mmm ^ r K(p4-7 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER BY CHAS. M. MILLER THE MILLER SCHOOL, NEW YORK CITY LYONS & CARNAHAN CHICAGO NEW YORK COPYRIGHT, 1915 LYONS & CARNAHAN PREFACE Not a few new words have come into the language of recent years. Some old words, little used in past years, have come into general use. The latest edition of Webster's unabridged makes use of some new diacritical characters, and makes some changes in pronunciation and definition that should be noted. These are the technical reasons for the appearance of a new business speller. The technical reasons above enumerated are alone sufficient to justify the bringing out of a new book. There are other reasons, however, that have made the New Business Speller a practical neces- sity. Commercial education has developed. Courses are more advanced than they were, and students are of a higher grade. Business men are yearly becoming more critical. The commercial education wave has brought the teaching of spelling into the high schools and academies. The whole field of business education is broader, and more is required in spelling, as well as in the other branches. For these reasons the tendency has been to increase the number of words in the spelling books. New Business Speller has 6,000 words, or about 1,000 words more than any other. So carefully have these words been selected, however, that every word in the book will be seen to be a useful one. The repetition of words has been worked out in such painstaking detail that, while all needed repetition for review has been given, the book is not bulky, nor is there any wasteful, useless repetition. The day of the "word list'' speller has passed. The unscientific compilations of miscellaneous words that in times past have paraded under the name of speller cannot be expected to last. The subject of spelling can be taught as scientifically, with the same high regard for completeness, systematic development, and effective treatment, as any other school subject. The aim of the New Business Speller is to give such a treatment. . Note the following features: 1. There are 200 lessons. This provides for forty weeks of five days each. 2. Many new words. Instances are Lesson 122, automobile terms, and Lesson 124, aeroplane terms. 3. The total number of words is 6,000. This includes all words in daily use and many words that are important but are only oc- casionally used. 4. In the selection of words special attention has been paid to the needs of high school students. 54ynl9 5. Teachers of stenography will find the classifications easily adaptable to the requirements of their classes. Instances are Lessons 61 to 64, inclusive, and other lessons on prefixes, suffixes, derivatives, root words, compound words, and the topical classi- fications of words throughout. 6. The monotonous and space-wasting plan of arranging all lessons alike, and showing definitions of all words, has not been followed. Pronunciation is given when necessary. Definitions are given where necessary. The author has omitted either pro- nunciation or definition, or both, when it has seemed desirable. This plan reduces the study of spelling to its lowest terms, saves space, and provides variety. 7. Frequently the use of a word in a sentence or phrase is of more assistance to the student than a formal definition. The lists of ''common expressions'^ which are given in connection with the lessons constitute a welcome relief from the monotony of constant definition. When definitions are given, they are given in more complete form than in most spellers. 8. Spelling is developed scientifically. The rules for pro- nunciation, accent, syllabication, spelling, compounding of words, and the study of word building are made the basis of the work for the first seventy-two lessons. While the spelling itself is con- stantly emphasized as the important thing, and learning to spell as the ultimate object, the pupil feels that his daily work is a part of a broad educational scheme, and that spelling is a subject to be studied, not merely a daily grind of memorization. Beyond Lesson 72 there is classification of words by topic, words common in one subject, such as history or geography, being grouped together for psychological reasons. Incidentally, such grouping permits econo- mies in the definitions: thus, twenty-five kitchen utensils can be listed under a heading, without definition. 9. Beginning on page 181 is an index which includes all words of the speller, alphabetically arranged. Each word is followed by a >age reference which shows where it first appears. In the index, old face type is used to indicate words that have been pronounced and defined; italic indicates words for which the pronunciation is shown, but not the definition. 10. Special attention has been given to words that are hard to spell. See Lessons 57, 71, and others, and note the repetition of the more difficult words in the reviews. 11. Every fifth lesson is a review. When spelling is taught every day, the review lessons will come on the same day every week. These reviews contain fifty words instead of twenty-five. Every twentieth lesson is a general review which contains one hundred words and should be used as a ''spelling down" list. If oral "spelling down" lessons are objected to, a "writing down'' lesson can be conducted as follows: Dictate all the words. Then require the class to stand while correct spellings are read aloud, g: each student taking his seat as soon as a word is spelled which he has written wrong. Those standing when all words have been read are the winners. 12. The principle of visualization has been utilized. Every word is presented to the eye first, just as the eye must be accustomed to see it, unmutilated by diacritical marks. Bold face type, some- what larger than the rest of the book, is used for the first column, in which the words first appear. Respelling phonetically to show pronunciation is a violation of the principle of visualization. How- ever proper such phonetic respelling might be in a dictionary, it is unquestionably improper in a speller. The New Business Speller indicates pronunciation entirely by diacritical markings, without phonetic misspelling, except in case of a very few words. Particular attention is called to the care with which the detail of the book has been worked out. Examine each lesson carefully. Innumerable excellencies will present themselves — minor points, not worthy of enumeration in a list of important features but in the aggregate making the strongest feature of this or any speller. These innumerable minor essentials of perfection, these constant evidences of care, can be relied upon as sure indications that the book excels in completeness, consistency, accuracy, and pedagogical development. ORTHOEPY Correct Pronunciation an Aid in Spelling The spelling of the words of a purely phonetic language, if any such existed, would be simply a matter of learning to recognize and name the letters, to know their sound values, and to pronounce correctly. But there is no language in which all of the words are spelled exactly as they are pronounced. In proportion as a lan- guage is unphonetic do the difficulties of its orthography increase. In a language as unphonetic as our own, where the sound e, for instance, may be represented by e (me), ei (seize), ie (siege) ea (read), i (machine), eo (people), ee (need), ae (aerie), correct pro- nunciation is by no means an infallible guide to correct spelling. It is, however, true that even in our unphonetic tongue many words are spelled as they are pronounced, and therefore one who pronounces clearly and accurately is more likely to spell correctly than one who is slovenly and inaccurate in utterance. Standard of Pronunciation The editors of a dictionary do not, as some people think, create the standard of pronunciation. They merely reduce to written form the usage of the best speakers. One might think that there would be found great diversity of pronunciation even among educated people, and there is diversity, but there is also a surpris- ing agreement in the words of the ordinary vocabulary. There are certain local divergences, certain pronunciations pecuHar to certain localities, but these are largely ignored by the editors of a dictionary. In the case of words having more than one pronun- ciation in good use, both are given. Any standard dictionary may safely be used as a guide in pronunciation or spelling, but as Webster's International is in general use in the schools, this speller follows the system of diacritical markings in the latest edition of this dictionary — the 1913 edition. Some slight changes from former editions are to be noted. This speller does not indicate pronunciation by respeUing words phonet- ically, however, as does Webster, but adheres to the proper spell- ing, marking the letters whenever necessary to indicate the sounds. Only in rare unavoidable cases has respelling phonetically been resorted to, and then only in brackets following the correct spelhng. VII c ^ . ^ NEW BUSINESS SPELLER Names of Diacritical Marks = [-] as in a Dot below Macron Breve =[v] as in a Modified macron =[-] as in a Circumflex =['^] as in a Dots above = ["] as in a Dots below = [..] as m a Dot above = [] as in a Tilde Lower bar Suspended bar Transverse bar Cedilla = [.] as in a - [~j as in e = [-] as in e = [-] as in § = [-] as in c = [ . ] as in 9 Modified breve = [^] as in 8 Italics = Slanting letters I the these. Key to Symbols Used in Marking Words a ape ^ ^lite 6 soft th thin a at ew few 6 son th this a arm f fun do a ask g go wolf u use, tune a all g gem 6 or ii us a swan gh cough work H urge k care h hat 6 obey U rude a senate ice oi oil u full b ball tin oo moon ti unite c can machine do foot v vim 9 nice sir ou our w win ch chin j jam kill ow owl wh (hw) when 9h machine k oy boy X box ^h chorus 1 let p pet X (gz) exact d do m man ph phantom y (vowel) defy e me n no q(u)quit y (vowel) hymn 6 met n ink r ran y (vowel) e her ii canon s sat myrtle S ere ng sing § rose y (consonant) e obey note sh she you buzz, azure 6 ^vent 6 hot t time z Webster's International Dictionary uses, in addition to the above, the following diacritically marked italic vowels: short a, a with dot above, short e, short o, short u, to indicate the very obscure sounds of these letters in such words as final, sofa, recent^ occur, and circus, but as the plan of this speller is to ignore the fine distinctions of vowel sounds in unaccented syllables, these are not shown. Silent letters, however, are indicated by italics. VIII NEW BUSINESS SPELLER*. , :;. \^/:\* i^}i Note. Words formerly marked 6 have now one of two mark- ings, 6 and 6. These two markings simply discriminate the two- sounds which the best speakers have long given to this vowel when marked thus: 6. The first sound, approaching a, is heard in such words as odd, forest, on; the second, an equivalent of a, is heard in long, soft, coffee. Equivalents Vowel a, e ate, fete do, 0, u fdot, wolf, fyll A, e chair, th^re ou, ow out, owl a, 6, au all, for, naughty u, ew tune, pew a w awl ti, 6 tip, done a, 6 ask, 6dd Consonant a! 6 was, 16ng €, k can, kill e, i, ee he, machine, feet 9, s ice, sun e, i, 6, her, sir, work, f , gh, ph fun, rough, sulphur ti,y abs) from, away: — avert, abstract. ad (ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, at) to: — adjoin, acclainij affix, aggregate, allot, annex, appeal, arrange, assign, attract. ante before: — antedate. anti against, opposite: — anticlimax, antidote. be to make: — belittle. bi two, twice: — biweekly, bivalve. circum around: — circumnavigate. com (CO, col, con, cor) with or together: — combine, co- worker, colleague, conjunction, correspond. contra (counter) against: — contradict, countermand. do down, from, away: — deduct, decay, decide. dis (di, dif) from, away, not: — disconnect, digress, differ. en (in, em) to make, in or into : — envelop, enfeeble, embody, inclose. ex (e, ef, es) out of, from: — excel, enormous, effuse, escape. extra beyond : — extraordinary. fore before: — foretell, foresee. in (ig, il, im, ir, un) not:— indecent, ignorant, illegal, impoHte, irregular, unhappy. inter (intra, intro) between, among: — intercede, introduce, intramural. mis wrong, wrongly: — misdeed, miscall. mono one : — monoplane. non not : — non-conductor . per through, by: — permit, perchance. peri around : — ^perimeter. poly many: — polysyllable. post after: — ^postdate. pre before: — precede, prefix. pro forth, forward, for: — produce, proceed, pronoun. re back, again: — recede, repeat. semi half: — semicircle. sub (sue, suf, su^, sum, sup, sus) under, below:— subway, succumb, suffer, suggest, summon, suppress, suspense. trans (tra, traf) over, above: — transport, traduce, traffic. XIV NEW BUSINESS SPELLER Suffixes able, ible (adj.) that may be; worthy of, of the nature of: — usable, peaceable, blamable. ac, al, ial (adj.) pertaining to, of the nature of: — cardiac, legal, cordial. en (adj.) made of: — wooden. an, ant, ent, (noun) one who, that which: — librarian. Christian, ian superintendent. (adj.) tending to, of the nature of: — insistent. ance, ence, act, state, quality of: — abundance, difference, redun- ancy, ency dancy, consistency. ar,er, or, eer,(noun) one who, that which: — actor, druggist, stop- ier, ist per, auctioneer, cashier. ar, er, or (adj.) pertaining or according to, more: — regular, cheaper. ary,ery, ory (noun) place where, persons, things: — library, hosiery, armory, (adj.) of the nature of: — rotary, transitory. ee one who, one to whom: — payee. en (adj.) made of: — wooden, (verb) to make: — gladden. ion act of: — reduction. ive (adj.) tending to :— preventive, active. (noun) that which: — motive. ize to make: — realize. less without : — careless. ly (adj.) like: — manly. (adv.) in a manner: — correctly, happily. 0U8 (ious) full of: — joyous, gracious. Roots ag (act) to do, act, drive: — agent, actor, enact. cap (capt, capit) head; to take:— cape, capture, capital. ced (cede, ceed, cess) to yield, to give, to go: — precede, proceed, cession. cid (cis) to cut, to kill: — incision, decide, suicide. XV NEW BUSINESS SPELLER •clud (clus) to shut: — include, conclusion. -due (duct) to lead or draw: — ductile, induce. fac (fact, feet) to make: — facile, factor, effect. fer to bear: — refer, suffer. grad (gress) to step: — graduate, progress. g^aph , to write: — phonograph. jac (ject) to throw: — reject, ejaculate. leg (legis, legit) law: — legal, legislate. log speech, reason: — logic, geology. mit (miss) to send: — remit, mission. mov (mot) to move: — move, motion. pel (puis) to drive: — repel, repulse. pon (pos, posit) to place: — postpone, propose, position. scrib (script) to write: — inscribe, inscription. . tract to draw: — extract, traction. Notes Words are respelled for pronunciation in this book only when it is impossible to show the correct pronounciation by diacritical marks. Silent letters are printed in italics, thus:— heig'/it. The vowels in the accented syllables are marked for pronuncia^ tion, but those in the unaccented syllables are not usually marked. Consonants in all syllables are marked when necessary. XVI NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 1 See Accent f Introduction The words in this lesson are accented alike as nouns and verbs. capture employ attack defeat release practice pardon lament receipt re geipt' discourse dis course' recall re calZ' preface prgf'age escape es cape' gesture gSs'ture estimate 6s'ti mate picture pic'ture accord ac cord' incline in cline' surprise sur pri§e' retreat re treat' consent con s6nt' To acknowledge in writing the payment of money; the act of receiving; a written acknowledgment of payment. To talk in a continuous or formal manner; consecutive speech on a given subject. To call back; the right of the people to remove a public officer from office. To introduce; introductory remarks, spoken or written. To get free or clear from danger; flight from danger. To illustrate with action; a motion to express sentiment. To judge or compute the size, extent, or value of a thing; a statement of the size, extent, or value of a thing. To represent; to bring before the mind; a representation or an image. To be in harmony (with); to grant (to); agreement or harmony. To slant; to favor a certain opinion or belief; a slope. To come upon suddenly and unexpected- ly; to cause a feeling of astonishment; a feeling of astonishment. To withdraw from any place; a place of privacy or safety; a refuge. To agree to or allow; permission. Look up these words in the dictionary: address recruit aUy advance 13 14 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 2 See Accent, Introduction These words are accented on the first syllable when used as; nouns or adjectives; on the last when used as verbs. absent (adj., verb) rebel (noun, verb) record (noun, verb) contest subject object (noun, verb) (noun, verb) (noun, verb) contract (noun, verb) extract (noun, verb) contrast (noun, verb) produce (noun, verb) digest (noun, verb) accent {n,v) ac'ggnt ac g&nV import {n,v) im'port im port' perfect (a,v) per'fect per feet' convict ln,v) c6n'vict con vIct' refuse (n,v) rSf'use re fuse' Look up in the dictionary: content (a) instinct (n, a) Many students were absent that day. You should not absent yourself without good cause. Many Mexican rebels lost their lives. The boy seemed to rebel against all authority. No case of that kind is on record. The secretary will record the vote as announced. The result of the contest was in doubt. Shall you contest his right to the seat? The subject of his lecture was not given. This will subject you to criticism. What object have you in view in WTiting? He does not object to his friend's actions. He took the contract to do the work. He will not contract to do it in a certain time. Cold contracts, but heat expands. Vanilla is an extract from a bean. An extract from his speech was in the morning paper. The dentist did not want to extract the tooth. There was a striking contrast between the two. Contrast his statement with mine. He was a dealer in produce of all kinds. When called upon, he will produce the report. He gave a digest of the week's news. It is difficult to digest some foods. present (n,a,v)pr6s'ent pre s6nt' export {n,v) gx'port ex port' progress (n,v) prSg'ress pro grgss' desert (n,v) d6§'ert de sert' content (n,v) cOn'tent con t6nt' minute (n, a) expert (n, a) NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 15 LESSON 3 Rule 1, Introduction Mono- syllables tm gruff quill gross skiff quell thiill troll scruff skull toll mull Some exceptions: plus Polysyllables mattress sheriff tariff embarrass bailiff clef gas pus bus rebuff confess mastiff redress compass success harass access mat'^ress shgr'if/ tar'if/ em bar'rass hUViif re hW con fgss' mas'tif/ re drgss' com pass sue ggss' har'ass A bed stuffed with hair or other material. The chief executive officer of a county. A schedule of duties or rates. To hinder or perplex. A sheriff's assistant or deputy. A sudden check; to repulse violently. To admit a crime or fault. One of a breed of large dogs. To set right; to make amends for. An inclosed space; a range of tones; an instrument for determining direc- tion; to surround. The attainment of an at- tempted end. To weary by teasing or fretting. means of ap- ac'gess or Admission; ac g&ss' proach. Some polysyllables ending in a single I : apparel bevel spoonful until cupful panel rival extol legal level armful drivel chisel handful impanel travel careful gravel ravel total Note. For the dictation lesson, use any twenty-five words from the fifty given above. If preferred, two written lessons may be dictated from the list; but if this is done, the review lessons (every fifth lesson) will not come regularly on Friday. 16 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 4 Rule 2, Introduction moan moan explain ex plain' brooni broom proof proof plait plait conceal con year chief chief frail frail daub daub squeal squeal repeat re peat' loan loan thief thief haul haul loam loam groan groan sheaf sheaf scream scream conceit con g&it' *escheat es cheat' reveal re veal' contain con tain' Exceptions gneiss gneiss A crystalline rock made up of quartz, feld- spar, and mica. guess gu^ss To form an opinion at random; an opinion without sufficient grounds for it. feoff fgof/ A fief; an estate held on condition of military • service. *Escheat, to lapse or revert to the crown or to the state. LESSON 5 Review preface digest minute embarrass receipt conceit gas recruit rebel mull practice clef consent guess release accord thrill skull ravel plait present tariff skiff success mattress apparel produce armful refuse rival extol conceal harass sheriff careful level bus desert until till gross chisel accent progress cupful confess estimate impanel gesture total NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 17 LESSON 6 Rule 3, Introduction Spell the derivatives formed by adding the accompan3dng suflSxes. A severe pain in the ab- domen. A sudden fright ; a widespread fright in financial affairs. To go on a pleasure excursion in the open air. To indulge in play and mirth. To treat with medicine. To imitate for sport. To buy or sell goods. To cover with shellac, a resinous substance. To coat with zinc, an easily melted, bluish-white metal. *Zincky and zincking are also written zinky or zincy and zincing. Note. The twenty-one derivatives and the words mimic y frolic y physic, and traffic, constitute the written lesson. colic (y) c6l'ic panic (y) pan'ic picnic (ing, ed, er) pic'nic frolic (ing, ed, y) frSric physic (ing, ed) phys'ic mimic (ing, ed, er) mim'ic traffic (ing, ed, er) traf/ic shellac (ing, ed) sheZ lac' ^zinc (ing, ed, y) zinc LESSON 7 Rule 4, Introduction bag bagging bagged baggage acquit acquitting acquitted acquittal occur occurring occurred occurrence remit remitting remitted remittance excel excelling excelled excellent rob robbing robbed robber repel repelling repelled repellent quiz quizzing quizzed quizzical stop stopping stopped stopper rebel rebelling rebelled rebellion propel propelling propelled propeller concur concurring concurred concurrence swim swinmiing Teacher. See note to Lesson 3. 18 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 8 Rule 4, Introduction skim tag forget tar wit gas star beg control admit trim *abet knit trot drum recur dip rub chop skimming tagging forgetting tarry witty gassy starry begging controlling admitting trimming abetting knitting trotting drumming recurring dipping rubbing chopping skimmed tagged forgot forbid ton rid unfit begged controlled admitted trimmed abetted knitted trotted drummed recurred dipped rubbed chopped skimmer tagger forgotten forbidding tonnage riddance unfitted beggar controller admittance trimmer abettor knitter trotter drummer recurrence dipper rubber chopper *Abet, to aid or encourage — now usually used in a bad sense; as, to abet a crime. Exceptions gases (pi. of gas) gas'e§ Fluids of the form or nature of air. gaseous g^s'e ous In the form of gas. gasify g3-s'i fy To convert into gas. chagrined gha grined' Put to shame. transferable trans f er'a ble That may be transferred. inferable in f er'a ble That may be inferred. There are many words coming under Rule 4: Equip, equipping, equipped; permit, permitting, permitted; scan, scanning, scanned; trip, tripping, tripped; dun, dunning, dunned; expel, expelling, expelled; compel, compelling, compelled; strip, stripping, stripped, submit, submitting, submitted; begin, beginning, beginner; etc; An additional lesson may be made from these, if desired. Teacher, To make twenty-five words, dictate one word from each of the nineteen lines, and the six exceptions. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 19 LESSON 9 Practice under Rule 4 Spell the derivatives ending in er and est, from the following: mad fat dim slim thin sad big flat hot glad iSpell the nouns ending in er, formed from the following: run cut spin tin win plot trap blot wrap transmit iSpell the derivatives ending in ing, formed from the following: drop pad pin drip run hum sag jar nod omit grin can tip spot mat sun chip pat ship brim See note to Lesson 3. LESSON 10 Review rebellion gaseous abetting knitted pus transmitter shellacked jarring acquittal trafficking sheriff propeller baggage skull embarrass thinner excellent clef admittance harass gases mimicked riddance recurrence occurrence repellent repelling forbidding panicky quizzical tonnage spinner trotter picnicker transferable concurrence controlling : brgotten omitting unfitted concurring starry level impanel apparel legal tagged inferable rebelling conceit 20 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 11 Rule 5, Introduction prefer pre fer' preference prefer enge preferable prefer a ble refer re fer' reference rgf'er en9e referable r6f 'er a h\e infer in fer' inference In'fer enqe bevel bgv'el beveling bgv'el ing beveled bgv'ekd revel rfiv'el reveling rgv'el ing reveled rgv'eled reveler rgv'el er panel pan'el paneling p^n'el ing )aneled 3an'eled level iSv'el eveling 6v'el ing leveled 16v'el6d leveler 16v'el er travel trav'el traveling tr^v'el ing traveled trav'eled traveler trav'el er ravel rav'el raveling rav'el ing raveled r^v'eled cancel can'^el canceling can'gel ing canceled can'geled confer con fer' conference cSn'fer enge defer de fer' deference defer enqe tranquil trSr^'quil tranquilize trS-i^'quil ize Note. The twenty-five derivatives listed above constitute the written lesson. Some Exceptions humbug humbugging humbugged metal metaUic metallurgy crystal crystallize crystallization Note. The derivatives of the words ending in I which properly come under this rule are by some orthographers spelled with two Ts, but the editors of the International Dictionary give the prefer- ence to the single letter. Look up in the dictionary: cancellation crystalline NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 21 LESSON 12 Rule 5, Introduction Spell the derivatives formed by adding ing and ed to the following : to sing joyfully. to put an identifying mark upon. to have the same quantity, value, degree, or rank, to dispute angrily. to expose another to pubUc ridicule or contempt by writing, picture, or other sign. to pay divine honors to. to paint or draw with a pencil or brush. to form after a pattern. to put in danger. to beat with a short, heavy stick. to crawl; to be low or mean. to dispose or arrange in order. to wonder to separate the threads of; to solve to draw into wrinkles; to shrink. to make a passage through or under. to give advice to. to give a smooth, glossy surface to; to lay enamel upon. to influence in favor of. to throw with a shovel. to swing on a pin or pivot. Common Expressions swivel gun biased opinion enameled ware imperiled his chances greatly marveled caroling joyfully carol car'ol label la'bel equal e'qual quarrel quar'rel libel li'bel worship wor'ship pencil pgn'gil model m5d'el imperil impgr'il cudgel ciic^g'el grovel grSv'el marshal mar'shal marvel mar'vel unravel un rSv'el shrivel shrlv'el tunnel ttin'wel counsel coun'sel enamel en &m'el bias bi'as shovel shov'el swivel swiv'el rightly labeled cudgeled his brains marshaling his forces equalize worshiper marvelous counselor 22 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 13 Rule 5, Introduction habit habitual peril perilous special specialize stupid stupidity genial geniality frigid frigidity develop developing developed developer profit profiting profited profitable differ differing differed difference inherit inheriting inherited inheritance suffer suffering suffered sufferance *kidnap kidnaping kidnaped kidnaper daub daubing daubed dauber limit limiting limited limitations deposit depositing deposited depository prohibit prohibiting prohibited prohibitory jcombat combating combated combatant benefit benefiting benefited tutor tutoring tutored legal legalize legality envelop enveloping enveloped elicit eliciting elicited general generalize generality rivet riveting riveted happen happening happened *The International Dictionary also endorses the spelling of the derivatives of this word with two p's. tThe accent is on the first syllable in the root word and in all its derivatives. Common Expressions profiting by his error legality of the transaction suffered from the delay deposited the amount enveloped in mystery difference of opinion limited express greatly benefited specialize in history left an inheritance eliciting no response develop the resources riveting the attention prohibiting the use of a stupid mistake national depository Note. The words in the last line of all lessons, except reviews, are to be looked up in the dictionary. offer (ing, ed) poison (ed, ous) proffer (ing, ed) symbol (ize, ical) NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 23 LESSON 14 Rule 6, Introduction come coming love lovable force forcing cure curable blame blaming arrive arrival plumage plum'age arguing ar'gu ing bridal brid'al roguish ro'gwish usable u§'a ble resemblance re §6m'blan9e collegiate coZ le'gi ate valuable vSJ'u a ble admirable ad'mi ra ble purchasable ptir'chas a ble advisory ad vi'§o ry censuring 5en's(h)ur ing balancing barang ing grievance grtev'ange sensitive s6n'si tive fleecy fleeg'y recital re git'al forcible for'gi ble excusable ex ctig'a ble assembling as sSm'bling sensible s6n'si ble notable no'ta ble insurance in s(h)ur'an5e observance ob §erv'ange advisable ad vi§'a ble desirable de §ir'a ble inquiry in quir'y rescuing rgs'cu ing assemblage as sSm'blage approval ap prov'al debatable de bat'a ble incurable in cur'a ble ridiculous ri dic'il bus opposition op'po gl'tion gauging gawg'ing imitator im'i ta'tor imaginary im ag'i na ry invitation inVi ta'tion meddling