\/ \/ /\ \ \ V x /\ ** \ /\ \/ * \ HENRY BRADSHAW SOCIETY tn f#e IJedr of Our &orb 1890 for of VOL. III. ISSUED TO MEMBERS FOR THE YEAR 1891, AND PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST MARTIN'S LANE, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. 4 / > w 2nd ed., 1882, Vol. I. p. xv). But I have not come across any instance of its purchase being made compulsory by authority." INTRODUCTION. vii to the production of this work was the same as that which gave to the same monastery The Myroure of Oure Lady 1 in the prologue of which the translator, addressing the " daughters of Syon," says : "forasmoche as many of you, though ye can synge and rede, yet ye can not se what the meanynge therof ys I haue drawen youre legende and all youre servyce in to Englyshe, that ye shoulde se by the vnderstondyng therof, how worthy and holy praysynge of oure gloryouse Lady is contente therin, and the more deuoutely and knowyngly synge yt and rede yt, and say yt to her worship." Towards the end of the sixteenth century the Roman Martyrology was translated into Spanish with similar motives by the Jesuit Father Dionysio Vasquez, 2 who in his prologue states that it was made to meet the wants of those brethren (hermanos) of the Company of Jesus who were ignorant of Latin, with the hope that it might be useful also to others, who might be desirous to read " in a language so spread over the whole world [en una lengua tan esparzida por todo el mondo] a book so holy and profitable, which kindles our devotion by living examples, animates our weakness, warms our coolness, and consoles those distressed and tried by temptations and trials when they see the noble spirit of the glorious martyrs." It is added that no tables of the epacts and moons are given, because the book was for private use, and not for the services of the choir [porque no hauiendo de seruir esto libro en Romace para los coros en que se dizen los horas : no lo juzgamos neces- sario]. The same omission will be noticed in our English Martiloge. In the seventeenth century an English translation was made of the reformed Martyrologium Romanum, which the translator recommended for daily use "in every Catholick family," just as 1 The Myroure of Oure Lady. Printed in London by Richard Fawkes, 1530. Reprinted for the E.E.T.S., 1873. 2 Martyrologio Romano .... Traduzido ahora nueuamente de lengua Latina en la Espanola : por el Padre Maestro Dionysio Vasquez de la Campania de IESVS, Valladolid, 1586. viii INTRODUCTION. its Latin orignal was used in every religious community. 1 This Martyrologe is, of course, purely Roman ; there are no English saints inserted in addition to those which have a place in the Martyrologium Romanum, and there is nothing to suggest that the translator had seen the Martiloge of Richard Whytford. It is now necessary to return to the Martiloge of Richard Whytford, and to examine its claim to be regarded as " after the vse of the churche of Salysbury/ and as it is redde in Syon." To test the accuracy of this statement we naturally turn to the Latin Martyrologium used in Syon monastery, and now preserved in the British Museum (Add. MS., 22, 285). Some results of this comparison are given in the Notes in this volume, and it will be found that the Martiloge of Whytford (excluding the " addicyons ") is substantially a translation of that actually in use at Syon monastery. There are, however, some variations which seem to show that the copy used by Richard Whytford was not the same as that which has come down to us. Many of the peculiarities of spel- ling in the Martiloge are also found in the Syon Latin Martyro- logium 2 (which for convenience will be referred to as A.) ; but on 1 A copy before me has the title : The Roman Martyrologe set forth by the com- mand of Pope Gregory XIII. , and reviewed by the Avthority of Vrban VIII. Trans- lated out of Latin into English by G. K., of the Society of lesvs. The second edition .... Printed at S. Omers by Thomas Gevbels, 1667. 2 Examples of peculiar spellings common to the Martiloge and A. : March 19. 1. 5. at surety ke. apud sureticum A., for Surrentum. Sept. IO. 1. 14. Brydhestane. brydhestani A., for Frithestani. Sept. 19. 1. 5. pluteolane. pluteolana A., for Puteolana. Oct. i. 1. 12. In the graild port, in portu granda A., for: in portu Ganda. On the other hand, the following examples seem to show that the translator had before him a text which differed in some respects from A. : Jan. 30. 1. 3. Innouate. nouati A. Some MSS. of Usuard read Innou- atus. Feb. 8. 1. 3. Coynt. Corinthe A. Cointha is the reading of most MSS. of Usuard. May 14. 1. 3. two of the emperours sones. duo philippi imperatores A. It seems probable that the translator was led into this mistake by a text with the spelling : duo filippi imperatores. By a stretch of charity towards R. Whytford, we may further suppose his text to have been : duo filii imperatoris. INTRODUCTION. ix the other hand there are many cases in which the Martiloge has a reading which is more correct than A. It will also be noticed that many of the additions to A are not found in the Martiloge. For example, the two feasts of St. Osmund, his deposition on Dec. 4, and his translation on July 16 are not in the Martiloge, though they appear to have been added to A before 1526. Again, the two feasts of St. Thomas of Canterbury are not in the Martiloge? though they are both in A, having been erased in the time of Henry VI I L, and reinserted in the time of Queen Mary, when for a short time the " daughters of Syon " returned to their old home, and brought back their Martyrologium with them. We may then be satisfied that the Martiloge is for the most part a translation of that which was daily read at Syon ; but the other claim of its being " after the vse of the chirche of Salis- bury " remains to be considered. There is a priori reason for supposing that the Martyrologium used at Syon would be after the use of Salisbury, because by the Constitutions of the Brigettine Order, the brothers were ordered to sing mass and office after the use of the diocese in which any house of the order might be situated. 2 The monastery of Syon was in the diocese of Lon- don, in which the old use of St. Paul's was displaced and Sarum use ordered for adoption by Bishop Clifford in 14 H, 3 the year before Henry V. granted a charter to Syon monastery, and the King himself laid the foundation stone in the presence of that bishop. Thus the Martyrologium used at Syon was doubtless regarded as being after the use of Salisbury, and the two May 27. 1. 4. adartens. atrebatensi A. Other MSS. read adartensi. Nov. 19. 1. 5. Crispy ne. Cipriani A. Crispini is the reading of most MSS. of Usuard. It may be added that Diocleciax is the usual spelling of the Martil&ge (Dec. 24 and elsewhere), but that A. always uses the form Dioclicianus. 1 The feast of St. Thomas is placed in, the Addicyons on Dec. 29, but is not in the Martiloge proper. 2 Sorores erunt sexaginta et non plures que clericos habebunt qui quotidie de tempore missam et officium quod habetur in ecclesiis cathedralibus illarum terrarum in quibus huiusmodi monasteria sunt decantabunt. Cap. X. [British Museum, Add. MS. 5208, fo. 8. b.] 3 The original text of the mandate has been recently printed by Dr. W. Sparrow Simpson in Proc. of the Soc. Ant. of 'London , vol. xiv. p. 1 1 8. x INTRODUCTION. calendars bound up with it are certainly of that use, with the slight exception that the second calendar, which contains the obits, has the Deposition of St. Erkenwald on April 30, and his Translation on November 14 (the observance of which two feasts was allowed by Bishop Clifford). There are also the three feasts of St. Bridget, viz., her Natalis on July 23, her Translation on May 28, and her Canonization on October 7, and also (in a later hand) St. Catherine of Sweden on June 25. In the Martyrology of A. the dedication of the church of Salisbury is noticed on September 30, and that of St. Paul's, London, on October i. But before accepting this Syon Martyrologium as after the use of Sarum, it is further desirable to compare it with other Martyrologies, which may be supposed to be of the same use. Unfortunately we have no knowledge of the original Martyro- logium of the cathedral church of Salisbury, beyond a few extracts made by John Leland 1 when he saw the book in the sixteenth century, and these extracts are taken exclusively from the Obituarium There is, however, a Martyrology contained in a MS. Brevi&rium ad usum Sarum of the fifteenth century (British Museum, Harl. MS., 2785), which may be supposed to be of Sarum use. This has been partly collated in the Notes (where it is referred to as H), and it will be found that it varies con- siderably from the Syon version, and is, in particular, remarkable for the long notice of St. Oswald on Feb. 28. Another Martyrology in the British Museum (Roy. MS., 2 A. xiii) has on the verso of its last leaf a list oifesta duplicia and festa maiora duplicia in ecclesia Sarum, and it may be inferred that the book was intended for use in connection with barurn rites. But in this MS. the notices of English saints differ from those in the Harleian and Syon MSS. The Canterbury Martyrologium again, from which the extracts relating to English saints are printed in the Appendix to this volume, confines its notices of English saints in greater part to the Archbishops of Canterbury and Kentish saints, and, 1 Itinerary of John Leland, edited by Thomas Hearne, 3rd ed., Oxford, 1769, vol. iii, p. 95. INTRODUCTION. xi as might have been expected, the notices of St. Thomas on the feasts of his martyrdom and his translation are unusually full. There is also a commemoration, probably peculiar to Canterbury, of the return of St. Thomas to Canterbury after his exile (Dec. 2). Whilst these books differ amongst themselves in the notices of English saints, they all agree, in common with most mediaeval Martyrologies of the Western Church, in having for their basis the Martyrology compiled in the ninth century by Usuard, a monk of Paris. From the materials consulted we cannot deter- mine that the Martyrologe of a church following Sarum use was required to be anything more than a variant of Usuard, with additions of English saints selected according to local circum- stances. The Syon Martyrologium is of this class. It closely follows a rather corrupt text of Usuard, and has numerous variations and additions. Its most remarkable peculiarity is the long notice of St. Mary of Egypt on April 2, and the four feasts of St. Edward, King and Martyr, viz., on Feb. 13, Feb. 18, March 18, and June 20. Nearly all English calendars and Martyrologies record the martyrdom of St. Edward on March 1 8, and his translation on June 20 ; but the Syon book not only has these, but two addi- tional celebrations, on Feb. 18, of the receiving (Adventus) of the Martyr's body at Shaftesbury from Wareham, and a trans- lation on Feb. 13. These notices are such as we should expect to find in a Marty- rologium for the use of Shaftesbury, where the body of St. Edward, King and Martyr, was shrined in great honour. The Shaftes- bury character of the book is confirmed by the notices of St. Elgiva, whose name appears on May 18 as Eluina in A, and in the blundered form "Elene" in the Martiloge ; and on Dec. 21, where again we have Eluina in A, but " Ewyne " in the Martiloge. At the same time, as Shaftesbury is only twenty miles from Salisbury, it is just possible that these notices might have been inserted in a Salisbury Martyrology. 1 1 The two February feasts of S. Edward appear in the Calendar of the Red Book of Derby (The Leofric Missal, ed. F. E. Warren, Oxford, 1883, p. 271). xii INTRODUCTION. The Addicyons. We have seen that the Martiloge proper is a translation of the Martyrologium which was read daily in capitulo. The translator has, however, supplied his readers with '* addicyons " which have no liturgical authority of any kind. The names of saints given by him are in many cases not found in other Martyrologies or accredited Calendars, but are gathered, as we are told in his Preface, from \hzLegendaAurea of Jacobus de Voragine, the Catalogus Sanctorum of Petrus de Natalibus, and other sources, including the Sanctiloge, which we might be inclined to identify with the Sanctilogiiim of John of Tinmouth, of which a copy exists in the British Museum, (Cottonian MS., Tiberius, E. I.) But fortunately the Catalogue of the Library of the Brothers of Syon Monastery is preserved amongst the MS. treasures in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cam- bridge, and we are thus enabled to see what books Richard Whytford was able to consult. The books are all entered with the names of their donors, 1 press-marks, titles, and the first words of their second folio for the purpose of identification. The two volumes of which the Sanctilogium consisted are thus entered : DUCISSA CLARENCIE. ;JfH. i. Prima pars Sanctilogii Saluatoris de legenda et historiis sanctorum continens libros &. cum tabula de nominibus sanctorum infra conten- torum et kalendario generali secundum ordinem martilogii in principio libri. DUCISSA CLARENCIE. ffi. 2. Secunda pars Sanctilogii Saluatoris continens libros septem residues predictorurn. 1 Among the names of the donors we find many times " Whytforde " who was perhaps the wealthy uncle of our Richard Whytford, also " Wynkyn," i.e., Wynkyn de Worde, who presented copies of his Ortus Vocabulorum and Nona legenda Anglic, but his Martiloge does not appear in the Catalogue. The name of the subsequent destroyer of the peace of Syon is also recorded amongst the donors : REX HENRICUS OCTAUUS. ..23. 2 fo.. dicamus ut Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martinum Lutherum edita ab illustris- simo Rege nostro henrico, eius nominis octauo.. For the opportunity of examining this most interesting record I am indebted to the courtesy of the Rev. J. R. Harmer. INTRODUCTION. xiii Thus we see that the Sanctilogium Saluatoris would have supplied suitable material for the " addicyons," and as there does not appear to have been a copy of the Sanctilogium of John of Tinmouth in the Syon Library, we can hardly be wrong in supposing that it was the former of these books which Richard Whytford made use of, and referred to as the Sanctiloge. All the other books which are referred to in the Preface as having been used for the Addicyons are also found in this Catalogue (see Notes, p. 206). When we begin to study the " Addicyons " it will be found that they have been put together in a somewhat careless and unsystematic manner. There is comparatively little in them which is specially English. A very large proportion of the matter has been obtained from the Catalogus Sanctorum. In the month of January no less than fifty-two saints out of a total of ninety-two have been taken from this book. The saints drawn from other sources are mostly British worthies, or hermits of the desert, and in making his selection the translator seems to have been generally guided by his love of the marvellous. The wild extravagance of the legends which he relates in the " Addicyons " stands out in contrast to the comparative soberness of the Martyrology proper. 1 As examples of want of care, we find certain saints not only mentioned in the Martiloge on the proper day of their celebra- tion, but also given again in the " addicyons " either on the same day or on a day or two before or after. For example, 1 The earliest Martyrologies, such as the Hieronymian, contains only the name, place, and day of the passion of the martyrs. The Martyrology of Bede has short histories added to the names, and this process was extended by Ado, archbishop of Vienne, who filled up many days left vacant by Bede. Then Usuard, a monk of Paris, towards the end of the ninth century condensed the work of Ado, and produced his Martyrology, which has been the basis of the Syon, as well as of most Western Mar- tyrologies. For further information see Art. " Martyrology " in Smith and Cheetham's Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, 1880, ii. p. 1132 ; and also the learned disserta- sions of Baronius in his edition of Marty rologiwn Romanum, Romae, 1586 ; of Floren- tinius in his Vetustius Occidentalis Ecdesice Martyrologium, Lucae, 1668 ; and of Sollerius in the Bollandist Acta Sanctorum^ Junii, torn. vi. xiv INTRODUCTION. " Grymbald " of " wynchester," in July 7, Add., is the same as " Grubald " of " wentane " on July 8 ; and on this latter day St. Kilian of Wurzburg is mentioned no less than three times, viz., as Ciliane and Kyliane in the Martiloge proper, and again as Ciliane in the " addicyons." So, too, his companions are mentioned first as Colonare and Conace, and reappear in the " addicyons " as Colonate and Romane. Mistakes of other kinds are not uncommon. Thus, on May 7, we find the early church of Queen Bertha described as "saynt Martyns in london"; and on November 12 we read of " Salomon and his sone leroboam." We may also notice that some of the saints in the " Ad- dicyons," such as " saynt Rowlande " and " saynt Olyuer " on June 1 6, and the story of Amilius and his Amicus on October 4, belong rather to the regions of romance than to hagiology ; though it must be acknowledged that they are also to be found in the Catalogus Sanctorum. The British Saints in the Martiloge. To facilitate comparison with other English Martyrologies it may be useful to give accord- ing to the order of the calendar a list of the British Saints in the Martiloge, distinguishing by italics those which occur only in the Addicyons. A. Additional MS., 22, 285. D. Drummond Missal. U denotes the names found also in Usuard's Martyrology. Inverted commas mark words according to the spelling of the Martiloge. Square brackets give additional particulars from other sources. INTRODUCTION. xv JANUARY. 5. St. Edward, K.C., at Westminster. Octave of St. Thomas of Canterbury. 8. St. Wolsyn, bishop of Sherborne. 9. Translation of St. Judocus (' Nidoke') at Winchester ( wentane') St. Adrian, abbot of Canterbury. 12. St. Aired, abbot [of Rievaulx, d. 1 166]. St Benedict Biscop, abbot of Wearmouth. 13. St. Kentigern, B.C. 15. St. Dorothy or Sythe [= St. Ita], in Ireland. 1 6. St. Fursey, C. U. St. Sigvbert, K.M. St. Henry, hermit of Coquet Island, Northumberland. 1 8. ' Saynt Vulstane,' B.C., ' at wyllenchester,' see Notes, Jan. 18 St. Deicolus, abbot. 19. Translation of St. Branwallatour, B.C. [at Milton Abbas]. St. Wulstan ('Vulstane '), B.C., at Worcester. 20. St. Fechin ( ' Fekyne'), abbot in Ireland. 29. St. Gildas [' gildas sapiens.' A.]. 30. St. Batildis, Queen. FEBRUARY. 1. St. Brigide or Bryde, V., in Ireland [' Scotlonde']. U. 2. St. Laurence, archbishop of Canterbury (' doroberne '). 3. St. Werburg (' warburge '), V. [at Chester]. 4. St. Gilbert, C. [of Sempringham]. St. Aldate ('Eldade'), B.C. at Gloucester. 6. .S^S". Mele, Melke, Munyse, bishops, and St. Ryoke, abbot, all sons of St. Darerke and nephews of St. Patrick of Ireland. St. Fynian, abbot in Ireland. 7. St. Augulus, B.M., at London ['august']. U. St. Richard, K.C., father of SS. Willibald, Winibald and Walburga. 9. St. Theliaus, Elios or Eliud [= St. Teilo]. 10. St. Merwin (' Merpwyn') [first abbess of Romsey]. 13. Translation of St. Edward, K.M. (* confessour') [at Shaftesbury]. St. Ermenilda [Queen of Mercia, afterwards abbess of Ely]. 17. St. Finian, Pr. C., in Scotland [Fintanus]. U. 1 8 The Receiving [' Adventus.' A.] of St. Edward, K.M., at Shaftesbury ('sephton'). St. Endehne, V. [= Ethelina, see Notes, Feb. 18]. 20. St. Wulfrick (* Wolryke '), born near Bristol. St. Bolke, in Ireland. 24. St. Ethelbert ('Atheibert'), K.C. 25. St. Walburga (' Walpurge '), V. 28. St. Oswald, archbishop of York, at Worcester. St. Ayd, in Ireland. INTRODUCTION. MARCH. 1. St. David, archbishop in Wales. 2. St. Chad, B.C., at Lichfield. St. Cedde, B.C., brother of St. Chad. St. Willyam, Priest, 'in the tyme of the Emperour Henry ye thyrde.' 1 3. St. Winwalloc (' wynewale '), abbot, C. 5. St. Cieran ('Ciaue'), in Ireland. St. Peran or Keran, in Cornwall [the same as the above]. 6. St. Kyneburga, abbess [of Dormundcastor, now Castor, near Peter- borough], St. Kyneswide, her sister, and St. Tybbe, her kinswoman. 7. St. Esterwyne, abbot of St. Paul's [J arrow]. 8. St. Felix, B.C., apostle of East Anglia. St. Fenan (Senan. D.), in Ireland. 12. St. Alphege, bishop of Winchester (' wentane'). 1 6. St. Fynan, in Ireland. St. Abbane or Kyryne, 'whose syrname was Boniface,' in Scotland. 17. St. Patrick, B.C., in Ireland ('in scotlonde'). U. St. Withburga (' witburge '), V. 1 8. Passion of St. Edward, K.M. St. Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury. 20. St. Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne. U. 24. St. Hildelyth, V., abbess of Barking. St. Sebba, K. St. Mackartyne (Meic Cairthinn. D.). 26. St. Fincfittt(S'mchdL D.), abbot in Ireland. 29. St. Gundleus, K., hermit. 1 Cf. R. Stanton's Menology of England and Wales, 1887, p. 671. APRIL. 3. St. Richard of Chichester, B.C. 4. St. Tiernake (Tigernach. D.), in Ireland. 7. St. Bernake. ii. St. Guthlac [hermit at Crowland]. 13. St. Caradoke, Priest, hermit, at Brecknock. 15. St. Paternus or Padarn, B.C. St. William of Norwich, Boy- Martyr. 1 8. St. Lafreane (= Laisrean), abbot. 19. St. Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury, M. 21. Deposition of St. Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury. 24. St. Mellitus, B.C., archbishop of Canterbury (619-624). U St. Egbert, Priest. {Translation of] St. Wilfrid, archbishop of York. Invention of St. Ive. 29. Translation of St. Edmund, K.M. St. Wilfrid, junior, archbishop of York. 30. Deposition of St. Erkenwald, B.C., at London. INTRODUCTION. MAY. I. St. Walburge, called also { Gauburge,' V. 7. Deposition of St. John Beverley, B.C. St. Letard, B.C. 8. St. Catald, in Ireland [afterwards bishop of Tarentum]. St. Indractus ( Indrake'), K.M., in Ireland. 10. St. Congall, abbot in Ireland. St. William, ' borne in englond.' 11. St. Fremund, K.M. 13. St. Maeldoke, C., in Ireland. 14. St. Carthake, bishop in Ireland. 15. St. Brithivyne, abbot of Beverley. 16. St. Brendan [or Brandon], abbot in Ireland. St. Carantock, called also ' Ceruach, 3 C., in Ireland. 18. Translation of St. 'Elene, quene and empresse' [= Elgiva, 1 queen of Edmund I]. 19. St. Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury. 20. St. Ethelbert (' Adalbert'), K.M., at Hereford. 21. St. Godric of Finchale (' fynthall '). 25. St. Aldhelm, B.C., at Malmesbury ('mildunens '). 26. St. Augustine, B.C., Apostle of England. U. Venerable Bede (' called y e worshypfull '). 28. St. Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury. 1 Eluina. A. Cf. Martyrologium in British Museum (Roy. MS., 2 A. xiii) : In britannia apud Sheftesburiam natale sancte ^Elgiue anglorum regine. St. ^Elgiva also appears on this day (May 18) in the calendars of 'The Red Book of Derby' and the Missal of Robert of Jumieges (see Warren's Leofric Missal, pp. 272, 280). In the Litany of a MS. Psalter in the British Museum (Landowne, 383, fo. 147) we find Elgiua under the form Eluiua, which is not far removed from Eluina. JUNE. r. St. Wistan, K.M. at Evesham (' ewsham'). 2. St, Odo, archbishop of Canterbury. 3. St. Kenyne, bishop in Ireland [Coemgin. D.]. 4. St. Petrock (' Patryke'), C. 5. St. Boniface, B.M., bishop of Mainz, born in England. U. 6. St. Goodwale, B.[St. Gudwal of Cornwall, afterwards bishop of St. Malo]. 7. Translation of St. Wulstan, bishop of Worcester. St. Colman, bishop in Ireland. St. Robert, abbot [of Newminster, near Morpeth]. 8. St. William, archbishop of York. 9. St. Columba (' Columbane'), in Scotland. U. Translation of St. Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury. 10. St. Ithamar, [bishop of Rochester.] {Translation of] St. Ive ( ( yue j ). St. Margaret, Q. of Scotland. b INTRODUCTION. JUNE- continued. 14. [Translation of] St. Brandane (or Brandon), abbot in Ireland. 1 5. Deposition of St. Eadburga, V. [at Pershore]. 1 6. Translation of St. Richard, B.C., of Chichester. 17. St. Botulph, abbot. St. Molyng, bishop in Ireland. 20. Translation of St. Edward, K.M. 21. Translation of St. Werburg (' warburge 3 ) of Chester. St. ' Cassiane] C., * in englond.' 22. St. Alban, M. U. St. Winifred (' wenefrede '), V.M. 23. St. Etheldreda (' Audre '), V. U. 24. St. Bartholomew of Durham. 25. St. Kyneburga (' Keneburge'), V., at Gloucester. St. Amphibalus, M., with St. Alban. St. Milburga, V. [abbess of Wenlock]. 27. St. Benignus (' Bemonus '), C., at Glastonbury. JULY 1. SS. Aaron andjutius, MM. 2. Deposition of St. Swithun, B.C. St. Oudoceus (' Ondoce '), bishop of Llandaff. 5. St. Modwen, V. St. Anselm, C. (Cat. Sanct. vi. 57). St. Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury (Cat. Sanct. vi. 56). 6. St. Sexburga. 7. [Translation of St. Thomas of Canterbury, in A., but omitted in Marti- loge.} St. Hedda, B.C. St. Ethelburga ('called Alborowe'), V. St. Erkengode, daughter (' sister ') of St. Sexburga. St. Grimbald, abbot of New Minster or Hyde, at Winchester. 8. St. Grimbald, abbot at Winchester. St. Neot, C. Translation of St. Withburga (' Wydburge 3 ). 13. St. Mildred, V. [abbess of Minster]. St. Juthware, V., ' in englond.' 15. Translation of St. Swithun, B.C. St. Deusdedit, archbishop of Canterbury. 16. [Translation of St. Osmund, B.C., added secunda manu in A., but omitted in Martiloge.] 17. St. Kenelm, K.M. 1 8. St. Eadburga. 20. St. Arildis.VM. (' Aryld'), at Gloucester. St. Modmund, M., at Gloucester. 25. St. Jtidocus, hermit, C. [not in English calendars on this day. Cf Jan. 9 and Dec. 13]. 30. St. Tadwin, archbishop of Canterbury. 31. St. Neot ('Neoche'), Pr., C. SS. Wolfade and Rufyne, sons of King Wolfere, MM. INTRODUCTION. AUGUST. 1. Deposition of St. Ethelwold (' Adelwold '), B.C., at Winchester. St. Hugh, Child-Martyr, of Lincoln. St. Kenede [hermit in Wales]. 2. Invention of St. Alban, M. 3. St. Wallene or Waltheof\zb\>v\. of Melrose, d. 1159]. 5. St. Oswald, K.M. U. St. Thomas, monk [of St. Martin's, Dover, M., 1295]. 12. St. Eadwold, hermit (' Ethelwold '). 1 8. St. Fiacre, C, born in Ireland [hermit near Meaux]. St. Daygens [Dega. D.], C. in Ireland. 20. St. Oswin, K.M. 21. St. Moghteiue, abbot in Ireland. 23. St. Eugene [Eogain. D.], abbot in Ireland. 25. St. Ebbe, V. [abbess of Coldingham]. St. Ebbe [V.M., abbess of Coldingham]. St. Edburt, K., monk. 26. St. Brigwin, archbishop of Canterbury. 29. St. Edwold, K., hermit [near Shaftesbury]. 31. St. Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne, at Glastonbury (' glastingens '). St. Cuthburga, V. [at Wimborne]. St. Eanswyde, V. [at Folkestone]. SEPTEMBER. 4. Translation of St. Cuthbert. Translation of St. Birinus, bishop [of Dorchester]. 6. St. Maculin [Meic Cuilinn. D.], C. in Ireland. 7. St. Dunstan [placed here in error, see Notes, Sept. 7]. St. Alhmund (' Alkunde'), bishop of Hexham. 9. St. Queranus or Keranus. U. St. Mod wen, V. [at Polesworth]. St. Osman, V., in Ireland. St. Wulfhild wolsyld '), abbess of Barking and Horton. 10. St. Frithstan (' Brydhestane '), bishop of Winchester (909-931). Translation of St. Ethelwold ('Adelwold'), at Winchester. Translation of St. Augustine, apostle of England. St. Pynan or Wynyn, B.C., in Ireland. 12. St. Albey [Ailbus, D.], in Ireland. 1 6. St. Edith of Wilton (' wynchester '). SI. Ninian (' Mynyane'), B.C. 19. St. Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury. 2 5. St. Ceolfrid (' Golfryde '), abbot of Jarrow (' iarevve '). St. Barry, bishop in Ireland. 26. St. Colman Elo (' Colmauell '), in Ireland. 28. St. Forseus ('Fors'), bishop in Ireland. 30. Dedication of the church of Salisbury. OCTOBER. 1. St. Melour, son of the duke of Cornwall. Dedication of St. Paul's, London. 2. Deposition of St. Thomas of Hereford. INTRODUCTION. OCTOBER continued. 7. St. Osyth, V.M. [at Chic, now St. Osyth, in Essex]. 8. St. Iwigius ('yve'), [iui. A.] St. Keyna or Keynivir, d. of St. Breghan, * kynge of breknoke.' 9. St. Aymon, archdeacon of Canterbury. 10. St. Paulinus, archbishop of York. 11. St. Canitius ('Canuke'), in Scotland. U. St. Ethelburga, V. [abbess of Barking]. 12. St. Wilfrid, B.C., of York. St. Edwin, K.M., of Northumberland. 13. Translation of St. Edward, K.C. 1 7. Translation of St. Etheldreda (' Awdre '), V. SS. EthelredvaA Ethelbright, MM. 19. St. Frideswide, V. St. Ethebyne (or Ethbin), abbot in Ireland. 20. The Dedication of the church of Syon. St. Acca (' Akke 3 ), B.C., of Hexham. 21. Ordination of St. Duns tan. 23. St. Elflede, V. [third abbess of Romsey]. 25. [Translation of] St. John of Beverley, B.C. 27. St. Abbany, in Ireland. 29. St. Elflede, V. Cf. Oct. 23. 30. Ordination of St. Swithun, B.C. 31. St. Foyllane, B.M., of Ireland. NOVEMBER. 2. St. Malachi, bishop in Ireland. Cf. Nov. 5. St. Herke (Erccus. D.), bishop in Ireland. 3. Translation of St. Edith, V. St. Winifred, V.M. St. Kenelm. St. Clitanke, M. St. Rumwold, C., at Buckingham. 4. St. Birnstan (' Brinstane ; ), bishop of Winchester. St. Clare, M., born at * Orchester.' 5. St. Malachi [archbishop of Armagh, d. 1148]. 6. St. Iltute, cousin of King Arthur. 7. St. Willibrord, bishop [of Utrecht]. 8. St. Keby, bishop in Cornwall. 10. St. Just, archbishop of Canterbury (' Yorke '). 14. Translation of St. Erkenwald, B.C. St. Dubricius, bishop of Llandaff. St. Constant, abbot in Ireland. St. Laurence [archbishop of Dublin (1162-1180)]. 1 6. St. Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury, d. at Pontigny [1240]. 17. St. Hugh, bishop of Lincoln. St. Hilda, V., abbess (' in yrelonde '). 1 8. St. Hilda, V., abbess [of Whitby]. 20. St. Edmund, K,M. 21. St. Columban, abbot. U. 23. St. Columban, in Italy [at Bobio], a repetition of the above. 24. St. Kenan [Cianan. D.], in Ireland. INTRODUCTION, xxi DECEMBER. 3. Deposition of St. Birinus, B.C. St. Lucius ('Lucy'), K.C. 4. [Deposition of St. Osmund, B.C., added secunda manu in A., but not noticed in the Martiloge.'] 5. St. Justinian, hermit, M., at St. David's. 7. St. Boetius [Butus. D.], bishop in Ireland. 12. St. Finian ('Fynany'), in Ireland. 13. Deposition of St. Judocus (' ludoke'). St. Columba (' Columby '), abbot in Ireland. 19. St. Samdyne [Samthainna. D.], V. in Ireland. 21. St. 'Ewyne' (Eluina. A.), Queen. Cf. May 18. St. Berenwald, Pr. M., at Bampton (' betony '), Oxon. 28. St. Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury, M. 29. [St. Thomas of Canterbury in A., but not in Martiloge proper.] Passion of St. Thomas of Canterbury, M. 30. St. Egivin ('Ewgyne'), bishop of Worcester, d. 717 [at Evesham]. The greater number of the saints contained in the above lists (excluding those in the " addicyons") are found in early English Calendars. For instance, if a comparison is made with "the Red Book of Derby" (MS., C.C.C.C., No. 422), it will be seen that out of fifty-four English saints in its Calendar, 1 no. less than fifty-two are also in the Martiloge. They are also to be found in the treatise De Sanctis qui in Anglica patria requi- escunt, of which there are several variants in Latin and also in Anglo-Saxon. 2 Richard Whytford. Of Richard Whytford, as the translator of the Martiloge and compiler of the " addicyons," it may be well to say a few words. According to Wood's Athena Oxonienses (Ed. Bliss, 1813, pp. 132-4) he was educated at Oxford, and afterwards became chaplain of Richard Foxe, Bishop of Winchester in the time of Henry VII. He is said to have been acquainted with Sir Thomas More, 3 and also with Erasmus, 4 but the only expression in the Martiloge which at all 1 The Leofric Missal (ed. F. E. Warren), p. 272. 2 A collation of some of these is given by F. Liebermann, Die Heiligen Englands> Hannover, 1889. 3 More's Life of Sir Thomas More, ed. Hunter, 1828, Chap. III. p. 46. 4 Cf. Desiderii Erasmi Opera Omnia, Lugd. Batavorum, folio, 1703, vol. III. p. 7, where there is a letter which appears by the Index to this work to have been addressed to Richard Whytford, but we have no certainty that this is our Richard. He is addressed as " Ricarde candidissime cura ut bene valeas, teque tua philosophia oblectes. " xxii INTRODUCTION. implies any sympathy with the opinions of the latter is the marginal note on April 21 (Add.), appended to the account of Ulphilas (' Gulphyle ') : " Note here how dilygent holy faders were to traslate holy scripture I to the moder togue and comune language." Richard Whytford afterwards became a brother in the Brigettine monastery of Syon in Middlesex, of which an uncle of the same name, who died in 1511, had previously been a brother. The elder Richard Whytford was a wealthy clerk possessed of lands at Hope, Whitford, and elsewhere, both in Cheshire and also in Lancashire. The numerous presents of books which stand in the name of Whytford in the Catalogue of the Syon Library probably came from him. Our Richard Whytford, the younger, was the author or translator of many books, written whilst he was a brother of Syon. A list of them is given by Bliss in his edition of Wood's Athena Oxonienses. The best known are a translation of the Rule of St. Augustine, The Martiloge, printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1526, The Pype\ or Tonne I of the lyfe of Perfection, printed by Robert Redman in 1532 ; and a translation of Imitatio Christi, entitled The Folowinge of Christe, which was printed in 1556 and again in I585. 1 In the Martiloge, as well as in other of his books, Richard Whytford signs himself in self-depreciation as " the wretche of Syon," and in The Pype or Tonne of tJie Lyfe of Perfection as " the olde wretched brother of Syon." He evidently took for his model the saint whom he describes as " a man of grete notable mekenes, so that whan a rude persone in dyspleasure called hym wretche, he lowly thanked hym" (p. 150. Cf. also p. 158). During the troublous times of the visitation of Syon Monastery by the Commissioners of Henry VIII., Richard Whytford is several times referred to as having incurred the displeasure of these unscrupulous visitors. In one of Thomas BedylFs letters to Secretary Cromwell, dated Aug. 28, 1534, 1 This has lately been reprinted with modernized spelling and an Introduction by Dom Wilfrid Raynal, O.S.B., London, 1872. INTRODUCTION. xxiii there is a passage recounting that " on Sunday last, one Whit- ford, one of the most wilful of that house, preched, and wold speke no word of the Kinges Grace said title [supreme Hed of the Churche of England] ; and this man hath but small lernyng, but is a greate rayler." 1 At the suppression of Syon Monastery in 1539, Richard Whytford received a pension of eight pounds per annum, 2 and is said to have lived in retirement with William Blount, Lord Montjoy. 3 There is some uncertainty as to the exact date of his death. In the copy of The Pype or Tonne of the lyfe of Perfection preserved in the Library of Lambeth Palace (xxviii. I. 6), on the verso of the first leaf, below the name of " The olde wretched brother of Syon/ Richarde Whytford," a sixteenth cen- tury hand has written, " obijt ano dni 1542." Richard Whytford as a translator. We have just read the opinion of Thomas Bedyll concerning Richard Whytford that he was a man of " small lernyng." Unfortunately, his work as a translator does not enable us to disprove this statement. Even after making allowance for the standard of scholarship at the beginning of the sixteenth century, we are unable to regard the learning of Richard Whytford as anything but " small." We may at once concede that he did not attempt close accuracy, but was satisfied if he could convey the general sense to his readers. Thus, he perhaps considered himself justified in rendering " cameli " by " mules " on Feb. 27, but it is not quite so easy to excuse him when he translates "in portu Romae" by " in a gate of Rome" (Aug. 22, 23; Sept. 5), or "via Claudia" by "the village of clawde." On July 5, "que dum ad confessionem beati petri apostoli oraret " is turned into " bycause she praysed the vertue of saynt Peter," and the mistake is repeated on the following day. Again, his knowledge of geography could not have been 1 Aungier's History and Antiquities of Syon Monastery , 1840, p. 436. Aungier, I.e., p. 90. 3 //>., p. 535. xxiv INTRODUCTION. extensive when we find him turning the river Tiber into " the cite of tyberym " (March 24). Our translator often gets himself into difficulties by his fondness for offering explanations of words unfamiliar to him- self and to his readers. Thus he is certainly very wide of the mark when he explains the torture known as " equuleus " as "an huge instrument of metall made lyke a hors/ all full of pryckes and hote as fyre " (Feb. 6) ; and the " olympiades " as "a notable date amonge the iewes " (Dec. 25). We may also notice that when he is in difficulty as to the translation of certain forms of torture, he cuts the matter short by the convenient phrase, " many variaunt and cruell turmentes " (Dec. 30, and elsewhere). On the other hand, he frequently adds expressions to the text with a view to increasing the piquancy of his narrative. Thus, on Feb. I, "leones" be- comes with him " wode and rampynge lyons." And in order to round off his sentences, descriptive phrases not found in the original are often added, such as, " that was a pyteous man and of hygh perfeccyon " (Jan. 2), " of synguler vertue and holynes" (Apr. 19), "w l grete solempnite and moche loyfull honour" (March 31). When we come to the proper names, there are many errors caused by mistakes which easily occur in reading a mediaeval MS. Thus, f was read as a long s, giving us Sawster for Fawster (Feb. 6), and Sawstyne for Fawstyne (May 22), and tu was read as ni, giving "Nidoke" for "Judoke" (Jan. 9). Some mistakes of this kind had already occurred in the Latin original, and they must not all be laid upon Richard Whytford. In treating the Latin names of persons, the translator has not been very successful in finding satisfactory equivalents in English. Thus with him "Lucy" does duty for Lucius (Dec. 3), and for Lucia (Sept. 16) ; so too Victor is used not only as a masculine but also for the female Victoria (Dec. 23). Occasionally we are glad to welcome the colloquial names of the sixteenth century, such as Agas for Agatha, Audry for Etheldreda, Alborowe for Ethelburga, Pernell for INTRODUCTION. xxv Petronilla, Benet for Benedict, Effam for Euphemia, Rewle for Regulus. But the names of places were a greater stumbling block to Richard Whytford than the names of persons. Such names as Sicilia and Cilicia, Phrygia and Frisia, Sirmium and Smyrma, are continually interchanged. For most of the Latin names of places he was unable to give any English equivalent, but contented himself with the original word, not always changing the oblique case of the word, or the adjectival forms used in Latin for describing the see of a bishop. Thus we have such words as " trecas " for Troyes (Trecae), "calcidy" for Chalcis, "assisiour" for Assisii, "pic- tauis " for Poitiers, " ephesum " for Ephesus (July 27), " arela- tens " for Aries, " atrebacens" for Arras, " tolosane" for Toulouse, and " ratisponens " for Ratisbon. Among the names of foreign places we have the vernacular English lor a few of them, such as Parys, Rone (Rouen), Reme (Rheims), Orlyaunce, Naples, and a few others ; and occasionally a familiar English name is made to serve for several distinct Latin ones. Thus, " Oxforde " not only represents Oxonium (Dec. 21), but also Oximae, Exmes in Normandy, on Dec. 29, and Oxona, Burgo de Osma in Spain, on Apr. 2. So too " Venyse " does duty not only for Venetia but also for Venusia, Venosa (Oct. 24) ; and even " englonde " stands not only for Britannia, but also for Britannia Minor (Brittany), as in the " addicyons " on Oct. 24. The names of places in England seem to have presented no less difficulty than the foreign ones. Even " Wentana civitas " is left as " wentane," although Syon was only separated from the diocese of Winchester by the river Thames ; and Dorobernia remains as " doroberne," except on Nov. 10, where "dorobern- ensis " is confused with " Eboracensis," and St. Just is made " archebysshop of yorke." The Martyrologium of Syon Monastery (British Museum, Add. MS. 22285). The history of this book is so closely connected xxvi INTRODUCTION. with the fortunes of the " daughters of Syon," that a few words must be said about the monastery itself. 