ANNA wmmm^^''^^- "mtmmwwm^ ^Mi^MMmmmm. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^. a y W^ /(//^ ANNALS OF BRISTOL. THK ANNALS OF BRISTOL IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. BY JOHN LATIMEK, KDITOU OF THE BRISTOL MEBCUKY, 1S58 8.'!. Bristol : W. & F. MORGAN, CLARE STREET. 1887. Butler A Tanner, Tlie Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London. IDA TO MR. CHARLES SOMERTON, AND MR. GEORGE SOMERTON, WHOSE UNFAILING KINDNESS AND CONSTANT COURTESY DURING A LITERARY CONNECTION EXTENDING OVER UPWARDS OF A QUARTER OF A CENTURY HAVE BEEN AMONGST THE PLEASANTEST INCIDENTS OF MY LIFE, AND HAVE ILLUSTRATED THOSE GENTLER AMENITIES OF LETTERS WHICH IT IS GOOD TO REMEMBER AND RECORD. -"> r-=^ it^ ,r> PREFACE. The collection of materials with a view to a continuation of Evans's Chronological History of Bristol was begun upwards of twenty years ago by the compiler of this work. The pressure of other literary pursuits, hoAvever, caused the pro- ject to be deferred fi'om time to time ; and it eventually became a qiiestion whether, if a supplementary record were to be produced at all, the story of so eventful a century was not deserving of a worthier memorial than the bald epitome of facts and dates which had been originally contemplated. As is not unusual in such labours, the introduction of details in connection with topics of prominent importance threw into relief the meagreness of the rest of the narrative ; and it at length seemed desirable — whilst retaining the chronological form adopted at the outset — to attempt a comprehensive sketch of the political, municipal, commercial, and social life of the community during a period which has been hitherto imperfectly treated by local writers. To what extent the task has been satisfactorily performed must be left to the judgment of the reader. Some may possibly complain that events which they deem important have been inadequately treated, or even omitted. Others may object that incidents in their eyes trivial have received an attention they did not deserve. A third class of critics, again, may disapprove of the expressions of personal opinion which are sometimes, though rarely, introduced. To those who do not find all their conceptions realised, it can only be pleaded, that the work of selecting and narrating historical facts, either in a national or a local point of view, is seldom accomplished so as to satisfy all tastes. Disclaiming any pretension to complete success where faultlessness was per- haps unattainable, the compiler trusts that few occurrences of permanent interest have wholly escaped notice, that his PREFACE. criticisms, where lie lias ventured to express aii opinion, are untinctured by party or sectarian spirit, and that the volume presents as broad and faithful a picture of the period under review as space and materials would allow. Though the "annals" have been for the most part compiled from the local newspapers — of which many thousand copies have been examined — much new and valuable matter has been derived from official documents, notably from the re- cords and account books of the Corporation, a perusal of which was kindly permitted by Mr, Daniel Travers Burges, the Town Clerk, and Mr. John Tremayne Lane, the City Treasurer. Both gentlemen were also so obliging as to render personal assistance in clearing up points of difficulty, and the former has also contributed some interesting anec- dotes of bygone celebrities. A friend who passed away whilst the closing sheets of the work were in the hands of the printer, the late Mr. Edward Greenfield Doggett, Clerk to the Incorporation of the Poor, allowed extracts to be taken from the minute books of that ancient body. Mr. John Taylor, the City Librarian, offered essential service by throwing open the large and curious store of local literature under his charge, and by supplementing it from his private collection. Amongst others to whom the compiler owes grateful thanks may be mentioned the Rev. Canon Norris, Archdeacon of Bristol, the Rev. S. W. Wayte, Mr. F. W. Newton, Secretary to the Charity Trustees, the late Mr. Leonard Bruton, Secretary to the Chamber of Commerce, the Rev. J. M. Wilson, headmaster of Clifton College, the Rev. Talbot Greaves, vicar of Clifton, Mr. Edward C. Sampson, Postmaster of Bristol, Mr. C. H. Hunt, Clerk to the Barton Regis Board of Guardians, Mr. Alderman Naish, Mr. W. Edwards George, Mr. S. H. Swayne, Mr. Josiah Thomas, and Mr. John Lavars. Finally, an especial acknowledgment is due to Mr. William George, an indefatigable antiquary wliose knowledge of local history and vast accumulation of rarities rendered his unwearied assist- ance of peculiar value. Trelawny Place, March, 1887. THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL IN THE NINETEENTH CENTUEY. Before entering upon the chronological record to which the following pages are devoted, a faint attempt to sketch the state of Bristol and its inhabitants at the commencement of the century may not be uninteresting. The great com- mercial prosperity of the city down to the revolt of the American colonies is a matter of history; and though the subsequent war was disastrous to some distinguished local firms, the vast wealth that continued to flow in from the West India Islands, and the lucrative Spanish wool and wine trades, contributed largely to the well-being of the com- munity, and were advantages on which the merchants of other ports looked with envious admiration. It is true that Bristol had lost its long-cherished title to rank as second city of the kingdom. The marvellous growth of the cotton trade in Lancashire after 1785 had caused a corresponding increase in the exports and imports of Liverpool ; and no adequate efforts were made to compete with the upstart rival, either by the introduction of new industries, the reduction of the exorbitant duties levied upon shipping by the Corpora- tion, or the removal of those difficulties in the navigation of the Avon which had tempted commerce to forsake the Bristol Channel for the more commodious Mersey. As is not un- frequently the case in ancient and solidly-founded com- munities, Bristol was too wealthy to be enterprising, and many of her influential sons, having become rich in the beaten paths of commerce, were opposed through selfishness or indolence to the striking out of new ones. In despite, for example, of the local cheapness of labour and fuel, only one feeble effort was made to introduce cotton spinning. The competition of Yorkshire in cheap woollen goods, which must have been an uphill task against the reputation and skill of the West of England, was contemptuously ignored until men suddenly awoke to the fact that the bulk of the trade was irrevocably lost through northern enterprise. With equally B 2 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1801. disastrous consequences, tlie Avon, -which from tidal pecu- liarities could not be entered in safety except by ships specially built for lying on its muddy shores at low water, was left with all its natural defects, as if to deter strangers from venturing in to jostle the old magnates of the Exchange. The government of the city was conducted on the same narrow-minded principles. Many men of capital, paying large rentals, employing many workmen, and being in every sense entitled to rank as leading citizens, were not " freemen " according to corporate technology ; they had consequently no votes at parliamentary elections, and their influence in local government could not have been less if they had been Hotten- tots. Having wrested their birthright from the inhabitants, the Corporation, self-elected, and repudiating all control, spent a large proportion of the city revenues in the maintenance of ostentatious ''state," and in luxurious entertainments to the select circle which found favour in its sight. On the other hand, the duties of civic government were for the most part either evaded or loftily ignored. The paving, lighting, and watching of the city Avere miserably imperfect. The foot- ways, where they existed, were so narrow that, even a quarter of a century later, the newspapers occasionally congratulated their readers when a week passed away without an accident to pedestrians. These casualties were largely due to what a writer in the Monthly Magazine for May, 1799, termed " the barbarous custom of using sledges in the public streets for the conveyance of goods," which appears to have been almost universal. The drivers in descending a slope dragged their sledges against the edge of the pavement; and, as the packages overhung the vehicles, the peril of foot-passengers may be imagined. The cleansing of all but the leading thoroughfares was generally loft to the elements. One of the local newspapers of Nov. 9th, 1799, complained: — "Pigs, goats, and other animals are suffered to wander about the streets with im- punity; at the same time the lives of the inhabitants are nightly endangered by heaps of mortar, ashes, and rub- bish." The sprinkling of feeble lamps, lighted by the parochial authorities, often became extinct about midnight through In ok of oil. From occasional broad insinuations in the public press, the watchmen — frequently decrepit old drunkards, and sometimes worn-out servants of members of the Corporation — were not merely inefficient, but were suspected of conniving at nocturnal offences. Beyond the city boundaries, in Clifton, Cotham, Rcdland, and the popu- 1801.] MANNERS AND CUSTOMS IN 1801. Q lous eastern suburbs, there was not a single public lamp or a single night-constable. As was natural under such circum- stances, burglaries and highway robberies were of constant occurrence, and a vast majority of the criminals escaped detection. The prevalence of crime, however, contributed to delay that complete separation of the upper and lower classes of citizens which is one of the most striking phenomena of later times. In 1801, Avith comparatively few exceptions, the merchant dwelt near his warehouses, as the trader lived over his shop ; and many narrow and sombre-looking streets, now lined with stores and offices or given up to labouring families, then contained the dwellings of the rich as well as the poor. Though the sanitary conditions of old-fashioned town life, especially in a city which had no public water supply, left much to be desired, they were accompaiiied by some compensating advantages. There was not that gulf between master and workman which has been deepened if not created by the isolation of the capitalist from the labourer, and disputes between the two classes were arranged without those terrible social conflicts which are amongst the greatest calamities of modern industry. A neighbourly feel- ing and habit of association also existed amongst the citizens to an extent unknown in our day. " Perhaps there is no place in England," observed the writer in the Montldy Magazine ali'eady quoted, " where public and social amuse- ments are so little attended to as here." Such pleasures, in fact, were limited to a short theatrical season and to the rare dissipation of a ball or concert. Travelling for purposes of health, relaxation, or amusement was never dreamt of by the trading classes — a fact not very surprising when it is remembered that the speed of stage-coaches averaged only five miles an hour, that the fares were high, that the traveller was almost shaken to pieces through the execrable state of the roads, and that highway robberies formed an inevitable item of each week's ncAvs. A holiday sojourn at the seaside was practicable only to the wealthy. The population of the parish of Weston-super-Mare in 1801 numbered 138, only twelve of whom (probably three families) were not dependent on agriculture ; and the lodging-house keeper was still in the future. The summer recreation of prosperous tradesmen therefore chiefly consisted in an evening stroll on the Grove or in Queen Square, where the noisy rooks added a rural attraction to the stately mansions of the merchants and to the masts of the sturdy old vessels ii THE ANNALS OF BEISTOL. [1801, moored in the river. College Green had also its votaries, for there the youth of Bristol, enrolled as volunteers, trooped to drill after the labours of the day. But the most cherished amusement of middle-aged citizens was an occasional visit to the suburban bowling-greens kept at the Ostrich Inn, over Durdham Down, Stapleton, Totterdown, Brislington, Henbury, and other villages, to which parties of friends resorted to enjoy their grog and tobacco in the country air, and afforded each other mutual protection from footpads on their return. In the long nights of winter, after the dismal tallow candles in the shop windows* had been extinguished, and warerooms had been carefully secured, the parlours of the principal taverns were filled by neighbours eager to exchange the gossip of the day. Almost every citizen had his habitual evening resort ; and when a charitable or patriotic subscrip- tion was on foot, " the g-entlemen frequenting " the Bush, the White Lion, the Rummer, or the Mulberry Tree, would some- times club upwards of fifty guineas in token of their sympathy. Conviviality, as may be supposed, was often carried to excess. In fact, entire sobriety was commonly regarded as more contemptible than drunkenness, and there is abundant evidence that a " three-bottle man " had fewer censors than admirers. At the dinner of the Parent Colston Society in 18G5, an old member, whose father had also belonged to the society, described the manner in which the anniversary was celebrated about the beginning of the century. The party assembled for dinner at four o'clock (an unusually late hour in those days), had oysters at nine, and grilled bones at four in the morning. Drinking was then resumed until the time came for breakfast, which was always hot and sumptuous, being made out of the presentable remains of the previous day's banquet. The example of the richer classes was followed, as far as their means would allow, by the poor, and in spite of the multitudinous public-houses few trades were so prosperous as that of the innkeeper. Schools, on the other hand, were few in number and bad in quality — facts which appear to have been regarded witli great equanimity, for the general committee of the • By a coniuion unrson who a])pcars to liave been shocked by this procedure was a gentleman named William Ady, residing in St. James's, who rescued the eagle from the melting-jiot by offering an ad- vanced price. His attempt to awaken better feelings iu the 1803.] THE DUKE OF NORFOLK AT THE STONE KITCHEN. 19 chapter by proffering to return it for the sura paid down, proved, however, fruitless, and in August the lectern was advertised for sale by auction at the Exchange Coffee Room. Clergymen, churchwardens, and persons contemplating bene- factions to their parish churches were especially invited to attend ; but the advertiser, apparently dubious of finding a buyer in this direction, pointed out that " traders with foreign parts may find it worth their while to purchase, as a like opportunity may never occur again.'' It was not until the scandal had reached this stage that Dean Layard and his colleagues thought fit to offer an explanation to the public. According to a brief statement published in FelLc Farley's Bridal Journal, the eagle, which " had not been used for many years," had been removed simply to accommodate the congregation ; and the authorities promised the introduc- tion of " something in its stead of equal or greater value and ornament." There is no evidence to show that this promise was ever performed. On the contrary, there is reason to believe that other articles, more especially two large candel- abra that once stood on the communion table, disappeared about the same time. Churchmen, however, were almost as indiff'erent as the chapter. At the auction Mr. Ady could not get a bidder for the eagle, and he finally presented it to the authorities of St. Mary-le-port, on condition that it should be " placed in the chancel, there to remain for ever." The conduct of the cathedral officials can scarcely have been approved by the citizens, but the only audible expression of censure is reported to have been uttered by one of the half- witted paupers then allowed to wander about the streets. Being rebuked by Dean Layard for disturbing the peace of the college precincts, the vagrant made an inquiry as to bird-stealers which effectually silenced the irritated dig- nitary. Felix Farleifs Bristol Journal of February 5, 1803, contains the following singular paragraph : — " On Saturday last, in order to decide a bet for 200 guineas which had been made dependent on his grace's presence there, the Duke of Nor- folk dined with a party of gentlemen at what is commonly known in this city by the name of the sfoiie hitchen, at the Rose and Crown, in Temple Street, where the evening was spent in the utmost conviviality and good humour." From another paragraph in the same paper, it appears that the duke had been presented a short time previously with the freedom of the city by the Corporation. " Jockey of Nor- folk," as he was styled by his convivial contemporaries, had 20 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1803. for some reason a strong liking for the West of England, and especially for the city of Gloucester, of which he was elected mayor in 1798, afterwards becoming its recorder, lord high steward, and on two later occasions chief magis- trate. His visit to the " stone kitchen " is said to have been brought about by one of his sporting friends in Herefordshire, who had been invited, during a brief sojourn in Bristol, to one of the tripe and beefsteak feasts given every Saturday, for which the inn was famous. In despite of its name and locality, the place, which is said to have been occupied by a family named Sloper for nearly two centuries, until they died out in 1841, was the resort of several "well-seasoned^' members of the Common Council and other leading citizens, amongst whom was the royal academician, Bird, who painted a large rose upon the ceiling of the " kitchen," * In accord- ance with the terms of the wager, no alteration was made in the usual fare on the day of the duke's attendance, but his grace thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment, which indeed was congenial to his tastes, and is said to have " eaten like Ajax, and drunk Avith twenty-aldermanic power." There is a further tradition recorded by an old contributor to the Bristol Times, namely, that the convivial nobleman, on his departure, w^as being conducted through a narrow alley which enabled visitors to avoid the front tavern, when his grace, whose size was proportioned to his gastronomic capacity, knocked over an oyster stall, and was objurgated by the choleric virago who owned it as a pot-bellied old brute. The duke, it is added, was profuse in his apologies, and assisted the angry dame in gathering up her stock-in-trade. A sad incident, peculiar to the time, occurred one Sunday afternoon in March, 1803. On the previous night a large press-gang had scoured the city and seized upon ujDwards of two hundred able-bodied men, who were carried oil' to the " rendezvous," or headquarters of the impressment service. On Sunday the gang, aided by a party of marine infantry, were conveying the unfortunate captives to Rownham, in order to their being shipped on board a frigate lying in Kingroad, Avlien a mob attacked the guard in Hotwell Road, pelting the officers and soldiers with mud, stones, and broken bottles. Some of the marines, injured by the missiles, re- taliated by firing into the crowd, with the effect of killing a boy. A woman was also shot in the breast, and a man had • It appears from Dr. IJruce's Handliook to Ncwcastlc-npon-T.vno, tliat a " Hlniio kilclieii " alao existed in that town iiliout thu same date, and that it was eciually popular amongst the leading merchants. 1803.] ENROLMENT OF THE BRISTOL VOLUNTEERS. 21 an ankle fractured by a l)ullet. At tlie inquest on the boy, the jury, after liearing evidence as to the jjrovocation offered by tlie mob, returned a verdict of justifiable liomicide. A musical festival, extending over three days, took place in Easter week. The morning- performances were given in St. Paul's Chui'ch, and consisted of a selection from Handel's works, and the oratorios of " The Creation " and " The Messiah.'^ Two miscellaneous evening concerts were given in the theatre. Mrs. Billiugton, " The British Syren," was the leading vocalist, and excited general admiration. War with France having again broken out in the summer, the Bristol volunteers, who had been disbanded with scant courtesy after the Peace of Amiens, forgot the affront, and were forthwith reorganized, a subscription of several thousand pounds being raised by the citizens in support of the move- ment. Owing to the arrogant language of Napoleon, and his stupendous preparations for invading England, the ardour shown in defence of the country rose to enthusiasm. It was at first proposed to enrol only 1,000 infantry volunteers, but 1,100 citizens pressed forward to join, and similar zeal was shown in volunteering for "the local cavalry and artillery, the total number of eff'ectives having soon reached 1,474. The following gentlemen were appointed as officers : Infantry — Colonel, Evan Baillie, M.P. ; lieut.-colonels, William Gore and Thomas Tyndall ; majors, Thos. Kington and Thomas Haynes ; adjutant, Geo. Bradshaw ; quarter-master, Stephen Cave; captains, G. Goldney, S. L. Harford, R. Vaughan, junr., Thos. Cole, Robert Bush, C. Payne, A. P. Collings, P. Baillie, J. Gordon, and J. Haythorne. Light horse — Major com- mandant, Henry Dupont ; captains, Levi Ames, junr., Robert Kingsmill,* Artillery — Captain, W. Innis Pocock. Corps numbering about 200 each were also formed in Clifton, West- bury, and Bedminster, the two former being united in a bat- talion. In a short time more than 16,000 men were enrolled in Gloucestershire and Somerset — a notable fact when it is remembered that the entire population of the two counties was little more than half a million. In order to make use of the waterside community, a corps of about 150 Sea Fencibles was established, having its head-quarters at Pill. The com- mandant was Captain Sotheby, R.N. The Common Council voted 400 guineas towards the establishment of the various corps, and also offered £300 in bounties of £3 each to the * The cavalry corps, having become greatly dimiuished iu numbers, was dis- solved in July, 1813. 22 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [18C3. first hundred sailors who volunteered to enter the Eoyal Navy. Finally^ Sir John White Jervis, then living in Clifton, undertook to raise at his own expense a volunteer rifle corps, two companies of which were soon organized. It may be observed in parenthesis that the land volunteers were exempted from service in the militia, then compulsory on persons capable of bearing arms, and that the pilots and watermen enrolled in the Fencibles secured protection against the ruthless press-gangs. The colours of the Bristol infantry were consecrated by the Eev. Sir A. Elton after a service in the cathedral j a " war anthem " being composed by the organist for the occasion. Telegraphs and beacons were erected on the principal hills of Somerset, Gloucestershire, and the neighbouring counties;* and the Duke of Cumber- land, who had been appointed military commandant of the Severn district, visited the city to inspect the volunteers and to "fix on spots best calculated for the erection of batteries on the Avon." The freedom of the city was presented to him on the occasion. A more lasting honour to a prince who was destined to be the most unpopular of his family, was the adoption of his name for the new tidal basin constructed a few years later at Eownham, in connection with the floating harbour. In October the "Eoyal Bristol Light Infantry'' were engaged in guarding 500 French prisoners from Wells to Stapleton prison [now the Bristol workhouse]. These captives, who had marched from Plymouth, were followed from time to time by several thousand others consigned to the same place. In December a meeting was held in the Guildhall, at which General Tarleton, who had succeeded to the Duke of Cumberland's command, laid before the mayor (Mr. D. Evans), and other leading citizens, the defenceless state of the port in view of the threatened invasion. After a discussion, it was resolved to provide for the security of the harbour by gunboats, for the construction of which it was resolved *to apply for an Act to raise £20,000, to be cleared off by a tax upon the citizens. This project, however, met with such decided disapproval at the parochial meetings which followed, that it was promptly abandoned. The volunteer regiments of each localit}^ were called upon to perform permanent duty for a few weeks yearly, being generally quartered in some neighbouring town. During * The Corporation voted £200 for tlie erection of four of these sipnal posts, " fifty fcf-t loiiK, with hnlyyanlH " nt " the sniilT iiiili on Clifton Kocks. Duiulry tower, KinyswcHtnn Down, and liobba' Hill, above Portishead battery," for the security of the city. 1803.] DEATH OP THE MAYOR. 23 this period the men received military pay. In September, 1804, when it was believed that a French landing might occur at any moment, it was arranged that the Bristol corps, on receiving a signal, should march on Burford, while the Somerset and Gloucestershire corps should be directed on Marlborough, measures being taken for the subsequent trans- port of the whole force eastwards by cai'ts, to take part in the defence of London. Early in 1805, the city Guard-house in Wine Street, which had been for some years in a ruinous state, underwent a thorough repair in order to accommodate the garrison. About the same time the War Office entered into a contract for a magazine for 20,000 stand of arms, "to be erected in the Gloucester Road, without Lawford's Gate." This building, locally known as the Armoury, has long dis- appeared, but its memory is preserved by the name of Armoury Square, given to the dwellings now standing on its site. The Common Council was specially convoked in August, 1803, owing to a mournful event of an unusual character, — the death of the mayor, Mr. Robert Castle, during his year of office. According to ancient precedent, the chair was taken by the senior alderman, Sir John Durbin, who announced the cause of the meeting. The quaint official minutes continue as follows : — " And the robes, swords, and other insiarnia belonging to the office of mayoi', which the late mayor died possessed of, being laid upon the table in order to be dis- posed of to such person as should be elected," three gentle- men were nominated, and David Evans was chosen. " Then the mayor-elect, there putting on his scarlet gown and the scarlet robe (always worn by the mayors pf this city at their swearing), with the old sheriffs and the rest of the Common Council, also in their scarlet gowns, removed out of St. George's Chapel to the High Desk in the Guildhall," Avhere the oaths were administered by the mayor of the preceding year. "After which all the insignia were in the usual man- ner delivered to Mr. Mayor, who in the scarlet robes afore- said was, with the swoi'd and pearl scabbard borne before him, attended by the others of the Common Council (in their scarlet gowns) to the Council-house, where they separated." Only four years later, the Corporation had again to regret the loss of its head, Mr. Henry Bright having died in Novem- ber, 1807, in the second month of his mayoralty. Mr, Samuel Birch was appointed his successor in December, when the above ceremonies were repeated. Puritanic views and practices respecting the sanctity of ^ 24 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1804. the first day of the week ling-ered lono- amonorst local g-uar- dians of order. Felix Farley's Journal of Feb. 2, 1804^ contained the following paragraph : — " Several boys were on Sunday taken to Bridewell for playing in the streets in St. James's parish during the time of morning service. " In the following year the corporate accounts record a payment of £1 Is. lOd. "paid George Merrick, costs in prosecuting a man for prophaning the sabbath." Down to the year 1804, the only thoroughfare from Broad Street to Nelson Street, for foot-passengers as well as for vehicles, was the central archway under St. John's Church tower, now appropriated to carriages. Serious accidents were consequently of frequent occurrence. In March of this year, the Corporation purchased a lease, granted by the feoffees of the parish, of the premises adjoining the west wall of the tower, and opened in 1805 what a contemporary journalist called a " noble " (though it was really a very mean) archway as a footpath for the public. In 1827, the parochial vestry resolved upon restoring the tower and re- moving the cistern attached to the south side of the church (the appearance of which is shown in plates in Mr. Seyer's and the Rev. J. Evans's histories), with the view of opening another footway on the east side of the tower. The entrance to the church, previously inside the great archway — as may still be seen from existing remains — was removed to the spot previously occupied by the cistern and fountain, and the latter was set up on its present site. AVhile those alter- ations were in progress, the vestry memorialized the Common Council, pointing out that the gateway under the tower had been "for many years complained of as a great public nui- sance, fraught with danger and difficulty from its extreme narrowness and the multitude of carriages and passengers passing through the same ; and that by proper and adequate footways on each side of the tower the grievance would be greatly diminished." To effect this, it would be necessary to take down the house al)utting upon the west side of the toAver, and the ])roi)erty being leased by the Corporation, the peti- tioners prayed that the Common Council would surrender its interests, in order that the site might be sold and the proceeds deyoted to tlie im])r()voment. The Corjioration liaving assented, the building, which contained some window mouldings and other slight relics of the church of St. IjJIW- rence (the roof, according to J. Evans, was remarkably per- fect in 1821), was swept away. Tlie alterations, which were generally aj)proved, were finished in 1829. 1805.] TAX ON SALT. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. 25 In February, 1805, four habitual thieves, captured under pecuhar circumstances, were committed to Newgate prison charged with a burglary in St. Augustine's parish. A local journalist wrote : — " They had converted a cavern in Cook's Folly wood, called St. John's Hole, into a kind of store-room, which was well supplied with bacon, cheese, etc., and were in the act of cooking when detected." Crime was exceed- ingly prevalent about this time, and the Corporation had made the following payment only a few weeks before : — " Paid Wra. Gibbons, Esq., and Co., for 86 dozen hard Hand Cuff's for city use, £130 lOs." Amongst the ill-advised fiscal laws passed during the struggle with the French, the tax on salt was probably the most oppressive and injurious. In seeking to lighten its severity on the poor, many of whom lived mainly on vege- tables, and consequently consumed more of the condiment than the wealthy. Parliament resorted to singular devices. At the city quarter sessions in March, the justices, in com- pliance with the statute law, fixed the price of "rock salt, otherwise Bristol salt," at fivepence per pound, and 1.*;. 4cZ. per quarter-peck. The penalty upon a tradesman charging a hig-her price was £20 for each offence. One conviction is recorded about the same date. During the summer it was currently reported that George III., Avhose most extensive journeys had previously been to Cheltenham and Weymouth, intended to make a tour in the West of England. The Corporation was immediately on the alert, and Sir John Durbin, Alderman Noble, the two sheriffs, and the town clerk were sent oft" to London with an invita- tion to his Majesty to visit the city. If the king had ever contemplated a ''progress," however, he had changed his mind. The expenses of the deputation amounted to no less a sum than £282 ; but the details are unfortunately wanting. The religious delusions of a semi-lunatic Devonshire woman, named Joanna Southcott, attracted much attention about this time. Joanna had many enthusiastic followers, and probably some relatives, in Bristol. In 1805 and 1806 her " inspii'ed writings" were advertised as on sale at ''Mr. Southcott's, 69, Broad Quay." Shortly afterwards her votaries announced that " there was a place in Bristol " where her inspirations " were publicly read and explained ; which opens every Sunday evening at 6 o'clock and every Friday evening at 7." Further information Avas to be had of "the expositor, the Eev. Samuel Eyre." The place rented by the fanatics, at £25 a year, was a large room in 26 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1805. wliat lias been called Colston's house in Small Street, then chiefly occupied by the printing office of the Mirror. Joanna died in 1814, and the discovery of imposture upon a surgical examination of her body so shook the faith of her Bristol admirers that the furniture of the room was seized for rent, and sold in the street. The more infatuated section of the Southcottites nevertheless retained the belief that their prophet would reappear; and the rent of the chamber was paid until 1854, when the death of Mr. Eyre, " of Stokes Croft," put an end to the occupancy. On Sunday, the 15th of Sept., 1805, the date fixed by the charter of Queen Anne, Mr. John Foy Edgar, a member of the Common Council, was elected mayor, but refused to accept the office, and was fined £400 for his contumacy. The fine was paid, although the refusal may have been due to the declining fortunes of Mr. Edgar, who had twice filled the then costly office of sheriff. In 1818, he relinquished his seat in the chamber, and was appointed sword-bearer. Mr. Edgar, who was descended maternally from Sir Robert Cann, a masterful mayor and member of Parliament occupy- ing a conspicuous place in the city annals, was of a different stamp from the ordinary ruck of civic officials. Ediicated at Christchurch College, Oxford, he was found an acceptable acquaintance by young men of high social and intellectual position ; and when the Earl of Liverpool and Mr. Canning paid a visit to Bristol, in 1825, they recognised and cor- dially saluted their old companion at the university — the Premier and his colleague, it is said, making offers of assist- ance which the fallen merchant was too proud to accept. Mr. Crabb Robinson, who visited Bristol in 183G, after recording in his diary a call upon Joseph Cottle, wrote : — " Here, too, was living a man I became acquainted with through Flaxman — Edgar, a man of accomplishments and taste. A merchant once enjoying wealth, he was the patron of Flaxman Avhen little known. Adversity befell him, and then, though he was a Conservative, and the Radicals were in power,''^ they behaved, as he himself said, Avith generosity towards a political adversary, allowing him to retain the office of sword-bearer on terms more liberal than could have been required. Ho was an F.S.A., and possessed an unusual degree of anti((narian knowledge." It would appear that the Common Council found it im- * Tlicre is obviously somo orror in Mr. Rnl)inson's reminiscence of the facts, Mr. Edgar was ijresident of the Aiiclior Society in 17'J8. 1806.] THE mayor's salary, corporate presents. 27 possible to fill tlio civic chair except by promisino- to increase the salary attached to it. At all events, Mr. Daniel Wait had no sooner been elected in the place of Mr. Edgar, than the Sinn annually granted to the mayor, which had been increased from £1,200 to £1,500 in 1800, was further aug- mented to £2,000. Yet a twelvemonth after, Mr. Wm. Fripp refused the office, and was fined £500. Four years later, in 1810, Sir Henry Protheroe also paid the same fine rather than accept the chief magistracy, and indicated the cause of his refusal by giving notice of a motion for raising the salary to £2,500, to which amount it was actually advanced in Septem- ber, 1813. Two gentlemen, Levi Ames, junr., and W. Inman, had declined the costly honour in 181 1, and paid a fine of £500 each. Intense public emotion was caused in November by the naval victory of Trafalgar and the death of Nelson at the moment of his greatest triumph. On the occasion of the national thanksgiving, in December, the collections made on behalf of the Patriotic Fund at the places of worship in the city amounted to over £1,000. The largest gifts were made at St. James's and St. Paul's Churches and Lewin's-mead Chapel,* each of these collections slightly exceeding £100. On the 20th of February, 1806, the ironwork of the bridge intended to carry the Bath road over the new course of the Avon suddenly collapsed when it was on the point of completion. Two of the workmen were mortally injured. The art of iron bridge building being then in its infancy, the faultiness of the design escaped attention, and the bridge was rebuilt on the original plan. As had frequently been pre- dicted, it fell a second time, many years later (see March, 1 855) . The account books of the Corporation for the month of March contain the following item, which is eloquent enough to speak for itself : — " Paid John Noble, Esq., for wine sent as a present to the High Steward, members in Parliament, and Recorder, by order of Common Council, £295 9,*." The gifts, which were made every year, consisted of a butt of sherry to the two members, another to the Lord High Steward, and a hogshead to the Recorder. The fortunate purveyor, " John Noble, Esq.," was one of the aldermen of the city, and a Whig, as were the majority of the municipal body at that date. Mr. Noble was appointed one of the * The congregation of Levvin's Mead Chapel at one time consisted of so many leading citizens that, with one exception, its members included the wliole aldcrmanic bench. Of the feoffees of the Unitarian almshouse in Stokes Croft in 1785, eight had been mayors and three sheriffs. — Bristol Times, April 9, 1853. 28 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1806. Auditors of public accounts during the ministry of Lord Grenville (1806), and afterwards lived in London, but retained liis aldermanic gown until liis death in 1828. The foundation-stone of the left wing of the Infirmary was laid in June by Mr. E. Protheroe. Prior to commencing the work the committee had collected a fund sufficient to provide for the cost of the building, and had also obtained by a public subscription the sum of £10,500, which was invested as an endowment for maintainino* the new wards. For some inscrutable reason, the whole of the Infirmary buildings were painted black, and presented a most lugubrious appearance. Prince Packler Muskau, who visited the city in 1828, noted the fact with astonishment, and compared the place to " an enormous mausoleum." It was not until more than thirty years later that the doleful aspect of the institution was removed at the expense of Mr. H. A. Palmer. A bill for amending previous local Acts relating to the sewerage, cleansing, paving, and lighting of the city, received the royal asseiit during the parliamentaiy session of 1806. For several years previous to this date, the Corporation was looked upon by the ratepayers with extreme distrust, and every effort made to extend its powers over the citizens had been obstinately resisted. On the present occasion the Common Council, in order to carry a bill unquestionably desirable, proclaimed its willingness to delegate the powers of the statute to a body of commissioners. This announce- ment was received with as much approval as surprise ; but upon looking into the matter, the citizens found that the con- cession was rendered delusive by a provision under which the Corporation retained its predominance under disguise. The bill provided that the ratepayers of each parish should nominate ten persons, from whon\ the Council were to select two at their discretion — an arrangement by which the authorities doubtless expected to eliminate all who were likely to be critical or hostile. An influential body of rate- payers, acting as parocliial delegates, combined to oppose this clause; but the corporate officials, after promising to delay the measure until tlie objectors had laid their case before Parliament, pushed the bill through its final stages, and then coolly laughed at their dupes. The latter held an inditfnation meeting' to denounce the conduct (^f tlu> author- ities and protest against the blow struck at the rights and interests of the citizens; but the ti-imn])li oF ihe Corporation was not the less complete, the commissioners being always the subservient instruments of the Common Council. A 1806.] SLAVERY IN BRISTOL. ELECTION EXPENDITURE. 29 sum of £2,230 in consols, being the surplus of tlio trust for repairing and lighting Bristol Bridge, was handed over to the new body, which continued to exercise its functions as a highway board, and to levy rates throughout the ancient city until so late a date as 1851, when it was superseded by the adoption of the Health of Towns Act by the Council. The short-lived Whig Ministry of 180G succeeded in pass- ing through Parliament a bill for the suppression of the inhuman slave-trade between Africa and the West India colonies. The measure was opposed by Mr. Bathurst, one of the members for Bristol, where the trade had flourished exceedingly during the previous century. Public opinion, however, had nearly brought about its extinction, a paper in the MuntJili/ Magazine for May, 1799, observing that it was *'just expiring" in Bristol; and Mr. Protheroe, M.P., stated that when the Act passed not a single slaver hailed from the port. A reference to Clarkson's work on the subject will prove that the conversion of local merchants had been re- markably rapid. Slavery was even recognised in England. In SaraJi Farleifs Bristol Journal for Jan. 9, 1768, was the following advertisement : — '' To be sold, a healthy Negro Slave, named Prince, 17 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, and extremely well grown. Enquire of Joshua Springer, in St. Stephen's Lane." So late as Dec. 8, 1792, a local journal reported that a wealthy citizen had just sold a " black ser- vant girl, who had been many years in his service," into perpetual bondage, and that the price of the unhappy woman, who was shipped to Jamaica, w^as £80, colonial currency. When she ''put her feet into the fatal boat at Lamplighters' Hall, her tears ran down her face like a shower of rain." The three election contests in 1780, 1781, and 1784 were long remembered for their extreme costliness. In 1780, the Prime Minister, with the consent of George III., contributed £1,000 from the king's private purse with the object of defeating Burke and his Whig colleague, Cruger. This gift was by.t a drop in the bucket, however, and in 1781, upon the death of one of the successful Tory members, the local leaders, exhausted by the previous struggle, made an earnest appeal for further assistance, and secretly received £5,000 from the royal bounty. About the same time the king's income w^as drawn upon to the extent of £2,000 on behalf of the Tory party in Gloucestershire (see " Correspondence of George III. and Lord North," vol. ii., p. 425). Tlie still more expensive struggle in 1784 ended in a drawn battle, each side 30 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1807. returning a candidate, and the rival camps appear to have thereupon mutually agreed to avoid furtiier conflicts upon the basis of a divided representation. Thus for many years there was not even the semblance of a struggle, A general election took place in October, 1806, when Mr. Bathurst, the Tory nominee, and Colonel Baillie, the representative of the Whigs, were re-elected. Parliament was again dissolved in the spring of 1807, and as the old compromise remained in force, Mr. Bathurst (who had just been appointed Master of the Mint) and Colonel Baillie were nominated for the third time. The intended unanimity of the proceedings at the Guildhall, on the 5th of May, was, however, interrupted by a man named Henry Hunt, who had recently started a " Clifton genuine beer brewery " at Jacob's wells, and who afterwards obtained national notoriety for his demagogic oratory in support of annual parliaments and universal suffrage. Hunt presented himself on the platform to propose Sir John Jervis, a popular lawyer, and afterwards Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas ; but the sheriffs refused to accept the nom- ination, on the ground that its proposer was neither a free- holder nor a free burgess of the city. During the chairing of the members. Hunt's followers, who had on the previous night demolished the windows of the Council House and White Lion Hotel, pelted Mr. Bathurst so vigorously with mud and sticks that he was forced to leave his gilded car and beat a retreat. Another attack was being organized against his hostelry, the White Lion, when Hunt successfully diverted the attention of the mob by offering to distribute two butts of beer at his brewery. In the evening, the win- dows of the Council House and the neighbouring hotel were again assailed by a drunken crowd. A new hotel was opened during the summer in a large mansion in College Place, for many years the residence of Alderman Noble, The opening dinner of "Keeves's Hotel" took place on the 25th of June, the mayor, Mr. (afterwards Sir) Richard Vaughan, presiding. The company, twenty-two in number, consisted chiefly of aldermen and common council- lors, and the bacchanalian powers of the party nuiy bo judged from the " wine bill " drawn up by the chairman, and religiously preserved by Mr. Reeves.* The items were as follows: — Dinners, at 25.s-., €27 lO.s-, ; 12 bottles of sherry, at OS. GJ., £3 Oh.; 12 bottles of port, at bs., £3; 12 ])ottlos of hock, at 10.?. 6d., £6 Gs.; 20 bottles of claret, at ll.s\, £11 ; • " MS. Anuals," City Library, ii., 388, 1808.] VISIT OF THE PKINCE OP WALES. FATAL DUELS. 31 with G bottles of cliampagne (paid for by the mayor). The total was sixty-two bottles for twenty-two persons. Mr. Reeves, who was famous as a caterer, made a fortune of £20,000 before retiring from business. The Prince of Wales, accompanied by the Duko of Sussex, having arrived at Berkeley Castle during a short tour in the West, his royal highness responded to an invitation of the Corporation by paying a visit to Bristol on the 6tli of October. Attended by his brother, his noble host, and a numerous party of friends, he entered the city by Park Street, and was conducted by the sheriffs, Sir H. Protheroe and Mr. Hay- tliorne, to the Mansion House, amidst the usual tokens of rejoicing. An address was there presented, in which the Corporation assured the prince that while they contemplated the blessings they enjoyed under the paternal reign of his father, " the true principles of greatness which adorn the character of your i-oyal highness encourage us to hope in the prospect of their continuance." A suitable reply having been made, the prince was presented with the free- dom of the city in a gold box. The royal visitor explained that his entrance into the city in a close carriage — which, says the reporter, had greatly disappointed the spectators, and especially the fair sex — was due to his suffering from a swelled face, and he then condescended to inspect the guard of honour in front of the house, and to show himself to the populace. Having partaken of a sumptuous banquet at the Merchants' Hall, the royal party left for Berkeley, the visit having lasted about four hours. The entertainment cost the city £1,225. The Duke of Sussex also received the freedom of the city shortly afterwards, and a similar compliment was conferred upon the Duke of Gloucester in the following year. The small dome surmounting the tower of All Saints' Church, — a grotesque whim of churchwardendom iii the previous century, — having become dilapidated, was replaced in January, 1808, by the existing structure, which is not less incongruous with a Norman fabric than was its predecessor. On the 25th March, 1808, a double duel took place amongst four of the French war prisoners at Stapleton, two of whom were mortally wounded. A verdict of manslaughter against the two survivors was returned by the coroner's jury ; but at the Gloucester assizes in the following month they were acquitted. In July, 1809, another fatal duel took place in the prison. Two of the captives, a naval and a military officer, quarrelled over a game of marbles, by which they were seeking to beguile the dreary monotony of the place, 32 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1808. wliereupon a duel was arranged to come off in the cliapel. Ordinary weapons being of course out of their reach, the antagonists fought with sticks, to the ends of which they had contrived to fix sharp pieces of iron^ and one of the men w^as mortally injured. The coroner's inquest resulted in a verdict of wilful murder against the other; but at the ensuing summer assizes at Gloucester the jury acquitted the prisoner, who, it was deposed, acted in self-defence. A contemporary local newspaper stated that not less than 150 duels had been fought amongst the prisoners, averaging about 5,500 in number, during the previous three years. Owing to the enforced idleness of the unhappy men, gaming became a passion amongst them; and it was not uncommon to find a prisoner reduced to nakedness through wagering away the clothes upon his back. An additional butcher market in Nicholas Street was opened on the 25th of June, 1808. The building had cost the Corporation upwards oJ& £5,000. The local journals for the early weeks of September con- tained an advertisement of the intended sale by auction, by order of the mayor (Mr. S. Birch) and the other surveyors of the city lands, of " the materials of Temple Gate, now standing at the top of Temple Street." This step was deter- mined upon in consequence of a petition addressed to the Common Council by residents in the neighbourhood, setting forth that the gate was very narrow and ruinous, a great impediment to traffic, as well as dangerous and inconvenient, and that its removal Avould considerably improve the street. Strangely enough, none of the newspapers appear to have noticed the sale itself, nor the destruction of a building which, though neither ancient nor beautiful, was still identified with the histoi-y of the city. From the diary of a citizen pub- lished in the Times and Mirror (March 15, 1884), it appears that the materials were bought by a Mr. Wilmot, carpenter, for £107. The city arms were on the outside of the gate, and the royal arms on the inside. The structure was re- moved shortly afterwards, much to the convenience of public traffic. In September, 18G9, workmen came upon some remains of the gate, or possibly of its predecessor, when excavating the foundations of tli(> bridge connected with the harbour railway. A proposal to establish a Commercial Coffee Room, on the pattern of Ijloyd's Coffee Room in London, was circulated during the autumn of this year. Tlie project having been favourably received, a meeting was held in Novembei', the 1809.] COMMERCIAL ROOMS. MALL ASSEMBLY ROOM. 33 mayor (Mr. J. Haytliorne) in the cliair, when it was stated that £10,000 woukl be required to carry out the undertaking in a manner Avorthy of the city. The vahie of the shares Avas fixed at £25 each, and a subscription having been started, the entire sum was guaranteed within twenty-four hours. A design by a Mr. Busby having been selected, the foundation stone of the building was laid in March, 1810, by Mr. George Dyer, treasurer, in the presence of most of the leading citizens. The rooms, which cost about £17,000, were opened in September, 1811, when the original title was altered, the word "coffee" being suppressed. The number of members at the outset was about 500, but they increased in a few months to over 600. A heavy snowstorm occurred early in the year 1809. Being followed by an unusually rapid thaw, the greatest flood ever remembered took place in the valleys of the Avon and the Froom, and caused great damage in the city. The water spread over large portions of Newfoundland, Callowhill, Milk, King, and Merchant Streets, St. James's Back, and Broadmead, some houses being inundated to the depth of six feet. Provisions had to be conveyed to imprisoned families by means of boats. A temporary bridge over the Float, for use whilst the drawbridge was under repair, was carried away, some passengers having a narrow escape. Up to this time both of the assembly rooms established in Clifton for balls and entertainments were in the neigh- bourhood of Dowry Square, which, through the increasing number of residences on the brow of the hill, was ceasing to be patronized by fashionable visitors. The need of a suit- able public building in a commodious situation had been recognised in 1792, when a scheme was started to build an assembly room and hotel by means of a tontine, but the project collapsed. Having been revived, the foundation stone of the Mall Assembly Rooms, to which a new hostelry, to be called the Clifton Hotel, was to be attached, was laid in the spring of 1806. In January, 1809, the structure, which was of an imposing character, and occupied the whole east end of the Mall, was roofed in, when, says a contem- porary diarist {Times and Mirror-, March 15, 1884), "the proprietors had an ox roasted whole, and gave it to the populace." The Assembly Room was opened in November, 1811, with the most brilliant ball ever known in Clifton. A room attached to the York Hotel (on the site of Clifton Down Hotel) which had occasionally served for balls, was rarely used after this date. D 34- THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1809. A fatal duel took place in a field near the Montagu Hotel on the 1st of March, 1809, and caused a lively sensation in the district. The parties, who, it was reported, had quarrelled at the theatre, were Mr. Henry Smith, attorney, a member of an old Bristol family, and Mr. Richard Priest, a tailor in Clare Street. The latter was mortally wounded in the thigh, and died within a few hours. [The account of the affair given in the local newspapers does not occupy half a dozen lines.] Smith fled to Portugal, but surrendered at the assizes in April, 1810, No indictment, however, was pre- sented against him, and after being arraigned upon the verdict of the coroner's jury, a convenient informality was found in the document, upon which he was at once dis- charged. In consequence of the occupation of Spain by the armies of the French emperor, and the enormous destruction of sheep by the foreign invaders, Spanish wool, which had previously formed one of the largest imports into Bristol, rose in this market to wholly unprecedented prices. The highest rate known before the war for fine Spanish wool was 6s. 9d. per lb. ; but at a sale in the Exchange Coffee Room in the sjjring of 1809, Mr. Lane, a broker, disposed of a lot at 20*. (5cL per lb. A few days later, a cloth manufacturer of Wotton-nnder-Edge offered 21s. per lb. for a parcel, which was refused. One large transaction took place at oOs. per lb.; but the purchaser, discovering that he had been deceived by false representations, forced the vendors to return him a considerable sum. Some flocks of merino sheep were after- wards brought from the Peninsula, and sold at exceedingly high prices on being lauded at Shirehampton. The Spaniards, through carelessness and blundering, subsequently allowed Germany to wrest from them the supremacy they had long enjoj'ed in the fine wool trade ; and Bristol suffered much by the loss of this branch of her commerce. One of the earliest railways, if not actually the first, pro- jected in the West of England, was a proposed line to con- nect the Bristol with the English Channel. The promoters, whoso scheme is mentioned in the Jhisiol Gazette of October 18, doubtless contemplated the laying down of a horse tram- way, similar to the colliery lines then common in Northumber- land; but the severe financial exigencies of the war reudei'ed the project abortive. Notwithstanding the gloomy condition of British affairs, international as well as domestic, the commencement of the fiftieth year of the reign of George III. was celebrated on 1810.] STATUE OF GEORGE III. THE DUKE OF PORTLAND. 35 the 23rd of October witli mucli rejoicing. A triumphal arch was erected in Corn Street near St. Werburgh's Church, under which the mayor and members of the Corporation passed in procession on their way to the mayor's chapel. Large congregations also attended divine service in the various places of worship. Subsequently, as the result of a liberal subscription, to which the Corporation contributed £220, distributions of meat, etc., were made to several thousand poor people, the children in the endowed schools were treated with cake and wine, and about twenty miserable debtors were liberated from Newgate. In the evening a gigantic bonfire was lighted on Brandon Hill, and lighted tar- barrels were kicked about in Corn Street. A more perma- nent memorial of the king's " happy reign " was devised in St. Paul's parish, the foundation-stone of an obelisk being laid during the day in Portland Square, in the presence of the volunteer corps of the city and neighbourhood. In the following April the obelisk was superseded by what the newspapers termed "a very fine statue of his Majesty," the pedestal of which bore an inscription expressive of the grati- tude of the subscribers for '' the blessings enjoyed under the best of kings." The size of the figure is not recorded, but the editor of the Gazette asserted that in point of execution it was equal to the work of " Flaxman and NoUekens." On March 23, 1813, the night after one of "Orator Hunt's" demagogical performances on one of the brazen pillars at the Exchange, a party of eight or ten men entered the inclosure in Portland Square and flung down the statue, which was so much injured that it was never replaced. One of the per- petrators of this act was sentenced, at the ensuing quarter sessions, to twelve months' imprisonment. The death of the Duke of Portland, then Prime Minister, in 1809, caused a vacancy in the office of Lord High Steward of Bristol. The Common Council, in March, 1810, appointed as his successor another eminent statesman. Lord Crenville. The new High Stewai'd visited the city in May, 1811, and was magnificently entertained by the Corporation on being presented with the freedom of the city, the outlay, as shown by the civic accounts, being no less than £1,390. Many prominent citizens were excluded from this banquet because of their Tory principles, much to the discredit of the ruling party in the Corporation. Lord Grenville was also present at a banquet given by the Whig Club. Another guest at the latter feast was the Duke of Norfolk, the eccentric gas- tronome already referred to [p. 19], who was toasted as "our 36 ■ THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1810. friend and fellow-citizen." Lord Grenville held the office of Lord High Steward until his death^ in 1834. Shortly after the appointment of Lord Grenville, the Whig party in the Common Council lost its predominance. Some old Whigs, following the example of Burke, had previously changed sides, but the final defeat of the party in the civic chamber seems to have been due to the reckless conduct of its leaders, who lost the sympathy of the younger Whigs out of doors. A strong feeling had grown up amongst the citizens that the revenues of the Corporation, instead of being squandered in useless pomp, should be made subser- vient to purposes of public utility. The Corporation, on the other hand, showed a disposition to devote a continually in- creasing amount on enjoyments monopolized by themselves and their friends. The advance in the mayor's salary to £2,000 at a time of much national distress has been already recorded. The proceeding was followed by similar liberality towards the sheriffs, who had been previously allowed £420 each. This amount was found to be far from adequate to meet the expenditure on dinners, etc., expected from the functionaries in question ; and when a gentleman was patri- otic enough to serve the office twice, it became the custom to allow him a larger honorarium. In 1808, Sir Henry Protheroe was granted £974 12,'?, 3(^., and Mr. J. Haythorne £840 on this account ; they subsequently got a further vote of £84 between them, being the cost of a piece of plate pre- sented by them to the mayor (H. Bright), who died during the municipal year. In 1811, the sheriffs' salaries were raised to £630 each; yet one of the functionaries of that year, W. Inman, was thought deserving of £213 186-. 4'7. additional, for having served a second time. Adding to the salaries of the mayor and sheriffs the expenditure on the Mansion House, about £1,000 per annum, it appears that fully a fourth of the civic income Avas expended on display and feasting at a period when the mass of the inhabitants, in common with the counti'y at large, were suffering under the burdens and misfortunes of the long struggle with tlio French emperor. The effect on public opinion in the city was mani- fested when it became necessary to fill vacant seats in the Common Council. Although a fine of £300 was imposed on gentlemen refusing to accept office after being elected, the repudiations became numerous after 1805. Five years later the dilHculty assumed a form whicli strikingly illustrated the disgust of intelligent lookers-on. In August, 1810, upon the death of two common councillors, Messrs. J. B. Beuce and 1810.] END OF WHIG RULE IN THE CORPORATION. 37 J. Thomson were elected, but they both refused to serve, and were fined, Messrs. W. Dowell and R. Bush were next chosen, only to pursue the same course. Messrs. J. Fowler and J. Vaughan were thereupon elected, and the former took his seat. Mr. Vaughan refused, and the gentleman elected to succeed him, Mr. C. Hill, refused also. At this point another councillor died, and fresh efforts were made to fill the two vacancies. Remembering that the Corporation was one of the wealthiest and most distinguished in the kingdom, it is not a little significant that fourteen gentlemen were suc- cessively appointed and successively paid the fine rather than accept what was once regarded as an honour. Their names were J. Cave, J, Sutton, Tim. Powell, C. Saunders, Gr. Thorne, J. R. Lucas, J. Hurle, Jos. Powell, T. Stock, Jer. Hill, W. Dowson, J. Nicholas, G. Gibbs, and T. Hellicar. Finally, after a delay of two years, two gentlemen w^ere found willing to accept the equivocal distinction — Messrs. George and Abraham Hilhouse. They were supposed to be Whigs by Alderman Bengough, who was then all-powerful in the Corporation ; but a few months after their election they joined the Tory camp, which by their help obtained a majority, and Alderman Daniel, its leader, a strong-willed disciplin- arian, gradually obtained so complete a predominance in civic affairs as to be styled by his admirers the '^ King of Bristol.'^ Bad as had been the system of local government, the change of autocrats cannot be said to have wrought any improve- ment. In 1812, at the close of the shrievalty of Messrs. E. Brice and B. Bickley, who had served twice, they were awarded £1,687 16.'*. 8r^, as well as a further sum of £150, the fee paid to a barrister for acting as their assessor during the first election of that year. In 1813, the salary of the mayor was increased to £2,500, and in 1816, Sir W. J. Struth was voted £3,346 for his second term of office.* A few years later, as will be seen hereafter, the extravagance of the new recjime, maintained as it was by crushing imposts on the trade of the port, excited a fierce storm of indignation amongst the leading Tory merchants, and the mayor's allow- ance was reduced (doubtless with much unwillingness) to £2,000. Returning for the present to the difficulty experienced in recruiting the Council, a remarkable resolution was adopted * Sir William claimed and received a further sum of £120 14.'?. for earthen- ware left by him at the Mansion House. The breakage there must have been enormous, for only a few mouths later a tradesman was paid nearly ii-40 for another supply of crockery. 38 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1810. in June, 1813, at the instance of the mayor (Mr. E. Castle), who moved that application be made to the Crown for a sup- plementary charter to the Corporation, empowering them to augment the fine for refusing to serve the office of mayor, alderman, sheriff, or common councillor, to any sum not ex- ceeding £2,000, exemption being gi*anted only to persons willing to swear that they were not worth £8,000. It was thereupon ordered that proper measures should be forthwith adopted for obtaining such powers; but the only further reference to the subject in the records is a payment to the city solicitors of £51 17s. "for the intended new charter," after which the project was abandoned owing to the deter- mined opposition of influential citizens of both political parties. For some years Alderman Daniel appears to have easily obtained new adherents, a result probably due, in some measure, to the system of admitting freemen which was adopted under his rule. In the early years of the century the fee imposed on "foreigners" — that is, men not free burgesses — on taking up the freedom averaged about 15 guineas. But in 1815 the fee of Mr. Joseph Reynolds (son of the philanthropist) was fixed at £84. Shortly after, Mr. R. Blakemore, Mr. George Grenfell, and Mr. C. Hare were severally required to pay £105 before their admission. On the other hand, the fees demanded from Mr. Gabriel Goldney, Mr. C. L. Walker, Mr. C. Pinney, and Mr. F. Savage, who all became town councillors, and were elected mayors (the last named refused the chief magistracy), were reduced to 12 guineas. Towards the close of the reign of George IV., when the Corporation had become, if possible, more unpopular than ever, it again became difficult to induce leading citizens to enter the Common Council.* Several gentlemen paid the fine rather than serve ; and seven seats were vacant in December, 1829, of which only three could then be filkxl. The Whig element in the chamber had by that time dwindled away to insignificance; but Alderman Daniel was sagacious enough to prevent its entire extinction, and could easily afford to grant it an occasional recruit. Great poj)ular discontent, arising partly from the distressed state of industi'y and partly from the repressive measures adopted by tlie Government, existed in the spring of 1810. The feeling was mucli exasperated by the arrest of Sir Francis Jiurdett — a refined "Orator Ilunt" — for expressions • So curly an 1822, three ont of the eleven ftUleminnic scats long remained vacant — one of them for upwards of eighteen months. 1810.] A RIOT PREVENTED. FASHION IN THE I'lTHAY. 39 that in later days would pass witliont remark, and by the shooting- down of several persons in the streets of London whilst the frothy baronet was being conducted to the Tower. Unfortunately the protests of the people against arbitrary rule too often assumed a violent character. On the lOth of April, 1810, the day fixed for opening the assizes, Sir Vicary Gibbs, the Recorder (who, as Attorney-General, had made himself highly unpopular by his informations against the press), was received by the populace on his entry into the city with groans and hisses ; and in the evening, whilst he was being entertained at the Mansion House, the windows were destroyed by stones amidst shouts of "Burdettfor ever; no Tower !" The mob afterwards visited the Council House and Guildhall, where the windows were also demolished. In fact, but for the action of the authorities, disasters similar to those of 1831 would probably have occurred. On this occa- sion, however, the danger was faced with a courage and firmness which should have been an example twenty-one years later. The Bristol Gazette eulogizes "the temperate and dignified behaviour of the mayor and aldermen, who went among the people and reasoned with them on the im- propriety of their conduct;" and praise is rendered to "the spirited exertions of a number of gentlemen who volunteered as constables," these combined efforts beiug successful in suppressing the disturbance. At this assize, Sir Henry Lippincott, bart., a somewhat debauched representative of the old Bristol family of Cann, was arraigned upon a charge of felonious assault upon a woman, whom he was alleged to have decoyed from the cathedral. Sir Vicary Gibbs summed up strongly in his favour, and the jury returned a verdict of acquittal. In another case two men, one of them a sheriff's officer, were convicted of a disgusting offence, and were sentenced to two years' imprisonment, and to stand in the pillory in Wine Street. The latter part of the sentence was carried out a few days later, when one of the men, according to the contemporary diarist already referred to, 'Svas very near being killed." It would require a vivid imagination on the part of any one now traversing the Pithay and the sordid neighbouring thoroughfares lying between Broadmead and ToAver Lane, to represent to himself the locality as a place of public re- creation and fashionable resort. No more singular testimony of the local changes effected by time could well be adduced than is to be found in an advertisement published in the Bristol papers in May, 1810, announcing the sale of twenty- 40 THE AXNALS OF BRISTOL. [1810. nine Toid old houses in the Pithay and Bowling-green, in the parish of Christ Church. Amongst the lots were "the timber and materials of the Old City Assembly Eoom, situ- ated in the Bowling-green aforesaid/' and " the timber and materials of the Old City Assembly Room Tavern/' in the same place. Both those buildings had been last in the occupation of a basket-maker. The property belonged to All Saints parish, which afterwards disposed of the ground — now occupied by Wellington Street and All Saints Street. The advantages of Weston-super-Mare as a watering-place appear to have dawned upon a speculative innkeeper about this time. In July, 1810, an advertisement in the Bristol newspapers announced that an hotel had been opened in that village for the accommodation of bathers. The house was stated to have about forty bedrooms, so that it could have sheltered, on an emergency, the entire population of the parish, which contained less than forty families. The enter- prise came speedily to ruin ; in about nine months the hotel- keeper failed, and the furniture was dispersed by auction. The fact was, that the mercantile and trading classes had not yet acquired a taste for the seaside. Their utmost desire in that direction appears to have been a stroll or sail towards the mouth of the river. From an advertisement published in June, 1810, it seems that Lamplighters' Hotel — a house built about half a century before by one Swetman, an oil- man of Small Street, out of his profits as a contractor for lighting several Bristol parishes by means of oil-lamps, who reared his hostelry in full view of the picturesque beauties of Pill — was in especial favour ; the landlord stating that his house was ''so much frequented on Sunday" that he was " under the necessity of engaging additional waiters from Bath." " Ordinary every Sunday at 2.s-." The Weston hotel does not appear to have been reopened until the summer of 1814, when a couple of coaches commenced plying to and from Bristol " every Saturday during the season."* One or two aerial ascents by means of the Montgolfior system of heated air had been made in Bristol a quarter of a century previous to this date. The announcement hy a Mr. Sadler, in September, of a balloon which was to be raised by hydrogen gfis, was deemed still more astonishing, and nearly 20,000 of the inhabitants thronged to the Assembly • Clevedon did not obtain much patronnRe until a later date. The village is mentioned as a " newly established " wateringijlaco in Phelps' "History of Somerset," published iu Ib^iC. 1810.] THE KENNET AND AVON CANAL. 41 Room to see the " macliine." On the appointed day, almost the whole population, and many thousands from the suburban villages, flocked to Stokes Croft and the adjoining high ground to witness the marvel. Coal gas being still in the future, the cost of providing the needful supply of hydrogen was considerable, upwards of three tons of iron filings and a proportionate quantity of sulphuric acid being placed in twenty-five large casks. The arrangements, however, were satisfactorily carried out, and the balloon arose about the time appointed, amidst the firing of cannon and the applause of the spectators, not a little astounded at the spectacle. The voyage of the two aeronauts, Mr. Sadler and a citizen named Clayfield, proved of a highly perilous character. The balloon sailed down to near Woodspring Priory, when it crossed the Channel to Cardiff; then it was again driven over the sea, nearing both shores alternately, till it ap- proached the coast of Devon, where a large escape of gas caused it to descend rapidly, until the car floated on the water, four miles from land. After remaining three-quarters of an hour in this perilous plight, the voyagers were happily rescued by a boat from Lynmouth. In December of this year the Kennet and Avon Canal, completing the water communication between Bristol and London, was opened for traffic. The canal had been originally proposed so long ago as 1661; but bills for its construction were frequently rejected by Parliament, owing to the vehe- ment opposition of the lauded interest and of the townspeople of Chippenham, Devizes, and other places, who declared that if corn, butter, and cheese reached the inland districts from the ports, the country markets would be destroyed, husbandry discouraged, the breed of horses deteriorated, and carriers and innkeepers ruined. The undertaking was eventually accomplished at a cost of a million sterling. The competition which it opened with the older Thames and vSevern Canal was so disastrous to the latter concern that the original £100 shares were sold in 1814 for £1 each. The route of the link between the Kennet and Avon was not, however, well chosen, the summit level being 404 feet above the basin at Bath, necessitating the construction of seventy locks, exclusive of forty-four more on the rivers Thames, Kennet, and Avon. This obstacle greatly impeded traffic, and it was stated before a committee of the House of Commons, in 1834, that the average time required to pass goods from London to Bristol, even in fine weather, was seven days, while during frosts and floods there was generally a delay of a month, although 42 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1811. the distance to be traversed was only 150 miles. The Kennet and Avon Canal was transferred to the Great Western Rail- way Company in September, 1851. In January, 1811, the Floating Hai'bour was frozen over for the first time, affording the citizens an unprecedented opportunity for recreation on the ice, of which numbers availed themselves. The frost continued for several da,js. The second census of the kingdom was taken early in 1811, when the population of the " ancient city " was found to be 46,592. In the suburbs Clifton contained 6,984 (showing an increase of over 50 per cent, in the previous ten years) ; St. George's, 4,909; the District, 2,427; St. Philip's out parish, 10,702 ; and these, with Mangotsfield, 2,901, and Stapleton, 1,921, brought out a total of 76,433. Bedminster, excluded by the eccentric enumerator, had 4,577 souls. The increase over 1801 was greater in Bristol than in any pro- vincial town except Liverpool and Manchester. In many towns, and notably in Newcastle and Hull, the population had diminished, owing to the effects of the war. Nearly all the ports in Europe being at this time closed against English vessels, through the despotic influence of the French emperor, imports of grain became almost impracti- cable, notwithstanding the urgent demand for supplies owing to successive bad haiwests at home. Bread therefore ad- vanced to excessive rates, the average price throughout the year being l.s. per quartern loaf. Butter during the spring rose to 2.V. 6d. per lb., which provoked a riot in the city markets, a mob of colliers and labourers seizing the farmers' baskets and selling the contents for l.'^. a pound (though many of the purchasers re-sold the butter at 2.s.). Finding that the attempt to regulate the price of bread made matters only worse, the magistrates abandoned the system during the summer. The harvest of the year was again disastrous, and bread advanced to l.s. 8'/. per quartern loaf, causing terrible distress amongst the poor. During the parliamentary session of this year an Act was passed for constructing a canal from Bristol — or rather from Pill — to 'J'aunton. Although Avarndy supported for a time, the required funds were not forthcoming, and by an Act of 1823, the canal from Pill to the parish of Kcnn was abandoned. The company were tlien constructing the canal between Taunton and Bridgwater. The first attem))t in Bristol to resort to coal gas for pur- poses of illumination was made this year by a Mr. Briellat, a dyer in Broadmead, who is supposed to have seen the gas 1811.] INTRODUCTION OP GAS LIGHTING. 43 apparatus erected by Robert Murdoch, some years earlier, at the Soho works, Birining-ham. The following advertisement appeared in the Bristul Gazette of the Gth of September : — " Lecture and Exhibition of the Gas Lights. J. Briellat re- spectfully informs the nobility, gentry, and public that he intends for a short time to exhibit every evening at his own house a specimen of the above interesting discovery, ac- companied with a descriptive lecture, this present evening, Thursday, at 7 o'clock. For particulars see handbills. No. 56, Broadmead." After having lighted up his shop, Mr. Briellat set up a few lamps in the street, thereby giving Bristol precedency over London in the use of gas for thoroughfares, the first experiment of the same kind in the metropolis being made at Westminster Bridge in 1812. It seems strange that the Bristolians who witnessed Briellat's success should have been reluctant to abandon their flickering and malodorous tallow candles ; but for some time the Broad- mead dyer passed amongst the vulgar as a man having unholy dealings with an infernal power, while the upper classes treated the innovation with contemptuous indifference. The aristocracy, indeed, were decidedly hostile to gaslight- ing. In 1816, Lord Lauderdale, in the House of Peers, protested strongly against an invention which threatened to ruin the whale fisheries. Even some scientific men were not less opposed to the new system. When it was proposed to place gas lamps in the streets of London, Sir Humphrey Davy sneeringly asked whether the promoters were going to convert the dome of St. Paul's into a gasholder. It was not until 1816 that the Bristol Gas Company began operations, Mr. Briellat being engaged as manager. The views of the promoters must have been singularly modest, for the capital of the undertaking was fixed at £5,000 ; but great exertions were needed to raise even that paltry sum. A serious difficulty next arose with the Corporation. The company, after having erected a small gasometer near Temple Back, applied to the authorities for leave to lay pipes in the streets; but the Court of Aldermen (October, 1816) expressed grave apprehensions of danger from the proximity of the gaso- meter to the city depot of gunpowder (at Tower Harritz), and " considered it their imperative duty to withhold any measures being taken in the streets, the gasometer being in its present situation." The obstacle having been, however, overcome by some means, a few shops were lighted up in May, 1817, and lamps were placed in the principal streets in the following December. In the same month, Le win's Mead 44 THE ANNAJ.S OP BEISTOL. [1811. chapel, tlie first public building in wbich tbe novelty found favour, was opened for evening service. In March, 1818, it was proposed to extend the gas pipes into the Commercial Rooms, where the annual cost of oil and candles was £140. As the new company asked £120 for the supply, however, the members of the rooms stuck to lamps and dips until 1825. Although the charge for gas was lbs. per 1,000 feet, the undertaking gradually won its way against prejudice, and the company was incorporated by an Act passed in 1819, the authorized capital being fixed in the statute at £50,000. Complaints were raised from time to time, and not without reason, against the offensive odour and the poor illuminating power of the new agent, the purification of which was then very defective ; and in September, 1822, a rival establishment was started, styled the Bristol and Clifton Oil Gas Company, which undertook to produce a superior article. In spite of the vigorous opposition of the original company, the rival concern obtained an Act of Parliament in 1824, and, its capi- tal of £30,000 having been subscribed, works were started near Limekiln Lane. The price of oil gas was 40s. per 1,000 feet; but its producers asserted, amidst the angry denials of the coal gas directors, that its illuminating power was four times greater than that of coal gas. Unfortunately for the rival establishment, the price of oil advanced considerably, and no dividend was paid for ten years. In 1835 it was admitted that the system of manufacture from oil was a failure; and an Act was obtained to permit distillation from coal, though not until severe restrictions had been imposed in the interests of the original company. Both concerns then reduced the price to 12.s\ per 1,000 feet, further con- cessions being made subsequently. The competition went on until 1853, when the undertakings were amalgamated under a new Act. By this time the a})paratus for purification had greatly improved, and the rapid introduction of gas into houses brought in handsome profits, notwithstanding repeated reductions in price. In 1878 the company (whose capital haff increased to £550,000) purcliased forty acres of land nearyStaplcton Road, for the extension of their works. The first contract — for one-sixth of the buildings proposed to bo constructed, was let for £80,000. It included a retort liouse cajialjJe of making a million cubic feet of gns daily, and .a gasometer ca])iiblo of storing 1 .| million cubic feet. T]h>, old works at St. IMiilip's and Limekiln Lane then yielded 5^ million cubic feet daily. The foundation stone of the new building was laid in March, 187'J. On its completion, the 1811.] SIGN SPKING. INCLOSUEE OF COMMONS. 45 mains of the company were extended to Westbury^ Sliire- hampton, and Avonnioutli. During- the year 1811 water pipes were laid from Sion Spring to most of the houses in the neighbourhood, which had previously been supplied from it by means of water- carts. The spring was capable of yielding 33,560 gallons per day, and, as the quality was irreproachable, the owner was patronised by nearly every household within the range of his pipes. In 18-15, during the Health of Towns inquiry, it was stated that 304 dwellings were thus supplied. The spring was soon afterwards purchased by the Bristol Water Company. The practice of " stealing the common from the goose " was in great vogue during the early years of the century, when the landlords were rolling in wealth through the high prices occasioned by the continental blockade. Large tracts of commonable land in the parishes of Henbury and Westbury were inclosed this year under the provisions of an Act promoted by Mr. E. Sampson, solicitor, of Henbury, on behalf of himself and other landowners, who appropri- ated nearly the whole extent, with the utmost indiffer- ence to the claims of the resident labourers and of the public at large. Similar inclosures — for the most part unauthorized by Parliament — had been made in other sub- urban parishes, those in Clifton being especially obnoxious to Bristolians; but except a few timid grumbles in the news- papers, nothing was said or done in defence of public rights. In 1813 another Act swept into the hands of landed gentry a large extent of commonable land in the parishes of Long Ashton, Wraxall, Nailsea, and Bourton, and further extensive in(;losures were made at Portishead, Dundry, and Almonds- bury by subsequent statutes. Even before those " convey- ances" were effected, a writer in the Bristol Gazette of August 13, 1812, says: — "They who remember Ashton, Leigh, Westbury, Kingsweston, Clifton, and Stapleton twenty years ago, will need no description to recall to their minds the delightful and healthy walks now untrodden by vulgar feet — then open to the public for exercise or pleasure." An Act was passed this year for authorizing the cutting of a canal between Bristol and Bath, and the construction of works for supplying Bristol with water. The canal was to have been without locks, and the western terminus was in- tended to be in Temple Meads, adjoining the Floating Harbour. The proposed waterworks excited signs of life in a concern which had long lain dormant and forgotten — the old company 46 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1811. formed in the seventeentli century for supplying water from the Avon at Hanham. The local newspapers for June and July contained announcements of an intended sale by auction of " all the right, title, and privilege of the Bristol Water- works Company to supply the inhabitants of Bristol with fresh water, granted to them by an Act passed in the reign of William III., and also all their leasehold land situate near Bristol, and a small piece of leasehold land near Hanhani Mills." A reservoir belonging to the company then existed at Lawrence Hill; but the supply of water had ceased for about half a century — it is supposed from want of funds to renew the pipes, which were formed of hollow trunks of trees. The projects authorized by the Act of 1811 were never carried out, and the land purchased for a depot and warehouses at Temple Meads was bought by the Great Western Railway Company, and forms part of the site of the existing terminus. The death was announced in October of the Rev. Charles Lee, who had been head-master of the Grammar School for forty-seven years. Having, when a young man, married the daughter of Alderman Henry Dampier, an influential member of the Corporation, his father-in-law induced the Common Council to remove the Grammar School from Bartholomew's Hospital, Christmas Street, to the large mansion in Unity Street belonging to the City School, the boys in the latter being sent to dwell in the unhealthy premises near the then open Froom. Mr. Lee is stated to have been a good classical scholar, and during the early years of his management the Grammar School was largely attended by the sons of respect- able citizens. For a long period before his death, however, the institution " sank into disrepute," to use the expression of a contemporary newspaper; and there is a tradition that for some years the head-master had only one pupil, commonly known as "Lee's chick." In 1805 his friends in the Common Council endeavoured to induce that body to grant him a pension of £200, more than double his salary, but the pro- posal was rejected, as was another to the same effect in 1801>. His death afforded the Corporation an oi)portnnity of introducing regulations calculated to restore the school to its former popularity; but the recommendations made by a com- mittee a]ipointed to consider the matter were little ndn]>ted f(n- such a result. The trust-deed of the founder, Nicholas Thorne, in 15<)1, declared that no charge was to be made for education otlier than fourpence on the admission of every scholar. This fee was raised in the reign of Charles II. to 1811. J ABUSES IN THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 47 five shilling's. It was now determined to increase it to £4. By the regulations of 1(300^ each boy was required to pay ten shillings yearly for firing, and the same sum for sweeping the school. For these charges the committee recommended the substitution of a yearly fee of £6 6s., but the Common Council made no change under this head. The new master was permitted to take as many boarders and day scholars as he thought fit, and was left at liberty to fix his own terms for such pupils. The only other regulation worthy of notice was, that the scholars were, as under the old rules, to answer to their names at seven o'clock in the morning in the summer half year, and at eight o'clock in the winter months. The person chosen in March, 1812, for the post of head- master, was the Rev. John Joseph Goodenough, who, like his predecessoi', had married a daughter of a member of the Common Council, and who lost no time in converting the institution into a private high-class school. Fortified by a judgment of Lord Chancellor Eldon in the Highgate case, Mi\ [afterwards Dr.] Goodenough refused to teach the '' free " scholars, who were exclusively the sons of freemen, anything save Greek and Latin ; and the natural, as it was the intended, effect was, to reduce the endowment to a sine- cure. The complacent Common Council spent upwards of £220 in 1815, on the construction of a gallery in the mayor's chapel " for the Grammar-school boys,'^ in other words, for the head-master's private boarders, who were generally thirty-five in number. In 1820, in flagrant violation of the regulations, Dr. Goodenough was permitted to take a Church living in Buckinghamshire, his memorial for the leave of the Corporation asserting, with perhaps unintentional irony, that his acceptance of the incumbency "would not in any way interfere with the duties of his situation in this city." In 1828, when the school — as a grammar school — was prac- tically deserted, the Charity Commissioners addressed a letter to the Corporation on the state of the institution, with the effect of obtaining a reduction of the entrance fee to its original amount. The opportunity was taken, however, to shut out the sons of free burgesses living beyond the limits of the " ancient city," and as the lowered charge was un- accompanied by any alteration in the system of teaching, it wrought no change in the condition of the school. How the abuse was remedied will be narrated at a later date. Clifton churchyard having become much too small as com- pared with the population of the parish, a piece of ground near Bellevue — part of the site of an old quarry — was 48 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1811. obtained about the close of 1811, and was laid out as an additional cemetery. Towards the end o£ 1811 the Assembly Rooms in Prince's Street * underwent considerable internal alteration, and were in the following year reopened under the name of the Regency Theatre. For some time the entertainments consisted chiefly of concerts, but during the summer it was announced that a .Mr. Lawler, from London, having taken the management, a company had been engaged for pantomimes and burlettas, and a '' prodigious expense " had been incurred to make the theatre worthy of public patronage. The first performance took place on the 24th of August ; but Mr. Lawler's efforts were unsuccessful, and at the end of eight weeks the house was closed. A Mr. Clark became manager in November; and although he complained that he sustained heavy losses, the competition affected the receipts of the old theatre, which had now opened for the regular season. Alarmed at the attack upon their chartered rights, the proprietors and man- ager of the latter applied to the magistrates in January, 1813, and a warrant was issued against Clark under the old law placing stage-players under the category of rogues and vagabonds. The public, strongly resenting this proceeding, lent its patronage to the new enterprise. The law, however, could not be evaded, and the Regency shut its doors. When it was next noticed in the newspapers, in the following autumn, it had sunk to giving entertainments on the '' musi- cal glasses.^' The social condition of the Kingswood district,t early in the year 1812, is graphically illusti-ated in an address pub- • Local annalists having overlooked the story of this building, it may be stated that in March, 1754, the Corporation granted a lease of four tenements to Cranfield Becher, John Heylyu, Morgan Smith, and others, at a rent of £5, and a fine of £100 on renewal every fourteen years, on condition that they pulled down the old buildings and erected a large room suitable for an assembly room, with convenient appurtenances. The Corporation reserved a right to the free use of the premises for six days every year, should they be needful for the entertainment of momliers of the royal family visiting the city. t A large part of this district lay in the parish of Bittou, a fact that explains the following anecdote, tlie date of wliich is ascribed to tlio closing years of the previous century. Mr. Justice Heath, wliil" sitting in tlic Crown Court at Gloucester, asked a lying witness from wliat part of the county he came, and being answered " From liitton, my lord." he exclaitnod; " You do seem to be of the Bitton breed, but I thought I had hanged the whole of that parish long ago." (CdJiipheWK TAvcunf the Cliancrllonf, \\. 151.) A Bristol newspaper of April H, 17H(;, stated that, including two men then under sentence of death, ten persons from the parish of Bitton had been hanged at (Jloucester within three years. They had all belonged to tlie " Cock-road gang," which regularly received black-mail from the ueiyhbouriug farmers at the annual fair on Lansdown. 1812.] TERRORISM IN KINGSWOOD. 49 lishecl in the local journals by a committee of tlie respect- able inliabitants. The document stated that robberies, burglaries, and other crimes were daily committed by an extensive combination of villains, who extended their rav- ages for miles around. " This scheme of enormity has been maturing for a long series of years, and whole families are dependent on this combination for their maintenance, and many hundreds of the younger branches are well known to be in training for the like purposes. Labourers are decoyed from employment and admitted into the society,* great numbers of hucksters are in alliance with them, and the vendors of the [stolen] goods are seen passing with cart- loads by night, none presuming to interrupt them." The address goes on to say that many of the malefactors were known, but that the terrorism they exercised deterred honest persons from giving information, " and when it is recollected that thousands are connected, by receiving and vending the goods, it will not appear surprising that very few remain sufficiently virtuous or courageous to unite with us." Appeals were therefore made to the citizens of Bristol and Bath for subscriptions to crush the gigantic conspiracy. Funds having been obtained, patrols were established in the dis- trict, which had a temporary effect in intimidating depre- dators. Nevertheless, throughout the severe distress which occurred during the winter of 1812-13, the number of rob- beries and burglaries in Kingswood exceeded anything before known. In 1813 the Wesleyan body, desiring to strike at the roots of the evil, started a school at Cock-road, in which locality seven-tenths of the children were found to be ignorant of the alphabet. Owing to lack of funds, how- ever, the school for several years could not be kept open on week days. Improvement under such circumstances was necessarily slow. In August, 1814, a Bristol journalist com- pared the state of the honest population in and near Cock- road to that of loyal persons in some parts of Ireland. "They are frequently obliged to sit up all night with loaded muskets by their side to guard against assaults, depredations, and even murder." An account follows of the firing of two guns into the bedroom of a constable who had been sum- moned to Gloucester assizes to give evidence against some captured ruffians. A few days later, Avhen a gang of robbers was arrested, with a quantity of plunder in their possession, the constables were nearly killed by the friends of the thieves, who attempted to rescue them. As the time drew near for the renewal of the East India E 50 THE ANNALS Or BRISTOL. [1812. Company's cliarter, a movement sprang up in tlie leading provincial ports for the abolition of the monopoly so long enjoyed by the Company in the trade between India and this country. The mercantile interest in Bristol bestirred itself vigorously in the matter ; and the Corporation, at a meeting in June, contributed £200 towards the subscription started for pressing the subject upon the attention of Parliament. The agitation was successful, an Act for throwing open the trade being passed in 1813. The first two Bristol vessels bound for Hindostan sailed in April, 1814, amidst various demonstrations of rejoicing. On the 27th of October, 1818, a ship arrived in Cumberland basin bringing the first East Indian cargo imported into Bristol. About 5,000 spectators greeted her appearance, and the bells rang merry peals when she passed into the Float. The hopes entertained of a large development of commerce in this direction were, however, disappointed. In August, 1862, when a vessel arrived with a cargo from Calcutta, it was stated in one of the local news- papers that ho importation direct from India had been made into Bristol for twenty-five years. Mr. Bragge Bathurst, M.P., obtained another ministerial promotion in June, 1812, being appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and a vacancy was thus created in the representation of the city. From some unexplained cause, the understanding which had long existed amongst local politicians was broken up, and as a costly struggle threat- ened to take place at the ensuing general election, Mr. Bathurst declined to offer himself for re-election. Three candidates presented themselves for the vacancy — Mr. Rich- ard Hart Davis, M.P. for Colchester, who resigned that seat at the request of the Bristol Tories ; Mr. Henry Hunt, the former brewer at Jacob's Wells, but now a blacking maker iu London; and the well-known William Cobbett. The name of Cobbett was withdrawn, and the candidature of Hunt was merely the idle outcome of his vanity, the respectable Whigs holding aloof from him. With a recklessness that later days would deem criminal, Mr. Davis's friends set no limit to the corruption employed on behalf of their nominee, spending over £1,000 a day during the fortnight for which the poll Avas kept open. The numbers at the close of the voting were : — Mr. Davis, 1907; Mr. Hunt, 235. Owing to the floods of beer dispersed by the Tory coniuiittce, fights between the partisans of the rival candidates were almost continuous throughout the contest, and the city was kept in a state of constant agitation. Hunt's mob, on the night of the first 1812.] COSTLY ELECTIONS. 61 day's poll, smashed tlie doors and windows of the Council House, and then proceeded to Mr. Davis's residence, Mortimer House, Clifton, where similar destruction was committed. The military were called out, and in the confusion one man was killed and many wounded. It was deemed advisable to retain a guard of soldiers at the powder magazine at Tower Harratz until after the close of the polling. Amongst the items of corporate expenditure caused by the conflict was one of £437, " paid to J. H. Wilcox, mayor," expended in enter- taining the military and peace officers, and for " beer for guards mounted in the city during the election "; a further sum of £158 4?. 6d. being reimbursed to the sheriifs, ''what they expended for constables, etc." The repair of the Guildhall and Council House windows cost £108 more. In October, the general election threatened to bring a renewal of disorder, and a large body of special constables was enrolled at an outlay of £516. Mr. Davis was again the nominee of the Tories. Mr. Baillie, the late Whig member having retired, Mr. Edward Protheroe came forward in the "old Whig" interest, whilst the progi-essive Whigs, or Reformers as they were beginning to be called, styled Mr. Protheroe a Tory in disguise, and nominated Sir Samuel Romilly, the distinguished lawyer. Finally, Mr. Hunt, whose hand was against all respectable parties and persons, offered himself as the champion of democracy. Owing to a coalition between Mr. Davis and Mr. Protheroe, or at least between the two political sections of the West India interest, which heartily concurred in detesting the anti-slavery prin- ciples of Romilly, the latter withdrew at the close of the ninth day's poll, when the numbers were : Mr. Davis, 2,895 ; Mr. Protheroe, 2,435 ; Sir S. Romilly, 1,683 ; Mr. Hunt, 623. This was another costly contest. To insure success, the Davis and Protheroe parties were at the expense of placing about 1,100 freemen on the burgess roll, at an outlay of about £2,500, About 600 more freemen were entered by the Romilly party. [Amongst the total were seventy-five men who had obtained qualifications by means of marrying the widows of deceased freemen. It was said that many of these unions were merely colourable, the parties separating at the church doors.] In ordinary years the average number of burgesses taking up their freedom did not exceed fifty. Mr. Hunt petitioned against the two members, one of his leading points being that the payments for freemen were acts of bribery, the value of the freedom being considerable. In support of this contention before a committee of the House 52 THE ANNALS OF BEISTOL. [1812. of Commons, lie showed tliat the mayors of the two pre- ceding years had been paid £42 each out of the civic purse, " for not having nominated a freeman '^ during their official term, as they were entitled to do by ancient custom, [This item occurs in the civic accounts every year until the Cor- poration was reformed.] It was unquestionable that corrup- tion had also extensively prevailed. Oxen ornamented with blue ribbons, had been paraded through the streets, and every " blue " voter who claimed his " rights " had an allowance of fourteen pounds of beef, three quartern loaves (then sell- ing at about Is. 6d. each), and 7s. 6d. in money. Bludgeon men, styled constables, took possession of the entrance to the Guildhall on the nomination day, denying admission to all but their employers' partisans, and about 1,500 bludgeons, painted blue, were seen to be carried to the house of one of Mr. Davis's agents. It was alleged, moreover, that charity money had been corruptly dispensed by the parochial church- wardens, who were all active canvassers in the "blue" interest. The conduct of the Protheroe Whigs was not less demoralizing than that of their allies, and the printed evidence offers the reader a glimpse of Sir Henry Protheroe scattering his money at the Mulberry Tree Tavern,"^ and damning " French principles " — an allusion to Romilly's Huguenot descent. The Commons' committee, however, declared the members duly elected, to the unbounded delight of their chief supporters in Bristol, who forthwith repaired to a tavern, and emptied a gigantic bowl, containing twenty-eight gallons of punch, ''suitably decorated with blue," in honour of the victory. The Bristol Times of August 2, 1862, published a detailed account of the outlay of the Tory party at the above two elections. The total amounted to the sum of £29,429 Us. 7c/., paid through the Steadfast Club. The first election, although never in doubt, cost £14,302, of which nearly £3,000 were distributed in money amongst the " con- stables " (voters), and over £2,000 at public-houses in enter- taining the so-called guardians of order. The cost of blue ril)l)ons sup])Hed at the first contest was £3,360, yet £2,318 more for tlic same frippery were squandered three months later. " This money," says the above authority, " seems to have been distributed amongst all the constitutional mercers in the city." The expenses of tlic cliiiiriug were formidable, one Charles Smith, " the great physical force purveyor," * An etcliiiiK iiiaocuratfly jjroft'Ksinn to t^'ivc a viow of tliiH lioKti^lry liaving been recently jmblished, it may be UKofnl Ir) state that mmw remnants of the tavern may atill bo Been at the back of Guildhall Chambers, Broad Street. 1812.] ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SAVINGS BANK, 53 being alone paid £2,577. The blue umbrella held over Mr. Davis's head figured for £6 13.s-., and £7 12.9. vv^ere paid for the gaudy dress of the man who bore it. There were also charges for " the gold banner/' gold fringe, etc. The enter- tainment of the committee at the White Lion Hotel cost £2,182, besides which there was a heavy disbursement for the expenses of the various parochial committees. Towards defraying the total charge, Mr. Davis contributed £10,000. The balance was liquidated by means of subscriptions, several wealthy Tories giving £500 each.* A piece of ground at Clifton, somewhat less than ten acres in extent, was sold in September for building sites, and brought what was then regarded as the extraordinary sum of £15,000. The houses erected upon it were called Rich- mond Hill, and an advertisement in September, 1814, shows that certain sanitary arrangements were limited to a short sewer and a cesspool. Clifton was still, so far as the elevated district was concerned, a mere village, and all its arrange- ments were primitive. An aged correspondent of the Times and Mirror (May 26, 1883), recalling the appearance of the place in 1813, stated that the post office was near Saville Place — a mere cottage with two small shop windows. The postmaster was a tailor, who used to sit at his work on the shopboard in one window, while his wife, at the other side, sold gingerbread and sweets. There were two letter carriers, one of whom was a woman, and the work of carrying the letter bags to and from Bristol, and of delivering the contents, was divided between them. The Prudent Man's Friend Society, for the then novel object of encouraging thrift amongst the poor, founded by the philanthropic Richard Reynolds, Mr. T. Sanders, and a few friends, came into existence in December. To this society the city is indebted for the establishment of the Bristol Savings Bank, which was opened a few weeks later at No. 20, Small Street, although the title it now bears was not assumed until 1815. The society made great exertions to promote economy among the labouring community, but only seventy-three persons opened accounts at the bank during the first nine months of its existence, and as their deposits averaged over £7 each, very few could have belonged to the class it was designed to benefit. It was not indeed until 1817, * Not content with his demagogic displays in this city, Hunt made excur- sions to Bath, with the effect of exciting serious rioting in that city. The power of choosing members for Bath was vested solely in the Corporation, con- sisting of thirty persons, self-elected, and irresponsible. 54 THE ANNALS OP BEISTOL. [1812. when the first Savings Bank Act was passed, that artisans and servants were attracted to the institution. Progress was afterwards rapid, and by 1827 the accumulated deposits amounted to over £300,000. It was not, however, until twenty- six years later that the aggregate exceeded £400,000, and the increase in the fund has been still slower since the introduc- tion of the postal institutions. Soon after its establishment the Savings Bank was removed to Bridge Street, whence it again removed, in December, 1831, to St. Stephen's Avenue, where a building had been specially erected for it at a cost, including site, of £3,500. The premises have since been reconstructed on an enlarged scale. In the course of the year 1812, the Rev. Samuel Seyer, who was then engaged upon his valuable history of the city, published " The Charters and Letters Patent granted by the Kings and Queens of England to the City and County of Bristol, newly Translated, and accompanied by the Original Latin." In the preface to the work it was stated that the manuscripts forming the text were found in the Bodleian collection, but that Mr. Seyer, fearing verbal errors or omissions in those copies, addressed a memorial to the Common Council, praying to be permitted to have access to the originals for the purpose of collation. The response was a point-blank refusal, although the charters were, as Mr. Seyer went on to remark, " open letters," granted to the burgesses generally, and for their benefit, and ought to have been accessible to all of them as members of the Corporation. It appears from the official minutes of the Common Council that the rejection of the reverend gentleman's request was due to the Recorder, Sir Vicary Gibbs, whose advice was solicited by the Corporation. A " grand gala fete," in honour of the British victories over the French armies in Spain, took place in September, 1813, " in the gardens of the Three Blackbirds tavern, near Stapleton." In the following year the name of the place was changed to the "Wellington Gardens," under which it became a fashionaljle resort for many years. The galas were of a somewhat exclusive character. The price of admission was half a crown ; gentlemen were expected to appear in full evening dress; and livery servants were excluded. The gardens rcmnincnl popular notwithstanding the opening of the Zoological (Jjirdciis tit Clifton, though that event greatly altered tlic status of those who resorted to them. The latest notice of the ])lace that has been found in the newspapers occurs in 1847, when there was a largo attendance at a balloon ascent. 1813.] TYBURN TICKETS. THE BISHOp's INCOME. 55 A somewhat singular accident occurred in September, 1813, at Cumberland Basin. A heavily laden West India- man, named the William Miles, was entering the basin by the upper lock, when a press-gang was seen approaching for the purpose of seizing the crew. After having been many months absent from home, the men were by no means disposed to be captured, and instantly fled. Unfortunately the ship had not cleared the entrance, and as the tide rapidly ebbed, she remained suspended in the lock, the weight of the cargo crushing the hull out of shape and firmly fixing it between the walls. The lock thus became impracticable for other vessels until the obstruction was removed, which was not effected for upwards of three weeks. Mr. Bathurst, late member for the city, who had retreated to the cheaper and less arduous representation of Bodmin, was presented by his Bristol admirers, in September, with an elegant piece of plate, valued at 700 guineas, in gratitude for his lengthened services. The Bristol Journal of September the 4th contains the following advertisement : — " For sale, a Tyburn Ticket, ex- empting the holder from serving the parish and ward offices of the parish of St. Paul and ward of St. James. Apply to Mr. Evans, Bi'idewell." The same newpaper a few weeks later announced that " two Tyburn tickets for the parish of Clifton^' were for disposal. These ominously named docu- ments had their origin in the statute 10th William III. c. 12, which enacted that, after the 20th of May, 1699, every person convicted of burglary, horse stealing, or theft from a shop to the value of five shillings, should be debarred from benefit of clergy — that is, should be hanged; and that every person who should apprehend such an offender and prosecute him to conviction should be entitled to a certificate to that eff'ect from the judge who tried the case, such certificate to dis- charge the holder from fulfilling all manner of parish and ward offices in the district where the felony was committed. The ticket was capable of being assigned to another person, but only once. The privilege was abolished by an Act passed in June, 1818. Only three months previously, according to the Stainford Mercury for March 17, 1818, a Tyburn ticket was sold in Manchester for £280. A copy of one of the tickets is given in Notes and Queries, 2nd series, xi. 395. Up to this time the income of the bishopric of Bristol does not appear to have exceeded £600 or £800 a year — not a twentieth of the revenue of one of the episcopal prizes of the English Church. The irregularities which then prevailed 56 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. 1813.] in tlie value ef the various sees were considered to '' work well." A spiritual lord in the reign of George III. miglit find it difficult to make ends meet at Bristol, Exeter, or Llandaff; but he knew that preferment would come sooner or later if he offered himself as a submissive instrument to the royal or ministerial will. The distinguished Bishop Newton, declining to be a "king's friend," was left in the cold at Bristol for twenty-one years. But in the next twenty-seven years he had eight successors, though only one vacancy was caused by death. If the fact proved that the system "worked well " for those who lived long enough, it was silent as to those who dropped by the wayside. At a meeting of a local clergy society so recently as 1860, it was stated that a former bishop had left a daughter absolutely penniless, and that, after having kept a small parish school until old age rendered her incapable, she had applied for relief to the society, having not a farthing to live upon save £5 a year granted by a charity in London. Going back to 1818, it would appear that the leaders of the Church were not wholly satisfied with "the system." In the course of the year an arrangement was effected, at the instance of the Archbishop of Can- terbury, by which the rectory of Almondsbury was united to the bishopric of Bristol. The effect of this union, according to the contemporary press, was to increase the income of the see from £600 to £2,000 per annum ; but this estimate appears to have been greatly exaggerated. A significant incident of the affair was, that neither the primate, the bishop, the Government, nor the newspapers appear to have bestowed the slightest thought on the fact that the living of Almondsbury existed for the benefit of the parishioners, and that the non-residence of a rector — even though a bishop — was a scandalous abuse. The living was again detached from the see by Order of Coujicil in July, 1851, when Bishop Monk was granted, in compensation, an additional income of £650 yearly. Bristol Exchange, never very popular amongst mercantile men, was entirely abandoned by them upon the opening of the Commercial Rooms. The Corporation, in September, directed the soutli row of the deserted (juadrangk; to be converted into a corn market, an institution of which grain merchants and the neighbouring farmers had long felt the want. The market was opened on the 18th of October. A Ih'istol nowspapiT editor of tliis year gravely speaks of pugilism as iiu " elegant and fasliionable science." That it was fashionable was beyond dispute, as the memoirs of 1813.] BRISTOL PUGILISTS. SIR N. W. WRAXALL. 57 George IV.^ of Mr. Windham, and of other notabihties of the time bear witness. In Bristol "the ring" was especially popular, several of the leading " bruisers " being natives of the city or of its environs. Of these, early in the century, the Belchers, one of whom was "champion," and Nichols, the " Game Chicken," another " champion," were the most con- spicuous. A Bristol paper of 1805 stated that Miss Belcher, a sister of the heroic brothers, had a fight with another woman in one of the streets of the city, seconded by her mother, the combat lasting "more than fifty minutes." Tom Belcher, who won eight great battles and lost only three, retired from the ring in 1814, but survived as a reputable London publican until December, 1854. Another favourite pugilist was William Neat, famed for many arduous victories, though, being at length unsuccessful in an encounter with Spring, in 1823, he was denounced by his former admirers for having " sold the fight." Neat was prevailed upon to quit the "ring" by Mrs. Fry, the celebrated philanthropist. A local annalist, in recording Neat's death, in 1858,* states that 30,000 persons were pi^esent at his last battle, which took place near Andover. A large contingent had come from Bristol, every available horse in the city, including the black horses employed at funerals, being hired for the occasion. A still more famous combatant was John Gully, in youth a Bristol butcher. After having- won national fame in " the ring," he betook himself to the congenial, though not yet so miry, " turf," where he was patronized by the Duke of York, and made a large fortune as a "betting man." In 1832 Gully, then metamorphosed into a country gentleman, was elected member of parliament for Pontefract, in the neighbourhood of which town he resided. He died in 1863, aged 80 years. On the 21st of December, 1813, the Prince Kegent was pleased to confer the honour of a baronetcy on Mr. Nathaniel William Wraxall, whose claims to such a distinction were much criticized by his contemporaries. Wraxall was the son of a Bristol merchant, and was born in Queen Square, on the 8tli of April, 1751.t At the age of eighteen he entered the service of the East India Company, and sailed for Bombay ; but he relinquished that employment on attaining his majority, and after returning to Europe he occupied himself for seven years in travelling, extending his tour from Italy . * " Local Anuals," City Library, iii. 37. t Another Nathaniel Wraxall, probably a cousin, was swordbearer to the Bristol Council ia 1768. A third, holding the same office, died in 1781. 58 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1813. to Lapland. During a portion of liis ramblings he was em- ployed by an unfortunate princess, Caroline, wife of Christian VII. of Denmark, to seek the support of her brother, George III., to a conspii'acy for placing the queen on the throne. Wraxall afterwards alleged that the English king was so pleased with his services as to order him to be presented with 1,000 guineas; but it is clear from his majesty's letter to Lord North ("Correspondence," ii. 359), that the nego- tiator was treated with great indifference, and that his mission was unsuccessful. In 1775 Wraxall published an account of his travels, under the title of " Cursory Remarks," the easy style of which carried the book through several editions. Other works, chiefly on the history of France, fol- lowed at intervals, but excited little attention. In 1815, however, he produced a work in three volumes, entitled " Memoirs of My Own Times," which caused some sensation in political circles, and which the literary critics of the day concurred in condemning as throwing equal discredit on the author's head and heart. For a libel on the Russian Am- bassador, printed in this book, Wraxall was fined £500 and sentenced to six months' imprisonment. The general charge of mendacity levelled against the author is, however, denied by Carlyle in his " Life of Frederick the Great." After revis- ing the " Memoirs " for a second edition, Wraxall published nothing more, though he enjoyed vigorous health until his eightieth year. He died on the 7th of November, 1831, whilst preparing for an extensive continental tour. In 1836 was published " Posthumous Memoirs of My Own Times," in three volumes, which in character resembled the previous work, and which, as the author virtually confessed, had been held back until he should be beyond the reach of those whom he assailed. A new edition of both the above works has been published Avithin the last few years. One of Sir Nathaniel's grandsons and successors, Sir C. F. Lascelles Wraxall, de- voted himself to literature with considerable success. Hav- ing served in the Crimea with the l^urkish contingent, the result was a book called " Camp Life," Avhich was pei'haps the best of his productions. " The Armies of the Great Powers," a "Life of Caroline of Denmark," "The Second Em- pire," and several novels also issued from his ]ien. On his death, in his thirty-seventh year, in 1805, the title reverted to his brotli(;r, Horatio Henry, who followed the vocation of a "betting man," but died in a lunatic asylum in 1882, having been for some time chargeable as a pauper to the Union of Southwark. The baronetcy is still in existence. 1814.] A DISINTERMENT. FALL OP NAPOLEON. 