom. The feest also
of many other holy sayntes.
f[ To morowe.
H The seconde day of October. At nycomede the feest of
saynt Elewthery a martyr/ that by the emperour Dioclecian/
after many varyaut and cruell turmentes was brent/ w l whome
were put to deth martyrs innumerable/ some drowned in the
see/ some heded 1 slayne by the swerde/ some brent T; by other
turmentes martyred. In y e terry tory of atrebatens y e passyon
of saynt Leodegare bysshop of augustudune/ that by Ebrony
stewarde of y e kynges hous was by many turmentes put to deth.
The feest also of saynt Seueryne a confessour. And the
deposicyon of saynt Thomas bysshop of [herford. [fo. cix.
fl[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Geryne a martyr/ that with
saynt Leodegarwasput to deth. The feest also of sayt Antony
a moke of saynt Gregories monastery in rome a man of notable
vertue and grete compunccyon/ vnto whose spirytuall coforte a
voyce spake fro heuen two tymes a lytell before his dethe/ at
whose sepulcre ben many grete myracles. The feest also of
many oth. Tx.
H To morowe.
C The thyrde day of October, the feest of sayt Denyse a
bysshop T: martyr/ a grete lerned man T: a noble precher/ y l (as
saynt Aristidy wryteth in his boke of Chrystes religyon) was by
grete cruelty put to deth. Amonge the olde saxons y e feest of
saynt Ewald/ T; of an other saynt Ewald bothe of one name T;
bothe preestes/ that for prechynge y e fayth amonge them/ were
put to deth vpon whose holy bodyes a grete lyght from heuen
appered T: shone in y e nyght a longe tyme/ declaryng vnto the
faythfull people what they were/ \ of how grete merytes. At
rome at the capped bere the feest of saynt Candydy a martyr.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ At rome the feest of saynt Merely a monke of saynt
Gregoryes monastery/ a man of grete compunccyon T: contynuall
in prayer/ vnto whome a lytell before his deth appered in visyon
a crowne or garlond descedyng from heuen T; closynge his heed/
1 forthw 1 after he fell seke T: departed. And .xiij. yeres after
whan a deuoute abbot wolde haue made his sepulcre where he
laye/ a meruaylous swete smell came out of his graue declarynge
his sanctite. The feest also of many other fl$.
f[ To morowe.
C The .iiij. day of October. At corynth y e feest of saynt
[Cryspy and saynt Gay/ of whome saynt Paule wrote [fo. cix. b.
vnto the corynthes. In egipt y e feest of saynt Marke T: saynt
Marciane breder T; martyrs/ with whome were put to deth
martyrs innumerable/ bothe men T: wome of grete glory T;
holynes/ of y e whiche some were scourged and beten to deth/
some racked/ some brent/ some drowned in the see/ some heded/
some famysshed/ 1 many were hanged/ partly by y e neckes T;
parte by y e heles T: so by varyaut turmentes all obteyned the
crowne of martyrdom. In frauce at parys y e feest of saynt
Aurey a virgyn. The feest also of saynt Fraucys a confessour
that next vnto the apostles was the moost precyse and strayte
folower of the lyfe of the gospell. And he wrote a rule of
moost hygh perfeccion/ whiche of very mekenes he called the rule
of freres mynours/ he toke vpon hym for Chryst many grete
bodyly labours/ T: many spirytual troubles/ T: before his deth he
was notably marked with the ymage T: woundes of our sauyour/
in whose peace he departed full of myracles.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Aniane a bysshop T: dyscyple vnto
saynt Marke/ a noble man borne T: of large possessyons/ whiche
by chauce he lost hooly/ T; came vnto suche pouerty/ y l he was
fayne for his lyuynge to do seruyce vnto a poore cobler in
alexander/ wheder whan saynt Marke came his shoo rent/ in y e
mendyng wherof saynt Aniane hurt his fynger/ whiche by sayt
Marke was cured/ T; he couerted T: ordered there bysshop/ T:
contynued in hygh perfeccyon T: many myracles. The feest also
of saynt Petrony bysshop of bonony/ electe by reuelacyon/ a
noble man of the emperours blode/ a charytable man and a grete
buylder I reparer of chirches. [The feest also of saynt \_fo. ex.
Amelie T: of saynt Amyke/ that of dyuerse parentes of noble
blode were borne bothe in one nyght/ 1 bothe from theyr countrees
sent by theyr frendes vnto rome to be baptized/ in y e whiche
iourney they mctte by chauce at lucane/ T: so lyke were they of
face/ stature T: all other membres/ that no psone coude discerne
T: knowe the one from the other/ wherby they fell in amyte T:
loued as breder/ T: after many troubles taken for Chryst/ they
were bothe togyder slayne in batayle for his fayth/ T: they were
buryed in dyuers chirches/ but that notw'standynge theyr bodyes
on y e morowe after were foude bothe togyder. These .ij.
knyghtes T: martyrs ben called in englysshe syr Amyas T; syr
Amylyon/ and theyr story wryten at length. The feest also of
many other holy sayntes/ mar?/ confes. T; virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .v. daye of October. In sicilie the feest of saynt
Placydy T: saynt Ewtyke martyrs/ T: with them .xxx. other holy
martyrs. In ewmeny y e feest of saynt Tharsy a bysshop/ y 1 in
smyrme was put to deth. In fraunce at valence the feest of
saynt Appollinare a bysshop/ whose lyfe by synguler sanctite
was famous/ and his deth by many myracles laudable. At
antisiodour y e deposicyon of saynt Firmate a deacon/ T; of his
syster sayt Flauiane a holy virgyn. C Addicyons.
C At rome the feest of saynt Gale a wydowe/ borne of noble
blode/ and of grete rychesse/ that after the deth of her housbond/
notw l standyng her state/ youth/ beauty/ T; possessyons/ enclosed
her selfe pfessed in y e monastery of saynt Peter/ where she
lyued in hygh perfeccyon/ T: had by saynt Peter reuelacyon of
her deth. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?/
confes. 1 virg.
[f[ To morowe. \_fo. ex. b.
f[ The .vj. day of October. At capua the feest of saynt
Marcell/ saynt Casty/ saynt Emyly/ T: saynt Saturne all martyrs.
The feest also of saynt Sagary a bysshop T; martyr/ that was one
of the olde discyples of saynt Paule. At agen y e feest of saynt
Fayth a virgyn 1 martyr/ by whose holy example saynt Caprase
was coforted to martyrdom. The feest also of saynt Rogate a
confessour. f[ Addicyons.
f[ At rome y e feest of saynt Euseby pope. In burgoyne the
feest of saynt Gungulf a holy martyr. And the feest also of
many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T: virg.
C To morowe.
C The .vij. day of October. At rome in appia strete the
deposicyon of sayt Marke the fyrst pope of that name. The
feest also of saynt Marcell 1 sayt Apuley/ that by the doctryne
of saynt Peter were couerted from y e heresy of Symon magus/
and after for Chrystes fayth they bothe togyder by Aureliane
the consull were put to deth T: buryed not ferre from rome. In
the prouince of auguste at eufratesif the feest of saynt Bachy T;
saynt Sergy/ that in the tyme of the emperour Maxim ian were
put to many turmentes/ racked/ scourged/ and so sayt Bachy
was beten to deth/ T: saynt Sergy heded. In the same prouince
the feest of saynt lulia a virgyn I martyr/ that by y e mayre
Marcian was put to deth. The feest also of saynt Osythe a
virgyn T: martyr/ that by y e danes was heded/ T: she forthw 1 toke
vp her owne heed T: bare it vnto y e place where she wolde be
buryed. The canonizacyon also of our holy moder sayt Birgit.
C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt lustyne a virgyn T: martyr/
[that was a kynges doughter/ T: by her faders successour [fo. cxi.
put to martyrdom. The feest also of an other sayt Marke the
second pope of that name/ that ordeyned y e crede to be songe or
sayd euery sonday/ T: in y e feestes also of the apostles. The
feest also of ye thyrde saynt Marke a cofessour T; an heremyte/
that bycause he wrote y e lyues of many heremites he had for his
syrname wryter/ T: so was called Marke wryter/ he was of
synguler pfeccyon/ for whan his moder wold nedely se hym than
beynge in religyon/ he by the comaudemet of his souerayne went
vnto her clothed in a sacke/ T: his face all soyled w l dust Ht sote/
and yet he wynked bycause he wolde not se her/ all though he
were seen of her. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
mar?, confes. T;2,
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .viij. day of October, the feest of sayt Symeon that in
Chrystes presentacyon toke hym in his armes 1 sayd Nuc
dimittis seruu tuu dne .Tie. At thessolonieyf the feest of saynt
Demetry a martyr. In the terry tory of lyons y e feest of saynt
Benedicte a virgyn T: martyr. At hyspale the feest of saynt
Peter a martyr. At lerusalem the feest of the holy woman
saynt Pelage/ that was called a grete synner T: wretche. In
brytayne the feest of saynt Yue a confessour of synguler sanctite.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Margarete a virgyn/ y* was of so
notable beauty/ y 1 her frendes wold suffre no man but by
synguler fauour to look vpon her. And she after was called
broder Pellagy/ for y e same nyght that she by compulsyon of
her frendes was maryed/ she stale away in a manes clothynge/
T: was a moke of so hygh pfeccyon/ that his abbot dyd comytte
vnto his gouer[nauce a monastery of virgyns/ in the [fo. cxi. b*
whiche one dyd fornicacyon/ T; imputed the chylde vnto Pellagy/
for y e whiche she was put to prison/ T: shamefull rebuke many
yeres/ tyll she sawe she must depart this lyf/ T: than she
shewed the trouth what she was/ T: fro whens she came/ T: so w l
grete mournyng 1 lamentacyon she was buryed in the monastery
of virgyns. The feest also of saynt Thays/ that many yeres was
a comyn woman of suche beauty y l many men solde theyr londes
T; spent theyr goodes vpon her/ T: many were sore wounded/ T:
grete blodeshed done for her sake/ wherof herynge the holy
abbot saynt Panucy/ toke seculer aray T; went vnto her/ *\ by
grace conuerted her/ Ht aftes thre yeres penauce/ she lyued in a
monastery of virgyns a whyle/ T: so made a holy ende. The
feest also of saynt Reparate a virgyn T: martyr/ that by Decius
the emperour was racked/ her flesshe rent w l hokes/ T; her body
sprynkeled w 1 boylynge lede/ than was she broyled lyke vnto
sayt Laurence/ her brestes and rybbes brent w l fyry plates/ T:
than scourged w rt thorny busshes/ her woudes rubbed with
vynegre/ salt T: aqua vite/ T: at y e last after all turmentes she
was heeled/ whose soule was openly seen flye in to heuen lyke a
doue. The feest also of saynt Keyna/ called also saynt Keynwir
a virgyn/ T: doughter vnto saynt Breghan kynge of breknoke in
wales/ whiche had .xij. sones and .xij. doughters all holy sayntes
one of y e whiche doughter was moder vnto saynt Dauid/ T: this
virgyn an other/ that was shewed by reuelacyon before her byrth/
1 after forsoke her kynne and coutree/ T: dwelled in a desert full
of venymous serpentes/ whiche by her prayers were turned al in
to stones that yet vnto this daye done kepe the fourme T: fashon
[of y e same serpentes/ where she cotynued in hygh \_fo. cxii.
pfeccyon T; many myracles. The feest also of many otn Ac.
f[ To morowe.
C The .ix. day of October, the feest of y e holy patriarke
saynt Abraham. At parys the feest of saynt Denyse a bysshop/
saynt Rustyke a preest/ T: saynt Elewthery a deacon/ that by
the pope were sent to couerte frauce/ T: whan in the sayd cite
they had done theyr offyce with dilygence/ at the last they were
taken/ T: by the mayre Fesceny put to deth all by the swerde.
At iule the feest of saynt Dompnyne a martyr/ that in the
psecucion of the emperour Maximian wolde haue fled/ but whan
he was pursued T: taken/ he boldly confessed Chryst/ T: gladly
toke his deth by y e swerde. The feest also of sayt Gysleny a
confessour. f[ Addicyons.
f[ In englond at cauterbury the feest of saynt Aymon
archedeacon of the same/ a man of grete abstynence/ a notable
clerke T; a noble precher/ y l in a certayne nyght whan he studyed
to preche on the morowe after of the incarnacyon of our sauyour/
y e deuyll appered vnto hy in a terryble lykenes/ T: he lyfte vp
his ryght hande to blesse hym/ whiche the deuyll helde fast/
than he lyfte vp the other hande/ T: that also y e deuyl helde fast
than he spytte in his face T: sayd/ the crosse is in my herte/ I
defye the/ wherw 1 y e deuyll departed/ but he called hym agayne
T: charged hym to shewe vnto hym why he so dyd/ T: he sayd/ to
haue letted the of thy sermon/ for no thynge so greueth vs as y e
incarnacyon of Chryst. And after he lyued in hygh perfeccyon
T: many myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
mar?. l2.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .x. daye of October. At crete the feest of saynt
[Pyncty a bysshop of grete lernynge/ so that in his [fo. cxii. b.
lernynge we may se his ymage as though it were in a glasse.
At agryppyny the feest of saynt Gereon a martyr/ that by
syrname was called mallose/with whome in the persecucyon of
y e emperour Maximian .cccxviij. martyrs wylfully layde downe
theyr hedes w l all pacyence to receyue the palme of martyrdom.
In the terrytory of the same cite the feest of saynt Victor a
martyr/ T: with hym were put to deth .xviij. persones. The feest
also of saynt Cassy I sayt Florence martyrs/ with whome were
put to dethe many other martyrs. In englond the feest of saynt
Paulyne a cofessour T: archebysshop of yorke. The feest also of
saynt Ewbrache a confessour. C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Cerbony a bysshop of many
myracles/ T: had the spiryte of prophecy. The feest also of
sayt Gerald a cdfessour of hygh pfeccyon/ of whome his paretes
had reuelacyon before he was goten/ \ he spake in his moders
wombe/ T: after dyd many grete miracles. The feest also of
saynt Piery a preest/ a grete lerned man of notable eloquence
and synguler sanctite. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar?. T:c.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xj. day of October. At tharsum the chefe cite of
cicilyef the feest of saynt Tharake/ saynt Proby/ T: sayt
Andronyke martyrs/ that in the persecucyon of y e emperour
Dioclecian were kepte longe in hard pryson/ 1 thre tymes put
vnto moost cruell turmetes/ T: so obteyned the palme of martyr-
dom. In the frauchest of vulcasyne the passyon of saynt
Nigasy a preest/ with his felowes saynt Quiryne/ saynt Skum-
culy/ \ the holy virgyn saynt Pience/ all martyrs/ that were of
y e com[pany sent with saynt Denyse in to frauce. [/. cxiii.
In scotlond the feest of saynt Canuke an abbot. At vrst the
feest of saynt Firmyne a bysshop T: cofessour. The feest also
of saynt Ethelburge a virgyn. At redon the feest of saynt
Melan a cofessour. The translacyon also of our holy fader
saynt Augustyne/ y l is to saye/ whan Lynthbrand the kynge of
longoberdynes brought his holy body w 1 moche honour from
sardyne vnto his owne cite. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Ewstache an abbot/ and of an
other saynt Ewstache bysshop of antioche/ a noble lerned man/
T: made many werkes/ specially agaynst the heresyes of Arrius/
for y e whiche he suffred grete psecucyon/ T: was put to exyle.
The feest also of many fie.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xij. daye of October. At rauen in lawrentyne strete
the feest of saynt Edisty a martyr. In affrike the feest of saynt
Cipriane T: sayt Felix preestes T: martyrs of whose company
were .iiij.M.ix.C.lxxvj. holy sayntes/ some cofessours/ some
martyrs/ T: all by kyng Huneryke put to, exyle in a waste
wyldernes/ where many dyed/ many were put to deth by cruell
turmentes/ the chefe of whome were bisshops/ preestes T; deacons
with other psones of the clergy/ T: suche faythfull persones as
vnto them resorted. In syre the feest of saynt Ewstace a preest.
In brytayn the deposicyon of saynt Wylfryde a bysshop T;
cofessour. At byturyke y e feest of saynt Epion a preest T;
cofessour. f[ Addicyons.
C In englond the feest of saynt Edwyne kyng of northum-
berlond/ T: housbond vnto saynt Ethelburge the virgyn/ by
whom he was conuerted vnto Chrystes fayth/ T: after a holy
man/ 1 of many myracles/ and by [treason put to [/. cxiii. b.
martyrdom. The feest also of sayt Marcell a bysshop T: martyr.
And y e feest of many other fie.
C o morowe.
f[ The .xiij. day of October. At troades y e feest of saynt
Carpe/ discyple vnto saynt Paule. In spayne at corduba the
passyon of saynt Fausty/ saynt lanuary T: sayt Marciall
martyrs/ that fyrst were racked/ 1 than the browes ouer theyr
eyes were flayne/ theyr eares and noses kytte/ theyr ouer tethe
knocked out/ T; at the last after many cruell turmentes they
were brent. At antioche the feest of saynt Theophily/ the
syxth bysshop there after saynt Peter. At turon the feest of
saynt wynance an abbot. In the more brytayne the translacyon
of saynt Edwarde kynge T: cofessour. The feest also of saynt
Marcell/ saynt Adriane/ saynt Marke/ T: saynt Gyrald all confes-
sours. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of an other saynt Theophily a confessour/
that forsakynge his baptym/ made thervpon an obligacyon
vnto the deuyll/ but by the helpe T: myracle of our blessed lady
he was reconsyled/ T: made vnto her this sequens Aue maria.
whrein is mencyon made of hyfnselfe by name. The feest also
of many other ho. T;c.
C To morowe.
C The .xiiij. daye of October. At rome in aurell strete the
feest of saynt Calixt pope 1 martyr/ y 1 by the emperour
Alexander was kepte longe in harde pryson T: nere famysshed/
T; euery day scourged T: beten w 1 staues/T: at the last after many
turmentes he was cast downe hedlonge from the hyghest toure
of y e same pryson/ Ht so ended his martyrdom. At tubertynf y e
feest of saynt Fortunate a bysshop of many synguler vertues/
specyally in chasynge awaye of wycked spirytes. The feest
also of [saynt Saturnyne and of saynt Lupe confessours. \_fo. cxiiii.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Gawdrysyue a virgyn/ of noble
byrth T: synguler beauty/ for y e whiche vnto y e coseruacyon of
her virgynite/ she prayed vnto our sauyour that she myght lose
all y l beauty of body T: be defourme "\ so she was/ vnto the
tyme she was professed in relygyon/ <\ than fortw 1 her beauty
was rendred agayne more goodly than before. And after she
was abbesse/ T: euer of hygh pfeccyon T: many myracles. The
feest also of saynt Gaudency a bysshop T: martyr/ a man of
notable doctryne/ wherby he conuerted moche people/ but
many moo by his holy lyf T: myracles. The feest also of an
other saynt Fortunate/ an eloquent man of grete lernynge/ y l
wrote the lyfe of saynt Martyne/ ^ made many werkes/ specyally
many of y e ympnes y l ben songe T: sayd in the chirche/ 1 was
also of hygh pfeccyon T: many myracles. In frauce at lyons the
feest of saynt lust bysshop of y e same cite/ a man of synguler
vertue/ T: had the spirite of pphecy. The feest also of many
other Ac.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xv. day of October. At colen agryppyne y e feest 01
ccc. martyrs of y e legyon of thebeys. At rome in aurel strete
y e feest of saynt Fortunate. In frauce at lyons the feest of
saynt Antioche a bysshop. In the terrytory of remens y e feest
of saynt Basoly a cofessour/ Ht of saynt Vlfran an archebysshop
T; cofessour. At capua y e feest of saynt Lufyle T: sayt Fortunate.
C Addicyons.
{[ The feest also of saynt Placidia a virgyn/ doughter vnto
y e emperour Valentiniane by his wyfe saynt Eudox/ doughter
vnto the emperour Theodosy/ whiche holy virgyn by reuelacyons
had in youth/ forsoke her [frendes ^ pompe of the [/. cxiiii. b.
worlde/ T: serued god in pouerty and penaunce/ *\ was of notable
vertue T: many myracles. One of the feestes also of saynt
Leonard. And the feest of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/
confes. T;c.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The ,xvj. daye of October. In y e mout of tumbe the
reuerend memory of saynt Michaell the archaungell. In affrike
the feest of .cc.lxx. martyrs. And the feest of saynt Marciane
T: saynt Satirian breder/ with other two also of theyr breder/ all
martyrs/ that were scourged/ racked/ theyr flesshe rent w l hokes
vnto the bones T: so were they turmented euery day by day/ of
a longe tyme/ ~t euer on y e morowe they were foude hole agayn
'1 without hurt or blemysshe/ tyll at the last they were tyed vnto
the tayles of cartes/ T: so drawen thrugh bushes/ breres T: thornes
vnto deth. The feest also of sayt Maxima a virgyn/ that with
them was put to deth. In the frauchest of bituricens y e feest of
saynt Ambrose bysshop of caturicence/ T: the feest of saynt
Saturnyne T: saynt Nery/ with other psones .ccclxxv. all martyrs.
In suenuyt the feest of saynt Gall a preest T: cofessour.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of sayt Magnobone a bysshop/ of grete
pfeccion T; many myracles. The feest also of an other saynt
Ambrose a confessour/ T; discyple vnto saynt Dydymy/ a grete
lerned man/ and made many werkes/ whome saynt lerom
putteth by name amonge y e noble lerned men. The feest also
of sayt Bercare an abbot that was slayne by one of his owne
monkes/ bycause he rebuked his synne/ which moke forthw 1 fell
madde in furye posseded of a spiryte/ "I whan the abbot was
buryed/ oyle stylled out of his graue/ wherby seke per[sones
were cured. The feest also of many other .Tx?. \_fo. cxv.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xvij. day of October. At antioche y e feest of sayt
Heron/ discyple vnto saynt Ignacy the martyr/ ^ his successour/
L 2
as well in his bysshopryche as in holy lyfe and good edifycacyon
of his flocke/ for the whiche lyke vnto his mayster he was put to
martyrdom. At aurasyke the feest of saynt Florentyne a
bysshop T; cofessour of synguler vertue. In the terry tory of
nyuernens the feest of saynt Vincent a cofessour. And the
traslacyon of saynt Awdre a virgyn T: a quene. The feest also
of sayt Victor/ saynt Alexander/ and saynt Mariane confes.
C Addicyons.
C At rome the feest of saynt Priuate a martyr/ y 1 was a man
of warre T: conuerted by saynt Calixt the pope/ with whome by
the emperour Alexander he was put to deth. In englond at
ramsey the feest of saynt Etheldrede T: saynt Ethelbryght
martyrs *\ breder/ borne of noble blode/ neuewes vnto kynge
Ercombert/ whiche were murthered by a wycked tyraut/ T: after
by y e myracle of a bright piller of fire they were foude/ T; at
theyr tombe many myracles. The feest also of many oth. T;c.
{[ To morowe.
C The .xviij. day of October. The feest of saynt Luke the
euangelyst/ that in the age of .Ixxiij. yeres dyed in bythynye/
whose holy bones in the .xx. yere of y e emperour Costantyne
were translate in to the cite of costantynople. The feest also of
saynt Esclepiady/ bysshop of antiochene T; a martyr/ that by the
emperour Decius with many other chrystyans was put to mar-
tyrdom. At rome y e feest of saynt Triphonia/ wyfe vnto y e
emperour Decius. In the terrytory of beluacens the feest of
[saynt lust "I saynt lustyniane martyrs/ and of saynt [fo. cxv. b.
Alexander and saynt Victor confessours. C Addicyons.
C At andegaue the feest of saynt Erblandy an abbot. At
tarentasiens the feest of saynt Peter bysshop of the same cite/ a
man of notable vertue/ the fame wherof spryngynge vnto lausemy/
thre certayne men wrongfully imprysoned/ made theyr prayers
vnto hym for theyr delyuerauce/ vnto whome forthw 1 he appered
T: losed them/ T: brought them thrugh the myddle of the kepers
vnperceyued/ and so delyuered them. After he was called in to
englond by kynge Henry/ in y e whiche Journey he delyuered a
mayde from dauger that was bewytched/ with many other grete
myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mart,
confes .T;2.
{[ To morowe.
C The .xix. day of October. At senon the feest of saynt
Sauinian a bysshop/ T: of saynt Potencian his felowe bothe mar-
tyrs/ y l were sent vnto y e same cite to preche y e fayth/ where for
the same they suffred deth. In egypt at alexander the feest of
saynt Tholonyf a martyr/ that by y e emperour Antonyne
pyteously by many turmentes was put to deth/ w 1 whome sayt
Lucy also suffred martyrdom. In syre at antioche y e feest of
saynt Beronyke/ T: of y e holy woman saynt Pelage bothe martyrs
togyder/ 1 with them .xlix. other chrystyans. The feest also of
saynt Frediswyde a virgyn. At puteole the feest of sayt Proculy/
1 of his moder saynt N ice bothe martyrs togyder.
C Addicyons.
f[ In yrelond y e feest of saynt Ethebyne/ y i was borne in
englond T: nourysshed/ where he had reuelacyons T; sawe our
sauyour in lykenes of a lepre/ T; after he went [in to [fa. cxvi.
yrelond/ where he lyued a holy lyfe/ full of myracles. The feest
also of many other holy sayntes .T;2.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xx. day of October. In the prouynce of auiens the
feest of saynt Maximy a deacon T: a martyr/ y* wylfully shewed
hymselfe vnto his purse wers/ of whome he was racked/ scourged
1 beten w l battes/ T: after many turmentes he was murthered in
sond T: stones. In frauce at agen y e feest of saynt Caprasy a
martyr/ y l for drede fledde the psecucyons of chrystyans/ T: hyd
hymselfe a certayne tyme/ but after he wylfully shewed hyselfe/
T; boldly for Chryst suffred deth. The feest also of saynt Astro-
bert a virgyn. At colen y e feest of saynt Martha T: saynt Saule
virgyns *\ martyrs/ w 1 whome many other psones were put to
deth. The receyuynge also of y e relykes of saynt George a
deacon 1 of saynt Aurely martyrs. The dedicacyon of the
chirche of syon. 41 Addicyons.
H In englonde the feest of saynt Akke a bysshop/ that was
discyple vnto saynt Wylfryde l ~l his successour/ a holy man/ 1 had
many reuelacyons ~t the spiryte of pphecy/ 1 dyd many myracles
in his lyfe/ and yet many moo after his deth. The feest also of
many other Ac.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxj. day of October. At nicomede y e feest of sayt
Dacy/ saynt zoticy t sayt Gay/ w l other .xij. soudyours all
martyrs togyder. At colen the passyon of the .xj.M. virgyns.
The feest also of saynt Hyllarion a monke/ whose holy lyfe saynt
lerom wryteth. At hoste y e feest of saynt Austere a preest/ y l
is remembred in the legend and passyon of saynt Calixt the pope.
The feest also of sayt Viatour/ seruaut vnto sayt lust bysshop of
lyons. [At burdegale the feest of sayt Seueryne a Q/0. cxvi. b.
bysshop. At the monastery of fontanell the feest of saynt
Condedy a confessour of many merytes. f[ Addicyons.
f[ In englond y e ordynacyon of saynt Dunstane/ archebysshop
of cauterbury. The feest also of saynt Recticy bysshop of
augustudunens/ a man of notable doctryne as saynt lerom
wryteth/ and made many profy table werkes/ and was of synguler
sanctite. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/
confes. T: virg
C To morowe.
C The .xxij. day of October. At adrianopole in trace y e feest
of saynt Philyp a bysshop/ saynt Euseby \ saynt Ermete all
martyrs. The feest also of saynt Marke/ a noble man borne T:
of grete lernynge/ y l of the gentyles was the fyrst bysshop of
Jerusalem/ T: in a whyle after put to martyrdom. The feest also
of saynt Salomee/ that (as is redde in the gospell) was dylygent
aboute the sepulture of our sauyoure. The feest also of saynt
Mellon archebysshop of rone. At oska the feest of saynt Mimi-
lonf and saynt Ewlodie virgyns T: martyrs/ that after longe pryson
T; many turmentes were heded. (j[ Addicyons.
{[ The feest also of saynt Melane a matrone/ borne in rome
of noble lignage/ T: for deuocyon went vnto Jerusalem/ in the
whiche iourney she vysyted in desert the holy faders sayt Pambo/
saynt Serapion/ saynt Ysydour T: other/ T: for them suffred grete
persecucyon/ T: w l saynt Rufyne T: saynt Aquila she came vnto
lerusale/ where she buylded a monastery of virgyns/ and ruled
there in nombre fyfty/ < i dyd there many noble dedes/ T: so rested
in our lorde. The feest also of an other saynt Melane a matrone
also/ vnto whome she was graud[moder/ for she was [/. cxvii.
her sones doughter/ and her goddoughter/1 was maryed vnto a
noble man by whome she had two sones/ whiche departed bothe
vnto god/ T: she than w l grete instauce couerted her housbonde
vmo relygyon/ T: so she buylded a monastery of .xl. virgyns/ r l
he an other of .xxx. mokes/ where they lyued in hygh perfeccyon.
The feest also of many other holy sayn .T;2.
C To morowe.
C The .xxiij. daye of October. In syre at antioche the feest
of saynt Theodour a preest/ that in y e psecucyon of the emperour
luliari y e apostata was racked 1 enflambed with hote lampes/ 1:
after many other turmentes slayne by the swerde. In spayne
the feest of saynt Seruand/ T: saynt German/ that after grete
labours/ hard imprysonment/ rackynge T: other turmentes were
heded/ T: saynt German was buryed at emerite/ 1 saynt Seruand
at hyspale. In normandy at rone the deposicyon of saynt
Romayn archebysshop T; cofessour. Iny 6 frauchest of pictauens
the feest of saynt Benet a cofessour. The feest also of saynt
Elflede a virgyn. At colen the feest of saynt Seueryne a
bysshop T: confessour. f[ Addicyons.
f[ In the frauchest of ambianes the feest of saynt Graciane a
martyr/ that in goynge to deth prycked downe his staffe in the
grounde/ whiche forthw 1 flourysshed T; bare grene leues T; nuttes/
\ euery yere the same day T; houre it bereth rype nuttes.
The feest also of an other saynt Seueryne a martyr/ called also
sayt Boece/ a noble man borne/ T: a grete clerke of notable
eloquence/ \ made many werkes/ T: was of synguler vertue/ T; for
Chryst suffred grete persecucyon and dethe. The feest also of
many other holy sayntes/ mar?/ confes. 1 virg.
[C To morowe. [fo. cxviL b.
f[ The .xxiiij. daye of October. In napules at venysef the
feest of saynt Felix a bysshop/ saynt Audacty T; sayt lanuary
preestes/ saynt Fortunate Ht saynt Septimy lectours in order all
martyrs/ y e by the emperour Dioclecian after many turmentes
were put to deth by the swerde/ amonge whome saynt Felix the
sayd bysshop was moost notable/ a fader of .Ivj. yeres 1 a clene
virgyn. In the v monastery of vertane y e feest of saynt Marty ne
an abbot. The feest also of saynt Vitale a holy confessour.
C Addicyons.
f[ In englonde the feest of saynt Maglour/ called also saynt
Maiour a bysshop/ y l resigned his dignite T; was a monke in
desert T; a fader of religyon/ of hygh perfeccyon T: many
myracles/ and had also reuelacyon of his deth by an augell.
The feest also of an other saynt Maiour a martyr/ that by the
wandales after many cruell turmentes was put to deth by the
swerde. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?,
confes. T; virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxv. day of October. At rome the feest of .xlvij.
martyrs men of warre/ that all togyder were baptized by saynt
Denyse the pope/ T: forthw 1 by the emperour Claudy they were
heded/ and buryed in salary strete/ where also were buryed
other martyrs .cxxj. of y e whiche saynt Theodosi/ saynt Lucy/
saynt Marke T: saynt Peter ^were chefe capitaynes. At petra-
goryke the feest of saynt Frontony a bisshop/ c5secrate in rome
by saynt Peter/ with saynt George a preest/ that by the staffe
of saynt Peter was before reysed from deth/ T: by him assigned
as felowe w l saynt Frontony to couerte the sayd cite/ where
whan they had truly accomplysshed theyr [offyce by \_fo. cxviii.
holy lyfe T: many myracles/ the sayd bysshop rested in Chryst.
At swesyon the feest of saynt Crispyn T: saynt Crispinian/ that
in the persecucyon of the emperour Dioclecian after many cruel 1
turmentes were slayne by y e swerde. At florence y e passyon of
saynt Mineate/ that by the prynce Decius was put to deth. At
gauale the feest of saynt Hyllary a bysshop T: cofessour. At
rome in salary strete the feest of saynt Crisant/ T; of the holy
virgyn saynt Daria bothe martyrs togyder. In englond y e feest
of saynt lohn beuerlake a bysshop and confessour.
f[ Addicyons.
{[ The feest also of saynt Demetry a martyr/ borne of
noble lignage/ T: beynge a seculer knyght he conuerted many
psones vnto Chryst/ for y e whiche he was taken T, by the
emperour Maximian put to many turmetes in the whiche he
dyd many myracles T: conuerted moche people/ T; at y e last was
slayne by the swerde. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar?, confes. I?.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xx vj. day of October. In afifrike y e feest of sayt
Rogacian a preest/ T: of sayt Felicissimy bothe martyrs that in
the pscucyon of the emperours Decius \ Valerian were put to
deth/ of whome sayt Cipriane wryteth in his epystles vnto the
confessours. At narbone the feest of saynt Rustyke a bysshop
and confessour. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Florece a bysshop T; cofessour.
At rome y e feest of saynt Euarysty pope T: martyr/ that was a
iewe borne/ T: couerted in youth/ T: made many profytable
ordynauces in the chirche/ T: at y e last in the persecucion of the
emperour Traianus he was put to martyrdom. The feest also
of many other holy sal. T:2.
[C To morowe. [fo. cxviii. b.
C The .xxvij. day of October. In spayne at habull the
passion of saynt Vincent/ T: of y e holy women saynt Sabyne
~t saynt Aristeaf all martyrs/ y l by the mayre Dacian were
racked and so strayned T: stretched/ that all the ioyntes of theyr
bodyes were losed from theyr places/ T; at the last theyr
braynes knocked out w 1 battes. At tylecastell the feest of
saynt Florence a martyr. The vigyll also of the apostles
Syrnon and lude. C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Frumence a bysshop/ y l in his
chyldhode lefte y e cite of rome/ '"t went in to y e moost desolate
desert of ynde/ where by his holy lyfhe couerted moche people/
T; was theyr bysshop perseueraut in the same T: prechyng vnto
his deth. The feest also of saynt Abbany a kynges sone of
yrelond/ y l forsakynge all the pompe of the worlde/ entred
religyon/ wherin he lyued so perfytly/ that he heled y e lepre "\
lame/ blynde T: defe/ reysed the deed/ with many other
myracles/ T: had visytacyon of augels T: reuelacyon of his deth.
The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T: virg.
{[ To morowe.
H The .xxviij. day of October, the feest of the apostles
saynt Symon/ called by syrname canany/ y l fyrst preched in
egipt/ T; of saynt Tadey/ called also saynt lude that fyrst
preched in mesopotamy/ T: after they bothe mette in perse/
where they conuerted a multytude of people nerehand innumer-
able vnto the fayth/ T: at the last were put to deth for the same.
At rome the feest of saynt Ciryll/ doughter vnto y e emperour
Decius/ y 1 by the pryce Claudy was slayne by the swerde. At
melde the feest of saynt Pharao/ bysshop of ambianens and a
[cofessour. At parys the translacyon of saynt Geneuefe \_fo. cxix.
a virgyn/ and the feest of saynt Felix a martyr.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ At babylon the feest of sayt Abdy/ discyple vnto the
apostles Symon T: lude/ and by them made bysshop of babilon/
where he well ruled and moche edifyed the chirche of Chryst/
and dyed a confessour. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
{[ The .xxix. day of October. At Jerusalem the feest of saynt
Narcisse/ that (as y e story ecclesiastyke recordeth) was notably
perfyte in fayth T: pacyence. At sydon the feest of sayt zenoby
a preest/ y 1 in the fury of y e grete psecucyon was put to
martyrdom. In y e puince of lucane the feest of sayt lacynct/
saynt Quintyn/ sayt Felician T: saynt Lucy martyrs.
C Addicyons.
f[ In englond the feest of saynt Elflede a virgyn/ of noble
byrth/ at whose byrth were shewen heuely tokens. And she was
after abbesse of rumsey/ T: of holy lyf and many myracles.
The feest also of saynt John bysshop of augustu dunes/ a man
of many myracles/ specially in curyg of seke psones. The
feest also of many otft .T:c.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xxx. day of October. In affryke the feest of .cc.
and .xxx. martyrs. At tyngentyne the passyon of saynt
Marcell a capytayne of .C. soudyours/ y l by the iudge Agricolane
was heded. In antioche the feest of saynt Serapion a bysshop/
a man of notable doctryne. The feest also of sayt Germayn
bysshop of capuane/ whose blessed soule the reuerend fader
saynt Benet sawe conuayed by aungels in to heuen. The
ordynacyon also of saynt Swythune a bysshop. At tolose the
feest of saynt [Saturnyne a confessour. [fo. cxix. b.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Leoncy a cofessour/ that was
couerted by saynt Cesary the martyr. The feest also of saynt
Lucane a martyr/ that after he was heded/ bare his owne heed
a myle vnto the place where he wolde be buryed. The feest
also of many other holy sayn. lie.
C To morowe.
H The .xxxj. day of October, the vigyl of all halowes. At
rome the feest of saynt Nemesy a deacon/ and of his doughter
saynt Lucyll/ that by the emperours Valeriane T: Galiene after
many turmetes were heded/ the day of whose passyon T: deth/
is the .xxv. day of August but bycause that pope Sixt dyd as
this day translate theyr holy bodyes in to appia strete/ therfore
he ordeyned theyr feest this day. In frauce at vermendens the
feest of saynt Quintyne a martyr/ that by y e emperour
Maximian was put to deth/ whose holy body .lv. yeres after
was foude by the reuelacyon of an aungell. {[ Addicyons.
{[ At rome y e feest of saynt Nataly a cofessour/ that for
ambycyon 1 couetyse was a renegate T: made bysshop of certayn
heretykes/ but after he was couerted T; recosyled by reuelacyon/
T: forsoke y e fals errours T; vayngloryous honour/ *\ dyd grete
penauce/ T; was of hygh perfeccyon T; many myracles. The
feest also of saynt Foyllane/ borne of the noble blode of
yrelond/ that forsoke all honour to serue god/ T: was a bysshop/
Ht than called after y e maner of Abraham in to frauce/ where he
receyued the crowne of- martyrdom/ whose holy body was
founde by the reuelacyon of an augell at the prayer of saynt
Gertrude/ w 1 whome he was before in company. The feest also
of many other holy sayntes/ mar? .T;c.
[f[ To morowe. [fo. cxx.
THe fyrst day of Nouember, the feest of all
sayntes/ that fyrst was ordeyned by pope
Boniface in the honour of our lady 1 of all
martyrs onely. But after pope Gregory decreed and deter-
myned that the same feest the same daye sholde solempnly be
kepte for euer in the honour of all halowes T: sayntes. At the
castell of diuyon the feest of saynt Benigne a preest T; martyr/
y l by saynt Policarpe was sent in to frauce to preche/ where by
y e erie Terenciane after many turmetes his necke was broken
with an yren barre/ T: his body wouded w l a spere. In campane
at terracyne y e feest of saynt Cesary a deacon T: martyr/ y l
after longe pryson T; many turmetes was by y e emperour Claudy
put in to a sacke w l saynt lulian a preest \ cast in to the see/ \
so they bothe togyder martyrs. At parys y e feest of saynt
Marcell a bysshop/ chosen for his singuler sanctite and grete
myracles/ for sorntyme he chaunged water in to wyne/ somtyme
in to baume/ with many other signes of holynes. At tyburtyne
the feest of saynt Seueryne a monke. At baiocas y e feest of
saynt Vigour a bysshop. In the frauchest of wastinens the feest
of saynt Maturyne a cofessour. The feest also of saynt Mary
a virgin T; martyr/ that was scourged/ racked/ T: her flesshe rent
w* hokes/ T: so ended her martyrdom. At pictauy y e feest of
saynt Hyllary a cofessour. 4E Addicyons.
C In spayne the feest of saynt luuency a preest/ and a man
of notable doctryne/ y l made the .iiij. euangelystes in verses/
with many other pfytable werkes. In syre at laodyce the feest
of saynt Apollynare/ bysshop of the same cite/ a man also of
grete lernynge *\ synguler sanctite/ that made many werkes/
specyally agaynst here [tykes. The feest also of many [fo. cxx. b.
other holy sayntes. Ic.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The seconde daye of Nouember. The feest of saynt
Victoryne bysshop of pitabion/ that (as saynt lerom wryteth)
after grete labours in prechynge and moche edificacyon was
crowned w l martyrdom. At rome the feest of saynt Eustace a
martyr/ 1 of sayt Theospis his wyfe/ with theyr sone saynt
Agapy/ 1 theyr doughter saynt Theospita all martyrs togyder/
put to deth by y e emperour Adriane/ whose very daye of
passyon was yesterdaye all halowen daye/ but bycause of y l
solenite they ben here remebred/ T: theyr actes moche notable T:
meruaylous. At laudicef the feest of saynt Theodourf a bysshop/
of notable vertue/ T: moche eloquet in pchynge. The feest also
of sayt Ambrose/ abbot of agunens/ a famous man of holy lyfe
~\ many myracles. The comemoracyon also and remembraunce
of all soules. {[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt lust a martyr/ that was cast in to
the see/ but after y e holy body was cast vnto londe 1 foude by
reuelacyon. The feest also of saynt Eustoche a virgyn T: martyr/
put to deth by y e emperour Julian. And y e feest of an other
saynt Eustoche a virgyn/ discyple vnto sayt lerom/vnder whose
obedience she lyued with her moder saynt Paule/ y 1 buylded at
bethleem a monastery/ where after the deth of her moder she
was abbesse of .1. virgyns/ vnto whome sayt lerom wrote a rule.
The feest also of saynt Alcyndyne/ saynt Pygasy/ ~t saynt
Anepothyst martyrs/ y l by the kyng of perse were scourged/
soden 1 broyled/ in whose passyon sayt Antonyne was couerted/
T: forthw 4 before them put to deth/ T: they all were cast in to the
see/ where the same [saynt Antonyne with an aungell [fo. cxxi.
came vnto them and brought them safe to lond/ where they
couerted .xxviij. persones/ that forthw 1 with them were put to
deth. In yrelonde the feest of saynt Malachy a bysshop of grete
holynes 1 many myracles/ whose legende saynt Barnard wryteth.
In yrelond also the feest of saynt Herke a bysshop/ y l was a
gentyle of grete iustyce *\ good lyuyng/ T: was couerted by
reuelacyon/ T: sacred bysshop by saynt Patrike/ T: after of hygh
pfeccyon/ T: had y e spiryte of prophecy/ T: reysed a persone
vnto lyfe/ w* other many grete myracles. The feest also of
many otn ,T&
f[ To morowe.
C The thyrde daye of Nouember. The feest of saynt Quarte/
discyple vnto y e apostles. In capadoce at cesary the feest of
saynt Germane/ saynt Theopholy/ saynt Sesary \ sayt Vitale/
martyrs all togyder put to deth in the persecucyon of the
emperour Daciane. At cesaraugust the feest of martyrs
vnnombrable/ that by Dacian y e presydent of spayne were put
to deth. The traslacyon also of saynt Edythe a virgyn. And
the deposycyon of saynt Parmyn a bysshop/ T; of saynt Hukbert
a confessour. At carboyle the feest of saynt Gwenady an abbot
and coiessour. And of saynt Wenefrede a virgyn and martyr.
f[ Addicyons.
{[ The feest also of saynt Kenelme/ T; of saynt Alpayde a
virgyn/ of poore byrth/ T: a keper of beestes in y e felde/ yet
obteyned she of our lorde y e clere vnderstandynge of holy scrip-
ture/ 1 the spirite of couseyle/ w l meruaylous prudence/ yet was
she euer seke in body Ht neuer hole/ T: lyued many yeres w'out
ony fode/ but onely the sacrament of Chrystes body/ T: many
tymes was she rapte into heuen/ hell T: purgatory/ as by syght
in her soule [and vnderstandynge of the ioye T: payne/ \_fo. cxxi. b.
she had also y e spiryte of prophecy/ T; was of many myracles. In
englond y e feest of saynt Clitanke a martyr/ a kynges sone of
strayte iustyce/ a louer of peace/ T: of pure chastite/ T: of strayte
T; perfyte lyfe/ y 1 was cruelly slayne by a fals traytour/ at whose
deth were shewed many myracles and at his tombe after many
moo. In englond also the feest of saynt Ruwold the kynges sone
of northumberlond/ that forthw 1 whan he was borne/ cryed w r
lowde voyce sayeng thre tymes togyder these wordes. I am a
chrystyan/ T: than required the sacrament of baptym T; after to
haue masse T; was comuned/ T; than he made a noble sermon w*
meruaylous good eloquence/ T: lyued thre dayes/ T; so departed
T; lyeth in buckyngham ful of myracles. The feest also of many
other holy sayn? fie.
f[ To morowe.
C The .iiij. day of Noueber. In alexander the feest of saynt
Hyery a preest/ a noble lerned doctour/ of holy lyf and many
myracles. In normandy at rone the feest of saynt Amance a
bysshop of grete fame in lyfe T: myracles. In y e fraunchest of
vilcasyne y e feest of saynt Clare a preest T; cofessour. At
augustudune the feest of saynt Proculy a bysshop. In englonde
at wynchester y e feest of saynt Brinstane a bysshop of holy lyfe
T; many myracles. 41 Addicyons.
{[ The feest also of an other sayt Clare a martyr/ borne in
englond at orchester/ of noble paretes/ whome w l all worldly
pompe he forsoke and wente in to normandy/ where he lyued a
solytary lyfe in desert/ T: cured y e seke/ reysed the deed/ 1 dyd
many myracles. At the last y e deuyll enflambed a grete lady in
concupyscence of hym/ whome (as loseph) he fledde and auoyded
in to a ferre [countree/ wherwith she was kendled in a \_fo. cxxii.
fury/ T: sent after hym T; heded hym/ T; he forthw 1 toke vp his
owne heed T; bare it vnto a monastery y l he before had buylded
hyselfe/ where he lyeth full of myracles. The feest also of saynt
Vitale '"t saynt Agricola martyrs/ whose holy bodyes saynt
Ambrose dyd translate/ Ht wrote also y e legend of theyr passion.
. The feest also of many other . ^c.
C To morowe.
f[ The .v. daye of Nouember. the feest of saynt zacary the
pphete/ fader vnder saynt lohn baptist. In campane at teracyne
the feest of saynt Felix a preest/ and of saynt Euseby a monke
bothe martyrs/ that conuerted moche people/ for the whiche
they were bothe togyder heded. In the terrytory of orlyauce y e
feest of saynt Lety a preest. In the frauchest of lyngon at the
monastery of clareuale the feest of saynt Malachy a bysshop *\
confessour. {[ Addicyons.
{[ The feest also of saynt Elyzabeth/ wyfe vnto saynt zacary
and moder vnto saynt lohn baptist. The feest also of an other
saynt zacary the pope/ a man of synguler vertue T; notable
doctryne/ bothe in y e greke T: latyn tongue/ that ordeyned that
gossyppes sholde not mary togyder/ ne the chylder by them
baptized vnto theyr owne chylder/ w* many other good statutes
T: decrees. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?. T;c.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .vj. day of Nouember. In affryke at tonyse the
feest of saynt Felix/ at whose buryall saynt Augustyn preched
*l expowned a psalme vnto y e people. The feest also of saynt
Leonard a cofessourl an abbot In y e eest countree at theopole
the feest of .x. martyrs/ that were slayne by the sarasyns. In
fryselondef the feest of saynt [Actike. At redon the \_fo. cxxii. b.
feest of saynt Melane a cofessour. C Addicyons.
f[ In englond y e feest of saynt Yltute/ cosyn vnto kyng
Arthur Ta seculer knyght/ that forsoke all y e worldly pompe 1
was a religyous man/ of hygh perfeccyon 1 many myracles. The
feest also of an other saynt Felix a monke/ that comauded a
serpent to kepe his gardyn wherby a thefe was taken and
refourmed. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?,
confes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
C The .vij. day of Nouember. In alexander the feest of saynt
Achyl a bysshop/ a noble man of notable doctryne T: holy lyfe.
In ytaly at perusyne the feest of saynt Herculane a bysshop/ a
martyr slayne by y e swerde/ whose holy body (as saynt Gregory
wry teth) was foude .xl. dayes after his dethe as hole w'out weme/
as though no swerde ne wepen had touched hym. At abbienst
the feest of sayt Amarance a -martyr/ that lyeth buryed in the
same cite. In fryselond y e deposicyon of saynt wylibrorde a
bysshop I cofessour. C Addicyons.
fl[ The feest also of saynt Prosdocymy a bysshop/ that was
a noble man borne of the grekes/ T: came w 1 saynt Marke the
euangelyst T: with saynt Appolinare vnto saynt Peter/ of whome
he was c5secrate/ and after he preched T: couerted many kynges
1 realmes/ and dyd grete myracles/ 1 he lyued vnto the age
of .cxiiij. yeres of the whiche he was bysshop .xciij. yeres/ a
moneth I .xv. dayes/ and lyeth full of dayly myracles at patauie
where he was bysshop. The feest also of many oth. 1c.
f[ To morowe.
H The .viij. daye of Nouember. At rome in lauycane strete
the passyon of saynt Clawdy/ saynt Nicostrate 1 [of \fo. cxxiii.
other thre persones all martyrs/ y l by the emperour Dioclecian
were scourged w 1 scorpyons/ T: after many other turmentes cast
in to y e see. At rome also in y e same strete y e feest of saynt
Seuere/ saynt Seueriane/ saynt Capaforef T: saynt Victoryne
martyrs/ that by y e emperour Dioclecian were beten to deth with
plumettes of lede/ T; bycause theyr names that tyme were vnknowe
they were called the .iiij. crowned martyrs/ tyll after theyr names
were shewed by reuelacyon. {[ Addicyons.
f[ In corn well the feest of saynt Keby a bysshop/ borne of
the blode royall/ T: for that he was elected to be kyng of that
coutree/ but he forsoke all the worlde for y e loue of Chryst/ T:
toke the holy habyte of relygyon/ wherin he cotynued in hygh
pcrfeccyon and many^ myracles. The feest also of many other
holy sayntes/ mar?. T;c.
f[ To morowe.
C The .ix. day of Nouember. At amase a cite of y e mar-
maritanes the feest of saynt Theodour a martyr/ that by the
emperours Maximy 1 Maximian was scourged T: so put in hard
pryson/ where our sauyour appered vnto hym T: coforted hym/
than was he hanged T: racked/ T; his flesshe so rent T; torne with
hokes/ y l his bowelles myght be seen/ 1 at the last he was brent.
At byturyke the feest of saynt Vrsycyne a cofessour T: bysshop
of y e same cite/ consecrate at rome by y e successours of the
apostles. At verdune the feest of saynt Vycony a cofessour.
The deposicyon also of saynt Theodour bysshop/ bysshop of
lyons. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of an other saynt Theodour a martyr that
was a knyght/ T; slewe a dragon after suche maner as is sayd of
sayt George/ T, whan he was knowen [for a christyan/ [/.
he was by the emperour Lycyne after many turmentes put vpon
y e crosse lyke vnto his mayster Chryst/ where he henge thre
dayes/ and whan he was taken downe/ he was quycke lyuyng Tt
without ony wounde or hurte/ where he conuerted .xxviij.
soudyours/ that before hym were put to deth/ T; he at the last
heded. The feest also of many other holy sayn? .T:2.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .x. day of Noueber. the feest of saynt Martyne pope/
that by the emperour Constantyne the heretyke was Judged
vnto exile in to the puynce of lyce/ where in the cite of cerson
he lyeth full of myracles. In the terry tory of agathen the feest
of saynt Tybery/ saynt Modest *\ saynt Florence/ that by the
emperour Dioclecian were all togyder by dyuerse turmentes put
to martyrdom. At antioche the feest of saynt Demetry a
bysshop saynt Aniane a deacon and saynt Eustoche all
martyrs/ with whome were put to dethe .xx. other psones.
The deposicyon also of sayt lust archebysshop of yorke.t At
orlyauce the feest of saynt Monytour a bysshop T: confessour.
C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Tryphon a martyr that by the
emperour Decius was put to many turmetes/ in whose passyon/
saynt RespicyT: the holy virgyn saynt Nympha were conuerted/
1 bothe w l hym put to deth all heded. The feest also of saynt
Theodour a martyr/ that by the emperour Julian the apostata
was put to deth. And y e feest of an other saynt Theodour a
bysshop 1 cofessour/ of hygh pfeccyon. At rauen y e feest
saynt Proby bysshop of y e same cite/ a goodly man of fauour T:
persone/ an eloquent precher/ T: of many grete graces specyally
in the curynge of all maner dyseases/ he also [expelled [fo. cxxiiii.
wycked spirytes/ 1 had reuelacyon of augels and lyeth in the
same cite full of dayly myracles. The feest also of many
other holy sayntes/ mart, confes. T:c.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xj. day of Noueber. At turon the feest of saynt
Martyn/ bysshop of y e same/ a man of notable vertues that
reysed thre psones vnto lyfe/ with many other famous myracles.
In fryselondef at sythef the passyon of saynt Men a martyr/
that in the psecucyon of y e emperour Dioclecian fled in to
wyldernes/ but after he boldly came forth T: cofessed the name of
Chryst/ for y e whiche after many turmentes he was slayne by y e
svverde. At lyons y e feest of saynt Seueriane a bisshop/ famous
in vertue T: myracles. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of an other saynt Men a confessour/ y l
lyued in desert/ vnto whome beres and wylde beestes were
subiecte T; obedient/ *\ he knewe the thoughtes T: preuy synnes
of many psones and refourmed them/ of whome
lib. iij. ca. also saynt Gregory wryteth in his dialoges. In
xxvj. fraunce at gaualytane the feest of saynt Verany
a bysshop/ borne of noble blode/ 1 forsoke the
vvorlde and went in pylgrymage in to many coutrees/ where
euer he dyd many myracles/ at whose buryall y e pall wherwith
his holy corps was couered/ sodeynly arose as quycke T; went
before y e people ouer a grete ryuer/ whiche they passed all drye
foted vnto a chirche of our lady that he hyselfe had buylded/
where he lyeth gloryous in myracles. The feest also of many
other holy sal. T:c.
f[ To morowe.
{[ The .xij. day of Nouember. In the prouynce of terra-
conens at tyrason y e feest of saynt Emiliane a preest T: cofessour/
whose meruaylous lyfe saynt Brawly bys[shop of \_fo. cxxiiii. b.
cesaraugust doth wryte at length. At agryppe the deposicyon
of saynt Cubert a bisshop 1 martyr. In the frauchest of senonyke
y e feest of sayt Patryrie a martyr. At y e castell of melidune y e
feest of saynt Leo a cofessour/ of many grete merytes.
{[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Achie the pphete/ that was in the
tyme of Salomon/ T: of his sone leroboam. At rome the feest
of saynt Martyne the fyrst pope of that name T: a martyr/ y l
in a generall couseyle condempned the patriarke of Constanti-
nople for an heretyke/ for the whiche he was by the emperour
Costantyne fyrst put vnto exile/ and after to deth. The feest
also of saynt Hor an abbot of the desert of egipt/ a man of
notable perfeccyon/ for he neuer made lye/ ne neuer sware othe/
ne neuer cursed or spake euyll worde/ T; he was precyse in
sylence/ for he neuer %pake w l out grete necessite/ he lyued thre
yeres fedde onely by aungels/ T: was lerned w l out study by
myracle/ 1 he couerted moche people/ and dyd many myracles.
The feest also of many other holy . T;c.
f[ To morowe,
f[ The .xiij. daye of Noueber. At rauen y e feest of saynt
Valentyne/ saynt Solutour/ T: saynt Victor martyrs. At aquis
the feest of saynt Demetry a martyr. In affryke the feest of
saynt Archady/ saynt Paskasy/ saynt Proby T; saynt Ewticiane
all martyrs/ that for the reprouynge of the heresy of Arrius/
were after exile and many turmentes put to deth. At turon the
deposicyon of saynt Brice bysshop T: confessour/ that was
discyple vnto saynt Martyn T: his successour. At tholete y e
feest of saynt Eugene a bysshop and confessour. In the
monastery of malbody the feest of saynt Aldegunde a virgyn.
At parys the feest of saynt Gundulfe a bysshop T: [con- \_fo. cxxv.
fessour. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Homobone a cofessour/ T: the feest
also of the fyfty wyse maysters y* disputed w 1 saynt Katheryne/
T; by her couerted/ were by y e tyraut Maxence put to martyrdome.
The feest also of many other fie.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xiiij. day of Nouember. In trace at eracle the feest
of saynt Clementyne/ saynt Theodoce/ and saynt Philomon. In
alexander the feest of saynt Serapion/ that in the psecucyon of
y e emperour Decius was put vnto suche turmentes/ that all his
ioyntes were losed eche from other/ T: he cast downe an hyll
hedlonge/ T: so the martyr of Chryst. The traslacyon also of
saynt Erkenwald a bysshop T: cofessour. f[ Addicyons.
H At trecasyne the feest of saynt Venerand a martyr/ a
pagan borne of noble lignage/ T; couerted in youth by an augell/
T; baptized by our sauyour Chryst hymselfe T: euer of holy lyfe T;
many myracles/ that by the emperour Aurelian after many
turmetes wherin he couerted moche people/ was heded/ whose
deed body toke vp the heed T; bare it a grete space/ where he
lyeth full of myracles. The feest also of an other saynt Venerand
a virgyn T: martyr/ T: one of the .xiiij. peticioners/ that in the age
of .xxx. yeres preched the worde of god T: conuerted moche
people/ T: whan she came to rome/ there she was scourged T;
racked/ T: than nayled hades T: fete vnto a stocke layeng vpryght
t a grete stone layd vpon her/ T: than she was losed T: cast in to
a panne full of oyle/ pytche/ water T: ^brymstone/ T; fyre made
thervnder/ sethynge by .vij. dayes contynually/ in the whiche
passyon she conuerted moche people/ T: was delyuered w l out
hurt/ T: than she couerted a kyng T; all his subiectes [and at the
last after many other turmetes wherin she conuerted [fo. cxxv. b.
ix.C.xc. persones/ she was heded. In south wales the feest of
saynt Dubrice bysshop of landaf/ T: after archebysshop of all
englonde T: wales/ that was in the tyme of kynge Arthur/ whose
moder whan he was in her wombe/ was by her owne fader a
kyng of wales put in to a narowe vessell/ T; cast dyuerse tymes
in to a flode/ T: euer the vessell came to lond agayn/ than was
she bounde T: cast in to a grete fyre/ wherin she remayned all
nyght/ T: therin was delyuered of this childe/ T: gaue hym sowke
in the myddle of the fyre w'out noyauce/ whiche chylde forthw 1
dyd myracles/ T: after in his holy lyfe many moo. In yrelond
y e feest of saynt Constant an abbot/ T: the feest of saynt Laurence
a kynges sone of yrelond and a bysshop/ of many myracles/
whiche he dyd not onely in yrelond/ but also in englond *\ wales/
T: moost of all in normandy/ specyally at his translacyon/ for
there he lyeth full of dayly myracles. The feest also of many
other holy sayntes/ mar?. 1,2.