1 The monastery of St. Saviour and SS. Mary the Virgin and Bridget of Syon was founded in Middlesex by King Henry V. in 1415, and was the only Brigettine house in England. Like other monasteries of this Order it was a double foundation for Sisters and Brothers, each with a separate enclosure. It was suppressed by Henry VIII. in 1539, when many of the Sisters retired to the Continent, and continued to live together according to the rule of their Order. By Queen Mary the daughters of Syon were restored to their old home in 1559, but they were dispossessed by Queen Elizabeth, when they took refuge a second time on the Continent, and resided successively at Dermond, Antwerp, and Mechlin. They removed to Rouen in 1584, but after the surrender of that city to Henry of Navarre, they again took flight and reached Lisbon in 1594, where they received a gift of houses and grounds from Isabel de Azevedo, and built a church and monastery. Here they remained until 1 809, when troubles on the Continent urged them to take refuge in England, and nine sisters returned, bringing with them some books, their seals, and other relics. They at first lived in a small house at Walworth, and then at Peckham and elsewhere. Subsequently they removed to Spetisbury in Dorsetshire, and they are now settled at Chudleigh near Newton Abbot in Devonshire. The MS. Martyrologium which had been the companion of the Sisters in all their wanderings was brought back to England in 1809, and sold to the Earl of Shrewsbury, from whose executors it was acquired for the British Museum in 1858. Although this MS. has certainly been in the hands of the Sisters since the suppression of the monastery of Syon, in 1539, there is reason to suppose that the volume originally belonged to the Brothers. We know for certain that there were two 1 A full and interesting account of Syon Monastery at Isleworth will be found in Aun^ier's History and Antiquities of Syon Monastery, Londun, 1840. INTRO D UC TION. xxvii Martyrologia at Syon, one for the use of the Sisters, the other for the Brothers. They are referred to at fo. 17 b. of the MS. we are about to describe, in the chapter " De exequiis pro bene- factoribus librariarum" where it is ordered that the name of Thomas Graunte, a donor of books, is to be inscribed in each of the two Martyrologia. "Concessum est eciam quod nomen dicti Magistri Thome inseretur et inscribetur utrisque martilo- giis scilicet tarn sororum quam fratrum." The reason for concluding that we have left to us the original Martyrologium of the Brothers is that the book contains the form of profession of the clerical Brothers whether sacer dotes or diaconi) and also for the lay-brothers (focarii), but there is no corresponding form for the Sisters. It will also be observed that the directions for the services for deceased members of the house and for benefactors would concern the Brothers rather than the Sisters. We now proceed to describe the MS., which fortunately retains its fifteenth-century binding of white leather with over- lapping edges. The clasp still remains. The leaves, which are of coarse vellum, measure lof inches by 7 inches. The figures in the following description of the contents refer to the modern numbering of the leaves. Fo. I. Pasted into the cover there is a memorandum on paper relating to the death of St. Bridget in 1373, and the translation of her relics to the monastery of Wastein in Sweden in 1391. One bone was brought to England by Robert Bell, Confessor General of Syon, and by him enclosed in a silver gilt reliquary and presented to the monastery of Osney, near Oxford. Fo. 2. List of Abbesses of Syon beginning with the first abbess " Dna Joanna Northe," and ending with the six- teenth " Dna Birgitta Mendanha, Lusitana, i a ." List of Confessors General. Fo. 3 a-4 b. Regulations for the service which was said by the Brothers for deceased Sisters and Brothers and for Henry V., founder, and other benefactors. cviii INTRODUCTION. Fo. 5 a-io b. Calendar of Sarum use (but only a few feasts are distinguished by being written in red). There are a few other entries and obits which are all in a later hand. x. Kal. Feb. Sancte osburge virginis. non sarum. vii. Kal. Jul. Canonizatio sancte katerine maius duplex. Non. Oct. Canonizatio beate Birgitte. Nov. 17. Exequie pro serenissima Maria regina Anglie. et pro D. Reginaldo Polo Cardinali. 17 die huius mensis. Anno dni. 1558. Cum cantu. Fo. 11,12. Markers giving the plural forms of Soror, Focarius, Frater, Focaria, Benefactrix and other words used in reading the Obits. Fo. 13. Rules for reading the Martyrologium, relating prin- cipally to grammar, commencing : Martilogium legatur post de profundis cotidie exceptis duobus diebus ante pascha et die pentecostes. Fo. 14. De prima fundacione huius monasterii. Fo. 15. De quibusdam exequiis singulis annis persoluendis. Fo. \jb. De exequiis pro benefactoribus librariarum. Fo. 18 b, 19 a. The form of profession of a Brother, whether priest or deacon, promising obedience to the Confessor General, and to observe the Rule of St. Augustine, the Constitutions of St. Bridget, and also such local statutes and additions as might be made. Fo 19 b., 20 a. The form of profession of a lay brother or focary. [Two forms are given, one more " compendious," both of them in English. They have been printed in the Introduction to The Myroure of oure Ladye, E.E.T.S., 1873, p. xxi.] Fo. 21. De iacentibus in ambitibus fratrum et sororum. ab a dni 1485. Fo. 21 b.-69 b. The Obituarium consisting of a calendar, arranged with four days on each page, leaving blank spaces to be filled in from time to time with the names of Sisters, Brothers, or Benefactors. INTRODUCTION. xxix Until about 1470 the entries are in the same hand, and have been copied from some older book. After that date, they have evidently been added from time to time. The dates range from 1422 to 1639. The following extracts, some of which have been partly chosen to illustrate the continental wanderings of the Sisters, will show the nature of the record. Januarii. f. 6. Epiphania dni. Thomas Herberd frater laicus, 1500. Dfia Birgitta Rooke nona Abbatissa : obiit Rhotomagi in Nor- mannia. anno dni 1594. sepulta est ibidem in ecclesia sancti Loi coram summo altari. Januarii. f. 20. Fabiani et sebastiani. Effam eland soror. Soror Catherina Dendi. Laica, 1639. [This appears to be the latest entry.] Februarii. e. 16. Juliane uirginis. Joana lud soror. Anna Martina soror, 1629. iacet in choro inferiori sororum ulissiponae. Februarii. g. 18. Dns dauid turson sacerdos. I 574- Joanna Damster Manra Soror. obiit Mechlinise et ibi sepulta est apud fratres Augustinenses. De ea vide plura in registro nostro Aprilis. d. 12. Henricus Chicheley archiepiscopus cantuariensis qui hie fecit primam professionem. 1443. May. e. 4. 1535. D. Richardus Raynold sacerdos qui mortem sustinuit apud Tyburne propter catholicam fidem. Martir. [the last word in a later hand]. Julii. f. 14. Isabella ffyshborn. Soror. 1496. Isabella Marchall. Soror. 1594. Francisca Shelly. Soror. iacet apud Carmelitas excalsas Ulissiponae. Julii. A. 23. Natalis sancte birgitte. Thomas Jan Episcopus Norwicensis A do 1 . 1500. Soror Margerie Harte. Ulissiponae 1628. Augusti. e. 31. Cuthberge uirginis. Dns Henricus rex anglie quintus : fundator huius monasterii primus. Obiit Anno dni 1422. xxx INTRODUCTION. Septembris. g. 9. Gorgonii martiris. Thomas Rasche ffrater laicus. Dns Clemens Maydeston. diaconus 1456. [Probably Clement Maydeston, author of Directorium Sacerdotum and other works. Bishop Clifford's registers show that he was ordained sub-deacon and deacon in 1410, and priest in 1412. The following extract from cap. x of the Constitutions of St. Bridget (Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 5208, fo. 8 b.) shows that one holding the office of " diaconus " at Syon might be a priest in order : " Sorores erunt sexaginta et non plures que clericos habebunt qui quotidie de tempore missam et officium quod habetur in ecclesiis cathedralibus illarum terrarum in quibus huiusmodi monasteria sunt decantabunt Ipsi quidem sacerdotes debent esse trede- cim iuxta numerum tredecim apostolorum. quorum Paulus tertius decimus non minimum laborem sustinuit. Deinde quattuor diaconi qui etiam sacerdotes possunt esse si volunt et ipsi figuram habent quattuor precipuorum doctorum. Ambrosii. Augustini. Gregorii et leronimi."] Septembris. g. 16. Edithe uirginis. Agnes ffogge. Soror. 1479. D. Richardus Whitford. Sacerdos. 1 D. Thomas Hardingus. Sacre theologie professor, bene- factor, 1572. Nouernbris. f. 17. Hugonis episcopi et confessoris. Regina Maria que restaurauit monasterium et religionem nostram post schisma et fuit noua fundatrfo et restauratrix eorundem, Eodem die obijt Reginaldus Polus Cardinalis et legatus a latere/ qui et reconsiliauit totum regnum nostrum Anglie ad unitatem ecclesie catholice/ et constituit nouam incorpora- cionem de religiosis personis que superstites fu erunt prius ante dissolucionem pertinentibus ad istum nostrum monas- terium, 1558. Decembris. A. 31. Siluestri pape [the last word erased and subse- quently restored]. Eodem die Dns Henricus ffitzhugh. qui primo hunc ordinem adduxit inangliam. Obijt a dni. 1426. Fo. 70. Noniina specialium benefactorum et amicorum. Dns Henricus ffitzhugh dedit dominium et manerium de Hentofi ut patet in principio huius martilogij ca ij. Ricardus Clyfforde episcopus london. Ad valorem, x. li. Henricus Chicheley archiepiscopus cantuariensis. Ad valorem. xx. ti. Rogerus Walden. episcopus London. Johannes dux Bedfordie. Ad valorem, xx. ti. 1 Probably the uncle of our Richard Whytford. INTRODUCTION. xx>i Dopn' loft, london. Reclusus Westmon. Thomas Langley episcopus dunelmensis. xx li. Margareta ducissa Clarencie. cc. li. [and others, in all 88 names.] Fo. 72. A form of bidding prayer for the soul of Thomas Jan, archdeacon of Essex, commencing " Orate fratres presentes et futuri specialiter pro anima literatissimi iustissimique viri Thome Jan decretorum doctoris. Archidiaconi Essex' ac ecclesie cathedralis sancti Pauli london. canonici Residenciarii. . ." [several blank leaves.] Fo. 77 a- 1 88 a. Incipit martilogium : per anni circulum. This is the Martyrology which Richard Whytford has trans- lated. The original text has received many additions and corrections. In some cases the correction has been written on a slip of paper and pasted in, and in other cases the erasure of the former writing has been so complete that it is not possible to determine the original reading. In the upper and lower margins have been added in a later hand short passages to be read in capitulo, e.g. : Jan. i. In clericis tonsura quoddam signum est quod in corpore signatur. sed in animo agitur : scilicet ut hoc signo in religione vicia resecentur : et criminibus carnis nostre quasi crinibus exuamur : atque inde renouatis sensibus ut comis rudibus enitescamus. expoliantes nos: iuxta apostolum veterem hominem cum actibus suis. et induentes nouum hominem qui renouatur in agnitione dei. Tu autem domine miserere nostri. Deo gratias. Mar. i. Tarn doctrina quam vita : clarere debet ecclesiasticus doctor. Nam doctrina sine vita arrogantem reddit : vita sine doctrina inutilein facit The course of the Martyrology is interrupted at fo. 94, 95 by two leaves containing the Preces in capttulo, which are evidently placed here as being almost exactly in the middle of the book. At the end of the Martyrologium on fo. 1 88: Absolucio ffratrum die Canonizacionis beate Birgitle. Auctoritate eciam dei patris omnipotentis et domini nostri ihesu christi. et beatorum petri et pauli apostolorum. et auctoritate michi in xxxii INTRODUCTION. hac parte indulta. ego concede tibi persistent! in sinceritate fidei catholice. imitate sancte romane ecclesie. ac obediencia et deuocione romani pontificis plenam remissionem omnium peccatorum tuorum dc quibus corde contntus es et ore confessus. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Amen. Fo. 1 88. b. Preces in capitulo repeated. Fo. 1 89. Sepultura fratrum iuxta gerras. 1 24 names follow. Sepultura fratrum prope murum. 24 names. Fo. 190. b. Sepultura sororum iuxta Januam earum. 6 names. Fo. 191 a- 1 92 a. Sepultura sororum iuxta gerras^. 42 names. Sepultura sororum prope murum. 42 names. The last entries are :. Johanna Russhe soror. An do 1 . 1557, 20 die decembl obijt. Maria Neuel. soror. An' J do 1 1558 17 die [erasure] obiit hie in Syon. The reading of the Martyrologium in capitulo. It has been already mentioned that the Martyrologium was read in cathedral and monastic churches, where Sarum use was followed, at the conclusion of prime, when the clergy went in procession to the Chapter House. 2 At Syon the usual custom was not literally followed, for on fo. 13 of A, we have the direction " Martilogium legatur post de profundis." This service known as De Profundis was peculiar to the Brigettine rule, and consisted of a recitation of the Psalm De Profundis followed by a collect at a grave kept always open. This service, according to cap. xxiv of the rule of St. Saviour, was to be said after tierce, 3 and consequently the 1 Gerra . . . . in plurali vero adhuc aliud significat. nam gerre raru dicuntur sepes ferrese circa altaria et chores. Balbi (Joannis de Janua) Catholicon, s. v. 2 An account of the service in capitulo will be found in Dr. Todd's Introduction to The Book of Obits and Martyrology of Christ Church, Dublin (Irish Archaeological Society), 1844, pp. Ixxxvii-xcii. 3 Cf. The Myroure ofoure Ladye (E.E.T.S.), p. 142. INTRODUCTION. xxxiii Martyrology at Syon could not have been read at the end of prime as it was elsewhere. The printed Sarum Breviaries, which were intended for use in parish churches, take no direct notice of the reading of the Martyrologium and the service in capitulo. Reference is made to it incidentally in the rubrics in Commemoratione Defunc- torum (Breviarum ad usum Sarum, ed. Procter and Wordsworth, III. 986), and also in the rubrics relating to prime for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday (Ib. I. dcclxxxiv, dccxciv). 1 There are similar incidental allusions to the reading of the Martyrology in the York Breviary (ed. Lawley, vol. i. 287, 406 ; vol. ii. 667). In the Hereford Breviary, as I am informed by the Rev. W. Howard Frere, the reading of the Martyrology is referred to at the end of prime : " Lecto Martilogio sequitur y. Preciosa." But the expression " ubi vero martilogimn non habetur " implies that the reading of it was not universally enforced. The following account of the service in capitulo at the end of prime is extracted from a MS. " Portiforium ad usum Sarum," of the fifteenth century in the possession of the writer of this Introduction. 2 The book was written for use in the diocese of Norwich, as is shown by the entry in the Calendar on Sept. 24. " Dedicacio ecclesie cathedralis Norwicensis. ix lecciones." Hiis dictis eant processionaliter clerici in capitulum. et sit ibi quidam de prima forma scilicet puer indutus superpelliceo paratus ad legendum leccionem de martilogio absque lube domine sed pronunciando primo numerum nonarum. Iduum uel calendarum. et etatem lune quales erunt in crastino secundum quod dies uidebitur exigere etfiniatur leccio sine. Tu autem. hoc modo. Et aliorum plurimorum sanctorum martirum con- fessorum atque uirginum. Finita lecdone. si quis obitus fuerit pronuncietur post predictam clausulam. scilicet. Et aliorum. etcetera et legatur per omnia sicut pre- dicta leccio uidelicet hoc modo. Eodem die obiit. N. de w. qui fuit decanus istius ecclesie uel cancellarius uel huiusmodi qui legauit C. 1 A MS. Sarum Portiforium in my possession, which appears to have belonged to the parish of Shillington, Beds. , has a rubric in the Sanctorale before the feast of St. Matthias giving directions for the reading of the Martiloge in leap year which are almost identical with the extract from an Ordinale printed in the Notes of this volume, p. 212. " Mr. Christopher Wordsworth has called my attention to a rubric in the printed Sarum Antiphoner of 1520, which is similar to that of the MS. Portiforium. xxxiv INTR OD UC 7 ION. lihras ad emendacionem operis sancte marie et C. marcas ad usum canonicorum et uicariorum. Si uero plures fuerint obitus hoc modo legantur. Eodem die obierunt. et cetera. Tune sacerdos post ipsum lectorem stans dicat sine nota. Anima eius. uel. Anime eorum et anime omnium fidelium defunctorum. et cetera. ty. Amen. Deinde dicat sacerdos. Preciosa est in conspectu. R^. Mors sanctorum eius. Deinde dicat sacerdos. sine Dominus uobiscum. et sine Oremus hanc oracionem. Sancta maria mater domini nostri ihesu christi atque omnes sancti iustt et electi del intercedant et orent pro nobis peccatoribus a[d] dominum deum nostrum, ut nos mereamur ab eo adiuuari et saluari. qui in trinitate perfecta uiuit et regnat deus per omnia secula seculorum. B^. Amen. Postea sacerdos dicat sic. Deus in adiutorium meum intende. Domine ad adiuuandum me festina et dicatur tribus uicibus Gloria patri. Sicut erat. Kyrieleyson. Christeleyson. Kyrieleyson. Pater noster. et ne nos inducas. Sed libera. Et ueniat super nos misericordia tua domine. Salutare tuum secundum eloquium. Et respice in seruos tuos et in opera tua. Et dirige filios eorum. Et sit splendor domini dei nostri. super nos. Et opus rnanuum tuarum dirige super nos et opus manuum nostrarum dirige. Hec sequens or ado dicitur infestis dupplicibus et quocienscumque chorus regitur extra ebdomadam pasche et sine. Dominus uobiscum. sed cum. Oremus. Oracio. Omnipotens sempiterne deus dirige actus nostros in beneplacito tuo. ut in nomine dilecti filii tui mereamur bonis operibus habun- dare. Qui tecum uiuit et regnat in unitate spiritus sancti deus per omnia secula seculorum. E^. Amen. Dominus uobiscum. Benedi- camus. In omnibus aliis festis sine regimine chori et inferiisper totum annum preterquam a cena domini usque ad octavam pasche dicitur hec oracio sine Dominus uobiscum sed cum Oremus. Oracio. Dirigere et sanctificare et regere dignare domine deus quesumus corda et corpora nostra in lege tua et in operibus mandatorum tuorum. ut hie et ineternum te auxiliante sani et salui esse mereamur. Per dominum nostrum ihesum christum. filium tuum. Qui tecum. et iiniatur cum Dominus uobiscum. et cum Benedicamus domino. Hijs itaque peractis. puer lector legat aliam leccionem de ome[liis] et de libra theologorum quam cum. Jube domine. incipiat et eandem cum. Tu autem. terminat. Sacerdos autem dicat benedicdonem scilicet quando chorus regitur sim- plidter. Ille nos benedicat qui sine fine uiuit et regnat. In dupplicibus festis in capitulo et in xl a ad colladonem dicitur ista benedicdo. scilicet. Omnipotens deus sua gracia nos benedicat. Sacerdos uero dicta benedicdone ante leccionem in loco suo se reponat et INTRODUCTION. xxxv hec omnia in capitulo dicantur omnibus dericis interim stantibus et exinde sedere tenentur usque post lectam tabulam puer uero finita leccione a pulpito descendat et tabulam legat. Et quandocunque dicitur Psalmus. Ad le leuaui. ad matutinas. tune ad primam dicitur Psalmus. Leuaui oculos meos. stando sine nota cum. Gloria patri. et Sicut erat. Sequitur. Kyrieleyson. Christeleyson. Pater noster. Et ne nos. Sed libera. Ostende nobis domine misericordiam tuam. Et salutare tuum da nobis. Saluos fac seruos tuos et ancillas tuas. Deus meus sperantes in te. Mitte eis domine auxilium de sancto. Et de syon tuere illos. Esto eis domine turris fortitudinis. A facie inimici. Nichil proficiat inimicus in eis. Et films iniquitatis non apponat nocere eis. Domine exaudi oracionem meam. Et clamor meus ad te ueniat. Dominus uobiscum. Et cum. Oremus. Oracio. Adesto domine supplicacionibus nostris. et uiam famulorum tuorum in salutis tue prosperitate dispone : ut inter omnes uie et uite huius uarietates tuo semper protegantur auxilio. Alia Oracio. Omnipotens sempiterne deus salus eterna credencium. exaudi nos pro famulis tuis pro quibus misericordie tue imploramus auxilium : ut reddita sibi sanitane 1 graciarum tibi in ecclesia tua referant acciones. Per christum dominum. E^. Amen. Et utraque dicatur sub uno. Per christum. Excellencior persona dicat. Benedicite. Chorus. Dominus. Sacerdos. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. E/. Amen. Et sic unusquisque muniat se signo cruets et ita recedant in chorum processionaliter. Description of " The Martiloge in englysshe after the vse of the chirche of Salisbury/ *\ as it is redde in Syon/ with addicyons." Printed at London by Wynkyn de Worde, Feb. 15, 1526. The book is a small quarto consisting of 144 leaves. The first two leaves are unnumbered and without signature, the former of them having a woodcut of St. Bridget, with the title above it, whilst the other leaf has the preface in larger type than the rest of the book. The numbered leaves are in 35 gatherings of 4 each (except the last, kk, which has 6), with signatures a-z, % 9, aa-kk. There are a few mistakes in the numbering of the leaves, fo. 1 sic for sanitate. C 2 xxxvi INTRODUCTION. xcviii, c, and cxli are wrongly numbered xcvii, xcix, and cxxxix, respectively. The last leaf is unnumbered. The pages are of 32 lines, and the printed page measures 152 mm. by 97 mm. (excluding the head lines). The preface is in larger type, 29 lines to the page, and the size of the printed page is 1 60 mm. by 95 mm. The woodcut of St. Bridget on the first leaf (see the facsimile) represents her seated at a desk writing her revelations at the dictation of an angel. Above there is a representation of the Holy Trinity and of the Nativity. Below her kneel a brother and a sister of the order founded by her. Behind her are placed the staff and scrip as symbols of her pilgrimage to Rome ; and the crown and arms mark her rank as Princess of Nericia in the kingdom of Sweden. This woodcut, of which a facsimile is given in this reprint, was used not only by Wynkyn de Worde, but also in same year (1526) by R. Pynson (three times in the same book) for the Pilgrimage of Perfection. It was also used by Richard Fawkes in his edition of The Myroure of oure Ladye, 1530, and by Robert Redman in The Pypej or Tonne / of the lyfe of Perfection, 1532, and elsewhere. The copies of this book which have come under our notice are the following : 1. BRITISH MUSEUM. [C. 25. c. (4)] A fine and perfect copy. 2. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD. [Douce Ww. 113.] A perfect copy. 3. LAMBETH LIBRARY, [xxxv. 2. 7.] This copy wants the first two leaves, but is interesting as being in its origi- nal binding of stamped leather. On one side are panels with figures of SS. George, Barbara, Michael and Catharine, and on the other the arms and supporters of Henry VIII, with the legend : laufcate fcomtmtm &C terra trracows ct otmus abgssi. G.R. 4. CATHEDRAL LIBRARY, LINCOLN. [Rr. 4. 26.] This copy wants the last leaf. 5. HUTH LIBRARY. See Catalogue of the Huth Library, vol. iii, p. 924. A perfect copy. INTRODUCTION. xxxvii 6. STONYHURST COLLEGE. See F. H. Dickinson's List of Service Books , 1850, p. 15. 7. ARCHBISHOP MARSH'S LIBRARY, DUBLIN. To the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth we are indebted for knowledge of this copy. (Information as to the existence of other copies will be welcome.) The present reprint. In reprinting the Martiloge, an endea- vour has been made to reproduce as closely as possible the peculiarities of the old print, and with this object the contractions have not been expanded. No alteration has been consciously made even in the punctuation, except in a few cases, where in the original print a full stop was left out at the end of a line from want of space, although the next line commenced with a capital letter. As the present print does not reproduce the old one line for line, and the break no longer comes at the end of a line, the stop has usually been supplied. In order to save space the marginal notes have been indented into the text of the re- print. The use of Roman type instead of the black letter of Wynkyn de Worde has of course entirely changed the typo- graphy of the book. In some few cases a difficulty has occurred in finding exact equivalents for the marks of contraction in the original. It will be noticed that occasionally the marks of con- traction are not used in the conventional manner. In these matters the original has been strictly followed. The contrac- tions in the old print were often determined by the desire of the compositor to compress his matter into one line. Consequently, in our reprint the contractions appear to be used capriciously, as the reason for their use is not apparent without consulting the original text. The number of typographical errors in Wynkyn de Worde's print does not appear to be large. They have not been cor- rected in the reprint, but have been marked with an obelus (f) to assure the reader that the text has been reproduced, and that the mistake has not been made in the process of reprinting. c 3 xxxviii INTRODUCTION. The same mark has also been placed against some of the proper names, which differ in their spelling from that used in other Martyrologies, and in such cases the word is generally referred to in the Notes. In the use of capitals for the proper names, the old printer has been very irregular. Usually his names of persons have capitals, but the names of places begin with small letters. It will, however, be noticed that at the commencement of the book many of the names of places have capitals. When the names of persons begin with z, the want of a capital z in his fount has compelled Wynkyn de Worde to use a small letter. A small initial w is also often used, and the capital w which sometimes occurs is in reality only a small w belonging to a larger fount. The book has been reprinted from a transcript made by the Rev. F. Procter from the copy preserved in the Cathedral Library at Lincoln, which was lent for the purpose by the Dean and Chapter. The proofs have been read by Mr. Procter, and com- pared with this copy ; and they have also been compared by his co-editor with the copy of the same edition in the British Museum. The Editors desire to express their thanks to many who have helped in the production of this book. In the first place, thanks are due to the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln for placing their copy of the Martiloge at the disposal of Mr. Procter for making a transcript, and for the subsequent correction of the proofs. Acknowledgments are also due for facilities and courteous assistance afforded at the British Museum, and in the Library of Lambeth Palace. From several members of the Council of the Henry Bradshaw Society, much help has been received in elucidating obscure and difficult matters. The Rev. Canon Cooke (Chairman), Dr. J. Wickham Legg, Rev. F. E. Warren, Mr. W. H. St. John Hope, have contributed from their stores of knowledge ; and especial thanks are due to the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth, Prebendary of Lincoln, who has taken the greatest interest in this work. To him the Society is indebted for the INTRODUCTION. xxxix Index Sanctorum which he has compiled, and also for his kind- ness in reading the proofs of all the sheets as they appeared, and for many valuable suggestions with which he has enriched the edition. In conclusion, it should be added that although Mr. Procter has kindly read the proofs of the Notes, Indexes, and Introduc- tion, he is not responsible for the opinions expressed in them, nor for the many errors which it is feared may be found. E. S. D. March 22nd r , 1893. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction : PAGE. The Martyrology v R. Whytford's Addicyons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xii British Saints in the Martiloge ... ... ... ... ... ... xiv Richard Whytford ... ... ... ... ... ... xxi Richard Whytford as a translator xxiii The MS. Martyrologium of Syon Monastery The reading of the Martyrologium in capitulo Description of " The Martiloge in englysshe after the vse of the chirche of Salisbury/ and as it is redde in Syon/ with addicyons." Printed at London by Wynkyn de Worde in 1526 ... The present reprint ... THE MARTILOGE, 1526 i Notes .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 205 Index Sanctorum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 237 Glossarial Index of Names of Places 279 Glossary of obsolete or unusual words 285 Appendix : Extracts relating to English Saints in the Canterbury Martyrology ... 287 THE MARTILOGE TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY RICHARD WHYTFORD WITH ADDITIONS. 1526. 'ottlje cl)tt$eof fauttjutp/ $ as tt is reDDe m >pon'ttnti) aDD tcpons* C Vnto the deuoute reders/ Rychard whytford preest and professed broder of Syon/ in our lorde god and moost swete sauyour lesu Salutacyon. MAny deuoute persones/ specyally religyous/ whan they done sende forthe werkes of theyr owne makynge/ theyr owne gaderynge/ or translacyon/ done vse customably to reteyne (of mekenes) theyr names : whiche thynge I do not discomende/ but rather do I prayse them therin : notwithstandynge I beseche you good deuout reders/ take none occasyon in me/ though I do contrary/ that is to saye/ though I (knowyng that my poore labour and doynge in suche thynges/ is no thynge worthy prayse : T: also that myne own conscyence doth not requyre ony maner thanke prayse/ or other teporall or worldly rewarde but onely doth desyre the spirytuall profyte of the reders or herers) though I saye/ do set forthe my name vnto euery thynge that I sende forth/ not (as I sayd for ambicyon/ our lorde vnto wytnes) but rather to expowne and offre my selfe vnto iust correccyon : wher vnto I do in moost humble maner submyt my selfe. And also an other cause why I do so set forth my name/ is that I haue herde of dyuerse werkes that be foude in prynt as faderles childer without auctours/ that be not onely y e lesse regarded bycause they ben without auctours/ but also ben suspected/ as not holdyng T: kepyng y e ryght path of christianite. I wold therfore none other pson shold be reproued ne blamed for my dede/ but rather that I shold my selfe (as the comune puerbe sayth) drynke suche as I brue. Trustynge therfore in your charite/ that ye wyll ascrybe applye/ T: take all thynge vnto y e best/ we haue sent forth this martiloge/ whiche we dyd translate out of latyn in to englysshe/for the edificacyon of certayn religyous psones vnlerned/ that dayly dyd rede the same martiloge in latyn/ not vnderstadynge what they redde. And the addicyons for theyr more edificacyon/ we gadered out of the sanctiloge/ legendaurea/ catalogo sacto^/ the cronycles of Antonine/ T; of saynt Vincet/ 1; other dyuers auctours. I beseche you of your christyan fauour T; charitable prayer. I shall humbly beseche our lorde that all you/ accordynge vnto the very purpose T; effecte of our mynde may profyte in the redynge hereof. Valete. IT Our lord god T; moost swete sauyour lesu sende vs all his mercy T: grace. Amen. f[ The sayd wretche of Syon Rychard whytford. MARTILO. A [f_ The Martiloge was gadred T: ordeyned to be redde \ fo. i. by the holy doctour -saynt lerome/ T; is contynued in the chirche/ that where all the sayntes may not (for theyr multytude) be syngulerly serued w 4 offyce/ they sholde at y e leest vpon theyr dayes/ knowen ouer euen/ haue a memory/ or breue remem- brauce/ wherby euery persone moued in grace accordynge vnto theyr deuocyon may worshyp them. The maner of redynge foloweth. C Here begynneth the Martyloge after the vse of the chirche of Salysbury/ and as it is redde in Syon/ with addycyons. TO morowe the fyrst day of January shall be y e feest of the circucysyon of our lord T: sauyour Chryst lesu/ \vherin he fyrst shed his precyous blode for our redemp- cyon. At rome the feest of sayt Almache a martyr that prechynge vnto y e people/ sayd vnto them in this maner. This daye (sayd he) is the octaue/ or eyght daye of y e byrth of our sauyour/ wherfore ye people cease T; put awaye your superstycyousf/ your false religyon/ T; your worshyppynge of ydolles/ and leue also your vnlawfull games. For the whiche wordes he was forthwith put to deth by y e comaundement of the May re T; chefe offycer. At rome also the feest of .lx. soudyours or men of warre/ that for Chryst were put to deth by y e emperour Diocleciane. At rome also the feest of saynt Martyne a virgyn/ that vnder y e emperour Alexander was put to many dyuerse turmentes/ T: at the last heded. At the cyte of spolete/ the [feest of saynt Concorde a martyr/ [fo. i. b. that in y e tyme of Antonyne the emperour/ was fyrst beten w* staues/ than hanged on a gybet/ T; after taken in to pryson a longe tyme fast fettred/ T; so pyned T: nere famysshed/ where notw^tandynge he was conforted by augels/ T; at the last he ended his martyrdome slayne by the swerde. In Cesary the chefe cyte of Capadoce/ the deposicyon of saynt Basyle a bysshop/ whose chefe feest is kepte the .xiiij. daye of lune. In Affryke the feest of saynt Fulgence bysshop of y e chirche of ruspence/ that for the fayth of Chryst/ T; for his noble doctryne/ was exiled a longe tyme : but at y e last he returned vnto his chirche T: there honourable in lyuyng/ T; diligent in prechynge he made a holy ende. In the terry tory or frauchest of Lyons the feest of saynt Augend an abbot/ whose lyfe full of vertue T: myracles/ was grete lyght and good example vnto y e people. In Alexander y e feest of saynt Eufrosyne a virgyn. I AN VARY. 3 f[ Addycyons. Gregori 9 . C The feest also of another saynt Fulgence/ that was bysshop of Vtruculane/ a man of grete holynes/ that by myracle was delyuered from y e cruelty of y e kynge of Gotes. The feest also of saynt Odyle a holy abbot T; of many myracles/ moche liberal in almes/ pyteousT; mercyful in all correccyon/ y* whan he was chalenged 1 rebuked for pro- dygalite in expences/ T: as remysse T: negligent in correccyon/ he answered/ sayenge/ that yf he sholde be dampned/ he had leuer it were for mercy tha for rygour. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofessours T: virgyns. This last clause/ of many other sayntes ."lc. must euer be redde last. H To morowe. [C The seconde daye of January. At the cyte of Antio- [fo. ii. che y e passyon of blessed saynt Ysidour a bysshop 1 martyr. In Thomis a cyte of pont/ the feest of saynt Arge saynt Marcesset 1b saynt Marcellyne/ all thre breder \ chylder of age/ y l were taken amonge soudyours that were vnder the capytayne 1 prynce Licyne/ 1 bycause they were founde of Chrystes fayth/ they were fyrst beten 1 turmented nere vnto deth/ 1 after taken in to pryson/ "I there almoost famysshed/ 1 at the last they were drowned in the see. In the cyte of Thebaida the feest of saynt Machary an abbot. The feest also of sayt Syridion a bysshop/ 1 the octaue of saynt Steuen/ 1 the feest of saynt Barbaria a confessour. At the towne of Syluiake/ the feest of saynt Odilion a holy abbot/ that was a pyteous man and of hygh perfeccyon. {[ Addycyons. f[ The feest also of an other sayt Machary a preest of egypt/ of many myracles that amonge other restored a woman vnto her owne fourme/ y l was wytched by nigromancy lyke vnto a beest. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofessours/ 1 virgyns. f[ To morowe. C The thyrde day of lanuary. At rome in appia strete the feest of saynt Anthery the pope/ y l whan he had well ruled y e chirche of Chryst .xii. yeres/ suffred deth 1 martyrdome vnder y e emperour Maximyan/ It was buryed in the cimitery of saynt Calixt. In the cyte of Aulane y e feest of saynt Peter/ y l for Chryst folowynge his mayster suffred the deth of the crosse. At ellespont the feest of saynt Ciryke/ saynt Prime 1 saynt Theogene. At Paryse the feest of saynt Genofeue a virgyn of A 2 4 THE MARTILOGE. noble vertue/ and consecrate by saynt Germayne. [The octauc also of saynt lohn the euangelyst [fo. ii. b. f[ Addycyons. f[ At Padwey the feest of saynt Daniel a deacon and martyr/ whose holy body was there foude many yeres after his deth by reuelacyon made vnto a blynde woman y* therby was restored to syght. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. "I virgyns. C To morowe. f[ The fourth day of January/ y e feest of saynt Tyte discyple vnto saynt Paule the apostle/ It of hym made preest 1 bysshop of cretens/ that faythfully fulfyllyng the office of prechynge/ made a blessed ende/ T; was buryed in the same chirche. In afTryke the feest of saynt Aquilyne/ saynt Gemyne/ saynt Eugence/ saynt Martiniane/ saynt Quintyne/ saynt Theodour/ and saynt Tryphon all martyrs/ whose noble actes 1 dedes ben wryten in theyr legendes. At Rome the feest of saynt Priske a preest/ saynt Priscillyane a clerke/ and saynt Benedicte a virgyn/ y l all togyder accomplisshed theyr martyrdome by the swerde in the tyme of the emperour lulyane. At rome also y e feest of saynt Dafrose/ wyfe vnto saynt Fabyane the martyr/ after whose deth she was fyrst exiled/ It after by y e mayre called prynce heded. In bonony y e feest of saynt Hermete/ sayt Aggey/ "t saynt Key martyrs/ 1 the octaue of y e Innocentes. C Addycyons. C[ The feest also of saynt Rigobert archebysshop of remens/ a man of noble blode/ It fro his youth of synguler sanctite/ had in moche honour It drede/ It yet more beloued of all persones. At cyzyke in hellespont y e feest of saynt Theogenes a martyr/ y 1 was take 1 brought vnto a company of soudyours/ where he confessynge [Chryst/ was beten w* flayles/ tyll .xviii. of [fo. Hi. them were fatigate 1 weryed/ than was he put in prison 1 there nayled fast vnto a stocke/ whome our sauyour with a grete multytude conforted w l loude voyce/ so that all y e people rnyght here : yet after was he cast in to the see where in his drownynge was suche a sodeyn lyght 1 splendour/ that all the people were stryken blynde/ \ thereby all couerted/ It honourably dyd bury his holy body cast upon the land by y e wawes. The feest also of many other holy sayntes martyrs/ cofes. 1 virgyns. f[ To morowe. C The fyfth day of lanuary. At rome y e feest of saynt Thelesfory the pope/ that was the seuenth pope after saynt IANVAK Y. 5 Peter/ \ a noble martyr. At antioche the feest of saynt Symeon a monke/ whose lyfe and conuersacyon was meruaylous holy. At westmynster y e feest of sayt Edwarde kynge 1 cofessour. The octaue also of saynt Thomas of Canterbury, And y e euen of y e epyphany. C Addycyons. f[ The feest also of two sayntes y 1 were kynesmen vnto our sauyour Chryst/ whose names be not rehersed but that in the tyme of y e emperour Domiciane that slewe and put to deth all persones of the blode T: kynne of Dauyd/ these twayne were brought vnto hym/ 1 whan he had examined them of Chryst/ he toke theyr sayenge as folysshenes/ T; so suffred them to departe 1 they contynued in the chirche profytynge in the same vnto the tyme of the emperour Traianus/ 1 bycause theyr daye is vnknowen as well as theyr names/ I put them here in y e feest of our sauyour. The feest also of many other holy sayntes mar?, cofessours 1 virg. f[ To morowe. ff[ The syxth day of January. The epyphany of \_fo. in. b. our sauyour/ in the whiche daye he was honoured of the thre kynges with gyftes of mystery/ \ in the whiche day he accom- plysshed in hymselfe the hygh ofTyce of our saluacyon/ the sacred foutayne of baptym/ receyuynge y e same of holy Nota. saynt lohn his precursor It foregoer. And in y e A^rytory whiche daye also he turned water into wyne at y e is alone to maryage in the cyte of Cane in y e coutree of Galile. saye as a ^ In the terrytory of Remens the feest of saynt frauchest. ' Macrea a virgyn/ that by the mayre called rikcio- uare was cast hedlonge into a grete fyre/ It therin remayned a long tyme w l out hurt/ after she was kept longe in a foulestynkynge prison/lthere nerehandefamysshed/ than were her brestes or pappes kytte away/ It she after rolled naked vpon hote syndres \ brennynge coles/ It there in prayer she yelded the spiryte. At the cite of Redomisf the feest of saynt Melane a bysshop \ confessour of grete vertue and many myracles. C Addicyons. f[ The feest also of y e sayd .iii. kynges/ called of Coleyri that in theyr homage dyd offre vnto our sauyour golde/ sence/ 1; myrre : at whiche tyme after dyuerse auctours/ saynt lasper called also Caspar was of y e age of .lx. yeres/ saynt Balthazar of .xl. yeres/ 1 saynt Melchior .xx. that whan they came home in to theyr owne coutrees by an other waye (as is sayd in the gospell) they lefte T: forsoke all gentilite T: lyued a holy lyfe/ yet styll vnbaptysed vnto y e tyme y* after y e deth of Chryst saynt Thomas the apostle came in to ynde/ of whome they receyued y e 6 THE MARTILOGE. holy sacrament of baptym T: of cofyrmacyon/ T: were made w l hym prechers of the fayth/ T: therin they dyed/ whose holy bodyes were translate [by the emperour Constantyne in \_fo. iiii. to y e cite of constantynople. And after they were traslated agayne by saynt Eustorge bysshop of Myllen. And now they lye at Coleyn. The feest also of many other holy sayntes martyrs/ confessours and virgyns. f[ To morowe. f[ The .vij. day of January. The relation of tydyges of the chylde our sauyour lesu in egypte. And y e feest of saynt Luciane bysshop of antioche/ that was a famous man of grete lernyng T: eloquence/ 1 for y e fayth of Chryst he was put to deth in the cite of Nicodemef by the persecucyon of y e emperour Maximiane/ T: buryed at helionoplef in bithynie. At antioche the feest of saynt Clere a deacon/ that for Chryst was .vij. tymes racked and put to many turmentes/ famysshed in pryson/ and at the last heded. In the cite of Heraclea the feest of saynt Felix and saynt January. f[ Addicyons. C The feest also of saynt Siricius pope/ that among other noble actes dyd make an ordynauce T: constytucyon/ that no preest sholde saye masse but in places or awters halowed by a bysshop. The feest also of saynt zozyme pope also/ that was a man of grete vertue/ T: vnto poore people very liberall T: moche beneficyall/ T: ordeyned that preestes sholde kepe no tauernes ne sell mete or drynke. The feest also of saynt Simplyce/ the nexte pope after saynt Hilarye/ a grete holy man/ and he ordeyned that no man of the chirche sholde receyue his habyte of a ley man. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours and virgyns. f[ To morowe. C The .viij. daye of January. At campane in naples [the feest of sayt Seueryne a bysshop T: cofessour/ that was \_fo. hit. b. broder vnto saynt Victoryne y e martyr/ T: a man of grete holynes. At beluake the feest of sayt Luciane a bysshop/ saynt Maximian a preest/ T: saynt lulyan a deacon all martyrs by the svverde. The feest also of saynt Eugenian a martyr. At augustndune the feest of saynt Eugenian a bysshop. In greke land the feest of saynt Timothie a martyr. f[ Addicyons. IT In englonde the feest of saynt Wolsyn a bysshop and IANVARY. 7 cofessour/ borne of noble blode in y e cite of London/ T: for bycause he was all gyuen vnto vertue in youthe/ his frendes put hym in to y e abbey of westmynster/ where after he was abbot/ T; after that bysshop of shyrborne a man of harde lyfe/ grete pfeccion 1 many myracles. The feest also of an other saynt Seueryne an abbot of lyfe augelicall/ that had the spiryte of pphecy/ T: by y e grace of his presence/ euery cite where he came was preserued from y e barbarous infydeles that destroyed many coutrees. The feest also of sayt Erhard bysshop of ratisponens/ a man of moche pyte vnto the poore T: of notable vertue. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours and virgyns. To morowe. f[ The .ix. day of lanuary. At antioche y feest of sayt lulian an abbot of a .M. monkes/ 1 of his wyfe saynt Basilysse a holy virgyn/ for they departed by one assent virgyns bothe in to religyon/ T: she dyed T: all her virgyns before of whome she was abbesse/ T: he after was take in the tyme of the emperours Dioclecian T: Maximian T: put to meruayllous turmentes \ cruell deth T: al his monkes T: many y l fledde vnto hym from [the horryble persecucyon/ among whome was saynt Antonyne/ \^fo. V. saynt Anastase/ 1 a chylde called saynt Celsus w l his moder T: many other all brent. In affryke the feest of saynt Reuocate/ saynt Firmyn/ with other thre persones all martyrs. The feest also of saynt Pascasia a virgyn and martyr. In wentane the translacyon of saynt Nidoke a confessour. In Cesariens the feest of saynt Marciane a virgyn and martyr. C Addicyons. [ The feest alsoof saynt Marcellyne bysshop of aconitanef/ an honourable man of holy lyf/ that whan he was seke T: myght not go/ and the cite was all on fyre lyke hooly to haue ben lost/ he comauded to set hym in a chayre before the fyre/ T: so it ceased T: dyd no hurte. In englonde y e feest of saynt Adriane/ borne in affryke T; abbot of veridiane/ that for his grete fame \ synguler vertue was sent in to englonde w 1 saynt Theodore that was prymate of englonde nexte after saynt Augustyn/ T: saynt Adriane abbot of Canterbury/ T; there lyued a holy lyf .xl. yeres in grete labours T; prechynge T: dyd many grete myracles bothe in his lyfe 1 after. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ confessours and virgyns. THE MARTILOGE. C To morowe. C The .x. daye of January. In cipris y e feest of saynt Nichanour/ one of the .vij. deacons y 1 were in the fyrst begynynge of y e chirche/ a man of grete T; meruaylous vertue T: grace of fayth. In the cite of thebaida y e feest of saynt Paule the fyrst heremyte/ whose blessed soule saynt Antony sawe couayde T: caryed in to heuen by y e quere T; celestyall company of augels/ apostles T: other sayntes. At Rome the feest of saynt Melchi- ades the [pope/ a man of grete vertue and holynes. [fo. v. b. C Addicyons. f[ The feest also of another saynt Paule/ whose syrname was symple/ that fyndynge his wyfe w 1 aduoutry/ forsoke her 1 went in to wyldernes/ T; was discyple vnto saynt Antony/ T; he was after his name very symple *\ meke T: synguler in the vertue of obedyence/ he cured many psones by myracle where saynt Antony fayled/ he knewe y e secrete thoughtes of many persones/ T; had very many other graces. At bituricens y e feest of saynt wylliam a bysshop T: cdfessour/ a man of noble blode/ T; of grete myracles T; synguler sctite. The feest also of many other holy, saytes/ mar./ 9fes. t virg. H To morowe. H The .xj. daye of January. In afftyke/ the feest of saynt Saluerf/ at whose obit saynt Augustyn preched vnto y e people of cartage. In Alexander y e feest of saynt Peter/ a. 1. leonce saynt Seuere/ 1 saynt Lucius all confessours whose actes ben notable. C Addicyons. C The feest also of saynt Ygyn pope T: martyr/ that in the psecucyonsof y e emperour Seuere sufTred moche trouble/ 1 at the last was put to deth/ he made many good ordynauces/ for he diuyded y e degrees of y e clergy T; ordeyned y 1 euery psone shold in his baptym at y e lest haue one godfader T: one godmoder : T: in cofirmacyon one godfader or one godmod/ w 1 many other. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, cofes. ^ virg. f[ To morowe. C The .xij. day of lanuary. In achaia y e feest of sayt Sataryf a martyr/ that by y e sygne of y e crosse T: a blast of his mouth/ dyd ouerthrowe T: cast down an ydoll/ for y e whiche dede he was forthw 1 heded. In maturi[tane at casaryf y e feest [fo. in. IANVARY. 9 of saynt Archade a martyr/ a noble man of byrth/ but more noble in vertu T: myracles. At nicomede the feest of saynt Pastor *\ saynt Victor. f[ Addicyons. C In englond y e feest of saynt Alrede an abbot/ whose face beynge a chylde in his cradell/ was seen bryght shynynge w l beames y 1 gaue shadowe as the sonne/ T: he was a man of very grete pacyence T; many myracles. In englonde also y e feest of saynt Benedict a syrname bysshop an abbot/ that Nota. buylded y e monasteryes vpon y e waters of were T: tyne/ T: he was .v. tymes at Rome/ fro whens he brought y e chefe syngynge man of Rome to teche his monkes/ and so brought he fyrst prycksonge in to englonde/ he brought also thens many royall bokes. And he fyrst brought in to englonde makers of glaswyndowes/ 1 of stone wyndowes barred. And he brought vp of a chylde the grete clerke of englonde called saynt Bede/ that is comynly named the venerable or worshypfull Bede. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ martyrs/ cofessours T; virg. C To morowe. The .xiij. day of January. At rome in lauicane strete the feest of .xl. soudyours/ that in the psecucyon of y e emperour Galien were put to dethe for Chryst. At pictauis the feest of saynt Hylary a bysshop 1 cofessour/ that for Chryst was exiled iiij. yeres in to the lande of frige/ where amonge many other grete myracles he reysed a persone from deth. At the chefe cite of reme/ y e feest of saynt Remyge a bysshop of synguler vertue/ whome for his grete fame T: stroge fayth the frensshe men haue in grete honour T; worshyp. The octaue also of the epyphany. {[ Addicyons. [C At the castell of grauion the feest of saynt Vincent [/f remens. And of saynt Vedasty a confessour also *\ bysshop/ bothe of atrebacens T: of cameracens. In the graud portf y e feest of saynt Bauon a cofessour. And the feest also of saynt Melour a martyr/ [that was sone vnto y e duke of [fo. cviii. b. cornwell. The dedicacion also of sayt Paules at london. H Addicyons. f[ Here ben remembred certayne of the sayntes of the olde testamet. The feest of saynt Mathathy duke T: capytayne of the iewes/ whose noble actes ben remembred in scripture. The feest also of his sone 1 successour ludas machabeus hygh preest T: duke also of y e iewes. And of saynt lonathas his broder T: successour/ preest T: duke in lyke maner. And of saynt Symon machaby theyr broder 1 lyke successour also. And of his sone and successour saynt lohn machaby. The OCTOBER. 155 feest also of sayt Symon hygh preest/ that was sone vnto saynt Ony/ a noble man/ as appereth in scripture. And Eccli. v. of his sone T: successour saynt Onyas/ a noble man also/ as appereth in the seconde boke of the machabeys. And y e feest of saynt Eleazary a Machabeo^. ij. martyr of the old testament in the tyme of the machabeys/ as appereth in y e second boke. The feest also of saynt Piatour a preest/ y 1 with saynt Denyse came in to frauce/ where he was put to martyrdom. The feest also of many other holy sayntes. f[ To morowe. H The seconde day of October. At nycomede the feest of saynt Elewthery a martyr/ that by the emperour Dioclecian/ after many varyaut and cruell turmentes was brent/ w l whome were put to deth martyrs innumerable/ some drowned in the see/ some heded 1 slayne by the swerde/ some brent T; by other turmentes martyred. In y e terry tory of atrebatens y e passyon of saynt Leodegare bysshop of augustudune/ that by Ebrony stewarde of y e kynges hous was by many turmentes put to deth. The feest also of saynt Seueryne a confessour. And the deposicyon of saynt Thomas bysshop of [herford. [fo. cix. fl[ Addicyons. f[ The feest also of saynt Geryne a martyr/ that with saynt Leodegarwasput to deth. The feest also of sayt Antony a moke of saynt Gregories monastery in rome a man of notable vertue and grete compunccyon/ vnto whose spirytuall coforte a voyce spake fro heuen two tymes a lytell before his dethe/ at whose sepulcre ben many grete myracles. The feest also of many oth. Tx. H To morowe. C The thyrde day of October, the feest of sayt Denyse a bysshop T: martyr/ a grete lerned man T: a noble precher/ y l (as saynt Aristidy wryteth in his boke of Chrystes religyon) was by grete cruelty put to deth. Amonge the olde saxons y e feest of saynt Ewald/ T; of an other saynt Ewald bothe of one name T; bothe preestes/ that for prechynge y e fayth amonge them/ were put to deth vpon whose holy bodyes a grete lyght from heuen appered T: shone in y e nyght a longe tyme/ declaryng vnto the faythfull people what they were/ \ of how grete merytes. At rome at the capped bere the feest of saynt Candydy a martyr. 156 THE MARTILOGE. f[ Addicyons. f[ At rome the feest of saynt Merely a monke of saynt Gregoryes monastery/ a man of grete compunccyon T: contynuall in prayer/ vnto whome a lytell before his deth appered in visyon a crowne or garlond descedyng from heuen T; closynge his heed/ 1 forthw 1 after he fell seke T: departed. And .xiij. yeres after whan a deuoute abbot wolde haue made his sepulcre where he laye/ a meruaylous swete smell came out of his graue declarynge his sanctite. The feest also of many other fl$. f[ To morowe. C The .iiij. day of October. At corynth y e feest of saynt [Cryspy and saynt Gay/ of whome saynt Paule wrote [fo. cix. b. vnto the corynthes. In egipt y e feest of saynt Marke T: saynt Marciane breder T; martyrs/ with whome were put to deth martyrs innumerable/ bothe men T: wome of grete glory T; holynes/ of y e whiche some were scourged and beten to deth/ some racked/ some brent/ some drowned in the see/ some heded/ some famysshed/ 1 many were hanged/ partly by y e neckes T; parte by y e heles T: so by varyaut turmentes all obteyned the crowne of martyrdom. In frauce at parys y e feest of saynt Aurey a virgyn. The feest also of saynt Fraucys a confessour that next vnto the apostles was the moost precyse and strayte folower of the lyfe of the gospell. And he wrote a rule of moost hygh perfeccion/ whiche of very mekenes he called the rule of freres mynours/ he toke vpon hym for Chryst many grete bodyly labours/ T: many spirytual troubles/ T: before his deth he was notably marked with the ymage T: woundes of our sauyour/ in whose peace he departed full of myracles. f[ Addicyons. C The feest also of saynt Aniane a bysshop T: dyscyple vnto saynt Marke/ a noble man borne T: of large possessyons/ whiche by chauce he lost hooly/ T; came vnto suche pouerty/ y l he was fayne for his lyuynge to do seruyce vnto a poore cobler in alexander/ wheder whan saynt Marke came his shoo rent/ in y e mendyng wherof saynt Aniane hurt his fynger/ whiche by sayt Marke was cured/ T; he couerted T: ordered there bysshop/ T: contynued in hygh perfeccyon T: many myracles. The feest also of saynt Petrony bysshop of bonony/ electe by reuelacyon/ a noble man of the emperours blode/ a charytable man and a grete buylder I reparer of chirches. [The feest also of saynt \_fo. ex. Amelie T: of saynt Amyke/ that of dyuerse parentes of noble blode were borne bothe in one nyght/ 1 bothe from theyr countrees sent by theyr frendes vnto rome to be baptized/ in y e whiche OCTOBER. 157 iourney they mctte by chauce at lucane/ T: so lyke were they of face/ stature T: all other membres/ that no psone coude discerne T: knowe the one from the other/ wherby they fell in amyte T: loued as breder/ T: after many troubles taken for Chryst/ they were bothe togyder slayne in batayle for his fayth/ T: they were buryed in dyuers chirches/ but that notw'standynge theyr bodyes on y e morowe after were foude bothe togyder. These .ij. knyghtes T: martyrs ben called in englysshe syr Amyas T; syr Amylyon/ and theyr story wryten at length. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?/ confes. T; virg. f[ To morowe. f[ The .v. daye of October. In sicilie the feest of saynt Placydy T: saynt Ewtyke martyrs/ T: with them .xxx. other holy martyrs. In ewmeny y e feest of saynt Tharsy a bysshop/ y 1 in smyrme was put to deth. In fraunce at valence the feest of saynt Appollinare a bysshop/ whose lyfe by synguler sanctite was famous/ and his deth by many myracles laudable. At antisiodour y e deposicyon of saynt Firmate a deacon/ T; of his syster sayt Flauiane a holy virgyn. C Addicyons. C At rome the feest of saynt Gale a wydowe/ borne of noble blode/ and of grete rychesse/ that after the deth of her housbond/ notw l standyng her state/ youth/ beauty/ T; possessyons/ enclosed her selfe pfessed in y e monastery of saynt Peter/ where she lyued in hygh perfeccyon/ T: had by saynt Peter reuelacyon of her deth. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?/ confes. 1 virg. [f[ To morowe. \_fo. ex. b. f[ The .vj. day of October. At capua the feest of saynt Marcell/ saynt Casty/ saynt Emyly/ T: saynt Saturne all martyrs. The feest also of saynt Sagary a bysshop T; martyr/ that was one of the olde discyples of saynt Paule. At agen y e feest of saynt Fayth a virgyn 1 martyr/ by whose holy example saynt Caprase was coforted to martyrdom. The feest also of saynt Rogate a confessour. f[ Addicyons. f[ At rome y e feest of saynt Euseby pope. In burgoyne the feest of saynt Gungulf a holy martyr. And the feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T: virg. C To morowe. C The .vij. day of October. At rome in appia strete the deposicyon of sayt Marke the fyrst pope of that name. The 158 THE MARTILOGE. feest also of saynt Marcell 1 sayt Apuley/ that by the doctryne of saynt Peter were couerted from y e heresy of Symon magus/ and after for Chrystes fayth they bothe togyder by Aureliane the consull were put to deth T: buryed not ferre from rome. In the prouince of auguste at eufratesif the feest of saynt Bachy T; saynt Sergy/ that in the tyme of the emperour Maxim ian were put to many turmentes/ racked/ scourged/ and so sayt Bachy was beten to deth/ T: saynt Sergy heded. In the same prouince the feest of saynt lulia a virgyn I martyr/ that by y e mayre Marcian was put to deth. The feest also of saynt Osythe a virgyn T: martyr/ that by y e danes was heded/ T: she forthw 1 toke vp her owne heed T: bare it vnto y e place where she wolde be buryed. The canonizacyon also of our holy moder sayt Birgit. C Addicyons. f[ The feest also of saynt lustyne a virgyn T: martyr/ [that was a kynges doughter/ T: by her faders successour [fo. cxi. put to martyrdom. The feest also of an other sayt Marke the second pope of that name/ that ordeyned y e crede to be songe or sayd euery sonday/ T: in y e feestes also of the apostles. The feest also of ye thyrde saynt Marke a cofessour T; an heremyte/ that bycause he wrote y e lyues of many heremites he had for his syrname wryter/ T: so was called Marke wryter/ he was of synguler pfeccyon/ for whan his moder wold nedely se hym than beynge in religyon/ he by the comaudemet of his souerayne went vnto her clothed in a sacke/ T: his face all soyled w l dust Ht sote/ and yet he wynked bycause he wolde not se her/ all though he were seen of her. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?, confes. T;2, f[ To morowe. f[ The .viij. day of October, the feest of sayt Symeon that in Chrystes presentacyon toke hym in his armes 1 sayd Nuc dimittis seruu tuu dne .Tie. At thessolonieyf the feest of saynt Demetry a martyr. In the terry tory of lyons y e feest of saynt Benedicte a virgyn T: martyr. At hyspale the feest of saynt Peter a martyr. At lerusalem the feest of the holy woman saynt Pelage/ that was called a grete synner T: wretche. In brytayne the feest of saynt Yue a confessour of synguler sanctite. f[ Addicyons. f[ The feest also of saynt Margarete a virgyn/ y* was of so notable beauty/ y 1 her frendes wold suffre no man but by synguler fauour to look vpon her. And she after was called broder Pellagy/ for y e same nyght that she by compulsyon of her frendes was maryed/ she stale away in a manes clothynge/ OCTOBER. 159 T: was a moke of so hygh pfeccyon/ that his abbot dyd comytte vnto his gouer[nauce a monastery of virgyns/ in the [fo. cxi. b* whiche one dyd fornicacyon/ T; imputed the chylde vnto Pellagy/ for y e whiche she was put to prison/ T: shamefull rebuke many yeres/ tyll she sawe she must depart this lyf/ T: than she shewed the trouth what she was/ T: fro whens she came/ T: so w l grete mournyng 1 lamentacyon she was buryed in the monastery of virgyns. The feest also of saynt Thays/ that many yeres was a comyn woman of suche beauty y l many men solde theyr londes T; spent theyr goodes vpon her/ T: many were sore wounded/ T: grete blodeshed done for her sake/ wherof herynge the holy abbot saynt Panucy/ toke seculer aray T; went vnto her/ *\ by grace conuerted her/ Ht aftes thre yeres penauce/ she lyued in a monastery of virgyns a whyle/ T: so made a holy ende. The feest also of saynt Reparate a virgyn T: martyr/ that by Decius the emperour was racked/ her flesshe rent w l hokes/ T; her body sprynkeled w 1 boylynge lede/ than was she broyled lyke vnto sayt Laurence/ her brestes and rybbes brent w l fyry plates/ T: than scourged w rt thorny busshes/ her woudes rubbed with vynegre/ salt T: aqua vite/ T: at y e last after all turmentes she was heeled/ whose soule was openly seen flye in to heuen lyke a doue. The feest also of saynt Keyna/ called also saynt Keynwir a virgyn/ T: doughter vnto saynt Breghan kynge of breknoke in wales/ whiche had .xij. sones and .xij. doughters all holy sayntes one of y e whiche doughter was moder vnto saynt Dauid/ T: this virgyn an other/ that was shewed by reuelacyon before her byrth/ 1 after forsoke her kynne and coutree/ T: dwelled in a desert full of venymous serpentes/ whiche by her prayers were turned al in to stones that yet vnto this daye done kepe the fourme T: fashon [of y e same serpentes/ where she cotynued in hygh \_fo. cxii. pfeccyon T; many myracles. The feest also of many otn Ac. f[ To morowe. C The .ix. day of October, the feest of y e holy patriarke saynt Abraham. At parys the feest of saynt Denyse a bysshop/ saynt Rustyke a preest/ T: saynt Elewthery a deacon/ that by the pope were sent to couerte frauce/ T: whan in the sayd cite they had done theyr offyce with dilygence/ at the last they were taken/ T: by the mayre Fesceny put to deth all by the swerde. At iule the feest of saynt Dompnyne a martyr/ that in the psecucion of the emperour Maximian wolde haue fled/ but whan he was pursued T: taken/ he boldly confessed Chryst/ T: gladly toke his deth by y e swerde. The feest also of sayt Gysleny a confessour. f[ Addicyons. f[ In englond at cauterbury the feest of saynt Aymon 160 THE MARTILOGE. archedeacon of the same/ a man of grete abstynence/ a notable clerke T; a noble precher/ y l in a certayne nyght whan he studyed to preche on the morowe after of the incarnacyon of our sauyour/ y e deuyll appered vnto hy in a terryble lykenes/ T: he lyfte vp his ryght hande to blesse hym/ whiche the deuyll helde fast/ than he lyfte vp the other hande/ T: that also y e deuyl helde fast than he spytte in his face T: sayd/ the crosse is in my herte/ I defye the/ wherw 1 y e deuyll departed/ but he called hym agayne T: charged hym to shewe vnto hym why he so dyd/ T: he sayd/ to haue letted the of thy sermon/ for no thynge so greueth vs as y e incarnacyon of Chryst. And after he lyued in hygh perfeccyon T: many myracles. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?. l2. f[ To morowe. f[ The .x. daye of October. At crete the feest of saynt [Pyncty a bysshop of grete lernynge/ so that in his [fo. cxii. b. lernynge we may se his ymage as though it were in a glasse. At agryppyny the feest of saynt Gereon a martyr/ that by syrname was called mallose/with whome in the persecucyon of y e emperour Maximian .cccxviij. martyrs wylfully layde downe theyr hedes w l all pacyence to receyue the palme of martyrdom. In the terrytory of the same cite the feest of saynt Victor a martyr/ T: with hym were put to deth .xviij. persones. The feest also of saynt Cassy I sayt Florence martyrs/ with whome were put to dethe many other martyrs. In englond the feest of saynt Paulyne a cofessour T: archebysshop of yorke. The feest also of saynt Ewbrache a confessour. C Addicyons. f[ The feest also of saynt Cerbony a bysshop of many myracles/ T: had the spiryte of prophecy. The feest also of sayt Gerald a cdfessour of hygh pfeccyon/ of whome his paretes had reuelacyon before he was goten/ \ he spake in his moders wombe/ T: after dyd many grete miracles. The feest also of saynt Piery a preest/ a grete lerned man of notable eloquence and synguler sanctite. The feest also of many other holy sayntes/ mar?. T:c. C To morowe. f[ The .xj. day of October. At tharsum the chefe cite of cicilyef the feest of saynt Tharake/ saynt Proby/ T: sayt Andronyke martyrs/ that in the persecucyon of y e emperour Dioclecian were kepte longe in hard pryson/ 1 thre tymes put vnto moost cruell turmetes/ T: so obteyned the palme of martyr- dom. In the frauchest of vulcasyne the passyon of saynt OCTOBER. 161 Nigasy a preest/ with his felowes saynt Quiryne/ saynt Skum- culy/ \ the holy virgyn saynt Pience/ all martyrs/ that were of y e com[pany sent with saynt Denyse in to frauce. [/ Aidus or Aidanus. N. L. A. NOTES. 213 March i. 1. 2. ccxii. ducentorum sexaginta A. (over an erasure) U. 1. 14. Erculaue for Erculane. Erculani A. In ciuitate Perusii translatio corporis sancti Herculani. U-Auct.'' March 2. 1. 9. Large, largii A. lorgii H. R. U-Auct. March 3. 1. 4. Astece. asterii A. H. U. R. 1. 8. Enuthere. Enutherii (altered to emitherii). A. Ernitherii. H. U. Hemeterii. R.. Seledon. celedonii. A. H. U. Cheledonii. R. 1. ii. wy new ale. wynewaloei. A. (H. om.) Winwaloci. U-Auct. March 4. 1. 7. saynt Gay and saynt Palatyne. sancti gaii palatini. A. H. Caii palatini. U. R. An adjective has here given birth to a new saint. March 5. 1. 4. saynt Eusebius saynt Palatyne. sancti eusebii palatini. A. H. U. R. Cf. March 4. 1. 7. 1. 5. saynt Ciaue. sancti ciaui (or ciani) A. H. om. Ciaran D. Kyriani, Kerani. U-Auct. March 7. At end A. adds in a late hand : Item sancti thome de alquino. March 8. 1. i. Antion. antionu A. antinoum H. U. R. 1. 2. Philomon. philemonis. A. H. U. R. 1. 6. Ariane. adriani A. H. Arriani U. Hadriani. R. 1564. Ariani R. 1. 10. Cirpriane. cipriani A. H. Cypriani U. R. 1. 13. saynt Felix. Sancti felicis episcopi in monasterio quod rameseya dicitur quiescentis. A. (over an erasure). Sancti felicis orientalium anglorum episcopi et predicatoris qui in monasterio ramesey tumulatur. H. Add. 1. i. Fenan. Senan. D. March 10. 1. 6. Dorothene. dorothonei A. H. Droctovei U. R. 1. 8. saynt Agathe. not in A. Item sancte agape uirginis. . . H. In Antiochia sanctae agapae virginis U-Auct. March n. 1. 2. Lucyne. Lucinii A. Add. 1. i. saynt Paule bysshop of leonens. In the sixth century St. Paul was bishop of the city now known as St. Pol de Lon. He is usually commemorated on March 12. 1. 9. Gupert. The only name resembling this among the bishops of Wurzburg given by Gams (Series Episcoporum, 1873) is Humbert, who is said to have died on March 9, A.D. 842. March 12. 1. 2. Gregory, . . gregorii doctoris ac apostoli anglorum et innocencii A. The translator has omitted Innocent, which omission also occurs in other versions of Usuard. 1. 12. Eddune. egduni A. H. U. Egdunii R. 1. 14. bysshop of wentane. wentane ciuitatis episcopi. A. Win- chester. 214 NOTES. March 13. I. 2. Patryke and Modest, patricie et modeste. A. H, Patricise et Modestse. R. U. 1. 3. At nice the feest of saynt Thensete\ sayt Horre\ saynt Theodourl sayt Nympodourl sayt Markej 7 saynt Arabye martyrs. Nicea ciuitate : sanctorum martirum theusete. horris. theodore. nimpodore. marci. et arable A. March 14. 1. i. xlix martyrs, quadraginta septem A. H. U. R. March 15. 1. 5. Macrone. matrone A. H. U. R. March 16. Add. 1. i. Fynan. leprosus Finan D. March 17. 1. 5. nugell. nimgella A. over an erasure, nimgella H. Niuigella. U. R. Nivelle. March 18. 1. i. The feest of saynt Edward. This long account of St. Edward is perhaps, like that on Feb. 13, peculiar to the Syon Martyrology. The Latin version is as follows : In prouincia occidentalium saxonum : passio sancti edwardi regis et martiris anglorum. et eximii testis dei : qui christianissimo fundatori monasteriorum edgaro pia proles successit in regno. Quern in primeuo pubes- centem. et pubertatis flore regnantem : grauissima fastidienas nouerce. et principum gentis sue persecucio. serenissimum mar- tirem christo confecerat : et beatorum collegio in celis coniunxe- rat. Qui quam magnificus fulget in astris : ad tumbam ipsius demonstrat nunc operata causa salutis. A. (H. merely has at the end of the day : Eodem die sancti edwardi martiris.) March 19. 1. 5. At suretyke. apud sureticum A. surrentum H. Sor- rento. 1. 6. Marcyll. marcelli. A. Marci. R. U. 1. 7. Colotery. caloceri. A. H. U. 1. IT. Florence. A. and H. omit. March 22. 1. i. At septimane in by term. Apud septimaniam in biter- nis. A. biteris. H. Biterris. U. 1. 2. Affrodose. Affrodosii A. following U. Ado om. At end A. adds in a later hand : In affrica : sancti saturnini et aliorum nouem. March 23. 1. 3. Victor bysshop of affricane. Victor affricanus episco- pus. A. March 24. 1. 8. In the cite of tyberym. a quo ipse postea in tyberim pro fide christi necatus est. A. The transformation of the river Tiber into a city is noteworthy. 1. 10. At syre y e feest of saynt Agapite. Apud siriam : sancti seleuci. In frygia : sancti agapiti confessoris. A. Here two clauses have been made into one by the omission of the end of the former, and the beginning of the latter. A similar case will be found on June 10. NOTES. 215 At end A. adds in a later hand : In Suecia natale sancte Catherine virginis diue rnatris Birgitte filie. Add. 1. 15. Mackartyne. Meic Cairthinn D. March 25. 1. 12. At siryne. In sirinio. A. H. Apud Sirmium. Ado. Sirmii. R. Sirmium in Illyricum. 1. 1 8. Theole. theole. A. dule. H. Dulse. U. March 26. 1. 15. At smyrme. In smirmia. A. Sirmii. R. In Sirmio. U. 1. 1 6. Maximian. maxime. A. (over an erasure of maximiane). maximi. H. Maximae. Ado. U. R. Add. 1. i FynchelL Sinchell. D. March 27. 1. 12. In the fraunchest of aspane the fees t of saynt Euthery that was bysshop of Tourney. In pago aspanio : sancti eutherii thuronensis episcopi. A. In pago hascanio sancti eutherii turonensis episcopi et confessoris. H. Eucherii turonensis episcopi. U. 1. 13. At Pamon. In pannonia. A. H. U. March 28. 1. 8. Gudran. guntranni. A. Guntramni. U. March 29. 1. 5. nicodeme. nichomedia. A. 1. 7. luxaniens. luxoniensis A. H. Luxoviensis. U. Add. 1. 3. Gudlewse. Gundleus. N. L. A. fo. clxviii. March 30. 1. 2. saynt Quiryne and saynt Trybune. beati quirini. tri- buni et martiris A. (over an erasure), beati Quirini martiris et tribuni U. A mistake has here occurred not unlike that of " saynt Palatyne " on March 4 and 5. April 2. 1. 7. Nicesy. nicesii. A. nicerii. H. Nicetii. U. 1. 10. saynt Mary egypcyake. The long account of this saint is in A. but is not in Usuard. H. briefly has : Apud palestinam de- positio sancte marie egipciace que peccatrix appellatur. Add. 1. i. saynt Dydake bysshop of oxforde. This anticipation of a see of Oxford is the result of confusing Oxomensis with Oxonien- sis, the former being the adjective of Oxoma, Burgo de Osma, in the N. of Spain. Caxton's Golden Legende in the life of " Seynt Domynyk " cautiously gives us " the diocise of Oxony- ence." The translator of the Martiloge finds another use for "oxforde" on Dec. 29 (1. 7), where it represents Oximse, Exmes in Normandy. April 4. 1. 5. y cursed arryens. The original Latin is not so strong: cuius studio inter cetera doctrine et miraculorum insignia, tern- pore arriane perfidie. tota ytalia ad catholicam fidem conuersa est. A. Add. 1. i. Tiernake. Tigernach. D. April 5. 1. i. Nichandre and Appolon. marciane nicanoris et appolonii. A. meandri nicanoris et appollinii H. Martianae, Nicanoris et Apollonii. U. 216 NOTES. April 5. 1. 7. saynt Marcian. A. H. omit here. The translator appears to have put in at the end the Marcian which has dropped out of his first clause. April 6. Add. 1. 6. Appolynaryes and anomeyes. Apollinarians and Anomeans. April 7. 1. 3. lesyppe. egesippi. A. U. April 8. 1. 5. At turyne. Turonis A. U. Tironis. H. H. adds : Item concessi ammonii et successi. Add. 1. i. Pitrion. Cf. De sancto Pithirione : in Vitas Patriim^ 1485. April 9. 1. 3. In syryne. In syrmio. A. over an erasure. In sirmio. H. U. H. adds : Item sanctorum fortunati et donati. April ii. 1. 6. saynt Domion. Domionis. A. U. Dominionis. H. H. adds : Turonis agirici abbatis. Lugduno sancti siagri episcopi. . . . Item fortuna (sic) et aliorum quadraginta. Two of the names, under a slightly different form, will be found in the Addicyons. Add. 1. 2. saynt Fiagry, probably for Siagry. Lugduni Siagrii episcopi. U-Auct. Lugduni sancti Sicarii episcopi et confessoris. Du Saussay. Mart. Gall. 1637, i. 203. April 1 6. 1. 5. Fauster. fausti. A. U. April 1 8. 1. i. In naples at messany. Apud messanam ciuitatem apulie. A. 1. 2. saynt Eulether. eleutherii. A. H. U. R. 1. 7. cast vnto wylde wode beestes. leonibus proiectus. A. U. 1. 9. Appolon. Apollini. A. 1. 15. Perfyte. Perfecti. A. April 19. 1. 10. cantiliber. cantiliberi. A. Cancoliberi Hispaniae. Ado. R. 1. u. In y e suburbes of hamonens y e feest of saynt Cosmare. In pago hamonensi : sancti cosmari. episcopi et confessoris A. Cenebio labiis. sancti osmari episcopi. H. Coenobio Laubiis Usmari episcopi et confessoris. U. In coenobio Laubiensi sancti Vrsmari. R. Lob in Hainault. Add. 1. 6. Leo the .x. pope. Not Leo X. (1513-1521), but St. Leo IX. (1049-1054). Cf. Cat. Sanct. iv. 65. April 20. 1. 4. Seruulane. seruiliani. A. H. U. 1. 8. at bredunens. In ciuitate ebredunensi. A. U. 1. n. Domnion. Domnino. A. U. April 21. 1. 7. Vskazand. vstazandis. A. vstaradis H. Ustazadis U. Ustadadis and Ustazadis are among the variants of this name. NOTES. 217 April 21. 1. 8. Publy. pusicius. A. R. Pusitius. U. Add. 1. i. Gulphyle. Gulphilas (Cat. Sanct. xi. 86). Ulphilas. April 22. 1. 8. Bitro. Bitro. A. Bicor. Ado. U. R. 1. 13. Schrysotele. chrisoteli A. U. crisoteli. H. 1. 13. Mycy. mucii A. R. Mutii. U. April 23. 1. 15. Rule. Reguli. A. 1. 1 6. at bruce. Brucie. A. In Prusia. R. April 24. H. adds : Sydrac mysaac et abdenago. Remis ciuitate natalis sanctorum uirginum bone et docle. Ipso die inuencio corporis sancti yuonis episcopi et confessoris. Some of these names are found in the Addicyons. Add. 1. 9. Boue. Bone. R. April 26. 1. 2. Clete. cleti. A. R. Anacleti. Ado. April 27. 1. 4. Anchymy. anthimi A. H. U. R. 1. 9. In siciiie at tharse. Tarso sicilie A. tharso cilicie. H. Tarso Cilicise U. April 28. 1. 3. Vrsyline. vrsisini A. urcissini H. Ursicini U. R. 1. 10. At padway the feest of saynt Palion a martyr. In pannonia sancti polionis martyris. A. In Pannonia sancti Pollionis martiris U. R. April 29. 1. 4. In numyde at a vyllage nere vnto circen. In numidia apud cyrcensem coloniam A. Cirta. 1. 8. TerculL terculla A. certula H. Tertulla U. R. Add. 1. 5. cirsterdens for cisterriens. 1. 12. ref ourned for refonrmed. May i. 1. 19. At austrace. Apud ciuitatem atistrasiam A. austiam H. Auscium U. R. Audi. 1. 22. Thoremyny* thoremini. A. corentini. H. In Britannia minori. Corentini episcopi et confessoris. U-Auct. May 3. Add. 1. 2. nokes for bokes. May 4. 1. 7. Infauence at metall. in metallo fauencii A. In metallo Phennensi Palestine. R. " At the Metal-mynes of Phennes in Palestin." The Roman Martyrologe^ S. Omers, 1667. 1. IT. At oricoripens. In oricopensiA. In Noricoripensi H. In Norico Ripensi U. R. 1. 14. Coreode. coreodii A. corcodimi H. Curcodemi U. Cur- codomi R. May 5. H. omits : Ascensio domini. 1. 6. Eutheme. euthemii A. antimi H. Euthymii U. R. May 7. 1. ii. Austustyn. augustini A. U. Add. 1. 7. saynt Martyns in london. The translator is probably res- ponsible for this transfer of St. Martin's, Canterbury, to London. Letarde. Lethardus N. L, A. fo. ccxviii. b. 2i8 NOTES. May 10. H. adds : In pago wastinensi sancti maturini confessoris. Probably this is the saynt Maturyn at the end of the Addicyons. May ii. 1. 2. Authyme. anthimi A. H. U. May 12. Add. 1. 3. Ponce. Cf. May 14, 1. 2. May 13. 1. 6. amphyble. amphibuli A. U. amfinubali H. Amphi- poli R. May 14. 1. 3. two of the emperours sones. duo philippi imperatores A. (over an erasure), duo Philippi Csesares R. Cf. May 12, Add. 1. 17. fomanel. Fontanelle A. Add. 1. 13. Cartake. carthachi. D. May 15. 1. 2. ludalece. vidalecii A. Indaletii U. Indaletius. R. 1. 6. in dyuerse places, acci. uergii. abule. ursi. heliberi. carcesi. eligurgi. A. 1. 7. chire. chiro A. Chio R. 1. 9. At lamosate. lamosatum A. Lamasacum. Ado. Lamps U.R. May 1 6. 1. 5. In the terry tory of luliens. In pago foro iuliensi. Frejus or Friuli. The martyrologists of France and Italy severally claim St. Maxima for their own Forum Julii. Add. 1. 7. forhw* foiforthw*. May 17. 1. 7. JLracly. Eraclii A. Eradii R. 1. 8. The translacyon also of saynt Bernard. Not in A., but in U-Auct. May 1 8. 1. 8. Elene. Eluine A. Elgivae U-Auct. St. Elgiva, Queen of Edmund I. and afterwards a nun of Shaftesbury, is commemorated on this day in an old English Calendar : sancte aelfgiue regine (Br. Mus. Cott. MS. Titus D. xxvii, fo. 5). 1. 10. at the city of spelatens. apud spelatensem urbem. A. apud spoletanensem urbem H. Spoleti R. May 19. 1. 14. Prudent, prudentis A. H. Pudentis. Ado. U. R. Generally identified with the Pudens of 2 Tim. iv, 21. 1. 14. naturall broder. patris A. May 20. 1. 8. Adelbert. ethelberti A. Add. 1. 14. Hardrian for Hadrian. May 21. 1. 6. fynthall. fyncale A. (H. om.). The ruins of Finchale Priory are about 3^ miles from Durham. May 22. 1. 2. Casce. casti A. H. U. R. 1. 2. in his boke of the fall of martyrs, in libro de lapsis A. U. 1. 4. cor site, apud corsicam A. U. 1. 6. Sawstyne. faustini. A. H. R. U-Auct. NOTES. 219 May 23. 1. 2. Desyre. desiderii A. H. U. R. 1. 5. Thyke. epictici A. epictati H. Epitacii R. In a later hand in A. there is added to this day : Eodem die ciuitate roffensi : sancti willelmi martiris (St. William of Perth). May 24. 1. 6. At rome. in portu romano A. Porto at the mouth of the Tiber. 1. 7. ndmete. namnetis A. U. nannetis H. Nantes. 1. 12. Dyod. diodis A. dioclis H. Ado. U. R. May 25. 1. 9. In mafiaen at dorostre. Apud mesiam ciuitate dorostro A. Dorostori in Mysia R. Dora in Bulgaria. 1.12. mildunens. meldunensi monasterio A. Malmesbury. May 26. 1. 8. Symniter. symmitrii A. Simmitrii U. 1. ii. At tudertusce. tudertuscie A. Tuder Tusciae U. Todi. 1. 25. C. xxi. centesimo vicesimo septimo A. May 27. 1. i. In marsia at doroscorens. Apud marsiam ciuitate dorostorensi. A. Apud mesiam ciuitate dorostorensi. H. U. 1. 6. adartens. atrebatensi. A. H. Adartensi. U. Adartensis appears to be a variant of Atrebatensis. At Feb. 6 some MSS. describe St. Vedast of Arras as Adartensis. Add. 1. 7. Symetre. apparently a repetition of Symmitrius of May 26. 1. 8. May 28. 1. 6. in a style moche eloquent, ueraci stilo A. 1. 9. Item translacio sancte matris nostre birgitte. A. in later hand. Add. 1. ii. Lamfranke. Lamfrancus N. L. A. May 29. 1. 2. Canon, canonis A. R. 1564. cononis H. U. R. 1. 9. in the partyes of ananyue. anaunie partibus A. U. Anaunia, now Val d'Anagna in the Tyrol. 1. ii. Maximus. maximi. A. R. 1564. maximini H. U. R. 1. 14. Rusty 'ke. restituti. A. H. U. R. May 30. 1. 3. In y toures of sardyne. turribus sardinii A. Torre on the W. coast of Sardinia. 1. 5. Hutbert. hubert.i A. (over an erasure), cuthberti H. Hucberti U. The name appears in other martyrologies as Bucberti, Buc- herti, and is by some identified with Hubert of Liege. May 31.1. i. PernelL Petronilla A. H. U. 1. 9. assisiour. assisiorum A. aniciorum H. U. R. June i. 1. 14. Vincent, vincencii A. uiuencii H. luuencii R. Add. 1. i. ewsam. Evesham. The story of St. Wistan is in N.L.A. June 2. 1. 7. saynt Saynt a deacon. Cf. Sanctus vero re non minus quam nomine, Diaconus. Du Saussay, Mart. Gall. i. 324. 1. 8. Geate. grate A. H. Ado. U. 220 NOTES. June 3. 1. 3. with plummettes of lede. plumbatis A. June 4. 1. i. In sythe. scithia A. H. Apud Illiricum civitate Sciscia U. 1. 8. Patrike. Petroci A. U-Auct. The name of St. Petrock is preserved at Petroc-stow, now Padstow, and his relics were kept at Bodmin. June 5. 1. 12. Eobanke. eobaneo. A. (over an erasure), eubarico H. Eobano. U. R. June 6. 1. 4. In the londe of cecile at tharsum, Apud tharsum scilicie A. cicilie H. Apud Tarsum Ciliciae U. June 7. 1. 5. Auens. auencii A. H. Auentii U. Habentii R. June 8. 1. 10. Ac for At. June 9. 1. i. in the motif of Sely. in monte celio. A. H. U. 1. 6. Colubane. columbe A. U. Aberd. corumcille H. St. Columba or Columcill (for the meaning of this latter name see Reeve's Adamnan's Life of St. Columba, 1857, pp. Ixx, 5). June 10. 1. 2. Amandale. madalis A. (over an erasure) H. U. Mandalis Ado. 1. 10. At parys y e feest of saynt Ytamar a bysshop and confessour. Two clauses have here been made into one by omitting the end of the first and the beginning of the second. The Latin is as follows : Parisius sancti landerici episcopi et confessoris. In britannia ciuitate rofTensi sancti itamari episcopi et confes- soris. A. In cathedrali ecclesia Roffensi iacet sanctus Ythomar tercius a sancto iusto eiusdem ciuitatis in miraculis gloriosus. (Catha- logus sanctorum in Anglia pausantium et oriundorum. Lambeth MS. 99. fo. 187 b.) June 12. 1. 8. Infryselond frigia A. (for frisia). Adulph. odulphi A. Apud Trajectum inferius depositio sancti Odolfi, Canonici monasterii sancti Salvatoris. U-Auct. H. omits S. Odulph, and has instead : Aurelianis sancti euurcii episcopi. Alexandrie sancti iohannis elimonis episcopi. June 15. 1. 7. In messy at dorostore. Apud messiam ciuitate dorostoro A. mesiam H. Apud Messiam civitate Dorostoro. U. June 1 6. 1. i. vesuce. vesancium A. Vesuntionem U. Besangon. 1. 8. manuete. namnetis A. U. June 17. 1. 5. Anyte. auiti A. H. U. R. Add. 1. 3. sconange. sconangia (Cat. Sanct. v. 123). Sconaugia is the usual Latin form of Schonau (in the diocese of Trier). 1. 5. Molyng. Moling D. Moloci. Aberd. June 1 8. 1. 2. Marcell. marcelliani. A. U. R NOTES. 221 June 1 8. 1. 6. were murthered in sond and stones, lapidibus obruti. A. 1. 8. In the territory of zenon. In territorio zeno[nensi added in later hand\ A. In territorio Senonensi sancti Fortunati episcopi. Du Saussay, Mart. Gall. p. 1135. Cf. U-Auct. June 19. 1. 6. Vrcissyne. vrsicini A. U. R. June 20. 1. i. Syuere. siluerii A. R. U-Auct. 1. 6. The translacyon also of saynt Edwarde. This is the usual day for the Translation of St. Edward K. M. The Syon Martyrology has already commemorated a translation of St. Edward on Feb. 13, and the bringing of his body from Wareham to Shaftesbury on Feb. 18. June 21. 1. 2. In cesare capadoce at palestyne. In cesarea palestine A. (over an erasure), capadocie was apparently the original word after cesarea. 1. 10. Warburge. werburge A. St. Werburg of Chester. June 22. 1. 3. verolam. uerolamia A. Verolamio U. Verulam, St. Albans. 1. ii. romaciane. Baronius in his notes (Mart. Rom. Junii 22) identifies Romatiana with Aquileia. June 23. 1. 5. In tusce at vtrine. In tuscia ciuitate utrina A. Sutrii in Tuscia R. 1. 6. Tratius. Tracius A. Turcius. U. R. June 24. 1. 7. w t other chrystyans in maner vnnombrable. cum aliis innumeris promiscui sexus. A. U. 1. 7. At austudune. Augustuduno. A. Augustoduno U. Autun. Add. 1. 4. Lucey. Luceia ( Cat. Sanct. vi, 4). The same Luceia appears in June 25, 1. 18, as Luce. June 25. 1. i. At puricoroea. Apud puricoroeam A. Apud Pirri- berceam U. At end A. adds in a later hand : Item canonizacio sancte Catherine, beate Birgitte filie virginis in sanctitate vite et miraculis preclare. June 26. 1. 4. At trientyne. Apud trientinam urbem. A. (altered by a later hand to tridentinam). 1. 5. lustilocon. sub iustilicone A. sub Stilicone U-Auct 1. 7. At valenciane. In portu valenciano A. In portu valenciano sancti Salvii Engolismae civitatis episcopi. U-Auct. Valenciennes. June 27. 1. 7. Nemele. nemesio. A. U. 1. 8. Eugyn. eugenio A. 1. 1 6. At glassenbury the translacyon of saynt Bemonus a confessour. Apud glasconiam : translacio sancti benigni confessoris. A. Add. 1. 3. Benygne may be a duplicate notice of St. Benignus of Glastonbury, or St. Benignus, a martyr of Chartres, whose relics were at Utrecht (U-Auct. June 28). 222 NOTES. June 28. 11. 9, n. Potanan. potamiena A. over an erasure. Potamisena U. R. June 29. 1. 6. castell of argentomate. castrum argentomatum A. Argento- macum U. 1. 9. Benedicte. benedicte A. Beatas U. Add. 1. 3. Beate, apparently a repetition of the above. June 30. 1. 7. At lemoniga. Lemoniga ciuitate A. Lemovicas civitate U. Limoges. 1. 9. Alpymany and Stratodiane. alpimano et stratocliano A Alpiniano et Stratocliniano U. 1. ii. Cor site, corsiti A. Corsici U. Ib. Leo a deacon. Leonis subdiaconi A. (over an erasure) U. July 2. 1. 10. saynt Vran. not in A. U. The name seems to be part of the previous Vrbane repeated in error. July 3. 1. 2. At geneocesarepont. apud geneocesaream ponti A. Apud Cneocsesaream Ponti U. At end A. has : Item constantinopoli : sancti eulogii. eufemie. accaci. et demetrii (the last three names in later hand). July 4. 1. 4. In smyrme. Apud smirmium. A. Apud Sirmium U. July 5. 1. 3. by cause she pray sed the vertue of saynt Peter, que dum ad confessionem beati petri apostoli oraret. A. U. Cf. July 6, 1. 7. July 6.1.7. by cause he pray sed the vertue of saynt Paule\ was stoned to deth. Qui dum ad beati pauli confessionem oraret. tentus a paganis ac lapidatus. martirium consummauit. A. "As he was praying at the Tomb of S. Paul." (The Roman Martyrologe, S. Omers, 1667.) Estando este sancto orando junto a las reliquias y sepulchre del Apostol S. Pablo. (Martyrologio Romano, Valladolid, 1586.) These two last passages give the correct translation of the word confessio, which was misunderstood by Richard Whytford. 1. 8. In thefrauchest of machiens. in pago machienst A. In pago Trevirensi. R. July 7. 1. 6. Castar. castorii A. U. A. adds : Item translacio sancti thome martiris cantuariensis archiepiscopi. July 8. 1. 5. sanctipole. scithopoli A. Scitopoli U. 1. 7. In y e monastery of wentane the deposicyon of saynt Grubald a preest 7 monke. In wentana ciuitate deposicio sancti grimbaldi presbiteri et monachi A. St. Grymbald of wynchester (July 7. Add.) here reappears as St. Grubald of wentane. 1. 9. Kyliane, Colonare and Conace. St. Kilian is given twice on this day as Ciliane and Kyliane and again a third time as Ciliane in the Addicyons. The spelling of the names of his companions is subject to great variation. Colonari et chonati A. Colmanni et Totmanni U-Auct. NOTES. 223 July 8. 1. n. Wydburge. wythburge A. Add. The " addicyons " on this day with the exception of Julian are taken from Cat. Sanct. In making them the compiler appears not to have noticed that Ciliane Colonate and Romane had been already given above with slightly different spelling. July 9. 1. 8. At tyre. In ciuitate tyro. A. R. 1564. Tyriae. Ado. Thora R. 1. 10. At marcull ye feest of saynt Brythe. Ciuitate martula : sancti bricii. A. Civitate Martula sancti Brictii U. July 10. 1. 6. cast hedlonge from a toure toppe\ t so his necke broken. precipicio interemptus. A. 1. ii. Valeriane. valeriani et galieni A. July ii. Add. 1. r. Pituouse pope i.e. Pius I. July 12. 1. i. Nason. nasonis A. Ado. lasonis R. Mnason. (Acts xxi, ,6). 1. 7. Clyse. disi A. over an erasure. Dii. Ado. U. July 13. 1. 14. Thuran. thuriani A. over an erasure. Turiani U. Add. 1. 