20i6 D5£6 8 7 English Dialect Society Library- Catalogue of the English Dialect Society Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF THE NGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. Ji rce lleference f ikrarj, |%ing S>ixttl Ulaiicljcsttr, FOUNDED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ENGLISH DIALECT SOCIETY. MANCHESTER : HAS. SEVER, PRINTER, LITHOGRAPHER, .tc, LONG MILLGATE. 1880. CATALOGUE OF THF. ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. Jfrtr lirfereitce Jifear^, J\m^ Street, Pancjjester. FOUNDED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ENGLISH DIALECT SOCIETY. <*■ MANCHESTER : CHAS. SEVER, PRINTER, LITHOGRAPHER, &c., LONG MILLGATE. 1880. '^i INTRODUCTORY NOTE The following paragraph appeared in the Sixth Report (for the year 1878) of the English Dialect Society :— "The Council have pleasure in announcing that they have completed arrangements with the Free Libraries Committee of the Corporation of Manchester for the establishment of an EngUsh Dialect Library, and the whole of the books belonging to the E.D.S. have been placed on the shelves of the Central Pubhc Library in the old Town Hall, King Street, Manchester. To these, the dictionaries and dialect books ah'eady in the possession of the Manchester Coi-poration have been added. The objects and pm-pose of this Dialect Library were fully set forth in the Report for 1877, pp. 9-11. It is hoped that members of the E. D. S. \vill help to make the collection complete by the gift of books, pamphlets, cuttings, and other illustrations of dialect literature. During the continuance of the Society, its members may obtain the loan of any work on application to the Honorary Secretary. No other person will be permitted to take away any book or pamphlet from the building, but the contents will be accessible to the general public for reference." For the preparation of the Catalogue the Society are indebted to Mr. Charles W. Sutton, the Chief Librarian of Manchester. J. H. NODAL, Honorary Secretary. Jantjaby, 1880. The asterisk [*] aj)pended to the entries denotes the works deposited by the English Dialect Society ; the others have been added to the collection by the Manchester Free Libraries Committee. (gnglblj gialcct ^ibriira. CATALOGUE. Dictionaries. Ash (J.) The New and Complete Dictionary ol the English Language . . By John Ash . . Lend. 1775. 8vo. 2 vols. 50877 Bailey (N.) A New Universal Etymological Enghsh Dictionary . . Originally compOcd by N. Bailey . . revised and corrected by Joseph Nicol Scott, M.D. Lond. 1755. fol. 1065 — An Universal Etj-mological English Dictionary . . By N. Bailey . . The 25th edit., carefully enlarged and corrected by Edward Harwood, D.D. Lond. 1790. 8vo. 50878 — The New Universal Etymological English Dictionary . . To which is added, a Dictionary of Cant Words. By N. Bailey. The 5th edit. . . Lond. 1775. 8vo. Beinr/ the second volume of Bailey. 50879 Bosworth(J.) A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language . . Camb. 1838. 8vo. 35108 Clarke (H) New and Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language, as spoken and written . . 2nd edit. Lond. 1858-9. 12mo. 4901 Clerk (W.) A Short Dictionarie for Children, Latin and EngUsh. Lond. 1602. 8vo. pp. 623. Wants title page. 28159 Cooper (T.) Thesaurus Lingute Romanse et Britannicre . . Lond. 1565. fol. 27336 Donald (J.) Chambers's Etvmological Dictionary of the English Language. Edinb. 1875. 8vo. 47221 Drax (T.) *CalUepeia, or a Rich Store House of Proper, Chojce, and elegant Latin Words and Phrases . . By ThomasDrax** Lond. 1643. 12mo. pp. [6.] 280. 50880 Elorio (J.) Queen Anna's New World of Words, or Dictionarie of the Italian and English tongues, col- lected, and newly much augmented by John Florio . . whereunto are added certaine necessarie rules and short observations for the Italian tongue. Lond. Printed by Melch. Bradwood . . anno 1611. fol. pp. [xii.] 692. With portrait. 50881 Ilowell (J.) Lexicon Tctraglotton : an English-French- Itahan-Spanish Dictionary . . With another volume of the Choicest Proverbs in the said Toungs • • * * Lond. 1660. fol. 11757 Junius (F.) Franciscl Junii .. Etymologicum Angli- canum . . edidit Edwardus Lye . . prfemittuntur vita auctoris et Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica * * Oxonii, 1743. fol. 12995 Kersey (J.) *Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum : or a General English Dictionary . . By John Kersey, Philo- bibl. 3rd edit., corrected and enlarged. Lond 1721. 8vo. pp. [794.] 50882 Knowles (J.) *A Pronouncing and Explanatory Dic- tionary of the English Language . . By James Knowles . . 6th edit. Lond. 1837. 8vo. pp. xvi. 791. With portrait. 50883 Latham (R. G.) A Dictionary of the Enghsh Language . . Founded on that of Dr. Samuel Johnson as edited by the Rev. H. J.Todd, M.A. .. Lond. 1866. 4to. 2 vols, in 4 parts. 26716 Levins (P.) Mauipulus Vocabulonim : a Rhymuig Dic- tionary of the EngUsh Language (1570). Edited, with an Alphabetical Index, by Henry B. Wheatley. Lond. Early English Text Society, 1867. 8vo. 26722 Lhuyd (E.) Archn ologia Britannica .. Vol. 1. Glosso- graphy. Oxford, 1707. fol. 48513 Marchant (J.) *A New Complete Enghsh Dictionary .. To which is prefixed a Compendious Grnmmar of the English Language, by I). Bellamy .. Mr. Gordon, and others. Lond. 1760. 8vo. I'reface signed, John Marchant. 50884 -f o..a 66517 ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. Martin (B.) *Lmgua Britannica Reformata : or, a New English Dictionary . . To which is prefixed, an Intro- duction, containing a Physico-Grammatical Essay on the Propriety and Rationale of the English Tongue . . By Benj. Martin. Lond. 1749. 8vo. pp. xi. iii. [555.] Opiates. 