59 A frost of extreme severity and unusual leng-th was ex- perienced in the opening months of 1814. The Floating Har- bour from end to end was so thickly covered with ice as to permit of general locomotion upon it, and some thousands of persons are said to have enjoyed the novel experience of passing under Bristol bridge on foot. Owing to heavy snow- storms, the roads in all parts of the kingdom were drifted up, communication by coaches was cut off, and the mails were everywhere delayed for some days. So extensive a dislocation of traffic had not before occurred since the estab- lishment of mail coaches. On March 16, 1814, whilst workmen were sinking a vault near the vestry in St. Mary-le-port Church, under a mural monument in the Early Tudor style, they came upon a lead coffin, the ancient appearance of which was thoug-ht worthy of the inspection of local antiquaries. A group of amateurs was soon assembled, and it was forthwith decided that the remains were those of Robert Yeamans, one of the " royal martyrs^' executed in 1643, though there is incontestable con- temporary testimony to prove that the unfortunate man was buried in Christ Church. Assuming, however, that the suppo- sition had been correct, its authors displayed their admiration of the victim of Puritan vengeance in a remarkable manner. Mr. Richard Smith, surgeon, who was always foremost in such affairs, cut up the body, which was in excellent preser- vation, and removed the heart as a precious addition to his " anatomical museum." The incumbent, the Rev. W. Waite, carried off a slice of the shirt. Mr. Henry Smith possessed himself of a portion of the same garment, and further made prize of part of the handkerchief that bound up the head. The spoil of the other members of the party is not recorded, but it is highly probable that they followed the example of their leaders. Mr. Richard Smith subsequently published a characteristic account of the proceedings. A musical festival for the benefit of the Infirmary took place in June, three oratorios, '' The Messiah," " The Crea- tion," and " The Mount of Olives," being given in St. Paul's Church, and two evening concerts at the theatre. The chief vocalists were Madame Catalani, then at the summit of her fame, and the equally celebrated Mr. Braham. The surplus receipts, including collections, amounted to £845. Bristolians, in common with Englishmen generally, were profoundly stirred at this time by the mighty events occur- ring on the Continent, The battles of Leipsic and Dresden, the general rising of Germany, the successive victories of 60 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1814. tlie Bnglisli army on tlie Franco- Spanish frontier, and tlie final downfall of Bonaparte caused repeated illuminations and other tokens of rejoicing.* When the newspapers be- came almost hysterical, and shouted, as did the editor of Felix Farley's Bristol Journal, ''Huzza! huzza! huzza! the Dutch have taken Holland ! " one may imagine the fervour which animated the masses. The intelligence of the conclu- sion of a definitive treaty of peace, closing a war with France which had lasted, with a brief interval, for twenty-one years, was received with transports of joy. The mail coach con- veying the news was stopped at Totterdown by the populace, who removed the horses, and dragged the vehicle through the sti'eets amidst a whirlwind of cheers. The customary proclamations were made by the civic authorities on the 27th of June, the details of the ceremony being identical with those of 1801. In the evening the city was illuminated. A lofty triumphal arch, erected in Corn Street in front of the Commercial Rooms, was, when its pictorial embelHshments were lighted up, an especial attraction ; but the inhabitants of the chief streets appear to have vied with each other in the production of fanciful allegories, the description of which fills many columns of the newspapers. Probably the most picturesque and effective displays were the illumination of the battlements of the tower of St. Mary Redcliff, and the huge bonfire on Brandon Hill. Immediately after the peace, the volunteer infantry were disembodied by order of the Government. After the final parade, when Lieut. -Colonels Gore and Goldney took farewell of the regiment, the colours were deposited at the house of Colonel Baillie, in Park Row, and the weapons stored at the Armoury in Stapleton Road. Lieut.-Colonel Gore died within a fortnight of these events, deeply regretted by his regiment, which at once resolved to give £3,000, part of the fund subscribed and invested for the use of the corps, to the widow and five children of the deceased, " in respectful testimony of his meritorious con- duct." A further sum of £200 was ordered to bo spent in striking silver medals to commemorate the services of the regiment, one of which was given to each ofiicor and private. Colonel Baillie was presented by the Common Council with • The statiio of William III. in Qnoon Siiuaro wiis brilliantly ilhiniinateJ upon the evacuation of Holland by tlio French. Tiio Corporation contributed £20 towards the expense. Another item in the civic accounts is £7 (i.i. 0(/. for «' r>()0 fagots, hnliiifj, etc. to IJrandon hill, to make a bonfire on the arrival of the glorious intollinenco that the allies had obtained a decisive victory over the enemy of mankind." 1815.] A PENURIOUS MAYOR. GISt's CHARITY. Gl a piece of plate^ value £200, for nearly twenty years' services in connection with the regiment. In November, 1816, a cenotaph to the memory of Colonel Gore, bearing- his portrait in bassu-rllievo, was placed in the cathedral at the expense of the volunteers. During the brief sojourn of the allied sovereigns in London in 1814, the Common Council sent off a deputation to invite the Prince Regent and his imperial guests to visit Bristol. The arrangements of the illustrious strangers rendered the step abortive; but the deputation by some means succeeded in spending £378 of the corporate money in performing the duty imposed upon them. The close of the mayoralty of Mr. James Fowler was marked by an unusual scandal in the history of the Corpora- tion. At the usual meeting in December, 1814, a motion that the ex-mayor should receive such a sum as would raise his receipts from fees and perquisites to £2,500 was rejected in favour of an amendment to limit the payment from the civic chest to such an amount " as should appear to the mayor and aldermen to have been expended." The inferen- tial censure having been ratified by a majority, the case was investigated by the Court of Aldermen in the following month, when, after an examination of the accounts and vouchers, it was resolved " that the sum of £2,000 should be paid to Mr. Fowler as a full and ample reimbursement for the expenses incurred by him." Mr. B. Bickley was at the same time voted £844 for his third shrievaltv. Some stories respecting an exceedingly parsimonious mayor early in the century probably date from this year. It is said that a large placard was posted upon the walls of the city, notifying that a cat had just brought forth kittens in the kitchen grate of the Mansion House, and was doing well. " The only fear is that the kittens may suffer from cold, as a fire has not been for some time lighted in the said kitchen grate." A few mornings later, three dead rats were found suspended to the knocker of the civic residence, with the label : " Starved out of the Mansion House," On the 16th of January, 1815, the death occurred in London of a Mr. Samuel Gist, a wealthy planter in Virginia, but who was educated, three-quarters of a century earlier, in Queen Elizabeth's Hospital. The remains of the deceased were buried, at his own request, at Wormington, Gloucester. By his will he left the sum of £10,000 in consols, upon trust, to maintain six poor men, six poor women, and six poor boys in Queen Elizabeth's Hospital, and to maintain and educate six poor 62 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL, [1815. girls. It being impossible to carry out tliis bequest in the manner directed, an application was made by the Common Council to the Court of Chancery, which in 1820 decreed that the income should be distributed in payments to three male and three female annuitants, who were to receive £115 16s. amongst them ; £100 to Queen Elizabeth's Hospital, for the maintenance of three boys ; and £72 to the Red Maids' School for three girls. Mr. Grist's will also directed that his 300 slaves should have their freedom, and he devised a large sum for the education and religious instruction of their descendants, as well as for food and clothing to such as might become destitute. A war with the United States, which, though of brief duration, had been exceedingly disastrous to English ship- owners through the ravages of the enemy's privateers, was brought to a close by the Treaty of Ghent, in the spring of 1815. A congratulatory address to the Prince Regent was sent up by the Corporation, two of whose representatives, Mr. W. J. Struth, then mayor, and Alderman Richard Vaughan, received the honour of knighthood. The expenses of the deputation were, as usual, excessive, the amount paid out of the civic purse being £195 10s. The close of the long continental struggle caused an almost immediate collapse in the artificial system which had grown up whilst nearly all the great foreign ports had been closed against us, and whilst prices had been almost continually rising under a factitious paper currency. When wheat rarely sold at under 80s. per quarter, and meat advanced to 10/^. per lb., or three times its price before the war, the rent of land naturally rose in proportion, estates more than doubled in value, and the price of labour in many trades was notably enhanced. The opening of the ports brought down prices of food with a crash, wheat falling to 5Gs. per quarter, and meat to 4id. per lb. As a natural consequence, the highly- rented farmers could no longer earn a profit, and every branch of industry felt the reaction. The panacea of a parliament of landlords was the prohibition of imports of corn whenever the domestic rates were under 80*-. per quarter. ]3ristol, like all the commercial towns, strongly condemned the proposed law, and a petition signed by 40,000 of the inhabitants prayed the Commons for its rejection ; but in the then state of the popular chamber all such clibrts were futile. The attempt to bolster up prices, however, failed, and the first to feel the effects were the labouring classes. The workmen endeavoured to combine against 1815.] THE PRICE OF NEWSPAPERS. MACADAMIZATION. 63 reductions of wages, but trades unions were illegal, and were sternly put down. On the other hand, it was equally- illegal for employers to unite against their servants, and two master plasterers in Bristol were brought to trial charged with combining to lower wages. It transpired during the hearing that the journeymen did not earn more than IG.s-. per week throughout the year. The counsel for the two parties agreed to leave the matter to the bench, which decided that the old rate should be continued ; but the masters refused to employ their former hands. The workmen of other trades, especially the tailors, took advantage of another old law, which forbade employers to hire any person who had not served an apprenticeship of seven years. The effect of this movement, however, was the abolition by Parliament of an obnoxious restraint on natural rights. The manufacturers and tradesmen of the city were so rejoiced at the relief, that they presented a piece of plate to Serjeant Onslow, who had framed the measure and conducted it through the House of Commons. " The newspapers of Great Britain may be reckoned among its noblest spectacles," modestly observed the Bristol Journal of September 9, 1815. The assertion was made in connection with the Budget of the year, which increased the stamp tax on newspapers from threepence-halfpenny to fourpence per copy. A discount of 20 per cent, was allowed on this oppres- sive impost ; but the concession was counterbalanced by the duty of 3d. per lb. on printing paper, which was charged in addition to the stamp. Newspaper proprietors were con- sequently obliged to advance to sevenpence the price of each copy, the largest of which in Bristol contained much less than half the typography of the penny journals of later days. The Eldon and Sidmouth party, which at that time was supreme in the Cabinet, had always shown hostility towards the press, and it was suspected that the tax was increased not so much for the sake of the revenue, — which was only slightly benefited, — as to check the circulation of political intelligence amongst the people. The duty on advertise- ments was raised simultaneously to 3s. 6cl. upon each an- nouncement, a sum practically prohibitory to poor persons in search of employment. At a meeting of the Bristol turnpike trustees, in Decem- ber, 1815, Mr. John Loudon McAdam was appointed general surveyor of the roads belonging to the trust. Mr. McAdam was a Scotch country gentleman, who migrated to Bristol early in the century and engaged in mercantile pursuits. In ^4 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1815. July, 1805, the Common Council assented to his becoming a freeman on paying a fine of thirty-eight guineas. After making practical experiments in road construction, at an expense to himself of several thousand pounds, he invented the system which is now known by his name throughout the civilized world. It was long, however, before he could overcome the dead weight of prejudice and the hatred of innovation which have so often obstructed great public improvements in this country; and the Bristol trust had the credit of being the first to appreciate the value of his labours. Some idea of the state of the turnpike roads prior to Mc Adam's improvements is furnished by a letter in the Monthly Magazine for August, 1804. "The usual method of making or mending roads," says the writer, '^ consists in breaking stones taken out of neighbouring quarries into masses not much less than a common brick, and spreading them over the line of road. It may be conceived with what pain and difficulty a poor horse drags a carriage over such a track." The change eff"ected by McAdam in the roads of this district was too notable to be denied even by the admirers of " ancient ways," and in the course of a few years '' macadamization " spread into the most secluded parts of the island, everywhere working a beneficent revolu- tion. It is painful to add that the section of local trustees representing the Corporation of Bristol, and animated by its reactionary spirit, attempted, in September, 1824, to sum- marily dismiss Mr. McAdam, without giving him a hint of their intention, and that a motion to that effect was negatived only by the casting vote of the chairman. Mr. McAdam's salary from the trust barely covered his travelling expenses. In an address to the trustees, he pointed out that he had accepted the post with no view to profit. When he entered on his work, the roads in the district were all but impassable in bad weather, and the trust was on the verge of bank- ruptcy. Through his exertions its funds had become flourish- ing, and the roads had been made ''an example that has been followed and imitated from one end of the kingdom to the other." Mr. McAdam resigned his oflice in the follow- ing year, protesting against what he termed the "mean persecution " of his enemies in the Common Council. He was then nearly eighty years of ago. About the same time, the House of Commons, regarding liim as a great benefactor, both to the public and to beasts of burden, voted him a grant of £10,000. In 1827, the Metropolitan road trustees (who had not adopted McvVdam's s^'stem until l82o) gladly 1816.] SHOCKING STATE OF NEWGATE. 65 appointed him their superintendent. Mr. McAdam died in 1886, in comparative poverty, aged ninety years. His son, many years surveyor of the Bristol roads, died in 1857. From the time when the philanthropic Howard undertook his beneficent crusade in favour of prison reform down to the period now under review, numberless records exist as to the abominable condition of Newgate, the Bristol gaol. Howard himself describes it as white without and foul within. Criminals, he says, were allowed to mix with un- fortunate debtors, and men with women; and although the place reeked with filth, yet the authorities made no allow- ance for mops, brooms, or towels. The accommodation was lamentably insufiicient for the number of prisoners ; and partly from this cause, and partly for security, a place called the " dungeon," or " pit," some twelve feet below the level of the soil, to which scarcely a ray of light could penetrate, was used for the detention of the worst class of felons. Seventeen persons slept nightly in this den, which was only fourteen feet square, neither straw nor rugs being provided for them, and the stench arising each morning on its being reopened turned the stomachs even of the warders. There was no employment to break the monotony of deten- tion; but the chapel, on week-days, was used as a tippling room, and during the service on Sundays drinking and smoking- went on in the galleries. It would appear that the city authorities provided nothing in the shape of food except two-pennyworth of bread daily per head. The local papers consequently contained almost every week an acknowledg- ment of gifts from the public to " the poor felons in New- gate," who sometimes declared themselves to be " in great distress for the necessaries of life." Besides numerous donations of money, the journals record the receipt, between 1785 and 1787, of many sacks of potatoes, various cartloads of coal, and doles of beef, salt fish, herrings, vegetables, " 136 sixpenny loaves," and " a dozen towels." In 1792 the prisoners were even allowed to affix a box near the gaol door for the reception of donations; but many undoubtedly perished from want and fever. Another class of unhappy wretches consisted of those dragged to prison under the law of mesne process, and to these were added a great number of persons immured for non-payment of their debts. Under the mesne process system, any man could be arrested for a debt exceed- ing £10, and detained in prison until the cause was heard, which might not be for several months. It was notorious that this power was often used for iniquitous purposes, and F 66 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1816. the legal abuse was rendered still more grievous by the fact that, even if the victim proved at the trial that the claim was unfounded, he could not obtain release except by an expen- sive course of procedure beyond the means of the poor. So late as 1820, nearly 3,700 persons were languishing in prison under the law of mesne process; and the filthy Bristol gaol contained its full share of them. As for the ordinary class of prisoners for debt, the penalty to which they were liable was, until 1813, detention for life. But the condition of Newgate was so horrible that local philanthropists fre- quently raised subscriptions for paying the debts of poor labourers, and thus obtained their removal from horrible sur- roundings. The state of Bridewell was no better. Howard found the place shockingly offensive from open sewers, and a Mr. Neild, who visited it in 1807, stated that so numerous were the rats that a cat was kept in each room at night to prevent the vermin from gnawing the prisoners' feet. Howard's revelations having excited general disgust, the Corporation, in 1792, obtained an Act to build a new gaol on the site of Bristol Castle ; but as the authorities proposed to levy a county rate upon the citizens for the future main- tenance of the prison, the statute was threatened with universal opposition, and ultimately became a dead letter. In the meantime, the condition of the gaol became an ever- increasing reproach to the city through the increase of the population. Felons convicted of atrocious crimes and un- tried striplings charged with venial offences were locked up promiscuously, as if the object of the authorities was to provide for an unfailing succession of housebreakers, ruffians, and thieves. In April, 1813, the grand jury at quarter ses- sions, having received a report from four eminent physicians of the city, to the effect that " it was almost impossible for any building to be worse calculated" for its purpose, drew up an unanimous presentment, declaring that " any measure short of rebuilding the prison would be of no effect as to remedying those great evils so long and so justly complained of." The Corporation soon after announced that it would apply to Parliament for powers to erect a new gaol near Castle Street, provided the citizens Avould consent to pay for the structure and relievo the Council of the burden of main- taining it ; but the proposal was indignantly scouted at meet- ings held by the ratepayers. Notliing having been done, Mr. J. S. Harford published a pamphlet in 1815, in which the practice of herding together degraded people of both sexes was denounced as monstrous. The author added : — 1816.] TREATMENT OP UNTRIED PRISONERS. 67 €( I saw the irons pnt upon a little boy ten years old, who had just been brought in for stealing a pound and a half of sugar ; he was then introduced into the felon's court, crowded with wretches among the most abandoned of their class." Yet in spite of this and other protests, it appears from an incidental remark in a local newspaper that untried prisoners were kept in fetters in 1817. In the following year, Mr. (afterwards Sir) T. F. Buxton visited the gaol and published his experiences. In the too notorious " pit/' lying in a very dirty bed, was " a wretched human being who complained of severe illness. This was his infirmary — a place one short visit to which affected me with nausea for two days. The preceding night eighteen persons had here slept, and some of them were untried. A person only accused of crime may wear heavy irons and sleep in the ' pit/ and this a whole year before his trial." By this time, however, the scandal was in process of being removed. In the session of 1816 a com- mittee of citizens had promoted a bill for building a new gaol on a proper site; but as the scheme repudiated the claim of the Corporation to control the expenditure, it was stoutly opposed by the civic oligarchy, who wrote secretly to other close corporations asking their help to resist the invasion on chartered " rights." The discovery of this pro- ceeding caused a commotion in the House of Commons, and the Common Council, dreading that further obstinacy would end in a defeat, reluctantly came to terms with the promoters of the bill, consenting to abandon the Castle Street scheme, permitting the ratepayers to nominate some of the com- missioners charged with supervising the new erection, and confessing the liability of the Corporation to maintain the prison establishment, as in the past. Newgate, with its site, was moreover given up to the commissioners. The measure received the royal assent in June, 1816. The estimated cost of the new gaol, £60,000, was raised by a rate on the ancient city, and the site chosen was in Bedminster parish, between the new course of the river and the floating harbour. A singular dispute with the revenue ofiicials arose in Novem- ber, 1817, soon after the works were begun. Some of the stone intended for the walls, brought from Blackrock quarry, on the Avon, was seized by a customs ofiicer, who contended that it was liable to the duty imposed by the Customs Con- solidation Act of 1809, which imposed a tax of £20 per cent. ad valorem on limestone. The customs authorities also asserted that the stone brought from Hanham and Bath was liable to the same duty. The claim, however, was soon afterwards 68 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1816. abandoned. On the completion of tlie new building, in August, r820, the pi-i-souers in Newgate "were removed in a wagon to their new quarters." The site of the old gaol was thereupon re-purchased by the Corporation for £682, and the materials were sold for £500. As will be seen here- after, the new gaol was itself condemned as unfit for the purpose for which it was constructed. Great local rejoicing took place upon the 2nd May, 1816, upon the occasion of the marriage of the Princess Charlotte of Wales, heiress expectant to the throne, with Prince Leo- pold of Saxe Coburg (maternal uncle of Queen Victoria). The Common Council sent a deputation up to London, to present an address to the Eegent on the happy event. As the expense of the trip was £166 lis., the emissaries appear to have enjoyed themselves. Unhappily the hopes which were excited by the union were speedily blighted ; and the princess's death in the following year evoked a manifestation of national sorrow such as had never been witnessed since the accession of the House of Brunswick. Bull-baiting was still a popular amusement amongst the lower classes. A paragraph in a local journal for June 8, 1816, gives the reader a brief but vivid glimpse of the manners of the time : — "A poor animal was led through our streets on Monday, with blue ribbons to its horns, for the savage purpose of being baited on Clifton Down. One of the ill effects of such an assemblage was a quarrel, in which the parties agreed to fight, when a man of the name of Donald was killed upon the first blow by a postboy of the name of Lambert." There is no record that Lambert was bi'ought to trial for the homicide. A few weeks later a parochial constable complained in the newspapers that after he had arrested a ruffian for an assault, the only two resident aldermen, as well as the mayor, proved to be out of town, and he was thus forced to release his prisoner. The latest case of bull-baiting in Bristol noticed in the local press occ-un-cd in 1822; but as the "s])ort" was continued at Wells until 18o9 or 1840, it is not unlikely that the newspaper record is defective. On the 27tli July, the Duke of Wellington, the idolized liero oF tlic time, paid a visit to Ih-istol in ri'sjionso to an invitation from the Common Council, which had sent deputies to Cheltenham for that purpose. His grace's entry was by liedland, where the sheriffs wore in attendance to welcome him to the city. In the procession which was then fornuul, the duke's carriage was followed by the barouch of "that 1816.] DEATH OP RICHARD REYNOLDS. 69 old veteran, Jolin Weeks," whose mode of displayinj^ his enthusiasm was not less characteristic than it had been years before (see p. 12), In the midst of laurels, roses, leeks, and shamrocks, six ladies were seated in his vehicle, displaying banners inscribed with mottoes in honour of the great captain and his brother officers, while Weeks himself performed the feat of bearing an Irish harp, a royal standard, and throe other national flags. On arriving at a handsome triumphal arch erected across Park Street, surmounted with *' a figure of the genius of Bristol" — whatever that may have been,.; — the horses of the noble visitor were removed by a party of sixty men, whose habiliments would probably appear gro- tesque to later eyes, but which, it is believed, formed the customary garb of those who bore the members for Bristol during the triumphal ceremony of chairing. The men were *' dressed in black hats, white shirts over their waistcoats, ornamented with white ribbons, black breeches and white stockings." After being dragged to the Mansion House, the duke was received by the mayor, aldermen, and coun- cillors in the banqueting room, surrounded by the grandest state paraphernalia. The mayor (Sir W. J. Struth) in a brief address — the turgidness of which excited some ridicule out of doors — presented his grace with the freedom of the city in a gold box; and a similar gift was made, in much more graceful terms, by the Merchants' Company through their master. After a brief adjournment to the drawing- room to gratify the curiosity of a large gathering of ladies, the distinguished guest was conducted to the Merchants' Hall for dinner. A sumptuous repast having been followed by a few toasts, the duke left early in the evening to undergo a similar reception at Gloucester. The cost of the entertain- ment, including £100 for the loan of plate to decorate the tables, £63 for the gold box, and £50 spent by the deputa- tion to Cheltenham, was £925 17.«?. Much dissatisfaction was expressed by the members of the Merchants' Society at the conduct of the corporate officials, who, after borrowing the Company's hall for the banquet, excluded its owners from the feast. The next public ceremonial in the city was of a more touching character. On the 10th of September Richard Reynolds, who has been styled '' the greatest of Bristol's great philanthropists," expired at Cheltenham, where he was sojourning by the advice of his physicians, and ten days later his remains, which had been removed to Bristol, were conveyed from his house in St, James's Square to the 70 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1816. burial-ground attached to the Friends' meeting-house in the Friars. The attendance of mourners included many of the resident clergy, dissenting ministers of every persuasion, prominent citizens of every sect and party^ the staffs of the various charitable institutions of the city, to which the deceased had been a munificent patron, the children of the parish schools of St. James's and St. Paul's, and great numbers of the poorer classes, v^ho displayed much eager- ness to pay a token of respect to the remains of their de- parted friend. A more affecting ceremony was probably never witnessed in the city. Mr. Eeynolds was a native of Bristol, having been born in Corn Street in 1735; but he left the city in early life, and his wealth was accumulated during his long residence at and near Coalbrookdale. In 1804 he returned to his native town, where he soon distinguished himself by diffusive and universal benevolence, though from his solicitude to escape notice only a few of his munificent acts could be clearly traced. Of these may be mentioned a fund of £10,500 invested in the hands of trustees for the benefit of seven local charities, gifts of £2,000 and £4,000 for augmenting the weekly payments to the inmates of Trinity almshouses, and a donation of £2,600 for an extension of the Infirmary. These instances, however, do little to show the extent of his liberality. During one of the famine crises which occurred during the great war, he remitted £20,000 to an agent in London, and throughout his residence in Bristol he employed four almoners charged to inquire into the state of the poor and to distribute relief to the deserving. From statements made by Mr. Rathbone, who published a sketch of his career, Mr. Reynolds seems to have bestowed during his life upwards of £200,000 in acts of charity, exclusive of anonymous gifts of which no record appeared in his private accounts. A few days after the funeral, a meeting was held at the Guildhall, the mayor (Mr. J. Haythorne) presiding, when it was resolved to establish a Reynolds' Commemo- ration Society, for continuing relief to objects of his bounty, for assisting the charities of the city, and especially for succouring an institution founded by the deceased — tho Samaritan Society. Unfortunately the support extended to the Commemoration Society has never been worthy of its objects. During this year, the Freemasons of the city purchased a lK)Use in JJridgc; Street for £1,600, and fitted it up for tho use of the craft at a further expense of £2,000. The removal 1816.] THE HOTWELL IN PROSPEROUS DAYS, 71 of the Freemasons' hall to Park Street will be recorded at a later date. An interesting paper on the declining popularity of the Hotwell Spring, with suggestions for its revival, was ad- dressed, in 1816, to the Society of Merchant Venturers by Dr. Andrew Carrick, then one of the leading physicians of Clifton. The paper did not reach the public until nearly half a century later, being first published in the Bristol Times o'f October 18, 1862. The following are extracts : " Seven and twenty years ago (viz. 1789) when I first became ac- quainted with the place, the Hotwells during summer was one of the best-frequented and most crowded watering-places in the kingdom. Scores of the first nobility were to be found there every season, and such a crowd of invalids of all ranks resorted to the waters that it was often difficult for them to provide themselves with any sort of lodgings. About that period a considerable number of lodging letters had in the course of a few years realized very handsome fortunes, without any complaint of extortionate exactions. [Matthews' Guide to Bristol and Clifton, written in 1793, states that the general price of lodgings was lO.s. per week in the summer and 5s. per week in the winter half year; boarding 16s. per week ; servants' rooms and boarding half price.] Three extensive taverns were constantly full, and two spacious ballrooms were profitably kept open. There was a well-attended ball, a public breakfast, and a promenade every week, and often twice a week. The pump-room was all day long the resort of invalids, who left with the keeper of the well many hundreds a year in voluntary donations, and from twelve to two o'clock was generally so crowded that there was often some difficulty in getting up to drink the water. The walk adjoining was in the meantime filled with fashionable com- pany, to whom the sublime scenery of the cliffs was enlivened by the sounds of a band of music. The downs and all the avenues to the Hotwells were filled with strings of carriages, and with parties on horseback and on foot." Having drawn this graphic sketch from personal experience. Dr. Carrick proceeded to contrast it with the condition of the place in 1816 : " The silence of the grave, to which it seems the inlet. Not a carriage to be seen once an hour, and scarcely more frequently does a solitary invalid approach the neglected spring. One of the ballrooms and taverns has been long ago shut up, and the other with great difficulty kept open. The lodging-houses, or such of them as still remain open, almost entirely empty in summer, and not very profitably filled even 72 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1816. in winter." He went on to say that " not one tenth of the visitors of rank and fortune,, and of invalids perhaps a still smaller proportion" then resorted to the place; that the letters of lodg-ing-s became " almost universally bankrupt in a few years/' though visitors complained of " bad usage and exorbitant charges;" and that the value of houses at the Hotwells had " vastly depreciated — many houses, and even whole rows, are unoccupied and as it were deserted." " With great difficulty can a ball be supported once a fortnight at Clifton ; no public breakfasts ; no promenades, or none de- serving the name. At the Hotwells nothing of the kind." Dr. Carrick attributed the declining fortunes of the spring, chiefly, tp the fact that about 1790 its proprietors (the Merchants Company) let the place at a price vastly beyond its value, and allowed the tenant to impose an exorbitant price — 26s. a month from each individual — for permission to drink the water. People in health refused to pay the impost, and betook themselves to other resorts. The charges thus restricted the use of the water to those who were suffering from consumption, and who were in fact incurable, and the high rate of mortality amongst the drinkers cast discredit upon the spring itself. "From the day that the Hotwell became practically a fountain sealed to the lips of every one but the actually moribund, the fame of the place began rapidly to decline. None who drank of the Lethean waters were thenceforth found to recover; because none did drink of them but such as w^ere past recovery. It was now one uniform black list of disappointment and death ; and in the course of a very few years it became all over the kingdom a source of horror and despair, instead of hope and con- fidence, to be ordered to the HotAvells, from whose awful bourne no traveller now returned." A subsidiary cause of the decline was said to be the " difficult and dangerous " descent from Clifton to the well. "To many the hire of a carriage twice or thrice a day, at the increased charges of such conveyances, presented an insuperable obstacle. To others the fatigue and the terror of riding up and down the precipitous track (for it even now scarcely deserves the name of a road) of CTranl)y Hill was an objection not to be over- come." Dr. Carrick concluded by suggesting that a com- modious footpath might bo made from Trince's lUiiklings to the bottom of Granby Hill, and that a carriage road should be constructed from the Hotwell house to the downs. The latter, ho urged, would not be diHicult, as " the s))ace at the foot of Hi. Vincent's rocks is already ])racticable fur carriages. 1817.] ROMAN RELICS. THE SILVER COINAGE. 73 or nearly so."* If this tliorouglifare were made, and the tollgate [vvhicli then stood opposite the site now occupied by Camp House] removed to the edg-e of the downs, Dr. Carrick believed the improvements would offer " a material accom- modation to that part of the parish, and a powerful incite- ment to the use of the waters." The worthy doctor, however, did not make allowance for the popularity of Continental watering-places that arose after the conclusion of the long French war, a popularity which struck a permanent blow at all the English resorts of the wealthy classes. On January 17, 1817, whilst workmen were engaged in improving Leigh Down, the inclosure of which had been recently eifected, they discovered a large quantity of Roman coins, which had apparently been buried about six inches below the turf. It was believed that about 1,000 pieces of silver were found; but the labourers lost no time in disposing of their booty, and about 500 coins at once disappeared. The specimens seen by Mr. Seyer, who gave a lengthy account of them in his history (vol. i. 164-173) ranged from the reign of Nero to that of Constantius II., so that the treasure was probably buried about the year 350. From the beginning of the century the deteriorated con- dition and scarcity of the silver coinage had been painfully felt by the trading classes and the poor. In some districts employers of labour, unable to obtain coins for the payment of wages, issued cards which were equivalent to notes for a given number of shillings ; and these billets passed with comparative ease when confidence was placed in the issuers. Forgeries, however, were often perpetrated, to the great injury of the labouring community, as tradesmen made heavy deductions on the value of the primitive notes to secure themselves against loss. At a city meeting in Bristol, in 1803, it was stated, as the result of an extensive experiment, that forty of the sixpences then current were not by weight * Dr. Carrick here refers to operations which were proceeding at the time he wrote. Down to 1816, St. Vincent's rocks protruded almost to the brink of the Avon at high water, there being only a narrow path on the verge of the river to admit of the towage of vessels. In 1816-17, when extreme distress prevailed amongst the poor, owing to deficient harvests and the high price of food, a sub- scription was raised for employing labourers, to which the Corporation subscribed £211; and the Merchants' Society having granted permission to quarry the pro- jecting rocks, a large quantity of stone was removed and broken for the roads around the city. [Bedcliff Hill was lowered about three feet by another party of labourers, the wages in both cases being provided out of the fund.j The widening of the path continued for several years ; and it will be seen hereafter that Dr. Carrick's suggested road was constructed in 1822. 74 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1817. worth more than lO.*. 9d., and twenty of the current shillingg not more than 14s. bd. A memorial to the Government praying for a new coinage was adopted, but nothing was done ; and the old coins becoming steadily worse from year to 5'ear, most of them at length became mere smooth pieces of silver of less than half their assumed value. The difficulty was exasperated in 1810-11 by the depreciation of bank notes through excessive issues. A 20^. note being really worth only about 14^. or 15.s. in gold, many who got posses- sion of silver coin naturally refused to part with it in exchange for paper, and thus shillings and sixpences became scarcer than ever. Many persons now ventured to issue " tokens," generally of about half their nominal value, un- dertaking to redeem them for the sum they represented. Knavish people followed this example, issuing debased tokens, which were not intended to be, and which never were, redeemed ; and the Government, whose short-sighted mis- management had caused extreme embarrassment and distress to the retail trade of the countiy, was forced to shut its eyes whilst large profits were thus reaped at the expense of the community. Another source of public injury was the issue of 10s. notes by various persons, in spite of their illegality; but several convictions took place in Bristol in 1815, which put an end to the system in this locality. At the close of the war, when bank notes rose in value, the hoarded silver money reappeared, and the currency of tokens became illegal after December, 1814. Nearly all the silver coin in circulation, however, was so much worn as to be perfectly smooth on both sides ; and in July, 1816, owing to mischievous rumours as to the intentions of the Government, a panic arose in Bristol market, and rapidly spread to Bath and other neighbouring towns, the refusal of many farmers to accept the ''smooth shillings" in payment for thoir pro- duce causing an almost complete suspension of business. The Ministry at length saw the necessity of action, and a largo coinage was ordered. On January 27, 1817, says the diury of a contemporary citizen {Times and Mirror, April 11, 1885), "sixty boxes of the new silver coinage, of the value of £-]C,000, were sent from the Mint to the mayor, to be circulated in this city, which were deposited in the Council House till the l^Jth February, when inspectors were a]ipointed to examine the old silver and give the new in exchange, which was done at the Council House, Guildhall, and Merchants' Hall, for the space of fourteen days." Although every genuine coin, however worn and defaced, was ex- 1817.] INTRODUCTION OF STEAMBOATS. 75 changed at its full value^* many people, especially country- folks, neglected the opportunity, and retained their hoards until after the old coinage was declared an illegal tender. The Bristol journals contain numerous advertisements of a later date, in which tradesmen offered to allow their customers Aid. for old sixpences, 9d. for shillings, and 2s. Id. for half- crowns — the latter being soon scarce and curious. The first steam vessel seen in Bristol made its appearance in the Float in June, 1813, and is reported to have been constructed under the direction of Mr. Theodore Lawrance, one of the city coroners. It was called the Charlotte, and was intended to carry passengers and goods between Bristol and Bath. The boat had accommodation for twenty cabin passengers, who paid half a crown each, the steerage fare being Is. 6d. A few months later it was announced that the journeys of the boat had been suspended during the rebuild- ing of Keynsham bridge, but that it would resume work shortly, a larger and quicker vessel being also promised at au early date. The enterprise, however, proved a failure. In the Bridal Journal of May 3, 1817, is a paragraph stat- ing that the Britannia steam-packet had arrived in this port from Swansea, ''making the passage against the ebb tide in twelve hours." This vessel was built for the Dublin and Holyhead service, and it is fair to surmise that the builders sent her to Bristol in the hope of stirring up a feeling of emulation amongst the citizens which might not be un- profitable to themselves. If so, they were disappointed, for the mercantile classes here made no efibrt to compete with their northern rivals, who for several years had a monopoly of steam traffic with Ireland. An advertisement in the Bristol papers of July 28, 1821, at last announced that " the steam-packets Talbot and Ivanhoe, so well known on the Holyhead station" — where, it may be suspected, they had been replaced by larger vessels — had "commenced plying between Bristol and Cork;" and a paragraph of the same date adds that the voyage was to be made in thirty hours. The first steamboat from Bristol to Dublin started in May, 1822, for the summer season only, calls being made at Tenby and Wexford on the outward, and at Liverpool on the return voyage. A daily steamer to Newport started at the same time. From inferential remarks in the contemporary press. • The Corporation had old silver in the city chest to the larf^o amount of £356 7s. 6(;. It sustained a loss in the exchange of £3 12s. ; in other words, coins representing that sum proved to be counterfeit. 76 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1817. it is evident tliat many travellers refused to trust tlieir lives to these dangerous novelties, in spite of difficulties and dis- comforts attending the old mode of transit which seem almost incredible in the present age. Mr. S. C. Hall, the well- known art critic, in a little work published in 1861, wrote : — ''In the year 1815 it was my lot to visit Ireland. I was then a schoolboy in Bristol ; my family resided in Cork ; and the voyage from one port to the other occupied just six weeks. . . . The packet boat under the best circum- stances was miserable enough. There was no separate accommodation for ladies. To undress was out of the ques- tion. Each passenger took his own sea store. Salt junk and hard biscuit were the only food to be obtained if the voyage lasted above three or four days. Imagine the wretchedness ... of those who had to bear it for weeks ! The case I have stated was by no means rare. The voyage from Holyhead to Dublin often consumed a fortnight." It is not surprising that in the face of such miseries old-fashioned apprehensions of steam rapidly died out. In 1823 the owners of the Irish steamers, in a petition to the Common Council, stated that they proposed to run three vessels weekly, but that the mayor's dues on the vessels would amount to £359 yearly, and they prayed relief from a burden which was not imposed either at Dublin or Liverpool. Similar appeals were made by other companies ; and the Corporation, though declining to abate the charge, voted a sum of money to a committee, which practically refunded the dues at the end of the season. By 1824 steamers had come into general use for passenger traffic, and the Bristol Steam Navigation Company, which was established in 1837, soon possessed a numerous fleet. The slowness with which Bristol is charged by her critics was, hoAvever, remarkably exemplified in her attitude towards steam-tugs. Although vessels of this class had been started on the Clyde in 1803, and were soon after introduced on the Tyne, Mersey, and Tliamos, and although the cost of towing by men and horses, whether on entering or leaving the Avon, was £9 for a vessel of only 100 tons, many years passed away before I^ristol shipowners thought of resorting to steam power, by wliich the cost would have ])een largely reduced. The Chamber of Commerce vainly pointed out, in 182 t, that tugs were succesHfully cm])loyed at all the other leading ports. Two well-known Bristolians, Mr, C. Claxton and Mr. M. Whitwill, showed by actual ox]ieritnont that steam power was cfjually applicable here, but tlieir arguments for its 1817.] FATAL SHIPWRECK. VISIT OP THE QUEEN. 77 adoption met with no response ; and the Common Council passed a resolution affirming' that its members " at present were not capable of forming- any accurate judgment of the expediency of the proposed plan.'^ The Great Western steamer was designed about ten years later for opening rapid communication with America, yet local bigwigs refused to admit that either time or money would be saved by sub- stituting steam-tugs for men and horses on the Avon. In short, it was not until 1836 that a little vessel called the Fiirij was brought into operation between Kingroad and Bristol. Her appearance excited disturbances at Pill amongst the labourers who gained a scanty living by acting- as towers. In February, 1836, the Fury was seized by a party of these men, who attempted to scuttle her, but finally set her adrift on the Severn. The vessel, however, soon returned to work, and her success being beyond dispute, the old arrangements at last became a matter of history. [The Fury was de- stroyed in Kingroad, by the explosion of her boiler, on the 21st September, 1859.] On the night of the 23rd October, 1817, the sailing packet William and Mary, which had left Bristol a few hours previously for Waterford, with a number of passengers, struck on a rock near the Flat Holmes, and almost immedi- ately sank. Out of about sixty persons who were on board only twenty-three were saved. The night was clear, with only a gentle breeze blowing, and the disaster was unques- tionably due to the flagrant misconduct of the mate, who had been left in charge by the captain. The inhuman criminal saved his own life by forcing some ladies to quit the only boat — holding four persons — belonging to the packet. Most of the survivors were rescued by Pill pilots. Queen Charlotte, wife of George III., being on a visit to Bath for the purpose of drinking the waters, was invited to this city by the mayor and Corporation, and responded to their request by driving over on the 17th December, ac- companied by the Duke of Clarence, afterwards William IV., and the Princess Elizabeth. After breakfasting at the Mansion House, the royal party crossed Prince's Street bridge, and proceeded along the " newly formed road " by the side of the New Cut to the Hotwells. They then re- turned to College Green, ascended Park Street, and drove through Berkeley Square to Clifton, " passing under the York Crescent, up Sion Hill, and through the turnpike to the Look-out (Wallis's Wall),* on Durdham Down;" returning • Now called Sea Walls. 78 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1817. througli anotlier part of Clifton to Colonel Baillie's residence * in Park Row, wliere '^ every delicacy and luxury of the season " was " served up in the drawing-room on a most costly service of embossed plate." On returning, the queen was to have gone over the Drawbridge and through Clare Street and Corn Street; but as the procession approached, the rigging of a small vessel passing the bridge, which was then really a drawbridge, got entangled in the lifted struc- ture — an accident of common occurrence. The royal carriage was consequently stopped ; and as the Float was then the receptacle of the city sewage, the overpowering odour of the water is said by a local poet to have forced her majesty to " snuff her royal nose." [" Rhymes, Latin and English," by the Rev. John Eagles.] Her majesty had at last to be taken to Bristol Bridge by way of Nelson Street, Union Street, and Dolphin Street, the beauties of which thorough- fares she had an opportunity of admiring, as the cortege proceeded at " a slow rate." The queen, who died in the following year, was far from popular, and a courtly news- writer in the city noted, with assumed '' surprise," that the tradesmen in the principal streets manifested no tokens of mourning on her demise. An illustration of the bibulous habits of the Regency is afforded by a tavern bill paid by a Bristolian in August, 1817, to the landlord of the Montagu Hotel (communicated to the Times and Mirror, May 24, 1873). The dinner, which was for twelve guests, and included venison and turtle, was charged 14 guineas ; dessert, 2 guineas. The giver of the feast supplied twelve bottles of wine from his private cellar. Beside this, the guests drank claret costing £7 ; IMadeira, £1 18,v. ; two bottles of hock, £1 8.y the decision was not lessened by the fact that Alderman Fripp, jun., one of the presiding justices, anxious to prevent the case from coming to the public ear, had in- sisted on expelling Acland, the only reporter present, from the court. As the latter naturally made the most of the affair, public feeling was so strongly stirred that Redding was event- ually liberated; and the prisoner and his champion enjoyed a triumphal procession through the streets. In the meantime, however, Acland's newspaper had come to grief. The anger of the Government officials at the infraction of the stamp laws was aggravated by Redding's case, which redounded so little to the credit of their employers; and on the 18th June — in the nineteenth daily number of the Bri^tolian — Acland announced its cessation, but promised to produce a pamphlet every Wednesday and Saturday. In that form, owing largely to the personality in which its compiler in- dulged, the periodical attained a large circulation. Up to that time no Bristol newspaper had reported the business in the police court, although evidence is not wanting that the aldermen sometimes conducted themselves in a manner open to public criticism. To the extreme irritation of those gentle- men and their officers, the cases heard at each sitting Avere not only narrated at length by Acland, but were embellished with remarks far from complimentary to the dispensers of justice. Alderman Sir Richard Vaughan being for some time an especial target for banter. Orders were at length given to exclude the censor, and as, by some means, Acland still contrived to get information, a sergeant was placed at the door of the court, with orders to prevent the admittance of every one not concerned in the day's business. This aggression on public rights gave the Bristolian new matter for attack, and its conductor boldly assailed the entire Corporation as unjust, tyrannical, and corrupt. These chai'ges provoked the Court of Aldermen to institute a criminal prosecution against their author, who was tried before Mr. Justice Park at the assizes in August, 1828. On being called on for his defence, Mr. Acland, in a speech occupying- nearly three hours in delivery, contended that the conduct of the justices had been indefensible, and that he had not trespassed beyond legitimate criticism. He also commented strongly, and it must be con- fessed justly, on the circumstance that several of the jurymen were related to members of the Corporation, or were closely connected with them in business. He did not know — though it is now apparent in the civic cash-book — that no less than 120 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1827. £532 had been spent in bringing bim to trial. A verdict of guilty being returned, the defendant was subsequently" sentenced to two months' imprisonment in Gloucester gaol. In the following year Acland had the effrontery to petition the Common Council to be admitted a free burgess. His appeal was, of course, rejected, and the scribe revenged himself by renewed libels on prominent corporators in his Bristolian, which continued to appear twice a week until the spring of 1831. During a portion of this period of his career Acland got up a Bread Association, and one of the advertise- ments in his periodical stated that " pure flour and bread (4 lb. loaves at lOd.) " were sold at the Bristolian office, at 4, All Saints' Street. Being threatened with another prosecu- tion by the aldermen, Acland removed to Hull, where he set up a journal of a similar character, and where his acrimony against the aldermen was quite as bitter as before. Three prosecutions for libel having resulted in convictions, he was sent to prison for fifteen months. Shortly afterwards his wife, who had continued the Hull newspaper, was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for pviblishing additional libels. And no sooner was Acland at liberty than he began to print another unstamped journal, for which he underwent incar- ceration for half a year more. A copy of probably his last local production, dated September 29, 1832, is in the City Library. It is a newspaper, styled A Free Reporter. To evade the stamp duty, its publisher added to the title, " Left to read six months, for three-halfpence." A branch of the Bank of England, for which premises had been purchased at the east end of l^ridgo Street, was opened for business on the 12th July, 1827. The institution was regarded with great disfavour by the private bankers of the city, and appears to have been long disliked by many members of the mercantile community. In April, 1844, the bank purchased two picturesque old houses in Broad Street, which were pulled down, and the existing heavy-looking edifice was erected on the site. The city chamberlain's cash-book contains the following curious item: "August 1st, 1827. Paid James Poole for a scarlet and lilack gown and a })air of gloves, the prt)})erty of Mv. George King, late a member of the Common Council, £12." There is no reference to the matter in the minute books, but it seems probable that the payinont was made to avoid scandal. The robes were purchased three years later, at tlie same price, by a new councillor, Mr. H. W. Newman. The foundation-stone of the new asylum for orphan girls, 1827.] STEAM CARRIAGES. TRAVELLING BY KITES. 121 at Hook's Mills, replacing the building in wliich the charity- had been established in 1795, was laid by the mayor (Mr. T. Camphn), on the 22nd August, in the presence of a numerous gathering of citizens. The chapel attached to the institution was consecrated a few months later by the bishop of the diocese. The Drawbridge, a cumbrous structure, raised and lowered by a winch, which had been condemned by the Council so far back as 1808, was replaced in August by a new bridge, on the swivel principle. The opening of the latter — which cost £2,000 — took place on a Sunday, the first to pass over being the mayor and sheriffs as they proceeded to morning service at the Mayor's Chapel. Much public interest was aroused about this time by a Mr. Gurney's invention of a steam carriage, intended to supersede passenger coaches on turnpike roads. One of the vehicles, which was intended to run between London and Manchester, was of twelve-horse power, and carried six passengers inside and fifteen outside, exclusive of the guard, the promised rate of speed being from ten to twelve miles an hour. The Gentle- man's Magazine for November, 1827, announced : "A steam- coach company are now making arrangements for stopping places on the line of road between London, Bath, and Bristol, which will occur every six or seven miles, where fresh fuel and water are to be supplied. There are fifteen coaches built." Owing to the conservative prejudices of many turn- pike trustees, who imposed inordinate tolls on steam carriages, the inventor was unable to make any practical progress. The threatened competition moreover stirred up the coach pro- prietors, whose vehicles were still going at a jog-trot of six or seven miles an hour, and a notable increase of speed took place throughout the country. Mr. Gurney had also to contend with the ignorant passions of the poor. On one occasion, as a steam carriage was on its way from London to the west, it was stopped on its arrival at Melksham by a crowd of agricultural labourers, at that time greatly irritated by the introduction of thrashing machines and other rural apparatus. Believing* that the steam coach was likely to injure manual labour, they attacked it with stones, amidst shouts of " Down with machinery!" its occupants narrowly escaping sei'ious injury. A still more remarkable locomotive novelty than that of Mr. Gurney excited local attention about this time. An ingenious schoolmaster, Mr. George Pocock, residing near St. Michael's church, discovered that by fastening a kite to 122 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1827. the string attached to another kite already in the air, the combined power of the two toys, when elevated in a good breeze, was sufficient to drag a considerable weight along the surface of the ground. After many experiments, Mr. Pocock invented a vehicle somewhat similar in form to the modern tricyle, and found that one of these, capable of carry- ing four persons, could be drawn by two kites of twelve and ten feet in height respectively — the speed attained with a brisk wind being about twenty-five miles an hour. With kites of twenty feet and twelve feet, a carriage loaded with six persons was drawn with equal rapidity. When, by further developments, the kites were made capable of " tacking," the carriages could be used in any wind which was not directly opposed to the intended line of advance. In June, 1828, the novel vehicle was exhibited at Ascot races before George IV. In the following month Mr. Pocock was at Liverpool, and made an experiment to show the use of kites for drawing a ferry boat across the Mersey. The Liverpool Mercury, recording the results, observed that Avith a good Avind " a boat furnished with one of the largest pairs of kites would be able to make the passage from and to Birkenhead, whatever might be the state or the strength of the tide," thus avoiding the great detentions which frequently occurred before steam power was adopted. The same paper stated that the kites could draw the boat in a direction " less than five points from the wind." On another occasion a yacht was hired, and after the sails had been replaced by kites, a numerous party cruised for three weeks in the Bristol Channel off the coasts of Wales and Devon. In 18oG, during the visit of the British Association to Bristol, a kite carriage was shown on Clifton Down, and amongst those who tried its remarkable powers was Prince George of Cumberland, after- Avards King of Hanover. The local journals stated that a gigantic kite, thirty feet high, capable of drawing four cars with four persons in each, had been prepared, but that owing to some accident to tlie tackle it could not l)e used. Mr. Pocock obtained a patent for his kites and carriages, by which he and his family travelled about for many years. A not unimportant advantage of the vehicles, was their immunity from turnpike tolls, a heavy tax upon locomotion in those (lays. According to a '' Treatise on the Aeropl(>ustic Art, with a Description of the Charvolant, or Kite Carriage," l)ul)lislied by Longman & Co., the travelling kites were shown in operation daily at Ealing, Middlesex, during the Great Exhibition of 1851. 1828.] FIRST LOCAL RAILWAY. CATTLE MARKET. 123 A partial revival of the project for constructing a railway from Bristol to Birmingham [see p. Ill] occurred in 1828, when an Act was obtained for making a colliery tramway from Coalpit Heath to St. Philip's, Bristol, on the line of country- laid out for the previous undertaking. The promoters of this modest work adopted the name of the Bristol and Grloucestershire Railway Company ; but their . energy was scarcely equal to the pretentiousness of the title, for the nine miles of tramway, which cost about £77,000, were not opened until August, 1835. The line was worked by horses until 1839, when an Act was passed for adapting it to locomotive engines. In the meantime another tramway, styled the Avon and Gloucestershire railway, had been laid from Coalpit Heath to the Avon, near Bitton, at a cost of £46,000, the promoters being under the belief that they could supply coal by canal boats to Bath and other inland towns at rates which would defy competition. This line had been originally contemplated so early as 1803, but the £23,000 then required for its forma- tion could not be obtained. In 1843, after long negotiations, the first-mentioned tramway was absorbed in the undertaking of the Bristol and Gloucester Railway Company, which had been formed to construct a narrow-gauge line between the two cities. The new company, however, fell under the control, of the Great Western board, in consequence of which thati portion of the tramway between Lawrence Hill and Fishponds was converted into a broad-gauge railway, and became part of the new line to Gloucester. The Avon and Gloucestershire line opened out a considerable coal traffic ; but its temporary success was succeeded by complete failure, and the works have long lain in ruins. During the session of 1828 an Act was obtained, under the auspices of the Corporation, for constructing a cattle market at Temple Meads, power being also obtained to suppress the market previously held in Thomas Street, and to build a new Avool hall. Compensation was to be paid (out of the receipts from tolls) to the feoffees of St. Thomas's parish for the relinquishment of their rights. The new market provided accommodation for 2,000 cattle, 7,000 sheep, 300 horses, and 500 pigs. Thomas Street market was held for the last time on the 28th January, 1830, and its successor was opened a week later. One of the first sales, according- to a local news- paper, was that of the wife of a fellow named Gardner, of Felton, who " knocked her down" for £5 10^. The market cost £17,400, and the new wool hall £4,400. Towards these sums the Corporation advanced to the trustees on loan £10,800, 124 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1828. besides selling tliem four acres of land at £600 per acre. The remainder of the outlay was defrayed by the feolfees of St. Thomas^ the Act providing that the interest on the loans effected by them should be a first charge on the tolls. It was further enacted that the feoffees should be entitled to a yearly sum of £300 out of the receipts before interest was paid on the Corporation debt. In the result, the profits of the market failed for many years to meet the preferential claims, and the Corporation received nothing. The place has since undergone great alterations. Part of the site was absorbed for the Bristol and Exeter railway station, and a still larger portion Avas appropriated under the Act for con- structing the Joint Station, the railway authorities giving up other ground in the immediate neighboui'hood. The new wool hall appears to have been a financial failure, and it was closed in 1834. Mr. Francis Freeling, who had filled the appointment of Secretary to the Ceneral Post Office for more than thirty years, was created a baronet on the 11th March, 1828, in recognition of his services to the State. Sir Francis, the son of a journeyman sugar-baker, is said to have been born on Redcliff Hill in 1764, and was educated in Colston's School. He held a subordinate position in the Bristol Post Office in 1784, when the introduction of mail coaches, at the instance of Mr. John Palmer, of Bath, caused a mutiny amongst the clerks in the London establishment, who declared that the daily despatch of mails at a fixed hour was utterly impracti- cable. Freeling, whose energy had been remarked, was sent to the capital, where he succeeded, in spite of the antagonistic attitude of all the old-fashioned superior officers, in bringing the new system into successful operation. In reward for his exertions he was soon afterwards placed at the head of the department, and thoroughly justified the appointment by indefatigable devotion to his duties for thirty-eight years. The Corporation of Bristol presented him with the freedom of the city in 1822. Sir Francis died on the lOtli July, 1836. In April, 1828, the Society of Merchants granted to Mr. Wm. West, a local artist, at a nominal rent, the ruins of an old windmill, known as the snuff-mill, on Clifton Down, wliich had Ijeon destroyed by fire, October 30, 1777. Mr. West built a dwelling lious(^ on th(> sjiot, and rcconstructcHl the tower, which hu fitted up in 1821) with telescopes and a caniera- obscur.a, and styled an observatory. Some years later, at con- siderable expense, he excavated a passage from tlie l)iiikling to tho well-known " (Jiant's Cave." This was opened in July, 1828.] CORPORATE IMPROVIDENCE. 125 1837. Photography appears to have been introduced to the people of Bristol at Mr. West's abode. In an advertisement in a Bristol newspaper of April 27, 18'J9, it was announced that "various kinds of photog-onic drawing'' might be seen, and that "superior photogenic paper" was sold at the observatory. The Corporation about this period appears to have ex- perienced alternate fits of economy and extravagance. Having undertaken the re-erection of the Council House without possessing funds in hand adequate to meet a fourth of the expense, there was for a time a tendency towards retrenchment. In June, 1824, the Common Council reduced the salary of the future mayors from £2,500 to £2,000, while that of the sheriffs was curtailed from £1,260 to £800; but in the latter case the saving was comparatively small, the Corporation undertaking charges amounting to about £200 which had previously been borne by the two functionaries. Here, inoreover, frugality ended, and two years later, when the works in hand had drained the treasury, the civic income was suddenly diminished by the serious sum of £2,000 a year through the reduction of the town dues. The advance made by the bankers at length became so large that they refused to increase it, and the Corporation, in extreme em- barrassment, was obliged to borrow £5,000 from Mrs. Harford, the mother of the deputy chamberlain, and nearly as much more from other persons. Previous to that time the Common Council had rarely allowed its expenditure to exceed its income, the bonded debt in 1825 (excluding charity moneys which it had no power to pay off) being only about £5,000. But having once deviated from the proper path, it lost little time in plunging deeper, and a further sum of £10,000 was borrowed in 1827-8. Gratified by the ease with which troubles were thus overcome, the Common Council adopted a proposal the nature of which will be best explained by an entry in the city cash-book : "May 24 [1828]. Paid the first cost, freight, duty, bottling, etc., of four pipes of Madeira and four pipes of port, placed under the Council House for the purpose of supplying the mayor for the time being with Avine on his entering into office, the cost of which is to be repaid on the same being delivered, £802 0^. 10(/." In the following year six pipes of port and two of Madeira were added to the stock, at a cost (excluding bottling) of £554 7s. bd. ', in 18o0 the purchases consisted of two pipes of port and two of Madeira, costing (with £113 for bottling) £393 4.S-. 11(/. ; and in 1832 and 1834 two butts and a hogshead of sherry were obtained for £302. On the other hand, Mr. 126 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1828. Cave paid £188 19s. 5d. for a pipe of port and anotlier of Madeira consumed during liis mayoralty (1828-9), and Mr. Bavage, who held office for two years, paid £199 2s. 9d. But the next mayor, Mr. Stanton, accounted for only £27 U.S. 6d., and no repayments by later mayors have been found. Though the amount due for wine may have been leducted from the annual honorarium of each chief magis- trate, it does not seem that the new system effected any saving to the city treasury. Economy, however, was less than ever in fashion since the Common Council had become accustomed to the easy process of borrowing. The vast expenditure squandered upon the Mayor's Chapel has been already mentioned. In September, 1828, the sum of £286 16s. Od. was paid for a new gold chain for the use of the mayor, the ancient ornament being sold as old metal for £50. The law expenses incurred from 1826 to 1828 inclusive, amounted to over £8,500. In 1829, as will shortly be shown, upwards of £5,200 were paid for an intended new Mansion House, and about the same sum was soon afterwards dis- bursed for building a hotel at Portishead, while the grants made towards erecting new churches about this time amounted to nearly £3,000. As the ordinary revenue scarcely met the customary expenditure, further loans to the extent of £13,050 were made in 1829-30, yet the balance due to the Chamber- lain's bankers frequently exceeded £10,000. One ingenious mode of raising money remains to be noticed. Under a pretence — wholly fictitious as will afterwards be shown — that Queen Elizabeth's hospital was largely indebted to the city, the Corporation, acting as trustees, made frequent raids upon the income of the charity, the appropriations amounting to £5,500 between 1828 and 1832, and £6,700 more between the latter date and 1836. In the same manner, an estate called the Bartholomew Lands was declared by the Common Council to beloug to the Corporation and not, as had been previously held, to a charity, and a sum of nearly £1,000, accumulated income, was carried into the civic treasury. In sjnte r)f these " conveyances," a financial equilibrium could not 1)0 effected, and more than £16,000 were borrowed be- tween 1831 and 1833. Adding to the bonded debt the amount derived l)y sales of city property, it ap})ears from a statement made before the reformed Council on the 22nd •July, 1837, that tlie civic estate was ini])iiired to the extent of £74,733 between the years 1824 and 1835, irrespective of over £16,000 improperly withdrawn from the charities — an aggregate exceeding £90,000. 1828.] RACES. SYDNEY SMITh's FAMOUS SERMON. 127 A racecourse was improvised on Durdham Down in May, 1828, and a number of horses started for the prizes offered. Though the quality of the animals was indifferent, the affair attracted a great attendance. The meeting was continued for some years, the last taking place on the 9th and 10th May, 1838, when Mr. Blagden Hale and Mr. J. Coulston officiated as stewards. An interesting reminiscence of these gatherings is preserved in a picture by Miss Sharpies, con- taining portraits of several Bristolians of the time, to be seen in the permanent collection at the Fine Arts Academy. At a meeting in September, the Common Council resolved to apply to the Court of Chancery for a scheme for altering the regulations of the Loan Money Fund — investments de- rived from the charitable bequests of fourteen donors at various dates, but which had become almost inoperative owing to the smallness of the sums which the founders had directed to be advanced to individuals. An order approving of a scheme, by which loans varying from £50 to £300 were authorised to be lent to persons cai^rying on business in the *' ancient city," was confirmed by the Master of the Rolls in March, 1831. In October, 1828, the interesting crypt of St. John's church, which, according to a contemporai-y newspaper, had been used at intervals as an engine-house, a sugar warehouse, and finally as an auctioneer's wareroom, was cleansed and put in decent order at a cost of £60. On the 5th November, the E,ev. Sydney Smith — termed by Lord Macaulay the greatest master of ridicule that has appeared in England since Swift — who had been appointed a prebendary of Bristol by Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst in the previous January, delivered a sermon in the cathedral which created a sensation not merely in the city but throughout the country. It had long been the custom for the Mayor and Corporation to attend the cathedral in state on the Gun- powder Plot anniversaiy ; and the occasion had usually been seized by the dignitary in residence to pronounce a hearty denunciation of popery and a denial of the political rights of its adherents ; after which the ecclesiastical and civic func- tionaries dined together at the Mansion House, and toasted Protestant Ascendency with mutual fervour. Mr. S. J. Ileid, in his memoir of Mr. Smith observes : " Writing to inform one of his friends of his approaching duty on Guy Faux day, the Canon states : 'AH sorts of bad theology are preached at the cathedral on that da}^, and all sorts of bad toasts drunk at the Mansion House. I will do neither the one nor the 128 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1829. other, nor bow tlie knee in tlie liouse of Rimmon,' He kept his word, and preached what he styled an ' honest sermon ' on those ' rules of Christian charity by which our opinions of other sects should be formed.' He delivered a noble and closely reasoned plea for toleration in reference to the re- ligious scruples of others. The sermon, as might have been expected, gave great offence, for the Corporation of Bristol included at that time many rigid and uncompromising Tories, and though some of them must have realised that the cause of bigotry was already lost, that fact increased rather than lessened their animosity towards a preacher who had com- pelled them for once to listen to a clear and dispassionate statement of the facts of the caee.* . . . Bristol Cathedral was crowded during the delivery of Sydney Smith's sermon; and so s'reat was the interest which it excited that he seldom stood in that pulpit again without looking down on a sea of upturned faces. The preacher became the talk of the town. . . . The newspapers took up the controversy, and in leading articles and letters the old warfare was waged. Sydney Smith was attacked at public dinners and declaimed against from the pulpit ; but when the storm was past it was appa- rent that the cause of justice had been strengthened." The sermon exists as a local pamphlet, four editions of which were issued in about ten days. It also appeared in the collected works of the author. The original manuscript of the preface, with a letter to the local printer, Mr. Manchee, is preserved in the City Library. The announcement at the beginning of 1829 that the Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington, and the leader of the House of Commons, Sir Robert Peel, had changed their views on the long pending " Catholic question," and that the Cabinet had prepared a Bill for enabling Romanists to sit in both Houses of Parliament, caused much excitement amongst Bristolians, a great majority of whom were opposed to the scheme. On the 12th February one of the largest meetings ever rememl)cred was held in Queen's Square, to denounce the pro])osed concession. Tlie petition against the scheme, adopted by acclamation, was forthwith signed by 25,000 in- habitants. All the parochial vestries and the local clergy, with only one or two exceptions, forwarded similar petitions. Even many Dissenters, whilst exulting that their own rights of conscience had just been secured by the repeal of the Test * In a lottor written shortly nftorwards to a friend, S3'(lnoy Smith remarked that " they looked as if they could not keep turtle on their stomachs." 1829.] POPULARITY OF SIR C. WETHERELL. 129 and Corporation Acts, showed an eagerness to maintain the fetters on Roman Catholics. Mr. Bright, the Whig and Nonconformist member for Bristol, voted against the Bill, and the Rev. W. Thorp, minister of Castle-green chapel, was amongst the most active of its local opponents. Tlie friends of religious liberty also addressed a petition to Parliament, but could muster no more than 1,700 adhex'ents. When it was seen that the measure was likely to pass both Houses, the Corporation forwarded, through Lord Eldon, an address to the King, denouncing his ministers for their intention to subvert Protestant ascendency, and this was soon followed by a second appeal to his Majesty, emanating from a public meeting, begging him to dissolve Parliament, Lord Eldo;i being again the intermediary. The Corporation, in the meantime, stamped the ex-Chancellor's efforts at Westminster with its approval by forwarding him the freedom of the city in an oak box (which cost £11 6s.). Almost the only member of the Ministry who refused to abandon his old opinions at the behest of his leaders, was Sir Charles Wetherell, then Attorney-Greneral and Recorder of Bristol. He was consequently dismissed from his lucrative post in the Government ; but his firmness brought him great popu- larity amongst those who agreed with him in politics. In April, on his arrival in Bristol to hold the gaol delivery. Sir Charles was welcomed by a large crowd at Totterdown, and continual shouts of "No Popery! Wetherell for ever!" greeted his progress to the (jruildhall. Similar scenes took place every morning and evening during the assizes. The mob, not satisfied with these demonstrations, broke the windows of the mayor (Mr. J. Cave) and of other prominent supporters of the Bill, and committed much destruction at the Roman Catholic chapel in Trenchard Street, and amongst the dwellings of the Irish " Papists." How fleeting was the popularity of the Recorder will shortly be seen. Although the population of the suburban districts had greatly increased during the half century previous to this date, the accommodation for public worship offered by the Established Church had been increased only by the chapol- of-ease of St. Georg-e, near Park Street. The wants of Clifton were first brought before the public, it being pointed out that while the place contained nearly 12,000 inhabit- ants, the only provision for public devotion consisted of the parish church and a small chapel in Dowry Square. A subscription having been started, Mr. T, Wlii]qiie (who had given £2,000 towards the re-building of the church, 130 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1829. and subsequently built a Weslejan Chapel in Hotwell Eoad at liis sole expense,) contributed £6,000 ; and £4,000 more were given by other benefactors. A site was obtained in Hotwell Road, upon which a large church, dedicated to the Trinit}', was rapidly constructed, and the edifice, (the last in the city designed in a debased Italian style) was consecrated by the Bishop of Llandaff on the 10th November, 1830. [A district was attached to this church by an Order in Council in January, 1864.] In the meantime the spiritual destitution of the populous out-parish of St. Philip, in which, it was stated, 15,000 souls were living without a single place of religious worship, had also excited attention, and assistance was sought from the State grant for building new churches, already referred to [p. 82] . The Commissioners charged with its administration made a donation of £6,000 for the erection of a church, afterwards styled Holy Trinity, St. Philip's ; and the Corporation, who claimed the patronage of the living, granted a site and subscribed £1,000. The cost of the edifice was £8,200, of which only a trifling sum was given by laymen. A similar application was made on behalf of Bedminster, wdiere the parish church, of extremely narrow dimensions, was absurdly inadequate to meet the require- ments of twelve thousand parishioners. In this case it was resolved to form a chapelry of St. Paul. The State provided all but £2,000 of the cost of building (£9,796), the offering of the lay element being again insignificant. The promoters had even to purchase a site, at the rate of £200 per acre, from the wealthiest landlord of the locality. The foundation stones .of both churches were laid in September, 1829. St. Paul's was consecrated in October, 1831 (five days before the Bristol .riots), by Dr. Law, Bishop of Bath and Wells, who, in conse- arly for life, and the same Slim to Henry Wearo for life in the event of his surviving the donor. 'J'he gift having been acce])ted, its object was de- clared in a deed entered into between the parties^ in which Mr. 1829.] weare's gift, clifton suspension bridge. 131 Weare expressed his wish that the money should ];e applied, either immediately or after his death, to the widening and improving of RedclifF and Baldwin Streets, the opening of a new street from St. Augustine's Place to Ti-enchard Street, and the altering and improving of the thoroughfares at the lower end of Park Street. The Corporation resolved upon investing the money, which, as will afterwards be seen, was transferred to an Improvement Fund. All the schemes suggested hy Mr. Weare were eventually carried out by the new Corporation. The imposing design of another liberal-hearted citizen came prominently into notice during the summer. In 175-3, seventy six years before the time under review, Mr. William Vick, a spirit merchant of Bristol, who is often, but erroneously, styled an alderman, devised the sum of £1,000 to the Merchant Venturers' Society, directing that it should be invested and suffered to accumulate until it reached £10,000, when it was to be devoted to the building of a bridore over the gorge of the Avon at Clifton, if such a design should be adjudged practicable. In 1829, when the fund had swollen to about £8,000, and when Telford's recent achievement at Menai Strait was one of the topics of the day, a proposal was started for carrying out Mr. Vick's project by the construction of a suspension bridge. The suggestion having been con- sidered and approved by many influential citizens, a committee was formed, comprising the mayor, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, several members of the Common Council and of the Merchants' Company, and others ; and as it was found that a stone bridge could not be constructed for less than £60,000, it was resolved to apply to Parliament in the session of 18-31, for a Bill authorising the erection of an iron structure, the funds required to eke out Vick's bequest to be raised by loans and donations. In the mean- time the committee invited engineers to send in plans for the work, and one of the first to respond was Mr. Telford, who produced a beautiful, but not quite satisfactory, design. Be- lieving that the space from cliff to cliff was too wide to be prudently spanned at a bound, he proposed the erection of two enormous gothic towers on the river banks, so as to narrow the central opening to 360 feet. His estimate of the cost being £-52,000, the promoters solicited designs from other leading engineers; and those of Messrs. Brunei, jun., Rendel, Brown, and Hawkes, together with that of Telford, were sub- mitted to Mr. D. Gilbert, M.P., a distinguished authority on the subject of suspension bridges. Mr. Gilbert gave his 132 THE ANNALS OP BEISTOL. [1829. decision in favour of Brunei's plan, the cost of Avhicli was estimated at £57,000. The Bill, which was factiously but fruitlessly opposed by Mr. James Aclaud, received the royal assent in May, when the trustees were chosen, and some pre- liminary operations Avere begun during the summer. Owing to the hostile attitude of Sir John Smyth, the under-sheriff of Somerset summoned a court at Failand, to determine the value of four and a quarter acres of land, required for an approach to the bridge from the turnpike road to Leigh. The land in question formed part of an extensive common which had been enclosed by Sir John's predecessor in the baronetcy, who, when the Act was obtained, alleged that its value was ten shillings an acre. It was now alleged on behalf of Sir John that the new road would deprive him of the private use of 170 acres, which he could have thrown into his park ; and one of his witnesses estimated the compensation due to him at £8,775. The trustees had offered o£l,200, Avhich had been ^ scornfully rejected. The jury fixed the value at £1,107. The first turf for the approach on the Clifton side, the land for which was given by the Merchants' Society, was cut by Lady Elton. The gifts and loans promised on behalf of the undertaking representing only £32,000, or £20.000 short of the amount required, the trustees appointed under the Act thought it advisable to proceed with circumspection; and the disastrous riots of the following October caused the complete suspension of the project for four years. In 1835, when the passing of the Great Western Bill gave a stimulus to local spirit, Mr. Brunei suggested that the outlay might be reduced to £35,000 by contracting the width of the bridge and dispensing with some ornamental features. The trustees temporarily adopted this proposal ; but in consequence of the strong disapproval of the public they reversed their decision in favour of the original plan. At a meeting held in January, 1836, it was re- ported that a sum of £17,000, in addition to the £33,000 already guaranteed, would finisii the work, and as £i),000 were soon after forthcoming, operations were recommenced. On the 27th August, during the visit of the British Association to the city, its president, the Marquis of Northain])ton, laid the louiidation stone of the south ])ier in the presence of many thousands of spectators; and at a breakfast which followed (at the Gloucester Hotel, ou a service of china bearing views of the bridge, which was eagerly bought up and divided amongst the guests) it was believed tluit all diillculties were sui'iuounted. For the convenience of tlu; workmen, measures were taken to connect the two sides of the river by a car, sus- 1829.] CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE. 133 pended from an iron bar 800 feet in length. The first attempt to carry out this plan was unsuccessful. Owing to the break- ing of a hawser, one end of the ponderous bar fell into the river as it was being drawn into its place, blocking up the navigation ; and though on the following day it was raised and secured in its intended position, the iron was so much bent in the middle as to be practically useless. In September a new bar was passed over, and the communication was opened by Mr. Brunei, accompanied by a boy named Claxton. The novelty of the contrivance attracted crowds of visitors desirous of making the airy journey, and the trustees found it necessary to impose a toll of live shillings, subsequently reduced to half a crown, and afterwards to a shilling. The income received from this traffic was £142. On one occasion, it is reported, a bride and bridegroom on their wedding day resolved on taking a trip over the fragile bridge ; unfortu- nately the hauling ropes got out of order just as they reached the middle of the bar, and they were left for some hours to discuss the beauty of the scenery, with a prospect — not less moving, but happily avoided — of remaining suspended for the night. It may be observed in parenthesis, that the bar re- mained in its place until 1853, and that some political jokers availed themselves of it during the general election of 1852 to suspend over the Avon an effigy of one of the candidates. The figure being unapproachable, the services of a skilful rifleman were called in to sever the rope. The construction of the piers proceeded slowly, but the core of each — intended for an ornamental incrustation which was never applied — was finished in 1810, when a contract was entered into for a por- tion of the ironwork. In February, 1843, the public were informed that £40,000, including Mr. Vick's bequest, had been spent, and that no less than £30,000 more would be required to carry out the undertaking. The statement, which caused equal surprise and dissatisfaction, was regarded as the death- warrant of the project ; and though the trustees made re- peated appeals to public liberality, it was found impossible to obtain further subscriptions. The contractors for the chains, etc., at length pressing for the balance of their claim, it was i-esolved in 1851, Avhen £47,400 had been expended, to sell the ironwoi-k and plant, and in February, 1853, the former was purchased by the West Cornwall Railway Company, nothing then remaining visible of the abortive scheme save the two unsightly piers which deformed the landscape. The story of the bridge for a lengthened period was of the dreariest character, various plans for completing the structure 134 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1829. being produced, apathetically discussed, and incontinently dropped. After a lapse of seventeen years from the collapse of 1843, brighter days set in; but for the remainder of the tale the reader must be referred to 1860. About the time when the suspension bridge project was first mooted, the Merchants' Society set about the improve- ment of the path leading from the bank of the river near the Hotwell to Clifton Down. The path, which was little more than a track, was approached at the back of the Colonnade by a long and steep flight of steps, and was almost impracti- cable in wet weather. The new footway, termed the Zigzag, was deemed a great acquisition. It was much improved in the autumn of 1849. In the closing months of 1829, a new road was formed ''from the top of St. Michael's Hill, through the Gallows' field, to Cotham." The road in question was afterwards known as Cotham New Eoad. According to a contemporary writer (MS. Annals, City Library, vol. i., p. 159), the work- men found the base of Bewell's Cross in the Gallows' field (a small portion of which was sold by the Corjioration), and the stone was imbedded in the south wall of the road (now enclosing Highbury Chapel). But Roque's large map of the city, dated 1741, shows the cross to have stood nearly one hundred yards farther to the north-west. A design of the leading members of the Corporation, care- fully concealed from the citizens at large, was cautiously introduced into the Common Council in December, 1829, when it was resolved that the mansion and grounds of Mr. Richard Bright, at the southern end of Great George Street, should be purchased at a cost not exceeding £5,250. At a meeting in February, 1830, it was announced that the pro- perty had been acquired for the above-named sum, but no hint of the purpose it was intended to servo apjieared upon the minutes. Three months later, on the motion of Alder- man A. Hilhouse, it was resolved that the building should be converted into a Mansion House, and that the City Lands' Committee should make the needful additions and alterations to the dwelling and provide new furniture. In June the committee reported that the required additions would alone cost £5,000, exclusive of furniture and stabling. Alderman Hilhouse thereu])()n moved that his original jiroposal should 1)0 carried out in its entirety; but an ainendment, ])ro])t)S(>d by Mr. E. Trotheroe, to the effect that the committee sliould look out for a house which could be made serviceable at a moderate expense, was approved by a majority. No further 1830.] SNOWSTORM. DEATH OF SIR T. LAWRENCE. 135 mention of the subject appears in the minutes until Septem- ber, 1831, when the coiinnittee recommended that as " the site of the present Mansion House " was " most desirable for the public convenience," the building should be retained, provided some increased accommodation could be secured. The adjoining house, added the committee, was offered for £2,050^ and they advised that it should be bought without delay. The outbreak of the riots^ a few weeks later, blew the project into the air. The month of January, 1830, was remarkable for a pro- tracted snowstorm, which blocked up the roads in all parts of the country, communication between many towns being almost wholly suspended for several days. A local news- paper, in recording the incidents of the season, stated that on the 25th January a party of nineteen labourers dragged into the city a wagon containing upwards of two tons of flour, which they had succeeded in hauling from Melksham, a dis- tance of twenty-five miles. They had been promised by a baker, and received, 28,s-. 4ti (being Is. Qd. per sack) for per- forming this arduous task. Sir Thomas Lawrence, President of the Royal Academy, expired on the 7th Januai-y, 1830, and his remains were honoured with a stately public funeral a fortnight later in St. Paul's Cathedral. Various inaccurate statements as to the place of his nativity have appeared in print, but the parochial records show that he was born at No. 6, Redcross Street, Bristol, and was baptised at St. Philip's Church on the 6th May, 1769. His father, a few months later, became landlord of the White Lion Hotel, Broad Street, whence he removed in 1773 to the Bear Hotel, Devizes, and after his failure there, in 1780, to Bath. Whilst almost an infant, the son manifested extraordinary indications of genius, and some drawings executed in his eighth year, which still exist, afford ample evidence to justify the admiration which he excited in cultivated circles. Before he had reached the age of twelve, his studio at Bath was the resort of many noble and fashionable persons who then frequented the city, so that he may be said to have become famous before establish- ing himself in London, which he did at the age of eighteen. On the death of Sir Joshua Reynolds, in 1792, Lawrence was appointed to succeed him as portrait-painter in ordinary to the king, and thenceforth he was never able to keep abreast of the work which poured in upon him. There was scarcely a single upper-class family in the kingdom which did not solicit his services, and engravings of his most successful 136 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1830. portraits had an iTnexampled sale. AVhen the presidency of the Eoyal Academy became vacant by the death of tSir B. West, the fashionable favourite was immediately appointed to the distinguished office, and received the customary honour of knighthood. In 1826, when Lord Gilford resigned the recordership of Bristol, the Corporation resolved upoii having his portrait, and aware of the peculiarity of Lawrence, who with a princely income was always in an inexplicable state of impecuniosity,"^ they remitted 200 guineas with the order. Lord Gifford, however, died soon afterwards, and the painter eventually returned the money. On the 15th June, Zion Chapel, Bedminster, — to which an interesting story attaches — was opened with a sermon by the celebrated Scotch divine, Dr. Chalmers. The chapel, which cost £4,000, was erected at the sole expense of Mr. John Hare, the founder of an extensive floor-cloth manufactory in the city, in pursuance of a long-cherished design. In an address delivered by one of his descendants at the centenary of the factory in August, 1882, it was stated that Mr. Hare was born at Taunton in 1753. When in his twentieth year, at a time when the Government were forcing men into the army in the hope of reconquering America, he left home for Bristol with a few shillings in his pocket. On reaching the southern suburbs of the city ho got over a dwarf wall, resolv- inof to rest a few hours, and on awakeninsr was so struck with the beauty of the spot that he felt he should like to build a house there. By dint of patient perseverance, prudence and skill, he ultimately became wealthy, but the impression formed on that early morning of his youth was never ettaeed, and about fifty-seven years after his arrival he erected the above-mentioned edifice on the scene of his slumbers. The chapel had not been occupied many years before serious dis- sonsjons arose amongst the congregation. During a debate in the Council, October 17, 1836, it was stated by the mayor (Alderman Fripp),that the trustees of the chapel had refused Mr. Hare a pew in the edifice which they owed to his liber- ality. The death of George IV. in June, 1830, was followed a few days later by tlio usual civic ceremony of proclaiming his successor. The proceedings Avere marked with a few • " Cannot think what knnps him bo poor," said Gporpe IV. to Croker in IH'io; " I liftVP i)fti(l liiin t'il.OOO, and liavn not Rot my pictures. Tlic Duke of Wf'llinj.'ton is .iJ'i.KOO in advance to him. All the world is ready to employ hira at i;i, ()()(» a picture, yi't he never has, 1 am told, a farthing." — Croker'» Corren- pondencr, ii. p. HH. 1830.] PROCLAMATION OF WILLIAM IV. ELECTION. 137 deviations from precedent. At noon a "large and handsome car/' covered Avith a pall, was drawn by four grey horses to the site of the High Cross, when the mayor and members of the Corporation, in black robes, preceded by the civic sword covered with crape, marched to the spot uncovered, and solemnly walked round the car in testimony of their respect for the deceased monarch. Their worships then returned to the Council House, donned their scarlet habili- ments, and set off in state to make proclamation of the new king at the customary sites, the car being now stripped of its mournful panoply and adorned with a gorgeous crown on a velvet cushion. Two hogsheads of porter and three quarter- casks of sherry were distributed to the populace, the pro- ceedings of the day costing the city treasury £240. A cor- porate deputation, sent to London to congratulate the new monarch, spent £90 additional. In accordance with the law at that time, there was a general election in the following month. The retiring Tory member, Mr. Richard Hart Davis, was again nominated by his party. His Whig colleague, Mr. Bright, retired, being unwilling to bear the expense of a contest, and the Liberals — as they were now beginning to be called — were, as usual, unable to agree upon the choice of a successor, an unbridge- able gulf being still open between the slavery and anti-slavery sections of the party. The West India interest nominated Mr. James Evan Baillie, the candidate of 1820, Mr. C. Pin- ney, who seconded that gentleman, asserting on the hustings that five-eighths of the trade of the city depended upon the islands. The progressive camp brought forward Mr. Edward Protheroe, junr., son of a former member for the city. To give a fillip to the excitement, or perhaps to his newspaper, Mr. James Acland, of the Bristolian, who had just been released from gaol after suffering imprisonment for libel, also made his appearance in the field. The polling (which took place for the first time in booths erected in Queen Square), continued for five days, and was marked by violent disturb- ances. On one occasion the windows of Mr. John Hare, of Temple Gate, an earnest Liberal, were smashed by a pro-slavery Whig mob, who entered arid did much damage to the factory. The Bush Hotel, Mr. Protheroe's head quarters, underwent its usual fate at elections, while on another occasion the friends of the same gentleman were attacked by a party of gentlemen on horseback, armed with bludgeons. After one of many street affrays, twenty-seven persons were so much injured as to require treatment at the 138 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1830. Infirmary. The poll closed on tlie 5tli August, when Mr. Davis had received 5,012 votes, Mr. Baillie, 3^377; Mr. Pro- theroe, junr., 2,840 ; and Mr. Acland, 25. It was stated at the time that this election cost upwards of £34,000, and that Mr. Baillie's share of the outlay was £18,000. (The Parlia- ment lasted about eight months.) More than 1,500 persons were placed on the list of freemen by the rival parties, in order to enable them to vote. Mr. Acland petitioned against Mr. Baillie's return, alleging intimidation and treating, but the sureties he offered were unsatisfactory^ and the petition w^as withdrawn. Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg (soon after elected King of the Belgians) paid a visit to the city in September. He had been presented, whilst at Bath, with the freedom of that borough in a gold box ; but for some cause the civic mag- nates of Bristol appear to have ignored his presence amongst them. During the autumn, Prince Leopold's sister, her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, accompanied by her daughter, Princess Victoria, heiress presumptive to the crown, also made a brief tour in the West of England. On the 20th October they arrived at Clifton from Malvern, and descended at the Mall Hotel amidst the cheers of a large assemblage. The Corporation, acquainted with the intended visit, proposed to present an address ; but the Duchess of Kent, pleading the shortness of her stay, requested that the compliment should be withheld. On the 21st, however, the mayor (Mr. J. Savage), and several members of the Common Council, proceeded in state to Clifton to express their loyalty and devotion, and met with a cordial reception. During the morning their royal highnesses were driven round the Downs, and expressed themselves much delighted with the scenei'y. In the afternoon they left for London, being loudly cheered as they passed through the city on their way to ]3ath. During this and the two following years, the trade of the country was unusually depressed, causing numbers of the labouring classes to fall into pau]ierism. As the city work- house, St. Peter's Hospital, luid even before the distress been full to repletion, the increased demands for relief plunged the Corporation of the Poor in extreme embarrassment. Various expedients having been discussed and rejected, it was at last determined to ap])ly to the Coveriunent with a view to the purchase of the Armoury or " Ordnance Bar- racks " in Sta])leton Poad, to which reference has been already made [see p. 23]. Negotiations followed, and the 1830.] ST. Peter's nosriTAL. revolt of the paupers. 139 place was soon after acquired for £3,100. The intention to fit up the building for the reception of pauper lunatics was, however, first postponed, and then abandoned, it being deemed inadvisable to impose further taxation whilst the ratepayers were groaning under the burdens inflicted upon them ]3y events about to be narrated. In the meantime, pauperism, owing to the defective system of relief then in force, advanced with alarming strides. From a letter pub- lished in June, 1832, by Mr. W. Barrett, deputy governor of the corporation, it appeared that, in the case of labourers out of work, a man with a wife and five children received lO.*;. Id. per week as out-door relief, the only work exacted in return being a task of stone-breaking occupying about eight hours a day for four days a week. At that time the wages of agricultui'al labourers in the neighbouring counties were in many cases only 9s. weekly for more than double the quantity of work. As was natural under such circum- stances, the demand for pauper relief became daily more formidable, and Mr. Barrett stated that the charge on Bristol ratepayers alone had increased by £5,000 in two years. The guardians, in the hope of arresting the evil, gave orders that the able-bodied paupers should work five days a week, and ten and a half hours a day; but although an additional sum of fourpence weekly was offered to the labourers, they rose in revolt when the announcement was made, and for a time St. Peter's Hospital was in great peril. The mayor and aldermen, however, acted with promptitude and firmness. The Riot Act was read, a body of troops was brought to the spot, and some of the ringleaders were sent to prison. The energy of the magistrates put an end to the disturbance, and the paupers submitted to the new scale. The pressure upon St. Peter's Hospital, however, continued, and the building, gorged with six hundred inmates, became in a most un- healthy condition, as well as a sink of moral contamination. According to an authentic contemporary statement, fifty- eight girls slept in ten beds, and between seventy and eighty boys in seventeen beds. Just at this time an epidemic of cholera reached the city, and it is not surprising to learn that the malady nowhere worked more dreadful havoc than in the workhouse. In fact, out of the first 261 cases reported in the city, 168 occurred in St. Peter's Hospital. The guai'- dians now found themselves compelled to set about the long- needed reforms, and in 1833 another disused building be- longing to the Government — the foi-mer " French prison " at Stapleton — was hired from the Admiralty at a rent of £80 140 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL, [1830. a year, put in repair, and fitted up for the reception of a considerable number of paupers. The experiment proving satisfactory, the buikling", in 1837, was purchased for £2,000. Further extensive alterations being found necessary, the guardians raised £6,512 by the sale of their estate at/Shire- harapton (bought in 1701 for £1,600 for the purpose of em- ploying paupers as farm labourers). The Armoury, which had been rented at £200 a year by the Corporation of Bristol, was also disposed of, though there was a loss on this trans- action of £1,100. Thanks to these windfalls, the Stapleton workhouse was placed in satisfactory working order without any sensible cost to the ratepayers. As time went on, the propriety of removing the entire pauper establishment from St. Peter's became graduallv recognised, and between 1861 and 1865 nearly £26,000 were spent in enlarging and im- proving the buildings at Stapleton. Some four years later, a fever hospital was constructed there at a further outlay of £4,200. To meet a portion of the expenditure, the guar- dians, in 1865, disposed of part of the premises at St. Peter's for £5,195, reserving only the interesting and picturesque mansion of the Nortons for their board-room and financial ofiices. The absence in Bristol of an institution capable of provid- ing a complete system of higher education had long been deplored by the more intelligent citizens. A movement for supplying the want was started in 1829, by the distinguished physician, Dr. J. C. Prichard, Mr. J. Naish Sanders, the Rev. J. Eden, Mr. J. C. Swayne, Mr. S. S. Wayte, Dr. Carrick, and others, who suggested the erection of a college, with an efiicient staif of masters and lecturers, theological instruction according to the doctrines of the Church of England being also provided for such pupils as might desire to avail them- selves of it. The proposed capital was £15,000, to bo raised by £50 shares, the proprietors of which were to nominate a student for each share. The required sum could not, how- ever, be obtained from the public, — owing in a large mea- sure to 'the linstih^ attitude of the liislmp of T^ristol, Dr. (r modern im])rove- Tiients. A com])('t(Mit stiifF Iniving l)een engaged, " Bristol College" was opened on the 17th -lannary, l^f3l, with about thirty pupils, the princi])al being Dr. .1. H. Jerrard, and the vice-princi]ial Mr. Charles Smith, both graduates of Cam- bridge, The Rev. W. D. Conybcare, F.R.S., afterwards 1831.] BRISTOL COLLEGE AND BTSHOp's COLLEGE. 141 Dean of Ijlandaff, was visitor, and undertook to preside at the examinations. The terms of admission were £18 fui- the nominees of shareholders, and £21 for other students. Though comparatively few in number, a large proportion of the youths educated at the College attested in after life the value of the institution. Amongst them Avere Edward Fry, afterwards Lord Justice, the Rev. S. W. Wayte, who became President of Trinity College, Oxford, G. G. Stokes, senior wrangler of his year, and afterwards Lucasian Professor at Cambridge, Walter Bagehot, eminent as a writer on financial and constitutional questions, and the Rev. G. Swayne, a well- known Greek scholar. The college, in fact, might have afforded the city all the advantages which were to be offered by Clifton College, thirty years later. But its promoters were a generation before their contemporaries, and the insti- tution was of too liberal a character for the age. Although great care had been taken to avoid ruffling theological pre- judices, the college had not been long in operation before a section of the clergy, vehemently opposed to the admission of Dissenters to the Universities, began to protest against the sons of Nonconformists being allowed to attend the school without participating in the religious instruction pro- vided for Chui-chmen. The cry of "godless education " was a formidable one in that day ; and the persons who raised it at length found a sufficient number of local sympathisers to encourage them to set up a rival institution, from which the unorthodox could be debarred. The new Bishop of Glou- cester and Bristol (Dr. Monk) having lent his patronage and support to this movement, a " Bishop's College " was opened in August, 1840, in a house in Bellevue, Clifton, from which it was removed in October, 1841, to extensive premises at the top of Park Street (designed for the Red Maids' School), purchased by Bishop Monk from the Charity Trustees for £9,750. The competition at once proved fatal to Bristol Col- lege, which closed its doors at Christmas, 1841. The suc- cessor of the first principal had been the Rev. J. E. Bromby, D.D., who left to establish a school in Clifton, but afterwards emigrated to Australia, where he became Warden of the Senate of Melbourne University. The last head master, holding the office only a few months, was Dr. J. Booth. Bishop's College began its course under the head master- ship of the Rev. H. Dale, the second master being the Rev. J. R. Woodford, one of the most eloquent preachers of his time, who, before his death in 1885, became Bishop of Ely. The institution was not, however, successful. At a meeting 142 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. of the proprietors in 1851^ it was reported that the school was carried on at a loss, and that the interest due to the Bishop on the purchase money was unpaid. His lordship having requested the return of his loan, it was resolved that he should be left to exercise his power of sale. The college languished on until 1861, when the premises were purchased by the promoters of a Volunteer Club. The two last head ^ masters were Dr. Robertson and the Rev. T. BoAvman. \/ The death, on the 21st February, 1831, of the Rev. Robert Hall, one of the most celebrated pulpit orators of his time, occasioned widespread regret amongst the members of every Christian denomination. Mr. Hall, who is said to have de- clined high preferment in the English Church from Mr. Pitt while Prime Minister, accepted the pastorate of Broadmead Baptist Chapel in 1826, and officiated until within a few days of his death. His remains were removed, on the 2nd March, from his residence in Ashley Place to the burial ground ad- joining the chapel, in the presence of a great concourse of mourners. Mr. Hall's body, with others buried at this place, was removed to Arno's Vale Cemetery some years after this date. On the night of the 16th March, the steamboat Frolic, plying between this city and Haverfordwest, was wrecked on the Nash Sands, on the coast of Glamorganshire, whilst on a return voyage to Bristol. Fifty persons, including General Macleod, Colonel Gordon, Major Boyd, and several respectable tradesmen of Haverfordwest lost their lives by the calamity. In consecpience of the defeat of Lord Grey's Ministry upon an important detail of the Reform Bill, the Parliament of 1830 was dissolved in the following April, after an existence of less than nine months. In Bristol, as in almost every consti- tuency uncontrolled by what were called borough-mongers, the current of opinion in favour of "the Bill" swept away even the appearance of opposition. Mr. Davis, who in the previous year had been supported by five-sixths of the voters, and who solicited re-election, soon found that his resistance to Rc'foni) li:ul wrecked his chances of success, and lie s])eodily fjuitted the held. The Whigs and Lil)erals, divided at the previous contest, had been welded together by the popular passion of the hour, and their candidates, Mr. J. E. Baillio .'itirl Afr. E. Prothcroc, were unanimously elected. Tlio most l(!lling illustration of the general enthusiasm was furnished by Dr. Lant Carpenter in the Monlhhj JfrpoKitorij of the fol- lowing December. "The expenses of the'preccding election," 1831.] ELECTION. CENSUS. DEATH OF MR. BEYER. 143 he wrote, " were estimated at not short of £30,000; this time, on the part of Mr. Protheroo, up to the day of election, they had not amounted to £200." The ceremony of chairing-, omitted in 1830, was revived, and was the occasion of an unprecedented demonstration, ahnost the whole o})erative class in the city, accompanied by great numbers of trades- men, taking part — at their own expense — in the triumphal procession of the two members. In the evening the city was illuminated. This was the first occasion on which two Whigs had been returned together for Bristol since 1774. The census of 1831, taken in the spring of that year, for the first time gave a population exceeding 100,000 to Bristol and its suburbs. The ^' ancient city " was found to contain 59,074 souls. Clifton, which had nearly trebled its numbers within thirty years, returned a total of 12,032 ; St. George's, 6,285; the District, 4,495; St. Philip's out, 15,777; Man- gotsfield, 3,508 ; Stapleton, 2,715 ; making altogether 44,812, and, with the city proper, 103,886. Bedminster, which through some caprice was still excluded from the reckoning, had a population of 13,130, being more than fourfold the numbers of 1801. The ty thing of Stoke Bishop, in Westbury parish, which the enumerator also ignored as a suburb, contained 2,328 persons. Langton Street Chapel, built by Lady Huntingdon's con- nection, was opened in August. The building, which cost about £4,500, is remarkable only as being the first in Bristol in which a mediaeval style was adopted for a dissenting place of worship. The death of the Eev. Samuel Seyer took place on the 25th August. Mr. Seyer was a native of Bristol, being the son of a rector of St. Michael's parish who had been also head master of the Grammar School. After being educated at Oxford, he opened a school in the Eoyal Fort, at which the sons of many respectable citizens enjoyed the benefit of his classical attainments. His translation of the " Charters and letters patent granted to Bristol " has been already noticed [p. 54], In 1881, after many years' laborious study, Mr. Seyer commenced the publication of his " Memoirs of Bristol," two quarto volumes, comprising the history of the city, illustrated with many beautiful engravings, being even- tually issued from the press. Towards the expense of this work the Corporation subscribed £200. The second and more interesting section of the work, containing the topo- graphy of Bristol, was left in manuscript, owing, it was sup- posed, to apprehensions as to the pecuniary risks attendant 144 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. on its production. Mr. Seyer was also tlie author of a Latin grammar, a few other school books, and one or two religious tracts. An original member of the Bristol Library Society, Mr. Seyer was its active vice-president for upwards of thirty years. His useful life, however, passed away ignored by the Corporation, one of whose numerous livings might have been gracefully conferred on native merit of no ordinary character. The reverend gentleinan, according to a friend who con- tributed a brief biography of him to a local journal, was one of the few surviving members "of a well known club of literary gentlemen who for many years, during the winter months, assembled by the sound of the mail horn in the Bush Tavern," of which reunions he is said to have been a dis- tinguished ornament. His remains were interred at Shire- ham p ton. The coronation of William IV. was celebrated in Bristol on the 8th September with more than usual enthusiasm, his Majesty being at that time very popular amongst the work- ino- classes on account of his attitude towards the Eeform BiTl. Shortly after midday, an imposing procession was formed at the Council House, consisting of the members and officials of the Corporation, of the Society of Merchant Ven- turers, and of the Incorporation of the Poor, the Dean and clergy of the city, the boys in the endowed schools, the Freemasons of the district, and the workmen of the various trades, bearing emblems of their respective crafts. With these were mingled certain so-called " heralds," "knights" accoutred in ancient armour, a "crown and cushion," and innumerable flags and banners, the general appearance of the pageant being picturesque and attractive. The pro- cession made its way, by High Street, Queen Square, and the Quay, to the cathedral, where the civic dignitaries attended service, leaving their followers in College Green. Afterwards the procession was again formed, and returned by a circuitous route to the Council House, which was reached about half-past five o'clock. Besides the enormous crowds of citizens who lined the streets, it was calculated that 30,000 persons had been attracted from the neighbour- ing districts to witness the civic parade. In the evening all the public buildings and a great number of private houses and places of business were gaily illuminated. The civic expenses on the occasion amounted to ,€257 lO.s. 10(/. Some months previous to this date a ])n)posal had been started by a few ])hiIanthropic ))ersons, chiefly members of the Society of Friends, for the establishment of a medical 1831.] THK GENERAL HOSPITAL. 145 and surgical institution for the southern districts of the city, and at a meeting held at the Guildhall on the 21st Septem- ber the creation of the General Hospital was definitely resolved upon. The project was deprecated by many friends of the Infirmary, who argued that the receipts of the existing charity were barely able to cover the expenditure, and that a fraction of the money proposed to be spent on a new building and an additional staff would enable the older institution to meet all the needs of the inhabitants. The promoters of the Hospital, who objected to the interference of the medical officers in the administration of the Infirmary, proceeded with their work, and having purchased some property in Guinea Street for £3,725, they had the premises suitably fitted up, and opened them for the reception of patients in 1832. In 1850, in consequence of the dilapidated state of the property, and of the insufficient accommodation available for patients, it was resolved to build a large and appropriate hospital near the same spot. Mr. Joseph Eaton, one of the original promoters, subscribed £5,000, and upwards of £15,000 were offered by other friends. On the completion of the new hospital, in 1858, it was found that the outlay, £28,000, had exceeded the funds in hand by several thousand pounds. At a meeting held in May, 1858, Mr, Eaton increased his gift to £6,500 ; Mr. George Thomas, another earnest Quaker sup- porter, augmented his donation to £6,000 ; Messrs. Finzell gave £300, and Mr. Greville Smyth £100. These and other contributions cleared off" the debt. A few days after the meeting, Mr. Eaton suddenly died. He left by will £3,500 to the hospital, making with former gifts £10,000. [His almost equally munificent friend, Mr. Thomas, died on the 7th December, 1869.] The patients were removed from the old to the new hospital in August, 1858. In 1873 a new out-patients' department was added to the building at a cost of £9,000; and in 1882-3, at an outlay of £9,000 additional, the hospital underwent extensive alterations to improve its sanitary condition. Notwithstanding the intentions of the founders, however, the medical staff of the institution have succeeded in acquiring much of the power which was origin- ally withheld from them. An " affair of honour " was arranged to take place on the 24th September at Wimbledon, between Mr. E. Protheroe, junr., M.P. for the city, and Lieut. Claxton, R.N., who aftei'- wards held the office of corn meter under the Corporation. The cause of the intended duel was a letter on the slavery question, addressed by Mr. Protheroe to the freemen and L 146 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1831. citizens, in whicli he alluded to a certain " liired agent of the West India aristocracy." The seconds of the two gentle- men, however, succeeded in effecting an arrangement, and Mr. Protheroe, having admitted that Mr. Claxton Avas the person alluded to, and declared that he had not believed the lieutenant to be a '' hired agent in the common acceptation of the term," the matter came to a bloodless end. The date has now been reached of the most disastrous outbreak of popular violence which has occurred in this country during the present century. A few preliminary facts require to be stated to explain the origin of the tumults. Sir Charles Wetherell had held the office of recorder for about four years, and down to 1830 had been popular with the lower classes, owing to his violent opposition to the Roman Catholic claims [see p. 129] . On the question of Beform coming to the front. Sir Charles was found to be as vehement and abusive in his condemnation of that Bill as he had been of the other. If he had confined himself to attacks on the general principles of the ministerial scheme, the extravagance of his speeches and demeanour might not have excited more attention in Bristol than elsewhere. In spite of the coarse- ness of his invective, his speeches were often amusing, whilst his extraordinary display of " gymnastics " in delivery, for- getful of the downward shrinking of his unbraced nether garments, wrought effects on his costume which caricaturists were delighted to reproduce. " He had no interval of lucidity," said a witty senator after one of his exhibitions, " save the interval between his waistcoat and his breeches." The declamation of men of this kind is seldom taken seriously. But Sir Charles was indiscreet enough to perorate as a self-constituted representative of Bristol. During a debate in the spring of 1831, he stated that the citizens were indifferent to Reform, an assertion which evoked indignant d(!iiials, and which led, upon his entering the city for the Aj)ril assize, to emphatic demonstrations of popular dis- a})proval. Far from taking warning from this incident, how- ever, the recorder, on the 27th August, assured the House of Commons that "the Reform fever liad a good deal abated in Bristol." Mr. Protheroe, one of the members for the city, f(;rthwith rose to declare that this assertion was the very reverse of the fact, inasmuch as local feeling in favour of the measure had increased rather than diminished ; but Sir Charles, reminding the House he was the senior alder- man of the city, said " he felt quite sure that the Bill did not stand BO high as it did in the liristol thermometer." His 1831.] THE RIOTS: SIR c. wetherell's speeches. 