3. lesus ioiedeke. Jesus son of Josedek (Ecclus. xlix, 12; i Esdr. v, 5). July 14. 1. 2. synopole. sinopis A. Synope in Ponto R. 1. 6. historiagraph. historiographus. A. 1. ii. Donate. A. omits. In Africa, Donati. U-Auct. July 15. 1. i. At misybbe. Nisibi A. U. R. 1. 5. dyd cofoude Y codempne y e dampnable opinion andperuerse heresy of fhegrete heretyke Arrius . peruersitatem arrii opposicione damp- narunt A. 1. 6. At rome in a gate. Rome in portu. A. July 1 6. 1. 3. in to intrapole. in tranopolim A. in Trajanopolim U. R. At end A. adds in later hand : Item translatio Sancti Osmundi Episcopi sarisburiensis. Cf. Notes, Dec. 4. July 17. 1. i. In cartage. In cartagine : natalis sanctorum martirum stillicitanorum A. scillitanorum U. 1. 2. Nartaby. nartabi A. Nartali U. R. 1. 3. Stytyny. cithini A. U. Cythini R. 1. 5. the mayre of stillidtane. sub saturnine prefecto. A. U. July 19. 1. 8. Diogeman. diogeniano A.U. R. July 20. 1. 7. Cassye. A. om. Cassii U. July 22. 1. IT. Wandregesyle. Wandregesili U. Wandragesili A. 1. ii. In sy re at galas. Ancyra galacie A. Ancira Galacise U. July 23. Add. 1. i. Apolynare bysshop of lerusalem. Apollinaris hieropolitanus episcopus. Cat. Sanct. vi, 129. Hierapoli in Asia sancti Apollinaris episcopi R. (Jan. 8). 224 NOTES. July 24. 1. ii. At amitermyn. amiternina ciuitate. A. U. Now San Vittorino, three miles from Aquila in the Abruzzi. July 25. 1. 4. In syre at samon. In licia ciuitate samon A. U. 1. 9. At bartimon. ciuitate barcinona. A. U. July 26. 1. 3. At rome, rome in portu A. U. July 27. 1. 12. Hernempy. hernempi A. U. Hermippi R. 1. 13. Hermogiate. hermogratis A. U. Hermocratis R. July 29. 1. 6. Betrice. Beatrix A. U. 1. 10. In taraston in a forest of her owne. apud tarasconam in heremo suo. A. July 30. 1. 3. corduba. in corduba ciuitate persarum A. 1. 12. The word Addicyons has been accidentally omitted before " The feest also of saynt Vrsy," which with all that follows is not in A. July 31. 1. 8. Neoche. neothi A. over an erasure. Neoti U-Auct. Aug. i. 1. 20. Medard. menandri A. (over an erasure). U. 1. 23. Adelwold. ethelwoldi A. (over an erasure). Add. 1. i. Salomon. The story of Solomon's penance is found in Cat. Sanct. vii. 6. Aug. 2. 1. 5. In y e province of biryne at nice. In prouincia bitinie ciuitate nicea. A. In Provincia Bithinia urbe Niceae U. 1. 6. Theodour. theodore A. Theodotae U. R. Aug. 4. 1. 3. TranquiJyne. tertulini A. (over an erasure). Tertullini U. R. In the Addicyons 1. 5 " Tertulyne " appears under the usual form of the name. Aug. 5. 1. 9. At cathalamnis. cathalannis A. for cathalaunis. Cata- launis U. 1, 10. Neminyne. meminii A. Memmii U. R. 1. 10. At lornon. apud bononiam A. U-Auct. Add. 1. i. saynt Thomas. St. Thomas, a monk of St. Martin's, Dover, murdered by the French in 1295 because he refused to reveal the place where the church treasures had been hidden for safety (see N. L. A.}. Aug. 7. A. adds in later hand : Itemsolemne festum nominis Je su. Aug. 8. 1. 4. at nyenna. Apud viennam A. U. At end A. adds in later hand : Item sancte agapes virginis. Aug. 10. Add. 1. r. saynt Hope. Sanctus Spes is placed in Cat. Sanct. among those " quorum certa dies celebrationis ignoratur " ; and the name of his monastery is given as Cample, about six miles from Nursia (Norcia). Cf. R. (March 28). Aug. ii. 1. 7. Gangeryke. gauderici A. (over erasure). Gaugerici. U. Add. 1. 4. wuiche for whiche. NOTES. 225 Aug. 12. 1. i. In cirilie at cathyne. In scicilia ciuitate cathina A. 1. 8. At rome. in prefata ciuitate A. U. R., i.e., at Augsburg. 1. 12. At salary f feest of saynt Graciane. urbe falari : passio sanc- torum martirum graciliani . . . (the last word over a partial erasure) A. Urbe Falari passio Graciliani U. 1. 17. Ethelwold. Edwoldi A. Add. 1. 3. Ewletkery. Eleutherius. R. (March 15). Aug 13. 1, 4. xviij. decem et nouem. A. U. 1. 6. At forcill. forcille A. Forosillae U. Apud Forum Syllae R. At end A. adds in later hand : Ipso die : sancti laudulphi. Aug. 14. At end A. adds i n a later hand: In affrica : sancti demetrii. Aug. 1 6. 1. 2. Vrsacy. Ursacii A. Ursatii. U. Arsacii R. 1. 3. Ludane. licinio A. U. R. 1.5. At metes y e feest of sayt Arnuf. Apud ciuitatem metensium sancti arnulphi A. Arnulphi U. At end A. adds in a later hand : Lugduni gallic : beati rochi confessoris. Aug. 17. 1. 2. Seuy. seruii A. Sefvii U. 1. 7. Valeriane. ualeriano A. Aureliano U. R. Aug. 1 8. 1. i. At preuestyn. Apud prenestinam ciuitatem A. U. 1. 4. Valeriane. aurelii A. Aureliani R. Aug. 19. saynt Magnus V saynt Andrewe. Natalis sancti magni et sancti andree. A. sancti Magni seu sancti Andreae. Ado. Aug. 20. 1. 5. In the yle of nere. Nerio insula A. Herio insula U. Du Saussay Mart. Gall. i. 534. Noirmoutier. Aug. 22. 1. 6. In agate of rome. In poftu urbis rome. A. In portu Romano U. 1. 7. Epute. epictei A. Epicteti. Ado. U. R. Aug. 23. 1. 3. In lice at egea. Apud liciam ciuitate egea A. Apud Ly- ciam civitate ^Egaea U. ^Egaeae in Cilicia R. 1. 4. Austere, asterii. A. U. 1. 6. In a gate of rome. In portu urbis rome. A. U. 1. 7. Akchyl. archillai A. (over an erasure). Ado. U. 1. 10. Theon. thione A. Theonae U. Add. 1. i o. no thyng is more peryllous vnto a religyous persone than to kepe preuy from his soueraynehisdedesorthoughtes. At Syon the abbess is frequently spoken of as the sovereign, as in the following extract from the Additions to the Rule of St. Saviour and St. Bridget : " None therfor schal use presumptuously to laughe ouer much or oute of inesure dissolutly, but whan the souereyne, or any of the elder sustres begyn to laughe upon any other suster or sustres by wey of recreation, curtesy, wylle, and very loue and charity, that they smyle or laughe agene soberly." (Aungier's History of Syon Monastery, 1840, p. 299.) MARTILO. P 226 NOTES. Aug. 24. At end A. adds in later hand ; In scocia : sancte Ebbe abba- tisse. Aug. 25. 1. 3. hanged on gybettes. in equuleum leuati. A. U. 1. 7. Denyse. genesii A. Ado. U. R. 1. 16. ytalyke. Italica, the site of which, five miles from Seville, is now occupied by the poor village of Santi Ponce, which appears to derive its name from a corruption of San Gerontio. Aug. 26. 1. 8. lemonicens. lemonicensi or lemouicensi A. ' In territorio Lemovicensi sancti Aredii presbiteri ' is the reading of some MSS. of Usuard, instead of ' Antisiodoro, Eleuterii Episcopi ' which is the usual reading of the last clause. 1. 8. Arecly. aredii A. Aug. 27. 1. 15. Fiagry. fiagrii A. Siagrii. Ado. U. R. Aug. 28. 1. 13. ticyne. papiam A. (over an erasure). Ticinum U. 1.14. Julian, uiuiani A. (over an erasure). Bibiani. Ado. Vibiani. U. Viuiani R. Aug. 29. 1. 12. Meryke. mederici A. U. Aug. 30. 1. 5. Adauct. Huius nomen ignorantes christiani. adauctum eum appellauerunt : eo quod sancto felici auctus sit ad coronam. A. Aug. 31. 1. 4. infryselond. Apud frigiam. A. U. 1. 9. Eilady. euadii A. Elladii U-Auct. 1. 10. Glastingehs. glastingensis A. Cf. The Leofric Missal (Ed. F. E. Warren), where the Kalendar on August 31 has : In glas- tonia sci. aidani episc. The relics of St. Aidan had been brought to Glastonbury. 1. n. Curtbert. cuthbertus A. At the end of A. a later hand has added : In cancia : sancte eanswide virginis. Sept. i. Add. The names of the Judges are found with similar spelling in Cat, Sana, viii, 1-14, as well as in MSS. and early printed editions of the Vulgate. Sept. 4. 1. 2. In galace at auchyre. apud anchiram galacie. A. Apud Anciram Galatiae U. Sept. 5. 1. 8. In a gate of rome. rome in portu A. U. Add. 1. 5. Gondegrand. Ciuitate Sais sancti Godegranni episcopi et martyris. U-Auct. Ciuitate Sagiensi sancti Godegrandi episcopi et martyris. U-Auct. (Sept. 3). Sept. 6. 1. 10. Cokey dy. coccidi A. Cottidi U. R. Add. 1. 6. Maculyne. Maculini C. Meic cuilinn D. Sept. 7. 1. 8. Eurcy. eurcii A. Euurtii U. Euortii R. NOTES. 227 Add. 1. i. One of y e feestes also of saynt Dustane. The compiler of the " addicyons " has followed Cat. Sanct. viii, 49, in which the day of the death of St. Dunstan is wrongly given as vii. Id. Sept. According to Florence of Worcester (Chronicon. ed. Thorpe, i. p. 148) St. Dunstan died on xiv Kal. Junii (May 19) A.D. 988, and he is commemorated on this day in the Sarum, York, Hereford, and other English Calendars, and also in the Martiloge. Add. 1. 2. At dur ham f feest of saynt Alkude. Alhmundus, bishop of Hexham, died Sept. 7. A.D. 779 (Chron. Flor. Wigorn. ed. Thorpe, i, 59). Sept. 8. 1. ii. Faustyne. faustini A. Fausti. U. R. Sept. 9. 1. 14. Querany. querani A. Kyrani. Aberd. Ciarani D. 1. 15. Modwen. modowenne A. Add. 1. ii. Wolsyld. Wulfhilda. Add. 1. 12. horton. Horton in Dorset, about 6 miles N. of Wim- borne. The dedication of Horton Church preserves the name of St. Wolfride or Wulfhild. Sept. 10. 1. 14. Brydhestane. brydhestani A. The Winchester Calendar printed in Hampson's Medii dLvi Kalendarium from Cottonian MS. Vitell. E xviii. has on Sept. 10 : sancti Fridestani episcopi. In the Chronicle of Florence of Worcester (ed. Thorpe p. 131) we read of : " Vir eximiae sanctitatis Frithestanus Wintoniensis episcopus." who resigned his bishoprick and died in 733. 1. 15. Denyse. demesii A. Demetrii U-Auct. 1. 17. Adelwold. ethelwoldi A. Add. 1 6. Hereodarde. Theodardi martiris episcopi Tungrensis U-Auct. Leodii in Belgia sancti Theodardi episcopi et martyris. R. Sept. ii. 1. 6. At tarente y e feest of sayt Peter archebisshop of y e same. Tharentensis archiepiscopi A. It is not easy to identify this St. Peter, unless the notice is intended for St. Peter archbishop of Tarentaise, d. 1171, canonized in 1191, who is com memorated on 22 Jun. Add. 1. 5, and also on 18 Oct. Add. 1. 2. He is placed in Cat. Sanct. among the saints whose day is not known. Gams gives Sept. 14 as the day of his death, and May 10 as the day of his canonization. (Series Episcoporum, Ratisbonse, 1873, p. 829.) Sept. 13. Add. 1. i. Ligour. Sancti Ligorii martiris. Qui in Grecise partibus ob Christi nomen occisus postmodum Venetias translates est. Cum vero dies passionis ejus ignoretur, ipse per visum hunc diem designavit. U-Auct. Add. 1. 3. Maximy. In territorio Boloniensi, sancti Maximi Regensis episcopi. U-Auct. Sept. 15. 1. 10. At carneto f feest of saynt Leopite. karneto sancti leopiti A Sancti Leobini episcopi carnutensis R. ' Carnoto sancti Leobini episcopi U. Add. 1. i. Ay card. Aichadri. U-Auct. P 2 226 NOTES. Sept. 16. 1. 14. At Winchester, wyltonie. A. Wilton, near Salisbury. Add. 1. i. Mynyane. for Ninian. In Scocia Sancti Niniani epis- copi et confessoris sepultus apud cathedrale cenobium Candide case. Aberd. Sept. 17. 1. 5. Crescenciane. crescencionis A. Crescentionis U. Add, 1. 3 Tharrasy. Tarrasis confessoris, cujus corpus juxta Con- stantinopolim in spelunca reperto in urbem prinium regiam deinde Venetias translatum, in monasterio beati zacharige quiescit. U-Auct. Pilgrims passing through Venice were shewn many relics in the church of San Zacharia. Amongst others we find : Item sotto la confessione della detta chiesia repossa el corpo de s. Tharaso eremi. portado dale parte de Romania (Viaggio da Venetia al santo Sepulchro, Venetia, 1524). Sept. 1 8. 1. 2. olympyle : olimpii licie A. (the first word over an erasure). Olimpi Licise U. Add. 1. 5. Stephane. Stephana, quse Latine dicitur Corona. U- Aucc. Sept. 19. 1.5. in the cite of pluteolane. in ciuitate pluteonana A. Puteo- lana U. 1. 10. Signy. signi A. Sequani. U. Sigonis seu Signi. U-Auct. At end A. adds in a later hand : In cancia : sancti theodori archiepiscopi. Sept. 20. 1. 8. Infryselonde. In frigia A. InPhrigiaU. In Phrygia. R. Sept. 21. 1. 5. In the village of claw de. uia claudia A. U. Add. 1. i. Ephigene. Epigenia. U-Auct. Sept. 22. 1. 6. Hamptran. hamptranniA. Emmerammi U. Add. 1. 7. Sanctyny. Sanctini episcopi Meldensis U-Auct. Cf. Cat. Sanct. viii. 108. Sept. 23. 1. 13. Lybery a bysshop. liberii pape et confessoris A. (over an erasure). Romae sancti Liberii episcopi. U-Auct Romae de- positio sancti Liberi episcopi. ( Vetustius Martyrologium D. Hieronymo tributum. Lucae, 1668, p. 852.) Sept. 24. Add. 1. 5. Solempny. Item Blesis sancti Solennis. U-Auct. (Sept. 25). Sept. 25. 1. 6. Rictiouare. ricciouaro A. Rictiovaro U. 1. 7. saynt Lupe a bysshop V an ancre. sancti lupi episcopi ex ana- coreta A. (over an erasure). U, 1. re. Annary. Anuarii A. (over an erasure). Aunarii U. R. 1564. Anacharii R. Add. 1. 2. Golfryde, i.e. Ceolfrid, Abbot of St. Paul's, Jarrow. Add. 1. 3. Resigned his rome and went to rome. Richard Whytford has here (perhaps unconsciously) lapsed into a pun and antici- pated Shakespeare's play with the same word : " Now is it Rome indeed and room enough." {Julius Ccesar, I, 2.) NOTES. 229 A similar use of the word rome for an office has already oc- curred at Sept. 13: " Saynt Phylyp . . . a noble man and a capytayne of the cite/ which rome and all the worlde he forsoke for Chryst." Sept. 26. 1. 8. At albane. Albanum, probably Albano near Rome, but according to Du Saussay (Mart. Gall, ii, 1173) a place bearing the same name near Narbonne. Add. 1. i. Colmauell, i.e. Colmanel or Colman Elo, mentioned in the Life of St. Columba. In Ybernia sancti Colmani confesses is viri Dei inter suos diuinis scripturis eruditissimi. Aberd. Sept. 27. 1. 7. Antymy. autimus A. Anthymus U. 1. 10. At the castell of per sew don. Castro perseudono A. Castro Pseuduno U. See Notes to editions of Ado and Usuard. Sept. 28. 1. 5. At iane. ciuitate ianuis A. U. Genoa. 1. 5. Salomon salonis A. U. Add. 1. i. Saynt Olaty, i.e., St. Olave, who, however, is com- memorated in the Aberdeen Breviary on March 30 and July 29. Add. 1. 7. saynt Fors. Forseus (Cat. Sanct. viii, 126). The story is told in Caxton's Golden Legende (of the Lyfe of seint Forsyn). Add. 1. 15. saynt wyncesse duke of beame. Apud Pragam civitatem Bohemias natale sancti Wenceslai ducis et martiris U-Auct. Vinceslaus dux boemiorum. Cat. Sanct. viii, 127. Sept. 29. 1. 5. Plant. Planti A. Plauti. R. Sept. 30. 1. 2. Salodour. salodoro A. Solodoro U. R. Soleure. Oct. i.l. 2. Arthy. arethe A. Arethae U. Aretse R. 1. 5. in the prouynce of lusitame. apud prouinciam lusitanam A. Lusitaniam U. 1 5. olisepon. olisepona A. U. Lisbon. 1. 7. Plato, piatonis A. (over an erasure). U. 1. 12. In the grand port. In portu granda. A. for : In portu ganda. (Ghent.) Oct. 3. 1. 10. at the capped bere. ad ursum pilleatum A, U. Oct. 4. Add. 1. i. Aniane. Anianus. Cat. Sanct. ix, 19. 1. 9. Petrony bysshop of bonony. Petronius episcopus bononie. Cat. Sanct. ix, 20. 1. 12. Amt/ieaiid Amyke. Amelius et amicus. Cat. Sanct. ix, 21, Oct. 5. At end A. adds in a later hand : Rome : sancte babille virginis. Add. 1. i. Gale. Gal la, U-Auct. Oct. 6. 1. 2. Saturne. saturnini A. U. 1. 3. Sagary. beati sagaris martiris. et episcopi laodicensis. A. U. 230 NOTES. Oct. 7. 1. 7. In the prouince of auguste at eufratesi. Apud prouinciam que nuncupatur augusta eufratesia. A. U. 1.15. The canonizacyon also of our holy moder sayt Birgit. A. omits. Oct. 8. 1. 3. thessoloniey for thessalonicy. apud thessalonicam A. U. 1. 8. Yue. iui A. Two Winchester Calendars printed in Hampson's Medii jEvi Kalendarium (pp. 431, 444) have on this day : Sancti Iwigii confessoris. Add. 1. 27. saynt Keyna called also saynt Keynwir. "Ob hoc enim que priiis keyna vocabatur postea britannice keynwiri id est keyn virgo dicta est." Nova Legenda Anglie, 1516, fo. cciv. b. According to the Legend the place to which S. Keyna went was beyond the Severn (vltra sabrinam), and when she first asked for it the king of the country refused her petition because the spot was full of serpents. She, however, persisted in her request and obtained it ; and then the story goes on : " Concesso igitur virgini loco ad solitas preces se prostrauit et omnia ilia mox genimina viperarum mortificata in lapidum duritiem commutauit. Lapides enim usque hodie imaginem serpentinam exprimunt per campos et vrcos quasi arte lathomi sculpterentur." The like account is given of the origin of the ammonites, which are plentiful in the cliffs of Whitby, where the miracle is attributed to St. Hilda. 1. 28. saynt Breghan. braghanus. N. L. A. Oct. 9. 1. 7. At iule. Apud iuliam uia claudia A. U. Add. 1. i. saynt Aymon. Author of Summa de Vitiis et Virtutibus. The account of him is from Cat. Sanct. xi, 108. Oct. n. 1.2. drily e. cilicie A. CiliciaeU. 1. 10. Canu~ke. camichi. A. Cainichi U. Cainnich D. Ken- neth. 1. 10. At vrs. urcia A. Civitate Uzetia U. Uzes near Nimes. Uzetia has also been identified with the place of the same name in Africa. Editions of Martyrologium Romanum of Gregory XIII read : Uzeciae in Africa. But those, subsequent to the revision of Clement X, read : Ucetiae in Gallia Narbonensi. 1. 13. Melan. melani A. ^Emiliani U-Auct. (some MSS. read melani). Oct. 13. 1. 5. ouer teeth, dentes superioresA. 1. 9. Wynance. venancii A (over an erasure). U. Oct. 14. 1. 5. cast downe hedlongefrom the hyghest toure ofy e same prison. per fenestram domus in qua custodiebatur precipitatus. A. 1.6. Attubertyn. Ciuitate tudertina A. Tudertum, Todi. Oct. 15. 1. 5. saynt Vlfran an archebysshop. Cf. March 20. S l Wul- fran, archbishop of Sens, resigned his office and died a monk at Fontanelle, March 20. A.D. 720. (Surius, De Vitis Sanctorum, Venetiis, 1581, torn, ii, fo. 91 b.) NOTES. 231 Oct. 1 6. 1. 9. vnto the tayles of cartes, post terga currencium quadri- garum A. U. 1. 14. In suenuy. In suevia A. Swabia. Oct. 1 8. 1. 5. Esclepiady. asclepiadis A. U. 1. 9. lustyniane. A. and other martyrologies omit. Add. 1. 2. At Taren fastens . . . saynt Peter. St. Peter of Tarentaise is placed by Peter de Natalibus (Cat. Sanct. xi, 119) amongst the saints 'quorum certa dies celebrationis ignoratur.' He is also noticed in this Martiloge on June 22 Add. and perhaps on Sept. n. 1. 3. vnto lausemy. lansernia. Cat. Sanct. xi, 119. Oct. 19. 1. 5. Tholony. tholomei A. Ptolomei. U. Add. 1. i. Ethebyne. Ethbini U-Auct. Oct. 20. 1. 8. Astrobert. austroberte A. 1. 12. The dedicacyon of the chirche of syon. A. over an erasure: Ipso die festum canonisacionis sancte Birgitte. The Martiloge in English commemorates this canonization on Oct. 7, as do also the two calendars of A. On Oct. 20 the first calendar has : Festum Dedicacionis Ec- clesie de Syon a x 1 1588 (in a later hand) and the second calendar which has the notices of obits : Dedicacio monasterii de Syon. a x l 1488. Oct. 22. 1. 8. Mimilon. numilionis A. over an erasure, (originally : mimilonis?) Nunilonis U. R. Milonis. Ado (Add.). Oct. 23. 1. ii. Elflede apparently St. Elflede, abbess of Romsey, noticed also on Oct. 29 Add. Oct. 24. 1. i. In napules at venyse. In venisia ciuitate apulie A. In Vesusia civitate Apuliae U. Venosa. Add. Li. In englonde the feest of saynt Maglour. Cf. Vita de sancti Maglorii secundi episcopi Dolensis in Britannia minori. (Surius, De Vitis Sanctorum^ Venetiis 1581, torn. v. fo. 330.) Oct. 25. 1. 19. y feest of saynt lohn beuerlake. translacib. A. Oct. 27.1. 3. Aristea. Cristine A. (over an erasure). Cristetae U. Oct. 28.1. 9. Pharao. pharaonis A. (over an erasure). Faronis U. Oct. 29. Add. 1 i. Elflede. Cf. Oct. 23. 1. TI. Oct. 30. 1. 2. xxx martyrs, viginti A. U. 1. 3. Agricolane. agricolao A. Agricolano. U. Oct. 31. 1. 7. vermendens. viromandensi. A. (over an erasure). Vir- mandensi. U. 232 NOTES. Nov. 2. 1. 2. Pitabion. pitabionensis. A. Ado. U. Pictauiensis R. The reading of the Roman Marty rology appears to be a conjectu- ral attempt to explain a name which cannot be identified with certainty. 1. TO. At laudice. apud laodiciam A. "U. 1. 10. Theodour. theodoti A. U. R. Add. 1. 1 6. Malachy. Cf. Nov. 5. 1. 7. Nov. 3. 1. 3. Sesary. cesarii A. U. 1. 8. Hukbert. huberti A. (over an erasure) Huberti U-Auct. 1. 9. carboyle. carboilum A. Corboilum TJ-Auct. 1. 9. Gwenady. guenadi A. Guinardi. Guinaldi. U-Auct. Nov. 4. 1. 5. vilcasyne. vulcasino A. Vilcasino U. 1. 7. Brinstane. St. Birstan, bishop of Winchester, d. 934. Add. 1. 2. orchester. Orchestria N.L.A. It is not easy to identify Orchester. The suggested substitution of Rochester is a mere guess. Nov. 5. 1. 7. saynt Malachy, archbishop of Armagh, died at Clairvaux, on the nones of November (Cat. Sanct. x, 27), but according to some on Nov. 2, on which day he is noticed in the Addicyons of R. Whytford. Nov. 6. 1. 6. In fryselonde. In frigia A. U. 1. 6. Actike. attici A. U. Nov. 7. 1. 6. At abbiens. apud albigensem urbem. A. (altered from abbigensem). U. Nov. 8. 1. 2. A. adds in a later hand simphoriani. castorii. et simp- licii. which are also in U. 1. 6. Capafore. Carpofori A. U. Carpophori R. Nov. 9. 1. 10. saynt Theodour bysshop of lyons. The last three words have no counterpart in A. or U. Nov. 10. 1. 10. sajt lust archebysshop of Yorke. dorobernensis archiepis- copi A. The translator has failed to recognize Canterbury under the form Dorobernia, and has apparently confused Dorc- bernensis with Eboracensis. Cf. Notes, Feb. 2. Nov. ii. 1. 4. In fryselonde at sythe. In scithia metropoli frigie salu- tarie. A. U. Cotysei in Phrygia. R. Nov. 12. 1 4. At agryppe. Ciuitate agrippinensi. A. Coloniae R. 1. 5. Cubert. cumberti A. Cuniberti U. R. 1. 6. Aty e casteil of mehdune. In oppido Milleduno U. Melunon the Seine. 1. 7. Leo a cofessour. alias Leonius, as in the metrical Marty rology of Wandalbertus : '" Leonium Sequanae recolunt quoque littora sanctum." (D'Achery, Spicilegium, 1723, torn, ii, p. 55.) NOTES. 233 Add. 1. 2. of Salomon and of his sone Jeroboam. The compiler of the Addicyons is responsible for this relationship. The account of Ahijah (Ahias) is probably taken from Cat. Sanct. x. 51, where, however, we find : hieroboam seruus salomonis. Nov. 13. 1. 3. Demetry. demetrii A. Mitrii. Ado U. R. Nov. 14. Add. 1. 8. one of the xiiij. petitioners. This expression is not found in Cat. Sanct. x. 61, from which the rest of the account of St. Veneranda is taken. It recalls the quatuordecim auxiliatores of German hagiology, but St Veneranda is not found in the enumeration of their names in Hortulus anime, Nurenberge, 1519, fo. cvii. b. Nov. 1 6. 1. 2. Ewthere. eucherii A. U. Nov. 17. 1. 4. Acyldy. aciseli A. (over an erasure). Aciscli. U. Cf. "Corduba Acisclum dabit," Prudentius Peristephanon, Hymn, iv. 19. 1. 9. Gergery for Gregory. Add. 1. i. In yrelond the feest of saynt Hylde. In Anglia, sanctse Hildas abbatissae, quam omnes qui noverant, ut Beda testatur libro iv, ob insigne pietatis et gratise, matrem vocare consueverant. U-Auct. St. Hilda of Whitby is commemorated on this day in the Calendar of the Westminster Missal and in a Durham Calendar [Br. Mus. Harl. MS. 1804], but in the York Calendars on Aug. 25. Nov. 1 8. 1. ii. of whome was redde yesterday e. A. om. Add. 1. 4. Gelagy for Gelasy (Gelasius I). Add. 1. 9. At lucane y e feest of saynt Phridiane. Lucas in Tuscia translatio sancti Frigdiani episcopi et confessoris. R. This is the Irish St. Finnian, known in Lucca as San Frediano. Add. 1. ii. the flode that was lyke to have drowned the cite. The subject of San Frediano turning the course of the river Serchio has been painted by Filippo Lippi and other Italian artists. See illustrations in Miss Stokes' Six months in the Apennines, 1892, pp. 41, 80. Nov. 19. 1. 4. Pociane. Ponciani A. 1. 5. At agens. Ciuitate astiagensi. A. U. Astiagis, now Ecija in Andalusia, ib. Crispyne. Cipriani A. Crispini U. The Latin text (A.) is here in error. The translator must have had before him a text with the usual reading Crispini. St. Crispin is said to have been the first bishop of Ecija.. Add. 1. i. Elizabeth already mentioned in the previous line. Nov. 20. 1. 7. Syluere. siluestri. A. U. R. 1. 10. Salutary, solutoris. A. U. R. Nov. 22. 1. 4. Marke. marri aurelii A. 1. 8. Pragmas, pragmacii A. Pragmatii U. 234 NOTES. Nov. 23. 1. 7. In the fraunchest of hyspane. In pago haspanio A. Hasbanio U. Nov. 25. 1. 4. ley fee a misprint for ley tee. Nov. 26. 1. 3. in vaticanes street, in vaticano A. U. Nov. 28. 1. 2. Sostones. sostenis A. (over an erasure) sostenes H. U. Sosthenis R. Nov. 30. 1. 6. Trophiane. traiani A. troiani H. U. R. Dec. i. 1. 4. Numerary. numerario A. Numeriano U. Dec. 4. It is strange that a Martiloge claiming be " after the vse of the chirche of Salisbury :; should omit St. Osmund. A. adds in a later hand : Item in anglia. deposicio sancti osmundi episcopi sarisburiensis. On July 1 6 the Translation of St. Osmund has been similarly omitted in the Martiloge, although a later hand has added it to A. Dec. 5. 1. 6. Niceny. nicecii A. H. U. Add. 1. 6. saynt lustiniane a bysshop J martyr. The story agrees in most particulars with that of St. Justinian, hermit of Ramsey Island, near St. Davids. Dec. 6. 1. 9. Cercy. tercii A. H. U. Dec. 7. 1. 3. The translator has here somewhat departed from his original : Qui cum militaris esset. et prohiberet quosdam volentes illudere mortuis cadaueribus martirum. A. 1. 7. In the fraunchest of meldinens. In pago meldicensi. A. H. U. Dec. 8. 1. 8. In thefrauchestofdymens in territorio dunensi. A. (H. om.). Diviniensi. U-Auct. Dijon. Dec. 9. 1. 2. by Decius the presy dent of spayne. a prefecto hispaniarum daciano. A. U. Dec. 10. 1. i. At hyspolitane the feest of saynt Capofory Apud ciuitatem hispolhanam : sanctorum martirum carpofori presbiteri. et habundii diaconi. A. U. Dec. ii. 1. 4. Atbeame. Ciuitate ambianis A. H. U. Amiens. 1. 5. Fustinian. fustiani A. fusciani H. U. 1. 6. iuce of herbes with vynegre *t peper blowen in to theyr eares and nosethrylles. In horurn naribus et auribus iussit index tarincas inmitti. A. " Tarincae, Sudes ferreae." (Du Cange, Glossarium Media et Infimae Latinitatis.) Dec. 12. 1. 6. The translator has omitted In alexandria : sanctorum martyrum epimachi et alexandri. A. U. Add. 1. i. Ewstrace. eustratius. Cat. Sanct. i, 61. 1. 3. satale. satalia. Cat. Sanct. I. c. \. 6. auare. civitas auraricenorum. Cat. Sanct. 1. <;* 1. ii. Fynany. Finnani. Aberd. NOTES. ,235 Dec. 14. 1. 5. vnto exyle. per metalla A. U. Dec. 15. 1. 8. Maximyne. maximi A. H. maximini U. Dec. 1 6. 1. 10. Vanaly. naualis A. H. R. Dec. 1 8. 1. 6. Canciane. graciani A. H. Gatiani U. R. Add. 1. 3. he ordeyned a feest of her to be kept in his chirche before Chrystmas. Reference is here made to Expectatio Beatae Mariae, observed in Spain, Dec. 18. Cf. Cat. Sanct. i, 76. Dec. 20. 1. 2. lugeny. ingenii A. H. U. 1. 3. Theophyly. theophoti A. theophili H. U. 1. 5. In trace at gelduba. In tracia ciuitate gelduba. A. U. Du Saussay (Mart. Gall, ii, p. 1204) and others consider that Usuard has wrongly placed Gelduba in Thrace, and identify it with Geldub on the Rhine below Coin. Dec. 21. 1. 5. The feest also of saynt Ewyne a quene. Ipso die sancte eluine regine. A. (H. omits). On May i8th, Eluina (' Elene ') appears to represent St. Elgiva of Shaftesbury. 1. 6. In englonde within the frauchest of oxfordj at betony the deposicyon af saynt Berenwald preest 7 martyr. In britannia territorio oxoniensi vico bentone : deposicio sancti berenwaldi presbiteri et martiris. A. (H. omits). In Leland's Collectanea (Hearne's Ed. 1770) vol. Ill, p. 408, there is an extract " E. libello de Locis, quibus S. in Anglia requiescunt," in the course of which we find " S. Brenwaldus apud Bamptonam." Betony (Bentona) may therefore be probably identified with Bampton, Oxon. Nothing further seems to be known of Berenwald. For the reference to Leland we are indebted to Mr. James Parker of Oxford. Dec. 22. 1. 2. xx. triginta A. U. 1. 4. Chiridon. chiridionis A. Ischyrionis Ado. Chaeremonis R. 1. 7. H. has : ciuitate hostia sanctorum demetrii honorati et flori. Ciuitate antiochia sancti basilii. 1. 8. Dew trey, demetrii A. H. U. 1. 9. Theosie. theodosie A. (H. omits). U-Auct. Dec. 23. 1. 13. after martyrs A. adds in a later hand : Parisius dedicacio basilice in honore sancte crucis et sancti vincencii. 1. 13. The deposicyon also of saynt Gyldebert a kynge. et deposicio domini childeberti regis A. Dec. 24. 1. 3. in the persecucyon of the emperour Daciane. sub deciana persecucione A. 1. 6. Diocletian, diocliciani et maximiani. A. U. 1. 7. specyally in his knees with botkyns. cardis ferreis in genibus percussus. A. Dec. 25. 1. 8. a notable date amonge the iewes called olympiades. The attempt of the translator to explain the word olympiad is rather unfortunate. 236 NOTES. Dec. 28. At end A. adds in a later hand In affrica : sanctorum victoris. castoris. et rogaciani, Dec. 29. 1. 3. Trophyne. trophimi A. U. 1. 7. In the fraiichest of oxforde. In pago oximensi A. (over an erasure) U. oxiniensi H. Oximum or Oximae, now Exmes in Normandy, the district round which is known as L'Exmesin. It is strange to find the passion of St. Thomas of Canterbury omitted from a Martiloge which claims to be " after the vse of the chirche of Salysbury " and relegated to the Addicyons. The omission was probably accidental, for the octave of the festival is given in the usual place on Jan. 5. In A. the entry was care- fully scraped out in the time of Henry VIII, but was reinserted apparently in the time of Queen Mary. It now runs : Cantuarie passio sancti thome archiepiscopi et martiris. Qui ob defensionem libertatis ecclesiastice in cathedrali ecclesia gladio percussus migrauit ad christum. In H. there is a long eulogy of St. Thomas, which has escaped mutilation, although in the same book the ^NQ^ papa has always been carefully erased. The account is as follows : Item inbritannia ciuitate cantuariensi/ passio beati thome archi- episcopi. qui cum pro libertate ecclesie dei fideliter decertaret/ diutinum exilium in cilicio uigiliis et ieiuniis deuota mente sustinuit. Postmodum paciendi desiderio et amore ouium ad sedem propriam rediens non multum post quattuor militum armatorum temulenta inuasione cum fratres vespertinos ymnos psallerent/ ceruicis et corone diminucione et cerebro cum ense extracto. hostiam deo in ecclesia placentem obtulit. signis et uirtutibus clarus. (Cf. Appendix, p. 291.) Dec. 30. 1. 5. many varyaut Y cruell turmentes. This is a condensed account of details given in A. Add 1. i. Ewgyne, Egwin, bishop of Worcester, d. 717. Add 1. 6. bysshop of canens. episcopus cannensis, que ciuitas est apulie (Cat. Sanct. ii. 20). Dec. 31. 1. 7. Colubyne. columbe A. (corrected from columbine). H. U. INDEX NOMINVM SANCTORVM A CHRISTOPHORO WORDSWORTH. A.M. ORDINATVS. %* In cases where the saints-names as given by Whytford are incorrectly or unusually written, it has been thought desirable to give cross-references to the more ordinary forms as they appear in the index to the " Vetus Romanum Marlyrologium a Baronio desideratum" This, together with the Martyrology and Festivals of Ado bishop of Vienne, was provided with an index by Heribert Rosweyd, S.J., of Utrecht in the folio Martyrologium Romanum which issued from the Plantin press at Antwerp in 1613. Aureola. C. = Confessor. M., MM., = martyr, martyres. Conditio. Ap. = Apostolus. Pr. = Presbyter. Conditio. R. = Rex aut Regina. V. = Virgo. Diac. = diaconus. Ep. = Episcopus. Add. = Whytford's ' Addicyons ' ; al. = alias ; v. = vide. Aaron, sacerdos ordinis Levitici, [C.], in Monte Hor, I Jul. Aaron, cum S. Albano, in Brit, I Jul. Add. Abacuc, nobilis, M. Romse, 20 Jan. Abacuc, v. Habacuc. Abbane (vocatus 'Kyryne'), 16 Mar. Add. Abbany, films regis Hibernise, 27 Oct. Add. Abbas quidam in monasterio S. Petri Prse- nestinensis, 19 Jul. Add. Abdella, senex M., in Perside, 21 Apr. Abdias, Ep. C., Babylonioe, 28 Oct. Add. Abdias, propheta, 24 Dec. Add. Abdon, judex, i Sep. Add. Abdon, subregulus M. Romse, 30 Jul. Abel, 23 Jan. Add. Abesan, judex, i Sep. Add. Abgarus, R. C.. Edessse, 20 Jun. Add. Abibon, ejus Inventio, Hierosol, 3 Aug. Abilius, Ep. , Alexandria?, 22 Feb. Abraham, patriarcha, pater omnium cre- dentium, 9 Oct. Abraham, 5 Feb. Add. Absolon, M. (al. C.) Caesareoe in Cappa- docia, 2 Mar. Abundance, Alexandrine, 27 Feb. Abundius (' Habund '), M. Romse, 26 Aug. Abundius, Diac. M., Spoleti ('at Hyspoli- tane ')> 10 Dec. Abundus, v. Habundus. 8 Jun. Acacius, miles, Alexandria, 22 Jun. Add. Acatius ('Acute'), M., Puteolis, 19 Sep. Acepsimas, Ep. M., in Perside, 22 Apr. Achaicus, Thessalonicae, 30 Mar. Achias, propheta, 12 Nov. Add. Achilleas, Ep., Alexandrise, 7 Nov. Achilleus, diac. M., Valentiae in Galliis, 23 Apr. Achilleus, eunuchus M. Romse, 12 Mai. Achilleus (' Akchyl '), v. Archilaus, in Portu Romano, 23 Aug. Acisclus (' Acyldy'), M., Cordubse, 17 Nov. (' Acisolenus ' app. in Adonis Martyrol., 18 Nov.), al. Ascisclus. Acontius, Romse, 21 Jul. Add. Actike, in Fryselond, v. Atticus. Acute, v. Acatius. Acyldy, v. Acisclus. 238 INDEX SANCTORUM. Adam (secundum quosdam), 23 Jan. Add. Adaucte, 16 Feb. Add. Adauctus, M. Romae, 30 Aug. Adelbert, v. Ethelbertus, R.C., 24 Feb. Adelbertus, R.M., in Brit, 20 Mai. Adelbertus, Ep. Pragensis, M. in Prusia (' at Bruce '), 23 Apr. ; item 25 Apr. Add. Adelwoldus, Ep. C., in Anglia, 10 Sep. Adelwoldus, eius Translatio, Wintonise, I Aug. Adiute, Abbas, 27 Jan. Add. Adjutus, v. Avitus, Ep. C. Adrian, M., 4 Mar. Add. Adrianus, Cantuar. abbas, 9 Jan. Add. Adrianus I, papa, 8 Sep. Add. Adrianus, M. v. Hadrianus. Adrianus, C., 13 Oct. Adulph, v. Odulphus. Adulphus, M., Cordubse, 27 Sep. Adventor, miles Thebanae legionis, M. Taurini, 20 Nov. Adventus Saluatoris nostri J.C. 30 Nov. Add. Aegidius, abbas C., Athenis, al. in prov. Narbonensi, I Sep. Aemilianus, M., in Armenia minore, 8 Feb. Aemiiianus, C., Dorostori, 18 Jul. Aemilianus ('Emilian'), miles M., Cirthae in Numidia, 29 Apr. Aemilianus, Diaconus, M., Cordubae, 17 Sep. Aemilianus (' Melan '), C. apud Rhedones, ii Oct. Aemilianus, Pr. C., Turiasone in Hispania Tarraconensi, 12 Nov. Aemilianus, medicus C., in Africa, 6 Dec. Aemilius, M., in Africa, 22 Mai. Aemilius, M., in Sardinia, 28 Mai. Aemilius, M., Capuae, 6 Oct. Aetherius ('Ewthery'), Ep. C., Antisi- odori, 27 Jul. Afra, M. Augustse Vindelicorum in Rhaetia, 5 Aug. (9 Oct. append, in Adon. ) Affrodose, v. Aphrodisius, M. Affrodose, v. Epaphroditus, Ep. C. , 'at Septimane in Bytern,' 22 Mar. Agabite, 20 Mai. Add. Agabus, proph. apud Antiochiam, 13 Feb. Agapa, M., 5 Aug. Add. Agapes, V. M., Interamnse, 15 Feb. Agapes, V.M., Thessalonicae, 3 Apr. Agapitus, Ep., Synnadae in Phrygia, 24 Mar. Agapitus, diac. M. Romae, Aug. Agapitus, M. Praeneste, 18 Aug. Agapitus, I., papa, 22 Apr. Add. Agapitus, consul, M., 26 Mai. Add. Agapitus, nobilis, M, 26 Mai. Add. Agapitus, papa, M., Romae, 20 Sep. Add. Agapius, M., 28 Apr. Agapius, films S. Eustachii, M., Romae, 2 Nov. Agapius ('Agapite'), Ep. M., Cirthae in Numidia, 29 Apr. Agapy, Ep., 21 Jan. Add. Agatha (' Agas '), Y. M., Catanae in Sicilia, 5 Feb. Agathe, cum Gorgonio et Firmo, M., 10 Mar. Agatho, exorcistaM., Alexandriae, 14 Feb. Agatbo, miles M., Alexandriae, 7 Dec. Agathon, abbas, 7 Dec. Add. Agathonica, M., apud Pergamum Asiae, 13 Apr. Aggaeus, M., Bononiae, 4 Jan. Aggaeus, propheta, 4 Jul. Add. Agily, C. in pago Meldensi, 30 Aug. Agilbertus (' Gylbert'), M., in territorio Parisiensi, 24 Jan. Agnellus, abbas, 14 Dec. Add. Agnes, V. M. Romae, 21 Jan. Agnes, 2do. Romae, 28 Jan. Agyl, v. Augulus. Agoardus, M., Parisiis, 24 Jun. Agricola, M. Bononice in Italia, 27 Nov. Agricola, cum Valentino et Navali, M., Ravennse, 16 Dec. Agricola, M.,4 Nov. Add. Agryke, abbas, II Apr. Add. Agryppe, cognomine Castor, 12 Apr. Add. Agyly, abbas, I Sep. Add. Aidanus, Ep. Lindisfarn., C., Glastoniae in Brit., 31 Aug. Akchyl, v. Archelaus. Akke (Acca), Ep., 20 Oct. Add. Albina, M., Lugduni, 2 Jun. Albanus, miles M., Verolami in Britannia, 22 Jun. Albanus, eius Inventio, 2 Aug. Albanus, M., Maguntiae, I Dec. Albanus, Ep. M., 21 Jun. Add. Albey, Ep. C. 12 Sep. Add. Albinus, C. ii Jun. Add. Albinus, Ep. C., Andegavi, I Mar. Alborowe, v. ' Ethelburga ' V. Albucinus, Ep. 5 Feb. Add. Alcippiade, M. 25 Jan. Add. Alcyndyne, M. in Perside, 2 Nov. Add. Aldegunda, V., in Malbodio Hannonire monasterio, 30, al. 31 Jan. ; item 13 Nov. Aldegunde, 20 Mar. Add. Aldelmus, Ep. in Brit., 25 Mai. Alexander, M. in Cypro, 9 Feb. Alexander, Ep., Alexandriae, 26 Feb. Alexander, M. Apamiae, 10 Mar. Alexander, Ep. M., Caesareae, 18 Mar. Alexander, M. in Pannonia, 27 Mar. Alexander, M. apud Caesaream Paiestinae, 28 Mar. Alexander, M. Lugduni in Gallia, 24 Apr. Alexander I, papa M., Romae, 3 Mai. INDEX SANCTORUM. 239 Alexander, M. in Anaunia, 29 Mai. Alexander, M., Novioduni in Galliis, 6 Jun. Alexander, films S. Felicitatis, M. Romas, 10 Jul. Alexander, miles M., Massilise in Gallis, 21 Jul. Alexander, miles M. dux legionis The- baeorum, Bergomi, 26 Aug. Alexander (papa), Ep. C. Constantinopoli, 28 Aug. Alexander, in Sabinis, 9 Sep. Alexander, Ep. M., via Claudia, xx miliario, 21 Sep. Alexander, .,17 Oct. Alexander, C. in territorio Belvacensi, 18 Oct. Alexander, miles M., n Mar. Add. Alexander, M., Alexandria?, 12 Dec. Add. Alexius, C., Romas, 17 Jul. AlkunHe, Ep. C., 7 Sept. Add. Almachius, miles M., 14 Mai. Add. Almachius, M. Romas, I Jan. Alodia, soror Munilonis, V.M., Oscse in Hispania, 22 Oct. Alpadia, V., 3 Nov. Add. Alphege, Archiep. M., 28 Dec. Add. Alphege, v. Elphegus, Ep. Alpinianus (' Alpymany '), Pr., Lemovicis, 30 Jun. Alrede, abbas, 12 Jan. Add. Amalberga, V. 10 Jul. Add. Amandale, M., v. Mandalis. Amandus, Ep. Trajectensis, C., 6 Feb. Amandus, eius Commem. . 26 Oct. Amantius, M. Novioduni in Galliis, 6 Jun. Amantius, M. Romas, 10 Feb. Amantius, M. Romas, 10 Jun. Amantius, Ep. C. (apud Ruthenos), in Gallia, 4 Nov. Amantius, Ep. C. Amarantus, M. in Albigensi civitate, 7 Nov. Amaryne, v. Marinus, M. Amata, V.. 13 Mar. Add. Amator, Ep. C., Augustoduni, 26 Nov. Amator, Ep. C., Antisiodori, I Mai. Amatus, Pr. , Abbas monasterii S. Romeri- ci, 13 Sep. Ambrose, 17 Mar. Add. Ambrosius, Ep. C., eius Depositio, Me- diolani, 4 Apr. Ambrosius, eius Ordinatio, Mediolani, 7 Dec. Ambrosius, abb. Agaunensis, 2 Nov. Ambrosius, Ep. Caturicensis, in territorio Bituricensi, 16 Oct. Ambrosius, C, 16 Oct. Add. Amelie (seu Amilion), miles M., 4 Oct. Add. Amyke (seu Amyas), 4 Oct. Add. Ammon, M. Alexandria?, 8 Sep. Ammon, miles, M. Alexandrian, 20 Dec. Ammonaria, V.M. Alexandrise, 12 Dec. Ammonaria altera, M., Alexandria, 12 Dec. Ammonius, miles lector, M. in Ponto, 18 Jan. Ammonius, infans, Alexandrias, 12 Feb. Ammonius, M., in Cypro, 9 Feb. Ammonius, frater Dionysii, M. , Alexandrise, 14 Feb. Ammonius, lector apud Pentapolim Libyas, 26 Mar. Ammonius, C., TO Sep. Ammonius, M. Alexandria?, 26 Nov. Ammonius (' Amony '), 4 Mai. Add. Amony, abbas, 31 Mar. Add. Amos, propheta, 31 Mar. Amos, abbas, 31 Mar. Add. Amos in Egypto, 29 Nov. Add. Ampelius ('Apely'), M., 12 Feb. Ampelus, Messanias in Sicilia, 20 Nov. Amphianus, Cassareas in Lycia, 5 Apr. Amphibalus, M., cum S. Albano, 25 Jun. Add. Amphilacius, Ep., Iconii, 23 Dec. Add. Amyke, Lugduni, 14 Jul. Anacharius ('Annary'), Ep. C, Antisio- dori, 25 Sep. Anacletus (' Clete ')> papa, M., Romse, 26 Apr. Anaclete, papa, 12 Jul. Add. Ananias, Damasci, 25 Jan. Ananias, senex M., in Perside, 21 Apr. Ananias, cum Azaria, &c., 16 Dec. Anastasia, V. M., 25 Dec. Anastasius, M., Antiochias, 9 Jan. Anastasius, monach. M. 22 Jan. Anastasius, papa, Romas, 27 Apr. Anastasius, miles, M., 29 Jun. Anastasius, M., Salonas, 21 Aug. Anastace, abbas, 22 Jan. Add. Anatolia, V. M. , 9 Jul. Anatolius, Ep., Laodiceas, in Syria, 3 Jul. Ancare, 27 Apr. Add. Anceias (' Aucy '), R. M., Romas, 24 Tun. Add. Anchymy, v. Anthimus. Andeolus, subdiac, M., in Galliis, territ. Vivariensi, I Mai. Andochius, pr. M. Augustoduni, 24 Sep. Andoke, Pr. M., 17 Jan. Add. Andreas, M., Lampsaci, 15 Mai. Andreas, cum Magno, M., 19 Aug. Andreas, Ap. M., 30 Nov. Andreas, eius Vigilia, 29 Nov. Andreas, eiusdem Octava, 7 Dec. Andreas, eius Translatio, Constantinopoli, 9 Mai. Andreas, in deserto Egypti, 1 1 Jun. Add. 240 INDEX SANCTORUM. Andronicus, M., Tarsi in Cilicia, n Oct. Anepothiste, M., in Perside, 2 Nov. Add. Anesye, M., in Africa, 31 Mar. Anianus, diaconus (M.) Antiochiae, loNov. Anianus, Ep. C., Aurelianis, 17 Nov. Anianus, discip. S. Marci, Ep., 4 Oct. Add. Animarum, Omnium Fidelium Defunct- orum Commemoratio, 2 Nov. Anicetus, papa M., Romae, 16, al. 17 Apr. Anna, mater B. , Marise, 26 Jul. Anna, prophetissa, Hierosolymis, I Sep. Anna, mater Cyriaci, 4 Mai. Add. Annaris, v. Anacharius. Annuntiatio beatissmse V. Mariae, 25 Mar. Anolinus, M., 24 Mai. Add. Ansanus, M., I Dec. Add. Anselmus ('Ancelme') Archiep., eius Depositio, 21 Apr. Cf. 18 Mar. Add. Anselmus, natus in Anglia, 5 Jul. Add. Anselmus, natus in Burgundia, 5 Jul. Add. Anteros ('Anthery'), papa M., Romae, 3 Jan. Anthia, mater Eleutherii, apud Messanam Apuliae, 1 8 Apr. Anthimus, Ep. M., Nicomediae, 27 Apr. Anthimus, presb. M., Romae, n Mai. Anthimus, M., Aegaeae, 27 Sep. Anthinodour, 12 Feb. Add. Antidy, Ep M., Turonis. 3 Sep. Add. Antidy, Ep. M., 23 Mai. Add Antholianus, M., Arvernis in Gallia, 6 F-b. Antinogenus (' Antiogene ')> M., Emeritae inHisp., 24 Jul. Antiochus, Ep., Lugduni, 15 Oct. Antipas, Pr. M., 20 Nov. Add. Antonia, V. sacra, M., Cirthae inNumidia, 29 Apr. Antonia, M.. Nicomedise, 4 Mai. Antoninus, M., Romae, 26 Apr. Antoninus, M., Apamise, 2 Sep. Antoninus, carnifex, v. Antonius. Antoninus, puer M., Capuse, 3 Sep. Antoninus, C ?, M. ex legione Thebaeorum, Placentiae, 30 Sep. Antoninus, M. in Perside, 2 Nov. Add. Antonius (' Antony ne'), Pr. M., Antiochiae, 9 Jan. Antonius, M. Alexandrise, 14 Feb. Antonius, monachus in Thebaide in Aegypto, 17 Jan. Antonius, monachus Lusitanus, Pr. C., Patavii, 13 Jim. Antonius, carnifex M., Romae, 22 Aug. Antonius, eremita, ejus Translatio, 13 Jun. Add. Antonius, M., 29 Jul. Add. Antonius, monachus, 2 Oct. Add. Antony, v. Antoninus, 2 Sep. Anyte. v Avitus, Ep. C. Apelles, 23 Feb. Add. Apely, v. Ampelius. Apostolorum octava, 6 Jul. Aphrodisius, M., 28 Apr. Aphrodisius (' Eufrose '), M. in Africa, 14 Mar, Apodemus, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., 15, al. 1 6 Apr. Apollinaris, M , in Africa, 21 Jun. Apollinaris, Ep. M. Ravennae, 23 Jul. Apollinaris, M., Rhemis, 23 Aug. Apollinaris, Ep. Valentiae in Gallia, 5 Oct. Apollinaris, Ep. C, 23 Jul. Add. Apollinaris, in Syria, I Nov. Add. Appolinus, abbas, C., 5 Mai. Add. Apollonia (' Apolyne '), V. M., Alexandriae, 9 Fab. Apollonius, abbas, 1 8 Apr. Add. Apollonius, C., 18 Apr. Add. Apollonius, M. , 29 Jul. Add. Apollonius, diaconus, M. apud Arttinoum in Aegypto, 8 Mar. Apollonius, Ep. Nicomediae, 19 Mar. Apollonius, apud Aegyptum, 5 Apr. Apollonius. Pr. M., Alexand riae,, 10 Apr. Apollonius, senator, M. Romae, 18 Apr. Apollony, .,31 Jan. Add. Apollyn, v. Apollonius, diac. Apollyn, abbas, 5 Mai. Add. Apolyne, v. Apollonia, V. M. Appolyne, M,, in Egypto, 5 Jun. Add* Appianus, M., Alexandriae, 30 Dec. Aprilis, M. in Portu Romano, 22 Aug. Apro[pi]nianus, commentariensis, M. Romae, 2 Feb. Aprus (' Apry >), Ep. C. , Tullensis, 15 Sep. Apuleius, discip. Petri, M., Romae, 7 Oct* Apy, C., 10 P'eb. Add. Aquila, vxor Severiani, M., Neocaesareae in Mauritania, 23 Jan. Aquila, conjux Priscillae, 8 Jul. Aquila, M., Philadelphiae in Arabia, I Aug* Aquila, V. M., 24 Jul. Aquilinus, M. in Africa, 4 Jan. Aquilinus, M. Romae, 4 Feb. Aquilinus, M., in Isauria, 15, al. 1 6 Mai. Aquilinus, M. cum duobus aliis, Novioduni, 17 Mai. Aquilinus, M. Carthagine, 17 Jul. Aquilinus, Ep., 18 Jul. Arabia, M. Nicaese, 13 Mar. Arabiane, C., 10 Feb. Add. Aram, 28 Jan. Add. Arator, Pr. M., Alexandriae, 21 Apr. Arcadius, nobilis M., Csesareae in Mauri- tania, 12 Jan. Arcadius, M. in Africa, 12, al. 13 Nov. Archilaus ('Akchyl'), in Portu Romano, 23 Aug. Archiloke, al. Archilawe, Ep., II Apr. Add. Archinimus, C. in Africa, 29 Mar. INDEX SANCTORUM. 