50885 Matzner (E.) Altenglische Sprachproben nebst einem Worterbuche. Berlin, 1867-78. roy. Svo. Vol. 1. Sprach- proben. Vol. 2. Wiirterbuch, A.D. 46459 Minsheu (J.) Minshsei . . Ductoris in Linguas, the Guide into Tongues .. The 2nd edit. Lond. 1627. fol. pp. 759. 27631 Ogilvie (J.) The Imperial Dictionary, EngUsh, Techno- logical, and Scientific . . [with Supplement] . . Edinb. 1851-5. roy. 8vo. 3 vols. 17150 Phillips (E.) *The New World of EngUsh Words : or, a General Dictionary . . Collected and published by E[dw.] P[hmips] . . Loud. 1662. 4to. pp. [348.] With list of "Books sold by Math. Brook." pp.8. 50886 Ray (J.) *A Collection of English Words not generally used, with their significations and original, in two Alphabetical Catalogues, the one of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the Southern Counties. With Catalogues of English Birds and Fishes: and an account of the preparing and refining such Metals and Minerals as are gotten in England. By John Ray . . Lond. 1674. 12mo. pp. [xiv.] 148. Formerly Sir F. Madden^s copy, who has transcribed all the MS. additional notes from Dr. Thos. More's copy in the Sloane Library. 50887 — *A Collection of Enghsh Words not generally used . . The 2nd edit., augmented with many hundreds of Words, Observations, Letters, &c. By John Ray .. Lond. 1691. 12mo. pp. [xxi.] 211. 50888 — *A Collection of English Words not generally used . . By John Ray . . To which is appended Thoresby's Letter to Ray, 1703. Re-arranged and edited . . by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A. London, published for the English Dialect Society, 1874. Svo. pp. xxix. 122. 50889 — •Philosophical Letters between the late learned Mr. [John] Ray and several of his ingenious Correspon- dents . . to which are added those of Francis Willughby .. Published by W. Derham .. Lond. 1718. Svo. With list of local words, in a letter from Thoresby. pp. 322. 342. 50890 — The Correspondence of John Ray . . Edited by Edwin Lankcster . . Lond. : Ray Society, 1848. 8vo. 19582 Richardson (C.) *A New Dictionary of the English Language. By Charles Richardson. Lond. 1839. Svo. pp. xxiv. 887. 50891 — A New Dictionary of the English Language . . Lond. 1844. 4to. 2 vols, and supplements. 19899 Serenius (J.) *An English and Swedish Dictionary: wherein the generality of words and various significa- tions are rendered into Swedish and Latin . . above 2400 EngUsh words traced from their true original Gothick . . Thereunto is added a large collection of Terms of Trade and Navigation and an Herbal or index of Plants common to both nations. By Jacob Serenius . . 2nd edit., with large additions and amendments. Printed at Harg and Steubro, near Nykoping, in Sweden, 1757. 4to. pp. [viU.] 16. [634.] 50892 Skeat (W. W.) 'An English-Anglo-Saxon Vocabulary. Com- piled by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat . . Printed for private distribution only. Cambridge, 1879. Svo. pp.40. 50893 — An Etymological Dictionary of the EngUsh Language, arranged on an historical basis. By the Rev. Walter W. Skeat . . Part 1. A-Dor. Oxford, 1879. 4to. 50894 Skinner (S.) Etymologicon Linguse AugUcana; .. Lond. 1671. fol. 21670 Speknan (H.) Henrici Spelmanni . . Archseologus. In modum Glossarii ad rem antiquam posteriorem . . Lond. 1626. fol. 22204 — Glossarium Archseologieum . , Editio tertia . . Lond. 1687. fol. 22207 Stormonth (J.) Etymological and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language .. Edinb. 1871. Svo. pp. viii. 753. 34459 Stratmann (F. H.) A Dictionary of the Old English Language, compiled from Writings of the XII., XIII., XIV., and XV. Centuries . . 2nd edit, Krefeld, 1873. 4to. pp. xii. 594. 37022 ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. Walker (J.) A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language • • * * Loud. 1822. 8vo. 27926 Edited by B. H. Smart. 6th edit. 1860. 8vo. 27167 Webster (X.) An American Dictionary of the English Language . . Revised and enlarged, bv Chauncey A. Goodrich . . Springfield, Mass., 1850. 4to. 25309 Wedgwood (H.) A Dictionary of EngUsh Etymology . . Lond. 1859-65. 8vo. 3 vols. 47117 Second edition. 1872. 8vo. pp. Issiv. 744. 84739 Worcester ( J. E.) A Dictionary of the English Language. Boston, 1859. 4to. 26964 English Dialects Generally. A. (D.) *A Provincial Glossary, including a Collection of Obscure and Antiquated Words, Local Proverbs, and Popular Superstitions, forming a Supplement to Grose's Provincial Glossary. By D. A. MS. 50895 Bonaparte {Prince L. L.) *bn the Dialect of Eleven Southern and South-Western Counties, with a New Classification of the English Dialects. By Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte. With two maps. From the Transactions of the Philosophical Society for 1875-6. London, published for the English Dialect Society, 1877. 8vo. pp. 13-24. 50896 Boucher (J.) *Boucher's Glossary of Archaic and Pro- vincial Words. By the late Rev. Jonathan Boucher . . Edited jointly by the Rev. Joseph Hunter . . and Joseph Stevenson . . Lond. 1832. 4to. Parts 1 and 11. No more issued. 50897 Brand (J.) Observations on Popular Antiquities .. Lond. 1810. 8vo. pp. xvi. 424. 2667 With Additions by Henry Ellis. Lond. 1813. 4to. 2 vols. 2G67 New Edition, with further Additions, by J. O. Halli- weU. Loud. 1856. 12uio. 3 vols. 2667 Edited, with very large Corrections and Additions, by W. Carew Hazlitt. Lond. 1870. 8vo. 3 vols. 48846 Brewer (E. C.) Dictionary of Phrase and Fable .. Loud. [1870.] 8vo. pp. viii. 979. 32067 Britten (J.) *A Dictionary of English Plant Names. By Jamea Britten . . and Robert Holland. Part I. Lond., EngUsh Dialect Society, 1878. 8vo. pp. 11. 28. 197. 50898 Brockett (J. T.) *A Glossary of North Country Words in use. From an Original Manuscript . . with consider- able additions. By John Trotter Brockett • • * * Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1825. 8vo. pp. xsxvi. 244. 