147 belief may have been founded on the assertions of tlie local •)rgan of ultra Toryism, or on the communications of some of Ris brother aldermen, who, living out of the city, and keeping aloof from all but their own select circle, represented facts, not as they were, but as they wished them to be. In either case, the truth was, that since the recorder's previous misrepresentation, as the election had borne witness, public feeling in support of the Bill had become far more intensely enthusiastic than before, and the news of this second and wholly unjustifiable offence excited great irritation. It was pointed out, that whilst Sir C. Wetherell was using every device to obstruct the progress of a measure demanded by the country (the Mirror of Parliament credits him with 180 addresses against the Bill during the two sessions of 1831), he was in no legitimate sense of the term a popular representative at all. He was, in fact, one of four members, nominally elected b}^ a small rural parish in Yorkshire, but actually the nominees of the Duke of Newcastle, Avho, if he had chosen to follow the example of another noble borough- owner referred to by Earl Russell in the introduction to his collected speeches, could have dictated the election of his negro valet. The connection of Sir Charles with Bristol, again, was not one to challenge public criticism. His selec- tion for an office which gave him powers of life and death over the prisoners brought before him was the work of a self- elected coterie, entirely out of harmony with the opinions of the citizens. The claim of such an official to interpret the political views of Bristolians Avas therefore regarded as an impertinent challenge, which the advocates of Reform were called upon to take up; and it speedily became known that the recordei', on his next visit, would be furnished with unmistakable proofs of the inaccuracy of his assertions. Matters became still more critical at the beginning of October, when the House of Lords, taking the course which Sir Charles had conjured them to follow, and perhaps putting faith in his and other allegations about popular reaction, rejected the Reform Bill by a large majority. A few days later, following the course adopted in all the great towns, the local supporters of the measure convened a meeting at the Guildhall (but which was adjourned to Queen Square owing to the un- exampled attendance), when intemperate speeches were made by Mr. Protheroe, M.P., and others, amidst enthusiastic cheering. The historians of the time are agreed that a large majority of the middle and working classes were prepared for a national convulsion rather than submit to a continuance 148 THE ANNALS OF BEISTOL. [1831. of the so-called borougli-mongering system, and tliere is no evidence to show tliat Bristolians were less in earnest than the rest of their countrymen. They had, moreover, special reasons for discontent, which their political opponents in the city, jubilant at the action of the Peers, were ill-advised enough to throw into relief by taunts and defiance. The .members of the Corporation, becoming alarmed at the ferment, took steps which made matters only worse. After the Queen Square meeting, and about a fortnight before the day fixed for the assizes, Lieut. Claxton, R.N., the gentleman mentioned in a former page, privately solicited signatures to a requisi- tion calling' on the mayor to convene a meeting-, at which the seamen of the port might " express their loyalty to the king." The mayor assented to the request, and a meeting was accord- ingly held on board a Westlndiaman belonging to the mayor, Lieut. Claxton, and others. In the course of the proceedings, however, Mr. Claxton, who had taken the chair, admitted that the real object of the gathering was to organise the sailors as a body-guard for Sir Charles Wetherell on his approaching visit. The avowal met with a reception little expected by the agent of the Corporation. The sailors present refused to be employed in a manner Avhich would identify them with the anti-reformers, and, being forthwith ordered out of the ship by the discomfited chairman, they held another meeting on shore, where they passed a resolution expressing loyalty to the king, but declaring that they '' would not allow themselves to be made catspaws by the Corporation or its paid agents." Baffled in this direction, the aldermen thought of postponing the assizes, but found that Sir Charles Wetherell would not consent to such a course. Application was then made to the Home Secretary (Lord Melbourne) for a military force to support the civil authorities. The Sec- rotary of State, before assenting to this request, asked the 0])inion of Mr. Protheroe, M.P., then in London, when that gentleman re]:>lied that it Avas not to be supposed that the reformers of the city would fail to manifest their disapproval of the recorder's political conduct, since, if they remained silent, the opponents of Reform would assert that the alh\ged reaction was trium])hantly ])r()ved ; he would not be answer- able for trancjuillity if military force were em]iloyed, but, if the Corporation would assent, ho would conduct Sir C. Wetherell to the Guihlhall in his own carringe. Treating this ])roposal with scorn, the corporate oihcials ])ersisted in their request for troops, and Lord Melbourne assented. The next step of the civic body was to direct the chief con- 1831.] THE RIOTS: ARRIVAL OF THE RECORDER. 149 stables of the wards to swear in 300 inhabitants as special constables. The result afforded a strikinf^ illustration of the feeling entertained towards the Corporation. With rare exceptions, the gentlemen and ti-adesmen summoned refused to attend, and almost the only persons forthcoming were very young men, zealous anti-reformers, who, according to a contemporary historian, " viewed the lower classes with contempt, as a troublesome rabble, and rather relished an occasion for defying and humbling them." Even with this risky assistance, only 200 constables could be marshalled, and it was necessary to have recourse to a still more questionable class — the rough labourers who were hii*ed as '' bludgeon men" at elections. Whilst the preparations were still pro- ceeding, Mr. Alderman Daniel, who was not only the guiding spirit of the Common Council, but the head of the local Tory party, entered into negotiations with Mr. Wm. Herapath, the president of a numerous working-class organisation known as the Political Union, with the object of obtaining the help of the latter body in the preservation of order. Mr. Herapath, who was kept in ignorance of the approach of troops, con- sented to lend his assistance ; but the arrano-ement with Lord Melbourne becoming known a few hours later, the committee of the Union, expressing strong censure on the conduct of the authorities, refused further cooperation, re- questing the Unionists, however, to assist individually in maintaining the public peace. The day fixed for the opening of the assize — Saturdav the 29th October — at length arrived, and the state of the streets from an early hour manifested the excitement of the populace. The aldermen, in the hope of lightening the difficulty, had arranged with the recorder that his state entrance should take place at 10 o'clock in the morning, instead of at the usual hour in the afternoon; but the change of time had become known to many persons on the previous evening, and the gathering of the special constables in the Exchange early in the day put all classes on the alert. The promised ca.valry — a troop of the 3rd Dragoons and another of the 14th Hussars — were known to be quartered in the suburbs ; and though they were moved to the cattle market and the gaol with the least possible display, their presence tended to increase the excitement. At the time appointed, between one and two thousand persons, chiefly labourers, had assembled at Totterdown, where it was customary for the recorder to leave the private carriage in which he had driven from Bath, and to take his seat in the state coach of the sheriffs ; and when Sir Charles made his 150 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. appearance lie was received with a loud burst of hisses and groans. The change of vehicles having been made, however, the constables closed around the civic coach in a somewhat disorderly manner, and the procession started for the city, accompanied by the mob, which vented its wrath in continuous yells. On reaching Temple Street the crowd, increasing at every step, became so dense as almost to choke up the narrow thoroughfare, while a number of women of the lowest class, flinging mud at the carriage, shrieked invectives at the recorder, and upbraided the men around them for the cowardice of their inaction. At Bristol Bi'idge another vast crowd had assembled, and the groaning and hissing became more furious than ever, occasional stones being flung towards the carriage, but without doing any injury. Amongst ever- increasing numbers and amidst whirlwinds of yells, the pro- cession at length reached the Guildhall, where the constables with great difficulty cleax-ed a passage and enabled the recorder to alight. Sir Charles was naturally somewhat agitated by so emphatic an expression of public feeling, but after taking his seat in court he recovered his equanimity, rebuked the tumultuous rabble that filled the gallery, and threatened to commit any disturber of order. The usual pi'e- liminaries of an assize having been achieved, and the court adjourned to the following Monday amidst cheering for the king, another critical task had to bo faced — the procession to the Mansion House in Queen Square. A dense crowd occupied the entire route, and the cries and groans were not less boisterous than before ; but beyond the flinging of a few stones by the crowd gathered in the square there was no symptom of violence, and the civic residence was reached in safety. The situation at this moment was very similar to what it had been twenty-one years before on the entiy of another unpopular judge [see p. 39]. Unhap})ily the magistrates did not now display similar vigour to that which restored trancjuillity on the previous occasion. A large portion of the crowd, thinking that tho protest against the recoi-der's offence had been sufficiently explicit, soon dis])orsed, and many more would have left the square if an ap])eal had been made to their reason. Even as it was, tho connnotion so much settled down that tho magistrates actually discussed the propriety of ])roceeding to church in the accustomed ])omp next morning. Tlio advisability of confronting and remonstrating with the noisy assemblage before llu> house was not thought of; and tho special constables were left tc 1831.] THE RIOTS : ATTACK ON THE MANSION HOUSE. 151 exercise their discretion — or rather indiscretion — with truly calamitous consequences. Some of the young- guardians of order, without leadership, eager to display their zeal for the established order of things, and destitute alike of prudence and forbearance, had been hit by some of the missiles which greeted the recorder's arrival at the Mansion House. No sooner were the civic authorities in safety than the constables, in retaliation for these insults, rushed into the crowd, which for the most part fled at their approach, and, after belabour- ing those that could be reached with their heavy staves, carried off a few prisoners in triumph. Desultory incursions, of the same character^ and with similar results, were made at intervals by parties of constables for two or three hours, and, as was to be expected, the people who were maltreated by the officers were rarely the most mischievous or ill-inten- tioned of the rabble. Jt was equally natural that the hap- hazard administration of bludgeon law by men crying, ''We'll give you ' reaction ! ' " should excite a desire for revenge ; and whilst the constables were exulting over the success oi! their raids, it was evident to cooler-headed observers that a strong feeling of exasperation was rising in the crowd. In- telligence of the situation was moreover quickly spread about the city by those who fled bleeding from the scene of action, while the removal of wounded men to the Infirmary, and the dragging of prisoners to Bridewell, were perilous adver- tisements of the strife. The captives in many cases were rescued, whereupon they returned to the square, in company with enraged sympathisers who added fresh elements of danger. Nevertheless the situation did not cause great anxiety within the Mansion House. The town clerk, Mr. Serjeant Ludlow, it is true, expressed an opinion that some of the troops should be brought to the spot; but Sir Charles Wetherell disapproved of the suggestion, and his view of the matter prevailed. A little later, when the fiercer spirits amongst the crowd were searching the neighbourhood for sticks and missiles, a large body of the special constables, having been many hours without food, were permitted to return to their homes for refreshment, but with instructions to collect again in the evening at the Guildhall. Observing their departure, and unacquainted with its cause, the more disorderly section of the populace attributed the retreat to fear, and acted as ruffians are prone to act at such a moment. A rush was made against the constables remaining on duty, who were quickly scattered ; the railings in front of the Mansion House were then torn down ; and the whole of the 152 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1831. windows on the ground floor were demolished with stones and brickbats. At last thoroughly alarmed, some of the magistrates made their appearance, and the mayor (Mr. C. Pinney), who, being a Reformer, was not personally unpopular, with great diffi- culty obtained a hearing. The earnest remonstrances he addressed to the people on the folly and Avickedness of their conduct, and the warnings he added as to the consequences of further tumult were, however, of no avail, and his entreaties to disperse were interrupted by a shower of missiles. The reading of the Riot Act, which followed, was received with howls of derision, whilst such of the constables as had re-assembled were attacked, disarmed, and mercilessly beaten — one of the luckless band being compelled by threats to fling his staff through the windows of the Mansion House, - whilst another was driven into the Floating Harbour, and narrowly escaped with his life. Every vestige of defence being swept away, a general assault was made on the Mansion House, the broken railings of which became de- structive weapons in the hands of the wreckers. A neigh- bouring wall was soon pulled down to furnish materials for the assault, and beams of timber were brought up and used as battering: rams. The door and window frames being reduced to splinters, the rabble made their way into the ground floor of the building, the furniture, mirrors, chandeliers, and other contents of which were demolished in a few minutes. The kitchens, where a great civic feast was in preparation, were next entered, the cooks driven away, and joints, fowls, game, and pastry were carried ott" and devoured by the rioters, amidst the cheers of hundreds of spectators. All that the imprisoned mayor and his colleagues could do was to protect themselves from missiles in the upper rooms by barricading the broken casements with feather beds, the Avliole resources of the establishment being applied to this ])ur])ose. Complete ruin having been wrought in the basement apartments, straw and faggots were collected by the mob and carried into the dining room for the purpose of setting fire to tlio lionse. That end, it is said, was temporarily averted by a singular obstacle — the inability of the rabble to. procure a light, (lucifers being still in the future). Their villanons inten- tions, however, were manifested by tlu; attempts which were begun to barricade the entrances to the square wit]\ planks and paving stones, with the view of ])reventing the inter- ference of the military. It was about this ])oint that »Sir Charles Wetherell resolved 1831.] THE RIOTS: ESCAPE OF THE RECORDER. 153 on making' liis escape. Tlie rioters, apprehensive that he Avould take flight, had surrounded the Mansion House as far as the adjoining dwelhngs permitted, and no doubt destined him to the fate tliey were propai'ing for the building itself. The recorder, however, guided by his friends, got upon the flat roof of the dining room, clambered from it by a ladder to a window of the next house, and ultimatel}' made his way to a stable at the back. Here he changed clothes with a postillion, and succeeded so easily in passing through the crowd, and reaching a house at Kingsdown, that he is said to have taken a voluntary stroll through the streets at a later hour in the evening, to ascertain the state of the city. Find- ing the disturbance showed no signs of abatement, he ordered a chaise and left for Newport, which he reached early on the following morning. Ignorant of the evasion, the rioters continued their pre- parations for a fire, when, about six o'clock, in response to the request of the magistrates, the two troops of horse soldiers were brought into the square by Lieut. -Colonel Brereton, the resident Inspecting Field Officer of the Bristol recruiting district, who, by virtue of his rank, had assumed the command. Their arrival put an end to the attack on the house, but the rioters, far from showing fear of the troops, received them with cheers, and sang " God save the king ! " Colonel Brereton had already had an interview with the besieged mayor and aldermen. After perambulating the square, he returned to the house, and a lively discussion ensued as to the steps that should be taken. The aldermen and the town clerk advocated the instant employment of force to clear the square ; and the mayor told the officer he must order his men to fire if the tumult could not otherwise be suppressed. But Major (aftei^wards Sir) Digby Mack- worth (aide-de-camp to Lord Hill, commander in chief), who had shortly before returned from the Forest of Dean after putting down some agrarian disturbances, urged that no firing should take place, for the sake of the innocent who would certainly sufl^er, and expressed his conviction that by combining the civil and military forces the populace might be dispersed. Colonel Brereton also strongly disapproved of bloodshed. After again going into the square, he reported on his return that the mob were in good humour, and that he should be able to disperse them by simply walking his troops about. This he sought to do for some hours. But although, whenever he appeared, the rabble received him with cheers, many of them seizing and shaking his hand, the 154 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. crowd continued in the square with but little diminution. During one of the colonel's numerous calls at the Mansion House, the town clerk, who seems to have made himself the mouthpiece of the authorities, expressed much dissatisfaction at the delay, and told the colonel that the magistrates re- quired the square to be cleared. To this the officer more than once replied that if his men were to fire he must have an explicit order to that effect. In giving evidence after- wards, Sei'jeant Ludlow admitted that " he was not aware that any explicit orders were given." However, about an hour before midnight, the situation remaining unchanged. Colonel Brereton gave directions to Captain Gage, of the 14th Hussars, to clear the streets by force, and the troops thereupon made a charge on the populace, striking only with the flat of their sabres. Thoug-h the rioters instantly scattered, the traditional obstinacy of a Bristol mob was nevertheless visible. Many ruffians, taking refuge in narrow alleys, pelted the soldiers with stones and pieces of iron, and Captain Gage, retux-ning to the Mansion House, asked for orders to fire. The mayor hesitated ; Colonel Brereton re- fused to give the order on his own responsibility; and Captain (xage, resuming" the command of his troop, had to be satisfied with clearing the interior of Queen Square ; while the special constables, organised by Major Mackworth, were posted around the house, which now seemed secure against attack. Major Mackworth subsequently stated that when he left the building, about two hours later, " the crowds had nearly all dispersed, and I thought the worst of the riot was over." In the meantime, however, some of the ]')opulace had repaired to the Council House, the doors and windows of which were assailed, and Captain Gage was sent off to take such measures for its protection as he deemed expedient. A scene of great confusion ensued, the troo])s making dashes at the crowd, while the more determined rioters, ensconcing them- selves in narrow lanes which the cavalry could not enter, iiurled volleys of missiles on the troops. Exas])erated by their injuries, some of the soldiers at length fired, and one man, a peaceful ostler returning from his stable, was killed at the head of the Pithay. Sabres were also vigorously wielded, and several men were wounded, one of them mor- tally. The effect of the charges was, however, decisive. The rioters wholly (lisa])])eared, and for some hours all was quiet. l)ui-ii)g \]\(.' night carpenters were em])loyed to board u]) the breaches in the Mansion House, where a few soldiers remained on guard, and the work was completed without 1831.] THE RIOTS: vSACK OF THE MANSION HOUSE. 155' interruption. The mayor remained at liis post, though rest was of course impossible; but the aldermen, the town clerk, in fact the whole civic body with the exception of Mr. Sherilf Lax, quietly disappeared. The special constables followed the example, and when Major Mackworth returned early on Sunday morning, the force of 250 which he had drilled the night before had " dwindled to about a dozen, and were even then diminishing in number." Their defection sealed the fate of the civic mansion. Soon after dawn about a score of the rioters gathered in the square, and by eight o'clock the knot of men had increased to a ci'owd, almost wholly com- ])osed of the most vicious class in the city. Through another of the many blunders incidental to this deplorable affair, the handful of troops patrolling the square was about this time withdrawn, and the moment the stag-e was clear the rioting recommenced. The newly-constructed defences of the Mansion House having been quickly demolished, a number of ruffians dashed into the premises, clambered to the upper rooms, and threw the furniture, bedding, etc., into the square, where much was carried off and the rest wantonly destroyed. Amongst the articles found were Sir Charles Wetherell's judicial robe and wig, which were forthwith torn to frag- ments and distributed amongst the plunderers as souvenirs of their triumph. Just before the capture of the house, the mayor, accom- panied by Major Mackworth, effected his escape, by getting out of an attic window, crouching along between the double roofs of eight or nine houses for concealment from the mob, kicking out a pane of glass in the Custom House to raise a sash, and then quietly leaving that building for the Guildhall. Eegardless of the fate of the inmates of the Mansion House, and even of Sir Charles Wetherell himself — whose escape was still unknown — the rioters lost no time in making their way to the wine cellars, which were reported to be well stored. Several hundred bottles of port, sherry, and Madeira were forthwith stolen and carried into the square, where an as- tonishing orgie was soon in full swing. A crowd of men, women, and boys were to be seen staggering about, madly intoxicated, yelling, swearing, singing, and vociferating threats against the recorder ; whilst scores, too drunk to stand, were rolling on the ground, where those not already insensible from their excesses were re-echoing the maledictions and menaces of their companions. Intelligence of the de- bauch spread with remarkable quickness into all the low-class quarters of the citj, and the concourse in the square was 166 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. rapidly reinforced by those eager to share in tlie saturnalia. Some of the cavalry having been brought back at the request of the niayor^ the Riot Act was three times read by one of the aldermen. No order to fire was, however, given, and Colonel Brei'eton, in spite of the scene before his eyes, de- clared that fire-arms should not be used, and that the troops were so exhausted as to absolutely require rest. Having reuiarked, moreover, that the rabble, whilst cheering the dragoons, were intensely exasperated against the hussars, in consequence of the charge in Wine Street on the previous night, Colonel Brereton told Captain Gage that his troop Avas the sole cause of the renewed disturbance, and directed him to take his men out of the city, Keynsham being selected as their future station. The colonel's order excited great indignation, not merely in the city but throughout the country. It is only fair to state that Major Mackvvorth, in his ^^ personal narrative," remarked that the hussars were in absolute need of rest, and that, though " they might have executed a few charges, unless supported by some other description of force they could have done no permanent good, and would soon have been so exhausted as to leave the city wholly defence- less." Their retreat was not effected Avithout bloodshed. The unpopular cavalry, being first directed to their quarters in College Place, Avere violently attacked Avith stones on St. Augustine's Back, Avhen some of them, painfully injured, fired in self-defence, killing* one rioter and Avounding seven or eight others. They soon after left for Keynsham, where- upon Colonel Brereton returned to Queen Square, and, in response to the cheers with Avhich he Avas greeted, addressed the mob, begging them to disperse, but adding that there Avould be no more fii-ing, and that the hussars had been sent away. Such language Avas not calculated to discourage tlio rioters, and though the dragoons prevented further plundering in the wine cellars, the mob went on carousing as before. In a short time the bells began to chime for Sunday morning service, and, incredible as it noAV seems, the attendance at the churches and cha])els was so nearly of an average cha- racter that a stranger could not liave suspected the actual condition of the city. 'I'll is Avas doubtless largely due to the singularly isolated position of (^ue(>n S(juare, surrounded on three sides by Avater, and to the ignorance of the great bulk of the res))('ctable inhabitants of the events that had trans- pired. l'>Mt. it was partly attributable, as will be shown, to the unj)0})ularity of the Corporation. The mayor and some ISoL] THE RIOTS: THE COUPORATION DESERTED, 157 of the aldermen had assembled early at the Guildhall, where they received offers of service from some of the army pen- sioners. There were about 250 of those disciplined veterans in the city; and if, as Major Mackwoi'th had counselled the mayor, they had been called out before the recorder's arrival, the tumult in Queen Square would have been suppressed at the outset. Even after the experience of the previous night, however, the magistrates were unable to appreciate the value of these auxiliaries, who met with so cold a reception that they withdrew. About eleven o'clock the mayor issued a placard stating that Sir Charles Wetherell had left the city, and another announcing that the Riot Act had been read. Handbills were also sent to the churches and chapels, describing the perilous state of affairs, and earnestly calling upon the citizens to support the mayor in maintaining order. His worship's appeal was made known to most of the con- gregations at the close of the service ; but although Dr. Carpenter estimated that some 20,000 persons were in at- tendance, only about 200 gentlemen assembled at the Guild- hall. Many of the absentees, according to a subsequent deposition, excused themselves by asking : " Why should we protect the Corporation's property ? Let them protect their own property." The muncipality, it was argued, instead of being a public institution for the public security, claimed to be a private monopoly, and had shown itself contemptuous of ]iublic opinion [see p. 104] ; it had no right to complain when almost the entire community showed its discontent and dis- trust by holding aloof. The gathering of citizens was so small that after multitudinous plans of action had been dis- cussed — " every one differing from his neighbour," according to Major Mackworth — it was finally determined that each gentleman should go home, endeavour to obtain the co- operation of his neighbours, and return in the afternoon. The three o'clock meeting was not more numerously attended than its forerunner, owing in some degree, perhaps, to thoughtless arrangements, entrance into the hall being obtainable only by a side-door unknown to the general pul)lic. The mayor, who presided, stated that the mob had been in possession of the city for some time, and were then in the act of burning down Bridewell. Being asked if he had any plan to propose, his worship answered in the negative, and upon further questions being put, Mr. Serjeant Ludlow, with his habitual garrulity and self-sufficiency, undertook to speak for the magistrates. Having delivered himself of his views on political affairs^ the town clerk, however, vouchsafed 158 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1831. no infoi'mation or advice except that '' every man must act on his own discretion and responsibility." Some of the gentlemen present offered to act as constables if a few soldiers were sent in company with them ; but Colonel Brereton, who arrived at this point, declared that his men were then too fatigued to go out. After further desultory conversation, in which union and energy were as conspicuously absent as in the morning, Serjeant Ludlow declared that nothing more could be done, that it would shortly be dark, and that it was high time to take care of themselves — a rule which the learned gentleman faithfully followed throughout. The mayor next observed that being without an efficient civil force, and the military being untrustwortln-, the best advice he could give was that each person should go home and take care of his own property-. The meeting was nevertheless adjourned to the Council House, and continued some hours longer in a disorderly and unfruitful fashion. But it is useless to dwell further on the melancholy exhibition of feebleness and indecision, and the scene must be shifted to the centre of the disturbance, in Queen Square. After Colonel 13rereton's imprudent remarks already re- corded, no change in the aspect of affairs occurred for two or three hours. The official placard announcing that Sir Charles Wetherell had left the city was followed by another to the same effect, posted by the Political Union ; but the mob put no faith in either document, and the Mansion House con- tinued to be rigorously watched. At length, about one o'clock, Mr. S. Waring, a respected Quaker merchant, ad- dressed the crowd, assuring them that the recorder had departed. After some hesitation, the men who assumed the position of ringleaders said they would "believe the Quaker," adding : " We will do no more here ; we will go to liride- well, and release the prisoners taken last night; and then we will go to the gaol, and release tliost- Sir Charles was to have tried." Mr. Waring at once went to Alderman A. Hilhouse to acf[uaint him with the purpose of the rioters, and urged the necessity of immediately guarding the prisons; but the alderman treated the warning very lightly, asserting that the walls and gates "were strong enough." Little time was lost by the rioters in carrying out their design, and a gang of desperadoes was soon in front of Jiridewell. The build- ings forming the ])rison at tliat time stood on both sides of what was called Jiridewell Lane, the gaoler, Mr. Lvans, residing on one side, while tlic jn-ison ]>roper, on the other, was connected with the dwelling-house by two strong arch- 1831.] THE RIOTS: DESTRUCTION OF BRIDEWELL. 151) ways, eacli of which could be closed by a heavy gate. The position was so strong that a dozen resolute men could have kept an unlimited number of ragamuffins at bay; but the gaoler had only himself and two under-officers to depend upon. On the approach of the mob, Evans armed himself and his subordinates with swords, drove the front rank of the assailants from the space between the two buildings, and closed the gates. The garrison, however, was too weak to withstand the pressure of a multitude, and in a few minutes the mob succeeded in lifting the gates from their hinges and in throwing them into the Froom — then uncovered at Bride- well Bridge. Evans, in spite of the threats and missiles showered upon him, next appeared armed with a blunderbuss at one of the windows of his house, and for a further time kept the assailants at a distance. Sledge hammers had however been obtained from a neighbouring smithy, an entry into the gaoler's house was effected through a window, and as Evans had his wife and family, as well as the wife and children of the turnkey, in the building, he found himself compelled to order the warder to surrender the keys. He managed, how- ever, to send a messenger to the magistrates, describing the peril of the prison ; and the man assured the aldermen that he could still protect the place with twenty constables and ten soldiers. The answer which the messenger swore to having received was : — " You say they have released the prisoners : pooh pooh ! there will be nothing more done." The issue was very different. As soon as the criminals in custody were set free, the rioters set fire to the chapel and cells, which were speedily consumed. The gaoler's house for the time escaped destruction. Having carried out this part of their plan, the rioters proceeded to the gaol, then only a few years old, and stand- ing on the southern bank of the new river. Mr. Waring, who had made another reconnoitre, had already warned Alder- man A. Hilhouse that an attack was imminent, but met with no better success than before. About half an hour before the mob reached the prison, Mr. Humphries, the governor, made his way to the Guildhall, and asked whether he was to defend the place or release the prisoners. No answer was given, and it was not until the question had been pressed two or three times that Alderman A. Hilhouse informed the governor that "he was to use his own discretion ; the magis- trates gave him no directions." After further consultation, however, the above alderman, accompanied by Alderman Savage and a few other gentlemen, went down to the gaol to 160 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. see if anvtliino: could be done ; but the mob, which was making for the spot, refused to listen to them, and drove the party away with stones. The reader will find it difficult to produce before his mind's eye a glimmering picture of the state of the city during that wet and murky October afternoon. Let him add, however, to the following rapid sketch of the rioters by Dr. Carpenter a few pallid and anxious spectators on the dingy pavements, and he may faintly conceive the scene : — " They could not have been more than from five to six hundred, and the number might have been less. I saw them about a quarter after two, as they were coming down Clare Street on their way. They were a compact body, without stragglers or attendants. They moved with great expedition; and their object was well known. Most of them had bludgeons ; some had hatchets; and others were armed with iron palisades, from the front of the Mansion House. All I noticed were the dregs of the city ; and a large part were under twenty years of age. . . . The sledge hammers with which they broke [the gaol] open, they procured at a neighbouring manu- factory; and the proprietor told me they brought all back but two." The outer gates of the gaol were of great strength, and the place was even more capable of defence than Bridewell. Though no defence was attempted, the assailants had to ply their hammers and iron bars for three quarters of an hour before a hole was made sufficiently large to admit of the entrance of one of the mob. But this once achieved, the ringleaders were soon within the archway, whence they attacked the inner iron gates, which were comparatively weak. Resistance being hopeless, one of the warders un- locked the gates, and in a few minutes about oOO of the. criminal crew penetrated into every nook of the building, destroyed the doors of the cells, and liberated the prisoners, about 170 in number, several of whom stripped themselves of their gaol dress, and ran off" to their former haunts in a state of nudity. As the main object of the rioters was being achieved, a body of about twenty dragoons trotted to the prison, led by a young cornet named Kelson, whose account of what occurred was afterwards given on oath. Ho was, lie said, ordered by Lieut. -Colonel J}rereton to go with a party of men to the gaol. Ho had asked the colonel what ho was to do when ho got there, and was told that, as a magis- trate was not to bo fouiul, ho must on no account use violence, but simply go and return. The soldiers therefore 1831.] BURNING OP THE PRISONS AND BISHOP's PALACE. 101 advanced to the gates^ where the officer could see the mob " knocking- things to pieces," and then the troops, who had been welcomed with cheers by the rioters, and had waved their caps in return, were marched back to College Green, where Colonel Brereton, on receiving the cornet's report, told him he had acted '' perfectly right/' About the same time, Mr. Herapath and other members of the Political Union remonstrated with the mob, but were roughly told by its leaders that they knew their own business and would attend to it. After the prisoners had been set free, the governor's house was sacked, a large portion of the contents, including the prison records, being thrown into the Avon amidst the cheers of thousands of the labouring class who lined the river banks. The devastation was completed by setting fire to the buildings — every part that would burn, including- the gover- nor's dwelling, the chapel, and the treadmill being speedily destroyed. Whilst the flames were still raging, the ruffians held a council in the gaol yard to consider their next point of attack. Several public buildings were marked out for de- struction, but it was eventually determined to burn the toll- houses near the Floating Harbour, and then to break open the Gloucestershire House of Correction at Lawford's Gate, where several prisoners were known to be detained. The firing of the toll-houses was the work of only a few minutes, though the rioters allowed the toll-collectors a brief interval to remove their furniture. About seven o'clock in the evening, the rabble reached Lawford's Gate prison, the gates of which were quickly demolished by hammers and other weapons ; and as soon as the prisoners had been released the building was set on fire, and speedily burnt down. Simultaneously with this outrage, a small band of ragamuffins, not exceeding thirty in number, and chiefly Irish boys, returned to Bride- well, and completed the havoc in that quarter by burning the gaoler's house. The gang which committed the latter wanton piece of mischief next moved towards the Bishop's Palace, situated on the south side of the cathedral. Bishop Gray, who had made himself unpopular amongst the working classes by his speech and vote against the Reform Bill in the House of Lords, had preached in the cathedral at the morning service, but had left his residence dui-ing the afternoon fi-om appre- hensions as to its fate, and the more valuable contents had been removed. Notice of the intended attack was in this case also sent to the magistrates; and several gentlemen, who M 162 THE ANNALS OF BKISTOL. [1831. had gone to tte Council House to offer their services, ad- dressed Alderman Savage, requesting liim to authorise them to defend the palace. The alderman, however, replied : — " AVe can give no such permission : we are advised to call out the posse comifatus to-morrow morning; and can do nothing until then." The first gang which entered Lower College Green, according to the evidence of Jones, the bishop's butler, w4io displayed much courage, consisted of about a hundred men and boys; but other witnesses estimated the number at not more than thii-ty. The account in the Bristol Mirror describes them as " a mere handful." On reaching the Green, about eight o'clock, this body, with the hammers brought from Bridewell, attacked the gate leading into the cloisters, which was soon broken down. The door into the palace, which Jones refused to open, was next demolished, and the rioters rushed into the apartments in search of plunder. The arrival of a party of troops in the Green, however, caused a panic; and the mob, who had flung the red-hot cinders in the grates about the fine old dining parlour and some of the bedrooms, took to flight, carrying off such portable articles as had attracted their cupidity. Cornet Kelson, in command of the cavalry, was invited by Jones to dismount and enter ; but he replied that Colonel Brereton's orders did not permit him to do so. A few minutes after- wards he received instructions to leave for Queen Square ; and no sooner had the troops departed than the rioters, re- inforced by many of the gang from Lawford's Gate, burst afresh into the palace, drove Jones from his post, thoroughly sacked the premises from the attics to the cellars, and finally kindled fires in several places at once. The bishop's wine, cleared out from the cellars, is said to have been sold in the Green at a penny or twopence a bottle. The chapter house was next broken into, and a library of (3,000 volumes, to- gether with some valuable manuscripts, was recklessly tossed about, the major portion of the books being flung through one of the windows into the ])uruiug palace, Avhilo a bonfire was made with several hundred others in the cloisters. The rest were chiefly stolen, or flung into the harbour. The rioters now resolved to burn the chapter house and catliedral, but were resisted for a time by Phillips, the sub-sacrist. Tho exertions of that worthy official wouUl, however, have been fruitless but for the courage of four or five gentlemen (Dissenters) who ventured into the crowd. Mr. B. llalph, the most energetic of the party, faced the ringleader of the incendiaries, and told him that no Reformer would destroy 1831.] THE RIOTS: BURNING OP THE MANSION HOUSE. 1(53 the people's property ; whereupon the ruffian, shouting for Reform, said they would not burn the college, and the flames in the chapter room were extinguished. Before they quitted the neighboui'hood, the rioters had the insolence to make an attack on Reeves' hotel in College Place, the head-quarters of the dragoons ; but upon a few of the cavalry turning out, the assailants decamped, after demolishing some windows. Whilst those scenes were being enacted in St. Augustine's, more extensive devastation had begun in Queen Square. The liberation of a horde of hardened criminals from the prisons had doubtless a serious influence on subsequent events. Political feeling had brought about the demonstra- tion of Saturday, but the mass of those who took part in it had withdrawn, and the undisguised purpose of the vicious crew who had succeeded them, consisting, according to the Mirror, " entirely of low Irish," was outrage with a view to plunder. During the attack on Lawford's Gate, a crowd had remained in front of the Mansion House, for the protection of which, strangely enough, the magistrates had made no provision throughout the entire day, but had contented themselves with removing the plate and several valuable pictures. For some hours the rabble were prevented fi*om doing serious mischief by a picket of seven soldiers which perambulated the thoroughfare ; but the intention of the ringleaders was in no doubt, for they were seen by Father Edgeworth in one of the adjoining by-streets preparing balls of pitch and flax, which, according to his deposition, " they significantly held up to the people and the soldiers." When the handful of the latter were despatched for the so-called protection of the bishop's palace, a few desperadoes again burst into the Mansion House wine-cellars, and ransacked the cupboards etc., on the ground floor. The testimony of Father Edgeworth, who had been drawn to the spot by a desire to keep his Irish flock in order, affords a graphic idea of the scene. The plunderers, he said, hesitated before mounting to the upper floors of the house; but a boy, of about thirteen years, with a candle in his hand, ran up a few of the stairs and cried out, " Why do you not come on ; are you afraid ? " whereupon aboiit twenty or thirty, chiefly lads of about sixteen years, followed the boy with a cheer. Every- thing which could be cai'ried away was then stolen ; the larger pieces of furniture were knocked to pieces ; and the raiders finished the work by setting fii^e to most of the chambers, a quantity of wine and spirits being thrown upon the straw in the cellar before it was lii^fhted. A few remained 3 6-1 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. upstairs in searcli of plunder until retreat was no longer practicable; and tlie remains found in the ruins sliowed liow deai^ly they had paid for their villany. So rapid was the progress of the flames, that the dragoons directed to Lower College Green saw, on arriving there, the Mansion House in a blaze. Believing that the palace was no longer in danger, the troops returned to Queen Squai'e — only to behold, immediately afterwards, that the episcopal residence had shared the same fate. A little before ten o'clock, Cornet Kelson, who was left without orders, and believed that nothing more could be done, ordered his slender force to their quarters ; and the rioters were left to work havoc at their discretion. " Not a fire engine was present," wrote Mr. Somerton, proprietor of the Bridal Mercury, a spectator, " nor do we hear that any made the attempt. The firemen of the different companies alone, armed with their fire hatchets, would have been more than sufficient to have routed the mob at this or any subsequent time during the evening." The special constables had disappeared early in the day; and the only regular officers of police, the mayor's and sherifls' sergeants, were so panic-stricken that they hid themselves in their houses, taking the name-plates off their doors in order to escape attention. A new illustration of the mental condition of the authorities was given about this time. The magistrates had despatched expresses in various directions for military assistance. Amongst others, the Dodington troop of Gloucestershire Yeomanry was summoned; but no arrangements were made for the quartering of that or any other body. The troop in question having arrived about ten o'clock in the evening, the commander, Captain Codrington, marched to the Council House; but no magistrate was in attendance to give him instructions. The captain next proceeded to the recruiting office in College Green, in search of Colonel Brereton ; but that officer declined to give him orders to act until he had the co-operation of a magistrate. Later on. Captain Codring- ton and liis men made their way to Queen Scjuaro Avhilo tho IMansiou iiouso was in fianies ; but they could still obtain no intelligence of a guardian of the law. In a letter, addressed next day to tho Home Secretary, tho captain wrote : — " Having paradcnl through thd principal streets of the city for more than two liours, without bring able to find a magistrate ; hearing that they had in fact left tho town after withdrawing both his niiijesty's troops and the polic^e ; finding ourselves thn.s unsupported, and without a hope of being in 1831.] THE RIOTS: THE FIRES IN QUEEN SQUARE. 1G5 any way serviceable^ tlie city being actually in the uncon- trolled power of the populace, I had no alternative but that of Avithdrawing also my men, and we returned home about five o'clock this morning." Soon after his interview with Captain Codrington, Colonel Brereton retired to bed, ap- parently washing his hands of all responsibility. If he supposed that the rioters would be satisfied with the havoc they had wrought on public property, he was soon undeceived. The Mansion House was still burning fiercely when it be- came apparent to the thousands of persons hitherto looking on with indifference, that the ringleaders were preparing to fire the adjoining houses. The attack commenced by beating in the ground-floor windows and forcing the doors ; admis- sion having been gained, the rooms were ransacked and the lighter furniture and effects thrown into the thoroughfare ; finally, the heavy furniture was broken to pieces, piled in a heap, and set on fire. Most of the apartments being lined with wainscot, and combustible articles being kindled on every storey, the flames spread with astonishing rapidity. Indeed, before midnight the range of dwellings between tlie Mansion House and the Custom House, including several houses at the back, formed one immense conflagration. The occupiers, having received from the rioters a brief notice to leave, had carried off" a portion of their more valuable eff'ects ; but much of the salvage was deposited in other houses, then supposed to be out of harm's way, and eventu- ally also destroyed. The sack and destruction of the Custom House were the next flagrant incidents of the night. After an entry ha I been effected, a band of wretches, including a few women, allowing the officials to pack up and remove the documents and books, rushed upstairs to the dwelling rooms, where, finding a quantity of provisions and liquor, they deliberately sat down to regale themselves, whilst a more active gang pursued the work of destruction in the adjoining apartments. A dreadful fate befell many of the carousers. In the midst of their brutal revelry, the fires lighted by their companions reached the staircase, which soon became impassable. Some of the revellers slid from the balcony outside and escaped ; others jumped from the windows and fell crushed on the pavement ; one or two leaped upon the portico, the leaden roof of which was already in a molten state, and, being held fast by the viscous metal, were literally roasted to death. [At the Bristol meeting of the British Association in ISoG, Dr. Buckland perpetrated a grim joke on the geological 166 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1831. section by producing for inspection a bone, whicli lie said bad just been banded to bim, and wbicb be described as part of tbe rib of a mammal, found upon tbe red sandstone. Tbe relic baving greatly puzzled tbe learned gatbering, tbe doctor at lengtb explained, tbat it was a bone of one of tbe rioters wbo perisbed at tbe Custom House. Tbe animal matter bad been decomposed by intense beat, and tbe cavities were filled witli melted lead.] About four or five fell back into tbe flames, and tlieir bodies, balf reduced to cinders, were afterwards found in tbe ruins. Their gbastly end, bowever, made no impression on tbe bulk of tbe rioters. As an avenue separated tbe Custom House from tbe remaining dwellings on tbat side of tbe square, tbe spectators, estimated at from 15,000 to 20_,000, boped tbat tbe incendiaries would now be satisfied witb tbeir devastations. But tliis was far from tbeir tbougbts. Tbe bouses on tbe western side of tbe avenue met witb precisely tbe same fate as tbose in tbe eastern wing. Tbe proceedings of tbe miscreants were of tbe simplest cbaracter. A brief notice was given to tbe occupants to leave. If a bouse were abandoned and sliut up, it was entered by boys tbrougb the windows in tbe manner already described; portable articles of value were carried ofl', otbers were tbrown into tbe square to be picked up by confederates ; and tben tires were ligbted in most of tbe rooms. Tbe wbole row was in flames about an bour after midnigbtj and from tbe tborougbly eff'ectual way in wbicb tbe villains pursued their operations, tbe destruction was as rapid as it was complete. Besides the property in Queen Square, some warehouses were burning in King Street; and from a bonded store, containing about fifty puncheons of rum, tbe ignited spirit poured into tbe street, forming a " hedge of fire " in front of several dwelling bouses, the inmates of wliicb were saved by tbe courage of a party of sailors. Most of tbe older criminals were by tbis time in a brutal state of drunkenness, from tbe quantity of liquor wbicb bad been consumed during tbeir raids. But tbe fury of the younger gang was insatiable, and the western side of tho vast quadrangle, beginning witli tbe Excise Office, was next vowed to ruin, a nuinl)er of neighbouring warehouses fronting IVince's Street bi'ing destined to the same fate. Ni'arly all tbe mischief in this locality was committetl by young boys, whose number, according to one witness, did not exceed fifty, while many respectable persons reduced tho total to about thirty. Mr. Somertou wrote : — " AVe saw three ui'cbius. 1831.] THE KIOTS : EXTRAORDINARY SCENES. 1G7 apparently not more than ten or eleven years of age, who, when their retreat from the attic floor of one of the houses had been cut off, and while the flames were bursting out beneath them, coolly clambered along a coping, projecting not more than three inches, and, entering an adjoining house, immediately set Are to a bedstead and furniture." Language cannot do justice to the extraordinary scene which the city presented at this time. Almost the entire population was afoot, and in spite of a continuous drizzling rain, every eminence dominating the burning square was crowded with a terror-stricken multitude of all ages. Charles Kingsloy, at that time a boy of thirteen, residing in a boarding school on St. Michael's Hill, was one of the units of this great mass, and twenty-seven years afterwards narrated to a Bristol audience his reminiscences of the spectacle. " One seemed," he said, " to look down upon Dante's Inferno, and to hear the multitudinous moan and wail of the lost spirits surging to and fro amid that sea of fire." After a graphic sketch of Brandon Hill, tinged with diversified tints of colour, he added : — " Higher and higher the fog was scorched and shrivelled by the fierce heat below, glowing through and through with red reflected glare till it arched itself into one vast dome of red-hot iron — fit roof for all the madness down below ; and beneath it, miles away, I could see the lovely tower of Dundry, shining red." How dazzling was the refulgence may be imagined from the statement of an in- habitant of Beachley, near Chepstow, who averred that the illumination of the sky enabled him to read a book in his garden. The most bewildering scenes, however, were in Queen Square itself. Scores of rioters in the last stages of drunkenness were rolling about in front of the burning property, or carousing in groups, or grovelling on the sward ; jiow and then a barrel of wine or beer was brought out of one of the houses to keep up the brutal debauch ; a few lads were rushing- with torches or burning brands from one doomed house to another ; and about one hundred and fifty older and more wily villains were engaged in gathering up the plunder extracted from the dwellings — many of them selling it openly in the square and adjoining streets, amidst the ruddy glare from the blazing buildings. Mr. Somerton saw " Avliat appeared to be a beautiful silver teapot ofl'ored for a shilling, and feather beds, mahogany tables, and a variety of costly and valuable articles of furniture were ofl"ered at the same rate." According to the Mirror, a handsome pianoforte taken out of the Mansion House was 168 THE ANNALS OF BEISTOL. [1831. bought by a gentleman for four sbillings, Tbe enormous quantity of stolen goods could not, however, be got rid of in this way, and a number of fellows might be seen busily piling their spoil upon wagons, cars, carts, and trucks, a stream of which came and went as deliberately as if they had been engaged at a gigantic auction, whilst thousands of citizens of all classes, apparently paralysed at the spectacle, looked helplessly on. How little courage would have been needed to trample down the riot, may be judged from a few facts elicited during the subsequent trials. Whilst the incendiaries were at the height of their triumph, a porter named Mills, employed by Messi's. Bartlett & Mogg, wine merchants, saw some of the gang attempting to remove the padlock from one of his masters' warehouses, when he wrested a hammer from one of the men, set his back against the door, and threatened to knock out the brains of any one who should come nigh him. The rufl&ans at once went off; and the warehouse was saved for the time. In another case, Martha Davis, servant to a Mr. Cross, living in Queen Square, withstood the rioters who entered the house ; and though she was knocked down insensible by a blow, she on recovering seized one of the crew by the collar, and eventually drove out the whole party, shutting the door in their faces. Similar bravery was shown near Lawford's Gate prison by Mrs. Mack, wife of a publican, and by her brother, William Field. The mob which set fire to the prison had afterwards burst into Mack's house, and attempted to burn it; but Field and his sister resisted them so stoutly that Mr. Justice Taunton, who tried three of the criminals at Gloucester, declared that if twenty men had acted like Field, the riots would have been suppressed. It is now time to return to the doings of the authorities. As already stated, the troops had been ordered to their quarters, and Colonel Brereton had gone to bed. No evidence is forthcoming as to what had become of the aldermen. The mayor, though exhausted from want of rest, declined to leave the city, but had some difficulty in obtaining shelter, being refused admission at the house of Mr. SherilT Lax, in Park Street, by the servants left in charge (the family, like many others, had fled from the city), whilst he was virtually turned out of that of INfr. Granger, a surgeon, lie Jit last found refuge at Mr. Daniel Frip])'s, in Jk-rkeloy Scjuare, whence a letter was sent to Colonel Brereton, notifying where ho was to be found. About two o'clock on ]\Ionday morning, Mr. Samuel Goldney, surgeon, a relative of one of the aldermen 1831. J THE EIOTS : THE TROOPS ORDERED TO ACT. 1G9 was in Queen Square, and satisfied himself, as he afterwards deposed, that the actual number of rioters was only between fifty and a hundred, and that a single vigorous effort would put an end to the havoc. He accordingly went to the cavalry stables, where he found Cornet Kelson eager to act if he could obtain a proper order to that effect. Mr. Goldney then proceeded to Mr. Fripp's, where, after great hesitation, that gentleman admitted him, and heard his report, which he conveyed to the mayor. The latter thereupon wrote a note, bearing the vague address, ''Bristol, 3 o'clock, Monday morning," requiring the officer in command of the troops to use the most vigorous measures to suppress the riot. Mr. Fripp, in delivering this missive to Mr. Goldney, remarked, " You are particularly requested not to say where the mayor is." The letter was taken to Leigh's stables, and delivered to Captain Warrington, who was technically in command of the dragoons during Colonel Brereton's absence. The captain at first declined to open the letter, on the ground that it was not directed to him, but ultimately consented to do so. He then said that his superior officer would return in two or three hours, and that, although willing to turn out the troops on the receipt of proper orders, he would not move except in company with a magistrate. Mr. Goldney made no reply, as he did not know where an alderman was to be found, and was unwilling to mention the whereabouts of the mayor. Through this unfortunate error of judgment on the part of Captain Warrington, which was the ruin of his professional career, the rioters remained unchecked for nearly two hours longer, during- which the devastation was greatly extended. About four o'clock, Mr. Alderman Camplin found his way to Captain Warrington, and requested the troops to be brought out ; but the captain, though expressing a desire to act, would not give orders until he had seen Colonel Brereton. He and the alderman, however, roused up the colonel at his lodgings in Unity Street ; and although the commanding officer still protested that a few jaded troops could do no g-ood against such a mob, he was at last prevailed upon to order out the dragoons, who arrived at the scene of ruin between five and six o'clock. At this time, a large warehouse in Prince's Street was in flames, the whole of the western side of Queen Square — excepting two dwellings which the rioters were pillaging* — * The Mirror states that these houses escaped destruction through the exertions of Mr. B. Kalph and a young man named Thomas. They still stand iu the middle of the western side, immediately below the central avenue. 170 THE AifNALS OP BRISTOL. [1831. was burnt or burning; and an attack bad just commenced ao-ainst the corner bouse on tbe soutbern side, wbicb bad been sentenced to tbe same fate as tbe nortbern and western fagades. Tbe dragoons bad begun to patrol tbe square, as before, wben Major Mackwortb arrived. "It immediately struck me," be afterwards wrote, " tbat if tbis bouse were fired, tbe sbipping would soon be in a blaze, and nearly tbe wbole city must inevitably be burned. It was no longer time to consider numbers or await magistrates' orders. I called out ' Colonel Brereton, we must instantly cbarge,' and witbout waiting for bis answer (be could not but approve), I called out, ' Cbarge, men, and cbarge borne.' Tbe ti'oops obeyed witb tbe utmost alacrity. Colonel Brereton cbarging with, great spirit at tbeir bead. . . . Numbers were cut down and ridden over; some were driven into tbe burning bouses, out of wbicb tbey were never seen to return ; and our dragoons, after sabring all tbey could come at in tbe square, collected and formed, and tben cbarged down Prince's Street, and again returned to tbe square, riding at tbe miser- able mob in all directions; about 120 or 130 of tbe incendi- aries were killed and wounded bere." In tbe meantime a party of public-spirited citizens, wbo bad gradually collected (amongst wbom Mr. B. Ralpb was again prominent), offered tbemselves to Colonel Brereton, wbo readily accepted tbeir services. Tbey first entered tbe two unburned bouses on tbe western side, from wbicb tbej'- dislodged tbe plunderers by main force, one of tbe gang liaving' bis neck dislocated, wbile otbers were cut down by tbe soldiers outside. Strengtb- ened by a few volunteers, tbe salvage party advanced to tbe bouse of ex-SberifF Claxton, at tbe west end of tbe south side, wbicb was being stripped by tbe rioters in tbe usual manner, prior to being set on fire. As a furtber evidence of tbe astonishing weakness of tbe horde that bad perpetrated so much ruin, it may be stated that tbe band found wrecking tbis bouse numbered only sixteen persons, of wbom five were women and young boys. After a smart conflict, during wbicb Mr. Henry Smith, solicitor, received two stabs, wbile Mr. Claxton's negro servant threw one of the thieves clean out of an upstairs window, the villanous crew were driven off, and the fires they had kindled in three rooms extinguished. With tbe pertinacity they had disjjlayod throughout, bow- over, the rioters, though repeatedly charged l)y the dragoons, retreated into tbe little courts railed off in front of tbe houses; and about half past six o'clock al)out fifty ruftians actually attempted to renew tbeir work ; but the armed force, slender 1831.] THE RIOTS: ATTITUDE OF THE ALDERMEN. 171 as it was (21 men), prevented further acts of violence. Major Mackworth, moreover, had already galloped oft' to Keynsham, bearing Colonel Brereton's order for the return of the 14tli Hussars, and these troops were joined in trotting back by about fourteen of the Bedminster Yeomani'y — whose " dis- cretion " throughout the crisis excited some uncomplimentary criticism. [It was stated in a newspaper, that they had been for some time shut up in the riding-house in Portwall Lane, to keep them out of harm's way.] Before the hussars reached Bristol, effectual help had arrived from another quarter. Major Beckwith, commanding a portion of the same regiment stationed at Gloucester, had hurried from that city on receiving a demand for assistance, and reached the Council House about seven o^clock, an hour and a half in advance of his troops. He was received by the mayor, three or four aldermen, and the town clerk; and his description of the civic authorities, afterwards given on oath, is deserving of record. They appeared, he said, be- wildered and stupified with terror, the mayor being the most collected of the party. Having requested that one or two magistrates would accompany him on horseback, they individually and positively refused to do so. " One of them stated it would make him unpopular ; another, that it would cause his shipping to be destroyed ; another, his property. They also informed me that none of them knew how to ride on horseback, except one gentleman, and they pointed to the tall alderman [A.] Hilhouse. Mr. Hilhouse said he had not been on horseback for eighteen years, and he would hold anybody responsible who said a second time that he could ride." [Major Beckwith subsequently stated that he had mistaken the identity of the alderman who used these ex- pressions. A contemporary writer, in defending the Corpora- tion, alleged that at ordinary times most of the aldei'men could be seen riding into the city every morning.] The major having demanded written authority sanctioning any steps he might take, the required document was signed by the mayor. He then went to Queen Square to have an interview with Colonel Brereton, and, expressing his astonish- ment at the scene before him, he asked what had become of the l-lth Hussars. Colonel Brereton said that they had been sent away, but were about to return ; that the magistrates would not authorise him to use force ; that he had too few men to put down the tumult ; and that he should go to his lodgings to dress, Avhich he incontinently did. Major Beck- with had a further conversation with him pending the arrival 172 THE ANNALS OF BKISTOL. [1831. of the squadron from Gloucester; and it may be presumed from tlie major's subsequent acts tliat be resolved, in spite of bis inferior rank, to take bis own measures for suppressing tbe riot, regardless of tbe opinion of bis superior officer. Colonel Brereton calmly submitted to tbis military oifence, contenting bimself witb declaring tliat Major Beckwitb must take tbe wbole responsibility. Just as tbe troops from Gloucester readied tbe city, a report was received tbat tbe cellars of the bishop's palace were being again pillaged; but the charges of the fresh troops, which were made wherever tbe rabble collected, and in which Colonel Brereton again took part, brought tbe atrocious disorders to an end in less than two hours. Unhappily order was not restored without much bloodshed. Major Mackworth stated that he saw " at least 250 rioters killed or wounded " in the concluding charges. And, as is usual in collisions of this kind, several innocent pedestrians, unexpectedly encountering the troops, were grievously in- jured. The officers of the public hospitals recorded a total of twelve deaths arising from tbe riots — four from shots or sword cuts, six from burns, and two from excessive drinking. The wounded under treatment numbered 96, of whom 59 were injured by tbe troops, and 37 from various other causes. It was known, however, that these figures far from represented the aggregate casualties, either fatal or otherwise. Some of the mortally injured were not taken to the hospitals, and some bodies, it was suspected, were secretly thrown into the Avon. Probably at least a dozen rioters were burnt to ashes in tbe destroyed houses. Tbe relics of five or six others were dug out of the ruins. Tbey were not corpses, said Mr. Kingsley, but " corpse fragments," and he added, " there was one charred fragment, with a scrap of old red petticoat adbering to it, which I never forgot." (One man Avas dis- interred alive, but bad an arm entirely burned off.) A groat number injured in the charges of the troops, again, were concealed by their friends, through fear of recognition if they were removed to the infirmary. Tbero is every reason to believe, liowever, that Mr. Kagles' assertion, that five hundred of the rioters paid for their crimes with their lives is a ridiculous exaggeration. In addition to the hussars from Keynsbam, some troops of the North Sonun'set Yeo- manry from Frome, AVincanton, and otli(U' places soon after arrived, and the magistrates, reassembled at tbe Council House, resolved on calling out the jposso coviitoins, and appointed a number of deputy sheriffs, amongst them Mr. 1831.] THE RIOTS: RESTORATION OP ORDER. 173 Herapath, whose proffei'ed assistance of the members of the Political Union was at last welcomed. By these measures upwards of 4,000 citizens were soon embodied, wearing a strip of white calico round the right arm as a distinguishing badge. In a few hours the streets were deserted except by the guardians of the peace, while the ringleaders of disorder, already dreading discovery, hid themselves in obscure dens — one of the Avorst of the ruffians, however, having the audacity to assume the badge of a constable, which he was wearing when arrested. The restoration of order had not come a moment too soon. The news of the devastation had spread far and wide, and all the evil characters of the western counties were flocking to the city to share in its plunder. The lower labouring class in the suburbs had already become demoralised. On the night of Sunday, when the city was illuminated by the gigantic fires in Queen Square (which were seen for forty miles around), gangs of low ruffians attacked and entered the public houses in almost every part of the town, demanding unlimited supplies of liquor with horrible menaces, recklessly breaking open barrels and wasting more than they consumed. To say nothing of many such outrages in the heart of the city, Mr. Somerton stated that there was scarcely a tavern from Queen Square to Easton that was not more or less ravaged. " In Wine Street," he added, " the houses of respectable tradesmen were visited, and money was de- manded under threats of murdering the owners in case of refusal ; and in some instances — such was the terror in which the wretches were held — handfuls of silver coin were thrown to them from the upper windows." After many of the rioters had fled into the country in consequence of the charges of the hussars, news was received that they were plundering houses near St. Greorge's, and cavalry had to be sent there before they would disperse. A despatch had been previously sent to Bath for military aid; but the populace of that city forthwith broke into disturbance, and did so much damage at one of the hotels * that it was deemed prudent to retain the troops. Again, when two or three companies of infantry sent from Cardiff were about to embark in a steamer at * The hotel in question, the White Hart, was threatened with the fate of tlie Bristol Mansion House. The mob were rushing in after destroying the windows. " They however met with a warm reception, a charge being made by tbe in- mates with red hot pokers, previously prepared, which had an admirable effect in causing the assailing party to beat a precipitate retreat." — jilainwaring's " Annals of Bath," p. 375. 174 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. Newport, a mob in sympatliy with the Bristol rioters attempted to cut the boat adrift, and even threatened a regular attack on the troops. These soldiers (for whom no accommodation had been provided in Bristol,* and who took shelter in the Gruildhall and the White Lion dining-room) had to be sent back to Wales two or three days latei', o^ving to an apprehension of riots at Merthyr Tj^dvil, w^here some of the Bristol fugitives were reported to have fled. Such facts suffice to show the widespread peril of the crisis, and the urgent need of the vigour which was so tardily displayed. Until the arrival of a large body of troops, including artillery, which were promptly despatched by the military authori- ties, watch and ward were kept by the special constables, the parish churches being lighted up nightly for use as head- quarters for each district. Even so late as the 5th November it was deemed advisable to close the markets at six o'clock; though, from the co-operation of all supporters of order, danger had then disappeared. With the return of security came arrangements for detect- ing the ringleaders, and for recovering as much of the stolen property as could be traced ; and extraordinary were the results of the investigation that followed. Mr. John Mills, editor of the Bristol Gazette, a man thoroughly acquainted with all classes of the population, stated in his journal that the great bulk of the rioters had sprung from the Irish colonies located in the slums of the city; and his assertion was con- firmed by those engaged as searchers. In Marsh Street, the denizens of which were nearly all Irish, an almost incredible quantity of stolen property was discovered, many of the houses being crammed with goods. Many cai'tloads were collected in Lewin's Mead ; two loads were taken out of a dwelling in Host Street ; and still larger stores of booty came to light in the low alleys in St. James's, the Pithay, the Dings, Baptist Mills, Bedminster, and Kingswood. The aggregate is said to have loaded forty wagons, and occupied so much space that the parish churches were opened for its reception, tho quadrangle of the Excliiingo being also full of recovered property of every kind, ])ilc(l up in heaps several feet high. Many stratagems for secreting their prey, or for getting rid of it when discovery became threatening, were resorted to by tho freebooters. Some property was found • A few flavH later the Armoury in Stapleton Tload, liivpd from the Corpo- ration of tlu! Poor, waK fittod up for the nrcomniodation of tlin troo])s! ■■ont down hy tlio Odvornmf'nt, and additional barnickH were temporarily formed in the Wool Hall and in a warehouse in Thomas Street. 1831.] THE RIOTS: RECOVERY OF THE PLUNDER. 175 buried in back yards, laid upon roofs, and lodged in water cisterns and pigsties. In other houses, the constables found fragments of valuable furniture burning in the grates, while occasionally the thieves divested themselves of their ill- gotten booty by throwing it into the Float or the Avon. One recovery will long be memorable, the article saved — a massive sixteenth century silver salver — forming an inter- esting item in the collection of civic plate. The salver, accidentally forgotten when the rest of the plate was removed from the Mansion House, was purloined by a rioter named Ives, who cut it into no less than 169 pieces. Supposing its identification would thus be impossible, Ives offered a portion of it for sale to Mr. Williams, a silversmith, who, suspecting a robbery, asked to see the remainder before making a purchase. Next day, when Ives brought the rest of his spoil, he was captured, and was soon after sentenced to fourteen years' transportation. The whole of the salver was recovered save two minute frag*ments, and by Mr. Williams's ingenuity it was so successfully riveted together that its original beauty remains intact, while it has acquired an additional historic value.* Of the valuable cathedral library about eleven hundred volumes were rescued from marine stores, old clothes shops, etc., but only two or three works were recovered entire. The discoveries of stolen goods led to the capture of several more of the leading rioters, some of whom were caught whilst carousing on the liquors they had carried off. One Irishman, when appre- hended, was wearing three shirts, three jackets, and three pairs of trousers, while an Irishwoman was indebted for the ''interesting condition" in which she posed, to two silk waist- coats and a pair of blankets wrapped around her waist. About forty of the criminals who had been liberated from prison were also arrested; and in a few days the gaol, having undergone hasty repair, contained nearly 240 inmates com- promised in the tumults. In the then existing state of the city political party spirit might well have been hushed. On the 1st December, how- ever, a meeting took place of local anti-Reformers, Alderman Daniel presiding, when an address to the king was adopted, in which, according to the London Times, it was argued that anarchists, atheists, robbers, and incendiaries were the only allies of Lord Grey's Ministry. Shortly afterwards, a so- * Ives returned to Bristol after undergoing his sentence, and had the effron- tery to call at the Council House and ask permission to see the restored salver. 176 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1831. called history of tlie riots was published, professedly from the pen of " a citizen," but really compiled by the Eev. John Eagles, then living- in a secluded village in Somei-set, who reproduced the most extravagant rumours and gossip of the time. Ig-norinsr the oblio-ations of his sacred calling, the author boldly avowed that his object was to excite a belief that 'Hhe perpetrators of the [Reform] Bill" — in other words the Ministry — " were in connection with the perpe- trators of the plot," which "had been long in preparation, and had been carried out by hirelings from Birmingham." The reverend censor was of course unable to produce a vestige of trustworthy evidence in support of his assertions. So far from the mob being led by hired desperadoes prepared for slaughter and destruction, it does not appear that a single rioter was possessed of a lethal weapon until he stole one during his search for plunder ; and the idle tales reproduced in the book about incendiary powders, cakes, pastes, liquids, and so forth, found no support in the testimony of the witnesses at the trials, excepting that one fire-raiser was believed to have had a pocket bottle of spirits of turpentine. [It is only fair to add, that in his later years, Mr. Eagles, seemingly ashamed of the work, endeavoured to escape from the stigma which attached to its authorship.] To the great indignation of the citizens, the Corporation proposed that the rioters should be tried before Sir Charles Wetherell ; but the Government resolved on issuing a special commission directed to Lord Chief Justice Tindal, Mr. Justice Taunton, Mr. Justice Bosanquet, and the Duke of Beaufort (lord high steward of the city), ordering them to proceed with their task on the 2nd January, 1832. The recorder was indignant at being excluded from the commission, and had the courage to demand, " as a matter of right," that his name and that of his brother aldermen should be added to the list. His request was rejected by the Government, as " simply a claim by the Corporation to sit as judges on their own cause," and Sir Chiirles vented his rage at the rebuff by a charac- teristic outburst in the Uouse of Commons. Due preparations were made for receiving the judges with a solemnity worthy of the occasion. The whole of the ratepayers were again sworn in as constal)les, a body of policemen Avas formed for the special })rotection of the judges, and detachuionts of troops were posted at various poiiits in case of emergency; though, as may be supposed, there was no indication of dis- respect or ill-feeling. The trials occupied twelve days, during which 102 ])risoncrs were brought up. Uf these 81 1831.] CONVICTION AND EXECUTION OF RIOTEKS. 177 were convicted and 21 acquitted. In addition to these cases, 12 indictments were rejected by the grand jury, and on 13 others no evidence was offered. Of the criminals convicted, 5 were left for execution ; sentence of death was recorded against 26, but it was commuted to transportation for life ; one was sentenced to transportation for fourteen years, and 6 for seven years ; while the remaining 43 suffered various terms of imprisonment with hard labour, [Four of the aldermen had the courage to take their seats on the judicial bench whilst the Lord Chief Justice passed sentence on the criminals. Their intrusion appears to have been looked upon as a notable manifestation of bad taste.] Richard Vines, one of the five capitally convicted, received a reprieve, owing to his semi-idiocy. On behalf of the others — Chris- topher Davis, for destroying the gaol; William Clarke, for destroying the gaol and Bridewell ; and Thomas Gregory and Joseph Kayes, for destroying private houses — a petition for a commutation of the punishment was addressed to the Crown by about 10,000 citizens, including many of the highest respectability. Especial exertions were made on behalf of Davis, a man who had amassed a small competence in his former business as a carrier, but was addicted to violent language when excited by liquor. It was pleaded that he had been guilty of no act of violence, his crime con- sisting in cheering on the rabble by waving his hat on an umbrella, in cursing the bishops and the Corporation, and in expressing hopes of their downfall. He had, however, boasted that he had drunk some of the wine stolen from the Mansion House. Owing to the detestable jurisprudence of the age, Davis's counsel was not allowed to address the jury, and the culprit had not the ability to plead for himself. The Government resolved that the law must take its course, and the convicts were executed at midday on the 27th January, in front of the gaol, in the presence of a vast con- course of spectators. Besides the prisoners tried in Bristol, six men were convicted at Gloucester, of attacking" and attempting to burn a public house and other premises near Lawford's Gate prison. Sentence of death was recorded against them, but it was commuted to transportation. In the meantime inquiries had taken place by order of the Commander-in-chief into the conduct of the officers who had held the command of the troops during the tumults. The court-martial in the case of Lieut. -Colonel Breroton was o-pened on the 9th January, 1832, when a series of eleven charges was formulated against him by General Sir Charles N 178 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. Dalbiac, "wlio acted as prosecutor, and wlio described them as " bearing on tlieir face every character of culpability unprecedented in the case of a British officer.'^ The pro- ceedings were abruptly brought to a close, after four sittings, by the suicide of the unhappy defendant, whose mind gave way under the weight of his misfortunes. Colonel Brereton, who had been major of a West India regiment, took up his residence in Clifton some years before the riots, on being appointed Inspecting Field Officer of this recruiting district.- He resided at the time of his death at Redfield house, St. George's, and is stated to have been highly esteemed by his friends and acquaintances. The trial of Captain ]^arrington, who commanded the troop of dragoons, followed a few days later. The chief charge against him was his refusal to instantly comply with the order of the mayor, under circum- stances already narrated — a refusal which unquestionably enabled the incendiaries to greatly extend their devastations. It was proved, however, that the defendant was so ill at the time as to be almost unfit for duty. The court adjudged him guilty, and ordered him to be cashiered, but accompanied the sentence with a recommendation to mercy, on the ground that his oifences were mere errors of judgment. The Crown appi'oved the sentence, but allowed Captain Warrington to dispose of his commission. The last prosecution was that directed against the mayor and aldermen for their conduct during the riots. Immediately after the restoration of order, the apathetic action of the magistrates was condemned by the respectable classes in the city, regardless of party — a meeting of merchants, etc., at the Commercial Rooms, and a still larger gathering at the Assembly Rooms, being practically unanimous in their expres- sion of disapproval. (Mr. J. Mills, at the former meeting, endeavoured to apologise for tlie aldermen, but was stopped by general cries of "off, ofi'.") The parliamentary battle on the Reform Bill was, however, then raging violently, and party spirit throughout the country — furious to a degree unknown since tlu^ liuie of the Stewarts — speodil}'- laid liold of the events in Bristol. As Liberals were vehement in their accusation of the local authorities, Tories began to feel thom- 8(dves bound to defend the cause of the magistrates, and to throw tlu! guilt of the havoc on the Ministry and their scheme of Reform. Jt was oven alleged by enemies of "the Bill" that the object of the Government in prosecuting the justices was to strike at the indejxMidenco of the municipalities. As the trials were fixed to take })lace before a jury of Jierkshiro 1831.] TRIAL OF THE MAYOR. 179 landowners, a large majority of whom were known to be anti- Reformers, the result was never in mucli doubt. The Cor- poration, however, was more than usually prodigal in making preparations to defend its incriminated members, and upwards of £8,800 were paid out of the civic treasury. The trial of Mr. Finney began in the Court of Queen's Bench on the 2oth October, 1832, and occupied seven days, the chief counsel employed being the Attorney General (Sir Thomas Denman) with the Solicitor General (Sir W. Home) for the jDrosecution, and Sir James Scarlett (afterwards Lord Abinger) for the defence. The summing up of the judge (Mr. Justice Little- dale, in the absence of Lord Tenterden, who was seized with fatal illness during the trial) was criticised by the Liberal press as being rather a speech for the defendant than an impartial comment on the facts ; but it was highly lauded by the organs of the Opposition, and was doubtless satisfactory to the jury. They not merely acquitted the defendant, but declared their opinion that cii-cumstanced as he was, " un- supported by any adequate civil or military force, and deserted by those from whom he might reasonably have expected assistance," the mayor " discharged his duty with zeal and personal courage." The Government thereupon withdrew the indictments against the aldermen. Whatever might be the opinion of the Berkshire gentry, however, the ratepayers of Bristol seem to have held strong views as to the conduct of the authorities. Shortly after the riots, at parochial meetings held for the purpose, it was declared that the Corporation had forfeited the confidence of the citizens. A later generation, exempt from the party spirit of those agitated times, can have little difficulty in forming a sound opinion on the subject. Immediately after the opening of Parliament, in December, 1831, Mr. Protheroe gave notice of his intention to introduce a Bill for altering and amending the charter of the city. The Reform question, however, then exclusively absorbed the attention both of the House of Commons and the country, and it is not improbable that the member for Bristol received a hint that the work of reforming the English corporations was under the consideration of the Government. His scheme was at all events dropped. In the meantime the Corporation, calmly ignoring its unpopularity, promoted a Bill by which it was proposed to establish a police force on the system introduced a year or two previously in London. The chief part of the cost was to be borne by the ratepayers, while tlie Common Council -^vas practically to have the control of the 180 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1831. force. Tliis project being scouted by the public, the authori- ties proposed that commissioners should be elected by the citizens for the management of the constabulary, and that a stipendiary magistrate should be appointed for the city; towards which purposes they undertook to contribute £1,500 a year providing the remainder were raised by a county rate. The matter was earnestly discussed at meetings of each parish, and delegates were appointed by those gatherings to watch the proceedings of the Common Council in the interest of the ratepayers, the renewed attempt to establish a county rate — which by law would have been assessed by the aldermen — being unanimously condemned as depriving- the ratepayers of all control over their money, and as " opening an illimitable field for future taxation," The relations of the rulers and the ruled were not improved by an announcement that the Coi'poration had Commenced an action against the city to recover £25,000, the alleged value of the corporate property destroyed during the riots, and that the imposition of a county rate was contelnplated for the purpose of rebuilding Bridewell. The ratepayers' delegates protested strongly against this policy, urging that it ought first to be shown that the civic revenue was insufficient to bear the proposed charge ; but the Corporation haughtily denied the alleged liability, and refused to permit the delegates to look into the civic accounts. In answer to the demand for an abandonment of the projected County rate, the authorities availed themselves of a threadbare subtlety. The citizens knew that the magis- terial bench was filled exclusively by the aldermen, and that these aldermen were supreme in the Council Chamber. But the Corporation argued that the magistrates had no control over civic affairs, and that if they thought fit to establish a county rate, the Council had no power to restrain them. Tho controversy was still pending when an ajiparently self-elected committee of influential inhabitants, nearly all of whom were closely related to members of the Council, announced that they had been allowed to examine the civic account books, and to publish a summary of rocoi])ts and expenditure. From this docunu'nt it a])])cared that the average ordinary outlay for tho seven previous years had been £18,;i2S), against an avernge inccjme of only £15,474, leaving a deficit of nearly £3,000 per annum. The ])ul)lication of this statement merely incrensod ])ul)lic dislrnst, the rat(^]inyers professing their iual)ility iu understand how the Corporation could guarantee a yearly contribution of £1,500 towards the cost of tho proposed police, seeing that tho civic income was already 1831.] COMPENSATION CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES. 181 unable to provide for ordinary expenditure. After further abortive negotiations, the authorities were threatened with ** universal passive resistance" against the collection of the contemplated rate, and the opposition of the inhabitants became so formidable that the Bill was abandoned. Another Police Bill had been framed to carry out the views of the ratepayers. But the King's Speech at the opening of the session, after referring with regret to " the scenes of violence and outrage " that had occurred in this city, intimated the wish of the Ministry to improve the municipal police of the kingdom generally, with a view to prevent the recurrence of such commotions, and the local project was therefore with- drawn. One important legislative scheme affecting the city became law, however, during that stormy session, namely, the Bill to provide for the losses occasioned by the riots — afterwards generally known as the Compensation Act, As originally drawn under the direction of the Common Council, it con- tained several clauses that were deemed objectionable by the ratepayers — a renewed attempt to insinuate powers for a county rate being especially unpopular. But through the exertions of the parochial delegates referred to in the pre- ceding paragraph, the offensive proposals were removed, and the scheme, as it eventually passed, met with genei^al approval, and worked to the satisfaction of all parties. Under its pro- visions a board of twelve commissioners, elected by the rate- payers, was empowered to make private arrangements with persons entitled to damages, thus avoiding a great amount of costly litigation. When the commissioners began their labours, no fewer than 121 actions at law had been instituted against the city, the aggregate amount of compensation de- manded by the plaintiffs being nearly £150,000. Negotiations were forthwith opened with the claimants, and large re- ductions were soon effected. The Corporation, which had first estimated its loss at £25,000, and afterwards at about half the amount, consented to accept £5,000. For the destroyed Custom House and Excise Office the Goveimment had put in a claim for £10,500, but ultimately relinquished its right to compensation. The private suitors, with a single exception, came to terms with the commissioners, the total sum paid in liquidation of their claims being £42,783. The exception was Dr. Gray, the bishop of the diocese. His lord- ship accepted an offer of £2,040 for the loss of his furniture, but was unyielding in the prosecution of his claim for the destroyed palace, the value of which was estimated by his 182 THE ANNALS OP BEISTOL. [1831. agents at £10^000. The case came before a jury^ empannelled at Bridgwater^ when a verdict was given for £6^000, but the city had to bear the heavy costs attending the trial. The net result of the commissioners' labours was to reduce the original total of the compensation claims from £150,000 to £55,824. A sum of £7,424 was, however, expended in legal charges, and £4,960 more in obtaining the Act and carrying it into operation, so that the aggregate charge was £68,208. The immediate liquidation of even the reduced burden would, nevertheless, have been almost impracticable, seeing that it would have necessitated the exaction of a tax equal to nearly ten shillings in the pound on the rateable value of the " ancient city." On an appeal made by the commissioners, the Government proffered a loan of about £58,000, bearing interest at the rate of 2^ per cent., repayments being made in yearly instalments of £10,000. To clear oft' this annual amount the Corporation of the Poor levied an additional rate of about 1.?. 6<1. in the pound. As will be explained hereafter, the passing of the Corporations' Eeform Act in 1835, by which Clifton, St, Philip's out-parish, and other populous suburbs were placed under the new municipality, caused a modihca- tion of the above arrangement. The commissioners, whose energy and skill effected so sensible a relief to the city, had before that time concluded their labours, their final report bearing date the 11th January, 1835, Their names were : James Wood (for All Saints' Ward) ; Richard Jones (St. Stephen's) ; Robert Suple (Trinity); William Herapath (St. James's) ; William Watson (St, Ewen's) ; Thomas Carlisle (St. Maryleport) ; William Evans (Castle Precincts); George Jones (St. Michael's) ; Benjamin Ogden (St. Nicholas') ; John Kerle Haberfield (Redclift) ; Edward Kidd (Temple) ;. and Thomas Sanders (St, Thomas's), The committee of parochial delegates, who had so largely contributed to the economy and eflRciency of the system adopted, dissolved in September, 1835. Their expenses, during upwards of three years, had been only about £200, The following were the heaviest claims made against the city — those mentioned above excepted. The amounts actually paid are ap])ended in parentheses: — r. JI. Ashwoitli, warelionse, etc., King Street, £1,000 [£'27r>); Fiilko T. Barnard, furniture, etc., .S, Queen Sfjnare, £2,()()() (£722) ; JesHc Barrett, Louse an'l furniture, 57, (^ucen H(iuar(:', £l,l!)0 (£8;j.')) ; lienjaiiiin liicldey, furniture and stock, fj 1, Queen Sciuare and Trincc's Ktroot, £:5,r)00 (£2,012) ; CaniiiridKO & WilliuniH, warehouse, etc., Avenue, 1' 1,000 (£.10i)) ; J. B. & K. AV. Clift, wareliouse, etc., Kin^ Street, £1,2'I0 (t^H;")); Cooke & Turner, stock, beliind 51, Queen Square, £1,000 (£327) ; Thomas Crocker, furniture, 52, Queen [1831. COMPENSATIONS. THE MANSION HOUSE. 183 Square, £1,100 (£52) ; Richard T. Coombe, houses, 6 and 7, Queen Square, and warehouses behind, £2,900 (£2,050) ; Daniel & Haythorne, house, 51, Queen Square, lofts, etc., £1,500 (£1350) ; Fryer, Gosse & Pack, oil in warehouses. Prince's Street, £1,000 (£79^) ; Joseph S. Fry & Co., cocoa in warehouse. Prince's Street, £6,900 (£2,400) ; William Gibbous, houses, 54, Queen Square, 4, Prince's Street, and warehouses, £4,000 (£1,752); Martha Harford, house. Excise Avenue, and furniture £1,600 (£908) ; William Humphries, furniture in gaol, £1,.300 (£900); James Johnson, warehouses. King Street, etc., £1,500 (£963) ; Maria Jones, house, 50, Queen Square, £1,600 (£930) ; Richard Lambert, two houses, 45, Queen Square, £1.150 (£1,005) ; Langley & Arding, share in 43, 44, 52, Queen Square, and 9, Prince's Street, £1,700 (£660) ; Joseph Lax, spirits, etc., in warehouses, King Street, etc., £3,000 (£387) ; Philip John Miles, house and warehouse, 61, QuQen Square, wine, etc., £3,500 (£1,312); Mogg & Bartlett, wine, etc., in warehouse. Avenue, £1,000 (£493) ; John Morgan, house and warehouse, 3, Queen Square, £1,690 (£1,000) ; Charles Pinney, china, wine, etc.. Mansion House, £2,000 (£714) ; James lioom, furniture and books, 61, Queen Square, £3,000 (£1,172) ; Henry Rumley, share of house and furniture, 46, Queen Square, £1,779 (£605) ; Joseph Richardson, furniture, 45, Queen Square, £2,000 (£381) ; Henry B. Smith, houses and furniture, 59 and 60, Queen Square, £4,649 (£2,938) ; William C. Stephens, furniture, 53, Queen Square, £1,600 (£309) ; Thomas Sheppard, furniture, 5, Queen Square, £1,100 (£712) ; William Strong, furniture, 63, Queen Square, £2,000 (£336) ; Robert Thomas, shares in 43, 44, 52, Queen Square, and 9, Prince's Street, £1,700 (£285) ; M. M. J. & E. Vigor, furniture, 6, Queen Square, £1,000 (£450) ; Thomas Webb & Co., wines, spirits, etc., 4, Queen Square, £2,000 (£652) ; George Worrall, house, 5, Queen Square, £2,000 (£1,016) ; John Tilladam, house, 4, Queen Square, £1,000 (abated by plaintiff's death) ; Samuel Webb, houses, 47 and 48, Queen Square £1,800 (abated by plaintiff's death). The report to which these statistics are appended states that the law prevented claimants from receiving any compensation for articles stolen, when they were carried off and destroyed elsewhere, though these reduc- tions pressed with great hardship on many sufferers. In other cases, abatements were caused by the remission of excise duty on spirits, etc., and it is added : "In justice to the plaintiffs generally, tlie commissioners expressly state that blame is not imputable to them for the discrepancy between the sums claimel and those accepted." To the great indignation of many citizens, the Common Council resolved, soon after the riots, upon the establishment of a new Mansion House, for keeping up the convivialities and entertainments previously in vogue. Notwithstanding the financial distress of the city, and the recently avowed em- barrassment of the civic treasury, the house in Great George Street already referred to [see page 134], was fitted up and furnished at a heavy cost. [After the reconstruction of the corporate body under the Municipal Reform Act of 1835, the new Mansion House was closed, and the furniture and stock of wine were sold by auction, producing £2,232.] Some attempts at retrenchment were, however, made. At a meet- ing of the Common Council, in December, 1831, the customary motion to present a butt or pipe of wine to the lord high steward, and another to the members for the city, was negatived, but Sir Charles Wethorell was voted his annual hogshead. In June, 1833, the salary of the mayor was re- duced from £2,000 to £1,604, his worship being recommended 184 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1832. to curtail the number of his banquets. In 1835, however, a vote of £350, in addition to the usual sum of £400, was passed to Mr. J. N. Franklyn, who had served the office of sheriff a second time. The extra allowance granted to Mr. T. Hassall in 1827, on the same ground, was only £125. Amongst the very numerous items of civic expenditure caused by the riots may be noticed the following : Sundry expenses to April 11, 1832, £1,188, 8.s'. 11(/. ; Tolzey, keeper, for enter- taining magistrates during the disturbances, £300 ; providing accommodation for troops at Armoury, wool hall, warehouse in Thomas Street, and pi'emises [for an hospital] in Great Gardens, rent, gas, etc., £2,293. [The troops remained in these temporary barracks until about September, 1833. The Government refunded £326 8s. lid. of the above amount.] Special constables, £437 lbs.; city solicitor's expenses, £734; subscriptions on behalf of sufferers, whose losses were £30 or under, £500; expenses in connection with the trial of the mayor, £3,871 15s. lOd. ; repairing pictures, £59 12s.; Mr. Williams, for repairing the silver salver, £55 ; law proceed- ings against inhabitants for compensation, £581. On December 31, 1831, the old mill on the left bank of the Avon, nearly opposite to the Hotwell House, was destroyed by fire. The building was used in 1761 as a lead smelting- house, but was converted at a later date into a cotton mill, and afterwards to other purposes. Upon the passing of the Reform Bill, in June, 1832, its local supporters resolved upon a ''grand demonstration" to cele- brate their triumph. Accordingly, on the 18th June, many thousands of tradesmen and working-men belonging to tlio city, reinforced by large contingents from St. George's, Bitton, and other districts, assembled at Lawford's Gate, and marched in procession through the principal streets, tlie artisans of each trade displaying models, emblems, etc., illus- trative of their respective crafts, while music and banners lent further animation to the display. The date had pro- bably been fixed n]')on on account of its being the anniversary of the battle of ^\'atc'rloo — the yearly return of which was then always hailed with bell ringing. The clergy of the city, however, had been unanimously hostile to the Reform Bill; and they won a siuull victory over their ]iolitical o])])onents by locking up the belfries. On the 14th August the leading Iteformers ])rovided a dinner for 5,500 working-men on Brandon Hill. Unfortunately for the success of this affair, a rough mob assembled round the tables and seized upon 1832.] EXTENSION OP THE BOROUGH. ELECTION. 185 the viands, causing great tumult and confusion. Some of the fireworks prepared for the evening were also stolen or destroyed. The Reform Act effected important changes in the city and its constituent body. The Loundaries of the borough were largely extended, the parish of Clifton, the district of the out-parishes of St. James and St. Paul, the out-parish of St. Philip, and parts of the parishes of Bedminster and Westbury, — embracing an aggregate population of about 50,000, — being added to the "ancient city." Up to this time the franchise had been enjoyed exclusively by free- holders and fi'eemen, whose right to vote was not impaired by non-residence. Those classes retained their privilege, so far as concerned persons living in, or within seven miles of, the city ; and to them were joined all men rated for and occupying preniises of the yearly value of £10. The im- mediate effect of the extensions was less than modern readers might suppose, the population of the suburban parishes being then insignificant as colaxpared with the central mass. Al- ready, however, there was a tendency on the part of both rich and poor to remove to the outlying districts; and before the Reform Act had attained its jubilee, the population of the added parishes was about three times greater than that of the old borough. The register of electors for 1832 contained the names of 5,301 freemen, 862 freeholders, and 4,215 house- holders. The passing of the Reform Act necessarily caused a fresh appeal to the constituencies, and a -general election took place in December. The victory of the united Liberal party at the previous contest had been followed by a re-opening of the old division in reference to the slavery question. Mr. Baillie at first proposed to retire into private life; but the West India Whigs insisted on his candidature. The anti- slavery Liberals thereupon nominated, in conjunction with Mr. Edward Protheroe, junr. {the former member), Mr. John Williams, an eminent barrister who soon afterwards was raised to the bench, both those gentlemen being ardent advo- cates of slave emancipation. The Tories found a champion in Sir Richard R. Vyvyan, a Cornish baronet, who had manifested his uncompromising hostility to change by moving the rejection of the Reform Bill. Ultimately a coalition was formed between the supporters of Vyvyan and Baillie. The poll at the close stood as follows : Sir R. R. Vyvyan, 3,695 ; Mr. Baillie, 3,160; Mr. Protheroe, 3,028; Mr. Williams, 2,739. The result was alleged to have been due to unjustifiable 186 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1832. means. The Bristol Mercury of the following week published a view of a house (No. 8, King Street) at which bribes were said to have been distributed wholesale to the poorer classes of voters after the poll ; whereupon it was jubilantly retorted in the Bristol Jottnial that, according to a decision of the Court of King's Bench, the giving of money to electors after they had voted did not constitute bribery. A number of gentlemen who petitioned against the return undertook to prove that upwards of a thousand electors were paid by the committees of the successful candidates for attendance at the nomination proceedings, and that more than twelve hundred voters received tickets at the "bribery box" in King Street, entitling them to 23s. each after polling for Vyvyan and Baillie. A list was also given of twenty-six public houses at which liquor was distributed gratis for some weeks previous to the contest. It was further asserted that a so-called charity, called the Conservative Operatives' Association, had enrolled 1,200 freemen by promising them, in return for their votes, relief when sick or out of work, and 71b. per head of " blue beef " at Christmas, the funds being provided by certain " honorary " members, whose names remained a secret. No proof, however, was forthcoming that the suc- cessful candidates had been privy to corruption, and the return was upheld by a committee of the House of Commons. Mr. Richard Hart Davis, who had refused to be nominated at this election, was soon afterwards presented by his admirers with a service of plate valued at £750. Indian cholera, which made its way to this country for the first time in 1831, by way of the northern coal ports, gradually spread over the island, to the intense terror of the people, and reached Bristol in the following summer. The first case was reported to have occurred on the 11th July, in Greyhound Court, near the Stone Bridge, a region then reek- ing with sewage and filth, and rarely free from epidemics. As already stated, the malady worked deadly havoc in the overcrowded wards of St. Peter's poor-house [see p. 139]. The numerous burials in the neighbouring churchyard of St. Philip's appear to have driven many of the poor of the locality out of tlieir senses, A delusion became jjrevalent that the authorities were burying paupers alive ; and on one occasion a mob broke into the burial ground, and tore up some of the recently interred bodies. A simihir frantic occurrence took place in Temple churchyard, where thirty- one victims of the disease wore buried in a single day. Owing to the crowded state of the parochial cemeteries, a piece of 1832.] CHOLERA. ABUSES OF THE OLD POOR LAWS. 187 ground was inclosed near the Cattle Market, and those who afterwards died at St. Peter's Hospital were removed there by water, so that the interments might escape public notice. The disease disappeared in October, when there had been 1,521 cases, and 584 deaths. Clifton was almost wholly deserted by the wealthier class of residents during the epidemic. To prevent the influx of strangers, St. James's fair was forbidden to be held this year by an Order in Council. The precaution did not prevent the disease from penetrating into the rural districts, in some of which it was comparatively more fatal than in Bristol. At the village of Paulton, for instance, there were no less than 229 cases in sixteen days, and forty deaths in eight days. The Corporation resolved during the autumn upon estab- lishing a body of twelve day constables or policemen, after the London model. The wages of the men were fixed at 15s. weekly per head, so that the total annual charge, irrespective of clothing, amounted to the modest sum of £468. The night watching continued in the hands of the inefficient old ^' Charleys." Owing to the great abuses existing in the administration of the poor rates, the Government appointed a Commission to inquire into the subject, and sub-commissioners were directed to make local investigations in various districts. One of those gentlemen, the Rev. H. Bishop, visited Glou- cestershire and Bristol, and a few extracts may be given from his report, written on the 22nd September 1832. With respect to Kingswood, it was stated that the miners seldom earned 12s. a week. Boys of ten or eleven years earned 4d. to 6d. a day. " During the summer months women may earn above ground 10^/. a day; girls from Qd. to 8d." Agricul- tural wages fluctuated between 8s. and 12,s'. a week. In Clifton the administration of poor relief was described as pro- fuse and corrupt. "A man who gains 10s. or even 20s. a week will come, after a few days' indisposition, for relief, and obtains it. , . . The overseers and select vestrymen are very frequently tradesmen enjoying the custom of those who have been lavishly assisted. . . . Those paupers who are in the employment of the parish are paid at a public house, and are expected to promote the ' good of the house ' by expending in liquor a portion of their parish earnings. . . . Above the age of fifty the paupers claim permanent relief, which is regarded as a sort of pension, so certain that it may be sold or mortgaged. It is no uncommon thing for apprentices to be receiving relief for three or four children." The writer 188 THE ANNALS OP BEISTOL. [1833. goes on to detail particular instances of indiscriminate and scandalous waste in the administration of parochial and charitable funds. Abuses also extensively prevailed in Bed- minster. The parish contained 14,000 persons, but the rates were made to fall on only 831 householders, and many of these escaped ; "the whole weight of local taxation is thrown upon about 330 individuals." Mr. Bishop mentions inciden- tally that Bristol was then taxed £1,200 a year for paying the passage money of Irish vagrants sent back to their own country, and this charge, he added, did not nearly represent the whole expense which those paupers entailed upon the citizens. One of the earliest ameliorative measures proposed by Lord Grey's Ministry to the reformed House of Commons was a Bill for the abolition of slavery in the English colonies. Mr. Stanley (afterwards Earl of Derby) explained the scheme on the 14th May, 1833, its chief features being that the slaves should undergo a period of apprenticeship, and that the planters should be granted a loan of £15,000,000 to provide against the loss they might sustain at the outset. To the latter proposal the slave-holding interest in Bristol, as else- where, refused to listen ; and as the result of the pressure brought to bear on the Ministry, the loan Avas converted into a gift, and was ultimately raised to £20,000,000. The Act came into force in the colonies on the 1st August, 1834. According to a parliamentary return issued in 1838, the principal firms &,nd persons in this district owning slaves received compensation as follows-: Messrs. Thos. & John Daniel, £55,178; Messrs. H. J. D. E. Baillie & G. H. Ames, £23,024; Sir C. Codrington, Bart., £29,867 ; Mr. James E. Baillie, £12,968 ; Mr. Philip John Miles, £9,076; Mr. James Cunningham, £12,357 ; Mr. Richard Bright, £8,092 ; Mr. Robert Bright, £3,820 ; Messrs. Charles Pinncy & E. Case, £3,572. The list does not include payments under £3,000. The Bristol Times of April 8, 1854, stated that Messrs. Daniel & Sons, who had a house in London as well as in liristol, "obtained not nnich less than a quarter of a million " in compensation for their slaves. By this time the country had recovered from the effects of the great panic of 1825-6, while the absurd alarm created amongst the moneyed classes by the concession of the fran- cliiso to the trading community had largely passed away. With the return of conlidcnce came a revival of the railway projects which had come to grief seven years before. About the close of 1832, when the shares of the Liverpool and 1833.] THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY PROJECTED. 189 Mancliester railway were selling at double, and those of the Stockton and Darlington line at ti'eble, their original cost, a few public-spirited Bristolians resolved upon making a renewed effort for the construction of a railway to London. There is a tradition that the Great Western Company was projected in a small office in Temple Backs. However that may be, it is certain that Messrs. George Jones, John Harford, T. R. Guppy, and William Tothill were the most energetic in promoting the undertaking. Animated by their appeals, in January, 1833, the Corporation, the Merchant Venturers' Society, the Dock Company, and the Bristol and Gloucester- shire railway company severally appointed three gentlemen, empowering them to inquire into the best mode of procedure, and furnishing them with funds for the purpose. This com- mittee* directed Mr. J. K. Brunei and Mr. Townsend to make a survey of the country, and in a few months elaborate plans were produced by the two engineers, who estimated the cost of the undertaking at the modest sum of £2,805,000. On the 30th July a meeting was held in the Guildhall to evoke the sympathy of the citizens. The promoters urged that if the advantages of cheapness and speed which railways offered should only double the existing carriage traffic the line would yield a clear yearly profit of about 14 per cent. Though the response of the public does not appear to have been very enthusiastic, the company was soon after formed, the title of " Great Western " being assumed in the following September. One half of the directors were nominated by London capitalists ; the other moiety were Bristolians, whose names and subscriptions were as follows : Robert Bright, £25,900; John Cave, £17,900; Henry Bush, £8,000; C. B. Fripp, £15,500 ; George Jones, £20,000 ; Peter Maze, £23,000; Fred. Ricketts, £10,000; William Tothill, £14,000; John Vining, £11,500; Charles L. Walker, £6,000 ; George Gibbs, £14,000 ; Thomas R. Guppy, £14,900 ; John Harford, £11,900; William S. Jacques, £12,000 ; James Lean, £1,000 ; Nicholas Bush, £11,900. A Bill authoi'ising the construction of two sections of the line — from London (where the station was originally fixed at Vauxhall and afterwards at Brompton) * Some of the members of this committee possessed so remarkable a foresight into the future of railways that it deserves to be noted as unique in that genera- tion. They recommended that a quadruple line of rails be laid down, " two lines for light carriages to convey jjassengers at a rapid j^ace, and two for heavier vehicles carrying goods at a slower rate," the advantage of which arrangement, " as a means of preventing both delays and accidents, is too obvious to be in- sisted upon." — Common Council Minutes, Feb. 1833. 190 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1833. to Reading, and from Bristol to Bath — was laid before Parlia- ment in 1884. Railway projects, however, were exceedingly unpopular amongst tlie aristocracy and landed gentry. Lord Eldon's last speech and vote in the Upper House were against what he called " the dangerous invention of railways," and the old Tory chief found many of kindred views amongst his hearers. The country squire, again, dreaded danger to his game, farmers were afraid that the smoke of the loco- motives would injure the wool of their sheep, and breeders of horses predicted that they would be ruined if coaches and posting carriages were superseded. In addition to the rural clamour against railways generally, the Great Western Bill was resisted by the canal companies and turnpike trusts of the district, and encountered formidable opposition from the authorities of Eton College, who alleged that the line would excite revolutionary ideas in the minds of the schoolboys. After an obstinate struggle of fifty-seven days in committee, the Bill passed the House of Commons by a small majority, but it was rejected in the Lords by 47 votes against 30. Public opinion, however, became rapidly converted to the arguments in favour of the new mode of travelling, and the company's second Bill, authorising the construction of the trunk line and branches to Bradford and Trowbridge, with some modifications to soothe Eton and squirearchal suscepti- bilities, received the royal assent in August, 1835. A com- peting scheme, which proposed a railway from Bath to Basing, was rejected ; and an attempt made in the House of Commons by Mr. (afterwards Sir William) Miles to prevent Great Western trains from running on Sundays was defeated by a large majority. The parliamentary campaign during the two years cost the company c€90,000. The line, as sanc- tioned by the legislature, was to join the London and Bir- mingham railway near Acton, whence the trains were to run to the station of the latter undertaking in Euston Square, London ; but the Great Western board subsequently resolved on having an independent terminus at Paddington, for which powers were obtained in the session of 1837. The land fur the station at Bristol was purchased of the Corporation for £12,000. Operations having been vigorously prosecuted at both ends of the system, tlie section from liondon to MaidiMi- liead was opened in May, 1838, and that from liristol to Jiath on the 3rd July following. Intermediate sections were com- pleted from time to time, and finally, on the 30th January, 1841, the line was o])ened tlirongliout, and the coaches, which had formed so striking a feature both of town and country 1833.] EARLY RAILWAY TRAVELLING. 191 life, disappeared. (In October, 1837, tliere were twenty-two coaches running- daily between Bristol and London, and twenty-seven others passed between this city and I5ath every twenty-four hours.) One coach, however, obstinately held its ground in spite of- the railway, continuing to carry pas- sengers from and to London and Bristol, at the rate of a penny per mile, until October, 1843. Perhaps the wretched accommodation aiforded on the new line to second and third class passengers may have partially accounted for this sus- tained opposition. For several years the only trains carrying third class passengers from Bristol started at four o'clock in the morning and nine o'clock at night, offering the travellers — who were wholly unprotected from the weather — an alter- native of miseries. What is more surprising, the second class carriages, down to May, 1845, were also open to the elements, both as regards roof and sides, and according to a statement in a contemporary newspaper, were " dangerous not only to health but to life." In the year 1844, to the intense wrath of the railway interest, Parliament insisted on covered carriages being provided for third class travellers at the rate of a penny per mile ; but the boards revenged them- selves by inventing a " horse-box " for the obnoxious caste, and by reducing the speed of the cheap trains to twelve miles an hour. The first of these trains on the Great Western line started on the 1st November, 1844, the journey from Bristol to London being timed at nine hours and a half.