C To morowe.
C The .xv. day of Nouember. In campane at nole the
feest of saynt Felix a bysshop T: martyr/ that from y e age of
xv. yeres was euer full of myracles/ 1 was put to deth by the
presydent Marcian/ with other .xxx. martyrs. In the frauchest
of parys the feest of saynt Eugeny a martyr. The feest also of
saynt Macute a bysshop and cdfessour. In the lesse brytayn the
feest of an other saynt Macute a bysshop also and confessour.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of an other saynt Eugeny/ bysshop of
cesarience/ discyple vnto the grete clerke Origene. And (as
saynt lerom wryteth) he was also of synguler T: [not- \_fo. cxxvi.
able doctryne. The feest also of many other ho.
H To morowe.
C The .xvj. day of Nouember. At lyons y e feest of saynt
Ewtheref a bysshop T; cSfessour/ that fyrst was a senatour 1 for-
soke y e worlde T: entred religyon/ l after he closed hymselfe in
a strayte narowe caue/ from whens he was called by reuelacion to
be bysshop of the say d cite. At pontinyake the deposicyon of
saynt Edmund archebysshop of cauterbury. C Addicyons.
{[ At altyne the feest of saynt Fidence a bysshop T: martyr/
that by y e emperour Maximian after many cruell turmentes
was put to martyrdome. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. and virg.
C To morowe.
C The .xvij. day of Nouember. In alexander y e feest of
saynt Denyse a bysshop T: martyr/ y l by the emperours Valerian
M 2
and Galien was by many turmentes put to deth. At corduba
the passyon of saynt Acyldyf/ T; of the holy woman sayt Victoria
bothe martyrs togyder/ in the comendacyon of whose precyous
deth/ euery yere on the daye of theyr passyon/ swete \ fresshe
roses done sprynge by myracle. At orlyauce y e feest of saynt
Aniane a bysshop and confessour/ of many gloryous myracles.
The feest also of saynt Gergeryf bysshop of turon. In englonde
the feest of saynt Hugh bysshop of lyncolne/ whose holy lyfe T;
godly behauyour is shewed by myracle. {[ Addicyons.
{[ In yrelond the feest of saynt Hylde a virgyn and an
abbesse of high pfeccyon *\ many myracles. In spayne the feest
of an other saynt Gergery bysshop of librens/ a grete lerned man/
T: made many profytable werkes for the edificacyon of Chrystes
chirche/ and was of no[table vertue and many [ fo. cxxvi. b.
myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/
cofessours T; virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xviij. daye of Noueber. At antioche the feest of
saynt Roman a martyr/ that by the emperour Dioclecian by-
cause he resysted a tyraut that wold haue brent a chirche/ was
after many turmentes put to dethe/ w* whome sayt Barala a
chylde was also put to martyrdom. In the same cite the feest of
saynt Esychy a man of warre/ that herynge a crye that euery
man shold do sacrefyce vnto the ydolles/ cast away his armure
T: cofessed the name of Chryst/ for the whiche a grete stone was
tyed at his ryght arme/ T: he so cast in a ryuer. At turon the
feest of saynt Odo an abbot. The octaue also of saynt Martyne.
And y e feest after some bokes of sayt Hyld the abbesse/ of
whome was redde yesterdaye. {[ Addicyons.
f[ In yrelond the feest of saynt Roman a bysshop/ that dyd
myracles in his moders wombe/ T; after in his lyf many moo/ T:
was of hygh pfeccyon. The feest also of saynt Aude a virgyn.
And of saynt Gelagyf y e fyrst pope of that name/ a grete lerned
man/ that condempned T; destroyed the werkes T; bokes of y e
heretykes called maniches/ T: made many good werkes hymselfe/
T: many prayers *\ ympnes/ T: also the cotidiane preface y l
dayly is songe T: sayd in the masse/ with many other notable actes.
At lucane y e feest of saynt Phridiane bysshop of the same cite/
that amonge other grete myracles (as saynt
iij. dialo. Gregory wryteth) comauded the flode that was
ca. ix. lyke to have drowned the cite/ to folowe hym two
myles from y e cite/ ~t there to kepe that course for
euer/ T: so it doth vnto this day. The feest also of many other fie.
[C To morowe. [fo. cxxvii.
f[ The .xix. day of Nouember. At rome in appia strete the
feest of saynt Maximy a bysshop T: martyr/ that in the psecucyon
of the emperour Maximian was put to deth/ T: lyeth buryed by
sayt Sixt. At rome also y e feest of saynt Pocianef pope T;
martyr. At agensf the feest of saynt Crispyne a bysshop T:
martyr heded. At vien the feest of saynt Seueryne/ saynt
Exsuper and saynt Feliciane martyrs/ whose holy bodyes many
yeres after theyr deth were foude by theyr owne reuelacyon/ and
translated by y e bysshop of the same cite w 1 due honour. The
feest also of saynt Faust a deacon T: martyr heded. The feest
also of saynt Symplicy a holy bysshop/ and of saynt Elizabeth
a gloryous matrone. C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Elizabeth of vngary/ called comynly
hongry/ notw l standyng some bokes haue her feest as yesterday
the .xviij. daye of this moneth. The feest also of many other
holy sayntes/ mar. 9fes. 1 virg.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xx. day of Noueber. At rome the feest of saynt
Ponciane pope Ht martyr/ that in the psecucyon of the emperour
Maximian was brought vnto sardyny/ T: w 1 hym saynt Ypolite a
preest/ where they bothe togyder were put to dethe/ beten w l
clubbes/ but his holy body was after foude by the reuelacyon of
saynt Fabiane y e pope/ *\ buryed in the cimitery of saynt Calixt.
At cabilon the feest of saynt Syluere a bysshop of grete vertue
T: many myracles. In cicyll at messane y e feest of saynt
Ampely 1 saynt Gay. At tauryn y e feest of saynt Octauy/
saynt Solutaryf T; saynt Aduentour. In englonde the feest of
saynt Edmund kyng T: martyr/ that by the [kyng [fo. cxxvii. b.
T: tyraut Hyngware T; certayne danes that with hym inuaded the
realme/ was taken 1 bouden vnto a tree/ scourged naked/ Ht than
shotte full of arowes/ T: at the last heded. C Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Maxence a virgyn T: martyr that
was a kynges doughter/ T: forsoke y e worlde/ T; after by a
tyraunt that wolde by force haue maryed her/ she was heded/ 1
forth w 1 she toke vp her owne heed *\ bare it a grete space where
she lyeth full of myracles. The feest also of saynt Barbens an
old man that was her seruaunt/ T: of saynt Rosebe a virgyn her
mayde/ y 1 bothe were put to deth w l theyr maystres. The feest
also of saynt Stephan a preest of hygh pfeccyon 1 many
myracles/ T: the feest of saynt Antipa a preest T; martyr. At
edysse the feest of saynt Samon \ saynt Gury martyrs/ that
by y e emperour Dioclecian were put to deth for prechyng the
fayth. The feest also of many oth. T:c.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxj. day of Nouember. the feest of saynt Rufy/ of
whome y e apostle Paule wryteth vnto y e romaynes. At neo-
conens the feest of saynt Mary a virgyn T: martyr/ that by the
emperour Adrian was after many turmentes put to deth. In
the prouynce of hystrie the passyon of saynt Mawre a martyr.
At hoste y e feest of sayt Demetry T: saynt Honory. The feest
also of saynt Colubane an abbot/ T: the presentacyon of our
blessed lady. f[ Adclicyons.
C The feest also of an other saynt Colubane/ that was
kynsman T: discyple vnto the sayd abbot. The feest also of
saynt Paciane a bysshop of synguler puryte T: hygh vertue/ 1 a
grete lerned man/ that wrote many profytable werkes/ specyally
agaynst the heretykes called [nouacianes/ of whom [/. cxxviii.
saynt lerome wryteth. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar. ^fes. ^b virg.
C[ To morowe.
C The .xxij. daye of Noueber. At rome y e feest of saynt
Cicily a virgyn 1 martyr/ y* couerted her owne spouse saynt
Valerian T: his broder saynt Tiburce/ T: hertned them vnto
martyrdom/ T: after was herselfe vnder the emperours Marke
and Comody put to cruell T: meruaylous turmentes/ T: at the
last slayne by the swerde. At rome also y e feest of saynt
Mawre a martyr/ that by the mayre Celeryne was put to
martyrdom. At augustudune the feest of saynt Pragmas a
bysshop T; cofessour of notable sanctite. C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Medrysyne a virgyn/ moche
gloryous in myracles. At aitynens the feest of saynt Theonyst
a bysshop/ saynt Tabra T: sayt Tabrate deacons \ all martyrs
togyder/ y 1 by y e emperour Theodosy were put to deth. The
feest also of many other .lc.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxiij. day of Nouember. the feest of saynt Clement
the fourth pope after saynt Peter/ that in y e persecucion of the
emperour Traianus was cast in to the see/ '"I so ended his
martyrdome. The . feest also of saynt Felicite/ that by the
emperour Antonyne after y e martyrdom of her .vij. sones was
heded. In ytaly the feest of saynt Colubane/ a fouder of many
monasteryes. In the frauchest of hyspanef the feest of saynt
Trudony a preest 1 confessour. At parys the feest of saynt
Seueryne a solytary monke. At emeryte the feest of saynt
Lucrecye a virgyn. f[ Addicyons.
fl At alexander the feest of saynt Faustyne quene and
empresse/ a martyr/ couerted by sayt Katheryne/ T: put [to deth
by her owne housbond y e emperour Maxcens. [fo. cxxviii. b.
The feest also of an other saynt Clement/ a senatour of rome T:
vncle vnto the sayd pope/ T: conuerted by saynt Peter/ T; after a
bysshop in fraunce/ where by his holy lyfe/ prechyng T; myracles
he couerted a hole cite/ with many other notable actes. The
feest also of sayt Traianus/ that by the prayers of saynt Gre-
gory was saued. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
mar?. T,c
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxiiij. daye of Nouember. At rome the feest of
saynt Grysogon a martyr/ that by the emperour Dioclecian after
many turmentes was heded/ T: his holy body cast in to y e see.
At rome also y e feest of saynt Crescenciane a martyr/ of whome
is wryten in y e passyon of saynt Marcell the pope. In the castel
of blaue the feest of saynt Romane a preest T: cofessour/ whose
sanctite is declared by dayly myracles. At corduba y e feest of
saynt Floure a virgyn/ T: of saynt Mary a virgyn also/ that bothe
togyder after many turmetes/ were put to deth by the swerde.
In tusce at peruse the feest of saynt Felicissimy a confessour.
C Addicyons.
f[ At alexander the feest of sayt Porphurie with .cc. of his
seruautes T: soudyours/ y* was conuerted by saynt Katheryne/ r t
bycause he buryed the quene saynt Faustyne/ he with his were
put to martyrdom. In yrelond the feest of saynt Kenan a
bysshop/ borne there of y e kynges blode/ T: in youth whan he
sholde haue ben slayne he was delyuered by an aungell/ T: after
he had many reuelacyons of aungels/ T: was of synguler sanctite/
T; he reysed thre persones vnto lyfe. And by his prayer a
woman y 1 by y e space of thre yeres had borne styll in her
wombe two chylder/ was soudly delyuered/ w l many [other grete
myracles. The feest also of saynt Flauian af \_fo. cxxix.
bysshop. And of many other holy sayntes/ mar. cof. T;c.
C To morowe.
C The .xxv. day of Nouember. the feest of saynt Peter
bysshop of alexander/ 1 a martyr/ a man of notable doctryne/ y l
by the fudge Maximyne was heded/ T: with hym were put to
deth bysshops of egipte T; other of the clergy T: of the leyfeef
vnto the nombre of .vj.C. and .lx. persones. At antioche y e feest
of saynt Herasmus a gloryous martyr. At alexander y e passyon
of saynt Katheryne a virgyn T: martyr/ that by y e emperour
Maxence after many cruel! turmentes was heded/ whose holy
body was couayed 1 caryed by augels vnto the mout of synai/
where it lyeth full of dayly grete myracles. C Addicyons.
C At cesaraugust the feest of saynt Marcury a martyr that
was chefe capitayne w l the emperour Decius/ T: was couerted
by an augell. And wha he was knowen for a chrystyan/ he was
put to dethe by meruaylous cruell turmentes/ in whose passion
moche people was couerted. The feest also of saynt Mercuriall
bysshop of liuience. And of many other holy sayntes/ mar.
cof. T-.2.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xxvj. daye of Noueber. the feest of saynt Lyne the
fyrst pope after sayt Peter/ that whan he had well gouerned y e
chirche .xij. yeres/ was put to martyrdom and buryed in vaticanes
strete. At alexander y e feest of saynt Faust a preest/ saynt
Dius 1 saynt Ammony all martyrs/ that w* saynt Peter bysshop
of the same cyte were by the tyraut Maximian put to martyrdom.
At augustudune the feest of sayt Amatour a bysshop. In the
monastery of wendoper the feest of saynt Leonard [a [fo. cxxix, b.
confessour. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Basoly a cofessour/ of synguler
sanctite. At edysse the feest of saynt Peter a bysshop of
notable vertue/ \ a grete lerned man/ T; made many werkes
moche edificatyue vnto Chrystes chirche/ and was also a grete
precher and fedde many soules. The feest also of many other
holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T:c.
C To morowe.
C The .xxvij. daye of Noueber. At bonony the feest of
saynt Agricola a martyr/ y 1 was lyke vnto Chryst crucyfyed/ T: of
his seruaut saynt Vitale/ that bycause he wolde not forsake his
mayster T: his fayth/ was before hym put to deth by many
turmentes. In frauce at regens y e feest of saynt Maximy a
confessour/ y l fro youth was of notable vertue/ T; than abbot of
lyrynens/ 1 after bysshop of regens/ a man of many grete
myracles. C Addicyons.
C In perse y e feest of saynt Peter whose syrname was
intercyse/ borne of the kynges blode/ but of chrysten parentes/
T: he in youth baptized/ whiche thynge whan the kyng knewe/
he caused hy by moost horryble cruelty to be kytte every membre
fro other one by one. The feest also of sayt losaphat a kynges
sone/ y l was discyple vnto saynt Barlaame/ by whome he was
baptized 1 with whome he lyued in desert a holy lyf full of
myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes Ac.
f[ To morowe
f[ The .xxviij. day of Nouember. At corynth y e feest of
saynt Sostonesf discyple vnto saynt Paule/ of whome he maketh
mencyon in his epystle vnto the corynthes. In affryke y e feest
of saynt Papyne 1 saynt Mansuete bysshops T: martyrs/ that
in the persecucyon of y e wandales were enflambed w l note yren
plates/ T: by many [other turmentes put to deth. At \_fo. cxxx.
rome the feest of saynt Rufy a martyr/ that by the emperour
Dioclecian was put to deth with all his hole housholde/ and so
all martyrs. f[ Addicyons.
f[ At rome the feest of saynt Gregory y e second pope of
that name/ a grete lerned man T: very eloquent/ and a grete
impugner \ confouder of heretykes/ T; he cursed the emperour
Leo/ bycause he destroyed the ymage of Chryst/ of our lady/ T:
of other sayntes/ w* many other notable actes. At rome also
the feest of an other saynt Gregory y e thyrde pope of that name/
1 successour vnto the other/ a man also of excellent doctryne/
bothe in the greke T: latyn tongue/ of singuler vertue/ T; of grete
pite vnto the poore/ T; a bolde man/ for he wknit drede cofyrmed
the curse of y e sayd emperour Leo/ T: ouer that for his obstinacy
he put hym and all his successours from all preuyleges/ profytes/
dominion/ lordshyp or gouernaunce in rome/ ytaly T; spayne for
euer. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes.
T: virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxix. day of Nouember. the vigyl of saynt Andrewe
the apostle. At rome in salary strete the feest of saynt
Saturnyne/ ~t of sayt Sisynny a deacon T; bothe martyrs/ y l by
the prynce' Maximian were kepte longe in harde pryson/ \ after
scourged/ beten w l staues/ racked/ and theyr ioyntes strayned w l
cordes/ enflambed w l fyry plates/ 1 at y e last after many moo
turmentes heded. At tolose the feest of saynt Saturnyne a
bysshop 1 martyr/ that was cast downe from the hyghest toure
of the cite/ 1 so martyred.
f[ Addicyons.
{[ In egypte the feest of saynt Amos/ that maryed by his
frendes/ persuaded his wyfe to kepe virginite/ T; so [they lyued
togyder virgyns .xviij. yeres/ and after her deth he \_fo. cxxx. b.
went in to desert/ T: was an abbot of hygh perfeccyon T: many
myracles. The feest also of saynt Panucy an abbot of y e
wyldernes of heracly/ that ,axed .iij. tymes of our lord/ what
persones were of lyke meryte vnto hym/ T: he had answere/ a
inynstrell/ a mayre of a cite/ 1; a marchaut/ whiche psones all
thre left y e worlde T: went with hym in to desert/ where they all
lyued in hygh perfeccyon/ T: at his deth his soule in open syght
was caryed by aungelles in to blysse. The feest also of many
other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. T: virgyns,
f[ To morowe
C The .xxx. day of Noueber. In achaya at patras the feest
of saynt Andrewe y e apostle/ that after he had preched in sythe/
came vnto the sayd cite/ where by y e proconsull Egeas after
many turmentes he was hanged vpon the crosse/ where vpon he
remayned quycke two dayes/ prechynge styll vnto y e people.
At sanctonas the feest of saynt Trophianef/ a man of meruaylous
perfeccyon/ whiche is playnly shewed by dayly myracles. The
passion also of saynt lustyne a gloryous martyr.
C Addicyons.
C[ The feest also of saynt Nathanaell/ one of the .Ixxij.
discyples/ whome our sauyour called a very israelyte/ that is to
saye/ a very true T: faythfull chylde of israell. The feest also of
an other sayt Nathanael an heremyte that was sore vexed by
y e deuyll "1 had many illusyons and tetacyons/ whiche by the
helpe of grace he ouercame/ and was of notable perfeccyon.
Also here is remembraunce made of the aduent and comynge of
our sauyour Chryst lesu. And the feest also of many other
holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours/ and virgyns.
[f[ To morowe. \_fo- cxxxi.
e fyrst daye of December. At rome the
Deceber. -^ feest of saynt Crysant T; of sayt Daria a
virgyn/ bothe martyrs/ that by the emperour
Numerary after many turmentes/ were murthered in sonde 1
grauell. At rome also y e feest of saynt Dyodour a preest/ T:
of saynt Marian a deacon/ that with many other psones
were by the same emperour put to martyrdom. At magonce
the feest of saynt Albane a martyr. At nouiome y e feest of
saynt Eligy a bysshop T: confessour/ gloryous in holy lyfe
T: myracles. The feest also of saynt Natale a matrone/
that was wyfe vnto saynt Adrian the martyr. At naryne the
feest of saynt Proculy a preest/ T: of saynt Mawre/ a martyr of
gloryous triumphe. C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Diodory a bysshop T: confessour/
T: of grete lernynge/ T: made many werkes. The feest also of
saynt Ansan/ *\ of his godmoder sayt Maxima a virgyn/ bothe
martyrs/ that by his fader a noble man of rome were brought
vnto y e emperours Dioclecian T: Maximian/ where she was beten
to deth w l staues/ 1: he heded. The feest also of many other
holy Ac.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The seconde day of Deceber. the feest of saynt Vere T;
saynt Secury breder/ y l in affryke were put to martyrdom. At
rome the feest of saynt Viuyane a holy woman ^t a martyr/ that
by y e emperour lulian y e apostata was beten to deth with
plumettes of lede. C Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Peter archebysshop of rauen electe
by reuelacyon/ a man of notable doctryne/ by whose epystle the
heretyke Ewtices was codempned [he was so [/. cxxxi. b.
eloquent in speche/ that he was called by syrnan\e chrisologus/
that is to saye/ golden speech or vtteraunce/ T; he had reuelacyon
1 knowlege of his deth by an aungell/ and was of many
myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?,
confes. 1 virg.
C To morowe.
C The thyrde daye of December. At rome the feest of saynt
Clawdy a noble man/ 1 a chefe offycer/ T: a martyr/ th^at was
tyed vnto a grete stone T: cast in to the see. And than his
wyfe saynt Hyllary w 1 theyr two sones saynt lason T: sayt
Mawre/ and .Ixx. of his soudyours and seruautes/ all togyder
by y e emperour Numerian heded. At tyngey 6 passyon of saynt
Cassiane a martyr/ that was a iudge T: persecutour of chrysten
people many yeres/ T; at the last couerted by dyuyne inspiracyon
\ by grudge or remorce of conscyence/ T: after receyued gladly
suche iudgemet of martyrdom as he before had gyuen. At
wynchester the feest of saynt Byryne a bysshop and confessour.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Lucy a kynge of englonde/ y 1 was
baptized by saynt Tymothe discyple vnto saynt Paule/ T; after
in his realme he couerted moche people and at the last he
resygned his crowne/ T: lyued a holy pryuate lyfe/ by y e example
wherof many psones were brought vnto hygh pfeccyon/ T; not-
withstandynge the grete persecucyon of chrystyans/ yet dyed
he in peace a cofessour. The feest also of many other holy
sayn?. ^
f[ To morowe.
C The .iiij. day of December. At pont the feest of saynt
Melecy a bysshop T: confessour/ of grete lernynge ~t notable
vertue. At nicomede the passyon of saynt Barbara a virgyn.
At alexander the feest of saynt Clement a [preest/ a [fo. cxxxii.
famous man of lernynge in scripture. In the fraunchest of bituri-
cens the feest of saynt Gignauy an abbot/ of hygh pfeccyon.
C Addicyons.
C The feest also of an other saynt Melecy a bysshop/ y l for
his notable vertue T: doctryne was electe bysshop of antioche/
but after he was put out by y e heretykes called arrianes/ T: than
he lyued w 1 saynt Euseby in hygh pfeccion 1 many myracles.
At bituricens y e feest of sayt Saryne an abbot. And the feest
also of many other .T;2.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .v. day of December. In affrike at colen thebestyne
y e feest of saynt Crispyne a virgyn T; martyr/ that bycause she
wold not do sacrefyce vnto y e ydolles/ was by the procosull
Anolyne vnder the emperours Dioclecian T: Maximian heded.
In ytaly y e feest of saynt Dalmatyke a martyr. At treuer the
feest of saynt Nicenyf a bisshop T; cofessour. At tagora the
feest of saynt luly/ 1 of the blessed woman saynt Potamie.
The feest also of saynt Saby a confessour and an abbot.
fl Addicyons.
i[ At nyce the feest of saynt Basse a bysshop T: martyr/ that
after many cruell turmentes was set standynge vpon a stocke/ T:
two nayles of yren made of his owne lengthe were dryuen through
out his body from his sholders on eyther syde downe through his
fete in to the stocke/ and there so he dyed. In wales at the
mynster of saynt Dauid the feest of saynt lustiniane a bysshop
T: martyr/ borne of the noble blode of the lesse brytayne/ and for
Chryst he forsoke his countree and kynne/ T: was ledde by an
augell in to many coutrees/ where he euer dyd many myracles/ T;
at the last he came vnto saynt Dauid and was his dayly ghostly
fader/ where [his own seruautes bycause he rebuked \_fo. cxxxii. b.
theyr synnes stroke of his heed/ where forthwith sprange a well/
T: the deed body toke vp the heed T: bare it ouer the see/ T: the
people folowed as though it had ben the drye londe vnto they
came where now he lyeth full of myracles. The feest also of
many other holy sayntes/ mar?. Ic.
H To morowe.
H The .vj. daye of December, the feest of saynt Nicolas
bysshop of myrre in the countree of lycie/ a man of synguler
sanctite and many notable myracles/ among whiche is chefely
remembred how beynge in a countree ferre of/ he appered by
vysyon vnto the emperour Constantyne/ *\ by warnynge T:
thretenynge he withdrewe his dyspleasure and sentence agaynst
certayne persones that wrongfully were iudged vnto deth. In
affryke the feest of y e holy women saynt Denyse/ saynt Datyue/
^ saynt Leoncy. And of saynt Cercyf a monke saynt Emilian
T: saynt Boniface/ with other three persones all martyrs/ put to
dethe at one tyme by moost cruell turmentes.
(H Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of an other saynt Nicolas y e fyrst pope of
that name/ a grete and bolde defender of the chirche for he
cursed the emperour of Constantinople/ bycause he enterprysed
and medled with y e correccyon and punysshement of the clergy.
And he cursed the kynge of frauce/ bycause he helde a concubyne
besyde his wyfe whiche sayd kynge was compelled to come
hymselfe vnto the same pope at rome to be assoyled. The
feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofes. T; virg.
f[ To morowe.
fl[ The .vij. daye of December. In alexander the feest of
saynt Agathon a martyr/ y 1 beynge a man of warre [with the
emperour Decius/ grudged 1 spake agaynst the [fo. cxxxiii.
cruelty that was done vnto the christen people/ for the whiche
he was heded. At sanctonas y e feest of sayt Martyne an abbot/
at whose tombe ben dayly myracles. In the fraunchest of
meldinensf the feest of saynt Fare a virgyn. The ordynacyon
also T: consecracyon of saynt Ambrose bysshop 1 confessour.
And the octaue of saynt Andrewe. {[ Addicyons.
f[ In yrelonde the feest of saynt Boecy a bysshop and con-
fessour/ that reysed a kynge of englonde from deth and a kynges
doughter of yrelond/ with many other persones/ and other grete
myracles in many dyuerse countrees. And had the spiryte of
prophecy and reuelacyon of his deth. The feest also of saynt
Agathon an abbot/ that bycause he wolde precysely kepe sylence/
bare a stone contynually thre yeres in his mouth/ and he neuer
slepte or wente to reste wrothe or dyspleased with ony persone.
For a wrathfull persone (sayd he) all though he reysed deed
bodyes and dyd myracles/ yet doth he no thynge please god.
And he oft sayd/ that a religyous persone sholde euer contynue
as he began the fyrst daye of his entre/ and in no wyse trust
vnto hymselfe/ for selfe trust (sayd he) is the moder of passyons
and trouble. The feest also of saynt Genebawde bysshop of
laudunens/ and of his sone saynt Latry bysshop also of the same
cite and his successour. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar?, confes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
C The .viij. day of December. The concepcyon of our lady
saynt Mary the moder of god. At rome the feest of saynt
Ewtician pope and martyr/ that after he had ruled the chirche
one yere/ was by the emperour Au[relian put to [fo. cxxxiii. b.
martyrdom/ and buryed in the cymitery of saynt Calixt. In
alexander the feest of saynt Machary a martyr/ that by the
emperour Decius bycause he wold not forsake Chryst/ was brent.
In the frauchest of dymens the deposycyon of saynt Leonard a
confessour of notable vertue. f[ Addicyons.
{[ The feest also of saynt Romaryke an abbot of hygh per-
feccyon/ whose soule was seen passe in to heuen by a clowde.
The feest also of sayt zenon a bysshop/ a man of noble doctryne/
and made many werkes/ T: was of many myracles. The feest
also of an other saynt Ewtician a cofessour. The feest also of
many other holy fl%.
f[ To morowe.
C The .ix. daye of December. The feest of saynt Leocade
a virgyn/ that in the cite of tolete was put in prison by Decius
the presydent of spayne/ wherin whan she herde of the passyon
of the holy woman saynt Ewlaly with other martyrs/ she
kneled to praye/ 1 in that prayer she expyred. The feest also
of saynt Cipriane abbot of petragoryke a man of synguler sanctite
T: many myracles. The translacyon also of saynt Sebastian a
martyr/ and of saynt Gregory pope. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Proculy a bysshop and confessour/
that in the persecucyon of the emperour Maximian wylfully
ofTred hymselfe vnto martyrdom. And bycause the iudge
supposed and thought he had doted for age/ he delyuered hym/
for y e whiche he made grete sorowe and mournynge/ than he
preched boldly Ht conuerted moche people/ \ dyd many
myracles. The feest also of saynt Syre a bysshop and con-
fessour/ a man of grete lernynge/ and conuerted many coutrees/
T: was [of many myracles. The feest also of many [fo. cxxxiiii,
other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours/ and virgyns.
fl To morowe,
f[ The .x. day of December. At hyspolitane the feest of
saynt Capoforyf a preest/ and of saynt Habundy a deacon/ that
in the persecucyon of y e emperour Dioclecian were beten with
staues/ nere famysshed in prison/ racked/ and after many other
turmentes at the last heded. In spayne at emery te the passyon
of saynt Ewlale a virgyn and martyr/ that by the mayre
Daciane after many cruel! paynes was racked/ and her flesshe
torne with hokes/ and than two grete fyres made on euery syde/
T: so by long space she was consumed vnto deth. In the same
cite the feest of saynt lulia a virgyn and martyr/ cosyne
germayne vnto the sayd virgyn/ and felowe with her in all her
paynes/ and with gladde mynde receyued with her the crowne
of martyrdom. The feest also of saynt Melchyady pope T:
martyr. C Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Erynbald a iudge/ that vnto
iustyce had synguler zele/ in soo moche that whan his systers
sone had rauysshed a virgyn/ he beynge vpon his deth bedde/
Judged hym vnto dethe/ but the offycers for fauoure suffred hym
to escape/ after the yonge man supposyng his vncle had forgoten
the mater/ came to vysyte hym/ whome he secretly, called vnto
hym/ and with a knyfe kytte his throte/ for the whiche dede his
ghostly fader called hym an homycyde/ T: wolde not mynystre
vnto hym the sacrament of Chrystes body/ vnto the whiche he
answered/ that he dyd that dede without ony malyce for the
zele of iustyce/ T: so was it there shewed by reuelacyon/ and he
receyued [the sacrament by myracle without ony \_fo. cxxxiiii. b.
manes hande and so departed. The feest also of many other
holy. ^2.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xj. day of December. At rome the feest of saynt
Damasy pope. The feest also of saynt Traso a martyr/ that by
the emperour Maximian was put to martyrdom with saynt
Ponciane and saynt Pretaxate. At beamef the feest of saynt
Gencian and saynt Fustinianf martyrs/ that were bounden vnto
a post/ and iuce of herbes with vynegre T: peper blowen in to
theyr eares and nosethrylles/ and theyr hedes nayled vnto the
post with hote fyry nayles/ theyr eyes put out/ and theyr bodyes
shotte full of arowes/ and after all these T: many other cruell
paynes/ they were heded/ with whome saynt Victoryke theyr
host that lodged them was put to martyrdome. In spayne the
feest of saynt Ewtyke a noble man/ and of synguler vertue.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Sauyne bysshop of placentyne/ a
man of synguler sanctite/ that by reuelacyon dyd translate the
body of saynt Antonyne. The ryuer also of pade by his
commaudement wente backe from the chirche londes in to the
canell/ 1 neuer after noyed ne hurte ony parte of y e same londes/
with many other notable myracles. The feest also of many
other ho . T:c.
C[ To morowe.
f[ The .xij. daye of December. At narbon the feest of
saynt Paule a confessour/ that by the apostle Paule was con-
secrate bysshop of the same cite/ and after he wente with hym
in to spayne to preche/ where the apostle lefte hym/ and he
there dyd grete dilygence/ and by his holy lyfe and myracles he
couerted moche peo[ple. At alexander the feest of [fo. cxxxv.
saynt Ammonary T: saynt Mercury/ with other two all foure
holy women and martyrs/ that after many cruell and newfounde
turmentes were slayne by y e swerde. The feest also of sayt
Hermogenes/ saynt Donate/ and of other .xxij. persones all
martyrs. In the frauchest of niuiacens y e feest of saynt
Waleryke a preest and confessour. {[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of sayt Ewstrace a martyr/ that was a duke
and chefe capitayne vnder the emperours Dioclecian and
Maximiane/ T: was taken at satale where he was put to
meruaylous turmentes and passion/ in the whiche saynt Ewgene
a grete offycer was couerted/ and than were they bothe togyder
nayled vnto a blocke/ and so caryed vnto auare/ where they
were put to newe passyon/ in the whiche saynt Auxence/ saynt
Mardary/ and saynt Oresty/ with many other persones were
couerted/ 1 all togyder put to deth. At alexander the feest of
saynt Epimachy/ and saynt Alexander martyrs. In yrelonde
the feest of saynt Fynany an abbot/ in whose concepcyon his
moder had of hym a reuelacyon/ he cast a water lyke a mere in
to the see/ and where it was he buylded a monastery/ and he
ordeyned in an other monastery .iij. M. monkes. And he reysed
v. persones from deth/ and turned water in to wyne/ with many
other myracles/ that he dyd as well in englonde and wales as in
yrelonde/ T; had also reuelacyon of his deth. The feest also of
many other holy .Ic.
C To morowe.
{[ The .xiij. day of December. In sicilie at syracusane the
feest of saynt Luce a virgyn and martyr/ that in the persecucyon
of the emperour Dioclecian was fyrst [comytted by \_fo. cxxxv. b.
the iudge Pascasy vnto the comune bawdes to haue ben
dcfouled/ but whan they pulled her forthe/ she (by the vertue
of Chryst) stode immouable as an hyll/ than they tyed coi des
and ropes vnto her/ and put to grete strengthe of men .nd
many yokes of oxen/ but no thynge for them all she remoued or
stered/ than made they a grete fyre aboute her where she stode/
and cast therin pytche and rosyne/ and cast vpon her body
boylynge lede and oyle/ and at the last after many turmentes/
they put a swerde in to her bowelles/ and so she ended her
martyrdom. The feest also of sayt Awthebert/ bysshop of
camber. The deposicyon also of saynt ludoke a confessour of
synguler sanctite. f[ Addicyons.
C In yrelonde the feest of saynt Columby an abbot/ borne of
noble lignage/ and forsoke the worlde to serue god in religyon/
wherin he was of hygh perfeccyon/ T: a grete founder of
monasteryes/ he put in two monasteryes thre hondred monkes/
he reysed also from deth a kynges sone of englonde and his
doughter/ and conuerted hym and all his people/ and many
myracles he dyd in ytaly and in other regyons/ and he was
caryed by augels from a ferre countree vnto the deth of saynt
Fynane/ with many other notable actes. The feest also of many
other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofes. 1 virg.
C To morowe.
^1 The .xiiij. daye of December. In cypris the feest of saynt
Spiridion a bysshop/ one of the confessours that by the emperour
Maximiane were put to many turmentes/ after whiche he put
out theyr ryght eyes/ 1 kytte of theyr lefte thumes/ and so
condempned them vnto exyle/ where this holy saynt lyued
in hygh per[feccyon and many myracles. At [fo. cxxxvi.
alexandcr the feest of saynt Heron/ saynt Arseny/ saynt
Ysidour/' and a childe called saynt Dioscour/ that by myracle
was delyuered for that tyme/ where the other after many
turmentes were brent. At antioche the feest of saynt Drusy/
saynt zosymy/ and saynt Theodour all martyrs. At reame
the feest of saynt Nicasy a bysshop and martyr/ and of his
syster saynt Ewtropie. The deposicyon also of sayt Attyke a
monke. The feest also of saynt Lothary an abbot/ of high
perfeccyon and many myracles. H Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Agnelly an abbot of synguler
sanctite T: many myracles/ whose holy body lyeth in naples in
grete honour and glorye. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. T: virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xv. daye of December. In affryke the feest of saynt
Valerian a bysshop and confessour/ that in y e age of .Ixxx. yeres
was for the defence of the chyrche put out of his cite/ and strayte
comaundement gyuen that no persone sholde take hym vnto
lodgynge/ ne yet suffre hym to lodge vpon theyr grounde/ so
was he compelled to byde contynually vnto his der.he in the hye
wayes and stretes. In the terrytory of orlyaunce the feest of
saynt Maximyne an holy abbot/ of synguler perfeccyon and
many myracles. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Theodour bisshop of tarcens a noble
lerned man and made many werkes/ and specyally vpon Paules
epystles/ of whose vertue saynt lerome wryteth. The feest also
of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours and virgyns.
[f[ To morowe. \_fo. cxxxvi. b.
f[ The .xvj. daye of December, the feest of thre stryplynges/
saynt Ananie/ saynt Azary/ and saynt Misael that were put in to
the flambynge fourneys/ where they remayned without noyauce/
whose holy bodyes done lye at baby Ion in a caue. At tuscia y e
feest of saynt Barbara a virgyn and martyr/ that in y e per-
secucyon of the emperour Maximyane was nere famysshed in
harde pryson/ scourged/ racked/ hote lampes put vnto her body/
her pappes kytte from her brest/ with many other meruaylous
turmentes/ and after all slayne by the swerde. At rauen y e
feest of saynt Valentyne/ saynt Vanalyt and saynt Agricoly.
C Addicyons.
C At treuer the feest of saynt Prisciliane bysshop of bapyll
and a martyr/ a noble lerned man/ and made many werkes/ and
(as saynt lerome wryteth) he was put to martyrdom by a tyraut
called Maximian/ that was a capitayne w* the emperour
Theodosy the fyrst. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/
mar?. T:S.
f[ To morowe.
^[ The .xvij. day of December, the traslacyon of saynt Ignacy
a bysshop T; martyr/ brought from rome vnto antioche/ where he
lyeth without dampnytyke gate in the cymiterye of the same
chyrche. The feest also of saynt Lazare/ whome (as the gospell
testyfyeth) our sauyour reysed from deth. The feest also of his
syster saynt Martha/ in the worshyp of whome a fayre chirche
is buylded at bethany/ anenst y e hous where they dwelled. In
the eest partyes at elewteropole the feest of fyfty martyrs/ that
were put to deth by y e sarasyns. f[ Addicyons.
[f[ At gaze the feest of saynt Floriane/ saynt \_fo. cxxxmi.
Kalanyke and of .xl. other persones all martyrs. The feest
also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. T: virgyns.
C To morowe.
C The .xviij. daye of December. Atphilyppes in macedony
the feest of saynt Ruf/ T: of saynt zosymy martyrs/ that were of
y e fyrst sorte of discyples/ by whome the chirche of Chryst was
founded/ of whose martyrdome saynt Policarpe wryteth in his
epystle vnto the phylipens. In affryke the passyon of saynt
Moysety a martyr. At turon the feest of saynt Cancianef the
fyrst bysshop of the same cite/ and sente thyder from rome/
where he dyd many myracles/ and gretely edifyed the chirche
of Chryst. C Addicyons.
f[ At toletane the feest of saynt Hyldefons/ bysshop of the
same cite/ a man of synguler deuocyon vnto our lady/ for the
whiche he ordeyned a feest of her to be kepte in his chirche
before Chrystmas/ in the whiche she appered vnto hym/ and
brought hym a whyte stole and a chayre/ whiche yet vnto this
day ben there reserued for holy relykes. The feest also of many
other holy .
C To morowe.
f[ The .xix. daye of December. In egypte the feest of saynt
Nemesy a martyr/ that by the iudge Emyliane after many
turmetes was brent amonge theues and robbers. At nice the
feest of saynt Darius a martyr. At antisiodour the feest of
saynt Gregory a bysshop T: confessour. {[ Addicyons.
C I n yrelonde the feest of saynt Samdyne a virgyn/ borne
of noble blode/ and by her frendes maryed/ but for the desyre
of virginite she was delyuered from her spouse by myracle/ and
so entred religyon/ wherein she [came to hygh [_fo. cxxxvii. b.
N 2
perfeccyon 1 was abbesse/ a grete almes woman and vei
pyteous/ and many persones she delyuered from shame an<
rebuke/ many also from pryson by myracle/ and by her prayer
she remoued a chirche/ with many other notable actes. Th<
feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confes.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xx. day of December. At alexander the feest of
saynt Ammony/ saynt zenony/ saynt Tholomy/ saynt lugenyf/
and saynt Theophyly all martyrs/ that for confortynge a martyr
that faynted in his turmentes/ were all taken/ and after greuous
turmentes put to deth. In trace at gelduba the feest of saynt
luly a martyr. At amphitre y e feest of saynt Liberate/ T; the
vigyll of saynt Thomas. C Addicyons.
C At cesaree palestyne the feest of saynt Gelasy bysshop of
the same cite/ a man of notable doctryne/ and made many
werkes/ and was of synguler sanctite T: many myracles. The
feest also of many other holy .T:2.
41 To morowe.
C The .xxj. daye of December, the feest of saynt Thomas
the apostle/ that preched vnto the parthes T: medes/ and after
in ynde he was put to martyrdome/ after the whiche many
yeres he was translate vnto the cite of edisse. In tuscie the
feest of saynt lohn/ and of saynt Festy. The feest also of saynt
Ewyne a quene. In englonde within the frauchest of oxford/ at
betony the deposicyon of saynt Berenwald preest T: martyr.
f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Denyse a bysshop and discypl
vnto the sayd apostle saynt Thomas/ whome he couerted witl
saynt Pelagia his spouse that was the [kynges [fo. cxxxvii
doughter/ whome the apostle consecrate a virgyn/ and made h(
an abbesse/ whiche after the deth of her sayd spouse wa;
desyred vnto maryage of a noble man/ vnto whome bycause she
wolde not consent/ she was heded and buryed in the same
sepulcre with her spouse. The feest also of many other holy
sayn. T:c.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xxij. daye of December. At rome in lauycane strete
bytwene the laureres the feest of .xx. martyrs/ that in y e
persecucyon of y e emperour Dioclecian were put to deth all
togyder. At alexander the feest of saynt Chiridon a martyr/
that bycause he wold not do sacrefyce vnto the ydolles/ was
prycked in the bely and body with nalles and botkyns tyll he
was deed. At antioche the feest of saynt Basyley/ saynt
Dewtreyt/ sayt Honorate T: saynt Flour martyrs. The feest also
of sayt Theosief a virgyn. f[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Theotimy bysshop of cireney a
noble lerned man/ and made many pfytable werkes and was of
holy lyfe T: many myracles. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. T; virg.
C To morowe.
C The .xxiij. daye of December. At nicomede the feest of
xx. martyrs/ that in y e persecucyon of the emperour Dioclecian
were by moost cruell turmetes put to deth. At rome the feest
of saynt Victor a virgyn and martyr that in the persecucyon of
the emperour Dioclecian bycause she wolde not mary a pagan/
ne yet do sacrefyce vnto the ydolles/ was put to cruell passyon/
in y e whiche she conuerted many virgyns and other 1 persones/
and dyd grete myracles/ and after all she was thrast vnto the
herte with a swerde. At rome also the feest of [saynt Seruuly/
that (as sayt Gregory wryteth) was euer from \_fo. cxxzviii. b.
youth seke of the palsey/ and yet of synguler sanctite and many
myracles. At nicomede the feest of .xxxv. martyrs. At rome
the feest of .viij. C. T: .xxx. martyrs. The deposicyon also of
saynt Gyldebert a kynge. f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of saynt Amphilacy bysshop of ycony a
man of notable vertue and grete lernynge/ and made many
werkes moche profytable vnto Chrystes fayth amonge whiche
werkes/ one he wrote vnto saynt lerome of the holy ghost/ he
was also of many myracles. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ mar?. Ic.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxiiij. day of December, the vigyl of the byrth of
Chryst. In syre at antioche the feest of .xl. virgyns and
martyrs/ that in the persecucyon of the emperour Daciane were
all togyder put to martyrdom. In tuscia at spolete the feest of
saynt Gregory a preest I martyr/ that in the persecucyon of y e
emperour Dioclecian was beten with staues/ racked/ and after
broyled/ and than prycked all ouer the body/ specyally in his
knees with botkyns/ his rybbes brent with hote lampes/ i at the
last after all turmetes he was heded. At tripole the feest of
saynt Lucian/ a holy confessour. {[ Addicyons.
fl The feest also of saynt Abdi the prophete/ that was the
thyrde capitayne that came from kynge Acab vnto the prophete
Hely/ which saynt Abdi hydde a hondred prophetes from the
cursed quene lezabell y l slewe and destroyed y e prophetes of
god/ for the whiche dede almyghty god made him a pphete/
whose wyfe and chylder after his deth were releued by y e
prophete Elifzey/ by whose prayer she fylled many \_fo. cxxxix.
vesselles of oyle out of one lytell vessell/ and so she payde her
dettes and saued her childer/ and after these two prophetes
were buryed bothe togyder/ where after was buryed also saynt
lohn baptist. The feest also of y e prophete Nau. And of many
other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. 1 virg.
fl[ To morowe.
C The .xxv. daye of December. At bethleem iude the
nativite and byrth of our lorde T: sauyour lesu Chryst the
essenciall sone of almyghty god/ T: the naturall sone of our
blessed lady saynt Mary euer moost pure T: immaculate virgyn/
whiche blessed byrth was in the .xlij. yere of the emperour
Augustus/ T; the very true tyme named and appoynted by the
prophecy of Daniell/ as appereth in the .ix. chapytre of his boke.
The yere also of a notable date amonge the iewes called olympi-
ades .C.lxxx. and .xiij. The yere also from the foundacyon T;
buyldynge of Rome .vij.C. and .lij. And the yere from the
begynnynge of the worlcle .v.M.C.lxxix. The feest also of saynt
Anastas a virgyn and martyr/ that by the emperour Dioclecian
was brought vnto the yle of palmary/ where after longe impry-
sonment T; many turmentes she was brent/ with whome were put
to deth by varyaut turmentes .CC. men/ and .vij.C. women. At
rome in the cimitery of saynt Aproniane the feest of saynt
Ewgeny a virgyn and martyr/ a woman of notable myracles/
and an abbesse of many virgyns/ that by the emperour Galiene
after many turmentes was slayne by the swerde.
f[ Addicyons.
C[ The deposicyon also of saynt Luciane a preest/ that
translated the holy bodyes of saynt Steuen/ saynt Nicodeme/
saynt Gamaliel and saynt Abibon/ and wrote [also \_fo. cxxxix, b.
the story of the reuelacyon. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours/ ~t virgyns.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxvj. daye of December. At Jerusalem y e feest of
saynt Stephan the fyrst martyr/ that in the same yere of the
ascencyon of our sauyour was by the iewes stoned vnto deth/
whose holy body in y e tyme of prynce Honory was founde by
reuelacyon. At rome in appia strete y e deposicyon of Denyse
pope/ a noble man of doctryne and holynes. At rome also the
feest of saynt Maryne a martyr/ that was a noble capytayne
vnder the emperour Marciane/ \ by hym put to martyrdom.
C Addicyons.
C The feest also of two monkes/ whose names be not shewed/
that by the infydeles in a fury and rage were put to cruell
martyrdom. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/
confessours/ and virgyns.
f[ To morowe.
C The .xxvij. day of December. At ephesy the feest of
saynt lohn the euangelyst/ that was exyled in to the yle of
pathmos/ where by diuyne reuelacion he wrote the apocalypse/
and after returned in to asia/ where he wrote his gospell of our
sauyour/ and founded there many chyrches and gouerned many
persones/ and so he perseuered vnto the reygne of the emperour
Traianus/ and than he departed in the age of .Ixxx. and .xix.
yeres/ 1 in the yere of our lord after his passyon .Ixviij. and was
buryed nere vnto the sayd cite. At alexander the feest of saynt
Maximy a by sshop of notable vertue in the confessyon of Chryst.
f[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of an other saynt Maximy bysshop of
[tawrinens/ a man of notable doctryne/ and made many [fo. cxl.
Omelyes/ that is to saye sermons/ and many werkes of grete
eloquence moche edifycatyue and profytable vnto the chyrche
of Chryst. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/
confessours/ T: virgyns.
C To morowe.
f[ The .xxviij. day of December. At bethleem the feest of
the Innocentes/ that for Chryst were slayne by Herode. In galas
at anchyr the feest of saynt Ewticy a preest/ and saynt Domi-
ciane a deacon. {[ Addicyons.
C The feest also of an other saynt Ewticy an abbot of hygh
perfeccyon/ that notwithstandynge dyd no myracles in his lyfe/
but after his deth very many. The feest also of saynt Florens a
cofessour/ that was felowe vnto the sayd abbot/ and after his
eleccyon he remayned alone/ vnto whome came a bere and
mekely dyd hym seruyce/ and kepte his shepe/ and euer at the
due houre c5maunded he brought them home. And he dyd
many myracles in his lyfe and moo after. The feest also of
saynt Alphege archebysshop of cauterbury/ that before was
elect by reuelacyon bysshop of wynchester whiche reuelacyon
was shewed vnto saynt Dunstane vnto whome was also shewed
that he shold be his successour/ and so he was. And after he
was by the danes put to moost cruell martyrdom/ T: was buryed
at london/ where his holy body .x. yeres after was foude in the
same state and maner/ and the flesshe and blode as grene and
fresshe as the same daye he was slayne/ and euer full of myracles.
The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours/
and virgyns.
H To morowe.
[C The .xxix. day of December. At lerusalem \_fo. cxl. b.
the feest of saynt Dauid kynge and prophete. At arelate y e
feest of saynt Trophynef/ of whome the apostle Paule wryteth
vnto his discyple Tymothe/ and whome he consecrate bysshop
of the same cite/ by whose holy lyfe/ doctryne and myracles/ all
fraunce (as saynt zozymy the pope wryteth) was gretely edifyed.
In the frauchest of oxfordef the feest of saynt Ebrulfe an abbot
and martyr/ that for defendynge the lybertees of his chyrche was
in the chyrche slayne with swerdes. At lerusalem the feest of
saynt Melane a sacred nonne. f[ Addicyons.
{[ Here ben remebred certayne faders of the olde testament.
At bethleem the feest of saynt lesse/ that by an other name was
also called Ysai/ fader vnto saynt Dauid the prophete/ and a man
of noble blode T: holy conuersacyon. The feest also of saynt
Nathan/ that in the tyme of Dauid T; Salomon was the prophete
of god. The feest also of an other saynt Dauid a monke 1 con-
fessour/ that many yeres was a robber and capitayne of .xxx.
theues/ but after he toke grete compunccyon 1 contricyon T;
entred religyon/ wherin he lyued a strayte and holy lyfe/ and at
the last he had reuelacyon by an augell y l all his synnes were
forgyuen/ T: he was than of many grete myracles. The passion
also of sayt Thomas archebysshop of cauterbury. The feest
also of sayt Vrsyne a bysshop. And of many other holy saync.
To morowe.
f[ The .xxx. daye of December. At spolete the feest of
saynt Sabyne a bysshop/ saynt Exsuperance/ T; saynt Marcel 1
deacons/ saynt Venustiane and his wyfe and chylder all martyrs/
that by the emperour Maximian [were put to deth by \_fo. exit.
many varyaut T; cruell turmentes. At alexander the feest of
saynt Mansuete a martyr/ w l other .x. persones put to dethe
with hym. At rome the feest of saynt Felix a bysshop. At
turon the feest of saynt Perpetuy a bysshop/ that honourably
buylded y e chyrche of saynt Martyne bysshop and confessour.
fl Addicyons.
f[ In englonde the feest of saynt Ewgynef bysshop of
Worcester/ where he was borne of the kynges blode/ a man of
synguler sanctite l many myracles. The feest also of saynt
Liberall a bysshop and martyr/ that for his notable vertue was
made deacon in the age of .xvj. yeres/ at .xviij. preest/ and at
xx. bysshop of canens/ a grete precher/ by fame wherof the
emperour Hadrian sent for hym vnto rome/ where he was put
vnto meruaylous turmentes/ in the whiche moche people was
conuerted/ and saynt Cerbery was put to dethe with hym/ T: his
owne moder saynt Euanthe that folowed hym vnto rome was
heded with her sone. The feest also of an other saynt Felix
the thyrde pope of y l name/ a grete confounder of heretykes/
and he ordeyned that chirches sholde not be cosecrate of ony
other but a bysshop/ with many other good statutes. The feest
also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confes. T: virg.
f[ To morowe.
f[ The .xxxj. day of Deceber. At rome the feest of saynt
Siluester pope/ whose actes ben wryte at more length in the
legende. At senon the feest of saynt Sabiane and saynt Poten-
ciane a bysshop/ and bothe martyrs/ that were sente by the pope
vnto the moder chyrche of the same cite to preche/ where they
were put to martyrdome. In the same cite also the feest of
saynt Colubynef [a virgyn/ that by the prynce [fa. cxli. b.
Aureliane was cast in to a fyre/ T: after many other turmentes at the
last slayne by the swerde. At reciar the feest of saynt Hermete
an exorcist in order/ of hygh perfeccyon. {[ Addicyons.
f[ The feest also of saynt Barbaciane a preest and confessour/
that with sayt Tymothe came to rome where they dyd soo many
myracles/ that by the fame therof saynt Gall the empresse whose
syrname was Placida moder vnto the emperour Valentiniane/
came to rome to se them/ but whan she came saynt Tymothe
was deed/ and saynt Barbaciane had enclosed hymselfe in a
lytell sell/ where he dyd many notable myracles/ T: in a whyle
he also departed/ whome y e sayd empresse buryed with grete
honour/ where he lyeth full of dayly myracles. The feest also
of sayt Odilion an abbot/ that was a knyghtes sone/ and lame
borne of all his lymes but after he was cured by a myracle of
our lady/ and was a monke of the monastery of cluniacens/
where after he was abbot/ and euer of holy lyf T, many grete
myracles. And he fyrst ordeyned y e seruyce of all soules nexte
after all halowes/ and comauded the same feest to be kepte
solemply through out all his order/ with many other noble actes/
whose blessed soule after his deth was seen lyke vnto an augell/
and his holy body there buryed/ where he remayneth full of
grete T; many myracles. The feest also of many other holy
sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours/ and virgyns.
{[ Deo gratias.
{[ Praye for the wretche of syon your moost vnworthy
broder Rychard whytford.
f[ [Thus endeth the Martiloge with the Addicyons [ fo. cxliL
Imprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne
of the sonne/ by Wynkyn de worde. The yere
of our lorde god .M.CCCCC.xxvj. the
xv. daye of February.
A. MS. Martyrologium formerly belonging to Syon Monastery.
(British Museum, Add. MS. 22,285.)
Aberd. Martyrology for the use of the Church of Aberdeen, of which
extracts relating to Scottish Saints are printed in Proceedings of
the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Vol. II., p. 256.
Ado. Martyrologium Adonis. . . . Ab Heriberto Rosweido. . .
recensitum. Nunc ope codicum Bibliothecae Vaticanae recog-
nitum et Adnotationibus illustratum opera et studio Dominici
Georgii Romae, 1745.
C. The Book of Obits and Martyrology of the Cathedral Church of the
Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church, Dublin (Irish
Archaeological Society), 1844.
Cat. Sanct. Catalogus Sanctorum . . . editus a Reverendissimo in
christo patre domino Petro de Natalibus de venetiis dei gratia
episcopo Equilino. Lugduni, 1508.
D. Martyrologium in Missale Drummondiense, edited by Rev. G. H.
Forbes. Burntisland, 1882.
H. Martyrologium in MS. Breviarium ad usum Sarum (lettered
Missale} (Brit. Mus. Harleian MS. 2,785). The Martyrology
extends from Nov. 28 to June 17 inclusive.
N. L. A. Nova Legenda Anglie [J. Capgrave]. Londonias in domo
Winandi de Worde, 1516.
R. Martyrologium Romanum. . . . Gregorii xiii. Pon. Max.
lussu editum. . . accesserunt Notationes. . . auctore
Caesare Baronio. Romae, 1586.
R. 1564. Martyrologium secundum morem Romance Ecdesice. Venetiis.
1564 [an un-reformed Roman Martyrology.]
U. Usuardi Martyrologium. Opera et studio J. B. Sollerii. Printed
in Acta Sanctorum, Junii, Tom. vi. Parisiis et Romae, 1866.
U-Auct. refers to the Auctaria in the above edition, in which will be
found various readings and local additions adopted in Mar-
tyrologies based upon Usuard.
* # * The principal aim of the following notes is to show the varia-
tions of Richard Whytford's English version from the MS. Syon
Martyrologium (A). No complete collation with other MSS. and
editions has been attempted. Some variants are given to illustrate the
irregularities of mediaeval martyrologies, whilst others will enable the
206 NOTES.
reader to judge whether the errors which occur should be charged to
the translator or his original. Aberd. C. and D. have only been referred
to for the Scottish and Irish Saints.
p. i. 1. 32. The addicyons for theyr more edificacyon] we gadered out
of the sanctiloge] legendaurea] catalogo sanctorum] the crony des of Antonine]
and of saynt Vincent. The Sanctiloge is probably not the Sanctilogium
Britannicum of John of Tinmouth, of which a MS. may be seen
in the British Museum (Cottonian MS. Tiberius, E. i); but is more
likely to be the Sanctilogium Salvatoris of which a copy in two volumes
had been presented to Syon Monastery by the Duchess of Clarence.
This gift is recorded in a valuable MS. now preserved in Corpus Christi
College, Cambridge, which gives a catalogue of the Library of Syon
Monastery (fo. 43. b).
The legendaurea or Legenda Aurea is a name commonly given to
the Legenda Sanctorum compiled by Jacobus de Voragine, O.S.D.,
archbishop of Genoa (1292-1298). Its immense popularity is attested
by the number of editions which issued from the continental presses
at the close of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth centuries.
It was translated into most European languages with local additions.
Of these vernacular versions one of the most interesting is the Golden
Legende which was printed by Caxton about 1484, and afterwards by
Wynkyn de Worde and Julian Notary. There were at least six copies
of the Legenda Aurea in the Library of Syon.
The Catalogus Sanctorum compiled by Petrus de Natalibus, bishop
of Equilio (1370-1400), had a popularity almost equalling that of the
last mentioned work, and many editions issued from the early presses
of Lyons and elsewhere. Syon Monastery possessed a copy.
The cronicles of Antonine and of saynt Vincent apparently refer to the
Liber Cronicarum or Historiale of St. Antonino, archbishop of Florence
(1448-1459), and to the Speculum Historiale of Vincentius, all of
which are found in the Syon catalogue.
Jan. i. 1. 8. superstycyous probably for superstycyons, your false
religyon being added by the translator as an explanation. Cessate
a supersticionibusidolorum. A.
1. 10. was forthwith put to deth . . . a gladiatoribus occisus
est. A. Richard Whytford has omitted the gladiators. The
Roman Martyrologe (S. Omers, 1667) renders the passage:
"was killed by the Gladiators or Fencers at sharp."
1. 1 1. thefeest of .lx. soudyours. corone militum triginta A. H. U. R.
1. 29. Augend, augendi A. H. Eugendi U. R.