mgd'cQing purify pu'ri fy Common Expressions course is advisable recital of the facts balancing the account forcible reminder arguing the case proper observance of the day debatable question gauging the distance desirable location advisory board incurable disease collegiate education striking resemblance air his grievance Censuring: finding fault with, or blaming. Gauging: measuring. Notable: worthy of note; distinguished. futurity capricious coercion illustrative 24 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 15 canceling inference rivaling modeled enamel poisonous deposited imitator canceled admirable prohibitory preferable labeling Review metallic counselor limited reveling benefited approval traveler biased worshiped raveling humbugged inheritance quarreUng habitual symbolical paneled traveling tranquilize preference forcible combatant marvelous beveled equalize advisable leveled worshiping opposition roguish recital profitable imaginary rivaled limitations balancing meddling grievance guide (ing, ance) manufacture (ing) persevere (ance) excite (ing, able) legislate (ure, or) embrace (ing) remove (al) inclose (ure) unite (ing) conciliate (ing, ory) narrate (ion, or) requite (al) ventilate (ion) LESSON 16 Practice under Rule 6 guide vice (ious) man'u fac'ture destitute (ion) per'se vere' encircle (ing) ex gite' relate (ion, ive) Igg'is late condense (ation) em brage' restore (ing) re move' desire (ous) in close' separate (ion, or) u nite' promote (ion) con gfl'i ate nar rate' re quite' v6n'ti late vi^e dgs'ti tute en gir'cle re late' con dense' re store' de §ire' s6p'a rate pro mote' To regain the good will. To give an account of. To pay back. To cause fresh air to circulate through. Common Expressions preparatory to removal prejudicial to our interests manufacturing the article process of separation highly desirable in relation to the inclosure promote your interests uniting under one head practical collegian preparatory prejudicial NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 25 LESSON 17 Exceptionj 3 to Rule 6, Introduction manage man'age manageable man'age a blc service serv'ige serviceable serv'ige a ble peace peage peaceable peage'a ble notice no'tigg noticeable no'tige a ble agree a gree' agreeable a gree'a ble marriage marViage marriageable mar'riage a hi trace trage traceable trage'a ble change change changeable changp'a ble charge charge chargeable charge'a ble courage cotir'age courageous cou ra'geous outrage out'rage outrageous out ra'geous advantage ad van'tage advantageous ad 'van ta'geoi hoe hoe hoeing hoe'ing shoe shoe shoeing shoe'ing toe toe toeing toe'ing canoe ca noe' canoeing ca noe'ing dye dye dyeing dye'ing singe singe singeing singe'ing springe springe springeing sprlnge'ing swinge swinge swingeing swinge'ing tinge tinge tingeing tinge'ing Springe, to catch game with a snare. Swinge, to hammer; to forge. The e is retained in the derivatives formed from the first ten words in order to preserve the soft sound of c and g, which commonly have the hard sound before a and o. The e is retained in the derivatives formed from the last eight words to preserve the identity of the roots. Common Expressions noticeable difference advantageous bargain outrageous conduct marriageable age chargeable to your account allowance for mileage a serviceable garment toeing the mark singeing his hair changeable in hue disadvantageous unmanageable mileage unserviceable 26 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 18 Rule 7, Introduction znovement mgve'ment useful immediately im meMi ate ly amusement scarcely scdrge'Iy purposely piir'pose ly positively p6§'i tive ly disgraceful dis grage'ful hateful hate'ful impulsively inducement extensively successively postponement serenely consecutively blameless wasteful arrangement use'ful a muge'ment blame'less wasteful ar range'ment encouragement en coiir'agc ment sincerely sin gere'ly im ptil'sive ly in duge'ment ex tgn'sive ly sue Qgss'ive ly post pone'ment se rene'ly In a manner marked by im- pulse. That which leads one to action. In a large manner; widely. Following in order. Act of delaying or putting off. In a calm manner. con s6c'u tive ly Successively. Note. The exceptions to Rule 7 are: Awful, truly, wholly, nursling, lodgment, duly, argument, judgment, abridgment, ack- nowledgment. These should be emphasized in a special lesson, or should be given instead of ten of the words of the lesson. Common Expressions spoke impulsively an added inducement advertised extensively numbered consecutively disgraceful conduct Sincerely yours to make arrangements advised postponement leave immediately aid the movement useful articles wasteful method disburse (ment) Intimate (ly) infringe (ment) announce (ment) NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 27 LESSON 19 Practice under Rules 6 and 7, Introduction nineteenth nlne'teenth entirely en tire'ly reputable rgp'ti ta ble conspiracy con splr'a 9y supremely immensity tiresome statement conspirator defenseless salable brakeman seizure separately namesake security safety inspiration su premely im m6n'si ty tire'some state'ment con splr'a tor de f6nse1ess sal'a ble brake'man seiz'ure s6p'a rate ly name'sake' 66 cu'ri ty safe'ty in'spi ra'tion provincial pro vin'cial aspirant as pir'ant financial fi n^n'^cial comparatively com p3,r'a tive One of nineteen equal parts; the ninth unit after the tenth in any series. Completely; wholly. Held in esteem; of good repute. A plot; an agreement between persons to do evil. In a supreme, or highest, manner. Vastness in extent. Tending to tire or weary. The act of stating; a narrative. One who enters into a plot or con- spiracy. Without means of defending. That may be easily sold. A man in charge of brakes. The act of seizing or taking hold. In an unconnected or distinct manner. One named for another. The condition of being safe. Freedom from danger. The act of breathing, the power to stimulate. Of or pertaining to a province; countrified. One who seeks a high position or object. Pertaining to finance or money matters, ly In a comparative relation or manner. Common Expressions salable goods supremely selfish provincial manner tiresome details financial difficulties defenseless condition reputable citizen nineteenth instant comparatively few entirely wrong precede, precedence, precedent (noun and adjective) 28 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 20 Spelhng Down List immediately occurrence acquittal insurance inducement embarrass forbidding combatant changeable peaceable metallic admirable wholly tiresome modeled kidnaping arrangement defenseless remittance paneled truly stopped traveler wasteful blamable namesake combated salable argument quizzical prohibitory seizure separately harass canceled canoeing capricious concurred perseverance precedence judgment difference narrator grievance scarcely conspiracy separator colicky trafficking roguish penciled noticeable duly poisonous excellent provincial positively statement marvelous lodgment precedent libeled apparel approval propeller developing immensely postponement ^sincerely safety encouragement aspirant swimming beginning awful advisable nursling beveled disbursement consecutively baggage mimicked until unmanageable improvement rebelled conference amusement forcible admitting separation reputable infringement conspirator financial courageous guidance humbugged benefiting nineteenth NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 29 LESSON 21 Rule 8, Introduction city cities apply appliance dairy dairies rely reUant apology apologies marry marriage enemy enemies defy defiance dummy dummies busy business treaty treaties library librarian buggy buggies happy happiness duty duties thirty thirtieth pony ponies comply compUance supply supplies merry merrily mercy mercies mystery mysterious agency agencies penny penniless memory memories bury burial injury injuries cleanly cleanliness try tries beauty beautiful hurry hurries weary weariness glorify glorifies fancy fanciful ratify ratifies injury injurious magnify magnifies plenty plentiful satisfy satisfies carry carriage gratify gratifies glory glorious deny denies noisy noisily testify testifies ninety ninetieth Note. Two very imt )ortant applications of this rule are to spelling of plurals of nouns ending in y (see first fourteen words, left-hand column) and the third person singular, present tense of verbs. (See last nine words, left-hand column). Common Expressions cleanliness of person thirtieth of the month ratify the treaties in compliance with the law buy your supplies satisfies the demand in defiance of the law injurious to health penniless condition magnifies the danger apologies for the delay serious injuries auxiliary (es) anxiety (es) sympathy whisky (es) 30 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER necessity tjrranny symphony diary depository territory history ne ^Sss'i ty t j^r'an ny sym'pho ny di'a ry de p6§'i to ry tgr'ri to ry his'to ry century impurity gSn'tu ry im pu'ri ty quantity quan'ti ty quality qual'i ty liability li'a bin ty disability dfe'a bin ty novelty nOv'el ty iniquity foundry forgery in Iq'ui ty foun'dry for' (or for) g( university u'ni ver'si ty industry In'dus try victory ^c'to ry jealousy jgarous y controversy (es) discrepancy LESSON 22 Rule 8, Introduction Spell the Plurals That which is not to be avoided; pressing need. Illegal exercise of power; cruel government. Harmony of sounds. A personal daily record of events. A place for safe-keeping. A large tract of land; region under the jurisdiction of a government; region not yet organized as a state. Narrative of events in the life of a nation or of persons. One hundred years. Quality of being not pure or not clean. Amount of a portion; large amount. Character; nature; excellence of character. State of being liable; in the plural, one's debts. State of being unable; absence of power or fitness. State of being new; something new or fresh. Wickedness. Place where metals are cast. The false making or altering of a writing. A collection of colleges under one head. Steady attention to work; any branch of business. Conquest; the overcoming of an enemy or obstacle. Suspicion of another's fidelity; fear of rivalry. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 31 LESSON 23 Rule 8, Introduction Spell the Plurals tendency tgn'den 97 Direction toward any result. vacancy va'can gy An unoccupied space; an unfilled office or position. artery ar'te ry A blood vessel carrying pure blood. emergency e mer'gen gy A circumstance calling for immediate action. calamity ca l^m'i ty Deep distress or evil. celebrity ge iSb'ri ty Fame, renown; a celebrated person. personality per'son al'i ty Individuality; in the plural often used to mean disparaging remarks con- cerning the person or conduct of another. necessary ngg'es sa ry Something needed. biography bi 5g'ra phy The written history of a person^s life. courtesy coiir'te sy An act of politeness. preliminary pre lim'i na ry That which precedes the main thing. theory the'o ry The general principles underlying a subject or group of facts. granary grSn'a ry A storehouse for grain. cemetery ggm'e ter y Place of biu-ial. opportunity 6p'por tu'ni ty A suitable or favorable time or chance. perjury per'ju ry A swearing to what is false. anniversary an'ni ver'sa ry The annual return of a day. equality e qual'i ty The state of being like in value, quality, or position. commodity com m5d'i ty In commerce, that which is bought and sold. study sttid'y Branch of learning; act of learning. hostility hos til'i ty Enmity; unfriendliness. Common Expressions widespread calamity petty tyrannies guilty of perjury excellent quality salable commodities to fill the vacancies necessaries of life attend to the preliminaries indulgence in personalities deficiency (es) strategy (es) comedy (es) tragedy (es) 32 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 24 Rule 8, Introduction Some Exceptions shyness shyly shy'ness shy'ly The state or quality of being shy or timid. In a shy or timid manner. slyest sly'est Most sly or crafty. slyly sly'ly In a sly or crafty manner. dryly secretaryship dry'ly s6c're ta ry ship' In a dry manner; not in- terestingly. The office of secretary. citylike 0t'y like' Like the city. spryer spry'er More spry. dryness dry'ness Quality or state of being dry. countrylike cotin'try like' Like the country. dairying dai'ry ing The business of carrying on a dairy. Trusting in or depending on. relying re ly'ing carrying pitying c^r'ry ing pKt'y ing Transferring from one place to another; holding or bearing. Feeling sympathy for. applying denying implying ap ply'ing de ny'ing im ply'ing Putting to use; asking for; attending closely to. Declaring to be untrue; re- fusing to grant. Involving by inference ; meaning. drying dry'ing Causing to be free from moisture. varying va'ry ing Changing; differing; disagreeing. flying fly'ing Moving by means of wings or as complying com ply'ing if with wings. Agreeing; adapting one's self. Note. As can be seen from the last ten words, the most impor- tant exception to Rule 8 is in adding'tngr to verbs. The y is retained to prevent the doubling of the i. Common Expressions complying with your request carrying into effect relying upon your statement varying the custom testify (ing) glorify (ing) ratify (ing) mortify (ing) NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 33 LESSON 25 Review apologies quantities cleanliness foundry noisily pitying mortifying anxieties injuries novelties territory defiance tyrannies thirtieth controversy testifies secretaryship 1 carrying universities dryly granaries preliminaries dairying mysterious librarian business weariness discrepancies defying qualities dairies sympathies memories depositories burial varying reliant marriage ratifying gratifies necessities varying penniless calamities centuries liabilities commodities injurious shyness implying LESSON 26 Rule 9 , Introduction surveying sur vg?/'ing swayed swayed obeying bejf'ing surveyor sur vgi/'or enjoyment en joy'ment repaying re pai/'ing joyous joy'ous drayage dra^/'age boyish bo/ish prepaying pre pa2/'ing prayer prd2/er buyer bwy'er buoyant bt^oy'ant delayed de la2/ed' clayey cla?/'ey a.nnoyance an noy'an5e destroyer de stroy'er betrayal be tra?/'al payment pai/'ment enjoyable en joy'a ble conveyance con vey'ange denying de ny'ing Some exceptions to Rule 9 are: daily; paid; slain. Common Expressions clayey soil safe conveyance payment in full of account buyer in open market annoyance at the delay delayed by storms buoyant in spirit betrayal of trust destroyer of property prepaying the express laid saith prepaid 34 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 27 Plural and Verb Forms under Rule 9, Introduction Saturdays The clerk has all his Saturdays free during July. surreys The firm shipped several surreys to the dealer. chimneys In order to furnish good draft, chimneys should be well cleaned. moneys The moneys of the United States include paper, gold, and silver currency. buoys The life buoys were thrown out to the drowning men. attorneys The attorneys on both sides were able lawyers. valleys The climate in the valleys was milder than that on the heights. essays The students wrote essays on various subjects. pulleys Three pulleys and fifty feet of rope were used to lift the heavy weight. journeys In our journeys to foreign lands we saw many strange sights. relays It took several relays of horses to make the long journey. galleys The printer sent four galleys of proof to be read. destroys He destroys all the poor copies that he makes. delays The delays caused by the storm annoyed him. prepays If he prepays the express, he gets a lower rate. displays He displays much taste in the arrangement of his stock. surveys As he surveys the wreck, he seeks the cause. obeys Whoever obeys well may command well. repays The result repays all his care and anxiety. annoys Even this slight error annoys me. conveys This letter conveys my sincere thanks. delays are dangerous repays his kindness perilous journeys smoking chimneys Common Expressions written essays window displays surveys the scene annoys him greatly corduroys alloys decoys volleys NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 35 LESSON 28 Plurals The written lesson consists of the plurals coming under Rule 10 and the plurals of the seven words at the bottom of the page. Rule 10, Rules for Spelling. Plurals Formed Regularly SINGULAR PLURAL SINGULAR PLURAL knife knives scarf scarfs wolf wolves handkerchief handkerchiefs beef beeves hoof hoofs half halves turf turfs wife wives reef reefs sheaf sheaves chief chiefs elf elves belief beUefs loaf loaves bluffs bluffs shelf shelves tariff tariffs ^staff staves mastiff mastiffs thief thieves sheriff sheriffs wharf wharves plaintiff plaintiffs calf calves grief griefs leaf leaves pontiff pontiffs self selves clef clefs itself themselves skiff skiffs yourself yourselves chef chefs myself ourselves bailiff bailiffs *This word has two plurals, staves and staffs . Look up the difference in their meaning. HS,i>d'ker ch!ef. Note that the e in the last syllable is silent. Ch6f, a word from the French meaning a skilled cook. Common Expressions reduction in the tariff chief concern met with many rebuffs aground on the reef the plaintiffs in the case goods on the shelves do things by halves gathering in the sheaves honor among thieves loaves and fishes Look up the plurals of: brief, whiff. muff, life, foodstuff, rebuff, fife, 36 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER cameo curio folio embryo banjo piano zero merino Eskimo alto solo chromo LESSON 29 Rule 11, Introduction cameos ratio ratios curios trio trios folios portfolio portfolios embryos 6m'bry o§, organisms in the early stages of development. Plurals of Other Words Ending in o banjos echo echoes pianos potato potatoes zeros buffalo buffaloes merinos Eskimos altos solos chromos motto mulatto negro cargo calico mosquito mosquitoes tomato tomatoes memento mementos mementoes lasso octavo dynamo desperado embargo mottoes mulattoes negroes cargoes calicoes or calicos octavos dynamos desperadoes desperados embargoes That which recalls to memory. A rope with a running noose, used for catching horses, cattle, etc. A size of book resulting from folding each sheet into eight leaves. A machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. A reckless criminal. An order closing a seaport to entry or departure of ships. archipelago archipelagoes Any sheet of water with many archipelagos islands. innuendo innuendoes An allusion to a thing or person not named, usually in a bad sense. Note. The plurals of these words constitute the written lesson. Any twenty-five of them may be used for one exercise. The t in ratio has the sound of sh. The i in merino has the sound of e. The ch in archipelago has the sound of k. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 37 chimneys pianos handkerchiefs pulleys buoys archipelagoes corduroys dynamos centuries portfolios anxieties solos prepays LESSON 30 Review drayage essays plaintiffs destroyer yourselves cargoes betrayal decoys trios journeys surveyor scarfs prepaid annoyance disabilities displays tariffs buoyant beliefs itself zeros enjoyable attorneys clayey sympathies mosquitoes chromos daily cameos innuendoes destroys conveyance moneys sheriffs altos griefs LESSON 31 ex-mayor stiff-necked nine-tenths full-fledged cross-purposes Compound Words, see Introduction three-fourths forty-nine cross-examine twenty- eight two-thirds flrst-class ill-gotten good-looking light-complexioned ill-omened dull-eyed far-fetched well-bred well-known five-ninths tongue-tied eighty-eight ten-millionth good-natured The hyphen and one or more of the letters composing the compound are now omitted from some words formerly hyphenated. These words are important and should be emphasized in a separate almighty although welcome restful almost altogether welfare chilblain alone always Christmas dumfounded already withal Candlemas numskull also wherewithal wherever fulfill All right should always be written as two words. 38 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 32 Derivatives, see Introduction postscript misspell incorrect postpone precede inclusion prefix mistake unlawful illegal postscript mis'spgir in 'cor rSct' post pone' pre gede' in clu'gion pre'fix mis take' un lai^'ful iZ le'gal (Something) written after. To spell wrongly. Not correct. To put or place after. To go before. The act of shutting in. (Something) fixed or before. To take wrongly. Not lawful. Not legal. misunderstood mis'un der stood' Understood wrongly. prefer pre f er' missent mis s6nt' irregular ir rgg'u lar unnecessary un n^g'es sa ry preclude pre elude' impossible im p6s'si ble induce in duge' misconceive mis'con gewe' induction in duc'tion Note. The above definitions are hteral, as taken from the exact meanings of the roots, prefixes, and suffixes used. Many derivatives, however, have acquired a significance that requires a less literal definition. Thus, postpone means to place later; mistake means to take or have in mind wrongly; prefer means to set before or above (something else) in liking; preclude means to shut out or prevent; indiLce means to lead on or persuade; induction^ a process of reasoning from particular to general truths; preference j the setting of one thing before another in liking. To bear or carry before. Sent wrongly. Not regular. Not necessary. To shut before. Not possible. To lead in. To conceive wrongly. Act of leading in. placed NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 39 LESSON 33 Derivatives Define these words by root, prefix, and suffix; then note the less literal meaning, if any. graduate grad'u ate To mark with degrees; to admit to a certain grade or degree. resistance re sfet'ange A force tending to prevent motion. lovable lov'a ble Having qualities that inspire love. In a respectful manner. respectfully re spSct'ful Zy armory arm'o ry A drill hall for military com- circumference gir cum'fer enqe pd,lllcc». The line that encloses a circle. contradict cSn'tra diet' To deny the truth of. respectable re spgct'a ble Of good social standing. biweekly bfweek'ly Occurring twice a week. abstract ab'stract A summary of a book or statement; ^'in the abstract" means apart from actual conditions. monoplane mSn'o plane A flying machine with one plane. nonconductor n6n'con diic'tor A substance that does not easily conduct heat, sound, and the like. gladden glM^den To make glad; to rejoice. foresee fore see' To see beforehand. financial fi nan'cial Pertaining to money matters. unnatural un nat'u ral Contrary to the order of nature. debtor d66t'or One who owes another. usable us'a ble That can be used. agile ag'ile Quick to act; nimble. independent In'de pgnd'ent Free; not subject to others' control. assailant as sail'ant One who attacks another. Common Expressions of respectable family biweekly journal in usable quantities struck his assailant lovable qualities debtor to the amount of independent means on financial questions foresee financial trouble contradict the statement perimeter polygon interrupt respectively 40 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 34 Derivatives Define by Derivation Extended Meaning lengthen iSng'then To extend in. length or duration. extraordinary ex traor'di na ry Beyond ordinary or more than common. misrule mfe'rule Failure to govern wisely; abuse of power. asleep a sleep' In a state of sleep. unlikely un like'ly Not to be expected; likely to fail. • Producing an effect; serviceable. effective e/ f Sc'tive unsalable un sal'a ble Not selling readily. correction cor rSc'tion Punishment or reproof for faults. enliven en liv'en To make gay or cheerful. disloyal dis loy'al Not loyal; without fidelity. detract de tract' To take credit from. promotion pro mo'tion Act of encouraging. impel im p6l' To impart motion or impulse to. a,nnually an'nu aZ ly Occurring every year or once a intercede In'ter gede' year. To plead in behalf of another. interjection In'ter jgc'tion A word without grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence. bindery bind'er y A place where books are bound. legalize le'gal ize To give legal sanction to. intermission in'ter mls'sion A stopping for a time; an interval. inseparable in sgp'a ra ble That can not be separated. gradually grad'u aZ ly By degrees. Common Expressions promotion of our interests asleep at his post inseparable 1 friends effective means gradually lower the tariff extraordinary likeness disloyal in spirit lengthen life unsalable goods subject of comment unlikely to occur impel to action short intermission intercede for him forecaster brazen subtraction minimize NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 41 unnatural effective inseparable intercede unsalable contradict enliven financial extraordinary well-bred legalize gladden dumfounded LESSON 35 Review debtor full-fledged always irregular impossible chilblain assailant unnecessary far-fetched graduate annually altogether unlikely monoplane postscript misspell lengthen resistance usable interrupt brazen circumference welfare gradually perimeter LESSON 36 Define by Derivation in clu'sive ex clu'sive numskull almost respectfully three-fourths independent already correction foresee eighty-eight polygon cross-examine (l)inclusive (l)exclusive (2)preventive pre v6n'tive misconstruction mis'con strtic'tion permission per mis'sion allowance slI low'ange (l)unruly un ru'ly aboard a board' antedate an'te date' whiten whit'en legislator Igg'is la'tor Christian cWs'tian (chan) progressive pro grgs'sivc monologue m5n'o logue consistent con sis' tent successor sue ges'sor predecessor pr6d' e ggs'sor cordially cdr'dial (jal) ly relation re la'tion talkative taZk'a tive spacious spa'cious (l)Note the sound of u. (2) Be careful to give only three syllables. Common Expressions successors to cordially yours monthly allowance ounce of preventive spacious apartments predecessor in office dialogue biplane proposition preposition 42 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 37 Derivatives Define by Derivation customary cus'tom a ry purchaser ptir'chas er circular gir'cu lar available director successive religious narrator indigestible obtainable a vedVsL ble dl rgc'tor sue q^s'sive re lig'ious nar ra'tor in'di gSs'ti ble ob tam'a ble recommendation rgc'om men da'tion adjective Myec tive descendant de sc^n'dant pronunciation pro ntin'ci a'tion consistency con sis' ten gy musician defendant assistance antecedent abhorrence reliance mu si'cian de fgn'dant as sis'tange an'te ged'ent ab hSr'renge re irange Extended Meaning In accordance with custom. One who purchases. Intended for circulation; a letter or paper sent or given to various persons. Ready to answer a certain purpose; usable. One of the body of persons who manage a company. Following in order. Set apart to religion. One who narrates or tells a story or event. Not easy of digestion. That may be obtained. That which may procure favor. A word used to qualify the meaning of a noun. An offspring. Act of pronouncing. Degree of firmness or solid- ity; harmony of parts; harmony between belief and action. One skilled in music. One against whom action is brought in court. Act of assisting; help. A noun or noun equivalent; referred to by a pronoun. Extreme hatred or detes- tation. Ground or basis of trust. Common Expressions antecedent proposition meeting of the directors recommendation for mercy in his customary manner audible nullify opponent victimize NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 4a Define by frequency forbearance confession repentance expulsion endurance fascination concession fugitive professor pleasurable *peddler piteous introduce empower visitor unbearable vicious precaution avaricious factory LESSON 38 Derivatives Derivation fre'quen gy for bedr'ange con f gs'sion re pgn'tange ex piU'sion en dur'ange fas'ci na'tion con ges'sion fu'gi tive pro f^s'sor pl6a§'ur a ble p6d'c?ler pit'e ous In'tro duge' em pow'er vis'i tor un bear'a ble vfcious pre caw'tion av'a rl'cious fac'to ry Extended Meaning Common occurrence. The exercise of patience. Profession of one's faith; acknowledgment of one's sins. Sorrow for wrong doing. Act of driving out. Power to bear pain; patience. The power of charming. A grant; the thing yielded. Fleeting; not durable; one who has no settled home. One having the authorized title to teach any branch of learning. Capable of giving pleasure. One who travels about selling and dehvering goods. Calculated to awaken pity. To cause to become acquainted. To give authority to. One who makes a visit. Not to be borne. Given to vice; impure; given to bad tricks. Caution taken beforehand. Greedy of gain. A manufacturing plant. *This word has another spelling, pedlar. Common Expressions unbearable conditions frequency of his visits factory inspection introduce the subject flamentable fmisconstrue superscription illegible fNotice the accent in these words. 