241 Archippus, commilito S. Pauli in Asia, 20 Mar. Arconlius, M. Capuae, 5 Sep. Aredius (< Arecly'), Pr. C., 26 Aug. Aretas (' Arthy'), M. Romae, I Oct. Argentarius, monachus, 4 Jul. Add. Argeus, puer M., Tomis in Ponto, 2 Jan. Arianus, praeses M., apud Antinoum in Aegypto, 8 Mar. Aristarchus, discip. S. Pauli, Ep., 4 Aug. Aristea, v. Christ eta, M. Aristeus, Ep. M., Capuse, 3 Sep. Aristides, Athenis, 31 Aug. Aristion, discip. Christi, 22 Feb. ; Salam- inae in Cypro, 22 Feb. Arist[ijon et alii, MM. in Campania, 2 Jul. Aristonicus, M., Militant in Armenia, 19 Apr. Armogastes, M., al. in Africa, 29 Mar. Arnulphus, Ep. C., Metis, in Gallia, 18 Jul. Arnulphus, Ep. Metensis, 16 Aug. Arphaxat, 28 Jan. Add. Arsacius, v. Ursatius. Arsenius, diac., 19 Jul. Arsenius, M., Alexandria, 14 Dec. Arteby, Ep., 15 Mar. Add. Artemia, V. M., 16 Aug. Add. Artemius, conjux Candidae, M., Romae, 6 Jun. Aryld, V. M., Glocestrige in Anglia, 20 Jul. Add. Ascensio Domini, 5 Mai. Asclas ('Aside') M., apud Antinoum in Aegypto, 23 Jan. Asclepiades, Ep. M. , Antiochiae, 18 Oct. Asterius ('Austere'), M., Aegaeae in Cilicia, 23 Aug. Asterius ('Astece'), senator, M., Caesareae Palestinae, 3 Mar. Asterius, Pr. M., Ostiae, 21 Oct. Astroberta, 20 Oct. Athanasius, Ep. C., Alexandriae, 2 Mai. At[t]ala, abbas in monast. Luxoviensi, IO Mar. Attalus, M., 4 Jun. Attalus, nobilis, M., Lugduni, 2 Jun. Atticus, in Phrygia, 6 Nov. Atticus, monachus, 14 Dec. Atyke, Ep. 13 Apr. Add. Aucy, v. Anceias. Auda, V., 1 8 Nov. Add. Audactes, Pr. M., Venusiae in Apulia, 24 Oct. Audax, M. Tyrke, 9 Jul. Audifax, Persa nobilis, M., Romae, 20 Jan. Audoenus, Ep. C., Rotomagi, 24 Aug. Audoenus, eius Translatio, 5 Mai. Audomarus, Ep. C., in territorio Tarva- nensi, 9 Sep. MARTILO. Audre, j. Audrey, v. Etheldreda. Aventynus, Ep. C., Trecis, 4 Feb. Avens, v. Habentius. Augulus ('Agyl'), Ep. M., Augustse in Brit., 7 Feb. Augend, v. Eugendus, abbas. Augur[r]ius, diac. M. Tarraconae in Hisp., 21 Jan. Augustinus, M., Nicomediae, 7 Mai. Augustinus, Ep. C., Anglorum Apostolus, Cantuariae, in Brit., 26 Mai. Augustinus, eius Translatio, 10 Sep. Augustinus, Ep. C., in Africa, 28 Aug. Augustini Translatio per Luithprandum, ii Oct., 28 Feb. Add. Augustus, M.,Nicomediae, 7 Mai. Avitus, M., in Africa, 27 Jan. Avitus ('Adiut'), Ep. C, Viennse, 5 Feb. Avitus (' Anyte '), Pr. C., Aurelianis, 17 Jun. Aurea, V., Lutetiae Parisiorum, 4 Oct. Aureus, M., Moguntiae, 16 Jun. Add. Aurelianus, Ep. Arelatensis, eius Depositio Lugduni, 16 Jun. Aurelius, M., 27 Aug. Aurelius,eius Reliquiarum receptio, Parisiis, 20 Oct. Ausbertus, Ep. Rotomagensis, in monast. Fontanella, 9 Feb. Ausbertus, eius Translatio ad S. Petrum, 31 Mar. Ausonia, M. , Lugduni, 2 Jun. Ausonius, Ep. M., 22 Mai. Add. Austere, v. Asterius. Austregillus, Ep. C., Biturici, 2O Mai. Austreberta, V., in pago Rotomagensi, 10 Feb. Austriclinianus (' Stratocliane ') Pr. Le- movicis in Gallia, 30 Jun. Austustyn, v, Augustinus, M. Nicomediae. Autberbtus, Ep. C., Cameraci in Gallia, 13 Dec. Auxentius, M., 12 Dec. Add. Aycard, abbas, 15 Sept. Add. Ayd, 28 Feb. Add. Aymon, 9 Oct. Add. Azarias, in Babilonia, 16 Dec. Babylas, Ep. M. , Antiochiae, 24 Jan. Bacchus, M., Sergiopoli, 7 Oct. Bacchus ('Bache '), 14 Mai. Add. Bacchyle, Ep., 14 Apr. Add. Balbina, filia S. Quirini, V. M., Romae, 31 Mar. Baldomerus, vir Dei, Lugduni, 27 Feb. Balthazar, 6 Jan. Add. Barala, al. Barula, puerulus M., cum S. Romano, Antiochiae, 18 Nov. Barbara, V. M. in Tuscia, Maximiniano Imp., 16 Dec. 242 INDEX SANCTORUM. Barbara, V. M. in Tuscia, al. Nicomedise, 4 Dec. Barbarian, C., 2 Jan. Barbarius, M., 14 Mai. Add. Barbatianus, Pr. C., 31 Dec. Add. Barbens, 20 Nov. Add. Barnabas, Ap. , in Cypro, 1 1 Jun. Barry, Ep. in Hibernia, 25 Sep. Add. Bartholomseus, Ap. M., in India, 24 Aug. Bartholomseus, eius Vigilia, 23 Aug. Bartholomseus, monachus in Anglia, 24 Jun. Add. Baruc, propheta, I Mai. Add. Basileus, M., Romse, 2 Mart. Basileus, Ep. [M.] Antiochise, 22 Dec. Basilides, M., Romse, 10 Jun. Basilides, miles M., Mediolani, 12 Jun. Basilissa, abbatissa, uxor Juliani [V.] M., Antiochise, 9 Jan. Basilius, eius Depositio, I Jan. Basilius, Ep.,Csesarese Cappad., eiusOrdin- atio, 14 Jun. Basilius, Ep. M., in Hispania, 23 Mai. Basilla, V. M., Romse, 20 Mai. Basilla, Romse, n Jun. Basolus, C. in territorio Rhemensi, 15 Oct. Basolus, C., 26 Nov. Add. Bassa, uxor Claudiani, cum Victore incar- cerata, C., Nicomedise, 6 Mar. Bassianus, lector. M., Alexandrise, 14 Feb. Bassianus, Ep., 19 Jan. Add. Bassus, M., Alexandrise, 14 Feb. Bassus, Ep., M., Nicsese, 5 Dec. Add. Batyldis, regina, in territ. Parisiensi, 30 Jan. Baudelius, M. , Nemausi in Gallia, 20 Mai. Bavo, C., Gandavi, I Oct. Beata, V., 29 Jun. Add. Beatrix, M., soror Faustini, M., Romse, 29 Jul. Beda, Pr., Doctor Venerabilis, C. in Brit. 26, al. 27 Mai. Bemonus (/i.e. Benignus, ut in. Add.), eius Translatio, Glastonise in Anglia, 27 Jun. Bene, abbas, 5 Apr. Add. Benedicta, religiosa femina, M., Romse, 4 Jan. Benedicta, V. in territorio Senonensi, 29 Jun. Benedicta, V. M., Lugduni, 8 Oct. Benedictus, abbas in Monte Cassino, 21 Mar. Benedictus, eius Translatio, in monasterio Floriacensi, 14 Jul. Benedictus, C. in pago Pictaviensi, 23 Oct. Benedictus, papa, Romse, 7 Mai. Benedictus, Ep., 12 Jan. Add. Benedictus (' Benet '), papa, 21 Mar. Add. Benedictus, monachus, 21 Mar. Add. Benedictus, monachus, 20 Jun. Add. Benjamin, 25 Feb. Add. Benigne, Pr. M., 17 Jan. Add. Benignus, M., Tomis in Scythia, 3 Apr. Benignus, Pr. M., in Divione Castro, I Nov. Benignus, M., 6 Jun. Add. Benignus, C., 27 Jun. Add. Bercarus, abbas, 16 Oct. Add. Berkarus, abbas, M., I Sep. Add. Berenwaldus, Pr. M., in territorio Ox- oniensi in Anglia, 21 Dec. Bernardus, C. abbas Clarevallensis, 20 Aug. Bernardus, eius Translatio, 17 Mai. Berno, abbas, 22 Mar. Add. Bernake, 7 Apr. Add. Bernardinus. 20 Mai. Add. Beronicus, M., Antiochise in Syria, 19 Oct. Bertinus, abbas, C., in pago Tarvanensi, 5 Sep. Bertinus, C., eius depositio, 9 Mai. Bessia, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul. Bet[h]urius, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul. Bibiana ('Vivyane'), M., Romae, 2 Dec. Bibianus ('Julian'), Ep. C., apud San- tonas, 28 Aug. Bicor ('Bitro'), Ep. M., in Perside, 22 Apr. Birgitta, eius Depositio, Romse, 23 Jul. Birgitta, eius Translatio in Sueciam, 28 Mai. Birgitta, eius Canonizatio, 7 Oct. Birinus, primus Ep. Dorcestriensis, C., Wintonise in Anglia, 3 Dec. Birinus, eius festuni aliud, 4 Sep. Birnstauus (' Brinstane ') Ep. Winton- in Anglia, 4 Nov. Blandina, M., Lugduni, 2 Jun. Blasius, Ep. M., apud Sebasten in Ar- menia, 3 Feb. Boetius, al. Severinus, 27 Mai. Add. Boetius, Ep., C., in Hibernia, 7 Dec. Add. Bolke, 20 Feb. Add. Bona (' Boue'), V. Rhemis, 24 Apr. Add. Bona, al. Cordimunda, V., 12 Sep. Add. Bonifacius, M., apud Tarsum, 5 Jun. ; (sepultus Romse) 14 Mai. Bonifacius, natione anglus, Ep. M., in Frisia, 5 J un - Bonifacius, diac. M., in Africa, 17 Aug. Bonifacius, C. , in Africa, 6 Dec. Bonifacius, diac., 23 Mar. Add. Bonifacius, I., papa, 13 Mai. Add. Bonifacius, IV., papa, 13 Mai. Add. Bonifacius. Ep., 14 Mai. Add. Bonifacius, Ep. Carthag., 5 Jun. Add. Bonitus, Ep. C., Avernis in Gallia, Jan. Bonosa, M., in Portu Romano, 15 Jul. INDEX SANCTORUM. 243 Bonosus, M., 21 Aug. Bonus, Pr. M., Romas, I Aug. Botuphus, abbas, in Britannia, 17 Jun. Boue, v. Bona. Brandanus, 14 Jun. Add. Brandanus, abbas in Scotia (/i.e. 'in Yrelond '), 16 Mai. Branwallatour, Ep. C., eius translatio, 19 Jan. Braulius, Ep., Cassaraugustanus, 12 Nov. Brictius ('Brythe'), Ep. C., Martulse, ('marcull '), 9 Jul. Bri[c]tius, Ep. C. , Turonis, 13 Nov. Brigida (' Bryde '), V., in Scotia, I Feb. Brigwyne, Archiep. Cantuar., in Brit., 26 Aug. Add. Brinstane v. Birnstanus. Brithyne, abbas Beverlaci, in Brit., 15 Mai. Add. Brydhestane (h.e. Frithstanus), Ep. C., 10 Sep. Bythe, v. Brictius. Byryne, v. Birinus, Ep. C. Cascilia, V. M. , Romas, 22 Nov. Csecilianus, M.,Cassaraugustasin Hisp., 15, ul. 1 6 Apr. Cascilius, C., in Hispania, 15 Mai. Casrealis, miles M., Romas, 14 Sep. Cassarius, Ep. C., Arelate in Galliis, 27 Aug. Csesarius, diac. M., Tarracinas in Cam- pania, I Nov. Csesarius, M. Cassareas in Cappad., 3 Nov. Caius, M. Bononias, 4 Jan. Caius, al. Gayus, Romas, 20 Feb. Caius, palatinus, M. demersus, 4 Mar. Caius, M., Apamias in Phrygia, 10 Mar. Caius, M., in Armenia, 19 Apr. Caius, papa M., Romas, 22 Apr. Caius, hospes Pauli, apud Corinthum, 4 Oct. Caius, miles M., Nicomedias, 21 Oct. Caius, Messanas in Sicilia, 20 Nov. Caius, Pr. C., Romas, 22 Apr. Add. Calapodius, al. Calepodius vel Calipo- dius, Pr. M., Alexandrias, al. Romas, 10 Mai. Caleb, e xii. a Moyse missis, I Sep. Add. Calixt, v. Callistus. Callinicus, male Galericus vel Galenicus, M. Apollonias, 18, al. 28 Jan. Callistus, al. Kalixtus, M., apud Corin- thum, 1 6 Apr. Callistus, al. Calixtus, I. papa, M., Romas, 14 Oct. Calocerus, eunuchus, M., Romas, 19 Mai. Calocerus, -vet, Calocerius ('Colotery') M., Brixias, 19 Mar. Oelocery, M., Brixias, 15 Feb. Add. Campanus, M. , 29 Jul. Add. Canciane, v. Gatianus, 18 Dec. Candida, uxor S. Artemii, M., Romas, 6 Jun. Candida massa ccc Martyrum, 24 Aug. Candida, V. (?M.), Romas, 29 Aug. Candidus, M., Romas, 2 Feb. [Candidus], inter xl. milites, Cappadox, M., apud Sebasten in Armenia, 9 Mar. Candidus, miles, M., Sebastas in Armenia, II Mar. Candidus, senator militum, ex Thebas- orum legione miles, M., Seduni in Gallia, in loco Agauno, 22 Sep. Candidus, M., Romas ad Ursum Pileatum, 3 Oct. Candidus, M., II Mar. Add. Canon, z>. Conon, M. Cantianilla, V. M., Cantianus, et Cantius, principes Aniciorum, fratres MM., Aquileias, 31 Mai. Canicus (' Canuke '), abbas in Scotia, 1 1 Oct. Capithon, 13 Mar. Add. Capophorus, v. Carpophorus. Caprasius, abbas in monast. Lirinensi, I Jun. Caprasius, M., Agenni in Galliis, 20 Oct. (vide etiam ad 6 Oct. ) Caradoke, 13 Apr. Add. Carannus (' Charanny '), M., Carnoti in Gallia, 28 Mai. Carantoke, al. Ceruach, Hibern, 16 Mai. Add. Caricus, M., 5 Aug. Add. Carilefus ('Carylef'), Pr. apud Cenoman, i Jul. Carilippus, M., 28 Apr. Carisius, M., apud Corinthum, 16 Apr. Carolus Magnus, R. , 28 Jan. Carpoforus, M., 20 Aug. Add. Carpophorus, e quattuor coronatis, M., Romas, 8 Nov. Carpophorus, Pr. M., Spoleti, ('at hys- politane'), loDec. Carpus, Ep. Thyatirensis, M., Pergami in Asia, 13 Apr. Carpus, discip. Pauli, in Troade, 13 Oct. Cartake, Ep. in Hibernia, 14 Mai. Add. Carylef, v. Carilefus. Casce, v. Castus, M. Cassia, cum Cassio, M. , Damasci, 20 Jul. Cassiadour, 17 Mar. Add. Cassianus, Ep. C. , Augustoduni, 5 Aug. Cassianus, M., Romas, apud forum Sylke, 13 Aug. Cassianus, M., Tirigitanas in Mauritania, 3 Dec. Cassianus, C., in Brit., 21 Jun. Add. Cassianus (Johannes), eremita, 13 Aug. Add. Q 2 244 INDEX SANCTORUM. Cassius, cum Cassia, M., Damasci, 20 Jul. Cassius, M., Veronae, 10 Oct. Cassius, Ep., 29 Jun. Add. Castell, uxor Juliani, 27 Jan. Add. Castor, M., Tarsi, in Cilicia, 28 Mar. Castor, M., Tarsi, in Cilicia, 27 Apr. Castor, Nicomediae, 17 Mar. Castor, abbas, 13 Feb. Add. Castorius, M., Romae, 7 Jul. Castulus (' Castole '), M. Romae, 26 Mar. Castus, M., in Africa, 22 Mai. Castus, M. , Cabilone in Gallia, 4 Sep. Castus, M., Capuae, 6 Oct. Cataldus, Ep., in Hibernia, 8 Mai. Add. Catharina, V. M. , 25 Nov. Catulinus, diac., M., Carthagine, 15 Jul. Cathedra S. Petri, Antiochiae, 22 Feb. Caynan, 23 Jan. Add. Ceadda ('Chadde '), Ep. Merciorum, apud Lychefelde in Anglia, 2 Mar. Cedde, Ep., 2 Mar. Add. Cedony, 10 Jun. Add. Celerina, avia Celerini, M., in Africa, 3 Feb: Celerinus, diac. C., in Africa, 3 Feb. Celestinus I., papa, 19 Mai. Add. Celestinus V., papa, 19 Mai. Add. Celestinus, monachus, 19 Mai. Celian, Tergeste, II Mai. Add. Celsus, puer, M., Antiochiae, 9 Jan. Celsus [puer], M., Mediolani, 12 Jun. Celsus, puer, M., Mediolani, 28 Jul. Cena Domini (' the Souper of our Lorde '), 24 Mar. Censurius, Ep. C., Antisiodori, 10 Jun. Ceran, Ep., 30 Sep. Add. Cerealis, M., Romas, lojun. Cerberus, M., cum Liberali, 30 Dec. Add. Cerbonius, Ep., 17 Sep. Add. Cerbonius, Ep. , 10 Oct. Add. Cercy, v. Tertius. Chadde, v. Ceadda, Ep. C. Chaeremon ('Chiridon '), Ep. M., Nicopoli in Aegypto, 22 Dec. haritas, V. M., Charitas, V. M., Romae, I Aug. ; 17 Jun. Add. Charannus, v. Carannus. Charles, ' called Charlemayne,' v. Carolus. Chaste, v. Castus. Cheramon, Nicopolitanus, Ep. M., 14 Feb. Add. Cheramonis uxor, 14 Feb. Add. Chionia, V. M., Thessalonicae, 3 Apr. Chiridon, v. Chaeremon. Christela, al. Christeta ('Aristea '), M. Abulae in Hispan. 27 Oct Christina, V. M., Tyri in Ital., 24 Jul. Christophorus, M., Sami in Lycia, 25 Jul. Christophorus, monachus M. , Cordubae, 20 Aug. Chrysanthus, Romse, 25 Oct. (al. 29 Nov.) Chrysanthus, M. Romae, I Dec. Chrysogonus, M. Romae, 24 Nov. Chrysotelus, Pr. M., Cordubae, 22 Apr. Chutbertus, vide Cuthbertus. Ciaue, Ep. C. , in Hibernia, 5 Mar. Cilianus, M., 8 Jul. ; 8 Jul. Add. Ciran, v. Tyrannic. Circumcisio Domini, I Jan. Cirice, v. Quiriacus. Ciricus infans cum Julitta, MM., 15 JuL Add. Ciricus, Ep. M., ejus Translatio, 8 Aug. Add. Cirion, et Ciryon, v. Cyrion ; Ciryke, v. Cyrinus ; Ciryne, v. Quirinus. Cirion, miles M., apud Sebasten in Ar- menia, ii Mar. Cirinus, al. Quirinus, M., Romae, 25 Mar, Cirpriane, v. Cyprianus. Ciryll, 28 Jan. Add. Clara, V. Assisii, 12 Aug. Clarus, Pr. M. , in pago Vilcassino, 4 Nov. Clarus, nobilis in Anglia, M. 4 Nov. Add. Claudianus, M., apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb, Claudianus, Nicomediae, 6 Mar. Claudius, conjux Praepedignae, M., Ostiae r 1 8 Feb. Claudius, M., Romae, 26 Apr. Claudius, commentariensis, M., Romae, 7 Jul. Claudius, cum duobus fratribus, MM., Aegaeae in Cilicia, 23 Aug. Claudius, marmorum caesor, M. Romae, 8 Nov. Claudius, tribunus, M., Romae, 3 Dec. Clemens, papa, M., Romae, 23 Nov. Clemens, Pr., Alexandriae, 4 Dec. Clemens, Ep. in Gallia, 23 Nov. Add. Clementinus, M., Heracleae in Thracia, 14 Nov. Cleophas, discip. Christi, M., in castello Emmaus, 25 Sep. Clerici fere cc., MM., in Perside. 22 Apr. [Clerici] plurimi, MM., Gazae in Palestina, 4 Mai. [Clerici] plurimi, MM., in Palestina, 19 Sep. Clerus, diac., M., Antiochiae, 7 Jan. Clerus, diac., 14 Jan. [Clerus] ecclesiae Carthag., C., 13 Jul. Cletus, al. Anacletus, papa, M., Romae, 26 Apr. Cletus ('Anaclete') papa, Romae, 12 JuL Add. Clitancus, M. regis filius in Brit. 3 Nov. Add. Clodoaldus, [Pr.] C., 7 Sep. Clyse, v. Dius, 12 Jul. Codoke, 24 Jan. Cointha, V. M., in Alexandria, 8 Feb. INDEX SANCTORUM. 245 Cokcydy, v. Cottidius. Colman, Ep. in Hibernia, 7 Jun. Add. Colmavell [= Colmanel], abbas in Hiber- nia, 26 Sep. Add. Colomannus (' Colonare'), Pr. M. Herbi- poli in Germania, 8 Jul. ; ('Colonate '), 8 Jul. Add. Coloterius, M. Brixise, 19 Mar. Columba, V. M., apud Senones, 31 Dec. Columba (' Columbane '), Pr. C., in Scotia, 9 Jun. Columbanus, abbas in monast. Bobio in Ital., 21 Nov. Coiumbanus alter consanguineus, 21 Nov. Add. Columbanus, in Italia, 23 Nov. Columbina, v. Columba, V. M. Columbus, abbas, 13 Dec. Add. Commemoratio Omnium Fidelium De- functorum, 2 Nov. Conace, v. Totnanus, M., 8 Jul. Concordia, nutrix S. Hippolyti, M., Romae, 13 Aug. Condedius, C., in monast. Fontanellensi, 21 Oct. Concordius, Pr. M., Spoleti in Tuscia, I Jan. Confessores (al. Martyres), fere 500 cum S. Eugenio in Africa, 10 al. 13 Jul. Confessores (al. MM.), 4976, in Africa, 12 Oct. Confessores alii (tres) cum S. Dionysia, in Africa, 6 Dec. Congallus, abbas in Hibernia, 10 Mai. Add. Conon, al. Canon, 29 Mai. Consanguinei duo D.N.J.C., 5 Jan. Add. Consortia, V., in monast. Cluniacensi, 22 Jun. Constant, abbas, 14 Nov. Add. Constantia, M., Nuceriae, 19 Sep. Constantinus, Ep. apud Vapingum, 12 Apr. Constantinus, e septem dormientibus, M., Ephesi, 27 Jul. Constantinus, Imp., 21 Mai. Add. Constantius, C., 23 Sep. Add. Constantius, Ep., 23 Sep. Add. Corbinianus, Ep. [Frisingensis], 8 Sep. Add. Cordianus (' Gordiane'), M., Nividuni, 17 Sep. Corentinus (' Thoremyny '), Ep., I Mai. Coreode, v. Curcodomus. Cornelius centurio, Ep. , Caesareae, 2 Feb. Cornelius, papa M., Romae, 14 Sep. Corona, V., 24 Apr. Corona, M., in Syria, 14 Mai. Corona Domini, 1 1 Aug. Add. Coronati Quatuor Fratres, MM. (Severus, Severianus, Carpophorus et Victorianus) Romae, 8 Nov. Corporis Christi Festum per Urbanum IV. Papam A.D. 1263, insdtutum. Quo in anno Feria Quinta post Dominicam Trinitatis occurrit die 25 Mai. Add. Corsicus, Pr. in Italia, 30 Jun. Corsy, M., 29 Jul. Add. Corygenes, M., 29 Jul. Add. Cosman, C. in deserto, 2 Sep. Add. Cosmare, v. Ursmarus, 19 Apr. Cosmas, M., frater Damiani. Aegaese, 27 Sep. Cottidius, diaconus, Reatinae, in Cappa- docia, 6 Sep. Coynt, V. M., v. Cointha, 8 Feb. Craton, M., Romae, 15 Feb. Credane, abbas, 20 Aug. Add. Crescence, Pr.,23 Mar. Add. Crescens, discip. S. Pauli, Ep., Galatise, 27 Jun. [Viennae, 29 Dec.] Crescens, filius Symphorosse, M., Tibure, 27 Jun. Crescentia, M. in Lucania, 15 Jun. Crescentianus, M., Turribus Sardinia, 31 Maii. Crescentianus, C., in Africa, 13 Jun. Crescentianus, M., in Africa, cum S. Cypriano, 14 Sep. Crescentianus, M., in Campania, 2 Jul. Crescentiane, v. Crescentio. Crescentianus, M., Romae, 24 Nov. Crescentianus, M., Augustae, 5 Aug. Add. Crescentio ('Crescentiane'), M., Romae, 17 Sep. Crescentius (' Crescente '), M., Tomis in Ponto, i Oct. Crispina, V.M., Thebeste, in Africa, 5 Dec. Crispinianus, nobilis, M., Suessione in Gallia, 25 Oct. Crispinus, nobilis, M., Suessione in Gallia, 25 Oct. Crispinus, Ep. M., in civitate Astiagensi (' Agens'), 19 Nov. Crispulus, M., Turribus Sardiniae, 30 Mai. Crispus, Pr. [sicut] M., Romae, 18 Aug. Crispus, apud Corinthum, 4 Oct. Cromatius, pater Tiburtii, M., II Aug. Add. Cromatius, Ep., n Aug. Add. Crowne v. Corona, M. Crucifixio Domini nostri Jesu Christi Jerosolymis, 25 Mar. S. Crucis Inventio, Jerosolymis, 3 Mai. S. Crucis Exaltatio, Jerosolymis, 14 Sep. Ctesiphon ('Thesifon'), C. in Hispania, 15 Mai. Cucufas, M. , Barcinone in Hisp. , 25 Jul. Cunibertus (' Cumbert '), Ep. C. (al. M.) Colonise, 12 Nov. Cunigunda (' Cungund '), Imperatrix, 14 Jul. Add. 246 INDEX SANCTORUM. Curcodomus ('Coreode ')> diaconus, An- tisiodori, 4 Mai. Cuthbertus, Ep. Lindisfarnensis in Brit., 20 Mar. Cuthbertus, eius Translatio, 4 Sep. Cutburga, V., 31 Aug. Cyprianus (' Cirpriane'). Ep. M., Cartha- gine, 8 Mar. Cyprianus, abbas, Petragoricis in Gallia, 9 Dec. Cyprianus, Ep. M., Carthagine, 14 Sep. Cyprianus, Ep. M., Romse, 26 Sep. Cyprianus, Pr. (al. Ep.) in Africa, 12 Oct. Cyriacus, v. Quiriacus, Ep. M. Cyriacus, M., Malacse in Hispania, 18 Jun. Cyriacus, M., Tomis in Ponto, 20 Jun. Cyriacus, al. Quiriacus, M. in Africa, 21 Jun. Cyriacus, diac., M., Romce, 16 Mar. Cyriacus, eius Translatio, Romse, 8 Aug. Cyricus, films Julittse, M., Antiochise, 16 Jun. Cyrilla, filia Decii imp. V. M., Romee, 28 Oct. Cyrillus, M., in Syria, 20 Mar. Cyrillus, Ep. Alexandrise, 28 Jan. Cyrillus, Ep. M., Gortynse in Creta, 9 Jul. Cyrillus, M., Philadelphia in Arabia, I Aug. Cyrillus, diac, M., 9 Jul. Add. Cyrinus ('Ciryke'), M. in Hellesponto, 3 Jan. Cyrinus, miles M., Romse, al. Mediolani, 12 Jun. Cyrion, al. Ciryon, Pr. M., 14 Feb. Cyrion, al. Cirion, inter xl. milites, Cap- padox, M., apud Sebasten in Armenia, 9, al. II Mar. Cyrus cum Johanne, M., 31 Jan. Cythinus ('Stytyny'), Scillitanus M., Kar- thagine, 17 Jul. Dacy, v. Dasius. Dacius, Ep. Mediolan., 19 Jun. Add. Dafrosa, uxor S. Fabiani, M., Romse, 4 Jan. Dalmatius, Ep. M., Papise in Italia, 5 Dec. Dalmatyke, M. in Italia, v. Dalmatius. Damasus, papa, C., Romse, n Dec. Damianus, frater S. Cosmse, M., 27 Sep. Daniel, propheta, 21 Jul. ; 28 Aug. Add. Daniel, diac. M., in Padua, 3 Jan. Add. Daniel, abbas in Egypto, 21 Jul. Add. Daria, uxor S. Chrysanthi, M., Romse, 25 Oct. Daria, Romse, 29 Nov. Daria, V. M., Romse, I Dec. Darius, M., Nicsese, 19 Dec. Dasius (' Dacy') miles M., Nicomedise, 21 Oct. Dativa, C., in Africa, 6 Dec. Dativus (' Datyve') M., in Africa, n, al. 12 Feb. Dativus, M., al. Ep. C., in Africa, 10 Sep. David, Archiep. C., in Britannia quse hodie Wallia nuncupatur, I Mar. David, R., 29 Dec. ; propheta, Hierosoly- mis, 29 Dec. Add. David, dux xxx latronum, monachus, 29 Dec. Add. Daygens, C., in Hibernia, 18 Aug. Add. Debbora, prophetissa, I Sep. Add. Dedicatio Ecclesise Sarisburiensis, 30 Sep. Dedicatio Ecclesise S. Pauli Londinensis, i Oct. Demetria, V.M., Romse, 21 Jun. Defunctorum Omnium Fidelium Com- memoratio, 2 Nov. Deicolus, abbas, 18 Jan. Add. Demetrius, M., Thessalonicse, 8 Oct. Demetrius cum sociis, Ep. M., Antio- chise, 10 Nov. Demetrius, M., apud Ostia Tiberina, 21 Nov. Demetrius, M., Ostise, al. Antiochise, 22 Dec. Demetrius, nobilis, M., 25 Oct. Add. Demetrius, v. Mitrius. Denys, v. Dionysius. Deodatus, abbas, 24 Apr. Add. Deodorike, Ep., I Apr. Add. Desiderius, Ep. M., apud Lugdunum, n Feb. Desiderius, eius Translatio, Viennse, 23 Mai. Desiderius, Ep. M., apud Lingones, 23 Mai. Desiderius, lector, M., Neapoli in Cam- pania, al. Puteolis, 19 Sep. Desiderius, Ep. M., Lugduni Gall., 23 Mai. Add. Desyre, v. Desiderius, Ep. M., n Feb., et 23 Mai. Deusdedit, Archiep. Cantuariensis, in Britannia, 15 Jul. Dewtrey, v. Demetrius M., 22 Dec. Didius, v. Dius, M. Alexandrise, 28 Apr. Didymus (cum S. Theodora), M., Alexan- drise, 28 Apr. Digna, discip. S. Afrse, ancilla, M. Au- gustoe Vindelicorum, 12 Aug. Diodes (' Dyod '), M., in Istria, 24 Mai. Diocles, 12 Mar. Add. Diodole, v. Theodulus, M. Diodorus, Pr. M., Romse, I Dec. Diodorus, Ep. C., I Dec. Add. Diogenes, M., in Macedonia, 6 Apr. Diogenes, 10 Apr. Add. Diomedes, Nicsese, 9 Jun. Diomedes, M., Augustse, 5 Aug. Add, Dionysia, M., Lampsaci, 15 Mai. Dionysia, C., in Africa, 6 Dec. INDEX SANCTORUM. 247 [Dionysia], M. (in Martyrologio Roma- no nominala, cum Ammonaria) Alexan- dria, 12 Dec. Dionysius, M., in Armenia minore, 8 Feb. Dionysius, M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar. Dionysius, Ep., Corinthi, 8 Apr. Dionysius, frater Ammonii, M., Alexan- drine, 14 Feb. Dionysii et sociorum eius Inventio, 22 Apr. Dionysius, patruus, al. pater, Pancratii, C. al. M., Romae, 12 Mai. Dionysius, e septem dormientibus, M., Ephesi, 27 Jul. Dionysius, Ep. C., Mediolani, 25 Mai. Dionysius, C., 10 Sep. Dionysius Areopagita, Ep. M., Athenis, al. Romae, 3 Oct. Dionysius Areopagita, Ep. M., Parisiis, 9 Oct. Dionysius, Ep. C., Alexandrise, 17 Nov. Dionysius, papa, Romae, 26, al. 27 Dec. Dionysius, M. Romae, 25 Aug. Dionysius, M. in Frisia, al. Phrygia, 20 Sep. Dionysius, miles, M., 14 Mai. Add. Dionysius, M., 29 Jul. Add. Dionysius, Ep., discipulus S. Thomae, 21 Dec. Add. Dioscorus, M., apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb. Dioscorus, lector, M., in Aegypto, 18 Mai. Dioscoru?, puerulus, M., Alexandriae, 14 Dec. Dioscour. abbas, 9 Apr. Add. Discipuli Ixxii, 15 Jul. Add. Divisio apostolorum xii., 15 Jul. Add. Dius, al. Didius, M., Alexandriae, 26 Nov. Dius('Clyse'),C. Ccesarese, 12 Jul. Dode, V., 24 Apr. Add. Dominions, C,, eius Depositio, Bononiae, 4 al. 5 Aug. Domini cus, eius Translatio, Bononiae, 24 Mai. Dominicus, M., 21 Jun. Add. Domitianus, abbas in territ. Lugdun., I Jul. Domitianus, M. Philadelphiae in Arabia, I Aug. Domitianus, Diaconus, M., Ancyrae in Galatia, 28 Dec. Domitilla, Flavia, V.M., Tarracinae in Campania, 7 Mai. Domitius M., in Syria, 5 Jul. Domna (' Domnyne '), cum sociis, V.M., Interamnis, 14 Apr. Domninus, M. Thessalonicae, 30 Mar. Domninus, cum Marcellino et Vincentio, Ebreduni in Galliis, 20 Apr. Domninus, M. apud Juliam in territorio Parmensi, 9 Oct. Dom[n]ion, Ep. M., Salonae in Dalmatia, II Apr. Dompne, Ep., 21 Jan. Add. Donata, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul. Donatianus, M. Nannete in Galliis, 24 Mai, Donatianus, Ep. M., al. C. in Africa, 6 Sep. Donatilla, V.M., Tuburbi, in Africa, 30 Jul. Donate, M. Carthagine, I Mar. Donatus, M., Concordiae, al. Cordubae, 17 Feb. Donatus, M., Romae, 4 Feb. Donatus, M., in Africa, 7 Apr. Donatus, M., 14 Jul. Donatus, M., Caesareae Cappadociae, 21 Mai. Donatus, Ep. M., Aretii in Tuscia, 7 Aug. Donatus, Pr. C., Sigisterici in Galliis, 19 Aug. Donatus, M., Antiochiae, 23 Aug. Donatus, M., Capuae, 5 Sep. Donatus, M., 12 Dec. Donatus, M. cum Mansueto, Alexandriae, 30 Dec. Donatus, Ep. C., 7 Aug. Add. Donuina (' Dominyne '), M., 23 Aug. Dormientes Septem, MM., Ephesi, 27 Jun. al. Jul. Dorothe, V., 6 Feb. Add. Dorothea, V. M., 3 Sep. Add. Dorothea, V. M., Caesareae Cappadoc., 6 Feb. Dorothene, v. Droctoveus, abbas. Dorotheus, M., Tarsi in Cilicia, 28 Mar. Dorotheus, praepositus cubiculi regii, M. , Nicomediae, 9 Sep. Dorythy (' Sythe '), 15 Jan. Add. Droctoveus ('Dorothene'), abbas Lutetiae Parisiorum, 10 Mar. Drusus, M., Antiochiae, 14 Dec. Dubritius, Ep. Landavensis, 14 Nov. Add. Dula, al. Theola, ancilla, V. M., Nicome- diae, 25 Mar. Dunstanus, Archiep. Cantuariensis, 19 Mai; 7 Sept. Add. : eius Ordinatio, 21 Oct. Add. Dydake, Ep., 2 Apr. Add. Dyod, v. Diocles. Dysmas, C., 25 Mar. Add. Eanswida, V. in Brit., 31 Aug. Add. Eadburga. V. in Anglia, 15 Jun. Eadburga, V., 18 Jul. Ebba, V. abbatissa, 25 Aug. Add. Ebba, nobilis, 25 Aug. Add. Ebrulphus, abbas, C., in pago Oximensi ('Oxforde'), 29 Dec. Edburt, R., 25 Aug. Add. 248 INDEX SANCTORUM. Eddune, Pr. M., al. Egdunius, 12 Mar. Edeltrudis (' Audry '), V. in Brit., 23 Jun. Edilburga, v. Ethelburga. Edisteus, M. Ravennse, 12 Oct. Editha, filia Edgariregis, V., Wiltonise (' at Wynchester '), 16 Sep. Edithae translatio, 3 Nov. Edmundus, Archiep. Cantuar., eius Trans- latio in Anglia, 9 Jun. Edmundus, ejus depositio, Pontiniaci, 16 Nov. Edmundus, R. M., in Anglia, 29 Apr. ; 20 Nov. Add. Edwoldus, frater Edmundi R. M., 29 Aug. Add. Edwardus, R. C., in Anglia, 5 Jan. Edwardus, ejus translatio, 13 Oct. Edwardus, R. M., ejus translatio, 13 Feb. Edwardus, ejus adventus de Perham (Wareham) in Shaftoniam, 18 Feb. Edwardus, ejus passio, 18 Mar. Edwardus, ejus translatio, 20 Jun. Edwoldus, R. M., frater Edmundi, R. M., 29 Aug. Add. Edwyne, R. M., 12 Oct. Add. Effam, V. M., 3 Sep. Add. Effraim, films Joseph, 5 Feb. Add. Effrem, al. Ephrasmus, Edissense Eccl. Diaconus, I Feb. Egbertus, 24 Apr. Add. Egesippus ('Jesyppe'), 7 Apr. Egwinus ('Ewgyne'), Ep. Wigorn., 30 Dec. Add. Eiladius, Ep., 31 Aug. Eiulasius, v. Evilasius. Eldade (al. Aldate), Glocestriae, 4 Feb. Eleazarus cum filiis, MM., Lugduni Gallise, 22 al. 23 Aug. Eleazar sacerdos, I Jul. Add. Eleazar, M. , tempore Machabaeorum, I Oct. Add. Elene (Elgiva?), 18 Mai. Eleusippus, M., apud Lingonas, 17 Jan. Eleutherius, v. Eutherius, Ep., Tornaci. Eleutherius, Ep. M., apud Messanam Apuliae, 18 Apr. Eleutherius, papa M., Romse, 25 al. 26 Mai. Eleutherius, abbas, vel Ep. C., Romse, 6 Sep. Eleutherius, miles M. Nicomediae. 2 Oct. Eleutherius, Diac al. Pr. M., Parisiis, 9 Oct. Eleutherius, Ep., 26 Aug. Add. Elfleda, V. 23 Oct. ; 29 Oct. Add. Elias, Pr., Cordubse, 17 Apr. Eligius, Ep. C., Noviomensis, I Dec. Elisabetha, matrona, 19 Nov. ; 19 Nov. Add. Elizabeth, mater Johannis Prsecursoris, 5 Nov. Add. Elizabeth, Sconaugise, V., 17 Jun., Add. Elizabeth, V., 23 Jun. Add. Ellad. v. Helladius, Ep. Elisaeus, proph. apud Samariam, 14 Jun. Elphegus (' Alphege '), Ep. Winton. in Anglia, 12 Mar. Elphegius, Archiep. M., Cantuariae, in Anglia, 19 Apr. al. 28 Dec. Elpidius ('Helpedy'), Ep. C., Lugduni, 2 Sep. Emerentiana, V. M., Romoe, 23 Jan. Emitherius, vide Hemitherius. Emmeramus (' Hamptran'). Ep. M., Ratis- ponae, 22 Sep. Emygdy, Ep. M., 5 Aug. Add. Enuthere, vide Hemitherius. Enock, 23 Jan. Add. Enos, 23 Jan. Add. Eobanus (' Eobanke'), Ep. M., in Frisia, 5 Jun. Epagathus, M. Lugduni in Gallia, 2 Jun. Epaphras, Ep. M., Colossis, 19 Jul. Epaphroditus (' Affrodose'), discipulus S. Pauli, Ep., Tarracinae, 22 Mar. Eparchius, abbas C., Engolismse, I Jul. Ephigena, abbatissa in Egypto, 21 Sep. Add. Epimachus, M., Alexandriae, 12 Dec. Add. Ephraem, diac., Edessenus, I Feb. Epictetus (' Epute '), peregrinus M., in Portu Romano, 22 Aug. Epimachus, M., Romae, 10 Mai. Epion, Pr. C., apud Bituricenses, 12 Oct. Epiphania Domini, 6 Jan. Epiphaniae Octava, 13 Jan. Epiphaniae Vigilia, 5 Jan. Epiphanius, Ep. Salaminae in Cypro, 12 Mai. Epiphanius, Ep. M., in Africa, 7 Apr. Epipodius, M., Lugduni in Gallia, 22 Apr. Epitacius (' Thyke'), Ep. M., in Hispania, 23 Mai. [Episcopi Septem] cum Nemesiano et Fe- lice, in Africa, 10 Sep. Epolonius, puer M., cum S. Babila, Antio chiae, 24 Jan. Erade, v. Heracles. Eraclius, Ep. C., 14 Nov. Eracly, v. Heraclius, M. Erasma, V. M., 3 Sep. Add. Erasmus, Ep. M., in Campania, 3 Jun. Erasmus, M., Antiochias, 25 Nov. Erastus, Ep. M., Philippis, 26 Jul. Erblandy, abbas, 18 Oct. Add. Ercley, v. Heraclea, M. Erculane, v. Herculanus. Erculane, eius Translatio, 14 Nov. Erhard, Ep., 8 Jan. Add. Erkengoda. V., filia ('sister ') S.Sexburgos, 7 Jul. Add. INDEX SANCTORUM. 249 Erkenwaldus, Ep. Londin., 30 Apr. ; 14 Nov. Ermagory, v. Hermagoras. Ermenyld, nobilis V., in Britannia, 13 Feb. Ermete, v. Hermes, M. Erminygyld, v. Herminigildus, R. M. Erynbaldus, judex, 10 Dec. Add. Esaias, propheta, in Judsea, 6 Jul. Esclepiady, v. Asclepias, Esdras, propheta, 13 Jul. Esichy, v. Hesychius, 18 Nov. Esicy, v. Hesychius, 15 Mai. Esitius (' Esicy ') in Hispania, 15 Mai. Esterwyne, Abbas, 7 Mar. Add. Esychius, vide Hesychius. Ethebyne, in Hibernia, 19 Oct. Add. Ethelburga (' Alborowe,') V., soror S. Etheldredae, 7 Jul. Ethelburga, V., n Oct. Ethelbryght, M., apud Ramsey, 17 Oct. Add. Etheldreda, Regina V., in Britannia, 23 Jun. Etheldreda, eius Translatio, 17 Oct. Ethelred, M., apud Ramsey, 17 Oct. Add. Ethelwoldus, C., 12 Aug. Euagrius, Ep. M., Tomis in Scythia, 3 Apr. Euagrius, M. Tomis in Ponto, I Oct. Euagrye, 3 Apr. Add. Euanthe, mater Liberalis, M., 30 Dec. Add. Euaristus, papa, M., Romae, 27 Oct. ; 26 Oct. Add. Eubrachius, C., 10 Oct. Eucherius, Ep. C., Lugdunensis, 1 6 Nov. Eudelme, V., 18 Feb. Add. Eve, 23 Jan. Add. Eventius, v. Juventius. Euenlius, Pr. M., Romae, 3 Mai. Euentius, discip. Hermagorae, C., Ticini sive Papiae, 12 Sep. Euentius, nobilis in Hispania, 12 Sep. Add. Eufeme, Eufrase, &c. v. Euph . Eufrose, v. Aphrodisius, Ep. Eugendus ('Augend,') abbas, I Jan. Eugence, v. Eugentus, M. Eugenia, abbati.ssa, V. M., Romae, 25 Dec. Eugenianus, M., Augustoduni, 8 Jan. Eugenius, Nicomediae, 17 Mar. Eugenius, M., in Syria, 20 Mar. Eugenius, M., Neocaesareae, 24 Jan. Eugenius, Ep. C. exulatus (al. M.), Carthagine, 13 Jul. Eugenius (' Eugyn,') Symphorosae F., M., Tibure, 27 Jun. Eugenius, Ep. C. Toleti, 13 Nov. Eugenius, Ep. Toletan., M. 15 Nov. Eugenius, barbarus, R. M., 29 Jul. Add. Eugenius, abbas, Ep., in Hibernia, 23 Aug. Add. Eugenius, Ep. Caesariens., discip. Origenis, 15 Nov. Add. Eugenius, M., 12 Dec. Add. Eugentus, M. , in Africa, 4 Jan. Eukare, Ep. Aurelianensis. 20 Feb. Add. Evilasius, al. Ejulasius, judex, M., 20 Sep. Eulalia, V. M., Barcinonae, 12 Feb. Eulalia, V. M., Emeritae in Hisp., loDec. Eulether, v. Eleutherius, Ep. M. Eulogius, diac. M., Tarraconas in Hisp., 21 Jan. Eulogius, C., Constantinopoli, 3 Jul. Eulogius, M., Constantinopoli, II Jul. Add. Eulogius, 1 1 Jul. Add. Eulogus, Pr. M., Cordubae, 20 Sep, Eumenia, discip. S. Afrae, ancilla, M., Augustas Vindelicorum, 12 Aug. Eunomia, v. Eumenia, ancilla M. Eunus, famulus, M., Alexandriae, 27 Feb. Evodius, M., Syracusis, 25 Apr. Euodius, Ep. M., Antiochiae, 6 Mai. Euodius, M., Nicaeae in Bithynia, 2 Aug. Euphronius, C., 3 Aug. Add. Evortius, al. Evurtius, Ep. C., Aurelianis, 7 Sep. Euote, al. Eventius, ex xviii. Martt., Caesaraugustse, 16 Apr. Euphemia, (' Eufeme called Effam ') V. M., 13 Apr. Euphemia, V. M., Chalcedone, 16 Sep. Euphrasia, V., in Thebaide, 13 Mar. Euphrasia, V., Alexandriae, II Feb. Euphrasius, Ep. in Africa, 14 Jan. Euphrasius, Ep. C., in Hispania, 15 Mai., Euphrosyna, V., Alexandriae, I Jan. Euplus, diac. M. Catanae in Sicilia,i2 Aug. Euprepia, discip. S. Afrae, ancilla, M., Augustae Vindelicorum, 12 Aug. Euprepius, frater SS. Cosmae et Damiani, M., Aegaeae, 27 Sep. Eusebius, palatinus, M., 5 Mar. Eusebius, Adrianopoli in Thracia, 22 Oct. Eusebius, M., 28 Apr. Eusebius, Ep. Samosatensis, Caesareae Cappadociae, 21 Jun. Eusebius, Ep. M., Vercellis, I Aug. Eusebius, Pr. C., Romae, 14 Aug. Eusebius, M. , Romae, 25 Aug. Eusebius (papa), Ep. C., Romae, 26 Sep. Eusebius, M., Hadrianopoli in Thracia, 22 Oct. Eusebius, monach., M., Tarracinaein Cam- pania, 5 Nov. Eusebius, 31 Mar. Add. Eusebius, Ep., 15 Aug. Add. Eusebius, abbas, 15 Aug. Add. Eusebius, papa, Romae, 6 Oct. Add. Eustace, abbas Luxoviensis, 2 Apr. Eustace, eius Depositio, 29 Mar. Eustachius, Ep. C., i6Jul. Eustachius, Pr. C., in Syria, 12 Oct. Eustachius M., Romae, 2 Nov. 250 INDEX SANCTORUM. Eustachius, abbas, II Oct. Add, Eustachius, Ep. Antiochise, n Oct. Add. Eustasius, Luxaviensis abbas, 29 Mar. Eustochia, V. M., 2 Nov. Add. Eustochium, abbatissa, 2 Nov. Add. Eustochius, Ep., Turonis, 19 Sep. Eustorgius, Pr., Nicomedise, II Apr. Eustosius, M., Antiochiae, 10 Nov. Eustratius, M , 12 Dec. Add. Eutheme, v. Euthymius. Euthere, v. Eucherius, Ep. C. Euthery, Ep. Tornacensis C. in territ. Aspan., 27 Mar. Euthymius (' Eutheme '), diac. Alexandrite, 5 Mai. Eutropes, Ep. M., Santonis in Gallia, 30 Apr. Eutropia, soror S. Nicasii, M., Rhemis, 14 Dec. Eutropius, Ep., Arausicae in Galliis, 27 Mai. Eutropius, M. , in Portu Romano, 1 5 Jul. Eutyches (' Euticete '), M., in Italia, 15 Apr. Eutyches, laicus, M., Puteolis, 19 Sep. Eutychianus, M. , in Campania, 2 Jul. Eutychianus, M., in Africa, 12 al. 13 Nov. Eutychianus, papa, M., Romae, 8 Dec. Eutychianus, C., 8 Dec. Add. Eutychius (' Euthyke '), diac. M., Caesareae in Mauritania, 21 Mai. Eutychius, M., in Thracia, 29 Sep. Eutychius, M., Messanae in Sicilia, 5 Oct. Eutychius (' Ewtyke '), nobilis, in Hispania, II Dec. Eutychius, Pr. M., Ancyrae in Galatia, 28 Dec. Eutychius, M. , 4 Jun. Eutychius (' Ewticy '), abbas, 28 Dec. Add. Eutymy, 31 Mar. Add. Ewaldi Duo, Presbyteri MM., in Saxonia, 3 Oct. Ewlodia, v. Alodia. Ewyne, Regina, 21 Dec. Expeditus, M., Militanae in Armenia, 19 Apr. Exuperantius, diac. M. , Spoleti, 30 Dec. Exuperia, cum Symphronio, &c., M., Romae, 26 Jul. Exuperius, ex legione Thebaeorum, M., Seduni in Galliis, 22 Sep. Exuperius, Ep. C., Tolosae, 28 Sep. Exuperius, M. Viennae, 19 Nov. Exuper, Ep. C., I Aug. Add. Ezechias, R., Jerosolymis, 24 Jun. Add. Ezechiel, propheta, in sepulchro Sem et Arphaxat in Babilonia, Apr. 10. Fabianus, papa M. , Romos, 20 Jan. Fabian, M., 28 Jan. Add. Fabius ('Fabiane'), M., Caesareoe, 31 Jul. Falek, 28 Jan. Add. Fandila, Pr. M. Cordubae, 13 Jun. Fantinus, .,31 Jul. Add. Fare, v. Phara, V. Faro, al. Pharao, Ep. Ambianensis, C., Meldis, 28 Oct. Fausta, V.M., Cyzici in Propontide, 20 Sep. Faust, Abbas, 16 Jan. Add. Fauster, al. Saturninus, M., exxviii Martt., Caesaraugustae, 16 Apr. Fawster, Foster (' Sawster'), v. Vedastus. Faustina, imperatrix, M., Alexandriae, 23 Nov. Add. Faustinus, M., Brixiae, 15 Feb. Faustinus, M., Romas, 29 Jul. Faustinus ('Sawstyne'), M., Romse. 22 Mai. Faustinus, C., Alexandriae, 17 Nov. Faustinus, alias Faustus, M., Mediolani, 7 Aug. Faustus, M., Romae, 24 Jun. Faustus, M., Romae, I Aug. Faustus, al. Faustinus, Antiochiae, 8 Sep. Faustus, M., Cordubae in Hisp., 13 Oct. Faustus, diac. Alexandrinus, M., 19 Nov. Faustus, Pr. M., Alexandriae, 26 Nov. Fayth, v. Fides, V. Fekyne, 20 Jan. Add. Felicianus, M., Romas, 2 Feb. Felicianus, M. , Romae, 9 Jun. Felicianus, miles M., Massiliae in Galliis* 21 Jul. Felicianus, M., in Lucania, 29 Oct. Felicianus, M., Viennae, 19 Nov. Felicissima, V.M. Falari in Piceno, 12 Aug. Felicissimus, Tuderti in Tuscia, 26 Mai. Felicissimus, M. in Campania, 2 Jul. Felicissimus, diac. M., Romae, 6 Aug. Felicissimus, M., in Africa, 26 Oct. Felicissimus, C. (al. M. ) Perusiae in Tuscia, 24 Nov. Felicitas, M., Tuburbi in Mauritania, 7 Mar. Felicitas, cum filiis vii Martt., Romas, 23 Nov. Felicula, M., Romae, 14 Feb. Felicula, V.M., Romae, 13 Jun. Felix, M. in Africa, n al. 12 Feb. Felix, Ep. C. in Anglia Orientali, 8 Mar. Felix, M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar. Felix, M. in civitate Heraclea, 7 Jan. Felix, Pr. M., Nolae in Campania, 14 Jan. Felix, C. (frater Felicis M.), Nolae in Camp., 14 Jan. Felix, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., ex xviii Martt., 15 al. 1 6 Apr. Felix, M., Alexandriae, 21 Apr. Felix, Pr., Valentke in Galliis, 23 Apr. INDEX SANCTORUM. 251 7 elix, Ep. M., Spoleti, 18 Mai. "elix, papa M., Romae, 30 Mai. "elix, M., in Istria, 24 Mai. "elix, M., in Sardinia, 28 Mai. ?elix, M., Aquileiae, II Jun. ? elix, Pr. M. [Sjutrii in Tuscia, 23 Jun. Felix, M. in Campania, 2 Jul. Felix, Filius sanctae Felicitatis, M. Romae, 10 Jul. Felix, M., in Africa, 10 Jul. Felix, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul. Felix, papa M., Romae, 29 Jul. Felix, M., Gerundae in Hisp., I Aug. Felix, cum sociis, peregrinus, MM. in Portu Romano, 22 Aug. Felix, Ep., Nolae, 27 Aug. Felix, Pr. M., Romae, 30 Aug. Felix, M. (al. C.) in Africa, 10 Sep. Felix, alter, Ep. M. (al C. ), in Africa, 10 Sep. Felix, M., Nuceriae, 19 Sep. Felix, M., Augustoduni, 24 Sep. Felix, Pr. (al. Ep.) M., in Africa, 12 Oct. Felix, Ep. M. , Venusiae in Apulia, 24 Oct. Felix, M., Lutetiae Parisiorum, 28 Oct. Felix, Pr. M., Tarracinae in Campania, 5 Nov. Felix, M., Tonizas in Africa, 6 Nov. Felix, Ep. M., Nolae, in Campania, 15 Nov. Felix, Ep. Romae, 22 al. 30 Dec. Felix, 14 Jan. Add. Felix, Ep. M., 16 Jan. Add. Felix, M., 14 Mai. Add. Felix, M., 17 Mai. Add. Felix, M., 1 2 Jul. Add. Felix, Pr. C., Nolae, 31 Aug. Add. Felix, monachus, 6 Nov. Add. Felix III, papa, 30 Dec. Add. Fenan, Ep., 8 Mar. Add. Ferreolus, Pr. M., Vesontione, 16 Jun. Ferreolus, tribunus, M., Viennae, 18 Sep. Ferreolas, 27 Jan. Add. Ferrutio, diac. M., Vesontione, 16 Jun. Festus, diac. M., Neapoli (al. Puteolis) in Campania, 19 Sep. Festus, in Tuscia, 21 Dec. Fetyke, Ep. C., 14 Apr. Add. Fiagry, 1 1 Apr. Add. Fisgry, v. Syagrius, Ep. C. Fidelis, 16 Mai. Add. Fidentius, Ep. M. 16 Nov. Add. Fides, filia S. Sapientiae, V. M., Romae, I Aug.; 17 Jun. Add. Fides, V. M., Agenni in Galliis, 6 Oct. Fides, eius Translatio, 14 Jan. Filiaster. Pr. 18 Jul. Add. Finanus, abbas in Hibernia, 12 Dec. Add. Finian, al. Fintanus, Pr. C., in Scotia, 17 Feb. Firmatus, diac. Antisiodori, 5 Oct. Firmiliane, Ep., 12 Feb. Add. Firminus, M., in Africa, 9 Jan. Firminus, Ep. C., Uzetiae ('at vrs'), II Oct. Firmus, M., Romae, 2 Feb. Firmus, 10 Mar. Firmus, M., 9 Aug. Add. Flavia Domitilla, V. M. , 7 Mai. Flaccus, M., 30 Aug. Add. Flaviana, V., Antisiodori, 5 Oct. Flavian, M., 30 Jan. Flavianus, Ep. , 24 Nov. Add. Flavius, M., Nicomediae, 7 Mai. Flora, V.M., Cordubae, 24 Nov. Flora, V.M., 29 Jul. Add. Florence, Mar. 19. Florence, Ep., 3 Apr. Add. Florentia, M., Caesarione in territ. Agathensi, 10 Nov. Florens, Ep., 2 Mai. Add. Florens, C. , 28 Dec. Add. Florentinus, cum S. Hilario, M., Seduni (' Persewdon ') in Gallia, 27 Sep. Florentius, M., Carthagine, 15 Jul. Florentius, Pr. C., in pago Pictaviensi, 22 Sep. Florentius (' Florentyne '), Ep., Arausicae in Gallia, 17 Oct. Florentius, M. apud Tyle castrum, 27 Oct. Florentius, (' Florens'), C. apud Nursiam, 28 Dec. Add. Florentius, Ep. C., 26 Oct. Add. Florentus, M., Karthagine, 15 Jul. Florianus, M. in Norico Ripensi ('at ori- coripens ') 4 Mai. Florianus, M., Gazae, 17 Dec. Add. Florus, M., Ostiae, 22 Dec. Flosculus (' Frustole') Ep., 2 Feb. Fors, Ep. in Hibernia, 28 Sep. Add. Foke, v. Phocas. Fortunatus, Romas, 15 Oct. Fortunatus, M., Romae, 2 Feb. Fortunatus, M. Alexandriae, 21 Apr. Fortunatus, diac. M., Valentiae in Galliis, 23 Apr. Fortunatus, M., Aquileiae, II Jun. Fortunatus, Ep. C. in territ. Senon., 18 Jun. Fortunatus, discip. S. Marci, diac. in Aqui- leia, 12 Jul. Fortunatus, in Campania, 12 Oct. Fortunatus, Ep., Tuderti, 14 Oct. Fortunatus, M., Romae, 15 Oct. Fortunatus, Capuae, 15 Oct. Fortunatus, lector M. , Venusise, in Apulia,. 24 Oct. Fortunatus, Alexandriae, 27 Feb. Fortunatus, Ep. C., 5 Mai. Add. Fortunatus, M. , 14 Mai. Add. Fortunatus, M., 17 Mai. Add. Fortunatus, 14 Oct. Add. 252 INDEX SANCTORUM. Fotinus, Ep. M. , Lugduni, 2 Tun. ; 3 Tun. Add. Foyllane, 31 Oct. Add. Franboldus, Ep. C., 16 Aug. Add. Franciscus, C., fundator Ord. Minorum, Assisii in Umbria, 4 Oct. Franciscus, eius Translatio, 25 Mai. Fraternus, Ep., (? M.) Antisiodori, 29 Sep. Fratres Septem, MM., Romse, 29 Mai. Fratres Septem, filii Sanctse Felicitatis, MM., Romge, 10 Jul. Fredeswida, V., Oxonii in 4 Anglia, 19 Oct. Fremundus, R.M., Britannia. II Mai. Frigidianus (' Frygdiane '), Ep. C. Lucse. 1 8 Mar. Add. Frigidianus, eius Translatio, 18 Nov. Add. Fronto, abbas, Alexandria, 14 Apr. Fronto, M., ex xviii Martt. Csesaraugustse in Hisp., 15 al. 16 Apr. Fronto, Ep. Petragoricen. , in Gallia, 25 Oct. Fronto, abbas in Thebaide, 19 Apr. Add. Fructuosa, M., Antiochise, 23 Aug. Fructuosus, Ep. Tarraconse in Hisp., 21 Jan. Frumentii Duo, MM. in Africa, 23 Mar.; item 23 Mar. Add. Frumentius, Ep., 27 Oct. Add. Frustole, v. Flosculus, Ep. 2 Feb. Fulgentius, Ep. C., Ruspse in Africa, I Jan. Fulgence, Ep. Utruculanus, I Jan. Add. Furcey, C., in rnonast. Perone ('Patron') 1 6 Jan. Fusca, V.M., 13 Feb. Add. Fuscianus, al. Fustinianus, M., Ambiani in Gallia, 1 1 Dec. Fuscolus, Ep. C. in Africa, 6 Sep. Fyacre, C., 18 Aug. Add. Fynan, Ep., 16 Mar. Add. Fynanus (al. Wynyn) in Hibernia, 10 Sep. Add. Fynchell, 26 March, Add. Fynian, 6 Feb. Add, Fyrme, M. 13 Jan. Add. Gabinius, Pr. M., Romse, 19 Feb. Gabinius, M., Turribus Sardinia, 30 Mai. Gabryell, Archang., 25 Mar. Add. Gadane, 9 Mar. Add. Gaius, Pr. C. Romse, 22 Apr. Add. Galatus, M., Militanse in Armenia, 19 Apr. Galenice, v. Callinicus, M., 28 Jan. Galla, vidua, Romse. 