50899 — *A Glossary of North Country Words in use; with their Etymology and affinity to other Languages; and occasional Notices of Local Customs and Popular Superstitions. By John Trotter Brockett .. Newcastle- upon-T>-ne, 1829. 8vo. pp. xii. 343. The author culls this " an entire new loork," rather than a second edition of his former publication. 5U900 Chambers (R.) The Book of Days .. Edinb. 1863. roy. 8vo. 2 vols. -G649 Denham (M. A.) A Collection of Proverbs and Popular Saj-ings relating to the Seasons, the Weather, and Agricultural Pursuits, gathered chiefly from oral tra- dition, by M. A. Denham. Lond. 1846. pp. iv. 73. Percy Society. 83961 Dixon (J. H.) Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of tlio Peasantry of England .. Collected and edited by James Henry Dixon * * Lond. Percy Society, 1846. 8vo. "Hitfil Edited by Robert Bell. Loud. 12mo. 47313 Dyer (G.) 'A Restoration of the Ancient Modes of bestowing Names on tlie Rivers, Hills, Vallios, Plains, and Settlements of Britain ..By G. Dyer. Exeter, 1805. 8vo. pp.314. 00901 EUis (A. J.) On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspcre and Chaucer . . Lniul. Early Eng.Toxt Society, 1809-74. 8vo. Parts I.-IV. 26722 Garnett (It ) The Philological Essays of the bite Rev. Richard Gariictt, of the British Museum. Edited by bis Son. Lond. [Leipzig printed! 1859. 8vo. pp. xvi. 842 Includina Essays on English Dialects (from " Quarterly JCeview, Feb., 1&3G; and the Langtiaqes and DiaUctt of the British Islands (from I'roc. of I'hUoloyical Sac.) 88090 6 ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRAEY. Green (G. M.) *The Song of Solomon in Saxon-English. From the authorised English version. By George M. Green. 1862. 16mo. pp. 32. Printed for Prince L. L Bonaparte. 50902 Grose (F.) *A Provincial Glossary : with a Collection of Local Proverbs and Popular Superstition s. By Francis Grose .. 2nd edit., corrected and greatly enlarged. Lond. 1790. 8vo. pp. [332. J 57. With portrait. 50903 A new Edition, corrected. Loud. 1811. 8vo. pp. viii. 304. 10142 *Another Edition, to which is now first incorporated the Supplement by Samuel Pogge. Lond. 1839. 8vo. pp. iv. 188. 50904 Guest (E.) A History of English Rhythms. Lond. 1838. 8vo. 2 vols. 85780 Hall (Fitzedward) Modern English •■ ** Lond. 1873. 12mo. pp. XV. 894. 38114 HaUiwell ( J. O.) The Nursery Rhymes of England, col- lected chiefly from Oral Tradition .. Lond. Percy Society, 1842. 8vo. S3961 Sixth Edition. Loud. 12mo. 32956 — Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales : a Sequel to the Nursery Rhymes of England. Lond. 1849. 12mo. 32957 — A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the fourteenth century . . 2nd edit. Lond. 1850. 8vo. 2 vols. 10433 Hare (J. C.) *Fragments of Two Essays in EngUsh Philology [Words derived from Names of Persons. Words Corrupted by False Analogy or False Deriva- tion]. By the late Julius Charles Hare . . Lond. [Cambridge printed] 1873. 8vo. pp. [iv.] 56. 80. The "■Advertisement," by Rev. J E. B. Mayor, says that "the following sheets . . have been for many years lying at the Pitt Press unfinished and unpublished. They tcere, as I conjectured and am assured by Bishop Thirlwall, the work of Archdeacon Hare . . Only 180 copies are for sale." 50905 Hollo way (W.) A General Dictionary of Provincialisms • • * * Lewes, 1839. 8vo. pp. xxiv. 194. 28152 Hone (W.) The Every Day Book . . Lond. Svo. 2 vols. Also the Table Book and the Fear Book. 11546 Hume (A.) Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue : a Treates, noe shorter than necessarie, for the schooles, be Alexander Hume. Edited from the original MS. in the British Museum, by Henry B. Wheatley. Lond. : Early EngUsh Text Society, 1865. Svo. pp. xi. 40. 26722 Morris (Richard) ♦On the Survival of Early English Words in our Present Dialects . . From the Transac- tions of the PhOological Society for 1875-6, pp. 284-295. Lond. published for the English Dialect Society. 1876. Svo. 50906 Nares (Robt.) A Glossary; or Collection of Words, Phrases. Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, &c., which have been thought to require Illustration in the Works of English Authors, particularly Shakes- peare * * Lond. 1822. 4to. 27342 OUphant (T. L. K.) The Sources of Standard English . . Lond. 1873. 12mo. pp. xxiii. 408. 38258 Pegge (S.) A Supplement to the Provincial Glossary of Francis Grose . . Lond. 1814. Svo. pp. 50. 29501 Satchell (T.) *Provisional Index to a Glossary of Fish Names, circulated for the purpose of obtaining addi- tions .. Lond. 1879. Svo. pp. 12. Signed Thomas Satchell. 50907 Skeat (W. W.) and J. H. Nodal. *A Bibliographical List of the Works that have been published, or are known to exist in MS., illustrative of the various Dialects of English. Compiled by Members of the English Dialect Society, and Edited by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A., and J. H. Nodal. Loud. pubUshed for the EngHsh Dialect Society, 1873-77. Svo. pp. viii. 201. 50908 Smith (J. R.) *A Bibliographical List of the Works that have been pubhshed towards illustrating the Provin- cial Dialects of England. By John Russell Smith * * Lond. 1839. Svo. pp. 24. Two copies. 50909 Swainson (C.) A Handbook of Weather Folk-Lore . . Edinb. 1872. 12mo. S7042 Sweet (H.) *A History of EngUsh Sounds from the Earliest Period, including an Investigation of the General Laws .of Sound-Change, and fuU Word Lists. ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. By Henry Sweet . . From the Transactions of the Philological Society for 1873-4. Lond. : published for the English Dialect Society, 1874. 8vo. pp. sii. ^, 163. 50910 Thomson (J.) *Etymons of English Words. Bv the late John Thomson .. Edinb. 1826. 4to. Not paged. 50911 Toone (W.) 