44 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 39 Derivatives Define by Derivation civilize yiv'il ize defiance hosiery conductor de fi'ange ho'sier (zher) y con dtic'tor promissory pr5m'is so ry conducive con du'give righteous rlght'eous (chus) indefensible In'de fgn'si ble representative rgp're §6n'ta tivfj indestructible in'de strtict'i ble renewal re new'al organize *treasurer or'gan ize trSas'ur er remarkable re mark'a ble naturalize surveyor different authorize management nat'u ral ize sur vey'or dr/er ent ai^'thor ize mS.n'age ment scandalous scan'dal ous monotonous mo n5t'o nous *Be careful to pronounce all the Extended Meaning To cause to come out of a savage state. A state of opposition. Stockings. Leader of an orchestra or chorus; one in charge of a bus, train, or street car. Containing a promise. Helpful; tending to promote. Free from wrong; godly. That can not be defended. Acting as the agent of another. That cannot be destroyed. Act of making new or beginning afresh. To get into working order. One in charge of the money of others. Exciting wonder; out of the ordinary. To make an alien a citizen. One who measures land surfaces to fix boundaries. Partially or totally unlike. To give authority to. The body of managers of a business; control. Giving offense to the moral feelings of others; disgrace- ful. Lacking variety. syllables. Common Expressions authorize you to act organize a stock company indestructible material remarkable career under the management of representative in your city a promissory note renewal of the lease abbreviate illiterate ignorant pedestal NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 45 LESSON 40 Spelling Down List unbearable monoplane professor extraordinary frequency unavoidable naturalize unnecessary antedate interrupt descendant noisily merrily piteous circular mottoes liabilities representative equalize auxiliaries carrying destroyer lengthen assailant prepaid civilize legislator illegible business monotonous already altogether complying compliance recommendation dialogue librarian delayed indestructible narrator anxieties prepays fugitive pronunciation clayey injuries repentance customary perimeter decoys unsalable obtainable destroys wharves foresee consistency moneys folios intercede abhorrence zeros irregular securities lamentable cross-purposes attorneys allowance vicious welfare varying cordially indigestible dynamos inseparable handkerchiefs available dairies fascination dumfounded numskull alloys apologies treasurer antecedent almost well-bred quantities commotion preparatory disabilities thieves indefensible creditor journeys portfolios predecessor financial buoyant preventive permission 46 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 41 Words of Similar Sound altar For the Sunday service, flowers were placed on the altar. alter He asked them to alter the date of the meeting so that he could attend. auger To bore a large hole we should have to get another auger. augur The many accidents on railroads augur ill for the safety of travelers. aught For aught we know he may be there even now. ought If we did all the things w^e ought, the world would be better. bail The judge fixed the prisoner's hail at $1000. bale A hale of cotton weighs about 480 pounds. bare His arms were hare to the shoulder. bear *^Bear ye one another's burdens." The dancing of the hear delighted the children. base It is best not to suspect others of hase motives. Trees grow at the hase of mountains. bass He has one of the finest hass voices in the country. beach Many children enjoyed playing in the sand on the heach. beech The trunk of the heech tree is marked by silvery spots. beat It is better to lose a game than to heat by unfair means. beet Many factories have been built to make sugar from heets. berth The lower herth on a sleeping car is preferred by most people. He has a good herth with the new company. birth The ringing of many bells announced the hirth of the new year. brake The accident was due to the slipping of the hrake. Many ferns and tall hrakes grew in the depths of the forest. break '*It is better to bend than to break.'' NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 47 bridal bridle LESSON 42 Words of Similar Sound The bridal party took the 8:40 train for the East. If you do not bridle your temper, it will rule you. He slipped the bridle over the horse's head. calendar According to the calendar, July 4 comes on Thursday this year. calender To give paper a high finish, it is put through the plate calender, that is, squeezed between copper or zinc rollers. canvas Artists use a specially prepared canvas when they paint with oils. canvass At the second canvass of the votes, an error in counting was found. capital Washington is the capital of the United States. capitol The President has an office in the capital bidlding. carat The gold in the ring tested fourteen carats fine. carrot The carrot is a valuable food both for man and beast. cent He left without paying one cent of his dues. scent The scent of the roses filled the room with fragrance. sent He sent the office boy to do the errand. cite The lawyer then began to cite cases in support of his argument. sight The sight of blood always made him faint. site That building site is valued at $14,000. coarse It is better to use a coarse thread in weaving. course He followed the course he had marked out for himself. The course of study needed many changes. core The fruit was not sound at the core. The core of the whole matter lies in this statement. corps He had a most able corps of helpers. The Woman's Relief Corps is an adjunct of the Grand Army of the Republic. 48 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 43 Words of Similar Sound council The city council voted to submit the question at the spring election. He took council of his fears rather than of his hopes. counsel The counsel for the defense made a strong plea. currant There are three common varieties of currant — red, black, and white. current The swift current made his progress up stream very slow. die The coward dies many times before his death. dye It is difficult to get dyes that will hold in washing. dual In all persons there is a dual nature, the good and the bad. duel Alexander Hamilton was shot in a duel with Aaron Burr. exercise Exercise strengthens the body. exorcise To exorcise a spirit of envy often requires a hard struggle. faint The air was so close that it caused many women to faint. feint The feint which he made put his opponent off his guard. forth He put forth a strong effort and reached the goal. fourth The event occurred on the fourth of March. foul The air in the crowded room soon became foul. He obtained the money by foul means. fowl Hens, geese, and turkeys are domestic fowls. ' freeze When the ground is bare through the winter, bulbs in the ground are more apt to freeze. frieze The frieze on the new library is made up of Greek figures. gamble To gamble is to play games of chance for money. gambol The joyous play of the children makes me think of lambs gamboling in the meadow. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 49 LESSON 44 Words of Similar Sound grate They built a coal fire in the grate. The prisoner looked out through the grated window, great "Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime." hoard Misers hoard their wealth in strange places. horde A horde of office seekers sought the President. idle The idle often wish to reap the rewards of industry. idol The brave fireman became the idol of the hour. idyll (or The finest idyll in the English tongue is Tennyson's idyl) Idylls of the King. indict The grand jury voted to indict the accused. indite He began to indite an angry letter, then changed his mind. key The key to the whole situation lies in his failure to tell the truth. quay The goods lay on the qvxiy awaiting the arrival of the steamer. kill It will take only three more votes to kill the bill. kiln He ordered HZn-dried lumber for the building. knave A man may have the heart of a knave and yet have an innocent face. nave They stopped to admire the nave of the cathedral. lain The books have lain there many weeks. lane The boys walked down the lane to the brook. lean He had a lean and hungry look. Good bacon has a streak of fat and a streak of lean meat. lien He had a lien upon the property to cover the amount of the debt. 50 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 45 Review The man whom you saw gambling is a knave, for he stole an auger and a bridle from the barn, then went to a neighboring church and took two silver vases from the altar. He avoided arrest by jumping into a boat moored on the beach and rowing to a steamer lying at anchor. Later he was arrested and indicted by the grand jury. Through the efforts of his coimsel he was released on bail and immediately boarded a steamer to go abroad; but failing to secure a berth, he altered his course and took the next train for the capital. He mingled with the horde of sightseers who were viewing the capitol and again increased his hoard of ill-gotten wealth by stealing a fourteen-carat gold watch from a man who was one of a bridal party viewing the sights. Finding that he did not have a cent in his pockets he left the crowd, and went to a second-hand shop where he sold the watch. An hour later he was arrested, but was released on bail. When the time of his trial was near, he found that his case was fourth on the court calendar. He returned for trial, although h^ had great fear that he would be convicted and sent to prison, LESSON 46 Words of Similar Sound lessen It does not lessen his guilt to claim that others do the same. lesson It was hard for him to learn the lesson. levee The flood was caused by a break in the levee. The President's levee was well attended. levy A levy of one dollar tax was ordered. loan The bank failed to secure the large loan. lone One lone office boy did all the work. mantel The two vases were placed on the mantel. mantle The actress was dressed in a mantle of fur. A mantle of snow covered the earth. Often the blood will mantle in her cheek. mean Nothing is low or mean in the eye of its Creator. Between two extremes lies the golden mean. mien His mien was far from humble, though secretly he trembled. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 51 LESSON 47 Words of Similar Sound medal For his heroic action he was given a gold medal. meddle If we never meddle in our neighbor's affairs, we shall avoid much trouble. metal Gold is one of the precious metals. mettle The superintendent's remark put him on his mettle. palate Because of the trouble with his palate^ he could not speak plainly. pallet The poor sick boy lay upon a rude pallet. palette The artist spread his paints upon his palette. passed Many passed by the office every day. past Waste no time in regret over what is past. peace All the President's efforts were directed toward peace, piece A mere piece of bunting served them for a flag. peak The mountain peak was hid in clouds. peek The children stole a peek through the half-open door. pique Angered by the remark, she left in a pique. pedal The pedal of the machine was out of order. peddle He began to peddle goods from place to place. peer The sun began to peer over the high hill. He was tried by a jury of his peers. pier The pier of the bridge gave way under the great pressure. plain It is plain that this is your first attempt. Though plain in face, she yet had beauty. The plain east of the Rockies is the home of millions. plane The carpenter used his plane to smooth the board. The surface of the table is a plane. plum The plum trees were in full bloom. plumb The workman tested the straightness of the wall with a plumb line. pole They hoisted the signal on a long pole. One of the poles of a magnet is positive; the other, negative. The needle of the compass points toward the north pole. poll The woman went to the polls to vote. The poll tax was one dollar for each male citizen. 62 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 48 Words of Similar Sound principal The principal of the school was hired for one year.. He invested the principal at a low rate of interest. The principals in the affair were men of standing. The principal cause of the accident was a misunder- standing of orders. principle He is a man of sound business principles. ''A good principle not rightly understood may prove as hurtful as a bad one." This theory is based upon the principle that heat expands air. profit He made a profit of one hundred dollars from the sale. prophet "A prophet is not without honor save in his own country." rabbet A rabbet is a groove cut in the edge of a piece of timber. rabbit The rabbit is a pest in Australia. Welsh rabbit is made of melted cheese and toast. rain The rain fell in torrents all the night. reign The reign of Queen Victoria lasted over half a century. rein He took the reins in his own hand. raise Their wages were raised five dollars a month. raze They voted to raze the old building and erect a new one- road Much effort is being made to secure good roads. rode He read the daily paper as he rode to his office. rowed As he rowed down stream, the current helped him. serge She had on a suit made of rough serge. surge As the speaker's voice rose higher, the crowd surged to and fro. sleight He earned his living by sleight of hand performances. slight The firm gave him a slight increase of salary. Staid His manner was, staid — ^in fact, almost severe. stayed He stayed long past the closing time. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 53 LESSON 49 Words of Similar Sound straight He followed the straight path of honest dealing, strait Only a narrow strait separates the two continents. He was reduced to great straits to make ends meet. suite They engaged a suite of rooms in the best hotel, sweet The singer's voice was sweet, but strong. tear A tear upon the cheek of a child awakens pity, tier They sat in the first tier of seats. their They gave each of their workmen a Christmas present. there There are many engaged in the retail business. The papers were scattered here and there, vain He sought in vain for a remedy. A vain person lays himself open to ridicule. vane The weather vane shows the wind to be due north, vein The newly opened vein was rich in silver. He talked in this same vein for an hour or more. The large vein in his leg was severed. ware He carried all his wares in one wagon. The hsirdivare trade is booming now. wear What one wears is of less importance than what one is. The loss by ordinary wear and tear was very great. Wright The wheelwright did a flourishing business. write The clerk tried to v.)rite a plain hand. right To do right will gain the approval of one's self. Turn to the right when you reach the head of the stairs. rite The dead were buried with solemn rites. yoke ^'Be ye not unequally yoked together." The child's dress had a muslin yoke. yolk The yolk and the white of one egg are to be beaten separately. accept We accept with pleasure what is offered us. except We except from this list those who reported last week. access The stairs gave a means of access to the building. excess This sum is in excess of our needs. 64 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 50 Words Likely to be Confused It is easier to give advice than to take it. We advise you to seek another position. This event does not affect your standing with us. You cannot effect this by any other means. Notice the effect of leaving out that drawing. Cashinere is a fine wool fabric used for women's garments. Cassimere is a thin woolen cloth used for men's garments. complement This statement is a complement of the one made before. complimient The manager gave the clerk many compliments on his large sales. He gave the credit to his able corps of assistants. The corpse of the murdered man was found in his home. The funeral of the deceased will be held in the church. The diseased leg was cut off at the knee. Life in the desert is lonely. To conclude a heavy meal the dessert should be light. He traveled farther the first day than the second. Further arguments were advanced from time to time. We will guarantee the article to be of the finest quality. A written guaranty will be sent with each article. The machine seems ingenious and wholly new. He had an open, ingenuous manner. ''Canst thou loose the bands of Orion?" If you buy carefully, you will lose httle. advice advise affect 6£^ect cashmere cassimere corps corpse deceased diseased desert dessert farther further guarantee guaranty ingenious ingenuous loose lose practicable The method proposed seems practicable. practical This will do for all practical purposes. He was recommended as a practical man. prophecy Many believed in the prophecy of hard times. prophesy Many prophesy a return of prosperity. propose The plan you propose will probably be adopted. purpose He purposed to spend his vacation at home. He did not tear up the account on purpose. prosecute The state's attorney will prosecute the case. persecute It is sometimes true that men will persecute fellows for their opinions. stationary A stationary engine was set up in the plant. stationery He is about to engage in the book and stationery business. statue A statue in memory of Lincoln was erected. stature The owner of the building was short of stature and bald. statute The statutes passed by the last legislature are now printed. their NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 55 LESSON 51 Review As there had been a prophecy of a hot summer, the principal of a school planned to spend his summer vacation scaling mountain peaks. A further inducement to travel was found in the fact that his profits from investments the past year had been greatly in excess of those of former years. Acting on the advice of a friend, he bought two new suits, one of serge, the other of cassimere. These with what he had he thought would serve him in all straits. Then, too, he found it impossible to carry much baggage. He tried by many ingenious arguments to induce his friend to ac- company him, but his urging had no effect. So he started out alone to cross the plains. He had bought stationery, and being little affected by the noise and jar of the moving train, began to write a letter to his mother. He told her of all the little details of his journey — how the plains in places seemed like a great desert, what immense rabbits he saw from the car window, how he had been advised by his friend to overcome possible mountain sickness, what he should wear when climbing, what he had had for dessert on the diner, how he expected to go down in a mine, not to look for a rich vein, but just to see the metal in its native state, and how he had thought out an ingenious scheme for better smelting of ores, which scheme he purposed proposing to a certain practical mine owner. He said the principle upon which it was based was so simple that he was sure he could guarantee success at the outset. Only slight changes in the present method need be made to bring about effects truly marvelous. He also wrote her about a deceased friend of whom he had been very fond. This friend had owned a piece of land in one of the* mining districts which he had prophesied would show a rich vein of silver. He himself expected to go there on this trip and, if there was easy access for a railroad, to buy the strip. He might have written much more, but there was a call for supper from the porter who passed by his seat, so he brought his letter to a close. 56 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 52 Derivatives modernize mSd'ern ize To substitute modern forms for. attendant Sit tSn'dant One who waits upon another; accompanying. anteroom S,n'te room' A waiting room. disciplinary dis'ci plin a ry Tending to correct or train. continuous con tin'u ous Without interruption. unscrupulous un scru'pu lous Without right moral prin- ciples. nonsense n6n'sense That which has no sense; trifles. trans- Atlantic trans '-At lan'tic Across the Atlantic. forenoon fore'noon' The early part of the day elementary gl'e mSn'ta ry Simple; introductory. inadequate in ad'e quate Not sufficient. machinery ma ^hin'er y A collection of machines, excessive ex g&s'sive Greater than is usual. suitable suzt'a ble Fitting or proper. official o/fl'cial Connected with holding of office; made by virtue of authority. semitropical s6m'i tr5p'ic al Half or nearly tropical. imprudent im pru'dent Wanting in prudence. disappoint dis'ap point' To hinder from an expected or desired result. guardian gwar'di an One appointed to have charge of another. circumnavigate gir'cum n^v'i gate To sail completely around. restorative re stor'a tive Having power to restore. Common Expressions continuous performance attendant evils inadequate means modernize the structure elementary principles excessive charges equalize the pressure suitable apparel interurban perennial bicycle preamble NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 67 ability credential a bll'i ty ere dgn'tial LESSON 53 Derivatives Power or skill to do. acquisition ac'qui §f tion pseudonym pseu'do nym connivance con niv'ange animosity an'i mSs'i ty consolidate con sSl'i date repetition rgp'e tl'tion commemorate com mgm'o rate afi^mative af firm'a tive sustenance stis'te nange accessible ac ggs'si ble commissary c6m'mis sa ry acconmiodate ac c6m'mo date economical e' co nSm'i cal franchise fran'chlge ambiguous am big'u ous approximate ap pr6x'i mate ambitious am bftious accelerate paralyze ac g^l'er ate par'a lyze macadamize partisan A paper showing a person is entitled to credit as an official or otherwise. The act of acquiring or the thing acquired. A false name; pen name of an author. Guilty assent to or assistance in wrong-doing. Bitter hatred. To form into one body or company. Act of repeating; recital. To serve as a memorial of. Answering "yes"; the side of a question maintaining the proposition stated. That which supports life; means of living. Easily reached. One in charge of a special service or duty. To furnish with something desired; to adapt (itself or oneself) to. Avoiding waste. A right or privilege granted by a government. Subject to more than one interpretation. To estimate closely. Greatly desirous of power or success. To hasten. To deprive of energy, salient sovereign 58 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 54 Derivatives *inischievous mis'chie vous dramatize directory impartial estimable deficit intuition di rec'to ry im par'tial gs'ti ma ble dgf'i git in'tu rtion discriminate dis crfm'i nate brigadier modifying underrate hypnotize delinquent brfg'a d^■er' mSd'i fy'ing tin'der rate' hyp'no tize de lln'quent arraignment ar migi/ment chastise chas tise' corroborate exonerate undesirable insecure counterfeit cor rOb'o rate ex 5n'er ate tin'de sir'a ble Tn'se cure' coun'ter feit dram'a tize convenient con ven'ient (yent) Free from prejudice for or against. Worthy of esteem; that may be vahied. An amount lacking. Power of knowing without reason- ing. To distinguish accurately. The commander of a brigade. Tending to change somewhat. To rate lower than deserved. To place in a state resembling sleep. One who commits a fault; failing in duty. Act of calling to account or of accusing. To punish for the sake of making better. To confirm another's statement or a fact. To free from blame. Not desired. Not safe. A thing to resemble something else; to imitate. *Note the syllable to be accented. Common Expressions counterfeit coin estimable qualities undesirable citizens corroborate his statement arraignment of the prisoner underrate his ability defalcate dilapidated ignominious dilemma NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 59 LESSON 55 ] Review disciplinary economical directory convenient acquisition accommodate excessive ability bicycle modifying inadequate approximate franchise accessible disappoint dramatize ambitious perennial corroborate ambiguous equalize repetition connivance restorative mischievous continuous macadamize intuition consohdate exonerate sovereign suitable arraignment accelerate preparatory paralyze talkative undesirable underrate dilapidated counterfeit credential hypnotize dilemma impartial dramatize delinquent ignominious elementary unscrupulous LESSON 56 ie and ei neither net'ther neighbor'hoT receive re getve' weigh weigh believe be lieve' either ei'ther seize sHze heifer UiVer thief thief outweigh out weigh' siege siege grieve grieve sieve sieve mischief mis'chief ceiling gearing sleigh sleigh receipt re geipt' seismic seis'mic Pertaining to earthquakes. inveigh in Yoigh' To criticise harshly. obeisance o bei'sange A deep bow. nonpareil nOn'pa yHY A size of type ; having no equal Common Expressions retrieve his mistakes upon receipt of seismic disturbances outweigh the disadvantages inveigh against his fate receive the message frontier retrieve heiress seine 60 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 57 ei and ie relief re kef priest priest aggrieve 2ig grieve' piece piege pierce pierge forfeit for'fcit conceive con gezve' weird weird foreign ibr'eign brief brief reprieve re prieve' wield wzeld deceit de qeit' besiege be siege' grievous gne'vous fierce iierge heinous hei'nous perceive per geive' height height conceit con geit' chandelier chief surfeit surveillance weir seignior seign'ior (yor) kaleidoscope ka lei'do scope electrolier e Igc'tro her' purlieu pur'k'eu shiek shzek leisure lez'gure frieze frieze lien ken or Ifgn sleight eleight tier tier LESSON 58 ei and ie ') A title corresponding to Mr. )e An instrument showing pieces of colored glass in various forms. A support for electric lamps. Outskirt; neighborhood. liege kege bier bier tra,nsient tr^n'sient skein skein feign unveil ieign un veil' fiend achieve their seizure feint befriend fiendish glacier . Eight, weight, neigh, freight, rein, reign, vein, deign, seine, ceil, heir, stein, eider, gneiss, eidolon, surfeit, deceive. Chief, fief, lief, thieve, grief, belief, relieve, grievance, mischievous, field, shield, yield, mien, niece, friend, shriek, pier, tierce, cashier, financier, grenadier, fusilier, gondolier, view, review, interview, lieu, die, fie, hie, lie, pie, tie, vie, deficient, sufficient, sieve, 'COurtier, soldier, clothier, glazier, brazier, grazier. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 61 unintelligible recognition visionary vociferous wretchedness spectator succumb susceptible statistics tenacious tremendous substantial transitory parallel retaliate senseless shepherd privileges majority reciprocity plurality LESSON 59 Derivatives tin 'in tgl'Zi gi ble That can not be understood, rgc'og nation A knowing again; formal ac- knowledgment, vi'gion a ry Disposed to see visions; fanciful, vo glf'er ous Noisy. wr&tch'ed ness State of being wretched. sp6c'ta tor One looking on. sue ctim6' To yield to pressure or force. sus ggp'ti ble Easily impressed, sta tis'tics Classified facts stated in num- bers, te na'cious Holding fast, tre m^n'dous Very great; astonishing, sub stUn'tial Having substance; strong, tr^n'si to ry Lasting but a short time. pSr'aZ lei Equally distant at all points; an equal, re tari ate To return like for like. sgnse'less Meaningless; unconscious. shgp'Aerd One employed to tend sheep. priv'i leg e§ Special rights, grants, or en- joyments. ma j6r'i ty More than half a number; the greater part. rSg'i prSg'i ty A mutual giving and returning. plu rari ty An excess of votes over other candidates. Common Expressions against tremendous odds substantial increase vociferous in his demands reciprocity in trade all the privileges and immunities valuable statistics retaliate in kind recognition of merit visionary scheme senseless proposition tenacious of life without a parallel to succumb to disease phlegmatic dismissal unanimity synonymous 62 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 60 Review and Spelling Down List This storm augurs ill for the safe return of the vessel. The goods ought to be here next week. The breach between the friends widened with the passing days. The board of review will canvass the votes this week. They have built a new warehouse on the site of the old one, which was razed last year. His coarse manner and foul language count against him. The colors made by those dyes are guaranteed to be boil-proof. A horde of locusts destroyed the entire crop. The attorney said his lien was binding. The foreman tried to lessen the expenses by economical manage^ ment. The principal reason for the delay in shipping was the teamsters' strike. A pane of glass is set in a rabbet joint. The name of this firm on an article is a guaranty of good qualit}'. No business can remain stationary; it must progress or go backwards. forenoon outweigh consolidate recognition anteroom restorative conceit animosity excessive seismic frontier chandelier approximate suitable unveil mischief sustenance privileges senseless retrieve partisan ^ majority heinous befriend counterfeit seize reciprocity wield obeisance nonpareil relief tenacious heiress mischievous transient inveigh plurality visionary statistics continuous wretchedness substantial modernize affirmative retaliate parallel disappoint modifying NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 63 LESSON 61 Hon and sion admonition dissension interpretation preparation supervision aversion convention association decision description communication possession appropriation declension inflammation corporation procession humiliation expiration denunciation cooperation ad'mo ni'tion dis sgn'sion in ter'pre ta'tion prSp'a ra'tion su'per vig'ion a ver'gion con v6n'tion as so'gi a'tion de gf §ion de scrip'tion com mu'ni ca'tion pos §6s'sion ap pro'pri a'tion de clgn'sion In 'flam ma'tion cor po ra'tion pro ges'sion hu mfl'i a'tion Sx'pi ra'tion de niin'gi a'tion CO 6p'e ra't'ion Friendly reproof or warning. Disagreement; quarreling. Explanation; definition. A getting ready; training. Act of overseeing; general control. Dislike; a strong feeling against. A meeting for a common purpose. A union; an organization with- out a charter. Final determination or judg- ment; the quality of being firm. An account in words of the ap- pearance or characteristics of a person or thing. Correspondence ; a connecting passage. Fact of having a thing or having ownership of it. Something set apart for a par- ticular use; act of setting apart for a particular use. Inflection of parts of speech, according to grammatical usage. An unhealthy condition of the flesh or some other part of the body, usually accom- panied by redness or swelling. A business organization chart- tered by the state or nation. A train of persons going forward in order. Abasement of pride; act of shaming or disgracing. Act of exhaUng air ; end or ending of, as by lapse of time. Public accusation; a threat. Act of working together. amelioration condescension insinuation matriculation 64 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER cessation optician dissatisfaction superstition electrician transgression exclamation obligation dissipation destruction mathematician reputation degradation collision presumption dimension physician petition occasion Artesian mechanician LESSON 62 ion and ian ges sa'tion op tf gian dis sS,t'is fac'tion su'per sti'tion e lee trfcian trans grSs'sion gx'cla ma'tion 6b 'li ga'tion dis 'si pa'tion de striic'tion math'e ma tfcian rgp'tl taction dSg'ra da'tion coZ If §ion pre §timp'tion di mgn'sion phy sfcian pe tf tion oc ca'sion Ar te'sian mSc/i'a nf cian A ceasing, temporary or final. One who fits eye-glasses. A feeling of not being satisfied. Belief in signs and omens; excessive fear of the unknown or super- natural. One skilled in electricity. Violation of a law; sin. A sharp or sudden utter- ance expressive of strong feeling. Duty; indebtedness for a favor. Wasteful expenditure; trifling amusement; indulgence in vices. Ruin; a tearing down. One skilled in the science of numbers. What others think of one. State of being lowered in rank or in the opinion of others. A clashing or coming together violently. An overstepping of the bounds. Measure in a single line; extent. One practicing medicine. A formal written request; a prayer. A timely chance or juncture; a cause. A deep bored well, first used in Artois, France. A machinist. statistician registration accumulation destination NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 65 admissible pliable abominable miserable combustible pitiable horrible durable contemptible irritable amenable LESSON 63 able and ible ad mis'si ble pli'a ble a b6m'i na blc mig'er a ble com bQs'ti ble pit'i a ble hSr'ri ble dur'a ble con tCmp'ti ble IrVi ta ble a me'na ble incomprehensible in cSm'pre h^n'si ble accountable ac count'a ble incorruptible In'cor riip'ti ble palatable indelible incorrigible discernible irresistible eligible reasonable pai'a ta ble in den ble in c6r'ri gi ble dig cern'i ble Iv're sis'ti ble sri gi ble rea'son a ble misery; combustible material reasonable conclusion available means contemptible conduct admissible argument obtainable by fair means Governed proper. Common Expressions eligible to office amenable to reason oitiable sight lorrible accident lurable quality rritable temper That may be allowed. Easily bent; jdelding. Very hateful. Abounding in very poor. Burning easily.