* A history of the Great Western Railway is not within the province of this work, but a few facts concerning an enter- prise so closely connected with the city may not be out of place. The time has long passed away since there was any difference of opinion as to the deplorable error of the original board in neglecting the sober-minded, practical, and economi- cal engineers of the North, already deservedly famous, and in preferring to them an inexperienced theorist, enamoured of novelty, prone to seek for difficulties rather than to evade them, and utterly indifferent as to the outlay which his reck- lessness entailed upon his employers. The evil consequences of his pet crotchet, the "broad gauge" system, on the com- merce of Bristol will have to be noticed hereafter. For the present it will suffice to show the fallaciousness of Mr. • The commercial classes were so dissatisfied with the charges imposed on the transit of goods that in 1855 a steamer, called the Pioneer, was built for the purpose of trading between London and Bristol. The vessel plied regularly until February, 1865, when it was wrecked off Penzance. The average passage was made in sixty-eight hours, equal to ten miles an hour. 192 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1833. Brunei's estimates. The original sliare capital was fixed by his advice at £2,500,000. Before the line to London was completed, the directors had to ask for votes bringing- up the expenditure to £6,300,000, which did not include an}^ part of the outlay for the permanent station at Paddington. In 1844 this vast sum was increased to £8,160,000, inclusive of loans. As may be suspected from the figures, the directors were even more imprudent than was their subordinate. For several successive years there seemed to be no limit to their aggres- sive designs. In 1845 they obtained Acts for making no less than 574 miles of new railways; and in November, 1847, their notices of intended applications for Acts in the following session are said to have numbered forty-seven. That the war against rival companies — possibly quite as pugnacious — was carried on for many years with unflagging pertinacity is sufiiciently proved by the fact that between 1851 and 1855 alone the board spent an aggregate sum of £188,421 in legal and parliamentary expenses. Nor was this the worst. The lines constructed in the neighbourhood of Oxford, Bir- mingham, Dudley, etc., in rivalry with the North- Western Company, and consequently unprofitable, cost £6,600,000, while the unfruitful Shropshire lines, competing with the same undertaking, required an additional capital of £3,300,000. In the meantime, Bristol proprietors complained that an un- dertaking intended to develop the trade and industry of their own city and district was recklessly squandering its resources in the construction of vast works at Plymouth, Milford Haven, and Birkenhead. The consequences of this policy were such as might have been expected. In its early days the Great Western board was able to declare a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, and the shares, when only £80 were paid up, were quoted in the market at 236. On the other hand, the directors' report for the first six months of 1858 recommended that no dividend should be declared. The subsequent meeting at Bristol (the last held in the city, whose moiety of directors had already vanished) was of a stormy character, the exasperation of the shareholders being in- creased by the fact that during the previous half year, when the dividend was only bs. per share, the board had carried a grant of £5,000 to the secretary, Mr. Saunders, Avho had previously received a similar present, llioiigh liis salary was £2,500 a year. In July, 1862, the accounts showed that the net profits of the previous six months liad been only £092, but a reserve l)rouglit forward ])roduced a dividend of 5.s-. percent. Afi'airs iirqiroved in the following years; but for 1833.] KENEWED COKFLICT AGAINST TOWN-DUES. 103 tlie last half of 186G the dividend was only 10.s\ per cent. The embarrassment, it transpired, arose from a floatinfj debt of about £1,250,000, which the board had allowed to grow np, and upon which the interest fur the first half of the year had averaged £8 76". per cent, per annum. The directors appealed to the Government and to the Bank of England for the loan of a million to clear off pressing obligations, bub the relief was refused. An appeal was then vainly made to the shareholders to take up a six per cent, stock, to prevent the company from being thrown into liquidation ; and as a last resource, the board issued six per cent, bonds for the amount of preferential interest then due. These were offered in the Stock Exchange at the rate of 16*'. in the pound, the shares of the company being quoted for a considerable period at 40, and sometimes lower — a memorable example of the results of reckless management on a substantial and once prosperous concei-n. Happily the lesson was not wasted on the board, and the company have since enjoyed a career of continuous prosperity. As has been already stated, the original capital was under three millions; it is now [1887] upwards of seventy-six millions. The line first sanctioned by Parliament was 114 miles in length; the board have now upwards of 2,350 miles under their control, while the em- ployes, a mere handful at the outset, now number little short of 30,000. The conflict which began in 1823 between the mercantile in- terest of the city and the Corporation, in reference to the heavy charges imposed by the latter on the commerce of the port, has been recorded in a previous page. It will be remembered that after a struggle of two years, the Common Council had to be content with obtaining an Act authorising it to reduce the civic dues, the clause conferring a parliamentary title on those imposts being struck out in the House of Commons at the instance of the Chamber of Commerce. The concessions made under this statute proved insufficient to bring back the trade which had been blindly driven away ; and in the hope of securing a larger measure of relief, Mr. Henry Bush, one of the leaders of local Toryism, supported by many influential firms, refused to pay the town dues, thus challenging the Corporation to prove their legality in a court of law. The case was heard before Lord Chief Justice Tenterden, in the Court of King's Bench, in July, 1828. The judge, who had a superstitious reverence for privilege and prerogative, was alleged by the mercantile party to have acted throughout the hearing rather as a counsel for the Corporation than as 194 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1833. an impartial expounder of tlie law. He summed up, accord- ing to the newspaper reporter, " decidedly in favour" of the plaintiffs; and the jury, submitting to his influence, gave the verdict he desired. But although the Common Council exulted over this affirmation of a dubious title, its members can scarcely have seen without misgivings the gradual and continuous decline of the shipping trade of the port. The value of English goods exported from Bristol, which had been £315,000 in 1822, sank in 1833 to £205,000; the once magnificent fleet of foreign-going ships belonging to the city was reduced in number to about thirty ; whilst the ware- houses, once filled with produce, offered accommodation so much in excess of the demand that their formerly prosperous owners could not realise one per cent, on the capital invested in the buildings. The depression in fact became so severe that it provoked another agitation against the port charges, the Chamber of Commerce again taking the lead by forward- ing memorials to the Corporation and the Dock Company, pressing for a mitigation of the burdens. The dock directoi'S were the first to acknowledge the reasonableness of the com- plaints ; and in July, 1834, reductions were announced in the dock dues on certain classes of goods. The concessions, however, were regarded by the suffering interests as illusory, the commodities relieved producing but a small revenue, while, so far as concerned the chief branches of local commerce, the dock rates still exceeded those of Liverpool to the extent of about 50 per cent, on sugar, 70 per cent, on tobacco, 157 per cent, on wine, 200 per cent, on foreign spirits, and 1,100 per cent, on wool. The dues were still more oppressive as regarded foreign goods imported coast- wise ; for, whilst the Liverpool authorities contented them- selves with half the rates imposed on direct foreign im])orts, the Bristol board imposed the full rates. Accoi-ding to another table published l)y the Chamber of Comnierce, show- ing the comparative charges on all the leading articles of import, the duties at Bristol were 20.s'. as compared with 1 Is. h(l. at Liverpool, 7.s'. 3(/. at Hull, and O.s-. 2d. at (Jlouce.stcr. Tiie JJock Company, nevertheless, refused to grant any further relief, urging in excuse that tlie shareholders were receiving less than 2^ per cent, per annum in dividends, and held a deaf ear to tlie retort tlnit the inadequate profits were the natural fruit of unreasonable exactions. The pressure placed on tiie Corporation had more satisfactory results. One of the last important acts of tlu^ umcformed Common Council was to order a large reduction in ihe town dues, which were wholly 1833.] ROYAL COMMISSION ON CORPORATIONS. 195 abolished as regarded exports. Unhappily the latter con- cession was not made until the export trade of the city had almost disappeared, the civic receipts from this source in the pi-evious year having- been only £4GG. Concurrently with these remissions, the Common Council abolished the tolls on fish, which were obnoxious to fishermen yet practically un- productive. The mayor claimed one hundred oysters from each oyster boat, and six mackerel, a pair of soles, and twelve herrings from each fishing boat. The sherilfs had fifty oysters from each cargo. Nearly the whole of the fish collected were distributed amongst the petty officials of the corporate body. It had been understood throughout the agitation of 1831-2 that one of the first efforts of a reorganised House of Commons would be directed to the reconstitution of the municipal corporations of the country, — most of which, for more than a century, had been the object of widespread complaint — and the establishment of a system of local government based on the opinions and interests of the urban community. With a view to these ends, a royal commission was issued in the summer of 1833, to inquire into the constitution and working of the existing bodies. Twenty gentlemen, for the most part experienced barristers, were chosen for this purpose, and in order to hasten the proceedings, the corporations in England and Wales were divided into nine territorial districts, in which investigations took place simultaneously. The forma- tion of this tribunal excited violent indignation amongst the class who had monopolised authority in many towns. Protests were raised against what was styled " the Radical Inquisi- tion," and the Corporations of Dover, Lichfield, and a few other notoriously misgoverned places, set the commissioners at defiance, denying the legality of their powers, and refus- ing them access to the civic archives. This coui'se was also followed by the Merchant Venturers' Society of this city, and by the Bristol Dock Company. In a great majority of cases, however, the municipal bodies, though exceedingly ii-ritated at being called upon to render an account of their proceed- ings, prudently submitted to the royal request. The com- missioners allotted to this district, Mr. E. J. (lambier and Mr. J. E. Drinkwater, opened their court at Bristol on the 7th October, and continued their sittings until the 2nd November. The complaints of the inhabitants against the Corporation were laid before the commissioners by Messi-s. Visger, Manchee, Thomas, and other prominent members of the Liberal party, while the Common Council was defended 196 THE ANNALS OF BKISTOL. [1833. by the town clerk (Mr. Serjeant Ludlow), Messrs. Brice & Burges, and other officials, who afforded every facility to the visitors during- the progress of the inquiry. The pro- ceedings were miserably reported in the local newspapers, but it appears that the chief grievances adduced against the corporate body were, that it was constituted on the closest principles of self-election, that the members, bound together by an oath of secrecy, claimed to be irresponsible in adminis- tering the large public revenues entrusted to them by the city charters, that they refused to produce accounts, that, as was natural under such circumstances, their transactions had been frequently marked with mismanagement and extrava- gance, and that the declining prosperity of the port was largely due to their neglectful and mischievous conduct as conservators, and to their imposition of taxes on shipping and goods for which they made no beneficial return. Offices in the gift of the Common Council were, it was alleged, often filled by decayed members of the body, or by relations and connections. The legal jurisdiction of the aldermen extended to life and death, but it was shown that, although the residence of those functionaries in the city was compulsory under the charters, only the mayor and one alderman lived in Bristol, while the town clerk, with a salary of £1,000 a year, was a practising barrister in London.* The result of those abuses, it was asserted, had been to excite and per- petuate a general distrust and contempt of the magistracy, and to taint Avith suspicion the administration of justice. With regard to the great charity funds vested in the Cor- poration, it was complained that large sums of money were distributed under the recommendation of the parish church- wardens, themselves chosen by self-elected vestries, and acting at parliamentary elections as canvassers and local managers of the pai'ty to which most of the members of the Common Council were attached. Much dissatisfaction was expressed at the management of the Grammar School and of Queen KHzabeth's Hospital. Finally, it was declared that the establishment maintained by the Corporation, consisting of upwards of forty salaried officers, was not merely ovei-grown and expensive, but ineilicient ; that the civic pomp assumed amidst declining prosperity was idle and iniseemly, and that the confession wrung from the officials of a heavy debt offered convincing evideure of ihe evil system that had ]irevailed. • The coniniiHsioiicrs ilo not scfiii to liiivc hccii nwiuc that yorjeaul Ludlow also held the office of auditor to the Duke of Beaufort. 1833.] ROYAL COMMISSION ON CORPORATIONS. 197 The net result of that system was alleged to he, that the Corporation was generally distrusted and unpopular, the desertion of the authorities by the ratepayers at the time of the riots being adduced as an unmistakable proof of the feeling inspiring all classes. From the report drawn up by the two commissioners, it may be inferred that they regarded this indictment as substantiated. It had been shown, they said, by accounts which the Corporation produced for the first time in the previous year, that the civic expenditure had been for a long period in excess of the receipts, the bonded redeemable debt having increased from £5,140 m 1825, to £54,949 in 1833. That much of the outlay was unnecessary was regarded as proved by the fact that when the Corporation attempted to carry their Police Bill through Parliament in 1832, they promised to effect such retrenchments as would permit them not merely to establish a financial equilibrium, but to grant £1,500 a year towards the maintenance of the police. The commissioners commented severely upon the transaction by which the Corporation, about half a century previously, had handed over the wharfage dues — popularly supposed to produce some £2,000 a year — to the Merchant Venturers' Company, on a lease for 99 years, for the trivial consideration of £10 per annum. The police arrangements of the city were stated to be utterly insufficient even in the central districts, while no protection whatever existed in the southern and eastern suburbs. As to paving and lighting, the Corporation denied that such matters came within their province. In their concluding " general remarks," the two commissioners observed that the Corporation of Bristol offered a very unfavourable specimen of the results of self-election and irresponsibility. Although there had been no improper appropriation of public funds, the Corporation could not be acquitted of mismanagement and profusion. In the face of a sinking and overburdened trade, its large resources had been unprofitably squandered in the maintenance of an over- grown establishment and in the display of state magnificence. Its ruling principle had been the desire of power, and each of its applications to Parliament to extend or prop up its privileges had become a topic of general discontent. So intense a spirit of opposition and distrust had been aroused, that it seemed doubtful whether an act of real liberality on the part of the governing body would not arouse suspicion and reproach. As owners and guardians of the port, the conduct of the Corporation was condemned as indefensible. They had suffered burdensome charges of every description 198 ' THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1833. to be accumulated upon trade, of which they were the last to see the impolicy, and had placed out of their own control — for a nominal consideration — a heavy and oppressive tax, which in its beginning was at least applied to the purposes of the harbour. They had procured a parliamentary title for their lessees, from whom they could demand no account, and had suffered the tax, imposed for public services, to be absorbed in paying the debts, incui"red in other speculations, of those who now claimed to be a private and irresponsible company. " We are informed," added the commissioners, ''that the same political party has not always held the as- cendency in the Council House. We should not seek for a stronger proof that the fault is inherent in the system itself." [For further details the reader is referred to the Appendix to the First Report of the Municipal Corporations' Commis- sioners.] The Kingsweston estate, late the property of Lord de Clifford, deceased, was purchased in Julv, 1833, by Mr. Philip John Miles, of Leigh Court, for- £210,000. Sir B. Southwell, Lord de Clifford's ancestor, bought the estate shortly before the Revolution fi-om its former owners, the Hookes, a family long connected with Bristol. The story to be found in some local histories, to the effect that a Avalled- up room (shut up during the civil wars) was discovered in the mansion durina: the last centurv, containincf records of a barony granted to the Southwell family by Henry III., is therefore untrustworthy. During the summer of 1833 the trustees of the Bristol turnpikes, with a view to improving the chief soutliern entrance to the city, caused a deep cutting to be made at Totterdown, near the junction of the Wells road with tliat from Bath. A very steep hill there, much disliked by stage coachmen, was thus practically removed. A similar improve- ment was effected at the same time near Clifton church, a new road being cut in front of Goldney House. The death was announced, on the 7th September, of Hannah More, who expired at her house in Windsor T(>rrace, aged 88, having outlived not only all the celebrated literary friends of lier youth, but, to a certain extent, her once con- siderable reputation as an author. Her funeral was of a private character, only four mourning coaches and as many j)rivato carriages following the hc>arse to Wrington, where the sisters of the deceased had been already interred. There being no near relatives surviving, Mr. J. S. Harford and Mr. J. Gwatkin acted as chief mourners. Miss More, after 1834.1 THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PRO-CATHEDKAL. 199 -' * making many charitable bequests, left the residue of lu'r estate (about £3,000) to the church of Trinity, St. Pliilip's. Extensive parochial schools in the neicfhbourhood of tlie church were erected by subscription in 1838-9, and dedicated to her memory. The Bristol Medical School began its first session on the 14th October. The institution, first located in King Square, but removed to Old Park in 1834, was founded upon two private schools which had been in existence for some years — one of which has been already noticed in connection with a ghastly story [see p. 100] . In February, 1834, the Common Council appointed the sixth Duke of Beaufort Lord High Steward of Bristol, in the place of Lord Grenville, deceased. His grace held the office for only a brief period, having died in November, 1835. His son, the seventh duke, was shortly afterwards elected to the vacant dignity. Amongst several sales of property effected by the Corpora- tion about this time, the well-known island in the Bristol Channel — the Steep Holmes — was disposed of to Colonel Tynte, of Cefn Mably, Glamorganshire. In the early months of 1834 the Rev. Francis Edgeworth, then officiating at St. Joseph's Chapel, Trenchard Street, the onl}^ Roman Catholic place of worship in the city, resolved upon the erection of a gigantic church in the classical style, to be dedicated to the Holy Apostles. Having purchased a field lying to the east of a large quarry called Honeypen Hill (on which Meridian Place then looked) , the foundation stone of the intended edifice was laid in October, and the mason-work slowly progressed for some years. In the mean- while a small chapel was built within the area, and Mass was performed there in 1842. Unfortunately for the reverend promoter, two or three landslips took place, and his pecuniary difficulties became at last so serious that operations were suspended. Father Edgewoi-th, declared a bankrupt, fled to Belgium (where he died in 1850), and the unfinished building was in June, 1844, advertised for sale by auction. Although saved from this fate by the exertions of the faithful, the fabric long remained in a state of semi-ruin. In 1847, Bishop Ullathorne purchased the land and building from the mortgagees for £2,500; but it was not until 1848, when all hope of completing the church according to the original plan was abandoned, that a portion was fitted up for worship. The opening ceremony, marked with the customary pomp of the Romish Church, took place on the 21st September, the 200 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1834. officiating prelates being Bishops Hendren and Ullatliorne, the existing and previous vicars-general of the western dis- trict. A convent and chapel dedicated to St. Catherine of Sienna, for the use of nuns of the order of St. Dominic, were added in 1849. The church was termed a pro-cathedral after the revival of the English episcopate by Pius IX. in 1850, and shortly afterwards a mansion of mediaeval design was erected near it for the "Bishop of Clifton." Several years later an eastern extension of the church was made in an incongruous Lombardic style. One of the most stately ceremonials that have taken place in the "pro-cathedral" occurred in February, 1855, on the death of the bishop at Plymouth, when a chapter was held, under the presidency of Cardinal AViseman, for the selection of three ecclesiastics worthy of the Pope's consideration in filling the vacancy. During the session of 1834, a measure for the amendment of the poor laws passed both Houses of Parliament, and received the royal assent. At the instance of the Bristol Incorporation of the Poor, that body, and a few others of the same character, were permitted to retain the privileges granted them under their special Acts ; but this exemption, as will be recorded under the year 1857, was subsequently withdrawn. One effect of the Poor Law Reform Act was to constitute the " Clifton Union," including, besides several rural parishes, Clifton itself, the parishes of Westbury and Horfield, the district of St. James and St. Paul, and the out- ])arish of St. Philip*— all forming part of the municipal borough of Bristol. The parish of Bedminster, similarly situated, and several other parishes in vSomerset, formed another new union, called after Bedminster. The title of '' union " given to the confederations was somewhat of a * Each parish, up to this time, had provided relief for the poor in its own way — which was generally a bad one. In 1H2;{ the authoritios of Wintorhourne offered the poor of that parish "to he let by tender" for a year to any person willing to "farm"tlic?m {Brii^tol Journal, K\\<^\Ki 'M^). Tn June, 18;}5, Mr. C. Mott, Assistant Poor Ijaw Coininissioner, visited St. Pliilip's workliouso, in Pennywcll Road, and r(>])ort('<] on it in thrse terms : — " I was iil-i>n>i)ar('d to find in a i)arish witli nearly 17,<'l)() inliuhitants, exixMulin;:; annually iJli.DOO for tlie support of the poor, and inuncdiatcly at was too narrow for the trallic ; and some vfars later, when i\w Council wiKlicd to buy a narrow slip of the land to widen Queen's Iload, the Hifles' Headqmvrters Company, who had become the owners, asked JDCUO for a few H(|uare yards. 1835.] GENERAL ELECTION. IMPORTS OF TEA. 203 Common Council gave an order during the yenr to Mr. Pickersgill, R.A., to paint the portrait of Alderman Daniel, lo commemorate the long connection of that gentleman with civic affairs. Excepting four individuals, the entire hody of aldermen and common councillors owed their position in the municipality to the influence or passive assent of the autocrat of the Corporation ; and seeing that the balance due to their bankers exceeded £10,000, it would have been creditable to the authorities if their manifestation of gratitude had come out of their own pockets. In December, however, the artist re- ceived 150 guineas for his picture, and the alderman was paid his expenses in journeying to London to sit for it — £24 8s. 3(L A general election occurred unexpectedly in January, 1835, owing to the summai-y dismissal of Lord Melbourne's Ministry by William IV. The result in Bristol, as in many other places, indicated a marked reaction in favour of the Tory party — now first called Conservatives. At the formal nomination of candidates, that party, desirous of avoiding a contest, put forward only Sir Eichard R. Vyvyan. But in consequence of the Liberals unexpectedly proposing two gentlemen — Mr. J. E. Baillie and Sir John Cam Hobhouse (son of a candidate of 179G, a Bristolian by birth, and a member of the two previous Ministries), Mr. P. J. Miles was brought forward as a second "blue'' candidate, with- out being formally nominated before the sheriff. Both the Conservative nominees were triumphantly returned, the numbers being : Mr. Miles, 3,709 ; Sir R. R. Vyvvan, 3,312 ; Mr. Baillie, 2,520; Sir J. C. Hobhouse, 1,808. 'Two Tory candidates had not been elected simultaneously since 1780, In April, 1835, the monopoly of the China trade, previously held by the East India Company, having been abolished by Parliament, a cargo of tea was brought into Bristol direct from Canton. An attempt was afterwards made to establish a Bristol Tea Company, with a capital of half a million, for the purpose of carrying on an extensive trade with the Celestial Empire ; but the project met with slender encourage- ment from local tea merchants, and was dropped. A few more cargoes were afterwards imported by the same firm — Messrs. Acraman, Bush, Castle & Co. — who built extensive warehouses in Prince's Street especially for this trade. Subsequently a London merchant named Robertson con- tinued for some time to import tea by way of Bristol. Grocers, however, preferred to follow the old ruts of the trade, and Mr. Robertson's enterprise proving unprofitable, it was discontinued in 1843. 204 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1835. A cliarg-e of murder, wlaicli had caused intense excitement in the city, was opened at the assizes on the 10th April, 18:35, and occupied the court two days. The case was tried before Sir Charles Wetherell, recorder, who had not held an assize since the riots in 1831. It appeared that on the 23rd Octo- ber, 1833, an elderly woman named Clara Ann Smith, who had lodged for some time with one Mary Ann Burdock, the occupier of a lodging-house in College Street, suddenly died. The relatives of the deceased, having had no tidings from her for upwards of a year, at last made inquiries, and finding that Mrs. Burdock would not give a satisfactory account of her death, or of the considerable property which she was known to have possessed, application was made to the police, and the body was disinterred fourteen months after the burial. Identification was difficult after such a lapse of time, but two fellow lodgers of the deceased swore to certain marks on the stockings, and the undertaker proved that he had supplied the coffin. The stomach was thereupon handed to Mr. Herapath, who discovered that it contained arsenic, and three medical witnesses testified that the quantity of poison detected was sufficient to cause death. The purchase of arsenic by a person in Burdock's house also came to light, as well as the fact that Mrs. Burdock had alone administered food to the deceased, and had cautioned a servant not to eat of what remained after each meal. It further transpired that the murdered woman had received £800 shortly before her demise, and that Burdock became suddenly rich after that event. Other circumstantial evidence pressing against the woman was adduced, and, the jury having found her guilty, she was sentenced to be hanged. Her subsequent indiffer- ence to her fate was another strange feature in the case. She ordered her brother not to spend more than €2 upon her coffin, which she desired to have by her bedside on the night before her execution, and she gave especial directions to be provided with a " warm, comfortable shroud." The wretched woman was hanged at the gaol on tlio 15th April, in the presence, it was computed, of 50,000 spectators. St. Mattliew's Church, Kingsdown, which had just been finished at a cost of about £7,900, including a sum set apart for the endowment, was consecrated by J)r. Ryder, Bishop of [jicliHeld, on the 23rd April. A peal of eight bells, the gift of Mr. John Hangley, a liberal contri])utor to the church, was sub- sequently placed in the tower. In July, 1882, Mr. George Gay, buihler, presentcMl the parish with a handsome vilhi and garden in Cotham Park, for the use of the vicar and his successors. 1835.] BRIDEWELL REBUILT. THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. 205 Brunswick Square Chapel, built at a cost of £5,000 by some seceders from the congregation of Castle Green Chapel, was opened in May, when a sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Eaffles, of Liverpool. The first mari-iage celebrated in a dissenting place of worship in Bristol took place in this build- ing shortly after the passing of the Marriage Act of 1837. The Corporation cash-book contains the following item dated the 14th May : " Paid John Willis for various em- bazonments (.sic) to embellish the Mayors' Kalendar, £23 15s." The payment can refer only to the coats of arms which have been placed against the names of many of the mayors and sheriffs of later times — often, it may be suspected, at the fantasy of the illuminator. The new Bridewell, entirely rebuilt after the deplorable events of 1831, was finished in July, 1835, at a cost of £7,800. The new prison was constructed entirely on the northern side of Bridewell Lane. The ground on the opposite side, — on which the old Bridewell chiefly stood, — was a few years later made available for a central police station. In 1842 it was reported that the prison was deficient in accom- modation, there being 100 prisoners confined in it, whilst the cells were constructed to contain only 50. The Council sub- sequently resolved to enlarge the building, and appropriated some adjacent void ground for the purpose. The alterations cost the city upwai'ds of £4,000, The abolition of the prison will be recorded under a later date. After having been for some time contemplated by a -few public-spirited citizens, the Bristol and Clifton Zoological Gardens Society was definitely established in July, 1835, the capital being in the first instance fixed at £7,500 in £25 shares. It was originally proposed to lay out a garden at Pyle Hill, Bedminster, where a plot of ten acres was actually purchased, and planting commenced. A change of plans, however, took place, and the present site — about twelve acres — having been purchased of Mr. F. Adams for £3,456, about £5,300 more were spent in laying out the ground and erecting the necessary buildings. The gardens were opened to the public on the 11th July, 1836. According to the original proposal, annual subscribers were admitted into the grounds on Sundays, in common with the proprietors. A section of the latter, a few years later, endeavoured to close the gardens entirely on that day, but met with a decisive defeat. On directing their attack against those who had no votes, however, they were quite successful, a resolu- tion depriving the subscribers of their former privilege being 206 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1835. adopted in April, 1841. Forty-five years later, in April, 1886, the society returned to its original policy, a vote to admit subscribers on Sundays being carried with only one dissentient voice. During this year a monument to the memory of Dr. Gray, Bishop of Bristol, who died on the 28th September, 1834, was erected in the cathedral at a cost of £260. The last of the few public improvements effected by the old Corporation, whose extinction is about to be recorded, were made in the autumn of 1835. Maudlin Lane was widened, by pulling down some old houses and removing the small inclosures which stood in front of others. A more important work was eiiected in Bridewell Lane, by opening through it a street from Nelson Street to the Horse Fair, covering over part of the Froom, and pulling down some old dwellings which contracted the thoroughfare. The total cost was about £3,000. The dean and chapter about the same time improved the appearance of the cathedral by removing some ugly houses adjoining the west end of the building, and demolishing others built upon the cloisters. In November, 1835, Lord John Russell, then Home Secre- tary and leader of the House of Commons, having won extensive popularity from the manner in which he had con- ducted the Reform Bill and other important measures through the Lower House, was entertained to dinner at the Gloucester Hotel, Clifton, by his admirers- in this district. The.occasion was seized to present his lordship with a hand- some piece of plate, purchased by a sixpenny subscription, commemorative of his services to the cause of civil and religious liberty. An amusing illustration of the political acrimony of the time was furnished by a local newspaper, which recorded that the parochial authorities, " to their honour," refused to allow the church bells to be rung on the Jlome Secretary's visit to the city. The report of the Municipal Corporations' Commission, occupying five bulky folio volumes, was laid before Tarlia- ment in the spring of 1835. Even before the production of the entire work, the irresistible proofs of corruption, extra- vagance, and inefficiency that had become public in the course of the inquiry had extorted an avowal from Sir Robert Peel, then Prime Minister and leader of the Tory ])arty, that it would be impossible to resist a tliorough reform of abuses, and the concession of popular election and control in muni- cipal affairs. A change of Ministry having taken place soon afterwards, tlic (juestion returned to its original hands, and 1835.] MUNICirAL CORPORATIONS REFORM ACT. 207 early in June Lord John Russell, in producing a Bill, described to the House of Commons the plan of municipal government which the Cabinet intended to provide. So great was the effect produced by the commissioners' report, that the measure was read a second time without opposition ; nor was any resistance offered to the principle of the Bill when it underwent examination in committee. A few of the old cor- porations, however, amongst which those of Bristol and Liverpool were especially conspicuous, continued to maiutaiu that a scheme which would deprive them of the enjoyment of property and privileges derived from royal charters was both oppressive and vmconstitutional ; and when the Bill reached the House of Lords they petitioned to be heard against it by counsel. The Ministry, opposed by an overwhelming majority of peers, were forced to give way, and in July and August Sir Charles Wetherell, recorder of Bristol, supported by other counsel,* protested against what he termed the tyrannical annihilation of ancient rights, and poured a flood of insult- ing invective on the commissioners, the Government, and the House of Commons. The Opposition peers next moved that Sir Charles should be permitted to call evidence on behalf of his clients, it being hoped that at so late a period of the session (August 3rd) the Ministry would abandon the Bill, rather than continue the sittings. The point having been carried, Mr. Daniel Burges, one of the solicitors for the Cor- poration of Bristol, Alderman Fripp, an ex-mayor of the city, and officials representing about thirty other close bodies, were examined, but with little other result than to show that they approved of the existing system, and that the proposed reforms were in their opinion unadvisable. The noble oppo- nents of the Government appear to have been disappointed at the emptiness of this testimony, for only the Duke of New- castle and one or two other uncompromising enemies of change advised the Tory majority to reject what they termed an " atrocious and revolutionary Bill." But though this counsel was ignored, many of the clauses were, to use Lord Brougham's expression, " butchered " by the Conservative peers, with the avowed purpose of checking the control intended to be conferred on the ratepayers. The most unpopular of those " amendments " was that reviving the body of aldermen, who were to be chosen, as far as practicable, from the existing aldermen, and to be elected for life. Other * The expenses were divided amongst the petitioning Corporations. The share paid by Bristol was £210 IBs. 'dd. 208 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1835. alterations, strongly opposed by the Government, were the introduction of property qualifications for councillors, and the rejection of the clauses conferring- power on councils to nominate magistrates and to grant public-house licences. The Ministry were for a time undetermined whether to proceed with or to drop the Bill in what they regarded as a mutilated form ; but the House of Commons was ultimately invited to sanction most of the changes. The aldermanic tenure was however reduced to six years, and the provision in favour of the old dignitaries was rejected. The House of Lords having assented to the modification, the Bill received the royal assent in September. The passing of the Act, which excited gi-eat interest amongst all classes in the city, revolutionized the existing system, and involved a number of initiatory steps prior to the establishment of the new order of things. In the old Corporation, vacancies in the Co-umon Council (of thirty members) were filled by the aldermen and councillors, while on the death of one of the twelve aldermen his successor was appointed by the mayor and aldermen only, the opinions of the citizens counting for nothing in such affairs. Under the new Act the municipal boundaries of the city were made con- terminous with its parliamentary limits by the inclusion within the " citv and countv " of Clifton, the district of St. James and St. Paul, St. Philip's, and the urban portions of Westbury and Bedminster parishes, thus increasing the area from 755 to 4,879 acres. The rated male inhabitants, or rather such as had been rated for three years, were required to elect a body of forty-eight councillors. Those councillors were then to appoint sixteen aldermen — chosen either from amongst themselves or from qualified ratepayers — and the aggregate body of sixty-four, entitled the Council, was charged with the responsible administration of municipal business and of the corporate revenues. Under the old system the aldermen and common councillors were elected for life. The new aldermen were to sit for six yeai's, and the councillors for three years, but were eligible for re-election; and in order that the council might keej) touch witli public opinion, it was arranged that one third of the councillors should retire every year on the 1st Novembei-, and one half of the aldermen every three years on the 5)th Novem- ber — the day fixed for the election of the mayor. Under the ancient charters, the Corporation could s]icnd its revenues at the caprice of the majority, and contract debts at its discretion. The new Act contained stringent provisions 1835.] CORPORATION REFORM, THE BURGESS ROLL. 209 ■.against financial abuses, and the Council was unable to borrow money except with the consent of the Treasury, and for pur- poses manifestly beneficial to the community. Finally, the jurisdiction of the old sheriffs was preserved, but the Bristol custom of appointing two such ofiicers, in puerile imitation of London, was abolished. As the reformed system did not come into operation until the end of the year, the old Cor- poration had in the first place to appoint a mayor and two sheriffs for the three months which intervened between tha retirement of the existing officials at Michaelmas and the creation of the Council. This was easily arranged, however, by the re-appointment of the gentlemen then in office.* Another indispensable work was the preparation of the *' Burgess Roll " — a register of the qualified rated inhabitants — a task for which there was but scanty time, owing to the late date at which the Act passed. Equally urgent was the division of the borough into wards, which was to be effected by barristers nominated by the Government for the purpose. These functionaries did not reach Bristol until the 28th October, The importance of the work confided to them does not appear to have been generally appreciated, and their proceedings were almost ignored by the inefficient newspaper reporters of the age. It was not, indeed, until the wards had been created that the supporters of the new system opened their eyes to the fact that the interests of the ratepayers had been deeply compromised by the arrangements effected. The following Avere the divisions as settled by the legal visitors. Bristol (or Central) Clifton . . Eedcliff . . St. Augustine's. Bedminster . District . . St. James's . St. Michael's St. Paul's St. Philip's. Burgesses. Rated value. Councillors. 870 £41,446 9 494 25,348 9 517 27,508 6 335 20,157 6 177 8,500 3 314 18,285 3 413 14,976 3 305 7,926 3 ^ 336 15,614 3 432 15,310 3 * The last meeting of the old Common Council took place on the 9th De- cember. It would have been interesting to possess some description of the expiring throes of the old reciime, but the mystery which shrouded its career was maintained to the last. Curiously enough, even the ofHcial minutes are defec- tive. A resolution was passed to grant the sheriffs an extra allowance for their additional period of service, but the amount to be paid them was never filled in ; and the mayor, forgetful of invariable custom, neglected to sign the record. 210 THE ANXALS OF BRISTOL. [1835. The net result was tliat tlie first four of the above wards, with just over 2^200 burgesses, had thirty representatives, whilst the rest of the city, with nearly 2,000 ratepayers, was allotted only eighteen. The distribution was the more extra- ordinary inasmuch as it was a flagrant deviation from the arrangement proposed by the Royal Commissioners on Cor- porations, Avho in their report on Bristol (page 39) had advised the formation of sixteen wards, with three council- lors each, by which St Philip's, Bedminster, and the District would each have had six representatives. The Liberal news- papers — when it was too late — commented warmly on the dis- proportionate number of councillors awarded to the parishes where the Tory party was known to be most influential. The critics admitted that the division did not seem so unjust when the rateable value of the respective wards was taken into account ; but on the other hand, it was pointed out that while three out of the four favoured wards were practically built over, the suburlian districts were certain to rapidly in- crease, both in population and rateable value. Application was eventually made to the Government, which admitted the unfairness of the distribution, and promised redress by legis- lation, but never carried out its pledge. It will afterwards be seen how excessive the disproportion became before a remedy was applied. The preparations for the elections having been completed, the field became open for candidates, of whom a great number made their appearance, including many members of the old Corporation. Eventually ninety went to the poll, nearly every seat being contended for by representatives of both political parties. The elections took place on the 26th December, and two days afterwards the results were declared by the mayor (Mr. Charles Payne), whose functions thereupon terminated. The following sum- mary gives the results in eacli.ward, the names of meml)ers of the old Common Council being distinguished by an asterisk. Further evidence of the unequal distribution of representa- tives is afforded by the number of voters which is appended to the name of each ward. Ukuminstku (177 voters).— Robert Phippiu iC), !'3 ; John Drake (L.), <)2 ; Samuel Brown (L.), Ti). Defeated : Henry Glascodine (C), 58; James liartlett (C), 5(1 ; .James Powell (L.), Kl, Ckntiiai. (H70 voters). — James Wood (L.), 388 ; William Edward Acramau (C). a7'.l ; Thoma« Stock (L.j, :<77 : Fred. Uicketts (L). 3()(); Peter Maze (C), 366; Charles B. Fripp (L.), 314; Henrv Bush (C), 335 ; James liean* (U.), 32'2 ; John KavaKC* (C), 315. Defe.ited : Kicii. Bligh (L.), 314 ; Tliomas Carlisle (L.). 307; William Terrell (L.), 30'2 ; (icori?e W. Franklyn (C ), 2;»1 ; Samuel Waring (L.), 2H'.) ; Samuel Morgan (iT."), 272; William Watson* (C), 2G8 William riummer (C), 240 ; A. J. Drewc (C), 238. ""■ 1836.] FIRST MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. 211 Clifton (494 voters).— Charles Payne* (C), 274; Gabriel Goldney* (C), 2G8 ; James N. Fninklyn'* (C), 258 ; Joseph Cookson (C.J. 288 ; Abruhaiu Ililliouse* (C), 223; William S. Jaqaes (L.), 204 ; Robert E. Case (C), 204; James Ford (C), 204 ; Michael H. Castle* (L.), 198. Defeated : John Warue (L ), 19(5 ; Joseph Lax* (C), 184; John Vining (C), 184; James Johnson (L.), 177; L. McBayne (L.), IGo. District (314 voters). — James E. Lunell* (L.), 221; Thomas R. Sanders (L.), 181; Richard Ash (L.), 127. Defeated: Robert H. Webb (C), 124; George Shapland (C), 119. Redclikf (517 voters). — Christopher George* (L.),230; Henry Ricketts* (L.), 236 ; Richard P. King (G ), 228; George Thomas (L.), 228; Wilham O. Gwyer (C), 222 ; George E. Sanders (L.), 222. Defeated : John Hare, jun. (L.), 213 ; William Fripp* (C), 209; William Tothill (L.), 200; Robert Fiske (L.), 182; T^icholas Roch* (C), 175; Henry R. Llewellyn (L.), 160. St. Augustine's (235 voters). — Thomas Daniel* (C), 152; Charles Hare (C), 149 ; Richard Smith (C), 147 ; James E. Nash (C), 145 ; P. M^ize, jun.,* (C), 134; Thomas Powell (C), 124. Defeated: Charles Pinney*f(C.), 90; John Manningford (L.), 72; James Reynolds (L.), 69; Richard Ricketts (L.), 68; Joseph F. Alexander (L ), 08 ; James Jenkins (L.), 54. St. James's (413 voters). — James Cunningham (L.) 224 ; Samuel S. Wayte (L.), 214 ; John W. Hall (L.), 208. Defeated : Thomas Meulove (C), 118 ; James Moore (C), 111 ; M. H. Castle* (L.), 54. St. Michael's (305 voters).— John Howell (C), 208; James' George* (C.) 156 ; Charles L. Walker* (C), 136. Defeated : John Mills (L.), 115 ; John Irving (L), 87. St. Paul's (336 voters). — Nehemiah Moore (L.), 170 ; Thomas R. Guppy (L.) 164 ; William Harwood (L.), 137. Defeated : Robert T. Lilly (C), 129 ; Thomas H. Riddle (C), 106 ; EdwardJIarley (C), 105. St. Philip's (432 voters).— Thomas Harris (L.), 302; William Herapath, (L.), 242 ; Edward B. Fripp (L.), 236. Defeated : Samuel G. Flook (Cj, 107 ; John Wmwood (C), 92. The net result of tlie struggle being tlie return of twenty- four Tories and the same number of Liberals, extreme interest turned upon the election of aldermen, which was fixed for the 1st January, 1836, On this occasion, Mr. Thomas Daniel, senior ex-alderman, was voted into the chair, as a compli- ment due to his long connection with civic affairs ; after which Mr. Stock, one of the leading Liberals, appealed to gentle- men of both political parties to discard party feelings, and to concur in the nomination of a moiety of the aldermanic body from each side. His proposal, however, met with no response from the Conservative ranks. Much discussion followed as to the best mode of procedure, tlie Tories being desirous of proposing sixteen candidates in a batch, while their opponents urged that a member should be nominated alternately by each party. A division took place on this point, but as the numbers were equal, and the chairman had no casting vote, the Council were unable to make any pro- gress. It being at length determined to resort to alternate nominations, Mr. Wm. Fripp was j)roposed by the Tories, 212 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL, [1836. Mr. Charles Pimiey by tlie Liberals^ Mr. T. H. Riddle by the Tories, and Mr. Ricliard Ricketts by the Liberals ; and in each case the election was unanimous. The third Con- servative candidate was Mr. Wm. Bushel], who was also chosen without opposition. But the nomination of the third Liberal, Mr. Wm. Tothill, one of the most respected members of the party, brought about a defection which had been partially anticipated from the outset. Mr. Christopher George, a member of the old Corporation, had won some popularity three or four years before by his ardent advocacy of Reform principles. But, as frequently occurred amongst old-fashioned Whigs about that period, Mr. George's admiration of political improvements came to an end when the}'' threatened to af- fect his own interests and position. The abolition of rotten boroughs was all well enough, but the purification of effete corporations, of one of which he was a member, was not to his taste. His election into the Council gave him an oppor- tunity of revenging himself upon the party to which he had hitherto professed attachment, and the time had arrived for the blow that had been secretly concerted with his new allies.^ A division was called for by the Tories, and as Mr. George voted with them, Mr. Tothill was rejected by 25 votes against 23. Mr. Wm. Watson was next nominated by the Conservatives, and elected; but when the Liberals pro- posed Mr. J. Rejaiolds, son of the distinguished philanthropist, he was also rejected by the vote of Mr. George. Mr. John K. Haberfield (Tory) owed his election to the same gentleman. Mr. J. Maningford (Liberal) and Mr. J. Gibbs (Tory) were also successful. Another desertion then took place from the Liberals, Mr. Henry Ricketts, the last gentleman admitted into the old Corporation, following Mr. George's exam])le and voting against Mr. R. Castle. After this change of sides, only one gentleman on the Liberal list was elected — Mr. Thomas Stock. The remaining Conservative nouiinees ap- pointed were Messrs. N. Roch, Edward Harley, George W. Franklyn, J. Winwood, Wm. K. Wait, and John Vining. As Afr. I*inney, though ]iroposed by the Liberals, immediately joined the Tory cainp, the issue of the election was the return of 13 Conservatives and 3 Liberals, giving the former an overwhelming preponderance in the Council. t On llie fol- * Mr. Oeorpe Tvas a brotlirr-in-law of AMorman Fripp, who had hocomo a convert to Toryism a few yoar.s curlier, ami luul now bceu selected by his party for the mayoralty. t Olio of the Liberal aldermen died; the other two were refused re-election in 1838. According to an interesting scries of papers by the Rev. A. B. Beaven, 1836.] ELECTION OF MAYOR. SERJEANT LUDLOW. 213 lowing day, January 2, the jubilant victors carried the election of ex-Alderman Daniel as mayor, 38 votes being recorded for him against 22 given for Mr. Stock. Immedi- ately afterwards, Mr. D. Cave (Toi-y) was elected sheriff by 35 votes against 25, the latter representing the supporters of Mr. G. Bengough (Liberal). [Mr. Daniel refusing — as was anticipated — to accept the chief magistracy on account of his advanced age, Mr. William Fripp, another alderman of the old regime, was shortly afterwards appointed in his place. Mr. Fripp's qualification being contested, an application was made to the Court of King's Bench in the following month for a writ of quo warranto; but for some reason the judges did not grant the document until November, when the new mayor's term had expired.] Finally, Mr. Serjeant Ludlow was re-appointed town-clerk ; but upon being called in and informed of his election, he stated that for the present he should neither decline nor accept an office which, as defined under the Act, was entirely different from that which he held under the old Corporation, and he must be allowed time for reflection. The learned gentleman continued to maintain this attitude for some weeks. The explanation of his conduct was obvious. For a great number of years Serjeant Ludlow had converted his office into a practical sinecure, his only service consisting in his direction of the aldermanic justices at the quarter sessions. As the recorder would thenceforth be required to fulfil the duties of judge, Mr. Ludlow's object was to induce the Council to dismiss him, when he would be entitled to compensation under the Act. According to a letter he addressed to the Council, his average income from the town-clerkship had been £913 per annum, and he claimed a lump sum of £5,336. In the course of the controversy, Mr. Ludlow, whose hastiness and impatience were as marked as his legal abilities, took offence at some strictures passed upon him by the ex-mayor, Mr. C. Payne, and made the customary preparations for an ''affair of honour;" but the explanations that were tendered were accepted as satisfactory. Eventually the town-clerkship was declared vacant, owing to Mr. Ludlow's refusal to fulfil the duties, and the Council consented to pay him a life annuity of £533 yearly, which he published in the Times and Mirror in 1880, the three places were filled by Conservatives, and of the 52 gentlemen elected to fill vacancies between 1838 and 1880 there were only 4 Liberals — appointed at distant intervals — against 48 Tories. Of the 68 aldermen appointed up to the same date, Mr. Beaven's statistics show that 27 had been rejected by the ratepayers when they oli'ered themselves for the office of councillor. 214 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1836. enjoyed until his death in March, 1851. [During his later career he was one of the commissioners in bankruptcy for the city, and chairman of quarter sessions for Gloucester- shire.] The Council lost no time in facing the formidable labours which lay before it. Committees were appointed to inquire into the financial position of the Corporation, into the duties and emoluments of the ofiicial staif, and into the measures to be taken for the establishment of a police force ; and those subjects each underwent lengthy discussion in the chamber. With respect to salaries, it was resolved to reduce the amount paid to the mayor from £1,60-1 to £700,* the Council also providing him with a carriage. The two sheriffs had pre- viously received £400 a year each ; there was now to be only one sheriff, without a salary. The recorder had received £105 for each assize, and a hogshead of wine ; but as he was thenceforth to preside at quarter sessions, the salary was in- creased to £500, and £200 more were added on his becoming judge of the Tolzey Court. The chamberlain and deputy chamberlain had enjoyed incomes of £1,200 and £500 re- spectively ; these were reduced to £700 and £350, and the title of treasurer was adopted for that of chamberlain. Mr. Daniel Burges was appointed town-clerk in the place of Mr. LudloWjt and Messrs. Brice & Barges Avere selected as city solicitors, the salaries for these offices being fixed at £2,150, which was to include the cost of providing clerks, etc., while Messrs. Brice & Burges surrendered the fees and other emoluments attached to their functions. This arrangement, it was stated, would be productive of a con- siderable saving-. Economies were effected in other depart- ments. The Mansion House was given up, and many of the useless officials maintained for purposes of *' state," including four mayor's Serjeants, four sheriffs' serjoants, four sheriffs' • The salary was reduced to £460 in the autumn of 1837, when the Council was in financial straits, but it was apain raised to .£700 in Novenihcr, 184.'i. t Mr. Uurf,'CH (tlie son of a Rfiitlcrnan of tlio same naiue who liad hold the fifTice of city solicitor for some years when ho died in ITIU) held the a])i)oin(nient of mayor's ricik, and in conjunction with Mr. Urico tliat of city solicilor, from IHli) until the end of tlio old Corjioration. Ilis lonj^ experience in civic affairs was of f(ieat value to tlm new body ; and it was largely througli his tact and ability that the antaKonistic parties in the Council were brought into harmonious action. Upon his retirement, in ISl'i — when he was succeeded by his son, Daniel Purges, jiin. — he received many marks of respect both from members of the Corporation and his fellow citi/ens; and a costly and beinitiful jiiece of plate was presenteil to liini in recognition "of his personal worth and jinbjic service during a long and honourable life." Mr. I'urges di(r])lianage large enough to accommodate 300 children. The announcement appears to have alarmed his usual supporters, for scarcely any donations were offered for some tinu'. At length, how- ever, two gifts of £1,000 each came in, and Mr. Miiller entered into a contract for the purchase of seven acres of ground at Ashley ITill, the ownci- of which accepted £120 an 1836.] THE ASHLEY DOWN ORPHANAGES. 225 ■acre out of sympathy with the object. No further pecuniary difficulty was encountered; and in June 1849, Avhen the building was finished at a cost of £14,500, the whole of which, with £500 to boot, had been provided, the children were removed and the houses in Wilson Street abandoned. The housekeeping expenses of the new institution, when it became fully occupied, wei^e £70 per week; and many people condemned the founder for what they termed his rashness and presumption in trusting upon casual gifts for the main- tenance of so great an undertaking. In point of fact, the enlarged hospital was scarcely ever threatened with the embarrassments that hung so long over the Wilson Street establishments; and within eighteen months from its opening Mr. Miiller determined on the ei^ection of a second and much more spacious building, capable of accommodating seven hundred additional orphans. The estimated cost was about £35,000. Subsequently the plan was extended, and it was determined to erect two new orphanages, one for 400 infants and girls, and the other for 450 girls. The former was begun in 1855, and opened in 1857 ; the other was finished in 1862. Enormous as had become the responsibilities and expenditure of the institution, Mr. Miiller felt an inward conviction that his work was not accomplished; and he next declared his intention to construct two additional houses, to accommodate 900 children, about equally divided between the sexes, and raising the total number of orphans to 2,050. One of these was finished in 1868, and the other in 1870. [Those who are unacquainted with the institution may form an idea of its extent from the following figures, published in 1868, giving the quantity of materials consumed in the con- struction of the last two orphanages only : — building stone, 36,000 tons; freestone, 15,000 tons; lime and ashes, 14,000 tons ; timber, 10,000 tons ; deal boarding, 2 acres ; paving, 1^ acre; plastering, 10 acres; slating, 2 acres; painting, 4^ acres; glazing, ^ acre; rainwater pipes. If mile; drain pipes 3 miles.] The total expenditure for buildings had then been raised to about £115,000. The annual cost of the establishment has since been nearly £25,000. The sole con- ditions of admittance, which have never varied from the outset, are that a child be a legitimate orphan, destitute, and deprived of both parents by death. According to the yearly report published in August, 1886, the amount forwarded to Mr. Miiller for the various objects of his Scriptural Know- ledge Institution then exceeded £1,086,000, of which about £700jOOO were for the orphanages. No debt was ever 226 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1836. incurred on behalf of tlie charity, which is still, as when its benevolent head began the work, entirely dependent on the liberality of the Christian world. The number of children confided to*^ Mr. Miiller had reached 7,294 in May, 1886. The contributors are of all classes. Sometimes a poor person sends a few pence ; rich sympathisers occasionally forward from £1,000 to £5,000, and as much as £11,000 have been presented at once. Ostentation, moreover, cannot influence the givers, for their names never appear in print. Mr. Miiller relinquished his personal superintendence of the orphanages in 1872, when he delegated his labours to his son-in-law, Mr. Wright. / The population of the city at this date was probably ten ^ or twelve times greater than it had been during the middle ages. Nevertheless the extent of the parochial churchyards had remained practically unaltered, the only addition of any importance being the cemetery attached to Trinity Church, St. Philip's ; and as only a few Dissenting bodies had made provision for interments, the urgent need of increased space had long been painfully known to all classes. In May, 1836, the Bristol General Cemetery Company, Avith a capital of £15,000 in £20 shares, was formed for supplying this want. According to statistics published by the promoters, the area of the existing chui'chyards, including the sites of the churches, was only fourteen acres. An Act of Parliament having been obtained in 1837, about twenty-eight acres of ground were purchased at Arno's Vale, a moiety of which was laid out as a cemetery, and a portion was consecrated in October, 1840. The entire cost was £16,387. Owing to a clause inserted in the Company's Act through the interference of Bishop Monk, a fee of ten shillings was reserved to the clergy of the city on each body interred in the consecrated portion of the ground. As this cost doubled the charge on every simple interment, its effect was almost prohibitive. The num])er of burials in 1842 was only twenty-five, and the average for the first seven years was under 100. Tlie closing of the city churchyards under the Health of Towns Act, however, wrought a cnmploto cliango in the ])osition of the company, lu 1860 the remainijig half of the land was in- cluded in the cemetery, and as this was rapidly appropriated, an Act for olitaining additional ground was obtained in 1880. 'i'lio reorganisation of the Established Cluircli, with a view to the better apj)licatiou of its revenues to the altered conditions of society, was another of the great questions which were pressed upon the reformed llouso of Commons 183G.] THE BISHOPRIC OF BRISTOL. 227 by the constituencies. Amongst the defects most urgently demanding amendment were the anomalous incomes and posi- tion of the English sees. The Bishop of Durham, with the supervision of two thinly populated counties, had an income of about £21,000 a year, besides extensive and valuable patronage. The bishopric of London was worth £15,000, and the bishopric of Ely £11,000 a year, to say nothing of the opportunities they afforded to their occupants of enriching relatives and friends. On the other hand, the sees of Bristol, Carlisle, and Gloucester were endowed with only about £2,200 apiece, while the Bishop of Rochester had only £1,500, and the Bishop of Llandaff barely £900. The diocese of York, again, contained a population of nearly a million and a half, and that of Chester nearly two millions ; while Ely, with its excessive wealth, embraced only 126,000 souls, and several others had less than 200,000. In March, 183G, the Ecclesias- tical Commissioners, to whom those gigantic anomalies had been referred with a view to legislation, recommended, amongst other matters, a rearrangement of dioceses and the creation of two new bishoprics — Manchester and Ripon — for the supervision of the swarming population of Lancashire and Yorkshire. It was, however, one of the cherished theories of the Churchmen of that age that every bishop must be a member of the House of Peers ; and as the feeling of the popular chamber was known to be decidedly hostile to the increase of the ecclesiastical lords, the Commissioners proposed to avoid the difficulty by suppressing two of the old sees. The diocese of Bristol, it was suggested, might be conveniently amalgamated with that of Llandaff (or, as it was subsequently proposed, with Wells), while Bangor could be united with St. Asaph. A few months later, a further report recommended the blending of the sees of Bristol and Glou- cester, and in despite of several local protests the plan was forthwith sanctioned. A death which unluckily occurred in the episcopal body allowed the Commissioners' scheme to be carried out without delay. Dr. Allen, appointed Bishop of Bristol in 1834, on the death of Dr. Gray, was transferred to the vacant see of Ely, whereupon Dr. Monk, Bishop of Gloucester, added the archdeaconry of Bristol to his former diocese under the direction of an Order in Council of the 17th October, 183G, — the county of Dorset, the remaining part of the diocese of Bristol, being added to Salisbury. [About the same time the prebendaries of Bristol — thenceforth styled canons — were ordered to be reduced from six to four, but the existing functionaries retained their places for life or 228 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1836. until they received promotion.] The episcopal arrangement was loudly condemned by Churchmen in Bristol, and, being regarded as a slur on the dignity of the city, it was far from approved by many Dissenters. To soften the blow, an im- plied promise was made that Bishop Monk and his successors should reside in or near Bristol during a part of each year; and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners took measures for pro- viding the bishop with a second palace for that purpose. Stapleton House, the property of Isaac Elton, Esq., with about sixty acres of adjoining land, was eventually selected as the most convenient and desirable site, and the estate was purchased in April, 1840, for £11,500. Towards the payment of the purchase money the Commissioners had £6,000 paid by the citizens in compensation for the palace burned during the riots, and £1,450 more obtained in 1837 by selling the site and garden of the ruined edifice.* The charge incurred for the new residence might therefore have been inconsiderable. But the Commissioners, whose reckless profusion in reference to episcopal palaces was frequently criticised in the House of Commons, were not content to make the modest alterations suggested by Bishop Monk, the cost of which need not have exceeded £3,000 ; and in spite of his lordship's remonstrances they set about a wholesale recon- struction, designed by their London architect, who rapidly raised the total expenditure on the mansion to £23,908. t To put a climax to their extravagance, it was resolved, on the death of Dr. Monk, to rebuild the palace at Gloucester, on which £14,411 were soon afterwards squandered. The latter transaction was sought to be veiled by a so-called economy, — the abandonment and sale of the palace at Stapleton, in defiance of the promises that had been held out to the citizens of Bristol. After standino- for manv years unoccu- pied, Stapleton House, with the land, was sold in October, 1858, to the trustees of Colston's School for £12,000— almost exactly half its cost. The steps recently taken for the restoration of the bishopric will be recf)rdod hereafter. The sixth annual congress of the British Association was held in Bristol in August, when upwards of 1,100 members took part in the proceedings. The sections into which the • The ConiniissionerB disjilnyod clinrnctoristio Bliortsii^lilcdnosK in disposing of tliis (^'roiind. In August, IHHl, ftpprflifiisive tliiit a noisy or offcnRive factory might be built on tlie jjortion (ilmtting on tlic catluclral, tlu; Coniniissiouers purcliascd of the Cori)oriition (which hud rocr ntly acquired tlie Kite) a strip of l.r.RO square vardR fU-ss than a fourth of the whole) for tlio puni of £1,1(10. t Parlianif-ntary rfturn, IH17 ; Report of Coninions' Committee, 1848. 1836.1 TISIT OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 229 •J Association was divided were accommodated as follows : Mathematics (President, Professor Wliowell), in the Merchants' Hall. Chemistry (Professor Gumming), Grammar School. Geography and Geology (Dr. Buckland), Institution. Zoology (Professor Henslow), and Botany (Dr. Roget), Colston's School. Statistics (Sir Charles Lemon) Cathedral Chapter House. Mechanics (Mr. Davies Gilbert) Merchants' Hall. Amongst the crowd of distinguished men present were the Marquis of Northampton (who presided in the absence of the Marquis of Lansdowne), Lord King, Sir David Bi'ewster, Sir John Rennie, Sir W. Hamilton, and Messrs Faraday, Sedg- wick, Murchison, Wheatstone, De la Beche, Hallani, Cubitt, Lubbock, Fox Talbot, Brunei, and the poets Moore and Bowles. The general committee met in the Chapter House, and reunions took place nightly at the theatre. The meeting was especially interesting to geologists, owing to the extensive cuttings made in the district for the construction of the Great Western railway. Another prominent feature of the proceedings was the laying, by the President, of the founda- tion stone of the south pier of the Suspension Bi'idge. In order that this ceremony might not interfere with the work of the sections, it took place at the unusual hour of seven in the morning. The "wise week" of 1886 is now chiefly memor- able for an unlucky prediction, uttered by Dr. Lardner in the course of a lecture at the Institution on the subject of steam communication with America. The lecturer and his audience were aware that a few enterprising Bristolians were build- ing a steam vessel in the hope of establishing a more rapid system of transit between tlie two continents. The learned doctor, however, contended that such an enterprise was " Quixotic," and produced voluminous calculations to show that " 2,080 miles was the longest run a steamer could encounter; at the end of that distance she would require a relay of coal." At the conclusion of the discourse, Mr. Brunei, the designer of the new ship, briefly observed that the lecturer had founded his conclusions upon the perfor- mances of old vessels ; but the Doctor was not to be shaken from opinions which he had repeatedly afiirmed in his " Encyclopaedia " and elsewhere. In December of the previous year he had lectured on the subject at Liverpool, where he affirmed that the project of direct steam intercourse between that port and New York was '^ perfectly chimerical ; they might as well talk of making a voyage from New York or Liverpool to the moon." Some half dozen years after- wards, Dr. Lardner proceeded to the United States by the 230 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1836. system of navigation lie had deemed practically impossible. He had previously admitted his mistake by urging the estab- lishment of steam communication with India. Amongst the local papers read during the above congress Tvas one on education, by Mr. C. B. Fripp, which records some noteworthy statistics. Mr. Fripp showed, that while the population of the city was over 112,000, of whom 20,000 ought to be attending school, the actual number receiving instruction in Bristol was only about 5,200. In 1882, when the population had not quite doubled, the number of children on the school registers was 30,000, and the average attend- ance 22,170. One of the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act having transferred the judgeship of the court of quarter sessions and of the local courts of record to the Recorder, Sir Charles Wetherell in his new capacity opened the ancient Court of Piepoudre according to ancient forms, in the Old Market, at the time of the September fair. According to immemorial precedent, toast, cheese, and metheglin were provided for the entertainment of the official staff and their friends, beer and cider being also distributed to the common- alty. The scene was, as usual, a disorderly one, a portion of the victuals and hquor being thrown about in a roisterous way amongst the populace. Sir Charles Wetherell, however, maintained his gravest demeanour on the occasion, having previously ordered that all the old customs of the court should be strictly maintained. The summoning of a long roll of people "to come forth and do suit and service" — although they had been dead for centuries — was another farce of this ancient tribunal ; but Sir Charles never relaxed a muscle when, in reply to the clerk, he declined to fine the defaulters for non-attendance, seeing that, as he was informed, they could not be found. The yearly disturbance arising from the feast ultimately led to its sup])ression, and the holding of the court was discontinued after 1870. During the parliamentary contest over the Municipal Corporations liill, it was found impossible to niako arrange- ments for the future administration of the charity estates which the old corpf)rations, in their capacity of trustees, were alleged to liave abused for political pur]X)ses. Towards the end of the conflict between the two Houses, it was accordingly determined to insert a clause in the Act leaving the charities in the hands of their former governors until August, 1836, after which date, if Parliament had not otherwise directed, new trustees were to be appointed by the Lord Chancellor 1836.] APPOINTMENT OF CHARITY TRUSTEES. 231 on petitions from each locality. In tlie session of 1836 a Bill was brought in for the administration of the charities by boards chosen by popular election, but this proposal was not unjustly condemned by the Conservatives as highly objection- able, and it was rejected by the House of Lords. As the Ministry refused to assent to the request of the Tory peers for a further delay of a year, the Lord Chancellor became entitled to exercise his jurisdiction. Some Liberal members of the Bristol Council thereupon petitioned his lordship for the creation of a board of trustees, composed of eighteen members, half of whom, it was suggested, should be Con- servatives. The proposal was approved at a meeting of the Council in September, and the names of nine Tories and nine Liberals were forwarded to the Chancellor. At another meeting, a week later, it Avas reported that the Master in Chancery to whom the case had been referred wished the board to consist of an uneven number of trustees, whereupon the promoters of the trust requested the Conservatives to increase the names on their list from nine to ten, stating that they should themselves select eleven. Most of the Tories who had been nominated were greatly offended at their party being refused predominance in the trust, and requested that their names should be withdrawn. Other members of the majority, still more irritated, flung aside the dictates of prudence, and a resolution was angrily passed, at the instance of Mr. Pinney, by which the Council refused to take any further steps in the formation of a charity board. In consequence of this unfortunate resolution the matter was thrown entirely into the hands of the Liberals, and the desire of the latter party to avenge their treatment at the aldermanic election prompted them to a policy as indefensible as was that of their oppo- nents. Another petition to the Chancellor was forwarded by Mr. R. Ash and Mr. C E. Sanders, and in October, 1836, his lordship confirmed the appointment of the gentlemen they had nominated, namely : Richard Ash, George Bengough, Samuel Brown, Thomas Carlisle, Michael H. Castle, James Cunninp^- ham, Thomas Davies, Robert Fiske, Charles Bowles Fripp, John Kerle Haberfield, William Harwood,_William Herapath, Thomas Powell, George B. Sanders/:;;^lm Savag^ Richard Smith, W. P. Taunton, George ThomasTWilliam l"^hill, Har- man Visger, and James Wood. Only three of those gentle- men — Messrs. Haberfield, Smith, and Savage — were Conser- vatives, against eighteen Liberals, a disproportion obviously inequitable in every point of view. The board lost no time in entering upon its work ; Mr. James Cunningham being 232 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1836. appointed chairman, and Mr. T. J. Mancliee (the compiler of a useful work on Bristol charities) secretary. Inquiries were forthwith set on foot with reference to the estates and accounts of the various charities ; and the results soon threw a singular light on the asserted honest and faithful adminis- tration of the old corporate body. The manipulation of the funds of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital by the Common Council had provoked some strong reflections from the Royal Com- missioners. But those officials, it was now discovered, had been allowed a very imperfect acquaintance with the true facts of the case. In the year 1767 the boys of the hospital, then located in a stately house in Orchard Street, erected at the expense of Colston and other benevolent citizens, were / transferred to inconvenient and unhealthy premises in Christ- \ / mas Street, previously appropriated to the Grammar School. The pretext for this transfer was, that the Orchard Street school would accommodate "twice the number of young gentlemen " who attended in Christmas Street ; but the real motive of the change — as has been already shown at page 46 — was to give a better and more fashionable domicile to the head-master of the Grammar School, who had married the daughter of an influential alderman. Not content with depriving the charity of its " stately house," the Corporation proceeded to acts still more unjustifiable. For some years previous to the above transfer, the Common Council had been spending more than its income, and money had been borrowed from the hospital funds to supply the deficiency ; " seals " (bonds) to the total amount of £4,715 being out- standing in 1771. The Corporation paid no interest on this debt, as it ought to have done. On the contrary, it being convenient to make the most of so productive a milch cow, the boys in the hospital were reduced from forty-eight to forty, in order to liberate a larger portion of the yeai'ly income. Matters proceeded in this way until 1781, when the Corporation was in serious pecuniary embarrnssmont, and owed the hosjiital £2, 100 for interest alone. The difliculty was surmounted l)y the ingenuity of Alderman Harris, at whose instigation the Common Council resolved on a financial masterstroke. When the hospital was established, the Cor- poration, to fnrtlier the designs of its benevolent founder, made certain gifts, amounting to £3,000, towards the work — claiming the praise of Queen Elizabeth for the munificent spirit which had actuated them. Ahlerman Harris's device, — cordially np^iroved by liis colhwgiica — was to treat those gifts as loans, and to charge the hospital compound interest 1836.] THE OLD CORPORATION AND THE CHARITIES. 233 on the so-called debt, at rates varying from ten to five per cent, per annum. The result of this operation was to bring the charity under enormous liabilities; and the corporate body thereupon quashed the " seals " due to the hospital, together with the arrears of interest, and ordered the scholars to be reduced to thirty-six. As all the proceedings of the Corporation were transacted in private and under an oath of secrecy, nothing was publicly known of this financial legerdemain until the Charity Commissioners examined the accounts in 1821. The Corporation then unblushingly asserted that the hospital was indebted to their treasury in the sum of £46,499. Such were the facts which the Charity Trustees had to deal with. It was impossible to restore the ancient schoolhouse to the charity, since an Act of Parliament had been astutely obtained to legalise the transfer ; but the manipulation of the funds admitted of different treatment. A skilful accountant, Mr. Joshua Jones, made a thorough examination of the civic accounts on behalf of the trustees, and he eventually reported, in October, 1837, that, so far from the hospital being hugely indebted to the city, as was still contended at the Council House, the Corporation owed the chai'ity a capital sum of £57,916, which, if simple interest were added at the rates charged by the Common Council on their fictitious claim, would be increased to £240,569. The Council had also engaged an 'accountant, Mr. Fletcher, and that gentleman produced his version of the facts in February, 1839, asserting that £21,000 were due to his clients. This calculation, however, appears to have been universally dis- credited. Various abortive efforts were made to effect a compromise, during which the local newspaper which had at first ridiculed as a " mare's nest" the claim of the trustees, began to violently assail them for endeavouring to " ruin the ratepayers." The trustees having at length commenced proceedings in the Court of Chancery, some influential members of the Council, warned by legal advisers of the hopelessness of the defence, entered into private negotiations with the plaintiffs, who made large concessions, and the matter was finally arranged in January, 1842. The basis of the agreement was that — in this as in other cases — the property belonging to the charity should be surrendered by the Corporation, which should also refund the revenue received subsequent to the Municipal Reform Act coming into operation. As regarded this hospital, the Common Council paid off the old bonds for £4,715 already referred to, with interest from January, 1836, and returned £1,200 re- 234 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1836. ceived from rents ; two crown-rents amounting to £61 3,<;. 5(7. per annum were surrendered; and "Alderman Barker's gift" of £103, witli several years' arrears, was refunded. In all, £7,174, and crown-rents of a capital value of £1,500 were returned to tlie charity. During tlie later days of the management of the old Corporation the number of boys in the school was forty-two. The trustees at once increased the number to 120, and afterwards augmented it to 220. — Another dispute arose betAveen the Council and the trustees with refei'ence to the Bartholomew Lands, which the latter body held to be the property of the Grammar School. It appears from the minutes of the Common Council that on the 15th September, 1814, it was resolved that the rental of an estate at Brislington, part of the Bartholomew Lands, and previously carried into the city chest, should be thenceforth transferred to Foster's Almshouse, to which the property was held to belong. In July, 1827, however, an alderman, emulous of the fame of Mr. Harris, moved for a committee to investigate the title of the entire estate. This body, of whom the alder- man in question was the guiding spirit, having produced a report " after careful investigation," asserting in effect that the Bartholomew Lands vested absolutely in the Corporation, subject to a small payment to the Grammar School, the Council, in December, 1827, again inspired by the alderman aforesaid, declared the resolution of 1814 to be rescinded, and decreed the funds in hand (about £4,000) to be the sole property of the Corporation. It must now be added that the prime mover in this transaction was Mr. Alderman Fi'ipp (jun.), who testified before the House of Lords in 1835 that the Corporation had piously, honoiirably, and discreetly administered the charities which had been confided to its control. The Charity Trustees, in 1837, commenced a legal suit for the recovery of the estate; and after lengthy pro- ceedings in Chancery, that court, in January, 1842, with the consent of the defendants, gave judgment in favour of the trustees. The Council accordingly surrendered the property, and returned about £1,260, being the mesne profits from January, 1836, with interest. — Another and more remai-kable litigation arose out of what was known as "Codrington's gift" to Trinity Hospital. Previous to the year 1572, Francis Cod- rington (sheriff in 1544) bccjueathed £50 to liis friend and follow merchant, ^Villiam Carr, requesting him to invest the money in land, and to apply the profits to maintaining the bedding in Barstaple's (Trinity) Hos]ntal, which then pro- vided entertainment for poor travellers, hi pursuance of 1836.] THE OLD CORPORATION AND THE CHARITIES. 235 this bequest, Carr purcliased nearly 210 acres of land at Portishead for £48, and soon after leased the estate for 1,000 years to the Corporation of Bristol, upon trust that the lessees would devote the entire receipts arising therefrom to the maintenance of the hospital. This trust was fulfilled for some forty years. But about 1616 the Corporation bought a large estate at Portishead on its own account, and thencefor- ward appropriated the rents of the whole property, Codring- ton's gift included. The malfeasance escaped the notice of the Chainty Commissioners in 1820; and it was not until the misappropriation had continued for nearly two centuries and a quarter that the Charity Trustees discovered the facts. The Codrington estate then yielded over £200 a year. Ap- plication for relief was made to the Court of Chancery, which — by consent of the litigants — ordered the property to be transferred to the Charity Trustees, its legal owners ; £708 being refunded in the shape of arrears. In all the above cases, the vast misappropriations of the old Corporation, which certainly exceeded a quarter of a million sterling, including interest, were condoned in the interest of the rate- payers, who had possessed no control over the Common Council, and who reasonably protested against being victim- ised for its misdeeds. Still another case remains to be noticed. In 1553 Dr. George Owen granted certain lands in Redcliff and other parts of the city to the Corporation, in order to increase the number of inmates in Foster's Alms- house by ten poor men, the cost being estimated by the donor at £15 3.oint nine now members, all the persons suggested to him being Conservatives. The Liberal majority of the trustees — to prove, perhaps, that wrongheadedness was not peculiar to any political party — ap])lied to be re- cruited l)y gentlemen from their own camp. In the following year. Lord St. Leonards, implying a rebuke to both sides, selected four names from the Council's list, and five from that of the trustees. This reconstruction of the board put an end to the cliargcs of party animus which had l)een frequently, though groundlessly, made against the trust by exasperated party writers. The last local duel of which any record has been found in tlio newspapers was fought on tlie 24th January, 1837, u])on Durdham Down. The antagonists are described as " a gen- 1837.] THE GREAT WESTERN COTTON COMPANY. 237 tleman of the Hotwells, and a foreigner residing in this neighbourhood." After an exchange of shots, the seconds succeeded in effecting an arrangement. The manufacture of cotton cloth was established in Bristol in 1793, when about 250 hands were employed in a factory in Temple Street. The price of the poorly-printed goods intended for ladies' dress was at that time about four shillings a yard. In the Bristol Journal oi July 6, 1805, "a capital cotton manufactory in Temple Street carried on for several years past " was advertised to be let. There were seventy looms on the premises, and the advertiser added : " There is a cotton mill and bleaching-field in the neighbourhood, where good twist and weft may be had." No further mention has been found of this establishment, and it was probably dis- continued. In 1835 another attempt was made to add cotton- spinning to the industries of the city, a cotton twist and cloth company being proposed, with a capital of £200,000. The scheme was abandoned, owing to insufficient support; but in the spring of 1837, a party of ten influential gentlemen, in conjunction with a Mr. G. B. Clarke, of Manchester, started a private company under the style of Clarke, Acramans, Maze & Co. A little later, this concern merged into a joint- stock adventure, and assumed the name of the Great Western Cotton Company. A piece of land having- been purchased at Barton Hill, the foundation stone of the intended factory was laid on the 18th April, 1837. A twelvemonth later a fete took place on the completion of the building. The first piece of cotton manufactured by the company was presented to the mayor (Mr. Haberfield) in January, 1839. The com- pany, which had been already once or twice reorganised owing to the death of its proprietors — always a limited number — was again reconstructed in the spring of 1885, when the capital was fixed at £100,000 in £20 shares. Mr. [Sir] J, D. Weston became chairman of the new company, in which several wealthy citizens held an interest. The new Custom House, Queen Square, erected upon the site of the building destroyed during the riots, was opened for business purposes on the 14th March, 1837. During its construction the work of the department had been conducted in a large house in St. Augustine's Place, near Colston's School, once the mansion of the Swymmer family, whose ultimate heiress married Thomas Fane, who about the middle of the eighteenth century was clerk to the Merchant Venturers' Company, but afterwards succeeded to the earldom of West- moreland. [This fine old house, since demolished for the 238 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1837. formation of Colston Street, contained a quantity of carved oak wainscoting, etc., whicli was purchased by Mr. W. Carne for beautifying some of the cliief rooms in St. Donat's Castle, near Cowbridge.] Tlie destruction of spring garden produce in 1837 by re- peated frosts gave rise to a new trade between Cornwall and this port. Mr, Dupen, master of a steamer plying to and from Hayle, brought on one occasion about fifty Cornish brocoli, which Bristolians eagerly purchased. About fifteen dozen were brought in on his next trip, and sixty dozen in the following week, a portion of the last being sent to Bath, where they were quickly sold. Mr. Dupen carried on the trade for some years, and gave a great impetus to market- gardening in Cornwall. A local journal of March, 1859, in stating that the quantity of brocoli received from that county each spring had swollen to from 30,000 to 40,000 dozen, added : '' This week the Cornubia brought 880 baskets, con- taining fi'om fifteen to eighteen dozen each." In April, 1837, the churchwardens of St. Stephen's, exercis- ing the power vested in them by the law, seized part of the furniture of a Mr. Brown, of Queen Square, a respectable Dissenter, on account of his refusal to pay the sum of 9.s*. demanded for church-rates. The seizure occasioned some excitement, and so large a crowd assembled at the Albion Tavern, Prince's Street, where the property was to be sold, that the auctioneer was afraid to proceed. The goods were disposed of privately, however, and the rate, with the costs, was recovei-ed. Church-rates were then levied in nearly all the parishes of the city, and the defeats of dissenting minorities at the annual vestry meetings were invariably reported in the Bristol Journal as " victories of the Establishment." A more sagacious view of the matter, however, gradually pre- vailed. The above case is the latest recorded of an enforced payment by means of bailiffs, and, some years before the law was altered to meet the wishes of Nonconformists, the com- pulsory .system was abandoned in Bristol, except in the parish of St. Augustine's. The death of William IV. took place on the 20th June. His successor, Queen Victoria, whoso majority in the pre- ceding month had caused general rejoicing, was proclaimed in Bristol on the 24th ; and the ceremony offered a great contrast to the cold pageants which had marked the acces- sion of the two previous monarchs. Much of the " state " of tho old Corporation — including the "knights in armour" — had, indeed, disappeared; but, in addition to tho civic 1837.] THE QUEEN PROCLAIMED. ELECTION. 239 officials, a number of the local clergy and ministers, tlie magistrates, the Charity Trustees, and many respectable in- habitants joined in the procession, much sympathy being felt for one called to the cares of sovereignty at so early an age. It must be added in the interests of truth, that the attachment of the people to the monarchy had been rudely shaken by the experience of the previous quarter of a century; and the opinion expressed about this time by Sir Robert Peel, that the throne was visibly hastening to its fall, denoted the critical condition of the pnblic mind. Chartism, which really meant republicanism, had many supporters amongst the working classes in Bristol, but there was little open manifestation of hostility during the proceedings of the day. Proclamation was made at the seven accustomed places from a car drawn by grey horses, the red cloth-covered rostrum of Georgian days being superseded. At the general election in July, caused by the demise of the king, the two Conservative members of the previous Parliament retired into private life — Mr. Miles on the ground of his advanced age ; Sir Richard Vyvyan from his disgust at the attitude of the leaders of his party, who in his opinion were pusillanimously truckling to new-fangled principles and ideas. The local heads of Conservatism nominated in their room Mr. Philip W. S. Miles, a youthful son of the late senior member, and Mr. William Fripp, an ex-alderman of the old Corporation, and first mayor under the Municipal Reform Act. The Liberal party selected the Hon. Francis Henry F. Berkeley. After an exciting contest, the poll was declared on the 25th July, as follows : Mr. Miles, 3,838 ; Mr. Berkeley, 3,312; Mr. Fripp, 3,156. In lieu of the old cere- mony of chairing, the Liberals celebrated their victory by a procession of the trades of the city, in which some thousands of artisans took part. A petition against the return of Mr. Berkeley was presented on behalf of the defeated candidate. It alleged extensive bribery and treating, and further affirmed that certain agents of Mr. Berkeley, being also Charity Trustees, had been openly guilty of corruption and undue influence, by giving or promising charity gifts in order to secure votes against Mr. Fripp. On the publication of this document a declaration was made by nineteen out of the twenty-one trustees, including two who had voted for Mr. Fripp, asserting that the charge made against them was " entirely unfounded, calumnious, and false." The committee of the House of Commons appointed to hear the case as- sembled in February, 1838. After a three days' hearing 240 THE AXXALS OF BRISTOL. [1837. the petition was abandoned, whereupon tlie chairman of the committee announced that they were unanimously of opinion that nothing had been proved against the Charity Trustees. Concurrently with the proceedings in Pai'liament, Mr. Fripp's supporters* brought actions at law against a number of Mr. Berkeley's friends, to recover penalties for bribery, and the trials took place at the ensuing Gloucester assizes. The juries in three cases having returned verdicts for the de- fendants, the remaining actions were withdrawn. Shortly aftei"wards, a woman named Verrier, who had deposed before the Commons' committee to an act of bribery committed by Mr. Berkeley, was tried for perjury, and convicted of the offence. In commenting upon this case, the editor of the Bristol Ji)nrnal, who had been for some time noted for his acrimonious personal attacks, published gross charges against thi'ee of the Charity Trustees. Those gentlemen retorted by instituting actions for libel, and challenged their accuser to prove his assertions. The trials, which took place in July, 1839, resulted in the defendant being cast in damages in each case — for £400, £175, and £150 respectively — with heavy costs. The oldest of the Bristol newspapers, and once the most powerful, never recovered from the blow. It lingered on for several years, but its place was taken by more ably conducted Conservative organs, and on Mai'ch 26, 1853, after a career of one hundred and one years, Felix Farley's Bristol Journal appeared for the last time. The Bristol Teetotal Society celebrated its first anniversary in June, 1837. It then boasted of about a thousand members. A Temperance Society, which required a pledge from its adherents to abstain from spirituous liquors, was started about seven years earlier; but "mere temperance" was bitterly denounced and caricatured liy the total abstinence party, and the moderate camp appears to have succumbed under their attacks. At a meeting held on the 25th November, 1837, it was resolved to form a comjian}-, with a capital of £25,000, for the construction of a bridge across the Avon from Temple Back to Queen Street, St. Philij)'s. The company paid the Corporation £2,157 in compensation for the ferry which had previously occupied the site, the number of passengers over which had been ascertained to be 115,500 per annum. An Act of Parliament to carry out tlie undertaking liaving been • Wlio are saiil to have spent £12,000 on the petition and bubsequent trial?. ^—Ma. Annalt, City Library, ii. 113. 1838.] ST. riiiLir's bridge, the victoria rooms. 241 obtained in the session of 1838, a temporary bridge was built and opened during the autumn, and 342,000 persons passed over it during the first twelvemonths of its existence. The permanent bridge was opened by the mayor (Mr. G. W. Franklyn) on the 1st December, 1841. It had cost £11,000. The remainder of the company's capital, and a further sum raised by loan, were expended in the purchase of property for, and in the construction of, the approaches. [One of the buildings destroyed was a fine sixteenth century house, which in its later days had been known as the Giant's Castle Inn.] As the new bridge was a great improvement upon the old ferry, the public spirit of the shareholders, who received slender dividends for several years, was much commended by the residents of the neighbourhood. In course of time, however, the halfpenny toll came to be regarded as a griev- ance, and a movement was started to secure its abolition. The agitation gradually acquired strength, and in con- sequence of memorials addressed to the Council on the sub- ject, that body, in November, 1873, resolved to enter into negotiations with the proprietors with a view to the purchase of the bridge. Legal difficulties then arose, causing a lengthened delay; but in the closing months of 1874 it was agreed that the Council should lease the property in per- petuity, paying the shareholders a yearly sum equivalent to 6 per cent, on their investments. The Corporation was also to J take over the debt (£5,000) on the bridge, and to pay £2,000 to cover compensations, etc. An Act of Parliament having been obtained to sanction this arrangement, the toll on foot-passengers was abolished on the 31st July, 1875. The bridge was shortly afterwards widened at a cost of £5,000. The first serious disaster in connection with the steamship service between Bristol and Ireland occurred on the 20th January, 1838, when a vessel named the Killarney, whilst on her passage from Cork to this city, struck during a heav}'" gale upon the Rennie rocks, near Youghal, and became a total wreck. Twenty-nine of the passengers and crew were drowned. The survivors, thirteen in number, succeeded in clinging to the slippery rocks, where they remained for two nights and a day, enduring extreme suffering from cold and hunger, before means for their rescue could be devised. One of the passengers, styling himself Baron Spolasco, published a local pamphlet, narrating the details of the disaster. The foundation-stone of the Victoria Rooms was laid on the Queen's birthday. May 24th, 1838, by the mayor (Mr. Haberfield). The building, — which is the noblest classical s 242 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1838. erection in the city, and for the first time provided the in- habitants with spacious and convenient apartments for public entertainments, — "vvas built at the expense of a body of Con- servative citizens, and cost about £23,000. It was opened on the 24th May, 1842, with a dinner, at which the mayor (Mr. Gr. W. Franklyn) presided. A fine organ was placed in the large saloon about 1873. The coronation of the youthful Queen, on the 28th June, was celebrated in Bristol with many demonstrations of joy. On previous occasions the expense of the festivities had been borne by the Corporation. Such an expenditure of public funds was no longer legal, but the voluntary subscriptions of the citizens were largely offered to meet the outlay, and the rejoicing was all the more genuine inasmuch as it was entirely spontaneous. At noon an imposing procession started from the Council House for the cathedral, headed by a troop of the North Somerset Yeomanry, a "champion " on horseback accoutred in full armour, and the boys of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital. Then followed the officers of the Corporation, the mayor and members of the Council, the foreign consuls, tlie local clergy and Dissenting ministers, the boys of Colston's School, the master and members of the Merchants' Society, the governor and members of the Incorporation of the Poor, the parochial officials, the Freemasons, and finally the workmen of the various trades, with banners, devices and emblems, etc., of their crafts. Two more " knig-hts in armour " were strang-e fish in these modern waters, but they at least lent variety to the interesting pageant, the concluding divisions of which consisted of the members of the principal benefit societies, the firemen, and a troop of Gloucestershire Yeomanry. The procession passed through all the chief thoroughfares of the ancient city. So great was its length that its two extremities encountered each other in Dolphin Street, the main body then occupying Peter Street, Castle Street, Lower Castle Street, the Broadweir, Merchant Street, Broadmead, and Union Street. Whilst the members of the Corporation at- tended service at the cathedral, the procession passed up Park Street, Berkeley Square, etc., and then returned to the Council House, where it separated. Various public dinners were held in the afternoon, and the festivities con- cluded with a general illimiinalioTK At a meeting of the Council on the Itlth 'inly, 1838, the fair annually held in St. James's Churchyard in the month of September, as well as the March fair held in 'iV>m})le Street, was abolislied ; and fairs for the sale of live stock 1838.] ABOLITION OF THE FAIRS. 243 exclusively were ordered to be held in the cattle market on the two first days of March and Sei^tember. The decree put an end to saturnalia of which but a faint conception can bo formed in our times. That St. James's fair in the seventeenth century had been very extensively resorted to is proved by a letter of the Mayor of Penzance, forwarded to the Govern- ment in 1636, stating that twelve Turkish men of war, bear- ing English colours, were lurking in St. George's Channel to capture travellers to the fair. In the same year the Corpora- tion of Bristol wrote to the Privy Council, pointing out that the manufacture of goods for the fair was being carried on in parts of London then infected with the plague. Obtaining no protection from this danger, the Corporation resolved to prohibit the entry of the perilous commodities, whereupon the wholesale traders of London also appealed to the Govern- ment, declaring that they — " drapers, skinners, leather sellers, and upholsterers " — yearly turned over " many thousand pounds " at the fair, and had ''the chief part of their estates owing them by chapmen who meet nowhere else but at Bristol." The local inhibition was thereupon quashed. Ac- cording to an official report to the Admiralty, a royal ship had " convoyed all the vessels from Bristol fair to Tenby and Milford," in 1657; and ten years later a Government official at Bridgwater reported that the Channel had been in great danger from French pickaroons, but two of the king's frigates had scared them. "It was feared they would have done mischief at Bristol fair." Down even to the close of the first quarter of the present century, the influx of wai*e-s and merchandise from all parts of the kingdom was astonishing, having regard to the defective means of communication. Blankets and woollens from Yorkshire, silks from Macclesfield, linens from Belfast and Lancashire, carpets from Kidder- minster, cutlery from Sheffield, hardware from Walsall and Wolverhampton, china and earthenware from Staffordshire and other counties, cotton stockings from Tewkesbury, lace from Buckinghamshire and Devon, trinkets from Birmingham and London, ribbons from Coventry, buck and hog skins for breeches, hats and caps, millinery, haberdashery, female orna- ments, sweetmeats, and multitudinous toy s from various quarters arrived in heavily-laden wagons, and were joined by equally large contributions from the chief industries of the district. To these again were added nearly all the travelling exhibi- tions and entertainments then in the country — menageries, circuses, theatres, puppet shows, waxworks, flying coaches, rope-dancers, acrobats, conjurors, pig-faced ladies, living 244 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1838. skeletons, and mummers of all sorts, wlio attracted patronage by raising a feai-ful din. It need scarcely be added that the scene attracted a too-plentiful supply of pickpockets, thieves, thimble-riggers, and swindlers of every genus. To make purchases or to gratify curiosity, the population of the sur- rounding district, from the family of the Duke of Beaufort down to the children of the Kingswood colliers, thronged into the city, and from early morning until late in the even- ing the alleys between the stalls and standing-places (which, being built and covered with wood, took a month in construc- tion) presented a busy and often an amusing scene. As time went on, the places of business rapidly diminished, while the shows, entertainments, and general disorder increased; and as liquor was sold at a number of "bush'' [unlicensed] houses, the fair, which by charter lasted nine days, but w^as generally permitted to continue a fortnight, became a centre of corrup- tion and demoralisation. Strong" vested interests were long, however, arrayed in support of the nuisance. About 1813 Mr. E. B. Fripp, then a vestryman of the parish, made an effort for its suppression, he and his friends offering £3,000 to the vestry as a compensation for the loss of tolls ; but the receipts were so large that the proposal was contemptuously rejected. In 1837, when the "foreign" tradesmen had dwindled to less than a dozen, and the tolls scarcely defrayed the cost of erecting standings, the vestry gladly listened to terms; and Mr. George Thomas, one of the Quaker founders of the General Hospital, was largely instrumental in effecting an arrangement, having, with the aid of a few friends, raised a sum of about £1,000 for laying out the ground for a hay and coal market, and for compensating the vestry. The Corporation thereupon took a lease for ninety-nine years, at a rent of £150 per annum, of the open plot to the south of the churchyard. To this place, in May, 1841, the Imy market was removed from Broadmead. The attempt to establisli a coal market on the spot seems to have failed from the outset. Up to this time, owing to the post office authorities measui'- ing tlie distance between Bristol and London byway of Bath, the postage of what was called a "single" letter — that is, a single sheet of letter paper Avithout envel()]io or enclosure — from or to the ca])ital, was tenpiMice. In September, 1838, however, tlie oflicials discovered that the distance of Bristol from London by way of Marshlield was not over, but under, 120 miles, and tho single letter postage was consequently reduced to ninepencc. A letter enclosing a slip of ])apcr, 1838.] THE OLD POSTAL SYSTEM. PENANCE. 245 such as a cheque, was charged Is. Gd., one enclosing two cheques, 2s. 3d. ; more numerous enclosures, not' exceeding an ounce in weight, 3.s-. A system of penny postage for letters and small packets had been established for some years between the city and a few of the neighbouring villages, but the arrangement was of a very arbitrary character. For example, although Oakhill and Axbridge were each eighteen miles from Bristol, the charge for a four ounce packet to the former place Avas a penny, while to the more important town the postage was 6s. 8d. During the session of 1839, Lord Melbourne's Ministry succeeded in passing an Act for carry- ing out the penny postal scheme of Mr. Rowland Hill ; and in December a uniform charge of fourpence per half-ounce came into force as regarded all letters on which the postage had previously exceeded threepence. In the following January the rate was reduced to a penny per half ounce. The new system was strongly condemned by the political opponents of the Cabinet. The Bristol Journal of December 7, 1839, feared that ''this new plan of Whig Reform will be a more serious evil to the country than even any one of their more flagrant jobs." On the first adhesive stamp (printed in black ink) and the first envelope coming into use in the following year, the same paper of May 16 said: "Fortun- ately those who send letters have still the option of prepay- ment, and are not obliged to use the contemptible cover or black patch which the Government have been asses enough to sanction. Both patch and envelope are beneath criticism. How long is the revenue of this once powerful country to be entrusted to the hands of the nincompoops who are now wasting it V The actual results of Mr. Hill's scheme, so far as regards Bristol, will be shown later on. The editor's shortsightedness was, however, pardonable, seeing that the heads of the postal sei'vice in London predicted the certain failure of the cheap system. [Li 1844 a ''national testi- monial " to Rowland Hill was started, and resulted in a sub- scription of about £13,000. The sum contributed in Bristol was £292.] On the 16th December, in conformity with a decision of the ecclesiastical tribunal of the diocese, two persons, living in Pomphrey's Court, Christmas Street, performed penance in the vestry room of St. John's Church, between the hours of morning and evening service. The punishment inflicted was the result of a cross suit between the parties in the above court. A new survey of the city took place towards the close of 246 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1838. the year, wlien the rateable value of the various districts was assessed as follows: "Ancient city, £213,818; Clifton, £69,822; St. Phihp's, out, £36,364; District, £20,310; part of West- bury, £10,457 ; part of Bedmiuster, £28,005. Much discontent, arising largely from the depressed state of trade, prevailed amongst the working classes at this time, and Chartism had many followers in Bristol, as in other large towns. On the 26th December a meeting of the party took place on Brandon Hill, when Mr. Feargus O'Connor, a noisy platform orator, made a violent speech. For some months afterwards gatherings took place on the hill almost nightly, and owing to the tumultuous character of the proceedings, and the threats occasionally uttered to resort to physical force, the agitation excited some anxiety amongst the citizens. At length, early in May, 1839, the magistrates issued a circular prohibiting further nocturnal assemblies, and a num- ber of the ratepayers were sworn in as special constables. This action had the desired effect, and, in spite of the un- happy outbreak at Newport in the following November, the peace of the city was undisturbed. A discovery of some interest in connection with the Roman occupation of this part of the island was made in January, 1839, at Ashton Waters, near Long Ashton, during the excavation of the ground for the Bristol and Exeter railway. The workmen came across the remains of a building, the foundations of which extended for a considerable distance ; and a number of coins, including one of Julius Caesar, another of Diocletian, and several of Constantino, were disinterred. Two bronze spoons, a portion of the capitals of two columns, and various broken articles were also found. About the same time the remains of a villa, with a large tesselated pave- ment, were disinterred near Newton St. Loe. Although two short sections of the Great Western railway had been opened in 1838, the question of gauge, which from the outset had excited much controversy, liad not been definitively settled. On the 9th January, 1839, a great meeting of the proprietors was held in liondon to consider the reports of two eminent engineers, Mr. (afterwards Sir John) Hawkshaw, and Mr. Nicholas Wood, and to determine tho problem on which those gentlcinm li;id ])oon consulted. ^Ir. Wood, whilst disuj)j)roving of Mr. Jirunel's seven feet gauge, recommended that, in view of the outlay already incurred, it should l)e retained. Mr. Hawkshaw, though regretting the nan-owucss of tho north country gauge, decidedly condemned the introduction of another, on the 1839.] THE BROAD GAUGE ON RAILWAYS. 24-7 ground that it would be a serious impediment to the working and development o£ the railway system of the country. The directors, in a rejoort commenting upon the objections of the two engineers, declared them to have " little weight," and the shareholders wei'e confidently assured that Mr. Hawkshaw's assertions would prove groundless. A member of the board having moved that Mr. Brunei's system be adhered to, an amendment was proposed condemning it as wasteful and injudicious; but the result of the voting was in favour of the original motion by a majority of 7,792 against 6,145. The only excuse that can be offered for those who adopted a shortsighted resolution is, that unlimited confidence was placed by many wealthy shareholders in Mr. Brunei's genius. When Mr. G-eorge Stephenson was asked about the same time what gauge should be adopted on two lines, one near Leicester and another near Canterbury, he at once pronounced in favour of the system adopted on the Stockton and Darlington and the Manchester and Liverpool railways. " Though they are," he observed, '^ a long way apart fi'om each other now, they will be joined together some day." Brunei, on the other hand, assured the Great Western board that their undertaking " could never have any connection with any other of the main lines," three or four of which, he felt assured, would suffice for the traffic of the country. This opinion rapidly proved to be a delusion, and the natural effect of the break of gauge was to excite the then existing directorates to fight for the territory which lay between them. A fierce war thus broke out, which lasted for several years, with deplorable consequences to the shareholders. So long as the two gauges were apart, the public of course felt no inconvenience. But in 1844, when the Bristol and Gloucester line (then broad gauge) was opened, it came in contact at the latter city with the Birmingham and Gloucester narrow gauge railway, and whilst through passengers complained of the trouble and loss of time involved in a change of carriages — often in bad weather and in the darkness of the night — the stoppage in the transit of cattle, minerals, and goods through the necessity of unloading and reloading the trucks excited widespread discontent. The merchants of Bristol speedily felt the grievance. Birmingham manufacturers, finding that their wares forwarded for sliipment at this port were delayed or mislaid at Gloucester, and that the distance between their factories and Bristol was as difficult of ti^ansit as in the days before railways, forwarded their goods to Liverpool or London, where no such difficulty arose. In a lesser degree a similar 248 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1839, impediment to Bristol traffic was experienced at Worcester, Warwick, Rugby, Salisbury, and Dorcliester, at eacli of wliicli places broad gauge wagons came in contact with narrow gauge lines, and could travel no farther. In short, the West of England was as completely isolated from other parts of the country as if a river too wide to be bridged lay between it and the rest of the kingdom. And this, according to Mr. Brunei and the Great Western board, was to go on for ever along a boundary line 200 miles in length, running on both sides of the railway. The grievance became the more crying when Mr. Brunei himself laid out plans for several narrow gauge lines, and the matter at length came to be viewed in commercial circles as a public calamity. At the instance of Mr. Cobden, a ro^^al commission was appointed to consider the subject, and a lengthened inquiry commenced in August, 1845. The result was an overwhelming mass of scientific testimony in condemnation of Mr. Brunei's theory, which had no supporters but himself and two Great Western officials. The Commissioners consequently recommended that the narrow gauge should be used on all future railways, and that some equitable means should be devised for producing an entire uniformity of gauge throughout the kingdom. Parlia- ment practically adopted the first of those suggestions, but it was estimated that the alteration of the Great Western lines would involve an expense of a million sterling, and the legis- lature, declining to lay any burden upon the public for the reparation of the company's blunder, left the directors to their own devices. The board had in the long run to admit that their favourite theory was deeply injurious to the interests of the shareholders. In August, 1868, it was deter- mined to convert all the broad gauge lines north of Oxford into narrow gauge. In 1871 it Avas resolved to abandon the broad gauge on the South Wales section of the railway, and to lay the narrow gauge froin Didcot to Milford Haven, This was obviously but the beginning of a general change in the western districts. In June, 1874, a similar alteration took place between Bristol and Bath, and towards the eud of the same year the narrow sj^stom was extended throughout the trunk line, the old gauge being retained for ex])ress trains only. The Bristol and Exeter board being then forced to take action, the " inixod gauge" was completed from Bristol to Exeter in I^Tay, 1877. The Royal Western Hotel, College Place, a building of some architectural pretensions, but erected on an ill-chosen site (previously occupied by Reeves's hotel, see p. 30), was 1839.] MONUMENT TO CHATTERTON. PUGSLEy's FIELD. 249 opened on tlie 18tli April. A public dinner in celebration of the event took place soon after, the mayor (Mr. Haberfield) presiding. The house, built by Messrs. Rogers, ceased to be an hotel in April, 1855. Some five years later, Turkish baths were fitted up in the building- by Mr. Bartholomew. A gigantic tusk of a mammoth was discovered in June by some workmen engaged in excavating in St. Philip's Marsh. The tusk, which was nearly six feet in length, was forwarded to the museum of the Bristol Institution. The foundation-stone of a monument dedicated to Chat- terton was laid on the 13th November, 1839, in St. Mary Red- cliff churchyard.* The site chosen was the angle between the tower and the north porch. The statue, which was universally condemned as mean in execution and absurdly diminutive as comjoared with its pedestal, was erected on the 30tli April, 1840. In February, 1846, the vicar of the parish, the Rev. M. R. Whish, whose eccentricities brought him frequently before the public, suddenly gave orders for the removal of the monument, asserting that it had been erected without his sanction. As the reverend gentleman — whose action was applauded by a few contemporary bigots — was omnipotent in his churchyard, the structure was taken down, and disappeared from public view for some years. In July, 1857, however, it was re-erected on the (unconsecrated) spot where it now stands, a few members of the parochial vestry having defrayed the cost of the restoration. In the course of this year some negotiations took place between the Corporation and the dock directors, with a view to the purchase of the Floating Harbour by the city, and thus to get rid of the shortsighted exactions by which the com- merce of the port was weighed down. It was intimated to the dock board that the Council were prepared to pay interest at the rate of 2j per cent, on the share capital if the transfer were effected ; but the offer was rejected as inade- quate, and the matter was suffered to drop. About this time the landknoAvn to all Bristolians as Mother Pugsley's Field, together wnth some adjoining plots, was dis- posed of in sites for building. Pedestrians had enjoyed ac- cess from time immemorial to the spring in Pugsley's Field ; but, to use the language of a local journalist, Sir Thomas Fremantle, the owner of the land, flourished his title deeds in the face of the public, and nobody had the spirit to defend * So early as September, 1805, a movement was started in the city for the erection of a " magnificent cenotaph " to the unfortunate hoy poet. The scheme, however, found few supporters, and was soon dropped. 