'A Glossary and Etjnnological Dictionary of Obsolete and UucDUimon Words . . illustrative of "the Works of our Early Dramatic and Lyric Poets; with historical notices of Ancient Custonis, Manners, Ac. By WiUiam Toone . . Lond. [Brentford printed] 1832. 8vo. pp. viii. 467. 50912 Tusser (T.) *Fivc Hundred Poiutes of Good Husbandrie. By Thomas Tusser. The Edition of 1580 collated with those of 1573 and 1577. Together with a reprint, from the unique copy in the British Museum, of A Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie, 1557. Edited, with Introduction, Notes and Glossary, by W. Payne, Esq., and Sidney J. Herrtage, Esq., B..4. Lond.: pub- lished for the English Dialect Society, 1878. 8vo. pp. sxxii. 350. 50913 Edited by William Mavor. Loud. 1812. 4to. 48813 Tyrwhitt (T.) *The Canterbury Tales of Chaucer.. Vol. V. Containing a Glossary. Lond. 1778. 8vo. pp. XX viii. 290. "Jdvertisement " signed I. Ti/nckitl. 500H Weymouth (R. F.) On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Chaucer. In opposition to the views maintained by Mr. A. J. Ellis . . Lond. 1874. 8vo. pp. xii. 151 38447 Wright (Thos.) Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English . . Lond. 1857. 8vo. 2 vols. 30665 Wright (T.) *0n the History of the English Language: a Lecture . . before the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire . . Liverpool, 1857- 8vo. pp. 26. 50915 Berkshire. Lousley (Job) A Glossary of Provincial Words used in Berkshire. Lond. J. G. BeU, 1852. 8vo. pp.14. 14385 Cheshire. Biadshaw (H.) The Holy Lyfc and History of Saviit Werburghe . . Reprinted from the Edition of 1521. Edited by Edward Hawkins .. Manch. Chetham Society, 1848. sm. 4to. 4573 Clough (J. C ) *Betty Bresskittle's Pattens, or Sanshum Fair, a Cheshire-mon's Crack. By J. C. Clough. Altrincham, 1879. 12mo. pp. 20. 50916 Leigh (Egerton) A Glossary of Words used in the Dialect of Cheshire. Founded on a similar attempt by Roger AVilbraham . . Lond. 1877. 8vo. pp. xiv. 238. 48244 Warburton (R. E. E.) Hunting Songs and Miscellaneous Poems •■** 2nd edit. Lond. 1860. 12mo. Contains Farmer Dobbin: a Da;/ w' the Cheshire Fox Dugs, pj). 01-9G; and Fanner Newsl^iJe nni Fanner Oldstyle, pp. 130-135. The former song is reprinted in iraiit/h's Birthplace of Tim Hobbiii, and Latham on the English Linguage ;!4702 Wilbrabaiii (R.j *.\n Attempt at a Glossary of some Words used in Chcshir. 881. :iO.")74 — ♦Lancashire Tales. No. 1. Sarvico Time. By Edwin Waugh. Manch. ri878. 1 12rno. pp. 16. 51030 Wilkinson (T. T.) Kdniund Spenser and thi' Liinrasliiro Dialect. By T. T. Wilkinson . . (In Trnns. of Historic; Society of Lancashire and ChoBhlro, 1867.) 10597 18 ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. Wilson (M., T., and A.) Songs of the Wilsons; being a Contribution to tbe Bazaar in Aid of the Anti-Corn- Law League, January 31st, 1842. By Alexander Wilson. Manch. 8vo. pp. 23. 37362 — Songs by the Wilsons.. Mane, 1847. 12mo. pp.42. 25904 — The Songs of the Wilsons: with a Memoir of the Family, and several additional Songs never before published. Edited by John Harland. Lend. 1865. 12mo. pp. 77. 28539 Wood (B.) *Humorous Sketches in the Lancashire Dialect. Reprinted from the Bury Guardian. [By Benjamin Wood.] Bury. 12mo. pp. 22. 51037 — * Songs and Recitations in the Lancashire Dialect. By Benjamin Wood . . Bury. 12nio. pp. 23. 51038 Leicestershire. Marshall (W. M.) *Agricultural Provincialisms of the District of the Midhmd Station [Counties Leicester, Rutland, Warwick. &c.] From Marshall's Rural Economy ot the Northern Counties, 1790. (In Repr. Glossaries, E. D. S., 1873, pp. 61-68.) 51039 Lincolnshire. Brogden (J. E.) Provincial Words and Expi-essions Cur- rent in Lincolnshire. Derby, 1866. 12mo. pp. 241. 32078 Madden (Sir F.) *Examination of the Remarks on the Glossary to the Ancient Metrical Romance of Havelok the Dane . . by S. AV. Singer . . By [F. Madden] the Editor of Havelok. Loud. 1829. 4to. pp. 39. 51040 Miller (S. H.) The Fenlaud, Past and Present. By Samuel H. Miller . . and Sydney B. J. Skertchly .'. Wisbeach, 1878. roy. 8vo. ll'Uh Chapter on the Language of the Fenlands, by S. H. Miller, and List of Dialectic or Provincial Words, of Scandinavian origin, used in Norfolk and Lincolnshire, by Rev. John Duties, 49838 Peacock (E.) *A Glossary of Words used in the Wapen- takes of Manley and Corringham, Lincolnshire. By Edward Peacock, F.S.A. Lond., published for the English Dialect Society, 1877. 8vo. pp. v. 281. 51041 Tennyson (A.) Enoch Arden . . Lond. 1864. 12mo. Con- tains the " Northern Farmer, Old Style." 27120 Tennyson (A.) The Holy GraU . . Lond. 1870. 12mo. Contains " The Northern Farmer, New Style." 34538 Thompson (P.) The History and Antiquities of Boston . . Boston, 1856. roy. 8vo. Including Dictionary of the Provincial Dialect, Pcnruddocke (Mrs.) *Content; or, the Day Labourer's Tale of his Life. Published, by special permission, for the Industrial Exhibition in Marlborough • * Salisbury [I860]. Svo. pp.viii.63. By Mrs Pcnruddocke, Fyjield Manor House, Wilts. With photograph of John and Nancy Stag. 51087 Slow (E.) *Rhymes of the Wiltshire Peasantry, and other Trifles. By Edward Slow.. Salisbury [1874]. 12nio. PI). 123. Also the Adventures of Farmer John Bray at the Wilton Festivities in honour of the coming of age of the Earl of Pembroke, pp. 26. 51088 YOKKSUIRE. .Vtkiuson (J. C.) '.Ydditions to the Glussary of the Cleveland Dialect. (In Original Glossaries, iii., E. D. S. 1876. ) 5108'.) Banks (W. S ) ♦A List of Provincial Words in use at Wakefield, in Yorkshire . . Collected by William Stott Hanks .. Wakefield, 1865. 12m(i. pp. viii. 82. 51090 Bickerdike (A. W.) *Th' lieacon Christmas Annual, 1872. Bv Arthur Wm. Bickerdike .. Halifax, 1872. 12mo. pp. 48. 51091 — 'Th' Beacon Almanack for ls73, in the Yorkshire Dialect. By Arthur W. Bickerdike • • * ' llalifa.\, 1S7:!. 