- Deserving pity. Exciting horror. Lasting in quality. Worthy of contempt. Marked by fretfulness; very sensitive to ir- ritants. Willing to yield; tract- able. Not to be understood; beyond ordinary un- derstanding. Liable to be called on to render an account. Not subject to decay; above the influence of bribes. Pleasing to the palate; tasting good. That cannot be erased. Bad beyond correction. Easily seen. Overpowering. Having proper quahfi- cations. by reason; (l)irascible ostensible (2; formidable reprehensible (l)Noticc the sound of i in the first syllable. (2) Notice the syllable that is accented. 66 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER tangible perceptible reliable variable inconceivable dishonorable inexhaustible unavoidable permissible practicable divisible tractable inevitable flexible endurable feasible memorable plausible credible creditable portable LESSON 64 able and ible tan'gi ble per ggp'ti ble re li'a ble va'ri a h\e In 'con gezv'a ble dis h6n'or a ble !n'ex /lawst'i ble tin 'a void'a ble per mts'si ble pr^c'ti ca ble di vig'i ble trlic'ta ble in &Vi ta ble flgx'i ble en dur'a ble fea'gi ble m6m'o ra ble plaw'gi ble crgd'i ble cr^d'it a ble por'ta ble That may be grasped; real. That may be seen. That may be depended upon; trustworthy. Marked by change. Not to be thought or believed. Wanting in honor. Not giving out ; lasting. That can not be avoided. Allowable. Capable of being put into practice. That may be separated into parts. Easily managed. Necessary; bound to be. Easily bent. That may be borne. Capable of being done or used. Worthy to be remem- bered. Apparently right; agree- able. Easy of belief (applied to statements) . Deserving honor (applied to conduct or action) . Easily carried. Common Expressions impracticable scheme variable winds plausible story creditable perforniance pleasurable feeling remarkable ability dishonorable means inexhaustible supply feasible plan inevitable result "^irreparable despicable impassable impassible *Notice the accent in the first two words and the difference in meaning of the last two. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 67 a very perceptible change iaevitable consequence man of decision reasonable amount convention of delegates irresistible force available assets of large dimensions corporation attorney plausible reasoning inconceivable horror tangible proof excusable delay LESSON 65 Review transgression of the law dissatisfaction with the management degradation of the masses a petition to the City Council took occasion to remark collision was inevitable under great obhgation your communication was received accumulation of wealth registration of the voters resent the insinuation preparation for the event pitiable occasion contemptible statistician mathematician admissible irritable indestructible expiration destination association dissipation cooperation description amelioration opposition amenable electrician mechanician credible incorruptible destruction feasible divisible superstition LESSON 66 ous plenteous cautious riotous judicious copious bounteous luscious various precious gracious nutritious conscious hideous delirious fungous bilious boisterous pompous virtuous promiscuous 68 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 67 instantaneous In'stan ta'ne ous infectious in fgc'tious contagious con ta'gzous gorgeous delicious hilarious victorious gor'geous de If cious hi l^r'i ous vie to'ri ous impervious im per vi ous precocious pre co'cious commodious com mo'di ous facetious fa ge'tious propitious auspicious malicious dubious ludicrous tortuous vicarious impecunious sagacious conscientious pro pf tious aus pi'cious ma If cious du'bi ous lu'di crous tor'tu ous vi ca'ri ous Im'pe cu'ni ous sa ga'cious c6n'sci gn'tious Occurring in an instant. Capable of being spread, said of a disease spread by germs in the air or water. Capable of being spread ; said of a disease spread by contact with a patient. Showy; dazzling; fine. Very pleasing to the taste. Marked with noisy mirth. Having gained victory; con- quering. Not allowing passage through. Developing unnaturally early, especially mentally. Large; spacious. Given to joking; exciting mirth. Favorable. Giving promise of success. Marked by mahce. Of doubtful character. Exciting laughter. Winding ; deceitful . Suffered for another. Not having money. Marked by wisdom. Governed by conscience. Common Expressions contagious disease auspicious occasion malicious statement weather is propitious vicarious sacrifice impervious to argument copious showers impecunious condition facetious remark precocious youth instantaneous death conscientious person ferocious extemporaneous vivacious fictitious NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 69 LESSON 68 ous atrocious a tro'cious Very wicked. audacious au da'cioas Marked by boldness. venomous vgn'oni ous Full of venom; poisonous. envious 6n'vi ous Full of envy. capacious ca pa'cious Ample; great in extent. efficacious gf'/i ca'cious Bringing effects. supercilious su'per 9iri ous Haughty. pugnacious pug na'cious Inclined to fight. punctilious pui^c iWi ous Very exact and careful. deleterious dere te'ri ous Harmful. noxious nSx'ious (shus) Injurious. obnoxious ob nSx'ious Offensive; objectionable. conspicuous con splc'u ous Attracting attention. frivolous friv^o lous Given to trifling; of little worth. meretricious mgr'e trrcious Alluring by false show. sonorous so no'rous Full in sound; high-sounding- contiguous con tig'u ous Lying next to. invidious in vid'i ous Likely to give offense. perfidious per fid'i ous Disloyal; unfaithful. vigorous vig'or ous Marked by strength. preposterous pre p5s'ter ous Contrary to common sense^ sonorous voice vigorous manhood supercilious bearing delicious flavor atrocious crime efficacious remedy of conspicuous merit noxious weeds obnoxious habit invidious comparison Common Expressions pugnacious disposition deleterious in its effects tenacious of life frivolous conversation perfidious friend contiguous to our premises gratuitous services indigenous to the soil homologous angles meretricious style gratuitous homologous indigenous heterogeneous 70 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER innocence brilliance confidence accordance conscience intelligence significance experience LESSON 69 ance, ancy, ence, ency in'no genge obedience 6 be'di enge brfl'/iance (yans) efficiency ef fif'cien ^y c6n'fi denge insolence !n'so lenge ac cor'danQe reverence rSv'er enge c6n'scienc(?(shens) magnificence mag ntf'i genge in t&Vli genge sig nin cange ex pe'ri enge acquaintance ac quamt'ance temperance tem'per ance competence c5m'pe tenge vengeance vSn'geange independence In'de pgn'denge reluctance re luc'tange hesitancy h6§'i tan gy superintendency su'per intgn'den gy leniency le'ni en gy maintenance mam'te nange contrivance con tri'vange extravagance ex trSv'a gange benevolence be nSv'o lenge currency correspond- c5rVe spSn'denge affluence ence countenance coun'te nange diligence consequence allegiance evidence eloquence acceptance prominence influence discrepancy virulence attendance eminence cQr'ren gy af'/lu enge in'flu enge dis crgp'an gy vTr'u lenge at t&n'dange gm'i nenge dll'i genge c6n'se quenge Sil le'giange ev'i denge ^Vo quenge ac g^p'tange pr5m'i nenge Malevolence, ill will. Leniency, state of being inclined toward mercy. Affluence, wealth. Discrepancy, state of disagreeing. Virulence, state of being extremely poisonous or deadly. perseverance per'se ve range patience pa'tienge penitence pSn'i tenge malevolence ma l6v'o lenge clairvoyance vehemence excrescence reminiscence NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 71 LESSON 70 precious luscious supercilious impecunious currency eminence discrepancy- malicious piteous conspicuous resemblance contiguous efficacious Review hilarious boisterous intelligence contagious bilious delicious commodious facetious correspondence frivolous penitence prominence superintendency conscious instantaneous propitious promiscuous deleterious impervious nutritious auspicious punctilious extravagance obnoxious maintenance delirious emergency fictitious precocious preposterous virtuous conscientious vigorous ambiguous benevolence perfidious perseverance LESSON 71 ary, ery, ory solitary sCri ta ry plenary ple'na ry confectionery con fgc'tion er y constabulary con stab'u la ry satisfactory s^t'is fac'to ry accessory dictionary dic'tion a ry itinerary contemporary con t6m'po ra ry consistory (l)laboratory (2) obligatory desultory hereditary planetary pulmonary 13-b'o ra to ry db'lig a to ry dSs'ul to ry he rgd'i ta ry pian'et a ry ptil'mo na ry drudgery contrary literary ordinary valedictory ac ^gss'o ry i tin'er a ry con sis'to ry drtic?g'er y c6n'tra ry llt'er a ry 6r'di na ry val'e dic'to ry Accessory, aiding in a secondary way; one who contributes as an assistant. Hereditary, transmitted from an ancestor. Pulmonary, pertaining to the lungs. Itinerary, a route pursued in traveling. Plenary, full; compl te. Consistory, governing body of a church; 19th to 33rd degrees of Masonry. Desultory, passing from one subject to another wdthout order. (l)Notice the five syllables. (2)Notice the accent. crematory refectory derogatory lavatory 72 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER peculiar ancestor oflacer respecter corridor prospector ♦photographer cipher similar familiar inferior operator decipher elector messenger burglar warrior barrier monitor passenger thermometer janitor ♦telegrapher LESSON 72 avj er, or pe curiar (yar) vibrator Sn'ges tor 6r/i ger re spgc'ter cOr'ri dor prSs'pec tor pho t6g'ra pher gi'pher sim'i lar fa mfl'iar (yar) in fe'ri or 6p'er a tor de gi'pher e iSc'tor m^s'sen ger btir'glar war'ri or ba,r'ri er m5ii'i tor pas'sen ger ther m6m'e ter jt^n'i tor te l^g'ra pher inventor prosecutor canister upholster cuspidor surrender competitor refrigerator superior proprietor particular coroner anchor excelsior vinegar laborer actor terror depositor improper believer theater or theatre vi'bra tor in vSn'tor pr6s'e cii'tor cSn'is ter up hoFster cus'pi dor sur rSn'der com pgt'i tor re frfg'er a tor sii pe'ri or pro pri'e tor par tic'u lar ' cQr'o ner a^'c//.or ex gel'si or vin'e gar la'bor er ac'tor tgr'ror de p6§'i tor im pr6p'er be hev'er the'a ter Prospector, one who explores a region for minerals. Prosecutor, the lawyer conducting a case against the accused person. Canister, a case for holding tea or coffee; case shot for cannon. ♦Notice the syllable to be accented. Common Expressions messenger service telegraphers' union superior quality competitor in business spectacular reconnoiter aggressor vernacular NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 73 LESSON 73 Words Common in History federal f gd'er al constitution con'sti tuition compromise com'pro mise insurrection In'sur rgc'tion confederation con fSd'er a'tion rebellion re b^l'/ion (yon) exploration gx'plo ra'tion discovery dis cov'er y settlement s6t'de ment colonial co lo'ni al taxation tax a'tion representation r^p're §en ta'tion sedition se di'tion declaration dSc'la ra'tion treaties trea'tie§ arbitration ar'bi tra'tion aliens al'iens (yens) democratic dgm'o crat'ic *government gov'ern ment monarchical mo narc/i'ic al protectorate pro tSc'tor ate Composed of states; pertain- ing to a government made up of states. The fundamental law of a nation, state, or any or- ganized body. Agreement through mutual giving up. An uprising of individuals against a law or govern- ment. A union of states. An extended insurrection. Act of exploring for discovery. The finding of something previously unknown. Act of planting a colony. Pertaining to a colony. The act of levying taxes. The act of acting for others. The excitement of discontent against the government. A formal statement. Agreements between nations. Reference of disagreements to persons chosen for the purpose. Those owing allegiance to another state. Pertaining to the people. Mode or system of governing; the governing body. Pertaining to a monarchy. An authority of a superior state over an inferior one. *Do not omit the n in the second syllable either in spelling or pronunciation. Common Expressions taxation without representation declaration of independence alien and sedition law democratic government colonization immigration emigration ultimatum 74 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 74 Words Common in History revolution rgv'o lu'tion boundaxies boun'da rie§ nullification ntilZ'i fi ca'tion paxliamentary par'lia m^n'ta ry Parliament Par'lia ment pioneer ordinance presidential continental amendment controversy annexation pi'o neer' 6r'di nange preg'i dSn'tial c5n'ti ngn'tal a mSnd'ment con'tro ver'sy ^n'nex action secession se ^gs'sion emancipation e man'gi pa'tion proclamation prSc'la ma'tion jurisdiction ju'ris dic'tion deliberative de lib'er a tive ratification rat'i fi ca'tion alliance slI li'ange explorers ex plo'rers dependencies de pgn'den gies Common Expressions emancipation proclamation Continental Congress The overthrow of a govern- ment. That which fixes the extent. Act of making null, or void. Of or pertaining to Parha- ment. The law-making body in England. One who goes before. Any public enactment or law. Pertaining to the President. Pertaining to all the American colonies. A change made in a bill. A difference; a quarrel. Act of connecting territory; union. Withdrawal. Act of making free. Pubhc announcement. Power to exercise control. Proceeding by discussion. Approval and sanction. A union of nations. Those making a search for discovery. States subject to another. ratification of the treaty amendment to the constitution dispute over boundaries ordinance of secession the matter in controversy provincial government presidential election parliamentary law jurisdiction of the state deliberative assembly coalition armistice territorial administration NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 75 LESSON 75 Review necessary competitor telegrapher corridor contemporary thermometer arbitration rebellion aggressor literary protectorate revolution compromise particular proprietor hereditary declaration spectacular refrigerator confectionery passenger soUtary alien immigration colonial settlement emancipation satisfactory improper similar obligatory laborer decipher messenger lavatory operator democratic ratification deliberative predecessor proclamation valedictory colonization coroner prosecutor laboratory depositor emigration insurrection alliance league barons aristocracy reformation temporal absolute LESSON 76 Words Common in History league b3,r'on§ 5,r'is t6c'ra ^y rSf 'or ma'tion tgm'po ral ab'so lute declaratory de clar'a to ry guillotine gwfl'Zo tine sovereignty s5v'er ci^n ty *medieval me'di eVal nobility no bfl'i ty conqueror c5i^'qt/er or abdication ab'di ca'tion emperor ^m'per or regency re'gen gy supremacy su prgm'a qy constitutional c5n'sti tu'tion al commonwealth c6m'mon wealth' protestant prSt'es tant feudalism feu'dal i§m balance baran9e Aristocracy, a government by the best. Commonwealth, those constituting the state; the state. Feudalism, a state of society wherein relationship between classes was based upon military service rendered for land. Abdication, the act of giving up authority or office. *There is another spelling of this word. Look it up. civilization despotism radical conservative 76 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER ^citizenship git'i zen ship electoral e Igc'to ral candidate c^n'di date qualification quari fi ca'tion eligibility ^Vi gi bil'i ty suffrage suf'/rage municipal mil nig'i pal patent pat'ent levying Igv'y ing invasion in va'sion criminal - crfm'i nal civil giv'il LESSON 77 Words Common in Civics The state of a citizen. Pertaining to an elector. One running for an office. That which fits one for an office. Fitness. The right to vote. Pertaining to a city. A protective guaranty to an inventor. Act of raising or collecting taxes. Entering of a country by its enemies. Pertaining to crime. Pertaining to the state. naturalization nat'u ral i za'tion The process by which ahens are made citizens. judiciary ju df ci (shi) a ry The system of courts of justice; the judges taken collectively. To take a case to a higher court. The nation's representative to another nation. A government's business agent abroad. A member of the senate. apportionment ap por'tion ment The act of dividing in just proportion. enumeration, e nu'mer a'tion The act of numbering. militia mi If tia Organized citizen soldiers. Common Expressions naturalization papers appellate jurisdiction electoral college qualification of members levying war eligibility of the candidate apportionment of representatives municipal ownership organize the militia repel invasion appeal Sip peaV ambassador am bas'sa dor consul con'sul senator sSn'a tor minister plenipotentiary attainder appellate NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 77 LESSON 78 Words Common in Geography longitude tropical drainage rapids latitude equator islands surface continent fisheries altitude system meridian me rid'i an industrial in diis'tri al oceanic o'ce(she)an'ic navigable n^v'i ga ble peninsula pe nin'su la waterfalls wa'ter faH§' isthmus is^A'mus cataracts cat'a racts oasis a'sis whirlpool whirrpool' plateau pla teau' (to) coral cSr'al canal ca nar volcanic vol can'ic channel chan'nel isthmian isth'mi an erosion e ro'§ion parallels par'al Zel3 arid ar'id precipitous pre 9lp'i tous temperate tgm'per ate moisture mois'ture mountainous moun'tain ous precipitation pre glp'i ta'tion physical phy§ i cal equatorial e'qua to'ri al political po Ht'i cal climatic cli mat'ic commercial com mer'cial geographical ge'o gr^ph'i cal occupations oc'cu pa'tions eruption e rtip'tion tributaries trib'u ta rie§ temperature t^m'per a ture Erosion, the wearing away of land by running water. Arid, exhausted of moisture. Common Expressions principal tributaries mountainous region volcanic eruption precipitous slope channel deepened by erosion average temperature principal meridian climatic conditions center of population isthmian canal parallels of latitude temperate climate coral islands navigable stream arid plateau an oasis in the desert annual precipitation of moisture mineral deposits mineral population subterranean praurie 78 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 79 Words Common in Mathematics divisor decimals numerator subtrahend multiple dividend denominator numeration: factoring commission multiplying quotient multiplier minuend brokerage remainder evolution 6v'o lu'tion substitution siib'sti tu'tion equivalent e quiv'a lent comparison com p3,r'i son involution In'vo lu'tion diameter di am'e ter multiplicand mtil'ti pli cand' theorem the'o rem solution so lu'tion hjrpothesis hy p6th'e sis proportion pro por'tion quadrilateral quad'ri lat'er^^^ radius ra'di us axiom ax'i/Om addends ad'dendg corollary c5r'oZ la ry exponent ex po'nent octagon 6c'ta gon coefficient co'e/ fl'cient diagonal di ag'o nal simultaneous sT'mul ta'ne ous perpendicular per'pen dic'u lar equation e qua'tion magnitude mSg'ni tude transposition trans'po si'tion isosceles i s6s'ce les quadratics quad r^t'ics equilateral e'qui lat'er al elimination e Hm'i na'tion rectangular rec ta^'gu lar Common Expressions greatest common divisor elimination by substitution least common multiple exponent of the power rectangular prism coefficient of the product corollary to the proposition isosceles triangle literal factors transposition of terms perpendicular to the base allowance for brokerage ratio and proportion simultaneous quadratics scholium parallelopipedon spherical hypotenuse NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 79 LESSON 80 . Spelling Down List description protectorate drudgery conscientious incorruptible militia obligation eloquence candidate reformation suffrage contagious precious territorial competitor frivolous contiguous revolution surrender dissatisfaction accumulation balance literary collision admissible isthmian democratic instantaneous promiscuous population continental significance corporation levying ambassador operator occasion delirious presidential simultaneous propitious expiration aliens ■ satisfactory humiliation eligible sovereignty colonial commodious extemporaneous electoral declaration preposterous supercilious tyranny conservative brilliance gratuitous appellate prosecutor formidable decision tributaries spherical nutritious bounteous Hteral derogatory arbitration discernible ignominious immigration prominence competence mechanician alliance discrepancy guillotine cautious emperor passenger dissipation conspicuous supremacy controversy- maintenance laboratory municipal itinerary condescension cooperation representative depositor maHcious registration commercial refrigerator ostensible incorrigible equivalent 80 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 81 Electrical Terms magnetic insulation negative positive ohm resistance cathode anode galvanism galvanic watt kilowatt electrode polarity alternating generator transmitter battery potential transformer condenser mag nSt'ic In'su la'tion nSg'a live p5s i tive ohm. re §is'tange c^th'ode an'ode gai'va nism gal va,n'ic wat^ kil'o wat^ e iSc'trode po l^r'i ty Sorter nat'ing gSn'er a tor trans mit'ier b2,t'^er y po ten'tial trans for'mer con dgn'ser Like a magnet. Prevention of transfer of electric- ity. The pole toward which the electric current flows. The opposite of negative. The unit of electrical resistance. Opposition offered to the passage of electricity through a sub- stance. The negative terminal of an electric source. The positive terminal of an electric source. Current electricity. Of the nature of galvanism. A unit of electric power. One thousand watts. An effect produced on the electrodes of a cell by the gases freed by the current. Either terminal of an electric source. Changing about periodically. A large dynamo. That portion of a telephone or telegraph by means of which a message is sent. An apparatus which generates electricity. Degree of electrification. An apparatus for changing the potential of an electric cur- rent. That which concentrates elec- tricity. incandescent tungsten electrolysis armature NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 81 static commutator receiver ampere rheostat circuit shunt installation thermostat magnetism magnetized cut-out regulator controller solenoid induction conduit joule demagnetized electrification electroplate LESSON 82 Electrical Terms stat'ic com'mu ta'tor re geiVev am pere' rhe'o stat yir'ewit shtint in'staZ la'tion ther'mo stat mag'net i§m ma.g'net ized ctit'-out' reg'u la'tor con trorZer so'le noid in dtic'tion con'dwit joule de mag'net ized e I6c'trif i ca'tion e iSc'tro plate Kind of electricity produced by- rubbing. An appliance which reverses the electric current. The part of a telephone or telegraph that converts elec- tric currents into signals or sounds. The unit of electrical ciurent. A contrivance which regulates the electrical current. The complete path of an elec- trical current. A conductor which regulates the current. The setting up of an electric sj^stem. An alarm operated by electricity. State of being Uke a magnet. Converted into a magnet. A circuit breaker. A device for controlling a dynamo. A device for controlling a circuit. A system of circuits about an axis. The act by which a conductor becomes itself electrified. A tube for protecting wu-es. The energy expended in one second by an electric current of one ampere in a resistance of one ohm. Freed from magnetic qualities. Act of charging with electricity. To cover with metal by means of electrolysis. relay rotor volt dynamo 32 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER radiation ra'di a'tion refraction re frac'tion pressure prgs'sure (shur) ductility due tfl'i ty gravity grav'i ty velocity ve 165'i ty acceleration ac ggl'er a'tion volume vSrume niecha,iiics me c/ian'ics dynamics dy nSjn'ics convection con vgc'tion vibration vi bra'tion rapidity ra pid'i ty pendulum pgn'du lum displacement dis plage'ment spectrum spSc'trum optics 5p'tics rotary ro'ta ry siphon si'phon prism prfgm density dgn'si ty LESSON 83 Words Common in Physics The sending out of rays ot light or heat. The bending of a ray by passing through different mediums. The action of a force against an opposing force. Capabihty of being drawn out, as into a mre or thread. The attraction by which all bodies tend toward each other. Time rate of motion. Change of velocity. The space occupied. The science which treats of the action of forces on bodies. A branch of mechanics which treats of the motion of bodies. A process of transmission of heat. A periodic motion of the particles of an elastic body. Swiftness. A body so hung as to swing freely. The volume of a fluid displaced by a floating body. The image formed by the dis- persed rays of a beam of hght. The science of light. Turning, as a wheel. A bent tube with two unequal legs. A solid with equal bases and rec- tangiilar faces. The ratio of mass to volume. hydraulics hydrostatic oscillation caloric NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 83 ' LESSON 84 Modern Inventions and Discoveries A fireproof material used for clothing, roofing, curtains, etc. A rotary motor. A valuable metallic element. A mechanical piano player. A torpedo boat used under water. A substance which destroys bacteria. A flying machine. A mineral noted for its Hghtness. A bicycle with a motor attached. An instrument which registers earthquake shocks. A form of magic lantern. pasteurization pSs'teur i za'tion A process of checking fermenta- tion. asbestos turbine radium pianola submarine antiseptic aeroplane aluminum motorcycle as bSs'tos tiir'bine ra'di um pi a no'la stib'ma rine' S-n'ti s^p'tic a'e ro plane a lu'mi num mo'tor gy'cle seismograph sels'mo graph stereopticon siSr'e 6p'ti con automobile asphalt acetylene aw'to mo'bile or aw'to mo bile' 3^'phalt a 96t'y lene smokeless powder vacuum cleaner liquid air gas engines iireless cooker skyscrapers power elevators smoke consumer A self-propelled vehicle. A composition used for paving. A colorless compound of hydro- gen and carbon used for lighting. wireless telegraphy safety matches pneumatic tires storage batteries block signals harvester adding machines ball bearings dreadnaught dictograph hydroplane gas mantle 84 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER T.ESSON 85 Review potential dynamics circuit joule conduit magnetism incandescent optics electroplate rotor siphon stereopticon gravity rapidity caloric resistance oscillation tungsten pasteurization controller aluminum spectrum kilowatt density galvanic displacement asbestos acetylene mechanics generator receiver asphalt velocity rotary pendulum armature condenser pneumatic ohm telegraphy vibration alternating regulator elevators thermostat installation automobile antiseptic turbine vacuum LESSON 86 Commercial Raw Materials tapioca tap'i o'ca millet mn'Zet mustard miis'tard platinum pliit'i num pepper pgp'per borax bo'rax cotton cSt'^on sulphur stirphur caraway c^r'a wmj petroleum pe tro'le um nutmeg niit'meg graphite graph'ite cinnamon gin'na mon granite gran'ite ginger gin'ger nickel nlck'el tobacco to b^c'co mercury mer'cu ry bamboo bam boo' turpentine tur'pen tine Millet, a grass used for fodder; the seed is used as food for mam and birds. Platinum, a heavy, white, metallic element not easily melted. Graphite, native carbon, used for pencils. Nickel, a hard, metallic element of the iron group. Mercury, a heavy, silver- white, liquid, metallic element. gutta-percha caoutchouc gum tragacanth gum arabic NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 85 LESSON 87 Persons in Trades, Occupations, and Professions. contractor con trac'tor architect arc/i'i tect engineer Sn'gi neer' oculist 6c'u list printer prin'ter accompanist ac com'pa nist plumber pltim6'er surgeon stir'geon carpenter car'pen ter dentist dgn'tist veterinary v^t'er in a ry clergsrman cler'gy man salesman saleg'man librarian li bra'ri an auctioneer awc'tion eer' journalist joiir'nal ist reporter re por'ter sculptor sctilp'tor gardener gar'den er lawyer lait;'yer draftsman drafts'man doctor d5c'tor merchant mer'chant physician phy §i'cian seamstress seam'stress editor 6d'i tor milliner mll'Zi ner teacher teach'er machinist ma ghin'ist minister min'is ter tailor tairor scientist scl'en tist jeweler jew'el er artist ar'tist compositor com p6§'i tor advertiser ad'ver tJ'§er typesetter type's6t7er author aw'thor shoemaker shoe'mak'er chiropractor c/ii'ro prSc'tor chauffeur chau/'(sho)fewr' osteopathist 6s'te 5p'a thist stenographer ste nSg'ra pher pianist pi an'ist masseuse mas'seij§e' electrician e'lec tri'cian optician optX'cian chemist c^gm'ist amanuensis a man'u Sn'sis manufacturer mSn'u fac'tu rer Veterinary, one who treats diseases of animals. Chauffeur, an automobile driver. Masseuse, a woman who practices massage, or rubbing. Amanuensis, one writing for another. Optician, one who fits eye-glasses. Oculist, one who treats diseases of the eye. Chiropractor, one who cures disease by adjusting the spine. Osteopathist, one who practices osteopathy. Draftsman, one who draws plans of machinery and structures. 