Jan. 2.1. 3. Marcesse. Narcissi A. H. U. R.
1. 5. taken amonge soudyours. . . . Qui sub licinio principe.
inter thirones comprehensi. cum nollent militare. cesi ad mortem.
et diu in carcere macerati, atque in mare mersi. martirium con-
summauerunt. A.
1. 9. In the cyte of Thebaida. In thebayda A. In Thebaide U.
1. ii. Barbarid. barbaciani A.
1. 12. Siluiake. siluiacum A. siluiniacum H. (Souvigny).
NOTES. 207
Jan. 4. 1. 6. Eugence. eugenii. A.
1. 15. Key. agaii A. gaii H. caii R. Gai U.
Jan. 6. 1. 1 6. At the cite of Redomis. Redonis A. H. U. Rhedonis R.
(Redoni, Rennes).
H. adds : In bntannia ciuitate cancia monasterio sancti petri
apostoli. deposicio sancti adriani abbatis. . . . The Mar-
tiloge has this St. Adrian in the Addicyons (1. 9) to Jan. 9.
Jan. 7. 1. i. The relation of tydyges Relacio pueri ihu
ex egypto A.
1. 6. Nicodeme. Nichomedie A. Nicomediae U.
1. 7. helionople. helyonopoli A. helenopoli. H. Helenopoli U. R.
Jan. 8. 1. i. At campane in naples. Neapoli campanie A.
1. 7. Eugenian a bysshop. eugenionii episcopi A. H. Eugenionis
U-Auct. The name has been confused with that of Eugenian
the martyr already commemorated.
Jan. 9. 1. ii. In affryke the feest of saynt Reuocate\ saynt Firmyn.
In affrica : sanctorum reuocati et firmi. A. Ad siniam sanc-
torum natalis renouati fortunati et firmini. H. Apud Smyrnam
sanctorum Vitalis Reuocati et Fortunati. U. R.
1. 12. In wentane the translacyon of saynt Nidoke. In wintonia
sancti iudoci. A. (H. om.) In the MS. the word might easily be
read nidoci, but ludocus, a royal hermit, is probably intended.
His Deposition is noticed on Dec. 13. Cf. July 25, Add.
1. 13. In Cesariens. In mauritania cesariensi. A. H. U.
Add. 1. i. aconitane for anconitane. Ancona.
Add. 1. 6. Abbot of veridiane. A mistake for Nirida near Naples
(see Bede, H. E. iv, i).
Jan. IT. 1. 2. Saluer. saluii A. H. U. R.
Add. 1. i. saynt Ygyn. To the text of A. has been added in a
later hand : Rome: sancti ignii pape et martyris. The name
is elsewhere written Iginus, Iginius, Higinus, and Higinius.
Jan. 12. 1. 2. Satary. satiri A. H. Satyri. U. R.
1. 4. In maturitane at casary. In cesarea mauritanie. A. H.
Add. 1. 5. saynt Benedict a syrname bysshop, i.e. S. Benedict
by surname Biscop. On the use of a as a preposition, see
Murray's New English Dictionary, sub voce A. St. Benedict is
omitted by A., but in a seventeenth century hand there has been
added : In Anglia S. Benedicti abatis. H has ; Apud mon-
asterium beati petri quod nuncupatur pirumpe deposicio bene-
dicti abbatis. St. Benedict was the founder of St. Peter's,
Wearmouth. Pirumpe appears elsewhere under the forms
Piremuthe, and Wiriinunda, which are disguises of the familiar
Wearmouth. The Anglo-Saxon W (p) and the thorn letter ()?)
are often mistaken for P by later transcribers. In this way
Wareham has been transformed into Perham on Feb. 18 (p. 28).
208 NOTES.
Jan. 13. 1. 6. At the chefe cite of rente. Remis metropoli. A. H.
Add. 1. i. At the castell of grauion thefeestof saynt Vincent. In
Cat. Sanct. the name of the saint is Viuentius. It is also there
recorded that he was converted by St. George, and that he
died "apud castrum grauiorem," but that his body was after-
wards translated " in montem verriacum : ut dicit frater vincen-
tius." In monte Verziaco, sancti Viuentii confessori. U-
Auct. Grauio Castellum, near Poitiers.
Add. 1. 9. Kentegerne. For the story in full see N. L. A. fo. ccvii. b.
Jan. 14. 1. 3. many turmentes. cocleis ac testulis vinctus superpositus
iaceret. A.
1. 8. Ponciane. A. H. omit. Apud Spoletum passio sancti Pon-
ciani. U-Auct.
Jan. 15. 1. 7. In auerne. avernis. A. Arvernis R. U.
1. 9. andogauence. andegauensi. A. (Angers.)
1. 13. Maulean. maulii A. (H. om.)
Add. 1. i. saynt Dory thy \ that by an other name is called also saynt
Sythe. The story of this saint agrees with that of St. Ita, Yta
or Mida in Boll. Acta Sanctorum^ Jan. 15. St. Ita occurs in D.
(Jan. 1 6).
1. 12. Micheas of y e cite of morast, i.e., Micah the Morasthite
(Jer. xxvi, 18; Micah i, i). This is the prophet already men-
tioned with Habakkuk at the beginning of this day. The
" other saynt Micheas " should be Micaiah the son of Imlah
(i K. xxii, 8). Cf. Cat. Sanct. ii, 76-78.
Jan. 1 6. 1. 2. Maximian. maximiano A (in margin : maxentio) Max-
imino Ado. U.
1. 6. aurelatens. Apud aurelatensem ciuitatem A. Apud arelatem
H. U. Arelate R.
1. 7. odoberg. odobergia A. Opitergii R. U-Auct. Cf. Cat.
Sanct. ii, 89.
1. 8. Ticiane. riciani A. Titiani. U-Auct. R.
1. 9. patron, perrona A. pariona H. Peronae R. Parrona U.
1. ii. Pricill. priscille A. H. U-Auct.
Add. 1. i. Mar cell. The compiler has taken the accounts of
Marcellus and the five saints which follow from Cat. Sanct. ii, 84.
Jan. 17. 1. 4. At lynguon. Lingonis A. H. Langres.
1. 5. Sewsyppe Helewsyppe and Melewsyppe. Seusippi alasippi et
melasippi A. over erasure. Speusippi Eleusippi et Meleusippi
R. Speusippi Elasippi et Melasippi. U.
1. 9. Theon. A om.
Jan. 1 8. 1. 6. boyled in lede .... primo ad metalla deputati :
nouissime igni traditi sunt. A.
1. 8. At wyllenchester . . . saynt Vulstane. A. H. omit. Ap-
parently this is a blundered duplicate of " Wulstanus episcopus
Wigorniensis " commemorated on the following day.
1. 10. Leonard. Leobardi A. H. U-Auct.
NOTES. 209
Jan. 19. 1. i. At smyrme. In Smirma A. H. In Smirna U.
Smyrnae R.
l.io. In the frauchest of dorkasyn. In pago dorcasino A. Pagus
Durocassinus, a district N. of Chartres.
1. ii. Lanomyare. Launoniaricus abbas carnotensis. Cat. Sanct.
ii. 104.
Jan. 20. 1. 1 6. slayne in a bath, in nimpha necata. A. H. Nympha on
the Via Cornelia, about thirteen miles from Rome.
Jan. 22. 1. 7. At Rome. Rome ad aquas salinas. A.
Jan. 23. 1. 9. In maritymy at genecesary. In mauritania ciuitate geneo-
cesarea A. In maritania ciuitate gneocesarea H. In Mauritania
ciuitate Cneocaesarea U.
1. ii. antinon for antinou. Antinoum A.
A. adds in later hand : Item sancte osburge virginis apud ciuitatem
Couentrie in Anglia.
Jan. 23. Add. 1. 6. Nedolfons for Ildefonso. Toleti sancti Ildefonsi
episcopi R.
Jan. 24. 1. 6. In cesary at geneo. Geneocesarea ciuitate A.
Neocaesareae R.
]. 7. Marcel, mecelli A. Metelli U. R.
1. 9. codoke. cadoci A. U-Auct. (H. om.)
Add. 1. 6. Eucratykes for Encratites.
Jan. 25. 1. 5. Protect, preiecti A. H. Praejecti. U. Projecti R.
1. 5. Amaryne. marini A. (altered from amarini) H. R. Amarini U.
Martini R. 1564.
Jan. 26. 1. 6. philadolph. Philadelphia A. U. philadelfa. H.
Jan. 27. 1. ii. the same Symon leprose w* whome our sauyour dynedj
whan Mary mawdeleyn was couerted. A. H. omit. Julianus
Cenomanensis episcopus fuit. Hie simon ille leprosus fuisse
dicitur : quern dominus a lepra sanauit : et qui eum ad conui-
uandum inuitauit. Cat. Sanct. iii. 35.
Jan. 28. 1. 3. Trice, tirci A. Thyrsi U. R.
1. 8. saynt Charles the emperour called Charlemayne. Not in A.
or H.,but in several martyrologies given in U-Auct. , e.g., Karoli
Magni regis et imperatoris Romanorum. Christianas fidei
propugnatoris constantissimi.
Jan. 29. 1. 8. Saluniane. sabiniani A. U. R. sabini H.
1. 9. lulian. aureliano A. H. U. R.
Jan. 30. 1. 3. Innouate. qui nouati scismate A. innouati H. Nouatiani.
R. 1564. Nouati Ado. U. R.
Jan. 31. 1. 5. Cyre. tyri A. (H. om.) Cyri. R. U-Auct.
1. 7. Aldegunde. Aldegundis is commemorated on Jan. 30 in Ado.
and U.
210 NOTES.
Feb. i. 1. 8. and of them deuoured. eorum que dentibus perforates.
hostia christi efficitur. A.
1. 20. Seueryne. seueri A. Severiani U-Auct.
Feb. 2. 1. 9. Apropinian. approniani A. over an erasure. Aproniani
1. 1 8. Fyrme. sirini. A. Firmi. U. R.
1. 19. Frustole. frustoli A. folcoli. H. R. 1564. Fusculi U.
Flosculi R.
1. 19, At doroberne. dorobernie A. H.
Richard Whytford was unable to recognize Canterbury under the
form Dorobernia. At Nov. 10 he confuses Dorobernensis with
Eboracensis, and makes St. Just an archbishop of York.
Feb. 4. 1. 2. and Add. 1. 4. Syle for Fyle. filee A. philee H. Filese U.
Phileae R. After filee A. adds : et philoronii tribuni. But in
Whytford's Martiloge St. Phyllorony is placed in the Addicyons.
1. 5. At Rome in the market place. Romse foro simphronii. A.
1. 9. At glocester the feest of saynt Eldade. A. and H. omit.
Probably St. Aldate, in whose honour churches are dedicated
in Oxford and Gloucester.
Feb. 5.1. i. In cicyle at cathenens. Apud siciliam ciuitate cathenensium A.
1. 2. A gas. agathe A. Agathae R. U. Agas was the popular
form of Agatha. " Agas ; nomen proprium. agatha vel agathes."
Catholicum Anglicum (E. E. T. S.) p. 4. An inventory of relics
at Reading Abbey has the entry : " Item a bone of saynt Agas."
(Letters relating to the Suppression of Monasteries, Camden
Society, p. 227.) The MS. English Prymer at St. John's College,
Cambridge (ed. by H. Littlehales, 1891) has on Feb. 5, u seynt
agace." But Caxton's Golden Legend, Marshall's Goodly Prymer,
1535, and The Prymer in Englyshe, 1538, have "agathe." In the
following century the English version of the Roman Martyrologe,
S. Omers, 1667, has " Agatha." In the case of proper names we
often see this return to the original Latin. Thus Ponce Pilate
of our early creeds has gone back to Pontius Pilate.
1. 7. Adiut. auiti A. H. U.
Add. 1. i. Ingemyne and all the saints in the Addicyons on this day
are from Cat. Sanct. iii. 85-95.
Feb. 6. 1. 3. she was closed in an huge instrumet of metall made lyke a
horsj all full of pryckes and hole asfyrej This is the translator's
expansion of " equuleo uexata " A.
1. 6. a scoler. scolasticus A. H. U.
1. 10. Sawsterior Fawster. In the city of London we have the
church of St. Vedast alias Foster.
1. 10. traiectens. atrebatensium A. (over an erasure).
Add. 1. 7. Mele. Mel. C. D.
Feb. 7. 1. i. In brytayne at august. In britanniis ciuitate augusta.
H. U. Augusta is supposed to be London.
1. 2. Agyl. auguli A. H. U. R.
NOTES. 211
Feb. 8. 1. 3. Coynt. corinthe A. compte. H. Cointhae. Ado. Cointae. R.
Feb. 9. 1. 2. Apolyne. apolonie A. Apolloniae. U. R.
Add. 1. i. Thdiaus. Cf. N. L. A. fo. cclxxx. b. Also known as St.
Feb. 10. 1. 2. Hyerene. hi-enei A. H. Irenaei R. Hiienaei U.
1. 9. St. Merpwyn and St. Gertrude are not in H.
1. 10. martyr. A. om.
Feb. ii. 1. 2. Dcsyre. desiderii A. U. R.
1. 3. At castelnaut. Castro nantonensi A. U.
1. 5. Eufras. eufrosine A. Eufrasiae U.
Feb. 12. 1. i. At hylpane. In hispaniis A. U.
1. 4. * Apely. Apelii A. H. Ampelii R. (Feb. n).
1. 5. Auolyn. anolino A. U. R. annolino H.
Feb, 13. 1. i. the translacyon of saynt Edward kynge and confessour.
The context shews that Edward the Martyr is intended. This
account of St. Edward may perhaps be peculiar to the Syon
Martyrology. It would have been specially suited for Shaftes-
bury, where the relics of St. Edward, King and Martyr, were
preserved. The Latin version is as follows : Translacio sancti
edwardi regis et martiris. Cuius sacratissimum corpus dei gracia
preueniente. et eiusdem sancti martiris monitu et reuelacione.
fratrisque sui regis ethelredi imperio : a sanctissimis pontificibus.
et terre optimatibus. de tumulo sublimiter eleuatum. in locello
ad hoc digniter preparato : in sancta sanctorum cum aliis
sanctorum reliquiis. honorifice positum est. A. (H. om.)
1. 8. At mylen in armenye. In militana ciuitate armenie A.
Add. 1. 5. Sephan for Stephan.
Feb. 14. 1. 7, At inter am. interamnis A. Interamna, now Terni.
1. 12. Bassimiane. bassimiani A. H. Bassiani U. R.
Feb. 17. 1. 5. At corduba. cordubam A. concordiam H. U. Con-
cordiae R.
1.8. In teruens y feest of saynt Syluyne bysshop of tolane. In pago
taruenensi : sancti silvini tolosane civitatis episcopi. A.
1. 10. Luuiane. lupiani. A. H. U-Auct.
Add. 1. i. Atcawsyne. Sabini episcopi Camisinae civitatis U-Auct.
This saint is also commemorated on Feb. 9 in other martyr-
ologies : Apud Canusium civitatem Apuliae, depositio beati
Sabini episcopi et confessoris. The principal church at Canosa
is dedicated under the title of San Sabino.
Feb. 1 8. 1. i. the receyuyng of saynt Edwarde kynge *t martyr in to
sephton fro perham. Aduentus sancti edwardi regis et martiris
de perham in sephtoniam. A. (H. om.). The places here men-
tioned are now known as Wareham (Cf. Notes, Jan. 12, Add.)
and Shaftesbury.
1. ii. Prepedlge. prepedigne. A. U.
Add. 1. i. Eudelme. ethelina. (Harl. MS., 1260).
O 2
212 NOTES.
Feb. 20. 1. 7. Ciran. tyrannius A. tyranno H. Tyrannic U. R.
1. 10. Gasly. galli A. H. The name has already been correctly
given in the Addicyons of the previous day, with the variation
of " germany " instead of " almayne " (Alemannia).
I. ii. Pakamye. pantamie A. Potamii U. (H. om.)
Add. 1. i. Eukare. Eucherius, bishop of Orleans, c. 717-738
(Gams, Series Episcoporum, 1873, p. 593).
1. 2. englonge for englonde.
Feb. 21. 1. i. At sdcilie. Apud siciliam A. H.
1. 5. Serule. Seruuli. A. H. Q. R.
Feb. 22. Add. 1. i. tornate for tornace. Tornacum, Tournai.
Feb. 23. 1. i. At siryne. apud sirmiam. A. apud sirmium H. U. R.-
1. 2. Seuere. sereni A. over erasure, seueri H. Sineri U. Sireni R.
Feb. 24. 1. 9. In cesary. In cesarea capadocie A.
1. 13. A canon or rule for the redynge of this Martiloge in the lepe
yere. With this we may compare thje following passage which
has been noticed by Rev. W. H. Frere in a Sarum Ordinale in
the British Museum (Arundel MS. 130, fo. 64) :
De modo legendi lectionem de martilogio in anno bisextali
(sic) in festo sancti mathie apostoli et in precedente die.
Notandum est quod in anno bisextali hoc modo legatur lectio
de martilegio in [die iij a] cathedra sancti Petri.
vj Kalend' Marcii luna N. Inuentio capitis precursoris
domini tempore Marciani principis quum precursor idem duobus
monachis primum eiusdem capud ubi relatum [celatum ?] iacet
reuelauit. In cesaria capadocie sancti Georgii [Sergii ?] martiris
cuius gesta preclarissima habentur. Et. aliorum plurimorum
sanctorum martirum confessorum atque uirginum.
Et tune in die iij [iiij ?] a cathedra sancti petri hoc modo
legatur lectio de Martilegio.
vj Kalend' Marcii luna N. Natiuitas beati Mathie apostoli post
ascensionem domini qui apostolis sorte electus est apud ludeam
euangelium christi predicauit in hoc siquidem die carnee habi-
tacionis ergastulo delutus [solutus ?] in celestis regie aulam
letantibus angelis feliciter est susceptus. Et cetera. Et aliorum
plurimorum ut supra.
Feb. 27. 1. 5. upon mules, camelis A. H. U. R.
1. 13. In alexander. The name of a saint here seems to be con-
verted into a place. Item alexandri abundancii et sancti
fortunionis. A. Item sanctorum alexandri abundii et fortuionis.
H. Romae natalis sanctorum martyrum Alexandri, Abundii,
Antigoni, et Fortunati. R.
Feb. 28. 1. 5. saynt Oswalde. In H. placed at the beginning of the
day, with a long account of him.
Add. 1. i. Ayd> Aidus or Aidanus. N. L. A.
NOTES. 213
March i. 1. 2. ccxii. ducentorum sexaginta A. (over an erasure) U.
1. 14. Erculaue for Erculane. Erculani A. In ciuitate Perusii
translatio corporis sancti Herculani. U-Auct.''
March 2. 1. 9. Large, largii A. lorgii H. R. U-Auct.
March 3. 1. 4. Astece. asterii A. H. U. R.
1. 8. Enuthere. Enutherii (altered to emitherii). A. Ernitherii.
H. U. Hemeterii. R..
Seledon. celedonii. A. H. U. Cheledonii. R.
1. ii. wy new ale. wynewaloei. A. (H. om.) Winwaloci. U-Auct.
March 4. 1. 7. saynt Gay and saynt Palatyne. sancti gaii palatini.
A. H. Caii palatini. U. R. An adjective has here given birth
to a new saint.
March 5. 1. 4. saynt Eusebius saynt Palatyne. sancti eusebii palatini.
A. H. U. R. Cf. March 4. 1. 7.
1. 5. saynt Ciaue. sancti ciaui (or ciani) A. H. om. Ciaran D.
Kyriani, Kerani. U-Auct.
March 7. At end A. adds in a late hand : Item sancti thome de
March 8. 1. i. Antion. antionu A. antinoum H. U. R.
1. 2. Philomon. philemonis. A. H. U. R.
1. 6. Ariane. adriani A. H. Arriani U. Hadriani. R. 1564.
Ariani R.
1. 10. Cirpriane. cipriani A. H. Cypriani U. R.
1. 13. saynt Felix. Sancti felicis episcopi in monasterio quod
rameseya dicitur quiescentis. A. (over an erasure). Sancti felicis
orientalium anglorum episcopi et predicatoris qui in monasterio
ramesey tumulatur. H.
Add. 1. i. Fenan. Senan. D.
March 10. 1. 6. Dorothene. dorothonei A. H. Droctovei U. R.
1. 8. saynt Agathe. not in A. Item sancte agape uirginis. . . H.
In Antiochia sanctae agapae virginis U-Auct.
March n. 1. 2. Lucyne. Lucinii A.
Add. 1. i. saynt Paule bysshop of leonens. In the sixth century
St. Paul was bishop of the city now known as St. Pol de Lon.
He is usually commemorated on March 12.
1. 9. Gupert. The only name resembling this among the bishops of
Wurzburg given by Gams (Series Episcoporum, 1873) is Humbert,
who is said to have died on March 9, A.D. 842.
March 12. 1. 2. Gregory, . . gregorii doctoris ac apostoli anglorum et
innocencii A. The translator has omitted Innocent, which
omission also occurs in other versions of Usuard.
1. 12. Eddune. egduni A. H. U. Egdunii R.
1. 14. bysshop of wentane. wentane ciuitatis episcopi. A. Win-
214 NOTES.
March 13. I. 2. Patryke and Modest, patricie et modeste. A. H,
Patricise et Modestse. R. U.
1. 3. At nice the feest of saynt Thensete\ sayt Horre\ saynt
Theodourl sayt Nympodourl sayt Markej 7 saynt Arabye martyrs.
Nicea ciuitate : sanctorum martirum theusete. horris. theodore.
nimpodore. marci. et arable A.
March 14. 1. i. xlix martyrs, quadraginta septem A. H. U. R.
March 15. 1. 5. Macrone. matrone A. H. U. R.
March 16. Add. 1. i. Fynan. leprosus Finan D.
March 17. 1. 5. nugell. nimgella A. over an erasure, nimgella H.
Niuigella. U. R. Nivelle.
March 18. 1. i. The feest of saynt Edward. This long account of St.
Edward is perhaps, like that on Feb. 13, peculiar to the Syon
The Latin version is as follows : In prouincia occidentalium
saxonum : passio sancti edwardi regis et martiris anglorum. et
eximii testis dei : qui christianissimo fundatori monasteriorum
edgaro pia proles successit in regno. Quern in primeuo pubes-
centem. et pubertatis flore regnantem : grauissima fastidienas
nouerce. et principum gentis sue persecucio. serenissimum mar-
tirem christo confecerat : et beatorum collegio in celis coniunxe-
rat. Qui quam magnificus fulget in astris : ad tumbam ipsius
demonstrat nunc operata causa salutis. A. (H. merely has at
the end of the day : Eodem die sancti edwardi martiris.)
March 19. 1. 5. At suretyke. apud sureticum A. surrentum H. Sor-
1. 6. Marcyll. marcelli. A. Marci. R. U.
1. 7. Colotery. caloceri. A. H. U.
1. IT. Florence. A. and H. omit.
March 22. 1. i. At septimane in by term. Apud septimaniam in biter-
nis. A. biteris. H. Biterris. U.
1. 2. Affrodose. Affrodosii A. following U. Ado om. At end
A. adds in a later hand : In affrica : sancti saturnini et aliorum
March 23. 1. 3. Victor bysshop of affricane. Victor affricanus episco-
pus. A.
March 24. 1. 8. In the cite of tyberym. a quo ipse postea in tyberim pro
fide christi necatus est. A. The transformation of the river
Tiber into a city is noteworthy.
1. 10. At syre y e feest of saynt Agapite. Apud siriam : sancti
seleuci. In frygia : sancti agapiti confessoris. A. Here two
clauses have been made into one by the omission of the end of
the former, and the beginning of the latter. A similar case will
be found on June 10.
NOTES. 215
At end A. adds in a later hand : In Suecia natale sancte
Catherine virginis diue rnatris Birgitte filie.
Add. 1. 15. Mackartyne. Meic Cairthinn D.
March 25. 1. 12. At siryne. In sirinio. A. H. Apud Sirmium. Ado.
Sirmii. R. Sirmium in Illyricum.
1. 1 8. Theole. theole. A. dule. H. Dulse. U.
March 26. 1. 15. At smyrme. In smirmia. A. Sirmii. R. In Sirmio.
1. 1 6. Maximian. maxime. A. (over an erasure of maximiane).
maximi. H. Maximae. Ado. U. R.
Add. 1. i FynchelL Sinchell. D.
March 27. 1. 12. In the fraunchest of aspane the fees t of saynt Euthery
that was bysshop of Tourney. In pago aspanio : sancti eutherii
thuronensis episcopi. A. In pago hascanio sancti eutherii
turonensis episcopi et confessoris. H. Eucherii turonensis
episcopi. U.
1. 13. At Pamon. In pannonia. A. H. U.
March 28. 1. 8. Gudran. guntranni. A. Guntramni. U.
March 29. 1. 5. nicodeme. nichomedia. A.
1. 7. luxaniens. luxoniensis A. H. Luxoviensis. U.
Add. 1. 3. Gudlewse. Gundleus. N. L. A. fo. clxviii.
March 30. 1. 2. saynt Quiryne and saynt Trybune. beati quirini. tri-
buni et martiris A. (over an erasure), beati Quirini martiris et
tribuni U. A mistake has here occurred not unlike that of
" saynt Palatyne " on March 4 and 5.
April 2. 1. 7. Nicesy. nicesii. A. nicerii. H. Nicetii. U.
1. 10. saynt Mary egypcyake. The long account of this saint is in
A. but is not in Usuard. H. briefly has : Apud palestinam de-
positio sancte marie egipciace que peccatrix appellatur.
Add. 1. i. saynt Dydake bysshop of oxforde. This anticipation of a
see of Oxford is the result of confusing Oxomensis with Oxonien-
sis, the former being the adjective of Oxoma, Burgo de Osma,
in the N. of Spain. Caxton's Golden Legende in the life of
" Seynt Domynyk " cautiously gives us " the diocise of Oxony-
ence." The translator of the Martiloge finds another use for
"oxforde" on Dec. 29 (1. 7), where it represents Oximse, Exmes
in Normandy.
April 4. 1. 5. y cursed arryens. The original Latin is not so strong:
cuius studio inter cetera doctrine et miraculorum insignia, tern-
pore arriane perfidie. tota ytalia ad catholicam fidem conuersa
est. A.
Add. 1. i. Tiernake. Tigernach. D.
April 5. 1. i. Nichandre and Appolon. marciane nicanoris et appolonii.
A. meandri nicanoris et appollinii H. Martianae, Nicanoris et
Apollonii. U.
216 NOTES.
April 5. 1. 7. saynt Marcian. A. H. omit here. The translator appears
to have put in at the end the Marcian which has dropped out of
his first clause.
April 6. Add. 1. 6. Appolynaryes and anomeyes. Apollinarians and
April 7. 1. 3. lesyppe. egesippi. A. U.
April 8. 1. 5. At turyne. Turonis A. U. Tironis. H.
H. adds : Item concessi ammonii et successi.
Add. 1. i. Pitrion. Cf. De sancto Pithirione : in Vitas Patriim^
April 9. 1. 3. In syryne. In syrmio. A. over an erasure. In sirmio.
H. U.
H. adds : Item sanctorum fortunati et donati.
April ii. 1. 6. saynt Domion. Domionis. A. U. Dominionis. H.
H. adds : Turonis agirici abbatis. Lugduno sancti siagri episcopi.
. . . Item fortuna (sic) et aliorum quadraginta.
Two of the names, under a slightly different form, will be found in
the Addicyons.
Add. 1. 2. saynt Fiagry, probably for Siagry. Lugduni Siagrii
episcopi. U-Auct.
Lugduni sancti Sicarii episcopi et confessoris. Du Saussay. Mart.
Gall. 1637, i. 203.
April 1 6. 1. 5. Fauster. fausti. A. U.
April 1 8. 1. i. In naples at messany. Apud messanam ciuitatem
apulie. A.
1. 2. saynt Eulether. eleutherii. A. H. U. R.
1. 7. cast vnto wylde wode beestes. leonibus proiectus. A. U.
1. 9. Appolon. Apollini. A.
1. 15. Perfyte. Perfecti. A.
April 19. 1. 10. cantiliber. cantiliberi. A. Cancoliberi Hispaniae. Ado. R.
1. u. In y e suburbes of hamonens y e feest of saynt Cosmare.
In pago hamonensi : sancti cosmari. episcopi et confessoris A.
Cenebio labiis. sancti osmari episcopi. H. Coenobio Laubiis
Usmari episcopi et confessoris. U. In coenobio Laubiensi
sancti Vrsmari. R. Lob in Hainault.
Add. 1. 6. Leo the .x. pope. Not Leo X. (1513-1521), but St.
Leo IX. (1049-1054). Cf. Cat. Sanct. iv. 65.
April 20. 1. 4. Seruulane. seruiliani. A. H. U.
1. 8. at bredunens. In ciuitate ebredunensi. A. U.
1. n. Domnion. Domnino. A. U.
April 21. 1. 7. Vskazand. vstazandis. A. vstaradis H. Ustazadis U.
Ustadadis and Ustazadis are among the variants of this name.
NOTES. 217
April 21. 1. 8. Publy. pusicius. A. R. Pusitius. U.
Add. 1. i. Gulphyle. Gulphilas (Cat. Sanct. xi. 86). Ulphilas.
April 22. 1. 8. Bitro. Bitro. A. Bicor. Ado. U. R.
1. 13. Schrysotele. chrisoteli A. U. crisoteli. H.
1. 13. Mycy. mucii A. R. Mutii. U.
April 23. 1. 15. Rule. Reguli. A.
1. 1 6. at bruce. Brucie. A. In Prusia. R.
April 24. H. adds : Sydrac mysaac et abdenago. Remis ciuitate
natalis sanctorum uirginum bone et docle. Ipso die inuencio
corporis sancti yuonis episcopi et confessoris. Some of these
names are found in the Addicyons.
Add. 1. 9. Boue. Bone. R.
April 26. 1. 2. Clete. cleti. A. R. Anacleti. Ado.
April 27. 1. 4. Anchymy. anthimi A. H. U. R.
1. 9. In siciiie at tharse. Tarso sicilie A. tharso cilicie. H. Tarso
Cilicise U.
April 28. 1. 3. Vrsyline. vrsisini A. urcissini H. Ursicini U. R.
1. 10. At padway the feest of saynt Palion a martyr. In pannonia
sancti polionis martyris. A. In Pannonia sancti Pollionis
martiris U. R.
April 29. 1. 4. In numyde at a vyllage nere vnto circen. In numidia
apud cyrcensem coloniam A. Cirta.
1. 8. TerculL terculla A. certula H. Tertulla U. R.
Add. 1. 5. cirsterdens for cisterriens.
1. 12. ref ourned for refonrmed.
May i. 1. 19. At austrace. Apud ciuitatem atistrasiam A. austiam H.
Auscium U. R. Audi.
1. 22. Thoremyny* thoremini. A. corentini. H. In Britannia
minori. Corentini episcopi et confessoris. U-Auct.
May 3. Add. 1. 2. nokes for bokes.
May 4. 1. 7. Infauence at metall. in metallo fauencii A. In metallo
Phennensi Palestine. R. " At the Metal-mynes of Phennes
in Palestin." The Roman Martyrologe^ S. Omers, 1667.
1. IT. At oricoripens. In oricopensiA. In Noricoripensi H. In
Norico Ripensi U. R.
1. 14. Coreode. coreodii A. corcodimi H. Curcodemi U. Cur-
codomi R.
May 5. H. omits : Ascensio domini.
1. 6. Eutheme. euthemii A. antimi H. Euthymii U. R.
May 7. 1. ii. Austustyn. augustini A. U.
Add. 1. 7. saynt Martyns in london. The translator is probably res-
ponsible for this transfer of St. Martin's, Canterbury, to London.
Letarde. Lethardus N. L, A. fo. ccxviii. b.
2i8 NOTES.
May 10. H. adds : In pago wastinensi sancti maturini confessoris.
Probably this is the saynt Maturyn at the end of the Addicyons.
May ii. 1. 2. Authyme. anthimi A. H. U.
May 12. Add. 1. 3. Ponce. Cf. May 14, 1. 2.
May 13. 1. 6. amphyble. amphibuli A. U. amfinubali H. Amphi-
poli R.
May 14. 1. 3. two of the emperours sones. duo philippi imperatores A.
(over an erasure), duo Philippi Csesares R. Cf. May 12,
1. 17. fomanel. Fontanelle A.
Add. 1. 13. Cartake. carthachi. D.
May 15. 1. 2. ludalece. vidalecii A. Indaletii U. Indaletius. R.
1. 6. in dyuerse places, acci. uergii. abule. ursi. heliberi. carcesi.
eligurgi. A.
1. 7. chire. chiro A. Chio R.
1. 9. At lamosate. lamosatum A. Lamasacum. Ado. Lamps
May 1 6. 1. 5. In the terry tory of luliens. In pago foro iuliensi.
Frejus or Friuli. The martyrologists of France and Italy
severally claim St. Maxima for their own Forum Julii.
Add. 1. 7. forhw* foiforthw*.
May 17. 1. 7. JLracly. Eraclii A. Eradii R.
1. 8. The translacyon also of saynt Bernard. Not in A., but in
May 1 8. 1. 8. Elene. Eluine A. Elgivae U-Auct. St. Elgiva,
Queen of Edmund I. and afterwards a nun of Shaftesbury, is
commemorated on this day in an old English Calendar : sancte
aelfgiue regine (Br. Mus. Cott. MS. Titus D. xxvii, fo. 5).
1. 10. at the city of spelatens. apud spelatensem urbem. A. apud
spoletanensem urbem H. Spoleti R.
May 19. 1. 14. Prudent, prudentis A. H. Pudentis. Ado. U. R.
Generally identified with the Pudens of 2 Tim. iv, 21.
1. 14. naturall broder. patris A.
May 20. 1. 8. Adelbert. ethelberti A.
Add. 1. 14. Hardrian for Hadrian.
May 21. 1. 6. fynthall. fyncale A. (H. om.). The ruins of Finchale
Priory are about 3^ miles from Durham.
May 22. 1. 2. Casce. casti A. H. U. R.
1. 2. in his boke of the fall of martyrs, in libro de lapsis A. U.
1. 4. cor site, apud corsicam A. U.
1. 6. Sawstyne. faustini. A. H. R. U-Auct.
NOTES. 219
May 23. 1. 2. Desyre. desiderii A. H. U. R.
1. 5. Thyke. epictici A. epictati H. Epitacii R.
In a later hand in A. there is added to this day : Eodem die
ciuitate roffensi : sancti willelmi martiris (St. William of Perth).
May 24. 1. 6. At rome. in portu romano A. Porto at the mouth
of the Tiber.
1. 7. ndmete. namnetis A. U. nannetis H. Nantes.
1. 12. Dyod. diodis A. dioclis H. Ado. U. R.
May 25. 1. 9. In mafiaen at dorostre. Apud mesiam ciuitate dorostro
A. Dorostori in Mysia R. Dora in Bulgaria.
1.12. mildunens. meldunensi monasterio A. Malmesbury.
May 26. 1. 8. Symniter. symmitrii A. Simmitrii U.
1. ii. At tudertusce. tudertuscie A. Tuder Tusciae U. Todi.
1. 25. C. xxi. centesimo vicesimo septimo A.
May 27. 1. i. In marsia at doroscorens. Apud marsiam ciuitate
dorostorensi. A. Apud mesiam ciuitate dorostorensi. H. U.
1. 6. adartens. atrebatensi. A. H. Adartensi. U. Adartensis
appears to be a variant of Atrebatensis. At Feb. 6 some
MSS. describe St. Vedast of Arras as Adartensis.
Add. 1. 7. Symetre. apparently a repetition of Symmitrius of
May 26. 1. 8.
May 28. 1. 6. in a style moche eloquent, ueraci stilo A.
1. 9. Item translacio sancte matris nostre birgitte. A. in later
Add. 1. ii. Lamfranke. Lamfrancus N. L. A.
May 29. 1. 2. Canon, canonis A. R. 1564. cononis H. U. R.
1. 9. in the partyes of ananyue. anaunie partibus A. U. Anaunia,
now Val d'Anagna in the Tyrol.
1. ii. Maximus. maximi. A. R. 1564. maximini H. U. R.
1. 14. Rusty 'ke. restituti. A. H. U. R.
May 30. 1. 3. In y toures of sardyne. turribus sardinii A. Torre on
the W. coast of Sardinia.
1. 5. Hutbert. hubert.i A. (over an erasure), cuthberti H. Hucberti
U. The name appears in other martyrologies as Bucberti, Buc-
herti, and is by some identified with Hubert of Liege.
May 31.1. i. PernelL Petronilla A. H. U.
1. 9. assisiour. assisiorum A. aniciorum H. U. R.
June i. 1. 14. Vincent, vincencii A. uiuencii H. luuencii R.
Add. 1. i. ewsam. Evesham. The story of St. Wistan is in
June 2. 1. 7. saynt Saynt a deacon. Cf. Sanctus vero re non minus
quam nomine, Diaconus. Du Saussay, Mart. Gall. i. 324.
1. 8. Geate. grate A. H. Ado. U.
220 NOTES.
June 3. 1. 3. with plummettes of lede. plumbatis A.
June 4. 1. i. In sythe. scithia A. H. Apud Illiricum civitate Sciscia
1. 8. Patrike. Petroci A. U-Auct. The name of St. Petrock is
preserved at Petroc-stow, now Padstow, and his relics were kept
at Bodmin.
June 5. 1. 12. Eobanke. eobaneo. A. (over an erasure), eubarico H.
Eobano. U. R.
June 6. 1. 4. In the londe of cecile at tharsum, Apud tharsum scilicie A.
cicilie H. Apud Tarsum Ciliciae U.
June 7. 1. 5. Auens. auencii A. H. Auentii U. Habentii R.
June 8. 1. 10. Ac for At.
June 9. 1. i. in the motif of Sely. in monte celio. A. H. U.
1. 6. Colubane. columbe A. U. Aberd. corumcille H. St. Columba
or Columcill (for the meaning of this latter name see Reeve's
Adamnan's Life of St. Columba, 1857, pp. Ixx, 5).
June 10. 1. 2. Amandale. madalis A. (over an erasure) H. U. Mandalis
1. 10. At parys y e feest of saynt Ytamar a bysshop and confessour.
Two clauses have here been made into one by omitting the end
of the first and the beginning of the second. The Latin is as
follows : Parisius sancti landerici episcopi et confessoris. In
britannia ciuitate rofTensi sancti itamari episcopi et confes-
soris. A.
In cathedrali ecclesia Roffensi iacet sanctus Ythomar tercius
a sancto iusto eiusdem ciuitatis in miraculis gloriosus. (Catha-
logus sanctorum in Anglia pausantium et oriundorum. Lambeth
MS. 99. fo. 187 b.)
June 12. 1. 8. Infryselond frigia A. (for frisia).
Adulph. odulphi A. Apud Trajectum inferius depositio sancti
Odolfi, Canonici monasterii sancti Salvatoris. U-Auct. H. omits
S. Odulph, and has instead : Aurelianis sancti euurcii episcopi.
Alexandrie sancti iohannis elimonis episcopi.
June 15. 1. 7. In messy at dorostore. Apud messiam ciuitate dorostoro
A. mesiam H. Apud Messiam civitate Dorostoro. U.
June 1 6. 1. i. vesuce. vesancium A. Vesuntionem U. Besangon.
1. 8. manuete. namnetis A. U.
June 17. 1. 5. Anyte. auiti A. H. U. R.
Add. 1. 3. sconange. sconangia (Cat. Sanct. v. 123). Sconaugia is
the usual Latin form of Schonau (in the diocese of Trier).
1. 5. Molyng. Moling D. Moloci. Aberd.
June 1 8. 1. 2. Marcell. marcelliani. A. U. R
NOTES. 221
June 1 8. 1. 6. were murthered in sond and stones, lapidibus obruti. A.
1. 8. In the territory of zenon. In territorio zeno[nensi added in
later hand\ A. In territorio Senonensi sancti Fortunati
episcopi. Du Saussay, Mart. Gall. p. 1135. Cf. U-Auct.
June 19. 1. 6. Vrcissyne. vrsicini A. U. R.
June 20. 1. i. Syuere. siluerii A. R. U-Auct.
1. 6. The translacyon also of saynt Edwarde. This is the usual
day for the Translation of St. Edward K. M. The Syon
Martyrology has already commemorated a translation of St.
Edward on Feb. 13, and the bringing of his body from Wareham
to Shaftesbury on Feb. 18.
June 21. 1. 2. In cesare capadoce at palestyne. In cesarea palestine A.
(over an erasure), capadocie was apparently the original word after
1. 10. Warburge. werburge A. St. Werburg of Chester.
June 22. 1. 3. verolam. uerolamia A. Verolamio U. Verulam, St.
1. ii. romaciane. Baronius in his notes (Mart. Rom. Junii 22)
identifies Romatiana with Aquileia.
June 23. 1. 5. In tusce at vtrine. In tuscia ciuitate utrina A. Sutrii
in Tuscia R.
1. 6. Tratius. Tracius A. Turcius. U. R.
June 24. 1. 7. w t other chrystyans in maner vnnombrable. cum aliis
innumeris promiscui sexus. A. U.
1. 7. At austudune. Augustuduno. A. Augustoduno U. Autun.
Add. 1. 4. Lucey. Luceia ( Cat. Sanct. vi, 4). The same Luceia
appears in June 25, 1. 18, as Luce.
June 25. 1. i. At puricoroea. Apud puricoroeam A. Apud Pirri-
berceam U. At end A. adds in a later hand : Item canonizacio
sancte Catherine, beate Birgitte filie virginis in sanctitate vite
et miraculis preclare.
June 26. 1. 4. At trientyne. Apud trientinam urbem. A. (altered by
a later hand to tridentinam).
1. 5. lustilocon. sub iustilicone A. sub Stilicone U-Auct
1. 7. At valenciane. In portu valenciano A. In portu valenciano
sancti Salvii Engolismae civitatis episcopi. U-Auct. Valenciennes.
June 27. 1. 7. Nemele. nemesio. A. U.
1. 8. Eugyn. eugenio A.
1. 1 6. At glassenbury the translacyon of saynt Bemonus a confessour.
Apud glasconiam : translacio sancti benigni confessoris. A.
Add. 1. 3. Benygne may be a duplicate notice of St. Benignus of
Glastonbury, or St. Benignus, a martyr of Chartres, whose relics
were at Utrecht (U-Auct. June 28).
222 NOTES.
June 28. 11. 9, n. Potanan. potamiena A. over an erasure. Potamisena
U. R.
June 29. 1. 6. castell of argentomate. castrum argentomatum A. Argento-
macum U.
1. 9. Benedicte. benedicte A. Beatas U.
Add. 1. 3. Beate, apparently a repetition of the above.
June 30. 1. 7. At lemoniga. Lemoniga ciuitate A. Lemovicas
civitate U. Limoges.
1. 9. Alpymany and Stratodiane. alpimano et stratocliano A
Alpiniano et Stratocliniano U.
1. ii. Cor site, corsiti A. Corsici U.
Ib. Leo a deacon. Leonis subdiaconi A. (over an erasure) U.
July 2. 1. 10. saynt Vran. not in A. U. The name seems to be part
of the previous Vrbane repeated in error.
July 3. 1. 2. At geneocesarepont. apud geneocesaream ponti A. Apud
Cneocsesaream Ponti U. At end A. has : Item constantinopoli :
sancti eulogii. eufemie. accaci. et demetrii (the last three names
in later hand).
July 4. 1. 4. In smyrme. Apud smirmium. A. Apud Sirmium U.
July 5. 1. 3. by cause she pray sed the vertue of saynt Peter, que dum ad
confessionem beati petri apostoli oraret. A. U. Cf. July 6, 1. 7.
July 6.1.7. by cause he pray sed the vertue of saynt Paule\ was stoned to deth.
Qui dum ad beati pauli confessionem oraret. tentus a paganis ac
lapidatus. martirium consummauit. A. "As he was praying at
the Tomb of S. Paul." (The Roman Martyrologe, S. Omers,
1667.) Estando este sancto orando junto a las reliquias y
sepulchre del Apostol S. Pablo. (Martyrologio Romano,
Valladolid, 1586.) These two last passages give the correct
translation of the word confessio, which was misunderstood by
Richard Whytford.
1. 8. In thefrauchest of machiens. in pago machienst A. In pago
Trevirensi. R.
July 7. 1. 6. Castar. castorii A. U.
A. adds : Item translacio sancti thome martiris cantuariensis
July 8. 1. 5. sanctipole. scithopoli A. Scitopoli U.
1. 7. In y e monastery of wentane the deposicyon of saynt Grubald a
preest 7 monke. In wentana ciuitate deposicio sancti grimbaldi
presbiteri et monachi A. St. Grymbald of wynchester (July 7.
Add.) here reappears as St. Grubald of wentane.
1. 9. Kyliane, Colonare and Conace. St. Kilian is given twice on
this day as Ciliane and Kyliane and again a third time as Ciliane
in the Addicyons. The spelling of the names of his companions
is subject to great variation. Colonari et chonati A. Colmanni
et Totmanni U-Auct.
NOTES. 223
July 8. 1. n. Wydburge. wythburge A.
Add. The " addicyons " on this day with the exception of Julian
are taken from Cat. Sanct. In making them the compiler appears
not to have noticed that Ciliane Colonate and Romane had been
already given above with slightly different spelling.
July 9. 1. 8. At tyre. In ciuitate tyro. A. R. 1564. Tyriae. Ado.
Thora R.
1. 10. At marcull ye feest of saynt Brythe. Ciuitate martula :
sancti bricii. A. Civitate Martula sancti Brictii U.
July 10. 1. 6. cast hedlonge from a toure toppe\ t so his necke broken.
precipicio interemptus. A.
1. ii. Valeriane. valeriani et galieni A.
July ii. Add. 1. r. Pituouse pope i.e. Pius I.
July 12. 1. i. Nason. nasonis A. Ado. lasonis R. Mnason. (Acts xxi,
1. 7. Clyse. disi A. over an erasure. Dii. Ado. U.
July 13. 1. 14. Thuran. thuriani A. over an erasure. Turiani U.
Add. 1. 3. lesus ioiedeke. Jesus son of Josedek (Ecclus. xlix, 12;
i Esdr. v, 5).
July 14. 1. 2. synopole. sinopis A. Synope in Ponto R.
1. 6. historiagraph. historiographus. A.
1. ii. Donate. A. omits. In Africa, Donati. U-Auct.
July 15. 1. i. At misybbe. Nisibi A. U. R.
1. 5. dyd cofoude Y codempne y e dampnable opinion andperuerse heresy
of fhegrete heretyke Arrius . peruersitatem arrii opposicione damp-
narunt A.
1. 6. At rome in a gate. Rome in portu. A.
July 1 6. 1. 3. in to intrapole. in tranopolim A. in Trajanopolim U.
R. At end A. adds in later hand : Item translatio Sancti
Osmundi Episcopi sarisburiensis. Cf. Notes, Dec. 4.
July 17. 1. i. In cartage. In cartagine : natalis sanctorum martirum
stillicitanorum A. scillitanorum U.
1. 2. Nartaby. nartabi A. Nartali U. R.
1. 3. Stytyny. cithini A. U. Cythini R.
1. 5. the mayre of stillidtane. sub saturnine prefecto. A. U.
July 19. 1. 8. Diogeman. diogeniano A.U. R.
July 20. 1. 7. Cassye. A. om. Cassii U.
July 22. 1. IT. Wandregesyle. Wandregesili U. Wandragesili A.
1. ii. In sy re at galas. Ancyra galacie A. Ancira Galacise U.
July 23. Add. 1. i. Apolynare bysshop of lerusalem. Apollinaris
hieropolitanus episcopus. Cat. Sanct. vi, 129. Hierapoli in
Asia sancti Apollinaris episcopi R. (Jan. 8).
224 NOTES.
July 24. 1. ii. At amitermyn. amiternina ciuitate. A. U. Now
San Vittorino, three miles from Aquila in the Abruzzi.
July 25. 1. 4. In syre at samon. In licia ciuitate samon A. U.
1. 9. At bartimon. ciuitate barcinona. A. U.
July 26. 1. 3. At rome, rome in portu A. U.
July 27. 1. 12. Hernempy. hernempi A. U. Hermippi R.
1. 13. Hermogiate. hermogratis A. U. Hermocratis R.
July 29. 1. 6. Betrice. Beatrix A. U.
1. 10. In taraston in a forest of her owne. apud tarasconam in
heremo suo. A.
July 30. 1. 3. corduba. in corduba ciuitate persarum A.
1. 12. The word Addicyons has been accidentally omitted before
" The feest also of saynt Vrsy," which with all that follows is
not in A.
July 31. 1. 8. Neoche. neothi A. over an erasure. Neoti U-Auct.
Aug. i. 1. 20. Medard. menandri A. (over an erasure). U.
1. 23. Adelwold. ethelwoldi A. (over an erasure).
Add. 1. i. Salomon. The story of Solomon's penance is found in
Cat. Sanct. vii. 6.
Aug. 2. 1. 5. In y e province of biryne at nice. In prouincia bitinie
ciuitate nicea. A. In Provincia Bithinia urbe Niceae U.
1. 6. Theodour. theodore A. Theodotae U. R.
Aug. 4. 1. 3. TranquiJyne. tertulini A. (over an erasure). Tertullini
U. R. In the Addicyons 1. 5 " Tertulyne " appears under the
usual form of the name.
Aug. 5. 1. 9. At cathalamnis. cathalannis A. for cathalaunis. Cata-
launis U.
1, 10. Neminyne. meminii A. Memmii U. R.
1. 10. At lornon. apud bononiam A. U-Auct.
Add. 1. i. saynt Thomas. St. Thomas, a monk of St. Martin's, Dover,
murdered by the French in 1295 because he refused to reveal
the place where the church treasures had been hidden for safety
(see N. L. A.}.
Aug. 7. A. adds in later hand : Itemsolemne festum nominis Je su.
Aug. 8. 1. 4. at nyenna. Apud viennam A. U. At end A. adds in
later hand : Item sancte agapes virginis.
Aug. 10. Add. 1. r. saynt Hope. Sanctus Spes is placed in Cat. Sanct.
among those " quorum certa dies celebrationis ignoratur " ; and
the name of his monastery is given as Cample, about six miles
from Nursia (Norcia). Cf. R. (March 28).
Aug. ii. 1. 7. Gangeryke. gauderici A. (over erasure). Gaugerici. U.
Add. 1. 4. wuiche for whiche.
NOTES. 225
Aug. 12. 1. i. In cirilie at cathyne. In scicilia ciuitate cathina A.
1. 8. At rome. in prefata ciuitate A. U. R., i.e., at Augsburg.
1. 12. At salary f feest of saynt Graciane. urbe falari : passio sanc-
torum martirum graciliani . . . (the last word over a partial
erasure) A. Urbe Falari passio Graciliani U.
1. 17. Ethelwold. Edwoldi A.
Add. 1. 3. Ewletkery. Eleutherius. R. (March 15).
Aug 13. 1, 4. xviij. decem et nouem. A. U.
1. 6. At forcill. forcille A. Forosillae U. Apud Forum Syllae R.
At end A. adds in later hand : Ipso die : sancti laudulphi.
Aug. 14. At end A. adds i n a later hand: In affrica : sancti
Aug. 1 6. 1. 2. Vrsacy. Ursacii A. Ursatii. U. Arsacii R.
1. 3. Ludane. licinio A. U. R.
1.5. At metes y e feest of sayt Arnuf. Apud ciuitatem metensium
sancti arnulphi A. Arnulphi U. At end A. adds in a later hand :
Lugduni gallic : beati rochi confessoris.
Aug. 17. 1. 2. Seuy. seruii A. Sefvii U.
1. 7. Valeriane. ualeriano A. Aureliano U. R.
Aug. 1 8. 1. i. At preuestyn. Apud prenestinam ciuitatem A. U.
1. 4. Valeriane. aurelii A. Aureliani R.
Aug. 19. saynt Magnus V saynt Andrewe. Natalis sancti magni et
sancti andree. A. sancti Magni seu sancti Andreae. Ado.
Aug. 20. 1. 5. In the yle of nere. Nerio insula A. Herio insula U.
Du Saussay Mart. Gall. i. 534. Noirmoutier.
Aug. 22. 1. 6. In agate of rome. In poftu urbis rome. A. In portu
Romano U.
1. 7. Epute. epictei A. Epicteti. Ado. U. R.
Aug. 23. 1. 3. In lice at egea. Apud liciam ciuitate egea A. Apud Ly-
ciam civitate ^Egaea U. ^Egaeae in Cilicia R.
1. 4. Austere, asterii. A. U.
1. 6. In a gate of rome. In portu urbis rome. A. U.
1. 7. Akchyl. archillai A. (over an erasure). Ado. U.
1. 10. Theon. thione A. Theonae U.
Add. 1. i o. no thyng is more peryllous vnto a religyous persone than to
kepe preuy from his soueraynehisdedesorthoughtes. At Syon the
abbess is frequently spoken of as the sovereign, as in the following
extract from the Additions to the Rule of St. Saviour and St.
Bridget : " None therfor schal use presumptuously to laughe
ouer much or oute of inesure dissolutly, but whan the souereyne,
or any of the elder sustres begyn to laughe upon any other
suster or sustres by wey of recreation, curtesy, wylle, and very
loue and charity, that they smyle or laughe agene soberly."
(Aungier's History of Syon Monastery, 1840, p. 299.)
226 NOTES.
Aug. 24. At end A. adds in later hand ; In scocia : sancte Ebbe abba-
Aug. 25. 1. 3. hanged on gybettes. in equuleum leuati. A. U.
1. 7. Denyse. genesii A. Ado. U. R.
1. 16. ytalyke. Italica, the site of which, five miles from Seville, is
now occupied by the poor village of Santi Ponce, which appears
to derive its name from a corruption of San Gerontio.
Aug. 26. 1. 8. lemonicens. lemonicensi or lemouicensi A. ' In territorio
Lemovicensi sancti Aredii presbiteri ' is the reading of some MSS.
of Usuard, instead of ' Antisiodoro, Eleuterii Episcopi ' which is
the usual reading of the last clause.
1. 8. Arecly. aredii A.
Aug. 27. 1. 15. Fiagry. fiagrii A. Siagrii. Ado. U. R.
Aug. 28. 1. 13. ticyne. papiam A. (over an erasure). Ticinum U.
1.14. Julian, uiuiani A. (over an erasure). Bibiani. Ado. Vibiani.
U. Viuiani R.
Aug. 29. 1. 12. Meryke. mederici A. U.
Aug. 30. 1. 5. Adauct. Huius nomen ignorantes christiani. adauctum
eum appellauerunt : eo quod sancto felici auctus sit ad coronam.
Aug. 31. 1. 4. infryselond. Apud frigiam. A. U.
1. 9. Eilady. euadii A. Elladii U-Auct.
1. 10. Glastingehs. glastingensis A. Cf. The Leofric Missal (Ed.
F. E. Warren), where the Kalendar on August 31 has : In glas-
tonia sci. aidani episc. The relics of St. Aidan had been brought
to Glastonbury.
1. n. Curtbert. cuthbertus A. At the end of A. a later hand has
added : In cancia : sancte eanswide virginis.
Sept. i. Add. The names of the Judges are found with similar spelling
in Cat, Sana, viii, 1-14, as well as in MSS. and early printed
editions of the Vulgate.
Sept. 4. 1. 2. In galace at auchyre. apud anchiram galacie. A. Apud
Anciram Galatiae U.
Sept. 5. 1. 8. In a gate of rome. rome in portu A. U.
Add. 1. 5. Gondegrand. Ciuitate Sais sancti Godegranni episcopi
et martyris. U-Auct. Ciuitate Sagiensi sancti Godegrandi
episcopi et martyris. U-Auct. (Sept. 3).
Sept. 6. 1. 10. Cokey dy. coccidi A. Cottidi U. R.
Add. 1. 6. Maculyne. Maculini C. Meic cuilinn D.
Sept. 7. 1. 8. Eurcy. eurcii A. Euurtii U. Euortii R.
Add. 1. i. One of y e feestes also of saynt Dustane. The compiler
of the " addicyons " has followed Cat. Sanct. viii, 49, in which the
day of the death of St. Dunstan is wrongly given as vii. Id. Sept.
According to Florence of Worcester (Chronicon. ed. Thorpe, i. p.
148) St. Dunstan died on xiv Kal. Junii (May 19) A.D. 988, and
he is commemorated on this day in the Sarum, York, Hereford,
and other English Calendars, and also in the Martiloge.
Add. 1. 2. At dur ham f feest of saynt Alkude. Alhmundus, bishop
of Hexham, died Sept. 7. A.D. 779 (Chron. Flor. Wigorn. ed.
Thorpe, i, 59).
Sept. 8. 1. ii. Faustyne. faustini A. Fausti. U. R.
Sept. 9. 1. 14. Querany. querani A. Kyrani. Aberd. Ciarani D.
1. 15. Modwen. modowenne A.
Add. 1. ii. Wolsyld. Wulfhilda.
Add. 1. 12. horton. Horton in Dorset, about 6 miles N. of Wim-
borne. The dedication of Horton Church preserves the name of
St. Wolfride or Wulfhild.
Sept. 10. 1. 14. Brydhestane. brydhestani A. The Winchester Calendar
printed in Hampson's Medii dLvi Kalendarium from Cottonian
MS. Vitell. E xviii. has on Sept. 10 : sancti Fridestani episcopi.
In the Chronicle of Florence of Worcester (ed. Thorpe p. 131) we
read of : " Vir eximiae sanctitatis Frithestanus Wintoniensis
episcopus." who resigned his bishoprick and died in 733.
1. 15. Denyse. demesii A. Demetrii U-Auct.
1. 17. Adelwold. ethelwoldi A.
Add. 1 6. Hereodarde. Theodardi martiris episcopi Tungrensis
U-Auct. Leodii in Belgia sancti Theodardi episcopi et martyris.
Sept. ii. 1. 6. At tarente y e feest of sayt Peter archebisshop of y e same.
Tharentensis archiepiscopi A. It is not easy to identify this
St. Peter, unless the notice is intended for St. Peter archbishop
of Tarentaise, d. 1171, canonized in 1191, who is com
memorated on 22 Jun. Add. 1. 5, and also on 18 Oct. Add. 1.
2. He is placed in Cat. Sanct. among the saints whose day is
not known. Gams gives Sept. 14 as the day of his death, and
May 10 as the day of his canonization. (Series Episcoporum,
Ratisbonse, 1873, p. 829.)
Sept. 13. Add. 1. i. Ligour. Sancti Ligorii martiris. Qui in Grecise
partibus ob Christi nomen occisus postmodum Venetias translates
est. Cum vero dies passionis ejus ignoretur, ipse per visum
hunc diem designavit. U-Auct.
Add. 1. 3. Maximy. In territorio Boloniensi, sancti Maximi
Regensis episcopi. U-Auct.