12mo. pp.55. i^BW^ Binns (I.) *T' Laifable Adventures it Militari Karcer a Tom Wallop, Sarjcnt e f Rifle Kore. Dedikatcd withaht permishan ta t' Aukard Skwad. Rittan bi t' Authar. [By Isaac Binus] Batley, 1861. 18mo. pp.16. Deus- bury Dialed. "1093 — ■'T' Sfekand Year of Publikashun 1 T' Bag o' Shoddy Olmenack, an Bundel a Wisdum furt' Yeer 1867. Teed upbeUriahWaketea, Esq. [By Isaac Binns.] Birstal, lh67. 12mo. pp.116.] Dncshun/ Dialect. 51091 — 'T' Owd Original Coibly Miln olinenack for lH71. ( By Isaac Binns. 1 Heckmoudwike, lb71. 12uio. pp. (16. | Detcshury Dialed. f'lUi'5 — *"Horbuiy Free PrcBs" lUuBtrfttod Almanacand Year- book of Useful Knowledge for 1874. Wakifleld, lb74. 12mo. Containinrj tikeUhea in the Dialect of Wiikenel.l, I'V Jiaac Binnt. tiluaO 2^ ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. ]?lackah (T.) *Sougs and Poems, written in the Nidder- dalo Dialect. By Thomas Blacliah, a Working Miner. Patelcy Bridge, 1867. 12mo. pp. 60. 51097 Browne (T.) 'Poems on Several Occasions By the late Rev. Thomas Browne, of Kingston-upon-Hull * * Manch. 1800. 12mo. pp. xxviii. 179. Contains Poems in the North Yorkshire Dialect, with portrait. 51098 Bruskitt (S.) *The Weyver's Awn Comic Olmenack, or Pudsey Annual, for 1875. Edited by Sammy Bruskitt . . Pudsey, 1875. 8vo. pp. '24. Bradford Dialed 51099 Bywater (A.) *Thc Gossips; or Pictures of Proivate Loifc amang't Wimmin. Be't Shevvild Chap . . Lond. 12mo. pp. 24. 51100 — "The Sheffield Dialect T!y Abel Bywater. Sheffield, 1839. 12mo. pp. xii. 283. 51101 3rd edit. Sheffield, 1877. 12mo pp. 311. 51102 — *The Song of Solomon in the Sheffield Dialect. From the Authorised Eng. Version. By Abel Bywater . . 1859. 12mo. pp.20. Printed for Prince' L L.Bonaparte. 51103 Carr (W ) ♦Hor.T' Momenta Cravenn?; or the Craven Dialect, exemplified in two dialogues . . To which is annexed a copious Glossary. By [Rev. Wm. Carr] a native of Craven** Lond. [Leeds printed] 1824. 12mo. pp. 125. 51104 — *The Dialect of Craven, in the West Riding of the County of York, with a copious Glossary, illustrated by authorities from ancient English and Scottish Writers, and exemplified by two familiar Dialogues. By [Rev. Wm. Carr] a Native of Craven .. 2nd edit , much enlarged * • Lond. [Leeds printed] 1828. 8vo. 2 vols. 51105 Cartledge (J. G.) *The Lancashire and Yorkshire Band of Hope, and Good Templar Temperance Recitations and Dialogues in the Yorkshire Dialect . . No. 2. [Edited byJ.G. Cartledge.] Leeds. 12mo. pp.16. 51106 CastiUo (J.) *Aud Isaac : a Poem in the [North] Yorkshire Dialect, composed of Facts and Similitudes. [By John Castillo.] Lond. [York pr.] 1855. 12mo. pp. 17. 51107 •^Thc Dcwsbre Back at Mooin Olmenac . . for t' year 1871 . . Put together be Mungo Shoddy . . Batlcy. 12mo. 1>P- 16. 51108 Dyer (S.) "Yorkshire Words. Part II. By S. Dyer. Being pp. G5-70 of The Yorkshire Magazine. November, 1872. Bradford, la. 8vo. 51109 Eccles (J. H.) *Yorkshire Songs. By J. H. Eccles. Leeds [1872.] 12mo. pp. viii. 182. JIalifa.v Dialect. 51110 — *T' Leeds Loiners' Comic Olmenac fer 1874. Be J. H. Eccles. Leeds, 1874. 8vo. pp. 24. 51111 Everett (J) The Village Blacksmith . . Memoir of Samuel Hick •■ •* Loud. 1834. 12mo. pp. xvi. 323. With short Glossary. 8168 •The Felon Sewe of Rokebye, and the Freeres of Rich- monde. A Metrical Romaunt (Temp. Hen. VII.) Collated with the Texts of ^Vhitaker, Evans, and Scott. With an Introduction and Notes by James Henry Dixon ••*♦ Lond. [Skipton, 1872.] 12mo. pp. xiii. 34. Craven Dialect. 51112 Harland (J) ♦A Glossary of Words used in Swaledale, Yorkshire. By Captain John Harland . . Lond., pub- lished for the English Dialect Society, 1873. 8vo. pp. iv. 28. 51113 Hartley (J.) ^Hartley's Yorkshire Budget. First Series. Halifax [1871.] 12mo. pp.160. Containing the" Uambling Remarks" from the Clock Almanack," from 1867-71. 51114 Hatton (E.) *The Original Illuminated Clock Almanack, 1873. In the Yorkshire Dialect. By Edmund Hatton ** Bradford, 1873. 12mo. pp.52. Alsoforl874. 51115 Heaton (W.) *Clippings from the Hedges; or Sketches from Yorkshire Life. No. 4. Th' Ould Maid's Dream. To which is added, Ewer Tom an' his Leather Britches. By WiUiam Heaton • ■ • * Halifax, 1866. 18mo. pp. 49-64. 51116 Holroyd (A.) *A Garland of Poetry. By Yorkshire Authors. Collected by Abraham Hoh-oyd. Saltaire, 1873. 8vo. pp.208. Contains several poems in dialect. 51117 Hunter (J.) *The Hallamshire Glossary. By the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. * • Lond. 1829. 8vo. pp. xxviii. 164. 51118 Hutton (J.) *A Tour to the Caves in the Environs of Ingleborough and Settle, in the West Riding of York- shire .. Also a large Glossary of old and original ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. 23 Words made use of in common Couveisation in the North of England [Craven] • • * • 2nd edit., with large additions. Loud. 1781. 8vo. pp. 100 £>j Rev. John Hutton. 51119 — *— The Glossary. In Reprinted Glossaries, E. D. S., 1873, pp. 1-147. 51120 Ingledew (C. J. D.) The Ballads and Songs of Yorkshire . . With Notes and a Glossary . . Lond. 1860. 12mo. pp. xi. 319. 80304 Lister (T.) The Rustic Wreath. Poems . . Bv Thomas Lister .. Leeds, 1834. 12mo. pp. xxiii. 204. llVrt poem in Barnsley Dialect. 14103 Littledale (H. A.) *The Song of Solomon in the Dialect of Craven, in the West Riding of Yorlishirc. From tho Authorised English Version. Bv Henry Anthony Littledale. 1859. IGmo. pp. 20. Printed for I'rince L. L. Bonaparte. 51121 Marshall (Wm.) 'Provincialisms of East Yorkshire. From Marshall's Rural Economy of Yorkshire, 1788. (In Repr. Glossaries, E. D. S., 1873, pp. 15-43.) With Supplement in Repr. Gloss. Ft. IV. 1879. 51122 Munby (A.) ■♦Verses NevF and Old. By Arthur Munby. Lond. 1865. 8vo. pp. vi. 248. Contains several speci- mens of the dialect Jieard about Scarborough. 51123 ♦The NidderdiU Olminio an' Ivvcry Bodys' Kalinder for 18G9 . . By Nattie Nydds. Pateley Bridge. 