86 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 88 Words Common in the Printing Office supplement dummy glossary calendered electrotype magazine periodical emboss halftone composition foreman pressman paragraph proof reader linotype monotype illustration engraving copyright ream quire editorial matrix stip'ple ment dtim'my glos'sa ry cai'en dered e 16c'tro type mSg'a zine' pe'ri 6d'i cal em b5ss' halftone' c5m'po §i'tion fore'man prSss'man p3.r'a graph proof read'er lin'o type m6n'o type il7us tra'tion en grav'ing c5p'y right' ream quire 6d'i to'ri al ma'trix vignette vign ette' subscription sub scrip'tion circulation gir'cu la'tion advertisement ad'ver ti§e'ment alphabet font chase pica bourgeois roman italic bold-faced indentation woodcut weekly etching impression edition arpha bet f6nt chase pi'ca bour geois' ro'man 1 tai'ic bold'-faged' in'den ta'tion wood'cut' week'ly g^ch'ing im prgs'sion e dftion editor-in-chief ed'i tor-in-chief publication pdb'li ca'tion leaders lead'er§ subscriber sub scrib'er contribution cSn'tri bu'tion Dummy, a set of proof sheets made up in order. Electrotype, a printing plate made by coating a wax impression with copper by an electrical process. Emboss, to raise in relief from the surface of the paper. Linotype, a machine by which a line of type is set at one time. Monotype, a machine setting a letter at a time. Matrix, a copper plate formed to mold the face of a type. Vignette, a picture shading off into the background. Chase, an iron frame in which pages are fastened for printing or making plates. bulletin supercalendered frontispiece contributor NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 87 LESSON 89 Words Common in Farming cereals ^e're al§ threshing thrSsh'ing implement !m'ple ment shredder shrgd'cZer tiling til'ing acidity a ^Id'i ty humus hu'mus agriculture Sg'ri cQl'ture husbandry htig'band ry tillage tn'Zage quarry quarVy cultivator ctirti va'tor boggy b6gVy fertilize f er'til ize meadow mSad'oiy fertility f er tn'i ty harrow Mr'row poultry powl'try alfalfa al f ai'fa vegetable v6g'e ta ble timothy tlfm'o thy Comm corn shredder threshing machine increase the fertility- acidity of the soil vegetable garden horticulture creac The grains used for food. The separation of the seed from the husk. An instrument used for a given work. A machine for cutting up com. Pipes used for drainage. Sourness (said of soil). Soil formed by decayed vegetable matter. The science of farming. Farming. The cultivation of the soil. An open place where building stone is obtained. An implement for removing weeds. Containing bogs; swampy. To apply fertilizers. Grass land. The quality of bearing well. A drag-like machine used to level land and break up the clods. All domestic fowls. A clover-like plant used for fodder. Any plant cultivated for food. A grass used for hay. animal husbandry poultry show timothy hay fertilize with manure boggy land silage fertilizer 88 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER V L] ESSON 90 Review sulphur journalist oculist salesman machinist compositor vignette turpentine contributor petroleum nickel editorial advertisement circulation clergyman librarian stenographer shredder copyright bourgeois bulletin gutta-percha electrician poultry surgeon supplement editor granite cinnamon cereals quarry vegetable architect tiling manufacturer acidity ] paragraph fertility frontispiece mustard mercury scientist subscription accompanist silage tapioca fertilizer humus illustration granary LESSON 91 Words Common in the Lumber Business casings castings Cottonwood cot'ton wood' basswood bass' wood' flooring floor'ing chestnut chgs^'nut clapboards clap'board§ lintel Kn'tel shingles shli;'gle§ cypress gy'press planed planed cedar ge'dar quartered quar'tered tapering tamper ing hickory hic/c'o ry mahogany ma hSg'a ny poplar pop'lar logging iSg'^ing walnut waFnut cross-graine( i crSss'-gramed' veneer ve neer' Lintel, a horizontal piece over an opening. Clapboards, narrow boards thicker at one edge than at the other. Veneer, any wood or other material used to overlay a cheaper one. Astragal, a small convex molding. grooved batten culls mullion NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 89 LESSON 92 Railroad Service transportation trans'por taction freight freight passenger drayage shipment carrier locomotive caboose signals switch semaphore throttle engine baggage accident brakeman collision pas sen ger dmi/sige ship'ment ' car'ri er lo'co mo'tive coupler cotip'ler depot de'po^ dispatcher dis pa^ch'er telegraph tgl'e graph ca boose' slg'nalg switch s6m'a phore thrSt'^le gn'gine bag'^age ac'gi dent brake'man col ir§ion Act of carrying. Any load; a kind of train that carries goods. One who travels by train, coach, or other public conveyance. The charge for the draying. The act of shipping goods; the goods shipped. One who or that which carries. A self-propelling wheel carriage used to carry goods or pas- sengers. A device for connecting cars. A railway station; a storehouse. The official who gives the orders as to departure of trains and their right of way. An apparatus for communicating between distant points by signals transmitted over a wire by electricity. A car accompanying a freight train, used for worlonen, brakemen, etc. A sign of danger or command. A movable rail or rails over which cars run from one track to another. A device for giving signals by means of lanterns or flags. The valve regulating the supply of steam. A machine producing power. The trunks, etc. of a traveler. A sudden and unexpected event. One in charge of the brakes. A violent meeting. Common Expressions head-on collision passenger depot telegraph operator train dispatcher common carrier transit viaduct piston cylinder 90 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 93 Railroad Service merchandise mer'chan dise Goods. specifications speg'i fi ca'tiong An enumeration of particulars. perishable pSr'ish a ble Liable to decay. telegram t^l'e gram A message by telegraph. duplicate du'pli cate An exact copy. vestibuled v6s'ti buled Having an inclosed entrance. voucher vouch'er A receipt showing payment of a debt; any document evidencing a transaction. claimant claim'ant One who puts in a claim. waybill way'hill A document containing a de- scription of and shipping direc- tions for goods. delivery de llv'er y Completed transfer from one to another. damages dam'a ges Money paid for injuries. fireman fire'man One who attends to the fire in a locomotive. breakage break'age An allowance for things broken. schedule sch&d'xile A formal list. time-table time-table A schedule showing times of arriving and leaving of trains at different stations. accommodation ac com'wzo da'tion A train stopping at all stations. accidental 2,c'gi d^n'tal Happening by chance. conmautation c6m'mu taction Act of paying in gross instead of part at a time. switchman swi^ch'man One who tends switches. telegraphic t^l'e grSph'ic Pertaining to telegraphy. watered w^a'tered Said of stock when capitalization is increased with nothing back of it. Common Expressions on schedule time vestibuled car commutation ticket perishable goods accommodation train certificate of stock differential gondola demurrage commuter NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 91 LESSON 94 Principal Railroads of the United States .Atchison, Topeka & Santa F6 (the Sante F<5) . A. T. & S. F. Atlantic Coast Line A. C. L. Baltimore & Ohio B. & O. Boston & Albany B. & A. Canadian Pacific C. P. Chesapeake & Ohio C. & O. Chicago & Alton (the Alton) C. & A. Chicago&North Western (the North Western)C. & N. W. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (the Burlington or the ''Q") C. B. & Q. Chicago Great Western (the Great Western) . C. G. W. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul (the Mil- waukee or the St. Paul) C. M. & St. P. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific (the Rock Island) : .C. R. I. & P. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis (the Big Four) C. C. C. & St. L. Delaware & Hudson D. & H. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western D. L. & W. Denver & Rio Grande (the Rio Grande) . . D. & R. G. Erie Erie. Grand Trunk G. T. Great Northern G.N. lUinois Central I. C. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern (the Lake Shore) L. S. & M. S. Lehigh Valley L. V. Louisville & Nashville L. & N. Michigan Central M. C. MinneapoHs, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie, (the Soo Line) M., St. P. & S. S. M. New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R. (the Nickel Plate) N. Y., C. & St. L. New York, New Haven & Hartford N. Y., N. H. & H. New York, Ontario & Western N. Y., O. & W. Northern Pacific N. P. Pennsylvania Penn. Philadelphia & Reading P. & R. Southern Southern. Southern Pacific S. P. Union Pacific U. P. 92 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 95 Review veneer claimant accidental Ontario Minneapolis damages telegraphic interurban telegram Illinois Michigan caboose accommodation locomotive lintel Rio Grande logging clapboards dispatcher Chesapeake perishable Sault Ste. Marie passenger Lehigh semaphore schedule carrier chestnut commuter throttle Santa Fe drayage baggage Lackawanna switchman Rock Island Delaware duplicate signals Milwaukee mahogany cross-grained Albany freight Pennsylvania Pacific collision Philadelphia concession Canadian LESSON 96 Words Common in Horticulture pruning prun'ing orange Sr'ange raspberry ra§7)'(or ra§) ber ry seedling seed'hng grafting grafting blight blight scion sci'on blossoms bl6s'som§ gooseberry goose'ber ry biennial bi gn'ni al nursery nfir'se ry navel na'vel sapling s^p'ling staminate stam'i nate spraying spra2/'ing pistillate pis'til Zate lemon Igm'on barren barVen grapefruit grape'fru^t fragrant fra'grant citron git'ron Grafting, an inserting of buds from one plant on another so as to produce a lasting union. Scion, the bud or branch grafted. Navel, a kind of orange, usually seedless. Staminate, having stamens, but not pistils (said of flowers). Pistillate, having pistils, but not stamens (said of flowers). Bordeaux (mixture) tamarind apricot tangerine NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 93 LESSON 97 Clothing and Materials suspenders petticoat trousers blazer sweater raglan cravenette collar chemise tunic fichu jabot lingerie bodice surplice cravat necktie pantaloons knicker- bockers waistcoat overcoat ulster chemisette sus p6n'der§ pgt'ii eoat trou'serg bla'zer swSat'er rSg'lan craVen ette' cSrZar ghe m'ise' tu'nic figh'u ja (zha) bo^' *iaN'zhe n'e' bSd'ige stir'pliQe era vat' n6cA;'tie' pan'ta loons' alpaca grenadine broadcloth buckram velveteen Silesia foulard messaline astrakhan serge cheviot chiffon brocades cambric nainsook dimity organdie or organdy gingham percale sateen taffeta cretonne al pac'a grgn'a dine brSad'cloth btick'ram vgl'vet een' si le'sia fou lard' mgs'sa line' as'tra k/?an serge 9h6v'i ot 9hi/ f 6n' bro cadeg' cam'bric nam'sook dim'i ty or'gan die ging'/iam per cale' sa teen' taf'/e ta ere t6nne' knick^er b6cA;'ers wa^st'coat o'ver coat' til'ster gh^m'i §6t^e Bodice, a kind of underwaist. Raglan, a loose overcoat with long sleeves. Cravenette, a water-proof cloth used for rain coats. Jabot, plaited lace and muslin worn at the neck. Lingerie, linen underwear. Surplice, a style of waist in which one side of the front laps across the other. Fichu, a cape-like piece of neckwear made of lace or muslin. Chemisette, a sleeveless bodice. *N marked thus, n, denotes a nasal sound of the preceding vowel, but is not itself sounded. trousseau khaki balbriggan guimpe 94 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 98 Words Common in the Grocery almonds armond§ spaghetti spa ghM'ti biscuit bis'cwit essence fis'senye preserves pre §erve§ oleomargarine o'le o mar'ga rine pineapple pine'ap'ple cottolene c6Vto lene halibut hal'i but wafers wa'fer§ cabbage cab'6age cucumbers cu'cum berg chocolate chSc'o late radishes rUd'ish es cocoa co'co a turnips tur'nips cauliflower cawl'i flow'er rutabagas ru'ta ba'gas saleratus sarer a'tus kohl-rabi kohV-m'hi macaroons mac'a rdon§' pickles picA;'le§ macaroni mac 'a ro'ni onions on'ions (yon§) kerosene kgr'o sene' olives 5rive§ sardines sar dme§' bluing blu'ing sorghum sor'g/ium celery gSrer y molasses mo las'seg pimento pi mSn'to oysters oys'ter§ catchup or catch'up allspice airspige' catsup cat'sup vanilla salmon va nil'i^a saZm'on asparagus mushrooms as p^r'a gus mtish'roomg indigo in'di go Graham Gra'ham syrup lettuce s5^r up mt'tuce (is) crockery cranberries crSc/c'er y cran'ber ries Macaroons, small cakes made of whites of eggs, sugar, and almonds. Graham, unbolted wheat flour. Spaghetti, a kind of macaroni made in smaller tubes. Oleomargarine, a substitute for butter. Cottolene, a substitute for lard. Rutabagas, Swedish turnips. Kohl-rabi, a kind of cabbage with turnip-like grov/th in the center. Pimento, allspice; a kind of red pepper. gherkins chowchow paraffin (two spellings) NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 95 LESSON 99 Words Common in the Hardware Business galvanized gal'va nized percolator per'co la'tor wrenches i^r6nch'e§ staple sta'ple levers Ie'(or I6v) er§ grater gra'ter barbed barbed pliers pli'er§ roofing roofing kettle UVtle revolver re v^l'ver screens screen§ rifle ri'fle hinges hin'ge§ pistol pis'tol razor ra'zor andirons and'i'rons (urn§) flatiron fiat'rron (urn) ventilator v6n'ti la'tor socket sSck'et corkscrew cork'screw bicycle bi'gy cle sprinkler spriijk'ler fixtures fix'ture§ scissors sd§'sor§ casters or cast'erg shears shear§ castors wringer WJring'er colander coran der spittoon spi^ toon' bracket brack'et ferule fgr'ule extinguisher ex tii^'guish er emery Sm'er y funnel fun'nel trigger trlg'^er hatchet ha/ch'et forceps for'geps couplings cotip'ling§ griddle grid'i^lg polish pQl'ish padlock pad'lock racket or gimlet gimlet racquet rack'et varnishes var'nish e§ toaster toast'er Andirons, supports for wood in a fireplace. Percolator, a kind of coffee pot. Pliers, a tool for bending or cutting wire. Caster, a small wheel on a swivel. Colander, a utensil with small holes in the bottom for straining. Forceps, an instrument Hke tongs used for grasping and holding firmly. Racket, a bent strip of wood with a network of cord used in playing tennis. transom caliper perforated jute 96 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 100 Spelling Down List alternating accident contributor depot magnetism commuter quarry resistance pendulum Canadian acidity displacement motorcycle dimity planed controller tobacco vestibuled freight acetylene Cincinnati taffeta alpaca bamboo subscriber tamarind piston optician cottolene asparagus concession bulletin physician circuit damages fertility stereopticon dynamo Atchison schedule incandescent acceleration fragrant cedar oscillation asphalt specifications coupler pasteurization potential kerosene percale oculist thermostat Chesapeake humus shredder journalist gingham poplar timothy copyright trousseau cylinder logging silage hydraulics accommodation auctioneer Colorado regulator Quincy Bordeaux architect condenser bicycle vignette borax turbine perishable basswood insulation cotton forceps sculptor siphon electrician Lehigh lintel veterinary aluminum biennial viaduct editorial chauffeur cheviot roofing culls graphite colander NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 97 policy accumulation appraisal annuity fraudulent endowment premium dividend beneficiary equitable adjustment certificate mutual surplus mortality inflammable assignment underwriter lapse percentage immunity LESSON 101 Words Common in Insurance p6ri gy A certificate of insm-ance. ac cu'mu la'tion Addition of profits to the active capital of a corporation. Act of setting a value upon. An annual allowance instead of a lump sum payment. Of the nature of fraud. ap prar§ al an nu'i ty frawMu lent en doVment pre mi um div'i dend Life insurance which provides for the payment of a fixed sum at the end of a certain number of years. Amount paid annually for insurance. The share of company earnings paid to the policy-holder, bgn'e fi'ci (shi) The person who is to receive the a ry proceeds of the insurance, gq'ui ta h\e Marked by fairness. Sid just'ment The settlement of a fire loss. ger t!f'i cate A written statement legally author- ized. mu'tu al Pertaining to the plan of insurance in which the policy-holders constitute the company. stir'plus The assets of the company in excess of its debts. mor tal'i ty A table showing the probable num- ber of deaths in a year among a given number of persons of a given age. in fiS-m'ma ble Burning easily. as sigrn ment A transfer of title or interest. tin'der tf;rit'er One who signs a policy. lapse The termination of a policy because of failure to pay the premium, per ggn'tage The allowance on a hundred. im mu'ni ty State of being exempt or freed from. tontine mortuary prudential fraternal NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 102 Terms Common in Domestic Science rhubarb r/iu'barb caramel cSr'a mel waffles wa/'fle§ scalloped scar (or scal)oped paring par'ing charlotte russe char'Iot russe' scrubbing scrtib'6ing croquettes cro qu&ttes' saucepan sawge'pan chowder chow'der simmering sim'mer ing deviled dgv'iled microscope mi'cro scope gelatin or tine ggra tin garbage gar'bage crullers crtil7er§ ammonia son mo'ni a doughnuts dough'nUta' jellies jmies stuffed stM/ed bluish blu'ish garnishes gar'nish e§ utensils u t6n'sil§ ingredients in gre'di ents croutons crow't6n§' relish rgl'ish sandwich s^ndVich fritters Meters arranging ar ran'ging frappe frap'pe' chafing cha'fing gridiron grld'i'ron (urn) vaporized va'por ized parboil par'boil cellulose ggrZu lose icing i'ging sterilize stgr'il ize meringue me ringue' (r^ng) tureen tu reen' marmalade mar'ma lade waitress waz'tress muffins miif'/ing skewer skew'er curried ctir'ned condiment c5n'di ment piccalilli pic'ca imi Croutons, small pieces of toasted bread served with soups. Cellulose, the chief substance in the framework of plants. Condiment, seasoning. Skewer, a wood or metal pin for fastening meat. Scalloped, baked with bread crumbs and seasonings. Charlotte russe, whipped cream or custard inclosed in sponge cake. Croquettes, a fried ball of minced meat, rice, etc. Chowder, a dish made of fish, clams, biscuit, and onions stewed. Deviled, prepared with hot condiments. Frapp6, a flavored ice, frozen soft. Parboil, to boil partially. Meringue, beaten egg whites with sugar. Curried, prepared with curry, a condiment made from curry (an Asiatic shrub,) leaves, and various spices. Piccalilli, mixed pickles. sauteing braising fricassee mayonnaise NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 99 LESSON 103 Words Common in the Dry Goods Business mohair mo'hair satin sat'in suede suede (swed) piqu^ pi qu^' poplin pQp'lin silkaline sflk'a line' umbrella um brgrZa crinoline cr][n'o Vine parasol p^r'a sol pongee pon gee' doilies doi'lie§ flannel fian'nel chenille qhe mile' batiste ba tiste' honiton h6ii'i ton flaxon fiax'on jaconet jac'o net scrim scrim denim dgn'im drapery dra'per y delaine de lame' underwear tin'der wedr' chambray gham'bray buttons biit'tong ''challis ghal'Zis trimmings trim'mingg overalls o'ver alZ§ linen lln'en remnants rSm'nants patterns pat'^ern§ crepe crepe pillows piYlow§ toweling tow'el ing sheeting sheet'ing zephyr zgph'yr embroideries em broi'der ie§ saxony s^x'o ny fringes frln'geg ruching ru9h'ing mittens mit'Zeng mackintosh mack'in tosh surah su'ra/i napery na'per y supporters sup por'ter§ damask dam'ask insertion in ser'tion Suede, Swedish glove leather. Napery, table linen. Pique, a ribbed cotton fabric. Mackintosh, a waterproof outer garment. Challis, a light cotton or wool dress fabric. Silkaline, a soft, thin cotton fabric with a finish resembling silk. *Look up the other spelling of this word. mercerize fashionable Valenciennes crochet 100 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 104 Words Common in the Furniture Business rattan ra^ tan' hammock ham'mock linoleum li no'le um couches couch'es buffet bu/ iet'or buffet mirrors mir'rorg bureau bu'reau (ro) cheval ghe val' upholstered up hol'stered pedestal pgd'es tal matting mS,t'^ing perambulator per am'bu la'tor carpeting car'pet ing settee se^ tee' cupboard cup'board reclining re clln'ing cabinet cab'i net leatheret or Igath'er et davenport dav'en port leatherette iSath'er ^tte' molding mold'ing curtain ctlr'tain ingrain in'gram' Circassian 9ir c^s'sian brussels brtis'sels bird's-eye bird's'-eye' moquette mo qu&tte' fumed fumed tapestry tap'es try jardiniere jar din'i ere or wicker wick'er zhar'di'nyer' hassock has'sock revolving re v6rving pier-glass pier'-glass sectional sgc'tion al commode com mode' *baluster bal'us ter sideboard side'board imitation im'i ta'tion bamboo bam boo' polished p5l'ished automatic aw 'to mafic stretchers strgtch'ers bedstead bgd'stead morris m5r'ris weathered wSath'ered adjustable ad jtis'ta ble suites swits extension ex tgn'sion *This word has a corrupted form, banister. Look up the meanings of all of the above words that you do not know. Be prepared to use the words in sentences. Common Expressions rattan rocker curtain fixtures cheval i nirror leatherette cushion Circassian walnut fumed oak revolving chair baluster back sectional bookcase highly polished bedroom suites bird's-eye maple kitchen cabinet extension table taborette (two speUings) chiffonier divan ottoman NEW BUSINESS SPELLER •le^: T,K8S0N 105 Review fraudulent stuffed sandwich crochet appraisal batiste annually pique suites linoleum relish mutual utensils mirrors challis overalls beneficiary scalloped ammonia Valenciennes embroideries chambray inflammable parasol microscope chenille sterilize napery prudential ruching Circassian pedestal annuity condiment meringue mercerize imitation commode equitable cheval rattan adjustable rhubarb hammock policy flannel banister fricassee jardiniere icing LESSON 106 Words Common in the Jewelry Business sapphire sap'phire earrings ear'ringg amethyst am'e thyst tiara ti a' (or a) ra bracelet brage'let topaz to'paz lavalliere la val'lyer' opal o'pal turquoise or tur qt^oise' or carbuncle car'bun cle turquois ttir'qwoig scarab scar'ab garnet gar'net Tiffany Xr/a ny emerald gm'er aid ornament or'na ment onyx 6n'(or on) yx solder s5rder setting s^t'^ing repairing re pair'ing agate ag'ate diamond dia'mond Lavalliere, a fine gold or silver neck chain with pendant. Tiara, a crown-like head ornament. Carbuncle, a garnet set in convex form, but without facets. Scarab, a representation of the beetle in stone. Tiffany, a style of settiug diamonds. chrysolite chalcedony baroque jade W2: .\ IffeW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 107 Words Common in the Drug Business prescription calcium sulphurous iodine magnesia pepsin charcoal licorice henzine vaseline quinine potash camphorated horacic alcoholic calomel glycerine laudanum chloroform ether pre scrlp'tion cai'gi um suKphur ous i'o dine mag ne sia pgp'sin char'coal Hc'o rige ben'zlne vS.s'e line qui'nine p6t'ash cam'phor at'ed bo r^g'ic urco h6ric cal'o mel glyg'er ine lau'(orla)danum carbolic cAlo'ro form troches e'ther belladonna formaldehyde formai'dehyde disinfectant iodoform i o'do form lozenge denatured pestle mortar arsenic strychnine morphine cocaine liquor diluted capsules medicinal cathartic laxative astringent pharmacy de na'tured m6r'tar ar'sen ic stryc/i'nine mor'phine CO came' liq'wor di lu'ted c^p'suleg me dig'in al ca thar'tic l^x'a tive as trin'gent phar'ma cy pharmaceutics phar'ma geu'tics carbonated car'bon at'ed car b6ric tro'c/ie§ bSl7a dSn'na dis'in f Sc'tant iSz'enge Calcium, a silver- white soft metal; a chemical element. Formaldehyde, a disinfectant. Iodoform, an antiseptic dressing for wounds. Denatured, having the nature changed— said of alcohol into which oil has been put to render it unfit for drinking. Laxative, having a mild loosening effect upon the bowels; cathartic, having a more violent effect. Astringent, contracting or drawing together; opposite of laxative. Pharmaceutics, the science of preparing medicines. Carbonated, charged with carbonic acid gas. Troche, a tablet or lozenge for sore throat. Look up pestle and mortar, above words you do not know. Find the meanings of any of the crucible prophylactic arsenical phosphorus NEW BUSINESS SPEL7.ER ' , iP2 LESSON 108 Words Common in the Practice of Medicine bronchial bilious operation quarantine virus serum br6i)'c/ii al bil'ious (yus) 6p'er a'tion quar'an tine vi'rus se'rum antitoxin or ine an'ti t5x'in microbe dyspeptic malignant membranous ulceration amputation paroxysm vaccination stimulant hygiene surgical incision tubercular corpuscle anaemic or anemic intercostal mi'crobe dys pgp'tic ma Hg'nant mgm'bra nous iir9er a'tion am'pu t a'tion p^r'ox ysm v^c'gi na'tion stim'u lant cuticle jugular feverish capillary perspiration inhalation lethargic neuralgic rheumatic pleuritic abnormal perspiratory respiration gastric unconscious curvature hy'giene (or giene) hypodermic sur'gi cal curative in gi'gion tu ber'cu lar c6r'pus cle a naSm'ic In'ter c5s'tal remedial purgative delirium tourniquet catarrhal cu'ti cle ju'gu lar f e'ver ish cS,p'il IsL ry per'spi ra'tion in 'ha la'tion le thar'gic neu ral'gic rheu mafic pleu rit'ic ab nor'mal per spi'ra to ry rgs'pi ra'tion gas'tric un c6n'scious cur'va ture hy'po der'mic cu'ra tive re me'di al ptlr'ga tive de lir'i um towr'ni qwet ca tar'r/ial Virus, the poison of an infectious disease. Serum, the watery portion of an animal fluid remaining after a clot is formed. Antitoxin, a compound that will neutralize a poison. Malignant, tending to produce death. Anaemic, having few red blood corpuscles, therefore pallid and lacking in vigor. Intercostal, between the ribs. Jugular, pertaining to the neck; the jugular vien is the large vein in the side of the neck. Lethargic, morbidly drowsy; dull. Pleuritic, pertaining to pleurisy, a disease of the lung covering. Tourniquet, a device for stopping bleeding. Look up any words you do not know. Be prepared to use the words in sentences. anesthetic contagion bacteriology mucous •^tJi-'/'J:'^ : /NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 109 Some Common Diseases tuberculosis tu ber'cu lo'sis A disease characterized by small masses of morbid matter in some internal organ or part. paralysis pa r^Fy sis The loss of the power of voluntary motion. typhoid ty'phoid Resembling typhus, a contagious fever. A contagious disease of the throat. diphtheria appendicitis cancer measles whooping cough epilepsy diph the'ri a ap pgn'di gi'tis Inflammation of the appendix. cSii'ger mea'§le§ i^^hdop'ing cougW 6p'i iSp'sy rheumatism rheu'ma tism neuralgia neu riU'gi a pleu'ri sy pleurisy anaemia or anemia pneumonia catarrh phthisis adenoid peritonitis sciatica astigmatism erysipelas a nae mi a pneu mo'ni a ca tarr/i' p/ithi'sis ad'e noid pSr'i to ni'tis sci 3.t'i ca A malignant growth. A contagious, feverish disease ac- companied by eruptions on the skin. A violent, convulsive cough. A disease characterized by fits at intervals and loss of conscious- ness. A disease marked by inflammation of the joints. A disease characterized by extreme pain along some nerve. An inflammation of the lung-covering. A disease marked by lack of quahty or quantity of blood. Inflammation of the lungs. An inflammation of any mucous membrane. Consumption of the lungs. A growth in the nostrils. Inflammation of the intestinal cover- ing. Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. a stig'ma tism A defect of the lens of the eye. 6r'y sip'e las A feverish disease accompanied by inflammation of the skin. bronchitis diabetes goiter (two speUi neuritis NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 105 LESSON 110 Review solder chloroform anesthetic pharmaceutics bacteriology tiara phosphorus laudanum diluted anaemic onyx mortar boracic typhoid neuralgic paralysis quarantine diamond strychnine disinfectant catarrhal camphorated tourniquet amethyst arsenic remedial alcohoHc licorice ornament pneumonia diabetes rheumatic neuritis glycerine incision adenoid formaldehyde tendency cocaine benzine measles delirium mucous dyspeptic vaseline tubercular appendicitis tuberculosis bronchitis pleurisy LESSON 111 Words Common in the Practice of Law magistrate m^'is trate felony m'o ny probation pro ba'tion probate pro'bate quitclaim quit'clazm' warrant war'rant executor ex 6c'u tor legacy iSg'a gy administrator ad min'is tra'tor codicil c6d'i gil referee refer ee' witness wit'ness plea plea testimony tgs'ti mo ny revision le vi'gion injunction in jtir^c'tion verdict ver'dict testament tgs'ta ment indictment in dict'ment misdemeanor mis'de mean'o client cli'ent Indictment, the formal written statement charging an offense. Felony, a crime greater than a misdemeanor. Probate, official proof, especially of wills. Warrant, the writ authorizing an arrest, search, or seizure. Codicil, something added to a will. Testament, a will. Injunction, a writ granted by a court forbidding the doing of certain acts. A mandatory injunction commands the doing of a certain act. Misdemeanor, a petty crime. Look up all words that you do not know. Be prepared to use the words in sentences. subpoena penal warranty jurisprudence 106 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 112 Words Common in the Practice of Law- custody ciis'to dy Judicial safe-keeping. tort t6rt Any wrongful act (except a breach of contract) for which civil action may be brought. homicide h6m'i 9ide The killing of a person. replevin re plSv'in The writ by which goods wrongfully taken are recovered. waive wawe To set aside. exemption ex: Smp'tion Freedom from a charge or burden. proxy prSx'y Power to act for another. alimony 2,1'i mo ny An allowance made to a wife by her husband upon her separation or divorce from him. default de fault' The failure of one of the parties to a case to appear in court at the proper time. rebuttal re btit'^al Evidence given to contradict that previously given. venue vSn'ue The place or county from which the jury is taken or in which the trial is held. versus ver'sus Against. litigation llt'i ga'tion A suit at law; engaging in suits at law. A pleading that the matter alleged is insufficient to prove the case. A maritime court. The one appealing a case. State of being unable to pay one's debts. The release of a prisoner on his word of honor. The charge of an offense or crime. Entitled to give bail. The legal inquiry into the cause of a sudden death. demurrer de miirVer admiralty appellant bankruptcy parole accusation bailable inquest ad'mi ral ty ap pgrZant bai)k'rupt qy pa role' S,c'cu ga'tion bail'a ble ii^'quest Common Expressions • bailable offense w^aive examination change of venue evidence in rebuttal malfeasance alibi parol circumstantial NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 107 LESSON 113 Words Common in the Practice of Law penalty p6n'al ty violation vi'o la'tion prohibition pro 'hi bl'tion incorporate in cor'po rate annulment an nul'ment legislation Igg'is la'tion annulled an nulled' repealed re pealed' tenancy tgn'an 97 realty re'al ty chattels chat'^el§ minor mi'nor specialty spg'cial ty severally sSv'er al ly defense or de f Snse' defence duress du'ress assent as s6nt' option 6p'tion embezzle em h^z'zXe fulfillment ful moment valid vai'id The punishment fixed for the vio- lation of a law. Act of breaking or disregarding the law. Act of forbidding. To authorize to act as one person. The making void of an agreement. The act of making laws. Made of no force or effect. Recalled, said of a law. Occupation of a property; holding of an estate. Real estate. Movable property. One under legal age; lesser. A contract by deed. Apart from others; separately. The denial of the defendant. An illegal forcing to do or not to do some act. To admit a thing as true. A privilege given in a time contract to demand fulfillment on any day within a specified limit. To take for one's own use property held in trust. Performance. Having legal force. Common Expressions penalty attached embezzle the trust funds a weak defense goods and chattels annulled the contract legislature repealed the law right to incorporate interpretation of the law violation of agreement prohibited the sale of in fulfillment of his promise a valid objection negotiable usury forfeiture garnishee 108 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 114 Words Common in the Practice of Law rescind trespass culpable condemn attachment limitation verbal manslaughter barred outlawed voluntary liquidate residue insolvency appraise- ment proceedings aforesaid institute notary coupon surety re sdnd' trSs'pass cul'pa ble con demn' a,t tS,ch'ment A To repeal or cancel. To enter upon another's land un- lawfully. Deserving blame. To pronounce punishment upon; to take private property for public use. writ commanding seizure of property, lim'i ta'tion A period limited by law after which the person can not enforce his claim, ver'bal Expressed in spoken words. m^n'slsiugh'ter The unlawful killing of a human being. barred out'lai^ed' vSrun ta ry liq'ui date r6§'i due in sOl'ven 9y Prevented by sufficient legal ob- jection. Deprived of legal force, as by lapse of time. Without legal compulsion. To pay off. What is left. The state of being unable to pay one's debts. ap praz§e ment pro ^eed'ings Act of setting a value upon. The steps taken in a legal action. afore'said'(s6d)Said or named before, in'sti tute To begin, no'ta ry An officer who acknowledges deeds and other writings, cow'pon A certificate of interest due. sure'(shur) ty One becoming legally liable for another. Common Expressions liquidate the debt condition of insolvency convicted of perjury a verbal contract institute legal proceedings claimed the residue notary public condemn the prisoner evidence was barred a writ of attachment mortgage mortgageor guarantor assignee NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 109 LESSON 115 Review executor litigation violation custody alimony felony warrant misdemeanor barred annulled valid alibi admiralty testimony legacy limitations circumstantial accusation chattels bailable defendant waive plaintiff Uquidate -severally residue specialty rescind indictment subpoena interpretation appellant appraisement exemption forfeiture replevin assignee rebuttal aforesaid condemn revision trespass duress incorporate Colonel Col. Doc. Major Maj. Common Usage of Titles Doctor M. A. Brown or M. A. Brown, M. D. Pres. J. O. Downer H. R. H. George the Fifth Rev. H. B. Stone Messrs. Grover & Falk Hon. S. R. Greene Supt. A. M. Jones A. L. Brooks, P. M. Mrs. N. L. Smith Mr. A. R. Hume Lieut. J. L. Black C. M. Towne, M. P. M. R. Tracy, LL. B. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 149 LESSON 165 Review decimeter chaplain philosophy receptacle irreparable Reading Aid-de-camp Berkeley vestige La Crosse chastisement Hoboken kilogram ligament St. Augustine unprejudiced inefficient thermometer justifiable Paterson divinity hektogram mortising alacrity surgeon Honorable Council Bluffs inveigh Reverend Sioux City Commodore manslaughter Corporal hektare pitiable Delaware rancid Knoxville stalwart dilapidated Admiral kilometer Saginaw Mademoiselle liter intercession flaccid miraculous skepticism Denison Trans- Atlantic Lines White Star Hamburg-American Cunard North German Lloyd Anchor Holland America Norwegian America Scandinavian-America LESSON 166 Steamship Lines Well-known Ships Olympic, Adriatic, Baltic, Cedric, Celtic. Vaterland, Imperator, Aquitania, Lusitania, Mauretania. Kxonprinz Wilhelm, Kaiser Wilhelm 11. Columbia, Caledonia, Cameronia. Rotterdam, Potsdam, New Amsterdam. Bergensfjord, Kristianiafjord. Frederick VIII, United States, Oscar II. Great Lakes Lines Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Erie & Western Transportation Co. Lehigh Valley Transportation Co. Marquette & Bessemer Dock & Navigation Co. Port Huron & Duluth Line Chicago & Duluth Transportation Co. Northern Michigan Transportation Co. Union Steamboat Line 150 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 167 Steamship Lines — Eastern Metropolitan Steamship Line Panama Railroad Steamship Line Hartford & New York Transportation Co. Quebec Steamship Co. Old Dominion Steamship Co. Royal Dutch West India Mail West India Steamship Co. New York & Baltimore Transportation Line Steamship Lines — Pacific Coast California Navigation and Improvement Co. Pacific Navigation Co. San Francisco & Portland Steamship Co. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. California & Oregon Coast Steamship Co. Vancouver Transportation Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. LESSON 168 Miscellaneous Words recipient amphibious execrate fractious laryngitis misery illustrious itinerant fortnight wainscot catastrophe re gKp'i ent am phib'i ous 6x'e crat^ frS-c'tious lar'yn gi'tis mis'er y i^ Itis'tri ous i tln'er ant iovt'mght wain'scot ca tS,s'tro phe tarlatan sassafras elocution arrogant treachery conservatory saccharine incipient gymnastics obloquy tar'la tan s^s'sa fras gl'o cu'tion ar'ro gant trSach'er y con ser'va to ry sac'cAa rine in gip'i ent gym nS^s'tics 6b'lo quy Amphibious, able to live both on land and in water. Execrate, to detest utterly. Fractious, apt to break out into a passion. Itinerant, wandering; not settled. Tarlatan, a kind of thin, stiff muslin. Saccharine, having the nature of sugar; sweet. Obloquy, language that casts contempt on men or their actions. colloquy contaminate hsTpocrite inertia NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 151 LESSON 169 Cities Countries Alexandria Al'ex an'dri a Egypt Pretoria Pre to'ri a Transvaal Adelaide Ad'e laide South Australia Kabul Ka'bul Afghanistan Edmonton Ed'mon ton Alberta, Canada Algiers Algiers' Algeria Valparaiso Varpa raf §o Chile Bagdad Bag dad' Asiatic Turkey Bahia Bahi'a Brazil Baireuth Bal'roit' Germany Bangkok Bang'k6k' Siam Calais carats France Genoa GSn'o a Italy Hongkong HSng'kong' China Johannesburg Jo (yo) han'nes burg Transvaal Barcelona Bar'ge lo'na Spain Belgrade Bgl'grade' Servia *Veracruz Ve'ra crus' (or cruz) Mexico Benares Ben a'res India Monterey M6n'te re?/' Mexico *The form Vera Cruz is commonly seen in newspapers. LESSON 170 Review Havana Scandinavian recipient of many favors a fractious horse Cunard lessons in elocution Puget Valparaiso Lehjgh Veracruz egregious blunder incipient paralysis indelible pencil illustrious ancestor Norwegian Marquette Buenos Aires Michigan Metropolitan amphibious animal immaculate in person teacher of gymnastics once a fortnight a saccharine taste 152 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 171 *Federal Civil Service Tests First Grade Second Grade cylinder adjacent opponent suspicious promissory souvenir president terrace essential conceding conqueror rapping discernible lineage wholesome language opportunity deleterious achieve schedule deceitful horizontal tranquil tying deference patrimony detach vulgar insertion certificate expensive course facilitate reservoir decease salary Schenectady privilege noticeable Chicago Common Expressions will greatly facilitate matters run on schedule time certificate of stock granted the privilege conceding the point promissory note wasted his patrimony deleterious to health abused the privilege discernible in the distance on an adjacent farm lace and insertion to match suspicious of his motive wholesome restraint detach the coupon in the course of the day a noticeable difTerence news of his decease an expensive habit rapping for order legal opponent tying the knot *These lists are in the nature of reviews, as most of the words have already been presented. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 153 LESSON 172 Synonyms The lessons from 172 to 184 inclusive are largely reviews and also furnish drill in synonyms. The horizontal lines are made up of synonymous words, but it should be borne in mind that no two words are exact synonyms. abandon relinquish resign surrender abasement degradation disgrace humiliation abbreviate shorten curtail retrench abdicate renounce vacate forego abettor accessory (noun) accomplice confederate abhor detest loathe abominate abide continue remain tarry abiding continuing unchangeable permanent ability efficiency talent aptitude abjure forswear disown repudiate abnormal unusual anomalous irregular abode residence domicile habitation abolish nullify State the difference in meaning between abandon and surrender continuing and unchangeable abbreviate and retrench abasement and humiliation abide and tarry accomplice and confederate ability and talent abnormal and anomalous Common abnormal growth nullify the conditions relinquish the claim resign his position curtail expenses accomplice in crime abdicate the throne a disgrace to the profession to abjure allegiance Expressions abolish slavery continue to increase an abiding love a permanent position an aptitude for management repudiate the claim an unusual occurrence strive for efficiency vacate the premises 154 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 173 Synonyms aboriginal native primitive original abortive unsuccessful fruitless faihng abrupt precipitous unceremonious brusque absolute unlimited unconditional peremptory absolve exonerate discharge acquit abstinence forbearance self-restraint moderation abstract summary abridgment digest abundance plenty affluence luxuriance abusive scurrilous opprobrious insulting accede consent concur acquiesce accelerate expedite dispatch hasten accident *casualty disaster catastrophe accountable responsible peremptory pgr'emp to ry Notice the accent and the sound of the first e. *Notice that there are only four syllables in this word. Distinguish between aboriginal and original absolute and peremptory absolve and discharge abstinence and moderation accede and concur accelerate and dispatch consent and acquiesce abstract and summary affluence and plenty accident and disaster Common absolute control expedite matters an abrupt or precipitous descent a brusque or unceremonious manner an abortive attempt failing health responsible for the omission primitive customs aboriginal or native inhabitants unconditional surrender Expressions a fruitless effort exonerate or absolve from blame total abstinence abstract of the deed summary of the argument digest of the news luxuriance of vegetation Hved in affluence blamed for the casualty scurrilous language NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 155 LESSON 174 Synonyms accuracy precision exactness correctness accusation arraignment impeachment indictment acknowledgment recognition admission avowal advantageous profitable useful beneficial antipathy- hatred repugnance dislike apparel garments raiment attire barbarous uncivilized merciless brutal barrier obstacle hindrance obstruction blasphemous irreverent profane sacrilegious CRndid impartial imbiased ingenuous champion protector defender advocate prudent discreet circumspect cautious boundary limit Antipathy means a feeling against; sjrmpathy means a feeling hence, for; hence the two words are opposites. Circumspect means, hterally, looking about or around, watchful on every side. Which is the stronger word in each of the following cases? blasphemous or irreverent admission or avowal prudent or discreet accusation or arraignment hatred or dislike hindrance or obstruction Distinguish between advantageous and useful impeachment and indictment candid and impartial profitable and useful boundary and limit barbarous and brutal protector and advocate cautious and discreet Common Expressions jury brought an indictment feeling of antipathy profane language arraignment of the prisoner unbiased opinion spoke with precision a barbarous or uncivilized people remove all obstacles merciless or brutal conduct an impartial jury hindrance to success in gay attire 156 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER T.ESSON 175 Review Essential casualty beneficial indictment schedule accede barbarous patrimony privilege luxuriance obstacle precipitous deleterious accordance promissory obstruction wholesome abstinence scurrilous noticeable conqueror unbiased peremptory reservoir deeeitful facilitate opponent blasphemous anomalous suspicious souvenir dispatch permanent antipathy irreverent opprobrious accomphce arraignment primitive recognition humiliation ingenuous advantageous acknowledgment abbreviate acquiesce raiment explicit unchangeable disaster LESSON 176 Synonyms antecedent • prior preceding previous appraise estimate conjecture value clamorous vociferous noisy turbulent circuitous roundabout wandering indirect burlesque mockery travesty mimicry commendable laudable praiseworthy approved contaminate corrupt poison defile continual uninterrupted unremitting ceaseless corpulent fleshy bulky obese credentials testimonials certificates vouchers decorate ornament embellish beautify detrimental injurious prejudicial pernicious directly instantly Distinguish . between appraise and conjecture circuitous and wandering fleshy and bulky testimonials and vouchers directly and instantly vociferous and turbulent NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 157 LESSON 177 discrepancy Synonyms disagreement variance discordance distinguished noted famous conspicuous efficacy force potency efficiency eccentric singular pecuUar erratic enervate weaken enfeeble debilitate equivocal doubtful obscure ambiguous evident obvious manifest apparent fluctuate vacillate waver vibrate accidental casual unexpected fortuitous garrulous wordy talkative loquacious gratuity gift bounty donation harmless innocuous inoffensive innocent hostile enervate vacillate hostile unfriendly 6n'er vate or e ner'vate Note that there is only one c, but two Z's. hSs'tIk Note the short sound of i. Which is the stronger word? hostile or unfriendly evident or apparent distinguished or conspicuous garrulous or wordy peculiar or eccentric inoffensive or innocent Distinguish between distinguished and conspicuous efficacy and efficiency doubtful and ambiguous unexpected and fortuitous harmless and innocent gift and donation of obscure origin unfriendly criticism accidental discharge accept the gratuity prices fluctuate distinguished citizen ambiguous statement vacillate between two opinions Common Expressions an evident error of doubtful authority a casual remark eccentric behavior an unexpected event an apparent mistake often at variance an inoffensive manner 158 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER indefatigable irascible knavery lavish laudable inexplicable lethargy limited livelihood lucid lucrative mammoth manifold enigmatical maintenance Hvelihood untiring irritable trickery immoderate praiseworthy unexplainable torpor confined suppor clear gainful gigantic numerous e'nig mat'i cal mam'te nange live'li hood LESSON 178 Synonyms unwearying fiery rascality extravagant commendable unaccountable stupor narrow sustenance luminous profitable immense Distinguish between torpor and inaction livelihood and sustenance lucid and luminous lucrative and increasing laudable and worthy persevermg quick-tempered villainy wasteful worthy enigmatical inaction restricted maintenance reasonable increasing stupendous Notice the long sound of e. 'Notice the second syllable and the accent. Notice the sound of the first i. inexplicable and enigmatical lethargy and stupor irascible and irritable clear and reasonable trickery and villainy Common Expressions Supply any suitable word or words from the above lesson state of - lay in a - ■ efforts ■ expenditure • means ■ behavior undertaking • employment ■ ambition statement occupation within limits earned a ■ ■ venture temper NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 159 L] ESSON 179 i Synonyms mediocre ordinary indifferent mediimi mendacious lying false counterfeit mistake blunder oversight error mockery derision ridicule mimicry motive incentive stimulus influence nefarious heinous wicked detestable nourish foster sustain maintain obdurate unbending insensible stubborn obstinate headstrong persistent unmanageable occupation business profession trade onerous burdensome troublesome oppressive perverse nonchalant wayward careless contrary ungovernable nSn'gha lant 6n'er ous The English pronunciation of this word has be generally adopted. Notice the sound of the first o. c6n'tra ry Notice the accent. Distinguish between mediocre and indifferent obdurate and insensible obdurate and obstinate occupation and profession burdensome and troublesome foster and maintain derision and mimicry troublesome and oppressive mendacious and counterfeit motive and influence Common ungovernable temper counterfeit coin learn a trade engage in business study the profession occupations of the people of mediocre quality a heinous crime due to oversight sustain the argument Expressions headstrong youth medium grade a wayward child a burdensome requirement an oppressive measure doubt his motive nefarious scheme a nonchalant air an error in calculation a mockery of justice 160 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER irascible mimicry unbiased circuitous blasphemous arraign merciless obstacle humiliation unsuccessful prior controversy corpulent immediately efficacy conspicuous gratuity unreasonable fluctuate accidental unusual domicile apparel acknowledgment laudable LESSON 180 Spelling Down List decorate ambiguous continuing garrulous original hostile obstacle fortuitous circumspect barbarous aboriginal degradation repudiate accelerate scurrilous exonerate appraise immoderate fiery accountable arraignment antipathy raiment manifest beneficial praiseworthy adherence approval ceaseless discrepancy efficiency extravagant unchangeable loquacious uninterrupted impediment credentials vacillate contaminate fracas eccentric distinguished innocuous talkative equivocal apparent enervate indefatigable unaccountable mendacious livelihood wayward maintenance obstinate persevering heinous mediocre lucrative knavery obdurate unwearying gigantic nefarious enigmatical lucid irritable manifold sustenance nonchalant unmanageable onerous perverse mammoth inexplicable detestable NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 161 LESSON 181 Synonyms ordinance enactment decree edict plenary entire complete absolute poisonous venomous baneful noxious practice custom usage habit preamble introduction preface prelude precinct district territory subdivision probity honesty integrity uprightness procrastinate defer delay postpone quandary difficulty perplexity imcertainty ^qualified suited fitted adapted query question inquiry doubt rebellion revolt insurrection mutiny *qualified modified probity, prSb'i ty *Notice the two meanings as denoted by the synonyms. Distinguish between ordinance and decree ordinance and edict plenary and absolute poisonous and noxious custom and habit procrastinate and postpone query and doubt Supply any suitable word of the court an of the city defer and postpone precinct and territory inquiry and doubt difficulty and uncertainty preface and prelude probity and uprightness or words from the above lesson according to • the- • of the book - power • weeds a peculiar - a voting - ■ snake ■ of the crew • his statement • influence ■ to the constitution • to his tastes • the meeting put down the ■ played the - a among the employees 162 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 182 Synonyms recompense requite relentless rigid records archives remunerate compensate reconcile conciliate chronicles annals redress repair reunite pacify remiss dilatorj^ remedy relieve reprehensible culpable negligent inattentive repulsive repellent censurable blameworthy reticent reserved forbidding offensive residue remnant uncommunicative silent renowned famous remainder balance reparation amends celebrated remarkable rigorous severe restitution compensation romantic fantastic archives, ar'c/iiveg Distinguish between requite and remunerate annals and history records and archives reparation and restitution reserved and silent remnant and balance rigorous and relentless renowned and remarkable repulsive and offensive repair and relieve redress and relieve reunite and pacify Common Expressions demanded restitution of the property reticent in business matters a rigorous climate rigid enforcement a severe cold a famous artist reconcile the factions repair the injury preserved in the archives pacify the child offered compensation neghgent in dress a remarkable performance inattentive to business of dilatory habits reprehensible conduct celebrated in history amends for the injury remiss in his duties consulted the records reserved in manner NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 163 LESSON 183 Synonyms sagacity shrewdness penetration discernment requisite necessary essential indispensable resistance opposition hindrance obstruction sanction countenance ratification approbation scrupulous cautious conscientious careful settlement adjustment arrangement liquidation signify betoken ■ denote imply slander malign defame calimmiate solicit beseech importune entreat strenuous zealous ardent urgent subtlety craftiness artfulness acumen subterfuge artifice pretext evasion supersede supplant calumniate ca liim'ni ate acumen a cu'men Which is the more general word? ratification or approbation liquidation or arrangement sagacity or shrewdness pretext or evasion Distinguish between opposition and obstruction solicit and importune strenuous and urgent craftiness and acumen supersede and supplant subterfuge and artifice beseech and solicit careful and scrupulous resistance and obstruction signify and imply gave as a pretext ardent support indispensable to success possessed of great shrewdness adjustment of the claim solicit subscriptions sued for slander all necessary arrangements urgent need Common Expressions with keen penetration betokens ill imply the opposite settlement of the estate a zealous disciple sanction the proceeding countenance the act liquidation of the debt meet with your approbation 164 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER ] LESSON 184 Synonyms surveillance *oversiglit inspection supervision tacit implied silent inferred tendency inclination propensity proclivity threaten menace portend warn transient fleeting fugitive transitory trespass encroach infringe invade umbrage offense resentment pique unfeigned sincere genuine real unity concord harmony agreement validity soundness cogency efficacy virile masterful forceful manly wily crafty artful subtle universal unlimited *This has another meaning. Lesson 179. Of what is it a synonym? See surveillance sur veil'lance (yans) Distinguish between threaten and warn tacit and silent menace and portend transient and fugitive Which is the stronger word? infringe or invade forceful or manly Close watch. crafty and subtle umbrage and pique virile and manly unity and harmony unfeigned or genuine tacit or inferred sued for tresspass in a fit of pique vahdity or soundness of the argument threaten punishment warn of coming evil under constant surveillance unfeigned joy a propensity for stealing inclination to procrastinate Common Expressions submit to inspection has general supervision encroach upon our rights invade the country of genuine or real worth a sincere friend take umbrage at his remarks a tendency to destroy unlimited means NETV BUSINESS SPELLER 165 LESSON 185 Review baneful probity quandary usage precinct uncertainty difficulty mutiny query noxious adapted reparation procrastinate reconcile reticent rigid dilatory chronicles conciliate recompense rigorous zealous indispensable acumen residue requisite malign supersede calumniate artifice scrupulous unfeigned subtlety sagacity conscientious proclivity approbation pique fugitive cogency surveillance tacit propensity validity virile alluvial tendency trespass umbrage genuine LESSON 186 Miscellaneous Words soliloquy so lll'o quy prologue pro'logwe factitious fac tf tious bulwark bul'wark nebulous ngb'u lous refugee rSf 'u gee' opaque paqize' obscurity ob scu'ri ty anachronism an ac/i'ro ni§m lacteal lac'te al penance pgn'ange sycamore syc'a more pretentious pre tSn'tious inoculate in 6c'u late jeopardy j 6op'ar dy suffice su/fi9e'(orfIz) braggart brag'grart predominant pre dSm'i nant inveigle in vet'gle scrutiny scru'ti ny rendezvous raN'de voo mariner m^r'i ner intoxication in t6x'i ca'tion tantalize tan'ta lize platitude piat'i tude Factitious, not natural. Compare in meaning with fictitious. Nebulous, cloudy; not clear. Anachronism, an error in the order of tirne. Rendezvous, an appointed place for meeting. Prologue, the preface or introduction to a poem or other com- position. 