Sept. 15. 1. 10. At carneto f feest of saynt Leopite. karneto sancti
leopiti A Sancti Leobini episcopi carnutensis R. ' Carnoto
sancti Leobini episcopi U.
Add. 1. i. Ay card. Aichadri. U-Auct.
P 2
226 NOTES.
Sept. 16. 1. 14. At Winchester, wyltonie. A. Wilton, near Salisbury.
Add. 1. i. Mynyane. for Ninian. In Scocia Sancti Niniani epis-
copi et confessoris sepultus apud cathedrale cenobium Candide
case. Aberd.
Sept. 17. 1. 5. Crescenciane. crescencionis A. Crescentionis U.
Add, 1. 3 Tharrasy. Tarrasis confessoris, cujus corpus juxta Con-
stantinopolim in spelunca reperto in urbem prinium
regiam deinde Venetias translatum, in monasterio beati zacharige
quiescit. U-Auct. Pilgrims passing through Venice were shewn
many relics in the church of San Zacharia. Amongst others we
find : Item sotto la confessione della detta chiesia repossa el
corpo de s. Tharaso eremi. portado dale parte de Romania
(Viaggio da Venetia al santo Sepulchro, Venetia, 1524).
Sept. 1 8. 1. 2. olympyle : olimpii licie A. (the first word over an erasure).
Olimpi Licise U.
Add. 1. 5. Stephane. Stephana, quse Latine dicitur Corona. U-
Sept. 19. 1.5. in the cite of pluteolane. in ciuitate pluteonana A. Puteo-
lana U.
1. 10. Signy. signi A. Sequani. U. Sigonis seu Signi. U-Auct.
At end A. adds in a later hand : In cancia : sancti theodori
Sept. 20. 1. 8. Infryselonde. In frigia A. InPhrigiaU. In Phrygia.
Sept. 21. 1. 5. In the village of claw de. uia claudia A. U.
Add. 1. i. Ephigene. Epigenia. U-Auct.
Sept. 22. 1. 6. Hamptran. hamptranniA. Emmerammi U.
Add. 1. 7. Sanctyny. Sanctini episcopi Meldensis U-Auct. Cf.
Cat. Sanct. viii. 108.
Sept. 23. 1. 13. Lybery a bysshop. liberii pape et confessoris A. (over an
erasure). Romae sancti Liberii episcopi. U-Auct Romae de-
positio sancti Liberi episcopi. ( Vetustius Martyrologium D.
Hieronymo tributum. Lucae, 1668, p. 852.)
Sept. 24. Add. 1. 5. Solempny. Item Blesis sancti Solennis. U-Auct.
(Sept. 25).
Sept. 25. 1. 6. Rictiouare. ricciouaro A. Rictiovaro U.
1. 7. saynt Lupe a bysshop V an ancre. sancti lupi episcopi ex ana-
coreta A. (over an erasure). U,
1. re. Annary. Anuarii A. (over an erasure). Aunarii U. R.
1564. Anacharii R.
Add. 1. 2. Golfryde, i.e. Ceolfrid, Abbot of St. Paul's, Jarrow.
Add. 1. 3. Resigned his rome and went to rome. Richard Whytford
has here (perhaps unconsciously) lapsed into a pun and antici-
pated Shakespeare's play with the same word :
" Now is it Rome indeed and room enough."
{Julius Ccesar, I, 2.)
NOTES. 229
A similar use of the word rome for an office has already oc-
curred at Sept. 13: " Saynt Phylyp . . . a noble man and
a capytayne of the cite/ which rome and all the worlde he forsoke
for Chryst."
Sept. 26. 1. 8. At albane. Albanum, probably Albano near Rome, but
according to Du Saussay (Mart. Gall, ii, 1173) a place bearing
the same name near Narbonne.
Add. 1. i. Colmauell, i.e. Colmanel or Colman Elo, mentioned in
the Life of St. Columba. In Ybernia sancti Colmani confesses is
viri Dei inter suos diuinis scripturis eruditissimi. Aberd.
Sept. 27. 1. 7. Antymy. autimus A. Anthymus U.
1. 10. At the castell of per sew don. Castro perseudono A. Castro
Pseuduno U. See Notes to editions of Ado and Usuard.
Sept. 28. 1. 5. At iane. ciuitate ianuis A. U. Genoa.
1. 5. Salomon salonis A. U.
Add. 1. i. Saynt Olaty, i.e., St. Olave, who, however, is com-
memorated in the Aberdeen Breviary on March 30 and July
Add. 1. 7. saynt Fors. Forseus (Cat. Sanct. viii, 126). The story
is told in Caxton's Golden Legende (of the Lyfe of seint Forsyn).
Add. 1. 15. saynt wyncesse duke of beame. Apud Pragam civitatem
Bohemias natale sancti Wenceslai ducis et martiris U-Auct.
Vinceslaus dux boemiorum. Cat. Sanct. viii, 127.
Sept. 29. 1. 5. Plant. Planti A. Plauti. R.
Sept. 30. 1. 2. Salodour. salodoro A. Solodoro U. R. Soleure.
Oct. i.l. 2. Arthy. arethe A. Arethae U. Aretse R.
1. 5. in the prouynce of lusitame. apud prouinciam lusitanam A.
Lusitaniam U.
1 5. olisepon. olisepona A. U. Lisbon.
1. 7. Plato, piatonis A. (over an erasure). U.
1. 12. In the grand port. In portu granda. A. for : In portu ganda.
Oct. 3. 1. 10. at the capped bere. ad ursum pilleatum A, U.
Oct. 4. Add. 1. i. Aniane. Anianus. Cat. Sanct. ix, 19.
1. 9. Petrony bysshop of bonony. Petronius episcopus bononie.
Cat. Sanct. ix, 20.
1. 12. Amt/ieaiid Amyke. Amelius et amicus. Cat. Sanct. ix, 21,
Oct. 5. At end A. adds in a later hand : Rome : sancte babille virginis.
Add. 1. i. Gale. Gal la, U-Auct.
Oct. 6. 1. 2. Saturne. saturnini A. U.
1. 3. Sagary. beati sagaris martiris. et episcopi laodicensis. A. U.
230 NOTES.
Oct. 7. 1. 7. In the prouince of auguste at eufratesi. Apud prouinciam
que nuncupatur augusta eufratesia. A. U.
1.15. The canonizacyon also of our holy moder sayt Birgit. A. omits.
Oct. 8. 1. 3. thessoloniey for thessalonicy. apud thessalonicam A. U.
1. 8. Yue. iui A. Two Winchester Calendars printed in Hampson's
Medii jEvi Kalendarium (pp. 431, 444) have on this day : Sancti
Iwigii confessoris.
Add. 1. 27. saynt Keyna called also saynt Keynwir. "Ob hoc
enim que priiis keyna vocabatur postea britannice keynwiri id est
keyn virgo dicta est." Nova Legenda Anglie, 1516, fo. cciv. b.
According to the Legend the place to which S. Keyna went
was beyond the Severn (vltra sabrinam), and when she first asked
for it the king of the country refused her petition because the
spot was full of serpents. She, however, persisted in her request
and obtained it ; and then the story goes on : " Concesso igitur
virgini loco ad solitas preces se prostrauit et omnia ilia mox
genimina viperarum mortificata in lapidum duritiem commutauit.
Lapides enim usque hodie imaginem serpentinam exprimunt per
campos et vrcos quasi arte lathomi sculpterentur."
The like account is given of the origin of the ammonites,
which are plentiful in the cliffs of Whitby, where the miracle is
attributed to St. Hilda.
1. 28. saynt Breghan. braghanus. N. L. A.
Oct. 9. 1. 7. At iule. Apud iuliam uia claudia A. U.
Add. 1. i. saynt Aymon. Author of Summa de Vitiis et Virtutibus.
The account of him is from Cat. Sanct. xi, 108.
Oct. n. 1.2. drily e. cilicie A. CiliciaeU.
1. 10. Canu~ke. camichi. A. Cainichi U. Cainnich D. Ken-
1. 10. At vrs. urcia A. Civitate Uzetia U. Uzes near Nimes.
Uzetia has also been identified with the place of the same name
in Africa.
Editions of Martyrologium Romanum of Gregory XIII
read : Uzeciae in Africa. But those, subsequent to the revision
of Clement X, read : Ucetiae in Gallia Narbonensi.
1. 13. Melan. melani A. ^Emiliani U-Auct. (some MSS. read
Oct. 13. 1. 5. ouer teeth, dentes superioresA.
1. 9. Wynance. venancii A (over an erasure). U.
Oct. 14. 1. 5. cast downe hedlongefrom the hyghest toure ofy e same prison.
per fenestram domus in qua custodiebatur precipitatus. A.
1.6. Attubertyn. Ciuitate tudertina A. Tudertum, Todi.
Oct. 15. 1. 5. saynt Vlfran an archebysshop. Cf. March 20. S l Wul-
fran, archbishop of Sens, resigned his office and died a monk at
Fontanelle, March 20. A.D. 720. (Surius, De Vitis Sanctorum,
Venetiis, 1581, torn, ii, fo. 91 b.)
NOTES. 231
Oct. 1 6. 1. 9. vnto the tayles of cartes, post terga currencium quadri-
garum A. U.
1. 14. In suenuy. In suevia A. Swabia.
Oct. 1 8. 1. 5. Esclepiady. asclepiadis A. U.
1. 9. lustyniane. A. and other martyrologies omit.
Add. 1. 2. At Taren fastens . . . saynt Peter. St. Peter of
Tarentaise is placed by Peter de Natalibus (Cat. Sanct. xi, 119)
amongst the saints 'quorum certa dies celebrationis ignoratur.'
He is also noticed in this Martiloge on June 22 Add. and
perhaps on Sept. n.
1. 3. vnto lausemy. lansernia. Cat. Sanct. xi, 119.
Oct. 19. 1. 5. Tholony. tholomei A. Ptolomei. U.
Add. 1. i. Ethebyne. Ethbini U-Auct.
Oct. 20. 1. 8. Astrobert. austroberte A.
1. 12. The dedicacyon of the chirche of syon. A. over an erasure:
Ipso die festum canonisacionis sancte Birgitte. The Martiloge
in English commemorates this canonization on Oct. 7, as do also
the two calendars of A.
On Oct. 20 the first calendar has : Festum Dedicacionis Ec-
clesie de Syon a x 1 1588 (in a later hand) and the second
calendar which has the notices of obits : Dedicacio monasterii
de Syon. a x l 1488.
Oct. 22. 1. 8. Mimilon. numilionis A. over an erasure, (originally :
mimilonis?) Nunilonis U. R. Milonis. Ado (Add.).
Oct. 23. 1. ii. Elflede apparently St. Elflede, abbess of Romsey,
noticed also on Oct. 29 Add.
Oct. 24. 1. i. In napules at venyse. In venisia ciuitate apulie A.
In Vesusia civitate Apuliae U. Venosa.
Add. Li. In englonde the feest of saynt Maglour. Cf. Vita de
sancti Maglorii secundi episcopi Dolensis in Britannia minori.
(Surius, De Vitis Sanctorum^ Venetiis 1581, torn. v. fo. 330.)
Oct. 25. 1. 19. y feest of saynt lohn beuerlake. translacib. A.
Oct. 27.1. 3. Aristea. Cristine A. (over an erasure). Cristetae U.
Oct. 28.1. 9. Pharao. pharaonis A. (over an erasure). Faronis U.
Oct. 29. Add. 1 i. Elflede. Cf. Oct. 23. 1. TI.
Oct. 30. 1. 2. xxx martyrs, viginti A. U.
1. 3. Agricolane. agricolao A. Agricolano. U.
Oct. 31. 1. 7. vermendens. viromandensi. A. (over an erasure). Vir-
mandensi. U.
232 NOTES.
Nov. 2. 1. 2. Pitabion. pitabionensis. A. Ado. U. Pictauiensis R.
The reading of the Roman Marty rology appears to be a conjectu-
ral attempt to explain a name which cannot be identified with
1. TO. At laudice. apud laodiciam A. "U.
1. 10. Theodour. theodoti A. U. R.
Add. 1. 1 6. Malachy. Cf. Nov. 5. 1. 7.
Nov. 3. 1. 3. Sesary. cesarii A. U.
1. 8. Hukbert. huberti A. (over an erasure) Huberti U-Auct.
1. 9. carboyle. carboilum A. Corboilum TJ-Auct.
1. 9. Gwenady. guenadi A. Guinardi. Guinaldi. U-Auct.
Nov. 4. 1. 5. vilcasyne. vulcasino A. Vilcasino U.
1. 7. Brinstane. St. Birstan, bishop of Winchester, d. 934.
Add. 1. 2. orchester. Orchestria N.L.A.
It is not easy to identify Orchester. The suggested substitution
of Rochester is a mere guess.
Nov. 5. 1. 7. saynt Malachy, archbishop of Armagh, died at Clairvaux,
on the nones of November (Cat. Sanct. x, 27), but according to
some on Nov. 2, on which day he is noticed in the Addicyons of
R. Whytford.
Nov. 6. 1. 6. In fryselonde. In frigia A. U.
1. 6. Actike. attici A. U.
Nov. 7. 1. 6. At abbiens. apud albigensem urbem. A. (altered from
abbigensem). U.
Nov. 8. 1. 2. A. adds in a later hand simphoriani. castorii. et simp-
licii. which are also in U.
1. 6. Capafore. Carpofori A. U. Carpophori R.
Nov. 9. 1. 10. saynt Theodour bysshop of lyons. The last three words
have no counterpart in A. or U.
Nov. 10. 1. 10. sajt lust archebysshop of Yorke. dorobernensis archiepis-
copi A. The translator has failed to recognize Canterbury
under the form Dorobernia, and has apparently confused Dorc-
bernensis with Eboracensis. Cf. Notes, Feb. 2.
Nov. ii. 1. 4. In fryselonde at sythe. In scithia metropoli frigie salu-
tarie. A. U. Cotysei in Phrygia. R.
Nov. 12. 1 4. At agryppe. Ciuitate agrippinensi. A. Coloniae R.
1. 5. Cubert. cumberti A. Cuniberti U. R.
1. 6. Aty e casteil of mehdune. In oppido Milleduno U. Melunon
the Seine.
1. 7. Leo a cofessour. alias Leonius, as in the metrical Marty rology
of Wandalbertus :
'" Leonium Sequanae recolunt quoque littora sanctum."
(D'Achery, Spicilegium, 1723, torn, ii, p. 55.)
NOTES. 233
Add. 1. 2. of Salomon and of his sone Jeroboam. The compiler of
the Addicyons is responsible for this relationship. The account
of Ahijah (Ahias) is probably taken from Cat. Sanct. x. 51,
where, however, we find : hieroboam seruus salomonis.
Nov. 13. 1. 3. Demetry. demetrii A. Mitrii. Ado U. R.
Nov. 14. Add. 1. 8. one of the xiiij. petitioners. This expression is not
found in Cat. Sanct. x. 61, from which the rest of the account of
St. Veneranda is taken. It recalls the quatuordecim auxiliatores
of German hagiology, but St Veneranda is not found in the
enumeration of their names in Hortulus anime, Nurenberge, 1519,
fo. cvii. b.
Nov. 1 6. 1. 2. Ewthere. eucherii A. U.
Nov. 17. 1. 4. Acyldy. aciseli A. (over an erasure). Aciscli. U. Cf.
"Corduba Acisclum dabit," Prudentius Peristephanon, Hymn,
iv. 19.
1. 9. Gergery for Gregory.
Add. 1. i. In yrelond the feest of saynt Hylde. In Anglia, sanctse
Hildas abbatissae, quam omnes qui noverant, ut Beda testatur
libro iv, ob insigne pietatis et gratise, matrem vocare consueverant.
U-Auct. St. Hilda of Whitby is commemorated on this day
in the Calendar of the Westminster Missal and in a Durham
Calendar [Br. Mus. Harl. MS. 1804], but in the York Calendars
on Aug. 25.
Nov. 1 8. 1. ii. of whome was redde yesterday e. A. om.
Add. 1. 4. Gelagy for Gelasy (Gelasius I).
Add. 1. 9. At lucane y e feest of saynt Phridiane. Lucas in Tuscia
translatio sancti Frigdiani episcopi et confessoris. R. This is the
Irish St. Finnian, known in Lucca as San Frediano.
Add. 1. ii. the flode that was lyke to have drowned the cite. The
subject of San Frediano turning the course of the river Serchio
has been painted by Filippo Lippi and other Italian artists. See
illustrations in Miss Stokes' Six months in the Apennines, 1892,
pp. 41, 80.
Nov. 19. 1. 4. Pociane. Ponciani A.
1. 5. At agens. Ciuitate astiagensi. A. U. Astiagis, now Ecija in
ib. Crispyne. Cipriani A. Crispini U. The Latin text (A.) is
here in error. The translator must have had before him a text
with the usual reading Crispini. St. Crispin is said to have been
the first bishop of Ecija..
Add. 1. i. Elizabeth already mentioned in the previous line.
Nov. 20. 1. 7. Syluere. siluestri. A. U. R.
1. 10. Salutary, solutoris. A. U. R.
Nov. 22. 1. 4. Marke. marri aurelii A.
1. 8. Pragmas, pragmacii A. Pragmatii U.
234 NOTES.
Nov. 23. 1. 7. In the fraunchest of hyspane. In pago haspanio A.
Hasbanio U.
Nov. 25. 1. 4. ley fee a misprint for ley tee.
Nov. 26. 1. 3. in vaticanes street, in vaticano A. U.
Nov. 28. 1. 2. Sostones. sostenis A. (over an erasure) sostenes H. U.
Sosthenis R.
Nov. 30. 1. 6. Trophiane. traiani A. troiani H. U. R.
Dec. i. 1. 4. Numerary. numerario A. Numeriano U.
Dec. 4. It is strange that a Martiloge claiming be " after the vse of the
chirche of Salisbury :; should omit St. Osmund. A. adds in a
later hand : Item in anglia. deposicio sancti osmundi episcopi
On July 1 6 the Translation of St. Osmund has been similarly omitted
in the Martiloge, although a later hand has added it to A.
Dec. 5. 1. 6. Niceny. nicecii A. H. U.
Add. 1. 6. saynt lustiniane a bysshop J martyr. The story agrees
in most particulars with that of St. Justinian, hermit of Ramsey
Island, near St. Davids.
Dec. 6. 1. 9. Cercy. tercii A. H. U.
Dec. 7. 1. 3. The translator has here somewhat departed from his
original : Qui cum militaris esset. et prohiberet quosdam volentes
illudere mortuis cadaueribus martirum. A.
1. 7. In the fraunchest of meldinens. In pago meldicensi. A. H. U.
Dec. 8. 1. 8. In thefrauchestofdymens in territorio dunensi. A. (H. om.).
Diviniensi. U-Auct. Dijon.
Dec. 9. 1. 2. by Decius the presy dent of spayne. a prefecto hispaniarum
daciano. A. U.
Dec. 10. 1. i. At hyspolitane the feest of saynt Capofory
Apud ciuitatem hispolhanam : sanctorum martirum carpofori
presbiteri. et habundii diaconi. A. U.
Dec. ii. 1. 4. Atbeame. Ciuitate ambianis A. H. U. Amiens.
1. 5. Fustinian. fustiani A. fusciani H. U.
1. 6. iuce of herbes with vynegre *t peper blowen in to theyr eares and
nosethrylles. In horurn naribus et auribus iussit index tarincas
inmitti. A. " Tarincae, Sudes ferreae." (Du Cange, Glossarium
Media et Infimae Latinitatis.)
Dec. 12. 1. 6. The translator has omitted In alexandria : sanctorum
martyrum epimachi et alexandri. A. U.
Add. 1. i. Ewstrace. eustratius. Cat. Sanct. i, 61.
1. 3. satale. satalia. Cat. Sanct. I. c.
\. 6. auare. civitas auraricenorum. Cat. Sanct. 1. <;*
1. ii. Fynany. Finnani. Aberd.
NOTES. ,235
Dec. 14. 1. 5. vnto exyle. per metalla A. U.
Dec. 15. 1. 8. Maximyne. maximi A. H. maximini U.
Dec. 1 6. 1. 10. Vanaly. naualis A. H. R.
Dec. 1 8. 1. 6. Canciane. graciani A. H. Gatiani U. R.
Add. 1. 3. he ordeyned a feest of her to be kept in his chirche before
Chrystmas. Reference is here made to Expectatio Beatae Mariae,
observed in Spain, Dec. 18. Cf. Cat. Sanct. i, 76.
Dec. 20. 1. 2. lugeny. ingenii A. H. U.
1. 3. Theophyly. theophoti A. theophili H. U.
1. 5. In trace at gelduba. In tracia ciuitate gelduba. A. U. Du
Saussay (Mart. Gall, ii, p. 1204) and others consider that Usuard
has wrongly placed Gelduba in Thrace, and identify it with
Geldub on the Rhine below Coin.
Dec. 21. 1. 5. The feest also of saynt Ewyne a quene. Ipso die sancte
eluine regine. A. (H. omits). On May i8th, Eluina (' Elene ')
appears to represent St. Elgiva of Shaftesbury.
1. 6. In englonde within the frauchest of oxfordj at betony the
deposicyon af saynt Berenwald preest 7 martyr. In britannia
territorio oxoniensi vico bentone : deposicio sancti berenwaldi
presbiteri et martiris. A. (H. omits). In Leland's Collectanea
(Hearne's Ed. 1770) vol. Ill, p. 408, there is an extract " E.
libello de Locis, quibus S. in Anglia requiescunt," in the course
of which we find " S. Brenwaldus apud Bamptonam." Betony
(Bentona) may therefore be probably identified with Bampton,
Oxon. Nothing further seems to be known of Berenwald. For
the reference to Leland we are indebted to Mr. James Parker of
Dec. 22. 1. 2. xx. triginta A. U.
1. 4. Chiridon. chiridionis A. Ischyrionis Ado. Chaeremonis R.
1. 7. H. has : ciuitate hostia sanctorum demetrii honorati et flori.
Ciuitate antiochia sancti basilii.
1. 8. Dew trey, demetrii A. H. U.
1. 9. Theosie. theodosie A. (H. omits). U-Auct.
Dec. 23. 1. 13. after martyrs A. adds in a later hand : Parisius
dedicacio basilice in honore sancte crucis et sancti vincencii.
1. 13. The deposicyon also of saynt Gyldebert a kynge. et deposicio
domini childeberti regis A.
Dec. 24. 1. 3. in the persecucyon of the emperour Daciane. sub deciana
persecucione A.
1. 6. Diocletian, diocliciani et maximiani. A. U.
1. 7. specyally in his knees with botkyns. cardis ferreis in genibus
percussus. A.
Dec. 25. 1. 8. a notable date amonge the iewes called olympiades. The
attempt of the translator to explain the word olympiad is rather
236 NOTES.
Dec. 28. At end A. adds in a later hand In affrica : sanctorum victoris.
castoris. et rogaciani,
Dec. 29. 1. 3. Trophyne. trophimi A. U.
1. 7. In the fraiichest of oxforde. In pago oximensi A. (over
an erasure) U. oxiniensi H. Oximum or Oximae, now Exmes
in Normandy, the district round which is known as L'Exmesin.
It is strange to find the passion of St. Thomas of Canterbury
omitted from a Martiloge which claims to be " after the vse of
the chirche of Salysbury " and relegated to the Addicyons. The
omission was probably accidental, for the octave of the festival is
given in the usual place on Jan. 5. In A. the entry was care-
fully scraped out in the time of Henry VIII, but was reinserted
apparently in the time of Queen Mary. It now runs : Cantuarie
passio sancti thome archiepiscopi et martiris. Qui ob defensionem
libertatis ecclesiastice in cathedrali ecclesia gladio percussus
migrauit ad christum.
In H. there is a long eulogy of St. Thomas, which has escaped
mutilation, although in the same book the ^NQ^ papa has always
been carefully erased. The account is as follows :
Item inbritannia ciuitate cantuariensi/ passio beati thome archi-
episcopi. qui cum pro libertate ecclesie dei fideliter decertaret/
diutinum exilium in cilicio uigiliis et ieiuniis deuota mente
sustinuit. Postmodum paciendi desiderio et amore ouium ad
sedem propriam rediens non multum post quattuor militum
armatorum temulenta inuasione cum fratres vespertinos ymnos
psallerent/ ceruicis et corone diminucione et cerebro cum ense
extracto. hostiam deo in ecclesia placentem obtulit. signis et
uirtutibus clarus. (Cf. Appendix, p. 291.)
Dec. 30. 1. 5. many varyaut Y cruell turmentes. This is a condensed
account of details given in A.
Add 1. i. Ewgyne, Egwin, bishop of Worcester, d. 717.
Add 1. 6. bysshop of canens. episcopus cannensis, que ciuitas est
apulie (Cat. Sanct. ii. 20).
Dec. 31. 1. 7. Colubyne. columbe A. (corrected from columbine).
H. U.
%* In cases where the saints-names as given by Whytford are incorrectly or unusually
written, it has been thought desirable to give cross-references to the more ordinary forms
as they appear in the index to the " Vetus Romanum Marlyrologium a Baronio
desideratum" This, together with the Martyrology and Festivals of Ado bishop of
Vienne, was provided with an index by Heribert Rosweyd, S.J., of Utrecht in the
folio Martyrologium Romanum which issued from the Plantin press at Antwerp in 1613.
Aureola. C. = Confessor.
M., MM., = martyr, martyres.
Conditio. Ap. = Apostolus.
Pr. = Presbyter.
Conditio. R. = Rex aut Regina.
V. = Virgo.
Diac. = diaconus.
Ep. = Episcopus.
Add. = Whytford's ' Addicyons ' ; al. = alias ; v. = vide.
Aaron, sacerdos ordinis Levitici, [C.], in
Monte Hor, I Jul.
Aaron, cum S. Albano, in Brit, I Jul.
Abacuc, nobilis, M. Romse, 20 Jan.
Abacuc, v. Habacuc.
Abbane (vocatus 'Kyryne'), 16 Mar.
Abbany, films regis Hibernise, 27 Oct.
Abbas quidam in monasterio S. Petri Prse-
nestinensis, 19 Jul. Add.
Abdella, senex M., in Perside, 21 Apr.
Abdias, Ep. C., Babylonioe, 28 Oct. Add.
Abdias, propheta, 24 Dec. Add.
Abdon, judex, i Sep. Add.
Abdon, subregulus M. Romse, 30 Jul.
Abel, 23 Jan. Add.
Abesan, judex, i Sep. Add.
Abgarus, R. C.. Edessse, 20 Jun. Add.
Abibon, ejus Inventio, Hierosol, 3 Aug.
Abilius, Ep. , Alexandria?, 22 Feb.
Abraham, patriarcha, pater omnium cre-
dentium, 9 Oct.
Abraham, 5 Feb. Add.
Absolon, M. (al. C.) Caesareoe in Cappa-
docia, 2 Mar.
Abundance, Alexandrine, 27 Feb.
Abundius (' Habund '), M. Romse, 26 Aug.
Abundius, Diac. M., Spoleti ('at Hyspoli-
tane ')> 10 Dec.
Abundus, v. Habundus. 8 Jun.
Acacius, miles, Alexandria, 22 Jun. Add.
Acatius ('Acute'), M., Puteolis, 19 Sep.
Acepsimas, Ep. M., in Perside, 22 Apr.
Achaicus, Thessalonicae, 30 Mar.
Achias, propheta, 12 Nov. Add.
Achilleas, Ep., Alexandrise, 7 Nov.
Achilleus, diac. M., Valentiae in Galliis,
23 Apr.
Achilleus, eunuchus M. Romse, 12 Mai.
Achilleus (' Akchyl '), v. Archilaus, in
Portu Romano, 23 Aug.
Acisclus (' Acyldy'), M., Cordubse, 17
Nov. (' Acisolenus ' app. in Adonis
Martyrol., 18 Nov.), al. Ascisclus.
Acontius, Romse, 21 Jul. Add.
Actike, in Fryselond, v. Atticus.
Acute, v. Acatius.
Acyldy, v. Acisclus.
Adam (secundum quosdam), 23 Jan. Add.
Adaucte, 16 Feb. Add.
Adauctus, M. Romae, 30 Aug.
Adelbert, v. Ethelbertus, R.C., 24 Feb.
Adelbertus, R.M., in Brit, 20 Mai.
Adelbertus, Ep. Pragensis, M. in Prusia
(' at Bruce '), 23 Apr. ; item 25 Apr. Add.
Adelwoldus, Ep. C., in Anglia, 10 Sep.
Adelwoldus, eius Translatio, Wintonise,
I Aug.
Adiute, Abbas, 27 Jan. Add.
Adjutus, v. Avitus, Ep. C.
Adrian, M., 4 Mar. Add.
Adrianus, Cantuar. abbas, 9 Jan. Add.
Adrianus I, papa, 8 Sep. Add.
Adrianus, M. v. Hadrianus.
Adrianus, C., 13 Oct.
Adulph, v. Odulphus.
Adulphus, M., Cordubse, 27 Sep.
Adventor, miles Thebanae legionis, M.
Taurini, 20 Nov.
Adventus Saluatoris nostri J.C. 30 Nov.
Aegidius, abbas C., Athenis, al. in prov.
Narbonensi, I Sep.
Aemilianus, M., in Armenia minore, 8 Feb.
Aemiiianus, C., Dorostori, 18 Jul.
Aemilianus ('Emilian'), miles M., Cirthae
in Numidia, 29 Apr.
Aemilianus, Diaconus, M., Cordubae, 17
Aemilianus (' Melan '), C. apud Rhedones,
ii Oct.
Aemilianus, Pr. C., Turiasone in Hispania
Tarraconensi, 12 Nov.
Aemilianus, medicus C., in Africa, 6 Dec.
Aemilius, M., in Africa, 22 Mai.
Aemilius, M., in Sardinia, 28 Mai.
Aemilius, M., Capuae, 6 Oct.
Aetherius ('Ewthery'), Ep. C., Antisi-
odori, 27 Jul.
Afra, M. Augustse Vindelicorum in
Rhaetia, 5 Aug. (9 Oct. append, in
Adon. )
Affrodose, v. Aphrodisius, M.
Affrodose, v. Epaphroditus, Ep. C. , 'at
Septimane in Bytern,' 22 Mar.
Agabite, 20 Mai. Add.
Agabus, proph. apud Antiochiam, 13 Feb.
Agapa, M., 5 Aug. Add.
Agapes, V. M., Interamnse, 15 Feb.
Agapes, V.M., Thessalonicae, 3 Apr.
Agapitus, Ep., Synnadae in Phrygia, 24
Agapitus, diac. M. Romae, Aug.
Agapitus, M. Praeneste, 18 Aug.
Agapitus, I., papa, 22 Apr. Add.
Agapitus, consul, M., 26 Mai. Add.
Agapitus, nobilis, M, 26 Mai. Add.
Agapitus, papa, M., Romae, 20 Sep. Add.
Agapius, M., 28 Apr.
Agapius, films S. Eustachii, M., Romae,
2 Nov.
Agapius ('Agapite'), Ep. M., Cirthae in
Numidia, 29 Apr.
Agapy, Ep., 21 Jan. Add.
Agatha (' Agas '), Y. M., Catanae in Sicilia,
5 Feb.
Agathe, cum Gorgonio et Firmo, M., 10
Agatho, exorcistaM., Alexandriae, 14 Feb.
Agatbo, miles M., Alexandriae, 7 Dec.
Agathon, abbas, 7 Dec. Add.
Agathonica, M., apud Pergamum Asiae, 13
Aggaeus, M., Bononiae, 4 Jan.
Aggaeus, propheta, 4 Jul. Add.
Agily, C. in pago Meldensi, 30 Aug.
Agilbertus (' Gylbert'), M., in territorio
Parisiensi, 24 Jan.
Agnellus, abbas, 14 Dec. Add.
Agnes, V. M. Romae, 21 Jan.
Agnes, 2do. Romae, 28 Jan.
Agyl, v. Augulus.
Agoardus, M., Parisiis, 24 Jun.
Agricola, M. Bononice in Italia, 27 Nov.
Agricola, cum Valentino et Navali, M.,
Ravennse, 16 Dec.
Agricola, M.,4 Nov. Add.
Agryke, abbas, II Apr. Add.
Agryppe, cognomine Castor, 12 Apr. Add.
Agyly, abbas, I Sep. Add.
Aidanus, Ep. Lindisfarn., C., Glastoniae
in Brit., 31 Aug.
Akchyl, v. Archelaus.
Akke (Acca), Ep., 20 Oct. Add.
Albina, M., Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Albanus, miles M., Verolami in Britannia,
22 Jun.
Albanus, eius Inventio, 2 Aug.
Albanus, M., Maguntiae, I Dec.
Albanus, Ep. M., 21 Jun. Add.
Albey, Ep. C. 12 Sep. Add.
Albinus, C. ii Jun. Add.
Albinus, Ep. C., Andegavi, I Mar.
Alborowe, v. ' Ethelburga ' V.
Albucinus, Ep. 5 Feb. Add.
Alcippiade, M. 25 Jan. Add.
Alcyndyne, M. in Perside, 2 Nov. Add.
Aldegunda, V., in Malbodio Hannonire
monasterio, 30, al. 31 Jan. ; item 13 Nov.
Aldegunde, 20 Mar. Add.
Aldelmus, Ep. in Brit., 25 Mai.
Alexander, M. in Cypro, 9 Feb.
Alexander, Ep., Alexandriae, 26 Feb.
Alexander, M. Apamiae, 10 Mar.
Alexander, Ep. M., Caesareae, 18 Mar.
Alexander, M. in Pannonia, 27 Mar.
Alexander, M. apud Caesaream Paiestinae,
28 Mar.
Alexander, M. Lugduni in Gallia, 24 Apr.
Alexander I, papa M., Romae, 3 Mai.
Alexander, M. in Anaunia, 29 Mai.
Alexander, M., Novioduni in Galliis, 6
Alexander, films S. Felicitatis, M. Romas,
10 Jul.
Alexander, miles M., Massilise in Gallis, 21
Alexander, miles M. dux legionis The-
baeorum, Bergomi, 26 Aug.
Alexander (papa), Ep. C. Constantinopoli,
28 Aug.
Alexander, in Sabinis, 9 Sep.
Alexander, Ep. M., via Claudia, xx
miliario, 21 Sep.
Alexander, .,17 Oct.
Alexander, C. in territorio Belvacensi, 18
Alexander, miles M., n Mar. Add.
Alexander, M., Alexandria?, 12 Dec. Add.
Alexius, C., Romas, 17 Jul.
AlkunHe, Ep. C., 7 Sept. Add.
Almachius, miles M., 14 Mai. Add.
Almachius, M. Romas, I Jan.
Alodia, soror Munilonis, V.M., Oscse in
Hispania, 22 Oct.
Alpadia, V., 3 Nov. Add.
Alphege, Archiep. M., 28 Dec. Add.
Alphege, v. Elphegus, Ep.
Alpinianus (' Alpymany '), Pr., Lemovicis,
30 Jun.
Alrede, abbas, 12 Jan. Add.
Amalberga, V. 10 Jul. Add.
Amandale, M., v. Mandalis.
Amandus, Ep. Trajectensis, C., 6 Feb.
Amandus, eius Commem. . 26 Oct.
Amantius, M. Novioduni in Galliis, 6
Amantius, M. Romas, 10 Feb.
Amantius, M. Romas, 10 Jun.
Amantius, Ep. C. (apud Ruthenos), in
Gallia, 4 Nov.
Amantius, Ep. C.
Amarantus, M. in Albigensi civitate, 7
Amaryne, v. Marinus, M.
Amata, V.. 13 Mar. Add.
Amator, Ep. C., Augustoduni, 26 Nov.
Amator, Ep. C., Antisiodori, I Mai.
Amatus, Pr. , Abbas monasterii S. Romeri-
ci, 13 Sep.
Ambrose, 17 Mar. Add.
Ambrosius, Ep. C., eius Depositio, Me-
diolani, 4 Apr.
Ambrosius, eius Ordinatio, Mediolani, 7
Ambrosius, abb. Agaunensis, 2 Nov.
Ambrosius, Ep. Caturicensis, in territorio
Bituricensi, 16 Oct.
Ambrosius, C, 16 Oct. Add.
Amelie (seu Amilion), miles M., 4 Oct.
Amyke (seu Amyas), 4 Oct. Add.
Ammon, M. Alexandria?, 8 Sep.
Ammon, miles, M. Alexandrian, 20 Dec.
Ammonaria, V.M. Alexandrise, 12 Dec.
Ammonaria altera, M., Alexandria, 12
Ammonius, miles lector, M. in Ponto, 18
Ammonius, infans, Alexandrias, 12 Feb.
Ammonius, M., in Cypro, 9 Feb.
Ammonius, frater Dionysii, M. , Alexandrise,
14 Feb.
Ammonius, lector apud Pentapolim Libyas,
26 Mar.
Ammonius, C., TO Sep.
Ammonius, M. Alexandria?, 26 Nov.
Ammonius (' Amony '), 4 Mai. Add.
Amony, abbas, 31 Mar. Add.
Amos, propheta, 31 Mar.
Amos, abbas, 31 Mar. Add.
Amos in Egypto, 29 Nov. Add.
Ampelius ('Apely'), M., 12 Feb.
Ampelus, Messanias in Sicilia, 20 Nov.
Amphianus, Cassareas in Lycia, 5 Apr.
Amphibalus, M., cum S. Albano, 25 Jun.
Amphilacius, Ep., Iconii, 23 Dec. Add.
Amyke, Lugduni, 14 Jul.
Anacharius ('Annary'), Ep. C, Antisio-
dori, 25 Sep.
Anacletus (' Clete ')> papa, M., Romse,
26 Apr.
Anaclete, papa, 12 Jul. Add.
Ananias, Damasci, 25 Jan.
Ananias, senex M., in Perside, 21 Apr.
Ananias, cum Azaria, &c., 16 Dec.
Anastasia, V. M., 25 Dec.
Anastasius, M., Antiochias, 9 Jan.
Anastasius, monach. M. 22 Jan.
Anastasius, papa, Romas, 27 Apr.
Anastasius, miles, M., 29 Jun.
Anastasius, M., Salonas, 21 Aug.
Anastace, abbas, 22 Jan. Add.
Anatolia, V. M. , 9 Jul.
Anatolius, Ep., Laodiceas, in Syria, 3 Jul.
Ancare, 27 Apr. Add.
Anceias (' Aucy '), R. M., Romas, 24 Tun.
Anchymy, v. Anthimus.
Andeolus, subdiac, M., in Galliis, territ.
Vivariensi, I Mai.
Andochius, pr. M. Augustoduni, 24 Sep.
Andoke, Pr. M., 17 Jan. Add.
Andreas, M., Lampsaci, 15 Mai.
Andreas, cum Magno, M., 19 Aug.
Andreas, Ap. M., 30 Nov.
Andreas, eius Vigilia, 29 Nov.
Andreas, eiusdem Octava, 7 Dec.
Andreas, eius Translatio, Constantinopoli,
9 Mai.
Andreas, in deserto Egypti, 1 1 Jun. Add.
Andronicus, M., Tarsi in Cilicia, n Oct.
Anepothiste, M., in Perside, 2 Nov. Add.
Anesye, M., in Africa, 31 Mar.
Anianus, diaconus (M.) Antiochiae, loNov.
Anianus, Ep. C., Aurelianis, 17 Nov.
Anianus, discip. S. Marci, Ep., 4 Oct.
Animarum, Omnium Fidelium Defunct-
orum Commemoratio, 2 Nov.
Anicetus, papa M., Romae, 16, al. 17 Apr.
Anna, mater B. , Marise, 26 Jul.
Anna, prophetissa, Hierosolymis, I Sep.
Anna, mater Cyriaci, 4 Mai. Add.
Annaris, v. Anacharius.
Annuntiatio beatissmse V. Mariae, 25 Mar.
Anolinus, M., 24 Mai. Add.
Ansanus, M., I Dec. Add.
Anselmus ('Ancelme') Archiep., eius
Depositio, 21 Apr. Cf. 18 Mar. Add.
Anselmus, natus in Anglia, 5 Jul. Add.
Anselmus, natus in Burgundia, 5 Jul. Add.
Anteros ('Anthery'), papa M., Romae, 3
Anthia, mater Eleutherii, apud Messanam
Apuliae, 1 8 Apr.
Anthimus, Ep. M., Nicomediae, 27 Apr.
Anthimus, presb. M., Romae, n Mai.
Anthimus, M., Aegaeae, 27 Sep.
Anthinodour, 12 Feb. Add.
Antidy, Ep M., Turonis. 3 Sep. Add.
Antidy, Ep. M., 23 Mai. Add
Antholianus, M., Arvernis in Gallia, 6 F-b.
Antinogenus (' Antiogene ')> M., Emeritae
inHisp., 24 Jul.
Antiochus, Ep., Lugduni, 15 Oct.
Antipas, Pr. M., 20 Nov. Add.
Antonia, V. sacra, M., Cirthae inNumidia,
29 Apr.
Antonia, M.. Nicomedise, 4 Mai.
Antoninus, M., Romae, 26 Apr.
Antoninus, M., Apamise, 2 Sep.
Antoninus, carnifex, v. Antonius.
Antoninus, puer M., Capuse, 3 Sep.
Antoninus, C ?, M. ex legione Thebaeorum,
Placentiae, 30 Sep.
Antoninus, M. in Perside, 2 Nov. Add.
Antonius (' Antony ne'), Pr. M., Antiochiae,
9 Jan.
Antonius, M. Alexandrise, 14 Feb.
Antonius, monachus in Thebaide in
Aegypto, 17 Jan.
Antonius, monachus Lusitanus, Pr. C.,
Patavii, 13 Jim.
Antonius, carnifex M., Romae, 22 Aug.
Antonius, eremita, ejus Translatio, 13 Jun.
Antonius, M., 29 Jul. Add.
Antonius, monachus, 2 Oct. Add.
Antony, v. Antoninus, 2 Sep.
Anyte. v Avitus, Ep. C.
Apelles, 23 Feb. Add.
Apely, v. Ampelius.
Apostolorum octava, 6 Jul.
Aphrodisius, M., 28 Apr.
Aphrodisius (' Eufrose '), M. in Africa, 14
Apodemus, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., 15,
al. 1 6 Apr.
Apollinaris, M , in Africa, 21 Jun.
Apollinaris, Ep. M. Ravennae, 23 Jul.
Apollinaris, M., Rhemis, 23 Aug.
Apollinaris, Ep. Valentiae in Gallia, 5 Oct.
Apollinaris, Ep. C, 23 Jul. Add.
Apollinaris, in Syria, I Nov. Add.
Appolinus, abbas, C., 5 Mai. Add.
Apollonia (' Apolyne '), V. M., Alexandriae,
9 Fab.
Apollonius, abbas, 1 8 Apr. Add.
Apollonius, C., 18 Apr. Add.
Apollonius, M. , 29 Jul. Add.
Apollonius, diaconus, M. apud Arttinoum
in Aegypto, 8 Mar.
Apollonius, Ep. Nicomediae, 19 Mar.
Apollonius, apud Aegyptum, 5 Apr.
Apollonius. Pr. M., Alexand riae,, 10 Apr.
Apollonius, senator, M. Romae, 18 Apr.
Apollony, .,31 Jan. Add.
Apollyn, v. Apollonius, diac.
Apollyn, abbas, 5 Mai. Add.
Apolyne, v. Apollonia, V. M.
Appolyne, M,, in Egypto, 5 Jun. Add*
Appianus, M., Alexandriae, 30 Dec.
Aprilis, M. in Portu Romano, 22 Aug.
Apro[pi]nianus, commentariensis, M.
Romae, 2 Feb.
Aprus (' Apry >), Ep. C. , Tullensis, 15 Sep.
Apuleius, discip. Petri, M., Romae, 7 Oct*
Apy, C., 10 P'eb. Add.
Aquila, vxor Severiani, M., Neocaesareae
in Mauritania, 23 Jan.
Aquila, conjux Priscillae, 8 Jul.
Aquila, M., Philadelphiae in Arabia, I Aug*
Aquila, V. M., 24 Jul.
Aquilinus, M. in Africa, 4 Jan.
Aquilinus, M. Romae, 4 Feb.
Aquilinus, M., in Isauria, 15, al. 1 6 Mai.
Aquilinus, M. cum duobus aliis, Novioduni,
17 Mai.
Aquilinus, M. Carthagine, 17 Jul.
Aquilinus, Ep., 18 Jul.
Arabia, M. Nicaese, 13 Mar.
Arabiane, C., 10 Feb. Add.
Aram, 28 Jan. Add.
Arator, Pr. M., Alexandriae, 21 Apr.
Arcadius, nobilis M., Csesareae in Mauri-
tania, 12 Jan.
Arcadius, M. in Africa, 12, al. 13 Nov.
Archilaus ('Akchyl'), in Portu Romano,
23 Aug.
Archiloke, al. Archilawe, Ep., II Apr.
Archinimus, C. in Africa, 29 Mar.
Archippus, commilito S. Pauli in Asia, 20
Arconlius, M. Capuae, 5 Sep.
Aredius (< Arecly'), Pr. C., 26 Aug.
Aretas (' Arthy'), M. Romae, I Oct.
Argentarius, monachus, 4 Jul. Add.
Argeus, puer M., Tomis in Ponto, 2 Jan.
Arianus, praeses M., apud Antinoum in
Aegypto, 8 Mar.
Aristarchus, discip. S. Pauli, Ep., 4 Aug.
Aristea, v. Christ eta, M.
Aristeus, Ep. M., Capuse, 3 Sep.
Aristides, Athenis, 31 Aug.
Aristion, discip. Christi, 22 Feb. ; Salam-
inae in Cypro, 22 Feb.
Arist[ijon et alii, MM. in Campania, 2
Aristonicus, M., Militant in Armenia, 19
Armogastes, M., al. in Africa, 29 Mar.
Arnulphus, Ep. C., Metis, in Gallia, 18
Arnulphus, Ep. Metensis, 16 Aug.
Arphaxat, 28 Jan. Add.
Arsacius, v. Ursatius.
Arsenius, diac., 19 Jul.
Arsenius, M., Alexandria, 14 Dec.
Arteby, Ep., 15 Mar. Add.
Artemia, V. M., 16 Aug. Add.
Artemius, conjux Candidae, M., Romae,
6 Jun.
Aryld, V. M., Glocestrige in Anglia, 20
Jul. Add.
Ascensio Domini, 5 Mai.
Asclas ('Aside') M., apud Antinoum in
Aegypto, 23 Jan.
Asclepiades, Ep. M. , Antiochiae, 18 Oct.
Asterius ('Austere'), M., Aegaeae in
Cilicia, 23 Aug.
Asterius ('Astece'), senator, M., Caesareae
Palestinae, 3 Mar.
Asterius, Pr. M., Ostiae, 21 Oct.
Astroberta, 20 Oct.
Athanasius, Ep. C., Alexandriae, 2 Mai.
At[t]ala, abbas in monast. Luxoviensi, IO
Attalus, M., 4 Jun.
Attalus, nobilis, M., Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Atticus, in Phrygia, 6 Nov.
Atticus, monachus, 14 Dec.
Atyke, Ep. 13 Apr. Add.
Aucy, v. Anceias.
Auda, V., 1 8 Nov. Add.
Audactes, Pr. M., Venusiae in Apulia, 24
Audax, M. Tyrke, 9 Jul.
Audifax, Persa nobilis, M., Romae, 20 Jan.
Audoenus, Ep. C., Rotomagi, 24 Aug.
Audoenus, eius Translatio, 5 Mai.
Audomarus, Ep. C., in territorio Tarva-
nensi, 9 Sep.
Audre, j. Audrey, v. Etheldreda.
Aventynus, Ep. C., Trecis, 4 Feb.
Avens, v. Habentius.
Augulus ('Agyl'), Ep. M., Augustse in
Brit., 7 Feb.
Augend, v. Eugendus, abbas.
Augur[r]ius, diac. M. Tarraconae in Hisp.,
21 Jan.
Augustinus, M., Nicomediae, 7 Mai.
Augustinus, Ep. C., Anglorum Apostolus,
Cantuariae, in Brit., 26 Mai.
Augustinus, eius Translatio, 10 Sep.
Augustinus, Ep. C., in Africa, 28 Aug.
Augustini Translatio per Luithprandum,
ii Oct., 28 Feb. Add.
Augustus, M.,Nicomediae, 7 Mai.
Avitus, M., in Africa, 27 Jan.
Avitus ('Adiut'), Ep. C, Viennse, 5 Feb.
Avitus (' Anyte '), Pr. C., Aurelianis, 17
Aurea, V., Lutetiae Parisiorum, 4 Oct.
Aureus, M., Moguntiae, 16 Jun. Add.
Aurelianus, Ep. Arelatensis, eius Depositio
Lugduni, 16 Jun.
Aurelius, M., 27 Aug.
Aurelius,eius Reliquiarum receptio, Parisiis,
20 Oct.
Ausbertus, Ep. Rotomagensis, in monast.
Fontanella, 9 Feb.
Ausbertus, eius Translatio ad S. Petrum,
31 Mar.
Ausonia, M. , Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Ausonius, Ep. M., 22 Mai. Add.
Austere, v. Asterius.
Austregillus, Ep. C., Biturici, 2O Mai.
Austreberta, V., in pago Rotomagensi, 10
Austriclinianus (' Stratocliane ') Pr. Le-
movicis in Gallia, 30 Jun.
Austustyn, v, Augustinus, M. Nicomediae.
Autberbtus, Ep. C., Cameraci in Gallia,
13 Dec.
Auxentius, M., 12 Dec. Add.
Aycard, abbas, 15 Sept. Add.
Ayd, 28 Feb. Add.
Aymon, 9 Oct. Add.
Azarias, in Babilonia, 16 Dec.
Babylas, Ep. M. , Antiochiae, 24 Jan.
Bacchus, M., Sergiopoli, 7 Oct.
Bacchus ('Bache '), 14 Mai. Add.
Bacchyle, Ep., 14 Apr. Add.
Balbina, filia S. Quirini, V. M., Romae, 31
Baldomerus, vir Dei, Lugduni, 27 Feb.
Balthazar, 6 Jan. Add.
Barala, al. Barula, puerulus M., cum S.
Romano, Antiochiae, 18 Nov.
Barbara, V. M. in Tuscia, Maximiniano
Imp., 16 Dec.
Barbara, V. M. in Tuscia, al. Nicomedise,
4 Dec.
Barbarian, C., 2 Jan.
Barbarius, M., 14 Mai. Add.
Barbatianus, Pr. C., 31 Dec. Add.
Barbens, 20 Nov. Add.
Barnabas, Ap. , in Cypro, 1 1 Jun.
Barry, Ep. in Hibernia, 25 Sep. Add.
Bartholomseus, Ap. M., in India, 24
Bartholomseus, eius Vigilia, 23 Aug.
Bartholomseus, monachus in Anglia, 24
Jun. Add.
Baruc, propheta, I Mai. Add.
Basileus, M., Romse, 2 Mart.
Basileus, Ep. [M.] Antiochise, 22 Dec.
Basilides, M., Romse, 10 Jun.
Basilides, miles M., Mediolani, 12 Jun.
Basilissa, abbatissa, uxor Juliani [V.] M.,
Antiochise, 9 Jan.
Basilius, eius Depositio, I Jan.
Basilius, Ep.,Csesarese Cappad., eiusOrdin-
atio, 14 Jun.
Basilius, Ep. M., in Hispania, 23 Mai.
Basilla, V. M., Romse, 20 Mai.
Basilla, Romse, n Jun.
Basolus, C. in territorio Rhemensi, 15 Oct.
Basolus, C., 26 Nov. Add.
Bassa, uxor Claudiani, cum Victore incar-
cerata, C., Nicomedise, 6 Mar.
Bassianus, lector. M., Alexandrise, 14 Feb.
Bassianus, Ep., 19 Jan. Add.
Bassus, M., Alexandrise, 14 Feb.
Bassus, Ep., M., Nicsese, 5 Dec. Add.
Batyldis, regina, in territ. Parisiensi, 30
Baudelius, M. , Nemausi in Gallia, 20 Mai.
Bavo, C., Gandavi, I Oct.
Beata, V., 29 Jun. Add.
Beatrix, M., soror Faustini, M., Romse,
29 Jul.
Beda, Pr., Doctor Venerabilis, C. in Brit.
26, al. 27 Mai.
Bemonus (/i.e. Benignus, ut in. Add.),
eius Translatio, Glastonise in Anglia,
27 Jun.
Bene, abbas, 5 Apr. Add.
Benedicta, religiosa femina, M., Romse, 4
Benedicta, V. in territorio Senonensi, 29
Benedicta, V. M., Lugduni, 8 Oct.
Benedictus, abbas in Monte Cassino, 21
Benedictus, eius Translatio, in monasterio
Floriacensi, 14 Jul.
Benedictus, C. in pago Pictaviensi, 23
Benedictus, papa, Romse, 7 Mai.
Benedictus, Ep., 12 Jan. Add.
Benedictus (' Benet '), papa, 21 Mar. Add.
Benedictus, monachus, 21 Mar. Add.
Benedictus, monachus, 20 Jun. Add.
Benjamin, 25 Feb. Add.
Benigne, Pr. M., 17 Jan. Add.
Benignus, M., Tomis in Scythia, 3 Apr.
Benignus, Pr. M., in Divione Castro, I
Benignus, M., 6 Jun. Add.
Benignus, C., 27 Jun. Add.
Bercarus, abbas, 16 Oct. Add.
Berkarus, abbas, M., I Sep. Add.
Berenwaldus, Pr. M., in territorio Ox-
oniensi in Anglia, 21 Dec.
Bernardus, C. abbas Clarevallensis, 20
Bernardus, eius Translatio, 17 Mai.
Berno, abbas, 22 Mar. Add.
Bernake, 7 Apr. Add.
Bernardinus. 20 Mai. Add.
Beronicus, M., Antiochise in Syria, 19 Oct.
Bertinus, abbas, C., in pago Tarvanensi,
5 Sep.
Bertinus, C., eius depositio, 9 Mai.
Bessia, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul.
Bet[h]urius, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul.
Bibiana ('Vivyane'), M., Romae, 2 Dec.
Bibianus ('Julian'), Ep. C., apud San-
tonas, 28 Aug.
Bicor ('Bitro'), Ep. M., in Perside, 22
Birgitta, eius Depositio, Romse, 23 Jul.
Birgitta, eius Translatio in Sueciam, 28
Birgitta, eius Canonizatio, 7 Oct.
Birinus, primus Ep. Dorcestriensis, C.,
Wintonise in Anglia, 3 Dec.
Birinus, eius festuni aliud, 4 Sep.
Birnstauus (' Brinstane ') Ep. Winton- in
Anglia, 4 Nov.
Blandina, M., Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Blasius, Ep. M., apud Sebasten in Ar-
menia, 3 Feb.
Boetius, al. Severinus, 27 Mai. Add.
Boetius, Ep., C., in Hibernia, 7 Dec. Add.
Bolke, 20 Feb. Add.
Bona (' Boue'), V. Rhemis, 24 Apr. Add.
Bona, al. Cordimunda, V., 12 Sep. Add.
Bonifacius, M., apud Tarsum, 5 Jun. ;
(sepultus Romse) 14 Mai.
Bonifacius, natione anglus, Ep. M., in
Frisia, 5 J un -
Bonifacius, diac. M., in Africa, 17 Aug.
Bonifacius, C. , in Africa, 6 Dec.
Bonifacius, diac., 23 Mar. Add.
Bonifacius, I., papa, 13 Mai. Add.
Bonifacius, IV., papa, 13 Mai. Add.
Bonifacius. Ep., 14 Mai. Add.
Bonifacius, Ep. Carthag., 5 Jun. Add.
Bonitus, Ep. C., Avernis in Gallia,
Bonosa, M., in Portu Romano, 15 Jul.
Bonosus, M., 21 Aug.
Bonus, Pr. M., Romas, I Aug.
Botuphus, abbas, in Britannia, 17 Jun.
Boue, v. Bona.
Brandanus, 14 Jun. Add.
Brandanus, abbas in Scotia (/i.e. 'in
Yrelond '), 16 Mai.
Branwallatour, Ep. C., eius translatio, 19
Braulius, Ep., Cassaraugustanus, 12 Nov.
Brictius ('Brythe'), Ep. C., Martulse,
('marcull '), 9 Jul.
Bri[c]tius, Ep. C. , Turonis, 13 Nov.
Brigida (' Bryde '), V., in Scotia, I Feb.
Brigwyne, Archiep. Cantuar., in Brit., 26
Aug. Add.
Brinstane v. Birnstanus.
Brithyne, abbas Beverlaci, in Brit., 15
Mai. Add.
Brydhestane (h.e. Frithstanus), Ep. C.,
10 Sep.
Bythe, v. Brictius.
Byryne, v. Birinus, Ep. C.
Cascilia, V. M. , Romas, 22 Nov.
Csecilianus, M.,Cassaraugustasin Hisp., 15,
ul. 1 6 Apr.
Cascilius, C., in Hispania, 15 Mai.
Casrealis, miles M., Romas, 14 Sep.
Cassarius, Ep. C., Arelate in Galliis, 27
Csesarius, diac. M., Tarracinas in Cam-
pania, I Nov.
Csesarius, M. Cassareas in Cappad., 3 Nov.
Caius, M. Bononias, 4 Jan.
Caius, al. Gayus, Romas, 20 Feb.
Caius, palatinus, M. demersus, 4 Mar.
Caius, M., Apamias in Phrygia, 10 Mar.
Caius, M., in Armenia, 19 Apr.
Caius, papa M., Romas, 22 Apr.
Caius, hospes Pauli, apud Corinthum, 4
Caius, miles M., Nicomedias, 21 Oct.
Caius, Messanas in Sicilia, 20 Nov.
Caius, Pr. C., Romas, 22 Apr. Add.
Calapodius, al. Calepodius vel Calipo-
dius, Pr. M., Alexandrias, al. Romas,
10 Mai.
Caleb, e xii. a Moyse missis, I Sep. Add.
Calixt, v. Callistus.
Callinicus, male Galericus vel Galenicus,
M. Apollonias, 18, al. 28 Jan.
Callistus, al. Kalixtus, M., apud Corin-
thum, 1 6 Apr.
Callistus, al. Calixtus, I. papa, M., Romas,
14 Oct.
Calocerus, eunuchus, M., Romas, 19 Mai.
Calocerus, -vet, Calocerius ('Colotery') M.,
Brixias, 19 Mar.
Oelocery, M., Brixias, 15 Feb. Add.
Campanus, M. , 29 Jul. Add.
Canciane, v. Gatianus, 18 Dec.
Candida, uxor S. Artemii, M., Romas, 6
Candida massa ccc Martyrum, 24 Aug.
Candida, V. (?M.), Romas, 29 Aug.
Candidus, M., Romas, 2 Feb.
[Candidus], inter xl. milites, Cappadox, M.,
apud Sebasten in Armenia, 9 Mar.
Candidus, miles, M., Sebastas in Armenia,
II Mar.