12mo. 51124 Preston (B.) *The Dialect Poems of Benjamin Preston. With a Memoir of tho Author, by John Emanuel Preston ** Saltaire, 1872. 12mo. pp.64. With portrait. Bradford Dialect. 51125 Rayner (S.) *The Pudsey Ahnanack and Historical Register for 1874 .. Compiled by Simeon Rayner. Pudsey, 1874. 12mo. pp. 12. Containing " T' llVi/cers Grunt " by John Midlebrook. Bradford Dialect. 51126 Robinson (G. B.) Rural Economy of Yorkshire in 1641. Being the Farming and Account Books of Henry Best, of Elmswell, in the East Riding . . Durham, Surtees Society, 1857. 8vo. Edited by Charles Best Robinson. With Glossary. 51127 Robinson (C. C.) 'A Glossary of Words pertaining to the Dialect of Mid-Yorkshire ; with others peculiar to Lower-Nidderdale. To which is prefixed an outline Grammar of the Mid-Yorkshire Dialect. By C. Clough Robinson. Lond., published for the English Dialect Society, 1876. 8vo. pp. lix. 164. 51128 Robinson (F. K.) *The Song of Solomon in the North Yorkshire Dialect. From the Authorised English Version. By the Author of "A Glossary of Yorkshire Words and Phrases collected in Wliitby and tlie neigh- bourhood" [F. K. Robinson]. 16mo. "pp. 20. Printed for Prince L. L. Bonaparte. 51129 — *A Glossary of Words used in the Neighbourhood of Whitby. By F. K. Robinson . . Lond., published for the Eng. Dialect Society, 1876. 8vo. pp. xxv.229. 51130 Rogers (C.) *Sum Thowts abaght Ben Bunt's Wcddin, an ther Jont ta Stainbur' Cassal, ta look at Pictas; nllsoa Will Weft's Discripshan at Grand Bazzarr, at tha hcd tuthar da' it Nashnal Skooil Uke. Bo Tom Trcddlehoyle [C. Rogers]. Barnsley. 1838. 12mo. pp. 20. 51131 — '*Sum Thowts aba't Doins e Bairnsla ont Crawnashan Da'. Be Tom Treddlehoyle. Barnsley, 1838. 12mo. pp. 17. 1434 — '"Sum Thowts ahaglit Nan Bunt's Chrcsnias Tea- Party; Bairnsla Fcastin ; a Owd Maid's Pockit; an Tom 'Treddlehoyle's Lament. Also a Characteristic of Barnsley, by Crispin Mcrryljrain, Esquire, of Sod- Hall Park. Bo Tom Treddlehoyle [«. e. C. Rogers.] Barnsley, WHO. 12mo. pp. 24. Cll!52 — * Bairnsla Fouks' Annual . . for't year of our Lord 1840. Be Tom Trcddlehoyle [i. e. 0. Rogers]. To which is added, tho Barnsley and Village Record, or tho Book of Facts and Fancies, for tho year 1839. By Ned Nut. Barnsley, 1840. 12mo. Aha for the year.i 18U-45, 1850, 1868, and 1878, " Be Tom Treddlehoyle's Successor." 5 11 33 — Tom Treddlehoyle's Peep at t' Manchister Art Trea- sures Exhebishan, e 1857 .. Leeds. 12mo. pp.36. 2408-1 — •The Song of Solomon in the West Riding of York- shire Dialect. From the Authorised English Version. By Charles Rogers [with Notes] . . lUmo. pp. 24. Printed for Prince L. L. Bonaparte. 511;M 24 ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. Ross (F.) and Others. *A Glossary of Words used in Holderness, in the East Riding of Yorkshire. By Frederick Ross .. Richard Stead .. and Thomas Holderness. Lond., published for the English Dialect Society, 1877. 8vo. pp. iv. 162. 51135 ♦Saunterer's Satchel and West Riding Almanac for 1878. Bradford. Svo. pp. 52. Bradford dialect. 51136 *A Six Days' Aght, or a Barnsley Chap's Adventures e Lunnun . . Be Peter Pledge, t' author ov "Barnsley as it is, or the Devil's Pictur Gallery." Barnsley, 1862. Svo. pp.31. 51137 ♦Specimens of the [North] Yorkshire Dialect: to which is added a Glossary of such of the Yorkshire Words aa are not likely to be understood by those unacquainted with the dialect. Hull. 12mo. pp.39. 51138 — *Another edition. Otley. 12mo. pp. 34. 51139 — Another edition. York. 12mo. pp. 38. 26447 — *Tenth edition. York. 12mo. pp. 36. With frontispiece dated 1811. 51140 ♦Specimens of the [North] Yorkshire Dialect, in various Dialogues, Tales, and Songs, to which is added Aud Isaac, a poem composed of Facts and Similitudes. Otley. 18mO. pp. 60. 51141 Twisleton (T.) Poems in the Craven Dialect. By Tom Twisleton. Srd edit, [with Henry Lea Twisleton's Poems]. Settle, 1876. 16mo. pp.145. 51142 Watson (J.) The History and Antiquities of the Parish of HaUfax • • * * Lond. 1775. 4to. Contains Remarks on the Dialect of Halifax Parish, and Vocabulary. 25213 Willan (R.) *A List of Ancient Words used in the Mountainous District of the West Riding of York- Bhire. Communicated by Robert Willan. 4to. From the " Archceologia," vol. xvii., pp. 138-167- 51143 *Reprinted in Reprinted Glossaries, E. D. S., 1873. pp. 76-98. 51144 Wright (W.) *Th' History o' Haworth Railway, fro t' beginin' to th' end. Bi the author of "Excursion to Malsis Hall," " Glory Band." 3rd edit. * * Keighley, 1867. 12mo. pp. 16. By W. Wrir/ht. 51145 *The Yorkshire Dialect, exemplified in various Dialogues, Tales, and Songs, applicable to the County. To which is added a Glossary . . Load. 1839. 8vo. pp. 24. 51146 Scotland. Alton (W.) *General View of the Agriculture of the County of Ayr . . By William Aiton • • * * Glasgow, 1811. 8vo. pp. xxi. 721. Wth maps. Pages 681-G93 contain "Provincial Terms and Glossary" by the author, with remarks on the Kyle dialect by William Simson, schoolmaster in Cumnock. 51147 Barnard (Lady A.) Auld Robin Gray: a Ballad. By the Right Honourable Lady Anne Barnard, born Lady Anne Lindsay of Balcarres. Edinb. 1825. (Banna- tyneClub.) 4to. 1414 Beattie (G.) John O' Arnha': a Tale. To which are added, The Murderit MynstreU, and other Poems. 8th edit. Montrose, 1852. 12mo. pp. 72. Forfarshire dialect. 34999 Beattie (J.) *Scoticisms, arranged in Alphabetical Order, designed to correct Improprieties of Speech and Writing. [By James Beattie.] Edinb. 1787. 8vo. pp. 121. 51148 Brown (T.) A Dictionary of the Scottish Language: comprehending aU the Words in common use in the Writings of Scott, Burns, Wilson, Ramsay, and other popular Scottish Authors. By Captain Thomas Brown .. Lond. [Manch. printed], 1845. 12mo. pp. 154. 