166 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 187 Miscellaneous Words comparative poignancy politic sectarian neurotic truism quibble pungency noisome obtrusive persecution submissive com pa,r'a tive poigrn'yan gy p5ri tic sec ta'ri an neu rSt'ic tru'igm qulb'^le ptin'gen gy noi'some ob tru'sive per'se cti'tion sub mis'sive martyrdom alligator authentic tedious genealogical appetizing paradise rarity asylum gentility elegance relegate imperceptible im'per ggpt'i ble repugnant palpable adherent aliment supplicate allege trespasser lineament sanguine frivolity persuasion facial palliate pai'pa ble ad he'rent al'i ment siip'pli cate al 16ge' trSs'pas ser Un'ea ment sai^'guine(gwln) fri v6ri ty per swa'§ion fa'cial parZi ate rudiments embryonic initial unstable ultimate consternation tremor undying irritability incomparable unwary secular mar'tjT dom arZi ga'tor aw then'tic te'di ous ggn'e a I5g'i cal ^p'pe ti'zing pS-r'a dise r^-r'i ty a sy'lum gen tfl'i ty Sl'e gauge r6Fe gate re ptig'nant ru'di ments Sm'bry 6n'ic in f tial un sta'ble iil'ti mate cSn'ster na'tion tre'mor un dy'ing irVi ta bil'i ty'par able un wa'ry sSc'u lar Poignancy, sharpness; keenness. Sectarian, pertaining to a religious sect or sects. Truism, a self-evident truth; a commonplace. Noisome, harmful; unwholesome; unpleasant to smell. Palpable, very plain or clear. Sanguine, hopeful. Palliate, to soften. Relegate, to banish or transfer. Secular, pertaining to things not religious or spiritual. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 167 LESSON 188 Miscellaneous Words pestilential pgs'ti I6n'tial voracious characteristic char'ac ter Js'tic forensic illiberal pestiferous rabid recondite querulous discretionary quixotic petulant vocation employment rapacious interstices schism sedulous inelastic cringing servile solicitous suavity magnificent sumptuous appalling cohesive il Hb'er al pes ttf'er ous rab'id rgc'on dite qugr'u lous dis crS'tion a ry quix 6t'ic pgt'u lant vo caption em ploy^ment ra pa'cious in ter'sti geg scM§m s6d'u lous In'e las'tic crin'ging ser'vlle so Hg'i tous swav'i ty mag nif'i ^ent stimp'tu ous ap pairing CO he'sive pertinacious despotic meditation metamorphic assuage misconception variegated nautical interrogatory deplorable astronomical maritime jollity immodesty marital festivity vegetarian proximity loosening ecstatic contiguity repository indecisive vo ra cious fo rgn'sic per'ti na'cious des p6t'ic mgd'i ta'tion mSt'a mor'phic as swage mis'con ggp'tion va'ri e ga'ted naw'ti cal in'ter rSg'a to ry de plor'a ble as'tro n5m'ic al mar'i time jSrZi ty im mSc^'es ty mar'i tal f es tlv'i ty vgg'e ta'ri an prox Im'i ty loos'en ing ec stat'ic c5n'ti gu'i ty re p5s'i to ry In'de gi'sive Recondite, very learned. Quixotic, chivalric to an extreme. Interstices, spaces between the parts of a body. Schism, a division or separation. Forensic, belonging to courts or debate. Marital, pertaining to the marriage relation. Common Expressions assuage his grief in querulous tones solicitous for his welfare deplorable consequences tenacious of his rights suavity of manner 168 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 189 Miscellaneous Words 6b'sti na 52/ pti'tre fy ing dor'mant In'de gls'ion vin'di ca'tion ^ns^wer a ble con tSn'tious lu'na 9y g/iast'ly im pe'ri ous mSg'is te'ri al ere va ted ma jgs'tic l^i cal multitudinousmtil'ti tu'di nous jocular mania ma'ni a insignificant siirVep tftious cri'sis e mtirsion py'ro tSc/i'nics surmountable sur mount'a ble momentous mo mSn'tous equanimity e'qua nim'i ty prevalent pr6v'a lent Contentious, quarrelsome. Lyrical, fitted to be sung. Surreptitious, done by stealth. Pyrotechnics, fireworks. Fallacy, deceptive or false appearance. Frangible, easily broken. Euphonious, sounding well. Pommeled, bruised. Sybarite, a luxurious person. Empiric, one who relies upon experience alone. obstinacy putref3ring dormant indecision vindication answerable contentious lunacy ghastly imperious magisterial elevated majestic malice lyrical surreptitious crisis emulsion pyrotechnics environs timorous guttural devastation instigate frailty flippant fallacy spontaneity frangible impetuous euphonious extortionate pomegranate fastidious pommeled munificent sybarite vinaigrette unsullied niggardly immutable empiric en vi ron§ tlm'o rous gtit'^r al dgv'as taction in'sti gate frail'ty fiip'pant ihVla, gy sp6n'ta ne'i ty fr^n'gi ble im pSt'u ous eu phon'i ous ex tor'tion ate pome gr^n'ate fas tid'i ous j6c'u lar In'sig nif'i cant pom'meled mu nif'i gent syb'a rite vin'ai gr^tte' un siir/ied nJg'^ard ly im mti'ta ble em pfr'ic NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 169 LESSON 190 Miscellaneous Words dissembler dis s6m'bler incongruous inc6n'gruous implacable impla'cable inadvertently In'ad ver'tent ly narcissus nar qXs'sus perpetual per pSt'u al abhorrent ab hSrVent gossiping gQs'sip ing fealty fe'alty unalloyed un'aHoyed' warranted war'rant ed materialize ma te'ri al ize futility fu tfl'i ty magnanimous mag niin'i mous salutary sai'u ta ry inimical in Im'i cal hiatus hi a'tus haversack hav'er sack merriment mgrViment celestial 96 I6s'tial profligacy prSf'li ga gy audacity aw dag'i ty effrontery e/fron'tery tenet tfin'et divulge diviilge' dissipated dis'sipated doleful dole'ful vitiated vi'ti (shi) a ted vilifying viVi fy ing hairbreadth hair'brgadth' halcyon har^yon calamitous caiam'itous synopsis syn 6p'sis epitome e pit'o me duplicity dupU^'ity deterioration de te'ri o ra'tion voluptuous vo lup'tu ous groveling gr6v'el ing acquiescence ac'qui gs'genge talisman tai'is man subsidiary sub sid'i a ry covetous cov'e tous dastardly das'tard ly inquisitive in qur§'i tive invulnerable in vtirner a ble captious c^p'tious jocund j5c'und penitental p6nlt6n'tial lymphatic lym phat'ic propinquity pro pli^'qui ty Epitome, an abstract or brief statement of contents. Halycon, happy. Hiatus, an opening. Haversack, a ration bag. Common Expressions jocund mirth hairbreadth escapes deterioration in value implacable anger of dissipated habits lymphatic glands a dastardly act perpetual motion divulge the secret subsidiary coin 170 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 191 Miscellaneous Words disseminate upheaval ostentatious prefatory sociability ventriloquist amicable antagonist forethought apparition perforation probability autocratic vandalism dis sSm'i nate up heav'al os'ten ta'tious prgf'a to ry so'ci a bil'i ty ven triro quist am'i ca ble an t^g'o nist iore'thoughV hp'psi rf tion per'fo ra'tion prSb'a bll'i ty au'to cr^t'ic v^n'dal i§m vivacity typographical usurious alleviate stipulation adversary aperture competition phantom worrying orifice assiduous expostulate authoritative presumptuous pre gump'tu ous apprehensive tragedian arduous redolent aromatic comedian acerbity effected gratifying brougham defacement tra ge'di an S-r'du ous rcd'o lent S,r'o mat'ic CO me'di an a ger'bi ty e/f6c'ted grat'i fy ing hrougham de fagg'ment immerse revery nonsensical acceptable interpreter affected insignificance belligerence velocipede calumny vi vac'i ty ty'po graph'! cal u gu'ri ous sd le'vi ate stip'u la'tion ad'ver sa ry ap'er ture c6m'pe tf tion phS,n'tom wor'ry ing 5r'i fige as sid'u ous ex p5s'tu late SiU th5r'i ta tive ^p'pre hSn'sive im merse' rgv'er y non sgn'si cal ac gSp'ta ble in ter'pre ter a/ f Sct'ed in'sig nlf'i cange hel Hg'er ence ve log'i pede c^Fum ny Effected, accomplished, under one management. Affected, artificial; not natural, as to attract attention. Affected, changed. My opinion is not affected by what he said. They effected a union of the two roads Her manners were so affected Common Expressions prefatory remarks apprehensive of evil aromatic vinegar amicable relations the belligerent nation alleviate suffering usurious interest redolent of perfume NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 171 LESSON 192 Miscellaneous Words straitened obliterate wrangling liveliness ceremonious disastrous defamation propagate buffoonery ethereal masquerade libelous strait'ened ob Wt'er ate i(;rai;'gling live'li ness gSr'e mo'ni ous dis S-s'trous dgf'a ma'tion prSp'a gate bu/ f oon'er y e the're al mS,s'qwer ade' li'bel ous linguistic lin guls^tic pusillanimous pu'si^ lan'i mous championship cham'pi on ship blemish liberator clandestine unfortunate turbulence advocacy ordinarily negligible chiropodist systematically s;^s'temat'icalZy diplomacy provocative pro v6c'a tive rubicund ornamental or'na ment al notably plausibility plaw'si bll'i ty personnel asphyxiated as phfx'i a ted veteran v6t'er an incarnation ecclesiastical ec cle'§i as'ti cal eventually deliberately de llb'er ate ly suffragette amalgamation a mS,rga ma'tion embodying inquisitorial in quig'i to'ri al accentuate clarified ciar'i fled substantially monopolize mo nSp'o lize destructive avalanche av'a lanche intervening Pusillanimous, of weak or mean spirit. blSm'ish lib'er a'tor clan d 6s' tine un f or'tu natei ttir'bu lenge ad'vo ca gy or'di na'ri ly nSg'li gi ble c/d rSp'o dist di plom'a 9y ru' bi cund no'ta bly pSr'sow B.&V contemptuously con tgmp'tuously in'car na'tion e v6n'tu al ly suf'/raggt^e' em b6d'y ing ac Qgnt'u ate sub stan'tial ly de strtic'tive In'ter ven'ing Common Expressions of rubicund countenance avalanche descended embodying our views intervening time ecclesiastical authority in straitened circumstances substantially correct obliterate all traces disseminate your opinions a negligible quantity an obsolete custom monopolize the conversation disastrous consequences provocative of an argument deliberately provoked the assault without a blemish 172 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 193 Miscellaneous Words dissatisfied interstate intrastate celibacy similarly simplified mediation artificially dis sS,t'is fled in'ter state' in'tra state' ggl'i ba qy sim'i lar ly sim'pli fied me'di a'tion ar'ti fl'cial ly holidays h51'i da?/§ environment en vi'ron ment comprehensive c5m'pre hSn'sive disobedience dis'o be'di enqe tribunal tri bu'nal negotiations ne go'ti a'tiong Ignoramus haphazard chicanery specific charivari ig'no ra'mus hap h3,z'ard ghi can'er y spe gif'ic gha ri'va rf summarized stim'marlzed pictorial hsrphenated philology kleptomania exhaustion etymology alphabetical prestige handicraft vulcanized sociology diagnosis sixtieth catholicity superiority recalcitrant unbalanced colloquial vulgarity ellipsis chatelaine pic to'ri al hy'phe na'ted phi l6l'o gy klSp'to ma'ni a ex: /ia2/s'tion 6t'y m5ro gy 3.1 'pha bSt'i cal pres tezh' hS,n'di craft viircan ized so'ci 5l'o gy di'ag no'sis six'ti eth cath'o lig'i ty su pe'ri 6r'i ty re cal'gi trant un baranged col lo'qui al vul gS-r'i ty el hp'sis ghat'e lame munitions mu nf tions recuperate re cu'per ate contraband c6n'tra band inadequacy in ad'e qua gy *coadjutor co'ad ju'tor delegation dSl'e ga'tion cavalier cS-v'a Ker' supplementary sup'ple mgn'ta ry contemporaneous con tem'po ra'ne ous Chatelaine, watchguard. Interstate, between states. Intrastate, within the state. Coadjutor, a colleague or helper. Vulcanized, said of gutta percha or caoutchouc which has been heated with sulphur. Ellipsis, an omission. Kleptomania, an insane propensity for stealing. Prestige, force or charm derived from character or reputation. *Notice the accent. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 173 LESSON 194 Miscellaneous Words pro ver'bi al ly mechanically me c/ian'i cal ly psychic a e'ri al proverbially sluggish sliigVish psychic compilation c6m'pi la'tion ^ aerial approximately ap prox'i mate ly spasmodic spa§ m6d'ic paucity pau'qi ty tentacles tgn'ta cle§ exceptionally ex cgp'tion al ly perceptibly per ggpt'i bly ^unerring un SrVing virulent vir'u lent extricate gx'tri cate parasite par'a site affiliate a/ffl'iate hieroglyphics hi'e ro gljrph'ics shilly-shally shil'Zy-sharZy ultimately til'ti mate ly subservient sub ser'vi ent succulence siic'cu lenge diversify di ver'si fy propaganda pr6p'a gS,n'di offertory Sf'/er to ry aberration ab'er ra'tion arbitrator ar'bi tra'tor sorcery sor'ger y sinewy sin'ew y agitators ag'i ta'tor§ cyclonic cy cl6n'ic regretted re grgt'^ed breviary bre'vi a ry indecencies in de'gen 9ie§ telephonic tei'e ph5n'ic revolutionize rSv'o lu'tion ize oracular o rac'u lar alabaster S-l'a bas'ter tabulating tab'u lat'ing obsession ob sgs'sion automatically aw'to mat'i cal ly photographic pho'to graph'ic convolutions c6n'vo lu'tion§ hurly-burly hiir'ly-biir'ly manila ma nll'a monogram mSn'o gram transversely trans verse'ly immeasurably im m6a§'u ra bly insidious in sld'i ous aggrandizement ag gran'dize ment *Notice the sound of e. oracular statement labor agitators revolutionize the methods immeasurably superior insidious influence spread the propaganda a virulent disease revolves automatically Common Expressions regretted the mistake spasmodic efforts paucity of ideas telephonic communication tabulating the contents approximately correct ultimately yield perceptibly different 174 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 195 Spelling Down List ordinarily diffident porcelain emancipation hemisphere directory porous inimitable revelation fragile feminine imitate obsolete countenance descriptive ruffian omitted antagonist acceding legible replenish disappoint movable supremacy implement covetous indefinite harass aluminum erroneous morocco excruciating gazetteer incredible inflammable ellipse noticeable indispensable horizontal axiom gossamer lucrative guinea irrepressible paraphernalia demoralize missile interference utilized incorruptible expiration chiffonier grotesque prejudice orator preeminent referred emanate deliberately inflammation delegate reservoir extraordinary liniment tranquillity macadamize misdemeanor minimum prognosticate indefatigable recompense confectionery Fahrenheit conscientious ignominious perseverance equaled occurrence privileges paralyzed assassin symmetrical deterioration proficiency dissuade champagne halibut irritable dissipation abhorrence commemoration appendicitis ostensible caricature acclamation imminent rebellious facetious exhilarate hemorrhage NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 175 LESSON 196 Spelling Down List monopolist accommodation subpoena vacillate dissimilar predecessor naphtha colloquy sjmonymous physique ecstasy ehgible susceptible affidavit inveigle rendezvous restaurant strychnine soliloquy auspicious incompetency explanatory souvenir symphony unwarrantable unanimous catechism mignonette recommendation acknowledgment anomaly knapsack chagrined precipitous residuary silhouette beneficial kerosene silesia opossum irreparable annihilate equipage furlough sacrilegious chicanery feudalism obeisance fictitious codicil recipient clarinet incorrigible dynamo equitable filibuster acquiesce exuberant anesthetic sacrament succumb incompatibility abscess vignette inseparable accumulation convalesce obesity pneumatic reparation amanuensis meerschaum infinitesimal extirpate paroxysm trellis monotonous emaciated melancholy pantomime garrulous despicable disparaging resurrection initiatory legitimate harangue scrutinize canceled exaggerate heirloom iUicit guarantee consummate scurrilous recurrence ameliorate nonpareil fricassee captious 176 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER LESSON 197 Common Abbreviations Account acct. or a/c Ad libitum (at ad lib. pleasure) Administrator Adm. Administratrix Admx. Aetatis (of age) aet. Agent Agt. All right O. K. America or Amer. American Amount amt. Anno domini (in A. D. the year of our Lord) Anonymous anon. Answer ans. Ante meridian A. M. (forenoon) Aqua (water) aq. Assistant Asst. Avenue Av. or Ave. Average Av. Balance bal. Bale bl. Banking bkg. Barrel bbl. Before Christ B. C. Bill for collection B/C Bill of exchange B/E Bill of lading B/L Brothers Bros. Brought down B/D Bushel bu. Buyer's option B. O. Cent ct. or ^ Chapter Ch. Chapters cc. Civil Engineer C. E. Collect on C. O. D. Delivery Id est (that is) i. e. Incognito (un- incog. known) Confer (compare) of. Credit or creditor Cr. Debit or debtor Dr. Defendant Deft. Deo volente (God D. V. willing) Department Dept. Ditto (the same) do. or " Doctor Dr. Dozen doz. Each ea. Errors and omis- E. & O. E. sions excepted Et alii (and others) et al. Et cetera (and so etc. or &c. forth) Et sequentes (and et seq. or following) sqq. Exchange Exch. Exempli gratia (for e. g. example) Express Exp. Figure Fig. First-cl Al Folio fol. Foot or feet ft. Free on board f . o. b. Freight frt. Gallon gal. Grand Army of the G. A. R. Republic Handkerchief hdkf. Hogshead hhd. Horse power H. P. Hundred hund. Ibidem (in the same ibid. place) Idem (the same) id. Inch in. Instant (this inst. month) NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 177 LESSON 198 Common Abbreviations Interest int. Quart qt. In transitu (during in trans. Query or question qy. or (?) passage) Quod erat demon- Q. E. D. Invoice inv. strandum (which Junior Jr. was to be proved) Manufacturers Mfrs. Quod vide (which q. v. Manufacturing Mfg. see) Manuscript MS. Railroad R. R. Manuscripts MSS. Railway Ry. Memorandum memo. Received reed, or rec'd Merchandise mdse. Repondez s'il vousR. S. V. P. Money Order M. 0. plait (Please reply) Month mo. Returned ret d . or ret'd Mountain Mt. Saint St. Nota bene (take N. B. Scilicet (namely) ss. notice) Secretary Sec. Ounce oz. Section Sec. Package pkg. Senior Sr. Page P- Street St. Pages pp. Superintendent Supt. Paid pd. Treasurer Treas. Payment payt. or pay 't Ultimo (last month) ult. Peck pk. UnitedStatesArmyU. S. A. Per centum (by per cent. United States Mail U. S. M. the hundred) United States Pint pt. Military Academy U. S. M. A. Plaintiff plff. United States Naval Post meridian P.M. Academy U. S. N. A. (afternoon) United States Navy U. S. N. Postscript P. S. Versus (against) vs. Pound lb. Videlicet (namely) viz. Pour prendre P. P. C. Volume vol. conge (to take Week wk. leave) Weight wt. Pro tempore (for pro tern. Yard yd. the time being) Year yr. Proximo (next prox. month) 178 NEW BUSINESS SPELLER ad infinitum ad valorem alias a priori apropos au revoir cafe LESSON 199 Foreign Words and Phrases ad in'fi nf turn Without limit. MVa lo'rem a'li as a'pri o'ri ^p'ro pos' o're vwar' ca'fe' According to value. Otherwise called. From causes to effects. Suitable to the subject. Until we meet again. A restaurant. caveat emptor ca've at gmp'tor Let the buyer beware. consomme cSn'som me' Meat and vegetable broth. debris de'bris' Rubbish. decollete de'c6l7e te' Low-necked. dishabille dis'/ia hille' A loose garment, or state of being carelessly dressed. eclair e claiV A small cake containing flavored cream. eclat e clat' Brilliancy; striking effect. employe aN'plwa'ye' One employed by another. ennui ai^'nwe' Boredom; tedium. en route aN'rpi^te' On the way. ex officio 6x o/fi'ci(shi)6 By virtue of the office. ex post facto 6x post fac'to From a thing done afterwards. fiance • fi'an'ce' A betrothed man. fiancee fi'an'cee' A betrothed woman. gratis gra'tis For nothing; free. habeas corpus ha'be as c6r'pus You may have the body; a legal suit. in re In re In the matter of. menu mSn'u A bill of fare. Note, n (small capital) indicates the nasal tone of the preceding vowel, made by sending out the breath through both nose and mouth. The n is not sounded — it merely indicates nasalization. NEW BUSINESS SPELLER 179 per capita per diem prima facie pro rata per cap'i ta per df em pri'ma f a'gi e pro ra'ta LESSON 200 Foreign Words and Phrases nisi prius ni'si pri'us Unless before. nolens volens no'leng vo'leng Unwilling or willing. nolle prosequi n6Vle pr6s'e qui To be unwilling to prosecute. outre Qw'tre' Out of the common course ; beyond. par excellence par 6x'c6Z'laNs' Pre-eminently. per annum per S,n'num By the year. By the head. By the day. At first view. Proportionately. One under the care or protection of another. Something for something; tit for tat. Sought out with care; choice. System of management. A summing up. Turned up. A session. Without setting a day. State in which anything is. Time flies. Solid earth. Face to face; privately. The order being changed. Word for word and letter for letter. protege or gee pro'te zha' quid pro quo quid pro quo recherche re gher'ghe' regime re zhem' resume re §u'me' retrousse re trQws'se' seance se ange' sine die si'ne di'e status in quo sta'tus In quo tempus fugit tgm'pus fu'git terra firma t6r'ra fir'ma tete-a-tete vice versa verbatim et literatim tete'-a-tete' vi'ge ver'sa ver ba'tim 6t llt'ep a'tim modus operandi mo'dus 6p'er ftn'di Manner of working. INDEX The figures following each word indicate the page on which the word may be found (no notation being made for reviews). Italic type shows that the pronunciation is given on the page shown by the accompanying number. Bold-faced type shows that the word is pronounced and defined on the page shown by the accompanying number. abandon 153 abandonment 119 abasement 153 abbreviate 44 abdicate 153 abdication 75 Aberdeen 140 aberration 173 abet 18 abetted 18 abetting 18 abettor 18 abhor 153 abhorrence 42 abhorrent 169 abide 153 abiding 153 ability 57 abjure 153 abnormal 103 aboard 41 abode 153 abolish 139 abolition 139 abominable 65 abominate 153 aboriginal 141 abortive 154 abrasive 122 abridgment 26 abrupt 154 abcess 125 absence 131 absent 14 absolute 75 abstinence 154 abstract 39 absurdity 110 abundance 154 abusive 114 abutting 111 Abyssinia 132 Abyssinian 132 academician 129 academy 129 acanthus 111 accede 154 acceding 174 accelerate 57 acceleration 82 accent 14 accentuate 171 accept 53 acceptable 170 acceptance 70 access 15 accessible 57 accessory 71 accident 89 accidental 90 acclamation 174 acconunodate 57 accommodation 90 accompaniment 126 accompanist 85 accomplice 129 accord 13 accordance 70 accordion 126 account 176 accountable 65 accountant 141 accrued 121 accumulation 97 accumulator 115 accuracy 110 accusation 106 accustom 110 acerbity 170 acetylene 83 achieve 60 acidity 87 acknowledgment 26 acquaintance 70 acquiesce 112 acquiescence 169 acquisition 57 acquit 17 acquittal 17 acquitted 17 acquitting 17 actor 72 acumen 163 adapted 161 addends 78 adding 83 address 13 Adelaide 151 adenoid 104 adherence 110 adherent 166 ad infinitum 178 adjacent 152 adjective 42 adjustable 100 adjustment 97 ad libitum 176 administration 74 administrative 144 administrator 105 administratrix 176 admirable 23 Admiral 148 admiralty lOS admissible 65- admission 155 admit 18 admittance 18 admitted 18 admitting 18 admonition 63 adolescent 120 Adriatic 149 ad valorem 178 advance 13 advancement 129 advantage 25 advantageous 25 adversary 170 adversity 119 advertisement 86 advertiser 85 advice 54 advisable 23 advise 54 advisory 23 advocacy 171 advocate 155 Aeolian 126 cterial 173 aerodrome 117 aeronaut 117 I INDEX aeronautics 117 aeroplane 83 aerostatics 117 aetatis 176 affability 120 affect 54 afifected 170 affidavit 124 affiliate 173 aflarmative 57 affliction 116 affluence 70 Afghan 132 Afghanistan 132 aforesaid 108 agate 101 agencies 29 agency 29 agent 176 aggrandize 119 aggrandizement 173 aggravation 112 aggregate 116 aggressor 72 aggrieve 60 aghast 137 agile 39 agitate 133 agitation 143 agitators 173 a^ree 25 agreeable 25 agreement 164 agriculture 87 Aid-de-camp 148 air 83 Alabama 136 alacrity 146 alabaster 173 ^Zasto 130 Albany 140 Alberta 151 alcoholic 102 alcove 111 Alexandria 151 alfalfa 87 Algeria 132 Algiers 151 Algerine 132 alias 178 alibi 106 aliens 73 alignment 122 aliment 166 alimony 106 aZZe^e 166 alleged 143 Allegheny 134 allegiance 70 allegro 126 alleviate 170 alliance 74 alligator 166 allopathy 146 allowance 41 alloys 34 all right 37 allspice 94 alluvial 135 ally 13 almanac 129 almighty 37 almonds 94 almost 37 alone 37 alpaca 93 alphabet 86 alphabetical 172 already 37 also 37 altar 46 alter 46 alternating 80 although 37 altitude 77 alto 36 altogether 37 Alton 91 ^/ioona 147 altos 36 aluminum 83 always 37 amalgamation 171 amanuensis 85 amateur 112 amazement 119 Amazon 134 ambassador 76 ambiguity 116 ambiguous 57 ambitious 57 ameliorate 175 amelioration 63 amenable 65 amendment 74 amends 162 America 176 amethyst 101 amicable 170 ammonia 98 ammunition 137 amount 176 ampere 81 amphibious 150 amplified 135 amputation 103 Amsterdam 142 Amur 134 amusement 26 anachronism 165 anaemia 104 anaemic 103 analogous 119 analysis 139 Anam 132 Anamese 132 anatomy 141 Anchor 149 anchor 72 ancestor 72 andante 126 andirons 95 anecdote 112 anemometer 117 anemone 146 anesthetic 103 anguish 120 animosity 57 annals 162 Ann Arbor 136 annexation 74 annihilate 119 anniversaries 31 anniversary 31 Anno domini 176 announce 26 announcement 26 annoyance 33 annoys 34 annually 40 annuity 97 annular 122 annulled 107 annulment 107 anode 80 anomalous 119 anomaly 119 anonymous 119 answer 176 answerable 168 antagonist 170 antecedent 42 ante meridian 176 anteroom 56 anthem 126 antipathy 155 antique 112 antiseptic 83 antitoxin 103 anxieties 29 anxiety 29 aperture 170 apologetic 114 apologies 29 apology 29 apostrophe 125 appalling 167 apparatus 115 apparel 15 apparent 123 apparition 170 appeal 76 appearance 110 appellant 106 appellate 76 appendicitis 104 appendix 114 appetite 114 appetizing 166 appliance 29 apply 29 applying 32 apportionment 76 appraise 156 appraisal 97 appraisement 108 INDEX apprehension 110 apprehensive 170 approbation 163 appropriation 63 approval 23 approved 156 approximate 57 approximately 173 appurtenance 133 apricot 92 a priori 178 apropos 178 aptitude 153 aqua 176 aqueduct 127 Aquitania 149 arabesque 111 Arabia 132 Arabian 132 arable 139 arbitration 73 arbitrator 173 arcade 111 archipelago 36 archipelagoes 36 architect 85 archives 127 ardent 163 arduous 170 are 146 Argentina 130 arguing 23 argument 26 arid 77 aristocracy 75 Arizona 136 Arkansas 134 armature 80 armful 15 armistice 74 armory 39 aromatic 170 arpeggio 126 arraignment 58 arrangement 26 arranging 98 arrival 23 arrive 23 arrogant 160 arsenic 102 arsenical 102 arteries 31 artery 31 Artesian 64 artful 164 artfulness 163 artifice 163 artificial 139 artificially 172 artist 85 asbestos 83 ascension 117 ascertain 121 asleep 40 asparagus 94 asphalt 83 asphyxiated 171 aspirant 27 assailant 39 assassin 174 assemblage 23 assembling 23 assent 107 assessable 124 assets 120 assignee 108 assiduous 170 assignment 97 assimilation 120 assistance 42 assistant 176 association 63 assuage 167 assurance 129 asthma 125 astigmatism 104 astragals 88 astrakhan 93 astringent 102 astronomical 167 Asuncion 130 asylum 166 Atchison 91 Athens 142 athletics 127 ^/i« 60 Honduras 130 hyphenated 172 immensity 27 heinous 60 honesty 161 hypnotize 58 immerse 170 heir 60 Hongkong 151 hypocrisy 139 immigration 73 heiress 59 honiton 99 hypocrite 150 imminent 174 heirloom 110 Honolulu 130 hypodermic 103 immoderate 158 /^e^tore 146 Honorable 148 hypotenuse 78 immunity 97 INDEX 16 immutable 168 impanel 15 impartial 58 impassable 66 impassible 66 impeachment 155 impecunious 68 impediment 114 impel 40 imperative 123 Imperator 149 imperceptible 166 imperil 21 imperiled 21 imperiling 21 imperious 16S impervious 68 impetuous 168 implacable 169 implement 87 implied 164 imply 163 implying 32 import 14 importune 163 impossible 38 impostor 125 impression 86 imprisonment 109 impromptu 127 improper 72 improvement 150 imprudent 56 impulsively 26 impurities 30 impurity 30 inaction 158 inadequate 56 inadvertently 169 inattentive 162 inaugural 110 inauguration 135 incandescent 80 incarceration 143 incarnation 171 incendiary 135 incentive 127 incessant 114 incidental 112 incipient 150 incision 103 inclination 143 incline 13 inclose 24 inclosure 24 inclusion 38 inclusive 41 incognito 176 incoherent 112 incomparable 166 incompatibility 175 incompatible 114 incompetent 124 incompetency 175 incomprehensible 65 inconceivable 66 incongruous 169 incorporate 107 incorrect 38 incorrigible 65 incorruptible 65 increasing 158 incredible 174 increment 112 incurable 23 indecencies 173 indecision 168 indecisive 167 indefatigable 158 indefensible 44 indefinite 143 indelible 65 indemnify 109 indemnity 109 indentation 86 indenture 109 independence 70 independent 39 indestructible 44 India 132 Itidian 132 Indiana 136 Indianapolis 140 indicative 119 indict 49 indictment 105 indifferent 123 indigenous 69 indigestible 42 indigo 94 indirect 156 indispensable 123 indite 49 individual 129 indivisible 146 Indo-China 132 Indo-Chinese 132 indomitable 135 induce 38 inducement 26 induction 38 Indus 134 industrial 77 industries 30 industrious 116 industry 30 inefficient 146 inelastic 167 inertia 150 inevitable 66 inexhaustible 66 inexplicable 125 infancy 110 infectious 68 infer 20 inferable 18 inference 20 inferior 72 inferred 164 infinitesimal 139 infirmity 114 inflammable 97 inflammation 63 influence 70 influential 116 infringe 26 infringement 26 ingenious 54 ingenuous 54 ingrain 100 ingredients 98 inhalation 103 inherit 22 inheritance 22 inherited 22 inheriting 22 inimical 169 inimitable 110 iniquities 30 iniquity 30 initial 166 initiative 137 initiatory 123 injunction 105 injuries 29 injurious 29 injury 29 innocence 70 innocent 157 innocuous 139 innovation 129 innuendo 36 innuendoes 36 inoculate 165 inoffensive 157 inquest 106 inquiry 23 inquisitive 169 inquisitorial 171 in re 178 insecure 58 insensible 159 inseparable 40 insertion 99 insidious 173 insignificance 170 insignificant 168 insinuation 63 insolence 70 insolvency 108 inspection 164 inspiration 27 installation 81 installment 121 instant 118 instantaneous 68 instantly 156 instigate 168 instinct 14 institute 108 insulting 154 insulation 80 insurance 23 insurrection 73 intaglio 110 integrity 161 16 INDEX intelligence 70 intensify 116 intercede 40 intercession 146 intercostal 103 interest 177 interference 174 interior 144 interjection 40 interminable 143 intermission 40 international 143 interpretation 63 interpreter 170 interrogate 135 interrogatory 167 interrupt 39 interstate 172 interstices 167 interurban 56 intervening 171 intervention 143 interview 141 intimate 26 intimately 26 intimidate 119 intoxication 165 in transitu 177 intrastate 172 intrepid 120 intrinsic 135 introduce 43 introduction 161 intuition 58 inundation 114 invade 164 invalidate 143 invariably 129 invasion 76 inveigh 59 inveigle 165 inventor 72 inventory 118 investigation 144 investment 120 invidious 69 invisible 110 invitation 23 invoice 118 involution 78 invulnerable 169 iodine 102 iodoform 102 Iowa 136 irascible 65 Ireland 132 Irish 132 irrational 110 irregular 38 irrelevant 139 irreparable 66 irrepressible 174 irreproachable 116 irresistible 65 irresolute 146 irreverent 139 irritability 166 irritable 65 islands 77 isolate 127 isosceles 78 isthmian 77 isthmus 77 Itahan 132 tfaZzc 86 italicize 135 Italy 132 itemized 121 itinerant 150 itinerary 71 itself 35 jabot 93 jaconet 99 jade 101 Jamaica 130 yam6 111 janitor 72 Japan 132 Japanese 132 jar 19 jardiniere 100 jarring 19 jealousies 30 jealousy 30 jellies 98 jeopardy 165 Jersey City 138 jeweler 85 Jew's-harp 126 jocular 168 jocund 169 Johannesburg 151 iotsis 111 JoKef 140 joule 81 journal 120 journalist 85 journalize 118 journeys 34 joyous 33 judgment 26 judicial 113 judiciary 76 judicious 67 jugular 103 Juneau 130 junior 177 jurisdiction 74 jurisprudence 105 justifiable 146 justification 135 jute 95 iuvenile 135 K i?:afewZ 151 Kaiser Wilhelm II 149 Kalamazoo 138 kaleidoscope 60 Kansas 140 Kansas City 138 Kennebec 134 Kentucky 136 kerosene 94 A;e«Ze 95 key 49 khaki 93 kidnap 22 kidnaped 22 kidnaper 22 kidnaping 22 kill 49 kiln 49 kilo 146 kilogram. 