Candidus, senator militum, ex Thebas-
orum legione miles, M., Seduni in
Gallia, in loco Agauno, 22 Sep.
Candidus, M., Romas ad Ursum Pileatum,
3 Oct.
Candidus, M., II Mar. Add.
Canon, z>. Conon, M.
Cantianilla, V. M., Cantianus, et Cantius,
principes Aniciorum, fratres MM.,
Aquileias, 31 Mai.
Canicus (' Canuke '), abbas in Scotia, 1 1
Capithon, 13 Mar. Add.
Capophorus, v. Carpophorus.
Caprasius, abbas in monast. Lirinensi, I
Caprasius, M., Agenni in Galliis, 20 Oct.
(vide etiam ad 6 Oct. )
Caradoke, 13 Apr. Add.
Carannus (' Charanny '), M., Carnoti in
Gallia, 28 Mai.
Carantoke, al. Ceruach, Hibern, 16 Mai.
Caricus, M., 5 Aug. Add.
Carilefus ('Carylef'), Pr. apud Cenoman,
i Jul.
Carilippus, M., 28 Apr.
Carisius, M., apud Corinthum, 16 Apr.
Carolus Magnus, R. , 28 Jan.
Carpoforus, M., 20 Aug. Add.
Carpophorus, e quattuor coronatis, M.,
Romas, 8 Nov.
Carpophorus, Pr. M., Spoleti, ('at hys-
politane'), loDec.
Carpus, Ep. Thyatirensis, M., Pergami in
Asia, 13 Apr.
Carpus, discip. Pauli, in Troade, 13 Oct.
Cartake, Ep. in Hibernia, 14 Mai. Add.
Carylef, v. Carilefus.
Casce, v. Castus, M.
Cassia, cum Cassio, M. , Damasci, 20 Jul.
Cassiadour, 17 Mar. Add.
Cassianus, Ep. C. , Augustoduni, 5 Aug.
Cassianus, M., Romas, apud forum Sylke,
13 Aug.
Cassianus, M., Tirigitanas in Mauritania, 3
Cassianus, C., in Brit., 21 Jun. Add.
Cassianus (Johannes), eremita, 13 Aug.
Q 2
Cassius, cum Cassia, M., Damasci, 20
Cassius, M., Veronae, 10 Oct.
Cassius, Ep., 29 Jun. Add.
Castell, uxor Juliani, 27 Jan. Add.
Castor, M., Tarsi, in Cilicia, 28 Mar.
Castor, M., Tarsi, in Cilicia, 27 Apr.
Castor, Nicomediae, 17 Mar.
Castor, abbas, 13 Feb. Add.
Castorius, M., Romae, 7 Jul.
Castulus (' Castole '), M. Romae, 26 Mar.
Castus, M., in Africa, 22 Mai.
Castus, M. , Cabilone in Gallia, 4 Sep.
Castus, M., Capuae, 6 Oct.
Cataldus, Ep., in Hibernia, 8 Mai. Add.
Catharina, V. M. , 25 Nov.
Catulinus, diac., M., Carthagine, 15 Jul.
Cathedra S. Petri, Antiochiae, 22 Feb.
Caynan, 23 Jan. Add.
Ceadda ('Chadde '), Ep. Merciorum, apud
Lychefelde in Anglia, 2 Mar.
Cedde, Ep., 2 Mar. Add.
Cedony, 10 Jun. Add.
Celerina, avia Celerini, M., in Africa, 3
Celerinus, diac. C., in Africa, 3 Feb.
Celestinus I., papa, 19 Mai. Add.
Celestinus V., papa, 19 Mai. Add.
Celestinus, monachus, 19 Mai.
Celian, Tergeste, II Mai. Add.
Celsus, puer, M., Antiochiae, 9 Jan.
Celsus [puer], M., Mediolani, 12 Jun.
Celsus, puer, M., Mediolani, 28 Jul.
Cena Domini (' the Souper of our Lorde '),
24 Mar.
Censurius, Ep. C., Antisiodori, 10 Jun.
Ceran, Ep., 30 Sep. Add.
Cerealis, M., Romas, lojun.
Cerberus, M., cum Liberali, 30 Dec. Add.
Cerbonius, Ep., 17 Sep. Add.
Cerbonius, Ep. , 10 Oct. Add.
Cercy, v. Tertius.
Chadde, v. Ceadda, Ep. C.
Chaeremon ('Chiridon '), Ep. M., Nicopoli
in Aegypto, 22 Dec.
haritas, V. M.,
Charitas, V. M., Romae, I Aug. ; 17 Jun.
Charannus, v. Carannus.
Charles, ' called Charlemayne,' v. Carolus.
Chaste, v. Castus.
Cheramon, Nicopolitanus, Ep. M., 14 Feb.
Cheramonis uxor, 14 Feb. Add.
Chionia, V. M., Thessalonicae, 3 Apr.
Chiridon, v. Chaeremon.
Christela, al. Christeta ('Aristea '), M.
Abulae in Hispan. 27 Oct
Christina, V. M., Tyri in Ital., 24 Jul.
Christophorus, M., Sami in Lycia, 25 Jul.
Christophorus, monachus M. , Cordubae, 20
Chrysanthus, Romse, 25 Oct. (al. 29 Nov.)
Chrysanthus, M. Romae, I Dec.
Chrysogonus, M. Romae, 24 Nov.
Chrysotelus, Pr. M., Cordubae, 22 Apr.
Chutbertus, vide Cuthbertus.
Ciaue, Ep. C. , in Hibernia, 5 Mar.
Cilianus, M., 8 Jul. ; 8 Jul. Add.
Ciran, v. Tyrannic.
Circumcisio Domini, I Jan.
Cirice, v. Quiriacus.
Ciricus infans cum Julitta, MM., 15 JuL
Ciricus, Ep. M., ejus Translatio, 8 Aug.
Cirion, et Ciryon, v. Cyrion ; Ciryke, v.
Cyrinus ; Ciryne, v. Quirinus.
Cirion, miles M., apud Sebasten in Ar-
menia, ii Mar.
Cirinus, al. Quirinus, M., Romae, 25 Mar,
Cirpriane, v. Cyprianus.
Ciryll, 28 Jan. Add.
Clara, V. Assisii, 12 Aug.
Clarus, Pr. M. , in pago Vilcassino, 4 Nov.
Clarus, nobilis in Anglia, M. 4 Nov. Add.
Claudianus, M., apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb,
Claudianus, Nicomediae, 6 Mar.
Claudius, conjux Praepedignae, M., Ostiae r
1 8 Feb.
Claudius, M., Romae, 26 Apr.
Claudius, commentariensis, M., Romae, 7
Claudius, cum duobus fratribus, MM.,
Aegaeae in Cilicia, 23 Aug.
Claudius, marmorum caesor, M. Romae, 8
Claudius, tribunus, M., Romae, 3 Dec.
Clemens, papa, M., Romae, 23 Nov.
Clemens, Pr., Alexandriae, 4 Dec.
Clemens, Ep. in Gallia, 23 Nov. Add.
Clementinus, M., Heracleae in Thracia, 14
Cleophas, discip. Christi, M., in castello
Emmaus, 25 Sep.
Clerici fere cc., MM., in Perside. 22 Apr.
[Clerici] plurimi, MM., Gazae in Palestina,
4 Mai.
[Clerici] plurimi, MM., in Palestina, 19
Clerus, diac., M., Antiochiae, 7 Jan.
Clerus, diac., 14 Jan.
[Clerus] ecclesiae Carthag., C., 13 Jul.
Cletus, al. Anacletus, papa, M., Romae, 26
Cletus ('Anaclete') papa, Romae, 12 JuL
Clitancus, M. regis filius in Brit. 3 Nov.
Clodoaldus, [Pr.] C., 7 Sep.
Clyse, v. Dius, 12 Jul.
Codoke, 24 Jan.
Cointha, V. M., in Alexandria, 8 Feb.
Cokcydy, v. Cottidius.
Colman, Ep. in Hibernia, 7 Jun. Add.
Colmavell [= Colmanel], abbas in Hiber-
nia, 26 Sep. Add.
Colomannus (' Colonare'), Pr. M. Herbi-
poli in Germania, 8 Jul. ; ('Colonate '),
8 Jul. Add.
Coloterius, M. Brixise, 19 Mar.
Columba, V. M., apud Senones, 31 Dec.
Columba (' Columbane '), Pr. C., in Scotia,
9 Jun.
Columbanus, abbas in monast. Bobio in
Ital., 21 Nov.
Coiumbanus alter consanguineus, 21 Nov.
Columbanus, in Italia, 23 Nov.
Columbina, v. Columba, V. M.
Columbus, abbas, 13 Dec. Add.
Commemoratio Omnium Fidelium De-
functorum, 2 Nov.
Conace, v. Totnanus, M., 8 Jul.
Concordia, nutrix S. Hippolyti, M., Romae,
13 Aug.
Condedius, C., in monast. Fontanellensi,
21 Oct.
Concordius, Pr. M., Spoleti in Tuscia, I
Confessores (al. Martyres), fere 500 cum S.
Eugenio in Africa, 10 al. 13 Jul.
Confessores (al. MM.), 4976, in Africa, 12
Confessores alii (tres) cum S. Dionysia, in
Africa, 6 Dec.
Congallus, abbas in Hibernia, 10 Mai.
Conon, al. Canon, 29 Mai.
Consanguinei duo D.N.J.C., 5 Jan. Add.
Consortia, V., in monast. Cluniacensi, 22
Constant, abbas, 14 Nov. Add.
Constantia, M., Nuceriae, 19 Sep.
Constantinus, Ep. apud Vapingum, 12 Apr.
Constantinus, e septem dormientibus, M.,
Ephesi, 27 Jul.
Constantinus, Imp., 21 Mai. Add.
Constantius, C., 23 Sep. Add.
Constantius, Ep., 23 Sep. Add.
Corbinianus, Ep. [Frisingensis], 8 Sep.
Cordianus (' Gordiane'), M., Nividuni, 17
Corentinus (' Thoremyny '), Ep., I Mai.
Coreode, v. Curcodomus.
Cornelius centurio, Ep. , Caesareae, 2 Feb.
Cornelius, papa M., Romae, 14 Sep.
Corona, V., 24 Apr.
Corona, M., in Syria, 14 Mai.
Corona Domini, 1 1 Aug. Add.
Coronati Quatuor Fratres, MM. (Severus,
Severianus, Carpophorus et Victorianus)
Romae, 8 Nov.
Corporis Christi Festum per Urbanum IV.
Papam A.D. 1263, insdtutum. Quo in
anno Feria Quinta post Dominicam
Trinitatis occurrit die 25 Mai. Add.
Corsicus, Pr. in Italia, 30 Jun.
Corsy, M., 29 Jul. Add.
Corygenes, M., 29 Jul. Add.
Cosman, C. in deserto, 2 Sep. Add.
Cosmare, v. Ursmarus, 19 Apr.
Cosmas, M., frater Damiani. Aegaese, 27
Cottidius, diaconus, Reatinae, in Cappa-
docia, 6 Sep.
Coynt, V. M., v. Cointha, 8 Feb.
Craton, M., Romae, 15 Feb.
Credane, abbas, 20 Aug. Add.
Crescence, Pr.,23 Mar. Add.
Crescens, discip. S. Pauli, Ep., Galatise,
27 Jun. [Viennae, 29 Dec.]
Crescens, filius Symphorosse, M., Tibure,
27 Jun.
Crescentia, M. in Lucania, 15 Jun.
Crescentianus, M., Turribus Sardinia, 31
Crescentianus, C., in Africa, 13 Jun.
Crescentianus, M., in Africa, cum S.
Cypriano, 14 Sep.
Crescentianus, M., in Campania, 2 Jul.
Crescentiane, v. Crescentio.
Crescentianus, M., Romae, 24 Nov.
Crescentianus, M., Augustae, 5 Aug. Add.
Crescentio ('Crescentiane'), M., Romae,
17 Sep.
Crescentius (' Crescente '), M., Tomis in
Ponto, i Oct.
Crispina, V.M., Thebeste, in Africa, 5
Crispinianus, nobilis, M., Suessione in
Gallia, 25 Oct.
Crispinus, nobilis, M., Suessione in Gallia,
25 Oct.
Crispinus, Ep. M., in civitate Astiagensi
(' Agens'), 19 Nov.
Crispulus, M., Turribus Sardiniae, 30 Mai.
Crispus, Pr. [sicut] M., Romae, 18 Aug.
Crispus, apud Corinthum, 4 Oct.
Cromatius, pater Tiburtii, M., II Aug.
Cromatius, Ep., n Aug. Add.
Crowne v. Corona, M.
Crucifixio Domini nostri Jesu Christi
Jerosolymis, 25 Mar.
S. Crucis Inventio, Jerosolymis, 3 Mai.
S. Crucis Exaltatio, Jerosolymis, 14 Sep.
Ctesiphon ('Thesifon'), C. in Hispania,
15 Mai.
Cucufas, M. , Barcinone in Hisp. , 25 Jul.
Cunibertus (' Cumbert '), Ep. C. (al. M.)
Colonise, 12 Nov.
Cunigunda (' Cungund '), Imperatrix, 14
Jul. Add.
Curcodomus ('Coreode ')> diaconus, An-
tisiodori, 4 Mai.
Cuthbertus, Ep. Lindisfarnensis in Brit.,
20 Mar.
Cuthbertus, eius Translatio, 4 Sep.
Cutburga, V., 31 Aug.
Cyprianus (' Cirpriane'). Ep. M., Cartha-
gine, 8 Mar.
Cyprianus, abbas, Petragoricis in Gallia, 9
Cyprianus, Ep. M., Carthagine, 14 Sep.
Cyprianus, Ep. M., Romse, 26 Sep.
Cyprianus, Pr. (al. Ep.) in Africa, 12 Oct.
Cyriacus, v. Quiriacus, Ep. M.
Cyriacus, M., Malacse in Hispania, 18 Jun.
Cyriacus, M., Tomis in Ponto, 20 Jun.
Cyriacus, al. Quiriacus, M. in Africa, 21
Cyriacus, diac., M., Romce, 16 Mar.
Cyriacus, eius Translatio, Romse, 8 Aug.
Cyricus, films Julittse, M., Antiochise, 16
Cyrilla, filia Decii imp. V. M., Romee, 28
Cyrillus, M., in Syria, 20 Mar.
Cyrillus, Ep. Alexandrise, 28 Jan.
Cyrillus, Ep. M., Gortynse in Creta, 9 Jul.
Cyrillus, M., Philadelphia in Arabia, I
Cyrillus, diac, M., 9 Jul. Add.
Cyrinus ('Ciryke'), M. in Hellesponto, 3
Cyrinus, miles M., Romse, al. Mediolani,
12 Jun.
Cyrion, al. Ciryon, Pr. M., 14 Feb.
Cyrion, al. Cirion, inter xl. milites, Cap-
padox, M., apud Sebasten in Armenia,
9, al. II Mar.
Cyrus cum Johanne, M., 31 Jan.
Cythinus ('Stytyny'), Scillitanus M., Kar-
thagine, 17 Jul.
Dacy, v. Dasius.
Dacius, Ep. Mediolan., 19 Jun. Add.
Dafrosa, uxor S. Fabiani, M., Romse, 4
Dalmatius, Ep. M., Papise in Italia, 5 Dec.
Dalmatyke, M. in Italia, v. Dalmatius.
Damasus, papa, C., Romse, n Dec.
Damianus, frater S. Cosmse, M., 27 Sep.
Daniel, propheta, 21 Jul. ; 28 Aug. Add.
Daniel, diac. M., in Padua, 3 Jan. Add.
Daniel, abbas in Egypto, 21 Jul. Add.
Daria, uxor S. Chrysanthi, M., Romse, 25
Daria, Romse, 29 Nov.
Daria, V. M., Romse, I Dec.
Darius, M., Nicsese, 19 Dec.
Dasius (' Dacy') miles M., Nicomedise, 21
Dativa, C., in Africa, 6 Dec.
Dativus (' Datyve') M., in Africa, n, al.
12 Feb.
Dativus, M., al. Ep. C., in Africa, 10 Sep.
David, Archiep. C., in Britannia quse
hodie Wallia nuncupatur, I Mar.
David, R., 29 Dec. ; propheta, Hierosoly-
mis, 29 Dec. Add.
David, dux xxx latronum, monachus, 29
Dec. Add.
Daygens, C., in Hibernia, 18 Aug. Add.
Debbora, prophetissa, I Sep. Add.
Dedicatio Ecclesise Sarisburiensis, 30 Sep.
Dedicatio Ecclesise S. Pauli Londinensis,
i Oct.
Demetria, V.M., Romse, 21 Jun.
Defunctorum Omnium Fidelium Com-
memoratio, 2 Nov.
Deicolus, abbas, 18 Jan. Add.
Demetrius, M., Thessalonicse, 8 Oct.
Demetrius cum sociis, Ep. M., Antio-
chise, 10 Nov.
Demetrius, M., apud Ostia Tiberina, 21
Demetrius, M., Ostise, al. Antiochise, 22
Demetrius, nobilis, M., 25 Oct. Add.
Demetrius, v. Mitrius.
Denys, v. Dionysius.
Deodatus, abbas, 24 Apr. Add.
Deodorike, Ep., I Apr. Add.
Desiderius, Ep. M., apud Lugdunum, n
Desiderius, eius Translatio, Viennse, 23
Desiderius, Ep. M., apud Lingones, 23
Desiderius, lector, M., Neapoli in Cam-
pania, al. Puteolis, 19 Sep.
Desiderius, Ep. M., Lugduni Gall., 23
Mai. Add.
Desyre, v. Desiderius, Ep. M., n Feb., et
23 Mai.
Deusdedit, Archiep. Cantuariensis, in
Britannia, 15 Jul.
Dewtrey, v. Demetrius M., 22 Dec.
Didius, v. Dius, M. Alexandrise, 28 Apr.
Didymus (cum S. Theodora), M., Alexan-
drise, 28 Apr.
Digna, discip. S. Afrse, ancilla, M. Au-
gustoe Vindelicorum, 12 Aug.
Diodes (' Dyod '), M., in Istria, 24 Mai.
Diocles, 12 Mar. Add.
Diodole, v. Theodulus, M.
Diodorus, Pr. M., Romse, I Dec.
Diodorus, Ep. C., I Dec. Add.
Diogenes, M., in Macedonia, 6 Apr.
Diogenes, 10 Apr. Add.
Diomedes, Nicsese, 9 Jun.
Diomedes, M., Augustse, 5 Aug. Add,
Dionysia, M., Lampsaci, 15 Mai.
Dionysia, C., in Africa, 6 Dec.
[Dionysia], M. (in Martyrologio Roma-
no nominala, cum Ammonaria) Alexan-
dria, 12 Dec.
Dionysius, M., in Armenia minore, 8 Feb.
Dionysius, M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar.
Dionysius, Ep., Corinthi, 8 Apr.
Dionysius, frater Ammonii, M., Alexan-
drine, 14 Feb.
Dionysii et sociorum eius Inventio, 22
Dionysius, patruus, al. pater, Pancratii, C.
al. M., Romae, 12 Mai.
Dionysius, e septem dormientibus, M.,
Ephesi, 27 Jul.
Dionysius, Ep. C., Mediolani, 25 Mai.
Dionysius, C., 10 Sep.
Dionysius Areopagita, Ep. M., Athenis,
al. Romae, 3 Oct.
Dionysius Areopagita, Ep. M., Parisiis, 9
Dionysius, Ep. C., Alexandrise, 17 Nov.
Dionysius, papa, Romae, 26, al. 27 Dec.
Dionysius, M. Romae, 25 Aug.
Dionysius, M. in Frisia, al. Phrygia, 20
Dionysius, miles, M., 14 Mai. Add.
Dionysius, M., 29 Jul. Add.
Dionysius, Ep., discipulus S. Thomae, 21
Dec. Add.
Dioscorus, M., apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb.
Dioscorus, lector, M., in Aegypto, 18
Dioscoru?, puerulus, M., Alexandriae, 14
Dioscour. abbas, 9 Apr. Add.
Discipuli Ixxii, 15 Jul. Add.
Divisio apostolorum xii., 15 Jul. Add.
Dius, al. Didius, M., Alexandriae, 26
Dius('Clyse'),C. Ccesarese, 12 Jul.
Dode, V., 24 Apr. Add.
Dominions, C,, eius Depositio, Bononiae,
4 al. 5 Aug.
Domini cus, eius Translatio, Bononiae, 24
Dominicus, M., 21 Jun. Add.
Domitianus, abbas in territ. Lugdun., I Jul.
Domitianus, M. Philadelphiae in Arabia, I
Domitianus, Diaconus, M., Ancyrae in
Galatia, 28 Dec.
Domitilla, Flavia, V.M., Tarracinae in
Campania, 7 Mai.
Domitius M., in Syria, 5 Jul.
Domna (' Domnyne '), cum sociis, V.M.,
Interamnis, 14 Apr.
Domninus, M. Thessalonicae, 30 Mar.
Domninus, cum Marcellino et Vincentio,
Ebreduni in Galliis, 20 Apr.
Domninus, M. apud Juliam in territorio
Parmensi, 9 Oct.
Dom[n]ion, Ep. M., Salonae in Dalmatia,
II Apr.
Dompne, Ep., 21 Jan. Add.
Donata, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul.
Donatianus, M. Nannete in Galliis, 24
Donatianus, Ep. M., al. C. in Africa, 6
Donatilla, V.M., Tuburbi, in Africa, 30
Donate, M. Carthagine, I Mar.
Donatus, M., Concordiae, al. Cordubae,
17 Feb.
Donatus, M., Romae, 4 Feb.
Donatus, M., in Africa, 7 Apr.
Donatus, M., 14 Jul.
Donatus, M., Caesareae Cappadociae, 21
Donatus, Ep. M., Aretii in Tuscia, 7 Aug.
Donatus, Pr. C., Sigisterici in Galliis, 19
Donatus, M., Antiochiae, 23 Aug.
Donatus, M., Capuae, 5 Sep.
Donatus, M., 12 Dec.
Donatus, M. cum Mansueto, Alexandriae,
30 Dec.
Donatus, Ep. C., 7 Aug. Add.
Donuina (' Dominyne '), M., 23 Aug.
Dormientes Septem, MM., Ephesi, 27 Jun.
al. Jul.
Dorothe, V., 6 Feb. Add.
Dorothea, V. M., 3 Sep. Add.
Dorothea, V. M., Caesareae Cappadoc., 6
Dorothene, v. Droctoveus, abbas.
Dorotheus, M., Tarsi in Cilicia, 28 Mar.
Dorotheus, praepositus cubiculi regii, M. ,
Nicomediae, 9 Sep.
Dorythy (' Sythe '), 15 Jan. Add.
Droctoveus ('Dorothene'), abbas Lutetiae
Parisiorum, 10 Mar.
Drusus, M., Antiochiae, 14 Dec.
Dubritius, Ep. Landavensis, 14 Nov.
Dula, al. Theola, ancilla, V. M., Nicome-
diae, 25 Mar.
Dunstanus, Archiep. Cantuariensis, 19 Mai;
7 Sept. Add. : eius Ordinatio, 21 Oct.
Dydake, Ep., 2 Apr. Add.
Dyod, v. Diocles.
Dysmas, C., 25 Mar. Add.
Eanswida, V. in Brit., 31 Aug. Add.
Eadburga. V. in Anglia, 15 Jun.
Eadburga, V., 18 Jul.
Ebba, V. abbatissa, 25 Aug. Add.
Ebba, nobilis, 25 Aug. Add.
Ebrulphus, abbas, C., in pago Oximensi
('Oxforde'), 29 Dec.
Edburt, R., 25 Aug. Add.
Eddune, Pr. M., al. Egdunius, 12 Mar.
Edeltrudis (' Audry '), V. in Brit., 23 Jun.
Edilburga, v. Ethelburga.
Edisteus, M. Ravennse, 12 Oct.
Editha, filia Edgariregis, V., Wiltonise (' at
Wynchester '), 16 Sep.
Edithae translatio, 3 Nov.
Edmundus, Archiep. Cantuar., eius Trans-
latio in Anglia, 9 Jun.
Edmundus, ejus depositio, Pontiniaci, 16
Edmundus, R. M., in Anglia, 29 Apr. ;
20 Nov. Add.
Edwoldus, frater Edmundi R. M., 29 Aug.
Edwardus, R. C., in Anglia, 5 Jan.
Edwardus, ejus translatio, 13 Oct.
Edwardus, R. M., ejus translatio, 13 Feb.
Edwardus, ejus adventus de Perham
(Wareham) in Shaftoniam, 18 Feb.
Edwardus, ejus passio, 18 Mar.
Edwardus, ejus translatio, 20 Jun.
Edwoldus, R. M., frater Edmundi, R. M.,
29 Aug. Add.
Edwyne, R. M., 12 Oct. Add.
Effam, V. M., 3 Sep. Add.
Effraim, films Joseph, 5 Feb. Add.
Effrem, al. Ephrasmus, Edissense Eccl.
Diaconus, I Feb.
Egbertus, 24 Apr. Add.
Egesippus ('Jesyppe'), 7 Apr.
Egwinus ('Ewgyne'), Ep. Wigorn., 30
Dec. Add.
Eiladius, Ep., 31 Aug.
Eiulasius, v. Evilasius.
Eldade (al. Aldate), Glocestriae, 4 Feb.
Eleazarus cum filiis, MM., Lugduni
Gallise, 22 al. 23 Aug.
Eleazar sacerdos, I Jul. Add.
Eleazar, M. , tempore Machabaeorum, I Oct.
Elene (Elgiva?), 18 Mai.
Eleusippus, M., apud Lingonas, 17 Jan.
Eleutherius, v. Eutherius, Ep., Tornaci.
Eleutherius, Ep. M., apud Messanam
Apuliae, 18 Apr.
Eleutherius, papa M., Romse, 25 al. 26
Eleutherius, abbas, vel Ep. C., Romse, 6
Eleutherius, miles M. Nicomediae. 2 Oct.
Eleutherius, Diac al. Pr. M., Parisiis, 9
Eleutherius, Ep., 26 Aug. Add.
Elfleda, V. 23 Oct. ; 29 Oct. Add.
Elias, Pr., Cordubse, 17 Apr.
Eligius, Ep. C., Noviomensis, I Dec.
Elisabetha, matrona, 19 Nov. ; 19 Nov.
Elizabeth, mater Johannis Prsecursoris, 5
Nov. Add.
Elizabeth, Sconaugise, V., 17 Jun., Add.
Elizabeth, V., 23 Jun. Add.
Ellad. v. Helladius, Ep.
Elisaeus, proph. apud Samariam, 14 Jun.
Elphegus (' Alphege '), Ep. Winton. in
Anglia, 12 Mar.
Elphegius, Archiep. M., Cantuariae, in
Anglia, 19 Apr. al. 28 Dec.
Elpidius ('Helpedy'), Ep. C., Lugduni, 2
Emerentiana, V. M., Romoe, 23 Jan.
Emitherius, vide Hemitherius.
Emmeramus (' Hamptran'). Ep. M., Ratis-
ponae, 22 Sep.
Emygdy, Ep. M., 5 Aug. Add.
Enuthere, vide Hemitherius.
Enock, 23 Jan. Add.
Enos, 23 Jan. Add.
Eobanus (' Eobanke'), Ep. M., in Frisia,
5 Jun.
Epagathus, M. Lugduni in Gallia, 2 Jun.
Epaphras, Ep. M., Colossis, 19 Jul.
Epaphroditus (' Affrodose'), discipulus S.
Pauli, Ep., Tarracinae, 22 Mar.
Eparchius, abbas C., Engolismse, I Jul.
Ephigena, abbatissa in Egypto, 21 Sep.
Epimachus, M., Alexandriae, 12 Dec. Add.
Ephraem, diac., Edessenus, I Feb.
Epictetus (' Epute '), peregrinus M., in
Portu Romano, 22 Aug.
Epimachus, M., Romae, 10 Mai.
Epion, Pr. C., apud Bituricenses, 12 Oct.
Epiphania Domini, 6 Jan.
Epiphaniae Octava, 13 Jan.
Epiphaniae Vigilia, 5 Jan.
Epiphanius, Ep. Salaminae in Cypro, 12
Epiphanius, Ep. M., in Africa, 7 Apr.
Epipodius, M., Lugduni in Gallia, 22
Epitacius (' Thyke'), Ep. M., in Hispania,
23 Mai.
[Episcopi Septem] cum Nemesiano et Fe-
lice, in Africa, 10 Sep.
Epolonius, puer M., cum S. Babila, Antio
chiae, 24 Jan.
Erade, v. Heracles.
Eraclius, Ep. C., 14 Nov.
Eracly, v. Heraclius, M.
Erasma, V. M., 3 Sep. Add.
Erasmus, Ep. M., in Campania, 3 Jun.
Erasmus, M., Antiochias, 25 Nov.
Erastus, Ep. M., Philippis, 26 Jul.
Erblandy, abbas, 18 Oct. Add.
Ercley, v. Heraclea, M.
Erculane, v. Herculanus.
Erculane, eius Translatio, 14 Nov.
Erhard, Ep., 8 Jan. Add.
Erkengoda. V., filia ('sister ') S.Sexburgos,
7 Jul. Add.
Erkenwaldus, Ep. Londin., 30 Apr. ; 14
Ermagory, v. Hermagoras.
Ermenyld, nobilis V., in Britannia, 13 Feb.
Ermete, v. Hermes, M.
Erminygyld, v. Herminigildus, R. M.
Erynbaldus, judex, 10 Dec. Add.
Esaias, propheta, in Judsea, 6 Jul.
Esclepiady, v. Asclepias,
Esdras, propheta, 13 Jul.
Esichy, v. Hesychius, 18 Nov.
Esicy, v. Hesychius, 15 Mai.
Esitius (' Esicy ') in Hispania, 15 Mai.
Esterwyne, Abbas, 7 Mar. Add.
Esychius, vide Hesychius.
Ethebyne, in Hibernia, 19 Oct. Add.
Ethelburga (' Alborowe,') V., soror S.
Etheldredae, 7 Jul.
Ethelburga, V., n Oct.
Ethelbryght, M., apud Ramsey, 17 Oct.
Etheldreda, Regina V., in Britannia, 23
Etheldreda, eius Translatio, 17 Oct.
Ethelred, M., apud Ramsey, 17 Oct. Add.
Ethelwoldus, C., 12 Aug.
Euagrius, Ep. M., Tomis in Scythia, 3 Apr.
Euagrius, M. Tomis in Ponto, I Oct.
Euagrye, 3 Apr. Add.
Euanthe, mater Liberalis, M., 30 Dec. Add.
Euaristus, papa, M., Romae, 27 Oct. ; 26
Oct. Add.
Eubrachius, C., 10 Oct.
Eucherius, Ep. C., Lugdunensis, 1 6 Nov.
Eudelme, V., 18 Feb. Add.
Eve, 23 Jan. Add.
Eventius, v. Juventius.
Euenlius, Pr. M., Romae, 3 Mai.
Euentius, discip. Hermagorae, C., Ticini
sive Papiae, 12 Sep.
Euentius, nobilis in Hispania, 12 Sep. Add.
Eufeme, Eufrase, &c. v. Euph .
Eufrose, v. Aphrodisius, Ep.
Eugendus ('Augend,') abbas, I Jan.
Eugence, v. Eugentus, M.
Eugenia, abbati.ssa, V. M., Romae, 25 Dec.
Eugenianus, M., Augustoduni, 8 Jan.
Eugenius, Nicomediae, 17 Mar.
Eugenius, M., in Syria, 20 Mar.
Eugenius, M., Neocaesareae, 24 Jan.
Eugenius, Ep. C. exulatus (al. M.),
Carthagine, 13 Jul.
Eugenius (' Eugyn,') Symphorosae F., M.,
Tibure, 27 Jun.
Eugenius, Ep. C. Toleti, 13 Nov.
Eugenius, Ep. Toletan., M. 15 Nov.
Eugenius, barbarus, R. M., 29 Jul. Add.
Eugenius, abbas, Ep., in Hibernia, 23 Aug.
Eugenius, Ep. Caesariens., discip. Origenis,
15 Nov. Add.
Eugenius, M., 12 Dec. Add.
Eugentus, M. , in Africa, 4 Jan.
Eukare, Ep. Aurelianensis. 20 Feb. Add.
Evilasius, al. Ejulasius, judex, M., 20 Sep.
Eulalia, V. M., Barcinonae, 12 Feb.
Eulalia, V. M., Emeritae in Hisp., loDec.
Eulether, v. Eleutherius, Ep. M.
Eulogius, diac. M., Tarraconas in Hisp., 21
Eulogius, C., Constantinopoli, 3 Jul.
Eulogius, M., Constantinopoli, II Jul.
Eulogius, 1 1 Jul. Add.
Eulogus, Pr. M., Cordubae, 20 Sep,
Eumenia, discip. S. Afrae, ancilla, M.,
Augustas Vindelicorum, 12 Aug.
Eunomia, v. Eumenia, ancilla M.
Eunus, famulus, M., Alexandriae, 27 Feb.
Evodius, M., Syracusis, 25 Apr.
Euodius, Ep. M., Antiochiae, 6 Mai.
Euodius, M., Nicaeae in Bithynia, 2 Aug.
Euphronius, C., 3 Aug. Add.
Evortius, al. Evurtius, Ep. C., Aurelianis, 7
Euote, al. Eventius, ex xviii. Martt.,
Caesaraugustse, 16 Apr.
Euphemia, (' Eufeme called Effam ') V.
M., 13 Apr.
Euphemia, V. M., Chalcedone, 16 Sep.
Euphrasia, V., in Thebaide, 13 Mar.
Euphrasia, V., Alexandriae, II Feb.
Euphrasius, Ep. in Africa, 14 Jan.
Euphrasius, Ep. C., in Hispania, 15 Mai.,
Euphrosyna, V., Alexandriae, I Jan.
Euplus, diac. M. Catanae in Sicilia,i2 Aug.
Euprepia, discip. S. Afrae, ancilla, M.,
Augustae Vindelicorum, 12 Aug.
Euprepius, frater SS. Cosmae et Damiani,
M., Aegaeae, 27 Sep.
Eusebius, palatinus, M., 5 Mar.
Eusebius, Adrianopoli in Thracia, 22 Oct.
Eusebius, M., 28 Apr.
Eusebius, Ep. Samosatensis, Caesareae
Cappadociae, 21 Jun.
Eusebius, Ep. M., Vercellis, I Aug.
Eusebius, Pr. C., Romae, 14 Aug.
Eusebius, M. , Romae, 25 Aug.
Eusebius (papa), Ep. C., Romae, 26 Sep.
Eusebius, M., Hadrianopoli in Thracia, 22
Eusebius, monach., M., Tarracinaein Cam-
pania, 5 Nov.
Eusebius, 31 Mar. Add.
Eusebius, Ep., 15 Aug. Add.
Eusebius, abbas, 15 Aug. Add.
Eusebius, papa, Romae, 6 Oct. Add.
Eustace, abbas Luxoviensis, 2 Apr.
Eustace, eius Depositio, 29 Mar.
Eustachius, Ep. C., i6Jul.
Eustachius, Pr. C., in Syria, 12 Oct.
Eustachius M., Romae, 2 Nov.
Eustachius, abbas, II Oct. Add,
Eustachius, Ep. Antiochise, n Oct. Add.
Eustasius, Luxaviensis abbas, 29 Mar.
Eustochia, V. M., 2 Nov. Add.
Eustochium, abbatissa, 2 Nov. Add.
Eustochius, Ep., Turonis, 19 Sep.
Eustorgius, Pr., Nicomedise, II Apr.
Eustosius, M., Antiochiae, 10 Nov.
Eustratius, M , 12 Dec. Add.
Eutheme, v. Euthymius.
Euthere, v. Eucherius, Ep. C.
Euthery, Ep. Tornacensis C. in territ.
Aspan., 27 Mar.
Euthymius (' Eutheme '), diac. Alexandrite,
5 Mai.
Eutropes, Ep. M., Santonis in Gallia, 30
Eutropia, soror S. Nicasii, M., Rhemis, 14
Eutropius, Ep., Arausicae in Galliis, 27
Eutropius, M. , in Portu Romano, 1 5 Jul.
Eutyches (' Euticete '), M., in Italia, 15
Eutyches, laicus, M., Puteolis, 19 Sep.
Eutychianus, M. , in Campania, 2 Jul.
Eutychianus, M., in Africa, 12 al. 13 Nov.
Eutychianus, papa, M., Romae, 8 Dec.
Eutychianus, C., 8 Dec. Add.
Eutychius (' Euthyke '), diac. M., Caesareae
in Mauritania, 21 Mai.
Eutychius, M., in Thracia, 29 Sep.
Eutychius, M., Messanae in Sicilia, 5 Oct.
Eutychius (' Ewtyke '), nobilis, in Hispania,
II Dec.
Eutychius, Pr. M., Ancyrae in Galatia, 28
Eutychius, M. , 4 Jun.
Eutychius (' Ewticy '), abbas, 28 Dec. Add.
Eutymy, 31 Mar. Add.
Ewaldi Duo, Presbyteri MM., in Saxonia,
3 Oct.
Ewlodia, v. Alodia.
Ewyne, Regina, 21 Dec.
Expeditus, M., Militanae in Armenia, 19
Exuperantius, diac. M. , Spoleti, 30 Dec.
Exuperia, cum Symphronio, &c., M.,
Romae, 26 Jul.
Exuperius, ex legione Thebaeorum, M.,
Seduni in Galliis, 22 Sep.
Exuperius, Ep. C., Tolosae, 28 Sep.
Exuperius, M. Viennae, 19 Nov.
Exuper, Ep. C., I Aug. Add.
Ezechias, R., Jerosolymis, 24 Jun. Add.
Ezechiel, propheta, in sepulchro Sem et
Arphaxat in Babilonia, Apr. 10.
Fabianus, papa M. , Romos, 20 Jan.
Fabian, M., 28 Jan. Add.
Fabius ('Fabiane'), M., Caesareoe, 31 Jul.
Falek, 28 Jan. Add.
Fandila, Pr. M. Cordubae, 13 Jun.
Fantinus, .,31 Jul. Add.
Fare, v. Phara, V.
Faro, al. Pharao, Ep. Ambianensis, C.,
Meldis, 28 Oct.
Fausta, V.M., Cyzici in Propontide, 20
Faust, Abbas, 16 Jan. Add.
Fauster, al. Saturninus, M., exxviii Martt.,
Caesaraugustae, 16 Apr.
Fawster, Foster (' Sawster'), v. Vedastus.
Faustina, imperatrix, M., Alexandriae, 23
Nov. Add.
Faustinus, M., Brixiae, 15 Feb.
Faustinus, M., Romas, 29 Jul.
Faustinus ('Sawstyne'), M., Romse. 22 Mai.
Faustinus, C., Alexandriae, 17 Nov.
Faustinus, alias Faustus, M., Mediolani,
7 Aug.
Faustus, M., Romae, 24 Jun.
Faustus, M., Romae, I Aug.
Faustus, al. Faustinus, Antiochiae, 8 Sep.
Faustus, M., Cordubae in Hisp., 13 Oct.
Faustus, diac. Alexandrinus, M., 19 Nov.
Faustus, Pr. M., Alexandriae, 26 Nov.
Fayth, v. Fides, V.
Fekyne, 20 Jan. Add.
Felicianus, M., Romas, 2 Feb.
Felicianus, M. , Romae, 9 Jun.
Felicianus, miles M., Massiliae in Galliis*
21 Jul.
Felicianus, M., in Lucania, 29 Oct.
Felicianus, M., Viennae, 19 Nov.
Felicissima, V.M. Falari in Piceno, 12
Felicissimus, Tuderti in Tuscia, 26 Mai.
Felicissimus, M. in Campania, 2 Jul.
Felicissimus, diac. M., Romae, 6 Aug.
Felicissimus, M., in Africa, 26 Oct.
Felicissimus, C. (al. M. ) Perusiae in Tuscia,
24 Nov.
Felicitas, M., Tuburbi in Mauritania, 7
Felicitas, cum filiis vii Martt., Romas, 23
Felicula, M., Romae, 14 Feb.
Felicula, V.M., Romae, 13 Jun.
Felix, M. in Africa, n al. 12 Feb.
Felix, Ep. C. in Anglia Orientali, 8 Mar.
Felix, M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar.
Felix, M. in civitate Heraclea, 7 Jan.
Felix, Pr. M., Nolae in Campania, 14 Jan.
Felix, C. (frater Felicis M.), Nolae in
Camp., 14 Jan.
Felix, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., ex
xviii Martt., 15 al. 1 6 Apr.
Felix, M., Alexandriae, 21 Apr.
Felix, Pr., Valentke in Galliis, 23 Apr.
7 elix, Ep. M., Spoleti, 18 Mai.
"elix, papa M., Romae, 30 Mai.
"elix, M., in Istria, 24 Mai.
"elix, M., in Sardinia, 28 Mai.
?elix, M., Aquileiae, II Jun.
? elix, Pr. M. [Sjutrii in Tuscia, 23 Jun.
Felix, M. in Campania, 2 Jul.
Felix, Filius sanctae Felicitatis, M. Romae,
10 Jul.
Felix, M., in Africa, 10 Jul.
Felix, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul.
Felix, papa M., Romae, 29 Jul.
Felix, M., Gerundae in Hisp., I Aug.
Felix, cum sociis, peregrinus, MM. in
Portu Romano, 22 Aug.
Felix, Ep., Nolae, 27 Aug.
Felix, Pr. M., Romae, 30 Aug.
Felix, M. (al. C.) in Africa, 10 Sep.
Felix, alter, Ep. M. (al C. ), in Africa, 10
Felix, M., Nuceriae, 19 Sep.
Felix, M., Augustoduni, 24 Sep.
Felix, Pr. (al. Ep.) M., in Africa, 12 Oct.
Felix, Ep. M. , Venusiae in Apulia, 24 Oct.
Felix, M., Lutetiae Parisiorum, 28 Oct.
Felix, Pr. M., Tarracinae in Campania, 5
Felix, M., Tonizas in Africa, 6 Nov.
Felix, Ep. M., Nolae, in Campania, 15
Felix, Ep. Romae, 22 al. 30 Dec.
Felix, 14 Jan. Add.
Felix, Ep. M., 16 Jan. Add.
Felix, M., 14 Mai. Add.
Felix, M., 17 Mai. Add.
Felix, M., 1 2 Jul. Add.
Felix, Pr. C., Nolae, 31 Aug. Add.
Felix, monachus, 6 Nov. Add.
Felix III, papa, 30 Dec. Add.
Fenan, Ep., 8 Mar. Add.
Ferreolus, Pr. M., Vesontione, 16 Jun.
Ferreolus, tribunus, M., Viennae, 18 Sep.
Ferreolas, 27 Jan. Add.
Ferrutio, diac. M., Vesontione, 16 Jun.
Festus, diac. M., Neapoli (al. Puteolis) in
Campania, 19 Sep.
Festus, in Tuscia, 21 Dec.
Fetyke, Ep. C., 14 Apr. Add.
Fiagry, 1 1 Apr. Add.
Fisgry, v. Syagrius, Ep. C.
Fidelis, 16 Mai. Add.
Fidentius, Ep. M. 16 Nov. Add.
Fides, filia S. Sapientiae, V. M., Romae, I
Aug.; 17 Jun. Add.
Fides, V. M., Agenni in Galliis, 6 Oct.
Fides, eius Translatio, 14 Jan.
Filiaster. Pr. 18 Jul. Add.
Finanus, abbas in Hibernia, 12 Dec. Add.
Finian, al. Fintanus, Pr. C., in Scotia, 17
Firmatus, diac. Antisiodori, 5 Oct.
Firmiliane, Ep., 12 Feb. Add.
Firminus, M., in Africa, 9 Jan.
Firminus, Ep. C., Uzetiae ('at vrs'), II
Firmus, M., Romae, 2 Feb.
Firmus, 10 Mar.
Firmus, M., 9 Aug. Add.
Flavia Domitilla, V. M. , 7 Mai.
Flaccus, M., 30 Aug. Add.
Flaviana, V., Antisiodori, 5 Oct.
Flavian, M., 30 Jan.
Flavianus, Ep. , 24 Nov. Add.
Flavius, M., Nicomediae, 7 Mai.
Flora, V.M., Cordubae, 24 Nov.
Flora, V.M., 29 Jul. Add.
Florence, Mar. 19.
Florence, Ep., 3 Apr. Add.
Florentia, M., Caesarione in territ.
Agathensi, 10 Nov.
Florens, Ep., 2 Mai. Add.
Florens, C. , 28 Dec. Add.
Florentinus, cum S. Hilario, M., Seduni
(' Persewdon ') in Gallia, 27 Sep.
Florentius, M., Carthagine, 15 Jul.
Florentius, Pr. C., in pago Pictaviensi, 22
Florentius (' Florentyne '), Ep., Arausicae
in Gallia, 17 Oct.
Florentius, M. apud Tyle castrum, 27 Oct.
Florentius, (' Florens'), C. apud Nursiam,
28 Dec. Add.
Florentius, Ep. C., 26 Oct. Add.
Florentus, M., Karthagine, 15 Jul.
Florianus, M. in Norico Ripensi ('at ori-
coripens ') 4 Mai.
Florianus, M., Gazae, 17 Dec. Add.
Florus, M., Ostiae, 22 Dec.
Flosculus (' Frustole') Ep., 2 Feb.
Fors, Ep. in Hibernia, 28 Sep. Add.
Foke, v. Phocas.
Fortunatus, Romas, 15 Oct.
Fortunatus, M., Romae, 2 Feb.
Fortunatus, M. Alexandriae, 21 Apr.
Fortunatus, diac. M., Valentiae in Galliis,
23 Apr.
Fortunatus, M., Aquileiae, II Jun.
Fortunatus, Ep. C. in territ. Senon., 18
Fortunatus, discip. S. Marci, diac. in Aqui-
leia, 12 Jul.
Fortunatus, in Campania, 12 Oct.
Fortunatus, Ep., Tuderti, 14 Oct.
Fortunatus, M., Romae, 15 Oct.
Fortunatus, Capuae, 15 Oct.
Fortunatus, lector M. , Venusise, in Apulia,.
24 Oct.
Fortunatus, Alexandriae, 27 Feb.
Fortunatus, Ep. C., 5 Mai. Add.
Fortunatus, M. , 14 Mai. Add.
Fortunatus, M., 17 Mai. Add.
Fortunatus, 14 Oct. Add.
Fotinus, Ep. M. , Lugduni, 2 Tun. ; 3 Tun.
Foyllane, 31 Oct. Add.
Franboldus, Ep. C., 16 Aug. Add.
Franciscus, C., fundator Ord. Minorum,
Assisii in Umbria, 4 Oct.
Franciscus, eius Translatio, 25 Mai.
Fraternus, Ep., (? M.) Antisiodori, 29
Fratres Septem, MM., Romse, 29 Mai.
Fratres Septem, filii Sanctse Felicitatis,
MM., Romge, 10 Jul.
Fredeswida, V., Oxonii in 4 Anglia, 19 Oct.
Fremundus, R.M., Britannia. II Mai.
Frigidianus (' Frygdiane '), Ep. C. Lucse.
1 8 Mar. Add.
Frigidianus, eius Translatio, 18 Nov. Add.
Fronto, abbas, Alexandria, 14 Apr.
Fronto, M., ex xviii Martt. Csesaraugustse
in Hisp., 15 al. 16 Apr.
Fronto, Ep. Petragoricen. , in Gallia, 25
Fronto, abbas in Thebaide, 19 Apr. Add.
Fructuosa, M., Antiochise, 23 Aug.
Fructuosus, Ep. Tarraconse in Hisp., 21
Frumentii Duo, MM. in Africa, 23 Mar.;
item 23 Mar. Add.
Frumentius, Ep., 27 Oct. Add.
Frustole, v. Flosculus, Ep. 2 Feb.
Fulgentius, Ep. C., Ruspse in Africa, I
Fulgence, Ep. Utruculanus, I Jan. Add.
Furcey, C., in rnonast. Perone ('Patron')
1 6 Jan.
Fusca, V.M., 13 Feb. Add.
Fuscianus, al. Fustinianus, M., Ambiani
in Gallia, 1 1 Dec.
Fuscolus, Ep. C. in Africa, 6 Sep.
Fyacre, C., 18 Aug. Add.
Fynan, Ep., 16 Mar. Add.
Fynanus (al. Wynyn) in Hibernia, 10 Sep.
Fynchell, 26 March, Add.
Fynian, 6 Feb. Add,
Fyrme, M. 13 Jan. Add.
Gabinius, Pr. M., Romse, 19 Feb.
Gabinius, M., Turribus Sardinia, 30 Mai.
Gabryell, Archang., 25 Mar. Add.
Gadane, 9 Mar. Add.
Gaius, Pr. C. Romse, 22 Apr. Add.
Galatus, M., Militanse in Armenia, 19 Apr.
Galenice, v. Callinicus, M., 28 Jan.
Galla, vidua, Romse. 5 Oct. Add.
Gallicanus, patricius, M., Alexandrise, 25
Gallus ('Gasly') abbas in Alemania, 20
Feb. ; 19 Feb. Add.
Gallus, Pr. C., abbas, in Germania, 16
Gamalielis Inventio, lerosolymis, 3 Aug.
Gasly, v. Gallus.
Caspar, see Jasper.
Gatianus (' Canciane'), Ep., Turonis, 18
Gauberge, v. Walpurgis.
Gaudentia, V. (M.), Romse, 30 Aug.
Gaudentius, Ep., 3 Feb. Add.
Gaudentius, Ep. M., 14 Oct. Add.
Gaugericus, Ep. C, Cameraci, n Aug.
Gawdrysyve, abbatissa, V., 14 Oct. Add.
Gay, v. Caius.
Geate, v. Grata, M.
Gedeon, i Sep. ; I Sep. Add.
Gelasius, M., Romse in foro Sempronii, 4
Gelasius, I. papa. 18 Nov. Add.
Gelasius, Ep. 20 Dec. Add.
Geminian, Ep. 29 Jan. Add.
Geminianus, M., Romse, 16 Sep.
Geminus, M. in Africa, 4 Jan.
Geminus, M., Romse, in foro Sempronii, 4
Geminus, Ep. 21 Apr. Add.
Genebadius, Ep. JLaudunensis, 7 Dec.
Generalis, femina, M. in Africa, 14 Sep.
Generosa, M. Carthagine, 17 Jul.
Genesius Arelatensis, exceptor, M.,
Gengolfus, C., Lingonis, n Mai. Add.
Gengulpus, C., 17 Sep. Add.
Gennand, Ep., 16 Apr. Add.
Genofeva, V., Parisiis, 3 Jan.
Genofeva, eius Translatio, 28 Oct.
Genonius, M., in territ. Lingoniensi, 19
Gentianus, hospes SS. Victorici et Fus-
ciani, M., Ambiani, II Dec.
Georgius, M. Diospoli in Perside, 23 Apr.
Georgius, diac. monachus, M., Cordubse,
27 Aug. _
Georgii, diac., et Aurelii, MM., reliquia-
rum receptio, Parisiis, 20 Oct.
Georgius, Pr., cum Frontone, Petragoricis
in Gallia, 25 Oct.
Geraldus, C., 10 Oct. Add.
Gerardus, Pannoniae Ep., 24 Feb. Add.
Gerardus, Lucensis Ep., 24 Feb. Add.
Geremare, abbas, 18 Mar. Add.
Geremarus, abbas, 24 Sep. Add.
Gergenius, Ep. Librensis, 17 Nov. Add.
Gerinus, M., 2 Oct. Add.
Gereon, miles M., Colonise Agrippinse, 10
Gergery, v. Gregorius, Ep. Turon.
Gertrudis, V. (? M.), monast. Nivigelke
in Brabantia, 17 Mar.
Gertrude, V.M.. eius Translatio, 10 Feb.
Germanicus, M., Smyrnse, 19 Jan.
Germanus, Ep. C., Parisiis, 28 Mai.
Germanus, eius Translatio, Parisiis, 25 Jul.
Germanus, Ep. C., Antisiodori, 31 Jul.
Germanus, Ep. C. , in Africa, 6 Sep.
Germanus, Ep. C., Antisiodori, I Oct.
Germanus, M., in Hispania, 23 Oct.
Germanus, Ep. C., Capuae, 30 Oct.
Germanus, M., Caesareae Cappadociae, 3
Gerontius, aL Geruntius, Ep. C., Italicae
in Hisp., 25 Aug.
Gervasius, M,, Mediolani, 19 Jun.
Getulius, conjux Symphorosse, M., Romae,
10 Jun.
Gignavus, abbas, in pago Bituricensi, 4
Gilbert, v. Agilbert, 24 Jun.
Gilbertus, C. , 4 Feb.
Gildardus, Ep., Rotomagi, 8 Jun.
Gildardus, C., Nivernis in Hibernia, 24
Giles, v. ^igidius.
Giraldus, .,13 Oct.
Gislenus (' Gysleny'), Ep. C., 9 Oct. ; Cf.,
20 Mar. Add.
Goar, Pr., 6 Jul.
Godricus, C., in Brit., 21 Mai.
Goericus, Ep. (Metensis), 19 Sept. Add.
Golfryde (Ceolfrith), abbas apud Jarrow,
25 Sep. Add.
Gondegrand, M., 5 Sep. Add.
Good Fryday, h.e. Parasceve, 25 Mar.
Goodwale (Gudwal), 6 Jun. Add.
Gordianus, M. Romae, 10 Mai.
Gordianus, M., Novioduni, 17 Sep.
Gorgonius. M., Sebastae in Armenia, 10
aL II Mar.
Gorgonius, M., Nicomedias, 9 Sep.
Gotardus, Ep. C., 5 Mai. Add.
Gracianus, vel Gracilianus, M., Falari in
agro Piceno, 12 Aug.
Grata (' Geate '), M., Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Gratianus, M., Ambianensis, 23 Oct.
Gregorii papae Magni Electio sive
Ordinatic, Romae, 3 Sep.
Gregorius, Ep., Nyssae, 9 Mar.
Gregorius, Ep. C., Illiberi, 24 Apr.
Gregorius I., papa, Romae, 12 Mar.
Gregorius, Ep., Nazianzi, 9 Mai.
Gregorius, Ep. M.. C., Neocaesareae in
Ponto, 3 Jul.
Gregorius, Ep. M., apud Pontum, 17 Nov.
Gregorius, Ep.,Turonis, 17 Nov.
Gregorius, papa, eius Translatio, 9 Dec.
Gregorius, Ep. C., Antisiodori, 19 aL 20
Gregorius, Pr. M., Spoleti in Tuscia, 24
Gregorius, Ep. Lingonensis, 3 Jul. Add.
Gregorius, eques C., in Samo insula, 24
Aug. Add.
Gregorius IT, papa, Romae, 28 Nov. Add.
Gregorius III, papa, Romae, 28 Nov. Add
Grimbaldus, Pr., apud Wintoniam, 8 Jul. ;
7 Jul. Add.
Guddene ('Gundene'), V.M., Carthagine,
18 Jul.
Gulphyle (Ulfilas) Ep. Gothorum, 21
Apr. Add.
Gumpert, Ep., n Mar. Add.
Gundleus, R., 29 Mar. Add.
Gungulphus, M., in Burgundia, 6 Oct.
Gundulphus, Ep. C., in pago Bituricensi,
17 Jun.
Gundulphus, aL Gundran, Ep. C. , Parisiis,
13 Nov.
Guntrannus, R., Cabilione, 28 Mar.
Gurius, M., Edessae, 20 Nov. Add.
Guthlacus, in Britannia, II Apr.
Gwenadius, abbas C., 3 Nov.
Gylbertus (de Sempringham), C., 4 Feb.
Gylbertus, v. Agilbertus, M., 24 Jun.
Gyldas, 29 Jan.
Gysleny, v. Gislenus.
Habacuc, propheta, in Judaea, 1 5 Jan.
Habentius ('Avens'), monachus, M.,
Cordubae, 7 Jun.
Habetdeum, Ep., 15 Mar. Add.
Habundy, v. Abundius.
Habundus, Pr. M., Cordubae, 8 Jun.
Hadrianus, M., Massiliae, I Mar.
Hadrianus, aL Adrianus, M., Nicomedise,
8 Sep.
Haiot, judex, I Sep. Add.
Hailon, judex, I Sep. Add.
Hammonius (' Ammon'), M., 14 Feb.
Hamptran, v. Emmeranus.
Heber, 28 Jan. Add.
Hedda, Ep. C.,7jul.
Hedistius (' Edisty '), M., Ravennae, 12
Hegesippus (' lesyppe '), historicus, Romae,
7 Apr.
Helena, R., mater Constantini Imp.,
Romae, 18 Aug.
Helena et ejus Translatio. V. Antisiodori,
22 Mai.
Helenus ('Heleny ') abbas in Deserto, 17
Apr. Add.
Helewsyppe, v. Eleusippus, M.
Helias, miles, Alexandriae, 22 Jan. Add.
Helimenas, Pr. M., Cordubae, 22 Apr.
Heliodorus, M., in Africa, 6 Mai.
Helladius ('Ellad'), Ep., Antisiodori, 8
Heliodorus, Ep., 3 Jul. Add.
Helpedius, abbas, 2 Sep. Add.
Helpidius, Ep. Lugduni, 2 Sep.
Hely, summus sacerdos, judex Israel, 20
Aug. Add.
Hely, abbas in Deserto, 1 1 Sep. Add.
Hely, discip. S. Antonii, II Sep. Add.
Helyas, propheta, 14 Aug. Add.
Hemitherius, al. Emitherius (' Enuthere ')
miles M., Calagurri, 3 Mar.
Henricus, imperator, 14 Jul. Add.
Henry, 16 Jan. Add.
Hera (' Heroys '), catechumena, M.,
Alexandria, 28 Jun.
Heraclea, M., in Thracia, 29 Sep.
[Hjeracles, Ep. Alexandria, 14 Jul.
Heraclides, M., Alexandriae, 28 Jun.
Heraclides, C., in Egypto, 23 Apr. Add.
Heraclius, M., Novioduni, 17 Mai.
Heraclius, M., Tuderti in Tuscia, 26 Mai.
Heraclius, Ep., apud Senones, 8 Jun.
Heraclyte, C., 2 Feb. Add.
Herastus ('Erast'), Ep. M., Philippis, 26
Herculanus, M., in Portu Romano, 5
Herculanus, miles M., cum S. Alexandro,
Romae, 25 Sep.
Herculanus, Ep. M., Perusii in Italia, 7
Herculanus, eius Translatio, Perusii, I
Keren, al. Irene, M., Thessalonicae, 5
Hereodarde, v. Theodardus.
Herimbertus, Ep. Tolosanus, 14 Mai.
Herina, V., 4 Mai. Add.
Herke, Ep. in Hibernia, 2 Nov. Add.
Hermagoras, Ep. M., discip. S. Marii,
Aquileioe, 12 Jul.
Hermagoras, ejus Translatio, 12 Sep.