35132 The Bulk of the most noble and vaUzeand Conquerour Alexander the Great. Edinb. reprinted 1831, (Banna- tyneClub.) 4to. 15923 Burns (J.) Poems and Songs, English and Scottish. By John Burns. Ashton-under-Lyne, 1827. 12mo. pp.vii.92 80598 Burns (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. Kilmarnock, 1786 [reprinted 18 ]. Svo. pp.240. 51149 — Works. Srd edit. Lond. 1802. 5 vols. 51150 4th edit. Lond. 1803. 4 vols. 51151 With an Account of his Life . . Edinb. 1811. Svo. 2 vols. 8438 ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. 35 Bums (R.) — 7th edit. Lond. 1813. 8vo. 4 vols. 80582 With Life, by Allan Cunningham. New edition. Lond. 1812. 8vo. 51152 Edited by Wm. Scott Douglas. Edinb. 1877-9. 8to. 5 vols. 51153 Chambers (R.) Popular Rhymes of Scotland. New edit. Edinb. 1870. 8vo. 32246 — The Songs of Scotland prior to Burns, with the Tunes. Edinb. 12mo 32247 A Comical Dialogue between Maggy and Janet, or the Folly of Witless Women displayed. With an Oration on the Virtues of the Old Women and the Pride of the Young. With directions to Young Men what sort of Women to take, and for Women what sort of Men to marry. Dictated by Janet Clinker and written by Humphrey Clinker, the Clashing Wives' Clerk. Edinb. 1820. 12mo. pp. 24. 5396 The Complaynt of Scotlande . . 1549 . . Re-edited . . With Introduction and Glossary by James A. H. Murray. Lond. (Early English Text Societv), 1872. 8vo. 2G722 Cromek (R. H.) Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song: with historical and traditional Notices relative to the Manners and Customs of the Peasantry . . Lond. 1810. 8vo. pp. xxxii. 370. G035 Cunningham (A.) The Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern . . Lond. 1825. 8vo. 4 vols. 6152 A Dialogue of Courtship between Jockey and Maggy, as they were coming from the Market. Or, the Wonder- ful Works of our John . . 1793. 18mo. pp. 35. 584C A Dictionary of the Scottish Language; containing an Explanation of the Words used by the most celebrated Ancient and Modern Scottish Authors. Edinb. 1818. 18mo. pp. xi. 251. 51154 Dixon (J. H.) Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads. Lond., Percy Society, 1845. 8vo. 33961 Douglas (G.) The PaUce of Honour. By Gawyn Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld [written in loOi]. Reprinted at Edinburgh 1827. (Banuatyne Club.) 4to. 7156 — Virgil's Jiueis, translated into Scottish Verse, by the famous Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. A new edit. . . to which is added a large Glossary . . Edinb. 1710. fol. 29480 Reprint. Bannatyne Club, Edinb. 1839. 2 vols. 4to. 24691 Duncan (A.) *Early Scottish Glossary; selected from Duncan's Appendix Etymologiaj, 1595. (In Rcpr. Glossaries, E. D. S., 1874, pp. 65-75. 51155 Henderson (G.) 'The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. From the Authorized EngUsh Version. By George Henderson. 1862. lOmo pp.20. Printed for Prince L. L. Bonaparte. 51156 Henryson (R.) Robene and Mak\Tie, and the Testament of Cresscid. Edinb. 1824. (Bannatj-ne Club.) 4to. Edited by Geo. Chalmers. 11024 Hislop (A.) The Proverbs of Scotland . . with Notes . . and a Glossary. Glasg. 1802. 12mo. 33077 Hogg (J.) The Jacobite Relics of Scotland . . 1st and 2nd series. Edinb. 1819. 8vo. 11397 Reprint. Paisley, 1874. 8vo. 2 vols. 48209 — The Poetical Works of the Ettrick Shepherd . . Glasg. 1841. 12mo. 5 vols. 11399 — Tales and Sketches of the Ettrick Shepherd . . Glasg. 1811. 12mo. Ovols. 11340 HoUand (Sir R.) The Bukc of the Howlat. Edinb. 1823. (Bannatyne Club.) 4to. Edited by David Laing. 11451 Jamieson (J.) An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language . . Abridged from the Quarto Edition . . Edinb. 1818. 8vo. Also reprint of the ith edit. Paisley, 1879. 33224 Kelly (Jas.) A Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs, explained anil made iutcUigiblo to the English Render • • Lond. 1721. 8vo. pp. lUO. 13Utl.3 Kingsley (C.) Andromeda and other Poems .. Lnnd. 1858. 12mo. Contains two poems in Loijcland Scotch. 28598 Latto (W. P.) 'Song Sermons. By tho Author o( " Tammas Bodkin" • • Cupar-Fife, 1879. Svo. pp. 73. By W. I). Latto. 61167 Maclagan (Douglas) Nug"' Canoru; Medicii' ; Lays by tbu Poet Laureate of the New 'Town DispeuBury. 2nd edit. • • Edinb. 1873. 4to. Son'js, chiefly in iicoltit/i Dialtct. o02SU 26 ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. Maidment (J.) Scottish Ballads and Songs, Historical and Traditionary . . Edinb. 1868. 8vo. 2 vols. 36251 Mitchell (Hugh) Scotticisms, Vulgar Anglicisms, and Grammatical Improprieties Corrected . . Glasgow, 1799. 8vo. pp.96. 16063 Motherwell (Wm.) Poems Narrative and Lyrical . . Glasgow, 1832. 8vo. pp.232. 16429 — Poetical Works, with Memoir, by James M'Conechy. 2nd edit., enlarged. Glasg. 1847. 12mo. 16430 — Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern. Glasg. 1827. 8vo. 16428 Murray (J. A. H.) The Dialect of the Southern Counties of Scotland : its Pronunciation, Grammar, and His- torical Relations. With an Appendix on the present limits of the Gaelic and Lowland Scotch and the Dialectical Divisions of the Lowland Tongue, and a Linguistical Map of Scotland . . Lond. 1873. 8vo. pp. 251. 86388 Nairne (Baroness) Life and Songs of the Baroness Nairne, with a Memnir and Poems of Caroline Oliphant the Younger. Edited by the Rev. Charles Rogers .. With a Portrait and other illustrations. Lond. 1869. 8vo. pp. xcvi. 206. 33790 Pennecuik (A.) The Works of Alexander Pennecuik, Esq., of New Hall, M.D. Containing the Dcscriiitiou of Tweeddale, and Miscellaneous Poems. A new edition . . Leith, 1815. 8vo. Contains " Truth's Tratels, in Scots Metre, and much in repute in (Air old King James's time, hy Peter Many." pp. 384 to 406. ISOl'l Philotus, a Comedy. Reprinted from the edition of Robert Charteris. [1603.] Edinb. (Bannatyne Club), 1835. 