146 kiloliter 146 kilometer 146 kilowat 80 Kingston 130 kleptomania 172 knapsack 125 knave 49 knavery 158 knickerbockers 93 knicknack 125 knife 35 knives 35 knit 18 knitted 18 knitter 18 knitting 18 Knoxville 147 knowledge 123 knuckle 125 kohl-rabi 94 Korea 132 Korean 132 Kristianiafjord 149 Kronprinz Wilhelm 149 label 21 labeled 21 labeling 21 laboratory 71 laborer 72 labyrinth 116 lacerate 135 Lackawanna 91 La Crosse 147 lacteal 165 lading 137 lag screw 123 laid 33 lain 49 Lake Shore 91 lament 13 lamentable 43 Lancaster 147 INDEX 17 lane 49 language 152 lapse 97 larceny 131 laryngitis 150 lassitude 116 lasso 36 lassos 36 lathe 122 latitude 77 lattice 111 laudable 135 laudanum 102 laughable 112 lavalliere 101 lavatory 71 lavish 158 Lawrence 147 lawyer 85 laxative 102 leaders 86 leaf 35 league 75 lean 49 leatheret 100 Leavenworth 147 leaves 35 ledger 120 legacy 105 legal 22 legalize 40 legality 22 legible 174 legislate 24 legislation 107 legislative 113 legislator 41 legislature 24 legitimate 175 Lehigh 91 leisure 60 Zemon 92 Lena 134 lengthen 40 leniency 70 lenient 116 /eopard 129 lessen 50 lesson 50 lethargic 103 lethargy 158 lettuce 94 levee 50 level 20 leveled 20 leveler 20 leveling 20 Zevers 95 levy 50 levying 76 Lexington 138 liabilities 33 liability 30 libel 21 libeled 21 libeling 21 libelous 171 liberator 171 librarian 29 library 29 license 124 licorice 102 lie 60 lief 60 Zie^e 60 lien 49 lieu 60 Lieutenant 148 Lieutenant General 148 life 35 ligament 114 light-complex- ioned 37 lightening 125 lightning 125 likelihood 112 Lima 130 Umit 22 limitation 108 limitations 22 limited 22 limiting 22 limousine 115 Lincoln 147 lineage 152 lineament 166 linen 99 lingerie 93 linguistic 171 liniment 174 linoleum 100 linotype 86 lintel 88 liquefy 127 liquid 83 liquidate 108 liquidation 163 liquor 102 Lisbon 142 liter 146 literal 79 literary 71 litigation 106 livelihood 118 liveliness 171 Liverpool 142 loaf 35 loaves 35 Zoom 16 Zoaw 16 loathe 153 locomotive 89 lodgment 26 logging 88 London 142 lone 50 longitude 77 loose 54 loosening 167 loquacious 139 Los Angeles 138 lose 54 Louisiana 136 Louisville 91 lovable 39 love 23 Lowell 140 lozenge 102 lubricant 115 lucid 158 lucrative 118 ludicrous 68 luminous 158 lunacy 168 luncheon 129 luscious 67 Lusitania 149 luxuriance 135 luxuriant 114 lyceum 127 lying 159 lymphatic 169 lyrical 168 M macadamize 57 macaroni 94 macaroons 94 machinery 56 machines 83 machinist 85 mackerel 141 mackintosh 99 mad 19 madder 19 maddest 19 Madeira 134 Mademoiselle 148 magazine 86 magisterial 168 magistrate 105 magnanimous 169 magnesia 102 magnetic 80 magnetism 81 magnetized 81 magnificent 167 magnificence 70 magnifies 29 magnify 29 magnitude 78 mahogany 88 Maine 136 maintain 159 maintenance 70 majestic 168 majesty 125 Major 148 major 126 Major General 148 majority 61 maladroit 120 malady 137 malarial 146 18 INDEX malediction 119 malevolence 70 malfeasance 106 malice 168 malicious 68 malign 163 malignant 103 mammoth 116 manage 25 manageable 25 management 44 Managua 130 Manchester 147 mandatory 127 mandolin 126 maneuver 114 mania 168 mantacaZ131 manifest 157 manifold 158 Manila 130 manila 170 Mankato 147 manly 164 mansard 111 manslaughter 108 mantel 50 mantle 50 m,anufacture 24 manufacturer 85 manufacturers 177 manufacturing 24 manuscript 177 manuscripts 177 maraschino 139 marauder 143 marginal 137 mariner 165 marital 167 maritime 167 marketable 135 marmalade 98 Marquette 136 marriage 25 marriageable 25 marry 29 Marseilles 142 marshal 21 marshaled 21 marshaling 21 martyrdom 165 marvel 21 marveled 21 marveling 21 marvelous 21 Maryland 136 masquerade 171 Massachusetts 136 massacre 116 masseuse 85 masterful 164 master-keyed 123 Master of Arts 148 Master of Dental Surgery 148 Master of Science 148 mastiff 35 mastiffs 35 mat 19 matches 83 m,aterialize 169 mathematician 64 matinee 127 matriculation 63 matrix 86 matting 19 mattress 15 maturity 120 Mauretania 149 mayonnaise 98 meadow 87 mean 50 measles 104 measurement 124 mechanical 141 mechanically 173 mechanician 64 mechanics 82 mechanism 112 medal 51 meddle 51 meddling 23 m,ediation 172 medicinal 102 medicine 112 medieval 75 mediocre 159 meditation 167 medium 159 meerschaum 175 melancholy 135 Melbourne 142 melodeon 126 melodious 126 melody 126 Member of Congress 148 Member of Parliament 148 membranous 103 memento 36 mementos 36 memoir 119 memorable 66 memorandum 121 memories 29 memorize 120 memory 29 Memphis 138 menace menaced 143 mendacious 159 menu 178 mercantile 118 mercenary 116 mercerize 99 merchandise 90 m,erchant 85 mercies 29 merciless 155 mercurial 135 mercury 84 mercy 29 meretricious 69 meridian 77 meringue 98 merino 36 merinos 36 meritorious 110 merrily 29 merriment 169 merry 29 messaline 93 messenger 72 Messieurs 148 metal 20 metallic 20 metallurgy 20 metamorphic 167 metamorphosis 135 meter 146 methodical 116 metronome 126 metropolis 120 MetropoHtan 150 mettle 51 Mexico 130 Mexico City 130 Michigan 136 Michigan Central 91 Michigan Southern 91 microbe 103 microscope 98 mien 50 mignonette 175 mileage 25 military 144 militia 76 millet 84 milligram 146 milliliter 146 millimeter 146 milliner 85 millionaire 110 Milwaukee 91 mimeograph 116 mimic 17 mimicked 17 mimicker 17 mimicking 17 mimicry 156 minaret 111 mineral 77 m,iniature 112 minimize 40 mirdmum 112 minister 76 Minneapolis 91 Minnesota 136 minnow 125 minor 107 minority 116 minuend 78 INDEX Id minute 14 miraculous 135 mirage 135 mirrors 100 misanthropy 120 miscellaneous 114 mischief 59 mischievous 58 misconceive 38 misconception 167 misconstruction 41 misconstrue 43 miscreant 137 misdemeanor 105 miserable 65 misery 150 misrule 40 missent 38 missile 131 Mississippi 134 Missouri 134 misspell 38 mistake 38 Mister 148 Mistress 148 misunderstood 38 miter 111 miter gauge 123 mittens 99 moan 16 Mobile 136 moccasin 110 mockery 156 model 21 modeled 21 modeling 21 moderate 116 moderation 154 modernize 56 modified 161 modifying 58 modus operandi 179 mohair 99 moisture 77 molasses 94 molding 100 momentous 168 monarchical 73 money order 177 moneys 34 Mongolia 132 Mongolian 132 monitor 72 monogram 173 monologue 41 monoplane 39 monopolist 129 monopolize 171 monopoly 131 monotonous 44 monotype 86 Monsignor 148 Montana 136 Montenegrin 132 Montenegro 132 Monterey 151 Montevideo 130 Montgomery 140 month 177 Montpelier 140 Montreal 142 Moor 177 moquette 100 Morocco 132 morocco 174 morphine 102 morris 100 mortality 97 mortar 102 mortgage 108 mortgageor 108 mortify 32 mortifying 32 mortising 122 mortuary 97 mosaic 111 Moscow 142 mosquito 36 mosquitoes 36 motive 159 motor 117 motorcycle 83 motor drive 123 motto 36 mottoes 36 mountain 177 mountainous 77 movable 131 movement 26 mucilage 124 mucous 103 mufif 35 muffins 98 muffler 115 mulatto 36 mulattoes 36 mull 15 muUion 88 multiple 78 multiplicand 78 multiplier 78 multiplying 78 multitudinous 168 municipal 76 munificent 168 munitions 172 Murray 134 muscular 110 mushrooms 94 musician 42 Muskogee 147 mustache 141 mustard 84 mutilate 131 mutiny 161 mutual 97 myriad 139 myself 35 mysterious 29 mystery 29 N nainsook 93 namesake 27 napery 99 naphtha 139 narcissus 169 narcotic 135 narrate 24 narration 24 narrator 24 narrow 158 Nashua 147 Nashville 91 nasturtium 133 Natchez 140 naturalization 76 naturalize 44 nausea 112 nautical 167 nave 49 navel 92 navigable 77 navigation 149 Nebraska 147 nebulous 165 necessaries 31 necessary 31 necessities 33 necessity 30 necktie 93 nefarious 159 negative 80 negligence 109 negligent 162 negligible 171 negotiable 107 negotiations 172 negro 36 negroes 36 neigh 60 neighbor 59 neither 59 neuralgia 104 neuralgic 103 neuritis 104 neurotic 166 Nevada 147 New Amsterdam 149 Newark 138 new^eZ 111 Newfoundland 130 New Hampshire 138 iVeuj Haven 91 New Jersey 138 New Mexico 136 iVeio Orleans 140 New South Wales 132 New York 91 New Zealand 132 Nicaragua 130 ATtce 142 20 INDEX niche 111 nickel 84 niece 60 Niger 134 niggardly 168 Nile 134 nineteenth 27 nine-tenths 37 ninetieth 29 ninety 29 nisi prius 179 nobility 75 nod 19 nodding 19 noisily 29 noisome 166 noisy 29 nolens volens 179 nolle prosequi 179 nonchalant 159 nonconductor 39 nonpareil 59 nonsense 56 nonsensical 170 Norfolk 140 North Carolina 140 North Dakota 140 Northern Pacific 91 North German Lloyd 149 North Western 91 Norway 132 Norwegian 132 Norwegian America 149 nota bene 177 notable 23 notably 171 notary 108 noted 157 notice 25 noticeable 25 notification 118 notoriety 127 nourish 159 Nova Scotia 130 novelties 30 novelty 30 novice 129 noxious 69 nucleus 139 nuisance 116 nullification 74 nullify 42 numeration 78 numerator 78 numerous 158 numskull 37 nursery 92 nursling 26 nutmeg 84 nutritious 67 nut shanks 123 Oakland 138 oasis 77 obdurate 159 obedience 70 obeisance 59 obese 156 obesity 175 obeying 33 obeys 34 Obi 134 object 14 objectionable 143 obligation 64 obligatory 71 oblique 131 obliterate 171 oblivion 141 obloquy 150 obnoxious 69 obscene 127 obscenity 127 obscure 157 obscurity 165 obsequies 127 obsequious 127 observance 23 obsession 173 obsolete 110 obstacle 155 obstinacy 168 obstinate 159 obstreperous 114 obstruction 155 obtainable 42 obtrusive 166 obvious 157 occasion 64 occidental 120 occupation 159 occupations 77 occur 17 occurred 17 occurrence 17 occurring 17 oceanic 77 octagon 78 octavo 36 octavos 36 ocular 139 oculist 85 offense 113 offensive 116 offer 22 offered 22 offering 22 offertory 173 officer 72 official 56 officiate 112 officious 131 Ohio 134 ohm 80 Oklahoma 138 oleomargarine 94 olives 94 Olympic 149 Omaha 138 omission 131 omit 19 omitted 174 omitting 19 omnipresent 139 onerous 159 onions 94 Ontario 91 onyx 101 opal 101 opaque 165 operatic 126 operation 103 operator 72 opossum 175 opponent 42 opportunities 31 opportunity 31 opposition 23 oppression 143 oppressive 159 oppressor 112 opprobrious 154 optician 64 optics 82 optimistic 143 option 107 opulent 125 oracular 173 Orange 134 orange 92 orator 174 oratorio 126 orchestra 126 ordinance 74 ordinarily 171 ordinary 71 Oregon 136 organdie 93 organize 44 oriel 111 oriental 120 orifice 170 original 154 originate 120 Orinoco 134 ornament 101 ornamental 171 Oscar II 149 oscillation 82 Oshkosh 136 ostensible 65 ostentatious 170 osteopathist 85 Ottawa 130 ottoman 100 ought 46 ounce 177 ourselves 35 outlawed 108 outrage 25 outrageous 25 INDEX 21 outre 179 outrigger 117 outweigh 59 ovation 141 overalls 99 overcoat 93 overseer 118 oversight 159 overwhelm 123 oysters 94 Pacific 91 paci'/j/ 127 package 177 pad 19 padding 19 padlock 95 page 177 pageant 139 pages 177 pagoda 111 paid 33 palatable 65 palate 51 palatial 127 palette 51 pallet 51 palliate 166 palpable 166 pamphlet 127 Panama 130 panel 20 paneled 20 paneling 20 panic 17 panicky 17 panorama 116 pantomime 175 pantaloons 93 parachute 117 paradise 166 paraffin 94 paragraph 86 Paraguay 130 parallel 61 parallelopipedon 78 parallels 77 paralysis 104 paralyze 57 paralyzed 174 paramount 114 parasol 99 Paramaribo 130 Parana 134 paraphernalia 139 parasite 173 parboil 98 parcels 144 pardon 13 parenthesis 119 par excellence 179 paring 98 Paris 142 Parliament 74 parliamentary 74 parol 106 parole 106 paroxysm 103 parquet 127 parquetry 111 parsimonious 110 partially 116 participant 127 participate 112 participle 141 particular 72 partisan 57 partition 114 partnership 113 Pasadena 138 passable 131 passed 51 passenger 72 passionate 119 past 51 pasteurization 83 pat 19 Patagonia 130 Paterson 147 patience 70 patrimony 152 patriotism 114 patterns 99 patting 19 paucity 173 pavilion 125 payable 113 payment 33 peace 25 peaceable 25 peak 51 peck 177 peculiar 72 peculiarity 131 pedal 51 peddle 51 peddler 43 pedestal 44 pedestrian 141 pediment 111 peek 51 peer 51 Pefcin^ 142 penance 165 penal 105 penalize 114 penalty 107 pencil 21 penciled 21 penciling 21 pendant 111 pendulum 82 penetration 163 peninsula 77 penitence 70 penitential 169 penitentiary 131 pennant 127 penniless 29 Pennsylvania 91 penny 29 Penobscot 134 pension 144 Peoria 136 pepper 84 pepsin 102 perambulator 100 per annum 179 percale 93 per capita 179 perceive 60 percentage 97 per centum 177 perceptible 66 perceptibly 173 percolator 95 percussion 146 per diem 179 peremptory 154 perennial 56 perfect 14 perfidious 69 perforated 95 perforation 170 pergola 111 peril 22 perilous 22 perimeter 39 periodical 86 periodicals 144 peripheral 122 perishable 90 peristyle 111 peritonitis 104 perjuries 31 perjury 31 permanent 110 permeate 125 permissible 66 permission 41 permit 18 permitted 18 permitting 18 pernicious 156 perpendicular 78 perpetual 169 perplexity 161 perquisite 114 persecute 54 persecution 166 perseverance 70 persevere 24 persevering 158 Persia 132 Persian 132 persistent 159 personal 121 personalities 31 personality 31 personnel 171 perspiration 103 perspiratory 103 persuade 110 perswasion 166 22 INDEX persuasive 127 pertinacious 167 Peru 130 perverse 159 pessimistic 143 pestiferous 167 pestilential 167 pestle 102 petit 109 petition 64 Petrograd 142 petroleum 84 petticoat 93 petulant 167 phaeton 137 phantom 170 pharmaceutics 102 pharmacy 102 phenomena 127 phenomenal 114 Philadelphia 91 philanthropic 114 Philippine Islands 130 philology 172 philosophy 149 phlegmatic 61 phosphorus 102 photographer 72 phthisis 104 physic 17 physical 77 physician 64 physicked 17 physicking 17 physique 135 pianist 85 piano 36 pianola 83 pianos 36 pica 86 piccaliUi 89 pickles 94 picnic 17 picnicked 17 picnicker 17 picnicking 17 pictorial 172 picture 13 picturesque 129 pie 60 piece 51 pier 51 pierce 60 pier-glass 100 Pierre 140 pilaster 111 pillows 99 pimento 94 pin 19 pineapple 94 pinnacle 110 pinning 19 pint 177 pioneer 74 pique 51 piqu6 99 pistUlate 92 23isSan Jwan 130 San Salvador 130 Son^a /fe 136 Santiago 130 San^o Domingo 130 sapling 92 sapphire 101 sarcasm 133 sarcastic 133 sardines 94 sarsaparilla 131 Saskatchewan 134 sassafras 150 sateen 93 satellite 112 sa^tn 99 satisfactorily 127 satisfactory 71 satisfies 29 satisfy 29 saturate 114 Saturdays 34 saucepan 98 Sault Ste. Marie 91 saut6ing Savannah 138 saxony 99 saxophone 126 scalloped 98 scan 18 scandalous 44 Scandinavian- America 149 scanned 18 scanning 18 scarab 101 scarcely 26 scarf 35 scarfs 35 scent 47 schedule 90 scheme 131 Schenectady 140 schism 167 scholastic 114 scholium 78 sciatica 104 scientific 144 scientist 85 sciUcet 177 scion 92 scissors 95 Scotch 132 Scotland 132 scourge 131 Scranton 140 scream 16 screens 95 scnm 99 scrubbing 98 scruff 15 scrupulous 163 scrutinize 175 scrutiny 165 sculptor 85 scurrilous 154 seamstress 85 seance 179 ^eaf^Ze 138 secession 78 secretary 177 secretaryship 32 sectarian 166 section 177 sectional 100 secular 166 securities 45 security 27 sediment 116 sedition 73 sedulous 167 seedling 92 seignior 60 seine 59 seismic 59 seismograph 83 set2e 59 seizure 27 self 35 self-restraint 154 selves 35 semaphore 89 semitropical 56 senator 76 senior 177 senseless 61 sensible 23 sensitive 23 sent 47 separate 24 separately 27 separation 24 separator 24 Serb 132 • serenely 26 serge 52 sergeant 143 series 131 serum 103 Servia 132 Servian 132 service 25 serviceable 25 servile 167 settee 100 setting 101 settlement 73 severally 107 severe 162 sheaf 35 shearing motion 123 shears 95 sheaves 35 sheeting 99 5;ieJ?ieW 142 shell 35 shellac 17 shellacked 17 shellacking 17 shelves 35 shepherd 61 sherbet 139 sheriff 15 sheriffs 35 shiek 60 shield 60 shilly-shally 173 shingles 88" ship 19 shipment 89 shipping 19 shoe 25 shoeing 25 shoemaker 85 shortage 121 shorten 153 shovel 21 shoveled 21 shoveling 21 shredder 87 shrewdness 163 shriek 60 shrivel 21 shriveled 21 shriveling 21 shunt 181 shyly 32 shyness 32 Siam 132 Siamese 132 Siberia 132 Siberian 132 sideboard 100 siege 59 sieve 59 sight 47 signals 83 signature 121 significance 70 signify 163 silage 87 silencer 115 silent 162 silesia 93 silhouette 175 silkaline 99 similar 72 similarly 172 simmering 98 simplicity 116 INDEX 27 simplified 172 simultaneous 78 sincere 164 sincerely 26 sinecure 135 sine die 179 sinewy 173 singe 25 singeing 25 singular 157 Sioux City 147 Sioux Falls 136 siphon 82 site 47 situation 110 sixtieth 172 sA:ein 60 skeleton 114 skeptical 127 skepticism 46 skewer 98 skidding 115 skiff 35 skiffs 35 skim 18 skimmed 18 skimmer 18 skimming 18 skull 15 skyscrapers 83 slain 33 slander 163 sleigh 59 sleight 52 slight 52 sUm 19 slimmer 19 slimmest 19 sloyd 122 sluggish 173 slyest 32 slyly 32 smoke 83 smokeless 83 sobriquet 139 sociability 170 sociology 172 socket 95 solder 101 soldier 60 solecism 139 solemn 133 solemnity 135 solenoid 81 solicit 131 solicited 131 solicitor 131 solicitous 167 soliloquy 165 solitary 71 solo 36 solos 36 solution 78 solvent 118 sonata 126 sonorous 69 sorcery 173 sorghum 94 soundness 164 South Australia 132 South Carolina 140 South Dakota 136 Southern 91 Southern Pacific 91 souvenir 125 sovereign 57 sovereignty 75 spacious 41 spaghetti 94 Spain 132 Spanish 132 spark plug 115 spasmodic 173 special 22 specialize 22 specialty 107 specie 127 specific 172 specifications 90 specimen 123 speckled 125 spectacle 123 spectacular 72 spectator 61 spectrum 82 speculate 118 speculator 119 speedometer 115 spherical 122 spin 19 spinach 135 spinner 19 spittoon 95 Spokane 136 spoke shave 123 sponsor 109 spontaneity 168 spoonful 15 spot 19 spotting 19 spraying 192 springe 25 springeing 25 sprinkler 95 Sprocket 115 spryer 32 spurious 112 squalid 112 squalor 116 squeal 16 staff 35 staffs 35 staid 52 stalwart 119 staminate 92 stanchion 117 staple 95 star 18 starry 18 statement 27 static 81 stationary 54 stationery 54 statistician 64 statistics 61 statue 54 stature 54 status in quo 179 statute 54 staves 35 stayed 52 steadfast 143 stein 60 stenographer 85 stere 146 stereopticon 83 stereotype 124 sterile 143 sterilize 98 stiff-necked 37 stimulant 103 stimulus 159 stipulation 170 stirrup 127 Stockholm 142 stop 17 stopped 17 stopper 17 stopping 17 storage 83 straight 53 strait 53 straitened 171 stratagem 127 strategic 110 strategy 31 street 177 strenuous 163 stretchers 100 stringency 118 strip 18 stripped 18 stripping 18 strychnine 102 stubborn 159 stucco 111 studies 31 study 31 stuffed 98 stupendous 158 stupid 22 stupidity 22 stupefy 127 stupor 158 suavity 167 subdivision 161 subject 14 submarine 83 submissive 166 submit 18 submitted 18 submitting 18 subordinate 123 subpoena 105 subscriber 86 28 INDEX subscription 86 subsequent 146 subservient 173 subsidiary 169 subsidize 120 substantial 61 substantially 171 substitution 78 subterfuge 163 subterranean 77 subtlety 163 subtraction 40 subtrahend 78 success 15 successive 142 successively 26 successor 41 succinct 119 succotash 135 succulent 119 succulence 173 succumb 61 Sucre 130 suede 99 suffer 22 sufferance 22 suffered 22 suffering 22 suffice 165 sufficient 60 suffrage 76 suffragette 171 suicide 131 suitable 56 suite 53 suited 161 suites 100 sulphur 84 sulphurous 102 summarized 172 summary 120 summit 133 sumptuous 167 sun 19 sunning 19 superannuated 139 supercalendered 86 supercilious 69 superfluous 114 superintendency 70 Superintendent 148 superior 72 superiority 172 superlative 119 superscription 43 supersede 125 superstition 64 supervision 63 supervisor 123 supplement 86 supplementary 172 supplicate 166 supplied 124 supplies 29 supply 29 support 158 supporters 99 supremacy 75 supremely 27 surah 99 surcingle 137 surety 108 surface 77 surfeit 60 surge 52 surgeon 85 Surgeon General 148 surgical 103 surmountable 168 surplice 93 sturplus 97 surprise 13 surrender 72 surreptitious 168 surreys 34 surroundings 131 surveillance 60 surveying 33 surveyor 44 surveys 34 susceptible 61 suspenders 93 suspicion 125 suspicious 152 sustain 159 sustenance 57 swayed 33 sweater 93 Sweden 132 Swedish 132 sweet 53 swinge 25 swingeing 25 swim 17 swimming 17 Swiss 132 switch 89 switchman 90 Switzerland 132 swivel 21 swiveled 21 swiveling 21 sybarite 168 sycamore 165 Sydney 142 syllogism 110 symbol 22 symbolical 22 symbolize 22 symmetrical 129 symmetry 125 sympathies 29 sympathy 29 symphonies 30 symphony 30 symptoms 143 syndicate 127 synonymous 61 synopsis 169 Syracuse 140 syrup 94 system 77 systematic 124 systematically 171 tableau 114 tablets 113 taborette 100 tabulating 173 tacit 164 tackling 143 Tacoma 138 tactics 137 taffeta 93 tag 18 tagged 18 tagger 18 tagging 18 tailor 85 talent 153 talisman 169 talkative 41 tamarind 92 tambourine 126 tangent 122 tangerine 92 tangible 66 tantalize 165 tapering 88 tapestry 100 tapioca 84 tar 18 tariff 15 tariffs 35 tarlatan 150 tarry 18 tarry 153 Tasmania 132 taxation 73 taxicab 115 teacher 85 tear 53 tedious 166 Tegucigalpa 130 telegram 90 telegrapher 72 telegraphic 90 telegraphy 83 telephone 120 telephonic 173 telescope 141 temperance 70 temperate 77 temperature 77 temporal 75 tempus fugit 179 tenacious 61 tenancy 107 tendencies 31 tendency 31 tenement 112 tenet 169 ten-millionth 37 INDEX 20 Tennessee 134 tenon 122 tenor 126 tentative 116 terminals 137 terminus 133 terrace 152 terra firma 179 Terre Haute 147 territorial 74 territories 30 territory 30 terror 72 tessellated 111 testament 105 testamentary 131 testifies 29 testify 32 testifying 32 testimonials 156 testimony 105 tete a tete 179 Texas 136 textile 112 theater 72 their 53 themselves 35 theorem 78 theories 31 theory 31 there 53 thermal 131 thermometer 72 thermostat 81 thief 35 thieve 60 thieves 35 thin 19 thinner 19 thinnest 19 thirtieth 29 thirty 29 thorough 112 thoroughfare 139 thralldom 137 threaded sleeve 123 threaten 164 three-fourths 37 threshing 87 threshold 116 thrill 15 throttle 89 thumbscrew 122 tiara 101 Tibet 132 Tibetan 132 tickler 121 tie 60 tier 53 tierce 60 Tififany 101 Tigi Islands 132 tUing 87 till 15 tUlage 87 time-table 90 timorous 168 timothy 87 tin 19 tinge 25 tingeing 25 tinner 19 tip 19 tipping 19 tires 83 tiresome 27 toaster 95 tobacco 84 toboggan 135 toe 25 toeing 25 Toledo 138 toll 15 tomato 36 tomatoes 36 ton 18 tongues 122 tongue-tied 37 tonnage 18 tonneau 115 tontine 97 tool recess 123 topaz 101 Topeka 91 torpor 158 tort 106 tortuous 68 total 15 totally 112 tourniquet 103 toweling 99 totally 112 trace 25 traceable 25 tractable 66 trade 159 traffic 17 trafficked 17 trafficker 17 trafficking 17 tragedies 31 tragedy 31 tranquil 20 tranquilize 20 tranquillity 174 trans-Atlantic 56 transferable 18 transformer 80 transgression 64 transient 60 transit 89 transitory 61 transmission 144 transmit 19 transmitter 80 transom 95 transportation 89 transposition 78 Transvaal 151 transversely 173 trap 19 trapeze 141 trapper 19 travel 15 traveled 20 traveler 20 traveling 20 traverse 116 travesty 156 treachery 150 treasonable 135 treasurer 44 treasury 116 treaties 73 treatise 110 treaty 29 trellis 111 tremendous 61 tremor 166 Trenton 138 trepanning 137 trespass 108 trespasser 166 trestle 122 trestle clamp 123 tribunal 172 tributaries 77 trickery 158 tries 29 trigger 95 trim 18 trimmed 18 trimmer 18 trimming 18 trimmings 99 trio 36 trios 36 trip 18 triple 125 Tripoli 132 Tripolitan 132 tripped 18 tripping 18 troches 102 troll 15 'trombone 126 tropical 77 trot IS trotted 18 trotter 18 trotting 18 troublesome 159 troupe 125 trousseau 93 trousers 93 truism 166 truly 26 trusses 111 try 29 try-square 123 tubercular 103 tuberculosis 104 Tucson 136 tuition 131 tumultuous 123 tungsten 80 30 INDEX tunic 93 Tunis 132 Tunisian 132 tunnel 21 tunneled 21 tunneling 21 turbine 83 turbulence 171 turbulent 156 tureen 98 turf 35 turfs 35 Turkey 132 Turkish 132 turnips 94 turpentine 84 turquoise 101 turret 111 tutor 22 tutored 22 tutoring 22 twenty-eight 37 two-thirds 37 tying 152 typesetter 85 typewriter 120 typhoid 104 typographical 170 tyannies 30 tyranny 30 U ubiquity 120 ulceration 103 ulster 93 ultimate 166 ultimately 173 ultimatum 73 ultimo 177 unbiased 155 umbrage 120 umbrella 99 unaccountable 158 unalloyed 169 unanimity 61 unanimous 175 unavoidable 45 unbalanced 172 unbearable 43 unbending 159 unbiased 155 unceremonious 154 uncertainty 161 unchangeable 153 uncivilized 155 uncommunica- tive 162 unconditional 154 unconscious 103 undeniable 143 underlying 143 underrate 58 underwear 99 underwriter 97 undesirable 58 undoubtedly 119 undulation 143 undying 166 unerring 173 unexpected 157 unexplainable 158 unfeigned 164 unfit 18 unfitted 18 unfortunate 171 unfriendly 157 ungovernable 159 uniform 116 unintelligible 61 uninterrupted 156 Union Pacific 91 unique 131 unite 24 uniting 24 United States 130 United States Army 177 United States Mail 177 United States Mil- itary Academy 177 United States Naval Academy 177 United States Navy 177 unity 164 universal 164 universities 30 university 30 unlawful 38 unlikely 40 unlimited 154 unmanageable 25 unnatural 39 unnecessary 38 unparalleled 127 unprejudiced 146 unravel 21 unraveled 21 unraveling 21 unremitting 156 unruly 41 unsalable 40 unscrupulous 56 unserviceable 25 unstable 166 unsuccessful 154 unsullied 168 until 15 untiring 158 unusual 153 unveil 60 unwarrantable 175 unwary 166 unwearying 158 upheaval 170 upholster 72 upholstered 100 uprightness 161 Ural 134 urbanity 135 urgent 163 Uruguay 130 usable 23 usage 161 useful 26 usurious 170 usury 107 Utah 136 utensils 98 utilize 127 utilized 174 utterance 116 vacancies 31 vacancy 31 vacate 153 vaccination 103 vacillate 112 vacuum 83 vain 53 valedictory 71 Valenciennes 99 valentine 141 valid 107 vaUdity 164 valise 114 valley rafter 123 valleys 34 Valparaiso 151 valuable 23 value 156 Vancouver 150 vandalism 170 vane 53 vanilla 94 vaporized 98 variable 66 variance 157 varicose 135 variegated 167 various 67 varnishes 95 varying 32 vaseline 102 Vaterland 149 vegetable 87 vegetarian 167 vehemence 70 vein 53 velocipede 170 velocity 82 velveteen 93 veneer 88 Venezuela 130 vengeance 70 Venice 142 venomous 69 ventilate 24 ventilator 95 ventriloquist 170 INDEX 31 venue 106 Veracruz 151 veranda 111 verbal 108 verbatim et literatim 179 verdict 105 verification 110 vermicelli 139 vermilion 139 Vermont 140 vernacular 72 versatile 114 versus 106 Very Reverend 148 vertical 119 vestibuled 90 vestige 146 veteran 171 veterinary 85 Veterinary Surgeon 148 viaduct 89 vibrate 157 vibration 82 vibrator 72 vicarious 68 vice 24 Vice Admiral 148 Vice President 148 vice versa 179 vicinity 129 vicious 24 vicissitude 143 Vicksburg 147 victimize 42 Victoria 132 victories 30 victorious 68 victory 30 victuals 125 videlicet 177 vie 60 Vienna 142 view 60 vigilance 141 vignette 86 vigorous 69 vilifying 169 villain 131 villainy 158 vinaigrette 168 vindication 168 vinegar 72 viola 126 violation 107 violent 113 violin 126 violinist 126 violoncello 126 Virginia 138 virile 164 Virtuoso 126 virtuous 67 virulence 70 virulent 173 virus 103 vise 122 visionary 61 visitor 43 vitiated 169 vivacity 170 vivisection 143 vocation 167 vociferous 61 volcanic 77 Volga 134 volleys 34 volt 81 volume 82 voluminous 129 voluntarily 143 voluntary 108 voluptuous 169 voracious 167 voucher 90 vouchers 156 vulcanized 172 vulgar 152 vulgarity 172 W wafers 94 wafiles 98 wainscot 150 waistcoat 93 twaiiress 98 waive 106 Wales 132 walnut 88 wandering 156 ware 53 warehouse 121 warn 164 warrant 105 warranted 169 warranty 105 warrior 72 TFarsai^ 142 Washington 136 wasteful 26 Waterbury 147 watered 90 waterfalls 77 water jacket 123 watt 80 waver 157 waybill 90 wayward 159 weaken 157 weapon 119 wear 53 weariness 29 weary 29 weathered 100 Wednesday 131 week 177 weekly 86 weigh 59 weight 60 weir 60 weird 60 welcome 37 welfare 37 well-bred 37 well-known 37 Welsh 132 Western 91 Western Australia 132 West Virginia 147 wharf 35 wharves 35 Wheeling 147 wherever 37 wherewithal 37 whether 125 whetting 122 whiff 35 whimsical 131 whirlpool 77 whiskies 29 whisky 29 whiten 41 White Star 149 whittling 122 wholesale 118 wholesome 152 wholly 26 whooping cough 104 Wichita 140 wicked 159 wicker 100 wield 60 wife 35 Wilmington 147 wily 164 win 19 wing dividers 123 winner 19 Winona 138 wireless 83 Wisconsin 136 wit 18 withal 37 withdrawal 120 witness 105 witticism 116 witty 18 wives 35 wolf 35 wolves 35 woodcut 86 Worcester 136 wordy 157 worrying 170 worship 21 worshiped 2 worshiping 2 worshiper 21 worsted 125 worthy 158 wrangling 171 wrap 19 wrapper 19 32 INDEX wrenches 95 Y yourself 35 zephyr 99 wretchedness 61 yard 177 yourselves 35 zero 36 wright 53 year 177 Ypsilanti 140 zeros 36 wringer 95 Yenisei 134 Yukon 134: zinc 17 wrinkled 125 yield 66 zincked 17 write 53 yolk 53 Z zincking 17 Wyoming 136 Yokohama 142 Zambezi 134 zincky 17 yoke 53 zealous 163 zither 126 •V # EDUCATfON UD!^A!^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY '^1 Return to desk from which borrowed. 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