Hermas, discip. S. Pauli, Romae, 9 Mai.
Hermelandus, abbas, 25 Mar.
Hermettus, M., Constantinopoli, 3 Aug.
Hermes, M., Bononiae, 4 Jan.
Hermes, M., Massiliae, I Mar.
Hermes, praefectus, M., Romae, 28 Aug.
Hermes, M., Adrianopoli in Thracia, 22
Hermes, exorcista, Rhetiarioe, 31 Dec.
Herminigildus, R. M., in Hispania, 13
Hermippus (' Hernempy '), 27 Jul.
Hermogenes, Antiochise, 17 Apr.
Hermogenes, M., Militanse in Armenia,
19 Apr.
Hermogenes, M., Syracusis, 25 Apr.
Hermogenes, M., 12 Dec.
Hermocrates (' Hermogiate '), M., 27
Hermolaus, Pr. M., Nicomedke, 27 Jul.
Hero, Ep. M., Antiochiae, 17 Oct.
Hero, M., Alexandrise, 14 Dec.
Heros ('Heroys'), M., Alexandrine, 28
Heryne, V., 4 Mai. Add.
Hester, regina, 14 Sep. Add.
Hesychius ('Esicy'), Ep. in Hispania, 15
Hesychius, miles M., Dorostori in Mysia,
15 Jun.
Hesychius, al. Esychius, M., Antiochice,
1 8 Nov.
Hesychius, Ep. M., 18 Feb. Add.
Hieremias, monachus, Cordubse, 7 Jun.
Hieremias, M., Cordubae, 17 Sep.
Hieronymus, Pr. Doctor in Bethleem Juda,
30 Sep.
Hieronymus, ejus Translatio, Romiv,
9 Mai. Add.
Hilaria, mater S. Afrae, M., Augustae
Vindelicorum, 12 Aug.
Hilaria, uxor Claudii, M., Romae, 3 Dec.
Hilarinus, monachus, M. , Aretii in Tuscia,
7 Aug.
Hilarinus, eius Translatio ad Ostia Tiberina,
16 Jul.
Hilarion, eremita, C., 21 Oct.
Hilarius, Ep. C., Gavalis, 25 Oct.
Hilarius, Ep. C., Pictavis, 13 Jan. et
I Nov.
Hilarius, Ep. M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar.
Hilarius, Ep. C, Arelate in Galliis, 5 Mai.
Hilarius, papa, Romae, 10 Sep.
Hilarius, abbas, 13 Mai. Add.
Hilda, abbatissa, 18 Nov. ; 17 Nov. Add.
Himerius, Ep., 17 Jun. Add.
Hippolytus, Pr. M. , Antiochise, 30 Jan,
Hippolytus, cum familia sua, M., Romce,
13 Aug.
Hippolytus, Ep. Africanus, 13 Aug. Add.
Hippolytus, in Portu Romano, 23 Aug.
Hippolytus, Pr. M., Romse, 20 Nov.
Honesimus, v. Onesimus, Ep.
Honestus, M., 16 Feb. Add.
Honoratus, Ep. apud Arelatem, 16 Jan.
Honoratus, Ep., 16 Jan. Add.
Honoratus, abbas, i6Jan. Add.
Honoratus, Ep. C., Ambiani, 15 Jun. Add. ;
I Sep. Add.
Honoratus, abbas, 16 Jan.
Honoratus, M. Ostiae ('at antioche'),
22 Dec.
Honorius M. apud Ostia Tiberina,
21 Nov.
Honorius, Archiep. Cantuar., 30 Sep. Add.
Honoryne, V. M., 27 Feb. Add.
Horanus, abbas in deserto Egypti, 12 Nov.
Hormisdas, papa, Romae, 8 Aug. Add.
Hormisdas, Rex Persarum, M.,
Horres, filius Theusetoe
13 Mar.
M. , Nica\v,
Ilospitius, 21 Mai Add.
Hostianus, Pr. M., in territ. Vivariensi,
30 Jun.
Hukbert, al Hubertus, Ep. [Tungrensis],
3 Nov.
Hugo, Ep. Lincoln., 17 Nov.
Hugo, Ep., 31 Mar. Add.
Hugo, abbas, I Apr. Add.
Hugo, abbas Cluniacensis, 5 Jul. Add.
Hugo de S. Victore, 5 Jul. Add.
Hugo, puerulus Lincolniae, I Aug. Add,
Hundegunda, V., 25 Aug. Add.
Hutbert, Ep. C, 30 Mai.
Hyacinthus (' lacynct'), M., Romae, 10 Feb.
Hyacinthus, M. , in Portu Romano, 26 Jul.
Hyacinthus, M., Sabinis, 9 Sep.
Hyacinthus, Eunuchus, M., Romae, II Sep.
Hyacinthus, M. in Lucania, 29 Oct.
Hyery, v. Pierius, Pr.
Hyginus ('Ygyn'), papa, M., Romae, n
Jan. Add.
Hyldebert, Ep., 13 Feb. Add.
Hyldegart, V., 22 Jun. Add.
Hyldelyth, V., 24 Mar. Add.
Hyldentius, Ep., 26 Mai. Add.
Hyrade, M., II Mar. Add.
Hyren, v. Irenaeus, M.
Ilyren, v. Irene.
Ignatius, avunculus Celerini, M. in Africa,
3 Feb.
Ignatius, Ep. Antioch., M., Romae, I Feb.
Ignatius, eius Translatio, 17 Dec.
Ildefonsus (' Nedolfons '), Ep. Toletanus,
23 Jan. Add. ; ( Hyldefons ') 18 Dec.
Iltutus, in Brit. , 6 Nov. Add.
Indaletius, [C] in Hispania, Ep. missus
ab apostolis, 15 Mai.
Indrake, R. Hiberniae, 8 Mai. Add.
Infantes Decem, Martt., Alexandriae,
1 5 Jul.
Ingenuinus ('Ingemyne'), Ep. Sabionensis,
5 Feb. Add.
Ingenuus, miles, M., Alexandriae, 20 Dec.
Ingemyne, v. Ingenuinus.
Innocentes, MM,, in Bethleem Judae,
28 Dec.
Innocentes, eorum Octava, 4 Jan.
Innocentius, M. Sirmii, 4 Jul.
Innocentius, papa, C. aL M., 28 Jul.
Innocentius, miles M., ex Thebaeorum
legione, in loco Agauno, Seduni in
Galliis, 22 Sep.
Inventio capitis Praecursoris Qo. Bapt.]
Hierosolymis, 24 Feb.
Inventius, aL luventius ('Vincent'), M.,
Romce, I Jan.
Irenaeus (' Hyerene '), M., Romae, 10 Feb.
Irenceus, Ep. M., Sirmii, 25 Mar.
Irenaeus (' Hyreney'), Diac. apud Penta-
polim Libyae, 26 Mar.
Irenaeus, M., Thessalonicae, 5 Mai.
Irenaeus, Ep. M., Lugduni in Galliis, 28
Irenaeus (' Hyreney '), Diac. M., Clusii in
Etruria, 3 Jul.
Irenaeus, M. , Romae, 26 Aug.
Irene ('Hyrene'), V. M., Thessalonicae,
5 Apr-
Isaac, monachus, M., Cordubae in Hisp.,
3 Jun.
Isai, al. Jesse, pater David, 29 Dec. Add.
Isay, 26 Feb. Add.
Isidorus, Ep. M., 2 Jan.
Isidorus ('ysydour'), C., 15 Jan.
Isidorus, Ep., Hispali in Hispania, 4 Apr.
Isidorus, monachus, Cordubae, 17 Apr.
Isidorus, M. (Ep. apud Chium insulam) 15
Isidorus, M., Alexandriae, 14 Dec.
Itamar, Ep. C., 10 Jun.
Ive, al. Yve, C. in Britannia, 8 Oct.
Jacob, 5 Feb. Add.
Jacobus, Ap. M. lerosolymis, I Mai.
Jacobus, eius Translatio ab Hierosolymis ad
Hispaniam, 25 Jul.
Jacobus, Ep., 15 Mar.
Jacobus, Zebedaei, Ap. M., lerosolymis,
25 Mar.
Jacobus, Pr. M. , in Perside, 22 Apr.
Jacobus, Diac. M., in urbe Lambesitana,
30 Apr.
Jacobus, Ep. C., Nisibi, 15 Jul.
Jacobus, eius Vigilia, 24 Jul.
Jacynct, v. Hyacinthus.
Jader, Ep. C., al. M., in Africa, 10 Sep.
Jair, judex, I Sep. Add.
Januaria, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul.
Januarius, M., in civitate Heraclea, 7 Jan.
Januarius, ex xviii. Martt. Caesaraugustce,
1 6 Apr.
Januarius, M., in Africa, 10 Jul.
Januarius, M., films S. Felicitatis, Romae,
10 Jul. ; 23 Nov.
Januarius, M. , in Armenia minori, 1 1 Jul.
Januarius, [Diac. M.] Carthagine, 15 Jul.
Januarius, subdiac. M., Romae, 6 Aug.
Januarius, Ep. Beneventanae civitatis, M.,
Puteolis, al. Neapoli in Campania,
19 Sep.
Januarius, M., Cordubae in Hisp., 13 Oct.
Januarius, Pr. M., Venusiae in Apulia,
24 Oct.
Jared, 23 Jan. Add.
Jason, filius Claudii, M., Romse, 3 Dec.
Jason, II Mai. Add.
Jasper, e tribus regibus Colonise, 6 Jan.
Jephte, judex, I Sep. Add.
2 5 6
Jeremias, propheta, I Mai.
Jerony, 9 Apr. Add.
Jesus Josedek, 13 Jul. Add.
Jesus Nave, propheta, I Sep.
JESU CHRISTI, D.N, Nativitas in Bethleem
Juda, 25 Dec. Vigilia, 24 Dec.
JESU Pueri Relatio, 7 Jan.
Jesus, filius Sirach, I Aug. Add.
Jesyppe, v. Hegesippus.
Joanna, uxor Chusse, Antiochiae, 24 Mai.
Joachim, 26 Jul. Add.
Joannes, abbas, 27 Jan.
Joannes Chrysostomus, Ep., Constanti-
nopoli, 27 Jan.
Joannes, Pr. C, in monast. Reomanensi,
28 Jan.
Joannes, M. cum Cyro, Alexandriae,
31 Jan.
Joannes, abbas, ex Syria, apud Civit.
Penarensem, 19 Mar.
Joannes, eremita in Aegypto, 27 Mar.
Joannes Beverlacensis, Ep. C., Eboraci
in Anglia, 7 Mai. ; item 25 Oct.
Joannes, papa, M., Ravennge, 27, al.
28 Mai.
Joannes, Pr. M., Romae. 23 Jun.
Joannes Bapt., Nativitas, 24 Jun.; Vigilia,
23 Jun.
Joannes Bapt., ejus Octava, i Jul.
Joannes Bapt., ejus Capitis Inventio,
24 Feb.
Joannes Bapt. , eius Decollatio, vel Inventio
Capitis, 29 Aug.
Joannes Bapt. , eius Conceptio, 24 Sep.
Joannes, frater Pauli, M., Romae, 26 Jun.
Joannes, e septem Dormientibus, M. ,
Ephesi, 27 Jul.
Joannes, Pr. sicut M., Romae, 18 Aug.
Joannes, filius Marcellini, M., Tomis,
27 Aug.
Joannes, nobilis, M., Nicomediae, 7 Sep.
Joannes, frater Adulphi, M., Corduboe, 27
Joannes, cum Festo, M., in Tuscia, 21
Joannes, Ap. & Ev., C., Ephesi, 27 Dec.
Joannes, eius Octava, 3 Jan.
Joannes, ante portam Latinam, Romae,
6 Mai.
Joannes, Alexandria patriarcha, 3 Feb.
Joannes, monachus, 28 Feb. Add.
Joannes, abbas, 28 Feb. Add.
Joannes, abbas in Thebaide, 28 Feb.
Joannes, 28 Feb. Add.
Joannes, de Obedientia vocatus, 28 Mar.
Joannes, Damascenus, 6 Mai. Add.
Toannes, M., Alexandrise, 19 Mai. Add.
Joannes capistranus, 20 Mai. Add.
Joannes I., papa, 26 Mai. Add.
Joannes II., papa, 26 Mai. Add.
Joannes III., papa, 26 Mai. Add.
Joannes, in deserto Egypti, II Jan.
Joannes, monachus caesus a latronibus, 20
Jun. Add.
Joannes, eremita, 5 Aug. Add.
Joannes, Ep. Augustodunensis, 29 Oct.
Jocundianus, M. , in Africa, 4 Jul.
Job, propheta, in terra IIus, 10 Mai.
Joel, propheta, 13 Jul.
Jomny, abbas, I Jun. Add.
Jonas, propheta, 26 Jan. Add.
Jonas, Pr. M., 22 Sep. Add.
Josaphat, filius regis Indiae, I Aug. Add. j
item 27 Nov. Add.
Joseph, Diac., Antiochiae, 15 Feb.
Joseph, sponsus Mariae, Nutritor Domini,
in Judaea, 19 Mar.
Joseph Justus, in Judaea, 20 Jul.
Joseph, 5 Feb. Add.
Joseph ab Arimathia, 27 Mar. Add.
Josias, R. 24 Jun. Add.
Josye, M. scriba apud Judaeos, 25 Jul.
Jovilla ('lonyll'), M. apud Lingones, 17
Jovinianus, lector, M., Antisiodori, 5 Mai,
ovinus, M., Romae, 2 Mar.
ovinus, Pr. C., 20 Jun.
ovitta, Diac. M., Brixiae, 15 Feb.
ucundianus, M., in Africa, 4 Jul.
udalece, v. Indaletius, Ep.
Judith, 14 Sep. Add.
Judocus, eremita, C, 13 Dec. ; Item, 25
Jul. Add. ; ejus Translatio (' Nidoke'),
9 Jan. Add.
udas, Ap. M.,28 Oct.
ulia, V. M., 22 Mai.
ulia, M., Carthagine, 15 Jul.
ulia, V. M., Trecis, 21 Jul.
ulia, soror Verissimi, M., Ulyssipone in
Lusitania, I Oct.
Julia, V. M., apud Augustam Euphrate-
siam, 7 Oct.
Julia, socia S. Eulaliae, V. M., Emeritae in
Hisp., 10 Dec.
Juliana, V. M., Cumis, 16 Feb .
Juliana, M., Romae, 7 Aug.; 12 Aug.
Julianus, filius Symphorosae, M., Tibure,
27 Jun.
Julianus, conjux Basilissae, M. Antiochiae,
9 Jun.
Julianus, Diac. M., Bellovaci, 8 Jan.
Julianus (al. Symon leprosus), Ep. apud
Cenommanos, 27 Jan.
Julianus, M., in Aegypto, 16 al. 17 Feb.
Julianus, M., in Africa, 19 Feb.
Julianus, M., Alexandria, 27 Feb.
Julianus, Ep., Toleti, 6 al 8 Mar.
Julianus, C., Caesareae, 23 Mar.
Julianus, conjux Basilissae, M., Antiochiae,
9 Jun.
Julianus, filius Symphorosae, M., Tibure, 27
Julianus, M., Damasci, 20 Jul.
Julianus, Ep. , eius Translatio in Ceno-
manos, 25 Jul.
Julianus, M., Romae, 7 Aug.
Julianus, C., in Syria, 12 Aug.
Julianus, miles M., 28 Aug.
Julianus, conjux Castell[an]ae, 27 Jan.
Julianus, nobilis M., 27 Jan. Add.
Julianus, M. sub Diocletiano, 27 Jan. Add.
Julianus, eremita, C. , 28 Jan. Add.
Julianus, C., 28 Jan. Add.
Julianus, 13 Feb. Add.
Julianus, M., 23 Jun. Add.
Julianus, M. 8 Jul. Add.
Julian (al. Vivianus), Ep. C., apud San-
tones, 28 Aug.
Julianus, Pr. M., Tarracinae, I Nov.
Julitta, mater Cyrici al. Quiriaci, M., An-
tiochiae, 16 Jun. ; item 15 Jul. Add.
Julius, papa C., Romae, 12 Apr,
Julius, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., ex
xviii Martt., 15 al. 1 6 Apr.
Julius, miles emeritus, M., Dorostori in
Maesia, 27 Mai.
Julius, senator, M. Romae, 19 Aug.
Julius, M., Thagurae in Africa, 5 Dec.
Julius, M., Gedulbse in Thracia, 20 Dec.
Julius, cognomine Africanus, 10 Apr. Add.
Julius, M. in Brit., I Jul. Add.
Ivo, eius Inventio, 24 Apr. Add.
Ivo, 10 Jun. Add.
Justa, M. Carthagine, 15 Jul.
Justa, al. Justina, V. M., Hispali in Hisp.,
19 Jul.
Tustina, V. M., cum Cypriano, Nicomediae,
26 Sep.
Justina, V.M., 30 Nov.
Justina, soror S. Aurei, V. M., 16 Jun.
Justina, V. M., 7 Oct. Add.
Justinianus, M. in territ. Belvacensi, 18
Justinianus, in Brit, minore, 5 Dec. Add.
Justinus, philosophus, M., apud Pergamum
Asiae, 13 Apr.
Justinus, filius Symphorosae, M., Tibure,
27 Jun.
Justinus, M., in territ. Parisiensi, I Aug.
Justinus, Pr. C. (? M.) Romae, 17 Sep.
Justinus, Pr., 4 Aug. Add.
Justinus, Pr., 5 Aug.
Justus, M., 12 Feb.
Justus, M., Romae, 28 Feb.
Justus, M., in Campania, 2 Jul.
Justus, puer M., Compluti in Hisp., I
Justus, Ep. C., Lugduni, 2 Sep.
Justus, eius Depositio, Lugduni, 14 Jul.
Justus, puer M., in territ. Belvacensi, 18
Justus, Archiep. [Cantuar.], 10 Nov.
Justus, filius S. Justinae, M., i Aug. Add.
Justus, diaconus, M., 27 Sep. Add.
Justus, Ep. Lugdunensis, 14 Oct. Add.
Justus, M., 2 Nov. Add.
Juthware, V., 13 Jul. Add.
Juvenalis, Ep. C, 3 Mai.
Juvenalis, M., 7 Mai.
Juventius, (' Evence,') Ep., Ticini, 12
Juventius ('Vincent'), al. Inventius, M.,
Romas, I Jun.
Juventius, Pr, in Hispania, I Nov. Add.
Kalanyke, M., Gazae, 17 Dec. Add.
Kalixt, v. Callistus.
Kalixta, V. 27 Feb. Add.
Kalocery, v. Calocerus, M.
Katherina, V. M., Alexandriae, 25 Nov.
Keby, 8 Nov. Add.
Kenanus, Ep. in Hibernia, 24 Nov. Add.
Keneburga, V. M., Glocestriae in Britannia,
25 Jun.
Kenede, in Brit., I Aug. Add.
Kenelme, 3 Nov. Add.
Kenelmus, R. M., in Britannia, 17 Jul.
Kenfredus, diac. C., 6 Jul. Add.
Kentegerne, Ep., 13 Jan. Add.
Kenyswyde, V., 6 Mar. Add.
Keynyne, abbas in Hibernia, 3 Jun. Add.
Key, v. Caius, Caia.
Keynwir, V., 8 Oct. Add.
Kilianus, cum sociis, Ep. M., Herbipoli,
8 Jul.
Kunegund, V., 3 Mar. Add.
Kyneburge, abbatissa, 6 Mar. Add.
Laetatius, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul.
Laetus, M. , in Africa, 6 Sep.
Laetus, Pr. C. , Aurelianis in Gallia, 5 Nov.
Lafreane ( Laisrean), abbas, 18 Apr.
Lambertus, Ep. Tungrensis, M., Leodii, 17
Landelme, abbas, 20 Mar. Add.
Lanfrancus, Archiep. Cantuar, 28 Mai.
Lanfrancus, abbas C. , 3 Jul. Add.
Lamnomyarus, Pr. in pago Dorcasin. 19
Largius, M., Romae, 12 Aug.
Largius, v. Lorgius.
Largus, M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar.
Largus, M., Romae, 16 Mar.
Largus, eius Translatio, 8 Aug.
Largus, M., Augustae, 5 Aug. Add.
2 5 8
Latro (' Latry ') Ep. Laudunensis, 7 Dec.
Latrocinianus, M.. Treveris, 28 Apr. Add.
Laudus, Ep. C. , Romae, 21 Sep.
Laurentinus ('Laurence'), patruus Celerini,
M., in Africa, 3 Feb.
Laurentinus, M., Aretiiin Tuscia, 3 Jun.
Laurentius, Archiep. Dorobernise in Anglia,
2 Feb.
Laurentius, Archidiac., M., Romae, 10 Aug.
Laurentius eius Octava, 17 Aug., eius
Vigilia, 9 Aug.
Laurentius cum Stephano, 7 Mai. Add.
Laurentius, Ep. 14 Nov. Add.
Laurianus, Ep. Hispalensis, M. in territ.
Bituricensi, 4 Jul.
Lazarus, frater Marias et Marthse, in
Bethania, 17 Dec. ; cf. 10 Jun. Add.
Leander, Ep. C., Hispali in Hisp., 27
Leo, M., Romae, I Mar.
Leo I., papa Romae, II Apr. ; 22 Apr.
Leo, C., in territorio Tricassino, 25 Mai.
Leo II., papa C. (et Doctor) Romae, 28
Leo, C., in castro Melidunensi, 12 Nov.
Leo X. (at. IX.) papa Romae, 19 Apr. Add.
Leo, Ep. in Graecia, 29 Apr. Add.
Leo III., papa, 28 Jun. Add.
Leo IV., papa, 16 Jul. Add.
Leo, eques, C. , 24 Aug. Add.
Leobinus, al. Leopitus, Ep. Carnutensis,
15 Sep.
Leocadia, V. , Toleti, 9 Dec.
Leodegarius, Ep. M., eius Translatio, 15
Leodegarius, Ep. Augustodunensis, M., 2
Leofridus (' Lewfryde'), C. in pago
Ebroicensi, 21 Jun.
Leoncy, C., in Africa, 6 Dec.
Leonardus, eremita, Turonis, 18 Jan.
Leonardus, C., in monast. Wendoper, 26
Leonardus, abbas C. 6 Nov.
Leonardus, C., 8 Dec.
Leonardus, 15 Oct. Add.
Leonides, M., n Feb. Add.
Leonilla, M. apud Lingones, 17 Jan.
Leonorus, Ep. C., I Jul. Add.
Leontia, in Africa, 6 Dec.
Leontius, Ep., Nicomediae, 19 Mar.
Leontius, M., Aegaeae, 27 Sep.
Leontius, M., 20 Aug. Add.
Leontius, C., 30 Oct. Add.
Leorny, Ep., 23 Apr. Add.
Leovigildus, monachus M., Cordubae, 20
L-etardus, Ep., 7 Mai. Add.
T .ethatius ( ' Letace ' ) M. , Car thagine, 1 7 Jul.
Leucus ('Lewce') al. Leucius, M., Apcl-
loniae, 28 Jan.
Lia, uxor Jacob, 5 Feb. Add.
Liberalis, C., Altini, 27 Apr. Add.
Liberalis, Ep. Cannensis, M., 30 Dec.
Liberatus, abbas M., in Africa, 17 Aug.
Liberatus, Amphitr., 20 Dec.
Liberatus, abbas, 23 Mai. Add.
Liberatus, M., 23 Mai. Add.
Liberius, Ep. (papa) Romae, 23 Sep.
Libertinus, abbas, 31 Mai. Add.
Lidor, al. Littorius, Ep. C., Turonis, 13
Ligorius, M., in Graecia, 13 Sep. Add,
Liliosa, M., 27 Aug.
Linus, papa M., Romae, 26 Nov. ; item 23
Sep. Add.
Linus, v. Nilus, Ep. M.
Liphardus, Pr. C., in territ. Aurelianensi,
3 Jun.
Litaniae majores, Romae, 25 Apr.
Litens, al. Littens ('Luthy'), M. al. Ep.
C., in Africa, 10 Sep.
Littorius ('Lidor'), Ep. C., Turonis, 13
Liventius, C., in castro Luca, 25 Jan.
Longinus, miles M., Massiliae in Gallia, 21
Longinus, miles M., Csesareae Cappad.,
(i Sep.) 15 Mar.
Longyse, C., 13 Jan. Add.
Lorgius, M. (al. C.) Caesareae in Cap-
padocia, 2 Mar.
Lot, 5 Feb. Add.
Lotharius, abbas, 14 Dec.
Lucanus, M., 30 Oct. Add.
Lucas, (' Luke ') Ep., Mar. 15.
Lucas, diac., M., Cordulae, 22 Apr.
Lucas, Evang. C., in Bithynia, 18 Oct.
Luceia, V. M., Romae, 25 Jun. ; item 24
Jun. Add.
Lucia, Vidua, M., Romae, 16 Sep.
Lucia, V.M., Syracusis in Sicilia, 13 Dec.
Lucia, ejus translatio, 18 Jan. Add.
Lucianus, Pr. Antioch., M., Nicomediae, 7
Lucianus, (? Ep. M.) Belvaci, 8 Jan.
Lucianus, M., in Sardinia, 28 Mai.
Lucianus, C., in Africa, 13 Jun.
Lucianus, C. Tripoli, 24 Dec.
Lucianus, Pr., 25 Dec. Add.
Lucifer, Ep. , 26 Apr. Add.
Lucilla, V., filia Nemesii, M., Romae, 31
Lucilla, V.M., 29 Jul. Add.
Lucina, discip. Apost., Romae, 30 Jun.
Lucina, matrona, M., 30 Jun. Add.
Lucinius, (' Lizyne ') Ep., Andegavi, 13
Lucius, C. Alexandriae, 1 1 Jan.
Lucius, M., Romse, 8 Feb.
Lucius, Ep. M., Ccesareae in Cappadocia,
2 Mar.
Lucius, papa M., Romae, 4 Mar.
Lucius, Ep., Cyrenae, 6 Mai.
Lucius, Ep. M. (al. C. ), in Africa, 10 Sep.
Lucius, M., Alexandriae, 19 Oct,
Lucius, miles M., Romae, 25 Oct.
Lucius, M., in Lucania, 29 Oct.
Lucius, C., Alexandria, 17 Nov.
Lucius, R., in Britannia, 3 Dec. Add.
Ludovicus, Ep., 19 Aug. Add.
Ludovicus, Rex Franciae, 25 Aug. Add.
Lufyle, Capuse, 15 Oct.
Lugyde, abbas, 4 Aug. Add.
Luke, v. Lucius, papa.
Luke, Ep. Mar. 15.
Lupercus, M,, Caesaraugustas in Hisp., 15
al. 1 6 Apr.
Lupicinus, abbas in territ. Lugdunensi, 21
Lupus, Ep. C., Trecis, 29 Jul.
Lupus, Ep. C., apud Senonas, I Sep.
Lupus, Ep. anachorita Lugduni, 25 Sep.
Lupus, C., Cordubae, 14 Oct.
Lupus, Ep. C, 16 Jun. Add.
Luvianus, C., eius Translatio, 17 Feb.
Lyuence, C. , 25 Jan.
Macarius, M. Romae, 23 Jan.
Macarius, M. Romae, 28 Feb.
Macarius, Alexandrinus, abbas in The-
baide, 2 Jan.
Macarius, in Aegypto, 15 Jan.
Macarius, M., Alexandria (?), 12 Feb.
Macarius, C, in Syria, 12 Aug.
Macarius, M. Alexandriae, 8 Dec.
Macedonius, Pr. M., Nicomediae, 13 Mar.
Machabasi, vii fratres, cum matre sua, MM.,
Antiochias, I Aug.
Machabseus, Judas, I Oct. Add.
Machabseus, Jonathas, I Oct. Add.
Machabaeus, Simon, I Oct. Add.
Machabaeus, Johannes, I Oct. Add.
Macharius, Pr., 2 Jan. Add.
Machutus, Ep. C., in Britannia minore, 15
Mackartyne, 24 Mar. Add.
Macra, V.M., in territ. Rhemensi, 6 Tan.
Macra, al. Martiana, V. M., in Mauri-
tania Caesariensi, 9 Jan.
Macra, V. M., iSJun. Add.
Macrinus, M., Nividuni, 17 Sep.
Macrobius, M.. Damasci, 20 Jul.
Macrone, v. Matrona, M.
Maculyne, 6 Sep. Add.
Maeldoke, C.. in Hibernia, 13 Mai. Add.
Maglorius, al. Majour, Ep. in Brit,
[minori.] 24 Oct. Add.
Magnobonus, Ep., 16 Oct. Add.
Magnus, M. Romae, 4 Feb.
Magnus, subdiac. , M. , Romae, 6 Aug.
Magnus, al. Andreas, M., 19 Aug.
Magnus, M., Cabilone inGallia, 4 Sep.
Magnus, Rex Norwegiae, I Mai. Add.
Maiolus, abbas Cluniacensis, Silviniaci,
ii Mai.
Majour v. Maglorius.
Malachias, Ep. C, in monast. Clarevall.,
in territ. Lingonensi, 5 Nov.
Malachias, propheta, 23 Apr. Add.
Malachias, Ep., 2 Nov. Add.
Malchus, M., Caesareae Palestinae, 28
Malchus, M., e Septem Dormientibus,
Ephesi, 27 Jul.
Malaliel, 23 Jan. Add.
Maldegare, dux, 20 Mar. Add.
Mallosus (Gereon) M., Coloniae Agrippinae,
Mamertus, Ep. C., Viennae, II Mai.
Mamertyne, abbas, 30 Mar. Add.
Mammea, Regina, II Feb. Add.
Mammes, M., Caesarese Cappadociae, 17
Manahen, Doct. et propheta N. Testa-
menti, Antiochiae, 24 Mai.
Manasses, films Joseph, 5 Feb. Add.
Mandalis, (' Amandale'), M., Romae, 10
Mannea, uxor Marcellini, M., Tomis, 27
Mansuetus, Ep. C., Tullensis, 3 Sep.
Mansuetus, Ep. C. , in Africa, 6 Sep.
Mansuetus, Ep. M. , in Africa, 28 Nov.
Mansuetus, M. Alexandriae, 30 Dec.
Mansuetus, Ep. C, 2 Sep. Add.
Mappalicus, M., in Africa, 17 Apr.
Marce, v. Martia.
Marcel, v. Mecellus, 24 Jan.
Marcella, M. , Alexandrinae, 28 Jun.
Marcellianus (' Marcell'), M., Romae, 18
Marcellianus, M., Coloniae in Tuscia,9 Aug.
Marcellianus, .,13 Mai. Add.
Marcellinus, puer M., Tomis in Ponto, 2
Marcell[inus]. Ep. C., Ebreduni in Gallia,
20 Apr.
Marcellinus, papa M., Romae, 26 Apr.
Marcellinus, Pr. M. , Romae, 2 Jun.
Marcellinus, tribunus, M., Tomis, 27 Aug.
Marcellinus, Ep., 9 Jan. Add.
Marcell, Ep., 16 Jan. Add.
Marcellus, papa M., Romae, i6Jan.
Marcellus, in Africa, 19 Feb.
Marcellus, M. Romae, 18 Jun.
Marcellus, M., in Castro Argentomacho,
29 Jun.
Marcellus, M., Cabilione, 4 Sep.
Marcellus, M., Capuae, 6 Oct.
R 2
Marcellus, discip. Petri., M., Romse, 7
Marcellus, C, 13 Oct.
Marcellus, centurio, M., Tingitanae, in
Mauritania, 30 Oct.
Marcellus, Ep., Parisiis, I Nov.
Marcellus, diac. M., Spoleti, 30 Dec.
Marcellus, Ep., i6Jan. Add.
Marcellus, Ep. M., 12 Oct. Add.
Marcesse, v. Narcissus, M.
Marcias, v. Mareas, Ep. M.
Marcilla, famula S. Marthae, 29 Jul. Add.
cf. 10 Jun. Add.
Martia, cum Rufino, M., Syracusis, 21 Jun.
Marcia, M., in Campania, 2 Jul.
Marcus, M. Nicaeae, 13 Mar,
Marcus ('Marcyll'), cum Quincto, M.
Surrenti, 19 Mar.
Marcus, Evang. M., Alexandria, 25 Apr.
Marcus, ejus Translatio, 30 Jan. Add.
Marcus, ejus Inventio, 25 Jun. Add.
Marcus, nobilis, M., Romae, 18 Jun.
Marcus, frater Marciani, M. in Aegypto, 4
Marcus, I. , papa C. , Romae, 7 Oct.
Marcus, C., 13 Oct.
Marcus, Ep. M., Jerosolymis, 22 Oct.
Marcus, miles M., Romse, 25 Oct.
Marcus, diac. M., Tergeste, n Mai. Add.
Marcus II, papa, 7 Oct. Add.
Marcus, eremita, 7 Oct. Add.
Marcyll, v. Marcus cum Quincto, M.
Mardarius, M., 12 Dec. Add.
Mardonius, M., Neocsesarege, 24 Jan.
Mareas, Ep. M., in Perside, 22 Apr.
Margareta, V.M., Antiochiae, 13 al. 20 Jul.
Margareta, regina in Scotia, 10 Jun. Add.
Margareta, V., 8 Oct. Add.
Maria Jacobi, 27 Mar. Add.
Maria Salome, 27 Mar. Add.
Maria a Dioscoro servata, 18 Mai. Add.
Maria de Cegnies, 25 Jun. Add.
Maria soror Moysis, I Jul. Add.
Maria consolatrix, V,, I Aug. Add.
Maria ad Nives, Romae, 5 Aug. Add.
Maria, eius Purificatio, 2 Feb.
Marige, Beatse V. , Annuntiatio in Nazareth
Galilaeae, 25 Mar.
Marige Ecclesise ad Martyres, Dedicatio
Romse, 13 Mai.
Marige (Dormitio), Dei Genitricis, De-
positio sive Assumptio, 15 Aug.
Mariae, Octava Assumptionis B. Marige
V., 22 Aug.
Marige Conceptio, 8 Dec.
Marige, Dei Genitricis, Nativituas in Nazar-
eth Galiloese, 8 Sep.
Marige Nativitatis Octava, 15 Sep.
Marige Visitatio ad Elizabethan!, 2 Jul.
Marige Prgesentatio in templo, Hiero-
solymis, 21 Nov.
Maria Acgyptiaca, peccatrix, in Palaes-
tina, 2 Apr.
Maria Magdalena, eius Translatio, IQ
Maria Magdalena, 22 Jul. Cf. 10 Jun.
Maria Salome, Hierosolymis, 22 Oct.
Maria ancilla, V.M., I Nov.
Maria, V. M., 21 Nov.
Maria, V. M., cum S. Flora, Cordubge, 24
Marianus, lector, M. , in urbe Lambesitana,
30 Apr.
Marianus, C., in territ. Bituricensi, 19
Marianus, C., 17 Oct.
Marianus, monachus, 29 Apr. Add.
Marina, V. M., Alexandriae, 18 Jun.
Marinianus, Diac. M., Romae, I Dec.
Marinus, vir Dei, M., Avernis, 25 Jan.
Marinus, miles M. , Cgesareae Palestinge, 3
Marinus, M. in Africa, 10 Jul.
Marinus, patricius, M. Romae, 26 Dec.
Marinus, C., 4 Sep. Add.
Marius, Persa, nobilis, M., Romge, 20 Jan.
Marius, al. Maurus, abbas monasterii Bob-
acensis, 27 Jan.
Maro, M., in Italia, 15 Apr.
Marseus ('Narsey ') Alexandriae, 15 Jul.
Mailha, soror Marige Magdalenae, 29 Jul.
Cf. June 10. Add.
Martha, eius Translatio, in Bethania, 17
Martha, Persis, uxor Marii, M., Romse, 20
Martha, V. M., Coloniae Agrippinae, 20
Martia (' Marce '), M., Syracusis in Sicilia,
21 Jun.
Martia, M. in Campania, 2 Jul.
Martialis, M., ex xviii Martt., Csesarau-
gustae in Hisp., 15 al. 16 Apr.
Martialis, Ep. C. (al. M.), Lemovicis, 30
Martialis, rilius S. Felicitatis, M., Romae,
10 Jul.
Martialis, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romae,
23 Nov.
Martialis, peregrinus, M., in Portu Ro-
mano, 22 Aug.
Martialis, M., Cordubae in Hispania, 13
Martianus, M. in Africa, 4 Jan.
Martianus, 5 Apr.
Martiana, al. Macra, V. M., in Mauritania
Caesariensi, 9 Jan.
Martiana, V. M., in Mauritania Caesariensi,
11 Jul.
Martianus, frater Marci, M. in Aegypto, 4
Martianus, cum fratribus, M. in Africa, 16
Martianus, Ep. M., 6 Mar. Add.
M. in Egypto, 5 Jur
Martina, V. M., Romae, I Jan.
Martianus, M. in Egypto, 5 Jun. Add.
Martina, V., 17 Jul. Add.
Martinian, v. Martianus, M., 4 Jan.
Martinianus, M., Romae, 4 Jul.
Martinianus, e Septem Dormientibus, M.,
Ephesi, 27 Jul.
Martinus, abbas in monast. Vertano, 24
Martinus, papa, exulatus Chersonse in
Lycia, 10 Nov.
Martinus, Ep. C., Turonis in Galliis, II
Martinus, eius Octava, 18 Nov.
Martinus, eius Translatio et Ordinatio, item
Dedicatio Basilicse, Turonis, 4 Jul.
Martinus, abbas, apud Santonas, 7 Dec.
Martinus I. papa, M., Romae, 12 Nov.
[Martionilla] mater Celsi pueri, M., Antio-
chiae, 9 Jan.
Martyres multi, Antiochiae, 9 Jan.
Martyres tres alii cum Revocato et Fir-
mino, in Africa, 9 Jan.
Martyres Ixx. cum Anastas., Romse, 22
Martyres xxxvi. , cum Theogene, Hippone
in Africa, 26 Jan.
Martyres xii. ex Philadelphia, Smyrnse. 26
Martyres xv. , Smyrnse, I Feb.
Martyres (pueri duo, mulieres septem) cum
S. Blasio, Sebastae in Armenia, 3 Feb.
Martyres [innumerabiles] Thmuis in
Aegypto, 4 Feb.
Martyres plurimi cum S. Saturnine, in
Africa, n (al. 12) Feb.
Martyres decem milites, Romae, 10 Feb.
Martyres 5000, in Aegypto, cum S. Juliano,
i6(al. 17) Feb.
Martyres 806 (al. 86), cum Donate, con-
cordiae, al. Cordubse, 17 Feb.
Martyres plurimi, apud Tyrum Phceniciae,
Dioclet. Imp. , 20 Feb.
Martyres Ixxix. in Sicilia, Diocletiano Imp.,
21 Feb.
Martyres xx. Adrumeti in Africa, 21 Feb.
Martyres xlii. al. Ixii. vel Ixxii. Sirmii, 23
Martyres cclx [ii] Romse, Claudio Imp., I
Martyres plurimi, Alex;andro Imp., 2
Martyres xxvii. demersi cum S. Caio, 4
Martyres Dcccc, Romae, 4 Mar.
Martyres viii. alias ix. vel xi. cum Eusebio
palatine, 5 Mar.
Martyres tres demersi cum SS. Ariano et
Theotico, apud Antinoum in Egypto, 8
Martyres xlii. in Perside, 10 Mar.
Martyres alii (vii.) Nicomediae, 12 Mar.
Martyres xlvii. al. xlix. in carcere Macner-
tino baptizati, Romae, Nerone Imp., 14
Martyres xx. Romae, 1 6 Mar.
Martyres viii. al. ix., Surrenti, 19 Mar.
Martyres quatuor cum Paulo et Cyrillo, in
Syria, 20 Mar.
Martyres xiii. cum S. Epiphanio in Africa,
7 Apr.
Martyres quinque cum S. Apollonio demersi,
Alexandrine, 10 Apr.
Martyres plurimi, Romse, Aureliano Imp.,
10 Apr.
Martyres multae mulieres, cum Agathonica,
Pergami, 13 Apr.
Martyres vii. demersi Corinthi, 16 Apr.
Martyres multi in Africa, 17 Apr.
Martyres centum, cum S. Symeone, in Per-
side, 21 Apr.
Martyres plurimi in Perside, Sapore Rege,
22 Apr.
Martyres xxxiv. , Lugduni Galliae, 24 Apr.
Martyres xl., in metallo Phanensi,
(' Favence '), 4 Mai.
Martyres Ixxv., cum S. Heliodoro, in
Africa, 6 Mai.
Martyres cccx., in Perside, 9 Mai.
Martyres xlii., Romae, Alexandro Imp., 10
Martyres alii cum S. Desiderio, apud Lin-
gones, 23 Mai.
Martyres multi, Romse, 25 Mai.
Martyres duo, Dorostori in Msesia, 25 Mai.
Martyres xxii. cum Symnitero, Romse,
Antonino Imp., 26 Mai.
Martyres plures cum S. Prisco in territ.
Autisiodorensi, 26 Mai.
Martyres vii. Fratres, Romse, 29 Mai.
Martyres x., Augustoduni, I Jun.
Martyres xl. cum Photino, Lugduni in Gal-
lia, 2 Jun.
Martyres xx. apud Tarsum Ciliciae, 6 Jun.
Martyres iii. cum S. Hieremia, Cordubse, 7
Martyres xx., cum Basilide, Romse,
Aureliano Imp., 10 Jun.
Martyres x. infantes, 15 Jul.
Martyres cclxii. , Romae, 1 7 Jun.
Martyres innumerabiles in territorio Parisi-
ensi, 24 Jun.
Martyres xxii. [Virgines cum S. Lucia],
Romae, 25 Jun.
Martyres iii. vel viii. cum S. Plutarcho,
Alexandrise, iSJun.
Martyres iii., Romae, Nerone Imp., 2
Martyres xii. Christian! cum S. Tryphone,
Alexandria, 3 Jul.
Martyres xxx., Sirmii, 4 Jul.
Martyres 10203, Romse, 9 Jul.
Martyres vii. Fratres, filii S. Felicitatis,
Romae, 10 Jul.
Martyres 500 (al. Confessores) cum S.
Eugenic Ep. in Africa, 13 Jul.
Martyres x. infantes, 15 Jul.
Martyres Scillitani, Carthagine, Saturnine
Prsefecto, 17 Jul.
Martyres vii. filii S. Symphorosse, Tibure,
Martyres x. (al. xv.) cum Sabino, apud
Damascum, 20 Jul.
Martyres, Philadelphia, I Aug.
Martyres vii. (vel. ix.) cum S. Bono, &c.,
Romse, I Aug.
Martyres iii. , filii S. Theodotae, in Bithynia,
2 Aug.
Martyres xviii., Romse, 7 Aug.
Martyres xx. cum S. Cyriaco, &c., 8 Aug.
Martyres, plurimi (al. xx. vel. xxiv.) cum
S. Quirino, &c., 12 Aug.
Martyres xviii. familiares S. Hippolyti,
Romae, 13 Aug.
Martyres multi, in Africa, Hunnerico
Rege, 17 Aug.
Martyres 2598, cum Magno et Andrea in
Cilicia in Monte Tauro, 19 Aug.
Martyres aliqui, peregrini in Portu Romano,
22 Aug.
Martyres vii., filii Eleazari, Lugduni,
23 Aug.
Martyres xii. (al. xv.) Antiochiae, 23 Aug.
Martyres xxx. (a!, ccc) sub Valeriano et
Gallieno, 23 Aug.
Martyres 300, v. ' Massa Candida,' 24 Aug.
Martyres xxiii., Nicomediae, Maximiano
Imp., 8 Sep.
Martyres xxii., 8 Sep.
Martyres xxi. (al. xviii.) Romae, Decio
Imp. 14 Sep.
Martyres plurimi in Palestina, 19 Sep.
Martyres 6666 ex Thebseorum legione,
Seduni in Gallia, cum S. Cornelio, 22
Martyres 504 cum S. Areta, Romae, I Oct.
Martyres innumerabiles, Nicomediae, Dio-
cletiano Imp., 2 Oct.
Martyres paene innumerabiles in Aegypto,
4 Oct.
Martyres monachi xxx. , Messanae in Sicilia,
5 Oct.
Martyres multi, Viennae, 9 Oct.
Martyres xviii. cum S. Viatore, Coloniae
Agrippinae, 10 Oct.
Martyres, vii. al. multi, Veronae, in Gallia,
10 Oct.
Martyres 318, cum S. Gereone, Coloniae
Agrippinae, 10 Oct.
Martyres et confessores 4,976 in Africa,
Hunnerico R., 12 Oct.
Martyres ccc ex legione Thebaeorum,
Colonise Agrippinse, 15 Oct.
Martyres cclxx. , in Africa, Geiserico Rege,
16 Oct.
Martyres 365, al. 375, 16 Oct.
Martyres xlix., Antiochiae in Syria,
19 Oct.
Martyres multi cum Martha et Saula,
Colonise Agrippinae, 20 Oct.
Martyres xlvii. ; Item cxxi. ; Romae,
25 Oct.
Martyres ccxx. , in Africa, 30 Oct.
Martyres xl., alias x., Theopoli, 6 Nov.
Martyres tres (ex quibus erant Castorius et
Simplicianus) cum S. Claudio, Romae,
8 Nov.
Martyres xx. cum Demetrio, &c., Antio-
chiae, 10 Nov.
Martyres xxx., Nolae in Campania, Martiano
Prseside, 15 Nov.
Martyres Dclx., Alexandriae, Maximino
Imp., 25 Nov.
Martyres, omnis familia S. Rufi, Romse,
28 Nov.
Martyres iii. , cum Dionysia, &c., in Africa,
v. ' Confessores. '
Martyres xxii., 12 Dec.
Martyres duo, feminese sexus, Alexandriae,
12 Dec.
Martyres 1. Eleutheropoli in Oriente
(Gazse in Palaestina), 17 Dec.
Martyres xxx. (al. xx.) Romae, Diocletiano
Imp., 22 Dec.
Martyres xx. (al. xxxv.), Nicomediae, Dio-
cletiano Imp., 23 Dec.
Martyres cc, al. Dec., in insula Palmaria,
Diocletiano Imp., 25 Dec.
Martyres feminse Ix, cum S. Anastasia, in
insula Palmaria, Diocletiano Imp.,
25 Dec.
Martyres x. cum S. Mansueto, Alexandriae,
30 Dec.
Martyres, uxor Venustiani cum filiis suis,
Spoleti, 30 Dec.
Martyres, vide etiam, ' Coronati,' ' Milites/
' Mulieres,' ' Pueri,' ' Virgines.'
Martyres multi cum Tyrso, 17 Jan. Add.
Martyres multi cum Cheramone, 14 Feb.
Martyres multi Alexandriae, 16 Feb. Add.
Martyres cccc in Italia, 2 Mar. Add.
Martyres multi in Africa, 2 Mar. Add.
Martyres xxiii. cum Adriano, 4 Mar. Add.
Martyres xx., Carthagine, n Mar. Add.
Martyres xii. infantes, 23 Mar. Add.
Martyres xl ; 4 Mai. Add.
Martyres xl. alii, 4 Mai. Add.
Martyres xliv., 4 Jun. Add.
Martyres DC. cum Benigno, 6 Jun. Add.
Martyres, 10000 milites, Alexandrias,
22 Jun. Add.
Martyres M. cum Albano, 25 Jun. Add.
Martyres xvii., Augustas, 5 Aug. Add.
Martyres mcccc., n Aug. Add.
Martyres pene innumerabiles, Csesar-
augustse, 24 Aug. Add.
Martyres xii. fratres, I Sep. Add.
Martyres monachi duo, 15 Sep. Add.
Martyres xlix. cum Euphemia, 24 Sep.
Martyres xxviii. in Perside, 2 Nov. Add.
Martyres cc. cum Porphurio, 24 Nov.
Martyres xl. cum Floriano, 17 Dec. Add.
Martyrius, M., in Anaunia, 29 Mai. Add.
Martyrius, C., 18 Jun. Add.
Massa Candida, Carthagine, 24 Aug.
Materna, ('Mature') M., Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Mathathias, I Oct. Add.
Mathusale, 23 Jan. Add.
Matrona, (' Macrone ') M., Thessalonicse,
15 Mar.
Matrona, cum duabus filiabus VV. , 15 Feb.
Matthseus. Ap. et Evang. M., in Aethiopia,
21 Sep.
Matthseus, eius Vigilia, 20 Sep.
Matthias, Ep. lerosolymis, 30 Jan.
Matthias, Ap., in Judaea, 24 Feb.
Maturinus, C. in pago Wastinensi, I Nov.
Maturinus, C., 10 Mai. Add.
Maturus, M. , Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Matutinus, M., ex xviii. Martt., Csesarau-
gustas, 1 6 Apr.
Maulean, abbas, 15 Jan.
Maurilio, Ep. C., Andegavi, 13 Sep.
Mauritius, ex Theboeorum legione, M.,
Seduni in Galliis, 22 Sep.
Maurus, abbas in territ. Andegavensi,
1 5 Jan.
Maurus, abbas in monast. Bobiacensi,
27 Jan.
Maurus, miles M., Romas, 29 Jan.
Maurus, M., Romas, I Aug.
Maurus, M., in Istria, 21 Nov.
Maurus, M., Romas, 22 Nov.
Maurus, Romse, 29 Nov.
Maurus, M., Narnise, I Dec.
Maurus, films Claudii, M. Romas, 3 Dec.
Maxentia, V.M., 20 Nov. Add.
Maxentius, Pr. C., in pago Pictaviensi,
26 Jun.
Maxentius, abbas, 27 Mai. Add.
Maxima (' Maximiane '), M., Sirmii,
26 Mar.
Maxima, V. , Calidiani in pago Forojuliensi,
16 Mai.
Maxima, V.M., Tuburbi in Africa, 30 Jul.
Maxima, soror Verissimi, M., Ulyssipone
in Lusitania, i Oct.
Maxima, V.M., in Africa, 16 Oct.
Maxima, M., I Dec. Add.
Maximianus, Pr. M., Bellovaci in Galliis,
8 Jan.
Maximianus, v. Maximus, M., Ostiae.
Maximianus, M., 21 Aug.
Maximiana, v. Maxima, M., Sirmii.
Maximianus, in Africa, 18 Feb.
Maximianus, e Septem Dormientibus, M.,
Ephesi, 27 Jul.
Maximianus, Ep., 9 Jun. Add.
Maxim[in]us, Ep., Treveris, 29 Mai.
Maxim[in]us, M., Damasci, 20 Jul.
Maximinus, Pr. C., Aurelianis, 15 Dec.
Maximinus, Aquis in Gallia, 10 Jun. Add.
Maximus, frater Claudii, M., Ostiae, 18
Maximus, M., Romas, 14 Apr.
Maximus, nobilis, M., Cordulas, in Perside,
1 5 Apr.
Maximus, M. , Damasci, 20 Jul.
Maximus, Ep. C. , Veronae, 29 Mai.
Maximus, puer M., Karthagine in Africa,
17 Aug.
Maximus, M., Cabilone in Gallia, 4 Sep.
Maximus, levita M., in prov. Ambianensi,
20 Oct.
Maximus, Pr. (al. Ep.) M., Romas,
19 Nov.
Maximus, pater ccenobii Lerinensis, Ep.
C. , in civitate Rhegiensi, 27 Nov.
Maximus, 2 Feb. Add.
Maximus, monachus, 23 Mar. Add.
Maximus, Ep. C., 13 Sep. Add.
Maximus, M., 28 Sep. Add.
Maximus, Ep. Taurinensis, 27 Dec. Add.
Maximus, Ep. C., Alexandrise, 27 Dec.
Mecellus, (' Marcel '), M., Neocassareas,
24 Jan.
Medardus, v. Menander.
Medardus, Noviomensis, Ep. C., Suessione
in Gallia, 8 al. 9 Jun.
Medericus (* Meryke ') Pr. monachus, Pari-
siis, 29 Aug.
Medericus, abbas, 2 Sep. Add.
Medrisina, V., 22 Nov. Add.
Melan, v. ^Emilianus.
Melania, V. sacra, Hierosolymis, 29 Dec.
Melania, 22 Oct. Add.
Mclanius, Ep. C, Rhedonis in Gallia,
6 Jan.
Melanius, Ep., Rotomagi, 22 Oct.
Melanius, Ep. C., apud Regidonas,
6 Nov.
Melanius (' Melance '), Ep., i6Jan. Add.
Melchiades, papa, Romas, 10 Jan.
Melchiades, papa, Romse, 10 Dec.
Melchior, 6 Jan. Add.
Melchisedek, 5 Feb. Add.
Mele, Ep., 6 Feb. Add.
Meletius, Ep., C., in Ponto, 4 Dec.
26 4
Meletius, Ep., 4 Dec. Add.
Meleusippus, M., apud Lingonas, 17 Jun.
Melisius, Ep. M., in Perside, 22 Apr.
Melke, Ep. , 6 Feb. Add.
Mellitus, Ep. , Dorobernise, 24 Apr.
Melour, films ducis, Cornubise, M., I Oct.
Memmius (' Neminyne '), Ep. C, Cata
lannis, 5 Aug.
Metiander ('Medard'), M., Philadelphia,
in Arabia, I Aug.
Menelaus, C. , 22 Jul. Add.
Mennas, Aegyptius miles, M., n Nov.
Mennas, eremita, n Nov. Add.
Meny, Ep. C. , 5 Aug. Add.
Menye, v. Nimmia, M.
Mercuria, M., Alexandrise, 12 Dec.
Mercurialis, Ep., 25 Nov. Add.
Mercurius, M., Beneventi, 15 Jim.
Mercurius, M. , Csesaraugustse, 25 Nov. Add.
Merolus, monachus, 3 Oct. Add.
Merpwyn, V., 10 Feb.
Meryke, v. Medericus, 29 Aug.
Metellus, v. Mecellus.
Methodius, Ep. M., 18 Sep.
Metranus, M., Alexandria, 31 Jan.
Metron, C., Veronse, 9 Mai. Add.
Michael, Archangelus, eius Ecclesise Dedi-
catio, 8 Mai.
Michael, Ecclesise eius Dedicatio in Monte
Gargano, 29 Sep.
Michael in Monte Tumba, 16 Oct.
Michael, eius Apparitio, 7 Mai. Add.
Michseas, propheta .,15 Jan.
Micheas, alter, 15 Jan. Add.
Milburga, V., 25 Jun. Add.
Mildreda, V., in Anglia, 13 Jul.
Miles, M., cum S. Albano, in Britannia,
22 Jun.
Milites xxx, al. Ix, martyres Romse,
Diocletiano, I Jan.
Milites, xl, martyres Romse, Gallieno
Imp-, 13 Jan.
Milites, x, martyres Romse, 10 Feb.
Milites, xl, martyres Cappadoces apud
Sebasten Armenise, Licinio R., n Mar.
Milites viii, martyres cum S. Domnione,
Salonse in Dalmatia, 1 1 Apr.
Milites iii, martyres cum S. Paulo, Romse,
Nerone Imp., 2 Jul.
Milites 10,203 martyres cum Zenone,
Romse, 9 Jul.
Milites Ixxxiii, martyres, Amiterni, 24 Jul.
Milites clxv, martyres Romse, 10 Aug.
Milites ccc, martyres ex legione Thebse-
orum, Colonise Agrippinse, 15 Oct.
Milites xii, martyres Nicomedise, 21 Oct.
Milites xlvii, martyres Romse, Claudio
Imp., 25 Oct.
Milites cxxi, martyres Romse, 25 Oct.
Milites Ixx, martyres Romse, Numeriano
Imp., 3 Dec.
Mimilon, v. Numilo.
Mineatus, M., Florentise, 25 Oct.
Minervus, M. , Lugduni Gallise, 23 Aug.
Misael, cum fratribus MM., in Babilonia,
1 6 Dec.
Mitrius, al. Demetrius M., Aquis in
Provincia Narbonensi, 13 Nov.
Modest, C., 24 Jan. AHd.
Modesta, filia Macedonii, M., Nicomedke,
13 Mar.
Modestus, infans, Alexandria, 12 Feb.
Modestus, M. in Lucania apud Silarum
flumen, 15 Jun.
Modestus, M., Csesarione in territ.
Agathensi, 10 Nov.
Modestus, C. , 24 Jan. Add.
Modestus, Ep. Trever., 23 Feb. Add.
Modmund, M., in monast. Glocestrise, 20
Jul. Add.
Modwenna, V. , 5 Jul.
Modwenna, V., 9 Sep.
Moghtewe, abbas in Hibernia, 21 Aug.
Molyng, Ep. in Hibernia, 17 Jun. Add.
Monachi Quinquaginta martyres in Perside,
Sapore Rege, 22 Apr.
Monachi duo, 26 Dec. Add.
Monegundes, V. religiosa, Turonis, 2 Jul.
Monica, mater Augustini, 4 Mai.
Monitor, Ep. C., Aurelianis, 10 Nov.
Montanus, Pr. M., apud Sirmium, 26 Mar.
Montanus, n Mai.
Mosseus, al. Moyses, miles, lector M., in
Ponto, 18 Jan.
Moyses, M., Alexandrise, 14 Feb.
Moyses, propheta, 4 Sep.
Moyses, abbas, 7 Feb. Add.
Moysetes, Ep. in Aegypto, 7 Feb.
Moysetes, M., in Africa, 18 Dec.
Mulier cum Celso puero suo, v. Martionilla,
9 Jan.
Mulier cum suis geminis, MM. in Numidia,
Valeriano Imp., 29 Apr.
Mulieres vii, cum duobus pueris, MM. cum
S. Blasio, Sebastse in Armenia, 3 Feb.
Mulieres vii, martyres, Sebastse, Agricolao
Prseside, 15 Feb.
Mulieres multse martyres, cum S. Agatho-
nica, Pergami in Asia, 13 Apr.
Mulieres Sanctse cum Viduis xl, Eraclere,
19 Nov.
Mulieres Ix, al. dec., cum S. Anastasia
MM. in insula Palmaria, 25 Dec.
Munyse, Ep., 6 Feb. Add.
Murite, M., 24 Mar. Add.
Muritta, C., Carthagine in Africa, 13 Jul.
Musa, V., Romse, 22 Aug. Add.
VTusan, Pr. C, 24 Jan. Add.
Musonius, M., Neocsesarese, 24 Jan.
Mustiola, matrona nobilis, M., Clusii in
Etruria, 3 Jul.
Mutius, diaconus M., Cordulse, 22 Apr.
Mutius, Pr. M., Constantinopoli, 13 Mai.
Mutius, abbas, 25 Mai. Add.
Mutius, monachus, 25 Mai. Add.
Mycy, v. Mutius, diac.
Myniane, v. Ninianus.
Nabor, miles M., Romse, aL Mediolani,
12 Jun.
Nabor, M., in Africa, lojul.
Nabor, M., 12 Jul. Add.
Nachor, 28 Jan. Add.
Narcissus (' Marcesse '), puer M., Tomis in
Ponto, 2 Jan.