250 THE AXXALS OP BRISTOL. [1840. the riglits of the community. A builder, named Hucker, who purcliased part of the property, enclosed the spring — which had a reputation for healing virtues amongst the vulgar — for private use at his residence, Spring Villa, Nugent Hill. Bristol Cathedral was reopened in February, 1840, after undergoing partial " restoration." The most important alterations were the removal of a large screen in the Greek style erected behind the communion table, and the construc- tion of a richly decorated central recess corresponding with those on each side. No vestiore remained of the oria-inal decorative w^ork at the back of the altar, so that the arrange- ment is merely the conception of a modern architect. It would appear from the view of the reredos in the frontispiece to Britten's account of the cathedral, that the renovator took great liberties with the beautiful work of Abbot Knowle. The Corinthian screen was purchased by the Irvingites for their church on the Quay. Although the chapter showed an improved taste in this proceeding, its ideas of seemliness were still somewhat chaotic. A letter in the Bristol Journal of the 5th April, 1845, stated that "a cast-iron stove, with an immense black vertical flue, passing through the beautiful groined roof," had just been placed in the choir of the cathedral ! The lighthouse at the mouth of the Avon, erected by the Corporation of the Trinity House, was completed in April, 1840, and was lighted up in the following June. In June, 1840, the royal assent Avas given to a Bill "for regulating the buildings and party Avails within the city, and for widening and improving certain streets." The Corpora- tion by this statute obtained power to open a new street [Phippen Street] , and to widen and improve the thorough- fares in that neighbourhood. Power was taken to borrow £15,000 for those purposes, and a sum of £10,000, given some years previously by Mr. William Weare (see page 130) to further various imjirovements, was ord(>red to form part of a fluid, to be called "the Improvement Fund." In Jul}^, 1840, the Society of Merchants undertook to remove one of the greatest obstructions to the navigation of the Avon — the Round Point, a little below St. Vincent's rocks — and obtained the consent of the Corporation, as con- servators of the river, to carry out the necessary work. It was announced that the undertaking would involve the removal of 25,000 cubic yards of rock. 'I'lic operations of the Society, however, must have been of a limited nature, for in March, 1852, after the Dcuicrani disaster, the removal 1840,] THE ROUND POINT. THE BROADMEAD ROOMS. 251 of the Round Point was reported to the Council to be urgently necessary, and in the following- September a resoluticju was passed authorising the docks committee to carry out the needful improvement at an expense not exceeding £5,000. The Merchants' Society having been asked to contribute to the cost, in consideration of the large revenue they derived from the wharfage dues, subscribed £1,000. U])wards of 30,000 tons of rock were cut away on this occasion, and about the same quantity was removed from the projection on the Somerset bank, a portion of the hill on each side being also taken down to open the line of sight upon the river. Even after this was done the place continued to be very danger- ous; and under Mr. Howard's improvement scheme of 1864 another and much more costly effort was made to straighten the river. Bridge Valley Road, which overhung the Avon at the " point," being cai'ried farther back, and many thousand tons of rock being blasted aAvay under high-water mark. Nevertheless, in 1884, the obstruction was still complained of, and once more the Council ordered excavations, which were continued for several months at low tides, the electric light being employed to facilitate operations during the night. In 1885 similar operations were begun on the opposite shore, and are still unfinished. Even now the state of the Round Point leaves much to be desired. Another disastrous wreck of an Irish passenger steam vessel occurred on the 18th November, 1840. The ship in question, The City of Bristol, had left Waterford on the pre- vious night, and was driven during a violent storm on the Welsh coast, near Womn's Head. Of the twenty-seven persons who were on board only two survived to tell the lamentable story. Up to this time the citizens were very scantily provided with public rooms fitted for meetings or social gatherings. With the exception, indeed, of an inconveniently situated Assembly-room, in Prince's Street, and two halls of the ancient trading companies, there was no place in the city where the inhabitants could meet together in large bodies. In December, 1840, a spacious public room, called the Hall of Science — built by the admirers of the then celebrated socialist, Robert Owen, and intended for the dissemination of his doctrines — was opened in Broadmead, when a lecture was delivered by Mr. Owen. Its founders being- unable to meet the expenditure, the building was purchased in January, 1843, by a few members of the Liberal party, and was subse- quently known as the Broadmead Rooms. Until the erection 252 t^ ^r:C THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1841. L/Yof Goiston Hall^ tliis place, in spite of its inconvenient access, ' was tlie favourite spot for popular gathering-s in tlie city. fl^^Lfc subsequently reverted into the hands of the Corporation, *^ which in 1875 granted a lease of it at a rental of £100 per annum, the lessee undertaking to build a factory on the site. In December, 1840, the newly-appointed mayor, Mr. Robert Phippen, revived the custom of attending the Mayor's Chapel in state, which had been discontinued for some years. In anticipation of the pageant his worship was presented by his friends with a state robe and gauntlets, similar to those worn in the old Common Council, and their use was after- wards continued. The cost of maintaining divine service in the Mayor's Chapel had, from 1836 to this time, been pro- vided by private subscriptions, the Liberal section of the Council having protested against the application of the cor- porate funds to denominational purposes. In 1841, however, the Conservatives formed an overwhelming majority of the civic body *, and on the 22nd March it was resolved, by forty votes against six, that the chapel should be " sup- ported and maintained in the same manner, to the same extent, and for the same purpose in all respects, as before the passing of the Municipal Act." The expenditure originated by this decision was set down at £2G0 in the accounts for the year. As a complement to the resolution, the aldermen and a large majority of the councillors revived, in December, 1850, the ancient custom of wearing scarlet robes when attending the chapel on state occasions. At a meeting of the Council on the 3rd February, 1841, a matter was brought to light which provoked much criti- cism in Dissenting circles. It appeared that a few months previously an application had been made on behalf of a Wesleyan congregation in the parish of Dyrham, for a lease, at the full value, of a plot of ground on which it Avas in- tended to erect a schoolroom, to be used occasionally for religious services. The Finance Committee had at first ex- pressed its willingness to assent, and had directed the surveyor to fix tlie rental, whereupon the rector of Dyrham forwarded an earnest request that the lease should bo refused, observing that great evils would anse from the introduction of schisin, and tliat there was ample acconiino(l;ition for the parishioners in his ehurfh. The reverend gt>ntleman omitted to state that the village of Ilinton, where it was proposed * In October, 1813, the Council consisted, according to the Bristol Journal, of fifty-three Conservatives and eleven Liberals. 1841,] LOCAL TIME. 253 to build tlie schoolroorn, was nearly a milo and a half from the church, and that an existing small building- used by the Wesleyans was inconveniently crowded every Sunday. The Finance Committee at once complied with the rector's wishes, and several of its members defended its action in the Council, Mr. Powell, of St. Augustine's, asserting that only two or three itinerant Wesleyan preachers, who " sent the hat round every Sunday, and made a good thing of it," were at the bottom of the scheme. The Council having referred the matter to the committee for further consideration, a report was presented a month later, recommending that the lease be granted ; but the Council rejected the advice by 28 votes to 12. The subject was revived in 1845 ; but the application for a lease, at a rental to be fixed by the Corporation, was again rejected by 26 votes against 14. Yet in October, 1847, when a piece of ground valued by the corporate surveyor at £500 was selected as the site for St. Matthias' Church on the Weir, the Council, by 24 votes against 9, resolved to reduce the purchase money to £150. The Lords of the Treasury, however, put a veto on this transaction, and the price was ultimately fixed at £300. The opening of the Great Western Eailway between Bristol and London took place, as has been already recorded, on the 30th January, 1841. Amongst the incidental difficulties con- nected with the introduction of rapid travelling, the question of "time " was amongst the most perplexing. Down to this period each provincial town kept its own time, which was generally determined with accuracy by some scientific resi- dent, and coaches found no trouble in accommodating them- selves to local arrangements. But the railway lines starting from the capital naturally fixed on Greenwich time, and adopted it throughout their respective systems. There was thus a difference between Bristol time and railway time of about ten minutes; and a few years later, when the line was extended to Plymouth, the time of that town varied seventeen minutes from that of the railway station. The authorities in Bristol, doubtless with an intention to accom- modate the public, had two minute hands placed on the clock at the Exchange, and a similar plan was adopted at Bath ; but as local time continued to be recorded by the church clocks, the public seem to have been more puzzled than in- structed. The people of Exeter, on the other haiid, obsti- nately refused for some years to recognise "cockney time." As will hereafter be noted, the introduction of the electric telegraph quickly routed provincial prejudices on the subject. 254 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1841. The cliiircli of St. Jolin the Evangelist^ near Redland, was consecrated on the 27th April^ 1841, by the bishop of the diocese. The remarkable change which has since occurred in that district is illustrated by the fact that, in the appeals made to the public on behalf of the building fund, it was stated that the church was intended to meet the spiritual destitution of a locality almost exclusively inhabited by the poorest class of labourers, and that a large proportion of the sittings would in consequence be free. In course of time, the free seats in the choir were calmly appropriated by the middle-class families Avhich had come into the disti-ict ; and in 1864 a fresh set of free seats was provided in less fashion- able parts of the church. Dr. Benson, Archbishop of Canter- bury, is said to have preached his first sermon as a deacon in this building. At a meeting of the Council on the 5th May, a committee, to whom the subject had been referred, reported that it would not be advisable to make alterations in the Guildhall, but that the most advantageous course would be to take down the edifice, together with some adjoining houses, and to erect a more commodious hall upon the site. A hope was held out that the sale of the surplus ground would sensibly diminish the cost of the new structure. The Council gave power to the committee to carry out the recommendations of the report. After the subject had been postponed for nearly two years, the Guildhall committee, on the 12th April, 1843, presented a fresh report, accompanied by plans prepared by Mr. R. S. Pope. It was proposed that the new building should com- prise, in addition to an assize court capable of containing 1,000 persons, two bankruptcy courts, a Court of Requests, a mayor's parlour, and other apartments. The cost was esti- mated at £10,000, but it was supposed that an income of £428 would be derived from rents. It was objected in the Council that the principal hall shown in the plans would be one-third, less than the Guildhall then in existence, which was often found too small for election nominations and ]Mib1ic meetings. Nevertheless, Mv. Pope's design was, with sh'ght mt)diiica- tions, adopted, and in June workmen commenced demolish- ing tlie old building. .[The large traeericd window in that part of the structure known as St. George's Chajicl was shortly afterwards re-erected in the grounds of " The Grove," Stapleton. On removing the roof of the chapel, in the space between the modern ceiling and the rafters, a row of pointed window arches was found in the walls on each side, show- ing that ihc buildijig had originally l)een lofty and finely 1811.] REBUILDING OF THE GUILDHALL. 255 formed.] On ilic oOtli October, 1843, the foundation stone of the new (luildhall was laid by the mayor (Mr. James Gibbs). It had been intended to mai-k the event with nuich ceremony, and the Freemasons of the district were invited to take part in the proceedings; but torrents of rain fell at the appointed hour, and the procession, which was to have passed through the principal streets, dwindled to an undigni- fied " scuttle " down Broad Street. During the construction of the building the assizes and quarter sessions were held in Coopers' Hall, King Street. The new court was used for the first time on the 28th Jul}', 184G, when the sessions were opened by Sir Charles Wetherell (who died less than three weeks afterwards). The interior of the structure excited a universal wail of disappointment. The feeling of the public was embodied in homely but explicit doggerel : " They pull'd down the old hall, because it was too small, And now they've built a new Guildhall, with no hall at all." Only one opinion was expressed as to the arrangements by those called upon to make use of the building; and Mr. Justice Coleridge's remark, that the place was " the perfec- tion of inconvenience," was re-echoed by jurors, counsel, litigants, witnesses, and reporters. Defective as it was, the Guildhall was in some respects an improvement on its predecessor. The shortcomings of the latter were described from recollection by Mr. Leech in the Bristol Times of July 17, 1858. The writer remarked : ''Justice was at times ad- ministered with anything but gravity and decorum. The chief portion of the great hall was occupied by the sessions, and once a year by the assizes, whilst at the lower end was a smaller court, where the late Mr. A. Palmer administered justice in matters whose gravity did not exceed the weight of forty shillings. The division between the two courts was an imaginary line, which led to an occasional collision between the two jurisdictions. . . . Sometimes a message would be sent down to urge the necessity of the actors in the inferior tribunal conducting their proceedings sutto voce, . . . and it might be that the herald would receive an answer couched not merely in strong language, but actually in phrase not to be repeated to ears polite. Bankruptcy was adminis- tered in lofts upstairs, and the barristers robed in an old garret magnificently furnished by the city with a tenpenny looking-glass. Rows in the Guildhall we all remember, when blue and yellow roared and fought around the door for the possession of the premises on the election nomination days; and 256 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1841. tlieti, ^yllen tlie point had been carried by a column headed by the Game Chicken, or some other local champion, with what a rush and a bellowing up the flight of stone steps burst the stragglers." The additional assize court and other buildings fronting" Small Street will be referred to under 1865. The fifth decennial census of the population was taken on the 7th June, when the city of Bristol, as extended by the Municipal Corporations Act, was found to contain 123,188 souls. For the purpose of comparison with previous returns, it may be added that the ancient city had a population of 64266; Clifton, 14,177; the District, 6,139; St. Philip's, out, 21,590; St. George's, 8,318; Mangotsfield, 3,862; Stapleton, 3,944; Bedminster, 17,862; and Stoke Bishop tything, 2,651. On the dissolution of Parliament in June, 1841, the previous members, Mr. P. W. S. Miles, and Mr. F. H. F. Berkeley, offered themselves for re-election. The Conservatives pro- posed to oust the latter by again nominating Mr. W. Fripp ; but at the close of the poll, which took place on the 29th June, the numbers were found to be : Mr. Miles, 4,197 ; Mr. Berkeley, 3,743 ; Mr. Fripp, 3,689. Much irritation was caused amongst Mr. Fripp's friends by Mr. Miles's disclaimer on the hustings of a coalition, and an angry controversy took place on the subject, which, as will afterwards be seen, ended in a temporary disruption of the Conservative party in the city. The polling had hitherto taken place in Queen Square only; but on this occasion the sheriff resolved on erecting forty-three booths in various parts of the borough, much to the convenience of the electors. As an illustration of the manner in which elections were still conducted, the following extract from an article published in the Bristol Journal on the eve of the contest is not un- worthy of preservation : " Remember that a Conservative Government will be the inevitable result of the coming elec- tions, and that all the situations in the Customs and Excise will be in their gift, on the nomination of Miles and Fri]ip.* Freemen of Bristol ! The following is a list of the gifts in • " A meeting of Mr. Miles's committee was held on Monday, Sir. J. Iv. Haber- field in the chair, when the following apiiointuients were made to fill up vacfincies in our Custom House : Mr. Baber, son to our well-known and re- npected fellow citizen, Mr. Harry Baber, was appointed to a clerkship in the Ijong Room; Mr. William Ross Davis to a weiglier's situation, and Mr. George Collins as tidewaiter." — UrinUd Junriuil, May '2'2, 1H.")'2. In the same newspaper for the following week it is stated that tli(' ajipointment of a postmaster for Clifton by Mr. Hale (M.P. for Gloucestershire) had caused great dissatisfaction amongst the dispcn.sers of Government patronage in Bristol. 1841.] CHRIST CHURCH, CLIFTON. DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM, 257 the liands of the Conservative churchwardens and vestries of this city : All Saints, 19 ; St. ^Augustine's, 56 ; Christ Church, 25 ; St. Evven, 5 ; St. James's, 6Q ; St. John's, 20 ; St. Leonard's, 6 ; St. Maryleport, 10 ; St. Mary Redcliff, 46 ; St. Michael's, 48 ; St. Nicholas' 60 ; St. Paul's, 6 ; St. Peter's, 45 ; St. Philip's, 45 ; St. Stephen's 31 ; Temple, 62 ; St. Thomas's, 61 ; St. Werburgh's, 14 — 631. This is a goodly array of gifts which are in the power of the Conservatives to bestow, and will no doubt brighten the eyes of many a poor freeman." It was true, continued the writer, that the Charity Trustees, who were abusing the powers confided to them in the interests of Liberalism, had 129 gifts at their disposal. But a Conservative Government would '' displace every one of these men in the very next session " of Parliament, and Liberal electors "having already had such a large picking, must in common justice give way to the claims of those who now vote for Miles and Fripp." In the meantime the " poor freemen" were assured that "our generous Conservative mayoress, our Conservative Town Council, our Conservative churchwardens, our Conservative vestries, our Conservative Merchant Venturers would not turn a deaf ear to their sup- plications." Christ Church, Clifton, the finest example of the Early English style of architecture in the city, was consecrated by Bishop Monk on the 8th October. It had cost about £10,500, including the purchase of the site. In 1858, the then incum- bent urged that the building should be enlarged by the addition of aisles, but the parishioners preferred to add the tower and spire, according to the original design. These graceful ornaments were completed on the 22nd November, 1859, at a cost of £2,400 (a workman celebrating the fixing of the capstone — which weighed a quarter of a ton — by standing upon it on his head, at a distance of 212 feet from the ground). In 1884 the aisles were again projected, and the proposal caused fresh dissension and some litigation, several influential residents being of opinion that the addi- tions, if carried out, would irreparably destroy the beauty of the edifice. Their opponents, however, prevailed, and the new aisles, which cost upwards of £4,000, were opened by Bishop Ellicott in September, 1885. V^ The Bristol Deaf and Dumb Institution was established in the course of this year. In the case of this charity, the city did not occupy its customary position amongst the great towns of the country. Edinburgh founded a Deaf and Dumb Institution in 1760, and the example had been largely followed s 258 THE AKNALS OF BRISTOL. [1842. before Bristol entered the field. The charity, which was for many years located in Park Row, was removed in August, 1874, to the entrance to Tyndall's Park, where a building in the Tudor style had been erected for it at an outlay of £7,000. Under the Cathedral Acts passed in 1841 and 1842, the bishop of this diocese was authorised to appoint, at the rate of two per annum, twenty-four honorary canons of Bristol. An equal number was awarded to Gloucester. In March, 1842, workmen commenced the removal of the old houses which earlier generations had allowed to cluster against the north side of St. Mary Redcliff Church, some encroaching on the west front of the edifice being also demolished, with the object of laying out a new street, which was called Phippen Street, in honour of the mayor for the previous year. By the destruction of several miserable dwell- ings, the north front of the parish church, the details of which had been concealed for two or three centuries, were thrown open to public view. [The statue of Chatterton (see p. 249) was re-erected on the site of one of those hovels.] The cost of the property destroyed (about eighty-six tene- ments), with other expenses, was upwards of £20,700; but by the sale of ground rents the expenditure was reduced to about £8,700. In May, 1843, a further improvement was effected near the church b}' the lowering of Redcliif Hill, a commencement being also made with the widening of Redclifi: Street, by the setting back of one or two houses. These works raised the total amount spent in the locality to £13,500. On the 18th March, a man styling himself Signor Irving walked across a rope stretched over the Floating Harbour, from a warehouse on Redcliif Back to the Welsh Back. The feat attracted a great concourse of spectators. Three days later, the precursor of Blondin was repeating the performance, when the rope broke, and he was seriously bruised by falliug upon a barge. On the 7th July, 1842, an exhibition of machinery, works of art, etc., promoted by the members of the Mechanics' Institute, was opened in a building at the top of Park Street, and continued on view, with a short interval, until the end of October. Amongst the visitors was H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, who expressed himself much plensed. The exhil)ition was very po])ular, ui^wards of 7I',00() jkm'sous paying for admission; and tlie net profits, nearly £800, sufficed to wipe off the debt of the Institute. The Royal Agricultural Society opened the fourth of its annual country meetings at Bristol on the 12th July. The 1842.] ROYAL AGRICDLTURAL SHOW. ST, MAUY REDCLIFF. 259 site selected for the exhibition of implements is now occupied by the Triaug'le, while the show ground for animals was in the fields which then lay immediately behind the Victoria Rooms, about six acres being enclosed for the purpose. Amongst the miscellaneous articles on view was a gigantic cheese, weighing nine hundredweight, made at West Pennard, Somerset, and intended by the dairy farmers of the district as a present to the Queen, [The cheese subsequently got into the Court of Chancery.] The showyard was visited by 33,000 persons. The trials of implements took place in a field at Sneyd Park. Amongst the crowds of distinguished personages who visited the city on the occasion, were the Duke of Cambridge, the Prince of Saxe Meiningen, the Dukes of Richmond and Beaufort, the Marquis of Downshire, the Earls of Ilchester, Somers, Ducie, Spencer, Essex, Chichester, Fortescue, and Zetland, the Hon. E. Everett, United States minister, H. Handley, Esq., president of the Society, etc. The annual dinner of the Society was held on the 14th July in a pavilion capable of accommodating about 2,500 persons. On the same day a single train from London brought down 2,115 passengers. The receipts of the Great Western Railway for the week were £20,627, which by a generation accustomed to coach travelling was deemed a truly marvellous amount. About this date a curious official seal or die of the reign of Henry VIII. was found in a sewer near Castle Street. It was of copper, gilt, about thi-ee inches in diameter, and bore an effigy of the king in his robes, seated under a canopy, and holding a sceptre and orb. The inscription was as follows : " Anno Regis Henrici Octavi 34, racium (?) anno gracia, 1542." The local journals of the 30th July published a long and earnest appeal to the citizens on behalf of the venerable parish church of St. Mary Redcliff, then crumbling to decay through the neglect and parsimony of previous generations. The appeal, which was signed by the Rev. M. R. AVhish, vicar, and Thomas Proctor and John Farler, churchwardens, stated that the objects to be kept in view were the solid and substantial repair of the fabric, the restoration of its ornamental parts, and such alterations, chiefly internal, as might be necessary to restore the church to its ancient and pristine beauty. The services of Mr. Britton, the eminent antiquary, had been obtained for the restoration, and Mr. William Hosking, professor of architecture at King's College, had co-operated in the preparation of plans and drawings illustrative of the work to be accomplished. The cost of the restoration was estimated at "very nearly £40,000." The 260 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1842. response of the citizens to this document was of a frigid character; and although the promoters of the work neverthe- less persevered in pressing it upon the public, they long failed to shake the apathy of the wealthier classes. At a meeting in March, 1845, it was reported, that although the ruinous state of the church was daily becoming more alarm- ing, the total amount subscribed (less a vote of £2,000 made by the vestry and £1,000 contributed by the committee) was only £2,400. Urgent appeals were repeatedly made through the press ; and in the following September, in the hope that if the Avork were once begun it would not be suffered to drop, Mr. George Godwin was appointed architect. A con- tract was also entered into for the restoration of the east window and of one section of the church. The foundation- stone of the new works was laid on the 21st April, 1846, by the mayor (Mr. Haberfield), a long masonic procession accom- panying his worship to the spot. In the course of carrying out this contract, which was completed in September, 1847, some brickwork blocking up an arch between the chancel and the Lady Chapel was removed, when a beautiful but much-mutilated stone screen was exposed to view. [Another interesting discovery was made some years later in the south aisle of the nave, namely, the original tombs of William Canynges and his wife. The face of these beautifully canopied recesses had been ruthlessly cut away and wain- scoted over in the reign of Queen Anne, when the church was repewod. It was supposed that the effigies then lying in the south transept had been removed from the recesses by the perpetrators of the mutilation, and in 1852 the figures were replaced in their original position.] In January, 1848, the Canynges Society wfis formed for the purpose of help- ing forward the restoration, directing its efforts in the first instance to the chancel. In the summer of the same year an anonymous contributor, signing himself '^Nil Desperandum," began to forward money for the restoration of the north porch, the cost of which was nearly £2,600. [On the death of Alderman Proctor, in May, 1876, his executors discovered — as had long been suspected — that ho had effected this work at his sole expense, besides coutriljuting largely to the sub- scriptions for the church]. The assistance of the public continued to be rendered grudgingly for several years; and Itut for the exertions of the Ctiuynges Society, and its auxiliary, the Commercial Association (which rebuilt the south porch), little progress could have been effected. At the close of 1857, after nearly sixteen years' efforts, less than 1842.] ST. MARY REDCLIFP. COLSTON's SCHOOL. 261 £13,000 had been obtained from every source. More interest, however, began to be shown by the wealthier classes after that date; and in 1860 a stimulus was given to the work by the offer of Mr. S. W. Lucas , of Birmingham, to give £1,000 provided £4,000 additional were collected. The result was a subscription exceeding £5,500, which enabled the committee to make considerable progress during the following five years. In the meantime, the freemasons of the city resolved upon restoring the Lady Chapel at their sole expense. The first stone of this work was laid on the 28th August, 1861, when the masonic body in full regalia assembled in the Exchange, and walked in procession through the streets, the unusual pageant exciting much public interest. The stone was laid by Mr. Henry Shute, P.G.M. At the close of 1865, when the treasury was again exhausted, another subscription was set on foot, Alderman Proctor, Mr. R. P. King, Mr. J. Lucas, and the Rev. H. G. Randall ofi^ering £500 each, to which the public added about £4,000. In 1870 it was announced that this fund, which had reached £7,500, was absorbed. The restoration of the Lady Chapel was completed in the same year. Only £5,000 additional were now asked for to complete the restoration, including the spire, and as about £2,000 were soon forthcoming, the committee began operations for '^ crowning the edifice " in the summer of 1871. No time was lost in prosecuting the task, for on the 9th May, 1872, the capstone of the spire — a piece of Portland stone thirteen feet in gii'th, and weighing about a ton — was laid by the mayor (Alderman W. P. Baker), who was accompanied to the sum- mit, 276| feet above the ground, by the mayoress, the vicar, and some officials of the parish. The vane, which stands 15^ feet above the capstone, was fixed a few days later. In the closing months of the year an illuminated dial was placed in the tower, and the peal of bells was increased from ten to twelve. In October, 1874, a ''final appeal" was made by the Canynges Society, who stated that up to that date £45,000 had been expended in the restoration, of which sum £2,000 remained as a debt. Various details were also left uncompleted, and for these £4,000 more were required. The incumbrance was shortly after cleared off, and the additional works were undertaken and finished at intervals. On the 1st August, 1842, Lord Langdale, Master of the Rolls, gave judgment upon an information filed by the Attorney-General against the Society of Merchant Venturers in the matter of Colston's School. The question at issue was the disposition of the surplus of the funds left by Colston 2G2 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1842. after the expenses of tlie scliool had been provided for, it being argued by the Societ}-, that as they were liable for deficiencies^ they ■were entitled to appropriate the surpluses which might remain in hand. A particular transaction ap- peared to have led to the information. The Merchants' Society had demised to one Edward Bowyer and his wife a portion of the Colston property on lease, at a yearly rent of £315 ; but subsequently, in consideration of the lessees un- dertaking to pay down £2,500, the rent was reduced to £5 per annum. The lessees had actually paid only £500 of the promised amount; for the balance of £2,000 the Society ob- tained as secvirity the manor of Stogursey, which subse- quently, saving certain rights of Eton College, passed wholly into their possession, when the profits were retained by themselves. Lord Langdale, in giving judgment, said the Society were not entitled to deal with the funds of the school for their own benefit. There must be an inquiry, and the Society must be charged on account of the £2,500, but the inquiry was not to go further back than the date of the information. There was, his lordship added, much to be urged for the defendants, considering the difficulties imposed upon them by Colston's executors. The Society appealed against the decision, but the Lord Chancellor, in January, 1848, confirmed the judgment of Lord Langdale. During the hearing of the case it was stated by counsel that certain estates, ground-rents, etc., given by Colston to the school, and producing £1,280 at the time of the foundation, had become worth more than £3,000 a year, and that the surplus had been retained formanv vears bv the Merchants' Societv. The conversion, in 1786, of the Weavers' Hall, Temple Street, then a Methodist chapel, into a Jewish synagogue, is recorded in Barrett's historv of the citv. On the 18th August, 1842, the Jews o])ened a new synagogue near the same spot, having purchased and decorated a cha]iel built for the Society of Friends, but which had been for some years hired by the Wesleyans, who were thus twice succeeded by the Jews. The Weavers' Hall, again vacated by the removal of the synagogue, was bought soon after by the authorities of Temple parish for the purpose of being con- verted into a school. About the end of September a local case, markfnl ])y astonisliing credulity on tlio one hand and of rarely matched baseness and treachery on the other, excited widespread attention. The main features of the story were as follows : At No. 5, Cumberland Terrace, Cumberland Koad, resided 1842.] THE WOOLLEY HOAX. 263 Mr. John AYoolley, a timber merchant, considerably advanced in years. After the death of his wife, in 1888, his liouso had been managed by his sister-in-law, Mary Bryers, whom he was said to have adopted whilst a child, and to have treated with much kindness. Woolley, however, was vain, weak- minded, and greedy; and the housekeeper, who was inordi- nately fond of finery and display, resolved upon gratifying her tastes by playing upon his weaknesses. Her first essay, made about a year before this date, was to induce him to believe that his personal charms and amiable disposition had won the heart of a young- lady with a fortune of £5,000, and large '' expectations " from a wealthy aunt, who knew of and sympathised with her niece's affection. Woolley thereupon began to write amorous letters to his Dulcinea, the missives being placed in the hands of Bryers, who quickly concocted responses calculated to keep up his delusion. The sym- pathetic aunt was also made to play a part in the farce. Under the pretence that her large income came in irregularly, loans of money were requested in letters to Woolley, who advanced some £70 on being made the custodian of a pre- tended will, by which the dupe was promised a legacy of £5,000. Feeling that further imposture in this direction might lead to exposure, Bryers now devised a fresh and more daring scheme. Her brother-in-law was informed that another young lady — a Miss Poole King — with a fortune of £47^000, had conceived so ardent a passion for his person, through having seen him frequently passing her house in Redclifi' Parade, that she was ready to throw herself and fortune into his arms. Although, as in the former case, Woolley was wholly unacquainted with his reputed adorer, he seemed to have accepted her advances as a matter of course, and the first charmer was so completely neglected that Bryers was enabled to forge a letter purporting to come from that lady, upbraiding him with inconstancy, and de- clining further correspondence. Released from this difficulty, Woolley fell eagerly into the ncAV web of fraud framed by his impudent relative, who obtained a gold watch from a trades- man on the credit of his name, induced him to believe that it was a present from Miss King, and secured his own watch for an imaginary exchange of love tokens. A correspondence was next started, Bryers producing letters from the lady expressing the warmest attachment — accompanied on one occasion with a request for a loan of £20 to meet an emergency, which met, of course, w^ith a prompt response. Eventuallv, on being told that Miss King's family were 264 THE ANNALS OF BKISTOL. [1842. violently opposed to her marriage, Woolley expressed his williuguess to assist iu her elopement ; and one Sunday evening Bryers informed him that the lady had taken refuge in his house, but declined to see him. A pretended fugitive did, in fact, remain in the house until the following Wednes- day, Bryers in the meanwhile obtaining money from her complacent employer under various pretexts. All prepara- tions having been made, Woolley was at length permitted to see his intended bride ; and though the slightest perspicacity would have sufficed to convince him that the alleged lady was of the vulgarist materials, the gull appears to have been perfectly satisfied. A post-chaise having been obtained, the party set off for London, where the '' fair one," to Woolley's great satisfaction, undertook to make over £27,000 of her fortune. A licence being next obtained, the couple were married at Southwark on the 12th September — the bride being so '^ overcome " when her signature was required in the vestry that Bryers had to guide her hand. A week having been gaily spent at an hotel, the party returned to Bristol, where, on the pretence that the lady was going to Redcliff Parade to prepare her home for her husband's reception, the two women took to flight, with certain luggage belonging to Woolley. The wretched man soon after discovered that he liad not only been robbed of his valuables, but had been united to a girl of low origin, named Mary Ann Moi-gan, who had earned her living as a domestic servant. About a fort- night later, Bryers and her tool were captured in London, and were taken before a magistrate; but Woolley, over- whelmed by the roar of popular ridicule excited by his tale, ultimately declined to prosecute, and was left to ponder for the rest of his life over his egregious credulity. In the autumn of this year public attention was called in the local press to the destruction of the natural beauties of Leigh Woods and of tlio Somerset bank of the Avon by the proprietors of the property. From the statements made in newspaper articles and correspondence, it appeared that a portion of the ancient British camj) had been converted into a potato garden ; the wood was let as a rabbit warren ; many of the large trees were cut or thrown down ; and sylvan spots of eminent l)oauty, o])en to the public from time immemorial, were hedged off from pedestrians, who were insultingly driven away by the man who had taken possession of the place. All tliis was done, it was added, in order that " the poor annuiil j)ittanco of some £20 sterling" might fall " into colTers already overflowiTig " ; .and letters addressed 184-2.] DESTRUCTION OF LEIGH WOODS. 265 to the owner of tlie estate were contemptuously ignored. On the river bank, the destruction worked on another property by pickaxe and bhisting powder was playing still greater havoc with scenery of surpassing grandeur and beauty. A Conservative editor remarked: "Of the unintelligent, un- scrupulous, and merely mercenary and vulgar character of the general invasion of which this fine scenery has long been the victim, there can be in every generous and feeling mind but one opinion." The protests of the public were, however, of no effect. A toll was demanded of every one entering Leigh Woods, while on the other estate every large tree was cut down in the wood overhanging the river from Stokeleigh camp to opposite Cook's Folly. In July, 1849, the restrictions imposed upon pedestrians frequenting Leigh Woods were abandoned, and the boorish potato grower dis- appeared. In the summer of 1879, on the other hand, an ancient foot and bridle path from Leigh road to the wood overhanging the Abbot's Pond, was closed by the owner of the land, and as no one felt called upon to resist his action, the right of the public was surrendered. In the meantime the devastation of the riverside scenery had gone on, as it still goes on, without interruption. The EiiglisJi, Ilhisfrafed Mar/dziiie for November, 1886, contains the indignant protest of a well-known literary citizen against the destruction of the '^ waving forest that had been the nursery of art to W. J. Miiller, Danby,/^'y^ie{and Turner, and the scenery that has given character toClif ton," which had become " only a record of an utilitarian age, whose sordid spirit could con- vert so choice a piece of landscape into crumbling stones for the sake of their value in money." An interesting geological discovery was made in November, 1842, in one of the quarries which were then worked in the middle of Durdham Down, the workmen having found an o])ening into a cavern containing a quantity of the remains of animals for ages extinct in this country. The cavity, though narrow, was of some extent,-being traceable to a depth of ninetv feet. The bones had belonged to about twelve hyenas, a bear, two rhinoceros, several hippopotami, numerous examples of wild bulls, about five deer, and five or six elephants, besides the relics of animals of later date. The bones were nearly all fractured into small pieces, and the proportion of teeth and horns to other parts of the body greatly preponderated. Taking this fact into consideration, together with the marks of gnawing on the bones, and the certainty that the cave could not have accommodated more 266 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1843. than a small fraction of the animals represented by the vestiges, scientific observers concluded that the den had been the retreat of hyenas, which had carried to it portions of their prey. By comparison of the teeth of the hyena and bear with those of the present races, the larger size of the early animals became strikingly apparent ; those of the hyena testified that the beast had been bigger than the largest known species of tiger. The appearance of the remains suggested the hypothesis that a considerable move- ment had taken place in the sides of the fissure since the animals had lived there ; and this, it was presumed, had produced the closure of the orifice, and the consequent high preservation of the bones. In February, 1843, the Grovernment purchased a plot of land, part of Horfield Court Farm, the property of Mr. A. M. Storey, for the purpose of erecting cavalry and infantry barracks on the site, and so avoiding the quartering of troops on the publicans of the city — a system which had long been condemned both by the victuallers and the public. The foundation-stone of the new buildings was laid with masonic ceremony on the 3rd June, 1845, and the completed pre- mises were handed over to the Board of Ordnance on the 26th April, 1847. The barracks, which cost £57,000, were con- structed to accommodate four companies of infantry and two troops of cavalry. In 1873 considerable additions were made to the buildings, which became a " local military centre " under the Army Re-organization Act. A field opposite to the barracks was also purchased, to serve as a camping ground for the Gloucestershire militia during the annual period of training. Robert Sonthey, one of Bristol's most distinguished sons, died on the 21st March, 1843, at Keswick, Cumberland. A detailed notice of the literary labours of one of the most indefatigable and voluminous of English writers would be inconsistent with the chai'acter of this work, but it may be interesting to record a few local facts connected with his career. Born on the 12th August, 1774, at No. 0, Wine Street, where his father carried on business as a draper, at the sign of " The Hare," Southey received the elements of instruction from various teachers in and near the city, and showed at an early ago such strong indications of .ability and genius that an unck', tlie liov. H. Hill, undertook to boar the expense of his education at a public school. At Westminster the boy soon found congenial associates, amongst whom was Mr. Charles W. Wynn, afterwards for nearly half a centnry 1843.] ROBERT SOUTHEY. 267 a highly esteemed member of the House of Commons, Southey's career at the school was cut short by an unlucky essay on corporal punishment, published in the school maga- zine which he had contributed to establish, the lucubration being supposed by the servile head-master to reflect upon the inhuman floo-o-ing-s which were then of constant occurrence in the army and navy. The punishment was expulsion; and, as the elder Southey failed in business about the same date, the lad's prospects would have been seriously compromised but for the continued protection of his uncle, Hill, who provided means for sending him to Oxford. It was during his college life, 1792-4, that he encountered Coleridge, then, like him- self, a Unitarian and a republican, and the new friends a little later found themselves at Bristol, disgusted with scho- lasticism and with the superannuated customs of old world civilization, and eager to form a Utopian " Pantosocracy " in America — a bubble which happily soon burst. The dreamers, moreover, fell in love with two young Bristol ladies named Fricker, daughters of a maker of sugar-loaf moulds at West- bury, who had died in embarrassed circumstances. Being themselves in sorry pecuniary plight, the amorous youths resolved on giving a course of lectures in the city — Southey selecting historical, and Coleridge political and moral subjects. For the former's course of twelve lectures, tickets, lO.s-. 6'/. each, were " to be had of Mr, Cottle, bookseller. High Street," from whose published reminiscences it appears that the ex- periment met with liberal patronage,* A few months later, Cottle, who was himself a poet, was so pleased with " Joan of Arc," Southey's first important work, that he offered £50 for the copyright, promising also as many gratis copies of the book as the author should obtain subscriptions for. While the poem was passing through the press, Southey accepted an invitation of his generous uncle, who lived at Lisbon, to spend six months in the Peninsula, Mr. Hill being doubtless wishful to break off his nephew's love affair. On the day of his departure, however (in November, 1795), the enthusiastic young man effectually baffled this intention by marrying Miss Edith Fricker at vSt, Mary Redcliff, the parties separating at the church door. Such was the bridegroom's poverty at the moment that Cottle furnished the money to buy the wedding • Southey's fourth Ipcture was to be " On the Rise, Progress, and Decline of the Roman Empire," a theme which so excited Coleridge's imagination that he asked permission to deal with it himself. The room was thronged on the occa- sion; but Coleridge, with customary absence of mind, never made hi.s appearance, and the assembled citizens were forced to go lectureless to bed. 268 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1843. ring, and paid the fees of the ceremony ; yet no nnion was ever more happy, and Southey wrote forty years later, that his partner had always been "' the life of his life." On his return from the Continent, in 1796, the young couple estab- lished themselves in lodgings in Bristol, where Southey wrote his " Letters from Spain and Portugal," Cottle, who bought the copyright, advancing money on account, and thus keep- ing the wolf from the door. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Wynn, though not a rich man, granted Southey an annuity of £160 a year (which was continued until the generous giver was able to obtain for him a Government pension of an equal amount) ; and Southey, who had had brief flirtations with the clerical, the medical, and finally the legal professions, definitely resolved to devote himself to literature. In 1797, out of sympathy for the sister and niece of the unfortunate Chatterton, wdio had been shamefully defrauded and left destitute by a literary charlatan — Sir Herbert Croft — Southey undertook an edition of the works of the youthful genius. The liberal-hearted Cottle was again the publisher (as he had already been of two volumes of Southey's minor poems), and the effort resulted in a clear profit of £300 for Chatter- ton's relatives. A year later, Southey, whose health was impaired, took a house at AV^estbury-on-Trym, which he styled Martin Hall from the number of those summer visitors that hovered around it, and there he spent, as he afterwards said, "one of the happiest years of his life." " I never before or since produced so much poetry in the same space of time." There, too, he formed the acquaintance of Humphry Davy, who, when scarce twenty years old, had come to Bristol to superintend Dr. Beddocs' Pneumatic Institution, and whose brilliant career was predicted by his new friend. Another visit to the Peninsula and a brief official charge in Dubliii followed the sojourn at Westbury. In 1802 Southey was again living in Bristol; but the loss of a child while in the city caused him profound grief, and in the following year, having gone with his wife to see Mr. and Mrs. Coleridge at Keswick, he was so charmed with the locality that what was intended to be a temporary visit turned out to be a perma- nent settlement for life. His labours from that date belong to the literary history of the century. In 1813 ho was ap- pointed poet laureate, wliicli added £90 a year to his income but nothing t(i his fame. In later j^ears he was offered a seat in Parliament and a baronetcy, but wisely eschewed both distinctions. He accepted, liowever, a further pension of £300, Avhich was gracefully offered by Sir Robert Peel in IS43.] PEN PARK HOLE. ECCLESIASTICAL SUIT. 2G0 1835. Southey's poems, deemed imperishable by himself, have been long forgotten ; but as a prose writer he sometimes displayed talent of the highest order; and Thackeray's eulogy on the true nobility of his life, his indefatigable industry, and liis self-sacrificing devotion to his relatives and dependants, will remain a monument to his memory so long as the English language endures. The singular cavern known as Pen-park Hole, which ex- cited mucli interest in the previous century, was explored in April, 1843, by Mr. Richard Rowe, of St. Agnes, Corn- wall, and a party of working miners from that county. After descending about 140 feet, the party reached a large body of water, and it was found necessary to take down a boat before any progress could be made. The piece of water was stated to be eight fathoms deep, twelve fathoms long, and fifteen fathoms broad ; though on the last previous occasion on which the cavern was visited — in the autumn of 1776 — Mr. George Catcott estimated the pool to be " not more than four yards over, and its greatest depth not above six feet." The explorers obtained some fine specimens of lead ore, Avhich were afterwards stated to have yielded more than 75 per cent. of metal. The results were deemed so satisfactory that it was proposed to form a company in Cornwall for the purpose of regularly working the mine ; but from some reason the project was abandoned. On the 19th May a commission of preliminary investigation was opened in the chapter house of the cathedral to inquire whether there were sufficient grounds for proceeding in the Episcopal court against the Rev. M. R. Whish, vicar of St. Mary Redcliff, and the Rev. D. V^Irvine^ his curate, and also chaplain of B ride well, ^FoFaTbreach of church discipline. The alleged offence consisted in Dr^Iryine having solemnized the marriage of two persons living in the parish of Nailsea, the woman being a sister of the deceased wife of the man. The proceedings were instituted by Archdeacon Thorp, who conducted the case. After a hearing which extended over two days. Dr. Phillimore, the presiding commissioner, de- clared that there were sufficient grounds for instituting further proceedings against Dr. Irvine, who loudly protested that he was the victim of a High Church persecution. The charge against Mr. Whish fell to the ground. The parties having agreed that Bishop Monk should pronounce sentence in Dr. Irvine's case, without further proceedings, his lordship suspended the curate for a year, his licences being also re- voked. Petitions in the reverend gentleman's favour were 270 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1843. presented to the bishop by the visiting justices of Bridewell and the parishioners of Redcliff, but Dr. Monk refused to make any remission. Some quaint old houses in Baldwin Street (a view of which is preserved in Front's Sketches) were demolished about the end of May for the purpose of widening that thoroughfare, ■which was in some places exceedingly narrow. The net cost of the improvement was about £2,700. The premises built upon the sites were tasteless in the extreme. About the same time a picturesque old house was pulled down in Broad Street, in order to open a communication into Small Street through Albion Chambers. The first mention of tricycles found in the newspapers of this part of the kingdom occurs in the Bath Gazette of the last week in May. The paragraph stated that two descrip- tions of three-wheeled self-propelling machines were then traversing the streets of Bath. One of them was propelled by the rider " rising up and down, after the manner .of horse exercise " ; the other, invented by a local artisan, was worked by treadles whicli moved a crank close to the small guiding wheel. *' The inventor lately came on it from Bristol to Bath in an hour and a half." Bicycles came into favour about 1860, and caused much astonishment in the rural districts. One Somerset peasant, dumbfoundered by their speed and inexplicable mode of propulsion, is recorded to have de- scribed a party of excursionists as being " the cheeribums as Daniel seed." The stately chapel on St. Augustine's Back, erected in 1840 by the Irvingite denomination at a cost of about £14,000, was purchased for £5,000 in the summer of 1843 by the Roman Catliolics of the city, and was consecrated, under the name of St. Mary, on the 5th July, by Bishop Baines, vicar apostolic of the western district. Dr. l^aines expired during tlie night following the ceremonial at his residence. Prior Park, Batli. In 1871 the chapel Avas purchased by the fraternity of Jesuits. Highlniry Chapel, Cotham, erected on the ground wliere tliree unha])py Protestants were burned to death for their religious opinions during the reign of the intolerant Mary, was opened on the Gth July by the Rev. AV'illiam Jay, of Bath. It had cost £3,000, exclusive of the site, which was given by Mr. Richard Ash. The original design appears to have included a western tower, which was never carried higlier tlian tlie roof of the cliapel. During an enlargement which was made in the autumn of 1803, another tower, in a 1843.] LAUNCH OF THE " GREAT BRITAIN." 271 style uuconimon in this district, was erected on tlio south transept of the building. The outlay on the additional buildings exceeded the cost of the original edifice. On the 19th July, the day fixed for launching the Great Britain [see p. 219], his royal highness Prince Albert paid a brief visit to the city, on the invitation of the proprietors of the Great Western Shipbuilding Company, and was received with many demonstrations of joy. The train which brought the Prince down from London performed the distance in what was then deemed the astonishingly short space of three hours and ten and a half minutes. On arriving at Bristol Terminus, the royal visitor was presented with an address by the mayor (Mr. James Gibbs) on behalf of the Corporation, to which he made a courteous reply. The Merchants' Society also presented an address, accompanying it with the freedom of the Society in a gold box. The Prince (who was accom- panied by the Marquis of Exeter, Lord Wharncliffe, and the Earl of Lincoln) was then conducted by Temple Street, High Street, and Corn Street, College Green, Park Street, and Clifton Church to the Downs, thence by Bridge Valley Road to Hotwell House, and finally along Cumberland Road to the shipbuilding yard at Wapping. Triumphal arches had been erected at judiciously selected spots; and the visitor was greatly pleased with the appeai*ance of the city and with the adjacent scenery. On nearing the rude towers of the un- finished suspension bridge, some men, by means of a basket- car, ti'aversed the bar which united the two banks of the Avon, much to the wonder of the Prince and his attendants. On reaching the gigantic vessel, his royal highness inspected the platform on which the ship was to descend, and expressed his admiration of the " magnificent sight." A banquet fol- lowed, in a saloon fitted up for the purpose, Mr. Thomas Kington presiding. At its conclusion the Prince named the ship the " Great Britain " in the customary manner, and the colossal vessel glided into the water amidst a whirlwind of cheers. The Prince's return journey was accomplished with lis much celerity as his morning trip. It was estimated that, in addition to the crowds which lined the sides of the Floating Harboui^ about 30,000 persons assembled on Brandon Hill to witness the launch. A medal was struck to commemorate Prince Albert's visit to the city. Whilst the Great Britain remained in the Float, a number of royal and distinguished personages visited Bristol, to inspect what was then termed the '^monster" vessel. Amongst them were the Duke of Bordeaux ("Henry V." of France), the King of Saxony, and 272 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1843. Prince William of Prussia (afterwards Emperor of Germany) . The Queen visited tlie ship when it was fitting out in the Thames. The steamer Queen, -whilst on her passage from Bristol to Dublin^ was totally lost on the Welsh coast near Milford Haven, during a dense fog, on the night of the 1st Septem- ber. All the passengers, with the exception of one who was drowned in his berth, were taken off by a passing sloop; but, owing to the fog, they had to remain for twenty-four hours without food or shelter before they could reach the shore. The crew had previously made off in the steamer's boats. The Queen belonged to the Bristol Steam Navigation Com- pany, and was said to be worth about £15,000. During the autumn of 1843, whilst alterations were being made in the pews and other internal arrangements of All Saints' Church, the authorities thought the opportunity a favourable one for endeavouring to ascertain where the remains of Edward Colston were deposited, the site of his grave having been for many years in doubt. After some unsuccessful attempts, the matter w^as supposed to have been cleared up on the 2nd September, in the presence of the vicar (the Rev. H, Rogers), the churchwardens, and a few of the leading parishioners. From a memorandum written by Mr. H. Penton, a churchwarden, and published in the local journals, it appeared that at the suggestion of Mr. Garrard, the city treasurer, who had discovered that Alderman Colston (ob. 1597) was buried in a vault opposite "the little vestry door" [discovered during the alterations], a search was made at the place indicated. The vault in question was found packed with coffins, the uppermost being within a few inches of the surface. One of the last bodies interred had been that of Sir Stephen Nash, LL.D., sheriff in 1785-6. "The rotten remains of several wooden coffins" having l)een removed, two others were found at the bottom of the vault. One was supposed to be that of Sarah Colston, the philan- thropist's niece, who was buried in 1721, but no name could 1)0 traced upon it. "The larger coffin of the two," Avrote Mr. Penton, " was evidently that of a man of good stature, and was on llu' left of the vault. It appeared to be found necessary, when the body was interred, to excavate a portion of the rock, to admit of leuLrth sufficicMit for the foot of the coffin. The falling away of the wood from the sides disclosed a leaden case of substantial thickness, which it was deter- mined to bring to the surface, the vault Ix-ing deep. The treasurer, vicar, churchwarden, and myself concluded to open 1843.] SUPPOSED REMAINS OF EDWARD COLSTON. 273 the upper part of the coffin, when to our great surprise and' gj:"atification, we found it was the immortal Colston himself J . / lying in all the apparent tranquillity of sleep. The features! were so perfect as to be readily recognised ; so much so {sic)\ that it is not improbable that a cast of his head was taken for the celebrated monument of him in the church, sculptured by Roubillac ! The face was covered with a sheet quite strong and perfect, and a diaper cap or napkin on his head: his cravat and shirt exactly of the make and form of those/ shown on the same admirable monument in front of th,g vault. The whole was sacredly and immediately closed and replaced; a leaden plate being soldered on, inscribed — 'Edward Colston, 1721.'" If the vicar and churchwardens had, at the beginning of their operations, a fitting sense of the " sacred " character of the remains, they appear to have speedily lost it. A fortnight later, on the 14th September, the contents of the vault were again disturbed, and Colston's coffin was opened a second time to gratify the curiosity of Mr. F. E. Colston, of Roundway Park, Wilts, grotesquely styled by the Bristol Journal a "lineal descendant" of Colston, but really the representative of a collateral branch of the family. The church, in fact, was turned into a sort of show, and "about a hundred gentlemen" were permitted to witness the exhibition. The repulsive extent to which curiosity was pushed may be divined from the account of the journalist mentioned above. " The body," he says, " was clothed in a shirt, drawers, and stockings [some portions of which were purloined and appropriated by persons who were present], all of which were yet strong and perfect; the enamel of the teeth was scarcely discoloured. On a portion of the upper part of the shirt being removed, the l)reast appeared almost of the colour of living flesh, and was firm to the touch. The face and arms were very dark ; the only portions of the grave clothes that bore any marks of decay were the gloves that covered the hands." The alleged discovery gave rise to much controversy, it being maintained by several persons that the remains could not have been those of Colston. One argument adduced by the sceptics was, that, according to an inscription formerly in the church, the text of which is pre- served in Barrett's History, the body was laid in a vault " in the first cross alley, under the reading desk " — which, down to 1757, stood against the north column of the chancel arch, whereas the vault near " the little vestry door " was in the south aisle. It was also shown that the body of Ann Colston, Edward's sister, was brought from Mortlake, and interred T / 27-i THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1843. witli his own, according to his express directions, but no sucli coffin was in the opened vault. Finally, the head of the exhumed body contained a set of teeth in excellent preserva- tion, which was not to be expected in the case of a man who had reached his eighty-fifth year. The question at issue was never authoritatively settled. The " Old Castle " tavern, one of the oldest buildings in Castle Street, and chiefly constructed of wood, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 6th September. The occupier, Mr. Thomas Worthington, who was an invalid, perished in the flames, and one of his relatives afterwards died from the effects of her injuries. St. Barnabas' Church, Ashley Road, was consecrated by Bishop Monk on the 12th September. The building cost the modest sum of £2,200, of which only £175 appear to have been contributed by the citizens. St. Luke's Church, Barton Hill, was consecrated on the 20th of the same month, having just been finished at an outlay of £2,700. The proprietors of the adjacent cotton factory, for whose workpeople it was chiefly intended, contributed largely to the building fund. The last coach between Bristol and London ceased to run in October, 1843. The Bristol Journal of March 30th, 1844, announced : " The Bush coach office, where an extensive business has been carried on for, Ave believe, more than a century, has this week closed." But in April, 1849, in con- sequence of the Great Western railway board having reduced the number of trains, and discontinued return tickets, two coaches ran daily to and fro between Bristol and Bath, and were well patronised during the summer mouths. The Charity Trustees having resolved to remove the boys of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital from the unhealthy premises in Christmas Street, and to erect convenient school buildings in a more salubrious locality, submitted a scheme to the Lord Chancellor, praying for his assent. His lordship, in January, 1844, deputed a London architect to inquire into and report upon the eligibility of the ])lans, and, the result being satis- factory, the scheme was approved. The site selected was on the north-west side of Braudou Hill, on land once used as a cemetery by the Jews. The scholars took possession of the new premises, which cost £1 1,000, on the 27th September, 1847. The abandoned hosjutal in Cliristnuis Street was occupied for some time by a cooper; but in the early months of 1856 it was taken by the local branch of an association for improving tlie dwellings of the industrial classes ; and after being jiartially rcc(jnstructed, was opened in tlio follow- 1844.] TOMBS IN ST. Stephen's, sugar duties. 275 ing October as an " establisliment of model dwellings." The association about the same time constructed another range of buildings in Limekiln Road. The scheme, however, was unprofitable, and the old '* Bartholomew's " was subsequently converted into a shoo factory. In consequence of the increasing traffic through Baldwin Street, the Council, at a meeting in February, ISll-, ordered the removal of the Fish Market, an ugly building standing on St. Nicholas' Back, opposite to the church. The fish dealers appear to have removed to the Welsh Back. [See June, 1872.] Miss Ann Dimsdale, of Frenchay, who died about this time, bequeatlied by will the sum of £26,000 to local charities and religious societies. Miss Dimsdale was a member of an old Quaker family. During the spring of 1844, nine quaint old houses in Bi'oad Street, between the Council House and the entrance to Albion Chambers, had their projecting gabled fronts removed, for the purpose of widening the thoroughfare. The Corporation effected this improvement for £630. Three projecting houses on the opposite side, adjoining Christ Church, had been thrown back in 1835. The last old houses in the western row were purchased, as already stated, by the Bank of England, Avhose banking house, erected on the site, was opened in November, 1847. In May, whilst workmen were engaged in repewing St. Stephen's Church, a richly canopied altar tomb, bearing two effigies, was discovered plastered up under one of the win- dows of the north aisle. The male effigy was habited in civil costume, but bore a studded swordbelt of the peculiar fashion of the later half of the fourteenth century. It was suggested that the ^"Si^^ was that of John Shipward, elected mayor in 1455, who built the magnificent tower of the church ; but the dress of the figure, as well as the style of the tomb, clearly indicated an earlier date. A few days later, another male effigy was discovered in the south wall. Both figures are engraved in the ArcJiceoJogical Journal, vol. iii. pp. 82, 83. [The church was repewed, in a more tasteful manner, in the autumn of 1886.] On the 14th June, the ministry of Sir Robert Peel met with a severe defeat in the House of Commons, upon an amendment brought forward by Mr. P. W. Miles, one of the members for Bristol, on the question of the sugar duties. Up to this time, the duty on foreign grown sugar was 63.s-. per cwt., while the tax on our colonial product was 24.'>'. The Ministry proposed to reduce the former duty to 34,s-., giving the West India 276- THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1844. interest a protection of 10s. per cwt. Mr. Miles objected to this reduction as inexpedient and as wanting in finality. After entering into lengthy details to show the depressed condition of the colonies,, and contrasting their former jjros- perity with their late decay, he said : " He wished the Chancellor of the Exchequer could pay a visit to his (Mr. M.^s) estates in Jamaica, and view a state of things which was the sad spectre of what it once had been." Already many estates had been thrown up; and he called on the agriculturists of England, whose cause with that of the "West Indies was a common one, to save the colonists from the very great distress Avhich the ministerial proposal would create. He concluded by moving that the duty on British sugars should be reduced to 20s. per cwt. The Opposition, on the ground that the amendment, if carried into effect, would be more advantageous to the consumer than the Government proposal, supported Mr. Miles, and on a division the Ministry were defeated by 241 votes against 221. The result caused great excitement in political circles. Three days later, Sir Eobert Peel moved a resolution annulling the effect of the previous vote, and restoring the duty to 24s. — a proposal much condemned by several speakers, and especially by Mr. Disraeli, who charged the Premier with " laying down a tariff of political disgrace." Mr. Miles also sharply complained of the conduct of the Ministry, and declared that he should continue to defend the interests of the West Indies. Sir Robert Peel's resolution was however carried by 255 votes against 233. About forty of the members of Mr. Miles's previous majority either absented themselves or changed sides. The Bristol and Gloucester railway, which had been under construction about two years [see p. 123] was opened to the shareholders on the 6th and to the public on the 8th July. The first six days' traffic on the line (which was closed on Sundays) amounted to £735. Of the seven coaches which had been running between the two cities, six were im- mediately withdrawn ; and on the 22nd July the time-hon- oured " north mail " loft Bristol for tlic last time — the horses' heads surmounted witli funereal phimes, and the coachman and guard in ecjimllv lugubrious array. The portion of the railway between Stonehouso and Gloucester had been made ])y the Great Western Gom]uiny ; the rest of tlio lino (which had cost about .£500, 000), tliough oi-iginally intended to bo of the narrow gauge, had been laid down on the broad gauge, under the advice of Mr. Brunei, tlie com])any's engineer. The result of tliis arrangement was, that although the opening 1844.] RAILWAY TO GLOUCESTER. MONUMENT TO SOUTHEY. 277 of the railway completed the chain of communication between Bristol and Newcastle on Tyne and all the leading towns on the route, every train was stopped at Gloucester as if a wall had been built across the way. In the course of the year, negotiations were set on foot for an amalgamation of the new line with that of the Gloucester and Birmingham Company (who had completed their task in December, 1840), and an arransrement between the two boards was soon after efiected. The united companies then received offers of alliance from the Great Western and Midland directorates — each eager to secure the valuable territory. The rivalry of the two great concerns was close and keen; but the Midland Company, then under the rule of Hudson, " the railway king," were eventu- ally the successful bidders, their offer of a guaranteed divi- dend of six per cent, per annum in perpetuity being accepted in February, 1845. In the following yeai', to escape from obligations to the Great Western board, the Midland Com- pany resolved to make a new line from Gloucester to Stone- house, alongside that of their competitors, but so obstinate was the opposition of the latter that an Act for the purpose was not obtained until 1848. Preparations were then made to extend the narrow gauge system to Bristol; but further obstacles were successfully raised by the Great Western magnates, and for several years the passenger and goods traffic between the West of England and the manufactur- ing districts was brought to a dead stop at Gloucester. The narrow gauge carriages did not, in fact, reach Bristol until the 22nd May, 1854.* A meeting of the friends and admirers of Robert Southey was held at the Institution, Park Street, on the 13th July, for the purpose of raising a subscription for the erection in his native city of a monument to the memory of the dis- tinguished writer. The mayor (Mr. W. L. Clarke) presided over a scanty gathering, which appointed a committee to carry out the project, with an understanding that the artist of the memorial should be another distinguished Bristolian — Mr. E. H. Baily, R. A. It was found that £500 would suffice to erect a monument which would be worthy of the object and creditable to the city ; but the subscriptions, excluding £20 by Mr. Baily and £30 by literary men unconnected with Bristol, amounted only to about £50. The subsequent dona- • The Midland board subsequently f;ained much popularity by its cheap excursion trains. On August 6, 1H55, about 7,0U0 Bristoliaus were conveyed to and from Birmingham, a distance of 182 miles, for Is. Qd. each. 278 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1844. tions were so trifling that the committee abandoned tlie idea of a monument in College Green, which Southey had hoped for during his declining years, and contented themselves with obtaining a bust of the poet, which was placed in the north aisle of the cathedral in December, 1845. About this time, the condition of the south lock at Cumber- land Basin having occasioned some anxiety, the directors of the Dock Company applied to Mr. Brunei for his opinion as to the course to be taken. That gentleman reported that repairs of a costly character were indispensable, and that, considering the insufficient breadth of the lock (45 feet), it was advisable to entirely reconstruct the entrance, enlarging it to 52 feet, which he thought would adequately meet the future requirements of the port. The cost was estimated at £22,000. This report was approved by the directors, who communicated their intentions to the Council. The latter body, at a meeting on the 15th July, passed a resolution expressive of its gratification at the liberality of the Dock Company, and cordially concurring in their plan. The lock, afterwards known as Brunei's lock, was constructed of a width of 54 feet. At the sale of the Chew Magna and Dundry estates of Mr. John Harford, which took place in Bristol in July, the Charity Trustees purchased farms and land at North Chew and Littleton, of the area of 207 acres, for which £11,500 were paid. A company was formed in July, with a proposed capital of £8,000 in £20 shares, for the construction of a swivel bridge from Redcliff Back to the Grove. The shares were taken up, but in April, 1845, a resolution disapproving of the scheme was carried in the Council by 21 votes against 18. The project was consequently suffered to drop. By the Bank Charter Act, passed in the session of 1844 at the instance of Sir Robert Peel, the issue of notes by pro- vincial banks was limited to the average amount of their circulation during the previous two years. From an official return published in the London Gazetie in September, it appeared that the average circulation of the local banks had been as follows : Bristol Old l^ank (Messrs. Baillie, Ames & Co.), £89,540; Bristol Bank (Messrs. Miles & Co.), £48,277; West of Eugliuid and Soutli Wales District Bank, £88,585 ; Stuck ey's Banking Com]iany, £35(3,970. Up to this time tlie guai'diansof the Clifton poor-law union had maintained three workhouses for the indoor paupers of the district — at Clifton for the aged and infirm, at Peunywell 1844.] NEW WORKHOUSE. WILTS AND SOMERSET RAILWAY. 279 Road for the able-bodied, and at St. George's for children, A proposal was now brought forward for the erection of one large establishment, with a view to economy in management. At a meeting of ratepayers, at Clifton, in October, it was stated that since the union was founded a new workhouse had been built in the parish at a cost of £4,000. It was contended that this building fulfilled the requii-ements of the locality; but the Pennywell Hoad workhouse was admitted to be a disgrace to the union [see p. 200] . A resolution was passed to agitate for a separation of Clifton from the other parishes if the guardians persisted in the new project. At a meeting of the board, a few days later, however, it was resolved by a large majority to negotiate for the purchase of land near Stapleton, upon which to erect a workhouse capable of accommodating 1,180 inmates. An area of about seventeen acres was obtained for £3,500, and the builder's contract for the workhouse amounted to £10,916. The premises were first occupied in September, 1847, but they were at once found inadequate, and in December, 1848, the Poor Law Board authorised an expenditure of £25,000, including the cost of site. Additional buildings have been added from time to time, and the total outlay has been probably not less than £40,000. In spite of these extensions, the workhouse now accommodates only 1,161 inmates, recent regulations insisting on an increased cubic space for each pauper. The workhouse at Clifton, after its abandonment, was hired from the overseers, and became the Clifton Wood Industrial School. A vestry hall and parochial offices were built on part of the site in Pennywell Road, the rest of which was sold, as Avas the workhouse at St. George's. In November, 1844, a prospectus appeared of the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Company, with a capital of £1,500,000 in £50 shares, for the construction of a railway from Corsham to Trowbridge and Westbury, with diverging lines from the last-named town to Salisbury and to Wey- mouth. The Great Western board, which promoted the scheme, undertook to work the line on a lease, and guaranteed a minimum )''early dividend of 4 per cent. The proposal excited strong disapproval amongst Bristol traders, on the ground that it threatened to obstruct if not destroy their extensive business in the commercial districts of Wilts and East Somerset, and measures were taken to oppose it in Parliament. The Great Western directors, however, under- took to establish direct communication between Bristol and the towns in question, and the Bill passed. Subsequently, an 280 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1844. Act was obtained to carry out the promise of the board, but the construction of the additional line was postponed from year to year, and the directors at last attempted to repudiate their pledges. The Court of Queen's Bench was eventually applied to for redress, when the construction of a railway from Bathampton to the above line at Bradford was declared to be obligatory on the Great Western Company. Another Act was obtained in the session of 1854, and the junction line was opened in February, 1857. The line to Salisbury had been finished in June, 1856, and the Weymouth section was completed in December of the same year. The cost of the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth system to the concern which absorbed it was over £3,000,000 — a sum exceeding the original capital of the Great Western Company. The urgent need of providing the city with an additional supply of water had for some years before this time become a pressing public question. The state of the poor in many districts was lamentable in the extreme ; and the high rate of mortality which generally prevailed was held to be largely attributable to the consumption of impure water, and to the dirt and squalor that prevailed amongst the labouring classes. At length, in March, 1840, a meeting was held, the mayor (Mr. J. N. Franklyn) presiding, when it was proposed to form a Bristol and Clifton Waterworks Company, with a capital of £60,000 in £50 shares. The scheme, however, failed from want of support. In November, 1841, notice of an intended application for parliamentary powers was given on behalf of the Merchant Venturers' Company, who proposed to obtain a supply from springs in various suburban parishes, though it was understood that the chief source depended upon was the lower hot-well spring, near Black Rock. The subject was brought before the Council by a far-sighted member, who urged that the work of supplying the city ought to bo under- taken by the Corporation ; but the majority, sympathising with the Merchants' Company, refused to take any action. The Bill was shortly afterwards dropped, and notliing was done for some years. In the meantime Bristol was described in an official report as " worse su])plied with water than any great city in England." About a hundred houses near Kichmond 'JV»rraco were supplied from wells known as Richmond and Buckingham springs; some 400 dwellings were connected with Sion spring, while a few families in and near College Green were ])rovided from Jacob's Wells, the pipes from which were the property of the dean and chapter. The poor, excepting those living near the })ul)lio conduits, 1845.] ESTABLISHMENT OF THE WATEE COMPANY. 281 were generally without any provision. AVater-carrying was therefore a common and lucrative trade, and as many thou- sand poor families had to pay on an average a penny daily for a scanty supply, it was not surprising that they should be stigmatised as extremely dirty in their habits. Unfortunately, too, much of the water drawn from private wells was affected by neighbouring cesspools, and was pernicious to health. Early in 1845, the Merchants' Society set about the construc- tion of works for tapping the springs near Black Kock, an engine-house * of somewhat fantastic design being erected near what was known during the previous century as the "New Hot Well," while excavations for a reservoir were made in the ancient British camp on Clifton Down. It being obvious that this supply would be inadequate to meet the wants of the city, a company was started in April, 1845, to bring in a copious provision from more distant sources. The result was an obstinate and expensive struggle between the rival parties before a parliamentary committee in 1846, the Merchants' Society seeking to obtain exclusive powers for the supply of Clifton and the adjoining parishes. The com- mittee of the House of Commons eventually approved of the more comprehensive scheme, and the company's Bill received the royal assent on the 16th July, 1846, the capital sanc- tioned being £200,000 in shares, and £66,000 in loans. [In order to buy off opposition when the Bill was before Parlia- ment, negotiations were opened with the proprietors of the chief springs in Clifton, and the following sums were ulti- mately paid : The Merchants' Society for the river-side springs, machinery, and plant, £18,000; Mr. Coates, for Sion House spring, £13,500; Mr. W. Hamley, for Buckingham spring, £2,196 ; Mr. J. Coombe, for Richmond spring, £4,950; and for Whiteladies' spring, £400; total, £39,046.] Various sources of supply having been examined, it was resolved to have recourse to certain springs at Barrow Gurney and Harptree Combe, with others forming the head of the river Chew, at Litton and Chewton Mendip, the first two being about five, and the latter nearly sixteen miles distant from Bristol. Operations having been begun and continued with great vigour, the water from the Barrow springs was brought into the city for distribution on the 1st October, 1847. The remoter sources necessitated more * This building, which was a puzzle to strangers owing to its bizarre archi- tecture, was removed in February, 1864, during the construction of the railway to Avonmouth. It was at one time suggested that it should be converted iuto a church for the use of sailors and bargemen. 282 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1845. costly operations. The springs at Litton and Chewton were conveyed by several branches to a principal aqueduct, pro- ceeding for upwards of two miles towards East Harptree, where it entered a tunnel about a mile and a quarter in length. Emerging from the rock of the hill, the aqueduct was carried over Harptree Combe (where it met with a feeder) by means of an iron tube supported at intervals by masonry. The valley having been bridged, the water passed into a line of pipes of thirty inches diameter and upwards of four miles in length. At their termination was a tunnel of three- quarters of a mile through Noi'th Hill, followed by stone aqueducts over valleys at Leigh Down and Winford, and those were succeeded by the Winford tunnel, a mile long. The total length from Chewton Mendip to the Barrow reservoir was eleven miles, and it will be seen that most of the route necessitated costly operations. The springs brought to the store reservoir were calculated to yield four million gallons daily, and the reservoir being 25 acres in extent, it was estimated that the works as a whole would meet more than double the probable demands of the inhabitants. Three service reservoirs were also constructed for maintaining a constant supply throughout the city; the first at Bedminster Down, for that portion of the borough south of the Float ; the second near Whiteladies Eoad, for the rest of the lower parishes and the suburbs ; and the third on Durdhara Down, at an elevation of 300 feet above high water mark in the Avon, for the service of the more elevated districts. The first of these was finished in 1847, and the others came into use in the following summer. The water flowed from Barrow to Whiteladies Road by simple gravitation, and was then driven up to Durdham Down by powerful pumps. The water rates fixed by the Act were moderate ; for example, the charge upon a house of £20 rental was £1 ; on £50 rental, £2, and on £100 rental £3. For shops and ofiices the rate was 5s. per year for rentals under £20, and 8.s. if under £50. To owners of small tenements a reduction was offered on the ordinary rates. The terms of the company were neverthe- less far from being enthusiastically received, tlie water rents during the second year of its existence amounting to under £3,000. Up to February, 1850, only 3,152 houses were supplied througliout the city, of which 75 per cent, were rented at ujjwards of £20. The number, however, increased steadily after that date. In 1854 the company encountered its first serious difficulty. p]arly in the year a leakage occurred in the Barrow reservoir, which had to bo emptied 1845.] THE WATER COMPANY. OREAT DROUGHT. 283 before the repairs could be executed. A drought, unexampled for nearly sixty years, then set in, and from May to October the supply of water to the city was very limited, much to the wrath of the consumers. Throughout this era of the com- pany's existence, the proprietors received no dividend on their capital, and it was not until March, 1856, that the directors were able to recommend a distribution at the modest rate of 14s. per cent. The average return of each of the three following years was only 2 per cent., and the £25 shares naturally sold much below par, the quotation being for some time between £8 and £9. Despairing of an adequate return under the original arrangement, the company, in the session of 1862, under a pretext of seeking for powers to construct a new reservoir at Barrow, promoted a Bill intended to materially change their relations with the inhabitants. The directors in applying for their first Act had undertaken to furnish a constant supply of water to consumers. It was now sought to cut off the supply for nine hours daily. Under the plea that it was necessary to prevent waste — it being alleged that through the carelessness which prevailed the whole freshwater current of the Avon would not suffice for the city — the scheme proposed that every family should be compelled to use and pay for a meter, to be supplied by the company. Finally it was proposed to levy an increased rate of 1^ per cent, on the rental of houses standing 200 feet above the level of Bristol Bridge. To the dissatisfaction of many citizens, the parliamentary committee of the Council mani- fested a marked sympathy towai'ds the proposals of the company, and the Council itself was charged with indiffer- ence to the interests of the inhabitants. The clause abolish- ing constant service was approved with trifling modifications, and an extra rent of 1 per cent, on the high level dwellings was also conceded. The directors could well afford, under those circumstances, to abandon the clause enforcing the use of meters ; and in this form the Bill became law. The new system had not been long in force, however, before the com- pany had to encounter a fresh embarrassment. The spring and summer months of 1864 were accompanied by an unpre- cedented drought in the south and west of England. During the five months ending August, the rainfall at Clifton was only about 6| inches, or less than half the average of the ten previous years. The company's springs produced only a small fraction of their usual supply ; and as the store in the reservoirs rapidly diminished, the directors were com- pelled to make repeated deductions in the period of 284 . THE A\NALS OF BRISTOL. [1845. service. This was for some weeks limited to one or two hours a day^ but in various parts of the city the supply ceased altogether. Fortunately the drought broke up at the begin- ning of September, and the Bristol Times of the 10th an- nounced that, on and after the 12thj the citizens would have '^at least two hours' supply daily." Additional sources were tapped to alleviate the pressure, a well in the coal measures at Bedminster being especially useful in supplying 160,000 gallons daily. Another source made available was the old " boiling well " at Ashton, which yielded no less than 200,000 gallons daily. In spite of these aids, however, the above new^spaper of the 8th October, referring to the "water famine " in Clifton, said ; " Several housekeepers have been driven to such straits that in some cases we have actually seen Paterfamilias start in a fly with an empty barrel by the side of the driver, and go in seach of a supply to the nearest spring, which is in some instances a mile off." A week later the same writer reported that the " boiling well " was the only source of supply for Clifton and the upper districts, the Mendip springs having dried up. Urged by the Corporation, wdiich bore the expense, the company opened Richmond spring, from which a valuable contingent could have been obtained ; but the residents in the neighbouring houses, pro- testing against the noise that would be caused by a steam- engine, threatened to apply to Chancery for an injunction, and the preparations were dropped. It was not until De- cember that the board were able to extend the sup^jly to six hours a day. They intimated about the same time that they should insist upon payment of the full rates for the current six months — an announcement which did not contribute to their popularity. In the following session application was made to Parliament for poAvers to appropriate additional springs at Chelvey and other places, and to construct fresh reservoirs at Barrow and Knowle. It was also sought to largely increase the scale of charges then in force. The pro- posed advance in the rates varied from 30 to 66 per cent., but on this occasion the Council resolved on o]iposiugthc demands of the company, and the increase in the rates was eventually limited to about 20 per cent. An attempt to reduce the hours of service to ten per day was also resisted and defeated. That the directors were ungenerous in framing their Bill was proved by the subsequent progress of the undertaking, the dividends of which soon rose to ten per cent., while the shares attained a premium of nearly 180 per cent. In January, 1877, the Council, tardily repentant of its apathetic 1845.] THE CORPORATION AND THE "WATER WORKS. 285 policy in 1811, adopted by a large majority a resolution brought forward by Alderman Jones, affirming the de- sii'ability of the Corporation acquiring the water works; and a committee was appointed to negotiate with the company. After protracted labours, the committee reported in November. The directors, it appeared, had proposed that the entire capital of the undertaking, including a large sum not paid up in respect of new shares, and an additional £100,000 de- manded in compensation for arrears of dividend, should be converted into £1,400,000 four per cent, bonds. On the other hand the committee had suggested that the Corporation should pay 10 per cent, yearly on the ordinary stock of £200,000 until 1883, and thereafter 12 per cent, on that stock and 10 per cent, on later issues. The directors subsequently offered concessions, and the differences were so narrowed as to give hopes of a compromise, when the committee, con- sidering the year too far advanced to permit of legislation in the ensuing session, suspended their labours and reported progress to the Council, adding as an expression of their opinion that the transfer would be beneficial to the city. From the outset of the negotiations a section of the citizens had warmly opposed the purchase, and resolutions condemn- ing the scheme had been passed at some thinly attended ward meetings. Certain persons interested in a project for partially supplying the city with water from old mine workings at Frampton Cotterell were especially active in their hostility. (A Bill for carrying out that speculation was rejected by the House of Commons in 1878.) The Council, moreover, had become indifferent about the matter. The report of the com- mittee was simply " received," and, as the committee was not re-appointed in the following year, the question dropped. In March, 1882, at the request of a public meeting, the Council again manifested a desire to acquire the works ; but the directors peremptorily declined to reopen the negotiations. During the same year the company, which by that time had extended their mains to many suburban districts, finding it again advisable to increase their supplies, obtained parlia- mentary powers to acquire certain springs near Chewton Mendip and the Sherborne springs flowing into the Chew, and also to take an increased quantity from the Kenn, near Chelvey. These works were expected to give an additional supply of two and a half millions of gallons daily. The capital of the company, by Acts of 1850, 1853, 1862, 1865, and 1872, had been increased to £800,000. The new Bill asked for power to raise £400,000 more at the rate of 7 per cent. 286 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1845. per aBnura, by wliicli the proprietors, whose £25 shares were already quoted at £70, would have been insured a luxuriant bonus on the new stock. Similar powers had been obtained on previous occasions, and most of the capital raised by loans had been converted into shares bearing a high rate of in- terest. But the Corporation, which had hitherto been strangely apathetic, now awoke to the interests of the citizens, and appealed to the House of Lords against the pro- posed rate of profit as unreasonable and extortionate. The Upper House reduced the rate of interest to 5 per cent. Amongst the works undertaken under this Act was the laying of a large conduit from the Sherborne springs for a distance of over thirteen miles, including a tunnel about a mile in length, near Whitchurch. The water from this source reached the city in 1885. The perennial discontent of the commercial classes at the charges on vessels entering the port was the subject of a discussion in the Council in January, 1845, when it was stated on behalf of Messrs Hilhouse and Hill that the dues on Australian wool were seven times greater at Bristol docks than they were at London and Liverpool. Mr. N, Acraman had also represented to the Finance Committee that the charges on guano were 2s. id. per ton in Bristol, while they were only 2^d. at Liverpool. Mr. F. Green said that the local dues on shipping were Ss. a ton, against Is. 6d. in the Mersey docks. The Council forthwith reduced the town dues on guano from 8d. to Id!, per ton, but had no power to deal with the wharfage due of 8d. levied by the Merchants' Com- pany, or with the dock due of Is. imposed by the dock board. At the same meeting it was announced that the Corporation had no power to expend the borough funds in enforcing the restoration to the public of Mother Pugsley's well [see p. 249] or in resisting similar encroachments. It appeared that a clause to enable the Council to make payments out of the borough fund in defence of public rights to footpaths, etc., would have been inserted in the last Improvement Act, but that the Dock Company threatened such strenuous opposition at every stage of the Bill as to render it prudent to withdraw the clause in order to prevent the loss of the entire measure. A proposed branch of the Bristol and Exeter railway, from Yatton to Clevedon, received tlie ajiproval of the shareliolders at a meeting on the lOth January. The line, which cost about £40,000, was opened on the 4tli August, 1847. The establishment of the Bristol Academy for the promotion of the Fine Arts was announced in the local newspapers of 1845.] THE FINE ARTS ACADEMY. 287 the 18th January, 1845. A hidy named Sharpies headed the list of donors witli a gift of £2,000, the president, Mr. J. S. Harford, and the vice-president, Mr. P. W. Miles, M.P., sub- scribing £100 each. The first exhibition of pictures was opened at the Institution, Park Street, in the following April. The Academy met with very feeble support from the citizens, and there seemed no probability that it would be furnished with funds for erecting a building suitable for its intended purposes. In 1848 it was suggested that the Institution should give up a portion of its premises to the Fine Arts Society, in consideration of a payment of £3,000 ; but the proposal was strongly opposed by Mr. J. N. Nash, on account of the weakness of the new organisation. It had begun, he pointed out, with sixty-three subscribers of a guinea each, and already they had dwindled to nineteen. The plan having been abandoned, the annual exhibitions of the society were held for some years in St. Augustine's Parade, in the large house fronting the drawbridge. Under the will of Mrs. Sharpies, who died in 1849, the society eventually came into possession of the bulk of her estate, amounting to about £3,500; and the construction of an Academy of Art was determined upon in 1855. A building with a fagade in the Italian style, but far from convenient in its internal arrange- ments, was erected near the Victoria Rooms, and opened on the 12th April, 1858. The society, nevertheless, did not make much progress in public favour. At the annual meeting in 1863, Mr. P. W. Miles observed : " It really seemed as if the people of this neighboui-hood did not care in the least about the fine arts. Though there was a good collection of pictures on the walls, he always found the rooms perfectly empty. No amount of effort to bring pictures of the first class there seemed to be of any avail." The net proceeds of the exhibition of that year were under £25. The situation does not appear to have been much more satisfactory in 1882, when Mr. R. Lang stated at the annual meeting that the total amount of donations for the previous thirty years had not averaged £4 annually. " That was Bristol love of art. They had tried year after year to get up a fund to buy some pictures, but the results had been pitiful. More recently, he had endeavoured to purchase some of the late Charles Bran- white's pictui-es, which it would have been an easy thing to do ; but the sum promised was so ridiculous that he was forced to give up the project." It ought to be added that Mr. Lang had himself offered a noble example to the wealthier class of citizens by presenting the institution with a number 288 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1845. of valuable paintings, chiefly by Bristol artists. His gift, bowever, remains unique. St. Andrew's Churcb, Montpelier, was consecrated by /^ig^k)p Monk on the 31st January, 1845. It had cost only , -/) fc2,428 in erection. The building was much enlarged in 1878, »■ yy^iQwing to the greatly increased population of the district. I Q«rThe ecclesiastical parish created for this church was sub- p^ tracted from those of St. Paul and Horfield. [ About this time the efforts of an Early Closing Association 1 were successful in releasing a number of young men from business at an eai'lier hour than had previously been the rule,* and the necessity of an institution in which such persons could find instruction and innocent amusement soon became apparent. A committee having been formed, a course of lectures was delivered during the winter, and this experiment having proved successful, a meeting was held on the 24th February, the mayor (Mr. R. P. King) presiding, when it was resolved to found a literary institution under the title of the Bristol Athenaeum. Negotiations were soon afterwards opened with the committees of the Mechanics' Institute and of the Clergy Book Society, both of Avhich organisations were in a declining state, and the overtures resulted in their consolid- ation with the new body, their libraries, apparatus, etc., being also taken over. The Athena)um thus came into active operation in September, 1845, the rooms of the Clergy Book Society, in Broad Sti-eet, being fitted up for the accommoda- tion of the members. In the following year the library was removed to a large room in a house in Corn Street (on the site now occupied by the bank of Messrs. Stuckcy & Co.) . The institution gradually became very popular; and in 1850, when the members numbered nearly 1,000, and when the scantiness of the accommodation provided was painfully felt, the directors recommended the acquirement on lease of the Queen Bess Tavern (formerly the residence of Whitson) and certain adjoining property lying between Corn Street and Nicholas Street, the access from the former being througli Cypher Lane, and from tlic latter through Queen licss Passage. [In removing these old constructions, some beautiful arcliitectural remains were exposed of an edifice apparently erected at the beginning of the tliirteenth century. On one side were three bays of semi-circular arches, s]iriiiging from tri])lo shafts, while the south wall was perforated by a Decorated two-light trefoil • AccordinR to a statnmont in the Brintnl Joitriial, drapers' shops in 1825, and doubtless for many years later, were usually kept open for fourteen hours a day, and the assistants were allowed only one hour for meals. 1845.] THE ATHENiEUM. STOCK EXCHANGE. 289 headed window. Two Romanesque pilasters with sculp- tured capitals were also found in situ. The place had been traditionally styled Alderman Whitson's Chapel, from having- adjoined his mansion.] The new buildings, which, with the furniture, etc., cost £6,G00, were "inaugurated" by Lord John Russell, President of the Council, on the 25th October, 1854. His lordship spent two days in the city, in the course of which he was entertained to breakfast by the mayor (Mr. J. G. Shaw), to a public soiree in the Victoria Rooms, at which 1,500 persons were present, and to a grand dinner by the members of the Council, to which the Duke of Beaufort and the Earl of Ducie were also invited. Party spirit, how- ever, was still so strong that the bells of the city churches were all silent, and many Conservative members of the Council refused to contribute to the cost of the dinner, which was about £400. The Athenasum became so popular in its new quarters that in 1855 the members numbered 1,577; but after a brief period of prosperity, the roll rapidly diminished, the desertions being pai'tially due to a violent attack made on the committee by the Rev. J. B. Cliffo rd, of St. Matthew's, because they refused at his dictation to i^einTTve the Westnibister Review from the library tables. Unfortunately, too, a debt of £2,000 had been left unprovided for ; and in 1861 the bankers threatened to take possession of the property and to recoup themselves by a sale. By dint of strenuous exertions, the liabilities were at length wiped off. The Bristol Stock Exchange was founded on the 17th March, 1845, at a meeting of brokers, Mr. R. H. Webb pre- siding. Mr. J. K. Haberfield, an honorary member, was the first president and treasurer of the Exchange, which was opened on the 16th April. The " railway mania," destined to end in a disastrous collapse, attained its highest develop- ment during this year; and amongst the extravagances to which it gave rise were two schemes for linking Bristol with Dover, two for railways from London to the Land's End, a line from Bristol to Norwich, etc. Writing some years after the fever, a contributor to the Bristol Times, who could be easily identified, observed : — " Fairy legends had no wonders for us like that time. You saw a man to-day in the streets of Bristol whom you would not trust with the loan of a five- pound note ; to-morrow he splashed you with the wheels of a new Long-acre carriage. He was as suddenly transformed from a twenty pound house to a mansion in the country, and though small beer refreshed him during the greater part of his life, he now became critical in the taste of Bordeaux. A u 290 THE AXXALS OF BRISTOL. [1845. railway, in fact, was not a means of transport but a thing to bet and gamble about. . . . Once in tlie lieiglit of tlie sorrowful farce, I had occasion to call on a couple of ' bold brokers ' in a certain street not a mile from the centre of Bristol. The flavour of old Havannahs and new scrip filled the place ; the clerks were having chops and tomato sauce, and a silver-necked bottle proved they enjoyed at least a reversion of the Saint Peray from the principals' apartment, into which I was summoned. Softly I trod on a Turkey carpet ; a tray well furnished stood on a sideboard ; and piles of prospectuses flanked the fine ponderous bronze inkstand of the man of projects, who sat in a richly cushioned chair. Voices issued from the neighbouring room, where the second principal saw others on business, and the click of plates and occasional flying of corks proved how actively the business of allotments was progressing. But they came like shadows, and so departed." The commercial interests of Bristol in South Wales being seriously threatened by the construction of railways connect- ing the Principality with London and the midland districts, a prospectus was issued in April of the Bristol and South Wales Junction Railway Company. The proposed capital was £200,000, and so popular was the scheme, and so eager the desire to invest during the mania then prevailing, that the shares soon commanded a preposterous premium. Accord- ing to the plan of the promoters, for which an Act was obtaitied, the line was to proceed from the Great Western terminus to the Old and New Passages by way of Baptist mills, Horfield Down, and Almondsbury. In connection with this railway, a second scheme was propounded for a railway from the northern shore of the Severn to Chepstow and Monmouth. Another prospectus, issued about the same time, was that of the Bristol and Liverpool Railway Company, with a capital of two millions, which proposed to construct a bridge over the Severn. This project had the support of the mayor and sheriff of Bristol, and the subscriptions for shares far exceeded the number proposed to bo issued. None of these designs were, however, carried out, the two latter being al)andoned before application was made to Parliament. In 1851, after about a third of the share capital had been spent, it was acknowledged by all concerned that tho South AV^alcs Junction scheme was in a hopeless condition ; but difficulty was encountered in dissolving the conij)any, owing to the invariable absence of a quorum when a statutory meeting was convened. In October, 1853, the undertaking 1845.] SOUTH WALES UNION RAILWAY. 291 was fonnally relinquished. Nevertheless, in 1854 a new scheme was started, having the same end in view, but pix)- posing to construct a line to the New Passage hy way of Queen Square, the Hotwells, Sea-mills, and Shirehampton, with a floating bridge over the Severn by which entire trains were to be carried across, and unloading avoidod. The capital was fixed at £000,000. The proposal was approved at an influentially attended meeting, and the Council inti- mated its assent, but the paucity of subscriptions and threat- ened opposition led to the project being dropped. In July, 185G, another prospectus was issued by the party of Bristolians who had all along urged the necessity of action. The original line of country was, with modifications, adopted ; the capital was fixed at £300,000; and ^^ floating steam bridges" were to be devised by Mr. Brunei for crossing the Channel. An Act authorising the project was obtained in 1857, but it was not until October, 1858, that the contractor began operations, the tunnel of 1,242 yards at Patchway being first undertaken. The New Passage ferry was bought soon after for £2,700, and the construction of the immense wooden piers followed. The tunnel was completed in July, 1860, and the line was formally opened on the 25th August, 1863. In 1867 an arrangement was made by the directors with the Great Western board, under which the railway and works at the end of three years became the property of the latter company. Originally constructed on the broad gauge, the line was altei-ed to narrow gauge in August, 1873. At a meeting of the Council on the 13th August, 1845, the Improvement Committee presented a report strongly condemning the narrow, inconvenient, and dangerous streets between Bristol Bridge and the railway station, and recom- mending the construction of a new thoi'oughfare, to be called Victoria Street. The expenditure required for this purpose was estimated at £84,510, but it was anticipated that £44,200 would be recovered by the resale of building sites, etc. The commmittee also recommended an extensive alteration of the road from Cumberland Basin to St. Augustine's Back, in- cluding improvements in the Jacob's AVells road, the gross expense of which was estimated at £63,900 and the net out- lay at £26,250. The widening of Bristol Bridge at a cost of £8,000, the improvement of the road from Park Street to the Victoria Rooms at an expense of £4,200, and the arching over of a part of the malodorous Froom, set down at £3,400, also formed features of this report, the comprehensiveness and boldness of which were without precedent in local annals. / 292 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1845. In tlie following year the Improvement Committee suggested various alterations in the scheme, and added to it a project for a new street commencing in Nelson Street opposite Bride- well Street, and having terminations in Wine Street and Broad Street. This plan, which was intended to sweep away a quantity of wretched habitations, was expected to cost £38,000. A Bill to authorise this and other improvements was introduced into Parliament in 1847. [At the sitting of the inspectors sent down by the Government to inquire into the merits of the scheme, the town clerk stated that Bristol then contained 250 streets, 50 lanes, and 390 courts and alleys ; the number of houses was about 20,000. In regard to the number and area of places for public recreation, he said that Queen Square had an area of over 6f acres. College Green about 4j acres, Brunswick Square Ij acre, Portland Square 2j acres^ and King Square nearly 1} acre. Brandon Hill was 19^ acres in extent, and £800 had been recently collected by private subscription for the purpose of forming walks there.] The Bill — which empowered the Council to levy a yearly Improvement Rate not exceeding twopence in the pound — received the royal assent; but owing to the financial charges attending the transfer of the docks to the city the proposed works were not popular, and in 1849 the more costly schemes were indefinitely deferred. The Council resolved, however, on Avidening* portions of Hotwell Road, Limekiln Lane, and Bread Street, broadening the roadway at the Stone Bridge, and effecting some minor improvements in the out-parish of St. Philip's. In March, 1852, when the powers of the Act in reference to Victoria Street, Bristol Bridge, etc., were about to expire from effluxion of time, the Council determined u])on undertaking a portion of the new street at a not cost of £11,300 ; but the intention was strongly condemned at ward meetings of the ratepayers, and the reso- lution was rescinded a few weeks later. Queen Adelaide, widow of William IV., paid a brief visit to Bristol on the 20th August, stojijnng one night at the Royal Hotel, Mall, Clifton, and spending a few hours on the following day at Blaize Castle and Kingsweston. W^illiam James ^Miiller, the greatest painter to which Bristol has given birth, expir(>(l at the residence of his brother, Mr. E. G. Miiller, on tlie 8th Sopteml)er, aged 33. Mr. Miiller was boi-n at No. 13, Hillsbridge Parade, on the 28th June, 1812. His father, a Prussian of good scientific abilities, had fled from Germany uj)on the occupation of the country by the French, and found his way to liristol, where he married 1845.] i^EATlI OP W, J. MiJLLER. 203 a Miss Jam eSj a member of an old family in the city, and was for some years curator of the Bristol Institution. The son showed artistic talent whilst very young, and a promising original j)icture, executed in his fourteenth year, was accepted and shown at the Bristol annual exhibition of works of art. Shortly afterwards he was apprenticed to Mr. J\ B. Py ne, a meritorious artist then residing on St. Michael's Hill; but the connection was broken at the end of about three years, and young Miiller thenceforth became his own master. His first picture exhibited at the Royal Academy, in 1833, ''The destruction of old London Bridge," was painted when he was little more than twenty years old. Before that date he had ])roduced some hundreds of sketches, chiefly of quaint old i)uildings in Bristol and picturesque spots in the neighbour- hood, most of which were disposed of to local collectors at a few shillings each. Eager for a wider field, he accompanied another local artist,^Mr. G. Fripp, in a tour through Germany and Italy. But he seems to~Iiave had an early longing for the East, and as soon as his circumstances permitted, he departed for Greece, following up this tour with another in Egypt, and subsequently a third in Asia Minor, and producing works on each occasion which gained him high repute in the artistic world. One of these pictures, " Chess Players in Cairo," was sold at the dispersion of the Gillott gallery for upwards of 5,000 guineas. Unhappily Miiller's constitution was never robust, and it is not improbable that the efi^ects of an Eastern climate and the fatigues of travelling brought about the malady which cut short his career. He had re- moved from Bristol to London in 1839. He returned here in the summer of 1845, in the hope of recovering strength in his native air; but he came back only to die. His remains were interred in the Unitarian cemetery in Brunswick Square. Shortly afterwards his sketches, etc., were sold in London, and produced £4,242. An interesting biography of Miiller, written by his friend, W^ Neal Soll y, was published in 1872. Upon the death, in 'September, of Dr. Law, Bishop of Bath and Wells, the parish of Bedminster was detached from that diocese, and came under the episcopal jurisdiction of the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. The change did not take place without manifold protests in the press and elsewhere on the part of the rector, the Rev. M. R. Whish ; but when that eccentric gentleman, who Avas noted for his pertinacity, followed them up by reading a document from the pulpit of his church, denying the jurisdiction of his new diocesan, a suit was raised against him in the Prei'ogative Court of 294 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL, [1845. Canterbuiy. On liis making a formal apology, however, tlie freak vras condoned. Towards the close of Mr. King's mayoralty, and chiefly at his instigation, another attempt was made by the Council to purchase the rights of the Dock Company over the port and harbour. At a meeting of the civic body on the 19th Novem- ber, it was reported by the special committee appointed to negotiate with the directors, that their efforts had been fruit- less. Although the annual dividends of the company for the previous twenty-three years had averaged only £2 2.s. 3(7. per cent., the committee had proposed that the city should guarantee the shareholders £2 lO.s-. per cent. ; but the directors demanded 3 per cent. The Council approved of the steps taken by the committee; and in the following February re- newed its efforts for a solution by proposing to the directors that the amount of dividend to be guaranteed should be fixed by arbitration. The company maintaining its attitude of stolid resistance, the matter again fell to the ground. The details of a dispute which threatened to culminate in an "affair of honour," were laid before the public in the Bi'istol Gazette of the 10th December. It appeared that a few days previously a paragraph appeared in the Bristnl Thnea, stating that a situation in the Custom House had been conferred upon an Irishman, and that this was the second or third instance in which — probably through the remissness of those who were expected to look after such matters — the patronage of the Government offices had been snatched by other localities. At a meeting of the True Blue Club (formed in 1844 with a view to promoting unity in the Toiy party), the honorary secretary, Mr. Charles Blisset, of Clifton, cha- racterised this statcinent as ''a wilful and deliberate false- hood." Mr. Leech, the proprietor of the Timet, forthwith requested an explanation, but Mr. Blisset only replied that the committee of the club were of the same o]"tinion as himself. Mr. Henry Shute, the "friend" of Mr. Leech, thereupon requested Mr. Blisset to a]ipoint a "friend" also, with a view to a hostile encounter; whereupon Mv. Blisset wrote that he " peremptorily declined the challenge ; first, because I can substantiate the charge, and, secondly, because every member of the committee who adopted my ojiinion would be liable to a similar attack, so that ^Ir. Leech, in addition to his title as a public slanderer, may have to add that of a luurderer also." The writer went on to assail ^Ir. Leech's character in acrimo- nious terms, and concluded by declaring that so lon;. 6d. per cent, on the tei'ms offered to the dock shareholders in 1845 was defended on the ground that the company had in the meantime expended tAvo years' income (£30,000) in irapi'ovements, and that the net receipts of the dock had increased about £700 a year. The proposed arrange- ment caused great excitement in the city. At a public meet- ing on the 14th February, 1848, at which the trading classes were largely represented, an approval of the transfer was subjected to a condition, imposed on the motion of Mr. "W. Herapath, namely, that the new dock board should consist of commissioners chosen by the ratepayers, and that a fund of £50,000 should be previously formed by means of subscrip- tions to provide for repairs and contingencies. The con- * The dock proprietors received no dividend down to 1822. Between 1823 and 18-1-1 inclusive the average distribution was £2 is. 5d. per cent. In 1845 and 184G no dividend was paid. 300 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1846. troversy almost wliolly monopolised local attention for many months, the working classes at repeated meetings expressing approval of the movement. At length, in the session of 1848, the Free Port Association (in which the Chamber of Commerce had been merged) promoted a Bill for carrying the above arrangement into effect. A petition signed by 19,000 Bristolians was presented in support of the scheme, and others praying for its adoption were forwarded from Bath, Stroud, Trowbridge, and other towns. But a formidable opposition had been organised against the clause authorising a rate upon household property ; and it was also urged before the House of Commons Committee that it was inexpedient to vest the docks in the Corporation, whose antecedents Avere declared to have caused discontent amongst the majority of I'atepayers. The House nevertheless followed the example of 1803 in reference to the rating clause; but a provision was inserted rendering it imperative on the Corporation to reduce the dues to an extent equivalent to the sum charged upon the ratepayers. As the opposition did not renew the struggle in the Upper Chamber, the Bill received the royal assent on the 30th June, 1848. On the 23rd August following, the deed transferring the docks from the company to the Corpora- tion was formally executed. The capital of the company at that date was found to be £259,954 in shares, and £250,400 in '' notes " bearing interest — a sinking fund having reduced the total original capital by £77,665, [In 1860, the docks' committee of the Council paid off the " notes " and issued bonds at a lower rate of interest, thus effecting a saving of £2,500 a year. In 1882 another great financial operation was completed, the rent charge of £2 12.