4to. 14797 Ramsay (A.) The Poems of Allan Ramsay. With Glossary . . A new edition [reprint of ed. of 1800]. Paisley, 1877. 8vo. 2 vols. 48576 Ramsay (E. B.) Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character . . 5th edit. . . Edinb. 1859. 12mo. pp. xxii. 266. 19508 — Another edition. 1877. 12mo. pp. 1. 270. 48321 Robson (J. P.) *The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. From the Authorised English Version. By Josei^h PhUip Robson . . 1860. 16mo. pp. 20. Printed for Prince L. L. Bonaparte. 51158 Rogers (Chas.) The Modern Scottish Minstrel; or the Songs of Scotland of the past half centurv, with Memoirs of the Poets.. Edinb. 1855-7. 8vo. 5vols. 34189 RoUand (.J.) The Seven Sages, in Scotish Metre .. Edinb., reprinted from the edition of 1577 (Bannatyne Club), 1837. 4to. 20229 Ross (A.) The Fortunate Shepherdess. A Pastoral Ode, in the broad Scottish Dialect . . To which is added a few Songs by the same . . Aberdeen, 1768. 8vo. pp. 150. 20318 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels. Edinb. 1829-33. 12mo. 48 vols. 21074 Abbotsford edition. Edinb. 1842-7. roy. 8vo. 12 vols 21074 — Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border . . Lond. 1839. 8vo. 21080 Sinclair (Sir J.) *Observations on the Scottish Dialect. By John Sinclair, Esq., M.P. * * Lond. 1782. 8vo. pp. viii. 232. 51159 Smiles (S ) Life of a Scotch Naturalist: Thomas Edward [of Banff] . . Lond. 1876. 8vo. Contains illustrations of the Banff Dialect. 47963 *The Song of Solomon in Lowland Scotch. From the Authorised English Version. 1860. 16mo. pp. 20. Printed for Prince L. L. Bonaparte. 51160 Tannahill (R.) The Poems and Songs and Correspondence of Robert Tannahill. With Life and Notes by David Semple, F.S.A. • * Paisley, 1875. 8vo. pp. Ixxxviii. 546. 48002 ^ — With Memoirs of the Author and of his Friend, Robert A. Smith. By Philip A. Ramsay. Glasgow, 1838. 12mo. 37058 Wliistle Binkio. Whistle Binkie; or the Piper of the Party, being a Collection of Songs for the Social Circle [chiefly in the Scottish Dialect]. Glasgow, 1878. 16mo. 2 vols. A reprint, with some verbal corrections, of the edition of 1853, with, brief memoirs of some of those connected with the tvork ivho have died since then. 51161 ENGLISH DIALECT LIBRARY. Wilson (A.) The Poems and Literary Prose of Alexander Wilson, the American Ornithologist . . Edited . . by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart . . Paisley, 187G. 8to. 2 vols. 48628 Wilson (J. M.) Historical, Traditionary, and Imaginative Tales of the Borders and of Scotland; with an illustra- tive Glossary, by Captain Thomas Ihown. Manch. 18:35-40. 4to. 6 vols. 26578 Wilson (J.) Noctes .\iiibrosianie. By Professor [JohnJ Wilson. Edinb. 1855. 8vo. 4 vols. 25944 Wilson (W.) Scottish Rhymes. By William Wilson [Miner of Longholmj • • Edinb. 1800. Svo. pp. iv. 44. 45069 ISLK OF M.\X. Brown (T. E.) *The Doctor. [A Poem in the Auglo-Maux Dialect.] By the author of " Betsy Lee." Isle of Man, Douglas, 1876. 12mo. pp. 108. By Tkoiiias E. Broicii, nee-Principal ofCliflon College, liristol. 51162 Harrison (O.) *The Isle lad; or. King Orry's Banijuct. A fragment of a JIankish Tale * * The Original Rolley- PoUey MS., from which this fragment of a Manx Tale was translated and restored by a Manx Chatteiton. Isle of Man, Douglas. 12nio. pp. vi. 92. liij Oscar Harriaon. 51163 lUELAXD. Hume (A.) *Origin and Characteristics of the People in the Counties of Down and .\ntrini. Read . . at the Meeting of the British .Vssociation . . in Belfast, August 22, 1874, bv A. Hume . . Belfast, 1874. Hvo. pp. 20. 51104 — *Remarks on the Irish Dialect of the Enghsh Language. By Arbraham] Hume, D.C.L. . . From the Transactions of the Historic Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. sxx. Liverpool, 1878. Svo. pp. 52. With plan. 51165 Joyce (P. W.) The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places . . 2nd edit. Dubhn, 1870. Svo. 33282 Kennedy (P.) Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts . . Lond. 1866. Svo. Willi fhort Glossanj. 33312 — The Banks of the Boro: a Chronicle of the County of Wexford. Dubhn, 1867. 12mo. With Glossary. 33316 — Evenings on the Duffrcv, Dublin, 1869. 12mo. Willi Glossanj. 3;!315 — The Fireside Stories of Ireland. Dublin, 1870. Svo. 117//! sJiort Glossary. 3S314 Mason (W. S.) A Statistical .\ccount or Parochial Survey of Ireland . . Dublin, 1814-19. Svo. 3 vols. Coiilaiiis Xotes on dialect. 15500 Observations on the Social Habits and Dialect of the Baronies of Forth and Margy . . Wexford. By an Officer of the Line. In liravley's Graphic and Historical lUustrator, 18:54. 4tc). pp. 244-240. 2.S023 Patterson (D.) *The Provincialisms of Belfast and the Surrounding Districts pointed out and corrected : to which is added an Essay on Mutual Improvement Societies. By David Patterson •• •• Belfast. 1860. 8vo. pp.28. •"'lltJt' Picton (J. A.) Dialect of Forth and Bargy. Paper in Trans, of LiveiTOol Literary and Philosophical Society, 1866-7. '■'J\67 Poole (J.) \ Glossary, with some pieces of Verse, of the Old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and liarpy, County of Wexford, Ireland. Formerly collerted by Jai-ob Poole . . and now edited, with some Introductory Observations, Additions from various sources, and Notes, by William Barnes . . Lond. 1867. 12mo. pp. [iii.] 139. 51168 •Poor Rabbin's Ollminick for the Town o' Milfawst : lon- taiiiing varrious diflennt things wliicli iwcry imraoii nught V be ac(iueutit with. IHOl. AVrotc down, prentd, an' put out, jist th(^ wav the people spakes. By liilly M'Cart .. Belfast, IWil. 12mo. pp.42. .W.io/o;- 18«2, 1H63. ■■^11«" Slang. ♦GraduB ad Cantaljrigiam: or, a Dictionary of TeruiH, \cadeniical and Colbxiuial, rir Cant, which arc uWiil at the University of Cambridge. With a variety of curious and ; • " I^onil lH■^'--sS«r" [\\W kf^ 000 A85 792 6