Narcissus, M., Romoe, 17 Sep.
Narcissus, Ep., Jerosolymis, 29 Oct.
Narseus, M., Alexandrise, 15 Jul.
Narthalus ('Nartaby'), aL Nartalis, Scilli-
tanus, M., Carthagine, 16, aL 17 Jul.
Nason, Discip. Christi, in Cypro, 12 Jul.
Natalia, M., 27 Aug.
Natalia, matrona, I Dec.
Natalius, C., Romse, 31 Oct. Add.
Nathan, propheta, 29 Dec. Add.
Nathanael, e Ixii discipulis, 30 Nov. Add.
Nathanael, eremita, 30 Nov. Add.
Nativitas Jesu Christi, 25 Dec.
Nativitas, B.M.V., 8 Sep.
Navalis, cum Valentino, M. Ravennse, 16
Naum, propheta, 24 Dec. Add.
Nazarius, miles M. , Romge, aL , Mediolani,
12 Jun.
Nazarius, M., Mediolani, 28 Jul.
Nedolfons, v. Ildefonsus.
Nehemias, propheta, 13 Jul. Add.
Nemelius, v. Nemesius f. Symphorosse.
Nemesianus, Ep. M., in Africa, 10 Sep.
Nemesius, M. , in Cypro, 20 Feb.
Nemesius, filius Symphorosse, M., Tibure,
27 Jun. (cf. Mart. Rom. sub 18 Jul.)
Nemesius, C., in pago Lisuino, I Aug.
Nemesius, Diac. M., Romse, 31 Oct.
Nemesius, M., Alexandrise in Aegypto, 19
Nemesius, nobilis, M., 25 Jul. Add.
Nemihyne, v. Memmius.
Neon, M., apud Lingones, 17 Jan.
Neon, M., Aeginse in Cilicia, 23 Aug.
Neopolis, M., Romoe, 2 Mai.
Neoterius, M., Alexandrite, 8 Sep.
Neotus, C., 8 Jul. ; 31 Jul.
Nereus, eunuchus M., Romse, 12 Mai.
Nereus, M., 16 Oct.
Nestor, Ep. M., apud Pergen Pamphylise,
26 Feb.
Nicseas, Ep. Romatianse urbis, 22 Jun.
Nicander, M., in Aegypto, 5 Jun.
Nicanor, ex vii Diaconis, M., apud
Cyprum, 10 Jan.
Nicanor (' Nichandre '), apud Aegyptum,
5 Apr.
Nicasius, aL Nigasius, Pr. M. in pago
Vilca^sino, n Oct.
Nicasius, Ep. M., Lugduni, aL Rhemis,
14 Dec.
Nice, mater Proculi, M., Puteolis, 19 Oct.
Niceta, V. M., 24 Jul.
Nicetas, M., 25 Mai. Add.
Nicetas, M., Nicomediae, 12 Sep. Add.
Nicetius (' Nicesy '), Ep., Lugduni, 2 Apr.
Nicetius, Ep. Viennae, 5 Mai.
Nicetius (' Niceny '), Ep. C., Treviris, I
Nicetius ('Niceny'), Ep. Treviris, 5 Dec.
Nicodemi Inventio, lerosolymis, 3 Aug.
Nicodemus, 27 Mar. Add.
Nicolas peregrinus, 3 Jun. Add.
Nicolaus, Ep. C., Myri in Lycia, 6 Dec.
Nicolaus, eius Translatio, 9 Mai ; item 29
Mai. Add.
Nicolaus alter, Ep. , 29 Mai. Add.
Nicolaus I., papa, 6 Dec. Add.
Nicomedes, Pr., M., Romas, 15 Sep.
Nicomedes, eius Dedicatio, I Jun.
Nicophorus (aL Nicephorus), in Orient e,
M., 17 Apr.
Nicophorus, M., apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb.
Nicostratus, p rimiscrinius, M. , Romse, 7 J ul .
Nicostratus, M., conjuxS. Zoe, 7 Jul. Add.
Nicostratus, marmorum csesor, M., Rorme,
8 Nov.
Nidoke, v. Judocus.
Nilus ('Line'), Ep. M., apud Tyrum in
Phoenicia, 20 Feb.
Nilus, Ep. N., in Palsestina, 19 Sep.
Nimmia ('Menye'), M. Romse, 12 Aug.
Ninianus ('Mynyane'), Ep. C., 16 Sep.
Nitrand, M. in Egypto, 5 Jun. Add.
Noe, 28 Jan. Add.
Nonos, monachus, 12 Jun. Add.
Norbertus, Ep., 8 Jul. Add.
Novatus, C., Romse, 20 Jun.
Numilo, V. M., Oscse in Hispania, 22
Nympha, V. M., 10 Nov. Add.
Nymphodora, M., Nicaese. 13 Mar.
Octavius, Thebanse legionis miles, M.,
Taurini, 20 Nov.
Odalricus, aL VJdaricus, Ep. C., 4 Jul.
Odilion, abbas, 2 Jan.
Odo, abbas Cluniacensis, Turonis, 18
Olympias, aL Olympiades, nobilis M.,
Cordulse in Perside, 15 Apr.
Odalric, aL Vldaryke, Ep. C., eius Deposi-
tio, 4 Jul.
Odilio, abbas Cluniac., 31 Dec. Add.
Odo, Archiep. Cantuar., 2 Jun. Add.
Odulphus ('Adulph'), C. in Frisia, 12
Odyle, abbas, I Jan. Add.
Olaty (Olavus?), 28 Sep. Add.
Olivierus, eques, Roncevallis, 16 Tun.
Olympius, M. Romae, 26 Jul.
Omnium Fidelium Defunctorum, 2 Nov.
Omnium Sanctorum Festivitas, I Nov.
Omnium Sanctorum Vigilia, 31 Oct.
Ondoce (Oudoceus), Ep., 2 Jul. Add.
Onesimus, Ep. M., Romae et Ephesi, 16
Onesimus, .,13 Mai. Add.
Onesiphorus, discip. S. Pauli, 6 Sep. Add.
Onias, filius Simonis, I Oct. Add.
Oonfrius, eremita, 9 Jun. Add. ; item 1 1
Jun. Add.
Opio, al. Epion, Pr. C., apud Bituricas, 12
Oportuna, V., 22 Apr. Add.
Optatus, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., 15
Apr., al. 1 6 Apr.
Optatus, Ep. C., Antisiodori, 31 Aug.
Or, eremita, 29 Mar. Add.
Orestius, M., 12 Dec. Add.
Orientius, Ep., Tolosae, I Mai.
Orosiensis, abbas, 14 Mai. Add.
Orontius, M., Ebreduni in Gallia, 22 Jan.
Oseas, propheta, 4 Jul.
Osman, V., in Hibernia, 9 Sep. Add.
Ostianus, v. Hostianus, Pr. M. in terri-
torio Vivariensi, 30 Jul.
Oswaldus, Archiep. in Anglia, 28 Feb.
Oswaldus, R. M., in Anglia, 5 Aug.
Oswinus, R. Brit., 20 Aug. Add.
Osythe, V. M., 7 Oct.
Othoniel, judex, I Sep. Add.
Pachomius, abbas in Aegypto, 14 Mai.
Pachomius, Ep. M., 18 Feb. Add.
Pachomius, monachus in Scythia, 14 Mai.
Pacianus, Ep., Barcinonae, 9 Mar.
Pacianus, Ep., 21 Nov. Add.
Pagate, Pr. C., 25 Jan. Add.
Pakamye(Pantamia), 20 Feb.
Pake, M., 29 Jul. Add.
Palatyne, v. Gains palatinus, M.
Palatyne, v. Eusebius palatinus M.
Palatinus, M., 30 Mai. Add.
Palion, v. Pollio.
Palmatius cum familia sua, consul, MM.,
Romas, 10 Mai.
Pambo, abbas, I Jul. Add.
Pamphilianus, Nicomediae, 17 Mar.
Pamphilus, Pr. M., Csesarese Palestinse, I
Pamphilus, M., Romae, 21 Sep.
Panacius, Ep. , 24 Jul. Add.
Pancratius, apud Tauromenium Sicil., 3
Pancratius, juvenis annorum xiv., M.,
Romae, 12 Mai.
Pannucius, 18 Feb. Add.
Pantaenus, Alexandria, 7 Jul.
Pantaleon, medicus M., Nicomediae, 28
Panutius, abbas, 29 Nov. Add.
Papias, miles M., Romae, 29 Jan.
Papias, Ep. Hierapoli, 22 Feb.
Papias, M., apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb.
Papinius, Ep. M., in Africa, 28 Nov.
Papyrius, Diac. M., Pergami in Asia, 13
Parmenas, ex vii. Diaconis, M., Philippis,
23 Jan.
Parmenius, Pr. M. , Cordulae, 22 Apr.
Parmyn, v. Pirminus, Ep.
Parthenus, eunuchus M., Romae, 19 Mai.
Pascasia, V. M. 9 Jan.
Paschasius, M., in Africa, 12 al. 13 Nov.
Passicrates, M., Dorostori in Maesia
(' Mafiaen'), 25 Mai.
Pastor, Nicomediae, 12 Jan.
Pastor, M., Nicomediae, 29 Mar.
Pastor, Ep., Aureliae, 30 Mar.
Pastor, Pr. C, 26 Jul.
Pastor, puer, Compluti in Hisp., 6 Aug.
Paternus, Apr. 15. Add.
Paternianus, Ep. C., lojul. Add.
Paternus, M., in territorio Senonensi 12
Patiens, Ep. M. (al. C.) Lugduni Gallioe,
II Sep.
Patricia ('Patryke'), uxor Macedonii, M.,
Nicomediae, 13 Mar.
Patriarchae xii, filii Jacob, 5 Feb. Add.
Patrike, Ep. C., Arvernis, 16 Mar.
Patricius, Ep. C., in Scotia, h.e. Hibernia,
17 Mar.
Patricius alter, 24 Aug. Add.
Patricius, abbas in Hibernia, 24 Aug.
Patrinus, Ep. C. Abrincis, 23 Sep.
Patrinus, v. Paternus, M.
Patroclus, M. Trecis 21 Jan.
Patryke, v. Patricia, Patricius.
Patryke, 4 Jun. v. Petrocus.
Paula, V.C., in Bethleem Juda, 27 Jan.
Paula, V.M., Malacae in Hispania, 18 Jun.
E'aula, M. , Damasci, 20 Jul.
Paulina, filia Artemii, M., Romae, 6 Jun.
Paulinus, Ep. C., Nolae in Campania, 22
Paulinus, Ep. M., al. C., Treviris, 31 Aug.
Paulinus, Tuderti in Tuscia, 26 Mai.
Paulinus, Ep. , Eboraci in Brit. , 10 Oct.
Paulus, primus Eremita, in Thebaide, 10
Paulus, Ep., Tricassii, I Feb.
Paulus, Ep. M., Romae, 8 Feb.
Paulus, eius Capitis Inventio, Romce, 25
Paulus, M., in Syria, 20 Mar.
Paulus (Sergius), Ep. C., Narbonae in
Gallia, 22 Mar. (al. 22 Jan.).
Paulus, monachus, 17 Apr.
Paulus, M., Lamosaci, 15 Mai.
Paulus, M., Novioduni, 17 Mai.
Paulus, Pr. M., Augustoduni, I Jun.
Paulus, Ep. M., Constantinopoli, 7 Jun.
Paulus, M., Tomis in Ponto, 20 Jun.
Paulus, frater Joannis, M., Romas, 26 Jun.
Paulus, Ap. M., Romas, 29 Jun.
Paulus, eius Conversio, 25 Jan.
Paulus, eius Celebratio, 29 Jun.
Paulus, eius Commemoratio, 30 Jun.
Paulus, eius primus mgressus in Urbem,
Neronis anno ii., 6 Jul.
Paulus, Ep. C., Narbonae, 12 Dec.
Paulus (' symple'), lojan. Add.
Paulas, papa, 27 Jan. Add.
Paulus, cum Syro, 26 Feb. Add.
Paulus, Ep. Leonensis, n Mar. Add.
Paulus, abbas in Libya, 17 Apr. Add.
Paulus, nobilis, M. , 8 Jul. Add.
Paulus, diac. M., Cordubae, 20 Jul. Add.
Pelagia, M., Nicopoli, Armenia minori,
II Jul.
Pelagia, poenitens, Hierosolymis, 8 Oct.
Pelagia, M., Antiochiae in Syria, 19 Oct.
Pelagia, conjux S. Dionysii, M., 21 Dec.
Pelagius, M., 27 Aug. Add.
Pelagius I., papa, 27 Aug. Add.
Pelagius II., papa, 27 Aug. Add.
Peleus, Ep. M.,apud Tyrum in Phoenicia,
20 Feb.
Peleus, Ep. M., in Palaestina, 19 Sep.
Peleuse, Pr. M., Alexandriae, 7 Apr.
Pentecostes festum, 15 Mai. Add.
Peregrinus, M., Thessalonicas, 5 Mai.
Peregrinus, Ep. Antisiodori, 16 Mai.
Peregrinus, Pr., Lugduni, 28 Jul.
Peregrinus, M., Romae, 25 Aug.
Perfectus ( Perfyte '), Pr. M., Cordubae, 18
Pergentinus, M., Aretii in Tuscia, 3 Jun.
Permenye, v. Parmenius, Pr. Mr.
Pernell, v. Petronilla, V.
Perpetua, M.,Tuburti in Mauritania, 7 Mar.
Perpetuus, Ep. Turonis, 8 Apr.
Perpetuus, Ep. C., Turonis, 30 Dec.
Perseveranda, V., 26 Jun.
Perthemy, v. Parthenus, M.
Petrocus (' Patryke '), C., 4 Jun.
Petronilla (' Pernell '), V. Romee, 31 Mai.
Petrus, M., crucifixus Aulonas, 3 Jan.
Petrus, M., Nicomedioe, 12 Mar.
Petrus, M., cum Aphrodisio, in Africa, 14
Petrus, diac., Antiochiae, 17 Apr.
Petrus, ordinis prsedicatorum, M., Medio-
tani, 29 Apr.
Petrus, M., Lamosaci, 15 Mai.
Petrus, exorcista, M. , Romae, 2 Jun.
Petrus, Pr. M., Cordubae, 7 Jun.
Petrus, Ap. cum Paulo, M., Romae, 29
Petrus cum Paulo, eorum Vigilia, 28 Jun.
Petrus, eius Cathedra Romas, 18 Jan.
Petrus, eius Cathedra Antiochiae, 22 Feb.
Petrus, eius Vincula, Romae, Dedicatio in
Esquiliis, I Aug.
Petrus, eius Dedicatio in monast. S. Ger-
mani, 9 Jun.
Petrus, M. Philadelphiae in Arabia, I Aug.
Petrus, M. , Romas, 7 Aug.
Petrus, films Marcellini, miles M., Tomis,
27 Aug.
Petrus, Archiep., Tarenti, II Sep.
Petrus, miles M., Romas, 25 Oct.
Petrus, M., Hispali in Hispania, 8 Oct.
Petrus, Ep. M., Alexandriae, 25 Nov.
Petrus, diac., 12 Mar. Add.
Petrus, Ep., 26 Mar. Add.
Petrus, Ep., Tarentasiensis, 22 Jun. Add.
Petrus, M., 5 Aug. Add.
Petrus, Ep., Tarentasiensis, 18 Oct. Add.
Petrus, Ep., Edessae, 26 Nov. Add.
Petrus, M. in Persia, 27 Nov. Add.
Petrus, Archiep. Ravennae, 2 Dec. Add.
Petronius, Ep., Bononiae, 4 Oct. Add.
Phara, V., in pago Meldensi, 7 Dec.
Pharao, v. Faro, Ep. C.
Philadelphus, M., Augustas, 5 Aug. Add.
Phileas (< Syle'), Ep. M., 4 Feb.
Philemon, M., apud Antinoum in Aegypto,
8 Mar.
Philibertus, abbas, in Herio ('Nere') in-
sula, 20 Aug.
Philippus, Ep., Gortynae in Creta, II
Philippus, Ap. M. , apud Hierapolim I Mai.
Philippus, ex vii Diaconis, Cassareae, in
Palaestina, 6 Jun.
Philippus, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romas,
10 Jul.
Philippus, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romas,
23 Nov.
Philippus, M., Alexandriae, 15 Jul.
Philippus, pater S. Eugeniae, Ep. M. Alex-
andriae, 13 Sep.
Philippus, Ep. Adrianopoli in Thracia, 22
Philippus, Imp. M., 12 Mai. Add.
Philippus, filius Imp. M. 12 Mai. Add.
Philippus ex deserto Egypti, II Jun. Add.
Philomon, v. Philumenus.
Philopolis, Thessalonicas, 30 Mar.
Philumenus, M., Heracleae in Thracia, 14
Phinees, filius Eleazari, I Jul. Add.
Phocas, M., Antiochiae, 5 Mar.
Phocas, Ep. M., Sinope in Ponto, 14 Jul.
Phocatus, Ep., 14 Jul.
Phoebe (de qua Apostolus ad Rom.),
Corinthi, 3 Sep.
Pholcas, Ep., 1 6 Apr. Add.
Photinus ('Fotyne'), Ep. M., Lugduni, 2
Phridiane, v. Frigidianus.
Phyle, Ep. M., 18 Feb. Add.
Phyllorony, M., 4 Feb. Add.
Phyllorrony, Pr., 9 Mar. Add.
Piamon, Pr., 25 Feb. Add.
Piaton (' Plato ') Pr. M., Tornaci, I Oct. ;
item. 22 Feb. Add.
Piator, Pr. M., i Oct. Add.
Pientia, V. M., in pago Vilcassino, 11 Oct.
Pierius (' Hyery ') Pr., Alexandria, 4 Nov.
Piericus, Pr., 10 Oct. Add.
Pigmenius, Pr. (? Ep.) M., Romae, 24
Pinytus ('Pyncty'), Ep. in Greta, 10
Piolius, M., 29 Jul. Add.
Pion, abbas, 23 Feb. Add.
Pionius, P. M., Smyrna, I Feb.
Piperion, M., n Mar. Add.
Pirminus, Ep. Meldensis, 3 Nov.
Pitrion, abbas, 8 Apr. Add.
Pius ('Pituouse'), papa, Romse, 11 Jul.
Placidia, V., 15 Oct. Add.
Placidus, monachus M., in Sicilia, 5 Oct.
Plato, M., Ancyrse (' Syria ')in Galatia, 22
Plato, v. Piaton, Pr. M.
Plautus, M., in Thracia, 29 Sep.
Plutarchus, catechumenus M., Alexandrine,
28 Jun.
Poliact, v. Polyeuctus, M.
Polianus, M., in Africa, 10 Sep.
Polioctus, al. Polyeuctus, Caesarese Cap-
pad., 21 al. 22 Mai.
Polius, Diac. M., in Mauritania Caesariensi,
21 Mai.
Pollio, M., in Pannonia ('at Pad way'), 28
Polycarpus, Ep., I Feb.
Polycarpus, Ep. M., Smyrnos, 26 Jan.
Polycarpus, eius Reliquiae, 4 Jul.
Polycarpus, Pr. C, Romse, 23 Feb.
Polychronius, Ep. M., Babylonia in Per-
side, 17 Feb.
Poly crates, Ep., 31 Jan. Add.
Polyeuctus ('Poliact'), M., Meliteme in
Armenia, 13 Feb.
Polyeuctus, M-, Caesareae Cappad., 21 Mai.
Polymius, R. Indise, 24 Aug. Add.
Pontianus, 14 Jan.
Pontianus, M., Spoleti, 19 Jan.
Pontianus, M. Romse, 25 Aug.
Pontianus ('Fociane'), Ep. M. in Sar-
dinia, Sepultus Romse, 19 Nov.
Pontianus, papa M., Romae, 20 Nov.
Pontianus, M., n Dec.
Pontinus, C., 18 Aug.
Pontius ('Ponce') M., n Feb.
Pontius, al. Pontianus, diac. Carthagine,
8 Mar.
Pontius, M., in Gallia, 14 Mai.
Porphyrius, magister Agapiti, Romae, 20
Porphyrius, miles, M., Alexandrine, 24
Nov. Add.
Potamia,M., Thagurse in Africa, 5 Dec.
Potamiaena ('Potanan'), V.M., Alexand-
riae, 28 Jun.
Potamius ('Potamye'), M., in Cypro,
20 Feb.
Potentiana, al. Pudentiana, V., Romse, 19
Potentianus, M., apud Senonas, 19 Oct.
Potentianus, Ep. M., apud Senonas, 31
Potitus, M., 22 Jan. Add.
Praejectus, v. Proiectus, Ep., Arvernis, 25
Prsepedigna, uxor Claudii, M., Ostiae, 18
Praesidius, Ep. C., in Africa, 6 Sep.
Praetextatus, M., n Dec.
Pragmatius, ('Pragmas') Ep. C., Angus -
toduni, 22 Nov.
Praxedes, V., Romae, 21 Jul.
Priamus, M., in Sardinia, 28 Mai.
Prilidianus, puer cum S. Babylla, M.,
Antiochiae, 24 Jan.
Primitivus, ex xviii Martt., M., Caesarau-
gustae in Hisp., 15 al. 16 Apr.
Primitivus, M., Romse, 10 Jun.
Primitivus, films Symphorosse, M., in
Tibure, 27 Jun.
Primus, M., in Hellespont, 3 Jan.
Primus, M., Romse, 9 Jun.
Primus, Pr. M., II Mai. Add.
Prisca, V. M., Romse, 18 Jan.
Prisca, 4 Sep. Add.
Priscilla, V., Romae, 16 Jan.
Priscilla, uxor Aquilae, in Asia minori, 8
Priscillianus, clericus M. , Romae, 4 Jan.
Priscillianus, Ep. M., 16 Dec. Add.
Priscus, Pr. M., Romae, 4 Jan.
Priscus, M., Caesareae in Pakestina, 20
Priscus, M., in ternt. Antisiodorensi, 26
Priscus, discip. Christi, M., Capuae, I
Priscus, Tomis in Fonto, I Oct.
Privatus, Ep. M., in civitate Mimatensi,
21 Aug.
Privatus, M. in Frisia (Phrygia), 2C Sep.
Privatus, miles, Romae, 14 Oct.
Privatus M., Romae, 17 Oct. Add.
>robus, M., Tarsi in Cilicia, II Oct.
)bus, M., in Africa, 12 at. 13 Nov.
robus, Ep., Reatinensis, 12 Aug. Add.
Probus, Ep., Ravennge, 10 Nov. Add.
Processus, M. Romae, 2 Jul.
Prochorus, ex vii Diaconis, M., Antiochiae,
9 Apr.
Procopius, M., Csesareae in Palaestina, 8
Proculus, M., Interamnae, 14 Apr.
Proculus, Diac. M., Neapoli (' Puteolane ')
in Campania, 19 Sep.
Proculus, Diac. M., Puteolis, 19 Oct.
Proculus (Ep.) M. Augustoduni, 4 Nov.
Proculus, Pr. (al. Ep. M.) Narniae, I Dec.
Proculus, Ep. C. , 9 Dec. Add.
Proiectus (al. Preiectus, Ep.) M., Arvernis,
25 Jan.
Prokor, v. Prochorus.
Prophets XII. 4 Jul. Add.
Prosdocimus, Ep. Patav., 7 Nov. Add.
Prosper, Ep. , 25 Jun. Add.
Protasius, M., Mediolani, 19 Jun.
Proterus, Pr. M., 21 Aug. Add.
Protolicus, M. Alexandriae, 14 Feb.
Protus, paedagogus Cantii, M. Aquileae,
31 Mai.
Protus, eunuchus, M., Romae, n Sept.
Prudens, v. Pudens.
Ptolomaeus ('Tholony ') M., 19 Oct.
Ptolomaeus ('Tholony') miles M., Alex-
andriae, 20 Dec.
Publius, in Africa, 19 Feb.
Publius, Ep. M., Athenis, 21 Jan.
Publius, M. ex xviii Martt., Caesaraugustae
in Hisp., 15 al. 16 Apr.
Publius, M. 20 Apr.
Publy (21 Apr.), v. Pusitius.
Pudens (' Prudent ') discip. Pauli, pater S.
Pudentianae, 19 Mai.
Pudentiana, al. Potentiana, V.M., Romae,
19 Mai.
Pueri duo MM., cum S. Blasio, Sebastae
in Armenia, 3 Feb.
Pueri Tres in Babilonia, 16 Dec.
Pule, lector, 27 Apr. Add.
Punyfyke, abbas, 14 Mar. Add.
Purificatio B. Maria V. , 2 Feb.
Pusitius ('Publy') artifex regius, M., in
Perside, 21 Apr.
Pusitii filia, M., 21 Apr.
Pygasius, M., in Perside, 2 Nov. Add.
Pygmeny, v. Pigmenius (Ep.) M.
Pynitus, al. Pinytus, Ep. in Creta, 10 Oct.
Pyrarie (al. Keran), 5 Mar. Add.
Quadratus, M. , in Africa, 26 Mai.
Quadratus, Ep. Athenis, 26 Mai.
Quadratus, Ep. C., 21 Aug.
Quartilla, M. apud Surrentum, 19 Mar.
Quartus, M., Romae, 10 Mai.
Quartus, M. Romae, 6 Aug.
Quartus, discip. Apostolorum, 3 Nov.
Quatuor Coronati, MM., Romae, 8 Nov.
Queranus, abbas, in Scotia, 9 Sep.
Quinidius, Ep., 15 Feb.
Quintianus, Pr. M., 14 Jun.
Quintilanus, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp.,
15 Apr. al. 1 6 Apr.
Quintillus, al. Quintilla, M., apud Surren-
tum, 19 Mar.
Quintinus, M., in Gallia, 31 Oct.
Quint[in]us, M, in Lucania, 29 Oct.
Quintus, M. , in Africa, 4 Jan.
Quintus, apud Surrentum, 19 Mar.
Quintus, Romae, translatus Capuam, 10
Quintus, M. Capuae, 5 Sep.
Quintus, i Jun. Add.
Quintyne, v. Quintus, M. , 4 Jan.
Quiriacus, al. Cyriacus, Ep. M., Hieroso-
lymis, 4 Mar.
Quiriacus, in Portu Romano, 23 Aug.
Quiriacus, M. Antiochiae, al. Tarsi in
Cilicia, 16 Jun.
Quiriacus, al. Cyriacus, in Africa, 21 Jun.
Quiriacus, M., Romae, 12 Aug.
Quiriacus, Ep. M., 5 Mar. Add.
Quiriacus, Augusta, 5 Aug. Add.
Quirinus ('Ciryne '), M., Romae, 25 Mar.
Quirinus, tribunus, M., Romae, 30 Mar.
Quirinus, Ep. M., Scisciae in Illyrico, 4
Quirinus, Pr. M. , in pago Vilcassino, 1 1
Quirinus, Pr. M., eius Reliquiae, 4 Jul.
Quirinus, M., Romae, 26 Mar. Add.
Rachab, i Sep. Add.
Rachel, uxor Jacob, 5 Feb. Add.
Radegunda, V. R., Pictavis, 31 Aug.
Ranulphus, M., in pago Atrobatensi, 27
Raphael, archangelus, 7 Mar. Add.
Rebecca, 5 Feb. Add.
Rectitius, Ep. Augustodunensis, 21 Oct.
Redemptus, Ep., 28 Jul. Add.
Reges Tres Coloniae, 6 Jan. Add.
Regina, V. M., Augustoduni, 7 Sep.
Regulus ('Rewle') Arelatensis Ep., in
castro Silvanectensi, 30 Mar. ; item,
(' Rule ') 23 Apr.
Relatio Pueri Jesu ex Aegypto, 7 Jan.
Reliquiarum Receptio SS. Polycarpi, Se-
bastiani, Urbani, et Quirini, MM., 4 Ju).
Remachlewe, 19 Mar. Add.
Remedius, Ep., Vapingi, 3 Feb.
Remigius, Ep. C., Rhemis, I Oct.
Remigius, Ep., eius Depositio, Rhemis, 13
Reparata, V. M., 8 Oct. Add.
Respicius, M., 10 Nov. Add.
Restitutus ('Rustyke')j M., Romse, 29
Restitutus, Romae, n Jun.
Restitutus, M., Antiochiae, 23 Aug.
Resurrectio Domini, 27 Mar.
Reverianus, Pr. M., Augustoduni, I Jun.
Revocatus, M., Tuburbi in Mauritania, 7
Revocatus, M. , in Africa, 9 Jan.
Rewe, 28 Jan. Add.
Rewle, v. Regulus, Ep.
Richardus, Cicestrensis Ep. C. , in Anglia,
3 Apr.
Richardus eius Translatio, Cicestriae, 1 6
Richardus, R. C, 7 Feb. Add.
Richarius, Pr. C., in monast. Centula, 26
Rigobert, 4 Jan. Add.
Robertus, fundator ordinis Cist., 29 Apr.
Robertus, abbas, 7 Jun. Add.
Rogatianus, M., Nannete in Brit, minore,
24 Mai.
Rogatianus, Pr. M. , in Africa, 26 Oct.
Rogatus, monachus M., Carthagine in
Africa, 17 Aug.
Rogatus, C., 6 Oct.
Rogatus, monachus, 23 Mar. Add.
Rolandus, eques, 16 Jun. Add.
Romanus, abbas in territ. Lugdunensi, 28
Romanus, miles M. , Romae, 9 Aug.
Romanus, Archiep. C., Rotomagi in Nor-
mannia, 23 Oct.
Romanus, monachus M., Antiochise, 18
Romanus, Pr. C., in castro Blauio, 24
Romanus, abbas, 22 Mai. Add.
Romanus, diac. , 8 Jul. Add.
Romanus, Ep. in Hibernia, 18 Nov. Add.
Romericus, abbas, 8 Dec. Add.
Romula, V., Romae, 12 Aug. Add.
Romulus, M., Concordiae, 17 Feb.
Romulus, M., in Mauritania, 24 Mar.
Romwaldus, abbas, 19 Jun. Add.
Rophyle, Ep., 18 Jul. Add.
Roseba, V.M., 20 Nov. Add.
Rosula, M., in Africa, 14 Sep.
Rufina, soror Secundae, V. M., Romae, 10
Rufina, V.M., Hispali in Hispania, 19
Rufine, M., 12 Feb.
Rufinus, M., Roms, 28 Feb.
Rufinus, M., Suessione, 14 Jun.
Rufinus, M., Syracusis in Sicilia, 21 Jun.
Rufinus, puer M., Ancyrae in Galatia, 4
Rufinus, filius Wolferi regis, in Britannia,
31 Jul. Add.
Rufus, M., Militanae in Armenia, 19 Apr.
Rufus, M., Philadelphia in Arabia, i Aug.
Rufus, patricius, M., Capuse, 27 Aug.
Rufus, discip. B. Pauli, 21 Nov.
Rufus cum suis, MM., 28 Nov.
Rufus, discip. Christi, M., Philippis in
Macedonia, 18 Dec.
Rule, v. Regulus.
Rumwoldus, 3 Nov. Add.
Rupertus, Ep., 27 Mar. Add.
Rusticus, subdiac., M., Karthagine in
Africa, 17 Aug.
Rusticus, diaconus, al. Pr. M., Parisiis, 9
Rusticus, subdiaconus, 23 Mar. Add.
Rusticus, M., 9 Aug. Add.
Rusticus, Ep. C., Narbonae, 26 Oct.
Rustyke, v. Restitutus, 29 Mai.
Ruth, vidua sancta, I Sep. Add. ; item 14
Sep. Add.
Rutulus, M., in Africa, 18 Feb.
Ryoke, abbas, 6 Feb. Add.
Sabas, abbas C., Mutalae in Cappadocia,
5 Dec.
Sabbatum Sanctum (' Holy Saterdaye '),
26 Mar.
Sabina, uxor Valentini, M., Romse, 29
Sabina, V. in pago Tricassino, 29 Aug.
Sabina, M. , Abelae in Hisp. , 27 Oct.
Sabina, V.M., 29 Aug. Add.
Sabinianus (' Saluniane'), M., in Territ.
Tricassino, 29 Jan.
Sabi[ni]anus (Ep.) M. apud Senonas, 31
Sabinus, in territ. Pictavensi, 1 1 Jul.
Sabinus, M., Damasci, 20 Jul.
Sabinus, Ep. M., Spoleti, 30 Dec.
Sacerdos, Ep. C, Lugduni, 12 Sep.
Sagar, Ep. M., Laodiceae, 6 Oct.
Salaberga, abbatissa, 23 Sep. Add.
Sale, 28 Jan. Add.
Saloma, Maria, lerosolymis, 22 Oct.
Salomon, M., Cordubse in Lusitania, 8
Salomon, filius David, I Aug. Add.
Salonius (' Salomon '), Ep. C, Genuae, 28
Saluniane, v. Sabinianus, M.
Salustia, uxor Cerealis, Romas, 14 Sep.
Salustianus, C. in Sardinia, 8 Jun.
Salutaris, archidiac. C. Karthagine exula-
tus in Africa, 13 Jul.
Salutary, v. Solutor, miles, M.
Salvius ('Salver') M., in Africa, n Jan.
Salvius, Ep. Engolismensis, apud Valen-
cenas, 26 Jun.
Samdyne, V., 19 Dec. Add.
Samon, M. , Edessae, 20 Nov.
Sampson, Ep. C, Dolae, in Brit, minore,
28 Jul.
Samson, judex, I Sep. Add.
Samuel, propheta, 20 Aug.
Samuel, Pr., 20 Aug. Add.
Sanctinus, Ep. C., 2 2 Sep. Add.
Sanctorum Omnium Festivitas, I Nov. ;
Vigilia, 31 Oct.
Sanctulus, Pr., 27 Jul. Add.
Sanctus, diaconus M. , Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Sapientes Quinquaginta qui cum S. Kate-
rina disputationem inierunt, 13 Nov.
Sapientia, mater S. Fidei &c., M. Romae,
I Aug.
Sare, uxor Abraham, 5 Feb. Add.
Sare, abbatissa, I Mar. Add.
Sarinus, 4 Dec. Add.
Sarisburiensis (al. Sarum) Ecclesiae Dedi-
catio, 30 Sep.
Saruke, 28 Jan. Add.
Satary, v. Satyrus, M.
Saturianus, M., 16 Oct.
Saturnia, V.M., Colonise Agrippinae, 21
Saturninus, Alexandria;, 31 Jan.
Saturninus, Pr. M., in Africa, n a!., 12
Saturninus, M., Tuburbi in Mauritania, 7
Saturnini Quatuor, MM., Caesaraugustae in
Hisp., 15 al. 1 6 Apr.
Saturninus, M., Alexandriae, 31 Jan.
Saturninus, M., Romae, 2 Mai.
Saturninus, peregrinus M., in Portu Ro-
mano, 22 Aug.
Saturn[in]us, M., Capuae, 6 Oct.
Saturninus, C., Caesareae in Palaestina, 14
Saturninus, M., Romae. 29 Nov.
Saturninus, M., 16 Oct.
Saturninus, C., Tolosae, 30 Oct.
Saturninus, Ep. M., Tolosae, temporibus
Decii, 29 Nov.
Saturninus, senex M., Romae, 29 Nov.
Saturnus, M., 29 Jul. Add.
Satyre, 7 Mar. Add.
Satyrianus, cum fratribus, MM. in Africa,
1 6 Oct.
Satyrus, M., in Achaia, alias Antiochise,
12 Jan.
Satyrus, M., al. C., in Africa, 29 Mar.
Savina, V. , 29 Aug. Add.
Savinianus, Ep. M., apud Senonas, 19
Savinianus, M., 29 Aug. Add.
Savinus, Ep. Canosae ('cawsyne'), 17
Feb. Add.
Savinus, Ep. Placentiae, II Dec. Add.
Saula, V.M., Coloniae Agrippinae, 20 al.
21 Oct.
Saulus, monachus, Cordubse, 17 Apr.
Sawster, v. Vedastus, Ep. , 6 Feb.
Sawstyne, v. Faustinus, 22 Mai.
Saynt, v. Sanctus, diac.
Scholastica, V., soror S. Benedict!, V., 10
Scholastica, eius Translatio, 1 1 Jul.
Schrysotele, v. Chrysotelus.
Schyrion, Ischyrion, al. Chiridion, al.
Chaeremon, M. Alexandriae, 22 Dec.
Scubiculus, diaconus M., in pago Vilcas-
sino, II Oct.
Sebastia, al. Sabbatia, M., Sirmii, 4 Jul.
Sebastianus, miles M., Romae, 20 Jan.
Sebastianus, eius reliquiae, 4 Jul.
Sebastianus, M., in Armenia minore, 8
Sebastianus, M. , eius Translatio, 9 Dec.
Sebba, R., 24 Mar. Add.
Secunda, soror Rufinae, V.M., Romae, 10
Secunda, M., Karthagine, 17 Jul.
Secunda, V.M., Tuburbi in Africa, 30
Secundianus, M., Concordiae, 17 Feb.
Secundianus, M., in Tuscia, Coloniae, 9
Secundinus, M., Adrumeti in Africa, 21
Secundinus, Ep. M., in Numidia, 29 Apr.
Secundinus, M., Cordubae, 21 Mai.
Secundole, v. Secundus, M.
Secundulus, Tuburbi in Mauritania, 7
Secundus ('Secundole'), M., in Mauri-
tania, 24 Mar.
Secundus, Ep. C., in Hispania, 15 Mai.
Secundus, M., Victimilii in Italia, 26
Secundus, M. , 30 Mar. Add.
Securus, frater Veri, M., in Africa, 2
Seledon, v. Cheledonius, miles M.
Sem, 28 Jan. Add.
Senator, Albani, 26 Sep.
Seneses, magicus, M., 23 Mai. Add.
Sennes, subregulus, M. , Romae, 30 Jul.
Sennes, ('Sisynny'), diaconus, M. Romae,
29 Nov.
Septem Fratres, MM., Romae, 29 Mai.
Septem Dormientes, MM., Ephesi, 27 Jul.
(al. Jun.).
Septem Dormientium resurrectio, II Aug.
Septimus, monachus M., Karthagine in
Africa, 17 Aug.
Septimus, lector, M., Venusiae in Apulia,
24 Oct.
Sequanus, al. Sygnus, Pr. C., in terril.
Lingonensi, 19 Sep.
Seraphia, V. M., Romae, 29 Jul.
Seraphia, eius Inventio, sive Commemo-
ratio, 3 Sep.
Seraphion, clericus, films Marcellini, M.,
Tomis, 27 Aug.
Serapion, M. , apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb.
Serapion, anachoreta, Ep. Thmueos, Alex-
andriae, 21 Mar.
Serapion, lector apud Pentapolim Libyae,
26 Mar.
Serapion, ex vii Dormientibus, M., Ephesi,
27 Jul.
Serapion, filius Marcellini, M., Tomis in
Ponto, 27 Aug.
Serapion, Ep. C., Antiochiae, 30 Oct.
Serapion, M. Alexandriae, 14 Nov.
Serapion, M., 8 Feb. Add.
Serena, uxor Diocletiani, Romae, 16 Aug.
Serene, Nicomediae, 17 Mar.
Serenicus, C., 7 Mai. Add.
Serenus, et Serenus alter catechumenus,
MM., Alexandriae, 28 Jun.
Serenus, monachus, M. , 24 Feb. Add.
Serenus, abbas, 24 Feb. Add.
Sergius, M., Caesarese Cappad., 24 Feb.
Sergius, primicerius, M., Sergiopoli in
Augusta Euphratesia, 7 Oct.
Servandus, M., in Hispania, 23 Oct.
Servatius, Ep. Tungrensis, 13 Mai. ; ejus
Translatio, 7 Jun. Add.
Servilianus (' Servulane'), M., Romae, 20
Servilius, M., in Istria, 24 Mai.
Servus (' Sevy '), subdiac, M., Karthagine
in Africa, 17 Aug.
Servulus, M., Adrumeti in Africa, 21 Feb.
Servulus, paralyticus, Romae, 23 Dec.
Sesary, v. Caesarius, M.
Seth, 23 Jan. Add.
Severianus, conjux Aquilae, M., Neocae-
sareae in Mauritania, 23 Jan.
Severianus, Ep. , Gavali, 25 Jan.
Severianus, M., e quatuor coronatis, Romae,
8 Nov.
Severianus, Ep., Lugduni, n Nov.
Severinus, Ep. C., Neapoli in Campania,
8 Jan.
Severinus, abbas monast. Agaunensis in
castro Nantoniensi, II Feb.
Severinus, C. , 2 Oct.
Severinus, Ep., Burdigalae, 21 Oct.
Severinus, v. Severus, Ep., Ravennae.
Severinus, Ep. C., Coloniae, 23 Oct.
Severinus, monachus, Tibure, i Nov.
Severinus, M., Viennae, 19 Nov.
Severinus, monachus, Parisiis, 23 Nov.
Severinus, abbas, 8 Jan. Add.
Severinus, Ep., Colonise, 5 Jun. Add.
Severinus. al. Boetius, M., 23 Oct. Add.
Severus, C. Alexandria, 1 1 Jan.
Severus (' Severyne'), Ep. , Ravennae, I Feb.
Severe, v. Sirenus, monachus.
Severus, Pr. C. , Viennae in Gallia, 8 Aug.
Severus, M. , e quatuor coronatis, Romae, 8
[Severus], M. , cum Mansueto, Alexandriae,
30 Dec.
Severus, Ep., i Feb. Add.
Severus, Pr. M., i Feb. Add
Severus, Pr. C., i Feb. Add.
Severus, abbas, 25 Aug. Add.
Servanus, Ep., 25 Aug. Add.
Sexburga, V., soror S. Etheldredae, in
Anglia, 6 Jul.
Sewsyppe, v. Speusippus, M.
Sextus, C., 10 Feb. Add.
Sicarius (' Sycare '), M., 2 Mai. Add.
Sidonius, Ep. , 24 Aug. Add.
Sidronius, M., apud Senones, n Jul.
Sigibertus, R., monachus, 16 Jan. Add.
Sigismundus, R. M., Seduni, i Mai.
Sigon ('Signy'), Pr., in territ. Lingonicae
civitatis, 19 Sep.
Silas, Ap., in Macedonia, 13 Jul.
Silvanus, Ep. M., apud Tyrum in Phoe-
nicia, 2 al. 20 Feb.
Silvanus, M., in Africa, 18 Feb.
Silvanus, Ep. M., Gazae in Palaestina, 4
Silvanus, M., in Istria, 24 Mai.
Silvanus, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romae, 10
Silvanus, puer M., Ancyrae in Galatia, 4
Silvanus, Ep. C., in territorio Bituricensi,
22 Sep.
Silvanus, abbas, 22 Sep. Add.
Silverius ('Syvere'), papa, C. al. M.,
Romae, 20 Jun.
Silvester (' Sylvere'), Ep. C., Cabilone, 20
Silvester, papa, C., Romae, 31 Dec.
Silvinus, Ep. Tolosanus, 17 Feb.
Silvius, M., Alexandriae, 21 Apr.
Simeon, monachus, Antiochiae, 5 Jan.
Simeon, filius Cleophae, Ep. M., leroso-
lymis, 1 8 Feb.
Simeon, Ep. M., in Perside, 21 Apr.
Simeon, monachus, Treviris, i Jim.
Simeon, monachus in Sicilia, 27 Jul.
Simeon Justus, 8 Oct.
Similianus, Ep. C., Nannete in Britannia
minori, 1 6 Jun.
Simitrius (' Symniter '), Pr. , cum sociis
xxii, M., Romae, 26 Mai.
Simon Chananaeus, cum S. Juda, Ap. M.,
in Perside, 28 Oct. ; eorum Vigilia, 27
Simon, filius Onias, I Oct. Add.
Simplicius, senator, M., Romas, 10 Mai.
Simplicius, Ep. C., Augustoduni, 24 Jun.
Simplicius, M., Romas, 29 Jul.
Simplicius, Ep. C., Augustoduni, 19 Nov.
Simplicius, papa, 7 Jan. Add. ; 2 Mar. Add.
Sirenus, al. Sinerius, w/Syrenus ('Severe'),
monachus, M., Sirmii, 23 Feb.
Siricius, papa, 7 Jan. Add.
Siridion, Ep. , 2 Jan.
Sisinnius, Cappadox M., in Anaunia, 29
Sisinnius, Diaconus [Ep. C.], M., Romas,
29 Nov.
Sixtus I. (al. Xystus), papa, M., Romae, 6
al. 1 6 Apr.
Sixtus II. (al. Xystus), papa, M., Romas, 6
Sixtus (al. Xystus), discip. B. Fetri, Ep.
C. , Rhedon. al. Rhemis in Gallia, I Sep.
Sixtus ( Syxt '), papa, Romas, 7 Jan. Add.
Sixtus, papa, 28 Mar. Add.
Sixtus III., papa, 6 Aug. Add.
Skumculy, v. Scubiculus, Diac.
Smaragdus, M., Romae, 16 Mar.
Smaragdus, eius Translatio, 8 Aug.
Socrates, in Britanniis, 17 Sep.
Solemnius, Ep. Carnotensis, Blesis, 25
Sep., item 24 Sep. Add.
Solutor, M., Ravennae, 13 Nov.
Solutor (' Solutary '), miles Thebanas
legionis M., Taurini, 20 Nov.
Sophia, matrona, 17 Jun. Add.
Sophonias, propheta, 18 Mai. Add.
Sophronius, C., 3 Mai. Add.
Sophy, 15 Mai. Add.
Sosipater, discip. Pauli, Pyrrhiberoese ( ' at
Puricorea ') 25 Jun.
Sosius, Diac. Misenas, M., in Campania,
23 Sep.
Sosthenes, M., Chalcedone, 10 Sep.
Sosthenes, discip. Fauli, Corinthi, 18 al.
28 Nov.
Soter, papa, Romas, 22 Apr.
Soteris, V. , 6 Feb.
Soteris, V. M., in Oriente (? Romas, via
Appia), 10 Feb.
Speciosus, nobilis, monachus, 30 Jul.
Speciosus, monachus in Monte Cassino, 20
Sep. Add.
Speratus, M., Karthagine, 16 al. 17 Jul.
Spes, V. M., Romas, I Aug. ; item 17
Jun. Add.
Spes, abbas, 10 Aug. AdH.
Speusippus (' Sewsyppe '), M. apud Lin
gonas, 17 Jan.
Spiridion, propheta, Ep. C., in Cypro, 14
Stactasus, filius Symphorosae, M., Tibure,
27 Jun.
Stactasus, M., Romas, 28 Sep.
Stephana, M., 18 Sep. Add.
Stephanus, M. in ^Egypto, I Apr.
Stephanus, cum Castore, M., Tarsi in
Cilicia, 27 Apr.
Stephanus, in ^Egypto, 8 Mai.
Stephanus, papa, M., Romas, 2 Aug.
Stephanus, subdiac. M., Romas, 6 Aug.
Stephanus, M., in Britanniis, 17 Sep.
Stephanus, protomartyr, 26 Dec.
Stephanus, eius Octava, 2 Jan.
Stephanus, eius Inventio, lerosolymis, 3
Stephanus, abbas, 13 Feb. Add.
Stephanus, alter abbas, 13 Feb. Add.
Stephanus cum Laurentio, 7 Mai. Add.
Stephanus II., papa C., Romas, 2 Aug.
Stephanus III., papa, Romas, 2 Aug. Add.
Stephanus, eremita, 3 Aug. Add.
Stephanus, Pr., 20 Nov. Add.
Stercatius, frater Victoris, M., Emeritas in
Hisp., 24 Jul.
Stratoclianus, v. Austriclinianus.
Stytyny, v. Cythinus, M.
Successus, M., Cassaraugustas in Hisp., 15
al. 1 6 Apr.
Sulpitius Pius, Ep. M., apud Bituricas, 17
Sulpitius, M. , Romas, 20 Apr.
Suranus, abbas, M., 27 Sep. Add.
Susanna, V. M., Romas, n Aug.
Susanna, per Danielem liberata, 28 Aug.
Swythunus, Ep., Wintonias in Anglia, 2
Swythunus, eius Translatio, 15 Jul.
Swythunus, eius Ordinatio, 30 Oct.
Syagrius, ('Fiagry') Ep. C., Augustoduni,
27 Aug.
Sycare, M., 2 Mai. Add.
Sycus (' Ysyce '), Antiochias, 30 Mai. Add.
Sydron, M. , in territ. Senonum, 1 1 Jul.
Sygny, v. Sequanus, vel Sigon.
Syle, discip. Apostolorum, in Macedonia, 13
Syle, Ep. M., v. Philasas, 4 Feb.
Sylvanus, &c., v. Silvanus, &c.
Sylvia, V., 10 Mar. Add.
Symeon, 4 Feb. Add.
Symmachus ('Symake'), papa, 21 Feb.
Symmachus, M., 27 Mai. Add.
Symmetrius (' Symniter '), Pr. M., Romae,
26 Mai. ; item, 27 Mai. Add.
Symphorianus, M., Augustoduni, 22 Aug.
Symphorianus, Romas, 9 Nov.
Symphorosa, uxor Getulii cum vii filiis, M.,
Tibure, 27 Jun. al. 18 Jul.
Symphorosa M., in Campania, 2 Jul.
Symphronianus, M., Roma-, 7 Jul.
Symphronius, M., Romae, 26 Jul.
Symplicius, papa, 2 Mar. Add.
Symylyane, v. Similianus, Ep. C.
Syncletyke, abbatissa, I Mar. Add.
Syntyche, V., Philippis, 22 Jul.
Syrenus, alias Sinerius, (' Seuere ') mona-
chus M., Sirmii, 23 Feb.
Syuere, v. Silverius.
Syrus, discip. Hermagorae, C., Ticinii,
sive Papiae, 12 Sep.
Syrus, Ep., 7 Feb. Add.
Syrus, M., 14 Feb. Add. ; 26 Feb. Add.
Syrus, Ep. Papiae, eius Transla+io, 17
Mai. Add.
Syrus, Ep. C., 9 Dec. Add.
Sysinnius ('Sysyn'), 12 Mar. Add.
Sythe, v. Dorothy, 15 Jan. Add.
Syxt, v. Sixtus, papa.
Tabita, 4 Mar. Add.
Tabra, diac. M., 22 Nov. Add.
Tabrata, diac. M., 22 Nov. Add.
Tarbua, al. Tarbula, 22 Apr.
Tarrasius, C, 17 Sep. Add.
Tatianus, diac. M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar.
Tatwinus ('Tadwyne') Ep. C., Cantu-
ariae, 30 J ul. Add.
Taurinus, Ep. C., apud Ebroicenses in
Gallia, n Aug.
Tecla, v. Thecla, V.
Telesphorus, papa M., Romae, 5 Jan.
Terentianus, M., 30 Aug. Add.
Tertius (' Cercy '), monachus C., in Africa,
6 Dec.
Tertulla, Virgo sacra, M. , in Numidia, 29 Apr.
Tertullianus, M., 4 Aug. Add.
Tertullinus, Pr. M. , Romas, 4 Aug.
Thaddaeus, qui et Judas, cum Simone, Ap.
M., 28 Oct.
Thaddseus, in deserto Egypti, 1 1 Jun. Add.
Thais, 8 Oct. Add.
Tharacus, al. Th?racius, M., Tarsi in
Cilicia, n Oct.
Tharcilla, 17 Aug. Add.
Thare, 28 Jan. Add.
Tharsitius, acolytus, M., Romae, 15 Aug.
Thebaei, MM., Seduni in Gallia, 22 Sep.
Thecla, al. Tecla, V., 22 Feb.
Thecla, V. M., Iconii, sepulta Seleuciae,
23 Sep.
Thecla, V., 3 Sep. Add.
Thelesfory, v. Telesphorus, papa M.
Theliaus, v. Eliud, Ep., 9 Feb. Add.
Theobaldus, C., I Jul. Add.
Theodoce, v. Theodotus, M.
Theodardus (' Hereodarde '), Ep. Tun-
grensis, 10 Sep. Add.
Theodora ('Theodour'), M., Nicaeae, 13
Theodora ('Theodour'), soror Hermetis,
M., Romse, I Apr.
Theodora, V. M., Alexandriae, 28 Apr.
Theodora, al. Theodota, 2 Aug.
Theodora, 17 Jul. Add.
Theodoretus ('Theodour'), Pr. M., An-
tiochiae in Syria, 23 Oct.
Theodoricus, Pr. C., in territ. Remensi, r
Theodour, v. Theodotus, M.
Theodorus, Ep., 19 Mar.
Theodorus, Pr. M., Antiochiae, 23 Mar.
Theodorus, Ep. M., apud Pentapolim
Libyae, 26 Mar.
Theodorus, miles M., Euchaitae al. Am-
aseae in Ponto, 9 Nov.
Theodorus, Ep. Lugduni, 9 Nov.
Theodorus, M., Antiochiae, 14 Dec.
Theodorus, 12 Feb. Add.
Theodorus, Ep. M., 18 Feb. Add.
Theodorus, Ep. , 6 Apr. Add.
Theodorus, 6 Apr. Add.
Theodorus, abbas, 14 Mai. Add.
Theodorus, Consul, M., 26 Mai. Add.
Theodorus, Ep. M., eius Translatio, 29
Mai. Add.
Theodorus, M. , 29 Jul. Add.
Theodorus, eques, 24 Aug. Add.
Theodorus, Archiep. Cantuar. 19 Sep. Add.
Theodorus, eques, M., 9 Nov. Add.
Theodorus, Ep. C., 10 Nov. Add.
Theodorus, Ep. Tarsensis, 15 Dec. Add.
Theodoryke. C., Rhemis, I Jul.
Theodosia, V. M., Caesareae Cappadociae,
2 Apr.
Theodosia, V. M., 22 Dec.
Theodosius, miles M., Romae, 25 Oct.
Theodosius, Imp. .,31 Mai. Add.
Theodota, al. Theodora, matrona, M., in
Bithynia, 2 Aug.
Theodotus (' Theodour '), M., in Africa, 4
Theodotus (' Theodour '), Ep., Laodiceae, 2
Theodotus ('Theodoce'), M., Heracleae in
Thracia, 14 Nov.
Theodour, v. Theodoretus, Pr. M.
Theodour, v. Theodotus, Ep.
Theodulius (' Theodour '), Pr., Antiochise,
23 Mar.
Theoclulus (' Diodole '), M., 31 Mar.
Theodulus, Pr. M., Romae, 3 Mai.
Theodulus, M., Romas, 26 Jul.
Theogenes, M. , in Hellesponto, 3 Jan.
Theogenes, M., 26 Jan.
Theogenes, M. , 4 Jan. Add.
Theole, v. Dula, V. M.
Theon, M., apud Lingones, 17 Jan.
Theon, abbas, 23 Aug. Add
Theonas, Ep. C. , Alexandriae, 23 Aug.
Theonilla, M. , Aegaeae in Cilicia, 23 Aug.
Theonistus, Ep. M., 22 Nov. Add.
Theophanes, C., 29 Sep. Add.
Theophilus, scholasticus, cum S. Dorothea,
M., Csesareae Cappad., 6 Feb.
Theophilus, M., Alexandria, 8 Sep.
Theophilus, Ep., Antiochise, 13 Oct.
Theophilus (' Theopholy '), M., Csesareae
Cappadociae, 3 Nov.
Theophilus, miles M. , Alexandria, 20 Dec.
Theophilus, M., Romse, 28 Feb.
Theophilus, Ep. , 5 Mar. Add.
Theophilus, penitens, C., 13 Oct. Add.
Theopista (' Theospita '), filia S. Eusta-
chii, Romse, 2 Nov.
Theopistes (' Theospis'), uxor S. Eusta-
chii, M., Romse, 2 Nov. ; item ('Theo-
phist '), 20 Mai. Add.
Theopistus ('Theophist'), filius S Eustachii,
M., Romse, 20 Mai. Add.
Theopompus, Ep. M., 23 Mai. Add.
Theosie, v. Theodosia, V. M.
Theoticus, M., apud Antinoum in ^gypto,
8 Mar.
Theotignus, Ep., 21 Jan. Add.
Theotimus, Ep., 22 Dec. Add.
Theremon, abbas, 15 Mar. Add.
Thesifon, v. Ctesiphon.
Theuseta, M., Nicaese, 13 Mar.
Thola, judex, i Sep. Add.
Tholonius, M., Alexandrise, 19 Oct.
Thomas, Ap. M., Calaminse in India, 21
Thomas, eius Vigilia, 20 Dec.
Thomas, eius Translatio, Edessse in Meso-
potamia, 3 Jul.
Thomas, Cantuariensis Archiep. M., 29
Dec. Add. ; eius Octava, 5 Jan.
Thomas, Herfordensis Ep., 2 Oct.
Thomas cle Aquino, 7 Mar. Add.
Thomas, monachus, M., Dubri (' douer '), 5
Aug. Add.
Thoremyny, v. Corentinus, I Mai.
Thotist, Ep., 21 Jan. Add.
Thraseas (' Tharsy '), Ep. M., 5 Oct.
Thraso, ('Traso'), M., Romse, II Dec.
Thuran, v. Turianus.
Thyke, 2/. Epitacius, Ep. M.
Thyrsus ('Trice') M., Apollonise, 28 al.
18 Jan.
Thyrsus ('Tyrce'), Alexandrise, 31 Jan.
Thyrsus, diaconus, M., Augustoduni, 24
Tiberius, M., Csesarione in territ. Aga-
thensi, 10 Nov.
Tiburtius, M., Romse, 14 Apr.
Tiburtius, filius Chromatii, M., Romse, II
Tiburtius, M. in Sabinis, 9 Sep.
Tiernake, 4 Apr. Add.
Tigris ('Tygryde '), Ep., in oppido Vapin-
go, 3 Feb.
Timon, ex vii. diac. M., Corinthi, 19
Timon, Ep. M., 19 Apr. Add.
Timotheus, M. in Graecia, 8 Jan.
Timotheus, discip. B. Pauli, Ep. M.,
Ephesi, 22 al. 24 Jan.
Timotheus, M., in Macedonia, 6 Apr.
Timotheus, Constantinopoli, 9 Mai.
Timotheus, diac., M., in Mauritania
Csesariensi, 21 Mai.
Timotheus, M., Romae, 22 Mai.
Timotheus, M., Romse, 22 Aug.
Timotheus, M., Rhemis, 23 Aug.
Timotheus, Antiochise, 8 Sep.
Timotheus, Ep., 14 Jan. Add.
Timotheus, eremita in Egypto, II Jun.
Timotheus, Ep. Alexandrise, M., 21 Aug.
Titianus, Ep. C, Opitergii ('Odoberg'),
1 6 Jan.
Titus ('Tyte'), Ep. in Greta, 4 Jan. ;
item, 25 Aug. Add.
Titus, v. Tychicus, 29 Apr.
Titus, Ep., 25 Aug. Add.
Tobias, 14 Sep. Add.
Torpes, M., Pisis in Tuscia, 17 Mai. ; item
29 Apr. Add.
Torquatus, Ep. C., in Hispania, 15 Mai.