^'. 6re- decessors for public purposes. Dr. Plonk's defence was, that lie wished to commute the manorial rights, to set an (\\am])le of good agriculture, and to improve the living of Horfield, 1848.] THE MANOR OF HORFIELD. 307 %vliicli was inadequately endowed; and that these objects could be accomplished only by a lease controlled by himself. In March, 1852, he executed trust deeds conveying the whole of his interest in the estate to five trustees. A rent charge of £192 yearly was directed to be divided, one half towards increasing the income of the living of Horfield, and the other moiety towards the endowment of a new church when the growing population required one. The rents of the demesne lands, and of 320 acres of additional land just awarded to the bishop by the Copyhold Commissioners in lieu of manorial rights (together about £900 a year), were to be devoted to the building of parsonages in poor parishes in the arch- deaconry^ and to the increase of curates' stipends in small livings in the diocese. Dr. Monk expressed a hope that when the lease lapsed, the Ecclesiastical Commissionei's would con- tinue his disposition of the funds. All apprehension on this point was removed, however, in October, 1858, when the bishop's trustees purchased the reversion of the lease from the commissioners for the sum of £5,000. With the eman- cipation of the district from the copyhold system dates its rise and rapid growth as a suburb. The Brimful Journal of May 22, 1852, contained the following : " The National Free- hold Land Society has purchased thirty acres of excellent land near Naylor's cottages at Horfield, which will be divided into about 300 allotments, and apportioned to the Bristol members of the society." It was not, however, until about 1860 that building operations became general in the locality. Complaint having been made respecting the decayed state of the butchers' shambles in the Exchange market, the Coun- cil, on the 9tli May, 1848, approved of the design of a new market house for meat and vegetables, prepared by Mr. Pope, the city architect. The expense of the reconstruction was estimated at £3,000. The plan included the widening of a portion of Nicholas Street. A restoration of the front of the Exchange took place at the same time, and the works were completed, and the market opened in April, 1849. Only five years later, in May, 1854, the Finance Committee reported to the Council that the Exchange market was not in a state creditable to the city, and a vote of £2,170 was granted for alterations. The ceremony of consecrating a Roman Catholic bishop as vicar apostolic of the western district took place in the church of St. Mary, on the Quay, on the 10th September. The pre- late was Dr. Joseph William Hendren, Bishop of Uranopolis. The sermon was preached by Dr. Nicholas Wiseman, bishop 308 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1848. in imrtihuii, afterwards a cardinal, and so-called " ArcliLisliop of Westminster." At a meeting held on the 22nd September, the Dean of Bristol (Dr. Lamb) presiding, it was resolved to raise a sub- scription for the purpose of erecting in College Green a copy of the original Bristol High Cross, of which the city was scandalously deprived by a dean and chapter of the last century. The cost was estimated at about £630. The foundation stone of the new structure was laid on the 8th August, 1850, by the mayor (Mr. Haberfield), attended by the local Freemasons. The stone selected by the committee was from the Nailsworth quarries; but the vaunted durability of the material was not verified by experience. The cross, which varied in details from the original construction [see Pooley's work on Gloucestershire Crosses], was finished in November, 1851, when the amount expended had been £450. The cost of the eight statues of kings proposed to be intro- duced was estimated at £480 ; but the money could not be raised. The solitary statue of Edward III. was placed in the cross in 1855 by the Freemasons of the province. In December, 1848, to the great surprise of cathedral- goers, the dean and chapter intimated to the minor canons that the priest's portion of the daily services must no longer be intoned, according to the usage of three centuries, but that it must be read, as in all parish churches of that day. The first service under this regulation took place on Sunday, December 10th, when Canon Surtees officiated, the Rev. E. C. Carter, the minor canon on duty, having refused to obey the order on the ground that he should thereby violate the oath taken on his appointment. He was thereupon excluded from the cathedral by direction of the chapter. Another minor canon, the Rev. Sir Charles Macgregor, who had been chosen a few weeks previously, was, it turned out, unable to intone, and it was currently reported that the ancient custom had been abolished for the benefit of an incompetent person. Mr. Carter, who had the sympathy of the precentor, the Rev. R. L. Caley, shortly afterwards ap]i(>nled to the bishop as visitor of the cathedral, and a memorial in his support was forwarded to Dr. Monk by the mayor .and sheriff. No visitation having been hold for a great number of years, there was some doubt as to the ]-»ower of the diocesan, who liesitatod to take action. In February, 1810, a majority of the chapter rescinded the order of December; but Dean I jamb, claiming to possess supreme power in such matters, issued a document requiring the officiating clergyman to con- 1849.] REDUCTION OF TORT DUES. BATHS FOR THE POOR. 309 tinue to read the service. The bishop consequently held a court on the 27th February ; and a few days later he formally declared the order of the dean to be null and void, enjoining the chapter to maintain the service according to ancient custom. The dean having set this judgment at defiance, a memorial was presented to the bishop by a number of church- men, setting forth that Dr. Lamb had set at naught the bishop's order, and allowed the sei'vice to be mutilated for six months out of twelve. The position becoming untenable, Sir Charles Macgregor resigned in November, and the appointment of a qualified successor brought the dispute to an end. Dr. Lamb, who in addition to the deanery held the mastership of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and the rectory of Olveston, died in April, 1850. Down to the period of cathedral reform, the minor canons had been six in number, including the pre- centor. They were gradually reduced to three by death or preferment, and in March, 1854, the latter number was per- manently established by an Order in Council. In the closing month of 1848, in excavating for a new sewer in Quay Street, the workmen came upon the foundation of the old city wall, which it is probable was once washed by the tide. At a considerable depth from the surface, the workmen discovered a canoe, fourteen feet long and four feet wide, shaped from a single trunk of timber. Unfortu- nately this relic of antiquity had to be sawn through, as it was found impossible to remove it entire. At the usual New Year's day meeting of the Council in 1849, Mr. Visger brought forward a resolution for the abo- lition of the town dues on 325 out of the 350 articles included in the schedule then in force. After stating that half the foreign goods consumed in Bristol arrived coastwise from London and Liverpool, he showed that the commodities he proposed to relieve produced an insignificant revenue (£227), and predicted that, if the duty were abolished on hides and articles used in tanning, the trade of the city would be greatly promoted. The resolution was carried unanimously, and Mr. Visger's prophecy speedily proved to be well founded, one or two large tanning firms having removed soon after to Bristol from other localities, and established extensive works in the city. At a meeting of the Council on the 9th January, it was resolved to establish cheap baths and washhouses on the Weir, at a cost not exceeding £7,000, to be paid off in twenty annual instalments. It was believed that the annual profits would soon sufiice to liquidate the debt. The baths were py' 310 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1849. opened on the 12tli August, 1850, but the hope that the undertaking would be self-supporting was destined to prove fallacious, the receipts having been always insufficient to meet the working expenditure. The great benefit Avhich the estabbshment conferred on the poor being considered to out- weigh the loss to the ratepayers, the Council, in June, 1871, resolved on the construction of a more complete building in the Mayor's Paddock, on the north bank of the Avon, for the accommodation of the working classes of Bedminster and Redcliff. These baths, the first cost of which was about £15,500, were opened on the 1st May, 1873, but they were even less successful, financially speaking, than those on the Weir, it being stated in October, 1882, that while £17,000 had been then laid out upon them, and while the working staff were paid £10 a week in wages, the average receipts averaged onlv ' £10 Is. 2cZ. per week. t~-\xi. 1877 a swimming bath was added Wi*''*^ fox^ie Weir buildings, at an outlay of about £2,400. In ^ ^1^ August, 1881, the Council approved of a plan for baths and ' V* washhouses at Jacob's Wells, the expense being estimated at about £22,000. The design met with scanty approval amongst the ratepayers, and the residents of the locality intended to be benefited held an " indignation meeting-," and were the loudest in condemning the extravagance of the proposal. With the November elections in view, the Council beat a hasty retreat, and the previous resolution Avas can- celled. In October, 1885, however, a more modest plan for baths at the same spot, to cost about £9,000, received the sanction of the civic body. During the summer of 1849 some judicious imjn-ovements were effected on and near Clifton Down by a committee of gentlemen resident in the neighbourhood. Upwards of a hundred seats were erected in picturesque spots, a few path- ways were laid out, trees and shrubs were planted, and a band of music was engaged for the summer months. Although only modest funds were entrusted to the committee, the results of their labours were much appreciated. The pro- moters of the movement attempted to make further efforts towards increasing the attractions of the place; but the "Clifton Improvement Association," which they established, met with very limited support. Its designs for improvements were moreover threatened with opposition on the ])art of the lords of the iiianoi- of llenbury — ever jealous of their rights and little regardful of the rights of others. Under these discouraging circumstances, the association was dissolved in January, 1855. 1849,] THE MERCHANT TAYLORS' COMPANY. oil A prospectus was issued in August, 1840, of the Clifton Victoria Batlis, for which a piece of ground had been secured " adjoining Oakficld House garden." The baths were opened in July, 1850. At the instance of Bishop Monk, a meeting was held in the Victoria Rooms on the 7th November^ 1849, for the pur- pose of promoting the establishment of a training institution for schoolmistresses, as an adjunct to the training school for masters which was about to be founded in the diocese of Oxford, it being intended that the advantages of the two schools should be equally shared between the two districts. The bishop announced that donations to the amount of £4,300 and yearly subscriptions of about £230 had been already promised. Resolutions in approval of his lordship's scheme were adopted, and the executive committee soon afterwards purchased a site at Fishponds, and proceeded with the build^ ings, the foundations of which were laid in the spring of 1852. The cost of the erections was about £12^000. The college was opened on the 10th September, 1853. In the course of this year, a scheme was sanctioned by the Court of Chancery for the administration of the estates of the Merchant Taylors' Company of Bristol. The Company, which in the previous century embraced every tailor in the city, had become extinct in 1824 by the death of Mr. Isaac Amoa, its only surviving member. Mr. Amos, so long as he lived, carried out the ancient customs of the guild with great gravity. He yearly elected himself master, and allowed him- self £10 lO.s. for serving '' an extra time ;" summoned himself to committee meetings, and paid himself £12 12*-. for his attendances ; audited his own accounts, and rewarded himself with £2 2s. therefor ; and finally put into his pocket various trifling gratuities authorised by established precedents. In 1802 the property of the Company — producing about £100 a year — had been placed by deed in the hands of a body of trustees, and the surplus income was devoted to the main- tenance of the almshouse in Merchant Street, erected by the guild in 1701. It was feared on the extinction of the Com- pany that most of the estate had escheated to the Crown ; but the surviving trustees petitioned to be permitted to apply the proceeds to charitable purposes, and after many years' delay the rights of the sovereign were surrendered. The scheme above mentioned placed the trust on a permanent basis, and some eighteen pensioners are now maintained out of the estate. Some curious details respecting the Company may be found in Manchee's Bristol Charities, and in Mr. 312 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1849. Alderman Fox's privately printed " Account of the Ancient Fraternity of Merchant Taylors of Bristol." In the closing months of 1849 some five or six local firms engaged in the corn trade resisted payment of the town dues on grain imported by them, alleging that the impost was illegal. A gentleman at the same time claimed exemption from dues on a cargo of timber, on the ground that he was a '^ Queen's tenant ;" while another demanded free entry for a quantity of sugar in his quality as a freeman of London. The corn merchants submitted on being threatened with actions at law. The alleged '^Queen's tenant" turned out to be merely an occupier under the oSice of Woods and Forests, and found his claim to be untenable. The Corpora- tion maintained that a freeman of London could claim exemption only when he paid scot and lot in the city of London, and, precedents being produced in support of this position, the claimant eventually surrendered. From the time of the great outbreak of cholera in England in 1831-2, a strong suspicion had existed amongst observant men that the terrible mortality caused by the disease was attributable to the evil sanitary condition of the people. It was not, however, until about 1840 that public opinion be- came sufficiently instructed to give force to the theory that bad drainage, filthy dwellings, and unwholesome water exer- cised a deplorable effect, not merely in fostering epidemics, but in sapping the human constitution. In 1840 a committee of the House of Commons was appointed to inquire into the state of the public health ; and the investigation then made being deemed inadequate, a Eoyal Commission was appointed in 1844 to make local inquiries into the matter. Two of the commissioners, Sir H. de la Beche and Dr. Lyon Playfair, con- sequently paid a visit to Bristol ; and their report, published early in 1845, drew a very unflattering picture of the state of the city. The mortality, it appeared, averaged 31 per 1,000, which was exceeded by only two towns in the king- dom; while the deaths in places of average salubrity averaged only 20 per 1,000. The causes of the evil were declared to be obvious. Many parts of Bristol and fashionable portions of Clifton were totally without sewerage ; others, which were drained, daily discharged a mass of filth into the stagnant harbour — forty-one sewers having no other outlet. Uouse drainage in poor dwellings was almost unknown. With the exception of about 400 houses, inhabited by the affluent class in Clifton, and a few in the neighbourhood of College Green, there was no water laid by pipes into any dwellings, 1850.] THE CHOLERA. SANITARY SHORTCOMINGS. 313 and those of the poor, besides being crowded, were generally filthy ; while the well water on which the inhabitants de- pended was often unwholesome. In despite of the grave nature of this report, little was done to remedy short- comings; and in 1849 another epidemic of cholera occurred in Bristol. The disease broke out in the city on the 10th June, and did not disappear until the 16th October, between which dates there were upwards of 15,000 cases of sickness and 778 of actual cholera, the deaths from that disease being 444. The scourge effectually awakened the authorities to the condition of the city. In consequence of a resolution passed by the Council, the Government appointed Mr. Gr. T. Clark, of the Board of Health, to hold another inquiry into the state of the borough ; and that gentleman opened his court in the Guildhall on the 13th February, 1850, and con- tinued to take evidence until the 2nd March. His report is a document which future generations will read with profound astonishment. Many of its statements may possibly seem incredible even to youthful Bristolians of the present day. Not merely as an astounding picture of old-fashioned igno- rance, supineness, and folly, but as an eloquent testimonial to later energy and public spirit, a few of its salient features are worthy of record. Mr. Clark reported that the manage- ment of the paving, cleansing, and lighting of the ''old city" was still in the paving commissioners constituted in 1806. The parishes known as " the District " had obtained a local Act in 1842, which created a similar body. But as regarded the 60,000 people dwelling in Clifton, in the out-parish of St. Philip, and in the urban parts of Westbury and Bed- minster, there were no sanitary authorities whatever. It is needless to dwell upon the state of the poorer localities in the centre of the city, which, in spite of the sanitary pre- cautions adopted during the then recent cholera visitation, shocked every visitor. No conception of the actual facts could be given without employing terms repugnant to modern habits and good taste. The course of the Froom through the city was simply a sewer, into which scores of small sewers poured their contents ; and as a large portion of the stream was uncovered, the stench which spread from it every summer often sufficed to turn weak stomachs. In many other localities were damp, uncleanly courts, unpaved and undrained, without any decent provision for unavoidable wants, and where the only water available was rank with contamination. In a single house in one of the filthiest of these courts^ sixty-four people were living during the cholera 314 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1850. epidemic; and it Avas of course in sucli dens that the disease was most deadly. The dwellings of the poor in all the out- lying parishes of the city were found to be equally deplorable, in addition to Avliich, the roads were unmade in many streets ; and in some cases, in wet weather, water lodged in the centre of the thoroughfares to the depth of four feet. Not one of the sixty-eight streets in Bedminster Avas ever cleansed by a scavenger. Still more surprising is the account of the localities inhabited by the middle classes. The sewage from a house in Montagu (now Kingsdown) Parade ran down an open gutter in Montagu Hill. The road at the back of Kingsdown and St. James's Parades was almost always floating with water, which occasionally ran into the dwell- ings. There were no drains to carry away the filth from those houses, but there were cesspools, the contents of some of which filtered into neighbouring wells. At the back of Highbury Place were two very large pools of sewage, giving out a pestilential odour. The sewage of Clarence Place drained into two great cesspools directly under the houses, and required to be emptied about once a month, causing an intolerable stench. Nearly all the houses in Richmond Terrace, Clifton, drained into cesspools; and to this was attributed a severe epidemic which had recently prevailed there. At Clifton Park, Cambridge Place, Burlington Place, South Parade, and in other high-class, thoroughfares, there was no drainage except into cesspools. In the Black-boy district, near Durdham Down, there was only surface drain- age. " The Whiteladies lload has an open gutter, down which the house drainage runs into a side ditch, and is most offensive. [This sewer was the subject of many objurga- tions in the noAvspaper correspondence of the time.] Above Whiteladies Gate, in the bottom of the valley, several open sewers meet, and their contents are generally complained of. In a field in front of West Clifton Terrace," noAv the site of Alma Road, " the sewage [from the Black-boy district and West Park] escapes over a largo space. Hampton Terrace suffers materially from an old ditch, in Avhich the scAvago is collected. Prom tlicnco it finds its Avay to the Froom." A resident at Vittoria Place deposed that, oAving to the defec- tive drainage, it was almost impossible to sup])ort the stench during the night. The road now known as Oak field Road had only one laiiii), and was a "perfect (luagmire." "At the back of Park Place is a peculiarly filthy cross-road and a market garden, the stench of Avhich is much com])lained of." With regard to lighting, about half the old city, Clifton, and 1850.] FILTUY CONDITION OV THE SUBURBS. 31 r the District were imperfectly lighted ; Avliilo the very popu- lous parishes of St. Philip (out) aud Beduiinster, as well as the Redland, Gotham, and Kingsdown districts, were not lighted at all. Although numerous tollgates were within the borough, the condition of the turnpike roads was reported to be discreditable. They were badly drained, badly repaired, and badly cleaned; and in Bedminster there was a continuous bank of scrapings a quarter of a mile long and about five feet high. As to the parish roads in that parish and in St. Philip's, they were " scarcely worthy of the name." In all the suburbs were numerous private roads, some of which had been streets for ten or twenty years, which were " mere troughs of mud, into which all the ashes, soil, and house refuse were daily thrown and never removed." Finally, in reference to cemeteries, Mr. Clark reported that there were sixty-one places of burial in the city, of which thirty-seven belonged to the Established Church, and five to private persons (undertakers).* The great majority, being full to repletion, were unfit for further interments ; and burials in the vaults under parish churches were also strongly condemned. The Inspector concluded by asserting that the two great evils of Bristol, to which its drunkenness, filth, and excessive mortality were largely attributable, were want of drainage and want of water. No efiicient reform was declared to be possible so long as the various outlying districts were separately and irresponsibly governed. Hap- pily a strong conviction prevailed in the city of the prevailing evils, together with an earnest disposition to support the introduction of reforms. The Council lost no time in taking measures to follow out Mr. Clark's recommendations. A Bill enabling the Corporation to apply the powers of the Health of Towns' Act, and to abolish the paving commissioners in the city, and the watching bodies in Clifton and the District, received the royal assent in August, 1851. A committee of the Council was forthwith appointed for sanitary purposes. Under the new statute the Council, as the Local Board of Health, was vested with sole jurisdiction over the city streets, roads (except turnpikes), sewers, lighting, scaven- ging, and watering, the removal of nuisances, the regu- lation of slaughter-houses, and other analogous matters. There was no longer any question of want of power, dubious boundaries, or clashing administration, and the effects of * A correspondent of the Briatol Times stated (April 30, 1853), that from '■ two to three dozen " bodies were buried every Sunday in each of two private burial grounds, belonging to persons named Francis and Wins. 316 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1850. concentrating antliority in a single responsible body rapidly became apparent. One of the first and most striking im- provements effected, was tlie efficient lighting of Clifton and the other suburban districts. A survey of the municipal area having been made, a well-considered plan of sewerage, embracing the whole of the borough, and designed to inter- cept the drains discharging into the harbour, was laid out and approved. In 1855 four great arterial sewers, each averaging nearly a mile and a half in length, were begun, with a view to diverting the sewage of the western suburbs, to a point in the Avon about a mile below Cumberland Basin. [In the carrying out of this work, the contractors were required to make a footpath from Clifton Down to the river, thus forming a second "Zigzag," one of the most pictu- resque walks in the neighbourhood.] Upwards of three miles of main sewers were constructed in Bedminster, and a still more extensive system was laid down for St. Philip's and the District. The operations necessarily occupied many years. In 1872 it was officially stated that the Corporation had spent during the previous sixteen years the sum of £137,000 on sewerage works alone. A further outlay of about £18,000 was incurred for Bedminster in 1873. The expense was amply compensated by the reduction effected in sickness and mortality. In 18G6, when cholera again visited the city, the fatalities from the disease numbered only 29 ; and, instead of having one of the highest death rates in the kingdom, Bristol has for many years vied Avith London for the place of honour on the Registrar-General's returns. In January, 1850, the death was announced of a man named James Ivyleaf, supposed to have been a native of Bristol,* but who resided in Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, London. It soon after transpired that he had left nearly the whole of his property to the trustees of Bristol lufirmai-y. On making inquiries, however, the trustees were led to believe that the testator died in embarrassed circumstances, and they renounced probate of the will. One Evan Rees, in whose house Ivyleaf had expired, then took out letters of administration, on the plea that he was a creditor, a person named Lloyd, a money-lender, becoming one of his sureties. After a considerable lapse of time, the trustees of the Infirmary, acting on private information, made a second inquiry, and satisfied themselves that Rees and Lloyd had * A Mr. Ivyleaf, linendruper, High Street, was residing ia King Square in 1770. 1850.] PURCHASE OF THE DOWNS. 317 appropriated nearly £6,000, the proceeds of the sale of Government stock held by Ivyleaf. Legal proceedings were thereupon commenced, but Eees had emigrated to Australia, and Lloyd, after becoming bankrupt, died. It was neverthe- less discovered that Lloyd, with about £3,000 of the money, had made advances to the spendthrift heir of the Earl of Wicklow, receiving as security a post-obit deed for £25,000, which he had transferred to his wife. The Court of Chan- cery was therefore appealed to, and in February, 1855, Mrs. Lloyd was ordered to pay the Infirmary £2,800. At a meeting of the Council on the 12th February, 1850, a discussion took place upon the extensive encroachments which had been recently made upon the valuable common land in the neighbourhood of Clifton. Mr. Visger observed that measures were in progress which would eventually terminate in the inclosure of Clifton Down. A considerable portion, indeed, had been already built upon. '' These en- croachments," he said, " had all been gradual. When lie was a boy a great part of Clifton was open, and consisted chiefly of sheep walks. A few rails were put up, ostensibly to prevent the sheep from w^andering. These soon gave Avay to iron stanchions ; by-and-by a wall was built, and then houses were erected. Opposite these houses small shrubs were planted, and under pretence of protecting them, posts were put up. Within a few years the posts were pulled down and regular plantations formed. He well remembered having ridden up and down places that were now inclosed." Mr. Visger's remarks called forth no contradiction; but w^hen Aid. Pinney advised the purchase of the downs, Mr. Powell (St. Augustine's)* protested against the Council interfering with the property of others. If the Merchants' Society, he said, chose to build upon Clifton Down, they would be deal- ing with their own property, and the Council had no more right to intervene than to pull down Badminton House. It was resolved to represent to the Board of Health Inspector, then holding his inquiry in the city, the great value of these open spaces, and the danger to which they were exposed from systematic encroachments. In the following August, the lords of the manor of Henbury, " doing what they liked with their own," disposed of a portion of Durdham Down to ■ the authorities of St. John's district church, for the purpose * This gentleman, who held many eccentric opinions, was accustomed to '\varn the civic body at intervals that Brandon Hill was an old volcano, and that it would some line morning give renewed proof of its ancient forces by till- ing up the Floating Harbour. 318 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1850. of building a schoolliouse. Other encroacliments were made from time to time^ and in 1856 some enterprising individual, as an experiment, built a cottage in one of the fiv,e quarries which were then being worked in various parts of the downs. This step excited so much indignation, however, that the building was forthwith removed. In the course of the fol- lowing year, the Corporation succeeded in purchasing, for £450, a small property at Westbui'y, to which commonable rights on Durdham Down were attached, whereby it was hoped a title had been obtained to resist further encroach- ments in that direction. Soon afterwards Mr. Baker, as owner of the Sneyd Park estate, claimed, and apparently made good his claim to, a strip of ground at Sea Walls, which had hitherto been a favourite promenade for pedestrians. In 1859 the public were startled by another unexpected pro- ceeding — the inclosure by a Mr. Samuel Worrall, descendant of a former clerk of the Merchants' Society, of two large pieces of common land which had been popularly considered to form part of Clifton Down. His action was the subject of indignant reprobation in the Council; but according to legal authorities the inclosures could not be prevented, and the utmost the public could claim was a footpath over the plots. Further encroachments being reported as imminent, a com- mittee was appointed to negotiate with the Merchants' Society and the lords of Henbux-y Manor. In the result, the Society, while refusing to sell their rights over either the turf or the minerals of Clifton Down, expressed willingness to see the public assured of the free enjoyment of the open space, whilst the lords consented to sell in fee simple their estate in Durdham Down, including the quarries, for £15,000. A resolution empowering the committee to arrange Avith the parties on those terms was passed by the Council on the 24th May, 1860; and an Act of Parliament legalising the settle- ment received the royal assent a year later. The lordship of the manor of Henbury was divided between two persons, Sir J. Greville Smyth, who held three-fourths, and who therefore received £11,250; and the trustees of Mrs. Colston, of Roundway, Wilts, who obtained £3,750 in right of the remaining quarter. The expense of obtaining the statute raised the total cost of the transaction to £16,206. The area over which the public acquired a right of ])erjK'tual enjoy- ment was 442 acres — 230 acres of which belong to Clifton Down, and 212 to that of Durdham. In March, 1862, an excited controversy arose respecting a contract made by the Downs Committee — which under the Act consists of seven 1850.] ARNO'S COURT. FATAL EXPLOSION. 319 members of the Council and seven of the Merchants' Society — for the construction of a carriage road from Belgrave Place to SneydPark, Mr. Baker, the gentleman mentioned ahove, received £550 for the work, but owing to the disapproval expressed by the citizens, the turf was ordered to be replaced, and Mr. Baker not merely retained the contract price, but got £200 more for restoring the ground to its former state. The necessity of a road to Sneyd Park was nevertheless obvious, and the destruction of the grass by carriages, etc., at length wrought a change in public opinion. In 1875 over £1,000 were raised by private subscription for making a road from near Alderman Proctor's fountain to Sea Walls ; and a few months later, the drive was extended to the road leading to Combe Dingle. At the same time, by private arrange- ment, the carriage road from near St. John's School to Down House [formerly the famous summer resort known as the Ostrich Inn, see p. 4], was closed and turfed. In 1879 these improvements were further extended, the Sea Walls road being continued to the Westbury road. A footpath on the site of " Baker's road " was laid down in 1880, and in January, 1882, another was made in the ravine, affording access to the shore of the Avon. An ecclesiastical district, afterwards st3ded St. Matthias's parish, was formed out of the parishes of St. Paul, St. Peter, and St. Philip, by an Order in Council in May, 1846; but for some reason the foundation-stone of the new church was not laid until March, 1850. Much difficulty was encountered in the construction of the edifice, owing to the marshy nature of the site. The church was consecrated in November, 1851. The large mansion known as Arno's Court, near Brisling- ton, came into the market during the spring of 1850, and was purchased for a Roman Catholic body called "The Sisterhood of the Asylum of the Good Shepherd." The nuns established in it a penitentiary, and added a large chapel to the building. In 1858 the penitentiary was converted into a reformatory for youthful criminals of the Romish faith. The remarkable outbuildings formerly attached to the property, which have obtained the local name of Black Castle, and were styled by Hoi-ace Walpole " the Devil's Cathedral," were, with the gardens, detached from the mansion and sold in 1821. They are still decorated with the statues depicted in Mr. Seyer's '' Memoirs of Bristol." In the summer of 1849 a small steam vessel commenced to ply as a passenger boat between the Drawbridge and Cum- berland Basin; when the novelty and cheapness of the mode 320 . THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1850. /of transit caused tlie enterprise to be very profitable, and naturally brought competitors into the field. In the summer of 1850, seven additional steamers were provided for carry- ing on the traffic, which had largely increased. On the evening of the 22nd July, one of the vessels, the Bed Rover, which was said to have carried a thousand passengers during the day, was starting on her concluding voyage from Cum- berland Basin, with about fifty persons on board, when the boiler exploded, scattering death and destruction around. Fifteen individuals were either instantly killed or died from the effects of their injuries ; several others were seriously maimed. The verdict given at the first coroner's inquest was, ''that the deceased had met with his death in con- sequence of the bursting of a boiler which at the time was in an unfit state for use." Upon the death, about October, 1850, of Mr. Charles Yaughan, the office of master of the ceremonies at the balls in Clifton became extinct. The want of some recognised official to organize the amusements of the place was soon pro- ductive of difficulties. Even in the days of the old Corpora- tion, when Clifton was but a village, there had been struggles on the part of some of the inhabitants to exclude others from public entertainments. One lady, wife of a wealthy alder- man, explained to Prebendary Sydney Smith that she and her friends wished to establish a sort of Almacks, " with of course due consideration for the differing circumstances of the locality." " Yes," replied the canon, " the difference, that is, between refined and raw sugar." Two or three years after Mr. Yaiighan's death, rival coteries Avere formed, one of which held its balls in the large room at the INIall, while the second, which did not deem the other sufficiently " exclusive," set up its camp at the Yictoria Eooms. The offensive proceedings of the latter party * were productive of so much ill-feeling that balls were discontinued for some years. Another acrimonious controversy occurred in Decem- ber, 1800, Avhen Mr. W. P. King, a member of one of the leading merr-nntile houses in Bristol, published a letter com- jilaining that his family, having a]i])lied for tickets for certain proposed " private Clifton subscription balls," had been re- * According to the reminiHcencos of a correspondent publishod in tlie Bristol Tinieg, one of the " jiatronesses " refused to forward tickets of admission to a lady until she liad been allowed a siglit of the latter's marriapje certificate. Tbe response was, that the dorvnnent wonld he ]irodnced as soon as the "iiatroneas" lift(l exhibited a specinu'n of tlie weekly wasliini; bills which she was accustomed to forward to her customers in her younger days. 1850.] QUARRELS IN CLIFTON "SOCIETY." 321 fused them by one o£ the promoters — " the son of a Loudon tradesman, his father having been an undertaker." The friends of this aristocratic youth rushed into print in his defence ; and the Bristol Times, the organ of both the exas- perated parties, felt called upon to rebuke a community " composed entirely of traders or sons of traders," who were ashamed of the means by which they had acquired wealth, and were ridiculously "turning up their noses at each other." A twelvemonth later, at a meeting of leading inhabitants, it was stated that the proceedings of the supercilious under- taker's son and of his youthful sujiporters had had the effect of breaking up society in Clifton, and had caused some fami- lies to leave the place. The balls were then arranged to be held under the supervision of a committee. In the winter of 1862, a Mr. Henry Lucas Bean was appointed master of the ceremonies, but appears to have held the post for only a short period. In October, 1850, an unwonted outburst of national feeling occurred on the promulgation by Pope Pius IX. of a Bull, by which England was carved into thirteen sees — an arch- bishopric and twelve bishoprics — the prelates appointed to which were designated by territorial titles. By this bull was created the so-called " diocese of Clifton," which included the three adjoining counties. The new bishop. Dr. J. W. Hendren, was enthroned on the 15tli December, in the Church of the Apostles, Clifton, which was thenceforth styled a pro-cathedral. In the following July the bishop was trans- ferred to Nottingham, and was succeeded by Dr. Burgess. The Protestant excitement in Bristol was increased by the fact that the Rev. J. H. Woodward, incumbent of St. James's, and his two curates, Messrs. Parry and Todd, "^went over" to the Romish Church about the same time. It may be noted that several of the Oxford men who followed Dr. Newman in the same direction came to reside in Clifton, and published tracts there in defence of their conduct. Ill the course of this yeai", during the reconstruction of the house numbered 41, High Street, the remains were discovered of a fifteenth century roof, resting upon corbels of demi- angels. The place was supposed to have been the site of the chapel of an almshouse, known to have anciently existed in that locality. In conformity with the provisions of the Mercantile Marine Act of 1850, local boards to provide for the examination of masters and mates were established in the principal ports of the kingdom, and commenced their duties on the 1st January, Y 322 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1851. 1851. The first Bristol board consisted of Mr. Edward Drew (Chairman), the mayor (Mr. Haberfield), and Messrs. P. W. Miles, M.P., Richard Jones, Richard P. King-, William P. King, William Bi-ass, Richard Rowe, William Patterson, Frederick W. Green, and William Cook. In January, 1851, Mr. J. Curnock, an able local artist, who had been employed by the Corporation to clean some of tlie pictures in tlie Council House, discovered a work of art the disappearance of which had long puzzled the civic officials. Mr. Curnock was engaged upon a poi'trait of Charles II., tlie head of which was so miserably executed, compared with the hands, that he was led to examine it attentively. Indications of another wig beneath the surface convinced him that the canvas had been tampered with, and after obtaining leave of the authorities, he proceeded to remove the outer daubing, with the result of bringing to light a finely painted head of James II. This work — attributed to Kneller — was bought by the Corporation in 1686, and is supposed to have been " translated " soon after the dethronement of the Avould-be despot. Amongst the financial proposals in the Budget of 1851 was a scheme, soon after sanctioned by Parliament, for the sub- stitution of a house-tax for the unpopular duty imposed on windows. Owing to causes for which it is somewhat difficult to account, the window tax pressed grievously on Bath and Bristol, which bore a share of the burden greatly in excess of their proportional size and population amongst the chief cities in the kingdom. According to a contemporary Parlia- mentary return, the following were the ten towns which paid the highest amount of duty for the year ending April, 1849 : Liverpool, £28,856; Bristol, £22,176; Bath, £21,278; Man- chester, £20,575; Brighton, £17,572 ; Birmingham, £14,086; Plymouth, £11,029; Newcastle, £7,822; Leeds, £7,506; Cheltenham, £6,767. Seven years before this date, when the population of Clifton was rajndly increasing, a demand spraug up for the estab- lishment of a public market in the district, the sites proposed being llonoypon If ill (Quarry, near Meridian Place, and the j^i-oiind iKiw occMj)ied by tlie Triangle. The Finance Com- niitt(H! of the Corporation reported in favour of the project in Mav, 18 ti, but the Council refused its sanction. In 1851 the proposal was revived, and a strong effort was niado to obtain the erection of a suitable ItniUling on a site near the church, the cost being estimated at £5,000. The Council, liowover, disapproved of the ])ro]K)aal. Li 1875 another at- 1851.] THE merchants' society, a local knight. 323 tempt was made, a company being started to erect a market- house on nichmond Mows, near York Place, and a large portion of the capital (£4,000) was at once subscribed. The Corporation, having requested the opinion of the recorder, was advised that it could not concede to a public company- its privilege of holding and regulating markets within the borough. The scheme consequently fell to the ground, A local journal of the 3rd March contained an announce- ment that the Society of Merchant Venturers had reduced the fee payable upon admission into the company from £200 to £50. This brief statement comprises the only information respecting the inner working of the corporation in question which has been found in the newspapers of the present cen- tury. At an earlier period, it is believed, the political party predominant in it, as in the Common Council, was that of the Whigs; but a rapid change took place after the French Bevolution. About 18G0 there was said to be only one member of the society — Mr, Robert Bruce — who was not a Conservative ; and the unanimity brought about by his death has since remained undisturbed. The honour of knighthood was conferred in March, 1851, upon Mr. John Kerle Haberfield, who was then filling the office of mayor for the sixth time. His worship had sub- scribed liberally towards the local fund for promoting the Exhibition of the industries of all nations, which took place in London during the summer. [The total amount raised by subscription throughout the kingdom in supjwrt of the undertaking was over £76,000, to which Bi-istol contributed £788.] A few weeks after receiving his new dignity. Sir John Haberfield was presented, in recognition of his public services, with a beautiful dessert service of plate, valued at upwards of £800, being the result of a subscription to which 500 citizens of all shades of politics contributed. On the centre ornament, nearly three feet in height, were the arms of the city and of the mayoi', with the inscinption : " To Sir John Kerle Haberfield, knight, six times Mayor of Bristol, 1851." Above this were emblematic figures of Justice, Com- merce, and Generosity. The other portions of the sei'vico were also tastefully ornamented. Some years after the death of Sir John, which occurred in 1857, his widow presented this handsome service to the Corporation, to be iTsed by each mayor during his term of office. A bust of the knight was also obtained about the same time, at the expense of a con- siderable number of citizens, and was placed in the Mayor's Chapel. A portrait of Sir John, painted during his first 324 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1851. mavoraltY, was bequeathed to the Corporation by liis widow in i875. " The census of 1851 was taken on the 31st March. The population of the city and county of Bristol was found to be 137,328; the number of persons in the ancient city being 65,716. The population of Clifton Avas 17,634; the District, 7,935 ; St. Philip's, out, 24,961 ; St. George's, 8,905 ; Man- gotsfield, 3,967 ; Stapleton, 4,840 ; Bedminster, 19,424, and Stoke Bishop tything, 5,623. In April, 1851, Messrs. Stuckey & Co., bankers, who then occupied the singular old hou6e~atr~Ehe corner of High Street and Wine Street, purchased premises in Corn Street, con- sisting of Mr. Harril's sale-room and the apartments occu- pied by the members of the Athenjeum. An old dwelling standing at the corner of Nicholas Street was bought soon after, and a large banking-house was constructed on the sites, a portion being sold to the Corporation for the purpose of widening the adjoining streets. In removing the ancient buildings, the crypt of the demolished church of St. Leonard — the tower of which stood over the end of Corn Street — was exposed -to view, much of it being in good preserva- tion. Some ludicrous incidents in connexion with a proposed *' affair of honour" occurred in the spring of 1851. In a debate on the army estimates in the House of Commons dur- ing the previous session, Mr. Berkeley, the senior member for the city, had condemned as wasteful the vote granted for the yeomanry cavalry. As an evidence of the inutility of the force, he stated that during the riots at Bristol, when the North Somerset corps was summoned by the mayor to jiupport the cause of law and order, only about ten of the '' heroes" appeared, whereupon the}' were locked up by the authorities to keep them out of danger. No comment was made upon this statement at the time, but a twelvemonth later, when the vote was again under discussion, Mr. W. Miles, M.P. for Somerset, and the colonel of the yeomanry, made a reply, observing that in 1831 seventeen members of the BedjniuHter troop followed Captain Shute, and that, al- though they retired to the riding school during the riots on Sunday, as desired by the magistrates, they came in with the regular troops on the following day, and did good service. !Mr. Bi-rki'ley, in defending his ])r('vious remarks, again con- tended that the yeomanry, in a military point of view, were impostors, and as constabulary were useless. He went on to show, on the authority of the liristul Qazelte, that Captain 1851.] A THREATENED DUEL. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS. 325 Sliute's troop had been sent for on the first day of the riots, but tliat only a liandful made their appearance after a dehiy of twenty-four hours, when they were locked up with the consent of the captain, whose name, added the hon. gentle- man, amidst much laughter, was not S-h-o-o-t, but S-h-u-t-e. The discussion then dropped, after mutual explanations. Upwards of a week later, Captain Shute wrote to Mr. Berkeley, asking whether that gentleman intended to imply any doubt of personal courage on the part of the writer. To this Mr. Berkeley replied that he had spelt the name in the House to avoid a mistake on the part of the reporters, and that he believed his correspondent to have been " the gallant leader of a miserably small number of gallant men." Cap-- tain Shute, dissatisfied with the reply, proceeded to London in company with Mr. Joseph Leech, and indited a second epistle, repeating the inquiry made in his first. Mr. Berkeley thereupon retorted that, after the explanation already given, he did not think himself called upon to make further admis- sions respecting a personal courage which he had never im- peached, and that, if Captain Shute still continued to consider his reputation injured, he might address himself to the writer's " friend," Colonel Dunne. Captain Shute, however, declared that he was now satisfied, and Mr. Leech, approving of the decision, forwarded the correspondence to the Times for publication on the 14tli April. During the summer of 1851, the Great Western and Bristol and Exeter railway boards entered into a contract with the Electric Telegraph Company for the construction of a tele- graphic line from London to Exeter. The Midland Company had some months previously established telegraphic communi- cations on their system ; but the intelligence received by the public by this means was confined to the results of interesting races. In February, 1852, when the line to London and the West was on the eve of completion, the proprietors of the Commercial Rooms consented to set apart a room in their building as a telegraph ofiice. At the meeting for sanction- ing this arrangement, it was stated that a telegraphic line had been laid to Shirehampton, towards supporting which the committee of the Commercial Rooms would give the £30 a year they had previously paid to the " Pill warner." Up to this date, when the arrival of a ship at Kingroad was " warned" up to the rooms, notice was sent to the merchant concerned, who had to pay a guinea to the messenger. The intelligence was henceforth furnished for half a crown. The telegraph ofiice was a few months later removed to the Broad 326 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1851. Quay, and subsequently to tlie Exchange. The new system was for the first time used as a vehicle for conveying reports of Parliamentary proceedings to the Bristol newspapers on the 30th April, 1852. The rapid development of telegraphic business brought into increased prominence the troublesome question of " local time/' still registered by the parish clocks, messages from London being received at the Bristol office about ten minutes before the time at which they purported to be despatched. At a meeting of the Council on the 14th September, 1852, it was resolved — three inveterate admirers of ancient ways protesting against the innovation — to regulate the clocks by Greenwich time. The first electric apparatus fitted up in the provinces for private business transactions was ordered by Messrs. Wills & Co., tobacco manufacturers, in February, 1859, in order to communicate between their premises in Maryleport and Redcliif Streets. In a lecture delivered in Bristol in December, 1859, Mr^^;,,^^ulley, local superintendent of the Telegraph Company, stated that the first electric telegraph line in this country was erected in July, 1887, between Euston Square and Camden Town, London, but that as George Stephenson and other scientific men did not appreciate its value, it was soon after removed. In 1839 Messrs. Wheatstone & Cook constructed a line from Paddington to Slough on the Great Western railwaj^ — the first on which the invention was tried. Mr. Culloy added that Mr. Brunei wished to extend the line to Bristol ; but that at one of the meetings of the company he was overruled, mainly through one of the shareholders denouncing electric tele- graphy as wild, visionary, and worthless. A local newspaper of the 2Gth July announced that in consequence of the rivalry of two steamboats plying between Bristol and Cardiff, passengers were being conveyed gratis from and to each town. Subsequently fares were imposed — Is. for cabin and Qd. for steerage passengers. The costly competition continued until April, 1855. The annual congress of the Archaeological Institute was opened in Bristol on the 29th July. Amongst the distin- guished visitors were Lord Talbot de ]\falahide (the pre- .sident of the Institute), Dr. Will)erforce (Bishop of Oxford), Chevalier liunson, and Mr. Ilallam. A largo a]iartmont in the Council House was fitted up as a reception room for the guests, to whom cordial hospitality was offered by the mayor (Sir John K. Ilaberfiold). The introductory meeting took place in tlio fJiiihlliall, and a brilliant couvorsii/ione was held at the Institution. A record of the work of the week 1851.] THE CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. THE "dEMEKARA." 327 will be found in the yearly volume of tlie society's Trans- actions. * Down to this period the west end of St. James's Church, with its beautiful Romauesque ornamentation, had been con- cealed from public view by a number of hovels, which had been permitted to accumulate around thie edifice during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A subscription was now started by the parochial authorities for the purchase of those excrescences, and, the required amount having been obtained, the ground on which they stood was cleared during the autumn, to the great satisfaction of persons of taste. [An incongruous Corinthian altar piece was removed from the church in 1847.] A meeting of merchants, shipowners, and others was held at the Commercial Rooms on the 4th September, Mr. Robert Bright presiding, for considering the desirability of reviv- ing the Chamber of Commerce [see page 300] . Resolutions approving of the institution were adopted, but through the indifference of the mercantile classes no progress was effected for some time. In October, 1852, the movement was again started, and, upwards of a hundred firms having offered to become members, the Chamber was resuscitated in the following year. In 1874 it obtained a charter of incor- poration. At a meeting of gentlemen interested in shipping and commerce, held at the office of the mercantile marine board. Prince's Street, on the IGth September, it was resolved to establish a local Sailors' Home — an institution for raising the character and promoting the comfort of seamen which had been already tested with satisfactory results in other large ports. Mr. P. W. Miles, M.P., was elected president. The proposal having met with a large measure of support, the pur- chase of convenient premises, extending from Queen Square to the Grove, was effected in March, 1852, for £1,300, and over £1,000 more were expended in fitting them up. The home was opened in January, 1853. On the 1st January, 1880, a new buildings called the Sailors' Institute, erected in Prince's Street, at a cost of £4,500, by Mr. W. F. Lavington, was opened to seamen, and proved very popular. An extraordinar}'- accident, which was disastrous to the * Mr. Pryce relates that, in anticipation of this gathering, one of the church- wai'dens of St. Peter's ordered the beautiful Renaissance monument of one of the Newton family in that church to be bedaubed with yellow wash, observing that " it was a dirty beastly thing, but was now a little decent." — Notes on Ecclesiastical, etc., p. 208. 328 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1851. most skilful and enterprising shipbuilding firm in Bristol, and long cast a cloud on the reputation of the port, occurred in the Avon on the 10th November. Messrs. W. Patterson & Co. had constructed for the West India Mail Steamship Company a vessel called the Demerara, which, with the ex- ception of the Great Britain, was the largest steamship that had then been built, her registered burden being about 3,000 tons. Having been floated out of the building dock on the 27th September, the vessel was partially fitted for sea, and on the day mentioned above she left Cumberland basin in tow of a powerful Glasgow steam-tug, which was to take her to the Clyde for the purpose of receiving her engines. A suc- cession of blunders, however, occurred. The vessel should have entered the Avon some time before high water, so that the most dangerous reflches might be passed with a full tide ; but delay occurred, and the current had turned before she was fairly in the river. The steam-tug, again, started at the rate of seven or eight miles an hour, which was much in excess of the speed consonant with safety. Mr. Patterson, on board the new vessel, urgently called the pilot's attention to the danger of this proceeding, but the rate of speed was not suflficiently reduced, and soon after passing the Round Point the bow of the Demerara struck violently on the rocky bank of the Gloucestershire side of the river. The tide, ebbing strongly, caused the stern of the ship to swing across the stream to the opposite bank, and all attempts to repair the disaster proved abortive. As the water flowed away the ship settled down, the bolts started, the deck twisted, and there seemed every probability that the wreck would become immovable and that the navigation of the Avon would be wholly blocked up. Great efforts, however, were made in preparation for the next flood tide, and at night, amidst the blaze of tar barrels and torches, presenting a re- markable spectacle to the thousands of persons who had assembled, the exertion's of a largo body of workmen were successful, the vessel being floated and conveyed to the shore of the river in front of EglestafF's quarry. It was intended that she should bo temporarily repaired at that spot; but about an hour later the ship broke froju her moorings, and again swung across the river, receiving further serious damage. It whs not until the rising of tho tide on the morning of the 11th that the vessel could again be floated mid renmved to the entrance of Cumberland basin. It was at first ])ebeved that the damage sustained was too great to bo repaired, and tho vessel, which was insured for £48,000 (her 1851.] AMATEUR THEATRICALS. QUEEn's ROAD. 329 cost, including £12,000 for stores), was abandoned to the underwriters as a " total wreck," her value being then esti- mated at £15,000. On the I'jth July, 1854, the Dernei-ara was sold for £5,600 ; the paddle boxes were removed, and she was converted into a sailing ship, which bore the name of the Briflsh Empire. In September, 1859, the vessel was again sold for £5,400. On the 12th November a remarkable amateur company of comedians gave a performance at the Victoria Rooms for the benefit of the Giiild of Literature and Art — an institution started under the auspices of Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, after- wards Lord Lytton. The pieces represented were the comedy of "Not so Bad as we Seem," by Sir E. Lytton, and the farce of " Mr. Nightingale's Diary," by Messrs. Charles Dickens and Mark Lemon. The chief performers were Charles Dickens (who was manager of the ti'oop), Douglas Jerrold, John Forster, Mark Lemon, Wilkie Collins, Peter Cunning'ham, E. H. Home, Charles Knight, J. Tenniel, F. W. Topham, Frank Stone, Dudley Costello, and A. Egg, Every seat in the building had been secured several days before, and, in deference to earnest appeals, the perfoi'mance was repeated two days later. Repeated complaints having been addressed to the authori- ties by the inhabitants of Clifton and Redland respecting the road then leading from the top of Park Street to Whiteladies Road and Clifton Church, which was much too narrow to accommodate the constantly increasing- traffic, the Improve- ment Committee of the Council, in 1844, entered into negotia- tions with Mr, Tyndall — who had announced his intention to dispose of his park for building purposes — for throwing back the wall of his grounds from the Bishop's College to the park gates, so as to widen the thoroughfare to sixty feet. But after a price had been agreed upon for the ground, the owner insisted that the Corporation should rebuild his wall, park gates and lodge, by which the cost of the work would have exceeded £3,000. The committee, after some delay, adopted an alternative scheme, and bought in 1851 a triangular field opposite to the park, thus securing a sufficient breadth for the thoroughfare (which in 1854 received the name of Queen's Road). This arrangement also facilitated the opening of a new road on an easy incline from Jacob's Wells to the higher level, for which powers were obtained in the Improvement Act of 1847, The Council, in 1852, agreed with Mr. Tyndall for the purchase of another strip of the park, in order to widen Whiteladies Road from West Park 330 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1852. to the Victoria Rooms. The line of large elms then standing within the park wall was thrown into the road when the improvement was carried out ; and the locality soon became the favourite promenade of the youthful working classes of both sexes on Sunday evenings. [The last of the noble trees was removed in 1885, having become dangerous from age.] Soon after the road had been altered, the neighbouring part of the park was offered for sale, and a row of villas was commenced. One of the first houses built was the Queen's Hotel, which was opened in October, 1854. A further great improvement was effected in the neighbourhood in the autumn of 1857, when, by means of a subscription amounting to £2,000, a number of hovels and petty shops standing on the now vacant ground betAveen the Victoria Eooms and Eichmond Hill were demolished, the land being transferred to the Merchants' Society, who undertook to maintain it as an open space. The upper portion of Whiteladies Eoad con- tinued to be an extremely narrow thoroughfare until 1858, when a strip of the nursery gardens extending from the end of Gotham Eoad to opposite St. John's Church was thrown into the street. The tolls on foot-passengers and cattle payable under the Dock Acts at the gates near Totterdown and Eedcliff were abolished by the Council in April, 1852. The charge had always been unpopular, and the toll-houses were burned down by the mob during the riots of 1831. The tolls at the Totterdown and Cumberland Basin gates were ordered to be wholly abolished at a Council meeting held in June, 1863. The death took place on the 7th April, 1852, of the Eev. Martin Eichard Whish, M.A., Prebendary of Bcdminster in Salisbury Cathedral, and, in right of that office, vicar of Bcdminster, rector of St. Mary Eedcliff, perpetual curate of St. Thomas, rector of Abbot's Leigh, and perpetual curate of Bishopsworth. A separation of tlioso benefices took place by an Order in Council of the Gth October following, each district ];ecoming an independent parish. One of the first steps taken by the new vicar of Bed- minster, the Eev. H. G. Eland, was to promote a subscription for rebuilding the ])arish church, a mean edifice of the seven- teenth century, capable of seating only 450 persons. Ser- vice was pcrf(jrmed in it for the last time on the 25th June, 1854, and the new church was ready for consecration in August, 1855. A few weeks before the intended ceremony, a novel feature in the edifice excited a violent outbreak of 1852.] THE BEDMINSTER REREDOS. ELECTION. 331 antagonistic feelings in tlio two great parties in tlie English Church. The structure in question was a richly sculptured reredos, placed behind the communion table, and represent- ing the Crucifixion, the Nativity, and the Ascension in highly idealised forms. This screen — said to have been the first of the kind erected in a parish chuixh since the Refor- mation — had been executed at the expense of Messrs. W. Fripp and R. Phippen (former mayors), and another gentle- man whose name did not transpire. The '• Evangelical " clergy in the city vehemently protested against the intro- duction of an ornament which they termed of a papistical character, while their High Church colleagues insisted on the propriety and edifying- tendency of the decoration. Ex- cited meetings were held, and the newspapers abounded with acrimonious correspondence. Bishop Monk seems to have been painfully embarrassed by the stormy memorials ad- dressed to him. On the one hand, he refused to believe, with the Low Church protesters, that the carved figures were likely to become objects of idolatrous worship. On the other, he objected to repi^esentations varying from the truth and simplicity of the Gospel narrative, and occupying the space on w^hich, according to law, the commandments ought to have been exhibited. He would not order the removal of the reredos, but he did " earnestly and affectionately re- quest " the vicar and churchwardens to take away the ornament. To this appeal, Mr. Phippen, the senior church- warden, in an intemperate letter, refused to accede, alleging that the removal of the work would throw a slur upon those who had paid for its erection. The bishop reiterated his " request," with no better success than before ; and his lord- ship, unwilling to debar the parishioners from their church, consecrated the building on the oOth October, the occasion being seized by the jubilant High Church clergy to make a demonstration of their local strength. At the dissolution of Parliament in the summer of 1852, the disunion which still partially existed in the Tory party in consequence of the incidents of the previous contest induced the Liberals to bring forward a candidate in conjunction with Mr. Berkeley. The new aspirant was Mr. William H. Gore Langton, who was then serving the office of mayor. As it was impossible to nominate either Mr. Miles or Mr. Fripp with any chance of success, the Conservatives found considerable difficulty in selecting a representative, the question of free trade throwing fresh fuel on the still glow- ing embers of the old personal quarrel. The Tory Premier, 332 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1853. Lord Derby, liad formallj stated tliat he would not abandon his hope of restoring a duty on corn until after the elections ; and the result was that nearly every Conservative aspirant in the counties declared himself a Protectionist, while those in the boroughs were everywhere Free-traders. Mr. Forster Alley ne M cGeachy, the gentleman ultimately selectedior Bristol, had been an opponent of the Corn Laws, but, his relatives being connected with the West Indies, he was a Protectionist in reference to sugar ; and to this qualification he joined the claim of being a native of Bristol. At the close of the poll the numbers were : — Mr. Berkeley, 4,681 ; Mr. Laugton, 4,531; Mr. McGeachy, 3,632. A lamentable accident occurred near Ealing on the 25th February, 1853, to the express train from Bristol to London, in which several of the directors of the Great Western rail- way were travelling to attend the weekly meeting of the board. Amongst those gentlemen was Mr. James Gibbs, of Clifton Park, who was killed instantaneously. Mr. Gibbs, who was head of the firm of Gibbs, Ferris & Co., of Union Street, and a chemical manufacturer in St. Philip's, was for some time a member of the Bristol Council, and served the office of mayor in 1842-3. He was subsequently Chairman of the Bristol and Exeter Eailway Company, and of the Bristol and South Wales Union Railway Company, and was highly esteemed by his fellow-citizens. The public were never made acquainted with the cause of the accident. The Bristol Journal of March 5 contained the following paragraph ; — ''Notwithstanding the many failures of the steam-carriage on common I'oads, it has again made its ap- pearance between Bath and Bristol ; and this time, owing to several most ingenious improvements in the machinery employed, has thoroughly realized the expectations of its projectors. The rate of travelling is about twelve miles an hour, and the cost is most trifiing — say 6(2. for the jour- ney." As no further reference to the carriage has been found, it may bo inferred that the " expectations of its projectors " again ended in disappointment. lu the eai'ly months of 1853, the ruinous old buildings known as "Spencer's almshouse," in Levvin's Mead, opposite to the Unitarian Chapel, were evacuated by the inmates, who wore rrmovod to a new house, erected in Whitson [properly Whitsun] Street, near the west end of St. James's Church. The Bristol Liljrary came prominently before the public about tliis time. The committee of the Fine Arts Society, 1853.] RECOVERY OF THE CITY LIBRARY. 333 then about to erect their building in AVliitcladies Road, suggested a union of the two institutions, and the subscribers to the testimonial to Mr, Bright [see p. 302], offered to give £700 to the funds of the Library, on condition that a few- deserving members of the working classes were adinitted to the privileges of ordinary subscribers. Finally, a committee of the Council suggested that the Library should be converted into a free city library under the provisions of a then recent Act for facilitating the establishment of such institutions. The executive of the Library refused to confer with the com- mittee of the Council, but assented to the two former pro- positions. Difficulties subsequently arose, however, and both negotiations fell through. In the meantime, through the exertions of Mr. Charles Tovey and a few other members of the Council, the position of the Librai-y Society towards the city was thoroughly in- vestigated, with results somewhat surprising to the inhabi- tants. In a clever little work written by Mr. Tovey it was shown that, in 1613, "a lodge adjoining to the town wall, near the Marsh " was given to the Corporation by Robert Redwood, for the purpose of being converted into a library for the use of the citizens. About 1628, Tobias Matthew, Archbishop of York (sou of a local mercer, and born on Bristol Bridge), gave a number of books "to the merchants and shopkeepers of the city " — his intention to do so being apparently known to the donor of the lodge ; and the store of books received additions by a legacy of Redwood himself, and by purchases of the Common Council. In 1636, Richard Vickris, one of Redwood's executoi's, gave a piece of ground for the enlargement of the building, and in 1740 a handsome library was erected by the Corporation at a cost of over £1,300, exclusive of the money paid for a further addition to the site. Lastly, about 1,400 volumes of books were be- queathed, in 1766, by Mr. John Heylyn, a relative of the well-known Peter Heylyn, for the use of the citizens. The foundation of a free public library had thus been laid when, in 1772, a few iivfluential individuals resolved on starting a " subscription library," and shortly afterwards petitioned the Common Council for " the use of the Library House and of the books therein deposited." That such a request should be made was perhaps not so remarkable as the fact that the Corporation, entirely ignoring the rights of the citizens, handed over to the memorialists the building and its contents, spent several hundred pounds in renovating the rooms and removing some contiguous stables, and also undertook to pay 334 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1853. a portion of the librarian's salary out of the city purse. Such pi'oceedings were, however, a natural outcome of the old system of local government ; and all surprise at the civic munificence ceases when it is discovered that several pro- moters of the Library Society were also members of the Common Council.* In 1784 the rooms were found insufficient for the convenience of the members, whereupon the Common Council granted an adjacent plot of ground at a rent of 2s. 5(7. per 3'ear, and made a donation of £100 to the fund opened for building a western wing, which was finished in the following year. The Corporation further undertook to pay the whole of the national and local taxes on the library, which was also insured from fire and kept in repair at the expense of the city. Again, in 1814, when the society pro- posed to erect a gallery in the western wing for the accom- modation of their books, the Common Council subscribed a moiety of the cost, £200. So entirely did the society consider themselves owners of the property, that in 1826 they requested the Corporation to permit them " to remove the city books from the city shelves, in order to make room for books be- longing to the society"; but although the citizens had been practically excluded for many years from their own property, the Common Council was offended at the impudence of the demand, and the application was "laid on the table." In 1836, soon after the Council came into existence, Mr. C. B. Fripp moved for a catalogue of the city books (which was furnished), and followed this up by obtaining the appoint- ment of a committee " to consider of the best means to be pursued for rendering the library useful to the public." The committee, however, never presented a report. Matters remained in this state until 1848, when a memorial was ad- dressed to thd Council by forty respectable citizens, culling attention to the usurpation of public rights by a small body of private persons, and asking that the books belonging to the city should be made accessible. Nothing was, however, done, and the subject again slumbered until the date at wliich this record has arrived. The Librnj-y Society having refused, as has been already stated, to co-operate with the Council, Mr. Tovey and his supporters urged the latter body to give the society notice to quit the premises in order that • The socioty appears to have been worthy of its patrons. In a letter in the Prhtolian for June 12,1^27, umlnubtcilly written by , JohruJiiiinR, the city cbronoloKJHt, it is stated tlmt the nivnio of Dr. Ik'ddoGS, tIToniost (TTstinguiHlied local sciciitiKt of liis aj^o, was "crossed out of tho list of members" of the Library Socioty because ho was " not Blue enough." 1853.] Hogarth's pictures, claim of tom provis. 335 thoy miglit bo convortod to their original purpose. The Council unanimously adopted this suggestion in February, 1854, to the great indignation of the society, which threatened for a time to hold possession of the building. At the close of the year wiser counsels prevailed, and the property Avas surrendered, the Corporation paying the society £030 for its interest in the western wing. The society, leaving behind them the books belonging to the city (about 2,000 volumes), removed in August, 1855, to a wing of the Bishop's College, at the top of Park Street. The old building was shortly afterwards fitted up for its original purpose, and was opened as a free library on the 15th September, 1856, Mr. George Pryce, subsequently author of a "Popular History of Bristol^" having been appointed librarian. By the gifts of various citizens, and the energy of Mr. Pyrce, about 4,000 volumes were soon after added to the shelves, and Mr. Robert Lang presented a painting by Syer, in the hope that others would follow his example. The development of free libraries in the city will be recorded under 1873. A faculty was granted in August, 1853, for extensive alterations in All Saints' Church. Under the powers granted by this document, the west front was rebuilt, a new western entrance formed, the doorway in Corn Street converted into a window, and tracery placed in other windows. Further alterations were made a few years later, when the roof and the capitals of the columns were decorated, with colour. On the 20th August, the vestry of St. Mary Redcliff announced by advertisement in the local journals that they were desirous of receiving tenders for the purchase of the three pictures by Hogarth which then hung in the church. The result appears to have been unsatisfactory, as the paint- ings remained in their accustomed places until the spring of 1858, when the vestry, at the suggestion of Alderman Px-octor, offered them to the trustees of the Fine Arts Academy, on the latter undertaking to preserve them carefully. The pictures were shortly afterwai-ds removed from the church. A singular case of fraud and deception, bearing resemblance in many points to the more notorious imposture connected with the Tichborne baronetcy, was tried at Gloucester assizes on the 8th, 9th, and 10th August, and excited great interest. The cause Avas in the nature of an action of ejectment, the plaintiff, styling himself Sir Richard Hugh Smyth, baronet, seeking to establish his claim to the title and estates of the Smyth family of Long Ashton. His story was that, although brought up as the child of one Provis, a carpenter, at War- 336 THE AKNALS OF BRISTOL. [1853. minster, lie was really the son of Sir Hugh Smyth by a lady to whom the baronet was secretly married in Ireland in 1796. He further alleged that soon after discovering this fact he communicated it to Sir John Smyth, who had succeeded his brother Hugh through supposed default of male issue, and that Sir John had immediately acknowledged the justice of his claim, but was so much prostrated by the prospect of being deprived of title and wealth that he died suddenly during the following night. Various documents were pro- duced in support of the case, amongst them being a declara- tion alleged to have been written by Sir Hugh, witnessed by his brother John, and sealed with the family seal, in which the plaintiff was acknowledged as legitimate heir to the baronetcy and estates. To account for the long delay in prosecuting his case, the claimant alleged that he had been taken to the Continent by one of Sir Hugh's servants ; that he had long believed that Sir John was his elder brother ; and that subsequently he had no funds to carry on a costly litigation. While under cross-examination, in which a huge web of falsehood was being gradually torn to pieces, a dramatic incident occurred. A telegraphic message was brought into court addressed to the defendants' leading counsel, Sir F. Thesiger, who, after perusing the missive, asked the plaintiff whether he had not, in the preceding January, ordered a London tradesman to engrave a crest upon certain rings, and a name upon a broach — the rings and broach in question being alleged family relics on which much of the case rested. The rogue, whose face became livid, stammered out an affirmative answei', whereupon his counsel, Mr. Bovill, threw up his brief, and apologised to the court for having believed in the imposture. The impudent trickster was forthwith committed on charges of forgexy and perjury. He had been, in early life, under his true name of Thomas Provis, sentenced to death at Somerset assizes for horse stealing; subsequently he had picked up a mean livelihood as an itinerant lecturer, and by other less reput- able avocations. He was tried and convicted of forgery at Gloucestershire spring assizes in 18o4, and was sentenced to twenty years' transportation, but died in a convict prison in the following year. The defence against the action of ejectment is said to have cost the Smyth trustees upwards of £6,000. A meeting was held on the 7th November, the bishop of tlio diocese presiding, for the purpose of considering the ])ropriety of converting the Diocesan School iu Nelson Street 1854.] TRADE SCHOOL. BURIAL GROUNDS CLOSED. 337 into a Trade Scliool. It was stated that the Diocesan School was established in 1812 for the purpose of educating poor children in the princij^les of the Established Church, but that owing to the springing up in subsequent years of schools in the various parishes, the object of its promoters had been attained in other ways, and it had ceased to be successful. The Rev. Canon Moseley, soon after his appointment to the cathedral, suggested -the desirability of converting the build- ing into a Trade School, similar to those which had been largely successful in Germany and other countries ; and his proposal was sanctioned by the committee, subject to the approval of the subscribers. Dr. Lyon Playfair, who attended the meeting, congratulated the people of Bristol on l)eing the first in England to contemplate the establishment of a valuable institution. Resolutions authorising the remodellino- of the school were adopted unanimously. The new institu- tion was opened by Earl Granville, Lord President of the Council, on the 28th March, 1856. His lordship, after being entertained to breakfast at the Council House, presided at a meeting held in the Merchants' Hall, where he expressed the deep interest felt by the Government in the new enter- prise. The development of this school into the Merchant Venturers' School will be recorded hereafter. A new church in Clifton, dedicated to St. Paul, was con- secrated on the 8th November. The edifice, which was a tasteless specimen of gothic architecture, and cost only £4,000, had an ecclesiastical district assigned to it in October, 1859, by Order in Council. On the night of Sunday, the 15th December, 1867, the building, with the exception of the tower, vestry, and porch, was destroyed by fire — probabl}'- from the overheating of the flues. • The church, considerably enlai'ged and improved, was rapidly rebuilt at a cost of about £7,000, and was reconsecrated on the 29th September, 1868. A letter from the Home Secretary's office was on the 18th January, 1854, addressed to the churchwardens of each of the ancient parishes of Bristol, announcing that Lord Palmer- ston, under the powers of an Act passed in the previous session, had resolved on recommending the Privy Council to forbid interments in the crypts or burial grounds of their respective churches. In addition to the parochial cemeteries, the following were also closed : Francis's burial ground. West Street ; Williams's burial ground, AVest Street ; Thomas's burial ground, Clarence Place, Castle Street ; Dolman's burial ground, Pennywell Street ; Howland's burial ground, Newfoundland Street; Infirmaiy burial ground, z 338 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1854. Jolinny Ball Lane ; Broadmead Chapel-yard, St. James's parish. Burials were also prohibited in St. Joseph's (Roman Catholic) chapel, Trenchard Street, and in Counterslip Baptist chapel. In the following places one body only was to be buried in each grave : Quakers' burial ground. Friars ; Quakers' burial ground, Redcliff Pit ; Quakers' burial ground, near the workhotise ; Jews' burial ground, St. Philip's Marsh; Jews' burial ground. Temple parish. No burial was to take place within five yards of the adjoining buildings in the cemeteries of the cathedral, St. George's, Brandon Hill, Zion Independent chapel, Portland Street Wesleyan chapel, and St. Paul's, and in the three burial grounds in or near Red- cross Street. Some interest was excited about this time by an effort made by the Society of Friends to avert the threatened war between England and Russia by means of an appeal addressed directly to the Czar. The persons selected to undertake this novel mission were Mr. Robert Charleton, of Bristol, Mr. Joseph Sturge, of Birmingham, and Mr. Henry Pease, of Darlington. On being introduced to the Emperor, at St. Petersburg, on the 10th February, the deputies presented him with an address fi-om their society, urging the universal application of Christ's commands on all who called them- selves His followers. The address added that the signatories had been induced to take this course '' by the many proofs of condescension and Christian kindness manifested by thy late illustrious brother, Alexander, as well as by thy honoured mother, to some of our brethren in religious profession." The deputation was treated with great distinction by the Emperor, and was introduced to the Empress and the Grand Duchess Olga. It is scarcely necessary to add that the mission was a failure. On the IGth March, Henry Charles, eighth Duke of Beaufort, paid a visit to the city in order to take the oath on accepting the office of Lord High Steward of Bristol, in succession to his father, who had died a few months before. The ceremony took place in the Council chamber. After his grace liad been sworn in, and some complimentary speeches liad boon delivered, the company adjoui-ned to another aj)artment, where a collation had been prepared. The tables were brilliantly decorated, and "a gigantic ship, in sugar, ])laying in a sea of whipped cream," represented one of the chief elements of local commerce. In October, the meml)ers of the Corporation were invited to dine at Badminton, where a party of seventy was served entirely 1854.] THE COUNCIL AT KADMINTON. STAPLETON CHURCH. 339 Tipon silver. According to the Bristol Times, liowevor, the guests were much irritated by their frigid reception, and one of them, in a published letter, complained of the huge dish of " cold shoulder " with which they had been regaled. The duke Avas presented with the freedom of the Merchants' Company, in a gold box, in the following November. During the month of March, an old building standing upon the Welsh Back, nearly opposite the entrance to King Street, and known to all Bristolians by the name of the Goose Market, was demolished by order of the Council, being an impediment to trajSfic. It had been used in former times for the sale of Welsh products arriving by sailing vessels, but the introduc- tion of steamers had diverted trade into other directions. An advertisement in the Bristol newspapers of the 1st April announced that Pile Hill, consisting of nearly thirty acres of freehold land, had been laid out for building pur- poses. The offer did not meet with much attention until six or eight years after this date, but several hundred dwellings were eventually erected in the locality. On the 26th April, the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, then residing at Stapletort Palace, addressed a letter to the incumbent and churchwardens of that parish, undertaking to rebuild at his own cost the parish church, then "mean in structure and of inadequate capacity." Dr. Monk explained that his motive in making the offer was to put an end to chronic quarrels respecting pews, and to provide accommo- dation for the poor. In order to insure the latter condition, his lordship forbore from reserving- a seat for his own family. The representatives of the lay impropriatoi-, Mr. J. H. Greville Smyth, a minor, gave notice of their intention to oppose the grant of a faculty for demolishing the old church, unless Mr. Smyth's rights in the chancel, including the power of selling or letting pews, were acknowledged. The difficulty was avoided by allowing the old chancel to remain, but it was afterwards rebuilt by Mr. Smyth's trustees. Amongst the last acts of Bishop Monk (who died in June, 1856, before the consecration of the church) was the gift of an organ and a clock to the edifice, which cost him upwards of £5,000, and is probably the most beautiful modern village church in the county. In 1870 Sir J, Greville Smyth, bai't., restored to the pai-ish the great tithes, which had belonged to his family for many generations, and which amounted to £250 a year. Half the sum was reserved for the ecclesiastical district of Fishponds^ part of the ancient parish of Stapleton. The once celebrated coaching-house, the Bush Hotel, 340 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1854. Corn Street; was ordered to be demolislied iu May, to make way for tlie new West of England Bank. Whilst the work- men were removing the flooring of one of the large rooms, they discovered a canvassing card of Henry Cruger, printed during the contest of 1781, in which that gentleman appealed for support as "'a zealous Promoter of Trade, Peace, and Harmony between Great Britain and America." About the end of August, the Rev. Robert H. Miles, rector of Bingham, Nottingham, and fourth son of the late Mr. P. J. Miles, of Leig h Court, purchased a piece of ground fronting the new course of ^e Avon, for the purpose of erect- ing a church — which the founder intended for the use of seamen frequenting the port — and also an almshouse for sailors' widows. The buildings were completed and the church opened in May, 1859. From the outset the religious services were characterised by an ornateness and ceremonial previously unknown in the city ; and in the course of a few months the church became the recognised centre of fashion- able '^ ritualists," the seamen for whom the building was designedHBeing conspicuous from their absence. In 1865 it was announced that a series of pictures, representing the Roman Catholic legend of the " Stations of the Cross," had been placed in the building, and at a later period a wax- work representation of the Holy Family in the stable at Bethlehem was set up during the Christmas festival. In 1877 Bishop Ellicott repeatedly urged the chaplain, the Rev. j A. H. Ward, to abandon the illegal practices which he had ^' adopiod^n the celebration of the Communion; but the reverend gentleman replied that he could not conscientiously make any alteration in the services. In March, 1878, the bishop consequently revoked Mr. Ward's licence, and the church, which had never been consecrated, was thenceforth closed. Another visitation of cholera occurred during the month of October, 1854, but the ravages of the disease were, as com- pared with former occasions, limited. Amongst the victims was Robert Evans, LL.D., D.C.L., the first headmaster of the reorgantsed'GramTnTrr 'School, which, through his learning and ability, had be(>n already raised to great estimation. He was succooded by Mr. C. T. Hiidson, who had held the post of second master. "In October, 1854, the first mission to that most hopeless of all hopeless countries, Patagonia and the Tiorra del Fucgo, aail(!d from the port of Bristol, in the schooner called tlio Allen Gardiner, commanded by the gallant and zealous 1854.] THE WAR, PARISH CLERKS AND '^ THREE DECKERS." 341 captain of tliat name, whose melanclioly fate, and that of his crew, off that inhospitable coast, in the following year, filled the minds of many Christians with the greatest grief. Yet, notwithstanding the sad casualty which befell the captain and crew, entitling them to a place on the list of martyrs for the cause of religion, the little vessel, having been rescued and brought home to England, and lengthened and refitted at Bristol, has found another captain and crew ready to under- take the responsibilities of this dangerous but gloi-ious enter- prise, and is again (1862) about to sail for her destination." * Consequent upon the outbreak of war Avith Russia, a meet- ing of citizens was held in the Guildhall on the 20th Novem- ber, in support of the Patriotic Fund, established under a Royal Commission, for the relief of the families of soldiers and sailors who should fall during the conflict. The total amount collected in the city was £9,990. At a later period of the war, when the deficiency of the transport service in the Crimea had caused deplorable results, steps were taken for the creation of a Land Transport corps, of which Bristol became the headquarters. The barracks at Horfield being inadequate for their accommodation, many hundreds of the reci'uits, drawn from the lowest classes, were billeted upon the innkeepers ; and great complaints were made as to their disorderly conduct. The corps was reorganised and removed from Bristol on the return of peace. In December, the Rev. George Madan , vicar of St. Mary Redcliff, a member of what was called the Puseyite party amongst the clergy, made several alterations in the service of his church. Amongst other innovations, he practically suppressed the parish clerk, and appealed to his parishioners to personally perform the part of the service that was set down for them in the Common Prayer Book. It may be now necessary to explain that, until about the middle of the century, in Bristol as elsewhere, the morning and evening services were simply dualistic performances reserved to the minister and his clerk, the congregations being practically silent, and that in most churches there was a monstrous edifice, known as a " three decker," the lowest stage of which was occupied by the clerk, whilst the second was used by the clergyman during' prayers, and the sermon was preached from the summit. Mr. Madan's innovation gave much offence to old-fashioned people. But in July, 1856, when the parish clerkship of St. Nicholas became vacant, the vicai'. Canon * " Gloucestershire Achievements," by the Eev. S. Lysons, p. 13. 342 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1855. Girdlestone, anard ent Low Chu rclimaii, followed the example of Ins^colleagueni Redcliff ; and as it was no longer possible to brand the system as ^^ Tractarian," it eventually came into favour amongst churchgoers generally, and the parish clerks, with the 'Hhree deckers/' gradually disappeared. Whilst Canon Girdlestone's action was still the subject of criticism, the Bristol Times stated (August 30, 1856) that when the Rev. J. H. Woodward [see page 321] was appointed to St. James's, he nominated his brother-in-law to the clerkship of the parish, and that the emoluments of the office, about £100 a year, after paying a small salary to a deputy, were received by Mr. Woodward. This arrangement, it was added, still continued, although Mr. Woodward had resigned the living on joining the Romish Church. At the usual New Year's Day meeting of the Council in 1855, great complaint was made by some of the Liberal members at the strong political colour given to the various committees by those who privately framed the lists for the Conservative majority. It was pointed out that on the Finance Committee there were fifteen of one party and only four of the other ; on the Improvement Committee the pro- portion was fourteen to four; on the Docks Committee, eight to four ; on the Watch Committee thirteen to seven, and on the Parliamentary Committee seven to two. ''It was now," said Mr. Cole, " only for a Liberal to displace a Conservative councillor, and the latter was immediately made an alderman, or placed in some other post of honour." It was alleged that one gentleman, whose high character and business habits were unquestioned, was a councillor for six or seven years before he was admitted upon any committee ; whilst some aldermen, who did not enter the Council House for a year together, were placed on three or four important committees. In reply it was contended that the object of the majority was not to select political partisans, but men who were considered to be best qualified for the duties. The elections were then pro- ceeded with, when the old arrangement was maintained. Owing to renewed coin])laints on the subject, however, the ruling party promised that two or three gentknnen from each side of the chamber should thenceforth meet pi-evious to the annual election of committees, with a view to effecting arrangements satisfactory to both parti(^s. On the morning of the 20th MarcOi, the iron bridge spanning tlie new course of the Avon near the railway terminus was totally destroyed by a Cardiff steam barge. The vessel had conveyed a cargo of coko to the railway 1855.] SNEYD PARK. A GLIMPSE OF OLD CLIFTON. 343 works, and was returning down the river, in whicli there was a strong current, when through unskilful management it struck the ribs of the bridge with great violence. The effect was instantaneous, the structure collapsing, according to the expression of an eyewitness, like a child's house of cards. Not a vestige was left standing, and the carts and passengers crossing at the time were flung into the river. Two persons lost their lives, one being a wagoner whose cart was found next day below Rownham. A ferry was established during the rebuilding of the bridge, which was sufficiently advanced on the 5th June to admit of the transit of foot passengers. The new structure cost about £5,700. [See page 27.] During the month of April, Mr. William Baker, a Bristol builder, purchased an estate at Sneyd Park for the purpose of erecting a superior class of villas on the picturesque site. The editor of the Bristol Times, in commenting on the in- tended new suburb on the 28th April, indulged in some re- miniscences of which lapse of time has increased the interest. " Many living," he remarked, " have made hay in Caledonia Place and the Mall. Most of my readers could have done the same not long since in Clifton Park, The little farm- house where they sell fresh butter, near Litfield Place, will be soon shut out of sight by a cordon of domestic palaces. It seems but as yesterday that the Victoria Rooms and another building were the only edifices in that direction north of Berkeley Square; and the fanciful will, in a few years, amuse themselves with wondering how things looked when a boy was brought before the magistrates for ingeniously milking a cow in Tyndall's Park into a pair of new boots which he was taking home to his master, as we now smile over the entries in the vestry books of Clifton of sums paid for killing hedgehogs that infested the market gardens of Victoria Square. But we need not travel so far out of town for examples of the march of masons. On the left-hand side as you enter Tyndall's Park from St. Michael's Hill, there is a garden tower [still standing] . That which now barely shows its head above the adjacent houses was the country seat of a Bristol merchant of hospitable memory — Alderman Muggleworth, who, within the recollection of one not long dead, left his city residence in Lewin's Mead when ' the dog star burned,' and travelled to his villa by the pleasant park, there to abide until the late autumn made his mansion by the Froom more tolerable and temperate." The population of the new suburb having soon become considerable, arrange- ments were made for forming the locality into an ecclesiastical o44 THE ANNALS OF BKISTOL. [1855. district ; and tlie cliurcli of St. Mary's, the site of wliicli was given by Mr. Baker, was consecrated on tlie 12tli March, 1860. The building-, which cost aboiit £2,300, was consider- ably enlarged about the end of 1871, at a further expendi- ture of £3,000. St. Clement's Church, Newfoundland Road, was consecrated on the 2-lth April, and an ecclesiastical district was allotted to it in the following June, by an Order in Council. The church, which originally cost £2,000, underwent extensive •alterations in 1871, Arley Chapel, Cheltenham Road, built by the Congrega- tional body at a cost of upwards of £4,000, was opened in June, when the inaugural sermon was preached by the Rev. J. Ang ell Jame s. This was the last dissenting- chapel of any importance erected in the city in the Italian style, the later constructions being of a mediseval type. The tower known as Cook's Folly, with the neighbouring woods, and a small public house which had been for many years a popular resort, were purchased about the beginning of July by Captain H. Goodeve, who subsequently erected a private mansion adjoining the " Folly." The tavern, known as the Folly Cottage, was closed about 1859. [On August 18, 1855, a little girl named Melinda Payne, living in one of the cottages which then stood on the right bank of the Avon, near the ravine, was sent by her father to this house for some beer, and was murdered whilst returning homewards. The perpetrator of the deed was never discovered.] On the 24tli July, the body of Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, who had died in the Ci'imea whilst in command of the British forces before Sebastopol, arrived in Cumberland Basin in the naval steamer Caradoc. Two of his lordship's brothers hav- ing been interred in the cathedral, it was expected that the remains would be deposited in the same building ; but the Duke of Beaufort gave directions that the burial should take place in the family vault at Badminton. Great preparations had been made in the city to render fitting honour to the memory of tlio distinguished soldier. On the morning of the 25th, the colHn was transferred from the Caradoc to a small 8team])oat, on whicli a ])latform covered with black velvet, surmounted by a canoi)y of the same material, had been raised for its rcco])tion. On the coffin were placed the coronet, svvord, and luit of the deceased, whili* his lordship's aides-de-camp and a number of artillerymen were ranged on each side. Upon the vessel entering the harbour, forty-two boats, chiefly contributed by the mercluint vessels in the 1855.] FUNERAL OF LORD RAGLAN. 345 port, each bearing a mourning flag, and witli crews appro- priately attired, were divided into two lines^ and formed a guard on each side of the steamer. In this order the pro- cession made its way to the Quay head, Avhere the goods sheds were draped with black cloth and feathers for the reception of the body. At this point were assembled the mayor (Mr. J. G. Shaw), the sheriff, and many members of the Corporation, together with great numbers of the leading citizens, and the children of the public schools. The cofhn having been placed in a hearse, amidst the firing of minute guns by a battery of artillery and the tolling of the city bells, a procession was formed, headed by the Gloucestershire Yeomanry and the band of the 15th Hussars, and attended by a guard of honour of the Royal Horse Guards. The mourning coaches containing members of the deceased's family were followed by the pensioners of the district, a detachment of the Land Transport corps, a troop of artillery, the officers of the Corporation, the carriages of the mayor and of many members of the Council, and those of the members of the Merchants' Society, and finally a lengthy procession of pedestrians, including the clergy, ministers, citizens, and members of friendly societies. Many of the houses along the line of march were hung with crape, black cloth, or wreaths of laurel, some bearing flags or mourning tablets with appropriate inscriptions. Altogether the spec- tacle was one of an unexampled character in the city, and the good taste and public spirit which marked the proceedings evoked sympathetic admiration in all parts of the country. St. Peter's Church, Clifton Wood, was consecrated on the 10th August. The edifice had been originally built by the Wesleyans, who opened it for Divine worship in November, 1833. In consequence of the largely increased population of the district, the accommodation of this church became in- suflScient, and a large, lofty, and ornate Gothic edifice was constructed on an adjoining site at a cost of £6,000, and was consecrated in September, 1882. In the following year the old building was bought by the Corporation for conversion into a free library. In September, 1855, while repairs were being made in the house No. 10, College Green, then standing between the abbey gateway and the cathedral, and occupied by Canon Bankes, the workmen discovered portions of a Decorated shaft, some arch moulding, and a portion of a turret staircase. These relics were supposed to have formed part of the north- western tower of the nave which Abbot Newland intended to 346 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1855. construct in the same style as his choir. The house has since been demolished. Down to this period the pauper lunatics of the city had been maintained in St. Peter's Hospital, although the suita- bility of that locality for such a purpose had long been questioned. In the course of this year, after receiving re- ports from official inspectors, the Government insisted upon the construction of a lunatic asylum in the suburbs. As the cost of the building threatened to make a heavy addition to the rates, opposition to the ministerial order was very generally manifested. But unfortunately the local authori- ties were unable to agree upon a plan which would avert the necessity of a new building. The guardians proposed that the paupers at Stapleton should be brought back to St. Peter's, and the lunatics sent to the vacated workhouse. The Council — which, under a new Lunacy Act, had in Janu- ary, 1854, taken upon itself the duty of managing the lunatic asylum, previously imposed on the magistrates — contended that the paupers remaining in the establishment in Peter Street should be removed to Stapleton, so that additional room might be at disposal for the lunatics. But the Poor Law autTiorities set their faces against both suggestions. In the closing months of the year, the Council, the Board of Guardians, and the Chamber of Commerce severally passed resolutions deprecating a large expenditure for a new asylum, and meetings were held in the wards at which motions to a similar effect were carried almost unanimously. Deputations representing the Corporation and the citizens shortly after- wards, had an interview with the Poor Law Board, and asked that permission should be granted to alienate part of the workhouse premises at Stapleton, so as to build an asylum thereon. To this the Board refused its assent, nor would it sanction the conversion of a portion of the workhouse into an asylum. A couimittee of the Council was therefore appointed to obtain offers of sites and estimates; and in i\larch, 1857, a report was adopted recommending the purchase of 24 acres of ground at Stapleton, and tlie erection of an asylum tlusre at a total estimated expenditure of £30,000. The building, which actually cost upwards of £40,000, but was said to bo the model asylum of the cotnitry, was finished in February, 18(51, when it received 113 lunatics from St. Peter's Hospital. In 1875-7, owing to the increased number of lunatics, the asylum was enlarged at a cost of £22,000. A chapel was built a few years later, at an outlay of £3,000. In 1885 it was r(>p()rted to tlie Council that the asylum, 1855,] LUNATIC ASYLUM. GIFT TO MR. BERKELEY^ M.P. 347 though capable of accommodating 430 patients, had become seriously insufficient for its purpose, and that it was advisable to make additions so as to provide for a total number of 070 lunatics. The expense was estimated at o€6,140 for land, and no less a sum than £59,535 for buildings. The Council deferred the consideration of the subject, in order to enable the committee to submit an approximate estimate of the cost of a new site that would permit the erection of an asylum capable of meeting all demands for fifty years. On the 1st June, 1886, the committee reported that in their opinion the most economical course would be to carry out their pi'cvious proposal, and the Council accordingly authorised the Finance Committee to raise the sum of £65,675 by mortgage, for the execution of the works. In the session of 1854, the advocates of a strict observance of the Lord's Day, supported by the teetotalers, succeeded in obtaining the consent of Parliament to a measure by which public houses were almost entirely closed on Sundays. The operation of the new law having caused disturbances in London, and much discontent amongst the working classes generally, Mr. Berkeley, M.P., in the session of 1855, obtained a select committee to inquire into the working of the statute. The committee almost unanimously reported that its provisions were too rigorous, having regard to the wants and feelings of the labouring community; and Mr. Berkeley thereupon introduced and secured the enactment of a Bill by which the restrictions were relaxed. His action excited much irritation amongst the advocates of total abstinence ; and their organ, the AUlance, then noted for its intemperance of language, published a series of articles in which the senior member for Bristol was charged with gross corruption, collusive conduct, and perjury. Mr. Berkeley thereupon raised an action for libel ; but when the case came on for trial, in February, 1856, the defendants made an apology for statements they admitted to be false, consented to a verdict against them of five guineas, and undertook to pay the costs, estimated at nearly £1,000. In the meantime a movement had been started for raising a national sub- scription to recognise Mr. Berkeley's legislative exertions on the subject; and on the 24th September, 1856, he was pre- sented at the Athenaeum with a silver salver, a carved and ornamented casket, and a purse, the whole representing an offering of £1,012, contributed by about 14,000 persons throughout the country. The casket was made from an oak beam taken from the old north porch of St. Mary Redcliff, 348 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1856. and was enriched witli some large and lustrous specimens of Bristol diamonds. During the autumn of 1855 the upper part of Queen Street (Christmas Steps) was widened by the removal of some old buildings on the eastern side, and the stairs were made much more convenient to passengers. After an existence of twenty-two years, the Bristol Agri- cultural Society, having lost many of its early and more liberal supporters, and failing to meet with adequate assist- ance from a new generation, was dissolved on the 12th December. In the spring of 1856 the gunboats Earnest, Escort, Hardy, Havoc, and Highlander were constructed at Bristol for the Royal Navy by the shipbuilding firms of Patterson & Son, and Hill & Sons. These vessels formed part of a large fleet of gunboats hurriedly ordered by the Government during the Russian war, and built in all the leading ports of the kingdom. A few years afterwards the condition of the vessels was the subject of a discussion in the House of Com- mons ; and on inquiry it appeared that, with the exception of the Bristol boats and a few others, the builders had com- mitted gross frauds in construction, and that a number of the vessels Avere utterly rotten and worthless. According to a local newspaper of the 8th March, 1856, a joint-stock company, under the new Limited Liability Act, was then in contemplation " for raising passengers and goods from the low levels of some parts of Bristol to the more ele- vated portions of Clifton by machinery." Suggestions of a fixed engine at the top of Park Street, for drawing up wagons and heavily laden carts, were frequently started before the construction of Colston Street and Perry Road. The BrhUd Gazette of the 12th I\farch announced, to the great surprise of the city, that a defalcation of upwards of £4,000 had been discovered in the accounts of the treasurer of the Corporation, Mr. Thomas Garrard, who had been for fifty-fr)ur years in tlie civic service. The deficiency was acci- dentally brought to light whilst Mr. Garrard was temporarily disabled b}' illness from attending to his duties. The sum was more than covered by the guarantees of the treasurer's sureties, who were themselves secured by life assurances. Tlio defalcation was stated to have arisen from advances made by Mr. Garrard to retrieve a relative from commercial difficulties. It was understood that his successor, Mr. John Harford, allowed him a handsome yearly sum during the remainder of his life. 185G.] PEACE WITH RUSSIA. THE QUEEN IN BRISTOL. 349 On tlio 30t]i April the ceremony of proclaiming peace willi Russia took place amidst formal demonstrations of joy. The mayor (Mr. J. Vining), the sheriff, and other corporate offi- cials, with the boys of Colston's and the City schools, assem- bled at the Council House, from the steps of which the proclamation was first made at noon, after a blast from the city trumpets and a peal from the neighbouring church bells. Proclamation was afterwards made in the quadrangle of the Exchange, the centre of Queen Square, Bristol Bridge, St. Peter's Pump, and the Old Market. As the terms wrested from Russia were by many people deemed inadequate, the pro- ceedings did not evoke any marked enthusiasm. The same may be said of the day fixed for a national celebration of the peace — the 28th May. No preparations were made to do hon- our to the occasion, which had little other character than that of a listless holiday. A writer in the local press remarked : " Some guns were fired from ships, and pistols popped off in obscure corners, and men stood at the doors of jthe Commer- cial Rooms, as usual, abusing Bristol for want of spirit, and, as usual, they themselves, though items of this much abused Bristol, doing nothing." In the evening, a few gas-lit crowns, royal cyphers, etc., were exhibited on the public buildings, but tlie private illuminations were few and insignificant. Upon the death, on the 6th June, of Dr. Monk, the first bishop of the united sees of Gloucester and Bristol, efforts were made in various parts of the two dioceses to obtain their separation. Lord Palmerston's Ministry, however, declined to propose any legislative measure for that purpose ; and D r. Ba rjup^ Rector of Limpsfield, Surrey, was soon after named Dr. Monk's successor. The alienation of the palace at Stapleton at this juncture has been already recorded [p. 228] . TheQueen, accompanied by the Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, and her younger children, passed through Bristol on August 15th on her way from Plymouth to Osborne. The royal party remained twenty minutes in the refreshment room of the railway station, which had been hurriedly de- corated, tidings of the visit having been received on the previous evening. In the autumn the Prince of Wales made an incognito tour in the West of England, in the course of which, on the 5th October, he attended service at Bristol cathedral. Presumably from no fee having been forthcom- ing,"^ the sub-sacrist conducted the stranger to a bench in one * The greediness of cathedral underlings has always been notorious. A Bristol sub-sacrist, who died whilst Sydney Smith was one of the prebendaries, 350 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1856. of the aisles^ where tlae lieir apparent remained tlirougliout the service. In April, 1858, the Prince again paid a brief visit to the city. Having left his yacht at Kingroad, he was rowed np the river, and landed at Rownhani, whence he proceeded in a public cab to the railway station, but stopped at the cathedral on his way, for the purpose of inspecting the Chapter House. The first annual Conference of the National Reformatory Union was held in Bristol — one of the earliest centres of the reformatory movement^ — on the 20th August and two follow- ing days. Amongst the many distinguished persons present were Lord Robert Cecil (now Marquis of Salisbury), Lord Stanley (now Earl of Derby), Sir Stafford Northcote (Earl of Iddesleigh), Sir John Pakington (Lord Hampton), Mr. Adderley (Lord Norton), etc. Visits were paid to the local reformatories at Arno's Court, Kingswood, St. James's Back, Pennywell Lane, and Hardwicke. The primary schools existing in the city at this time being greatly below the needs of the population, many thousands of poor children grew up uninstructed, and frequently re- venged themselves on society for its shortsighted indifference. At the Michaelmas quarter sessions of 1856, Mr. J. Naish .Sanders, one of the magistrates, made some remarks before the recorder which afford a glimpse of the habits of the class in question. " Bristol," he said, " has the unenviable repu- tation of having within her walls one of the most disorderly set of youths in England. Stones are continually thrown by boys in our public thoroughfares, owing to which many lives have been lost — five at least in Clifton parish only. Orna- mental plantations, so placed as to benefit the public, are constantly injured, and even the branches carried away for firewood. Young thieves assemble in gangs at each end of Park Street, professedly to drag wheels, but really for worse purposes, as proved in many cases. If the police or private individuals comphiin, they are assailed in gross and indecent language, revolting to all, and especially to females." Some regret was expressed by the bench at the uncultivated con- dition of the youth of the lower classes, but the authorities felt themselves impotent, and the matter was suffered to drop. was fiiiid to have lioardcd £20.000, causing tho witty cleric to observe that he at length understood the full force of tho text : " I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house," etc. [The text is inscribed upon the tomb of a verger in Salisbury cathedral.] At a (juito recent date, it was publiely stated that one of the Eng- lish bishops had been treated with indignity in liristol cathedral for having presumed to look at some of tho monuments without being " guided " by the oflicials. 1857.] BRISTOL GUARDIANS AND THE POOR LAW BOARD. 