5 Oct. Add. Gallicanus, patricius, M., Alexandrise, 25 Jun. Gallus ('Gasly') abbas in Alemania, 20 Feb. ; 19 Feb. Add. Gallus, Pr. C., abbas, in Germania, 16 Oct. Gamalielis Inventio, lerosolymis, 3 Aug. Gasly, v. Gallus. Caspar, see Jasper. Gatianus (' Canciane'), Ep., Turonis, 18 Dec. Gauberge, v. Walpurgis. Gaudentia, V. (M.), Romse, 30 Aug. Gaudentius, Ep., 3 Feb. Add. Gaudentius, Ep. M., 14 Oct. Add. Gaugericus, Ep. C, Cameraci, n Aug. Gawdrysyve, abbatissa, V., 14 Oct. Add. Gay, v. Caius. Geate, v. Grata, M. Gedeon, i Sep. ; I Sep. Add. Gelasius, M., Romse in foro Sempronii, 4 Feb. Gelasius, I. papa. 18 Nov. Add. Gelasius, Ep. 20 Dec. Add. Geminian, Ep. 29 Jan. Add. Geminianus, M., Romse, 16 Sep. Geminus, M. in Africa, 4 Jan. Geminus, M., Romse, in foro Sempronii, 4 Feb. Geminus, Ep. 21 Apr. Add. Genebadius, Ep. JLaudunensis, 7 Dec. Add. Generalis, femina, M. in Africa, 14 Sep. Generosa, M. Carthagine, 17 Jul. Genesius Arelatensis, exceptor, M., Aug. Gengolfus, C., Lingonis, n Mai. Add. Gengulpus, C., 17 Sep. Add. Gennand, Ep., 16 Apr. Add. Genofeva, V., Parisiis, 3 Jan. Genofeva, eius Translatio, 28 Oct. Genonius, M., in territ. Lingoniensi, 19 Sep. Gentianus, hospes SS. Victorici et Fus- ciani, M., Ambiani, II Dec. Georgius, M. Diospoli in Perside, 23 Apr. Georgius, diac. monachus, M., Cordubse, 27 Aug. _ Georgii, diac., et Aurelii, MM., reliquia- rum receptio, Parisiis, 20 Oct. Georgius, Pr., cum Frontone, Petragoricis in Gallia, 25 Oct. Geraldus, C., 10 Oct. Add. Gerardus, Pannoniae Ep., 24 Feb. Add. Gerardus, Lucensis Ep., 24 Feb. Add. Geremare, abbas, 18 Mar. Add. Geremarus, abbas, 24 Sep. Add. Gergenius, Ep. Librensis, 17 Nov. Add. Gerinus, M., 2 Oct. Add. Gereon, miles M., Colonise Agrippinse, 10 Oct. Gergery, v. Gregorius, Ep. Turon. Gertrudis, V. (? M.), monast. Nivigelke in Brabantia, 17 Mar. Gertrude, V.M.. eius Translatio, 10 Feb. Germanicus, M., Smyrnse, 19 Jan. Germanus, Ep. C., Parisiis, 28 Mai. INDEX SANCTORUM. 253 Germanus, eius Translatio, Parisiis, 25 Jul. Germanus, Ep. C., Antisiodori, 31 Jul. Germanus, Ep. C. , in Africa, 6 Sep. Germanus, Ep. C., Antisiodori, I Oct. Germanus, M., in Hispania, 23 Oct. Germanus, Ep. C., Capuae, 30 Oct. Germanus, M., Caesareae Cappadociae, 3 Nov. Gerontius, aL Geruntius, Ep. C., Italicae in Hisp., 25 Aug. Gervasius, M,, Mediolani, 19 Jun. Getulius, conjux Symphorosse, M., Romae, 10 Jun. Gignavus, abbas, in pago Bituricensi, 4 Dec. Gilbert, v. Agilbert, 24 Jun. Gilbertus, C. , 4 Feb. Gildardus, Ep., Rotomagi, 8 Jun. Gildardus, C., Nivernis in Hibernia, 24 Aug. Giles, v. ^igidius. Giraldus, .,13 Oct. Gislenus (' Gysleny'), Ep. C., 9 Oct. ; Cf., 20 Mar. Add. Goar, Pr., 6 Jul. Godricus, C., in Brit., 21 Mai. Goericus, Ep. (Metensis), 19 Sept. Add. Golfryde (Ceolfrith), abbas apud Jarrow, 25 Sep. Add. Gondegrand, M., 5 Sep. Add. Good Fryday, h.e. Parasceve, 25 Mar. Goodwale (Gudwal), 6 Jun. Add. Gordianus, M. Romae, 10 Mai. Gordianus, M., Novioduni, 17 Sep. Gorgonius. M., Sebastae in Armenia, 10 aL II Mar. Gorgonius, M., Nicomedias, 9 Sep. Gotardus, Ep. C., 5 Mai. Add. Gracianus, vel Gracilianus, M., Falari in agro Piceno, 12 Aug. Grata (' Geate '), M., Lugduni, 2 Jun. Gratianus, M., Ambianensis, 23 Oct. Add. Gregorii papae Magni Electio sive Ordinatic, Romae, 3 Sep. Gregorius, Ep., Nyssae, 9 Mar. Gregorius, Ep. C., Illiberi, 24 Apr. Gregorius I., papa, Romae, 12 Mar. Gregorius, Ep., Nazianzi, 9 Mai. Gregorius, Ep. M.. C., Neocaesareae in Ponto, 3 Jul. Gregorius, Ep. M., apud Pontum, 17 Nov. Gregorius, Ep.,Turonis, 17 Nov. Gregorius, papa, eius Translatio, 9 Dec. Gregorius, Ep. C., Antisiodori, 19 aL 20 Dec. Gregorius, Pr. M., Spoleti in Tuscia, 24 Dec. Gregorius, Ep. Lingonensis, 3 Jul. Add. Gregorius, eques C., in Samo insula, 24 Aug. Add. Gregorius IT, papa, Romae, 28 Nov. Add. Gregorius III, papa, Romae, 28 Nov. Add Grimbaldus, Pr., apud Wintoniam, 8 Jul. ; 7 Jul. Add. Guddene ('Gundene'), V.M., Carthagine, 18 Jul. Gulphyle (Ulfilas) Ep. Gothorum, 21 Apr. Add. Gumpert, Ep., n Mar. Add. Gundleus, R., 29 Mar. Add. Gungulphus, M., in Burgundia, 6 Oct. Add. Gundulphus, Ep. C., in pago Bituricensi, 17 Jun. Gundulphus, aL Gundran, Ep. C. , Parisiis, 13 Nov. Guntrannus, R., Cabilione, 28 Mar. Gurius, M., Edessae, 20 Nov. Add. Guthlacus, in Britannia, II Apr. Gwenadius, abbas C., 3 Nov. Gylbertus (de Sempringham), C., 4 Feb. Gylbertus, v. Agilbertus, M., 24 Jun. Gyldas, 29 Jan. Gysleny, v. Gislenus. Habacuc, propheta, in Judaea, 1 5 Jan. Habentius ('Avens'), monachus, M., Cordubae, 7 Jun. Habetdeum, Ep., 15 Mar. Add. Habundy, v. Abundius. Habundus, Pr. M., Cordubae, 8 Jun. Hadrianus, M., Massiliae, I Mar. Hadrianus, aL Adrianus, M., Nicomedise, 8 Sep. Haiot, judex, I Sep. Add. Hailon, judex, I Sep. Add. Hammonius (' Ammon'), M., 14 Feb. Hamptran, v. Emmeranus. Heber, 28 Jan. Add. Hedda, Ep. C.,7jul. Hedistius (' Edisty '), M., Ravennae, 12 Oct. Hegesippus (' lesyppe '), historicus, Romae, 7 Apr. Helena, R., mater Constantini Imp., Romae, 18 Aug. Helena et ejus Translatio. V. Antisiodori, 22 Mai. Helenus ('Heleny ') abbas in Deserto, 17 Apr. Add. Helewsyppe, v. Eleusippus, M. Helias, miles, Alexandriae, 22 Jan. Add. Helimenas, Pr. M., Cordubae, 22 Apr. Heliodorus, M., in Africa, 6 Mai. Helladius ('Ellad'), Ep., Antisiodori, 8 Mai. Heliodorus, Ep., 3 Jul. Add. Helpedius, abbas, 2 Sep. Add. Helpidius, Ep. Lugduni, 2 Sep. 254 INDEX SANCTORUM. Hely, summus sacerdos, judex Israel, 20 Aug. Add. Hely, abbas in Deserto, 1 1 Sep. Add. Hely, discip. S. Antonii, II Sep. Add. Helyas, propheta, 14 Aug. Add. Hemitherius, al. Emitherius (' Enuthere ') miles M., Calagurri, 3 Mar. Henricus, imperator, 14 Jul. Add. Henry, 16 Jan. Add. Hera (' Heroys '), catechumena, M., Alexandria, 28 Jun. Heraclea, M., in Thracia, 29 Sep. [Hjeracles, Ep. Alexandria, 14 Jul. Heraclides, M., Alexandriae, 28 Jun. Heraclides, C., in Egypto, 23 Apr. Add. Heraclius, M., Novioduni, 17 Mai. Heraclius, M., Tuderti in Tuscia, 26 Mai. Heraclius, Ep., apud Senones, 8 Jun. Heraclyte, C., 2 Feb. Add. Herastus ('Erast'), Ep. M., Philippis, 26 Jul. Herculanus, M., in Portu Romano, 5 Sep. Herculanus, miles M., cum S. Alexandro, Romae, 25 Sep. Herculanus, Ep. M., Perusii in Italia, 7 Nov. Herculanus, eius Translatio, Perusii, I Mar. Keren, al. Irene, M., Thessalonicae, 5 Mai. Hereodarde, v. Theodardus. Herimbertus, Ep. Tolosanus, 14 Mai. Herina, V., 4 Mai. Add. Herke, Ep. in Hibernia, 2 Nov. Add. Hermagoras, Ep. M., discip. S. Marii, Aquileioe, 12 Jul. Hermagoras, ejus Translatio, 12 Sep. Add. Hermas, discip. S. Pauli, Romae, 9 Mai. Hermelandus, abbas, 25 Mar. Hermettus, M., Constantinopoli, 3 Aug. Hermes, M., Bononiae, 4 Jan. Hermes, M., Massiliae, I Mar. Hermes, praefectus, M., Romae, 28 Aug. Hermes, M., Adrianopoli in Thracia, 22 Oct. Hermes, exorcista, Rhetiarioe, 31 Dec. Herminigildus, R. M., in Hispania, 13 Apr. Hermippus (' Hernempy '), 27 Jul. Hermogenes, Antiochise, 17 Apr. Hermogenes, M., Militanse in Armenia, 19 Apr. Hermogenes, M., Syracusis, 25 Apr. Hermogenes, M., 12 Dec. Hermocrates (' Hermogiate '), M., 27 JuL Hermolaus, Pr. M., Nicomedke, 27 Jul. Hero, Ep. M., Antiochiae, 17 Oct. Hero, M., Alexandrise, 14 Dec. Heros ('Heroys'), M., Alexandrine, 28 Jun. Heryne, V., 4 Mai. Add. Hester, regina, 14 Sep. Add. Hesychius ('Esicy'), Ep. in Hispania, 15 Mai. Hesychius, miles M., Dorostori in Mysia, 15 Jun. Hesychius, al. Esychius, M., Antiochice, 1 8 Nov. Hesychius, Ep. M., 18 Feb. Add. Hieremias, monachus, Cordubse, 7 Jun. Hieremias, M., Cordubae, 17 Sep. Hieronymus, Pr. Doctor in Bethleem Juda, 30 Sep. Hieronymus, ejus Translatio, Romiv, 9 Mai. Add. Hilaria, mater S. Afrae, M., Augustae Vindelicorum, 12 Aug. Hilaria, uxor Claudii, M., Romae, 3 Dec. Hilarinus, monachus, M. , Aretii in Tuscia, 7 Aug. Hilarinus, eius Translatio ad Ostia Tiberina, 16 Jul. Hilarion, eremita, C., 21 Oct. Hilarius, Ep. C., Gavalis, 25 Oct. Hilarius, Ep. C., Pictavis, 13 Jan. et I Nov. Hilarius, Ep. M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar. Hilarius, Ep. C, Arelate in Galliis, 5 Mai. Hilarius, papa, Romae, 10 Sep. Hilarius, abbas, 13 Mai. Add. Hilda, abbatissa, 18 Nov. ; 17 Nov. Add. Himerius, Ep., 17 Jun. Add. Hippolytus, Pr. M. , Antiochise, 30 Jan, Hippolytus, cum familia sua, M., Romce, 13 Aug. Hippolytus, Ep. Africanus, 13 Aug. Add. Hippolytus, in Portu Romano, 23 Aug. Hippolytus, Pr. M., Romse, 20 Nov. Honesimus, v. Onesimus, Ep. Honestus, M., 16 Feb. Add. Honoratus, Ep. apud Arelatem, 16 Jan. Honoratus, Ep., 16 Jan. Add. Honoratus, abbas, i6Jan. Add. Honoratus, Ep. C., Ambiani, 15 Jun. Add. ; I Sep. Add. Honoratus, abbas, 16 Jan. Honoratus, M. Ostiae ('at antioche'), 22 Dec. Honorius M. apud Ostia Tiberina, 21 Nov. Honorius, Archiep. Cantuar., 30 Sep. Add. Honoryne, V. M., 27 Feb. Add. Horanus, abbas in deserto Egypti, 12 Nov. Add. Hormisdas, papa, Romae, 8 Aug. Add. Hormisdas, Rex Persarum, M., Add. Horres, filius Theusetoe 13 Mar. Aug. M. , Nica\v, INDEX SANCTORUM. 255 Ilospitius, 21 Mai Add. Hostianus, Pr. M., in territ. Vivariensi, 30 Jun. Hukbert, al Hubertus, Ep. [Tungrensis], 3 Nov. Hugo, Ep. Lincoln., 17 Nov. Hugo, Ep., 31 Mar. Add. Hugo, abbas, I Apr. Add. Hugo, abbas Cluniacensis, 5 Jul. Add. Hugo de S. Victore, 5 Jul. Add. Hugo, puerulus Lincolniae, I Aug. Add, Hundegunda, V., 25 Aug. Add. Hutbert, Ep. C, 30 Mai. Hyacinthus (' lacynct'), M., Romae, 10 Feb. Hyacinthus, M. , in Portu Romano, 26 Jul. Hyacinthus, M., Sabinis, 9 Sep. Hyacinthus, Eunuchus, M., Romae, II Sep. Hyacinthus, M. in Lucania, 29 Oct. Hyery, v. Pierius, Pr. Hyginus ('Ygyn'), papa, M., Romae, n Jan. Add. Hyldebert, Ep., 13 Feb. Add. Hyldegart, V., 22 Jun. Add. Hyldelyth, V., 24 Mar. Add. Hyldentius, Ep., 26 Mai. Add. Hyrade, M., II Mar. Add. Hyren, v. Irenaeus, M. Ilyren, v. Irene. Ignatius, avunculus Celerini, M. in Africa, 3 Feb. Ignatius, Ep. Antioch., M., Romae, I Feb. Ignatius, eius Translatio, 17 Dec. Ildefonsus (' Nedolfons '), Ep. Toletanus, 23 Jan. Add. ; ( Hyldefons ') 18 Dec. Add. Iltutus, in Brit. , 6 Nov. Add. Indaletius, [C] in Hispania, Ep. missus ab apostolis, 15 Mai. Indrake, R. Hiberniae, 8 Mai. Add. Infantes Decem, Martt., Alexandriae, 1 5 Jul. Ingenuinus ('Ingemyne'), Ep. Sabionensis, 5 Feb. Add. Ingenuus, miles, M., Alexandriae, 20 Dec. Ingemyne, v. Ingenuinus. Innocentes, MM,, in Bethleem Judae, 28 Dec. Innocentes, eorum Octava, 4 Jan. Innocentius, M. Sirmii, 4 Jul. Innocentius, papa, C. aL M., 28 Jul. Innocentius, miles M., ex Thebaeorum legione, in loco Agauno, Seduni in Galliis, 22 Sep. Inventio capitis Praecursoris Qo. Bapt.] Hierosolymis, 24 Feb. Inventius, aL luventius ('Vincent'), M., Romce, I Jan. Irenaeus (' Hyerene '), M., Romae, 10 Feb. Irenceus, Ep. M., Sirmii, 25 Mar. Irenaeus (' Hyreney'), Diac. apud Penta- polim Libyae, 26 Mar. Irenaeus, M., Thessalonicae, 5 Mai. Irenaeus, Ep. M., Lugduni in Galliis, 28 Jun. Irenaeus (' Hyreney '), Diac. M., Clusii in Etruria, 3 Jul. Irenaeus, M. , Romae, 26 Aug. Irene ('Hyrene'), V. M., Thessalonicae, 5 Apr- Isaac, monachus, M., Cordubae in Hisp., 3 Jun. Isai, al. Jesse, pater David, 29 Dec. Add. Isay, 26 Feb. Add. Isidorus, Ep. M., 2 Jan. Isidorus ('ysydour'), C., 15 Jan. Isidorus, Ep., Hispali in Hispania, 4 Apr. Isidorus, monachus, Cordubae, 17 Apr. Isidorus, M. (Ep. apud Chium insulam) 15 Mai. Isidorus, M., Alexandriae, 14 Dec. Itamar, Ep. C., 10 Jun. Ive, al. Yve, C. in Britannia, 8 Oct. Jacob, 5 Feb. Add. Jacobus, Ap. M. lerosolymis, I Mai. Jacobus, eius Translatio ab Hierosolymis ad Hispaniam, 25 Jul. Jacobus, Ep., 15 Mar. Jacobus, Zebedaei, Ap. M., lerosolymis, 25 Mar. Jacobus, Pr. M. , in Perside, 22 Apr. Jacobus, Diac. M., in urbe Lambesitana, 30 Apr. Jacobus, Ep. C., Nisibi, 15 Jul. Jacobus, eius Vigilia, 24 Jul. Jacynct, v. Hyacinthus. Jader, Ep. C., al. M., in Africa, 10 Sep. Jair, judex, I Sep. Add. Januaria, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul. Januarius, M., in civitate Heraclea, 7 Jan. Januarius, ex xviii. Martt. Caesaraugustce, 1 6 Apr. Januarius, M., in Africa, 10 Jul. Januarius, M., films S. Felicitatis, Romae, 10 Jul. ; 23 Nov. Januarius, M. , in Armenia minori, 1 1 Jul. Januarius, [Diac. M.] Carthagine, 15 Jul. Januarius, subdiac. M., Romae, 6 Aug. Januarius, Ep. Beneventanae civitatis, M., Puteolis, al. Neapoli in Campania, 19 Sep. Januarius, M., Cordubae in Hisp., 13 Oct. Januarius, Pr. M., Venusiae in Apulia, 24 Oct. Jared, 23 Jan. Add. Jason, filius Claudii, M., Romse, 3 Dec. Jason, II Mai. Add. Jasper, e tribus regibus Colonise, 6 Jan. Add. Jephte, judex, I Sep. Add. 2 5 6 INDEX SANCTORUM. Jeremias, propheta, I Mai. Jerony, 9 Apr. Add. Jesus Josedek, 13 Jul. Add. Jesus Nave, propheta, I Sep. JESU CHRISTI, D.N, Nativitas in Bethleem Juda, 25 Dec. Vigilia, 24 Dec. JESU Pueri Relatio, 7 Jan. Jesus, filius Sirach, I Aug. Add. Jesyppe, v. Hegesippus. Joanna, uxor Chusse, Antiochiae, 24 Mai. Joachim, 26 Jul. Add. Joannes, abbas, 27 Jan. Joannes Chrysostomus, Ep., Constanti- nopoli, 27 Jan. Joannes, Pr. C, in monast. Reomanensi, 28 Jan. Joannes, M. cum Cyro, Alexandriae, 31 Jan. Joannes, abbas, ex Syria, apud Civit. Penarensem, 19 Mar. Joannes, eremita in Aegypto, 27 Mar. Joannes Beverlacensis, Ep. C., Eboraci in Anglia, 7 Mai. ; item 25 Oct. Joannes, papa, M., Ravennge, 27, al. 28 Mai. Joannes, Pr. M., Romae. 23 Jun. Joannes Bapt., Nativitas, 24 Jun.; Vigilia, 23 Jun. Joannes Bapt., ejus Octava, i Jul. Joannes Bapt., ejus Capitis Inventio, 24 Feb. Joannes Bapt. , eius Decollatio, vel Inventio Capitis, 29 Aug. Joannes Bapt. , eius Conceptio, 24 Sep. Joannes, frater Pauli, M., Romae, 26 Jun. Joannes, e septem Dormientibus, M. , Ephesi, 27 Jul. Joannes, Pr. sicut M., Romae, 18 Aug. Joannes, filius Marcellini, M., Tomis, 27 Aug. Joannes, nobilis, M., Nicomediae, 7 Sep. Joannes, frater Adulphi, M., Corduboe, 27 Sep. Joannes, cum Festo, M., in Tuscia, 21 Dec. Joannes, Ap. & Ev., C., Ephesi, 27 Dec. Joannes, eius Octava, 3 Jan. Joannes, ante portam Latinam, Romae, 6 Mai. Joannes, Alexandria patriarcha, 3 Feb. Add. Joannes, monachus, 28 Feb. Add. Joannes, abbas, 28 Feb. Add. Joannes, abbas in Thebaide, 28 Feb. Add. Joannes, 28 Feb. Add. Joannes, de Obedientia vocatus, 28 Mar. Add. Joannes, Damascenus, 6 Mai. Add. Toannes, M., Alexandrise, 19 Mai. Add. Joannes capistranus, 20 Mai. Add. Joannes I., papa, 26 Mai. Add. Joannes II., papa, 26 Mai. Add. Joannes III., papa, 26 Mai. Add. Joannes, in deserto Egypti, II Jan. Add. Joannes, monachus caesus a latronibus, 20 Jun. Add. Joannes, eremita, 5 Aug. Add. Joannes, Ep. Augustodunensis, 29 Oct. Add. Jocundianus, M. , in Africa, 4 Jul. Job, propheta, in terra IIus, 10 Mai. Joel, propheta, 13 Jul. Jomny, abbas, I Jun. Add. Jonas, propheta, 26 Jan. Add. Jonas, Pr. M., 22 Sep. Add. Josaphat, filius regis Indiae, I Aug. Add. j item 27 Nov. Add. Joseph, Diac., Antiochiae, 15 Feb. Joseph, sponsus Mariae, Nutritor Domini, in Judaea, 19 Mar. Joseph Justus, in Judaea, 20 Jul. Joseph, 5 Feb. Add. Joseph ab Arimathia, 27 Mar. Add. Josias, R. 24 Jun. Add. Josye, M. scriba apud Judaeos, 25 Jul. Add. Jovilla ('lonyll'), M. apud Lingones, 17 Jan. Jovinianus, lector, M., Antisiodori, 5 Mai, ovinus, M., Romae, 2 Mar. ovinus, Pr. C., 20 Jun. ovitta, Diac. M., Brixiae, 15 Feb. ucundianus, M., in Africa, 4 Jul. udalece, v. Indaletius, Ep. Judith, 14 Sep. Add. Judocus, eremita, C, 13 Dec. ; Item, 25 Jul. Add. ; ejus Translatio (' Nidoke'), 9 Jan. Add. udas, Ap. M.,28 Oct. ulia, V. M., 22 Mai. ulia, M., Carthagine, 15 Jul. ulia, V. M., Trecis, 21 Jul. ulia, soror Verissimi, M., Ulyssipone in Lusitania, I Oct. Julia, V. M., apud Augustam Euphrate- siam, 7 Oct. Julia, socia S. Eulaliae, V. M., Emeritae in Hisp., 10 Dec. Juliana, V. M., Cumis, 16 Feb . Juliana, M., Romae, 7 Aug.; 12 Aug. Julianus, filius Symphorosae, M., Tibure, 27 Jun. Julianus, conjux Basilissae, M. Antiochiae, 9 Jun. Julianus, Diac. M., Bellovaci, 8 Jan. Julianus (al. Symon leprosus), Ep. apud Cenommanos, 27 Jan. Julianus, M., in Aegypto, 16 al. 17 Feb. Julianus, M., in Africa, 19 Feb. Julianus, M., Alexandria, 27 Feb. INDEX \ SANCTORUM. 257 Julianus, Ep., Toleti, 6 al 8 Mar. Julianus, C., Caesareae, 23 Mar. Julianus, conjux Basilissae, M., Antiochiae, 9 Jun. Julianus, filius Symphorosae, M., Tibure, 27 Jun. Julianus, M., Damasci, 20 Jul. Julianus, Ep. , eius Translatio in Ceno- manos, 25 Jul. Julianus, M., Romae, 7 Aug. Julianus, C., in Syria, 12 Aug. Julianus, miles M., 28 Aug. Julianus, conjux Castell[an]ae, 27 Jan. Add. Julianus, nobilis M., 27 Jan. Add. Julianus, M. sub Diocletiano, 27 Jan. Add. Julianus, eremita, C. , 28 Jan. Add. Julianus, C., 28 Jan. Add. Julianus, 13 Feb. Add. Julianus, M., 23 Jun. Add. Julianus, M. 8 Jul. Add. Julian (al. Vivianus), Ep. C., apud San- tones, 28 Aug. Julianus, Pr. M., Tarracinae, I Nov. Julitta, mater Cyrici al. Quiriaci, M., An- tiochiae, 16 Jun. ; item 15 Jul. Add. Julius, papa C., Romae, 12 Apr, Julius, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., ex xviii Martt., 15 al. 1 6 Apr. Julius, miles emeritus, M., Dorostori in Maesia, 27 Mai. Julius, senator, M. Romae, 19 Aug. Julius, M., Thagurae in Africa, 5 Dec. Julius, M., Gedulbse in Thracia, 20 Dec. Julius, cognomine Africanus, 10 Apr. Add. Julius, M. in Brit., I Jul. Add. Ivo, eius Inventio, 24 Apr. Add. Ivo, 10 Jun. Add. Justa, M. Carthagine, 15 Jul. Justa, al. Justina, V. M., Hispali in Hisp., 19 Jul. Tustina, V. M., cum Cypriano, Nicomediae, 26 Sep. Justina, V.M., 30 Nov. Justina, soror S. Aurei, V. M., 16 Jun. Add. Justina, V. M., 7 Oct. Add. Justinianus, M. in territ. Belvacensi, 18 Oct. Justinianus, in Brit, minore, 5 Dec. Add. Justinus, philosophus, M., apud Pergamum Asiae, 13 Apr. Justinus, filius Symphorosae, M., Tibure, 27 Jun. Justinus, M., in territ. Parisiensi, I Aug. Justinus, Pr. C. (? M.) Romae, 17 Sep. Justinus, Pr., 4 Aug. Add. Justinus, Pr., 5 Aug. Justus, M., 12 Feb. Justus, M., Romae, 28 Feb. Justus, M., in Campania, 2 Jul. MARTILO. Justus, puer M., Compluti in Hisp., I Aug. Justus, Ep. C., Lugduni, 2 Sep. Justus, eius Depositio, Lugduni, 14 Jul. Justus, puer M., in territ. Belvacensi, 18 Oct. Justus, Archiep. [Cantuar.], 10 Nov. Justus, filius S. Justinae, M., i Aug. Add. Justus, diaconus, M., 27 Sep. Add. Justus, Ep. Lugdunensis, 14 Oct. Add. Justus, M., 2 Nov. Add. Juthware, V., 13 Jul. Add. Juvenalis, Ep. C, 3 Mai. Juvenalis, M., 7 Mai. Juventius, (' Evence,') Ep., Ticini, 12 Sep. Juventius ('Vincent'), al. Inventius, M., Romas, I Jun. Juventius, Pr, in Hispania, I Nov. Add. Kalanyke, M., Gazae, 17 Dec. Add. Kalixt, v. Callistus. Kalixta, V. 27 Feb. Add. Kalocery, v. Calocerus, M. Katherina, V. M., Alexandriae, 25 Nov. Keby, 8 Nov. Add. Kenanus, Ep. in Hibernia, 24 Nov. Add. Keneburga, V. M., Glocestriae in Britannia, 25 Jun. Kenede, in Brit., I Aug. Add. Kenelme, 3 Nov. Add. Kenelmus, R. M., in Britannia, 17 Jul. Kenfredus, diac. C., 6 Jul. Add. Kentegerne, Ep., 13 Jan. Add. Kenyswyde, V., 6 Mar. Add. Keynyne, abbas in Hibernia, 3 Jun. Add. Key, v. Caius, Caia. Keynwir, V., 8 Oct. Add. Kilianus, cum sociis, Ep. M., Herbipoli, 8 Jul. Kunegund, V., 3 Mar. Add. Kyneburge, abbatissa, 6 Mar. Add. Laetatius, M., Carthagine, 17 Jul. Laetus, M. , in Africa, 6 Sep. Laetus, Pr. C. , Aurelianis in Gallia, 5 Nov. Lafreane ( Laisrean), abbas, 18 Apr. Lambertus, Ep. Tungrensis, M., Leodii, 17 Sep. Landelme, abbas, 20 Mar. Add. Lanfrancus, Archiep. Cantuar, 28 Mai. Add. Lanfrancus, abbas C. , 3 Jul. Add. Lamnomyarus, Pr. in pago Dorcasin. 19 Jan. Largius, M., Romae, 12 Aug. Largius, v. Lorgius. Largus, M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar. Largus, M., Romae, 16 Mar. Largus, eius Translatio, 8 Aug. Largus, M., Augustae, 5 Aug. Add. 2 5 8 INDEX SANCTORUM. Latro (' Latry ') Ep. Laudunensis, 7 Dec. Add. Latrocinianus, M.. Treveris, 28 Apr. Add. Laudus, Ep. C. , Romae, 21 Sep. Laurentinus ('Laurence'), patruus Celerini, M., in Africa, 3 Feb. Laurentinus, M., Aretiiin Tuscia, 3 Jun. Laurentius, Archiep. Dorobernise in Anglia, 2 Feb. Laurentius, Archidiac., M., Romae, 10 Aug. Laurentius eius Octava, 17 Aug., eius Vigilia, 9 Aug. Laurentius cum Stephano, 7 Mai. Add. Laurentius, Ep. 14 Nov. Add. Laurianus, Ep. Hispalensis, M. in territ. Bituricensi, 4 Jul. Lazarus, frater Marias et Marthse, in Bethania, 17 Dec. ; cf. 10 Jun. Add. Leander, Ep. C., Hispali in Hisp., 27 Feb. Leo, M., Romae, I Mar. Leo I., papa Romae, II Apr. ; 22 Apr. Add. Leo, C., in territorio Tricassino, 25 Mai. Leo II., papa C. (et Doctor) Romae, 28 Jun. Leo, C., in castro Melidunensi, 12 Nov. Leo X. (at. IX.) papa Romae, 19 Apr. Add. Leo, Ep. in Graecia, 29 Apr. Add. Leo III., papa, 28 Jun. Add. Leo IV., papa, 16 Jul. Add. Leo, eques, C. , 24 Aug. Add. Leobinus, al. Leopitus, Ep. Carnutensis, 15 Sep. Leocadia, V. , Toleti, 9 Dec. Leodegarius, Ep. M., eius Translatio, 15 Mar. Leodegarius, Ep. Augustodunensis, M., 2 Oct. Leofridus (' Lewfryde'), C. in pago Ebroicensi, 21 Jun. Leoncy, C., in Africa, 6 Dec. Leonardus, eremita, Turonis, 18 Jan. Leonardus, C., in monast. Wendoper, 26 Nov. Leonardus, abbas C. 6 Nov. Leonardus, C., 8 Dec. Leonardus, 15 Oct. Add. Leonides, M., n Feb. Add. Leonilla, M. apud Lingones, 17 Jan. Leonorus, Ep. C., I Jul. Add. Leontia, in Africa, 6 Dec. Leontius, Ep., Nicomediae, 19 Mar. Leontius, M., Aegaeae, 27 Sep. Leontius, M., 20 Aug. Add. Leontius, C., 30 Oct. Add. Leorny, Ep., 23 Apr. Add. Leovigildus, monachus M., Cordubae, 20 Aug. L-etardus, Ep., 7 Mai. Add. T .ethatius ( ' Letace ' ) M. , Car thagine, 1 7 Jul. Leucus ('Lewce') al. Leucius, M., Apcl- loniae, 28 Jan. Lia, uxor Jacob, 5 Feb. Add. Liberalis, C., Altini, 27 Apr. Add. Liberalis, Ep. Cannensis, M., 30 Dec. Add. Liberatus, abbas M., in Africa, 17 Aug. Liberatus, Amphitr., 20 Dec. Liberatus, abbas, 23 Mai. Add. Liberatus, M., 23 Mai. Add. Liberius, Ep. (papa) Romae, 23 Sep. Libertinus, abbas, 31 Mai. Add. Lidor, al. Littorius, Ep. C., Turonis, 13 Sep. Ligorius, M., in Graecia, 13 Sep. Add, Liliosa, M., 27 Aug. Linus, papa M., Romae, 26 Nov. ; item 23 Sep. Add. Linus, v. Nilus, Ep. M. Liphardus, Pr. C., in territ. Aurelianensi, 3 Jun. Litaniae majores, Romae, 25 Apr. Litens, al. Littens ('Luthy'), M. al. Ep. C., in Africa, 10 Sep. Littorius ('Lidor'), Ep. C., Turonis, 13 Sep. Liventius, C., in castro Luca, 25 Jan. Longinus, miles M., Massiliae in Gallia, 21 Jul. Longinus, miles M., Csesareae Cappad., (i Sep.) 15 Mar. Longyse, C., 13 Jan. Add. Lorgius, M. (al. C.) Caesareae in Cap- padocia, 2 Mar. Lot, 5 Feb. Add. Lotharius, abbas, 14 Dec. Lucanus, M., 30 Oct. Add. Lucas, (' Luke ') Ep., Mar. 15. Lucas, diac., M., Cordulae, 22 Apr. Lucas, Evang. C., in Bithynia, 18 Oct. Luceia, V. M., Romae, 25 Jun. ; item 24 Jun. Add. Lucia, Vidua, M., Romae, 16 Sep. Lucia, V.M., Syracusis in Sicilia, 13 Dec. Lucia, ejus translatio, 18 Jan. Add. Lucianus, Pr. Antioch., M., Nicomediae, 7 Jan. Lucianus, (? Ep. M.) Belvaci, 8 Jan. Lucianus, M., in Sardinia, 28 Mai. Lucianus, C., in Africa, 13 Jun. Lucianus, C. Tripoli, 24 Dec. Lucianus, Pr., 25 Dec. Add. Lucifer, Ep. , 26 Apr. Add. Lucilla, V., filia Nemesii, M., Romae, 31 Oct. Lucilla, V.M., 29 Jul. Add. Lucina, discip. Apost., Romae, 30 Jun. Lucina, matrona, M., 30 Jun. Add. Lucinius, (' Lizyne ') Ep., Andegavi, 13 Feb. Lucius, C. Alexandriae, 1 1 Jan. INDEX SANCTORUM. 259 Lucius, M., Romse, 8 Feb. Lucius, Ep. M., Ccesareae in Cappadocia, 2 Mar. Lucius, papa M., Romae, 4 Mar. Lucius, Ep., Cyrenae, 6 Mai. Lucius, Ep. M. (al. C. ), in Africa, 10 Sep. Lucius, M., Alexandriae, 19 Oct, Lucius, miles M., Romae, 25 Oct. Lucius, M., in Lucania, 29 Oct. Lucius, C., Alexandria, 17 Nov. Lucius, R., in Britannia, 3 Dec. Add. Ludovicus, Ep., 19 Aug. Add. Ludovicus, Rex Franciae, 25 Aug. Add. Lufyle, Capuse, 15 Oct. Lugyde, abbas, 4 Aug. Add. Luke, v. Lucius, papa. Luke, Ep. Mar. 15. Lupercus, M,, Caesaraugustas in Hisp., 15 al. 1 6 Apr. Lupicinus, abbas in territ. Lugdunensi, 21 Mar. Lupus, Ep. C., Trecis, 29 Jul. Lupus, Ep. C., apud Senonas, I Sep. Lupus, Ep. anachorita Lugduni, 25 Sep. Lupus, C., Cordubae, 14 Oct. Lupus, Ep. C, 16 Jun. Add. Luvianus, C., eius Translatio, 17 Feb. Lyuence, C. , 25 Jan. Macarius, M. Romae, 23 Jan. Macarius, M. Romae, 28 Feb. Macarius, Alexandrinus, abbas in The- baide, 2 Jan. Macarius, in Aegypto, 15 Jan. Macarius, M., Alexandria (?), 12 Feb. Macarius, C, in Syria, 12 Aug. Macarius, M. Alexandriae, 8 Dec. Macedonius, Pr. M., Nicomediae, 13 Mar. Machabasi, vii fratres, cum matre sua, MM., Antiochias, I Aug. Machabseus, Judas, I Oct. Add. Machabseus, Jonathas, I Oct. Add. Machabaeus, Simon, I Oct. Add. Machabaeus, Johannes, I Oct. Add. Macharius, Pr., 2 Jan. Add. Machutus, Ep. C., in Britannia minore, 15 Nov. Mackartyne, 24 Mar. Add. Macra, V.M., in territ. Rhemensi, 6 Tan. Macra, al. Martiana, V. M., in Mauri- tania Caesariensi, 9 Jan. Macra, V. M., iSJun. Add. Macrinus, M., Nividuni, 17 Sep. Macrobius, M.. Damasci, 20 Jul. Macrone, v. Matrona, M. Maculyne, 6 Sep. Add. Maeldoke, C.. in Hibernia, 13 Mai. Add. Maglorius, al. Majour, Ep. in Brit, [minori.] 24 Oct. Add. Magnobonus, Ep., 16 Oct. Add. Magnus, M. Romae, 4 Feb. Magnus, subdiac. , M. , Romae, 6 Aug. Magnus, al. Andreas, M., 19 Aug. Magnus, M., Cabilone inGallia, 4 Sep. Magnus, Rex Norwegiae, I Mai. Add. Maiolus, abbas Cluniacensis, Silviniaci, ii Mai. Majour v. Maglorius. Malachias, Ep. C, in monast. Clarevall., in territ. Lingonensi, 5 Nov. Malachias, propheta, 23 Apr. Add. Malachias, Ep., 2 Nov. Add. Malchus, M., Caesareae Palestinae, 28 Mar. Malchus, M., e Septem Dormientibus, Ephesi, 27 Jul. Malaliel, 23 Jan. Add. Maldegare, dux, 20 Mar. Add. Mallosus (Gereon) M., Coloniae Agrippinae, Oct. Mamertus, Ep. C., Viennae, II Mai. Mamertyne, abbas, 30 Mar. Add. Mammea, Regina, II Feb. Add. Mammes, M., Caesarese Cappadociae, 17 Aug. Manahen, Doct. et propheta N. Testa- menti, Antiochiae, 24 Mai. Manasses, films Joseph, 5 Feb. Add. Mandalis, (' Amandale'), M., Romae, 10 Jan. Mannea, uxor Marcellini, M., Tomis, 27 Aug. Mansuetus, Ep. C., Tullensis, 3 Sep. Mansuetus, Ep. C. , in Africa, 6 Sep. Mansuetus, Ep. M. , in Africa, 28 Nov. Mansuetus, M. Alexandriae, 30 Dec. Mansuetus, Ep. C, 2 Sep. Add. Mappalicus, M., in Africa, 17 Apr. Marce, v. Martia. Marcel, v. Mecellus, 24 Jan. Marcella, M. , Alexandrinae, 28 Jun. Marcellianus (' Marcell'), M., Romae, 18 Jun. Marcellianus, M., Coloniae in Tuscia,9 Aug. Marcellianus, .,13 Mai. Add. Marcellinus, puer M., Tomis in Ponto, 2 Jan. Marcell[inus]. Ep. C., Ebreduni in Gallia, 20 Apr. Marcellinus, papa M., Romae, 26 Apr. Marcellinus, Pr. M. , Romae, 2 Jun. Marcellinus, tribunus, M., Tomis, 27 Aug. Marcellinus, Ep., 9 Jan. Add. Marcell, Ep., 16 Jan. Add. Marcellus, papa M., Romae, i6Jan. Marcellus, in Africa, 19 Feb. Marcellus, M. Romae, 18 Jun. Marcellus, M., in Castro Argentomacho, 29 Jun. Marcellus, M., Cabilione, 4 Sep. Marcellus, M., Capuae, 6 Oct. R 2 260 INDEX SANCTORUM. Marcellus, discip. Petri., M., Romse, 7 Oct. Marcellus, C, 13 Oct. Marcellus, centurio, M., Tingitanae, in Mauritania, 30 Oct. Marcellus, Ep., Parisiis, I Nov. Marcellus, diac. M., Spoleti, 30 Dec. Marcellus, Ep., i6Jan. Add. Marcellus, Ep. M., 12 Oct. Add. Marcesse, v. Narcissus, M. Marcias, v. Mareas, Ep. M. Marcilla, famula S. Marthae, 29 Jul. Add. cf. 10 Jun. Add. Martia, cum Rufino, M., Syracusis, 21 Jun. Marcia, M., in Campania, 2 Jul. Marcus, M. Nicaeae, 13 Mar, Marcus ('Marcyll'), cum Quincto, M. Surrenti, 19 Mar. Marcus, Evang. M., Alexandria, 25 Apr. Marcus, ejus Translatio, 30 Jan. Add. Marcus, ejus Inventio, 25 Jun. Add. Marcus, nobilis, M., Romae, 18 Jun. Marcus, frater Marciani, M. in Aegypto, 4 Oct. Marcus, I. , papa C. , Romae, 7 Oct. Marcus, C., 13 Oct. Marcus, Ep. M., Jerosolymis, 22 Oct. Marcus, miles M., Romse, 25 Oct. Marcus, diac. M., Tergeste, n Mai. Add. Marcus II, papa, 7 Oct. Add. Marcus, eremita, 7 Oct. Add. Marcyll, v. Marcus cum Quincto, M. Mardarius, M., 12 Dec. Add. Mardonius, M., Neocsesarege, 24 Jan. Mareas, Ep. M., in Perside, 22 Apr. Margareta, V.M., Antiochiae, 13 al. 20 Jul. Margareta, regina in Scotia, 10 Jun. Add. Margareta, V., 8 Oct. Add. Maria Jacobi, 27 Mar. Add. Maria Salome, 27 Mar. Add. Maria a Dioscoro servata, 18 Mai. Add. Maria de Cegnies, 25 Jun. Add. Maria soror Moysis, I Jul. Add. Maria consolatrix, V,, I Aug. Add. Maria ad Nives, Romae, 5 Aug. Add. Maria, eius Purificatio, 2 Feb. Marige, Beatse V. , Annuntiatio in Nazareth Galilaeae, 25 Mar. Marige Ecclesise ad Martyres, Dedicatio Romse, 13 Mai. Marige (Dormitio), Dei Genitricis, De- positio sive Assumptio, 15 Aug. Mariae, Octava Assumptionis B. Marige V., 22 Aug. Marige Conceptio, 8 Dec. Marige, Dei Genitricis, Nativituas in Nazar- eth Galiloese, 8 Sep. Marige Nativitatis Octava, 15 Sep. Marige Visitatio ad Elizabethan!, 2 Jul. Marige Prgesentatio in templo, Hiero- solymis, 21 Nov. Maria Acgyptiaca, peccatrix, in Palaes- tina, 2 Apr. Maria Magdalena, eius Translatio, IQ Mar. Maria Magdalena, 22 Jul. Cf. 10 Jun. Add. Maria Salome, Hierosolymis, 22 Oct. Maria ancilla, V.M., I Nov. Maria, V. M., 21 Nov. Maria, V. M., cum S. Flora, Cordubge, 24 Nov. Marianus, lector, M. , in urbe Lambesitana, 30 Apr. Marianus, C., in territ. Bituricensi, 19 Aug. Marianus, C., 17 Oct. Marianus, monachus, 29 Apr. Add. Marina, V. M., Alexandriae, 18 Jun. Marinianus, Diac. M., Romae, I Dec. Marinus, vir Dei, M., Avernis, 25 Jan. Marinus, miles M. , Cgesareae Palestinge, 3 Mar. Marinus, M. in Africa, 10 Jul. Marinus, patricius, M. Romae, 26 Dec. Marinus, C., 4 Sep. Add. Marius, Persa, nobilis, M., Romge, 20 Jan. Marius, al. Maurus, abbas monasterii Bob- acensis, 27 Jan. Maro, M., in Italia, 15 Apr. Marseus ('Narsey ') Alexandriae, 15 Jul. Mailha, soror Marige Magdalenae, 29 Jul. Cf. June 10. Add. Martha, eius Translatio, in Bethania, 17 Dec. Martha, Persis, uxor Marii, M., Romse, 20 Jan. Martha, V. M., Coloniae Agrippinae, 20 Oct. Martia (' Marce '), M., Syracusis in Sicilia, 21 Jun. Martia, M. in Campania, 2 Jul. Martialis, M., ex xviii Martt., Csesarau- gustae in Hisp., 15 al. 16 Apr. Martialis, Ep. C. (al. M.), Lemovicis, 30 Jun. Martialis, rilius S. Felicitatis, M., Romae, 10 Jul. Martialis, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romae, 23 Nov. Martialis, peregrinus, M., in Portu Ro- mano, 22 Aug. Martialis, M., Cordubae in Hispania, 13 Oct. Martianus, M. in Africa, 4 Jan. Martianus, 5 Apr. Martiana, al. Macra, V. M., in Mauritania Caesariensi, 9 Jan. Martiana, V. M., in Mauritania Caesariensi, 11 Jul. Martianus, frater Marci, M. in Aegypto, 4 Oct. INDEX SANCTORUM. 261 Martianus, cum fratribus, M. in Africa, 16 Oct. Martianus, Ep. M., 6 Mar. Add. M. in Egypto, 5 Jur Martina, V. M., Romae, I Jan. Martianus, M. in Egypto, 5 Jun. Add. Martina, V., 17 Jul. Add. Martinian, v. Martianus, M., 4 Jan. Martinianus, M., Romae, 4 Jul. Martinianus, e Septem Dormientibus, M., Ephesi, 27 Jul. Martinus, abbas in monast. Vertano, 24 Oct. Martinus, papa, exulatus Chersonse in Lycia, 10 Nov. Martinus, Ep. C., Turonis in Galliis, II Nov. Martinus, eius Octava, 18 Nov. Martinus, eius Translatio et Ordinatio, item Dedicatio Basilicse, Turonis, 4 Jul. Martinus, abbas, apud Santonas, 7 Dec. Martinus I. papa, M., Romae, 12 Nov. Add. [Martionilla] mater Celsi pueri, M., Antio- chiae, 9 Jan. Martyres multi, Antiochiae, 9 Jan. Martyres tres alii cum Revocato et Fir- mino, in Africa, 9 Jan. Martyres Ixx. cum Anastas., Romse, 22 Jan. Martyres xxxvi. , cum Theogene, Hippone in Africa, 26 Jan. Martyres xii. ex Philadelphia, Smyrnse. 26 Jan. Martyres xv. , Smyrnse, I Feb. Martyres (pueri duo, mulieres septem) cum S. Blasio, Sebastae in Armenia, 3 Feb. Martyres [innumerabiles] Thmuis in Aegypto, 4 Feb. Martyres plurimi cum S. Saturnine, in Africa, n (al. 12) Feb. Martyres decem milites, Romae, 10 Feb. Martyres 5000, in Aegypto, cum S. Juliano, i6(al. 17) Feb. Martyres 806 (al. 86), cum Donate, con- cordiae, al. Cordubse, 17 Feb. Martyres plurimi, apud Tyrum Phceniciae, Dioclet. Imp. , 20 Feb. Martyres Ixxix. in Sicilia, Diocletiano Imp., 21 Feb. Martyres xx. Adrumeti in Africa, 21 Feb. Martyres xlii. al. Ixii. vel Ixxii. Sirmii, 23 Feb. Martyres cclx [ii] Romse, Claudio Imp., I Mar. Martyres plurimi, Alex;andro Imp., 2 Mar. Martyres xxvii. demersi cum S. Caio, 4 Mar. Martyres Dcccc, Romae, 4 Mar. Martyres viii. alias ix. vel xi. cum Eusebio palatine, 5 Mar. Martyres tres demersi cum SS. Ariano et Theotico, apud Antinoum in Egypto, 8 Mar. Martyres xlii. in Perside, 10 Mar. Martyres alii (vii.) Nicomediae, 12 Mar. Martyres xlvii. al. xlix. in carcere Macner- tino baptizati, Romae, Nerone Imp., 14 Mar. Martyres xx. Romae, 1 6 Mar. Martyres viii. al. ix., Surrenti, 19 Mar. Martyres quatuor cum Paulo et Cyrillo, in Syria, 20 Mar. Martyres xiii. cum S. Epiphanio in Africa, 7 Apr. Martyres quinque cum S. Apollonio demersi, Alexandrine, 10 Apr. Martyres plurimi, Romse, Aureliano Imp., 10 Apr. Martyres multae mulieres, cum Agathonica, Pergami, 13 Apr. Martyres vii. demersi Corinthi, 16 Apr. Martyres multi in Africa, 17 Apr. Martyres centum, cum S. Symeone, in Per- side, 21 Apr. Martyres plurimi in Perside, Sapore Rege, 22 Apr. Martyres xxxiv. , Lugduni Galliae, 24 Apr. Martyres xl., in metallo Phanensi, (' Favence '), 4 Mai. Martyres Ixxv., cum S. Heliodoro, in Africa, 6 Mai. Martyres cccx., in Perside, 9 Mai. Martyres xlii., Romae, Alexandro Imp., 10 Mai. Martyres alii cum S. Desiderio, apud Lin- gones, 23 Mai. Martyres multi, Romse, 25 Mai. Martyres duo, Dorostori in Msesia, 25 Mai. Martyres xxii. cum Symnitero, Romse, Antonino Imp., 26 Mai. Martyres plures cum S. Prisco in territ. Autisiodorensi, 26 Mai. Martyres vii. Fratres, Romse, 29 Mai. Martyres x., Augustoduni, I Jun. Martyres xl. cum Photino, Lugduni in Gal- lia, 2 Jun. Martyres xx. apud Tarsum Ciliciae, 6 Jun. Martyres iii. cum S. Hieremia, Cordubse, 7 Jun. Martyres xx., cum Basilide, Romse, Aureliano Imp., 10 Jun. Martyres x. infantes, 15 Jul. Martyres cclxii. , Romae, 1 7 Jun. Martyres innumerabiles in territorio Parisi- ensi, 24 Jun. Martyres xxii. [Virgines cum S. Lucia], Romae, 25 Jun. Martyres iii. vel viii. cum S. Plutarcho, Alexandrise, iSJun. Martyres iii., Romae, Nerone Imp., 2 Jul. 262 INDEX SANCTORUM. Martyres xii. Christian! cum S. Tryphone, Alexandria, 3 Jul. Martyres xxx., Sirmii, 4 Jul. Martyres 10203, Romse, 9 Jul. Martyres vii. Fratres, filii S. Felicitatis, Romae, 10 Jul. Martyres 500 (al. Confessores) cum S. Eugenic Ep. in Africa, 13 Jul. Martyres x. infantes, 15 Jul. Martyres Scillitani, Carthagine, Saturnine Prsefecto, 17 Jul. Martyres vii. filii S. Symphorosse, Tibure, iSJul. Martyres x. (al. xv.) cum Sabino, apud Damascum, 20 Jul. Martyres, Philadelphia, I Aug. Martyres vii. (vel. ix.) cum S. Bono, &c., Romse, I Aug. Martyres iii. , filii S. Theodotae, in Bithynia, 2 Aug. Martyres xviii., Romse, 7 Aug. Martyres xx. cum S. Cyriaco, &c., 8 Aug. Martyres, plurimi (al. xx. vel. xxiv.) cum S. Quirino, &c., 12 Aug. Martyres xviii. familiares S. Hippolyti, Romae, 13 Aug. Martyres multi, in Africa, Hunnerico Rege, 17 Aug. Martyres 2598, cum Magno et Andrea in Cilicia in Monte Tauro, 19 Aug. Martyres aliqui, peregrini in Portu Romano, 22 Aug. Martyres vii., filii Eleazari, Lugduni, 23 Aug. Martyres xii. (al. xv.) Antiochiae, 23 Aug. Martyres xxx. (a!, ccc) sub Valeriano et Gallieno, 23 Aug. Martyres 300, v. ' Massa Candida,' 24 Aug. Martyres xxiii., Nicomediae, Maximiano Imp., 8 Sep. Martyres xxii., 8 Sep. Martyres xxi. (al. xviii.) Romae, Decio Imp. 14 Sep. Martyres plurimi in Palestina, 19 Sep. Martyres 6666 ex Thebseorum legione, Seduni in Gallia, cum S. Cornelio, 22 Sep. Martyres 504 cum S. Areta, Romae, I Oct. Martyres innumerabiles, Nicomediae, Dio- cletiano Imp., 2 Oct. Martyres paene innumerabiles in Aegypto, 4 Oct. Martyres monachi xxx. , Messanae in Sicilia, 5 Oct. Martyres multi, Viennae, 9 Oct. Martyres xviii. cum S. Viatore, Coloniae Agrippinae, 10 Oct. Martyres, vii. al. multi, Veronae, in Gallia, 10 Oct. Martyres 318, cum S. Gereone, Coloniae Agrippinae, 10 Oct. Martyres et confessores 4,976 in Africa, Hunnerico R., 12 Oct. Martyres ccc ex legione Thebaeorum, Colonise Agrippinse, 15 Oct. Martyres cclxx. , in Africa, Geiserico Rege, 16 Oct. Martyres 365, al. 375, 16 Oct. Martyres xlix., Antiochiae in Syria, 19 Oct. Martyres multi cum Martha et Saula, Colonise Agrippinae, 20 Oct. Martyres xlvii. ; Item cxxi. ; Romae, 25 Oct. Martyres ccxx. , in Africa, 30 Oct. Martyres xl., alias x., Theopoli, 6 Nov. Martyres tres (ex quibus erant Castorius et Simplicianus) cum S. Claudio, Romae, 8 Nov. Martyres xx. cum Demetrio, &c., Antio- chiae, 10 Nov. Martyres xxx., Nolae in Campania, Martiano Prseside, 15 Nov. Martyres Dclx., Alexandriae, Maximino Imp., 25 Nov. Martyres, omnis familia S. Rufi, Romse, 28 Nov. Martyres iii. , cum Dionysia, &c., in Africa, v. ' Confessores. ' Martyres xxii., 12 Dec. Martyres duo, feminese sexus, Alexandriae, 12 Dec. Martyres 1. Eleutheropoli in Oriente (Gazse in Palaestina), 17 Dec. Martyres xxx. (al. xx.) Romae, Diocletiano Imp., 22 Dec. Martyres xx. (al. xxxv.), Nicomediae, Dio- cletiano Imp., 23 Dec. Martyres cc, al. Dec., in insula Palmaria, Diocletiano Imp., 25 Dec. Martyres feminse Ix, cum S. Anastasia, in insula Palmaria, Diocletiano Imp., 25 Dec. Martyres x. cum S. Mansueto, Alexandriae, 30 Dec. Martyres, uxor Venustiani cum filiis suis, Spoleti, 30 Dec. Martyres, vide etiam, ' Coronati,' ' Milites/ ' Mulieres,' ' Pueri,' ' Virgines.' Martyres multi cum Tyrso, 17 Jan. Add. Martyres multi cum Cheramone, 14 Feb. Add. Martyres multi Alexandriae, 16 Feb. Add. Martyres cccc in Italia, 2 Mar. Add. Martyres multi in Africa, 2 Mar. Add. Martyres xxiii. cum Adriano, 4 Mar. Add. Martyres xx., Carthagine, n Mar. Add. Martyres xii. infantes, 23 Mar. Add. Martyres xl ; 4 Mai. Add. Martyres xl. alii, 4 Mai. Add. Martyres xliv., 4 Jun. Add. Martyres DC. cum Benigno, 6 Jun. Add. INDEX SANCTORUM. 263 Martyres, 10000 milites, Alexandrias, 22 Jun. Add. Martyres M. cum Albano, 25 Jun. Add. Martyres xvii., Augustas, 5 Aug. Add. Martyres mcccc., n Aug. Add. Martyres pene innumerabiles, Csesar- augustse, 24 Aug. Add. Martyres xii. fratres, I Sep. Add. Martyres monachi duo, 15 Sep. Add. Martyres xlix. cum Euphemia, 24 Sep. Add. Martyres xxviii. in Perside, 2 Nov. Add. Martyres cc. cum Porphurio, 24 Nov. Add. Martyres xl. cum Floriano, 17 Dec. Add. Martyrius, M., in Anaunia, 29 Mai. Add. Martyrius, C., 18 Jun. Add. Massa Candida, Carthagine, 24 Aug. Materna, ('Mature') M., Lugduni, 2 Jun. Mathathias, I Oct. Add. Mathusale, 23 Jan. Add. Matrona, (' Macrone ') M., Thessalonicse, 15 Mar. Matrona, cum duabus filiabus VV. , 15 Feb. Add. Matthseus. Ap. et Evang. M., in Aethiopia, 21 Sep. Matthseus, eius Vigilia, 20 Sep. Matthias, Ep. lerosolymis, 30 Jan. Matthias, Ap., in Judaea, 24 Feb. Maturinus, C. in pago Wastinensi, I Nov. Maturinus, C., 10 Mai. Add. Maturus, M. , Lugduni, 2 Jun. Matutinus, M., ex xviii. Martt., Csesarau- gustas, 1 6 Apr. Maulean, abbas, 15 Jan. Maurilio, Ep. C., Andegavi, 13 Sep. Mauritius, ex Theboeorum legione, M., Seduni in Galliis, 22 Sep. Maurus, abbas in territ. Andegavensi, 1 5 Jan. Maurus, abbas in monast. Bobiacensi, 27 Jan. Maurus, miles M., Romas, 29 Jan. Maurus, M., Romas, I Aug. Maurus, M., in Istria, 21 Nov. Maurus, M., Romas, 22 Nov. Maurus, Romse, 29 Nov. Maurus, M., Narnise, I Dec. Maurus, films Claudii, M. Romas, 3 Dec. Maxentia, V.M., 20 Nov. Add. Maxentius, Pr. C., in pago Pictaviensi, 26 Jun. Maxentius, abbas, 27 Mai. Add. Maxima (' Maximiane '), M., Sirmii, 26 Mar. Maxima, V. , Calidiani in pago Forojuliensi, 16 Mai. Maxima, V.M., Tuburbi in Africa, 30 Jul. Maxima, soror Verissimi, M., Ulyssipone in Lusitania, i Oct. Maxima, V.M., in Africa, 16 Oct. Maxima, M., I Dec. Add. Maximianus, Pr. M., Bellovaci in Galliis, 8 Jan. Maximianus, v. Maximus, M., Ostiae. Maximianus, M., 21 Aug. Maximiana, v. Maxima, M., Sirmii. Maximianus, in Africa, 18 Feb. Maximianus, e Septem Dormientibus, M., Ephesi, 27 Jul. Maximianus, Ep., 9 Jun. Add. Maxim[in]us, Ep., Treveris, 29 Mai. Maxim[in]us, M., Damasci, 20 Jul. Maximinus, Pr. C., Aurelianis, 15 Dec. Maximinus, Aquis in Gallia, 10 Jun. Add. Maximus, frater Claudii, M., Ostiae, 18 Feb. Maximus, M., Romas, 14 Apr. Maximus, nobilis, M., Cordulas, in Perside, 1 5 Apr. Maximus, M. , Damasci, 20 Jul. Maximus, Ep. C. , Veronae, 29 Mai. Maximus, puer M., Karthagine in Africa, 17 Aug. Maximus, M., Cabilone in Gallia, 4 Sep. Maximus, levita M., in prov. Ambianensi, 20 Oct. Maximus, Pr. (al. Ep.) M., Romas, 19 Nov. Maximus, pater ccenobii Lerinensis, Ep. C. , in civitate Rhegiensi, 27 Nov. Maximus, 2 Feb. Add. Maximus, monachus, 23 Mar. Add. Maximus, Ep. C., 13 Sep. Add. Maximus, M., 28 Sep. Add. Maximus, Ep. Taurinensis, 27 Dec. Add. Maximus, Ep. C., Alexandrise, 27 Dec. Mecellus, (' Marcel '), M., Neocassareas, 24 Jan. Medardus, v. Menander. Medardus, Noviomensis, Ep. C., Suessione in Gallia, 8 al. 9 Jun. Medericus (* Meryke ') Pr. monachus, Pari- siis, 29 Aug. Medericus, abbas, 2 Sep. Add. Medrisina, V., 22 Nov. Add. Melan, v. ^Emilianus. Melania, V. sacra, Hierosolymis, 29 Dec. Melania, 22 Oct. Add. Mclanius, Ep. C, Rhedonis in Gallia, 6 Jan. Melanius, Ep., Rotomagi, 22 Oct. Melanius, Ep. C., apud Regidonas, 6 Nov. Melanius (' Melance '), Ep., i6Jan. Add. Melchiades, papa, Romas, 10 Jan. Melchiades, papa, Romse, 10 Dec. Melchior, 6 Jan. Add. Melchisedek, 5 Feb. Add. Mele, Ep., 6 Feb. Add. Meletius, Ep., C., in Ponto, 4 Dec. 26 4 INDEX SANCTORUM, Meletius, Ep., 4 Dec. Add. Meleusippus, M., apud Lingonas, 17 Jun. Melisius, Ep. M., in Perside, 22 Apr. Melke, Ep. , 6 Feb. Add. Mellitus, Ep. , Dorobernise, 24 Apr. Melour, films ducis, Cornubise, M., I Oct. Memmius (' Neminyne '), Ep. C, Cata lannis, 5 Aug. Metiander ('Medard'), M., Philadelphia, in Arabia, I Aug. Menelaus, C. , 22 Jul. Add. Mennas, Aegyptius miles, M., n Nov. Mennas, eremita, n Nov. Add. Meny, Ep. C. , 5 Aug. Add. Menye, v. Nimmia, M. Mercuria, M., Alexandrise, 12 Dec. Mercurialis, Ep., 25 Nov. Add. Mercurius, M., Beneventi, 15 Jim. Mercurius, M. , Csesaraugustse, 25 Nov. Add. Merolus, monachus, 3 Oct. Add. Merpwyn, V., 10 Feb. Meryke, v. Medericus, 29 Aug. Metellus, v. Mecellus. Methodius, Ep. M., 18 Sep. Metranus, M., Alexandria, 31 Jan. Metron, C., Veronse, 9 Mai. Add. Michael, Archangelus, eius Ecclesise Dedi- catio, 8 Mai. Michael, Ecclesise eius Dedicatio in Monte Gargano, 29 Sep. Michael in Monte Tumba, 16 Oct. Michael, eius Apparitio, 7 Mai. Add. Michseas, propheta .,15 Jan. Micheas, alter, 15 Jan. Add. Milburga, V., 25 Jun. Add. Mildreda, V., in Anglia, 13 Jul. Miles, M., cum S. Albano, in Britannia, 22 Jun. Milites xxx, al. Ix, martyres Romse, Diocletiano, I Jan. Milites, xl, martyres Romse, Gallieno Imp-, 13 Jan. Milites, x, martyres Romse, 10 Feb. Milites, xl, martyres Cappadoces apud Sebasten Armenise, Licinio R., n Mar. Milites viii, martyres cum S. Domnione, Salonse in Dalmatia, 1 1 Apr. Milites iii, martyres cum S. Paulo, Romse, Nerone Imp., 2 Jul. Milites 10,203 martyres cum Zenone, Romse, 9 Jul. Milites Ixxxiii, martyres, Amiterni, 24 Jul. Milites clxv, martyres Romse, 10 Aug. Milites ccc, martyres ex legione Thebse- orum, Colonise Agrippinse, 15 Oct. Milites xii, martyres Nicomedise, 21 Oct. Milites xlvii, martyres Romse, Claudio Imp., 25 Oct. Milites cxxi, martyres Romse, 25 Oct. Milites Ixx, martyres Romse, Numeriano Imp., 3 Dec. Mimilon, v. Numilo. Mineatus, M., Florentise, 25 Oct. Minervus, M. , Lugduni Gallise, 23 Aug. Misael, cum fratribus MM., in Babilonia, 1 6 Dec. Mitrius, al. Demetrius M., Aquis in Provincia Narbonensi, 13 Nov. Modest, C., 24 Jan. AHd. Modesta, filia Macedonii, M., Nicomedke, 13 Mar. Modestus, infans, Alexandria, 12 Feb. Modestus, M. in Lucania apud Silarum flumen, 15 Jun. Modestus, M., Csesarione in territ. Agathensi, 10 Nov. Modestus, C. , 24 Jan. Add. Modestus, Ep. Trever., 23 Feb. Add. Modmund, M., in monast. Glocestrise, 20 Jul. Add. Modwenna, V. , 5 Jul. Modwenna, V., 9 Sep. Moghtewe, abbas in Hibernia, 21 Aug. Add. Molyng, Ep. in Hibernia, 17 Jun. Add. Monachi Quinquaginta martyres in Perside, Sapore Rege, 22 Apr. Monachi duo, 26 Dec. Add. Monegundes, V. religiosa, Turonis, 2 Jul. Monica, mater Augustini, 4 Mai. Monitor, Ep. C., Aurelianis, 10 Nov. Montanus, Pr. M., apud Sirmium, 26 Mar. Montanus, n Mai. Mosseus, al. Moyses, miles, lector M., in Ponto, 18 Jan. Moyses, M., Alexandrise, 14 Feb. Moyses, propheta, 4 Sep. Moyses, abbas, 7 Feb. Add. Moysetes, Ep. in Aegypto, 7 Feb. Moysetes, M., in Africa, 18 Dec. Mulier cum Celso puero suo, v. Martionilla, 9 Jan. Mulier cum suis geminis, MM. in Numidia, Valeriano Imp., 29 Apr. Mulieres vii, cum duobus pueris, MM. cum S. Blasio, Sebastse in Armenia, 3 Feb. Mulieres vii, martyres, Sebastse, Agricolao Prseside, 15 Feb. Mulieres multse martyres, cum S. Agatho- nica, Pergami in Asia, 13 Apr. Mulieres Sanctse cum Viduis xl, Eraclere, 19 Nov. Mulieres Ix, al. dec., cum S. Anastasia MM. in insula Palmaria, 25 Dec. Munyse, Ep., 6 Feb. Add. Murite, M., 24 Mar. Add. Muritta, C., Carthagine in Africa, 13 Jul. Musa, V., Romse, 22 Aug. Add. VTusan, Pr. C, 24 Jan. Add. Musonius, M., Neocsesarese, 24 Jan. Mustiola, matrona nobilis, M., Clusii in Etruria, 3 Jul. INDEX SANCTORUM. 