Totnanus, al. Conacus, Diac. M., Herbi-
poli, 8 Jul.
Trajanus, Imperator, 23 Nov. Add.
Tranquillinus, M. , Romae, 6 Jul.
Transfiguratio Domini N. Jesu Christi, 6
Trice, v. Thrysus.
Trinitatis SS. festum, secundum quosdam,
15 Mai. Add.
Triphon, v. Tryphon.
Tripus ('Tripode'), M., Romse, 10 Jun.
Trist, V., 27 Feb. Add.
Trojanus ('Trophiane '), Ep., apud San-
tones, 30 Nov.
Trophimus, Ep. C., Arelate, 29 Dec.
Trudo, Pr. C., 23 Nov. ; item 20 Mar.
Trybune, v. Quirinus, tribunus, M.
Triphon, M. in Africa, 4 Jan.
Tryphon ('Triphon'), M., Nicseae, 3 Feb.
Tryphon, M. , Alexandrise, 3 Jul.
Tryphon, puerulus, M., 5 Mai. Add.
Tryphon, M., 10 Nov. Add.
Tryphoriia, uxor Decii, Romse, 18 Oct.
Turianus ('Thuran'), Ep. C. in Brit
minore, 13 Jul.
Tybba, V., 6 Mar. Add.
Tychicus, ('The') discip. Apostol., apud
Paphum, 29 Apr.
Tygryde, v. Tigris, Ep.
Tyrannio ('Ciran'), Ep. M., apud Tyrum
in Phoenicia, 20 Feb.
Tyrce, v. Thyrsus.
Tyrsus (' Tyrs '), M., 17 Jan. Add.
S 2
Ulpius, M.., Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Ulmarus, C. in territ. Bononiae, 2O Jul.
Uran (? Urbanus), M., 2 Jul.
Urbanus, M., ex xviii Martt. Caesaraugustae
in Hisp. , 15, al. 16 Apr.
Urbanus, papa M., Romae, 25 Mai.
Urbanus, eius Reliquiae, 4 Jul.
Urbanus, M., in Campania, 2 Jul.
Urbanus, puer, 24 Jan. Add.
Urbanus, M., in Campania, 2 Jul. Add.
Ursatius, solitarius C., Nicaeae in Bithy-
nia, 1 6 Aug.
Ursicinus (' Vrcissyne'), M., Ravennse, 19
Ursicinus (' Vrsycyne '), Ep., apud Bituri-
cas, 9 Nov.
Ursinus, Ep., 29 Dec. Add.
Ursmarus, Ep. C. ('Cosmar'), 18 Apr.
Ursulinus, Ep., 24 Jul. Add.
Ursus, miles M., Solodoriin Gallia, 30 Sep.
Ursus, M., 21 Jun. Add.
Ursus, C., 28 Jul. Add.
Ursus, Ep. C. (al. M.), Antisiodori, 30
Jul. Add.
Ustazedes, al. Uskazandus, s. Usthazanes,
eunuchus M., in Perside, 21 Apr.
Valdetrudis, 20 Mar. Add.
Valentinus, Pr. M., Romse, 14 Feb.
Valentinus, Ep. M., Interamnae, 14 Feb.
Valentinus, M., Ravennae, 13 Nov.
Valentinus, magister militum, M., Raven-
nae, 16 Dec.
Valention, M., Dorostori in Moesia, 25
Valentius, Pr., 6 Jul. Add.
Valeriana, uxor S. Vitalis, M., 28 Apr.
Valerianus, M., Romae, 14 Apr.
Valerianus, M., Antiochiae, 23 Aug.
Valerianus, M., Trenortii in territ. Cabi-
lonensi, 15 Sep.
Valerianus, M., Nividuni, 17 Sep.
Valerianus, Ep. C., in Africa, 15 Dec.
Valerius, ('Valery'), Ep. C., Treviris, 29
Valerius. M., Suessione, 14 Jun.
Valery, v. Walericus, abbas.
Vanalis, v. Navalis.
Vbaldus, Ep., 1 6 Mai. Add.
Vdalricus, (' Odalryke '), Ep. C., Augustae,
4 Jul.
Veaius (' Vect'), C., 25 Jan. Add.
Vedastus, Atrebatensium Ep. C., 6 Feb.
Vedastus, Atrebatensis Ep., C., Cameraci,
i Oct.
Venantius, Ep. M., I Apr.
Venantius ('Wynance'), abbas, Turonis,
II, al. 13 Oct.
Venantius, M., Camerini, 18 Mai. Add.
Veneranda, V. M., 14 Nov. Add.
Venerandus, M., 14 Nov. Add.
Venerius, abbas, II Sep. Add.
Venerius, monachus, II Sep. Add.
Venustianus cum uxore et filiis, MM.,
Spoleti, 30 Dec.
Venustus, M., in Africa, 6 Mai.
Veranus, Ep., 1 1 Nov. Add.
Verianus, M., Coloniae in Tuscia, 9 Aug.
Verissimus, M., Ulyssipone in Lusitania,
i Oct.
Verulio (' Verole '), Adrumeti in Africa, 21
Verus, frater Securi, M., in Africa, 2 Dec.
Viator, minister S. Justi, Lugduni, 2 Sep.
item 21 Oct.
Viconius, C. , Verduni, 9 Nov.
Victor, Nicomediae, 12 Jan.
Victor, M. , Ebreduni in Galliis, 22 Jan.
Victor, socius S. Thyrsi, Alexandriae, 31
Victor, Romae, 20 Feb.
Victor, M., apud /Egyptum, 25 Feb.
Victor, M., Nicomediae, 6 Mar.
Victor, M., in /Egypto, i Apr.
Victor, Ep. M., xv. papa, Romae, 20 Apr.
Victor, miles M., Mediolani, 8 Mai.
Victor, in ^Egypto, 8 Mai.
Victor, M., in Syria, 14 Mai.
Victor, M., Caesareae in Cappadocia, 21
Victor, miles M., Massiliae in Gallia, 21 Jul.
Victor, miles M., Emeritae in Hispania. 24
Victor, papa M. , 28 Jul.
Victor, M., al. Ep. C., in Africa, 10 Sep.
Victor, M., Chalcedone, 10 Sep.
Victor, M., cum Cyprianoin Africa, !4Sep.
Victor, Thebanae legionis M., Seduni in
Gall., 22 Sep.
Victor, miles ex legione Thebanorum M. ,
Solodori in Gall. , 30 Sep.
Victor, M., Agrippinae, IO Oct.
Victor, C., 17 Oct.
Victor, C., in territ. Belvacensi, 18 Oct.
Victor, M., Ravennae, 13 Nov.
Victor, v. Victoria, M., 23 Dec.
Victor, Ep. , Carthagine, 20 Apr. Add.
Victor, M., 29 Jul. Add.
Victor, M., 1 8 Sep. Add.
Victoria, M., Cordubae in Hisp., 17 Nov.
Victoria (' Victor'), V. M., Romae, 23 Dec.
Victorianus, proconsul, M., in Africa, 23
Victorianus, in Isauria, 15, al. 16 Mai.
Victorianus, 6 Mai. Add.
Victoricus, M., Ambiani in Gall., II Dec.
Victorinus, M., apud ^Egyptum, 25 Feb.
Victorinus, in carcere M., Nicomediae, 6
Victorinus, M., Nicomediae, 29 Mar.
Victorinus, M., in Italia, 15 Apr.
Victorinus, M. , Romse, 7 Jul.
Victorinus, Amiterninus Ep. M., Romse,
5 Sep.
Victorinus, Pictaviensis seu Pitabionensis,
Ep. M.,2Nov.
Victorinus, e quatuor coronatis M., Romse,
8 Nov.
Victorinus, magister S. Hieronymi, 5 Sep.
Victorius ('Victor'), Csesarese Cappad., 21
Victorius, Ep. C. , apud Cenomanos, I Sep.
Vigilia Assumptionis, 13 Aug.
Vigilius, Ep. M., apud Tridentum, 26 Jun.
Vigilius, Ep. M., 26 Jun. Add.
Vigilius, papa M., 26 Jun. Add.
Vigilius, diac. monachus, 26 Jun. Add.
Vigor, Ep., apud Baiocas, I Nov.
Vincent, v. Viventius, 13 Jan. Add.
Vincentius, diac. M., Valentise in Hispania,
22 Jan.
Vincentius, M., Ebreduni in Gall., 22 Jan.
Vincentius, M., Caucoliberi in Ilisp.
Tarraconesi, 19 Apr.
Vincentius, cum Marcello C, Ebreduni in
Gallia, 20 Apr.
Vincentius (PInventius), M., Romse, I Jun.
Vincentius, LevitaM., Agenni in Gall., 9
Vincentius, M. , Rornse, 24 Jul.
Vincentius, subdiaconus M., Romse, 6
Vincentius, M. , Romse, 25 Aug.
Vincentius, C., in Territ. Nivernensi, 17
Vincentius, M., Abelse in Hispania, 27
Vincentius, M., 6 Jun. Add.
Vincentius, C., 24 Jul. Add,
Vindemialis, 2 Mai. Add.
Virgilius, Ep., 27 Mar. Add.
Virgines, Septem., MM. apud Sirmium, 9
Virgines plurimse, cum S. Domnina, MM.,
Interamnae, 14 Apr.
Virgines Sacrse plurimse, MM. , in Perside,
Sapore Rege, 22 Apr.
Virgines, xxii, MM. cum S. Lucia, Romse,
25 Jun.
Virgines undecim milia, MM., Colonise
Agrippinse, 21 Oct.
Virgines Quadraginta, MM., Antiochise in
Syria, 24 Dec.
Vitalica, puellula M., Ancyrse, 4 Sep.
Vitalis, M., Romse, 14 Feb.
Vitalis, M., Alexandrine, 21 Apr.
Vitalis, M., Ravennse, 28 Apr.
Vitalis, M., in Campania, 2 Jul.
Vitalis, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romoe, 10
Vitalis, C., 24 Oct.
Vitalis, M., Csesarese Cappadocise, 3 Nov.
Vitalis, servus, M., Bononise in Italia, 27
Vitalis, M., 4 Nov. Add.
Vitus, M., in Sicilia, 15 Jun.
Vivardus, Ep. , I Sep. Add.
Viventius (' Vincent '), C., 13 Jan. Add.
Viviana, al Bibiana, M., Romse, 2 Dec.
Vivianus, al. Bibianus (? Julianus), Ep. C.,
apud Santonas, 28 Aug.
Vldaricus, al. Odaldricus, Ep. C., Augustse
in Rhsetia, 4 Jul.
Vlfrannus, Ep. Senonensis, in monast.
Fontanellse in pago Rotomagensi, 20
Walaricus, Pr. C., in pago Niviacensi, 12
Walburga, V., 4 Feb., item, I Feb. Add.,
I Mai. Add.
Walericus (' Valery '), C., Ambiani, I
Wallenus, al. Waltheof, Ebo-raci, 3 Aug.
Walpurge, V., 25 Feb. Add.
Walpurgis, v. Walburga.
Wandregesilus, C., eius Translatio, 31
Mar. ; item, 22 Jul. Add.
Warburga, V., 3 Feb.
Warburga, eius Translatio, 21 Jun.
Wenceslaus (' Wyncesse '), 28 Sep. Add.
Wenefrida, V. M., in Anglia, 3 Nov. ;
item^ 22 Jun. Add.
Wilfridus, Archiep. Ebor., 12 Oct.
Wilfridus, eius Translatio, 24 Apr. Add.
Wilfridus junior, Archiep. Ebor. 29 Apr.
Wilibaldus (' Wyllybalcl '), 7 Feb. Add.
Willibrordus, Trajectensis Ep. C., 7 Nov.
Willielmus, Ep. Bituricensis, 10 Jan. Add.
Willielmus (' Wyllyim '), Pr. 2 Mar. Add.
Willielmus, a Judseis csesus, Norwici, 15
Apr. Add,
Willielmus, in Brit, natus, 10 Mai. Add.
Willielmus, Dux Aquitanise, C., 28 Mai.
Willielmus, Archiep. Ebor. , 8 Jun. Add.
Winibaldus (' wenebald '), 7 Feb. Add.
Witburga, V., 17 Mar.
Witburga, eius Translatio, 8 Jul.
Wolfadus, filius Wolferi regis, in Brit., 31
Jul. Add.
Wolmare, v. Wulmarus.
Wolryke (Wulfrick), Pr. 20 Feb., Add.
Wolsinus, Ep. C., 8 Jan. Add.
Wolstan, v. Wulstanus.
Wolsyld (Wulthild), V., 9 Sep. Add.
Wulfrannus, Ep. [Senonensis], in Fonta-
nella monast., 20 Mar. ; if em, 15 Oct.
Wulmarus, C., 17 Jun.
Wulmarus (' Vlmare ')> abbas, 20 Jul.
2 7 8
Wulstanus, Ep. C., 'at Wyllenchester,' 18
Wulstanus, Ep. Wigorn. in Anglia, 19 Jan.
Wulstanus, Ep. Wigorn., eius Translatio,
7 Jun.
Wydburga, v. Witburga, V.
Wynance, v. Venantius, abbas C.
Wyncesse, v. Wenceslaus.
Wynewale, abbas, Ep., 3 Mar.
Wynyn, v. Fynanus.
Wystanus, R. M., apud Evesham, I Jun.
Xystus (' Syxt '), papa M., Romae, 6 Apr.
Xystus, v. Sixtus II. papa, M.
Ygyn, v. Hyginus.
Yon, M., 5 Aug. Add.
Y polite, v. Hippolytus, M.
Ysidore, Ysydourz^. Isidorus.
Ysaac, Pr. Antiochiae, 3 Jun. Add.
Ysaac, 5 Feb. Add.
Ysyce(Sycus) M. in Antiochia, 30 Mai. Add.
Ytamar, Ep. C. lojun.
Yve, Pr. C. in Brit, minori, 19 Mai. Add.
Yve, v. Ivo, 24 Apr. ; 10 Jun. Add.
Yve, C., 8 Oct.
Zacchaeus, Ep. lerosolymitanus IV. tus 23
Zacchaeus, Ep. Antiochise, 23 Aug. Add.
Zacharias, pontifex, Romae, 14 Mar.
Zacharias, Pr. M. , Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Zacharias, M., Nicomediae, lojun.
Zacharias, propheta, 6 Sep.
Zacharias, pater B. Jo. Baptistae, 5 Nov.
Zacharias, Pr., 6 Sep. Add.
Zacharias, papa, 5 Nov. Add.
Zeno, M., Romae, 14 Feb.
Zeno, Ep. M., Veronae, 12 Apr.
Zeno, Romas, M., 9 Jul.
Zeno, M., Alexandriae, 15 Jul.
Zeno, miles M. , Alexandriae, 20 Dec.
Zeno, abbas in Thebaide, 9 Jul. Add.
Zeno, Ep., 8 Dec. Add.
Zenobius, Pr. M., apud Tyrum in Phoe-
nicia, 20 Feb.
Zenobius, Pr. M., Sidone in Phoenicia, 29
Zenobius, Ep. Florentinus, 25 Mai. Add.
Zephyrinus, papa [M.] Romae, 26 Aug.
Zoe, vxor Nicostrati, M., Romas, 5 Jul.
Zoellus, al. Zoilus, in Istria, 24 Mai.
Zoilus et alii xix., Cordubaein Hisp. 27 Jun.
Zoilus, Pr. 27 Jun. Add.
Zorobabel, 13 Jul. Add.
Zosima, soror Bonosae M., 15 Jul.
Zozimas, abbas, 30 Apr. Add.
Zozimus, M., Antiochiae, 14 Dec.
Zosimus, cum Rufo, ex discipp. Christi,
M., iSDec.
Zosimus, papa, 7 Jan. Add.
Zosimus, M., ii Mar. Add.
Zoticus, M., Romae, 10 Feb.
Zoticus, M. Lugduni, 2 Jun.
Zoticus, miles M., Nicomediae, 21 Oct.
%* The object of this index being to explain the names, it has not been thought
necessary to record every mention of each place. The references are to the pages of
the reprint. The words followed by a colon (:} are the adjectives from which many of
Whydord's names have been derived.
Abbiens, 174, for Albigens, Albigensis :
Albia, Albi.
Abrince, 150, Abrincae, Avranches.
Aconitane, 7, for Anconitane, Anconi-
tanus : Ancona.
Adartens, 83, Adartensis or Atrebacensis :
Atrebati, Arras.
Adrumete, 30, Adrumetum in Africa.
Aganens, 25, for Agaunens, Monasterium
Agaunense : Agaunum, now St. Maurice
Agathen, 176, Agathensis : Agatha, Agde.
Agen, 157, 165, Ageno, 91, Agens, i&i ;
Agennum, Agen.
Agryppe, 177, Agryppyny, 160 : Colonia
Agrippina, Coin (Cologne).
Agunens, 172, see Aganens.
Albane, 152, Albanum, Albano, see
Notes, Sept. 26.
Albigens 52., Albigensis : Albia, Alby.
Alexander, passim, Alexandria.
Altyne, 64, 179, Altinum, Altino distrutto,
near Venice.
Altynens, 182, Altinensis : see Altyne.
Almayne, 30, Alemannia.
Amase, 175, Amasea in Cappadocia.
Ambian, 94, Ambianum, Amiens.
Ambianens, n, 138, 151, Ambianensis :
Ambianum, Amiens. .
Ambience, 137, Amiens.
Amphitre, 196, Amphitrea.
Amphyble, 74> Amphipolis.
Amyterne, 140, Amiternum, S. Vittorino,
three miles from Aquila.
Ananyue, 84, Anaunia, Val d'Anagna.
Ancyran, 53, Ancyranus : Ancyra.
Andegaue, 26, 164, Andegavum, Angers.
Andogavence, 10, Andegavensis : Ande-
gavum, Angers.
Andro, yle of, 47, Andros.
Anticyrane, n,Anticyra.
Antinoum, 15, Antion, 38 ; Antinous in
Antysiodour, 67, Antisiodorum, Auxerre.
Anyse, water of, 68, Anisus, the River
Enns, a tributary of the Danube.
Apamya, 139, Apamea.
Apollonia, 17.
Aquens, 92, Aquensis : Aquae, Aix in
Aquiley, 41, 85, Aquileia.
Aquis, 177, Aquse, Aix in Provence.
Aquyne, 20, Aquitania.
Arawsyke, 83, Arausica, Orange.
Arecy, 88, Aretium, Arezzo.
Arelatens, 69, 134, Arelatensis : Arelatum,
Argentomate, castell of, 102, Castrum
Argentomacum, Argenton.
Argentyne, 52, Argentina, Strassburg.
Aspane, 48, Pagus Hasbanius.
Assyse, 127, Assisium, Assisi.
Atens, 82, Athens.
Atrebacens, 154, Atrebatensis : Atrebatum,
Auare, 192, Auraris (Cat. Sand. i. 61).
Auerne, 10, 16, Averni or Arverni, Cler-
mont (Puy de Dome).
August, 23 (Feb. 5), Augusta, London.
Augustane, 123, Augusta, in Rhcetia, Augs-
Augustudune, 6, Augustodunum, Autun.
Amens, 165, Auiensis : Avia, near Aquila.
Aulane, 3, Aulanus : Aulona in Macedonia.
Aurasyke, 164, Arausica, Orange.
Aurelatens, n, for Arelatens, q.v.
Austrace, 66, for Auch, see Notes, May i.
Austudune, 99, for Augustodune, Autun.
Baiocas, 171, Baiocse, Bayeux.
Bapyll, 194, Bapilla (Cat. Sanct. xi, 125).
Barcinon, 25, Barcinona, Barcelona.
Bartimon, 1 1 6, for Barcinon, q.v.
Barum, 72, Bari.
Beame, 153, Bohemia.
Beame, 191, Ambianum, Amiens.
Beluacens, 164, Beluacensis : Beluacum,
Beluake, 6, Beluacum, or Bellovacum,
Beneuent, 94, Beneventum.
Beneuentane, 148, Beneuentana ciuitas :
Betony, 196, Bampton, Oxon. See Notes,
Dec. 21.
Biryne, 121, for Bithynia.
Biturica, 12, Biturike, 79, Bitury, 95,
Byture, 105 : Bituricas, Bourgee.
Bituricens, 8, Biturience, 65, Bituriens,
130, Bituricensis : Bituricse, Bourges.
Blaue, cast ell of, 183, Castrum Blavium,
Blayne near Bordeaux.
Blese, 63, 151, Blesge, Blois.
Bohacens, 17, Monasterium Bobacense : in
Val de Bannez.
Boneuale, 51, Bona Vallis.
Bonony, 4, 156, Bononye, 114; Bononia,
Breknoke, 159, Brecknock.
Bredunens, 60, for Ebiedunensis : Ebre-
dunum, Embrun.
Bristowe, 30, Bristol.
Brixinens, 22, Brixen.
Bruce, 62, Prussia.
Bryxe, 27, Brixia, Brescia.
Buckingham, 173.
Burdegale, 166, Burdigala, Bordeaux.
Burgoyn, 65, Burgundy.
Byterne, 45, Biterrse, Beziers.
Byture, 104, Bituricse, Bourges.
Cabilon, 140, 181, Cabilony, 65 ; Cabilo,
Cabilonens, 49, 146, Cabilonensis : Cabilo,
Calagurryn, 35, Calagurris, Calahorra.
Calaritane, 64.
Calcidony, 143, Chalcedon.
Calcydy, 147, Chalcis.
Camber, 193, Camberake, 126 ; Camera-
cum, Cambria.
Cameracens, 44, 154, Cameracensis :
Camercum, Cambrai.
Cameryn, 77, Camerinam, Camerino.
Campeyn, 10, Campania.
Canens 201, see Notes, Dec. 30.
Cantiliber, 60, Caucoliberis in Hispania.
Carboyle, 172, Castrum Carboilum.
Carneto, 146, Carnot, 84 ; Carnotum,
Carnotens, 17, Carnotensis : Carnotum,
Casary, 8, for Cesary, Csesarea.
Cassyn, 25, Monte Cassino.
Castelnount, 25, Nantonense Castrum,
Chateau Landon.
Cathalamnis, 123, for Cathalauni, Chalons-
Cathenens, 22, Catania.
Cathyne, 126, Catania.
Cawsyne, 28, Canusium, Canosa.
Cecile, 89, for Cilicia.
Cenoman, 17, 116, 138; Cenomani, Le
Cenomanyke, 103, Cenomanicus : Ceno-
mani, Le Mans,
Centuncelles, 153, Centum Cellse.
Cesaraugust, 133, Caesaraugusta, Sara-
Cesare palestyne, 14, Csesarea Palestine.
Cesariens, 7, Mautitania Csesariensis.
Chechester, 52, Chichester.
Chire, yle of, 76, Chios.
Cicilye, 160, for Cilicia.
Cicyle, 22, Cicyll, 181 ; Sicilia, Sicily.
Cipres, 30, 74, Cipris, 8 ; Cyprus.
Circen, 65, Cirta in Numidia.
Cireney, 197, Cyrene.
Cisceter, 95, Chichester.
Ciuilitane, 64.
Clareuale, 131, 174, Claravallis, Clairvaux.
Cluniacens, 45, 106, Cluniacensis : Clugny.
Clusyne, 104, Clusium, Chiusi.
Coket, yle of, n, Coquet Island on the
coast of Northumberland.
Colen, 125, Colonia Tuscise.
Colen Agryppyne, 1 60, Colonia Agrippina,
Coin (Cologne).
Colen thebestyne, 188, Colonia Thebestina.
Coleyn, 5, Colonia Agrippina, Coin
Colose, 113, Colossse.
Complute, 124, Complutum, Alcala de
Corduba, 24, Cordova in Spain.
Corduba, 57, in Persia.
Corsite, 80, for Corsice, Corsica.
Cretens, 4, Cretensis : Crete.
Crispinens, 44.
Cucusse, 90, Cucussum in Cappadocia.
Cume, 28, Cumae.
Cymele, 75, Cimella.
Cyrenen, 70, Cyrene.
Cyzyke, 4, Cyzicus.
Diuyon, castell of, 171, Diuio Castrum,
Dole, 118, Dolum, Dol in Brittany.
Dorkasyn, the fraunchest of, 13. Pagus
dorcassinus, or durpcassinus, a district
north of Chartres.
Doroberne, 20, Dorobernia, Canterbury.
Doroscorens, 83, for Dorostorensis : Do-
rostorum in Mysia.
Dorostre, 81, Dorostorum in Mysia, now
Dora in Bulgaria.
Douer, 123, Dover.
Dymens, 190, " Territorium dunense " A.,
perhaps for Divionense, Dijon.
Dyospole, 62, Diospolis, Lydda in Pales-
Ebredune, 14, Ebreduna, Embrun.
Ebroas, castell of, 126.
Edissen, 19, Edessse.
Ege, 152, ^Egsea.
Emerite, 115, Emeryte, 191 ; Emerita,
Engolisme, 103, Engolisma, Angouleme.
Ephesios, 28, Ephesurn, 19, 117, Ephesy,
14 ; Ephesus.
Eracle, 178, Heraclea.
Eufratesi, 158, see Notes, Oct. 7.
Ewgolysme, 101 for Engolisme, q.v.
Ewmeny, 157, Eumenia in Phrygia.
Ewsam, 86, Evesham.
Fauence, 68, see Notes, May 4.
Florence, 81.
Fomanel, 75, Fontanell, 166 ; Fontanella.
Fontanellence, 50, Fontanellensis : Fon-
tanella, in diocese of Rouen.
Forcill, 127, Forum Syllse, Imola.
Fryselond, 93, Frisia ; and elsewhere for
Fynthall, 79, for Fynchall, Finchale, near
Galace, 35, Galicia.
Galas, 199, Galatia.
Gauale, 16, 168, Gavalis, Mende.
Gaualitan, 131, Gavalitanus : Gavalis,
Gelduba, 196, see Notes, Dec. 20.
Genecesary, 15, Neo-Ccesarea.
Geneo, 15, see Notes, Jan. 24.
Geneocesarepont, 104. Neo-Coesarea
Geriid, 120, Gerunda, Gerona.
Glassenbury, 101, Glastonbury.
Glastingens, 137, Glastonbary.
Glocester, 21, 114, Gloucester.
Golden Mount, 71, Mons Aureus.
Gortyn, 55> Gortyna in Crete.
Granopole, 50, Gratianopolis, Grenoble.
Graundmount, 26, Grandis Mons, Grand-
Mont (Haute Vienne).
Grauion, castell of, 9, see Notes, ]an. 13.
Habull, 168, Abula, Avila.
Hamonens, 60, Hannonia, Hainault.
Helionople, 6, for Helenopole, Helenopo-
lis in Bithynia.
Herbipole, 39, Herbipolis, Wurzburg.
Herford, 79, 155, Hereford.
Hermepole, 59, Hermopolis in Egypt.
Horton, 143, in Dorset, 6 m. N. of Wim-
Hoste, 29, 165, Ostia.
Hylpane, 25, for Hyspane ; Hispania.
Hylyber, 63, Illiberis, Elvira.
Hypponens, 34, Hipponensis : Hippo.
Hyspale, 33, Hispalis, Seville.
Hyspolitane, 191, see Notes, Dec. 10.
Hystre, 81, Istria.
lane, 152, Janua, Genoa.
larewe, 151, Jarrow.
Interam, 27, Interamnis, 57, Interampnis,
27 ; Interamna, Terni.
lule, 159, Julia in territorio Parmensi.
luliens, 7.6, for Forojuliensis : Forum Julii,
Frejus or Friuli.
Katacumbe, 13, Catacumbse, the Cata-
combs of Rome.
Kayrmyrthyn, 24, Caermarthen.
Lambesitane, 66, Lambesitana urbs, Lam-
besa, Lambesca in Tunis.
Lamosate, 76, for Lampsacus.
Landens, 13, for Laudens, Laudensis :
Laodice, 171, Laudice, 172 ; Laodicea.
Laudur ens, 190, Laudunensis : Laudunum,
Lauriake, 69, Lauriacum, Enns (in Aus-
Lausemy, 164.
Legionens, 35, Legionensis ; Legio, Leon
Lemonicens, 134, for Lemouicens, Lemo-
vicse, Limoges.
Lemoniga, 10}, Lemouices, Limoges.
Leodicens, 99, Leodiensis : Leodium,
Leodike, 147, Leodicum, Liege.
Leonens, 39, Saint-Pol-de-Leon.
Librens, 180, Liberiensis (Cat. Sana.,
x. 173).
Lice, 132, Lycia.
Lingon, 174, Linguon, 12; Lingones,
Lingoniens, 105, Lingonyke, 148 ; Lin-
goniensis : Lingones, Langres.
Lirinens, monastery of, 86. Monasterium
Lirinense, les lies de Lerins, near
Liuience, 184, Liviensis (Cat. Sanct. x.
Lorn on, 123, for Bonon, Bononia,
Lucas castell, 16.
Lucane, 43, 157, 169, Lucanus ; Lucca.
Lucernary, 119, Lucernaria, in Africa.
Luke, 23, Lucca.
Lunens, 41, Luni.
Luxaniens, 49, Luxoniens, 51; for Luxoui-
ensis ; Luxovium, Luxeuil in the diocese
of Besancon.
Lychefelde, 35, Lichfield.
Lyndisfarnens, 44, Lindisfarne.
Lyngon, 73, 80, Lingones, Langres.
Lyons, passim, Lugdunum.
Lyppary, yle of, 133, Lipara Insula.
Lysyn, 120, pagus Lisuinus, the district
round Lisieux.
Machiens, 106.
Madriacens, 97, Madriacense Monaste-
rium : La Croix saint Leufroy in Nor-
Mafiaen, 81, see Notes, May 25.
Magonce, 186, Magontia, Mainz.
Malact, 96, Malaca, Malaga.
Malbody, 19, 174, Malbodium, Maubeuge
in Hainault.
Mamuete, 95, for Nannetes, Nantes.
Marcull, 108, for Martula in Umbria.
Maritymy, 15, Mauritania.
Marsia, 83, for Mesia, see Notes, May 27.
Massely, 92, Massyle, 1 14, Massylye, 34 ;
Massilia, Marseilles.
Maturitane, 8, for Mauritania.
Mauritane, 37, Mauritania.
Melde, 169, Meldse, Meaux.
Meldence, 137, Meldinens, 189 ; Melden-
sis : Meldce, Meaux.
Melidune, castell of, 177, Melodunum,
Mesennate, 150, Mesenata civitas.
Messany, 59, Messana, Messina ?
Messy, 94, Mysia.
Metens, 129, Metensis : Metoe, Metz.
Mildunens, 81, for Maldunensis : Malmes-
Myldynens, 26.
Mirrea, 85.
Misybbe, in, for Nisibis in Mesopotamia.
Molysme, 65, Monasterium Molesmense,
Morast, 11, see Notes, Jan. 15, Add.
Muthon, 75.
Mutyne, 18, Mutina, Modena.
Mylen, 26, Mylytane in armeny, 59 ;
Militana in Armenia.
Myllen, 6, 65, Mediolanum, Milan.
Namete, 81, Nannetes, Nantes.
Narbon, 192, Narbone, 168 ; Narbona,
Narbonens, 45, Narbonensis : Narbona,
Naryne, 187, for Narnia, Narni.
Nazant, 72, Nazianzus.
Nemause, 79, Nemausus, Nimes.
Neoconens, 182.
Nere, 130, for Here. Insula Herio, at the
mouth of the Loire, now Noirmoutier.
Nice, 21, Nicsea.
Nice, 38, Nyssa.
Nicodeme, 6, 49, for Nicomede, Nicome-
Nicopole, 27, Nicopolis.
Nisebene, 61, Nysibena urbs (Cat. Sanct.
xi, 86). Nisibis.
Niuedune, 77, Noviodunum in Mysia.
Niuedune, 88, 89, Nivedunum or Noviod-
unum, Noyon, Nyon, or Nivedunum in
Niuedune, 147, Noviodunum, Nyon.
Niuiacens, 192, for Pagus Vimacensis.
Nouariens, 21, Novariensis : Novara.
Nouiome, 187 (Dec. i), Noviomum, Noy-
Nouiomens, 90, Noviomensis : Noviomum,
Nuceria, 148, Nocera de' Pagani.
Numgell, 42, for Nivigella, Nivelle.
Nyenna, 125, for Vienna in Gaul.
Nyuerne, "in yrelond," 133, Nivernum,
Nyuernens, 164, Nivernum, Nevers.
Odoberg, 1 1, Opitergium, Oderzo.
Olisepon, 154, Olisepona or Ulissipona,
Olympyle, 147, for Olympus Lycise.
Orchester, 173,
Oricoripens, 68, a corruption of in N^rico
Orliaunce, 20, Aurelianum, Orleans.
Oska, 1 66, Osca, Huesca.
Oste, in, Ostia.
Oxford, 196.
Oxforde, 52, Oxomensis : Oxoma, Burgo
de Osma in Spain.
Oxforde, 200, Oximensis : Oximse, Exmes
in Norrcandy.
Fade, river of, 192, Padus, the Po.
Padue, 93, Padua.
Padway, 65, for Pannonia.
Padwey, 4, Patavium, Padua.
Palmary, yle of, 144, 198, see Notes.
Pamon, 48, for Pannonia.
Papie, 77, Papye, 34 ; Papia, Pavia.
Paryhenople, 63.
Parys, 39, Paryse, 3, 1 8 ; Paris.
Patauie, 175 (Nov. 7), Patavium, Padua.
Patras, 1 86, Patrse in Achaia.
Patron, n. Perrona.
Penarens, 43.
Perham, 28, Wareham.
Persewdon, castell of, 152, see Notes,
Sept. 27.
Peruse, 34, Perusia, Perugia.
Perusyne, 174, Perusinus : Perusia,
Petragoryke, 190, Petragorica, Perigueux.
Philadolph, 16, for Philadelphia.
Pictauens, 100, Pictavensis : Pictavi,
Pictauis, 9, Pictauy, 127, 171 ; Pictavi,
Pitabion, 171, see Notes, Nov. 2.
Placence, 154, Placentyne, 192 : Placencia
Pluteolane, 148, for Puteolane, Puteoli,
Ponce, yle of, 70, Ponciane, yle of, 57.
Pontia Insula, Isola di Ponza.
Pontiniake, 179, Pontiniacum, Pontigny.
Pontyne, 64, Le Ponthieu.
Portese, 17.
Prenestyne, 113, Pneneste, Palestrina.
Preuestyn, 129, for Prenestyn.
Puricoroea, ico, see Notes, June 25.
Puteole, 165, Puteoli, Puzzuoli.
Ramesey, 92, Ramsey, 164 ; Ramsey in
Ratisponens, 7, Ratisponensis : Ratispona,
Rauen, 13, 96, Ravenna.
Reame, 194; Reme, 9, 63; Remys, 138;
Remi, Rheims.
Reatyne, 127, Rieti in Umbria.
Rece, 123, Rhsetia.
Reciar, 20 1, Retiaria, Nicopoli on the
Redon, 161, 174: Redomis, 5; Redones,
Regens, 184, Regensis : Regium, Riez in
S. France.
Remens, 4, Remensis : Remi, Rheims.
Reomens, 17, M onasterium Reomense,
ivtoutier St. Jean, in the diocese of
Romaryke, 145, Monasterium Romaricum,
Remiremont (Vosges).
Rome, passim, Roma.
Rone, 24, 44, Rothomagus, Rouen.
Rouncyuale, 95, Roncevaux.
Rumsey, 170, Romsey in Hants.
Ruspence, 2, Ruspensis : Ruspae, near
Sabionens, 22, Sabiona, Seben.
Sabyn, 143.
Salary, 127, for Faleria in Tuscia.
Salodour, 153, for Solodour,, Solodurum,
Saloma, 55, Salon, 131, Salonain Dalmatia.
Saltzpurge, 48, Salzburg.
Samon, 116, Samos in Lycia.
Sanctipole, 107, for Scythopolis.
Sanctonas, 66, 135, Santones, Saintes.
Sardyn, 84, Sardinia.
Satale, 192.
Sconange, 95, for Sconaugia, Schonau.
Sebasten, 21, Sebaste.
Sedune, 149, Sedunum, Sion.
Sedunens, 66, Sedunensis : Sedunum, Sion.
Sely, mount of, 91, Mons Celius.
Senon, 91, 109, 138, Senony, 102,
Senonyke, i77,Zenon, 96; Senones, Sens.
Sephton, 28, Shaftonia, Shaftesbury.
Septimane, 45, Septimania.
Serentyne, 118.
Shyrborne, 7, Sherborne.
Sigesteryke, 130, Pagus Sigestericus, the
district round Sisteron.
Siluiake, 3, for Silviniacum, Souvigny.
Siryne, 31, see Notes, Feb. 23.
Siryne, 46, for Sirmium in Pannonia.
Slepe, 92, St. Ives, Hunts.
Spolete, 2, Spoletum, Spoleto.
Suppentona, 15, Suppentonia near Mount
Suretyke, 43, for Surrentum, Sorrento.
Suenuy, 163, see Notes, Oct. 16.
Swesion, 90, Swessy, 94 ; Swesyon, 168 ;
Suessiones, Soissons. %
Syluanect, 62, Silvanectum, Senlis.
Syluanectence, 50, Silvanectensis : Silvan-
ectum, Senlis.
Syluinyake, 73, Silviniacum, Souvigny.
Synade, 119.
Synopole, no, Synope.
Syryne, 55, for Sirmium.
Sythe, 88, for Siscia.
Tagora, 188, Thagura in Africa.
Tampnis, 58, in Egypt.
Taraston, 118, for Tarascon.
Tarcens, 194, Tarsensis : Tarsus.
Tarentase, 98, Tarentasiens, 164, Taren-
Tarente, 144, Tarentum, Taranto.
Taruernens, 143, Teruens, .".8, Teruernens,
141 ; Pagus Tarvanensis, Therouane.
Taurin, 181, Taurinum, Turin.
Tauromeny, 52, Tauromenium, Taormina
in Sicily.
Teracyne, 70, 174, Terracyne, 171, Tarra-
cina, Terracina.
Terascone, 14, Terascona, Tarascon.
Terdon, 37, Terdona, Tortona.
Tergest, 73, Tergeste, Trieste.
Terraconens, 177, Tarraconensis : Tarraco,
Tharsum, 89, 160, Tarsus.
Thebaida, 3, Thebaide, 54, Thebaides, 34 ;
28 4
Theopole, 174, Theopolis.
Tholete, 178, Toletum, Toledo.
Thomis, 97, Tomis in Pontus.
Thymus. 21, Thmuis in Egypt.
Ticyne, 135, 144, Ticinum, Pavia.
Tolete, 15, 190, Toletum, Toledo.
Toletane, 195, Toletanus : Toleto, Toledo
Tolane, 28, Tolosane, 75, Tolosanus :
Tolosa, Toulouse.
Tolose, 152, Tolosa, Toulouse.
Tornate, 30, for Tornacum, Tournay.
Tonyse, 174, Thinissa in Africa, Tunis.
Toures of sardyne, 85, Turres Sardinia,
Porto Torre.
Tourney, 154, Tornacum, Tournai.
Traiectens, 23, Trajectensis : Traiectum,
Trecas, 14, 18, 114, Tricas, 19; Trecse,
Trecacyne, i8,Trecassyn, 81 ; Trecassyne,
136, Trecassinum territorium, the district
round Troyes.
Treuer, 18, 84, Treveri, Trier (Treves).
Trientyna, 100, Tridentinus : Tridentum,
Tripole, 198, Tripolis.
Tubabocens, n.
Tubertyn, 162, for Tudertinus : Tudertum,
Tudertusce, 82, see Notes, May 26.
Tull, 139, Tullum, Toul.
Tumbe, mount of, 163, Mons Tumba,
Mont St. Michel.
Tungrens, 74, 144, Tungrensis : Tungri,
Tongres in the diocese of Liege.
Turon, 12, 104, Turyne, 54 ; Turones,
Tyburtyne, 101, 171, Tibur, Tivoli.
Tylecastell, 169, Castrum Tyle, in the
diocese of Langres.
Tynge, 187, Tingis, Tangier.
Tyngentyne, 170, Tingis, Tangier.
Tyrason, 177, Turiaso, Tarazona.
Valence, 62, 157, Valencia, Valence.
Valenciane, 101, Valentiana, Valenci-
Valentyne, 14, Valentinus : Valentia,
Valencia in Spain.
Vasion, 27, Vasio, Vaison.
Venys, 85, Venyse, 78 ; Venice.
Venyse, 167 (Oct. 24), for Venusia,
Vercell, 120, Vercelli.
Verdune, 175, Virodunum, Verdun.
Veridiane, 7, for Niridane : Nirida near
Naples, see Notes, Jan. 9.
Vermendens, 170, Augusta Veromanduo-
rum, St. Quentin.
Verolane, 97, for Verolame, Verolamium,
St. Albans.
Veron, 72, Verona.
Veronens, 56, Veronensis : Verona.
Vertane, 167, Vertanum, Vertou near
Vesegoryne, 60, * in araby. '
Vesuce, 95, for Vesunce, Vesuntio,
Victymyle, 134, Victimilium, Ventimiglia.
Vien, 147, 181, Vien, 22, 73 ; Vienna,
Vienne in Gaul.
Vilcasyne, 173, Vilcassinus, Le Vexin.
Villaren, 105.
Viterbe, 82, Viterbium, Viterbo.
Viuariens, 103, Vivariense territorium, Le
Vrs, 161, for Uzetia, Uzez.
Vtruculane, 3.
Vtryne, 98, for Sutrium, Sutri.
Vulcasyne, fraunchest of, 160, Pagus
Vilcassinus, Le Vexin (in diocese of
Wapyng, 21, Vapingum, Gap.
Warmaciens, 48, for Wormaciensis : Wor-
matia, Worms.
Wastinens, 171, Pagus Wastinensis, Le
Wendoper> 184, Vendopera, Vendoeuvre.
Wentane, 7, 40, 107, Wentana civitas
or Wintonia, Winchester.
Were, 9, the River Wear.
Wyllenchester, 12, see Notes, Jan. .18.
Wyteby, 90, Whitby.
Ybery, 29, Iberia.
Yconium, 84, Iconium.
Ynde, 5, 133, India.
Ysawre, 84, Ysawry, 76, Isauria.
Ytalyke, 134, Italica, near Seville.
Zenon, 96, see Senon.
The numbers refer to the pages of this reprint.
Italics denote the corresponding words in the Latin Martyrology.
p. = perf. tense of a verb.
p.p. = past participle.
Almeser, 21, a giver of alms.
Almesman, 124, Almes woman, 78 ; a
giver of alms.
Amite, 157, friendship.
Ancre, 12, 30, an anker or anchorite.
Anenst, 195, near, e vicino.
Apocriphase, 62, Apocrypha.
Auoutry, 1 12, Aduoutry, ill ; adultery.
Avoyd, 96, avoid ! get away.
Axei 104, 1 86, to ask.
Baptym, 13, 36, 50, baptism.
Battes, 130, fustes.
Beneficyall, 6, beneficent.
Bette, 121, p., beat.
Breder, 3, 22, 31, brothers.
Bren, 44, to burn.
Brennynge, 69, burning.
Brent, 28, 40, burnt.
Carayne, 140, carrion.
Chase, 145, p., chose.
Childer, 22, 26, 65, children.
Clausures, 48, enclosures.
Colet, 128, acolyte.
Cressettes, 92, lamps.
Dekey, 41, decay.
Despoused, 79, espoused.
Drabbe of kechyn, 36, kitchen servant.
Eched, 137, p.p., joined.
Edifycatyne, 199, edifying.
Elsyns, 96, shoemakers' awls.
Enflambed, 166, burnt.
Etc, 1 08, p., ate.
Expowne, I, to expose ; 58, 174, to ex-
Everyche, 33, every one.
Eysell, 119, vinegar.
Fatigate, 4, weary.
Faute, 103, v., to commit a fault.
Feastfull day, 30, festival day. " Feste-
ful " is used by Caxton in contrast to
" feryal," Goldm Legend, ed. Morris,
1892, p. 1133, 1. 12.
Fende, 28, fiend.
Festyuate, 139, kept as a festival.
Flambyng, 149, 150, flaming.
Flayne, 148, flayed.
Frater. 17, refectory.
Fraunchest, territory, pagus, territorium,
Cf. " Fraunchyse, Libertas, territorium,"
Prompt. Parvulorum, s. v.
Fyrehote, III, hot from the fyre.
Gentilite, 5, paganism.
Gossyppes, 174, god-parents.
Grette, 46, p., greeted.
Henge, 140, p., hung.
Herborowe, 17, lodging.
Hertned, 182, encouraged.
Hoste, 40, 82, hoslia.
Improve, 56, reprove.
Insunder, 122, asunder,
lury, 130, Judaea.
Kepynge, 40, prison.
Kytte, 5, p. p., cut.
Lap, 35, to wrap.
Laureres, 196, laurels.
Mammelles, 22, breasts, mantilla:.
Mo, 79, Moo, 65 ; more.
Monycyon, 99, advice.
More, 162, greater, "in the more bry-
Ne, 31, nor.
Nedely, 158, of necessity.
Nerehande, 5, 102, nearly.
Neuewe, 23, 164, nephew.
Nosethrylles, 192, nostrils.
Nourysshe, 26, bringer up, nurse.
Nouryssher, 43, bringer up, (male).
Noyaunce, 36, 108, injury.
Noyed, 94, injured.
Noyous, 93, 104, injurious.
Obediyenser, 45, one owing obedience.
Ordre, 64, holy orders.
Over teeth, 161, denies superiores.
Overthwarte, 66, across.
Oynted, 121, anointed.
Pace, 48, Pascha.
Palseys, 14, palsied persons.
Papalite, 78, papacy.
Peter pens, 112, Peter's pence.
Pistle, 143, epistle.
Podell, 21, pool.
Promyssyon, 138, promise.
Prycksonge, 9, pricksong.
Quycke, 47, living.
Religyon, 7, 45, 70, 80, a monastic order.
Religyous, I, belonging to a monastic
Reny, 46, deny.
Repaused, 47, rested.
Rote, 62, a wheel.
Sanctiloge, I. Sanctilogium.
Seacynge, 73, ceasing.
Sell, 201, cell.
Sene, 33, 55, 79, a synod or council. Cf.
Catholicon Anglicum (E.E.T.S.), p.
330. " A Sene; Sinodus."
Senous, 122, sinews.
Sense, 5, insense.
Sextry, 145, sacrarium.
Sherthursday, 52, Dies Coma Domini.
Shyppe of Noe, 18.
Shryne, 70, v. , to place in a shrine.
Soudyour, 3, 97, soldier.
Souerayne, 132, 158, see Notes, Aug. 23.
Sprad, 142, pp., spread.
Stale, 57, 112, p., stole.
Stallacyon, 30, installacion.
Stepdame, 43, stepmother.
Stert, 108, p., started.
Stryplynges, 194, pueri.
Stythes, 84, anvils.
Sudary, 113, sudarium.
Thrall, 29, slave.
Thrast, 197, p., thrust.
Traitory, 74, treason.
Tronizacyon, 30, enthronement.
Twindles, 65, twins.
Wanne, 17, 152, p., won.
Wawes, 4, waves.
Wemme, 174, damage.
Wilfully, 131, 135, 190, of his own free
will, willingly, 96, intentionally.
Wode, 19, mad.
Wombe, 142, belly.
Worship, 74, honour.
Wretche, I, 150, 158, a sinner.
Wynke, 158, to close the eyes for some
Ympne, 162, 180, a hymn.
Yse, 9, ice.
THE following extracts are from the Martyrologium of Christ Church,
Canterbury (Brit. Mus. Arundel MS., 68). This MS. which appears to
be of the end of the thirteenth century, contains also an Obituarium, an
abstract of the Rule of St. Benedict, and other memoranda. About
the beginning of the sixteenth century the book was apparently laid
aside, and superseded by a beautiful copy made at that time, which is
preserved in Lambeth Library (MS. No. 20). In the Arundel book the
names of the pope and of St. Thomas of Canterbury have not been
erased ; but in the Lambeth copy, which was probably in daily use in
the time of Henry VIII., the wordflafla has generally been erased and
altered to episcopus and the name of St. Thomas has been erased,
together with the notices of him in 7 July, 2 Dec., and 29 Dec.
The Lambeth copy follows the original so closely even in the punc-
tuation that it is not considered necessary to give a collation, which
would only show slight variations in spelling.
With the exception of the few entries relating to English Saints, the
Canterbury Martyrology is that of Usuard, and varies from it far less
than does the Syon Martyrology.
The additions later than the thirteenth century are printed in
The letter U. has been placed after the entries relating to
British saints which are found in Usuard.
Non. Jan. [5 Jan.] Ipso die apud westmonasterium depositio
sancti aedwardi regis anglorum qui dedit Cherteham et Waleworthe
ecclesie christi.
v Id. Jan. [9 Jan.] Cantuarie sancti adriani abbatis.
xvii Kal. Feb. [16 Jan.] Parona monasterio sancti fursei con-
fessoris cuius capud in dorobernia habetur.
xiv Kal. Feb. [19 Jan.] Eodem die sancti wlstani wigorniensis
episcopi et confessoris.
iii Kal. Feb. [30 Jan.] In territorio parisiacensi sancte baltildis
Kal. Feb. [i Feb.] In hibernia sancte brigide uirginis cuius uita
miraculis claruit. U.
vii Id. Feb. [7 Feb.] . In britanniis ciuitate augusta natale beati
auguli episcopi qui temporis cursum per raartyrium explens eterna
meruit suscipere premia. U.
vi Kal. Mar. [24 Feb.] Item in monasterio sancti Augustini Can-
tuarie deposicio sancti Ethelberti Regis et confessoris ac primi fundatoris
huius sancte Cantuariensis ecclesie.
Kal. Mar. [i Mar.] Eodem diemeneuie. sancti Dauid eiusdem ciui-
tatis episcopi et confessoris.
vi Non Mar. [2 Mar.] In britannia deposicio sancti ceadde
episcopi et confessoris.
xvi Kal. Apr. [17 Mar.] In scocia natale sancti patricii episcopi
et confessoris qui primus ibidem christum euuangelizauit. U.
xv Kal. Apr. [18 Mar.J Ipso die passio sancti edwardi regis anglie
et martiris.
[There is a long note here recording the donation of two corrodies
by Richard II. to the church of Canterbury, and stating that it was
granted to the King that each of the two feasts of St. Edward, K.M.,
viz., his Passion on this day and his Translation on 20 June, should be
observed *& festum principals. In Arundel 68, this record is in the lower
margin, in Lambeth 20 it is placed in the text.]
iii Id. Apr. [n Apr.] In britannia depositio sancti Guthlaci con-
fessoris christi et anachorite.
xiii Kal. Mai. [19 Apr.] Eodem die sancti yElphegi cantuariensis
archiepiscopi qui ab exercitu paganorum post dirutam illius urbem. post
cruentam innocentis populi cedem. post templi expoliationem uinctus
abductus est : et per septem menses uariis tormentorum suppliciis
cruciatus tandem furencium manibus paganorum lapidatus martyrii
coronam suscepit.
xi Kal. Mai. [21 Apr.] Cantuarie depositio anselmi eius ciuitatis
viii Kal. Mai. [24 Apr.] Eodem die depositio sancti melliti
episcopi in britannia. U.
v. Kal. Mai. [27 Apr.] Eodem die sancte Sythe uirginis.
xiiii Kal. Jun. [19 Mai.] In ciuitate dorobernia natale sancti
patris nostri Dunstani archiepiscopi. qui ab ipso matris utero sanctificatus.
omne tempus uite sue magnince duxit unde et glorioso fine quieuit.
vii Kal. Jun. [26 Mai.] In anglia ciuitate cantuarie sancti
Augustini archiepiscopi et confessoris. qui missus a beato papa gregorio
primus genti anglorum christi euuangelium predicauit. crebrisque adhuc
refulget miraculis. U. [The last four words are a Canterbury addition.]
iii Kal. Jun. [30 Mai.] Ipso die sancti cuthberti episcopi et con-
iiii Non. Jun. [2 Jim.] In cancia sancti odonis archiepiscopi et
vi Id. Jun. [8 Jun.] Eodem die translatio sancti .^Elphegi archi-
episcopi et martyris de lundonia in canciam ad ecclesiam christi.
v Id. Jun. [9 Jun.] Apud monasterium sancti germani. dedicatio
oratorii in honore beati petri apostoli. Eodem die translado sancti
Eadmundi cantuariensis archiepiscopi et confessoris.
xvi Kal. Jul. [16 Jun.] Eodem die translado sancti Ricardi cices-
trensis episcopi et confessoris.
xv Kal. Jul. [17 Jun.] Ipso die sancti botulfi abbatis.
xii Kal. Jul. [20 Jun.] Eodem die translado sancti Edwardi. Regis
et martiris.
x Kal. Jul. [22 Jun.] In britannia sancti Albani martyris qui
tempore diocliciani in uerolamio ciuitate post uerbera et tormenta
acerba capite plexus est Passus est cum illo eciam unus de militibus
eo quod eum ferire iussus noluerit. U.
ix Kal. Jul. [23 Jun.] In britannia natale sancte etheldrithe
uirginis et regine cuius corpus cum undecim annis esset sepultum :
incorruptum inuentum est. U.
vi Non. Jul. [2 Jul.] In anglia ciuitate wentonie. sancti swithuni
episcopi et confessoris.
iii Non. Jul. [5 Jul.] In scocia sancte moduenne uirginis.
ii Non. Jul. [6 Jul-] Eodem die sancte sexburge sororis sancte
etheldride uirginis,
Non. Jul. [7 Jul.] Eodem die translacio. sancti thome archiepis-
copi et martyris. Anno gracie. m. cc. xx. passionis autem eiusdem
martiris quinquagesimo. feria tercia. Ut eadem die et nasceretur ad
penam. et pateretur ad gloriam. et transferetur ad honorem. In cuius
translacione passionis ipsius dominus miracula suscitauit ut dum nouis
superuenientibus uetera fuissent renouata : ex signis choruscantibus et
ipse martyr gloriosior appareret.
viii Id. Jul. [8 Jul.] Wentonie sancti Grimbaldi confessoris.
iii Id. Jul. [13 Jul.] Cantuarie sancte mildrithe uirginis.
xvii Kal. Aug. [16 Jul.] Eodem die Translacio sancti Osmundi
Episcopi Sarum et confessoris.
iiii Non. Aug. [2 Aug.] Cantuarie deposicio sancti plegemundi
Non. Aug. [5 Aug.] Eodem die sancti oswaldi regis anglorum.
cuius actus commemorat uenerabilis beda presbiter in gestis eiusdem
gentis. U.
xvi Kal. Sept. [16 Aug.] Item dedicatio cripte ecclesie christi
ix Kal. Sept. [24 Aug.] In ybernia sancti patricii abbatis. et gil-
dardi confessoris. qui patricius primus ybernensium fertur fuisse
magister. sed quia nee eos corexisse potuit in peregrinationem perrexit.
ad monasterium glestingense peruenit ibique uitam uirtutibus clarescens
finiuit. quod et usque hodie mortua ossa ipsius contestari uidentur.
vii Kal. Sept. [26 Aug.] Cantuarie depositio beate memorie
breguini eiusdem ciuitatis archiepiscopi et confessoris.
ii Kal. Sept. [31 Aug.] Eodem die sancti aidani episcopi. cuius
animam sanctus cuthbertus in celum ab angelis ferri uidit.
ii Non. Sept. [4 Sept.] Translatio reliquiarum sancti cuthberti
v Id. Sept. [9 Sept.] In scocia querani abbatis. U.
Id. Sept. [13 Sept.] Ipso die translatio sancti augustini archi-
episcopi et confessoris.
xiii Kal. Oct. [19 Sept.] Cantuarie deposicio beati theodori eius-
dem ciuitatis archiepiscopi et confessoris.
vi Non. Oct. [2 Oct.] Eodem die sancti Thome confessoris herfor-
densis episcopi.
ii Non. Oct. [6 Oct.] Eodem die translacio sancti hugonis lincoln-
iensis episcopi.
Non. Oct. [7 Oct.] In britannia. natale sancte osythe uirginis et
vi Id. Oct. [10 Oct.] In britannia sancti paulini archiepiscopi et
confessoris. U.
v Id. Oct. [n Oct.] In scocia sancti camichi abbatis. U.
iv Id. Oct. [12 Oct.] Ipso die deposicio sancti Wilfridi episcopi
et confessoris. qui inter ceteras uirtutes mortuo quoque uitam legitur
iii Id. Oct. [13 Oct.] Apud westmonasterium translacio sancti
eadwardi regis et confessoris.
xiiii Kal. Nou. [19 Oct.] Item eodem die Oxoniis sancte frideswyde
iii Non. Nou. [3 Nov.] Eodem die sancti wlganii confessoris.
xvi Kal. Dec. [16 Nov.] Ipso die ordinatio sancti Aelphegi can-
tuariensis archiepiscopi et martyris. quam deus per apostolum suum
reuelare dignatus est. Cantuarie. deposicio beate memorie aelfrici
eiusdem ciuitatis archiepiscopi et confessoris. Eodem die sancti
Eadmundi cantuariensis archiepiscopi et confessoris.
xiii Kal. Dec. [19 Nov ] In hybernia deposicio sancti ronani
episcopi et confessoris. Huius sinistrum brachium ab anigo filio regis
auertach a corpore sublatum. cantuariam delatum est. et in ecclesia
saluatoris domini christi reconditum. ubi usque hodie in integra carne
decenti honore seruatur.
xii Kal. Dec. [20 Nov.] Eodem die sancti edmundi regis et
martiris. qui pro confessione christi ab iniquo rege inguuare interfectus
iiii Non. Dec. [2 Dec.] Eodem die regressio sancti thome mar-
tyris ab exilio. Quern post diuturna supplicia quibus cotidie nouus
martyr effulserat. uelut aurum in fornace multipharie probatum in thesau-
ros regis assumptum. septimo anno dominus ad palmam sub gladii
cautione reuocauit. ac si ostensis ei gladiis. uoce dominica diceretur.
Amice, ecce ad quod uenisti.
Id. Dec. [13 Dec.] Cantuarie depositio sancte aedburgis uirginis.
iv Kal. Jan. [29 Dec.] Eodem die cantuarie passio uenerandi
patris thome eiusdem ciuitatis archiepiscopi et martyris gloriosi. Hie
post longos exilii labores quos pro iusticia pacienter pertulit : tandem
deo miserante reuersus. et in ecclesia sua cum honore susceptus : in
eadem pro defensione libertatis ipsius gladiis impiorum percussus occu-
buit. Tali modo fortis athleta agone suo constanter expleto. proprio
sanguine laureatus ac triumphali morte insignis : ad christum pro quo
fideliter decertauit. feliciter peruenit. cuius glorie miraculorum frequencia
testimonium perhibet. que post passionem ipsius euestigio tanta secuta
.sunt : et adhuc fere cotidie multiplicantur : quanta retro actis temporibus
pro aliquo sanctorum uix uspiam facta leguntur.