351 It lias been already stated tliat the Bristol Incorporation of tlie Poor was, with a few others, exempted from the super- vision of the Poor Law Board constituted by the great Act of 1834. In 1844 an amending statute was passed, em- powering the central authorities to combine unions into dis- tricts for the audit of accounts, thus striking a mortal blow at the financial independence of the privileged bodies. Armed with this Act, the Board soon after issued an order for forming an audit district embracing Bristol and several Somerset unions. The Bristol guardians for some time offered a passive resistance to this measure, and nothing was done for two years. But in September, 184G, the Poor Law Commissioners gave peremptory directions that the local accounts should be revised by the official auditor of the dis- trict ; and as the guardians refused to submit their books to his inspection, the Government officials in February, 1849, applied for and obtained a mandaviiis from the Court of Queen's Bench. The defendants, in no wise subdued, ap- pealed to the Court of Error, by which in February, 1850, the action of the court below was affirmed. Although beaten on the point of law, the guardians continued, to maintain that they had a right to administer relief in accordance with the bye-laws made under their private Act ; and though their allowances were greatly at variance with the scale fixed by' the central authorities, the contest on this subject was con- tinued for several years. At length, in the closing months of 1856, the members of the recalcitrant corporation were threatened with legal proceedings for the recovery of £23,157, illegally distributed in relief in defiance of the regulations, and. were warned that the '^ surcharge " would be recovered, by levies upon them individually. It was now felt that no other course remained but to accept defeat. On the 8th Janu- ary, 1857, the local bye-laws were repealed, and the "con- solidated order " of the central board was adopted in their place. The effect of this resolution was to terminate, for all practical purposes, the existence of the ancient " Incorpora- tion of the Poor," which now became an ordinary board of guardians. The ancient mode of election was, however, maintained. The last governor under the old system was .Dr. Georgfi__K»gers. The first chairman under the new regime — ]\(Jj:^__Elisha_Smith Robinson — was elected on the 16th January, 1857! Tlie~~latter gentleman, in a speech delivered March 2nd, 1860, asserted that the saving to the ratepayers brought about by the reorganisation of the union was not less than £4,000 a year — a fact which the public 352 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1857. apparently regarded as outweigliing tlie old-fasliioned guar- dians' anathemas against centralisation^ opjjression, and red tape. It may be worth while to add that, in spite of the increase of population in the city, and the tendency of the poorest class to flow into the central parishes, the expenditure of the board, in respect both to management and relief, has remained stationary. In the year ending March, 1858, the total charge Avas within a few pounds of £31,000. In the twelvemonth ending March, 1886, the outlay was £30,480. As the rateable value of the ancient city had in the mean- time increased considerably more than 50 per cent., the rates had of course diminished in a corresponding proportion. After having remained vacant upwards of two years, the Roman Catholic bishopi'ic of Clifton was conferred, in the spring of 1857, on the Hon. and Rev. William Clifford, in whose hands it still remains. ' "^ At the general election in March, the members for the city in the previous Parliament, Messrs. Berkeley and Langton, were returned without opposition — an incident Avhich had not occurred in Bristol for fifty years, with the exception of the abnormal election of 1831. The dissolution had been caused by a defeat of Lord Palmerston's Ministry, through a coalition of Conservatives with what was called the Man- chester school. The conduct of their leaders gave so much umbrage to many local Tories of influence that a contest was found to be impracticable. Owing to the confusion arising from the diversified names of ''places," "terraces," etc., in the chief suburban thorough- fares, the Council, in April, resolved upon the following no- menclature : Queen's Road (from the top of Park Street to Victoria Square) ; Clifton Road (from Victoria Square to Clifton turnpike-gate — now the site of Alderman Proctor's fountain) ; Whiteladies Road (from the Queen's Hotel to the Pound, Durdham Down) ; Redland Road (from the Pound just mentioned to Cutler's Mills) ; Stokes Croft Road (from North Street to Cutler's Mills) ; Cotham Road (from White- ladies-gate, junction of roads, to Cutler's ^lills) ; Hotwell Road (from the White Hart, Limekiln Lane, to Clifton Gate). Limekiln Lane had its name changed to St. George's Road in June, 1 802. On the 18th June, at a meeting liold in the Commercial Rooms, Mr. Jose, master of the Merchants' Society, in the chair, resolutions were passed approving of the scheme laid before those present by M. do Tjessejis for the construction of tlie Suez canal, " being of opinion that it is of the greatest 1857.] CLIFTON CLUB. THE RUSSIAN GUNS, 353 importance to the coiuraerce of the whole world." A few days later, in the House of Commons, Mr. Berkeley asked the Ministry if it would support the undertaking, to which Lord Palmerston answered emphatically in the negative, declaring that the project was hostile to English interests. On the 24th of June a portion of the premises in the Mall, Clifton, which at a previous period had been known as the Royal Hotel (closed early in 1854-), was opened as a club- house, under the name of the Clifton Subscription Rooms. The remainder of the hotel premises was converted into shops and dwelling houses. The cost of the conversion was upwards of £4,000, In March, 1882, the association was reorganised, and the property transferred to a new company, with a capital of £12,000 in £75 shares, each holder of a £60 share in the original concern receiving a fully paid-up share. The Council resolved, in July, to arch over the Froom from St, John's Bridge to the Stone Bridge, and to devote the space so obtained to the construction of a public street. The new thoroughfare, which was subsequently named Rupert Street, was recommended to the Council as the first instalment of a new line of road from the centre of the city to Stokes Croft, In July, 1859, the Council voted £2,000 for covering the Froom between Union Street and Merchant Street, the roadway constructed upon the site being styled Fairfax Street. In 1867 the sum of £2,650 was granted for covering the last open part of the Froom in the central districts — from St. John's Bridge to Bridewell. Finally, in 1880, almost the only remaining uncovered portion of this river within the city boundaries, near Haberfield Street, was also ordered to be arched over. Soon after the arrival in this country of the Russian war material captured at Sebastopol and other places, some pro- vincial corporation with decorative tastes applied to the Government for one or two of the cannons, proposing to mount them in a conspicuous position as lasting trophies of English valour. The application having been successful, a great number of municipalities followed the example — some of the local bodies being not a little puzzled how to dispose of the prize when it came into their possession. Amongst the rest, a request was addressed to the war minister by the Corporation of Bristol, and at once met with a favourable response, two cannons, thirty-six pounders, nine feet in length, and each weighing three tons, being despatched from Woolwich, together with carriages — the latter being paid for by the city. On the 19th August the guns were conveyed A A 354 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1857. from the railway station by a party of tlie Military Train (originally tlie Land Transport corps) througli the principal streets to Brandon Hill. Great crowds lined the route^ and the spectacle was of an animated character. In the rear of Berkeley Square a portion of the wall had to be broken down to allow the cavalcade to pass ; and as the eight horses attached to each gun were unable to drag it to the summit of the hill, the populace lent enthusiastic assistance, the task being soon accomplished by main force. The proceedings terminated with patriotic and congratulatory speeches. A murder which created unusual sensation in the city was perpetrated in Leigh Woods, on the 10th September, by a man named John William Beale, who had served as butler to some respectable families in the neighbourhood. His victim was a woman named Charlotte Pugsley, who had occasionally been one of his fellow-servants. On the day before the murder, Beale, who had left the district to serve with a gentleman residing near Daventry, went, apparently by appointment, to a country seat at Freshford, where Pugsley was living as cook. She had previously given notice to leave, and she and her companion departed soon after for Bristol, informing the other servants that they were about to marry and emigrate. (The woman was aware that Beale had a wife living.) On the following morning they were seen at Bristol railway terminus, where Beale had his com- panion's boxes removed to the Midland luggage room, stating that he was going to Liverpool. What became of the parties during the day was not discovered, but in the evening they were observed walking together in the rabbit warren near the top of Nightingale Valley. Next day Beale returned to his employer's at Daventry, with the woman's luggage, stating that it contained the clothing of his sister, whose funeral he had just attended. Tlie body of Pugsley was found on the same day by one of Mv. Miles's gamekeepers. The woman had been shot in the head, which was nearly severed from the body by a gash in the throat, and her remains had then been thrown over the precipice overhanging .Nightingale Valley, but had rested on a ledge about twelve feet fiom tlie summit. It was not until nearly a fortnight after the murder that the friends of Charlotte Pugsley suspected that she was the victim, and by that time the features of the l)odv worn no longer recognisable. Identity was however cstahlished l)y means of the clothing, and by a ])eculiar decayed tootli. No adequate motive for the deed was dis- covered. I'eale's wife lived in the neighbourhood of 1857.] MR. GEEVILLE SMYTH AND THE SHRIEVALTY. 355 Daventry, and the money possessed by Pugsloy did not exceed a few pounds. The murderer was tried and convicted at Taunton assizes in the following December, and was executed in January, 1858, refusing to admit his guilt even on the scaffold. At the annual election of corporate dignitaries on the 9th November, Mr. John Henry Greville Smyth, of Long Ashton, who had attained his majority in the previous January, was elected sheriff of Bristol for the ensuing civic year. Tlie appointment had been, as usual, determined upon by the secret committee to whom the selection of officers was dele- gated by the Conservative majority in the Council, and it was persisted in after Mr. Smyth, who had been made acquainted with the intention to nominate him, had intimated that he should refuse to serve. This he formally did after the election had taken place, whereupon the Council applied to the law courts to compel his obedience. A mandamus was issued in January, 1858, and the Court of Error consented to pronounce a formal decision in order that final judgment might be obtained in the House of Lords before the close of the session. The law peers, however, refused to give pre- cedence to the case. The Council did not re-elect Mr. Smyth in the following November, and as that gentleman, by consent, withdrew his appeal, a definitive decision on the matter was never delivered. About this time the authorities of the united parishes of St. Nicholas and St. Leonard found themselves seriously embarrassed by the increasing revenue of the estates confided to them by ancient benefactors for charitable purposes. A property bearing the strange name of the Forlorn Hope, near Baptist Mills, being likely to fall in through the death of the surviving lessees, the churchwardens had the prospect of the existing charity income being raised from £450 to £650 a year. Even as it was, a large portion of the funds being bequeathed for distribution in doles about the Christ- mas season, a crowd of worthless people were accustomed to flock into the parishes towards the close of each year, and to hire some miserable lodging to entitle them to share in the gifts, much of the money being at once squandered in dis- sipation. The competition for garrets and dirty back rooms was so great that inordinate rents were freely paid, and the result was simply to transfer a considerable portion of the doles into the pockets of a greedy and sordid class of land- lords. In November, 1857, the churchwardens and vestry, urged thereto by the vicar. Canon Girdlestone, and having 356 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1858. the sanction of the Ctarity Commissioners^ resolved to abolish tlie doles, to set apart £200 yearly for tlie maintenance of fifteen aged women in the parish almshouse, and to apply the surplus to the support of schools. An Act to authorise this arrangement was passed in 1858. A new schoolhouse was built by subscription in Back Street,* on a site pre- viously occupied by ruinous dwellings, one of which was the ancient parsonage of St. Nicholas. The adjoining Eackhay burial ground, belonging to St. Nicholas' parish, was con- verted into a playground for the scholars. The new schools were opened in July, 1858. In November, 1857, the Rev. J^^B^_CliffQi'd, incumbent of \y St. Matthew's, somewhat astonisheH~the public by denouncing from the pulpit an "institution in the city" for teaching infidelity and atheism. It ultimately turned out that Mr. Clifford had alluded to the Atlien£eum;"and he subsequently admitted that he intended to condemn, not the institution itself, but a discussion class connected with it, in which an essay had been delivered — on the religions of India — which several clergymen declared to contain nothing worthy of reprobation. The class was warmly defended by Mr. Edlin, barrister, its chairman, while Canon Girdlestone rebuked the intemperance of the assailant, who was charged with intole- rance in some of the local newspapers, and was significantly left unsupported by his clerical brethren. In the following January, Charles Dickens evinced his opinion on the subject by coming down from London to read his "Christmas Carol" for the benefit of the institution. In January, 1858, in consequence of the loud complaints raised by the innkeepers of the city against the army billet- ing system, the War Office obtained a lease of the extensive premises formerly known as the Royal Gloucester Hotel, and converted the building into barracks. The step aroused opposition amongst some inhabitants of Clifton ; but the Secretary for War refused to assent to their appeals, and the building was opened for its new purpose in April. Owing to improvements effected in the recruiting system, and other causes, the Government, in April, 1870, removed the military staff established at this depot. In the spring of 1858 the Franciscan monks who had conducted the services at the Roman Catholic chapels in Trenchard Street and on the Quay were succeeded by secular • ThiK ancient stront, wliinli liko itB namesake, the Hue & G. Somerton, proprietors of the Bristol Mercury, started, in January, 1860, the Bristol Daily Post, published daily from Monday to Friday, the Mercury supplying the sixth day's news. (In January, 1878, the two journals were incorporated, and the title of Daily Post was subsequently dropped.) In January, 1865, a combination was formed between the two Conservative journals in the city, the Mirror, belonging to Mr. T. D. Taylor, and the Times, the property of Mr. J. Le ech, "the result being the appearance of the Bristol Titfies^amP^irror, issued daily from Monday to Friday at a penny, and on Saturdays at twopence. A still further de- velopment of daily journalism was made by Mr. Macliver in May, 1877, by the publication of the Bristol Evening News, price one halfpenny. A local newspaper of the 12th June announced that the Docks Committee contemplated the widening of Hotwell Road between Limekiln dock and Mardyke ferry, and the construction of a wharf at that spot. It subsequently transpired that the works, which were to extend forty feet into the Floating Harbour, had been resolved upon without the consent or knowledge of the Council. Operations had scarcely commenced when Messrs. Hill & Co., whose ship- building yard stood opposite to the proposed wharf, applied to the law courts for an injunction to restrain the Corporation 358 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1858. from erecting woi-ks calculated to injure tlieii' property. Eventually the Docks Committee were obliged to make terms, Messrs. Hill & Co. accepting £1,000 and withdraw- ing their opposition. The wharf, which the committee had expected to complete for £1,500, actually involved an outlay of about £5,700. A small church, dedicated to St. Michael and All Angels, was opened at Bishopston, Horfield, on the 20th June. The quarrel of its founder, the Rev. Henry Richards, with Bishop Monk has been already referred to. The prelate's successor, Bishop Baring, had also to publicly protest against the con- duct of the incumbent. In a letter dated February 2, 1858, Dr, Baring stated that Mr. Richards had consented to the formation of a new district in Horfield, of which the bishop was to be the patron, but that after Dr. Monk's death he had repudiated this agreement, declaring that he Avould never allow a Low churchman to nominate a clergyman in his parish. Subsequently, added his lordship, Mr. Richards 'built a church, and offered to endow it to the extent of £40 a year, provided the patronage was vested in him and his heirs. But as the Horfield manor trustees intended to endow the incumbency to a much larger extent, the bishop refused his assent, to the great wrath of the vicar, who must have foreseen that through the increasing population the value of the living Avould soon be largely augmented. In conse- quence of the disagreement, St. Michael's was not consecrated until February, 1862. It was afterwards considerably en- larged. By an Order in Council of July, 1862, a new parish, out out of Horfield, Stapleton, and St. Andrew's, Montpelier, was attached to this church. In despite of the benefits secured by the transfer of the docks to the citv, Bristolians could not but be sensible that the port Lay under peculiar natural disadvantages, which "handicapped" it heavily in the competition with other harbours. The course of the Avon from Hungroad to Cum- berland Basin being exceedingly tortuous, accidents to vessels were of such frequent occurrence as to give the river an evil reputation amongst shipowners; and after the lamentable disaster to the Vewerara, many firms refused to accept charters- which would render their vessels liable to similar mishaps. Au of|iially sericuis drawback had been created by tlie designer of Cumberland Basin. At the beginning of the century the commerce of th^ world was carried on by vessels which, while rarely cxcectling 800 tons burden, were on the average of less than half that tonnage; and the depth of 1858.] PROPOSED DOCKS AND DOCKISATION. 3-59 the locks had naturally been determined by those conditions. But the application of steam power to ships had revolution- ised former ideas on the subject, for not only were over-sea steamers necessarily larger in consequence of the stock of fuel they had to carry, but builders of sailing ships, to meet the competition for freights, studied economy by constructing vessels of double or treble the former size. The results had been early felt in Bristol. The citizens had built the Great Western only to find that, while they had solved the problem of transatlantic navigation, they were deprived of its profits by the natural defects of the port. By and by, the effects which the vessel had produced on shipowners and ship- builders also began to be felt. The local public were ever and anon informed that a large vessel bound for Bristol had arrived at Kingroad, but that owing to insufficient depth of water she must remain at anchor until spring tides, perhaps eight or ten days distant. The evil was constantly growing more serious. The Great Western was of J, 340 tons register; but the Cunard company had,, in 1848, four ships of about 2,000 tons ; and at the time under review Mr. Brunei had under construction the Great Eastern, of 22,000 tons burden, which he confidently predicted would be the model ship of the future. The prospect naturally caused anxiety ; and on the 24th June, 1858, a joint committee, comprising deputa- tions nominated by the Docks Committee, the Merchant Venturers' Society, and the Chamber of Commerce, held a meeting at the dock ofiice, the mayor (Mr. I. A. Cooke) in the chair, with the view of considering the question of im- proved dock accommodation. After a long discussion on the advisability of constructing a large dock at the mouth of the river, it was resolved, by a majority of 12 votes to 4, that the interests of the port would be best promoted by convert- ing the Avon, throughout its tidal area, into a floating harbour. On the 14th September, in compliance Avith a requisition signed by upwards of 500 of the princijml citizens, the mayor convened a public meeting in the Guildhall, which was densely crowded on the occasion. Mr. P. W. Miles having moved, and Mr. C. W. Finzel seconded, a resolution declaring that further accommodation was essential to the interests of the port ; Mr. J. G. Shaw, representing the non-progressive party, brought forward a " rider " to the motion, declaring that it would be unjust and injurious to the owners of fixed property to raise additional funds by local taxation. The resolution having been adopted, Mr. E. S. Robinson moved that the rider should not be put, and 360 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1858. tliis, after an excited discussion, was also carried. An in- fluential committee was then appointed to co-operate witli the Chamber of Commerce in devising means for carrying the resolution into effect. A special meeting of the Council was held on the 7th November to consider the course recom- mended by the citizens, when it was proposed to appoint a committee to further the object in view. Mr. J. Gr. Shaw , however, returned to the attack,* and by a majority of 25 against 24, an amendment was carried by the fixed property party, refusing to appoint a committee to meet any repre- sentatives of public bodies for promoting increased dock accommodation. The committee of citizens, bereft of the expected support, found it necessary to surrender all thoughts of an extensive scheme, and the construction of a pier at the mouth of the Avon was suggested as an advisable temporary expedient. It was soon afterwards intimated, however, that the Board of Admiralty, by the advice of its engineer, Mr. Walker, would not allow the erection of a pier encroaching upon the anchorage ground at Kiugroad, The subject thus fell into abeyance for a time, but its urgency soon brought it again into prominent notice. At a meeting of the Council, on the 2nd August, 1859, two voluminous reports were laid on the table. One of these, by Mr. William Parkes, an eminent engineer, disapproved of the project for 'Mockising " the Avon, and also condemned the proposal for docks near Kingroad, but recommended the deepening and widening of the Avon, the cutting of a new channel to avoid the Horseshoe Point, and the closing of the old course of the river at Dunball. The other report, by Mr. Howard, engi- neer to the Docks Committee, proposed the damming up of the tidal river near its mouth, and the construction of an outer tidal hai'bour off the Somerset shore at Kingroad, to be enclosed by two piers, the entrance to be sufficiently deepened to permit steamers to enter at low water. The cost of the works was estimated at £800,000. At another meeting of the Council, in October, Mr. Shaw moved that it was inexpedient to expend money either for docks or dockisation ; but an amendment was carried by 27 votes against 15, directing the whole question to be submitted to Sir William Cubitt (or, as it Avas afterwards determined, to Mr. John Uawkshaw) and Mr. Thomas Pago. The only • Mr. Rliaw was nn Irisliman, and is said to liavo been not a little vain of his exuberance of Rj)eech. lie was natnrally unjiopiilar ainoni^st the a*1 ^liiSband, Canon Guthrie, a zealous promoter of the college. y^ t )S»'' ' C'^^® chapel waTTin 8^1-2 considerably enlarged.] In 1866 n a new wing was added to the buildings, and in the following year a physical science school and gymnasium were erected. In 1869 Mr, Percival undertook to provide a library for the institution at his own cost; swimming baths were also built, and a sanatorium provided. In 1874 the assistant masters, the bo3'S, and their friends added a museum to the library, and a preparatory school was erected. Many other additions were made from time to time. It was originally intended to have a ''modern'^ school equal in size to the '' big " school, but this was afterwards found to be un- necessary. The quadrangle, which formed part of the architect's design, was also given up. In 1886 a further extensive addition was made by the completion of the east wing, and the erection of a drawing school, laboratories, etc. The progress of the college exceeded the utmost expectations of its promoters; and in December, 1877, with a view to its establishment on a more permanent and unsectarian basis, and to place it on a level with the other great public schools, it was resolved to wind up the company and to petition the Crown for a charter of incorporation. This document was obtained in March, 1878. In the following October, Dr. Percival, on being appointed President of Triiiity College, Oxford, vacant by the resignation of the Rev, S, W. Wayte, relinquished the head-mastership of Clifton, and was suc- ceeded by the Rev, J, M, ^ilson, M.A. (senior wrangler in 1860), then first mathematical roaster at Rugby, In October, 1879, Dr. Percival was presented with a costly and beautiful service of plate in recognition of his eminent services to the college, and of his successful efforts for the advancement of education in Bristol. The presentation was made by the Earl of Ducie. Dr. Percival was nominated to a canonry in Bristol Cathedra] in 1882, but relinquished it early in 1887, having been appointed head-master of Rugby. At the midsummer quarter sessions for the city, in 1860, leave Avas granted for the diversion of an ancient footpath in Tyndall's Park leading into Cotliam Road, near Uillside. The application was made with a view to the formation of what is now known asWoodfield Hoa'^. 424 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1865. raansion was soon afterwards acquired for the Redlaud High School for girls. The rinderpest, or cattle plague, reached this country during the autumn, and spread rapidly over the island, more than 200,000 animals being attacked within a few months. Of these over 120,000 died from the malady, while 40,000 more were killed. In some localities the recoveries did not exceed two or three per cent, of the animals affected. The parish of Bitton especially suffered in this district. It was literally swept by the pestilence, upwards of two hundred head of cattle falling victims in a few days. Stringent measures were taken by the local authorities to check the spread of the pest. The movement of stock, at first limited to fat animals ready for slaughtering, was eventually wholly pi'ohibited. Butchers were consequently obliged to kill their purchases at the farms where they were fed. The Bristol cattle market was not re-opened for store cattle until June, 1867. An iron church, erected in Tyndall's Park for the accom- modation of the rapidly increasing residents in that locality, was opened on the 13th December. Funds having gradually accumulated _ for the construction of a permanent church, dedicated to. St. Mary, building operations commenced about the close of 1870, and part of the choir was consecrated by Bishop Ellicott in June, 1874. [The iron building, become unnecessary, was removed to Woolcott Park in 1875, where it was again the forerunner of a permanent edifice, St. Saviour's.] The western portion of St. Mary's was finished about seven years later, when nearly £10,000 had been spent upon the building. On the 15th December a disturbance occurred in Clare Street, the record of which will probably be regarded by later generations as denoting a curious survival of lower- class intolerance. A French merchant captain, whose vessel was lying at the Grove, was walking down the street in com- pany with his wife, when the peculiar head-dress of the latter — who was probably a Breton woman — attracted the atten- tion of a numl^er of boys, and a crowd rapidly gathered around. A rumour then spread that the lady was a Mrs. Law, who had been lecturing during the week against Christianity, and the report so excited the rabble that they made a violent attack on the unfortunate foreigners, who had at last to beg for refuge in a neighbouring shop. After keeping out of sight for some time, the refugees made an attempt to return to their ship; but the populace again sur- rounded them, and the captain was so brutally ill-treated 18GG.] BRISTOL LIBRARY. BRISTOL INSTITUTION. 425 that he and his wife, whose life was also seriously menaced, were again driven to appeal for protection. A body of policemen, which at length arrived, had great difficulty in reaching the luckless couple, the mob surging around the place and refusing to disperse. After considerable delay, the pair were removed to their vessel in a cab, followed by a howling multitude. At the close of this year, on the retirement of Mr. C. T. Eales, Stamp Distributor for the city, the office, which from its luci'ativeness was one of the great prizes of party patron- age in ante-Reform days, was abolished, the duties being afterwards performed by the Inland Revenue authorities. The financial condition of the kindred societies at the two extremities of Park Street — the Bristol Library and the Institution — had for some time previous to 1866 caused much anxiety to their supporters. The Library Society had somewhat increased its roll of subscribers since its removal from King Street, but its funds were inadequate to maintain it in a state of efficiency. It now received notice from the Headquarters Company that it must pay a greatly increased rent, or remove elsewhere. The subscribers to the Park Street Institution had been diminishing for many years, and an energetic effort was evidently required to save it from dissolution. In the meantime the apartments devoted to the museum had become too contracted for the proper display of the contents, and no funds existed for their ex- tension. In the face of these embarrassments, a proposal to unite the two institutions, and to place their treasures of literature, science, and art under a single roof, was received with much appi'oval. A joint committee having been ap- pointed, steps were taken for the purchase of a piece of ground adjoining the Drill Hall, and the plot was acquired for £2,500. Plans for the proposed building having been obtained in June, a design in the Venetian style was selected. Meetings for giving legal effect to the union were held early in 1867, and were practically unanimous. Financial re- sources, however, continuing to be painfully deficient, a meeting was held in January, 1868, the mayor (Mr. F. Adams) presiding, when the committee reported that the new building, even though certain portions would be post- poned, could not be erected under a cost of £17,000, and an urgent appeal was made to the citizens to contribute £5,000 towards that sum. The report went on to promise tliat, if the amount in question were forthcoming, the museum should be opened free on certain days of the week, and students 426 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1866. of limited means should be admitted to the library either gra- tuitously or at a reduced payment. The response of the city was, however, disappointing, only a few liberal contributions being received, and the committee were compelled to open the building in an unfinished condition. Early in 1871, when about £14,000 had been expended, the two institutions took possession, and started on their joint career under the style of the Bristol Museum and Library. About the same time, -the old Institution at the bottom of Park Street became the property of the Freemasons of the district for £5,960. [After .^ -undergoing internal re-construction and decoration, the build- , \j^ ing was "dedicated" to the purposes of the craft by the Earl Mj -of Limerick, P.G.M., on the 2nd February, 1872.] In 1873-4 ' S ' H ^ fv*^^ committee made another appeal to the public to enable I ^p them to proceed further with the original design, by erecting ^ /j a lecture room, a museum of antiquities and industrial pro- yo^nr ducts, and certain much-needed offices, but the subscriptions were far from adequate to meet the expenditure (£7,000) ; and the institution was saddled with a heavy debt, the interest on which has since crippled its executive and grievously impaired its efficiency and usefulness. A Bill passed through Parliament in the session of 1866, authorising the construction of the Bristol Harbour Junction Railway and Wharf Depot, a scheme promoted with the view of lessening the traffic in over-crowded thoroughfares by forwarding goods directly from the quays to the railway station. The cost was estimated at £165,000, which outlay was to be divided between the Great Western Company, the Bristol and Exeter Company, and the Corporation — the latter being required to lay out £50,000, for which it was gua- ranteed £2,000 per annum as interest. The construction of the railway necessitated the removal of the old vicarage of St. Mary Pedcliff and nearly all one side of Guinea Street. As the line passed under the burial ground of the ])arish, the vestry received £2,500 in compensation, with which sura land was purchased and laid out for a parochial cemetery near Arno's Vale. The railway opened out a district little known to the citizens in general ; and the IJyifitol Times of February 9, 1867, stated that in laying out the line the surveyors had lighted on a considerable withy bed, lying between Redclitt" Cliurch and the station. A few weeks later the local journals re{)orted the (supposed) discovery of an extensive network of subterranean caves under Redcliff Hill. The largest of the caverns was octagonal in foi-m, about forty-five feet in diameter and about seven feet high. 1866.] HARBOUR RAILWAY. TURNPIKES ABOLISHED. 427 " The vaulted roof was supported on eight columns at equal distances, and a ninth in the centre of the place. A well, bored from above, had passed through the central column. A wide, lofty, and well-finished corridor led to the cavern on the other side, but this being walled at the end, the party could not explore further." Upon reading those state- ments, the owner of Redcliff Wharf, Mr. Henry Charles Harford, of Frenchay, addressed a letter to a Bristol news- paper, stating that the caverns were well known to him. They had, he said, formed part of the Redcliif Wharf property, and he had when a boy explored them to an immense distance, Redclift' Church standing on one of them. Mr. Harford hinted that they had, at an earlier period, been used for smuggling and even for worse purposes (kid- napping and slave dealing). He believed they had been originally dug for sandpits, and they had certainly proved valuable to the owners of Redcliff Wharf . In 1812, a gen- tleman (indicated as Mr. Thos. King, merchant,) had claimed that portion of the caverns which existed under his property, and this claim being substantiated, the wall found by the workmen was built to separate the estates. — In 1869, the railway companies, finding it desirable to increase their waterside accommodation, applied to Parliament for further powers, and obtained the assent of the Corporation to the extension of the wharf by the addition of 400 feet water frontage west of Prince's Street Bridge. The railway was opened in March, 1872. In a few months it was found that the wharves were insufficient to accommodate the trade, a largely increased number of steamers frequenting the port, and in 1873 parliamentary sanction was obtained for the further development of the works. The new Act provided that the two wharves on either side of Prince's Street Bridge road, already constructed, and a third towards Wapping — 1,483 feet in length — were to be exclusively city property, while two contiguous wharves lower down, 1,208 feet long, with power of extension over 398 feet more, were to belong in fee simple to the companies. The rent-charge of £2,000 payable to the city was to be suspended until the completion of the new works. The wharves devolving on the Corpora- tion by this Act were estimated to have cost £60,000. At the annual meeting of the Bristol Turnpike trustees, in March, 1866, it was reported that the mortgage debt upon the entire trust — which embraced 163 miles of road, and was, with one exception, the most extensive in England — had been nearly paid off. The only charge remaining was one of £5,500 428 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1866. on two of tlie northern sections. As the surplus receipts for a further period of eighteen months would clear off this burden, it was resolved that the tolls should be abolished on the 1st November, 1867. The resolution was carried by the narrow majority of 26 votes against 22, many of the rural trustees being opposed to a step which threw the main- tenance of the roads on the local ratepayers, whilst some of the Bristol trustees objected that the abolition of tolls would entail a burden of £2,000 a year upon the citizens for repair- ing the eighteen miles of turnpike within the borough. In accordance with the resolution, the district was included in the Turnpike Act of 1866, under the provisions of which the powers of the trustees expired on the 1st November, 1867, when all the turnpike gates were removed. Within the borough there were no less than fifteen of those obstacles to locomotion, namely : Whiteladies, St. Michael's, Clifton Down and Grallows Acre gates in the Aust district ; Cutler's Mills and Redland Road gates in the Horfield district ; St. John's Lane gate in the Whitchurch district; Lawford's and Baptist Mills gates in the Stapleton district; West Street gate, and bars at Packhorse and Barrow Lanes in the Toghill and Bitton district ; Parson Street and Luckwell Lane gates in the Dundry district ; and Coronation Road gate in the Ashton trust. The sites of the toll-houses wore in most cases claimed by the owners of the adjoining property, and the buildings were demolished.* The surplus funds of the trust (£6,760) were divided amongst the local highway authorities. In the spring of 1866, Mr. Thomas W. Hill, of Clifton Park, acquired from the Merchants' Society a piece of ground near Jacob's Wells. After clearing it of a number of cottages, he built upon the site an almshouse for the residence of twelve aged persons, for whom he provided a small weekly income. A few months later Mr. Hill presented the In- firmary with £3,000 for the erection of two additional wards, and subsequently, by gift and bequest, he distributed upwards of £10,000 amongst charitable and religious institutions. The residue of his estate, which was very largo, was devoted to his almshouses, to tho church and schools of St. Silas, Baptist Mills, to tho schools of St. Luke, Bodininstcr, and to the Infirmary. In consequence of this bequest, the trustees of • Tho Clifton toll-houso at the top of Brid(?o Valley Road had a largo rustic portico, under which the public were accnstomcd to take sholtor during sudden showers of ruin. A member of tho Council i)roposed that tho construction flhould be preserved for tho sake of its utility ; but his suggestion met with no support, find promenaders aro words oft now than they wore twenty years ago. 3 8GC.] ERECTION OF THE CATHEDRAL NAVE. 429 the almshouses added forty non-resident almswomen to the number receiving weekly pensions, and built a large room, intended for a chapel and library to the almshouse. The local journals of July 21st contained an address to the public, signed by J. P. Norris, canon and sub-dean of Bristol cathedral, appealing for aid in the great work of reconstruc- ting the nave of that edifice. The tower, it was stated, was undergoing restoration at the expense of the chapter [see p. 370], but it could not be effectually buttressed except by the completion of the cathedral in its original form. (During the previous year, whilst the road in front of the cathedral was being lowered by the Corporation, the workmen laid bare the foundations of a nave and north porch which had been commenced — probably by Abbot Knowle — but never com- pleted, thus disposing of the foolish legend that they were ,' destroyed during the civil war. Traces of the original Roman-* esque nave, which had been of small dimensions, were also found during the reconstruction.) In October, a committee of influential citizens was formed with a view to pressing the sub- ject upon public attention ; but it soon afterwards transpired that a majority of the chapter, consisting of the dean and canons Bankes and Girdlestone, believing that funds would not be forthcoming for a perfect reconstruction, were in favour of building a truncated nave of three bays. This proposal being universally condemned, the committee requested Mr. Street, the Gothic architect, to advise them on the subject. His report stated that Abbot Knowle's nave was intended to be of six bays, and that only such a structure would properly bring out the beauties of the choir. He also thought that the addition of western towers would greatly improve the ap- pearance of the building. The entire reconstruction accord- ing to his designs was estimated to cost £52,800, but the completion of the nave and towers up to the level of the roof was set down at about £43,000. Subscriptions amounting to £13,000* having been already promised — some leading Dissenters offering handsome donations — it was resolved to undertake two bays, as suggested by Mr. Street, and a con- tract was signed in August, 1867, for £14,270. The founda- tion stone of the new work was laid on the 17th April, 1868, with masonic honours, by the Earl of Limerick, P^.M.- Early^ in 1870,__:ffilienthe two bays were completed^Mr. "W^Kj," Wait, then mayor^ offered to build the new nortlTp'ofch'festi- _— -jH^ : — * The firsFsuBscriptions — afterwards largely increased — of the five originators i of the movement, Canon Norris, Sir Wm. Miles, and Messrs. Francis Adams, I J. J. Mogg, and W. K. Wait, were £500 each. 430 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1866. mated to cost £1,200), provided a like sum was subscribed to raise tlie nortli wall of the nave for its reception. The re- quired sum was soon forthcoming, and by a further effort, in 1872, subscriptions to a large amount were contributed for the purpose of completing the nave and the lower portion of the western towers. In the autumn of 1875 the state of the central tower was reported to be so critical that it was deemed advisable to remove the battlements, — greatly impairing the former stately appearance of the building, — in which denuded condition it still remains, the fund appropriated to its restora- tion by the chapter having proved inadequate. The singular incidents of the following year, and the completion of the nave, will be noticed hereafter. At a meeting of the Council, in September, 1866, Mr. Christopher J. Thomas drew attention to the urgency of a redistribution of the seats allotted to the several municipal wards of the borough, the movement of population since the ill-advised arrangement of 1835 having rendered the existing system a mockery of the representative principle. Mr. Thomas succeeded in obtaining the appointment of a committee to consider the subject, but its deliberations led to no result. In December, 1869, Mr. Thomas reintroduced the subject, the anomalies of which had been in the meantime greatly increased by an Act conferring the municipal franchise on householders whose rates were paid by their landlords. Mr. Thomas moved that a petition should be addressed to the Crown praying for an equitable reform, reminding his oppo- nents that the unfairness of the arrangement would become every year more glaring. The following was then the position of the seven principal wards. The figures are well worth contrasting with those given at page 209. Ratepayers. Yearly Value. Members. St. Augustine 987 £40,956 6 St. Michael 1;594 64,090 3 Clifton 2oi8 131,706 9 St. Philip 4818 86,687 3 liviaUA 1751 98,925 ■ 9 Ik'iliiiinster 22(;7 41, 629 3 licdclili 1781 01,850 The Conservatives, who predominated in the four favoured wards, met Mr. Thomas with an amendment, assorting that, as it was not cstablislied that public good would result from a change, it was inexpedient to make any alteration. The 186G.] REDISTEIBUTION OP COUNCILLORS. 431 amendment was adopted by 31 votes (including 12 aldermen) against 22. The question was again brought before the Coun- cil in June, 1875, by Mr. H. J. Mills, when the relative state in the wards had become more anomalous than ever. The four favoured wards, shown in the above table as returnincr thirty councillors, had in 1875 only 7,565 burgesses, while the remaining wards in the city, returning only eighteen coun- cillors put together, had an aggregate of 15,844 burgesses. The predominant party in the Council continued to defend the arrangement, on the ground that it worked well and that the grievance was a sentimental one. It was admitted, how- ever, that the matter was deserving of further consideration, and a committee was appointed to report as to what should be done. The committee had the subject under discussion for nearly four years, the majority being very unwilling to disturb the existing arrangement. At length, in March, 1879, a report was presented recommending certain reforms. The large wards of Bedminster and St. Philip were each divided into two wards, having three members each, the additional representatives being obtained by taking three from Bristol ward and three from St. Augustine's. A third new ward was created out of the northern portions of Clifton and St. Michael's wards, and called Westbury ward, the three mem- bers for which were obtained by reducing the representatives for Clifton from nine to six. Finally, the portion of St. Philip's Marsh south of the Feeder was transferred to Redcliff ward, which was to retain its six members. Under this rearrange- ment, the wards stood as follows : — Councillors. Burgesses. Rated Value. Bedminster, East ... 3 2076 £30,044 Bedminster, West ... 3 1825 30,562 Central 6 1873 110,578 Clifton 6 2222 135,288 Westbury 3 1307 62,015 District 3 2014 49,408 Eedcliff 6 2289 87,903 St. Augustine 3 1030 48,619 St. James 3 1011 30,316 St. Michael 3 1210 48,670 St. Paul 3 1554 35,698 St. Philip, North ... 3 2902 43,108 St. Philip, South ... 3 2950 58,880 This plan was so distasteful to some of the Conservatives that the leader of the party. Alderman Ford, moved its post- ponement, to enable his friends to get " educated " on the 432 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1866. question. A delay of a fortuiglit was carried after a warm discussion. At the adjourned meeting the report was adopted by a majority of 46 against 6 — the latter number represent- ing the " uneducated " Conservatives. A Bill to carry out the reform having been approved at a statutory meeting of the ratepayers, the measure was laid before Parliament in the session of 1880. It was opposed in the House of Commons by Mr. W. K. Wait (mayor 1869-70), a member of the Coun- cil then representing the city of Gloucester, who obtained the assistance of a number of Conservative members. His motion for the rejection of the Bill was, however, defeated by 163 votes against 98 ; and the measure received the royal assent on the 14th June. Shortly afterwards, three members from each of the reduced wards were transferred to St. Philip's, Bedminster, and Westbury — much against the wishes of some of the gentlemen thus " transparished," amongst whom there was much heart-burning. At a meeting of the Bristol Board of Guardians, in October, statistics were produced shomng the annual local taxation of the ancient city during the previous 26 years. During that period the average had been nearly 6s. Id. in the pound. The rates had been about 1."?. in the pound more during the later half of the term than they were in the previous moiety, owing to the large expenditure for sewers incurred by the Board of Health. The highest year was 1856, in which the total rates amounted to 7s. 6d. in the pound, divided as follows : poor rate, 3s. 4:d. ; borough rate. Is. 7d. ; harbour rate, 3(Z. ; dock rate, 4-d. ; board of health rate, 2s. From a table kindly furnished by Mr. Alderman Naish, it appears that in 1886 the local burdens in the "ancient city" had I, fallen to 5s. 9d. in the pound; namely, poor rates. Is. 6d.; borough rates, 11(7.; dock rate, 4c£. ; harbour rate, 2d.; sanitary rates, 2s. lOd. In the city portion of Bedminster "■ the local charges in 1886 amounted to 5s. bd. ; in Clifton and St. Philiji's (out), 5s. 2d. ; in Westbury (within the city), 5s., and in the District, 4s. 10*/. in the pound. The rateable value of the entire city in October, 1886, was £932,496. In October, Mr. J. H. Chute, the manager of the Theatre Royal, purchased of Mr. Rich, Fuidge a large house in Park Row, formerly the residence of Colonel Baillie [see p. 78], ^Ir. Chute soon afterwards constructed a handsome theatre on the site, at a cost, including fittings, of nearly £18,000. The building was intended to accommodate 340 persons in the dress boxes, 100 in the orchestra stalls, 800 iu the pit, 360 in the upper circle and amphitheatre, and 800 iu the gallery. 186G.] SUSPECTED MURDER. 433 It was opened on the 14tli October, 1867, as the New Theatre Royal, but was afterwards styled the Prince's Theatre. Pembroke Chapel, Oakfield Road, erected by the Congre- gationalists, was opened on the olst October. It took the place of an iron chapel, which had been in use there for some years. On the following day. Trinity Chapel, the second place of worship built by the Wesleyan Methodists in AVhite- ladies Road, was opened by the Rev. W. Shaw and the Rev. W. M. Punshon. Emmanuel Church, Clifton, was opened on the 18th December, its erection having occupied less than thirteen nif^ u\ months. In 1868 the building was considerably enlarged ;|,T,y*^ vy^ it was consecrated by the bishop of the diocese on the ^th/'^i^P^ January, 1869. A lofty tower was added subsequently — in^TirT which a peal of eight bells was placed in September, 1884, but funds have not yet been forthcoming for the construction of an intended spire. A mysteriovis affair, under which no doubt lurked a villanous murder, caused great excitement towards the close of the year. On the afternoon of the 6th of December, a man named Charles Jones, about eighty years of age, who pursued the business of a money lender, was seen to enter the yard of a beerhouse called the North Somerset Railway Arms, in St. Philip's Marsh, kept by one Nathaniel Ramsden. Jones was never seen or heard of again. In the yard of Ramsden's house was a lime-kiln and furnaces, used by the occupier in his business of a lime dealer and tar distiller. Ramsden owed the deceased about £330, of which Jones had been endeavouring to obtain repayment for some time, and Ramsden was in difficulties and had just been made a bank- rupt. On the 8th December Ramsden called on Jones's agent and man of business in the city, and produced a paper, pui'porting to be a receipt signed by the deceased for £340, alleging that he had paid £10 too much and was to receive it back again. Jones's agent, however, intimated his belief that the signature was not genuine, whereupon Ramsden went oif, carrying the paper away with him. When ques- tioned by the police, Ramsden asserted that he had paid the money to his creditor, but two of the persons said by him to have been present at the transaction deposed that they saw no money pass. A careful search was made of the premises, but no trace of the body could be discovered ; and it Avas generally believed that it had been burnt in the lime-kiln. Ramsden left the country a few months latei% and the affair has ever since been wrapped in impenetrable mystery. E P 434 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1867. The Duke, of Buckingham, President of the Council^ having paid a visit to Bristol in January, 1867, to distribute the prizes to the successful pupils in the Trade School, the opportunity was seized by the Merchant Venturers' Society to present him with the freedom of the incorporation. The Duke was a lineal descendant of Robert Nugent, Lord Clare, many years M.P. for Bristol, his grace's great-grandfather having married the only daughter and heiress of that noble- man. A distinguished native of Bristol, and one of the most accomplished British sculptors of the present century, Edward Hodges Baily, R.A., F.R.S., died on the 22nd May, in liis "eightireth year." The artist was the eldest son of Mr. William Hillier Baily, of this city, and was born on the lOtli March, 1788. He was for about two years a pupil at the Grammar School, where he is said to have been deft in carving portraits of his companions, but to have shown no capacity for ordinary work. Mr. Hillier Baily was a ship carver, in which avocation he displayed much ability, and his figures doubtless awakened a love of art in his son, who at the age of 16 abandoned the mercantile desk over which he had bent for a couple of years, and soon after gained admission to the studio of Flaxman, A\4iere he made rapid progress. At 19 he gained one of the prizes of the Society of Arts ; at 21 he was awarded the first silver medal of the Royal Academy; and at 23 he carried off the gold medal and 60 guineas which wei-e then the "blue ribbon" of the latter institution. In the year following this last success, he produced his grandest imaginative work — " Eve at the Fountain " — which won for its creator the prize of 100 guineas from the British Institution as the best specimen of British sculpture. The loveliness of the work at once established his reputation, and casts were eagerly purchased for the chief schools of art in France and Germany. In 1819 Baily was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy, and was raised to the rank of Academician in 1821, being the only sculptor who attained that honour during the ])rusidoncy of his fellow Bristolian, Sir Thomas Lawrence. The mythological group sculptured in the frieze of the portico of the Institution (now the Freemasons' Hall), in Park Street, was presented by Baily as a token of affection for his native city. Amongst the best of tlui artist's very numerous works were : " Eve Listening," "The Graces," " Motherly Love," "The Sleeping Nymph," a statue of Fox at Westminster, and colossal statues of Sir Robert Peel at Manchester, and of Earl Grey at Now- 1867.] SUGAR REFINING IN BRISTOL, 435 castle. The statue of Nelson, on tlic column in Trafalgar Square, London, was also from his chisel. " Eve at the Fountain " was purchased by a local subscription for £600, and was placed in the Bristol Institution — now the Museum and Library, Though much profitable work was placed in his hands, Baily was, like Lawrence, unthrifty ; and the later years of his long life were passed in painful embarrassment. On the 17th June, during the progress of the Reform measure of 1867 through the House of Commons, a Liberal member moved that the six English provincial boroughs having a population of upwards of 100,000 (Bristol being one of the number), should return three representatives instead of two. The proposal was resisted by Mr, Disraeli on behalf of the Ministry, and on a division it was rejected by 247 votes against 239, Subsequently, the Cabinet conceded the claim for another member made on behalf of Liverpool, Man- chester, Birmingham, and Leeds, whereupon Mr, Berkeley put in a similar demand for Bristol, He was, however, defeated by 235 votes against 136. In July, 1870, the Council unanim- ously resolved to petition Parliament for an additional member but the effort was without result. At a meeting of the Docks Committee in June, it was determined to erect a new and improved Drawbridge at the end of Clare Street — the roadway of the bridge to be more on a line with that street than was the old structure. The improvement cost about £2,500. A local newspaper of the 20th July stated that in conse- quence of the Governments of France and Belgium having granted a "drawback^' on exportations to the sugar refiners of those countries, the loaf sugar trade in England had been so largely monopolised by the foreign manufacturers that some of the chief British refiners had been obliged to con- tract their operations and reduce the number of their hands. The making of loaf sugar appears to have been practically discontinued in Bristol before this date, the manufactui'ers having devoted themselves to the production of crystallised sugar, in which they excelled. The Bristol Times of Sep- tember 28, 1872, stated that '^ast week, sales by Messrs. Finzel & Sons reached 1,800 tons, the value of which would probably be £70,000." In 1876 the same firm, whose premises were already amongst the largest in the country, purchased Counterslip Chapel and the adjacent schools for about £10,000, and converted them into warehouses. The stop was not justified by the financial condition of the firm — which had sustained an irreparable loss by the death {21st 436 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1867. October, 1859) of Mr. Finzel, its founder and manager"^ — and the house went into liquidation in the spring of the follow- ing year. It was stated at an attempted sale of the premises and plant, that the outlay upon them had exceeded £400,000. The agitation in reference to the foreign sugar duties con- tinued for several years, and was made an instrument for the promotion of the doctrines of a party calling themselves Fair Traders. In 1878 the Bristol Chamber of Commerce for- warded a memorial to the Government praying for the imposition of a duty on foreign refined sugar equal to the amount of the bounty on exports alleged to be paid by the French and other Governments. But Lord Beaconsfield's Ministry refused to take any legislative action which savoured of protection, and an attempt of certain professional agita- tors, styling themselves working men, to secure the support of the Trades Union Congress, during its gathering in Bristol in August, 1878, was emphatically defeated. In the autumn of 1878 a few public-spirited citizens formed a company, with a capital of £150,000, with the view of taking over Messrs. Finzel's works — offered at £71,500 — and of reviving the business. The experiment unfortunately resulted in heavy loss to the promoters, and the manufactory was finally closed in April, 1881. During the summer of 1867, building operations were carried on with unusual vigour in the suburban districts. In July a number of fields and nursery gardens near Eedland and Hampton Roads were laid out for new streets. On one somewhat extensive estate, styled Woolcott Park, a great number of houses was subsequently built. For several years after this date, the only outlet westward from the estate was an old footpath, known as Nettle Lane ; but the Corporation refused to lay out a street unless the landlords interested would contribute £500. This they refused to do, and the ground required for the street was allowed to be built over. In 1877 the Council — amidst much ridicule — admitted the necessity of a thoroughfare, and was compelled, at consider- able cost, to buy and demolish the houses which stood in the way of the improvement. 'J'he "Goodliiud estate," near Sta])loton Koad, was also sold in building lots during the •autumn of 1867. • Mr. Finzel, who wns a German liy birtli, and began liis caroor in Enpland as aworkin^,' 8iit,'ar relimr, inventeil iinprovcinents in tho aiiiinriiliiK for rcfiniTiR, the jiatent riglifs of wliich are said to liav(^ lirouj^lit liiiii in £10,0(10 a year. He vifiH exceedingly K''"t'''0"**i 'i"'l f'"" '"ftny yt'ars in saiil lo have yiveu between £5,000 and £10,000 per annum to Mr. Miillcr'a Orphanages. 18G8.] THE queen's prize to riflemen, banquet. 437 At the Wimbledon rifle competitions, in July, the great prize of the gathering — the Queen's gift of £250, with the gold medal of the Association — was won by Sergeant Henry Lane, of the Bristol volunteer rifle corps. His success was hailed with much satisfaction, and he met with an enthusiastic reception on his return. Mr. Lane was afterwards presented with a handsome testimonial, " in recognition of the honour he had gained for Bristol." At the meeting in the following year, Drum-major Hutchinson, of the same corps, won the silver medal, the silver badge, and £60, as the most success- ful shot in the first stage of the Queen's prize. The church of St. Silas, St. Philip's Marsh, was conse- crated on the 2nd October. Owing to the spongy nature of the subsoil, the church speedily began to show signs of sub- sidence, and its condition at length became so perilous that it was closed in March, 1872. The building was soon after- wards taken down, and the foundation stone of another edifice was laid on the 9th October. The new church, which cost about £2,100, was opened in August, 1873. A small church in Maudlin Street, intended to serve as a chapel of ease to St. James's, and dedicated to St. James the Less, was consecrated on the oOtli November. On the 22nd Januaiy, 1868, several members of the Ministry of the Earl of Dei'by were entertained to a magnificent ban- quet by about 1,300 of the leading Conservatives of the dis- trict. The dinner took place in the Drill Hall, the standing order forbidding the use of that building for political pur- poses having been rescinded for the occasion. The Duke of Beaufort presided, and the chief speakers amongst the guests were Lord Stanley (now Earl of Derby), Mr. 0. Hardy (Lord Cranbrook), and Sir John Pakington (afterwards Lord Hamp- ton) . The proceedings were marked with much enthusiasm. The Royal Commission appointed for the purpose of re- adjusting the limits of counties and boroughs after the passing of the Reform Act of 1867, presented its report early in the following year. In dealing with Bristol, the commissioners recommended that Bishopston and St. George's parishes in Gloucestershire, and a further portion of the parish of Bed- minster, in Somerset, should be included within the limits of the borough. The suggestion was condemned as unreasonable in view of the fact that the city had been refused the third member to which it Avas entitled by its population. A Com- mittee of the House of Commons recommended the rejection of the report so far as Bristol and some other boroughs were concerned, and their advice was adopted. 438 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1868. -Kv 'In recording tlie removal, on tlie 25tli March, 1868, of the ^^ 1^1 Bristol Post Office from Corn Street to Small Street, an opportunity is afforded for a brief sketch of the progress of the institution during the present century. The onerous postal charges exacted down to 1839 have been already re- corded [p. 244] . Their effect was to deter the entire com- munity from making use of the office except for matters of urgency ; and the postal revenue, in spite of the constant growth of population, made scarcely any advance for many years. The local office, when removed from Small Street to Corn Street, about 1748, required only the basement floor of the house on the west side of the Exchange. With the addition of a small apartment at the back, the accommodation remained sufficient until the days of penny postage. The staff, in 1820, consisted of 17 persons ; it had risen only to 19 (6 clerks and 13 postmen) in 1837. The number of letters delivered at the latter date is unknown, but did not probably exceed 16,000 weekly, while, owing to the charge imposed on money orders (eightpence in the pound on small sums, and a higher rate on remittances above £2) the entire amount of the transactions in Bristol averaged only about c€500 a year. A rapid development followed the reduction in charges, and besides an absorption of rooms on the upper floors, large extensions of the premises were made in the reai', a corner of the vegetable market being appropriated. But the work of the office expanded more rapidly than the space allotted to the staff, the number of which in 1855 had risen to 93 (42 clerks, 51 carriers). More elbow-room being then indispen- sable, a separate office for money orders was opened in Sep- tember in a shop in Small Street. In February, 1856, the introduction of jjillar letter-boxes led to a further growth of correspondence. Until nearly the close of the eighteenth century three mails a week from London were considered adequate. Thanks to the railways, the public were accom- modated Avitli three mails daily, and increased facilities were offered in various other directions, with satisfactory results. The time at length arrived Avhen it was no longer practicable to conduct the work of the office in the old premises. In 1865 a site was purchased in Small Street, then occupied by Messrs. Freeman and the Brass and Co])])er Comjiany; and a largo l)tiilding was erected at a cost of ,£10,000. [While the gi-()UTi(l was being cleared, says the Ih-isiol Times of November 18, 1865, the workmen came upon an old safe, falling to pieces, which, from some papers found in it, had belonged to the long extinct Ijanking firm of Vaughan, Maxse & Co. An 1868.] NEW POST OFFICE. AN ELECTION. 439 ancient mulberry tree, tlie last of several that once grew in the city, was destroyed about the same time.] When the new office was opened for business, the staff had augmented to 141 ; the weekly average of letters, etc., delivered in Bristol exceeded 157,000, and the transactions of the money order department represented upwards of £400,000 a year. The marvellous development eilbctcd under the new system, how- ever, did not warn the authorities to make reasonable pro- vision for future growth. Only the ground floor of the building was reserved for the postal officials, — the first and second flats being appropriated to the Inland Revenue staff, who removed there from Queen Square. The transfer of the telegraphs to the Government (see January, 1870,) hastened the breaking up of an arrangement which was from the out- |i set injudicious. Before the close of 1871 the Inland Revenue! officers returned to their old quarters, and the evacuated'/ apartments were soon after occupied by the telegraphists. A few years later the money-order and savings-bank branch was again removed to a separate building, to make room for the growing needs of the postal service. Yet in spite of the relief afforded by successive migrations, the new office, before it was fifteen years old, was condemned as inadequate. The question of removing the institution to another site was brought before the Council in 1885, at the instance of the authorities in London, but the suggestion was not approved. In the autumn of 1886 the Government purchased a block of offices in Small Street, known as New Buildings, and some warehouses in the rear, with a view to an extensive enlarge- ment, the cost of which was estimated at £15,000. The postal staff had then swollen to 356 persons (127 clerks and 229 carriers), to which were added 214 telegraphists and mes- sengers. The average number of letters, etc., delivered weekly was 438,040 ; the yearly number of telegraphs trans- mitted and deHvered was nearly 620,000 ; the transactions in postal orders and notes marked a total of nearly 300,000 annually, while the sum turned over in the savings bank reached nearly £100,000 a year. In consequence of the failure of Messrs. Peto, Betts & Co., the great contractors, through the financial panic of 1866, \\ Sir Morton Peto, M.P., in April, 1868, made use of the usual /,' procedure for resigning his seat. His action having been fore- seen, both political parties were prepared, and a smart contest ensued. The Conservative candidate Avas Mr. John William Miles, of Kingsweston, brother of a former member for the city. The Liberals were at first threatened with a division in 440 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1868. their ranks, Mr. E. S. Eobinson offering himself against the wishes of the leaders of the party, who brought forward a Mr. Bowring ; but eventually both of the gentlemen withdrew, and a new" selection was made in the person of Mr. Samuel Morley, a Nottingham manufacturer distinguished for munifi- cent philanthropy. The polling took place on the 29th April, and the figures at the close were as follows : Mr. Miles, Si. 5,173; Mr. Morley, 4,977. At the declaration of the poll on v^^, ^ the 30th April, Mr. Morley affirmed that his defeat was due ^jh" p "to an undue use of money, beer, and intimidation," and a •v^ . ■'^ ' petition against the return was forthwith presented to the ^ r^ House of Commons. In the course of the subsequent investi- gation, evidence was given charging the Conservative com- mittee with hiring a number of "roughs," with wholesale treating, with paj'ing non-voters to personate electors, and with several cases of bribery. The petitioner's counsel also pointed out that the secretary to Mr. Miles's central committee and two other prominent agents had absented themselves from Bristol to avoid being summoned as witnesses. In the result, the committee, of whom a majority were Conservatives, declared that the election was void, and that Mr. Miles was, by his agents, guilty of bribery. Mr. P. W. S. Miles, brother of the unseated member, having immediately offered himself for the vacancy, repeated motions were made in the Commons for the issue of a new writ; but, as a general election was imminent, the House refused its assent. The election and its consequences excited considerable irritation in both political camps. The death was announced, on the 1 1th June, of the Rev. obert Vaughan, D.D., one of the most eminent Nonconfor- mists~of~irr§Time7 Dr. Vaughan was born in Bristol in 1795, of poor parentage, and in early life worked as a carpenter. By dint of energy and ability he overcame the difficulties of his position, and ultimately became Professor of History in University College, London, and afterwards Principal of the Lancashire Independent College. His best known works are a biogrnphy of AVycliffe, a history of FiUgland under the Stewarts, " Pevolutious of English History," and " The Age of Great Cities." He was also the founder and many years editor of the British Qiiarterli/ Review. In May, 1806, Dr. Vaughan was presented by ]\Ir. S. ^Morley, as chairman of a meeting o£ prominent Dissenters, with a cheque for 13,000, in recognition of his distinguished services as a minister, a teacher, and a man of letters. 'J'he now thoroughfare connecting Park How with Maudlin 1868.] STREET IMPROVEMENTS. 441 Street was formally opened by the mayor (Mr. F. Adams) on the 20th August, with some state, a civic procession wend- ing its way from the Council House to the place fixed for the ceremony. The mayor, in a brief address, stated that the street would thenceforth be called " Perry Road," in honour of the chairman of the Streets Improvement Committee. In the construction of the new thoroughfare, which cost upwards of £13,o00, or nearly 50 per cent, in excess of the estimates, a great number of crowded and ill-constructed dwellings were cleared away, one side of Lower St. Michael's Hill being en- tirely demolished. Amongst the old structures removed was an octangular tower, which was embedded in an old house neai'ly opposite to the southern front of the King David Inn. This tower was the only relic of the White Lodge, built in the sixteenth century upon the northern extremity of the garden of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Christmas Street. Subse- quently, at an expenditure of £37,600, Upper Park Row and Maudlin Street were widened, nearly the whole of the south side of the latter thoroughfare being rebuilt. Lower Maudlin Street was also improved, and the result was a spacious road from Clifton to St. James's Churchyard, and also to Stokes Croft. In September, 1872, the new street named after Col- ston, extending from St. Augustine's Place to Lower Maudlin Street, where it forms a junction with Pei"ry Road, was com- pleted, and offered an easy communication from the fashion- able suburbs to the centre of the city. The Baptist denomination erected this year a handsome place of worship in Whiteladies Road, which was opened by the Hon. and Rev. Baptist Noel on the 30th September, under the name of Tyndale Chapel. The original outlay, £7,500, was increased by upwards of £5,000 in 1880, through the addition of lecture rooms and schools. NL A French Roman Catholic Sisterhood, styled the Little Sisters of the Poor, which about 1861 took up their residence ' in Bedminster, and subsequently removed to Trinity Street, .-•. and then to Park Row, having been compelled to leave tlieir* last-named dwelling by the improvements in progress there, purchased a house on Cotham Hill, to which they now re- moved. pThey afterwards built, in connexion with their con- vent, an asylum for the reception of about one hundred sick and aged poor, means for the maintenance of whom they obtained by soliciting alms from door to door. A chapel was added to the asylum in 1876, when about £7,000 had been expended on the institution. A large boarding-house in Sion Row, once the pump-room fir^]^ 1' r THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1868. . tj^l of tlie Sion spring, was purchased during the year by a joint ^ stock company, and was opened in October under the name of the StpVincent's Rocks Hotel. At the general election in November, the political events which had occurred in the city a few months before added greatly to the excitement customary on such occasions. Mr. John William Miles was again nominated by the Conservatives, who expressed confidence in his triumph, owing to the gain of 579 votes on the new register claimed by their Association. The Liberal candidates were Mr. Berkeley and Mr. Samuel Morley. The poll, which took place on the 17th November, resulted as follows :— Mr. Berkeley, 8,759 ; Mr. Morley, 8,714 ; Mr. Miles, 6,694. The figures show a great increase over those recorded at the contest seven months before ; and it is necessary to explain that the household suffrage conferred by the Reform Act of 1867 had added about 7,000 electors to the constituency, which was thus enlarged nearly 50 per cent. The election was marked by disorder to an extent unknown for many years. During the proceedings Mr. Morley was twice attacked in the streets with stones, and was painfully wounded in the face. Much destruction of property was committed on the nomination and polling days by "red" and "blue" mobs, which rivalled each other in brutality and violence. It was asserted in the Conservative organ that the city Avas " sacked and wrecked " by a rabble organised for the purpose by the Liberal committee. Major Bus h further declared before a committee of the Commons, in 1869, that intimidation prevailed to a great extent, and that organised mobs, hired as he believed by the Reform League, were turned loose to prevent Conservatives from voting. He esti- mated that about 900 voters Avere deterred from going to the poll. Mr. IJe rbcrt Tl i pmas, a leading Liberal, gave evidence of a flatly contradictory character. Tlie Liberals, he deposed, hii'ed no " roughs," though to his knowledge as many as 1,200 were paid in April, 1868, by the Conservatives, who opened 200 public-houses, and obtained a three days' holiday for the labourers employed on the rivor improvement works, in order that they might act against the Liberals at the nomin- ation. Witli regard to the disturbances in November, Mr. Thomas added that out of the 17 ruilians punished for rioting by the magistrates, 15 were wearing blue colours when arrested. In consequence of the outrages, the Council ])etitioned Bar- liament, by a unanimous vote, to abolish the system of public nominations, which liad evoryvvhcro degenerated into a dis- orderly and useless farce. 1868.] CLIFTON COLLEGE MISSION. 443 Clifton Down Chapel^ erected by the Congregationalists wlio had long worshipped in Bridge Street Chapel, was opened on the 11th November by the Rev. S. Martin, of London. The new building, which is in the fourteenth cen- tury style, cost nearly £10,000. Funds were not available for raising a highly ornamental spire. The congregation traces its existence to 1682, Avhen a licence from Charles II. (still exhibited in the vestry) was granted to John Weeks to preach in a room in St. James's Back. Subsequently the congregation removed to a building erected for a theatre in Tucker Street; and upon that place being demolished for the construction of Bath Street, a migration took place to Bridge Street, where the basement of the chapel Avas leased to a wine merchant for cellarage. The arrangement, of which there have been other local examples — one in fact still exists — gave rise to the following lines : — " There's a spirit above and a spirit below, A spirit of weal and a spirit of woe ; The spirit above is the Spirit Divine, The spirit below is the spirit of wine." During the year 1868 the two bells of Clifton Church were increased to a peal of eight, at the expense of Miss Clay, a resident in the parish. ~ ' During this year a novel and interesting movement was started by Dr. Percival, in co-operation with the teaching staff and the elder students of Clifton College. A ragged school was established in one of the poorest eastern districts of the city — on the borders of the parishes of St. Emmanuel and St. Silas — and in a short time about one hundred and twenty children were receiving instruction. After the pass- ing of the Education Act of 1870, it was felt that the School Board might be safely left to provide secular teaching in the locality, and Dr. Percival addressed a communication to the commissioners for church extension purposes, appointed by Bishop Ellicott, offering to maintain a mission in any district they should select. The result was the establishment in 1875 of a mission in Newfoundland Road (St. Barnabas' parish), and an invitation to the boys of the College to co-operate in the movement met with a cordial response. A large workshop was converted into a mission room, and two adjoining houses were afterwards taken for the pui^poses of the work. The accommodation being found insufficient, about £2,000 were subscribed, and a new mission room, with class rooms, soup kitchen, etc., was opened in May, 1882. An additional building, used as a workmen's club and library, 444 THE AXNALS OF BRISTOL. [1869. was added sTiortly afterwards. The institution proved of great service to the sufferers from the disastrous inundation of 1882, when the College, assisted by friends, raised an extra subscription of £618. In the following year the dis- trict undertaken by the mission was separated from St. Bar- nabas' parish, and constituted the ecclesiastical district of St. Agnes, and a new church was built at a cost of upwards of £5,000, of which the College and its friends provided one half. The building was consecrated on the 2nd March, 1886. It ought to be added that the example of the College stirred up some of the Clifton parishes to establish similar missions in the eastern districts. Under the will of Miss Hannah Ludlow, a Quaker lady, who died in February, 1869, aged about ninety years, the Charity Trustees came into possession of about £20,000, the interest upon whicli was ordered by the testatrix to be di- vided into annuities of £30 each, for the benefit of women of respectable character and -position, but impoverished by unavoidable circumstances. The wealth of Miss Ludlow, who was a native of the city, came to her from a brother, who was for many years an ironmonger in Old Market Street. An iniluentially attended meeting was held on the 8th April, the mayor (Mr. F. Adams) presiding, for the purpose of promoting the establishment of a training ship for the reception of homeless and destitute boys. The subscriptions announced at the close of the proceedings amounted to nearly £1,500. In the following August, the Lords of the Admiralty granted the loan of an old man-of-war, the Fortnidah} c , pierced for eighty-four guns, which arrived at Kingroad in September, when Commander E. Pouldcn, R.N., was ap- pointed captain-superintendent. About 1,200 homeless boys have since been rescued from misery, trained as sailors, and passed into active life, whore the vast majority have con- ducted themselves worthily. In 1874 a tender, the PuUij, intended to take about thirty of the elder lads on cruises for practical training, was purchased at a cost of about £1,000. The merchants attending the corn market in the Exchange having presented a memorial praying for protection from the weather, the Council, at a meeting in June, resolved to ex- pend £2,800 in covering the open quadrangle with glass. The proposal was opposed by many members, the most anni- sing objection being that of Alderman \Vc'bb, who contended that if the market were made " too comfortable, the farmers, a dilatory set of men, would keep the corn merchants there much longer." The resolution was carried by a majority of 1869.] THE EXCHANGE QUADRANGLE. LORD BROUGHTON. 445 20 votes against 18. Subsequently, the Council requested a committee to consult with an architect as to the propriety of the proposed design. As shrewd observers anticipated, tlie selected architect lost no time in producing a plan of his own, and although the estimated cost was increased to £4,000, his proposal was adopted. The new design entailed consider- able alteration in the details of the interior, a number of offices being built upon the top of the colonnade, and much allegorical enrichment introduced. The actual cost of the improvement, which was completed in August, 1872, was little short of £7,000. The Eight Honourable Sir John Cam Hobhouso, Lord Broughton, G.C.B,, F.K.S., died at his residence in London on the 3rd June, 1869. The son of a Bristolian — Sir Ben- jamin Hobhouse, bart. — he was born at Redland on the 27th June, 1786, and received his early education on St. Michael's Hill, at a school of great repute kept by the Rev. Dr. fJstlin, minister of Lewin's Mead Chapel. Having formed a friend- ship with Lord Byron at Cambridge, he accompanied the poet in his travels in 1809, and on his return published an interesting narrative entitled " A Journey through Albania. ^^ He had previously produced a volume of poems and trans- lations; and the fourth canto of '^ Childe Harold" was dedi- cated to him by the author. Mr. Hobhouse, who took advanced views as a politician, was one of the few who then advocated a reform of the House of Commons, and having ]iublished in 1819 a biting pamphlet, entitled "A Trifling Mistake," he was committed to Newgate for a breach of parliamentary privilege, but recovered his liberty a few weeks later, on the death of George III. He was immedi- ately afterwards elected one of the members for Westminster, which he represented for several years. In 1832 he entered Lord Grey's Ministry as Secretary of War, which office he exchanged in 1833 for that of Irish Secretary ; a twelve- month later he became Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests. His candidature and rejection for Bristol in 1835 have been already recorded [p. 203] . On the return of his party to power in the same year, he became President of the Board of Control, and filled the post for more than six years. In 1846 he was again nominated to that office, in which he continued until 1852. For his distinguished public services he was raised to the peerage in February, 1851. After re- tiring from public aflairs, he occupied his leisure in composing " Recollections of a Long Life," privately printed in five octavo volumes, and stated by the Jjjdinhurglt Review (vol. 446 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1869. 133) to be replete witli interesting anecdotes relating to political, literary, and social life. During the summer of 1869 a memorial was addressed to tlie Poor Law Board by a number of local magistrates, mem- bers of tlie Council, and guardians of the poor, pointing out the anomalies that had arisen in the constitution of the Bris- tol board in consequence of the changes eifected by time in the ancient wards. Each of those districts was represented at the board by four members, but while All Saints', St. Ewen's, and St. Mary-le-port each contained less than 200 ratepayers, the assessments in St. Michael's numbered 2,586, and those in St. James's 4,152. The memorialists further complained that the guardians representing the ratepayers were generally outvoted on important questions by the nine- teen churchwardens who were guardians ex-officio, and non- representative.* The memorial having been sent to the Board of Guardians, a motion was brought forward in November, recommending a reconstruction of the body. To this an amendment was moved, asserting that the ratepayers had a sufficient control over the board, and were generally satisfied with the old system. On a division the ratepayers' guardians were outvoted, and the amendment was adopted. The branch railway from Yatton to Axbridge, Cheddar, and the neighbouring district was opened for traffic on the 3rd August. The new line, which was originally projected by the Somerset and Dorset Company, was extended to Wells in the following April. On the 4th August, the Midland Eailway Company offered the public an alternative route between Bristol and Bath, by opening a branch from Mangotsfield to the latter city. The line had been originally proposed by Hudson, " the Railway King," in January, 1846, For the accommodation of the passengers on this railway, the Company soon afterwards constructed an independent station near their goods dc])ot at Whip])ing-cat Hill, St. Philip's (erected in 1866), and it was opened early in 1870. The National Association for the Promotion of Social Science opened its thirteenth annual congress in Bristol on the 2i>th September, under the presidency of Sir StalTord Northcote, bart. (Earl of Iddesleigh). The congress was very • Spcnkinp of thrso clmrohwardoii guardians at a TiioctiiiR of tho Council, January 2, 1H7H, Mr. II. J. Mills saiil : "He romcnilicrcd one ward where the chnroliwarden would call a vestry meftinR — it was a close vestry — would be the only i); at a cost of £8,000, three blocks of buildings, containing altogether eighty tenements, provided with all appropriate sanitary arrangements. The experiment proving popular' amongst the working classes, another large block, containing fifty-one tenements, was erected, and the company secured additional land adjoining, with a view to future extensions. The movement was started by Miss Susannah Winkworth, who for many years had taken a deep interest in solving the problem as to the better housing of the poor, and had begun the work by a practical experiment in Dowry Square, where she hired two or three large houses, and let them to poor families at low rentals. The results there were so satisfac- tory that Mr. George Wills, Mr. W. K. Wait, Mr. W. H. Budgett, Mr. L. Fry, and a few other philanthropic citizens assisted in the promotion of the more extensive project described above. It was announced in October that an agreement had been entered into for the purchase of the Bristol and Exeter Rail- way by the Great Western Company. The terms agreed 488 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1875. upon provided for a yearly dividend on tlie ordinary stock of the Bristol and Exeter Company at the rate of 6 per cent, for seven years, and thereafter at the rate of 6h per cent. The amalgamation took effect on the 1st August, 1876. Four days before that date, an accident happened near Long Ash- ton to the express train known as " the Flying Dutchman," which left the rails whilst on its journey towards Bristol, the two men on the engine being killed and several of the pas- sengers seriously injured. At the coroner's inquest, the jury declared that the fatality was attributable to the defec- tive condition of the permanent way, as represented to them by the Government inspector, and "great blame" was passed on those officials who were responsible for the default. On winding up the accounts of the Bristol and Exeter under- taking, upwards of £14,000 were distributed amongst the old officers and servants of the company. During the autumn and winter of 1875, which were marked by excessive rains, the eastern parishes of Bristol bordering on the Froom suffered severely from inundations. For some years the population had rapidly increased in that neighbour- hood, and a number of houses were built on low-lying ground which had been at all times liable to be flooded. In many of these dwellings the floors of the lower rooms were occasionally from three to four feet under water; and the poor tenants were reduced to extreme misery. In February, 1876, the Council voted £10,500 for repairing the banks of the river from Ashley Road bridge to Wade Street, and for clearing the bed of the stream, A still more disastrous inundation occurred in October, 1882 [see p. 520]. An attempt to form a social centre for the mercantile classes in the city was started about the close of 1875, when a large new house in Quay Street was fitted up at a cost of £3,500, and opened as the Bristol and County Club. About 250 members, paying a yearly subscription of three guineas, were enrolled ; but the expenditure largely exceeded the receipts, and repeated additional demands on the subscribers led to withdrawals, and, after a four years' trial, to the closing of the premises. The excitement caused by the theological lawsuit of Jen- kins V. Cook [see p. '182] had not wholly subsided when a new and more acrimonious controversy arose with res])oct to certain decorations erected in front of the catliedral. Accord- ing to the architect's designs for the new north porch, statues of tlie four great doctors of the Western Church — Gregory, Jerome, Ambrose, and Augustine — were to adorn the portal. 1876.] THE CATHEDRAL PORCH CONTROVERSY. 489 The figures were in consequence executed, at a cost of about £450, and they were elevated to the niches constructed for them about the middle of February, 1876. For some days they occasioned as little remark as had similar statues of the same personages when erected, shortly before this date, at Gloucester and Salisbury cathedrals. At length, however, a vigilant Protestant, signing himself " No Pope and No Popery," published a letter in the newspapers, and his pro- test was forthwith re-echoed by still more vehement dispu- tants of the same school. A few days later, the local journals were authorised by Canon Girdlestone to assert that the statues had been erected without the consent of the dean (who was in Italy) or of the chapter, whereupon ]\Ir^Wait, M.P., at whose expense the porch had been built, retorted that the plans, including the figures, were submitted to, and approved by, the capitular body in 1867. [Mr. Wait subse- quently admitted that this statement was " stronger than was warranted by the facts of the case."] At an excited meeting — " one of the absurdest meetings," said an influen- tial London journal, " that British citizens ever attended " — after violent speeches by some Low Church clergymen, it was resolved that the images were insulting to English Protestant- ism and ought to be immediately removed. Dr. Percival and Mr. J. H. Mills, almost the only cool-headed persons present, being interrupted and insulted whilst deprecating the passionate proceedings. On the return of the dean, early in April, a chapter was held, at which it was resolved — Canons Norris and Wade protesting — that the dean should take measures for the removal of the figures. The dean having been informed that the restoration committee would resist this step until the figures had been pronounced illegal by a judicial tribunal, a band of workmen was secretly en- gaged, who carried out their orders at an early hour. After the large statues had been torn from the niches, ''a couple of masons," according to the Bristol Times, " went on with the work of demolition, splintering off the lesser saints that enriched the moulding of the doorway ; so that the passer-by was for a moment beguiled by the fancy that he was back in old commonwealth times." The Daili/ Press stated that the figure of St. Grregory was injured, and that ''the day's work concluded with the excision of the Virgin Mary, who was one of the two top figures on the outside of the arch." This figure was broken to pieces by the workmen. In defence of his action, the dean informed Mr. Wait that the chapter had not sanctioned the subjects of the figures, and had taken the 490 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1876. sketclies in tlie design to represent the Evangelists. It ap- peared that the restoration committee were not responsible for the artistic treatment of the statues, and did not approve of the papal tiara, cardinal's hat, and other insignia intro- duced by the sculptor (Mr. Redfern), which gave so much offence. It was also admitted that those decorations were as much in contradiction to historical truth as they were op- posed to Protestant sentiments. The anachronisms might easily have been removed ; but the dean, who became more uncouciliatory and peremptory as the matter proceeded, at length objected to the erection of any figures save those of scriptural personages. For excluding the Virgin from this category he pleaded an iconoclastic Act of Edward YI. On the 18th April the restoration committee resolved that, as Dr. Elliott had " expressed no regret for the outi-age, or for the discourtesy offered to the donor and architect of the porch," they felt that their only course was to discontinue their work. The committee also addressed a letter to the dean, in which they contrasted the indifference he had all along exhibited in reference to the restoration with the vigour he had shown in defacing " a very beautiful work of art." As they had no security, they added, that this conduct might not be followed by other mutilations, they repudiated further responsibility. The dean, rendered uneasy by this issue, appealed to Canon Norris, asking for his endeavours to influence the committee to acquiesce in the removal of the figures, and to accept scrip- tural subjects in their place ; but the canon replied, that after the affronting resolution of the chapter, and the indecorous way in which effect had been given to it, the committee naturally expected some expression of regret for the steps which had been taken. Dr. Elliott, retorting that the only persons in the wrong were the committee, thereupon appealed to the public, stating that the chapter would accept the re- sponsibility of completing the building, and asking for pecuniary help on behalf of a new committee, which would finish the works "under the presidency of the dean." If that dignitary anticipated that the response would be such as to prove that public opinion applauded his proceedings, the result must have been mortifying. The original com- mittee had obtained about £43,000 from the public; but the appeal of the cliaptor for £1,500 to enable them to open the nave was somewhat coldly received, although the dean and his supporters in the capitular body (Canon Girdlestono and Canon Jleeve) subscril)ed £200 of the amount. What was still more edifying, the entire sum contributed by those who 187G.] COMPLETION OF THE CATHEDRAL. FIUE. 491 had excited tlie " No Popery " agitation did not exceed £300. After considerable delay, and some further expenditure, the new nave was opened on the 23rd October, 1877, when the mayor (Aid. Edwards) and the members of the Council attended in state. The bishop of the diocese, the liishop of Bath and Wells, and the Deans of Canterbury and Westmin- ster took part in the opening services, which extended over two days. About £48,000 had been expended on the recon- struction at that date. In January, 1885, the dean, in a report addressed to the Cathedral Commissioners, stated that the sum disbursed in the renovation of the cathedral, between 1860 and 1884 inclusive, was £77,447, of which £14,508 had been contributed by the chapter. Figures of the four Evan- gelists, said to have cost fifty guineas each, but of slender artistic merit, were placed in the vacant niches during the summer of 1878. The rejected statues are now in the tower of East Heslerton Church, Yorkshire. The most extensive fire which had occurred in the city for nearly half a century broke out during the night of the 24th May, in the premises of Messrs. Clutterbuck & Grifiin, dry- salters, Christmas Street. The flames rapidly spread to the warehouses of Messrs. Couzens & Co., clothiers; Messrs. Leonard & Co., drysalters ; Messrs. Gardner & Thomas, whole- sale grocers ; and Mr. S. Hunt, provision merchant ; as well as to an old-established inn, the Old Globe. The destruction in those buildings was in most cases complete, and the entire loss was estimated at upwards of £80,000. A friendly suit in Chancery, between the governors of Col- ston's School and the trustees of Colston's Free Schools in the parish of Temple, was occasioned during the summer through a bequest of £5,000 having been made by a Mr. McGhie to " Colston's School, Bristol." A suggestion of the Master of the Rolls, that the money should be divided between the two institutions, being accepted by the parties, a formal judgment was given to that elfect. In consequence of the Government having introduced a Bill into Pai'liament for preventing the pollution of rivers — a measure which, when passed, turned out to be utterly value- less — the Council, at a meeting in August, determined upon the purchase, for £6,000, of Clift House, Coronation Road, with about seven acres of land adjoining, for the purpose of establishing works on the spot for deodorising part of the sewage of the city. The latter project excited so much oppo- sition in Clifton that it was never carried into execution. The passenger toll at Prince's Street Bridge having been 492 THE ANNALS OP BKISTOL. [1877. long regarded as a grievance, negotiations were opened dur- ing the autumn by the Corporation with the Great Western Railway Company, which had purchased the bridge when the Harbour Railway was constructed ; and at a meeting of the Council, in November, it was agreed to give £15,000 for the property, to abolish the tolls, and to build a more convenient bridge. The tolls had previously been let for £1,100 a year. Parliamentary powers were obtained in the following session, and the new bridge, made to open and close by hydraulic ma- chinery, came into use on the 27th January, 1879. A scheme for the improvement of Jacob Street, Tower Hill, Ashley Road, Castle Mill Street, and Newfoundland Road, and for making a new street on the north side of the Froom, was recommended by the Streets Improvement Committee and sanctioned by the Council on the 9th November. The esti- mated outlay for carrying out the design was only £6,000. Upon an announcement being made that the Ministry of Lord Beaconsfield were resolved upon recommending Parlia- ment to create four additional English bishoprics, a movement was started in Bristol for obtaining a restoration of the privi- leges withdrawn some forty years before. At a meeting held in January, 1877, the mayor (Alderman Edwards) presiding, a memorial to the Home Secretary was adopted, pointing out that £1,500 — half of the income proposed to be conferred on each of the new prelates — could be secured by uniting the ofl&ce of dean with that of bishop. It was added that Dr. Ellicott was prepared to surrender £500 a year of his income if the united dioceses were separated, and that the remainder of the endowment would be speedily furnished by the public, provided the Government would aid in restoring the see. Several large subscriptions were promised at the meeting, and the contributions soon exceeded £8,000. The Ministry, however, refused to countenance the movement. During the autumn of 1883 some influential citizens, then promoting a scheme of church extension which will bo noticed in a later page, placed themselves in communication Avith the Prime Minister, Mr. Gladstone, in reference to the question of the bishopric. It was soon after intimated that the Ministry would render assistance in carrying out the wishes of local Churchmen. The chief conditions imposed were that the old see of Gloucester should be left in its integrity, and that £1,500 a year should be provided by the public towards the income of the new bishop, in addition to the £500 offered by Dr. Ellicott. At a meeting in January, 1884, the mayor (Mr. Weston) in tho chair, thanks were voted to Mr. Gladstone, and a subscription 1877.] REVIVAL OP THE BISHOPEIC. FIRE BRIGADE. 493 was started, Canon Norris, tlie Merchants' Society, Miles & Co., Sir J. G. Smyth, Mr. H. C. Miles, Mr. A. Gibbs, Alder- man Edwards, Messrs. Daniel & Sons, and two anonymous donors contributing £1,000 each. In July, the £20,000 required by the Government preliminary to taking action having been subscribed, a Bill for the creation of a new diocese of Bristol (to consist of the deaneries of Bristol — with slight modifica- tions to include the docks at the mouth of the Avon — and the three deaneries of North Wilts) was brought into the House of Lords by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Special facilities were granted by the Ministry for the progress of the measure in the Commons ; and Mr. Gladstone, on the 9th August, upon the motion that the House should go into committee on the Bill, delivered a brilliant address in its favour, declaring that it would be '^hardly compatible with the dignity of Parlia- ment " to refuse the city what it was seeking to obtain. The Prime Minister's intervention practically put an end to oppo- sition, and the Bill received the royal assent on the 14th August. Mr. Gladstone, on the day on which he addressed the Com- mons, forwarded to the Archdeacon of Bristol a donation of £50 in aid of the bishopric fund, being desirous, he said, " to render a tribute, however small, of gratitude as well as ad- miration to the illustrious memory of Bishop Butler, Avhose episcopal career was chiefly passed at Bristol." An anony- mous friend has promised £10,000 towards the endowment fund, provided an equal sum (in addition to the subscriptions previously offered) be raised before June, 1888. The amount subscribed in March, 1887, was about £24,000. The insurance offices, which up to this time had maintained fire engines in the city (the Imperial office excepted), having given notice of their intention to discontinue their establish- ments, the Council, in March, 1877, unanimously affirmed the desirability of founding a city fire brigade. The Watch Com- mittee soon afterwards recommended that the brigade should form part of the police force, that the staff should consist of a superintendent and twelve additional policemen, and that a powerful fire-engine should be purchased, and stationed at the central police station. The report was adopted, and, as / already recorded, offices for the brigade were built in St. ^' James's Back. For some years previous to this date, the reputation of Clifton as a watering-place had been injured by the quar- terly returns of mortality issued by the Registrar-General, whose statistics were founded on the deaths reported in the entire Union of Clifton — a district embracing a large popu- 494 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1877. ,/ lation residing in the poorest parislies of eastern Bristol. Repeated remonstrances having been made on the injustice of the arrangement, the Local Government Board at length ordered that, from the 14th March, 1877, the name of the Union should be changed to Barton Eegis. The mortality in Clifton alone is now included in the Registrar's returns of ■watering-places, with the effect of proving the parish to be amongst the most salubrious in the kingdom. The steam vessels and business of the Bristol Steam Navi- gation Company were sold during the spring to certain capitalists in Cork. The price given for the concern was £120,000, half of which amount was accepted in shares of a new company bearing the same name, which started in July with a capital of £150,000. Arrangements were made during the spring for the amal- gamation of the banking firms of Messrs. Baillie, Cave & Co. (the Old Bank) and of Sir William Miles, bart., & Co. The union took effect on the 1st May, the business of the new firm being carried on in the premises of the Old Bank. The partners Avere Messrs. Charles D. Cave, George 0. Edwards, Hon. H. Baillie, and George Bright from the Old Bank, and Sir Wm. Miles and Messrs. John Miles, W. H. Harford, W. H. Miles, and Fenton Miles from the other concern. The latter thereupon ceased to issue bank notes, a step which had been adopted by the Old Bank some years before. At a Council meeting in June, the desirability of obtaining a park for the eastern districts of the city was affirmed, and a committee was appointed to choose a site and to consider the best means of meeting the expense. The site suggested by Mr. L. Fry, the mover of the resolution, was certain fields, about sixty-five acres in extent, situated between Fishponds and Stapleton roads, and bounded by the Froom on the north. It was ascertained that the owner. Sir J. Greville Smyth, bart., required, as a condition of sale, that the land should be settled for all future time as a park, and that the Corporation should, under no contingency, sell any portion for building sites. As the price demanded for the ground (£25,000) was nearly double its value as agricultural land, the Council declined to pursue the negotiation. At a meeting of the Council in September, it was resolved that the Black-rock quarry, which had been worked since 18(38 for road material, should be closed, as the excavations were attcndcul with danger to the surface of Durdham Down, and tended to destroy the beauty of the scenery. The Sani- tary Committee, encountering difficulty in obtaining supplies 1877.] THE COMPETITION OF THE DOCKS. 495 of stone elsewhere, entered into negotiations -with Sir Philip Miles, bart., for opening- a quarry on the Somerset shore of the Avon; and in February, 1879, a lease was concluded, for twenty-one years, at a rent of £250 per annum, with a royalty of 6d. per ton on all rock quarried beyond 10,000 tons a year. Another hideous gash was consequently made in the sylvan prospect ; and the destruction necessarily became more ex- tensive from year to year. Towards the close of 1883, the Council passed a resolution for closing the great quarry at the top of Pembroke Road — the only one remaining open on Clifton Down. But in the Februaiy following the vote was rescinded, the Sanitary Committee having reported that if the 7,300 tons of stone obtained annually had to be purchased elsewhere, the additional cost would be £714 per annum. Towards the close of the year considerable uneasiness be- gan to be felt by many citizens respecting the future pros- pects of the port. The results predicted by Sir John Hawkshaw, and foreseen by thoughtful persons in the city, had, in fact, arrived ; for the business of the city docks was seriously affected by the competition for trade arising from the opening of accommodation at the mouth of the river. The diminished arrivals in the Float led to various sugges- tions. The Chamber of Commerce expressed itself strongly in favour of the " dockisation " of the Avon ; but while the vast estimated cost of the undertaking deterred most of the ratepayers from lending it their support, it was pointed out that, even if it were executed, the competition of the Channel docks would continue unabated. Another section of the citizens was of opinion that the Corporation should purchase the works at Avonmouth and Portishead, thus fulfilling the warnings of those who had prophesied that the Corporation's refusal to provide for indispensable wants would have a simi- lar costly result to that which followed its supineness seventy years before. Eventually, at a meeting of the Council in January, 1878, a committee was appointed to consider as to the measures which should be adopted. In November of the same year, at the instance of Alderman Baker, the Council resolved that directors of the two Channel docks should be ineligible to sit on the Docks Committee, a motion which had the effect of expelling from the board four eminent members of the civic body — Messrs. C. J. Thomas, C. Nash, T. T. Taylor, and M. Whitwill — who were shareholders in the Avonmouth Company. In the summer of 1879, the Docks Committee reported to the Council that, with a view to obviate competition, it was expedient to purchase the Avon- 496 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. moutli undertaking on equitable terms. At a meeting on tlie 1st July, liowever, the Council unanimously resolved that the matter should be deferred until the Avonmouth Company made an offer to negotiate. The river dockisation scheme was discussed at the same meeting, Mr. Howard, the docks engineer, having produced two plans for carrying it out — one proposing locks at the mouth of the Avon, at an esti- mated cost of £850,000 ; the other for a dam below the Horseshoe Point, the outlay for which was set down at about £700,000. The expense of constructing quays and of divert- ing the sewage of the city was not included in either sum ; but Mr, Ashmead reported in favour of carrying the sewage to Charlcombe Bay, near Clevedon, a distance of nearly ten miles, at an approximative cost of £280,000. The Council, dismayed by the costliness of the project, resolved that dockisation was, under existing circumstances, inexpedient. The competition of the rival docks, in the meantime, con- tinued unabated, and the diminished receipts of the Floating Harbour caused much dissatisfaction in the Council. At a meeting in August, 1880, a resolution was passed, condemn- ing the rivalry of the three concerns, and urging the direct- ors representing the Corporation on the Portishead board to effect an arrangement by means of a sub-committee emanat- ing from the three undertakings. The Avonmouth board, it appeared, had agreed to act in concert with the civic authorities ; but the arrangement had broken down through the action taken at Portishead, which was spoken of as " a daughter seeking to cut the throat of her mother." At a subsequent meeting, the Docks Committee recommended, with the view of meeting the competition, that the town duos levied on grain in the Float should be reduced to a nominal sum, that the wharfage dues should be suspended, and that the expense of discharging grain cargoes should be defrayed out of the dock estate, so as to encourage corn merchants to bring vessels to Bristol. Alderman Baker, in moving the adoption of those recommendations, asserted that the grain trade had ])vvn diverted to the new docks by means of bribes, and tliat vigorous retaliatory measures could alone restore matters to a right footing. The resolution was condemned by other speakers as a further outcome of the huckstering and senile system which it was alleged had long characterised the management of the docks. 'J^ho op])osition ]iointed out that the timber and sugar arrivals had falliMi olf still more largely than those of grain, although tliere had been no competition in those trades ; and they strongly censured a CONDUCT OP THE PORTISIIEAD DOCK BOARD. 497 scheme by which poor ratepayers would be saddled with in- creased burdens in order that a few corn merchants might put £5,000 a year into their own pockets. The motion, however, was carried by an overwhelming majority, and similar boun- ties were afterwards conferred upon other importations. The dockisation party had by this time recovered courage. At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in September, a motion recommending that the three dock properties should be vested in a single governing body was met by an amendment in favour of dockising the river, and the latter was carried by a large majority. Similar resolutions having been passed at various ward meetings, the Council appointed a committee to make an inquiry into the practicability of the project. In October the Docks Committee reported that although the Avonmouth board were willing to agree to a non-competitive tariff, the Portishead authorities had again positively refused to enter into an arrangement. Mach in- dignation was expressed at the policy of an undertaking which was deeply indebted to the liberality of the Corpora- tion; but the representatives of the Council on the Portishead board contended that it was their duty to maintain the in- terests of the dock. The Council next proposed to apply the principle of arbitration to the purchase of the rival concerns ; but the Portishead board, asserting that the interests of their railway were inseparably identified with the dock, ad- vanced conditions which rendered negotiations impossible. This attitude — not a little irritating to many who had voted for the grant of £100,000 in 1872— strengthened the predomi- nant party in the Council, which determined upon applying for parliamentary powers to reduce the charges on shi])piug and goods entering Bristol dock as the Corporation might see fit, to levy dues upon ships and goods entering within the port of Bristol (thus including the Channel docks), to impose dues and wharfage rates on goods conveyed from the rival docks to Bristol, to spend £48,000 in erecting free warehouses to be maintained out of the rates, and to provide free steam- tugs for vessels coming up the Avon. The injustice of levy- ing taxes for the benefit of the city on shipping entering the Channel docks, thereby ruining the two companies, and enabling the Corporation to buy up the concerns at an insig- nificant fraction of their cost, which was the supposed object of the scheme, was denounced by Alderman Ford in the Council as " worse than the worst description of communism"; and the same argument was strongly urged before the select committee of the House of Commons by whom the Bill was K K 498 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. considered. In tlie result, the latter body struck out the clause for levying dues in the Channel docks, as well as those permitting a system of rebates at Bristol and the establish- ment of free steam-tugs. Soon after the Bill, in its re- stricted form, had become law, the Council, with the view of crippling the competing docks, and in despite of the decision V of the House of Commons, made further reductions in the town and wharfage dues on timber, sugar, and other imports, the increased charge thereby imposed on the ratepayers being estimated at £5,000 a year. This policy, by which, according to Alderman Ford's statement in the Council, over £20,000 per annum were taken out of the purses of the citizens for the benefit of particular trades, was disapproved in many quarters; and the position of its author and most vigorous advocate. Alderman Baker, the head of a firm which reaped large profits from the system, occasionally gave rise to in- sinuations which he indignantly repudiated. At length a citizen, Mr. Henry White, disputing the legality of the Council's proceedings, laid the facts before the Attorney General, who applied for an injunction against the Corpora- tion in the High Court of Justice. The case was not heard till May, 1884, before Mr. Justice Field, who delivered judg- ment against the civic authorities. His lordship held that the Council, as trustees of the ancient town and wharfage dues, had acted illegally in practically abolishing those charges, the revenues of which ought to have been applied to the benefit of the ratepayers. The act complained of was, he added, as illegal as if the Corporation Irad given up the rents of the city property, or relieved certain inhabitants from the pay- ment of rates; and the fact that an attempt had been made — unsuccessfully — to obtain parliamentary approval of the system, showed that the Council was aware that its action was unwarrantable. He did not doubt, however, that the members had intended to protect the interests of the city. "Whilst these legal proceedings were in their infancy, eighty influential merchants and tradesmen proposed the formation of a Harbour Trust Association, with the object of uniting the docks into one projierty, under the supervision of a board. A Bill for effecting that object was introduced into Parliament in 1882; but although the Council was memorial- ised by upwards of six thousand ratejiayers to co-o])erate in settling the details of a satisfactory scheme, the Chamber resolved, in February, 1882, to strenuously oppose tho Bill. A motion declaring that the docks ought to bo under one management was defeated by 23 votes against J 9. The advo- AN ARRANGEMENT EFFECTED. 491) cates of an uncompromising policy of " beggar my neigh- bour " began, however, to yield to the influence of pul>lic opinion, and, at a subsequent meeting. Alderman Fox, de- scribing the competition between the three docks and the squandering of £25,000 a year as a scandal and reproach to all, moved that the mayor (Mr. AYeston) be requested to communicate with the belligerents with a view to an equit- able arrangement. The mayor having expressed his willing- ness to attempt a reconciliation, Alderman Fox's resolution was adopted unanimously. When the Harbour Bill was re- mitted to a committee of the House of Lords, it encountered a rival scheme of a similar character, ostensibly promoted by obscure persons in London ; but their lordships summarily rejected both measures. The mayor's intervention put an end to a conflict which had never been creditable to the practical sagacity of those concerned in it, and which had become almost universally unpopular owing to the certainty that the reckless waste of money would have in the end to be borne by the public. At a Council meeting on the 9th May, 1882, the mayor was enabled to report a provisional arrangement for a year, which he had successfully effected. Its chief points were, that the dues on foreign arrivals were to be 2^d. per ton less at Bristol than at the Channel docks ; that the town and wharfage dues, equal to I5'/. per quarter on grain, should be reimposed in the Float upon a due of a similar amount being levied at the other docks ; and that the reductions in dues made to old lines of steamers should not exceed 25 per cent, until the same concession was made to new lines. His worship added that the Sharpness dock board — which had been compelled to reduce its rates through the competition — had promised that the dues of that undertaking should again be raised. The action of the mayor was unani- mously confirmed. Shortly afterwards the Docks Committee reported that arrangements had been made with the Avon- mouth and Portishead companies, under which a uniform tariff of charges would be established at the three docks. This was expected to increase the income of the Corporation by about £4,000 a year. The opportunity was taken to con- solidate the Bristol charges, so that a single payment super- seded the three imposts known as dock, town, and wharfage dues, whilst ships were in future to pay one due instead of five. The working of the new arrangement gave general satisfaction, but its temporary character caused uneasiness a,s to the future, and the desirability of consolidating the un- dertakings began to be acknowledged on all hands. As Mr. 500 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. Weston had been so successful in tlie last negotiation^ it was suggested in November, 1883 (when he was again re-elected mayor), that he should undertake another, Avith a view to arriving at a definitive settlement. His worship accordingly addressed himself to the two boards, and after making a thorough investigation into the pecuniary position of the companies, he advised the Council to promote a Bill for powers to purchase the two undertakings. His suggestion was adopted by 47 votes against 3. The main difficulty encountered at this stage arose out of the attitude of the Portishead board, which refused to sell the dock without also disposing of the pier and railway. The mayor appealed to the Great Western Eailway Company to assist the city in the emergency, and his application was successful, an arrange- ment being soon after made for the absorption of the railway and pier into the Great Western system. The issue of the whole negotiations was communicated by the mayor to the Council at a meeting on the 19th February, 1884. The amount of capital expended at Avonmouth on the dock, warehouses, and land was (nominally) £718,000, but the directors expressed their willingness to transfer the property for £550,000, of which £450,000 were to be paid on the 1st September, 1884, in Corporation bonds, bearing 3| per cent, interest ; £75,000 more were to be taken in deferred bonds, bearing no interest for five years, and the remaining £25,000 in bonds to bear interest in seven years. The nominal amount expended in constructing the dock and warehouses at Portishead was stated to have been £375,000, but the undertaking was offered for £250,000, of which £25,000 were to be accepted in deferred bonds, bearing no interest for the first five years. The mayor stated that the charge on the city incurred by the purchases would be £23,550 a year, while the income of the two com^mnies was only about £18,000. But by raising certain small dues and rates to the amount charged previous to the competition, £'4,710 yearly would be realised, so that the direct annual loss to the city would be only about £000; and as the citizens had been los- ing £10,000 a year during the rivalry, he thought there wore good grounds for making the existing conditions permanent. [Some alterations having been subsequently made in the ar- rangements, Mr, Weston produced a revised estimate in July, showing that the loss to the city at the outset would be about £"5,()00 a year, exclusive of a sinking fund of i'2,800 per annum, also to be provided for.] AUor a brief discussion, in which the m.ayor's exertions received unqualified eulogy, PURCHASE OF THE EIVAL DOCKS. 501 a resolution approving- of the purchaso was passed by a unanimous vote. Outside the Council the feeling in favour of the compact was equally cordial, and the statutory meet- ing of ratepayers convened to consider the Bill manifested enthusiasm in expressing its approval. The measure re- ceived the royal assent in due course, and the formal trans- fer of the two docks to the Corporation took place on the 1st September, 1884, when the sums above mentioned were paid over to the companies. A few weeks later a banquet was given to Mr. Weston by the leading citizens, when he was presented with a massive and elegant piece of plate, in recognition of his valuable public services in connection with the purchase of the docks. In the division of the sum paid for the Avonmouth property, certain classes of debenture holders received bonds for the full amount of their claims, while other categories received 60 and 80 per cent, of their respective (nominal) advances ; and the shareholders in the warehouse company were paid £14 for each £20 share. The balance, about £35,000, remained for distribution amongst the ordinaiy shareholders. In respect to Portishead, the deben- tures were paid in full ; the preference shareholders re- ceived about 62 per cent., and the ordinary shareholders, both in the dock and in the railway, obtained about 25 per cent, on their investments. The £100,000 advanced by the Corporation ranked in the last category, so that three-fourths of the money were lost. The Docks Act of 1884 abolished the fourpenny rate imposed in 1848. No real relief, however, was afforded by the abolition; on the contrary, the annual deficiency of the dock revenue to meet the expenditure Avas made a charge on the borough rate, and the burden on the inhabitants was increased. But against this was to be set the marked improvement which soon became visible in the trade of the port. In 1885 the tonnage of vessels entering the three docks from foreign and colonial ports was 653,594 tons against 566,100 in the previous year ; while the coasting tonnage also increased from 642,198 to 684,494; and this in despite of a mai'ked depression in the trade of the kingdom. The report of the Docks Committee for the year ending April 30th, 1886, stated that the revenue from all sources, including a borough rate of £14,500, amounted to £148,637, while the expenditux-e, inclusive of £5,559 devoted to a sink- ing fund for discharging the debt, had been £148,547. There had been a profit of £4,063 on the Floating Harbour, and a loss of £1,322 at Avonmouth, and of £2,651 at Portis- head. For the year 1886-7, the committee anticipated that. 502 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1878. owing to further outlay on the works, tlie receipts would be insufficient to meet the expenditure by i.'18^3o9, and, to avoid increased taxation on the citizens, they proposed that a small due should be levied on goods landed coastwise, which up to that time were exempt from dock charges, and a trifling addition made to the charge on certain foreign imports. The tax on the coasting trade excited so much opposition out of doors that the matter was deferred ; but at a meeting in October the Council resolved that the dues on foreign goods, reduced in 1881 during the competition between the docks, should be raised to their former amount. Although the scheme for dockising the Avon ceased to interest the public after the amalgamation of the docks, it is necessary to complete the story of the committee appointed in 1880. In June, 1882, that body presented a preliminary report, stating that, in order to prevent disasters from floods, it would be needful, before carrying out dockisation, to con- struct a culvert from the Froom at Stapleton to the Avon near Cook's Folly, at an estimated cost of £200,000. The outlay for the proposed dam at Avonmouth was put down at £790,000 ; and these sums, added to the expenses involved in Mr. Ashmead's sewer scheme, raised the estimated charge for dockisation to £1,270,000. The committee, which had spent £900 on the inquiry, asked for a further grant, and the Council voted £1,500 more. In May, 1883, the committee reported that the cost of the scheme would be about £1,750,000, the payment of interest on which would entail an additional borough rate of 2.s\ in the pound, unless the trade of the port should increase. A further grant of £3,000 was asked for, to make a new survey and further investi- gations. The Council, however, was almost unanimous in regarding dockisation as beyond the range of practical projects, and, by a majority of 34 votes against 8, it was declared to be inexpedient to pursue the inquiry further. A prospectus Avas issued in June, 1878, of the North Clifton Hotel Company, Avith a capital of £20,000 in £10 shares. The directors purchased a portion of the nursery garden fronting Whitehidies Road, and erected an hotel, at a cost, including furniture, of about £18,000. The "Imperial Hotel" was opened in the following year. The Royal Agricultural Society having undertaken to hold "its annual exhiliition in JJristol in 1878, and the Prince of f,,, fv^A^Wryes having intimated liis intention to visit the city on AX '^'tho occasion, great preparations were made for the fitting " '*'^recention of the expected guests. A subscription amounting 1878.] GRAND RECEPTION OF THE PRINCE OF WALES. 