265 Mutius, diaconus M., Cordulse, 22 Apr. Mutius, Pr. M., Constantinopoli, 13 Mai. Mutius, abbas, 25 Mai. Add. Mutius, monachus, 25 Mai. Add. Mycy, v. Mutius, diac. Myniane, v. Ninianus. Nabor, miles M., Romse, aL Mediolani, 12 Jun. Nabor, M., in Africa, lojul. Nabor, M., 12 Jul. Add. Nachor, 28 Jan. Add. Narcissus (' Marcesse '), puer M., Tomis in Ponto, 2 Jan. Narcissus, M., Romoe, 17 Sep. Narcissus, Ep., Jerosolymis, 29 Oct. Narseus, M., Alexandrise, 15 Jul. Narthalus ('Nartaby'), aL Nartalis, Scilli- tanus, M., Carthagine, 16, aL 17 Jul. Nason, Discip. Christi, in Cypro, 12 Jul. Natalia, M., 27 Aug. Natalia, matrona, I Dec. Natalius, C., Romse, 31 Oct. Add. Nathan, propheta, 29 Dec. Add. Nathanael, e Ixii discipulis, 30 Nov. Add. Nathanael, eremita, 30 Nov. Add. Nativitas Jesu Christi, 25 Dec. Nativitas, B.M.V., 8 Sep. Navalis, cum Valentino, M. Ravennse, 16 Dec. Naum, propheta, 24 Dec. Add. Nazarius, miles M. , Romge, aL , Mediolani, 12 Jun. Nazarius, M., Mediolani, 28 Jul. Nedolfons, v. Ildefonsus. Nehemias, propheta, 13 Jul. Add. Nemelius, v. Nemesius f. Symphorosse. Nemesianus, Ep. M., in Africa, 10 Sep. Nemesius, M. , in Cypro, 20 Feb. Nemesius, filius Symphorosse, M., Tibure, 27 Jun. (cf. Mart. Rom. sub 18 Jul.) Nemesius, C., in pago Lisuino, I Aug. Nemesius, Diac. M., Romse, 31 Oct. Nemesius, M., Alexandrise in Aegypto, 19 Dec. Nemesius, nobilis, M., 25 Jul. Add. Nemihyne, v. Memmius. Neon, M., apud Lingones, 17 Jan. Neon, M., Aeginse in Cilicia, 23 Aug. Neopolis, M., Romoe, 2 Mai. Neoterius, M., Alexandrite, 8 Sep. Neotus, C., 8 Jul. ; 31 Jul. Nereus, eunuchus M., Romse, 12 Mai. Nereus, M., 16 Oct. Nestor, Ep. M., apud Pergen Pamphylise, 26 Feb. Nicseas, Ep. Romatianse urbis, 22 Jun. Nicander, M., in Aegypto, 5 Jun. Nicanor, ex vii Diaconis, M., apud Cyprum, 10 Jan. Nicanor (' Nichandre '), apud Aegyptum, 5 Apr. Nicasius, aL Nigasius, Pr. M. in pago Vilca^sino, n Oct. Nicasius, Ep. M., Lugduni, aL Rhemis, 14 Dec. Nice, mater Proculi, M., Puteolis, 19 Oct. Niceta, V. M., 24 Jul. Nicetas, M., 25 Mai. Add. Nicetas, M., Nicomediae, 12 Sep. Add. Nicetius (' Nicesy '), Ep., Lugduni, 2 Apr. Nicetius, Ep. Viennae, 5 Mai. Nicetius (' Niceny '), Ep. C., Treviris, I Oct. Nicetius ('Niceny'), Ep. Treviris, 5 Dec. Nicodemi Inventio, lerosolymis, 3 Aug. Nicodemus, 27 Mar. Add. Nicolas peregrinus, 3 Jun. Add. Nicolaus, Ep. C., Myri in Lycia, 6 Dec. Nicolaus, eius Translatio, 9 Mai ; item 29 Mai. Add. Nicolaus alter, Ep. , 29 Mai. Add. Nicolaus I., papa, 6 Dec. Add. Nicomedes, Pr., M., Romas, 15 Sep. Nicomedes, eius Dedicatio, I Jun. Nicophorus (aL Nicephorus), in Orient e, M., 17 Apr. Nicophorus, M., apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb. Nicostratus, p rimiscrinius, M. , Romse, 7 J ul . Nicostratus, M., conjuxS. Zoe, 7 Jul. Add. Nicostratus, marmorum csesor, M., Rorme, 8 Nov. Nidoke, v. Judocus. Nilus ('Line'), Ep. M., apud Tyrum in Phoenicia, 20 Feb. Nilus, Ep. N., in Palsestina, 19 Sep. Nimmia ('Menye'), M. Romse, 12 Aug. Ninianus ('Mynyane'), Ep. C., 16 Sep. Add. Nitrand, M. in Egypto, 5 Jun. Add. Noe, 28 Jan. Add. Nonos, monachus, 12 Jun. Add. Norbertus, Ep., 8 Jul. Add. Novatus, C., Romse, 20 Jun. Numilo, V. M., Oscse in Hispania, 22 Oct. Nympha, V. M., 10 Nov. Add. Nymphodora, M., Nicaese. 13 Mar. Octavius, Thebanse legionis miles, M., Taurini, 20 Nov. Odalricus, aL VJdaricus, Ep. C., 4 Jul. Odilion, abbas, 2 Jan. Odo, abbas Cluniacensis, Turonis, 18 Nov. Olympias, aL Olympiades, nobilis M., Cordulse in Perside, 15 Apr. Odalric, aL Vldaryke, Ep. C., eius Deposi- tio, 4 Jul. Odilio, abbas Cluniac., 31 Dec. Add. Odo, Archiep. Cantuar., 2 Jun. Add. 266 INDEX SANCTORUM. Odulphus ('Adulph'), C. in Frisia, 12 Jun. Odyle, abbas, I Jan. Add. Olaty (Olavus?), 28 Sep. Add. Olivierus, eques, Roncevallis, 16 Tun. Add. Olympius, M. Romae, 26 Jul. Omnium Fidelium Defunctorum, 2 Nov. Omnium Sanctorum Festivitas, I Nov. Omnium Sanctorum Vigilia, 31 Oct. Ondoce (Oudoceus), Ep., 2 Jul. Add. Onesimus, Ep. M., Romae et Ephesi, 16 Feb. Onesimus, .,13 Mai. Add. Onesiphorus, discip. S. Pauli, 6 Sep. Add. Onias, filius Simonis, I Oct. Add. Oonfrius, eremita, 9 Jun. Add. ; item 1 1 Jun. Add. Opio, al. Epion, Pr. C., apud Bituricas, 12 Oct.. Oportuna, V., 22 Apr. Add. Optatus, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., 15 Apr., al. 1 6 Apr. Optatus, Ep. C., Antisiodori, 31 Aug. Or, eremita, 29 Mar. Add. Orestius, M., 12 Dec. Add. Orientius, Ep., Tolosae, I Mai. Orosiensis, abbas, 14 Mai. Add. Orontius, M., Ebreduni in Gallia, 22 Jan. Oseas, propheta, 4 Jul. Osman, V., in Hibernia, 9 Sep. Add. Ostianus, v. Hostianus, Pr. M. in terri- torio Vivariensi, 30 Jul. Oswaldus, Archiep. in Anglia, 28 Feb. Oswaldus, R. M., in Anglia, 5 Aug. Oswinus, R. Brit., 20 Aug. Add. Osythe, V. M., 7 Oct. Othoniel, judex, I Sep. Add. Pachomius, abbas in Aegypto, 14 Mai. Pachomius, Ep. M., 18 Feb. Add. Pachomius, monachus in Scythia, 14 Mai. Add. Pacianus, Ep., Barcinonae, 9 Mar. Pacianus, Ep., 21 Nov. Add. Pagate, Pr. C., 25 Jan. Add. Pakamye(Pantamia), 20 Feb. Pake, M., 29 Jul. Add. Palatyne, v. Gains palatinus, M. Palatyne, v. Eusebius palatinus M. Palatinus, M., 30 Mai. Add. Palion, v. Pollio. Palmatius cum familia sua, consul, MM., Romas, 10 Mai. Pambo, abbas, I Jul. Add. Pamphilianus, Nicomediae, 17 Mar. Pamphilus, Pr. M., Csesarese Palestinse, I Jun. Pamphilus, M., Romae, 21 Sep. Panacius, Ep. , 24 Jul. Add. Pancratius, apud Tauromenium Sicil., 3 Apr. Pancratius, juvenis annorum xiv., M., Romae, 12 Mai. Pannucius, 18 Feb. Add. Pantaenus, Alexandria, 7 Jul. Pantaleon, medicus M., Nicomediae, 28 Jul. Panutius, abbas, 29 Nov. Add. Papias, miles M., Romae, 29 Jan. Papias, Ep. Hierapoli, 22 Feb. Papias, M., apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb. Papinius, Ep. M., in Africa, 28 Nov. Papyrius, Diac. M., Pergami in Asia, 13 Apr. Parmenas, ex vii. Diaconis, M., Philippis, 23 Jan. Parmenius, Pr. M. , Cordulae, 22 Apr. Parmyn, v. Pirminus, Ep. Parthenus, eunuchus M., Romae, 19 Mai. Pascasia, V. M. 9 Jan. Paschasius, M., in Africa, 12 al. 13 Nov. Passicrates, M., Dorostori in Maesia (' Mafiaen'), 25 Mai. Pastor, Nicomediae, 12 Jan. Pastor, M., Nicomediae, 29 Mar. Pastor, Ep., Aureliae, 30 Mar. Pastor, Pr. C, 26 Jul. Pastor, puer, Compluti in Hisp., 6 Aug. Paternus, Apr. 15. Add. Paternianus, Ep. C., lojul. Add. Paternus, M., in territorio Senonensi 12 Nov. Patiens, Ep. M. (al. C.) Lugduni Gallioe, II Sep. Patricia ('Patryke'), uxor Macedonii, M., Nicomediae, 13 Mar. Patriarchae xii, filii Jacob, 5 Feb. Add. Patrike, Ep. C., Arvernis, 16 Mar. Patricius, Ep. C., in Scotia, h.e. Hibernia, 17 Mar. Patricius alter, 24 Aug. Add. Patricius, abbas in Hibernia, 24 Aug. Patrinus, Ep. C. Abrincis, 23 Sep. Patrinus, v. Paternus, M. Patroclus, M. Trecis 21 Jan. Patryke, v. Patricia, Patricius. Patryke, 4 Jun. v. Petrocus. Paula, V.C., in Bethleem Juda, 27 Jan. Paula, V.M., Malacae in Hispania, 18 Jun. E'aula, M. , Damasci, 20 Jul. Paulina, filia Artemii, M., Romae, 6 Jun. Paulinus, Ep. C., Nolae in Campania, 22 Jun. Paulinus, Ep. M., al. C., Treviris, 31 Aug. Paulinus, Tuderti in Tuscia, 26 Mai. Paulinus, Ep. , Eboraci in Brit. , 10 Oct. Paulus, primus Eremita, in Thebaide, 10 Jan. Paulus, Ep., Tricassii, I Feb. Paulus, Ep. M., Romae, 8 Feb. INDEX SANCTORUM. 267 Paulus, eius Capitis Inventio, Romce, 25 Feb. Paulus, M., in Syria, 20 Mar. Paulus (Sergius), Ep. C., Narbonae in Gallia, 22 Mar. (al. 22 Jan.). Paulus, monachus, 17 Apr. Paulus, M., Lamosaci, 15 Mai. Paulus, M., Novioduni, 17 Mai. Paulus, Pr. M., Augustoduni, I Jun. Paulus, Ep. M., Constantinopoli, 7 Jun. Paulus, M., Tomis in Ponto, 20 Jun. Paulus, frater Joannis, M., Romas, 26 Jun. Paulus, Ap. M., Romas, 29 Jun. Paulus, eius Conversio, 25 Jan. Paulus, eius Celebratio, 29 Jun. Paulus, eius Commemoratio, 30 Jun. Paulus, eius primus mgressus in Urbem, Neronis anno ii., 6 Jul. Paulus, Ep. C., Narbonae, 12 Dec. Paulus (' symple'), lojan. Add. Paulas, papa, 27 Jan. Add. Paulus, cum Syro, 26 Feb. Add. Paulus, Ep. Leonensis, n Mar. Add. Paulus, abbas in Libya, 17 Apr. Add. Paulus, nobilis, M. , 8 Jul. Add. Paulus, diac. M., Cordubae, 20 Jul. Add. Pelagia, M., Nicopoli, Armenia minori, II Jul. Pelagia, poenitens, Hierosolymis, 8 Oct. Pelagia, M., Antiochiae in Syria, 19 Oct. Pelagia, conjux S. Dionysii, M., 21 Dec. Add. Pelagius, M., 27 Aug. Add. Pelagius I., papa, 27 Aug. Add. Pelagius II., papa, 27 Aug. Add. Peleus, Ep. M.,apud Tyrum in Phoenicia, 20 Feb. Peleus, Ep. M., in Palaestina, 19 Sep. Peleuse, Pr. M., Alexandriae, 7 Apr. Pentecostes festum, 15 Mai. Add. Peregrinus, M., Thessalonicas, 5 Mai. Peregrinus, Ep. Antisiodori, 16 Mai. Peregrinus, Pr., Lugduni, 28 Jul. Peregrinus, M., Romae, 25 Aug. Perfectus ( Perfyte '), Pr. M., Cordubae, 18 Apr. Pergentinus, M., Aretii in Tuscia, 3 Jun. Permenye, v. Parmenius, Pr. Mr. Pernell, v. Petronilla, V. Perpetua, M.,Tuburti in Mauritania, 7 Mar. Perpetuus, Ep. Turonis, 8 Apr. Perpetuus, Ep. C., Turonis, 30 Dec. Perseveranda, V., 26 Jun. Perthemy, v. Parthenus, M. Petrocus (' Patryke '), C., 4 Jun. Petronilla (' Pernell '), V. Romee, 31 Mai. Petrus, M., crucifixus Aulonas, 3 Jan. Petrus, M., Nicomedioe, 12 Mar. Petrus, M., cum Aphrodisio, in Africa, 14 Mar. Petrus, diac., Antiochiae, 17 Apr. Petrus, ordinis prsedicatorum, M., Medio- tani, 29 Apr. Petrus, M., Lamosaci, 15 Mai. Petrus, exorcista, M. , Romae, 2 Jun. Petrus, Pr. M., Cordubae, 7 Jun. Petrus, Ap. cum Paulo, M., Romae, 29 Jun. Petrus cum Paulo, eorum Vigilia, 28 Jun. Petrus, eius Cathedra Romas, 18 Jan. Petrus, eius Cathedra Antiochiae, 22 Feb. Petrus, eius Vincula, Romae, Dedicatio in Esquiliis, I Aug. Petrus, eius Dedicatio in monast. S. Ger- mani, 9 Jun. Petrus, M. Philadelphiae in Arabia, I Aug. Petrus, M. , Romas, 7 Aug. Petrus, films Marcellini, miles M., Tomis, 27 Aug. Petrus, Archiep., Tarenti, II Sep. Petrus, miles M., Romas, 25 Oct. Petrus, M., Hispali in Hispania, 8 Oct. Petrus, Ep. M., Alexandriae, 25 Nov. Petrus, diac., 12 Mar. Add. Petrus, Ep., 26 Mar. Add. Petrus, Ep., Tarentasiensis, 22 Jun. Add. Petrus, M., 5 Aug. Add. Petrus, Ep., Tarentasiensis, 18 Oct. Add. Petrus, Ep., Edessae, 26 Nov. Add. Petrus, M. in Persia, 27 Nov. Add. Petrus, Archiep. Ravennae, 2 Dec. Add. Petronius, Ep., Bononiae, 4 Oct. Add. Phara, V., in pago Meldensi, 7 Dec. Pharao, v. Faro, Ep. C. Philadelphus, M., Augustas, 5 Aug. Add. Phileas (< Syle'), Ep. M., 4 Feb. Philemon, M., apud Antinoum in Aegypto, 8 Mar. Philibertus, abbas, in Herio ('Nere') in- sula, 20 Aug. Philippus, Ep., Gortynae in Creta, II Apr. Philippus, Ap. M. , apud Hierapolim I Mai. Philippus, ex vii Diaconis, Cassareae, in Palaestina, 6 Jun. Philippus, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romas, 10 Jul. Philippus, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romas, 23 Nov. Philippus, M., Alexandriae, 15 Jul. Philippus, pater S. Eugeniae, Ep. M. Alex- andriae, 13 Sep. Philippus, Ep. Adrianopoli in Thracia, 22 Oct. Philippus, Imp. M., 12 Mai. Add. Philippus, filius Imp. M. 12 Mai. Add. Philippus ex deserto Egypti, II Jun. Add. Philomon, v. Philumenus. Philopolis, Thessalonicas, 30 Mar. Philumenus, M., Heracleae in Thracia, 14 Nov. Phinees, filius Eleazari, I Jul. Add. 268 INDEX SANCTORUM. Phocas, M., Antiochiae, 5 Mar. Phocas, Ep. M., Sinope in Ponto, 14 Jul. Phocatus, Ep., 14 Jul. Phoebe (de qua Apostolus ad Rom.), Corinthi, 3 Sep. Pholcas, Ep., 1 6 Apr. Add. Photinus ('Fotyne'), Ep. M., Lugduni, 2 Jun. Phridiane, v. Frigidianus. Phyle, Ep. M., 18 Feb. Add. Phyllorony, M., 4 Feb. Add. Phyllorrony, Pr., 9 Mar. Add. Piamon, Pr., 25 Feb. Add. Piaton (' Plato ') Pr. M., Tornaci, I Oct. ; item. 22 Feb. Add. Piator, Pr. M., i Oct. Add. Pientia, V. M., in pago Vilcassino, 11 Oct. Pierius (' Hyery ') Pr., Alexandria, 4 Nov. Piericus, Pr., 10 Oct. Add. Pigmenius, Pr. (? Ep.) M., Romae, 24 Mar. Pinytus ('Pyncty'), Ep. in Greta, 10 Oct. Piolius, M., 29 Jul. Add. Pion, abbas, 23 Feb. Add. Pionius, P. M., Smyrna, I Feb. Piperion, M., n Mar. Add. Pirminus, Ep. Meldensis, 3 Nov. Pitrion, abbas, 8 Apr. Add. Pius ('Pituouse'), papa, Romse, 11 Jul. Add. Placidia, V., 15 Oct. Add. Placidus, monachus M., in Sicilia, 5 Oct. Plato, M., Ancyrse (' Syria ')in Galatia, 22 Jul. Plato, v. Piaton, Pr. M. Plautus, M., in Thracia, 29 Sep. Plutarchus, catechumenus M., Alexandrine, 28 Jun. Poliact, v. Polyeuctus, M. Polianus, M., in Africa, 10 Sep. Polioctus, al. Polyeuctus, Caesarese Cap- pad., 21 al. 22 Mai. Polius, Diac. M., in Mauritania Caesariensi, 21 Mai. Pollio, M., in Pannonia ('at Pad way'), 28 Apr. Polycarpus, Ep., I Feb. Polycarpus, Ep. M., Smyrnos, 26 Jan. Polycarpus, eius Reliquiae, 4 Jul. Polycarpus, Pr. C, Romse, 23 Feb. Polychronius, Ep. M., Babylonia in Per- side, 17 Feb. Poly crates, Ep., 31 Jan. Add. Polyeuctus ('Poliact'), M., Meliteme in Armenia, 13 Feb. Polyeuctus, M-, Caesareae Cappad., 21 Mai. Polymius, R. Indise, 24 Aug. Add. Pontianus, 14 Jan. Pontianus, M., Spoleti, 19 Jan. Pontianus, M. Romse, 25 Aug. Pontianus ('Fociane'), Ep. M. in Sar- dinia, Sepultus Romse, 19 Nov. Pontianus, papa M., Romae, 20 Nov. Pontianus, M., n Dec. Pontinus, C., 18 Aug. Pontius ('Ponce') M., n Feb. Pontius, al. Pontianus, diac. Carthagine, 8 Mar. Pontius, M., in Gallia, 14 Mai. Porphyrius, magister Agapiti, Romae, 20 Aug. Porphyrius, miles, M., Alexandrine, 24 Nov. Add. Potamia,M., Thagurse in Africa, 5 Dec. Potamiaena ('Potanan'), V.M., Alexand- riae, 28 Jun. Potamius ('Potamye'), M., in Cypro, 20 Feb. Potentiana, al. Pudentiana, V., Romse, 19 Mai. Potentianus, M., apud Senonas, 19 Oct. Potentianus, Ep. M., apud Senonas, 31 Dec. Potitus, M., 22 Jan. Add. Praejectus, v. Proiectus, Ep., Arvernis, 25 Jan. Prsepedigna, uxor Claudii, M., Ostiae, 18 Feb. Praesidius, Ep. C., in Africa, 6 Sep. Praetextatus, M., n Dec. Pragmatius, ('Pragmas') Ep. C., Angus - toduni, 22 Nov. Praxedes, V., Romae, 21 Jul. Priamus, M., in Sardinia, 28 Mai. Prilidianus, puer cum S. Babylla, M., Antiochiae, 24 Jan. Primitivus, ex xviii Martt., M., Caesarau- gustae in Hisp., 15 al. 16 Apr. Primitivus, M., Romse, 10 Jun. Primitivus, films Symphorosse, M., in Tibure, 27 Jun. Primus, M., in Hellespont, 3 Jan. Primus, M., Romse, 9 Jun. Primus, Pr. M., II Mai. Add. Prisca, V. M., Romse, 18 Jan. Prisca, 4 Sep. Add. Priscilla, V., Romae, 16 Jan. Priscilla, uxor Aquilae, in Asia minori, 8 Jul. Priscillianus, clericus M. , Romae, 4 Jan. Priscillianus, Ep. M., 16 Dec. Add. Priscus, Pr. M., Romae, 4 Jan. Priscus, M., Caesareae in Pakestina, 20 Mar. Priscus, M., in ternt. Antisiodorensi, 26 Mai. Priscus, discip. Christi, M., Capuae, I Sep. Priscus, Tomis in Fonto, I Oct. Privatus, Ep. M., in civitate Mimatensi, 21 Aug. INDEX SANCTORUM. 269 Privatus, M. in Frisia (Phrygia), 2C Sep. Privatus, miles, Romae, 14 Oct. Privatus M., Romae, 17 Oct. Add. >robus, M., Tarsi in Cilicia, II Oct. )bus, M., in Africa, 12 at. 13 Nov. robus, Ep., Reatinensis, 12 Aug. Add. Probus, Ep., Ravennge, 10 Nov. Add. Processus, M. Romae, 2 Jul. Prochorus, ex vii Diaconis, M., Antiochiae, 9 Apr. Procopius, M., Csesareae in Palaestina, 8 Jul. Proculus, M., Interamnae, 14 Apr. Proculus, Diac. M., Neapoli (' Puteolane ') in Campania, 19 Sep. Proculus, Diac. M., Puteolis, 19 Oct. Proculus (Ep.) M. Augustoduni, 4 Nov. Proculus, Pr. (al. Ep. M.) Narniae, I Dec. Proculus, Ep. C. , 9 Dec. Add. Proiectus (al. Preiectus, Ep.) M., Arvernis, 25 Jan. Prokor, v. Prochorus. Prophets XII. 4 Jul. Add. Prosdocimus, Ep. Patav., 7 Nov. Add. Prosper, Ep. , 25 Jun. Add. Protasius, M., Mediolani, 19 Jun. Proterus, Pr. M., 21 Aug. Add. Protolicus, M. Alexandriae, 14 Feb. Protus, paedagogus Cantii, M. Aquileae, 31 Mai. Protus, eunuchus, M., Romae, n Sept. Prudens, v. Pudens. Ptolomaeus ('Tholony ') M., 19 Oct. Ptolomaeus ('Tholony') miles M., Alex- andriae, 20 Dec. Publius, in Africa, 19 Feb. Publius, Ep. M., Athenis, 21 Jan. Publius, M. ex xviii Martt., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., 15 al. 16 Apr. Publius, M. 20 Apr. Publy (21 Apr.), v. Pusitius. Pudens (' Prudent ') discip. Pauli, pater S. Pudentianae, 19 Mai. Pudentiana, al. Potentiana, V.M., Romae, 19 Mai. Pueri duo MM., cum S. Blasio, Sebastae in Armenia, 3 Feb. Pueri Tres in Babilonia, 16 Dec. Pule, lector, 27 Apr. Add. Punyfyke, abbas, 14 Mar. Add. Purificatio B. Maria V. , 2 Feb. Pusitius ('Publy') artifex regius, M., in Perside, 21 Apr. Pusitii filia, M., 21 Apr. Pygasius, M., in Perside, 2 Nov. Add. Pygmeny, v. Pigmenius (Ep.) M. Pynitus, al. Pinytus, Ep. in Creta, 10 Oct. Pyrarie (al. Keran), 5 Mar. Add. Quadratus, M. , in Africa, 26 Mai. Quadratus, Ep. Athenis, 26 Mai. Quadratus, Ep. C., 21 Aug. Quartilla, M. apud Surrentum, 19 Mar. Quartus, M., Romae, 10 Mai. Quartus, M. Romae, 6 Aug. Quartus, discip. Apostolorum, 3 Nov. Quatuor Coronati, MM., Romae, 8 Nov. Queranus, abbas, in Scotia, 9 Sep. Quinidius, Ep., 15 Feb. Quintianus, Pr. M., 14 Jun. Quintilanus, M., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., 15 Apr. al. 1 6 Apr. Quintillus, al. Quintilla, M., apud Surren- tum, 19 Mar. Quintinus, M., in Gallia, 31 Oct. Quint[in]us, M, in Lucania, 29 Oct. Quintus, M. , in Africa, 4 Jan. Quintus, apud Surrentum, 19 Mar. Quintus, Romae, translatus Capuam, 10 Mai. Quintus, M. Capuae, 5 Sep. Quintus, i Jun. Add. Quintyne, v. Quintus, M. , 4 Jan. Quiriacus, al. Cyriacus, Ep. M., Hieroso- lymis, 4 Mar. Quiriacus, in Portu Romano, 23 Aug. Quiriacus, M. Antiochiae, al. Tarsi in Cilicia, 16 Jun. Quiriacus, al. Cyriacus, in Africa, 21 Jun. Quiriacus, M., Romae, 12 Aug. Quiriacus, Ep. M., 5 Mar. Add. Quiriacus, Augusta, 5 Aug. Add. Quirinus ('Ciryne '), M., Romae, 25 Mar. Quirinus, tribunus, M., Romae, 30 Mar. Quirinus, Ep. M., Scisciae in Illyrico, 4 Jun. Quirinus, Pr. M. , in pago Vilcassino, 1 1 Oct. Quirinus, Pr. M., eius Reliquiae, 4 Jul. Quirinus, M., Romae, 26 Mar. Add. Rachab, i Sep. Add. Rachel, uxor Jacob, 5 Feb. Add. Radegunda, V. R., Pictavis, 31 Aug. Ranulphus, M., in pago Atrobatensi, 27 Mai. Raphael, archangelus, 7 Mar. Add. Rebecca, 5 Feb. Add. Rectitius, Ep. Augustodunensis, 21 Oct. Add. Redemptus, Ep., 28 Jul. Add. Reges Tres Coloniae, 6 Jan. Add. Regina, V. M., Augustoduni, 7 Sep. Regulus ('Rewle') Arelatensis Ep., in castro Silvanectensi, 30 Mar. ; item, (' Rule ') 23 Apr. Relatio Pueri Jesu ex Aegypto, 7 Jan. Reliquiarum Receptio SS. Polycarpi, Se- bastiani, Urbani, et Quirini, MM., 4 Ju). Remachlewe, 19 Mar. Add. Remedius, Ep., Vapingi, 3 Feb. 270 INDEX SANCTORUM. Remigius, Ep. C., Rhemis, I Oct. Remigius, Ep., eius Depositio, Rhemis, 13 Jan. Reparata, V. M., 8 Oct. Add. Respicius, M., 10 Nov. Add. Restitutus ('Rustyke')j M., Romse, 29 Mai. Restitutus, Romae, n Jun. Restitutus, M., Antiochiae, 23 Aug. Resurrectio Domini, 27 Mar. Reverianus, Pr. M., Augustoduni, I Jun. Revocatus, M., Tuburbi in Mauritania, 7 Mar. Revocatus, M. , in Africa, 9 Jan. Rewe, 28 Jan. Add. Rewle, v. Regulus, Ep. Richardus, Cicestrensis Ep. C. , in Anglia, 3 Apr. Richardus eius Translatio, Cicestriae, 1 6 Jun. Richardus, R. C, 7 Feb. Add. Richarius, Pr. C., in monast. Centula, 26 Apr. Rigobert, 4 Jan. Add. Robertus, fundator ordinis Cist., 29 Apr. Add. Robertus, abbas, 7 Jun. Add. Rogatianus, M., Nannete in Brit, minore, 24 Mai. Rogatianus, Pr. M. , in Africa, 26 Oct. Rogatus, monachus M., Carthagine in Africa, 17 Aug. Rogatus, C., 6 Oct. Rogatus, monachus, 23 Mar. Add. Rolandus, eques, 16 Jun. Add. Romanus, abbas in territ. Lugdunensi, 28 Feb. Romanus, miles M. , Romae, 9 Aug. Romanus, Archiep. C., Rotomagi in Nor- mannia, 23 Oct. Romanus, monachus M., Antiochise, 18 Nov. Romanus, Pr. C., in castro Blauio, 24 Nov. Romanus, abbas, 22 Mai. Add. Romanus, diac. , 8 Jul. Add. Romanus, Ep. in Hibernia, 18 Nov. Add. Romericus, abbas, 8 Dec. Add. Romula, V., Romae, 12 Aug. Add. Romulus, M., Concordiae, 17 Feb. Romulus, M., in Mauritania, 24 Mar. Romwaldus, abbas, 19 Jun. Add. Rophyle, Ep., 18 Jul. Add. Roseba, V.M., 20 Nov. Add. Rosula, M., in Africa, 14 Sep. Rufina, soror Secundae, V. M., Romae, 10 Jul. Rufina, V.M., Hispali in Hispania, 19 Jul. Rufine, M., 12 Feb. Rufinus, M., Roms, 28 Feb. Rufinus, M., Suessione, 14 Jun. Rufinus, M., Syracusis in Sicilia, 21 Jun. Rufinus, puer M., Ancyrae in Galatia, 4 Sep. Rufinus, filius Wolferi regis, in Britannia, 31 Jul. Add. Rufus, M., Militanae in Armenia, 19 Apr. Rufus, M., Philadelphia in Arabia, i Aug. Rufus, patricius, M., Capuse, 27 Aug. Rufus, discip. B. Pauli, 21 Nov. Rufus cum suis, MM., 28 Nov. Rufus, discip. Christi, M., Philippis in Macedonia, 18 Dec. Rule, v. Regulus. Rumwoldus, 3 Nov. Add. Rupertus, Ep., 27 Mar. Add. Rusticus, subdiac., M., Karthagine in Africa, 17 Aug. Rusticus, diaconus, al. Pr. M., Parisiis, 9 Oct. Rusticus, subdiaconus, 23 Mar. Add. Rusticus, M., 9 Aug. Add. Rusticus, Ep. C., Narbonae, 26 Oct. Rustyke, v. Restitutus, 29 Mai. Ruth, vidua sancta, I Sep. Add. ; item 14 Sep. Add. Rutulus, M., in Africa, 18 Feb. Ryoke, abbas, 6 Feb. Add. Sabas, abbas C., Mutalae in Cappadocia, 5 Dec. Sabbatum Sanctum (' Holy Saterdaye '), 26 Mar. Sabina, uxor Valentini, M., Romse, 29 Aug. Sabina, V. in pago Tricassino, 29 Aug. Sabina, M. , Abelae in Hisp. , 27 Oct. Sabina, V.M., 29 Aug. Add. Sabinianus (' Saluniane'), M., in Territ. Tricassino, 29 Jan. Sabi[ni]anus (Ep.) M. apud Senonas, 31 Dec. Sabinus, in territ. Pictavensi, 1 1 Jul. Sabinus, M., Damasci, 20 Jul. Sabinus, Ep. M., Spoleti, 30 Dec. Sacerdos, Ep. C, Lugduni, 12 Sep. Sagar, Ep. M., Laodiceae, 6 Oct. Salaberga, abbatissa, 23 Sep. Add. Sale, 28 Jan. Add. Saloma, Maria, lerosolymis, 22 Oct. Salomon, M., Cordubse in Lusitania, 8 Feb. Salomon, filius David, I Aug. Add. Salonius (' Salomon '), Ep. C, Genuae, 28 Sep. Saluniane, v. Sabinianus, M. Salustia, uxor Cerealis, Romas, 14 Sep. Salustianus, C. in Sardinia, 8 Jun. Salutaris, archidiac. C. Karthagine exula- tus in Africa, 13 Jul. Salutary, v. Solutor, miles, M. INDEX SANCTORUM. 271 Salvius ('Salver') M., in Africa, n Jan. Salvius, Ep. Engolismensis, apud Valen- cenas, 26 Jun. Samdyne, V., 19 Dec. Add. Samon, M. , Edessae, 20 Nov. Sampson, Ep. C, Dolae, in Brit, minore, 28 Jul. Samson, judex, I Sep. Add. Samuel, propheta, 20 Aug. Samuel, Pr., 20 Aug. Add. Sanctinus, Ep. C., 2 2 Sep. Add. Sanctorum Omnium Festivitas, I Nov. ; Vigilia, 31 Oct. Sanctulus, Pr., 27 Jul. Add. Sanctus, diaconus M. , Lugduni, 2 Jun. Sapientes Quinquaginta qui cum S. Kate- rina disputationem inierunt, 13 Nov. Add. Sapientia, mater S. Fidei &c., M. Romae, I Aug. Sare, uxor Abraham, 5 Feb. Add. Sare, abbatissa, I Mar. Add. Sarinus, 4 Dec. Add. Sarisburiensis (al. Sarum) Ecclesiae Dedi- catio, 30 Sep. Saruke, 28 Jan. Add. Satary, v. Satyrus, M. Saturianus, M., 16 Oct. Saturnia, V.M., Colonise Agrippinae, 21 Oct. Saturninus, Alexandria;, 31 Jan. Saturninus, Pr. M., in Africa, n a!., 12 Feb. Saturninus, M., Tuburbi in Mauritania, 7 Mar. Saturnini Quatuor, MM., Caesaraugustae in Hisp., 15 al. 1 6 Apr. Saturninus, M., Alexandriae, 31 Jan. Saturninus, M., Romae, 2 Mai. Saturninus, peregrinus M., in Portu Ro- mano, 22 Aug. Saturn[in]us, M., Capuae, 6 Oct. Saturninus, C., Caesareae in Palaestina, 14 Oct. Saturninus, M., Romae. 29 Nov. Saturninus, M., 16 Oct. Saturninus, C., Tolosae, 30 Oct. Saturninus, Ep. M., Tolosae, temporibus Decii, 29 Nov. Saturninus, senex M., Romae, 29 Nov. Saturnus, M., 29 Jul. Add. Satyre, 7 Mar. Add. Satyrianus, cum fratribus, MM. in Africa, 1 6 Oct. Satyrus, M., in Achaia, alias Antiochise, 12 Jan. Satyrus, M., al. C., in Africa, 29 Mar. Savina, V. , 29 Aug. Add. Savinianus, Ep. M., apud Senonas, 19 Oct. Savinianus, M., 29 Aug. Add. Savinus, Ep. Canosae ('cawsyne'), 17 Feb. Add. Savinus, Ep. Placentiae, II Dec. Add. Saula, V.M., Coloniae Agrippinae, 20 al. 21 Oct. Saulus, monachus, Cordubse, 17 Apr. Sawster, v. Vedastus, Ep. , 6 Feb. Sawstyne, v. Faustinus, 22 Mai. Saynt, v. Sanctus, diac. Scholastica, V., soror S. Benedict!, V., 10 Feb. Scholastica, eius Translatio, 1 1 Jul. Schrysotele, v. Chrysotelus. Schyrion, Ischyrion, al. Chiridion, al. Chaeremon, M. Alexandriae, 22 Dec. Scubiculus, diaconus M., in pago Vilcas- sino, II Oct. Sebastia, al. Sabbatia, M., Sirmii, 4 Jul. Sebastianus, miles M., Romae, 20 Jan. Sebastianus, eius reliquiae, 4 Jul. Sebastianus, M., in Armenia minore, 8 Feb. Sebastianus, M. , eius Translatio, 9 Dec. Sebba, R., 24 Mar. Add. Secunda, soror Rufinae, V.M., Romae, 10 Jul. Secunda, M., Karthagine, 17 Jul. Secunda, V.M., Tuburbi in Africa, 30 Jul. Secundianus, M., Concordiae, 17 Feb. Secundianus, M., in Tuscia, Coloniae, 9 Aug. Secundinus, M., Adrumeti in Africa, 21 Feb. Secundinus, Ep. M., in Numidia, 29 Apr. Secundinus, M., Cordubae, 21 Mai. Secundole, v. Secundus, M. Secundulus, Tuburbi in Mauritania, 7 Mar. Secundus ('Secundole'), M., in Mauri- tania, 24 Mar. Secundus, Ep. C., in Hispania, 15 Mai. Secundus, M., Victimilii in Italia, 26 Aug. Secundus, M. , 30 Mar. Add. Securus, frater Veri, M., in Africa, 2 Dec. Seledon, v. Cheledonius, miles M. Sem, 28 Jan. Add. Senator, Albani, 26 Sep. Seneses, magicus, M., 23 Mai. Add. Sennes, subregulus, M. , Romae, 30 Jul. Sennes, ('Sisynny'), diaconus, M. Romae, 29 Nov. Septem Fratres, MM., Romae, 29 Mai. Septem Dormientes, MM., Ephesi, 27 Jul. (al. Jun.). Septem Dormientium resurrectio, II Aug. Add. Septimus, monachus M., Karthagine in Africa, 17 Aug. 272 INDEX SANCTORUM. Septimus, lector, M., Venusiae in Apulia, 24 Oct. Sequanus, al. Sygnus, Pr. C., in terril. Lingonensi, 19 Sep. Seraphia, V. M., Romae, 29 Jul. Seraphia, eius Inventio, sive Commemo- ratio, 3 Sep. Seraphion, clericus, films Marcellini, M., Tomis, 27 Aug. Serapion, M. , apud Aegyptum, 25 Feb. Serapion, anachoreta, Ep. Thmueos, Alex- andriae, 21 Mar. Serapion, lector apud Pentapolim Libyae, 26 Mar. Serapion, ex vii Dormientibus, M., Ephesi, 27 Jul. Serapion, filius Marcellini, M., Tomis in Ponto, 27 Aug. Serapion, Ep. C., Antiochiae, 30 Oct. Serapion, M. Alexandriae, 14 Nov. Serapion, M., 8 Feb. Add. Serena, uxor Diocletiani, Romae, 16 Aug. Serene, Nicomediae, 17 Mar. Serenicus, C., 7 Mai. Add. Serenus, et Serenus alter catechumenus, MM., Alexandriae, 28 Jun. Serenus, monachus, M. , 24 Feb. Add. Serenus, abbas, 24 Feb. Add. Sergius, M., Caesarese Cappad., 24 Feb. Sergius, primicerius, M., Sergiopoli in Augusta Euphratesia, 7 Oct. Servandus, M., in Hispania, 23 Oct. Servatius, Ep. Tungrensis, 13 Mai. ; ejus Translatio, 7 Jun. Add. Servilianus (' Servulane'), M., Romae, 20 Apr. Servilius, M., in Istria, 24 Mai. Servus (' Sevy '), subdiac, M., Karthagine in Africa, 17 Aug. Servulus, M., Adrumeti in Africa, 21 Feb. Servulus, paralyticus, Romae, 23 Dec. Sesary, v. Caesarius, M. Seth, 23 Jan. Add. Severianus, conjux Aquilae, M., Neocae- sareae in Mauritania, 23 Jan. Severianus, Ep. , Gavali, 25 Jan. Severianus, M., e quatuor coronatis, Romae, 8 Nov. Severianus, Ep., Lugduni, n Nov. Severinus, Ep. C., Neapoli in Campania, 8 Jan. Severinus, abbas monast. Agaunensis in castro Nantoniensi, II Feb. Severinus, C. , 2 Oct. Severinus, Ep., Burdigalae, 21 Oct. Severinus, v. Severus, Ep., Ravennae. Severinus, Ep. C., Coloniae, 23 Oct. Severinus, monachus, Tibure, i Nov. Severinus, M., Viennae, 19 Nov. Severinus, monachus, Parisiis, 23 Nov. Severinus, abbas, 8 Jan. Add. Severinus, Ep., Colonise, 5 Jun. Add. Severinus. al. Boetius, M., 23 Oct. Add. Severus, C. Alexandria, 1 1 Jan. Severus (' Severyne'), Ep. , Ravennae, I Feb. Severe, v. Sirenus, monachus. Severus, Pr. C. , Viennae in Gallia, 8 Aug. Severus, M. , e quatuor coronatis, Romae, 8 Nov. [Severus], M. , cum Mansueto, Alexandriae, 30 Dec. Severus, Ep., i Feb. Add. Severus, Pr. M., i Feb. Add Severus, Pr. C., i Feb. Add. Severus, abbas, 25 Aug. Add. Servanus, Ep., 25 Aug. Add. Sexburga, V., soror S. Etheldredae, in Anglia, 6 Jul. Sewsyppe, v. Speusippus, M. Sextus, C., 10 Feb. Add. Sicarius (' Sycare '), M., 2 Mai. Add. Sidonius, Ep. , 24 Aug. Add. Sidronius, M., apud Senones, n Jul. Sigibertus, R., monachus, 16 Jan. Add. Sigismundus, R. M., Seduni, i Mai. Sigon ('Signy'), Pr., in territ. Lingonicae civitatis, 19 Sep. Silas, Ap., in Macedonia, 13 Jul. Silvanus, Ep. M., apud Tyrum in Phoe- nicia, 2 al. 20 Feb. Silvanus, M., in Africa, 18 Feb. Silvanus, Ep. M., Gazae in Palaestina, 4 Mai. Silvanus, M., in Istria, 24 Mai. Silvanus, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romae, 10 Jul. Silvanus, puer M., Ancyrae in Galatia, 4 Sep. Silvanus, Ep. C., in territorio Bituricensi, 22 Sep. Silvanus, abbas, 22 Sep. Add. Silverius ('Syvere'), papa, C. al. M., Romae, 20 Jun. Silvester (' Sylvere'), Ep. C., Cabilone, 20 Nov. Silvester, papa, C., Romae, 31 Dec. Silvinus, Ep. Tolosanus, 17 Feb. Silvius, M., Alexandriae, 21 Apr. Simeon, monachus, Antiochiae, 5 Jan. Simeon, filius Cleophae, Ep. M., leroso- lymis, 1 8 Feb. Simeon, Ep. M., in Perside, 21 Apr. Simeon, monachus, Treviris, i Jim. Simeon, monachus in Sicilia, 27 Jul. Simeon Justus, 8 Oct. Similianus, Ep. C., Nannete in Britannia minori, 1 6 Jun. Simitrius (' Symniter '), Pr. , cum sociis xxii, M., Romae, 26 Mai. Simon Chananaeus, cum S. Juda, Ap. M., in Perside, 28 Oct. ; eorum Vigilia, 27 Oct. INDEX SANCTORUM. 273 Simon, filius Onias, I Oct. Add. Simplicius, senator, M., Romas, 10 Mai. Simplicius, Ep. C., Augustoduni, 24 Jun. Simplicius, M., Romas, 29 Jul. Simplicius, Ep. C., Augustoduni, 19 Nov. Simplicius, papa, 7 Jan. Add. ; 2 Mar. Add. Sirenus, al. Sinerius, w/Syrenus ('Severe'), monachus, M., Sirmii, 23 Feb. Siricius, papa, 7 Jan. Add. Siridion, Ep. , 2 Jan. Sisinnius, Cappadox M., in Anaunia, 29 Mai. Sisinnius, Diaconus [Ep. C.], M., Romas, 29 Nov. Sixtus I. (al. Xystus), papa, M., Romae, 6 al. 1 6 Apr. Sixtus II. (al. Xystus), papa, M., Romas, 6 Aug. Sixtus (al. Xystus), discip. B. Fetri, Ep. C. , Rhedon. al. Rhemis in Gallia, I Sep. Sixtus ( Syxt '), papa, Romas, 7 Jan. Add. Sixtus, papa, 28 Mar. Add. Sixtus III., papa, 6 Aug. Add. Skumculy, v. Scubiculus, Diac. Smaragdus, M., Romae, 16 Mar. Smaragdus, eius Translatio, 8 Aug. Socrates, in Britanniis, 17 Sep. Solemnius, Ep. Carnotensis, Blesis, 25 Sep., item 24 Sep. Add. Solutor, M., Ravennae, 13 Nov. Solutor (' Solutary '), miles Thebanas legionis M., Taurini, 20 Nov. Sophia, matrona, 17 Jun. Add. Sophonias, propheta, 18 Mai. Add. Sophronius, C., 3 Mai. Add. Sophy, 15 Mai. Add. Sosipater, discip. Pauli, Pyrrhiberoese ( ' at Puricorea ') 25 Jun. Sosius, Diac. Misenas, M., in Campania, 23 Sep. Sosthenes, M., Chalcedone, 10 Sep. Sosthenes, discip. Fauli, Corinthi, 18 al. 28 Nov. Soter, papa, Romas, 22 Apr. Soteris, V. , 6 Feb. Soteris, V. M., in Oriente (? Romas, via Appia), 10 Feb. Speciosus, nobilis, monachus, 30 Jul. Add. Speciosus, monachus in Monte Cassino, 20 Sep. Add. Speratus, M., Karthagine, 16 al. 17 Jul. Spes, V. M., Romas, I Aug. ; item 17 Jun. Add. Spes, abbas, 10 Aug. AdH. Speusippus (' Sewsyppe '), M. apud Lin gonas, 17 Jan. Spiridion, propheta, Ep. C., in Cypro, 14 Dec. Stactasus, filius Symphorosae, M., Tibure, 27 Jun. MARTILO. Stactasus, M., Romas, 28 Sep. Stephana, M., 18 Sep. Add. Stephanus, M. in ^Egypto, I Apr. Stephanus, cum Castore, M., Tarsi in Cilicia, 27 Apr. Stephanus, in ^Egypto, 8 Mai. Stephanus, papa, M., Romas, 2 Aug. Stephanus, subdiac. M., Romas, 6 Aug. Stephanus, M., in Britanniis, 17 Sep. Stephanus, protomartyr, 26 Dec. Stephanus, eius Octava, 2 Jan. Stephanus, eius Inventio, lerosolymis, 3 Aug. Stephanus, abbas, 13 Feb. Add. Stephanus, alter abbas, 13 Feb. Add. Stephanus cum Laurentio, 7 Mai. Add. Stephanus II., papa C., Romas, 2 Aug. Add. Stephanus III., papa, Romas, 2 Aug. Add. Stephanus, eremita, 3 Aug. Add. Stephanus, Pr., 20 Nov. Add. Stercatius, frater Victoris, M., Emeritas in Hisp., 24 Jul. Stratoclianus, v. Austriclinianus. Stytyny, v. Cythinus, M. Successus, M., Cassaraugustas in Hisp., 15 al. 1 6 Apr. Sulpitius Pius, Ep. M., apud Bituricas, 17 Jan. Sulpitius, M. , Romas, 20 Apr. Suranus, abbas, M., 27 Sep. Add. Susanna, V. M., Romas, n Aug. Susanna, per Danielem liberata, 28 Aug. Add. Swythunus, Ep., Wintonias in Anglia, 2 Jul. Swythunus, eius Translatio, 15 Jul. Swythunus, eius Ordinatio, 30 Oct. Syagrius, ('Fiagry') Ep. C., Augustoduni, 27 Aug. Sycare, M., 2 Mai. Add. Sycus (' Ysyce '), Antiochias, 30 Mai. Add. Sydron, M. , in territ. Senonum, 1 1 Jul. Sygny, v. Sequanus, vel Sigon. Syle, discip. Apostolorum, in Macedonia, 13 Dec. Syle, Ep. M., v. Philasas, 4 Feb. Sylvanus, &c., v. Silvanus, &c. Sylvia, V., 10 Mar. Add. Symeon, 4 Feb. Add. Symmachus ('Symake'), papa, 21 Feb. Add. Symmachus, M., 27 Mai. Add. Symmetrius (' Symniter '), Pr. M., Romae, 26 Mai. ; item, 27 Mai. Add. Symphorianus, M., Augustoduni, 22 Aug. Symphorianus, Romas, 9 Nov. Symphorosa, uxor Getulii cum vii filiis, M., Tibure, 27 Jun. al. 18 Jul. Symphorosa M., in Campania, 2 Jul. Symphronianus, M., Roma-, 7 Jul. 274 INDEX SANCTORUM. Symphronius, M., Romae, 26 Jul. Symplicius, papa, 2 Mar. Add. Symylyane, v. Similianus, Ep. C. Syncletyke, abbatissa, I Mar. Add. Syntyche, V., Philippis, 22 Jul. Syrenus, alias Sinerius, (' Seuere ') mona- chus M., Sirmii, 23 Feb. Syuere, v. Silverius. Syrus, discip. Hermagorae, C., Ticinii, sive Papiae, 12 Sep. Syrus, Ep., 7 Feb. Add. Syrus, M., 14 Feb. Add. ; 26 Feb. Add. Syrus, Ep. Papiae, eius Transla+io, 17 Mai. Add. Syrus, Ep. C., 9 Dec. Add. Sysinnius ('Sysyn'), 12 Mar. Add. Sythe, v. Dorothy, 15 Jan. Add. Syxt, v. Sixtus, papa. Tabita, 4 Mar. Add. Tabra, diac. M., 22 Nov. Add. Tabrata, diac. M., 22 Nov. Add. Tarbua, al. Tarbula, 22 Apr. Tarrasius, C, 17 Sep. Add. Tatianus, diac. M., Aquileiae, 16 Mar. Tatwinus ('Tadwyne') Ep. C., Cantu- ariae, 30 J ul. Add. Taurinus, Ep. C., apud Ebroicenses in Gallia, n Aug. Tecla, v. Thecla, V. Telesphorus, papa M., Romae, 5 Jan. Terentianus, M., 30 Aug. Add. Tertius (' Cercy '), monachus C., in Africa, 6 Dec. Tertulla, Virgo sacra, M. , in Numidia, 29 Apr. Tertullianus, M., 4 Aug. Add. Tertullinus, Pr. M. , Romas, 4 Aug. Thaddaeus, qui et Judas, cum Simone, Ap. M., 28 Oct. Thaddseus, in deserto Egypti, 1 1 Jun. Add. Thais, 8 Oct. Add. Tharacus, al. Th?racius, M., Tarsi in Cilicia, n Oct. Tharcilla, 17 Aug. Add. Thare, 28 Jan. Add. Tharsitius, acolytus, M., Romae, 15 Aug. Thebaei, MM., Seduni in Gallia, 22 Sep. Thecla, al. Tecla, V., 22 Feb. Thecla, V. M., Iconii, sepulta Seleuciae, 23 Sep. Thecla, V., 3 Sep. Add. Thelesfory, v. Telesphorus, papa M. Theliaus, v. Eliud, Ep., 9 Feb. Add. Theobaldus, C., I Jul. Add. Theodoce, v. Theodotus, M. Theodardus (' Hereodarde '), Ep. Tun- grensis, 10 Sep. Add. Theodora ('Theodour'), M., Nicaeae, 13 Mar. Theodora ('Theodour'), soror Hermetis, M., Romse, I Apr. Theodora, V. M., Alexandriae, 28 Apr. Theodora, al. Theodota, 2 Aug. Theodora, 17 Jul. Add. Theodoretus ('Theodour'), Pr. M., An- tiochiae in Syria, 23 Oct. Theodoricus, Pr. C., in territ. Remensi, r Jul. Theodour, v. Theodotus, M. Theodorus, Ep., 19 Mar. Theodorus, Pr. M., Antiochiae, 23 Mar. Theodorus, Ep. M., apud Pentapolim Libyae, 26 Mar. Theodorus, miles M., Euchaitae al. Am- aseae in Ponto, 9 Nov. Theodorus, Ep. Lugduni, 9 Nov. Theodorus, M., Antiochiae, 14 Dec. Theodorus, 12 Feb. Add. Theodorus, Ep. M., 18 Feb. Add. Theodorus, Ep. , 6 Apr. Add. Theodorus, 6 Apr. Add. Theodorus, abbas, 14 Mai. Add. Theodorus, Consul, M., 26 Mai. Add. Theodorus, Ep. M., eius Translatio, 29 Mai. Add. Theodorus, M. , 29 Jul. Add. Theodorus, eques, 24 Aug. Add. Theodorus, Archiep. Cantuar. 19 Sep. Add. Theodorus, eques, M., 9 Nov. Add. Theodorus, Ep. C., 10 Nov. Add. Theodorus, Ep. Tarsensis, 15 Dec. Add. Theodoryke. C., Rhemis, I Jul. Theodosia, V. M., Caesareae Cappadociae, 2 Apr. Theodosia, V. M., 22 Dec. Theodosius, miles M., Romae, 25 Oct. Theodosius, Imp. .,31 Mai. Add. Theodota, al. Theodora, matrona, M., in Bithynia, 2 Aug. Theodotus (' Theodour '), M., in Africa, 4 Jan. Theodotus (' Theodour '), Ep., Laodiceae, 2 Nov. Theodotus ('Theodoce'), M., Heracleae in Thracia, 14 Nov. Theodour, v. Theodoretus, Pr. M. Theodour, v. Theodotus, Ep. Theodulius (' Theodour '), Pr., Antiochise, 23 Mar. Theoclulus (' Diodole '), M., 31 Mar. Theodulus, Pr. M., Romae, 3 Mai. Theodulus, M., Romas, 26 Jul. Theogenes, M. , in Hellesponto, 3 Jan. Theogenes, M., 26 Jan. Theogenes, M. , 4 Jan. Add. Theole, v. Dula, V. M. Theon, M., apud Lingones, 17 Jan. Theon, abbas, 23 Aug. Add Theonas, Ep. C. , Alexandriae, 23 Aug. Theonilla, M. , Aegaeae in Cilicia, 23 Aug. Theonistus, Ep. M., 22 Nov. Add. Theophanes, C., 29 Sep. Add. INDEX SANCTORUM. 275 Theophilus, scholasticus, cum S. Dorothea, M., Csesareae Cappad., 6 Feb. Theophilus, M., Alexandria, 8 Sep. Theophilus, Ep., Antiochise, 13 Oct. Theophilus (' Theopholy '), M., Csesareae Cappadociae, 3 Nov. Theophilus, miles M. , Alexandria, 20 Dec. Theophilus, M., Romse, 28 Feb. Theophilus, Ep. , 5 Mar. Add. Theophilus, penitens, C., 13 Oct. Add. Theopista (' Theospita '), filia S. Eusta- chii, Romse, 2 Nov. Theopistes (' Theospis'), uxor S. Eusta- chii, M., Romse, 2 Nov. ; item ('Theo- phist '), 20 Mai. Add. Theopistus ('Theophist'), filius S Eustachii, M., Romse, 20 Mai. Add. Theopompus, Ep. M., 23 Mai. Add. Theosie, v. Theodosia, V. M. Theoticus, M., apud Antinoum in ^gypto, 8 Mar. Theotignus, Ep., 21 Jan. Add. Theotimus, Ep., 22 Dec. Add. Theremon, abbas, 15 Mar. Add. Thesifon, v. Ctesiphon. Theuseta, M., Nicaese, 13 Mar. Thola, judex, i Sep. Add. Tholonius, M., Alexandrise, 19 Oct. Thomas, Ap. M., Calaminse in India, 21 Dec. Thomas, eius Vigilia, 20 Dec. Thomas, eius Translatio, Edessse in Meso- potamia, 3 Jul. Thomas, Cantuariensis Archiep. M., 29 Dec. Add. ; eius Octava, 5 Jan. Thomas, Herfordensis Ep., 2 Oct. Thomas cle Aquino, 7 Mar. Add. Thomas, monachus, M., Dubri (' douer '), 5 Aug. Add. Thoremyny, v. Corentinus, I Mai. Thotist, Ep., 21 Jan. Add. Thraseas (' Tharsy '), Ep. M., 5 Oct. Thraso, ('Traso'), M., Romse, II Dec. Thuran, v. Turianus. Thyke, 2/. Epitacius, Ep. M. Thyrsus ('Trice') M., Apollonise, 28 al. 18 Jan. Thyrsus ('Tyrce'), Alexandrise, 31 Jan. Thyrsus, diaconus, M., Augustoduni, 24 Sep. Tiberius, M., Csesarione in territ. Aga- thensi, 10 Nov. Tiburtius, M., Romse, 14 Apr. Tiburtius, filius Chromatii, M., Romse, II Aug. Tiburtius, M. in Sabinis, 9 Sep. Tiernake, 4 Apr. Add. Tigris ('Tygryde '), Ep., in oppido Vapin- go, 3 Feb. Timon, ex vii. diac. M., Corinthi, 19 Apr. Timon, Ep. M., 19 Apr. Add. Timotheus, M. in Graecia, 8 Jan. Timotheus, discip. B. Pauli, Ep. M., Ephesi, 22 al. 24 Jan. Timotheus, M., in Macedonia, 6 Apr. Timotheus, Constantinopoli, 9 Mai. Timotheus, diac., M., in Mauritania Csesariensi, 21 Mai. Timotheus, M., Romae, 22 Mai. Timotheus, M., Romse, 22 Aug. Timotheus, M., Rhemis, 23 Aug. Timotheus, Antiochise, 8 Sep. Timotheus, Ep., 14 Jan. Add. Timotheus, eremita in Egypto, II Jun. Add. Timotheus, Ep. Alexandrise, M., 21 Aug. Add. Titianus, Ep. C, Opitergii ('Odoberg'), 1 6 Jan. Titus ('Tyte'), Ep. in Greta, 4 Jan. ; item, 25 Aug. Add. Titus, v. Tychicus, 29 Apr. Titus, Ep., 25 Aug. Add. Tobias, 14 Sep. Add. Torpes, M., Pisis in Tuscia, 17 Mai. ; item 29 Apr. Add. Torquatus, Ep. C., in Hispania, 15 Mai. Totnanus, al. Conacus, Diac. M., Herbi- poli, 8 Jul. Trajanus, Imperator, 23 Nov. Add. Tranquillinus, M. , Romae, 6 Jul. Transfiguratio Domini N. Jesu Christi, 6 Aug. Trice, v. Thrysus. Trinitatis SS. festum, secundum quosdam, 15 Mai. Add. Triphon, v. Tryphon. Tripus ('Tripode'), M., Romse, 10 Jun. Trist, V., 27 Feb. Add. Trojanus ('Trophiane '), Ep., apud San- tones, 30 Nov. Trophimus, Ep. C., Arelate, 29 Dec. Trudo, Pr. C., 23 Nov. ; item 20 Mar. Add. Trybune, v. Quirinus, tribunus, M. Triphon, M. in Africa, 4 Jan. Tryphon ('Triphon'), M., Nicseae, 3 Feb. Tryphon, M. , Alexandrise, 3 Jul. Tryphon, puerulus, M., 5 Mai. Add. Tryphon, M., 10 Nov. Add. Tryphoriia, uxor Decii, Romse, 18 Oct. Turianus ('Thuran'), Ep. C. in Brit minore, 13 Jul. Tybba, V., 6 Mar. Add. Tychicus, ('The') discip. Apostol., apud Paphum, 29 Apr. Tygryde, v. Tigris, Ep. Tyrannio ('Ciran'), Ep. M., apud Tyrum in Phoenicia, 20 Feb. Tyrce, v. Thyrsus. Tyrsus (' Tyrs '), M., 17 Jan. Add. S 2 276 INDEX SANCTORUM. Ulpius, M.., Lugduni, 2 Jun. Ulmarus, C. in territ. Bononiae, 2O Jul. Uran (? Urbanus), M., 2 Jul. Urbanus, M., ex xviii Martt. Caesaraugustae in Hisp. , 15, al. 16 Apr. Urbanus, papa M., Romae, 25 Mai. Urbanus, eius Reliquiae, 4 Jul. Urbanus, M., in Campania, 2 Jul. Urbanus, puer, 24 Jan. Add. Urbanus, M., in Campania, 2 Jul. Add. Ursatius, solitarius C., Nicaeae in Bithy- nia, 1 6 Aug. Ursicinus (' Vrcissyne'), M., Ravennse, 19 Jun. Ursicinus (' Vrsycyne '), Ep., apud Bituri- cas, 9 Nov. Ursinus, Ep., 29 Dec. Add. Ursmarus, Ep. C. ('Cosmar'), 18 Apr. Ursulinus, Ep., 24 Jul. Add. Ursus, miles M., Solodoriin Gallia, 30 Sep. Ursus, M., 21 Jun. Add. Ursus, C., 28 Jul. Add. Ursus, Ep. C. (al. M.), Antisiodori, 30 Jul. Add. Ustazedes, al. Uskazandus, s. Usthazanes, eunuchus M., in Perside, 21 Apr. Valdetrudis, 20 Mar. Add. Valentinus, Pr. M., Romse, 14 Feb. Valentinus, Ep. M., Interamnae, 14 Feb. Valentinus, M., Ravennae, 13 Nov. Valentinus, magister militum, M., Raven- nae, 16 Dec. Valention, M., Dorostori in Moesia, 25 Mai. Valentius, Pr., 6 Jul. Add. Valeriana, uxor S. Vitalis, M., 28 Apr. Add. Valerianus, M., Romae, 14 Apr. Valerianus, M., Antiochiae, 23 Aug. Valerianus, M., Trenortii in territ. Cabi- lonensi, 15 Sep. Valerianus, M., Nividuni, 17 Sep. Valerianus, Ep. C., in Africa, 15 Dec. Valerius, ('Valery'), Ep. C., Treviris, 29 Jan. Valerius. M., Suessione, 14 Jun. Valery, v. Walericus, abbas. Vanalis, v. Navalis. Vbaldus, Ep., 1 6 Mai. Add. Vdalricus, (' Odalryke '), Ep. C., Augustae, 4 Jul. Veaius (' Vect'), C., 25 Jan. Add. Vedastus, Atrebatensium Ep. C., 6 Feb. Vedastus, Atrebatensis Ep., C., Cameraci, i Oct. Venantius, Ep. M., I Apr. Venantius ('Wynance'), abbas, Turonis, II, al. 13 Oct. Venantius, M., Camerini, 18 Mai. Add. Veneranda, V. M., 14 Nov. Add. Venerandus, M., 14 Nov. Add. Venerius, abbas, II Sep. Add. Venerius, monachus, II Sep. Add. Venustianus cum uxore et filiis, MM., Spoleti, 30 Dec. Venustus, M., in Africa, 6 Mai. Veranus, Ep., 1 1 Nov. Add. Verianus, M., Coloniae in Tuscia, 9 Aug. Verissimus, M., Ulyssipone in Lusitania, i Oct. Verulio (' Verole '), Adrumeti in Africa, 21 Feb. Verus, frater Securi, M., in Africa, 2 Dec. Viator, minister S. Justi, Lugduni, 2 Sep. item 21 Oct. Viconius, C. , Verduni, 9 Nov. Victor, Nicomediae, 12 Jan. Victor, M. , Ebreduni in Galliis, 22 Jan. Victor, socius S. Thyrsi, Alexandriae, 31 Jan. Victor, Romae, 20 Feb. Victor, M., apud /Egyptum, 25 Feb. Victor, M., Nicomediae, 6 Mar. Victor, M., in /Egypto, i Apr. Victor, Ep. M., xv. papa, Romae, 20 Apr. Victor, miles M., Mediolani, 8 Mai. Victor, in ^Egypto, 8 Mai. Victor, M., in Syria, 14 Mai. Victor, M., Caesareae in Cappadocia, 21 Mai. Victor, miles M., Massiliae in Gallia, 21 Jul. Victor, miles M., Emeritae in Hispania. 