503 to upwards of £4,000 was placed at the disposal of a local / comiiiittco, to make additions to the prize list and meet the incidental expenses of the show. A further sum of £1,000 was contributed for the decoration of the streets through which the royal visitor was to be conducted. The show-yard on Durdham Down occupied nearly the entire space between the Stoke Bishop and the Westbury and Combe Dingle roads, the hoarding being nearly a mile and a half in length. The exhibition was one of the largest ever held by the society. The progress of scientific agriculture since the show held in 1842 was strikingly manifested by a comparison of the entries made on each occasion. In 1878 the number of horses entered was 350 against 60 in 1842; of cattle the figures were 443 against 213 ; of sheep, 397 against 134 ; and of pigs, 164 against 95. The development was still more remarkable in the mechanical department. In 1842 the number of imple- ments shown was 455, whereas in 1878 the collection exceeded 6,000. In point of value the advance was still more con- siderable. The exhibits in 1878 of a single manufacturer — Mr. Fowler, of Leeds — were stated to be worth £60,000, and the whole of them were sold in the show-yard. Ample accommodation was afforded in 1842 by an enclosure of six acres, while the area required thirty-five years later was 67 acres. The pi'esident on the latter occasion was Colonel Kingscote, M.P. (one of whose short-horned calves was sold during the exhibition for a thousand guineas). The attend- ance was very large, the aggregate admissions to the yard numbering 121,851, and £10,825 were received at the gates. The visit of the Prince of Wales took place on the 13th July, the fourth day of the meeting, his Royal Highness reaching the city by special train from London, accompanied by his suite and the chairman and vice-chairman of the Great Western railway. On his arrival he was received in state by the mayor (Aid. Edwards) and the members of the Council, in the presence of a large gathering of leading citizens. About a thousand of the local volunteers formed an imposing guard of honour. An address having been presented by the mayor, the Prince briefly returned thanks, expressing his regret that he could devote only a very brief period to the inspection of the objects of interest for which the city was so deservedly renowned. He was well aware, he added, of the highly favourable impression produced on other members of his family by the noble town, the splendour of its public and private buildings, and the good disposition of its inhabitants ; and it would be his privilege to report to 504 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1878. the Queen the loyal terms which had been used towards her Majesty in the address. The Prince was then conducted to an open carriage, in which he was accompanied by the mayor, Lord Skelmersdale, and Colonel Kino^scote. Other carriaofes followed, containing the Prince's attendants, the sheriff (Mr. W. H. Wills), Mr. Morley, M.P., and others, two squadrons of Lancers forming the guard of the cortege. The streets through which the heir apparent passed had been decorated in a manner unprecedented in local annals. Victoria Street was lined throughout with Venetian masts, flags, trophies, and floral devices, the general effect of which was highly picturesque. At Bristol Bridge, an arch in the Tudor Gothic style had been erected, representing an old city gate, with side arches, battlements, towers, and portcullis, the centre being emblazoned with heraldic devices. About a hundred persons Avere accommodated in galleries over the fabric, which was one of the most effective designed for the occasion. High Street was plentifully decorated with cordons of flags stretched across the roadway. At the entrance into Corn Street was another triumphal arch, the effect of which was heightened by the decorations of the adjoining Council House. Corn Street and Clare Street were one long blaze of brilliant drapery ; and at the approach to the Drawbridge ranges of Venetian masts, trophies, etc., imparted additional animation to the scene. The decorations reached their climax in College Green, which was "transfigured into a garden worthy of Aladdin's palace." Two Gothic arches were raised to the right and left of the restored High Cross, and through the co-operation of the principal tradesmen the roadway was densely hung with festoons of flowers, banners, and streamers, interspersed with richly coloured trophies. Park Street was also elaborately beautified by the concerted action of the inhabitants. The Prince's colours — red, white, and blue — artistically clothed the fronts of the houses, and at the top of the street was an arch of Saracenic typo, with a dome and minarets, the colours of which harmonised with the surround- ing objects. The general effect was much admired by the Prince as he ascended the hill. The J^tyal Promenade and the Triangle had also received artistic attention, and White- ladies Road, thougli less copiously decorated, was set off by the brilliant dresses of the ladies assem])lod in balconies before nearly every house. Another triumphal arch, situated on Black-boy Hill (just cleared of its old hovels by the Council at an outlay of £11,000), was of largo dimensions, the central span being 30 feet, and the two side arches 20 feet each in 1878.] DISASTROUS BANK FAILURE. 505 width. Tho spandrils were adorned with heraldic shields, and from the summit waved a gigantic royal standard. Red- land was richly caparisoned, no less than 3,700 pennons and streamers being counted in that locality alone. The Prince of Wales, who was enthusiastically greeted along the route by an enormous crowd of spectators, expressed himself as equally surprised and gratified by the splendour of the display which his visit had evoked. His Royal Highness, who reached the show-yard in somewhat less than an hour, on his arrival was entertained to luncheon in a beautiful pavilion. He afterwards made a rapid survey of the chief features of the exhibition, accompanied by the Earl of Ducie, Lord Fitzhardinge, Colonel Kingscote, and the sheriff of Bristol. He then left the ground, and was driven slowly along the Downs to the Suspension Bridge, and thence to Clifton-bridge station. A special train being in readiness there, the Prince cordially bade farewell to tiie mayor and other officials. A new iron bridge over the Froom, connecting Monk Street with Paul Street, Pennywell Road, was opened for traffic in September. On the 9th September, great consternation was excited in the city and the adjoining counties by an announcement that the West of England and South Wales District Bank had suspended payments. This financial catastrophe was stated to be due to adverse rumours circulated for some weeks pre- viously, causing so rapid a drain that the directors had not time to realise the assets ; but it was added that the bank was still solvent as a going concern. On the books being handed over to official liquidators, however, it was discovered ^ that the paid-up capital (£750,000), and the reserve fund )1 (£156,000) had entirely disappeared, and that against the lia- bilities, about £3,500,000, there was a further estimated deii- ciency of assets exceeding £300,000. These calamitous results ^^ were found to be attributable to the imprudent advances made N ^ to two iron firms in South Wales, begun upwards of thirty years r^ ^ previously, and afterwards enormously increased from time ^ /I to time in the vain hope of ultimately extricating the bank * . * * from the difficulty. The collapse of the concern was ruinous ^ to the bulk of the shareholders, several of whom had invested ^ ^ ^ \! their entire capital in the establishment. As these sufferers . ^ were unable to provide their share of the deficiency, the '~^ p wealthier proprietors had to sustain a double burden, under which some of them succumbed. The calls of the liquidators amounted to £12 per share. A resolute effort was made to <>» 506 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1878. resuscitate the bank, with the view of preserving the profit- able business which it possessed in Bristol and Somerset; and a new company, entitled the Bristol and West of England Bank, was formed on the limited liability principle, with a capital of £300,000 in £20 shares, of which £7 10.?. were paid up. In August, 1879, the Home Secretary (Sir Richard Cross) ordered a prosecution to be instituted against the chairman (Mr. Jerom Murch) and five directors of the original company (Messrs. Gr. H. Leonard, J. Coates, A. Allen, C. Lucas, and the Rev. H. B. G-eorge), and also against the general manager (Mr. J. P. Gilbert), the defendants being charged with pub- lishing fraudulent balance sheets with intent to deceive. The trial began in London in April, 1880, and resulted, after an eight days' hearing, in the acquittal of all the accused. The liquidation of the bank was not concluded until 1887, although repeated complaints as to its tardiness were made in the House of Commons. Dividends amounting to 16s. 6 J. in the pound on the debts were, however, paid within eleven months of the failure. The ci'editors who consented to re- linquish interest on their claims were satisfied in April, 1880 ; and the remaining liabilities were discharged in March, 1881. The sum of £2 10s. per share was afterwards returned to the proprietors who had paid the calls, and it was announced in January, 1887, that a final sum of bs. or G.s. per share would shortly be distributed. An election for the city was rendered necessary in Decem- ber, 1878, by the retirement of Mr. K. D. Hodgson, owing to a severe illness (which soon after proved fatal) . The can- didates were Mr. Lewis Fry, a member of an old Liberal Bristol family, and Sir Ivor B. Guest, bart., a Conservative connected with the South Wales iron trade. On this occasion, for the first time, the Liberals made choice of their candidate by means of an organisation called the Four Hundred — or, as their opponents styled it, the Caucus — chosen by the voters at district meetings. Mr. Fry had a majority of nearly two- thirds in this body, and his competitor, Mr. E. S. Robinson, withdrew. The contest excited interest throughout the king- dom from its l)cing the first of any moment after the signature of the peace of Berlin. Sir Ivor Guest strove, indeed, for local sympathies byrecalling thofact that his maternal grandmother [a daughter of Dean Ijayard] lived in ]'»ristol in her younger days. The polling took place on the l-tth December; and the declaration, made by the sheriff' shortly before midnight, was as follows : Mr. Fry, 9,342 ; Sir I. B. Guest, 7,795. The parish church of St. George was totally destroyed by 1879.] CHURCHYARD GARDENS. CIVIC DEBT. 507 fire on the morning of Sunday, the 22nd December. The disaster was attributed to the overheating of the stoves. The church was insured for £3,000, and no time was lost in setting about its reconstruction, which was completed at a cost of about £6,000. The new edifice, the tower of which is finished in a bizarre foreign style, was reopened in May, 1880. Towards the close of 1 878 a movement started in London for converting disused churchyards into ornamental gardens spread to this city. The authotnties of Temple parish spent £800 in removing the unsightly walls of the extensive churchyard, and converting the dilapidated enclosure into a pleasant place of recreation, which was opened in July, 1880, by the mayor (Mr. H. Taylor). The burial ground of St. Nicholas' parish, on the Welsh Back, and also that adjacent to the church, were repaired and planted with shrubs. A most successful improvement of the same character was effected in 1881-2 by the authorities of St. James's, who laid out upwards of £600 in converting the parochial cemetery into an agreeable j^ro- menade and garden for the use of the crowded population of the locality. The ground was opened by the mayor (Mr. Weston) on the 30th June, 1882. In 1884 the churchyard of St. Philip — in a closely packed district still more destitute of open spaces — was similarly transformed at an outlay of £1,150, chiefly borne by a few philanthropic citizens con- nected with the parish. It was opened on the 5th of November by the mayor (Mr. Weston), who warmly congratu- lated the authorities on the results. At a meeting of the Council in February, 1870, the town clerk produced a return of the indebtedness of the Corporation up to the 31st of December of the pi-evious year. The bonds outstanding amounted to £123,263. The unredeemed debt of the Bristol Docks was £690,113. The sums owing by the Sani- tary Authority, expended on public improvements, amounted in the aggregate to £461,481 (the gross cost of these works had been about £700,000). The total indebtedness of the civic body was upwards of a million and a quarter. The amount was increased to upwards of two millions by the subsequent purchase of the Channel Docks. The Corporation, at a meeting in March, determined upon opening out a street at the back of the abandoned Bridewell, over the covered course of the Froom, with the view of facilitating traffic from the quays to the northern parts of the city. The improvement was completed soon afterwards. The Docks Committee, about the same time, ordered the construction of a shed on the quay at the bottom of Clare 508 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1879. Street — an erection -wliicli was strongly condemned as taste- less and unsightly, and as destroying the picturesque view previously obtainable from St. Augustine's. An extensive range of cattle sheds, erected at Cumberland Basin for the accommodation of foreign stock, was opened in May. The buildings entailed an outlay of £5,000. The Council in August, 1882, voted a further sum of £7,000 for the erection of sheds on the quays. In accordance with the scheme of the Endowed School Commissioners for the future management of the Grammar School [see p. 453] , the new governors took measures for the removal of the institution to a more convenient site. A piece of ground was purchased in Tyndall's Park, and an imposing building in the late Perpendicular style was erected for the school, adjoining which was placed a residence for the head- master. The outlay for the land and buildings was about £20,000. Mr. W. H. Wills gave an organ, which cost about £1,000, and the same gentleman, with other members of his family, contributed a clock and chimes ; while generous gifts were made by Mr. Herbert Thomas (chairman), and other governors for launching the school in a manner worthy of its high reputation. The new school buildings were first occupied by the boys on the 15th February ; but the formal opening ceremony was deferred until the 17tli May, when an address was delivered to an influential gathering of citizens by the Right Honourable W. E. Forster, who expressed him- self as much struck by the magnificence of the schoolroom.* At the Wimbledon Rifle competitions in July, Captain Sam Lang, of the local Engineer corps, won the prize for the highest aggregate score at the meeting, thereby enabling his corps to hold for the ensuing j-^ear the Dominion of Canada trophy — a splendid shield given by Canadian riflemen in 1877. Captain Lang's score was then the highest ever made at Wimbledon. The shield was deposited at the Mansion House. During the summer, a well, which had once been in or adjacent to the keep of Bristol Castle, was discovered in Castle • By a vexatious inadvertence, a paragraph recording the reorganisation of this school by the Charity Trustees was omitted under its proper date. It must now sudice to say that the trustees were for some years held at defiance by Dr. (ioodeuough [see p. 47], wbo persisted in re^'ardiiig liis post as a sinecure, and that lie was not ejected until September, IHll. His claim for a pension was defeated, but his obstinate litigation cost the trustees .t:;^,2i0 in law costs. A new scheme for the mana<,'emont of the school, sanctioned by the Lord Chan- cellor in 1H17, gave the right of admission to boys resident within two miles of the Kxchange, the maxinnun yearly fee being fixed at £(). Dr. Robert Evans having been appointed headmaster, the school was re-opened, January, 24, 1818, with about 200 boys. 1880.] lawpord's gate prison, general election. 509 Green. It had probably been closed when the castle wa.s demolished, and contained several cannon balls of stone, in- cluding some cut for " cannon royal/' the largest siege guns of the seventeenth century. A Telephone Exchange was opened in the city in Novem- ber. The value of the new invention was so little appreciated at the outset that only twenty subscribers to the Exchange were obtained during the first three months of its existence. Although the Gloucestershire house of correction at Lawford's Gate had been disused as a prison some twenty years previous to this time, the justices had taken no steps for disposing of the site. Early in 1880 the subject was considered at quarter sessions, when it was resolved to sell the garden ground at the back of the building. But the Corporation of Bristol at once claimed to be the owners of the land, the rents of which, in fact, had been paid to the city treasurer. At the Michaelmas sessions at Gloucester, it was reported that the right of the county to the ground could not be established, there having been an adverse possession of more than twenty years. It was determined to confer with Mr. Fry, M.P., with the view of getting the land appropriated to the purposes of public recreation. No further reference to the suljject has been found. It would appear that the city authorities denied the claim of the county to dictate con- ditions as to the future disposition of the property; but its ultimate appropriation to recreative purposes is highly probable. Mr. Charles Branwhite, an eminent painter in water colours, died on the 15tli February, 1880, aged 62 years. Mr. Branwhite, who was born in Bristol, and was the son of a portrait painter of some standing, gained wide repute for his pictures of winter scenery. An exciting struggle took place at the general election in April. Owing to the defeat sustained by the Conservatives in 1878, they were unprepared with a candidate ; and possibly, if the Liberal party had continued united, no opposition would have been offered to Messrs. Morley and Fry, who solicited re-election. But Mr. Elisha S. Robinson, who had taken umbrage at what he deemed the neglect of his pretensions, entered the field as an " independent " candi- date, avowing himself a partisan of what was called the " Imperialist " policy of Lord Beaconsfield ; and the Conser- vatives, inspirited by the incident, induced Sir Ivor B. Guest to re-enter the field. The polling, which took place on the 2nd April, resulted as follows : Mr. Morley, 10,704; Mr. Fry, 510 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1880. 10,070; Sir I. Guest, 9,395 ; Mr. Robinson, 4,100. Nearly nine-tentlis of Mr. Robinson's poll consisted of split votes given to him by Conservatives. This was Sir Ivor Guest's fourtli unsuccessful attempt to win a seat. Lord Beacons- field, a few months later, rewarded the baronet's zeal by conferring upon him the title of Baron Wimborne. The Bristol Conservatives subsequently presented his lordship with his portrait, which cost about £2,000. The Council, at a meeting in April, gave its consent to the closing of the Guard House Passage, Wine Street, the owner of the adjoining property havingofferedtoopen a more convenient thoroughfare, and to set back his houses without demanding compensation. A beautiful Perpendicular archway at the entrance of the passage, of which a representation is given in Seyer's Bristol, was consequently removed. The arch was re-erected by Mr. Henry Stevens, at Cheltenham House, Bishopston. The guard house had disappeared several years previously. Immediately after the election for the city of Gloucester, which resulted in the return of two Liberals, Alderman Thomas Robinson (brother of Mr. E. S. Robinson, of Bristol) and Mr. Monk, son of the late Bishop Monk, a petition to the House of Commons, asserting that the issue was due to bribery, was forwarded by a supporter of the defeated Conservative candidates, Mr. W. K. Wait (mayor of Bristol, 1869-70) and Mr. Ackers. The petition caused as much dismay in the political camp from which it proceeded as in the other ; but the step taken was irrevocable, and a judicial inquiry was opened on the 9th June. The proceedings were significantly brief. The petitioner's counsel withdrew the charges against Mr. Monk ; on the other hand, Mr. Robinson declined to defend his seat ; and evidence having been adduced that a servant of the latter had bribed two or three voters, the election as regarded Mr. Robinson was forthwith declared void. It subsequently transpired that the proceed- ings before the judges were the outcome of an arrangement between tlie local leaders of the two parties, who had further agreed that Mr. Wait should iill the vacant seat without opposition. But the report of the judges stated that exten- sive corruption had prevailed, and a second investigation was ordered to be made by special commissioners. Before this tribunal, Mr. John Bernard, a magistrate of (iloucestcr, and a partner of Mr. Wait, deposed that, on learning that money would be required to secure the success of his friend, he wrote — unknown to ^Mr. Wait — to another partner in the 1880.] SALVATION AKMY. BEDMINSTER BRIDGE. 511 firm, Mr. J. W. Dod, of Clifton, who forwarded liirn £1,500 in small notes, and that the money was handed over to the secret agents of corruption. A further sum of £500 was obtained from Mr. Wait, who, while admitting that Bernard had told him that the £1,500 wouhl be wanted before it was sent for, declared that he did not know in what manner the two sums were expended. But he confessed to having paid between £600 and £700 after the election of 1874, knowing that the money had been spent in bribery. At the election under review, it was discovered that bribes to the amount of £1,300 had been distributed by the Liberals, that 2,756 burgesses out of the 4,904 who polled were paid for their votes (some of them by both parties), and that upwards of 200 citizens, including twenty men holding the offices of magistrate, alderman, or councillor, had acted as bribers. In the result the writ for the vacant seat was never issued, and the ratepayers were compelled to pay £4,400 for the expenses of the commission. The centenary of the establishment of Sunday schools was celebrated in many of the parish churches on the 27th June, 1880, and a meeting of clergy, laity, teachers, and scholars took place on the following day in Colston Hall. On the 8th July about 16,000 children attending schools maintained by dissenting congregations Avalked in procession, accompanied by their 2,000 teachers, to the Zoological Gardens, where they spent an agreeable holiday. At a meeting of the Council on the 20th July the Dock Committee reported that, in the existing state of the revenues under their control, they could no longer undertake to pay the interest on the sum of £100,000, borrowed for the pur- pose of subscribing towards the construction of Portishead Dock [see p. 400] . They therefore requested the Council to provide for the charge. The interest — £4,000 — thereupon became a charge upon the borough rate. A new religious denomination styled the Salvation Army, founded by a person styling himself " General " Booth, rose into notoriety during the summer, and gained many ad- herents amongst the poorer classes. An old circus near North Street was hired by the local leaders, and opened as a chapel on the 21st of August. The noisy parades of the "Army" in the streets provoked for some time antagonistic displays amongst the lower orders. The Council, at a meeting in September, resolved to remove Bedminster Bridge, which had become insufiicient for the traffic of that district, and to erect a more commodious struc- 512 THE ANNALS OF BKISTOL. [1881, tare. After a tedious delay, contracts were obtained in tte spring of 1882^ and about £16,000 were borrowed to carry- out the works. The new bridge was opened by the mayor (Mr. Weston) on the 1st February, 1884, though it had been partially available for traffic from the previous November. A temporary foot-bridge, used during the reconstruction, was permanently erected in May, 1884, opposite St. Luke's Church, and was found very serviceable. A large steamship called the Ailsea, trading between Bristol and Glasgow, was totally wrecked on the IGtli November, 1880, near Milford Haven, while on her way to Scotland. The crew, twenty in number, and seven passen- gers, perished with the vessel. Owing to the activity of speculative builders, the erection of new houses in the suburbs for some years previous to this date had been largely in excess of the demand. A collapse at length occurred, and during the winter of 1880 there was great distress amongst the families of workmen connected with the building trades. The extent to which speculation had been carried was shown by the fact that, in the spring of 1881, the unoccupied houses within the limits of the iDorough were officially reported to number 3,567, exclusive of 308 then in course of construction. If the uninhabited houses in the suburbs had been added, the aggregate would have exceeded 5,000. An unusually intense frost, accompanied by a great fall of snow, commenced on the 13th elanuary, 1881, and the low temperature continued for about a fortnight. During the snowstorm, a fast train, which left Bristol for London at half- past five in the evening, did not reach its destination until seven o'clock on the following evening, having been snowed up near Didcot. The chairman of the Great Western Kail- way Company, at the half-yearly meeting held soon after- wards, stated that 111 miles of their lines had been drifted up, and that 64 of their trains were buried in the drifts, exclusive of 141 temporary blocks sustained by others. The clearing away of the snow added many thousand ])ounds to the working expenses of the company. Postal coninuniication in some parts of the country was suspended for three days. Early in January, when proposals for substituting the elect ric light for gas were exciting national interest, the Council ordered an experiment on the subject to be made in the city ; and seven lamps, constructed on the " Brush " system, were placed on the 17th January in the four great business thoroughfares converging at the Council House. 1881.] ELECTKIC LIGHTING. GENERAL ROBERTS. 613 Owing to the defective apparatus by wliicli electricity was generated, the experiment was not deemed satisfactory, and the lamps were withdrawn in a few weeks.* The chief objec- tion to the new illuminant was the enhanced cost of electric motors as compared with gas. In November a novel proposal for surmounting the difficulty was laid before the Council by Mr. William Smith, who suggested that the ebb and flow of the tide might be made available for generating electricity, and expressed his belief that the adoption of the course pro- posed would effect a saving to the city of about £6,000 a year. According to calculations made for Mr. Smith by Professor Sylvanus Thompson, upon data supplied by Mr. Howard, the engineer of the docks, the available tidal power at Totterdown was over 6^ billions of foot pounds per annum; equal to 279,389 horse power per tide. At Rownham the power was estimated to be more than threefold greater; while at the mouth of the river it was 50 billions of foot pounds per annum, or considerably more than 2 million horse power per tide. The power required to light by elec- tricity the 4,274 existing street lamps was, by Swan's system 4i- billions, by Edison's system 3^ billions, and by the arc light on the Brush system 2 billions of foot pounds yearly. A committee of inquiry was appointed, but the investigation led to no practical results. On the 25th January, 1881, a dinner was given in the Victoria Rooms to Major-Greneral Sir Frederick Roberts, Gr.C.B. (who passed his early boyhood and received part of his education in Bristol), in honour of his distinguished military services. The mayor (Mr. Weston) presided over a large party, and the health of the gallant guest was drunk with enthusiasm. On the following day Sir Frederick was presented by the mayor, on behalf of a number of leading citizens, with a service of plate, valued at £350. In the evening the Merchant Venturers' Society gave a grand ball in honour of the general, at which upwards of five hundred persons were present. On the 30th March opening services were held in a new Congregational place of worship at Bishopston, styled the David Thomas Memorial Church, in memory of a distinguished minister of Highbury Chapel, Cotham. The cost of the building was about £6,300, and nearly the entire amount was contributed at or before the opening services, • More than two years before this date—on the 28th November, 1878— the electric light had been tried in Bristol cathedral, the first ecclesiastical edifice in which its power was tested. The effect was exceedingly fine. L L 514 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1881. The census of 1881, taken on the 4th April, showed a further large decrease in the population of the "ancient city," whose numbers were returned at 56,964. The extended city, on the other hand, had largely increased, the aggregate for the borough being 206,874. The population of the suburban parishes was: Clifton, 28,695; the District, 19,114; St. Philip's out, 50,108; St. George's, 26,423; Bedminster, 44,759; Mangotsfield, 5,707; Stapleton, 10,833; Stoke Bis- hop tything, 13,347; and Horfield, 5,739. The remains of the mansion of the Canynges' family, in Redcliif Street, occupied by Messrs. Jefferies & Sons, book- sg llers, were seriously damaged by a fire wliich occurred^n '^he premises on the 9th October. The woodwork of the " oratory " was almost entirely destroyed, but the fine roof was preserved. A religious census of the city was taken by the Western Daily Press on the 30th October. According to the published statistics, it appeared that out of a population of about 210,000, there were 48,596 persons present at the morning, and 60,856 at the evening services on the day in question. The Council, in October, resolved upon redeeming the rent charge of £6,734 15s. 6c?. payable under the provisions of the Docks Transfer Act of 1848. The sum required for this pur- pose Avas £168,381 5.s, The Corporation had also borrowed £636,400 for dock purposes, including the subscription to Portishead Dock, and it was resolved to issue 3| per cent, bonds in lieu of the old securities, whereby a saving of £4,000 per annum would be effected. In August, 1882, Alderman Baker informed the Council that bonds to the amount of £283,660 had been taken up, at an average price of £98 8.s.4i. , per cent., which was considered satisfactory. Further con- versions took place as the old bonds expired. The Corporation gave notice in November of its intention to introduce a Bill into Parliament to strengthen the hands of the police in dealing with disorderly houses, gambling, street nuisances, and other matters. The more important clauses of the Bill were copied from the Police Acts of Manchester and other cities ; but they were obnoxious to cer- tain classes of tradesmen, and an agitation was excited on the pretext that the measure would be injurious to the liberty of the subject. At the statutory meeting of citizens convened to consider the proposal, it was almost unanimously con- demned. After two years' delay, the Council resolved, in November, 1883, to make another effort of the same character. With the view of disarming the leading opponents of the 18S1.] POLICE BILLS DEFEATED. SAD FATALITY. 515 previous Bill, the clause prohibiting overhanging signboards was omitted, and traracars Avere exempted from the regula- tions for street traffic. Nevertheless, at the public meeting convoked to give assent to the scheme, an excited crowd refused to listen to the explanations of the mayor (Mr. Weston), and the Bill was condemned by a large majority. A poll was then demanded, the result being a definitive disap- proval of the project by 15,409 votes against 6,798. The Dolphin Society, which for about a century had at- tended morning service at the cathedral on the Colston anniversaries, suspended that custom in 1881, owing to the action of the dean. It appeared that Dr. Elliott, on receipt of the usual application, had consented to a sermon being preached on Colston's Day, and that the preacher should be the Rev. R. W. Randall, of All Saints', Clifton. But Canon Girdlestone, who was in residence, having protested against the admission into the cathedral pulpit of Mr. Randall, on account of his obstinate defiance of the orders of the bishop in reference to ritualistic practices at All Saints', the dean thereupon withdrew his permission. The society attended service at St. Mary RedclifF, where Mr. Randall preached. Whilst some alterations were being made, during the autumn, in the premises No. 19, Maryleport Street, a hand- some mantelpiece was exhumed from a thick covering of mortar. The mantelpiece was elaborately sculptured, and bore a shield of arms — on a chevron, between three pairs of garbs saltierwise, three barrels. These arms, which occur on the fronts of two houses in the same street and of a house in the Pithay, were borne by George Harrington, mayor in 1617. They were at all events placed on his monument. Being really the coat of the Brewers' Company of London, it is pro- bable that the local brewers adopted the bearings, and that Harrington, who was a brewer, used them with some trifling *^ difference," just as his contemporary, Robert Aldworth, adopted the arms of the Merchants' Society. Curiously enough, the monuments of the two men — both toa proud to claim heraldic devices to which they were not entitled — are to be found almost close together, in St. Peter's Church. The Duke of Edinburgh visited Bristol in November, for the purpose of inspecting the Royal Naval Reserve and the local brigade of Naval Volunteers. The visit was purely of an official character, and at the duke's request there was no public reception. An appalling catastrophe occurred on the 15th November in the steamship Solway, trading between Bristol, Belfast, and 516 THE ANNALS OF BEISTOL. [1882. Glasgow. During a storm in tlie Irish Channel, a barrel of naphtha broke loose and was burst by concussion, when by- some means the contents became ignited. The result was the partial destruction of the ship, and the death of eighteen persons, most of whom perished in the flames. About the close of 1881, when the carving of the west front of Bristol cathedral had just been completed, the dean and chapter ordered the removal of the chapter-office, a mean structure which had partially concealed that portion of the cathedral. An older and more interesting building- near the abbey gateway — the minster-house — the roof and walls of which anciently formed part of the Prior's lodgings, was removed shortly afterwards. Its demolition evoked some protests, but certainly improved the appearance of the western front. Nothing now remained of the unsightly modern constructions between the cathedral and the grand gateway except the house partially incorporated with the latter, and occupied by the precentor. Fears were enter- tained that this excrescence could not be removed without endangering the gateway, some of the upper portions of which were in the last stage of decay. At a meeting in October, 1883, a committee was appointed to consider what steps should be taken ; and after careful consideration of the remains, it was determined to restore the archway and the fifteenth-century building above it, to remove the precentor's house, and to rebuild the tower which had previously abutted upon the south-east corner of the gate ; the estimated outlay being £3,100. The precentor's house was demolished in May, 1885, when some interesting relics of the old tower were brought to light. About the beginning of 1882 Mr. [Sir] J. D. Weston, who had purchased Manilla Hall, Clifton (the mansion built by Sir William Draper and subsequently possessed by the Gordon and Miles families), detached from it a portion of the grounds for the purpose of converting them into building sites. In the following September the hall was bought by a French Roman Catholic sisterhood styled the " Dames do la Mere de Dieu," who established a school there. Tlie nuns ordered the removal of the cenotaph erected by Sir Wm. Draper ; but it was rescued from destruction by the exertions of Dr. Beddoe, F.R.S., and was, tngothcr with the obelisk to the elder Pitt, re-erected upon Clifton Down, not far distant from the original site, by means of a private subscription. The dearth of religious agencies amongst the rapidly in- creasing suburban population having impressed itself upon 1882.] SIX NEW PARISHES CREATED. 517 the bisliop of the diocese, his lordship entered into con- ferences with several prominent citizens, and eventually issued a commission to consider what remedies should be attempted. An investigation having been made, a public meeting was convened at the Guildhall in February, 1882, at which Bishop Ellicott stated the results of the inquiry. It was proposed to build and endow six new churches in the following parishes : St. Andrew's (which had a population of 8,340) ; St. Barnabas (10,232) ; Trinity, St. Philip's (13,450); St. Luke's, Barton Hill (9,851) ; St. Silas (6,700), and in Bedminster (20,847). The church of St. Matthew, Moorfields (6,989), was proposed to be enlarged, and it was recommended that sites should be secured in the districts of St. Mark's, Easton, Downside, and Windmill Hill, Bed- minster, where the growth of population was considerable. The commissioners further advised the building of three mission chapels, and the provision of nine curates or mis- sionaries. At a meeting in the Merchants' Hall, in March, resolutions approving of the scheme were adopted, and subscriptions amounting to over £19,000 were announced, the bishop contributing £1,000, Mr. A. Gibbs, £3,000, the Merchants' Society, £2,500, Messrs. Baker & Son, £1,000, and the Old Bank, £1,000. The foundation of Christ Church, Barton Hill, the first undertaken, was laid by the mayor (Mr. Weston) in July, 1883. During the course of that year four new parishes were constituted by Orders in Council, namely, St. Francis, Ashton Gate ; Holy Nativity, Knowle ; St. Agnes, Newfoundland Road ; and St. Lawrence, Lawrence Hill. Within about two years, the commission received nearly £27,000 from the public, and building opei-ations were pro- secuted with great vigour. Christ Church, Barton Hill, was consecrated on the 12th November, 1885. On the 16th November, 1886, Bishop Ellicott consecrated a church dedi- cated to St. Michael, near Bedminster railway station. The only portion then finished was the chancel, but a temporary nave had been constructed of timber. Two mission chapels had been built in the same district, where the total outlay had been £3,645. Towards the church of St, Agnes [see p. 444] the commission contributed £2,500 and the site, besides giving £3,000 to the endowment fund. During the early weeks of 1882 a temperance movement was started in Bristol by Mr. R. T. Booth, by whom great crowds were attracted to Colston Hall. The public were invited to assume " the blue ribbon," which Mr. Booth had selected as the badge of total abstinence, and 36,000 persons 518 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1882. followed the example of Mr. Morley, M.P., in accepting this decoration, 21,000 of the recipients being, it was said, con- verts to teetotalism. The agitation materially affected the consumption of liquor in the city, and some publicans and beershop-keepers withdrew from the business. In the parliamentary session of 1882 the Incorporation of the Poor promoted a Bill, the chief object of which was to secure the abolition of the Harbour rate imposed on the " ancient city" by the Dock Act of 1803 [see p. 14]. The charge of £2,400 per annum had at the outset involved the imposition of a rate of sixpence in the pound. Through the increased rateable value of the city, the burden had fallen to one-third of its original amount, but the guardians had long regarded as a grievance the immunity enjoyed by the sub- urban parishes, and now sought to include them within the rateable area. The Bill was opposed by the Corporation on the ground that property in the ancient parishes was largely enhanced in value by the construction of the Float. It was also contended that the rate was the result of what was con- sidered, in 1803, a fair agreement between the city parishes and the dock promoters, and that it would be unjust to alter its incidence in the interest of one party only. The House of Lords approved of these arguments by rejecting that portion of the Bill. The remaining clauses received the royal assent. St. Saviour's Church, Woolcott Park (which had been preceded by an iron construction removed from Tyndall's Park in 1875), was consecrated on the 30th May. The build- ing cost upwards of £4,000. For some time previous to this date, the members of the Bedminster board of guardians who represented rural parishes had repeatedly urged that the urban district of the union, whore pauperism was always prevalent, should be separated from the country districts. Arguments of a like character had occasionally been advanced at the Bristol board, some members contending that the city ought to form a single union instead of being divided into three ; but as the change would have involved the abolition of the Incor- poration of the Poor and of the system of churchwarden guardians, it had been always deprecated by a majority. In consequence of the complaints of the Somerset guardians, the Local Government Board sent down an official inspector, who opened an inquiry at St. Peter's Hospital on the 19th June. Tlie Barton Bcgis gunrdinns being, most of them, opposed to an amalgamated hoard, refused to take part in the j)roceed- ings, which extended over two days, and elicited wide 1882.] GIFT OF A PARK. NEW PLEASURE GROUNDS. 519 differences of opinion. In tlie following January another inquiry took place in the same building, the Board in London having in the meantime approved of the principle of a union conterminous with the municipal borough. The Council had discussed the subject previous to the inquiry, and had deter- mined, though only by 25 votes against 23, that the proposal was inopportune. A similar diversity of views was manifested amongst those who attended the renewed investigation. In April a committee of the Bristol guardians, believing a con- solidated union to be inevitable, drew up a scheme to carry it into effect, under which the churchwarden guardians were to be abolished. The plan was rejected by their colleagues. After lengthy deliberation, the Local Government Board an- nounced in September, 1883, that " it was not prepared at the present time to proceed further in the matter." At a meeting of the Council on the 15th June, the Sanitary Committee reported that, with a view to providing open spaces for public recreation, they had inspected a piece of land near Clift House, Bedminster, the property of Sir J. Greville Smyth, having an area of rather more than twenty-one acres; and they recommended that it should be purchased for a pub- lic park. The report having been adopted, the chairman of the committee, Mr. Low, read a letter from Sir J. G. Smyth's agent, stating that the owner of the land, having read the committee's report in the newspapers, would have great plea- sure in presenting the ground to the city for the purpose of forming a pleasure ground, but expressed a hope that a por- tion would be reserved for the Bedminster Cricket Club. A vote of thanks to Sir Greville for his gift was passed by acclamation. In September, 1884, after the ground had become legally vested in the Corporation, a sum of £3,000 was voted by the Council for works to protect the park from inundations, to which it was liable in winter, and for en- trance gates, etc. At the same meeting £1,500 were granted for laying out two pieces of ground near Newfoundland Road — for which the Corporation had given £2,358 to the feoffees of St. James's parish — one piece to be asphalted as a play- ground for children, and the other planted as a pleasure ground. A plot of land near Baptist Mills, adjoining Mina Eoad and Cowmead Walk, having been offered as a recreation ground by Mr. WiUiam Hunt, the Council voted £1,480 for laying it out. Another plot, left after making a new street from the Broadweir to Redcross Street, and valued at £2,700, was devoted to a similar purpose. For these iinprovements, and for alterations at Lovers' Walk and the Tabernacle bury- 520 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1882, ing ground, referred to elsewhere, the Council proposed to borrow £12,100 on mortgage of the rates; but the Local Government Board, being aware that the Eedcross Street ground already belonged to the Streets Improvement Com- mittee, reduced the amount to £9,400. In April, 1886, the Council resolved to purchase, for £1,800, two acres of ground belonging to the vestry of St. Mary Redcliff, for the purpose of adding the land to the Bedminster park. The price de- manded was deemed extravagant by many ratepayers, and the Council soon afterwards rescinded the resolution. The Mina Road and Broadweir recreation grounds were opened by the mayor (Mr. Wathen) on the 30th June, 1886. In January, 1887, the Council resolved to purchase, for £450, a quarter of an acre of ground in St. Philip's Marsh, to be converted into a playground, and it was reported that negotiations were pending for the acquisition of plots of land, for a similar pur- pose, in the eastern district of Bedminster and at Barton Hill, On the 10th July a meeting was held in the Council House to receive a deputation from the Royal College of Music, who attended to urge the claims of the institution on the cultivated classes. The mayor (Mr, Weston) presided. The deputation having advocated the interests of the college, it was resolved to raise £3,000, the amount required to found a Bristol scholar- ship. About £350 were subscribed in the room, but the move- ment met with slender support out of doors. The sheriff of the city (Mr, W. E. George) having had an addition to his family during his term of office, was presented in August by the committee of the Grateful Society, of which ho was then president, with an elegant piece of plate in the form of a silver cradle, as a memorial of the double functions which he had fulfilled during the year. The presentation was made by the mayor (Mr. Weston). Owing to unusually heavy rains during the month of Octo- ber, which attained their maximum on the 22nd and 23rd, when u})wards of tlireo inches of rainfall were measured within forty-eight hours, a large area of country around Bristol was deeply flooded, and much property was de- stroyed. Ilio damage in the city was still more serious, tliousands of houses being flooded at and near ]3aptist Mills, Stapleton Road, and Bedminster. On the evening of the 23rd a portion of Stapleton Road was about four feet under water, and as the Froom continued to rise during the niglit, the district near its l)anks ])rescnted an extraordinary aspect on the following morning, when traffic was entirely stopped. At the Black Swan Inn, Stapleton Road, the water mounted 1882.] DISASTROUS FLOODS. 521 nearly to the signboard over the door of the premises. The only means of communicating with a great number of houses in the locality was by means of rafts and boats, by which pro- visions and necessaries were supplied to many of the impri- soned inhabitants. In the afternoon, the accumulated waters spread in an immense lake along Newfoundland Road and Newfoundland Street to Paul Street, Portland Square. All the low-lying streets in that district were submerged several feet. When the flood receded on the following day, a de- plorable sight was presented in the neighbouring dwellings, the basement floors of which were thickly covered with mud. The disaster was attended with fatal results to a young baker, named Foot, who, while delivering bread in a cart in Mina Road, was swept away by the torrent, both man and horse being drowned. A brewer's dray was carried off near the same place, but the driver escaped. Two houses in that road were undermined by the water, and fell into ruins ; but the inhabitants, about twenty in number, warned by some pre- monitory Grumblings, had escaped on rafts. Some idea of the extent of the calamity may be formed from the fact that in the single district of St, Agnes 372 houses, inhabited by twice that number of families, suffered from the inundation, the furniture of many of the inmates being irreparably dam- aged. The low-lying districts of Bedminster were devastated in a similar manner. In Hereford Street, the flood was nearly eight feet in depth, and the dwellings in many other thorough- fares were submerged fully three feet. Altogether upwards of a thousand houses suffered in that locality, the effects being quite as deplorable as those recorded in the eastern suburbs. The clergy and other citizens made devoted eff'orts on behalf of the poor who were practically ruined by the disaster, and a large fund was raised; but many of the families nevertheless suffered from sickness during the win- ter owing to the soaked condition of their dwellings. Several houses became totally unfit for habitation, and their ruins still remain as memorials of the flood. At a meeting of the Council, in May, 1883, the town clerk stated that he had been served with 194 notices of claims for compensation for damages, by persons owning property in the Froom district, who alleged that the disaster was mainly due to the negli- gence of the authorities. The claims amounted to £44,890, but no attempt was made to prosecute them. It was notorious, indeed, that many of the houses ravaged by the flood had been erected by unscrupulous speculators on land which was more or less under water every winter. The Council, on the 522 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1883. 28tli September, 1886, with a view to mitigating the effects of future inundations, resolved to apply for parliamentary powers to construct a culvert from the Froom, near the Broadweir, to the Floating Harbour, near St. Philip's Bridge. The outlay was estimated at £13,000, but the Bill, as finally approved, sought for power to expend £52,500. The scheme was sanc- tioned by a practically unanimous vote of the ratepayers. At a meeting of the Council on the 28th October, 1882, a report was read from the Sanitary Committee, explaining the provisions of the new Electric Lighting Act, and stating that ten companies had given notice of their intention to apply for powers to supply the new illuminating agent in the city. The Council was recommended to defeat attempts to create a pri- vate monopoly by claiming its right to put in operation the provisions of the Act. Application was accordingly made for a legislative order authorising the Council to supply elec- tricity within the borough. The order, which was granted in the session of 1883, required the Council to light the main thoroughfares within two years. Motives of economy de- terred the authorities from exercising the powers. Much local interest was created in 1883 by the introduc- tion into Parliament of a Bill for authorising the construction of a railway to connect the London and South Western line, near Andover, with the North Somerset line at Radstock, and thus to open out a new communication between Bristol and London. The capital of the proposed company was £1,866,000. The contemplated works in Bristol were of a gigantic character, the projected line being intended to run through a dense mass of property between St. Philip's Marsh and the Stone Bridge, while a site for the city terminus was to be obtained by covering over the Float from the Stone Bridge to the Drawbridge. The scheme met an amount of approval rarely accorded to local plans of improvement, the provisional committee formed for promoting the Bill com- prising a majority of the Council and of the leading mer- cantile firms, while the Merchants' Society made a liberal grant towards the expenses ; the Chamber of Commerce forwarded petitions in favour of the scheme, and meetings in its support were held in every ward. In fact, as was observed at the time, Bristolians presented the rare spectacle of being unanimous. The public satisfaction was visibly diminished by an announcement that the proposed station was to be indofiuitoly postponofl. The junction with the North Somor- Rct lino was also abandoned through the opposition of the ^Midland Company, and the promoters had to fall back upon 1883.] TABERNACLE BURIAL GROUND.' 520 a proposed railway to join the Midland system at Bath, thus diverting Bristol traflSc by way of Mangotsfield. After a long struggle with the Great Western Company before a com- mittee of the House of Commons, the Bill Avas rejected. Shortly afterwards the Great Western and South Western boards entered into a compact, by which they mutually undertook to refrain for ten years from an aggressive policy towards each other. The agreement raised an insuperable bar against the revival of the above scheme. Some years before this date, the Corporation, in obtaining powers for the construction of new streets, had " scheduled " a portion of the Redcross Street burial ground belonging to the Tabernacle congregation, with the intention of opening a thoroughfare from Redcross Street to the Weir. Negotia- tions for the purchase of the ground had subsequently taken place ; but as the trustees insisted that the human remains should be removed to another cemetery, while the civic authorities believed that they could not legally spend money for that purpose, the matter remained in abeyance. About four o'clock one morning in June, 1883, however, a number of labourers, employed by no one knew whom, broke down the wall of the cemetery, fenced off a portion for the proposed road, and began to dig and cart away the mould, which was largely mingled with the relics of the dead, the tombstones being, it was said, buried. As soon as these proceedings became known, the trustees lost no time in applying for, and obtaining, an injunction from the High Court, restraining the Corporation from further proceedings until the case had been judicially heard. At a special meeting of the Council, a few days later, some members of the Streets Improvement Com- mittee defended the measures that had been taken ; but a resolution was adopted regretting the course pursued, and directing operations to be suspended until an arrangement was effected. The Corporation eventually purchased the cemetery for £300, and paid £187 for removing the remains. The portion not required for the street was laid out as an ornamental garden at a further cost of £600. The Council had also to defray the legal expenses arising out of the affair, which had excited great disapproval. Much discussion arose during the spring in reference to the announced intention of the Docks Committee, which had pur- chased a property known as Green's dock, St. Augustine's, to close that place, in consequence of the expense incurred in maintaining a bridge which crossed the entrance. The Council, at a meeting in June, approved of the committee's / 524 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1883. decision, and resolved on purchasing, for £10,000, another property known as the Albert dock, which it was stated could be converted into a graving dock capable of accommo- dating the largest class of vessels entering the Float. In response to an appeal made to the Government by the civic authorities, an Order in Council was issued in July, by which the practice in the Bristol Tolzey and Piepoudre courts was reorganised and amended, portions of 1 and 2 William IV., c. 58, and of the Common Law Procedure Act, 1860, relating to interpleader summonses, being applied to the ancient institutions. The dilapidated old building known as Dr. White's alms- house, in Temple Street, was removed during the summer by order of the trustees, and a block of dwellings was constructed on the site for the accommodation of 32 inmates. The cost of the new buildings, which were opened by the mayor (Mr. Weston), on the 22nd December, was £3,250. At a meeting of the Council in October, a number of minor improvement schemes, recommended by the Streets Improve- ment Committee, and estimated to cost about £50,000, were approved. They included alterations in Hotwell Road, near Dowry Square ; at Blackboy Hill and Ellenborough Buildings, Redland; Highbury Place, Gotham; St. Michael's Park; Rupert Street ; Lewin's Mead ; Lower Maudlin Street ; Rich- mond Road, Montpelier ; East Street to Church Lane, Bed- minster; Redclilf Mead Lane ; Redcliff Street; Thunderbolt Street ; and Leek Lane. Two schemes affecting Clifton were rejected, but a strong feeling was excited out of doors in reference to one of them — for opening a thoroughfare from Pembroke Road to Worcester Terrace — which was obnoxious to some members of the Council living in the vicinity. Public opinion was so strongly manifested that the original vote was reversed. The schemes received legislative sanction in the following year, but some of them still remain unexecuted. About this time an interesting panel-fronted house in King Street, built by John Romsey, town clerk, in 166 t, was de- molished without any apparent reason. The site still remains unoccupied. It was in tliis house that Judge Jeffreys was entertained by Romsey, who furnished him with the facts on which he founded his famous invective against the mayor and aldermen for "kidnapping," The Prince of Wales arrivo(l in Bristol on the 28th January, 1884, on a visit to Sir Philij) and Lady Miles, at Leigh Court. In accordance with his desire there was no public reception. On the evening of the following day, the Prince attended a 1884.] HOESE PARADE. THE PRICE OP GAS. 525 concert in Colston Hall, given by liis liosts in aid of the funds of the Infirmary and Hospital. The attendance was much below expectations,but£110 were handed over to the charities. The Prince left for London on the 31st. At a meeting of the Council in February, the Docks Com- mittee presented a report disapproving of a proposal for the construction of graving docks, which it was stated would involve an outlay of £60,000 ; while the construction of a grid- iron, at a small fraction of that expense, would adequately supply the wants of the shipping interest. It was accord- ingly determined to construct a gridiron near Cumberland Basin, at an estimated cost of £6,000. A floating fire-engine was also ordered at an outlay of £2,500. The gridiron was completed in April, 1885. The Whitsuntide of 1884 was fixed for the first parade of draught horses employed in the city, an experiment pro- moted by several influential residents. About 600 animals were brought together at the cattle market, and passed in procession through the principal streets to Clifton Down, where prizes were awarded. The exhibition met with so much approval that it was repeated a twelvemonth later, when nearly 750 horses (valued at over £40,000) entered into the competition, and a dinner was subsequently given to about 600 carters. In 1886 the number of horses exhibited was 775. The show has now become a local institution. . At the quarter sessions in July, the Corporation, acting as ^ the local Sanitary Authority, and Mr. T. D. Sibly, a rate- payer, applied to the recorder to put in force the provisions of a clause in the Gasworks Act of 1847, by which the court was enabled, on the petition of two ratepayers, to appoint an accountant to examine into the accounts of the Gas Company, with a view to discover whether their financial condition did not admit of a reduction in the price of gas. The directors of the Gas Company contended that the Sani- tary Authority, although immeasurably their largest cus- tomer, was not a ratepayer within the meaning of the Act ; but the recorder at once made the order, and Mr. E. H. Carter, of Birmingham, was appointed as accountant. Mr. Carter presented his report early in the following year. He stated that in 1880 the company had applied upwards of £6,000 out of their reserve to erecting works, instead of charging the amount to capital. A somewhat similar error, and for about the same amount, was committed in 1875. The company had further maintained a contingency as well as a reserve fund, which they were not entitled to do, and the 526 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [188 1. aggregate of these funds was about £9,200 above tbe legal maximum. Mr. Carter thought that the working expenses might be considerably reduced. He was also of opinion that the meter rents were excessive. The company had made a reduction in the price of gas since his appointment, and the state of the accounts did not warrant another. The capital account stood after his correction at £721,000. The company were ordered to pay the cost of the inquiry. A new hall, attached to the premises of the Young Men's Christian Association in St. James's Square, was opened at the end of June. The building had cost about £4,000, the whole of which was provided by the friends of the institution. A prospectus was issued in August of the Bristol Joint Stock Bank. The company commenced business in Corn Street in the following December. An Industrial and Fine Arts Exhibition for Bristol and the adjoining counties — on a scale never before attempted in the city — was opened on the 2nd September in the Eifle Drill Hall. On the platform were the mayor (Mr. Weston), the Bishop of Bath and Wells, several members of Parliament, and the mayors of Gloucester, Bath, Wells, Taunton, Yeovil, Chard, Tewkesbury, and Glastonbury. In addition to the ac- commodation afforded by the Drill Hall and its appurtenances, the committee had erected extensive temporary buildings for the exhibition of machinery, working models, and manufac- tured products, the result being a satisfactory representation of the industries of the district. A valuable collection of works of art was an attractive feature of the affair, which was admirably organised throughout. Shortly after the close of the exhibition, at the end of November, it was announced that the admissions had reached 210,000, and that although the expenses had amounted to £7,889, there was a surplus of £1,520. The money was handed over to Bristol University College, for whose benefit the exhibition had been promoted. In anticipation of the Redistribution of Seats Bill, intro- duced into Parliament in 1885, Mr. Gladstone's Ministry pre- pared plans for the extension of the parliamentary lionndaries of the city by the abstraction from Gloucestershire of the local government district of Horfield and of the parishes of Staple- ton and St. George, and by the appropriation from Somerset of the Knowle and Totterdown districts of the old ]iarish of Bed minster. The representatives of the city were increased by the Bill from two to four, but the electors, instead of voting for the whole number according to ancient custom, were dividiMl into four constituencies, named after the cardinal 1885.] NEW PARLIAMENTARY DIVISIONS. 527 points, and having- one member each. At a court of inquiry held at the Gruildhall, on the 15th January, 1885, before Mr. J. J. Henley and General P. Carey, R.E., boundary commis- sioners, an application was made on behalf of the Council for the inclusion within the borough of the Sneyd Park district of Westbury parish; but this was energetically opposed by the inhabitants and disapproved by the commissioners. The following arrangement — which had the assent of the local leaders of both political parties — was approved. Western Division. Population, 60,874 ; comprising the municipal wards of Clifton (22,915), Westbury (13,324), St. Michael (10,712), and St. Augustine (9,147), and the local district of Horfield (4,766). Northern Division. Population, 64,713 ; comprising the mu- nicipal wards of the District (19,114), St. Paul (15,083), and St. James (8,420), so much of the ward of St. Philip North as is bounded by Wade Street on the west and Stapleton Road on the south (11,263), and the parish of Stapleton (10,833). Eastern Division. Population, 61,986; comprising so much of the ward of St. Philip North as is bounded by Wade Street on the east and Stapleton Road on the north (13,202), the municipal ward of St. Philip South (22,351), and the parish of St. George (26,433). Southern Division. Population, 65,633 ; including the municipal wards of Bristol (10,022), Redcliff (17,274), Bed- minster East (13,014), and Bedminster West (20,737), and so much of the Somerset portion of Bedminster parish as extends from the municipal boundary to Redcatch and Knowle lanes (4,306). These divisions were subsequently embodied in the Redis- tribution Bill, which was passed in the following session. A steam vessel, called the Bulldog, designed for river im- provement purposes by Mr. J. W. Girdlestone, recently ap- pointed engineer to the Docks Committee, was brought into use in March, 1885. Amongst the apparatus belonging to the boat was a centrifugal pumping engine, capable of raising 6,000 gallons per minute from a depth of 30 feet, or 10,000 gallons per minute from a depth of 10 feet; a crane lifting 5 tons; a large dredger bucket, and an electric dynamo machine, generating a light of 6,000 candle power. A public room, styled St. James's Hall, erected in Cumber- land Street by the Bristol Public Hall Company, and capable of seating an audience of 1,200, was opened in April. A meeting was held in the Council House on the 1st June, the mayor (Mr. Wathen) presiding, to consider the desira- 628 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [1885. bility of raising a memorial to Mr. Frederick John Fargus, a Bristolian whose premature death, on the 7th May, at the outset of what promised to be a brilliant literary career, had caused wide-spread regret. It was determined to erect a tablet and bust in the cathedral, and to found a literary scholarship at University College. Upwards of £750 were subscribed on behalf of those objects. The monument in the cathedral, executed by Mr. J. Havard Thomas, was erected in March, 1886. On the evening of the first Sunday in June, a band of forty musicians, engaged by " a number of gentlemen interested in the welfare of the working classes," assembled on Durdham Down, and played a selection of pieces from the works of Handel and other eminent masters. There was a large at- tendance, and the newspapers estimated the numbers present on subsequent fine evenings at upwards of twenty thousand. The concerts excited great indignation in certain circles ; and upon the supporters of the movement announcing that they would be continued throughout the summer, the Council passed a resolution declaring Sunday bands inexpedient, and instructing the town clerk to request their patrons to discon- tinue them. The promoters having declined to acquiesce, a special mooting of the Council was convened by their oppo- nents, who intended to have a bye-law enacted, expressly prohibiting Sunday bands. On second thoughts, however, the leader of the anti-band party contented himself with moving an instruction to the Downs Committee to draft bye- laws for the regulation of the public property. By this time the action of the promoters of the concerts had been defended by Canon Percival and other clergymen; and, as the Downs Committee took no action, the programme of the band com- mittee was successfully carried out. The performances were revived in tho summer of 188G, when the attendances of the public were greater than ever. But the expectation of the promoters that the sale of programmes would go far to meet the expenses was disappointed, the public purchasing a very limited number. After tho experiment had been continued for about two months, tho committee found their funds ex- hausted, and discontinued their efforts. Tho advisability of giving a more permanent character to the composition of tho liartou Regis board of guardians hav- ing conuuonded itself to many of tho members, it was resolved to take a vote of tho ratepayers in June, upon the question whether future elections should be annual or triennial. A majority declared in favour of the triennial system, and the 1885.] Phillips's charity, dock improvements. 529 alteration was approved by tlio Local Governmont Board. The first election under the new regulation took place in April, 188G. Shortly after the death, on the 29th April, 1885, o£ Mr. Edward Pliillips, who, previous to his retirement from busi- ness, had been a wine merchant in Broad Street, the Charity Trustees were informed that they had a large reversionary interest in his will. Mr. Phillips devised his personal estate, subject to the payment of certain legacies, and of a life annuity to his wife, to the trustees, ''for the relief of deserv- ing needy persons, either by gifts, apprenticing boys and girls to learn trades, or by granting annuities to widows, or for such other charitable purposes as may be consistent with the above directions." A sum of about £4,600 was received from the testator's solicitors, with an intimation that about £24,000 more would be available upon the death of Mrs. Phillips. The interest of the sum in hand is dispensed by the trustees in pensions to aged gentlewomen of good education, born in Bristol, or resident in the city for at least ten years. At a meeting of the Council in July, a report was presented by the Docks Committee, urging the necessity of taking fur- ther measures for improving the accommodation of the port. One of the most pressing requirements, it was alleged, was the provision of facilities for the shipment of steam coal. The committee were of opinion that existing wants might be sup- plied by the erection of coal '•' tips " at Avonmoutli, at an outlay of £60,000. They further recommended the construc- tion of a new entrance lock to Avonmouth dock (estimated at £20,000), and of a new graving dock there (£45,000), the con- struction of a deep-water whai'f at Canon's Marsh, on the site of Liverpool wharf, with storage accommodation on the city quays (£85,000), the reconstruction of buildings at Avon- mouth to the extent of £100,000, and the purchase of a power- ful dredger at an outlay of alDOut £30,000; the total estimated expenditure being £340,000. The chairman, Mr. Low, in moving the adoption of this report, which would have taken away the breath of any previous generation of civic senators, congratulated his hearers upon the results of their recent dock policy. Future prospects, he added, had been improved by the starting of a fortnightly service of large steamers from the Avon to Montreal. There was practically no opposition to the motion. The meeting of the ratepayers to consider the Bill for obtaining the necessary powers sanctioned the scheme by a unanimous vote, and the measure received the royal assent on the 25th June, 1886. M M 530 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. [1885. The inclusion of the Trades School in the scheme for the future management of Colston's School has been already re- corded [see p. 453] . On the 25th July, the former institu- tion, under the name of the Merchant Venturers' School, was installed in a vast pile of buildings in Unity Street (on the site of the old Grammar School), erected and fitted up by the Merchants' Society at a cost of upwards of £40,000.'^ Amongst those who took part in the ceremony were the bishop of the diocese. Sir Frederick Bramwell, C.E., and Mr. S. Morley, M.P. The visitors, after inspecting the great hall, the engineering workshops, library, laboratories, lecture rooms, class rooms, etc., were entertained to a luncheon, provided by the master of the Company (Alderman Butterworth). The death was announced on the 29th August of Mr. Elisha Smith Robinson, for many years an active member of the Council and of the Corporation of the Poor. Entering the city in humble circumstances, he succeeded by energy and skill in founding a highly prosperous business, whilst by his public spirit he won the approval of his fellow citizens, and filled the highest offices they could bestow with general satis- faction. His funeral was attended by the mayor, the mem- bers of the Council, and representatives of many religious and charitable institutions, the procession comprising upwards of fifty private carriages. A bust of Mr. Robinson was shortly afterwards placed in Colston Hall. The dissolution of Parliament, consequent upon the conces- sion of household suffrage to counties and a redistribution of seats, took place in November. The event having been long foreseen, both political parties were prepared for the struggle, and much curiosity was felt as to the result. Owing to the extension of the parliamentary borough, and to the in- creased facilities given to persons claiming the lodger fran- chise, the constituency had largely increased, the total number of electors being 30,549, of whom 33,233 were householders^ 1,930 freeholders, 939 lodgers, and 447 freemen. The nomin- • The profuse liberality of the Society was reparded with mingled feehngs by many friends of education. Dr. Beddoe, F.R.S., in a letter published in the local journals in July, 1881, wrote: " It is the curse of Bristol and of Bristolians that, instead of helping on and devolojtiiiK whatever tlicy possess that is good and capable! of iiiij)ri>vemcnt, they think jirnuress consists in the starting of several institutions 'Thus, wliib^ wo have a (iramniar School and a University College, both ailniirably f)niccr('d, and doinjj groat good, but sadly hindered and hampered by want of funds, we see a gigantic Trade Sc^hool arising to be a rival to them both. The result will be that all the three will bo crippled in tlu'ir use- fulness for years ; whereas half the money that is being expended on the new Trade Hohool would have placed the success of the University College beyond question." 1886.] GENERAL ELECTION. SEWERAGE SCHEME. 531 ations took place on tlio 23rd and tlio pollinj^ on the 25tli November. It will bo convenient to record the issue under separate heads : — In Bristol West (with 7,657 electors) the Conservatives nominated Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, bart., then Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Liberal nominee was Mr. Brinsley de Coucy Nixon, of Westward Ho, Devon, banker. The poll was declared as follows: Sir M. H. Beach, 8,876; Mr. Nixon, 2,463. In Bristol North (9,002 electors) the Liberals brought for- ward Mr, Lewis Fry, one of the former members for the city (his colleague, Mr. Morley, retired into private life). The Conservative candidate was Mr. Charles Edward H. A. Colston, of Roundway, Wilts. The numbers polled in this division were: Mr. Fry, 4,110 ; Mr. Colston, 3,046. Bristol East (9,506 electors). Mr. James Broad Bissell, of Diptford, Devon, was the Conservative aspirant, and was opposed in the Liberal interest by Mr. Handel Cossham, of St. Greorge's and Bath, an extensive colliery owner in the district. The deputy sheriff's declaration was as follows : Mr. Cossham, 4,647 ; Mr. Bissell, 2,383. Bristol South (10,384 electors). This was the most exciting conflict of the day. The Liberals brought forward Mr. Joseph Dodge Weston, of Clifton, who had served the ofiice of mayor for four successive years, and had gained universal applause for his solution of the docks difficulty. The Conservatives nominated Lieut.-Colonel Hill, C.B., of Cardiff and Bristol, shipowner. The polling resulted as follows : Mr. Weston, 4,217; Lieut.-Col. Hill, 4,121. The total poll for the city credited the Liberals with 15,437, and the Conservatives with 13,426 votes. The poll- ing booths, under the new law, remained open until eight o'clock in the evening. Although immense crowds thronged the streets until after midnight, awaiting the declarations, the proceedings passed off with perfect tranquillity. The Council applied for parliamentary powers during the session of 1886 for the erection of a bridge from St. Philip's Marsh to Totterdown. The estimated cost of the structure was originally stated at £12,870, but it was subsequently deemed advisable to acquire additional ground at a further cost of £8,000, an expectation being held out that a re-sale of the surplus plots for building purposes would more than cover the extra outlay. The Act received the royal assent in April ; and the Council, on the 1st June, authorised the Streets Improvement Committee to carry its provisions into effect. It has been already recorded [see p. 496] that Mr. Ash- 532 THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL. [188G. mead, the city engineer, prepared a plan in 1879 for carrying- the sewage of Bristol to the Channel, at a cost of £280,000, His proposal was referred to Sir Joseph Bazalgette, who, in January, 1886, reported favourably upon the project, but estimated the expenditure at £300,000. Sir Joseph was of opinion that the Avorks might be deferred for several years, provided the sewer outlets Avere removed beyond the city boundaries, the locality indicated being Sea Mills, and the cost £85,000. At a meeting of the Council in May, it was resolved, by a majority of 24 to 20, that it was inexpedient at that time to proceed further in the matter. In March, the Princess Beatrice was presented with an elaborately carved marriage chest and an embroidered cover- let by " the women of Bristol," in testimony of their affec- tionate interest in her recent marriage. The chest, which was chiefly made from ancient oak taken from Redclilf Church, was richly carved by Mr. C. Trapnell, the lid having a repre- sentation of Queen Elizabeth's visit to Bristol, while the front • displayed Henry VII. presenting his sword to the mayor on confirming the city charters. The Princess expressed much admiration of the gift in acknowledging its reception. An elaborately decorated suite of offices in Queen Square, erected for the use of the staff of the Bristol Docks, was opened on the 10th May. The cost of the site and buildings was £9,200, but, as portions of the premises Avere let to private persons, it was stated that the rent fairly chargeable to the dock estate Avould not exceed £150 per annum. Another dissolution of Parliament took place in June, 1886^ in consequence of the defeat of Mr. Gladstone's Ministry on the question of Irish Home Rule. The Bill introduced by the Premier had caused a disruption of the Liberal party in the House of Commons, Mr. Fry being one of several mem- bers Avho AvithdreAV their support from the Cabinet. Much difference of opinion also prevailed amongst the Liberal elec- tors in all parts of the kingdom. The nominations in Bristol were made on the 1st July, and the polling took place on the following day. In Bristol West the Conservatives again nominated Sir M. Hicks-Beach, while the Liberals brouglit forward Mr. James Judd, of Upper NorAvood, Jjondon, piinter. The contest re- flultod as follows : Sir M. H. Beach, 3,819; ]\lr. Judd, 1,801. [Another election for this district took place in August, con- sequent upon the appointment of Sir M. Hicks-l^each as Secretary for Ireland, The right hon. gentleman Avas returned without opposition.] 188G.] GENERAL ELECTION. DEATH OF MK. MoKLEY. b'd-i In Bristol North, Mr. Lewis Fry again offered liimself ; and the Conservatives, instead of opposing- his re-election, lent him their support. The Liberal Association nominated Dr. Alfred Carpenter, of Croydon, London. Mr. J. D. Marshall, a labour candidate, entered the field, but AvithdrOw on the eve of the nomination. The polling was as follows : Mr. Fry, 8,587 ; Dr. Carpenter, 2,737. In Bristol East, the re-election of Mr. Handel Cossham was opposed by Mr. James Inskip, a solicitor in the city, but without success, the voting being : Mr. Cossham, 3,672 ; Mr. Inskip, 1,930. Bristol South. Mr. Weston, who had supported the Govern- ment Bill for Ireland, lost the support of several influential Liberals in this district, with the effect of reversing the decision of the previous November in favour of Lieut.-Col. Hill, the Conservative candidate. The declaration of the poll was as follows : Lieut.-Col. Hill, 4,447 ; Mr. Weston, 3,423. [The latter gentleman, on the 26th November follow- ing, received the honour of knighthood.] The total poll for the city was 25,422, or 3,441 less than on the previous occasion upon the same register. During the great Indian and Colonial Exhibition in London in the summer of this year, a local movement was started for inviting representatives of the various dependencies to pay a visit to Bristol. The invitation was accepted with much cordiality by the colonists, about 150 of whom arrived in the city on the 6th September, and were welcomed at the railway station by the mayor (Mr. Wathen), the members of the Cor- poration, and many leading citizens. The visitors inspected the chief local objects of interest, and various entertainments were provided in their honour, including a dinner at the Mansion House, luncheons by the Chamber of Commerce and Society of Merchants respectively, a concert by the Madrigal Society, and a grand ball and supper. The colonists departed on the 8th September, expressing themselves highly gratified with their hospitable reception. Mr. Samuel Morley, who had represented the city in three Parliaments, expired on the 5th September, aged 77, to the general regret of charitable and religious circles, as well as of the political party of which he was an earnest supporter. In some of the notices of his career which appeared in the newspapers, it was stated that Mr. Morley had for many years dispensed between £20,000 and £30,000 of his large income annually in the support of pious and philanthropic objects. Some months before his decease, a movement had been 534 THE ANNALS OF BKISTOL. [1883. started amongst the. Liberals of Bristol with a view to erect- ing some permanent memorial of his connection with the city. Upon his demise, a feeling was evinced by many citizens of both political parties that the work of commemorating his memory was worthy of being assumed by the inhabitants generally; and a meeting held at the Guildhall on the 1st October, the maj^or presiding, was attended by representatives of every school of religious and political opinion. Addresses were delivered by the bishop of the diocese, Mr. Fry, M.P., Mr. Cossham, M.P., the vicar of Temple, and several other gentlemen, and it was resolved to start a subscription for the purpose of securing the erection of a statue of the deceased, in testimony of his distinguished charity and public services. The commission was confided to Mr. J. Havard Thomas. The subscriptions in a few weeks exceeded £1,100. At the triennial election of aldermen in November, Mr. Charles Nash, who had represented St. Augustine's ward for thirty-five years, was raised to the aldermanic dignity. Mr. Nash was the first councillor on whom this honour had been conferred during the existence of the reformed Corporation — a period of more than half a century. A scheme for supplying the city with water from certain mines near Frampton Cotterell was noticed at page 285. Sub- sequently, a company styled the West Gloucestershire Water Company, with a capital of i! 100,000, obtained an Act ena- bling them to supply a district extending from Wotton-under- Edge to the suburbs of Bristol and Bath. The mains to Frenchay were completed in September. A meeting was held in the Guildhall on the 29th Septem- ber, the mayor (Aid. Edwards) presiding, for the purpose of considering the desirability of improving the water supply of the city. Many influential citizens took part in the proceed- ings. It was resolved that an increased supply of i)ure water was urgently required, and that such a supply could be best obtained by utilising the Severn tunnel springs [p. -IIG], which were stated to produce 11,000,000 gallons daily. It was further determined to support a Bill for this purpose pro- moted by a now undertaking styled the Bristol Consumers' Water Company, which had bound itself to transfer the works to the Corporation if required so to do ; and the Council was requested to avail itself of this provision, and also to reopen negotiations with the existing company for the purchase of its property on ecpiitable terms. At a meeting of the Council on the 7th January, 1887, a resolution a])prov- ing of the JJill, and appointing a committee to consider tho 1886.] THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE, 535 whole question in tlie interests of the Corporation, was adopted by a larg-e majority. At another meeting, on the 1st March, a report was presented by the committee, stating that the existing company had declined to negotiate for a transfer of their property whilst the Bill for the new project was pending in Parliament. With respect to the Sudbrook springs, the committee had obtained a report from an eminent analyst, who stated that he had never met with a purer water, but that for household purposes it was of an undesirable " hardness." The above estimate as to the supply was deemed correct. The Council, on the motion of Mr. Charles Townsend, adopted the report, and resolved to petition the House of Lords in favour of the Bill promoted by the Consumers' Water Company ; an amendment deprecating that step being defeated by 29 votes against 19. On the invitation of the mayor (Aid. Edwards), a meeting of influential citizens took place in the Guildhall on the 20th December, to consider what steps should be taken to com- memorate the approaching jubilee of the reign of Queen Victoria. A proposal for the erection of a statue of Her Majesty had been previously started by the mayor, who sub- scribed iilOO; and his suggestion to the meeting that this project should be carried out was generally approved. A proposition had also been made for the founding of a Mater- nity Hospital, but considerable diversity of opinion was evinced on this subject ; and eventually a committee was appointed to consider the whole question. The committee, at a meeting on February 24th, 1887, adopted a resolution recommending that subscriptions should be invited for thi-ee purposes : the erection of a statue at a cost not exceeding £2,000, the contri- bution of not less than £2,000 towards the establishment of an Imperial Institute in London, and the celebration of the jubilee in the city by public rejoicings and entertainments to the poor. These suggestions were unanimously approved at a public meeting held in the following week. 536 THE ANNALS OP BRISTOL. CATHEDRAL AND CIVIC DIGNITARIES. 1801-1887. 1797 1803 1807 1808 1820 1827 1834 1836 1856 1861 1863 BISHOPS. April, FoUiot Herbert Walker Cornwall, translated to Hereford, 1802. February, Hon. George Pelham, translated to Exeter, 1807. August, John Luxmore, translated to Hereford, 1808. September, William Lort Mansel, died June 27, 1820. July, John Kaye, translated to Lincoln, 1827. February, Robert Gray, died September 28, 1834. October, Joseph Allen, translated to Ely, 1836. October, James Henry Monk, Bishop of Gloucester, died June 6, 1856. July, Charles Baring, translated to Durham, 1861. December, William Thomson, translated to York, 1863. March, Charles John Ellicott. DEANS. 1800 February, Charles Peter Layard, died April 11, 1803. 1803 May, Bowyer Edward Sparke, appointed Bishop of Chester, 1809. 1810 February, John Parsons, appointed Bishop of Peterborough, 1813. 1814 January, Henry Beeke, died March 9, 1837. 1837 May, Thomas Musgiave, appointed Bishop of Hereford, 1837. 1837 October, John Lamb, died April 19, 1850. 1850 May, Gilbert Elliott. MAYORS AND SHERIFFS. The civic year, under the old charters, begin and ended on the 29th Septem- ber. The first election of mayors under the Municipal Reform Act took place in January, 1836, and all since that date on the 9th November. Mayors. 1800 William Gibbons . 1801 Joseph Edye 1802 Robert Castle,* David Evans 1803 David Evans 1804 Edward Protheroe 1805 Daniel Wait . 1806 Richard Vaughan, jun. 1807 Henry Bright,* Samuel Eire 1808 John Haythorne . 1809 John Hilhouse Wilcox . 1810 Philip Protheroe . IHII John Hilbouse Wilcox . 1812 Michael Castle . 1813 James Fowler 1814 William John Struth . 1815 Sir Williuni John Struth 18K) John Haytiiorne . 1H17 John Haythorne . 1818 Henry Brooke 1819 William I'ripp, jun. 1820 George Hilliouse . 1H21 Abraham Hilhouso 1h22 James (irorge 1H23 Jolm IJarrow 1H24 Tlionia.s Hasscll . 1H25 John Haythorne . 1826 Thomas Camplin . 1H27 Gabriel Goldney . 1828 John Cave . Sheriffs. Robert Castle, Sanmel Hirch. Samuel Span, Richard Vaughan, jun. John Foy Edgur, Henry Protheroe. Samuel Henderson, jun., John Haythorne. Levi Ames, jun., Philip Protheroe. William Inman, John Hilhouse Wilcox. Henry Brooke, Edward Brice, jun. Sir Henry Protheroe, John Haythorne. Benjamin Bickley, Philip George. Michael Castle, George King. William Inman, James Fowler. Edward Brice, Benj;imiu Bickley. George Hilhouse, Abraham Hilhouse. Benjamin Bickley, Philip George. William Fripji, jun., James George, jun. Benjamin Bickley, Philip George. Edward I)aniel, John Barrow. George Hilhouso, Abraliam Hilhouse. Thomas Hassell, Nicholas Roch. James George, jun., Jolin Gardiner. Tiiomas Hassell, Robert Jenkins. Nicliolas Roch, Tiiomas Camplin. (iabriid Goldney, .lolin Cave. Jiilin Savage, Cliarlcs Pinney. John Gardnier, Charlis Ludlow Walker. ( iabriel Goldney, Jolin Savage. Thomas Hassell, Daniel Stanton. Charles Payne, Henry Weuman Newman. Charles L. Walker, Thomas Hooper Riddle. Seo page 23. MAYORS AND SlIEKIl'TS. 537 Mayors. 1820 John Savage 1830 John Savage 1831 Charles Pinney 1832 Dauicl Stanton 1833 Charles Ludlow Walker 1834 Cliarles Payne Shehiffb. Hugh William Dauson, John Evans Lunell. George Protheroe, WilHam Claxton. George Bengough, Joseph Lax. Jas. Norro way Frankly n, Mich. Hinton Castle. James Tjoan, Peter Maze, jun. James N. Franklyn, William Killigrew Wait. 1836 183G 1837 1838 183i) 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1«86 January, William Fripp November, James George John Kerle Habertield . John Kerle Haberfield . James Norroway Franklyn Eobert Pliippen . George Woodroffe Frankly James Gibbs. William Lewton Clarke Richard Poole King John Kerle Habertield . William Goldney . John Decimus Pountney John Kerle Habertield . John Kerle Habertield . John Kerle Haberfield . William Henry Gore Lang llobert Giiy Barrow John George Shaw John George Shaw John Vining . John Vining. Isaac Allan Cooke James Poole Jolm Bates . Odiarne Coates Lane . John Hare . Sholto Vere Hare. Tbomas Porter Jofe William Naish Joseph Abraham . Elisha Smith Kobinsou Francis Adams Francis Adams William Killigrew Wait Thomas Canning . William Proctor Baker. William Hathway Thomas Barnes . Christopher James Thoma John Averav Jones George William Edwards George William Edwards George William Edwards Henry Taylor Josei)h Dodge Weston . Joseph Uodge Weston . Joseph Dodge Weston . Joseph Dodge Weston . Charles Wathen . Charles Wathen . George William Edwards Daniel Cave. Thomas Kington. Thomas Kington Baily. Francis Savage. Kicbard Vanghan. Hugh Vaughan. n. Thomas Jones. Jeremiah Hill. Thomas Wadham. John Harding. Thomas Hill. Abraham Gray Harford Battersby. Edward Sampson, jun. Peter Maze, jun. John Jasper Leigh Baily. Joseph Walters Daubeny. ton John Battersby Harford. llobert Bright. Phihp John William Miles. Robert Phijipen. Albany Bourchier Savile. George Oldham Edwards. J. H. G. Smyth (see p. 355). William Henry Harford. William Montague Baillie. Joshua Saunders. George Rocke Woodward. Charles Daniel Cave. William Wright. Henry Cruger William Miles. Joseph Cooke Hurle. William Henry Miles. Wilham Gale Coles. Robert Phippen (died July, 1869). Tbomas Proctor. John Fisher. William Thomas Poole King. Tbomas Todd Walton. Thomas Todd Walton. Charles Hill. George Bright. William Smith. William Henry Wills, Charles Bowles Hare. Robert Low Grant Vassall. Francis Frederick Fox. William Edwards George. John Lysaght. Henry Bourchier Osborne Savile. John Harvey. Reginald Wyndham Butterworth. Francis James Fry. ERRATA. Pap;e CI, line 4th, for " hax:44 INDEX. bounties on goods landed in city, 496 ; this policy forbidden by law courts, 498 ; arrangement effected, 499 ; the dock estates united, 500 ; effects on trade, 501 ; improvements, 529, 532. Docks, Avonmouth : pier and railway, 38(5 ; dock projected, 396-8 ; chief promoters, 400 ; completed and opened, 401 ; rivalry with city docks, 495 ; treatment of directors, 495 ; bitter struggle, 496 ; arrangement and purchase by Council, 499; dis- tribution of assets, 5Ul ; improve- ments, 529. Docks, Portishead : early projects, 221, 396 ; pier and railway, 398 ; dock projected, 399 ; promoters, 400 ; Council grants a subsidy, 400; works completed, 402 ; rivalry with city docks, 495 ; conduct of corporate directors, 497 ; bitter struggle, 496 ; arrangement and purchase by Council, 499 ; distribution of assets, Docks, Green's and Albert, 523. [ 529 Dod, John Woodwell, 487, 511. Dolphin Society, 515. [516. Draper, Sir William, liis monuments, Dredger, powerful, 529. Drill Hall, Rifles', 390, 437. Drinking customs, 4, 30, 78, 85, 87, 92 ; decline of, 450. Drinking fountains, 365, 469. Droughts, great, 283, ib., 410. Duels, 31, 32, 34, 236; intended, 145, 213, 294, 324. [386. Dunball island, 361 ; disappearance of, Dundas, Charles A. Whitley, 413. Durdham Down : pugilism on, 97 ; races, 127 ; cavern, 265 ; reservoir, 282 ; encroachments, 317 ; pur- chased by city, 318 ; roads, 319 ; quarries, 412. Eagles, Rev. John, 78, 87, 176. Eales, Charles Thomas, 425. Early Closing Association, 288. Earthcott, Gaunt's, estate, 216. East India trade, opening of, 50. Eaton, Joseph, 145. [482. Ecclesiastical Court, local, 245, 269, Eden, Sir Fred. M., 18 ; Rev. Jolm, 140. Edgar, Jolin Foy, 26. Edgcworth, Rev. Francis, 163, 199. Education, low state of, 4, 230, 350, 455. Edwards, George Oldham, 423; George William, 479, 493; W. H., 423. Election, Municipal, first, 210. Elections, cost of, 52, 13H, lUi ; litera- turn of, 'i56 ; action of vestries at, 196, 266. Elections, Parliamentary (1801), 8 (1802), 18; (1806), 30; (1812), 50 (ib.), 51; (18181, 82; (1820), 87 (1826), 116; (1830), 137; (1831) 142 ; (1832), 185 ; (1835), 203 (1837), 239; (1841), 256; (1847) 303; (1852), 331; (1857), 352 (1859), 368; (1865), 421; (1868) 440; (do.), 442; (1870), 449; (do.) 450; (1874), |477; (1878), 506 ; (1880) 509; (1885), 530 ; (1886|, 532. Elections, petitions against, (1812), 52 ; (1818), 82; (1830), 138; (1832), 186; (1837), 239; (1868|,440; (1870), 449. Electric light, the, 405, 512, 522. Electric telegraphs, 325, 392, 448. Ellicott, Bishop, 340,404. 459,482, 516. Elliott, Dean, 429, 489, 515. Endowed Schools Commission, 450. Fair, St. James's, 187, 242. Fairfax Street, 353. Famine, 6, 42, 73 note ; Irish, 303. Fargus, Frederick John, 528. Ferney Close, 383. Fine Arts Academy, 286. Finzel, Courad William, 223, 435 ; re- finery, 436. Fire offices, local, 81; fire reels, 372 ; brigade,484,493; floating engine, 525. Fires: Old Mill, Hotwells, 184; Old Castle Inn, 274 ; Cider House Pas- sage, 366 ; Canynges' house, 514 ; Christmas Street, 491 ; Fuidge's sugar house, 368 ; St. George's church, 506 ; Leigh church, 305 ; music hall, 458 ; St. Paul's church, 337. Fish, bounty for, 6 ; tolls on* 195. Fisher, Robert Alexander, 303. Fishponds, racreation ground at, 479 ; college, 311. Fitch, Joshua Girling, 450. Floating Harbour, sec Docks ; frozen over, 42, 59 ; sewage in, 78, 117, 312 ; tight rope feat, 258; explosion in, 319. Floods, great, 33, 488, 520. Flour and Bread Concern, 8. Flys established, 115. Ford, James, 38S, 390, 397, 400, 431. Foresters' Hall, 458. Forlorn Ilojie estate, 355. Formidithle training ship, 444. Fortifications of Severn, 391. " Four Hundred," the, 506. Fowler, James, 61. Fox, Francis Frederick, 312, 499. Freemasons' halls, 70, 421). Freemen : lines on admission, 38 ; number of, 1H5, 530. Freemen, honorary : George, Prince of INDEX. 545 Wales, Duke of Suffolk, and Duke of Gloucester, 31 ; Duke of Cumber- land, 22; George Canninf,', 111; Earl of Eldon, 129; Sir Francis Freeling, 124 ; Lord Grenville, 35 ; Earl of Liverpool, 111; Duke of Wellington, G9. Free Port Association, 298, 301 ; holi- day, 301. Fremantle, Sir Thos. F., 249 ; Thos. F., 421. French chapel, 113. [139. French prisoners, 22, 31 ; prison sold, Fripp, William, 82, 119, 207, 213, 234, 239, 256, 304, 331 ; Edward Bowles, 244; Charles Bowles, 230, 334; Samuel Charles, 422. [522. Froom, river, 291, 313, 353, 488, 520, Frosts, great, 42, 59. Fry, Sir Edward (Lord Justice), 141 ; Lewis, 400, 455, 494, 506, 509, 531-3; Francis, 423 ; Richd., 397, 400, 423. Fuidge, Richard, 400, 432. Gallows Acre Lane, 84, 428. Gallows Field, 134. Gaol, horrors of old, 65-7 ; new, 67, 468. Gardens, public, 423. Gardiner, Allen, 341. Garrard, Thomas, 80, 102, 348. Gas introduced, 42 ; history of com- pany, 43, 467; Oil Gas Co., 44; price of, 525. Gateways, St. John's, 24 ; Temple, 32 ; Abbey, 516. Gauge of railways, 191, 246. Gay, George, 204. Geographical phenomenon, 386. Geological discoveries, 249, 265. George IIL, 25, and Bristol elections, 29 ; Jubilee, 34 ; statue of, 35. George IV. proclaimed, 87 ; corona- tion, 91. George, James, 108 ; Christopher, 212; William Edwards, 520. Georg -'s, St., chapel, 254 ; church, 506 ; road, 352 ; tramway, 464 ; included in borough, 526. Ghost, Blomberg's, 93 ; at Long Ash- ton, 100. Gibbs, Antony, 493, 517 ; James, 332 ; Sir Vicary, 39, 54, 80. Gifford, Lord, 81, 118, 136. Gipsij steamer stranded, 478. Girdiestone, Canon, 342, 355, 429, 515. Gist, Samuel, his charity, 61. Gladstone, Wra. Ewart, 493. Gloucester, 393, 510. Gloucestershire, land added to, 386. Goldney, Samuel, 168. Goodenough, Dr. John Joseph, 47, 508. Goodere murder, the, 409. Goodeve, Henry Hurry, 344, 399. Goodhind estate, 436. Gore, Lieut. -Col. William, 21, 60, 61. Government oflices, patronage of, 256, 294. [378. Grace, E. M. and W. G., 377 ; G. F, Grammar School, perversion of, 46 ; funds of, 106, 235, 453 ; headmasters, 340, 367, 508 ; reorganised, 451 ; new school. 508. Graving docks, 524, 525, 529. Gray, Bishop, 95, 140, 161, 181, 20G. Great Britain steamship, 219, 271. Great Western Cotton Works, 237,274, 394. Great Western Steamship Co., 218, 271 ; (second), 458. [458. Great Western, the, 218, 221 ; (second), Greaves, Rev. Talbot A. L. G., 406. Greenbank cemetery, 457. Green's dock, 523. Grenville, Lord, 35. Gridiron, 525. Griffith, Edward, 90. Grove, trees on the, 90. [510. Guardhouse, the, 23, 216; Passage, Guest, Sir Ivor Bertie, 506, 509. Guild of Literature, 329. [255. Guildhall rebuilt, 254; scenes in old, Guinea Stieet, 426. Gully, John, 57. [348. Gun-boat^, proposed local, 22 ; built, Guppy, Thomas Richard. 189, 218. Gurney's steam coach, 121. Guthrie, John, memorial chapel, 374. Haberfield, Sir John Kerle, 323 ; Lady, 323, 409, 481. Hall, Rev. Robert, 142. Hampden, John, 417. Harbour of Refuge, proposed, 414. Harbour Railway and wharves, 426. Harbour rate, 14, 518. Harbour Trust Association, 498. Hare, John, 136; Sholto Vere, 449, 450, 477. Harford, John, 189, 278; Henry Charles, 427. Harris, Wintour, 80. Harwood, William. 3S2. Hathway, William, 400. [495. Hawkshaw, Sir John, 361, 375, 416, 486, Health, inquiries on, 312, 313 ; Acts apphed, 315, 417. Henbury, Lords of, 310, 317, 318; common. 45. Hendren, Bishop, 312. Henry VIII., seal of, 259. Hensman, Rev. John, 366. [299. Herapath, WiUiam, 149, 161, 173, 204, N N 546 INDEX. High Street Improvement, 406. Hilhouse, Abraham, 37, VSi, 158-9, 171, 363. Hill, Charles, & Sous, 459 ; Matthew Devonport, 449 ; Rowland, 245 ; Echvard Stock, 531, 533 ; Thomas William, 428. Hinton, jDroposed chapel at, 252. Histrionic Club lifeboat, 409. " Hoax, the Bristol," 262. Hobhonse, Sir John Cam (Lord Broughton), 203, 445. Hodgson, Kirkman David, 449, 450, 477. 480, 506. Hogarth, pictures by, 335. Holiday customs, 97 ; weekly half- holiday, 364. Holmes, Steep, 199 ; forts, 391. Homes for destitute children, 297. Honeypen Hill, 199, 322. Hooter, the, 470. Horfield, Manor of, 305 ; barracks, 266 ; growth of suburb, 307, 381 ; pleasure gardens, 379, 468 ; included in borough, 526 ; gaol, 469. Horn Fair, 98. Horse parades, 525. Hospital, General, 144 ; children's, 420, 477. Hospital Sunday, 380. Hotels, Reeves', 30, 163; Bush, 12, 201, 340; Royal Western, 248; Queen's, 330 ; I3ath, 393 ; Imperial, 502 ; Royal (Clifton), 353 ; Royal Gloucester, 356 ; Clifton Down, 393 ; White Lion, 404 ; White Hart, 404 ; Grand, 404 ; Royal (College Green), 408 ; St. Vincent's Rocks, 442. Hotwell, new, 280. [357. Hotwell Loint, 101, 411; Eoad, 352, Hotwells, rank and fashion at, 71 ; decline, 72 ; pump room removed, 100, 101 ; loss of spring, 101. Houses, ancient, removed, 237, 241, 270, 275, 288, 406, 409, 420, 459, 524. Houses unoccupied, 1881, 512. [496. Howard, Thomas, 360, 387, 395, 411, Hudson, Dr. Charlew Thomas, 340, 366. Hunt, Henry, 30, 35, 50, 51, 53 note. Illuminations, public, 12, ib., GO, 89, 92, 143, 144, 212, 349, 405. Imprisonment for debt, 65, 4-18. Improvement Act, first, 250 ; rate created, 292 ; schemes, tee names of streets. India!) and Cdloriial visitors, 533. Industrial exhibitions, 258, 383,421, 526; scliooi,279; Dwoliiugs Co., 1H7. Infirmary eiilarKcd, i!8 ; renovated, 486 ; bequcbt, 310. Inland Revenue oflBces, 439. Inns, 4 ; Sunday regulations, 347 ; restricted hours, 419, 456 ; Angel, 406 ; Giant's Castle, 241 ; Mulberry Tree, 52, 109 ; Old Castle, 274 ; Old Globe, 491 ; Plume of Feathers, 404; Queen Bess, 288 ; Red Lion, 409 ; Rose and Crown, 19 ; Ship, 459 ; Three Blackbirds, 54. Inskip, James, 533. Institution, Literary, 107, 425. — Intolerance, outbreak of, 424. Irish packets, 75 ; a long voyage, 76 ; vagrants, 188 ; and see wrecks. Irvine, Rev. G. M. D'Arcy, 269. Italian exiles, 367. Ivyleaf, James, 316. [487. Jacob's Wells, 280, 291, 310, 329, 392, Jamaica Street, 423. James II., picture of, 322. James's, St., Fair, 187, 242; Back, 297, 484 ; Hall, 527. Jenkins, Henry, 482. Jervis, Sir John White, 22. Jessop, William, 13. John's, St., gateway, 24 ; conduit, 410. John's, St., Hole, 25. Jones, Charles, supposed murder, 433 ; George, 189 ; Josbua, 233. Jose, Thomas Porter, 365. Judd, James, 532. Juvenile ruffianism, 296, 350. Kaye, Bishop, 95. Keinpster, John Mills, 421. [362. King, Wui. Poole, 320 ; Richard Poole, Kingdon, Thomas Kingdon, 298. Kinglake, John Alexander, 298. Kingsley, Charles, on riots, 167, 172. King's birthday revels, 87. King's Orchard, 202, ib. King's Square library, 477. Kingswestou estate, 198. Kingswood, lawlessness, 48 ; wages, 187 ; reformatory, 297. Kites, travelling by, 121. [526. Knowh',4.'J9, 473; included in borough, Kion I'liiiz strunded, 478. Lamb, Dean, 308, 309. Lampligliter.s' Hotel, 40. Land 'transport corps, 341. Lane, Henry, 437. Lang, Robert, 287, 335, 365, 479; Sam, 508. Langley, John, 80. Langton, Wm. Henry Gore, 331, 352, 368, 421. Lardner, Dr. Dionysius, 229. Lavington, William Frederick, ;!27. I^aw, lii.shoj), i;)0, 293. Law Ditch, 305. INDEX. 547 Law Library, 410, 42L Lawford's-pate prison, 101, 500. Lawraiice, Theodore, 75. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 135. Lawrence Hill improvement, 464. Layard, Dean, 19. Lee, Rev. Charles, 46. Leech, Joseph, 110, 255, 280, 204, 357. Leigh, Abbot's, church bui-nt, 305. Leigh Court, Prince of. Wales at, 521. Leigh Down, 73, 132. Leigh Woods, desecration of, 264, 307, 407 ; murder in, 354 ; Land Co., 408. Leighton, Robert Leighton, 307. Lewin's Mead, 296, 343. Library Society, ,332-5, 425 ; City, his- tory of. 333, 476 ; branches, 476. Licensing Act, 456. Lifeboats, Bristol, 400. Lighthouse erected, 250. Lighting of city, defective, 2, 11, 313, 315 ; of shops. 4 ; Acts, 28, 84. Lind, Jennv, 304. Lippincott,"Sir Henry, 39. [420. Liverpool & London & Globe ofiices, Lloyd, Edward John, 303. Loan Money Fund, 127, 453. Local Government Act applied, 417. London freeman, claim of a, 312. Long Ashton, see Ashton. Lover's Walk, 423. Ludlow, Ebenezer, 85, 104, 108, 153-8, 190, 213 ; Hannah, 444. Lunatic Asylum, 346. Lunell, Samuel, 107. McAdam, James Loudon, 63, 111. Macadamisation, 64. McGeachy, Forster Alleyne, 133, 332. McGhie, — , 401. Macgregor, Rev. Sir Charles, 308. Mackworth, [Sir] Digby, 153, 156, 170, Macliver, Peter Stewart, 357. [172. Madan, Rev. George, 341. Magistrates, appointment of, 217. Mauchee, Thomas John, 90, 105,232. Manias, speculative, 111, 112, 280,467. Manilla Hall, 510. Mansion House, 01, 135 ; proposed new, 134, 201 ; destroyed, 152-5 ; revived, 183 ; suppressed, 214; gift of new, 478. Man-trap, thief in a, 10. Mardyke Wharf, 357. Marine Board, local, 321. Markets: riots, 7 ; leather, 11 ; butcher, 32, 307 ; corn, 56, 414 ; cattle, 123, 424, 478 ; hay, 244 ; fish, 275, 407 ; goose, 330 ; St. James's, 362. [205. Marriages, Royal, 68, 404 ; Dissenters', Marshall, Alfred, 475 ; J. D., 533. Mary-lc-Port, St., charities, 483. Mathias, William, 383. Matthew. Archbishop Tobias, 333. Maudlin Street, 206, 441. Mayday amusements, 97. Mayor's Chapel, mutilated, 101 ; oratory, 110; 252. Mayors' Kalendar, 205 ; paddock, 310 ; tolls on fish, 196 ; robes, 252 ; dues, see Port charges. Mayors, list of, 536 ; deaths of, 23 ; salaries of, 27, 125, 183, 214; re- fusals to serve as, 13, 27, 213 ; a parsimonious, 61 ; on commissions of assize, 418. Meat, foreign imports of, 458. Mechanics' Institute, 113, 258, 288. Medical Library, 114. Medical School, 199, 474-5. Mercantile Marine Board, 321. Merchant Taylors' Company, 311. Merchant Venturers' School, 530. Merchant Venturers' Society, 115, 132, 134, 195, 197, 250, 261, 280, 286, 301, 318, 323, 362, 381, 383, 400, 434, 452. Metcalf. William James, 303. Miles, Henry Cruger William, 479, 493 ; John William, 430, 442 ; Philip John, 88, 188, 198, 203, 239, 265; Philip William Skynner, 239, 256, 275, 287, 295, 304, 386, 396. 399, 400, 440 ; Sir Philip John William, 265, 495, 524 ; Robert Henry Wm., 340; Sir WiUiam, 190, 324, 368, 429 note. Mill, at St. James's Back, 16 note; pro^DOsed, on Float, 17 note ; oppo- site Hotwells, 184. Mills, John, 174; Henry John, 380, 431, 446 note, 489. Miua Road, 519, 520, 521. Missal, curious, 357. Mission, Clifton College, 443. Mission to Patagonia, 340. Model dwellings, 274-5. Mogg, John Jenner, 429 note. Monk, Bishop, 56, 95, 141, 202, 226, 227, 269, 305, 309, 311, 331, 339, 349. Montpelier, 413, 460, 467, 479. Monuments : George III., 35 ; Colonel Gore, 61; Bishop Gray, 206; Chatter- ton, 249, 258 ; Mary Carpenter, 297 ; Fred. John Fargus, 528 ; Sir J. K. Haberfield, 323 ; Samuel Morley, 534 ; Robert Southey, 277 ; Queen Victoria, 535. More, Hannah, 198. [533. Morley, Samuel, 400, 440,442,477,509, Mortality, rate of (1844), 312 ; recent, 316. 548 INDEX. Mulberry trees in city, 439. Miiller, Eev. George, 223. Miiller, William James, 292. Murders : Clara A. Smith, 204 ; Me- linda Payne, 344 ; Charlotte Pugsley, 354 ; Charles Jones, 433. Museum and Library, 426. Music, Eoyal College of, 472, 520. Musical Festivals, 21, 59, 95, 470. Mylnes' Culvert, 117. Naish, William, 432. Napoleon, fall of, 60. Narrow Wine Street, 476. Nash, Charles, 396, 399, 534. Naval Eeserve, 378. Neat, William, 57. Neptune statue, 469. New Passage pier, 291. New York, steamers to, 218, 458. Newfoundland Eoad playground, 519. Newgate, horrors of, 65. Newspapers, price of, 5,63 ; first daily, 118 ; Bristol Journal, 240 ; existing papers, 357. Nicholas, St., abuse of charities, 355. Nicholas Street, improved, 307, 406. Nixon, Brinsley de Coucy, 531. Noble, John, 27, 30. Norfolk, Duke of, 19, 35. [490, 493. Norris, John Pilkington, D.D., 429,487, Oakfield Eoad. 314. Oddfellows' Hall, 458. Odger, George, 449. Old Market, improvements, 422, 479. Onslow, Serjeant, 63. Orphanages: Hook's Mills, 120; Ashley Down, 223 ; Dighton Street, 296. Ostrich Inn, Durdham Down, 4, 319. Page, Thomas, 361. Palmer, Henry Andrews, 28, 396, 408 ; James, 372; Arthur, 255, 303. Parish clerks suppressed, 341. Park for east end, 494. Park How widened, 441. Park Street, improvement of, 131, 422 ; proposed engine at, 348. [527. Parliamentary boundaries of city, 185, Parochial charities, 256. Patagonian mission, 340. Patchway tunnel, 291, 416. Patriotic Funds, 27,341. Patterson, William, 218, 328, 410. Pauperism, excessive, 138. Paving and Lighting Acts, 28, 313, 315. Payne, Charles, 210, 213; Melinda, Peace rejoicings, 11, 60, 349. [344. Pcllatt, Ap^iey, 304. Penance, jjunishment of, 215. Pen Park Hole explored, 269. Pontoh, Henry, 272. Perambulators, 383. Percival. Eev. Jolm, D.D., 373, 443, 451, 472, 489, 528. Perry Eoad, 422, 441. Peter's, St., Hospital : bad state of, 139 ; portion sold, 140 ; lunatics at, 346. Peto, Sir Samuel Morton, 421, 439. Philip's, St. (out), included in borough, 185 ; and in city, 208 ; in Clifton union, 200 ; bridges, 240, 531 ; railway station, 446 ; library, 476 ; playground, 520. Phillips', Edward, charity, 529. Phippen, Eobert, 252, 331. Phippen Street, 250, 258. Piepoudre Court, 230, 524. Piers, see Docks. Pile Hill, 339. Pill Warner, the, 325. Pillory, punishment of the, 39. Pilotage, compulsory, 383. [212. Pinney, Charles, 152 et seq., 179, 188, Pithay, fashion in the, 39. Pleasure grounds, 423, 519. Pocock, George, his kites, 121. Poerio, Baron, 367. Police, defective, 2, 89 ; Bills, 179, 181 ; first day, 187 ; regular force, 216. Police Bills disapproved, 514. Police courts, new, 109, 484. Police station, central, 216. Polling-booths, district, 256. Poor, Corporation of the : woollen factory, 8 ; lavish relief, 138 ; pur- chases French prison, 139 ; new workhouse, 140, 367 ; lunatics, 346 ; struggle with Poor Law Board, 351 ; end of old system, 351 ; expenditure. 352 ; unequal wards, 446 ; sermons dispute, 484 ; Harbour Eate Bill, 518 ; proposed amalgamation of unions, 518. Poor Laws, abuses of old, 187 ; unions, 200, 493. Poor rates, inequality of, 201 ; present charge, 432. Pope, Eichard Shackelton, 422. Population, see Census. Port charges, 17, 103, 105, 114, 193, 286, 300, 309, 3r)2, 499, 502. Portishead : hotel, 126 ; advowson, 215 ; battery, 371 ; proposed piers, 221, 396; "railway and pier, 397; dock, see Docks. Portlatid, Duke of, 35. Post oflice, 43H, 418. Postage, old rates of, 214 ; stamps, 245. Powell, Thomas ("Volcano"), 253,317. Prebendaries, 92, 227. INDEX. 549 Press gangs, 5, 20, 55. Phchaid, James Coles, M.D., 140. Prideaux, Charles Grevile, 298. Priest, liichard, shot, 34. Prince Consort, proposed monument to, 392. Prisoners, old treatment of, 65, 81. Proctor, Thomas, 259, 200, 335, 366, 470, 478. Promenade, Royal, 369. Protheroe, Edward, 51, 82, 116; Ed- ward, juu.. 134, 137, 142, 145, 148, 179, 185 ; Sir Henry, 27, 52. Provis, Thomas, trial of, 335. Prudent Man's Friend Society, 53. Pryce, George, 335. Public houses, number of, 456. Pugilism, popularity of, 5, 56, 97. Pugilists, famous, 57. Pugsley's field, 249, 286, 410. Quarries on Downs, 2G5, 318, 412. Quay, sheds on, 381. Queen, the : in Bristol, 138, 349 ; jubi- lee, 535; rifle prize, 437. Queen Elizabeth's Hospital, 85, 106; estates misappropriated, 126, 232, 234; new school, 274; reorganised, 450. [369, 409. Queen's Road, 202 note, 291, 329, 352, Queen's Square, 109, 150 et seq., 418 ; rooks, 447. Queen's tenant, claim of a, 312. Races, Durdham Down, 127 ; Knowle, 473. Rackhay, the, 356. Ragged school, first, 296. Raglan, Lord, funeral of, 344. Railway manias. 111, 289 ; gaugfs, 246, 276. Railway station, proposed central, 387, 393 ; joint, 420. Railways: first projects, 34, 110; to Coalpit Heath, 123 ; Great Western, 189, 191, 246, 276, 279, 291. 326, 388, 415, 420, 426, 454, 466 ; Bristol and Exeter, 222, 248, 286, 420, 426, 446, 487 ; Bristol & Gloucester (Mid- land), 276, 420, 440, 454, 465, 467; Wilts and Somerset, 279; South Wales Junction, 290, 414 ; Port and Pier, 386, 453 ; Brisbd and Clifton (proposed), 387 ; South Western Co. schemes, 389, 522; Harbour, 426; Portishead, 398 ; North Somerset, 402; Wells, 446; Bath (Midland), 446; Clifton and Sea Mills, 453; Thornbury, 467. Railways snowed up, 512 ; 3rd class trains, 405. Rainfall, excessive, 469, 488, 520. Ralph, Benjamin, 102, 169, 170. Ramsay, William, Pli.D., 475 note. Randolph, Francis, D.D., 92, 94. Rateable value of city, 108, 209, 21C, 246, 432. Ravine, footpath in, 319. Recorders: Sir V. Gibbs, 80; Sir R. Gifford, 81, 118, 130 ; Sir J. S. Coplev, 118; Sir C. Wetherell, 118, 129, 140-153, 170, 207, 214, 230, 230, 255, 298 ; subsequent, 298. Recreation, places of, 292, 423, 479, 519. Red Lodge Reformatory, 297. Red Maids' School, 86,' 450. Red Rover, explosion of boiler, 319. Redcliff Hill, 73 note, 258 ; caverns, 426. [426. Redcliff Street, 258, 479 ; vicarage, Redcross Street burial ground, 523 ; pleasure ground, 520. Redlaud, unlighted, 303 ; undrained, 314. Redlaud Road, 352 ; Court, 379, 423 ; High School, 424. Redwood, Robert, 333. Reform Bill (1832), 142, 146, 175, 184 ; effect of, 185 ; effect of Act of 1867, 437,442; (1885), 526. Reformatory Congress, 350. Register, Parliamentary, 185, 442. Religious destitution, 616 ; census, 514. " Resurrection men," 99. [103. Reynolds, Richard, 53, 69 ; Joseph, 38, Richards, Rev. Henry, 300, 358. Richmond Hill, 53, 330 ; Terrace, 10, 314 ; Spring, 281, 284. Ricketts, Heurv, 212, 369. Ridley, Henry John, 94. [425. Rifles' Headquarters Co., 202 note, 390, Riots, the great : causes of, 146-8 ; special constables, 149-151 ; arrival of recorder, 149 ; disturbance in Queen's Square, 150 ; Mansion House attacked, 152 ; flight of re- corder, 153 ; Colonel Brereton, 153 et seq. ; second day's riot, 155 ; escape of mayor, 155 ; Mansion House plundered, 155 ; conflict in St. Augustine's, 150 ; the churches on Sunday, 150 ; apathy of public, 157; burning of Bridewell, 158, of the gaol, 159-161, of Lawford'e Gate prison, 161, of the bishop's palace, KJl, and of the Mansion House, 103 ; conduct of magistrates, 164, 108, 171 ; destruction of half of Queen's Square, 105 ; ap])earauce of city, 107 ; scenes in Queen's Square, 107 ; the mayor orders action of troops, 169 ; their decisive 550 INDEX. charge, 170 ; volunteer constables, 170 ; the riot suppressed, 172 ; the loss of life, 172; recovery of plunder, 174 ; the silver salver, 175 ; cathe- dral library, 162, 175 ; trial of ri- oters, 176 ; executions, 177 ; courts martial, 177 ; prosecution of the mayor, 178 ; Compensation Act, 181 ; tax on city, 182 ; debt paid off, 215. Eiots : market, 7, 42 ; of dock work- men, 16 ; serious, 39 ; election, 51, 137,412; no popery, 129; of paupers, 139; "religious." 424. Road money charity, 105. Roads, bad state of, 64, 315. Roberts, Sir Fred., dinner to, 513. Robes, civic, 120 ; revived, 252. Robinson, Elisha Smith, 351, 400, 415, 440, 449. 450, 506, 509, 530 ; Robt., Roman relics, 423. [397. Romilly, Sir Samuel, 51. Rooks," city, 379, 447. Round Point imi^roved, 250, 412. Rowuham Ferry, 418. Royal Siirereiiin launched, 410. Royal York Crescent, 9. Rupert Street, 353, 507. Russell, Lord John, 206, 289. Russian vrar, 338, 341, 348; peace, 349 ; guns, 353. Sailors' Home and Institute, 327. Salt, high price of, 25. Salvation Aimy, 511. Salver, sinjiular recovery of a, 175, 184. Sanders, John Naish, 140, 350 ; George Eddie, 231. Sanitary Authority, 417. Sanitary state of city, 312, 813, 316. Saturday half holiday, 364. Savile, Henry Rourchier Osborne, 371. Saville I'lace, 10. Savings Bank, 53 ; Post-office, 385. School Ronrd established, 455. Schools : City (Qnceu Eliz ), 85, 106, 126, 2.32, 234, 274, 450 ; Colston's, 86, 261, 362, 450, 485; Diocesan, 336; Grammar, 46, 47, 106, 235, 340, 366. 451, 508 ; St. Nicholas', 355; Red Maids', 201,450; Trade, 3.36, 4:!4, 452; Board, 456; Mer- chant', 530; Cathedral, 48U. Sea Mills, ]{(iman gravestone at, 475. Sea AValls, 318. Severn Bridge schemes, 290, 415, 417. Severn Tunnel, 415. Sewerage works, 316 ; Clift house, 491 ; proj)osed sea outlet, 496, 531. Soyer, Rev. Samuel, 54, 143. Sharpies, Miss, 127; Mrs., 287. Shaw, Jolm George, 359, 360. Sheffield, Lord, 18. Sheriffs, list of. 536 ; salaries of, 36, 37, 90, 125, 184 ; refusal to serve. Shipbuilding, decline of, 410. [355. Shipwrecks, see Wrecks. Shirehampton, telegrajih to, 325. Shops, open, 4 note ; long hours in, 288 note. Shute, Captain Henry, 324. Silver Street, 484. Simpson, Rev. Francis, 94. Sion Spring, 45, 281, 441. Slade, [Sir] Fred. William, 368. Slaughter, Edward, 408. Slave Trade, abolition of, 29. Slaveowners, local, 188. Slaves in Bristol, 29. Sledges in the streets, 2. Small Street, improvement of, 460. Small-pox, fatality of, 5. Smith, Henry, 34, 59, 170; Richard, 17, 18, .59; Rev. Sydnev, 95, 127, 320; William, 513. Smvth, Lady, 92, 98; Sir John, 130, 132, 264 ; trustees, 310, 317, 335, 339 ; [Sir] John Grevillc, 145, 318, 339, 355, 375, 400, 407, 403, 494, 519. Sneyd Park, 343, 462. Snowstorm, great, 59, 135, 512. Social Science Congress, 446. " Society," Squabbles in. 320. [93. Somerset, Rev. Lord Wm. Geo. Henry, Sonicrton, Wm. Henry, 164, 166 ; Charles and George, 357. Southcott, Joanna, followers of, 25. Southcy, Robert, 266 ; monument, 277 ; family, 90. Spolasco, Baron, 241. Stamp distributor, office of, 425. Stajileton : bishop's palace, 228 ; Col- ston's school, 362 ; workhouses, 140, 279, 367 ; church, 339 ; becomes part of borough, 526. Stapleton Road, Hoods, 488, 620, Steadfast Club, 52, 88. Steam Navigation Company, 494. Steamboat, first, 75 ; Irish trade, 75 ; to London, 190 note ; to America, 218, 229, 458 ; explosion, 319 ; com- petition, 326. Steam-tug, fiist, 77. Steep Street, 3sl, -l.-.O. Stewards, Lord High, 35, 199, 338. Stock Exchange, 2H9. Stocks, the, 83, 117. Stokes, George Gabriel, 141. Stokes Croft Road, 352. Stone Kitchen, the, 19. Stone, tax on, 67. INDEX. OO 1 Streets, state of, 2 ; wateriug, 382 ; great improvement scliemes, 2U], 422, 47'J, 4!)2, 524. Strutli, Sir Williiim John, 02. Suez Canal, 352. Sugar duties, protective, 100, 275. Sugar refining, decline of, 435. Sunday, observance of, 24, 347, 403 ; band, 528. Sunday-school centenary, 511. Sun-dial, old, 381. Supk', Robert, 305. Surtees, Prebendary John, 94. Suspension Bridge, 131, 229; com- pleted, 375 ; suicides, 377. Swash, the, 387. Swayne, John Champeny, 140. Synagoj^ues, Jews', 202, 459. Tabernacle burial ground, 523. Tanning a convict's skin, 18. Tanning trade, increase of, 309. Tavern bills, 30, 78. Taverns, temperance, 450. Taxation, local, 432. Taylor, John, 205 ; Thomas Terrett, 390, 415 ; TliomasDavid,357 ; Henry, Taylors' Company, 311. [481. Tea, imports of, 203. Teetotal Society, 240 ; Alliance, 347 ; temperance taverns, 450 ; blue ribbon movement, 517. [448. Telegraphs, electric, 325, 392, 439, Telephone Exchange, 509. Temple Gate, 32. [447. Theatres, Regency, 48 ; Prince's, 432, Thomas, Christopher James, 380, 390; 415, 430, 479, 480; George, 145, 244, 408, 423, 447; Herbert, 442, 508 ; Josiah, 417, 422, 479. Thomson, Bishop, 370 note, 404. " Three deckers " in churches, 341. Time, regulation, 253, 320. Tokens, local, 74. Toll houses burnt, 101 ; abolished, 330, 427. Tolzey Biink, failure of, 84. Tolzey Court, 90, 524. Tontine property distributed, 378. Tothill, William, 189. Totterdown, 198, 330, 403 ; included in borou