24 Jul. Victor, papa M. , 28 Jul. Victor, M., al. Ep. C., in Africa, 10 Sep. Victor, M., Chalcedone, 10 Sep. Victor, M., cum Cyprianoin Africa, !4Sep. Victor, Thebanae legionis M., Seduni in Gall., 22 Sep. Victor, miles ex legione Thebanorum M. , Solodori in Gall. , 30 Sep. Victor, M., Agrippinae, IO Oct. Victor, C., 17 Oct. Victor, C., in territ. Belvacensi, 18 Oct. Victor, M., Ravennae, 13 Nov. Victor, v. Victoria, M., 23 Dec. Victor, Ep. , Carthagine, 20 Apr. Add. Victor, M., 29 Jul. Add. Victor, M., 1 8 Sep. Add. Victoria, M., Cordubae in Hisp., 17 Nov. Victoria (' Victor'), V. M., Romae, 23 Dec. Victorianus, proconsul, M., in Africa, 23 Mar. Victorianus, in Isauria, 15, al. 16 Mai. Victorianus, 6 Mai. Add. Victoricus, M., Ambiani in Gall., II Dec. Victorinus, M., apud ^Egyptum, 25 Feb. Victorinus, in carcere M., Nicomediae, 6 Mar. Victorinus, M., Nicomediae, 29 Mar. Victorinus, M., in Italia, 15 Apr. INDEX SANCTORUM.. 277 Victorinus, M. , Romse, 7 Jul. Victorinus, Amiterninus Ep. M., Romse, 5 Sep. Victorinus, Pictaviensis seu Pitabionensis, Ep. M.,2Nov. Victorinus, e quatuor coronatis M., Romse, 8 Nov. Victorinus, magister S. Hieronymi, 5 Sep. Add. Victorius ('Victor'), Csesarese Cappad., 21 Mai. Victorius, Ep. C. , apud Cenomanos, I Sep. Vigilia Assumptionis, 13 Aug. Vigilius, Ep. M., apud Tridentum, 26 Jun. Vigilius, Ep. M., 26 Jun. Add. Vigilius, papa M., 26 Jun. Add. Vigilius, diac. monachus, 26 Jun. Add. Vigor, Ep., apud Baiocas, I Nov. Vincent, v. Viventius, 13 Jan. Add. Vincentius, diac. M., Valentise in Hispania, 22 Jan. Vincentius, M., Ebreduni in Gall., 22 Jan. Vincentius, M., Caucoliberi in Ilisp. Tarraconesi, 19 Apr. Vincentius, cum Marcello C, Ebreduni in Gallia, 20 Apr. Vincentius (PInventius), M., Romse, I Jun. Vincentius, LevitaM., Agenni in Gall., 9 Jun. Vincentius, M. , Rornse, 24 Jul. Vincentius, subdiaconus M., Romse, 6 Aug. Vincentius, M. , Romse, 25 Aug. Vincentius, C., in Territ. Nivernensi, 17 Oct. Vincentius, M., Abelse in Hispania, 27 Oct. Vincentius, M., 6 Jun. Add. Vincentius, C., 24 Jul. Add, Vindemialis, 2 Mai. Add. Virgilius, Ep., 27 Mar. Add. Virgines, Septem., MM. apud Sirmium, 9 Apr. Virgines plurimse, cum S. Domnina, MM., Interamnae, 14 Apr. Virgines Sacrse plurimse, MM. , in Perside, Sapore Rege, 22 Apr. Virgines, xxii, MM. cum S. Lucia, Romse, 25 Jun. Virgines undecim milia, MM., Colonise Agrippinse, 21 Oct. Virgines Quadraginta, MM., Antiochise in Syria, 24 Dec. Vitalica, puellula M., Ancyrse, 4 Sep. Vitalis, M., Romse, 14 Feb. Vitalis, M., Alexandrine, 21 Apr. Vitalis, M., Ravennse, 28 Apr. Vitalis, M., in Campania, 2 Jul. Vitalis, filius S. Felicitatis, M., Romoe, 10 Jul. Vitalis, C., 24 Oct. Vitalis, M., Csesarese Cappadocise, 3 Nov. Vitalis, servus, M., Bononise in Italia, 27 Nov. Vitalis, M., 4 Nov. Add. Vitus, M., in Sicilia, 15 Jun. Vivardus, Ep. , I Sep. Add. Viventius (' Vincent '), C., 13 Jan. Add. Viviana, al Bibiana, M., Romse, 2 Dec. Vivianus, al. Bibianus (? Julianus), Ep. C., apud Santonas, 28 Aug. Vldaricus, al. Odaldricus, Ep. C., Augustse in Rhsetia, 4 Jul. Vlfrannus, Ep. Senonensis, in monast. Fontanellse in pago Rotomagensi, 20 Mar. Walaricus, Pr. C., in pago Niviacensi, 12 Dec. Walburga, V., 4 Feb., item, I Feb. Add., I Mai. Add. Walericus (' Valery '), C., Ambiani, I Apr. Wallenus, al. Waltheof, Ebo-raci, 3 Aug. Add. Walpurge, V., 25 Feb. Add. Walpurgis, v. Walburga. Wandregesilus, C., eius Translatio, 31 Mar. ; item, 22 Jul. Add. Warburga, V., 3 Feb. Warburga, eius Translatio, 21 Jun. Wenceslaus (' Wyncesse '), 28 Sep. Add. Wenefrida, V. M., in Anglia, 3 Nov. ; item^ 22 Jun. Add. Wilfridus, Archiep. Ebor., 12 Oct. Wilfridus, eius Translatio, 24 Apr. Add. Wilfridus junior, Archiep. Ebor. 29 Apr. Add. Wilibaldus (' Wyllybalcl '), 7 Feb. Add. Willibrordus, Trajectensis Ep. C., 7 Nov. Willielmus, Ep. Bituricensis, 10 Jan. Add. Willielmus (' Wyllyim '), Pr. 2 Mar. Add. Willielmus, a Judseis csesus, Norwici, 15 Apr. Add, Willielmus, in Brit, natus, 10 Mai. Add. Willielmus, Dux Aquitanise, C., 28 Mai. Add. Willielmus, Archiep. Ebor. , 8 Jun. Add. Winibaldus (' wenebald '), 7 Feb. Add. Witburga, V., 17 Mar. Witburga, eius Translatio, 8 Jul. Wolfadus, filius Wolferi regis, in Brit., 31 Jul. Add. Wolmare, v. Wulmarus. Wolryke (Wulfrick), Pr. 20 Feb., Add. Wolsinus, Ep. C., 8 Jan. Add. Wolstan, v. Wulstanus. Wolsyld (Wulthild), V., 9 Sep. Add. Wulfrannus, Ep. [Senonensis], in Fonta- nella monast., 20 Mar. ; if em, 15 Oct. Wulmarus, C., 17 Jun. Wulmarus (' Vlmare ')> abbas, 20 Jul. 2 7 8 INDEX SANCTORUM. Wulstanus, Ep. C., 'at Wyllenchester,' 18 Jan. Wulstanus, Ep. Wigorn. in Anglia, 19 Jan. Wulstanus, Ep. Wigorn., eius Translatio, 7 Jun. Wydburga, v. Witburga, V. Wynance, v. Venantius, abbas C. Wyncesse, v. Wenceslaus. Wynewale, abbas, Ep., 3 Mar. Wynyn, v. Fynanus. Wystanus, R. M., apud Evesham, I Jun. Add. Xystus (' Syxt '), papa M., Romae, 6 Apr. Xystus, v. Sixtus II. papa, M. Ygyn, v. Hyginus. Yon, M., 5 Aug. Add. Y polite, v. Hippolytus, M. Ysidore, Ysydourz^. Isidorus. Ysaac, Pr. Antiochiae, 3 Jun. Add. Ysaac, 5 Feb. Add. Ysyce(Sycus) M. in Antiochia, 30 Mai. Add. Ytamar, Ep. C. lojun. Yve, Pr. C. in Brit, minori, 19 Mai. Add. Yve, v. Ivo, 24 Apr. ; 10 Jun. Add. Yve, C., 8 Oct. Zacchaeus, Ep. lerosolymitanus IV. tus 23 Aug. Zacchaeus, Ep. Antiochise, 23 Aug. Add. Zacharias, pontifex, Romae, 14 Mar. Zacharias, Pr. M. , Lugduni, 2 Jun. Zacharias, M., Nicomediae, lojun. Zacharias, propheta, 6 Sep. Zacharias, pater B. Jo. Baptistae, 5 Nov. Zacharias, Pr., 6 Sep. Add. Zacharias, papa, 5 Nov. Add. Zeno, M., Romae, 14 Feb. Zeno, Ep. M., Veronae, 12 Apr. Zeno, Romas, M., 9 Jul. Zeno, M., Alexandriae, 15 Jul. Zeno, miles M. , Alexandriae, 20 Dec. Zeno, abbas in Thebaide, 9 Jul. Add. Zeno, Ep., 8 Dec. Add. Zenobius, Pr. M., apud Tyrum in Phoe- nicia, 20 Feb. Zenobius, Pr. M., Sidone in Phoenicia, 29 Feb. Zenobius, Ep. Florentinus, 25 Mai. Add. Zephyrinus, papa [M.] Romae, 26 Aug. Zoe, vxor Nicostrati, M., Romas, 5 Jul. Zoellus, al. Zoilus, in Istria, 24 Mai. Zoilus et alii xix., Cordubaein Hisp. 27 Jun. Zoilus, Pr. 27 Jun. Add. Zorobabel, 13 Jul. Add. Zosima, soror Bonosae M., 15 Jul. Zozimas, abbas, 30 Apr. Add. Zozimus, M., Antiochiae, 14 Dec. Zosimus, cum Rufo, ex discipp. Christi, M., iSDec. Zosimus, papa, 7 Jan. Add. Zosimus, M., ii Mar. Add. Zoticus, M., Romae, 10 Feb. Zoticus, M. Lugduni, 2 Jun. Zoticus, miles M., Nicomediae, 21 Oct. GLOSSARIAL INDEX OF NAMES OF PLACES %* The object of this index being to explain the names, it has not been thought necessary to record every mention of each place. The references are to the pages of the reprint. The words followed by a colon (:} are the adjectives from which many of Whydord's names have been derived. Abbiens, 174, for Albigens, Albigensis : Albia, Albi. Abrince, 150, Abrincae, Avranches. Aconitane, 7, for Anconitane, Anconi- tanus : Ancona. Adartens, 83, Adartensis or Atrebacensis : Atrebati, Arras. Adrumete, 30, Adrumetum in Africa. Aganens, 25, for Agaunens, Monasterium Agaunense : Agaunum, now St. Maurice (Valais). Agathen, 176, Agathensis : Agatha, Agde. Agen, 157, 165, Ageno, 91, Agens, i&i ; Agennum, Agen. Agryppe, 177, Agryppyny, 160 : Colonia Agrippina, Coin (Cologne). Agunens, 172, see Aganens. Albane, 152, Albanum, Albano, see Notes, Sept. 26. Albigens 52., Albigensis : Albia, Alby. Alexander, passim, Alexandria. Altyne, 64, 179, Altinum, Altino distrutto, near Venice. Altynens, 182, Altinensis : see Altyne. Almayne, 30, Alemannia. Amase, 175, Amasea in Cappadocia. Ambian, 94, Ambianum, Amiens. Ambianens, n, 138, 151, Ambianensis : Ambianum, Amiens. . Ambience, 137, Amiens. Amphitre, 196, Amphitrea. Amphyble, 74> Amphipolis. Amyterne, 140, Amiternum, S. Vittorino, three miles from Aquila. Ananyue, 84, Anaunia, Val d'Anagna. Ancyran, 53, Ancyranus : Ancyra. Andegaue, 26, 164, Andegavum, Angers. Andogavence, 10, Andegavensis : Ande- gavum, Angers. Andro, yle of, 47, Andros. Anticyrane, n,Anticyra. Antinoum, 15, Antion, 38 ; Antinous in Egypt. Antysiodour, 67, Antisiodorum, Auxerre. Anyse, water of, 68, Anisus, the River Enns, a tributary of the Danube. Apamya, 139, Apamea. Apollonia, 17. Aquens, 92, Aquensis : Aquae, Aix in .Provence. Aquiley, 41, 85, Aquileia. Aquis, 177, Aquse, Aix in Provence. Aquyne, 20, Aquitania. Arawsyke, 83, Arausica, Orange. Arecy, 88, Aretium, Arezzo. Arelatens, 69, 134, Arelatensis : Arelatum, Aries. Argentomate, castell of, 102, Castrum Argentomacum, Argenton. Argentyne, 52, Argentina, Strassburg. Aspane, 48, Pagus Hasbanius. Assyse, 127, Assisium, Assisi. Atens, 82, Athens. Atrebacens, 154, Atrebatensis : Atrebatum, Arras. Auare, 192, Auraris (Cat. Sand. i. 61). Auerne, 10, 16, Averni or Arverni, Cler- mont (Puy de Dome). August, 23 (Feb. 5), Augusta, London. Augustane, 123, Augusta, in Rhcetia, Augs- burg. Augustudune, 6, Augustodunum, Autun. Amens, 165, Auiensis : Avia, near Aquila. Aulane, 3, Aulanus : Aulona in Macedonia. 280 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX OF NAMES OF PLACES. Aurasyke, 164, Arausica, Orange. Aurelatens, n, for Arelatens, q.v. Austrace, 66, for Auch, see Notes, May i. Austudune, 99, for Augustodune, Autun. Baiocas, 171, Baiocse, Bayeux. Bapyll, 194, Bapilla (Cat. Sanct. xi, 125). Barcinon, 25, Barcinona, Barcelona. Bartimon, 1 1 6, for Barcinon, q.v. Barum, 72, Bari. Beame, 153, Bohemia. Beame, 191, Ambianum, Amiens. Beluacens, 164, Beluacensis : Beluacum, Beauvais. Beluake, 6, Beluacum, or Bellovacum, Beauvais. Beneuent, 94, Beneventum. Beneuentane, 148, Beneuentana ciuitas : Benevento. Betony, 196, Bampton, Oxon. See Notes, Dec. 21. Biryne, 121, for Bithynia. Biturica, 12, Biturike, 79, Bitury, 95, Byture, 105 : Bituricas, Bourgee. Bituricens, 8, Biturience, 65, Bituriens, 130, Bituricensis : Bituricse, Bourges. Blaue, cast ell of, 183, Castrum Blavium, Blayne near Bordeaux. Blese, 63, 151, Blesge, Blois. Bohacens, 17, Monasterium Bobacense : in Val de Bannez. Boneuale, 51, Bona Vallis. Bonony, 4, 156, Bononye, 114; Bononia, Bologna. Breknoke, 159, Brecknock. Bredunens, 60, for Ebiedunensis : Ebre- dunum, Embrun. Bristowe, 30, Bristol. Brixinens, 22, Brixen. Bruce, 62, Prussia. Bryxe, 27, Brixia, Brescia. Buckingham, 173. Burdegale, 166, Burdigala, Bordeaux. Burgoyn, 65, Burgundy. Byterne, 45, Biterrse, Beziers. Byture, 104, Bituricse, Bourges. Cabilon, 140, 181, Cabilony, 65 ; Cabilo, Chalons-sur-Saone. Cabilonens, 49, 146, Cabilonensis : Cabilo, Chalons-sur-Saone. Calagurryn, 35, Calagurris, Calahorra. Calaritane, 64. Calcidony, 143, Chalcedon. Calcydy, 147, Chalcis. Camber, 193, Camberake, 126 ; Camera- cum, Cambria. Cameracens, 44, 154, Cameracensis : Camercum, Cambrai. Cameryn, 77, Camerinam, Camerino. Campeyn, 10, Campania. Canens 201, see Notes, Dec. 30. Cantiliber, 60, Caucoliberis in Hispania. Carboyle, 172, Castrum Carboilum. Carneto, 146, Carnot, 84 ; Carnotum, Chartves. Carnotens, 17, Carnotensis : Carnotum, Chartres. Casary, 8, for Cesary, Csesarea. Cassyn, 25, Monte Cassino. Castelnount, 25, Nantonense Castrum, Chateau Landon. Cathalamnis, 123, for Cathalauni, Chalons- sur-Marne, Cathenens, 22, Catania. Cathyne, 126, Catania. Cawsyne, 28, Canusium, Canosa. Cecile, 89, for Cilicia. Cenoman, 17, 116, 138; Cenomani, Le Mans. Cenomanyke, 103, Cenomanicus : Ceno- mani, Le Mans, Centuncelles, 153, Centum Cellse. Cesaraugust, 133, Caesaraugusta, Sara- gossa. Cesare palestyne, 14, Csesarea Palestine. Cesariens, 7, Mautitania Csesariensis. Chechester, 52, Chichester. Chire, yle of, 76, Chios. Cicilye, 160, for Cilicia. Cicyle, 22, Cicyll, 181 ; Sicilia, Sicily. Cipres, 30, 74, Cipris, 8 ; Cyprus. Circen, 65, Cirta in Numidia. Cireney, 197, Cyrene. Cisceter, 95, Chichester. Ciuilitane, 64. Clareuale, 131, 174, Claravallis, Clairvaux. Cluniacens, 45, 106, Cluniacensis : Clugny. Clusyne, 104, Clusium, Chiusi. Coket, yle of, n, Coquet Island on the coast of Northumberland. Colen, 125, Colonia Tuscise. Colen Agryppyne, 1 60, Colonia Agrippina, Coin (Cologne). Colen thebestyne, 188, Colonia Thebestina. Coleyn, 5, Colonia Agrippina, Coin (Cologne). Colose, 113, Colossse. Complute, 124, Complutum, Alcala de Henares. Corduba, 24, Cordova in Spain. Corduba, 57, in Persia. Corsite, 80, for Corsice, Corsica. Cretens, 4, Cretensis : Crete. Crispinens, 44. Cucusse, 90, Cucussum in Cappadocia. Cume, 28, Cumae. Cymele, 75, Cimella. Cyrenen, 70, Cyrene. Cyzyke, 4, Cyzicus. Diuyon, castell of, 171, Diuio Castrum, Dijon. CLOSSAR1AL INDEX OF NAMES OF PLACES. 281 Dole, 118, Dolum, Dol in Brittany. Dorkasyn, the fraunchest of, 13. Pagus dorcassinus, or durpcassinus, a district north of Chartres. Doroberne, 20, Dorobernia, Canterbury. Doroscorens, 83, for Dorostorensis : Do- rostorum in Mysia. Dorostre, 81, Dorostorum in Mysia, now Dora in Bulgaria. Douer, 123, Dover. Dymens, 190, " Territorium dunense " A., perhaps for Divionense, Dijon. Dyospole, 62, Diospolis, Lydda in Pales- tine. Ebredune, 14, Ebreduna, Embrun. Ebroas, castell of, 126. Edissen, 19, Edessse. Ege, 152, ^Egsea. Emerite, 115, Emeryte, 191 ; Emerita, Merida. Engolisme, 103, Engolisma, Angouleme. Ephesios, 28, Ephesurn, 19, 117, Ephesy, 14 ; Ephesus. Eracle, 178, Heraclea. Eufratesi, 158, see Notes, Oct. 7. Ewgolysme, 101 for Engolisme, q.v. Ewmeny, 157, Eumenia in Phrygia. Ewsam, 86, Evesham. Fauence, 68, see Notes, May 4. Florence, 81. Fomanel, 75, Fontanell, 166 ; Fontanella. Fontanellence, 50, Fontanellensis : Fon- tanella, in diocese of Rouen. Forcill, 127, Forum Syllse, Imola. Fryselond, 93, Frisia ; and elsewhere for Phrygia. Fynthall, 79, for Fynchall, Finchale, near Durham. Galace, 35, Galicia. Galas, 199, Galatia. Gauale, 16, 168, Gavalis, Mende. Gaualitan, 131, Gavalitanus : Gavalis, Mende. Gelduba, 196, see Notes, Dec. 20. Genecesary, 15, Neo-Ccesarea. Geneo, 15, see Notes, Jan. 24. Geneocesarepont, 104. Neo-Coesarea Ponti. Geriid, 120, Gerunda, Gerona. Glassenbury, 101, Glastonbury. Glastingens, 137, Glastonbary. Glocester, 21, 114, Gloucester. Golden Mount, 71, Mons Aureus. Gortyn, 55> Gortyna in Crete. Granopole, 50, Gratianopolis, Grenoble. Graundmount, 26, Grandis Mons, Grand- Mont (Haute Vienne). Grauion, castell of, 9, see Notes, ]an. 13. Habull, 168, Abula, Avila. Hamonens, 60, Hannonia, Hainault. Helionople, 6, for Helenopole, Helenopo- lis in Bithynia. Herbipole, 39, Herbipolis, Wurzburg. Herford, 79, 155, Hereford. Hermepole, 59, Hermopolis in Egypt. Horton, 143, in Dorset, 6 m. N. of Wim- borne. Hoste, 29, 165, Ostia. Hylpane, 25, for Hyspane ; Hispania. Hylyber, 63, Illiberis, Elvira. Hypponens, 34, Hipponensis : Hippo. Hyspale, 33, Hispalis, Seville. Hyspolitane, 191, see Notes, Dec. 10. Hystre, 81, Istria. lane, 152, Janua, Genoa. larewe, 151, Jarrow. Interam, 27, Interamnis, 57, Interampnis, 27 ; Interamna, Terni. lule, 159, Julia in territorio Parmensi. luliens, 7.6, for Forojuliensis : Forum Julii, Frejus or Friuli. Katacumbe, 13, Catacumbse, the Cata- combs of Rome. Kayrmyrthyn, 24, Caermarthen. Lambesitane, 66, Lambesitana urbs, Lam- besa, Lambesca in Tunis. Lamosate, 76, for Lampsacus. Landens, 13, for Laudens, Laudensis : Lodi. Laodice, 171, Laudice, 172 ; Laodicea. Laudur ens, 190, Laudunensis : Laudunum, Laon. Lauriake, 69, Lauriacum, Enns (in Aus- tria). Lausemy, 164. Legionens, 35, Legionensis ; Legio, Leon inGalizja. Lemonicens, 134, for Lemouicens, Lemo- vicse, Limoges. Lemoniga, 10}, Lemouices, Limoges. Leodicens, 99, Leodiensis : Leodium, Liege. Leodike, 147, Leodicum, Liege. Leonens, 39, Saint-Pol-de-Leon. Librens, 180, Liberiensis (Cat. Sana., x. 173). Lice, 132, Lycia. Lingon, 174, Linguon, 12; Lingones, Langres. Lingoniens, 105, Lingonyke, 148 ; Lin- goniensis : Lingones, Langres. Lirinens, monastery of, 86. Monasterium Lirinense, les lies de Lerins, near Cannes. Liuience, 184, Liviensis (Cat. Sanct. x. 107). 282 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX OF NAMES OF PLACES. Lorn on, 123, for Bonon, Bononia, Bologna. Lucas castell, 16. Lucane, 43, 157, 169, Lucanus ; Lucca. Lucernary, 119, Lucernaria, in Africa. Luke, 23, Lucca. Lunens, 41, Luni. Luxaniens, 49, Luxoniens, 51; for Luxoui- ensis ; Luxovium, Luxeuil in the diocese of Besancon. Lychefelde, 35, Lichfield. Lyndisfarnens, 44, Lindisfarne. Lyngon, 73, 80, Lingones, Langres. Lyons, passim, Lugdunum. Lyppary, yle of, 133, Lipara Insula. Lysyn, 120, pagus Lisuinus, the district round Lisieux. Machiens, 106. Madriacens, 97, Madriacense Monaste- rium : La Croix saint Leufroy in Nor- mandy. Mafiaen, 81, see Notes, May 25. Magonce, 186, Magontia, Mainz. Malact, 96, Malaca, Malaga. Malbody, 19, 174, Malbodium, Maubeuge in Hainault. Mamuete, 95, for Nannetes, Nantes. Marcull, 108, for Martula in Umbria. Maritymy, 15, Mauritania. Marsia, 83, for Mesia, see Notes, May 27. Massely, 92, Massyle, 1 14, Massylye, 34 ; Massilia, Marseilles. Maturitane, 8, for Mauritania. Mauritane, 37, Mauritania. Melde, 169, Meldse, Meaux. Meldence, 137, Meldinens, 189 ; Melden- sis : Meldce, Meaux. Melidune, castell of, 177, Melodunum, Melun. Mesennate, 150, Mesenata civitas. Messany, 59, Messana, Messina ? Messy, 94, Mysia. Metens, 129, Metensis : Metoe, Metz. Mildunens, 81, for Maldunensis : Malmes- bury. Myldynens, 26. Mirrea, 85. Misybbe, in, for Nisibis in Mesopotamia. Molysme, 65, Monasterium Molesmense, Molesme. Morast, 11, see Notes, Jan. 15, Add. Muthon, 75. Mutyne, 18, Mutina, Modena. Mylen, 26, Mylytane in armeny, 59 ; Militana in Armenia. Myllen, 6, 65, Mediolanum, Milan. Namete, 81, Nannetes, Nantes. Narbon, 192, Narbone, 168 ; Narbona, Narbonne. Narbonens, 45, Narbonensis : Narbona, Narbonne. Naryne, 187, for Narnia, Narni. Nazant, 72, Nazianzus. Nemause, 79, Nemausus, Nimes. Neoconens, 182. Nere, 130, for Here. Insula Herio, at the mouth of the Loire, now Noirmoutier. Nice, 21, Nicsea. Nice, 38, Nyssa. Nicodeme, 6, 49, for Nicomede, Nicome- dia. Nicopole, 27, Nicopolis. Nisebene, 61, Nysibena urbs (Cat. Sanct. xi, 86). Nisibis. Niuedune, 77, Noviodunum in Mysia. Niuedune, 88, 89, Nivedunum or Noviod- unum, Noyon, Nyon, or Nivedunum in Mysia. Niuedune, 147, Noviodunum, Nyon. Niuiacens, 192, for Pagus Vimacensis. Nouariens, 21, Novariensis : Novara. Nouiome, 187 (Dec. i), Noviomum, Noy- on. Nouiomens, 90, Noviomensis : Noviomum, Noyon. Nuceria, 148, Nocera de' Pagani. Numgell, 42, for Nivigella, Nivelle. Nyenna, 125, for Vienna in Gaul. Nyuerne, "in yrelond," 133, Nivernum, Nevers. Nyuernens, 164, Nivernum, Nevers. Odoberg, 1 1, Opitergium, Oderzo. Olisepon, 154, Olisepona or Ulissipona, Lisbon. Olympyle, 147, for Olympus Lycise. Orchester, 173, Oricoripens, 68, a corruption of in N^rico Ripensi. Orliaunce, 20, Aurelianum, Orleans. Oska, 1 66, Osca, Huesca. Oste, in, Ostia. Oxford, 196. Oxforde, 52, Oxomensis : Oxoma, Burgo de Osma in Spain. Oxforde, 200, Oximensis : Oximse, Exmes in Norrcandy. Fade, river of, 192, Padus, the Po. Padue, 93, Padua. Padway, 65, for Pannonia. Padwey, 4, Patavium, Padua. Palmary, yle of, 144, 198, see Notes. Pamon, 48, for Pannonia. Papie, 77, Papye, 34 ; Papia, Pavia. Paryhenople, 63. Parys, 39, Paryse, 3, 1 8 ; Paris. Patauie, 175 (Nov. 7), Patavium, Padua. Patras, 1 86, Patrse in Achaia. Patron, n. Perrona. GLOSSARIAL INDEX OF NAMES OF PLACES. 283 Penarens, 43. Perham, 28, Wareham. Persewdon, castell of, 152, see Notes, Sept. 27. Peruse, 34, Perusia, Perugia. Perusyne, 174, Perusinus : Perusia, Perugia. Petragoryke, 190, Petragorica, Perigueux. Philadolph, 16, for Philadelphia. Pictauens, 100, Pictavensis : Pictavi, Poitiers. Pictauis, 9, Pictauy, 127, 171 ; Pictavi, Poitiers. Pitabion, 171, see Notes, Nov. 2. Placence, 154, Placentyne, 192 : Placencia Piacenza. Pluteolane, 148, for Puteolane, Puteoli, Puzzuoli. Ponce, yle of, 70, Ponciane, yle of, 57. Pontia Insula, Isola di Ponza. Pontiniake, 179, Pontiniacum, Pontigny. Pontyne, 64, Le Ponthieu. Portese, 17. Prenestyne, 113, Pneneste, Palestrina. Preuestyn, 129, for Prenestyn. Puricoroea, ico, see Notes, June 25. Puteole, 165, Puteoli, Puzzuoli. Ramesey, 92, Ramsey, 164 ; Ramsey in Hunts. Ratisponens, 7, Ratisponensis : Ratispona, Regensburg. Rauen, 13, 96, Ravenna. Reame, 194; Reme, 9, 63; Remys, 138; Remi, Rheims. Reatyne, 127, Rieti in Umbria. Rece, 123, Rhsetia. Reciar, 20 1, Retiaria, Nicopoli on the Danube. Redon, 161, 174: Redomis, 5; Redones, Rennes. Regens, 184, Regensis : Regium, Riez in S. France. Remens, 4, Remensis : Remi, Rheims. Reomens, 17, M onasterium Reomense, ivtoutier St. Jean, in the diocese of Langres. Romaryke, 145, Monasterium Romaricum, Remiremont (Vosges). Rome, passim, Roma. Rone, 24, 44, Rothomagus, Rouen. Rouncyuale, 95, Roncevaux. Rumsey, 170, Romsey in Hants. Ruspence, 2, Ruspensis : Ruspae, near Carthage. Sabionens, 22, Sabiona, Seben. Sabyn, 143. Salary, 127, for Faleria in Tuscia. Salodour, 153, for Solodour,, Solodurum, Soleuie. Saloma, 55, Salon, 131, Salonain Dalmatia. Saltzpurge, 48, Salzburg. Samon, 116, Samos in Lycia. Sanctipole, 107, for Scythopolis. Sanctonas, 66, 135, Santones, Saintes. Sardyn, 84, Sardinia. Satale, 192. Sconange, 95, for Sconaugia, Schonau. Sebasten, 21, Sebaste. Sedune, 149, Sedunum, Sion. Sedunens, 66, Sedunensis : Sedunum, Sion. Sely, mount of, 91, Mons Celius. Senon, 91, 109, 138, Senony, 102, Senonyke, i77,Zenon, 96; Senones, Sens. Sephton, 28, Shaftonia, Shaftesbury. Septimane, 45, Septimania. Serentyne, 118. Shyrborne, 7, Sherborne. Sigesteryke, 130, Pagus Sigestericus, the district round Sisteron. Siluiake, 3, for Silviniacum, Souvigny. Siryne, 31, see Notes, Feb. 23. Siryne, 46, for Sirmium in Pannonia. Slepe, 92, St. Ives, Hunts. Spolete, 2, Spoletum, Spoleto. Suppentona, 15, Suppentonia near Mount Soracte. Suretyke, 43, for Surrentum, Sorrento. Suenuy, 163, see Notes, Oct. 16. Swesion, 90, Swessy, 94 ; Swesyon, 168 ; Suessiones, Soissons. % Syluanect, 62, Silvanectum, Senlis. Syluanectence, 50, Silvanectensis : Silvan- ectum, Senlis. Syluinyake, 73, Silviniacum, Souvigny. Synade, 119. Synopole, no, Synope. Syryne, 55, for Sirmium. Sythe, 88, for Siscia. Tagora, 188, Thagura in Africa. Tampnis, 58, in Egypt. Taraston, 118, for Tarascon. Tarcens, 194, Tarsensis : Tarsus. Tarentase, 98, Tarentasiens, 164, Taren- taise. Tarente, 144, Tarentum, Taranto. Taruernens, 143, Teruens, .".8, Teruernens, 141 ; Pagus Tarvanensis, Therouane. Taurin, 181, Taurinum, Turin. Tauromeny, 52, Tauromenium, Taormina in Sicily. Teracyne, 70, 174, Terracyne, 171, Tarra- cina, Terracina. Terascone, 14, Terascona, Tarascon. Terdon, 37, Terdona, Tortona. Tergest, 73, Tergeste, Trieste. Terraconens, 177, Tarraconensis : Tarraco, Tarragona. Tharsum, 89, 160, Tarsus. Thebaida, 3, Thebaide, 54, Thebaides, 34 ; Tbebais. 28 4 GLOSSAR1AL INDEX OF NAMES OF PLACES. Theopole, 174, Theopolis. Tholete, 178, Toletum, Toledo. Thomis, 97, Tomis in Pontus. Thymus. 21, Thmuis in Egypt. Ticyne, 135, 144, Ticinum, Pavia. Tolete, 15, 190, Toletum, Toledo. Toletane, 195, Toletanus : Toleto, Toledo Tolane, 28, Tolosane, 75, Tolosanus : Tolosa, Toulouse. Tolose, 152, Tolosa, Toulouse. Tornate, 30, for Tornacum, Tournay. Tonyse, 174, Thinissa in Africa, Tunis. Toures of sardyne, 85, Turres Sardinia, Porto Torre. Tourney, 154, Tornacum, Tournai. Traiectens, 23, Trajectensis : Traiectum, Utrecht. Trecas, 14, 18, 114, Tricas, 19; Trecse, Troyes. Trecacyne, i8,Trecassyn, 81 ; Trecassyne, 136, Trecassinum territorium, the district round Troyes. Treuer, 18, 84, Treveri, Trier (Treves). Trientyna, 100, Tridentinus : Tridentum, Trent. Tripole, 198, Tripolis. Tubabocens, n. Tubertyn, 162, for Tudertinus : Tudertum, Todi. Tudertusce, 82, see Notes, May 26. Tull, 139, Tullum, Toul. Tumbe, mount of, 163, Mons Tumba, Mont St. Michel. Tungrens, 74, 144, Tungrensis : Tungri, Tongres in the diocese of Liege. Turon, 12, 104, Turyne, 54 ; Turones, Tours. Tyburtyne, 101, 171, Tibur, Tivoli. Tylecastell, 169, Castrum Tyle, in the diocese of Langres. Tynge, 187, Tingis, Tangier. Tyngentyne, 170, Tingis, Tangier. Tyrason, 177, Turiaso, Tarazona. Valence, 62, 157, Valencia, Valence. Valenciane, 101, Valentiana, Valenci- ennes. Valentyne, 14, Valentinus : Valentia, Valencia in Spain. Vasion, 27, Vasio, Vaison. Venys, 85, Venyse, 78 ; Venice. Venyse, 167 (Oct. 24), for Venusia, Venosa. Vercell, 120, Vercelli. Verdune, 175, Virodunum, Verdun. Veridiane, 7, for Niridane : Nirida near Naples, see Notes, Jan. 9. Vermendens, 170, Augusta Veromanduo- rum, St. Quentin. Verolane, 97, for Verolame, Verolamium, St. Albans. Veron, 72, Verona. Veronens, 56, Veronensis : Verona. Vertane, 167, Vertanum, Vertou near Nantes. Vesegoryne, 60, * in araby. ' Vesuce, 95, for Vesunce, Vesuntio, Besancon. Victymyle, 134, Victimilium, Ventimiglia. Vien, 147, 181, Vien, 22, 73 ; Vienna, Vienne in Gaul. Vilcasyne, 173, Vilcassinus, Le Vexin. Villaren, 105. Viterbe, 82, Viterbium, Viterbo. Viuariens, 103, Vivariense territorium, Le Vivarais. Vrs, 161, for Uzetia, Uzez. Vtruculane, 3. Vtryne, 98, for Sutrium, Sutri. Vulcasyne, fraunchest of, 160, Pagus Vilcassinus, Le Vexin (in diocese of Rouen). Wapyng, 21, Vapingum, Gap. Warmaciens, 48, for Wormaciensis : Wor- matia, Worms. Wastinens, 171, Pagus Wastinensis, Le Gatinois. Wendoper> 184, Vendopera, Vendoeuvre. Wentane, 7, 40, 107, Wentana civitas or Wintonia, Winchester. Were, 9, the River Wear. Wyllenchester, 12, see Notes, Jan. .18. Wyteby, 90, Whitby. Ybery, 29, Iberia. Yconium, 84, Iconium. Ynde, 5, 133, India. Ysawre, 84, Ysawry, 76, Isauria. Ytalyke, 134, Italica, near Seville. Zenon, 96, see Senon. GLOSSARY OF OBSOLETE OR UNUSUAL WORDS. The numbers refer to the pages of this reprint. Italics denote the corresponding words in the Latin Martyrology. p. = perf. tense of a verb. p.p. = past participle. Almeser, 21, a giver of alms. Almesman, 124, Almes woman, 78 ; a giver of alms. Amite, 157, friendship. Ancre, 12, 30, an anker or anchorite. Anenst, 195, near, e vicino. Apocriphase, 62, Apocrypha. Auoutry, 1 12, Aduoutry, ill ; adultery. Avoyd, 96, avoid ! get away. Axei 104, 1 86, to ask. Baptym, 13, 36, 50, baptism. Battes, 130, fustes. Beneficyall, 6, beneficent. Bette, 121, p., beat. Breder, 3, 22, 31, brothers. Bren, 44, to burn. Brennynge, 69, burning. Brent, 28, 40, burnt. Carayne, 140, carrion. Chase, 145, p., chose. Childer, 22, 26, 65, children. Clausures, 48, enclosures. Colet, 128, acolyte. Cressettes, 92, lamps. Dekey, 41, decay. Despoused, 79, espoused. Drabbe of kechyn, 36, kitchen servant. Eched, 137, p.p., joined. Edifycatyne, 199, edifying. Elsyns, 96, shoemakers' awls. Enflambed, 166, burnt. Etc, 1 08, p., ate. Expowne, I, to expose ; 58, 174, to ex- pound. Everyche, 33, every one. Eysell, 119, vinegar. Fatigate, 4, weary. Faute, 103, v., to commit a fault. Feastfull day, 30, festival day. " Feste- ful " is used by Caxton in contrast to " feryal," Goldm Legend, ed. Morris, 1892, p. 1133, 1. 12. Fende, 28, fiend. Festyuate, 139, kept as a festival. Flambyng, 149, 150, flaming. Flayne, 148, flayed. Frater. 17, refectory. Fraunchest, territory, pagus, territorium, Cf. " Fraunchyse, Libertas, territorium," Prompt. Parvulorum, s. v. Fyrehote, III, hot from the fyre. Gentilite, 5, paganism. Gossyppes, 174, god-parents. Grette, 46, p., greeted. Henge, 140, p., hung. Herborowe, 17, lodging. Hertned, 182, encouraged. Hoste, 40, 82, hoslia. Improve, 56, reprove. Insunder, 122, asunder, lury, 130, Judaea. Kepynge, 40, prison. Kytte, 5, p. p., cut. 286 GLOSSARY OF OBSOLETE OR UNUSUAL WORDS. Lap, 35, to wrap. Laureres, 196, laurels. Mammelles, 22, breasts, mantilla:. Mo, 79, Moo, 65 ; more. Monycyon, 99, advice. More, 162, greater, "in the more bry- tayne." Ne, 31, nor. Nedely, 158, of necessity. Nerehande, 5, 102, nearly. Neuewe, 23, 164, nephew. Nosethrylles, 192, nostrils. Nourysshe, 26, bringer up, nurse. Nouryssher, 43, bringer up, (male). Noyaunce, 36, 108, injury. Noyed, 94, injured. Noyous, 93, 104, injurious. Obediyenser, 45, one owing obedience. Ordre, 64, holy orders. Over teeth, 161, denies superiores. Overthwarte, 66, across. Oynted, 121, anointed. Pace, 48, Pascha. Palseys, 14, palsied persons. Papalite, 78, papacy. Peter pens, 112, Peter's pence. Pistle, 143, epistle. Podell, 21, pool. Promyssyon, 138, promise. Prycksonge, 9, pricksong. Quycke, 47, living. Religyon, 7, 45, 70, 80, a monastic order. Religyous, I, belonging to a monastic order. Reny, 46, deny. Repaused, 47, rested. Rote, 62, a wheel. Sanctiloge, I. Sanctilogium. Seacynge, 73, ceasing. Sell, 201, cell. Sene, 33, 55, 79, a synod or council. Cf. Catholicon Anglicum (E.E.T.S.), p. 330. " A Sene; Sinodus." Senous, 122, sinews. Sense, 5, insense. Sextry, 145, sacrarium. Sherthursday, 52, Dies Coma Domini. Shyppe of Noe, 18. Shryne, 70, v. , to place in a shrine. Soudyour, 3, 97, soldier. Souerayne, 132, 158, see Notes, Aug. 23. Sprad, 142, pp., spread. Stale, 57, 112, p., stole. Stallacyon, 30, installacion. Stepdame, 43, stepmother. Stert, 108, p., started. Stryplynges, 194, pueri. Stythes, 84, anvils. Sudary, 113, sudarium. Thrall, 29, slave. Thrast, 197, p., thrust. Traitory, 74, treason. Tronizacyon, 30, enthronement. Twindles, 65, twins. Wanne, 17, 152, p., won. Wawes, 4, waves. Wemme, 174, damage. Wilfully, 131, 135, 190, of his own free will, willingly, 96, intentionally. Wode, 19, mad. Wombe, 142, belly. Worship, 74, honour. Wretche, I, 150, 158, a sinner. Wynke, 158, to close the eyes for some time. Ympne, 162, 180, a hymn. Yse, 9, ice. APPENDIX. EXTRACTS RELATING TO ENGLISH SAINTS IN THE CANTERBURY MARTYROLOGY. THE following extracts are from the Martyrologium of Christ Church, Canterbury (Brit. Mus. Arundel MS., 68). This MS. which appears to be of the end of the thirteenth century, contains also an Obituarium, an abstract of the Rule of St. Benedict, and other memoranda. About the beginning of the sixteenth century the book was apparently laid aside, and superseded by a beautiful copy made at that time, which is preserved in Lambeth Library (MS. No. 20). In the Arundel book the names of the pope and of St. Thomas of Canterbury have not been erased ; but in the Lambeth copy, which was probably in daily use in the time of Henry VIII., the wordflafla has generally been erased and altered to episcopus and the name of St. Thomas has been erased, together with the notices of him in 7 July, 2 Dec., and 29 Dec. The Lambeth copy follows the original so closely even in the punc- tuation that it is not considered necessary to give a collation, which would only show slight variations in spelling. With the exception of the few entries relating to English Saints, the Canterbury Martyrology is that of Usuard, and varies from it far less than does the Syon Martyrology. The additions later than the thirteenth century are printed in italics. The letter U. has been placed after the entries relating to British saints which are found in Usuard. Non. Jan. [5 Jan.] Ipso die apud westmonasterium depositio sancti aedwardi regis anglorum qui dedit Cherteham et Waleworthe ecclesie christi. v Id. Jan. [9 Jan.] Cantuarie sancti adriani abbatis. xvii Kal. Feb. [16 Jan.] Parona monasterio sancti fursei con- fessoris cuius capud in dorobernia habetur. xiv Kal. Feb. [19 Jan.] Eodem die sancti wlstani wigorniensis episcopi et confessoris. iii Kal. Feb. [30 Jan.] In territorio parisiacensi sancte baltildis regine. 288 APPENDIX. Kal. Feb. [i Feb.] In hibernia sancte brigide uirginis cuius uita miraculis claruit. U. vii Id. Feb. [7 Feb.] . In britanniis ciuitate augusta natale beati auguli episcopi qui temporis cursum per raartyrium explens eterna meruit suscipere premia. U. vi Kal. Mar. [24 Feb.] Item in monasterio sancti Augustini Can- tuarie deposicio sancti Ethelberti Regis et confessoris ac primi fundatoris huius sancte Cantuariensis ecclesie. Kal. Mar. [i Mar.] Eodem diemeneuie. sancti Dauid eiusdem ciui- tatis episcopi et confessoris. vi Non Mar. [2 Mar.] In britannia deposicio sancti ceadde episcopi et confessoris. xvi Kal. Apr. [17 Mar.] In scocia natale sancti patricii episcopi et confessoris qui primus ibidem christum euuangelizauit. U. xv Kal. Apr. [18 Mar.J Ipso die passio sancti edwardi regis anglie et martiris. [There is a long note here recording the donation of two corrodies by Richard II. to the church of Canterbury, and stating that it was granted to the King that each of the two feasts of St. Edward, K.M., viz., his Passion on this day and his Translation on 20 June, should be observed *& festum principals. In Arundel 68, this record is in the lower margin, in Lambeth 20 it is placed in the text.] iii Id. Apr. [n Apr.] In britannia depositio sancti Guthlaci con- fessoris christi et anachorite. xiii Kal. Mai. [19 Apr.] Eodem die sancti yElphegi cantuariensis archiepiscopi qui ab exercitu paganorum post dirutam illius urbem. post cruentam innocentis populi cedem. post templi expoliationem uinctus abductus est : et per septem menses uariis tormentorum suppliciis cruciatus tandem furencium manibus paganorum lapidatus martyrii coronam suscepit. xi Kal. Mai. [21 Apr.] Cantuarie depositio anselmi eius ciuitatis archiepiscopi. viii Kal. Mai. [24 Apr.] Eodem die depositio sancti melliti episcopi in britannia. U. v. Kal. Mai. [27 Apr.] Eodem die sancte Sythe uirginis. xiiii Kal. Jun. [19 Mai.] In ciuitate dorobernia natale sancti patris nostri Dunstani archiepiscopi. qui ab ipso matris utero sanctificatus. omne tempus uite sue magnince duxit unde et glorioso fine quieuit. vii Kal. Jun. [26 Mai.] In anglia ciuitate cantuarie sancti Augustini archiepiscopi et confessoris. qui missus a beato papa gregorio primus genti anglorum christi euuangelium predicauit. crebrisque adhuc refulget miraculis. U. [The last four words are a Canterbury addition.] iii Kal. Jun. [30 Mai.] Ipso die sancti cuthberti episcopi et con- fessoris. APPENDIX. 289 iiii Non. Jun. [2 Jim.] In cancia sancti odonis archiepiscopi et confessoris. vi Id. Jun. [8 Jun.] Eodem die translatio sancti .^Elphegi archi- episcopi et martyris de lundonia in canciam ad ecclesiam christi. v Id. Jun. [9 Jun.] Apud monasterium sancti germani. dedicatio oratorii in honore beati petri apostoli. Eodem die translado sancti Eadmundi cantuariensis archiepiscopi et confessoris. xvi Kal. Jul. [16 Jun.] Eodem die translado sancti Ricardi cices- trensis episcopi et confessoris. xv Kal. Jul. [17 Jun.] Ipso die sancti botulfi abbatis. xii Kal. Jul. [20 Jun.] Eodem die translado sancti Edwardi. Regis et martiris. x Kal. Jul. [22 Jun.] In britannia sancti Albani martyris qui tempore diocliciani in uerolamio ciuitate post uerbera et tormenta acerba capite plexus est Passus est cum illo eciam unus de militibus eo quod eum ferire iussus noluerit. U. ix Kal. Jul. [23 Jun.] In britannia natale sancte etheldrithe uirginis et regine cuius corpus cum undecim annis esset sepultum : incorruptum inuentum est. U. vi Non. Jul. [2 Jul.] In anglia ciuitate wentonie. sancti swithuni episcopi et confessoris. iii Non. Jul. [5 Jul.] In scocia sancte moduenne uirginis. ii Non. Jul. [6 Jul-] Eodem die sancte sexburge sororis sancte etheldride uirginis, Non. Jul. [7 Jul.] Eodem die translacio. sancti thome archiepis- copi et martyris. Anno gracie. m. cc. xx. passionis autem eiusdem martiris quinquagesimo. feria tercia. Ut eadem die et nasceretur ad penam. et pateretur ad gloriam. et transferetur ad honorem. In cuius translacione passionis ipsius dominus miracula suscitauit ut dum nouis superuenientibus uetera fuissent renouata : ex signis choruscantibus et ipse martyr gloriosior appareret. viii Id. Jul. [8 Jul.] Wentonie sancti Grimbaldi confessoris. iii Id. Jul. [13 Jul.] Cantuarie sancte mildrithe uirginis. xvii Kal. Aug. [16 Jul.] Eodem die Translacio sancti Osmundi Episcopi Sarum et confessoris. iiii Non. Aug. [2 Aug.] Cantuarie deposicio sancti plegemundi archiepiscopi. Non. Aug. [5 Aug.] Eodem die sancti oswaldi regis anglorum. cuius actus commemorat uenerabilis beda presbiter in gestis eiusdem gentis. U. xvi Kal. Sept. [16 Aug.] Item dedicatio cripte ecclesie christi cantuarie. MARTILO. T 290 APPENDIX. ix Kal. Sept. [24 Aug.] In ybernia sancti patricii abbatis. et gil- dardi confessoris. qui patricius primus ybernensium fertur fuisse magister. sed quia nee eos corexisse potuit in peregrinationem perrexit. ad monasterium glestingense peruenit ibique uitam uirtutibus clarescens finiuit. quod et usque hodie mortua ossa ipsius contestari uidentur. vii Kal. Sept. [26 Aug.] Cantuarie depositio beate memorie breguini eiusdem ciuitatis archiepiscopi et confessoris. ii Kal. Sept. [31 Aug.] Eodem die sancti aidani episcopi. cuius animam sanctus cuthbertus in celum ab angelis ferri uidit. ii Non. Sept. [4 Sept.] Translatio reliquiarum sancti cuthberti episcopi. v Id. Sept. [9 Sept.] In scocia querani abbatis. U. Id. Sept. [13 Sept.] Ipso die translatio sancti augustini archi- episcopi et confessoris. xiii Kal. Oct. [19 Sept.] Cantuarie deposicio beati theodori eius- dem ciuitatis archiepiscopi et confessoris. vi Non. Oct. [2 Oct.] Eodem die sancti Thome confessoris herfor- densis episcopi. ii Non. Oct. [6 Oct.] Eodem die translacio sancti hugonis lincoln- iensis episcopi. Non. Oct. [7 Oct.] In britannia. natale sancte osythe uirginis et martyris. vi Id. Oct. [10 Oct.] In britannia sancti paulini archiepiscopi et confessoris. U. v Id. Oct. [n Oct.] In scocia sancti camichi abbatis. U. iv Id. Oct. [12 Oct.] Ipso die deposicio sancti Wilfridi episcopi et confessoris. qui inter ceteras uirtutes mortuo quoque uitam legitur reddidisse. iii Id. Oct. [13 Oct.] Apud westmonasterium translacio sancti eadwardi regis et confessoris. xiiii Kal. Nou. [19 Oct.] Item eodem die Oxoniis sancte frideswyde uirginis. iii Non. Nou. [3 Nov.] Eodem die sancti wlganii confessoris. xvi Kal. Dec. [16 Nov.] Ipso die ordinatio sancti Aelphegi can- tuariensis archiepiscopi et martyris. quam deus per apostolum suum reuelare dignatus est. Cantuarie. deposicio beate memorie aelfrici eiusdem ciuitatis archiepiscopi et confessoris. Eodem die sancti Eadmundi cantuariensis archiepiscopi et confessoris. xiii Kal. Dec. [19 Nov ] In hybernia deposicio sancti ronani episcopi et confessoris. Huius sinistrum brachium ab anigo filio regis auertach a corpore sublatum. cantuariam delatum est. et in ecclesia saluatoris domini christi reconditum. ubi usque hodie in integra carne decenti honore seruatur. APPENDIX. 291 xii Kal. Dec. [20 Nov.] Eodem die sancti edmundi regis et martiris. qui pro confessione christi ab iniquo rege inguuare interfectus est. iiii Non. Dec. [2 Dec.] Eodem die regressio sancti thome mar- tyris ab exilio. Quern post diuturna supplicia quibus cotidie nouus martyr effulserat. uelut aurum in fornace multipharie probatum in thesau- ros regis assumptum. septimo anno dominus ad palmam sub gladii cautione reuocauit. ac si ostensis ei gladiis. uoce dominica diceretur. Amice, ecce ad quod uenisti. Id. Dec. [13 Dec.] Cantuarie depositio sancte aedburgis uirginis. iv Kal. Jan. [29 Dec.] Eodem die cantuarie passio uenerandi patris thome eiusdem ciuitatis archiepiscopi et martyris gloriosi. Hie post longos exilii labores quos pro iusticia pacienter pertulit : tandem deo miserante reuersus. et in ecclesia sua cum honore susceptus : in eadem pro defensione libertatis ipsius gladiis impiorum percussus occu- buit. Tali modo fortis athleta agone suo constanter expleto. proprio sanguine laureatus ac triumphali morte insignis : ad christum pro quo fideliter decertauit. feliciter peruenit. cuius glorie miraculorum frequencia testimonium perhibet. que post passionem ipsius euestigio tanta secuta .sunt : et adhuc fere cotidie multiplicantur : quanta retro actis temporibus pro aliquo sanctorum uix uspiam facta leguntur. /\ XV / V \ vx <* f /\ v U;C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES