I Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN / - 7 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES / \LPJ no/ -t^uY' l^^c^ ^v THE HOLY BIBLE CONTAINING THE OLD TESTAMENT , AND THE NEV: * tf_t& an<{ rvitn^tfie cc mya,rca ana re v-vfe ointcd to be read in Churches. CONTAINING THE \ r OLD TESTAMENT \j AND THE NEW: ; m sf & ^i^/ffiy iGeiSf aruC rvitd tfte^ >rmt mpa-recan c re w printers to theUnivtr/lty of THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTY PRINCE, J A M E S BY THE GRACE OF GOD, KING ofgreat BRITTAIN,FRANCE and IRELAND,. Defender of the Faith, &c. The tranflatoui-s of the Bible,wifh Grace, Mercy ,and Peace, , through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. ,Reat and manifold were the bldfings ( mo(V dread foveraigne) which almighty GoD,the Father of all mercies, beftowed upon us thepeopleof ENGLAND, whenfirfthe fent yourMa/efties Royall perfon to rule and reigne over us. For \vhereas it was the expectation of many, who wifhed not well unto our SIGN, SABETH Would which way they were to walk, and that it fhould hardly be known, who was to direct the unfetled ftate: the appearance of your M A j E s T i E , as of the funne in his ftrength, inftantly difpelled thofe fuppofed and furmifed mifts, and gave un- to all that were well affected, exceeding caufe of comfort, efpecially when we beheld the government eftabliflied in your Hi G H N E s , and your hopefull feed, by an undoubted title, and this alfo accompanied with peace and tranquillitie at home and abroad. But amongft all our / oyes there was no one that more filled our hearts,then the blefled continuance of the preaching of Go D s facred word amongft us, which is that ineftimable treafure, which excelleth all the riches of the earth, becaufe the fruit thereof extendeth it felf, not onely to the time /"pent in this tranfitory world, but direfteth and difpofeth men unto that eternall happinefle which is above in heaven. Then not to fufFer this to fall to the ground,but rather to take it up,and to con- tinue it in that ftate, wherein the famous predeceflbur of your Hi G H N E s did leave it: nay,to go forward with the confidence and refolution of a man in main- taining the truth of CHR i s T, and propagating it farre and neare, is that which hath fo bound and firmly knit the hearts of all your MAJE STIE s loyall and religious people unto you, that your very name is precious among theni,their eye doth behold you with comfort, and they blefie you in their hearts, as that fanfti- fied perfon, who under GOD, is the immediate authour of their true happineffe. And this their contentment doth not diminifh or decay,but every day increafeth f 2 and- and taketh ftrength, when they obferve that the zeal of your M A j E s T r % towards the houie of GOD, doth not flack or go backward, but is more and mpre kindled, manifefting it fclf abroad in the fur theft parts of Cbriflendonte^ by writing in defence of the truth, fwhich hath given fuch a blow unto that man of finne, as will not be healed ) and every day at home, by refigious and learned dif- courfe, by frequenting the houle of G o D, by hearing the word preached , by cheriihinc the teachers thereof,by caring for the Church as a moft tender and le- ving nurung Father. There are infinke arguments of this right Chriftian and religious affcftion in your M A j t s T i E: but none is more forcible to declare it to others,, then the vehement and perpetuated defire of the accomplifhing and publifhing of this work, which now with all humilitie we prefent unto your MAJE s T i E. For when your Highnefle had once out of deep judgement apprehended how con- venient it was, that out of the originall facred tongues, together with compa- ring of the labours , both in our own and other forrein language , of many worthy men who went before us, there fhould be one more exael: tranflation of the holy fcriptures into the Englijh tongue-, your MAJE STIE did never defift to urge and to.excite thofe to whom it was commended, that the work might be battened, and that the bufineffe might be expedited in fo decent a manner, as a matter of fuch importance might juftly require. And now at laft, by the mercy of G o D, and the continuance of our labours* it being brought unto fuch aconclufion, as that we have great hope that the Church of England {hall reap good fruit thereby; we hold it our duty to offer it to your MAjEstiE,not onely as to our king and foveraigne, but as to the- principall mover and authour of the work: Humbly craving of your mod facred MAJE s T i E, that fince things of this quality have ever been fubjeftto the cenfures of ill-meaning and difcontented perfonsjit may receive approbation and patronage from fo learned and judicious a prince as your Hi c H N E s is,whofe allowance and acceptance of our labours, fldall more honour and incourage us, then all the calumniations and hard interpretations of other men fliall difmay us. So that, if on the one fide we fhallbe traduced by popifli perfons at home or gbroad,who therefore will maligne us,becaufe we are poore instruments to make Gods holy truth to be yet more and more known unto the people,whom they de- fire [till to keep in ignorance and darknefle : or if on the other fide, we fhall be mahgned by felf-conceited brethren, who run their own wayes, and givelikine unto nothing but what is framed by themfelves, and hammered on their anvile; we may reft fecure, fupported within by the truth and innocency of a good con- fcience, having walked the wayes of fimplicitie and intcgritie, as before the LoRDjand fuftainedwithout.by the powerfull proteaion of your MAJE STIE s grace and favour, which will ever give countenance to honeft and Chriftian en- deavours, againft bitter cenfures, and uncharitable imputations. The L o R D of heaven and earth bleffe your Ma/eftie with many and happy dayes, that as his heavenly hand hath enriched your HighnefTe with many fingu- lar and extraordinary graces ; fo you may be the wonder of the world in this latter age, for happinefle and true felicitie, to the honour of that great GOD, and the good of his Church, through JE sus CHR i s T our Lord and onely Saviour. THE The Tranflatours to the Reader. j-j, e j, e ft fli^ll^i^il R ' 4 L to P romote f ^ e COKfKon gd 5 whether it be by dev'ifing any thing eur things hare MSl^7VM> f elves > or revl fag tbut which hath been laboured by others, deferveth co-- been calu- Mjislri talnl y much refpetf and efleem, butyctfindeth but cold entertainment in the ld. world. Itiswelcemcdwithfujpicioninfteadof love,andwitbemuUtiani* Jfrwrf of than^: and if there be any hole left for cavill to enter, (and cavill, if it do notfinde an bole, rs>illma^e one) it is fare to be mifconfirued, and in. danger to be condemned. This will eaftly be granted by M many as tyowfto- rie, or'bave any experience. For, was there ever any thing projected, that favoured any way of newncfle or renewing, but, the fame endured many a ftorm of gainfaying, or oppofition ? *A man would, think that civilitie, wholefome laws, learning and eloquence, fynods, and Church-mainte- nance, ( that we $ea\ of no more things of this kjnde) Jhould be asfafe as a fanftuarie, and out of 'foot, as they fay, that no man would lift up his he e I, n, nor dog move his tongue againp | themotionersofthem. Forbythefirft, we are diftinguifhed from brute bea^s led with fenfua- * line: By the fecond,we are bridled and retrained from outragious behaviour, andfrodoing f injuries, whether by fraud or by violence ; By the third, we are enabled to inform antt reform ethers, by the light and feelingthatwe have attained unto ourfelves: Briefly, by the fourth , being brought together to a parley face to face , we fooner compofe our differences, then by writings, which are endlcfie : *,4nd laftly, that the Church be fufficiently provided for, is fo agreeable togood reafon and confcience, that thofe mothers are holden to be lefie cruell, that fall their children affoon as they are born, then tbofe nurfng-fathers and mothers (wherefoever they be ) that withdraw from them who hang upon their breafts ( and upon whofe breafts agaix themfelves do bang to receive the jpirituall and finceremill^ of the word) livelihood and fupport ft for their ejtates. Thus it is apparent, that thefe things which we (pea^ of, are of mojt ne- cejfarieufe, and therefore that none, either without abfurditiecanfpeat^ againft them, or with- out note ofwicfedtiejje canfpurn againft them. Tetfor all that, the learned Ipiow that certainworthy men have been brought to untimely ^ death for none other fault, but forfeetyngto reduce their countrey-men to good order and di- vtth othert fcipitne: And that in fame Common-weals it was made a capit all crime, once to motion the ma- Ia "*''"'' fang of anew taw for the abrogating of an old, though the fame were mojt pernicious : ~4nd"J^ e f n e ol ' that certain, which would be counted pillars of the State, andpatterns of venue and prudence, touldnot be brought for along time to give way to good letters and refined jpeech; but bare them- the cider, felves a> aver fe from tbem,asfromroc\sor boxes of poyfon : Andfourtbly, thathewasno babe, ^"'"** but a great Clerl^, that gave forth (and in writing t o remain to pofleritie ) inpaftionpcradven- ture, but yet he gave forth, Thathehadnotfeen any profit to come by anyfynode or meeting of the Clergie, but rather the contrarie: And laftly , again ft Church-maintenance and allvtvance, in fuchfort, as the ambajfedours and mejfengers of the great Kjng of fangs Jhould be furnijhed, it I, and for no better by the reporter himfelf, K not unknown what aficJion or fable (fo it is eftteme though fuperftitioui) was devifed: namely, That atfuchtime as tbcprofefiours and teachers of Chriflianitie in the Church of Rome, then a true Church, were liberally endowed, avoice(for- footb) was heard from heaven, faying, Now is poyfon poured downinto theChurch, &c. Thtit not onelyas oft aswejpeak, as one faith, but alfoasoft as we do any thing o f ?iot ear conft- quence, we fubjeft our felves to every ones cenfure, and happie is he that is leaft tnfied upon tongues-, for utterly to efcape thefnatch of them it u impofiible. if any man conceit that 'this is the - lot and portion of the Meaner fort oncly, and that Princes are priviledged by their high eftate, be is deceived. As the fword dcvoiu-eth as well one as another,^ it is. in Samuel; nay as the gscat j . Sam. 1 1 . commander charged hisfouldiers in a certain battell, toflri^e at no part of the cncmie, but *t 2 5- theface; Andas the l(mg of 'Syria commanded bis chief captains to fight neither with fhi all nor ^Kinf. t i. grear, fave oncly a^ainft the king of Ifrael: fo it is too true, that cnvi e ftri^eth moft jpittfully at 3i . thefaireft, and at the ckiefett, David ypat a worth) Prince, and no man to be compared to \nm for kk The Tranflatours to the Reader tfor ?^^^&^&^^^^^^ \f || eafing of the burden? Make, Ay they, the grievous fervitude of thy ;e, lighter. Belize he had charged themwith fame levies , and troubled ^So hard a tbingil; is to pleafe all, even vahen. wepleafe Godbeft, and do j8W^*^^^/wji^^sas* r vw wiflM aceptance. Tbefirfl Romane Emperour did never do a more pleafng deed to the learned, J ^ nor more profit Me to pofteritie, for conferving the record of times m truefupputauora, then calttMaUtcd ; When he corrected the Calender, and ordered theyeare according to the courfeof the f unite: and yet this w.ts imputed to him for noveltie, andarrogancie, and procured tohim great obloquie. Sathefifftcbrifiened Emperour ( at the leaftwife that openly profcfied we faith himfelf,and al- lowed others to do the li^) for lengthening the empire at his great charge;, and providing for the Church, as he did, got for his labour the name Pupillus, M who would fty, a mftfullPnuce, .Arrf. ViO. that hadneed of a guardian or overfeer. So the bcfl christened Emperour, for the love that he Tk*4>/. h^re un to peace,thereby to enrich both himfelf and. h Is fub Jeffs, and becaufe he did not fee 1^ wans Zofw*. bllt fa de ity n is judged to be no man at arms, ( though indeed he exceed in feats of chivalne, Andjhc-tvedfo mu ch tehcn he WM provoked) and condemned for giving himfelf to his cafe, and to fuflm* one that extingiujbedivortby whole volumes, to bringhis abridgements intorequeft. This is the meafure that hath been rendred to excellent Princes informer times, Cum bene facercnt, male audire, Tor their good deeds to be evil flaxen of. Neither is there any livelihood, that envie and ndignitie died, andivere buried with the ancient. No, no, the reproof of Mpfes ta^eth hold of Num.}.4 mod ages,You are rifen up in your fathers ftcad,an increafe of finfull men.' What is that that hath (hall be done: and there is no new thing under the fame, been done ? that which (hall be done: and there is no new thing under the fame, faith thetvife Afts7.si. man : and S.Stephen, As your fathers did a fo do you. This, and more to this purpofe, his Majefty HisMajefUts * that noivreigncth (and long and long may he reigae,andhis off-faring for ever, Himfelf and ^^^ children,and childrens children alwayes) tyetvfull well, according to tbefingular wifdome given (faming" ca- wttZc/Jup Tittv- unto him by God, and the rare learning and experience that he hath attained unto- } namely,That lamniation, . tvhofoever Attempteth any thing for the public^ ( ejpecially if it pertain to religion, and to the openingandclearingofthe-ivordofGod) the fame fetteth himfelf upon aflage to be gloated upon by every evil eye; yea,be cafteth himfelf headlong itpan pil^es,tobegored byevery \harptongue. Far he that medleth tvith mens religion in any part, medletb with their cuftome, n.iy, with their free-hold; and though they finde no content in that which they have, yet they cannot abide ta heare of altering, "^ofutnthftanding his royall heart was not daunted or difcouragedfor this or that colour, but flood refolute, as a ftatue immoveable , and an anvile not eafie to be beaten into ^ plates, as one faith; he foewtvho hadchojcn him to be afouldier, or rather a captain, and being A- apiired that the courfe which he intended m.tde much for the glorie of God, and the building up & of his Church, he would notfuffer it to be broken off for what foever /beeches or praftiffs. It doth ettftav certainly belong unto fyngs,yea, it doth Specially belong unto them, to have care of religion, yea, - te know it aright, yen, toprofefie it ^calo.'ify.,yea, to promote it to tbeuttermoft of their power. This is their glorie before all nations which mean well, and this will bring unto them afarre mo ft e-.tcdltnt weight of glorie in the day of the Lord fefus. For the Scripture faith not in vain, i .Sain.*. 5 o. Them tliat honour mCj I will honour: neither was it a vain word that Eufebius delivered long $* But now what pictie without truth ? wh at truth (what faving truth) without God? what word of God ( whereof we may befure ) without the Scripture ? The Scriptures we the holy fcri. are commanded to fearcb,~$v\ j.^.lfa.S.zo. They are commended that fetched andftndied P^* 5 * them, A<3s 17.11. and 8. 18 , z 9 . They arc reproved thatwere unsl^ilfnUin them, or flow to be- leevethem,Mxth.iz^9. Luk.i4.zf. They can ma^emwife unto falvation, xTim.j.r^. if we be ignowt, they will mftr.ift ^ if out ofvhe way, they will bring us home; if out of order, S. ^tufuf. they wllreform m; if m beavinejle, comfort ut; if dull, quicken us; if cold, enflams us. Tollc nftfiiU. le^e , Tolle le^e, T^k? "P and reade, tal^e up and reade the Scriptures, (for unto them 'COM th e direftutn) it was fad unto S. Auguftiue by tfipernafcaltwfa* Whatfoever is in the Scriptures, bclceve The Tranflatours to the Reader? , faith the fame S. AugtifHne, is high and divinej there is verily truth, and a docm'ne S. njoft fit for the refreftung and renewing of mens mindes, and truely fo tempered, that every one ut ' ! ' r '^f^e n - may draw from thence that which is fufhcient for him, if he come to draw with a devout and dtca f 6 - pious minde, as true religion requireth. TbtuS. Auguftine. And S.Hicrome, Ama Scripturas, s - Uieron.ri &amabittefapientia, &c. Love the Scriptures, And wifdome will love tbec. AndS. Cyrill f'T^!** againft Julian, Even boyes that are bred up in the Sciiptures, become moft religious, &c. But iwnjZlau. what mention we three or foure ufes of the Scripture , whereas whatfoever is tabs beleevcd or praftifed,or hoped for, is contained in them? or three or foure fentences of the Fathers ,Ji 'nee whofoeverisWorthythenameof a Father, from Chrift^ time downward, hith kite-wife written, not onely of the riches, but alfoof the perfection of the Scripture? I adore the iViIncflcof the Sciipture,/rfjf/>Tei-tullian/7g^/?Hermogenes. And again, foApelles an heretic^ of t be life Tm/ aJ'^fm onely out of the Prophets, who teach us by divine infpiration. So S. Bafii after Tertullian, It is c^Ty a inanifelt falling away from the faith, and a fault of prefumption, either to reject any of thofe *s&{ i things that are written, or to bring in ( upon the head of them, \ r rtaav.ytiv ) any of thofe things oiov TE. that are not written* we omit to cite to the fame ejfeff, S. Cyrill Bijhop o/Jerufalem in his 4 Ca- techif. S .Hierome againft Helvidius,^. Auguftine in his third bool^ againft the letters 0/Petihan, and in very many other places of his worlds. Alfo tve forbear to defcend to later Fathers, becaufc we wiU not wearie the Reader. The Scriptures then being acknowledged to be fo full &fo perfcft, bow can we excufe ourfelves of negligence, if we do not (Indie them ? of curiofitie, if we be not content with them ? Men tall^ much of * elfivjuvn, how manyfweet and goodly things it had ^maaa'vn hanging on it-, of the Pbilofophersftone, that it turneth copper into gold; o/Cornu-copia, that it ^^^p H had all things neceffarie for food init;ofPanzces the herb, that it was good for all difcafes; of Catholicon the drug, that it is inftead of all purges; of Vulcans armour, that it was an armour fa of proof againft all thrufts, and aft blowsy&c. well, that which they falfly or vainly attributed to thefe things fqr bodily good,we may juflly and with full meafure afcribeunto the Scripture, g for jpirituall. Itisnot onely an armour, but alfoanwhole armourie of weapons, both offensive An olive anddefenfhe; wherebywemayfaveourfelves,andput the enemie to flight. It is not an herb, bough wrap. but a tree, or rather a whole paradife of trees of life, which bring for ihjruit every moneth, and ped about the fruit thereof is for meat, and the leaves for medicine. It is not a pot of Manna, or a crufe "/"^jj^.^^ oyl, which were for meraorie onely, or for a meals meat or two; but,Jts itwerCjafbowre of heaven- did hang figs ly breadfufficientfor a whole boft, be it never fo great, and, as it were, a whole cellar full of oyl and bread veffcls; whereby all our necejjlties may be provided for, and our debts discharged. In a word, it "^ hen y in it a panarie of wholefomefood, againft fcnowed traditions; apbyficiansjhop ( S. Bafil calleth. i t) J^ r > of prefervatives againft poyfoned berejies; a pandect of profitable laws,againft rebellious tyirits; J* a treafttrie of moft coftly jewels, aga'rajt beggarly rudiments; finally, a fountain of moft pure water $ rj j^ Jpi'inging up to evcrlafting life. And what marvell? The original! thereof being from heaven, p^al.p>atna not from earth; the authour being God, not man; the enditer, the holy Spirit , not the wit of the Apoftles or Prophets; t he penmen fuch as were fanftified from the womb e, and endue dwith aprin- cipall portion of Gods Spirit; the matter veritie,pietie y pttritie, uprightnejje; the form, Gods word, Gods teftimonie, Gods oracles, the word of truth, the wordoffalvation, &c. the cffefts, light of underftanding, ftablenefff of ferfwafion, repentance from deadworl^s, newnejfe of life, bolincjfe, peace, joy in the holy Ghoft; la(lly,the end and reward ofthefludie thereof, fellow- jbip with the faints, participation of the heavenly nature, fruition of 'an inheritance immortally tindefiled, and that neverfhallfade away : Happie is the man that dclighteth in the Scripture^ and thrice happie that meditate th in it day and night. Traaflation Bllt howfljallmen meditate in that which they cannot underftand? Howjball they ynderftand necdTaric. that which is l^ept clofe in an iwtyown tongue? asitu Wfittm, Except I know the power of the Cor. 1 4* yoice,! (hall be to him thatfpeaketh a Barbarian, and he that fpcaketh (hall be a Barbarian to me. The Apoftle excepteth no tongue; not Hebrew the ancienteft, not Greek the tnoft copious, not Lc- tine thefneft. Nature taught a naturall man to confeffe> that all of us in thofe tongues which !& "*&* wedo not underftand, are plainly dcaf,we may turn the deaf ear e unto them. 77;f Scythian ^'^^. counted the Athenian, whomhedidnot underftand, barbarow: fo tbeR.omzned>d the S)Ti.in, rjjmafo. andtbe^ew, (cvcnS. Hicrome himfelf c alleththe Hebrew tongue barbarous, bcltl^cbccaufc it Michael.* wosflrangetofomany) fo the Etnperour of Conftantfnople calleth tle'Lztinc tongue barba- ffathlij/il. row, though Pope Nicolas doftorm at it: fo the Jews long before Chrift, called all other nations J^Jf^hri Lo%nzf\m,which is little better then barbarous. Therefore as one complaincth that atu>,iycs hi c ,4. ' the Senate of Rome, there was one or other that called for an Interpreter: fi left the Church be Ccerof&fi. drivtntothe li\eexiient, it Kntceffarie to have translations in a readimfc. Traujlationit h *#* 3 4 that The Tranflatours to the Reader. tha.t ofcnetl} the window, to Itt in the light-,, that breadth the {bell, that we may eat the Icmulb that putteth afide the curtain, that we may lool^ into the moft holy placetfhat removeth the cover .ip.i9. of the well, that we may come by the water ; even as Jacob '/oiled away the ftoncfrom the mouth of the welly by which means the flocks of Laban were watered. Indeed without tranjla- 4. 1 1 . tion into the vulgar tongue, the unlearned are but life children at Jacobs well (which wat deep) without a bucket or ftmethi-ng to drawwith:- or as that perfon mentioned by Efay,fr> whom when 19.11. fealed boo\ Wjf delivered, with this motion, Reade this, I pray thee, he was fain to mafe this anfwer, I cannot, for it is fealed. while God would be famm onely in Jacob, and have his name great in Ifrael, and in none other Thctranffcti- place, while the dew lay on Gideons fleece onely, and all the earth be fides was drie; then for one on of the old and the fame people, which /pafe all of them the language of Canaan, that ^Hebrew, one and the fame originall in Hebrew was Efficient. Eat when the fulneffe of time drew neare, that theSunneof righteoufnefe, the Sonne of God Should comeinto the world, whom God or* dained to be a reconciliation through faith in his blond, not of the Jew onely, but alfo of the Greek, jre.*, of all them that were fcattered abroad; then lo, it pleafed t he Lord to ftirre up the fpirit of a Greek Prince ( Greek for defcent and language) even of Ptolomee Philadelph fang of Egypt, to procure the tranflatingof the boo^_ of God out of Hebrew into Greek. This is the translation of the Seventie interpreters, commonly fo called, which prepared the way for our Sa- viour among the Gentiles by written preaching, as 5. John Baptift did among the Jews by voca.ll. For the Grecians being defirom of learning, were, not wont to fujfer booths of worth to lie mould- ingin fangs libraries, but hadmanyof their ferv ants, readie fcribes, tvcopiethemout, andfo they were difpsrfed and made common. Again,tbc Greek tongue was well known and made fami- liar to moft inhabitants in Afia, by reafon of the conqucfts that there the Grecians had made, as elfo by th-e colonies, which thither they hadfent. For the fame caufes alfo it w.ts well understood in many places of Europe, yea, and of Africk too. Therefore the ward of God being Jet forth in Creek, becometh hereby life a candle fet upon a candleftic^,whichgiveth light to all that arein the houfe;or life aproclamationjoundedforth in the market place, which moft men prefently tatye' knowledge of; and the~fefore that language wjsfitteft to contain the Scriptures , both for the fir ji preachers of the Go/pel to appeal unto for witnes, and for the learners alfo ofthofe times to matye fearcb and triall by. It is certain, that that translation waj not fo found andfo perfect, but that it needed in many places correction; andwho hadbeenfofufficientfor thlsworlf_ as the Apoftles or upofloiife men ? Yet itfeemedgood to the holy Ghoft and to them, to tal^e thatwhieh theyfound 3 (the fame being for tbegreateft part true andfn,ffkient)ratber then by making a new,in that new World and green age f the Church, to expofe themfelves to many exceptions and cav illations, as though they made a translation toferve their own turn; and therefore bearing witneffe to ther*- f elves, their witnejje not to be regarded. This may befuppofed to be fame caufe, why the tranfla- tion of the Seventie was allowed to paffe for currant. Notwitbftanding,though it was commend- ed generally, yet it d:dnot fully content the learned, no-not of the Jews. For not long after Chrift^ AOjioila fell inbandwith anew tranjlation, andafterbim Thtodotion, and after him Symma- chus:yca,therewas a fifth and a fix th edition, the authours whereof were not l(nown.Thefewitb the Seventie made up the Hexzpla, and were worthily and to great pur pofe compiled together by Oiigen. Howbeit the edition of the Seventicwent away with the credit, and therefore not one* ly was placed in the midfl by Origen (for the worth and excellencie thereof above the reft, of fep'phaniusg^^er^/?; but alfo was /(fed by the Greek Fathers for the ground and foundation of t ^ eir commentaries. "Yea, Epiphanius abovenawed doth attribute fo much unto it, that he hold- fee S. the Spirit gave them utterance. This may *je f u ffi cefoac ^^ t l ^ )C Greek transitions of theQld Teftament. **< Tbere ^ re alfo w ' Khin a f er " hundred y* "ft** Ghrifr^ many tranftatiras into the Latioe Tranflatfcn ton l ue : f nr this ton g !ie al f * s very fit to convey the law and the gojbtl by, bccaufe in tbofe out of H*. it il " Vry - many cnmtre 'J s f tbe m ^ y a f tlff e South, Eafl, and North, fia^e or mderfteod fe - , L^ine>e;g made provinces to the Romanes.B? now the Latine tr inflations were too many to be all good: for they were inpwte(LKisu irtferprecesnuUomado-naraerari ofluot,/iif b S.Au^u- The Tran/Iatours to the Reader. ftine.) Again, they were not out of the Hebre w fountain ( we (beak of the Latine tr inflations of rteOldTetamentjbutoutoftbeG^ the Latine derived from itmuft needs be muddy. This moved S. Hicrome, a moft learned Father and the beft linguift without coxtroverfa, of his age, or of any that went before him, to under- take the translating of the Old Testament out of the very fountains themfelves j which he per- formedwith that evidence of great learning,' judgement, induftry, and faith fulnefre , that he ^ n h * tb f r evcr bound the Ch rcb unto htm * d^t of/peciall remembrance and thank fulncffe SofcK" , ^though the Church were thus furnified with Greek and Latine translations, even before fcrrpturcinto tbefattbofOtaA was generally embraced tie Empire: (for the learned &ow,tb*t even m the vulgar S. Hieromes time, the Conful o/Rome and his wife were both Ethnic^, and about the fame time f f&r wngHss. the greatest part of the Senate alfo) yet for all that the godly learned were not content to h we MSr the Scriptures in the language which themfelves understood, Greek and Latine, (as the ?eod le- Zo ^' fers were not content to fare well themfelves , but acquainted their neighbours with the Rare a ' Kin S'>* that God hadfcnt, that they alfo might provide for themfelves) but alfo for the behoof and edi- fying of the unlearned which bungred and thirfied after righteoufneffe, and had fouls to be fa- ved as well as they, they provided traditions into the vulgar for their conntrey-men, infomucb that moft nations under heaven did fbortly after their convc-.fon, heare Chriit (beat inr unto them in their mother tongue, not by the voice of their mini ft er onely, but alfo by the written word tranflated. If any doubt hereof, be may be fatted by examples enow, if enow will feme the turn. Firft, S.Hietome faith, Multarum gentium linguis Scriptura ante tranflata docet falfa < >, r cfle quae addita font, &C; that r,-.The Scripture being tranflated before in the lanauages of ma- i'ifiSS ny nations, doth {hew that thofe things that were added (by Lucian or Hefychiusfare talfe So S. Hieromejw that place. The fame Hierome dfewhere affirmeth that he, the time was, hadfet S. Km* forth the transition of the Seventie, fuse linguae hommibus 3 that is, for bis conntreymen of s ^^>- Dalmam. trbith words not onely Erafmus doth understand to purport, that S.Hietometranfla- Six.SatJ& + ted the Scripture into the Dalmatian tongue^ but alfo Sixtus Senenfis, and Alphonfus a Caftro ff ha "' aGl ft T9 < that wefoakofnomorejmcn not to beexcepted againft by them /Rome,rf fl mtenuoufly con- S. * A^^k;^$,<^a^ doctrine of S. John (faith he) did not in fuch fort (as the Phtlofofbers did) vanilh away but the H """ 1 ' bynans, Egyptians, Indians, Perfians, Ethiopians , and infinite other nations beino barbarous people, tranflated it into their (mother ) tongue,and have learned to be (true) Philosophers he tneaneth Chnftians. To this may be added Theodoret,^ next unto him, both for antiqit>tiejmd ir. y; }or learning. His words be thefe, Every coumrey that is under the funne, is full of thefe words ""*"&* { of the Apples andProphets) and the Hebrew tongue (be meancih the Scriptures m the He- *'P" a * Ji * brew tongue) is turned not onely into the language of the Grecians, but alfo of the Romanes 7/r kcbiaa. ^nd Egyptians, and Perlians, and Indians, and Armenians, and Scythians , and Sauromatians' Gab. briefly into all the languages that any nation ufeth. So he. In ///>\ t n h^, a +...~r/-^j +L . c.- ?&& -y ""/ i.jvi uiv.ui. ju uc. in, it IJK manner, cupuas is report- ed by Paulus Diaconus and Ifidore (and before them by Sozomen) to have transited the Scri- K 7 ' ttures into the Gothick tongue: John Bijhop of Sivil by Vafleus, to have turned them into Ara- *S?*' bick, about the yeare of our Lord 7 ^7: Beda by Ciftertienfis, to have turned a *reat part e f f t?**f"t.* them into Saxon; Efnard^y Trithemius, to have abridged the French P falter ,as Beda had dene ^'^'^ the Hfaw, about theyeare Scoring Alured by toe fad Ciftertienfis,^ have turned tbePfal- ';%'? T ^ ter Mo Saxon: Methodius by Avcminus (printed at Ingolftad) to have turned the Scriptures Tr^ into Sclavoman: Valdo, Bijhop o/Fnfing by Beatus Rhenanus,^ have caufed about that time, **mai- ^4 the Gojptls to be treated into Dutch rithmc, yet extant in the library of Cotbinian- Valdui * Circa arr - tan h divers tah^ve turned them hhnfelf, or to have gotten them turned into French, about the SmGrnS! yeare x i6c .-Charles tbefftb of that name fur named The wife,r* have can fed them to be turned 3!T. >nto French, abo^ zooyearer after Valdus/^y^^, of which translation there be mny copies *"<* yetextant,*swtnefethKetozldu<>. Much about that time, even in our King Richard the'feconds T *** John Trevifa traij^ted them into Englifh, and many Enghfli bibles in wrttten band are yet tobefecn with divers, transited, as it i! very probable, in that age. So the Syrian tranfla- lion of the New Teflament is in moft /earned mcns libraries, of Widminftadtus hisfettint forth- and the P falter in Ai-abick is with m.iny, of Auguftinus Nebknfis/fm'g forth. So Poftel af- prmeth, that in his travel he fatv the Gofpels in the Ethiopian tongue: And Ambrofe Thefius tUcdtetb the P filter of the Indians, vbtcb be refitfetb to have bee* fet forth by Potken in Swi- an characters. So that, to have the Scriptures in the mother tongue is not a qu lint conceit late* ly taken up, either by the Lord Cromwell ^-England, or by the L o-fd Radevil in Polonie , or by the Lord Llngnadius / tbeEmperours dominion r but hath been thought upon , and put in pra- itife of old, even fromtbefirft times of the conversion of any nation ; no doubt, becaufc it TV.,S epeemedrzoft profitable, to caufe faith to grow in mens hearts thefooncr,and to make them to be *Ue tfay with the words of the Pfalme, As we have heard, fo yvc have fcen. PSO. *. J. The Tranflaf ours to the Reader. Now the Church a/Rome would feem at the length to bear A motherly affeft'iox towards her tfcenjrit Children, and to allow them the Scriptures in the mother tongue: but indeed it is a. gift, not de- KJ e e f ad KBX. Cerving to be called a gift, an unprofitable gift:they tnujtfirjt get a licence in writing before they TCriarics> ^ ***ay ufe them; and to get .that, they mitft approve themfelves to their Confeffor, that is, to be the Ccriptans , fuch as are, if not frozen in the dregs, yet fowred with the leaven of their fupe rftition. Howbeit Q>W be d. See the obfcr- itfeemed too much to Clement the eighth, that there (hould be any licence granted to have them gj. ln *** y^hhVrir in the vulgar tongue, and therefore he overruletb andfruftrateth the grant of Pius the fourth, toog^&c. men* 5s au So much are they afraidofthe light of the Scripture ( Lucifugar Scripturarum , as Tertullian - thority) up- (bea^eth)tbattheywillnottruftthepeoplewithit,no not as it is fet forth by their own fworn on th fourth men ^ m not fvith the licence of their own Bijhops andlnquifttours. Tea,fo unwilling they are t Sextos ma communicate the Scriptures to the peoples under ft an ding in any fort, that they are not ajbamcct ICUHUM the to confeffe , that we forced them to translate it, into Enghfh aga inft their wills. Thisfeemetb to Intfcx, lib. argue a bad caufe,vr a bad confcicnce,or both. Sure we are,that it if not he that hath good gold, fnULfg. t j jaf j s afraid to ^ f \ n ^ ~ lt to t ^ e touch-jtone, but he that hath the counterfeit ; neither is it the K'rS&r'eTur. * rue m&n thatjhunneth the light, but the malefaclour, left his deeds [hould be reproved; neither cams. ' * is it tke plain-dealing merchant that is unwilling to have the wcights,or themetcyard brought Jon. j. 20. in place, but he that ufeth deceit. But we will let thera alone for this fault, and return to tranf- lation. Many mens mouthes have been open a good while (and yet are not flopped) with fpeeches a- The fpceches bout the tranflation fa long in hand, or rather pcrufals of translations made before: and as k^ ?"i rc ^f ons what may be thereafon, what the neceffltie of the employment: Hath the Church been deceived, {^j^^j fay they, all this while? Hath her fn>eet bread been mingle dwith leaven, hcrftlver with drojft, O f our a( j vep . S. Zt*. J&3- her wine with water, her milk wi th lime ? ( Lade gypfum male mifcetur, faith S. Ireney ) we faries ^ain^ *'! l * hoped that we had been in the right way, that we had had the Oracles of God delivered unto c ^ W9 r fc, us, and that though all the world had caufe to be offended, and to complain, yet that we had none. Hath the nurfi holden out the breafl, and nothing but windc in it? Hath the bread been delivered by the Fathers of the Church, and the fame proved to be hpidofus, as Seneca fpealf etb? H'hat is it to-handle the word of God deceitfully, if this be not ? Thus certain brethren* Alfo the ad-^erfaries o/Judah ^Hiertifalem, lil^e Sanballat in Nehemiah 3 woc^,^ we heare^ both at the worl^ and workmen, faying, What do thefe weak Jews,&c.will they make the ftones whole again out of the heaps of duft which are burnt ? although they build, yet if a fox go up, he (hall even break down their ftome wall, was their tranflation good before? why do they now tnendit? was it not good? why then w.is it obtrudedto thepeople? Yea, why did the Catholic^ (meaning Popifo Romanifts) atwayesgo injeopardie, for refusing to go to heare it? Nay , if it wuft be transited intd Englifh, Catholic^ are fitteft to do it. They have learning, and they know when a thing is well, they can manum de tabula, n'e will anfivcr them both briefly : And S.Httrm.Jlp- the former, being brethren, that, with S. Hierome, Damnamus veteres? Mininie, fed poft prio- vum ftudia in domo Domini quod poflumus laboramus. That is, Do we condemne the ancient? In no cafe: but after the endeavours of them that were before us, we take the belt pains we can inthehoufeof God. Asifhefiid, Being provoked by the example of the learned that lived before my time, I have thought it my dutie, to a/ay whether my talent in the knowledge of the tongues, may be profitable in any meafure to Gods Church, left ijbouldfeem to haue laboured in thetnin v.iin, and left Ijhould be thought to glorie in men,( although ancient) above that which was in them. Thui S. Hierome may be thought to fpcal^. >Andtoihefameejf(ftfaywe, that we arc fofarre off from condemning any of their labours A fatisfaftlbt that travelled before M in this l(inde , cither in this land or beyond fea , cither in !(,. Henries w our brc- time, or J(. Edwards ( if there were any tranflation, or correction of a translation in his time) t k fCQ< cr ^jt- Elifabeths of ever renowned memorie, that we acknowledge them to have been raifed up of God, for the building and furnishing of his Church, and that they dcferve to be had of us and of poftcritie in everlafting remembrance. The judgement of Ariftotle is worthy and well k' lo ' ivn: I* Timotheus had not been, we had not had much fweet mufick: but if Phrynis ( Ti- motheus his mafter) had not been, we had not had Timotheus. Therefore bleffed be they, and moft honoured be their name, that brcal^ the ice, and give the onfet upon that which belpethfor- . ward to the fav'mg of fouls. Now what can be more available thereto, then to deliver Gods book unto Gods people in a tongue which they understand? Since of an hidden treafure,an~d of a foun~ t.iin that is fealej., there is no profit, as Ptolomee Philadelph wofe to the Rabbins or maftersof S. Ff/*Ai. the Jews, .*. wftncfletll Epiphanius: and & S.Auguftine/ we are furs > bath caufe to mijli^e W, they, we tpz-ed The Tranflafours to the Reader. 3 if they were alive, would thank us. The vintage of Abktcr,thjtfl,:i^c tbej}rolte:yetthegleaningofgrapesofEphirnwasnottobedefpifed. SfeJudgesS. i. Joafb K*ng.ii. the t^ing of Ifrael did notfatisfie himfelf, till he hadfmitten the ground three time:,', and yet he I9iis ' offended the Prophet, for giving ovtr then. Aquila, of whom tee fpal^e before, translated the bible as carefully , and as skilfully as he could 5 andyet he thought good to go over it again, and then it got the credit with the Jews, to be called XAT&xfi&ei&ythat is, accurately done, as S. Hierome witnejfeth. How many boofo of profane learning have been gone over again and $.wtm.i* again, by the fame tranflatours, by others! Of one and the fame book o/Ariltotles Ethic t^s, there. E&A. p. J ure ext.int not fo few affix orfevenfeveralltranflations. Now ifthiscoft maybe beftowedupon the gourd, which affordeth H* a. little Jbade, and which to day ftouri/heth, but to morrow is cut down>wba t may we beftoiv, nay what ough t we not to beftow upon the vine, the fruit whereof ma^eth glad the conference of man, and the ftemmcwbereof abidctb for ever ? And, this is the Word of God which we translate. What is the chafie to the wheat 3 faith the Lord? Tanti vitrc- um a quanti verum margaritum ( faith Tertullian ) if a toy of glajfe be of that reckoning with us, how ought we to value the true fear I ! Therefore let no mans eye be evil, becaufe his Ala]e- flies is good; neither let any be grieved, that we have a Prince thatfeel^etb theincreafe of the jfrirituall wealth o/Ifraelj (let Sanballats and Tobiahs dofo, which therefore do bear their juft qu^ti peril- reproof) but let HI rather blefre God from the ground of our heart, for wording this religion* fitjimomma- carein him, to have the translations of the bible maturely cowfidered of andexamined. For by gtriam- tiiet this means it cometh topajje,tbatwhatfoever is found alreadic ( and all is found for fubftance, dSdviih in OTIC or other of our editions, and the worft ofoursfarre better then their authentic^ vulgar) the fame willjhine as gold more brightly, being rubbed andpolifted; a/fa, if any thing be halting, orfuperfluora, or notfo agreeable to the origin all, the fame may be corrected, and the truth fct .- in place. And what canthefyng command to be. done, that will bring him more true honour then tins? and wherein could they that have beenfet a worl^ } approve their dutie to the J\ing, yea their obedience to God, and love to his Saints more, then byycelding their fervice, and alt that is within them, for the fumijhingoftbcworli? But bepdcs all this, they were theprinci- fallmotives of it, and therefore ought leaftto quarrell'it. For the very hijtoricall truth is,that pon the importunate petitions-of the Purit&nes, at his Majeftic$ com'mg to this crown,thc con- erence .if Hampton Court having been appointed forbearing their complaints: when by force ' upon the importunate petitions-of the Purit&nes, at his Majeftic$ com'mg to this crown,thc con- ference .if Hampton Court having been appointed forbearing their complaints: when by force of 'reafon they were put from all other grounds,they had recou*fe at tbelaft^to tbujhift, that they could not with good confciencefubfcribe totbeCommumonboobfivceit maintained the bi~ bleat it w^f there translated, which was, as they J "aid, a mofi corrupted tranflztion. And al- though this was Judged to be but a verypoore and emptiejbift,ye't even hereupon did bisMajc- Jlte begin to bethinl^ himfelf of the good that might enfuc by a new transition , and presently after gave order for this tranflation which is nowprefented unto thec. Thus much tofdti'sfie our fcrupulous brethren. An anftvcrto Now to the latter we anfwer, That we do not dcnie, nay we affirm and avow, that the very thcimputati- meanejt translation of the bible inEnlifh,fet forth by men of our profej/ton (for we havefiex oos o^ur 7ime Q f tfai-fs O f the whole bible as yet ) containeth the word of God, nay, is the tvord of God. *" As the fyngsfpeecb which he uttered in Parliament, bang translated into French, Dutch, Ita- lian, and Laune, isftillthe JSjngsfpeecb, though it be not interpreted by every tranflatourwitb the li^e grace, nor peradventurefo fitly for phrafe, nor fo expreflyfoyfcnfe, every where. For it is ce?ifefed, that things are to ta^e Their denomination of the greater part; andanaturall man could fay, Verum ubi multa nitent in carmine, non ego paucis offender maculis, &c. A man may be counted a vcrtitoti* man,thuiigh he have made many flips in his life, (elfe there were none vert uo:a, for in many things we oftend all) alfo a coraely man and lovely, though he have Jarocsj-*? : fame wirts upon his hand; yea, not onelyfrccl{ds upon his face, but alfo fc.irrcs. No caufe there- fare why the word t?a?i(l.itedjbo/ild be denied to be the word, or forbidden to be currant, not- withftanding that fame imperfections and ble/nijbcs may be no fed in the fetting forth of it. For what ever WM perfect under the funne, where Apottles or apojtoli^e mea, that is, men endued with an extraordinaric rneafure of Gods Spirit , andpriviledgedwith t be priviledge ofinfalli- bilitic, bad not their hand? The Romanics therefore in refusing to beare^wd daring to burn the ward tranjlatcd,didno leffe then defpite the Spirit of grace, from whom originally it proceeded, *nd wbofcfenfe and mcaning,as well as mansweal^neffe would enable, it did expr-ejjc. Judge by an example or tno. Plutarch witeth, that after that Rome had been burnt by the Galls , they feUfoonto build it again: but doing it in hafte, they didnot caft the ftreets, nor proportion the Camilla. houfcs in fucb comely fajhi on, as had been mofifigbtij and convenient :y>3s Online therefore an bonc{lman,of a. good patriot, that fought to bring it to a combuftion?or NwoagoodFrince,tbat did indeed fet it on fire? So, by tbeftory ofEzr^and the prophefe ofHaggaijtma} be gathered, tbAt the temple built by Zerubbabel after the return from Babylon , w.7 by no mews to be com- The Tranflafours to the Reader? frfed t the former built by Solomonf/ir they that remembred the former, wept when they cinfi- dered the later)notwitbftanding,migbt this later either have been abhorred andforfal^en by the JewSjor profaned by the Greeks ? The life we are to thinf^ of translations. The translation of the Sevuaiedijjentetbjfrom the Original in many places, neither doth it come near it/or perfpicuity, $ravitie,ma.jc file-jet which oftbeApoftlesdidcondemne it?Condemneit?nay, tbey ufed it, (as it is apparent, and as S.Hierome and moftiearned men do confeffe)wbicb they would not have dojte, nor by their exampleofujingofit,fograce and commend it to the Church, if it had beenunwor* thy the appellation and name of the word efGod.And whereas they urge far their fecond defence ef their v ilifying and abufmg of the English bibles,or fome pieces thereof, which thy meet with, for that heretics (forfooth) were the authours of the translations, (hereti^es they call ut by the fame right that they calltbemfelvescatbolik^,botbbe:ngwrong)we mar veil what divinity taught them fa. we are fare Tertullian was of another minde: Ex perfonis probamus fidem , an ex fide perfonasr'Dff we trie mens faith by their per fons?wejhould try their perfons by their faith. Al{o S. Auguftine was of 'another minde: for he lighting upon certain rules made by Tychonius A Donatift,/0r the better under/landing of the word,was not afbamed to mal^e ufe of them, yea ,to ' infert them into his own boo^with giving commendation to them fo far forth as they were wor- thy to be commended, as is to befeen in S. Auguftines third boe^ De doftr. Chrift. To befion, Origen, and.the wkoleChurchof God for certain hundredyeares,were of another minde : for they werefo firm from treading underfoot (much more from burning) the translation o/Aquila c Profelyte, that is, one that had turned Jew, of Symmachus and Theodotion, both Ebiorutes, that is, moftvileheretifes, that they pyned them together with the Hebrew Original , and the translation of the Seventic ( a* hath been before jigriipedout of Epifhbniusjandfet them forth openly to be conftdered of, and perufed by all. But we weary the unlearned, wh9 need not ^now fo much; and trouble the learned, who know it alreadif. Yet before we end, we muft anfwer a third cavill and ob'^ecJion of theirs againft us , for alter- ing and amending our travflations fo oft, wherein tritely they deal hardly and jtrangely with u*. For to whom ever was it imputed for a fault (by fuck as were wife)to go over that which be bad done., and to amend it where hefaw caufe? S. Auguftine was not afraid to exhort S. Hieroma . to a Palinodia or recantation: the fame S, Auguftine w.?s not ajhamed to retraftate, we might it fa* revo k s > man y things that hadpa(fedhim, and doth evenglorie that hefeetb his infirmities. Video ixtcrdum tf wewill befonnes of the truth, we muft cen/ider what itfpeal^eth, and trample upon our own VIM mea, S' credit, yea, and upon other mens too, if either be any way an hinder ance to it. This to the caufe. . 8. 'fhen to the perfons we fay, that of all men they ought to be tnoftjilent in this cafe.For what va- rietiesbave they, andwhat alterations have they made, not onely of their fervice-boolfs, por- teffes, and breviaries, but alfo of their Latine translation! Tbefervice-boolifuppofed to be made , 5. by S. Ambrofe (Officium Ambrofianum) was a great while infpeciallufe andrequeft: but Pope Hadrian calling a councellwitb tkeaidof Charles tbeEmperour,abolifl>edit,yea,burntit, and commanded thefervice-bool^ 0/S. Gregorie univerfally to be ufed. weU, Officium Gregorianura gets by this means to be in credit; but doth it continue without change or altering? No, the very Romane/en; ice was of two fashions ;the newfafl>ion,and the old,(the one ufed in one church, the ttberin another) as is to befeen in Pamelius aRomanift, his preface f/o> - eMicroIogus. The fame Tamelius reporteth out o/Radulphus de Rivo, that about theyeare of our Lord 1277, Pope Ni- colas the third removed out of the churches o/Rome, the more ancient booths ( offervice ) and brought into ufe the miffals of the Friars Minorites, and commanded them to be obferved there', infomucb that about an hundred yeares after, when theabovenamed^dulphus happened to be at Rome, he found all the boo^s to be new, of the new/lamp. Neither was there this chopping And changing in the more ancient times onely, but alfo of late: Pius Quintus bimfelfconfeffethy that every bifliopricl^ almoft had a peculiar fende offervice, moft unlike to that which others bad; which moved him to abolish all other breviaries, though never [o ancient, and priviledged find piibUjbedfy Bijhops in their dioceffes,andto eftablijh andratifie that onely which was of his own fet ting forth, in theyeare i j68. Now When the Father of their Church, who gladly would heal the fore of the daughter of his people foftly and fleigbtly, andma^e the befl of it,findctbfo great fault with tb em for their ods and jarring, we hope the children have no great caufe t vdunt of their unifvrmitie. But the difference that appeareth between our translations, and our often cor/reeling of them, is the thing that we arefpecialiy charged with ;let us fee therefore whe- ther tbey them/elves be with out fault this way, ( if it be to be counted a fault, to corrett ) and whether they be ft men to th row ftones at ut: O tandem major parcas infane minori : tbey that are leffe found themfelves, ought not to ob\eft infirmities to others, if tvejhoidd tell t hem that Valla,Stapulenfis,Erafmu3 3 .7B^ Vivesfoundfault with their vulgar tranflation, & cqnfequent- ly wlflied the fame to be mended ,or a new one to be made; they would anfwer per adventure that Wfr9(litc_ed thir enemies for witne/es a^ainft them, albeit, they were in m other fort enemies, then The Tranflatours tothcResder: rtnfS-f^JMHtkeGalvutuSor tellw them the truth : anditwento be wfied, that Wv+if they had dared to tell it them plainer and oftener. But what will they fa to this, that Pope Leo the tenth aUowed Erafmus traction of the New refitment, fo much different from the vulgar by his apoftolike letter and bull : That the fame Leo exhorted Pagnin to translate the whole ft- S iw Ar He and bare whatever charges was nectar te for the w,rk? Surely, as the Apoftle reafoneth to the Hebrews, that if the former Law and Teftamem had been fufficient , there had been no Hcb. 7 .. need of the latter; fo we may fay, that if the old vulgar had been at all prints allowable, to fault wd 8 '> ' purpofe had labour and charges been undergone, about framing of a. new. if they fay it Was one Popes private opinion, andthat heconfulted onely him/elf; then we are able to ro further with them, and to averre, that more of their chief men of all forts, even their own Trent chain-. f! T' *$*- Vc3 > and their ^ m *&*'&** Hieronymus ab Olcaftro, and t hei r own. *iJ&0j>IfidorusClarius, and their own Cardinal Thomas a vio Caietan, do either ma^e new translations themf elves, or follow new ones of other mem ma\(ing,or note the vulgar in terpreter for halting,none of them fear to difentfrom him,noryet to except again ft him.And call they this an uniform tenour of Text and judgement about the tfxt,fo many of their worthies difclaiminr the now received conceit ? Nay, we willyet come nearer ths quic^ doth not their Tzris-edttiox differ from the Lovam, and Hentenius his from them both, and yet all of them allowed by aiitbo- mie ? -Nay doth not ^Smus Qumtus confeffe, that certain Cathodes ( he meaneth certain of six his own fide J were in fucb an humour of translating the Scriptures into Latine, that Satan ta-fi king occafton by them though they thought of nofuch matter, didftrive what he cft,and to learn "&* thatriu, W '^ KWf i/r tuvMwjo learn andprafiife together, is nether commendable for the wor^an,norf a fefor the Wor^ Therefore fucb were thought upon, as could fay modejilywith S. Hierome, Et Hebr^iim fermontm exparte dididmus, & in Latino peneab^smctmabiK&c.demufamu^Bothwchavclearnedt^ 1 f A' r 'T WC VC f n eXerafed alm ft fr m ur vcr y cradle - ^-Hicrome mafetb no mention cf ^e Greek tongue, wherein yet be did excell^becaufe be translated not the Old Tefamcnt out of Greek, ^,, / Hebrew. And in what fort did thefe ajfemble? In tie truft of their own know- ledge, or of their Jharpnelje of wit, or deepnefe of judgement, as it were in an arm of Mi? At no band. They truftedin himthathaib the fry of David, opening and no man fouttinr; they prayed to ihe Lord the Father of our Lord, to the c/eft that S.Auoviline did; Olet thy Scriptures ; be ny pure delight, let me not be deceived in them, neither let me deceive by them. In ibis confi- dence, and with this devotion did they afl'cmble together; not too many, left one fbould trouble another; and yet many, left many things haply right efcape them. lf } ou ask ""hat they bad befert them, truely it was the Hebrew text of the Old Teftament, the Greek of the New. Thefe are the &v &oltin fifes f crratb{Jsnduitt, where-through the olw bribes wpty :hem/ihes in arc, &c. to the The Tranflatours to the Reader j. J. * the gold. S. Auguftine calleth them precedent, originall tongues;- S. Hierome, fountains. The ' fame S. Hierorae affirmeth, and Gratian hath not (pared to put it into his Decree, that as the cre- dit of the old books ( he meaneth of the Old Teftimcnt ) is to be tried by the Hebrew volumes; fretel" "" fo of tne New by the Greek tongue, he meaneth by the Originall Greek. // truth be to be tried $.Hier-3 Septuagrnt. Ntwin fuch a. cafe, doth not )/t/iA( flt^f %*/*>* *+-, ~ J* 1~. *. ^ . /. _ ^. TT . , *+ * . . ** .. * y >**"** r ur agoaseaj .: ,f w ejho u ldfay as it vere, **t<, ceruin vords , Stand up h&er, bwe *. place in the Bible ahvaycs; and TO others of likjt qualitie, Get ye hence, be banijhed for *r } *r might be taxed peradventure ith S. James his<*ords, namely, To be partial in our Mves,andjudges fcvilthouhK. ^dde hereunto th^t mcene/e in words V as aLa^c^ . , the nextflep totr.flwg, andfo vas to be curie* about names too : */fo that we Tannot follow a ^^ ^ftternforelo C utionthenGodh,m^^ ^f^tternforelo C utionthenGodh,m^^^ nd indifferently for one tbygin nature: we, if we will not be/uperjtitious, berne in .ur ^Enghfh verjions out ff f Hebrew and Greek , for that copie * 4 ' ''****? orftore tb*tbebaib * *>bo leave ^^congregation , ftead of Church: ,//, a7l the 91^/Je^l^eftui^^ll^^}^^ the Paptfls, in their a.ymes, t^ike^auonall^oloeaulls/prepucc, pafche, and a number Jfucb SS'iiMt like, whereof their late traction ,s fulled that ofpurpofeto darken ihefenfe y thatfncnhe, Mh ^ ^ needs travjlate the Bible, yet by the language thereof, 'it may be\ept/rom being underffood But we dcfire that theScnpture mayfpea^ lk* itfelf, as in the language ./Canaan^, that ma* be understood e-ven of the very vulgar. Many other things we might give thee warning *f( gentle reader) if we had not exceeded the Tw&is^ grace 3 whuhisable to build fin ther then we can ask, or think- He removeth the fcales from our eyes , he vail from our hearts, opening our wits that we may underftand his word,enfarjnl our hearts yea correflin^ ouraffeflions that we may love it above love it to the end. Tc are brought unto fountains of living Kat earth into them With the P - Oea.i4r.Hjj crcm.i.ij. ^s^^^S^^aiSB^S^ ^^^!^^?*f*^*^^^?^&^S,7X - ' lu'viytmorc men iigt:ij food, if clothine be o a vd,ft*rve not your felw.,Rcmember the advice of Naiianienejt is a grievous dUi?^rf- ST?^- p i^^pSsSEJiSl^^ L ^re we are to do thy S- rf' wr * * CA ' e dc f* in * r know him avdferve bw, that we ma l * f 7 '" aPeann e ' tr L9Td " U$ CM * ijc and & 2^-^^d'S^^^^l^^'S^!^ SB^^^^S1^HI^^B^@^SB^^^^^^ THE NAMES AND ORDER OF ALL THE BOOKS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT, WITH the number of their chapters. GEnefis hath chapters 5 Exodus 40 Leviticus 27 Ecclefiaftes hath chapters 1 2 The fong of Solomon 8 Numbers 36 Ifaiah 66 Deuteronomie 34 Jeremiah j 2 Jolhtu 24 Lamentationt 5 fudges 2 i Ruch 4 Erekiel 48 Daniel Jz i. Samuel 3 1 Hofea . I4 2. Samuel 24 Joel i. Kings 22 Amos 9 2. Kings 25 ObadiA j Jonah 4 2. Chronicles 36 Micah 7 Ezra 10 Natural Nehemiah 1 3 Habakkuk Efther 10 Zephaniah Job 42 Haggai i Pfalmes tyo Zechariah 14 Proverbs 3 1 Malachi 4 f The books called Apocrypha. i .p Sdras hath chapter* 9 Baruch with the epiftle of Jeremiah 6 The fong of the three children. Tobit 14 The ftory of SuCuina. Jydcth 1 6 The reft of Eftbxr 6 The idol Bel and the dragon. The prayer of Manafleh. Wifdome 19 I.Maccabees x6 Ecclefiafticus ' 5 1 2. Maccabees jy ^f The books of the new Teftaraent. MAtthew hath chapters 28 Mark 16 i. Timothtos hath chapters 2. Timotheus 4 Lake 24 Titus John 21 Philemon i TheA^S ^ 28 To the Hebrews j 3 The epiftle to the Romanes \6 The epiftle of Jamei i. Corinthians 16 i.Peter 2. Corinthians 1 3 2, Peter 3 Galatians 6 r. John j Ephefians 6 2. John i Phihppians 4 3 John i Cole mans 4 Jude i i. Theflalonians f Revelation la ^, Theflalonians 3 THE THE FIRST r BOoir OF MOSES, CALLED GENESIS. CHAP. I. i the creation of heaven and earth, j of the lir^t,6 of the firmament, 9 of the earth fe f anted from tht wu- ters, n and mxde fruitful!, 14 ofthefnnne,moon, and flarres, 20 offifliandfonl^q. of beifls and cat- tel , *6 of man in tie image of God. 19 ^tlfo the appointment of food. N * the beginning God cre- ated the heaven & the earth- i Atod the earth was without form, and voidjand darknefle was upon the face of the deep 5 and the Spi- rit of God moved upon the face of the waters. j And God faid,* Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God faw the light, that it vas good: and God divided f the light from the darknefle. * And God called the light Day, and the darknefle he called Night: fand thecvenin- and the morning were the firft day. 6 y And God faid,* Let there be af firma- ment m the midft of the waters- and let it di- vide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament j and di- j vided the waters which m re tinder the firma- ment, from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was fo. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven: and the evening and the morning were the fe* cond day. 9 f And God faid, * Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dne-land appear : and it was fo. i o And God called the drie- land Earth,and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas : and God faw that if rv M good. 1 1 And God raid, Let the earth bring forth rtgralTe the herb yeeld.ng feed, and thcf.uit- tree yielding fruit *fr his kinde, whofe feed U elf,upon the earth: and it was fo. ii And the earth brought forth grafle, and herb yeelding f ce d after his kinde; and the tree ed.ng fruit, whofe feed WfU initfdf, after his kinder and God faw that; the firmament of the heaven, to divide J the t Hcb l+ day trom the night: and let them be for O ncS r* rt. <**, and for feafons, and for dayej,an ares 16 ^1 " made tvvo ' greater light J to ruk the d and [f&j . ^ light to rule the mghr: he mtde the ftarres alfo. the ruje "J "> 17 And God fee them in the firmament of *> * c ' the heaven to give light upon the earth 1 8 And to rule over the day and over the *Jer. 3 i 35; ' 3 dr r : and God faw that if WM good ^o And God faid, * Let the waters bring * forth abundantly the jf moving creature that O hathflife and fowl that may flie above the earth in the f open firmament of heaven. THcb. $* f ii And God created great whales,3nd every '*/" l.vmg creature that moveth, which the waters 0/ * rt brought forth abundantly after their kinde.and every w.nged fowl afrer his kinde; and God faw that if TPM good. And God blefled them, faying , *Be f the feas, a multiply in the earth f u , And G d faid Let the eart h brine forth the firing creature after his kinde cattei and creeping thing and beaft of the earth after his kinde: and it was fo. '4 V And God faid,Let there be Mights in z3 -"- e j and catt d after their kinde , and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kinde: and God faw that if goo d # V And God faid, *Let us make man in our ima g e,after our likenetTe: and let them haye dom.nion over the fift of the fea, and over the fowl of the aire, and over the cattel, and over all the earth ,and over every creepino thing that creepeth upon the earth. 7 So God created man in his own imar. in the image of God created he him; *ma!c, and female created he them. And God blefled them, and God faid A unto *Ch ap j , d 9.6 w *d. '-Cor. 1 17. Matt K Ma l> p<4> The firftfabbath. Genefis. Marriage inftituted. z unto them * Be fruitfull,and multiply,and re- there Is bdellium and the, onyx- ftone. * Chap.?, i. plemfh theearth,and fubdue it, and havedo- J And the name of the fecond river w Gi- minion over the fifti of the fea, and over the hon : the fame is it that compafleth the whole fowl of the aire, and over every living thing land off Ethiopia, t Heb. rJfe. t Heb.tr*;. that f nioveth upon the earth. '4 And the name of the third river if Hid- ** zo And God faid, Behold,! have given dekel: that w it which goeth || toward the eaft J*#^. t Heb. fi ,d. you every herb t bearing feed, which u upon of Aflyua And the fourth .river Euphrates - J7* the face of all the earth, and every tree,in the 15 AndthcL OR D God took||the manand , Or ,^; * Chap.9.3. which the fruit of a nee yielding feed, * to fttte^htgiMntt Eden,todreflc it, you it (hall be for meat : '. - n joj f t, -o And to every beaft of the earth,& to every 16 Andthe L OR D LFOCI fowl of the aire, and to every thing that creep- man, f.ying, Of every tree of the garden f thou T*k tHeb 4K- eth upon the earth,wherem there tlife,J&* mayeft freely eat : L.V-. l^g^b*^.w^ * Exod Jo. xi. & 31.17. DeiK-5 M. j-Heb. tvhich went up from, &C. I The firftfabbith.4 The mower of the creation.^ The tUming of the garden of Eden , 10 andthe river thereof. 17 The tree of knoveledge onely forbidden- 19, 20 The naming of the creatures.^ 21 The making THus the heavens and the earth were finifh- ed,andallthehoftof them. z * And on the feventh day God ended his ^vork whi;h he had made: and he refted on the "feventh day from all his work which he had 3 And God blefled the feventh day,and fan- fiified it: becaufc that in it he hid retted from all his work, which God f created and made. 4 f Thefe are the generations of the hea- vens and of the earth, when they were created; in the day that the L o R D God made the earth and the heavens, ? And every plant of the field, before it was in the earth , and every herb of the field , be- fore it grew: for the LORD God had not caufed it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. 6 (I Bat there went up a mift from the earth, and watered th: wbole face of the ground. 7 AndiheLoRDGodformedmantfl/the and breathed into his him an help } meet for him. ftreht 19 And out of the ground the Lo R D God- formed every beaft of the field, and every fowl of the aircs and broc.ght them unto (f Adam to J^^' ' fee what he would call them : and whatfoever Adam called every living creature,that was the name thereof. ao And Adam f gave names to all cattel, and to the fowl of the aire, and to every beaft of the field: but for Adam there wjs not found an help meet for him. zi And the LORD God caufed a deep fkepto fall upon Adam 3 and he fleptj & he took one of his ribs, and clofcd up the flefh in ftead thereof. 2,1 And the nb,whiclvthc LORD God had taken from man , t made he a woman , a brought her unto the man. "* 1.5 AndAdamfaid,Thisisnowboneofmy bones, and flefh of my flefh: (he fhall be called Woman, becaufe (he was * taken oat of man. * C- 4 * Therefore fhall a man leave his father ^ a ' { and his mother, and fhall cleave unto his wife: Ma;k ' ip.y;. 10.7. [icy HUM Lt uii- LH.IH. *, And they were both naked, the man and his wife ; and were not afhamed. CHAP. III. 47- living foul. Ecclus 17.1, T/. uriut: IV/MI. Ecclusi;.!. g ^ And theLoR D God planted a garden * i.Cor. 15. ea ft.ward m Eden j and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground made the LOR D God to grow evety tree that ispleafant to the fight, and good for food: the tree of life alfo in the tnidft of the garden, and the tree of know- jc The promfad feed. ^6 The funi\tmeni or man- ktnde. 11 Their fir ft clothing. 2* Their cafling out 'Sw the ferpent was more fubtile then any " -< -i-- fit-ld which the L o R D God "j t N hath God faid, 1 1 ^And^he woman faid unto the ferpent We of Eden to water may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: . , Ye f ^ Ecclus * 7," ThTwmirf ^ firft is * Pifon: that ' it eat of it, neither Hull ye touch it, Id *? whichcompaffeththewholelandofHavilah, _ 4 And the ferpent faid unto the wor I not * furely die. n.?. For God doth knowjthat in the day ye eat ,.Tim. J.M* thereof, Mans fhamefull fall. He is caft out of paradife fl Of, thingt H tl ird about. . 1111. 21 f And the L o R D God faid,Behold,the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: And now left he put forth his hand } & take alfo of the tree of life,and ear,and live for ever; zj Therefore the LORD God fent him forth from the garden of Eden , to till the ground, from whence he was taken. - *4 So he drove out the man : and he phced at the eaftof the garden of Eden,Cherubims, and a flaming fword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. CHAP. IIII. i TA l>irth t trnde,and religion ofCiin and lAdel. 8 "[he murder of 4 from becTufe'mewrthTmoTherof'airhving. " ' ^ os ^^^^}^^^^^ ii Unto Adam alfo and to his wife did the that every one that findeth me foall fl. y ^ LORD God make coats of skinn,and clothed 1 5 And the LORD J^ f^^ them. ^ - Cains genealogie. Genefis. Adams genealogie unto Noah. 4 whofoevcr flayeth Cain, vengeance &all be ta- ken on him fc yen- fold. And the L o R D fet a mark upon Cain , left any finding him fhould kill him. 1 6 f And Cain went out from the prefence of the LORD , and dwelt in the land of Nod,on the eaft of Eden. 17 And Cain knew his wife; and (he con- eight hundred and fifteen yeares, "and begat t Heb< cht ~ ceived and bare t Enoch : and he builded a city: fonnes and daughters. """ JTllt r r ...O-. and called the name of the city, after the name of his fonne, Enoch. hundred and feven yeares, and begat fonnes and daughters. 8 And all the dayes of Seth were nine hun- dred and twelve yeares, and he died. 9 f And Enos lived mnetie yeares, and be- gat tCainan. 10 And Enos lived atterhc begat Cainan nan. tttch. t Heb. Le. 1 8 And unto Enoch was born Irad:and Trad begat Mehujaelj and Mehujael begat Methufa- c!j and Methufael begat jf Lamech. 19 ^[ And Lamech took unto him two wives : the name of the one WAS Adah,and the name of the other Zillah. ao And Adah bare Jabahhe was the father of fuch as dwell in tents, and offucb as have catrel. And his brothers name VDM Jubal : he ii And all the dayes of Enos were nine hundred and five yeares, and he died. 1 1 j And Cainan lived feventie yeares, and begat t Mihalaleel. x C i $ And Cainan lived after he begat Maha- u-ii. laleel eight hundred and fourtie yeares,and be- gat fonnes and daughters. 14 And all the dayes of Cainan were nine hundred and ten yeares, and he died. i f f And Mahalaleel lived fixtie and five yeares, and begat f Jared. f Heb. ? 1 6 And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Ja was the father of all fuch as handle the harp red eight hundred and thirtie yeares, and begat mj hurt* || Or, to call them (elves ty the !.a.mt fthcLORD and organ. 22 And Zillah, (lie alfo bare Tubal Cain,an f Heb. tfhtt- finftrufterof every artificer in brafleand iron : '" and the filler o Tubal Cain TVM Naamah. 23 And Lamech faid unto his wives, Adah and Zillah , Heare my voice ye wives of La- , hearken unto my fpeech : for |j I have flain a man to my wounding, and a young man || to my hurt. 14 If Cain (hill be avenged- feven-fold, truly Lamech feventie and feven-fold. 2 5 y And Adam knew his wife again j and fHeb SW*. fh. c b ar e a fonne, and called his name f Seth: For God, faid (he, hath appointed me another feed in ftead of Abel, whom Cain flew. 26 And to Seth, to him alfo there was born afonnejand he called his name tEnos:thenbe- gamnen || to call upon the name of the LORD. CHAP. V. X ^fhegenetLlogie^ age,and death of the patriarchs from \Adam unto Noah. 24 The godlintffe tmd. tr.in$ition of Enoch. * r.Chron. ^THis is the * book of the generations of A- i.i. 1 dam: In the day that God created man, in * Wifd,z.2j. t he * likenefle of God made he him : 2 Male arid female created he them 5 and blefled them , and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. 3 ^ And Adam lived an.hundred and thirtie yeares , and begat a fonne in his own likenefie, after his image; and called his nime Seth. * i.CUron. 4 * And the dayes of Adam after he had be- i . i ,&c, gotten Seth were eight hundred yeares, and he begat fonne's and daughters. ? And all the dayes that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirtie yeares, and he died. 6 And Seth lived an hundred and fivcyeares, and begat Enos. 7 And Seth lived after he begat Eno* eight fonnes and daughters. 17 And all the dayes of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninetie and five yeares, 8c he died 1 8 f And Jared lived an hundred fixtie and twoyeares s and he begat Enoch. 19 And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred yeares, and begat tonnes and daughters. 10 And all the dayes of Jared were nine hundred fixtie and two yeares, and he died. * i f And Enoch lived fixtie and five yeares 3 and begat f Methufelah. t Gr M*tbu- I-L And Enoch walked with God after he /*' begat Methufelah three hundred yeares , and begat fonnes and daughters. 13 And all the dayes of Enoch were three hundred fixtie and five yeares. 24 And * Enoch walked with God, and he * Ecclus44. tvas not : for God took him. ij f And Methufelah lived an hundred Heb that creepeth upon the earth, 9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah. i o And ic came to pafle || afrer feven dayes, ff that the waters of the fljud were upon H\cf e earth. ii y In the fit hundredth yeare of Noahs life, in the fecond moneth, the feventeenth day of the moneth, the fame day were all the foun- tains of the great deep broken up, and ^C"or, || windows of heaven were opened. z*ttt t Aj i a And The world is drowned. Genefis. The waters aflwage. 6 iz Andtherain was upon the earth fourtie * And the waters f decreafed continually tHeb.tm. dayes and fourtie nights. untill the tenth moneth: in the tenth moneth, /^f * 13 In the felf fame day entred Noah, and on the firft day of the moneth, were the tops Shcm,andHam,and Japheth, the fonnes of of the mountains feen. Noah, and Noahs wife, and the three wives of 6 4 And it came to pafle at the end of four- his fonnes with them, into the atk. tie dayes, that Noah opened the window of the 14 They, and every beatt after his kinde, ark which he had made. and all the cattel after their kinde, and every 7 And he fent forth a raven, which went creeping thina that creepeth upon the earth forth t to and fro, untill the waters were dried tHcb-m^- after his kinde, and every fowl after his kinde, up from off the earth. 22 8 Alfo he fent forth a dove from him, to fee '"""& every bird of everyf fort. i f And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and t,\o of all flcfh, wherein is the breath of life. 16 And they that went in, went in male and female of all fleih, as God had command- ed him : and the LORD (hut him in. 1.7 And the floud was fourty dayes upon the earth; and the waters increafed, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth. 18 And the waters prevailed, and were in- if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground. 9 But the dove found no reft for the fole of her foot, and the returned unto him into the ark;for the waters were on the face of the whole earth. Then he put forth his hand, and took her, and t pulled herin unto him into the ark. i o And he ftayed yet other feren dayes,and again he fent forth the dove out of the ark. ii And the dove came in to him in the cfeafed greatly upon the earth: and the ark evening, and lo, in her mouth WM an olive-leaf want upon the face of the waters. pluckt off So Noah knew that the waters were 19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly abated from oft the earth, upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were ' * And he ftayed yet other feven dayes,and under the whole heaven, were covered. fent forth the dove, which returned not again io Fifteen cubits upward did the waters unto him any more. prevail ; and the mountains were covered. i J f And it came to pafle m the fix hun- 'Wifd. 10.4 ii * And all flefh died that moved upon the dredth and firft ycare, in the firft monetb, the earth, both of fowl,and of cattel, and of beaft, firft day of themoneth, the waters were dried and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon up from off the earth : and Noah removed the the earth, and every man. covering of the ark, and looked} and behold, tHeb th, All in whofe noftrils wot f the breath the face of the ground was drie Lvk.ftb, of life, of all that w in the drie land, died. 14 Andinthc fecond moneth, on the feven #Mt.fiife. 23 And every living fubftance was deftroyed and twentieth day of the moneth, was the which was upon the face of the ground,both earth dried. man,and cattel, and the creeping things,and *1 f AndGodfpake unto Noah, faying the fowl of the heavenj and they were deftroy- i* Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wire, * Wafd. 10.4. ed from the earth : and * Noah onely remained a d th 7 fonnes, and thy fonnes wives with thee. re with him in the ark. i? Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flefh, both of fowl, and of cattel , and of every creeping thing thac creepeth upon the earth j that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitfull, and multiply upon the earth. 1 8 And Noah went forth, and his fonnes, and his wife, and his fonnes wives with him: Every beaft , every creeping thing, and a.Pct 1.5, alive, and they that were with him in the ark. 24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fiftie dayes. CHAP. VIII. I - The water i a^teagt. 4 The ark refteth on lAfMitt* j Theravenandthedove.ij Noah,betn^ command- ed, 1 8 geeth forth of the ark. 20 He buildetb an *ltir t *nd offereth fecrtfce, 21 which God zccefteth, And promt; eth to curfe the earth no more. t Heb. i going and '.a promt-etnto curfttne tarin nurnaic. \y Every Dealt , cvciy necking """5 ANd God remcmbred Noah, and every Ii- every fowl, and. whatfoevcr creepeth upon the ving thing, and ail the cattel that was earth, after their tkindes^went forth out of the fHeb,/w with him in the ark: and God made a winde to atk. lift. pafle over the earth, and the waters affwged. 10 4 And Noah builded an altar unto the i The fountains alfo of the deep, and the LoaD,andtook of every clean beaft, and of windows of heaven were ftopped, and the rain every clean fowl, and offered burnt-offerings from heaven was rcftraincd. on the altar. 3 And the waters returned from off the ^ i And the LORD fmelled \ a fvveet favour, j Heb . aft earth f continually : and after the end of the and the LORD faid in his heart,! will not again vcurafrrji, hundred & fiftie djyes the waters were abated, curfe the ground any more for mans fake j for 4 ^ And the ark refted in the feventh the * imagination of mans heart is evil from his chap. zyanddieth. ANd God blefled Noah and hisfonnes,and faid unto them,* Be fruitfull and multiply, and a. 17. and replenish the earth. z And the fear of you and the dread of you (hall be upon every beaft of the earth, and upon every fowl of the aire , upon all that moveth upon the earth , and upon all the fifties of the fea j into your hand are they delivered. 3 Every moving thing that livethfhall be *Chap.t.J$. meat for you; even as the * green herb have I given you all things : * Levit. 17. 4 * But flefh with the^life thereof , which is 1 4- the bloud thereof, (hall you not eat. 5 And furelyyour bloud of your lives will I require : at the hand of every beaft will I re- quire it j and at the haod of man, at the hand of every mans brother will I require the life of * Matc.j*. 6 * Whofo (heddeth mans bloud , by man 5 (hall his bloud be (bed : *for in the image of fcE, 1 */!; God made he man. 1 ' ' * rj And you , be ye fruitfull , and multiply* bring forth abundantly in the earth, and mul- tiply therein. 8 ^ And God fpake unto Noah, and to his fonnes with him, faying, 9 And I , behold 1 eftablifh my covenant with you, and with your feed after youi 10 And with every living creature that/* with you, of the fowl,of the cattel,and of eve- ry beaft of the earth with you, from all that go out of the ark, to every beaft of the earth. * Ifa. 5 4.9. ii And * I will eftablifb my covenant with vou, neither (hall all flefti be cut off any more by the waters of a floud 3 neither (hall there any more be a floud todeftroy the earth. iz And God faid, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me, and you, and every living creature that w with you , for perpetuill generarions : ij I do fet my bow in the cloud, and it (ball be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. Ecclus 43. 14 * And it (ball come to pafle , when I '>* bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow (hall befeen in the cloud: 15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me, and you,and every living creature of all flefti ; and the waters (hill no more become a floud to d eft roy all flefti. \6 And the bow (ball be in the cloud; and I will look upon it , that 1 may remember the . ix. x. He planteth a vineyard. everlafting covenant between God and every li- 7 ving creature of all flefti that is upon the earth. 1 7 And God faid unto Noah , This is the token of the covenant,which I have ettablilhcd between me and all flelh that is upon the earth. 1 8 ^ And the fonnes of Noah that went forth of the ark , were Shem , and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham w the father of | Canaan. +n e b 19 Thtfeamhe three fonnes of Noahrand \ M ** of them was the whole earth overfpread. zo And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard. zi And he drank of the wine, and was drunken,and he was uncovered within his tent. az And Ham the father of Canaan faw the nakednefle of his father, and told his two bre- thren without. zg And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their (boulders, and went backward, and covered the nakednefle of their father j and their faces were backward , and they faw not their fathers nakednefle. 24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger fonne had done unto him. zy And he faid/^urfcd be Canaan^a fervant of fervants (hall he be unto his brethren. z6 And he faid, Blefled be the L o R D God of Shenv, and Canaan (hall be |j his fervant. || or, 27 God (hail ]| enlargejapheth,and he (hall to them. dwell in the tents of Shem i and Canaan (hall II ^f- be his fervant. z8 ^ And Noah lived after the floud three hundred and fifty yearcs, zp And all the dayes of Noah were nine hundred and fiftie yeares, and he died. CHAP. X. I The generations of Noih. a the fonnes of Japhttb. 6 Theftnnes of Ham. 8 Nimrod the fir ft monarch. 11 thefonnei of Shem. NOw thefe are the generations of the fonnes of Noah j Shem , Ham, and Ja- pheth : and unto them were fonnes born after the floud. z * The fonnes of JaphethiGomer,and Ma- * i.ChroR^ gog , and Mndai , and Javan, and Tubal, and '* Mefhech, and Tiras. j And the fonnes of Gomerj Afhkenaz^and Riphath,and Togarmah. 4 And the fonnes of Javan 5 Eliftuh , and Tarfliifti, Kittim,and Dodanim. 5 By thefe were the ifles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. 6 f * And the fonnes of Ham j Cufh,and * i.cluon. Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. ! 7 And the fonnes of Cufti; Sebi, and H.ivilah, andSnbcah , and R-iamah, and Sab. techa : aad the fonnes of RaamahjSheba, and , And Nimrod the firfl monarch. 8 And Culh begat Nimrod : he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is faid,Even as Nimrod the migti- tie hunter before the L o R D. Genefis. The building of Babel. CHAP. XI. One Ungnatt in the vi/orld. 3 The \iuilimg of Bibel. 5 The confufion of tongues. 10 The generations of Shem, i 7 The generations ofTerah the father of^i- bram. ji Terahgoeth from Vr to Haran. 10 And the beginning of his kingdome was A Nd tnc wnole earth was of one t language, j- He b /> -j Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh,in /land of one 1 fpeech. fHeb.wrVj thehndof Shinar. i And it came to pane as they journeyed | Or, he vent 1 1 Out of that land (I went forth Amur,and from the eaft , that they found a plain in the u into Jf- builded Nineveh,and the ||citie Rehoboth,and land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. forl/A*- Calah, $ And fthey faid one to another , Go to, fHeb. 4* fr.ctt if the i z And Refen between Nineveh and Calah: let us make brick , and f burn them throughly. f*id to h u tity. the fame agreat citie. And they had brick for ftone, andflimehad And Mizraim begat Ludim , and Ana- f Hcb, ttta. mim,and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim, 14 And Pathrufitn , and Cafluhim (out of whom came Philiftim) and Caphtorim. i ? ^f And Canaan begat f Sidon his fiift- born, and Heth, 1 6 And the Jebufice, and the Emorite, and the Girgafite, 1 7 And the Hivite , and the Arkite 3 and the Sinite, 1 8 And the Arvadite,and the Zcmarite,and the Hamathite:and afterward were the families of the Canaanites fpread abroad. And the border of the Canaanites was they for morter. T 4 And they faid, Go to,let us build us a city and a tower,whofe top may reach unto heaven, and let us make us a name, left we be fcattercd abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5 And the LORD came down to fee the citie and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the LORD faid, Behold,the people is one, and they have all one language : and this they begin to do j and now nothing will be restrained from them 3 which they have ima- gined to do. 7 Go to , let us go down , and there con. eb. fHeb. from Sidon, as thou comeft to Gerar unto found their language, that they may not un- f Gaza,as thou gocft unto Sodom and Gomor- derftand one anotbers fpeech. rah,and Admah,& Zeboim,even unto Lafliah. 10 Thefe are the fonnes of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countreys, and in their nations. z i ^ Unto Shem alfo the father of all the children of Eber , the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born. zz The *childrenof Shem jElam,and Amur, and f Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. z 5 And the children of Aramj Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mam. t Heb She. ** And Arphaxad begat f Salahj and Salah Lh. ' begat Eber. ^ and his brothers name i.Chron 1.17. t Heb. ^ fachjbxi. i.Chrou. z6 And Joktan begat Almodad,and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth,and Jerah, Z7 And Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, 18 And Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba, 19 And Ophir,and Havilah,and Jobab: all thefe were the fonnes of Joktan. go And their dwelling was from Meflia, as thou goeft unto Sephar a mount of the eaft. 3 1 Thefe are the fonnes of Shem,after their families , after their tongues , in their lands, after their nations. 8 So the LORD Scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth : and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called jJBa- bel, * becaufe the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence * Wifd.io.5 did the LORD fcatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. TO f * Thefe are the generations of Shem; * i.Chron. Shem TWOS an hundred yeares old, and begat '.'7. Arphaxad two yeares after the floud. 1 1 And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred yeares , and begat fonnes and daughters. iz And Arphaxad lived five and thirtic yeares, and begat Salah. i? And Arphaxad lived after he begat Sal ah foure hundred and three yeares, and begat fonnes and daughters. 14 And Salah lived thirtie yeares^ and be- gat Eber. i f And Salah lived after he begat Eber foure hundred and three yeares , and begat fonnes and daughters. 16 * And Eber lived foure and thirtie yeares, * , chron. and begat * Peleg. i. \y. 17 And Eber lived after he begat Peleg * Called foure hundred and thirtie yeares, and begat 3 z Thefe are the families of the fonnes of fonnes and daughters. Noah, after their generations, in their nations: i 8 And Peleg lived thirtie yeares^d begat and by thefe were the nations divided in tte Reu. earth after the flood. i o And Peleg lived after he begat Reu two hundred The generations of Terah. Chap, hundred and nine yeares, and begat Tonnes and daughters. 10 And Reu lived two and thirty yeares,and begat * Serug. z i And Rcu lived afcer he begat Serug two hundred and feven yeares , and begat fonnes and daughters. iz And Serug lived thirtie yeares,aad begat Nahor. 23 And Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred yeares , and begat Tonnes and daughters. 24 And Nahor lived nine and twenty yeares, *Lukc 3434. and begat * Terah. Tb*. z? And Nahor lived after he begat Terah an hundred and nineteen yeares 3 and begat Tonnes and daughters. 16 And Terah lived Teventie yeares 3 and * Jofh. .14. a. * begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran. i.chron.1. 27 y Now thefe are the generations of Te- * 6 ' rah : Terah begat Abrun, Nahor, and Haranj and Haran begat Lot. ^% And Haran died before his father Te- rah , in the land of his nativitie, in Ur of the Chaldees. 29 And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abrams wife wram. 18 He 'rimo-veth \o Hebron, and there buildeth an altar. ANd Abram went up out of Egypt, he,and hiiwife,andall that he had,and Loc wiih him, into the Touth. ^ And Abram and Lot depart afunder. jo -z And Abram was very rich in cattel,in fil- Ter, and in gold. g And he went on his journeys from the fouth, even to Beth- el, unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning , between Beth-el and Haij *^Chap. i a. * Unto the * place of the altar , which he y. * had made there at the fidt : and there Abram called on the name of the LORD. f 55 And Lot alfo which went with Abram had flocks, and herds, and tents. 6 And the land was not able to bear them,that they might dwell together : for their fubftance was great,fo that they could not dwell together 7 And there was a itrite between the herd- men of Abrams cartel and the herdmen of Lots cattel : And the Canaanite and the Pc- tizzite dwelled then in the land. 8 And Abram faid unto Lot , Let there be no ftrife r l pray thee,between me and thee,and between my herdmen and thy herdmen 4 for j. Heb. men we be f brethren. i) Is not the whole land before thee?Separate thy felf,I pray thee,fro me: if thou wilt ta^e the Jeft hand,then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand,f ben Iwill go to the left i o And Lot lifted up his cyes,& beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it w.u well watered every where,before the LORD dettroyed Sodom and 'GomorrahjC-yew as the garden of theLoRD,like the land of Egypt, as thou comeft unto Zoar. ii Then Lot chofe him all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed eattjand they fepa- rated themfelves the one from the other. 1 1 Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched bis tent toward Sodom. i g But the men of Sodom were wicked, and finners before the L OR D, exceedingly. 14 ^[And the LORD faid unto Abramafcer that Lot was feparated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art, northward, and fouthward, and eaftward, tsnd weft ward. For all the land which thcu fed! , * to brethren, Genefis. Lot taken prifoner. Ellafar, Chedorlaomer king ofElam,and Ti- dal king of nationsj i That thefe made warre with Bera king of Sodom , and with Birfha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela which is Zoar. g All thefe were joyned together in the vale of Siddim, which is the fait fea. 4 Twelve yeares they ferved Chedor laomer, and in the thirteenth yeare they rebelled. 5 And in the fourteenth yeare came Che- dorlaomer,and the kings that were with him, and frnote the Rephaims in Amteroth Kar- naim, and the Zuzims in Ham, and the Emims in jjShavehKirnthaim, not the 6 And the Homes in their mount Seir, un- pialnofK^ to |j Elparan, which is by the wildernefle. riathaim. 7 And they returned , and came to En- U . r mimpat , which is Kadelh , and fmote all the pi " tn countrcy of the Amalekites,and alfo the Amo- r ' i f And he divided himfelf againft them,he f n ?" L and his fervantsby night, and fmote them, and purfued them untoHoba, which Is on the left hand of Damafcus. 1 6 And he brought back all the goods, and alfo brought agam'his brother Lot, and his goods, and the women alfo, and the people. 17 ^ And the king of Sodom went out to meet him (after his return from the {laughter ofChedorlaorr.er, and of th: kings that were with him) atthe valley of Shaveh.which is the * 2 . Sam , I? ; * Kings dale. ,8.' 18 And Abram payeth tithe to Melchizedek. Chap. xv. xvi. Abrams vifion. fHcbr.7.i. 18 And * Melchizedek king of Salem n And when the fowls came down upon n brought forth bread and wine: and he was the the carcafes, Abram drove them away, prieft of the moft high God. 12 And when the funne was going down, a 1 9 And he blefled him and faid, Blefled be deep fleep fell upon Abram j and lo, an honour Abram of the moft high God pofleflbur of of great darknefle fell upon him. heaven and earth : 1 3 And he faid unto Abram,Know of a fure- 2 o And bleffed be the moft high God,which tie * that thy feed mall be a ftranger in a land AS 7. hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand, that is not theirs,and mall ferve them,and they * Hcbr. 7.4. Arid he gave him * tithes of all. flull afflict them foure hundred yeares : 2.1 And the king of Sodom faid unto Abram, 14 And alfo that nation whom they (hall f Htb.ftuls. Give me the t petfons, and take the goods to ferve, will I judge : and afterward (hall they thy felf. come out with great fubftance. 22 And Abram faid to the king of Sodom,! if And thou (halt go to thy fathers in peace 3 have lift up my hand unto the LORD, the moft thou (halt be buried in a good old age. high God, the pofleflbur of heaven and earth, 16 But in the fourth generation they {hall 25 That I will not take from a threedeven come hither again: for the iniquitie of the to a flioe-latchct, and that I will not take any Amorites it not yet full. thing that is thine, left thou moulded fay, I have made Abram rich: 24 Save onely that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which wemwithme, Aner, BQicol, and Mamre } lee them take their portion. CHAP. X V. i Cod encouraged tAbram. ^ tAlrrtan coHtpkineth fr Hint of an heire. 4 Godpromifeth himafanne, and a multiplying of hit feed. 6 p ffir* 18 ]n that fame day the LORD made a co ye- nant with Abram, faying, * Unto thy feed have * chap 12 7 I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto and 13 15. the great river the river Euphrates : and l<5 4. 19 The Kenites,and the Kenizzitcs,and the Kadmomtes, 20 And the Hittites,and the Perizzites,and the Rephaims, ii And the Amorites 3 mdthe CanaaniteSj and the Girgafhites, and the Jcbufites. ' <* CHAP. xVI. a " en * ethm *'' to ;*** m ^ r o my oue s s an telleth her o her ce. 15 mae o-(n. 3 And Abram faid, Behold,to me thou haft TL T Ow Sarai Abrams wife bare him no chu- givennofeed: and lo,onc born in my houfe is INLdren: and (he had an hand- maid an Egy- mine heire. ptian, whofe name TCPM Hagar, And behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, faying,This (hall not be thine heire, but he that (hall come forth oat of thine own bowels (ball be thine heire. f And he brought him forth abroad , and faid. Look now toward heaven, and tell the ftarres, if thou be able to number them : And *Rom./(.i8. he faid unto him, * So (hall thy feed be. *Rom.4.j. ^ Andhe *beleevedinthe LoRDjand he Calat. j.6. counted it to him for rightcoufnefle. Jame$a.ij. 7 And he faid unto him,I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees , to give thee this land to inherit if. 8 And he faid, Lord G OD, whereby (hall I know that I (hall inherit it ? 9 And he faid unto him, Take me an heifer of three yeares old, and a (he- goat of three 2 And Sarai faid unto AbramjBehold now, the L o R D hath reftraincd me from bearing: I pray thee go in unto mymaidj it may be that I may f obtain children by her : and Abram hearkned to the voice of Sarai. 3 And Sarai Abrams wife took Hagar her maid, the Egyptian,after Abram had dwelt tea yeares in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife. 4 f And he went in unto Hagar, and (lie conceived : And when (he faw that (lie had conceived, her miftrefle was defpifed in her eyes. 5. And Sarai faid unto Abram, My wrong, be upon thee : I have given my maid into thy bofomej and when flic faw that (he had con- ceived, I was defpifed in her eyes: the LORD. yeares old , and a ramme of three yeares old, judge between me and thee and a turtle-dove, and a young pigeon _ o t Heb.that 6 But Abram faid unto Sarai, Behold, thy which is i o And he took unto him all thefe ,and di- maid is in thy hand ; do to her t as it pleafeth f '" '* " vided them in the midft,and laid each piece one thee. And when Sarai t dealt hardly with her, T Heb.*- againft another: bat the birds divided he not. flic fled from her face. 7 51 And Hagar flieth from Sarai. Genefis. Sarai's name changed. i% 7 ^ And the angel of the LORD found her lading poflefllon ; and I will be their God. by a fountain ot water in the wildernefie, by 9 f And God faid unto Abraham, Thou the fountain in the way to Shur ; (halt keep my covenant therefore , thou, and 8 And he faid, Hagar, Sarai's maid,whence thy feed after thee, in their generations, cameft thou? and whither wilt thou go ? And i o This u my covenantjwhich ye (hall keep fiie (aid , I flee from the face of my miftrefle between me, and you. and thy feed after chec; Sarai. 9 And the angel of the LORD fafd unto her, Return to thy miftreffe, and fubmit thy felf undcrher hands. 10 And the angel of the LORD faid unto her,I Will multiply thy feed exceedingly,^ fhall not be numbred for multitude. ii Ard the angel of the LORD faid unto * Every man-childe among you fhall be cir-* cumcifed. 1 1 And ye (hall circumcife the fie(h of your fore-skinne; and it (hall be * a token of the * Afts?.*. covenant betwixt me and you. Rom.4.n. 1 2 And f he that is eight dayes old * fhall be f Heb. * circurncifed among you, every man-cfaildc in /<"""/** your generations, he that is born in the houfe, *{" . her,Bchold,thoUiZ/-f with childc, ana' (halt bear or bought with money of any ftranger, which Luk^uai'*' afonne,andflult call his name [j Khmael , be- JJ not of thy feed. John 7.22.* caufe the L o R D hath heard thy affliction. 1 3 He that is born in thy houfe , and he 12 And he will be a wilde man j his hand that is bought with thy money, muft needs be will be againft every man.and every mans hand circumcifed : and my covenant (hall be in your againtt him : * and he ftiall dwell ia the pre- fle(h for an everlafting covenant. fence of aH his brethren. 14 And the uncircumcifed man-childe, 1 3 And (he called the name of the L o R o whole fleth of his fore-skinne is not circum- that fpake unto her,Thou God feed me: for cifed, that foul (hail be cut oft* from his people: (he faid, Have I alfo here looked after him that he hath broken my covenant. feeth me / 14 Wherefore the well was called * j| Beer- lahai-roi j behold, it is between Cadefli and Bered. Abram called his fonnes name, which Hagar bare, Khmael. 16 fl And Abram was fourefcore and fix iff And God faid unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou (halt not call her name Sa- rai, but Sarah /hall her name be. 1 6 And I will blefleher, and give thee a And Hagar bare Abrana a fonne : and fonne alfo of her : yea, I will blefle her, and ffhe (hall be a mother of nations; kings of fHcb.^6* people (hall be of her. fall income i 7 Then Abraham fell upon his face, and """'" yeares old,when Hagar bare Khmael to Abram* laughed, and faid in his heart, Shall a cbllde be CHAP. X VII. born unto him that is an hundred yeares old? i God reneiveth the covenant. 5 lAbram his mmeit and (hall Sarah,thatis ninetie yeares old, bear? chwgedin token of* greater bleflng. loCzrcumctf- , 8 And Abraham faid unto God, O that oTj u tnjtituted. 15 Sir at her nante t changed, and T/V, l -1,1 u r u i fiebleffed. irofe up to meet themjand be bowed himfelf with his face toward the ground; z And he faid,Behold now mylords,turnin, I pray you } into your fervants houfe, and tarrie *Chap.i8.4, allnightj and * wafli your feec,and ye (hall rife up early, and go on your wayes. And they faid, Nay, but we will abide in the itreet all ni-ghc. 3 And he prefled upon them greatly ; and they turned in unto him , and entred into his houfe : and he made them a feaft,and did bake unleavened bread- and they did eat. 4 f But before they lay down, the men of thecity, even the men of Sodom,compaflcd the houfe round , both old and young, all the peo. pie from every quarter. 5 And they called unto Lot, and faid unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. 6 And Lot went out at the doore unto them, and fliut the doore after him, 7 And faid , I pray you, brethren, do not fo Wickedly. 8 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man> let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you , and do ye to them , as is good in your eyes: onely unto thefe men do no- thing ; for therefore came they under the (ha- dowof my roof. 9 And they faid, Stand back. And they faid *g,Thisone/e//0Wcamein to fojourn,and he will needs be a iudge : Now will we deal worfe with thee, then with them. And they prefled fore upon the man, even Lot, and came ncareto break the doore. 10 But the men put forth their hand , and pulled Lot into the houfe to them , and fmit to the doore. *Wifd.i? ii And they fmote the men* that were at *7* the doore of the houfe with blindnefle , both fmall and great:fo that they wearied themfelves to finde the doore. i r f And the men faid unto Lot, Haft thou Jtere any befides? fonne in law, and thy fonnes, and thy daughters, and whatfoever thou haft in the cicy j bring them out of this phce. 1 3 For We will deftroy this place j becaufe the*crie of them is waxen great before the Chap.i8. face of the LORD, and the L o R D hath fenc 20 - us to deftroy it. 14 And Lot went out, and fpake unto his fonnes in law 3 which married his daughters, and Paid, Up, get ye out of this place j for the LORD will deftroy this city: but he feemed as one that mocked unto his fonnes in law. 1 5 ^T And when the morning arofc,then the angels haftened Lot , faying, Arife, take thy wife,& thy two daughters which f are herejkft t H e b - * re thou be confumed in the (| iniquitie of the city. f ouwt - 1 6 And* while he lingered, the men laid J,J' p1 ""^' hold upon his hand , and upon the hand of his MVifd. 10.*. wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the L o R D being mercifull unto him: and they brought him forth , and fet him without the city. 17 And it came to pane , when they had brought them forth abroad, that he faid,Efcape for thy Iife> look not behinde thee, neither ftjy thou in all the pi tin 5 efcape to the mountain, left thou be confumed. 1 8 And Lot faid unto them } Oh not fo, my Lord: 19 Behold now, thy fervant hath fonnd grace in thy fight , and thou haft magnified thy mercie,which thou haft (hewed unto me in fa- ving my hfej and I cannot efcape to the moan- tain, left fome evil take me, and I die. 10 Behold now, this city is neare to flee un- to, and it is a little one : Oh let me efcape thi- ther, (is it not a little one?;& my foul {hall live, 11 And he faid unto him, See^, I have ac- cepted j thee concerning this thing , that I will ( Heb. thy ' not overthrow this city, for the which thou face. haft fpoken. at Hafte thee, efcape thither j for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither : there- fore the name of the city was called Zoar. 2,3 1[The funne wasfrifen upon the earth -j- Heb. &t* when Lot entred into Zoar. forth. Z4 Then * the L o R D rained upon Sodom Deut ^ and upon Gomorrah brimftone and fire from aj . the L o R D out of heaven. Luke 1 7- ipi af And he overthrew thofe cities, and all Ifa-'j.'p. the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, ["' 5 ' 4 ' , , J Amos 4.1 1 and that which grew upon the ground. j uc j e 7 . i<5 f But his wife looked back from bchinde him, and (he became a pillar of fait. ^^ and he perceived not when flie lay down, nor when (he arofe. 3 6 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with childe by their father. my mother : and (he became my wife. i g And it came to pafle, when God caufe-d me to wander from my fathers houfe j that -I faid unto her,This is thy kindneffe which thou (hale (hew unto me; At every place whither we 3 7 And the firft born bare a fonnc , and cai- (hall come, * fay of me, He is my brother. led his nameMoab : the fame is the father of 14 And Abimelech took (heep,and oxen, 23 the Moabkes unto this day. and men-fervants , and women-fervants , and 38 And the younger, (lie alfo bare a fonne, gave them unto Abraham, and reftored him and called his mme Ben-ammi: the fame H the father of the children of Ammon unto this day CHAP. XX. eth at Gerar,* denleth kit wifejnd dream- reproveth her. 17 Keuhtaled by ^Abrahams prayer. ANd Abraham j mrneyed from thence to- ward the fouth-countrey , and dwelled between Cadefli and Shur, and fojourned in Gerar. a And Abraham faid of Sarah his wife, She u. my fifter : And Abimelech king of Gerar fern, and took Sarah. 3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and faid to him, Behold, thou an but a dead man , for the woman which thou t Hcb. rnur- haft taken : for ilie is f a mans wife. tied to an ^ g ut Abimelech lud not come neare her: and he faid, L o R D, wilt thou flay alfo a righ- teous nation ? f Said he not unto me. She u my fifter? and (he, even (he her felffaid,He is my brother: in Sarah his wife. 15 And Abimelech faid, Behold, my land is before thee; dwell f where it pleafeth thee. { Hcb.d inthint. :am given thy brother a thoufand pieces of filver : '3"' an j behold, he is to thee a covering of the- eyes, unto all that are with thee, and with all other: thus (he was reproved. 17 f So Abraham prayed untoGod: nnd God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and bis maid-fervants; and they bare children. 18 For the LORD hadfaftclofed up all the wombes of the houfe of Abimelech, becaufe of S-irah Abrahams wife. CHAP. XXI. I Tfaac it bom: 4 he u circumci f ed. 6 S.trdhsjoy. c Hj- gar and Jjhm.telare cjfl forth. 15 Eagar in diflrffft. 17 The angel comfoneth her. 21 tAb'melfcht cois- nint with ^Abraham atBeer-fiebj. ANd the LORD vifited Sarah as he had faid, a and the Lo R D did unto Sarah*as he had * fpoken. 'P me, even (he her leU laid, tie is my orotner: in i For Sarah * conceived 3 and bare Abraham J ^ g ]J Or,/w^f. the U integritie of my heart, and mnocencie of a fonne in his old age, at the ft t time,of which Galat. 4^2^ my hands have I done this. God had fpoken to him. I'* 6 And God faid unto him in a dream. Yea, 3 .And Abraham called the name of his I know that thou didft this in the integritie of fonne that was born unto him, whom Sarah thy hearc: for I alfo withheld thee from finning bare to him, Ifaac. 4 Arid Ifaac circumcifed. Genefis. Abrahams faith and obedience. 16 4 And Abraham circumcifed his fonne Ifa- * Chap.i?. ac > being eight dayes old, * as God had corn- ea* manded him. ? And Abraham was an hundred yearcs old., when his fonne Ifaac was born unto him. 6 f And Sarah faid, God hath made me to laugh, fo that all that heare will laugh with me 7 And (he faid,Who would have laid unto A- braham, that Sarah fliould have given children fuckffor I have born him A fonne in hi* old age. 8 Andthecl-iiliiegrew,andwasweancd:and Abraham nude a great feaft the/ fheba: bcaufe there they fware both of them. , V r//<>/ ,V 31 Thus they made a covenant at Beer- oath* (heba: then Abimelech rofe up, and Phicol the chief captain of his hoft,and they returned in- to thelandof the Philiftines. 33 ^ And Abraham planted a H grove inj|or,fw. Beer- (heba,and called there on the name of the LORD, the everlatting God. 34 And Abraham fojourned in the Phili* ftines land many dayes. CHAP. XXlL I ^Abraham it tempted to offer Ifa.ic. ? tiegtveth proof of hit faith and obedience. 1 1 The angel flay eth him. ^ i J Ifaac i* exchanged with a ramme. 14 The flace u called fehovah-jireh. 1 5 Abraham is bleQed again. 20 The generation of Nihor unto Rebekzh* ANd it came to pafle after thefe things, that *Goddid tempt Abraham, and faid unto*Hcbr.n. him,Abraham.And he faid,f Beho\d y bere I am. 7' i And he faid, Take now thy fon, thine onely fonne Ifaac, whom thou loveft, and get thee into the land of Moriah ; and offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. 3 ^y And Abraham rofe up early in the morning, and fadk-d his aflc,and took two of his young men with him, and Ifaac his fonne, and clave the wood for the burnt-offering; and rofe up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. 4 Then on the third day Abraham lift up his eyei, and faw the place afarre off. ? And Abraham faid unto his young men, Abide you here with the affej and 1 and the lad will go yonder and worlhip,and come again to you. 6 And Abraham of&reth Ifaac. Chap. 6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt- offering , and laid it upon Ifaac his fonne : and lie took the fire in his hand, and a knife : and they went both of them together. 7 And Ifaac fpake unto Abraham his father, f Heb. 4#- and faidjMy father: and he faid,t Here am I jtny '* *" fonne. And he faid, Behold the fire and the jOr,V<& wood: but where #thejjlambe for a burnt- offtring ? 8 And Abraham faid, My fonne, God will provide himfelf alambe for a burnt-offering : fo they went both of them together. 9 And they came to the place which God had told him of, and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound * James a. Ifaac his fonne, and * lyd him on the altar up- 181 ' on the wood. . ' |f 10 And Abraham ftretched forth his hand , and took the knife to flay his tonne. ii And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and frid, Abraham, Abra- ham. And he faid, Here am I. 1 1 And he faid, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither dothouany thing unto him: for now I know that thou feareft God, feeing thou haft not withheld thy fonne, thine onely fo/inc from me. 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, & behold, behinde J?J a ramme canght in a thicket by his horns : And Abraham went and took theramme, and offered him up for a burnt-offering, in the ftead of his fonne. 14 And Abraham called the name of that Jl That is, place || Jehovah- jireh : as it is faid to this day, ib LORD jn the mount of the L o R D it (hall be feen. EL*' or x * jg Andfaid,*BymyfelfhaveIfworn,faith Ecclus44. the L ORD , for becaufc thou haft done this Luke i-73' 'hing, and haft not withheld thy fonne, thine Heb. f. 13. onely fonne: 17 That in bleffing I will blefle thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy feed as the ftarresof the heaven, and as the fand which if f Heb. /;>. upon the fea-t'fhore ; and thy feed mall poflcfle the gate of his enemies j *Chap.i2.;. 18 *Andinthy feed (hall all the nations and. 8. i *, of the earth be bleffed i bccaufe thou haft * 2 " lus44 ' obeyed my voice. Aa$ 5 zy. 19 So Abraham returned unto his young Galac. 3.8. men, and theyrofeup, and went together to Beer-iheba,and Abraham dwelt at Beer-flisba. 2,0 ^ And ic came to pafie after thefe things, that it was told Abraham, faying, Be- hold Milcah, (he hath alfo born children unto thy brother Nahor, >i Huz his firft-born, and Buz, his brother, and Kemuel the father of Aram, ^^ And Chcfed, and Hazo , and Pildam, andJidlaphjandBethuel. xxiii. Sarahs age and death." 23 And Bethuel begat *Rebekah ; thefe eight 1 7 Mikah did bear to Nahor, Abrahams brother. Ca.led, Z4 And his concubine whofe name TVM Rom.yi*. Rcumah, (he bare alfo Tebah, and Gaham.and *'*><* Thaha(h,andMaachah. CHAP. XXIII. I the age and death of Sarah, j The purchafe of Mack* pelah, \9 ivhert S.iizh TVM buritd. A Nd Sarah was an hundred and fevenand twenty ycares old : tbefe were the yeares of the life of Sarah. a And Sarah died in Kiriath-atbajthe fame if Hebron in the Jand of Canaan: & Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her. 3 51 And Abraham ftood op from before his dead, & fpake unto the fonnes of Heth/aying, 4 I am a ftrangcr and a fojourner with you : give me a pofleflion of a burying- place with you, that I may bury my dead out of my fight. 5 And the children of Heth anfwered A- bralum, faying unto him, 6 Heare us, my lor d> thou art famightie f Heb.<* prince amcngft us: in the choice of our fe- />"*/ pulchres bury thy dead j none of us (haH with- G "^' hold from thee his fepulchre , but :hat thou mayeftbury thy dead. 7 And Abraham ftood up, and bowed him- felf to the people of the land, even to the chil- dren of Hcth. 8 And he communed with them , fiying, If it be your minde that I fliould bury my dead out of my fight, heare me, and intreat for me to Ephronthe fonne of Zohar : 9 That he may give me the cave of Mach- pelahjWhich he hath,which w in the end of his field, for fas much money as it is worth he +Heb./# (hall give it me, for a pofleflion of a burying- mtney. place amongft you. 10 And Ephron dwelt amongft the children of Heth. And Ephron the Hittite anfwered Abraham in the f audience of the children of f Heb. <<# Heth, even of all that went in at the gates of his citie, faying, 11 Nay, my lord, heare me: the field give Itheejand the cave that is therein, I give it thee; in the prefence of the fonnes of my peo- ple give I it thee; bury thy dead. 1 1 And Abraham bowed down himfelf be- fore the people of the land. I g And he fpake unto Ephron in the au- dience of the people of the land, faying, But if thou tvi It give it y I pray thee heare me : I will give thee money for the field j take it of me, and I will bury my dead there. 14 And Ephron anfwered Abraham, fay. ing unto him, 15 My lord, hearken unto me : the land it worth foure hundred fhekels of filver ; what it that betwixt me and thee? bury therefoie thy dead% B 16 And Abraham purchafeth Machpelah. Genefis. 1 8 1 6"^And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron, and Abraham weighed to Ephron the (liver, which he had named in the audience of the fonnesof Heth,foure hundred (hekelsof fil- ver, currant money with the merchant. 1 7 1T And the field of Ephron,which was in Machpelahjwhichww before Mamre,the field, and the cave which WM therein, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, were made fure 1 8 Unto Abraham fora pofleflion in the prefence of the children of Heth, before all that went in at the gites of his citie. 19 And after this, Abraham buried Sarah * Chap-47. His fervants prayer and figne. thigh of Abraham his mafter, and fwarcto him concerning that matter. 10 ^i And the fervant took ten camels, of the camels of his matter, and departed (\\fot UOr,/ all the goods of his mafter were in his hand) and he arofe, and went to Mefopotamia, unto the citie of Nahor. 1 1 And he made his camels to kneel down without the citie , by a well of water, at the time of the evening, even the time f that wo- f Heb. that men go out to draw water. ivomea which 12 And he faid, O LORD God of my dr v f mafter Abraham, I pray thee fend me good 5 * * fpced this day , and (hew kindnefle unto my - ' his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah, mafter Abraham. before Mamre: the fame is Hebron in the land 1 3 Behold,* I ftand here by the well of wa. of Canaan. ter, and the daughters of the men of the ci- 20 And the field and the cave that is there- tie come out to draw water : in were made furc unto Abraham, for a poflef- fion of a burying-place,by the fonnes of Heth. CHAP. X XIIII. ^^^t^^^f^^ ^/^^(herfcythouhattappomtedforthy him, 1 3 fulfilled his (igne, 21 received jewels , fervant Ifaac 5 and thereby (hill I know that thou baft (hewed kindnefle unto my mafter. And it came to pafle before he had Verf. 4 j, 14 And let it come to pafle, that the damfel to whom I (hall fay, Let down thy pitcher,! pray thee, that I may^dnnkjand (he (hall fay, Drink,andl will give* thy camels drink alfo: let 23 fieweth her Kindred, ij and invtteth him home . 2.6 Thefervant bleffeth God. 29 Labanentertaineth %^^^Sl35XZ done fpeaking, .hat beheld, Rebekah came af pr Ifaac me eteth her. out, who was born to Bethuel, fonne of Mil- A Nd Abraham was old and f well ftricken cah,thewife of Nahor Abrahams brother a with in age: and the Lo R D had blefied Abra- ham in all things. 2 And Abraham faid unto his eld eft fervant of his houfe, that ruled over all that he had, * Put, I pray thee,thy hand under my thigh : 5 And 1 will make thee fwear by the LORD the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou (halt not take a wife unto my fonne of the daughters of the Canaanites amongft whom I dwell : 4 But thou (halt go unto my countrey,and to my kindred, & take a wife unto my fonne Ifaac. And the fervant faid unto him , Perad her pitcher upon her (boulder. 16 And thedanafel was t very fair to look upon , a virgin, neither had any man known / herj and (he went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up. 17 And the fervant ran to meet her, and faid.Let me (I pray thee) drink a little water of thy pitcher. 1 8 And (he faid, Drink, my lord: and (he hafted , and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink. 19 And when (he had done giving him drink, (he faid,I will draw water for thy camels venture the woman will not be willing to fol- alfo, untill they have done drinking. "y 20 And (he hafted, and emptied her pitcher low me unto this land: muft I needs bring thy fonne again unto the land from whence thou cameft* 6 And Abraham faid untohim,Beware thou that thou bring not my fonne thither again. 7 f The LORD God of heaven which took me from my fathers houfe, and from the land of my kindred, and which fpake unto me, * Chap.n.y and that fware unto me , faying, * Unto thy J5- feed will I give this land ^ he (hall 1 fend his an- 5 * * 8> gel before thee, and thou (halt take a wife un- to my fonne from thence. 8 And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee , then thou (halt be clear from this my oath: onely bring not my fonne thi- ther again. and. and 10,4. And the fmam put his hand under the unto Nahor; into the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels. 2 1 And the man wondering at her, held hi s peace, to wit, whether the L o R D had made his journey profpercus, or not. 22 And it came to pafle as the camels had dons drinking , that the man took a golden ||eare-ring,of half a (hekel Weight, and two || Or, bracelets for her hands,of ten {bezels weight/"- tk of gold ; *'* 23 And faid,Whofe daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee: is there room in thy fathers houfe for us to lodge in 2 24 And (he faid umo him,I am the daughter of Bethuel the fonne of Milcah 3 which (he bare She Abrahams fervant, Chap.xxiiii. 1 9 Vcrf.ij. andRebekah; 2 5 She faid moreover unto him , We have if now thou do profper my way which I go : both ftraw and provender enough , and room 43 * Behold, Iftand by the well of wateij to lodge in. and it flull come to paffe, that when the virgin 2 6 And the man bowed down his head,and cometh forth to draw water , and I fay to her, Worshipped the LOR D. Give me , I pray thee. a litcle water of thy pit- 27 And he faid , Blefled be the LORD God cher to drink j of my mafter Abraham , who hath not left de- 44 And fhe fay to me, Both drink thou, and ftitute my mafter of his mcrcie and his truth : I will alfo draw for thy camels: let the fame be I being in the way , the L o R D led me to the the woman whom the L o R D hith appointed houfe of my mailers brethren. out for my matters forme. 28 And the damfel ran,and told tbetaof her 45 And before I had done fpeaking in mine mothers houfe thefe things. heart, behold, Rebekihcame forth wkh her 29 f And Rebekah had a brother, and his pitcher on her moulder j and (he went down name VPM Laban : and Laban ran out onto the unto the well, and drew tvater: and! faid unto man, unto the well. her, Let me drink, I pray thee. 30 And it came to paffe when he fawthe 46 And fhe made hafte, and let down he* care-ring and bracelets upon his fiflers hands, pitcher from her Jhoulder, and faid, Drink, and atxiVvhen he heard the words of Rebekah his I will give thy camels drink alfo : fo I drank, fifter 3 faying , Thus fpake the man unto mej and fhe made the camels drink alfo, that he came unto the man; and behold, he 47 And [asked her,andfaid,Whofedaugh- ftood by the camels at the well. ter art thou ? And flie faid , The daughter of 3 1 And he faid , Come in, thou blefled of Bethuel , Nahors fonne , whom Milcah bare the L o R D, wherefore ftandeft thou without? unto him: and I put the eare-ring upon her for I have prepared the houfe, and room for face, and the bracelets upon her hands. the camels. 48 And I bowed down my head, and wor- 32 ^ And the man came into the houfetand fhipped the L o R D , and blefled the LORD he ungirdcd hi* camels,and gave ftraw and pro- God of my matter Abraham , which had led render for the camels , and water to warn. his me in the right way to take my matters bro- feet, and the mens feet that were with him. thers dau^ter unto his fonne. 33 And there was fet meat before him to 49 And now if you will deal kindly and eat: but he faid, I will not eat, untill I have told truly with my mafter,tell me; & if not,tell mej mine errand. And he faid, Speak on. that I may turn to the right hand,or to the left. 34 Andhefaid, I am Abrahams fervant. 3 5 And the LORD hath blefled my mafter greatly , and he is become great : and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and filver, and gold , and men-fervants , and maid-fervants, and camels, and afles. 36 And Sarah my matters wife bare a fonne 50 Then Laban and Bethuel anfwered, and faid, The thing proceedeth from the L o R D ; vve cannot fpeak unto thee bad or good. $i Behold, Rebekah w before thce,take for, and go, and let her be thy maftersfonnes wife, as the L o R D hath fpoken. 5* And it came to pafle, that when Abra- to my mafter when the was old: and unto him hams fervants heard their words, he worshipped hath he given all that he hath 37 And my mafter made me fwear, faying, Thou (halt not take a wife to my fonne of the daughters of the Canaanites , in whofe land I dwell : 3 8 But thou (halt go unto my fathers houfe, & to my kindred, & take a wife unto my fonne. the LOR D, halving himfelf to the earth. 53 And the fervant brought forth f jewels t H b. wfi of h~lver, and jewels of gold, and raiment,and /*'** gave them to Rebekah : He gave alfo to her brother and to her mother precious things. 54 And they did eat and drink , he and the men thattyere with him, and tarried all night; 3 9 And I faid unto my mafter , Peradven- and they rofe up in the morning , and he faid, ^ ture the woman will not follow me. * Send me away unto my mafter. Verf. jf. 40 And he faid unto me, The L o R D be- 55 And her brother and her mother faid, an fore whom I walk , will fend his angel with Let the damfel abide with us \\ a few dayes , at j| O r > f*& thee, and profper thy w.iy j and thou (halt take the leait ten j after that flie flull go. moncthfT a wife for my fonne of my kindred, and of my 56 And he faid unto them, Hinder me not, teeing the LORD hath profpercd my way : fend me away that I may go to my mafter. 5 7 And they faid , We will call ihe damfcl, and enquire at her mouth. 58 And they called Rebekah, and faid unto fathers houfe. 41 Then flult thou be clear from this my oath, when thou comeft to ray kindred j and if they give notthee one, thoufh-iltbe clear from my oath. 41 And I came this day unto the well, and her,VViltthougo with this man? And fhe faid, faid, O L o R D God of my mafter Abraham, I will go. B 2 59 And Rebekah blefled. ao 59 And they fent a way Rebekah their fifter 3 and her nurfe, & Abrahams fervam,& his men. 60 And they blefled Rebekah,and faid unto her, Thou art our filler, be thou the mother of thoufands of millions, and let thy feed poffefle the gate of thofe which hate them. 6 1 ^r And Rebekah arofe , and her damfels, and they rode upon the camels , and followed the man : and the fervant took Rebekah , and went his way. 61 And Ifaac came from the way of the * Chap. i*. *wellLahai-roi j for he dwelt in the fouth- 14. aid 15. countrey. Genefis. Sheconceiveth. 10 *The field which Abraham purcrnfed *Chap. j. of the fonnes of Heth: there was Abraham bu- ' 6 - riedj and Sarah his wife. 1 1 H And i: came to pafle afcer the death of Abraham.that God blefled hisfonnelfaac,and Ifaac dwelt by the *wdl Lahai-roi. * Chap.i<5. 12 f Now thrfeare the generations of I(h- 1 4-andz4. mael Abrahams fonnc, whom Hagar the E- 6l " gypcian , Sarahs handmaid } bare unto Abra- ham. i j And * thefc trc the names of the fonnes of Ifiimatl bytheirnames, according to their generations: The firft-born of KkmeljNeba- ,.ct r on. i . And Ifaac went out to || meditate in the joth^ and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibfam, field at the even-tide : and he life up his eyes, and faw, and behold, the camels were coming. 64 And Rebekah lift up her eyes,and when (he faw Ifaac, (lie lighted off the camel. 6<$ For (he had fiid unto the fervant, What man is this that w.*lketh in the field to meet us? And the fervanc had faid , Itw my mailer : therefore (he took a vail and covered her felf. 14 AndMiflima,andDumah, and Mafia, 1 5 Hadar , and Terns, Jetur, Naphifti. and Kedemah. 1 6 Thefe j Ht age and death." 9 H bnrinO. izThe generations of IfhmxeL- 17 Hw age dr death, n Ifa.ic prayctb for Rebekih beingbar/en. ^^ The children ftn-ve in her wombe. 14 The birth of Efau & Jacob. vj Their difference, sp EfaufeUeth hit birthright. T Hen again Abraham took a wife, and her name tvas Keturah. z And (he bare him Zimran,and Jok(han,& Medan,and Midian, and Ithbak, and Shuah. *i.Chron,i. ? And * Jokflun begat Sheba, and Dedan. 3 * And the fonnes of Dedan were Afihunm s and Letafhim, and Leummim. 4 And the fonnes of Midian j Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abidah, and Eldaah : all thefef re the children of Keturah. 5 H And Abraham gave ail that he had un- to Ifaac. 6 But unto the fonnes of the concubines which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and fent them away from Ifaac his fonne (while he her wombe. thered unto his people. 1 8 And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that *'j before Egypt, as thou goeft towards Af- fyria; andhc fdied in the prefence of all his f Heb.jftf. brethren. ijrif And thefe are the generations of Ifaac Abrahams fbiine : Abraham begat Ifaac. zo And Ifaac was fourtie yeares old when he took Rebekah to wife , the daughter of Be- thuel the Syrian of Padan-aram , the (ijfterto Laban the Syrian. i i And Ifaac imreated the LORD for his wife, becaufe (he voat barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, andRtbekah his wife conceived. 11 And the children ftrugled togetherwith- inher: and (he faid, If it be fo,why ami thus? And (lie went to enquire of the L o R D. zj And the LORD faid unto her, Two nati- ons are in thy wombe and two rmnner of peo- ple (hall be feparated from thy bowels: and the one people (hall be ftronger then the other peo- ple, and * the elder (hall ferve the younger. 14 f And when her dayes to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there we re twmnesin : Rom. p. 12. yet lived) caft. ward, unto the eaft-countrey. 7 And thefe arc the dayes of the yeares of Abrahams life which he lived , an hundred threefcore and fifteen yeares. 8 Then Abraham gave up the ghoft, and 2 f And the firft came out red, all over like-an hairie garment: and they called his name Efau. 26 And afcer that came his brother out, and * his hand took hold on Efaus heel ; and his Hof.i 2.3. name was called Jacob : and Ifaac yeas three- died in a good old age, an old man, and full of fcore yeares old when (lie bare them. ytarcs-i and was gathered to his people. 27 And the boyes grew: and Efau wss a 9 And his fonnes Ifaac and Ithtnael buried cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob him in the cave of M^chpelah, in the field of was a plain man dwelling intents. Ephronthe fonne of Zohar the Hittite, which 28 And Ifaac loved ETau, bccaufe fhsdid ;j before Marare; cat of his venifon : but Rebekah loved Jacob 20 And Efaufelleth his birthright. Chap. xxvi. Ifaac fojourneth in Gerar. 29 j And Jacob fod pottage: and Efau came fliouldeft have brcughr guiltinefle upon us. 21 f Hcb.*- *' forward, and grew untill he became very great: hare lien vvub, thy wife, and thou be now an oath betwixt us; even betwixt u * B ? and- Efau is fenc for vervifon. and thce,aml let us make a covenant with thee} 29 f That thou wilt do us no hurt , as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good , and have fent thee away in peace : thou art now the blefied of the L o R D. 30 And he made them a feaft, and they 'did cat and drink. 3 i And they rofe up becimes in the morning, and fware one to another: and Ifaac fent them away, and they departed from him in peace. 32 And it came to pafle the fame day, that Ifaacs fervants came, and told him concerning the wel 1 which they had digged, and faid unto him, We have found water. 3 3 And he called it (j Shebah: therefore the name of the city u (| Beer-fticba unto this day. 34 fl And Efau was fourtyyeares old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri Chap. 17. the Hittite, and Bsfhemith the daughter of 4*. ElontheHiuite: f Heb. bit- ^ ^ Which * wre \ a grief of minde unto fpn'f? f Ifaac and to Rebekah. CHAP. XXVII. I Ifaac (tndtth Efau for i>enifon. 6 Rebekah inflruft- eth Jacob te obtain the blefiing. i $ JACO\> under the pe>jonof Efauobtiinetbit. jo Efau bringeth -veni- fan. JJ Ifaac trembleth. 34 Efau camflatneth, and f Heb, Genefis. Jacob getteth the bleffing. ii. And Jacob faid to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Efau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a fmooth man. i i My father peradventure will feel me.and I (hall feem to him as a deceiver j and I mail bring a curfe upon me, and not a bleffing. 1 3 Af d his mother faid unco him, Upon me be thy curfe, my fonne: onely obey my voice, and go fetch me them* 14 And he went, and fetched, and broughc them to his mother : and his mother made fa* Toury meat, fuch as his father loved. , ^J>H T? And Rebekah took f goodly raiment of t Heb. / to thee , and to thy feed with thee ; that thou P"P lf mayeft inherit the land f wherein thou art a f Hcb. ftky ftranger, which God gave unto Abraham. warnings. f And Ifaac fent away Jacob } and he went to Padan-aram untoLaban, foane of Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Rebekah Jacobs and Efaus mother. 6 f When Efaufaw that Ifaac had blefled Jacob , and fent him away to Padan-aram , to take him a wife from thence ; and that as he blefled him, he gave him a chargc,faying,Tho fhalt not take a wife of the daughters of Ca- naan; 7 And that Jacob obeyed his father, and his mother, and was gone to Padan-aram j 8 And Efau feeing that the daughters of Ca- naan tpleafed not Ifaac his father: fHcb. were 9 Then went Efau unto Immael , and took *' *"* unto the wives which he had, Mahalath the '?"** daughter of Iflimael Abrahams fonnc,the fitter ofNcbajoth, to be his wife. 10 ^ And Jacob went out from Beer-fheba, and went toward * Haran. * Called, 1 1 And he lighted upon a certain placc,and * 7- s, tarried there all night , becaufe the funne was c *"** fet: and he took of the ftones of that place, and put them for his pillows , and lay down in that place to fltep. r B 4 i* And Jacobs vifion and vow. Genefis. 2.4 12 And he dreamed , and behold a ladder fet upon the earth , and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold, the angels of God afcending and defcending on it. *Chap.?5-i. i j * And behold, the LORD ftood above it, and (aid, I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Ifaac: the land whereon thou lieft , to thee will I give ic,and to thy feed. 14 And thy feed (hall be as the duftof the and t Heb. brt> firtk. * Deut.ii. 20. "Chap.ii. and iS.ifc and 22.18. and 16.4, 3nd He covenanted for Rachel. 5 And he faid unto them,Koow ye Laban the fonne of Nahoi? And they faid, We know him. 6 And he faid unto them, t Is he well? And f Heb. is theyfai-d, Re fcweii: and behold, Rachel his thcre ^*" daughter cometh with the (heep. 7 And he faid,Lo,f ^ is yet high day,neither f Hcb. jet is it time that the cattel (hould be gathered to- the dajis gcthei: water ye the (heep, & go and feed them.?""' 8 And they faid, We cannot, untill all the (halt j fpread abroad * to the flocks be gathered together , and tiff they roll eaft and to the north and to the ftone from the wells mouth; then we water flocks a a s mouth j then we water the (beep. 9 1T And while he yet fpake with them, Rachel came with her fathers (beep : for (he p thee in all places whither thou goeft, and keptthem. I bring thee again into this land : for I will _ I0 And it came to pafie , when Jacob fav? weft , and to the eaft, and to the north, and to the fouth : and in thee and * in thy feed (hall all the families of the earth bcblefled. if And behold, lam with thee, and will kee wil not leave thee, untill I have done that which I h ive fpokcn to thee of. 16 ^ And Jacob awaked out of his fleep, and he laid, Surely the L o R D is in this place, and I knew if not. 17 And he was afraid, and faid,How dread- full is this place ! this ;r none other but the houfe of Gjd,and this jjthe gate of heaven. Rachel the daughter of Laban his mothers brother , and the (heep of Laban his mother* brotherj that Jacob went neare, and rolled the ftone from the wells mouth , and watered the flock of Laban his mothers brother. 1 1 And Jacob kifled Rachel , and lifted up his voice, and wept. 1 2 And Jacob told Rachel that he tvas her 18 And Jacob rofe up early in the morning, fathers brother, and that he tvas Rebekahs and took the ftone that he had put for his pil- fonne : and (he ran and told her father. lows , and fet it up for a pillar, and poured oyl i g And it came to pafle,when Laban heard upon the top of it. the t tidings of Jacob his fitters fonne, that he f Hcb, kt< ip And he called the name of that place ran to meet him, and embraced him, and "& J|Thatis,*Aeu Leah , and the name of the younger TM Rachel. 17 Leah wot tender-eyed , but Rachel was beautifull and well-favoured. f Heb lift ' fcet. CHAP. XXIX. I Jacob c ometb to the well of Harm, ptietaktthae- Stjtiitis^s&srttSib S*& r k * t **te?if\ i whh Leah. 28 He mxrrietb aih Rachei,and feneth vvili ferve thee feven yeares for Rachel thy for her fe-venyeires more. 31 lesh beareth Reuben* younger daughter 3 J Simeon , 34 Le-vi , 3 J and Judah. T Hen Jacob f went on his journey, & came into the land of the f people of the eaft. *** An field looked, and behold, a -A ell in the there rs>t re-shrec flocks of (heep And Laban faid, It i$ better that I give her to thee , then that I (hould give her to^an- otherman: abide with me. 20 And Jacob ferved feven yeares for Ra- chel i and they feemed unto him but a few nciu j ana ^>, mere wt^e-wnici. iiutRs ui mccp lying by it j for out of thit well they watered dayes, for the love he had to her. the flocks : and a great ftone TVM upon the 2 1 f And Jacob faid unto Laban , Give wells mouth. me my wife (for my dayes are fulfilled) that I 3 And thither were all the flocks gathered : may go in unto her. & they rolled the ftonj Prom the wells mouth, 21 And Laban gathered together all the and watered the (heep, and put the ftone again men of the place, and made a feaft. upon the wells mouth in his place. 23 And itcarre topafle in the evening, that 4 And Ja and brou g ht them unto ms mother Leah . 21 AndLeah conceived and bare a fonne, Then Rachel faid to Leah, Give me, J pray 1 " called his name II Reuben : for (he faid, thee, of thy lonncs mandrakes. /n: i j And (he faid unto her, Is it a imall mat- /..* U That is ter that thou haft taken my husband ? and surely the L o R D hath looked upon my affl dion now therefore my husband will love me. 33 And (he conceived again,& bare a fonne j woul'deft thou take away my fonnes iman- andfaid Becaufethe Lo R D hath heard that drakes alfo? And Rachel faid.Therefore he (hall ITVM hated , he hath therefore given me this lie with thee to night for thy fonnes man-- fonne alfo : and (he called his name (] Simeon, drakes. . . J , 4 And (he conceived again , and bare a 16 And Jacob came out of the field in the fonnej and faid , Now this time will my huf- evening, and Leah went out to meet him, and band be joyncd unto me , becaufe I have born faid, Thou mutt come in unto me, for furely I himthreefonnes: therefore was hi. name cal- have hired thee with my fonnes mandrakes.. P That is,, i j u T : And he lay with her that night. ftS* h ? 5 And (he conceived again , and bare a 17 And God hearkened unto Leah, and (he Th.fi fonne j and (he faid , NOW will Ipraife the conceived, and bare Jacob the fifth fonne. F L ORD^herefore^ called his name *|| Ju- 18 AndLeah faid } God hath given me mine XXX. grief for ter birrenneffe giveth Bilhth her mtiduntofacoL 5 She besreth Dan and fftphttli. Jacob the fixth fonnc. *} , *r0*riG* .rf } hire , becaufe I have given my maiden to my hmband rand (he called his name iilflachar. yrhat i 9 And Leah conceived again , and bare *' . A d Lcah faid God hath endued me h nhm ^h^Zeulun^nn ii dwell with me , becaufe I have born him fix fefh. ^ j ?*col> defreth to de^rt. ij Libanflayfth f onnes . an d (he called his name || * Zebulun. 5 That is, . hhn on a new covenant. J7 J*<*i foltcte, Tvhertby ^^ afterward the bare a daughter , and rfrlbij. t Hcb. be ehel; and he faid,<4w I in Gods ftead,who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the wombe? ? And (he faid, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her j and (he (hall bear upon my knees, that I may alfo f have children by her. 4 And (he gave him Bilhih her handmaid to wife: an J Jacob went in unto her. ? And Bilhah conceived , and bare Jacob a fonne. The L OR D flulladdeto n ^e aj*eMon e ajf^T And ,t cam Vj Job faid unto had born Jofeph tharja * Send me away , thit I may go place, and to my countrey. *6 Give , my wives and my childre Jaco~bs hire. 2,6 whom I have ferved thee , and let me go j for thou knoweft ray femce which I have done thee. ij And Liban faid unto him , I pray thee, if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarty : for I have learned by experience, that the L o R D hath blefled me for thy fake. 18 And he faid, Appoint me thy wages,and I will give //. 19 And he faid unto him , Thou knoweft how I have ferved thee, and how thy cattel was with me. 30 foritWM little which thou hadft before Icame 3 and it is noTV fincreafed unto a multi- tude ; and the L o R D hath blefled thee \ fince my coming : and now when (hall I provide for mine own houfe alfo? 3 1 And he faid, What (hall I give thee? And fHcb.tr*. A* firth. T Heb. At Genefis. He departeth from Laban, ftronger cattel did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes. of the cattel in the gurtefs , that they might conceive among the rods. 41 But when the cattel were feeble , he put them not in: fothe feebler were Labans, and the ftronger Jacobs. 4 3 And the man increafed exceedingly , and had much cattel, and maid-fervants, and men- fervants,and camels, and affes. CHAP. XXXI. I fdcet ttfon Jifyleafure departeth fecretfy. 19 Racket fleileth her fathers images. 21 Laban purfueth after him , 1.6 and complaineth of the -wrong. 3.4 Rachels policie to hide the images. 36 Jacobs complaint ofLt- bzn. 43 IhecDTjetum of Laban ondjfacob at Galced* ANd he heard the words of Labans fonnes, faying , Jacob hath taken away all that H- 11U j VV HHk IU4.11 * gl*l* fcllWWi XA11U * **T/*"|J J ja\.w tiai,i.i lajtwiA UVYdY all II14L Jacob fai J , Thou (halt not give me any thing j WM oar fathers; and of that which TVM our fa- if thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again thers hath he gotten all this glory. And Jacob beheld the countenance of feed and keep thy fl jck : 3 1 I will pafle through all thy flock to day, removing from thence all the fpeckled and fpotted cattel , and all the brown cattel among the (heep, and the fpotted and fpeckled among the goats : and offuch (hall be my hire. 33 So (hall my righreoufnefle anfwer for me t in time to come , when it (hall come for my hire before thy face:every one that it not (peck- led and fpocted amongft the goats , and brown amongft the fheep, that (hall be accounted ftolen with me. 3 4 And Laban faid,Behold,I would it might be according to thy word. 35 And he removed that day the he-goats, that were ring-ftraked, and fpotted, and all the /he-goats that were fpeckled and fpotted , and every one that had fame white in it, and all the brown among the(heep, and gave them into the hands of his fonnes. 36 And he fet three dayes journey betwixt Irimfelf and Jacob : and Jacob fed the reft of Labans flocks. 37 q And Jacob took hiiti rods of green poplar, and of the hafel and chefnut-tree; and pilled white ftrakes in them , and made the white appear which tvae in the rods. 38 And he fet the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering- troughs, when the flocks came to drink j that they (hould conceive when they came to drink. 39 And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattel ring-ftraked, fpeckled, and fpotted. 40 And Jacob did feparate the lambes, and fet the faces of the flocks toward the ring- braked , and all the brown in the flock of La- ban : and he put his own flocks bythemfelvesj and put them not unto Labans cattel. 4^ And it 2me to pjffe whenfoc ver the z Laban, and behold, it was not toward him fas f Heb. before. fltrday An 3 And the L o R D faid unto Jacob, Return the ^t b unto the land of thy fathers,and to thy kindred j^' and I will be with thee : 4 And Jacob fent and called Rachel and Leah to the field unto his flock, 5 And faid unto them , I fee your fathers countenance , that it is not toward me as be- fore : but the God of my father hath been with me. 6 And ye know that with all my power I have ferved your father. 7 And your father hath deceived me , and changed my wages ten times : but God fuffered him not to hurt me. 8 If he faid thus , The fpeckled (hall be thy wages j then all the cattel bare fpeckled : and if he faid thus, The ring-ftraked (hall be thy hirej then bare all the cattel ring-ftraked. 9 Thus God hath taken away the cattel of your father, and given them to me. 10 And it came to pafle at the time that the cattel conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and faw in a dream , and behold , the g rammes jj Or, ht~ which leaped upon the cattel were ring-ftraked, fw/j. fpeckled, and grifled. 1 1 And the angel of God fpake unto me in a dream , faying j Jacob : And I faid, Here ami. i z And he faid. Lift up now tWne eyes and the cattel for I have 13 I am the God of Beth- el , * where thou * Chap. it. anointedft the pillar , anywhere thou vowedft l8 - a vow unto me : now arife , get thee out from this land 5 and return unto the land of thy kindred. 14 And Laban purfueth him. Chap. xxxi. Rachel hideth the images* Becaufe I was afraid : for I faid, Peradventure 2-51 thou wouldeft take by force thy daughters from- me. 3 2 With whomfoever thou findeft thy gods, let him not live : before our brethren difcern thou what is thine with me 3 and take it to thee: for Jacob knew not that Rachtl had ftolen them. 3 3 And Laban went into Jacobs tent,&into Leahs tent, and into the two maid-fervants 17 f Then Jacob rofe up, and fet his fonnes tents; but he found them not. Then went he out of Leahs tent,and entred into Rachels tent. 14 And Rachel and Leah anfwered , and faid unto him, Is there yet any portion or in- heritance for us in our fathers houfe $ i ? Are we not counted of him ftrangers? for he hach fold us, and hath quite devoured alfo our money. \6 For all the riches which God hath taken from our father, that is ours,and our child rens: now then whatsoever God hath fold unto thee, do. t Hcb. ttr tbt bearf of La- and his wives upon camels. 18 And he carried away all his cattel,and all his goods which he had gotten, the cattel of his getting, which he had gotten in Padan- aram j for to go to Ifaac his rather in the land of Canaan. 19 And Laban went to {hear his meep: and Rachel had itolen the t images that were her fathers. 10 And Jacob ftole away | unawares to Laban the Syrian, in that he told him not that he fled. zi So he fled with all that he had, and he rofeup,and pafled over the river, and fet his face toward the mount Gilead. ^l Anditwastotd^Labanon the third day that Jacob was fled. a 3 And he took his brethren with him, and purfue d after him feven dayes journey > and they overtookhim in the mount Gilead. 24 And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and faid unto him, Take heed 34 Now Rachel had taken the images, and put them in the camels furniture, and (at upon them: and Laban f fearched all the tent, but found them not. 35 And {he faid to her father, Let it not difpleafe my lord that I cannot rife up before thee 5 for the cuftome of women is upon me: and he fearched, but found not the images. 36 ^ And Jacob was wroth, and chode with Laban : and Jacob anfwered, and faid to Laban, What is my trefpafie? what is my finne that thou haft fo hotly purfued after me ? 37 Whereas thou haft fearched all my ftufl^ what haft thou found of all thy houiliold.ftuft> fet it here before my brethren and thy bre- thren, that they may judge betwixt us both. 38 This twentie yeares have I been with thee , thy ews and thy {he-goats have not call their young, and the rammcs of thy flock have I not eaten : j 9 That which was torn efbeaftsj. brought + Heb r , m that thou fpeak'not to Jacob t either good or not unto thee : 1 bare the lofle of it } of * my , E ^ i- j hand didft thou require it 3 rpbetber fiolen by la . t Heh. haft bad. 2 5 f Then Laban overtook Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the mount : and Laban with his brethren pitched in the mount of Gilead. 26 And Laban faid to Jacob , What haft thou done , that thou haft ftolen away una- wares to me, and carried away my daughters, as.caprives tal^en with the fword ? 27 Wherefore didft thou flee away fecretly, and ffteal away from me ? and didft not tell that I might have fent thee away with day, or ftolen by night. 40 rfcwflwas, in the day the drought con*, fumed me , and the froft by night j and my fleep departed from mine eyes. 41 Thus have I been twentie yeares in thy houfe : I ferved thee fourteen yeares for thy two daughters, and fix yeares for thy cattel j and thou haft changed my wages ten times. 42 Except the God of my father,the God of Abraham, and the fear of Ifaac had been with > me, furely thou hadft fent me away now empty: mirth, and witrffongs, with tabret, and with God hath feen mine affliftionand the labour harp ? 28 And haft not fuffered me to kifle my fonnesand my daughters? thou haft now done foolifhly in fo doing. 19 It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt : but the God of your father fpake unto me yefternight, faying, Take thou heed that thou fpeak not to Jacob either good or bad. 3 o And now though thou wouldtft needs be gone, becaufe thou fore longedft after thy fa- thers hoilfe3jr wherefore haft thou ftolen my gods ? 3 1 Aad Jacob anfwered and faid to Laban, of my hands, and rebuked thee yefternight. 43 ^ And Laban anfwered, and faid unto Jacob, Thefe daughters ate my daughters, and tbefe children are my children, and thffe cattel are my cattel, and all that thou feeft is miae: and what can I do this day unto thefc my daughters , or unto their children which they have born ? 44 Now therefore come thou, let us make a covenant, land thou j and let it beforawit- nefle between me and thee. 45 And Jacob took a ftone,andfet it up Jacobs vifion at Mahanaim. Genefis. His mcfTage to Efau* 18 46 And Jacob faid unto his brethren. Ga- ther ftones : and they took {tones, and made an heap j and they did cat there upon the heap. UThat if, 47 And Laban called it|j Jegar-fahadutha: theh t *ff but Jacob called it Galeed. 48 And Laban faid, This hea"p U a witneffe between me and thee this day. Therefore was the name of it called Galeed, fl That is, 49 And ||Mizpah : for he faid, The LORD * ktacon, r watch between me and thee when we are ab- "' fern one from another. f o If thou flwlt afflift my daughters, or if thou (halt take other wives befides my daugh- ters, no man is with us j See, God witnefle tetwixt me and thee . 51 And Laban faid to Jacob, Behold this heap, and behold this pillar, which I have caft bctwhu me and thee 5 52 This heap be witnefle, and this pillar be witnefle, that I will not pafle over this heap to thee, and that thou {halt not pafle over this heap and this pillar unto me, for harm. 53 The God of Abraham, and theGodof Nahor, the God of their father, judge betwixt us. And Jacob (ware by the fear of his father Ifaac. JOr,fr'W 54 Then Jacob || offered facrifice upon the <.t>ta$-i., mount, and called his brethren to eat bread : and they did eat bread, and tarried all night in the mount. 5 5 And early in the morning Laban rofe up, and kifled his fonnes and his daughters, and bleffed them: and Laban departed,and re- turned unto his place. CHAP. XXXIL l Jacobs vifton at Mahanaim. 3 Hit mtfjageto Efau. 6 tie it afraid of Efaus coming. 9 He pray eth for hit deleveratoce, 1 3 HefenJeth a present to Efau> 34 He tweflletb with an angel at Peniel, where he it called Ifrael. 31 Hehalteth. A Nd Jacob went on his way,ind the angels of God met him. i And when Jacob faw them, he faid, This is Gods hoft : and he called the name of that ft That i, place || Mahanaim. -tvohrfior 3 And Jacob Cent meflengers before him */" to Efau his brother, unto the land of Seir, the t Hcb. ftld. f countrey of Edom. 4 And he commanded them, faying,Thus fliall ye fpeak unto my lord Efauj Thy fervant Jacob faith thus,I have fojourned with Laban, and flayed there untill now : 5 And I have oxen, and afles, flocks, and men fervants, and women-fervants: and I have fent to tell my lord, that I may finde grace in ^tby fight. '6 f And the meflengers returned to Jacob, laying, We came to thy brother Efau, and alfo He comcth to meet thee, and foure hundred ecn with hire. 7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid , and di. fire fled; and he divided the people that ivas with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels into two bands 5 8 And faid, If Efau come to the one com- pany and forme it , then the other company which is left flull efcape. 9 4 And Jacob faid,O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Ifaac , the LORD which faidft unto me, * Return unto * Cfaap-j i. thy countrey, and to thy kindred , and I will '3 deal well with thee : 10 f I am not worthy of the leaft of all the t Hcb - '* mercies, and of all the truth , which thou haft l '^ e the * (hewed unto thy fervant j for with my ftafF I **' pafled over this Jordan, and now I am become two bands. 1 1 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother , from the hand of Efau : for I fear him, left he will come andfmite me 3 and the mother -j- with the children. ( Hcb./ \^ And thou faidft, I will furely do thee good, and make thy feed as the fand of the fca, which cannot be numbred for multitude. 15 fl And he lodged there that fame night j and took of that which came to his hand, a prefent for Efaa his brother, 14 Two hundred fhe-goats and twenty he- goats, two hundred ews and twenty ramme*, i y Thirty milch camels with their colts, fourty kine and ten bulls, twenty (he- afles and ten foles. 1 6 And he delivered them into the hand^of his fervants , every drove by thenfifelves ; and faid unto his fervants , Pafle over before me, and put a fpace betwixt drove and drove. 1 7 And he commanded the foremoft } fayin^, When Efau my brother meetetk thee , and asketh thee, faying, Whofe art thou? and whi- ther goeft thou? and whofe are thcfe before tbee? 1 8 Thcnthouflnlt fay, They be thy fervant Jacobsjit /japrefent fent unto my lord Efon: and behold rlfo he is bchinde us. 19 And fo commanded he the fecond, and the third, and all that followed the droves, fay- in?, On this manner (hall you fpcak unto Efau, when you finde him. 20 And fay ye moreover, Behold, thy (er- vantJacobfibehindeus:Forhefaid,I will ap- peafe him with the prefent that goeth before mc,and afteiward I will fee his face; perad- venture he will accept t of me. 2 1 So went the prefent over before him: and/ 4< *' himfelf lodged that night in the company. 21 And he rofe up that night, and took his two wives, and his two women-fervants, and his eleven fonnes , and pafled over the ford J a - bbok -' 23 And he took them , and t fent them Jacobs wreftling. Chap, His prcfent to Efau. over the brook, and fent over that he had. 14 f And Jacob waskft alone: and there wreftled a man with him, untill the f breaking fr Heb. A- u And when he fawthathe prevailed not againft him , he touched the hollow of his thigh : and the hollow of Jacobs thigh was out of joynt,as he wreftled with him, 26 And he faid , Let me go , for the day Hof.n.4. breaketh: And he faid, * I will not let thee go, except thou blefle me. ^7 And he faid unto him,Wrm h thy name? And be faid, Jacob. 18 And he faid, * Thy name fhall be called no more Jacob, but Ifrael : for as a prince haft rhou power with God and with men , and haft prevailed. 29 And Jacob asked him, and faid, Tell me, I pray thee,thy name : And he faid, Wherefore is it , tbac thou doft ask after rfly name ? and he blefled him there. 30 And Jacob called the name of the place I That \t t thi ft peniel : for I have feen God face to face, and --- 'Chap. 3J 10. \ Heb. t, the*. t Heb. tth 3 1 And as he paffed over Penuel the funne rofe upon him, and he halted upon his thigh. 31 Therefore the children of Ifrael eat not ( 8 But Deborah Rebekahs nurfe died, and (he and * was gathered unto his people, being old I Chap. 25^ was buried beneath Beth-el, under an oak: and and full of dayes : and his fonnes Efcu and Ja- cob buried him. That is, the name of it was called ||Allon-bachuth. 9 fl And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came out of Padan-aramj and bletfed him. 10 And God faid unto him, Thy name is Jacob; thy name (hall not be called any more Chap.ja. Jacob, * but Ifrael (hall be thy name : and he ' called his name Ifrael. 11 And God faid unto him, I am God Al- mighty : be fruitfull and multiply: a nation and a company of nations (hall be of thee,and kings (hall come out of thy loyns. CHAP. XXXVI. E/4ZW three wives. Hi* removing to moimt Stir^ 9 Hitfonnei. 15 The dukes which defended of hit fonnes. so Me fonnes, and dukes of Seir.i^ ^nnh findeth mules. Ji Thek.ingsofEdont.4O Tbeduk.es that defended of Efau. XT " thefe are the gyrations of Efau, lXwhoEdom. * Efau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan : Adah the daughter of Elon the Hit- , And the land which I gave Abraham and we j and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah , Ifaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy feedaf- the daughter of ZibeoniheHmte; m chee will I give the land. I? And God went up from him,in the place Whe're he talked with him. 14 And Jacob fet up a pillar in the place BaQiemath bare Reuel. ' 35 'ere he talked with him, nn a pillar of 5 And Ahohbamah bare Jeuft and Jaalam, and Korah: thefe are the fonnes of Efau,which were born unto him in the land of Canaan. 6 And Efau took his wives and his fonnes, 3 And Bafoemath Ifhmaels daughter, fifler of Nebajoth. 4 And * Adah bare to Efau, El.phaz : and where ftone: and he poured a drink-oftering thereon, and he poured oyl thereon. And Jacob called the name of the place 6 And Efautook his wives: ,dh,s icnnes fi^fnaVe with him. Beth-cl. andhisdauphterj, and all the tperfonsof his Hcb.4 where God fpake with him, Beth-cl 1 6 ^ And they journeyed from Beth-el: and there was but \ a little way to come to Ephrath: honfe, and his cattel, and all his bealts, and all his fubftance , which he had got in the land of Canaan, and went into the countrey from the face of his brother Jacob. 7 For their riches were more then that they might dwell together: and the land whereirr '/ and Rachel travailed, and flic had bard labour TMnrf. I7 ^ n j i tcare to paflewhen (he was in bard labour, that the midwife faid unto her, Fear not ;thou (halt have this fonne alfo. ~~ - -- 1 8 And it came to pafle as her foul was in they were ftrangers, could not bear them, be- departine (for (he died) that (he called his caufeof their cattel. T-ha* i* , name || Ben-oni : but his father called him TU "* A " Ar *< h, fin*, of jj Benjamin. "%*!** 1 9 And Rachel died, and was buried in the - on of the way to Ephrath, which is Beth-Iehem. 20 And Jacob fet a pillar upon her grave:that the pillar of Rachels grave unto this day. 2 1 And Ifrael journeyed and fpreid his tent beyond the tower of Edar. 21 And it came to pnfle when Ifrael dwelt 8 Thus dwelt Efau in*mount Seir: Efau fjofli.24.* is Edom. o 4 And thefe are the generations of Efau, the father of 1 the Edomites in n-.ount Seir. jo Thefe are the names of Efaus fonnes ; * Eliphaz the fonne of Adah the wife of Efau, * i.chrora. Reuel the fonne of Ba(hemath the wife of Efau i.js&c. x i And the fonnes of Eliphaz were , Te- man, Omar, Zepho, and Gatam,and Kenaz. Chap.4JM in thatTand, that Reuben went and May with n And Timna waiconcubinet Bilhah his fathers concubine : and Ifrael heard Efaus fonne; and (lie bare toBhj it. Now the fonnes of Jacob were twelve. i? The fonnes of Lenh ; Reuben, Jacobs firft-born,and Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Iffachar^nd Zcbulon. thefe tvcre the fonnes of Adah Efaus wife. i ? And tHctc (Ltt tHc Tonnes ot Rcucl 3 IN3 hath, and Zerah,Shammah,andMiizah: thefe were 'Efaus offspring. Genefis. Tofcph hated of his brethren, 31 were the fonnes of Bamemath Efaus wife. 14 ^ And thefe were the fonnes of Aholi- bamah, the daughter of Anah 5 the daughter of Zibeon Efaus wife: and (he bare to Efau Jeufh, and Jaalamand Korah. iy f Thefe were dukes of the fonnes of Efau: the fonnes of Eliphaz the firft-born /fl of Efau; duke Teman, duke Omar,duke Zepho,dukeKenaz, 1 6 Duke Korah, duke Gatam, awrfduke Amalek: Thefe are the dukes that came of Eliphaz, in the land of Edom: thefe were the fonnes of Adah. 17 f And thefe are the fonnes of Reuel Efaus fonne; duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shimmah, duke Mizzah. Thefe are the dukes that came of Reuel , in the land of EJom: thefe Are the fonnes of Baftiemath Efaus wife. 1 8 ^ And thefe are the fonnes of Aholi- bamah Efaus wife* duke Jeu/h , duke Jaalana, duke Korah: thefe w;?re the dukes that came of Aholibamah the daughter of An.ih Etaus wife. 19 Thefe are the fonnes of Efau (who is Edom) and thefe are their dukes. i. Chron. * fl * Thefe are the fonnes of Seir the 3$ Horite, who inhabited the land 5 Lean., and Shobal,and Zibeon, and Anah, 2,1 And DUhon, and Ezer , and Diftian: thefe are the dukes of the Horites, the children of Seir in the land of Edora. 22, And the children of Lotanwerc Hod, and Heman : and Lotans fitter nwTimna. zj And the children of Shobal were thefe; Alvan, and Manahath, and Ebal, Shepho, and Onam. 24 And thefe are the children of Zibeon; both Ajab,and Anah: this was that Anah,that found the mules in the wildernefle, as he fed the aflesof Zibeon his father. 15 And the children of Anah "were thefcj Dimon , & Aholibamah the daughter of Anah. 26 And thefe are the children of Difhon; Hemdan, and Eflibanjand Ithran,and Cheran. 27 T he children of Ezer ^ Thefe are the generations of Jacob ; Jo feph being feventeen yeares old, was feeding the flock with his brethren, and the lad was with the fonnes of Bilhah,and with the fonnes of Zilpah,his fathers wives; & Jofeph brought unto his father their evil report. 3 Now Ifrael loved Jofeph more then all his children, becaufe he was the fonne of his old age: and he made him a coat of miny [} colours, (j Or, fiecn 4 And when his brethren fiw that their fa. ther loved him more then all his brethren, they hated him, and could notfpeak peaceably un- to him. 5 f And Jofeph dreamed a dream, and he toldu his brethren; and they hated him yet the more. 6 Afld he faid unto them,Heare, I pray you j this dream which I have dreamed. 7 For behold, we were binding (heaves in the field, and lo, my (lieaf arofe, and alfo flood upright; and behold, your (heaves ftood round abour, and made obeifance to my (heaf. 8 And his brethren faid unco him , Shalt thou Jofephs dreams. Chap, xxxviii. He is fold. thou indeed reigne over us ? or (halt thou in- 1 f And they fat down to eat bread : and they 2 3 deed have dominion over us ? and they hated lift up their eyes and looked, & behold,a com- rum yet the more for his dreams, and for his panic of Iftimeelites came from Gilead, with words. their camels bearing fpiccrie, and balm, and 9 G And he dreamed yet another dream,and myrrhe, going to carrie it down to E?ypt. told it his brethren, and faid,Behold, I have 26 And Judah faid unto his brethren, What dreamed a dream more, and behold, the funne profit u it if we flay our brother, and conceal and the moon , and the. eleven ftarres made his bloud obeifance to me. 27 Come,and let us fell him to the lihmee- 10 And he told if to his father, and to his lites,and let not our hand be upon him; for he brethren: and his father rebuked him, and faid is our brother, and ewrflefti: and his brethren unto him , What it this dream that thou haft f were content. H . hf ,_ dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy bre- 28 Then there pafled by Midianites mer-L^! ' thren indeed come to bowe down our felves to chant- men j and they drew and lift up Jofeph thee, to the earth ? out of the pit, * and iold Jofeph to the Iflimee- * Pfal. 105. 11 And his brethren envied him: but his fa- lites for twentie pieces of filver: and they r ther obferved the faying. brought Jofeph into Egypt. Wifd.io.ij. 12 ^ And his brethren went to feed their 29 ^ And Reuben returned unto the pit; A chief So he fent him out of the vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem. i j f And a certain man found him,and be- hold, be tM wandring in the field : and the man asked him , faying, What fee ke ft thou ? w^-.. , ,, , * ^ ai v uui. U c v uur< 1 6 And he faid,I feek my brethren: tell me, is without doubt rent in pieces. 'I pray thee, where they feed their fioc^> 34 And Jacob rent his clothes,and putfack- fio . fi : 17 And the man faid, They are departed cloth upon his loyns, and mourned for his e!y- C hence: for I heard them fay, Let us go to Do- fonne many dayes, nuch',but than. And Jofeph went after his brethren, and 3 y And all his fonnes and all his daughters al f .<**-' found them in Dothan. rofe up to comfort him , but he refufed to be berlatnl > eou ''' 18 And when they faw him afarre off, even comforted: and he faid, For I will go down f* tm *~ before he came neare unto them,they confpired into the grave unto my fonne, mourning. Thus 1 1~ " " " againft him, to flay him. hii father wept for him. / 3 6 And the Midianites fold him into Egypt ''" unto Potjphar, an f ofiicer of Pharaohs , and jj*< t|| captain of the guard. .d^tif CHAP. XXXVIII. egetteth Er,On3K*mJ Shetah.6 Er mtrrieth 19 And they faid one to another } Behold, this t dreamer cometh: 10 Come now therefore,and let us flay him, and caft him intofome pit j and we will fay, Some evil beaft hath devoured him : and we (lull fee what will become of his dreams. a i And *Reuben heard it j and he delivered him out of their hands,and faid, Let as not kill him. 2i And Reuben faid unto them. Shed no bloud, 6f caft him into this pit that u in the wilderneflc,and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again. 2 3 f And it came to pafle when Jofeph was come unto his brethren, that they ftript Jofeph |0r,fwf/. outofhiscoatjhis coatof many ^colours thac VP.U on him. 24 And they took him,& caft him into a pit: and the pit w cmptie,fkre TOM no water in it. Tamir.S The trefpaffe of Onm. 1 1 Tanur ftajethfor Shelah; 13 fie deceivtth fitdih', ^J jbt bearttb twtnnej, Phase? andZarah. ANd it came to pafle at that time, that Ju dah went down from his brethren , and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whofe name W4y Hirah. 2 And Ju Jah faw there a daughter of a cer- , tain Canaanite,whofe name wis * Shuah, and he took her, and went in unto her : 3 And (lie conceived and bare afonnej and he called his name Er. 4 *Andflie conceived again, and bare a* Num.:*. fonnc , and (he called his name Onin. '* 5 And (he yec again conceived, and bare a C funne j ** chron * Num. 25. i*. t Hcb. IMS tvil in the tjet of tht LORD. Judahs inceft. Genefls. Tamars twinnes: 3 4 fonne; and called his nime Shelah: and he was And he returned to Judah, and faid, I at Chezib, when (he bare him. cannot finde her? and alfo the men of the place 6 And Judahtook a wife for Er his firft- faid, that there was no .harlot in this place. born, whofe nime WM Tamar. *3 And Judah faid Let her take it to her, 7 And*ErJudahsfirft-born,was wicked in left we t be (named: behold, I fent this kid, and tHeb. fa- the fight of the LORD- & the LORD flew him. thou haft not found her. S 8 And Judahfaid untoOnan,Goin unto *4 1f And it came to paffe about three , ' ' thy brothers wife, and marrie her, and raife up moneths after, thatit was told Judah, faying, feed to thy brother. Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the 9 And Onsn' knew that the feed (hould not harlot; and .alfo behold, ft* jj with childe by be his : and it came to paffe, when he went in whoredome: and Judah laid, Bring her forth, unto his brothers wife, that he fpilledi* on the and let her be burnt. ,.,... ground, left that he (hould ive feed to his if When (he WM brought forth, (he fent to Drot her. her fatner in lavv > ^ a y in g> Bv tne man whofe 10 And the thing which he did.t difpleafed theft are, am I with childe : and (he faid, Dif- the L o R o: wherefore he flew himalfo. cern,I pray thee, whofe are thefe, the fignet, 1 1 Then faid Judah to Tamar his daughter and bracelets, and ftaff. in law, Remain a widow at thy fathers houfe, ^6 And Judah acknowledged them, and til Shelah my fonne be grown: (for he faid,Left faid, She hath been more righteous then I, be- peradventuie he die alfo as his brethren did)and caufe that I give her not to Shelah my fonne : Tamar went and dwelt in her fathers houfe. and he knew her again no more. And f in procefle of time,the daugh. a 7 11 And it came to pafle in the time of her .... .,,.., -r_._, travail,that behold twinnes were in her wombe ai And it came to pafle when (he travailed, that the tne put out his hand, and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a fcarlet thrced, faying, This came out firft. 19 And it came to paffe as he drew back his IJf^Jj ' hand, that behold, his brother came out 5 and ma j ethi} 14 And (he put her widows garments off (he faid, || How haft thou broken forth ? this I from her, and covered her with a vail , and breach be upon thee : therefore his name was ^ wrapped her felf, and fat in fan open place, called || * Pharez. ab 50 And afterward came out his brother that* M ptain of the guard, an Egyptian , bought him of the hands of the Khmeelites , which had ter of Shuah J adahs wife died? and Judah was comforted, and went up unto his (heep-fhear- crs to Timmth, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite. i 3 And it was told Tamar, faying, Behold, thy father in law goeth up to Timnath,to (hear his (heep. * / ey'iy which u by the way to Timnath : for (he faw or ofEaajtm. h shdah wa$ g rovvn an d Q,. was not given had the fcarlet thteed upon his hand ; and his i ., unto him towife. name was called Zarah. Matth,i. 3 . 1 f When Ju^h faw her, he thought her to CHAP. XXXIX. be an harlot; becaufe (he had covered her face. . , h advanced in p ot iphars bo u r e . 7 He reð hit 1 6 And he turned unto her by the way, and mifireffes temptation, i ? He is falfy accufed. 19 He faid. Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto is cajt in prifan. ai God is with ban there. thee ( for he knew not that (he was his daugh- A Nd Jofeph was brought down to Egypt, ter in law ) and (he faid, What wilt thou give /\and Potiphar an officer of Pharaoh ^ca- me, that thou mayeft come in unto me ? 1 7 And he faid, I will fend tbee t a kid from the flock: and (he faid, Wilt thou give we a pledge, till thou fend it? 1 8 And he faid, What pledge (hall I give thee/ And (he faid, Thy fignet, and thy brace- lets, and thy ftaff that is in thine hand: and he / fllt &'**> brought him down thither. 1 And the L o R D was with Jofeph,and he was a profperous man, and he was in the houfe of his mafter the Egyptian. 2 And his mafter faw that the L o R D was icts.aiiuiuy nan inai * m iiii. ... . ..^ 5 , . , gave it her, and came in unto her, and {he con- with him, and that the L o R D made all that ceived by him he*k*r ofPhawh in prifon. 4 jfefefk with me. hath charge of them. J He interpreted their dreams: andfaiduntohismafters wife, BelKnt^nJ N d i tcamc to pafle after thefe thing,,** with me m the houfe, and he hath commuted ^ ^^ rf rf Jy., ba _ all that he hath to my hand. ^ oflfended JJ, d WT g of 9 u u' u J1 e gtC K I n rhino from me' * And Pharaoh was wroth againft two' of neuher hath he kept back any thing from me crSjagain ft th e chief of the buders 3 and bat theej becaufe thou art his wife : how then > D and finnca- r, to he by her, or to be with i her. ^ and he feryed theffl and 1 1 And it came to pafle abou : this time t^at J P Jfon ward< epfe went into the Loufe to do his bufineile, y ^^ ^ ^^ ^ Q and tbmw* none of the men of the houfe ^yjf ^^ ^ ^ ^^ in ^ ni&ht ^ ^ there within. ra ,, m . n t man according to the interpretation of his it And teSrt^&gJSSi dream, the butler and the baker of che kingof faying,LiC Sfe^^to^T^ " Egypt/which W er, bound in the prifon. her hand andfled,and g othimouu 57f ^ camg umo them in the uponth=mi andbehold houfe , came in unto me to he with me , and 1 1 d ^ ^ ^^ .^ ^ imerpreter of it> And &c- dream he did interpret. 13 And it came to pafle , as he interpreted to us, to it was : me he reftored unto mine of- fkej and him he hanged. 14 f * Then Pharaoh fent and called Jo- * Pfal. 105; 20 f And it came to pafle the third day, feph,and they f brought him hsftily out of the 20 - tobic h -was Pharaohs birth-day, that he made a dungeon : And he fhaved himfelf, and changed J. ' ***** ,feaftunto all his fervants: and he Jjlifcedup his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh. ; the head of the chief butler , and of the chief i y And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph , I have baker among his fervants. dreamed a dream , and there h none that can 2 i And he reftored the chief butler unto his interpret it : and I have heard fay of thee, that butlerfhip again; and he gave the cup into Pha- fj thou canft underftand a dream , to inter- 1| Or, when raohshand. pret it. thn heart ft* 22 But he hanged the chief baker , as Jo- 16 feph had interpreted to them. 23 Yet did not the chief butler remember Jofeph, but forgat him. CHAP. X L I. I Pharaohs two dreams. 9 Jofeph interfreteth them. 33 He giTjeth Pharaoh counfel* 38 jofeph it ad- vanced. 50 H< begetteth Minaffeh and Efhraim, 54 The famine beginneth. A Nd it came to pafle at the end of two full jLlyeares, that Pharaoh dreamed, and behold he flood by the river. i And behold , there came up out of the ri- ver feven well-favoured kine, and fat-flefhed; and they fed in a medow. 3 And behold , feven other kine came up after them out of the river , ill-favoured, and lean- flemed; and flood by the ot her kine, upon the brink of the river. 4 And the ill-favoured and lean-flefhed kine , did eat up the ftven well-favoured and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke. ? And he flept and dreamed the fecond time : and behold, feven eares of corn came up upon one ftalk, | rank and good. 6 And behold, feven thin eares and blafted with the eaft-winde fprung up after them. 7 And the feven thin eares devoured the feven rank and full eares: and Pharaoh awoke, and behold, it was a dream. 8 And it came to pafle in the morning", that his fpirit was troubled; and he fent and called for all the magicians of Egypt , and all the wife-men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream j but there w^ts none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh. It is not in me: God (hall give Pharaoh an an- m fwer of peace. 17 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, In my dream , behold , I flood upon the bank of the river. 1 8 And behold , there came up out of the river feven kine, fat-flefhed and well-favoured; and they fed in a medow. 19 And behold, feven other kine came up after them, poore and very ill-favoured, and lean-flefhed, fuch as I never faw in all the land of Egypt for badnefle. 20 And the lean and the ill.fav'oured kine did eat up the fiift feven fat kine. 21 And when they had t eaten them up, it could not be known that they had eaten them; but they were ftill ill-favoured, as at the f**' /** beginning: So I awoke. 22 And 1 faw in my dream, and behold, fe- ven eares came up in one ftalk, full and good. 2} And behold, feven eares || withered,thin g Or,/54*. and blafted with the eatUwinde/prung up after them. 24 And the thin eares devoured the feven good eares : and I told this unto the magicians j but there WM none that could declare it unto me. 25 ^ And Jofeph faid unto Pharaoh , The dream of Pharaoh is one ; God hath fhewed Pharaoh what he j; about to do. 26 The feven good kine are feven yearesj and the feren good eares are feven yeares : the dream is one. 27 And the feven thin and ill-favoured kme that Pharaohs dreams interpreted. Chap. xlii. Jofephs providence. that came up after them, are feven yeares } and nath-paaneah; & he gave him to wife Afenath 3 7 the feven empty eares blaited with the eaft- the daughter of Poti-pherah, fj pricft of On: 1 Or,;rK*. winde,(hail be feven yeares of famine. and Jofeph went out over all the land of Eypt. 28 This i* the thing which I have fpoken 46 ( q And Jofeph r MM* be VCI 7 1 grievous. _ _ 3 ^ And for that the dream was doubled un- the lea, very much, untill he left numbring: for to Pharaoh twice , it it becaufe the thing u fieftabliflied by God: and God will Shortly bring it to pafle. 3 3 Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a man difcreetand wife, and fet him over the land of Egypt. | Or,/"*- || Or, tver- 34 Let Pharaoh do rfew,and let him ap- point U officers over the land, and take up the nfch part of the land of Egypt in the feven plenteous yeares. 3 y And let them gather all the food of thofe good yeares that come, and lay op corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities. 36 And that food (hall be for ftoreto the land, againft the feven yeares of famine, which (hall be in the land of Egypt j that the land | Hcb.fo r,it f perifh not through the famine Mtf /. it VMS without number. 50 *And unto Jofeph were born two* Chap 4*. fonnes, before the yeares of famine came: .anU8.s. which Afenath, the daughter of Poti-phcrah || prieft of On, bare unto him. |j Or, ?i And Jofeph called the name of the firft- born RManafleh : for God, faid he, hath made jThatis, me forget all my toil, and all my fathers houfe. fretting, fi And the name of the fecond called he II Ephraim: for God hath caufed me to be fruit- |[ That is, full in the land of nry affliction. ? 3 f And the feven yc.ires of plenteoufnefle that was in the land of Egypt, were ended. 54 *Andtheftven ye ares of dearth began to come, according as Jofeph had faid; and the 1 6. dearth was in all lands : but in all the land of Egypt there was bread. And when all the land of Egypt was fa- * Pfa;. 10$, i. Mac. i Ads 7. ic THeb.6* armed; or, I! Or 37 f And the thing was good in the eyes of miftied, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread : Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his fervants. And Pharaoh faid unto all the Egyptians, Go 3 8 And Pharaoh faid unto his fervants, Can unto Jofeph : what he faith to you, do. we finde fucb a one as this is, a man in whom f 6 And the famine was over all the face of thefpiritof God is? the earth 5 and Jofeph opened fall theftore. f Heb. 4* 39 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, Foraf- houfes, and fold unto the Egyptians: and the wi"-was. much as God hath (hewed thee all this, there famine waxed fore in the land of Egypt. ?7 And all coumreys catne into Egypt to Jofeph for to buy corn j becaufe that the famine is none fo difcreet and wife as thou*rf. 40 * Thou (hilt be over my houfc, and ac- cording unto thy word (hall all my people t be was/0 fore in all lands. " onely in the throne will I be greater CHAP, then thou. 41 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, See, I have fet thee over all the land of Egypt. 41 And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand } and put it upon Jofephs hand,and arayed him in veftures of |} fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck. X TOw when * Jacob law tnat tnere was 43 And he made him torideinthe fecond IX corn in Egypt, Jacob faid unto his fonnej, Why do ye look one upon another ? chariot which he had: and they cried before f! Or, under him, || f Bowe the knee: and he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt XLIT. I Jacob fendeth hit ten fonnef to buy corn in ZgTft' 6 TheyaietmprifoHedby J ofepb for fries. 18 they tre fet at liberty, on condition to bring Bmjitn'm* 11 They btnieremorfefor Jo[tph. 14 Simeon u kept fora, fledge. 1$ They return with corn, and their money. 29 Their relation to Jacob. Jt> Jacob re- fufeth to fend Benjamin. Ow when * Jacob faw that there was * Afl$ 7.13. corn in Egypt, Jacob faid unto ' Why do ye look one upon another ? fkth t Hcb. tu that fold to all the people of the land: and Jofephs brethren came, and bowed down themfelves before him,wrk their faces to the earth. 7 And Jofeph faw his brethren,and he knew them, but made himfelf ftrange unto them,and (pake f roughly unto them * and he faid unto them, Whence come ye ? And they faid, From the land of Canaan to buy food. 8 And Jofeph knew his brethren, but they knew not him. * Cfaap.37.5 9 ^nd J^P n * remembred the dreams riNgr*if*' tbtm. you are come 10 And they faid unto him, Nay, my lor d, but to buy food are thy fervantscome. 1 1 We are all one mans fonnes: we are true men , thy fervants are no fpies. 1 2 And he faid unto them, Nay, but to fee the nakedneffe of the land you are come. 1 3 And they faid, Thy fervants are twelve brethren, the fonoes of one man in the land of we are no fpies. Canaan j and behold, the youngeft it this day 31 We be twelve brethren , fonncs of our with our father, and one is not. 14 And Jofeph faid unto them, That is it that I fpake unto you, faying, Ye are fpies. father: one is not, and the youngeft is this day with our father in the land of Canaan. 33 And the man the lord of the countrey i y Hereby ye (hall be proved : by the life of faid unto us, Hereby (hall I know that ye are Pharaoh ye (hall not go forth hence , except true men j leave one of your brethren here your youngeft brother come hither. with me, and take food for the famine of your 16 Send one of you, and let him fetch your houfholds, and begone. f Heb<6tund. brother, and ye (hall be j kept in prifon, that 34 And bring your youngeft brother unto your words may be proved, whether there be me: then fhall I know that you ore no Cpies,but any truth in you: or els by the life of Pharaoh furely ye are fpies. fHcb.^*; 17 And he \ put them all together into ibtttd. ward, three dayes. 1 8 And Jofeph faid unto them the third day, This do, and live : for I fear God. 19 If ye be true men, let one of your bre- thren be bound in the houfe of your prifon : go ye, carry corn for the famine of your houfes. *Chap.4j.5 ao But * bring your youngeft brother unto that you Jofephs houfe , and they communed with him at the do r e { the houfe, * An<1 fed,O fir *f we came indeed down *Cha P . 4 i. j. at the firft time to buy food. tHefe*""* * And it came to paffe when we came to J*" *<"" the inne,that we opened our facks,and behold, every mans money vat in the mouth of his &ck our money in full weight : and we hare brought it again in our hand. * * And Other money have we brought dowa fHeb. I Or, tttict by th. of Egypt,their father faidunto them buy us a little food. 3 And Judah fpake unto him , faying, The man f did folcmnly proteft unto us, faying, Ye (hall not fee my face . except your * brother be Withyou. 4 If thou wilt fend our brother with us, we Will go down and buy thee food. j But if thou wilt not fend him, we will not go down: for the man faid unto us, Ye (hall not fee my face, except your brother be with you. 6 And Ifrael faid , Wherefore dealt ye fo ill with me, as to tell the man whether ye had yec * n our hands to buy food : we cannot tell who a brother ? put our money in our facks. 7 And they fold, The man tasked us flraitly a $ And he faid, Peace be to you, fear not: y ur Gd & the God of your father hath given y u treafure in your facks : f I had your money, f Heb. j*r And he brought Simeon out unto them. m *4 And the man brought the men into Jo f * fephs houfe,and*gave them water,& they wafh- " d their feet, and he gave their affes provender, and a**x M And they made ready the prefent againft Jofeph came at noon : for they heard that they (hould eat bread there. 2 ^ UAnd when Jofeph came home, they brought him the prefent which WM in their hand into the houfe , and bowed themfelves to him to the earth. 17 And he asked them of their ^ welfare, and faid , t is your father well, the old man of t Heb. is vvhom ye fpake? If he yet alive ? & /*" *8 And they anfwered, Thy fervant our fa- JJ ther is in good health, he u yet alive : and they bowed down their heads, and made obeifancc. fHcb. i. of our ttate, and of our kindred,faying, Is your father yet alive J have ye another brother? and we told him according to the ttenour of thefe words : t Could we certainly know that he w* would %, Bring your brother down ? 8 And Judah faid unto Ifrael his father,Send the lad with me, and we will arife and go; that we may live and not die , both we, and thou, and alfo our little ones. 9 Iwillbefuretieforhim;ofmyhand fhalt thou require him : * if I bring him not unto thee, and fet him before thee, then let me bear the blame for ever. 10 For except we had lingred, furelynow we had returned |J this fecond time. 1 1 And their father Ifrael faid unto themjf it muR be fo now,do thisjtake of the beft fruits in the land in your veflels, and catric down the man a prefent, a little balm, and a little hony, fpices, and myrrhe, nuts, and almonds. iz And take doable money in your hand : and the money that was brought again in the mouth of your fack's, cartie it again in your hand; peradventure it was an overfight. 1 3 Take alfo your brother, and arife, go a- gain unto the man* 14 And God Almighty give you mercy be- fore the man,that he may fend away your other |Or,W/, God hath found out the ini. quitieof thy fervants : behold, we are my lords fervants, both one at another. 34 And he took and fent mefles unto them fervants, both we, and he alfo with whom the from before him : but Benjamins melfe was cup is found. f Heb. they five times fo mu-.h as any of theirs. And they 1 7 And he faid ,God forbid that I fhould do drank, and f were merrie with him. fo: but the man in whofe hind the cup is found, r vr A P Y r 7 T T T C H A P. X L 1 1 1 1. folic ' e to fa h *"* 4 7d*ks t Heb. him that vrzsovtr 6 *#/. he (hall be my fervant : and as for you, get you up in peace unto your father. 1 8 ^Then Judah came neare unto him, and faid , Oh my lord , let thy fem-nt, I pray A Nd he commanded t the fteward of his thee, 0?k a word in my lords eares , and lee . /Ihoufe , faying , Fill the mens facks with not thine anger burn againft thy fervant : for food , as much as they can carry, and put every th u art even as Pharaoh. mans money in his facks mouth. I 9 My lord asked his fervantSjfaying,Have 2 And put my cup,the filver cup in the facks y e a father, or a brother? mouth of the youngeft, and his corn-money: * And we faid unto my lord , We have a and he did according to the word thatjofeph father, an old man, and achildeof his old age, had fpoken. a little one: and his brother is dead , and he 3 Aflbonas the morning was li^hf, the men a 'n e is left of .his mother,and his father loveth Were fent away, they and their afles. 4 And when they were gone out of the city, andnotyet farre off, Jofeph faid unto his fte- ward, Up,follow after the men jand when thou doft overtake them , fay unto them, Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good ? 5 Iinot this if, in which my lord drinketh? I Or, m*kfth and whereby indeed he (jdivineth ? ye have tnaU t done evil in fo doing. 6 f And he overtook them , and he fpake unto them thefe fame words. 7 And they faid unto him, Wherefore faith my lord thefe words ? God forbid that thy fer- vants fhould do according to this thing. 8 Behold , the money which we found in our facks mouthes, we brought again unto thee out of the land of Canaan: how then (hould we fteal out of thy lords houfe filver or gold? 9 With whom/of vtr of thy fervants it be found , both let him die , and we alfo will be my lords bond-men. 10 And he faid , Now alfo let it be accord- ing unto your words: he with whom it is found fhall be my fervant} and ye ftiill be blame* kite. 1 1 Then they fpeedily took down every man his fack to the ground , and opened every man his fack. 1 2 And he fearched,drf began at the eldcft, 2 1 And thou faideft unto thy fervants,Bring him down unto me , that I may fet mine eyes upon him. 22 And we faid unto my lord, The lad can- nor leave his father : for if he (hould leave his father, bis father would die. 23 And thou faideft unto thy fervants,* Et- *Chap.4j.3, cept yoar youngeft brother come down with you, you (hall fee my face no more. 24 And it came to pafle , when we came up unto thy fervant my father , we told him the words of my lord. a? And our father faid, Go again, and buy us a little food. 26 And we faid, We cannot go down: if our youngeft brother be with us , then will we go down: for we may not fee the mans face,xcept our youngeft brother be with us. 27 And thy fervant my father faid unto us, Ye know thit my wife barcme twofonnes : 28 And the one went out from me , and I faid , * Surely he is torn m pieces ^ and I faw Chap. 37. himnotfince: 3J. 19 And if ye take this alfo from me, and mifchief befall hit him , ye (hall bring down my gray hairs with forrow to the grave. 30 Now therefore when I come to thy fer- vant my father, and the lad be not with as ffee- andleftattheyoungeit:andthe cup was found ing that his life is bound up in the lads life ) in Benjamins fack. gi It {hall come to pafle, when he feeth 13 Then they rent their clothes, and laded that the lad not vpithut) that he will dies a "d every man his afle, and returned to the city. 14 ^Andjudah and his brethren came to Jofephs houfe (for he was yet there) and they fell before him on the ground. 32 For thy fervant became furetie for the 1 5 And Jofeph faid unto them, What deed lad unto my father ,faying,* If I bring him not thy fervants fljall bring down the gray hairs of thy fervant our father with forrow to the grave. is this that ye have done? wot ye not, that fuch a man as I can certainly [J divine ? 16 And Judah faid, What (hall we fay unto flpy lord? whatihail we fpeak? or how (hall we unto thee, then I (hall bear the blame to my fa- ther fof ever. 33 Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy fervant abide in ftead of the lad , a bond-man to neck, and wept j and Benjamin wept upon his neck. T 5 Moreover he kified all his brethren, and wept upon them ; and after that his brethren talked with him. 1 6 f And the fame thereof was heard in j.,~ r -.* v -.. j Pharaohs houfe j faying , Jofephs brethren are crfoneth thtm mGods province. 9 Heftndtthfor come ^ h f ka r ed Pniraoh we ll and ^ f Hcb tmfatber. 16 Phiraoh confj-meth tt. 11 fofefhfur- r ' , . ' *ip>etk than f,r their Burner, tnJfxtmethihm to femntS. g.odtnrh, concord. 35 Jacob it revived -Kttb the new. 17 AndPruraoh faid unto Jofeph,Say unto JJJJ' THen Jofeph could not refrain himfelf be- th V brethren, This do ye; lade your beafts,and '** fore all them that flood by him ; and he > y u unco the land of Canaan, 1 8 And take your father,and your houlholdi there flood no man with him , while Jofeph and come unto me: and ! Wlil ive y u the S<1 /-- i--. , of the land of Egypt, and ye thall eat the fat of refence. your little ones, and for your wives, and bring your father, and come, 10 Alfo f regard not your ftuff: for the || troubled at his prefence. * AUO T i regard not your u 4 And Jofeph faid unto his brethren, Come good of all the land of Egypt yours, neare tome I pray you: and they came neare : And the children of Ifrael did fo:and Jo- not jour ey and he faid , I am Jofeph your brother , whom ye fold into Egypt, mandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provi- w f Heb. ii- 5 Now therefore be not grieved, t nor an- ther let thert gry yvith your fclves , that ye fold me hither : t< angtr in your eyes. .r C up.jo. f Heb. tfput fir you a re- '***** fion for the way. 11 To all of them he gave each man did fend me before you , to preferve changes of raiment: but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of filver, and five changes v For thefe two yeares hath the famine been of raiment. in the land: and yet /few r five yeares,in the t? And to his father he fent after Aisman- Which rimJMncithet be earing nor harveft. er ; ten affes f laden with the good things of f *b, 7 And God fent me before you,t to preferve Egypt , and ten fhe.afles laden with corn and * bread and meat forhis father by the way. 14 So he fent his brethren away , and they departed : and he faid unto them , See that ye fill not out by the way. 15 ^ And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Canaan unto Jacob their you a pofterkie in the earth , and to fave your lives by a great deliverance. 8 So now it ivas not you that fent me hi- ther,but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh , and lord o! all his houfe, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt o Hafteyou.andgouptomyfather s andfay father, unto him , Thus faith thy fonne Jofeph , God *6 And told him ,&y ing Jofeph u yet alive, hath made me lord of all Egypt come down and he is governour over all the land of Egypt. untome,tarrienot. Andfjacobs heart famtcd, for he beleeved t Hcb.. 10 And thou (halt dwell in the land of Go- them not. ften, and thoufhilt be neare unto me,thou,and 27 And they told him all the words of J<3- thy children, and thy childrens children, and feph, wh ich he had faid UBW them: and when thy flocks , and thy herds, and all that ihou he faw the wagons which Jofeph had fent to ha ft. carrie him , the fpint of Jacob theit father re- xi And there will I nouriflithee (for yet vived. u T r t, there are fire yeares of famine) kft thou, and 1 8 And Ifrael faid, It enoagh; Jofeph _my thy houfhold , and all that thou hafl, come to fonne is yet alive : I will go and fti povertie. it And behold , your cy fee, and the eyes I die. CHAP. XLVI. familie that tnt into Egypt. iS foftf h mett- ~ of the night, and faid, Jacob, Jacob. And he faid, Here am I. 3 And he faid , I am God, the God of thy father : fear not to go down into Egypt ; for I will there make of thee a great nation : and o- 11 f * And the fonnes of Benjamin were * , curon Belah, and Becher,and A(hbel,Gera,and Naa- 7.0, & 8.1! man , Ehi , and Rofli, Muppim, and Huppim and Ard. z z Thefe are the fonnes of Rachel which wexe born to Tacob : all the fouls were fourteen. _-, ,. nnesof Dan; Hu(him. 14 And the fonnes ofNaphtalij Jahzecl. *? Ifa. JJ.4. 4 I will go down with thee into Egypt; an I will alfo furely bring thee up again t and Jc fcph (hall put his hand upon thine eyes. _ T 5 _ And Jacob rofe up from Beet-Oieba : and and Guni, and Jezer, and Shillem. the fonnes of Ifrael carried Jacob their father, 2 y Thefe are the fonnes of Bilhah s which and then- little ones , and their wives , in the Laban gave unto Rachel his daughter ,and Ac wagons which Pharaoh had fent to carrie bare thefe unto Jacob: all the fouls n*r*fcven. him .' . . *6 All the fouls that came with Jacob into 6 And they took their cattcl,and their goods Egypt , which came out of his f loyns, befides tHcb thi.h. which they had gotten in the land of Canaan, Jacobs fonncs wives , all the fouli W ? Three- * * and came into Egypt , * Jacob, and all his feed fcore and fix i withhim : *7 And the fonnes of Jofeph which were 7 His fonnes, and his fonncs fonnes with him, his daughters, and his fonnes daughters, and all his feed brought he with him into E- born him in Egypt, were two (ouls : * all the * DCUMO fouls ofthehoufeof Jacob, which came into Exod.M. and .,. Egypt, ere threefcore and ten. '$" . . , f 28 ^j And he fent Judah before him unto " J f And* thefe jre the names of the chil- Jofeph , to direct his face unto Gofhen and ' < ? L f J frad > whlch , camc into E Syp', J a >t> they came into the land of Go(hen. M?jf ', and hls f ?TV Reuben J a L cobs fi^-born. 29 And Jofeph made ready his chariot and ^ 9 And the fonnes of Reuben; Hanoch,and went up to meet' Ifrael his father, to Gotten Phallu, and Hezron, and Carmi *Chap.38.j. n f And the fonnes of' juwau; cL, ai m -Chron. Onan , and Shelah, and Pharez, and Zerah aad 4 - B ut Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan. And the fonnes of Pharez , were Hezron and Hamul. * i . Chroa. 1 3 ^ * And the fonnes of Iflachar jTola,and 7- Phuvah,and Job, and Shimron. 14 f And the fonnes of Zebulun ; Sered, and Elon, and Jahleel. if Thefefo the fonnes of Leah, which (he bare unto Jacob in Padan-aram , with his daughter Dinah: all the fouls of his fonnes and his daughters, ws> e thirtie and three. 1 6 <([ And the fonnes of Gad; Ziphion, and Haggai, Shuni, and Ezbon, Eri,and Arodi,and Areli. *i-Cfaron. 17 U *And the fonnes of A(her;Jimnah,and 7-3 Khuah , and Ifui, and Beriah, and Serah their fifter : and the fonnes of Beriah } Heber , and Malchiel. 18 Thefe are the fonnes of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to Leah his daughter; and thefe (he bare unto Jacob, even (ixteen fouls. 19 The fonnes of Rachel Jacobs wifej Jo. fcph, and Benjarrin. 10 And unto Jofeph in the land of Egypt unto his fathers houfe , I will go up, and (hew Pharaoh , and fay unto him, My brethren, and my fathers houfe , which were in the land of Canaan, are come unto me : 3 1 And the men are (hepherds , for f their . trade hath been to feed cattcl j and they have ' brought their flocks and their herds and all ca't' that they have. pation ? 3 4 That ye (hall fay,Thy fervants trade hath been about cattel , from our youth even untill now, both we and alfo our fathers : that ye may dwell in the land of GoJhen; for every (hepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians. CHAP. XL VI I. 1 9of(pf>j>refentsth five of hit brethren* 7 and hit fa- ther before Pharaoh, ir He giveth them Kftitattttt and maintenance, i j He getteth all the Egyptians money, 16 their cattel, 18 their lands to Pharaoh. 12. The friers l.md MOM not bought. 13 He letteth the land to them for a fifth fart, a 8 Jacobs age : 29 He fweareth Jofefh to burie him with hit fathers. THen Jofeph came and told Pharaoh , and faid, My father and my brethren, and their flocky, Jacob brought before Pharaoh. Chap.xlvii. Jofephs dealing in the famine. flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, 16 And Jofeph faid, Give your cattel, and 4J are come out of the land of Canaan j and be- I will give you for your cat tcl,if money fail, hoi J,they are in the land of Goftien. ' 7 And they brought their cattel unto Jo- z And he took fome of his brethren, even feph : and Jofeph gave them bread m exchange fivemen and prefented them unto Pharaoh. for horfes, and for the flocks, a IK! for the cat - 3 And Pharaoh faid unto his brethren , tel oftheherds^and fortheaffes ; and he f fed fHeb, M What is your occupation ? And they faid unto them with bread, for all their catrel, for that "" Pharaoh, Thy fervants are fhepherds, both we yeare. and alfo our fathers. lg Whenthat yearewas ended, they came 4 They faid moreover unto Pharaoh, For unto him the fecond yeare, and faid unto him, to foiourn in the land are we come : for thy We will not hide it from my lord,how that out fervants have no pafture for their flocks, for money is fpent, my lord alfo hath our herds of the famine is fore in the land of Canaan : now cattel j there is not ought left in the fight et therefore we pray thee, let thy fervants dwell in my lord,but our bodies and our lands : the land of Goto. 9 Wherefore (hall we die before thine 5 And Pharaoh fpake unto Jofeph, faying, eyes both we and our land ? buy -us and our Thy father and thy brethren are come unto land for brcad,ind we and our land will be fer- t k e g . vants unto Pharaoh : and give ta feed, that we 6 The land of Egypt is before thee j in the may live and not die, that the land be not de- beftof the land make thy father and brethren folatc. todwell in the land of Gofhen let them dwell: zo And Jofeph bought all the land of Egypt and if thou knoweft any man of aftivity a- for Pharaoh 5 for the Egyptians fold every man monft them, then make them rulers over my his field, becaufe the famine prevailed over catte them : fo the land became Pharaohs. 7 And Jofeph brought in Jacob his father, * I And as for the people, he removed them and fet him before Pharaoh : and Jacob blcffed to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt, Pharaoh ecn to r ^ e ot ^ e r em * thereof. 8 And Pharaoh faid unto Jacob,! How old Onely the land of the jjpriefts bought HOf.^wn _. are th, fft thou ? he not : for the P riefts had a P rtlOn W?* **]*> f * b * a And Jacob faid unto Pharaoh, * The dayes t hem of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion 7Mrr/ ofthj Q y the y ^ ares of my piig r i ma g e are a n hun- which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they fold Kkb. 11.9, dred and thirty yeares : few and evil have the not their lands. 3. dayes of the yeares of my life been, and have Then Jofeph faiduntothe people Be- not attained unto the dayes of the yeares of hold, I have bought you this day,and your land ayes of their pil- for Pharaoh: lo, here wfeed for you, and ye HttUchilde the life of my fathers in the dayes of the 4 imaee fhall fow the land. 10 And Jacob ble fled Pharaoh, and went 24 And it (hall come to paffe in the in- out from before Pharaoh. nrcafc, that you (hall give the fifth fart unto 1 1 f And Jofeph placed his father and Pharaoh, and foure parts (hall be your own, his brethren and gave them a poffeffion in for feed of the field, and for your food, and for the land of Egypt, in the beft of the land, in them of your houfholds, and for food for your the land of Raraefes, as Pharaoh had com- little ones. manded. 15 And they faid, Thou haft faved our lives: I z And Jofeph nourHhed his father, and let us finde grace in the fight of my lord, and his brethren, and all his fathers houfhold With we will be Pharaohs fcrvjnts. bread, II i according to their families. z6 And Jofeph made it a law over the land iT'V And there v>* no bread in all the of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh fhould < land : for the famine n>. very fore, fo that the hate the fifth fan ; except the land of the , land of Eeypt^nd all the land of Canaanfaim- || pnefts ondy .which became not Pharaohs. '*cd by reafonof the famine. *7 And Ifrael dwelt in the land of Egypt 14 And Jofeph gathered up all the money m the countrey ofGofhen j and they had pol- that was found in the land of Egypt, and in feflions therein, and grew, and multiplied ex- the land of Canaan, for the corn which they ceedingly. frounf r, bought : and Jofeph brought the money into 18 And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt re. Pharaohs houfe. venteen yeares : fo t the whole age of Jacob i < A'nd when money failed in the land of was an hundred foarty and feven yeares. Eaypt and in the land of Canaan , all the 29 And the time drew nigh that Ifrael muR Egvptianscame unto Jofeph, and faid, Give us die : and he called his fonne : Jofeph, and faid bread : for why (hould we die in thy prcfence? unto him, If now I have found grace m thy for the mon^vLkth. fight, *put, Ipray thee, thy hand under my < . f ofeph vifiteth his fick Father. 44 Genefis. Jacob blelfeth Jofephs Tonnes; ij And Jofeph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand towards Ifraels left hand, and thigh , and deal kindly and truly with me; bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt: 30 But I will lie with my fathers, and thou Manafleh in his left hand towards Ifraeis righ hand, and brought them neare unto him. 14 And Ifrael ftretched out his right hand, ftult carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their burying-place. And he faid, I will do as thou baft hid. 31 And he faid, Swear unto me: And he ael bowed himfelf head. CHAP. XL VIII. l Ja r efi with hitfonnet vi/iteth hb fak father, a J&- eob jlrengtheneth himself to bletfe them, j He repeat* *th the promife. J He taketh Ephraim aniManxfjeh athtsovun. 7 BtteSetb ?jeM of hit mothers ertvt. ^ Ha bleffeth Ephraim and Mtnxffeh. 17 Heprefer- reth the younger before the elder. 21 He prophefeth and laid it upon Ephraims head, who was the younger j and his left hand their return to Ca.nA.tm* ANd it came to pafl aaflehwwthe firfr-born. i? f And *he blefled Jofeph, and faid, 'Heb.iwti God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Ifaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day, 16 The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, blefle the lads > and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Ifaac ; and let them f grow into f Heb. a multitude in the midft of the earth. /> d a >- 17 And when Jofeph faw that his father "**>* laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it djfpleafed him : and he held up his fathers le after thefe things, told Jofeph, Behold, thy father wfick: and he took with him his two fonnes, Manafleh and Ephraim. a And oae told Jacob, and faid, Behold, thy fonne Jofeph cometh unto thce: and Ifrael hand, to remo veil from Ephr "aims Sad"in7J ftrengthened himfelf, and fat upon the bed. Manaffchs head. .3 And Jacob faid unto Jofeph , God Al- x 8 And Jofeph faid unto his fither. Not fo Chap.28. mighty appeared unto me at * Luz in the land my father : for this it the firft-born I put thy right hand upon his head. m 10 And his father refuted, and faid, I knov? fi , , it t my fonne, I know i;: he alfo (hall become a make of thee a multitude of people, and will people, and he alfo (lull be great j but truly faftln oflfcffion ^ ^- *" eVer " h ' $ ' ^ U " " *$ n fta11 ** rcater thcn he > '* of Canaan, s 4 And faid unto me, Behold,! will make thee fruitfull , and multiply thee, and I wil * Chap.4>. 50. and h i$ & d (hall become a f multitude^ ' Chap. 3 5. . 5 ^ And now thy * two fonnes, Ephraim tions. and Manafleh, which were born unto thee in 20 And he blefled them that day,faying, In the land of Egypt, before 1 came unto thee into thee (kail Ifrael blefle, faying, God make thee Egypt, are mine: as Reuben and Simeon, they as Ephraim , and as Manafleh : and he fet (ball be mine. Ephraim before Manafleh. 6 And thy iflue which thoubegetteft after 21 And Ifrael faid unto Jofepb, Behold, I them, (hall be thine, and mall be called after die j but God (hall be with you, and brine yoo the name-ot their brethren in their inheritance. : ' ' *" r ' 7 And as for me,when I came from Padan, * Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan, in the way, when yet there was but a little way to come unto Ephrath : and I buried her there in the way of Ephrath, the fame Beth-lehem. tHc 8 And Ifrael beheld Jofephs fonnes,and faid, Who are thefe? 9 And Jofeph faid unto his father, They are my Tonnes, whom God hath given me in this place: And hefaid,B"ng them,! pray thce, onto me, and I will blefle them. xo ( Now the eyes of Ifrael were f dim for age,/o that he could not fee) And he brought them neare unto himj and he kitted them, and embraced them. 1 1 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph,! had not thought to fee thy face : and lo, God hath fliewed me alfo thy feed. l And Jofeph brought them out from be- tween his knees, and he bowed himfelf with his face to the earth. again unco the land of your fathers. 22 Moreover, I have given to thee one por- tion above thy brethren, which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my fword and with my bow. CHAP. XLIX. I Jacob caHeth hit fonnes to lltQe them.l Their Hefting in particular- 29 He chargeth them about hit buriaO. 3J Kedieth. \ Nd Jacob called unto his fonnes, and faid, ^\lGather your felves together, that I may tell you that which fhall befall you in the laft dayej. ^ Gather your felves together, and heare,ye fonnes of Jacob, and hearken unto Ifrael your father. 3 f Reuben, thou art my firft-born, my might, and the beginning of my ftrength,the excellency of dignity , and the excellency of f HeW not power : '* "" 4 Unftableas water, f thou {halt not excell, 22 p 35 ' becaufe thou * wenteft up co thy fathers bed, i.chron.5,1 then Or, thcii wds are tapons of Jacob ble/Tcth his Tonnes. Chap. I. His deatfi. Or, my then defiledft thou it : || He Went up to my hdp thee , and by the Almighty , who (hall 4 ? couch. blefle thee with bleflings of heaven above,blef- 5 f Simeon and Levi are brethren } {[ inftrun fings of the deep that licth under, bleflings of ments of cruelty are in their habitations. the breafts, and of the wombe. 6 O my foul, come not thou into their fe- 16 The bleflings of thy father have pie- cret: unto their aflembly, mine honour, be not vailed above the bleflings of my progenitours, thou united : for in their anger they flew a unto the utmoft bound of the everlattir>ghil!si Qr t hough ( d man, and in their felf-will they \\ digged down they (hall be on the head of Jofeph, and on the " a wall. crown of the head of him that was feparate 7 Curfed be their anger , for it was fierce; from his brethren. and their wrath, for it was cruel. I will divide 27 ^ Benjamin fhill raving a wolf: in the them in Jacob, and fatter them in Ifrael. morning he (hall devoure the prey,und at night 8 ^ Judah, thou an be whom thy brethren he (hall divide the fpoil. (hall praife: thy hand jbaKbeia the neck of 28 fl All thefe are the twelve tribes of If- tbine enemies i thy fathers children fhall bowe rael : and this is it that their father fpake unto down before thee. them, and blefled them, every one accordingro 9 judah is a lions whelp: from the prey, my his blefling be blefled them. fonne, thou art gone up: he ftouped down, he 29 And he charged them and faid unto couched as a lion, and as an old lionjwho (hall them , I am to be gathered unto my people : Chap.47, roufe him up ? * bury me with my fatherSjin the cave that in 30. 10 The fceptre (ball not depart from Judah, the field of Ephron the Hittite, nor a law-giver from between his feet , until! 3 o In the cave that zr in the field of Mach- Shiloh come, and unto him JMthe gathering pelah , which is before Mamre, in the land of ^ of the people be t Canaan , * which Abraham bought with the ^ ^hap >j, 11 Binding his fole unto the vine , and his field of Ephron the Hit rite, for apofleffionof afles colt unto the choice vine j he wafhed his a burying-place. garments in wine, and his clothes in the bloud 3 1 ( There they buried Abraham and Sarah of grapes. his wife , there they buried Ifaac and Rebtkah 1 2 His eytsjball be red with wine , and his his wife, and there I buried Leah) , teeth white with milk. 32 The purchafe of the field and of the cave 13 f Zebulun (hall dwell at the haven of the that is therein, was from the children of Heth. fea, and'hej&d// fee for an haven of (hips: and 33 And when Jacob had made an end of his border ft all be unto Zidon. commanding his fonnes, he gathered up his 4 f Iflachar is a ftrong afle,couching down feet into the bed, and yeelded up the ghoft, and between two burdens. * was gathered unto his people. 15 And he faw that reft was good, and the CHAP. L. land that it was pleafanrj & bowed his (houldev to bear, and became a fervant unto tribute. 1 6 f Dan (hall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Ifrael. Heb.--ri 17 Dan (hall be a ferpent by theway, fan i-/4V. " adder in the pathi that biteth the horfc heels,fo that his rider (hall fall backward. .vation,OLoRD. . . .-.,.. i err hi I The mourningfor Jacob. 4 Jofeph getteth leave of Pharaoh to goto bmy him. 7 Ike funeral!. 1 5 Jofepk comforteth his brethren who crmtd hie pardon* a a Kit age. 23 He feeththe third generation of hit fomtej. 24 Heprophefieth unto hit brethren of their return. *fHetak.ethan oath of than for hit tones. 16 He diethy and it chefled. ne aitir)) cma. w t^t/ica. ANd Jofeph fell upon his fathers face, and wept upon him, and kjfled him. i o c Gad, a troup (hall overcome him : but * And Jofeph commanded his fervants the he (hall overcome at the laft. phyficians to embalm his father : and the pby. 20 by the S * My father made :me fwear , faying Lo, * Chap. 47 , handsofthcmightyG^ofJacob:from thence I die : in my grave which 1 have digedfor *. i f thefh C pherd, D the ftoneof Ifrael. me, in the land !of Canaan , there Oial thou zj Even by the God of thy father who (hill buryrac. Now therefore let me go up , I pray Jacobs funeral!. Genefis. Jofephs age and death; 46 thee, andburymy father, and I will come a- peradventure hate us, and will certainly requite a T* jn.-t.rj US aU thC CVil Which W did Um hitn ' 6 And 1 haraoh faid , Go up, and bury thy 16 And they ffent a meffenger unto Jofeph. tHeb d, father, according as he made thee fwear. faying , Thy father did command before tie i2 7 f And Joleph went up to bury his father: died, faying, and with him went op all the fervants of Pha- 17 So (hall ye fay unto Jofeph , Forgive I raoh, the elders of his houfe, and all the elders pray thee now,the trefpafle of thy T>rethren,and R A T n K E l yP ''r f T r u theirfinne: for they didunto thee evil: And 8 And 1 all the houfe of Jofeph, and his bre- now , we pray thee, forgive the trefpafle of the thrcn, and his fathers houie : onely their little fervants of the God of thy father And Jofeph ones, and their flocks, and their herds,they left wept when they fpake unto him. in the land of Gofhen. l8 A nd his brethren alfo went and fell a And there went up with him bothcha- down before his face j and they faid Behold lots and horfemen , and it was a very great we be thy fervants. company. I? And Jofeph faid unto them * Fear not 10 And they came to the threfhing.floore for am I in the place of God ? of Atad , which is beyond Jordan , and there zo But as for you , ye thought evil aeainft they mourned with a great and very fore h- me , but God meant it unto good , to bring to mentation : and he made a mourniog for his pafle , as it is this day, to fave much people father fevcn dayes. alive. 1 1 And when the inhabitants of the land, * x MOW therefore fear ye not : I will nou- the Canaanites faw the mourning in the rifh you , and your little ones. Andhccom- floore of Atad , they faid , This w a grievous f or ted them, and fpake \ kindly unto them. mourning to the Egvptians:wherefore the name a z fl And Jofeph dwelt in E g ypt,he,and his tbritl',^ That is, f 1 was called II Abel-mizraim , which is fathers houfe: and Jofeph lived an hundred and *k* mourning beyond Jordan. / the E. ir And his fonnes did unto him according fHeb. gjfti*iH. as h e commanded them , ten yeares. L i And Jofeph faw Ephraims children, of the third generation: * the children alfo of *Num.ta; . .- ._ Machir,thefonneofManaffeh,weref brought 3 * land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave T_r-_i_.i + up upon Jofephs knees. of the field of Machpelah , which Abraham H And Jofeph faid unto his brethren , I * bought with the field for a poffefllon of a bu- die : and * God will furelyvi fit you, and bring , He b ., , rymg-placc,ofEphron the Hutite, before you out of this land , unto the land which he Mama.,: fware to Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob. Ml And Jofeph returned into Egypt, he ^ AndMoftph took an oath of the chil- * ,- and his brethren and all that went up with dren of Ifraef, faying, God will furelyvifit you, him to bury his father , after he had buried his and ye (hall carry up my bones from hence. faiher - i6 $o Jofeph died , being an hundred and iff And when Jofephs brethren faw that ten yeares old . and tfi embalmed him , their father was dead , they faid , Jofeph will he was put in a coffin in Egypt. The 47 The fecond book of MO S SS, called EXOWS. CHAP. I. rhe children of Ifrael after Jofyhs death do multiply. 8 the Vtore they are opprefid by a new kingfhe mo,e they multiply. 1 5 the godbneffe of themtdmve, in twin? thi men-children alive. a Pharaoh com- mandeth the male-children to be cafl into the rntr. , Ow * thefe are the names of the children of Ifrael , , which came into Egypt, i every man and his houf- | hold came with Jacob: z Reuben, Simeon, Le- ^^^^. 3 Iflachar, Zebulun,and Benjamin, 4 Eun,andNaphtali,Gad,andA(her. < And all the fouls that came ouc of the *. ly of Jacob, were * feventie fouls ; for Jo- get them up out of the land. it Therefore they did fet over them task- mafters,to 3 fniftthem with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treafure- cities, Pithom uB*emore they affixed them, the * more they multiplied and grew : and they were they ievcd bccaufe of thechUdren of Ifrael 6 j ? And thc Egyptians made the children of Ifrael to ferve with rigour. 14 And they made their lives bitter, With hard bondage, in morter,and in brick, and m all manner of fervice in the field: all their fer- vice wherein they made them ferve, wo* with i And the king of Egypt fpake to the He- brew midwives (of which the name of one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah ) j 6 And he faid, When ye do the office of a midwife to thc Hebrew women, and fee tbe/a upon theftools; if it be a fonne, then ye ftnli kill him, but if it be a daughter , then (he (hall live. 17 But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, butfaved the men-children alive. 1 8 And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and faid unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have faved the men-chil- dren alive/ 19 And the midwives faid unto Pharaoh, Becaufe the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women : for they are lively , and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them. 10 Therefore God dealt well with the mid- wives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mightie. zi And it came to pane, becaufe the mid- Wives feared God, that he made them houfcs. 2 1 And Pharaoh charged all his people/ay- ing,Every fonne that is born ye (hall caft into the river, and every daughter ye (hall fave alive. CHAP. II. I Mofaislorn, 3 And in an ark cafl into the ftgf ? He it found, and brought uf \>J Pharaohs daughter. jl Hi (byeth anEgyptian. ij He reproved an He- Irev. U H* fleeth into Utdian. at HW* Zifforah. ^^ Gerfbom it bom. aj Godrefpefatb the Israelites crie. A Ndtherewent*amanofthehoufeofLe- *Chap. /\vi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi. Nm, 2 tf. L And the woman conceived, and bare a fonne : and when (he faw him that he was a goodly cbilde, (he * hid him three moneths. * A&S y. 3 And when (be could not longer hide him, Hcb.ii. (he took for him an ark of bulrufhes , and daubed it with flimeand with pitch, and put the childe therein$and (he bid it in the flags by the rivers brink. 4 And his fifter flood afarre oflf,to wit what would be done to him. 5 4 And the daughter of Pharaoh came downtowamher felf at the river, and h maidens walked along by the rivers h-^^nd when (he faw the atk among the flags,(he lent her maid to fetch it. . 6 And when (he had opened w, ^/^^ childe: and behold ,the babe wept. And (he had companion on him, and faid, This one of the Hebrews children. Itfofes fleeth to Midian. 7 Then faid his fitter to Pharaohs daughter, Shall I go, and call to thee a nurfe of the He- brew women, that fhemay nurfe the childe for thee I 8 And Pharaohs daughter faid unto her, Go. And the maid went and called the childes mother. 9 And Pharaohs daughter faid unto her, Take this childe away, and nurfe it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the woman took the childe, and nurfed it. Exodus. The burning bufh. 24 And God heard their groning , and Godremembred his* covenant with Abraham, * Ccn.ij.i< with Ifaac, and with Jacob. and 45.4. 2 5 And God looked upon the children of Ifrael, and God \ had refpeft unto them. CHAP. HI. keepethfethrfs flock. * God affetreth to bufb. 9 He fendeth him to deli- him in a. burnin ver Ifrael, 14 1 to Ifrael. none of Gad. 15 Thttis. 10 And the childe grew, and (he brought XT Ovv Mofes kept the flock of Jethro his fa- haraohs daughter , and he became -LXther in law, the prieft of Midian: and he fHeb.4 tfrincc. him unto Pharaohs uiugiucr , ua ne occame * ^*vi m nY 3 im. ^mcu ui miaian; ana nc her fonne. And (he called his name||Mofes:and ^ ed the flock to the back- fide of the defert, and fhe faid, Becaufe I drew him out of the water. came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. ii 1T And it came to pafle in thofe dayes, * And the Angel of the LORD appeared when Mofes was grown, that he went out un- unto him in a * flame of fire out of the midft of i abufhj and he looked, and behold, the bufh burned with fire, and the bufh TVM not con- fumed. 3 And Mofes faid,I will now turn afide,and fee this great fight, why the buih is not burnt. 4 And when the L o R D faw that he turned afide to fee, God called unto him out of the midft of the bum, and faid,Mofes, Mofes. And he faid, Here am I. { And he faid, Draw not nigh hither: * put *T fli. j.i 14 And he faid, Who made thee fa prince off thyfhoes from off thy feet, for the place Ads 7.3*3. and a judge oVer us? intended thou to kill me, whereon thou ftandeft, u holy ground. 6 Moreover he faid, * I am the God of thy * Matt. . 3*1 father, the God of Abranam,the God of Ifaac, A $s y.ja, and the God of Jacob. And Mofes hid his face: to his brethren, and looked on their burdensj and he fpied an Egyptian fruiting an Hebrew one of his brethren. 12 And he looked this way and that way, and when he faw that there nvwnoman, he flew the Egyptian, and hid him in the fand. 1 3 And when he went out the fecond day, behold, two men of the Hebrews ftrove toge- ther : and he faid to him that did the wrong, Wherefore fmiteft thou thy fellow ? as thou killedft the Egyptian? And Mofes fear- ed, and faid, Surely this thing is known. i ? Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he fought to flay Mofes. But Mofes fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Mi- dian : and he fat down by a well. |Or, ffinett l6 Now the || prieft of Midian had feven daughters} and they came and drew water ^nd filled the troughs to water their fathers flock. 1 7 And the (hepherds came and drove them away : but Mofes ftood up and helped them, and watered their flock. 1 8 And when they came to Reuel their fa- ther, he faid, How it it that you are comefo foon today? 1 9 And they faid, An Egyptian delivered us outof the hand of the mepherds,and alfo drew water enough for us, and watered the flock. 20 And he faid unto his daughters, And where jjhe? why is it that ye have left the man? Call him, that he may eat bread. 21 And Mofes was content to dwell with the man; & he gave Mofes Zipporah his daughter. 11 And ihe bare him a fonne, and he called Chap. 18.3 his name *Gerfhom: for he faid, I have been a ftr anger in a ft range land for he was afraid to look upon God. 7 f And the LORD faid, I have furely fecn the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their crie, by reafon of their task- m afters ; for I know their forrows : 8 And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians , and to bring them up out of that land, unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and ho- ny, unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites,and the Perifczites, and the Hivitej, and the Jebufites. 9 Now therefore behold , the crie of the children of .Ifrael is come unto me: and I have alfo feen the oppreflion wherewith the Egypti- ans opprefle them. i o Come now therefore,and I will fend thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayeft bring forth my >ple the children of Ifrael out of Egypt. peoj 1 1 f And Mofes faid unto God,Who am I, that I fhould go unto Pharaoh, & that I thould bring forth the children of Ifrael out of Egypt? 12 And he faid, Certainly I will be with 23 fl And it came to pafle in procefle of thee; and this fhallbe a token unto thee, that time, that the king of Egypt died, and the chil- I have fent thee: When thon haft brought forth dren of Ifrael fighed by reafon of the bondage, and they cried j and their crie came up unto God, by reafon of the bondage. the people out of Egypt, ye ftall ferve God upon this mountain. 1 1 And Mofes faid unto God, Behold^f a Cods meflfege to Ifrael. Chap. iiii. Mofes I come unto the children of in-ael,and fhall fay 5 Andhefaid,Caft itonthesround: And untothem, The God of your fathers hathfent hecaftiton the ground, and it became a fer- mc unto you; and they fhill fay to me, What is pent: and Mofes fled from before it. his name? what fhall I fay unto them? 4 And the LORD faid unto Mofes Put 14 And God faid unto Mofes, I AM THAT forth thine hand, and take it bv the tail/ And I AM: And he faid,Thus malt thou fay untothe he put forth his hand and caught it and it be- children of Ifrael, I AM hath fent me unto you. came a rod in his hand. i? And God faid moreover unto Mofcs, f That they may beleeve that the LORD Thus fhalt thou fay unto the children of Ifrael, God of their fathers, the God of Abraham,the The L o R D God of your fathers, the God of God of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob, hath ap. Abraham , the God of Ifaac,and the God of peared unto thee. Jacob, hath fent me unto you: thisamyname 6 ^ And the LORD faid furthermore un- for erer, and this it my memoriall unto all ge- to him, Put now thine hand into thy bofome. nerauons. And he put his hand into his bofome :and whea 16 Go and gather the elders of Ifrael to- he took it out, behold, hij hand TVM leprous ac gether, and fay unto them/The LORD God of fnow. your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Ifaac, 7 And he faid, Put thine hand into thy bo- and of Jacob,appeared unto mej faying, I have fome again. And he put his hand into hisbo- furely vifited you, and few that which is done fome again,& plucked it out of his bofome,and to you in Egypt. behold, it was turned again as his other flefh. 17 And 1 have faid, I will bring you up out 8 And it fhall come to pae, if they will of the affliction of Egypt, unto the land of the not beleeve thee, neither hearken to the voice. - Canaanites,and the Hittites,and the Amorites, of the firft figne,that they will beleeve the voice and the Penirites,ind the Hivite*,and the Jc- of the latter figne. bufites,untoaland flowing with milk &hony. 9 And it fhall come to pafle,if they will not i& And they fhall hearken to thy voice: beleeve alfo thefe two fignes, neither hearken and thoufhalt come, thou and the elders of If- unto thy voice,thit thou fhalt takt of the water rael, unto the king of Egypt, and you fhall fay of the river, and poure it upon the dne- land : unto him, The LORD God of the Hebrews and the water which thou takcfi out of the ri- hath met with us : and now let us go ( we be- ver, f fliall become bloud upon the drie. land, fcech thee ; three dayes journey into the wil- 10 4 And Mofes laid untothe LORD,O my dernefle, that we may facrifice to the L o R D Lord,I am not f eloquent, neither f heretofore, f our God. nor fince thou haft fpoken unto thy fcrvant: but f 19 ^ And I am. fure that the king of Egypt I am flow of fpeech, and of a flow tongue . )r,butby will not let you go j| no, not by a mighty hand. n And the LORD faid unto him,Who hath , ngh and ye fhall thee : and when he feeth thec, he will be glad the Egyptians. in his heart. CHAP. IIII. *f And thou fhalt fpeak unto him, and put words in his mouth j and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye fliall do. 1 6 And he fhall be.thy fpok.fman unto the people: and he fhall te t even be fhall be to thee . ipuaK inou unco i king of Egypt all that I fay unto thee. 3 And Mofes faid before the L o R D, Be- hold, I am of uncircumcifed lips, and how (hall Pharaoh hearken unto me ? CHAP. VII. I Mofaijencouriigedlogo-to Pharaoh. 7 Hit age. 8tf rod turned into aferpent. 1 1 The force,rers do the OL J 3 Pk - iraohs h '* r * hardened. 14 Go^ z^e toi.hc.raoh. iy The river it turned into blaud. ' *uvv mat i aw cne JL O R D : btnoid , 1 will AJNd the LORD faid unto Mofes, See,I have fmite with the rod that is in mine hand , upon made thee a god to Pharaoh , and Aaron the waters which are in the river, and they (hall thv brother flvli KO ri,., K O . be turned to bloud. 1 8 Andthefifh that win the river (hall die, and the river (hall ftinkj and the Egyptians (hall lothe to drink of the water of the river. 10 fl And the LORD fpake unto Mofe*, Say unto Aaron,Take thy rod,and flretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt , upon their - l*WV O. U*-U LV i. IJAIUI. thy brother (hall be thy prophet. a 1'hou [halt fpcak ail that I command thee, and Aaron thy brother (hall fpeak unto Pha. raoh, that he fend the children of Ifrael out of his land. 5 And I will harden Pharaohs heart, and multiply my fignes and my wonders in the land of Egypt. flreams, upon their rivers, & upon their ponds, 4 But I haraoh (bill not hearken unto you, and upon all their f pools of water , that they + Heb that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring may become bloud j and that there may be tktnngif forth mine armies, and my people the children bloud throughout all the land of Egypt , both thtir "*" Ifrael , out of the land of Egypt , by great in veffels of wood, and in veffelf of Hone. judgements. 10 And Mo f es and Aaron did fo as thg 5 And the Egyptians (hill know, that lam LORD commanded : and he * lift up the rod 'Chap.,7.5 ie L o R D , when I ftrecch forth mine hand and fmote the waters that were in the river in upon Egypt , and bring out the children of If- the fight of Pharaoh , and in the fight of his "'I A 0n l I? r" ^S' fervants : and al1 the * waters that re in he * Pf a j. 7 8. 6 And Moles and Aaron did as the L o R D river, wereturned to bloud. 44, commanded them, fo did they. z t And the fill) that mat in the river, died i 7 And Mofes was fourefcore yearcsold,and and the river flunk, and the Eeyptftns could Aaron fourefcore and three yeares old , when not drink of the water of the river : and there they fpake unto Pharaoh. was bloud throughout all the land of Eoypt 8 ^ And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes,and 2i * And the magicians of Egypt did fo * wifd.iy nnto Aaron, faying, with their inchantmems : and Pharaohs heart 7. o When Pharaoh (hall fpcak unto you, fay- was hardened, neither did he hearten unto jng , Shew a miracle for you : then thou malt them 5 as the L o R D had faid. z? And Pharaoh turned and went into his houfe, neither did he fet his heart to this alfo. 14 And all the Egyptians digged round a- bout the river for water to drink: for they could not drink of the water of the river. 25 Andfeven dayes were fulfHled,after that the LORD had fmitten the river. fsy unto Aaron , Take thy rod and caft it be- fore Pharaoh, and it (hall become a ferpent. i o ^f And Mofes and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh , and they did fo as the L o R D had commanded: and Aaron caft down his rod be- fore Pharaoh , and before his fervants , and it became a ferpent. i * Then Pharaoh alfo called the wife-mefi, and the forcerersj now the magicians of Egypt, they alfo did in like manner with their inchant- inents, ii For they caft down every man his rod, and they became ferpents : but Aarons rod fwallowed up their rods. CHAP. VIII. "Frogs are f tnt. 8 Pharaoh fueth to Mofes , la and Mofes by prayer remo-ueth them away. i6Tite duft it tinned into lice , -which the mzgkimsrottldnot do. zoTfofwarms of flies. 25 Pharaoh inclineth t let the people go, ^ibutyet \t hardened. 1 3 And he hardened Pharaohs heart , that A Nd the L o R D fpake unto Mofes,o unto he hearkened not unto them j as the LORD * 1 Pharaoh , and fay unto him , Thus faith had faid - the L o R D, Let my people go, that they may J 4 H And tk L o R i> faid untoMofes^Pha- ferve m e. And Frogs . 1 7-7 andlice^ Chap. viii. The fwarms of flies. ^ And if thou refufe to let t bem go,behold, * 8 And the magicians did fo with their in- 53 I will fmite all thy borders with frogs. chantments to bring forth lice, but they could 3 And the river fhall bring forth frogs not: fo there were lice upon man,& upon beaft. abundantly , which fhall go up and come into 19 Then the magicians faid unto Pharaoh, thine houfe, and into thy bed-chamber, and This is the finger of God : and Pharaohs heart upon thy bed, and into the houfe of thy fer- was hardened, and he hearkened not unto vants, and upon thy people , and into thine them,- as the LORD had faid. ovens, and into thy (I kneading-troughs. ao U And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Rife 4 And the frogs (hall come up both on thee, up early in the morning, and ftand before Pha- and upon thy people, and upon all thy fervams. raoh : lo,he cometh forth to the water, and 5 ^ And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, Say fay unto him, Thus faith the LORD, Let my unto Aaron, Stretch forth thiae hand with thy people go, that they may ferve me. rod over the ftreams, over the rivers, and over a i Elfe if thou wilt not let my people go, the ponds,and caufe frogs to come up upon the behold, I will fend || fwarms of flies upon thee, j Or,* > land of Eypc. and upon thv fervants. and upon tbv people, tureefr, 6 AndAaron ftretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt , and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt. 7 * And the magicians did fo with (heir in- chantments , and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt. and upon thy fervams, and upon thy people, and into thy houfes : and the houfes- of the^.' 6 Egyptians fball be full of fwarms of flies, and * alCo the ground whereon they are. ^^ And I will fever in that day the land of Gofhen, in which my people dwell, that no fwarms of flics fhall be there '> to the end thou 8 U Then Pharaoh called for Mofes and mayeft know, that I am the LORD in the midft Aaron, and faid, Intreat the L o R D, that he of the earth. may take away the frogs from me, and from 23 And! will put fa divihon between my t my people .- and I will let the people go, that people, and thy people : || to morrow fhall this * " they may do facrifice unto the LORD. fiRne 9 And Mofes faid unto Pharaoh , |] Glory over me: ||when fhall 1 intreat for thee, and for thy fervants , and for thy people, f to de- ftroy the frogs from thee, and thy houfes, that they may remain in the river onely ? 10 And he faid, || To morrow. And he faid, Beit according to thy word: that thou mayeft know, that there is none like unto the LORD our God. 44 And the LORD did fo: and * there came a grievous fwarm of flies into the houfe of Pharaoh, and into his fervants houfes, and into all the land of Egypt : the land was |j corrupted HOr/fe/wj^ by reafon of the (warm of flies. z? f And Pharaoh called for Mofes, and for Aaron, and faid, Go y e, facrifice to yoor God in the land. 16 And Mofes faid, It is not meet fo to do; ii And the frogs fhall depart from thee,and for we fhall facrifice the abomination of the from thy houfes , and from thy fervants , and Egyptians to the LORD our God : Lo, fhall we from thy people ; they fhall remain in the river facrifice the abomination of the Egyptians be- one ]y f ' fore their eyes, and will they not ftonc us ? i a 'And Mofes and Aaron went out from 27 We will go three dayes journey into the Pharaoh, and Mofes cried unto the LORD, be- wildernefle , and facrifice to the L o R D our caufe of the frogs which he had brought a- God, as* he fhall command us. *Cfaap.~3. gainft Pharaoh. * 8 And Pharaoh faid , I will let you go, i. 1 3 And the L o R D did according to the that ye may facrifice to the L o R D your God, word of Mofes : and the frogs died out of the in the wildernefle : onely you fball not go very houfes,out of the villages, and out of the fields, farre away : intreat for me. 14 And they gathered them together upon 29 And Mofes faid,Bchold,I go out from thee, heaps, and the land ftank. and I will entreat the LORD, that the fwarms i f But when Pharaoh faw that there was of flies may depart from Pharaoh, from his fer- refpke, he hardened his heart, and hearkened vants, and from his people, to morrow : but let not unto them ; as the L o R D had faid. not Pharaoh deal deceitfully any more , in not 1 6 f And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Say letting the people go to facrifice to the LORD. unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and fmite the 30 And Mofes went out from pharaoh,and duft of the land, that it may become lice intreated the LORD. throughout all the land of Egypt. 3 1 And the L o R D did according to the 17 And they did fo : for Aaron ftretched word of Mofes; and he removed the fwarms of 1 flies from Pharaoh ,from his fervams,and from his people : there remained not one. ja And Pharaoh hardened his heart atthis out his hand with his rod, and fmote the duft of the earth , and it became lice, in man and in beaft: all the duft of the land became lice chioughoat all the land of Egypt. time alto, neither would he let the people go. D 3 CHAP. The murrain, boyls and blains. <4 C H A P. IX. I the murrain. i j the meffige about the hail. a 7 Pharaoh [ueth to Msfes,} Exodus. The plague of hail, 16 And in very deed for* this caufehwe l^Rom.f.tv ,* lUins. t "ifed thce up, for to (hew in thee my power, J Thepligueof hail, but yet it hardened. T Hen the LORD faid unto Mofes, Go in un- to Pharaoh, and tell him, Thus faith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may fcrve me. 2 For if thou r efufe to let them go, and wilt hold them ftill, 5 Behold, the hand of the LORD is upon thy cattel which is in the field, upon the horfes, upon the afles,upon the caels,upon the oxen, and upon the ilieep : there Jball be a very grie- vous murrain. 4 And the L o R D (hall fever between the and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth. 17 Asyetexalteft thou thy fclf againft my people, that thou wilt not let them go ? 1 8 Behold, to morrow about this time, I willcaufeit to rain a very grievous hail,fuch as hath not been in Egypt, fince the foundati- on thereof, even untill now. 1 9 Send therefore now, & gather thy cattel, and all that thou haft in the field: for upon eve- ry man and beaft* which (hall be found in the field, and fliall not be brought home, the hail fliall come down upon them, and they (hall die. 20 He that feared the word of the LORD amongft the fervants of Phiraoh , made his fervants anJ his cattel fleesinto the houfes. 21 And he that f regarded not the word of . the L o R D, left his fervants and his cattel in mthuk'vnt cattel of Ifrael , and the cattei of Egypt, and there (hall nothing die of all th&t is thechil- drensof Ifrael. ? And the LORD appointed a fet time, fay- ing, To morrow the LORD fliall do this thing the field, in the land. 2i ff And the Lo RD faid unto Mofes, 6 And the LORD did that thing on the mor- Stretch forth thine hand toward heaven, that rowjand all the cattel of Egypt died,'but of the there may be hail in all the land of Egypt, up- cattel of the children of Ifrael died not one. on man, and upon beaft, and upon every herb 7 And Pharaoh fent, and behold, there was of the field, throughout the land of Egypt, not one of the cattel of the Israelites dead. 2? And Mofes ftretched forth his rod toward heaven, and the LORD fent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground, and And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go. 8 ^ And the LORD faid unto Mofes,and the L o R D rained hail upon the land'of Egypt, unto Aaron 5 Take to you handfuls of afhes of 24 So there was hail,and fire mingled with the furnace, and let Mofes fprmkle it towards the hail, very grievous, fuch as there was none the heaven in the fight of Pharaoh : 9 And it fliili become fmall dull in all the land of Egypt , and Hull be a boyl breaking like it in all the land of Egypt, fince it became a nation. 25 And the hail fmore throughout all the forth wrfolbiains, upon man, and upon beaft, land of Egypt,all that tvat in the field, both throughout all the land of Egypt. man and beaft : and the hail fmote every herb i o And they took aihes of the furnace, and of the field, and brake every tree of the field, flood before Pharaoh, & Mofes fprinkled it up toward heaven : and it became a boyl breaking forth with blains, upon man, and upon beaft. 2.6 Onely in the land of Goflien where the children of Ifrael were, was there no hail. 27 ^[ And Pharaoh fent,and called for MO- II And the magicians could not ftand be- fes and Aaron, and faid unto them, I have fin- fore Mofes, becaufe of the boyls : for the boyl ned tbis time : the L o R D is righteous, and I was upon the magicians, and upon all the and mypeopldrewicked._ Egyptians. z % Intreat the LORD (for it is enough jthat 12 Arid the LORD hardened the heartof there be no moref mighty thundrings and hail;. Chap. 4. Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them j* as and I will let you go,& ye fliall ihy no longer. 29 And Mofes faid unto him, Aflbon as I am And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Rife gone out of the city, I will fpread abroad my before hands unto the L OR D,wrfthe thunder flwll ceafe, neither (hall there be any more hail : that thoumayeft know, how that the * earth is the *pf a 1.24.i. LOR D.S. 3 o But as for thee and thy fervants, I know that ye will not yet fear the L o R D God. 31 And the flax, and the barley was fmir- ren : for the barley was in the eare, and the flax TVXS boiled : 32 But the wheat and the rie were notf Heb. hid- the L o R D had fpoken unto Mofes. 13 tip early m the morning , and ftand Pharaoh , a-nd fay unto him 3 Thus faith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may ferve me. 1 4 For I will at this time fend all my plagues upon thine heartland upon thy fervants, and upon thy people : that thou mayeft know that there u none like me in all the earth. 1 5 For now I will ftretch out my hand, that I may finite thee and thy people with pefti lence,and th^uflialt be cut off from the earth, fmitten: for they we re \ not grown up- d e , or, 3? And Locufts and Chap,x. thick darknefTe. 3 3 And Mofes went out of the city from fo with you, as I will let you go, and your little MdofMc- Pharaoh,and fpread abroad his hands unto the LORD: and the thunders and hail ceafed, and the rain was not poured upon the- earth. 34 And when Pharaoh fa w , thatthe rain, and the hail , and the thunders were ceafed, he finned yet more, and hardened his heart^he and his fervants. 3 f And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, ' neither would he let the children of Ifrael go; as the L o R D had fpoken f by Mofes. CHAP. X. I God threatneth to fend Itcnfls. 7 Pharaoh moved Jy hitftrvantsi inclineth to let the Ifraelites go. la Te tlague of the locufts. 16 Pharaoh fueth to Mofes. 21 The plague of darknetfe. 24 Pharaoh fueth unto Mofes , 27 but yet it hardened. ANd the L o R D faid unto Mofes , Go in unto Pharaoh : * for I have hardened his heart , and the heart of his fervants j that I might fhcw thefe my fignes before him: a And that thou mayeft tell in the eares of thy fonne,and of thy fonnes fonne,what things I have wrought in Egypt, and my fignes which I have done amongft them j that ye may know how that I am the LOR. D. 3 And Mofes and Aaron came in unto Pha- raoh , and faid unto him, Thus faith the LORD God of the Hebrews, How long wilt thou re- fufe to humble thy felf before me ? Let my ferve me. to let my people go, people go, that they may 4 Elfe if thou refufe , ^.behold , to morrow will Ibrin S .he *locu S ~#'' i **l*** ones. Look to if, for evil h before you. 1 1 Not fo : go now ye that are men , and ferve the L o R D , for that you did defire : and they were driven out from Pharaohs prcfence. 1 1 fl And the LORD faid unto Mofe.s, Stretch out thine handover the land of Egypt for the locufts, that they may come up upon the land of Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, even all that the hail hath left. ig And Mofes ftretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and the L o R D brought an ' eaft-winde upon the land all that day, and all that night: a^when it was morning, the eaft- winde bjought the locutts. 14 And the locufts went up over all the land of Egypt, and refted in all the coafts of Egypt: very grievous tvert theyibefote them there were no fuch locufts as they, neither after them (hall be fuch. i j For they covered the face of the whole earth, fothat the land was darkened, and they did eat every herb of the land,and all the-fruit of the trees, which the hail had left : and there remained not any green thing in the trees , or in the herbs of the field, through all the land of Egypt. 1 6 ^5 Then Pharaoh f called for Mofes and -j- Heb< ^ Aaron in hafte j and he (aid , I have finned a- ftened'to t*& gainft the L o R D your God, and againft you. 17 Now therefore forgive , Ipraythecjiny into thy cos ft. 5 And they fhall cover the t face of the .earth, that one cannot be able to fee the earth j and they (hall eat the refidue of that which is efcaped , which remaineth unto you from the your God, that he may take away from me this death onely. 1 8 And he went out from Pharaoh, and in- treated theL OR 0. 19 And the L o R D turned a mighty ftrong weft-winde , which took away the locufts, and you'outof thefield. fcaft them into the Red fea: there remained fHcb.j&J^ 6Andtheyfhallfillthyhoufes,&thehoufes not one locuft in all the coafts of Egypt <*. of all thy fervants , and the houfes of all the E- 10 But the LORD hardened Pharaohs heart, gyptiansj which neither thy fathers, nor thy fa- thers fathers have feen, fince the day that they were upon the earth, unto this day. And he turned himfelf, and went out from Pharaoh. 7 And Pharaohs fervants faid unto him, How long fhall this man be a fnareuntous ? Let the men go, that they may ferve the LORD their God: Knoweft thou not yet,that Egypt is deftroyed? 8 And Mofes and Aaron were brought again fo that he would not let the children of Ifrael go out thine hand toward heaven , that there may be darknefle over the land of Egypt , | even f Heb. that darknefle tvhich rmy be felt. one *>*j . 1 5 And the bloud (hall be to you for a token unto me, and bowe down themfelves unto me, upon the houfes where you are: and when I fee 'f Heb. t bat faying , Get thee out, and all the people t that the bloud,! will pafle over you, and the plague f il ovv thcej and after that I will go out : and fhall not be upon you f to deftroy^a,whenl f TIP inrpnf- rmr ff/tm P hiro.oU in -f -a orp^ir innpf H-*^ i*- cUo 1 1 r>,4 *-\f ~C. -,,,*+ d t Heb. beat he went out from Pharaoh in f a great anger. f nger t ' ^ And the LORD faid nmo Mofes,Pharaoh fball not hearken unto you ; that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt. 10 And Mofes and Aaron did all thefe wonders before Pharaoh: and the L o R D bar- dened Pharaohs heart, fo that he would not let the children of Ifrael go out of his land. finite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day (hall be unto you fora me- moriall: and you fhall keep it afeaft to the LORD, throughout your generations: you fhall keep it a feaft by an ordinance for ever. if Seven dayes (hall ye eat unleavened bread, even the firft day ye fhall put away lea- ven out of yourhoafes: for whofoevereateth leavened Unleavened bread. Chap. xii. The firft-born flain. leavened bread, from the firft day untill the night the L on ofmote all the firft-born in the 57 feventh day , that foul fhall be cut off from If- land of Egypt , * from the firft-born of Pha. * Wild. 1 8. rael. raoh, that fat on his throne,unto the firft-born * * 1 6 And in the firft day therejhall be an ho- of the captive that tvat in the \ dungeon , and | ***> *<"/* lv convocation , and in the feventh day there all the firft-born of cattel. ofthtpit* 3 o And Pharaoh rofe up in the night , he and all his fervants, and all the .Egyptians, and y convocation (hall be an holy convocation to you: no manner of work (hall be done in them, fave that which - Heb. /!/, every i man muft cat,that onely may be done of there was a great crie in Egypt : for there tvM you. not a houfe where there TVM not one dead. 17 And ye fhall obferve the feaft 0/unlea- vened bread: for in this felf.fame day have I 3 1 ^f And he called for Mofes and Aaron by night,and faidjRife up, 7 s * the waters were a wall unto them on their ,'cor.io.i. right hand, and on their left. 23 f And the Egyptians purfued, and went in after them, to the midft of the fea, even all Pharaohs horfes, his chariots, & his horfemen. 14 And it came to pafle^that in the morning- watch the L o R D looked unto the hoft of the Egyptians, through the pillar of fire, and of the cloud, and troubled the hoft of the Egyptians, 2? And took off their chariot-wheels, jj that |J Or,w, they drave them heavily : fo that the Egyptians 'htm to faid, Let us flee from the face of Ifrael; for I Or, for tk,r,* y ,* or the LORD fighteth for them,againft the Egyptians. z6 f And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Stretch ou thine hand over the fea , that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horfemen. ^^ And Mofes ftretched forth his hand over the fea , and the fea returned to his ftrength when the morning appeared: and the Egypti- ans fled againft it : and the LORD \ overthrew f Heb. the Egyptians in the midft of the fea. */ ^ 8 And the waters returned and covered the chariots, and the horfemen 3 and all the hoft of Pharaoh that came into the fea afcer them : there remained not fo much as * one of them. 29 But the children of Ifrael walked upon dry- land in the midft of the fea, and the wa- ters Mofes fong. Exodus. The waters at Marah are bitter. 60 ters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. 30 Thus the LORD fayed Ifrael that day out of the hand of the Egyptians : and Ifrael faw the Egyptians dead upon the fea-more. . i o Thou didft blow with thy winde,the fea covered them, they fank as lead in the mighty waters. 1 1 Who iy like unto thee,OLoRD,amongft |Or,m*f7 the || gods? who Is like thee, glotious inholi- # nefle, fear full in praifes, doing wonders ? ii Thou fttetchedft out thy right hand, the earth fwallowed them. 13 Thou in thy mercy haft led forth the people which thou haft redeemed : thoa luft guided them in thy ftrength unto thy holy ha- bitation. * Deut a i j. 14 * The people (hall heare, and be afraid : Jofluitf. forrovv (hall take hold on the inhabitants of Paleftina. if Then the dukes of Ed om (hall be ama- zed: the mighty men cf Moab, trembling (hall take hold upon them : all the inhabitants of Canaan (hall melt away. 16 *Fear and dread (hall fall upon them, * DCUM.II by the greatnefle of thine arm they (hall be as Joflua.^ ftill as a ftone , till thy people pafle over , O LORD, till the people pafle over, which thoa haft purchafed. 17 Thou (halt bring them in , and plant them in the mountain of thine inheritance, m the place, O LOR D,wbich thou haft made for thee to dwell in, in the fanftuary, O Lord, which thy hands have eftablifhed. 1 8 The LORD (hallreigne for ever & ever. 19 For tfie horfe of Pharaoh went in with his chariots , and with his horfemen into the fea, and the LORD brought again the waters of the fea upon them : but the children of If- rael went on dry- land in the mids of the fea. ao f And Miriam the prophetcfle,thefifter of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand ; and all the women went out after her, with timbrels, and with dances. 21 And Miriam anfwered them, Sing ye to the LORD, for he hath triumphed glorioufly ; the horfe and his rider hath he thrown into the fea. 22 SoMofes brought Ifrael from the Red fea, and they went out into thewildernefleof Shur: and they went three dayes in the wilder- nefle, an/1 found no water. 23 f And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah , for they were bitter : therefore the name of it was called jf Marah. ; JJ That is, 24 And the people murmured againft Mo- Uttmvffi. fes, faying, What (hall we drink ? 2f And he cried unto the LORD: andthe LORD (hewed him a * tree, which when he * Ecc i u$ ,$, had caft into the waters, the waters were made 5. fweet : there he made a ftatute and an ordi- nance, aad there he proved them, 26 And faid, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the L o R D thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his fight,and wilt give care to his commandments, and keep all his ftatutej, I will put none of thefe difeafes upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egypti- ans : for I am the L o R D that healeth thee. 27 ^ * And they came to Elim, where were * twelve wels of water, and threefcore and ten palm.trees : and they encamped there by the waters. CHAP. XVI. i The I/raektej come to Sin. ^ They murmurefor want cf bread, 4 Godp-/omi r eth them breadfrom heaven. It Sl^xils arefent, 1 4 andmannj, 16 The ordering of manna. 25 It TVM not to befeund on thefabbath. 3 a ^An omer of it is preferred. ANd they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of The Israelites murmure. Chap. xvi. Quails and manna, of Ifrael came unto the wilderneffe of Sin, they faid one to another, [j It is manna: for 61 which is between Elim and Sinai , on the fif- they wift not whatit rvaj.And Mofes faid unto fiOr,A i$ teenth day of the fecond moneth , after their them t * This is the bread which the L o R D ^**,2J' ls departing out of the land of Egypt. hath given you to eat. >hnNnm.i7.7. 14 And when * the clew tint lay was gone 51 And the houfe of Ifrael called the name Pfal.7?.i4- up y behold, upon the face of the wildernefle thereof Manna: and it TVM likccoriander-feed, : ^ there lay a fmall round thing , as fmall as the white: and the tafte of it TVM bke wafers made , hoir frbft on the ground. ' with-honr. i ? And when the chrldrcn of Ifrael fay? it, ^ g And Mofes faid , This is the thing which Water out of the rock. Exodus. Amalek difcomfited. which the L o R D commandeth, Fill an omer 10 So Jo(hua did as Mofes had faidtohira, of it to be kept for your generations; that they and fought with Amalek : and Mofes, Aaron s may fee the bread wherewith I have fed you in and Hur, went up to the top of the hill. the wilderneflc, when I brought you forth n And it came to pafle when Mofes held from the land of Egypt. up his hand , that Ifrael prevailed : and when 33 And Mofes faid unto Aaron, Take a por, he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. and put an omer full of manna therein, and lay 1 1 ButMofes hands were heavy , and they it up before the L o R D, to be kept for your ge- took a ftone and put it under him , and he fat iterations. thereon : and Aaron and Hur flayed tip bis ^ 4 As the LORD commanded Mofes,fo Aa- ron laid it up before the teftimony,to be kept. 3 J And the children of Ifrael did eat manna * Jofh. j. i j. fourty yeares, * untill they came to a la-nd inha- Nehem 9, bited : they did eat manna , untill they came * unto the borders of the land of Canaan. hands, the one on the one fide , and the other 20. on the other fide; andhis hands werefteady i-Sam.iy.-j, untill the going down of the funne. || That is, ij And Joftiua difcomfud Amalek and his L'^J^f 1 people with the edge of the fword. ||Or,7"M \\ Germom (for he faid, I have ff That i$, been an alien in a ftrange land) rantr theft 4 And Mofes cried unto theLoRD, faying, 4 And the name of the other WM IfEliezer || That is,*i What mail I do unto this people ? they be al- (for: the God of my father , faid he, wag mine j Mofes unto the peofle out of the moiint.% The peoples a^-wer r (turned again. I'D The people are prepared agdtnft the third day. 1 3. The mountain muft. not be touched. 1 6 The fearfull prefence of God upon tht mount. IN the third moneth, when the children of Ifrael were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the fame day came they imo the wdder- nefleof Sinai. a For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the defer t of Sinai, and had . :'..* pitched in the wilderneffe, and there Ifiael camped before the mount. And * Mofes went up unto God, and the Becaufe the people come unto me to enquire of LORD called unto him out of the mountain, God. \6 When they have a matter 5 they come Heb.44untome, and I judge between fone andan- ndbiif*Uot>. other, and I do make them know the ftatutes of God and his laws. 1 7 And Mofes father in law faid unto him, Thethingthat thou doeft is,not good. faying, Thus malt thou fay to the houfe of Ja- cob, and tell the children of Itraelj 4 * Ye have feenwhacldid unto the Egy- ptians,and how I bare you on eagles wings, and, brought you unto my felf. 5 Now * therefore, ifye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then yc (ball be Dcur.5.2, f Heb./<- 1 8 1 Thou wiltfurely wear away,both thou, a peculiar treafure unto me above all people : ing,tht>u and this people that # with thse: for this thing for * all the earth is mine. * Deut. 10. tilt fade. x too heaviefor thee j * thou art not able to 6 And ye (hall be unto me a *kingdome.of '* ueut.1.?. p er f orm . it t fy, fcif a i one . priefts,and an holy nation.Thcfe are the word$ P| 1 9 Hearken now unto my voice, I will give iheecounfel,andGod (lull be with thee: Be thou for the people to God-ward , that thou mayeft bring the caufes unto God : 20 And thou (halt teach them ordinances and laws,and (halt (hew them the way wherein they mud-walk, & the work that they muft do. 21 Moreover } thou (halt provide out of all the people, able men, fuch as fear God, men of truth , hating covetoufnefle ; and place fucb over them,r0 be rulers of thoufands,.U f*j- love my mafter, my wifi^fand my children, I will not go out free : . 7 6 Then his mafter (hall bring him unto the judges j he (hall alfo bring him to the doore, or unto the doore-poft, and his mafter fliall bore his eare through with an aul, and he (hall ferve him for ever. 7 ^ Andif a man fell his daughter to be a maid-fcr van:, (he (hall not go out as the men- fervants do. Hcb. b 8 If (he t pleafe^not her mafter, who hath ;;; ,. betrothed her to hjmfelf , then (hall he let her be redeemed: To fttl her unto a ftrange nation he fliall have no power, feeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her. 9 And if he have betrothed her unto his fonne, be (hall deal with her after the manner of daughters. 10 If he take him another wife j her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage (hall he notdiminifli. 11 Andif he do not thefe three unto her, then fliall (he go out free without money. Lev.24.i7. 12 ^ *He that fmiteth a man , fo that he die, (hall be forcly put to death. 13 Andif a man lie not in wait, but God Deut.iji.j. deliver fcwz into his handjthen * I will appoint thee a place u hither he (hall flee. 14 But if a man come prefumptuoufly up. on his neighbour, to flay him with guile; thou XX1 and ordinances. (halt take him from mine alur,that he may die. 6$ i f ^ And he thit fmiteth his father, or his mother, fliall be furely put to death. 1 6 U And he that ftealeth a man, and fel- leth him,or if he be found in his hand, he ihill furely be put to death. 17 51 And * he that [[curfeth his father, or *lev.o.$: his mother, fliall furely be put to death. Prov.so 20. 1 3 <$ Andif men ftrive together, and one Ma^lo*' finite || another with a ftone , or with bti Eft, y Or, r and he die nor, but keepeth bis bed: viUth. 19 If he rife again, and walk abroad upon II 9j*" his itaff, then (hall he that fmote him, be quit : *" J ""' onely heflullpay for theflofle of his time, fHeb. <* and fliall caufe him to be throughly healed. fi'fr 20 f And if a man finite his fervant, or his maid with a rod,and he die under his hand j he (hall be furely f punifhed : f Kc 21 Notwith {landing , if he continue a day '* or two, he (hall not be puniflied : for he u his money. zz f If men ftrive,and hunt a woman with childe, fo that her fruit depart/row for,and yet no mifchief follow: he fliall be furely puniflied, according as the womans husband will lay up- on him; & he fliall pay as the judges determine. ' 23 And if any mifchief follow, then thou (halt give life for life, 24 * Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for * hand, foot for foot, Dcut.i*i. 2j Burning for burning,wound for wound, att> 5'3 8t ftripeforftripe. 26 ^j Andif a man fmite the eye of his fer- vant, or the eye of his maid, that it perifti j he (hall let him go free for his eyes fake. 27 And if he fmite out his man- fervants tooth, or his maid- fervants tooths he (hall let him go free for his tooths fake. 28 f If anoxgoreamanoratoomanjthai they die ; then * the ox (hall be furely ftoned, and his flefli (hall not be eaten : but the owner of the ox Jbjtt be quit. 29 But if the ox were wont to pufli with his horn in time paft,and it hath beenteftified to his owner, and he hath not kept him in , but thathenath killed a man or a woman ; the ox fliall be ftoned, and his owner alfo (hall be puc to death. 30 If there be laid on him a fumme of money,then he fliall give for the ranfome of his life,whatfoever is bid upon him. 3 i Whether he have gored a fonne, or have gored a daughter, according to this judgement (hall it be done unto him. 31 If the ox fliall pufii a man-fervant, or maid-fervantj he fliall give unto their mafter thirtie fliekels, and the ox fliall be (toned. 3 3 fl And if a man (lull open a pit, or if a man fliall dig a pit, and not cover it; and an oxpr an aflc fall therein ; E 34 The Divers laws Exodus." 66 34 The owner of the pit (hall make it good, and give money unto the owner of them, and the dead beatt (hall be his. 3 5 fl And if one mans ox hurt anothers that he die, then they fliall fell the live ox, and divide the money of it, and the dead ox alfo they (hall divide. 36 Or if it be known that the ox hath ufed topufli in time paft,and his owner hath not * 3. Sam. 12.5. and ordinances," hand unto his neighbours goods: and the own- er of it (hall accept thereof, and he (hall not make ir good. 1 1 And * if it be ftolcn from him , he dull * Gen* j make reftittttion unto the owner thereof. J? 13 If it be torn in pieces 3 then let him bring it for witncSe t and he (hall not mike good that which was torn. 14 fl And if a man borrow ought of his kept him in i he (hall furely pay ox for ox . and neighbour, and it be hurt, or die, the owner . * . * * * l_- f f 1; .. i t /i \\ /_ _!__ I- the dead (hall be his own. thereof being not with itj he (hall furely make it good, i f But if the owner thereof be with it, he CHAP. XXII. '!?,! ^^^f^^^Sf fl"notm3ke;,,good:if,t ft, .n hired * Itjlialitie. ao Of zdelitrie. ai Of flr, ai andfatherlejj'e.'is Of ufurie-26 Of pledget. 28 Of ^reverence to magiftrates. ^9 Oftheftrft-frxits. IF a man (hall fteal an ox or a || (heep , and kill it, or fell it j he (hall reftore five oxen for an ox, and * foure (heep for a (heep. i fl If a thief be found breaking up, and be fmitten that he die, there (hall no bloud be fhedforhim. 3 If the funne be rifen upon him, there Jhall be bloudfhcd for him: for he (houidmake full restitution: if he have nothing, then he (hall be. fold for his theft. 4 If the theft be certainly found in hts hand alive , whether it be ox, or afle,or (heep j he fliall reftore double. 5 fl If a man (hall caufe a field or vineyard to be eaten, and (ball put in his beaft, and (hill feed in another mans field : of the beft of his own field, and of the beft of his own vineyard fhill he make reftitution. 6 fl If fire break out, and catch in thorns, fo that the ftacks of corn, or the ftanding corn, or the field be confumed therewith j he thac kindled the fire, (hall furely make reftitution. it came for his hire. 1 6 fl And * if a man entice a maid that is * Dcut. ati 1 not betrothed, and lie with her, he (hall furely * 8 * endow her to be his wife. 17 If her father utterly refufe to give her unto him, he (hall f pay money according to |Heb.V/ thedowne of virgins. 1 8 fl Thou (halt not fufter a witch to live. 19 fl Whotoever lieth, witb>a-beaft, (hall furely be put to death. 20 fl *He that facrificeth unto any god, * Deut.i ji. fave unto the LORD onely, he fliall be utterly u 4 ' 5' deftroyed. i.Mac.a,a 4 . 21 fl *Thou (halt neither vex a ftranger, * Lev. 1^.33 noroppreflehim: for ye were fl rangers in the land of Egypt. 22 fl * Ye (hall not afflicl any widow, or * fatherlefle childe. 23 If thou afflift them in any wife, and they die at all unto me,I will furely heare their cry; 24 And my wrath (hall wax hot, and I will kill you with the fword ; , and your wives (hall be widows, and your children fatherlefle. 2 j fl * If thou lend money to any of my people that is poore bythee, thou (halt not be 3^37. t it- 7 11 If a man fliall deliver unto his neigh- tohimasanuurer,neitherftiiltthoulay upoa Deur ' z 3- himufurie. Plains. bour money or fluff to keep , and it be ftolcn out of the mans houfej if the thief be found, let him pay double. 8 If the thief be not found, then the mafter i6 If thou at all take thy neighbours rai- ment to pledge, thou (halt deliver it unto him by that the funne goeth down. of thehoufe fliall be brought unto the judges, 27 For that a his covering onely, it is his to fee whether he have put his hand unto his raiment for his skinne : wherein (hall he fleep? neighbours goods. 9 For all manner of trefpafle, whether It be for ox, for a(Te,for (heep,for raiment, or for any manner of loft thing, which another chal- lengeth to be his : the caufe of both parties (hall come before the judges, and whom the judges As and it fliall come to pafle, when he crieth unto me, that I will heare : for I am gracious. 28 fl *Thou (halt not revile the |J gods, nor curfe the ruler of thy people. jj Or,y* 29 fl Thou (halt not delay to offer f the firftfHeb. of thy ripe fruits and of thy {liqueurs: *thefuln'JT*. (hill condemn, he (hall pay double unto his firft-born of thy fonnes (halt thou give unto me. t ^ b - neighbour. 3 o Likewife (halt thou do with thine oxen, , ^Jfj 10 If a man deliver unto his neighbour an and with thy (heep: fevendayes it (hallbewich ly \ afle, or an ox, or a (heep, or any beaft to keep; his damme, on the eighth day thou (halt give it me. 3 1 fl And ye fhill be holy men unto me: * neither (hall ye eat any flefh that is torn of + between them both , thac he hath not put his bcafts in the field : ye fliall call it to the dogs. " CHAP. and it die, or be hurt, or driven away, no mm feeing it : 1 1 Then (hill an oath of the L o R D be laws Chap, xxiii. and ordinances CHAP. XXIII. 17 Three times in the yeare all thy males 6 7 * (hall appear before the LORD God. I Of (lender and fatfe w/rwe/fr . 5 , g Of jt ' to Of the yeare of reft. haritzblentffe. 10 Of the yeare of reft, j j Of the faUath. i? Ofi&latry. 14 Of the thrtefeafts. 18 Of tke blond and the fat of the f.ifrifice. 20 jln JLngtl is fromtftd, Tvitba. bit fling* if they obey him. 1 8 Thou (halt not offer the bloud of my fa- crifice with leavened bread, neither (hall the fat of my |] facrifice remain untill the morning, J Or,j?Deut 16. '* 11* Three times thou (halt keep a feaft 16. ' unto me in the yeare. 'Chap. '5 3. 15 * Thou (halt keep the feaft of unleavened and 34 18. bread: thou (hilt eat unleavened bread fevcn | Or, /*'* 26 ^ * There (hall nothing caft their young, nor be barren in thy land : the number of thy dayes I will fulfill. 27 I will fend my fear before thee, and will deftroy all the people to whom thou (hale come , and I will make all thine enemies turn their t backs unto thee. t H eb. *c# 28 And * I will fend hornets before thee, * which (hall drive out the Hivite,theCanaanite, and the Hittite from before thee. 29 I will not drive them out from before thee in one yeare, left the land become defo- late,andthebeaftof the field multiply againft thee. 30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, untill thou be increafed, and inherit the land. $ i And I will fet thy bounds from the Red fea even unto the fea of the Pluliftines , and dayes , as I commanded thee in the time ap- from the defert unto the river: for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your handjand thou (halt drive them out before thee. 32 * Thou (halt make no covenant with * them, nor with their gods. i 3 3 They (hall not dwell in thy land , left they make thee finne againft me : for if thou * fervc their god?, * it will furely beafnareunto pointed of the moneth Abib : for in it thou r D camcft out from Egypt : * and none (hall ap- 1(S< ' * pear before me empty : Ecclus 35.4.' 1 6 And the feaft of harveft, the firft.fruits of thy labours , which thou haft fown in the fild: and the feaft of in-gathering which is in the end of the yeare , when thou haft gathered in thy labours out of ihe field. thee, Ez CHAP, JuJgcsa-j. The people promile obedience. 68 C H A P. XX III I. I Mo/Vj is called up into the mountain, j The people promise obedience* 4. Mofes bmldeth analtar t and twelve pillars. 6 He Cpr inkleth the blond of the cove- nant, pike glory of Godappearetk. i+^Aaronand Hur hive the charge of the people, i J Mofes gotth in- to the mount-tin , where he contimeth fourty dy/es *nd fourty nights. ANd he faid unto Mofes, Come up unto the LoRD,thouand Aaron, Nadab and Abi- hu , and feveaty of the elders of Ifrael : and worlhip ye afirre off. z And Mofes alone (hall come neare the LOR D: but they (hall not come nigh, neither fourty nights, (hall the people go up with him. ( 3 f And Mofes came and told the people all the words of the LORD, and all the judge- ments: and all the people anfwered vvith one *Chap.ip.8 voice, and faid, *All the words, which the Exodus. Offerings for the tabernacle. i f And Mofes went up into the mounted a cloud covered the mount. \6 And the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it fix dayes: and the feventh day he called unto Mofes out of the midft of the cloud. 1 7 And the fight of the glory of the LORD WM like devouring fire on the top of the mount, in the eyes of the children of Ifrael. 18 And Mofes went into the midft of the cloud , and gat him up into the mount : and * Mofes was in the mount fourty dayes and Dew. < 1 * LORD hath faid, will we do. 4 And Mofes wrote all the words of the T7 A V) \r v* t7 I What the Ifraelites mutt offer for the making of the tabernacle . lolhe form of the ark. if the mercy- feat with the cherubims. a 3 the table -with the fur- niture thereof. 3 i The candle flick vcith the mUru- ments thereof. DCUC.he feven lannfc thereof: arid they {hillfHight the lamp* there- |{Or,/i of, that they may give light over agfttoft f it. " '&*** 38 And the tongs thereof, and the 1 fhiiff- 7"*^.'** di(hes -thereofj&aff be c/pure gold. 39 Of a talent of pure gold (ball he make it, with all thefe veflels. ^\ * * - - 4<> Arid * lobk that thou mate ibstil after their pattern, fvthiCn wirtSrfoewed* the"eth thfe mount. C H A P. XXVI. i The ten curtains of the talerfatde. 7 the eleven citr- t.tins of goats hair. 14 I7>< covering of ramifies ikinnej. 15 The boards of the tabernacle with their focketsandkamsi ji The vail for the a'r%. $6 "the banging ftr the doore. MOrcover thou ftult make the tabernacld with ten curtains of fine twined linen, arrd blue, and purple, and fcarlet: Tvjffrcheru- bims off cunning work (hah thou make them. .2 The length of one curtain jha.ll be eight ' and t wenty cubits, arid the^adthdf one cur- \ tain, foure cubits: and everyone of the cur- * tains fhall have one meafure. 3 The five curtains (hall be coupled toge- ther one tor another : and other five curtains jbxll be coupled one to another. 4 And thou (halt make loops of blife upon the edge 6f the one curtain, from the fcivedge in the coupling : and likewife^halt thofl make in the uttermoft edge of another curtain, in the coupling of thefecond. 5 Ftfcre loops (halt thou make in the one curtain, and fiftie loops fhalt thou make in the edge of the 1 curtain thac is in the coupling of the fecond, that the loops may take hold one of another. 6 Andthbu-ftialtmake fiftie taches of gold, and couple the, curtains together with the taches : and it (hall be one tabernacle. 7 *[ And thou (halt make curtains of goats hair to be a covering upon the tabernacle : eleven curtains (halt thou make. 8 The length of one curtain Jhall be thirty cubirs, and the breadth of one curtain , foure cubits : and the eleven curtains^// be all of nn* mpif iff 1 E 5 9 And one meafure. The appertainances 66 . 9 And thou fhalt couple five curtains by themfelves, and fix curtains by themfelves, and (halt double the fixth curtain in the forefront f the tabernacle. 10 And thou ihalt make fiftie loops on the edge of the one curtain that is outmoft in the coupling, and fiftie loops in the edge of the cur- tain which couplet h the fecond. ,i i And thou fhalt make fifty taches of brafTe, and put theuches into the loops, and couple |i Or, ctvtr- the || tent together that it may be one, '*&' 1 2 And the remnant that remameth of the curtains of the tenr, the half curtain that re- maineth, fhall hangover the back- fide of the tabernacle. 1 3 And a cubit on the one fide, and a cubit ' on the other ficie | of that which tcmaineth in the length of the curtains of the tent, it fhall hang over the fides of the tabernacle, on this fide, and on that fide, to cover it. 14 And thou fhalt make a covering for the tent, of rammes skinnes died red, and a cover- ing above of badgers skinnes. iff And thou fhalt make boards for the tabernacle, tf fhitttm.wood r ftanding up. 1 6 Ten cubits jballbe the length of aboard and a cubit and a one board. Exodus. of the taberpacle, other fide of the tabernacle, and five fearre* for the boards of the fide of the tabernacle for the tvvo fides weft- ward. 2. 8 And the middle barre in the raids of the boards ihall reach from end to end. 2.9 And thou fhalt overlay the boards with gold , and make their rings of gold for places tor the barres: and thou ihalt overlay the barres. with gold. 30 And thou fhalt rear up the tabernacle * according to the fafhion thereof, which was * Chap.* fhewed thee in the mount. 9 > * Q> 3 i f And thou fhalt make a vail of blue, Sfb.J. V and purple, and fcarlet, and fine twined linen of cunning work: with cherubims fhallitbe made. 31 And thou fhalt hang it upon foure pil- lars of (hitam-tvood, overlaid with gold: their hooks'fhall be of goldj upon, the foure fockets of filver. 33 f And thou fnait hang up the vail undec the taches , that thou rnayeit bring in thither Within the vail, the ark of the teftimony : and the vail fhall divide unto you 1 between the holy place and the moft holy. 34 And thou fhalt put the mercy-feat upon the breadth of the ark of the teftimony,in the moft holy place. And thou fhalt fet the table.without the \Heb.hanJt \ 7 Two f tenons [hall theft be in one board, vail, and the candleftick over againft the table fet in order one againii another: thus fhalt thou on the fide of the tabernacle toward the fouth ! - make for all the boards of the tabernacle. . and thou fhalt put the table on the north-fide. 1 8 And thou fhalt make the boards for the 3 6 And thou fhalt make an hanging for the tabernacle, twentie boards on the fouch-fide, doore of the tent , of blue, and purple, and fouth-ward. fcarlet, and fine twined linen, wrought with And thou fhalt make fourty fockets of fil- needle-work. ver, under the twenty boards : two fockets un- der one board for his two tenons, and two focr kets under another board for his two tenons. 10 And for the fecond. fide of the tabernacle en the north-fide, tbertjhallbe twenty boards. it And their fourtie fockets of filver: two fockets undr ont board, and two fockets un- der another board. 2 i And for the fides of the tabernacle weft, ward, thou fhalt make fix boar-ds. . 1 3 And two boards (halt thou make for the corners of the tabernacle in the two fides. fHeb. twin- 24 And thdy fhall be | coupled together ""* beneath , and they fhall be coupled together above the head of it unto one ring : thus fhall it be for them both; they fhall be for the two corners. af And they fhall be eight boards, and their fockets of filver, fixteen fockets: two fockets under one board , and two fockets under ano- ther board. 16 f And thou fhilt make barres of fhir- tim-wood : five for the boards of the one fide of the tabernacle, 7 And fiv.e barres for the boards of the 37 And thou fhalt make for the hanging', five pillars of (hittim-Tvood , and overlay them with gold,and their hooks fhall be of gold: and tho-uihakcafi five fockets of brafle for them. C-H A P. XXVII. i The altar of t>xmt-ofcrin, with the veffieli thereof* ' 9 The court of the tabernacle inclofed vni tb hangings and fillan. 18 The meafure of the ccmrt. 20 Ike. ojl for the hmf. ANd thou ihalt make an altar of fhittitn- wood. , five cubits long, and five cubits broad : the altar fiiall b e foure- fquare, and the height thereof fhall be three cubits. 2 And thou ihalt make the horns of it upon the foure corners thereof: his horns fhall be of the fame: and thou fhalt overlay it with braffe. 3 And thou fhalt make his pannes to receive his allies, and his fhovils, and hisbafon*,and his flefh-hooks , and his fire-pannes : all the veflels thereof thou fhalt make of brafle. 4 And thou fhalt make for it a grate of net- work of braffe 3 and upon the net fhalt thou make foure brafen lings in the foure corners thereof. 5 And thou fhalt put it under the compaffe of The court of the tabernacle; Chap." xxviii. Aarons garments: of the altar beneath , 'that the net may her even . CHAP. XXtfltl. 6 7 ' and hufomtesare (etapirt for tbeprteiis of- ' ^ H ^ 4 6 And thou (halt make ftaves for he altar, br ^. fllte vith ** elvt preeioM . r flavetof flut-ti.rn- wood, and overlay them with ?0 rhe v r im and rhummhn. .iiThe rote of the brafle ephod, with pomegranates and belf. $6The r'steof- "7 And the ftaves (hall be put into the ring?, **. 39 1*'^"^^*-^^""' nnd the ftaves inall be upon the two fides of the '&*^J*k , , , , . , to bear it A N "^ e U Unt Aaron th 7 brother, ' 8 Hollow with boards (halt thou make it:as /land his Tonnes with him, from among the eb he tit waslhewedtheeinthe mountfoOnU they ch.ldren of Ifrael that he may ^tetttmo ijT ' ke - meinthepneftsoffice,eviAarqn,Nadaband. 9 fl And thou (hale make the courcof the Ab.hu, Elea/ar and Jtbamar, Aarons Connes. t^Laclefortherouth-We^outh-wardrrt^ * And thou (halt make holy garments for frlh^& for the court of fine twined Aaroa thy brother for glone and for beau.ie. M"*-~ C of an hundred cubits long, for one 3 And thou flult fpeak unto all that are de wife- hear ted, whom I h^ve filled with the fpi- 10 And the twentie pillars thereof >and their ric ofwirdome,that they may make Aarpnsgar- twentie foc'kets fall be of brafle : the hooks of ments to confecrate him, that he may mimiter the p.Uars, and their fillets Jballbe of filver. unto me in the prieHs ofhce. ^ i [And likewife for the north-ftde in kngth, . 4 And theft are f the garments which they there (hall be hang.ngsof an hundred cubits fhallmake; ajreaft-plate, andanephod,and long, and his twemie pillars, and their twent.e a robe i and a broidered coat, amitre, anda fock etsof brafle : the hooks of the pillars, and girdle : and they (hall make holy garments for their fillets of filver. Aaron thy brother, and his fonnes, that he may n c And for the breadth of the court, on mmifter unto me in the priefts office. the w cft.fide 3 ^//^han g mpsoffiftiecubit 8 : , 5 And they (hall take gold , and blve , and their pillars ten, and their foclets ten. purple and fearlet, an dfin e linen. 1 3 And the breadth of the court on the eaft- 6 And they (hall make the ephod of gold, fide eait-ward, jbM be fiftie cubits. of blue and of putple.of fearlet and fine twined 14 Thehangingsof one Gdeofthegatejball linen, with cunning work. be fifteen cubits : thek pillars three, and their 7 It ftall have the two (houlder-pieces there- fockets three of iy ned at the tvvo e/, thou (halt make pomegranates of blue, and of purple , and of fcarlet round about the hcmme thereofs andbels of gold between them round about. 34 A golden bell and a pomegranate,a gold- en bell and a pomegranate , upon the hemme of the robe round about. 3 5 * And it (hall be upon A3ron,to minifter: E Cc r.,- , , and his found (hall be heard when he goeth in 9 , unto the holy place before the L o R D , and when he cometh out; that he die not. ~~ 36 ;And thou fhilt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon ir, life the engravings of afignet, H o 1 1 N E SSE TO THE LORD. 3 7 And thou (halt put it on a blue lace,that it may be upon the mitrej upon the forefront of t4i mitre it {hall be. 3 8 And it (hall be upon Aarons forehead, that Aaron may bear the iniquitie of the holy things, which the children of Ifrael {hall hal- low in all their holy gifts : and it (hall beal- wayrs upon his forehead, that they may be ac- cepted before the LOR D. 3 9 when he goeth in before the LORD : and Aaron (hall bear the judgement of the children of Ifrael upon his heart, before the LORD continually. 3 1 ^ And thou (halt make the robe of the ephod all of blue. The confecration Chap, xxix. 2 And unleavened bread , and cakes unlea- vened tempered with oyl,and wafers unleaven- ed anointed with oyl : of wheaten floure (halt thou make them* 3 And thou (halt pnt them into one basket, and bring them m the basket, with the bullock and the two rammes. 4 And Aaron and his fonnes thou (halt bring unto the doore of the tabernacle of the congre- gation, and (halt wafh them with water. And thou (halt take the garment s^nd put take of his bloud, and put it upon the tip of the right eare of Aaron, and upon the tip of the ri^ht eare of his fonnes , and upon the thumbe of their right hand , and upon the great toe of their right foot , and fprinkle the bloud upon Chap.jo, upon Aaron the coat,and the robe of the ephod, and the ephod , and the breaft. plate , and gird him with the curious girdle of the ephod. 6 And thou (halt put the mitre upon his head, and put the holy crown upon the mitre. 7 Then (halt thou take the anointing * oyl, and poure it upon his head, and anoint him. & And thou (lialt bring his fonnes , and put coats upon them. 9 And thou (halt gird them with girdles rieb. bindt. ("Aaron and his fonnes) and f put the bonnets on them : and the prieits office (hall be theirs Heb. flU tht f or a pcrpetuall itatute : and thou (halt f * con- *'?' Q fecrate Aaron and his fonnes. ha p ' a 10 And thou (halt caufe a bullock to be brought before the tabernacle of the congreg?. Levit. 1.4. tion.-and * Aaron and his fonnes (hall put their hands upon the head of the bullock. 1 1 And thou (halt kill the bullock before the L o R D, by the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation. 1 1 And thou (halt take of the bloud of the bullock, and put;t upon the horns of the altar with thy finger, and poure all the bloud befide the bottom of the altar. the altar round about. ^ i And thou (halt take of the blood that Is upon the altar , and of the anointing oyl, and fprinkle it upon Aaron,and upon his garments, and upon his fonnes,and upon the garments of his fonnes with him: and he (hall be hallowed, and his garments , and his fonnes , and hi: Tonnes garments with him. 11 Alfo thou (halt take of the ramme the fat and the rump, and the fat that covereth the inwards , and the caul above the liver,and the two kidneys, and the fat that upon them, and" the right Ihoulder 5 for it is a rammeof confe- cration : 23 And one loaf of bread, and one cake of oyled breadjand one wafer out of the basket of the unleavened bread, that is before the LORD. 14 And thou (halt put all in the hands of Aa- ron,& in the hands of his fonnes;& (halt || them for a wave-offering before the LORD, tmndfa. if And thou (halt receive them of theic handsyind barn them upon the altar for a burnt- offering, for a fweet favour before the L o R D : it is an offering made by fire unto the L o R D. 16 And thou (halt take the breaft of the ramme of Aarons confecrations , and wave It for a wave-offering before the L o R D j and it (hall be thy parr. 27 And thou (halt fcn&irie the breaft of the wave-offering , and the fhoulder of the heave- offering, which is waved, and which is heaved up of the ramme of the confecrarion , even of fevit.?-?. T J And* thou (halt take all the fat that ed- it iccmeth vereth the inwards, and j| the caul that is above that which is for Aaron, and' of that which is v anato- the fiver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that for his (bnnes. dol " H P n tnwn " anc * b urn f b m u P on tne a ^ tar - ^ And it (hall be Aarons and his fonns by lours robe X 4 But the flefii of the bullock, and his 3 ftatute for ever, from the children-of Ifrael : sfcinne, and his dtmg (halt thou burn with fire for it is an heave-cffering : and it (hall be a.t without the campj it is a finne-offering. h:ave- offer ing from the children of Ifrael of i f ff Thou Ihilt alfo rake one ramme, and the facrifice of their pcace-off;rin gs, t-jen their Aaron and his fonnes (haH put their hands up- heave.offering nnto the L o R p. on the head of the r.amme. midriff, 16 And thou dial t flay the ramme, and thou ftjalt take his bloud,and fprinkle it round about upon the altar. 17 And thou flulrcut the ramme in pieces, and walh the inwards of him, and his legs,and put them unto his pieces, and [junto his head. 1 8 And thou (halt burn the whole ramme upon the altar : it is a burnt-cff:ring unto the LORD: it is a fweet favour, an cff -ring made by fire unto the L o RD. 19 f And thou (halt take the other ramme, and Aaron and his fonnes (hall pat their hands upon the head of tht rammr. zo Then (hah thou kill the ramme , and [And the holy garments of Aaron (hall be his fonnes after him, to be anointed therein, , and to be confecrated in them . 30 /7 ftead (hall put them on feven dayes , when he buffints, co r.eth into the tabernacle of the congregation to minifter in the holy place. 3 1 ^ And thou flult take the ram of the con- fccration, and feethc his fleln in the holy place. 32 And Aaron and his fonnes fnall eat the fle(b of the ramme, and the * bread that is in *I.rvk.$ ;-. the basket, by the doore of the tabernacle of Matt. 11.4.: the congregation. 5 3 And they (lull eat thofe things, where- with the aton-ment wa$ made , to confecrate and Thecontinuall burnt-offering. 70 and to fanftifie them : bura ftrangei (hall not cat f/;em>/,becaufe they are holy. 34 And if ought of the flelh of the confe- cratidns,or of the bread remain unto the morn- ing j then thou (halt burn the remainder with fire : it (hall not be eaten, becaufc it it holy. 3 5 And thus (hilt thou do unto Aaron, and to his fonnes, according to all things which I Exodus. The altar ofincenfe.' cubit the breadth thereof (foure-fquarefhaltit be) and two cubits fhdl be the height thereof : the horns thereof jhxll be of the fame. 3 And thoufhaltoverlayitwith puregold,- the f cop thereof, and the | fides thereof round fHeb. ruf. about, and the horns thereof: and thou (halt t Heb< ***. make unto it a crown of gold round about. 4 And two golden rings (halt thou make to hate commanded thee: feven dayes thalt thou itunderthe crown of it, by thetwofco'rners -j-Heb. r5/i, confecrate them. 36 And thou (halt offer every day a bullock for a finne-offering, for atonement : and thou (halt cleanfe the altar, when thou haft made an atonement for it , and thou (halt anoint it to faoclirie it. 37 Seven dayes thou {hilt make an atone- ment for the altar, and fanftifie it : and it (hall be an altar moft holy: whatfoever touchcth the altar (hall be holy. $ 8 ^[ Now this is that which thou (halt offer *Num 28.3. upon the altar;* twolambesof the firft yeare, day by day continually. 39 The one lambe thou (halt offer in the .morning : and the other lambe thou (halt offer at even. 40 And with the one lambe a tenth deal of floure mingled with the fourth part of an bin thereof, upon the two fides of it (halt thou make it : and they dull be for places for the ftaves to bear it withall. 5 And thou (halt make the ftaves of (hittim- wood, and overlay them with gold. 6 And thou (halt put it before the vail, that is by the ark of the teftimoniej before the mer- cie-feat, that if over the teftitnonie, where I will meet with thee. 7 And Aaron (hall burn thereon f fweet t H k. in- incenfe every morning: when he drefleth the T^'^ lamps he ft) ill burn incenfe upon it. *' . 8 And when Aaron [jf lighteth the lamps y or, f at even , he (hall burn incenfe upon irj a per- M/>. petuall incenfe before the LOR D, throughout t Heb your generations. ^u'b. 9 Ye (hall offer no ftrange incenfe thereon, J we c n t nor burnt-facrifice , nor meat-offering, neither * cvtnt. of beaten oyl: and the fourth part of an bin of (hall ye poure drink- offering thereon. /tf>- a drink-oft'ering. 41 And the other lambe thou (halt offer at even , and (halt do thereto according to the meat-offering of the morning , and according to the drink-offering thereof,for a fweet favour, an offering made by fire unto the LORD. 41 Thisjhallbe acontinuall burnt-cff.-ring throughout your generations , at thedooreof i o And Aaron (hall make an atonement up. on the horns of it once in a yeare , with the bloud of the finne-offering of atonements : once in the yeare (hall he make atonement upon it,rhroughout your generations : it is moft holy unto the LORD. 1 1 And the LORD fpake unto Mofes,faying, 11* When thou takeft the fumme of the *N umiI 2 < the tabernacle of the congregation, before the children of Ifrael , after t their number ; then t Hcb. them. LORD; where I will meet you, to fpeak there (hall they give every man a ranfome for his foul '*"" *r+iob* unto the L o R D , when thou numbreft them : r "' that there be no plague amongft them , when tbou numbreft them. 1 3 This they (hall give , every one that paf- feth among them that are numbredj half a (he- kel after the fhekel of the fanduarie (* A (hekel ' is twentie gerahs) an half>ihekel j%af/ be the Num. 3.47^" cffeiingof theLoR.D. :Ezek.45.*. 1 4 Every one that paffeth among them that are numbred from twentie yeares old & above, 46 And they (hall know that I am the LORD (hill give an offering unto the LORD. their God, that brought them forth out of the 15 The rich (ball not f give more , and the t H eb /- land of Egypt,that I may dwell amongft them ; poore (hall not | give lefle then half a (hekel, r 'Xr- . , 1 " when they give an offering unto the L o R D, J Jf e . m unto thee. 43 And there I will meet with the children (I Or, Ifrael. of Ifrael,and || the tabernacle (hail befandified jby my glory. 44 And I will fanftifie the tabernacle of the congregation,and the altar: I will fan&ifie alfo both Aaron and his fonnes , to minitter to me in the pi iefts office. *Lev.irf.u. 4? f And *Iwill dwell amongft the chi!- 3. Cor. 6i6. dren of Ifrael, and will be their God. I am the L o R D their God. CHAP. XXX. I the tth.irtf incenCe. n The r.inlome of fouls. ijThe hraftn law. 2 ^ The holj anointing oyl. 34 the com- pofition of ike per fume. ANJ thou (halt make an altar to burn in- cenfe upon : of (hittim-wood (halt xhou nuke it, j. AcubitJ/W/kthe length thereof 3 and a. to make an atonement for your fouls. 16 And thou (halt take the atonement-mo- ney of the children of Ifrael, and (halt appoint it for the fervicc of the tabernacle of the con- gregation; that it may be a memorial! unto the children of Ifrael before the LORD, to make an atonement for your fouls. 1 7 j And the LORD fpake unto Mofes,fflying, 18 Thou Anointing oyl. Chap 18 Thou (halt alfo make a laver of brafle, and his foot alfo of brafle, to wa(h witbaH, and thou (halt put it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar, and chou (halt put water therein. 19 For Aaron and his fonnes (hall wafh their hands and their feet thereat. 2 a When they go into the tabernacle of the congregation, they (hall wa(h with water, that they die not : or when chey come neare to the altar to minifter, to burn offering made by fire unto the LORD. ai So they (hall wafh their hands and their feet, that they die not : and it (hall be a ftatute for ever to them, even to him and to his feed throughout their generations. 12 and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workman(hip. 6 And I, behold, I have given with him, A- holiab the fonne of Ahifamach of the tribe of Dan ; and in the hearts of all that are wife- hearted! have put wifdomej that they may make all that I have commanded thee : 7 The tabernacle of the congregation, and the ark of the teftimonie, and the mercy-feat that u thereupon, and all the f furniture of the j. H b K - tabernacle: f tii , ' J " 8 And the table, and his furniture, and the pure candleftick with all his furniture, and the altar of incenfe i 9 And the altar of burnt-offering with a!i his furniture, and the Lver and his foot : I o And the clothes of fervice, and the holy. garments for Aaron the prieft, and the gar- ments of his fonnes, to minifter in the priefts office : 1 1 And the anointing oyl, and fweet in* cenfe for the holypl.ue: according to all that I have commanded thee, (hall they do. 1 2 tf And the LOR. D fpake unto Mofes, , faying, 1 3 Speak thou alfo unto the children of l raeljfaying, Venly my fabbaths ye (hall keep: for i t it a fignc between me and you, through*- out your generations j that ye may know thac I am the L o R D, that doth fanctiiie you. 14 * Ye (hill keep the fabbath therefore: "Chap so.8 for it is holy unto you: Every one that defileth p C "*' ia * ir, (hallfurely be put to death: for whofoever zci% doeth The golden calf. Exodus. The two tables broken: 71 doeth any work ^herein, that foul fliall be cut Thefe be thy gods, O Ifrael, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 9 And the LORD faid unto MofesJ** ] have* Chap, jj.j feen this people, and behold, it U a ftiff-necked Dcut - 9'3 people. 10 Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hotagainft them, and that I may confume them: and I will make of thee a great nation. 1 1 * And Mofes befought f the L o R D his * Pfal.io*. God, and faid, LOR D, why doth thy wrath ** , Gen.i.ji. of Ifrael forever: for * infix dayes the L o RD wax hot againft thy people, which thou haft I 5'v* made heavenand earth,and on the feventh' day brought forth out of the land of Egypt, with o R D' great power, and with a mighty hand ? " * W hCre r f T e ft***" E )'P 3 's. Kings "< ters, and bring them unto me 5 And all the people brake off the golden eare-rings , which were in, their cares, and brought them unto Aaron. 4 * And he received them at their hand, and people as they (homed , he faid unto Mofcs, ife< " There a a noife of warre in the camp. 1 8 And he raid, It Is not the voice of /& that (hout for maftery, neither is it the voice fa(hioned it with a graving tool, after he had o(them that cry for f being overcome: but the made it a molten calf : and they faid, Thefe be noife of them that fing, doj heare. thy gods, O Ifrael, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And when Aaron faw it, he built an altar before it, and Aaron made proclamation and faid, To morrow # a feaft to the LORD. 9 And they rofe up early on the morrow^ and offered burnt-offerings,and brought peace- *j.Cor.io.y offerings: and the * people fat down to eat and to drink, and rofe up to play. *JE>cut.,p. is 7 [ And the LORD laid unto Mofes,* Go, get thee down : for thy people which thou broughteft out of the land of Egypt have cor- rupted themfelves 19 f And it came to pafle aflbon as he caste nigh unto the camp, that he faw the calf, and the dancing : and Mofes anger waxed hot, and hecaft the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount. 20 *And hetook the calf which they had* made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder j and ftrawed it upon the water, and made the children of Ifrael drink of it. a i And Mofes faid unto Aaron What did this people unto thee, that thou haft brought fo great a finne upon them ? And Aaron faid, Let not the anger of 8 They have turned afide quickly out of my lord wax hot: thou knoweft the people that the way which I commanded them : they have they arcfet on mifchief, 25 For they faid unto me, Make us gods, which flull go before us: for as for this Mofes made them a molten calf, and have worflhip- and, have facrificcd thereunto^ and. faid, ths rite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hi- vite, and the Jebufite: 3 Unto a land flowing with milk and hony : for I will not go up in the midlt of thee, for thou art a * ftiff- necked people: left I confume thee in the way. 4 f And when the people heard thefe e%il tidings, they mourned: and no man did put on him his ornaments. f For the LORD had faid unto Mofes, Say unto the children of Ifrael, Ye are a {tiff-neck- ed people: I will come up into the midft of thee in a moment, and confume thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee , that I may know what to do unto thee. 6 And the children of Ifrael ftript themfelves of their ornaments, by the mount Horeb. 7 And Mofes took the tabernacle, and 77 Dcut.9.i3 * ft s faid, felves today to the LORD, even every man the tabernacle of the congregation, which tvas lurches to u P n *" s f nne j and u P Dn n ' s brother, that he without the camp. * to the maybeftowuponyouablefiingthisday. 8 And it came topaffe, when Mofes went ORD,be- 30 f And it came to pafle on the morrow, out onto the tabernacle,ffc ".~ A Nd the LORD faid unto Mofes, *Hew '* jFlthee two tables of ftone like unto the rft : and I will write upon thefe tables the words that were in the firft tables- which thou .brakeft. z And be ready in the morning , and come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, and pre- ring after their gods. fuch as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation : and all the people amongft which thou art , (hall fee the work of the LORD: for it h a terrible thing that I will do with thee. M Obferve thou that which I command thee this day : Behodd , I drive out before thee the AmoritCj and the Canaanite, and the Hit* tite,andthcPerizzite,a-nd theHivite, and the Jebufite, 1 1 * Ta'ke heed to thy felf, left thou make a * Chap. a.j. covenant with the inhabitants of the land 3 2 - whither thou goeft , left it be for a fnare in the Deuti;ri a> midft of thee. T 3 But ye (hail deftroy their altars , break their t images, and cut down their groves. f Hcb. ft- 1 4 For thou (halt worftup no other god: for tues ' the LORD, whofe name M Jealous^* a * jealous *chap;o, God: 1 5 Left thou make a covenant with the inha bitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do facrifice unto their godsend o/jecall thee, and thou eat of his facrifice, 1 6 And thou take of * their daughters unto *,.King S n thy fonnes , and their daughters go a whoring 2. after their godsend makethy fonnes go a who- * Chap, fent thy felf there to me , in the tdp of the mount. 5 And no man (hall * come up with thee, neither let any man be feen throughout all the mount; neither let the flocks nor herds feed be- fore that mount. 4 fl And he hewed two tables of ftone, like unto the firft -, and Mofes rofe up early in the morning, and went up unto mount Sinai , as the LORD had commanded him, and took in Jiis hand the two tables of ftone : 5 And the L o R D defcended in the cloud, 1 7 Thou (halt make thee no molten gods. 1-8 ^f The feaft of * unleavened bread (halt * Chap, 23, thou keep . Seven dayes (halt thou eat unlea- *5 vened bread , as I commanded thee in the time ofthemoneth Abib: for in the * moneth Abib *chap.ij.4 thou cameft out from Egypt. 19 * All that openeth the matrix M mine : * Chap. ai. and every fitftling among thy c&ttt\ t wbetber ox *? or(hee P ,^mL/*. Ezek.44.jo zo But the firftling of an afle thou (halt re- || Or, kid. deem wkh a || lambe : and if thou redeem bim * c hap.jj, not, then (halt thou break his neck. All the efaiwa ; And flood with him there, and proclaimed the firft-bornof thy fonnes thou (halt redeem: and , a . name of the L o R D. none (hall appear before me * empty. Deut 5. i a. ii. f *Six dayes thou (halt work, but on Luke 13.14 the feventh day thou (halt reft: inearing-time lf . a P' 53 * and in harveft thou (halt reft. -j- Hcb. revs 21 f * And thou (halt obferve the feaft of lutionoftht weeks, of the firft. fruits of wheat-harveft,and J< r '' the feaft of in-gathering at the tyearcs end. * 4> , 7 a /' ' 2 3 ^ * J brice in tne y eare ^ a ^ a ^ your Deut ifS.itf. men- / 6 And the LORD paffed by before bim, and proclaimed., The LORD, The LORD God, mercifdll and gracious, long-fuffering, and a- bundanc in goodneffe and truth, 7 Keeping mercy for thoufands , forgiving iniquity and tranfgreffion and finne, and that will by no means clear t be guilty) * yifiting the Mofes facefliineth.' Chap men-children appear before the Lord GOD, Chap.:: ti- 'Chap.ij. 2cut. 14.21, the God of Ifraei. ^\ For I will caft out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders : neither (hall any man defire thy land, when thou (halt go up to appear before the L o R D thy God, thrice in the yeare. 2? * Thou (halt not offer the bloud of my gation of the children of Ifrael, faying * This facrirkc with leaven, neither (lull thefacrifice u the thing which the L o RD commanded of the feait of paffcover be left unto the morn f ~' Free gifts for the tabernacle; a * Six dayes (hall work be done, but on the 7^ fevemh day there (hall be to you an i holy day, * Ch ap . J0 .p a fabbath of reft to the LoRD:whofoever docth Levit - 3 3 3- work therein, (hall be put to death. 011.5:,*, 3 Ye (hall kindle no fire throughout you* rHebl fc! habitations upon the fabbath- day. 4r|^ 4 IT And Mofes fpake unto all the congre- Chap. ing. 1.6 The Sift of the firft-fruits of thy land thou (halt bring unto the houfe of the L o R D thy God. Thou (halt riot feethe * a kid in his mothers milk. 27 And the L o R D faid unto Mofes, Write thou * thefe words : for after the tenour of thefe words I have made a covenant with thee and with Ifrael. 28 * And he was there with the LORD four- tie dayes and fourtie nightsjhedid neither eat bread, nor drink water: and he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten Heb.wortij f commandments. 29 ^ And it came to pafle when Mofes came down from mount Sinai (with the. two faying, f Take ye from amongft you an offering unto the LORD: *Whofoever is of a willing *' heart , let him bring it, an offering of the L o R D j gold, and filver, and brafie, 6 And blue, and purple , and fcarlet , and fine linen, and goats bair y 7 And rammes skinnes died red,:,and- badgers skinnes, and (hittim- wood, ,- 8 And oyt for the light, and fpices for an- ointing oyland for the fweet incenfe, 9 And onyx-ftones , and ftones to be ftr,, for the ephod, and for the breaft-plate. 10 And every wife-hearted among you, (hall come and make ail that the L o R D hath com- manded j *The tabernacle, his tent, and his co- * Chap.a*. tables of teftimonie in Mofes hand, when he vering, his taches,and his barres, his pillars '' &c% came down from the mount ) that Mofes wift and his fockets, ia The ark and the ftaves thereof, with the mercie- feat, and the vail of the covering, 13 The table and his ftaves, and all his veflelsj and the (hew-bread, 14 The candleftick alfo for the light, and his furniture, and his lamps, with theoyl for the light, i? * And the incenfe-altar, and his ftaves,,* and the anointing oyl,andthe fweet incenfe, 3 * And afterward all the children of Krael and the hanging for the doore at the entring in came nigh: and he gave them in command- of the tabernacle, *6 *The altar of burnt- offering with his.* Chap,^,* brafen grate, his ftaves, and all his veflels,the " laver and his foot, 17 The hangings of the court, his pillars., and their fockets,and the hanging for the door? of the court, 1 8 The pinnes of the tabernacle, and the pinnes of the court, and their cords, 1 9 The clothes of fervice, to do fervice in the holy fhc e , the holy garments for Aaron L . r the P rie ft , and the garments of his fonnes to and Mofes put the vail upon his face again un- minifter in the priefts office. not that the skmne of his face (hone, while he talked with him. 30 And when Aaron and all the children of Ifrael faw Mofes , behold, the skmne of his face (hone, and they were afraid to come nigh him. 3 1 And Mofes called unto them,and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto himj and Mofes talked with them. mem all that the LORD had fpoken with him in mount Sinai. 3,5 And //'// Mofes had done (peaking with , them, he put * a vail on his faplate : 28 And *fpice,and oyl for the light,and for the anointing oyl, and for the fweet incenfe. The the fervice of the work which the LO^RD com- mandtd toMmke. "''' 6 And Mofes gave commandment, and they caufed it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, faying, Let neither man nor woman make any more work for the offering of the 29 The children of Ifrael brought a willing fanduarie: fo the people were reftrained from offering unto the LORD, every man and wo- bringing. - man, whofe heart made them willing to bring 7 For the fluff they had was fufficient for for all manner of work, which the L o R D had all the work to make it, and too much. commanded to be made, by the band of Mofes. 8 ^y * And every wife-hearted man, among * Chap,tf 30 ^f And Mofes faid unto the children of them that wrought the work of the tabernacle, 3)4% Ifrael, See,* the LORD hath called by name made ten curtains of fine twined linen, and Beialeelthe fonne of Uri,the fonne of Hur 3 blue, and purple, and fcarlec: with cherubims of the tribe of Judah. of cunning work made he them. 3 1 And he hath filled him with the fpirit 9 The length of one curtain tvaf twenty and of God, in wifdome, in underftanding,andin eight cubits, and the breadth of one curtain knowledge,and in all manner of workmanftrip: foure cubits : the curtains were all of one cife. 32 And to devife curious works,to work in 10 And he coupled the five curtains one gold, and in filver, and in brafle, to another: and the other five curtains he cou- 3 3 And in the cutting of ftones to fet t hem 3 pkd one unto another. and in carving of wood to make any manner 1 1 And he made loops of blue on the edge of cunning work. of one curtain, from the felvedge in the cou- 34 And he hath put in his heart that he pling:hkewifehemadeintheuttermoftfideof may teach, both he and Aholiab the fonne of another curtain,in the coupling of the fecond. Ahifamachof the tribe of Dan. 12 * Fiftie loops made he in one curtain, 3 j Them hath he filled with wifdome of and fiftie loops made he in the edge of the cur. heart, to work all manner of work, of the en- tain which WM in the coupling of the fecond; graver, and of the cunning workman , and of the loops held one curtain to another, the embroiderer,in blue, and in purple, in fear- 13 And he made fiftie taches of gold,and Ij and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even coupled the curtains one unto another with the taches. So it became one tabernacle. 14 fl And he made curtains of goats hair, for the tent over the tabernacle: eleven curtains he made them. i j The length of one curtain was thirtie cu- bits,and foure cubits was the breadth of one curtain: the eleven curtains were of one cife. 1 6 And he coupled five curtains bythem- ''Hen wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and felves, and fix curtains by themfelves. \ every wife-hearted man , in whom the 17 And he made fiftie loops upon the ut- termoft edge of the curtain in the coupling, and * y - ' **'*>co'Crt of them that do any work, and of thofethat devife cunning work. CH A P. XXXVI. The offer ings f re delivered to the workmen. J The li- leralitte of the people itrejirained. 8 The curtains of cherubims. 14 The curtains of goats hair. igTheco- veringof skmnes. 20 The boards with their focket r. 3 The burr es. 3* Theveul. 37 The hanging far the * Hen wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wife-hearted man , in whom the put wifdome and underftanding, to CHAP YYYIT-TT A A A V 1 1. '"'' , cle, of (hittim- wood, ftanding up cle, of (hittim- wood, ftanding up. toning oyl, ^ i The length of a board -mtu ten cubits, A Nd Be andthebreadthofaboardonecubitandahalf: Awood : J 5' The boards of the tabernacle. Chap.xxxvii. The ark, mcrcy.fear, table &c. and fiftie loops made he upon the edge of the 38 And the five pillars of it with their ' 8* curtain, which couplech the fecond. hooks : and he overlaid their chapters Tni ,8 And he made fiftie taches of brafle to their fillets with gold but "hS ErTfo W couple the tent together, that it might be one. were of brafle. 19 And he made a covering for the tern, of ram mes skinnes died red, and a covering of badgers skinnes above that. zo n And he made boards for the taberna- , j mum _ g . turning oyl, and fivnt tneenfe. Bezaleel made *the ..._, X L j 1" "-""''"*"""'" wwvwl : two cubits and a half WM the o. 2 z One board had two tenons, equally di- length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth flam one from another : thus did he make for of it, and a cubit and a half the heieht of ir all the boards of the tabernacle. z And he overlaid it with pure lold within 1 3 And he made boards for the tabe-rnacle : and without, and made a crown of old to 'c twentie boards for the fouth-fide, fouth-ward. round about. 24 And fowrtie fockets of filver he made un. $ And he caft for it foure rines of sold t der the twentie boards: two fockets under one befet by thefoure corners of it: even two rines board for his two tenons, and two fockets un. upon the one fideof it,and two rings upon the der another board for his two tenons. other fide of it. 2 j Andfor the other fide of the tabernacle 4 And he made ftavesof Oiittim- wood, and which ts toward the north-corner, he made overlaid them with gold. We ? iC A b J ar u S ? , f And he put the ftavesinto the rings, by 26 And their fourtie fockets of filver : two the fides of the ark, to bear the ark fockets under one board, and twofockets under 6 4 And he made the *mercic-feat of pure* Chap c. gold : two cubits and an half was the length ? ereof, and one cubit and an half the breadth 7 And he made two cherubims of gold .,.,......,. beaten out of one piece madehethem nn tb* r Heb, <;. 19 And they were f coupled beneath, and two ends of the metc.e-feat ; J rt, roupled together at the head thereof, to one 8 One cherub || on the end on this fide, and J Or, ./, ring: thus he did to both of them in both the another cherub || on the other end on that :fide- *' '7We wre c iWs , lndthe ^ Eps T?ssTjir;'iir. jisfs^?? 219 ? Chap. z j. wood: five for the boards of the one fide of the even to the mercie-feat-ward were the !w^f .*.Mdjo.j. tabernacle, thecherubims. ^ And five barres for the boards of the 10 4 And he made the table of mitrim otherfideof _ the tabernacle and fivebarresfor wood: two cubrr,^ the len^ ther^lnd the board* of the tabernacle for the fides weft- a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a A ju j L half the height thereof. thm^h?h K,? 6 ? m l le barr V ofllOOC XI Andiie vcrlaidit withpuregold and thioughthe board* from the one end to the made thereunto a crown of gold round about! 1 2 Alfo he made thereunto a border of an hand-breadth, round about: and made a crown another board. 27 And for the fides of the tabernacle vf eft- Ward, he made fix boards. a 8 And two board's maxle he for the corners of the tabernacle in the two fides. other 'A-II,,, i . , , and t a ^ rh V . CrIaid r the .^ ard u s with , mae a cr tO be P laC " for of ld for the border theftof 'round about the rr he caft for it Hcb. tht , let , and And he made the veflels ....... W ^, K rtne ta- npon the table, his *di(hes, and his fpoons,and i- ' j/ r r J 'f, ." h ' s bowls, and his covers || to cover withall,of hnen,tof needle-work, pure gold. F 17 ^ And The candleftick and altar.' Ewdui: The court of the tabernacle; * Chap. 25. cold : of beaten work made he the candleftick, 3 s his (haft and his branch, his bowlSjhis knops, andhis flowers were of the fame. 1 8 And fix branches going out of the fides thereof: three branches of the candleftick out branches of the candleftick out of the other fide thereof. 19 Three bowls made after the faflnonof almonds, in one branch, a knop and a flower; and three bowls made like almonds,in another branch, a knop and a flower: fo throughout the fix branches, going out of the candleftick. 20 And in the candleftick were foure bowls made like almonds, his knops and his flowers. 2 1 And a knop under two branches of the fame, and a knop under two branches of the fame,& a knop under two branches of the fame, according to the fix branches going out of it. 2* Their knops and their branches were of the fame: all of it TM one beaten work of pure gold. 25 And he made hisfeven lamps, and his fnuffers, and his fnuff- dimes, of pure gold . 24 Of a talent of pure gold made he it, and all the veflels thereof. Cbap.joj a? fl *And he made the incenfe.altar of (hittinv wood : the length of it was a cubir,and the breadth of it a cubit (it wot foure-fguare) tnd two cubits was the height of itj the horns thereof were of the fame. 26 And he overlaid it with pure gold, both the top of it, and the fides thereof round about, and the horns of it : alfo he made unto it a crown of gold round about. 27 And he made two rings of gold for it un- der the crown thereof, by the two corners of it, upon the two fides thereof, to be places for the ftaves to bear it withail. 18 And he made the ftaves of fhittiffl- Woodj and overlaid them with gold. *Chap. 30. 19 commanded Mofes. 8 y And he made the breaft. plate of cunning ." Work, like the work of the ephod jof gold,blue and purple, and fcarlet, and fine twined linen/ 9 It was foure-fquare, they made the breaft- plate double; afpanne W M the length thereof, & afpanne the breadth thereof being doubled. to And they fetin it foure rows of ftones : *f firB row Kxs a |j fardius, a topaz, and a car- j O r, rutf buncle: this** thefirftrow. 1 1 And the fecond row , an cmeraud, a fa- phire, and a diamond. 1 2 And the third row, a lieure.an agate and an amethyft. And the fourth row,a K , he made hooks for the pillars, and overbid their chapiters, and filleted tnem ' A ., . 19 And thebraffeof the offering Jwrfetenty W and fouie hundred 30 And therewith he made the fockets to the doore of the tabernacle of the congrega- tion, and the brafen altar, and the brafen grate for it, and all the veflels of the altar. 3 i And the fockets of the court round a- bout , and the fockets of the court-gate, and all the pinnes of the tabernacle, and all the pinnes of the court round about. H AP. XXXIX. 1 The clothes offer-vice and holy garments, zlhe (fhod. 8 The treafl-pUte. it The robe of the ephod. 3.1 The coats, mitre, and girdle tf fine linen, jo The flate of the holy crovm. $i *4ll it viewed and at>~ f roved fy Mofes. ANd of the blue , and purple , and fcarlet, they made clothes of fervice, to do fervice PSd 3 !' in thc holy flace > and * made ^ hol x ar - "* ments for Aaron 3 as the L o R D commanded Mofes. 2 And he made the ephod , of gold , blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine twined linen. 5 And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wiers, to work it in the blue, and in the purple, and in the fc; in the fine linen, rvitb cunning work. 4 They made Qioulder.pii inclofings. 14 And the Hones &ere according to the names of the children of Ifrael, twelve, ac- cording to their names, like the engravings of a fignet, every one with his name, according to if And they made upon the breaft-plate chains , at the ends, of wreathen work of pure gold. 1 6 And they made two ouches of gold,and two gold rings: and put the two rings in thc twoendi of the breaft-plate. 17 And they put the two wreathen chains of gold in the two rings on thc ends of the breaft-plate. 1 8 And the two ends of the two wreathen chains they fattened in the two ouches,and put them on the fhoulder-pieces of the ephod, be- fore it. io And they made two rings of gold , and put them on the two ends of the breaft-plate upon the border of it, which IVM on the fide of. the ephod inward. 20 And they made two other golden rings, and put them on the two fides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepm of ir,overa. gainft the other coupling thereof, above the cu- rious girdle of the ephod. 21 And they did binde the breaft-phte by his rings unto the rings of the ephod , with a lace of blue, that it might be above the cu- , and that the br eait- F z plate The robe of the ephod, &c. |4 Chap. 18. 33- plate might not be loofed from the ephod 5 as the LORD commanded Mofts. 11 q And he made the robe of the ephod of woven work, all of blue. z 3 And there was a hole in the midft of the robe, as the hole of an habergion, with a band round about the hole, that it (hould not rent. 14 And they mad^uponthe hemmes of the robe , pomegranates of blue , and purple, and fcarlet, and twined linen. a ) And they made * bels of pure gold,and Exodus. The tabernacle to be reared; fels of the fervice of the tabernacle, for the tent of the congregation, 41 The clothes of fervice to do fervice in the holy place, and the holy garments for Aa- ron the prieft, and his fonnes garments to tni- flifterinthepriefts office. 41 According to all that the LORD com.* manded Mofes, fothe children of Ifrael made all the work. 43 And Mofes did look upon all the work, and behold, they had done it as the LORD put the bels between the pomegranates , upon had commanded , even fo had they done it : the hemme of the robe , rotwd about between And Mofes blefled them, the pomegranates. ^6 A bell and a pomegranate , a bell and a pomegranate round aboat the hemme of the robe to minifter in, as the LORD commanded Mofes. CHAP. XL. I the tabermcle tt commanded to be reared, 9 and anointed; i j Auron and hit fonnes to be fanftified, \6 Mofes per forme th all things Accordingly. cloud eovereth the tabernacle. 27 f And they made coats of fine linen, of A Ndthe LORD (pake unto Mofes, faying, /JL z On the firft day of the firft moneth woven vtork, for Aaron and for his fonnesj z8 And a mitre of fine linen, and goodly * Chap. 28. bonnets of fine linen , and * linen breeches of ** fine twined linen, ^7 And a girdle of fine twined linen , and blue, and purple,and fcarler,of needle- workjas the L o R D commanded Mofes. 30 f And they made the plate of the holy moneth (halt thou fet up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation. 3 And thou (halt put therein the ark of the teftimony,and cover the ark with the vail. 4 And* thou (halt bring in the table ,and fet in order ) the things that are to befetin order 35 upon it,and thou (halt bring in the candleftick, crown , of pure gold, and wrote upon it a wri- and light the lamps thereof. * Chap, a 8. ting, li\e to the engravings of a fignet , * H o- 5 And thou (halt fet the altar of gold for 3* IINESSETOTHE L.ORD* the incenfe before the ark of the teftimony, 3 1 And they tied unto it a lace of blue , to and put the hanging of the doore to the taber. faften it on high upon the mitrcjas the L o R D nacle. commanded Mofes. 6 And thou (halt fet the altar of the burnr- 32, f Thus was all the work of the taber- offering, before the doore of the tabernacle of nacle of the tent of the congregation finiftiedj the tent of the congregation, and the children of Ifraeldid according to all 7 And thou (halt fet the laver between the that the LORD commanded Mofes, fo did they, tent of the congregation and the altar,and (halt 3 3 f And they brought the tabernacle unto put water therein. Mofes, the tent,,and all his furniture,his taches, 8 And thou (halt fet up the court round a- his boards , his batres, and his pillars, and his bout, & hang up the hanging at the court-gate. fockets, 9 And thou (halt take the anointing oyl.and 3 4 And the covering of rammes skinnes anoint the tabernacle and all that is therein, died red, and the covering of badgers skinnes, and the vail of the covering, 3 y The ark of the teftimony,and the ftaves thereof, and the mercy-feat, 36 The table, and all the vefleis thereof, and the (hew- bread, and (halt hallow it, and all the veffeis thereof: and it (hall be holy. 10 And thou (halt anoint the alta*r of the burnt-offering, and all his vefleis, and fanftifie the altar : and it (hail be an altar f moft holy, f Heb. k 1 1 And thou (halt anoint the laver and his 'J7 of M t Heb. tbi ivenfiof pieetjpicu. 37 The pure eandleftick, with the lamps foot, and fanfii fie it. thereof, even with the lamps to be &t in order, 11 And thou (halt bring Aaron and his and all the veffeis thereof, and the oyl for light, fonnes unto the doore of the tabernacle of the 38 And the golden altar, and the anointing congregation, and wafh-them with water. eyl , and j the (weet incenfe, and the hanging 1 3 And thou (halt put upon Aaron the holy garments, and anoint him, and fan&ifie him, that he may minifter unto me in the priefts office. 14 And thou (halt bring his fonnes, and clothe them with coats. 15 And thou fhalt anoint them , as thoa didft anoint their father, that they may mi- nifter for the tabernacle doore, 3 9 The b? afen.altar, and his grate of braffe, hisftaves, and all his yeffcls, the laver and his foot, 40 The hangings of the court , his pillars, and his fockets, and the hanging fpr the court- gate } hiscot;dSjandhispinnes ; andaU the vef- Ifhe tabernacle is reared up? Chap. I. - : A cloud covereth it": Nun .7; nifter unto me in the priefts office . for their ' 2-8 H Andhefetupthehanging,atthedoore anointing {hall furely be aneverlafting prieft- of the tabernacle. hood, throughout their generations. 29 And he put the altar of burnt-offer- 16 Thus did Moles : according to all that 1>n g by the doore of the tabernacle of the theLoRDCommandedhimjfodid'he. tent of the congregation , and offered up- 17 ^[ AnditcametopaiTejinthefirftmoneth on it the burnt-offering, and the meat- in the fecond ycare, on the firft day of the offering j as the * LORP commanded moneth, that the * tabernacle was reared up. fes. 1 8 And Mofes reared up the tabernacle,and 3 o f And he fet the laver between the tent fattened his fockets, and fet up t;he boards of the congregation and the altar, and put thereof, and put in the barres thereof, and water there, to wafh withaS. reared up his pillars-. 3 i And Mofes, and Aaron and his fonnes 19 And he fpread abroad the tent over the vvafhed their hands and their feet thereat, tabernacle, and put the covering of the tent 3 Z Whenthey went into the tent of the con- ap 30.* above upon it; as the LORD commanded Mofes. 20 f And he took and put the teftimony into the ark, and fet the ftaves on the ark, and put the mercy-feat above upon the ark. 21 And he brought the ark into the taber- * Chap, 35. n^ e > an< i * fet up the vail of the covering, and 11. covered the ark of the teltimonyj as the LORD commanded Mofes. 21 ^ And he put the table in the tent of the congregation, upon the fide of the tabernacle north- ward, without the vail. gregation, and when they came ne are unto the altar, they wafted j as the LORD commanded Mofes. 3 3 And he reared up the court round about the tabernacle and the altar , and fet up the hanging of the court-gate: fo Mofes finiQiedthe 34 $ *Then a cloud covered the tent of "Nunfo i e the congregation, and the glory of the L o R o . Kings'g. filled the tabernacle. - 10. ' 3 j And Mofes was not able to enter into the, tent of the congregation , becaufe the cloud 23 And he fet the bread in order upon it, abode thereon, and the glory of the LORD before the L o R D > as the L o R D had com- filled the tabernacle. manded Mofes. 3 6 And when the cloud was taken up from 24 4 Andheputthecandleftickinthetent over the tabernacle, the children of Ifrael of the congregation, over againft the tal>le, on t went onward in all their journeys : f H b ' ' the fide of the tabernacle fouth.ward. 3 7 But if the cloud vvere noc taken up, then ntytd '*"**'' 2? And he lighted the lamps before the they journeyed not, till the day that it was L o R D; as the L o R D commanded Mofes. taken up. 26 ^ And he put the golden altar in the 38 For the cloud of the LOR D ,. ., ..... - ------------ the prieft (hall burn it upon the altar, upon the lacking fr thy meat- oftenng: with all thine wood that is upon the fire i it if a burnt.facri- offerings thou malt offer fait. 14 And if thou offer a meat-offering of thy firft. fruits unto the L o R D, thou (halt offer for the meat-offering of thy firft- fruits, green eares of corn dried by the fire, even corn beaten out of fall cares. 1 5 And thou (halt put oyl upon it, and lay frankincenfe thereon : it if a meat-offering. 1 6 And the prieft (hall burn the memoriall fice, an offering made by fire, of afweet&vour cnt^o the LORD* CHAP. II. I,- The mett-offering of floure with oyl and ineenfa 4 either baken in the oven, $ or on a plate, 7 or in a fry ing-panne: n or of the ftrfl-frttits in the tare.- 1 J The fait of the meat-offering. ANd when any will offer a meat-offering unto the L o R D, his offering (hall be of fine floure: and he fhall poure oyl upon it, and put frankincenfe thereon, a. And he dial! bring it to Aarons fonnes of it , part of the beaten corn thereof, and part of the oyl thereof, with all the frankin- cenfe thereof: it U an offering made by fire un- to the LORD, CHAP. The peacofferirig; Chap c H A p. in. I the peace- offering of the herd: 6 of the flock, ^ either alartbe* iz r a gout. A Nd if his oblation be a facrifice of peace- .lYoffering} if he offer it of the herd^whether it be a male or female , he (hall offer it without blemifli before theL o R D. ^ And he (hall lay his hand upon the head of his offering , and kill it at the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation : and Aarons fonnes the priefts (hall fprinkle the bloud upon the altar round about. 3 And he (hall offer of the facrifice of the peace-offering , an offering made by fire unto * Exod.p. the L o R D j * the || rat that covereth the in. 32. wards,andall the fat that is upon the inwards. 4 And the two kidneys , and the fat that is || Or, miJr,'/on them, which is by the flanks, and the ||caul above the liver , with the kidneys, itfliall he And Aarons fonnes fliall burn it on the altar upon the burnt- facrifice, which jjupon the wood that is on the fire : it is an offering made by fire of a fweet favour unto the LORD. 6 f And if his offering for a facrifice of peace-offering unto the LO*D, be of the flock , male or female, he fliall offer it without blemifli. 7 If he offer a lambe for his offering , then fliall he offer it before the L o R D. 8 And he fliall lay his hand upon the head of his offering, and kill it before the tabernacle of the congregation : and Aarons fonnes fliall iprinkle the bloud thereof round about upon the altar. 9 And he fliall offer of the facrifice of the peace-offering , an offering made by fire unto the Lo R D : the fat thereof and the whole rump , it (hall he take off hard by the back- bone : and the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that upon the inwards. 10 And the two kidneys, and the fat that Is upon them , which M by the flanks , and the caul above the liver, with the kidneys,it fliall he take away. n And the prieft fliall burn it upon the al- tar : it is the food of the offering made by fire unto the L o R D. 1 1 f And if his offering be a goat, then he fliall offer it before the LORD. i; And he (hall lay his hand upon the head of it, and kill it before the tabernacle of the congregation : and the fonnes of Aaron fliall fprinkle the bloud thereof upon the altar round about. 14 And he fliall offer thereof his offering, even an olTering made by fire unto the L o R D j the fat that covereth the inwards , and all the fat that is upon the inwards. *? And the wo kidneys, and the fat that . iii. iiii. Thefinne-ofFeringofignorancer is upon them , which is by the flanks, and the 87 caul above the liver , with the kidneys , it (halt he take away. 1 6 And the prieft fhall burn them upon tha altar : it is the food of the offering made by fire , for a fwcet favour. * All the fat is the JChap 7.15! LORDS. . 17 It {hall be a perpetuall ftatute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye cat neither fat nor * bloud. CHAP. IIII. X the (inne- offering of ignorance , if or thepriejl* i j for the congregation; 2 a ftr the ruler* zifor any of thefeofle. A Nd the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, faying, ** ^ Speak unto the children of Ifrael,fay* ing , If a foul fliall finne through ignorance a- gainft any of the commandments of the LORD (concerning things which ought not to be done) and fliall do again.it any of them : 3 If the prieft that is anointed, do finne ac- cording to the finne of the peoplejthen let him bring for his finne which he hath finned , a young bullock without blemifli, unto the LORD for a finne-offering. 4 And he (hill bring the bullock unto the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation, before the LORD; and fliall lay his hand upon the bullocis head, and kill the bullock before the LORD. f And the prieft that is anointed, fliall take of the buljocks bloud, and bring it to the ta- bernacle of the congregation. 6 And the prieft fliall dip his finger in the bloud^and fprinkle of the bloud feven times be- fore the LORD, before the vail of the fanctuary. 7 And the prieft (hall put fame of the bloud upon the horns of the altar of fweet incenfe before the L o R D, which is in the tabernacle of the congregation j and fliall poure * all the * bloud of the. bullock at the bottom of the altar of the burnt-offering , which is at the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation. 8 And he fliall take off from it all the fat of the bullock for the finne-offering> the fat chat covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is up- on the inwards: 9 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which is by the fhnks,and the caul above the liver, with the kidneys , it fliall he take away, io As it was tafcen offfrom the bullock of the facrifice of peace-offerings : and the prieft (hall burn them upon the altar of the burnt-offering. 1 1 * And the skinne of the bullocfc,and all * Exod.jp. his flefli , with his head, and with his legs, and 14. his inwards,snd his dung, Num.ip.j. iz Even the whole bullock (Inline carry J^Jj' ' forth f without the camp , unto a clean place, *"/"" where the aflies are poured out, and *burn *hcb j?.u. F 4 him . _ the *Chap.J. Offerings for finnes . Leviticus." of ignorance: 88 him on the wood with fire : f where the a(hes the prieft fhall make ah atonement for him as fHeb. *t tbi ace poured out (hall he be burnt, _ concerning his finne,& it fhall be forgiven him fouringout of * 1 3 fl And if the whole congregation of If- 27 ^ And if } any one of the f. common f Heb. any rael finne through ignorance , *. and the thing people finne through ignorance,while he doeth ^"(* be hid from the eyes of the affembly, and they fometvhat againft any of the commandments fa ^ ,''*" have done fomewhat qgciinft any. of the com- of the LORD, concerning things which ought /*,<*. mandments of the LORD, concerning things not to be done , and be guiltie > which (bould not be done, and are guiltie: 28 Orifhisfinne^whichhchath finned,come 14 When the finne vvhich thsy have 'finned to his knowledge: then he (hall bring hi&offer- againft it , is known , then the congregation ing, a kid of the goats, a female without ble- fhall offer a young bullock for the finne , and milh, for his finnt; which he hath finned, bring him before the tabernacle of the congre-r 29 And he (hall lay his hand upon the head gatioa. ofthefinne-offeting, and flay the finne-offer- i 5* And the elders of the coneregatidn (hall ing in the place of the burnt-offering. lay their hands upon the head of the bullock 30 And the prieft (ball take of the bloud thereof with his finger , and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt-offering , andihall poure out all the bloud thereof at the bottom bring of the bullocks bloud to the tabernacle of of the altar. the congregation. . 31 And * he (hall take away all the fat there- * chap. 3; 17 And the prieft ftnll dip his finger in/owe of,aj the fat is taken away from off the facrificc 14. of the bloud, and fprinklei* (even times before, of peace- offerings ; and the prieft frull burn jf upon the altar , for a *fweet favour unto the Ex LORD: and the prieft (hall make an atone- i g. ment for him, and it (hall be forgiven him. 3 2 And if he bring a lambe for a finne-offer- ing,he fhall bring it a female without blemifh. 3 3 And he (hall lay his hand upon the head of thefinne-offering, and flay it for afinne- offering, in the place where they kill the burnt- offering. 3 4 And the prieft fhall take of the bloud of the finne- offering with his finger , and put c upon the horns of the altar of burnt-offering, and (hall poure out all the bloud thereof at the bottom of the altar. 3 ? And he (hall take away all the fat there- of , as' the fat of the lambe is taken away from , before the Lo R D : and the bullock (hall be killed before the L o R D. 1 6 And the prieft that is anointed, fhall VI LUV L/LVJl^U} CtllU Ik'HUIVl^ * IV T *-* the LOR r>, even before the vail. 1 8 And'hefhall put fame of the bloud upon the horns of the altar, which before the LORD, that jyin the tabernacle of the congre- gation, and (hall poure out all the bloud at the bottom of the altar of the burnt-offering, which ii at the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation. 19 And he fhall take all his fat from him, and burn it upon the altar. 20 Andhefhall do with the bullock as he did with the bullock for a finne-offering , fo fhall he do with this rand the prieft (hall make an atonement for them,and it (hall be forgiven them. 21 And he (hill carrie forth the bullock without the camp, and burn him as he burned; the' facrifice of the peace-offerings : and the the firft bullock: it is a finn,e-offering for the prieft fhall burn them upon the altar,according congregation. to the offerings made by fire unto the L o R D : a 2 fjWhen a ruler hath finned and done and the prieft fhalf make an atonement for his fimevebat through ignorance ggainft any of the ~ .... commandments of the LORD his God, con- cerning things which fijould not be done,and is guiluej 23 Or if his finne, wherein he hath finned, come to his knowledge:he (hall bring his offer- ing, a kid of the goats,a male without blemifh. 24 And he (hail lay his hand upon the head of the goat, and kill it in the place where they kill the burnt-offering before the LORD : icw a finne-offering. 2 ) And the prieft (hall take of the bloud of the finne- offering with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt-offering, finne that he ha:h committed , and it (hall be forgiven him. , ' C H A P. V. I He that ftnnetb in condoling Vu knowledge , * m touching an unclein, thing* 4 or inmaking an oath. 6 Hiftrefpaffe-offering* of the flock, 7 off owls, u or offloitre. 1 4 The tre^tfe- offering in facrilfdge, 17 and in (innes of ignorance. A Nd if a foul finne, and heare the voice of .Alfrvearing, andii a witneffe, whether he hath feen or known of it) if he do not utter ir, then he (hall bear his iniquitie. z Or if a foul touch any unclean thing } Whe- ther it be a fartafe of an unclean beaft , or a carcafe of unclean catte!, or the carcafe of un- and (hall poure out his bloud at the bottom of clean creeping things , and if it be hidden from the altpr of burnt-offering. him, he alfo fhall b unclean, and guiitie. 26 And he (hall burn all his fat upon the altar, 3 Or if he touch the unclcannefle of man as the fat. of the facrifice of peace-offerin^and whatfoever undcanneffe it be that a man fhzl The trefpafle-ofFeringr Chap. vi. be defiled withall,and it be hid from him^when he knoweth of it s then he (hall be guiltie. 4 Or if a foul (wear, pronouncing with his lips to do evil , or to do good, whatfoever it be that a man (hall pronounce with an oath, and it be hid from him j when he knoweth of it, then he (hall be guiltie in one of thcfe. Divers laws: that he hath done in the holy thing , and (hall adde the fifth part thereto, and give it unto the prieft : and the prieft (hall make an atone- he ramme of the trefpafle- ment for him with tt offering, and it (hall be forgiven him, 17 ^ And if a* foul finne, and commit any * ch ,p. w of thefe things which are forbidden to be done And it (hall be, when he (hall be guiltie in by the commandments of the Lo RDJ though one of thefe things , that he (hall confcfie that heyvift it not,yt is he guihie,and (hall bear hjs he hath finned in that thing. iniquitie. 6 And he (hall bring his trefpafle- offering 18 And he (hall bring a ramme without bJe- mifo out of the flock , with thy eftimation, for a trefpafle-offering , unto the prieft : and the prieft (hall make an atonement for him con- concerning cerning his ignorance wherein he erred and wift it notj and it (hall be forgiven him. 19 It is a trefpafle-offering: he hath certain* ly trefpafled againft the L o R D. CHAP. VI. unto the L o R D for his finne which he hath finned,a female from the flock,a lambe or a kid of the goats,for a finne-offering: and the prieft (hall make an atonement for him concerning his finne. 7 And if | he be not able to bring a lambe, then he (hall bring for his trefpafle which he ^ ' hath committedjtwo turtle-doves or two young 7 pigeons, unto the LORDJ one for a finne-offer- ing, and the other for a burnt-offering. 8 And he (hall bring them unto the prieft, who (hall offer that which is for the finne-of. *Chap.i.ij. fering firft , and * wring off his head from his neck, but (hall not divide it afunder. 9 And he (hall fprinkle of the bloud of the finne-offering upon the fide of the altar j and the reft of the bloud (hall be wrung out at the bottom of the altar : it is a finne-offering. 10 And- he (hall offer the fecond for a burnt- f Or, ndi' offering , according to tlie (j manner : and the **'* prieft (hall make an atonement for him, for his finne whicl given him. 1 1 f But if he be not able.ro bring two turtle- doves, or two young pigeons j then he that finned , (hall bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah of fine floure for a finne-offer- ing: he (hill put no oyl upon it,neither (hall he put any frankincenfe thereon : for it is a finne. offering. i a Then (hall he bring itf to the prieft, and *Chap.j., the prieft (hall take his hahdfull of it, * even a. memoriall thereof, and burn it on the altar, * according to the offerings made by fire unto the L o R D : it is a finne- offering. i j And the prieft (lull make an atonement T* treftaffe- offering fo * fr kn*+fferit t ei done 14 and of the - * * Chap.4. for him , as touching his finne that he hath finnedin one of thefe, and ii (hall be forgiven him : and tbt remnant (nail be the priefts, as a meat-cffering. 14 f And the LORD PpakeuntoMofes,faying, i ? If a foul commit a trcfpafle , and finne through ignorance , in the holy things of the LORD; then he (hall bring for his trefpafie unto fi^ o f the altarflull be burning in it) e LORD, a ramme without blemiftioutof Io And the prieft (hall put on his linen gar- e flocks , with thy eftimation by (htkels of menr,and his linen breeches (hall he put upon i'lver , after the (hekel of the fmduarie , for a his fldh, and take up the a(hes which the fire Nd the-LoRD fpakc unco Mofts , faying, *- A z If a foul finne, and commit a trelpafie againft the L o R D, and Jie unto his neighbour in that which was delivered him to keep, or in || t fellowflup, or in a thing taken away by vio. (| Or, deal- , lencc, or hath deceived his neighbour; *& $ Or have found that which was loft , and t H e b - P ut - lieth concerning it,and *fwearethfalf]y3inany 2rf. of all thefe that a man dceth,finning therein : NUHV s .&>. 4 Then it (hall be , becaufe he hath finned and isguiltie,that he (hall icftore that which he took violently away,or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was delivered him to keep, or the loft thing which he found, 5 Or all that about which he hath fworn falflyihe (hall even * reftore it in the principal), * Chap, & . and (hajl adde the fifch part more thereto , and * give it unto, him to whom it appertained^! fin 11 O r /* the day of his trefpafle-oft'ering. ' day'fh 6 And he (hall bring his trefpafle-offering unto the LORD, a ramme without blemilh out of the * flock , with thy eftimation, for a trefpafle-offering^nto the prieft. treS) 7 And the prieft (hall make an atonement *Ci for him,before the LORD: and it (hall be for- *5. given him , for any thing of all that he hath done, in trefpafllog therein. 8 f And the LORD fpake unto Mofes/aying, . 9 Command Aaron and his fonnes, faying, This is the law of the burnt-offering: (It is the burnt-offering, fj becaufe of the burning upon BOr.jS the altar all night unto the morning , and the ' // h bt- ap. 5*. Jrefpafle-offering. J 6 And he (hall make amends for the harm hath confumed with the burnt-offering on the altar, and he (hall put them befides the altar. ixAhAi Divers laws Leviticus; for divfts offerings; 17 Whatfoetfer (hall touch the flefti thereof (hall be holy : and when there is fprinkled of the bloud thereof uponany garment,thou (hale wafh that whereon it was fprinkled, in the holy place. 28 But the earthen vcflel wherein it is 1 1 And he (hall put off his garments , and put on other garments , and carry forth the allies without the camp, unto a clean place. i 2 And the fire upon the altar ftiall be burn- ing in ic, it (hall not be put out : and the prieft fliall burn wood on it every morning , and lay the burnt.offering in order upon it,and he (hall fodden, * (hall be broken: and if it be fodden in CL - a brafen pot,it (hall be both fcomcd, and rinfed 33. in water. All the males among the priefts (hall eac burn thereon the fat of the peace-offerings 13 The fire (hall ever be burning upon the altar : it ftiall never go out. *Cisap.i.i. 14 ^f.*' And thisw the law of the meat-offer- thereof: itzsmoftholy, .WHOM;.* ing: the fonnes of Aaron (hall offer it before 30 * And no Cnne.offering whereof an, . the L o R D, before the altar. of the bloud is brought into the tabernacle of 1 ? And he fhall take of it his handfull 3 of the congregation to reconcile withall in the the floute of the meat-offering, and of the oyl holy place } (hall be eaten: it (hall be burnt in the thereof, and all the frankincenfe which is upon fire . the meat-offering , and (hall burn it upon the pifaltar, for a fweet favour, even the * memoriall rammes, and a basket of unleavened bread. ' 3 And gather thou all the congregation : together unto the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation. 4 And Mofes did as the LORD commanded him, and the aflembly was gathered together' unto the doore of the tabernacle of the congre- Exod. ^ manner of bloudjCYen that foul (hall be cutcff gation. from his people. 5 And Mofes faid unto the Congregation, - *Thi* - The confecration of Leviticus. Aaron and his Tonnes." his fonnc s laid their hands upon the head of the ramme. 23 And he flew it, and Mofes took of the bloud of it, and put it upon the tip of Aarons right eare,and upon the thumbe of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. iuu t, u uiiiijaiiu in. gn*- *4 And he brought Aarons fonnes, and Mo- ed him with the curious girdle of the ephod, fes put of the bloud upon the tip of their right and bound it unto him therewith. eare, and upon the thumbes of their right 8 And he put the breaft.plate upon him: hands , and upon the great toes of their right *Exod.8. alfohe*putinthe breaft-plate thellrim and feet: and Mofes fprinkled the bloud upon the Thummim. altar round about. z ? And he took the fit, and the rump, and all the fat that was upon the inwards, and the caul above the liver, and the two kidneys and their fat, and the right fhouldcr. z6 And out of the basket of unleavened bread, that WAS before the LORD, he took one unleavened cake, and a cake of oyled bread,and one wafer, and put them on the fat, and upon the right fhoulder. 17 And he put all *upon Aarons hands,and *Exod.spi, upon his fonnes hands, and waved them for a * 4 ' *** wave-offering before the LORD. z8 And Mofes took them from off their hands, and burnt them on the altar, upon the burm-offcring : they were confecrations for a fweet favour: it is an offering made by fire un- to the L o R D. And Mofes took the breaft and waved 91 * This is the thing which the L o R D com- * Exodi p-4 rnanded to be done. 6 And Mofes brought Aaron and his fonnes, and wafhed them with water. 7 And he put upon him the co.it, and girded him with the girdle, and clothed him with the robe, and put the ephod upon him } and he gird- 9 And he put the mitre upon his head jalfo upon the mitre, even upon his forefront did he . put the golden plate, the hoty crown j as the LORD* commanded Mofes. 10 And Mofes took the anointing oyl, and anointed the tabernacle and all that wot there- in, and fanftified them. 1 1 And he fprinkled thereof upon the altar feven times, and anointed the altar and all his veffels, both the laver and his foot to fanftifie them. iz And he * poured of the anointing Oyl upon Aarons head, and anointed him to fan- I'tal.i?'3 ctifie him. 1 3 And Mofes brought Aarons fonnes, and put coats upon them , and girded them with t HtbjHuad. girdles, and f put bonnets upon them 5 as the > -Bxo ponthealtarjas the LORD commanded Mofes. and devoured them , and they died before thc 1 1 And the flefh and the hide he burnt with LORD. fire, without the camp. 1 1 And he flew the burnt-offering , and Aarons fonnes prefented unto him the bloud, Which he fprinkled round about upon the altar, the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held u An^ they prefented the burnt-offcring his peace. 4 And Mofes called Mifhael and Elzaphan, the fonnes of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron , and S faid unto them , Come neare , carry your bre- thren from before the fan&uary out of the camp. ie brought the peoples offering, ? So they went neare , and carried them in . a took the goat which WM the finne-ofler- their coats out of the campj as Mofcs had faid/ 6 And i CHAP. X. fbihu , for offering offtrange fire, are burmbyfiri. 6 Air an and hit fcnnes are forbidden to mourn for them. 8 The prtefts are forbidden ivine tfhen they are to go into the tabernacle, iz The law of eating the holy things. 16 a d *"ye (hall break it. 3 4 Of all meat which may be eaten,f hat on which fucb water cometh, (hall be unclean: and all drink that may be drunk in every fiifb yef- klj (hall be unclean. xiiV and andean: 3f And every thing, whereupon any part of 9? their carcafe falleth, (hall be unclean; whether it be oven, or ranges for pots, they (hall be bro. ken down : for they are unclean, and (hall be unclean unto you. 36 Neverthcle fle,a fountain or pit, f where- t Heb. 6-He** tfieirings for her fmtfying* \ Nd the Loaofpake unto Mofes, faying, . J\ i Speak unto the children of Ifrael J: faying,If a * woman have conceived feed, and * borna man- childe, then Ihe (hall be unclean. 'p. feven dayes: according to the dayesof the fepj-- ration for her infirmitic (hall (lie be unclean, 3 And- Laws and tokens Leviticus^ to difcern the leprofie. And in the * eighth day, the flefh of his clean : it k but a fcab : and he (hall waft his *T.uke J. John 7. 1 foreskinne (hall becircumcifed. 4 And fh: (hall then continue in the bloud of her purifying three and thirtie dayes: (he (hill touch no hallowed thing , nor come into the fandfuarie , untillthe dayes of her purify- ing be fulfilled. clothes, and be clean. 7 But if the fcabfpcead much abroad in the skinne , after that he hath been feen of the f Heb. A ftnn, efhu and (he (hall continue in the bloud of her purifying threefcore and fix dayes. 6 And When the dayes of her purifying are fulfilled, for a fonne,or for a daughters fhe (hall prieft for his cleanfing 3 he fhall be feen of the prieft again. 8 And i/the prieft fee, that behold, the fcab But if (he bear a maid-childe, then (fee fprcadeth in the skinne j then the prieft (hall fhiil be unclean two weeks, as in herfeparati- pronounce him unclean : it is a leprofie. 9 f When the plague of leprofie is in a man, then he (hall be brought unto the prieft : 10 And the prieft ihall fee fciw.-and behold, if the rifing be white in the skinne, and it have bring a lambe f of the firft yeare for a burnt- turned the hair white, and there be t quick raw fHeb. /**< offering and a younz pigeon, or a turtle-dove flefh tn the rifing ; quicktmag 11 It if an old leprofie in the skinne of his livi *& W flefh, and the prieft (hall pronounce him un- clean, and fhall not fhut him up : for he # un* clean. la And if a leprofie break out abroad in the skinne, and the leprofie cover all the skinne of him that hath the plague, from his head even to his foot, \\herefoevcr the prieft looketh; Then the prieft (hall confider : and be- fora (inne-offering, unto the doore of theta bernacle of the congregation, unto the prieft: 7 Who (hill offer it before the L o R o,and make an atonement for her , and (be fhall be cleanfed from the iffue of her bload. This it the law for her that hath born a male or a fe- > male. * Lake 2 24. 8 * And iff fhe be not able to bring a lambe, t Heb. b,r then (he (hall bring two turtles , or two youn fcM*/*6ntf pigeons j the one "for the burnt-offering , and hold, if the leprofie have covered all his flefli, [ujpctencieif. t jj Cotner f or a {Jnne-offering : and the prieft (hall make an atonement for her, and flit (hall be clean. CHAP. XIII. I Tie U ivs and tokens whereby the fr'teft it to le guided m discerning the leprofie. ANd the L o R D fpake unto Mofes and Aaron, faying, i When a man (hall have in the skinne of R is fle(h,a || rifing, a fcab, or bright fpot, and it be in the skinne of his flefli /j^ethc plague of leprofie j then he (hall be brought unto Aaron the prieft, or unto one of his fcnnes the prielts. he (hill pronounce him clean that hath the plague : it is all turned white : he it clean. 1 4 But when ravrflefti appeareth in him, he {hall be unclean. 1 5 And the prieft (hall fee the raw fleffj, and pronounce him to be unclean : for the raw fle(h is andean : it is a leprofie. 1 6 Or if the raw flefti turn again, and be changed unto white; he (hall come unto the prieft ; 1 7 And the prieft (ball fee him : and behold, // the plague be turned into white; then the prieft (hall pronounce him clean that bath the plague: he is clean. 1 8 ^ The flefh alfo, in which, even in the 3 And the prieft fhall look on the plague skinne thereof, was a bile, and is healed, i _i ?.i nn-_ _i i i I . i /_!_ _!!-. i-_ in the skinne of the flefli : and when the hair in the plague is turned white , and the plague in fight be deeper then the skinne of his flefli 5 it is a plague of leprofia ; and the prieft (hall look on him, and pronounce him unclean. 4 If the bright fpot fee white in the skinne of his flefli, and in fight be not deeper then the skinne , and the hair thereof be not torned white j then the prieft (hall (hut up him that hath the plague, feven dayes. i And the prieft (hall look on him the fe. 19 And in the place of the bile there be * white rifing, or a bright fpot white, and fome- What reddifli, and it be (hewed to the prieft ; 20 And if when the prieft feeth it, behold, it be in fight lower then the skinne, and the hair thereof, be turned white j the prieft (hall pronounce him unclean *. it is a plague of le- profie broken out of the bile. z i But if the prieft look on it, and behold, there be no white hairs therein, and if it be not lowe-r then the skinne, bat be fomewhat darkj venth day : and behold, if the plague in his then the prieft fliall (hut him up feven dayes. fight beat aftay,^ the plague fpread not in ^^ And if it fpread much abroad in the the skinne; then the prieft (hall (hut him up skinne, then the prieft (hall pronounce him feven dayes more. 6 And the prieft (hall look on him again the feventh day : and behold, if the plague be fomewhat dark, and the plague fpread not in the skinne 3 the prieft (hall pronounce him unclean j it j$ a plague. ij But if the bright fpot ftayinhis place, and fpread not^it is a burning bile ; and the prieft flr-11 pronounce him clean. 24 ^ Or if there be any flefh, in the skinne whereof The fignes Chap. xiii. of Icprofie. whereof there # f a hot burning, and the quick fleflj that burneth have a white bright fpor, Ibmewhat rcddilh, or white j 15 Then thepdeft ihall look upon it: and behold, //the hair in the bright fpot be turned white,and it be in fight deeper then the skinne j it is a leprotic broken out of the burning: therefore the pneft Ihall pronounce him un- clean: it is the plague of leprofie. 26 Butrf the pneft look on it, and behold, there be no white hair on the bright fpot, and it be no lower then the other skinne, but be fomewhat dark} then the prieft (hail ihut him up feven dayes. ^7 And the prieft (hall look upon hkn the feventh day: and if it befpread much abroad in the skinne,then the prieft Ihall pronounce him andean: it is the plague of leprofie. 28 And if the bi'i?ht fpot itay in his place, *# that he {hill (have all his luir oft his head and his beard and his eye-brows, even all his hair he flwfl (have off: and he (hall wain his clothes a of the Icprofie. alfo he fliall wafh his flefh in water, and he fball be clean. i o And on the eighth day he fhall take tw he-lambes without blemifh,and one ew--lambe f of the firft yeare, without blemifh, and three | Heb. the tenth-deals of fine floure for a meat-offering, daughter if mingled with oyl, and one log of oyl. *" J' 4 ' 1 1 And the prieft that maketh him clean, fhall prefent the man that is to be made clean, and thofe things before the LoRD,4i the dooic of the tabernacle of the congregation: 1 1 And the prieft fhall take one he-lambe, and offer him for a trefpaffe-offering , and the log of oyl, and * wave them for a wave-offer- * Exod.2j. ing before the L o R D. 2 4- i 3 And he fliall flay the lambc in the place where he fhall kill the finne-offering and the burnt-offering, in the holy place : for * as the * finne-offering is the priefts, fois the trefpafle- offering: it is moft holy. 14 And the prieft fhall take, fame of the bloud of the trefpafle-offering,and the prieft fhall put it upon the tip of the right eare of him that is to be cleanfed, & upon the thumbe of hii right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. i ? And the prieft fhall take fame of the log of oyl, and pourc it into the palme of his own left hand: 16 And the prieft fhall dip his right finger in the oyl that ism his left hind , and fhall fprinkle of the oyl with his finger, feven times before the LOR D. 17 And of the reft of the oyl that is in his hand, fhall the prieft put upon the tip of the right eare of him that is to be cleanfed, and upon the thumbe of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the bloud of the trcfpaflc-offering. 1 8 And the remnant of the oyl that is in the priefts'nand, he fhall poure upon the head of him that is to be cleanfed: and the prieft (hall make an atonement for him before the LORD. 19 And the prieft fhall offer the finne-ofler- ing, and make an atonement for him that is to be cleanfed from his uncleanneffe, and after- ward he fhall kill the burnt-offering. zo And the prieft fliall offer the burnt-of- fering, and the me:u-oftering upon the altar: and the prieft fhall make an atonement for him, and he fhall be clean. 2. i And if he be poore, and f cannot get fo - much, then he (hall take one lambe for a tref- bandretcb paffe-offmng f to be waved,tomake an atone- * mem for him,and one tenth-deal of fine floure t^^'-^ r ' mingled with oyl, for. a meat-offering, and a v "" log of oyl: 21 And two turtle-doves, or two young pi- geons, fuch as he is able to get ; and the one (hall be a finae-offcrins , and the other a bwac-oftering. 13 Arid The manner of Chap 23 And he (hall bring them on the eight/day, for his cleanfing,unto the prieft,unto the doorc of the tabernacle of the congregation, before the LORD. 24 And the prieft {hall take the lambe of the trefpafle-ofrering, and the log of oyl, and the prieft (hall wave them for 3 wave-offering before the L o R D . 2? And he ihall kill the lambe of the tref- pafle-offeringjand the prieft (hill take fame of the bloud of the trefp^ffc -offering, and put if upon the tip of the right eare of him that is to be cleanfed , and upon the thumbc of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. z6 And the prieft (hall poure of the oyl into the palm of his own left hand. 27 And the prieft (hall fprinkle with his right ringer, fame of the oyl that is in his left hand,feven times before the LORD. z8 And the pnelt (hall put of the oyl that is in his hand, upon the tip of the right eare of him that is to be cleanfed,and upon the thumbe of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot j upon the place of the bloud of the trefpafie-cffering. 29 And the reft of the oyl that i> in the prieits hand, he (hall put upon the head of him that is to be cleanfed, to make an atonement for him before the L o R D. 3 o And he lhall offer the one of the turtle- doves, or of the young pigeons, fuch as he can get: 1 i Even fuch as he is able to get,the one for a finne-ofrering, and the other fora burnt-of- fering, with the meat-offering. And the prieft {hall make an atonement for him that is to be cleanfed, before the L o R. D . 32 This is the law of himin whom the plague of leprcfie, whofe hand is not able to get that which pertainetb tohiscleanfing. 33 f And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, faying, 34 When ye be come into the land of Ca- naan, which I give to you for a pofleffion, and I put the plague of leprofie in a houfc of the land of your poflefiion j J5 And he that oweth the houfe (hall come tell the prieft, faying, It feemeth to me there is as it were a plague in the houfe : 5 6 Then the prieft (hall command that they ||emptie the houfe, before the prieft go into tt to fee the plague ; that all thaur in the houfe be not made unclean: and afterward the prieft (hall go in to fee the houfe. 3 7 And he fLall look on the plague, and be- hold, t/the pl.igue be in the walls of the houfe, with hollow ftrakcs, greenifh or reddiih, which in (ight are lower then the Wall j 3 8 Then the prieft (hall go out of the houfe, win. cleaning the to the doore of the houfe,and (hut up the houfc 99 feven dayes. 39 And the prieft (hall come again the fe- venth day , and lhall look: and behold, if the plague be fpread in the walls of the houfe } 40 Then the orieft (hall command that they take away the ftones, in which the plagued, and they lhall caft them into an unclean place without thecitie. 4 1 And he (hall caufe the houfe to be fa-aped within round about, and they (hall poure out the duft that they fcrape off, without the citic into an unclean place. 42 And they (hall take other ftones , and put them in the place of thofe ftones j and he (hall take other morter, and (hall plaifter the houfe. 43 And if the plague come again, and break out in the houfc , after that he hath taken away the ftones, and after he hath fcraped the houfe, and after it is plaiftered j 44 Then the prieft mall come and look,an/.<. 11 And whomsoever he toucheth that hath the iflue ( and hat h not rinfed his hands in wa- ter ) he fhall wafh his clothes, and bathe bim- felf in water, and be unclean untill the even. * Chap^.ag i z And the * veflell of earth, that he touch- eth whkh hath the iflue, fhall be broken : and every veflell of wood fhall be rinfed in water. i ? And when he that hath anifl'ue,is clean- fed of his iflue; then he fhall number to him- felf fcvcn dayes for his cleanfing, and wafh his ori: fhe fhall be unclean. z6 Every bed whereon fhe lieth all the dayes of her iflue, fhall be unto her as the bed of her feparation: and whatfoevcr fhe fitteth upon, fhall be unclean, as the uncleannefle of her fe- p irarion. Z7 And whofoerer toucheth thofe things fh.ill be unclean, and fhall wafh his clothes, and bathe himfelf in water, and be unclean untill the even. zS But if fhe be cleanfed of her iflue, then clothes and bathe his flefh m running water, fhe flnll number to her felf feven dayes, and af- and fhall be clean. ter that fhe fhall be clean. 14 And on the eighth day he fhall take to z 9 And on the eighth day fhe fh-ill take unto him two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, her two turtles, or two younsj pigeons, ami and come before the L o R D,unto the doore of bring them unto the prieft, to the doore of the the tabernacle of the congregation, and give tabernacle of the conareeation. them unto the prieft. 30 And the rf neft fhall offer the one for a 15 And the prieft flttll offer them, the one fmne-offering, and the other for a burm-of- fora fmne-offeiing.,and the other for a burnt- fering; and the prieft lhall make an atone- ment, The finne-offering. Chap. xvi. Thc fcape-goac. mcnt for her before the L o R D, for the ifTue make an atonement for himfelf, and for his of her uncleannefle. houfe, and (hall kill the bullock of the finnl ?I Thus(hallyefepararethechildrenof If- offering which* for himfelf rael from their uncleannefle; that they die not 1 1 And he (hall take a cenfer-full of burn in their uncleannefle, when they defile my ta- ing coals of fire from off the altar before "hi bcrnacle that u among them. LORD, and his hands-full of fweet inL r> 3 z This u the law of him that hath an iflue, beaten fmall, and bring it m and of him whofe feed goeth from him, and is 13 And he (hall put the inc j y - --.- ,u< wf \/j. sm.i tiowcrSj and of him that hath an iflac, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lieth with her which is unclean. CHAP. XVI. I H the high trieft muft enter into the holy fUee. u Theftnne-tfferingfor himfelf. 15 Tht fyxt-tffer- ingftr 'the people, to The fcape- S oxt. ^ 9 Ihejeare- fy fe.'tjt of the exputienj. ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes, after * the death of the twofonnes of Aaron, Ixod.jo, f ----- iv.*%y -i teftimony, that he die nor. 14 And * he (hall take of the bloud of the H*.,..,. bullock, and *fprinkle it with his fingtr upon d , I .2. Speak unto Aaron, and unto his fhall be cut off. fonnes, and unto all the children of Ifrael, and i j And every foul that eateth fthat which f Hcb. fay unto them, This is the thing which the died of it fetf, or that which was torn rrit h /* LORD hath commanded, faying, bea/ls(v>betherit be one of your own countrey, 5 What man foever there be of the houfe of or a ftranger ; he fhall both m(h his clothes, & bathe Unlawfull marriages. bathe himfelf in water , and be unclean untill the even : thcri (hall he be clean. \6 But if he viafh them not , nor bathe his flefh, then he (hall bear his inicjuitic. CHAP. XVIII. 'Ezek.2o. '*. - S.om.io.5- j-Heb. r- mundtr of hit 1 Chap. jo, i. Chap. 10. *Chap.ao. "Chap jo. "Chap. 20, *' ma.TYia.gts. 19 Vnlivfull lufti. ANd the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael,and fay unto them, I am the L o R D your God. 5 After the doings of the land of Egypt wherein ye dwelt , (hill ye not do : and after the doings of the land of Canaan w,hither I bring you,(hall ye not do: neither (hall ye walk in their ordinances. 4 Ye (ha41 do my judgcmcnts,and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: law the LORD your God. 5 Ye (hill therefore keep my ftatutes and my judgements : * which if a man do, he (hall live in them : I am the L o R D. 6 f None of you (hall approch to any that isf neare of kinne to him, to uncover their na- kednefle : I am the LORD, 7 The nakednefle of thy father, or the na- kednefle of thy mother ,(halt thou not uncoverj (he is thy mother , thou (halt not uncover her nakednefle. 8 * The nakednefle of thy fathers wife (halt thou not uncover: it is thy fathers nakednefle. 9 The nakednefle of thy fitter, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whe- ther foe be born at home,or born abroad, even their nakednefle thou (halt not uncover. 10 The nakednefle of thy fonncs daughter, or of thy daughters daughter, even their naked- neflc thou (halt not uncover: for theirs is thine own nakednefle. 11 The nakednefle of thy fathers wives daughter, begotten of thy father, ((heathy fitter) thou (halt not uncover her nakednefle. 1 2 * Thou (halt not uncover the nakednefle of thy fathers fitter : (he is thy fathers neare kinfwoman. 1 3 Thou (halt not uncover the nakednefle of thy mothers fitter : for (he is thy mothers neare kinfwoman. 14 * Thou (halt not uncover the nakednefle of thy fathers brother , thou (halt not approch to his wife : (lie is thine aunt. i y * Thou (halt not uncover the nakednefle of thy daughter in law : (he is thy fonnes wife, thou (halt not uncover her nakednefle. 1 6 *Thou {hilt not uncover the nakednefle of thy brothers wife : ft is thy brothers naked- nefle. 17 Thou (halt not uncover the nakednefle of a woman and her daughter , neither Ihilt thou take her fonnes daughter, or her daughters daughter, to uncover hernnkcdneficj for they . xviii. xix. Unlawfull luftj. are her neare kinfwomen: it is wickednefle. 105 1 8 Neither (halt thou take |) a Wife to her || Or, one fitter , to vex her , to uncover her nakednefle *'fi " **' befides the other in her life time. tther ' 19 *Alfo thou (hilt not approch unto a * Chap 2*. woman to uncoverjier nakednefle , as long as l8 * fhe is put apart for her uncleannefle. 20 Moreover, thou (hale not lie carnally with thy neighbours wife , to defile thy felf with her, 2 1 And thou (halt not let any of thy feed *paflc through the fire to *Molcch , neither 'Chap.:., a. fhalt thou profane the name of thy God : lam 2 his father , and keep my fabbaths : I am the LORD your God. 4 Turn ye not unto idols , nor make to your felves molten gods: I am the LORD your God. f q And if ye offer a facrifice of peace- offer- ings unto the L o R DJ ye (hall offer it, at your own will. G *. 6 Ic Divers laws Leviticus. and ordinances. 104 * Chap. aj *Exod.io.7. Dcut.s-u. Matt.5.j4. ' ' * Deut.24. 4>5. *Exod. ajij. Deut.i.iy. and!*. 19 James', 4 * f.Joh* j. '. cclus tf. i j . || or, that '*"'"'' - Matt'j.'"! andai.jy.* Rom. 1 3.9. Calat.j.,4. es 2 ' S ' |0r,fii/w Heb a!i bt * 6 It (hall be eaten the fame day ye offer it, and on the morrowj and if ought remain untill the third day, it fhall be burnt in the fire. 7 And if it be eaten at all on the third day, it # abominable; it (hall not be accepted. 8 Therefore every one tfiat eateth it fhall bear his iniquitie , becaufe he hath profaned the hajlowed thing of the L o R D j and that foul (hall be cut off from among his people. 9 H And * when ye reap the harvett of your land,thou ihilt not wholly reap the corners of thy field,neither (halt thou gather the gleanings of thy harveft. 10 And thou {halt not glean thy vineyard, neither (halt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard j thou (halt leave them for the poore and (hanger: I aw the LORD your God. u f Ye (hall not (leal , neither deal falfly, neither lie one to another. 11 f And ye (hill not *fwcar by my name falfly, neither (halt thou profane the name of thy God: law the LORD. ' * ^ * Thou flialt not defraud th y nci s h - bour,neither rob him: * the wages of him that is hired , (hall not abide with thee all night un till the morning. I4 ^ Thou {balt not curfe the dea > * nor put a (tumbling block before the blinde , but (halt fear thy God : I am the L o R D. i? ^ Ye (hill do.no unrighteoufnefle in judgement $ thou (halt not *refpeft the pcrfon of the poore, nor honour the perfon of the mighty: 6rinri^hteoufneffe (hilt thou judge thy neighbour. 16 ^r Thou (halt not go up and down as a tale-bearer among thy people : neither (halt thouftandagainft the bloud of thy neighbour: I am the LORD. 17 fl * Thou (halt not hate thy brother in thine heart: * thou (halt in any wife rebuke t hy neighbour ,j| and notfufier finnc upon him. 18 H Thou (halt not avenge , nor bear any grudge againft the children of thy people,* but thou (halt love thy neighbour as thy felf : I am the LO.RD. ' 9 1 ^ ftwll keep,my {features : Thou (halt not letthycattel gender with a diverfe kinde : Thou (halt not fow thy field with mingled f ee< j. neither (hall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee. 20 ^ And whofoevcr lieph carnally with a woman that is a bond- maid j|f betrothed to an husband, and not at aUredeemcd^or freedome S lvenhfr Htfteflv.H be fcourged: they (hall not b 6 P ut to death, becaufe (he was not free. 21 And he fhall bring his trcfpafle-ogering unto the L o R D, unto the doore of the taber- nacle of the congregation , even a ramme for a trefpaffe-ofFeri4 z i And the pneft flull make an atonement for him with the ramme of the trefpalTe-dffer- ing, before the L o R D,for his finne which he hath done : and the (inne which he hath done, (hall be forgiven him. a j f And when ye (hall come into the land, and (hall have planted all manner of trees for food } then ye ihall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcifed: three yearcs (hall it be as uncir- cumcifed unto you : it (hall not be eaten of. 24 But in the fourth yeare all the fruit there- of (hall be f holy to praife the L o R D tvltball. f Heb. * 25 And in the fifth yeare (hall ye eat of the n e ff< of pr fruit thereof, that it may yceld unto you the in- creafe thereof : I am the L o R D your God. ^6 if Ye (hall not eat any thing with the bloud : neither (hall ye ufc inchantment 3 nor obferve times. 27 * Ye (hall not round the corners of your heads, neither (halt thou marre the corners of thy beard. 28 Ye (hall not * make any cuttings in your Deut.i A, fle(h for the dead , nor print any marks upon you: Idwthe LORD. Chap,ai. 29 fo notfproftitute thy daughter, to |Heb. /> caufe her to be a whore 5 left the land fall to fine. whoredome,and the land become full of wick- edneflc. go f Ye (hall keep my fabbaths, and reve* rence my fancluary : I am the LORD. 3 i ^j Regard not them that have familiar fpirits, neither feek afcer wizards, to be defiled by them : I am the LORD your God. j a fl 'I hou (halt rife up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and feat thy God: I am the LORD. 35 ^ And *if a ftranger fojourn with thee * Exod-2} in your land, ye (hall not || vex him. a i. 3 4 * But the Granger that dwelleth with you, ||Or.f /w/ (hall be as one born amongft you,& thou (halt * Exod<2 J' love him as thy felfjfor ye were ftrangers in the land of Egypt : I am the L o R D your God. j 5 ^ Ye thall do no unrighteoufnes in judge. jnent, in meteyard, in weight, or in meafure. ?6 * Juft balances , juft f weights, a juft *Prev.u. ephah, andajuft hin(hallye have : lam the anditf.n. LORD your God, which brought you out of JgWJ the hnd of Egypt. 37 Therefore (hall ye obferve all my ftatutcs and all my judgements, and do them : I am the LORD. CHAP. XX. I Of him thatgi-isttb ofhu feed to Uoleck. 4 Of him that favour (th (uch an one. 6 Of going to wizards* 7 Offanftific.itioH. 9 Of him th.it cur r tth hit parents. 10 Of adultery. 11,14,17,19 Ofinreft. i? Ofjodomy. iSOfbefliilitie.it Ofitncleannefje. 21 Obedience tt required with holineffe. 27 \Vtfyids muft lefKtte death. ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 * Again,thou (halt fay to the children * Chap, n oflfrael, Whofocverk bt of the children of . Iftael, Divers laws Chap. xxi. and ordinance?.' f Chap, Ifraeljorof the ftrangers that fojourn inlfnel, that giveth Any of his feed untoMolech , he (hill furely be put to death : the people of the land {hall ftone him with ftones. $ And I will fet my face againft that man, and will cue him off from among his people : becaufe he hath giren of his feed unto Molech, to defile my fan&u ary, and to profane my holy name. 4 And if the people of the land do any wayes hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his feed unto Molech, and kill him not : 5 Then I will fet my face againft that man, and agafrift his family,and will cut him off,and all that go a whoring after him , to commit whoredome with Molech 3 from among their 6 f And the foul that turneth after fuch as hare familiar fpirits , and after wizards, to go a whoring after them , I will even fet my face againft that foul, and will cut him off from a- mong his people. 7 f * Sanftifie your felves therefore , and be ye holy : for I aw the L o R D your God i.Pet. 1.16. 8 And ye (hall keep my ftatutcs,and do them: I am the L o R D which fanftifie you. Exod.2i. 9 *l * For everyone that cucfeth his father 17. or his mother, (hall be furely put to death : he P /Ih 2 ' 2 hath curfcd k' s fatner or nis mother j his bloud Ih^iil ht upon nitn Deuta? I0 f And * the man that committethadul. aa. " terie with another mans wife, even fee that fohn 8.4>5- committeth adultery with his neighbours wife, the adulterer and the adultereffe (hall furely be put to death. Ck 1 8 8 If *And the man that lieth with his fa- ' ' therswife, hath uncovered his fathers naked- tncfle: both of them (hall be put to death; their bloud /ball be upon them. 12 And if a man li&with his daughterin law, both of them (hall furely be put to death: they have wrought confufionj their bloudjhall be upon them. 1 3 * If a man alfo lie with mankiude,is he lieth whh a woman, both of them have com- mitted an abomination: they (hall furely be put to death j their bloud jball be upon them. 14 And if a man take a wife and her mo- thcr, it h wickednefle: they (hall be burnt with fire, both he and they j that there be no wicked- nefle among you. 1 5 * And if a man lie with a beaft, he (hall furely be put to death : and ye ftwll flay the beaft. 1 6 And if a woman approch unto any beaft, and lie down thcreto,thou (halt kill the woman and the beaft : they (hill furely be put to death, their bloud fhall be upon them. 17 * And if a man (hill take hisfiftcr, his fathers daughter, or his mothers daughter, and 'Chap.if. 22. Chap 18. Chip. 1 8. fee her nakednefle, and (he fee his nakednefle, it I o f is 3 wicked thing 5 and they (hall be cut off ia the fight of their people: he hath uncovered his filters nakednefle, he (hall bear his iniquitie. 1 8 * And if a man (hall lie with a woman * chap. 1 8, having her ficknefle , and (hall uncover her na- |J>* kedneflcjhe hath f difcovered her fountain,and | H e b - *' (he hath uncovered the fountain of her bloud : n*^*. and both of them (hall be cut off from among their people. 19 Andthou (halt not uncover the naked- nefle of thy mothers fifter, nor of thy fathers fitter : for he uncovereth his neare kinne : they (hall bear their iniquitie. 20 And if a man (hall lie with hisuncles wife, he hath uncovered his uncles nakedneffe: they (hall bear their finne , they (hall die childlefle. ii And if a man (hall take his brothers wife, it is | an unclean thing : he huh uncovered his | Heb 4/?. brothers nakednefle , they (hall be childlefle. P"****- 21 f Yc (hall therefore keep all my *fta- Chap.i& tutes , and all my judgements , and do them : 26. that the land whither 1 bring you to dwell therein, * fpue you not out. * Chap. 1 8. zg And ye (hall not walk in the manners of 5- the nation, which I caft out before you: for they committed all thefe things , and * there- * Deut.^. fore I abhorred them. 24 But I have faid unto you, Ye (hall inherit their land , and I will give it unto you to pof. feffe it,a land that floweth with milk and hony: I am the L o R D your God, which have fepa- rated you from other people. 25 * Ye (hall therefore put difference be- 'Chap.n.ai tween clean beafts and unclean, and between DCUM*,* unclean fowls and clean: and ye (hall not make your fouls abominable by beaft or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing,that(Jcreepeth on |j OT,mveth the ground ,which I have feparated from you as unclean. ^6 And ye (hall be holy unto me: * for I the * Jerf iy. ^ LORD amholjy and have fevered you from ,^,.,'0.* other people, that ye (hould be mine. 17 fl* A man alfo or woman that hath a *Deut.i?. familiar fpirit , or that is a wizard, (hall furely 1 1. be put to death : they ftiall ftonc them with .Sasn.i*.7 flones : their bloud (ball be upon them. CHAP. X XT. 1 Of the friefls mourning. 60fthtirht>Hnt$t. *0f their eftimitian. }-, i \ Of their marriages, \6lbe frieftt that hn-ve bltmifies muft not minifter in the fanfittary. ANd the LORD fatd unto Mofes, Speak un- to the priefts the fonnes of Aaron, and fay unto them, There (hall none be defiled for the dead among his people. i But for his kinne, that is neare unto him, that is, for his mother, and for his father, and for his fonne, and for his daughter, and for his brother, 3 And Of the priefts holinefle. Leviticus. Ordinances touching 106 3 Andforhisfifter avirgi^that isnighun- it No man that hath a blemilhjof thefeed to him, which hath had nS husband : for her of Aaron the prieft (hall come mgh to offer he be defiled the offerin g s of the L o R D made by hre j he r Mn ** m 4 But || he flull* not defile himfelf , *g a hath a blemifh, he (hall not come nigh to offer < * They fliall not make baldnefle upon their of the moft holy, and of the holy, head, neither (hall theyftaveoff thecornerof zj Onelyhcftull not go in unto the vail, cw their beard , not make any cuttings in their nor come nigh unto the altar, becaute he hath chap, i* fl e flj. a blemi(h j that he profane not my fanctuaries : 7* 6 They (hall be holy unto their God , and for I the LORD do fandifie them. not profane the name of their God : for the 24 And Mofes told it unto Aaron,and to his offerings of the L o R D made by fae,and the fonnes, and unto all the children of Ifrael. bread of their God they do otfer: therefore they CHAP. XXII. fca "&Ino t u k eavv i fe.ha tis a,horc ) '^^^"^'J&fMSB or profane; neither (hall they take a woman pnt ^ the ^- lt ^ hou ,r e m ^ ett O f tke holy things. IT The awiy from her husband : for he is holy unto his fker ifices mutt be -without blemifb. \6 The age of the QoJ. facrtfice. a? The l&vt of eating the frcrifce ofthintf- 8 Thou (halt fandifie him therefore^ for he &*& offercth the bread of thy God: he (hall be holy A Nd the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, faying, untothee: for I the LORD which fanftifie you, JL\ z Speak unto Aaron, and to his fonnes, tfwholy. that they feparate themfelves from the holy 9 f And the daughter of any prieft , if (he things of the children of Ifrael , and that they profane her felf by playing the whore,ftie pro- profane not my holy name , in thofe thing* faneth her father: (he (hall be burnt with fire. which they hallow unto me : I am the LORD. 10 And he that is the high prieft among his 3 Say unto them , Whofoever he be of all brethren , upon whofe head the anointing oyl your feed, among your generations, that goeth was poured , and that is confecrated to put on unto the holy things, which the children of If- the garments , (hall not uncover his head , nor rael hallow unto the L o R D , having his un- rent his clothes : cleanneffe upon him , that foul (hill be cut off 1 1 Neither (hallhe go in to any dead body, from my prefence : I am the LORD. nor defile himfelf for his father, or for his mo- 4 What man foever of the feed of Aaron is thcr : a leper, or hath * a t running iffuej he (hall not *Chap. 15.; ii Neither (hall he go out of the fanftua- eat of the holy things, untill he be clean. And t Hcb. r*. rie , nor profane the fanduarie of his Godj for whofo tcucheth any thing that if unclean ""# / '* the crown of the anointing oyl of his God is by the dead , or a man whofe feed goeth from "' upon him: law the Lo R D. him: i j And he {ball take a wife in her virgi- 5 Or whofoever toucheth any creeping thing, nitie. whereby he may be made unclean, or a man of 1 4 A widow, or a divorced woman,or pro- whom he may take uncleannefle , whatfoever fane,^ an harlot,thefe (hall he not take: but he uncleanneffe he hath : fliall take a virgin of his own people to wife. 6 The foul which hith touched any fuch, i ? Neither (hall he profane his feed among (hall be unclean untill even , and (hill not eat his people: for I the L o R D do fanftifie him. of the holy things , unleffe he wa(h his fleOi *.6V* And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, with water. f avin g 7 And when the funne is down, he (hall be 17 -Speak unto Aaron,faying, Whofoever be clean, and (hall afterward eat of the holy l,s of thy feed m their generations , that hath things, becaufe it is his food. any blemifli , let him not approch to offer the 8 * That which dieth of it felf , or is torn * Exod.. H Or,/fe*. I! ***** hls u G ? d : with beafr , he (hall not eat to defile himfelf 3 ' . A ,_, l8 J r L W i at n eVer man he be thath h a therewith: I**the LORD. blem,(h , he (hall not approch : a blinde man, 9 They (hall therefore keep mine ordinance, or a lame , or he that hath a fiat nofe , or any left they bear finne for it , and die therefore, * Chap.a i. thing Superfluous if th fane it . ! the L ' o R D do fanaifi ; 33. 19 Or a man that is broken-footed , or them, broken-handed, , o There ^^ no ftran eat of the hol !S' "' I,, h 2 :Cr k ' b u ' r l! , "r^ ' "A" thing ! af J urncr of the Pefts, or an hired , , Jl t ndcr. hath a bletiuli m his eye, or be fcurvie,or fcab. fervant (hill not eat of the holy thin?. 1 6 'w bed,orhathhisftonesbroken: lt But if theprieft buy J y foul f with his %[ money, the priefts. Chap money, he fhall eat of it, and he that is born in his houfe : they fhall eat of his meat. 12 If the priefts daughter alfobe married f Hcb < mn unto fa {tranger, fhe may not eat of an offer- +fig*i. ing of the holy things. 13 But if the priefts daughter be a widow, or divorced, and have no childe,and is returned *Chap.io. unto her fathers houfe, *as in her youth, fhc M (hall eat of her fathers meat j but there (hall no Arangcr eat thereof. 14 f And if a man eat of the holy thing un- wittingly,then he fhal put the fifth part thereof unto it,and fhall give it unto the prieft,with the holy thing. i J And they fhall not profane the holy . things of the children of Ifrael which they offer unto the LOR D: JOr,W# it* Or [] fuffcr them to bear the iniquity of tkemfcivts _ trefpafle, when they eat their holy things : for iriththe ini j t jj e L ORD (I fheep, it (hall be perfect, to be accepted: there (hall be no blemifh therein. 2 2 Blinde, or broken, or maimed,or having a v? en, or fcurvy, or fcabbed, ye (hall not offer thefe unto the LORD, nor make an offering by fire of them upon the altar unto the LORD . ||6r,^' not kill it * and her young both in one day. *' 29 And when ye will offer a facrifice of Deut "'*' thankfgiving unto the LORD, offer it at your own will. 3 o On the fame day it fhall be eaten up, ye (hall leave * none of it untill the morrow : I * cha P 7 am teoRD. IJ * 3 1 Therefore fhall ye keep my command- ments, and do them : I am the L o R D. 3 2 Neither (hall ye profane my holy name, but * I will be hallowed among the children chap.ioj of Ifrael: I am the LORD which hallow you, 33 That brought you out of the land of E- gypt, to be your God : I am the L o R D. CHAP. XXIII. I T* feafts of the Lord. 3 the fate ath. 4 The faffener. 9 Thejheaf of fir ft- fruits. 15 Thefeaftoffentecoft. sa Gleanings to be left for the foore- 23 Thefeaft of trumpets. 26 The day of at ontmtnt, 33 Ihefealiof tabernacles. ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, Concerning the feafts of the L o R D, which ye fhall proclaim to be holy convocations, even thefe are my feafts. 3 * Sixdayes (hall work be done, but the *Exod.Jo.j, fevcnthday is thefabbathofreft,an holy con- D"t.5.ij.- vocation; ye (hall do no work therein: it the Luke ' 3 " >4 * fabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings. 4 f Thefe are the feaftsof the LoRD,ez/e holy contocations, which ye (hall proclaim m their feafons. 5 * In the fourteenth day of the firft * Exod. i ft moncth at even, is the L OR D s pafleover. > 8 6 And on the fifteenth day of the fame Num.ig.!** rnoneth, is the feaft of unleavened bread unro the L o R 0:fcven dayesye muft eat unleavened bread. 7 In the firft day ye fhall have an holy con- vocation: ye fhall do no fervile work therein. 8 But ye fhall offer an offering made by fire unto the L o R D feven dayes : in the feventh dayman holy convocation, ye fhall do nofer- vilc work therein. 9 f And the LORD fpake unto Mofes/aying, 10 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and (ay unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give onto you, and fhall reap the har- teft thereof,then ye fhall bringa (Jtfheaf of jOr, hand- the fuft-iruits of your harvcft unto the prieft : f uil - 11 And he fhall wave thefheaf before the J^* W> * L o R D ,to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the fab bath the prieft fhall wave it. iz And ye (hall offer that day when ye wave folemn feafls. Offcverall Leviticus. 1 08 wave the (heaf, an hc-lambe without blemifti, z6 4 And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, of the firft yeare, for a burnt-offering unto the faying, LORD. 7 * Alfo on the tenth day of this feventh * cha 13 And the meat-offering thereof J&z// be moneth, there Jhall be 3. d&y of atonement, it ?o. 10 tenth, deals of fine floure mingled with (hall be an holy convocation unto you, and ye Nuiu rl an rtfffrina mar?(- htf fire nnrr rhp T.ftW n fhall aflfltft VOUf fouls, and offer an offering 2*7 fHcb.r,/. Chap.i?.? * D cut. 24. two tentn-acais 01 nne noure mmgiea vviui man DC am oyl, an offering made by fire unto the LORD (hall affltft 7 wm iwui*, tt i, u w for a fweet favour: and the drink-offering there- made by fire unto the LORD. of Jhall be of wine, the fourth part of an hin. 18 And ye (hall do no work in that fame 14 And ye (hall eat neither bread, nor day: for it is a day of atonement, to make an parched corn, nor green eares, untill the felf atonement for you before the LORD your fame day that ye have brought an offering God. unto your God : It fall be a ftatute for ever 29 For whatfoever foul it be that (hall not throughout your generations, in all your dwcl- be afflicted in that fame day, he (hall be cut of lings. from among his people. . if 4 And* ye (hall count unto you from 30 And whatfoever foul;/ be that doeth any the morrow after the fabbath, from the day Work in that fame day, the fame foul will I that ye brought the (heaf of the ware-offering} deftroy from among his people, feven fabbaths (hill be complete: 31 Ye (hall do no manner of work: \tfoill 16 Even unco the morrow after the ferenth be a ftatute for ever throughout your genera- fabbath, (hall ye number fiftie dayes, and tions in all your dwellings. ye (hall offer a new meat-offering unto the 31 It /hall be unto you a fabbath of reft,and LORD. ye (hall afflicl your fouls in the ninth day of the 17 Ye (hall bring out of your habitations moneth at even: from even unto even (hall ye two wave-loaves , of two tenth-deals : they t "legate your fabbath. flull be of fine floure, they (hall be baken with 3 3 4 And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, leaven, they are the firft-fruits unto the LORD, faying, 18 And ye flnll offer with the bread feven 34 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, fay- lambes without blemim, of the firft yeare, and ing,* The fifteenth day of this feventh moneth * Num. 2,. one young bullock and two rammes: they (hall fall be the feaft of tabernacles for fcven dayes I 2 be for a burnt-offering unto the LORD, with untotheLoRD. their meat-offering, and their drink-offerings, 3 J On the firft day Jhall be an holy convo- even an offering made by fire of fweet favour cation: ye (hall do no fervile work therein, unto the LORD. 3 6 Seven dayes ye (hall offer an offering 19 i hen ye (hall facrifice one kid of the made by fire unto the L o R D: * on the eighth John j.y goats,for a finne- offering, and two lambes of day (hall be an holy convocation unto you,and the hrit yeare, for afacrifice of peace-offerings, ye (hall offer an offering made by fire unto the zo And the pneft (hall wave them with the LORD: it is a f folemn afiembly, and ye (hall t Heb-dar- bread of the firft-fruits,for a wave-offering be- do no fervile work therein. of " AifSfii R D i_' With the tvvo lambes : the y 3 7 Thefe are the feafts of the LOR D, flnll be holy to the LORD for the priefts. which ye (hall proclaim to be holy convoca- 1 1 And ye (hall proclaim on the felf fame tions, to offer an offering made by fire unto the .2 ' %?$?** r ^ , h ly convocat 'n ""to L o R D, a burnt-offering, and a meat-offering, you: ye (hall do no ferv.le work therein: It (hall a facrifice, and drink-offerings, every thing up! be* ftatute for ever in all your dwellings on his day: 38 Befide the fabbaths of the LORD, and 'our befide your gifts, and befide all your vows, and 'the befide all your free-will- offerings, which yc ~ ; uu " rcapeft, * nei- give unto the LORD. harveft thnuL f l^ leanm f ^ ** Alfointhe fifteenth day of thefeventh LTtoth^ft T aVCt t ei ? U " t0the P re ' nh,whenyeha V egathered in the fruit of z c And^fr ^ r L u RDyOUr God ' thc land > y " k "P > ^aft unto the L o R D fl And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, feven dayes : ----- - land, ^ftallofir anefia.ngmadebyfirc nco t hc 4- An'd ye ^ T H A P. XXV. I The f&bMh tfthefeventbyfire. 3 T-be-jxhilem the fif- tieth )tan. i 4 Gftpprt/na.1 8 A bltfsingvftbtdience. 23 The redemption of land, 19 fhaufes. 35 m- faftion of the poore. 3$ The uf*ge ef bond-men. 47 The redemption offervants. ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes in mount Sinai, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them,When ye come into the land which I give you, then (hall the land fkeep * a fab- fHcb.re/. bath unto the LORD. 'Exod-aj.io, 3 Six yeares thou (halt fow thy field, and fix yeares thou (halt prune thy vineyard , and ga- ther in the fruit thereof. 4 But in the feventh yearc (hall be a fabbath of reft unto the land, a fabbath for the LORD: thcu (halt nehh.-r fow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. 5 That which groweth of it own accord of thy harveft, thou (halt not reap, neither gather the grapes f of thy vineundrefled: for it is a -f- Heb -'/;; yeare of reft unto the land. - yT-^ramw, 6 And the fabbath of the land (hall be meat for you; for thee, nnd for thy (crvant , and for thy maid, and for thy hired ferv.int,and for the ftr'anscrthat fojourneth with thee, 7 And for t!iy cattell,and for the beafts that . of found. The jubile. Leviticus^ Redemption of houfes and no are in thy land, flnll all the incrcafe thereof be a 4 And irt all the land of your pofleffion, ye meat. ihall grant a redemption for the land. 8 f And thou fhalt number feven fabbaths f f If thy brother be waxen poore , and of yeares unto thee, feven times feven yeares, hath fold away fame of his pofleffion, and if and the fpace of the feven fabbaths of yeares any of his kinne come to redeem it, then fhall fhall be onto thee fourcic and nine yeares. lie redeem that which his brother fold. 9 Then fhnlr thou caufe the trumpet j of the *& And if the man have none to redeem it, jubile to found, on the tenth day of the feventh a "d \ himfelf be able to redeem it: ' j- H c b. hit moneth 5 in the day of atonement, fhall ye *7 Then let him count the yeares of the ^ndhath^ make the trumpet found throughout all your ^ thereof, and reftore the overplus unto the tatned ** land. man to whom he fold it ; that he may return ^ ltn . d ^"' 10 And yeflnll hallow the fiftieth .yeare, unto his pofleffion. and proclaim libertie throughout all the land, *% But if he be not able to reftdre it to him unto all the inhabitants thereof: it fhall be a then that which is fold, fhall remain in the jubile unto you, and ye fhall return every man nand of him that hath bought it, untill the unto his pofleffion , and ye fhall return every X eare of jubile:and in the jubile it fball o out man unto his family. and he fhall return unto his pofleffion. 11 A jubile fhall that fiftieth yeare be unto *o And if a man fella dwelling-houfe in a you : ye fhall not fow, neither reap that which walled citie , then he may redeem it within a groweth of it felf in it, nor gather the grapes in vvhole yeare after it is fold : tvithia a full yeare it of thy vine undrefled. may he redeem it. 1 2 For it is the jubile, it fhall be holy un- 3 And if it be not redeemed within the to you: ye fhall eat the increafe thereof out of fpace of afullyearej then the houfe thatw m the field. the walled ci tie, flu" .Ihall be eftabhfheci for ever to 1 3 In the yeare of this jubile ye fhall return nn that bought it, throughout his generati- ,r W ,,n ,,nm fci. ~JKJti~. OnS; it fl^ <. gQ ^ in ^ . ^j^ 3 i But the houfes of the villages which have no walls round about them, flull be counted as the fields of the coimtrey : f they may be re- f Hcb. r*. deemed, and they fh ill go out in the jubile. demotion 6, 3 2 Notwithfhndmg, the cities of the Le- lo "g tth >* every man unto his pofleffion. 14 And if rhou fell ought unto thy neigh- bour, or buycft ought of thy neighbours hand j ye fhall not opprefle one another: i ? According to the number of yeares after the jubile,thou fhalt buy of thy neighbour, and According unto the number of yeares of the fruits he fhall fell unto thee: vites t and the houfes of the cities of their poflef- "' fion, may the Levites redeem at any time. ; the price thereof, and ac- cording to the fewnefle of yeares rhou fhalt diminilh the price of it : for according to the number of the yeares of the fruits doth he fell unto thee. 1 7 Ye fhall not therefore opprefle one ano- ther; but thou fhalt fear thy God: For I ar/t the LORD your God. 1 8 q Wherefore ye fhail do my ftatutes and keep my judgements, and do them 5 and ye fhall dwell in the land in fafety. 19 And the land fhall '" 1, and the city of his! pofleffion fhall go out in the yeare o/jubile: for the houfes of the cities of the Levites are their pofleffion among the children of Ifrael. 34 But the field of the fubuibs of their ci- ties may not be fold, for it is their perpetuall pofleffion. 3 J ^ And if thy brother be waxen poore, and f fallen in decay with thee j then thou + Heb h . fhalt f relieve him: yea though he be a. ftranger, huuffioSt or a fojourner; that he may live with thee. t He b- norShe i/our nr C* WC fha11 n fOVV ' ^ Thoufhaltnotgivehimthy money upon Jffi'SS nor gatheim our increafe: ufury, nor lend him tHy viftualls for increafe. and J2 .i 3 . vou in thTf r C0mm , and ^ "f In "Pn 1*1 am the LORD your GoH.which brought .you m the fixt yeare, and itfhall bring forth you forth out of thehndof Egypt 3 to oive you fruit for three yeares the land of Canaan, ,rf to be yoL God. J eaJi^owS^mt^n^S 1 * t 39 ^ And * if thy brother rL^^/// by *Exod. ar . 3 unoll her fruits come in, ye {lull eat of the old thou fcaS^S^? hTm to ferte^bond! feS^I , lo , re - , fervant- jHeb.ferv ii^as=---'= ;ssifess? 41 And Of fervants. Chap. 41 And ^wflialihe depart from thee,both he and his children with him, and (hall return unto his own family , and unto the pofleflion of his fathers (hall he return. 41 For they are my fervants,which I brought forth out of the land of Egypt : they (hall not ?eb. ttith be fold f as bond-men. file of* 4 j * Thou (halt not rule over him with ri- '*"*? gour, but (halt fear thy God. 44 Both thy bond-men , and thy bond- maids , which thou (halt have, (hall be of the heathen that are round about you 5 of them (hall ye buy bond-men and bond-maids. 45 Moreover, of the children of the (han- gers that do fojourn among you; of them (hall ye buy , and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land : and they fliall be your pofleflion. 46 And ye (hall take them as an inheritance for your children after you , to inherit them ^ ve for a pofleflion , f they (hall be your bond-men for ever : but over your brethren the children of Ifrael , ye (hall not rule one over another with rigour. , 47 f And if a fojourner or ftranger f wax rich by thee , and thy brother that dwelletb by him wax poore,and fell himfelf unto the ftran- ger or fojourner by thee, or to the (lock of the Grangers family : 48 After that he is fold , he may be redeem- ed again j one of his brethren may redeem turn: 49 Either his uncle, or his uncles fonne may redeem him , or any that is nigh of kinne unto him, of his family, may redeem him; or if he be able, he may redeem himfelf. 50 And he (hall reckon with him that bought him,from the yeare that he was fold to him, unto the yeare of jubile . and the price of his fale (hall be according unto the number of yeares , according to the time of an hired fer- vant (hall it be with him. f i If there be yet many yeares belrinde^ ac- cording unto them he (hall give again the price of his redemption , out of the money that he Was bought for. 5 2, And if there remain but few yeares onto the yeare of jubile , then he (hall count with him, and according unto his yeares (hall he give him again the price of his redemption. 5 3 And as a yearcly hired fcrvant (hall he be with him : and the other (hall not rule with rigour over him in thy fight. 5 4 And if he be not redeemed || in thefe yearn, then he (hall go out in the yeare of ju- bile, both he, and his children with him. 55 For unto me the children of Ifrael are fervants, they are my fcrvanrs whom I brought forth out of the land of E 6 ypt : I aw the LORD your God., XXVI. Of idolatry and rcligioufneflc. CHAP. XXVI. 1 Ofida'*trj. 2 Jteli^ioufnf/i. $ ^t blefing to them that t(etf> thr comm*ndnt n t}. I 4 ^f an ft to thofi that brtakjhtm. ^oVad premiftth to rtmexJ.r them that repent. yE (hall make you * no idols nor graven *Exod 204. 1 image, neither rear you up a || (landing 1*111.5.*. image , neither (hall ye fet up any \\ j image of and flone in your land, to bowe down unto it: for I ,? fal '*?;7* am the L o R D your God. ' | Q^f?^ a * Ye (hall keep my fabbaths,and reverence /* . ' my fanftuary : I am the L o R D. -fHeb./?3 j f * If ye walk in my ftatutes , and keep '/$**"' my commandments, and do themj ! '** 4 Then I will give you rain in due feafon, * ieut.a8.r- and the land mall yeeld her increafe , and the trees of the field (hall yceld their fruit. J And your threfling mail reach unto the- vintage , and the vintage (hall reach unto the fowing time : and ye (hall eat your bread to the^ full, and * dwell in your land fafely. * Job n i g.' 6 And I will give peace in the land,and *ye "Jobn.i^r fhaJ.1 he down, and none (hall make you. afraid: and I will f rid evil beafts out of the land, nei- f Heb. caufe ther mall the fword go through your land. / tffe. 7 And ye (hall chafe your enemies, and they (hall fall before you by the fword. 8 And * five of youlhall chafe an hundred, * JO/ILZJ. and an hundred of you (hall put tenthoufand 10. to flight: and your enemies (hall fall before you by the fword. 9 For I will hare refpe& unto you, and. make you fruitfull, and multiply you, and efta-- blifli my covenant with you. 10 And yc (hall eat old ftore 3 and bring' forth the old bccaufe of the new. 1 1 * And I will fet my tabernacle amongft you : and my foul (hall not abhorre you. iz * And I will walk among you , and will * z. be your God , and ye (hall be my people. f * 13 I am the LORD your God,which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt , that ye (hould not be their bond-men , and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you. go upright. . 14 fl*But if ye will not hearken unto me, * Deuc.z and will not do all thefe commandments; jj. 15 And if ye (hall defpife my-ftatutes, or Laments if your foul abhorre my judgements, fo that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant : 16 I alfo will do this unto you,-I will even appoint f over you tcrrour, confumption, and f Heb. the burning-ague j that (lull confume the eyes, J- and cr.ufe "forrow of heart : and ye flr.ll fow your feed in vain, for your enemies lhal{ eat it. 1 7 And T will fet my face ngainft you , and- i ye ilull be (bin before your enemies: they that hate you ihall reigne ov.r you, and * y * flull rice when none uiuu^th you. . i& Aod . Plagues thrcamcd. Leviticus; Bleffings promifcd, , , s 1 8 And if ye will not yet for all this hear- ? 6 And_ upon ;hetn that are left alive of ken unto me , thtn I will puniih you feven times more for yoar iinnes. 19 And I will break the pride of your power; and I will m.ike your heaven as iron, and your earth as braffc: 20 And your ftrength Gull be fpent in vain: for your land (lull notyeeld her increafc, nei- ther (hall the trees of the land yeeld their fruits. p Or,4f All 2i f And if ye walk j| contrary unto me, adventures and will not hearken unto me ; I will bring wthme,a.nd f event imes more plagues upon you, according rert>24 * toyourfinnes. 2 2 I will alfo fend wilde beafts among you, which (hall rob you of your children, and de- ftroy your c ittell, and make you few in ntim- bcr, and your high-wzyes flnil be defolate. 23 And if ye will not be reformed by thefe things, but will walk contrary unto me: *a.Sam. 24 * Then will I alfo walk contrary unto 32 - J 7- you, and will punHh you yet feven times for you,I will fend a faintneflc into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the found of a fflukcn leaf (hall chafe them; and they (hall -j- flee, as fleeing from afwoud : and they (hall w fall when none purfueth. 37 And they (hall "fall one upon another,.as it were before a fword, when none purfueth;- and ye (hall have no power to {land before your enemies. 38 And ye ftull perifli among the heathen, and the land of your enemies lhall eat you up. 39 And they that are left of you, (hall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies lands; and alfo in the iniquities of their fathers (hall they pine away with them. 40 If they i"hall confeflc their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers , with their tref- paffe which they trefpafled againft me , and that alfo they have walked conwary unto me; 4 1 And that I alfo have walked contrary uru to them, and have brought them into the 1 md of their enemies, if then their uncircumcifed! And I will bring a fword upon you, that Jiearts be humbled, and they then accept of the {hall avenge the quarrell of my covenant : and punifhrnentjof their iniquity: when ye are gathered together within your ci- ties,! will fend the peftilence among you; & ye 42 Then will I remember my covenant vrith _..,,,. , r . & ; > -~ /- J ac bj and alfo my covenant with Ifaac, and (hall be delivered into the hand of the enemy, alfo my covenant with Abraham will I remem- ber; and I will remember the land. 3 The land alfo (hall be left of them, and 34-7- z6 And when I have broken the ft.affe of your bread, ten women fhall bake your bread in one oven , and they (hall deliver you your bread again by weight; and .ye {hall eat and notbefatisfied. 27 And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me: 28 Then I will walk contrary unto you alfo in fury; and I, even I, will chaftife you feven times for your finnes. 29 * And ye (hall eat the fle(h of your fonnes, and the flefli of your daughters ihall ye eat. 30 And I will deftroy your high places, and * a. Chron. * cut dovvn V 0111 ' in "ges, and caft your carcafes upon the carcafes of your idols, and my foul {hall abhorre you. 31 And I will make your cities wafte,and bring your fanctuaries unto defolation, and I will not fmell the favour of your fweet odours. 3 2 And I will bring the land into defola- tion : and your enemies which dwell therein, {hall be aftonilhed at it. 3 3 And I will fcatter you amoa^ the hea- then, and will draw out a fword after you: and your land (hall be defolate, & your cities wafte. 34 Then {hall the land enjoy herfabbaths, as long as it lieth defolate , and ye be in your enemies land; even then (hail the land reft,and en joy herfabbaths. 3bether of the feed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORDS: it U holy unto the LORD. 3 i And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he (hall adde thereto the fifth pare thereof. 3 z And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatfoever pafleth under the rod jthe tenth (hill be holy unto the LORD. gj He (hall not fearch whether it be good or bad , neither (hall he change it : and if he change it at all , then both it and the change thereof (hall be holyj it (hall not be redeemed. 3 4 Thefe are the commandments which the LORD commanded Mofes, for the childien of I(hel,in mount Sinai. H THE c 1 4 The fourth book of MO S SS , called E ' 6 TS^ ff &%#*& *< f^iceof *. Lord. L Nd the LORD (pake un- to Mofcs in the wilder- nefleof Sinai, in the ta- bernacle of the congrega- tion , on the firft day of the (econd moneth t in ^ ^_ the fecond yeare, after they were come out of the land of E?ypt, fay- V * Take ye thefumme of all the congre- gation of the children of Ifrael, after their fa- milies, by the houfe of their fathers, with the number of their names, every male by their poll: 5 From twenty yeares old and upward, all that are able to go forth to warre in Ifrael j thou and Aaron (hall number them by their armies. 4 And with you there (hall be a man of every tribe; every one head of the houfe of his fathers. ? 4 And thefe are the names of the men that fhall ftand with you: Of the tribe of Reu- ben; Elizurthe fonne of Shcdcur. 6 Of Simeon* Shelumicl the fonne of Zu- rUhaddai. 7 .Of Judahj NahQion the fonne of Ammf- nadab. 8 Of Iflachar j Nethaneel the fonne of Zuar. 9 Of Zebulun j Eliab the fonne of He- Ion. 10 Of the children of Jofeph: of Ephraim, tlifhama the fonne of Ammihudjof Manaffeh, Gamaliel the fonne of Pedahzur. 1 1 Of Benjamin; Abidan the fonne of Gi- deoni. ii Of Dan; Ahieier the fonne of Ammi- fhaddai. 1 3 Of Afher; Pagiel the fonne of Ocran. 14 Of Gad; Eliafaph the fonne of Dcu'el. i f Of Naphtali; Ahira the fonne of Enan- 1 6 Thefe were the renowned of the con- gregation, princes of thetribes of their fathers, heads of thoufands in Ifrael . 17 f And Mofes and Aaron took thefe men, which are exprefled by their names, i 8 And they aflembled all the congregation together on the firft day of the fecond moneth; and they declared their pedegrees after their fa- milies, by the houfe of their fathers, according to the number of the names , from twenue yeares old and upward, by their poll. 19 As the LORD commanded Mofes,fo he numbred them in the wilderneffe of Sinai. 20 And the children of Reuben Ifraels eldeft fonne,by their generations,after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, according to the number of the names, by their poll, every male from twenty yeares old and upward , all that were able to go forth to warre } ^ i Thofe that were numbred of them,cz>e of the tribe of Reuben , tvere fourty and fix thoufand and five hundred. 22 f Of the children of Simeon, by their generations, after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, thofe that were numbred of them, according to the number of the names, by their polls, every male from twentie yeares old and upward, all that were able to go forth to warre ; 15 Thofe that tvtre numbred of thcm ) STjen of the tribe of Simeon, were fit tie and nine thoufand and three hundred. 24 f Of the children of Gad,by their gene- rations , after their families, by the houfe of their father*, according to the number of the names/rom twenty yeares old and upward^fl that were able to go forth to warre j i f Thofe tint were numbred of them, even of the tribe of Gzd 3 ivere fourty and fivethou>- fand fix hundred and fiftie. 2.6 ^ Of the children of Judah, by their generations^ after their families, by the houfe of their fathers , according to the number of the names, from twenty yeares old and up- ward, all that were able to go forth to warre j 27 Thofe that were numbred of them,? vc n of the tribe of Judah , tvere threefcore and fourteen thoufand and fix hundred. 28 f Of the children of Iflachar, by their generations, after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, according to the number of the nameSjfrom twenty yeares old and upward^ all that were able to go forth to warre ; *9 Thofe thatwere numbred of thero,; of the tribe of Iffachar, were fifty and foure thoofand and foure hundred. 30 f Of the children of Zebulan,by their generations, after their families, by the houfe of their fathers , according to the number of ths The men of Chap . ii. warre are numbred.' from ftventie yeares old and up- the children of Ifhel, by the houfe of their fa- 1 1 f thers, from twenty yeares old and upward, all that were able to go forth to warre in Ifrael j 46 Even all they that were numbred, were fix hundred thoufand and three thoufand and the names , ward, all that were able to go forth to warres g i Thofe that were numbred of them,evex of the tribe of Zebulun, were fiftieand feven thoufand and foure hundred. 3 z ^ Of the children of Jofeph, namely, of five hundred and fifty, the children of Ephraim, by their generations, 47 ^ But the Levites, after the tribe of thcic after their families , by the houfe of their fa- fathers, were not numbred among them, thers, according to the number of the names, from twenty yeares old and upward , all thac were able to go forth to warre 5 3 3 Thofe that were numbred of thenvywz of the tribe of Ephraim, were fourtie thoufand and five hundred. 34 f Of the children of ManafTeh, by their generations , after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty yeares old and up- ward, all that were able to go forth to w^rrej 3 y Thofe that were numbred of them,ryz of the tribe of Manafleh , were thirty and two thoufand and two hundred. 36 4f Of the children of Benjamin, by their 48 For the LORD had fpokcn unto Motes, faying, 49 Onely thou (halt not number the tribe of Levi , neither take the fumme of them a- mong the children of Ifrael : jo But thou (halt appoint the Levites over the tabernacle of teftimony, and overall the veffcls thereof, and overall things that belong they {hall bear the tabernacle s and all the viflels thereof, and they (hall minifter unto it, and fhall encamp round about the tabernacle. 51 And when the tabernacle fetteth for- ward, the Levites fhall take it down: and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Leviies fhall fet it up: and the ftranger that cometh generations , after their families, by the houfe nigh, fhall be put to death, of their fathers , according to the number of 51 And the children of Ifrael (lull pitch the names, from twenty yeares old and up- their tents every man by his own camp, and tvard,all that were able to go forth to warre; 3 7 Thofe that were numbred of them, even of the tribe of Benjamin,r thirty and five thoufand and foure hundred. 38 f Of the children of Dan, by their ge- every man by his own ftandard , throughout their hofts. 53 But the Levites (hall pitch roundabout the tabernacle of teftimony j that there be no wrath upon the congregation of the children negations , after their families, by the houfe of of Ifrael : and the Levites (hall keep the charge of the tabernacle of teftimony. children of Ifrael did according their fathers, according to the number of the names , from twenty yeares old and upward, all that were able to go forth to warre j 39 Thofe that were numbred of them,et/z of the tribe of Dan , were threefcore and two thoufand and feven hundred. 40 ^ Of the children of Amer, by their ge- nerations, after their families, by the houfe of their fathers , according to the number of the names, from twenty yeares old and upward,all that were able to go forth to warre} 54 And the cl to all that the L o R D commanded Mqfes 3 fo did they. CHAP. II. I The order of the triles in their tents'. A Nd the L o R D (pake unto Mofes, and un- .CjLto Aaron, faying, Every man of the children of Ifrael fhall pitch by his own ftandard, with the enfigne of 41 Thofe that were numbred of them, even their fathers houfe : f farre off about the taber- f Hc b. ,* of the tribe of Afher,wwe fourty and one thou- nacle of the congregation fhill they pitch. fand and fire hundred. ? U And on the eaft.fide toward the rifing 4* 5r Of the children of Naphtali,through- of thefunne , fhall they of the ftandard of the out their generations , after their families , by camp of Judah pitch, throughout their armies: and Nahfhon the fonne of Amminadab {hill be captain of the children of fudah. 4 And hishoft, and thofe that were num- bred of them . tvere threefcore and fourteen the houfe of their fathers , according to the number of the names, from twenty yeaves old and upward, all that were able to go forth to warre ; ui vu vi IUWLU * ?w IIJLW Thofe that were numbred of them,v* thoufand and fix hundred, of the tribe of Naphtali , were fifty and three 5 And thofe that do pitch next unto him, thoufand and foure hundred. fall be the tribe of Iflachar : and Nethaneel 44 Thefe are thofe that were numbred, the fonne of Zuar fall be captain of the chil- dren of IfTachan 6 And his hoft,and thofe that were numbred which Mofes and Aaron numbred , and the princes of Ifrael, being twelve men : each one was for the houfe of his fathers. 4580 were all thofe that were numbred of hundred. thereof, re fifty and foure thoufand and foure H ^ Tbtn The order of the tribes Numbers. 7 Then the tribe of Zebulun: and Eliab the in their tents. 24 All that were numbred of the camp of fonne of Helon, jfo// be captain of the children Ephraim, were an hundred thoufand and eight of Zebulun. thoufand and an hundred , throughout their 8 And his hoft,and thofe that were numbred armies : and they (hall go forward in the third rank. 2f flThe ftandardof the camp of Din Jb.ill be on the north-fide by their armies: and the thereof, were fifty and feven thoufand and foure hundred. 9 All that were numbred in the camp of Judah , were an hundred thoufand and foure- captain of the children ofDan,Jhallbe Ahiefcer J UUClli y Wlrft, ail 1W1IW ww v u i\SM*v- fcore thoufand and fix thoufand and foure the fonne of Ammimaddai. hundred , throughout their armies: thefe fhall *& And his hoft , and thofe that were num- firft fet forth. bred of them, were threcfcore and twothou- 10 f On the fouth-fide^// be the flandard find and feven hundred. of the camp of Reuben, according to their 27 And thofe that encamp by him^allbe armies: and the captain of the children of the tribe of After : and the captain of the chil- Reuben,J&4// be Elizur the fonne of Shedeur. dren of Aflier, fhall be Pagiel the fonne. of 11 And his hoft, and thofe that were num- bred thereof, were fourty and fix thoufand and five hundred. 1 2 And thole which pitch by him , Jball be the tribe of Simeon : and the captain of the 28 And his hoft, and thofe that were num- bred of them , were fourty and one thoufand and five hundred. 20 Then the tribe of Naphtali: and the captain of the children of Naphtali , Jhallbe Ahira the fonne of Enan. go And his holt , and thofe that were num- children of Simeon , Jball be Shelumiel the fonne of Zuc ifhiddai. i j And his hoft , and thofe that were num- bred of them , were fiftie and nine thoufand bred of them, were fiftie and three thoufand aad three hundred. and foure hundred. 14 Then the tribe of Gad : and the captain 31 All they that were numbred in the camp of the fonnes of Gad , Jball be Eliafaph the of Dan , were an hundred thoufand and fiftie fonne of Reiiel. and feven thoufand and fix hundred: they fhall i ? And his hoft, and thofe that were num- go hindmoft with their ftandards. bred of them , were fourtie and five thoufand 31 f Thefe are thofe which were numbred and fix hundred and fiftie. of the children of Ifrael by the houfeof their 16 All that were numbred in the camp of fathers; all thofe that were numbred of the Reuben , were an hundred thoufand and fiftie camps throughout their hofts , were fix hun- and one thoufand and foure hundred & fiftie, dred thoufand and three thoufand and five throughout their armies: and they (hall fet hundred and fifty. forth in the fecond rank. 3 j But th< Levites were not numbred a* 17 f Then the tabernacle of the congre- mong the children of Ifrael , as the LORD gation (Kill fet forward with the camp of the commanded Mofes. Levites, in the midft of the camp : as they en 54 And the children of Ifrael did according camp , fo (hall they fet forward, every man in to all that the LORD commanded Mofes : fo his place by their ftandards. they pitched by their ftandards , and fo they fer 18 f O.i the weft.fide Jljall be the ftandard forward, every one after their families, accord- of the camp of Ephraim, according to their armies: and the captain of the fonnes of E- phraim , Jhall be Elifhama the fonne of Am- mihud. 19 And his hoft, and thofe that were num. bred of them , were fourty thoufand and five hundred. jo And by him Jball be the tribe of ManaflVh: and the captain of the children of Manaffeh, Jhtll be Gamaliel the fonne of Pedahzur. 21 And his hoft,and thofe that were num- br-ed of them , were thirty and two thoufand and two hundred. 22 Then the tribe of Benjamin: and the ing to thehoufe of their fathers. CHAP. III. I The("oymes ofiAirvn. 5 The Levitts t priefls, for the (ervice of the t.ibenude, 1 1 in ftead of the ftrfl-born. 14 The Levites are numbred by their fami 'its. ziThe families, number, and chmge of tht Gerfhonitti , 17 cf the i(ohathitei , j 3 of the Men- 40 The firft-iorn are freed by the Levites. 44TV> overplus are redeemed. THefe alfo are the generations of Aaron and Mofes^in the day that the LORD fpakc with Mofes in mount Sinai. 2 And thefe are the names of the fonnes of Aaron j Nadab the * firft born , and Abihu, captain of the fonnes of Benjamin, fall be Eleaza^and Itharmr. Abjdan the Tonne of Gideoni. j T hcfe are the names of the fonnes of Aa- 2 j And his hoft, and thofe that were num- ron, the prieftsjwhich were anointed, f whom * Heb . */ bred or tbtm,were thirty and five thoufand and hs confcctatcd to minifter in the priefts office, bmd bifiiu 4 * And foure hundred* The .cfir.ia ,ap. JK -,; r^._-_ -^ < _-^ . u ^ v^wmavit vi tne congregation * of the tabernacle of the congregation, and the 16 And thehangiags of the court and the ;n of Ifrael 3 to do the fer- curtain for the doore of the court, which it by charge of the children of Ifrael vice of the tabernacle. 9 And thou (halt give the Levites onto Aaron and to his fonnes: they are wholly given unto him out of the children of Ifrael. 10 And thou (halt appoint Aaron and his fonnes , and they (hall wait on their pnefts office : and the ftranger thac cometh nigh, (hall be put to death. . . mvvuuii, wuiiii u ay the tabernacle , and by the altar round about' and the cords of it, for all the fervice thereof. 2,7 f And of Kohath tvas the family of the Amrarmtes,andthe family of thelzeharites, and the family of the Hebronites , and the fa- mily of the Uzzielites : thefe are the, families of theKohathites. 18 In the number of all the males , from a _ , " mc numoerot all the males , from a f And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, moneth old and upward, were eight thoufand r in S. a d ^ hundred, keeping the charge of the fanduary. 29 The families of the fonnes of Kohath, inali pitch on the fide of the tabernacle foutb,- ied.i;.J. it.J7.26 p.8..*. c.3 ward. 30 And the chief of the houfe of the father of the families of the Kohathites,^ itt be Eli- a.4<*.i & i z And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among.the children of Ifrael, in ftead of all the firft-born that openeth the matrice a- mong the children of Ifrael : therefore the Le- vites (hall be mine, i 3 Becaufe all the firft.born are mine; *for 01 tne families of the Kohath ; - on the day thatl fmote all the firft-born in the fciphan the fonne of Uzziel ' Jf * 1 ^ , E jyP^ hallowed unto meallthefirft. 31 And their charge jballbe the ark,and born m Ifrael, both man and beaft, mine they the table , and the candleftick, and the altars. Ihall be : I am the L o R D. and the veflels of the fanduary wherewith they 14 f And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes minifter, and the hanging, and all the fervice in the wildernefle of Sinai, faying, thereof. if Number the children of Levi, after the jz And Eleazar the fonne of Aaron the houfe of their fathers, by their families : every prieft,^/ be chief over the chief of the Le- male from a moneth old and upward , (halt vites, and have the over fiht of them that keep thou number them. the charge of the fanduary. 16 And Mofes numbred them according to 3 3 f OfMerari tvas thc'family of the Mah- lites, and the family of theMufoites : thefe r the families of Merari. 34 And thofe that were numbred of them, according to the number of all the males from a moneth old and upward, were fix thoufand and trvo hundred. 3 ? And the chief of the houfe of the farher -- 3 - ., ~ ~- or tlv K ; i-nilies of M 3 as the LORD commanded Mofes. 8 And they fhall fpread upon them a cloth of fcarlet, and cover the fame with a covering of badgers skinnes, and fhall put in the ftaves thereof. 9 And they fhall take a cloth of blue, and cover the *candlettick of the light, * and his * Exod lamps, and his tongs, and his fnuff-dilhes,and 51. all the oyl-veffels thereof, wherewith they nu- E *jj nifter unto it. 10 And they fhall put itandall thevefleJs thereof within a covering of badgers skinnes, and fhall put it upon a barre. 1 1 And upon the golden altar they fhall fpread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a co- vering of badgers skinnes., and fhall put to the ftaves thereof. . ix And theyfhall take all the inftmment* of minifterie, wherewith they minifterin the fancluarie , and put them in a cloth of blue* and cover them with a covering of badgers skinnes, and fhallput them on a barre. i? And they fhall take away the afhes from the altar , and fpread a purple cloth thereon : 14 And they fhall put upon it all the yeflels thereof,wherewith they minifter about it^ves the ccnfers*the fitfh- hooks, and the fhoveh, and Levires feverall Chap, fiif. 1 charges and offices. and the {j bafons,all the vc&ls of the altarjand fonnes of Gedhon , in the tabernacle of the 1 1 they fliali fpread upon it a covering of badgers congregation : and their charge (hall be under skinn and puttotheftavesof it thehand of Ithamar the fonneof Aaron the i ? And wnen Aaron and his fonnes have prieft. made an end of covering the fanftuarie , and 2? 4 As for the fonnes of Merari thou (halt all the veflelsof the fanftuarie, as the camp is number them after their families, by'the houfe to fet forwardj after that, the fonnes of Kohath of their fathers j flnli come to bear fc : but they fhall not touch ' 3 From thirty yeares old and npward, even jf holy thing left they die. Thefe things ,-,-* unto fifty yeares old (halt thou number diem theburdenof the fonnes of Kohath, in the ta- every one that entreth in to the f fa* a to * bernacle of the congregation. the work of the tabernacle of the corUega- I" - io f And to the office of Eleazar the fonne tion. of Aaron the : prieft , pertainctb the oyl for the 3 1 And this Is the charge of their burden , light, and the * fweet incenfe , and the daily according to all their fervice in the tabernacle meat-offering, and the * anointing oy\,end the of the congregation 5* the boards of the taber c overfight of all the tabernacle, and of all that nacle, and the barres thereof, and the pillars ,f^ therein zj, m the fanftuary, and intheveffds thereof, and fockets thereof thereo A .3* And the pillars of the court round a- 17 1 And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, bout, and their fockets, and their pinnes and and unto Aaron,faying their cords, with all their inflrumems, and 1 8 Cut ye not off the tribe of the fami- with all their fervice : and by name ye (hall lies oftheKoruthites, from among the Le- reckon the inftrumemsof the charge of their vues. burden. 19 But thus do unto them , that they may 3 3 This is the fervice of the families of the live and not die, when they approch unto the fonnes of Merari, according to all their fer. nioftholy things j Aaron and his fonnes (hall vice in the tabernacle of the congregation un- go m , and appoint them every one to his fcr- der the hand of Ithamar the fonne of & Aaron the rice, and to his burden . prieft. 20 But they (hall not go in to fee when the 34 IT And Mofes and Aaron and the chief of holy things are covered, left they die. the congregation numbred the fonnes of the xi f And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, Kohathites after their families, and after the % in g> , houfe of their fathers: 22, Take alfo the fumme of the fonnes of 3 j From thirty yeares old and upward,even Gerfhon , throughout the houfes of their fa- unto fifty yeares old, every one that entreth in tners by their families; to the fervice, for the work in the tabernacle of *? From thmie yeares old and upward, un- the congregation : ill fifty yeares old (halt thou number themj all - 36 And thofe that were numbred of them that enter in f to perform the fervice, to do by their families, were two thoufand feven the work mthe tabernacle of the congrega. hundred and fifty. rion - 37 Thefc were they that were numbred of 14 This the fertice of the families of the the families of the Kohathites.all that miht do r. Gerfhonites, to ferve, and for || burdens. fervice in the tabernacle of the congregation - 25 And they (ball bear the curtains of the which Mofes and Aaron did number,accordin tabernacle , and the tabernacle of the congrc- to the commandment of the LORD by the hand gation , his covering , and the covering of the of Mofes. badgers skinncs thatw above, upon it, and the 38 And thofe that were numbred of the hanging for the doore of the tabernacle of the fonnes of Gerfhon , throughout their families, congregation, an d by the houfe of their fathers; 26 And the hangings of the court, and the 39 From thirty yeares old and upward, even hanging for the doore of the gate of the court unto fifty yeares old, every one that entreth in which a by the tabernacle and by the altar to the fervice, for the work in the tabernacle of round about, and their cords,and ailtheinftru- the congregation : rnents of their fervice, and all that is made for 4 o Even thofe that were numbred of them, them: fofhill theyfcrve. throughout their families, by the houfes of 27 At the f appointment of Aaron and his their fathers , were two thoufand and fix hun- fonnes,(halroeall the fervice of the fonnes of dredand thirty. the Gcrfhonites, in all their burdens,and in all 4 1 Thefe are they that were numbred of the their fervice : and ye (hall appoint unto them in families of the fonnes of Gerflwn, of all thit charge all their burdens. might do femce in the tabernacle of the con- 28 This a the fervice of the families of the gregation , whom Mofes and Aaron did num- H 4 ber, The unclean removed out of the camp. Numbers; The f riall of jealoufie jzo ber , according to the commandment of the 41 q And thofe that were numbred of the families of the fonnes of Merari , throughout their families, by the houfeof their fathers; 43 From thirty yeares old and upward,even unto fiftie yeares old, every one that entreth in to the fervice, for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation : 41 Even thofe that were numbred of them after their families, w-'re three thoufand and two hundred. 45 Thefe be thofe that were numbred of the families of the fonnes of Merari,whomMo- fes and Aaron numbred according to the word of the L o R D by the hand of Mofes. 46 All thofe that were numbred of the Le- vitesjwhom Mofes and Aaron and the chief of Ifnel numbred , after their families, and after the houfe of their fathers, 47 From thirty yeares old and upward, even unto fiftie yeares old,every one that came to do the fervice of the miniftery , and the fetvice of the burden in the tabernacle of the congre- 48 Even thofe that were numbred of them were eight thoufand and five hundred and fourefcore. 49 According to the commandment of the LORD, they were numbred by the hand of Mofes, every one according to his fervice, and according to his burden : thus were they num- bied of him, as the LORD commanded Mofes. C H A P. V. tKtion it to be nude in trefp-jes. n Me triaU ofjea- loufie. ANd the L o R D fpake unto Mofes/aying, Command the children of lfrael,that Levit.ijij. they put out of the camp every * Uper , and L.vit . < every one that hath an * iffue, and whofoever is a. 5 * defiled by the* dead. *Levit,*i,i. 3 Both male and female (hall ye put out, without the camp (hall ye put them j that they defile not their camps in the midft whereof I T And the children of Ifrael did fo, and put them out without the camp: as the LORD fpake unto Mofes, fo did the children of Ifrael. jAnd the LORD fpake unto Mofes, Lcvit.. j. Speak unto the children of Ifrael,* When a man or woman (hall commit any finne that men commit , to do a trefpafle againft the L o R D, and that perfon be guiltiej 7 Then they (hall confeffe their finne which they have done: and he (hill recompenfe hjs Levit.4.5- rrcfpaffc * with the ptincipall thereof, 2nd adde unto it the fifth part thereof , and give it unto him ^giinft whom he hath trerpafled. 8 But if the man have no kinfman to re- compenfe the trefpafle unto , let the trefpafle be recompenfed unto the LORD, even to the prieft : befide the ramme of the atone- ment, whereby an atonement (hall be made foe him. 9 And every || offering of all the holy things || Or, b< of the children of Ifrael,which they bring unto 'f""** the prieft, (hall be his. 10 And every mans hallowed things (hall be his : whatfoever any man giveth the prieft, it(hallbc*his. "Levk: 1 1 f And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, iz faying, iz Speak unto the children of Ifrael , and fay unto them , If any mans wife go afide, and commit a trefpafle againft him, i j And a man he with her carnally, and ie be hid from the eyes of her husband , and be kept clofe , and (he be defiled, and there be no witnefle againft her, neither fhe be taken with the manner', 14 And the fpiritof jealoufie come upon him , and he be jealous of his wife, and (he be, defiled 5 or if the fpirit of jealoufie come upon him , and he be jealous of hiswfe,and(he be not defiled : ij Then (hall the man bring his wife unto the prieft , and he (hall bring her offering for her, the tenth part of anephah of barley-meal; he (hall poure no oyl upon it , nor put frankin- cenfe thereon, for it is an offering of jealoufie, an offering of memoriall , bringing inicjuitie to remembrance. 1 6 And the prieft (hall bring her neare, and fet her before the LORD. 17 And the prieft (hall take holy water in an earthen veflel , and of the duft that is in the floore of the tabernacle the prieft (hall take, and put it into the water. 1 8 And the prieit (hall fet the woman before the LORD, and uncover the womans head 3 and put the offering of memoriall in her hands, which is the jealoufie-offering: and the prieft (hill have in his hand the bitter water that cau- feth the curfe. 19 And the prieft (hall charge her by an oath, and fay unto the woman , If no man have lien With thee,and if thou haft not gone afide to an- cleannefle Ittmth another in (lead of thy hut- jj Or , b band, be thou free from this bitter water that <**; caufeth the curfe : 20 But if thou haft gone afide to another in Heb ftead of thy husband , and if thou be defiled, :h] hm and fome man hath lien with thee^befide thine husband i * it Then the prieft (hall charge the woman with an oath of curfing, and the prieft Hull (ay unto the woman, The L o R D make : thee : a curfe and an oath among thy people, when the The law Chap. vi. of the Nazarite. J Hcb. j&0. LORD doth make thy thigh to f rot, and thy 5 All the dayes of the vew of his reparation, 1 2 1 belly to fwellj there (ball no * rafour come upon his head: un- * Judges ' J 22. And this water that caufcth the curfeflull till the dayes be fulfilled in the which he fepa- 5> go into thy bowels , to make thy belly to fwell rateth himfelf 'unto the L OR D, he (hall be ho- ' ' Siun> *'" and thy thigh to rot : And the woman (hall fay, ly^tutd (hall let the locks of the hair of his head Amen, amen. ^ grow. 6 All the dayes that he feparateth bimfelf unto the L o R D , he (hall come at no dead body. 7 He (hall not make himfelf unclean for hi* the bitter water that caufeth the curfe : and the father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for water tlut caufeth the curfe (hall enter into her, his fitter , when theydie: becaufe thc'tcon- fHeb.' /?^v fecration of his God is upon his head. ram, . 8 All the dayes of his feparation he is holy unto the L o R D. 9 And if any man die very fuddenly by him., and he hath defiled the head of his confecra- 23 And the prieft (hall write thefe curfes in a book, and he (hall blot them out with the bit- ter water : 24 And he (hall caufe the woman to drink and become bitter. 2$ Then the pricftfhall ta4ce the jealoufie- offering out of the womans hand , and ftull wave the offering before the L o R D,and offer it upon the altar. 26 And the prieft (hall take an handful! of tion ; then he (hall (have his head in the day the offering , even the memotiall thereof, and of his cleaning , on the feventh day (hall he burn it upon the altar.and afterward (hall caufe &ave it. the woman to drink the water. 10 And on the eighth day he (hall bring , ^7 And when he hath made her to drink the two turtles, or two young pigeons to the prieft, Water, then it (hall come to pztte,that if (he be to the doore of the tabernacle of the congre- defiled, and have done trefpaffe againft her gation. husband; that the water that caufeth the curfe n And the prieft (hall offer the one fora (hall enter into her , and become bitter , and finne-offering, and the other for a burnt-offer- her belly (hall fwell , and her thigh (hall rot : ing , and make an atonement for him, for that and the woman (hall be a curfe among her he finned by the dead,and (hall hallow his head people. that fame day. 28 And if the woman be not defiled, but be i ^ And he (hall confecrate unto the LORD clean j then (he (hall be free, and (hall conceive the dayes of his feparation, and (hall bring a feed. lambc of the firft yeare for a trefpafle. offering: 20 This the law of jealoufies,when awife but the dayes that were before (hall 1 be lofl,be- f Heb./S& goeth afide to another in ftcad of her husband, caufe his feparation was defiled, and is defiled; i j fl And this is the law of the'Nazarite : 30 Or when thefpirit of jealoufie cotneth When the dayes of his feparation are fulfilled, upon him, and he be jealous over his wife, and he (hill be brought unto the doore of the taber- ihall fet the woman before the L o R D,and the nacJe of the congregation, prieft (hall execute upon her all this law. 14 And he (hall offer his offering unto the 3 i Then (hall the man be guiltlefle from LORD, one he-lambe of the firft yearewithout jniquitie , and this woman (lull bear her ini- blemi(h,fora burnr-offering.and oneew-lambe cjuttie. of the firft yeare without biemifh, for a finne- C H A P. VI. offering , and one lambe without blcmiih, for i TheUwof the ffa^arites. ii the form of Hefting peace-offerings, thepeofte. ,j And a basket of unleavened bread, cakes ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes, fay- of fine floure mingled with oyl, and wafer* of ing, unleavened bread anointed with oyl, and their 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and meat-offering, and their drink-offerings, fay unto them , When either man or woman 1 6 And the prieft (hall bring them before the lhall jjfeparate themfelve s to vow a vow of L ORD, and (hall offer his finne offering, and a Njzarite, to feparate tbcmfelves unto the his burnt-offering. LORD: 17 And he (hall offer the ramme for a fa- $ He (hall feparate bimfelf from wine , and crifice of peace-offerings unto the LORD, with flrong drink , and (hall drink no vineger of the basket of unleavened bread : the prieft wine , or vineger of ftrong drink, neither (hall (hall offer alfo his meat-offering, and his drink- he drink any liquour of grapes , nor eat moift offering, grapes or dried. 1 8 * And the Nafcarite (hall (have the head * A^j i,- . 4 All the dayes of his |( feparation (hall he of his fepara:ion, at the doore of the tabernacle *4 eat nothing that is made of the | vine.tree, of the congregation ; and (hall take the hair from the kernels even to the husk. of the head of his feparation, and put it in the fire.- _ The form of blefling the people. Numbers. The princes offerings. 2i fire which is under the facrifice of the peace- offerings. IQ And the prieft (hall take the fodden fhoulder of the ramme , and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer j and fhall put them upon the hands of the Nmrite , after the&.iir of his reparation is (haven. sod,??, 20 And the prieft {hall wave them* for a wave-offering before the L o R D j this is holy for the prieft, with the wave- breaft,and heave- ihoulder : and after that , the Nazarite may drink wine. 2 1 This is the law of the Nazarite,who hath vowed,4rf/"his offering unto the L o R D for bis feparation , befides that that his hand fhall get : according to the vow which he vowed,fo he muft do after the law of his feparation. 21 f And the LORD fpake onto Mofes, faying, i j Speak unto Aaron and unto his fonnes, faying, On this wife ye (hall blefie the children of Ifrael, faying unto them, 24 TheLoRDbleffethee,andkeepthee: z f The LORD make his face fhine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee : 26 The L OR D lift up his countenance up- on thee, and give thee peace. 27 And they fhall put my name upon the children of Ifrael, and I will blefle them. CHAP. ! The offering t>f the princes at the dedication of the -tilernacle. to Their feveraS offerings at the dedi- cation of the altar. 89 God fpeaketh t Mofes from themercie-fea. A Nd it came to paffe on the day that Mofes /\ had f ul!y * fet up the ta bernacle , and had anointed it, and fanclifiedit,and all the inftru- mentsthereofjboth the altar and all the veflels thereof, and had anointed them, and fandified them; i That the princes of Ifrael , heads of the houfe of their fathers (who were the princes of the tribes,-tand were over them that were num- bred) offered: 3 And they brought their offering before the L o R D , fix covered wagons , and twelve oxen> a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox : and they brought them before the tabernacle. 4 And the L o R o fpake unto Mofes, faying, 1 i Take it of them , that they may be to do tkeferviceof the tabernacleof th^congregati- onj and thou fhalt give them unto the Levites, to every man according to his fervice. 6 And Mofes took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them unto the Levites. 7 Two wagons and foure oxen he gave un- to the fonnes of Gerfhon , according to their fervice, 8 And foure wagons and eight oxen he gave unto the fonnes of Merari } according unto their fervice, under the hand of Ithamar the fonne of Aaron the prieft. 9 But unto the fcnnes of Kohath he gave none : becaufe the fervice of the fanctuarie be- longing unto them , root that they fhould bear upon their moulders. ^ I o f And the princes offered for dedicating of the altar, in the day that it was anointed, even the princes offered their offering before the altar. I 1 And the L o R D faid unto Mofes, They fhall offer their offering each prince on his day, for the dedicating of the altar. 1 1 fl And he that offered his offering the fitftday, wasNahfhon the fonne of Ammina- dab, of the tribe of Judah. 1 5 And his offering was one filver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty Jbsl^clij one filver bowl of feventy fhekels after thefhekelbf the fanftuarie, both of them were full of fine floure mingled with oyl for a *meat- * Levit, ^w offering: 1 4 One fpoon of ten [kefoU of gold, full of incenfe : if One young bullock, one ramme, one lambe of the firft ycare, for a burnt-offering : 16 One kid of the goats for a*finne.offering: *Lcvit.4i 1 7 And for a facri fice of peace-&fferings,two *$* oxen, five rammes, five he-goats,five lambesof the firft yeare. This wot the offering of Nah- fhon the fonne of Amminadab. 1 8 fl On the fecond day Nethaneel the fonne of Zuar, prince of Iffachar, did offer. 19 He offered for his offering one filver charger , the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty Jbefels , one filver bowl of feventy fhekels after the fhekel of the fanftuarie, both of them full of fine floure mingled withoyl for a meat-offering : 20 One fpoon of gold of tenj&e^j, full of incenfe : ii One young bullock , one ramme, one lambe of the firft yeare, for a burnt-offering : ^^ One kid of the goats for a finne-offer- " ing: 25 And for a facrifice of peace-offerings,' two oxen , five rammes , five he-goats , five lambes of the firft yeare. This was the offering of Nethaneel the fonne of Zuar. 24 q On the third day Eliab the fonne of Helon, prince of the children of Zebulun, did offer. 2? His offering was one filver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirtie Jhefels, one filver bowl of feventy fhekels after the fhekel of the fanftuarie, both of them full of fine floure mingled with oyl for a meat- offering : a6 One The offerings Chap. vii. 48 *7 One young bullock, oncran , one 34 Onekidofthegoatsforafinne-offcring: offering charger filve, eh^the and thirty the fanftuary, both of them full of fine flouremingled with oyi, for a meac-of. feting : 38 One golden fpoon of ten/b^rfr, full. of 39 One young bullock, one ramme^one 40 One ktd of the goatsfor a finne-offtring: 4 i And for a facrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen , five raivimss, five he-goats, five lambesofthefirft yene. This was the offer- ing of Shelumiel the fonne of Zurifliaddai. 4* U On thfc fih day Eliafaph the fonne of Deiiel, prince of tht children of Gad, offered. 43 His offering &as one filver charger, of the weight of an hundred and thirty Jbelpls, 3. fiiver towl of fc venty (hekcls after the (hekel of the fanauary , both of them full of fine aoure mingled with oyl, fora meat-offering : 44 One golden fpoon of KhfteMrJUl of incenfe : ? 4 J r n f young bullock > one ramme,one iambc of the fir ft yeare, for a burnt- offering : 46 One kid of the goats for a finne- offering: 47 And for a facrifice of peace-offerings, ye rams, five he-goats, five Kirn be s are. This MUJ the offering of Elia- ing 3 five 59 And for a facrifice of peace-offer i two o*en , five rammes , five hmbes of ^he firft yeare. This of Gamaliel the fonne of Pedazur ^ On the ninth day Abidan the fonne of Weight whereof n>as an hundred and thi jfo^/y,a filver bowl of fe venty ihekels after the ftekel of the fancluary, both of them full of fine floure mingled with oyh for a meat-of- fering: inc* nC S ldenf F onof ten fak*ty full of 63 One young bullock, one ramme, one Jambeof the firft y.e,are,for a burnt-offering : 64 Onekidofthegoatsforafinne-offcnng-i c-y And for a facrifice of peace-offering, two oxen, five rams,five he-goatj, five lambes of the firft y^are. This was the offerijjo of Abidan the fonne of Gideons 66 ^ On the tenth day Ahiezerthe fonne of Ammimaddai , prince of the children of - Dan, offered. 67 His offering one filver charger, the eight whereof tvas an hundred and thirty ...t^eliy one filver bowl of fevt- nty (hekels after theAekelof the fancluary, both of them /uli cs i The princes offerings. Numbers.^ The Levites corvfecration; 124 of fine floure mingled with oyl, for a meat- 87 All the oxen for the burnt-offering were offering : twelve bullocks,the rammes twclve,the lambes 68 One golden fpoon of ten fleets , full of of the firft yeare twelve, with their meat-offer- incenfe : ing : and the kids of the goats for finne-offcr- 6y One young bullock , one ramme , one lambe of the firft yeare, for a burnt-offering: 70 One kid of the goats for a finne-offering: ing, twelve. "88 And all the oxen for the facrifice of the peace-offerings, were twenty and foure bul- 71 And for a facrifice of peace-offerings,two locks, the rammes fixne,the he-goats fixtie, oxen, five rammes, five he-goats, five lambes the lambes of the firft yeare fixtie. This was of the firft yeare. Thiswastheofferingof A the dedication of the altar, after that it was hiezer the fonne of Ammiftiaddai. anointed. On the eleventh day Pagicl the fonne 89 And when Mofes was gone into the ta- j f AA bernacle of the congregation, to fpeak with |f himj then he heard the voice of one fpeaking (| That is, unto him from off the mercy.feat that was G "4 upon the ark of teftimony , from between the, two cherubims : and he fpake unto him. CHAP. VIII. Haw the hntfs are to lie lighted. J The confeeratitn of tbeLt-vitej. aj The age and time of their fer vice. of Ocran , prince of the children of Alher ffired. 73 His offering was one filver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty fields, one filver bowl of feventy (hekels after the (hekel of the fanftuary , both of them full of fine floure mingled with oyl , for a meat- offering : 74 One golden fpoon often fheli({s 3 full of incenfe : A Nd the LORD fpake unto Mofe*, faying, 75 One young bullock, one ramme, one JL\ 2, Speak unto Aaron, and fay unto him, lambe of the firft yeare, for a burnt-offering : When thou * lightcft the lamps , the feven * 76 One kid of the goats for a finne-offering: lamps (hall give Tight over againft the candle- 37- and 40,, 77 And for a facrifice of peace-offerings , ftick. two oxen, five rammes, five he-goats^ five 3 And Aaron did fo ; he lighted the lamps thereof, over againft the candlcftick 5 as the LORD commanded Mofes. 4 *Andthisworkofthecandlefticktmof *Exod.aj. beaten gold, unto the (haft thereof, unto theS 1 - flowers thereof, was * beaten work; according Ex0( j f a ^ unto the pattern which the L o R D had (hewed 1 8, Mofes, fo he made the candleft-ck. ? ^1 And the LORD fpake unto Mofes/aying, 6 Take the Levites from among the children of Ifraelj and cleanfe them. 7 And thus fhalt thou do unto them, to 80 One golden fpoon of tenJhefelS) full of cleanfe them: fprinkle water of purifying upon incenfe : them ,and f let them (have all their flefh, and f Heb. let 8 1 One young bullock , one ram me, one lef them wa(h their clothes,andfo make them- riemcwft*. lambe of the firft yeate, for a burnt-offering : felves clean. 81 One kid of the goats for a finne-offering: 8 Then let iatnbes of the firft yeare. This was the offering of Pagiel the fonne of Ocran. 78- f On the twelfth day Ahirathe fonne of Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali, offered. T$ His offering was one filver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty Jbeli el *> one filver bowl of feventy mekels after the flhekel of the fanftuary, both of them full of fine floure mingled with oyl, for a meat- offering : 83 And for a facrifice of peace-offerings, his meat-offering two oxen , five rammes , five he-goats , five vvith oyl, and another young bullock {hale thou et them take a young bullock with' vr '^ e * ering, even fine floure mingled lambes of the firft yeare. This was the offer- ing of Ahirathe fonne of Enan. 84 This was the dedication of the altar ( in the day when it was anointed ) by the princes of Ifrael : twelve chargers of filver , twelve filver bowls, twelve fpoons of gold : 8f Each charger of filver weighing anhun dred and thirty fie^ls, each bowl feventy : all the filver veffcls weighed two thoufand and fiuie hundred Jbe^els after the fliekel of the fanctmry. take for a finne-offering. 9 And thou (hah bring the Levites before the tabernacle of the congregation j and thou fhalt gather the whole affembly of the children of Ifrael together: 10 And thou (halt bring the Levites before the L o R D, and -the children of Ifrael (hall put their hands upon the Levkes : 1 1 And Aaron fliall f offer the Ltvites be- t Heb.ww fore the LORD, for an f offering of the chil. f He dren of Ifrael; that f they may execute the fer- _ 86 The golden fpoons were twelve, full of vice of the L o R D . t He incenfe, weighing ten Jbe^eli apiece, after the iz And the Levites (hall lay their hands l c ut upon the heads of the bullocks: and thou (halt offer the one for a finne-offering, and the other for fliekel of the fanftuary : all the gold of the fpoons was an hundred and twenty {hefe /f, The Levites age and fervice. Chap. Jt 5- Chap. ix. for a burnt-offering unto the L o R D, to make an atonement for the Levites. 1 $ And thou fhalt fet the Levites before Aaron , and before his fonnes, and offer chem for an offering onto the LORD. 1 4 Thus fhalt thou feparare the Lcvites from among the children of Hrael : and the Levites flull be * mine. i j And after that , fhall the Levites go in, to do the fervice of the tabernacle of the con- gregation : and thou fhalt cleanfe them 3 and pffer them fr an offering. A fecond paffeover. CHAP. ix. I1? over allowed for them that mere unclean or t 15 The c hudguideth the removing! And encamp met of the Israelites. ANd the L o R D fpake unto Mofes in the wildernefie of Sinai, in the firft moneth of the fecond yeare , after they were come out of the land of Egypt, faying, Chap.j. tod.ij.j. ike J.2J, 2 Let the children of Ifrael alfo keep * the "Exoiia* pafleover,at his appointed feafon, > j&c. j la the fourteenth day of this moneth t at ^"'18*** 1 6 For they are wholly given unto me from eve " > ye lhall keep it in his appointed feafon : DC ut*i \. 2! among the children of Ifrael ; in ftead of fuch according to all the rites of it , and according t Heb. b,. as open every worn be, even in ftead o/tht firft- all the ceremonies thereof fhall ye keep it. "~ bornofallthe children of Ifrael, have I taken 4 And Mofes fpake unto the childrei them unto me. rael, that they fhould keep the paffeover. 17 * For all the firft- born of the children 1 -And they kept the paffeover on the four- of Ifrael are mine, both man and beaft: on the teenth day of the firft moneth at even , in the day that Ifmote every firft-born in the land of wilderneflc of Sinai : according to all that the Egypt, I fanftified them for my felf. LORD commanded Mofes, fo did the chil- dren of Ifrael. H And there were certain men who were. 1 8 And I have taken the Levites for all the firft-born of the children of Ifrael. kb.jiw*. ,p And I have given the Levites M f a gift defiled by the dead body of a man , that they to Aaron, and to his fonnes, from among the could not keep the pafleover on that day: and children cf Ifrael j to do the fervice of the children cf Ifrael in the tabernacle of the con. gregation, and to make an atonement for the children of Ifrael : that there be no plague a- mong the children of Ifrael, when the children of Ifrael come nigh unto the fanduary. they came bef ore Mofes a and before Aaion on that day. 7 And thofe men faid unto him, We are de- filed by the dead body of a man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not offer an offer- ing of the L o R D in his appointed feafon a- 20 And Mofes and Aaron , and all* the con- mng the children of Ifrael ? gregation of the children of Ifrael did to the 8 And Mofes faid unto them , Stand fiill, Levites according unto all that the LORD com- manded Mofes concerning the Levites, fodid I willheare what the LORD will com- nvmd concerning you. f And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes.,. the ft.Mi *ftbe 't. the children of Ifrael unto them. 2 1 And the Levites were purified, and they wafhed their clothes: and Aaron offered them 10 Speak unto the children of Ifrael,faying, of an offering before the L o R D j and Aa- If an X man of you or of your pofteritie fhalt ron made an atonement for them to cleanfe be unclean by reafon of a dead body , or be in them. a journey afarre off, yet he fhall keep the paflc- 2 2 And after that went the Levites ia, to do over unto the L o R D . their fervice in the tabernacle of the congre- IT The fourteenth day of the fecond gation before Aaron and before his fonnes: as moneth ateren they fhall keep it, and eatic the L o R D had commanded Mofes concerning vvith unleavened bread and bitter herbs. the Levites, fo did they unto them. 12 They mall leave none of it unto the 25 f And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, 24 This is it that belongetb unto the Le- vites : from twenty and five yeares old, and up- ward, they fhall go in -f to wait upon the fervice of the tabernacle of the congregation 25 And from the age of fifty yeares they , fhall jceafe waiting upon the fervice thereof, and fhall fcrve no more: 26 But fliali minifter with their brethren in the tabernacle of the congregation, to keep the charge , and flnl! do no ki v'cc. 1 hus morning, * nor break any bone of it: accord- *Exod.->v. ing to all the ordinances of the pafleover, they *6, fhillkeepit. John i?.}*, 1 3 But the man that is clean , and is not in a journey, and forbeateth to keep the paffe- over j even the fame foul fhall be cut off from his people , becaufe he brough: not the offering of the LORD in his appointed feafon , that manflball bear his (tone. 14 And if ?. ftranger fhall fojourn among, and will keep the pafftover unto ths. you LORD, according to the ordinance of the pafle- fhaic rhou do unto the Levices touching their over, and according to the manner thereof, fo * E ,, C J ^ flail he do: * ye fhail have one Ofdiaance,both ^ for- The cloud and fire. Numbers. i z6 for the ftranger, and for him that was born in the land. *Exod.|o. if f And* on the day that the tabernacle 34i was reared up, the cloud covered the tabernacle, namely, the tent of the teftimony : and at even there was upon the tabernacle as it were the ap- pearance of fire j untill the morning. 16 Soitwasalway : thedoud covered it by daj) and the appearance of fire, by night. 17 And when the cloud was taken up from -the tabernacle ', then after that, the children of Ifrael journeyed : and in the place where the cloud abode, there the children of Ifrael pitch- ed their tents. 1 8 At the commandment of the LORD the children of Ifrael journeyed, and atthecom- * i.Cor. 10. mandment of the LORD tney pitched : *as " long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle, they refted in the tents. tHcb.^r^ 19 And when the cloud f tarried long upon linked. ' the tabernacle many dayes, then the children of Ifrael kept the charge of the L o R D,and jour- neyed not. 10 And fo it was when the cloud was a few /Jayes upon the tabernacle j according to the commandment of the LORD they abode in their tents,and according to the commandment of the LORD they journeyed. t Hcb. *4*. 1 1 And fa it was when the cloud f abode from even unto the morning , and that the cloud was taken up in the morning , then they journeyed : whether it WM by day or by night that the cloud was taken up, they journeyed. 11 Or whether it were two dayes, or a moneth, or a yeare that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children * ExoiJ.4e. of Ifrael * abode in their tents , and journeyed not: but when it was taken up, they journeyed. 13 At the commandment of the LORD they refted in the tents, and at the command- ment of the L o R D they journeyed: they kept the charge of the L o R D, at the commandment of the L o R D -by the hand of Mofes. -CHAP. X. I Tf e uft of the (il-uer trumpets. I l>The Israelites re- move from Sinai toParan. t^the order of their march. 19 Hobab u intrtated by Mofes not to leave them. 3 3 The blefiing of Mofes at the removing and refling of the ark. ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, i Make thee two trumpets of filver; of an whole piece (halt thou make them : that thou mayeft ufe them for the calling of the af- fembly , and for the journeying of the camps. 3 And when they fhall blow with them, all the aflembly (hill aflemble themfelves to thee, at the doorc of the tabernacle of the congre- gation. 4 And if they blow fcwtwith one trumpet, :Leri the princes , which Are heads of the chou- Theufeoffrumpefs. fands of Ifrael , (hall gather themfelves unto thee. f When ye blow an alarm , then the camps that lie on the eaft-parts (hall go forward. 6 When you blow an alarm the fecond time, then the camps that lie on the fouth-fide, (hall take their journey : they (hall blow an alarm for their journeys. 7 But when the congregation is to be ga- thered together; you (hall blow, but you (hall nor found an alarm. 8 And the fonnes of Aaron the priefts (hall blow with the trumpets ; and they (hill be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations. 9 And if ye go to warre in your land againft the enemy that opprefleth you , then ye {hall blow an alarm with the trumpets j and ye (hall be remembred before the L o RD your God, and ye (hi 11 be faved from, youi enemies. 10 Alfo in the day of your gladnefie , and in your folemn dayes , and in the beginnings of your moneths, ye fhall blow with the trum- pets over your burnt- offerings , and over the facrifices of your pejce- offerings-, that they may be to you for amemonall before your God : I am the LORD your God. it ^ And it came to paflc on the twentieth day of the fecond moneth, in the fecond yeare, that the cloud was taken up from off the taber- nacle of the teftimony. 11 And the children of Ifrael took their journeys out of the wildernefle of Sinai j and the cloud refted in the wildernefle of Paran. 1 5 And they firft took their journey,accord- ingto the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Mofes. 14 ^J*In the firft place went the ftandard of the camp of the children of Judah accord- ing to their armies : and over his hoft tvaf * Nahftion the fonne of Amminadab. i ? And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of Iflachar, wot Nethaneel the fonne of Zuar. 1 6 And over the hoft of the tribe of the chil- dren of ZebuIun,w0rEliab the fonne of Helon. 17 And the tabernacle was taken down; and the fonnes of Gerflion and the fonnes of Merari fet for ward, bearing the tabernacle. 1 8 y And the ftandard of the camp of Reu- ben fet forward according to their armies : and over his hoft tvas Elizur the fonne of Shedeur. 19 And over the hoft of the tribe of the chil- dren of Simeon, -svat Shelumiel the fonne of Zurifhaddai. 20 And over the hoft of the tribe of the chil- drenofGad, was Eliafaph the fonne of Dciid. 2 1 And the Kohathites fet forward 3 beai ing the * fancluary j and (j the other did fet up the tabernacle againft they came* at *Cbap.. *Chap.i * Chap.4. || That is the Cjtrflx nitts and Sec YCrld The removing of the camp; Chap, xi e * H And the ftandard of the camp of the ' children of Ephraimfet forward according to their armies : and over his hoft *,& Elifiiama Manna lothed. - j - .*, uvAfc wi nit tnbc of toe children of Manafleb, wot Gamaliel the fonne of Pedahzur. 24 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of Bcnjamm^^ Abidan the fonne of Gideoni. rere-ward of all the camps throughout their hofts; and over his hoft * Ahiezer the fonac or Ammifhaddai. 27 And over the hoft cf the tribe of the chil- dren of Naphtali, vas Ahira the fon of Enan. fcb theft. ^ a 8 tThusjwrfthejourneyingsof the chil-' We are journeying unto the place of which the LOR r>faid,I will give it yourcorre thou with us, and we will do thee good: for the LORD hath ipokc que called the name of the place T, We remember the fifii which we did eat L^^T and tl And vtfeen the detv fell upon themp r Then Mofes L6B. iT ;^Annr^he,id } Ketur,0 1^^^^^ -- LoR^umothefmanychour.ndsoflfraT ^l^lSK fa^Sfe CHAP. XI. nef ^- . . I The iHinmg at fkler^ gutnchtd h MoCes trarer *" And the L O R D faid unto Mofes Ga- 4 ^^^ftforfteft^i^^^yy^ therunto me feventy men of the elder^ofS * ^^J^ f *ffy*^f?^^**^ w rael,whom thou Jtnoweft to be theelders cf ir.mthtt the people, 3 ndoffi t -er S overthcm 5 andbrir.a ^J^5^*^l Eldad and Medad. 128 thee, and will put it upoa them; and they (hall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear if not thy felf alone. 18 And fay thou unto the people, Sanftifie youc felves againft to morrow , and ye (hall eat fle(h ( for you have wept in the cares of the LOR D, faying, Who (hall give us flefh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt ) therefore the LORD will give you flefli, and ye (hall ear. 19 Ye (hall not eat one day, nor mo dayes, nor five dayes, neither ten dayes,nor twemie dayes 3 |Heb.w#rA 2O But even a | whole moneth, nntill it */<**)*' come out at your noftrils, and it be lothfome unto you : becaufe that ye have defpifed the LORD which is among you, and have wept before him, faying, Why came we forth out of Egypt? 21 And Mofes faid, Th; people amongft whom I am , are fix hundred thoufand foot- men; and thou haft faid, I will give them flefhj that they may eat a whole moneth. za Shall the flocks and the herds be (lain for them, to fufficethem ? or (hill all the fifh of the fea be gathered together for them,to fuf- fice them ? Mfa.jo.t. *3 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, * Is the stud;?.!* LORDS hand waxed (hort? thou (halt fee now whether my word (hall come to pafle unto thec, or nor. 24 f And Mofes went out, and told the people the words of the LORD, and gathered the feventy men of the elders of the people,and fet them round about the tabernacle. 2 ? And the L o R D came down in a cloud, and fpake unto him, and took of the fpirit that wot upon him, and gave it unto the feventy elders: and it came to pafle that when the fpirit refted upon them, they prophefied, and did not ceafe. 26 But there remained two of the men in the camp, the name of the one root Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the fpirit refted upon them (and they tvereof them that were wittenjbut went not out unto the tabernacle ) and they prophefied in the camp. 27 And there ranne a young man, and told -Mofes ..and faid,Eldad and Medad do prophefie in the camp. 28 And Joftiua the fonneof Nun,thefer- tantof Mofes^tt? of his young men, anfwered and faid, My lord Mofes, forbid them. 29 And Mofes faid unto him, Envieft thou for my fake? would God that all the L o R D s people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his fpirit upon them. 30 And Mofes g^t him into the camp, he and the elders of Itrael. *Exod.i6.i? 31 1[ And there went forth a * winde from Numbers. God rebuketh Miriam and Aaron, and let them fill by the camp, fas it were atHeb.<* dayes journey on this fide , and as it were a w< dayes journey on the other fide, roundabout"^ the camp, and as it were two cubits high, upon the face of the earth. 3 1 And the people ftood up all that day,and all that night j and all the next day, and they gathered the quails : he that gathered leaft, ga- thered ten homers : and they fpread them all abroad for themfelves round about the camp, 3 3 And while the * flcfh was yet between i their teeth, ere it was chewedj the wrath of the Jo, ju' LORD was kindled againft the people,and the LORD fmote the people with a very great plague. 34 And he called the name of that place, || Kibroth-hattaavah: becaufe there they buried I That is the people that lufted. Thegmu 3 5 And the people journeyed from Kibroth- **' hattaavah , unto Hazeroth : and J abode at f Heb.f Hazeroth, verting C H A P. XII. X GoJrehuTketh the Ceditionof Mir inn and 10 Miriams leprofie it hei'.ed at the prayer of Mofes. 14 Godcommandeth her to be fb.it out of the hofl. ANd Miria-n and Aaron fpake againft Mo- fes, becaufe of the || Ethiopian woman, |] Or,C whom he had married: for he had f married an fHeb. / Ethiopian woman. 2 And they faid, Hath the LORD indeed fpoken onely by Mofes i hath he not fpoken alfo by us ? And the L o R D heard it. 3 ( Now the man Mofes tv.u * very meek', * Ecclu above all the men which were upon the face of 4 the earth ) 4 And the L o R D fpake fuddenly unto Mo- fes, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congre- gation : and they three came out. 5 And the L o R D came down in the pillar of the cloud, and ftood in the doore of the ta- bernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam : and they both came forth. 6 And he faid, Heare now my words : If there be a prophet among you, 1 the LORD will make my ftlf known unto him in a vifion, and will fpeak unto him in a dream. 7 My fervant Mofes is not fo,* who is faith- * Heb. full in ail mine houfe. 8 With him will I fpeak * mouth to mouth, * Exo<: even apparently, and not in dark fpeeches; and the fimilitude of the LORD {hall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to fpeak againft my fervant Mofes ? 9 And the anger of the LORD was kindled againft them, and he departed. 10 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle,andbehold,Miriam became leprous, white as fnow:and Aaron looked upon Miriam, the L OR D, and brought quails from the fea, and behold Jfo TVM leprous ii And Spies fent to fearch 1 1 And Aaron faid unto Mofes , Alas my lord, I befeech thee, lay not the finne upon us, wherein we have done foolimly, and wherein we have finned. 12 Let her not be as one dead; of whom the flelhis half confumed , when he cometh out of his mothers wombe. 1 3 And Mofes cried unto the LORD, faying, Heal her now, O God, I befeech thee. 14 IT And the LORD faid unto Mofes,If her father had bin fpit in her face, fliould flie not be afliamed feven oaves? let her be * (hut out from, the camp feven dayes, and after that let her be received in again. And Miriam was ffiut out from the camp Chap. xiii. 17 *T And Mofes fent the land of Canaan, and faid unto , up this way fouth- ward , and mountain : the land of Canaan; fpieoutthe 120 up into the lev it. i 3 people that dwelleth therein, whether "they"^ iirong or weak, few or many 5 ip And what the land a that they dwell in whether it be good or bad} and what citieJ they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in ftrong holds j 20 And what the land #, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein or nor, And be ye of good courage, and bring of the 5 *i*uiTiiiie of Aiher, Sethur the fonne Canaanites dwell by the fea , and by the ccaft of Jordan. 3 o And Caleb ftillcd the people before Mo~ fes, and faid, Let us go up at once, and poflefie it ') for we are well able to OTer Come it. 3 1 But the men that went up with him,taid r We be not able to go up againft the people^ for they are ftronger then we. 3 a And they brought up an evil repoit of I the: 10 Of the tribe of Zebuluiv, Gaddiel the fonne of Sodi. 11 Of the tribe of Jofeph, /_, of the tribe of Manafleh, Gaddi the fonne of Sufi. 1 2 Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiel the fonne ofGemalli. 14 Of-.the tribe of Naphtali , Nahbi the forme of VophG. 1 5 Of the tribe of Gad, GciicI the fonne of Machi. 1 6 Thefe are the names of the men which Mofes fent to fpie out the land: and Mofes cal- led Qfliea the fonne of Nan, JehoOua. God threatneth the murmurers. Numbers. Mofes prayeth for them." j jo the land which they had fearched , unto the ' children of Ifrael, faying, The land through which we have gone to tearch it, i& a land that eatethup the inhab itants thereof j and all the f Heb. mm people that we (aw. in it, are \ men of a great ^ofjltturts. ftatnre. 3 5 And there we faw the giants, the fonnes of Ar.ak,w/;J:/; come of the giant$:and we were in oar own fight as graftioppers , and fo we were in their fight, C HAP. XII 1 1. lT& people mttrMMre at the news. 6 Jojbua tini Caleb labour toflillthem. it Godthreatneth them.\\ Mofes ferfnvadeth God,and ebtaineth firdon. 26 Themnr~ milters are deprived, of entting into the Ia.nd.l6 The men who raifed the evil report, die byo.pla.fue. 40 The feople that would invade the land agcunftthe will of Go:/, are (mitten. ANd all the congregation lifted up their voice,and cried; and the people wept that night. i And all the children of Ifrael murmured againft Mofes , and againft Aaron : and the whole congregation faid unco them , Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt, or would God we had died in this wildernefle. 3 And wherefore hath the LORD brought us unto this land, to fall by the fword, that our wi ves and our children (hould be a prey? were it not better for us to return into Egypt ? 4 And they faid one to another ,Let us make a captain, and let us return into Egypt. ? Then Mofes and Aaron fell on their faces before all the aflembly of the congregation of the children of Ifrael. 6 ^f And Jofliua the fonne of Nun , and Caleb the fonne of Jephunneh,Hd; were of them that fearched the land, rent theit clothes. 1 3 fl And * Mofes faid unto the L o R D, * Exod. 3: Then the Egyptians (hall heare it (for thou * broughteft up this people in thy might from, among them ) 14 And they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land : for they have heard that thou LORD art among this people, that thou LORD art feen face to face ,and that * thy cloud ft and- * Exod . 1 3 eth over them , and that thou goeft before * them, by day.time in a pillar of a cloud, and ia a pillar of fire by night. i j Now if thou ihalt kill alF this people, as \ one man ; then the nations which have heard the fame of thee,will fpcak, faying, 1 6 Becaufethe LORD was not *able to "Deut.p.: bring this people into the land which he fware unto them.thcrefore he hath (lain them in the wilderneffe. 1 7 And now, I befeech thee, let the power of my Lord be great, according as thou haft fpoken, faying, 18 The LORD is * long-fuflfering, and of *Exod.^. great mercy, fprgiving iniquitie and tranfgref- Pftl.ioj.j fion,and by no means clearing the guilty, * vi- Exod.ic fiting the iniquitie of the fathers upon the and 34.7. children, unto the third and fourth generation. 19 Pardon, I befeech thee, the iniquitie of this people , according unto the greatnefle of thy mercy, and as thou haft forgiven this peo- ple, from Egypt, even H untill now. |] or, bithi 20 And the LORD faid^Ihave pardoned"- according to thy word : 21 But as truly M I live, all the earth (hall be filled with the glory of the L o R D. 22 Becaufe all thofe men which have feen my glory, and my miracles which I did in E- gypt and in the wildernefle, and have tempted. 7 And they fpake unto all the company of me now the fc ten times, and have not hearken* the children of Ifrael, faying, The land which ed to my voice ; we patted through tofearch it, U an exceeding 23 \ Surely they (hall not fee the land which f Heb. if good land. 8 If the L o R D delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it us j a land which floweth with milk and hony. v _o Onelyrebell not ye againft the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their f defence is departed from them, and the LORD a with as: fear them not. 10 But all the congregation bade done them with ftones : and the glory of the L o R D ap- peared in the tabernacle of the congregation, before all the children of Ifrael. And the LORD faid unto Mofes, How I fware unto their fathers, neither (hall any of thtyfeith, them that provoked me, fee it : * 24 But my fervant * Caleb, becaufe he had another fpirit with him, and hath followed me fullyj him will I bring into the land ,whereinto he went; and his feed (hall poflefle it. 2 y ( Now the Amalekites , and the Canaa- nites dwelt in the valley ) To morrow turn you , and get you into the wildernefle, by the way of the Red fea. 2 6 [ And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes,and unto Aaron, faying, 27 How long/&*# J bear with this evil con- gregation which murmure againft me? I have hea long will this people provoke me ? and how heard the murmurings of the children of If- long will it be ere they beleeve me, for all the rael, which they murmure againft me. fignes which I hive (hewed among them? 28 Say unto them, * As truly asl live, faith *Chap.jd nl will fmite them with the peftilence,and the L o R D, as ye have fpoken in mine cares, 6l >' and J : disinherit them, and will make of thee a great* fo will I do ro you : Dcuti, jj or nation, and mightier then they. 29 Your carcass fhall fall in this wilder- nefle j fmote them, and *difcomfited them,even unto * Dcutiu. Hormah. The Ifraelitcs prefumption puniflied. Chap. xv. The law of meat-offerings,&c. nefle ; and ai'l that were numbred of you, ac. the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill , and cording to your whole number, from twenty " yeares old and upward, which have murmured again ft me, 30 Doubtlefle ye (hall not come into the Hcb. lifted land concerning which I | (ware to make you my hand, fadi therein, fa ve Caleb the fonne of Jephun- neb, and Jofhua the fonne of Nun. 3 1 But your little oneSjWhich ye faid (hould be a prey , them will I bring in, and they (hall know the land which ye have defpifed. 3 1 But as for you , your carcafes they (hall fall in this wilderneffe. 3 3 And your children (hall || wander in the C H A P. XV. I The law of the meat- offer ing, and the drink-off* i},29The ftranger u under the fame law. ijThelw , of the firfl of the dough for a. heave-offering. 11 The facrifice for ftnnes of ignorance. 3 o The punifbment ofprefuMptiox. 32 He that violated the (Math ', ft flontd. 37 The law of fringes. ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, ^ * Speak unto the children of Ifrael,and * Lcvit-aj* fay unto them, When ye be come into the land 10. of your habitations, which Pgive untoyou^ 3 And will make an offering by fire unto the wildernefle fourty yeares,and bear your whore- LoRD,a burnt-offering or a facrifice,* in f per- i cv - lt , zt ^. untill your carcafes be wafled in the forming a vow, or in a free-will-offering, or in * u your folemn feaits , .to make a * fweet favour t Hcb - fif^- unco the L o R D, of the herd or of the flock : "' 4 Then * (hall he that offcreth his offering ,{.. unto the LORD, bring a meat-offering, of a " Lcvit..ii tenth-deal of floure mingled with the fourth part of an hinof oyl. And the fourth part of an hin of wine-for domes wilderneffe. 3 4 After the number of the dayes in which 'fal.9j.io ye fearched the land, even* fourty dayes (each iek.4.6. day for a yeare) (hall ye bear your iniquities, even fourty yeares , and ye (hall know my Jr, Altning |{ breach of promife. 7 J'- 35 I the LORD have faid,I will furelydoit unto all this evil congregation, that are gather- a drink-offering (halt thou prepare } with the ed together againft me: in fhis wildernefle th:y (hall be confumed, and there they (hall die. 3 6 And the men which Mofes fent to fearch theland, who returned, and madeall the con- gregation to murmure againft him, by bringing up a flander upon the land j 37 Even thofe men that did bring up the i.Cor.io. evil report upon the land, * died by the plague V before the LORD. de/. 3 8 But Jofhua the fonne of Nun,and Caleb the fonne of Jephunneh , which were of the men that went to fearch the land, lived [till. 39. And Mofes told thcfe fayings unto all the children of Ifrael : and the people mourned greatly. 40 f And they rofe up early in the morning, -and gat them up into the top of the mountain, 41, faying , Lo, we * be here, and will go up unto the place which the L o R D hath promifed ; for we have finned. 41 And Mofes faid, Wherefore now do you tranfgreffe the commandment of the L o R D? but it (hall not profper. 4 1 Go not up, for theLoRD is not among you ; that ye be not fmitten before your ene- mies. 43 For the Amalekites, and the Canianites are there before you , and ye (hall fall by the fword : becaufe ye are turned away from the LOR ^therefore the Lo R D will not be with you. 44 But they prefumed to go up unto the hill- >cu burnt-offering or facrifice, for one lambe. 6 Or for a ramme , thou (halt prepare for a meat.offering,two tenth-deals of floure min- gled with the third part of an hinof oyl. 7 And for a drink-offering, thou (haltoffrr the third part of an hin of wme,for a fweet fa. vour unto the L o R D. 8 And when thou prepareft a bullock for a burnt-offering, or for a facrifice in performing a vow, or peace-offerings unto the LORD: 9 Then (hill he bring with a bullock a meat* offering of three tenth-deals of ftoure mingled with half an hin of oyl. i o And thou (halt bring for a drink-offering half a hin of wine, for an offering made by fire of a fweet favour unto the L o R"D. 1 1 Thus (hall it be done for one bullockjor for one ramme, or for a lambe, or a kid. , 11 According to the number that ye (hall prepare , fo (hall ye do to every one, according to their number. 1 3 All that are born of the countrey , (hall do thefe things after this manner , in offering an offering made by fire of a fweet favour unto theLoRD. 14 And if a-ftranger fojourn with you-, or whofoever be among you in your generations^ and will offer an offering made by fire of a fweet favour unto the L o R D : as ye do 3 fo he, (hall do. i ? * One ordinance Jball be both for you of * Exod.t O the congregation, and alfo for the ftranger that ^' ^ , . top: neverthelcffe, the ark of the covenant of fojourneth with you, an ordinance for ever in the LORD, and Mofes departed not out of the your generations: as ye 4/r,fo (hall the ftranger "'"P- be before the L o R D. 16 One law,& one manner fliall be for you,- Then the Amalekites came down , and. I .*. and.' 3 i f And while the children of Ifrael were in the wilderneffe, they found a man that ga- thered flicks upon the fabbath-day. 3 3 And they that found him gathering fticksj Offerings for fmnes of ignorance. Numbers." The fabbath^breaker ftoned., 1 3 1 and for the ftranger that fojourneth with you. that foul (hall utterly be cut off: his iniquity - i 7 f And the LORD fpake unto Mofes/aying, (hall be upon him. 18 Speak unto the children of Ifrael , and fay unto them, When ye come into the land whither I bring you, 1 9 Then it (hall be,that when ye eat of the bread of th land , ye /hall offer up an heave- brought him unto Mofcs and Aaron, and unto offering unto the L o R D. all the congregation. 20 Ye (hall offer up a cake of the firft of 34 And they put him * in ward, becaufe it your dough , for an heave-offering : as ye do was not declared what (hould be done to him. i *. 3 5 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, The man (hall be furely put to death : all the con* gregation (hall ftone him with ftones without the camp. 36 And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and Itoned him with ftones, fo the heave- offering of the threftung-floore , ihall ye heave it. 1 1 Of the firft of your dough ye (hall give onto the LORD, an heave-offering in your generations. 2 2 f And if ye have erred, and not obferved all thefe commandments which the LORD hath fpoken unto Mofes, 23 Even all that the LORD hath com- manded you by the hand of Mofes 5 from the day that the LORD commanded Mofes, and henceforward among your generations : and he died} as the L o R D commanded Mofes^ 37 f And the L o R D fpake unto Mofe5, faying, 38 Speak unto the childrer^of Ifrael , and bid* them that they make them fringes in the * DeuMi borders of their garments, throughout their !: 24 Then it (hall be , if ought be committed generations , and that they put upon the fringe M *" h ' 3 3 ------ ' '- J - - f - L - of the borders aiibbandof blue. Or * LeVit,^ fHeb/??n by ignorance fwithout the knowledge of the thttjet. congregation 5 that all the congregation (hall 39 And it (hall DC unto you for a fringe, offer one young bullock for a burnt-offering, that ye may look upon it, and remember all for afweet favour unto the L o RD 3 with his the commandments of the Lo R D , and do meat-offering , and his drink-offering, accord- themrandthat ye feek not after your own heart, ing to the JJ manner , and one kid of the goats and your own eyes,, after which ye ufe to go a for a finne-offering. whoring : 2j And the prieft (hall make an atonement 40 That ye may remember , and do all my for all the congregation of the children of If- commandments , and be holy unto your God. rael, and it (hall be forgiven them, for it is ig- 41! am the LORD your God,which brought norance : and they (hall bring their offering, a you out of the land of Egypt,to be your God; I facrifice made by fire unto the LoRD 3 and their finne- offering before the LOR D,for their ig- norance. ^6 And it (hall be forgiven all the congre- gation of the children of Ifrael, and the ftran* ger that fojourneth among them} feeing all the people were in ignorance. 27 4 And *if any foul finne through igno- ** ranee, then he (hall bring a (he-goat of the firft yeare for a finne-offering. 28 And the prieft (hall make an atonement for the foul that finneth ignorantly , when he finneth by ignorance before the L o R D , to make an atonement for him 5 and it (hill be forgiven him. 29 You (hall have one law for him that tHcb dteth t finneth through ignorance, both for him that congregation, men of renown. ' is born amongft the children of Iffael , and for 3 And they gathered themfelves together a- .the ftranger that fojourneth among them. 30 r But the foul that doeth ought fprcfum- ptuoufly (whether he be born in the land, or a ftranger j the fame reprocheth the LORD j and that foul (hill be cut off from among his people. 3 1 Becaufe he hath defpifed the word of the LOR o,and hath broken his commandment; am the L o R D your God. CH A P. XVT. I the rebellion of QrabJUthtn and tAbiram. aj Mo- fesfeparateth the people from the rebels tents. Ji the earth frvalloweth up I^orah , and a. fire confitmeth ethers, jtf the cenfers are referred to holy ufe* 41 Fourteen thousand andfeven hundred are fliin \>y a. plague for murmuring ugainft Moles andiron* 46 tAaron \>y incense ftayeth the plague. NOw *Korah the fonne of lzhar,the fonne * r , of Kohath, the fonne of Levi j and Da- EcclX ' 4 than and Abiram the fonnes of Eliab, and On 1 8* the fonne of Peleth , fonnes of Reuben , took J udc ** men. 2 And they rofe up before Mofes, with cer- tain of the children of Ifrael, two hundred and fifty princes of the affembly , * famous in'the *0hap,a t Heb. vit gainft Mofes and againft Aaron , and Cud unto them, t Ye take too much upon you, Wing all f Heb. tti the congregation are holy everyone of them, muth fr]' and the LORD is among them : wherefore then lift you up your felves above the congregation of the L o R D ? 4 And when Mofes heard it, he fell upon his face : And The rebellion of Korah, &c.* Chap. xvi. They are fwallowed up. . 5 And he {pake unto Korah,and unto all his 20 And the L o R D fpake. unto Mofes, and > 3 $ company, faying, Even to morrow the L o S. D unto Aaron, faying, will fhew who are. his, and who is holy j and 21 Separate your felves from among this will caufe him to come neare unto him : even congregation , that I may confume them in a him whom he hath chofen , will he caufe to moment. come neare unto him. 2 2 And they fell upon their faces, and faid a 6 This do i take you cenfers, Korah, and all O God, the God of the fpirits of all flefh ; {hall his company : one man iinne, and wile thou be wroth with all 7 And put fire therein , and put incenfe in the congregation ? 23 f And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, ^ 4 Speak unto the congregation,faying,Get you up from about the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. 2 y And Mofes rofe up, and went unto D> them before the LORD to morrow j and it (hall be that the man whom the Lo R D doth choofe,hey&4// be holy: ye take too much upon you, ye formes of Levi. 8 And Mofes faid unto Korah, Heare 3 I pray you, ye fonnes of Levi. 9 Seemetb it but a fmall thing unto you,that than and Abiram j and the elders of Ifrael foU theGod of Ifrael hath feparated you from the lowed him. congregation of Ifrael , to bring you neare to ^6 And he fpake unto the congregation,fay- himfelf , to do the fervice of the tabernacle of ing, Depart, I pray you, from the tents of thefe the L o R D , and to ftand before the congrega- wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, left tion,to minifter unto them ? ye be confumed in aH their finnes. 10 And he hath brought thee ne 3 re to him, 17 So they gat up from the tabernacle of and all thy brethren the fonnes of Levi with Korah, Dathan, and Abiram on every fide: and thee : and fcek ye the priefthood aifo ? Dathan and Abiram came out, and flood in the 1 1 For which caufe both thou , and all thy doore of their tents, and their wives, and their company arc gathered together againft the fonnes, and their little children. LORD: and what is Aaron, that ye murmure 28 And Mofes faid , Hereby ye {hall know that the LORD hath fent me to do all thefe works : for / have not done them of mine own againft him ? i a fl And Mofes fent to call Dathan and Abiram the fonnes of Eliab: which faid, We minde. will not come up. 29 If thefe men die f the common death of t H ek ** 1 3 Is it a fmall thing that thou haft brought all men, or if they be vifited after the vifitarion e ^"^ man us up out of a land that floweth with milk and of all men- tht n the LORD hath not fent me. hony, to kill us in the wildernefle, except thou 3 o But if the LORD f make a new thing, fHeb. t natt make thy felf altogether a prince over us? and the earth open her mouth, and fwallow ac****** 1 4 Moreover, thou haft not brought us into them up, with all that appertain unto them,and a land that floweth with milk and hony , or gi- they go down quick into the pit 3 then ye fhall ven us inheritance of fields and vineyards: wilt underftand thatthefe men have provoked the thou f put out the eyes of thefe men ? we will LORD. not come up. 3 1 f * And it came to pafle as he had made "Chap.jy . j. if And Mofes was very wroth, and faid un- an end of fpeaking all thefe words, that the Deut.n.. to the LORD,* Refpeft not thou their offering: ground clave afunder thatvpas under them : I have not taken one affe from them, neither 32 And the earth opened her mouth , and have I hurt one of them. fwallowed them up , and their houfes, and all 16 And Mofes faid unto Korah , Be thou the men that appertained unto Korab, and all and all thy company before the L o R D, thou, their goods. and they, and Aaron to morrow : 3 3 They, and'all that appertained to them 17 And take every man his cenfer , and put went down alive into the pit, and the earth clofed upon them : and they perifhcd from a mong the congregation. 34 And all Ifrael that were round about them,fledatthe cry of them: for they faid, Left incenfe in them,and bring ye before the LORD every man his cenfer , two hundred and fifty cenfers j thou alfo and Aaron each of you his cenfer. 18 A nd they took every man his cenfer,and the earth fwallow us up alfo, put fire in them , and hid incenfe thereon, and 3 5 And there came out a fire from theXoRD, itood in the doore of the tabernacle of the con- gregation with Mofes and Aaron. and confumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered fncenfe. And Korah gathered all the congrega- 36 4 And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, 37 Speak unto Eleazar the fcnne of Aaron the ptieft , that he take up the cenfers our of I 3 'the tion againft them, unto the doore of the taber- nacle of the congregation: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto all the congregation. Aarons rod flourifheth. * Exod.2' The people murmure. Numbers. 134 the burning , and foatter thou the fire yonderj according to the houfe of their fathers, twd ve for they are hallowed. rods: write thou every mans name upon his 3 8 The cenfers of thefe finners againft their rod. own fouls,let them make them broad plates for 3 And thou (halt write Aarons name upon a covering of the altar: for they offered them the rod of Levi: for one rod fall be fox the before the LORD, therefore they are hallowed: headof thehoufeof theirfathers. and they (hall beafigne unto the children of 4 And thou (halt lay them up in the taber- Jfrael - nacle of the congregation , before the teftimo- 3 9 And Eleazar the pneft took the brafen nie, * where I will meet with you. cenfers , wherewith they that were burnt had f And it (hall come to pafle, that the mans f ' offered } and they were made broad plates for a rod whom I (hall choofe, {hall bloflbme : and covering of the altar : I will make to ceafe from me the murmuring 40 To be amemoriall unto the children of of the children of Ifrael, whereby theymur- Jfraelj that no ftranger,wwb u not of the feed mure againft you. of Aaron , come neare to offer incenfe before 6 f And Mofes fpake unto the children of the L o R DJ that he be not as Korah,and as his Ifrael , and every one of their princes gave him company: as the LORD faid to him by the hand t a rod apiece, for each prince one, according to t Heb. a of Mofes. their fathers houfes,ez,e twelve rods : and the f ""/"' 4 1 ^ But on the morrow, all the congrega- rod of Aaron was among their rods. " r "^' r ' lion of the children of Ifrael murmured againft 7 And Mofes laid up the rods before the'"""' Mofes and againft Aaron , faying, Ye have kil- LORD, in the tabernacle of witnefle led the people of the L o R D. * And it came to paflc that on the morrow 41 And it came to pafle when the congrega- Mofes wsnt into the tabernacle of wicnefle-and tton was gathered againft Moks and againft behold, the *>d of Aaron for the houfe of Levi Aaron, that they looked toward the tabernacle was budded, and brought forth buds and of the congregation : and behold the cloud co- bloomed bloffbmes, and yeelded almonds. Yered it, and the glory of theLoRD appeared. 9 And Mofes brought out all therc-dsfrom 43 And Mofes and Aaron came before the before the LORD unto all the children of Ifrael- tabernacle of the congregation. and they looked and took every man his rod. 44n , meth nigh, (hall be put to death. Thou (halt have no inheritance , n their land! tne children or lirael} unto thee have I given 21 And behold,! have given the children Jfr**i4, them, by reafon of the anointing, and to thy of Levi all the tenth in Ifrael, for an inheri- 3 J ' fonnes by an ordinance for ever. tance, for their fervice which they ferve even ' 4 * **' 9 This (hill be thine of the moft holy things, the fervice of the tabernacle of the conereaa rtferved from the fire: every oblation of theirs, tion. every meat, offering of theirs, and every finne- za Neither muft the children of Ifrael hence offering of theirs, and every trefpafle-cffering forth come nigh the tabernacle of the conre- of theirs which they (hull render unto m^Jball gation,left they bear finne, f and die. t Heb t,di* be moft holy for thee and for thy fonnes. z j But the Levites (hall do the fervice of the 10 In the moft holy place (halt thou eat it ; tabernacle of the congregation, and they (hall every male (hall eat it: itfhall be holy unto bear their iniquitie: ;>/&*# 6* a ftatute for ever thee - . throughout your generations, that amon* the i i And this it thine; the heave- offering of children of Ifrael they have no inheritance their gift with all the wave-offerings of the z 4 But the tithes of the children of Ifrael children of Ifrael: I have given them unto which they offer as an heave-offerine unto the thee, and to thy fonnes , and to thy daughters LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit : with thee, by a ftatute for ever: every one that therefore I have faid unto them, Among the i* clean m thy houfe (hall eat of it. children of Ifrael they (hall have no inhentance ia All thc f beft of the oyl, and all the beft zy *-* '^-T /_., of the wine, and ofthe wheat, the firft- fruits faying. Thus fpeakunto the Levites, and fay T>1 / of the wine, and of the wheat, the firft. fruits faying, of them which they (hall offer unto the LORD, ^6 them have I given thee. unto them , When ye take of the ch.ldren of i? ^whatfoever is fir ft ripe in the land, Ifrael the tithes which I have given you from Which they (hall bring unto the LoRD,fl>all be them for your inheritance, then ye fhall offer thine j every one that is clean in thine houfe, up an heave-offering of it for thc L o R D, even (hall eat of it. a tenth part of the tithe. 4t,j 7 . T 4 Every thing devoted in Ifrael, (hall be 27 And this your heaye. offering (hall be ttnne< r reckoned unto you, as though it were the corn t 3 ' 1 ' !n V an 617 u , g ?", P eneth * the matrice f the thre(hi ng-fioore , and as thc fulneffe of 'fiy. m all tiefh, which they bringunto the LORD, the wine- preffe. m*g Kbetberitbeoe menor beafts,{hall bethine: 28 Thus you alfo (hall offer an heave-offcr- nevertheknejthe firft.bornofman (halt thou ing unto the L o R D ,of all your tithes which l U a ,T 3 and the firfllbl of unclean ye receive of the children of Ifrael : and ye ihaU < TV ho " redeem - ve thereof the L o R D s heave -offering to _j o And thole that are to be redeemed,from Aaron the prieft. ^"fa?- !^ ^ thou rcdecm ?S cor ^ n S. to . 2 ? Outof a11 y ur if ye (hall offer every ** " " _ntf0ftnr* ^T .L- T ^_ *C -II ^ L _ J 1 n ,. . --.--.... even the hallowed part thereof, out jo There- The water of feparation. Numbers. The law of purification." 30 Therefore thou (halt fay unto them, any man that is dead, and purifieth not him- fcl 3 defileth the tabernacle of the L o R D; and When ye have heaved the belt thereof from ir, then it thai! be counted unto the Levites, as the increafe of the ihrefliing-floore, and as the increafeof the wine-prelfe. 3 1 And ye {hall eat it in every place, ye and your houftiolds : for it is your reward for your fervice, in the tabernacle of the congregation. 32 And ye (hall bear nofinne,byreafonof It, when ye hive heaved from it the beft of it: neither (hall ye pollute the holy things of the children of Ifrael, left ye die. CHAP. XIX. I the water of feparation made of the afiei of a. rtd heifer, n "The law for the ufe of it in purification of the unclean. ANd the L o R D fpake unto Mofes,and on- to Aaron, faying, ' fication for finne, and [ running water (hall be \ Heb./ 2. This is the ordinance of the law which put thereto in a veffel : W4f.fr/Jb,! 1 8 And a clean perfon (hill take hyflbpe,and **' that foul (hall be cut off from Ifrael : bccaufe the water of feparation was not fprinkled upon him , he fliall be unclean j his uncleanneffe yet upon him. 14 This /Jthe law, when a man diethina tent} all that come into the tent, and all that is in the tent, fhall be unclean fevendayes. 15 And every open veffel which hath no covering bound upon it, u unclean. 1 6 And whofoever toucheth one that is fhin with a (word in the open fklds,or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, (hall be unclean fevendayes. 17 And for an unclean perfon they (hall take of the f aflies of the burnt heifer of puri- f Heb. . //. any f man (kill be unclean feven dayes. 12 He (hall purifie himfelf with it on the third day, and on the feventh day he (hall be clean: but if he purifie not himfelf the third day, then the feventh day he (hall not be clean. 1 3 Whofoever toucheth the dead body of there. 2 And there was no water for the congre* gation : and they gathered themfelves together againft Mofes, and againft Aaron. 5 And the people * chode with Mofes, and * Exod fpike, faying, Would God that we had died *chap * when our brethren died before the LORD. 3 j. 4 And Wafer out of the rock: Chapi xxi.' Aarons death. 4 And why have ye brought up the congrc- 1 9 And the children of ICrael faid unto him, 137 gation of the LORD into this wilderneffe, We will go by the high-way : and if I and my that we and our cattelfliould die there ? cattel drink of thy water, then 1 will pay for And wherefore have ye made us to come _ will pay .. it : I will onely (without doing any thine tlto \ go through on my feet. 20 And he faid, Thou (halt not go through. And Edom came out againft him with much people, and with a ftrong hand. 1 1 Thus Edom refufed to give Ifrael paflage through his border : wherefore Ifrael turned away from him. 22 fl And the children of Ifrael, even the whole congregationjourneyed from * Kadefii, chap. j and came unto mount Hor. 37, 25 And the L o R D fpake unto Motes and Aaron in mount Hor, by the coaft of the land of Edom , faying, 24 Aaron fliall be gathered unto his people: for he flull not enter into the land which I (halt give the congregation , and their beafts have given unto the children of Ifrael, becaufe ye rebelled againft my t word at the water of f Hcb,w*/ Meribah. 2 ? * Take Aaron and Eleazar his fonne, * Chap. 33. and bring them up unto mount Hor : J 8 - 26 And ftiip Aaron of his garmems,and put them upon Ekazar his fonne : and Aaron (hall be gathered unto bis people, and (hall die there. 27 And Mofes did as the LORD command- ed: and they went up into mount Hor, in the fight of all the congregation. 28 And Mofes ftripped Aaron of his gar- 12 y And the LORD fpake unto Mofes and menu, and put them upon Eleazar his fonne j Aaron,Becaufe ye bcleevcd me not, to fan&ifie and*Aaron died there in the top of the mount: * and Mofes and Eleazar came down from the a 5 " * mount. 2 9 And when all the congregation faw that Aaron was dead, they mourned for Aaron thir* ty dzyt$>even all the houfeof Ifrael. up out of.Egypt^to bring us in unto this evil place? it u no place of feed, or of figs, or vines, or of pomegranates, neither is there any water to drink. 6 And Mofes and Aaron went from the prefence of the aflembly, unto the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their faces : and the glory of the L o R D appeared unto them. 7 flAnd the LORD fpake unto Mofes,faying, 8 Take the rod, and gather thou the aflem- bly together, thou and Aaron thy brother, and fpeak ye unto the rock before their eyes, and it (hall give forth his water , and thou (halt bring forth to them water out of the rock : fo thou drink. 9 And Mofes took the rod from before the L o R D, as he commanded him. i o And Mofes and Aaron gathered the con- gregation together before the rock, and he faid unto them,Heare now,ye rebels} muft we fetch you water out of this rock ? 1 1 And Mofes lift up his hand,and with his rod hefmote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly , and the congregation drank, and their beafts alfo. 0> * me in the eyes of the children of Ifraelj there- fore ye (hall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them. J. 10*. 1 $ * This is the water of || Meribah, becaufe :. the children of Ifrael ftrove with the L o R D: and he was fan&ified in them. 14 ^ And Mofes fen tmeflengers from Ka- de(h, unto the king of Edom, Thus faith thy brother Ifrael , Thou knoweft all the travel .fitmd that hath f befallen us : i f How our fathers went down into Egypt, and we have dwelt in Egypt a long time : and the Egyptians vexed us, and our fathers. 1 6 And when we cried unto the LORD, he heard outvoice, and fent an angel, and hath brought us forth out of Egypt : and behold, we are in Kadefli, a city in the uttermoft of thy border. 17 Let us paflc, I pray thee, through thy rountrey: we will not pafle through the fields, or through the vineyards,neither will we drink CHAP. XXI. X Ifrael witJj fame lofle deflroy the Cantanites at Uor- Htah.j. "the people murmuring are plagued with finy ferpents. 7 They repenting are healed ty a trafenfer- fent. 10 Sundry journeys af the Ifraelites, 21 Si* honit overcome, a andOg. ANd n>foe*king Arad the Canaanite,which chap-33* dwelt in the fouth , heard tell that Ifra- 40, el came by the way of the fpiesj then he fought againft Ifrael,and took fome of them prifoners. 2 And Ifrael vowed a vow unto the LORD, and faid, if thou wilt indeed deliver this peo- ple into my hand, then I will utterly deftroy their cities. 3 And the LORD hearkened to the voice of Ifrael, and delivered up the Canaanites: and they utterly deftroyed them and their cities:and he called the name of the place (f Hormah. J J h fo , 4 f And they journeyed from mount Hor, . of the water of the wells : we will go by the kings Wgk-way, we will not turn to the right hand nor to the left, untill we have pafled thy ... .. . ... borders. by the way of the Red fea, tocompafletheland j Or ^ 1 8 And Edom faid unto him,Thou flialt not of Edom : and the foul of the people was much r He *|" paffe by me,l e ft I come oiu againft chtc wich || t difcouraged becaufe of the w^y thefwrd. K. And Fiery ferpents; Numbers. Sihofi and Og flaith i>S f And the people fpake againft God, and 23 * And Sihon would not fuffer Ifrael to* Dent.!*,, againft Mofes, Wherefore have ye brought us pafle through his bordenbut Sihongathered all upoutofEgyptjtodiein thewildernefle? for nis people together,and went out againft Ifrael thcrg is no bread , neither it there any water, into the wildernefie-.and he came to Jahaz 3 ands * Chap.i 1.6 and * our foul lotheth this light bread. fought againft Ifrael. *Wifd.i*. 6 And* the LORD fent fiery ferpents a- 24 And * Ifrael fmote him with the edge of Toffi . >* raong the people; and they bit the people, and the fword, and poflefled his land from Arnon p^i.,^,, i.Cor,io.p. muc h people of Jfrael died. unto Jabbok, even unto the children of Am- n. 7 4 Therefore the people came to Mofes, mon: for the border of the children of Ammon Amos 2.7. and faid, We have finned, for we have fpoken wasftrong. * a. Kings ii-4- John 3. 1 4. * Chap.j j, || Or, heaps againft theL OR D, and againft thee ; pray un- to the LORD that he take away the ferpents from us: and Mofes prayed for the people. 8 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Make thee a fiery ferpent, and fetit upon a pole: and it (hall come to parle that every one that is bit- ten, when he looketh upon it,ihall live. 9 And * Mofes made a ferpent of brafle,and put it upon a pole, and it came to pafle, that if a ferpent had bitten any man, when he beheld fere the ferpent of brafle, he Uved 10 ^ And the children of Ifrael fet for- ward, and * pitched in Oboth. 1 1 And they journeyed from Oboth, and pitched at j| Ije-abarira,inthe wildernes which K before Moab, toward the funne- riling. 12 ^ From thence they removed,and pitch- t h at efcaped, and his daughters, into captivitie ed in the valley of Zared. anto Sihon king of the Amorites From thence they removed, and pitched 2 5 And Ifrael took all thefe cities: and Ifrael dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites, in Hefh. , bon, and in all the j villages thereof. t 26 For He(hbon TVM the city of" Sihon the king of :he Amorites, who had fought againft the former king of Moab, and taken all his land out of his hand, even unto Arnon. 27 Wherefore they that fpeak in proverbs, fay, Come into Heftibon, let the citie of Sihou be built and prepared. 2 8 For there is a fire gone out of Hefhbon, a flame from the citie of Sihoniit hath confumed Ar of Moab 3 and the lords of the high places of Arnon. 29 Wo to thee, Moab j thou art undone, O people of *Chemofli : he hath given hisfonnes -Kingi \\Or,Vaheb in S*phb, t Heb. fHeb. *jlfftnd. U Or, l * 1 8 The princes digged the well, the nobles o f the Amorites, which dwelt at Hefhbon. 3 ? So they fmote him and his fonnes,and all his people , untill there was none left hioi alive : and they.pofleffc4 his land. CHAP. XXIt. fr ft meffigt for Balaam it refufeJ. IJ H fe> 13 on the other fide of Arnon,which it in the wil- dernefle that cometh out of the coaftsof the Amorites : for Arnon U theborder of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites. 14 Wherefore it is faid in the book of the warresof the LORDJ yWhat he did in the Red fea, and in the brooks of Arnon , i j And at the ftream of the brooks that go- eth down to the dwelling of Ar s and f lieth up- on the border of Moab. 1 6 And horn thtncc they went to Beer: that the well whereof the LORD fpake unto Mo- fes, Gather the people together, and I will give them water. of the people digged it, by the direction o/the law-givcr,with their ftavcs. And from the wil- \OfyhtU. 19 And from Mattanahto Nahaliel: and from Nahaliel to Bamoth : 20 And from Bamoth in the valley that it in the f coiintrey of Moab, to the top of \\ Pif- gah, which looketh toward (] Jefhimon. zi ^i And Ifrael fent meffengers unto Sihon king of the Amorites, faying, 22 * Let me pafl'e through thy land; we will Jordan by Jericho, Ju j "'? not turn into the fieldSjor into the vineyards, 2 ^ And BalakthefonnCof Zipporfawall we will not drink of the waters of the well: but that Ifrael had done to the Amorkes. we will go along by the kings high- way, untill we be paft thy borders. condmefage obtiineth hivi.it . hi (then tid f-am f. fonne of Zippor,king of Moab, hath fent unto ther , and ftood in a narrow place , wherenw no way to turn either to the right hand or to old , there is a people come out of the left. 27 And when the afle faw the angel of the LORD, (he fell down under Balaam : and Ba- laams anger was kindled, and he fmote the aflfe with a ftaff. 28 And the L o R D opened the mouth of the afle , and me faid unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee , that thou haft foutten me thefe three times? 29 And Balaam faid unto the afle , Becaufe thou haft mocked, me: I would there were a fword in mine hand,for now would I kill thee. go And the afle faid unto B ilaam,/4/ not I thine afle, f upon which thon hait ridden || ever f Heb. *# fince I was thine , unto this day ? was I ever hj ft ridlt wont to do fo unto thee? And he faid, Nay. jj 0",^, 31 Then the LORD opened the eyes of ' p n ct\ho Balaam , and he faw the angel of the L o R D waft, &t, (landing in the way , and his fword drawn in his hand : and he bowed down hii head , and |I fell flat on his face. { Or > ** 3 i And the angel of the L o R D fa id unto ***V% honour , and I will do whatfoever thou fayeft him , Wherefore haft thou fmitten thine afle unto me: Come therefore, I pray thee, curfe me thefe three time? ? behold, I went ouc j to f Heb. ti withftandthee, becaufe thy way ispcrverle be- fore me. * ? And the afle faw me , and turned from K a me Egypt , which covereth the face of the earth : . ( 7jb4S Come now , curfe me them j perad venture f I (hall be able to overcome them,and drive them out. i z And God faid unto Balaam , Thou (halt not go with them , thou (halt not curfe the people : for they are blefled. 1 3 And Balaam rofe up in the morning , and faid unto the princes of Balak , Get you into your land: for the LORD refufeth to give me leave to go with you. 14 And the princesofMoab rofe up, and they went unto Balak, and faid, Balaam refu- feth to come with us. i? f And Balak fent yet again princes s mo, and more honourable then they. \6 And they came to Balaam , and faid to him, Thus faith Balak thefonne of Zippor, t Let nothing , I pray thee, hinder thee from coming unto me : ' 17 For I will promote thee unto very great this people. 1 8 And Balaam anfwered and faid unto the fervants of Balak, * if Balak would give me tntttktt, Balaam cometh to Balak. Numbers. Balaams parable* methefe three times: unleffe (he had turned *#, Come, curfe me Jacob, and come, defie ing t \ from me , furely now alfo I had (lain thee, and Ifrael. faved her alive. 8 How (hall I curfe, whom God hath not 3 4 And Balaam faid unto the angel of the curfed? or how (hall I defie, whom the LORD LORD, I have finnedj for I knew not that thou floodeft in the way againft -me ; now there- 'f Heb. * fore if it t difpleafe thee , I w ill get me back a- gain. 3 y And the angel of the L o R D faid unto Balaam, Go with the men: but onely the word that I (hall fpeak unto thee , that thou (halt fpeak : So Balaam mm with the princes of 36 4 And when Balak heard that Balaam Was come , he went out to meet him , unto a city of Moab, which is in the border of Arnon, which is in the utmolt coafl. 37 And Balak faid unto Balaam, Did I not earneftly fend unto thee to call thee? Wherefore cameft thou not unto me ? Am I not able in deed to promote thee to honour? 38 And Balaam faid unto Balak , Lo 3 1 am hath not defied ? 9 For from the top of the rocks I fee him, and from the hills I behold him : lo, the people fiiall dwell alone , and fhall not be reckoned among the nations. 10 Who can count the duft of Jacob , and the number of the fourth/wfof Ifrad? Let f me die the death of the righteous, and let my t Hcb laft end be like his. J fl 1 1 And Balafc faid unto Balaam, What haft ''^ thou done unto me? I took thee to curfe mine enemies, and behold, thou haft bleffed them altogether. i z And he anfwered and faid , Muft I noe take heed to fpeak that which the L o R D hath put in my mouth? i $ And Balak faid unto him, Come, I pray thee, with me unto another place,from whence come unto thee : have I now any power at all thou rnayeft fee them : thou (halt fee but the to fay any thing ? the word that God putteth in my mouth, that frail I fpeak, 39 And Balaam went with Balak , and they B Or, a city came unto || Kirjath-huzoth. and fent to Balaam , and to the princes that were with him. 4 1 And it came to pane on the morrow, that Balak took Balaam , and brought him up into *~ the high places of Baal, that thence he might fee the utmoft part of the people. CHAP. XXIIi: ttittiSBalaksfttrifict' 7> 18 BaLiams parallel A Nd Balaam faid unto Balak,Build me here JtVfeven altars , and prepare me here feven oxen, and feven rammes. 2 And Balak did as Balaam had fpoken^and Balak and Balaam offered on every altar a bul- lock and a ramme. 3 And Balaam faid unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt- offering, and I will go : perad venture the L o R D will come to meet me : and what- Or, ht ittnt foe ver he (heweth me, I will tell thee. And j| he jfiliwj, yygnt to an high place. 4 And God met Balaam 5 and he faid unto him,I have prepared feven altars,and I have of- fered upon every altar a bullock and a ramme. f And the LORD put a word in Balaams mouth, and faid, Return unto Balak,and thus jhou (halt fpeak. 6 And he returned onto him, andlo, he flood by his burnt-facnfice , he , and all the princes of Moab. 7 And he took up his parable , and faid, Ba- lak the king of Moab hath brought me from Aram , out of the mountains of the call , fay- wrought ! utmoft part of them, and (halt not fee them all; and curfe me them from thence. 14 f And he brought him into the field of Zophim,to the top of jj Pifgah,and built feven |j Or>thibH altars, and offered a bullock and a ramme on every altar. 1 5 And he faid unto Balafc , Stand here by thy burnt- offering, while I meet the L 7( T) yonder. 1 6 AndtheLoRD met Balaam, and* put "Chap.2i a word in his mouth , and faid, Go again unto 3$ Balak, and fay thus. 1 7 And when he came to him , bahold, he flood by his burnt- offering , and the princes of Moab with him. And Balak faid unto him -> What hath the L o R D fpoken? 1 8 And he took up his parable , and faitf, Rife up Balak,and heare$ hearken unto me thou fonne of Zippor : IQ God is not a man^that he (hould lie, nci* ther the fonne of man , that he (hould repent : hath he faid, and (hall he not do it? or hath he fpoken, and (hall he not make it good ? zo Behold,! have received commandment to bleffe 5 and he hath blefled , and I cannot re- verfe it. ii He hath not beheld iniquitie injacob^ neither hath he feen perverfeneHe in Ifrael: the LORD his God is with him, and the (hout of a king is among them. zz * God brought them out of Egypt 5 he *Chaj hath as it were the ftrcngth of an unicorn. z $ Surely there is no enchantment jj againft 11 Oiv Jacob, neither is there any divination againft Ifrael : according to this time it (hall be faid of Jacob, and of Ifrael, What hath God Z4 Behold Chap, xxiiii. xxv. 1 Balaams prophefie 2 4 Behold,the people (hall rife up as a great mine enemies, and behold, ,andthe r.if__ . deflruftton of (ante nations. Nd when Balaam faw that it pleafed the L o R D to blcffe Ifrael,he went not as at er times, f to feek for enchantments, but he fet his face toward the wilderneffe. bullocks, and feven rammes. 30 And Balak did as Balaam had faid, and offered a bullock and a ramme on every altar. CHAP. XXIIII. l "Bddam leaving devhutiotu, frophtfieththehap- 'ulhng into a trance, but having his eyes open: 17 I (hall fee him, but not now: I (hall be- hold him , but not nigh: there (hall come a Starre out of Jacob, and a Sceptre (hall rife out of Ifrael,and (hall fj fmite the corneis of Moab, [} And Balaam lift up his eyes, and he faw and deftro X a11 'he children of Sheth. ' Ifrael abiding in bis tents according to their l8 And Edom &^ be a pofleffion,Seir alfo 5 (hall be a pofleffion for his enemies, and Ifrael (hall do valiantly. 19 Out of Jacob (hall come he that (hall have dominion, and (hall deftroy him that rc- tetingof chantmentt- .. j iT r r/~ j " u- tribes, and the fpirtt of God came upon him. Chap. 13. 3 * And he took up his parable, and faid, ,18. Balaam the fonne of Beor hath faid, and the Heb. ttho man i whofg eyes are open, hath faid: ,b'ut J now 4 He ^ faid > whlc k heard the words of main " h - f th ? dty - B, God, which faw the vifion of the Almighty, falling into a trance 3 b\x having his eyes open: How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and ~ el ! tani that ffarred 2,0 And when he looked on Amalek , he took up his parable, and faid, Amalek WM ||the |j f firft of the nations, but his latter end \\Jballbe th* thy tabernacles,blfraei ! thathcperifh forever. ' 6 As the valleys are they fpread forth, as " And he looked on the Kemtesjand took Mxod gardens by the rivers fide, as the trees of lien- U P his P arab lej and faid,Strong is thy dwelling ||O r,ihali be aloes, which theLoRDhathpIamed,^as P^e, and thou putteft thyneftinarock. M ^r*. cedar-trees befide the waters. _ *.* Nevertheleffe, f the Kenite (hall be wa 7 He (hallpoure the water but of his buc- kets, and his kcdjhall be in many waters, and his king (hall be higher then Agag , and his kingdomes fli^ll be exalted. 8 * God brought him forth out of Egypt, he hath as it were the ftrength of an unicorn : he (hall eat up the nations his enemies, and (hall break their bones , and pierce them through with his arrows. 'Gen. 4p.pi 9 * He couched, he lay down as a lion, and asagreatlion: whofhillftiirehimup ? Blef- fcd is he that blefleth thee, and curfed is he that daughters of Moab, K ? a And The fumme of IfraeL Zirarland Cozbi flairu NumbersV , 4 i z And they called the people unto the fa- daughter of a prince of Midian their fifter , crifices of their gods : and the people did eat, which was {lain in the day of the plague , for and bowed down to their gods. 3 And Ifrael joyned himfelf unto Baal-peor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled againft Ifrael. *Deut.4.j. 4 And the LORD faid unto Mofes,* Take Jofli 12,17. all the heads of the people , and hang them up before the L o R D againft the funne,that the fierce anger of the L o R D may be turned away from Ifrael. 5 And Mofes faid unto the judges of Ifrael, Slay ye every one his men, that were joyned unto Baal-peor. 6 f And behold, one of the children of If- rael came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitrim woman, in the fight of Mofes, and in the fight of all the congregation of the children of Ifrael, who were weeping before the doore of the tabernacle of the congrega- tion. * Pfat. io5. 7 And * when Phinehas the fonne of Elea- 30. zir, the fonne of Aaron the prieft , faw it, he i. Mac. 2.54- rofe up from amongft the congregation , and which went forth out took a javelin in his hand ; 8 And he went after the man of Ifrael in- to the tent,and thruft both of them through, Peors fake. CHAP, xxvi. l The fumme of aU ICrael it taken m the plthu ofMo- ab. 5 ^ The Ixm of dividing among them the inheri- tance of the land. $7 The families and number of thelevites. 63 None were left of them which were numbred. at Sinai, but Caleb and Jojbita. ANd it came to pafle after the plague, that the LORD fpake unto Mofes, and unto Eleazar the fonne of Aaron the prieft, faying, a Take the fumme of all the congregation of the children of Ifrael, * from twenty yeares * Chap,*, old and upward, throughout their fathers houfe, all that are able to go to warre in Ifrael. 5 And Mofes and Eleazar the prieft fpake with them in the plains of Moab by Jordan neare Jericho, faying, 4 Take the fumme of the peoplefiom twenty yeares old and upward j as the LORD *com-*Chap.i manded Mofes and the children of Ifrael , ? fl * Reuben the eldeft fonne of Ifrael: the * GerM< children of Reuben; Hanoch,o/ Tybomcometh E* ^ 6* 13 And he (hall have it, and his feed after him.even the covenant of an everlafting prieft- hood j bccaufc he was zealous for his God, and made an atonement for the children of Ifrael . 14 Nowthv'nameofthelfraelite that was flain,cz7* that was flain with the Midianitifb woman, TVM Zimri the fonne of Salu, a prince / of a f chief houfe among the Simeonites. 8 And the fonnes of Pallu; Eliab. 9 And the fonnes of Eliab j Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram: this is that Dathan and Abiram which were * famous in the congrega- * tion, who ftrove againft Mofes and againft Aaron in the company of Korah , when they iirove againft the LORD: 10 And the earth opened her month , and fwallowed them up together with Korah when that company died , what time the fire de- voured two hundred and fiftie men : and they became a figne. 1 1 Notwithftanding the children of Korah died nor. i ^ ^ The fonnes of Simeon after their families: of Nemuel,th"e family of the Nermic- 15 And the nameof the Midianitifh wo- lites;of Jamin,-the family of the : Jaminites: of man that was flu'n, TPM Cozbi the daughter Jachin, the family of the Jachinites : 13 Qf Zerah, the family of the Zarhites: of Shaul, the family of the Shaulites. 14 Thefe are the families of the Simeonites a twenty and two thoufand and two hundred. 15 f The children of Gad after their fami- 18 For they vex you with their wiles,- lies : of Zephon,the family of the Zephonites: cfHaggi,thefamilyoftheHaggites:ofShuni s of Zur,he whead over apeople, chief houfe in Midian. 1 6 q And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, *7 * Vex tne Midianit:s, and finite them- wherewith they have beguiled you 3 in the mat- ter of Peor 3 and in the matter of Cozbi 3 the the family of the Shunues.: 16 Of The Israelites Chap. xxvl. - are numbred: 1 6 OfQzni, the family of the Oznites: of Shuthalhites : of Becher, the family of the 143 Eri, she family of the Erites : Bachrites : of Tahan , the family of the Taha- 17 Of Arod, the family of the Arodites 5 of nites. Ardi, the family of the Arelites. 3 6 And thefe are the fonnes of Shuthelah : 1 8 Thefe are the families of the children of of Eran, the family of the Eranites. Gad according to thofe that were numbred of 37 Thefe are the families of the fonnes of them, fourty thoufand and five hundred. Ephraim according to thofe that were num- ciujfc T 9 U * Tne fonnes of Judah were Er and bredof them, thirty and two thoufand and five cc. Onan : and Er and Onan died in the land of hundred. Thefe are the fonnes of Jofeph after 46,1*. Canaan, their families. 20 And the fonnes of Judah after their fa- 38 4 The fonnes of Benjamin after their milies werej of Shelah, the family of the Shela- families: of Bela,the family of the Belaites: of nites : of Pharez,the family of the Pharzites : Aftbel,the family of the Afabelites : of Ahi- of Zcrah, the family of the Zarhitcs : ram, the family of the Ahiramites : 21 And the fonnes of Pharez were? of Hef- 39 Of Shuphim, the family of the Shu- ron the family of the Hefronites : ofHainul, phamites: ofHupham,the family of the Hu-* the family of the Hamulites. phamites. 21 Thefe are the families of Judah according 40 And the fonnes of Bcla were Ard and Naaman : of Ard , the family of the Ardites: and of Naaman, the family of the Naamites. to thofe that were num-bred of them , three- fcore and fixteen thoufand and five hundred. 23 II Of the fonnes of Iflachar after their 4 \ Thefe are the fonnes of Benjamin after families: of Tola,the family of the Tolaites; of their families : and they that were numbred of Pua, the family of the Punites : them , we re fourty and five thoufand and fix 24 Of Jaihub,the family of the Jaftiubites: hundred. of Shimron, the family of the Shimronites. 41 ^Jhekarc the fonnes of Dan afcer their 25 Thefe are the families of IfTachar accord- families; of Shuham the family of the Sbuha- ing to thofe that were numbred of them, mites. Thefe are the families of Dan after their threefcore and foure thoufand and three him- families. dred. 43 All the families of the Shuhamites ac- 26 f Of the Tonnes of Zebulun after their cording to thofe that were numbred of them, families: of Sered the family of theSardites:of were threefcore and foure thoufand andfourc Elorijthe family of the Elonites: of Jahleel, the hundred. family of the Jahleelites. 44 fl Of the children of After afcer their 27 Thefe are the families of the Zebulu- families: of Jimna, the family of the Jimnites: nites according to thofe that were numbred of of Jefui,the family of the Jeluites: ofBeriah, them, threefcore thoufand and five hundred. the family of the Beriites. 28 ^r The fonnes of Jofeph after their fami- 45 Of the fonnes of Beriah: of Heber,the lies, were Manafleh and Ephrajm. family of the Heberires: of Malchiel,the fami- ly of the Malchielites. 46 And the name of the daughter of After iv. ts Sarah. 47 Thefe are the families of the fonnes of After according to thofe that were numbred of, 29 Of the fonnes of Manafleh: of * Machir, the family of the Machirites : and Machir be- gat Gilead : ofGilcad come the family of the Gileadites. 30 Thefe are the fonnes of Gilead: ofjee- tter, the family of the Jeezerites: of Helek, the family of the Helekites : 3 1 And of Afriel, the family of the Afrie- them j who were fifty and three thoufand and foure hundred. 48 Of the fonnes of Naphtali after their fa- lites : and of Shechem, the family of the She- milies:of Jahzeel,the family of the Jahzeelitesi nites : of Guni, the family of the Gunites i 49 Of Jezer, the family of the Jezerites: of hillem, the family of the Shillemites. 50 Thefe are the families of Naphtali ac- chemites 32 And of Shemida, the family of the She- midaites: and of Hepher, the family of the Hepherites. 3 3 f And*ZeIophehad the fonne of Hepher cording to their families : and they that were had no fonnes , but daughters : and the names numbred of them, were fourty and fi,ve thou- fandand foure hundred. f i Thefe we re the numbred of the children of Ifrael , fix hundred thoufand and a thoufand of the daughters of Zelophehad, were Mahlah, and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. 34 Thefe are the families of Minafleh, and thofe that were numbred of them , fiftie and two thoufand and feven hundred, 3? ^ Thefe are the fonnes of Ephraim after theit families; of Shuthelab, the family of the J3 Unto thefe the land dull be divided for K 4 an feven hundred and thirtie. ?i fl And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, The number of the Levites.' Numbers; The law of inheritances ; 144 an inheritance, according to the number of ^ And they flood be fore Mofes, and be fore names. Eleazar the prieft ^ and before the princes, and f 4 *To many thou (halt f give the more in- all the congregation, by the doore of the taber- heritance , and t&few thou (halt f give the leffe Tn- inheritance : to every one fhall his inheritance * Chap, 3 j.. 5 4- j. LJ-V. j' nacle of the congregation, faying, 3 Oar father * died in the wildernefle , and * CLap. 14. be given, according to thofe that were nambred he was not in the company of them that ga- 35. of him. thered themfelves together againft the L o R D * ni z6 - 6 *> in the company of Korah , but died in his own 6 *' ? ? Notwithftandingjthe land (hall be * di- r __ / t -Vha'p^}*, v ^ e ^ by lot: according to the names of the finne, and had no fonnes. 54 . ' tribes of their fathers they (hall inherit. 4 Why fhould the name of our father be Joffi. 1 1. 1 j. 56 According to the lot (hall the pofleffion and 14. 2. thereof be divided,between many and few. *Exodrf. 77 f *And thefe are they that were num- <>'7>i8,i?. bred of the Levites, after their families: of GsrChon, the family of the Gerflhonites: of Kohath, the family of the Kohathites : of Me- rari, the family of the Meraritet. 58 Thefe are the families of the Levites: the family of the Libnites , the family of the Hebronites, the family of the Mahlites, the fa- mily of the Mufhites, the family of the Kora- thites : and Kohath begat Amram. ?9 And the name of Amrams wife veaf *Exod. J.T,J. * Jochebed , the daughter of Levi, whom her Ifrael a faying, If a man die, and have no fonne, and 6.10. mother bare to Levi in Egypt: and (he bare unto then ye (hall caufe his inheritance to pafle unto Amram , Aaron and Mofes, and Miriam their fitter. 60 And unto Aaron was born Nadab and AbHiu, Eleazar and Ithamar. * Levit. 10. . 6 1 And *Nadab and Abihu died,when they give his inheritance unto his fathers brethren. Chap. 3.4. offered ftrange fire before the L o R D. 1 1 And if his father have no brethren, then i. hron-24, tfa And thofe that were numbred of them, ye fhall give his inheritance unto his kinfman were twenty and three thoufand, all males that is nexctohimof his family, and he (hall from a moneth old and upward : for they were poflefle it : and it (hill be unto the children of not numbred among the children of Ifrael, be- caufe there was no inheritance given them a- t done away from among his family, becaufe he f Heb. dimi- hathno fonne? Give unto us therefore* pot- >$* feffion among the brethren of our father. f And Mofes brought their caufe before the LORD. 6 ^ And the L o R D fpake unto Mofes, fay- 7 The daughters of Zelophehad fpeak right: thou (halt furelygive them a pofleffion of an in- heritance among their fathers brethren ; and thou (halt caufe the inheritance of their father to pafle unto them. v 8 And thou (halt fpeak unto the children of his daughter. 9 And if he have no daughter, then ye (hall give his inheritance unto his brethren. 10 And if he have no brethrei;,then ye (hall Ifrael a ftatute of judgements the LORD com- manded Mofes. i z f And the LORD faid unto Mofes, * Get * Dcut. 3 . thee up into this mount Abarim,& fee the land * 9 ' which I have given unto the children of Ifrael. i 3 And when thou haft feen it , thou alfo Jordan neare Jericho. (hah be gathered unto thy people, as * Aaron * chap'so; 64 But among thefe there was not a man of thy brother was gathered. 14. them whom Motes and Aaron the prieft num- 14 For ye * rebelled againft my command- * chap. 10. bred , when they numbred the children of If. mem (in the defert of Zin, in the ftrife of the 24. rael in the wilderneflfc of Sinai : mongthe children of Ifrael. 63 f Thefe are they that were numbred by Mofes and Eleazar the prieft, who numbred the children of Ifrael in the plains of Moab, by For the LORD had faid of them, They congregation) to fan&ifiemc at the water, be- fore their eyes : that k the * water of Meribah * * (hill Purely die in the wildernefle: & there was in Kadefhin the wildernefle of Zin. N 7 .Cor.io.5, not l fc a man of them,fave Caleb the fonne of i j ^j And Mofes fpake unto the LOR o } 6. ' Jephunneh, and Jofhua the fonne of Nun. faying, CHAP. XXVII. Exod, 1 7, Chap.stf. X TAf daughter s of Zelophtka.d fue for an inheritance. 6 the UvuofinheritAncts-. 12 MoCes being told of his . deatk,!uthforaf w ceffo!ir* 1$ 7 oflu* it appointed which may go in before them, and which may to faccesdhim. Let the LORD, the God of thefpiritsof all flcfh, Cet a man over the congregation, 1 7 Wh'ich may go out before them , and THen came the daughters of * Zelophehad the fcmne of Hepher , the fonne of Gilead, flitep which~have no fhepherd. lead them out, and which may bring them inj that the congregation of the LORD be not as che fonne of Machir, the fonne of Manafleh, of 1 8 q And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Take the families ofManafleh the fonne of Jofeph : thee Joftiua the fonne of NUB, a man in whom and thefe are the names of his daughtersjMah lab 3 Noah,and Roglah, and Milcah 3 is the fpirit,and lay thine hanc\ipon him. 15 And fe: him before Eleazar the prieft, and Jofliua is made ruler. and before all the congregation : and give him a charge in their fight. 20 And thou fhalt pmfome of thine honour upon him , thac all the congregation of the children of Ifracl may be obedient. ii And he (hall ftand before Eleaiarthe txod-28. prieft, who fhallask counfil for him, * after the judgement of Urim before the LORD: at his word (hall they go out , and at his word they (hall come in , both he, and all the children of Ifrael with him, even all the congregation. ^^ AndMofesdidasthe LORD command- ed him : and he took Jo inn a and fet him be- fore Eleazar the prieft , and before all the con- gregation. 2$ And he laid his hands upon him , and gate him a charge, as the LORD commanded by the hand of Mofes. CHAP. XXVIII. I Offering! Are to be obftrved. \ the contmuxU burnt" offering. 9 The offering on the f Math y uonthe new- moons t 16 at the taffeover t atf in the day of firft-fruiti. ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, i Command the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them , My offering, and my bread for Heb. djS- my facrifkes made by fire for t a fweet favour r of my unto me , fliall ye obferve to offer unto me in ?< their due feafon. 3xod.p. 3 And thou (halt fay unto them , *This I the offering made by fire which ye (hall offer unto the L o R D j two lambes of the firft y eare Heb. in 4 without fporfday by day,for a cominuall burnt- ' offering. 4 The one lambe (halt thou offer in the morning , and the other lambe fhalt thou offer Heb. tt- | at even; SVA 5 And atemh P* rf { an e P hah of floure Levu.'a. i. for a * meat-offering, mingled with the fourth Exod. 2^. part of an * hin of beaten oyl. I 6 it i* a cominuall burnt-offering which was ordained in mount Sinai for a fweet favour, a facrifice made by fire unto the L o R D. 7 And the drink-offering thereof JhaS be the fourth/) .irt of an hin for the one lambe: in the holy place fhalt thou caufe the ftrongwine to be poured umo the LORD for a drink-of- fering. 8 And the other lambe fhalt thou offer at even: as the meat-offering of the morning,and as the d: ink-offering thereof thou fhalt offer if, a facrifice made by fire of a fweet favour unto the LORD- 9 ^ And on the fabbath- day, two lam bes of the firft yeare without fpot , and two tenth- deals of floure for a meat-offering mingled With oyl, and the drink- offering thereof. 10 This h the burnt- offering of every fab- bath, befide the continual! burnt-offering, and hit drink- offering. Chap, xxviii. Offerings at folemn feafts. 11 f And in the beginnings of your moneths 145 ye fliall offer a burnt-offcring unto the LORD; two young bullocks } and one ramme , (even lambes of the firft yeare without fpot, 12 And three tenth- deals of floure for a meat-offering mingled with oy! 3 for one bul- lock, and two tenth-deals of floure for a meat- offering mingled with oyl, for one ramme, 1 3 And afeverall tenth-deal of floure min. gled with oyl for a meat-offering , unto one lambe, for a burnt-offering of a fweet favour, a facrifice made by fire unto the L o R D. 14 And their drink-offerings fhall be half an hin of wine unto a bullock , and the third part of an hin unto a ramme,and a fourth part of an hin unto a lambe : this is the burnt-offer- ing of every morjcth throughout the moneths of the yeare. 1 5 And one kid of the goats for a finne- offerin j unto the LORD lhall be offered , be- fides the conunuall burnt- offering, and his drink-offlring. 16 * And in the fourteenth day of the firft * Exod.iz* moneth is the pafleover of the L OR D. ' * . 17 And in the fifteenth day of this rooneth Lc ii the feaft : feven dayes fhall unleavened bread be eaten. 1 8 In the * firft day fall be an holy convo- , cation ; ye fhall do no manner of fervile work therein. 19 But ye fhall offer a facrifice made by fire for a burnt-offering unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ramme, and feven lambes of the firft yeare : they fhall be unto you without blemifh. 20 And their meat-offering^//^ of floure mingled with oyl : three tenth- deals fhall ye offer for a bullock, and two tenth-deals for a ramme; 21 Afeverall tenth-deal fhalt thou offer for every lambe, throughout the feven lambes : 21 And one goat for a finne.offcring 3 to- make an atonement for you. 2 j Ye fhall offer thefc befide the burnt-of- fering in the morning,which is for a continual t burnt-offering. 24 After this manner ye fhall offer daily throughout the feven dayes, the meat of the facrifice made by fire,of a fweet favour unto the L OR D: it fhall be offered befide the continuall burnt-offering, and hts drink-offering. 25 And on the feventh day ye fhall have aa holy convocation; ye (ball do no fervile work. 26 f Alfo in the day of the firft- fiuits,wbn ye bring a new meat-offering unto the L o R D,. after your weeks be tut , ye fhall have an holy convocation; ye (hill do no fervile work. 27 But ye fhall offer the burnt-offering for a fweet favour unto the L o R D; two young bul- locks,one ramme/cven lambe? of the firft yeaie iB And Offerings at feafts ' Levit,2 39. and 1 5. 28 And their meat-offering of floure min- gled with oyl, three tenth-deals unto one bul- lock, two tenth-deals unto one ramme, 29 A feverall tenth-deal unto one lambe, throughout the feren lambes : 30 And one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you. 3 1 Ye (hall offer jfcm-befides the continuall burnt. offering, and his meat-offering (they (mil be unto you without blemifh) and their drink-offerings. CHAP. XXIX. Numbers^ ' on feverall dayes." rammes, and fourteen lambes of the firftyeare, they (hall be without blemiih. - 14 And their meat-offeringjita// fo of floure mingled with oyl, three tenth-deals unto every bullock of the thirteen bullocks , two tenth- deals to each ramme of the two rammes, i? And a feyerall tenth-deal to each lambe of the fourteen lambes : 1 6 And one kid of the goats for a finne- offering, befide the continuall burnt-offering, his meat-offering, and his drink-offering. 17 f And on the fecond day ye Jball offer twelve young bullocks, two rammes, fourteen feafl of tabernacles. ANd in the feventh moneth, on the firft day of the moneth , ye (hall have an holy con. vocation; ye (hall dp no fervile work : * it is a day of blowing the trumpets unto you. i And yc (hall offer a burnt-offering for a fweet favour unto the L o R D , one young bul- lock, one ramme, and feven lambes of the fir yeare without blemiili : 3 And their meat-offering jball be of floure mingled with oyl , three tenth-deals for a bul- lock, and two tenth-deals for a ramme, 4 And one tenth- deal for one lambe, throughout the fcven lambes: ? And one kid of the goats for a finne-offer- ing, to make an atonement for you : 6 Befide the burnt-offering of the moneth, and his meat-offering, and the daily burnt-of- fering, and his meat-offering, and their drink- offerings , according unto their manner, for a fweet favour, a facrifice made by fire unto the 7 51 And * ye (hall have on the tenth day of this feventh moneth an holy convocation : and ye (hall afflict your Cbuls: ye (hall not do any work therein. 8 But ye (hall offer a bjirnt-oflfering unto the L o R D for a fweet favour, one young bullock, one rzmme } and feven lambes of the firft yeare, they (hill be unto you without blemilli : 9 And their meat- offering fhMbe of floure mingled with oyl , three tenth- deals to a bul- lock, e according to their num- ber, after the manner : 3 1 And one goat for a fmne-offering , be fide: "Of diversions Chap. fide the continuall burnt-offering , his meat- offering, and his drink-offering. 3 a fl And on the feventh day feven bul- locks, two rammeSjflsrf fourteen lambcs of the firft yeare without blemifh : 33 And their meat- offering,and their drink, offerings , for the bullocks , for the rammes, and for the lambes, fltall be according to thar number, after the manner : 3 4 And one goat for a finne-offering , be* fide the continuall burnt-offering, his meat- offering, and his drink- offering. 3 ? f On the eighth day ye fhall have a .evit.ij. *folenm aflembly: yefhalldonofervilcwork therein. 3 6 But ye (hall offer a burnt- offering , a fa- crifice made by fire , of a fweet favour unto the L o R D> onebullock,one ramme/even lambes of the firft yeare without blemifh : 37 Their meat-offering , and their drink- offerings, for the bullock, for the ramme, and for the hmbcs } Jhall be according to their num- ber, after the manner : 38 And one goat for a finne- offering, be- fide the continuall burnt-offering , and his meat-offering, and his drink-offering. )t offtr 39 Thefe things ye (hall ([ do unto the LORD '* Je " in your fit feafts, befides your vows, and your free-will-offerings , for your burnt- offer ings, and for your meat-offerings, & for your drink- offerings, and for your peace-offerings. 40 And Mofes told the children of Ifrael, according to all that the L o R D commanded Mofes. CHAP. XXX. I Powi are not to be broken. 3 The exception of a, maids -vow, 6 Of a. wives, 9 Of a widows, or her that is divorced. ANd Mofes fpake unto the heads of the tribes, concerning the children of Ifrael, faying, This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded. 2 If a man vow a vow unto the L o R o,or fwear an oath to binde his foul with a bond j yf\).frt- he wall not jbreak his word,he fhall do accord- *i ing to all that proceedeth out of his mouth. 3 If a woman alfo vow a vow unto the LORD, and bindc her fe If by a bond ; being in her fathers houfe in her youth ; 4 And her father heare her vow , and her bond wherewith he hath bound her foul, and her father {hall hold his peace at her: then all her vows fhall (land , and every bond where- with (he hath bound her foul, fhall {land. f But if her father difallowher in the day that he heareth j not any of her vows or of her bonds wherewith (he hath bound her foul,fhall ftand: and the LORD fhall forgive her, bccaufc her father difallowed her. 6 And if fhe had at all an husband when xxx. xxxi. of vows. t fhe vowed , or uttered ought out of her lips, 147 wherewith Hie bound her foul j f Heb. her 7 And her husband heard /";, and held his* 9 **^' 6 peace at her in the day that he teard it: then u{en be r% her vows (ball ftand,and her bonds wherewith fhe bound her foul, (hall ftand . 8 But if her husband difallow her on the day that he heard it; then he fhall make her vow which fhe vowed , and that which fheur* tered with her lips, wherewith fhe bound her foul, of none effect : and the LORD (hall for- give her. 9 Butcveryvowofawidow,andofherthar is divorced, wherewith they have bound their fouls, fhall ftand againfl her. i o And if ihe vowed in her husbands houfe,. or bound her foul by a bond with an oath } 1 1 And her husband heard it , and held his peace at her^and difailowed her not: then ail her vows (hall ftand, and every bond where. With fhe bound her foul, fhall ftand. 1 2. But if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard them 5 thea whatsoever proceeded out of her lips concern- ing her vows, or concerning the bond of her foul, fhall not ftand : her husband hath made them void, and the L o R D fhall forgive her. i $ Every vow, and every binding oath ta afflid the foul, her husband may eftablifljir, or her husband may make it void. 14 But if her husband altogether hold his peace at her , from day to day ; then he efta- blifheth all her vows, or all her bonds which are upon her : he confirmeth them, becaufe he -\ held his peace at her in the day that he heard them. i > But if he (hall any wayes make them void after that he hath heard tbem$ then he fhall bear her iniquitic. 1 6 Thefearf the ftatutes which the L o R r> commanded Mofes between a man and h.s wifejbetween the father and his daughter bciag yet in her youth in her fathers houfe. CHAP. XXXI. I Tihe Mtdiwttej are fpoiled, and Balaam fam? i * Mofe) it moth with the officers, forfavingthe "women alive. 19 How the CouUien ivtth their CAT f -fives and ff u J*Af* all the tribes of Ifrael,fh.ill ye fend to the warre / *f^ 1 So there were delivered out of the thou- J tr a, e . tods. The Midiamtes are fpoiled. Numbers. How the prey is to be divided. fands_oflfrael,a thoufand of ft^ry mbe,twelve _ *a Otiely the gold , and the filvcr, the thoufand armed for warre. brafle, the iron, the tinne, and the lead, 6 And Mofes fent them to the warre, a thou- 2 3 Every thing that may abide the fire, ye fand of every tribe, them and Phinehas the fhall make it go through the fire , and it (hall fonne of Eleazar the prieft, to the warre, with the holy inftruments , and the trumpets to blow, in hi$ hand. 7 And they warred againft the Midianites, as the LORD commanded Mofesj and they flew all the males. 8 And they flew the kings of Midian , be- fide the reft of them that were flain 5 namely, ^Jolh. 13.11. * Evi,and Rekem,and Zur,and Hur,and Reba, . five kings of Midian: Balaam alfo the fonne of Beor they flew with the fword. 9 And the children of Ifrael took aU the women of Midian captives , and their little ones, and took the fpoil of all their cattel, and all their flocks, and all their goods. 10 And they burnt all their cities wherein who went out to battel, and between all the they dwelt, &all their goodly caftles with fire. 1 1 And they took all the fpoil, and all the fibatb of men and of beafts. be clean: neverthclefle it (hall be purified with, the water of feparation : and all that abidetb, not the fire , ye (hall make go through the water. 24 And ye (hall wa(h your clothes on the feven'th day, and ye (hall be clean, and after- ward ye (hall come into the camp. 25 u And the L o RD (pake unto Mofes, faying, 26 Taktthefumme of the prey fthatwas t Heb../tf, taken,6/- eare-rings , and tablets, to make an atonement i ^ Save Caleb the fonne of Jephunneh the fi Ut * 'far ' Kenezite , and Jofhua the fonne of Nun : for *"' they hare wholly followed the L o R D. i $ And the LOR DS anger was kindled a- gainft Ifrael, and he made them wander in the for our fouls before the LORD. j i And Mofes and Eleazar the prieft took the gold of them, even all wrought jewels. 5 a And all the gold of the f offering that they offered up to the LORD, of the captains wilderneffe fourtie yeares , untill all the gene* of thoufands, and of the captains of hundreds, ration that had done evil in the fight of the was fixteen thoufand feven hundred and fifty LORD was confumed. 14 And behold, ye are ri fen up in your fa* thers flead , an increafe of finfull men, to aug- ment yet the fierce anger of the L o R D toward Ifrael. i f For if ye turn away from after him , he foekels. ? j ( Far the men of warre had taken fpoil, every man for himfelf) 54 And Mofes and Eleazar the prieft took the gold of the captains of thoufands , and of hundreds , and brought it into the tabernacle will yet again leave them in the wilderneffe, and ye (hall deftroy all this people. 1 6 f And they came neare unto him , and faid, We will build fheep- folds here for our cattel, and citks for our little ones. 17 But we our felves will go ready armed before the children of Ifrael, untill we have of the congregation , for a memoriall for the children of Ifrael before the LOR D. CHAP. XXXII. I T*< Rfulenites and Gaditesfue for their inheritance en that ftJe fordan. 6 Mofes reprtveth them. i6They offer htm conditions to hit content. 3 } Mofei af- (igntt'n thtm the land, j 9 They conquer 'it. brought them unto their place : and our little Ow the children of Reuben and thechil- ones fhall dwell in the fenced cities, becaufe of IX dren of Gad hid a very great multitude of the inhabitants of the land, cattel : and when they faw the land of Jazer, 1 8 We will not return unto our houfes, un and the land of Gilead, that, behold, the place till the children of Ifrael have inherited every X>M a place for cattelj man his inheritance : ^ The children of Gad, and the children of 19 For we will not inherit with them on- Reuben , came and fpake unto Mofes , and to yonder fide Jordan , or forward j becaufe our Eleazar the prieft , and unto the princes of the inheritance is fallen to us on this fide Jordan congregation, faying, eaft-ward. xo 4 And \ Reuben and Numbers." Gads inheritance^ 150 20 ^ And * Mofes faid unto them, If ye fjofh. 1.13 .will do this thing , if ye will go armed before the LORD towarre, 21 And will go all dan before the LORD out his enemiesffrom before hi ^^ And the land be fubdued before the LORD: then afterward ye (hall return, and be guiltlefie before the L o R D, and before Ifraelj and this land (hall be your pofleffion before the LORD. zj But if ye will not do fo, behold, ye have finned againft the LORD: and be lure your fmne will finde you out. 37 And the children of Reuben built Hefti- bon,and Elealeh,andKirjathaim, 38 And Nebo,and Baal-meon (their names of you armed over Jor- being changed) and Shibmah: and t gave other f Heb. thy , untill he hath driven names unto the cities which they budded, tfore him, 3 9 And the children of * Machir the fonne ^ J^ of Manafleh went to Gilead , and took it, and > difpoflefled the Amorite which VOM in it. * Gen 50. 40 AndMofes gave Gilead unto Machir the *J fonne of Manaflxhj and he dwelt therein. 41 And *Jairthe fonne of Manaffeh went "DCUI.J.M; and took the fmaU towns thereof, and called them Havoth-jair. 41 And Nobah went and took Kenath, and 24 Build ye cities for your little ones , and the villages thereof, and called it Nobah, after folds for your (heep j and do that which hath his own name. CHAP. XXXIII. proceeded out of your mouth zj And the children of Gad, and the chil- dren of Reuben fpake unto Mofes, faying,Thy .fervantswilldoasmy lord commandeth. 26 Our little ones , our wives, out flocks, and all our cattel, (hall be there in the cities of Gilead. 27 * But thy fervants will paffe over, every man armed for warre , before the L o R D to battel,asmy lord faith. z8 So concerning them Mofes commanded Eleaanr the prieft , and Joftuia the fonne of I Two attjfourtie journeys of the Ifraelites. are to be deftroyeL THefe are the journeys of the children of Ifrael , which went forth out of the land of Egypt, with their armies, under the hand of Mofes and Aaron. 2 And Mofes wrote their goings out accord- ing to their journeys, by the commandment of the L o R D : and thefe are their journeys ao iiiea^.d Hit until , auu juuiua niv. luimt vii. COrfling tO tHC g 1 Q / i Nun, and the chief fathers of the tribes of the . And they* departed from Ramefes _m the Exod.i*. children of Ifrael : 19 And Mofes faid unto them , If the chil- dren of Gad , and the children of Reuben will pafle with you over Jordan , every man armed te battel before the LORD , and the land (hall be fubdued before youj then ye (hall give them the land of Gilead for apofleflion: 30 But if they will not pafle over with you armed , they (hall have poffeffions among you in the land of Canaan. 3 1 And the children of Gad , and the chil- firft moneth , on the fifteenth day of the firft 37, moneth : on the morrow after the pafleover, the children of Ifrael went out with an high hand in the fight of all the Egyptians. 4 ( For the Egyptians buried all their firfl- born, which the LORD had fmitten among them : upon their gods alfo the LORD exe- cuted judgements) f And the children of Ifrael removed from Ramefes, and pitched in Succoth. 6 And they departed from * Succoth , and * Exod.i?? f l-T-1 1_* 1_ " -.U J 1 ~ dren of Reuben anfwered, faying, As the LORD pitched in Etham , which win the edge of the hath faid umo thy fervams,fo will we do. wilderneffe. ? z We will pafle over armed before the 7 And they removed from Etham,and turned LORD into the land of Canaan , that the pof- again unto Pi-hahiroth, which rs before Baal- feffion of out inheritance on this fide Jordan iephon: and they pitched before M.gdoLj mai be ours 8 And the V de ^ ed from before Pl " ha - . J And * Mofes gave unto them , 9v e* to hiroth , and * pafled through the midft of the * Exod. , 51 Jot the children of Gad, and to the children of fea , into the wildernefle, and went three dayes ^ *nd zU. Reuben , and unto half the tribe of Manafleh journey in the wilderneue of Etham, and pitch- the fonne of Jofeph, the kingdome of Sihon edmMarah. king of the Amorites, and the kingdome of 9 And they removed from Marah, and Og king of Baflian , the land with the cities * came unto El.m : and in Elim were twelve * Exod>1 jj thereof, in the coafts, even the cities of the fountains of water, and threefcore and ten 47. countrey round about. palm-trees; and they pitched there. ^ ?4 ijAnd the children of Gad built Di- 10 And they removed from Ehm, anden- camped by the Red fea. 1 1 And they removed from the Red fea, and encamped in the * wildernefle of Sm. , i x And they took their journey out of the vvildernefle of Sin, and encamped mDophkah. bon, and Ataroth, and Aroer, 35 AndAtroth,Shophan,andJaa2er,and Togbehah z 6 And Beth-nimrah, and Bcth-haran,fen- .cedcitics: and folds forflieep, The removings Chap. i 3 And they departed from Dophkahj and encamped in Alulh. 14 And they removed from Alufh, and en- ! Exod. 17. t. camped ac * Rephidim,where was no water for the people to drink. 1 5 And they departed from Rephidim, and Exod. i ?. i pitched in the * wildernefle of Sinai. 1 6 And they removed from the defert of Chap, i ii Sinai, and pitched * at jj Kibroth-hattaavah. 17 And they departed from Kibroth-hatta- .* {MM?*/ avab, and * encamped at Hazeroth. i 8 And they departed from Hazeroth, and Chap, 1 1. pitched in Rithmah. 19 And they departed from Rithmah, and pitched at Rimmon-parcx. zo And they departed from Rimmon-parez, and pitched in Libnah. 21 And they removed from Libnah , and pitched at Riflah- 21 And they journeyed from Riflah 3 and pitched in K^htlathah. 23 And they went from Kehelathah, and pitched m mount Sn.-pher . 24 And they re moved from mount Shapher, and encamped in Haradah, if And they removed from Haradah, and pitched in Makheloth . 26 And they removed from Makheloth,and encamped at Tab at h. 27 And they departed from Tahath , and pitched at Tarah. 28 And they removed from Tarak, and pitched in Mithcah. 29 And they went from Mithcah,and pitch- ed in Haihmonah. 30 And they departed from Hafhmonab, !0cut.io.$. and * encamped at Moferoth. ' 3 \ And they departed from Moferoth, and pitched iaBene-jaakan. .32 And chey remaved from Bene- jaakan, and encamped at Hor-hagidgad. 3 3 And they went from Hor-hagidgad,and pitched in Jotbathah. 34 And they removed from Jotbathah, and encamped at Ebronah. 3 5 And they departed from Ebronah, and encamped at Ezion-gaber. 36 And they removed from Ezion-gaber, an d pitched in the *vvilderneffe of Zin, which jfKadelh. 3? And they removed from * KadeOY, and pitched in mount Hor, in the edge of the land of Edom. fcnap.20, ^ 8 And * Aaron the prieft went up into wir. 31.50. mount Hor, at the commandment of the LORD, and died there in the fourtieth yeare, after the children of Ifrael were come cut of the land of Egypt, in the firft day of the fifth moneth 35> And Aaron vtxe an hundied and twenty xxxiiii. of the Israelites." and three yearcs old, when he died in mounc i ji Hor. 40 And * king Arad the Canaanite ( which * Chap.a dwelt in the fouth, in the land of Canaan) ' &c ' heard of the coming of thechildren of Ifrael. 41 And they departed fr om mount * Hor,* Chap, u^i and piched in Zalmonah. 42 And they departed from Zalmonah, and pitched in Punon. 4j And they departed from Punon s and pitched in Oboth. 44 And they departed frdm Oboth , and pitched in jjlje-abarim, in the border of Moab. \ 4 ? And they departed from lira, and pitched in-Dibon-gad. 46 And they removed from Dibon-gad^and encamped in Almon.diblathaim. 47 And they removed from Almon-dibla:- thaim, and pitched in the mountains of Aba>- rim, before Nebo. 48 And they departed from the mountains of Abanm,and pitched in the plains of Moab, by Jordan neare Jericho. 49 And they pitched by Jordan from Betrr* jefimoth., even unto |j * Abel -(hittim, in the |j Or-, plains^of Moab. pl*n* 50 n And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, ' in the plains of Moab,by Jordan neare Jericho^ faying, H Speak unto the children of Ifrael ,and fay unto them, * When ye are pafled over Jordan, intotheland of ' Canaan' j 52 Then ye (ha 1 1 d rive out all the inhabitants- of the land from before you,&deftroy all their pictures , and deftroy all their molten images^ and quite pluck down all their high places. ?3 And ye (hall dirpodefle the inhabitants ' o/the land, and -dwell therein: for I have given youtheland.to poflefleit. 54 And * ye (hall divide the land by lot, for an inheritance among your families, #*/ to the 53 mo ye (hall | give the more inheritance, and to t H the fewer ye (hall f give the lefle inheritance : J^ every mans inheritance fhall be in the place ' wherc his lot falleth; according to the tribes of mjfe ** your fathers, ye (hall inherit. ritin 55 But if ye will not drive out the inhabi- tants of the land from before you j then it (hall come to pafle,that thofe which ye let remain of them,/&j# be * pricks in your eyes, and thorns * Jo in your fides, and (hall vex you in th land J ud S wherein ye dwell". 56 Moreover, it (hall come to pa fle, that I' (hall do unto yoa, as I thought to do unso them. CHAP, xxxirn/ i 'The borders of the lund. 16 The nanu of the Htttir which Jball divide the Und. ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes, fayinf , % z Command-the children of Ifrae> 3 and fa/, <' The borders of the land. Numbers: The cities for the Levites" Edom,and your fouth border (hall be the out- moft coaft of the fait- fea eaft- ward. 4 And your border (hall turn from the fouth to the afcent of Akrabbim,and paffe on to Zini ia#& fourty and eight cities : them zj And the congregation fliall deliver the jjj fljitll ye give with their fuburbs. flayer out of the hand of the revenger of 8 And the cities which ye (hall give ,]ball bloud, and the congregation fliall reftore him be of the pofleflion of the children of Ifrael: to thecitieof his refuge, whither he was fled: from them that have many, ye fliall give ma- and he fhall abide in it unto the death of the ny; but from them that have few, ye (hall give high prieft, which was anointed with the holy few: every one (hall give of his cities unto the oyl. Levites, according to his inheritance which 26 But if the flayer fliall at any time come they f heinheriteth. 9 ^ And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, 10 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and tut 19- fay unto them,*When ye be come over Jordan, ,10 j. i nc o the land of Canaan : 1 1 Then ye fhall appoint you cities, to be cities of refuge for you ; that the flayer may flee b v by thither which killeth any perfon t at unawares. r. i z And they fliall be unto you cities for refuge from the avenger j that the man- flayer die not, untill he (land before the congregation in judgement. 1 3 And of thefe cities which ye fliall give, fix cities fliall ye have for refuge. without the border of the citie of his refuge. Whither he was fledj 27 And the revenger of bloud finde him without the borders of the citie of his refuge, and the revenger of bloud kill the flayer j f he f Heb. fliall not be guiltie of bloud : ttoi-.it fliall 28 Becaufe he mould have remained in the b '*>" citie of his refuge, untill the death of the high prieft : but after the death of the high prieft, 1 4 Ye fliall give three cities on this fide Jor- the flayer fliall return into the land of his oof- fcffion. 29 So thefe things fliall be for a ftatute of judgement unto you, throughout your genera- tions in all your dwellings. 30 Whofo killeth any perfon, the murderer dan, and three cities (hall ye give in the land of fliall be put to death by the * mouth of witnef- * Deut 17. 6> Canaan,ib;f Jb mall be cities of refuge, i ? Thefe fix cities fhall be a refuge, both for the children of Ifrael,& for the ftranger,andfor the fojourner among them: that every one that fes: but one witnefle fliall not teftifie againft and 19.15. any perfon, to caufe him to die. Matt> ' 8ilri| lord to give the land for an inheritance by lot to the children of Ifrael: and my lord was com- manded by the L o R D to give the inheritance of Zelophehad our brother,unto his daughters. 3 And if they be married to any of the fonnes of the other tribes of the children of If- L raclj The IJ4 marriage of raelj then (hall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of onr fathers, and fhall be put to the inheritance of the tribe fwhereunto they are received: fo (hall it be taken from the lot of our inheritance. 4 And when the jubile of the children of If- rael (lull be, then flr.ll their inheritance be put unto the inheritance of the tribe whereunto f Heb. bt Deuteronomie. Zelophehads daughters. 1 8 And every daughter that poflefleth an in- heritance in any tribe of the children of Ifra- el, (hall be wife unto one of the family of the tribe of her father, that the children of Ifrael may enjoy every man the inheritance of his fa- thers. 9 Neither (hall the inheritance remove from one tribe to another tribe ; but every one unto te nertance o te tre wereunto rrom o./ecnoe to anotntr inoe j out every o they are received: fo (hall their inheritance be of the tribes of the children of Ifrael {hall keep taken away from the inheritance of the tribe himfdf to his own inheritance; of our fathers. i o Even as the L o R D commanded Mofes, f And Mofe* commanded the children of fo did the daughters of Zelophehad. Ifrael, according to the word of the LORD, n * ForMahlah,Tirzah,andHoglahjand *Ch faying, The tribe of the fonnes of Jofeph hath Milcah, and Noah, the daughters of Zelophe- faid well. 6 This is the thing which the L O.RD doth command concerning the daughters of Zelo- phehad , faying , Let them f marrie to whom had, were married unto their fathers brothers fonnes. i z And they were married f into the fami- t Heb. to lies of the fonnes of Manaffeh thefonne of Jo- fome th they think beft j *onely to the family of the feph, and their inheritance remained in the JJJJJi, *! '. ' * tribe of their father (hall they marry : 7 So (hall not the inheritance of the chil- dren of Ifrael remove from tribe to tribe : for judgements which the L o R D commanded by f Heb f I we every one of the children of Ifrael (hill f keep the hand of MoTct, unto the children of Ifrael ibe t &c. himfclf to the inheritance of the tribe of his fa- thers. tribe of the family of their father. ij Thefe are the commandments and the in the plains of Moab, by Jordan ware Jeri- cho. The fifth book of MOSSS, called CHAP. I. ' "Mofes [peech in the end of thefourtiethyeiretbrief- ly rehear (ing theflory 6 ofGoaspromtfe,? of giving them officers, 19 of (ending the fpies tofearch the land, 34 of Geds anger for their incredulitie^i and disobedience. 1 Hefc be the words wkich Mofes fpake unto all Ifrael, on this fide Jordan in the wildernefle, in the plain over againft ([the Red/c^, between Paran, and Tophei,and Laban, and Hazeroth, and ( Dizahab. ^ ( There are eleven dayes journey from Ho- reb by the way of mount Seir, unto Kadcfli. barnea ) j And it came to pafle in the foartieth yeare, in the eleventh moneth, on the firft day of the moncth, that Mofes fpake unto the chil- dren of Ifrael , according unto all that the L o a D had given him in commandment unto them; 4 * After he had (lain Sihonthe king of the Amorites, which dwelt in He(hbon, and Og the king of Ba(han, which dwelt at Aftaroth in Edrei. j On this fide Jordan t in the land of Moab , began Mofes to declare this law, fay- ingj 6 TheLoRD ourGod fpake unto us in Ho- reb, faying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: 7 Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites, and unto fall the places nigh thereunto, in the plain, in the attghbun. hills, and in the vale,and in the Couth, and by the fea fide,to the land of the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great river the river Euphrates. 8 Behold, I have f fet the land before you r -f H 6 b.w'wi go in and poflefle the land which the LORD (ware onto your fathers, * Abraham, Ifaac, and , Gcn , f Jacob,to give unto them, and totheir feedaf. an di7. j t l ter them. 9 f And I fpake unto you at that time, fay- ing, I am not able to bear you my felf alone : 10 The LORD your God hath multiplied you, and behold, you are this day- as the ftarres of heaven fsr multitude. 11 ( The LORD God of your fathers make you a thoufand times fo many mo as ye are > and blcffe you as he hath promifed y u 1 . tl How A rehearfali of Chap. i. 'former things. 12 How can I my felt" alone bear your cum- deliver us into the hand of th Amorites,to de- jyy brance, and your burden, and your ftrife ? flroy uj. :feb./w. *J t Take ye wife men and underftjnding, 28 Whither (hall we go up ? our brethren have fdifcouraged our heart, laying, The peo- | He b. melt- pie is greater and taller then we , the cities are *> in thither. ' Num r'' 38 But Jo(hua the fonne of Nun , which ";. 7 * ftandeth before thee, he (hill go in thither. Chap. 3. 26. Encourage him : fox he (hall caufe Ifrael to in- and *" herit it. and 3+* 39 Moreover, your little ones, which ye faid ihould be a prey , and your children which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, they (hall go in thither, and unto them will I give it , and they (hall pof- fcffe it. and known among your tnbcs,and I will make them rulers over you. 14 -And ye anfwered me,and faid,The thing which thou haft fpoken, is good for M to do. 1 5 So I took the chief of your tribes , wife menj an d known, and f made them heads over you , captains over thoufands , and captains over hundreds , and captains over fifties , and captains over tennes , and officers among your tribes. 16 And I charged your judges at that time, faying , Heare the caufes between your bre 'ohn7.4. thren, and * judge righteoudy between every man and his brother, and theftranger t hut is with him. ev i 9.1 5 . 1 7 * Y e fl,all not f refped perfons in judge. ;*i'6 '7* ment > but vou ^ ali heare * c fma11 as wellas 7 ' the great -, you (hall not be afraid of the face of man, for the judgement is Gods: and the caufe that is too hard for you, bring if onto me, and I will heare it. 1 8 And I commanded you at that time all the things which ye ihould do. 19 f And when we departed fromHoreb, we went through all that great and terrible OV.24.2J. -leb. cc vltd&e it. Exo *"*J Kadelli-barnea , untill we were come over the brook Zered,ttw thirty and eight yeares juntill all the generation of the men of warre were wafted out from among the hoft, as the LORD fware unto them. i f For indeed the hand of the L o R D was againft them, to deftroy them from among the hoft, untill they were confumed. \6 ^ So it cameto pafle, when all the men of warre were confumed and dead from among the people, 1 7 That the L o R D fpake unto me,faying, 1 8 Thou art to pafle over through Ar , the coaft of Moab, this day. T 9 And when thou comeft nigh over againft THen we turned, and took our journey into the wildcrneffe, by the way of the Red fea, as the LORD fpake unto me : and we com- pafled mount Seir many dayes. 2 And the L o R D fpake unto me, faying, 3 Ye have compaffed this mountain long the children of Ammon , diftrefle them not, enough: turn you north- ward. nor meddle with them : for I will not give thee 4 And command thou the people, faying, Ye of the land of the children of Ammon any are to pafle throuh the coaft of our brethren pofleffion , becaufe I have given it unto the children of Lot for a pofleffion. to (That alfo was accounted a land of gi- ants, giants dwelt therein in old time, and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims, a i A people great^nd many,and tall as the the children of Efau, which dwell in Seir,and theyfhillbe afraid of you: take ye good heed unto your felves therefore. f Meddle not with them ; for I will not t Heb. nn gve you of their land , t no not fo much as a totbttrtad- foot- breadth , * becaufe I have given mount **l /'** fit* Seir unto Efau for a pofleffion. * Gen 6*8 ^ ^ e ^ a ^ k u X meat of them for money ,that ye may eatj and ye (hall alfo buy water of them for money, that ye may drink. , 7 For the LORD thy God hath blefled thee from before them , and they fucceeded them, in all the works of thy hand : he knoweth thy and dwelt in their ftead even unto this day : walking through this great wildernefle : thefe fourty yeares the L o R D thy God buth been with thee, thou haft lacked nothing. 8 And when we pafled by from our brethren the children of Efau, which dwelt in Seir, through the way of the plain from Elath , and from Ezion-gaber , we turned and pafled ty the way of the wildernefle of Moab. 9 And the L o R D faid unto me, || Diftrefle P0r,/n Anakims j but the L o R D deftroyed them be- fore them, and they fucceeded them,and dwek in their ttead : " As he did to the children of Efau which dwelt in Seir , when he deftroyed the Horims And the A vims which dwelt in Haze- rim, even untoA*zah , the Caphtorims which came forth out of Caphtor s deftroyed thenijand dwelt in their ftead ) 24 ^jRife ye up 3 take your journey, and pafle over the river Arnon : behold , I hive gi- ven into thy hand Sihon the Amorite king of Hefhbon , and his land : \ begin to poflefle ;/, f He b. fa and contend with him in battel. not the Moabites , neither contend with them in battel: for I will not give thee of their land for a pofleffion , becaufe I have given Ar unto the children of Lot /"or a pofleflion. o The Emims dwelt therein in times paft, a people great , and many, and tall as the Ana. kims j 1 1 Which alfo were accounted giants , as the Anakims , but the Moabites call them E- mims. iz * The Horims alfo dwelt in Seir before- T Heb inhr- time, but the children of Efau t fucceeded them tittdthtm. when they had deftroyed them from before * C ti 5 fi ao ' 25 This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven , who (hall heare report of thee, and fhall tremble,and be in an- guift) becaufe of thee. 26 f And I fent meffengers out of the wil dernefle of Kedemoth , unto Sihon king of Heflibon, with words of peace, faying, 27 * Let me pafle through thy land: I will go Num.j0; along by the high-way,! will neither turn unto * ' >t the right hand nor to the left. 28 Thou flultfellme meat for money, that I may eat j and give me water for money, that Imsy are overcome; 7 Bat all the cattel, and the fpoil of the ci- im.ii. non unto mount Hermon 9 (wlaitb Hermon the Sidonians call Sirt- on : and the Amorires call it Sheriff ) 10 All the cities of the plain, and all Gile- ad, and all Baflian, unto Salchahand Edrci, cities of the kingdome of Og in Bafhan : 11 ForonelyOg king of Bafhan remained of the remnant of giants; bchold,his bed-ftead was a bed-ftead of iron : is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon ? nine cubits was the length thereof, and foure cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man. ii And this land *?JE>fc6wepoflefiedatthat our felves, and the fpoil of the cities which we time, from Aroer,which is by the river Arnon, took. 5 6 From Aroer,which is by the brink of the river of Arnon, and from the citie that is by the river, even unto Gilead, there was not one ci- tie too it rong for us : the L o R D our God deli* vered all unto us. 37 Onclyunto the land of the children of Atnmonthou camefl not, nor unto any place of the river Jabbok, nor unto the cities in the mountains, nor unto whatsoever the LORD our God for bad us. CHAP. III. i fbtflery of the coitquefl ofOg king ofBifian. 11 The bignefje of hit bed. 11 the diflributim ofthofe lands t the two tribes and half. ^\ Mofes prayer to enter into the land, atf He it fermitted to fee it. we turned , and went up the way to Ba{han:and * Ogthe king of Baftuncarae out againft us, he and all his people, to battel at Edrei. a And the LORD faid finto me, Fear him noc: for I will deliver him, and all his people, and his Kind into thy hand, and thou (bait do unto him as thou didft unto * Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Hefhbon. 5 So the L o R D our God delivered into our hands * Ogalfo the king of Ba(han,and all his people: and we fmotc him untill none was left to him remaining. 4 And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a citie which we took not from them, threefcore cities, all the region of Argob, ths kingdome of O& in Bafhan. and half mount Gilead,and* the cities thereof, * Num. ju gave I unto the Reubenites, and to the Ga. ?? dites. JoflMj.?. ij And the reft of Gilead,and allBafhan, &c * being the kingdome of Og, gave I unto the half-tribe of Manaflehj all the region of Ar- gob, with all Bafhan, which was called the landofgiantSi 14 Jairthe fonne of Manaffeh took all the countrey of Argob, unto the coafts of Gefliuri, and Maachathi j and called them after his own name, Ba(han-*havoth-jair, unto this day. * N T n 3> i f And I gave Gilead unto Machir. 4" 1 6 And unto the Reubenites, and unto the Gadites, I gave from Gilead even unto the ri- ver Arnon , half the valley, and the border, even unto the river Jabbok,wWc& wthebor- der of the children of Ammon : 17 The plain alfo,and Jordan^and the coaft thereof) from Chinnereth even unto the fea of the plain- s even the fait fea , jj under AOidorh jj Or, under Pifgah eait- ward. tbefpring, ./ 1 8 f And I commanded you at that time, J ?^"t >or faying, The LORD your God hath given you * ' this land to poflefle it:* ye (hall pafle over arm- Num. ja. ed before your brethren the children of Ifrael, >. all that are f meet for the warre. -f- Heb./* 19 But yourwives, and your little ones, and your cattel (for I know that ye have much cattel ; (hall abide in your cities which I have given you j 20 Untill the L o R D have given reft unto your brethren, as well as unto you, and untill they alfo poflefle the land which the L o R D L j ycur An exhortation Deuteronomie. to obedience. i $8 your God hath given them beyond Jordamand *Jofh.i.4. i hen (hall ye * recurn every man unto his pof feflion which 1 have given you. 2 i f And * I commanded Jofliua at that time, faying, Thine eyes have feenallthat the LORD your God bath done unto thefe two kings: fo (hall the Lo R D do unto all the king- domes whither thou paffeft. 21 Ye (hill not fear them : for the L o R. D your God he (hall fight for you. 2} And I befought the L o a D at that time, faying, 24 O Lord GOD, thou haft begun to (hew thy fervant thy greatnefle , and thy mighty hand : for what God it there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to thy works, and according to thy might ? a 5 I pray thee let me go over, and fee the good land that/* beyond Jordan, that goodly mountain, and Lebanon. * Num. 20. Z 6 But the L OR D * was wroth with me for Chap 1,57. y ur kk es J* n d would notheareme : and the LORD faid unto me, Let it fuffice thee/peak no more Unto me of this matter. gOr,f //# hill. 2.7 Get thec up into the top of || Pifgah,and lift up thine eyes weft-ward, and north- ward, and Couth- ward, and eaft- ward, and behold it with thine eyes: for thou (halt not go over this Jordan. 28 Surcharge Jofliua, and encourage him, and ftrengthen him : for he mall go over be- fore this people, and he (hall caufe them to in- herit the land which thou (halt fee. 29 So we abode in the valley over againft Beth-peor. CHAP. IIII. r- t exhortation to o bedience. 41 Mofes appohtteth > the three cities of refuge on that fide Jordan. NOw therefore heat ken, O Hrael, unto the ftatutes, and unto the judgements which I teach you, for ta do ;&?j,that ye may live, and go in and poflefle the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you. * Chap.ni 2 * Ye (hill not adde unto the word which I command you, neither (hall youdiminifh iso!*?, ought ftomit, thatyc may keep the command- . mentsof the LORD your God which I com- mand you. $ Your eyes have feen what the LORD did * Num. ay. becaufeof *Baal-peor: for all the men that ' followed Baalpeor,the L o R D thy God hath deftroyed them from among you. 4 But ye that did cleave unto the LORD your God, are alive everyone of you this day. 5 Behold, I have taught you ftatutes and judgements, even as the LORD my God com- manded me, that ye (hould do fo in the land whither ye go to poflefle it. 6 Keep therefore and do them, for this is yourwifdooie and your underftanding in the fight of the nations, which (hall heare all thefe ftatutes , and fay, Surely this great nation u z wife and understanding people. 7 For what nation is there fo great,who hath God fo nigh onto them , as the L o R D our God u in all things that we call upon him for? 8 And what nation it there fo great, that hath ftatutes and judgements fo righteous,as all this law which I fet before you this day? 9 Onely take heed to thy felf, and keep thy foul diligently , left thou forget the things which thine eyes have feen, and left they de- part from thy heart all the dayes of thy life: but teach them thy formes, and thy fonnes fonnes: 10 Specially the day that thou (ioodit be- fore the LORD thy God in Horeb, when the LORD faid unto me,Gather me the people to- gether, and I will make them heare my words, that they may learn to fear me all the dayes that they (hill live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children. 1 1 And ye came neare and flood under the mountain , and the * mountain burnt with E XO( J 19 fire unto the | midft of heaven, with darknefle, 1 8 clouds, and thick darknefle. t Heb.6i i 2 And the LORD fpake unto you out of the rnidft of the fire : ye heard the voice of the words, but faw no fimilitude, t onely ye beard t Hc ^ ft* a voice. w'. 1 3 And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten command ments,and he wrote them upon two tables of ftorrc. 1 4 ^ And the LORD commanded me ac that time ,to teach you ftatutes and judgements, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go over to poflefie it. i 5 Take ye therefore good heed unto your felves ( for ye faw no manner of fimilitude on the day that the LORD fpake unto you in Ho* reb, out of the midft of the fire ) 1 6 Left yecQrruptyottrfelves } *nd make you a graven image , the fimilitude of any figure,, the likenefle of male or female, 17 The likenefle of any beaft that is on the earth, the likenefle of any winged fowl that flieth in the aire, 18 The likenefle of any thing that creepeth on the ground , the likenefle of any fifh that is in the waters beneath the earth : 19 And left thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou feeft the funne , and the moon, and the ftarres,ri>e all the hoftof heaven,(houldeft be driven to worfliip them 5 & feive ttem,whichthe LORD thy God hath [jdi- |j Or, : vided unto all nations under the whole heaven. t* rtedt 20 But the L OR D hath taken you , and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inhe- ritance, a$ye are this day. si Further- An exhortation to obedience^ Chap. iiii. Cities of refuse. i 1 Furthermore,the LORD was angry with all that the L o R D your God did for you in j But if from thence thou (halt feek the L o R D thy God, thou (halt finde him, if thou feck him with all thy heart and with all thy . foul. 30 When thou art in tribulation, and all h4vt thefe things f are come upon thee, even in the latter dayes , if thou turn to the L o R D thy God, and (halt be obedient unto his voice : 3 1 ( For the LORD thy God is a mercifull God) he will not forfake thee, neither deftroy thee , nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he fware unto them. 3 1 For ask now of the dayes that are paft, which were before thee, fince the day that God created man upon the earth , and at^ from the one fide of heaven unto the other , whether there hath been any fitch thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it ? 3 3 Did ever people heare the voice of God fpeaking out of the midft of the fire , as thou haft heard, and live ? 43 Namely, *Bezer in the wildernefle,in *T Qi.ao.J. the plain-countrey , of the Reubenites; and Ramoth in Gilead,of the Gaditesjand Golan in Balhan, of the Mana flues. 44 f And this is the law which Mofes fee before the children of Ifrael : 4 j Thefe are the teftimonies , and the fta- tutes, and the judgements, which Mofes fpake unto the children of Ifrael , after they came forth out of Egypt ; 46 On this fide Jordan in the valley over a- gainft Beth-peor,in the land of Sihonking of , the Amorites , who dwelt at Hefljbon, whom Mofes and the children of Ifrael * fmote, after * NU.JI; they were come forth out of Egypt : a* 47 And they poffefled his land,and the land cha P -4 * of Og king of Ba(han,two kings of thje Amo- Nura.ai. rites, which were on this fide Jordan, toward jj. thefunne-rifing} . chap.j. } , 48 From Aroer, which is by the bank of the 3 4 Or hath God aflayed to go and take him river Arnon, even unto mount Sion, which is a nation from the midft of another nation , by Hermon, temptations, by fignes, and by wonders, and by 49 And all the plain on this fide Jordan eaft- wa.rre,and by a mighty hand,and by a ftretched ward, even unto the fea of the plain, under the ouc arm , and by great terrours, according to * fprings of Pifgah. L 4 CHAP. *cfa ap .j., y ; *. * Neither (halt thou defire thy neigh- * Rom bours wife , neither (halt thou covet thy neigh, bours houfe , his field, or bis man-fervant, or The law Deuteronoraie. is repeated. as the L o a D thy God hath commanded theej that thydayes may be prolonged , and that it Mofes ncei-utth the law may go well with thee , in the. land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. 1 7 * Thou (halt not kill. * Matth 18 * Neither (hale thou commit adultery, ai. 19 * Neither (halt thooftcal. *Lukci8. 20 Neither (halt thou bear falfe witnefle i ;, againft thy neighbour. 2 * The LORD our God made a covenant with us inHoreb. 3 TheLoRD made not this covenant with our fathers , but with us , even us, who are all his maid-fervant , his ox , or his afie , or any of us here alive this day. thing that is thy neighbours. 4 The LORD talked with you face to face 2z f Thefe words the LORD fpake unto all your aflembly in the mount out of the midft of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick dark- nefTe , with a great voice , and he- added no more ; and he wrote them in two tables of ftone, and delivered them unto me. 23 And it came to pafle when ye heard the voice out of the midft of the dnknefle (for the mountain did burn with fire) that ye came neare unto me , even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders. 24 And ye faid,Behold,the LORD our God hath (hewed us his glory , and his greatnefle, and * we have heard his voice out of the midft of the fire : we have feen this day that God doth talk with man, and he * liveth. * Chap. 4. - Now therefore why (hould we die ? for 53. ,60 CHAP. V, i the covenant in Worth. 22 iAt the peoples requt from God. A Nd Mofes called all Ifrael 3 and faid unto JLlthem , Heare , O Ifrael , the ftatutes and judgements which I fpcak in your eares this f Heb. kttp day, that ye may learn them, and | keep and do to aa Them. Exo.i.i?,5 in the mount) out of the midft of the fire, 5(1 ftood between the LORD and you at that timejto (hew you the word of the L o R D: for ye were afraid by reafon of the fire , and went not up into the mount) faying, 6 f * I am the L o R D thy God , which brought thee out of the land of Egypt , from the houfc of | bondage. 7 Thou (halt have none other gods before me. 8 Thou (halt not make thee any graven image, or any likenefle of any thing that win heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath,or that is in the waters beneath the earth. 9 Thou (halt not bowe down thy felf unto them , nor ferve them for I the L o R D thy * Exod.to- a.&c. Levit. is.t. Pfal.8i.io. T Heb.jfr- vimts. Exo< j , *Exod.j4.y. God am a jealous God,* vifiting the iniquity of this great fiiewill confume us. If we t heare f Heb. ^ the fathers upon the children , unto the third the voice of the L o R D our God any more,then to hsre t and fourth generation of them that hate me, we (hall die. * Jcr.ji.i8. 10 * And (hewing mercy unco thoufands,of ^6 For who Is there o/all flefh that hath them that love me and keep my command- heard the voice of the living God . fpeaking ments. 1 1 Thou (hah not take the name of the L o R D thy God in vain : for the L o R D will not hold him guiltlefle that taketh his name in Gen.a.i. ttcb.4-4. ii Keepthefabbath-dayto fanftifie it, as the L o R D thy God hath commanded thee. 1 3 Six dayes thou (halt labour , and do all thy work : 14 But the feventh day is the * fabbath of word the LORD thy God: in it thou (halt not do any unto thee work , thou, nor thy fonne, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-fervant , nor thy maid-fervant, nor thine ox, nor thine a(Te,nor any of thy cat- tel , nor thy ftranger that within thy gatesj that thy man-fervant and thy maid-fervant may reft as well as thou. i y And remember ;hat thou waft a fervane in the land of Egypt, and that the L o R B thy God brought thee out thence , through a mighty hand and by a ftretched out arm; there- fore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the fabbath-day. 16 ^[ Honour thy father and thy mother, fcflc it. out of the midft of the fire (as we have} and lived? 27 Go thou neare , and heare all that the LORD our God fhallfayjand *fpeak thou unto us all that the L o R D our God (hall fpcak unto '? thee, and we will heare it, and do it. 28 And the L o R D heard the voice of your words when ye (pake unto mejand the L o R D faid unto me, I have heard the voice of the " is people , which they have fpoken they have well faid all that they have fpoken. 29 O that there were fuch an heart in them a that they would fear me, and keep all my com- mandments alwayes,that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever. 5 o Go fay to them, Get you into your tents again. Ji But as for thee , ftand thou here by me, I will fpeak unto thee all the command- ments and the, ftatutes and the judgements which thou (halt teach them , that they may do them in the land which I give them to pof Exod.:cy Ye N! An exhortation Chap, 3 i Ye ihall obferve to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you : you (hall not turn afide to the right hand or to the left. 33 You thall walk in all the wayes which the LORD your God hath commanded you, that ye may live , and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your dayes in the hnd which ye (hall pofiefle. CHAP. VI. I The end of the Itw it obedience. 3 14 Ye (hall not go after other gods, of the Chap 3. , vi. vii. to obedience. gods of the people which are round about you: 161 1 5 (For the LORD thy God is a jealoui God among you) left the anger of the L o R D thy God be kindled agamft thee, and deftroythee from off the face of the earth. 1 6 5j* Ye (hall not tempt the LORD your* Match. 4. God, * as ye tempted him in Maffah. y. 17 You (hill diligently keep the command- * ments of the L o R D your God, and his tefti- monies , and his ftatutes which he hath com- manded thee. 16 And thou (halt do that which is right and good in the fight of the LORD : that it may be well with thee , and that thou mayeft go in and poflefle the good land which the LORD fware unto thy fathersj 19 To caft out all thine enemies from before thee, as the LORD hath fpoken. zo And when thy fonne asketh thee f in time to come, faying, What mean the teftimo- ""* nies,and the ftatutes,and the judgements which the LORD our God hath commanded you? 1 1 Then thou (halt fay unto thy fonne, We were Pharaohs bond-men in Egypt , and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand. ^^ And the L o R D (hewed Ugnes and woni ders , great and ffore, upon Egypt, upon Pha- f Heb. m raoh and upon all his houihold , before our eyes: 1 3 And he brought us out from thcnce,that he might bring us in, to givo us the land which he fware unto our fathers. 24 And the LORD commanded us to do all thefe ftatutes , to fear the L o R D our God, for our good alwayes, that he might preferve u* alive, as it is at this day. 17 And it (ball be our righteoufnefle, if we obferve to do all thefe commandments, before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us. CHAP. VII. T AB communion with the nations it for&idJen, 4 for fear of idolatry, 6 for tht htlnteffe of the feoptt, 9 for the nature ofGtd in hit mtrey anljuftice, 17 for the afluredntfle of -uiSlory which Gtd Tttill give over them, WHen the * LORD thy God (hall bring Chap-. 3 1. thee into the hnd whither thou goeft to pofftfie it, and hath caft out many nations be- fore thee, the Hittites, and the Girgafliites,and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Pe- ritiites , and the Hivites , and the Jebufites, feven nations greater and mightier then thou} ^ And when the LORD thy God (hall deliver them before thee : thou (halt finite them , and utterly deftroy them , * thou (bait make no co- * venant with them, nor (hew mercy unto them: }a 3 Neither (halt thou make marriages with |J them j thy daughter thou (halt not give unto hisfonne,nor hjs daughter &ak thou take unto thy fonne. Gods mercy and juftice." Deuteronofflie. Idolatrie to be avoided, \6i 4 For they will turn away thy fonne from 17 If thou fhalt fay in thine heart, Thefe -following me, that they may ferve other gods : . tutt, or pil- lars. ind 25.19. fo will the anger of the LORD be kindled a- gairfft you, and deftroy theefuddenly. ? But thus fhall ye deal with them j ye fhall deftroy their altars,and Dreak down their -f ima- ges, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. chap. 1 4. a. 6 * For thou art a holy people unto the LORD thy God : * the LORD thy God hath chofen thee to be a fpeciall people unto himfelf, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. 7 The LORD did not fethis love upon you, nor choofe you , becaufe ye were mo in num- ber then any people ( for ye wrethe feweft of all people) 8 But becaufe the L o R D loved you , and becaufe he would keep the oath which he had fworn unto your fathers , hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand , and re. deemed you out of the houfe of bond-men, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. 9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God , the faithfull God , which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him, and keep his commandments , to a thoufand generations} 10 And repayeth them that hate him, to fHeb.i*. C4K/C. nations Arc mo then 1 3 how can I difpoflefle them ? 1 8 Thou fhalt not be afraid of them : but fhalt well remember what the LORD thy God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt; ip The great temptations which thine eyes faw , and the fignes, and the wonders, and the mighty hand,and the ftretched out arnijwhere- by the LORD thy God brought thee out : fo fhall the LORD thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid. zo * Moreover, the L o R D thy God will * Exod.ij. fend the hornet among them , untill they that 3 ^ are left and hide themfelves from thee bede- J^- 2 4-> ftroyed. ^ i Thou fhalt not be affrighted at them: for the L o R D thy God is among you , a mighty God and terrible. ^^ And the L o R D thy God will f put out f Hcb.^/w thofe nations before thee by little and little : "/ thou may eft not confume them at once, left t'he beafts of the field increafe upon thee. zj But the LORD thy God fhall deliver them f unto thee, and fhall deftroy them with fHeb. befi, a mighty deftruftion, untill they be deftroyed. th y f 1 "' 24 And he fhall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou fhalt deftroy their name from under heaven : there fhall no man be able AW J&LJU. Lvpayibii Liitui luot. uavt. mill 9 LVJ their face,to deftroy them: he will not be (lack to ftand before thee, untill thou have deftroyed to him that hateth him , he will repay him to them. his face. 27 The graven images of their gods* (hall *rhap.i j.s ii Thou (halt therefore keep the command- ye burn with fire : thou * fhalt notdefirethe 'Jofh.y.ij ments , and the ftatutes, and the judgements, filver or gold that won them, nor take it unto 2I - which I command thee this day, to do them. thee, left thou be fnared therein: for it wanab- !j, * i a f Wherefore it fhall come to pafle , | if omination to the L o R D thy God. ye hearken to thefe judgements , and keep and %6 Neither fhalt thou bring an abomination do them j that the LORD thy God fhall keep into thy houfe , left thou be a curfed thing like ' it: but thou fhalt utterly deteft it,and thou fhalc unto thee the covenant and the mercy which he fware unto thy fathers. x$ And he will love thee , and blefle thee, and multiply thee : he will alfo bleffe the fruit of thy wombe , and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oyl, the increafe of thy kine, and the flocks of thy fheep, in the land which he fware unto thy fathers to give thee. 14 Thou fhalt be blefied above all people: * ExoJ.ij. * there fhall not be male or female barren a- 6,8c. mong you, or among yourcattel. 1 5 And the LORD will take away from thee all fickncfle, and will put none of the *xod.j>. 14. * evil difeafes of Egypt (which thou knoweftj *nd i j.a$. U p on tn ee j but will lay them upon all them that hate thee. \6 And thou fhalt confume all the people utterly abhorre it, * for it is a curfed thing, * CIia P ' 3 CHAP. VIII. i lAn. exhortation to obedience in vegturcL of Gods denlingysith them. A Lithe commandments which I command thee this day, fhall ye obferve to do, that ye may live , and multiply, and go in and poffefle the land which the LORD fware unto your fathers. i And thou fhalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee thefe fourty yeares in the wildernefle , to humble thee , and to prove thee, to know what wot in thine heart, whether thou wouldeft keep his commandments, or no. 3 And he humbled thee , and fuffered thee which the LORD thy God fhall deliver chee, to hunger, and fed thee with manna ('which thine eye fhall have no pitie upon them : nei- thou kneweft not,neither did thyfathers know) ther fhilt thou ferve their gods, for that will be that he might make thee know that man doth * Mattlt+4 *a fnare unto thee. * not live by bread onely , but by every word Luke **, that An exhortation that proceedeth out of themouihof the LORD doth man live. 4 * Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot fwell thefe foutty yeares. ? Thou (halt alfo confider in thine heart, that as a man chafteneth his fonne , fo the L o RP thy God chafteneth thee. Chap. ix. to obedience. becaufe ye would not be obedient unto the 16$ voice of the LORD your God . CHAP. IX. i Mofes dtfrntdetb them from the opinion of 'their own NB***"^f rehear/ing their {wall rebellion. TjE are j O Ifrael, thou art to pafle over Jor- 6 Therefore thou (halt keep the command. JTldanthis day, to go into poffefle nations ments of the L o R D thy God, to walk in his greater and mightier then thy felf, cities great wayes, and to fear him. and fenced up to heaven, 7 For the LORD thy God bringeth thee 2, A people great and tall, * the children of * Num. 13. into a good land, aland of brooks of water, of theAnakims, whom thou knoweft, and o/ l8t fountains, and depths that fpring out of valleys whom thou haft heard fay, Who can ftand be- and hills, fore the children of Anak 1 8 A land of wheat, and barley , and vines, 3 Underftand therefore this day , that the- eb. / and fig- trees, and pomegranates , a land f of L o R D thy God is he which goeth over before t-trettf oyl-olive, and hony, thee at a *confuming fire : he (hall deftroy * Chap.^.- 9 A land where in thou (halt eat bread with- them,and he (hall bring them down before thy a4 - out fcarceneffe, thou (halt not lack any thin.* in face : fo (halt thou drive them out, and deftroy Hebtl2t a ** it, a land whofe ftones are iron, and out of them quickly,as the LORD hath faid unto thee. whofe hills thou mayeft dig brafle. 4 Speak not thou in thine heart, after that iap.$. 10 * When thou haft eaten and art full,then theL o Rothy God hath caft them out from * thou (halt blefle the LORD thy God, for the before thee, faying, For my righteoufneffe the good land which he hath given thee. LORD hath brought me in to pofleffe this land: 1 1 Beware that thou forget not the LORD but for the wickednefle of thefe nations the- thy God, in not keeping his commandments, LORD doth drive them out from before thee. and his judgements, and his ftacutes, which 5 Not for thy righteoufnefle, or for the up- I command thee this day : rightnefle of thine heart doit thou go to pof- iz Left when thou haft eaten and art full, fefle their land: but for the wickednefle of thefe and haft built goodly houfes,and dwelt therein*, nations trie LORD thy God doth drive them 1 3 And when thy herds and thy flocks mul- out from before thee, and that he may perform tiply, and thy filver and thy gold is multiplied, the word which the L o R D fware unto thy fa- and all that thou haft is multiplied : thers, Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob. 14 Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou 6 Underftand therefore, that the LORD- forget the LORD thy God (which brought thy God givcth thee not this good land topof- thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the tefle it, for thy righteoufnefle j for thou art a houfe of bondage $ ftiff- necked people. if Who led thee through that great and 7 ^Remember, a nd forget not how thou-. terrible wildcrnefle , wherein were fiery fer- provokedft the LORD thy God to wrath in the pents, and fcorpions, and drought, where there wilderriefle : from the day that thou didft de- was no water; who * brought thee forth water part out of the land of Egypt, untill ye came- out of the rock of flint j unto this place, ye have been rebellious againft ; 1 6 Who fed the in the wildernefle with the LORD. co 3 at * Ktbroth-hattaavah.ye provoked the LORD * Exod.iy.7 L zj Likewife when the LORD fent you from Kadefh-barnea, faying, Go up and poflefle the land which I have given you ; then you re- belled againft the commandment of the LORD your God, and ye beleeved him not, nor heark- ened to his voice. 24 You have been rebellious againft the LOR D, from the day that I knew you. 25 Thus I fell down before the LORD four- ty dayes and fourty nights, as I fell down at the * Num. 1 1. Nuai, i 34. and thou fruit put them in the ark. 3 And I made an ark of fhittim-wood, and hewed two tables of ftone like unto the firft, and went up into the mount , having the two tables in mine hand. 4 And he wrote on the tables , according to the firft writing , the ten f commandments, which the LORD fpake unto you in the mount, out of the midft of the fire , in the day of the aflembly: and the L o R D gave them unto me. 5 And I turned my fclf and came down from the mount, and put the tables in the ark which I had made, and there they be, as the LORD commanded me. 6 ^ And the children of Ifrael took their journey from Beeroth of the children of Ja- akan, to * Mofera : * there Aaron died, and * N um . j 3 ; there he was buried j and Eleazathis fonne mi- 30. niftred in the pnefts office in his ftead. * Num.ioij 7 From thence they journeyed unto Gud- godah , and from Gudgodah to Jotbath , a land of rivers of waters. 8 f At that time the LORD feparated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to ftand before the L o R D to minifter unto him 3 and to blefle in his name, Hnto this d.iy. Num. 18. 9 * Wherefore Lvi hath no part nor in- 20. hcritance What Cod requireth. Chap. ix. An exhortation to obedience. heritance with his brethren: the L o R D is his which have not feen the chaft:fecient of the 16 j inheritance, according as the L o a D thy God promifcd him. 10 And Iftayed in the mount, according 3r, farmer to t ^ jj g r ft t j me j fourty dayes and fourty nights, and the LORD hearkened unto meat that time alfo, and the LORD would not de- ftroy thee. LORD your God , his greatnefie , his mighty hand, and his ftretched out am, 3 And his miracles , and his afts which he 1 1 And the L o R D faid unto me , Arife, Heb. t take thy journey before the people, that they may go in and poflefle the land which I fware unto their fathers to give unto them. i * 1T And now Ifrael, what doth the LORD thy God regime of thee,but to fear the L o R D thy God , to.wslk in all his waycs, and to love * >4. C t>. was ' j.Chran. 9s 10. } 4. om. 3. 1 1, aUtf. ph.6.9- Chap.*. ? latt.4. to. uke 4-8. ' 3 ' IJ " 1 alfo with all that therein is. i f Onely the L o R D had a delight in thy fathers to love them, and he chofe their feed after them , even you above all people, as it this day. 1 6 Circumcife therefore the foreskinneof your heart, and be no more ftiff-necked. 17 For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords,a great God,a mighty, and a terrible , which * regardeth not perfons, nor taketh reward. 1 8 He doth execute the judgement of the fatherlefle and widow, and loverh the ftran- ger, in giving him food and raiment. did in themidft of Egypt, unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and unto all his land, 4 And what he did unto the array of Egypt, unto their horfes, and to their chariots, how he made the water of the Red fea to overflow them as they purfued after you , and bow the LORD hath deftroyed them unto this day, 5 And what he did unto yon in the wilder- nefle, until I ye came into this place, 6 And * what he did unto Dathan and Abi- * Num.i*; ram, the fonnes of Eliab, the fonne of Reuben: pf al & Q?' J him, and to ferve the LOR D thy God with all how the earth opened her mouth and fwallow- ty ? '*' thy heart and with all thy foul, ed them up , and their houfholds , and their i $ To keep the commandments of the LORD tents,and all the {{ fubftance that f was in their | Or,/ and his ftatutes which I command thee this poflefllon in themidft of all Ifrael. day for thy good? 7 But your eyes have een all the great ads 14 Behold , the heaven, and the heaven of of the L o R D, which be did. heavens is the L o R D s thy God, * the earth 8 Therefore (hall ye keep all the command. merits which I command you this day , that ye may be ftrong , and go in and poflefle the land whither ye go to poflefle it : 9 And that ye may prolong your dayes in the land which the LORD fware unto your fa- thers to give unto them , and to theirfeed , a land that floweth with milk and hony . 10 f For the land whither thou goeft in to pofleffe it, M not as the land of Egypt, from, whence ye came out , where thou fowedft thy feed , and wateredft it with thy foot, as a gar- den of herbs : 1 1 But the land whither ye go to poffefle it, wa land of hils and valleys, 8 by promtft ofGoJs great llefi'ings, 16 and \>y thre'tnings. 1 8 (A c&rtfull fittdy it required inGods wordi. a 6 The bleQmg and curfe it fet before them. THerefore thou (halt love the L o R D thy God, and keep his charge, and his 'ft.uutcs, .' nd his judgements, and his commandments alway. i And know you this day : for Ifpea^ not with your children which have not known, and rain thy wine, and thine oyli 1 5 And I will t fend graffe in thy fields, for f Hcb. ^**^ thycatteljthat thou mayeft eat and be full. 1 6 Take heed to your felvesjthn your heart be not deceived , and ye turn afide , and fcrve other gods, and worfhip them : 17 And fiethe LORDS wrath be kindled againft you , and he fhut up the heaven that there be no rain , and that the land yeeld not her fruit, and left ye perifti quickly from off the good land which the L o R D givechyou. 18 f There. Bleffings and curfings* 1 Deuteronomie. \66 1 8 ^Therefore (hall ye lay up thefe my words in your heart and in your foul , and * binde them/or a figne upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. 19 * And ye (hall teach them your children, o. and 6.7. fpeaking of them when thou fitteft in thine houfe, and when thou walkeft by the way, when thou lieft down, and when thou rifeft up. SChap.tf.8. *Chap. 4 . Idolatrie to bedeftroyed. CHAP. XIJ. I Monuments of idolatry are to le deflroyed. y The flace of Gods fervice u to be \y>ft. i6 t 23 Blaudia forbtdien. 17,10,16 Holy things tnufl be taten in the holy place. lyTheLeviteitnotto beforfcken.'*? Ido- latry it not to be enquired after. p|-Hefe are the ftatutes and judgements which ye (hall obferve to do in the land gates : 21 That your dayes may bemultiplid,and the dayes of your children , in the land which the LORD fwan them, as the dayes of heaven upon the earth. 22 c For if ye (hall diligently keep all thefe xrommandments which I command you to do ^d orea* tneir piuars ana ourn tneir groves T Hcb with fire , and you (hall hew down the graven **" Jofh.i.j, uv uiuu licit. UUVYII, UlIU W11C11 UlUUrUCll UU. i- i i T s* i r \ ft 20 And thou (halt write them upon the which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth /Joore-pofts of thine houfe , and upon thy theeto^poffefleMl the dayes that ye live upon 2 * Ye (hall utterly deftroy all the places, *chap.7-j wherein the nations which ye (hall ||poflefie |J Or,Bir* the L o R D fware unto your fathers to give fecve /}* j i For *ye (hill paffe over Jordan to go in 12 And ye Oiall rejoyce before the L o R D *'*' to poflefle the land which the L o R D your your God , ye , and your formes, and your God siveth you, and ye (hall pofleffe it and daughters , and your men-fervants , and your ' dwelherein. maid-fervants , and the Levite that it within Chap. 5, 32 AnTye (hall cbfctvc * to do all the fia- your gates ; forafmuch as * he hath no part nor * chap I0 , ft tutes and judgements which I fee before you inheritance with you. this day. i $ Take heed to thy felt that thou oflSer not thy The eating of bloud forbidden. Chap. xiii. Idolaters muft be dcftroyed. thy burnt-offerings in every place that thou LORD thy God : and the bloud of thy facri. feeft. 14 But in the place which the L o R D (hall choofe in one of thy tribes, there thou (halt ficesftiall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou (halt eat the Hefti. Obfervc and heare all thefe words which offer thy burnt-offerings, and there thou (hale I command thee,that it may go well with thee, do all that I command thee. i f Notwithftanding, thou mayeft kill and eat flefh in all thy gates , whatfoever thy foul lufteth after, according to the bleffin? of the hap.i$. and with thy children after thee for cver,when thoudoeft that which is good and right in the fight of the L o R D thy God. *9 1 When the LORD thy God (hall cut off LORD thy God which he hath given thee : the the nations from before thee, whither thou go- unclean and the clean may eat thereof, as of eft to pofleffe them,and thou ffucceedeft them t^cb *. the roe-buck, and as of the hart. and dwelled in their land : "'*/'. or p} ye eat : 10 And whatfoever hath not finnes and fcales, ye may not eat : it u unclean unto you. 11 11 Of all clean birds ye (hall eat. 1 1 But thefe are tbey of which ye (hall not eat : the eagle, and theoffifrage,and the of. pray, 1 3 And the glede, and the kite,and the vul- ture after his kinde, 1 4 Andtveqp raven after his kinde, i f And the owl, and the night-hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after his kinde, 1 6 The little owl , and the great owl, and the fwanne, 1 7 And the pelican, and the gier- eagle, and the cormorant, 1 8 And the ftork, and the heron after her kinde, and the lapwing, and the * bat. * Lev, 1 1, iS 19 And every creeping thing that flieth a # unclean unto you : they (hall not be eaten. 20 But of all clean fowls ye may eat. z i f Ye (hall not eat of any thing that dieth of it felf : thou (halt give it unto the ftranger that u in thy gates, that he may eat it, or tbou mayeft fell it unto an alien : for thou art an ho- ly people unto the LORD thy God. *Thou *Exod.jj.ij (halt not feethe a kid in his mothers milk. and 3^26. 2z Thou (halt truly tithe all the increafe of thy feed, that the field brin^eth forth yeare by yeare. z ? And thou (halt eat before the L o R D thy " Of tithes and firfllings. Chap. xv. The yeare of releafc. thy God, in the place which he (hall choofe to thou (hale reigne d vcr many nations, but they 16 a place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of (hall not reigne over thee. thy wine, and of thine oyl, and the firttlings of 7 1T If there be among you a poore man of thy herds, and of thy flocks : that thou mayeft one of thy brethren, within any of thy gates 3 in thy bnd which the LORD thy God giveth the, thou (halt not harden thy heart, nor (hut thine hand from thy poore brother iearn to fear the LORD thy God alwayes 24 And if the way be too long for thee,fo that thou art not able to carrie it, of if the place be too farre from thee which the LORD thy 8 * But thou (halt open thine hand wick up- *M att c God {hall choofe to fet his name there , when to him, and (halt furely lend him fufficicnt for L^V.c i.\ his need, in that which he wanteth. 9 Beware that there be not a f thought in f Heb. ftkee. iiap. 12 the LORD thy God hath blefled thee : i f Then {halt thou turn it into money, and binde up the money in thine hand,and (halt go unto the place which the L o RDthy God {hall choofe. 26 And thou (hahbeftow that money for whatsoever thy foul lufteth after, for oxen, or for (heep,or for wine,or for ftrong drink,or for <(- whatfoever thy foul fdefireth: and thou (halt cat there before the L o R D thy God, and thou (halt rejoyce, thou and thine houfhold. 27 And * the Levite that is within thy gates, thou (halt not forfakc him: for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee. 28 f At the end of three yeares thou (halt bring forth all the tithe of thine increafe the fame yeare, and (halt lay it up within thy gates. 29 And the Levite (becaufe he hath no part nor inheritance with theej and the ftranger, and the fatherlefle, and the widow, which are within thy gates, (hall come,and (hall eat and be fatisfied that the LORD thy God may tlefle thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doeft. CHAP. XV. feventhyetire go forth free and wellfurnijked.iy ^All firftimg males of the cattel are to be fanftified onto the Lord. A T the end of * every feven yeares thou jtlflialt make a releafe. 2 And this is the manner of the releafe : Every fcreditour that lendeth ought unto his "ding neighbour, (hall releafe it, he (hall not exact it * *** of his neighbour, or of his brother, becaufe ic is called the L o R D s releafe. 3 Of a forreiner thou mayeft exact It again: but that which is thine with thy brother, thine hand (hall releafe : 4 || Save when there (hall be no poore among you : for the LORD (hall greatly blefle thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to pofiefle it : f Ondy if thcu carefully hearken unto the voice of the L o R D thy God, to obferve to do all thefe commandments which I command theethis day. 6 For the L o R D thy God bleffeth thee, as he promifed the* ,and *thou (halt lend unto many nations, but thou {halt not borrow ; and thy f wicked heart, faying, The feventh yeare, r He b. B*. the yeare of releafe is at hand: and thine eye be IM, evil againft thy poore brother, and thou giveft him nought, and he cry unto the LORD againft thee, and it be finne unto thee. 10 Thouftult furely give him, and thine heart (hall not be grieved when thou giveft unto him: becaufe that for this thing the LORD thy God (hall blefle thee in all thy works, and in all that thouputceft thine hand unto. 11 For the poore (hall never ceafe out of the land : therefore I command thee, faying, Thou (halt open thine hand wide untothy bio- ther, to thy poore and to thy needic , in thy land. 12 ^ And* if thy brother an Hebrew man * Exod. 21. * or an Hebrew woman, be fold unto thee, and J er - 5* '4- ferve thee fix yeares 5 then in the feventh yeare thou (hah let him go free from thee. 1 3 And when thou fendeft him out free from thee, tbou (hale not let him go away empty : 14 Thou (halt furnifh him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floore , and out of thy wine-prefle : vfthat wherewith the LORD thy God hath bleffed thee, thou (halt give unto him. i ? And thou {halt remember that thou waft a bond-man in the land of Egypt , and the ' -.1 , LORD thy God redeemed thee : therefore I command thee this thing to day. 1 6 And it (hall be if he fay unto thee, I will not go away from thee (becaufe he loveth thee and thine houfe, becaufe he is well with thee) 17 *Then thou (halt take an aul,and thruft * Exod. 21.*; it through his care unto the doore, and he (hallbethyfervant forever: and a!fo untothy maid fervant thou (halt do likewife. 1 8 It {hall not feem hard unto thee when thou fendeft him away free fiorr. thte j for he hath been worth a double hired fervam to thee, in ferving thee fix yeares : and the LORD thy God (hall blefle thee in all that thou doeft. 19 f *AH the firft I ing males that come of*Exod.j4. thy herd,andof thy flock, thou (halt Dnctific unto the LORD thy God: thou Quit do no work with the firftling of thy bullock,noi fliear thefirfHingof thyfheep. 20 Thou {halt eat it before the LORD M thy Solemn fcafts. Deuteronomie. 170 thy God yeare by yeare, in the place which the LORD (lull choofe, thou and thy houihold. *Lev z 20. 21 * And if there be any blemifli therein, Chap. 17. i. M tfitbelame, or blinde,(wfc4^eany ill ble- Eccius 3$ is ujjijj^ t hoa (halt not facrifice it unto the LORD thy God. 2.1 Thou (halt eat it within thy gates : the unclean and the clean perfon (hall eat it alike, as the roe. buck, and as the hart. * Chap, i . *? *Onely thou (halt not eat the bloud 16 1 2 j. thereof: thou (halt poure it upon the ground as water. CHAP. XVI. 1 The feafl of the paffeover, 9 of Tveekf, I J of taber- nacles. 16 Every male muft o,fnd , which thou (halt give unto the L R D thy God, according as the L o R D thy God hath blefled thee. ii And thou (halt re Joyce before the LORD thy God, thou, and thy fonne, and thy daugh- ter, and thy manservant, and thy maid-fer- vant,and the Levitethat within thy gates, and the ftranger,and the fatherlefle 9 and the widow,that are among you, in the place which the L o R D thy Gpd hath chofen to place his name there. i r And thou (halt remember that thou waft a bond-man in Egypt : and thou (halt obferve and do thefe ftatutes. 1 3 ^f Thou (halt obferve the feaft of taber- nacles feven dayes,after that thou haft gathered in thy f corn, and thy wine. 1 4 And thou (hilt re Joyce in thy feaft, thou, and thy fonne, and thy daughter, and thy man- fer vant, and thy maid- fervant, and the Levite, the ftranger, and the fatherleffe, and the wi- dow, that are within thy gates. -i 5 Seven dayes (halt thou keep a folcmn feaft unto the L o R D thy God, in the place which the LORD (hall choofe : becaufe the LORD thy God (hall bleffe thee in all thy in- creafe, and in all the works of thine hands, therefore thou (halt furely rejoyce. 1 6 f * Three times in a yeare (hall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God, in and 34.1 the place which he (hill choofe : in the feaft of unleavened bread, and in the feaft of weeks, and in the feaft of tabernacles : and * they (hall * E CC I US jj, not appear before the L o R D empty. 17 Every man fljatt give fas he is able, ac-f Hebrew, cording to the bleffing of the L o R D thy God *** which he hath given thee. S'f 1 'f h * 18 ^ Judges and officers (halt thou make "* * thee in all thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee throughout thy tribes : and they (hall judge the people with juft judgement. 19 Thou (hilt not wreft judgement, thou (halt not refpeft perfons, * neither take a gift: * Exod. 13.! for a gift doth blinde the eyes of the wife , and pervert the || words of the righteous. j Or, matter 10 ] That which is altogether juft (halt thou tHeb.j/w follow, that thou mayeft live, and inherit the j u $' ce * land which theL OR D thy God giveth thee. . zi ^ Thou (halt not plant thee a grove of any trees neare unto the altar of the L o R D thy God, which thou (halt make thee. ^^ * Neither (halt thou fet thee up any * Lev.jrf.i; H image, which the L o R D thy God hateth. fiOr, /?'* CHAP. XVII. "'/*"'*. I The thing} facrificed*tHftM9*uL * Uolitersmuft befliin. 8 Hard controversies are to be determined ty the priefts and judges. la The contemnerofthat dettrmmatiitm*$ dtt. 14 the eleftion> \6 anddu~ tj of a tyng. THou (halt not facrifice unto the LORD thy God any bullock, orj|ilieep, wherein w The pnnifliment of idolatrie. Chap blemifh, or any evil-favourednefle : for that is an abomination unto the LORD thy God. z ^[ If there be found among you within any of thy gates which the LORD thyGodgiveth thee, man or woman that hath wrought wic- kedneffe in the fight of the L o R D thy God,in tranfgreffing'his covenant, 3 And hath gone and ferved other gods, and Worshipped them, either the funne 3 or moon,or any of the hoft of heaven , which I have not commanded; 4 And it be told thee, and thou haft heard of it t and enquired diligently, and behold, it be true, and the thing certain , that fuch abomi- nation is wrought in Ifrael : ? Then fhalt thou bring forth that man or that woman (which have committed that wicked thing) unto thy gates , even that man or that woman , and fhalc ftone them with ftones,till they die. utn.jj. ^ * At the mouth of two witnefles, or three witnefles , fhall he that is worthy of death, be ip.ip.i*. puttodeathj &tat the mouth of one witnefle tt. 1 8. 1 6. jj e fhjii not b e put to death. : or I'M. 7 The hands of the witneflcs fhall be firft 10. is! u P on him to put him to death , and afterward the hands of all the people: fo thoa fhalt put the evil away from among you. 5 f If there arife a matter too hard for thee in judgement , between bloud and bloud , be- tween plea and plea , and between ftroke and ftroke, being matters of controverfie within thy gates : then fhalt thou arifc, and get thee up in- to the place which the LORD thy God (hall choofe ; 9 And thou (halt come unto the priefts the Levitei , and unto the judge that fhall be in thofe dayes , and enquire j and they (hall (hew thee the fentence of judgement. 10 And thou fhalt do according to the fen- tence which they of that place ('which the LORD (hall choofe; fhall fhew thee, and thou (halt obferve to do according to all that they en- form thee : 1 1 According to the fentence of the law Which they (hall teach thee , and according to the judgement which they (hall tell thee thou (halt do : thou (halt not decline from the fen- tence which they fhall fhew thee, to the right hand nor to the left. i z And the man that will do prefumptu- 4eb.'Mf to oufly, fand will not hearken unto the prieft "V"- (that ft.inderh to minifter there before the LORD thy God) or unto the judge, even that roan (hall die : and thou (halt put away the evil from Ifrael. 1 3 And all the people (hall heare, and fear, and do no more prefumptuoufly. 14 f When thou art come unto the land Which the LORD thy God siveth thec,and lhalc . xviii. The ele&ion, and dutie of a king. pofleiTeit, and (halt dwell therein, and flnlt 171 fay, I will fet a king over me, like as all the na- tions that are about me : 15 Thou (halt in any wife fet him king over thee whom the LORD thy God (hall choofe : one from artlong thy brethren (halt thou fet king over thee : thou mayeft not fet a ftranger over thee, which is not thy brother. 1 6 But he (hall not multiply hoifcs to him- felf, nor caufe the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he fhould multiply horfes : forafl much as the L o R D hath faid unto you , Ye (lull henceforth return no more that way. 1 7 Neither (hall he multiply wives to hitn- felf , that his heart turn not away : neither (hall he greatly multiply to himfelf filvcr and gold. 1 8 And it (hall be when he fitreth upon the throne of his kingdome,that he (hall write him a copy of this law in a boot, out of that which is before the priefts the Levites. 19 And it fhall be with him, and he (hall reade therein all the dayes of his life : that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to keep all the words of this law and thefe ftatutes , to do them : 10 That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not a fide from the commandment to the right hand or to the left : to the end that he may prolong few dayes in his kingdomej he, and his children in the midH of Ifrael. CHAP. XVIII. I the lord it the priefts and Levites inheritance* 3 The friefts due. 6 The Levites portion. 9 The abo- minations of the nations are to be avoided, ij Chrift the Prof her it to be hexrd. ao The prefumftuou* frophet it to die. *|-He priefts the Levites, and all the tribe of 1 Levi, * (hall have no part nor inheritance * Num.ig. with Ifrael: they * (hall eat the offerings of the o. LORD made by fire, and his inheritance. ^ ha P- l0 ' 9 * z Therefore fhall they have no inheritance '' among their brethren: the LORD jjtheirjnhe- ritance, as he hath faid unto them, 3 ^ And this fhall be the priefts due from the people, from them that offer afacrifice, whether it be ox or fheep j and they (hill give unto the prieft the fhoulder,and the two checks, and the maw. 4 The firft-fruit alfo of thy corn , of thy wine, and of thy oyl, and the firft of the fleece of thy fheep fhalt thou give him. f For the L o R D thy God hath chofen him out of all thy tribes, to ftand to minifter in the name of the L o p D , him and bis fonnes for ever. 6 r And if a Levite come from any of thy aates out of all Ifrael , where he fojourn- ed /and come with all the defire of his minde M z "no Chrift 171 t Heb. hi, /Ales by the *Ievk.i8. * Levit.20. 27- i. Sam. 28 7- | Or,frigkt, the true prophet. Deuteronomie. unto the place which the L o R D (hall choofe j 7 Then he (hill minifter in the name of the LORD his God , as all his brethren the Lc- vues^a, which ftand there before the L o R D. 8 The/ thall have like portions to eat , be- fide f that which cometh of the ftleof his pa- trimony. 9 f When thou art come into the land Cities of refuge; CHAP. XIX. I We chits of refuge. 4 Ihefri-viledge thereof for the man-foyer. 1 4 The land-mark u not to be removed. 1 5 Two witneffes at the baft. 16 Tht funijbment of afalfe ivhneffe* TTTHen the LORD thy God * hath C ut* cha P- JJ i W O fl * John 1.4 J. Ads J.22. and 7.37. *Exo or M (halt not learn to do after the abominations of houfes; thole nations. * * Thou (halt fcparate three cities for thee * ExocUi. i o There (hall not be found among you guy in the midtt of thy land which the L o R D thy > 3- one that maketh his fonne or his daughter *to God giveth thee to poflefle it. . T^"^*'" pane through the fire, er that ufeth divination, 3 Thou (halt prepare thee a way , and di- J0 or an obferver of times 3 or an enchanter, or a vide the coafts of thy land fwhich the L o R witch, thy God giveth thee to inherit ) into three 1 1 * Or acrnrmer , or a confulter with fa- parts, that every flayer may flee thither, miliar fpirits, or a wixird, or a * necromancer. 4 f And this it the cafe of the flayer, which ii For all that do thefe things are anabo- (hall flee thither, that he may live: Whofo mination unto the LORD; and becaufe of thefe killeth his neighbour ignorantly, whom he abominacionSjthe L o R D thy God doth drive hated not f in time paft, t Hcb /s them out from before thee. 5 As when a. man goeth into the wood with *$ r e J J f tl i$ Thou (halt be || perfect with the LORD his neighbour , to hew wood , and his hand thy God. fetchetb a ftroke with the ax to cut down the 1 4 For thefe nations which thou (halt H pof- tree , and the f head (hppeth from the t helve, t H -b. A feffe , hearkened unco obfervers of times, and and t lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; t H ct>. " unto diviners : but as for thee,the L o R D thy he (hall flee unto one of thofe cities , and ^ Heb * ^* God hath not fuffcred thee fo to do. live : 1 T H * The LORD thy God will raife up 6 Left the avenger of the bloud purfue the unto thee a Prophet from the midft of thee, of fliyer, while his heart is hot, and overtake him, thy brethren, like unto me 5 unto him ye (hall becaufe the way is long,and t flay him,whereas t Heb. (w\ hearken. he was not worthy of "death, in as much as he him in li fc- 16 According to all that thou defiredft of hated him not fin time poft. fHeb./a the L o R D thy G od in Horeb,in the day of the 7 Wherefore I command thee, faying, Thou yifttrtoy affembly, faying, * Let me not heare again the (halt feparate three cities for thee. . third day. voice of the LORD my God j neither let me 8 And if the L o R D thy God * enlarge thy * Chap u. fee this great fire any more, that I die not. coaft fas he hath fworn unto thy fathers) and 20t 17 And the LORD (aid unto me , They give thee all the land which he promifed to have well fpol^eitthat which they have fpoken. give unto thy fathers j 1 8 * I wilj raife them up a Prophet from a- p ( If thou (halt keep all thefe command- mong their brethren , like unto thee, and will ments to do them , which I command thee put my words in his mouth, and he (hall fpeak this day, to love the LORD thy God, and to unto them all that I (hall command him. walk ever in his wayes) * then (halt thou 19 And it (hall come to paflc, that whofo- adde three cities mo for thee, befide thefe ever willnot hearken unto my words which he three: iliall fpeak in my name, I will require it of 10 That innocent bloud be not (bed in him. thy land which the LORD thy God giveth zo But the prophet which (hill prefume to thee for an inheritance , and/b bloud be upon fpeak a word in my name, which I have not thee. commanded him to fpeak,or that (hill fpeak in 1 1 H But if any man hate his neighboured the name of other gods,cventhat prophet (hall lie in wait for him, and rife up againft him,and die. fmite him f mortally that he die,andfleeth into- f Heb. to 21 And if thou fay in thine heajt,How flull one of thefe cities: l 'fi' we know the word which the L o R D hath not 1 1 Then the elders of his chy (hall fend and fpoken? fetch him thence, and deliver him into the ai When a prophet fpeaketh in the name of hand of the avenger of bloud , that he may the LoRD,if the thing follow not nor come to die. pafie, that it the thing which the L o R D hath, 1 5 Thine eye (hall not pirie him, but thoa not fpoken, but the prophet hath fpoken it pre- (halt put away tlx guilt o/mnocent bloud from thoa (hale not be afraid of him, IfaeTj.that it may go well with thee. Jofli.io.; Pimifhmentof falfe witneflTe. itth. i 8. W! 1 The prieftt exhortation to encourage the people to battel. 5 the officers proclamation who are to be dif- mifled from the -war re. 10 How toufe the cities that accept or refufe the proclamation of peace. \6 What cities muft be devoted. ly "Trees of mans meat ntufl not be deftroy ed in thefiege. Hen tbou goeft out to battcl againft thine enemies, and feefl horfes and chariots , and a people more then thou, be not afraid of them : for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thce up out of the land of Egypt. z And it (hall be when ye are come nigh unto the bittel,that the prieft (hall approch and fpeak unto the people, 3 And fhall fay unto them, Heare, O Ifrael, you approch this day unto battel againft your 4eb.4 enemies: let not your hearts t faint, fear not , and do not f tremble, neither be ye terrified be- J^'caufeofthem. 4 For the L o R o your God u he that goeth with you, to fight for you againft your enemies, to fave you. felf: and thou (halt eat the fpoil of thine ene- mies, which the L o R thy God hath given thee. i ? Thus (halt thou do unto all the cities which are very farre off from thee 3 which are not of the cities of thcfe nations. 1 6 But of the cities of thefe people which, the L o RD thy God doth give thee for an in- heritance , thou (halt fave alive nothing that breatheth : 17 But thou (halt utterly deftroy them , namely t tht Hittites,and the Amorites, the Ca- naanites, and the peri zzites, theHivites } - ahd the Jebufites, as the LORD thy God hath com- manded thee : 1 8 That they teach you not to do after all theirabominations,which they have done unto their gods, fo fhouid ye (inne againft the LORD your God. 1 9 4 When thou (halt befiege a citie a long time, in makingwarrc againitit to take it, thou (halt not deftroy the trees thereof by for- J^jjig?^ cing an ax againft them : for thou mayeft cat of t j t b c f t l4is them,nd thou (halt not cut them down ( jj for to be M*. the tree of the field ji mans life ) t "> employ jfc* &* them in the fiege. SJSh. // 10 Onely the trees which thcu knowft/,^ ttf that they be not trees for meat , thou {halt de- ,/&. M j ttroy, 174 t Heb.> ami diwa. Expiation of uncertain murder, {troy and cue them down; and thou (hale build bulwarks againft the citie that maketh warre with thce 3 untill f it be fubd tied. CHAP. XXI. \ The exfiftionofan uncertain murder. 10 The uf&ge of a. captive taken to wife. 15 The fen-torn is not to be disinherited upon private affeftion. 1 8 /j;c/; U indeed the firft- born: 17 But he (hall acknowledge the fonne of the hated for the firft- born, by giving him a double portion of all t that he hath : for he is f Heb. thai the beginning of his ftrength, the right of the it fe firft- born M his. ** 1 3 q If a man have a ftubborn and rebel. .. .. .. 7 , lious fonne, which will notobeythe voice of neither cared nor fown, and (hall ftrike off the his father, or the voice of his mother, and that heifers neck there in the valley. when they have chaftened him, will not heark- f And the priefts the fonnes of Levi (hall en unto them : come nearc ( fohem the LORD thy God hath 19 Then (hall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the f Heb. chofen to minifter unto him, and to bleflc in tHcb./A. the name of the L o R o ) and by their t word (hall every controverfie and every ftroke be tried. 6 And all the elders of that citie that are next unto the flain man t (hall warn their hands over the heifer that is beheaded in the valley. 7 And they (hall anfwer and fay, Our hands have not (hed this bloud, neither juvc our eyes feen it. 8 Be tnerdfnll, O LORD, unto thy people T trad, whom thou haft redeemed, and lay not innocent bloud t unto thy people of Ifraels charge. And the bloud (hall be forgiven them. 9 So (halt thou put away the guilt of inno- cent bloud from among you, when thou (halt do that which is right in the fight q the LORD. to ^f When thou goeft forth to warre a- gainft thine enemies, and the L o R D thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou haft taken them captive, ii And feeft among the captives a beauti- ful 1 woman , and haft a defire unto her, that thou wouldeft have her to thy wife: i a Then thou (halt bring her home tothine houfc, and (he (hall (have her head, and J| -f pare her nails. 15 And (he (hall put the raiment of her captivitie from off her 9 and (hall remain in thine houfe , and bewail he* father and her mother a full moneth : and after that , thou r frfftr elders of his city , and unto the gate of his place : 20 And they (hall fay unto the elders of his city,This our fonne Is ftubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. a i And all the men of his city fliall ffone him with (tones, that he die : fo (halt thou put evil away from among you, and all Ifrael (halt heare, and fear. n f And if a man have committed a finne worthy of death, and he be to be pot to .death, and thou hang him on a tree : a 3 His body (hall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou (halt in any wife bury him that day ( for * he that is hanged, wfaccurfed * Gal.j.i|i of God) that thy land be not defiled, which fHeb.*6 the L o R D thy God giveth thee for an inhe cur f' f S G * ritance. CHAP. XXII. i Ofhttmaltttv toward brethren. 5 The fex ' to le di- flixguifked by apparel. 6 The damme K not to t eta- ken with her young onet. 8 The honfe muft have bat' tlements. 9 Confu/ioniito le avoided, i* "fringes upon the vefture. 13 The puniflment of him that flandereth hit vrife. 20, ai Of adultery . 5 Ofrtpe, 28 and of fornication. 30 Inceft. THou * (halt not fee thy brothers OT or his (heep go aftray , and hide thy felf from them : thou (halt in any cafe bring them again unto thy brother. a And if thy brother be not nigh unto thee, *Bxod. fhaltgo in, unto her, and be her. husband; and or if thou know him not, then thou (halt fl>: (hall be thy wife. bring it unto thine own honfe, and it (hall be with Adultery ptmifhed. they (ball amerce him in an han 175 Divers laws; Chap, xxiii. with thee untill thy brother feek after it , and 19 And thou (halt reftore it to him again. dred fields of f'ilver,and give them unto the fa- 2 In like manner (halt thou do with his afle, ther of the damfel, becaufe he hath brought up and fo (halt thou do with his raiment, and with an evil name upon a virgin of Ifrael : and (be all loft thing of thy brothers , which he hath (hall be his wife , he may not put her away all loft , and thou haft found , {halt thou do like- u " J wife : thoumayeft not hide thy felf. 4 ^ Thou (halt not fee thy brothers affe or his ox fall down by the way, and hide thy felf them up again. ? 2 '$' fhe may go and be another mans wife. 3 And //the latter husband bate her , and write her a bill of divorcement , andgiveth it IR her hand,, and fenderh her out of his howfej or if the latter husband dk,which took her to be his wife j 4 Her former hu jband which fent her away, may not take her again to be his wife,after that fhe is de*filed : for that w abomination before the LORD, and thou {bale not caufe the land to finae , which the LORD thy God giveib thee for an inheritance. " Upaff't Of juftice and charitie. Chap. xxv. Of raifing feed unto a brother. H * When a man hath taken a new wife, zo When thou bcatcft thine olive-tree 3 fthou 177 leb. not he (ball not go out to warre, fneitbcr (hall he flialtnotgo over the boughs again: it (hall be T Heb. u '/ be cnar cd witl1 an X bnfinefle : but he Qi all be for the ftranger, for the fatherlefle, and for the $* l \ ? free at home one yeare , and (hall cheer ap his wife which he hath taken. 6 f No man (hall take the nether or the up- per milftone to pledge : for he taketh a. mans life to pledge. 7 if If a man be found Healing any of his brethren of the children of Ifrael, and makcth merchandife of him, ot felleth him $ then that thief (hall die , and thou (halt put evil away from among you. :vit.i3.z. 8 f Take heed, in * the plague of leprofie, that thou obferve diligently, and do according to all that the priefts the Levites (hall teach widow. %'**"' xi When thou gathereft the grapes of thy vineyard,thou (halt not glean it t afterward: it -f- Heb, *f;er fliall be for the flranger, for the fatherleffe, and *. for the widow. it And thou (halt remember that thou waft a bond.man in the land of Egypt : therefore I command thee to do this thing. you : as I commanded them, fo ye (hall obferve to do. tcb. lind CHAP. XXV. i Stripes tnuft not exceed fourty. 4 The ox it KOt to be muftled. 5 Ofraifingfeed tmto a. brother. tiOfthe itwnodeH woman. 1 5 OftozjuH TV tight i. 17 The ms- mory of iAmale1{. is to be blotted out. IF there be a controverfie between men, and X they come unto judgement , that the judges 9 Remember what the LOUD thy God did may judge them , then they (hall juftirie the * unto Miriam by the way , after that ye were righteous, and condemn the wicked. come forth out of Egypt. 10 f When thou dolt t lend thy brother any thing , thou (halt not go into his houfe to fetch his pledge. 1 1 Thou (halt ftand abroad, and the man to And it ihall be^f the wicked man be wor- thy to be beaten, that the judge (hall caufc him to lie down, and to be beaten before his face , according to his fault, by a certain num- ber. 3 * Foarty ftripes he may give him , and * z.Cor.iav not exceed : left i/he (hould exceed, and beat 2 4. him above thefe with many ftripes , then thy brother (hould feem vile unto thee. 4 U * Thou (halt not muzzle the ox when * i whom thou doft lend (hall bring out the pledge abroad unto thee. i ^ And if the man be poore , thou (halt not fleep with his pledge. i g In any cafe thou (halt deliver him the pledge again when the funne goeth down, that he f treadeth out tbe corn. he may fleep in his own raiment , and bleffe 5 11 * If brethren dwell together , and one t H . thee : and it (hall be righreoufncffe unto thee of them die and have no childe, the wife of the tiSuna before the LORD thy God. dead (hall not marry without unto a ftranger : Mark u.i 14 if Thou (hilt not oppreffe an hired fer- her [[ husbands brotherftiall go in unto her,and Luke 20. i vant that is poore and needy, whether be be of take her to him to wife , and perform the duty li r ' ntxt of an husbands brother unco her. Icb. he tthhu i unio it. Kings thy brethren, or of thy ftrangersthat are in thy land within thy gates; if At his day * thou (halt gi ve him his hire, neither fhail the funne go down upon it , for he it poore,and ffetteth his heart upon it : left he ciy againft thee unto the LOR D, and it be finne unto thee. \6 *The fathers (hall not be put to death 6 And it fliall be, that the firft-born which (he beareth , (hall fuccced in the name of his brother which is dead, that his name be not put out of IfraeJ. 7 And if the man like not to take his || bro- jj or, *r thers wife , then let his brothers wife go up to {infant the gate unto the elders,and fay,* My husbands *A hron i for the children , neither (hall the children be brother refufeth to raifeupumohis brother a * RBt " **&' 5 ' put to death for the fathers: every man (hall name in Ifrael, he will not perform the dutie of my husbands brother. 8 Then the elders of his^city (hall call him,, and fpeak unto him : and //he ftand to it, and fay, I like not to tike her : 9 Then (hall his brothers wife come unto him in the prefence of the elders , and loofa his (hoe from off his foot , and (pit in his face.,, and (hall anfwer and fay, So (hall it be done anto that man that will not build up his bro~ -.31.29,30 be put to death for his own finne. ck 1 8. jo. 1 7 q[ Thou (halt not pervert the judgement of the ftranger, nor of the fatherleffe, nor take a widows raiment to pledge. 1 8 But thou (halt remember that thou waft a bond-man in Egypt,and the L o R D thy God redeemed thee thence: therefore I command thee to do this thing. evit.is.p. i^ qj * When thou cutteft down thine har- dlj.ij. veft in thy field , and haft forgot a (heaf in the thers houfe. field, thou (halt not go again to fetch it: it (hall 10 And his name (hall be called inlfrael,. be for the ftranger , for the fatherleffe, and for The houfe of him that hith his (hoe loofed. the widow: that the LORD th,y God may blefle 1 1 u When men ftrive together one with thee in all the work of thine.hands. another, and tbe wife of the one drawetlv Juft weights and meafures. 1 Deuterononiic. Of offering the firft- fruits." 178 nearefor to deliver her husband out of the 7 And when we cried unto the LORD God hand of him that fmiceth him , and puttcth forth her hand, and taketh him by the fecrets : i ^ Then thou (halt cut off her hand , thine eyeftiallnotpitiefecr. 1 3 H Thou (halt not have in thy bagge i di- t Heb. 4 ft'ne and* font. of our fathers, the L o R D heard our voice,and looked on our affliction , and our labour, and our oppre (lion. 8 And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an out- ftretched arm,and with great tembieneflejand 14 Thou (halt not have in thine houfe | di- with fignes and with wonders, vers meafures, a great and a final!. 9 And he hath brought us into this place, i ? But thou (halt have a perfect and juft weight, aperfeftand juft meafure (halt thou have: that thy dayes may be lengthened in the land which the L o R D thy God giveth thee. vers weights, a great and a fraall. and hath given us this land , even a land thac floweth with milk and hony. 10 And now behold, I have brought the firft-fruits of the land, which thou, O L o R D, 16 For all that do fuch things^ and all that haft given me : and thou (halt fet it before the L o R D thy God,and worfliip before the LORD thy God. 1 1 And thou (halt rejoyce in every good thing which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee, and unto thine houfe, thou, and the Levite, and the ftranger that among you. i i c When thou haft made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increafe, the third yeare, wbicb u * the yeare of tithing, and haft given 1 9 Therefore it (hall be, when the L o R D It unto the Levite, the ftranger, the fatherlefle, 15. thy God hath given thee reft from all thine and the widow , that they may eat within thy - gates, and be filled: i ? Then thou (halt fay before the LORD thy God , I have brought away the hallowed things out of mine houfe , and alfo have given them unto the Levite, and unto the ftranger, to the fatherlefle, and to the widow, according to all thy commandments which thou haft com- fruai. V The frtyer of him that giveth bit third ****&* me : I have not tranfgreflcd thy com- mandments, neither have I forgotten them. 14 I have not eaten thereof in my mourn- ing , neither have I taken away tugbt thereof for any unclean ttfe 3 nor given ought thereof for the dead : but I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God, mid have done according to all that thou haft commanded me do unrighteoufly, are an abomination unto the LORD thy God. *Exod.i78. 17 fl * Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye w.ere come forth out of Egypt : x 8 How he met thee by the way,and fcnote the hindmoft of thee , even all that were feeble behinde thec,when thou waft faint and wearyj and he feared not God. enemies round about , in the land which the L o R D thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to poflefle it , that thou flnlt blot out the re- membrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou (halt not forget it. CHAP. XXVIJ 2 the confefaan of him that offer eth the beukft offirft- yearei tithes* 16 The covenant between God and the feofle. ANd it (ball be when thou art come in unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance , and poflefieit it, and dwelleft therein : x That thou (halt tike of thefirftof all the fruit of the earth, which thou (halt bring of thy land that the L o R D thy Ged giveth thee, and ibaltputi; in a basket, and (halt go unto the place which the LORD thy God (hall choofe, to place his name there. 3 And thou (hilt go unto the prieft that (hall be in thofe daycs, and fay unto him, I pro- fcffe this day unto the L o R D thy God, that I am come unto the countrey which the LORD fware unto our fathers for to give us. 4 And the prieft (hall take the basket out of Look down from thy holy habitation, from heaven, andblefle thy people Ifrael,and the land which thou hall given us , as thou fwareft unto our fathers , a land that floweth with milk and hony. 1 6 4 This day the LORD thy God hath commanded thee to do thefe ftatutes and judgements : thou (halt therefore keep and do them with all thine heart and with all thy foul. 17 Thou haft avouched the LORD this day thine hand, and fet it down before the altar of to be thy God, and to walk in his wayes a and the LORD thy God. to keep his ftatutes and his commandments and his judgements , and to hearken unto his voice. 1 8 And * the L o R D hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people , as he hath promifed thee, and that tboit fiiouldeft keep all his commandments: i $ And to make thee high above all nations which And thou (halt fpeak and fay before the LORD thy God, A Syrian ready to perifti was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and fojourned there with, a few , and became there a nation great, mighty, and populous. 6 And the Egyptians evil intreated us, and afflifted us. and laid upon us hard bondage. chap. 7.* rrne law written on itones. Chap. xxvn. xxviii. 179 Curfes and bleflings. which he hath made m praile , and in name, graven or molten image, an abomination unto and in honour , and that thou mayeft be an the Lo R D , the work of the hands of the holy people umothcLoRD thy God 3 as he hath craftfman, and putteth it in a fccret place and fpoken. a thepeoplefhallanfwerandfay,Amen: C H A P. X XVII. 16 Curfed fcehe that fetteth light by bis i the feople A rt commanded to mite tit !*w upon father or his mother : and all the people fhali flatten tand to build an altar ofvnholeftones.il the fa* A m y } Amen. 17 Curfed be he that removeth his neigh- bours land-mark : and all the people fhall fey, A Nd Mofes with the elders of Ifrael, com. Amen. jTVmanded the people , faying, Keep all the 18 Curfed be he that maketh the blindc to, commandments which I command you this wander out of the way: and all the people fhalL day. fajr, Amen. ^ And it fhall be on the day * when you 19 Curfed be he that perverteth the judge mentof the ftranger, fttberleffe, and widow J and all the people fhall fay. Amen, zo Curfed be he that lieth with his fathers tribes divided on GeritfimandEbtl. i+Thetur- fes pronounced on mount Ebxl. fhall pafle over Jordan unto the land which the L o R D thy God giveth thee, that thou fhalt fet thec up great ftones,and plaifter them with plaifter. 5 And thou fhalt wtite upon them all the words of this law, when thou art pafled over. * __ n _ f * Wife $ becaufe he uncovereth his fathers skirt and all the people fhall fay, Amen. Curfed be he that lieth with any manner that thou mayeft go in unto the land which of beaft : and all the "people flI] 1 fiy'f 'A* the LORD thy God giveth thce, a land that floweth with milk and hony : as the I, o R D God of thy fathers hath promifed thee. 4 Therefore it ihall be when ye be gone over Jordan , thatye fhall fet up thefe ftones, -_ I L T - J- -!_. J-_. z i Curfed be he that lieth with h fifter ,the; daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother : and all the people (hall fay, Amen, zj Curfed fo he that lieth with his mother and all the people fhall fay, Amen. Curfed be he thatfmiteth his neighbour and thou fhalt plaifter them with plaifter. y And there (halt thou build analtar unto fecretly: and all the people ftafifay, Tmen' xod.o. theLoRDthyGod,analtarofftones: *thou z? * Curfed fc* he that taketh reward to flay ih.8.3 1. ftalt not lift "P, **? **?***&* them an lucent perlon: and all the people fhali fay 6 Thnil fhalt build thp 9lr*-nU^ T n -n -^ AmAn " Thou fhalt build the altar of the LORD thy God of whole ftones: and thou {halt offer Amen. z6 * Curfed be he that confirmeth not all * burnt- offerings thereon unto the LORD thy the words of this law to do them: and all the fiod. people (Halifax, Amen. 7 And thou fhalt offer peace-offerings, and (halt eat there, and rejoyce before the L o R D thy God. 8 And thou fhalt write upon the ft ones all the words of this law, very plainly. CHAP. XXVIII. fortbedimct. 15 The curfes A Nd it fhalieome to paffe, * if thou fhalc* Lcvit4l *' And Mofes, and the prieflstheLevites Xlhearken diligently unto the voice of the L o R D thy God , to obferve and to do aH his commandments which I command thee this day > that the LORD thy God will fet thec on high above all nations of the earth. ^ And all thefc bleffings fhall come on thee, and overtake thee , if thou fhalt hearken unto the voice of the L o R D thy God. fed Jhilt thou be in the field. 4 BleffcdJ&a//ethe fruit of thy body,, and lim to bleffe the people, when ye are come the fruit of thy ground , and the fruit of thy over Jordan : Simeon , and Levi, and Judah, cattel, the increafe of thy kine, and the flocks of thy fheep. 5 Ble&djhallbe thy basket andthyjjfto 6 Blefled fhalt thou be when thou comeft or in , and bleffed J/ta/f thou be when thou goeft * f * out. 7 The LORD fhall caufe thine enemies that rife up againft thee to be fmitten before fpake. unto all Ifrael , faying, Take heed, and hearken,O Ifrael,this day thou art become the people of the L ORB thy God. 10 Thou fhalt therefore obey the voice of the LORD thy God , and do his command- ments and his futures which I command thee this day. 1 1 f And Mofes charged the people the fame day, faying, i a Thefc fhall ftand upon mount Gerifc- and Iflachar, and Jofeph, and Benjamin. 1} A$d thefe {hall ftand upon mount Ebal t to curfe : Reuben, Gad. and Afher, and Ze- bulun, Dan, and Naphtali. 1 4 f And *the Levites fhall fpak, and fay unto all the men of Ifrael with a loud voice, 1 5 Curfed be the man that maketh any Bleflings to the obedient Deuteronomie.' Curies to the difobedient; 180 thy face : they (hall come out againft thee one 2 2 * The LORD (hall fmite thee with a con- * Levity way, and flee before thee feven wayes, fumption,and with a fever,and with an in- l6> 8 The LORD (hall command thebleffing flammati on, and with an extreme burning,and >r,$,ir/. upon thee in thy {( ftore.houfes, and in ail that with the ||fword, and with blafting, and with thou fetteft thine hand unto: and he (hall blefle mildew : and they (hall purfue thee uncill thou thee in the land which the L o R D thy God 1- perilh. veththee. 23 And the heaven that u over my head 9 The LORD (hall eftablifh thee an holy (hall be braffe, and the earth that is under thee people unto himfelf, as he hath fworn unto fballbeiron. thee, if thou (halt keep the commandments of 24 The L o R D (hall make the rain of thy land powder and duft : from heaven (hall ic come down upon thee , untill thou be de- *Chap. jo. P,&c. I the LORD thy God, and walk in his wayes. 10 And all people of the ear thfhill fee that thou art called by the name of the L o R o,and they (hall be afraid of thee. x i And * the L o R D (hall make thee plen- ftroyed. tf The LORD (hall caufe thee to be fmittn before thine enemies: thou (halt go out one nr C 4r f ood - teous II in goods, in the fruit of thy f body , and way againft them, and flee feven wayes before ' ' ' - - '- ' them; and (halt bef removed into all the king- fHeb.yiri domes of the earth. removing ^6 And thy carcafe (hall be meat unto all fowls of the aire , and unto the beafts of the earth, and no man (hall fray them away. 27 The LORD will fmite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerod,& with the fcab, and with the itch,whereof thoucanft not be healed. 28 The LORD (hall fmite thee with mad- neflc, and blindnefle, & aftoni(hment of hearrj 29 And thou (halt grope at noon-dayes, as the biinde gropeth in darkne He, and thou (halt not profper in thy wayes : and thou (halt be onely oppreflcd, and fpoiled evermore, and no man (hall favc thee* 30 Thou (halt betroth a wife, and another man (hall lie with her : thou (halt build an houfe, and thou (halt not dwell therein: * thou *Chap.~ Jo.< flialt plant a vineyard, and (halt not f gather JJ^ b ^*. the grapes thereof. aeemnun 3 1 Thine ox {halt be flainbefore thine eyeSj m at and thou (halt not eat thereof : thine afle /ball be violently taken away from before thy face, and f (hall not be reftoredto thee: thy (heep t H b JW jhatt be given unto thine enemies, and thou '"* ret urntl (halt have none to refcue them* 32 Thyfonnes and thy daughters JhaS be given unto another people, and thine eyes (hall look , and fail with longing for them all the day long : and there jba/Z be no might in thine hand. 3 3 The fruit of thy land , and all thy la- bours, (hall a nation which thou knoweft nor, eat up: and thou (halt be onely opprefied and cruflied alway; 34 So that thou (halt be mad, for the fight of thine eyes which thou (halt fee. 3 5 The LORD (hall fmite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a fore botch that cannoc be healed, from the fole of thy foot unto the top of thy head. 36 The LORD (hall bring thee, and thy king which thou (halt fee otet thee , unto a nation the fruit of thy cattel , and in the fruit of thy ground, in the land which the LORD fware unto thy fathers to give thee. 12 The LORD (hall open unto thee his good treafure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his feafon , and to blefle all * Chap.i5.fi the work of thine hand: and* thou (halt lend unto many nations , and thou (hale not bor- row. 1 3 And the L o R D (hall make th'f the head, and not the tail, and thou (halt be above cnely,and thou (halt not be beneath : if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the L o R p thy God , which I command thee this day to obferve and to do them : 14 And thou (halt not go afide from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand or to the left, to go after other gods to ferve them. iff But it (hall come to pafle, * if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of theLo RD thy God, to obferve to do all his command- ments and his flatutes which I command thee this day ; that all thefe cutfes (hall come upon thee, and overtake thee. 1 6 Cur fed /halt thou be in the city,and cur- fed Jhalt thou be in the field. 17 Gurfed fliaU be thy basket and thy ftrjre 1 8 Curfcd Jhall be the fruit of thy bociy,and the fruit of thy land, the increafe of thy Isine, and the flocks of thy (heep. i? Cm-fed fljult thou be when thou corned in, and curled J&a/J thou frewhen thou goeft out. 20 The LORD (hall fend upon thee curfing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou fetteft f Hcb. vhich thine hand unto, f for to do-, wntill chou be * *,*&ft deftroyed^and untill thouperifh quickly j be- caufe of the wickednefleof thy doingi where- by thou haA forfaken me. 21 The LORD (hall make the peftilence cleave unto thee, untill he have confumcd thee from off the land, whither thou goeft to pof- fefieit. 14- Lament- 2. ivui j. Saru'ch '/'so. Thecurfes Chap, xxviii. for difobedience. nation which neither thou , nor thy fathers have known , and there (halt thou ferve other gods, wood and ftone. .Kings 9> 37 And thou fhalt become * anaftonifh- ment , a proverb , and a by-word, among all '^.'9. nations whither the LORD (hall lead thee. iicahtf. 38 *Tbou (halt carry much feed out into the field^nd fhalt gather but little in: for the locuft ggaii.tf. (hall confame it. 39 Thou fhalt plant vineyards and drefle them s but (halt neither drink of the wine, nor gather the grapes:far the worms fhall eat them. 40 Thou (halt have olive-trees throughout all thy coafts, but thou (halt not anoint thyfelf with the oyl : for thine olive fhall cart his fruit. 41 Thou fhalt beget fonnes and daughters, leb. they butt thou flialt not enjoy them : for they fhall i net t>e go into captivity. ' 4 ^ All thy trees and fruit of thy land fhall r > f'/'JT*- the locuft || confume. 43 Theflranger that is within thee fhall get up above thee very high 5 and thou (halt come down very low. 44 He (hall lend to thee , and thou (halt not lend to him: he fhall be the head , and thou fh lt be the tail. 45 Moreover, all thefe curfes fhill come up- on thee , and (hall purfue thee , and overtake thee , till thou be deftroyed : becaufe thou hearkenedft not unto the voice of the LORD thy God , to keep his commandments and his flarates which he commanded thee. 46 And they fhall be upon thee fora figne and for a wonder, and upon thy feed for ever. 47 Becaufe thou fervedft not the L o R D thy God with joyfulnefie and with ghdneffe of h:art, for the abundance of all things : 48 Therefore (halt thou ferve thine enemies which the L o R D fliall fend againft thee , in hunger, and in thirft, and in nakedneffe,and in want of all thing*: and he (hall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck , untill he have deftroyed thee. 49 The LORD fliall bring a nation againft thee from farre , from the end of the earth, as faift as the eagle flieth, a nation whofe tongue eb.ftwf f . thou fhalt not t underfhnd : Heb.y?rsj 5 o A nation f of fierce countenance, which ** flr.ll not regard the perfon of the old,nor fhew favour to the young. 51 And he fhall eat the fruit of thy cartel, and the fruit of thy land^untill thou be deftroy- ed : which alfo (hall not leave thee either corn, wine , or oyl , r the increafe of thy kine, or flocks of thy fheep , untill he have deftroyed thee. 5 x And he fhall befiege thee in all thy gates, untill thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou truftcdft,throughout all thy land; and he fliall befiege thee in ail thy gates, 181 throughout all ;hy land which the LORD thy God hath given thee. 55 And * thou fhalteat the fruit of thine * Levit.j*.. own t body, the flefh of thy fonnes and of thy t9 ' daughters Cwhich the LORD thy God hath J,* given thee; in the fiege and in the ftraithefle La'm. wherewith thine enemies fhalldiftreffe thee : Bar.a 54 So that the man that is tender among you t H and very delicate, his eye fhall be evil toward his brother , and toward the wife of his bo- foroe, and towards the remnant of his children which be fhall leave : 5580 that he will not give to any of them of the flefh of his children whom he (hall eat : becaofe he hath nothing left him in the ficge, and in the ftraitnefle wherewith thine enemies- fhall diftreffe thee in ail thy gates. 56 The tender and delicate woman among youjwhich would not adventure to fet the fole of her foot upon the ground for delicatenefle and tendernefle, her eye fliall be evil towards the husband of her boforr.e , and towards her fonne, and towards her daughter, 57 And towards her } young one thatco- fHeb. meth out from between her feet,& towards her birth. ' children which fhe fliall bear : for (he (hall eat them for want of all things fecretly in the fiege and frraitnefie wherewith thine enemy (hall diftrefle thee in thy gates. 58 If thou wilt not obferve to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayeft fear this glorious and fearfull name, THE LORD THY GOD; 59 Then the L o R D will make thy plague* wonderful], and the plagues of thy ked,evcn great plagues, and of long continuance, and fore ficknefles, and of long continuance. 60 Moreover, he will bring upon thee all the difeafes of Egypt,which thou waft afraid of, and they fhall cleave unto thee. 61 Alfo every ficknefie, and every plague which is not written in the book of this law, them will the L o a D | bring upon thee, untill t H t). thou be deftroyed. u*/t t *d 6z And ye fhall be left few in number, whereas ye were * astheftarres of heaven for " multitude: becaufe thou wouldefl not obey the 12< voice of the LORD thy God. 6j And it fhall come topafle, that as the LORD rejoyced over you to do you good,and to multiply you; fo the LORD will rejoyce over you to deftroy you, and to bring you to nought* and ye fhall be plucked from off the land whi- ther thou goeft to poflefle it. 64 And the LORD fliall fcatter thee among all people , from the one end of the earth even- unto the others and there thou flialt ferve other gods , which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and ftone. 6< And among thefe nations fhalrthow finde- Exhortations to obedience. Deuteronomie. Gods covenant. 18 i findenoeafe , neither (hill thefoleof thy foot have reft j but the L o R D (hall give thee there a trembling heart , and failing of eyes , and forrow of minde. 66 And thy life (hill hang in doubt before thee, and thou (halt fear day and nigh:, and fiult have none afiurance of thy life. 61 In the morning thou (hale fay , Would God it were even : and at even thou (halt fay, Would God it were morning , for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou (halt fear , and for the fight of thine eyes which thou (halt fee. 68 And the LORD (hall bring thee into Egypt again, with (hips, by the way whereof I (pake unto ehee , Thou (halt fee it no more again : and there ye (hall be fold unto your enemies for bond-men and bond* women, and no man (hall bay you. CHAP. XXIX. a Mofes exhorteth them to obedience* by the memory of the works they have (een. 10 iAO are presented before the Lord to enter into hit co-uenint. iB The great mith on him thit ftittereth him'elf in hit v/ic^ed- neffe. 29 Secret things belong unto God. THefe are the words of the covenant which the LORD commanded Mofes to make with the children of Ifrael,in the land of Moab, befide the covenant which he made with them inHoreb. z ^ And Mofes called unto alllfrael, and * Exod.ip. faid unto them , * Ye have feenall that the * L o R D did before your eyes in the land of E- gyptj unto Pharaoh, and unto all his fervants, and unto all his land} 3 The great temptations which thine eyes have feen, the fignes and thofe great miracles : 4 Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive , and eyes to fee, and eares to heare,umo this day. f And I have led you fourty yeares in the wildernefle : your clothes are not waxen old upon you , and thy (hoe is not waxen old upon T; '- thy foot. 6 Ye have not eaten bread,neither have you drunk wine , or ftrong drink : that ye mighc fcnow that I am the L o R D your God. 7 And when ye came unto this place, Sihon the king of Heflibon , and Og the king of Ba(han,came outagainft us unto battel,and we fmote them . 8 And we took their land , and gave it for an inheritance unto the Reubenites, and to the Gadites,and to the half-tribe of Manaffeh. * Chap^.d.' 9 *Keep therefore the words of thiscove- i. Kings 1.3. nant and do them 3 that ye may profper in all Jft"-7- thatyedo. ID ^ Ye ftand this day all of you before the LORD youc Godjyour captains of your tribes, your elders, and your officers, with all the men oflfoel, 1 1 Your little ones , your Wives , and thy ftranger that is in thy camp, from the hewerof thy wood, unto the drawer of thy water : it That thou (hoiildeft f enter into cove- f Heb nant with the LORD thy God , and into his oath, which the LORD thy God maketh with thee this day : 13 That he may eftabliih thee to day fora people unto himfelf , and that he may be unto thee a God , as he hath faid unto thee , and as he hath fworn unto thy fathers , to Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob. 14 Neither with you onely do I make this covenant and this oath ; 1 f But withJbi/0 that ftandeth here with us this day before the LORD cur God , andalfo with him that not here with us this day : 1 6 ("For ye know how we have dwelt in the land of Egypt , and how we came through the nations which ye pafled by. 17 And ye have feen their abominations,and their f idols , wood and ttone, filver and gold, f Heb. which were among them) d >- 1 8 Lett there (hould be among you man or woman, or firmly,or tribe,whofe heart turneth away this day from the LORD our God,to go and ferve the gods of thefe nationsj left there (hould be among you a root that beareth j| fgall if Or, a j and wormwood, ^""H^" 19 And it come to pafle when he heareth ' '** the words of this curfe , that he bleffe himfelf in his heart, faying, I (hall have peace, though I walk in the |j imagination of mine heart, to j|or,y?W addefdrunkenneffe to third: bomnejjc. 20 The LORD will not fpare him,but then J Hd ^* the anger of the LOR D>and his jealoufie (hall t"f\^rft1et fmoke againft that man, and all the curfes that are written in this book (hall lie upon him,and the L o R D (hall blot out his name from undec heaven. 21 And the LORD (lull feparate him unto evil , out of all the tribes of Ifrael, according to all the curfes of the covenant , that \ are ^ Heb ft written in this book of the law : written. it So that the generation to come of your children that (hall rife up after you , and the ftranger that fliall come from a fane land, (hall fay, when they fee the plagues of that land,and the ficknefles fwhich the LORD hath laid fHeb w*m upon it; "* the 2 3 And that the whole land thereof a brim- L R D r hat ftone, &falr, confumedivith fire.i.4. Gideon deflroyeth Baah altar, and oftereth a [acrifcf upon the altar Jehovah- fa- lent. 1% / oafh defendeth his'fanne) andcaUeth fc "* dominion over the nobles among the people: to Sifera a prey of divers colours, a preyofdi-*""*'/ 4 ' the L o R p made me have dominion over the vers colours of needle- work a of divers colours mighty, of needle- work on both fides, meet | for the t Heb./.r 14 Out of Ephraimjj there a root of them necks of them that ta^ethe fpoil i againft Amalek j after thee Benjamin, among 3 1 So let all thine enemies peri(h,O LORD : ' " f * thy people: out of Machir came down govern- buc let them that love him, be asthefunne ours , and out of Zebnlun they that f handle when he goeth forth in his might.And the land the pen of the writer. hd reft fourty yeares. if And the princes of Iflachar were with Deborah: even Iflachar,3nd alfo Barak, he was fent on \ foot into the valley : || for the divifi- ons of Reuben, there were great t thoughts of ( heart. 1 6 Why abodeft thou among the fheep folds , to heare the bleatings of the flocks i \\ for the divifionsof Reuben, there were great featch- ings of heart. 1 7 Gilead abode beyond Jordan : and why did Dan remain infhips ? Afher continued on the fea-jj (hore,and abode in his || breaches. 1 8 Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that t jeoparded their lives unto the death, in the high places of the field. 19 The kings came d^fought,then fought the kings of Canaan *in Taanach by the waters of Mcgiddo, they cook no gain of money. 20 They fought from heaven, thcftarres in r their fcourfes fought againft Sifera. 2 1 The river of Kifhon fwept them away, that ancient river ,the river Kifhon: O my foul, thou haft trodendown ftrength. 21 Then were the hotfe-hoofs broken, by the means of the |f pranfings a the pranfings of their mighty ones. 4 23 Curfe ye Meroz, ( faid the angel of the LORD ) curfeye bitterly the inhabitants there- of: becaufe they came not to the help of the L o R D, to the help of the L o R D againft the mighty. 24 B le fled above women fhalljael the wife of Heberthe Kenite be, blcfled (hall (he be above women in the tent. 25 He asked writer, and fhe gave him milk, flie brought forth butter in a lordly difh. 26 She put her hand to the nail , and her 53 Gideons nrrnj. 36 Gideons flints. A Nd the children of Ifrael did evil in the j^\fight of the L o R D : and the L O.R D de- livered them into the hand of Midian feven. yeares. 2 And the hand of Midian f prevailed againft t Heb. w Ifrael : and becaufe of the Midianites the chil- /"" dren of Ifrael made them the dens which are in the mountains, and caves, and ftrong holds. j Andfo it was when Ifrael had fown, that the Midianites came up, and the Amalekites, and the children of the eaft, even they came up againft them : 4 And they encamped againft them,and de-' ftroyed the increafe of the earth, till thou come unto Ga*a, and left no fuftenance for Ifrael. neither jJOieep, nor ox, norafle. (1 Or,^**.-- j For they came up with their cattel, and their tents, and they came as grafhoppers for iv.ultitude,/"or both they and their camels were without number: and they cmred into the land todeftroyir. 6 And Ifrael was greatly impoverifhed, be* caufe of the Midianites j and the children of If- rael cried unto the L o R D. 7 ^f And it came to pafle when the children of Ifrael cried unto the L o R D, becaufe of the Midianires j 8 That the LORD fcnt | a prophet untothe f n c b. *n* children of Ifrael, which faid unto them, Thus *fr>fbt n , faith. Gideon and the angel; Judges. He deftroyeth Baals altar. zi6 faith the L ORD Godof Ifrael, I brought you 22 And when Gideon perceived that he up from Egypt, and brought you forth out of was an angel of the LORD, Gideon faid, Alas, the houfe of bondage ; OLordGon: * for becaufe I have feen an an- *Exod.^ 10 9 And I delivered yououtof the hand of gel of the L o R D face toface. Chap.ij.u. the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all that 23 And the LORD faid unto him, Peace be opprefled you, and drave them out from before unto thee, fear not, thou (halt not die. * a, Kings 7.35,38. Jer.io.j. you, and gave you their land : 10 And I faid unto you, I am the LORD ufehtt 24 Then Gideon built an altar there unto the LORD, and called it [|Jehovah.(halom: II That i' s , your God, * fear not the' gods of the Amorites unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abi-efc- *!:* L in whofc land ye dwelhbut ye have not obeyed rites. my voice. * s 11 And it came to pane the fame night, r i f And there came an angel of the LORD, that the LORD faid unto him , Take thy fathers and fat under an.oak which was in Ophrah, young bullock , ||even the fecond bullock of ,] or,4^. feven yeares oldj and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath , and cut down the grove that a by it : 26 And build an altar unto the LORD thy that pertained unto Joa(h the Abi-ezrite : and Heb. M . 3 * his fonne*Gideon threfhed wheat by the wine- taU ' d 5 ede n ' prefle, f to hide it from the Midianites * - And the angel of the LORD appeared - - .. v ,. v unto him, and faid unto him, The L ORD God upon the top of this frock, || in the order- f Heb./rwf with thee, thou mighty man of valour. ed place,and take the fecond bullock, and offer place. 13 And Gideon faid unto him,Oh my lord, a burnt -facrifke with the wood of the grove i! Or > itI4a if the LORD be with us, why then is all this be- which thou (halt cut down. "ner """ Then Gideon took ten men of his fer- .a(h hath done this thing. 3 o Then the men of the city faid unto J oafli, Bring out thy fonnc,that he may die: becaufe he hath caft down the altar of Baal, and becaufe he hath cut down the grove that was by it. 3 1 And Joafh faid unto all that flood againft him, Will ye plead for Baal? will ye fave him? he that will plead for him, let him be put to death,whileft it it yet morning: if he be a god, let him plead for himfelf, becaufe one hath caft down his altar. 51 Therefore on that day he called him Je- rubbaal/aying, Let Baal plead againft him,be- caufe be hath thrown down his altar. 3 ; f Then all the Midianites and the Ama- lekites, and the children of the eaft were ga- thered together, and went over, and pitched in the valley of Jeireel, 34 But the fpirit of the LORD } came upon fHeb.* and * all the children of the eaft, lay along in " Chap.*.$5 the valley like gra(hoppers for multitude ; and their camels were without number, as the fand, by the fea- fide for multitude. 1 3 And when Gideon was come , behold, THen Jerubbaal(who u Gideon) and all the there was a man that told a dream unto his fel- peoplc that were with him,rofe up arly, & low, and faid, Behold, I dreamed a dream, and pitched befide the well of Harod : fo that the lo, a cake of barley bread tumbled into the hoft -hoft of the Midianites were on the north-fide of Midian, and came unto a tent, and fmote it >eut that it fell, and overturned it, that the tent lay along. 14 And his fellow anfwered, and faid,This is nothing elfe fave the fword of Gideon the fonne of Joa(h , a man of Ifrael : for into his hand hath God delivered Midian . and all the hoft. 15 fl And it was/0,when Gideon heard the of them by the hill of Moreh, in the valley. r And the L o R D faid unto Gideon, The people that ar* with thee, are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, left Ifrael vaunt themfelves againft me , faying, Mine own hand hathfaved me. 3 Now therefore go to , proclaim in the jo.geares of the people, faying, *VVhofocver is , ,, . 5< j. feartull and afraid, let him return and depart telling of the dream, and f the interpretation , early from mount Gilead : and there returned thereof, that he worfhipped, and returned into *"*VK of the people twentie and two thoufand, and the hoft of Ifrael,and faid, Arife,for the LORD tbnn f". there remained ten thoufand. hath delivered into your hand the hoft of Mi- dian. .4 16 And he divided the three hundred men into three companies, and he put t a trumpet f Heb Mm. in every mans hand, with emptie pitchers, and f lt} '* thf H lamps within the pitchers. ^nhlL ** 17 And he faid unto them, Look on me, jjor'/frWJ and dolikewife : and behold, when I come to wi,or' the outfide of the camp, it (hall be that as I do, trebtt, fo (hall ye do. 1 8 When I blow with a trumpet, I and all 4 And the L o R D faid unto Gideon, The people are yet too many: bring them down un. to the water,and I will trie them for thee there: and it (hall be, that of whom I fay unto thee, This (hall go with thee, the fame (hall go with theej and of whomfoever I fay unto thee, This (hall not go with thee, the fame (hall not go. $ So he brought down the people unto the water: and the LORD faid unto Gideon, Every one that lappeth of the water with his tongue as a dog lappeth, him (halt thoufet by himfelfj thatar* with me , then blow ye the trumpets likewife every one that bowethdown upon his alfo on every fide of all the e*mp,and fay, 7^ knees to drink. f wore t o f the L o R D, and of Gideon. 19 f So Gideon and the hundred men that were with him, came unto the outfide of the crimp, in the beginning of the middle watch; 6 And the number of them that lapped putting their hand to their mouth, were three hundred men : but all the reft of the psoplc bowed down upon their knees to drink water. and they h.~.d but newiy fet the watch, and they 7 And the L o R D faid onto Gideon,By the blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers that three hundred men that lapped,will I fave you, were in their hands. P 10 And Gideon purfueth after 218 Judges.' Zebah and Zalmunna? to blow ilm n " hou "' slve brud unto faid, Therefore when the cried, and fled. g Andhe w entU p thence to Penuel , and fpake unto them likewife : and the men of Pe- nuel anfwered him, as the men of Succoth had {| Or, tt. *'df. t Heb. Iff. and the hoft fled to Beth.fhittah,!! in Zererath, ^tothelborderofAbel.mehoUh.unto-Yab. ^^^^-^^ii r ir i adhered them- breakdown this tower. ^3 And the men of Iftael g athered them ^ ^ ^^ ^ Zalmunna _ felves together YM nifch ^, * d fm K arkor,and their hofts with them, about fif- Aflier, and out of all Manafleh^nd pun ^ thiifand men, all that were left of all the ' c vr^^ zS5ssi&= d . ^s^gs^ssfffSl ii q And Gideon went up by the wayot TS\ -* SM=I= w^^^sa together, and tool and Jordan. was fecure. ii And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, upon tnciotK V^MVWJ 0.1 * ^,^^ j Wine-prefleof Zeeb,and purfued Midian,: brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb, to Gide- on on the other fide Jordan, CHAP. VIII. i Gideon facfteth the Ephraimites,* Succoth and Pe- ' nuel refute to relieve Gideons armie. 10 Zebah and are taken, ij Sueeeth and Penuel are 17 Gideon revengeth hit Irethrens death ind Zalmunna. a ^ refaftth govern- ment. 1.4. H ephod canfe of idohtrie. 18 Midtin fnldued. 29 Gideons children and death. JJ The Ifrailitei idolatrie, and ingratitude. , ANd the men of Ephraim faid unto him, |Why haft thoufervcd as thus, that thou JS]"; Z" callcdft us not when thou wenteft to fight with the* hat '** the Midianites i And they did chide With him WM*? jmarply. comfited all the hoft. $'* 13 f And Gideon thefonne of Joa(h re- turned from battel beforethe funne was up, 14 And caught a young man of the men of Succoth, and enquired of him : and he j de- f Heb. trri fcribed unto him the princes of Succoth, and the elders thereof, even threefcore and feven- teen mea. if Andhe came unto the men of Succoth, and faid, Behold, Zebah and Zalmunna,with whom ye did upbraid me,f3ying,^re the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand, that we ihould give bread unto thy men that are weary? 16 Andhetookthe elders of the citie, and thorns of the wildernefle, and briers, and with now in comparifonof you? Is not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim, better then the wn- taae of Abiefcer ? hands the and Zal- munna, their t anger was abated toward him, wben he ' ' had faid that. 4 And Gideon came to Jordan,**** paf- fed over he, and the three hundred mervthat were with him, faint, yet purfuing the*. < And he fai wives. '** 3 1 And his concubine that was in Shechem, fli: alfo bare him a fonne , whofe name he f called Abimelech. 3 2 f And Gideon the fonne of Joafli died in a good old age , and was buried in the fe- pulchre of Joalh his father , in Ophrah of the Abi-ezritcs. Hcb. fit. the pillar that was in Shechem. 7 f And when they told it to Jotham , went and flood in the top of mount Gerizim, and lift up his voice , and cried , and faid unto them, Hearken unto me,you men of Shechem, that God may hearken unto you. 8 The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them , and they faid unto the olive- tree, Reigne thou over us. 9 But the olive-tree faid unto them, Should I leave my fatnefle, wherewith by me they ho ca{ of the " . See 4atfj 3 3 And it came to pafle aflbon as Gideon nour God and man , and (| go to be promoted was dead , that the children of Ifrael turned over the trees ? again 10 And the trees faid to the fig-tree, Come o*er *** thou, and reigne over us. 1 1 But the fig-tree faid unto them , Should jiuv nit i. u n. u uim vjuu,.. uavi ui.iiri.itu I forfake my fweetnefle,and my good fruit,and them out of the bands of all their enemies on go to be promoted over the trees ? every fide: 12 Then faid the trees unto the vine,Come, 3 ? Neither (hewed they kindnefle to the thou, and reigne over us. 1 3 And the vine faid unto them , Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees ? Pi 14 Then and went a whoring after Baalim, and made Baal- berith their god. 34 And the children of Ifrael remembred not the L o R o their God, who had delivered houfe of Jerubbaal, namely Gideon, according to all the goodnefie which he ludftiewsdunto Ifrael. Gaal confpireth againft Abimelech. Judges." He is overcome; i zo 14 Then faid all the trees unto the || bram- rubbaal,and Zebul his officer? ferve the men of Q Or, thistle. We, Come thou, or >" ventured his life farre, and delivered yoo out of and behold , they fortifie the city againft r and and all they of the citie, and (hut it to them, againft Benjamin, and againft the houfe of E- and gat them up to the top of the tower. 51 And Abimelech came unto the tower, ,.*' the gods of Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and *"chap, 2! 1 1 the gods of the children of Ammon,and the gods of the Philiftinesjandforfook theLoao, and ferved not him. 7 ^ And the anger of the L o RD was hoc againft Ifrael, and he fold them into the hands of thePhiliftines, and into the hands of the children of Ammon. 8 And thatyeare they vexed and f opprefled f Hcb. the children of Ifrael : eighteen yeares, all the cr "&" d * children of Ifrael that were on the other fide Jordan, in the land of the Amorites, which is in Gilead. 9 Moreover, the children of Ammon pafled 1 fought againft it, and went hard u ire of the tower to burn it with fire. unto the and doore o i.Sam.i i. f ? And a certain woman * caft a piece of a milftone upon Abimclechs head , and all to brake hisjcuil. 54 TherrEe called haftily unto the young man his armour-bearer , and faid unto him, Draw thy fword, and flay me,that men fay not of me, A woman flew him. Aid his young man thruft him through, and he died. y f And when the men of Ifrael faw that A- bimelech was dead , they departed every man unto his place. phraim; fo that Ifrael was fore diftreffed. 10 ^f And the children of Ifrael cried unto the LORD, faying, We have finned againft thee, both jjecaufc we have forfaken our God, and alfo ferved Baalim. 1 1 And the LORD faid ur.r D the children of Ifrael , 'Did not I deliver you, from the Egy- ptians, and from the Amorites, from the chil- dren of Ammon, and from the Pm'liftines ? i z The Zidonians alfo,and the Amalekites, and the Maonites did opprefle yoUj and ye cried to me, and I delivered you out of their hand. T * Yet ye have forfaken me,& ferved other * Deut.j j.i 5 1 gods: wherefore I will deliver you no more. Jcrcm. a, 1 3, 1 4 Go and Cry unto the gods which yc have ^"ThusGodrendredthewickednefTeof chofen , let them deliver you in the time of Abimelech which he did unto his father, in your tribulation. 1 5 f And the children of Ifrael faid unto the L o R D, We have finned, do thou unto us whatfoever ffeemethgood unto thee , deliver t Heb us onely, we pray thee, this day. 1* 1 6 And they put away the jftrange gods /Heb trom among them, and ferved the LORD; and P J his flaying his feventy brethren. 57 And all the evil of the men of Shechem, did God render upon their heads: and upon them came the curfe of Jocham the fonne of Jerubbaal. jephthah is made captaitu Judges^ His anfwer to the king of Amraon? his foul f was grieved for the miferic of Ifrad. t Hcb. w that he (kould be their hud. i ^ The treaty of peace be- tween htm and the vdmiMorittes it In -vain.zy Jeph- tb. L Xty man of valour, and he was the fonne of t an harlot : and Gilead begat Jephthah. And Gileads wife bare him formes, and that. t Hcb. * woman art What haft thou to do with me, that thou arc come againft me to fight in my land ? i j And the king of the children of Ammon anfwered unto the meflengers of Jephthah , * Becaufe Ifrael took away my land when they * came up out of Egypt, from Arnon even unto *3* Jabbok,and 'unto Jordan : now therefore re- itore thofe lands again peaceably. 14 And Jephthah fent meflengers again im- to the king of the children of Ammon : 1 5 And faid unto him,Thus faith Jephthah, * Ifrael took not away the land of Moab, nor * the land of the children of Ammon r 1 6 But when Ifrael came up from Egypt, and walked through the wildernefle, unto the Red fea, and came to Kadeity 17 Then * Ifrael fent meflengers unto the * Num.aoj king of Edom 3 faying,Letme,Ipraythee,pafl~e 14-. through thy Und: but the king of Edom would not hearken thereto. And in like manner they f Heb. fnm iht face. his wives fonnesgrew up, and they thruftout fent unto the king of Moab ; but he would not Jephthah, and faid unto him, Thou (halt not confents and Ifrael abode in Kadefh. 1 8 Then they went alomj through the wil- dernefle, and compafled the land of Edom,and the land of Moab, and came by the eaft-fide o the land of Moab, and pitched on the other fide inherit in our fathers houfe, for thou an the fonne of a ft range woman. 3 Then -J ephthah fled t from his brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob : and there were gathered vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him. 4 ^ And ir came to P afle 1 in procefle of of Arnon, * but came not within the border of * Num. Moab : for Arnon rva s the border of Moab. 3 and 234 1 9 And * Ifrael fent meflengers unto Sihon |^ time, that the children of Ammon made warre king of the Amorites, the king of Helhbon; - againft Ifrael 5 And it was fo, that when the children of Ammon made warre againft Ifrael, the elders of Gilead went to fetch Jephthah out of the land of Tob : 6 And they faid unto Jephthah, Come and be our captain , that we may fight with the children of Ammon. and Ifrael faid unto him, Let us pafle, we pray thee, through thy land unto my place. 20 But Sihon trufted not Ifrael to pafle through his coaft : but Sihon gathered all his people together, and pitched in Jahaz,and fought againft Ifrael L i And the L o R D God of Ifrael delivered Sihon and all his people into the hand of If- 7 And Jephthah faid unto the elders of rael, and they fmote them : fo Ifrael poflefled Gilead, Did not ye hate me, and expell me out all the land of the Amorites,the inhabitants of of my fathers houfe? and why are ye come unto that countrey. me now when ye areindiftreffe? * zi And they poflefled * all the coafts of the *Deut,a;}< 8 And the elders of Gilead faid unto Jeph- Amorites, from Arnon even unto Jabbok, and from the wildernefle even unco Jordan. z j So now the LORD God of Ifrael hath difpoflefled the Amorites from before his peo- ple Ifrael 5 and (houldeft thou pofleffeit ? 24 Wilt not thou pofleffe that which Ghe- mo(h thy god giveth thee to poflefle?So whom- foever the L o R D our God (hall drive out from before us, them will we poflefle. 2 j *And now art thou any thing better * Num.ial t Heb. bt thah , Therefore we turn again to thee now, that thou mayeft go with us, and fight againft the children of Ammon, and be our head over all the inhabitants of Gilead. 9 And Jephthah faid unto the elders of Gi- lead,If ye bring me home again to fight againft the children of Ammon, and the LORD deliver them before me ; (hall I be your head? i o And the elders of Gilead faid unto Jeph- thah, The L o R D t be witneffe between us, if artrbt- we do not fo according to thy words. 1 1 Then Jephthah went with the elders of fight againft them Gilead, and the people made him head and captain over them:and Jephthah uttered all his words before the L o R D in Mizpeh. 12 ^ And Jephthah fent meflengers unto the king of the childrea of Ammon, faying, then Balakthe fonne of Zippor kins of Moab? frae!,ordi did he ever ftrive againft Ifrae!,ordid he ever . ht againft them, 26 While Ifrael dwelt inHeflibon and her towns, and in Aroer and her towns, and in all the cities that be along by the coafts of Arnon, three hundred yeares? why therefore did ye no? recover them within thai time ? 27 Where- 1 I IheEphrt'aniteiqutirreUingvnth J ephthah,an, who had thirty fonnes^ and thirty daughters , 1 1 and Eton , 1 3 and lAbdon* who had fourty founts , 'and thirty nephew, judged I/rael. ANd the men of Ephraim | gathered them- T Heb felves together, and went north- ward, and " - faid unto Jephthah , Wherefore paffedft thou over to fight againft the children of Ammon, and didft not call us to go with thee ? we will Jephthahs vow; Chap! xii: His death and burial!.' 17 Wherefore I have not finned againft thee, 40 That the daughters of Ifrael went f year- but thou doeft me wrong to warre againft me: ly jj to lament the daughter of Jephthah the the L o R D the Judge, be judge this day be- Gileadite foure dayes in a yeare. tween the children of Ifrael and the children CHAP. XII. of Ammon. x8 Howbeic , the king of the children of Ammon hearkened not unto the words ofjeph- thah which he fent him. 29 51 Then the fpirit of the LORD came up- on Jephthah , and he pafled over Gilead, and Manafleh , and pafled over Mizpehof Gilead, and from Mizpeh of Gilead he pafled over un to the children of Ammon. 30 And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LOR D ,and fatd,If thou (halt without fail deli- burn thine houfe upon thee with fire ver the children of Ammon into mine hands, * And Jephthah faid unto them , I and my b that 3 ' Then it (hall be , that t whatfoever co- people were at great ftrife with the children of wh^nxth meth forth of thedoores of my houfe tomeet Ammon 5 and when I called you, ye delivered vtbyvhuh me yyhen j return fa peace from the children me not out of their hands. m \ ctmt of Ammon, (hall furely be the L o R D s, || and * And when I faw that ye delivered me not, Sr ' / i I will offer it up for a burnt-offering. I put my life in my hands , and pafled over a. rir,e><-. 31 51 So Jephthah pafled over unto the chil- gainft the children of Amrnon, and the LORD> dren of Ammon to fight againft them , and the delivered them into my hand : wherefore thea LORD delivered them into his hands. are ye come up unto me this day , to fight a- 3 3 And he fmote them from Aroer,even till gainft me ? thou come to Minnith, even twenty cities, and 4 Then Jephthah gathered together all the unto I] the plain of the vineyards , with a very men of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim : and great (laughter : thus the children of Ammon the men of Gilead fmote Ephraim,becanfe they were fubdued before the children of Ifrael, faid , Ye Gileadites are fugitives of Ephraim, 34 5T And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto among the Ephraimites, and among the Ma- his houfe. and behold,his daughter came out to naflites. meet him with timbrels and with dances , and 5 And the Gileadites took the paffages of ftienw&wonelychilde: f befide her he had Jordan before the Ephraimites : anditros/a, neither fonne nor daughter. that when thofe Ephraimites which were 3 < And it came to pafle when he faw her, efcaped faid , Let me go overs that the men of that he rent his clothes , and faid , Alas, my Gilead faid unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? daughter, thou haft brought me very low, and If he faid, Nay : thoS art one of them that trouble me : for I 6 Then faid they unto him , Say now Shib. have opened ray mouth unto the L o R D , and boleth : and he faid Sibboleth: for he could not I cannot eoback. frame to pronounce it right. Then they took 36 And (he faid unto him,My father.j/'thou him , and flew him at the paflages of Jordan : haft opened thy mouth unto the L o R D,do to and there fell at that time of the Ephrairmtcf, me according to that which hath proceeded out fourty and two thoufand. of thy mouth j forafmuch as the L o R D hath 7 And Jephthah judged Ifrael fix yearcs : taken vengeance for thee of thine enemies, then died Jephthah the Gileadite, and was bu. even of the children of Ammon. ried in one o/the cities of Gilead. 37 And Hie faid unto her father, Let this 8 f And after himlbzan of Beth-lehem thing be done for me : Let me alone two judged Ifrael. Heb.j.4*f moneths , that I may i go up and down upon 9 And he had thirty fonnes , and thirty *' the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and daughters whom he fent abroad , and took in my fellows. thirty daughters from abroad for his fonnes. 28 And he faid, Go. And he fent her away And he judged Ifrael feveu yeares. for two moneths: and (he went with her com- 10 Then diedlbzan, and was buried at panions, and bewailed her virginity upon the Beth-lehem: mountains 51 And after him, Elon a Zebulonite 30 And it came to paffe at the end of two judged Ifrael, and he judged Ifrael ten yeares. moneths that (he returned unto her father,who i x And Elon the Zebulonite died, and was did with her according to his vow which he buried in Ajjalon in the counrrey of Zebulun. 13 5i And after him, Abdon the fonne of Hillel a Pirathonite judged Ifrael. p 4 14 And Or, *r of hit m thtr fame Heb. ./' imjilf. | Or, nil had vowed : and OK knew no man. And it was allcuftomeinlfrael, Samfons birth foretold. 2^4 14 And he had fourty fonnes, and thirty f Heb. fonnes f nephews ,that rode onthreefcore and ten afie- finnes. co j ts : anc j he judged Ifrael eight yeares. 1 f And Abdon the fonne of Hillel the Pira- thonite died, and was buried in Pirachon in th land of Ephratm, in the moun; of the Ama- lekitu, CHAP: XIIL I Ifratl u in the hand of the Philiflines. a *An angel apfearethtoMtanoahsivife. 8 The angel appearetb to JManoah. 1 5 fAanoihs facrifice,Tvherely the angel is difcoTjered. 34 Samfon is born. t Heb. *ad:d A Nd the children of Ifrael f* did evil again ,/jLin the fight of the L o R D, ahd the LORD delivered them into the hand of the Phililtmes fourty yeares. 2 f And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, vvhofe name was Manoah^nd his wife was barren and bare not. j And the angel of the LORD appeared unto the woman, and faid unto her, Behold now, thou art barren and beareft not : but thou (halt conceive and bear a fonne. 4 Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and * Num .*, * drink not wine,nor flrong drink, and eat not *Chap.2.u. and 3.7, arvl 4.1. and 6.1, judges: He is born; come to pafle: f Hov? mall we order the childe, t Heb. and j| t bow (hall we do unto him? &* u bt th * 1 3 And the angel of the L o R D faid unto JJJ"'? *^ Manoah , Of all chat I faid unto the woman, y o r , what - let her beware. $>*iihedo? 14 She may ncmt of any thing that cometh T Heb. what of the vine, neither let her drink wine or ftrong * H b drink 3 nor eat-any unclean thing: all that I corn- manded her, let her obferve. i ? f And Manoah faid unto the angel of the LORB, I pray thee,let us detain thee, untill wcfiull have made ready a kid f for thee. 1 6 And the angel of the LORD faid unto thet Manoah,Though thou detain me,! will not eat of thy bread: and if thou wilt offer a burnt-of- fering, thou mull offer it unto the L o R D : for Manoah knew not that he was an angel of the LORD. 1 7 And Manoah faid unto the angel of the LORD, What is thy name, that when thy fay- ings come to paffe, we may do thee honour? 1 8 And the angel of the LORD faid untp him, Why askeft thou thus after my name, fee- ing it jj {| fecret ? f| Ofi 19 So Manoah took a kid , with a meat-of- fill. fering , and offered it upon a rock unto the , f Hcb. teftn a 3 any undcan thing, f For Io,thou malt conceive and bear a fon, Loao:and the angel did wonderoufly,and Ma- * Num. .5; and * no rafour fhall come on his head : for the noah and his wife looked on. Mam, MI. child? fhall be a Naiarite unto Gdd from the 20 For it came to paffe ,when the flame went wombe : and he (hall begin to deliver Ifrael out up toward heaven from off the altar , that the ofthehandofthePhililiines. angel of the LORD afcended in the flame of 6 f Then the woman came and told her the altar: and Manoah and his wife looked on husband,faying,A man of God came unto me, and his countenance was like the countenance of an angel of God, very terrible: But I asked him not whence he was, neither told he me his name. 7 But he faid unto me, Behold, thou fhalt conceive and bear a fonne ; and now drink no wine nor ftrong drink, neither eat any unclean thing : for the childe {hall be a Nazarite to God jfrom the wombe to the day of his death. 8 ^f Then Manoah intreated the LORD, andfaid,OmyLord,let the man of God which thou didft fend, come again unto us, and teach us what we ftulldounto the childe that (hall be born. 9 And God hearkened to the voice of Ma- noah j and the angel of God came again unto the woman as (he fat in the field : but Manoah her husband was not with her. 10 And the woman made hafte,andran,ind (hewed herhusband,& faid unto him, Behold, the man hath appeared unto me,that came unto me the ot her day. ii And Manoah arofe, and went after his wife,and came to the man, and faid unto him, *Art thou the man that fpakeft unto the wo- man ? And he faid, I am. it 3 and fell on their faces to the ground. zi ( But the angel of the LORD did no more appear to Manoah and to his wife ) then Manoah knew that he tvas an angel of the LORD. i And Manoah faid unto his wife , * We * Exod. 3 3; (hall furely die, becaufe we haife feen God. And M moan faid, Now let thy words ters of the Philiftines, But his wife faid unto him, If the LORD were pleafed to kill us , he would not have re- ceived a burnt-offering and a meat- offering at our hands,neitherwould he have (hewed us all thefe things,nor would as at this time have told \xfitch things as thefe. 14 j And the woman bare a fonne , and called his name Samfon : and the childe grew, and the LORD blefled him. 25 And the fpirit of the LORD began to move him at times in the camp of Dan , be- tween Zorah and Eflitaol. CHAP. XIIIT. I Samfon deprtth a. wife of the PhihHmes. 5 In hit journey he kiUeth a. lio'n. % In a. fecond journey he findeth bony in the car cafe. 10 SamConi marriage- feaft. i^Kit riddle by hu wtfe it made known. 19 He fpotleth thirty Philistines. 19 Hit tf if eii married to another. A Nd Samfon went down toTinwath , and /\faw a woman in Timnath , of the daugh- And Samfons riddle is Chap, xv.' made known by his wife i- And he came up and told his father and 1 6 And Samfons wife wept before him,and ^ 1 5 his mother , and faid, I have feen a woman in faid,Thou doit but hate me,and loveft me not: Timnath of the daughters of the Philiftines : thou haft put forth a riddle unto the children pow therefore get her for me to wife. 3 Then his rather and his mother faid unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren,or among all my peo- ple, that thou goeft to take a wife of the uncir- __, _ , _ . . g cumcifcd Philiftines ? And Samfon faid unto paffe on the fevemhday , that he told her, be- **** iHeb. So* it hj s father Get her for me,for | fhe pleafeth me caufe (lie lay fore upon him ; and Ac told the {f*r ; mint ^^ ^^ to the ^iidfjo o f her people. 4 But his father and his mother knew not \ 8 And the men of the city faid unto him thatit uvafc-ul. f V a* , lU*fc _n.l*iwjl f and Samfon made there a feaft : for fo fited his wife with a kid, and he faid, I will go uftd the young m$n to do. in to my wife into the chamber. But her father 1 1 And it came to pafle when they faw him, would not fufter him to go in. that they brou?ht thirty companions to be with . i And her father faid, I verity thought thar him* thou hadft utterly hated her , therefore I jave i a ^ And Samfon Did unto them, I will her to thy companion : is not her younger fifter now put forth a riddle unto you; if you cancer- fairer then (he ? J take her, I pray thee, in Read fHeK* tainly declare itme , within the feven dayesof of her. -vk/ *** the feaft, and finde it out,then I will give you 5 q And Samfon faid concerning^ them, Or>Jbirti~. thirty IJfheets, and thirty change of garments. ||Now(hallIbemoreblamelefletbenthePhi- |jpr, 1 3 But if ye cannot declare it me,then (hall kftines, though I do them a difpleafure. ye give me thirty (heets , and thirty change of 4 And Samfon went and caught three hun- pf^,#/^ * garments. And they faid unto him , Put forth dred foxes , and took || fire-brands, and turned t (,o,,gh, ire. tail to tail, and put a fire- brand in the midft be-" - tween two tails. 5 And when he had fet the brands on fire, he let them go into the ftanding-corn of the Philiftines, and burnt up both the (hocks, and thy riddle, that we may heare it, 14 And he faid unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat , and out of the ttrong came forth fweetnefle. And they could not in three dayes expound the riddle, i ? And it came to pafle on the feyenth day, alfo the (landing-torn, with the vineyards and that they faid unto Samfons wife , Entice thy olives. Heb t ttr. nus *>and , that he may declare unto us the rid- 6 f Then the Philiftines faid , Who hath \f*m,oti die 3 left we burn thee and thy fathers houfe done this ? And they anfwered , Samfon the with fire : have ye called us j to take that we have ? w if not /b? fonnein law of theTimnite , bccaufe he had taken his wife, and given her tohiscompa- eion. Samfons jaw-bonei Judges: Delilahs falfliood: k 3.3.6 nion. And the Philiftines came up, and burnt her and her father with fire. 7 U And S.imfon faid unto them , Though ye have done this, yet will I be avenged of you, and after that I will ceafe. 8 And he fmote them hip and thigh with a great (laughter ; and he went down and dwelt in the top of the rock Beam. 9 U Then the Phihftines went up , and pitched in Judah , and fpread themfelves in Lehi. 10 And the men of Judah faid, Why are ye come up againft us ? And they anfwered , To binde Samfon are we come up, to do to him, as he bach done to us. 1 1 Then three thoufand men of Judah 'f- Heb, tttnt t wem to the to P f : ^ e rock Etam , and faid to Samfon, Knoweft thou not that the Philiftines arc rulers over us? what is this that thou haft done unto us? And he faid unto them, As they did unto me, fo have I done unto them. i x And they faid unto him , We are come down to binde thee , that we may deliver thee into the hand of the Philiftines. And Samfon faid unto them. Swear unto me,that ye will not fall upon me your felves. 1 3 And they fpake unto him , faying, No : but we will binde thee faft, and deliver thee in- to their hand : but fur fly we will not kill thee. And they bound him with two new cords, and brought him up from the rock. 14 fl And when he came unto Lehi,the Phi- liftines faouted againft him : and the fpirit of the L o R D came mightily upon him , and the cords that were upon his arms , became as flax t Heb. W*M that was burnt with fire, and his bands f loofed from off his hands. . mtifi, if And he found a jnew jaw-bone of an afle , and put forth his hand and took it , and flew a thoufand men therewith . 1 6 And Samfon faid, With the jaw-bone of ^ Heb. *n an a ^*a t heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an heap, tin afle have I (lain a thoufand men. f>efj. 1 7 And it came to pafle when he had made an end of fpeaking , that he ca ft away the jaw- bone out of his hand , and called that place |Thatis a * || Ramath-lehi. lifting up of j 8 ^ And fae wag fore athirft) an j cal [ cd OB o/S/P- the L OR D and feidjThou haft given this great HAJ of tht Deliverance into the hand of thy fervant : and jawtw. now (hall I die for thirft,and fall into the hand of the uncircumcifed ? 19 Bat God clave an hollow place that was | Or, Liki. in || the jaw , and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk , his fpirit came again, and he revived : wherefore he called the name )) That is-,the thereof fl En-hakkore , which is in Lehi unto veil cf him this day. 20 And he J ud S ed Philiftines twenty yearcs. CHAP. XVI. l Sarafan atG&& efcapeth and carrie th Atvay the gates of the city. 4 Delilah corrupted by the Phili- jlinei > entiteih Samfon. 6 Thrift Jfie is deceived. \$*At latt fie oTJtrc ometh him. aiTAe PhilifttMes tik* hbn , and pat out hu eyes, aa Hit ftrength. re- newing , he pttlletb down the houfe upon the Phili- THea went Samfon to Gaza, and faw there fan harlot, and went in unto her. -j- Heb. 4 *. a And it was told the Gazites,faying,Sam- mManhtrltt, fon is come hither.And they compalfed him in, and laid wait for him all ni-ght in the gate of the city, and were f quiet all the night, faying, . H . -. In the morning when it js day jwefhall kill him 5 And Samfon lay till midnight , and arofe at midnight,and toot the doores of the gate of the city,and the two pofls,and went away with them , f barre and all, and put them upon his -f Heb. ttitk fhoulders , and carried them up to the top of an the bant. hill that is before Hebron. 4 ^ And it came to pafle afterward, that he loved a woman U in the valley of Sorek, whofe U Or,bjtkt > name WM Delilah. *"< f And the lords of the Philiftines came up unto her, and faid unto her. Entice him, and fee wherein his great ftrength lieih , and by what means we may prevail againft him , that we may binde him to || afflict him: and we will IIOr,6wW give thee every one of us eleven hwidced pieces of filver. 6 And Delilah faid to Samfon, Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great ftrength lieth,and, wherewith thou mighteft be bound to afHiclj thee. 7 And Samfon faid unto her, If they binde me with feven |f f green withs, that were never |j Or, ne-; dried, then (hall I be weak,and be as t another . 8 Then the lords of the Philiftines brought T Hcb< '** s up to her feven green withs , which had not been dried, and (he bound him with them. 9 (Now t here were men lying in wait, abi- ding with her in the chamber) And (he faid unto him , The Philiftiaes be upon thee, Sam- fon. And he brake the wirhs,as a threed of tow is broken when it t toucheth the fire : fohis |Hcb.yw#/, ftrength was not known. ittb. 10 And Delilah faid unto Samfon, Behold, thou haft mocked me , and told me lies : now tell me , I pray thee, wherewith thou mighteft be bound. 1 1 And he faid unto her. If they binde me faft with new ropes f that never were occupied, -f He then {ball I be weak, and be as another man. ** ii Delilah therefore took new ropes , and haih bound him therewith, and fai-d unto him, The ' Philiftines be upon thee, Samfon. (And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber ) And he brake them from off his arms like a threed. 1 3 And Delilah faid unto Samfon,Hitherto thou Samfons eyes put oue; Chap, xvii. Micahs images; thou haft mocked me, and told me lies: tell tthem fport : and they fet him between the 227 me wherewith thou mighteft be bound. And ~ ; " he faid unto her , If thou weaveft the feven locks of my head with the web. 14 And (he fattened if with the pin, and faid unto him, The Philiftines be upon thee, Samfon. And he awaked out of his fleep, and went away with the pin of the beam, and with the web. i j ^ And (he faid unto him, How canft thou fay, I love thee, when thine heart is not with me t Thou haft mocked me thefe three times, and haft not told me wherein thy great ftrength lieth. 16 And it came to pafle, when (he preffed him daily with her words, and urged bim,/a hundred facets of filver to his mother, his mo ther faid, I had wholly dedicated the filver un. to the LORD, from rny hand, for my fonne, to make a graven image, and a molten image: now therefore I will reitore it unto thee. 4 Yet he reftored the money unto his mo* ther, and his mother took two hundred/&fe/< of filver , and gave them to the founder, who made thereof a graven image , and a molten image: and they were in thehoufeof Micah. 5 And the man Micah had an houfe of gods, 19. and made an*ephod, and *teraphim, and Hofea j were merry, that they faid, Call for Samfon, f confecrated one of his fonnes, who became t ^eb $ that he may make us fport. And they called for his prieft. Samfon out of the prifon- houfe j and he nude 6 * In thofie dayes there WAS no king in I f. auYa f^i* 1 Chap, i .i. t Heb. in wMtyij*/* . BW J < Micah and the Levite ^ Judges.' The Danites fend to fearch Laifli, aaS rael, but every man did that which was right 7 5 Then the five men departed, and came in his own eyes. to Liifa, and faw the people that we re therein, 7 fl And there was a young man out o how they dwelt carelefle , after the manner of Beth- leheavjudahjof the family of Judah,who the Zidonians, quiet and fecure, and there wot teas a Levite, and he fojourned there. no \ magiftrate in the land,that might put them f Heb./#jC 8 And the man departed out of the city to ftiame in any thing : and' they were farre /*/<> or ' from Beth-lehem-judah , to fojourn where he from the Zidonians,and had no bufinefie with *" r .^ r '* any man. Jtwnt. 8 And they came unto their brethren to Zo- rah, and Emtaol : and their brethren faid unto them, What fay ye? 9 And they faid, Arife, that we may go up againftthem: for wehavefeen thebnd,and behold, it is very good: and are ye ftill ? be not flothfall to go, and to enter to poffcffe the land. i o When ye go, ye (hall come unto a people fecure, and to a large land : for God hath given it into your hands : a place where there is no want of any thing that is in the earth. 1 1 fl And there went from thence of the family of the Danites out of Zorah and out of Eihtaol, fix hundred men, f appointed with weapons of warre. iz And they went up, and pitched in Kir- jath jearim , injudah: wherefore they called that place Mahaneh-dan, unto this day: be- hold, it it behinde Kirjath. jearim. i j And they pafled thence unto mount E- phratm, and came unto the houfe of Micah. 14 fl Then anfwered the five men that wenc to fpie out the countrey of Lailh, and faid unto their brethren , Do ye know that there is in thefe houfes an ephod, and teraphim , and a graven image , and a molten image ? now therefore con fider what ye have todo. i f And they turned thitherward, and came fought them an inheritance to dwell in : for to the houfe of the young man the Levite, even unto that day all their inheritance had not fal- unto the houfe of Micah, and ffaluted him. t Heb. 1 6 And the fix hundred men appointed with '** their weapons of wsrre,which were of the chil- dren of Dan, ftood by the cntring of the gate. 17 And the five men that went to fpie out the land , went up , and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the could finde a. place: and he cimeto mount E- phraim to the houfe of Micah,f as he journeyed. 9 And Micah faid unto him , Whence co- meft thou? And he faid unto him,I am a Levite of Beth-lehem-judah , and I go to fojourn where I may finde a place. 10 And Micah faid unto him, Dwell with me, and be unto me a father and a prieft, and I will give thee tcnflje^els of Giver by the yeare, fjOr,4fcW and Htafuitof apparel, and thy victuals. So fat, 6-c. the Levite went in . Heb. an o^ fl An(J t ^ e Levite was content to dwell vw+?" wit ^ tnei nan, and the young man was unto him as one of his fonnes. xi And Micah confecrated the Levite, and the young man became his prieft , and was in the houfe of Micah. 1 5 Then faid Micah, Now know I that the LORD will do me good, feeing I have a Levite to my prieft. CHAP. XVIII. i Tht Danites fend five men to feek out An inheritance. 1 <4t the houfe of Micah they consult with fona- than,andare encouraged in their way. 7 Thev fearch Laijh t and bring kick news of good hope*n Six hun- dred men are fent to furprife it. 14 In the way they io\> Micah of hit prieft and hit confecrate things. - 27 They wznxe Laifaand caB it Dan. Jo They let up idolatry, wherein Jonathan inherited the priejlhood. *Chap.i7. JN *thofe dayes there TVM no king in Ifrael: and >i:$.* land in thofe dayes the tribe of the Danites len unto them among the tribes of Ifrael. a And the children of Dan fent of their fa- mily, five men from their coaftSjfmtn of va- lour, from Zorah, and from E(htaol,to fpie out the land, and to fearch it; and they faid unto them , Go, fearch the land: who when they came to mount Ephraim, to the houfe of Mi- teraphimjandthe molten image: and the prieft cah, they lodged there. ftood in the entring of the gate, with the fix 3 When they were by the houfe of Micah, they knew the voice of the young man the Le- vite : and they turned in thither, and faid unto him, Who brought thee hither? and what ma- keft thou in this ptace?zr\d what haft thou here? 4 And he faid unto them, Thus and thus clealeth Micah with me, and hath hired me, and I am his prieft. 5 And they faid unto him , Ask counfel, we pray thee, of God, that we may know whether our way which we go (hall be profperous. 6 And the prieft faid unto them,Go in peace: before the L o R D is your way wherein ye go. hundred men that were appointed with wea* pons of warre. 18 And thefe went into Micahs houfe, and fetched the carved image , the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molren image : then faid the prieft unto them, What do ye ? 19 And they faid unro him,Hold thy peace, lay thine hand upon thy mouth, and go with us,and be to us a father and a prieft : is It better for thee to be a prieft unto the houfe of one man, or that thou be a prieft unto a" tribe and a family in Ifrael? zo And the priefts heart was lad , and he took The Danites fet up idolatry. Chap took theephod,and the teraphioij and the gra- ven image, and went in the midft of the people. 2 1 So they turned and departed, and put the little one jj and the cattel, and the carriage be- fore them. xix. The Levite and his concubine. fathers houfe to Beth-lehem-judah 3 and was 1*9 there || t foure whole moneths. |j Or, a year* $ And her husband arofe , and went after and /" hertofpeak f friendly unto her , and to bring "'u'cb.'dtyet her again , having his fervant with him, and a f a we m, n etht. leb. that ii ^And. when they were a good way from couple of afles : and fhe brought him into her f Heb the houfe of Micah , the men thatnwe in the fathers houfe, and when the father of the*" het houfesneare to Micahs houfe , were gathered damfel fawhim, herejoycedtomeet him. together, and overtook the children of Dan. 4 And his father in law, the damfels father, 2 3 And they cried unto the children of Dan: retained him, and he abode with him three and they turned their faces , and faid unto Mi- day es : Co they did eat and drink , and lodged cah, What aileth thee, f that thou comeft with fuch a company ? s,' tr ? " 24 And he faid,Ye have taken away my gods Which I made , and the prieft, and ye are gone away : and what have I more? and what is this that ye fay unto me, What aileth thee 25 And the children of Dan faid unto him, Let not thy voice be heard among us , left ieb. Htm f angry fellows run upon thee , and thou lofe but. thy life, with the lives of thy houfhold. 26 And the children of Dan went their way : and when Micah faw that they toe re too flrong for him , he turned and went back unto his houfe. ^7 And they took the things which Micah had made, and the prieft which he had , and came untoLaifh, unto a people that wife at ni <*> 9 and his concubine, and his fervant; his father that lleth by Beth-rehob: and they built a city, in law,the damfels father faid onto him 3 Behold and dwelt therein. now the day 1 drawejh towards evening,! pray t Kcb. 19 And they called the name of the *city Dan, after the name of Dan their father, who was born unto Ifrael : hcwbeit the name of the city was Laifh at the firft. 30 f And the children of Dan fet up the diS.i. d 21.15. Heb. it is* merry 5 and to morrow get you early on your time' /;& way, that thou mayeft go t home. day 10 But the man would not tarry that night, t Heb - * graven image: and Jonathan the fonne of but he rofe up and departed , and came f over ^^"'^ Gerfhom , the fonne of Manafleh , he and his againft Jebus, (which is Jerufalem) and there fonnes, were pricfts to the tribe of Dan, untill were with him two afles fadled , his concubine the day of the captivity of the land. alfonvu with him. 31 And they fet them up Micahs graven n ^wrfwhen they wert by Jebus , the day image, which he made, all the time that the was farre fpent , and the fervant faid unto his houfe of God was in Shiloh. maftcr , Come , I pray thee, and let us turn in unto this city of thejebufites, and lodge in it. 11 And his matter faid unto him , We will not turn afide hither into the city of a ftranger, that is not of the children of Ifrael , we will pjfleover to Gibeah. 1 $ And he faid unto his fervant, Come,and let us draw neare to one of thefe places to lodge all night, inGibeah,or inRamah. 1 4 And they parted on and went their way, and the funne went down upon them when they were by Gibeah, which bclongttb to Ben- C H A P. XIX, \A levitegoeth to Beth-lehtm to fetch home hu vtfe. \6 .ftll9~t againft the city, f knit together as one man. 11 fl And the tribes of Ifrael fent men through all the tribe of Benjamin,fay ing, What vvickednefle u this that is done among you? 15 Now therefore deliver us the men, the children of Belial, which are inGibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Ifrael. But the children of Benjimin would not hearken to the voice of their bre- thren the children of Ifrael : 14 But the children of Benjamin gathered themfelves together out of the cities, unto Gi- beah, to go out to battel againft the children of Ifrael. i j And the children of Ben jamin were num- bred at that time out of the cities, twenty and fix thoufand men that drew fword, befide the inhabitants of Gibeah, which were numbred (even hundred chofen men. 1 6 Among all this people there were feven hap. 5.15 hundred chofen men * left- handed, every one could fling ftones at znbzit-breadtb 3 Jind not miffe. 17 And the men of Ifrael,befide Ben jamin, were numbred foure hundred thoufand men that drew fword j all thefe were men of warre. 1 8 fl And the children of Ifrael arofe, and went up to the houfe of God, and asked coun- fel of God , and faid, Which of us (hall go up firft to the battel againft the children of Benja- min? And the LORD faid, ]u 14 And Benjamin came again at that rime; - and they gave them wives which they had faved alive of the women of Jabefh-gilead: and yet fo they fufficed them not. And the people repented them for Ben-l - " jamin , becaufe that the L o RD had made a breach in the tribes of Ifrael. 1 6 q Then the elders of the congregation faid, How fhall we do for wives for them that remain, feeing the women are deftroyed out of Benjamin? 1 7 And they faid, T here muft bezn inheri- tance for them that be efcaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not deftroyed out of Ifrael. found. alfo they fee on fire all the cities that t they tHtb.vw* came to. CHAP. XXI. I Vhepeople bewail the defection of Benjamin. S Er the dejbuftionof fabefi-gileAdi they provide them foure hundred wives. \6 They advife them to.fur- frife the virgins that danced at Shiloh. NOw the men of Ifrael had fworn in Mifc- peh, faying, There (hall not any of us give his daughter unto Benpmin to wife. z And the people came to the houfe of God, 18 Howbeit,we may notgwe them wives d abode there till even before God, and lift of our daughters;For the children of Ifrael have fworn, faying, Curfed be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin. 1 9 Then they faid 5 Behold,tfe* is a feaft of the LORD in Shiloh | yearly in a place which is f Heb. . 4 And it came to pafle on the morrow, that on the north- fide of Beth-el || on the eaft-fide y * the people rofe early, and built there an altar, |j of the high-way that goethupftom Beth-el to I ^ - Shechem,andonthefouthof Lebonah. (Jor, 20 Therefore they commanded the chil- dren of Benjamin, faying, Go and lie in wait in the vineyards : a i And fee, and behold, if the daughters of Shiloh and abode there up their voices, and wept fore : 3 And faid, O LORD God of Ifrael, why is this come to pafle in Ifrael, that there fhould be to day one tribe lacking in Ifrael ? 4 And it came to pafle on the r the people rofe early, and built th and offered burnt-offermgs,and peace-offerings $ And the children of Ifrael faid , .Who it there among all the tribes of Ifrael, that came not up with the congregation unto the LORD? for they had made a great oath concerning him Elimelech and Naomi. 1 Chap.'L Ruths conflancie^ Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then come and took them wives according to their num. a ye out of the vineyards , and catch you every her, of them that danced, whom they caught" man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh,and go and they went and returned unto their inhc- to the land of Benjamin. ritance, and repaired the cities, and dwelt in 2 1 And it (hall bc,when their fathers or their them. brethren c6me unto us to complain , that we 14 And the children of Ifrael departed thence t,grAtifii will fay unto them, (j Be favourable unto them at that time, every man to his tribe, and to his vthim, for our fakes: becaufewe refervednot to each family, and they went out from thence ctery man his wife in the warre: for ye did not man to his inheritance. give unto them at this time, tbut you Ihould be z ? * In thofe dayes there was no kin< in * L - guilcy. Ifrael: every man did th which wasnghc in anT.T. 23 And the children of Benjamin didfo, his own eyes. and i v.i. The book of CHAP. I. J Elnneleclj driven by famine into Moat, dieth there. 4 \LihloM and Chilian, buying married wives of Moab, dieaifo.6 Naomi returninghomenard^ di(- fvnadeth her two daughters in Ian from going tvith her. 14 Orpah leweth her, but Ruth with great con- Jlincie accompdnieth her. 19 They two come to Beth* iehem, where they are gladly received. 4-B^ilti^gOw it came to pafle in thedayes " when the judges f ruled , that there was a famine in the land : and a certain man of Beth-le- hem-judah went to fojourn in the countrey of Moab, he and his wife,and his two fonnes. x And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi , and the name of his two fonnes Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Beth-lehem-judah : and they lcbwiv* came into the countrey of Moab, and f conti- nued there. 3 And Elimelech Naomi's husband died, and flis was left, and her two fonnes : 4 And they took them wives of the women of Moab : the name of the one was Qrpab,and the name of the other Ruth : and they dwelled there about ten yeares. ) And Mahlon and Chilion died alfo both of them j. and the woman was left of her two fonnes,and her husband. 6 ^ Then (he arofe with her daughters in law,that (he might return from the countrey of Moab ; for (he had heard in the countrey of Moab, how that the L OR D had vifited his people, in giving them bread. 7 Wherefore (he went forth out of the place where (he was, and her two daughters in law with her : and they went on the way to return unto the land of Judah. 8 And Naomi faid unto her two daughters in law, Go, return each to her mothers houfe: the LORD deal kindly with you, as ye have dealc with the dead, and with me. TH. 9 The LORD grant you tint you may findc reft, each of you in the houfe of her husband. Then (be kifled them : "and they lift up their voice and wept<,i^, ir jy 10 And they faid unto her, Surely we will return with thee unto thy people. 1 1 And Naomi faid,Turn again 3 my daugh- ters: why will ye go with me? are there yet any mo fonnes in my wombe, that they may be your husbands ? 1 1 Turn again,my daughters, go your way, for I am too old to have an husband : if I (hould fay, I have hope, |) if 1 (hould have a n o .... husband alfo to night, and fliould alfo bear ILevLan fonnes : hmband. i j Would ye f tarrie foe them till they were t Heb. kf^ grown ? would ye ftay for them from having husbands ? nay, my daughters: for | it grieveth f Hcb. / me much for your fakes, that the hand of the Www* L o R D is gone out againft me. titterm/e^ 14 And they life up their voice , and wept again: andOrpah kifled her mother in law, but Ruth clave unto her. i j And (he faid, Behold, thy fitter in law is gone back unto her people, and unto her gods : return thou after thy fifter in law. 1 6 And Ruth faid, || Intreat me not to leave 11 or, be not thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goeft, I will go j and where thou lodged, I will lodge : thy people Jball be my people, and thy God my God : 17 Where thou dieft,willldie,and there will I be buried : the L o R D do fo to me, and more alfo, if ought but death part thee and me. 1 8 When (he faw that (he.jwas ftedfaftly minded to go with her, then flic left unto her. ip ^ So they two went untill they came to Beth-lehem : And it came to paffe when they were come to Beth-lehem, that all the citie was moved about them, and they faid, li this Naomi I Q 10 Ao4 Q That is, pleafant. , {I That IS, RutW toward Ruth, Boaz his courtehe 1 1 And Boat g nfvvctd and faid unto herj i c 10 And (he faid unto them , Call me not ^ ^^ me> ^ ,hat thou haft H Naomi , call me || Mara : for the Almighty ^ ^ ^^ in Uw fi the de ath of hath dealt very bitter y with me. M husbjnd . and btm t hou haft left thy fa- , I wentoutfull,and the LORD nat teand|h other ,and the land of thy nati- brought me home again empty -. whj r t M ea^ ^.^ and ^ come unO a peoplc which tho u yemeNaomi, feeing the LORD nau kneweft not heretofore, againft me , and the Almighty hath affli Thg LQRD recotnp e n r e thv work, and came to Beth-lehero in the be "harveft. l Then (he faid, Let me findc favour in|r, ^ I ^ lord}for hat thou haft com forted &. me and forthatthou haft fpoken \ friendly on- 1 H cb,.J t othmehandmaid,thoughlbenotUk e unto^, Atmeal-time . Naomi had akinfmanof her h- , a mighty man of wealth } of th fa- and his name .root Boaz. aa daughter. . ol d purpo fe for her , and leave them that ? And (he went , and came , and gfca hi' buke her not> : and .her t hap was le 1U LVt/MB^ **w* -- 17 aomc eleaned in the field untill even, and beat out that (he had gleaned : and it was about anephahof barley. 18 n And (he took irup,and went into the crs , anfwered and .<.- , damfel that came back wi countrey her that ^o And her mother in law faid ^'oher. Where haft thou gleaned to day ?^ and where vvrouehteft thou? bleffed be he that did take knowledge of thee. And (he (hewed her mo- therinlaw with whom (he had wrought, and ame with whom I wrought to moving now, do reap, and got. chareed the young men, tnat ., zo And Naomi faid unto her daughter m law, Bleffed be he of the LORD, who hath not left off his kindneffe to the living and to the dead. And Naomi faid unto her, The man jl neareof kinne unto us, \\ one of our next kinf- fl OT.J T,' And Ruth the Moabitefle faid, He faid '" Thou (halt keep faft by my young untilUhey have ended all my harveft. /And Naomi faid unto Ruth her daughter w daughter, that thou go oTene on her face, and bowed CHAJU. Rnth licth at Boaz his CHAP. III. f By Naomi her injlrtiftion, 5 Ruth tteth at Bfl-i? hb feet. 8 Bo.t acknovtledgeth the- right of a kinfman. 14 Hefendeth her aivay with fix ttlezfuret of barley. THen Naomi her mother in law faid unto her , My daughter, fhall I not feek reft for thee, that it may be well with thee ? z And now is not Boaz of our kindred ,with whofe maidens thou waft?behold,he winnow- eth barley to night in the threfhing-floore. j Wafh thy felf therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee , and get thee Chap. iii. in!.' He buyth the inheritance* haft upon thee , and hold it. And when flie 13* held it, he meafured fix meafures of barley, and laid it pn her : and the went into the city. 16 And when the came to her mother in law, (he faid, Who art thou my daughter? and (he told her all that the man had done to her. 1 7 And fhe faid,Thefe fix meafyrcs of barley gave he me ; for he faid to me, Go not eroptic unto thy mother in law. 1 8 Then faid fhe, Sitftill,my daughter,un- till thou know how the matter will tall : for the man will not be in reft , untill he have fi- down to the floore : but make not thy felf ni(hed the thing this day. known unto the man, untill he fhall have do/ie eating and drinking. 4 And it fhall be when he lieth down, that thou fhalt mark the place where he fhall lie,and 3>r, lift no thoulhalt gi n i and || uncover his feet, and * clothes lay thee down j ac-d he will tell thee what thou tareonhk fhall do. Dr, tot ,U on. CHAP. IIII/ I BoaZcaBeth into judgement the next k^mMt. refufeth the redemption according to the maun Ifrae!. 9 Boa buyeth the inheritance, i riethRuth. ij She be^rttb Obed the grandfather of Dnid. 18 The generation ofPhare. THen went Boaz up to the gate , and fat him down there .- and behold, the kinfman of whom Boaz fpake, came byj unto whom he faid, Ho, fuch a one, turn afide, fit down here. And he turned afide, and fat down. 2 And he took ten men of the elders of the city, and faid, Sit ye down here. And they fat down. -|e" ' 3 And he faid unto the kinfman,Naomi that is come again out of the countrey of Moab felleth a parcel of land, which tvus our brother Elimelechs. 4 And f I thought to advertife thee , faying, f Heb. / Buy it before the inhabitants, and before the/*" J;* 9 And he faid, Who Art thou? And (he an- elders of my people. If rhou wilt redeem it, re- ^^' ! r " fwered , I am Ruth thine handmaid t fpread deem it > but if thou wilt not redeem it, then. tell me, that I may know : for there is none to ? And fhe faid unto her, All that thou fay eft unto me, I will do. 6 f And fhe went down unto the floore, and did according to all that her mother in law bade her. 7 And when Boaz had eaten and drunk,and his heart was merry,he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn: and fhe came foftly, and uncovered his feet, and laid her down. 8 f And it came to pafle at midnight , that the man was afraid, and || turned himfelf: and behold,a woman lay at his feet. for therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid OT,ntthat thou art jja neare kinfman. \th right to 10 And he faid,Bleffed be thou of the LORD deem. m y daughter : for thou haft fhewed more kind- nefle in the latter end , then at the beginning, inafmuch as thou followedft not young men, whether poore or rich. 1 1 And now my daughter , fear not, I will do to thee all that thou requireft : for all the Heb. gate, f city of my people doth know , that thou art a vertuous woman. 1 1 And now it is true , that I am thy neare kinfman : howbeit there is a kinfman nearer then I. 1 3 Tarry this night , and it fhall be in the morning , that if he will perform unto thee the part of a kinfmanjWell,let him dothe'kinf- mans part; bat if he will not do the part of a kinfman to thee, then will I do the part of a kinfman to thee,^j theL o n. D liveth;lie down untill the morning. 14 f And fhe lay at his feet untill the morn- ing : and fiie rofe up before one could know another. And he faid,Let it not be known that Ur.Jbitt) 3 woman came into the floore. r frn* ' J j Alfo he faid, Bring the U vail that thou redeem it befides thee^and I am after thee. And he faid, I will redeem it. 1 Then faid Boaz , What day thou buyeft the field of the hand of Naomi, thou muft buy it alfo of Ruth the Moabitefle, the wife of the dead, to raife up the name of the dead upon his inheritance. 6 f And the kinfman faid,I cannot redeem it for my felf, left I mar re mine own inheri- tance: redeem thou my right to thy felf, fo- 1 cannot redeem it. 7 * Now this was the manner in former time * Deut. 15. inlfrael,concerningrjedeeming,and concerning 7>* changing, for to confirm all things: a man plucked off his (hoe , and gave it to his neigh- bour: and this was a teftimony in Ifrael. 8 Therefore the kinfman faid unto Boaz, Buy it for thee : fo he drew off his fhoe. 9 f And Boaz faid unto the elders, and un- to all the people , Ye are witneflis this day, that I have bought all thatn>45Elimclechs,and all that WM Chilions, and Mahlons, of the hand of Naomi. i o Moreover, Ruth the Moabitefle, the wife of Mahlon , have I purchafed to be my wife, to Elkanah and his wives? I. Samuel. Hannah pray eth fora fonne; 136 raife up the name of the dead upon his inhe- i f And he fliall be unto thee 3 reftorer of ritance , that the name of the dead be not cut thy life,and f a nounfher of | thine old age: for t Heb. to off from among his brethren,and from the gate thy daughter in law which loveth thee , which "'"" of his place ; ye are witneffes this day. is better to thee then feven fonnes , hath born ] ' h ' A 1 1 And all the people that were in the gate, him. and the elders hid,vpe are witneffes: The LORD 16 And Naomi took the childe , and laid it make the woman that is come into thine houfe, in her bofome, and became nurfe unto it. like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build 1 7 And the women her neighbours gave it n Or vt tbte the houfe of Ifrael : and ({ do thou worthily in a name, faying, There is a fonne born to Nao- JU,or Ephratah and f be famous in Beth-lehem. mi , and they called his nameObed : he is the ii And let thy houfe be like the houfe of father of Jeffe, the father of David. Pharez (* whom Tamar bare unto Judah) of 18 f Now thefc are the generations of the feed which the L o R D fliall give thee of Pharez : * this young woman. 1 3 U So Boaz took Ruth , and fhe was his wife:and when he went in unto her,the LORD gave her conception, and fhe bare a fonne. 14 And the women faid unto Naomi ,Blcfled the L o R D which hath not t left thee this fottr, name. * Gen.jS. Pharez begat Hezron, * i.Chron.: 19 And Hezron begat Ram , and Ram be- Jj atth i Heb. ctufid ' " . y Or,rtd(tm- famous in Ifrael. day without a || kinfthan,that his name may be gat Amminadab, 10 And Amminadab begat NabJhon, and Nahftion begat (j Salmon, 11 And Salmon begat Boiz, and Boaz be- gat Obed, And" Obed begat Jeffe , and Jefle begat frfo^^^ Thfirf book otherwife called, The firft book of the CHAP. I. I Elkand * levite, having two wives, ivorfbipfeth yearly at Shiloh. 4 H< chenfbeth Hannah , though 'barren-,and provoked by Pemnnah. 9 Hannah in "t-it?, prayeth for a childe. i a Eli first rebuking her, afterwards blefjeth her. 19 Hannah havingborn Sa- muel, ftajeth at home till be be weaned. 34 She frt- fenteth hint, according to her t/ow, to the LOR D. Ow there was a certain man of Ramathaim - zo- phim, of mount Ephraim, and his name TVM Elka- nah,the fonne of Jeroham, the fonne of Elihu , the fonne of Tohu, the fonne of Zuph,anEphrathi-te : a And he had two w'fves, the name of the one was Hannah , and the name of the other Peninnah : and Peninnah had children , but Hannah had no children. 3 And this man went up out of his city *ncutiiff;. *f yearly toworfhip and tofacrifice unto the LORD of hofts in Shilohjand the two fonnes of Eli>Hophni andPhinehas, the prieftsof the LORD, were there. 4 f And when the time was that Elkanah offered , he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to V Or, d dvtAlt a ^ k r fonnes and her daughtets,portions. .5 But unto Hannah he gave {J a worthy portion : for he loved Hannah, but the LORD had fhutupherwombej 6 And her advcrfarie alfo f provoked her f H e b -fitmti fhe went up to the houfe of the L o R D , fo (he **"" thae provoked herj therefore fhe wept,& did not eat. "y Heb?/? 8 Then faid Elkanah her husband to her, htr glng^ Hannah, why weepeft thouJ and whyeateft thou not ? and why is thy heart grieved ? am not 1 better to thee then ten fonnes ? 9 ff So Hannah rofe up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk : ("now Eli the pheft fat upon a feat by a poll of the temple of the Lo R D ) 10 And fhe was i in bitterneffe of foul , and f Heb.to! prayed unto the L o R D> and wept fore. //* 1 1 And fhe vowed a vow , and faid , O LORD of hofts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affii&ion of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid f a man-childe, then f Heb. /? I will give him unto the LORD all the dayes / .of his life, and * there fliall no rafourcomeup- Num. 6. on his head. Judg .13.5 i z, And it came to paffe as fhe t continued J Heb. r u praying before the LORD, that Eli marked tifiied her mouth, P***- Samuel is born? Chap. ii. 1 3 Now Hannah , (he fpak in her heart, onely her lips moved , but her voice was not heard : therefore Eli thought (lie had been drunken. 14 And Eli faid unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken?put away thy wine from thee. 1 5 And Hannah anfwered and faid, No,my !eb. hard lord, I am a woman f of a forrowfull fpirit : I have drunk neither wine nor ftrong drink, but have poured out my foul before the L o R D. 16 Count not thine handmaid for a daugh- ter of Belial ; for out of the abundance of my r, mtdi- || complaint and grief have I fpoken hitherto. 1 7 Then Eli anfwered and faid,Go in peace: and the God of Ifrael grant thee thy petition rhat thou haft asked of him. 1 8 And (he faid, Let thine handmaid findc grace in thy fight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no mote fad. 19 fl And they rofe up in the morning ear- ly, and worfhipped before the L o R D,and re- turned , and came to their houfe to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife, and the LORD remembred her. Jeb. MI- io Wherefore it came to pane, f when the * / time was come about , after Hannah had con- ceived , that (he bare a fonne,and called his Hannahs thankfglving: CHAP. II. j 7 I H4nnihsfonginth.-Mkfulneffe.il tht (innt of Elf t fowies. 1 8 Samuels mmifterie. 20 By Bit's blefsiw, Hannah u more fruitful!. al Eli refresh 4 fonnes. 27 ^prophefragaiKX Eli', hon{e. A Nd Hannah prayed, and faid, My heart rejoyceth in the LORD, mine horn is ex- alted in the L o R D : my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies : becaufe I re Joyce in thv falvation. z There It none. holy as the L ORD: foe there none befide thee ; neither there any rock like our God. 3 Talk no more fo exceeding proudly, lee not f arrogancie come out of your mouth : for f Heb. I* the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed. 4 The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that ftumbled, are girt with ftrength. ? They that were full, have hired out them- felves for bread , and they that were hungry, ceafed : (b that the barren hath born feven, and (he that hath many children , is waxed feeble. 6 * The LORD killeth,and maketh alive: * D eu t ?: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth 39. up. Tob.ij.a. 7 TheL o R D maketh poore,and maketh tUVWj tiiaw nix* uaiu a tui&uv 3 aiu vauvu in 3 ** fwv^a*m name |j Samuel, faying, Becaufe I have asked rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. him of the L o R D. 2 1 And the man Elkanah,and all his houfe, went up to offer unto the LORD the yearly facrifice, and his vow. za But Hannah went not up j for (he faid unto her husband, I mil not go up untill the childe be weaned, and then 1 will bring him, that he may appear before the L o R D , and there abide for ever. And Elkanah her husband faid unto her, 8 He * raifeth up the poore out of the duff, and lifteth up the beggcr from the dunghill, to *PfaIuj.jp ktthem among princes, and to make them in- herit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORDS, and he hath fee the World upon them. 9 He will keep the feet of his faints , and the wicked (hall be filent in darknefle j for by ftrength (hall no man prevail. 10 Theadverfaries of the Lo RD (hall be Do what feemeth thee good, tarry untill thou broken to pieces : * out of heaven (hall he * Chap r" 1 i ji i._ *i T k A.Li: A, *U 11 **^ l for thou calledft me. And he fiid, I called not; ^ ^ ^" ; lie down again. And he went and lay down. ^ t he 6 And the L o R D called yet again, Samuel. L o R D>&* And Samuel arofe and went to Eli, and faid, k '^ e ' h ' hf Here am I, for thou didft call me. And he an- ** ^-J ^ fwered, I called nor, my fonne; lie down again. rfVea i t 4 H nto 7 11 Now Samuel did not yet know the him. LORD, Samuel called. Chap, iiiu The ark is taken. LOR D,neither was the word of the LORD yet againft Ifrael : and when f they joyned battel, 139 revealed unto him. Ifrael was fmitten before the Phihftines : and t H b. th, they flew oft the army in the field about foure '/ ttl d *" 8 AndcheLoRD called Samuel again the third time, And he arofe, and went to li,and thoufand men. faid, Here am I,for thou didft call me. And Eli perceived that the LORD had called the childe. the camp , the elders o 3 U And when the people were come into f Ifrael faid,, Wherefore 9 Therefore Eli faid unto Samuel , Go, lie hath the LORD fmitten ui to day before the down, and it fhall be, if he call thee, that thou {halt fay, Speak LORD, for thy fervantheareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place. 10 And the LORD came, and ftood & called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Sa- muel anfwered, Speak, for thy fetvant heareth. 1 1 ^ And the LORD faid to Samuel,Behold, I will do a thing in Ifrael , at which both the between the cherubims: and the two fonnes of ',Kings si. cares of * every one that heareth it, fhall tingle. Eli, Hophm and Phinehas,wrff there, with the i z In that day,I will perform againft Eli,all Phihftinesi Let us f fetch the ark of the cove- f H cb. nant of the L o R D out of Shiloh unto us, that """ ** when it cometh among us , it may fave us out of the hand of our enemies. 4 So the people fcnt to Shiloh , that they might bring from thence the ark of the cove- nant of the L o R D of hofts, which dwelleth t Hcb. 2. things which I have fpoken concerning his fHeb. bfia- houfe: f when I begin,! will alfo make an end. ^ an i j || * For I have told him,that I will judge |0r,wr his houfe for ever, for the iniquity which he till till him, knoweth : becaufe his fonnes made themfelves &* || vile, and he f reftrained them not. ' ~ ,. p !, :9> J 4 And therefore I have fworn unto the houfe of Elijthat the iniquitie of Eli's houfe (hall not be purged with facrifice nor offering for ever. iff And Samuel lay untill the morning,and opened the doorcs of the houfe of the-L o R D: and Samuel feared to (hew Eli thevifion. 16 Then Eli called Samuel,and faid^Samuel my fonne. And he anfwered, Here am I. 17 And he faid , What u the thing that the LORD hath faid unto thee? I pray thee hide it not from me: God do fo to thee,and f more al fo,if thou hide any j| thing from me, of all the things that he faid unto thee. 1 8 And Samuel 1 told him f every whit, and hid nothing from hinu And he faid , It is the LORD: let him do what feemeth him good. J Or, wrd. t Hcb. -// the things^ or fferdt. ark of the covenant of God. f And when the ark of the covenant of the LORD came into the camp, all Ifrael fliouted with a great ftiout , fo that the earth rang a- gain. 6 And when the Phiiiftines heard the noife of the fhoutj they faid, What mtaneth the noife of this great (hout in the camp of the Hebrews? And they underftood that the ark of the LORD was come into the camp. 7 And the Philiftines were afraid , for they faid , God is come into the camp. And they faid, Wo unto usj for there hath not been fuch a thing f heretofore. f Hcb. 8 Wo unto us : who (hall deliver us out of **}> or '* the hand of thefe mighty Gods ? thefe are the thtrd *"> Gods that fmote the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wildernefle. 9 Be ftrong, and quit yoUc felveslike men, Oye Philiftines , that ye be not fervants unto the Hebrews, *as they have been to you: tquit Tud<.ij.i. your felves like men, and fight. t He ^ bt And the Philiftines fought, and Ifrael *** 10 19 fl And Samuel grew , and the L o R D was fmitten , and they fled every man into his was with him , and did let none of his words tent : and there was a very great flaughter, for fall to the ground. there fell of Ifrael thirty thoufand footmen. 20 And all Ifrael from Dan even to Beer- 1 1 And the ark of God was taken* and the fheba knew that Samuel was \\ eftablifhed to be two fonnes of ElijHophni and Phinehas,twere ^ j^ Aitd a prophet of the LORD. flain. n f And there ran a man of Benjamin but of the army , and came to Shiloh the fame day with his clothes rent , and with earth upon his head. 13 And when he came, lo , Eli fat upon a feat by the way-fide , watching : for his heart trembled for the ark of God. And when the man came into the city and told it , all the city cried out. 14 And when Eli heard the noife of the cry- ing,he faid, What meaneth the noife of this tu- mult? And the man came in haftily } & told Eli. i ? Now Eli was ninety and eight ycares old; and * his eyes t were dimme, that he could not chap." j. . fee. t H b jieod. Q_4 Jl> And x i And the LORD appeared again in Shiloh: for the LORD revealed himfelf to Samuel in Shiloh, by the word of the L o R D. CHAP. I III. l The Ifraelitei are wercome by the Phtli^ines at Eben eer. j They fetch the ark, to the terrour of the Phtlitfines. joThey are [mitten again, the ark t.iken, Hopknr andPhinshatarefliin. n Eli at the new, falling backward, breaketh hit neck- 19 Phi- nehat wife difcoursgtd in her nwa.il vtith I-chabod t ditth. [I Or, camt to A N<1 the wor<1 of Samu el [] i came to all If- v*ff*. E* rael. Now Ifrael went out againft the Phi- liftines to battel,and pitched befide Eben-ezer: and the Philiftines pitched in Aphek. i And the Philiftines put themfelves in aray 240 Eli dietlu The ark and Dagom I. Samuel. The Philiftines plagued. 1 6 And the man faid unto Eli, I am he that upon them of Afhdod, and he deftroyed them, came out of the army , and I fled to day out of and fmote them with* emerods , even Alhdod* p fal-7 8 t Heb. it the the army. And he faid a What t is there done,my and the coafts thereof. 66 * 7 And when the men of Afhdod faw that it fetu fo, they faid, The ark of the God of Ifrael thing. on us, and upon Dagon our god. 8 They fent therefore , and gathered all the lords of the Philiftines unto them , and faid, What (hall we do with the ark of the God of Ifrael ? And they anfwered, Let the ark of the God of Ifrael be carried about unto Gath. And they carried the ark of the God of Ifrael about thither. 9 And it was/0,that after they had carried it fonne ? 17 And the meffenger anfwered and faid, Ifrael is fled before the Philiftines , and there fhall not abide with us: for his hand is fore up. hath been alfo a great (laughter among the people , and thy two fonnes alfo, Hophni and Phinehas,are dead,and the ark of God is taken. 18 And it came to pafle when he made mention of the ark of God , that he fell from off the feat backward by the fide of the gate, and his neck brake, and he died: for he was an old man, and heavy. And he had judged Ifrael fourty yeares. 19^ And his daughter in law Phinehas wife about, the hand of the LORD was againft the Was with childe neare \\to be delivered: and city with a very great deftrudion: andhe fmote when (H heard the tidings that the ark of God the men of the city both fmall and great , and ircas taken , and that her father in law, and her they had emerods in their fecret parts, husband were dead , fhe bowed her felf and i Therefore they fent the ark of God to t Hcb. wtrt travailed j for her pains f came upon her, Ekron j and it came to pafle as the ark of God turned. 20 And about the time of her deathjthe wo- came to Ekron, that the Ekronkes cried out, men that flood by her, faid unto her, Fear nor, faying, They have brought about the ark of the for thou haft born a fonne. But fhe anfwered God of Ifrael to us, to flay us and our people. tHeb.// not not, f neither did (he regard it. n So thsy fent and gathered together all htr heart. Z i And (he named the childe {jl-chabod, the lords of thePbiliftines, and faid, Send a- H *kat_ 1S > h faying,The glory is departed from Ifrael : (be- way the ark of the God of Ifrael, and let it go */'' or. ' * cau ^ the ark of God was taken, and becaufe of again to his own place , that it flay us not, and our people : for there was a deadly definition $ Or, to cry tut. there her father in law and her husband) ^^ And fhe faid, The glory is departed from Ifrael : for the ark of God is taken. CHAP. V, j the Philistines having brought the ar\ tntoiAfhJoslt fet it in the houft cfDigon. J Dagon it fmitten down and cut in pieces , and they of i^fidod fmitten with tmerods. 8 So Go d dealeth with them of Gath, when 2t was brought thitherto andfo with them of Ely on, when it was brought thither. A Nd the Philiftines took the ark of God,and X\brought it from Eben-ezer unto Afhdod. i WhenthePhiliftines took the ark of God, they brought it into the houfe of Dagon , and fet it by Dagon. 5 f And when they of Afhdod arofe early ervthe morrow, behold, Dagon tvas fallen up- on his face to the earth , before the ark of the LORD: and they took Dagon,and fet him in his place again. 4 And when they arofe early on the morrow e throughout all the city $ the hand of God was very heavy there. i z And the men that died not , were fmit- ten with the emerods : and the crie of the city went up to heaven. CHAP, VI. I i^fter feven monethi the Philiftines take cattnfel hew to fend back the ark- 10 they bring it on a. new c.irt with ax offering unto Beth-flemefk. 19 The people are [mhtenfor looking into the ar^ 21 They fend to themoff^irjith-jelrim to fetch it. ANd the ark of the LORD wasinthecoun- trey of the Philiftines feven moneths. ^ And the Philiftinei called for the priefts and the diviners , faying, What (hall we do to the ark of the LORD? tell us wherewith we fliall fend it to his place. 3 And they faid, If ye fend away the ark of the God of Ifrael, fend it not empty; but in any II Or, tk wife return him a trefpaffe- offering : then ye (hall be healed , and it fhill be known to you, morning , behold, Dagon wot fallen upon his why his hand is not removed from you. face to the ground, before the ark of the 4 Then faid they,WhatJJb//e the trefpafle- cffering which we fhall return to him ? They anfwered jFive golden emerods,and five golden mice , according to the number of the lordsof the Philiftines: for one plague was onfyou all, f Heb.f/w>. and on your lords. y Wherefore ye fhall make images of your emerods , and images of your mice that marre the land, and ye fhall give glory unto the God "^hcen his hand frora LORD: and the head of Dagon, and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the thre- fhold , onely (} the flump of Dagon was left to him. 5 Therefore neither the priefis of Dagon, nor any that come into Dagons houfe, tiead on the thre(hold of Dagon in Aftidod , unto this day. 6 But the hand of the L OR D was heavy of Ifrael:'peradYemure he will 1 The ark fent to Betkfliemefh.' Chap. vii. Ifrael repentcth: from off you, and from ofFyourgods a andfrom (lone o/"AbeI,whereon they fet down the ark of 141 off your land. the LORD: which flonc remainttb unto this 6 Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts day, in the field of Jofhua the Beth-fhemite. as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their ip ^jAnd he fmote the men of Beth.fhe- r, tepnck- hearts? when he had wrought || wonderfully a- mefh , becaufe they had looked into the ark of y> C mong them , * did they not let f the people go, the L o R D , even he fmote of the people fifty t*od.ii and they departed ? thoufand and threefcore and ten men : and the teb thim. 7 Now therefore make a new cart,and take people lamented, bccaufe the L o R D had fmit- ' two milch- kine, on which there hath come no ten many of the people with a great {laughter, yoke, andtiethekine to the cart, and bring 20 And the men of Beth.fhemefhfaid, Who their calves home from them : is able to ftand before this holy LORD God? 8 Andtake the ark of the LORD, and lay and to whom fhall he go up from us? it upon the cart , and put the jewels of gold 1 1 f And they fent meffengers to the inha- which ye rewrn him for a trefpafle-ofrering, in bitants of Kirjath-jearim , faying , The Phili- a coffer by the fide thereof, and fend it away, ftines hare brought again the ark of the LORD} that it may go. come ye down, and fetch it up to you. 9 And fee, if it goeth up by the way of his C H A P. V 1 1. coaft CO Beth.fhemeflvfo II ne natn done , fkn ofKirlath-ieirhn brim the ark into the ht 9 , own coaft to Beth-fhemeflv^B || he hath done us this great evihbut if not,then we (hall know that it is not his hand that fmote us ; it was a chance that happened to us. 10 4 And the men did fo : and took two inilch-kine, and tied them to the cart, and (hut up their calves at home: They ofQrjith-jeirnn bring the ark mto the hanfe of lAbmidob, andfcnXifeZle^ar hufenne to keep it, sifter twenty yeares , 3 the Ifraelttej AT Somttls repent at Mi&eh, 9 While Samuel means, jOiemmy) eperuai. Mi^pcv, y "HiLfvum praTeth*n d T vvi11 P ra ^ or ^T"* t ?*$.' 6 And they gathered together to Mizpeb, ^nd drew water and poured n oat Before the LORD , andfafted onthar day, and rd there, We have finned agamft the LORD. And Samuel judged the children of Ifrael in ^ lZ P eb ; , 7 And when the Philiftmes heard that the children of Ifrael were gathered togethe. Mizpeh , the lord, ^M39B 3g ainft Ifrael , and vvhenthe ^*$** tl heard^ | Ceafe not to cry unto the LORD our God for us , that he will fave us out of th^oand of the Philiftines. ' 9 <; AndSamocl took The Philiftines fubdued. I. Samuel. A king defcribed by Samuel; 142, offered it for a burnc.offering wholly unto the thee , but they have rejected me that I fhould LORD, and Samuel cried unto the L o R D for U Or,- Saul, a choice young man, and a goodly: and And theaflesofKim^ Sauls father, were loft; and Kith faid to Saul his fonne,Take now one of the fervants with thee , and arife, go feek the afles. 4 And he pafled through mount "Ephraim, to the high place. if ^ * Now the LORD had j told Samuel *Chap.i$.i in his care a day before Saul came, fay ing, Aa 3*u 1 To morrow about this time I will fend ^JJjJ' "' therewas not' among the children of Ifrael a thee a man out of the land of Benjamin , and Mf ,,f & goodlier perfon then he: from his moulders and thou malt anoint him to be captain over my mutt. upward, he was higher then any of the people. people Ifrael, that he may fave my people our - of the hand of the Philiftmes : for I have look- ed upon my people, becaife their cry is come- unto me. 1 7 And when Samuel faw Saul, the LORD faid unto him, Behold the man whom I fpake and pafled through the land of Shahma, but to thee of: this fame {hall fieigne over my f Heb,r*i they found them not: then they pafled through people. ^^ n -^ \ 1 8 Then Saul drew neare to Samuel in the gate, and faid, Tell me, I pray thee, where the fcers houfe is. 19 And Samuel anfwered Saul, and faid, I atn the feer : go up before me unto the high place, for ye {hall eat with me to day ; and o morrow I will let thee go,and will tell thee all that is in thine heart. 20 And as for thine afles that were left t three dayes ago , fet not thy minde on them, f Heb u for they are found : and on whom is all the de- the land of Shalim, and there they were not: and he pafled through the land of the Bcnja- mitcs, but they found tbemnot. f And when they were come to the land of Zuph, Saul did to his fervant that was with him, Come 3 and let us return; left my father leave caring for the afles, and take thought for us. 6 And he faid unto him, behold now, there Is in this city a man of God, and he is an ho- nourable man; all that he faith, cometh furely to pafle : now let us go thither; peradventure fire of Ifrael ? is it not on thee, and on all thv d *3 e '* __ n _ -i _:i - fL * i i ii_ r._i i r_ i * he can {hew us our way that we mould go. 7 Then faid Saul to his fervant , But be- hold jjfwe gOjWhat mall we bring the man?for u the bread t is fperit in ourveflels, and there is tof, not aprefentto bring to the man of God: what f have we? is 8 And the fervant anfwered Saul again, and 'tbtrt faid, Behold, f I have here at hand the fourth 'in my part of a fhekel of fiber: that will I give to the man of God , to tell us our way. 9 ( Beforetime in Ifrael, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he fpake, Come, and let us go to the feer : for he that is now catted a Prophet, was beforetime called a SeerJ 10 Thenfaid Saul to bisfervant,t Well fiid, fathers houfe i zi And Saul anfwered and faid, 'Am not T a Benjaraite of the fmalleft of the tribes of If- rael? and myfamilietheleaftof all the fami- lies of the tribe of Benjamin ? wherefore then fpeakcft thou \ fo to me \ f Heb. *> 21 And Samuel took Saul, and his fervant y r ^ ** and brought them into the parlour, and made wr - tt ' them fit in the chiefeft place among them thac were bidden, which were about thirty perfons. 23 And Samuel faid unto the cook , Bring the portion wh^:h I gave thee, of which I faid* unto thee, Set it by thee, 24 And the cook took up the moulder, and that which was upon it, and fet it before Saul: AW i LI vii i,aiu *^aui M* uio ivi vaAibj | T *.** iju^ *-*, vvtiivki v vaj UJJVSL* ikj aiiu t^VWM utlUIC OdUI. come, let us go: fo they went unto the city and5> ;*' thee the word of God. day. CHAP,- Saul anointed by Samuel 4 4 CHAP. X. 1 Samutl unomteth Saul, i tie confirvtetk him lypre- d&ton. of three fignes.9 Sauls heart it chxn?ed>j ht ^ A brought him no prefents; but [| he held \to}*tbhkt peace. hatttxtadta CHAP. The Anamonites are difcomfited. Chap, xi, xii. \Ktb.fir- CHAP. XI. I Nahafl offereth them of $ abefi- gilead a retrochfull condition. 4 Theyfendmeflcngerj, and are delivered by Saul, i j Saul thereby it confirmed , and hit king- dome renewed. THen Nahafli the Ammonite came up, and encamped againft Jabelh-gilead: and all the men of Jabefti faid unto Nahafh , Make a covenant with us, and we will icr ve thee. z And Nahaih the Ammonite anfwered them,On this condition will Imake a, covenant with you , that I may thruft out all your right eyes, and lay it for a reproch upon all Ifrael. 3 And the elders of Jabelh faid unto him, j Give us feven dayes refpit , that we may fend meflengers unto all the coafts of Ifrael : and then if there be no man to fare us,we will come out to thee. 4 f Then came the meflengers to Gibeah of Saul, and told the tidings in the eares of the Samuels integrity; hath wrought fa! vat ion in Ifrael. 1 4 Then faid Samuel to the people, Come, and let us go toGilgal, and renew the king- dome there. i j And all the people went to Gilga! , and there they made Saul king before the L o R D in Gilgal : and there they facrificcdfacrifices of peace-offerings before the LORD: and there Saul and all the men of Ifrael rejoyced greatly. CHAP. XII. I Simtitl teftifieth bit integrity. 6 tie reprfueth tf>e feofle of ingratitude. \6 He terrtfieth them with thunder in harie;l-tatit' ao He comfortcth them IK Codj mercy. A Nd Samuel faid unto all Ifrael , Behold,! forth your fathers out of Egypt, and made lt them dwell in this place. 9 And when they forgat the LORD their God , *he fold them into the hand of Sifera, *i captain of the hoft of Haior,and into the hand of the Philiftines, and into the hand of the kmgofMoab,and they fought againft them. 10 And they cried unto the LoRD,andfaid, We have finned, becaufe we haveforfaken the '* ii f And the people faid unto Samuel, LOR o,and have ferved Baalim and Alhtaroth: *4ho it he that laid , Shall Saul reigne over us? but now deliver us out of the hand of our enc- bring the men, that we may put them to death, mies, and we will ferve thee. 1 3 And Saul faid , There fhall not a man 1 1 And the L o R D fent Jerubbaal,and Be- te put to death this day : for to day the LORD dan , and * Jephthah , and Samucl,and deli- Samuels exhortation? I. Samuel. 1 HereprovethSaui; 2- Saul chofehim three thoufand men of If- rael whereof two thoufand were with Saul in vered you out of the hand of your enemies on very fide, and ye dwelled fafe. And when ye favi that Nahafh the king of Michmafo and in mount Beth- el , and a thou- ildren of Ammoncame againft you, ye fand were with Jonathan inGibeah of Ben- jamin : and the reft of the people he fent every man to his tent. And Jonathan fmote the garifonof the the children of Amman came faid unto me, Nay, buc a king (hall reigne over us; when the LORD your God WM your king. 1 3 Nowtherefore,behold the king whom ye j Heb; tnoutb. t Heb. tt have chofen , and whom ye have defired : and Philiftines that was in [| Geba , and the Phili- 11 o r ,^# hil behold, the L o R D hath fet a king over you. Itines heard of it and Saul blew the trumpet 14 If ye will fear the LORD, and ferve him, throughout all the land , faying , Let the He- brews heare. 4 And all Tfrael heard fay , that Saul had fmitten a garifonof the Philiftines, and that Ifrael alfo f was had in abomination with the t H b. dti Philiftines: and the people were called toge-^'"^* ther after Saul toGilgal. ? f And the Philiftines gathered themfelves together , to fight with Ifrael, thirty thoufand chariots , and fix choufand horfemen, and peo* and obey his voice, and not rebell againft the f commandment of the L o R D, then (hall both ye , and alfo the king that reigneth over you, f continue following the LORD your God. i y But if ye will not obey the voice of the LORD, but rebell againft the commandment of the LORD, then (hall the hand of the LORD be againft you, as it was againft your fathers. i 6 q Now therefore ftand and fee this great thing which the LORD will do before your eyes pie asthe.fand which is on the fea-(hore in 17 Is if not wheat-harveft to day? I will call multitude : and they came up , and pitched in unto the L o R D, and he (hall fend thunder and Michmafti, eaft-ward from Beth-aven. rain : that ye may perceive and fee that your 6 When the men of Ifrael faw that they wickednefle is great, which yc have done in the were in a ftrait, (for the people were diftreflcdj light of the L o R D, in asking you a king. then the people did hide themfelves in caves, 1 8 So Samuel called unto the LoRD,and the -"---=-' LORD fent thunder & rain that day: and all the people greatly feared the LORD and Samuel. 19 And all the people faid unto SamueljPray for thy fervants unto the L o R D thy God,that we die not : for we have added unto all our finnes, t hit evil, to ask us a king. and in thickets,and in ro&ks,ind in high places, and in pits. 7 And fame of the Hebrews went over Jor- dan to the land of Gad and Gilead: as for Saul, he tva s yet in Gilgal , and all the people f fol- * Hc k tn lowed him trembling. bUd afttr 8 f * And he tarried feven d ayes, according him. to the fet time that Samuel had appointed: but * c ' Samuel came not to Gilgal, and the people * were fcattered from him. 9 And Saul faid, Bring hither a burnt- offer- 21 And tarn ye not afide, for tbenjbould ye ing to me, and peace-offerings. And he offered after vain things , which cannot profit nor the burnt-offering. 10 And it came to pafle , that aflbonashe 10 ^ And Samuel faid unto the people, Fear not : ( ye have done all this wickednefle , yet turn not afide from following the L o R D, but ferve the L o R D with all your heart : deliver, for they are va 1 z For the L o R D will not forfake his peo- ple , for his great names fake : becaufe it hath pleafed the L o R D to make you his people. 2 3 Moreover , as for me, God forbid that I f Hcb. from fhould (inne againft the LOR D,| in ceafing to crajtug. pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the tight way. 14 Onely fear the LORD, and ferve him in truth with all your heart: for confider |j how great things he hath done for you. t.% But if ye (hall (till do wickedly, ye (hall beconfumed,both ye and your king. CHAP. XIII. \ Sauls [elected band. 3 We caJJeth the Hebrews to Gil- gal againft the, Philiftines , whofe garifon Jonathan hadfmitten. 5 The Philiftines great host. 6 The di- flreffeofthe Ifraelitts. B Saul weary of flay ing for Sa- muel, facrificeth. 1 1 Samuel refroutth hint, if The three ff oiling lands of the PhiliHines. 19 The politic tfthe Philiftines, t fuffer no fmith in Ifrael. oAul-t reigned one yeare, and when he had Oreigned two yearcs over Israel, (| Or, if hat * great thing, f Hcb, th fonM ff em y tart in hit had made an end of offering the burnt-offering, behold , Samuel came , and Saul went out to meet him, that he might f falute him. 1 1 51 And Samuel faid , What haft thou done ? And Saul laid , Becaufe I faw that the people were fcattered from me, and that thou cameft not within the dayes appointed , and that the Philiftines gathered themfelves toge- ther to Michmafti: iz Therefore faid I , The Philiftines will come down now upon me to Gilgal^nd I have not't made fupplication unto the L o R D : I forced my fcif therefore , and offered a burnt- offering. i ; And Samuel faid to Saul,Thou haft done foolithiy: thou haft not kept the command- ment of the L o R D thy God, which he com- manded thce: for now would the LORD baye eftabliftied thy kingdome upon Ifrael for ever. 1 4 But now thy kingdome (hall not contf- Que : the L o R D hath fought him a man after. his w Jonathan fmiteth Chap.xim. 'thePhiliftifles} his own heart, and the LORD hath commanded 4 fl And between the paflages, by which 14? him to be captain over his people, becaufethou Jonathan fought to go over onto the Phili- haft not kept tbtt which the LORD command- ftinw garifon , there tvas a ftiarp rock on the one fide, and a (harp rock on the other fide: and the name of the onewduBozez, and the name of the other Seneh. 5 The f forefront of the one ** fituate north-ward overagainft Michmafti, and the other fouth-ward over againft Gibeah. 6 And Jonathan faid to the young man that cd thec. if AndSamuelarofe,andgathimupfrom Gilgal, unto Gibeah of Benjamin: and Saul fleb. /**. numbred the people that were f prefcm with him, about fix hundred men. 16 And Saul and Jonathan hisfonne,and the people that were prefent with them, abode e ... _ o _, in Gibeah of Benjamin: but the Philiftines en- bare his armour, Come, and let us go over an- camped in Michroafli. .~.i~~~:r~- ~c ,u.r. .._.=_. ,, - 17 ' ' " ' Or, there to the garifon of thefe uncircumcifedj it may And the fpoilers came out of the camp be that the L o R D will work for us : for there of the Philiftines,in three companies:one com- it no reftrainc to the L o RD,* to fave by many * CLron; pany turned unto the way that leadeth to O- or by few. 14. in phrah, unto the land of Shual. 7 And his armour-bearer faid unto him,Do 18 And another company turned the way all that is in thine heart : turn thee, behold., I to Beth- horomand another company turned to am with thee according to thy heart. the way of the border, that looketh to the val- 8 Then faid Jonathan,Behold we will pafls ley of Zeboim toward the wildernefle. over unto thefe men> and we will difcover our felves unto them. 9 If they fay thus unto us, f Tarry untill we f Heb. t>* come to you ; then we will itand Ml in owft'U* place, and will not go up unto them. , 10 But if they fay thus, Come up unto us; then we will go up : for * the LORD hath deli- ,. Mac. 4. vered them into our hand) and this JhalZ be a 30. fi^ne unto us. 1 1 And both of them difcovered thcrrifelves unto the garifon of the Philiftines ; and the Philiftines faid , Behold, the Hebrews come forth out of the holes, where they had hid themfelves. 1 1 And the men of the garifon anfwered Jonathan and his armour-bearer, and faid, Come up to us, and we will fliewyou a thing. And Jonathan faid unto his armour-bearer, Come up after me j for the LORD hath deli- vered them into the hand of Ifrael. 13 And Jonathan climbed up upon his hands, and upon his feet, and his armout- bearer after him : and they fell before Jona- thansand his armour-bearer flew after him. 14 And that firft (laughter which Jonathan and his armour-bearer made, was about twen- ty men,within as it were (| an half-acre of land, j/ Or, Mf4> which a yoke of oxen might plow. >r /**' i ? And there was trembling in the h'oft, in * cr * "f tM ^- the field, and among all the people : the gari- fon 3 and the fpoilers , they alfo trembled, and the earth quaked : fo it was fa very great trem. f Hcb.*- bling. tT \6 And the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah ? of Benjamin looked jand behold,the multitude melted away, and they went on beating down one another. 17 ThenfaidSaul unto thepeople that tve re with him, Number now,and fee who is gone from us. And when they had numbred,behold, Jonathan and his armour. bearer tyere not there. - 18 And- 19 q Now there was no fmith found throughout all the land of Ifrael: (.for the Phi- liftines faid , Left the Hebrews make them fwords or fpears ; zo But all the Ifraelites went down to the Philiftines, to fharpen every man his fliare and his coulter, and his ax, and his mattock. Heb. a filt 3- 1 Yet they had fa file for the mattocks, uth moutbet and for the coulters, and for the forks, and for Hcb,*/ and t> fharpen the goads. ^^ So it came to pafle in the day of battel, (that there was neither fword nor fpear found in the hand of any of the people that were with "Saul and Jonathan : but with Saul and with Jonathan his fonne was there found. Or,ft*nittiMgto hi* father, the priefl, or the ftopltigoeth and mnaciiloutyy fmiteth the Philiftines garifon. 15 ^A divine terrour miktth them best themfelves. 17 Saul not jlxyingthe friefts axfrver* fetteth on them, ai The captivated Hebrews, and the bidden Ifraelites, joynagainfl them. 14 Sxuls unid- vifed adjuration, hinder eth the viSory. 31 Here- Jlraineth the people from entingbloud. 35 He build" th an altar. 36 Jonathan taken by lot y is favedby the people. 47 Stuls ftrength and family. NO/v || it came to pafle upon a day,that Jo- nathan the fonne of Saul faid unto the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over to the Philiftines garifon, thaf it on the other fide : but he told not his father. z And Saul tarried in the uttermoft part of Gibeah, under a pomegranate-tree, which u inMigton : and the people that we re with him were about fix hundred men ; "Chan A 3 And Ahiahthe fonne of Ahitub, * I-cha- 1 bods brother, the Tonne of Phinehas, the fonne of Eli,theLoRDS prieft in Shiloh, wearing an ephod: and the people knew not that Jonathan was gone. Sauls unadvifed adjuration: I. Samuel; CafHng of lots. JonathaS refcuect; 2,48 18 And Saul faid unto Ahiah, Bring Hither on the ground: and the people did eat them the ark of God: Cfor the ark of God was at that * with the bloud. * Lev. 7. a* time with the children of Ifrael) " 3 3 fl Then they told Saul, faying, Behold 1 , and * 19 & And h came to paue while Saul talked the people finne againft theLosD, mthat Dcut ' ia ' ltf they eat with the bloud. And he faid, Ye have |{ tranfgrefled : roll a great ftone unto me this || Or; halt day. t 3 4 And Saul faid^Difperfe your felves among (I Or,wfo Unco the prieft, that the j| noife that w*s in the hoft of the Philiftines went on,andincreafed: and Saul faid unto the prieft, Withdraw thine hand. f Heb. wr< ihir. a. Chron. .30- j. 20 And Saul and all the people that were the people,and fay unto them, Bring me hither with him, f aflembled themfelves , an,d they every man his OT, and every man his (heep, and came to the battel : and behold, * every mans flay them here, and eat j and finne not againft fword was againft his fellow, and there was a the L o R p in eating with the bloud. And all very great difcom fiture. 2 i Moreover, the Hebrews t hit were with the Philiftines before that time, which went up with them into the camp/row thecountrey round about, even th'ey alfo turned to be with the Ifraelites, that were with Saul & Jonathan. * 2 Likewife all the men of Ifrael which had hid themfelves in mount Ephraim,%;Jbf they heard that the Philiftines fled, even they alfo followed hard after them in the battel. 23 So the LORD faved Ifrael that day : and the bittel paffed over unto Beth-aven. 24 fl And the men of Ifrael were diftrefled that day : for Saul had adjured the people, fay- ing, Curfed be the man that eateth a?zj food untill evening, that I may be avenged on mine enemies : fo none of the people tafted any food. 25 Andalh&fye/chelandcametoawood, and there was hony upon the ground. 26 And when the people were come into the Wood, behold, the hony dropped, but no man put his hand to his mouth: for the people feared the oath. 27 But Jonathan heard not when his father charged the people with the oath: wherefore he put forth the end of the rod that was in his 1 hand, and dipt it in an hony-combe , and put his hand to his mouth j and his eyes were en- lightened. 28 Then anfwered one of the people, and faid j Thy father ftraitly charged the people with an oath, fay ing, Curfed fee the man that eateth any food this day. And the people were {J0r,w/4r> II fa " the people brought every man his ox t with him f Heb in k that night, and flew them there. hand. ' 3 $ And Saul built an altar unto the LORD: t the fame was the firft altar that he built unto f Heb.*^ troubled the land: fee, I pray you, how mine eyes have been enlightened, becaufe I tafted a little of this hony: 30 How much more, if haply the people had eaten freely to day of the fpoil of their enemies which they found I for had there not been now a much greater daughter among the Philiftines 1 3 1 And they fmote the Philiftines that day from Michrmfh to Ajjalon : and the people were very faint. 3 2 And the people flew npon the fpoil, and took lheep,and oxc n,and calves, and Hew them theLoRD. 36 <([ And Saul faid, Let us go down after JJ the Philiftines by night, and fpoil them untill the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they faid,Dowhatfoeverfeemeth good unto thce. Then faid the prieft, Let us draw neare hither unto God. 3 7 And Saul asked counfel of God, Shall I go down after the Philiftines'wilt thou deliver them into the hand of Ifrael ? But he anfwered him not that day. 3 8 And Saul faid, Draw ye neare hither all the * f chief of the people : and know and fee * JuJges ; wherein this finne hath been this day. t H et>. c 39 For as the LORD liveth which faveth If- "'" rael,though it be in Jonathan my fonne,he fhall fdrely die. But there WAS not a man among a|l the people that anfwered him. 40 Then faid he anto all Ifrael, Be ye on one fide, and I and Jonathan my fonne will be on the other fide. And the people faid unto Saul, Do what feemeth good unto the'e. 4 1 Therefore Saul faid unto the LORD God of Ifrael,y Give a perfect lot. And Saul and Jo- f| Or, JJ# nathan were takep: but the people j efcaped. the innocc 41 And Saul faid, Caff lots between me and Jonathan my fonne. And Jonathan was taken. ' 43 Then Saul (aid to Jonathan, Tell me what thou haft done. And Jonathan told him, and faid, I did but tafte a little hony with the end of the rod that wjs in mine hand} and lo a I muft die. 44 And Saul anfwered,God dofo,and more alfo : for thou (halt furely die, Jonathan. 4? And the people faid unto Saul, Shall Jo-i nathan die, who hath wrought this great falva- tion in Ifrael? God forbid: as the LORD livetb, there (hall not one hair of his head fall to the ground ; for h^ hath wrought with God this day. So the people refcued Jonathan, that he died not. 46 Then Saul went up from following the Philiftines: and the Philiftines went totheic ownpla.ce, ff H S 9 ' Saul is fent to deftroy Am ale W Chap. xv. He is reje&ed for his difobedience. 47U So Saul took the kingdome over Ifrael, 9 But Saul and the people fparcd Agag, and * the beft of the fheep, and of the o^n^dl of :| <*%* the failings, and the lambes,andail that and foughtapnft all his enemies on every fide, againft Moab, and againft the children of Am- mon, and againft Edom, and againft the kings good, and would not utterly deiiroy them- but of Zobah,and againft the Philiftines: and whi- every thing that was vile and refute thac thev therfoever he turned himfelf, he vexed them. deftroyed utterly. 48 And he [| gathered an hofl,and (mote the Amalekhes, and delivered Ifraei out of the hands of them that fpoiled them. 49 Now the fonnesof Saul were Jonathan, 10 f Then came the word of the LORD unto Samuel, faying, 1 1 It repenteth me that I have fet up Saul to be king : for he is turned back from follow- and Iftiui, and Melchi-fhua : and the names of ing me,and hath not performed my command" his two daughters were thefe ; the name of the ments. And it grieved Samuel jand he cried un- firft-born Merab 3 and the name of the younger to the L o R D all night. Michal : i z And when Samuel rofe early to meet Saul ?o And the name of Sauls wife w/zi Ahmo- m the morning,it was told Samuel, faying Saul am, the daughter of Ahimaaz jand the name of came to Carmel, and behold, he fet him 'up a thecaptainofhishoftw^Abnerthefonneof place, and is gone about, and pafled on and Ner, Sauls uncle. gone down to Gilgal. 5 1 And Kifti was the father of Sauljand Ner i j And Samuel came to Saul; and Saul faid the father of Abner was the fonne of Abiel. fi And there was fore warre againft the Philiftines all the dayes of Sauhand when Saul faw any ftrong marker any valiant man,he took him unto him. CHAP. x Samuel fendetbSaxl to of the ff oil. 10 XV. unceth unto Saul com- mending and excufing him[elf,Gods rejection of him for hit difobedience. ^4 Sauls humiliation. 32 Sa- muel krtethvlgag. 34 Samuel and Saul part. :tap.p. \6 C Amuel alfo faid unto Saul, * The LORD fent unto him, Blefied be thou of the Logo: I have performed the commandment of the LORD. 14 And Samuel faid,What meanetb then this bleating of the fheep in mine eares , and the lowing of the oxen which I heare i 1 5 And Saul faid, They have brought the m 6 Saul fa- "n the Amalekites: for the people fpared the beft of the fheep and of the oxen, to facnficc unto the L o R D thy God,and the reft we have utterly deftroyed. 1 6 Then Samuel faid onto Saul, Stay, and I will tell thee what the L o R D hath faid to me Ome to anoint thee to be king over his peo- this night. And he faid unto him, Say on. pie, over Ifr ael : now therefore hearken thou T ~ A ~ J c lr - :j "" L - 1 7 And Samuel faid, When thou waft little in thine own ght } wafl thou not made the. head of the tribes of Ifrael,and the LORD anointed thee king over Ifrael ? i !& And theL o R D fent thee on a journey, from Egypt. and faid,Go,and utterly dcftroy the finners the ? Now go, and fmiteAmakk, and utterly Amalekites,and fight againft them untill fthey +H K , deftroy all that they have, and fpare them not- be confumed. f W '^ unto the voice of the words of the LORD. x Thus faith the L o R D of hofts, I remem- xod.i 7 .8 ber that which Amalek did to Ifrael, * how he laid wait for him in the way when he came up ? Now go, and fmite Amalek, and utterly but flay both man and woman , infant and fuckling,ox and flieep, camel and afle. 4 And Saul gathered the people together , and numbred them in Telaim, two hundred thoufand footmen, and ten thoufand men of Judah. ? And Saul came to acitie of Amalek, and t,feu&bt, || laid watt in the valley. 6 f Ani Saul faid unto the Kenites, Go s de- part, get you down from among the Arrnie- kites,left I deftroy you with them:for ye {hewed "" 1 9 Wherefore then didft thou not obey the voice of the LORD, but didft flic upon the fpoil, and didft evil in the fight of the LORD? ae And Saul faid unto Samuel, Yea, I have obeyed the voice of rhe L o R D, and have gone the way which the L-o R D fent me, and have bcought Agag the kin 2 ofAma!ek,and have utterly deftr6yed the Amakkites. ii But the people took of the fpoil, fheep and oxen, the chief of the things which ffTould , have been utterly deftroyed , to facrifice unto kindnefleto aHiche children of Ifrael when they theLo R D thy Godm'GilsbL ' -a* And Samuel iaid,Hath the LORD as ^rett delightin burnt- offerings and facrifices,as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold,* to *Ecclesji. obey is better then facrifice : and to hearken, Hoi. 6 6. ' then the fat of ramies. Mat-.h.y.ij. 15 For rebellion.* jjctfifio'ae of f witch- andl '* 7 ' craft, and flubbornncfle is as iniquitic and ido- . latry : becaufe thou haft reje&ed the word of R the ,.,,, SotheKenites^ieparted from among the Amalekites. 7 And Saul fmotc the Amalekites from Ha- vilah, ujtt ill thou comeft to Shur , that u over againft Egypt. 8 AntThe took Agag the king of the Ama- kkites alive, and utterly deftroyed all the peo- ple with the edge of the fword. Samuel kiilethAgag. * jo the L o R D, he hath alfo rejected thee from *Tf A nd Saul faid unto Samuel,! have fin- ned : for! have tranfgreffed the commandment of the LORD, and thy words : becaufe I feared the people, and obeyed their voice. < flow therefore,lpraythee,pardonmy finne, and turn a^ain with me,that I may wor- I. Samuel. * David is anointed.' anoint unto me him whom I name unto thee. 'ie LORD t.lehem : and the elders V.lt 11II/U pv.o.v.wwfc'-j 5 And he faid , Peaceably : I am come to fa- crifice unto the LORD: fanftifie your felves,and come with me to the facrifice: and he fan&fied Jefle and his fonnes , and called them to the facrifice. 6 f And it came to paffe when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and faid,Surely theL o R D s anointed it before him. thee from being king over j :1 ; ? Bucthe L o R D faid unto Samuel , Look *7 And as Samuel ^*5E3l not on his countenance, or on the height of h;s he laid hold upon the skirt of h ^^ . ^^ j faayc rcfufed him . for the h re o t A A Q ,,1 MA unto him The LORD LORD feetb not as man feeth; for man look- 28 AndSamutllai unto Dim L th on the t outward appearance>it the LORD saaaaffisssa -. tvrsxi .-..., -- ZSfejaiifiK a^fe"* 4151 (hip the LORD. \6 And Samuel faid unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou haft rejefted t word of the LOR D,and the LORD hath reject ed thee from being king over Ifrael and IT. , nor rtpent : ^^^ThSe faid, ! have G&\^^ people, and Sau and itntnei^oRD cnoicinu. ..-.,.- 9 Then Jefle made Shammah to pane by:and and >-x he faid, Neither hath the L o R D chofen this. i o Again, Jeflfe made feven of his fonnes to pafle before Samuehand Samuel faid unto Jcfle, The L o R D hath not chofen thefe. 1 1 And Samuel faid unto Jefle, Are here all tb\ children? And heaid,There remaineth yet " and behold, he keepeth the flieep. Surely t the tternee o ea . . And Samuel faid, * As thyfwordhath * And he Exod.iy. Kum.i4.45- childleffe among women. Agag in pieces before the LORD ' 34 i uwel mourned for Saul: and the LORD re- pented that he had made Saul king over Ifrael. C HAP. XVI. 5 m^htoS-iebtm. f SifZuiune judgement it r_e- ' proved. 1 1 in: now beautifulItHeb./: ^ o And the / '}<* LORD faid^ Atife, anoint him: for this it he. 1 3 Then Samuel took the horn of oyl, and anointed him in the midft of his brethren : and the fpirit of the LORD came upon Divid,from that day forward : fo Samuel rofe up and went toRarmh. 14 f But the fpirit oftheLoRD departed from Saul, and an evil tyim from the L o R D || troubled him. 1 5 And Sauls fervants faid unto him,Behokl now, an evil fpirit from God troubleth thee. ' ' '- 1 now command thy fervants j^ ^long wilt thov. in*. - 1 - u have rejected him from reigning over Ifrael? fill thine horn with oyl, and go,I will fend thee 10 Jeffe the Beth-lehemite : for I have provided me a king among his fonnes. a And Samuel faid, How can I go? if Saul heare it. he will kill me. And the L o R D faid, Take an heifer t with theeand fay, I am come tofacrifirctotheLo RD. 2 And call Jefte to the facrihce, and I wil ^wtheewhauh.ou(hjltdo: and ihou Oialf come to pale when the evil fpirit from God is upon thee, that he mall play with his hand,and thou Calebs well. . 17 And Saul faid unto his fervants, Provide me now a man that can play well, and bring ^i 8 Then anfwered one of the fervants, and fgid, Behold -, I have feea 3 fonne of Jcfie Beth-lehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man , and amanofwarre, Goiiaths challenge. )r, ft tech. and prudent in j| matters, and a comely peifon and the L o R D is with him. 19 j Wherefore Saul fent meflengers unto Chap. xvii. David fent to his brethren; vail againft him, and kill him, then fball ye be 251 our fervants, and ferve us. i o And the Philiftine faid, I defie the armies JerYe,and faid,Send me David thy fonne,which of Ifrael this day i give me a man, that we may is with the (heep. ao. And Jefle took an afle laden with bread fiht together. ii When Saul and all Ifrael heard thofc and a bottle Vf wine, and a kid, and fent them words of the Philiftine , they were difmaied, by David his fonne unto Saul. and greatly afraid. 2 1 And David came to Saul, and flood be- i * q Now David was * the fonne of that 'Chap.i*. i. fore himj and he loved him greatly,and he be- Ephrathite of Beth-lehem-judah, whofe name came his armour-bearer. w Jefle, and he had eight fonnes: and the 2 2 And Saul fent to Jefle , faying, Let Da- man went among men for an old man in the vid , I pray thee, ftand before me : for he hath dayes of Saul. found favour in my fight. 1 3 And the three eldeft fonnes of Jeffe 23 And it came to paffe,when the evil fpirit wem, j u r the reaCon of hti confidence. 38 Without armour, *7 And Jefle faid unto DiVid his fonne, armedbj faith, he flayeth the giant. 55 Saul taketh Take now for thy brethren an ephah of this notice of David. parched corn , and thefe ten loaves, and run to NOw the Philiftines gathered together the camp to thy brethren, their armies to battel , and were gathered 1 8 And carry thefe ten f cheefes unto the f Heb. together at Shochoh , which belongeth to Ju- t captain of their thoufand , and look how thy ch C<> "f dah, and pitched between Shochoh and Aze- brethren fare, and take their pledge. tHeb *** 19 Now Saul, and they, and al I the men of ptainef* " Ifrael were in the valley of Elah, fighting with ihoufaiut. the Philiftines. 20 ^j And David rofe up early in the morn- ing, and left the (heep with a keeper, and took, and went, as Jefle had commanded him^and he on the one fide, and Ifrael flood on a mountain came to the || trench , as the hoft was going H Or,flace f on the other fide : and there was a valley be- forth to the |J fight, and (homed for the battel. ' h ' '*"*& twecn them . 2 1 For Ifrael and the Philiftines had put the ^ " r " , "' M ' f 4 ^ And there went out a champion out of battel in aray, army againft army. f fight. the camp of the Philiftines, named Goliath, of i 2, And David left f his carriage in the hand t Heb - the Gath, whofe height was fix cubits and a fpan. of the keeperof the carriage , and ran into the *'^f J?< "* 5 And be badan helmet of brafle upon his armie, and came and j faluted his brethren. "tHeb"^4?rf head, and he wot | armed with a coat of mail : 23 And as he talked with them, behold, b u brethren, and the weightof the coat VPM five thoufand there cameup the champion fthe Philiftine of /*' ^ fhekels of brafle. Gath , Goliath by name) out of the srmies of 6 And be bad greaves of brafle upon his legs, the Philiftines, and fpake according to the fame and a |j target of brafle between his flioulders. words : and David heard them. 7 And the ftaff of his fpearnw like a weavers 24 Andallthemenoflfrael,whentheyfav7 beam, and his fp ears head weighed fix hundred the man, fled f from him,and were fore afraid, f Heb; ftyt 25 And the men of Ifrael faid, Have ye bit fat* feen this man that is come up ? furely to defie )r,tbieo*ft kah, in || Ephes-dammim Daramim. z And Saul and the men of Ifrael were ga- thered together , and pitched by the valley of [eb.rKrfElah, and ffetthe battel in aray againft the Philiftines. 3 And the Philiftines flood on a mountain fliekels of iron : and one bearing a ftueld, went before him. 8 And he flood and cried unto the armies of Ifrael is he come up: and it '(hall be that the Ifrael, and faid unto them, Why are ye come man who killeth him,-the king will enrich him out to ktyour battel in aray ? am not I a Phi- with great riches, and * will give bim his 'Joli.ij. liftine, and you fervants to Saul ? choofe you a man for you, and let him come down to me. 9 If he be able to fight with me, and to kill daughter , and make his fathers houfe free in Ifrael. ' 26 And David fpske to the men tint flood me, then will we be your fervants; but if I pre- by him, faying, What fiwll be done to the man R i tha? Davids faith and courage. I. Samuel. He killcth Goliath, 25 z that killeth this Philiftine , and takethaway the reprochfrom Ifrael? for who a this unar- cumcifed Philiftine,that he fhould defie the ar- mies of the living God ? 27 And the people anfwered him after this manner, faying, So (hall it be done to the man that killeth him. 28 f And Eliab his eldeft brother heard when he fpakeunto the men, and Eiiabs anger was kindled againft David , and hefaid , Why cameft thou down hither? and with whom halt thou left thofe few fheep inthewildernefle? I know thy pride , and the naughtinefle of thine heartjfor thou art come down,that thou might- eft fee the battel. 19 And David faid, What have I now dont? Is there not a caufe ? jo ^y And he turned from him towards an- fHeb,rw pr* Saul fent him, and || behaved himfelf wifely ; '"* and Saul fet him over the men of warre, and _, he was accepted in the fight of all the people, and alfo in the fight of Sauls fervants. 6 And it came to pads as they came when David was returned from the flaughter of the tJ Phihftine,that the women came out of all ci- ' ties of Ifrael , finglng and dancing , to meec itb.ti>ree. king Saul,with tabrers,with joy,and with j in- ngtd. in- ftruments o f mu fick. 7 And the women anfwered one anotbe r as the LORDS battels.- for Saul faid, Let not mine /"/ *"** hand be upon him , but lee the hand of the **** Philiftinesbe upon him. 1 8 And David faid unto Saul, Who am I ? and what is my life, or my fathers family in If- rael, that I fhould be fonne in law to the king/ 19 But it came topaffe at the rime when Merab Sauls daughterfliouldhave been given to David,thar (he was given unto Adriel the Mcholathire to wife. 20 And Michal Sauls daughter loved David: and they told Saul,and the thing t pleafed him. f Heb. * 21 And Saul faid, I will give him her, that "^'""" J " flie may be a fnare to him, and that the hand of eytt ' the Philiflines may be againft him. Wherefore Saul faid to David, Thou (halt this day be my fonne in hwt'mtheone ofthe twain. 2* fl And Saul commanded his fervants, < /4>>i,Commune with David fecretly 3 and fay, Behold, the king hath delight in thee, and all his fervants love thee : now therefore be the kings fonne in law. a j And Sauls fervants fpake thofe words in theearesof David: and David faid, Seemeth it to you a light thing to be a kings fonne in law, feeing that I amz poore man, and lightly efteemed ? 24 And the fervants of Saul told him, fay. hap. ii. they played, and laid,* Saul hath (Iain his thpu ing, f On this manner fpake David. ' t Heb - af ' and :.s fands, and David his ten thoufands. 2 j And Saul faid,Thus ftiall ye fay to David, cord '"g :lus4y.(S. g And Saul was very wroth, and the faying The king defireth not any dowrie^ but an hun- ' '*' * Ub. 4 I difpleafed him; and he faid, They have afcri- dred foreskins ofthe PhiHftines, to be avenged bed unto David ten thoufands, and to me they have afcribed but thoufands : and vfhut can he have more but the kingdome ? 9 And Saul eyed David from that day and forward. xo f And it came to paiTe on the morrow, that the evil fpirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophefied in the midft of the houfe : and Dirid played with his hand 3 as at other times : and there wa.3 a javelin in Sauls hand. 1 1 And Saul caft the javelin i for Lie faid, I ofthe kings enemies. But Saul thought to make David fall by the hand ofthe Philiftines. 26 And when his fcrvanrs told David thefc Words, it pleafed David well to be the kings fonne in law: and the dayes were not f expired, f Hb./*/- 17 Wherefore David arofe and wcnt 3 heand^^ his men, and flew of the Philiftines two hun- dred men ; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to the king, thac he might be the kings fonne in law : and S aul gave him Michal his daughter to wife. R 5 28 j' And Jonathans love to David. I.Samuel. Michalswile. a j 4 2 &fl And Saul faw and knew that the LORD the wall : and David fled,& efcaped that night. 1 1 Saul lfo fent meffengers unto Davids houfe , to watch him , and to flay him in the morning : and Michal Davids wife told him, faying , If thou fave not thy life to night , to morrow thou (halt be fkin. was with David, and that Michal Siuls daugh- ter loved him. 29 And Saul was yet the more afraid of Da- vid j and Saul Became Davids enemie conti- nually. go Then the princes of the Phil iftines went 1T So Michal let David down through a forth, that David behaved himfelf more wifely then all the fervants of Saul, fothat his name was much f'fet by. CHAP. XIX. J Jonathan difclohth hit fathers furpofe to 4 Heperfaadeth hit father to reconciliation. 9 Byrea- jon of Davids goodfueceffe in a. new warrejauls ma.- him. 1 1 Michal de- forth : and it came to paffe after they went window .'and he went and fled, and efcaped. ij And Michal took an image, and laid ft in the bed, and put a pillow of goats hair for his bolfter, and covered it with a cloth. 14 And when Saul fent meffengers to take David, fhe faid, He fick. i j And Saul fent the meffengers again to fee David, faying, Bring him up to me in the HCIO'H* rage treaketh out againfl him. iz Mich aide- bcd that j fl hira> 3Sfi^M*!8ffi5S . *>*ll*o*i tog wre coo* fen e ers[ent to take David, z^ and Saul himfeif pro- in, behold, the re was an image in the bedjWith fhefte. a pillow of goats hair for his bolfter. ANd Saul fpake to Jonathan his fon, and to all his fervants,that they (hould kill David. 2 But Jonathan Sauls fonne delighted much in David: and Jonathan told David, faying, Saul my father feeketh to kill thee: now there- fore , I pray thee, take heed to thy felf untill the morning, and abide in a fecret place, and hide thy felf: 3 And I will go out and ftand befide my fa ther in the field where thou art , and I will commune with my father of thee j and what I fee a that I will tell thee. 4 f And Jonathan fpake good of David un- to Saul his father, and faid unto him, Let not the king finne againft his fervant, againft Da- vid : becaufe he huh not finned againft thee, and becaufe his works have been to thee-ward very good 1 7 And Saul faid unto Michal , Why haft thou deceived cnefo,and fent away mine ene- mie, that he is efcaped? And Michal anfwered Saul, He faid unto me, Let me goj why ftiould I kill thee ? 1 8 f So David fled, and efcaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah , and told him all that Saul had done to him : and he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. 19 And it was told Saul, faying, Behold, David is at Naioth in Ramah. 20 And Saul fent meffengers to take David: and when they faw the company of the pro- phets prophefyingj and Samuel {landing as ap- pointed over them, the fpirit of God was upon the meffengers of Saol, and they alfo prophe^ fierf. 2 1 And when it was told Saul,he fent other * Judges p. f For he did put his * life in his hand, and meffengers, and they prophefied like wife : and Saul fent meflengers again the third time, and they prophefied alfo. 22 Then went he alfo to Ramah, and came 17. and i j. j."flew the Philiftine,and the L o R D wrought a pTaT" 2 ! 8 ' 2 '" S reat f al7ationfor alllfrael: thou faweft it, 'o and didftreioyce: wherefore then wilt thou finne againft innocent bloudj to flay David to a great well that is in Sechu : and he asked t Heb. hit without a caufe ? 6 And Saul hearkened unto the voice of Jo- nathan: and Saul fware,^ the LORD liveth, he (hall not be flain. j And Jonathan called David, and Jona- than (hewed him all thofe things : and Jona- than brought David to Saul, and he was in his prefence, as f in times paft. 8 And there was warre again : and David went our, and fought with the Philiftines, and flew them with a great flaughterj and they fled from t him. 9 And the evil fpirit from the LORD was up- on Saul, as he fat in his hoisfe with hisjivehn in his hand: and David played with bis hand. 10 And Saul fought to (mice David even to the wall with the javelin; but he flipt away out of S luls prefence, and he ftnote the javelin into and faiJ, Where are Samuel and David? And one faid, Behold, they be at Naioth in Ramah. 23 And he went thither to Naioth in Ra- mah: and the fpirit of God was upon him alfo, and he went on and propheficd, untill he came to Naioth in Ramah: 24 And he {trip: off his clothes alfo, and prophefied before Samuel in like manner, and flay down naked all that day, and all that night: where fore, they fay, * Is Saul alfo among * Chap the prophets ? ' C HAP. XX. I David confulteth tvith Jonathan for hit fafetie^ n Jonathan and David renew their covenantor oith. 1 8 Jonathans token to David. 24 Saul ntifsing Dwid, (eeketh to fczfl Jonathan. 3 5 Jonathan lo . vingly taketh hit leave of David. ANd David fled from Naioth in Ramah s and came and faid before Jonathan, What have David confulteth with Jonathan. Chap, xx, They renew their covenant. have I done? what h mine iniquitie? and what the L o RD hath cut off the enemies of David, *$? is my tinne before thy father, that he fceketh every one from the face of the earth. my life? 16 So Jonathan! made a covenant with the t Hc ^ cttt * 2 And he faid unto him, God forbid j thou houfe of D.vid , faying, Let the LORD even require it at the hand of Davids enemies. 17 And Jonachan caufed David tolwear a- gain, |j becaufe he loved Juro : for he loved him g Or, l y hit as he loved his own foul. love tvar *A*VW AIUJ.I. Aia^wu b*i* vv way V.j the Lo R D liveth, and as thy foul liveth,rforf is then thou (halt go down || f quickly , and come jj o r , Hcb. but a ftep between me and death ^ hat 4 Then faid Jonathan unto David,||Whatfo- *"~*fai ever thy foulfdefireth,! will even do it for thee. ? And David faid unto Jonathan , Behold, to morrow is the new moon , and I mould not fail to fit with the king at meat : but let me go, that I may hide my felf in the fields unto the third day at even. 6 If thy father at all mifle me, then fayjDa- vid earneftly asked leave of me , that he might run to Beth-lehem his city; for there is a yearly fj facrifice there for all the family. 7 If he fay thus, It is well; thy fervant mall have peace: but if he be very wroth,i fce be fure that evil is determined by him. 8 Therefore thou malt deal kindly with thy Chap 18.3. fervant j for * thou haft brought thy fervant into ad 13.18. a covenant of the L o R D with thee: notwith- ftanding, if there be in me iniquity, flay me thy felfj for why fliouldeft thou bring me to thy fa- ther ? nttketh. Qr.fiaft. to the place where thou didft hide thy leu, ;/;. t when the bufinefle was in band, and (halt re- t H eb. main by the ftone |j Ezel. ?HriTi th> 20 And I will moot three arrows on the fide JL *y^" thereof \ as though I mot at a mark. bufnefi. And behold, I will fend a lad, faying,Go, || or, that finde out the arrows. If I exprefly fay unto the J&* th * lad, Behold, the arrows are on this fide of thee, W4Jf * take them : then come thou, for there is peace to thce,andtnohurtjauhe LORD liveth. f Heb. not 22 But if I fay thus unto the young man, Be- H j thing* hold, the arrows are beyond thee : go thy way, for the L o R D hath fent thee away. 23 And as touching the matter which thou and I have fpoken of, behold,the LORD be be- tween thee and me for ever. 24 c So David hid himfelf in the field: and when the new moon was come , the king fac him down to eat meat. 2 5 And the king fat upon his feat,as at other times, even upon a feat by the wall; and Jona- than arofe , and Abner fat by Sauls fide , and Heb. Heb.x*. nerthint 9 And Jonathan faid,Farre be it from thee: for if I knew certainly, that evil were determi- Davids place was empty. ned by my father to come upon thee 3 then 16 Neverthelefle , Saul fpake not any thing would not I tell it thee ? that day : for he thought, Some thing hath be- 10 Then faid David to Jonathan, Who (hall tell me ? or what if thy father anfwer thee roughly ? 1 1 f And Jonathan faid unto David,Come, and let us go out into the field. And they went out both of them into the field. i z And Jonathan faid unto David,O LORD God of Ifraeljwhen I haveffounded my father, about to morrow any time, or the third day,and behold , if there be good toward David, and I then fend not unto thee, and -f ihew it theej i g The L o R D do fo and much more to Jo- nathan . but if it pleafe my father to do thee fallen him, he is not clean jfurely he is not clean 27 And it came to pafle on the morrow, which was the fecond day of the monetb, that Davids place was emptier and Saul faid unto Jonathan his fonne,Wherefore cometh not the fonne of Jefle to meat, neither yefterday nor to day? 18 And Jonathan anfwered Saul,David ear- neftly asked leave of me, fo to Beth lehem. 29 And he faid, Let me go, I pray thee, for our family hath a facrifice in the city , and my brother, he hath commanded me to be there j away , that thou mayeft go in peace : and the LORD be with thee,as he hath been with my father. and now if I have found favour in thine eyes, evil , then I will fbew it thee , and fend thee let me get away , I pray thee , and fee my bre- thren: Therefore he cometh not unto the kings table. 30 Then Sauls anger was kindled againft 1 4 And thou {halt not onely while yet I live, Jonathan,and he faid unto him,|| f Thou fonne jj Or , the* ftiew me the kindneffe of the L o R D, that I die of the perverfe rebellious woman , do not I pervirfr not : know that thou haft chofen the fonne of Jefle nM - 1 1 But alfo thou {halt not cut off thy kind- to thine own confufion,and unto the confufion J^JJj nefle from my houfc for ever: no not when of thy mothers nakednrfle? reb"liitn R 4 31 for Jonathans kindnefle to David. 256 I. Samuel. David with Ahimelech. 31 For as long as the forme of Jeffe liveth upon the ground, thou (halt not be eftablifhed , nor thy kingdome : wherefore now fend and f Heb. it the fetch him unto me, for he f (hall furely die. fonn* ,/ 3 1 And Jonathan anfwered Saul his father, and faid unto him, Wherefore (hall he be flain? what hath he done ? 33 And Saul caft a javelin at him to fmite him,whcreby Jonathan knew that it was deter- mined of his father to flay David. 34 So Jonathan arofe from the table in fierce f Hcb. to faffe ovtr hintt t Heb. *- II Or, the LORD be witneflcof pointed my fervahts to fuch and fuch a place. J Now therefore what is under thine hand? give me five loaves of bread in mine hand , or what there is tprefenr. 4 And the prieft anfwered David, and faid, There if no common bread under mine hand, but there is * hallowed bread j if the young * Exod.aj. men have kept themfelves at leaft from wo- J- men. Lcvit. M.J ? And David anfwered the prieft, and faid Matt ' 12 ' 4 * unto him , Of a truth, women have been kept anger , and did eat no meat the fecond day of from us about thcfe three dsyes , fincc I came tiiemoneth: for he was grieved for David ,be out, and the veflels of the young men are caufe his father had done him (hime. holy , and the bread is in a manner common, 3 ? f And it came to paffe in the morning, |J yea, though it were fandtfied this day in the that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed with David , and a little lad yea, t fleU 6 So the pr^iejl gave him hallowed bread j thil Ja J ther with him. for there was no bread there, but the (hew- J.J^ 1 ^! 3<5 And he faid unto his lad, Run, finde out bread that was taken from before the LORD, *,*. now the arrows which I (hoot. And as the lad to put hot bread in the day when it was taken J ran, he (hot an arrow t beyond him. away. 37 And when the lad was come to the place 7 Now a certain man of the fervants of of the arrow which Jonathan had (hot , Jona- Saul TVM there that day , detained before the than cried after the lad, and faid, Jj not the ar- LORD 3 and his name was Doeg an Edomite, row beyond thee ? the chiefeft of the herd. men that ^ belonged to 3 8 And Jonathan cried after the lad , Make Saul, fpeed , hafte , flay not. And Jonathans lad 8 4 And David faid unto Ahimelech , And gathered up the arrows, and came to his ma- is there not here under thine hand fpear or itcr. fword ? for I have neither brought my fword, 39 But the lad knew not any thing : onely nor my weapons with me,becaufe the kings bu. Jonathan and David knew the matter. finefle required hafte. 40 And Jonathan gave hist artillery unto 9 And the prieft faid, The fword of Goliath t his lad, and faid unto him, Go, carrie them to the Philiftine, whom thou flewcft in * the val- * Chap. iyi the city. ley of Elah, behold, it is here wrapt in a cloth * 41 f And aflbon as the lad was gone , Da- bchinde the ephod : if thou v tlttake that,take j -__,-- e _., j.u-r u .. j - lt: f or there it no other fave hat, here. And vid arofe out of a place toward the fouth, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed him- lelf three times : and they kifled one another, and wept one with another , untill David ex- ceeded. 41 And Jonathan faid to David,Go in peace, |j forafmuch as we have fworn both of us in the name of the L o R D, faying, The LORD be between me and thee , and between my feed and thy feed for ever. And he arofe and depart- ed : and Jonathan went into the city. CHAP. XXI. I David at Nob ebtaiaeth tf lAhntukch hattonxd bead, j Doeg vpoi prefntt, 8 Dai/id uketh Goltatht fword. 10 David at Gath feignetb hanfelf m.id. THen came David to Nob , to Ahimelech the prieft: and Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting of David, and faid unto him a Why art thou alone, and no man with thee ? i And David faid unto Ahimelech the prieft, The king hath commanded me a bufinefle,and hath faid unto me,Let no man know any thing of the bufineifc whereabout I fend thee, and my prefence? (hall this 'fellow come into my what I have commanded thee : and I have ap- houfe ? CHAP, David faid , Theft is none like that, giveic me. 10 f And David arofe , and fled that day for fear of Saul, and went to Achifh the king of Gath. 1 1 And the fervants of Achifh faid unto him, Is not this David the king of the land?did they not fing one to another of him in dances, fay- ing, * Saul hath flain his thoufands,and David * Chap. 1 8. his ten thoufands ? 7. and 19.5 iz And David hid up thefe words in his Ecclus4 7 .* heart, and was fore afraid of Achi(h the king of Gath. 13 And he changed his behaviour before them, and feigned himfelf mad in their bands, and (I fcrabled on the doores of the gate,and let J Or, mAt his fpittle fall down upon his beard. *b> 14 Then faid Achi(h unto his fervants , Lo, you fee the man j| is mad : wherefore then have 1! Of ' ye brought him to me ? ** m 1 5 Have I need of mad-men , that ye have brought this fellow to play the mad-man in Sauls crueltie on the priefts. Chap, xxii. xxiii. Docgs villany. CHAP. XXII. confpired againft me, thou and the fonne of 157 , C.MJ rtfort unto David at in t hat thcu ha ^ given him bread, and a * ' " . , . -i i f c. lU.n. j _r/~ _ j f- . L- .1. he commmJeth hi parents unto the king of fword, and haft enquired of God for him, that s^dmomjbfd by Gsd, be cometh to_Htreth. h e mould rife againit me , to lie in wait 3 as ac this'day ? 14 Then Ahimelech anfwcred the king and faid, And who is fo faithful 1 among all thy fer- vancs , as David , which is the kings Tonne in 6 S.ml going to furfuehzm , complaineth of hufer vtnti ttnftithfulntfj'e. 9 Doeg accufeth tAhimeltch. 1 1 Saulcommandfth to k'U thcfrieHi. 17 The foot- men. refu/tMg , Doeg eyecuteth it. efciping, bringeth David the news. DAvid therefore departed thence, and efca- law , and goeth at thy bidding, and is honour* ped to the cave Adullam : and when his red,t brethren,and all his fathers hoafe heard it,they went down thither to him. z And every one that WAS in diftrefie , and Heb. h*d* every one that \was in debt,and every one that wns ~\ difcontented , gathered themfelves unto ' r him, and he became a captain over them : and there were with him about foure hundred men g fl And David went thence to Mi^peh of Moab: and he faid unto the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother , I pray thee , come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me. 4 And he brought them before the king of Moab : and they dwelt with him all the while that David was in (behold. f 4 And the prophet Gad faid unto David, Abide not in the hold, depart, and get thee into the land of Judah. Then David departed, and came into the foneft of Hareth. 6 ^ When Saul heard that David was did covered,and the men that were with him, f now in Saul abode in Gibeah under a jj tree in Ram a h , having his fpear in his hand, and all his fervants were ftanding about him) 7 Then Saul faid unto his fervants that flood about him, Heare now,ye Benjamites,Will the fonne of Jefle give every one of you fields, and vineyards , and make you all captains of thou- fands, and captains of hundreds : 8 That all of you have confpired againft Heb. - me , and there is none that f meweth me that f Heb. able in thine houfe? i j Did I then begin to enquire of God for him? be it farre from me : let not the king im- pute any thing unto his fervant , nor to all the houfc of my father : for thy fervant knew no* thing of all this,j- lefle or more. 16 And the king faid, Thou flialtfwely die, Ahimelech, thou, and all thy fathers houfe. 17 ^[ And the king faid unto the || f footmen [Or,gva-d* that ftood about him, Turn and flay the priefts T Heb. rwj.. of the LORD} becaufe their hand alfo is with wrj David , and becaufe they knew when he tied , and did not fljcw it to me. But the fervants of the king would not put forth their hand to fall upon the priefts of the L o R D. t . 1 8 And the king faid to Doeg , Turn thou and fall upon the priefts. And Doeg the Edo- mite turned, and he fell upon the priefls, and flew on that day fourefcore and five perfons that did wear a linen cphod. i o And Nob , the city of the priefts, fmote he with the edge of the fword , both men and women, children and fucklings, and oxen and afles, and flieep, with the edge of the fword. 10 f And one of the formes of Ahimelech,, the fonne of Ahitub, named Abiatbar, efcapcd and fled after David. zi And Abiathar (hewed David , that Saul had flam the LORDS priefts. ai And David faid unto Abiathar, I knew-- it that day,when Doeg the Edomite w^rthere,. that he would furely tell Saul : I have occafion- my fonne hath made a league with the fonne of ed the death of all the perfons of thy fathers Jefle , and there is none of you that is fory for houfe. 25 Abide thou with me,fear not: for he that feeketh my life , feeketh thy life : but with me thoujhalt be in fafegard CHAP. XXIJI. 2}a"Videngriiring of the LordbvtAbiatharyrefcueth Heb. me , or fhcweth unto me that my fonne hath ftirred up my fervant againft me, to lie in wait, as at this day ? 9 4. Then anfwered Doeg the Edomite, (which wasfet over the fervants of Saul,) and faid,I faw the fonne of Jefle coming to Nob,to Ahimelech the fonne of Ahitub. 10 And he enquired of the L o ft o for him : and gave him victuals, and gave him the frvord of Gohath the Philiftme. 1 1 Theathe king fent to call Ahimelech the prieft the fonne of Ahitub , and all his fathers houfe , the priefts that were in Nob : and they came all of them to the king. 1 1 And Saul faid, Heare now,thou fonne of Ahitub: And he anfwered/f Here I amjcny lord. 13 And Saul faid unco him , Why have ye f^eilah. 7 God fkevehtg him the coming of Saul, and the treachery of the %eilites, he tfcafei^ from fyjlahi 14 In Ziph Jonathan cometh and comfoiteth him. 19 The Zifhttes dtfco^er him to Saul 15 ^At JMaoti he * refcued from Saul bv the mvafiw of the Philil JOnes* ap H< dwtlleth at En-gtdi. THen they told David , faying, Behold, the Philiftines fight againft Kcilah, and they rob the threibing-floorej. i Therefore David enquired of the LORD, faying, Shall I go and finite thefc Philiftines? And the LORD [aid unto David, Go, and fmue the Philiftines, and fave Keilah. 3 And. David efcapeth from Keilah.' I. Samuel Saul purfueth him; .158 3 And Davids men faid unto him, Behold, we be afraid here ia Judah : how much more then if we come to Keilah againft the armies of the Philiftines? 4 Then David enquired of the LORD yet again: and the Lo R D anfwered him and faid, Arife, go down to Keilah; for I will deliver the Philiftines into thine hand. $ So David and his men went to Keilah,and fought with the Philiftines, and brought away their cattel , and fmote them with a great flaughter : fo David faved the inhabitants of Keilah. 6 And it came to pafle when Abiathar the * Chap^ a.' fonne of Ahimclech * fled to David to Keilah, " that he came down with an ephod in his hand. 7 r And it was told Saul that David was come to Keilah : and Saul faid, God hath deli- vered him into mine hand : for he is (hut in, by entring into a town that hath gates and barres. 8 And Saul called all the people together to warre, to go down to Keiian, to befiege David and his men. 9 ^ And David knew that Saul fecretlypra- ftifed mifchief againlt him j and he faid to A- biathar the prieft , Bring hither the ephod. 10 Then faid David, O L o R D God of If- rael , thy fervant hath certainly heard that Saul feeketh to come to Keilah , to deftroy the city for my fake. 11 Will the men of Keilah deliver me up into his hand ? will Saul come down as thy fer- vant hath heard ?O LORD God of Ifrael,! be- Gbech thee tell thy fervant. And the LORD faid, He will come down. iz Then faid David, Will themenofKei- t Heb, Jhut lah t deliver me and my men into the hand of *t. Saul? And the L o R D faid, They will deliver thee up. 1 3 1T Then David and his men, -which tvere about fix hundred , arofe and departed out of Keilab, and went whitherfoever they could go: and it was told Saul that David was efcaped from Keilah, and he forbare to go forth. 14 And David abode in the wildernefle in ftrong holds , and remained in a mountain in the wildernefle of Ziph: and Saul fought him everyday, but God delivered him not into his hand. i? And David faw, that Saul was come out to feek his life : and David was in the wilder- nefle of Ziph in a wood. 16 And Jonathan Sauls fonne arofe , and went to DaVid into the wood, and ftrengthen- ed his hand in God. 1 7 And he faid unto him, Fear nof : for the hand of Saul my father lhall not finde thee,and thou ftialt be king over Ifrael , and I (hall be next unto thee ; and that alfo Saul my father knoweth. 1 8 And they two made a covenant before the L o R D: and David abode in the woodland Jonathan went to his houfe. 19 ^f Then came up the Ziphites to Saul to Gibeah , faying, Doth not David hide himfelf with us in ftrong holds in the wood, in the hill of Hachilah, which is \ on the fouth of fj Jefhi- f Heb. on the mon?- rigkthAnd. 10 Now therefore, O king, come down ac- cording to all the defire of thy foul to come down, and our ptttfhall be to deliver him into the kings hand. 11 And Saul faid.Bleffed be ye of the LORDJ for ye have compaffion on me. zz Go , I pray you , prepare yet, and know and fee his place where his f haunt is, and who f Heb. f# hath feen him there : for it is told me that he jM * dealeth very fubtilly. ij See therefore and take knowledge of all the lurking-places where he hideth himfelf,and come yeagain to me with the certaintie , and-I will go with you : and it fhall come to pafle, if he be in the land , that I will fearch him out throughout all the thoufands of Judah. z 4 And they arofe, and went to Ziph before Saul : but David and his men tve re in the wil- dernefle of Maon , in the plain on the fouth of Jefhimon. z f Saul alfo and his men went to feek him; and they told David: wherefore he came down into a rock , and abode in the wildernefle of Maon : and when Saul heard that , he potfued after David in the wildernefle of Maon. z6 And Saul went on this fide of the moun- tain , and David and his men on that fide of the mountain : and David made hafte to get away for fear of SauljforSaul and his mencom- pafled David and his men round about to take them. 27 if But therecame ameflenger unto Saul, faying,- Hafte thee,and comejfor the Philiftines have f invaded the land. f Hebt ^ tau 28 Wherefore Saul returned from purfuing thanfiivtt after David, and went againft the Philiftines: /, dr*. therefore they called that place |] Sela-ham- ||Thati s ,^< mahlekoth. roc^fdtvi- zy f And David went up from thence, and f 9 "** dweltin ftrong holds at En-gedi. CHAP. XXIIII. I DuvlJ in a cn-ve at Ert-?edi , having cut off Sauls sk'rt, fpareth bit life. 8 H< fkewtth thereby hu inno- ceney. 16 Saul ackntnvledginghii fault, taketh an ith of David, and defineth. A Nd it came to pafle when Saul was return- /led from f following the Philiftines, that it f Hcb *fttr> was told him, faying, Behold, David win the Wildernefle of En-gedi. a Then Saul took three thoufand chofen men out of all Ifrael , and went to feek David and his men upon the rocks of the wilde go.its. 1 And David fpareth Sauls life. Chap. xxv. Samuels death; 3 And he came to the (heep- cotes by the way, where was a cave,and Saul went in to co- ver his feet : and David and his men remained in the fides of the cave. 4 And the men of David faid unto him, Behold the day of which the L o R D faid unto tbee, Behold, I will deliver thine enemy into thine hand, thatthou mayeft do to him as it {ball feem good unto thee. Then David arofe, and cutoff the skirt of f Sauls robe privily. y And it came to pafle afterward, that Da- vids heart fmote him , becaufehe had cutoff Sauls skirt. 6 And he faid unto his men, The LORD forbid, that I Ihould do this thing unto my ma. fter the LORDS anointed, to ftretch forth mine hand againft him/eeing he Is the anoint- ed of the LORD. 7 So David t ftayed his fervants with thefe words , and differed them not to rife againft Saul : but Saul rofe up out of the cave,and went onJbwway. 8 David alfo arofe afterward, and went out of the cave, and cried after Saul , faying, My lord the king. And when Saul looked behinde him, David ftooped with his face to the earth, and bowed himfelf. 9 fl And David faid to Saul , Wherefore heareft thou mens words, faying, Behold, Da- vid feeketh thy hurt ? x io Behold, this day thine eyes have feen, how that the L o R D had delivered thee to day into mine hand in the cave : and fame bade me kill thec, but mine eye fpared thee, and 1 faid, I will not put forth mine hand againft my lord 3 for he if the LORD s anointed. 1 1 Moreover, my father, fee , yea fee the skirt of thy robe in my hand : for in that I cut off the skirt of thy robe, and killed thee not j know thou and fee, that there is neither evil nor tranfgrefiion in mine hand, and I have not finned againft thcej yet thou humeft my foul, to take it. iz. The LORD judge between me and thee, and the LORD avenge me of thee: but mine hand (hall not be upon thee. 1 3 As faith the proverb of the ancients , Wickednefle proceedeth from the wicked : buc mine hand (hill not be upon thee. 14 After whom is the king of Ifrael come out? after whom doft thou purfuc /after a dead dog, after a flea. i? The LORD therefore be judge , and judge between me and thee, and fee, and plead f Heb j*dgt> rr.y caufe, and t deliver me out of thine hand. 1 6 5i And it came to pafle when David had made an end of fpeaking thefc words unto Saul,that Saul faid, Is this thy voice, my fonne David? And Saul lift up his voice and wept. 17 And he faid to David, Thouar* more righteous then I : for thou haft rewarded me 2 jp good, whereas 1 have rewarded thee evil. 1 8 And thou haft (hewed this day how that thou haft dealt well with me : forasmuch as when the L o R D had \ delivered me into thine f Heb. J& hand, thoukilledft me not. />. 19 Forifamanfindehisenemy,willhelc: him go well away ? wherefore the LORD re- ward thee good, for that thcu haft done unto me this day. 20 And now behold,! know well thatthou fhaltfurely be king, and that the kingdomc of Ifrael (hall be eftabliflied in thine hand. 21 Swear now therefore unto me by the LOR D,that thou wilt not cut off my feed after me , and that thou wilt noc deftroy my name out of my fathers houfe. 12 And David fware unto Saul : and Saul went home ; but David and his men gat them up unto the hold. CHAP. XXV. I Samuel dieth. a DavidrnParanfazdethto JVikj/; 10 Provoked by Nabals chKrlifhneffe, hemindeth to deftroy him.nt Abigail underflu-\ verygreat,and he had three thoufand (heep v n/. and a thoufand goats : and he was (hearing his fheep in Carmel. 3 Now the name of the man was Nabal, and the name of his wife, Abigail: and (he was a woman of good underftanding,and of a beau- tifull countenance: but the man4JchurIi(h and evil in has doings, and he was of the houfe of Caleb. 4 11 And David heard in the wildernefic, that Nabal did (hear his (heep. y And David fent out ten young men, and David faid unto the young men. Get you up to Carmel, and go to Nabal, and f greet him in t Heb. * my name; himintny 6 And thus (hall ye fay to him that liveth In "* t \ f proff>eritie t Peace be both to thee, and peace be to thine houfe, and peace be unto all that thou haft. 7 And now I have heard that thou haft fhcarers : now thy (hepherds which were with us,we f hurt them not, neither was there ought fHcb. jfe- mifling unto them, all the while they were in w ' rf> Carmel. 8 Ask thy young men, and they will (hew tbee : wherefore le the young men finde fa- NabalschurliihneflTe. I. Samuel. 260 vourin thine eyes: (for we come in a good *ky)give,I pray thee, whatsoever cometh to thine hand, unto thy fervantSjand to thy fonne David. 9 And when Davids young men came, they fpake to Naba! according to all thole words in t Heb.r*/W, the name of David, and fceafed. i o f And Nabal anfwered Davids fervants and faidj Who it David? and who u the fonne of Jeffe ? there be many fervants now a dayes that break away every man from his mafter. 1 1 Shall I then take my bread and my wa- tHeb. ter,andmy fflefti that I have killed for my faughtir. {hearers , and give it unto men, whom I know not whence they be ? i x So Davids young men turned their way, and went again, and came and told him all thofe fayings. 15 And David faid unto his men, Gird you on every man his fword. And they girded on every man his fword, and David alfo girded on his fword: and there went up after David about foure hundred men, and two hundred abode by the ftuff. 14 f But one of the young men told Abi- gail Nabals wife, faying, Behold, David fent meflengers out of the wilderneffe co falute our f Hcb.Aw mafterj and he f railed on them. upanthtm. ij But the men were very good unto us, t Heb. jb& an ^ vve were not f hurt, neither miffed we any mid. ' thing as long as we were converfant with -, them, when we were in the fields. 1 6 They were a wall unto us both by night and day , all the while we were with them keeping the flieep. 1 7 Now therefore know and confider what thou wilt do: for evil is determined againft ouc mafter, andagainft all his hou(hold : for he is fuch a fonne of Belial, that a man cannot fpeak to him. 1 8 f Then Abigail made hafte,and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five (heep ready drefled,and fivemeafares i. ^ P arcne< ^ cartt > an l an hundred Ijcluftcrs of raifins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on affes. 19 And fbs faid unto her fervants, Go on before me, behold, I come after you: but ibe told not her husband Nabal. 20 And itwasfo, at (he rode on the afle, that (he came down by the covert of the hill, and behold , David and his men came down againft her, and (he met them. 21 (Now D..vid had faid,Surely in vain have I kept all that this fellow hath in the wilder- nefie , fo that nothing was miffed of all that pertained unto him: and he hath requited me evil for good. 22 So and more alfo do God unto the ene- mies of David, if I leave of all th^: pertain to Abigail pacifieth David. II Or him by the morning light, any that pifieth a- gainft the wall) 23 And when Abigail faw David,(he hafted, and lighted off the afle, and fell before David on her face, and bowed her felf to the ground, 24 And fell at his feet, and faid, Upon me, my lord, upon me let this iniquitie be, and lee thine handmaid , I pray thee, fpeak in thine t audience , and heare the words of thine f Heb.Mw/; handmaid. 2 5 Let not my lord,! pray thee,f regard this f Hcb. u y it man of Belial, even. Nabal : for as his name is, * hlt h " rt * fo u he; Nabal is his name, and follie it with him : but I thine handmaid faw not theyoun" men of my lord, whom thou didft fend. 2.6 Now therefore, my lord, M the LORD Iiveth 3 and as thy foul liveth,feeing the L o R D hath withholden thee from coming to Jhed bloud, and from t avenging thy felf with thine f Heb. ya- own hand : now let thine enemies, and they & th yf tl f- that feck evil to my lord, be as Nabal. 27 And now this |[ble(fing which thine Q Or, />/*. handmaid hath brought unto my lord, let it even be given unto the young men that -f fol- f Heb.*/^ low my lord. mttbefut 18 I pray thee, forgive the trefpaflfe of thine *f **- handmaid: for the L o R D will certainly make my lord a fure houfc: becaufe my lord fighteth the battels of the L o R D, and evil hath not been found in thee all thy dayes. 29 Yet a man is rifen to ^urfue thee, and to feek thy foul : but the foul of my lord (hall be bound in the bundle of life with the LORD thy God j and the fouls of thine enemies,them (hall he fling out, f as out of the middle of a fling, f Heb. in tfa 3 o And it (hall come to pafle when the mMft ftbe LORD (hall have done to my lord according to b u ht <>f * all the good that he hath fpoken concerning ftttt ' thee,and (hall have appointed thee ruler over If- raelj 3 1 That this (hall be f 1.0 grief unto thee, f Heb. w nor offence'of heart unto my lord, either that /?"'".? ? thou haft (hed bloud caufelefle, or that my lord /""W^ hath avenged himfelf : but when the L o R D (hall have dealt well with my lord, then re- member thine handmaid. 32 f And David faid to Abigail, Bleflcd^e the LORO God of Ifirael, which fern thee this day to meet me : 3 j And bleffed be thy advke , andblefled be thou , which haft kept me this day from coming to (hed bloud, and from avenging my felf with mine own hand. 34 Form very deed, as the LORD Godcf Ifraelliveth, which hath kept me back from hurting thee , except rhou hadft hafted and co ,-ne to meet me , farely there had not been left unto Nabal, by the morning 1 ight,any that pifleth againft the wall. 3 f So David received of her hand that which Nabals death. Chap. xxvi. David fpareth Saul. which (he had brought him, and faid unto her, flood that Saul was come in very deed. 16 i Go up in peace to thine houfe j fee, I have 5 j And David arofe, and came to the place hearkened to thy voice , and have accepted thy where Saul had pitched : and David beheld the perfon. place where Saul lay, and * Abner the fcnne of * Chap. 1 4. 36 4 And Abigail came to Nabal; and be- Ner,the captain of his hoft: and Saullay in the 5. and 17. hold, he held a feaft in his houfe, like the feaft || trench , and the people pitched round about /' r midR af of a king ; and Nabals heart was merry within him. 6 Then anfwered David and faid to Ahi- him , for he was very drunken : wherefore fhe told him nothing , lefle or more, untillthe melech theHittite,and to Abiftiai the fonne of morning light. Zerujah brother to Joab, faying, Who will go 37 Butitcametopafleinthemorningjwhen down with me to Saul to the camp? AndAbi, the wine was gone out of Nabal , and his wife ihai faid, I will go down with thee. had told him thefe things , that his heart died 7 So David and Abifliai came to the people within him, and he became as a ftone. by night, and behold, Saul lay deeping within $8 And it came to pafle about ten dayes after, the trench , and his fpear ftuck in the ground at that theLoRDfmoteNabaljthat he died. his bolder: but Abner and the people lay 39 ifAnd when David heard that Nabal roundabout him. was dead, he faid, Blefled be the Lo R D,that 8 Then faid Abiftiai to David , God hath hath pleaded the caufe of my reproch from the f delivered thine enemy into thine hand this f Heb. J&r hand of Nabal, and hath kept his fervantfrom day: now therefore let me fmitehim , I pray p. evil: for the LORD hath returned the wicked- thee, with the fpear , even to the earth at once, nefie of Nabal upon his own head. And D.ivid and I will notfmite him the fecond time. fent and communed with Abigail , to take her 9 And David faid to Abifliai , Deftroy him to him to wife. nor : for who can ftretch forth his hand againft 40 And when the fervants of David were the L OR D anointed, and be guiltleffe ? come to Abigail to Carmel , they fpake unto 10 David faid furthermore, A3 the L OR D her, faying, David fent us unto thee, to take liveth, theL o RD fhall fmite him, or his day thee to him to wife. (hall come to die , or he (hall defcend into bat- 41 And (he arofe,and bowed her felf on her tel, and periih. face to the earth , and faid , Behold, let thine handmaid be a fervant to wafti the feet of the fervants of my lord. 42 And Abigail hafted , and arofe, and rode at his'boifter 3 and the crufe of water 5 & let usgo. upon an afle , with five damfels of hers that 1 2 So Divid took the fpear and the crufe n The LOR D forbid thatlfhould flrerch forth mine hand againft the LORDS anointed : but I pray thee, take thounowthe fpear that is went f after her } and flic went after the mef- fengers of David, and became his wife of water from Sauls bolfter, and they gat them away, and no man faw it, nor knew it, neither lilt-i* ui j~/4ViUj aiiu L/iiaiuv uia win,* . away, duu J-HJ uiaii law 1 1 ^ i\\j\ AUWVT ti y iiL^uiiti. 43 David alfo took Ahinoam*of Jtireel, awaked: for they were all afleep,becaufe a deep and they were alfo both of them his wives. fleep/rw the L o RD was fallen upon them. 44 ^iBut Saul had given * Michal his 13 ^Then David went over to the other daughter , Davids wife, to Phalti the fonne of fide, and flood on the top of an hill afarre off, Laifli, which WAS of Gallim. (a great fpace being between them) 14 And David cried to the people, and to C H A P. X X V I. Abner the fonne O f Ner f raving , Anfwereft *clih ^a^mftD^iF DwidcMin*teffot?enth t thou not ' Abncr ? Thcn Abner anfwered and^ forth Zti'i(k- felf in the hill of Hachilah which is before Je- ftroy the king thy lord. fhimon? 16 This thing is ng is not. good that thou haft 2 Then Saul arofe , and went down to the done : ai.the LORD liveth,ye are f worthy to f Hcb. / wildernefle of Ziph, having three thoufand die, becaufe ye have not kept your mafter the / / chofen men of Ifrael with him , to feek David LORDS anointed : and now fee where the kings **'** fpear Is , and the crufe of water , that tvaszt his bolfter. 17 And Saul knew Davids voice, and faid, Is this thy voice, my fonne David? And David faid., It is my voice, my lord, O king. ' in the wildernefle of Ziph 3 And Saul pitched in the hill of Hachilah, which is before Jeftiimon by the way :but David abode in the wildernefle, and he faw that Saul came after him into the wildernefle. e ater m nto e werne. a., t s my vo, , . 4 David therefore fern out fpics, and under- ' 18 And-he (aid , Wherefore doth my lord : David declareth his innocencie^ I. Samuel. Hedeceiveth Achift; ^6^ thus purfue afcer his fervant ? for what have I done? or what evil is in mine hand? 19 Now therefore , I pray thee , let my lord the king heare the words of his fervant : If the L o R D have ftirred thee up againft me, f Heb. fmtli. i et hi m f accept an offering : but if they be the children of men , curfed be they before the L o R D j for they have driven me out this day *f Heb. dea- from f abiding in the inheritance of the LORD, *" faying, Go ferve other gods. 20 NOW therefore , let not my bloud fall to the earth before the face of the L o R D : for the king of Ifrael is come out to feck a flea , as when one doth hunt a partridge in the moun- tains. ai fl Then faid Saul, I have finned: return, my fonne David , for I will no more do thee harm , becaufe my foul was precious in thine eyes this day : behold , I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly. ^^ And David anfwered and faid , Behold the kings fpear , and let one of the young men come over and fetch it. ij The LORD render to every man his righteoufnefle , and his faithfulnefle : for the LORD delivered thee into my hand to day, but I would not ftretch forth mine hand againft the LORDS anointed. 24 And behold, as thy life was much fet by this day in mine eyes j fo let my life be much fet by in the eyes of the LORD, and let him de- liver me out of all tribulation. 2? Then Saul faid to DavidjBlefled be thou, my Tonne David : thou (halt both do great things, and alfofhalt ftill prevail. So David went on his way, and Saul returned to his place. CHAP. XXVII. I Saul hearing David to \>e. in Gath, feeketh no more for him. 5 David beggeth Ziklag of ^ichijb. 8 He invading other countreys > ferfwadeth lAcbiJh he fought againH fudah, A Nd David faid in his heart, I (hall now f Heb. be \.\ perifh one day by the hand of Saul : there ttnfitmeii, j 5 nothing better for me , then that I (hould fpeedily efcape into the land of the Philiftines} and Saul (hall defpair of me , to (eek me any more in any coaft of Ifrael : fo (hall I efcape out of his hand. x And David arofe, and he paffed over with the fix hundred men that were with him , unto Achi(h the fonne of Mabch king of Gath. $ And David dwelt with Achifliat Gath,he and his men , every man with his houfhold, even David with his two wives , Ahinoam the Je/reelitefle,and Abigail the Carmelitefle Na- bjls wife. 4 And it was told Saul that David was fled to Gath: and he fought no more again for him. 5 f And David faid unto Achifh, If I havfi now found grace in thine eyes , let them give me a place in fome town in the countrey, that I may dwell there : for why (hould thy fervant dwell in the royall city with thee ? 6 Then Achi(h gave him Ziklag that day : wherefore Ziklag pertaineth unto the kings of Judah unto this day. 7 And f the time; that David dwelt in the t Heb. countrey of the Philiftines , was f a full yeare * Hmte and foure moneths. t*Heb 8 H And David and his men went up and J ear c e ",/ invaded the Gemurites, and the (| Gezrites, day tjt and the Amalekites : for thofe nations were of il > Tvith com- mendatMns of hit fidelity. NOw the Phihftines gathered together all their armies to Aphefc : and the Ifraelites pitched by a fountain which is in Jczreel. 2 And the lords of the Philiftines paged on by hundreds,and by thoufands : but David and bis men pafled on in the rere-ward with AchiOj. 3 Then faid the princes of the Philiftiney, What rfo thefe Hebrews here ? And Achi(bfsid unto the princes of the Philiftines, Is not this David the fervant of Saul the king of Ifrael, which hath been with me thefe dayes or tbefe yeares, and I have found no fault in him fince he fell unto me, unto this day f 4 And the princes of the Philiftines were wroth with him, and the princes of the Phili. ftines faid unto him, *Make this fellow return, ' that he may go again to his plate which thou 1 haft appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battel, left in the battel he be an adverfarytous : for wherewith flxmld he re- concile himfcWunto his mailer ? fliottld it no: be with the heads ^ of thefe men > j Is not this David, of whom they fang one The Amalekites fpoil Ziklag.^ I. Samuel. David purfueth them; 164 to another in dances, faying, * Saul flew his 7 And David faid ro Abiathar the prieft * Chap. 1 8. 7 thoufands, and David his ten thoufands ? Ahimelechs fonne, I pray thee bring me hither aodzi.il. 6 ^ Then Achifli called David,and faid un- thcephod: and Abiathar brought thither the tohim> Surely, at the LORD liveth, thou haft been upright , and thy going out and thy co- f Heb. tbou art not good ephod to David. 8 And David enquired at the LORD, faying, Shall I purfue after this troup? thill I overtake them? And he anfwered him, Purfuej for thou (halt furely overtake tbet,3f\d without fail re- cover all. 9 So David went, he and the fix hundred men that vptre with him , and came to the brook Befor, where thofc that were leftbe- binde, ftaycd. i o But David purfued , he and foure hun- dred men : ( for two hundred aboda behinde, which were fo faint , that they could not go over the brook Bcfor ) ii ^T And they found an Egyptian in the field, and brought him to David and gave him bread, and he did eat, and they made him drink water. i z And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs, and two clutters of raijins s and when he had eaten, his fpirit came again to him : for he had eaten nobread,nor drunk any water, three dayes and three nights. ij And David faid unto him, To whom belongeft thou? and whence art thou? And he faid, I am a young man of Egypt, fervant to an Amalekite , and my mafter left me , be,f aufe three dayes agone I fell fick. i Tie Amalekites fpoil Zikbg-7 V** ^kntg fottnfel, 1 4 We made an invafion upon the fouth of it encouraged by God to purfue them.it By the means the Cherethites, and upon the coast whjch be- of a revived Egyptian, he u brought to the enemies, l on g et f) to Judah,and upon the fouth of Caleb, andrecovereih aB thef^l. ^ Davids law to divide ^^ bmm ^g^ ^ fire> And David faid to him , Canft thou tl _ ming'inwith me in thehoft, is good in my fight: for I have not found evil in thee,fince the day of thy coming unto me unto this day: ne- verthelefle, f the lords favour thee not. 7 Wherefore now return, and go in peace, that thou fdifplcafc not the lords of the Phili- THeb do not &i nes ' evil tnth, 8 ^ And David faid unto Achifli, But what yes of tht have I done? and what haft thou found in thy r fervant, fo long as I have been f with thee on- to this day, that I may not go fight againft the enemies of my lord the king ? 9 And Achimanfwered and faid to David, I know that thou art good in my fight , as an angel of God : notwithftanding , the princes of the Philiftines have faid, He thall not go up with us to the battcl. i Q Wherefore now rife up early in the morn- ing, with thymafters fervants that are come with thee : and aflbon as ye be up early in the morning, and have light, depart. ii So David and his men rofeup early to depart in the morning, to return into the land of the Philiftinesj and the Philiftines went up to JezrecL 'CHAP. XXX. ' David Mk.rn the ff oil equally between them that fight,& them that kfef the fluff. 1.6 He fendeth prefents to hit friends. X Nd it came to pafle when David and his Jf\mcn were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the fouth and Ziklag, and fomteji Ziklag, and burnt it with fire: ^ And had taken the women captives that were therein j they flew not any, either great or finall jbut carried them away , and went on their way. 3 fl So David and his men came to the city, and behold , it was burnt with fire, and their wives, and their fonnes a and their daughters were taken captives. 4 Then David and the people that were with him, lift up their voice and wept,untill they had no more power to weep. 5 And Davids two wives were taken ca- ptives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitefle, and Abigail tbewife of Nabal the Carmelite. 6 And David was greatly diftrefledj for the people fpike of Honing him,becaufe the foul of t Hcb.Wwr 3 H the people was f grieved, every man for his fonncs,and for his daughters: but David encou- raged himfelf in the L o R D his God. 15 bring me down to this company? and he faid, Swear unto me by God, that thou wilt neither kill me , nor.deliver me into the handsof rny mafter jand I will bring thee down to this com- pany. 16 q And when be had brought him down, behold, they were Cpttid abroad upon all the earth, eating and drinking, and dancing, be- caufe of all the great fpoil that they had taken out of the land of the Philiftines,and out of the land of Judah. 17 And David fmotethem from the twi- light, even unto the evening of t the next day: -j- Heb. t and there efcaped not a man of them, favewwow. foure hundred young men which rode upon ca- mels, and fled. 1 8 And David recovered all that the Ama- lekites had carried away : and David refcued. his two wives. 19 And there was nothing lacking to them, neither fmall nor great, neither fonnes nor daughters,neicher fpoil,nor any thing that they had taken to them : David recovered all. 20 And David took all the flocks, and the herds, David divideth the fpoil. Chap. xxxi. The death of Saul and his fonnes: r, < m j <*' icb. mt* r, and mournfully bury their boxes. p biliftines fought againft Ifrael: and the men of Ifrael fled from before the* 26 f Philiftines , and fell down || flain in mount |0r,fr4 Gilboa. i And the Philiftines followed hard upon Saul, and upon his fonnes j and the Philiftines flew Jonathan,and Abinadab,and Malchifliua, Sauls fonnes. $ And the battel went fore agamft Saul, and the f archers f hit him , and he was fore t Heb.Jfc#- wounded of the archers. " ntn vtth 4 Then faid Saul unto his armour-bear- I'n'c'b er , Draw thy fword and thruft me through him, therewith j left thefe uncircuracifed come and thruft me through, and Habufe-me. But his H Or, ?:{. armour-bearer would not j for he was fore me afraid: therefore Saul took a fword, and fell upon it. 5 And when his armour-bearer faw that Saul was dead, he fell hkewife upon his fword, and died with him. 6 So Saul died, and his three fonnes , and his armour- bearer, and all his men that fame day together. 7 f And when the men of Ifrael that were on the other fide of the valley , and they that were on the other fide Jordan, faw that the men of Ifrael fled , and that Saul and his fonnes were dead, they forfook the cities^ and fled 5 and the Philiftines came and dwelt in them. 8 And it came to pafle on the morrow,when the Philiftines came to ftrip the flain, that they found Saul and his three fonnes fallen in mount Gilboa. 9 And they cut off his head , and firip- ped off* his armour , and fent into the land of the Philiftines round about , to publifli it In the houfe of their idols , and among the people. xo And they put his armour in the houfe of Afhtaroth : and they fattened his bodie to the wall of Beth -than. 1 1 f And when the inhabitants of Jabefii- gilead heard |( of that which the Philiftines had || Or,cho brought tidings of the overthrow* andarcufed himfelfof Sauls death, it (lain. 17 ZXz- ind lanteriteth Saul and Jonathan with afong. ;Ow it came to paffe after the * death of Saul, when David was returned from * the (laughter of the Amalekites , and David had abode two dayes in Ziklag : 2 It came even to pafle on the third day,that behold,a man came out of the camp from Saul, with his clothes rent, and earth upon his head: and fo it was, when he came to David, that he fell to the earth, and did obeifance. 3 And David faid unto him, From whence comeft thou? And he faid unto him,Out of the camp of Ifrael am I efcaped. 4 And David faid unto him, f How went the .matter? I pray thee, tell me. And he anfwered, That the people are fled from the battel, and many of the people alfo are fallen and dead, and Saul and Jonathan his fonne are dead alfo. ? And David faid unto the youngrnan that told him, How knoweft thou that Saul and Jo. mthan his fonne be dead ? 6 And the young man that told him, faid, As I happened by chance upon mount Gilboa, behold, -Saul leaned upon his fpear : and lo,the chariots & horfemen followed hard after him. 7 And when he looked behinde him,he faw me,and called unto me: and I anfwered ; t Here 8 And he faid unto me,Who art thou? And I anfwered him, I am an Amalekite. 9 He faid unto me again,Stand,I pray thee, fOt,myeat upon me, and hy me : for [janguifh is come * rr "* tl ( or upon me,becaufe my life it yet whole in me. 23Co ' So * ftood "P on him * and flewv him > be - hindrtth n f> caufe I was fure that he could not live after that that my, frc, he was fallen : and I took the crown that was upon his head , and the bracelet that was on his arm , and have brought them hither unto my lord. 11 Then David took hold on his clothes, * Chap. 3.31 and *rent them, and likewife all the men that and 13.31. Btfrewithhim. 1 2 And they mourned and wept, and fafted untill even , for Saul and for Jonathan his fonne, and for the people of the LORD, and for the houfe of Ifrael} becaufe they, were fallen by the fword. 1 3 f And David faid unto the young man that told him, Whence art thou.* And he an- fwered, I am the fonne of a ftranger,an Ama- kkite. 14 And David faid unto him, * How waft * Pf a l. i thou not afraid to ftretch forth thine haad , to 1 5 deftroy the LORDS anointed ? 1 f And David called one of the young men, and faid, Go neare, and&ll upon him. And he fmote him that he died. 1 6 And David faid unto him,Thy bloud be upon thy head : for thy mouth hath teftified againft thee,faying, I have flain the LORDS anointed. 1 7 f And David lamented with this lamen- tation over Saul, and over Jonathan his fonne, j 8 ( Alfo he bade them teach the children of J udah the ufe of the bow : behold it u writ- ten * in the book jj of Jaftier ) * Jofli.io 19 The beautie of Ifrael is flain upon thy ||Or, /*/ high places : how are the mightie fallen ! Vfc** 20 * Tell it not in Gath,publiftm not in *Micahi the ftreetsof Askelon: left the daughters of the io t Philiftines rejoyce , left the daughters of the uncircumcifed triumph. 21 Ye mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew i neither let there fee rain upon you, nor fields of jofferings : for there the fliieldof the mightie is vilely caft away, thefhieldof Saul, (is though he had not been anointed with oyl. 2 2 From the bloud of the flain, from the fat of the mightie , the bow of Jonathan turned not back, and the fword of Saul returned not emptie. 2 5 Saul and Jonathan were lovely and || plea- J Or V> fant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided: they were fwifter then eagles,they Were ftronger then lions. 24 Ye daughters of Ifrael, weep over Saul, who clothed you in fcarlet s with other delights 3 who put on o^rnamems of gold upon your ap- parel. 2f How are the mighty fallen inthemidft of the battel .' O Jonathan, tboutvaft flain in. thine high places. ^6 lamdiftrefledforthee, my brother Jt> nathan rverypleafant haft thou been unto mes thy love to me was wonderfull, pa fling the love of women. 27 How are the mighty fallen, and the wea- pons of wrre peri&ed I CHAP. David is made king of Judah. Chap.ii. ATahel is (lain. CHAP. l L lrS! VC K 0f u B r nJ3min * hich >Wftf to Ifl,- 167 i &4U ft? Gb direftitn, vntb hit ctmpawgetth up Doinetrt the fonne of Saul . and twelve of the to Hebron , where he it made jfezw? of ?udnh. j He fcrvants of David. fommenJeth them of *-'-" - 5 * ------ J - - xeffeto SauL f $ abejb-gilead , for tkeir kind- 16 And thevranoht* r t , r mtfeth Ifb-bajbetb ton, f \^A A L "" h ' CVer y one his fellow by the an skirmiSb between trvelv? of he ad,and tbntfthn fword in his fellows fide- fo nd twelve ofjoibs men. 18 Jfabtl* {lain. thev W down together:wherefore that nlarr w** * ** *""* retreat - c ^Indth rthis, thatDavid *^! aying^halllgoup beforethe fer there were three ^Nd icca.etopafle afterthis, thatDavid * ^IcnqmredoftheLoRD^aying^halllgoup beforethe fervams of David intoanyofthd cities of Judah? And the LORD iB ^jAnd there were (hall I go up? And he faid, Unto Hebron. Afahel was as light t of foot t as 3 wildVroT i So David went up thither , and his two i 9 And AfaheL purfucd after \b and I Hcb< rftk Ju- hold on one of the youngren , and tee ^^^^ ye of the LORD that ye have (hewed this kind- I finite thee to the S?SfS nefl^umoyourlord, ^untoSaul,andhave hold up my face to |oab thy broker? 6 AnrnowtheLo.D (hew kindnene and SnTrau? I r 11 r ^Ty Uthls fm te himu der the fifth rib , that h fp klndnefle, becaufe ye have done this thmg. came out behinde hin^nd he fell down there w J I /^"^/"y^handsbeftrength- and diedin the fame place : and it cameTo A d, and t be ye valiant: for your matter Saul paffe,that as manyascame to the place where f is dcad 3 [M the houfe of Judah have Afahel fell down and died, flood ftilU anointed me king over them. 14 Joab alfo and Abifei purfued after Ab- 8 f But Abner the fonne of Ner, captain of net: and the funne went down when they vwe t Sauls hoft.tookKh-boO^h the fonne of Saul, come , d, and ^ And the children of Benjamin gathered themfelves her after Abner, andbecame fi onctro P^nd flood on the top of anhill. 10 Ift.boflieth Sauls fonne w^ fourtie yeares 16 Then Abner called tojoab, and fairf ' an ^ffiS thoi in the latter end lr, W ? A .ik* hoVV Ion S flia11 " be then ere thou bid he peol Heb on nv, ^ J fc^f ?Tu VV3S k '? 8 ^ P k reram fr m f llovvin g their brcchre ? Hebron over the houfe of Judah , was feven 27 And Joab faid , j*j God liveth, unlefle r^^S5^~rf*.M.dW ^eop!etl7A fervantsofKh-bofheththefonneofSau^went lowing bis brother. ^ out from Mahanaim,to Gibeon. a 8 So Joab blew a trumpet , and all one ono , f^ u u j nr an is mcn wa a on th nth T/ f P , ]> 2nd thC thCt niht thr W 8 h the P Iain * and P affed ovcr / or - ti 2 J AK r '5 e P T 0l \ dan and went thr u S h ajl wSron, ^nd they 14 And Abner faid to Joab, Let the young came to Mahanaim. nen now arife, and play before as. And Joab go And Joab returned from following Ah- < Th T V , ner: and when he had Sphered all thepeo- if 1 hen there arofe& went over by number pl together, there lacked of Davids fer- S i vants Abner difpleafed with 368 vams nineteen men , and Afahel. j i But the fervanw of David had fmitten of Benjamin and of Abners men, fo that three hundred and threefcore men died. $ 2 f And they took up Afahel , and buried him in the fepulchre of his father, which was in Beth-lehem: and Joab and his men went all night , and they came to Hebron at break of day. CHAP. III. 1 During the wane D&vidftitt w&xeth ftronger. a Six fonnts were born to him in Hebron. 6 a B*mah and Reckrt fry IJMoJhetk, andbri kb./,. 9 V And David anfwered Rechab and Ba. anah his brother, the fonnes of Rimmon the Beerothue, and faid unto them, ^ the L o R 3 iiveth,who hath redeemed my foul out of all adverfitie, 10 When* one told me, faying, Behold Saul is dead,( f thinking to have brought good .5. S- u gS ^n 1 ^ hold of him ' and flcvv hi ^ 'n 1" Heb - * Ziklag, J| who thought that I would have given vai ttt h * *** him a reward for hiftidings : 8 V tiat * 1 1 How murh U 1 3 brmger> ere, have flain a righteous perfon a in his own houfe was/r*. upon his bed? fall I not therefore now require ?'< '**" ^^r ihmd " ttd take >" L '^" 4 " i ^ And David commanded his young men, and they flew them , and cut off their hands and their feet, and hanged them up over the ho! m Hebron: but they took the bead of Ilh- s head to be burled* ANd when Sauls fonne heard that Abner was dead in Hebron, his hands were fee- ble, and all the Ifraelites were troubled. And Sauls fonne had two men that were C H A P. V. I The tribes come to Utbron to anoint Divij over Ifra- el. 4 Dmids age. 6 He ta\ing Zion from the Jtbii' fitestdwelleth init.u Hiram jendith to Dwid. i j E- levenfomies are born to him in Jeriifalem. 17 D i- vtd. direfledfyGoJ, (mittth the Philiflinei at Baa I- hold 1 1 Samuel. The ark removed. Uzzah fimtten. David anointed king. " shalll u totheP hiUftines ? riittho. C7 o hold , we are thy W'g&f** kin * deUver them im5 mine hand* And the LORB Alfo m me P^^^ft^^ faid unto David, Go up : for I will doubtlcfle t ledaen ou over us, Ifa.z8.ul- at, } brougnteitmuEaci.au .*-.--- j f . " , o And David came to " Daai-peia^inijaiiu *Pfal. 7 8. * Thou {halt feed my people Ifrael , ar David fmote them there, and faid, The LORD 7* (halt be a captain over Ifrael broken f(jrth mine ene m ies before 3 So all the elders of Ifraelc ' met J^*" me ast he breach of waters. Therefore hecal- to Hebron,andking David madeaie o led'the name of that place, ySaal-peraiim. II them in Hebron before the L o . R D. / ^ ^ And thcr thcy le f t their ima ges , and ^j.^. anointed David kingover Ifrael. David and hi$ meo * jj burnt them. i. chron? 4 ^ David W4a thirtie yeares oic ^ And the phil ,ft ines catne up ye t again, 1 4. *. began to reigne, and he '"8"^;^^ an d fpread themfelves in the valley of Rephaim |Oj^ * Cbap.,i i 5 to Hebroa he re ! gncd J" n Teruftlem he * 5 And when David enquired of the LORD , yeares, and fix moneths: g^JjSffiS he faid, Thou (halt not go up: 6r fetch a com- reigned thirtie and three yeares ^ behinde them, and come upon them ovec t^^^^^S^f^^ ^^^ i ^^^\^^ the land: which fpake un o_ David faying , b 5^ thou ftalt beftjrre thy fclf : for B0r ,,, sa hd whfro m G e ba ) u nti U t hou AP. VI. w Uta ^fJ ll ' p*Hr* - JUaUnotcomeintothehoure ft'^^f^^t'JSf^!^^ S^^^s^?^ i^ay^s^^ ^M^^^ . rSS' f David gathered together allthe J And Davidt went on and grew great, A ^ men O f Krael, thirty thoufand. e L o R D God of hofts was with him. 4 * c "" 1 J d f d went w.th all the i . C e femrnef- - ***> S?... aadGod i.Chroa; The LORD hath bleffed the houfe of Obed- edom, and all that pertained unto him, becaufe of the ark of God. * So David went & brought up the ark of God from the houfe of Obed- edom, into the city of David, with gladnefle. 1 3 And it was fo, that when they that bare God ble/Teth Obed-edom.^ Chap. vii. David forbidden to build. (lor, wjb- few || errour , and there he died by the ark of fore the L o R D, which chofe me before thy fa- 271 '/' God. ther , and before all his houfe, to appoint me 8 And David was difpleafed, becaufe the ruler over the people of the LORD, overlfrael: f Heb, LORD had f made a breach upon Uzzah : and therefore will I play before the L o R D. *<. he called the name of the place, || Perez-uzzah 22 And I will yet be more vile then thus, HMbtfvr to this day< and wil1 be bafe in mine own fight : and || of | Or, ./ the v, 9 And Davidwas afraid oftheLoRD that the maid-fervants which thou haft fpoken of ^ nrfwM '^ of day, and faid, How (hall the ark of the L o R D of them (hall I be had in honour. m ? f r v an ' come to me ? 25 Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul 10 So David would not remove the ark of had no childe untill the day of her death, the L o R D unto him into the city of David : f H A P VTT but David carried it afide into the houfe of O- lNathanfrfl affrov - mR thepurpofeo'fDtvid to build bed-edom the Glttlte. Sod an houft, 4 after by the rvord of Godforbtddeth 1 1 And the ark of the L O R D Continued in kzm. 11 tie promtfeth him benefits and bleQingt itt the houfe of Obed-edom the Gittitc, three */ 8 Davids payer and thanksgiving. moneths: and the L o R D bleffed Obcd-edom, A Nd it came to paffe,* when the king fat m ' and all his houfhold. ,/l.his houfe,and the L o R D had given him J And it was told king David , faying, reft round about from all his enemies; 2 That the king faid unto Nathan the pro- phet i See now, I dwell in an houfe of cedar, but the ark of God dwelleth within curtains. 3 And Nathan faid to the king, Go, do all. that is in thine heart: for the LORD is with thee. 4 ^ And it came to paffe that night, that the the ark of the L o R D , had gone fix paces , he word of the L o R D came unto Nathan, fay- facrificed oxen and failings. ing, 1 4 And David danced before the L o R D f Go and tell f my fervant David , Thus j- Hc j, te ^ with all his might, and David TVM girded with faith the L o R D,Shalt thou build me an houfe flr wn i t a linen ephod. for me to dwell in ? JDavid* i f So David and all the houfe of Ifrael 6 Whereas I have not dwelt in any houfe, brought up the ark of the LORD with (homing, fince the time that I brought up the children of and with the found of the trumpet. Ifrael out of Egypt , even to this day, but have 1 6 And as the ark of the LORD came into walked in a tent and in a tabernacle, the city of David, Michal Sauls daughter look- 7 In all the places wherein I have walked ed through a window,and faw kingDavid leap- with all the children of Ifrael , fpake I a word ing and dancing before the LORD; and (he with (j any of the tribes of Ifrael,whom I com- I! In the i ; defpifed him in her heart. manded to feed my people Ifrael, faying, Why chr "'t.^ 17 f And they brought in the ark of the build ye not me an houfe of cedar? *rj**' LORD,, afld fet it in his place, in themidftof 8 Now therefore, fo (halt thou fay unto my the tabernacle that David had f pitched for it : fervant David, Thus faith the LORD of hofts, and David offered burnt- offerings , and peace* * I took thee from the (heep-cote , t from fol- * i. Sa m. i#; offerings before the L o R D. lowing the (heep , to be ruler over my people, i * 1 8 And affoon as David had made an end of overlfrael. Ji^bl' 7 * offering burnt-offerings , and peace-offerings, 9 And I was with thee whitherfoever thou !> * *he bleffed the people in the name of the wenteft,and have cut off all thine enemies f out ( Heb. jfm LORD of hofts. of thy fight, and have made thee a great name, ; 1 9 And he dealt among all the people,^ a like unto the name of the great men that are in among the whole multitude of Ifrael , as well the earth. to the women as men , to every one a cake of 10 (Moreover,! will appoint a place for my bread, and a good piece offlejh, and a flagon of people Ifrael , and will plant them , that they wine : fo all the people departed every one to may dwell in a place of their own, and move no his houfe. more: neither (hall the children of wickednefle 20 f Then David returned to blefle his affli ft them any more,as before- time, houfLold: and Michal the daughter of Saul n And as fince the time that I commanded came out to meet Divid,and faid,How glorious judges to be over my people Ifrael , and have was the king of Ifrael to day , who uncovered caufed thee to reft from all thine enemies) Alfo himfelf to day in the eyes of the handmaids of the LORD telleth thee,that he will make thee | Or, openly, bis fervants, as one of the vain fellows jj ftiame- an houfe. lefly uncovereth himfelf 1 i s tj And * when thy dayes be fulfilled,and ai And David faid unto Michal, It wa* be- thou ftwlt fleep with thy fathers , I will fet up S 4 hy i. Kings g. Gods promife to David. His prayeri 1 1. Samuel. His vi&ories. z 7 1 thy feed after thee , which (hall proceed out of 29 Therefore now f let it pleafe thee to t Heb. b, thy bowels, and I will eftablifti his kingdome. blefle the houfe of thy fervant,that it may con- thm i * i.Kings 5. 1 3 * He (hall build an houfe for my name, 5. and 6. 1 1. and I will ftablifh the throne of his kingdome J;^ hron '"- for ever. * Heb.i.j. 14*1 will be his father, and he (hall be my * Pfal. 8 P. fonne : * if he commit iniquitie, I wi 11 chaften 3>3 1 3 * him with the rod of men , and with the flripcs of the children of men : tinue for ever before thee : for thou , O Lord * nd and is this the | manner ofman,OLord GOD? || chariots , and fcven hundred horfemen ,. and || As*i.chr< 20 And what can David fay more unto thee? twentie thoufand footmen: and David houghed * 8 4 for thou, Lord GOD, knoweft thy fervant. all the chzriot-horfes , but refervcd of them for 21 For thy words fake, and according to an hundred chariots. thine own heart haft thou done all thefe great $ And when the Syrians of Damafcus came things, to make thy fervant know them. to fuccour Hadadezer king of Zobah , David 2 2 Wherefore thou art great,O LORD God: flew of the Syrians two and twentie thoufand for there is none like thee , neither is there any men. God befide thee , according to all that we have 6 Then David put garifons in Syria of Da- heard with oureares. mafcus: and the Syrians became fervants to *Deut. 4,7. 23 And * what one nation in the earth is David, and was lame on both his feet. CHAP. X. I Davids meflengers lent to comfort ttanun the fontu ofNahafb,are'uill. ere 8 And David faid to Uriah.Go down to thy houfe, and wafli thy feet. And Uriah departed out of the kings houfe , and there t followed him a mefle of meat from the king. o But Uriah flept at the.doore of the kings houfe , with all the fervants of his lord , and went not down to his houfe. ip And when they had told David, faying^ Uriah went not down unto his houfe, David Syrians : and they fled before him. 14 And when the children of Ammon faw that the Syrians were fled , then fled they alfo before Abi(hai,and entred into the city : (o Jo- ab returned from the children of Ammon, and came to Jerufalem. i? fl And when the Syrians fawthat they were fmitten before Ifrael, they gathered them- felves together 1 6 And Had arezer fent,and brought out the faid unto Uriah, Cameft thou not from thy Syrians that were beyond the river , and they journey? why then didft (hou not go down un- came to Helam^and Shobach the captain of the hoft of Hadarezer vtt before them. 17 And when it was told David, he gathered all Ifrael together, and pa fled over Jordan,and came to Helam: and the Syrians fet themfclves in aray againft David, and fought with him. 18 And the Syrians fled before Ifrael , and my wife? as thou liveft, and M thy foullivethj David flew t he men of feven hundred chariots I will not do this thing. of the Syrians, and fourtie thoufand horfemen, and ftnote Shobach the captain of their hoft, who died there. 19 And when all the kings tbat werekr* Tants to Hadarezer faw that they were fmitten before Ifrael , they made peace with Ifrael, and to thine houfe ? ii And Uriah faid unto David, The ark, and Ifrael , and Judah abide in tents , and my lord Joab , and the fervants of my lord are en- camped in the open fields i (hall I then go into mine houfe, to eat and to drink, and to lie with t Heb. tt tbt ttturntftbt *'i 'ch ron ' i z And David faid to Uriah, Tarrie here to day alfo , and to morrow I will let thee depart. So Uriah abode in Jerufalem, that day and the morrow. 1 3 And when David had called him,he did eat and drink before him,and made him drunk: ferved them : fo the Syrians feared to help the and at even he went out to lie on his bed with. the fervants of his lord, but went not down to his houfe. 14 f And it came to pafle in the morning, that David wrote a letter to Joab, and fent it by the hand of Uriah. i ? And he wrote in the letter, faying, Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the f hotteft battel, and retire ye f from him , that he may be fmit- children of Ammon anymore. CHAP. XI. I While Joab befieged Rabbah , David committed adultery with Bath-(heba. 6 Vriik fent for by David to cover the adultery , would not go home neither fober nor drunken. 14 He carrieth to Jod> the letter of hit death. i$ foab (endeth the news thereof t David. 1,6 David taketh Bath'fheba to wife. ANd it came to pafle , that t afcer the yeare was expired , at the time when kings go ten, and die. cu , e t caufeth David to ffffeth hisftrmtyand it pardoned.1 f David tnourneth and praytth for the childe, vebile it lived. 14. Solo- mon u borjf, and named Jedid'nk. 16 David la\tth Rakboh, and tortureth thepeofle thereof. A NJr,y< //*, I _J^ A j Akri L L L / i of the hilUnde behinde him. . * Ana ADiaiom her brotherfaiduntoher .* AJT j ur-j L i- Hath Amnon thy brother been with thee? buJ bX? A /""T 5 fild omo i he k '"S ' Be ' holdnowthypea'cen.yfift^nhehthybro^r SM*J V '^ I "" lt " % "T*IS5'.'* his brother + Vf , r nr( . 8 c " f B Tarn thefonneofllAmmihudkingofGclhur: i And it came to paffe after mo full due AbWom hid (heep-Cers in andAb - . let the king, I befeech thee, and his fervanrs, go C H A P. X 1 1 1 h With thy fervant. I Joa^ [ulornmg a. rvidorv offekaah, by a paraBle to to Abfalom. m : howbeit 7* irn&t i*** k'*& preface. Sl f ltffed Tf hlm ' T TVTOw Joab the fonne of Zerniah percemd that the kinss heart zT AKn : 2 ' But Abfalom prcffed him, that he lee thence a wife woman, and faid unto her, I pray, Amnon and all the : kings fonnes go with him. thee , feigne thy felf to be a mourner, andpuc fervA ^NowAb&Iomhad commanded his on now mourning apparel, and anoint not Thy * hL J ying - u ye novv vvhen Amnons fclf whh y I bm bc as a woman that had a Jon e 3Ml;t J ! m . err y ; with wine, and when I fay unto time mourned for thedcad: y^ u > J>1 " Amnon, then kill him , fear not : ? And come to the king , and fpeak on this and I be TV&M*^ y U ? bC c ^ ura S iou$ manner unt ? ^^ J oab P ut ^ words in her The widow of Tekoah. 1 II. Samuel. Abfaloms beauty 278 4 f And when the woman of Tekoah fpake t to difcern good and bad: therefore the LORB t Heb. tt to the king, (he fell on her face to the ground, f Heb.ySw. and did obeifance, and faid, f Help, O king. ? And the king faid unto her, Whataileth thee ? And (he anfwered, I am indeed a widow woman, and mine husband is dead. 6 And thy handmaid had two fonnes , and they two ftrove together in the field, and there f Heb. no WM t none to P a them, but the one fmote the tteitvfter be. other, and flew him. *** tbtn t 7 And behold , the whole family is rifen , .... againft thine handmaid, and they faid, Deliver fpoken : for thy fervant Joab he bade me, and him that fmote his brother , that we may kill he put all thefe words in the mouth of thine him, for the life of his brother whom he flew, and we will deftroy the heir alfo : and fo they (hall quench my coal which is left , and (hall not leave to my husband neither name norre- . M tnainder ) upon the earth. *_ o A J .u i,;~.~. rv; J . < .-I ihtfue if the earth. 8 And the king faid unto the woman,Go to 2, i thy God will be with thee. 1 8 Then the king anfwered and faid unto the woman, Hide not from me, I pray thee,the thing that I fliall ask thee. And the woman faid, Let my lord the king now fpeak. i Q And the king faid, Is net the hand of Jo- abwith thee in all this ? And the woman an- fwered and faid, As thy foul liveth,my lord the king , none can turn to the right hand or to the left from ought that my lord the king hath handmaid : 10 To fetch about this form of fpeech hath thy fervant Joab done this thing : and my lord is wife , according to the wifdomc of an angel ofGodjto know all things that are in the earth. thine houfe , and I will give charge concerning now dice. 9 And the woman of Tekoah faid unto the king , My lord, Oking, the iniquity be on me, And the king faid unto Joab, Behold I have done this thing : go therefore. bring the young man Abfalom again. oab fell to the ground on his face, t Heb. th*t the revingtr *4rjfrjf ji or *A&*** om im: r I? Andther 'nicameffengerto David , be came faying, The hearts of the men of Ifoe] are af S totheking,and bowed himfelf on his face to Abfalom. the ground before the king, and the k:n kifled 14 And David faid unto all his fervants that Abfal m ' < with him at Jerufalem , Arife, and let u. CHAP. XV fl ", 5 r w ; fta11 not et f e efca F from Abfalom: fpeechts and courtefa, filled the ? ,* T?"? de P a " > kft hc overtake Us Old- air and tAbiathar are fent back, -with the ark' Jo David f& Behold > hy fervantS are readie to h company g up mount Olivet weeing. 3 r He whatioever my lord the king (hall f appoint, * And Abfalom rofe up e'arly, and flood be- Krrloff ' ^ ""^ '" * **"* ^ Iide the way of the gate : and it was fo, that Heb. /. when any man that had a controverfie \ came to the king for judgement, then Abfalom cal- )j . . ;r,V.K m good ad right, tert.B^l ypace al? a b J U [\T- h "V mnrn ro . ,*. 4 *?*<< of the king to heare thee. ' Ifl 1 t WIth ., the kin S : for tho " wnwri 4 Abfilom faid moreover , Oh that I were ,1 S wh "i "' lc - a y man K ""h ftodd S Z t makT *" ^""^ y m, n<; ar n e Ll^n lei f"" 1 ^ 1 " 1 "^ 7 d *<- ibfalom ftole the hearts of the men of Ifrael. 7 fl And it came to pafle after fourtyyeares* ~jr* Jr that Abfalom faid unto the king, I pray thee let ove *" A A , ld faid *? Itta ' Go , and pane tnego and pay my vowwhich I have vowed * A " dit tait heGittitepaflfcdover,&allhis unto the L o R D in Hebron. ie " jlnd '^ , little ones h w with him. 8 Forthy fcrvantvowed a vow whiLs Tabof? j n counr r e y wept with a loud at Gefhur in Syria, faying, If the L a R D ft, J?i2 ""r ir i e pe P le P alfcd over : lhc king bring me again indeed to Jerufalem then I w, J lmfclf P afled vtr the brook f| Kidro n ,and j Ca l .fervcthe LORD. people pafled over , toward the way of John +* AJL A I--_ r i the wildcrncffe. * /*^* venant and had '& iiwt ** *** xituf on* * it And with Abfalom went two bund J k 2 J ^nd the king (aid unto Zadok, Carrie men out of Jerufalem that were c H A ark of God into the citie: if I ftall they went in their fimplicitie d rh!v t " u faV Ur in the eyes of the L R *> he Wl11 oc any thing, 3 d they kRevv brin mc a Z, ^nd /hew me ^0^ it, and his ---- * .. O'- haKinri'r>r ' habitation.' a But; Zadok and Abiathar fent back. 1 1. Samuel. Shimei curfeth David, 8o 26 But if he thus fay, I have no delight in for the kings houftiold to ride on,and the bread thee: behold, here am Ijlec him do to me as *. h* ft'A and fummcE-fruit for the young men to eat,and the wine,that fuch as be faint in the wilderneffc may drink. 3 And the king faid, And where if thy ma- fters fonne? And Ziba faid unto the king, Be- hold, he abidech at Jerufalem : for he faid, To day fhall the houfe of Ifrael reftore me the kingdome of my father. 4 Then faid the king to Ziba, Behold,thine are all that pertained unto Mephibofheth. And Ziba faid, t 1 humbly befeech thee t hat I may f Heb. lit finde grace in thy fight, my lord, O king. */**. 5 ^ And when king David came to Bahu- rim, behold, thence came out a man of the fa- mily of the houfe of Saul, whofe name was and all the people that WM with him, covered Shimei the fonne of Gera : j| he came forth and fj Or every man his head, and they went up. weeping curfedftillashecame. camt 6 And he caft ftones at David, and at all the ** fervants of king David : and all the people,and all the mightie men were on his right hand jand on his left. 7 And thus faid Shimei when hecurfed, Come out, come out thou t bloudy man, and f Heb. thoumanof Belial 8 The L o R D h ath returned upon thee all the bloud of the houfe of Saul, in whofe ftead thou haft reigned , and the LORD hath deli- vered the kingdome into the hand of Abfalom thy fonne : and f beholdj thou art fallen in thy mifchjef, becaufe thou art a bloudie man. 9 4 Then faid Abimai the fonne of Zeruiah niL unto the king,Why ftiould this *dead dog curfe i.Sam.; my lord the king ? let me go over I pray thee. 4 and take off his head. 10 And the king faid, What have I to do feemeth good unto him. 27 The king faid alfo unto Zadok the prieft, * i, Sam.p,? A rt not tnou a * feer ? return into the citie in peace,and your two fonnes with you, Ahimaaz thy fonne,and Jonathan the fonne of Abiathar. 2 8 See, I will tarric in the plain of the wil- dernefle,untill there come word from you to cercine me. 29 Zadok therefore and Abiathar carried the ark of God again to Jerufalem j and they tarried there. 30 t God fave the king, God fave the king. of warre, and will not lodge with the people. 9 Behold, he is hid now in fome pit, or in _ , ___ _ ... 17 And Abfalom faid to Hu(hai,Ji this thy fome other place : and it will come to paffe " kindnefle to thy friend? why wenteft thou not with thy friend t 1 8 And Humai faid unto AbfaIom,Nay,but whom the LORD and this people and all the men of Ifrael choofe, his will I be, and with him will I abide. 1 9 And again,whom (hould I ferve?J&flW / not ferve in the prefence of his fonne ? as I have ferved in thy fathers prefence, fo will I be in thy prefence. 20 f Then faid Abfalom to Ahithophel, Give counfel among you what we (hall do. 2 1 And Ahithophel faid unto Abfalom,Go when fome of them be f overthrown at the tHeb./fi,. firftjthatwhofoever heareth it,willfay,There is a daughter among the people that follow Abfalom. 10 And he alfo that it valiant, whofe heart is as the heart of a lion,(hall utterly melt:for all Ifrael knoweth that thy father is a mightie man, and they which be with him are valiant men. 11 Therefore I counfel , that all Ifrael be generally gathered unto thee, from Dan even to Beer-(heba,asthefand thatw bythefeafor multitude, and t that thou go to battel in thine in unto thy fathers concubines, which he hath own perfon. left to keep the houfe, and all Ifrael (hail heare 1 2 So (hall we come upon him in fome place where he (hall be found, and we will light up- on him as the dew falleth on the ground:and of him,and of all the men that are with him,there (hall not-be left fo much as one. that thou art abhorred of thy father, then (hall the hands of all that are with thee be litong. 22 So they fpread Abfalom a tent upon the top of the houfe,and Abfalom went in unto his fathers concubines, in the fight of all Ifrael. 2} And the counfel of Ahithophel which he counfelled in thofe dayes,was as if a man had enquired at the f oracle of God: Cowas all the counfel of Ahithophel, both with David and With Abfalom. CHAP. XVII. I Ahithopheis foitnftl it overthrown by H*/fai' j, tte- ctrdntgto Gods appointment, ij Secret intelligence is fent unto David, a} <4hithophel htatgetb hmtfelf. 25 o&4/4 it nude captain* 27 Dtvid at Mahanaim it furnijked with prow/ion. Moreover, Ahithophel faid unto Abfalom, Let me now choofe out twelve thoufand men, and I will arife and purfue after David this night. 2 And I will come upon him while he it weary and weak-handed, and will make him afraid t and all the people that are with him (hall flee, and I will fmite the king onely. 3 And I will bring back all the people unto thee: the man whom thou feekeft,ij as if all re- turned: fo all the people (hall be in peace. 4 And the faying fpleafed Abfalom well, and all the elders of Ifrael. 5 Then faid Abfalom, Call now Hufhai the acb. kat Archite alfo 3 and let us heare likewife t what he faith. 6 And when Hufhai was come to Abfalom, Abfalom fpake unto him, faying, Ahithophel hath fpokcn after this manner : (hall we do af- ter his f faying? if not s fpeak thou. 7 And Hufhai faid unto Abfalom,The coun- icb. ctun- fel that Ahithophel hath t given, is not good at * this time. 8 For (faid Hufhai) thou knoweft thy father - " 'iiom. hood againft mine own life : for there is no *" c : ANd David numbred the people that were matter hid from the king, and thou thy felf v " ware nhaf*. their hta,tt nutf tHeb. tutti toDzvzd. 33 David mournetk for vtbfxlom. Nd David numbred the people that were Lwith him, and fet captains of thousands, wouldft have fet thy felf againft me. and captains of hundreds over them. 14 Then faid Joab, I may not tarry thus 2 AnJ David fent forth a third part of the f with thee. And he took three darts in his -j-Hcl people under the hand of Joab , and a third hand,and thruft them through the heart of Ab- thet. part under the hand of Abtfhai the fonne of falom, while he was yet alive in thefniidft of f He Zeruiah Joabs brother, and a third part under the oak. And ten youn^ men that bare Joabs ar- compafled about and fmote Abfalom,, and (lew him. 1 6 And Joab blew the trumpet, and the go forth: for if We flee away 5 they will no: f care people returned from purfuing after Ifrael : for for us; neither if half of us die, will they care Joab held back the people, for us: but Rowtbounrt'l worth ten thoufand 17 And they tqok AWalora , andcafthhn the hand of Ittai th= Gittite: and the king faid unto the people, I will furely go forth with you mour , my felf alfo. 5 But the people anfwered, Thou (halt not Tidings brought to David. Chap, xix.' He mourneth for Abfalom. 1 into a great pit in the 'wood , and laid a very 3 1 And behold, Cufhi came,and Cuftii faid, z?3 great heap of (tones upon him : and all Ifrael t Tidings my lord the king : for the L o R D t Heb. tU fled every one to his tent. n *th avenged thee this day of all them that rofe din x s 1 8 5f Now Abfalom in his life- time had up^againft thee. taken and reared up for himfelf a pillar, which 3* And the king faid unto Cuftii , Is the Gen.i*. win * the kings dale: for he faid, I have no young man Abfalom fafc ? -And Cuftii anfwer- 7. fonnc to keep my name in remembrance : and ed , The enemies of my lord the king , and all he called the pillar after his own name, and it is that rife againft thee to do the e hurt, be as thac called unto this day, Abfaloms place. young man is. 19 51 Then faid Ahimaaz the fonne of Za- 3 3 H And the king was much moved , and dokjLet me now run,and bear the king tidings, went up to the chamber over the gate, and i|kb. ji- novv that tnc LORD hath t avenged him of wept : and as he went,thus he faid,O my fonne ed him jrsn his enemies. Abfalom, my fonne,my fonne Abfalom: would he kavd, err. 10 A n< j Joab faid unto hrm, Thou (halt not God I bad died for thee 3 O Ablalom,my fonne, Erf** t bear tidings this day, but thou (halt bear my fonne. figil tidings another day: but this day thou (hale CHAP. XIXJ bear no tidmgs,becaufe the kings fonne is dead. , j oa t, cav f et h the king to cea f e hi, mourning* 9 Tie 2 1 Then faid Joab to CuQii, Go tell the king Ifraelites are earnefl to bring the king knffa \ i Da- what thou haft leen. And Cuftii bowed him- *&&& to **/"** " m f iu . th %" '/ ? uei * h - 18 Shzmei u pardoned. nMtphibofreth excused. felt unto Joab and ran. ^ Bar^lhi doffed , Chimbam hu fonne utaken 21 Then faid AhimaaZ the fonnc of Zadok into the kings family. 4 t The Ifraelites exfoftulate *Heb. be yet again to Joab, But t howfoever, let me, I w& Judak for bringing home the king without >Wmay. pray thee, alfo run after Cuftii. And Joab faid, them ' Wncrefore wilt thou run, my fonne, leeing that A Nc * it was told Joab , Behold, the king *-. (Or, ciave- thou haft no tidings |j ready ? ^-1 weepeth and mourneth for Abfalom. *' * j But howfoever (fa id he) let me run. And * And the f vidory that day was turned into * H -b fd- he faid unto him, Run. Then Ahimaaz ran by mourning unto all the people : for the people ,*,,. or d*. the way of the plain, and overran Cuftu. heard fay that day , how the king was grieved Hwnct. 24 And David fat between the two gates : for his fonne. and the watchman went up to the roof over 3 And the people gat them by ftealth thac the gate unto the wall, and lift up his eyes, and day into the city , as people being afliamed fteal looked, and be hold, a man running alone. away when they flee in battel. 2 f And the watchman cried , and told the 4 But the king covered his face , and the king. And the king faid,U he be alone, fJber* is king cried with a loud voice, O my fonne Ab- tidings in his mouth. And he came apace, and faiom, O Abfalom, my fonne, my fonne. drew neare. ? And Joab came into the houfe to the king, 26 And the watchman faw another man and faid, Thou h aft (hamed this day the faces running, and the watchman called unto the of all thy fervants , which this day have faved porter, and faid, Behold, another man running thy life, and the lives of thy fonnes, and of thy alone. And the king faid, He alfo bringeth ti- daughters, and the lives of thy wives, and the dings. lives of thy concubines : Heb. iftf *7 And the watchman faid, f Me thinketh 6 jlnthatthou loveft thine enemies, and fHeb.^.v; ,,,*nnin. the running of the foremoft , is like the run- hateft thy friends for thou haft declared this *"** *f ningof Ahimaaz the fonne of Zadok. And the day , f that thou regarded neither princes, nor t ^ ^ king faid , He is a good man, and cometh with fervants : for this day I perceive, that if Abfa- f^ant > Trc good tidings. lorn had lived , and all we had died this day, n ttthte. 28 And Ahimaaz called , and faid unto the then it had pleafed thee well. Or,ptct king t || f All is well. And he fell down to the 7 Now therefore arife, go forth, and fpeak s to thee. earth upon his f ace Before the king , and faid, t comfortably unto thy fervants : for I fwear by f Heb. / th* Heb.'Jbw Blefled be the LORD thy God, which hath t de- the L o R D , if thou go not forth , there will *""' / **J livered up the men that lift up their hand a- not tarry one with thee this night ; and that *" v * n:t * giinft my lord the king. will be worfe unto thee then all the evil that be Heb. is - 29 And the king faid , t Is the young man fell thee from thy youth untill now. .ere peaci? Abfalom fafc ? And Ahimaaz anfwered, When 8 Then the king rofe , and fat in the gate : Joab fent the kings fervant, and me thy fervant, and they told unto all the people , faying, Be- I faw a great tumult , but I knew not what it hold , the king doth fit in the gate : and all the IVM. people came before the king: for Ifrael had fled 30 And the king faid unto fc0,Turn afiJe, every man to his tent. a. arfftand here. An4 he turned afide,andilood 9 1f And *& the P e P le were " flrife ftill. throughout all the tribes of Ifrael, faying, The T * king Shimei' s fubmiifion and pardon. 1 1. Samuel. Of Mcphibofheth and Barzillai. 284 t Heb. are king faved us out of the hand of our enemies, and he delivered us out of the hand of the Philiftines,and now he is fled out of the land for Abfalom. 10 And Abfalom whom we anointed over us,is dead in battel: now therefore why f fpeak ye not a word of bringing the king back? 1 1 ^[ And king David fent to Zadok and to Abiathar the priefts, faying, Speak unto the elders of Judah , faying, Why are ye the laft to bring the king back to his houfe ? ( feeing the fpeech of all Ifrael is come to the king, even to his houfe; 1 2 Ye are my brethren , ye are my bones and my flefii : wherefore then are ye the laft to bring back the king ? 13 And fay ye to Amafa, .Art thou not of my bone, and of my flefh? God do fo to me and more alfo, if thou be not captain of the hoft be- fore me continually in the room of Joab. 14 And he bowed the heart of all the men of Judjh, even as the heart of one man, fo that they fent this word unto the king, Return thou and all thy ferrants. 1 5 So the king returned , and came to Jor- dan : and Judah came to Gilgal, to go to meet the king, to conduct the king over Jordan. t.Kings. i6f And* Shimei the fonne of Gera,aBen- 8 jamite,which was of Bahurim,hafted and came down with the men of Judah , to meet -king David. 1 7 And there were a thoufand men of Ben- * Chap.itf.ii jamin with him, and * Ziba the fervant of the houfe of Saul , and his fifteen fonnes and his twenty femntj with him , and they went over Jordan before the king. 1 8 And there went over a ferry-boat to car- rie over the kings houfhold , and to dot what he thought good: and Shimei the fonneof Gera fell down before the king as he was come over Jordanj 1 9 And faid unto the king, Let not my lord impute iniquitie unto me, neither do thou re. f Chap>i.j. membef * that which thy fervant did perverfe. f Heb. tbt gtoettnhu 23 Therefore the king faid unto Shimei, Thou Quit not die : and the king fware unro him. 24 f And Mephibofheth the fonne of Saul came down to meet the king , and had neither dreifed his feet , nor trimmed his beard , nor wafted his clothes, from the day the king de- parted, untill the day he came again in peace. 27 And it came to pafle when he was come to Jerufalem to meet the king, that the king faid unto him , Wherefore wenteft not thou With me, Mephibofheth ? 26 And he anfwered , My lord O king, my fervant deceived me} for thy fervant faid, I will fadle me an afle , that I may ride thereon, and go to the king,becaufe thy fervant whine. 27 And * he hath flandered thy fervant un- *Chzp~.i6, to my lord the king; but my lord the king is as an angel of God : do therefore what is good in thine eyes. 28 For all 0/ my fathers houfe, were but t dead men before my lord the king : yet didft f Heb. thou fet thy fervant among them that did eat at /<*'* thine own table : what right therefore have I yet to cry any more unto the king? 29 And the king faid unto him,Why fpeak. eft thou any more of thy matters ? I have faid, Thou and Ziba divide the land. 3 o And Mephibofheth faid unto the king, Yea, let him take all, forafmuch as my loid the king is come again in peace unto his own houfe. 3 1 f And Barzillai the Gileadite came down from Rogelim, and went over Jordan with the king, to conduct him over Jordan. 3 2 Now Barzillai was a very aged mzn } even fourefcore yeares old , and * he had provided the king of fuftenance while he lay at Maha- naim : for he was a very great man. 3 3 And the king faid unto Barzillai, Come thou over with me, and I will feed thee with me in Jerufalem.* 34 And Barzillai faid unto the king, t How f Heb. Chap. 17} V 7 long have I to live, that I fhould go up with the many ly the day that my lord the king went out of king unto Jerufalem ? arethi Jerufaiem , that the king (hould take it to his 35! am this day fourefcore yeares old : and f *") can I difcern between good and evil ? can thy fervant tail what I eat or what I drink ? can I heare any more the voice of finging-men and tinging- women ? wherefore then fhould thy fervant be yet a burden unto my lord the king? 3 6 Thy fervant will go a little way over Jor- dan with the king : and why fhould the king recompenfe it me with fuch a reward? heart. 20 For thy fervant doth know that I have finned : therefore behold , lam come the firft this day of all the houfs or Jofeph,to go down to meet my lord the king. 21 But Abifhai the fonne of Zeruiah an- fwered and faid , Shall not Shimei be put to death for this, becaufe he curfed the L o R o s anointed ? 22 And David faid, What have I to do with you, ye fonnes of Zeruiah, thatye fhould this day be adverfaries unto me ? fhall there any man be put to death this day in Ifrael ? for do not I know, that I am this day king over Ifrael? 37 Let thy fervant, I pray thee, turnback again, that I may die in mine own city, and be buried by the grave of my father , and of my mother : but behold thy feivsnt Chimham, let him go over with my lord the king } and do to him Sheba's rebellion. Chapiw. him whit (hall feem good unto thee. 6 And David faid to Abilhai , Now ftil/ 38 And the kmganfwercd.Chimham (hall Shebathe fonne of Bicbri do us morehTrrn > ""li 1 "'" d ' hini th " thcn did Abfalom : take """"hy lords fer. Amafa flain. ,x< turned unto his own place. 40 Then the king went on to Gilgal, and Chimham went on with him: and all the peo. pleof Jadahconduacdcheking.andalfohalf the people of Ifrael 41 IT And behold, all the men of Ifrael came to the king, and faid unto the king, Why 8 When they wrvat the great ftone which it in G.beon, Amafa went before them : and Joabs garment that he had put on, wjs -irded untohim, and upon it a girdle SKJ5S fattened upon h.sloyns in the iheath thereof, and as he went forth it fell out And Joab faid to Amafa U n n . . d, and all Davids men with him over 10 But Amafa took no heed to the fword J A j li u rr j that ^ in Joabs hand: fohtfmote him there- men' Mf, th ^ men r of { ud fh^vvered the with in the fifth rib, and fhed out his bowel to men of Ifrael, Bccaufe the king neare of the ground, and f ftrook him not aSTam kmneto us: wherefore then be ye angry for he d t ed : fo Joab and Abi.^i his brother pur- rVCWCCatenaCfthekin - S fucdaf ^ShebathefonneofBichri P And f oflft e CH . "ftaclothupon h one that came by him, flood Bill captain ovfxdh is eba unto jo*i. fla A Nd there. hapned to be there a man of XlJBelial, whofc name VPM Sheba the fonne 1 4 fl And he went through all the tribes of D ss > not in unto them: fo they were tfhutuo unto blemethemcnofjudahwithmthreedayes, and be thou here prefent. f i , And they came and befiesed him in A^'ofBe,h.m y a achah,and,heycaftup bank i2 Tf> a,- r i / the matter. *' Sheba is beheaded. *.86 N low up the inheritance of 1 1. Samuel.' Sauls fev f en Tonnes are hanged. kin? "UtJl 2 a 3.lDlt L/cLVlU ? CCIiVCr UllU wu*.*j j r _ _ . _ i -i . n _.i- J ^L*. C..~ i, and roan laid unto joao, cenoia, ai head mail be thrown to thee over the wall. az Then the woman went unto all the people in her wifdome, and they cut off the head of Sheba the fonneof Bichri, and cait it out to Joab : and he blew a trumpet, and they tmb. ** t retired from the citie mrymantohis tent: fcttt.nd. a nd Joab returned to Jerufalem unto the king. *chap 4 8. j- Now* Joab veat over all the holt ot t6 ' Ifrael : and Bcnaiah the fonne of Jehoiada TVM over the Gherethites, and over the Pelethites: 24 And Adoram was over the tribute : and ||0r, rtmtm- JehoOuphat the fonne of Ahilud was [\ re- brancer. corder : : : and Zadok and ftief brought up for Adriel zillai the Meholathil and the five > .. ,vi*~lathite. to 9 And he delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites , and they hanged them in the hill before the L o R D : and they fell all feven together, and were put to death in the dayes of harveft, inthefi[fU^,inthe beginning of 'Cbap.j.fj rock, from the beginning of harveft, untill wa- ter dropped upon them out of heaven, and fuf- fered neither the birds of the aire to refi on ler about David. H A P s famine XXI. daughter of Aiah the concubine of Saul had done. 1 1 4 And David went and took the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his fonne. and Jonathan in hit fathers (tfulchre. i$ foure battels azainfl the Philifii(i> wherein fare vali- ants of David flayfoure giants. THen there was a famine in the dayes of David, three yeares, yeare after yeare,- and tHeb./if* David f enquired of the LORD. And the tk*f*; ^* L o R D anfwered, It it for Saul, and for bis blpudy houfe,becaufe he flew the Gibeonites. a And the king called the Gibeonites, and faidanto them, (now the Gibeonites were not Jo(h.p. j, of the children of Ifrael, but * of the remnanc "> I 7- of the Amorites, and the children of Ifrael had fworn unto them : and Saul fought to flay them, in his zeal to the children of Ifrael and Judah ) 2 VVherefore David faid unto the Gibeo- nites, What (hall I do for you? and wherewith (hall I make the atonement, that ye may blefle the inheritance of the L o R D? U OrTc i* 4 And the Gibeonites faid unto him, jj we not fiver MY w iu haveno filver nor gold of Saul, nor of his fold that , houf neither for us (halt thou kill any man in *7b s'J'or IfraeU And he faid, What you (hall fay, that . Mi beufe,nti. Will I do for you. iiher pertains * And they anfwered the king , The man \*t* M to ^ con f utne a us 5 and that || devifed againft us, that we (hould be deftroyed from remain- Itoun tnem irum me invwv */. u"* ~" i where the * Philiftines had hanged them,when *i. Sam. 31 the Philiftines had flain Saul in Gilboa. lo * i ? And he brought up from thence the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his fonne j and they gathered the bones of them that were hanged. 14 And the bones of Saul and Jonathan his fonne, buried they in the countrey of Benja- min in Zelah, in the fepulchre of Kifti his fa- ther; and they performed all that the king com- manded: and after that, God was imrcatcd for the land. 1 5 fl Moreover , the Philiflines had yet warre again with Ifrael,and D.wid went down, and his fervants with him, and fought againft thePhiliftincsjand David waxed faint. 16 And Iflibi-bcnob,which w/uof thefonnes the coafts of Ifrael, . Ilrael- ^ ^ 'wTwUl han^themup unto the there was again a ougnt to nave uch- i ! And when he || defied Ifrael , Jonathan the fonne of *Shimea the brother of David flew him. Thefe foure were born to the giant in CHAP. XXII. \Apfrbne of tbinfrgi-vinz for Gods fowerfull delive- ranee, and manifold bleflings. LORD had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul. - Pfal,i8.:, J And he faid, * The LORD my rock and *. my fortrefle, and my deliverer, fayed me from violence. 4 I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praifed: fo (hall I be faved from mine enemies. 5 When the || waves of death compafled me : the flouds off ungodly men made me afraid. Or, pangs. Heb. Bi- Or, ardt. and cried to my God , and he did heare my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his eares. caufe he was wroth. :Heb. fjri 9 There went up a fmoke f UE of his noftrils , and fire out of his mouth devoured : coals were kindled by ir. 10 He bowed the heavens alfo and came down : and darknefle tvas under his feet. 1 1 And he rode upon a cherub,and did flie: and he was feen upon the wings of the winde, 1 1 And he made darknefle pavilions round Hcb bind- about him , j dark waters , and thick clouds of ','fvaters. t j, e skies. 13 Through the brightnefle be fore him were coals of fire kindled. 1 4 The LORD thundred from heaven,and the moft high uttered his voice. j j And he font oat arrows , and fcattered Davids fong. 1 1. Samuel. His worthies. 3 9 And I have confumed them,and wound- all my falvation, and all my defire, although he ed them , that they cculd not arife : yea , they make it not to grow, are fallen under my feet. 6 f But the fennes of Belial jhall be all of 40 For thou haft girded me with ftrength to them as thorns thruft away , becaufe they can- not be taken with hands. 7 But the man that fhall touch them, muft 41 Thou haft alfo given me the necks of be | fenced with iron , and the ftjff of afpear, f Heb.///L the fonne of Jefle faid, and the man who vertheleffe he would not drink thereof, but wasraifed up on high, the anointed of the God poured it out unto the LORD of Jacob,and the fweet pfalmift of Ifrael, faid, 2 The fpirit of the L o R D fpake by me,and his word 7V43 in my tongue. The God of Ifrael faid, the Rock of Ifrael 1 7 And he faid , Be it farre from me , O LORD, thatlfhould do this: is not this the bloud of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives ? therefore he would not drink it. the fpa.ke to me, j| He that ruleth over men muft be Thefe things did thefe three mightie men. 1 8 And * Abitliai the brother of Joab, the*,, chroiui juft, ruling in the fear of God 4 And he Jhall be as the light of the morning, when the funne rifeth 5 e^e a morning without cloudsj as the tender grafle ff ringing out of the earth by clear fhining after rain, ^ Although my houfefonot fowithGodj yet he hath made with me an everlafting cove- nant, ordered in all things and fure : for this is fonneof Zeruiah, was chief among three} and 20. he lift up his fpear againft three hundred,f and t Heb. flew tbem t and had the name among three. 19 Was he notmoft honourable of three ? therefore he was their captain : howbeit, he at- tained not unto thefirft three. xo And Bjnaiah the fonneof Jehoiada, the fonne Davids worthies. Chap, xxiiii. t Heb. great ' -t Heb./iM Moab . h e rt^ d ovvn a if oa nd flew a lion in Ifrael is numbred. fonne of a valiant man, of Kabzeel,t who had 2 For the king faid to Joab the captain of 189 done many afts, he flew two \ lion-like men of the hoft, which way with him, ||Go now||Or, through all the tribes of Ifrael, from Dan even /"/' to Beer-meba, and number ye the people,that I the midft of a pit in time of fnow, f Heb. 4 nun 21 And he flew an Egyptian , t a goodly may know the number of the people. iftounte- man . an( j t h e Egyptian had a fpear in his hand j 3 And Joab faid unto the king , Now the T''- called but he went dovvn to him with aftaff, and LORD thyGodadde untothe people Chow 5hr.ii.iJ, Packed the fpear out of the Egyptians hand, many foever they be ) an hundred-fold, and imaa f and flew him with his own fpear. tn3t the eyes of my lord the king may fee it : ; rcat/wr<-. zi jheJ e things did Benaiah the fonne of but why doth my lord the king delight in this Jehoiada , and had the name among three mighty men. He was || more honourable then the thir- J Or, honour* 2 3 tbie *mtng tie , but he attained not to the j?r/2 three : and i Or "u'nctl ^ av '^ ^ ct h' m over n ' s I! t guard. I Heb". "at H * Afahel the brother of Joab few one of bis commt'id.'the thirtieiElhanan the fonne of Dodo of Beth- Chap.a.i&. lehem, -% Z 5 ShammahtheHarodite,EIikatheHaro- dite, -v^' v *t.Chron. 16 Helez the *Pahite, Ira the fonne of 'f*?. Ikkefh the Tekoite, ^^ Abiezer the Anethothite, Mebunnai the Humathite, 28 Zalmon the Ahohite, Maharai theNe- tophathite, 29 Helfbthe fonneofB3anah,aNetopha. thite , Ittai the fonne of Ribai out of Gibeah of the children of Benjamin, 30 Benaiah the Pirathonite, Hiddaiof the \OTiV 11 and Nathan fenndeth her. 28 David re- neweth hit oath to Bath-fheba. ji Solomon by Davids appointment,being anointed king by Zidok. and Na- than , the feople triumph. 41 Jonathan bringing thefe newstiAdonijahs guefls flee. ^OtAdonijab fleeing to the hams of the altar , upon hn good behaviour u difmiffed by Solomon. ;Ow king David was old , and t ftricken in yeares; and they co- vered him with clothes,but he gat no heat. i Wherefore his fervants faid unto him, f Let there be fought for my lord the king f a young virgin , and let her ftaijd before the king , and let her t cherifh him, and let her lie in thy bofoaie , that my lord the king may get heat. , 3 So they fought for a fair damfel through- out all the coafts of Ifrael, and found Abifhag a Shunammite, and brought her to the king. 4 And the damfel was very fair, andche- riflred the king, and miniftred to him : but the king knew her not. S. $ ^ Then Adonijah the fonne of Haggith exalted himfelf, faying,! will fbe king: and he f Heb. prepared him chariots andhorfemen, and fifty reign*. men to run before him. 6 And his father had not difpleafed him f at t Hcb. jrm any time, in faying,Why haft thou done fo? and ^<^J. healfo Bravery goodly man j and his mother bare him after Abfalom. 7 And f he conferred with Joab the fonne of f Heb. * Zeruiah , and with Abiathar the prieft : and <"<& wr they t following Adonijah helped him. *-But Zadokthe prieft, and Benaiah the J e r fonne of Jehoiada , and Nathan the prophet, j^b, and Shimei , and Rei , and the mighty men which belonged to David, were not with Ado- nijah. 9 And Adonijah flew fheep and oxen and fat cattel , by the itone of Zoheleth, which is by U En-rogel , and called all his brethren the ,. o , kings fonnes, and all the men of Judah the j?^// kings fervanrs. 10 But Nathan the prophet , and Benaiah, and the mighty men, and Solomon his brother h.2 called not. it Wherefore Nathin fpake unto Bith- foeba the mother of Solomon , faying, Haft thou Solomon anointed king. 27 Is this thing done by my lord the king, agi and thou baft not (hewed it unto thy fervanr, who (hould fit on the throne of my lord the king after him? 28 f Then king David anfwered and faid, Call me Bath-fheba: and (he came t into the kings prefence, and flood before the king. 29 And the king fware, andfaid,^ the Nathans counfel to Bath-fheba* Chap thou not heard that Adonijsh the fonne of 'a. Sam.j.-j. *Haggith doth reigne , and David our lord knoweth if not ? i z Now therefore come,let me,T pray thee, give thee counfel, that thou mayeft fave thine own life, and the life of thy fonne Solomon. i{ Go, and get thee in unto king David, and fay unto him, Didft not thou, my lord, O M ,._ .... king, (wear unto thine handmaid/aying, Aflu- LORD liveth, that hathredeemed my foul ouc redly Solomon thy fonne (hall reigne after me, of all diflrefle, and he (hall fit upon my throne'why then doth 3 Eve as I fware unto thee by the L o R D, Adonijah reigne ? God of Ifrael, faying, Afliiredly Solomon thy 14 Behold,while thou yet talkeft there with fonne (hall reigne after me,and he flnll fit upon the king, I will alfo come in after thee, and " t confirm thy words. i j ^ And Bath-ftieba went in unto the king, into the chamber : and the king was very old ; and Abifliag the Shunammite miniftrcd unto the king. 1 6 And Bath- ftieba bowed , and did obei- Heb: tfhat fance unto the king: and the king faid, f What wouldft thou? And (he faid unto him , My lord, thou thte ? -17 And (hea unto m My or, tou fwareft by the LORD thy God unto thine hand- maid , faying, Affurcdly Solomon thy fonne (lull reigne after me, and he (hall fit upon my throne : 18 And now behold, Adonijah reignethj and now my lord the king,thou knoweft it not. 19 And he hath flain oxen , and fat cattel, and (heep in abundance, and hath called all the fonnes of the king, and Abiathar the prieft,and Joab the captain of the hoft : but Solomon thy fcrvant hath he not called. zo And thou, my lord, O king, the eyes of all Ifrael are upon thee, that thou (houldeft tell them who ihall fit on the throne of my lord the king after him. 21 Otherwifc it fliall come to pafle, when my lord the king (hall fleep with his fathers, that I and my fonne Solomon-ftiall be counted t offenders. 22 fl And lo, while (he yet talked with the king, Nathan the prophet alfo came in. 2 3 And they told the king, faying, Behold, Nathan the prophet. And when he was come, in before the king, he bowed himfelf before the king with his face to the ground. 2.4 And Nathan faid, My lord,O king, haft thoufaid, Adonijah ftiallreigne after me, and he flnll fit upon my throne? my throne in my (leads even fo will I certainly do this day. 3 1 Then Bath- (heba bowed with her face to the earth , and did reverence to the king , and faid, Let my lord king David live for ever. 32 f And king David faid,Call me Zadofc the prieft, and Nathan the prophet, and Be- naiah the fonne of Jehoiada. And they came before the king. 3 3 The king alfo faid unto them,Take with, you the fervants of your lord, and caufe Solo, mon my fonne to ride upon f mine own mule t H ef>. **< and bring him down to Gihon. belonged 34 And let Zadok the prieft, and Nathan." ""' the prophet, anoint him there king over Ifrael: and blow ye with the trumpet, and fay, God fave king Solomon. 3J Then ye fliall come up after him, that he may come and fit upon my throne j for he fliall be king in my ftead: and I have appointed him to be ruler over Ifrael, and over Judah. 36 And Benaiah the fonne of Jehoiada an fwered the king, and faid, Amen : the L o R D, God of my lord the king fay fo too. 37 As the L o a D hath been with my lord the king, even fo be he with Solomon, and make his throne greater tbjen the throne of my lord king David. 3 8 So Zadok ihe prieft , and Nathan the prophet , and Benaiah the fonne of Jehoiada, and the " Heb. Ltt i*h tivt, Cherethitcs, and the Pelethites,wenc down, and caufed Solomon to ride upon king; Davids mule, and brought him to Gihon. 39 And Zadok the prieft took an horn o oyl out of the tabernacle , and anointed Solo- mon: and they blew the trumpet, and all the people faid, God fave king Solomon. 40 And all the people came up after him,' For he is gone down this day, and hath* and the people piped with |J pipes,and rejoyced jj Qr } fiuttu. flain oxen, and fat cattel , and (heep in abun- with great joy, fo that the earth rent with the dance, and hath called all the kings fonnes, found of them. and the captains of the hoft, and Abiathar the 41 fl And Adonijah and all the guefts that prieft j and behold, they eat and drink before were with him,heard it as they had made an end of eating: and when Joab heard the found of the trumpet, he faid, Wherefore is this noife, of the city, being in an uprore ? 41 And while he yet fpakejbehold Jonathan- the. him, and fay, t God fave king Adonijah. 26 But me,even me thy fervant, and Zadok the prieft, and Beniiah the fonne of Jehoiada, and thy fervant Solomon hath he not called. Adonijah yeeldeth." *pz the fonne of Abiathar the prieft came, and A- donijah faid unto him, Come in, for thou art a valiant man, and bringeft good tidings. 43 And Jonathan anfwercd and faid to A- donijah, Verily our lord king David hath made Solomon king. 44 And the king hath fent with him Zadok the prieft , and Nathan the prophet, and Be- naiah the fonne of Jehoiada, and the Chere- thites, and the Pelethites, and they have caufed "him to ride upon the kings mule I. Kings. Davids charge to Solomon. z I go the way of all the earth : be thou ftrong therefore, and (hew thy felf a man. 3 And keep the charge of the LORD thy God, to walk in his waves, to keep his ftatutes and his commandments and his judgements and his teftimonies, as it is written in the law of Mofes, that thou mayeft * j| prosper in all * Deut.2<) 9. that thou doeft,and whitherfoever thou turneft Jofh.i.7. thy felf: i 4 That the LORD may continue his word which he fpake concerning me, faying, If thy 45 AndZadokthe prieft, and Nathan the children take heed to their way, to wilk before L~ i J*L : _ i-: : nil,- me in truth, with all their heart and with all prophet have anointed him king in Gihon: and they are come up from thence rejoycing , fo that the city rang again : this is the noife that ye have heard. 46 And alfo Solomon fitteth on the throne of the kingdome. 47 And moreover, the kings fervants came to blefleour lord king D.wid,faying,God make the name of Solomon better then thy name, and make his throne greater then thy throne ; and the king bowed himfelf upon the bed. 48 And alfo thus faid the king, Bleffcd be the L o R D God of Ifrael , which hath given one to fit on my throne this day , mine eyes even feeing it. 49 And all the guefts that were with Ado- nijah, were afraid, and rofe up, and went every man his way. 50 ir And Adonijah feared becaufe of So- lomon,and arofe,and went,and caught hold on the horns of the altar. that he might fcrvantsfee in Gath. * fulfill the word of the LoRD,whichhefpake 40 And Shimei arofe and fadled hisafle,artd concerning the houfe of Eli in Shiloh. went to Gath to Achifh to feek his fcmms:and 28 ^ Then tidings came to Joab, (for Joab Shimei went and brought his fervants from had turned after Adonijah , though he turned Gath. not after Abfalom; and Joab fled unto the ta- 41 And it was told Solomon that Shimei had bernacle of the LORD, and caught hold on the gone from Jerufalem to Gath , and was come horns of the altar. again. 29 And it was told king Solomon that Joab 42 And the king fent and called for ShimeiV was fled unto the tabernacle of the LOR D,and and faid unto him, Did I not make thee to behold, be ir by the altar : then Solomon fent fwear by the L o R D, and protefted unto thee, Benaiah the fonne of Jehoiada, faying, Go fall faying, Know for a certain, that on the day thou upon him. goeft out, and walkcft abroad any whither ,thac thou Shimei (lain. Solomons petition. I. Kings^ The two harlots^ 154 thou fhilt furety die ? and thou faidft unto me, difcern between good and bad: for who is able The word t but I have heard, h good. to judge this thy fo great a people? 4 j Why then haft thou not kept the oath of 10 And the fpeech pleafed the L o R n,that the L o R D, and the commandment that 1 hive Solomon had asked this thing. charged thee with ? 44 The king faid moreover to Shimei,Thou 1 1 And God faid unto him , Becaufe thou haft asked this thing , and haft not asked for knoweftall the wickedneffe which thine heart thy felff long life .-neither haft asked riches for f Heb is privy to, that thou didft to David my father : thy fclf , nor haft asked the life of thine ene- <*y. ' therefore the L OR D ftiall return thy wicked- mies, but haft asked for thy felf underftandin nefle upon thine own head j t to difcern judgement; "tHeb 45 And king Solomon jbatt be blefied, and i z Behold , I have done according to thy bc f . ' the throne of David (hall be eftablithed before words : lo, I have given thee a wife and an un- derftanding heart , fo that there was none like thee before thee , neither after thee fhall any arife like unto thee. 1 1 And I have alfo * given thee that which * Match. 6. thou haft not asked, both riches, and honour : ? ? fo that there || (hall not be any among the kings |Jj??J'.' r like unto thee, all thy dayes. J M - 14 And if thou wilt walk inmywayes, to keep my ftatutes and my commandments, *as * Chap. 15,' thy father David did walk, then I will lengthen $ thy dayes. i f And Solomon awoke, and behold, if was a dream : and he came to Jerufalem,and flood before the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and offered up burnt-offerings , and offered peace-offerings , and made a feaft to all his fervants. 1 6 5[Then came there two women that were harlots , unto the king, and ftood before him. 17 And the one woman faid, O my lord, I and this woman dwell in one houfe, and I was the L o R D for ever. 46 So the king commanded Benaiah the fonne of Jehoiada, which went out and fell up- * aXhrofei. on him, that he died : and the * kingdome was * eftablilhed in the hand of Solomon. CHAP. III. I Solomonmarrieth Pharaohs daughter, i High places being in uCe, Solomon (acrificeth at Gibeon. 5 Solo- mon at Gibeon , in the choice which God gave him, f referring ivifdome obtaineth nifdome, riches, and honour. 16 Solomons judgement between, the two harlots, maketh him renowned. * Chap. 7.8. A Nd * Solomon made affinity with Pha- jfYr Lraoh king of Egypt , and took Pharaohs daughter and brought her into the city of Da- vid , untill he had made an end of building his own houfe, and the houfe of the L o R D, and the wall of Jerufalem round about. x Onely the people facrifked in high places, becaufe there was no houfe built unto the name of the L o R D, untill thofe dayes. 3 And Solomon loved the LoRD,walkim> in the ftatutesof David his father: onely he delivered of a childe, with her in the houfe. facrificed and burnt incenfe in high places. 1 8 And it came to pafle the third day after 4 And the king went to Gibeon to facrifice there ; for that was the great high place : a thoofand burnt-offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar. 5 f In Gibeon the L o R D appeared to So- lomon in a dream by night : and God faid, Ask what I fhall give thee. 6 And Solomon faid,Thou haft fhewed un- |Or,*w*jr. to thy fervant David my father great |j mercy, flept , and laid it in her bofome, and laid her according as he walked before thee in truth and dead childe in my bofome in righteoufaefle , and in uprightneflc of heart with thee, and thou haft kept for him this great kindnefle , that thou haft given him a fonne to fit on his throne, as it is this day. 7 And now, O L o R D my God, thou haft made thy fervant king in ftead of David my fa- ther : and I ambut a little childe: I know noc how to go out or come in. 8 And thy fervant jj in the midft of thy people which thou haft chofen, a great people, that I was delivered , that this woman was de- livered alfo: and we were together j there wxs no ft ranger with us in the houfe, fave we two in the houfe. 19 And this womans childe died in the night j becaufe ftc overlaid it. ^Q And fhe arofc at midnight, and took my fonne from befide me , while thine handmaid 1 1 And when I rofc in the morning to give my childe fuck, behold, it was dead : but when I had confidered it in the morning, behold, ic was not my fonne, which I did bear. z z And che other woman faid, Nayjbut the living is my fonne, and the dead is thy fonne : and this faid , NO i but the dead is thy fonne, 'fpj a.Chroni and the living my fonne. Thus they fpake be- fore the king. zj Then faid the king, The one faith, This that cannot be numbred nor counted for ami- my fonne that liveth, and thy fonne is the titude. dead: and the other faith, Nay j but thy fonne t*Heb htar 9 * Give therefore thy fervant an | under- j$ the dead, and my fonne Is the living {landing heart, to judge thy people, that I may 24 And the king faid, Bring me afword. And Solomons princes, and officers^ Chap And they brought a fword before the king. 27 And the king faid , Divide the living childe in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other. 26 Then fpake the woman whofe the living childe was, unto the king, (for her bowels er/*/77^Sochoh,and all thc land of Hepher 1 1 (I The fonne of Abinadab, in all the re- gton of Dor, which had Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife. iz Baana the fonne of Ahilutf, to him per- fazerfTa3nachand Megiddo , and all Beth. fhean, which h by Zartanah beneath Tezreel from Bcth-fnean to Abel-mehohh , even unto' the place that is beyond Joineam. J-3 ii The fonne of Geber,m Ramoth-gilead, to him pertainedthe towns of Jair the fonne )f Mansfleh, which are in Gilead: to him affo pmainedtte reg,on of Araob, which /, in Ba- ton, threefcore gre.it cities with walls, and fera&n barres. . Ben- ,Stn- Ben. His proviiiofN i 4 Ahinadab the fonne of Iddo bad II Ma. a or hanaim. ^o T ,t,M^ if Ahimaaz was in Naphtalij he alfo took ***"' Bafmaththe daughter of Solomon to wife. 1 6 Baanah the fonne of Hufhai was in Afherandm Aloth. 17 Jehofhaphat the fonne of Pjruah , in Iffachar. 1 8 Shimei the fonne of Elah,in Benjamin. 19 GeberthefonneofUrinwinthecoun- trey of Gflead, ; thecountrey of Sihon king of the Amorites,and of Og king of Bafhan-and he was the onely officer which was in the land. 20 4 Judah and Ifrael were many, as the fand which is by the fea in multitude, eating and drinking, and making merrie. ii And * Solomon reigned over all king- * Ecclus 47, domes/rom the river unto the land of the Phi- '3 liftines,and unto the border of Egypt : they brought prefents , and ferved Solomon all the dayes of his fife. 2 2 f And Solomons f provifion for one day, f Heb. kt& was thirty \ meafures of fine fioure, and three- tKeb, w,. fcore meafures of mea), 23 Ten fat oxen, and twentie oxen out of the paftures,and an hundred fheep^befide harts, and roe- bucks, and fallow- deere , and fatteci fowl. 24 For he had dominion over all the region on this fide the river, from Tiphfah even to Azzah over all the kings on this fide the rivef: and he had peace on all fides round about him. 2 ? And Judah and Ifrael dwelt f fafely, eve- ry man under his vine, and under his fig-tree dtntl 3' from Dan even to Beer-fheba,all the dayes of Solomon. 26 4 And * Solomon had fourty thoufand * > Cl italls of horfes for his chariots, and twelve * 2 S* thoufand horfemen. 27 And thofe officers provided viftualf for- king Solomon, and for all that came unto kinz Solomons table,every man in his moneth: they kcked nothing. 28 Barley alfo and ftrawfor the horfes and JJ dromedaries brought they unto the place I Or, *,, where the officers were, every man according to f ** his charge. *'*fl s - 29 n And *God gave Solomon wifdome *EccluM 7 * and underftanding, exceeding much,and large- "'S.*- nefle of heart, even as the fand that is on th fea-fhore. ?o And Solomons wifdome excelled the wifdome of all the children of the eaft-coun- trey, and all the wifdome of Egypt. $ i For he was wifer then all menj then E- thanthe Ezrahite,and Heman,and Chalcol, and Darda, the fonnes of Mahol : and his fair.* was in all nations round about. ?2 And he fpake three thoufand proverbs : and his fongs were a thoufand and five. 8 Hiram and Solomon. ^ 9 6 beafts , and of fowl., and of creeping things, and of fifties. 34 And there came of all people toheare thewifdome of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wifdome. CHAP. V. I Hiram tending 10 congratulate Solomon y v certified of hi* furpofe to build the temple, and defied to furnifh him -with timber thereto. 7 JJiram blefiing God for Solomon,and requeftingfood for hit family , furnifh- eth him with trees, ij the number of Solomons workmen and labourers. Chap. 3,11 * liChroni a. 3. * i.Sam.7. I, Kings; The building of the temple; 3 3 And he fpake of trees, from the cedar- fand f meafurcs of wheat for food co his houf. f Heb. enti tree that it in Lebanon, even unto the hyllbpe hold, and twenty meafures of pure oyl : thus that fpringeth out of the wall : he fpake alfo of gave Solomon to Hiram yeare by yeare. iz And the LORD gave Solomon wif- dome , * as he promifed him : and there was peace between Hiram and Solomon, and they two made a league together. 1 3 51 And king Solomon raifed a f levie out -j- Heb. tri- of all Ifraclj and the levje was thirty thoufand frrof men men. 14 And he fent them to Lebanon,ten thou- fand a moneth by courfcs ; a moneth they were in Lebanon, and two monetbs at home : and * Adoniram teu over the levie. * Chapifl i f And Solomon had threefcore and ten A Nd Hiram king of Tyre fent his fervants thoufand that bare burdens, and fourefcore unto Solomon; (for he had heard that they thoufand hewers in the mountains : had anointed him king in the room of his fa- 16 Befides the chief of Solomons officers which were over the work, three thoufand and three hundred., which ruled over the people that wrought in the work. 17 And the king commanded , and they brought great ftones,coftly ftones, and hewed itones, to lay the foundation of the houfe. 1 8 And Solomons builders, and Hirams builders did hew them>and the|| ftone-fquarers: g Or, %'* fo they prepared timber and ftones to build the a s> Ezek.*j CHAP. VI. i The building of Solomons temple. $ The chambers thereof, n Gods fromife unto it. ij The deling and Adorning of it. ij Thecherubims. $iThedoores. \6 The court. 37 The time of building it. 6 Now therefore command thou, that they A Nd*itcamc to pafle in the foure hundred a .Chroa, hew me cedar-trees out of Lebanon, and my /land fourefcore yeare after the children of J. fervants (hall be with thy fervants: and unto Ifraelwere come out of the land of Egypt, in thee will I give hire for thy fervants, according the fourth yeare of Solomons reignc over Ilra- el , in the moneth Zif, which w the fecond moneth, that he t began to build the houfe of tHcb.W the L o R D. z And the houfe which king Solomon builc for the L o a D,the length thereof w*t three, fcore cubits , and the breadth thereof twentie cubits ,and the height thereof thirtie cubits. 3 And the porch before the temple of the houfe, twentie cubits was the length thereof, according to the breadth of the houfe 5 and ten cubits was the breadth thereof, before the houfe. 4 And for the houfe he made || windows of flOr.Wa^ narrow lights. ? f And || againft the wall of the houfe he w - rf built } chambers round about, againft the walls ther ; for Hiram was ever a lover of David, z And * Solomon fent to Hiram, faying, 3 Thou knoweft how that David my father could not build an houfe unto the name of the L o R D his God, for the warres which were about him on every fide, untill the L o R D put them under the foles of his feet. 4 But now the L o R D my God hath given me reft on .every fide , fo that there it neither adverfaric, nor evil occurrent. 5 And behold, I f purpofe to build an houfe unto the name of the L o R D my God,* as the LORD fpake unto David my father,faying,Thy ". Chron.aa. fonne, whom I will fet upon thy throne in thy ** room , he (hall build an houfe unto my name. t Heb. fly* to ^ tnat thou ^ r t appoint: for thou know- eft that there is not among us any that can skill to hew timber, like unto the Sidoniaas. 7 ^f And it came to pafle, when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, that he rejoyced greatly,and faid,Blefled be the LORD this day, which hath given unto David a wife fonne over this great people. 8 And Hiram fent to Solomon, faying, I . v , d have f confidered the things which thou fenteft ' to roe for : and I will do all thy defire concern- ing timber of cedar , and concerning timber of firre. 9 My fervants (hall bring them down from Lebanon unto the fea : and I will convey them by fea in flotes, unto the place that thou (halt - . ,-.->-, + P h /w t appoint me , and will caufc them to be dif- of the houfe round about, both of the temple, charged there, and thou (halt receive them: and and of the oracle : and he made t chambers thou (halt accomplifti my defire, in giving food roand about, for my houftiold. 6 The nethermoft chamber was five cubits i o So Hiram *ave Solomon cedar.trees,and broad, and the middle was fix cubits broadband ( firre-trees, according to all his defire. the third o^feven cubits broad : for without ^ or 1 1 And Solomon gave Hiram twenty thou. in the wall of the houfe he made j narrowed n b*n il o. r > />* The building Chap, vii. 1 r L refts round about, thttifc t eMt mould not be cherubims of j/ f w . tree ,* ^ ?* ' fattened m the walls of the houfe. , , A nH filli ' , ten cublts hl h - *97 . 24 nr Hvi/-n' * 7 And the houfe when it was in building, cherub and 12 rS- W i! he I" 6 ^ f thc i Or of ftonc, made ready before it * Heb. f*l- in the right f fide of the houfe : and they went z6 The heteht'nf* ^ mcaf " re > & one rife, up with winding ftairs into the middle *&**- Cbi^^^^^^. C ^* ten fcr,andoucof the middle into the third. 27 And L S u I J her cherub - 9 So he built the houfe and finiOiedit : and : - --- ' ^A*""** withir Or, ** covered the houfe |j with beamsand boards of '' fam * cedar. 10 And [then he built chambers againft all the houfe, five cubits high : and they refted On the houfe with timber of cedar. i QC r M fl And the word of the L o R D came td 28 Solomon, faying, 11 Cwcerning this houfe which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my ftatutes,and execute my judgements,and keep all my com- mandments to walk in them ; then will I per- :hron. , s . AnJ j ^n^,, .hechildten of ma'dc do ?* MCri " S f the oracle he Ifiaei, and nill not forfak d " " n lf - ^ dhc j built Bewails of the houfe with- and he carved upon them oh f ve ; tr J r.from in with boards of cedar, (| both the floore of the bimc fln j I!L f. ^m c 3rvings of floor t ef houfe, . and fo ed tfte a ore of the houfe with planksof firre. , iSoM T K P r u P trees> f.itf, 16 Andhebuilttwentvcubitsonthpfi^Pc^f ~ir_ / , madeb ^/ ort hedooreofthetem- , . , ^^ MV U u UtCj aua tnc vvaiis witn P^ d s of cedar: he even built then for it with- folding. ^^^^"^^^ Jff hCC r ed *r-d*., and 18 And the cedar of the houfe within n K'whhV I? fi^" T' 1 and covered ;f- c T d r thi|kno p^ ndt p enflowrs -- a ^ AT^nf^'^r," 1116 ^^^^ ^ZT cedar *ewas noflonefeen. threemwfof h j? C T" COUrt with 19 And the oracle he prepared in the houfe 5 c r a e ms romofhewedfto n e ^ndarowof C edar- ' St^*^^ arkof thecovenantof ? 7 f In the fourth yeare wa, the foundat,- 20 And the oracle in the forepart moneth Z,f ^ f thc LORD laid ^ tie cubits m length, and twentie cubits in a8 A H '* h ||Or "y/i breadth, and twentie cubits in the height there B 1 /^ v*^ en tn y care j' n themoneth alitht a/pi *.*., of: and he overbid it with t pure gofd, and ft houfc fiSSlilSl e , i hth . m neth ) was the /*-* covered the al tar W f fe of cedar. and accord a T ghout al f the P arts 'M* ^ jSfrflsJ with pure gold: and uemaw a partition, by ' r overlaid f Id befor ? the ^^ and he i ^1^ J5~lrf overiam it with gold. TM ^ ort/, ke^i ' "" r ""' luntillhe had finifhed allthehoufe: alfo ^f the tvo pillar r , *] of the molten f e a,\ 7 of the -b* alur ,ha MJ by the oracle hOKr . gSSga*SS3Bj;g -*|^ And uhin the oricle hemademo Joure!"""" ) " 3K ' > "" d h ' fi ilhed al1 hl! ' cha P-*' Solomonsbuildings. lBng$; The pillars, and molten fea. , , /And^^coveredvtith cedar aboveup- pomegranates : and fo did he for the other cha. onthetbeam^thac^onfourty five pillars, piter. ^ ^ , Aat ^ upon the fifteen in a row. ^ ^ ^^ wp of the plllars ^ wcr , of uii e -work in the h apou 5 An ' lslt J hi: n doOI f?-a?ataS > e i**^|rM< alfo abo, over againft the with the windows: and l. S h t a S amltl, g ne ^^ w , r by thc n^v.o.k : and the /-, in * r """' s e ffllje a orch of pillars} the pomegranates * mo ihundred,inrov round ^ Where he might judge,even the porch of ^judge- || oa2 ^ h f he ilhrs ^ UUe . ' "A"*' f Hftv/V*. ment:and it ^covered with cedar t from one " A f ^P th e work of the pillars finifted. frntHflw fide of the flooreto the other " ' And he ma de a molten fea, ten cubits dation unto the coping, and fo on tbe ^ ^ ft ^ od upontwe lve o X en,three looking toward the great court > rf ^ north d thrce looking toward the 10 And the foundation was or cuiuy nui i^i,;r, CT rnwwrH the fouth.and at t) n ,o AndthtfoundauonOTSOUomy , ft nd thrtt looking toward A e fouth, and nen great ftones i ftoncs ot tenc three looking toward the eaft: and the fea4i fl0 r, S Andtbo*com,ftone,(afterd,e fit above upon them, and albeit hinder parts- houfeoftheLo^. n U Andthemouthof itrtAinthechap.- Utcnfils for the temple. 1 Chap. and above WM a cubit : but the mouth thereof tvas round after the work of the bafe , a cubic and an half :and alfo upon the mouth of it were gravings with their borders, foure-fquare , not round. 3 i And under the borders were foure wheels: Heb. in and the axle-trees of the wheels were f joyned * */ to the bafe , and the height of awheel was a cubit and half a cubit. 3 5 And the work of the wheels was like the work of a chariot- wheel : their axle-trees, and their naves, and their felloes, and their fpokes were all molten. 3 4 And there were foure underfetters to the foure corners of one bafe : and the underfetters yeere of the very bafe it felf. 3 f And in the top of the bafe was there a. round compafle of half a cubit high: and on the top of the bafe, the ledges thereof and the borders thereof were of the fame. 36 For on the plates of the ledges thereof, and on the borders thereof, he graved cheru. bims , lions , and palm-trees, according to the Heb. 4i f proportion of every one, and additions round e fact. 4 3 And the ten bafes, and ten lavers on the bafes : 44 And one fea, and twelve oxen under the fea: 4? And the pots , and the fhovels , and the bafons: and all thefc veffels which Hiram made Heb. tiudt to king Solomon, for the houfe of the L o R D, "<>', or were O f f bright brafle. He'b in tht * 6 In the P lain f J ordan dicj tnC ki 8 Caft w c <^V' them t in the cla y-&r u ndj between Succoth fa* r: W rf, and Zarthan. vihV The dedication thereof. 47 And Solomon left all the vtfiels . * 99 weighed^ becaufe they were exceeding many f Heb. fo neither was the weight of the brafle t found ** 48 And Solomon made all the veflels that Mthi pure gold: and the hinges of gold, both for the ^ 47 "* dooresof the inner houfe s the moft ho\yplace t and (or thedoores of the houfe , to *wf,of the temple. 51 So was ended all the work that king So- lomon made for the houfe of the L o R D: and Solomon brought in the f things, * which Da- f Heb. kolj vid his father had dedicated; even the filver,and t kings of D- the gold, and the veflels did he put among the vid - ...,<-.... f .k. i __ ..r- ~c u T ~ - ~ * a.Chron, 5-'. treafures of the houfe of the L o R D. CHAP. VIII. I the fetul of the dedication of the temple, I a ,54 5"a- lomons blefim?. 11 Solomons fraytr. 6^ Hiffatri* fice of feice-tfferings. THen * Solomon aflembled the elders of If- j; rael, and all the heads of the tribes, the 5.1. f chief of the fathers of the children of Ifrael, r eb unto king Solomon, injerufalem, that might bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD, out of the city of David , which is Zion. 2 And all the men of Ifrael affembled them- felves unto king Solomon , at the feaft in the moneth Etbanim,which is the feventh moneth 3 And all the elders of Ifrael came, and the priefts took up the ark. 4 And they brought up the ark of the LORD, and the tabernacle of the congregation , and all the holy veflels that were in the tabernacle, even thofe did the priefts and the Levites bring up. $ And king Solomon, and all the congre- gation of Ifrael, that were aflembled unto him, were with him before the ark, facrificing fliecp, and oxen , that could not be told nor numbred for multitude. 6 And the priefts brought in the ark of th covenant of the LORD unto his place , into the oracle of the houfe to the moft holy place, even under the wings of the cherubims. 7 For the cherubims fprcad forth their two Wings over the place of the ark, and the cheru- bims covered the ark , and the ftaves thereof 8 Ana Solomons bleffing, and I. Kings. 1 prayer for the people* 8 And they drew out the ftaves ', that the 24 Who haft kept with thy fervant David t ends of the ftaves were feen out in the j| holy my father that thou promifedft him : thou place before the oracle, and they were not feen fpakeft alfo with thy mouth , and haft fulfilled without : and there they are unto this day. it with thine hand, as it is this day. 9 There was nothing in the ark * fave the 2 J Therefore now , L o R D God of Ifrael, two tables of ftone , which Mofes put thereat keep with thy fervant David my father that " Or * * f ' f Horeb , ||when the L o R D made a. covenant thou promifedft him, faying, *\ There (hall not * Ch with the children of Ifrael, when they came fail thee a man in my fight to fit on the throne a sam P y r out of the land of Egypt. of Ifrael i f fo that thy children take heed to t Heb. the, i o And it came to pane when the priefts their way,that they walk before me as thou haft -^ 4 * "" be were come out of the holy place,that the cloud Walked before me : cut / mt * * filled the houfe of the LORD, * And now, O God of Ifrael, let thy word from IZTgh ii So that the priefts could not fiand to (I pray thee; be verified , which thou fpakeft fHeb. tntl minifter,becaufe of the cloud : for the glory of unto thy fervant David my father. '/ 27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth? 300 Deut.io.5 * Exod.4<\ 34- the LORD had filled the houfe of the LORD. . _ it rThen fpake Solomon,TheLoRD*faid behold, the heaven, and heaven of heavens that he would dwell in the thick darknefle. cannot contain thec,how much lefle this houfe i $ I have furely built thee an houfe to dwell in,a fettled place for thee to abide in for ever. that I have builded? 28 Yet have thou refpect unto the prayer of 14 And the king turned his face about, and thy fervant and to his fupplication, O LORD blefled all the congregation of Ifrael : (and all my God , to hearken unto the cry and to the prayer, which thy fervant prayeth before thee to day : 29 That thine eyes may be open toward this vid my father, and hath with his hand fulfilled houfe night and day, even toward the place of it, fay ing, which thou haft faid , * My name (hall t>e *Deut.i; 16 Since the day that I brought forth my there: that thou mayeft hearken unto the prayer * people Ifrael out of Egypt,I chofe no city out of which thy fervant (hall make |j towards this I] Or, in thi place. ft*** 3 o And hearken thou to the fupplication of thy fervant, and of thy people Ifrael,when they the congregation of Ifrael flood; 11 And he faid, Blefled be the L o R D God of Ifrael, which fpake with his mouth unto Da- all the tribes of Ifrael to build an houfe that my name might be therein j but I chofe * David to be over my people Ifrael. 17 And it was'in the heartof David my fa- (hall pray |j towards this place : and heare thou |j Or, itti. ther , to build an houfe for the name of the in heaven thy dwelling-place , and when thou ? /(W *. heareft, forgive. 5 1 f If any man trefpaflc againft his neigh- hour , f and an oath be laid upon him to caufe t He k *<* him to fwear , and the oath come before thine *' r*f * altar in this houfe : 5 1 Then heare thou in heaven, and do, and LORD God of Ifrael. 1 8 And the LORD fad unto David my fa- ther , Whereas it was in thine heart to build an houfe unto my name, thou didft well that it was in thine heart : 19 Neverthelefle , thou (halt not build the houfe jbut thy fonne that (hall come forth out of judge thy fervants, condemning the wicked, to thy loynSjhe (hall build the houfe unto my name bring his way upon his head, and juftifying the 20 And the Lo R D hath performed his word righteous , to give him according to his righ- that he fpake, and I am rifenup in the room of teoufnefle. David my father , and fit on the throne of If- 33 f When thy people Ifrael be fmitten raelj as the L ORDpromifed.andhavebuilt down before the enemy, becaufc they have an houfe for the name of the LORD God of finned againft thee, and (hall turn again to Ifrael. thee, and confefle thy name,and pray,and make 21 And I have fct there a place for the ark, fupplication unto thee || in this houfe : wherein, is the covenant of the LORD, which 34 Then heare thou in heaven, and forgive he made with our fathers , when he brought thefinneof thy people Ifrael , and bring them them out of the land of Egypt. again unto the land , which thou gaveft unto *a.Chron.5. tl ^ And Solomon ftood before * the altar their fathers. la * of the L o R D , in the prefence of all the con- 3 j f When heaven is (hut up , and there is gregation of Ifrael, and fpread forth his hands no rain , becaufe they have finned againft thee; toward heaven : if they pray towards this place , and confefle **.Mac.ai 23 And he faid ,* L o R D God of Ifrael, thy name,and turn from their finne,when thou * there is no God like thee , in heaven above, or afflideft them : on earth beneath, who keepeft covenant and 36 Then heare thou in heaven, and for- mercy with thy fervants s that walk before thee give the finne of thy fervants, and of thy peo- wuh all their heart : ' pie Ifrael , that thou teach them the good way wherein M Solomons prayer, 1 Chap. viii. wherein they (hould walk, and give rain upon thy land which thou haft given to thy people for an inheritance. 37 f If there be in the land famincjif there be peftilence, blafting, mildew, locuft, or if there be caterpiller ; if their enemy beficge them in the land of their || cities , whatfocver plague, whatfoever ficknefle there be j 3 8 What prayer and fupplication foever be made by any man, or by all thy people Ifrael, which fliall know every man the plague of his own heart, and fpread forth his hands towards this houfe : 39 Then heare thou in heaven thy dwel. ling-place,and forgive,and do, and give to eve- ry man according to his wayes, whofe heart thou knoweft j ( for thou , evca thou onely knowe ft the hearts of al 1 the children of men ) 40 That they may fear thee all the dayes that they live , in the land which thou gaveft unto our fathers. 41 Moreover , concerning a ftranger that is not of thy people Ifrael, but cometh out of a farre countrey, for thy names fake ) 41 (For they (hall heare of thy great name, and of thy ftrong hand, and of thy ftretched out arm ) when he (hall come and pray towards this houfe : 4 3 Heare thou in heaven thy dwelling-place, and do according to all that the ftranger cal- leth to thee for : that all people of the earth may know thy name , to fear thee, as do thy people Ifrael, and that they may know that f this houfe which I have builded, is called by d thy name. 44 f If thy people go out to battel againft their cnemie , whitherfoever thou (halt fend them, and (hall pray unto the L o R D t toward thecitie which thou haft chofen,and toward the houfe that I have built for thy name : 45 Then heare thou in heaven their prayer and their fupplication, and maintain their H caufe. 46 If they finne againft thee/ * for there it no man that finneth not ) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them to the enemy, fo that they carry them away captives, unto the land of the enemy, farre or nearej 47 fet if they (hall f bethink themfelves, in thiir the land whither they were carried captives, "* r ' and repent, and make fupplication unto thee in the land of them that carried them captives, faying, We have finned, and have done per- verfely, we have committed wickednefle; 48 And fo return unto thee with all their heart and with all their foul, in the land of their enemies, which led them away captive, and pray unto thee towjrd their land, which thou gaveft unto their fathers, the citie which thou haft chofen , and the houfe which I have built for thy name : pan this Heb. tht wjr of tht Or, right. a.Chron.6 Heb. tt His bleffing, and offerings.' 49 Then heare thou their prayer and their 301 fupplication in heaven thy dwelling-place, and maintain their || caufe, |j6r, right* 50 And forgive thy people that have finned againft thee, and all their tranfgreffions where- in they havctranfgrcfied againft thee, and give them compaffion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compaifioa on them : 51 For they fothy people and thine inhe- ritance , which thou broughteft forth out of Egypt, from the raids of the furnace of iron : 5* That thine eyes may be open unto the fupplication of thy fervant, and unto the fup- plication of thy people Ifrael, to hearken unto them in all that they call for unto thee, 53 For thou didft feparate them from a- mong all the people of the earth, to be thine inheritance, * as thou fpakeft by the handof "Exod.ip.j Mofes thy fervant , when thou broughteft out fathers out of Egypt, O Lord GOD. 54 And it was fo, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and fupplication unto the L o R D, he arofe from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees, with his hands fpread up to heaven. 5 5 And he ftood, and blefled all the congre- gation of Ifrael, with a loud voice, faying, 56 Blefled be the LORD, that hath given reft unto his people Ifrael, according to all that he promifed : there hath not t failed one word of all his good promife, which he promU fed by the hand of Mofes his fervant. 57 The L o R D our God be with us, as he was with our fathers : let him not leave us, nor forfake us : f 8 That he may incline our hearts unto him , to walk in all his wayes, and to keep his commandments , and his ftatutes , and his judgements , which he commanded our fa- thers. 59 And let thefc my words wherewith I have made fupplication before the LORD, be nigh unto the LORD our God day and night, that he maintain the caufe of his fervant, and the caufe of his people Ifrael f at all times, as the f Heb. tht matter (hall require : thing of a d*j 6"o That all the people of the earth may *'**> know that the L o R D is God, and that there is none elfe. 6 1 Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in bis fta- tutes, and to keep his commandments , as at this day. 6z ^ And * the king, and all Ifrael with * a. Chroni him.offered facrifice before the LORD. 7.4. 63 And Solomon offered a facrifice of peace-offerings , which he offered unto the LORD, two and twenty thoufand oxen, and an hundred and twenty thoufand (heep: fo the V J king Solomons vifion. I. Kings. Hirams prefenf. 3 oa king and all the children of Ifrael dedicated hiflej and they fhall fay, * Why hath the LORD the houfeof the L o R D. * a, Ciwon. 64 * The fame day did the king hallow the 77 middle of the court that w; 24. Jer.iz.8, done thus unco this land , and to this houfc ? 9 And they {hill anfwer, Becaufe they for- fook the LORD their God, who brought forth their fathers out of the land of Egypt , and have taken hold upon ocher gods , and have worfhipped them, and ferved them: therefore hath the LORD brought upon them all this evil. 10 5i And * it came to pafle at the end of * twenty yeares, when Solomon had built the 8,u two houfes, the houfe of the L o R o, and the kings houfe, 1 1 ( Now Hiram the king of Tyre had fur- niftied Solomon with cedar- trees, and firre- trees,and with gold,according to all his defire ) that then Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee. iz And Hiram came out from Tyre to fee the cities which Solomon had given him, and they f pleafed him not. f Heb. />: i$ And he faid, What cities *rthefe which t right in thou haft given me, my brother f And he cal h * uoas covenant in a. iiijion with aoiomo'a.io T.he mtt- 1U " "* & ""-j "'/ MSWU* r .nuw u*. *,* tuallfrefents of Solomon and Hiram.iS In Solomons led them the land of (| Cabul unto this day. || That is a. Chron, 7' 11 ; works the Gentiles -were hit bondsmen, the Ifraelttes honourable fervants. 24 Pharaohs daughter remotieth to her houfe. a 5 Solomons yearly falemn facrifices, 1.6 Hit navyfetcheth gold from Opkir. Nd * it came to pafle when Solomon had /Ifinifhed the building of the houfe of the 14 And Hiram fent to the king fixfcore ta. di . lentsof gold. *"* i y f And this the reafon of the levie which king Solomon raifed, for to build the houfe of the LORD, and his own houfe, and LORD, and the kings houfe, and all Solomons Millo, and the wall of Jerufalem, and Hazor, Chap.8. defire which he was pleafed to do, z That the LORD appeared to Solomon * Chap. 3. 5, the fecond time,* as he had appeared unto him at Gibeon. 3 And the LORD faid unto him, I have heard thy prayer and thy fupplication that thou haft made before me: I have hallowed this houfe which thou haft built, * to put my name there for ever, and mine eyes and mine heart (hall be there perpetually. 4 And if thou wilt walk before me,as David thy father walked, in integrity of heart and in uprightnefle, to do according to all that I have commanded thee, and wilt keep my ftatutes and my judgements : y Then I will eftablifh the throne of thy kingdome upon Ifrael for ever, * as I promifed to David thy father ,faying, There fhall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Ifrael. 6 Ritt if you (hall at all turn from following me, you or your children, and will-not keep my commandments and my ftatutes , which I have fet before you , but go and ferve other gods, and worfhip them : 7 Then will I cut off Ifrael out of the land which I have given thenvj and this houfe |er.7. 1.4. which I have hallowed * for my name, will I caft out of my fight, and Ifrael (hall be a pro- verb, and a by-word among all people : 8 And at this houfe which is high,every one that paffeth by it fhall be aftonifhed, and ihall * a. Satn.y. . Ckron, 31,10. and Megiddo,and Gezer. 1 6 For Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up,and taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire, and flain the Canaanites that dwelt in the ci- tie, and given it foraprefent unto his daugh- ter, Solomons wife. 17 And Solomon built Gezer, and Beth- horon the nether, 1 8 And Baalatb,and Tadmor in the wilder** nefle, in the land. ip And all the cities of ftore that Solomon had, and dries fox his chariots, and cities for his horfemen , and -f that which Solomon de- f Heb. thi fired to build in Jerufalem, and in Lebanon, an and he burnt incenfe t upon the altar that WM f . before the L o R D : fo he finished the houfe. |{ t pillars for the houfe of the LORD, and for ll Or, r 26 ^And king Solomon made a navieof the kings houfe, harps alfo and pfalteries for tHeb. (hips in Ezion-geber,which befide Eloth, on fingers : there came no fuch * almug-trees, nor "' Hcb./;>. the t (hereof the Red fea, in the land of Edom. were feen-unto this day. 9t 27 And Hiram fent in the mvic his fervants, 1 $ And king Solomon gave unto the queen fhipmen that had knowledge of thefea, with of Sheba, all herdefire whatfoever (he asked, the fervants of Solomon. beffdes that which Solomon gave her f of his f Heb. M- 28 And they came to Ophir, and fet from royall bountie : fo (he turned and went to her c 'r<*">g tub * thence gold,fourc hundred and twenty talents, own countrey, (he and her fervants. and brought it to king Solomon. 14 f Now the weight of gold that came to _ Solomon in one yeare, was fix hundred tbree- C- H A 1 . A. X The qufttt of Sheba. admireth the veifdome of Solo- mon. 14 Solomons gold. \6 Hit targets. 18 The throne fcore and fix talents of gold, Befides that he had of the merchant- of ivorie. ai Hi* veffels. 14 Hit frefents. chariots and horfe. 2$ Hit tribute. id Hit men, and of the trafKck of the fpice.mer- a.Chron .1. , If Or, e< : two hundred ptaint. J Heb; rdt, i, Heb. chants , and of all the kings of Arabia, and of ANd when the * queen of Skeba heard of the jj governours of the countrey. the fame of Solomon , concerning the *6 f And king Solomon made iatMa.42, mme of the LORD, ftie came to prove him targets of beaten gold : fix hundred)^/* of ' '' 3 '' with hard queftions. gold went to one target. (z And fhe came to Jerufalem with a very 17 And he made three hundred ftiields of great train , with camels that bare fpices a and beaten gold , three pound of gold went to one very much gold, and precious ftones: and when (hield3 and the king put them in the * houfeof * Chap.y, $' ihe was come to Solomon, (he communed with the forreft of Lebanon, him of all that was in her heart. 1 8 f Moreover,the king made a great throne $ And Solomon told her all her f queftions: of ivory, and overlaid it with the beft gold, there was not any thing hid from the king, 19 The throne had fixfleps , and the top of which he told her not. the throne tvat ronnd f behinde: and there f Hcb.tnth* 4 And when the queen of Sheba had feen tvere f ftayes on either fide on the place of the kinder p ar t all Solomons yyifdotne , and the houfe that he feat, and two lions ftood befide the ftayes. fl "~ had built, 20 And twelve lions ftood there on the one 5 And the meat of his table, and the fitting fide and on the other upon the fix fteps : there of his fervants, and the f attendance of his mi- was not t the like made in any kingdome. nifter$,and their apparel,and his |( cup-bearers, 2 1 f And all king Solomons drinking- vef- andhis afcentby which he went up unto the felsnwe of gold, and all the veflels of the houfe houfe of the L o R D : there was no more fpirit of the forreft of Lebanon ivere of pure gold, in her. || none were of filver, it was nothing accounted j Q r> t j, ere 6 And (he faid to the king , It was a true of in the dayes of Solomon. was // Heb. -Kurd. t f ep ort hat I heard in mine own land, of thy 22 For the king had at fea a navie of Thar- i" them. Oi,jayins. || ads, and of thy wifdome. fhifti , with the navie of Hiram : once in three 7 Howbeit, Ibeleevednotthewords,untill yeares came the navie ofTharfhifh , bringing I came and mine eyes hadfecnif : and behold, gold and filver, |j ivorie, and apes, and pea- ||Or, tl- Heb. thtu the half was not told me: f thy wifdome and cocks. fhantmetb, profperity exceedeth the fame which I heard. 2 $ So king Solomon exceeded all the kings 8 Happy are thy men, happy are thefe thy of the earth, for riches and for wifdome. fervants , which ftand continually before thee, 24 ^f And all the earth f fought to Solomon, fHcb. fought and that heare thy wifdome. to heare his wifdome , which God bad put in tktfac* /. 9 Blefled be the L o R D thy God which de- his heart. lighted in thee, to fct thee on the throne of If- 2? And they brought every man his piefent, raelj becaufe the L o R D loved Ifrael for ever, veffels of filver , and veflels of gold, and gar- therefore made he thee king 3 to do judgement ments , and armour , and fpices , horfes, and and juftice, mules, a rate yeare by yeare. V 4 z6 ^j * And ifdomt and ttdntffe to tftme. Solomonswivesandidolatrie; LKingsI J""**"** Chap.*. * i.Chron. i.*4 C Twher;foretheLo RD faid unto Solo- ^ Forafmuchasthisti$doneof th ee,and t.Hb z 7 An te ing ev . not kept my covenant and my ftatute* '*'* falemasftones 3 andcedars m ?*^' f j;j yyhich I have coLJnded thee, * I will furely ' Chap..* fycomore-trees, that ^ m the Vale, fo, rend the kingdome from thee , and will give it "' * a Chron. 28 * i And Solomon ... i Linos met- IZ l"XUiwiiiiii4iiuiugiii IIIY udvca j. TJH nuw .. ifc and ,. om of Egy p t , and linen yarn : the kings m ^ ^7 fc- oa^SSsSSSSl ^SS^i^t /w,*.f * Egypt forfixhundred JfeMiof "SjSrS kingdome:^? will give one tribe to thy fonne, t5?iw horfe for an hundred and JjJJj^ l ]^ g< rf forDavidmy fervams fake, and for Jcrufalems TSb.*, Stt-^^^**^ 111 : ra tt^th a e Ve L h o f r D ftirredupanadver- CHAP- XI. farie unto Solomon, Hadad the Edomitej he fw/. A J>2 few eW^e vt>& f tne kings feed in Edom. 1 SJSS T/Jto UJiSTTS' *fc'^t^^ *' 1 5 * For it came to pafle when David was in * a . Sam . e. UuSMiMMu tiivetf ones were Had*d, who -VIM en- Edom , and Joab the captain of the hott was 14. tertained in E^p t , j R?o, wfco ^?*^ m J * gone up to bury the {lain, after he had frnitten Sft'&jgSSft 1 !**-' ^ ?*5RJLSfi. didToabremai.*.,, toam fticceedeth him. - heart after their go s . appointed 5 him* viftuals, and gave him land. 3 Andtehad feven hundred wives , prin- P % And Hadad f found gt ^*^ ^SSs^^ffSss ^^^ks^M other gods : and his heart was not perfefi with nubath ^^^rJ^rJ^^SS^S VT h - r^a as the heart of David Pharaohs houle: otCjenuoatn was the L OR D us UOd, as houfliold among the fonnes of Pharaoh. YTor'solomonwent after Aflitoreth the ^".And when Hadad ^ inRPvn of *chap.:."5- LORD God of Ifrael * which had and?. 2. Ahijah and Jeroboaim Chap. xii. Solomons death and buriall. 3 f And he was an adverfarie to Ifrael all the my ftatutes and my commandments, as David 30$ dayes of Solomon , befide the mifchief that my fervant did j that I will be with thee, and Hadad did: and he abhorred Ifrael, and reigned build thee a fure houfe,as I built for David and over Syria. 26 [ And * Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat, anEphrathite of Zereda, Solomons fervant, ( whofc mothers name^M* Zeruah , a widow woman) even he lift \\phis handagainft the king. ^7 And this wot the caufe that he lift up bis handagainft the.king: Solomon built Millo, will give Ifrael unto thee. ? 9 And I will for this afflict the feed of Da- vid, but not for ever. 40 Solomon fought therefore to kill Jero- boam : and Jeroboam arofe , and fled into E- gypt , unto Shifliak king of Egypt , and was in Egypt umill the death of Solomon. 41 H And the reft of the |[ ads of Solomon, |J Or, repaired the breaches'bf the city of David and all that he did , and his wifdome, are they or '*".$ not written in the book of the acts of Sojo mon? 41 And the f time that Solomon reigned in -j-Heb. J*ju Jerufalem, over all Ifrael, was * fourty yeares. * J.Chron. 43 And Solomon flept with his father*, and 9;\- was buried in the city of David his father : and CJ * Rehoboam his fonne reigned in his ftead. ti CHAP. XII. I The Jfraelites affembled at Shechem to crown Heholt- am t br Jeroboam make afu:t of relaxation unto htm. 6 Rehoboam refufixg the old mem county, by the ad- vice of young men, anfveereth them roughly, if Ten t) ibes revolt ing , ktHtAdoram, and make Rehoboam to flee, ii Rehoboam rai(lng an armie, it forbidden by Shemaiah. ay Jeroboam Jlrengtheueth h'mfelfby cities , *6 and by the idolatrie of the two calve f. rael, Behold, I will rend the kingdome out of A Nd * Rehoboam went to Shechem: for all the hand of Solomon, and will give ten tribes ^1 Ifrael were come to Shechem to make him ' to thee: king. 3 z ( But he (hall have one tribe for my fer- ^ And it came to pafie when Jeroboam the vant Davids fake , and for Jerufalems fake, the Tonne of Nebat, who was yet in * Egypt,heard ' c hap, 1 1$ city which I have chofenout of all the tribes of it , (for he was fled from the prefence of 4 * king Solomon, and Jeroboam dwelt in Egypt,) 3 That they fent, and called him: and Jero- boam, and all the congregation of Ifrael came, and fpake unto Rehoboam, faying, 4 Thy father made our * yoke grievous: now * Chay,^, his father. 18 And the man Jeroboam was a mighty man of valour: and Solomon feeing the young man that he f was induftrious, he made him ru- ler over all the f charge of the houfeof Jo- feph. 29 And it came to pafie at that time when Jeroboam went out of Jerufalcm,that the pro- phet Ahijah the Shilonite found him in the way : and he had clad himfelf with a new gar- men tj and they two were alone in the field. 30 And Ahijah caught the new garment that Was on him, and rent it in twelve pieces. 3 1 And he faid to Jeroboam, Take thee ten pieces:for thus faith the L o R n^the God of If- of Ifrael ) 3 3 Becaufe that they have forfaken me, and have worfhipped AQitoreth the goddeffe of the Zidonians, ChemoQi the god of theMoabites, and Milcom the god of the children of Am- mon,^nd have not walked in my wayes, to do therefore make thou the grievous fervice of thy that which is right in mine eyes, and t tyfy ni X father j an d his heavy yoke which he put upon ftatutes and my judgements, as did David his us, lighter, and we will ferve thee. father. 5 And he faid unto them , Depart yet for 3 4 Howbeit,! will not take the whole king- dome out of his hand : but I will make him prince all the dayes of his life , for David my fervants fake , whom I chofe , becaufe he kept my commandments and my ftatutes : three dayes, then come again tome. And the people departed. 6 f And king Rehoboam confulted with the old men that flood before Solomon his father, While he yet lived, and faid,How do you advife, 3f But* I will take the kingdome out of hi* that I may anfwer this people ? fonneshand, and will give it unto thee, even 7 And they fpake unto him, faying, If thou ten tribes. wilt be a fervant unto this people this day, and 36 And unto his fonne will I give one tribe, wilt ferve them , and anfwer them, and fpeaic > that Divid my fervant may have a flight a! way good words to them , then they will be thy ftr- before me in Jerufalem , the city which I have chofco me to put my name there vants for ever. 8 But he forfook the counfel of the old men, 37 And I will take thee , and thou (halt which they had given him, and confulted with- reigne according to all that thy foul defireth, and (halt be king over Ifrael. 38 And it (hall be ,if thou wilt hearken unto all that I command thee, and wilt walk in my vv.iycs, and do that is right in my fi^ht, to keep the young men that were grown up with him, and which ftood before him : 9 And he faid unto them , What counfel give ye , that we may ?nfwet this people , who have fpoken to me , faying , Make the yoke which* Ifrael rebelleth: I. Kings: Jeroboafns calves* Speak unto Rehoboam the fonne of So- jo5 which thy father did put upon us , lighter? 10 And the young men vvith him fptikc unto him. laym^, iuuo uiai% ^ ...... 9 ^ thou fpeak unto this people that fpake unto people, faying, thee , faying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, 24 Thus faith the LORD, Ye (hall not go but make thou it lighter unto us;thus malt thou up, nor fight againft your brethren the children fayuntothem, My little finger (hall be thicker of Ifrael: return every man to his houfe,for this then my fathersloyns. , 10 And the young men that were grown up lomon king of Judah, and unto all the houfe of i, faying, Thus malt Judah and Benjamin,and to the remnant of the or nraci: return evciy IUAU .u <> nwi.v,iu4 UM thing is from me. They hearkened therefore to Ti And now whereas my father did lade you the word of the LORD, and returned to depart, With a heavy yoke,Iwill adde to your yoke: my according to the word of the L o R D. ' - ij 41 Then Jeroboam built Shechem m mount Ephraim , and dwelt therein, and went father hath chaftifed you with whips,but I will chaftife you with fcorpions. - r- -> - 1 1 fl So Jeroboam and all the people came out from thence, and built Penuel. to Rehoboam the third day, as the king had ap- pointed,faying,Come:o me again the third day LlU^iajr iiJEjj v_,v/i4iv. tv ** ^ , f H kd 1 3 And the king anfwered the peoplefrough- vid " nd forfook the old mens counfel that the" t rrotn inentc, aim uum. inuum 16 And Jeroboam faid in his heart, Now " thckingdome return to the houfe of Da- ly, and forfook the old mens counfel that they *l If this people go up to do facrifice in the pave him houfe of the L o R D at Jerufalem , then mill 8 14 And fpake to them after the counfel of the heart of this people turn again unto their the youn 2 men , faying, My father made your lord, even unto Rehoboam king of Judah and yokeheavy^ and I will adde to your yoke \ my theyflull kill me, and o again to Rehoboam father alCo chaftifed you with whips, but I will king of Judah. chaftiffyou with fcorpions. 2 8 Whereupon the king took counfel and i < Wherefore the king hearkened not unto made two calves of gold , and faid unto them, the people} for the caufe was from theLoRD, Itis too much for you to go up to Jerufalem: thathemight perform his faying , which the * behold thy gods O Ifrael, which brought Exod . ^ LORD * fpake by AhijahtheShUonite unto thee up out of the land of Egypt. 8. Jeroboamthe fonne of Nebat. ^9 Andhe fettheone inBeth-cl, andthe 1 6 r So when all Ifrael faw that the king other put he in Dan. 39 And this thing became a finne : for the people fcllt. Jhll't^ y * /***&J . - j- - vid ? neither bave we inheritance in the fonne of Jefle : to your tents , O Ifrael : now fee to before theone > unto Dan. ru-ui a ^ e : 31 And he made an houfe of high places, thine own houfe, David. So Ifrael departed and made priefts of the loweft of the people, which were not of the fonnes of Levi. ^ And Jeroboam ordained a feaft m the eighth moneth , on the fifteenth day of t moneth,like unto the feaft that in Judah,and unto their tents. 17 But as for the children of Ifrael which dwelt in the cities of Judah,Rehoboam reigned V ^8 VhTn king Rehoboam fent Adoram,who hel offered upon the altar , (fo did he in Beth- M^jover the tribute, and all Ifrael ftoned him with ftones,that he died: therefore king Reho- el; made irtngthtntd ,ifilf. * Chap. 1 1 With ltones,tnat tie died: tnereiorc King rvcuo- maut ; and he placed i~_-- - t - - -|Or, boam f made fpeed to get him up to his chariot, the high places which he had made ifictt to flee to Jerufalem. 3? So he j| offered upon the altar which he (jor,w^ 10 So Ifrael || rebelled againft the houfe of had made in Beth-el-, the fifteenth day _of the totht alt* David unto this day. eighth moneth , even, in the moneth which he er , ao And it came to palte when all Ifrael haddevifed of his own heart : and ordained a heard that Jeroboam was come again,that they feaft unto the children of Ifrael, and he oftered fent and called him unto the congregation, and upon the altar, t and burnt mcenfe. CHAP. XIII. Jeroboams hand that offered -violence to hitttthat trophefied againft h'tt altxr at Beth-e>,yvithereth,6 and at thep ayer of the prophet it refiored. 7 the prophet vtfufing the kings entntiinment , departethf>om Beth-el. 1 1 Jin. old prophet (educing him , brmgeth him back- ao He a reproved by God , aj [lain by a. lion, ^6 buried by the old packet, } iwho confrmetb hitpsopiefc. 33 Jeroboams obHmicie. ^X^^<*<>^ A N ,^ eh u^ f T e fT 3 L 0f R G D d um U o fonne of Solomon. Aof Judah by the word of the L o , D ^un to zi But *the word of God came unto She- Beth-el : and Jeroboam flood by the altar H to j O r,r maiah the man of God, faying, burnincenfe. lent and called mm umo me congtcgduun, aim made him king over all Ifrael : there was none that followed the houfe of David, but the tribe of Judah *onely. 11 f And when Rehoboam was come to Jerufalem, he aflembled all the houfe of Judah, with the tribe of Benjamin, an hundred and fourefcore thoufand chofenmen, which were warriours , to fight againft the houfe of Ifrael, Jeroboams hand withereth, Chap, xiiu T he prophet (lain by a lion. Anil he cried againft the altar in the word nor go in with thee ; neither will I eat bread, 307 nor drink water with thee in this place. j 7 For f it was faid to me by the word of f Heb a the L o R D , Thou (halt eat no bread , nor vsnd was* drink water there, nor turn again to go by the way that thou cameft. 1 8 He faid unto him, lama prophet alfo as 5 .. & fc -j , - y ..- , thou art, and an angel fpake unto me by the This is the fignc which the LORD hath fpoken: word of the L o R D, faying, Bring him back Behold, the altar (hall be rent, and the afhes with thee into thine houfc, that he may eac of the LoRD,and faid,Oalt3r, alcar,thus faith the LORD, Behold, a childe (hall be born unto the houfe of David,* Jofiah by name,and upon thee (hall he offer the priefls of the high places that burn incenfe upon thee, and mens bones (hall be burnt upon thee. 5 And he gave a figne the fame day, faying, that are upon it (hall be poured our. 4 And it came to pafle when king Jeroboam heard the faying of the man of God,vhich had cried againft the altar in Beth-el, that he put forth his hand from the altar, faying, Lay hold on him. And his hand which he put forth a- gainft him, dried up, fo that he could not pull it in again to him. j The altar alfo was rent , and the afhes poured out from the altar , according to the figne which the man of God had given by the yvord of the Lo R D. 6 And the king anfwered and faid unto the man of God, Intreat now the face of the LORD thy God, and pray for me, that my hand may be rettored me again. And the man of God be- foughtfthe LORD, and the kings hand was reftored again, and became as it was before. 7 And the king faid unto the man of God, Come home with me, and refrefli thy felf, and J will give thee a reward. 8 And the man of God faid unto the king, If thou wilt give me half thine houfe,! will not bread, and drink water : but he lied unto him. 19 So he went back with him , and did eae bread in hi ^ houfe, and drank water. 20 f And it came to pafle as they fat at the table, that the word of the L o R D came unto the prophet that brought him back : 2 1 And he cried unto the man of God that came from Judah, faying , Thus faith the LORD, Forafmuch as thou haft difobeyed the mouth of the LORD, and haft not kept the commandment which the LORD thy God commanded thee, 22 But cameft back, and haft eaten bread, and drunk water in the place of the which the LORD did fay to thee,Eat no bread,and drink no water j thy carcafe (ball not come unto the fepulchre of thy fathers. 2$ f And it came to pafle after he had eaten bread , and after he had drunk, that he faddled for him the afle, to n>;J 3 for the prophet Whom he had brought back. 24 And when he was gone, a lion met him by the way, and flew him : and his carcafe was go in with thee, neither will I eat bread, nor caftintheway, and the afle flood by it, the drink water in this place : lion alfo ftood by the carcafe. 9 For fo was it charged me by the word of 2 j And behold, men pafled by, and faw the the Lo RD, faying, Eat no bread, nor drink carcafe caft in the way, and the lion ftanding: * by the carcafe: and they came and told it in water, nor turn again by the fame way that thou cameft. 10 So he went another way, and returned not by the vwy that he came to Beth-el. 1 1 51 Now there dwelt an old prophet in Beth-el, and his fonnes came and told him ail the works that the man of God had done that day in Beth- el : the words which he had fpoken unto the king, them they told alfo to their fa- ther. X2 And their father faid unto them, What way went he?for his fonnes had feen what way the man of God went,which came from Judah. i $ And he *id unto his fonnes, Saddle me the afle. So they faddled him the affc , and he rode thereon, 14 And went after the man of God , and found him fitting under an oak j and he faid onto him , Art thou the man of God that cameft from Judah ? And he faid, I am. i f Then he faid umo him, Come home with me, and eat bread. 16 And he faid, I may not return with thee, the city where the old prophet dwelt 16 And when the prophet that broaghr kim back from the way, heard thereof, he faid, It H the man of God,who was difobedient un- to the word of theLORD:thereforetheLoRl> hath delivered him unto the lion , which hath t torn him, and flain him, according to the word of the LORD, which lie fpake unto him. 27 And he fpake to his fonnes/ayingjSaddle metheaffe. And they faddled him. 28 And he went and found his carcafe caft in the way, and the afle and the lion ftanding by the carcafe : the lion had notcatea the car- cafc, nor f torn the afle. 29 And the prophet took up the carcafe of the man of God, and laid it upon the afle, and brought it back: and the old prophet came tor the citie, to mourn, and to bury him. 30 And he laid his carcafe in his own grave, and they mourned over him, faying, Alas my brother. 3 i And i: came to pafle after he had buried Judgement denounced againfl Jeroboam. I. Kings.' Abijahs death and bunail. 208 him, that he fpake tohis fonnes, faying, When I am dead , then bury me in the fepulchre wherein the man of God is buried , lay my bones be fide his bones. 5 1 For the faying which he cried by the word of the L o R D agamft the altar in Beth-el, and againftallthe houfesof the high places which are in the cities of Samaria, (hall furely come 10 pafle. 3 3 4 After this thing Jeroboam returned wholoever wouiu, ne 7 eoniecraccu muu, an became one of the priefts of the higKplaces. $4 And this thing became finne unto the houfe of Jeroboam , even to cut it off, and to deftroy it from off the face of the earth. CHAP. X 1 1 1 1. t jMjah being vithtrefents to the frophet v . jah forewarned by Goddenouncetb Gods judgement. 17 JOtljah dieth, and it buried. 19 Nadatfueaedtth Jeroboam. ^\ Rehoboams -wicked reigne. a 5 Shz]ha1i ffaileth ierufaltm.29 i will take away the remnant of the houfe of Je * K ^" s 9 roboam,as a man takcth away duog, till it be all gone. ii Him that dieth of Jeroboam in the ci tie, (hall the dogs eat : and him that dieth in the field, (hall the fowls of the aire eat ; for the LORD hathfpokenif. ii Arife thou therefore, get thee to thine own houfe : and when thy feet enter into the city, the childe (hall die. 1 3 And all Ifrael (hall mourn for him, and bury him: for he onely of Jeroboam (hall come to the grave, becaute in him there is found fome good thing toward the L o R D God of Ifrael, in the houfe of Jeroboam. 1 4 Moreover,the LORD (hall raife him up akin^ over Ifrael, who (hall cutoff the houfe of Jeroboam that day : but what? even now. 15 For the L o R D (hall fmite Ifrael, as a reed is (hakeninthe water, and he (hall root up Ifrael out of this good land, which he gave to their fathers, and (hall fcatter them beyond the river, becaufe they have made their groves, provoking the L o R D to anger. 1 6 And he (hall give Ifrael up,becaufe of the finnesof Jeroboam, who did fmne,andwho made Ifrael to finne. 17 5f And Jeroboams wife aroie,and de- parted,and came to Tirzah: and when (he came to the threfhold of the doore, the childe died. 1 8 And they buried him, and all Ifrael mourned for him, according to the word of the LORD ,which he fpake by the hand of his fer- vant Ahijah the prophet. 19 And the reft of the a As of Jeroboam, how he warred, and how he reigned, behold, they ^rewritten in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. ao And the dayes which Jeroboam reigned, were two and twenty yeares: and he t flept with f HebJ his fathers 3 andNadab his fonne reigned in and Afa f deftroye4 tr Heb< "* chamber. her idol, and burnt it by the brook Kidron. * 29 f Now the reft of the ads of Rehoboam, 14 But the high places were not removed : and all that he did , are they not written in the neverthelefle , Ala his heart was perfect with book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? the L o R D all his dayes. 30 And there was warre between Rehoboam 1 f And he brought in the f things which t Hcb. * and Jeroboam all their dayes. . his father had dedkated , and the things which 3 1 And Rehoboam flept with his fathers, himfelf had dedicated , into the houfe of the and was buried with his fathers in the city of LORD, filver and gold, and veffels. David : and his mothers name was Naamah an 164 And there was warre between Afa and Arnmoniteffe. And Abijam his fonne reigned Baafhi king of Ifrael all their dayes. 17 And *Baa(hakingof Ifrael went up a- ?J.ChjeB gainft Judah , and built Raman, that he might < not fuffer any to go out or come in to Afa king 'Sfgood reigne. \6 The warre between Bwjhj ofjudah .., #* >.* tieazue fc *,*- lg Then Afa took alhhe filver and the gold that were left in the treafures of the houfe of the LORD, and the treafures of the kings houfe , and delivered them into the hand of his fervants: and king Afa fent them to * Ben- hadad the fonne of Tabrimon , the fonne Hezion king of Syria, that dwelt at Damafcus, faying, 19 There is a league between meandthee, and between my father and thy father: behold, in his flead. CHAP. XV. I lAbijims wicked refgne.^ 7 ^4fa fucceedeth him. hidad. a j fehojhaphatfucceedeth tAfa. ay Nadabs nicked reigne. 17 Bxafix cvnffirmg againtt him, executetk Jhtjihs frephe/u. ji Kadubs alts axd death, j 3 Baafla's wicked reignt. NOw in the eighteenth yeare of king * Je- roboam the fonne of Ne bat , reigned A- bijam over Judah. 2 Three yeares reigned he in Jerufalem: and his mothers name was Maachah , the daughter of Abifhalom. 3 And he walked in all the finnes of his fa- I hive fent untb'thee a prefent of Clver and ther , which he had done before him : and his gold 5 come and break thy league with Baafha heart was not perfed with the LORD his God, ' as the heart of David his father. 4 Neverthelefle , for Davids fake did the king of Ifrael, that be may f depart from me. 10 So Ben-hadad hearkened unto king Afa, and fent the captains of the hofts,which he had, LORD his God give him a || lamp in Jerufa. againft the cities of Ifrael, and fmote I jon, and lem i to fet up his fcnne after him, and to efta- Dan, and Abel-beth- maachah, and all Cinne- blifli Jerufalem : rotn f with all the land of Naphrali. 5 Becaufe David did that which was right in the eyes of the L o R D , and turned not afide from any thing that he commanded him all the 21 And it cametopafle, when Baama heard t he reef y that he left off building of Ramab,and dweitinTirzah. am ,. dayesof his life , *(avconelyin thcmatter of 21 Then king Afa made a proclamation 10 '* Uriah the Hictitc. " - throughout all Judah, (none was t exempted) f Hcb, / and Afa's death. Nadabs reigned I. Kings. Jehu's prophefie againft Baafha 3 10 and they took away the ft ones of Ramah , and ^ Forafmuch as I exalted thee out of the the timber thereof , wherewith Biafln had duft , and made thee prince over my people If- builded, and king Afa built with them Geba of rael, and thou haft walked in the way of Jero- Ben jamin, and Mizpah. boam , and haft made my people Ifrael to finne, 23 The reft of all the ads of Afa,and all his to provoke me to anger with their finnes : might, and all that he did, and the cities which 3 Behold _, I will takeaway the pofteritie of he bnilt,b ailed t Obadiah whieh t Hcb. 01, 3 " M^ t.hegover n ou [0 f U haute: ( now Obadiah < N .'-" Ss:.;=s* ^^a^ r^rsfe 1 --- "**' thatthercwasnobrcathleftmham. '^'H he (aid, What have I finned , that 4^^^^ come unto me\o call my finne to remem- heto O L o R D my God, haft thou alfo brought evil uponthewidow^ithwhomlfojourn^y flay- "^^^-^fpVrit'rfie" L o R D in l h "t n d n he ? iflrctched himfelf upon the %^^^S!^ *dSflO^^I^^W^^ find e ethee 5 he(hall (by me: but Ithyfer , . . f this childes foul come J into him again. town! 4i And the L o R D heard the voice of Eli- jah,andthefoulof the childecame into him jrj^-^d^noftheLoRD s prophets, ^t Al h EU^ V tookth e childe, a ndbrought by fifty in a cave, and fed themwithbread and him down ouc of the chamber into the houfe, mt I f aye ft,Go tell thy lord, and delivered him unto hfs mother: and Elijah ^^JjgjJJ u hm . ; nd he (hall Hay me. faid,Sce,thyfonneliveth. ' AndElijahfaid, ^itheLoao ofbofts ^^t^^p^ .fe^^ 1 ^.* 1 ^? chat the word of the LORD in thy mouth, ^JsJJSSTfSt to meet Ahab, and trUth< r> u a P XVITI told him : and Ahab went to he anfwered , I have not troubled *y.' ramuontheearth. Carmel,nd thepro- *. - Elijah convinccth Chap. xix. 20 So Ahab fentunto all the children of If- racl, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel, 21 And Elijah came unto all the people,and id,How long halt ye between two ^opinions ? if the LORD be God, follow him : but if Baal, then follow him.And the people anfwered him not a word. 2 r Then faid Elijah unto the people,! ^eveit lonely remain a prophet of the LORD ; buc Baals prophets are foure hundred & fifty men. 25 Let them therefore give us two bullocks, and let them choofe one bullock for them- felvcs, and cut it in pieces, and by it on wood, Baals prophets. 24 And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the LORD : and ftd.rA God. And all the people anfwered andfaid,t It Tdisjiilift,u canfnttdbj An axgel. 9 stt Horeb Godapt**reth unto hrm, , - ing him to anoint Ea^ael t jthu* andEliflu. 10 . lifia. taking le.t-ve of hit friends, followetb E'lith. A NdAha'b told Jezebel all that Eli jib had done, and withall, how IK had flain all , . the prophets with the fword. X Elijah comfortedby an angel. L Kings. liv.jvr U tl a juiu --J - ; (V-.II Plifhl flaV W^- felf that he might die, and faid It enc >gh, ihaiit ^ velcf , we f ev en thoufand in 'Rom.tr, now O LORD take away my life: for I am not xo. eswhichhaVenotb owedun-iOr,I ....,., ^ -, _ ^ jo ^ bo he departed thence and found Eli- thee. >u- Q i rtturi ,and he faid unto him, What doeft umo him thou here, Elijah? CHAP. XX. I0 And he Taid,! have been very jealous for theLORDGodof hofts: forthe children of Ifrael^forfakenthycovenant^rovvndovvn thine altars, and flam thy prophets with the fe,7g^S!%; C& Rom.n.j. jfwordjand * l,even I onely am left , and they ' e.to takeitavray. ii Andhefaid,0otortn,an uanu u^., the mount before the LORD. And behold, the 1 jf mmlWtm oaj JHm&fm9nt ^.^ LoRpp3fl^by,andagreatandft ^WJ Nd B en-hadad the king of Sym gathered rent the mountains, and brake in pieces UK i* together, and there were drift- rocks before the LoRDj t the LORD . jjTg^ king* with him,and horfes,and cha- not in the winde-.and after the wmde a eartn- y , he went up and befieged Samaria^and quakcj&wr theLoRDW^notintheearthquake: n ^ d in ft j t . ^,^ inthe fire: andifKrtbefirea ii^JS^iSs'ft^ is mine, thy wives a,, t '' d t|K k; f if rae i a nfvvcred add faid, Whacdoeftchouhcre El' lotdOUine.accotd.ng tothyfajing,!.*. t Iftatlhav. fotfaken.hy covenant thrown _.' ^" ftyin AUhoo?hI e alors, and (lam thy prophets i wth J^^S^g, | houihal, deliver ndl, ondyamleft.and.hey have^nt urn ^ ^ , y^ . Ben-hadad befiegeth Samaria. Chap 6 Ytt I Will ff fir) rr.w Co-..-, _-!_- e. W ^->iiUL * Yet IwiU fend my fervams untothee to morrowabout this time, and they ftjallfearch t. ir IT^^^^^^^soFthyfervantsiand *eb. &fr- it ftal I be,rt,r whatfoever is fpleafant in thine eyes, they fail put it in their band, and take it 7 Then the king of Ifrael called all the el- dersof the land, and fa.d,MarM pray you s and fee how drffwb faketh mifchief:forhefent Heb 7W U Tf mC k* 111 )"'. Mdfor my children, y^M^^r dMw ^^ 8 And all the elders , and all the people faid Rnt Wh' HearkCn not hi >> nor confcnt Andthevfl the Svriar onehi roan - Ben hadad V f pUrfued thcm ^ S^ri n Jith^eaTfl '^ ' 3nd fl ^ ? 2" Andth K ghter< ^ ^ffiffilftl'S'V* the kin S of ^ . n. in f*,baafthinif.lf, *-" "Si"? *-^"ff ^dliS^S h? ft "^'^ *" ^ ./>/ , ^m - -7 "'"B* me ( { pavilions ) that he faid 2? : & f Cf T Si " * Jwr/f fcw i* r 7 ; and JgSST hcy f " tb **f*to"i* *ray againft the city. b?p. * * J ^ And behold , there f came a prophet ^^h^V.s^'^ 8 ^ 111 ^ oehoid, I will deliver it into thi L and did fo"."" wir voice, yeare ^ d ^ C T?J afrCatthereturn of th yeare, that Ben-hadad numbred the Syrians. andwentuptoAphe^ttofightaga,^!^^^^ ^^^ nof ?^-renu m bred,S: W ^ and 5T VU 1Fe r ??' 3 ? d Wfnt S S ainft them l 0*M and the children of Ifrael pitched before them toE SSES**!!^* B MW^S 1 thL RD - *9!f into the citie, ||t in- ' Or > A chsmtet to 18 And he faid, Whether they be come oar forpeace, take them ahve j or vvLther they be come out for mrrc , take them ah ve 9 So theft young menof th p nncesof the provmces,camcouteftheciue 11 which followed them. ' fmie -" inv.it.iiuii KIIJHS : let U9 T th.ce, put f 3 ckcloth on our loyns, and lupcsupon our heads, and go out to the king t Jfrael j peradventure he will fave thy life 3* So they girded faekclorh on their loyns, and fitt ropes on their heads, and came to the x * king Naboths vineyard* of ait, , f ^ unw Nabolh} faying> yet alive? he * my brother. Give me thy viney ard , that I may have it for a 3B Now the men did W^*"J garden of herbs, becaufe it neare unto my houfe 5 andlmngivetheeforic abetcer vine- > venant. So he made a covenant with fi |J^ ^ and h & laid hjm down upon hjs te Tn'S'a certain man of the fonncs of bed and turned away his face , and wold eat theprophets faid unto his ^ou^ ^^ But Jezebel his wife came to him, and wordof the LoRo^Smiteme,! pray thee.And ^^.^ why ., tby fpirit fo fadj thal Beca.feirpa.eu. to andfaiduntohin,, Give me thy Untyard for money, or elfe if it And aflbon as he v | u . thce flsfltfeer vme yard Smite me , I pray thee And the man fmotc vineyard^ , ^^ ifcfaiduntohioi aDo ft him, t fo that in routing he wounded him. 7 And Jei.be ^^^ 3 8 So the prophet departed and ** 3-3ST and let thine heart be merry : I ^ "cthevmeardof Naboththejez. - an et tne ^ itu^hS^ wllg"er e cthevmeyardof Naboththejez ath0nSa , and then (hall thy life be for h lS hfe , or elfc thou 9 (halt t pay a talent of filver. the top > ',esfonc. againb.m.yng, unto him , to/fcrfhf judltmcnttt , thy lei! ^^ j ., ft Ujf e ^^ (he king . and out " d toe bim th " he thy life 1 ing the people. there came in mo men,children ot v v , uena., anu ut before him : and the men of Be- CHAP. XXI. lialwitntftdagainft him, even ag.unft Na- ' '** " ""* borh^nthepreLceofthepeople,(ayins,Na- >f both did blafpheme God and tb king. T carried him forth out of the cine, at ftones, 1 AhabswickednefTe thrcatned. Chap.xxii. He is feduced by fclfc prophets. M 1 And it came to p3 fl e when Jezebel CHAD vv T r heard that Naboth was itoned, and was dead, i JbA {educed byfjr, ' h , 1 1 J 3 1 7 that Jezebel faid to Ahab, Arife,take pofleffion /*. *#,"/ KSC2S*,S ft T rf of the vineyard of Naboth the Tezreelite l c ^ u?hlil>lttld ^ n ^^>^iihr t fc l - ef ^ f l which he refufed tog, ve thee for money! for' SSSi^'S^^^^-S^ Naboth not alive, but dead. * Nd they co H ***' "****' 16 And it came to pafle when Ahab heard /lwarrebctween n Sv e r;i JS^Z*?* 1 nhtoat that Naboth was dead >t hat Ahab rofe upto z And it came to^ go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezrc- that * Jehofbapha t! elite* to take Dofleffion nfit. J M _... -L. . ' " "5_ . i- ""v/"4ii i^auuui me jezrc- mac " lenofhachat the kin n r T j L cl, t ocakepofl el fionof, t . *lW l |fin. l f l * ^^* i ?>.*r 18.1, &c. Anfc.god..eetAhab king of ael,v,hchj I i n Sa m aria:behold,hei I i 1 , g thc alfotatopoffeffion? ;t e j5n LD I' frl A^h'.T'^ P ft "y.^ ""I "toff tbchando? hekfng ftlUdl '""to ^ b 2^;S^^^ :h.p., 4 . "AndwUlmakethmehoufelikeihehoufc enqLe of him > ' ' tk3 "" ""S 1 " ' 10RD " me to , vet, Whac the LORD faith unco me 3 that will Ifpeak Ahab imprifoneth Micaiah. I. Kings. rmau AIU^" u. !:, ? Ahab {lain. " *" But the king of Syria commanded his , l8 ,5 Sohecametothekmg, >**>* V - J > hat had rule over bi$ ^^^^""^.WEEffjS chanots,fay,ng, Fight neither with fmall nor moth-gilead to battel,or ^Mfe^ A* gJJSSj with the king of Ifrael. he anfwemi him, Go , and profper tor he g , . ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ L R * D Jnd hi kin fafd Sm^HoS many ot the chariots faw JeLbaphat, that they (aid 1 6 Ana the King laia unio m / c urp i v : t t u e k m2O f if ra el. And they turned times (hall I adjure thee, that thou tell me no- gp< * t g ^ ^ ^ thing but that which is true in the name o . ^^J L RD A ? j L r j T r,, 9 ll Tfrael fcattered up- 3 ? And it came to pafle, when the captains , 7 And he faid,Ifawall K^fw^J ^ of V he chariots perceived that it wi not the m c ou, of *, hoft, for I ther faid on that manner. ii And there came forth a fpint, and Rood bfefore the LORD ,and faid,I will perfwade him xi And the LORD faid unto him, Where- with? And he faid,I will go forth.and I will be a lying fpirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he faid, Thou lhalt perfwade him, and prevail alfo : eo forth, and do fo. P T ? Now therefore behold, theJ.ORDhath S _ . . . i .-..U rtf-,11 thefe thV ailUlUCV W*"'^-u ua amv*i, -..-- put a lying fp.m m ^e mouth of a I ^ tefe hy -7j rf ^ LQRD whkh he , prophets , and the LORD hath lpo* ^ ^ NQW ^ ^ Qf ^ aftsof Afa i.<- ^ ji.t-..j 4-b ran out of tbe wound, into thet midit ot the J B J?JJ' chariot. ^ 6 And there went a proclamation through- out the hoft , about the going down of the funne, faying, Every man to his city, and every man to his own countrey, 37 f So the king died,and t was brought to fHeb. ea, Samaria, and they buried the king in Samaria. 38 And oflewafaed the chariot in the pool of Samaria, and the dogs licked up his bloud, tji Oduiaiia^ aiiu mv uw^j - y ^^ and they wa(hed his armour, according * unto ^ Chap-2 went neare , and fmote . ou^n and faid, * Which way went the fpint of the V' LoRDfrommetofpeakuntothee? z 5 And Micaiah fai d, Behold , thou (halt fee -, f.otn ake. .hab,and all thaVhe did, and the ivory houfe which he made , and all the cities that he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael? 40 So Ahab flept with his fathers,and Aha- . /. - * i i :- n_. J the fourth vernouc f nne: and .Thus this andfiveyearesinjerufilem: and his mothers nle ^L Axubah the daughter of Shilhi. *nd enter m-- $ , jft tit tort* he battcU 4 6 And. Ahaziahs reigne. Chap. i. Fire confumeth the two captain?. 46 And the remnant of the fodomites which David his father: and Jehoram his fonne reign- 3 1 9 remained in the dayes of his father Afa 3 he took cd in his ftead. out of the land. ji ^ Ahaz'iah thefonneof Ahabbeganto 47 There root then no king in Edom : a de- rcignc over Ifrad in Samaria the fevemeenth of Tharihifl, o '* '/' to go to Ophirfor gold: but they went notjfor 51 And he did evil in the fahtoftheLoRD the (hips were broken at Ezion-geber. and walked in the way of his father, and in the 49 Then faid Ahaziah the fonne of Ahab way of his mother, and in the way of Jcrobo- umo Jeho(haphat,Let my fervants go with thy am the fonne of Nebat, who made Ifrael to fervants in the fhips : but Jehoflaphat would finne. not< 5 3 For he ferved Baal , and worfliipped him. jo f And Jehofhaphatflept with his fathers, and provoked to anger the LORD God oflfra' and was buried with his fathers in the citie of el, according to all that his father had done " The fecond book of the KJ ^g S, commonly called, The fourth book of the K I fr G S. A P. I. 7 And he faid unto them, f What manner fHcb. A ^ an ^/ he whichcamcuptomeetyo Uj and "* toId " ** ^rds f im, tr i 9 Then the kin s fent unto him a ca P tain f cha P- 3-5- ^ H$ a "V ! 3 , th f AhaK fifty,with his fifty:and he went up to him/and u Z i. Ahaziah fel1 d wn behold, he fat on the top of an hill) and he ^rough a ilatteffe in his upper fpake unto him, Thou man of God, the kin- chamber that &;*, in Samaria, and hath faid,Come down. Tent meflcngers, and faid unto i o And Elijah anfwered and (aid to the ca. cron whe e rh qUI TVu B3al " 2eb r Ub , the ^ d f ^' m of ^ If Ue * manof God > thenletfire I BuTrhe ^".'"T^ f ^ difeafe - come down from heaven^nd confume thee and A* t Ti Ah gC i r * C R &id t0 EH - th y fift y- And there came down fire ^^ nea. " C ^^ f.ner, f h t' f J C - Ve "' 3n COnume m 3n s rhem r I " i" r f*"' ^ ^ UUt S ' A ^ in alf he fent Unt him anOl - them Jj not becaufe tf*r not a God in ptainofnfty,with his fifty: and he anfwered Tn^^ y 5 8 t0en<1Uire0fBaaUzebubthe " d f=>id unto him, Oman of God, ffiS godofEkron? the king faid, Come down quickly. tTh^Ir , US fai 'r h thC L L RD/ lt AndElijahanfweredandfaiduntothem, Thou (halt not come down from that bed on If I be a man of God, let fire come down from And1lth U d a e rt8 d e UP> BUt ^ f0rdy ^ h ven,andconfume 5 the e and Thy fif^? An" A^E'^hdeparted the fire of God came down from heaven, and f And when the meflengcrs turned back confumed him and his fifty. nrdSw ^ them ' Why are yC nOVV ' J* And he fent a " n a "P^ of ke 6 And fthev fa'H u- T^ third fift ^ with h '" s ^y ^nd thethird captain man u^ ro meet us an^" 1 ' Thtt l came a of fift V went "P. a " d "me and t fell oJ his an up to meet us, and fa.d unto us, Go, turn knees before Eli jah.and befought him,and faid hfm ThuVr f h?h g ^ m y r u> - and f ^ y umo umo him ' man of God > i P ra x ** i y ^ In ?? i ^r t D J ' ", not r ccaufe Iife ' and thc life of thcfe fift y th y ftrv3n b rfftwe unotaGodinlfrael, that thou fendtft precious in thy fight. cnauin of Baa Uebub the god of Ekron ? , 4 Behold" there came fire down from hea- ,/d on r \ J\ ft " Ot - C me ^ fr m that VCB > and burnt U P the two ca P' aios of he for- bed on which thou artgonc up , but (halt Cure, mer fifties , with their fifties : therefore let my life now be precious in thy fi^ht. X 4 i ? And Ahaziahs death. 1 1. Kingsi The rapture of Elijah. 3 zo if And the angel of the L o R D faid unto together, and fmote the waters, and they were Elijah, Go down with him, be not afraid of divided hither and thither, fo that they two went over on drie ground. 9 f And it came to pafle when they were fHeb. in jt>ht,vr o-^ him. And he arofe, and went down with him unto the king. 16 And he faid unto him, Thus faith the gone over &v .. u ...i , that Elijah faid unto Eliftia, Ask LORDjForafmuch as thou haft fent meflengers what I (hall do for thee,before I be taken away to enquire of Baal-zebubthegod of Ekron(# it fr m thee. And Eliftia faid, I pray thee , let a not becaufe there U no God in Ifrael to enquire double portion of thy fpirit be upon me. of his word ? ) therefore thou (halt not come 10 And he faid, t Thou haft asked a hard down off that bed on which thou art gone up, thing : nevertheless, if thou fee me when I am , , but (halt furely die. taken from thee,it (hall be fo unto thee j but if L, 17 1{ So he died, according to the word of not, it (hall not be fo. the LORD which Elijah had fpoken : and Je- 1 1 And it came to pafle as they ftill went on, horam reignedin his ftead, in the fecond yeare and talked, that behold, there appeared a cha- of Jehoram the fonne of Jehoftiaphat king of riot of fire, and horfes of fire, and parted them Judahj becaufe he had no fonne. . both afunder, and * Elijah went up by a whirl- *^J cIus ^ 1 8 Now the reft of the ads of Ahaziah wmde into heaven. 12, f And Eliftia faw if, and he cried,* My *Chap.i 3 . father, my father, the chariot of Ifrael, and the l * horfemen thereof: and hefaw him no more j and he took hold of his own clothes , and renc them in two pieces. I j He took up alfo the mantle of Elijah that fell from him,and wentback,and ftood by the f bank of Jordan} fHcbJ#. 14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and fmote the waters, and faid, ANd it came to pafle when the LORD Where is the LORD God of Elijah i and when would take up Elijah into heaven by a he alfo had fmitten the waters, they parted hi- ther and thither: and Eliftia went over. i 5 And when the fonnes of the prophets which he did, arc they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kin^s of Ifrael? C H A P. 1 1. I Elfjahytaking hit leave ofElifba, with hts mantle di- videth Jordan, 9 and gr anting Elijba his requejt, is taken up \ty a. fierie chariot into heaven. 1 i Elijha di- viding Jordan with Eli jib i mantlets acknowledged his fycceffour. \6 The young prophets* hardly ob- taining leave to feek Elijah , could notfindehim. 19 Elifba ivith (alt healeth the umvholelome waters. a 3 Bears deflroy the children that mocked Eltjb*. Nd it came to pafle when the LORD would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwinde, that Elijah went with Eli(ha from Gilgal. z And Elijah faid unto Elifha, Tarry here,l which we re * to view at Jericho, faw him,they * vcrfe 7. pray thee: for the LORD hath fent me to Beth- r - :J ~ t -*- i " el. And Elifha faid unto him, As the L o R D liveth, and as thy foul liveth, I will not leave thee. So they went down to Beth-el. 3 And the fonnes of the prophets that were at Beth-el, came forth to Eliftia, and faid unto him, Knoweft thou that the L o R D will take away thy mafter from thy head to day? And he (aid , Yea,l know it, hold you your peace. 4 And Elijah faid unto him , Eliftia , tarry here, I pray thee : for the L O R D hath fent me to Jericho.And he faid, As the L o R D liveth, and as thy foul liveth, I will not leave thee. So they came to Jericho. 5 And the fortnes of the prophets that were at Jcricho,came to Eliftia, and faid unto him, Knoweft thou that the L o R D will take away thy mafter from thy head today ? And he an- fwered , Yea, I know if, hold you your peace. 6 And Elijah faid unto him, Tarry, I pray thee, here :for.the LORD hath fent me to Jor- dan. And he faid, !: the L O R D liveth, and at thy foul liveth, I will not leave thee. And they two went on. 7 And fifty men of the fonnes of the pro- pHets went, and ftood t to view afarre off: and they two ftood by Jordan. ^ U( j iij a h took his mantle, and wrapt it death, or barren land faid, The fpirit of Elijah doth reft onEliftia: and they came to meet him, and bowed them- felves to the ground before him : 1 6 f And they faid unto him,Behold now, there be with thy fervants fifty | ttrong men, let them go, we pray thee,and feek thy matter: e ffl ren & th ' left perad venture the fpirit of the L o R D hath taken him up, and caft him upon j tome moun- tain, or into fome valley. And he faid, Ye (hall the not fend. t*ter,ty Etifha oktuintth mater y and promise of-viftorit. ai The Moabius deceived ty the colonr of the water, coming to Cfoilt are over- come. 16 Thektngof&toAbifyraertticingthe ktMg of Edomt fonnet tatfeth thefiige. % yOw Jehoram the fonne of Ahab began to NLreigne over Ifrael in Samaria , the eigh. teenth yeare of Jehofhaphat king of Judah, and reigned twelve yeares. z And he wrought evil in the fight of the LORD, but not like his father , and like his mother j for he put away the t image of Baal that his father had made. 3 Neverthelefle, he cleaved unto the finnes of Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat, which made Ifrael tofinne j he departed not therefrom. 4 i And Melha king of Moab was a fheep- mafter, and rendred unto the king of Ifrael an hundred thoufand lambes , and an hundred thoufand ramir.es, with thewooll. 5 Bat it came to pafle when* Ahab was dead, that the king of Moab rebelled againft the king of Ifrael, ;.. 6 f And king Jehoram went out of Sama- ria the fame time, and numbred all Ifrael. 7 And he went and fent to Jehofliaphat the iii. relicveth the three kings. ii But Jehofliaphat Cud t ls there not here a 321 prophet of the LORD, that we may enquire of the LORD by him? And one of the king of If- raels fervants anfwered and faid, Here ii Elifha the fonne of Shaphat, which poured water on the hands of Elijah. i ^ And Jehoiliaphat faid, The word of the LORD is with him. So the king of Ifrael, and Jehofhiphat,and the king of Edom went down to him. 1 3 And Eliflia faid unto the king of Ifrael, What have I to do with thee f get thee to the prophets of thy father, and to the prophets of thy mother. And the king of Ifrael faid unto him,Nay:for the LORD hath called thefe three kings together , to deliver them into the hand ofMoab. 14 And Eliftia faid, ^4f theLoRD ofhofts liveth, before whom I ftand, furely,were it not that I regard the prefenceof Jehofhaphat the king of Judah,! would not look toward thee, nonce thee. 15 But now bring me a minftrel. And ic came to pafle when the minftrel played , that the hand of the LORD came upon him. 16 And he faid. Thus faith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches. 17 For thus faith the LORD, Ye fhall not fee winde, neither fhall ye fee rainj yet that val- drink, king of Judah,faying,The king of Moab hath rebelled againft me : ley lhall be filled with water, that ye may both ye, and your cattel, and your faeafts 1 8 And this is but a light thing in the fight of the LORD, he will deliver the Moabites alfo into your hand. 1 9 And ye (hall fmite every fenced citie,and every choice citie,and fhall fell every good tree, and flop all wells of water, and f marre every fHc&.^/rw good piece of land with fiones. 10 And it came to pafle in the morning when the meat-offering was offered, that -be- hold, there came water by the way of Edom, and the countrey was filled with water. z i ^ And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight again ft them, they f gathered all that were able to t put on fHeb. were armour, and upward , and flood in the border. C *' U <1 together ^^ And they rofe up early in the morning, wilt thou go with me againft Moab to battel ? And he faid, I will go Kin.i.4 U P : * * am as r ^ ou Artjcay people as thy people, and the funne {hone up'on the water , and the " A and my horfcs as thy horfes. Moabites faw the water on the other fide as red 8 And he faid, Which way fhall we go up? And he anfwered , The way through the wil- dernefieofEdom. 9 So the king of Ifrael went, and the king of Judah , and the king of Edom : and they fetcht acomp-ifleof fevendayes journey, and as bloud : *j And they faid, T his is bloud : thekings are furcly f {lain, and they have fmitten one an- fHeb. dt other: now therefore Moab to the fpoil. 14 And when they came to the camp of If- rael, the Ifraelites rofe up and fmote the Moa- there was no water for the hoft , and for the bites, fo that they fled before them : but (| they jl cattel \ that followed them. went forward fmiting the Moabites, even in n their countrey. a? And they beat down the cities, and on every good piece of land caft every man his ftone 3 10 And the king of Ifrael faid, Alas , that the LORD hath called thefe three kings toge- ther, to deliver them into the hand of MoabT iflia muhipiieththe widows oyl. 1 1. Kings.He givcth a Ton to the Shunammite. (lone, and filled it , and they flopped all the it (hall be when he cometh to us, that he (hall 3 14 wells of water, and felled all the good trees : t Heb. unttQ \ onely in Kir-harafeth left they the ftoncs lit left the thereof: howbeit the (lingers went about it. | Or, not. turn in thither. 1 1 And it fell on a day that he came thi- ther , and he turnect into the chamber , and lay there. 16 q[ And when the king of Moab faw that 1 2 And he faid to Gehazi his fervant, Call the battel was too fore for him , he took with this Shunammite. And when he had called her, him feven hundred men that drewfwords , to (he ftood before him. break through even unto the king of Edom: but , i$ And he faid unto him,Say now unto her, they could not. Behold, thou haft been carcfull for us with all 27 Then he took his eldeft foone that this care; what is to be done for thee? wouldeft fhould have reigned in his ftead , and offered thou be fpoken for to the king,or to the captain him for a burnt-offering upon the wall: and ofthehoft? And (he anfwered, I dwell among there was great indignation agairift Ifrael: and mine own people. they departed from him, and returned to their 14 And he faid,What then is to be done for own land. her? And Gehazi anfwered,Verily (he hath no childe, and her husband is old . i? Andhefaid,Callher.Andwhenhehad called her, (he ftood in the doore. 1 6 And he faid, * About this \ feafon , ac- *Gen. i8.i< cording to the time of life, thou (halt embrace - '' NOw there cried a certain woman of^he a fonne. And (he faid, Nay, my lord, thou man wivcsofthe fonnes of the prophets unto of God,do not lie unto thine handmaid. And the woman conceived , and bare 3 CHAP. IIII. X Elifha mttltiflieth the widows oyl. 8 He gi-veth a. forme to the good Sbumtmrmte. 18 He raifeth again her dead fonne. 38 *4t Gilgal he healeth the deadly fottage. 41 He fatisfeth an hundred men with twentie loaves. Elima , faying, Thy fervant my hmband is dead, and thou knoweft that thy fervant did fear t he L o a D : and the creditour is come to take unto him my two fonnes to be bond- men. i And ElHhafaid unto her,What (hall I do for thee? tell me, what haft thou in the houfe? And (he faid, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the houfe, fave a pot of oyl* 3 Then he faid, Go borrow thee veffels a. broad of all thy neighbours, even emptie vet fels, || borrow not a few. 4 And when thou art come in, thou (halt (hut the doore upon thee, and upon thy fonnes, and (halt poure out into all thofe veffels , and thou ihilc fet afide that which is full. 5 So (he went from him, and (hut the doore J 7 fonne at that feafon that Elifna had faid unto her, according to the time of life . 1 8 ^ And when the childe was grown , it fell on a day, that he went out to his father to the reapers. 19 And he faid unto his father, My head, my head. And he faid to a lad , Carry him to his mother. 20 And when he had'taken him, & brought him to his mother, he fat on her knees till noon, and then died. 21 And (he went up , and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and (hutrfee doore up- on him, and went out. 22 And (he called unto her husband , and faid, Send me, I pray thee , one of the young upon her, and upon her fonnes, who brought men, and one of the affes, that I may runne to the -veffels to her,and (he poured out. the man of God, and come again. 6 And it came to pafle when the veffels were full, that (he faid unto her fonne, Bring me yet aveflel. And he faid unto her, There is not a veflel more. And the oyl ftayed. 7 Then (he came and told the man of God: and he faid,Go,fell the oyl,and pay thy || debt, and live thou and thy children of the reft. 1F Andfitfellonaday^thatElilhapafled fHcb. there WM a. day. t o Shunem, where was a great woman} and (he fHeb. laid tconftrainedhimtoeat bread. Andfo it was, bold onkan. that as of: as he pafied by, he turned in thither to eat bread. 2 $ And he faid, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day? it is neither new moon , nor fab- bath. And (he faid, Itjhallbe^ well. 24 Then (he fadled an afle, and faid to her fervant, Drive, and go forward j f flack not thy t He b- ** riding for me, except I bid thee. P rain not f 2? So (he went, and came unto the man c metort(le - God to mount Carmcl : and it came to pafle when the man of God faw her afarre off , that he faidtoGehazi his fervant, fteho\d t yonder HthatShunammite: ^6 Runne now, I pray thee, to meet her, and fiy unto her, 7? it well with thee ?i$ it well 9 And (he faid unto her husband , Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of with thy husband ? is it well with the childe? God, which paffeth by us continually. and (he anfwercd, It is well . i o Let us make a lictle chamber,! pray thee, 17 And when (he came to the man of God onthe wall, and let us fet for him there a bed, to the hill, (he caught t him by the (eet: but , - and a table, and a ftool, and a candieftick : and Gehazi came neare to thruft her away. And ' Mft the The Shunatnmites fonne raffed. Chap. v. Naamans leprofie. the man of God faid,Let her alone,for her foul caft it into the pot ; and he faid, Poure out for 313 tb.bitter. is f vexed within her: and the LORD hath hid it from me, and hath not told me. z8 Then (he faid, Did Idefire a fonne of my lord? did I not fay, Do not deceive me ? 19 Then he faid to Gehazi, Gird up thy loyns, and take my It a ft in thine hand , and the people , that they may eat : and there was no f harm in the pot. f Heb. twl 41 ^f And there came a man from Baal- thing. fhalifha, and brought the man of God bread of the firft- fruits, twenty loaves of barley,and full eares of corn [| in the husk thereof ; and IOr in his go thy way: if thou meet any man/alute him he faid, Give unto the people, that they may f*'P* or &* 4} And his" fervitour faid, What, fliould I fet this before an hundred men ? He faid again, Give the people, that they may eat : for thus faith the LORD, * They (hall eat, and (hall* Joh,tf.i3 not : and if any falute thee, anfwer him noc again: and lay my ftafF upon the face of the childe. 30 And the mother of the childe faid, the LORD liveth,and as thy foul liveth,! will not leave thee. And he atofe , and followed leave thereof. her. 44 So he fet ii before them, and they did 3 1 And Gehazi pafled on before them, and eat, and left thereof^, according to the word of laidtf laid the ftaff upon the face of the childe , but there was neither voice, nor f hearing; where- fore he went again to meet him, and told him, faying, The childe a not awaked. 3 2 And when Ehiha was come into the houfe, behold, the childe was dead, and laid upon his bed. 3 3 He went in therefore , and (hut the doore upon them twain, and prayed unto the LORD. the LORD. .CHAP. V. I Naaman t l>y the report of a. captive maiJ y u fejtt to. Samaria iobccuredofhulefrofc. 8 Eli fba finding htm to Jordan, curtth him.i $ Ee refupnz Kaamans gift!) grantcth himfome of the earth. 20 Gthafi, ab- uffng his majios name unto Naamatt r it fmitten with leprofie. NOw Naaman. captain of the heft of the J king of Syria, was a great manf with his fHeb.ef<;r?/ mafter , and |j t honourable , becaufe by him B9 r ^'*" 34 And he went up, and lay upon the the LORD had given || deliverance unto Syria: !* /iftftt , childe, and put his mouth upon his mouth , he was alfo a mighty man in valour, but be was nf, oiic- and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands a leper. ctfted, in. upon his hands, and he ftretched himfelf upon * And the Syrians had gone out by com- f*" the childe , and the flefti. of the childe waxed panics, and had brought away captive out of A warm. the land of Ifraei a little maid, and (he J waited f He&< 3 f Then he returned , and walked in the eb. ottfe houfe f to and fro, and went up, and it retched wr, and. himfelf upon him: and the childe neefed fcven * ***" times, and the childe opened his eyes. 36 And he called Gehazi, and faid, Call this Shunammite. So he called her: and when fhe was come in unto him, he faid, Take up thy fonne. 37 Then (he went in, and fell at his feet, and bowed her felf to the ground , and took up her fonne, and went out. on Naamans wife. 3 And (he faid unto her miftrefle, Would God my lord were f with the prophet that is t Hcb - in Samaria: for he would t recover him of his '" leprofie. 4 And one went in, and told hislord,fay. ing, Thus and thus faid the maid, that is of the.landoflfraeh 5 And the king of Syria faid, Go to, go, and I will fend a letter unto the king of Ifraei. And he departed, and took t with him ten talents of t. Heb - nCT lOniltj aiJU VYCUt UUl* if*, uv t/ai LtUj liU tuwr*, | yirim U(AI ivi* baiwiib* WA i ----~" 3 8 j And Eliftia came again to Gilgal, and filver, and fix thoufandp;fc of gold, and ten *" hand ' there teas a dearth in the land, and the fonnes changes of raiment of the prophets were fitting before him : and he faid anto bisfervant, Set on the great pot, and feethe pottage for the fonnes of the pro- phets. 39 And one went out into the field to ga* him of his leprofie, ther herbs , and found a wilde vine, and ga- thered thereof wilde gourds his lap-full, and came and fhred them into the pot of pottage.: for they knew them not. 40 Sq they poured out for the men to eat-: and it cametopafle as they were eating of the potcage , that they cried out, and faid, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot: and they cculd not eat thereof. 6 And he brought the letter to the king of Ifrael,faying,Now when this letter is come un- to thee, behold,! have therewith fent Naaman my fervant to thee, that thou mayefl recover 7 And it came to pifle when the king of If- raei hairead the letter.that he rent his clothes, - and faid, ^4 m I God, to kill and to make alive, , that this man doth fend unto me to recover a. man of hislepiofie? wherefore confider I pray you, andftchowhefecketh a quarrel againft me. 8 f Andit was/o ,.when Elima the man of God had heard that the king of Ifrad had 4 1 But he, faid, Then bring meal : and hs tens his clothes 3 thai he fent to the king, fay- Naaman cured of his leprofie. I L Kings. It feifeth on Gehazi. 314 ing, Wherefore haft thou rent thy clothes? lee when Naaman Taw Ww running after him, he ban come now to me, and he (hail know that lighted down from the chariot to meet him, there is a prophet in Ifrael. and faid, t Is all well ? \ Heb. li 9 So Naaman came with his horfes , and ^ 1 And he faid , All u well : my matter hath th r/' are difmifcd inpe&ce.i^ Thefamme m Samaria cauftth women, to eat their own chtldren.$oThe king(tndeth lafUj Elifo*. ANd the fonnes of the prophets faid unto Eliiha, Behold now, the place where we dwell with thee is too ftrait for us. ^ Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, and take thence every man a beam, and letus make us a place there where we may dwell. And he anfwered,Goye. } And one faid, Be content,! pray thee,and go with thy fervants. And he anfwered, I will go. 4 So he went with them: and when they came to Jordan, they cut down wood. 5 But as one was felling abeam, the f ax- f Heb. , head fell into the water: and he cried, and faid, Alas mafter. for itwas borrowed. 6 And the man of God faid, Where fell it? and he {hewed him the place: and he cut down a ftick, andcaft it in thither, and the iron did fwim. 7 Therefore The Syrians fmitten with blindnes. Chap. vii. A famine in Samaria. >, en' 7 Therefore faid he, Take it up to thee. thy bow/ fet bread and water before them, that And he put out his hand, and took it. they may e.\t and drink, and go to their 8 y Then the king of Syria warred againft maftcr. Ifrael, and took counfel with his fervants, fay- 25 And he prepared great provifion for ing,In fuch and fuch a plicefiallbe my || camp, them: and when they had eaten and drunk, he 9 And the man of God fent unto the king fent them away } and they went to their matter: of Ifrael, faying, Beware that thou paffe not fo the bands of Syria came no more into the fuch a placej for thither the Syrians arc come land of Ifrael. down. 24 U And it came to paffe after thw,thw i o And the king of Ifrael fent to the place Ben-hadad king of Syria gathered all his holt, which the man of God told him, and warned and went up, and befieged Samaria. him of, and faved himfelf there, not once nor 2 ? And there was a great famine i twice. 1 1 Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was fore troubled for this thing, and he called his fervants, and faid unto them, Will ycnot fhew me which of us it for the king of Ilrael? 12 And one of his fervants faid, t None, my lord O king : but Elifha the prophet,that it in Ifrael , telieth the king of Ifrael the words that thou fpeakeft in thy bed-chamber. ij fl And he faid, Go,andfpie where he is, barn-floore, or out of the wine -prefie? that I may fend and fetch him. And it was told 28 And the king faid unto her, What ai let h him, faying, Behold, he it in Dothan. 14 Therefore fent he thither horfes, and 2 j And there was a great famine in Samaria; and behold, they befieged it , untill an affes head was fold for fowefcore fleets of filver, and the fourth part of akab of doyes dttflg ffls fi?e pieces of filver. 26 And as the king of Iff ael was puffing by upon the wall, there cried a woman unto him, faying, Help, my lord O king. 27 And he faid, jj If the LORD do not help I f V thee, whence (hall I help thee 2 out of theJJJ,, theef And fbe anfwered,This woman faid unto me, Give thy fonne , that we may eat him to . chariots, and a t great holt : and they came by day, and we will eat my fonne to morrow, night, and compafled the city about. 29 So* we boiled my fonne, and did eat*Deuc.j$. r, minifUr Z 5 And when the |j fervant of the man of him: and I faid unto her o.n the Jnejxtday, 55- God was rifen early and gone forth, behold, an Give thy fonne, that we may eat him :andfoe1" Hcb ' other ' hoft compared the city, both with horfec and hath hid her fonne. chariots: and his fervant faid unto him,Alas my go r And it came to paflewhen the king mafter,howfhallwedo? heard thewordsoftbe woman, that he renc Chron* 16 And he anfwered, Fear not : for* they that be with us, are mo then they that be with them. 17 And Elifha prayed, and faid, LORD, I fray thee open his eyes that he may fee. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he faw: and behold, the mountain teat full of horfes,& chariots of fee round about Elifha. 1 8 And when they came down to him,Elifha prayed unto the L o R D,and faid, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindnefle. And he fmote them with blmdnefle, accord ing to the word of Elifha. 19 ^1 And Elifha faid unto them ,T hi si; not icb. came the way, neither it this the city : f follow me, tfur me. and I will bring you to the man whom ye feek: but he led them to Samaria. 20 And it came to paffe when they were come into Samaria, that Elifha faid,LoRD open the eyes of thtfe men that they may fee. And the LORD opened their eyes, and they faw,and behold, they were in the raids of Samaria. 21 And the king of Ifrael faid unto Elifha, when he faw them , My father, fhall I fmite then? (hall I fmite them? 22 And he anfwered, Thou (halt not fmite them : wonldeft thou finite thofe whom rhou haft taken captive with thy fword, and with his clotbes,and he paflid by upon the wall,and the people looked, and behold , he had fack- cioth within, upon his flefh. 31 Then he faid, God do fo and morealfo to me, if the head of Elifca the fonne of Sha- phat, fhall ftand on him this day. 3 2 But Elifha fat in his houfe , ( and the elders fat with him) and the king fern a man from before him : but ere the meflenger came to him , he faid to the elders, See ye how this fonne of a murderer hath fent to take away mine head? look when the meflenger cometh, fhut the doore, and hold him faftat the doore: is not the found of his mafters feet behinde him? 3 g And while he yet talked with tbem,be- hold, the meflenger came down unto him: and he faid, Behold, this evil a of the LORD, what fhould I wait for the L o R D any longer* CHAP. VII. I Elifra. prtfhefieth incredible plenty zn Samari** 3 foure lepers venturing on the hofl of the Syrians* bring ttdtngi of their flight. ia TheK finding by- fpiej the news to be true , ffoileth tht tents of the Syrians. 17 The lord who would not leUeve the fit- fhepe ofpleritie, having the aharge ofthtgate t if noden to dtatb in thepreafle, THen Elifha faid, Heare ye the word of the LoRP,Thu$ fah the Lo KD,To morrow about The Syrians flee. 1 1. Kings. Plenty in Samaria. 3 16 about this time J&*tf a mcafure of fine floure be fhall catch them aliye, and get into the citie. fild for a {hekel,and two meafutes of barley for i j And one of his fervants anfwered and a (hekel, in the gate of Samaria. faid, Let fome take, I praythee, five of the fHeb. a. lrd z Then f a lord on whofe hand the king horfes that remain, which are left t in the city, f Hcb. in it which be- leaned , anfwered the man of God and faid, (behold, they areas all the multitude of Ifrael rmfte/M !?' Behold, i/the LORD would make windows that are left in it : behold, I fay , they are even * & * *"". i _ _ __ L ,. L: _L ;__ u i A iU A /V..J *1 1 *LA -f...l :.. J -.r^i rr i!-.-* -U-^ in heaven , might this thing be? And he faid, as all the multitude of the Ifraelites that are Behold, thou (halt fee it with thine eyes, but confumed) and let us fend and fee. {halt not eat thereof. 14 They took therefore two chariot-horfeSj 3 ^ And there were foure leprous men at and the king fent after the hoft of the Syrians, the entring in of the gate : and they faid one to faying, Go and fee. another , Why fit we here untill we die? i ? And they went after them unto Jordan, 4 If we fay we will enter into the citie,then and lo, all the way tvas full of garments and the famine u in the city,and we (hall die there: wffels, which the Syrians had caft away in their hafte; and the meflengers returned and told the and if we fit ftill here, we diealfo. Now there- fore come, and let us fall unto the hoft of the Syrians: if they fave us alive, we (hall live ; and if they kill us, we (hall but die. 5 And theyrofeup in the twilight, to go onto the camp of the Syrians : and when they were-cotne to the uttermoft part of the camp of Syria, behold, there was no man there. 6 For the LoRD had made the hoft of the Syrians to heare a noife of chariots, and a noife ef horfes, ez/ the noife of a great hoft : and they faid one to another, Lo, the king of Ifrael hath hired againft us the kings of the Hictites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to come up- on us. : . 7 Wherefore they arofe and fled in the twilight, and left their tents, and their horfes king. 1 6 And the people went out, andfpoiled the tents of thc;Syrians. Soameafureof fine flourewas/flWforaftiekel, and twomeafures of barley for a {hekel, according to the word of the L o R D. 17 f And the king appointed the lord on whofe hand he leaned, to have the charge of the gate : and the people trode upon him in the gate , and he died , as the man of God had faid, who fpake when the king came down to him. 1 8 And it came to pafle as the man of God had fpoken to the king, faying, Two meafures of barley For a {hekel ,and a meafure of fine floure for a foekei , (hall be to morrow about CVYIllcilll* rtllU. 1X11. lUvll Ltiiiaj auu biit.ii. UUJ.IV.PJ and their affes , even the camp as it was, and this time in the gate of Samaria fled for their life. 19 And that lord anfwered the man of God and faid, Now behold, if the L o R D mould make windows in heaven, might fuch a thing be? And he faid, Behold, thou (halt fee it with thine eyes, but (hilt not eat thereof. 8 And when thefe lepers came to the ut- termoft part of the camp , they went into one tent, and did eat and drink, and carried thence {liver and go Id, and raiment, and went and hid if, and came again, and entred into another tent, and carried thence alfoj and went and hid it. 9 Then they faid one to another, We do not well : this day is a day of good tidings,and we hold our peace : if we tarry till the morning light, j fome mifchief will come upon us : now therefore come , that we may go and tell the kings houfliold. i o So they came,and called unto the porter of the citie : and they told them, faying, We came to the camp of the Syrians ,and behold, t here was no man there, neither voice of man, but horfes tied, and afies tied , and the tents as they we re. 1 1 And he called the porters, and they told It to the kings houfe within. iz c And the king arofe in the night, and faid unto his fcrvanw, 1 wiH now fhew you what the Syrians have done to us : they know that we be hungry, therefore are they gone out of the camp', to hide themfelves in tbe field, 20 And fo it fell out unto him : for the peo- ple trode upon him in the gate, and he died. CHAP. VIII. I the Shunammzte , hailing left her countrev (even ' jj to avoid the forewarned famine, fr "miracles fake hath her land reftored b \ the king.? ] ael bting fent tvith a f re fent bT/Ben-hidaJ to Eliffia at Damascus t after he had heard the frofh(ie t \$leth humaftery andfucceedethhim. \6 Jehorami vcicked reigne in Judah. 30 Edom & Litnah revolt. 2? ^A- ha^iah fucceedeth fehoram. a 5 idhaiaht \vi:t^ed yeigne. 18 He vifiteth Jehoram wounded atfereel. T Hen fpake Eliflia unto the woman^whofe *chap.4.3 fonne he had reftored to lifejfaying, Ariie, and go thou and thine houfhold , and fojourn wherefoever thou canft fojourn: for the LORD hathcalled for a famine, and it (hall alfo come upon the landfeven yeares. z And the woman arofe arid did after, the faying of the man of GoJ : and ("he went with her houfliold , and fojourned in the land of the Philtftines feven yeares. 5 And it came to pafle at the (even yeares faying, When they come out of the citie , we end, that the woman returned out of the land of 'The widows land reftored. Chap. i*. Jehorams wickcditignc of the Philiftines:and (he went forth to cry unto Jehofhaphat king of Judaht ocean to the king for her home, and for her land. 17 Thane and two ve L C A And the kin* talked wir hr, P i,; * r u.lL,J '= twoyearesold was hewhe . 18 Andhewalkedin the & * * *" 17 A nitric and t .,. And the king talked with Gehazi the fer- he began to reigne vantof the man of God , faying, Tell me, I in Jerufalem. pray thee, all the great things that Eliflu hath done. 5 And it came to pafle as he was telling the king hew he had reltored a dead bodie to life, that behold,the woman whofe fonne he had re- (rored to life, cried to taking for her houfe , and for her land. And Gehazi faid, My lord m the fight of the LORD. 19 rTfctthe LORD would not deftroy J u . dahj tor David his lervants fake, * ashe nrn.** mifed him to give him alwava hischildren. * ,* 10 ^Inhisdayes Edom revolted from un- * lta " f pro- v,King,tn 1S *tnewoman,an rV "'"- ""- ' ! - < S nim aiway.a ttahc, a, whom EliQia reftored to life 20 in m tdom tou ^ he " th ^8Wthe won ia n,(he der the hand of Judab, and made a kin^r told him. So the king appomted unto her a themfclves, mm*, certain || officer faying, Rcftore all that M . *, So Joram .went over to Zair and all the h I f'V? J U I 11 '/' 1 "" f th field ' fiflCC Ihe da y chariots with him, and he rofe by n^h and that&elefttheland,evennllnow. f mot e the Edomites which com?affed h ma- I, J5 AndEliOiacameto Damafcu $; and Ben- bout: and the captains of thechariots, and the talad the king of Syria was fick,and it was told people fled into their tents. * !7?% T t * m ?*A ? i$con ! ehlcher - Yet Edom revolted from underthe hand 8 Andthekingfaid unto Hazael , Take a of Judah unto this day. Then Libnah revolted prelent in thine hand, and go meet the man of at the fame time b. and , So Hazael went to meet him, and took a b. in kit prefent f with him, even of every good thing of DamafcuSjfourty camels burden, and came and flood before him,and faid,Thy fonne Ben- hadad king of Syria hath fent me to thee, fay- ing, Shall I recover of this 'difeafe # i OjbAnd Eliflia faid unto him, Go, fay unto him, Thou mayeft certainly recover : howbeit, the {, o RD hath (hewed me, that he (hall furcly die. 1 1 And he fetled his countenance f fted- faftly s umillhewa$afh3med: and the man of God wept. i i And Hazael faid,Why weepeth my lord? And he anfwered, Becaufe I know the evil that thou wilt do unto the children of Ifrael : their ftrong holds wilt thou fet on fire, and their young men wilt thou flay with the fword , and wilt da(h their children, and rip up their wo- men with childe. 1 3 And Hazael faid,But what, thy fervant a dog that he (hould do this great thing ? And Eliflnanfweiedj The LORD hathlhewed me that thou (halt be king over Syria. me rcu 01 me act* ot Joram, and all - .lid, are they not written in the book o$ the chronicles of the kings of Judah ? 14 And Joram flept with his fathers, & was buried with his fathers in the city of David; and *Abaziah his fonne reigned in his flead. ' *> M f In the melch yeare of Joram the " fl fonne of Ahabkingof Ifrae^did Ahaziah the fonne of Jchoram king of Judah begin to reigne. z<5 Two and twenty yeares old was Ahaziah- whenhebegan^to reigne, and he reigned one- yeare in Jerufalem} and his mothers name jpdt Athaliah, the daughter of Omri king of Ifrad. 2 7 And he walked in the way of the houfa of Ahab,& did eyilin the fightof theLQRD > zs,did the houfc of Ahabj for be teu the fonne* in law of the houfe of Ahab. " *8 fl And he went with Joram the fonne o Ahabjtothe,warre againft Hazael king of Syria in TJ, L ^:,. HS and the Syn" his mafter,who faid to him, wiMtiua xiinna to thee? And he anfwered,He told me that thou fiiouldeft furely recover. 1 5 And it came to pafle on the morrow,that he took a thick cloth, and dipt it in water } and fpread it on his face/o that he died : and Haza. el reigned in his (ter.d. 16 ^ And in the fifth yeare of Joram the fonne of Ahib king of Ifrael, Jehofaaphat be~ "M Ing then king of Judah, * Jchowoa the fow\c of 2.9 And king Joram went back to be healed in Jezreel,of the wounds f which the Syrians: fHcb.: f had given him at Ramabj when he fouehta- ** t> gainft Hazael king of Syria: and Abaziah the ns f fonne of Jehoram king of Judah , went ^o fee Joram the fonne of Ahab in becaiife he was fick. CHAP. IX. a ElifiaCtHJeth ayopng frophefaith anoint Jthu.at Ramoth-gilead. 4 The j done his mtffiit$ttth.wjehu teiMgm foiildttrftlttt.'eth Joram in tht fold f Naboti ,_ f Qab-uQiiKat G :i. i. i. Kings and * I will cut off from Ahab, him that juf- feth againft the wall, and him that is (hut up and left in Ifrael. 9 And I will makehe houfe of Ahab , like thehoufeof * Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat, and like the houfe of * Baaflia the fonne of i f portion of t-f< gainft Jehu-, and , Naboth the Jezreelite. i z And it came to pane when Joram faw Je- hu, that he faid , Jj it peace, Je.hu ? And he an- fwered, What peacc,fo long as the whoredemcs of thy mother Jezebel, and her witchcrafts are fHcb. r.r tw ^..d the dogs frail eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel, and there fhall be none to bury her. And he opened the doore, and fled. xi *r Then Jehu came forth to the ^ervants of his lord, and one faid unto him, /rail well f wherefore came this mad fellow to thee i And he faid unto them , Ye know the man and his communication. 11 And they faid, It Is falfe , tell us now : and he faid, Thus and thus fpake he to me, fay- lng,Thus faith the LORD,I have anointed thee king over Ifrael. i j Then they hailed, and took every man his garment, and put i* under him on the top of the ftairs, and blew with trumpets, faying, -, And Joram turned his hands, and fled, and faid to Ahaziah, Tbere ^treachery, O Ahaziah. 14 And Jehu t drew a bow with his fu ftrength,and fmote Jehoram between his arms, * *>*> and the arrow went out at his heart, and he * " t funk down in his chariot. t Hcb - il Then faid fete to Bidkar his captain, Take up, and caft him in the portion of the field of Naboth the Jezreelite : for remember, how that when I and thou rode together after Ahab his father, the* LORD laid this burden i.Ki " P 6 Surely, I h ave (een yefterday the fbloud fHcb. of Naboth, and the bloud of hisfonnes, faid Je hofhaphat, the fonne of Nimfhi, confpiredagainft Joram : (nowjoramhad kept Ramoth-gilead^hc and \C: to JeroMem, and bnr.ed h,m in his ftpulcbre 6 Then he wrote 1 letter the n, ^ j w, t hh, S fathers in the c,ty of Dav,d._ ' to them, ravin,, KfcT5SSS*3 up) ^ - h " fa " to the windo "' fle f W P^, and put 8 thdr hds m andfaid, Who on my fide, ho ? And there baskets, and fern him them w JewS looked out to him two or three || eunuchs. 8 And therec-imf a l, fjntto Jehu, fay. of the LoRD,whichhefpaketo Elijah w gl Wc W thyfervams, andw;lldo all that 18 , And Jehu g.uhered all the people Y together, Baals prophets deftroyed. 1 1. Kings ' Athahahs cruelty. of Baal -1 hi, fer, r , an< 1 all his f th 5 at he did, and all bis might, < they not tHb.p- AnJ Jthuf ad, t ^ a m ^7 written in the book of the chronicles of the Sib. fembly foi Baal. And they proUaimca it. ,i AndJehuf e n,thtoughaUirrl,andal k'I'^ fl eptwithhi) f lthcr! , andthe! , d* worfbi PP s o Baal came fo thahee A rt TeitmentS. . . and Jehonadab the g d : Baal,and faiduntotheworfhippcrs of Baal, Search, and look chac there be fervantsoftheLoRD, Baalonely. . 14 And when they thehouftafGod.4?eboi*d* giving orde, to theca- l< Antic came to pafle affoon as he had m adean end of offering the ******** that Jehu faid to the W s, Go m, and flay them of thefword, and the : guard ^ caft them out, and went to h 6 e Andtbl; brought forth the | images out A hec fonne ^ dea a , (he aloft, and deftroyed all the f feed royal). ^ B Ut j e hoOieba the daughterof king Jo- dor , ie . fifterof Aha ziah, took JoaOi the fonne of ZV?ah, and ftole hiii from among the kmgs fonnes w h ich were ttainjand they hid him , the bed . chamber S ,(b that he was not flain. And hcvvas with her hid in the houfe of the LORD fix yeares; and Athaliah did rei^nc V 4 ^ And * the fevemh yeare Jehoiada fcnt *. Chron and feuhe rulers over hundreds, with theca-^" and ^ ^ ^ him Fn?othehouteoftheLORD, andmadeacove- th em, and took an oath of them m the houfe of the LORD, and {hewed them the them f ; Thif t thma thaTye Qull do 5 a th.rd part of be m f^ ot a, handled, did Jehoafh anointed king, that were to come in on the fabbath,with them that (hould go out on the fabbatb, and came to Jehoiada the prieft. 10 And to the captain* over hundreds, did the prieft give king Davids (pears and (hields that were in the temple Chap. xii. His good reigne. r N * the feventh ycare of Jehu , Jehoafh be- ? ? r Igan to reigne 5 andfourtieyeares reigned he 'j.chren. mjerufalem:and his mothers namenw Zibiah * of Beer(heba. 2 And Jehoa(h did that which warioht in thefightoftheL OR Dallhisdayes, wherein ay 1 1 And the guard ftood , every man with Jehoiada the prieft mftruded him his weapons in his hand, round about the king, 3 But the high places were not taken away WA.Jfad' from the right t corner of the temple s to the left the people ftill facnficed, aad burnt incenfe in If- corner of the tea)ple,<> iaiu uuc rur me uuuic to repair it. ncu Howbeit, there were not made forthe/""** houfe of the LORD, bowls of filver, fnuffcra, bafons,trumpers, any veflelsof gold, cr veflels of filver, of the money that was brought into tlie houfe of the L o R D: 14 But they gave that to the workmen, anil Y i repaired jehoafh flain. 1 1. 231 repaired therewith the houfe of the LORD. 1 5 Moreover , they reckoned not with the men, into whofe hand they delivered the mo- Kings. Joafli with Elifha dying. Ifrael finne, but\ walked therein: and there t Heb. A* t remained the grove alfo in Samaria) 7 Neither did he leave of the people to Je- , ney to be beftowed on workmen: for they dealt hoahaz, but fifty horfemen, and ten chariots, faithfully. and ten thoufand footmen) for the king of Sy- 16 The trefpaflemoney, and finne- money ria had deftroyed them, and had made them was not brought into the houfe of the LORD: like the duft by threfhing. it was the priefts. 8 f Novv the reft of the afts of Jehoahaz , 17 ^ThenHaxael king of Syria went up, and all that he did,and his might, are they not and fought againft Gath, and took it : and Ha- written in the book of the chronicles of the saelfethisfacetogouptojerufalem. kings of Ifrael ? 18 Andjehoaftikingof Judah took all the 9 And Jehoahazflept with his fathers, and hallowed things that Jehofhaphac, and Jeho- they buried him in Samaria, and Joafh his ram, and Ahaziah his fathers, kings of Judah fonne reined in hisftead. hid dedicate,and his own hallowed things,and all the gold that was found in thetreafuresof the houfe of the LoRD,and in the kings houfe, and Cent it toHazael king of Syria , and he t Hcb.wfMt j yyent 3vv3 y from Jerufalem. 'f S O r , Beth- mill*. 19 f And the re ft of the acts of Joafh, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the ch ronicles of the kings of Judah ? zo And his fervants arofe, and made a con- fpiraciejand flew Joafh in (jthe houfe ofMillo, which goeth down to Silla. a i For Jozachar the fonne of Shimeath, and Jehozabad the fonne of Shomer, his fervants, fmotehim,andhediedi and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David, and Ama- ziah his fonne reigned in his ftead. CHAP. -XIII. > Jehoaha.hu Tfvicked reigne. ? Jthoaha^ BpFreffedby Ha&el, is relieved by prayer.9 feafb fucceedeth him. 10 H -wicked reigne. u Jeroboam fuceeedeth him. i4.Eh(Judying,prophefiethto Joaflj three -viflories t-uer the Syrians^oThe Moilites invading the Unit Tiiift>.T.'s bonet raife up a dead ww.iiHd<*e7 dying, Jojfbgetttih'three -viftories over Ben-hadad. TNf the three and twentieth yeare of Joafh 1 the fonne of Ahaziih king of Judah, Jehoa- haz the fonne of Jehu began to reigne over Ifrael in Samaria, and reigned feventeen yeares. a And he did that which was evil in the fight f Heb.Tvj/lfe- f [ h e LORD , and t followed the finnes of Je- twentieth yeo.it an id After roboam the fonne of Nebat,which made Ifrael to finne, he departed not therefrom. 5 ^ And the anger of the LORD was kindled againft Ifrael, and he delivered them into the hand of Hazael king of Syria, and into the hand of Ben-hadad the fonne ofHazael, all Ubdrdayes. Andjehoahazbefought the aad third- the LORD hearkened unto him: for he faw the oppreflioncf Ifrael, becaufe the king of Syria oppreffedthem. 5 (And the LORD gave Ifrael a faviour, fo that they went out from under the hand of the Syrians : and the children of Ifrael dwelt in their tents, | as before- time. 6 Neverthelefle , they departed not from the finnes of the houfe of Jeroboam a who made 10 [ In the thirty and fevcnth yeare of Joafhkingof Judih, began Jchoafh the fonite of Jehoahaz to reigne over Ifrael in Samaria, and reigned fixteen yeares. 1 1 And he did that which was evil in the fight of the LORD; he departed not from all the finnes of Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat , who made Ifrael finne: but he walked therein. i a And the reft of the afts of Joafh, and all that he did,and his mighc wherewith he fought againft Amaziah king of Judah , are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael? i j And Joafli flept with his fathers, and Je- roboam fat upon his throne : and Joafh was buried in Samaria with the kings of Ifrael. 14 f Now Elifha was fallen fick,of his fick- nefle whereof he died, and Joafh the king of Ifrael came down unto him, and wept over his face , and faid , O my father , my father, the chariot of Ifrael, and the horfemen thereof. 1 5 And Elifha faid unto him, Tike bow and arrows:and he took unto him bow and arrows. \6 And he faid to the king of Ifrael, t Put t Hcb. m.-\ thine hand upon the bow: and he put his hand thine hand,- upon it: and Elifha put his hands upon the tarz e ' kings hands. 17 And he faid, Open the window eaft- ward: & he opened it. Then Elifha faidjShoot: andhefhot. And he faid, The arrow of the LORDS deliverance, and the arrow of deli- verance from Syria: for thou lhalt ' fmite the Sy- rians in Aphek, till thou haveconfumed them. 18 Andhefsid, Take the arrows: and he took them. And he faid unto the king of Ifrael ', Smite upon the ground : and he fmote thrice y and flayed. 19 And the man of God vvas wroth with him, and faid, Thou fhouldeft have fmitten five or fix times, then hadft thou fmitten Syria till thou hadft confumed it : whereas now thou fhalt fmite Syria but thrice. 2.0 f And Elifha died, and they buried him? and the bands of the Moabitts invided the land at the coming in of the yeare. 2.1 Anditcamcto pafle as they were bury- ing Amaziah his good reigne. Chap, xiiii. . Jehoafh overcometh him. inga man., that behold, they fpisd a band of 9 And Jehoa'fh the king of .Ifrael ftnt to 3 j j Amaziah king of Jadah , faying ,' The thiliie that TVO, in Lebanon , fent to the cedar that Was in Lebanon , faying, Give thy daughter to my fonne to wife: and there paSed by a wilde 22 f But Hazael king of Syria opprefled If. *---* ratl all the dayes of Jehoahaz! z$ And the L o RD was gracious unto them, leb. vftnt ,n. men , and they caft the man into the fepulchre of Elifha ; and when the manf was letdown, and touched the bones of Elifha , * he revived, and flood up on his feet. beaft that was in Lebanon,and trode down the thiftle. 10 Thou haft indeed fmitten Edom, and and had compaflion on them, and had refped thine heart hath lifted thee up : glory of this unto them, becaufe of his covenant with Abra- and tarrie f at home : for why fhouldeft thou fHeb. &t tly ham, Ifaac, and Jacob, and would not deftroy meddle to thy hurt , that thou fhouldeft fall *^ fc leb. flue, them, neither caft he them from his 1 prefence ev en thou, and Judah with thee? 1 1 But Amaziah would not hearc : there- fore Jehoafh king of Ifrael-went up /and he and Amaziah king of Judah looked one ano- as yet. 24 SoHazielkingof Syria died, and Bfn- hadad his fonne reigned in his ftead. Keb. re 25 And Jehoafh the fonne of Jehoahaz therw the face at-Beth'lhemefh, which "behtir- j took again eut of the hand of Ben-hadad the ">- T..J.L. fonne of Hazael, the cities which he had taken out of the hand of Jehoahaz his father by Warre : three times did Joalh beat him, and recovered the cities of Ifrael. C H A P. XIIII. I lAmi&tih hit good reigne. j Htc jxflice on the mur- deren of hit father.? Hit viftory truer Edom.B ^tma- &ab proiioknigjehoajb* it otercome and C foiled. 16 Jeroboam fucceedeth fehoajh.ij u^na^iakffazn fy a ctnfpiracie.i riA&riah fucceedeth him. 2 j Je- roboams iv'tc^ed reigned Zachariahfucctedeth kirn Chron. etb to Judah. 1 2 And Judah f was put to the worfe before tHeb. vat Ifrael, and they fled every man to their tents. ^ " ij And Jehoafh king of Ifrael took Ama- ziah king of Judah, the fonne of Jeboafh the fonae of Ahaziah at Bcth-fhemefh , and came to Jerufalem, and brake down the wall of Jeru- falem, from the gfte of Ephraim, unto the cor- ner-gate, foure hundred cubits. 14 And he took all the gold and filver, and XT alltheveffels that were found uvthe houfeof TN the fecond yeare of Joafh fonne of Jchoa- the L'o R r>, *nd intfce treafures of the kin<*s Inaz king of Ifracl , reigned * Amaz ia h the houfe, and hoftages,.and returned to Samaria fonne of Joafh king of Judah. i ? qpNow the reft of the ads of Jehoafh Tlewastwemie and five yeare sold .when whidi he did, & his might, and howhefouehc began to reigne , ^and^ reigned twentie and with Amaziah king of Judah , are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the nine yeares in Jerufalem : and his mothers namenw Jehoaddan of Jerufalem. 3 And he did that which was right in the fight of the LORD, yet not like David his fa- ther : he did according to all things as Joafh his father did. 4 Howbeit,the high places were not taken away : as yet the people did facrifice, and burnt incenfe on the high places. f fl And it came to paffe aflbon as the kingdome was confirmed in his hand, that he up. i j. ao flew his fervants * which had flain the kine his father. 6 But the children of the murderers he flew not : according unto that which is written in the book of the law of Mofes , wherein the :I.H.T LORD commanded/aying,* The fathers fhall :k.i8.io. not be put to death for the children, nor the children be put to death for the fathers; bu: every man fhall be put to death for his own finnc. 7 He flew of Edoin in the valley of fait, ten thoufand , and took f} Seiah by warre 3 and called the name of it Joktheel, unto this day. 8 f Then Amaziah fent meflcngers to Je- hoafh the fonne of Jehoahaz, fonne of Jehu king of Ifrael, faying, Come, let us look one another in the face. tht kings of Ifrael? 16 And Jehoafh fiept with hjs fathers, and was buried in Samaria with the kings of Ifrael, and Jeroboam his fonne reigned in his ftead. 17 f And Amaziah the fonne of Joafh king of Judahjived after the death of Jehoafh fonne of Jehoan3z"kingef Ifrael, fifteen yeares. _ 1 8 And the reft of thea&s of Amaziah,, cal- phetj which was ofGach-hepher. ><* a 6 For the LORD faw the affliction of Ifrael, t bat itWM very bitter : fottherewas not any fliut up, nor any left, nor any helper for Ifrael. a 7 And the L o R D faid not that he would blot out the name of Ifrael from under hea- ven : but he faved them by the hand ofjero- boatn the fonne of Joafh. 28 f Now the reft of the as of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his might,how he war- red, and how he recovered Damafcus, and Ha- math, which belonged to Judah, for Ifrael, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael/ 29 And Jeroboam flept with his fathers, even with the kings of Ifraelj and Zachariah bis fonne reigned in his ftead. CHAP. XV. ' x and Jotham his fonne reigned in his ftead. 8 f In the thirty and eighth yeare of Aza-. '}' 9 And he did that which was evil' in the fight of the LORD, as his fathers had 'done : he departed not from the finnes of Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat, who made Ifrael to finne, 10 AndShallum the fonne of Jabefh con- fpired againft him , and fmote him before the people, and flew him,and reigned in his ftead. 1 1 And the reft of the acls of Zachariah, behold , they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. 1 2 This w>4j*the word of the LORD which "Chap.io.ji he fpake unto Jehu , faying , Thy formes fhall fit on the throne of Ifrael, unto the fourth ge- neration. And fo it came to pafle. i j '^i Shallum the fonne of Jabefh began to reigne in the nine and thirtieth yeare of * Uz- *Matth.t.l ziah king of Judah , and he reigned f a full 0'~" lle(l moneth in Samaria. tHcb*. a 14 For Menahem the fonne of Gadi,went moneth of up from Tirzah , and came to Samaria , and doya. fmote Shallam the fonne of Jabefh in Samaria, and flew him , and reigned in his ftead. 15 And the reft of the ads of Shallum, and the confpiracie which he made , behold, they axe written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. \6 ^ Then Menahem fmote Tiphfah, and all that were therein, and the coafts thereof from Tirzah : becaufethey opened notfo him, therefore he fmote it, and all the women thete- in that were with childe, he ript up. 17 In the nine and thirtieth yeare of Aza- riah king of Judah, began Menahem the fonne of Gadi to reigne over Ifrael, and reigned ten yeares in Samaria. 1 8 And he did that which was evil in the fight of t.he L O R D : he departed not all his dayesfrom the fihnes of Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat, who made Ifrael to finne. 19 ^w^Pul the king of Aflyria came againft * the land : and Menahem gave Pul athoufand 5 ' 2 ** talents of filver, that his hand might be with him, to confirm the kingdome in his hand. ao And Menahem f exaded the money o Ifrael, eveno( all the mighty men of wealth, of each man fifty (bekels of filver, to give to the king of Affyria:fo the king of Aflyria turn- ed back, and ftayed not there in the land. 21 f And the reft of the acts of Menahem, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael? 2i And Menahem flept wich his fathers, and Pckahiah his fonne reigned in his {lead. 2? ^ In the fiftieth yeare of Azariah king of Judah, Pekahiah the fonne of Menahem be- gan to reigne over Ifrael in Samaria , and reigned two yeares. 24 And Pekah, Hofhea, Jotham, Chap. xvi. Ahaz his wicked reigne* 24 And he did that which was evil in the fight of the LOR D,he departed not from the finnes of Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat, who made Ifrael to finne. 2f But Pekah the fonne of Remaliah, a ca- ptain of his,confpired againft him, and fmote him in Samaria , in the palace of the kings houfe, with Argob, and Arieh, and with him fifty men of the Gileadites : and he killed him, and reigned in his room. ^6 And the reft of the acts of Pekahiah,and all that he did, beholdj they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. 27 f In the two and fiftieth yeare of Aza- riah king of Judah, Pekah the fonne of Rema- liah began to rcigne over Ifrael in Samaria, and reigned twenty yeares. 28 And he did that which was evil in the fight of the L o R D, he departed not from the finnes of Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat , who made Ifrael to finne. 29 In the dayes of Pekah king of Ifrael, came Tiglath-pileferking of Aflyria,andtook Jjon, and Abel-beth-maachah , and Janoah, andKedefh,and Hazor, and Gilead, and Ga- lilee; all the land of Naphtali^and carried them captive to Affyria. go And Homea the fonne of Elah made a confpiracie againft Pekah the fonne of Rema- liah, and fmote him,and flew him j and reigned in his ftead , in the twentieth yeare of Jotham the fonne of Uzziah. 3 1 And the reft of the ads of Pekah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. 3 2 f In the fecond yeare of Pekah the fonne of Remaliah king of Ifrael, began * Jo- tham the fonne of Uzziah king of Judah to reigne. 3 3 Five and twenty yeares old was he when he began to rtigne, & he reigned fixteen yeares in Jerufalem : and his mothers name rptu Jeru- fha, the daughter of Zadok. $ 4 And he did that which was right in the fight of the LORD: he did according to all that bis father Uzziah had done. 37 f Howbeit,the high places were not re- moved : the people facrificed and burnt incenfe ftill in the high places: he built the higher gate of the houfe of the L o R D. 36 f Now the reft of the acts of Jotham, and all that he did, we they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? 37flnthofedayesthe LORD began to fend againft Judah, Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the fonne of Remaliah) 3 8 And Jotham flept with his fathers , and vas buried with his fathers in the city of David his fatherland Ahaz his fonne'rei^ned in nil Head. CHAP. XVI. I Jktt kit wicked reigne. y *Aha. affail and Pekah , hirtih Tiguth-filefer againft them. 10 i^/u fending a pattern of an altar from Dama- fhes toVriju^di-ceneth the brafm altar to his omz devotion. 17 He ffoihth the temple. 19 We^kiih jncceedethhtm, IN "the fevemeemh yeare of Pekah the fonne "j.chroo. of Remaliah, Ahaz the fonne of Jotham a? i- king of Judah began to reigne. 2 Twenty yeares old was Ahaz when he be- gan to reigne , and reigned fixceen yeares in Jerufalem, ancj did not that which was right in the fight of the LORD his God , like David his father. 3 But he walked in the way of the kings of Ifrael, yea,and made his fonne to pafle through the fire, according to-the abominations of the' heathen, whom the L o R D caft out from be. fore the children of IfraeJ. 4 And he facrificed and burnt incenfe in the high places ,. and on the hills, and under every green tree. ;p;f f his peace.offer- ings -upon the altar. wcic * ^ 4 .14. An4 Hofhea, Ifraels captivity. I L Kings. ?;6 14 And he brought alfo the brafen altar which ttw before the LORD, from the fore. front of the houfe, from between the altar and the houfe of the LORD, and put it on the north- fide of the altar. i ? And king Ahaz commanded Urijah the prieft, faying, Upon the great altar burn the . The Samaritanes plagued, 7 For /oit was, that the children of Ifrael had finned againft the LORD their God, which had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of E- gypt, and had feared other gods, 8 And walked in the ftatutes of the hea- then, (whom the LORD caft cut from before morning burnt-offering x andtheevening meat-, the children of Ifrael) and of the kings oflf- offering, and the kings burnt-facrifice, and his rael, which they had made. 9 And the children of Ifrael did fccretly thofe things that were not nght, againft the meat-offering, with the burnt- offering of all the people of the land, and their meac-offering, - .,.. "5, " 5 i .- and their dnnkt-oft'erings, and fprinkle upon LORD their God, and they built them high it all the bloud of the burnt-offering, and all thtbloudof the facrifice: and the brafen altar flail be for me to enquire by. 16 .Thus did Unjih the prieft,according to all that king Ahaz commanded. 17 f And king Ahaz cut off the borders of the bafes, and removed the laver from off them, and took down the fea from off the bra- fen oxen that were under it, and put it upon a pavement of ftones. 18 And.the covert for thefa,bbath that they had built in the houfe , and the kings entry without, turned he from the houfe of the Lo RD, for the king of Affyria. 1 9 4 Now the reft of the acts of Ahaz , which he did y are they not writtenin the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ? 20 And Ahaz flept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David , and Hezekiah his fonne reigned in hisftead. C HA P. XVII. edlyShabna- plague d'with [tons, malie a. mixture of religions. T N the twelfth ycarc of Ahaz king of Judah, 1 began Hoftiea the fonne pf Elah to .reigne in Samaria, over Ifrael nine yeares. z And he did that wliich was evil in the fight oftheLoitD-, but not as the kings of Ifrael that were before him. - 3 f Againft him came up Shalmanefer king of Aflyna,and Hofhca became his fervant,and Heb. rat- f gave him || prefents. 4 And the king of Afljrria found confpi- r3Ldein Hofhea . for he hld f enc me flengers to So king of Egypt, and brought no prefent to the king of Aflyria, as he had done yeare by ye are : therefore the king of Aflyria (hut him up, and bound him in pnfon. ? f Then the king of Affyria came up throughout all ihcland,and went up to Sama- ria, and befieged it three yeares. *Chap.i8.io 6 f lUn the ninth yeare of Hofliea, the king of A^Tyria took Samaria,and carried Ifrael away into Aflyria, and placed them in Halah and inHibor by the river of Gozan,and in the cities of the Medes. places in all their cities, from the tower of the watchmen, to the fenced city. 10 And they fct them up f images & groves t Hc&. jfc] in every high hill, and under every green tree: **"' 1 1 And there they burnt incenfe in all the high places , as did the heathen whom the LORD carried away before themjand wrought wicked things to provoke the LORD to anger. 11 Foi they ferved idols,whereof the LORD had faid unto them > * Ye fljall not do this *Deut.4.i thing, 13 Yet the LORD teftified againft Ifrael, and againft Judah, f by all the prophets, and by f Heb.i/ < all the feersjfaying, * Turn ye from your evil haxd of all wayes, and keep my commandments tnd my ! T'jV ftatutes, according ta all the law which I com- a^ j ;J, manded your fathers, and which I fent to you by my fervantsthe prophets. 14 Notwithftandingjthey would not heare, but * hardened their necks, like to the neckof *DCut. jr. their fatherSjthat did not beleeve in the LORD their God. 1 5 And they rejected his ftatutes, and his covenant that he made-with their fathers^ and his teftimonies which .he tcftified. againft them, and they followed vanity , and became .4 vain, and went after the heathen LORD had charged them, that they (hould not dohkethem. 1 6 And they left all the commandments of the LORD their God,and *made them molten~*Exod.3 j, images^t;wc wo calves, and made a grove, and I - Kin gs woriliippedall thehoft of heaven, and ferved **'* * Baal. 17 And they caufed their foflnes and their daughters to pafle through the fire, and ufed divination and inchantments,.and fold them- fclves to do evil in the fight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger. 1 8 Therefore the LORD was very angry with Ifrael , and removed them out of his fight, there was none left but the tribe of Ju- dah onely. 19 Alfo Judah kept not the commandments of the LORD their God, but wallted in the fta- tutes of Ifrael which they made. zo And the LORD rejected all the feed of Ifrael, Ifraels captivity. Chap Ifrael, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of fpoilers, untiU he had caft them ouc of his fight. z 1 For he rent Ifrael from the houfe of Da- vid, and they made Jeroboam the fonne of Ne- bat king, and Jeroboam drave Ifrael from fol- lowing the LORD, and made them finne a great finne. zz For the children of Ifrael walked in all the finncsof Jeroboam which he did, they de- parted not from them : 23 Untill the LORD removed Ifrael out of his fight , as he had faid by all his fervants the prophets : To was Ifrael carried away out of their own land to Aflyria, unto this day. 24 11 And the king of AlTyria brought meri from Babylon, and from Cuthah , and from Ava, and from Hamath,and from SeplurYaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria , in ftead of the children of Ifiaelj and they poflef- fed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof. 2? And fo it was at the beginning of their dwelling there,//;^ they feared not the LoRDj therefore the LORD fcnt lions among them , which flew fame of them. z6 Wherefore they fpake to the king of Aflyris, faying, The nations which thou haft removed, and placed in the cities of Samaria, know not the manner of the God of the land; therefore he hath fent lions among them, and behold, they iliy them, becaufe they know not the manner of the God of the land. 27 Then the king of Aflyria commanded, faying, Carry thither one of the priefts whom ye brought from thence, and let them gd and dwell there, and let him teach them the man- ner of the G6d of the land. 28 Then one of the priefts whom they had carried awa'y from Samaria, came and dwelt in Beth-el_, and taught them how they fhould fear the"LoRD. i$ Howbeit , every nation made gods of their own, and put them in the houfes of the high places which the Samaritanes had made, every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt. 50 And the men of Babylon .made Succoth- benoth, and the men of'Cuth made Nergal "and the men of Hamath made Afliima, $ i And the Avites made Nibhaz and Tar- tak, and the Scpharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech, and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim. 52. So they feared the LORD , and made untothernfelvesbf the loweft of them priefts of the. high places ,which ficrificed for them In the houfes of the high places-. P i*V J? 33 * They feared the LORD J a d fef ved 'itd them t ^ ltir own 8^ s a f tcr he manner of the na- ifrtm lons J II whom they carried away from thence. . 34 Unto this day they do after the former Mofes. Hezekiah his good reigne. manners ; they fear not the LORD, neither do ^ 7 they after their features , or after their ordi- nances, or after the law and commandment which the LORD commanded the children of Jacob * whom he named Ifrael 5 * Gcn.j,.* }5 With whom the LORD had made a co- 1- Kings venant , and charged them, faying, * Ye mall JV not fear other gods, nor bowe your felve* co them, nor ferve them, nor facrifice to them : ^6 But the LoRD,who brought you upouc of the land of Egypt, with great power, and a itretchedoutarm, himihallye fear, and him fiiall ye worihip, & to him (hail ye do facrifice. j7 And thettatmes, and the ordinances, and the law, and the commandment which he wrote for you, ye fhall obferve to do for ever- more, and ye (hall not fear other gods. 38 And the covenant that I have made with you, ye flnllnot forget, neither ftiall ye fear other gods. ?9 But the LORD your God ye (hall fear, and he frnll deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies.' 4 Howbeit, they did not hearken, but they did after their former manner. 41 So thefe nations feared the LORD, and ferved their graven images , both their chil- dren, and their childrens children: as did their fathers, fo do they unto this day. CHAP. XVIII. - good reigne. 4 He deflroyeth idolatry* andfrofpereth.pSanaria // carried cipti-ve for their (innes. 13 Se nnacherib mwdinz Judoh* it pacified by* tribute. 17 Ratfckth fern ly Stmuclerik ti- &m> rniletk HtZekioh t anJ by Hafphemotts perfw- fions,!olicittth the people tore-volt. NOwit came to paffe in' the third yeare of Hofliea fonne of Elah king of Ifrael, that * Hezckiah the fonne of Ahaz king of Judah*z. Chrou; began to reigne. 8. ^^. 2 Twenty and fire yeares old was he when J nd 2 * 1 -. . he began to reigne, and he reigned twenty and E^", nine yeares in Jerusalem : bis mothers name Match, r.y, alfo leu Abi,the daughter of Zachariah. 1 ? And he did that which was right in the fight of the LORD, according to all that David his father did. 4 f He removed the high places, and brake the f images, and cut down the groves, and 4-Hcb fatuix brake in pieces the * brafen ferpent that Mofcs * Num.ii.?. had made: for unto thofedayes the children of Ifrael did burn incenfetoit; and he called it Nehufhtan. 5 Hetrufted in the LORD God of Ifrael, fo that after him was none like him among all the kings of Judah,nor any that were before him. 6 For he clave to the LORD, and departed not] from following him, but kept his com- fHcb. /># mandments, which the LORD commanded */*" him ' Z 7 And j Samaria is carried captive. 1 1 1. Kings. Rab-fhakehs outrage? fHe him not. r 8 He fmotc the Philiftines even unto t Ga- za, and the borders thereof, from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city. 9 4 And * it came to paffe in the fourth yeareof king Hezekiah, (which WAS thefe- venth yeare of Hofhca fonne of Elah king of that Shalmanefer king of Affyria came a i Now behold, thou t"ufteft upon the ftttugth are ftaffof this braifed feed, even upon Egypt, on fejj ^JJ which if a man lean, it will go into his hand, l t a t f, e ' {m and pierce it: fo a Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all that truft on him. 11 But if ye fay unto me, We truft in the LORD our God'M not that he whofe high pla- AffyrU di lirici UULU f\ujM.*<) - | i L. in Habor by the river of Gozan, and n the ci- ties of the Medes: 1 1 Becaafe they obeyed not the voice of the LORD their God,buc tranfgreffed his covenant -V.| ver thee two thouland horfes, if thou be able oa thy part to fee riders upon them. i4 How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the leaft of my mafters fer- vams,and putthytiufton Egypt for chariot* and for horfemen f -Am I now come up without the LORD 16 Then faid Eliakim the fonne of Hilkiab, and Shebna 3 and ]oah,umo Rab-(hakch,Speak, the Syrian lan- tHcb Sin- kuadrcd talents of fflvet, and thirty tale. ip And Heki,h gave Om all d* filt ,ha/,as found , the houfecf the Lo R P,a.d 1 n.hetrearurofthek.ngshoufc. 1 7 And>the king of Affyria fent Tartan, and Rab-faris, a nd Rab-fhakeh from Lachiflj, iftcb-A*y.to king Hezekiah with a f great hott againii Jerufakm.- and they wem up and came to Jeru-, falem: and when they were come up, they came and flood by the conduit of the upper pool* ^hich it in trkhigh-way of the fullers field. 18: And when they had called to the king. md Joah the fonne of Ar faph the recorder. . 19 AndRab-ftnkeh faid uto them,Speak ye nWto Hezekiah,Thus faith the great fang. e king, of ASyria ,. What confidence a this ttair o w n dung, a nd drink 1 ,hci t on pifle ,h ^ ^ , hfed andcritd loud voi in ,he Jews language, and fpakefa yr - 4-e, and iinkye every one Jifc v your own land, a land of bread and vineyards, olive, and of hony, that ye may live and not die and hearken not umoHeiekiab, when s&c Ifaiah comforteth Hezekiah; Chap. xix 'r, deed- nk. Hezeklahs prayer; ""r *JW an< ^ ^ anc ' cnt . t ' mes tnat I have Ih.nemade formed it ? now have I brought it to pafle that long ago, thou fliouldeft be to lay wafte fenced cities into and formed ruinous heaps. of ancient Therefore their inhabitants were f of CHAP. XX. ving received a. meffage of death , Iry prayer hath hit life lengthsved. 8 fhefunne toeth ttn degrees backward, for a fane of thattromi r e. iz Berodach-baladanlendingto-vi/it Hezekiah, be- cavfeofthe -wonder, hath notice of hit treasures. 14 Ifaizh underjlanaing thereof, foreteUeth the Ba- by lontin captivity. 20 Maufeh faceedeth He?e- IN * thofe dayes was Hezekiah fick death : and the prophet Ifaiah the fom 2-Ch unto ? it , . io A iicrciuic ujcir iiiuauuaius wcic | 01 jtuvam . aim me prupnct Ifaiah the fonne of^ 2 2 ^ 1 von bring fmall power, they were difmaid and confound- Amozcameto him, and faid unto him , Thus 1 it to be laid ed, they were as the grafle of the field , and of faith the Lo RD,tSet thine houfe in order Hcb. wfa .and t he green herb, at the grafle on the houfe tops. ' c blafted beforeit be 8 l -wn up. 27 But I know thy || abode, and thy going out, and thy coming in, and thy rageagainft me. 1 8 Becaufe thy rage againft me, and thy tu- mult is come! up into mine eares, therefore I will put my hook in thy nofe , and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thoucameft. - 29 And thisjhaltbe a figne unto thee , Ye fhall eat this yeare fuch things as grow of them- felves, & in thefecond yeare that which fpring- for thou fhal tdie, and not live. 2 Then he turned his face to the wall , and prayed unto the LORD, faying, 3 I befeech thee, O LORD, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth , and with a perfect heart, and havedone thatwhich is good in thy fight: and Htzekiah wept f fore, 4 And it came -to pafle afore Ifaiah vm gone out into the middle |Jcourt,that the word flOr, citie. of the LOR D came to him, faying, 5 Turn again ,and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus faith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I th a. f t*ti AV*T L.X. in ILK. i\.^wnu rvu* tiiau vvuiiu lpiin^ M MT *u tu v iacti\.i.^ j. nave lltdl u llJ y pi dyCI eth of the fame, and in the third yeare fow ye have feen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee; on and re3p_,and plant vineyards,and eat the fruits f he third day thou (halt go up unto the houfe of thereof. 30 And t the remnant that is efcaped of the ho-jfe of Judah,(hall yet again take root down- ward $ and bear fruit upward. 3 i For out 'of Jerufalem fhall go forth a remnant, and f they thatefcape out of mount Zion : the teal of the L o R D of hofts ftiall do this. g ^ Therefore thus faith the LORD concern- ing thekingof Aflyria, He fhall not come into this citie, nor fhoot an arrow there , nor come JhaBbethe. figne that the LORD will heal me, before it with fhield, nor caft a bank againft it. and that I fhall go up into the houfe of the 33 By the way that he came, by the fame fhall he return . and (lull not come into this cheL o R D. 6 And I will adde unto thy dayes fifteen yeares, and I will deliver thee, and this city,, out of the hand of the king of Aflyria , and I will defend this city for mine own fake, and for my fervant Davids fake. 7 And Ifaiah faid,Take a lump of figs. And they took and laid it on the boyl, and he reco- vered. y And Hezekiah faid unto Ifaiah . What L O R D the third day? 9 And Ifaiih faid/Tbis figne flialt thou have city , faith the L OR D. of the LORD, that the LORD will do the thing "' 34 i ForIwiHdefendthiy city tofaveit, for that he hath fpoken : fball the fhadowgo for- mineoyvn fake, and for my fervant Davids ward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees? fake. io And Hezekiah anfwered, It is a light 3f ^ And * it came to pafle that night, that thing for the fhadow to go down ten degrees: nay , but let the fnadow return backward ten the angel of the L o R D went out , and fmote in the camp of the Affyrians , an hundred ' fourefcpre and .five thoufand : and when they arofe early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpfes. 36 So Sennacherib king of Affyria depart- ed, and went and returned, and dwelt at Ni- neveh. 3 7 And it came to pafle as he was worfbip. ping in the houfe of Ni.froch his god, that A- degrces, 1 1 And Ifaiah the prophet cried unto the LOR D, and* he brought the (hadowtende- *I& ; ?8 grees backward,by which it had gone down in EcCiUs thefdiallofAhaz. |H c b. 12 ^| * A: that time Berodach-baladan the grees. fonne of Baladankingof Babylon, fenc letters T I fa -?? and a prefent unto Hezekiah; for he bad heard that Hezekiah had been fick. 13 And The Babylonian captivity foretold Chap.xx, ManafTehs wickednefiK ij And Hezekiah hearkened unto them, , t ,fticery, and fliewed them the houfe of his jj precious things, the filver, and the gold, and the fpiccs, and the precious ointment, and all the houfe r ./Wr. of his j| t armour, and all that was found in his icb.t"/*/' treafures : there was nothing in his houfe, nor in all his dominion , that Hezekiah fhewed tnt2i not LORD, of which the LORD faid, * In Jerufalem ^\- will I put my name. *a.Sam. f And he built altars for aH the hoft of hea- 1 3* ven , in the two courts of the houfe of the LORD. 6 And he made his fonne pafle through the: fire, and obfcmd times , and ufed enchant- ments, and dealt with familiar fpirits,and Wt- inviii J j diiu Ut4iL VYiUA laiiiJ UdL lyil H>. ailU. WI 14 ^ Then came Ifaiah the prophet unto zards : he wrought much wickedneffe in the king Hezekiah, and (aid unto him, What faid fight of the LORD,IO provoke htm to anger. thcfemen? and from whence came they unto thee ? And Hezekiah faid, They are come from a farre countrey,i?/iy from Babylon. i f And he faid,What have they feen in thine houfe? And Hczekiah anfwered,All the things that art in mineheufehave they feen : there is nothing among my treafures , that I have not fhewed them. 16 And Ifaiah faid unto Hezekiah, Hearc the word of theL o R D. 17 Behold, thedayescome, that all that Is in thine houfe , and that which thy fathers :hap.4.ij have laid up inftore unto this day, * fhall be d 25. i j. carried into Babylon: nothing fhall be left, :r.J7.J2. faith the L o R D. 1 8 And of thy fonnes that fliall iffue from thee, which thou (halt beget, fhall they take a- way, and they fiull be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. io Then faid Hezekiah unto Ifaiah, Good is the vtord of the LORD which thou haft fpo- 7 And he fee a graven image of the grove that be had made, in the houfe, of which tho LORD faid to David, and to Solomon his fon , * In this houfe^nd in Jerufalem,which I have Jt King. f. chofen out of all tribes of Ifrael,wiH I put my 29. name for ever. and 9.3. 8 Neither will I make the feet of Ifrael -Chip.aj.af. move any more out of the land which I gave their fathers $ onelyif they will obferve to do according to all that I have commanded them s and according to all the law that my fervanc Mofes commanded them. o But they hearkened not : and Manafleh feduced them to do more evil then did the na- tions, whom theL o R D deftroyed before the children of Ifrael. '. . 10 ^And the LORD fpake by his fervaats the prophets/ayihg, 11 * Becaufe Manafleh king of Tudah hath done thefc abominations, and hath 4one wic- kedly above all that the Auioritesdid , " ere net bt nd -.., - t . which ken. And he faid, || Is it not good, if peace and were befqge him, and bath made Judah alfo to truth be in my dayes? finne with his idols: n Therefore thus faith the LORD God of IfraeJjBeholdJ am bringing fuch evil upon Je- rufalem and Judah, that whofoever heareth of it, both- * his eases ihaH tingle. **.Sm. jn 13 And I wiH iheich over Jerafalem the Uateoof Samacia, and ?t lie plummet of 5 the fwuft of Ahab : and I will wipe Jcrufalem as a. man vviptth a difli, f wiping jfjand turning it upfidc fHeb. few/; down. ptthaaliurm* 14 And I will forfake the remnant of mine'' ao f And the veft of the acts of Hezekiah, and all his might,and how he made a pool,and a conduitj and brought water into the city, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ? z i And Hczekiah flept with his farhervnd. Manaffeh his fonne reigned in his flead. CHAP. XXI. kit re'zgne. 3 Hi* g re.it Idtlitry. ,\o Hi^ ' c.t<.i r ethfrophefiesigir,2flj:>fie,Jt>(iib it mide k^g m j Anafleh * ty.u twelve ycares old when he JVLbegan to reigne, and reigned fiftie and five ycares in Jerufalem: and hii mothers namd n.tn vnkuuva , and they fhall become- a prey, and a fpoil to aE their enemies ;' i? Becaufe they have done that which was evil in my fight, and have provoked me to ari- gerfince the day their fathers came forth out of Egypt,evn unto this day. 1 6" Moreover jManafleh fhcd innocent bloud fight of the LORD, after the abominations of very much, till he had filled Jerufalem t from fHeb./fMi the heathen, whom the LORD caft out before one end to another, tcfide his finne wherewith mouth tt he made Judah to finne, in doing that which * was evil in the light of the LORD. 17 r Now the reft of the a&s of Manafleh, and all that he did, and his finne that he finned, are they not written 5n the book of the chroni- cles of the kings of Judah ? ^ 1 8 And * Manafleh flepc with his fathers, *'. Z 3 and And he did that which was evil in the the children of Ifrael. 3 For he built up again the high places CUap.i84. * which Hczekiah his father had deftroycd, and he reared up altars for Baal, and made a grove, as did Ahab king of Ifrael,and worfhip. ped all the hoft of heaven, and ferved them. *Jer. 3 a. j 4 And * he builc altars in the houfe of the , Jofiahiucceedcth. II. Kings, The book of the law." 8 f And Hilkiah the high prieft faid unto Shaphanthefctibe, I hate found the book of the law in the houfe of the LoRDsand Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan,3nd he read it. 9 And Shaphan the fci'Lbe came to the king, and was buried in the garden of his own houfe, in the garden of Uzza : and Amon his fonne reigned in his ftead. 1 9 ut respite thereof in Joftahs time. Huldah the propheteffe , the wife of .Sliallum rO(iah*BW eight years old when he began to thcfonne of Tikvah, thefonofHarha$,keep- | reigne, and he reigned thirty and one yeares er of the f wardrobe, (now (h dwelt in Jeru- *n Jerufalem : and his mothers name was Jedi- falem || in the colledge) and they communed dah 3 the daughter of Adaiah of Bofcath. And he did that which was right in the in his ftead. ay Now the reft of the afts of Amon which he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? 16 And he was buried in his fepulchre, in **1 af * ' '{s the ? arden of u " a > an d*Jofiah his fon reigned *' 'CHAP. XXIL I ftfiah his good rtigne. j He ti^tiri care for the repair of the temple. 8 Hilkiab having found a book of the **.Chron. 34, . \Qt t intk* with her. if f And (he faid unto them, Thus faith the J e(tn *P art * jGghtof the LORD, and walked in all the way LOR D God of Ifracl, Tell the man that fent of David his father,and turned ^ot afide to the you to me, right hand or to the left. x6 Thus faith the L o R D , Behold, I will ^T And it came to parTe in the eighteenth bring evil upon this place , and upon the in- habitants thereof, even all the words of the book which the king of Judah hath read. 17 Becaufe they ha veforfaken me, and have burnt incenfe unto other gods, that they might provoke me to anger with all the works yeareof king Jofiah, that the king fent Sha- phan the fonne of Azaliah, the fonne of Me- ihallam the fcribe, to the houfe of the LORD, faying, 4 Go up to Hilkiah the highprieft, that he may fumme the filver which is brought into of IheiV hands: therefore my wrath (hall be the houfe of theL o *D, which the keepers of kindled againft this place 3 and (hall not be i the | doore have gathered of the people. quenched. 5 And let them deliver it into the hand of the 18 But to the king of Judah which fent you doers of the work , that have the overfight of to enquire of the L o R D, thus (hall ye fay to the houfe of the LORD : and let them give it to him, Thus faith the LORD God of Ifrael, As the doers of the work, which u in the houfe of touching the words which thou haft heard j the LoRDjto repair the breaches of the houfe, 1 9 Becaufe thine heart was tender, and thou 6 Unco carpenters , and builders, and ma- haft humbled thy felf before the LORD, when ibns,and to buy timber and hewen ftone to re- thou heardeft what I fpake againft this place, pairthe houfe. and againft the inhabitants thereof, thatthey 7 Howbeit, there was no reckoning made (hould become a defolation , and acurfe, and tvith themoftha money that was delivered haft rent thy clothes, and wept before me : I into their handjtxcaufe they dealt faithfully, alfo have heard f/w, faith the L o R D. 20 Behold 34} 3< Jthoii\Tm bit -wicked reigne. hroai A Nd * the king fent,and they gathered un- o. ^\ to him all the elders of Judah and of J c- rufakm. 2 And the king went up into the houfe of the LORD, andallthemen of Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerufalem with him,and the priefts, and the prophets, and all the people i.f'tm t both fmall and great : and he read in their even' ea rcs all the words of the book of the cove- &'** nant which was found in the houfe of the LORD. 3 4 And the king ftood by a pillar,and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD, and to keep his commandments and histeftimonies and his ftatutes, with ail their heart and all their foul, to perform the words of this covenantjthat were written in this book: and all the people ftood to the covenant. 4 And the king commanded Hilkiah the high prieft, and the pieftsof the fecond order, and the keepers of the doore, to bring forth out of the temple of the LORD, all the veflels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the hoft of heaven : and he burnt them without Jerufalem in the fields of Ki- dron, and carried the r.ihcs of them unto Beth-el. . cmfid 1 And he fput down the f idolatrous priefts, ft. whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn t.che. incenfe in the high places, in the cities of Ju- iflf;im,frocureth his own iu'me.6 7e~ fjoiichin fuceee'deth him. 7 The king of Egypt u wn- guifhedby the king ofBzbyhn. 8 Jfebauchin hit eiil reigne. io Jerufalem is taken, and carried cafti-ue into Bibylon. 17 Zedekiah is made king, and nign- eth ill,unt the utter deflntflton tfyudab. jN his dayes Nebuchadntzzir king of Baby- i Ion came up, and Jehoiakim became his fer- mighr,aecording to all the law of Mofcs j nei- ther after him arofe there any like him. 3-6 q Notwithftanding, the L o R D turned ot from the fiercenefle of his great wrath, wherewith his anger was kindled againft Ju- f Heb.**r; dahj becaufe of all the f provocations that Mi- nafleh had provoked him withall. 27 And the LORD faidj will remove Judah alfo out of my fight, as I have removed Ifrael, va-nt three yeares: then he turned and re belled andwillcaftoff this city Jerufalem, which I againft him. *i.Kin.8.$. havechofen,and the houfeof which Ifaid,*My Cha*'li 7 name ^ a ^' DC there. z8 Now the reft of the ads of Jofiah, and dl that he dtd,ire they not wrirten in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ? *a.Chron.}5 2 ^ ^ * In his daycs phajraoh Nechoh king which he fpakef by his fervants the prophets. \j 29 ' of Egypt went up againft the king of Aflyriato -3 Surely at the commandment of the t He b < the river Euphrates : and king Jofiah went a- LORD came this upon Judah, to remove them har ^ t> f' gainft him,and he flew him at Nie^iddo, when out of his fight,for the finnes of Manafleh, ac- he had feen him. cording to all tfm he did : "30 And his fervants carried him in a cha- 4 And alfo for the innocent bloud that he riot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to (hed, ( for he filled Jerufalem with innocent Jerufalem, and buried him in his own fepul- bloud) which the LORD would not pardon. *xChron.3gchre: and * the people of the land took Jehoa- 5 ^ Now the reft of the ads of Jehoiakim, i hai the fonne of Jofiah,and anointed him, and and all that he did, arc they not written in the made him king in his fathers ftead. book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? 31^ Jehoahaz was twenty and three yeares 6 So Jehoiakim flept with his fathers : and Id when he began to reigne , and lie reigned Jehoiachin his Tonne reigned in his ftead. 7 And z AndtheLoRD fent againft hrm bands of the Caldees, and bands of the Syrians, and bands of the Moabites,& bands of the children of Ammon, and fent them againft Judah to de- ftroyit, * accord ing to the word of i rhe LORD, chap.jo. Jcrufalems captivity. Chap. xxv. 7 And the king of Egypt came not ag.iina- ny more out of his land : for the king of "Baby- lon had taken from the river of Egypt unto the river Euphrates, all that pertained to the king ofEgypt. 8 " cm.uned, reft flee into Egypt.!? Evil-merodtch inhtifo:trt. was Nehuftita the daughter of Elnathan,of Je- A Nd it came to paffe * in the ninth ycare of *Jer. j$>.t. rufalem. jT*his reigne, in the tenth moneth, in the and * M 9 And he did that which was evil in the tenth day of the moneth,that Nebuchadnezzar fight of the LORD, accordingto allthathisfa- kingof Babylon came, be, and all his hoft, a- ther had done. gainftjerufalem, and pitched againft it, and 10 ^ * At that time the fervants of Nebu- they built forts againft it round about, chadnezzir kingof Babylon came up againft z And the cicie was befieged uiKOtheele- J erufalem, and the citiefwas befieged. . vf nth yeare of king Zedekiah. n And Nebuchadnezzar kingof Babylon 3 And on the ninth day of the * fourth *Jcr.5.^ 1 L - monethjthe famine prevailed in the city , and there was no bread for the people of the land. f And the city was broken up, and all the came againft the citiej and his fervants did be- fiege it. i a And Jehoiachin the king of Judahwent out to the kmg of Babylon>h: jand his mother, , and his fervants, and his princes, and his || offi- cers : and the king of Babylon took him in the eighth yeare of his reigne. 13* And he carried out thence all the trea- fures of the houfe of the LORD, and the trea- furesof the kings houfe, and cut in pieces all the veflcls of gold which Solo.non king of If- rael had made in the temple of the LORD, as the L o R D had faid. 14 And he carried away all Jerufalem, and all the princes, and all the mighty men of va- lour, even ten thoufand captives, and all the craftfmen,and fmiths : none remained, five the pooreft fort of the people of the land. 1 5 And*he carried away Jehoiachin to Ba- bylon, and the kings mother, and the kings wives, and his || officers, and the mighty of the men of warre fled by night, by the way of the gate, between two walls', which is by the kings garden, (now the Caldees were againft the city round about ) and the l(mg went the way toward the plain. j And the army of the Caldees purfued after the king,and overtookhim in the plains of Je- richo.-and all his army were fcattered from him. 6 So they took the king, and brought him up to the king of Babylon, to Riblah, and they f gave judgement upon him. 7 And they flew the fonnes of Zedekiah fee- j4? fore his eyes, andjput out the eyes of Zedekiah, *' and bound him with fetters of braffe,and carri- ed him to Babylon. 8 f And in the fifth moneth, onthefeventh day of the moneth (which it the nineteenth yeare of kin? Nebuchadnezzar king of Baby land, thofe carried he into captivity,from Jeru- Ion) came Nebuzar-adan||captain of the guard, |jOr,cW/ falem to Babylon. 1 6 And all the men of might, even feven thoufand, and crafcfmen , and fmiths a thou- fand., all" that were ftrong and apt for warre, even them the king of Babylon brought ca pti veto Babylon. 1 7 ^f Aad *the king of -Babylon made Mat- taniah his fathers brother king in his ftead,and changed his name to Zedekiah. a fervant of the king of Babylon, unto Jeru- falem : o And he barm the houfe of the LOUD ,and the kings houfe, & all the houfes of Jerufaletn, and every great mans houfe burnt he with fire. 10 And all the army of the Caldees that were with the captain of the guard, brake down the walls of Jcrufalem round about. 1 1 Now the reft of the people that were left 18 * Zedekiah was twenty and one yeares in the city, and the | fugitives that fell aw;y to t old when he began to reign?, and he reigned eleven yeares in Jerufalem : and his mothers name wzj Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnih. 19 And he did that which was evil in the fight ofthcLoRD,accordmgto all that Jehoia- kim had done. 10 For through the anger of the L OR D it cnme to pafle in J crufalem and Judah, untill he hidcift them out from his prefence,that Zede- kiah rebelled againft the king of Babylon. the kingof Babylon, with the remnant of the multitude, did Nebuzir-adan the captain of the guard carry away. 1 1 But the captain of the guard Itft of the : poore of the land,to be vine drefkrs, and huf- bandmen. 1 3 And^the pillars of braflc tbttwere in the *Chap.i*. houfe of theLoRD .and the bafes,and the brafen ^ ' fea that was in the houfe of the LoRD,did the J er -v" Caldees break in pieces, and earned the braffe ofthemtoB.ibylon. 1 4 And Judahs captivity. I. Chronicles. Gedaliah (lain. 546 14 And the pots, & the fliovels,and the fnuf- fers,and the fpoons, and all the veflels of braffe wherewith they miniftred,took they away. 15 And the fire-pans, and the bowls, and fuch things as tvere of gold, in gold, and of fil- ver,i diver, the captain of the guard took a- way. . thi 16 The two pillars, f one fea, and the bafcs en ft*. which Solomon had made for the houfe of the LOR Djthc bra fie of all thefe veflels was with- out weight. *i.Kia.7.ij 17 * The height of the one pillar was eigh- Jcr.jj.n. ten cubits, and the chapiter upon it woe brafle : and the height of the chapiter three cubits : and the wreathen-work, and pomegra- nates upon the chapiter round about, all of braffe : and like unto thefe had the fccond pil- lar with wreathen-work. 1 8 f And the captain of the guard took Se- raiahthe chief pri eft, and Zephaniah the fe- f Heb .tbrt' cond prieft ,and the three keepers of the}doore. &M- 1 o And out of the city he took an (| officer, jj OT t *unuck. t jj at vvasfet over t i, e men o f warre y and five ^Hf\3.fafftht men of them that f were in the kings prefence , tfngifaet. which were found in the city, and the || princi- !l/?*VSllS P al1 fcribe of thc hoft which muttered the peo- ft ht hofi. pic of the land, and threefcore men of the peo- ple of the land that were found in the city. ao And Nebuzar-adan captain of the guard took thefe, and brought them to the king of Babylon,to Riblah. zi And the king of Babylon fmotethem, & flew them at Riblah in the land of Hamath : fo Judah was carried away put of their land. n f * And as for the people that remained in the land of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar Jcine of Babylon had left, even over them he made Gedaliah the fonne of Ahikam,the fonne ofShaphan,rulcr. 23 And when all the* captains of the ar- "Jer 40.7. mie$, they, and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah governour , there came to Gedaliah to Mizpah,evcnlfli- mael the fonne of Nethaniah, and Johanan the fonne of Careah, and Seraiah the fonne of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, and Jaaza- niahthe fonne of a Maachathite,they,and their men. 14 And Gedaliah fware to them, and to their men, and Paid unto them, Fear not to be the. fervants of theCaldees : dwell in the land, and ferve the king of Baby Ion, and it ftull be well with you. a 5 But it came to pafle in the feventh moneth, that Iftimael the fonne of Nethaniah,the fonne of Elimama^f the feed t royall, came, and ten -j-Hcb.o//A* men with him, and * fmote Gedaliah, that he fyztitm*. died, and the Jews and the Caldees that were *Jer.4'. withhimatMizpah. 26 And all the people both fmall and great, and the captains of the armies arofe, and came to Egypt: for they were afraid of the Caldeej. 27 fl And it came to pafle in thefcven and thirtieth yeare of the captivity cfjchoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth moneth, on the feven and twentieth day of the moneth, that Evil-merodach king of Babylon, in the yeare that he began toreigne, did lift up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah out of prifon. a8 And he fpake t kindly to him,and fethis fHeb.d throne above the throne of the kings that were tbingtmtk with him in B-ibylon, *' OT 19 And changed his prifon- garments : and he did eat bread continually before him all the dayesofhislife. 50 And his allowance was a continuall al- lowance given him of the king, a daily rate for every day, all the dayes of his life. ^$'-#$$^ Thefirftbookof the CHT(0 WJCLES. gog,and M.idai, and Ja van, and Tubal,and ihech,and Tiras, C H A P. I. I \Manu lint to No.ih. 5 The founts of Japheth. 8 The fonxes oftJtnn.if Thefonnei ofShem,n Shtms line to ^Abraham. J? Ifhmaelsfonnes. 3 1 The fonnes of i^eturah. 34 The pofleriti of ^Abraham by Elan. 43 T.be\(ings ofEdom, 51 The dukei ofEdom. Dam, * Shcth,Enoih, i Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered, 3 Hcnoch,Methuih:lah, Lamech, 4 Japheth. The fonnes of Japheth 5 Gomer,and Ma Me 6 And the fonnes of Goroer 5 Afhchenaz, and || Riphath,and Togarmah. UOr,Dipb,ti 7 Andtheibnncs of Javan j Eliihah, aadasitisiu Tarfliifh, Kittim,and |j Dodanim. ^ ornc copies, 8 fj The fonnes of Ham ; Cu(h, and Miz- ' 9 r *'*-. raim,Put,and Canaan. S^Sf 9 And the fonnes of Cufh ; Seba, and Ha- copies. vihh,andSabt.i, and Raama, and Sabtecha* and the fonnes of Raamah 5 Sheba,and Dedan. 10 AndCufli* begat Nimrod : he began to *Gcn,io.S. be mighty upon the earth. ii And Shem hisgenealogie. Chap. if. The Tonnes of Ifrael. 11 AndMizraim beg,uLudim, and Ana- [jHomam : and Timna was Lotans filter. 347 mimjand Lchabimjand Naphtuhim, 40 The fons of Shobal ; [| Altan, and Ma- f/ Or **'< 12 And Pathruiim,and Cafluhim/ofwhom nahath,and Ebal,||Shephi,and Onam.Andthe ?^" '**'* nt 1.43, came thePhiliftines) and*Caphthorim. fonnesof Zibeon^Aiahjand Anab. Gen.^tf.' i 3 And Canaan bcgit Zidon his firft-born, 41 The fonnes of Anah j *Di(hon.And the j o ' and Heth, fonnes of Di(hon j || Amram, and Efhban, and c 14 Thejebufitealfo, and the Amorite, and- Ithran,and Cheran. the Girgafhite, 1 5 And the Hivite,and the Archite,and the Sinite, 4i The fonnes of Ezer j Bilhan,and Zavan, and || Jakan. The fonnes of Difhon 5 Uz, and gor Aran. Gen.jtf.z7. 1 6 And the Arvadite , and the Zemarite, andtheHamath te. 15 17 ^The fonnes of * Shem jElam, and Af- fhur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Uz,and Hul,and Gerher, and (| Mefhech. 1 8 And Arphaxad begat Shelah , and She- lah begat Ebcr. 19 And unto Eber were born two fonnes: the name of the one wat H Peleg , ( becaufe in his dayes the earth was divided^ and his bro- thers name was Joktan. ;cn,io.a*. 10 And *Joktan begat Almodad, and She- leph,and Hazerrmtfeth,and Jerah, 2 1 Hadoram alfo,and Uzal,and Diklah, 21 And Ebaljand Abimael,and Sheba, 23 And Ophir,and Havilah,and Jobab : all thefe were the Tonnes of Joktan. 24 ^ * Shem,Arphaxad,SheIah, d 1 1 10. jn.io.33- "hat i s , if on. u Jcn.n 26 rcn.i7.j. 2,7 *Ab;am,the fame a Abraham. icn.ai.2,; 28 The fonnesof Abraham } *Ifaac, and 3cn.i^.i. Mftimael. en 25. 13. 29 ^ Thefe Aft their generations:the*firft- 17- born of Ifhmacl, Nebaioth j then Kedar, and Adbeel^ndMibfam, :B.5.iy. Xcma, 3 1 Jetur, Naphifli , and Kedemah. Thefe are the fonnes of Iflimael. 32 f Now the fons of Keturah, Abrahams concubine : me bare Zimran^andjokman, and Medan, and Midian, and Ifhbak, and Shuah. And the fons of Jokftian j Sheba,and Dedan. 3 3 And the fonnes of Midian j Ephah, and Ephar, and Henoch, and Abida, andEldaah. All thefe are the fonnes of Keturah. 34 And Abraham begatlfaac. The fonnes ef Ifaac -, Efau and Ifrael. ;c,j^, 35 ^ The fons of * Efau; Eliphaz, Reuel, '. and Jeuih^and Jaalam,and Korah. 36 The fonnesof Eliphaz j Tcman, and tt,ZeHii, O^ar,l|Zephi,an 52 And Shobal the father of Kirjath-jea- EOrw// rim.had fonnes ; HHaroe^rf II half of the Ma- the **""- nahethircs. %%,* 5 3 And the families of Kirjath-jearim;the WB /, 9 ,/,. Ithrites, | Or, The fonnes of David. Chap. iii. iiii. The pofterity of Judah, &c. Ithrites,and the Puhites,and the Shamathitcs, babel, and Shimei : and the fonnes of Zerub. 349 and theMifhraites : of them came the Zarea- babel ; Mefhullam, and Hananiah,and Shelo- thites, and the Eflitaulites. mith their fifter : 54 The fonnes of Salmah j Beth-lehem, *o AndHafliubah, and Ohel, and Berechi r and the Netophathites, || Ataroth , the houfe ah, and Hafadiah, Jufhab-hefed, five. of Joab , and half of the Manahethites 3 the * i And the fonnes of Hananiah 5 Pelatiah, Zorites. and Jefaiah : the fonnes of Rephaiah, the 5? And the families of thefcribes which fonnes of Arnan , the fonnes of Obadiah, the dwelt at Jabezj the Tirathites, the Shimea. fonnes of Shechaniah. Judg. i.iffi thites, rftfd Suchathites. Thefe are the * Ke- ** And the fonnes of Shechaniahj Shemai- nitts that came of Hemath , the father of the ah: and the fonnes of ShemaiahjHattufli a and bouife of * Rechab. Igcal, and Bariah 3 & Neariah,and Shaphat,fix. CHAP. i We fonnes of 1 17 Thefucctffomsofjecontib. row** of \,t houfe of i.Sam.3.4. *. Sam.j.J. *.Sam.3.J * >. Sam. y. 14. | Or, Shunt' nr.t.t-> reelitefle : the fecond y Daniel, of Abigail the a Sam.j.T 4 . Carmelitefle : , z The third, Abfalom the fonne of Maa- am.ti.j. chah, the daughter of Talmai king of Geflmr: H or, Elian, the fourth, Adonijah the fonne of Haggith .*' S *2ri i?s,' The fifth,Shephatiah of Abital: the fi nur: faying,Becaufe I bare him with forrow. $ That h Jotham his fonne, i o And Jabez called on the God of Ifrael, /Wc*fcA f a X' n g j t Oh that thou wouldeft blefle me in- + j^ /, deed 3 and enlarge my coaft, and that thine hand ^o nilt might be with me, and thst thou wouldeft 6-.-. I ? And the fonnes of Jofiah were, the firft- f keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me. f Hb. a . Kings .Jj.Jo. for, 5- Aoj^C, a. Kings 23.30. |Or,Ett^ Lw, a.Kingsaj. 34- |0r, JMat- taniihj a. Kings fc*-'7 * Matt.t.il. 5 Ahaz his fonne,Hezekiah his fonne^Ma nafTeh his fonne, 1 4 Amon his fonne, Jofiah his fonne. a. Kings S4. 6. or> Coniih, Jer.2J.i4. a. Kings >4-i7' . being his uncle. teb, She- alttel. third |j Zedekiah, the fourth Shallum. 1 6 And the fonnes of * Jehoiakim; ]] Jeco- niah his fonne, Zedekiah * his fonne. 17 f And the fonnes of Jeconiahj Afllr, t Salathiel * his fonne, Malchiram alfo, and Pedaiah,and She- Thefe are the men of Rechah. ih -' t! '> **J naZ3r,Jecamiah,Hofam3,andNedabiah. 19 And the fonnes of Pc 13 And thefonncsof Kenaz- Othniel,and Scraiah: and the fonnes of Ochmel;|| Hathath 1 4 And Simeons genealogie. I. Chronicles,' and Reubens." 35 14 And Meonothai begat Ophrah; and Se- 34 And Meflibab,9nd Jamlcch a and Tofhah, fiOr, inhabi-raiah begat Joab, the father of the || valley of the fonne of Amaziah, *Se? ^ M Charaihim, for they were craftfmen. 3 ? And Joel, and Jehu the fonne of Jofibi. if And the fonnes of Caleb the fonne of ah, the fonnrofSeraiah. the fonne of Afiel, |Or, Jephunnch j Iru, El ah , and Naam : and the fonnes of Elah, || evenKenaz. 1 6 And the fonnes ef Jehaleleel}Ziph,and Ziphah, Tiria, and AfareeL 17 And the fonnes of Ezra fttre , Jether, and Mered,and Epher,and Jalon: and fhe4>are Miriam,and Shammai, and llLbah the father of Eflitemoa. 1 8 And his wife || Jehudijah bare Jered the father of Gedor,and Heber the father of So- ., _______________ ^ cho,andjekuthiel the father of Zanoah. And dor, even unto the eaft-fide of the valley, thefe are the fonnes of Bithiah the daughter of feek pafture for their flocks . Pharaoh, which Mered took. - \ And the fonnes of bis wife || Hodiah,the ' M of Naham, the father of Keilah the Gar- mite, and Efhtemoa the Maachathite. 20 And the fonnes of Shimon rpere , Am- non,and Rinnah,Benhanan, and Tilon. And the fonnes oi Ifhi were, Zohecb, and Ben-zo- heth. g 6 And Elioenai, and Jaakobah, and Jefo-i haiah,and Afaiab,aad Adiel, and Jefirniel,3nd Benaiah, 37 And Ziza the fonne of Shiphi,the fonne of Allon,the fonne of Jedaiab, the fonne of Shimri, the fonne of Shemaiah. 3 8 Thefe f mentioned by their names,>f rt f Heb. 4= princes in their families , and the houfe of their ***&. fathers increafed greatly. jo ^ And they went to the entrance of. Gc- 40 And they found fat pafture and good a and the land was wide , and quiet , and peace* able: for they of Ham had dwelt there of old. ' 41 And thefe written by name, came in the dayes of Hezekiah king of Judah, andfmotc their tents,and the habitations that were found there,and deftroyed them utterly unto this day, and dwelt in their rooms : becaufe there was 2 1 f The fonnes of Shelah * the fonne of pafture there for their flocks. Judah were t Et the father of Lecah,and Laadah 42 And fame of them, even of the fonnes of the father of Marefhah, and the families of the Simeon,five hundred men,went to mount Seir, houfe of them that wrought fine linen, of the L : houfe of Afhbea, i2 And Jokim, andthemenof Chozeba, and Joafh, and Saraph, who had the dominion in Moab,andjafhubi-lehem ; and tbtfe are an- cient things. 23 Thefe liver e the potters , and thofe that dwelt amongft plants and hedges : there they dwelt with the king for his work ^ The fonnes of Simeon were, \\ Nemu- and Shaul : Shallum his fonne , Mibfam his fonne, having for their captains Pelatiah, & Neariabj and Rephaiah, and Uzziel, the fonnes of Iflii. 43 And they fmote the reft of the Amalc. kites that were efcaped, and dwelt there unto this day. CHAP. V. l The line of Reuben (who loft hit birthright) unto the ciptivitj. 9 their habitation and conqueft. of the Hagzrites. n the chief men, and habitations of Gad. 1 8 the number and conqueft of Reuben, Gad* and the half of Manatfeh. ij the habitations and chief men of that half-tribe. 25 their csftivit'tefor their finne. Ow the fonnes of Reuben the firft-born Miflima his fonne. 26 And the fonnes of Mifhma ; Hamuel his JL\Lof Ifrael , (for he was the firft-born, but forme, Zacchur his fonne, Shimei his fonne. forafmuch as he * defiled his fathers bed , his *< 27 And Shimei had fixteen fonnes, and fix birthright was given unto the fonnes of Jofeph and 4P ' 4 ' the fonne of Ifrael : and the genealogie is not daughters} but his brethren had not many chil- dren, neither did all their family multiply, f Heb. ttntt- \ like to the children of Judah. WSffc?" z8 And lhe y dwlt at * Beer- fheba , and Moladah,and Hazar-fhual, 29 And at \\ Bilha, and at Ezem, and at || Tolad. 3 o And at Bethuel , and at Hormah, and at Ziklag, 3 1 And at Beth marcaboth , and |] Hazar- fufim,and at Beth-birci,and at Shaaraim:Thefe were their cities, unto the reigne of David. 31 And their villages M?rt,|jEtamjand Ain, Rimmon,and Tochen,and Afnan, five cities. 33 And all their villages that were round about the fame cities, unto || Baal. Thefe were their habitations, and |j their jofti. 19.3. f) Or, E tola d-. Jofti i9-? U Or,Ethe > beer, Jofli. to be reckoned after the birthright. 2 For *Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him came the * chief \\ ruler, but the birthright was Jofephs) 3 The fonnes, lfay s of* Reuben the firft- born of Ifrael wire, Hanoch,and Pallu , Hez- ron,andCirmi. 4 The fonnes of Joelj Shemai?h his fonne, Gog his fonne, Shimei his fonne, 5 Micah his Tonne, Reaia his fonne,Baal his fonne, 6 Beerah his fonne, whom \\ Tilgath-pilne- flOr, fer king of AfTyria, carried away cap the : he }*' xod.(5.i4. aw prince of the Renbenites , 7 And his brethren by their families(when the genealogie of their generations was rec- koned) ' ;ods of the people of the land, whom God de- *? 7> .troyed before them. 16 And the God of Ifrael ftirred up the fpirit of * Pul king of Aflyria, and the fpirit The genealogies of Gad, c. Chap. vL The fonaes of LeviV koned; were the chic f,Jetel, and Zechariah, 14 And thefe tvfre the heads of the houfc $ji 8 AndBela the fonne of Azaz, the fonne of their fathers, even Epher, and Jftii , and 3r,S'e- of||Shema, the fonncof Joel, who dwelt in Eliel, and Azriel,and Jeremiah, and Hoda- fe;^,verf4 * Aroer,even anto Nebo, and Baal-meon. viah, and Jahdkl, mighty men of valour, Ifa- f Heb. mir. |o(h. 13. ^ And C3 it.ward he inhabited unto the en- mous men,*d heads of the houfe of their fa- /" tringinof the wilderneflefrom the river Eu- thers. phrates: becaufe their cattel were multiplied a? f And they tranfgrefled againft the God in the land of Gilead. of their fathers,and went a * whoring after the * r- Kins 10 And in the dayes of Saul they made warre with the Hagantes, who fell by their Heb. upan hand: and they dwelt in their tents f thtough- U the face QUt a u the ea ft./^ of Gilead. 1 1 f And the children of Gad dwelt over of Tilgath-pilncfer" king of Aflyria, and' he 15*19 Joflhij.ir. againft them , in the land of * Baihan unto carriedthem away, (even the Reubenites , and Salcah, the Gadites, and the balf-trtbe of- Manafleh ) 11 Joel the chief, and Shapham the next ^ and brought them unto *Halah,and Habor, * S; and Jaanai, and Shaphat in Baihan. and Hara, and to the river Gozan, unto this 17 ' 6 " 13 And ttv.ir brethren of the houfc ofthtir day. fathers roe re, Michael, and Mcfhullam , and CHAP VI Shetland Jorai, and Jachan, and Zia, and r Wf ^ ofLev ;.+ Celine .ft. frkfls **',* ."*" Heber, leven. captivity. \6 The families of Gerfkom,JMerarr> and 14 Thefe are the children Of Ablhail the ^ath.^y The office of^ato-^andhitline untoji' fonncof Hun, the fonne of Jeroah, thefonne kottM^. 5+ The cities of the priejls and Levitts. f Gilead, thefonne of Michael, the fonne of *-pHe fonnes of Levij * jjGerfhon, Kohath, 'GeiMtf.m Jefhimai, thefonne of Jahdo^the fonne of I andMerari. Exodf.it., Buz, * And the fonnes of KohathiAmramJzhar, V? 1 "' er " r i J Ahi thefonne of Abdiel, the fonne of -"- 4 "-' A "--- ' Guni, chief of the houfe of their fathers. 1 6 And they dwelt in Gilead in Bafhan, and in her towns, and in all the fuburbs of Chap. ay. * Sharon, upon t their borders. ? . .. 17 All thefe were reckoned by genealogies in the dayes of * Jotham king of Judah, and in the- dayes of Jeroboam king of Ifrael. 5-5.3. 1 8 ^ The fonnes of Reuben, and the Ga- |Heb./or, dites, and half the tribe of Manafleh, fof va- Jpwjwov Jiant mn ^ men aibje to bear buckler and fword, and to fhoot with bow, and skiifull in watre, wre foure and fourty thoufand feven hundred and threefcore, that went out to the Vrarre. 19 And they made warre with the Haga- Gcfr^jjj.rtes, with *Jetur, and Nephi(h,and Nodab. 10 And they were helped againft them, and the H.igante$ were delivered into their hand, and all thatw^e with them: for they cried to God in the battel , and he was in- treated of them , becaufe they put their traft in him. fHeb.W ii And they ftoolc away their cattel j of uftive. their camels fifty thoufand, and of fheep two hundred and fifty thoufand, and of affes two |-He&. fouls thoufand, and off men an hundred thoufand. fwew, as 21 for there fell down many flain, becaufe, "Jiijf. tie warre j< of God. And they dwelt in their iieads untill the captivity. 15 f And the children of the half- tribe of Maaafleh, dwelt in the land : they increafed from Baihan, unto Baal-hermon 3 and Scnk 3 aad unto mount Hermon. . 'Levit.To.t.<- and Hebron, ai 3 And the children of AmramjAaron, and Mofes,and Miriam. The fonnes alfo of Aa- rons * Nadab, and Abihu,Eleazar, &Ithamar, : 4. f EJeazar begat Phinehas, Phinehasbe- gat Abifhua, 5 And Abifhiu begat Bukki.and Bukki be- gat Uzzi, 6 And Uzzi begat Zerahiah, and Zerahiah begat Meraioth, 7 Meraioth begat Amariah, and Amariah begat Ahitub, 8 And Ahitub begat Zadck, and * Zadok ' begat Ahimaaz, a 7 9 And Ahimaaz begat Azariah , and Aza- riahbegat Johanan, 10 And Johanan begat Azariah, (heir* that executed the priefts office, t in the * tern- fHeb. in tht~ pie thatSolomon built in Jcrufalem ) *'._ 1 1 And Azariah begat Amariahjand Ama- riah begat Ahitub, ii And Ahitub begat Zadokj and Zadok begat j| Shallunr, | Of) i j And Shallum begat Hilkiab, and Hilkiah fhubat begat Azariah, cia P- 14 And Azariah begat *Seraiafy and .Sc-^* Nch.n.n* raiah begat Jehozadak, i y And Jeho-zad-ak went into capthiry i *whcn the LORD carried away Judah and Je- * rufalem by the hand of Nebuchad-nezzar. 25. 18. 16 f The fonnes of Levi j *|| Gerfhom, " Kohath, and Merari. 17 And thefe be the names of the fonnes of Gerflxom j Libnij and Shimei, , a.Chron, 3 . * Verfe 42. j|Or, Ethan, verfe 4Z. verfs 41. 11 Or, I^kar verfe 1,18. See verfe llOr, Zuph I. Sam.i.i 8 Called al- fo Joel, verfe ??. and z.Sam.8.2. The geneaiogie 351 1 8 And the fonnes of Kohat and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel. 19 The fonnes of Merarij Mahli,and Mu- fhi.And thefe are the families of the Levites according to their fathers. 20 Of Ger(hom;Libni his fonne,Jahath his fonne, * Zimmah his fonne, 2 1 || Joah his fonne, |j Iddo his fonne, Ze- tah his fonne, Jeaterai his fonne. 22 The fonnes of Kohath ; || Amminadab his fonne, Korah his fonne, Affir his fonne, 23 Elkanah his fonne, and Ebiafaph his fonne, and AfTir his fonne, 24 Tahath his fonne, Uriel his fonne, Uz- ziah his fonne, and Shaul his fonne. 2 5 And the fonnes of Elkanah j * Amafaj, and Ahimoth. 26 As for Elkanah: the fonnes of Elkanah, |j Zophai his fonne, and Nahath his fonne, 27 Eliab his fonne 5 Jeroham his fonne, Elkanah his fonne. 28 And the fonnes of Samuel jthe firft-born, f{Vafhni,andAbiah. 29 T he fonnes of Merarij Mahli, Libni his fonne, Shimei his fonne, Uzza his fonne, 30 Shimea his forme, Haggiah his fonne, Afaiah his fonne. 3 1 And thefe are they whom David fet over the fervice of fong in the houfe of the LORD, *Chap.t*.i. after that the * ark had reft. 3 2 And they miniftred before the dwel- ling-place of the tabernacle of the congrega- I. Chronicles. 1 of the Levites. 42 The fonne of Ethan, the fonne of Zim- mah j the fonne of Shimei, 43 The fonne of Jahath, the fonne of Ger- fhom, the fonne of Levi. 44 And their brethren the fonnes of Me- rari, flood on the left hand : Ethan the fonne of IJKimi, the fonne of Abdi, the fonne of HOr,^- Malluch, faith, 45 The fonne of Haflubiah , the fonne of ehap ' I5<1 ^ Amaziah, the fonne of Hilkiah, 46 The fonne of Amzi, the fonne of Bani, the fonne of Shamer, 47 The fonne of Mahli,the fonne of Mu- fhi, the fonne of Merari,the fonne of Levi. 48 Their brethren alfo the Levites tvere ap- pointed unto all manner of fervice of the ta- bernacle of the houfe of God. 49 f But Aaron and his fonnes offered *up- * Lvit.i.# on the altar of the burnt-oftering, and * on *Exod. 30.7 the altar ofincenfe, andwere appointed for all the work of the place moft holy, and to make an atonement for Ifrael according to all that Mofcs the fervant of God hid commanded. 50 And thfe are the fonnes of Aaron j Ele- azar his fonne, Phinehas his fonne, Abifhua his fonne, 5 1 Bukki his fonne, Uzzi his fonne, Zera- hiah his fonne, 52 Meraioth his fonne, Amariah his fonne, Ahitub his fonne, 53 Zadok his fonne jAhimaaz his fonne. fl Now thefe are their dwelling-places tion, with finging, untiil Solomon had built throughout their caftles in their coafts of the the houfe of the LORD in Jerufalem: and fonnes of Aaron, of the families of the Koha- then they waited on their office , according to their order. 3 3 And thefe are they that f waited with their children: of the fonnes of the Koha- thites j Heman a finger, the fonne of Joel, the fonne of Shemuel, 34 The fonne of Elkanah , the fonne of Jeroham. the fonne of Eliel , the fonne of Toah, . 35 The fonne of Zuph, the fonne of Elka- nah, the fonne of Mahath , the fonne of A- mafai, 3 6 The fonne of Elkanah ,the fonne of Jo- el, the fonne of Azariah, the fonne of Zepha- niah, 3 7 The fonne of Tahath,the fonne of Affir, *'*4 the fonne of * Ebiafaph, the fonne of Korah, 38 The fonne of Izhar, the fonne of Ko- hath, the fonne of Levi, the fonne of Ifrael. 3 9 And his brother Afaph ( who ftood on his right hand) even Afaph the fonne of Bera- chiah, the fonne of Shimea, thites : for theirs was the lot. 55 And they gave them Hebron in the land of Judah, and the fuburbs thereof round about it. 56 But the fields of the city, and the villa- ges thereof, they gave to Caleb the fonne of Jephunneh. 57 And to the fonnes of Aaron they gave the cities of Judah, namely, Hebron, the citie of refuge , and Libna with her fuburbs, and Jattir, and Efhtemoa, with their fuburbs, 58 And ||Htlcn with her fubuvbs, Debirjjor,! With her fuburbs, Jofti.ii.ij, 59 And || Aflun with her fuburbs, and ^ ^ ini Beth- fhemefh with her fuburbs. Jofh.zi.itf, 60 And out of the tribe of Benjamin; Geba with her fuburbs, and tj Alemeth with her fub- yor.^/woK urbs, and Anathoth with her fuburbs. All Jofh.zi.i8. their cities throughout their families were thirteen cities. 6 1 And unto the fonnes of Kohath, which were left of the family of that tribe, were cities 40 The fonne of Michael, the fonne of Ba- given out of the half-tribe, namely, out of the afiah, the fonne of Melchiah, \H\& tribe of Msnaffeh, * by lot, ten cities. *J fli.'ii.< 6 2 And to the fonnes of Gerfhom through- out their families, out of the tribe of Iffachar, and 41 The fonne of Ethni , the fonne of Ze rah, the fonne of Adaiah, ffeclevites cities. Chap.vii. and out of the tribe of Artier, and out of the Jofc. 21.7 , tribe of Reuben, and out of the tribe of Gad, the children of Ifaelgare to the Lcvitesthrfccities,withthcirfubu?bs. And outofthetribeofEphraim. 67 * And they gave unt~ ....^ , lllctuIC5 ot refuge, Shechem in mount Ephraim, with . IT *'' ai - *7* And they gave unto them of the cities her fuburbs: they gave alfo Gezer with her fuburbs , 68 And Jokmeam with her foburbs and Beth-horon with her fuburbs, 69 And Aijalon with her fuburbs , and Gath-rimmon with her fuburbs. 70 And out of the half-tribe of Manafleh Aner with her fuburbs, and Bileam with her V"r* TV ? y their generations, -~ houfe of their fathers were bands of fouldiers for ware, fix and thirty thoufand men: for they had many wives and fonnes. of Tfl^ brethren am n S al1 the families lachar, ere men of might,reckoned in all by their genealogies/ourefcore and feven thou- feh, Golan in Bafcan with her fuburbs, and gies, twenty and two thoufai 71 And out of the tribe of Iflacharj Kedefl, With her fuburbs, Daberath with her fuburbs, 7J And Ramoth with her fuburbs, and Anem with her fuburbs. 74 And out of the tribe of Amerj Mamal vnhherfuburbs,and Abdon with her fuburbs 7 ? And Hukok with herfuburbs, and Rehob With her fuburbs. 76 And out of the tribe of Naphtali; Ke- defli in Galilee with her fuburbs,and Hammon With her fuburbs , and Kirjathaim with her fuburb*. 77 Unto the reft of the children of Merari cre given out of the tribe of Zcbulun, Ri m - mon with her fuburbs, Tabor with her fuburbs 78 And on the oAer fide Jordan by Jeti- cho,on the eaft-fide of Jordan were ziven them outofthetnbeofRcuben,Bczerinthewildei-. ncflc with her fuburbs, and Jahzahwuh her fuburbs, 79 Kedemoth alfo with her fuburbs and Mephaath with her fuburbs. 80 And out of the tribe of Gad j Ramoth in Gilead with her fuburbs, and Mahanaim tvithherfuburbs, 8 1 And Hembon with her fuburbs, and Ja- tcrwithheifuburbj. 8 And the fonnes of Becher; Zemira,and Joafh, and Eliezer^nd Elioenai.and Omri,and Jerimoth, and Abiah, and Anathoth, and Ala- meth. All thefe are the fonnes of Becher. 9 And the number of thereafter their ?enc- alogie by their generations, heads of thefioufc of their fathers, mighty men of valour Wlt f twenty thoufand and two hundred. 10 Thelonnesalfoofjediael; Bilhan: and the fonnes of BilhansJeulh,: '~ ii All thefe the fonnes of Jediael, by the heads of their fathers, mighty men ofvilour, wfeventeen thoufand and two hundred foul- diers, t to go out for warre and battell. 1 1 Shuppim alfo,and Huppim, the children of || Ir, and Hufliim,the fonnes of jj A her. Or Ti ij fl The fonnes of N.iphtaIi;Jah2,iel,and verf-V/' Gum, and Jezer, and Shallum, the fonnes of Bilhah. 14 1T The fonnes of Manaffeh;A(hriel,whom ftiebarc: (but his concubine the Ararmteflc bare Machir the father of Gilead: if And Machir took to wife the Jifter of Huppim and Shuppim, whofe fifters name fpas Maackah) and the name of the fecond tvju A a zcl-j. wn.atf.ji, OfManaffehandEphrairn: I.Chronicte*; Thcfonnes of Ben janu.fi Zelophehad : and Zelophehad had daughters. 3 8 And the fonnes of Jethers Jephunneh, '" gwft^^wHi jonnc* HHU me ci*iitu 1*** **** ii ' v * ** ? i j T> * "7? ^nd'the" fonnw rfUlam; * Bedan-Thefe of (ter fathers _houfe, choice and mighty men s f :f and Abiczer, and Mahalah. 19 And the fonnes of Shemida were, Ahian, CHAP. VIII. and Shechem,and Likhi, and Aniam. f y ht f omei and ehit f men O f Benjamin. 3 3 TA ^ nes of Ephraim 5 Shutne- And Naaman, and Ahiah, and Gera, he oved them, and begat Uzza, andAhihud. n i % And Shaharaim begat children in the coun- ^ And Rephah was his fonne,alfo Rezeph, ey of Moab, after he had fent them away; and Tela his fonne, and Tahan his fonne, Hufhima nd Baara^re h ! s j v ^ es ; ft 3 L- r AmmiVin^ Viic fonn/> o And he beat oi rlodein ni|SWite, jooaD r Bimf hff hl$ e fonne ' Ammihud ' andZibia,andMe(ha,andMakham, >r,^B, a/rjion Sonne Tehofliua his fonne. IO And Jeuz, and Shachia , and Mirma. Mum.jj.8. J.tt . , , rJflpflfinrQ and habitations Thefe were his fonnes,hcads of the fathers. ^&^U^51^S , ^Andof H0u m he begat Abi.ub, and ^^'^*^^^T^^SL4?rt irThefonnesofEIpaal.EbevndMiftam, L^^t&^^^^r' andSh r d, 7 hobu,k P Ono,an 1 rf^f -he ah andI(huai,a n dBeriah ;a ndSeh,heir filter. And Michael, and Ifpah,andjoha,the and s@S?i - - - Sh ^X-S&ndJe^.and jobabth. and riotnam, ana oiiu^n mcn. HAIV.I. , 3 And the fonnes of Japhletj Pafach, .and fonnes of ^Ipaal, ^, ,. BimhaI,andA(hvath:thefc,r e thechiIdrenof 19 Andjak. m ? and ^ ch "' f "^ ' _. ., ' 20 AndEhenaj,andZilthai,andJiiiei, J P 34 And the fonnes . of Shamerj Ahi, and at And Ada,ah,and Beraiah,and Shimratb Rohgah, Jehubbah, and Aram. the fimaes-o [\ Shimhi, ' 3 f Anithe fonne of his brother Helem,Zo- ^^ And Ift>pan,and Heber, and 1 Eliel plJh 5 , and 1mm, and Shelefh,and Amal. ** And Abdon,and Zichr^nd Hanan, 3 6 The fonnes of Zophah; Suah, and Har- 24. And Hananiah, and Elam , and Ani nepher^ind Shual^ and Bevi, and Imrah, thijah, ^ ^ p nuel the fonnes of ihah, and Ithnan, and Bcera* ^?^a 2 g ^ n( j Ifraelsgdhealogle, Chap! 7 MT ,> >6 And Shan^herai, andShehariah, and 7 Andofthefonn S ofB ljam in ; Sallu the e dwelt m Jerufa- and Melhullam the fonne of Shephatiah^ r _ ctp'p.M- ' ( w hofe*wivesna m e^Maachah) generations, nine KS" 7 ^ And hisfirft-born fonne Abdon, and Ail thefe men wr , c , 5 . } Zur, and fufh, and Baal, and Nadab, houfe of their fathers for, ZcA- j i And Gidor, and Ahio, and fj Zacher. 10 a And of thc oriefts nd ' 37 Ir ^/ n r dMlkothbe g at i!Snime.And thefe hoiarib Jachn fo d ' the Sad, and S,ul begat Jonathan, andMalchi- ruler of the houreofGod , - ueoo & *&i s. Sam. a,8. baal- and Menb-baal begat Micah. Maafiai the fonne ofAdfdthP fo 1 1 > d S. ,., M . and Mclech > a n d II Tarea, and Aha*. fc.T46r, 3* And Ahaz begat Jehoadah, and Jehoa- .ap. ,. 4 t dah begat Alemeth,and Afmaveth,and Zimrij - u.r ratners, a tfaouland and feven hundred ?8 And Azel had fix fonnes. wl.nfp .^ . ofHartinK ^ of R i u S L - L r e of Aznkam, the fonne of Ha(habiah,of thefonnes of Mend, his of CHAP. IX. ^b, and Talmon, and Ahim 3 n a and their bre- thren: Shallum * M the chief. ' (Whohitherto^^inthekin 3 s gate " ; 6 weenrters in thec- . cfctrtvnLcvites. 35 sflStrfS&jSSK "?"/ Thc / potters in the compa- - ^^sssafisssaS 3sSs -^'--.- of the children ofEph doorcof the chofento bepo, A a i Officers of the tempte: I. Chronicles: Sauls overthrow and death, 3 5 6 feer | did ordain in their iKet office. 44 And Azcl had fix fonnes , whofe names f| Or, oran n teir e ome. , So they and their children bud the over- are thefe, Aznkam, Bocheru, and Ifmacl, and ' Sheariah, and Obadiah , andHanan, Theie wwe the fonnes of Azel. fijht of the gates of the houfe of the LORD, tamely the houfe of the tabernacle, by wards. Z4 In foure quarters were the porters to- ward the eaft, weft, north and fouth . 2 5 And their brethren, which were in their villages, were to come after fcvendayes from f| Or,ftare- te ttfcs. iw rvi ^,...,5, the foure chief por- ters, were in their (| fet office,and were over the fe of God. about the lv Vi v . was upon them , and the opening thereof every morning pertained to them. 28 And certain of them had the charge - f t Heb..*nj th v . them in by them in and out by t T J ^9 Some of them alfo were appointed to overfee the veflels, and all the [| inftruments of the fanftuary, and the fine floure,and the wine, and the oyl, and the frankincenfe,& the fpices. 30 And fame of the fonnes of the priefts made * the ointment of the fpices. 31 And Mattithiahjbse of the Levites (who was the firft-born of Shallum the Korahite) J|Or,mJf. had the (I fet office over the things that were }) or, on flat made 8 in the pans. , or CHAP. X. 2 Sauls overthrew and death. $ The Philiftinci triumph over SAU'.. i I The kindnsffe of Jab-Oo-gilead toward S*'.d and hit fonnes. i J Sauls ftnne : for which the kingdoms tfiti tTanjlatedfrom him t David. fled'from be- i,z ...... and fell down || (lain in || Or, *0nf} mount Gilboa. ed. a And the Philiftines followed hard after Ihua, the fonnes of Saul. the^mimftringveuar, "thatthe"y ihouldt bring J And the battell went fore againft Saul them in and out by tale. and the t archerstfut him,and he was wounded of the archers. f Hcb. te " > them out by for, veatl 4 Then faid Saul to his armour-bearer, Draw thy fword, andthruft me through there- with j left thefe uncircumcifed come 5 and [[abufe me:but his armour-bearer would not/ot || Or, he was fore afraid. So Saul took a fword, and "f fell upon it. 5 And when his armour-bearer faw that Saul w* dead, he fell likcwife on the fword., and died. 6 So Saul died , and his three fonnes, and ,1UV- f| J " M* js***Ly j^*,, 5 2 Andof&eroftheirbrethtenofthefonnes ~ ~~ ~~- -,-- 2. /r HKi,woftheKohathites,w -eoverthetPaeW-bread all his houfe died together. |-Heb.**/ . .V.LU..U 7 And whcnalhhc men oflfrael that were in the valley, faw that they fled, and that Saul and his fonnes were dead j then they forfook 1H eb. * Chap.3. a*. * Chap. 8- 33' * Chap 8. 35- thers of the Levites , who remaining in the - "> - - ~ ""/ chambcrs s .wre free: for f they were employed their cities, and fted : and the Philiftines came J JtKJoIfir* fU^m . in that work, day and night. 54 Thefe chief fathers of the Levites were chief throughout their generations j thefe dwelt at Jerufalem. Vcit at jctiuaiciu* j . 3 5 f And in Gibeon dwelt the father of Gi- mount Gilboa. t A u;~i ...U^TA iiiY/nc r\irn "wt - *M ^ orK^K . o And wncr and dweltinthem. 8 f And it came to paffe on the morrow, when the Philiftines came to ftrip the flain, that they found Saul and his fonnes fallen in beon, Jehiel,whofe wives name W.K *Maachah: 3 6 And his firft-born fonne Abdon , then Zur, and Kim, and Baal,and Ncr,and Nadab, 37 And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zechariah, and Mikloth. 3 8 And Mikloth begat Shimeam : and they alfo dwelt with their brethren at Jerufalem, over againft their brethren. 39 *AndNer begat KHh , and Ki(h begat Saul , and Saul begat Jonathan, and Malchi- {hua, and Abinadab,and Embaal. 40 And the fonne of Jonathan w^-Merib- baal : and Merib-baal begat Micah. 41 And the fonnes of Micah w./^jPithon, and Melech,and Tahrea, * and Aba-*. 41 And Aha* begat Jarah , and Jarah be- 9 And when they had ftripped him , they took his head , and his armour , and fent into the land of the Philiftines round about, to car- ry tidings unto their idols, and to the people. 10 And they put his armour in the houfe of their gods, and fattened his head in the temple of Dagon. u f And when all Jabcm-gjlead heard all that the Philiftines had done to Saul j i ^ They arofe , all the valiant men , and took away the body of Saul, and the bodies of his fonnes, and brought them to Jabefli, and buried their bones under the oak in Jabeftj, and fafted feven dayes. 1 3 f So Saul died for his tranfgreflion which he f committed againft the L o R r> , * evex f Heb. * he f committed againft the L o R D , * eves t J g^il^b^ASSS^SndZimri^ *^J^**H7SS^# Zimri begat Moza, not > and Mo f<* askin g coMtfelota* that had ^ 4? And Moza be^tBineaj and Rephaiah a familiar fpirit,* to enquire .of it; * ,. his fonne, Ekafah his fonne 3 Awl his fonne, 54 And enquired not of the LOR p: there- 7 , His worthies. if * Now (f three of the thirtie captains , ^ JS^^^StS^ &" David made king. Chap. xi. fore he flew him, and turned the kuigdome tin* f Hcb. 1JH. to David the fonne of | Jefle. r A , ' ~ " luv * i i;*ma,i.nto tne cave If Or, CHAP. XL cfmn H s , !? C h ft f the Philiftincs en- W I JDtf ty 4^r^ confint u mtd, &g at Hehm. % ^ the Valle y of Rephaim. '<" '*' 4 ## wtnnettj the tajtie ofZionfiam the jebufres, bj * 6 An d David was then in the hold and the * ~ ' S a ' * 2 s a r , ^ v*tor. 10 A w*i<>se of Davids nighty mfn . Philiftines garifon then at Beth-lehem **' *Hen * all ILrael gathered themfelves to 1 7 And David longed and faid Ohth J. David unto Hebron, faymg,Behold,we are would give me drink of the water of the weTl thy bone and thy flefh. of Beth-lehem, that at the gate. [ Heb. to* z And moreover f in time paft, even when 1 8 And the three brake throng . and broughteft in Ifrael : Godfaiduntothee, Thou (halt feed my peo- pic Ifrael, and thou (bait be ruler over my of Beth-lehem, Hcb. 3 Therefore came all the elders of Ifrael to the king to Hebron , and David made a cove- nant with them in Hebron, before the LORD, and they anointed David king over Ifrael , ac- :b. by the cording to the word of the LoRD,tby*Samuel. Sam.j*. ru f a [ em which # Jebus , where thejebufites am.j.tf. w*j he inhabitants of the land. 5 And the inhabitants of Jebus faid to Da- vid , Thou (halt not come hither. Neverthe- Jcfle, David took the caftle of Zion, which AT the city of David. 6 And David faid, Whofoever fmiteththe j- Hcb. hed. Jebufues firft, (hall be f chief and captain. So Joab the fonne of Zeruiah went firft up 3 and was chief. 7 And David dwelt in the caftle , therefore Eon? "' they " lled 1! U Thc Citk f Darid ' \ Hcb. re- from Millo round about : and Joab f repaired lived. the reft of the citic. [ Het>. vent o So David } waxed greater and greater; for n going and tnc L o R D of hofts was with him. O "* tv * *-"****. i>ut JL/4VIU VYOUlu, not drink of it, but poured it out to the LORD, ip And faid, My God forbid it me, that! fliould do this thing : (hall I drink the bloud of thefe men f that have put their lives in jeopar- t a Inowic day. >~' " ' 3 ' ty men whom David had, who || ftrengthened Or, held themfelves with him in his kingdome, and irongij ifith with all Ifrael to make him king according to the word of the LORD, concerning IfraeL 1 1 And this is the number of the mighty or, fa / men whom David hadj Jafnobeam || an Hach- 9< ""' monite, the chief of the captains, he lift up his fpear againft three hundred,flain by him at one time. i a And after him was Eleazar the fonne of Dodo the Ahohitc , who WM one of the three mighties. CtTjEpbef. 13 Hewas with David at[| Paf-dammim, , and there the philiftines were gathered to?e- J 7- ' thcr to battell , where was a parcell of ground full of barley , and the people fled from before the Philiftmes. * 14 And they ||fet themfelves in the midft of that parcell , and delivered it , and flew the ,/ M . Phjhftmesj and the L o R D faved them by a great J| deliverance, ptians hand was a fpear like a weavers bea'tn and he went down to him with a ftafle , and pluckt the fpear out of the Egyptians hand, and flew him with his own fpear. 24 Thefe things did Benaiah the fonne of Jehoiada, and had the name among the three: mighties. 25 Behold, he was honourable among the thirty, but attained not to the firS three : and David fet him over his guard. 26 f Alfo the valiant men of the armies, ivm Afah-el the brother of Joab, Elhanan the fonne of Dodo of Beth-lehem, lonite, 28 Ira the fonne of Ikkefli the Tckoite, A- biezerthe Antothitc, 29 Sibbccai the Hufhathite, Ilai theAho- hite, 30 Maharai the Nctophithite , Hcltd the fonne of Baanah the Netophathite, 3 1 Ithat the fonne of Ribai of Gi*cah,^ pertained to the children of Benjamin, Be- naiah the Pirathonite, 3 a Hurai of the brooks of Gaafii, Abiel the Arbathice s A* J 33 DavidswortMes; I.Chronicld: TV 3!3 A theBaharum^BHahbathe ^^j^^^*^^ ThTfonnes of Hafcm the Giionite, ler.vvhofc fK ,w fifc the.fas oflionj, ? nd T v, ,V, P fnnneofShaoetheHararite w< tasfwift^stheroesuponthemo.untams: f Hcb.-i*. J T;Xm,tLne^lc a r Sc Hanrke, 9 E. Ac fcB.Otadiah the fccond.Eliab ^.^ *Tl^^1Shi , Abi,ah the ' ' '"MSteunnd, the four,,, , Jeremiah the ** _ ? r hith, ^zrotheCarmeli^Naaraithe.onnc g^^jggj.^ Or,,*. ^elthebrotherofNathanMbharilthe ^i^ Jeremiah the tenth, M,chbanai theele- ^'^ fonne of Haggeri - VC ^ C ' Th f of thc fonncs of Gad ca . I 9 ?^SSSi^SteSi ptamsof thehoft: |i one of the leaft WM over , 1Or ,. w ^ ltc - tn - - ' - J - J , and the grcateft over a thou- if a Uaft ll Adina the fonne of Shiza the Reubenite, bis - banks , and they put to Right all them a ctptain of the Reubenitcs , and thirty with' the valleys , both toward the cafl, an. rd ^ h ' imj u t, rnnnpofMaacah andToOia- 1 6 And there came of the children of Ben- ^ Hamn the fonne of Maacah ? andJolJ . Judah totheholduntoDaTid . ^u'zzS "he'Ateathite, Shama and 17 And David went out t to meet them,and 44 uzzia inc ^ r,fi*.rp^ in^ faid unro them. If ve be come anfwered and faid unto them 9 If ye be come *.. rt armies that came to him at Heb C H A P. X 1 1. are we , David, and on thy fide, thou fonne of ^***i^4*fr >J- Jcflfe: P" c VP eace / c Tr th ?CK a thet e , fem^ Wrfrw. to thine helpers 5 for thy God helpeth thee. came to David Then David received them , and made them ? HA. M clofe^bSf of Saul the fonne of Lfh: and ^^^^g^g^^ j.r^v. thcy^amonathemightymen, helpersof ^j^^^/Wp^^ehi.iwS.bc , there fell Or ^y- fonnes of H Shemaah the Gibeathite , and je- ^*^^^ l ^ b e thouTands that were of ^llellii'S ,-n amons ? valouCj an d were captains in the hoft. zi For at that time day by day , there came fabadtheGederatnite andBealiath and to David to help him , until!' it was agreat 2S^S^J -V'^Sfrt n^of the Toezertaja^at^KoAUet ' ll^nl.ha. v^ereready *d to.hewarre, J * . -. t i __ j T^U., j;-,u tV>p fr>nnes of and came to kingdome . ! a^Sfes-'SS^ to make him kirigT Chap and fpear, were fa thoufand and eight hun- ||pr,/M/tf dred, ready |) armed to the warre. gf rf^r*-Vi* <~u;U-_ ~ro: _ i . The ark removed. Uzza {mitten _ , Of the children of Simeon, mighty men of valour foe the warre, feven thoufand and one hundred. ^6 Of the children of Levi, foure thoufand and fix hundred. 17 And Jehoiada WM the leader of the Aa- ronites, and with him were three thoufand and feven hundred. z8 And Zadok, a young man mighty of va- lour, and of his fathers houfe twenty and two captains. 29 And of the children of Benjamin the , re - t kindred of Sau], three thoufand: for hither- to f the greateft part of them had kept the tituds ,f ward of the houfe of Saul. them. ' 3 And of the children of Ephraini, twenty thoufand and eight hundred, mighty men of t Hcb. mm valour, f famous throughout the houfe of their / games, fathers. g i And of the half-tribe of Manafleh , eighteen thoufand which were expreffed by name, to come and make David king. 3* And of the children of iHachar, which were men that had underftanding of the times to know what Ifrael ought to do: the heads of them tm-e two hundred, and all their brethren were at their commandment. 33 Of Zebulun, fuch as went forth to bat- |j Or, range rs tellj Hex pert in warre, with all inftruments of f batten, or warre, fifty thoufand , which could fj keep tap"" ^t. rank; they were f not of double heart. \ eating and drinking: for their brethren had prepared for them. 40 Moreover, they that were nigh them even unto Iflachar, and Zebulun andNaph! tali, brought bread on aflcs, and on camels 5r, -oia^ll and n mules, and on oxen, and \\ meat,tnea? meal. cakes of fv;s,and bunches of raifins, and wine, 5 and oyl, and oxen, and flieep abundantly, for tbtri was joy in Ifrael. ANd David confulted with the captains of thoufands, and hundreds, wrfWith every leader. z And David faid unto all the congregation of Ifrael, If itfeem good unto you, and th-it ie be of the LORD our God, flet us fend abroad unto our brethren every where, that are left in all the-land of Ifrael, and with them alfo to the a piieftsand-Lcvitcs which are f in their cities 4^fubrb5, that they may gather themfelves unto us. ? And let us f bring again the ark of our t Heb.tr/ God to use for we enquired not at it in the **"""' dayesof Saul. 4 And all the congregation faid, that they , would do foj for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people. J So * David gathered all Ifrael together, *'.Sam.*. T . from Shihor of Egypt, even unto the entrm* 2 - s am. 6.z. of Hemath, to bring the ark of God from Kir- jath-jearim. 6 And David went up,and all Ifrael to *Ba- * JoHi. i s 9 alah, that />,to Kirjath-jearim,which belonged to Judah,to bring up thence the ark of God the LOR D,thatdwelleth between the cherubims, whofe name is called on if. 7 And they t carried the ark of God in a fHeb.wwfr new cart, out of the houfe ofAbinadab: and thear ^ Uzza andAhiodravethecart. 8 And David and all Ifrael played before God with all their might, and with tfmgrng, fHeb - and with harps, and with pfalteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trum- pets 9 f And when they came unto the threffi- ing-floore of][Chidon,U zza put forth his hand ||Called N trjereth the priefts a>id Levites to bring it frjm Obed-edtm. 35 He ferftrm:th the folemntr-j thereof w'th great l 'f IMS ' joy. 29 Michal dcffifetb him. Otv * Hiram kin* of Tyre Tent meflen- sers to David,and timber of cedars, with A Nd David made him houfes in the-ctw of 1 ' ' -* /i David, and prepared a place for the ark ot God, and pitched for it a tent. - z Then David faid, f None -ought to cany f Hc ^- Itij the* ark of God, but the Levites; for them "I'/^^f* Davids vi&ories. 6 CHAP. XIII I. 1 Hirams kiwtnfjfc '<> D *vid- 2 Davids felicitie in pei- ple, vine: nd children. 8 Hu nw vi&nitt tgMnft the ' ^. Sam. 5 roafons , and carpenters to build him an houfe. z And David perceived that the LORD had confirmed him king over Ifrael , for his king,- conhrmed mm Kina over llraei , tor ms King,- " 7-; -. -- * ^liftopihigh, bec^ofhispeS- agZ3*JSE i ' ple Ifrael q And David took-hnoe Wives at Jcrufa- God, and to minifterunto him forever. the Levires. And David gathered all Ifrael together to * Nuna - 4- 3 And David tooktmoe wives at jcruia- s - - - - - - * r OT - km': andDavidbcgat m ocfon n e s a n ddau s h- 3MS5-!i& D i.Sam 5 * j.Sam-5- ters. 4 Now thefe dre the names of few children which he had in Jerufalem j Shammua, and Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon, 5 AndIbhar,andEli(hua,nndElpnlet, 6 AndNoga,andNepheg,andJaphia, j And Elimama, and || Beeliada, and Eli- . phalet. 8 f And when the Philiftines heard that * David was anointed king over all Ifrael, all the Philiftines went up to feek David: and Davtf heard of it, and went out againft them. 9 And the Philiftines came and fpread themfelvcs in the valley of Rephum. 10 And David enquired of God, faying, Shalllgoupagainftthe Philiftines? and wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? And the LORD faid unto him, Go up, for I will deli- Ter them into thine hand. 1 1 So they came up to Baal-perazim, and David fmote them there. Then David faid, God hath broken in upon mine enemies by unto his pi ace, which he had prepared for it. 4 And David aflembled the children of Aa- ron,and the Levites. 5 Qf the fonnes of Kohath: Uriel the chief, and his j| brethren an hundred and twenty. jJOr, 6 Of the fonnes of MerarirAfaiahthe chief, and his brethren two hundred and twenty. 7 Of the fonnes of Gerfhom: Joel the chief, and his brethren an hundred and thirty. 8 Of the fonnes of Elizaphan : Shemaiah the chief., and his brethren two hundred. 9 Of the fonnes of Hebron: Eliel the chief, and his brethren fourefcore. i o Of the fonnes of Uzziel: Amminadab the chief, and his brethren an hundred and twelve. 1 1 And David called for Zadok and Abia- thar the priefts, and for the Levites, for Uriel, Afaiah,and Joel 3 Shemaiah, and Eliel, and Amminadab, i i And faid unto them } Ye are the chief of the fathers of the Levites : ' fanftific your felvcs both ye and your brethren, that you may bring up the ark of the LORD God of Ifrael, unto the mine hand, like the breaking fqrth of waters: place that I have prepared for it. therefore they called the name of that place, 1 3 For becaufe ye did it not at the hrft, the P.That-is, {I Baal-perazim. LORD our God made a breach upon us 5 for that -?'*-' / 1 1 And when they had left their gods there, we fought him not atter the due Brier. fe*t,,. Dayid a commandment a nd they were ! 4 So the priefts and the Levitesfanftd burnt with fire. themfelves to bring up the ark of the LORD i ? And the Philiftines yet again fpread God of Ifrael. themfelves abroad in the valley. i $ And the children of the Levites bare the 14 Therefore David enquired again of God, ark of God upon their (houldcrs, with the and God faid unto him, Go not up after them, ftaves thereon,as * Mofescommanded, accor- *a Sam 5,2? turn away from them, * and come upon them dingto the word of the LORD. ' over aeainft the mulbery-trees. i<5 And Davjd fpake to the chief of the Le- 1 5 And it (hall be, when thcu (halt hearc a vites,to appoint their brethren to be the fingers found of going in the tops of the mulbery- with inftruments of mufkk ^pfalteries ,^and t rees,f 6n ,* i m ^ ,ol,o i, .._ u:. j._j. _ _ r i 'rlal.io5.it 14 And Shebaniahj and Jehomaphat, and his name, make known his deeds amone^hc Nathaneel, and Amafai, and Zachariah, and people. Benaiah, and Eliezer the priefts,did blow with 9 Sing unto him,fing pfalmcs unto him talk the trumpets before the ark of Godrand Obed- you of all his wondrous works, edom and Jehiah were doore-keepers for the 10 Glory ye 4n his holy name, let the heart of them re Joyce that feek the LORD. 1 1 Seek the LORD and his itrength,feek his face continually.. i z Remember his marvellous works that he ofthehoufeofObed-edomwith joy. Pi Sam 6 jt 2) i 3 ,&c. Benaiah, and Eliczer the priefts,did blow with the trumpets before the ark of God:and Obed- edom and Jehiah were doore-keepers for the ark. if . ^ So* David and the elders of Ifrael, and the captains over thoulands,- went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord, out 16 And it came to pa fie when God helped the Levites that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, that they offered fcven bullocks,and fevenrammes. 17 And David tvos clothed with a robe of fine linen,and all the Levites that bare the ark, and the fingers, and Chenaniah the mafter of \Or,c*rri*gf- the [j fong, with the fingers .-David alfo had up- on him nnephod of linen. z8 Thus all Ifrael brought up the ark of the covenant of the LORD with fhouting, and with found of the cornet, and with trumpets, and wkh cymbals, making a noif with pfalte- ries anci.harps. ^9 ^ And it came to pafle ^- the ark of the covenant of the L o R D came to the citie of David, that Michal the daughter of Saul Jook- ing out at a window, faw king David dancing and playing: and (he defpifed him in her heart. CHAP. XVI. I Dtnidj fefrvall facnfice. 4 He crdtreth * forth from day to day his falvation. Z4 Declare his glory among the heathen: his marvellous works among all nations. 2$ For great is the LORD, and greatly to be- praifed: he alfo u to be feared above all ?ods. ^6 For all the gods * of the people are idols: *Icvit. I * but die Loss made the heaven*. z T- Glory . 'Gen.u 17 Officers to attend on the ark, 1 ^ z 17 Glory and honour are in bis prcfence, ftrength and gladnefle are in his place. . z8 Give unto the LORD, ye kindreds of the jeople,give unto the LORD glory and ftrength. 19 Give unto the LORD the glory due un- to his name: bring an offering and come be- fore him, worlhip the L o R D^in the beauty of -holinefle. 30 Fear before him all the earth: the world -alfo (lull be itable, that it be not moved. 3 1 Let the heavens be glad,and let the earth rejoyce: and let men fay among the nations, The LORD reigneth. 3! Let the fea roar, and the fulnefle there- of: let the fields rejoyce, and all that is therein. 3 3 Then (hall the trees of the wood (ing out at the prefence of the LORD, becaufe he co- mcth to judge the earth. *Pfal.io7.i' ?4 * Ogive thanks to the LORD, for he 1 ' ** '' if good: for his mercy enduretb for ever. 3 5 And fay ye, Save us, O God of our fal- vation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen , that we may give thanks to thy holy name, and glory in thy praife. 36 Blefled be the LORD God of Ifrael for 'Deut.a7. 15 ever anc * ever:anc l a H * tne people faid., Amen, and praifcd the LORD . 37 f So he left there before the ark of the covenant of the LoRD,Afaph and his brethren, to minifter before the ark continually, as every dayes work required: 38 And Obed-edom, with their brethren, threefcore and eight:Obed-edom alfo the fonne of Jeduthun, and Hofah to be porters. 39 AndZadok the prieft and his brethren the pneiis, before the tabernacle of the LOR D,in the high place that n.w'at Gibeon, 40 To offer burnt-offerings unto the LORD, upon the altar of the burnt-offering continually t Hcb. in the t mining and evening, and to do according to mtrning, *nd all that is written in the law of the LOR D, in the even- which he commanded Ifrael: 41 And with them Heman and Jeduthun, and the reft that were chofen,who were expref- fed by name, to give thanks to the L o R j>, be- caufe his mercy enduretb for ever. 41 And with them Heman and Jeduthun with trumpets and cymbals for thofe that fhould make a found, and with muficali inftru- ments of God: and the fonnesof Jeduthun be were t porters. 4 3 And all the people departed every man to his houfe,&David returned to blefle his houfe. V.7YV 11 CdillC IU p^UC, di .L/dVlU Ul 111 I1IJ houfe,that David faid to Nathan the pro- I.ChroniclesT Nathans mefjfage to Davicf. phet, Lo, I dwell in an houfe of cedars, but the ark of the covenant of the LORD remainetb un-> dcr curtains. 2 Then Nathan faid unto David } Do all that is in thine heart, for God it with thee. 3 ^ And it came to pafle the fame night,thac the word of God came to Nathan, faying, 4 Go and tell David my fervanr.,Thus faith the LORD, Thou (halt not build mean houfc to dwell in. f For I have not dwelt in an houfe fince the day that I brought up Ifrael, unto this day, but f have gone from tent to tent, and from one t He ^ b, tabernacle to another. *". 6 Wherefocverl have walked with all Ifrael, fpake I a word to any of the judges of Ifrael, (Whom I commanded to feed my people) fay- ing> Why have ye not built me an houfe of ce- dars* - 7 Now therefore thus (halt thcu fay unto my fervant David, Thus faith the LORD of hofts, I took thee from the Jhsep-cote } ei>ea. ffrom following the Ihcep, that thou (houldeft j Heb./r, be ruler over my people Ifrael: after. 8 And I have been with thee whitherfoe- ver thou haft walked, and have cut off all thine enemies from before thee, and have made thee a name like the name of the great men thac are in the earth. 9 Alfo I will ordain a place for my people If. rael, and will plant them, and they (hall dwell in their place, and (hill be moved no more;nei- ther (hall the children of wickednefle wafte them any more: ( as at the beginning, 10 And fince the time that I comanndeJ judges to b e over my people Ifrael) moreover, I will fubdue all thine enemies. Furthermore, I tell thee, that the L o R will build thec an houfe. ii r And it (hall come to pafle, when thy dayes be expired, that thou muft go to be with thy fathers, that I will raife up thy feed after thee, which (hail be of thy fonnes, and I will eftablilh his kingdome. i i He (hall build me nn houfe, and I will ftabli(h his throne for ever. 13*1 will be his father, an-d he (hill be my "a fonne , and I will not take my mercie away from him 3 as I took it frdm him that was before thee. 14 But I will fettle him in mine houfe, and in my kingdome for ever, and his throne dull be eftablifhed for evermore. 15 According to all thefe words, and accor- ding to all this vifion, fo did Nathan fpe.ik un- to Divid. 1 6 in Zobah unto Hamath, as he went to ftablifti his Samt dominion by the river Euphrates. 4 And David took from him a thoufand chariots 3 and feven thoufand hrfemen , and twenty thoufand footmen : David alfo hough- xvm.xix. His vidorics; ed all the chariot-/j n Sa "- (I Abimelech the fonne of Abiathar , were the U. Call . ed priefts, and || Shavflia WM fcribc. tam and"' " 17 And Benaiah the fonne of Jehoiada^*. O* kin?. CHAP. XI X: I Davids m'ffcngers fintro camfirt Hanun rbefinneof Nahajb , are vtlianoufly entreated. 6 The ^tnmenitet flreiigthenedby the Syrians , are overtime by Jtab and i^bifoai. i6Shopbach makjn tnettfupjily ef the. Syriuns,nfiain by David. NOw * it came to patfc after this, thatNa- 2-SarB.xte^ ha(h the king of the children of Ammon 1 > &c '- dkd ; andhisfcnncrci^ncdinhis ftead. Hanun* villamc." I. Chronicled Kabbah is befieged and fpoikctf .364 * * And David faid,T will mew kindncflc un- that the Syrians were fled , they hkewife H-d to Hanun the fonne of Nahafh , becaufc his father (hewed kindnefle to me. And David fent meflengersto comfort him concerning his ft- ther: fo the fervants of David came into the , land of the children of Ammon, to Hanun, to comfort him. 3 But the princes of the children of Am- mon faid to Hanun, f Thinkeft thou that Da- vid doth honour thy father that he hath fent comforters unto thee Pate not his fervants come unto thee for to fearch, and to overthrow, and to fpie ouc the land? 4 Wherefore Hanun took Davids fervants, aray againft the Syrians , they fought with, and fhaved them, and cut oft' their garments in him. 1 8 But the Syrians fled before Ifrael , and David flew of the Syrians feven thoufand men, which fotfght in chariots, and fourty thoufand footmen, and killed Shophach the captain of before Abilhai his brother, and entred into the citie. Then Joab came to Jerufalem. \6 q And when the Syrians faw that they were put to the worfe before Ifrael, they fcnc meffcngers , and drew forth the Syrians that were beyond the {j river : and |] Shophach the g That is, captain of the hoii of Hadarezer, want before Euphrates. them. jTO p Sh " 17 And it was told David, and he gathered z .Sam.i., all Ifrael , and paflid over Jordan , and came 1 6. upon them , and fet the battell in aray againft them : fo when David had put the battell in thehoft. zp And when the fervants of Hadarezer faw that they were put to the worfe before Ifrael , they made peace with David , and be- came his fervants : neither would the Syrians help the children of Ammon any more. CHAP. XX. the midft hard by their btutocks,and fent them away. f Then there went cert iw,and told David how the men were ferved ; and he fent to meet them (for the men were greatly afliamed) and ;the king faid, Tarry at Jericho untill your beards be growen, and then return. 6 q And when the children of Ammon faw that they had made themfelves f odious to Da- rid, Hanun and the children of Ammon fent a thoufand talents of Giver to hire them chariots and horfemen out of Mefopotamia, and out of "Syria-maachah, and out of Zobah. 7 So they hired thirtie and two thoufand chariots , and the king of Maachah and his people, who came and pitched before Mcdeba. jfTLyeare was expired,"at the time that kings ^ And the children of Ammon gathered them- gooutfo battell, Joab led forth the power of ' ielves together from their cities , and came to the armie,and wafted the countrey of the chil- " Mtf - battell. dren of Ammon, and came and befieged Rab- 8 And when David heard of it , he fent Jo- bah (but David tarried at Jerufalem) and ab, and all the hoft of the mighty men. Joab fmote Rabbah, and deftroyed it. 9 And the children of Ammon came out, x And David * took the crown of their king * a.Sam.u and put the battell in aray before the gate of from off his head, and found it f to weigh a 30. the citie : and the kings that were come, were talent of gold, and there were precious ftones T *?eb. the in it. and it was fi?r unon "Divirls h^ad: .tn<4 Vu W f *A* Kabbah it bepegcd byjoab , froiled by JDawJ , and the people thereof rorrumd. 4 Three gi.xtt an J!*in in three feveratt overthrows oft/ie Philiftinis. ANd * it came to pafle, that f after the * 2.Sam- n.' J t Hcb. the face of the t Hcb. by themfelves inthefietd. 10 Now when Joab faw that f the battell was fet againft him , before and behinde , he chofe out of all the [| choice of Ifrael , and put them in aray againft the Syrians. 1 1 And the reft of the people he delivered , and it was fet upon Davids headj and he brought alfo exceeding much fpoyl out of the city. 3 And he brought out the people that were in it, and cut them with faws and with harrows of iron, and wkhaxes : even fo dealt David unto the hand of f Abiftiai" his brother , and with all the cities of the children of Ammon. they fet themfelves in aray againft the children And David and all the people returned to Je- of Ammon. rufalem. * And he faid, If the Syrians be too ftrong 4 fl And it came to pafle after this, *that there (| f arofe warre at J| Gez.er with the Phi- .f o ' rj (t9tim liftincs, at which time Sibbechai the Hufha- nued* thite , flew Sippai that was of the children of t Heb./W. d they were fubdued. 1) *> for me , then thou (halt help me : but if the children of Ammon be too ftrong for thee, then I will help thee. 15 Be of good courage , and let us behave eur felves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God, and let the L o R D do that which is good in his fight. 14 So Joab and the people that were with him, drew nigh before the Syrians., unto the battellj and they fled before him. U the giant, and they were fubdued. ? And there was warre again with the Phi- jj liftmes , and Elhonanthe fonne of || Jair, fl'ew jaare-cresm Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, a Sam 21. whofe fpear-ftaffe was like a weavers beam. J * 6 And yet again * there was warre at Gath, * f ' al where was | a man of great ftature, whofe fin- And when the children of Ammon fayv gers & toes were foure and twentie, fc on each David numbreth the people. Chap^i. || Or frtar imea Davids , flew him. him that fcnc m e CHAP. XXI. I David tempted bj Satan ? ftueth frd to number the petple. 5 The number of the people being brought, Da- vidrepenterh eftt.y T)avid having three plaguet pro- pounded by God, choofith the pe&iUnce, 1 4 .After ike death of feventyjhoufand , David by repentance pre- venteth the deflrufcon a f J.rufalem. i 8 David, l>y badsdireftion, pHrchafeth Ornan, thrtjhing-floore vhere having butlt an aitar , " ' ' ' ' the- 14 IT So the L o n D fent peft And God unto crtjtceth there , being 'reflrainedfia'm Gib * s.Sara.s* A Nd * Satan flood up againft Ifrael , and _ If 8tc. ^Iprovoked David to number Ifrael . ^ Arid David faid to Joab, and to the ru- lers of the people, Go, number Ifrael from Beer-fheba even to Dan 5 and bring the num- ber of them to me, that I may know it. 3 And Joab anfwered , The L o R D make his people an hundred times fo many moe as they be : but my lord the king, are they not all my lords fervants ? why then doth my lord require this thing ? why will he be a caufe of trefpaflc to Ifrael ? 4 Neverthelefle , the kings word prevailed againftjoab: wherefore Joab departed, and went throughout all Ifrael, and came to Je- rufalem. 5 T And Joab gave the fumme of the num- ber of the people unto David : and all they of Ifrael were athoufand thoufand andanhun- dah -was foure hundred threefcore and ten thoufand men that drew fvrord. 6 Buc Levi and Benjamin among^ them : for the kings minable to Joab. t Heb. rfi> 7 t And God wjs difpleafc.d whh this thin- TIM evil t* therefore he fmote Ifrael. tiieevet of - - - - - -v- beheld , and he repented him of the evil, and faid to the angel that defti It is enough , flay now thine hand, angel of the LORD ftood by the fioore of || Oman the Jebufite. ,, ,. an ^ And David lift up his eyes and faw the L and the heaven , having a drawn fword in his * 8 handftretched out o ver Jemfalem : then Da- vid and the elders of Ifrael , who we clothed in fackclothj fell upon their faces. David faid unto God,^ It not I that but as for thefe fheep, what have they done: let thine hand, I pray thee, O LORD my God be on me, and on my fathers houf Cj but not on thy people, that they fliould be plagued 18 G Then the * angel of the LORD com- * , r , rA manded Gad to fay to David a that David ^ Chr0 '^ ftould go up and fet up an altar unto the LORD, in the threflnng- floore of Oman the Jebufite. ip And David vvem up at the fayino of Gnd,which he fpakem the name of the LORD. 20 f| And Ornan turned back , and faw the n o w, - angeljand his foure fonneswith him hid them- Ornlnt^ fclves. Now Ornan was thretning wheat. ; "- A -~ jr -- zi And as David came to Oman looked and faw ~ ' d M Davidspreparat-on 'I. Chronicles. for the temple; " , So* David gave to Oman for the place, mallbeaman of reft, and I will give him reft fix hundred fl*kelsV gold by weight. from all his enemies round aboa, 24. And David built mere an anar uiuu tut - -- u " ' , , ~5f , ^ and offered burnt-offerings and peace- and quietnefle unto Ifrael in his dayes. **"* i 11 j ,n.u.T n r, and he io * He fhall build an houfe for my name, offerings, and called upon the L o RD, ana ne .,,,,,, - ~ J & ,'.. r , r L.. r:_- ,K and he flwll be my fonne tar ot Durnt-orrermg. 2,7 And the L o R D commanded the angel, and he put up his fword again into the (heath thereof. 18 4 At that time , when David faw that the.LoRDhad anfwered him in the threftiing- there. chap. \6. ilchron.i.3 fword of the angel of the LORD. C H A P. XXII. a^erhim^om he'aven"b"y fire upon the and he fl.aH be :my fonne and I ittbe his fa- .,. S* of burnt-offering. thcr,and I will eftablilh the throne of his km- . i,t 1 dome over Ifrael for ever. 1 1 Now my fonne,:he L o R D be with thee, and profper thou , and build the houfe of the LORD thy God, as he hath faid of thee. 1 1 Onely the LORD give thee wifdome and underft.mding , and give thee charge con- cerning Ifrael , that thou mayeft keep the law ao' For the tabernacle of the LORD which of the L o R D thy God. Mofesmadein t hewilderneffe,andthealt,r 13 Then (halt thou profper if thou take ft fth bwnt-offerinjwreatthatfeafoninthe heed to fulfill the ftatutes and judgements ~* r i which the LORD charged Mofes with , con- ^^^^ifeg^^^V^fc^-^J^^S'Tl*^ * ^-^fak~^^^^ ta .^ 4 X^^S3^i^i^'? prepared for the houfe of the L o R D an hun- t nnt 3' lreth dred thoufand talents of gold , and a thoufand Solo'- thoufand talents of filver, and of brafle , and montnuoa, ?,,*.*<* j -* ten ~ iron,without * weight: (for it is in abundance) "Asvcrfcj fie. 1 7 He chargeth the princes to afift kit fonne. timber alfo and ftone have I prepared,and thou HpHen David faid , This is the houfe of the mayeft adde thereto. 1 L o R D God , and this is the altar of the i ? Moreover, there are workmen with thee burnt-offering forlfrael. in abundance , hewers, and [| workers of ftone J^ i And David commanded to gather toge- and timber, and all manner of cunning men, e j fentntm thertheftrangersthat^minthelandoflf- for every manner of work, rael, and he fe? mafons to hew wrought ftones 16 Of the gold , the filver , and the brafle, to build the houfe of God. & the itonjhere is no number. Arife therefore, 5 And David prepared iron in abundance and bs doing, and the L o R D be with thee. for the nails for the doores of the gates , and 17 f David alfo commanded all the princes for the ioyninas, and brafle in abundance of Ifrael to help Solomon his fonne, faying, without wdght! 1 8 is not the L o R D your God with you? 4 Alfo ciar-trees in abundance : for the and hath he not given you reft on every fade : Zidonians, and they of Tyre, brought much for he hath given the inhabitants of tie land cedar-wood to David. into mine hand,and the land is fubdued before < And David faid , * Solomon my fonne is the L o R D, and before his people, young and tender, and the houfe ffc*t to be 19 Now fet you. rheart and your foul to feek build^d for the LORD, m^ be exceeding ma- the LORD your God, anfe therefore,and build gnificall, of fame, and of glory throughout all ye the fanftuary of the L o R^ God, to .brmg countreys : I will therefore now make prepara- the ark of the covenant of the L o R D ,and the tion for it. So David prepared abundantly be- holy veffels of God , into the houf fore his death. 6 ^ Then he called for Solomon his fonne , and charged him to build an houfe for the LORD God of Ifrael. 7 And David faid to Solomon , My fonne, as for me., it was in my minde to build an houfe unto the name of the L o R D my God : * Chap. 2 8 3- nOly VCliClOvH. \jvyw j ** be built to the name of the L o R D. CHAP. XXIII. David in h'u old Age makftb Solomon klag. 2 The numlur and diftribMi on tfthe Levites. 7 Theftmtliei of thi Gcrfronites. i 2 The fbnnes ofKjbath. 2 1 The fonnesofMerari. 24 The office of the Levites. .ufeunto the name ot the L o R D my uoa : oO when David was old and full of dayes, he 8 But the word of theL o R D came to me, Omade * Solomon his fonne k.ngoverllracl. faying , * Thou haft fhed bloud abundantly, ^ fl And he gathered together all the pan and haft made great wanes : thou {halt not cesof Ifrael, with the priefts and the Levites. biuldan houfe unto my name, becaufethou 5 Now the Levites were numbred from the haft (hed much bloud upon the earth in my age of thirty - yeares and upward : and * Mum . 4 . 3. g oht number by their polls,man by man, way thuty 9 Bchold,iibnneflallbebomtothee,who and eight thoufand. Divers officers Chap.xxiiii. of the temple. 4 Of which 5 twenty and foure thoufand names by their polls, that did the work for the * yor, to over- ere II to f et forward the work of the houfe of fervice of the houfc of the LoRo 3 from the age ee. the LORD: and fix thoufand wm: officers and of * twenty yeares and upward. 3 * Chap.tf. judges. 5 Moreover,- foure thoufand were porters, and foure thoufand praifed the LORD with the instruments which I made//#^ David) to przik therewith. 6 And * David divided them into t courfes among the fonnes of Levi, namely , Gerfhon, Hcb-5.4. *Exod.2.sj ftiould fandifie the moft holy things, he and his fonnes for ever, to bum inccnfe before the LORD, tominifteruRtohim, andtoblefle in his name for ever. 14 Now concerning Mofes the man of God, his fonnes were named of the tribe of Lcvi. * The fonnes of-Mofeserf,Gerfliom t Hcb. 1 6 Ot the fonnes of Gerfhom, Shebuel wjs the chief. ; 1 7 And the fonnes of Eliezer we re , * Reha- . biah j| the chief . And Eliezer had none other . fonnes ; but the fonnes of Rehabiah t were ve- ry many. 1 8 Of the fonnes of Izhar, Shelomith the chief. 19 Of the fonnes of Hebconjjeriah the fair,. Amariah the fecond, Jahaziel the third, and Jekameam the fourth. 20 Of the fonnes of Uziielj Micah the firft, and Jefiah the fecond. 21 ^f The fonnes of Merari ; Mahli,and Mulhi: the fonnes of Mahlij Eleazar, and Kifh: 22 And Eleazar died , and had no fonnes , but daughters: and their jj brethren the fonnes of Kifh took them., 23 The fonnes ofMufliijMahli, and Jcretnoth, three. &c. " Kohath, and Merari. 2.0110.8.14. 7 f Of the * Gerfhonites were |{Laadan 8 The fonnes of Laadan, the chief was Je- 'Chap.atf.2i hiel,andZctham,and Joel, three. |jOr, Libni, p The fonnes of Shimei, Shelomith , and Chap. 6. 17. Haziel,and Haran, three. Thefe were the chief of the fathers of Laadan. i o And the fonnes of Shimei were, Jahath, |;or, Zi{a> II Zina,and Jeufh,and Beriah.Thefc foure were vcr 1 1. the fonnes of Shimei. 1 1 And Jahath was the chief, and Zizathe f Heb. did fecond: but Jeulh and Beriah f had not many nt mnlf(fij fonnes : therefore they were in one reckoning, fennet. according to their fathers houfe. s a f The fonnes of Kohath jAmram,Izharj Hebron,and Uzziel, foure. *Exod. 6.20. 1 3 The fonnes of * Amram j Aaron and *Exod. 28.1. Mf es : anc * * Aaron was feparated , that he :nty yeares and upward. *Num. 1.3. M For David faid,The LORD Godoflfra- el hath given reft unto his people, |j that they may dwell in Jerufalem for ever. 26 And alfo unto the Levites, they {hall no ?"/'" wore carry the tabernacle, nor any vcflels of. it for the fervice thereof. 27 For by the laflr words of David, the Le- vites were f numbred from twenty yeares old f Heb. nunu and above: hers. 2$ Becaufe f their office was to wait on the -f Hcb. their fonnes of Aaron, for the fervice of the houfe of fafion was at the LORD, in the courts and in the chambers, and in the purifying of all holy things, and the work of the fervice of the houfe of God: 29 Both for the fhew-brcad, andfor*the *Levh rf.:o. fine ffoure for meat-offering , and for theun- Chap. 9.1?, leavened cakes, and for that which if ba^ed in &c " the |/ pan, and for that which is fryed , and for [\OrJl& all manner of meafure and cife. JjfaNb 50 And to ftand every morning to thank and praife the LORD, and hkewife at even: 3 1 And to offer all burnt-facrifices unto the LORD in the fabbaths, in the new moons, and on the fet feafts, by number, according to the order commanded unto them continually be- fore the LORD: 3 i And that they fhould keep the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation , and the charge of the holy place, and the charge of the fonnes of Aaron their brethrenin the fervice of the houfe of the LORD.- CHAP. XXIIII. I T'ne di-uifiom of the fonnes of ^Auron by lot iatt fours And twenty erd:rs. ao The I^o.hathites,2j aiidtheMe* rarites divided by (at. NOw thcfe are the drvifions of the fonnes of Aaron:* The fonnes of Aaron jNadab *icv.io.ij* and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. 2 But * Nadab and Abihu died before their * Nnm . ? .^ father,and had no children : therefore Eleazar and Ithamar executed the priefts office. 3 And David diftributed them, both Zadok- of the fonnes of Eleazar,and Ahimelech of the, fonnes of Ithamar, according to their offices in their fervice. 4 And there were moe chief men found of the fonnes of Eleazar, then of the fonnes of Ithamar; and f^5*were they divided: among" the fonnes of Eleazar there tvtre fixtcen chief men of the houfe of their fathers, and eight among the fonnes of Ithamar according to the. *Num 10.1 21. houfe of their fathers. 5 Thus were they divided by lot, one fort with another j for tli govemours of the fanftu- 14 51 Thsfe were the fonnes of* Levi after ary, and governours of the houfe of God, were the houfe of their fathers; c-jcn the chief of the of the fonnes of Eleazar, and of the fonnes of: fathers, as they were- counted by numbct of- Ithamar. The Levites ordered. I. Chronicles^ The number of the fingers. 6 And Shcmaiah the fonne of Nathaniel 3 * Thefe likewife cart lots over againft their the fcribe,oz7e of the Levites, wrote them be- brethren the fonnes of Aaron, in the prefencc of David the king,and Zadok and Ahimelech, and the chief of the fathers of the prieftsand Levites,even the principall fathers over againil their younger brethren. CHAP. XXV. I The number and office} of the finger t. g fheir dtvi his fonnes and his brethren were twelve: 1 2 The fifth to Nethaniahj he, his fonnes and his brethren were twelve: 1 3 The fixth to Bukkiah,&, his fonnes and his brethren were twelve: 14 The fcventh tojefharelah, he, his fonne* and his brethren were twelve: 1 5 The eighth to Jefhaiah,^,his fonnes and tltc Levites, aftev the houfe of their fathers. his brethren *were twelve: 16 Tne divifion oFthe porters; Chap] xxvi. The treafurm for * 1 6 The ninth toMattaniah, be, his fonncs A d in n? fCrS f r the temple. and his oretnren were twelve ; 17 The tenth to Shimei, be, his fonnesand his brethren were twelve : 1 8 The eleventh to Azareel,^ hisfonnes and his brethren were twelve: 19 Thetwelfth toHafliabiah, be,his fonnes and his brethren were twelve : 20 The thirteenth to Shubael.&^his fonnes and his brethren were twelve : 21 The fourteenth to Mattithiah, be. his fonncs and his brethren were twelve 2 2 The fifteenth to Jerimoch>, his fonnes and his brethren were twelve ; 2 j The fixteenth to Hananiah>,hisfonnes and his brethren were twelve : 24, Thefeventeenth tojo(hbeka(hah,fe*,his fonnes and his brethren were twelve : 2? The eighteenth to Hanani,fo,his fonnes and ms brethren were twelve : ' 26 The nineteenth to Mallothi, be. his tonnes and his brethren were twelve : 27 The twentieth to Eliathahjb^his fonnes and his brethren were twelve : 28 The one and twentieth to HochirJte.his fonnes and his brethren were twelve : 29 The two and twentieth to Giddalti, be, bis fonnes and his brethren were twelve : 30 The three and twentieth to Mahazioth, *- /of r the Korhites was U MeOielemiah the lonneof Kore, ofthe fonnes ofjJAfaph. 2 And the fonnes of Mcflielemiah were. Zechariah the firft-born, Jediael the fecond, Zefaadiah thc third, Jathmel the fourth, 3 Ebmthe fifth, Jehohanan the fixth, E- Jioenai the feventh. 4 Moreover , the fonnes of Obed-edom were, Shemaiah the firft-born, Jehozabad the fecond, Joah the third, and Sacar the fourth, and Nethaneel the fifth, f Ammiel the fixth, Iffachar the feventh. Peulthai the eighth: for God bleffcd || him. , 6 Alfo unto Shemaiah his fonne were fonnes born, that ruled throughout the houfe of their father : for they were miehty men of valour. 7 The fonnes of Shemaiah | Othni , and Rephael, and Obed, Ehabad, whofe brethren ere ftrong menj Elihu and Semachiah. Ail thefe of the fonncs of Obed-edom: :hfy and their fonnesand their brethren, able men for ftrength for the fcrvice, were three- fcoreandtwoof Obed-cdom. if To Obed-edom fouth-ward, and to his fonnes, the houfe of fAfuppim. J " Weft-ward with the gate Shallecheth, by the caufey of the going H up, ward againft wa^. flSee ,.Ki ng 17 Eaa-wardwfr* fix Levites, r fuppi . 1 8 AndParbarweft.wardjfoureatthecau. fey,rftwoatParbar. Thefe -.are the divifions ofthe th^ f r And 5 ? e u Levitc$ Ahijahovec he treafures of the houfe of God, and over the treafuresofthefdedicatethings. THe b *i As concerning the fonnes of II Laadan '*' the fonncs of the Gerftonite Laadan chief |Or ' fathers, eve of Laadan the Gerfhonite were chap eb - f |a*. 22 The fonnes of Jehieli } Zetham,and Toel cha P h.s brother , which were over the treafurei of thc houfe of the LORD. 23 Of the Amramites, and the liharites, the Hebromtes, and the Uzzielitcs 24 And Shebuei thc fonne of Gerfhom, thc fonne of Mofes, WM ruler of the treafures. 2? And his brethren byEliezerj Rchabiah hs fonne, and Jefaaiah his fonne, and Joram his fonne,and Zichri his fonne,and Shelomith his fonne. 26 Which Shelomith and his brethren, were over all the treafures of the dedicate things, which David the king and the chief fathers, the captains over thoufands and hundreds, and the captains ofthe hoft had dedicated. 2 7 t Out of the fpoil* wonne in battels, f Heb did they dedicate to maintain the houfe of the /'*' LORD. *r. 28 And all that Samuel thc feer, and Saul B b the The twelve captains; I. Chronicles; Theprinces of the tribes? 37 o thefonneofKi ' thoufand. ,over the tribes of Ifrael: ptamsoi inuuiduua .... ~ s,Haflnbiah the fonne of Kemuel : of the Aaronites, Zadok : 18 Ofjudah, Elihu one of the brethren of David : of Iffachar, Omri the fonne of Mi- io'of Zebulun, Immaiah the fonneof O- badiah: of Naphtali, Jerimoth the fonneof ao Of the children of Ephraim, Hofheatke fonne of Azatiah: of the half-tribe of Manaf- feh, Joel the fonne of Pedaiah : ii Of the half-fri^of Manaffeh in Gilead, Iddo the fonne of Zechariaht of Benjamin, Ja* afiel the fonne of Abne*-: ^ Of Dan, Azareel the fonne of Jerohant. Thefe wen the princes, of the tribes of Ifrael. a 3 f But David took not the number of them from twenty yeares old and under: be- " d, he would increafe 5? wl< Afahel the brcfther of Joab,and Ztbadiah the number put in the. accompt o his fonne after him: and in his courfe Davids feverall officers. Chap. houfesin the fields, in the cities, and in the "' *,nw Jehonathan the XXVlll. king over Davids exhortation* for he ha illage of the ground, E*ri the * / mm uvci 1 the vineyards tvas Shimei the t Heb.ow Ramathite; foyer the increafe of the vineyards wasT/S for the Winc -" ar 5, was Zabdi the Shiph- .. . mite. 18 Andovertheolive-trees and the fyco- Baal-hanan the Gederite : and over the cellars ofoylttwjoafh. 29 And over the herds that fed in Sharon, as Shetrai the Sharonite ; and over the herds that were in the valieys,nw Shaphac the fonne ofAdlai. 30 Over the camels alfo, *mObil thelm- maelite : and over the afles, was Jehdeiah the JMeronothite. u-^.ucuuuic or my father j and among the - s am..J.' 5SJ3SB, ta " bl * ;= E-ai*i 5 Solomon my fonne, ttl uyvu ine tn the kmgdomeoftheLoRDoverlfrael. 6 And he faid unto me, * Solomon thy * j Sam 7. fonne, he fliall build my houfe and my courts: '? nut? r chofen & m to be ro y fonne, and I *<&*>* Will be his father. * 7 Moreover I will eftablifh his kingdc^ie for ever,if he be fconftant to do my command- fHcb.jfr^. ments and my judgements, as at this day. 8 Now therefore in the fight of all Iftael the congregation of the L o R D , and in the au- dience of our God, keep and feek for all the command ment of the LORD your God : 'lis good land, and leave 9 f And thou, Solomon my Tonne know thou the God of thy faiher iml frrahi.. monitf. CHAP. XXVIII. .- && God - " s: Sam. 7. Then y gaye Solom &c the L o R D. 8 And they with whom precious ftones 19 Allthis,/"v/,the LORD made were found, gave them to the treafurc of the me underftand in writing by his hand upon houfe of the LORD, by the hand of Jehiel the ine, even all the works of this pattern. Gerflionite. ^Q And David faid to Solomon his fonne, 9 Then the people rejoyced, for that they Be ftrongand of good courage, and doit : fear offered willingly, becaufe vtith perfect heart not,nor be difmayed, for the LORD God, evea they offered willingly to the LORD: and Davii myGod^wiU be with thee,he will not fail thee, the king alfo rejoyced with great joy. nor forfake thee, untill thou haft finiihed all 10 f Wherefore David blefied the LORD the work for the fervice of the houfe of LORD. 2 1 And behold, the courfes of the priefts and theLevitcs,et/*a thcyfliallbe with thee for all the fervice of the houfe of God , and there the before all the congregation : and David faidj Bleffed be thou, LORD God of Ifrael our fa- ther,for ever and ever. 1 1 * Thine, O L o R D, U the great nefle, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, Jballbcwith thee for all manner of workman- and the majefty : for all ihut is in the heaven ftiip, every willing skilful! man, for any man- andintheearth,w/&z'/tf;thinethekingdome, nerof feivice : alfo the princes and all the O LORD, & thou art exalted as head above all. 1 2 Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reigneft over all, and in thine hand is power and might, and in thine hand it it to make great,and to give ftrength unto all. I j Now therefore,our God,we thank thee, and praife thy glorious name. 14 But who am I, and what is my people, Tim l -'7 people will be wholly at thy commandment. CHAP. XXIX. David ly hu example and intreaty 6 eaufeth the princes and people to offer -wittingly, 10 Davids nksgiiing and prayer .10 The people having blef- God, and facr-foed,nu,keSlomon king* 3.6 ZXi- fed* oid frtigne and death. T^Urthermore, David the king faid unto all that we flhouldt be able to offer fo willingly fHebr 2 1 And they facrificed facrifices unto the ^6 f Thus David the fonne of JerTe, reigned Eccle's '* LORD, and offered burnt-offeringstmto the over all Ifrael. LORD on the morrow after that da.y, even a %j And the time that he reigned over If- thoufand bullocks, a thoufand rammes, and a rael, was fourty yearesj feven yeares reigned thoufand lambes, with their drink-offerings, he in Hebron , and thirty and three yeares and facrifices in abundance for all Ifrael: reigned he in Jerufalem. 22 And did eat and drink before the LORD 28 And he died in a good old age, full of on that day with great gladnefie , and they dayes, riches, and honour: and Solomon his made Solomon the fonne of David king the fe- fonne reigned in his ftead. cond time, and *anointed fczw unto the L ORD 19 Nowtheads of David the king,firfl and to be the chief governour, and Zadok to be laft, behold,they are written inthej) f book of (\Or,hijhry. prieft. Samuel the feer, and in the book~bf Nathan tHeb.wsr*/, 23 Then Solomon fat on the throne of the the prophet, and in the book of Gad the feer, jo With all his reigneand his might, and the times that went over him, and over Ifrael, and over all the kingdomes of the countreys. LORD as king in ftead of David his father, and profpered,and all Ifrael obeyed him. 24 And all the princes and the mighty Thefecondbookofthe CHAP. I. t Tbefoletnn offering of Solomon at Gileon. 7 Sole- toons choice of Tvtfdmte it bleffedby God. i j Slo- mons ftrength and wtalth. Nd * Solomon the fonne of David was ftrengthened in his kingdome , and the L o R D his God TVO.S with him , and magnified him exceedingly. _ _ z Then Solomon fpake unto all Ifraei , to the captains of thoufands and of hundreds, and to the judges, and to every governour in all Ifrael, the chief of the fathers. 3 So Solomon and all the congregation with him, went to the high place that was at * Gibeon , for there was the tabernacle of the congregation of God , whieh Mofes the fervant of the L o R D had made in the wildcr- nefle. 4 * But the ark of God had David brought up from Kirjath-jearim,to theplace which Da- vid had prepared for it; for he had pitched a tentforitatjerufalem. ' 5 Moreover, * the brafen altar that Bezale- el the fonne of Uri , the fonne of Hur, had made, || he put before the tabernacle of the LORD : and Solomon and the congregation fought unto it. 6 And Solomon went up thither to the bra- fen altar before the LOR D, which waszt the tabernacle of the congregation, and offered a thoufand burnt-offerings upon ic. 7 fl In that night did God appear unto So- lomon, and faid unto him, Ask what I (hall give thee. 8 And Solomon faid unto God, Thou haft (hewed jgreat mercy unto David my father, and haft made me * to reigne in his ftead: * i Chron. 9 Now, O LORD God,letthypromifeun- ' 8 '5* . to David my father be eftabl.{l>ed: *forthon '; gs haft made me king over a people, fiike the {neb.much duft of the earth in multitude. * tkt tfi of 10 * Give me now wifdome and know- J*' '*' th ' ledge, that I may * go out and come in before *^ Inss this people: for who can judge this thy people, >Num. J7.^> that is fo great? 1 1 And God faid to Solomon, Becaufe this was in thine heart, and thou haft not asked ri- ches, wealth, or honour, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet haft asked long lifej but haft asked wifdome and knowledge for thy ielf, that thou mayert judge my people, over whom I have made thee king: i a Wifdome and knowledge M granted un- to thee, and I will give thee riches and wealth, and honour, fuch as * none of the kings have " i. Chrwi. had, that have been before thee t neither fhall * 9 ' >5 * there any after thee have the like. f ,J; *' ' B b 3 i * i.Kings 4 26. and to. 25 Set. to the high place that WMJ <. VJJWA.~.., --.-- falem, from before the tabernacle of the con- , pregacion,and reigned over Ifrael. 1 4 * And Solomon gathered chariot! and 10. . at Jerufalem. .'7. t H&: S .. Kings 10. 8. And behold, that cut ' beaten res of ba ine,, and fHeb. great thoufand Jerulilero p . ~* be * vale for abundance. 16 * And t Solomon hadhorfes brought oyi. rf an _ Egypt, and linen yarn: the kings mcr- , "^ V 1 *" " ^chhe fern to Solomon, winch was Solomon}. fHeb. , and - for an hundred of kings of nit i*im., ria, t by their means. CHAP. IT- I, 17 Salomons labourer, for the building ofthettm- ,' ... ,/r *- rf -~ 4* AV mnr^'rtif-,? rtYtfi fttfl* wife LonnCj 1 vn*i*~~ - * r ftanding, that might build an houfe for LORD, and an houfe for his kingdome. 13 And now I have fent a cunning man (endued with undemanding ) of Hurammy 1C IU1 HIS RUIguwuiv z And Solomon told out threefcore and ten thonfandmento bear burdens, andfoure- fcore thoufand to hew in the mountain, and three thoufand and fix hundred to overfee 3 q And Solomon fent to JjHuram the king ,. Kings 5". i. of Tyre, faying, As thou didft deal with David my father,and didft fend him cedars to build him an houfe to dwell therein , even fo deal 4 Behold, I build an houfe totheriame of the L o R D my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him f fwew incenfe,and for the continuall (hew- bread, and for the burnt- offerings morning and evening, on the fab- baths, and on the new moons, and on the fo- lemn featts of the L o R D our God. This is an ordinance forever to Ifrael. f And the houfe which I build it great : tor great is our God above all gods. 6 * But who iis able to build him an houie, -tHeb.su- cwf../ fficei. ,h, cunning men and ^h Ae canning men 17 ^1 * And Solomon numbred all T mc *Asverfe ftraneers that were in the land of Ifrael, after t n&.tln thenumbring wherewith David hisfather had th. numbred them j and they were found anhun-^"*"'- dred and fifty thoufand and three thoufand and fix hundred. 18 And he fet * threefcore and ten thou-* AS it is ' of them to be bearers of burdens , and vcrfe * "* IMJt CVlJtaiu nun * t Hcb./*rt build hi m an houfe. fave onely to burn facrifice tain, and three t MM.W, or . , _.:;% feers to fet the people a work fHeb. t ttngi, 7 Send me now therefore a roan, cunning to work ingold,and in filver,and inbrafle, and in iron, and in purple, and crimfon, and blue, and that can skill fto grave with the cunning men that are with me in Judah and in Jerufa- lem, whom David my father did provide. CHAP. III. i We flace anA time ofbuildm* the temple, j Themes fure and ornaments of the houfe. n 1J>e ckembimi. . THen * Solomon began to build the houie * of the LOBJX at lerufalem iamauntMo- t The building of the temple. Chap jOr, which riahjl|where theLOR'D appeared unto David tttufetnof his father ,in the place that David had prepared T* h " ' n ^ c threfting-floore of *||Ornan the Jebufite. **t. Chrom z And be began to build in the fecond day at'.. . of the fecond moneth, in the fourth yeare of || or, u*4K- hisreigne. $ ^ Now thefe are the things * wherein \ g Solomon was f inftrufted for the building of * i. Kings*, the houfe of God. The length by cubits after a. the firit meafure, was threescore cubits,and the &w!lr breadth twenty cubits. Tkin^stf.j 4 And the * porch th&twas in the front of the houfe y the length of it was according to the breadth of the houfe, twenty cubits, and the height was an hundred and twenty : and he overlaid it within with pure gold. 5 And the greater houfe he cieled with firre- tree, which he overlaid with fine gold, and fet thereon palm-trees and chains, f Hcb.c*. 6 And he t garniftied the houfe with preci- vcrtd. ous ftones for bcauty,and the gold was gold of Parvaim. 7 He overlaid alfo the houfe, the beams, the pofis,and the walls thereof, and the doores thereof with gold, and graved cherubims on thc walls. 8 And he made the moft holy houfe, the length whereof was according to the breadth of the houfe, twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits : and he overlaid it with fine gold amounting to fix hundred talents. 9 And the weight of the nails was fifty flie- kels of gold : and he overlaid the tipper cham- bers with gold. i o And in the moil holy houfe he made two ||Or, (as cherubims || of image- work, and overlaid them 'iome think) With gold. >fmtvtt>lt 1 1 f And the wings of the cherubims were twenty cubits long: one wingof the one cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the houfe: and the other wing was lilfewife five cu- bits,reaching to the wing of the other cherub, ii And one wing of the other cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the houfe : and the other wing was five cubits alfo, joyn- ing to the wing of the other cherub. I? The wings of thefe cherubims fpread themfelves forth twenty cubits: and they flood ! |Or,'w*, out of the citie of Da- vid,whicha Zion. 5 Wherefore all the men of Ifrael affembled tbemfelves unto the king in the feaft, which was in th feventhmoneth. 4 And all the elders of Ifrael came, and the Levites took up the ark. 5 And they brought up the ark, and the ta- bernacle of the congregation, and all the holy reflels, that were in the tabernacle, thefedid the priefts dwrfthe Levites bring up. 6 Alfo king Solomon and all the congrega- tion of Ifrael that wereaflembled unco htm be- fore the ark facrificed fheep and oxen, which ould not be told nor numbred foe multitude. 7 Andihe.trtkfts " for his mercy endureth for ever : that t ben the houfe was filled with a cloud, even the houfe of theLoR D: 14 So that the priefts could not ftand to minifter by reafon of the cloud : for the glory of the L o R D hadfilled the houfe of God. CHAP. VI. i Solomon having bleffed the people, llefleth God. j i Solomons pr.iyer in the contention, of the tern- tie* upon the brnfenfcaffold. THen * faid Solomon, The LOR D hath * i.Kingsg, hid thai he would dwell in the * thick Jf* ff, iCvltID* darkneffe. a But I have built an houfe of habitation for thee,and a place -for thy dwelling for ever. 3 And the king turned his face, and blefled the whole congregation of Ifrael,( and all the congregation of Ifrael ftood ) 4 And he-fiid , Blefled be the L o R & God of Ifrael j who hath with his hands fulfilled that which he fpake with his month ta my fa- ther David, faying, f Since the day that I brought forth my people out of the land of Egypt, I chofe no- city among all the tribes of Ifrael to build an> houfe in, that my name might be there,neither chofe I any man to be a ruler 0r my people ]&ael: > t tbat mf The prayer Chap, name might be there , and have chofen David to be over ray people IfraeL 7 Now* it was in the heart of David my VI. of Solomon. 377 * j.Sam. 7 a. houfe day and night, upon the place whereof them haft ftid,that thou wouldeft put thy name therej to hearken unto the prayer, which thy i.Cbro. 28.2, father to build an houfe for the nameof the fervant prayeth |( towards this place, y Or t inthit LORD God of Ifrael. zi Hearken therefore unto the fupplicati- />'" 8 But the L o R D faid to David my father, Foraftnuch as it was in thine heart to build an houfc for my name , thou didft well in that it was in thine heart : 9 Notwithftanding,thou (halt not build the onsof thy fervant, and of thy people Ifrael, which they (hallf make towards this place: heare thou from thy dwelling-place, even from heaven; and when thou heareft, forgive. ai f If a man finne againft his neighbour, , jmd an oath be laid upon him, to make him t H b rf out of thy loyns, he (hall build the houfe for fwear, and the oath come before thine altar in ,^'f-" 1 /^ 4 * this houfe : hoafe, but thy fonne which (hill come forth IfHeb. ttu my name. 10 TheLoRD therefore hath performed his word that he hath fpoken: for I am rifen up in the room of David my father, and am fet on the throne of Ifrael, as the L o R D promifed, and have built the houfe for the name of the LoaoGodof Ifrael. 1 1 And in it have I put the ark , wherein A the covenant of the L o R D,that he made with the children of Ifrael. iz fl And he flood before the altar of the LORD, in the prefence of all the congregation of Ifrael, and fpread forth his hands ; 1 3 C For Solomon had made a brafen fcaf- fold, of five cubits f long, and five cubits broad ,here. and three cubits high,and had fet it in the midft Then heare thou from heaven , and do, and judge rhy fervants by requiting the wicked, byrecompenfing his way upon his own head, and by justifying the righteouj, by giving him according to his righteoufneffe. *4 ^ And if thy people Ifrael (| be put to the fl Or, 4 worfe before the enemie , becaule they have fnittt*. finned againft thee; and (hall return and con- fefle thy name, and pray and make fupplication before thee [j in this houfe : 8 Or,/* 15 Then heare thou from the heavens, and W4rrf/p forgivethe finne of thy people Ifrael, and bring them again unto the land which thou gaveft to them, and to their fathers. 26 i When the *heaven is (hut up,and there j.King.i7. f>Vf. of the court, and upon it he ftood, and kneeled is no rain, becaufe they have finned againft down upon his knees before all the congrega- thee ; yet if they pray towards this place, and confefle thy name, and turn from their finne when thou doft afflid them : 17 Then heare thou from heaven, and fop- give the finne of thy fervants, and of thy peo- pie Ifrael , when thou haft taught them the good way, wherein they fhould walk} and fend rain upon theland which thou haft given unto thy people for an inheritance. 18 I If there *be dearth in the land,if there "Chap. 10,9. bepeftilence, if there beblafting,ot mildtw, locuflsjOr caterpillers 5 i/their enemies befiege themfin the cities of their land$ whatfoever ! *j.Sam.7 fbalL not man bt cut 'Clup.j 6. Mi. 66.1. s tion of Ifrael, and fpread forth his hands to- wards heaven ) 14 And faid,O LORD God of Ifrael, * there is no God like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth;which keepcft covenant and fhctveft mer- cy unto thy fervants,that walk before thee with all their hearts : 1 5 Thou which haft kept with thy fervant David my father, that which thou haft promi- fcd him; and fpakeft with thy mouth, and haft fulfilled it with thine hand, as it it this day. 16 Nowtherefore 5 OLoRDGodofIfrael, keep with thy fervant David my father, that fore, or whatfoever ficknefle there be : which thou haft promifed him,fay ing, *|There a 9 Then what prayer, or what fupplication (kill not fail thee a man in my fight to fit upon foeverfhallbe made of any man, or of all thy 'gs *-4 t h e t hrone of Ifraeli * yet fo, that thy children people Ifrael, when every one (hill know his '/t'btrt take heed to their way to walk in my law, as own fore, andhisown grief, and (hall fpread thou haft walked before me. 17 Nowthen,OLoRDGodoflfrael, let thy word be verified, which thou haft fpoken unto thy fervant David. 18 (But will God- in very deed dwell with men on the earth? * behold, heaven , and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much lefle this houfe which I have built ?) 19 Have refpeft therefore to the prayer of rhy fervant, and to his fupplication, O L o R D my God, to hearken onto the cry and the pray- tr which thy fervant prayeth before thee : 10 That thine eyes may be opeaupcn this forth his hands |J in this houfe 30 Then heare thou from heaven thy dwel-' ' ling- place, and forgive , and render unto every man according unto all his wayes, whofe heart thou knoweft: ( for thou onely * knoweft the * t .chnn; hearts of the children of men) *t-9- 3 1- That they may fear thee, to walk in thy wayes ffolongas they live fin theland which thou gaveft unto our fathers. 3 z ^ Moreover , concerning the ftranger, which is not of thy people Ifrad,but is come jh from a farre countrey for thy great names *] hn fake , and thy mighty hand , and tby(iretched Kfa9 cut. Solomons prayer is 1 1. Chronicles.' anfwered by fire from heaven." 378 out arm j if they come and pray in this houfe : 33 Then heare thou from the heavens, eve n from thy dwelling-place, and do according to all that the ftranger calleth to thee for* that all people of the earth may know thy name, and fear thee, as doth thy people Ifrael, and may know that \ this houfe which I have built, is u calitd called by thy name . * 4 If thy P e P le out towarre againft their enemies by the way that thou (halt fend them,and they pray unto thee toward this city which thou haft chofcn, and the houfe which I have built for thy name : 5 5 Then heare thou from the heavens their prayer and their {"application, and maintain | Orsight. their || caufe. 36 If they finne againft thee, Cfor there it "Prov.ao.p. * no man which finneth not) and thou be an- Ecclcs7-o. g rv with them, and deliver them over before ? a ?ohn 1*8 their cnemies > and 1 they carry them awayca- \ Hcb . they ' ptives unto a land farre off or neare j rhat t*kf 37 Yet, if they \ bethink themfelves in the them captivei i 3n( j yyhuher tnev arc "nied captive, and turn carry t he> am j ^ umo ^ ^ fa j^j Q f the j r ca p t j_ tHc'b.W** vity, faying, We have finned, we have done t,ack^tothtir amiffe,and have dealt wickedly j *" 38 If they return to thee with all their heart and with all their foul, in the land of their captivity, whither they have carried them captives, and pray toward their land which thou gaveft unto their fathers, and toward the city which thou haft chofen, and toward the houfe which I have built for thy name : 3 o Then heare thou from the heavens,ei/* from thy dwelling- place,their prayer and their |Qr, rirkt, Replications, and maintain their || caufe, and forgive thy people which have Onned againft thee. 40 Now,my God,let(l befeech thee) thine f Heb. tttkt eyes be open,and let thine eares be attentfunto prajtr of th u the prayer that is Made in this place. &.i * . 4 f Now * therefore arife > O L o R D God, } ' 'into thy refting-place,thou,andthearkof thy ftrength ; let thy priefts, O L o R p God, be clothed with falvation, and let thy faints re- joyce in goodnefle. 41 O,L o R D God, turn not away the fae of thine anointed : remember the mercies of David thy feivant. CHAP. VII. I God having given teftimwy to Solomons prtyer tv fire from heaven, and glory in the temple, the people ivorfhip him.^ Solomons folemnfacrifice. 8 Solomon having kept the feaft of tabernacles, andthefeaflof the dedication of the altar, di'miffeth the people. I* God appearin? to Solomon, giveth him promises upon condition. * i.Kin^s 8. *M^ W * when Solomon had made an end j 4 .' * l\Lof praying, the * fire came down from *Levit.? heaven and confumed the burnt-offering, and 4. the facrifkes ; and the glory of the LORD filled the houfe. 2 And the priefts could not enter into the houfe of the L o R D 3 becaufe the glory of the LORD had filled the L o R D s houle. 3 And when all the children of Ifrael faw how the fire came down, and the glory of the LORD upon the houfe, they bowed themfelves with their faces to the ground upon the pave- ment,and wor(hipped,and praifed the L o R D, faying, For he is good, for his mercie endureth for ever. 4 ^ Then the king and all the people offer- ed facrifices before the L o R D. j And king Solomon offered a facnfice of twenty and two thoufand oxen, and an ban* died and twenty thoufand (heep : fo the king and all the people dedicated the houfe of God. 6 * And the priefts waited on their offices : *i-Chron. the Lcvites alfo with inftruments of mufick of I 5* I * . the L o R D, which David the king had made to praife the LoRo,becaufe his mercy endureth for ever,when David praifed t by their minifte- t Heb h ry : and the priefts founded trumpets before ' A " r ^** them.and all Ifrad flood. 7 Moreover, Solomon hallowed the middle of the court that WM before the houfe of the LORD: for there he offered burnt-ofFerjngs, and the fat of the peace-offerings, becaufe the brafen altar which Solomon had made , was not able to receive the burnt-offerings, and the meat-offerings, and the fat. 8 ^ Alfo at the fame time Solomon kjept the feaft feven dayes, and all Ifrael with him,a very great congregation, from the entring m of HamathjUnto * the river of Egypt. *Jofh.ij,}; 9 And in the eighth day they made fa fo- -f Heb.^r/- * lemn a (Terribly : for they kept the dedication offtwtr. the altar fevcn dayes, and the feaft feven dayes. 10 And on the three and twentieth day of the feventh moneth, he fern the people away into their tents,glad and merry in heart for the goodneffe that the L o R D had (hewed unto David , and to Solomon, and to Ifrael his people. 1 1 Thus * Solomon finifhed the houfe of * i. Kings 9. the L o R D, and the kings hoafe : and all that > & c came into Solomons heart to make in the houfe of the LORD, and in his own houfe, he profperoufly effeded. 1 2 f And the L o R D appeared to Solomon by night, andfaid unto him, I have heard thy prayer, * and have chofen this place to my felf * Dent. 12*5. for an houfe of facrifice. 13 If I (hut up heaven that there be HO rain, or if I command the locufts to devoure the land, or if I fend pcftilence among my peo- ple : 14 If my people f which are called by my t He b./ name, (hall humble rherrfclves and pray, and ^ homm J fcek my face, and turn from their wicked "* -wayes : Gods promife to Solomon. Chap. viii. Solomons tributaries. wayes: then will I heare from heaven,and will the cities of the horfemen , and f all that Solo- 3 79 mon dcfired to build in Jerufalem, and in Le- t Heb. *fl banon, and throughout all the land of his do- * dt P" "* forgive their finne, and will heal their land. *Chap.5.4o. i j Now *mine eyes (hall be open,and mine ieb. to tht eares atrem j unto t h e prayer that it made in minion. Kfc. this p lacc - Chap, 6.6. 16 For now have * I chofen, and fcndified this houfe, that my name may be there for ever : and mine eyes and mine heart (hall be there perpetually. 17 And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, and do accord- ing to all that I have commanded thee, & (hale obferve my ttatutes and my judgements : 1 8 Then will 1 ftablifh the throne of thy kingdome , according as I have covenanted 7 11 As for all the people that were left the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Periz- zitcs,andthe Hivites,andthe Jebufues which were not of Ifrael j 8 But of their children who were left after them in the land, whom the children of Ifrael confuted not 5 them did Solomon make to pay tribute, untill this day. 9 But of the children of Ifrael did Solomon make no fervants for his work: but they rot re men of warre, and chief of his captains, and Jh*u ntt 4* tMtffftt thet. * Levit atf. 14. Deut.z8.i5. with David thy father, faying, * f There (hall captains of his chariots and horfemen. not fail thee a man to be ruler in Ifrael. 10 And thefc were the chief of king Solo- 19 *But if ye turn away and forfake my mons officers, even two hundred and fifty ,that ihtutes and my commandments which I have fee before you , and (hall go and ferve other gods, and worfhip them : 20 Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this houfe which I have fan&ified for my name, will I caft out of my fight,and will make it to be a provecb } and a by-word among all na- tions. 21 And this houfe which is high, (hall be an aftoniihment to every one that pafleth by Deut.a0.i4 it;fo that he (hall fay, * Why hath the LORD Jer.jj.8,?. done thus unto this land,and unto this houfe ? 21 And it (hill be anfwered , Becaufethey forfook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, bare rule over the people. 1 1 f And Solomon* brought up the daugh- * ' Kings jJ ter of Pharaoh, out of the citie of David, unto 1mon had built the houfe of the LORD, and his own houfe ) 2 That the cities which Huram had reftored to Solomon, Solomon built them, and caufed the children of Ifrael to dwell there. ? And Solomon went to Hamath.z.obah, and prevailed againft it. 4 And he built Tadmor in the wildernefle, and all the Sore-cities, which he built in Ha- math. f Alfo he built Beth-horon the upper, and Beth-horon the nether, fenced cities, with walls, gates, and barres : 6 AndBaalath, and all the flore- cities that Solo mon had 3 and all the chariot-cities , and tabernacles. 14 l * charges, to praife and minifter before the priefts, as the dutie of every day required: the * porters alfo by their courfes, at every gate:for * i.Chron t fo had David the man of God commanded. i'\T' 15 And they departed not from the com- J a$ mandment of the king unto the priefts and Le- mand vites^ concerning any mattcr,or concerning the D*d the treafures. *w./C?^ 16 Now all the work of Solomon was pre- pared unto the day of the foundation of the houfe of the L o R D, and untill it was finifhed: fo the houfe of God was perfected. 1 7 fl Then went Solomon to Ezion-geber, and to y Eloth , at the fea-fidcin the land of 9 Or, (ath t Edom. Dcut.a.8. 18 And Huram fent him by the hands of his fervants, (hips, andfervants that had know- ledge of the fea; and they went with the fer- vants of Solomon to Ophir, and took thence foure hundred and fifty talents of gold, and brought them to king Solomon. C H Ai P^ The queen of Sheba. 1 1. Chronicles. Solomons magnificence. >8o C H A P. I X, ij U Now the weight of geld that came to i The queen of Shebz admireth the TvifJome of Solo* Solomoirin one yeare, was hx hundred and nun. i j Solomons goid.i j Hw targets. 17 Ike throne t hreefcore and fix talents of gold : of ivory. ^ H vtffeb.^1 Hi, frefents. 15 H ^ Befides that ^^ ch3pmen ^ mer . chariots and horfe. and death. 16 H tributes, z? H reigne i.Kings e. i,c. chants brought: and all the kings of Arabia, ANd * when the queen of Sheba heard of arid |j governours of the coumrey, brought gold ||Or,c4//4* the fame of Solomon, (he came to prove and filver to Solomon. iVjii Solomon with hard queftions at Jerufalem, 15 fl And king Solomon made two hun- ' with a very great company, and camels that dred targets of beaten gold:fix hundred jfoe/f bare fpices, and gold in abundance, and preci- of beaten gold went to one target. ous ftones ; and when fbe was come to Solo- 16 And three hundred fhiclds made he of mon, fhe communed with him of all that was beaten gold: three hundred jhe^tls of gold in her heart. went to one fhield: and the king put them in 2 And Solomon told her all her queftions: thehoufeof the forreft of Lebanon. and there was nothing hid from Solomon 17 fMoreover,the king made a great throne which he told her not. of ivory , and overlaid it with pure gold. 3 And when the queen of Sheba had feen 18 And there were fix fteps to the throne, the wifdome of Solomon, and the houfe that with a foot-ftool of gold, which were fattened he had built, to the throne, and t ftayes on each fide of the t Hcb.&Wi. 4 And the meat of his table, and the fit- fitting-place, and two lions fianding by the ting of his fervants, and the attendance of his ftayes. minifters, and their apparel , bis || cup-bearers 1 9 And twelve lions flood there on the one alfo, and their apparel, and his afcent by fide and on the other,upon the fix fteps. There which he went up into the houfe of the LORD> vvasnot the like made in any kingdome. there was no more fpirit in her. 20 ^ And all thedrinking-veflelsof king 5 And fhe faid to the king, It Was a true Solomon were of gold, and all the veflels of f Hcb. word, f report which I heard in mine own land, of the haute of the forreft of Lebanon were of \lptt &/'&' thine )| acls, and of thy wifdome: t pure gold: || none were of filrerj it was not t Hcb. font 6 Howbeit, I beleeved not their words, un- anything accounted of in thedayes ofSolo-"?* till I came, and mine eyes had feen it: and be- mon. ms ?Sw hold, the one half of the greatnefie of thy 21 For the kings fhips went 'to Tarfhifh fnthcm. wifdome was not told me: for thou exceedeft with the fervants of Huram: every three yeares the fame that I heard. once came the fhips of Tarfhifh bringing gold, 7 Happy are thy men, and happy are thefe and filver, || ivory, and apes,and peacocks. ||Or, */Kings4, abundance, and precious ftones: neither was ftalls for horfes and chariots, and twelve thou- 26 ' there any fuch fpice as the queen of S heba gave fand horfemen, whom he beft owed in the cha- riot-cities, and with the king at Jerufalem. 26 ^j And he reigned over all the kings, * from the j| river, even unto the land of the 'Gen.ij.ifc ought algum-trees, & precious ftones. Philiftines, and to the border of Egypt. I' rh , at is > 1 1 And the king made of the algum-trees, 27 And the king f made filver in Jerufalern i^Ybbfitv* || \ terrifes to the houfe of the L o R D, and to as ftones, and cedar-trees made he as the Tyco- the kings palace, and harps and pfalteries for more-trees, that are in the low plains, in fingers: and there were none fuch feen before abundance. in the land of Judah. 28 * And they brought unto Solomon hot- ''.Kings 10 12 And king Solomon gave to the queen of fes out of Egypt, and out of all lands. ^ T ,$, Sheba, 'all her dcfire, wha:foever fhe asked, 29 ^ Now the reft of the* afts of Solomon , .Kings befides that which fhe had brought unto the firft and Iaft,ll Hadoram, and make Rehoboam . it flee. *i King.iz, A Nd * Rchoboam went to Shechem : for k,ng)hea l d, that Jtroboam returned . of 13 And the king anfwered them roughly and king Rchoboam f orfook the counfel Sf the old men, 14 And anfwered them after the advice of the young men, faying, My father made your yoke heavy, but I will adde thereto ; my father chaftifed you with whips, but I trill cbeflifc you with fcorpions. ij So the king hearkened not unto the people, for the caufe was of God, that the LORD might perform his word, which he fpake by the * hand of Ahijahthe Shiloniteto ' Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat. 1 6 ^f And when all Ifrael C&vf that the king Would not hearken unto them^ the people an- fwered the king , faying, What portion have we in David? and tve have none inheritance in the foane of JefTe : every man to your tents, Q Ifrael: and now David fee to thine own houfe. So all Ifrael went to their tents. = fo j iirr .v - >am and all Ifrael came, and fpake to Reho- over them if t l ftont f And king Rehoboam took counfel with the old men that had flood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, faying, What counfel give ye me to return anfwer to this people ? 7 And they fpake unto him, faying, If thou be kinde to this people, and pleafethem, and freak good Words to them, they will be thy fervams for ever. 8 But he forfook the counfel which the old men gave him , and took counfel with the young men that were brought up with him, diatitood before him. 9 And he faid unto them, What advice give ye ,that we may return anfwer to this people, which have fpoken to me, faying, Eafe fome- what the yoke that thy father did put upon us. 10 And the young men that were brought up with him, fpake unto him, fayine, Thus ftaltthou anfwer the people that fpake unto CHAP. XI. I R ehoboam raifing an at my to fubdue Ifr ael,'u for bid- den by Shemaiah. 5 Hejlrengthtnethbitkmgdome. * TVttb forts and pro-vifion.i J Jhepriefls and Levites y and fitch at feared Gad. forf*kentji ferotxum,. Jtrewthen the kingdome offudth. 18 Ihe wives and children of Rehtboam. , &< A Nd*when Rehoboam was come to Jcru- * '.King-u,. falem, hegatheredof the houfe of Judah 21>3cc and Benjamin, an hundred & fourefcore thou- fand chofen men which were warriours 3 to fight againft Ifrael, that he might bring the kino- dome again to Rehoboam. - a But the word of the LORD came to She- maiah the man of God, faying, 3 Speak unto Rehoboam the fonne of Solo- mon king of Judah, and to all Ifrael in Judah and Benjamin, faying, 4 Thus faith the Lo R D, j unto rthei ii For whereas my father f put a heavy yoke upon you, I will put more to your yoke : my father chaftifed you with whip*, but I tvill chafiife you with fcorpions. ii So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam on the third day, as the king bade, r : ,Come again to me on the third day. -J, for this thing is done of me. And they obeyed the words of the LORD, and returned from going againft Jeroboam. 5 f And Rehoboam dwelt in Jerufalem,ind built dries for defence in Judah. 6 He built even Beth-lehem, and Etam, and Tekoa, 7 And Beth-zar 3 andShoco,and Adullam, 8 And Gath,and Marefha,and Ziph, 9 And Adoraim,andLachUb,and Azekah, ic And Rehoboams wives and children. 1 1. Chronicles. His finne and punimmeaS .10 And Zorah, and Aijalon, and Hebron, yeare of Rehoboam , Shimak : king of Egypt which are in Judah, and in Benjamin, fenced cameup^gamft Jerufalem, (*becaufe they had V cities. 1 1 And he fortified the ftrong holds, and put captains in them,and ftore of vi3uall, and of oyl and wine. it And in every feverall city be put (hields andfpears, and made them exceeding ftrong, having Judah and Benjamin on his fide, 1 3 f And the priefts and the Levites that we re in all Ifrael, trefortedto him out of all their coafts. 14 (For the Levites left their fuburbs, and their poffeflion, and came to Judah and Jeru- "Cfaap.ij.? falem : for * Jeroboam and his fonnes had caft them efffrom executing the priefts office unto the LORD. to him. tranfgreffed againft the LORD) 5 With twelve hundred chariots,and three- fcore thoufand horfemen : and the people were without number that came with him out of Egypt j the Lubims, the Sukkiims, and the E- thiopians. 4 And he took the fenced cities which pert tainedto Judah,and cameto Jerufalem. f q Then came Shemaiah the prophet to Rehoboam, andto the princes of Judah that were gathered together to Jerufalem, becaufe of Shifhak 3 and faid unto them, Thus faith the LORD, Ye have forfaken me, and therefore have I alfo left you in the hand of ShUhak. 6 Whereupon the princes of Ifrael, and the menS^ "i. King. 14%; | 24>5. v y y uiiwupi/iA viiw L/Liiivv* v jiaavi^ Aiiu Mi And he ordained him priefts for the high king humbled themfelves, and they faid, The places , and for the devils, and for the calves LORD is righteous. which he had made) 1 6 And after them out of all the tribes of Ifrael, fuch as fet their hearts to fcek the LORD God of Ifrael, cameto Jerufalem, to " unto the LORD God of their fathers. *i.King.i5 3, 7 And when the LORD faw that they hum- bled themfelvcsjthe word of the LORD came to Shemaiab, faying, They have humbled God'of Tfrael came to Jerufalem, to facrifice themfelves, therefore I will not deftioy them, to the LORD God of their fathers. but I will grant them Jlfome deliverance, and|| O r,/,M 17 So they {lengthened the kingdome of my wrath (hall not be poured out upon Jerufa- WJr. Judah, and made Rehoboam the fonne of So- lem,bythehandofShHhik. lomon ftrong, three yeares : for three yeares 8 Neverthelefle ,they (hall be his fervants ; they walked in the way of David & Solomon, that they may know my fervice, and the fervice 1 8 T And Rehoboam took him Mahalath of the kingdomes of the countreys, the daushter of Jerimoth the fonne of David 9 So Shifoak king of Egypt came up againft to wife, and Abihail the daughter of Eliab,the Jerufalem, and took away the treafures of the Cn nn ~ nf Tpfl> houfe of the LORD, and the treafures of the J --- - - * kings houfe, he took all: he carried away alfo the (hields of gold which Solomon had *made. 10 Inftead of which,king Rehoboam made {hields of brafle, and committed them to the hands of the chief of the guard, that kept the entrance of the kings houfe. 1 1 And when the king entred into the houfe 19 Which bare him children , Jeufh, and Shamariah,and Zaham. 10 And after her, he took*Maachah the daughter o f Abfalom,which bare him Abijah, and Attai,and Ziza,and Shelomith. ii And Rehoboam loved Maachah the daughter of Abfalom,above all his wives and his concubines: (for he took eighteen wives, of the LoRD,the guard came and fet them,and and threefcore concubines, and begat twenty brought them again into the R uard-chamber. brought them again into the g i z And when he humbl and eieht fonnes, and threefcore daughters) n And when he humbled himfelf, the zi And Rehoboam made Abijah the fonne wrath of the LORD turned from him, that he of Maachah the chief, to be ruler among his .his children throughout all the countreys of Tudah and Benjamin, unto every fenced city : would not deftroy him altogether; |j and alfo in fl Oi-, 'and yet Judah things went Well. SLKS. ij fl So king Rehoboam ftrengthenedhim.^j;^. felfin Jerufalem, and reigned: for*Reho-t,. K ing.H. boamrfjone and fourty yeares old when he n. iuaaa.au pcuiauu, uu*v *<./ - -/ . - . _ and he gave them viftuall in abundance : and began to reigne, and he reigned fevcnteen he defired t many wives. yeares in Jerufalem.the city which the L o R D CHAP. XII. >,upunifl>edbyShi- tentinx at the preaching 'ruttton, but not of Rehoboam, had chofen out of all the tribes of Ifrael, to put his name there : and his mothers name rva: Naamah,an Ammonitefle. 14 And he did evil, becaufe he |[ prepared y 6r,/A not his heart to feek the LORD. ' A Nd it came to pane wnen *cnuuu*m au i J Now the ads of Rehoboam, firft and AeflablimedthekingdomeAhadftrength- laft, are they not written in ;the t book o: he- 1 Hcb.W/, C nedhimfelf,heforfookthelawoftheLoRD, - S He and the princes cfShemauk,itre delivered fromfpoil.il The reigne and iStd it came to pafle when Rehoboam had w^ft, that in h 5 fifth Ab.jahtruftmg.n God Chap. xin.xiiil. overcometh Jeroboam. e CHAP. XIII. f irrad > fight y= no. againft ,h c L o R D God vttiithftutudhlg,makttl> Tear* afahtf Jntttas *""" ' alht "i ft' you flljll not pcofpcr 4t4,cltrnh tbiritihum.- i Biiter *i.Kings, 5 .X jOw * in the eighteenth yeare of king [hem 3 ambofhmem behindc ,,*, ]\ Jeroboam, beanAbi;ah to rdgne ove ? .. ^ ^^ Jookedbact>how ' x He reigned three yearesin Jer H falem: fhi* cded ^to thTl nfn' mothers name alfo MU Michaiah the dauU. 25?. 1 ?* the L RD > ter of Uriel of Gibeah) and there was warre th J, trum P s . between Abijah and Jeroboam. 3 f ? I hen the f men of Judahgave a (hout: J AndAbijahffetthebattellinaraywith mffi th r ?^r ^ ^^ " came to an army of valiantmcn of warre, ^Jfoure Pr/^.^^^Jfw^m andalllfrael hundred thoufand chofen men; Jeroboam alfo ? ^ J^u an j J udah ' fct the battell in aray againft hCX ^J^S^f^t lM Sed bef rC hundred thoufand chofen men, being mighty Judah f ^od delivered them into their hand. menofvalour. S^gnty ^ A nd Abijah and his people flewthem 4 f And Abijah flood up upon mount Ze. T/JraTfive h" 8 ^^ ? * Wu ? Wn flain maraim, which in mount Vhraim^nd faid, Thus 7h h M tho f u T r ^ d 5 hofen n. Heare me thou Jeroboam, and all Ifrael j , *" chlldrcn of Ifrael were brought 5 Oughtyounottoknow/tha heLoRD "^T/t" T V^ ^ Chlldfen f Judah Godofffraelgavethe kingdome over Ifr.eho ^^^ ^* M U P nthe Lo * David for ever, ev M to him and to his fonnes 1 5 A u u " 4 r j e by a covenant of fait i *? And Abl J ah pwfucd after Jeroboam,and 6 Yet Jeroboam the fonne of Nebat, the SrS^S^Jj!^* 1 ^ thctovvns fervant ofSolomonthe fonneof David is ri- ^"^^ Jefhanah with the towns thereof ".iKings ; fen up, and hath 'rebelled againft his lord. 3nd fru^ 6 T"* there f ' *< 7 And there are gathered unto him vain * ?*?*? dld ^^ recover flren g lh men the children of Belial, and have firenoth- S^V '? the da >:" /. A > ah : and ths L R ened themfelves againft Rehoboanithe fine T r k i^ ja r d K he K died * , of Solomon, when Rehoboam was young and : ^ f f J waxed mighty, and mar- ' tender hearted,and could not withftand them, . fourteen wives-, and begat twenty ami 8 Andnowyethinktowithftandthek in two fo ne f^ nd ^en daughters. domcoftheLoRD^nthehandofthefonnfs , -" And b "cftoftheaas of Abijah, and || O ofDrndiandye^agreatmultitu^and/^rJ j2 Wy f\. ^ and H^OT,?*" wricten in ^ withyou goldencalves which Jeroboam ^ ftor y fthe P r P h *I ddo - 'i.Kiflgsiii^madeyouforgods. CHAP. XIIII.- * Chan ii ^ * Have X e not caft out th c priefts of the r ^"^"/'X? */ry* JA/rtnV. 6 Kd-vrngf < " SSS the Afa's vi&ory. 1 1. Chronicles.^ His covenant with God. 3 8 4 thehnd had reft, andhehadnowarreinthofe without the itrae iGod, and without a teaching yearesj becaufe the LORD had given him reft * -. / i /* i . TV _ 3.1. T -. i : prieft, and without law. 4 But when they in their trouble did turn unto the LORD God of Ifrael, and fought him, he was found of them. 5 And in thofe times there wot no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabi- tants of thecountreys. 6 And nation was f deftroyed of nation, and citie of citie ; for God did vex them with '"/"''* all adverfity. 7 Be ye ftrong therefore, and let not your hands be weak : for your work fhall be re- warded. 8 And when Afa heard thefe words, and the prophefie of Oded the prophet, he took courage, and put away the fabominable idols out of all the land of Judah and Ben)amin,and out of the cities which he had taken from mount Ephraim, and renewed the altar of the LORD that WM before the porch of the LORD. o And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, - 1U ,^ ..,,., 5 and the ftrangers with them out of Ephraim help, whether with many, or with them' that andManafleh, and outof Simeon: (for they have no power: help us.O LORD ourGodjfor fellto *m outof Ifrael in abundance, when "- they faw that the LORD his God was with him) 7 Therefore he faid unto Judah, Let us build thefe cities, and make about them walls, and towers, gates, and barres, while the land is yet before us$ becaufe we have fought the L o R p our God, we have fought him, and he hath gi- ven us reft on every fide : fo they built, and profpered. 8 And Aft had an army of men that hare targets and fpears, out of Judah three hundred thoufand , and out of Benjamin , that bare fhields and drew bows,two hundred and foure- fcore thoufand : all thefe were mighty men of valour. , 9 i[* And there came oat againft them Zc- rah the Ethiopian, with an hoft of a thoufand thoufand , and three hundred chariots , and came unto Marefhah. i o Than Afa went out againft him,and they fet the battell in aray in the ? valley of Zepha- thah at Marefhah. ii And Afa cried unto the LORD his God, * i.Sam. 1 4. and faid,LoRD,Jf#* nothing with thee to we reft on thee, and in thy name we go againft this multitude: O LORD, thou art out God,let ||Or,w*rteA not 11 man prevail againft thee. man, 1 1 So the LORD fmote the Ethiopians be- fore Afa, and before Judah,and the Ethiopians fled. 1 3 And Afa and the people that were with him purfued them unto Gerar: and the Ethio- pians were overthrown , that they could not recover themfelvts , for they were f deftroyed before the LORD and before his hoftj and they carried away very much fpoil. 14 And they fmote all the cities round a-* bout Gerar, for the fear of the LORD came upon them: and they fpoiled all the cities, for there was exceeding much fpoil in them. i f They fmote alfo the tents of cattell, and carried away fheep and camels in abundance, and returned to Jerufalem. CHAP. XV. i t^fawith 7udahand many of Ifrael moved by the prophefie of he "moved her from J. bemir queen, becaufe (he had made an f idol in T H ep.*r. H dicate things into the houfe of God> ami tnjoytth a, longfeace* oemg queen, oecauie me naa maae an f moi in ANd the fpirit of God came upon Azasiah a grove:and Afa cut down her idol, and ftamp- the fonne of Oded. ed it, and burnt it at the brook Kidron. 'fHeb.t/r 2- Andhe went out t to meet Afa, and faid y the aid of the Sjrians*diverttth Baaffia from building of Ramah. 7 Bern? ref roved thereof bjr Ha- nani, hepttttcth him inprifon. 1 1 *Among hit other atts , in hit difeafe he (eeketh not to God) but to the f. 13 Hit death and burial/. IN the fix and thirtieth yeare of the reigne of Afa, * Baaftia king of Ifrael came up a- 5- J 7 gainft Judah , and built Ramah, to the intent that he might let none go out or come in to Afa king of Judah. 2 Then Afa brought out filver and gold out of the treafures of the houfe of the LORD, and of the kings houfe , and fent to Ben-hadad Heb. Dar* king of Syria that dwelt at t Dam afc us, fay ing, "M 3 There is a league between me and thee, as there WM between my father and thy father: behold, I have fent thee filver and gold ; go, break thy league with Baafha king of Ifrael, that he may depart from me. 4 And Ben-hadad hearkened unto king Afa , and fent the captains of f his armies againft the cities of Ifrael j and they fmote Jjon, and Dan, , and Abel-maim, and all the jftore-cities of Naphtali. f And it came ropafle, when Baaftia heard (It, that he left off building of Ramab, and let his work ceafe. 6 Then .Afa the king took all Judah, and they carried away the itones of Ramah, and the timber thereof, wherewith Baaftia was a building j and he built therewith Geba and Mizpah, 7 f And at that time Hanani the feer came to Afa king of Judah, and faid unto him, Be- caufe thou halt relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the L o R D thy God, therefore is the hoft of the king of Syria efcaped out of thine hand. 'Chap.M^. 8 Were not *the Ethiopians and the Lu- Hcb. in bj ms f a huge hoft , With very many chariots and hoifemen/ yet, becaufe thou didft relie on the LoRD,he delivered them into thine hand. 9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro | Cr,fr*s!j throughout the whole earth, J| to (hew himfclf fthoidtfith ft r0 ng in the behalf of tbtm y whofe heart u btm,frc t p er f e towards him. Herein thou haft done fooliftilyi therefore from henceforth thou ftialt have warres. 10 Then Afa was wroth with the feer, and put him in a prifon-houfej for be wat in a rage With htm,becaufe of this thing. And Afafop- preffed fame of the people the fame time. 11 fl And behold, the ads of Afa, firftand laft , lo , they are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Ifrael. 1 1 And Afa , in the thirty and ninth yeare of his reigne , was difeafed in his feet a untill , xvil. death. Jehofliaphatfucceedeth him. his difeafe wxt exceeding great: yet in his dif- 38 f cafe he fought not to the L o R D, but to the phyficians. 1 3 f And Afa flcpt with his fathers,and died in the one and fourticth yeare of his reigne. 14 And they buried him inhisownfepuU chres which he had f made for himfelfinthe tHcb-dftfrft city of David, and laid him in the beef, which was filled with fweet odours and divers kindes offices prepared by the apothecaries art : and they made a very great burning for him. CHAP, XVII. i pebofaphat fucceedingiAfayreiptethweBtanJpro- fpereth. 7 He fendeth Levitts with the trincet to teach fudah. 10 Hu enemies beingttrri{iedbyGod> fame of them bringhtmprefentf and tribute. la His greitnefje, captains, and armies. ANd *Jehoihaphat his fonne reigned in his * Kings ftead , and ftrengthened himfelf againft I $' a 4- Ifrael. i And he placed forces in all the fenced cities of Judah , and fet garifons in the land of Judah , and in the cities of Ephraim, which Afa his father had taken. 3 And the LORD was with Jehoftiaphat, becaufe he walked in the firft waves of his fa- ther David, and fought not unto Baalim j 4 But fought to the L o R D God of his fa- ther, and walked in his commandments , and not after the doings of Ifrael : 5 Therefore the LORD ftablifhed the king. dome in his hand, and all Judah \ brought to f-Heb.^?*. Jehoftiaphat prefents , and he had riches and honour in abundance. 6 And his heart |J was lift up inthewayes fiThatis, of the L o R D : moreover , he took away the *"* eaciUTtt '. high places and groves out of Judah. ^ 7 ^[ Alfo in the third yeare of his reigne, he fent to his princes, even to Ben-hail, and to Obadiah , and to Zechariah , and to Necha- neel , and to Michaiah,to teach in the cities of Judah. And with them he fent Levites,ei/? She- maiah, and Ncthamah, and Zcbadiah, and A- fahel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehonatban, and Adonijah , andTobijah, and Tob-adonijah, Levites j and with them Eliftuma, and Jeho- raro,priefts. 9 And they taught in Judah, and had the book of the law of the LORD with them, and went about throughout all the cities of Judah, and taught the people. 10 ^ And the fear of the LORD ] fell upon all the kingdomes of the lands that were round about Judah , fo that they made no warre againft Jehoftiaphat. 11 Alfo/0H? of the Philiftines brought Jei hofliaphat prefents, and tribute-filverj and the Arabians brought him flocks, feven thoufand and feven hundred rammes, and feven thou- ' find and feven hundred he- goats. C c ii f And 1 1. Chronicles. Micaiahs prophefie. *^^1^<*^ flM2S of Ifraeland Jd.ofl.pb.,' ^^A^^SSSw: of Ju- kingofjudah,fateitherofthemonhisthrone dab the captains of thoufands -, Adnah the clothed in their robes, and they fat xn a || void 110. UdU , luv. tapi > |_,_ I -. .Uo on r :n ! /if rVio n*H* nf Samiri* men of valour, t Heb.tf bit the .o AnZedekiahe fonne of Chenaanab, AndnthirnwasAmaGahthefonne Syria, untill t they beconfumed offered himfelf unto . n And all the prophets prophefiedfo, (ay- " *- 19 Thefe waited on the king, befides thofe whom the king put in the fenced cities, throughout all Judah. CH AP. XVIII. , according to N^'ow* JcKaphat had riches and honour in abundance, and joyned affinity with Ahab. Kings % * And f after certain yeares,he went down to Ahab to Samaria : and Ahab killed (beep at and oxen for him in abundance , and for the people that he bad with him , and perfwaded him to go up with him to Ramoth-gilead. 3 And Ahab king of Ifrael faid unto Jeho- ihaphat king of Judah , Wilt thou gowichme to Ramoth gilead? And he anfwered him,I am as thou art , and my people as thy people, and ye will be with thee in the warre. 4 q And Jehofhaphit faid unto the king of Ifrael, Enquire, 1 pray thee,at the word of the LORD today. 5 Therefore the king of Ifrael gathered to- gether of prophets foure hundred men , and faid unto them, Shall we go to Ramoth-gilead to battel, or (hall I forbear? And they faid, Go upjfor God will deliver it into the kings hand. 6 But Jehofhaphat faid, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD t befides, that we might enquire of him ? 7 And the king of Ifrael faid unto Jeho- fluphat , There is yet one man, by whom we oily enquire of the Lo R o;but I bate him,for he never prophefieth good unto me , but al- 1Heb.jp* er HHH. thoa good. 1 3 And Micaiah faid, ^.s the LORD liveth, even what my God faith, that will I fpeak. 14 And when he was come to the king, the king faid unto him , Micaiah , fhall we go to Ramoth-gilead to battel, or fhall I forbear f And he faid , Go ye up, and profper , and they {ball be delivered into your hand. if And the king faid to him, How many times fhall I adjure thee that thou fay nothing but the truth to me, in the name of the LORD ? 1 6 Then he faid,I did fee- all Ifrael fcatmed upon the mountains, as fheep that have no {hephcrd: and the L o R D faid,Thefe have no maacr; let them return therefore every man to. his houfe in peace. 17 ( And the king of Ifrael faid to Jeho- (haphat, Did I not tell thee that he would not prophefie good unto me, || but evil ? ) J Or, fo// 1 8 Again he faid,Thcrefore heare the word '/. of the L o R D, I faw the L o R D fitting upon his throne, and all the hoft of heaven Handing on his right hind , and on his left. 19 And the L o R D.faid, Who flwll entice Ahab king of Ifrael, thac he may go up and fall at Ramoth -jilead? And one fpake,faying after this manner , and another faying after that manner. 20 Then there came out a *fpirit,and flood J ob ' *> before the LORD, and faid, I will entice him. And the L o R D faid unto him, Wherewith ? ^ i And he faid , I will go out, and be a ly- ing fpiritin the mouth of all his prophets. And the LORD faid, Thou {halt entice /;,and thoa fhal: alfo prevail : go out, and do even fo. 11 Now thstefore behold, the L o R D hath put Micaiah rmprifoned.Ahab (lain. Chap. put a lying fpirit in the mouth of thcfe thy pro- phets, and the L o R D hath fpoken evil againft thee. a $ Then Zedekiah the fonne of Chenaanab, came neare,and fmote Micaiah upon the cEeek, and faid, Which way went the fpirit of the LORD from me, to fpeak unto thee ? 14 And Micaiah faid, Behold ,thou (halt fee ii Orjrom on that day, when thou (halt gojjjimo an inner chamber to chamber to hide thy felf. chamber. 2 5 Then the king of Ifrael faid,Take ye Mi- t Hcb - c ^- caiah,and carry him back to Amon the govern- m ' our of the city,and to Joafo the kings fonne : ^6 And fay, Thus faith the king, Put this fellow in the prifon,and feed him with bread of afflift ion,and with water of affliction, untill I return in peace. 27 And Micaiah faid, If thou certainly re- turn in peace, then hath not the LORD fpoken by me. And he faid, Hearken all ye people. 28 So the king of Ifrael, and Jeho(haphat the king of Judah went up to Ramoth-gilead. 29 And the king of I&ael faid unto Jeho- fliaphat,! will difguife my felf, and will goto the battel, but put thou on thy robes. So the king of Ifrael difguifcd himfelf, and they went to the battel. go Now the king of Syria had commanded the captains of the chariots that were with him; faying, Fight ye not with fmall or great, fave onely with the king of Ifrael. 3 1 And it caine to paffe when the captains of the chariots faw Jehofliaphat , that they fajd,lt the king of Ifrael : therefore they com- pafled about him to fight : but Jeho(haphat cried out, and the LORD helped him, and Cod moved them to depart from him. 32 For it came topaflfe, that when the ca- ptains of the chariots perceived that it was not {Heb.fraw tne king of Ifrael, they turned back again | from tf-erhtm. pur fuing him. \Hebinbjt ?? n j a certa ' m man drew a bow f at a M-feb fr vemure,and fmote the king of Ifrael f between t he ^e joynts of the harneffe : therefore he faid to tjnts^nd his chariot-man, Turn thine hand, that thou kf*en*& mayeft carry me out of the hoft , for 1 am % t wounded/ h^ ' 34 And the battel increafed that day : how- beitthekingof Ifrael ftayed himfelf up in bis chariot againft the Sprians, untill the even : and about the time of the funne going down, he died. CHAP. XIX. I fehofbaphatrepro-vcd lyjehfwifiuth hit \JMgdomt. 5 Hw fat/fcwffwwtfl the judges* 8 re thepritfls tnd ' Levites. ' A Nd Jehoftiaphat the king of Judah return- ^*ed to his houfe in peace to Jerusalem, i And Jehu the fonne of Hanani the feeri went out to meet him, and faid to king Jeho- xix. xx.* Jehofliaphat reproved. (haphat,Shouldeft thou help the ungodly, and 587 love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD. 3 Neverthelefle, there are * good things *Chap. 17, found in thee, in that thou ha(t taken away the 4>6% groves out of the land, and haft prepared thine heart to feek God. 4 And Jehofliaphat dwelt at Jerufalemrand f he went out again through the people, from Beer-fliebato mount Ephraim, and brought them back unto the LORD God of their fathers. 5 f And he fet judges in the land, through- out all the fenced cities of Judah ,city by city, 6 And faid to the judges, Take heed what ye do : for ye judge not for man, but for the LoR D,whow with you fin the judgement. fHcb.it 7 Wherefore now, let the fear of the LORD */ be upon you, take heed and doit : for there is f J^&w*- no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor * re- #D eutt , . fpecYofperfon$,nor taking of gifts. , 7 . 8 5f Moreover,injerufalemdidjeho(haphat Job ?4.i* fet of the Levites, and of thepriefts,andofthe Aa s 10.54. chief of the fathers of Ifrael,tor the judgement EphS! of the LOR o,andfor controverfies,when they Col. j!>5." returned to Jerufalem. i . Pet, 1.17. 9 And he charged them, faying, Thus (hall ye do in the fear of the LOR D,faichfully, and with a perfeft heart. 10 And what caufe foever (lull come to you of your brethren that dwell in their cities, between bloud and bloud, between law and commandment, ftatutes and judgements, ye (hall even warn them that they trefpafle not againft the L o R D, and fo wrath come upon you,and upon your brethren : this do, and ye (hall not trefpafle. 1 1 And behold, Amariah the chief prieft Is over you in all matters of the L o R D j and Zebadiah the fonne of I(hmael,the ruler of the houfe of Judah,for all the kings matters: alfo the Levites jhall be officers before you. f Deal t Heb.t<4 couragioufly, and the Lo R D (hall be with the '* good. CHAP. XX. fhut exhirteth the peoplf, nnd fetttth finger j tf fraife the Lord. 11 The grist overtfn ow af the ene- mies. ^6 The people hi retftrn in triumph. JI mies. ^6 The people hiding bleffed God at retftrn in triumph. JI Jehofijifhittreig c omsj of fhtfs which he mide with ^Ahiitk t ac- ittreigne. 55 Hit cordtngto the prtphefit of Elie^er, unhappily pe- rifled. IT came to paffe after this alfo, that the chil- dren of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them other befide the Ammonites, came againft Jchoftiaphat to batteJ. 2 Then there came fome that told Jcho- (haphat, faying, Therecometha great multi- tude againft thee from beyond the fea on thu fide Syria,and behold, they be in Haiuon-ta- raar, which is En-gedi. Cc * 3 And Jehofhaphats faft and prayer. 1 1. Chronicles. God fighteth for Judah. 588 3 And Jehofhaphat feared, and fet f hitnfelf tHeb.A to feck the LORD, and proclaimed a faft /<*. throughout all Judah. 4 And Judah gathered themfelves together, to ask help of the L o R D : even out of all the cities of Judah they cane to feek the LORD. And Jehofhaphat ftood in the congre- 1 8 And Jehofhaphat bowed his head , with his face to the ground: and all Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerufalem fell before the LoRD,worfhipping the LORD. 19 And the Levites, of the children of the Kohathites, and of the children of the Kor- , itood up to praife the LORD God of If- gation of Judah and jerufalem,in the houfe of rael with a loud voice on high. the L o R D before the new court, 20 ^ And they rofe early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderneffeof Tekoa : 6 Andfaid,OL o RD Godofourfathers, art not thou God in heaven 5 & ruleft not thou over all thekingdomes of the heathen ? and in thine hand is there not power and might, fo that none isable to withftand thee ? tHeb. tfou. 7 ^r/ not thou our God, -f who didft drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people Ifrael, andgaveftit to the feed of A- pie, he appointed fingers unto the LORD bra rum thy friend for ever ? 8 And they dwelt therein, & have built thee a fanftuary therein for thy name,faying, *.Kings8. 9 * If when evil cometh upon us, as the and as they went forth, Jehomaphat ftood and faid,Heare me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerufalem, * Beleeve in the LORD your God, fo (hall you beefhblifhed 5 bcleeve hispro- phecs,fo ftjall ye profper. 2 1 And when he hid confulted with the peo. and t that fhould praife the beauty of holinefle, as they went out before the army, & to fay , Praife /" the L o R D,fo* his mercy endureth for ever. 22 t And when they began f co fing and t 11 ^ fword,judgcmem,or peftilence",or famine, we to praife, the L o R D fet ambufhmems againft Jj*' > jj tht Chap. $.18. fl ant j before this houfe, and in thy prefence, the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount |3;WVw (for thy name is in this houfe) and cry unto Seir, which were come againft Judah, and i n g**dfiij< thee in our affliction, then thou wilt heare and II they were fmitten. ycr,* ty help. 2 3 For the children of Ammon and Moab, /"** ' 10 And now behold, the children of Am- ftood up againft the inhabitants of mount Seir, *"* mon, and Moab, and mount Seir, whom thou utterly to flay and deftroy them: and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, every one helped f to deftroy another. f Heb./r th 24 And when Judah came toward the watch- d'ftruftion. 11 Behold, / fay, how they reward u, to tower in the wilderneflTe, they looked unto the which multitude, and behold, they were dead bodies fallen totheearth,and fnoneefcaped. t He &-there if And when Jehofhiphit and his people w _i . _ _t__ r__:i _r ~i u-.. tr * wouldeft no: let Ifrael invade, when they came out of the land of Egypt, buc they turned from them,ind deftroyed them not : come to caft us out of thy pofleffion, thou haft given us to inherit. ir O our God, wilt thou not judge them ? , r f for we have no might againft this great compa- came to take away the fpoil of them, they e f c *t tn ' ny that cometh againft us : neither know we found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels what to do, but our eyes are upon thee. i j And all Judah ftood before the L o R D, with their little ones, their wives and their children. 14 f Then upon Jahaziel the fonne of Ze- chariah, the fonne of Bemiah, the fonne of Jehiel, thefonn of Mxtamah, a Levite of thefonnesof Afiph , came the fpint of the L o R D in the midft of the congregation: 1 5 And he faic),Hearken ye,all Judah,and ye inhabitants of Jerufalem,and thou king Jeho- fhiphirjThus faith the LORD unto you, Be not afraid, nor difmaycd by reafonof this g re at multitudejforthe battelijnotyours,but Gods. \6 Tomorrow go yedownac-ainft them: , behold ,they cone up by the f cliff of Zii, and ye (hall find* them at the end of the |) brook, before the wilderneffe ofjeruel. 17 Ye (hall not need to fight in this btttek>kt your felves, ftand yeftill, and fee the falvation of the LORD with yo,O Judah and Jerufalem: fear not, nor be difmaycd j to morrow go out againft them/or the L o R D wtil be with you. ("which they ftript ofF for themfelves) more then they coald carry away : and they were three dayes in gathering of the fpoil, it was fo much. 26 f And on the fourth day they affembled rhemfelves in the valley of |J Berachah j for there they bleffcd the LORD : therefore name of the fame place was called 3 the valley of Berachah unto this day. 27 Then they returned every man of Judah and Jerufalem, and Jehofhaphatinthefforc- -j-Heb.Af** front of them, togoagsin to Jerufilem with )oy .- for the LORD- had made them to rejdytt ov^r their enemies. 28 And they came to Jerufahm with pfal- tems,and harps ; aad crumpets, unto the bcmfe of the LORD. 29 And the fear of God was on all the ting- domes ofthafe countreys 3 when thy ha they an written in t "**"* the t book of Jehu the fonne of Hanani,* who J.'.. g t mentioned io the book of the kings of If- T'V'" 4 ' & A And 3 L fter this dld Jehofbaphat king *"* $ ^ dal ? Joyn himfelf with Ahaziah king of 1 u3cl whrt A\ A im~,> : _i_ _ 11 f J5 e ?.i eho r am * vvcntforthwithhi *p"n- a - K: ' B S.- ces and all his chariots with him: andhcrofe #, , up bymght an dfmote the Edomices wh.ch u?i' 3 " compafled him in , and the captains of the t H-.b.h^. chariots. 2 Kuig* rh/h ^ th A E /? miteS revolted from w*t 8< *" the hand of Judah unto this day. The famt time alfo did Libnah revolt from under * handibecaufc he had forfakcn the LORD God or his fathers. ii Moreover, he made high places in the "" n , t r ai ? S r-f udah and caufed the inhabi- to commit fornication, and CHAP * i. King, aa. 5 o. Godo/ffi^S-SSttS-S not walked in the wayes of Jchofliaphat thy father, nor in the wayes of Afaking of Judah 1 3 But haft walked in the way of the kino,' of lirael, and haft made Judah and the inha- bitants of Jerufalem to go a whoring, like to alfo haft flam thy brethren 'of thy'fih^rl houfe, which were better then thy felt: T r^ r C V With f 3 S reat P la ue will the t Hcb - ^^&^^^^^^- . Kings g. . And their father gave them great gifts of hlverandof gold, and of precious thinpj wuh fenced cities ia Judah: bJt the SngdZe gavehetojehoram, becaufehe ^th? firft! u - fubftance boufc ^ his ^"^ 6 And hewalkedmthewayoftheki Ifrae K thatwhuhwasevilintheeyesofthcLoR 7 rd S ncdin *"" t without K Jtthf y buriedh.m in the t m thc ^es of th of the - Ce ? CHAP. Ahaziah his wicked reigne: 1 1. Chromcles. CHAP. XXII. Jlha^t^hfucned,ing,T/eigneth rvzcfe^d ftderacy with Joram the fonne ofdhzbine t* 7ehu.~io .Athaliah decoying att thefeedroy ?v.i(b y whom 7cbojbibe*th hit aunt tid, t. gs 8. A of Jerufalem made ( for (he was the fifter of Ahaziah ) hid him from Atbuiah,fo that the flew Inm nor. l^ And he was with them hid inthehoufe of God fix yeares, and Athaliah reigned over the land. CH A P. XXIII. Nd the innaDitants 01 JCIUM C H A 1 J - A A ill. * Ahaziah his youngeft fonne, king in his f - fco -^ h ^ ing f et things - m order, maketb ?o*f?> 24>*c- ft ea a for the band of men that came with the \ Mg .^ Athaliah ifltin. 16 fehoiad* nport* the chap..,. S^P^S^A^t!iffi AN^n'the feventh yeare Jehoiada *, Ki*gs SoAhazmhthefonneof Jehoram king ot ju ^ ^4 himfelf> a ^ d ook the ca . .,.<,&<;. dahreigned. tj Ahaziah ptains of hundreds, Azariah the fonne of Jero. ham, and lihmael the fonne of Jehohanan,and Aziriahthe fonne of Obed, and Maafiah the h, and EliQiaphat the fonne of when he began Jerusalem: of mother his counfcller Lo^o^Se Shout of ^Ahab: fcrlhey were h.s counCcllcrs after the death of his father, to his dcftruaion. ^ f He walked alfo after their counlcljand ^flfrae", to warre agaioft Hazael king of Syria at lUmoth-gdead: & the Symnsfcnote Joram. 6 And h< ^ And they v\ent about in Judah, and ga- thered the Levitesout of all the cities of Ju- dah, and the chief of the fathers of Ifrael, and they came to Jerufalem. 3 And all the congregation made a cove- nant with the king in the houfeof God: and hefaid unto them, Behold, the kings fonne {hill reigne, as the LORD hath *faid of the * * fonius of David. 4 This it the thing that ye (hall do, A third a ; part of you cntring on the fabbath of the c , when he Jczreel, becaufe he and?****- wasfuk. . , ,. ba^, cha P 7 And the t deftiudion of Ahaziah was ot ^ ', 7 ' God by coming to Joram : for when he was IX come, he wentout with Jehoram 3 gamft Jehu *. the fonne of Nimrtn , whom the LORD had * 2 Kin S $ anointed * to cut off thejtioufe o^^ * 2. Kings 9.27. -* a. Kings and all the people jballbt in the courts of the houfeof the LORD. 6 But let none come into the hou(e of the LoRD,favethe priefts, and they thatminifter oftheLeviteSjthey aullgoin, for they arc ho- ly: but all the people (hall keep the watch of the LORD- 7 And the Levitesftvm compafle the king round about , every mm with his weapons in his hand, and whofoever clie cometh into the Ahaziah, he flew them. 9 * And he fought Ahaziah:and they caught him,( for he was hid in Samaria ) and brought him to Jehu : and when they had Him him, they buried him, becaufe ( faid they ; he u the fonne of Jehofhaphar,who fought the LoRr> with all his heart. So the houfe of Ahazuh had no power to keep ftill the kmsdome. ! P o T * But when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah, faw that her Tonne was dead (be arofe,anddeftro y edall the feed royallof the houfe of Judah. _ , 1 1 But Tehofhabeath the daughter^ of the the king when he cometh in, and w 8 So the Levites and all Judah did accord- ing to all things that Jehoiada the prieft had commanded, and took every man his men thac were to come in on the fabbath , with them that were to go out en the fabbath: for Jehoia- da the pneft difmifled not the coutfcs. o Moreover, Jehoiada the prieft delivered to the captains of hundreds , fpears and buck- lers, and fhk Ids, that had fc king Davids, which were in the houfe of G od. 10 And he fet all the people ( every man having his weapon in his hand Urom the right ffide of the ftenople to the left fide of the the altar and the temple, by *j^ hn Athaliah is flain.' * Deut.i;. and put upon him the crown, and *gave him " the teftimonie, & made him king: and Jehoia- da and his fonnes anointed him , and faid, t Heb. let t God fave the king. thekingii-of, ii f Now when Athaliah heard the noife of t-he people running andpraifingthe king,(he came to the people into the houfe of the LORD. 1 3 And (he looked , and behold , the king ftoodat his pillar, at theentringin, and the princes and the trumpets by the king : and all the peoplc-of the land rejoyced, and founded with trumpets , alfo the fingers with inftru- ments of mufick s and fuch as taught to fing praife. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and f Heb. ett* faid, f Treafon, treafon. farteit, 1 4 Then Jehoiada the prieft brought out the captains of hundreds that were fet over the hoft, and faid unto them,Have her forth of the ranges : and whofo followeth her , let him be flain with the fword. For the prieft faid , Slay her not in the houfe of the L o R D. 1 5 So they laid hands on her j and when fne was come to the entring of the horfe-gate by the kings houfe, they flew her there. ' 16 fl Aad Jehoiada made a covenant be- tween him , and between all the people , and between the king , that they (hould be the LORDS people. 17 Then all the people went to the houfe of Baal , and brake it down, and brake his al Deut.ij.p. tars, and his images in pieces, and * flew Mat- tan the prieft of Baal before the altars. 1 8 Alfo Jehoiada appointed the offices of the houfe of the LORD by the hand of the * i.Chron. priefts the Levites, whom David had * diftri- 24-*. buted in the houfe of the L o R D, to offer the burnt- offerings of the LORD , as it u written *Num.28.i. in the * law of Mofes,with rejoycingand with kmdt'tfD** ^ n s m B> as i f *" ordained | by David. tid. 1 9 And he fet the* porters at the gates of * i.Chron. the houfe of the LORD, that none which was a$.i,&c. unclean in any thing, fhould enter in. 10 And he took the captains of hundreds, and the nobles , and the governours of the people, and all the people of the land , and brought down the king from the houfe of the LORD: and they came through the high gate into the kings houfe , and fet the king upon the throne of thekingdome. 2 1 And all the people of the land rejoyced: and the city was quiet , after that they had ilain Athaliah with the fword. CH AP. XXIIII. i foajb retgnetb wU aU tha dayes of Jthtitdd'. 4 Ue giveth order for the repair f the temple, i J -fthoiad.t Mt death axd honourable btaiaU. 17 ?o.i(hfal i j- 1 - n _!* * /'' ' . .ia o 'idolatry , (layeth Zechar'uh the fonne tffebti&da. 3. J Joajb is (foiled By the Sy riant, and [Li'm by ZxbaJ and Jeho&bid. 17 ^nLt^uhfufceedetkhim. *i. Kings :. TOiih *w,ftven yeares old when he beg.m i ,8cc. J w rc ig ne > an d he reigned fourty yeares in Chap.xxiiii. Joaft his zeal: Jcrufalem his mothers name alfo WM Zibcah 39 1 of Beer-fbeba. z And Joafh did that which was riht in the ncft f thcL RD > a11 th c dayes of Jehoiada j And Jehoiada took for him two wives, and he begat fonnes and daughters. 4 f And it came to pafle after this , that Joafliwas minded f to repair the houfe of the f H e b./ LORD, rent*. 5 And he gathered together the priefts and the Levitts, and faid to them, Go out unto the cities of Judah , and gather of all Ifrael money to repair the houfe of your God from ycare to yeare, and fee that ye hafte the matter : howbeit the Levites haftened it not. * And the king called for Jehoiada the chief, and faid unto him , Why haft rhou not required of the Levites to bring in out of Ju- dah and out of Jerufalem , the collection , ac- cording to the commandment of * Mofcs the Ex0{} fervantof the LOR D,and of the congregation i v 3, '. * of Ifrael, for the tabernacle of witneffe? 7 For the fonnes of Athaliah that wicked woman, had broken up the houfe ofGod,and alfo all the dedicate things of the houfe of the LORD did they beftow upon Baalim. 8 And at the kings commandment they made a cheft , and fet it without at the gate of the houfe of theLoRD. 9 And they made f a proclamation through f Kcb; Judah and Jerufalem, to bring in to the LORD, w. " the collection that Mofes the fervant of God laid upon Ifrael in the wildernefle. 10 And all the princes, and all the people rejoyced , and brought in , and caft into the cheft, untill they had made an end. Ji Now it cametopafle, that at what time the cheft was brought unto the kings office, by the hand of the Levites } and when they fav that there toat much money : the kings fcribe, and the high priefts officer came and emptied the cheft, and took it,and carried it to his place again. Thus they did day by day, and gathered money in abundance. 1 1 And the king and Jehoiada gave it to fuch as did the work of the fervice of the houfe of the LORD, and hired mafons and carpenters to repair the houfe of the LORD, and alfo fuch as wrought iron and brafle to mend the houfe of the LOR D. i ? So the workmen wrought , and t the f Heb. the work was perfefled by them, and they fet the '*&.?** houfe of God in his ftate,and ftrengthenedit. ** V"'* 14 And when they had finiftied it, they*"* brought the reft of the money before the king and Jehoiada, whereof were made veflels for the hc;,fe of che L.o^o,even veflels tominifter, andffto offer rvithtll, and fpoons, and veflels of 11 Or /?7, gold and filver : and they offered burnt-offer- ' Cc 4 mgs Zechariah, tloned. Joafli flain. 1 1. Chronicles. 592 ings in thehoufe of the LORD continually, all the dayes of Jehoiada. l f fl But Jehoiada vvaxed old, ,ind was full of dayes when he died; an hundred and thirty yeares old was be when he died. 16 And they buried him in the city of David among the kings , becaufe he had done good in Ifrael, both towards God ; & towards his houfe. 17 Now after the death of Jehoiada, came Amaziah his vi<5toiy. HAP. xxv. reigve mil. j He exeeutetk jufttce on the traitours. 5 Unix? hired an army of Israelites againft the Edomrtes, at the wrd of a pro- J>het he lo'eth the hundred talents , and difyiffeth them, IT He oierthroweth the Edomites. 10,13 The Israelites difcontented with their dtfmiftton-, {toil M they return home. 14 Jm a & ah proud of huviflorr* ferveth the gods of Ed om-> and. tieffifeth the admoni- tions of the prophet. 17 He provoketh Joafo to hit overthrow, zj Hit reigne, ^J He it flam ly con{fi- the princes of Judah, and made obeifance to kins : then the king hearkened unto them. A Maziah * was twenty and five yeares old " 3.Kinga id they left the houfe of the L o R D \&be he began to reigne , and he reigned '*'>& twenty and nine yeares in Jerufalem : and his mothers name wtt Jehoadan of Jerufalem. 2 And he did that which was right in the fight of the LoRD,but not with a perfed heart. 3 f Now it came to pafle , when the king- dome was feftablifiied to him, that he flew his t Heb. t fervants that had killed the king his father. firmed *fn 4 But he flew not their children , but did btm ' flood above the people , and faid unto them, as it is written in the law in the book of Mofes, Thus faith God , Why tranfgrefle ye the com- where the L o R D commanded, faying,* The * Deur , -> fathers (hall not die for the children, neither 16. ftiall the children die for the fathers, but every a. Kings 14.* man (hall die for his own finne. Jer. 51.30. f q Moreover, Amaziah gathered Judah to- Ezek> I * tSO> gether, and made them captains over thou- fands , and captains over hundreds, according the km^ 1 8 And God of their fathers , and ferved groves and idols : and wrath came upon Judah and Jerufa. lem for this their trefpafle. 19 Yet he fent prophets to them, to bring them again unto the LORD, and they teflified againft them : but they would not give eare. f Heb. 20 And the fpirit of God j came upon Ze- tlnbtd. chariah the fonne of Jehoiada the prieft, which mandmentsof the L o RD,that ye cannot prof- per ? becaufe ye have forfaken the L o R p, he hath alfo forfaken you. 21 And they confpired againft him,& ftoned him with ftones at the commandment of the king, in the court of the houfe of the L o R D. 21 Thus Joafli the king remembred not the to the houfes of their fathers , throughout all kindnefie which Jehoiada his father had done Judah and Benjamin : and he numbred them from twenty yeares old and above , and found them three hundred thoufand choice men, able to him, but flew his fonne: and when he died, he faid) The LORD look upon if, and require It. f Heb. in the i J f And it came to pafle f at the end of the to go forth to warre , that could handle Ifpear ' 'ionof ye.ire , that the hoft of Syria came up againlt andfhicld. bin: and they came to Judah and Jerufalem, and deftroyed all the princes of the people from among the people , and fent all the Ipoil t Heb. Z>4r of them unto the king of f Damafcus. For the army of the Syrians came with 6 He hired alfo an hundred thoufand mighty men of valour out of Ifrael, for an hundred ta- lents of filver. 7 But there came a man of God to him, faying , O king , let not the army of Ifrael go 24 tor the army ot the bynans came with a )"ng , U king , let not the army ot Ifrael go afrmll company of men, and the LORD deli- with thee j for the LORD w not with Ifrael, to vered a very great hoft into their hand, be- wr, with all the children of Ephraim. caufc they had forfaken the L o R D God of their fathers: fo they executed judgement againft Joafli. 25 And when they were departed from him, (Tor they left him in great difeafes ) his own 8 But if thou wilt go,do if, be ftrong for the battell : God (hall make thee fall before the enemy: for God hath power to help,and to caft down. 9 And Amaziah faid to the man of God, fervants confpired againft him,for the bloud of But what fhall we do for the hundred talents fbar, 2. Kings 12. 31. the fonnes of Jehoiada the prieft, and flew him on his bed, and he died : and they buried him in the city of David , but they buried him not in the fepulchres of the kings. 26 And thefe are they that confpired againft him ; (f Zabad the fonneofShimeathan Am- rnonitefie,and Jehozabad the fonne of || Shim- was greatly kindled againft Judah rith a Moabitefle. returned home f in great anger which I have given to the \ army of Ifrael? And f Heb. ha the man of God anfwered, The L o R D is able to give thee much more then this, 10 Then Amaziah feparated them , to mt t the army that was come to him out of Ephra- im,togothoT,eagain: wherefore their anger fHeb. tt and they their pi act. t Heb. im fw>ding. 27 f Now concerning his fonnes , and the n fl And Amaziah ftrengthened himfelf, greatnefleof the burdens laid upon him , and and led forth his people , and went to the val- the t repairing of the houfc'of God , behold, ley of fait , and fmote of the children of Stir, they are written in the || ftory of the book of ten thoufand. the kings. And Amaziah his fonne reigned in xi And other ten thoufand left alive, did hisftead. the t Heb. tht Joafli and Amaziah. Chap the children of Judah carry away captive , and brought them unto the top of the rock , and caft them down from the top of the rock, that they were broken all in pieces. . tht 1 3 11 But f the fouldiers of the army which / the Amaziah fent back , that they fhould not go withhimtobattell, fell upon the cities of Ju- dah, from Samaria even unto Bcth-horon, and fmote three thoofand of them, and took much fpoil. 14 u Now it came to pafle, after that Ama- fciah was come from the flaughter of the Edo- rnites, that he brought the god* of the children of Seir , and fet them up to be his gods , and bowed down himfelf before them,and burned incenfe unto them. i 5 Wherefore the anger of the LORD was kindled .agiinft Amaziah, and he fent unto Uzziahs good reigne.' R Or, fart lujh, or t Heb. him a prophet , which faid unto him, Why haft thoa fought after the gods of the people,which could not deliver their own people out of thine hand? 1 6 And it came to pafle as he talked with him,that the fyig faid unto him, Art thou made of the kings counfel ? for bear j why fliouldeft thou be fmitten? Then the prophet forbate, 4 Htb.ctun- ar d faid , I know that God hath -f determined [died. todeftroy thee, becaufe thou haft done this, and haft not hearkened unto my counfel. * i.Kings H. 17 U Then * Amaziah king of Judah took 9, advice , and fent to Joafii the forme of Jehoa- haz, the fonne of Jehu king of Ifrael, faying, Gome, let us fee one another in the face. 1 8 And Joafh king of Ifrael fent to Ama- ziah king of Judah , faying , The || thiftle that tvaj in Lebanon , fent to the cedar that was in Lebanon , faying , Give thy daughter to my fonne to wife : and there paflld by f a wilde beaft that wot in Lebanon 3 and trode down the thiftle. 1 9 Thoufayeft, Lo, thou haft fmitten the Edomites , and thine heart lifteth thee up to boaft : abide now at hornfcwhy (houldeft thou meddle to thine hurt , that thou {houldeft fall, even thou, and Judah with thee? 10 But Amaziah would not heare , for it nweofGod, that he might deliver them into the hand of their enemies , becaufe they fought after the gods of Edo:n. ai So Joafli the king of Ifrael went up,and they faw one another in the face , both he and Amazr.h king of Judah , at Beth-fhemefb, which belon^ctb to Judah. it And Judah was f put to the worfe before Ifrael, and they fled every man to his tent. 13 And Joafli the king of Ifrael took Am a- liah king of Judah the fonne of Joafli , the fonne of Jehoahaz, at Betjh-fliemefh, and brought him to Jerufalem, and brake down the wvall of Jerufalem, from the gate of Ephraim xxvi. to f the corner-gate , foure hundred cubits. 30 j 14 And he too^ all the gold and the lilver, t Heb.*A* and all the veflels that were found in the houfe f " te '/" '** of God with Obed-edom, and the treafures of * ' the kings houfe, the hoftages alfo, and returned to Samaria. i? U And Amaziah the fonne of Joafli king of Judah, lived after the death of Joafti fonne of Jehoahaz king of Ifrael, fifteen yeares. ^6 Now the reft of the afts of Amaziah, firft and laft , behold, are they not written in the book of the kings of Judah and Ifrael? 17 ifNow after the time that Amaziah did turn t made and he fled to Lachifli : but they fent to La- t***}' """ ch ifli after him, and flew him there. ft"^?'" 18 And they brought him upon horfes,and That is, buried him with his fathers in the city of tt> ee ; t II Judah. CHAP. XXVI. l I'ZZiah faeeeedz/tg^nd reigning Tvett in tht diyts of Zechariah,froffereth. \6 Waxing proulyhe invadeth theprieflt office,and it fmitten with lefrofit. aa He ditth, and fathom fucceedeth him. THen all the people of Judah took * |j llz- * i.King* ziah, who -waf fixteen yeares old , and M.ai.and made him king in the room of his father A- ,[J' ^ B maziah. \n'h t ' z He built Eloth, and reftored it to Judah, away f from following the LOR D,they f He de a confpiracy againft him in Jerufalem, /' mitteit. after that the king flept with his fathers. 5 Sixteen yeares old TCVM Uzziah , when he began to reigne , and he reigned fifty and two yeares in Jerufalem : his mothers name alfo WM Jecoliah of Jerufalem. 4 And he did that which was right in the fight of the LORD, according to all that his - father Amaziah did. 5 And he fought God in the dayei of Ze- cruriah, who had understanding f in the vifions f Heb. in of God : and as long as he fought the-L o R o, Jj/ 1 * '* God made him toprofper. 6 And he went forth and waned againft the Philiflines, and brake down the wall of Gath , and the wall ofjabneh,and the wall of ;" Aflidod , and built cities II about Aftidod, and II Or > " th among the Philiftines. 311S? 7 And God helped him againft the Phili- ftines, and againft the Arabians chat dwelt in Gur-baal,and theMehunims. 8 And the Ammonites gave gifts to 11 2* ziah, and his name jfpread abroad even to the f Hcb.-wMft entring in of Egypt,for he ftrengthened bimfelf exceedingly. 9 Moreover , Uzziah built towers in Jeru - falem at the corner-gate , and at the valley gate, and at the turning eftbe walt> and Q for- J Or,r^4/- tified them. |Or, cut 10 Alfo he built towers in the defert , and ,,' si , (j digged many w*. 11s, for he had much cattell, f tn u. both Uzziahsftrength. He is leprous. 1 1. Chronicles. f Heb. ground. both in the low-countrey , and in the plains : husbandmen alfo , and vine-dreflers in the fHitjkU mounuins,and in j| Carmcl: for he loved f huf. bsndry. 1 1 Moreover , Uzziah had an hoft of fighting m^n, that went out to warre by bands , according to the number of their ac- count, by the hand of Jeiel the fcribc, and Maa- fiah the ruler, under the hand of Hananiah, one of the kings captains. t Heb. t* fo*er oftm atmy. Jothams good reigne. firftand hft, did Ifaiah the prophet the fonne of Amo? write. xj So Uzziah flept with his fathers , and they buried him with his fathers in the field of the buriall which belonged to the kings j for they faidj He is a leper : and Jotham his fonne reigned in his ftead. CHAP. XXVII. I fothxm reigning well, pnfpereth. 5 Hefubdueth the Ammonites. 7 His reigne. 9 ^ihaZfrcceedeth him. The whole number of the chief of the jOtham * was twenty and five yeares old *2.King$jj. fathers of the mighty men of valour, were two J whtn he began to reigne, and he reigned 3 2 > &c% thoufand and fix hundred. fixteen yeares in Jerufalem : his mothers name And under their hand was f an army, alfo was Jerufliah, the daughter of Zadok. ^ And he did that which was right in the fight of the L o R D , according to all that his father Uzziah did : howbeit he entred not into the temple of the LORD. And the people did yet corruptly. 5 He built the high gate of the houfe of the LORD, & on the will offjOphel he built much. ||Or, tb t 4 Moreover , he built cities in the moun- to * er ' tains of Judah, and in the forrelts he built caftles and towers. ? q He fought alfo with the king of the Ammonites/and prevailed againft them. And the children of Ammon gave him the fame yeare , an hundred talents of filver , and ten thoufand meafures of wheat, and ten thoufand of barley, f So much did the children of Am- f Heb thk* mon pay unto him , both the fecond yearc A and the third. three hundred thoufand & feven thoufand and five hundred , that made warre with mighty power, to help the king againft the enemy. 1 4 And Uzziah prepared for them through- out all the hoft , fhields , and fpears, and hel- f neb.ftttui mets , and habergeons, and bows, and | flings of flings. to cafl Hones. i y And he made in Jerufalem engines in- vented by cunning men , to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks , to moot arrows and f Heb. vent great ftones withall : and his name f fpread fi'th. farre abroad, for he was mirvelloufly helped till he wasftiong. 16 f But when he was ftrong.his heart was lifted up to his deftruction : for he tranfgrefied againft the LORD his God , and went into the temple of the LORD, to burnincenfe upon the altar of incenfe. 1 7 And Azariah the prieft went in after him, 6 So Jotham became mighty, becaufe he and with him fonrefcore priefts of the LORD, {f prepared his wayes before the LORD his God. Jf Or, */?*. that were valiant men : 1 8 And they withftood Uzziah the king, *Num.i8.y. and faid unto him, It * appertaiaeth not unto thee, Uzziah, to burn incenfe unto the LORD, but to the * priefts the fonnes of Aaron , that are confecrated to burn incenfe : go out of the fanduary, for thou haft trefpafled, neither fjAttlt be for thine honour from the LORD God 19 Then Uzziah was wroth,and hadzccn fer in his hand, to burn incenfe : and while he Was wroth with the priefts , the leprofie even rofeup in his forehead , before the priefls in the houfe of the L o R D , from befide the in* cenfe altar. ao And Azariah the chief prieft,and all the . priefts looked upon him , and behold, he was leprous in his forehead , and they thruft him As Eft. out from thence , yea , himfelf * hafted alfo to go out, becaufe the LORD had fmitten him. xi * And Uzziah the king was a leper unto the day of his death, and dwelt ina*f feverall houfe being a leper, for he was cut off from the houfe of the LORD: and Jotham his fonne was over the kings houfe , judging the people of the land. * .Kings i J. 5. * t Heb Jrtt, 7 f Now the reft of the afts of Jotham, all his warres,and his wayes, lo, they are writ* ten in the book of the kings of Ifrael & Judah. 8 He was five and twenty yeares old when he began to reigne , and reigned fixteen yeares in Jerufalem. 9 f And Jotham flept with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of David: and Ahaz his fonne reigned in his ftead. CHAP. X XVII I. I tAha^reignin^ijery wickedly > ugreatfy affli&edly the Syrians. 6 Judak being caftivat ed by thtfyte- litei ., isfent home by the county ofOded tht prophet. 16 Aha fending for aid to idfljrix , it not helped thereby. it In hit Jtftreffe he growth more idoUtrout. 3,6 He dying* Heekiah (ucceedeth him. AHaz * was twenty yeares old when he be- * j.Kingj gan to reigne , and he reigned fixteen i*a. yeares in Jerufalem : but he did not that which was right in the fight of the LORD, like David his father. a For he walked in the wayes of the-kings of Ifrael , and made alfo molten images for 3 Moreover, he |j burnt incenfe in the val- ley of the fonne of Hinnom , and burnt * his * fl Now the reft of the afts of Uzfciah, children in the fire , after the abominations of 21. the the heathen whom the LORD had caft out be- fore the children of Ifrael. them, and arayed them, and mod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed every green tree 5 Wherefore the LORD his God delivered him into the hand of the king of Syria, and of palm-trees, to their brethren : then they returned to Samaria. 1 6 fl At that time did king Aha* fend ante they fmote him, and carried away a great muU the kings of Aflyria to help him. fHcb W ./K- titude of them captives, and brought them to Dor. j Damafcus: and he was alfo delivered into the hand of the king of Ifrael,who fmote him with a great fl mghter. fl For Pekah the fonne of Rcmaliah flew 17 For again the Edomites had come and fmitten Judah, and carried away f captives. 1 8 The Philiftines alfo had invaded the ci- ties of the low-countrey, and of the fcath of Judah,andhad taken Beth-flieroefh, and Aia- ftcand to the in Judah an hundred and twenty thoufand in Ion, and Gederoth,and Shocho with the vil- one day, hicb were all f valiant roenj becaufe lages thereof, and Timnah with the villages they had foifaken thcLoRD Godof their fa- thereof, Gimzo alfo and the villages thereof- arid they dwelt there. 19 For the L o R D brought Judah low, be- caufe of Ahaz king of Ifraelitor he made Judah naked, and tranfgrefled fore againft the LORD. 20 And Tilgath-pilnefer king of Aflyria thers. 7 And Zichri a mighty man of Ephraim, flevvMaafeiah the kings fonne, and Azrikam the governour of the houfe, and Elkanah that J next to the king. 8 And the children of Ifrael carried away came unto him, & diftrefled him. but ftrength- captive of their brethren , two hundred thou- cned him not. fand women, fonnes and daughters, and took si For Ahaz took away a portion out of the alfo away much fpoil from them, and brought houfe of the LoRD,and out of the houfe of the the fpoil to Samaria. king, and of the princes,, and gave it unto the 9 But a prophet of the L o R p was there, king of Aflyria: but he helped him not. w& n,m^v i \I~A.A !,,. k.r_._ iz fl And in the time of this diftrefle did he trefpafle yet more againft the LORD: this is that king Ahaz. 23 For he facrificed unto the gods of f Da- mafcus, which fmote him: and he faid, Becaufe the gods of the kings of Syria help them, there- whofc name -was OJedrand he went out before the hoft that came to Samaria, and faid unto them, Behold, becaufe the LORD God of your fathers was wroth with Judah, he hath deli- vercd them into your hand , and ye have flain them in a rage that reacheth up unto heaven. i o And now ye purpofe to keep under the /bvewill I facrifice to them,that children of Jndah and Jerufalem for bond- men.and bond-women unto you: but are there not with you, even with you, finnes againft the LORD our God? me: but they were the ruine of him and of al Ifrael. 24 And Ahaz gathered together theveflels of the houfe of God, and cut in pieces the 1 1 Now heare me therefore , and deliver veffels of the houfe of God and ffmt up the /"int-ivAC irriin ntVii/*K < Uiir *>!.._ ,-!. - ~C -l-_ \ /*_ r . i -r the captives again , which ye have taken ca- ptive of your brethren: for the fierce wrath of God is upon you. i z Then certain of the heads of the chil- dren of Ephraim, Azariah the fonne of Joha- nan, Berechiah the fonne of Mefliillemoth,and Jehizkiah the fonne of Shallam, and Amafa the fonne of HUdlai ,ftood up againft them that came from the warre, 13 And faid unto them, Ye (hall not bring in the captives hither, for whereas we have of- fended againft the LORD alrcady t ye intend to adde more to our finnes and to ourtrefpatte: for our trcfpafle is great , and there is fierce wrath againft Ifrael. 14 So the armed men left the captives and the fpoil, before the princes and all the con- gregation. if And the men which were ezpreffed by aame,rofe up, and took the captives, and with the fpoil clothed all that were naked among 39? 4 He facrificed alfo , and burnt incenfe in them, and carried all the feeble' of them upon the h:gh places , and on the hills, and under afles^ and brought them to Jericho, * the city * doores of the houfe of the LORD, and he made him altars in every corner of Jerufalem. z? And in every feverallcitie of Judah he made high places || to burn incenfe unto other |[0r gods, and provoked to anger the L o a D God of his fathers. 16 fl Now the reft of his aas,and of all his wayes,firft and laftjbeholdjthey are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Ifrael. 27 And Ahazfleptwith his fat hers.and they buried him in the citie, even in Jerufatem: but they brought him not into the fepulchres of the kings of Ifrael : and Hezekiah his fonne . reigned in his ftead. CHAP. XXI X. J Hi {eki-ih hit good yeigne. 3 He refloreth religion. 5 tie exljorteththeLe-vitts.it They !*nti fie tbemfel-vest andcleznfe the houfe ofGod.zoHeeltiah offenthfo- Itmne facrifices, wherein the Lnitej wtre more or- wrd then the przefls. HEzekiah * began to reigne when be fpas * i. K five and twcnry yearcs old, and he reigned 8.i. nine injr 19* nineand twenty yeares in Jerufalem : and his brought out all the undearmefle tlut tey mothers name was Abijah the daughter of found in the temple of the L o R D, into the court of the houfe of the LORD. And the Levites took it, to carry it out abroad into the Zechariah. 2 And he did that which was right in the fight of the L o RD , according t o all that Da vid his father had done. g f He, in the firft yc:re of hi! reigne, in firft rroneth to fr.zciifu:, and on the eighth day the fiiil monetb , opened the doores of the of the mor.cth came they to the porch of the houfe of the LORD, and repaired them. 4 And he brought in the priefts, and the Levites, ani gathered them together inco the calt-ftreet, 5 And faid unto them, Heare me, ye Le- , . vites,fandifie now your felves,and fandifie of the LORD, and the altar of burnt-offering, the houfe of the LORD God of your fathers, vvith ail the reflels thereof, and the fhew- and carry forth the filthinefle out of the holy bread table, with ail the veflels thereof. place. 1 9 Moreover, all the veflels which king 6 For our fathers have trefpafled, and done Ahaz in his reigne didcaft away in his tranf- that which was evil in the eyes of the LORD greffion, have we prepared and fandified, and our Ged , and have forfaken him , and have behold, they are before the altar of the LORD. turned away their faces from the habitation of 20 ^ Then Hczekiahthe king rofe early, t Heb fivtn tne LORD, and t turned their backs. and gathered the rulers of the citie, and went 7 Alfo they have flmt up the doores of the up to the houfe of theLoRD. porch , and puc out the lamps , and have noc burnt incenfe, nor offered burnt-offerings in the holy place, unto the God of Ifrael. brook Kidron. 17 Now they began on the firft day of the LOR rj; fo they fandified the houfe of clie LORD irk eight dayes, and in the fifteenth day of the filft moneth they made an end. 1 8 Then they went in to Hezekiah the king, and faid, We have cieanfed all the houfe 2 1 And they brought feven bullocks , and feven rammes , and feven lambes , and feven hegoats , for a * finne-offering for the king- ' 8 Wherefore the wrath of the LORD was cforne,and for the fanduary, and for Judah: 4 upon Judah and Jerufalem, and he hath deli- and he commanded the priefts the fonnes of Aaron to offer them on the altar of the LORD. 22 So they killed the bullocks, and the priefts received the bloud,and * fprinkled it on "Lev. 8. 14, the altar: likewifc when they had killed the *5 rammes, they fprinkled the bloud upon the al- Heb .?>i, tar : they killed alfo the lambes , and they venant with the LORD God of Ifrael, that his fprinkled the bloud upon the altar, fierce wrath may turn away from us. 23 And they brought t forth the he-goats t Heb.r. fj Or, bt wt 1 1 My fonnes, (| be not now negligent: for for the finne-offering, before the king and the j* ttcctivtd. the LORD hath * chofen you to ftand before congregation, and they laid their * hands upon * Lcvit. 4 *Num.F.i4 him,tofervehim, andthatyoufhouldminifter therm 3 f Hcb. cm- vere ^ t ' iem to t trou ble, to aftonifbment, and to hiflmg, as ye fee with your eyes. 9 For lo , our fathers have fallen by the fword,and our fonnes, and our daughters, and our wives re in captivity for this. 10 Now it is in mine heart to make a co- ROr.dfe unto him, fierifiet. 24 And the priefts killed them, and they i ft 4 then the Levites arofe,Mahath the made reconciliation with their bloud upon the fonne of Amafai, and Joel the fonne of Aza- altar, to make an atonement for all Ifrael: for riah of the fonnes of the Kohathites : and of the king commanded that the burnt-offering the fonnes of MerarijKiih the fonne of Abdi, and the finnooffenngy&jw/rf be made for all and Azariah the fonne of Jahalelei: and of the Gerfljonitesj Joah the fonne of Zhnmah, and Eden the fonne of Joah: H And of the fonnes of ElizaphanjShimri, and with harps , according to the con and Jehiel : and of the fonnes ot Afcphs Ze- ment of David, and of Gad the kings feer, and Ifrael. 27 * And he fet the Lerites in the houfe * i.Chxo; of the LORD with cymbals, with pfaltcries, l6 ' * ,4 ,-,;,K fc, according to the command- Nathan the prophet: for/a WM the command- ment f of the L o R D f by his prophets. t 26 And the Levites flood with the inftru- \ h hm ^^ merits of David,and the priefts with the trum- j- Hcb7*jT petS. the hand of. 27 And Hezekiah commanded to offer the Or,, the the commandment of the king, j| by the burnt-offering upon the altar : and f when the fHeb.'f* words of the L o R D, to cleanfc the houfe of burnt-offering began, the fong of the L o R D *" the LORD. began alfo with the trumpets, and with the 1 6 And the priefts went into the inner part j inftruments ordained by David king of Ifrael. L in ^ rt of the houfe of the L o R D, to cleanfe it t and 28 And all the congregation worshipped, mentl . and U OT, trfn chariah, and Mattaniah. 14 And of the fonnes of Heman j Jehiel, andShimei: and of the fonnes of Jeduthunj Shemaiah,andUzzicl. 1 5 And they gathered their brethren, and fan&ified themfelves,and came, according to r.ht LORD, . * 1 ' Hezekiah proclaimed* Chap. xxx. and the t fingers fang , and the trumpeters founded : and all thu continued untill the burnt-offering was finiftied. 19 And when they had made an end of of- fHeb found. fering,the king and all that were f prefent with Jerufalem: for they had nt done it of a long him,bowed themfelves and worihtpped. time infucbjtrt as it was written. 30 Moreover, Hezekiah the king, and the afolemnpaflTeover.' ? Sr> they eftablifhtd a decree, to make pro- 397 clamation throughout all lfrael,from Beer-lhe- ba even to Dan, that they fhould come to keep the paffeover unto the Lo R D God of Ifrael at JHT hnd t b. lengthened \kern* princes commanded the Levites to fing praife tmto the LORD jWith the words of David, and of Afaphthefeer : and they fang praifts with gladnefl'e,and they bowed their heads and wor- ihipped. 3 1 Then Hezekiah anfwered and faid,Now ye have jj confecrated your felves unto the LOR D 3 come neare and bring facrifices, and thank-offerings into the houfe of the LORD. And the congregation brought infacrifices,and thank-offerings, and as many as w:re of a free heart, burnt-offerings. 3 z And the number of the burntoffering which the congregation brought, was three- fcore and ten bullocks, an hundred rammes, and two hundred lambes : all thefe were for a burnt- offering to the LORD. 3 3 And the confecrated things were fix hundred oxen, and three thoufand fheep. 34 But the priefts were too few, fo that they could not fliy all the burnt-offerings : wherefore their brethren the Lerites f did help them til I the work was ended, and untill the other priefts had fanftified themfelves : for the Levites wsre more upright in heart,to fan&ifie themfelves, then the priefts. 3? And alfo the burnt-offerings were in abundance, with the fat of the peace-offer- ings, and the drink-offerings for every burnt- offering. So the fervice of the houfe of the LORD was fet in order. 36 And Hezekiah rejoyced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people : for thethin* was done fuddenly. CHAP. XXX. i HetkiihprOclairatthafolann fafftQver on the ft' etidmontthfcr fudih and. Ifrael. ij Ihexfjemblv hiving deftrojed the altiri ofidolitn, k.eep the ft ift. fourteend^i. zj The pritfls and Levitt bleffethe A P " ; Nd Hezakiah fent to all Ifrael and Judah, and wrote leeters alfo to Ephraim and MmaflTeh, that they fhould come to the houfe of the L o R D at Jerufalem , to keep the pafle- eWr unto the Lo RDGod of ir-ael. i Forth? kinj had tafcea count* 1, and his pTtnces,*nd alt f he congregation in Jerufalem, , to keep the pafleovc r in the fecond * moneth. 3 For they could not keep it at that time, bscaufe the priefts had not fanftified them- felves fufficiently, neither had the people ga- thered themfelves together to Jeruf ilem. 4 Andthethingf pleafed the king, and all the congregation. 6 So the pofts went with the letters t from t Heb /'* the king and his princes throughout all Ifrael '*" and Judah, and according to the command- ment of the king, faying, Ye children of Ifrael, turn again unto the L o R D God of Abraham, Ifaac , and Ifrael, and he will return to the re- mnant of you, that are efcapcdoutof the hand of the kings of Aflyria. 7 And be not ye like your fathers , and like your brethren , which trefpafled againft the LORD God of their fathers, who therefore gave them up to defolation, as ye fee. 8 Now t be ye not ftiff-necked as your t Hcb - hafAt * fathers were , but fyeeld your felves unto the **'/"" LORD, and enter into hisfanftuary , which f Hcb*.'t< he hath fanc"tified for ever: and ferve thcthehtad, LORD your God , that the fierceneffe of his wrath may turn away from you. o For if ye turn again unto the LOR D, your brethren and your children fljill findc companion before them that lead them ca- ptive, fo that they (hall come again into this land : for the LORD your God U* gracious "Exod.}4-* and mercifull , and will not turn away bit face from you, if ye return unto him. 10 So the pofts patted- from city to city, through the coumrey of Ephraim and Ma- naffeh,even unto Zebulun : but they laughed them to fcorn, and mocked them. 1 1 Nevertheleffe , divers of After and Ma nafieb , and of Zcbultm humbled themfelves, and came to Jerufalem. ii Alfo in Judah, the hand of God was to give them one heart to do the commandment of the king and of the princes, by the word of the L o R D. 13 f And there aflembled at Jerufalem much people, to keep the feaftof unleavene4 bread in the fecoad moneth , a yery great con* gregacion. 14 And they arofe, and took away the* al- "Chap 8.\ tars thztwere in Jerufalem , and all the altars 2 4 for incenfc took they away, and cait them into the brook Kidron. 15 Then they killed the paffeover on the fourteenth day of ths fecond moneth : and the priefts and the Levites were a{hamed,and fan- clified themfelves , and brought in the burnt- offerings into the houfe of the LORD. 1 6 And they flood in f their place after their nvmner,according to the law of Mofes the man of God : the priefts fprinkledthe bloud^p'/icb ' f b The pafTeover is kept. 1 1. Chronicles . Maintenance for the priefts. 398 tion that were not fan&i fied : therefore the Le- high places and the altars out of ail Judah and vices had the charge of the killing of thepaflc- Benjamm,in Ephraim alfoand Manafleh,fun- |Heb overs,for every one that was not clean, to fan- till they had utterly deftroyed them all. Then cti fie t beta unto the L o R D. 1 8 For a multitude of the people,/e many of Ephraim and Manafieh,Iffachar,and Zebu- lun, had not cleanfed thcmfelves 5 yet did they eatthepafleoverotherwife then it was writ all the children of Ifrael returned every man to his pofleflion into their own cities. 2 ^ And Hezekiah appointed tho courfes of the priefts and the Levites after their courfes , every man according to his fetvice, the priefts ten: but Hezekiah prayed for them, faying, and Levites for burnt-offerings, and for pcace- The good LOR D pardon every one offerings,to minifter and to give thanks,andto 1 9 That prepareth his heart to feek God , the L OR D God of his fathers, though he be praife in the gates of the tents of the L o R D. 3 He appointed alfo the kings portion of not cleanfed according to the purification of his fubftance, for the burnt-offerings, to wit) for the morning and evening burnt-offerings, and the burnt-ofterings for the fabbatbs, and for the new moons, and for the fet feafts, as it the fanftuary. 20 And the L o R D hearkened to Hezekiab, and healed the people. zi And the children of Ifrael that were it written in the * law of the L o R D. l.Heb/#f J prefentat Jerufalem, kept the feaft of unlea- 4 Moreover, he commanded the people vened bread feven dayes with great gladnefle : that dwelt in Jerufalem, to give the portion of and the Levites, and the priefts praifed the the priefts^nd the Levites, that they might be f Heb.>/?r. LORD day by d*y,finging with t loud mftru- encouraged in the^law of the L OR D. incuts tf mentsuntotheL ORD. fl'tngth. t i And Hezekiah fpake f comfortably unto fHeb. *' all the Levites, that taught the good know- ledge of the LORD: and they did eat through- out the feaft, feven dayes, offering peace-offer- ings, and making confcfllon to the L o R D God of their fathers. 2j And the whole aflembly took counfel Judah, that dwelt in the cities of Judah, they to keep other feven dayes : and they kept other alfo brought in the tithes of oxen and fheep , feven dayes with gladnefle. and the * tithe of holy things,wfaich were con- * t Heb lifttd 2 4 For Hezekiah king of Judah f did give fecrated unto the L o R D their God, and laid. Deuc< '" *Num.*. And aflbon as the commandment f came abroad, the children of Ifrael brought T Heb. brk* in abundance the firft- fruits of corn, wine, and f nh ' oyl, and ||hony, and of alltheincreafeofthe \\OrjUtti. field, and the tithe of all things brought they in abundantly. 6 And concerning the children of Ifrael and to the congregation a thoufand bullocks, and feven thoufand (beep j and the princes gave to the congregation a thoufand bullocks, and ten thoufand fheep : and a great number of priefts fandified themfelves. ^ f And all the congregation of Judah,with the priefts and the Levites, and all the congre gation that came out of Ifrael, and the ftran- gers that came out of the land of Ifrael, and that dwelt in Judah ,re)oyced. 2,6 So there was great joy in Jerufalem : for of Zadok,anfwered him,& faid, Since thepeo- fince the time of Solomon the fonne of David pie began to bring the offerings into the houfe king of Ifrael, there Wat not the like in Jeru- of the LOR D,we have had enough to eat, and have left plenty : for the LORD hath blefled hi them \ by heaps. 7 In the third moneth they began to lay the foundation of the heaps, and finifhed them in the feventh moneth, 8 And when Hezekiah, and the princes came and faw the heaps,they blefled the LORD and his people Ifrael, 9 Then Hezekiah queftioned with the priefts and the Levites concerning the heaps. 10 And Azariah the chief prieft of the boufe falem. *7 11 Then the priefts the Levites arofe, and blefled the people : and their voice was heard , . and their prayer came p tojhis holy dwelling- hl "SSfL pkce/z/w unto heaven. CHAP. XXXI. IT/?* people it for-MHrd'mdeftroy'mg idolatry, a Kee- kiah ordereth the coxrfes of the priefts and Levitcs, and provideth for their work and nnumen3.nct, S the peonies forrvardnefje in offerings and tithes. ii He&kiih appo'mteth tfftcers to difpofe of the tithes, lo The (incerity of H s people;and that which is lefr, this great {lore. ii fl Then Hezekiah commanded to pre- pare y chambers in the houfe of the L o R D j I Or,/hr- and they prepared them, i a And brought in the offeririgs and the tithes,and the dedicate things faithfully : over which Cononiah the Levite t& ruler, and Shimei his brother was the next. 15 And Jehiel, and Azaziab,andNahath, and Afahel, and Jerimoth,and Jozabad, and fHAftwrf Vf OvVVvhnallthlSVVasfimflld> aU Ifrad Eliel and Mnachiafa, andMahath, and Be- * a. King. 8. * X that were f prefent, went out to the cities naiah, wreoverfeersf under the hand of Co- of Judah, and * brake thef images in pieces, noniah and Shimei his brother, at the com- ihthmA. and cut down the groves, and threw down the mandment of Hezekiah the king, and Sennacherib invadeth Judah. Chap.xxxii. Hezekiah comforteth the people. Azariah the raler of the houfe of God. gether, whoftoptall the fountains , and the 30a 14 And Core the fonnc of ImnahtheLe- brook that f ran through the midft of the land, f vite , the porter toward the caft, was over the faying, Why fhould the kings of Aflyria come, free-will- offerings of Godjto diftnbute the ob- lations of the LORD, and the moft holy things. and finde much water ? 5 Alfo he ilrengthened himfelf, and built up all the wall that was broken , andraifed it up to the towers , and another wall without, Shecaniah, in the cities of the priefts, in their a d repaired Millo in the city of David, and |j fet office, to give to their brethren by courfes, made || darts and mields in abundance. UOr, /<&, as well to the great as to the fmall. 6 And he fet captains of warrc over the or *'*&*' 16 Befide their genealogie of males , from people, and gathered them together to him m three ycares old and upward , even unto every the ftreet of the gate of the city , and t fpake t H cb. h* one that emrcth into the houfe of the L o R D, comfortably to them, faying, ^"^ " '*"** 7 Be ftrong and couragious, be not afraid ""'" nor difmayed for the king of Aflyria , nor for all the multitude that is with him : for there be mo with us, then with him. 8 With him / j an* arm of fleuS, but with us * Jcr.iy.jf M the L o R D our God, to help us, and to fight our battels. And the people f retted themfelves }Heb.le*nt' th * reckoned by genealogies, among the Levites. in Jerufalem ? /* '** hfid - 20 H And thus did Hezekiah throughout all n Doth^not Hezekiah perfwadeyc' famine and I Judahj and wrought that which was good and tight and truth before the L o R D his God. 2 1 And in every work that he began in the fervice of the houfe of God, and in the law and did it with all his heart, and profpered. CHAP. XXXIL. I Sennttchtrii mvadeng futkh, ou to give over your felves to die by famine and by thirft, faying, The LORJ> our God fhall deliver us out of the hand of the king of Aflyria/ iz Hath not the fame Hezekiah taken in the commandments to feck his God , he away his high places, and his altars, and com- manded Judah and Jerufalem, faying, Ye (hall worfliip before one altar, and burn incenfe up- on it* 1 3 Enow ye not what I and my fathers have done unto all the people of ether lands? were the gods of the nations of thofe lands any wayes able to deliver their lands out of mine hand? 14 Who was there among allthegodj of the embaffige ofB^ylon.^Ht dymgMAnaffeb fuc- thofe nations, that my fathers utterly deftrpy- ceedfth him. C j } toa j. could deliver his people out of mine * thefe things and the eftablifhment hand , that your God (hould be able to deliver . you out of mine hand ? r j Now therefore let not Hezekiah deceive you. nor perfwade you on this manner, neither yet oeletve him: for no god of any nation or kingdome was able to deliver his people out of mine hand, and out of the hand of my fathers : how much lefle (hall your God deliver you out of mine hand ? 1 6 And his fervants fpake yetmore againft . the LORD God, and againft hufervant Heze- kiah. 1 7 He wrote alfo letters to rail on the LORD God himfelf , and encourageth hit people. 9 a.xing proud, i hiimbltd ty Gad. 27 Hu wealth and works. 31 Hi *i Kii>es A ifciij.&c. ' f\thereof , Sennacherib king of Aflyria lfa.j6.i,&c came, and entred into Judah, and encamped f Heb. te a o a i n ft the fenced cities,and thought |to winnc J^'*- them for himfelf. i And when Hezekiah faw that Sennache- \Htb.huface rib was come, and that j he was purpofed to wi t vKtrre. fight againft Jerufalem-, j He took counfel with his princes , and his mighty men, to flop the waters of the foun- tains , which were without the city : and they did help him. 4 So there was gathered much people to- Hezekiahs pride,and humiliation. II. Chronicles. His death. Manaflehs wicked reignel 4 o< God of Ifrael,and to fpeak againft him,faying As the gods of the nations of other lands have not delivered their people out of mine hand 5 fo (hall not the. God at" Hezekiah deliver his people out of mine hand. 18 Then they cried with a loud voice in the in the viifon of Ifaiah the prophet, the fonne Jews fpeech unto the people of Jetufalem that of Amor , and in the book of the kings of Ju- were on the wall,to affright them, and to trou- dan and Ifrael. unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land,God left him to try him,that he might know all that WAS in his heart. 3* fl Now the reft of the ads of Hezekiah, and hisf good nefle, bthold, they are written t H eb. kjnd. a. Kings -f Heb mult him/all. f Heb. f * i. Kings a>. i. Id.? 8. i. flur, nj* a mirai.lt far him. ble them, that they might take the city, 1 9 And they fpake againft the God of Jeru- falem, as againlt the gods of the people of the earth which were the work of the hands of man. 20 For this cavfe Hezekiah the king, and the prophet Ifaiah the fonne of Amoz, prayed and cried to heaven. zi f * And the LORD fent an angel which cut off all the mighty men of valour , and the leaders and captains in the camp of the king of AlTyria: fo he returned with fhame of face to his o An land. And when he was come into the houfe of his god, they that came forth of his own bowels, t Hew him there with the fword. 21 Thus the LORD faved Hezekiah, and the inhabitants of Jetufalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Aflyria, and from the hand of all other, & guided them on every fide. 2 $ And many brought gifts unto the LORD to Jerufalem, and -f prefentsto Hezekiah king of Judah: fo that he was magnified in the fight of all nations, from thenceforth. 14 f * In thofe dayes Hezekiah was fick to 33 AndHeztkiah flept with his fathers,and they buried him in the (J chiefcft of the fepul- \ Or ' chres of the fonnes of David : and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerufalem did him ho- nour at his death : and Manaffeh his fonne reigned in his ftead. CHAP. XXXIII. I Manaffeh hit nickedretgne.i He fetteth up idolatry* and -would not be admoxtfbe d. n He is carried into Babylon. i Vptn bit prayer to God he it releofed* andfutteth down idolatry. 18 Hw afls. 20 We dying* vlmon fucceedeth him. ai ^mon reigning -wickedly* it flatn by Inrfer0tattt.it TAe murderers beingflain* fofiah factedeth bm. MAnafleh * WM twelve yeares old when he * *-Kings i began to reigne , and he reigned fiftie and ' * &c * five yeares in Jerufalem : ^ But did that which was evil in the fight of the LoRD,hkeuntothe*abominationsoftbe *Deut,i8.0 heathen, whom the L o R o had caft oat before the children of Ifrael. 3 f For f he built again the high places f Heb. he rt which Hezekiah his father had*broken down, tmnedmd ^ 1( * j and he reared up altars for Baalim, and made *. the death, and prayed unto the L o R o;and he groves, and wot (hipped all the hoft of heaven, , 8 ^. Ins$ , andhejjgavehimafigne. and ferved them. 4 Alfo he built altars in the houfe of the LORD, whereof the LORD had faid , * In ' Deut.ii.ii Jerufalem (hall my name be for ever. ' Kin g s 8 - 5 And he built altars for all the hoft of hea- ^ha"* 1 / tfV ven , in the two courts of the houfe of the anc j , '$" LORD. 6 And he caufed his children to paffe through the fire in the valley of the fonne of Hinnom : alfo he obferved rimes, and ufed enchantments, and ufed witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar; fpirit , and with wizards : he wrought much evil in the fight of the LORD , to provoke him to anger. 7 And he fet a carved image (the idol which he had made) in the houfe of God, of which God had faid to David , and to Solomon his fonne,In* this houfe,snd in /erufalern, which *Pfal.J3v I have chofen before all the tribes of Ifrael, will I put my name for ever. S * Neither will I any more remove the j. Sam. 7 foot of Ifrael from out of the land which I have '<> appointed for your fathers; fothat they will i> But Hezekiah rendred not again, ac- cording to the benefit done unto him: for his heart was lifted up; therefore there was wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jerufalem. 26 Notwithstanding , Hezekiah humbled fHeb. the himfelffor t the pride of Ws heart (both he lifti& up. 3nd the inhabitants of Jerufalem ) fo that the wrath of the LORD came not upon them in the dayes of Hezekiah. 27 ^ And Hezekiah had exceeding much / riches and honour : and he made himfelf trea- furies for filver, and for gold, and for precious ftones,and for fpices,and for Ihields, and for all f Heb in- manner off pleafant jewelsj ftrumentt of z g Store-houfes alfo for the increafe of *'&' Corn, and wine, and oylj and flails for all manner of beafts, and cotes for flocks. 29 Moreover , he provided him cities, and poflelTions of flocks, and herds in abundance : for God had given him fubftance very much. go This fame Heickiah alfo flopped the upper water- courfe of Gihon, and brought t ffVaight dowmo the weft-fide of the citieof take heed to do all that I hjve commanded f- Heb.infer- )i. V id. And Hezekiah profpered in all his them, according to the whole law, and the fti- works ? i H Howbeit , in the buftnefle of the | em- bafladours of the princes of Babylonjwho*fcnt ao. i a. Jft. j?. tutes and the ordinances by theh.md ofMofes. 9 So Manaffeh made Judah and the inha- bitants of Jerufalem to eric, and co do worfe then Manaffeh his repentance. then the heathen, whom the L o R ftroycd before the children of Ifrad. o AndtbeLoRpfpaketoManafle^na , andSewhlJ 401 thorns, and bound him with jj fetters,and ear- ned him to Baby Ion. Ii And when he was in afflidion, he be- fought the LORD his God,and humbled him. fclf greatly before the God of his fathers, i j And prayed unto him , and he was en- treatedof nim,and heard his fupplkarion, and iiuiaA - !Sffi2Sfefe^*^ ^l**' an & , c - , the law of the LORD, given t by Mofes. 2 ./. * And Hilkiah anfwered and faid to Sha- phan the fcribe , I have found the book of the law in the houfe of the LORD. And Hilkiah alfo, faith the LORD. 28 Behold, I will gather thee to thy fathers, and thou (halt be gathered to thy grave in peace, neither (hall thine eyes fee all the evil band of. delivered the book to Shaphan : that 1 will bring upon this place, and upon the 1 6 And Shaphan carried the book to the inhabitants of the fame. So they brought the king , and brought the king word back again , king word again. A* faying, All that was committed f to thy fer- *9 fl *Then the king fent, and gathered *s.Kmgj vants~ they do it. together all the elders of Judah and Jerufalem. 3 J * tHeb .pourtd 17 And they have f gathered together the 30 And the king went up into the houfe of *' 01 '* money that was found in the houfe of the the L o R D, and all the men of Judah r and the LORD, and have delivered it into the hand of inhabitants of Jerufalem, and the priefts, and the overfeers, and to the hand of the workmen, the Levites, and all the people f great ,and f"Heb./i 1 8 Then Shaphan the fcribe told the king, fmall : and he read in their eares all the words -g^' faying, Hilkiah the prieft hath given me a of the book of the covenant, that was found in ^* fHcbifefr. book. And Shaphan read tit before the king, the houfe of theLoRD. 1 9 And it came to paffe when the king had heard the words of the law , that he rent his clothes. 20 And the king commanded Hilkiah, and MV* ja&Au fcuv n-i*g ^\si*iux<&i*vvw j.A.ii.AAau auu * 1*1* fcv*fc*uiv/***v. uu "*> iiaiuiv.^ |Or, iA/>4r, Ahikam the fonne of Shaphan, and QAbdon with U his heart and with all his foul, toper- 31 And the king flood in his place, and made a covenant before the LORD , to walk after the LORD, and to keep his command- ments and his teftimonies and his itatutes. ..:.u .11 L:. i -_J :~i il !-/_. .1 - __ . the fonne of Micah, and Shaphan the fcribe, and Afaiah a fervant of the kings, faying, 21 Go, enquire of the L o R D for me, and form the words of the covenant which are writ- ten in this book. \ 2 And be caufed all that were f prefent in tHcb./wM for them that are left in Ifratrl , and in Judah, Jerufalem and Benjamin to it and to if. And the inhabitants of Jerufalem did according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers. 3 3 And Jofuh took away all the abomina- tions out of all the countreys that pertained to the children oflfrael , and made all that were prefent in Ifrael to ferve , even to ferve the concerning the words of the book that is found:for great is the wrath of the L o RJ> that is poured out upon us, becaufe our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, to do after all that is written in this book. 2 2 And Hilkiah , and they that the king bad \ K r ?f " s f ,' 4< ings appointed 3 went to Huldah the prophettffe ,t he LORD their God. And all his dayes they de- wife of Shallum the fonne of Tikvath , the parted not f from following the L o R D, fonneof llHafrah, keeper of the t wardrobe ; Tel1 y ethe man thac the fi Mn 4 fent you to me, mentat ions for fofah. nt you to me, * M Oreover, * Jofiah kept a pffeover unto - K : n _. 24 Thus faith the Lou>,Bchold,I will bring JVl^cLoRD in Jerufalem: and they killed aj.ai.uf the Jofiah keepeth the pafTeover. Chap. *Exod, i a. $. the pafleover on the * fourteenth day of the fir ft moneth. i And he fet the priefts in their charges 3 and encouraged them to the fervice of the boufeof cheL ORD, 3 And faid unto the Levices that taught all Ifrael which were holy unto the LOR D, Puc the holy ark in the houfe, which Solomon the fonne of David king of Ifrael did build ;itJbaU not be a burden upon your moulders:ferve now the L OR D your God,and his people Ifrael, *i.Chron.?. 4 And prepare you'/fe lues by the *houfcs of 10. your fathers, after your courfes, according to *i.Chron.ij the * writing of David king of Ifrael, and ac- a n< and a^ cor ^' n g tot ^ e * writing of Solomon his fonne. * J Chap.8.* f And ftand in the holy place according to 14. the divifions of f the families of the fathers of t Heb. tht your brethren t the people,and after the di vi li- l Sf th ' on of the famili of thc Levites. 1 Heb. the 6 So kill the pafieorer, and fandifie your finaesoftht felves, and prepare your brethren, that they fitfU. may do according to the word of the L o R. D, bythehandofMofes. fHeb.e/tfr- 7 And Jofiah f gave to the people , of the id. flock lambes and kids, all for the paficovcr- ofierings , for all that were prefent , to the number of thirty thoufand, and three thou- fand bullocks : thefe were of the kings fub- ftance. 8 And his princes f gave willingly unto the people, to the priefts andto the Levites : Hil- kiah, and Zachariah, and Jehiel, rulers of the houfe of God , gave unto the priefts for the pafleover-ofterings, two thoufand and fix hun- dred fmaUcattel, and three hundred oxen. 9 Conaniah alfo, and Shemaiah, and Ne- thaneel, his brethren, and Hafhabiah, and Je- fHcb. fftr hiel, and Jozabad chief of the Levites f gave ** unto the Levites for pafleover-offerings , five thoufand [mall can e/,and five hundred oxen. 10 So the fervice was prepared, and the priefts ftood in their place, and the Levites in their courfes j according to the kings command* ment. 11 And they killed the pafleover, and the priefts fprinkled the b loud horn their hands, t See chap, -ma the Levites t flayed them. 1 1 And they removed the burnt-offerings, that they might give according to the divifions of the families of the people, to offer unto the L o R D , as it is written in the book of Mofes : and fo did they with the oxen. 'Exod. i a. 1 3 And they*rofted the pafleover with fire, *>* according to the ordinance : but the other holy offerings tod they in pots, and in caldrons, and |Heb.W# in pannes, and f divided them fpecdily among ihcnrin. a ll the people, 14 And afterward they made ready for them - fel ves, and for the priefts : becaufe the priefts the fonnes of Aaron were bufied in offering xxxv. He is flain at Megiddo. of burnt-offerings, and the fat until! night 5 40 $ therefore the Levices prepared forthemfelves and for the priefts the fonnes of Aaron. 1 5 And the fingers the fonnes of Afaph, were in their f place, according to the * com- f Heb./I*> mandment of Dividend Afaph, and Heman,"*"' and Jeduthun the kings feer i and the porters * 1 bear thee from medling with God, who it with ** me, that he deftroy thee not. 1 z Neverthclefle Jofiah would not turn his face from him, but difguifed himfelf that he might fight with him, and hearkened not unto the words of Necho from the month of God, and came to fight in the valley of Megiddo. z 5 And the archers (hot at king Jofiah; and the king faid to his fervants,Have me away , for I am fore -f wounded. f Heb.nwA 24 His fervants therefore took him out of f c ^' that chariot, and put him in the fecond cha- riot that he bad > and they brought him to Je- rufalem, and he died,and was buried (| in one of I Or,e the children of the pro. vince that vv$ent up out of the captivfty, of thofe which had been carried away, whom Nebuchadnezzaf'the king of Babylon had car- ried away unto Babylon, and came again unto Jerufalem and Judah, every one unto his city i z Which came with Zerubbabel : JeOiua, ' ' ' Nehemiah, ^Scraiah , Reelaiah , Mordecai, \\QtA& Bilfhra,Mifpar, BigV3i,Rehum,Baanah : thfc"' 4 *' number of the men of the people of Ifrael. Nchem.y.y. 3 The children of Parofli, two thoufand an hundred feventy and two. 4 The children of Shephatiah, three hun- dred feventy and cwo. 5 The children of Arab, feven hundred fe* venty and five. ^. 6 The children of * Paharh-moab, of the *I children of Jefliua and Joab, two thoufand " eight hundred and twelve. 7 The children of Elam, a thoufand two hundred fifty and foure. 8 The children of Zattu , nine hundred fourrjr and five. 9 The children of Zaccai, feven hundred and threescore. 10 The children of (| Bani, fit hundred - fourty and two. Nchom.y. - 11 The children of Bebai, fix hundred ' 5> twenty and three. ix The children of Azgad, a thoufand two hundred twenty and two. 1 3 The children of Adonikam,fix hundred fixty and fix. 4 14 The children of Bigvai, two thoufand fifty and fix. 1 5 The children of Adin,. foure hundred fifty and foure. 1 6 The children of Ater of Hezekiah,nine- ty and eight. 17 The children of Btzoi, three hundred twenty and three. 1 8 The children of H Jorah,an hundred and | Gr,HMriph, twelve. Nehcm. 7 .4 19 The children of Ha/hum, two hundred twenty and three. 20 The children of II Gibbar, ninety and flOr,Gi'*, five. Nehca. 7 .a5 1 1 The children of Betb-lehem, an hun- dred twenty and three. 11 The children of Netophab, fifty and fix. Dd 3 13 The Who returned 406 N"eh.7.J. * % Secvcrf. 7 , ij The men of Anathoth , an hundred twentie and eight. 14 The children of jj Azmaveth, fourtie and two. if The children of Kirjath-arim, Chephi- rah, and Beeroth, feven hundred and fourtie and three. z6 T he children of Ramah and Gaba, fix hundred twentie and one. zj The men of MichmaSjan hundred twen- tie and two. 1 8 The men of Bethel and Ai,two hundred twentie and three. , 29 The children of Nebo, fiftie and two. 30 Thechildren of Magbifti, an hundred fiftie and fir. 1 1 The children of the other * Elam , a thoufand two hundred fiftie and foure. Ezra. from captivitie. 50 The children of Afnah, the childrenof Mehunim, thechildren of Nephufim, f i The children of Bakbuk, the childrenof Hakupha, the children of Harhur, f* The children of UBazluth, the children lOt,-e' of Mehida, the children of Harftia, ? j The children of Barkos, the children of Sifera, the children of Thamah, y 4 The children of Neziah,the children of Hatipha. J5 *\*iv\rc %++* a t-k>o \\\\r\A*+A ninA -* - 1 and twentie. | Or, Hat id, 3 3 The children of Lod, (| tiadid,and Qno, feven hundred twentie and five. 34 The children of Jericho, three hundred fourtie and five. 3? The children of Senaab> three thoufand and fix hundred and thirtie. 36 fl The priefts : the children of * Jedai- ah, of the houfe of Jefhua, nine hundred feven- tie and three. 57 The children of * Immer, a thoufand fiftie and two. 3 8 The children df * Pafhur, a thoufand two hundred fourtie and feven. 39, The children of "Harinija thoufand and leventeen. 40 4 The Levites : the children of Jeftnta, asicisin feme copies. i.Chron. * r. Chron. 34. 14. * i.Chron. 9- 12. *u Chron. 24-8. Solomons fervants, tvcre three hundred nine. tie and two. i.Chron.?.: 59 And thefe were they which went up from * ' Kings Xel-melah, Tel-harfa, Cherub, Addan, and * " - Immer: but they could not Chew their fathers houfe, and thir |{ feed , whether they we re of ^Qr^ejegrt Ifrael : 60 The children of Delaiahjthe children of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda, fix hundred fiftie and two. 61 q And of thechildren of the priefts: the children of Habaiab, thechildren of Koz,the children ofBarzillai; (which took a wife of the daughters of *Barzillai the Gileadite,and was a . Sam.iy called after their name) 17. 6z Thefe fought their regifter / The children of Uzza, the children, of: Jaftan,,the duldrervof Bsfai^ luted, put from the priefthood. en pollute . 6j And the || Tirfhathafaid unto them,that/w tht they (hould not eat of the mod holy things, till f n ^ h od. there flood up a prieft with * Urimand with '^J'^' 1 " Thummim. *xod,28.j' 64 ^ The whole congregation together,w fourtie and two thoufand three hundred and threefcore : 6 j Befides their fervants and their maids,of whom there tvere feven thoufand three hun- dred thirtie and feven : and there were among them two hundred finging- men, andfinging- women. 66 Their horfcs.wr? feven hundred thifae and fix: their mules, two hundred fourtie and five: 67 Their camels, foure hundred thirtie and five: their affcs , fix, thoufand fevea handred and twentie. 69 ^ And fame, of the chief of the fathers, when they came to the houfe of the LORD which is at Jerufalem , ofrered freely for the houfe. of God to fet it up in. his place : tfo They 4 o 7 The altar fet up. Chap. iii. iiii. The foundation of the temple. 69 They gave after their ability, unto the the workmen in the houfe of God : thefonnes *i.Chron.6 *treafureof the work,threefcore and one thou- of Henadad, tvith their fonnes and their br ' fand drams of gold,and five thoufand pound of thren the Levites. (ilver, and one hundred priefls garments. 10 And when the builders laid the found a- 70 So the priefls and the Levites, and fome tionof the temple of the LORD, they fet the of the people, and the fingers, and the porters, priefts in their apparel with trumpets, and the and theNethinims, dwelt in their cities, and Levites the fonnes of Afaph, with cymbals to all Ifrael in their cities. praife the LORD, after thc*ordinancc of David CHAP. III. X Thealtaritfetup. 4 Offerings frequented. } Work- men prepared. 8 Thefoundatiam of the tangle are . laid in great joy and mourning. ANd when the feventh moneth was come, and the children of Ifrael were in the ci- ties, the people gathered themfel vcs together, as one man, to Jerufalem. . i Then flood upHJelhua the fonne of Joza- Hag.M." 4 ' dak,and his brethren the priefts, and {J Ztrub- | Called Zt- babel the fonne of *Shealtiel,and his brethren, rrf&/, and builded the altar of the God of Ifrael, to J?uk" i 17. ^ er burnt-offerings thereon, as it is * written 'Mart.i. i J. i fl the law of Mofes the man of God* and L uke j. 3 And they fet the altar upon his bafes (for 7. ca lied f ear VM U po n them, becaufe of the people of J>et*"u. $ *kk coumK! y s ) an ^ cne y offered burnt-offer, ings thereon unto the L o R D t even burnt-offer- ings morning and evening. *Exod.j.i* 4 They kept alfo the feaft of tabernacles,*as Num. i*. it is written,and*offered the daily burnt-offer- ia,&c. ings by number, accord ing tothecuftome, fas ^Juuteroftbt *k e ^ Ut y ^ evcr y ^ required. itjt'nhH&y. 5 And afterward offered the continuall burnt- offering, both of the new moons, and of all the fet feafts of the L o R D ,that were confe- crated,and of every one that willingly offered a free-will-offering unto the L o R D. * 6 From the firft day of the feventh moneth began they to offer burnt-offerings unto the f Heb. th LORD: but fche foundation of the temple of ttmol* f tht the LORD was not yet laid. LOR! ^^J 7 Tne y g ave money alfo unto the mafons, notyitjtit an j to r j ie j| cir p emci . s . an( j meatj and drink, [Or,wr^- an< * yl> unto them of Zidon, and to them of men. Tyre,to bring cedar- trees from Lebanon to the fea of * JPP a ' according to the grant that they had of Cyrus king of Perfia. 8 ^ Now in the fecond yeare of their coming unto the houfe of God at Jerufalem, in the fe- cond moneth, began Zerubbabel the fonne of Shealtiel,and Jefhua the fonne of Joz.wlak,and the remnant of their brethren the priefts and the Levites, and all they that were come out of thecaptivity unto Jerufalem j and appointed the Levites, from twenty yeares eld and up- ward, to fet forward the work of the houfe of the LORD 9 Then ftood Jefliua, with his fonnes and his brethren , Kadmiel and his fonnes, the 1Heb.*f. fonnes of n Judah t together, to fet forward * Afts p. \6 " UOr, Hoda- Titah, chap* And theyfung together by ccurfe,*m praiiing and giving thanks unto the LORD ^be- caufe he is good,for his mercy enditretb for evec towards Ifrael. And ail the people (homed with a great (hout,when they praifed the LORD; be- caufe the foundation of the houfe of the LORD was laid, ' tfi f --ii; fl 1 1 But many of tht priefts and Levites, and chief of the fathers, who were ancient men that had feen the firft houfe, when the founda- tion of this houfe was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice,and many (houted aloud for joy: 13 So that the people could not difcern the noife of the (hout of joy, from the noife of the weeping of the people : for the people (houted with a loud (hout, and the noife was heard a- farre off. CHAP. IIII. i We adverfaries bemg not accepted in the building of the temple -with the fens , endeavour to hinder it. 7 Their letter to tArtaxerxes. 17 J he decree tf^Ar- taxerxet. 23 The building it kindred. NOwwhen the advcrfanes of Judah and Ben jam m,h card that f the children of the jHeb. tht captivity builded the temple unto the L o R D f annts f f' h * God of Ifrael: Sf*#**?** i Then they came to Zerubbabel,and to the chief of the fathers, and (aid unto them, Let us build with you jfor we feek your God, as ye de y and we do fieri fice unto him,lince the dayes of Efar-haddon king of AfTur, which brought us up hither. j But Zerubbabel and Jeftnu, and the reft of the chief of the fathers of Ifrael, faidunto them,You have nothing to do with us,to build an houfe unto our God, but we our felves toge- ther will build unto the LORD God of Ifrael, as king Cyrus the king of Peiiia hath com- manded us. 4 Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building, ? And hired counfellersagainft them, to fruftratetheirpurpole, all the dayes of Cyrus king of Perfia, even untill the reigne of Darius king of Perfia. 6 And in the reigne of f Ahafuerus,in the be- j ginning of his reigne, wrote they unto him an h accufation agajnft the inhabitants of Judah and Jcrufakm. Dd 4 751 And The letter to Artaxerxes. Ezra. His anfwer.' 408 ptact. 7 f Andintbedayes of Artaxerxes wrote ^o There have been mighty kings alfoover || Biflilam, Mithridatb, Tabeel, and the rtft of Jerufalem, which have ruled over all countreys their f companions unto Artaxerxes king of Perfia jand the writing of the letter tvM writ- ten in the Syrian tongue, and interpreted in the Syrian tongue. 8 Rehum cue chancellour,and ShitnQiai the fOr^cr*- H fcribe, wrote a letter againft Jerufalem to ' 4r > Artaxerxes the king, in this fort : 5 Then wrote Rehum the chancellour, and f Cald./i- Shimftiai the fcribe, and the reft of theirfcom- "*"" panions ; the Dinaites, the Apharfathchites, theTarpcliteSjthe Apharfites, the Archevites, the Babylonians, the Sufanchites, the Deha- vites, and the Elamitcs, 10 And the reft of the nations whom the great and noble Afnappar brought over, and fet in the cities of Samaria ,and the reft that are on this fide the river, and f at fuch a time. 1 1 fl This is the copy of the letter that they fent unto him, even unto Artaxerxes the king,! hy fervams on this fide the i wer,and at fuch a time. ii Be it .known unto the king, that the Jews which came up from tbee to us, are come unto Jerufalem, building the rebellious and the bad city,and have ||fet up the walls thereof; and f joyned the foundations. 1 3 Be it known now unto the king, that if this city be builded, and the walls fet up again, then will they not f pay toll, tribute, and cu- ftome, and fo thou (bah endamage the j| reve- nue of the kings. 14 Now becaufc f we have maintenance tyngs palace, and it was not meet for t Cald. Chitntthi f Cald. Kiihtht ftdt / tht fahe us to fee the kings dishonour : therefore have we fent and certified the king, i f That fearch may be made in the book of the re cords of thy fathers: fo (hale thou finde in the book of the records, and know, that this city U a rebellious city, and hurtfull unto kings m*d and provinces, and that they have f moved (e- in the dition f within the fame of old time:for which 1 6 We certifie the king, that if this city be builded agftn, and the walls thereof fet up, by this means thou (halt have no portion on this fide the river. 17 ^ Then fent the king an anfwer unto Rehum the chancellour, and to Shim(hai the fcribe, and to the reft of their f companions that dwell in Samaria, and unto the reft be- yond the river, Peace,and at fuch a time. 18 The letter which ye fent unto us, hath been plainly read before me. , 19 Andfl commanded, and fearch hath , been made,and it is found, that this cky of old -j-Cald Jifttd " me hath t made infutrreftion againft kings, / itfctf, a* 1 ** that rebellion aod fedltion hjnre been made therein. ag.i.i ""-' beyond the river; and toll, tribute, and caftome was paid unto them. z i t Give ye now commandment, to caufe f Cald. M*{ thefe men to ceafe, and that this city benoc builded, untill another commandment (hall be given from me. at Take heed now that ye fail not to do this : why Ihould damage grow to the hurt of the kings \ 2 3 ^ Now when the copy of king Ar- taxerxes letter was read before Rehum and Shimlhai the fcnbe,and their companions,they went up in hafte to Jerufalem, unto the Jews, and made them to ceafe f by force and power, f Cald. *y 14 Then ceafed the work of the houfe of * r t God, which it at Jerufalem. So it ceafed unto the fccond yeare of thereigne of Darius king of Perfia. CHAP. V. and Jefbua, in cited by U^g^ai and Z* , fet forward the building of the temfle. it and Shethir-bo&ui could not hmder the few. 6 Their letter to Dxrixf againfl the Jew, npHen the prophets, * Haggai the prophet^ *; \ and* Zechariah the fonne of Iddo,prophe- *' fied unto the Jews that w re in Judah and Je- rufalem, in the name of the God of Ifratl, even unto them. z Then rofe up Zerubbabel the fonne o Shealtiel, and Jc(l)aa the fonne of Jozadak,and began to build the houfe of God, which is at v Jerufalem: and with them tpe re the prophets of God helping them. j f At the fame time came to them Tae- nafjgovernour on this fide the river, and She- thar-boznai, and their companions, andfaki thus unto them, Who hath commanded you to build this houfe ,and to make up this wall? 4 Thenfaid we unto them after this man- ner, What are the name* of the men f that fCaJd.r&i* make this building ? * *'/!tf '** 5 But the eye of their God was upon the ^ elders of the Jews, that they could not caufe them to ceafe, till the matter came to Darius; and then they returned anfwer by letter coo* cerning this matter. 6 q The copy of the letter that Tatnai, goyernouron this fide the river, and Shethar- boznai , and his companions the Apharfa- chites, which -were on this fide the river, fent unto Darius the king: 7 They fent a letter unto him, t wherein fCaId./ was written thus; Unto" Darius she king, all the mid peace. *'"* 8 Be it known unto the king, that we went into the province of Judea, to the houfe of the grat God,which is builded with fgreatftones, and timber is laid in the walls, and this work ' goetb Tatnai his letter to Darius.' Darius his decree. Chap.vi. goeth faft on, and profpereth in their hands, ftrongly laid, the height thereof threefcore 9 Then asked we thofe elders, and faid un- cubits, and the breadth thereof threefcorc to them thus, Who commanded you to build this houfe, and to make up thefe walls * 10 We a&ked their names alfo , to certifie thee, that we might write the names of the men that were the chief of them. 1 1 And thus they returned us anfwer, fay- ing, We are the fervants of the God of heaven and earth,and build the houfe that was builded .Kingtf.i Ifrael builded, * and fet up. ii But after that our fathers had provoked the God of heaven unto vvrath, he gave then *j. Kings *4- into the hand of * Nebuchadnezzar the king xand 5 -8. of Babylon the C aldean, who deftroyed this houfe } & carried the people away into Babylon, i j But in the firft yeare of * Cyrus the king of Babylon, the fame king Cyrus made a de- let the governour of the Jtws,and thce ctee to build this houfe of God. the Jews, build this houfe of God in his JChap.1 cubits : 4 with three rows of great ftones, and a row of new timber : and let the expenfes be given out of the kings houfe. f And alfo let the golden and filver vefleli ofthehoufeof God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which is at Jeru- falem, and brought unto Babylon, be reitorcd, thefe many yeares ago, which a great king of and } brought again unto the temple which is f Calif*. : at Jerufalem, every one to his place, and place them in the houfe of God. 6 Now/few/tfreTatnai,gQvernour beyond the river, Shethar-boznai, and t your compa- jCald. thrir nions the Apharfachites , which are beyond /' the river ,be ye firre from thence : 7 Let the work of this houfe cf God alone, Idersof is place. *Chap. 1.7,8 14 And * the veffels alfo of gold and filver 8 Mo'reover, 1 I make a decree , what ye f CaM. j mt and 6.5. O f the houfe of Godj y^h Nebuchadnezzar flnll do to the elders of thefe Jews, for the Jjf * building of this houfeof God:that of ehe king*. 7 " goods, even of the tribute beyond the river, Cyrus the king take o'ut of the temple forthwith expenfes be given unto thefe men, of Babylon, and they were delivered unto one, ' that they be not f hindred. fCald.wrfr whofe name was Shefhbazzar, whom he had 9 And that which they have need of, both ""*/* [Qt t d*p*tj, made (j'governour : young bullocks, andrammes, and lambes, for if And faid unto him, Take thefe vefTels, the burnt-offerings of the God of heaven, go, carry them into the temple that # in Jeru- wheat, fair, wine,and oyl,according to the ap- falcm, and let the houfe of God be builded in pointmentof the priefts which are at Jerufa- his place. fern, let it be g ven them day by day without \6 Then came the fame Shefhbazzar, and fail: laid the foundation of the houfe of God which is in Jerufalem. And iince that time even untill now, hath it been in building, and yet it is not finished. 17 Now therefore, if itfeemgoodto the king, let there be fearch made in the kings treafbre-houfejWhich ii there at Babylon,whe- vnncaouieor VJCKJ, wrucnrseoucnaanezzar took out of the temple that VPM in Jerufalem, and brought them into the temple of Babylon, thofe did Cyrus the king take out of the temple ther it be fo that a decree was made of Cyrus the king, to build this houfe of God at Jeru- falem, and let the king fend his pleafure to us concerning this matter. CHAP. VI. I BariiufinJingthe liter ee of Cyru, mxketh a nevt de' tret for the a.eLiL ll'f 1 3 I make a decree, that all they of the peo- ,'>,< God of the pafleover for all the children of the captivi- ty, and for their brethren the priefts, and for my realm,which are minded of their own free- F eacc &c> themfelves. Will to go up to Jerufalem, go With thee. zi And the children of Ifrael, which were 14 Forafmuch as thou art fent f of the king, fCald/'ow come again out of captivity, and all fuch as and of his * feven counfellers, to enquire con- */''* had feparated themfelves unto them, from the' cerningjudah and Jerufalem, according to the Efthii4' filthineffe of the heathen of the land, to feek law of thy God which is in thine hand : i 5 And to carry the filver and gold, which the king and his counfellers have freely offered unto the God of Ifrael, whofe habitation u in them joyfull, and turned the heart of the king Jerufalem, of Afl'yria unto them,to ftrengthen their hands 16 * And all the filver andgoldthat thou *Cfaap. 8.1 j in the work of the houfe of God, the God of canft finde in all the province of Babyloa,with the free-will-offering of the people, and of the priefts, offering willingly for the houfe of their God, which it in Jerufalem : , . _ ._,__ if That thou maycft buy fpeed.ily with this hufa-vtut. money, bullocks, rammes, lambes, with their houfe of God with joy, 17 And offered at the dedication of this houfe of God,an hundred bullocks,two hun- dred rammes, foure hundred lambes j and for a finne-offering for all Ifrael, twelve he-goats, according to the number of the tribes of Ifrael. 1 8 And they fet the priefts in their dtvifions, and the Levites in their courfes, for the fervice of God,which is at Jerufalem j \ *asit is_writ- the ten in the book of Mofes. And the children of the captivity kept (Teover, upon the fourteenth day of the firft monetb. zo For the priefts and the Levites were pu- rified together ,all of them were pure,and killed the L o R D God of Ifrael, did eat, zz And kept the feaft of unleavened bread feven dayei with joy: for the L o R D had made Ifrael. CHAP. VII. goetk up to ferufalem.n Thegracioiu cotnmif- to E^ra.ij E^rn bleffeth God for NOw after thefe things, in the reigne of meat-offerings, and their drink- offerings, and Artaxerxes king of Perfia, Ezra the fonne offer them upon the altar of the houfe of your of Seraiah, the fonne of Azanah, the fonne of God ,which win Jerufalem. Htlkiah, ^ 1 8 And whatfoever (hall feem good to thee z The fonne of Shallum, the fonne of Za- and to thy brethren, to do with the reft of the dok, the fonne of Ahitub, filver and gold, that do after the will of your $ The fonne of Amanahjthe fonne of Aza- - riab, the fonne of Meraiotb, 4 The fonne of Zeraiah, the fonne of Uzzi, the fonne of Bukki, 5 The fonne of Abimuj, the fonne of Phi- nehas, the fonne of Eleazar, the fonne of Aa- ron the chief prieft : 6 This Ezra went up from Babylon,and he was a ready fcnbe in the law of Mofes, which the LORD God of Ifrael had given : and the king granted him all his requeft, according to the hand of the L o R D his Gcd upon him. 7 And there went up fame of the children of Ifrael, and of the priefts, and the Levites, and the fingers, and the porters, and the Ne- *inims, unto Jerufalem, in the feventh yeare of Artaxerxes the king. God. 19 The veffelsalfo that are given thee, foe the fervice of the houfc of thy God, thofe de- liver thou before the God of Jerufalem. 20 And whatfoever n-.ore fhall be needfull for the houfe of thy God, which thou (hale have occafion to beftow, beftow it out of the kings treafure- hcufe. zi And I, e.ven I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treafurers which are beyond the river, that whatfoever Ezra the prieft, the fcribe of the law of the Gcd of hea- venjihall require of you,it be done fpeedily j zz Unto an hundred talents of filver, and to an hundred f meafuresof wheat, and to an ' d ceri hundred baths of wine, and to an hundred baths Who returned with Ezra. Chap. viii. He proclaimeth a faft. bathsof oyl, and fait without prefcribingfcow diah the forme of Michael,and with him foure- - 411 much. fcore males. 9 Of the fonnes of JoabjObadiah the fonne of Jehiel, and with him two hundred aad eighteen males. 10 And of the fonnes of Shelomith ; the fonne of Jofiphiah, and with him an hundred and threeicore males. 1 1 And of the fonnes of Btbai ; Zechariah the fonne of Bebai, and with him twenty and eight males. 12 And of the fonnes of Afcgad jjohanan, 25 And thou, Ezra, after the wifdome of jjthe fonne of Hakkatan, and with him an ||Or^* thy God, that is in thine hand, fet magiftrates hundred and ten males. 3 a **& e ft 13 And of the laft fonnes of Adonikam , />w> t Heb.W- z j | whatfoever is commanded by the God tbedtcttl. of heaven, let it be diligently done, for the houfe of the God of heaven : for why mould there be wrath againft the realm of the king and his fonnes/ 24 Alfowecertifieyou, that touching any of the priefts and Levites, fingers, porters,Ne- thinimSjOr minifters of this houfe of God, it (hall not belawfull to impcfe toll, tribute, or cuftome upon them. and judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all fuch as know the laws of thy God 5 and teach ye them that know them not. 26 And whofoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judge- ment be executed fpeedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or f to baniihmera, or to con- fifcation ofgoods } or to imprisonment. 27 ^ Blefled be the L o R D God of our fa- thers 3 which hath put fucb a thing as this in the kings heart, to beautifie the houfe of the L o R D which in Jerufalem : 28 And hath extended mercy unto me, be- fore the king, and his counfellers, and before all the kings mighty princes: & I was ftrength- ened as the hand of the LORD my God was upon me y and I gathered together out of If> raeljchief men to go up with me. CHAP. VIII. j The eomfamons of Era,yvho returned from Babylon. I y He fendeth to Iddo for mmiflers for the temple. a i He ketftth a. faft, 14 H< committeth the treafures to the cuftody of the priefls. 31 From Daniel : of the fonnes of David j Hattum. 3 Of the fonnes of Shechaniah, of the fonnes of Pharom ; Zechariah : and with him were reckoned by genealogie of the males, an hundred and fifty. 4 Of the fonnes of Pahath-moab 5 Elihoe- whofe names are thefe, Eliphelet,Jehiel, and Shemaiah,and with them threefcore males. 14 Of the fonnes alfo of Bigvaij Uthai,and |[ Zabbud,and with them feventy males. HOr, : i? fl And I gathered them together to the as fome river that runneth to Ahava jand there || abode r ^Qf^ te i, t j- we in tents three dayes : and I viewed the peo- pie, and the prieits, and found there none of the fonnes of Levi. 1 6 Thenfent I for Eliezer, for Ariel, for Shemaiah, and for Elnathan,and for Jaribjand for Elnathan, and for Nathan, and for Zecha- riah, and for Meftiullam, chief men 5 alfo for Jarib,and for Elnathan,men of underftanding. 17 And I fent them with commandment unto Iddo the chief, at the place Gafiphia, and f I told them what they (hould fay unto Iddo, t He b / put and to his brethren the Nethinims 3 at the place ""< their Cafiphia, that they {hould bring unto us mini- mtuth ' fters for the houfe of our God. 18 And by the good hand of our God upon us, they brought us a man of underftanding , of the fonnes of Mahli, the fonne of Levi, the fonne of Ifrael 3 and Sherebiah,with his fonnes and hit brethren,eighteen. 19 AndHafhabiah, and with him Jefliaiah of the fonnes of Mcrari, his brethren and their fonnes, twenty. 20 * Alfoof the Nethinims, whom David *seechap. and the princes hnd appointed for the fer vice 1.4 j. of the Levites, two hundred and twenty Ne- thinims : all of them wera exprcfied by name. 2 1 f Then I proclaimed a faft there, at the river Ahava, that we might afflid our felves before oar God, to feek of him a right way for nai the fonne of Zerahiah, and with him two us, and for our little ones, and for all our fub- hundred males. ftance. Of the fonnes of Sechaniah, thefonne of 22 For! was afhamed to require of the king a band of fouldiers and horfemen, to help us againft the enemy in the way : becaufe we had fpoken unto th* king, frying, The hand of o God is upon all them for good, that feek him, but Iris power and his wrath is ngainft all them Jahaziel,and with him three hundred males, 6 Of the fonnes alfo of Adin j Ebed the fonne of Jonathan, and with him fifty males. 7 And of the fonnes of Ehm; Jefhiiah the fonne of Athaliah.andwitk him feventy males. * And of the foiracs oC Sheghitiab, 2eba : thatforfake him. The treafures weighed to the priefts. Ezra. Ezra raourneth and prayeth, 411 f Heb.jffl* or 13 So we fafted and befou^ht our God for this, and he was entreated of us. 24 f Then I feparatcd twelve of thechief of the priefts, Sherebiah, Hafhabiah, aad ten of their brethren with them, 25 And weighed unto them the (liver, and the gold, and the veflels, even the ottering of the^ouCe of our God, which the king, and his cou. ulkrs, and his lords, andalllfrael there prefent,had offered. 26 I even weighed unto their hand,fix hun- dred and fifty talents of filver, and filver veffels an hundred talents, and of gold an hundred talents : 27 Alfo twenty bafons of gold, of athou- , fand drammes, and two veflels off fine copper, t precious as gold. * 8 Afld l faid untothem * ^ tare hol X unto the L o R D, the veflels art holy alfo, and the filver, and the gold are a free-will-offering un- to the LORD God of your fathers. 29 Watch yc,and keep ffem,untill ye weigh them before the chief of the priefts, and the Levites, and chief of the fathers of Ifrael at Jerufalem, in the chambers of the houfeof the LORD. 30 So took the priefts and the LeviteJ, the weight of the filver and the gold, and the veflels, to bring them to Jerufalena unto the houfeof our God. 31 4 Then we departed from the river -of Ahava,on the twelfth day of the firft moneth, to go unto Jerufalem 5 and the hand of our God was upon us, and he delivered us from the hand of the enemy, and of fuch as lay in wait by the way. 31 And we came to Jerufalem, and abode there three dayes. 3 3 U Now on the fourth day was the filver and the gold, and the veffels weighed in the houfe of our God, by the hand of Meremoth the fonneof Uriah the prieft, and with him wEleazar the fonne of Phinehas, and with them was Jozabad the fonne of Jethua, and Noidiah the fonne of Binnui, Levites : 34 By number and by weight of every one : and all the weight was written at that time. 3 ? Jllfo the children of thofe that had been carried away which were come out of the ca- ptivity, offered burnt-offerings unto the God of Ifrael, twelve bullocks for all Ifrael, ninety and fix rammes, feventy and feven lambes, twelve he-goats for a finne-offering : all this Was a burnt-offering unto the LORD. 36 ^ And they delivered the kings com- mifllons unto the kings lieutenants , and to the governours on this fide the river, and they fuithered the people, and the houfe of Cod. CHAP. IX. I Er4 Mtwrxetb for the affinity of the people with flreutgers. J Heprajeth untt Gtd with confeflion f finnes. NOw when thefe things were done, the princes came to me, faying, The people of Ifrael, and the priefts, and the Levites have not feparatcd themfelves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites,the Perit- zites, the Jebuiues, the Ammonites,the Moa- bites,the Egyptians, and the Amorites. 2 For they have taken of thek daughters for themfelves,and for their fonnes.fo that the ho. ly feed have mingled themfelves with the peo- ple of thofe lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in this trefpafle. 3 And when I heard this thing, I rent my garment and my mantle, and pluckt off the hair of my head,andof my beard, and fat down aftonied. 4 Then were aflembled unto me every one thattrerr.bkd af*he words of the God of If- rael, becaufeofthetranfgreflionof thofe that had been carried away, and I fat aftonied unttll the evening facrifice. 5 U And at the evening facrifice, larofeup from my {j heavineffe , and having rent my | Or,/0W garment, and my mantle,! fell upon my knees, #' and fpread out my hands unto the LORD my God, 6 And faid, O my God, I am afhamed and blufh to lift up my face to thee, my God : for our iniquities are increafed over our head, and our || trefpafle is grown up unto the heavens. ! O 7 Since the dayes of our fathers, have we "'^** been in a great trefpafle unto this day, and for our iniquities have we , our kings , end our priefts, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the fword, to captivity, and to afpoil, and to confufionof face, as u is this day. 8 And now for a f little fpace grace hath t Heb. been/tar^f from the LORD our God, to leave ment ' us a remnant to efcape,and to give us |J a |j nail |Or, 4. in his holy place, that our God may lighten tfThat is our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our ctn ft a ** an from the congregation of thole that had been vm ' carried away. o q Then all the men of Judah and Ben* jamin, gathered themfelves together unto Je- rufalem, within three dayes : it teas the ninth moneth,and the twentieth day of the moneth, and all the people fat in the ftreet of the houfe of God } tmnbling becaufe of this matter, and for t the great rain. tHeb. tbt 10 And Ezra the prieftftood up, and faid JW*. onto them, Ye have tranfgrefled, and f have fHcb./ut* taken ftrange wives to increafe the trefpafle of c*uftdt ir.-ol dtftlLoi ,htn ii Now therefore make confeffion MO.*""**'*** the L o R D God of your fathers, and do his pleafure : and feparate your felves from the people of the land,and from theftnnge wives, i a Then all the congregation anfwered ,and faid with a loud voice, As thou haft faid, fo muft we do : 13 But the people are many, and it is 3. time of much r ai n,and we are not a ble to ftand without, neither u this a work of one day or two: for || we are many that have tranfgrefled IJOr, ** <> thereof are burnt with fire. 4 ^ And it came to pafle when I heard thefe words ,that I fat down and wept, and mourned certain dayes, and fatted, and prayed before the God of heaven, Dan. .4. f And (aid, I befeech thee,* O L o R D God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and obferve his commandments : 6 Let thine care now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou may eft heare the prayer of thy fervant, which I pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Ifrael thy fervants,and confefle the finnes of the chil- dren of Ifrael, which we have finned againit thee : both I,and my fathers houfe have finned. 7 We have dealt very corruptly againft thee, and have not kept the commandments nor the ftatutes nor the judgements which thou com- mand edit thy fervant Mods. 8 Remember,! befeech thee, the word that thou commandedfl thy fervant Mofes, faying, * 7/ye tranfgrefle, I will fcatter you abroad a- " mong the nations: &Ct 9 But if ye turn unto me,and keep my com- mandments, and do them j * though there *Deut.jo.4, were of you ca ft out unto the uttermoft part of the heaven,y will I gather them from thence, and will bring them unto the place that I have chofen to fet my name there. 10 Now thefe are thy fervants, and thy peoplc,whom thou haft redeemed by thy great power, and by thy ftrong hand. nO 41 5 Nehemiah cometh to Jerufalem. Chap. ii. iii. He inciteth the Jews to build. ii O L o R D,I befeech thee, let now thine 1 1 So I came to Jcrufalem , and was there care be attentive to the prayer of thy fervant, three dayes. and to the prayer of thy fervants, who defire 12 fl And I arofe in the night , I and fome to fear thy name : and profper, I pray thee, thy &w men with me, neither told I any man what fervant this day , and grant him mercy in the God had put in my heart to do at Jerufalem : fight of this man. For I was the kings cup- neither VM there any beaft with me, favethe bearer. beaft that I rode upon. CHAP. II. i j And I went out by nighr, by the gate of s tArttuterxes under/landing the caufeof Nehemiahs the valley , even before the dragon- well, and 7 He inciteth the few indeffiteofthe enemies. ANd it came to pafle in the moneth Nifan, in the twentieth yeareof Artaxerxesthc king, that wine was before him: and 1 took up the wine,and gave it unto the k ing:Now I had not been be fore- time fad in his p re fence. ^ Wherefore the king faid unto me, Why is thy countenance fad , feeing thou art not fick ? this a nothing elfe but forrow of heart. Then 1 was very fore afraid , 3 And faid unto the king , Let the king live for ever: why ihould not my countenance be fad, when the citie, the place of my fathers fepulchres lietb wafte, and the gates thereof are confumed with fire ? 4 Then the king faid unto me , For what doft thou make requeft ? So I prayed to the God of heaven. J And I faid unto the king, If itpleafethe king, and if thy fervant have found favour _in thy fight, i th/fight, that thou wouldeft fend me unto Ju- dah unto the citie of my fathers fepulchres , that I may build it. t Heb.M/. 6 And the king faid unto me, ( the f queen alfo fitting by him ) For how long (hall thy journey be f and when wilt thou return? So it pleafed the king to fend me, and I fet him a time. 7 Moreover, I faid unto the king,If it pleafe the king, let letters be given me to the govern- ours beyond the river , that they may convey me over till I come into Judah j S And a letter unto Afaph the keeper of the kings forreft , that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the palace which *rppma;e^tothehoufe , and for the wall of the citie , and for the houfe that I (hall enter inco:and the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me. 9 fl Then I came to the governours beyond the river , and gave them the kings letters : (now the king had fent captains of the army, and horfemen with me ) 10 WhenSanballattheHoronite,andTo- biah the fervant the Ammonite , heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to feck the welfare of the children of 14 Then I went on to the gate of the foun- tain, and to the kings pool: but there waino place for the beaft that was under me to pafle. if Then went I up in the night by the brook , and viewed the wall, and turned back, and enrred by the gate of the valley, and (o re- turned. 1 6 And the rulers knew not whither I went, or what I did, neither had I as yet told it to the Jews , nor to the pricfts , nor to the no- bles, nor to the rulers, nor to the reft that did the work. 17 fl Then faid I unto them, Ye fee the di- ftreffe that we are in , how Jerufalem lieth wafte, and the gates thereof are burnt with fire: come and let us build up the wall of Jeru- falem, that we be no more a reproch. 1 8 Then I told them of the hand of my GoJ which was good upon me ; as alfo the kings words that he had fpoken unto me. And they faid, Let us rife up and build. So they ftrength- ened their hands for this good tvorl^. 19 But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the fervant the Ammonite , and Ge- (hem the Arabian heard it , they laughed us to fcorn , and defpifed us , and faid, What u this thing that ye do ? will ye rebell againft the king ? ao Then anfwered I them, and faid unto them, The God of heaven, he will profper us; therefore we his fervants will arife and build : but you have no portion, nor right , nor me- morial! in Jerufalem. CHAP. III. I The names and order of them that builded the wiB. THenEliaOiibthe highprieft rofe up with his brethren the priefts,and they built the (heep-gate , they fandificd it , and fet up the doores of itj even unto the tower of Meah they fandified it, unto the tower of * Hananeel. ' Jv- 5-3 z And t next unto him builded the men of JjjJJ, Jericho: and next to them builded Zaccur the forme oflmri. 3 But the fifli-gate did the fonnesofHaf- fenaah build, who alfo laid the beams thereof, andfetup the doores thereof , the locks there- of, and the barres thereof. 4 And next unto them repaired Meremoth the jerufalem repaired, , the ruler of the half The walls of Nehemiafu 4 16 the fonne of Urijah,the fonne of Koz: and next the fonne of Henadad unto them repaired Meihullam the fonne of part of Keilah. I3erechiah,the fonne of Methezabeel: and nexc 1 9 And next to him repaired Ezer the fonne unto them repaired Zadok the fonne of Baana. of Jcfliua , the ruler of Mizpab, another piece f And next unto them the Tekoites repair- over againft the going up to the armoury at the edj but their nobles put not their necks to the work of their Lord. 6 Moreover , the old gate repaired Jehoia- da the fonne of Pafeah, and Meihullam the fonne of Befodaiahj they laid the beams thero- of, and fet up the doores thereof,and the locks thereof, and the barres thereof. 7 And next unto them repaired Melatiah the Gibeonite, and Jadon the Meronothite, theiaenofGibeon, and of Mizpah, unto the throne of the governour on this iide the river. 8 Next unto him repaired Uzziel the fonne of Harhaiah, of che goldfmiths: nextunto him alfo repaired Hinamah, the fonne of owe o/"the apothecaries,and they |} fortified Jerufalem un- to the broad wail. 9 And nexc unto them repaired Rephaiah the fonne of Hur, the rulci of the half part of zariah, unto the turning oft be wall, even unto Jerufalem . the corner . 10 And next unto them repaired Jcdaiah the 2? Palal the fonne of Uzai,over againft the fonne of Harumaph, even over againft his turning of the wall, and the tower which lieth houfe : and next unto him repaired Hattufh the out from the kings high houfe, that was by the fbnnC o H&tll&bnishi *mtirf r\f rh** nrlfnn affpr Kim PpsfiifkK *U |0r, bft turning of the wall. 20 After him Baruch the fonne of ||Zabbai, I r earneftly repaired the other piece , from the turning of the will unto che doore of the houfe of Eliafhib the high prieft. 2 1 After him repaired Meremoth the fonne of Urijah , the fonne of Koz, another piece, from the doore of the houfc of Eiiafhib, even to the end of the houfe of Eliafhib. 22 And after him repaired thepriefts, the men of the plain. 23 After him repaired Benjamin, and Ha- ftiub, over againft their houfe : after him re- paired Azariah the fonne of Maafeiah , the fonne of Ananiah,by his houfc. 24 After him repaired Binnoi the fonne of Henadad , another, piece, from the houfe of A- Malchijah the fonne of Harim, and Ha- (hub the fonne of Pahath-moab, repaired the f Hcb. F*> | otner pi CCCj and che tower of the furnaces. ton* mMfwi. ^ ^ ^^ nexc un{O n ' m re p a i re( i Shallum the fonne of Haloem, the ruler of the half part of Jerufalem, he and his daughters. 13 The valley-gate repaired Hanun, and the inhabitants of Zanoabj they built it, and fet up the doores thereof, the locks thereof,and the barres thereof , and athoufand cubits on the wall unto the dun 5- gate. 14 But the dung- gate repaired Malchiah the fonne of Rechab, the ruler of part of Beth- haccerem : he built it, and fet up the doores thereof, the locks thereof, and the barres thereof. \ f But the gate of the fountain repaired Shallun the fonne of Col-hozch , the ruler of part of Mizpah: he built it, and covered it, and fet up the doores thereof, the locks thereof, and the barres thereof, and the wall of the pool * John 9. 7. of * Siloah by the kings garden, and unto the flairs that go down from the city of D.wid. 1 6 After him repaired Nehemiah the fonne of Azbuk the ruler of the half part of Beth-zur, unto the place over againft the fepulchres of * . Kings David , and to the * pool that was made, and ao. ao. unto the houfe of the mighty. 1 7 After him repai red the Levites,Rehum the fon of Banimext unto him repaired Haftiabiah the ruler of the half part of Keilah, in his parr. 1 8 After him repaired their brethren, Bavai court of the prifon fonne of Parofh. after him, Pedaiah the - 26 Moreover,the Nethinims dwelt in *flO- * phel.unto the place over againft the water-gate ** 3 * toward the eaft, and the tower that lieth out. JWN ' 27 After them the Tekoites repaired another piece, over againtt the great tower that lieth out, even unto the wall of Ophel. 28 From above the horfe-gate repaired the priefts, every one over againft his houfe. 20 After them repaired Zadok the fonne of Immer , over againft his houfe : after him re- paired alfo Shemaiah, the fonne of Shecham- ah, the keeper of the eaft- gate. 30 After him repaired Hananiah the fonne of Shelcmiab j and Hanun the fixth fonne of Zalaph, another piece": after him repaired Me- fhullam the fonne of Berechiah , over againft his chamber. 31 After him repaired Malchiah, the gold- fmiths fonne,unto the place of the Nethinims, and of the merchants, over againft the gate Miphkad,and to the || going up of the corner. |Or,~rfr 32 And between the going up of the corner <""*" unto the fheep gate , repaired the goldfmiths and the merchants. CHAP. IIII. I While tht enemies feoff, Nehemiah froytth andctnti- nutth the work' 1 Vnderfltmding the vrrath andfe- crets of the enemy, he Cetteth a. watch, i j He armeth the labourers, ipandgiveth military precepts. BUc it came to pafTe , that when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall, he was wroth, 417 Theenemiefcoffeth. Chan v *ru i L v>nap. v. The labourers are armed wroth and cook great indignation, and meek- turned all of us to the wall ed the Jews. work. ' ? nc unto hls . z And he fpake before his brethren and the i 6 And it came i i* i, army of S3maria > and faid > Whac do the k fee- forth , that the half of ? m fcrvams ""* they facrifiee ? will they make an end in a day > both thTiSears^he Ai^" ba , lf 1 of I the ' n ncld will they revive theftones out of the heaps of the habereeons am^l ' andthcbo * * the rubbifc, which are burnt ? all thTS^iLS? the ruler$ behindc ? Now Tobiah the Ammonite toas by him, and he faid, Even that which they build, ifa fox go up, he Qiall even break down their ftone wail. r Heb. * 4 Hcare, O our G od, for we are f dcfpifed : and turn their reproch upon their own head, gir and give them for a prey in the land of carxi- ruy^ j 'And cover not their iniquity, and let not their finne be blotted out from before thee : for phce t ! lercfore X^ tearc the 9 Neverthelefle , we made our prayer unto our God,and fet a watch againft them day and night, becaufe of them. 10 And Judah faid , The ftrcngth of the bearers of burdens is decayed , and there is much rubbifh , fo that we are not able to build the.wall. 1 1 And our adverfaries faid, They (hall not know, neither fee, till we come in the midft among them , and flay them , and caufe the work to ceafe. iz And it came to pafle that when the Jews which dwelt by them, came, ' - CHAP. V. * of their debt 'it^htes ana cat " et " m. ' Vlr'j "-.'"'""" ivanee, and k.eepeth hefpttalitie A ?A vT WaS a r6at Cfk f he people J~\d of their wives, againft their brethren ews. For there were that faid, We, our fonnes, even fet the people after their families with their fwords, their fpears, and their bows. 1 4 And I looked, and rofe up, and faid unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the reft of eople", Be not yc afraid of them ; remem- rowed money for the kings tribute ! and thai upon our lands and vineyards. 5 Yet now our flefh as the flcfh of our bre. thren, our children as their children : and Jo, we bring into bondage our fonnes and our daughters j ' ' daughters, your wives and yourhoufes. i ) And it came to pafle when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counfel to nought , that we re. neither is it in our rower to redeem them: for other men have our lands and vineyards. I will not ^^S&^t^S 8 A n And lo, iperceivedthat God had not fredr^tlthebread^he governour, be- fent him, butthathe pronounced this ptophe, CdSlM!i^rciib. fc.ag.jnft.me: for Tobiah and Sanballat had Thewall finished. Chap. vii. Who returned fromBabylon nvgiu have matter for an evil report, that thev that ronm**....^.!. J ,4 > God think thou upon Tobhh and SS^SSffiBSS"* oanbai 3: according to thefe rhfir uunrUc j & / lt " 1 n ''Q carried away, /oiiji, dtiuruing 10 incic tneir works, and came apain tn Tfrnf-ii /> on ,bc prophJ '"' ah > ""'' P t7&&^^^ ,'^s '"T*aiiuuucu, mine twenty ntmiah I Azuhk Pa^^-^u VT L and nftta/jv of ?/j/> mnvftin Tsln! . cr j j j 1 ^ dniia njiNanamani,Mor- raj ui ive moneta Ei\\A\y innity and decai Bilihsn Mifoere-h TV > Tk/-k'U r ci_ L perceived that tins work was wiou P ht nf ^ ?> children of Shephatiah, three hun- (j 0( j lougut ot our dredfeventy and two. V'/Kuca.ne ,o paffc that h en all car Jfcfei^^""^ 1 "^ KX^ h ^ e S; d t^^ .wneyes : for they 9 The children of Shephatiah three hun s wiougbt of our dredfeventy and two. children of Jefhua and Joab-twothoufanH anH m Judahfwornon- eight hundred and eighteen. w the lonne in law of - - ' T * L - - 1 -'-* ' - w umj, uccauie ne W- iS The children of |J Binnui, fix hundred CHAP VTT fourty and eight. '^^SSSKS^^^^^ twemyL^^" 11 f ^^ fix hundred them which came at the firft^utl/Bab^n^yoflhe , I 7 The children of Azgad, two thoufand f to fie, 19 ofthefriefts, 4 j of the twites, $6 of the tnre e hundred twenty and two j^^itSK^a^^s^ d,rJ^i5^ ofAdoi ^^ hMd ^ */ a w**r of rttw Jri* their faftaHce 70 T^ tnre c or and feven. iw. 19 The children of Bigvai, two thoufand ^iSs^^5g^t'^aH^ tf ^^ | ^^ J^polmcd hefinSCrS ' Md tlKLeVites Were "^children of A,er of H^kiah^n,. ^^%^^ I^^ rf ^^ i -*- "f^9F r an ' andfe " Sfi^"^ "" * of!c^ 6 ^n e K;i\r n n^^j h " sgserfass five i5 ihe *-io^-^-,o.. S^^^ 4 'N r he^ W t U rgcandgKa ,:bu t mcn 7 4d.^". f *"""* ' ">""*<* mTn?'S'ed f : W lhCrein) "" "" houf " i8 I'-c.lnofpcth.az.avc.h.fo^and.ow ^SMse and one. era j"i J . _ f Tr ty ThhadrenofLod ) Hadid > .ndOno > ^hoJftiWAekJM.X.tod.ejr-rrilOr,.^ of chehoufe .f JeOuu, nine hundred feventy b ^^^ J^thechil^cnOfBar- ^ ^ " i ...ofK 1 dmiel, / J'^^^^hemoft hoi,. King's, till < ^TbeKm: .he children of Afaph, A&tood*,. priefl v,ith Urio, and Thu-'. ' Sg^^s^i^ - A "o ^ Andtfomeof t hcch ie fof d K &d , ,hc chiUren bac/fivc hundred and - ana G H A F, The children of Jaala, the, children of ernes. The law is read . Chap, viii, ix. CHAP. vin. The feaft of tabernacles. I tht reliiiotu manner ofradingfxJkearatg tie /*. 9 they comfort the ptofle. i J The forvurdneffe of them to heire, and be inputted. \6 "Ihtykftftkt fetfi tfuttnuctu, Era M. A Nd a11 * the P 60 ? 1 * g atnctc(1 themfelves f\ together as one man , into the ftreet that to j.1 before the water-gate, and they fpake unto E 2 " the * fcrlbc> to brin & thc book of thc law of Mofcs, which the L o R o had commanded co Ifrael. i And Ezra the prieft brought the law before the congregation, both of men and women, Heb. that and all | chat could hearc with undemanding, U pon the firft day of the feventh moneth. 3 An( j he read therein before the ftreet that VHU before the water-gate, f from the morning untill mid-day, before the men and the women , and thofe that could understand) and the eares of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law. [ Heb. ttvir 4 And Ezra the fcnbe ftood upon a f pulpit of woodjWhich they had made for the purpofc, and befide him ftood Matcithiah, and Shemah, and Anaiah , and Urijah , and Hilkiab, and Maafeiah , on his right hand ; and on his left hand,Pcdauh, and Mil"hacl 3 and Malchiah, and Haftium , and HaOibadana , Zechariah , and MeOiullam. \Hcb.tjti. f And Ezra opened the book in the -f fight of all the people: (for he was above all the people; and when he opened it, all the people ftood up: 6 And Ezra blefled the L OR D the great God : and all the people anfwered , Amen , amen, with lifting up their hands: and they bowed their heads,and worshipped the LORD, with their faces to the ground. 7 Alfo Jefhua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, J'a- min, AkkubjShabbethai, Hodijab, Maafeiah, Kelita, Azariah Joxabad,Hanan,Pelaiah, and the Levites caufed the people to underftand the law : and the people ftood in their place. 8 So they read in the book, in the law of Cod diftmdly , and gave the fenfe, and caufed them to underftand the reading. \Or,ti*gt. 9 4 And Nehemiah which is flthc Tirftutha, /trmur, and Ezra the prieft the fcribe , and the Levites that taught the people, faid unto all the people, This day is holy unto the L o R D your God, mourn not nor weep : for all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law. i o Then he faid unto them, Go your way, eat the fat , and drink the fweet, and fend por- tions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day it holy unto our Lord : neither be you fory , for the joy of the L o R o is your ftrength. ii So the Levites ftilled all the people, faying , Hold your peace , for the day holy, neither be ye grieved. iz And all the people went their way to 411 eat, and to drink, and to fend portions , and to make great mirth, becaufe they had underftood the words that were declared unto them. i j f And on the fecond day were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priefts and the Levies, unto Ezra the fcribe , even U to underiland the words of ll r **' the law. *y '?** 1 4 And they found written in the law which 5SL** the LORD had commanded fby Mofes,thai the u" J children of Ifrael ftiould dwell in * booths, in tHeb.t;t/> the feaft of the feventh moneth : b *** / i y And that they fljould publi/h and pro- Lcvit * 2 ** claim in all their citi 5 and in Jerufalem, fay- DCBU itf.ij. ing, Go forth unto the mounc,and fetch olive- branches , and pine-branches , and myrtle- branches, and palm-branches, and branches of thick trees, to make booths, as it is written. 16 f So the" people went forth, and brought them, and made themfelves booths, every one upon the roof ef his houfe, and in their courts , and in the courts of the houfe of God , and in the ftreet of the water-gate, and in the ftreet of the gate of Ephraim. 17 And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity , mad booths ^and fat under the booths : for fince the dayes of Jefhua the fonne of Nun , unto thac day, had not the children of Ifrael done fo: and there was very great gladnefle. 1 8 Alfo day by day , from the firft day unto the laft day , he read in the book of the law of God : and they kept the feaft feven dayes , and on the eighth day was \ a folemn afftmbly, ac- f Heb. * r* cording unto the manner. .-. J . fraint. CHAP, JX. , and repentance ofthefeofle.^tht make a religiou cmfefiim of Godiettd- ne/e, end their wickednefle. ' U T Ow in the twenty and fourth day of * this * Chap. 8. *. IX moneth the children of Ifrael were aflem- bled with faftmg , and with fackclothcs, and earth upon them. i And the feed of Ifrael Separated them- felves from all fftrangcrs, and ftood and con- fHebA*** fefied their finnes, and the iniquities of their **'"* fathers. j And they ftood up in their placc,and read in the book of the law of the Lo R D their God, one fourth part of the day, and another fourth part they confefled, and worlhippedthc LORD their God. 4 11 Then ftood up upon the j|ftairsoftheyOr,/c4/o/J. Levites, Jefhua and Bani,Kadmiel, Shebaniah, fiunni, Sherebiah, Bani , and Chenani , and cried with a loud voice unto the LORD their God. f Then the Levites, Jefliua and Kadmiel, Bani , Haftubniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Shc- E e 3 baniah, The Levites confeffion Nehemiah. 4zi baniah,drf Pethahiah,faid,Stand up and blefle the LORD your God for ever and ever 5 - and bleflcd be thy glorious name, which is exalted above all bkfling and praife. fGcn.t.i. 6 Thou, even thou art LORD alone, * thou haft made heaven, the heaven of heavens with all their hoft , the earth and all things that are therein, the feas and all that ^therein, and * Gen. 1 1. choofe 3 1. and u.i. o ftlrofthe Cald'ees, and gaveft him the name Gen. 1 7. 5. of * Abraham : ^Gen.i5.rf. -8 And founded his heart * faiihfull before * Gen. 11.7. thee, and madeft a * covenant with him, to and i (.18. and 17.7, 8. fites,and the Girgamites, to give it , Ifayjfo his feed, and haft performed thy Words, for thou art righteous : 9 * And didft fee the affliction of our fa- thers in Egypt , and heardeft their cry by the Red fea : * Exod. 7,8 ; , And * {hewedft fignes and wonders up- on Pharaoh, and on all his fervants, and on all the people of his land : for thou kneweft that they dealt proudly againft them : fo didft thou get thee a name, as it is this day . ii * And thou didft divide the fea before 'Exod. Jj.i 'Exod. *. and 14. 10. * Exod. 1 4. ai, az. of Gods goodnefle^and pardon, gracious and mercifull, flow to anger, and of great kindnefle , and forfookeft them not. 1 8 Yea, * when they had made them a mol- ten calf, and faid, This ii thy god that brought thee up out of Egypt , and had wrought greac all their hoft , the earth and all things that are provocations : 19 Yet thou in thy manifold mercies, for- thou preferveft them all, and the hoft of hea- fookeft them not in the wilderneffe: the * pillar * Exod.i j. ten worfhippeth thee. of the cloud departed not from them by day, to . 7 Thou art the L o it D the God,who didft lead them in the wayj neither the pillar of fire N " m< l * 1 " Abram, and broughteft him forth out by night, to Oiew them light, and the way I ' Cor - lo<1 wherein they mould go. 20 Thou gaveft alfo thy *goodfpirit, to *N U m.u.i inftrud thern,and withhddeft not thy * manna * Exod. 1 6. from their mouth, and gaveft them * water for r 5 the Canaanites , the Hit-tires, their thirft. Exoi'i'^ the Amorites,and the Perizxites,and the Jebu. 2 1 Yea fourty yeares didft thou fuftain them in the wildernefle fo that they lacked nothings their * clothes waxed not old, and their feec * Dcu^ 8.. fwelled not. 22 Moreover, thou gaveft them kingdomes, and nations, and didft divide them into cor- ners : fo they pofleffed the land of* Sihon, and * Num. , the land of the king of Hefhbon, and the land Il ficc * ofOgkingofBaflian. 23 Their children alfo multipliedft thou as the ftarres of heaven, and broughteft them into the land , concerning which thou hadft pro- mifed to their fathers , that they (hould go in * Exod.ij.n them , fo that they went through the midft of to poflefle it. the fea on the drie land , and their perfccuters 14 So the children went in and poffefled the land,and thou fubduedft before them the inha- bitants of the land, the Canaanites, and gaveft them into their hands, with their kings , and HV&HI thou threweft into the deeps , as a ftone into * Exod. 1 5. the * mighty waters. 10> ii Moreover, thou Meddeft them in the cloudy pillar ; and in the night by a 'Exod.ij>. ao. and 20.1. i j * Thou cameft down alfo upon mount i, and fpakeft with them from heaven , and f Heb. ln a PPinted * a captain to return to their bondage: but thou art t a God ready to gareft them favioars,who faved them oat of the hand of their enemies. 28 But after they had reft , t they did evil t Heb.A y again before thee : therefore lefteft tbou them '** in the hand of their enemies, fo that they had cvi the dominion over them : yet when they^ re- turned and cried unto thee, thou heaideft the 01 their wickednefle. Chap them from heaven, and many times didft thou deliver them,according to thy mercies : 19 And teftifiedft againlithem, that thou mighteft bring them again unto thy law : yet they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto thy commandments , but finned againft thy judgements (which if a man do,he ftiall live in x. Thofe that fealed the covenant. 4 HattufhjShebania^Malluch, f Harim,MeremothjObadiah, 6 Damel,Ginnethon,Baruch, 7 Meihuliam,Abijah,Mipmin, 8 Maaziah,Bilgai, Shemaiah : thefe were the priefts. 9 And the Levites : both Jefbua the fonne 423 \ Hcb ffc'j them) and twithdrew thejboulderjand harden- of Azaniah, fynnui of thefonncspf. Henadad, biulJcr. r Hcb.j>r- 'raft ovir them. a.Kingsir ed their neck,and would not heare, .,Ts;i:.v rul^is 30 Yet many yeares didft thou t forbear them,and tcftifiedft * againft them by thy fpirit jah,KelitajPelaiab,Hanan, fin thy prophets: yet would they not give care: 1 1 Micha,Rehob,Ha(habiah, therefore gaveft thou them into the hand of *Exod.j4- ' h e p eO ple of the lands i'chron.jfi 5 1 Neverthelcfle,for thy great mercies fake, ,j. thou didft not utterty confurae them , nor for- f Heb. in the Cake t'aem ', for thou art a gracious and mcrci- full God. 32 Now therefore our God, the great, the * mighty, and the terrible God, whokeepeft covenant and mercy j let not all the f trouble feemlittlc before thce, f that hath come upon t Heb. rW us, on our kings, on our princes, and on our hath found M prieits, andonour prophets, and on our fa- thers, and on all thy people, fince the time of the kings of Aflyria, unto this day. 3 3 Howbeit, thou art juft in all that is brought upon us, for thou haft done right, but we have done wickedly : 34 Neither have our kings ^our princes, our Kadroiel: 10 And their brethren, Shebaniah, Hodi- la Zaccur,Sherebiah,Shebaniah, ; 13 Hodijah,Bani,Beninu: ,< rljcjlA .i .1.4 The chief of the people; Patofh,Pahatbt- .* ,- t , j-, ax 3 moabj Elam, Zatthu, Bam, ; .-r lo egaiift:3 ssfj 15 Bunni,Azgad,BebaJ, A'oxdsffjoj ,.r 16 AdonijahjBigvai.Adin, 17 Ater,Hizkijah 3 Azzur, 1 8 Hodiah,Haihum,Bezai, 19 HariphjAnathothjNebai, 20 MagpiafhjMefhulIamjHezir, 1 1 MeftiezabeeljZadok Jaddua,.^ t > l;0 j 22 Pelauah,Hanan,Anaiab t 23 HolheajHananiajHaihub, 24 Hallohe(h,Pileha,Sbobek, 2 j Rehum,Halhabnab,Maarcuh, 16 And Ahijah .Hinan, Amu, 27 Malluch^rIarim,Baanah. 18 f* And the reft of the people,the prieftj, *Eira i. priefts,nor our fathers kept thy law, nor heark- the Le vites,the porters.the fingers, the Nethi- ened unto thy commandments, andthytefli- nuns, and all they that had feparated t hem- monies wherewith thou didft teftifie againft felvesfrom the people of the lands, unto the them. law of God, their wives, their fonnes and their 3f For they have not ferved theein their daughters, every one having knowledge, and kingdotne, and in thy great goodneffe that having under ftandingj thou gaveft them, and in the large and fat land 29 They clave to their brcthren,fttheir no- which thou gaveft before them, neither turned bles, and entred into a curfe, and into an oath to walk in Gods Iaw,which was givenfby Mo- f Heb. ty festhefervantof God, and to obfcrve and do '*'***' '6 all the commandments of the LORD our Lord, and his judgements and his ftatutes : 30 And that we would not give*our daugh- * Ex od34i 37 And it yeeldeth much increafe unto the ters unto the people of the land, nor take their ^ eut . 7 , B kings whom thou haft fet over us, becaufe of daughters for our fonnes : our finnes : alfo they have dominion over our 31 * And if the people of the land bring "Exod. 20. bodies, and over our cattel, at their pleafure, warcoranyviaualsonthefabbath-day,tofell,' . and we are in great diftrefle. that we would not buy it of them on the fab- p^" j**** 38 And becaufe of all this, wemakeafure bath, or on the holy day ; and that we would chaj covenanted write it ,and our princes, Levites, leave the * ftventh yeare, and the * exaction of &c. they from their wicked works, 3 6 Behold, we are fervants this day, and for the land thatthon gaveft unto our fathers, to eat the fruit thereof, and the good thereof, be- hold ,we re fervants in it. L th*fd. >>< j/fefat and priefts f feal unto it CHAP. X. i The namh of them thatfetled the ewetunt. *} The faint i tftht covenant. NOw f thofe that fealed tvere , Nehemiah II the Tirthatha, the fonne of Hachahah, L Seraiah,Azariab, Jeremiah, 3 PafliurjAmariah^lalchiah, t every debt. ^Ievit.aj.4. 32 Alfo we, made ordinances for us, to l^^' IJ ' a " charge our felves yearly, with the third part of i^^ ' nn 1 a (hekel, for the fervice of the houfe of our God, 33 tor the (hew-bread, and for the conti- nuall meat- offering , and for the continuall burnt-offering, *of thefabbaths, of the new "SeeVum, 1 moons , for the fet feafts, and for the holy 28,and a, things, and for the (inne- offerings, to make 64 an The points of the covenant. Nehemiah. Who dweltin Jerufalem, 414 an atonement for IfraeI 3 and for all the work of the fonnc of Mahalaleel, of the children of the houfe of our God. Perez; 34 And we caft the lots among the priefts, 5 And Maafeiah the fonne of Barueh, the the Levites, and the people, for thewood-of- fonne of Col-hozeh, the fonne of Hazaiah, fering, to bring it into the houfe of our God, the fonne of Adaiab, the fonne of Joiarib, the after the houfes of our fathers, ac times ap- fonne of Zechariah, the fonne ofShiloni. pointed, yeare by yeare, to burn upon the altar 6 All the fonnes of Perez that dwelt at Je- of the LORD our God, ajtf written iri the rufclcm, were foure Jnmdred threefcorc and law: eight valiant men. *Exod.iv9 M Aivi * to bring the firft-fraits of our 7 Arulthefe are the formes of Benjamin; LcviMfi.aj. ground, and the firft-fruits of all fruit of all Sallu the foni* i of Mcftrallam, the fonne of trees, yeare by yeare, unto the houfe of the Joed, the fonne of Pedaiah, the fonne of Ko* LORD: 3 6. Alfo the Hrft-born of our fonnes and of 'Exod.ij.i. our cartel, (as it is written * in the law) and the fir ft lings of our herds, and of our flocks, to bring to the houfe of our God, unto the pncfts that minifter in the houfe of our God : *Levit. aj.iy 37 * And that we(hould bring the firfl- Num.i 5.19 fruitsof our dough, and our offerings, and the & i.ia,8cc. f ru i t o f 3 \\ ma nner of trees,of wine and of oyl, unto the pnefts, to the chambers of the houfe laiab, the fonne of Maafeiah , the fonne of Ithid, the fonne of Jefaiah. 8 And after him Gabai, Sallai,nine hundred twenty and eight. 9 And Joel the fonne of Zichri was their overfeer : and Judah the fonne of Senuah, was tecond over the city. 10 Of the priefts : Jedaiah the fonne of Joiaribjachin. 1 1 Seraiah the fonne of Hilkiah, the fonne of our God, and the tithes of our ground onto of Mefhullam, the fonne of Zadofe the Levitcs, that the fame Levites might have f Meraioth, the fonne of Ahitub. was the m* the tithesjin all the cities of our tillage. $8 And the prieft the fonne of Aaron, (hall Num.i S, be with the Levites, * when the Letites take *. tithes, and the Levites ftall bring up the tithe of the tithes unto the houfe of our God, to the chambers into the treafure-houfe. l?re eight hundred twenty and twot' and Adaiah the fonne of Jeroham, the fonne ofpclaliah, the fonne of Amzi, the fonne of Zechariah, the fonne ofPafhur, the fonne of Malchiah, 1 3 And his brethren chief of the fathers, two hundred fourty and two: and Amafhii, the fonne of Azareel, the fonne of Ahafai, the fonne of Mefoillemoth^he fonne of Immer, 14 And their brethren mighty men of va- lour, an hundred twenty and eight : and their overfeer was Zabdiei, || the fonne of one of the gor, the great men. /< / 15 Alfo of the Levites: Shemaiah the *''* fonne of Hafhub, the fonne of Azrikam, the fonne of Ha(habiah,the fonne of Bunni. 1 6 And Shabbethai , and Jozabad of the chief of the Levites, -f had the overfight of the f Heb, wcr> outward bufinefle of the houfe of God. 1 7 And Mattaniah the fonne of Micha, the fonne of Zabdi, the fonne of Afaph, was the principall to begin the thankfgiving in prayer : and Bakbukiah the fecond among his brethren, and Abda the fonne of Shammua, the fonne of Galal, the fonne of Jeduthun. 1 8 All the Levites in the holy city, were two hundred fourefcore and foure. 19 Moreover ,the porters, Akkub y Talmon, and their brethren that kept f the gatcs,w re an f HeW th- hundred feventy and two. &****- zo f And the refidue of Tfrael, of the priefts Sc echa and the Levites,n>cre in all the cities of Judah, 26i every one in his inheritance. || Or, t ht z i * Buc the Nethinims dwelt in K Ophel : to wr. and and in other cities. Chap.xii. The fucceflion of high priefts. and Ziha,and GiCpttoere over the Nethinims. Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, and Maitaniah , 4*f which tvas over (j the thankfgiving, he and his IThatis, brethren. 9 Alfo Bakbukiah, and llnni, their bre- !{',. thren,r* over againft them in the watches. 10 ^ And Jefhua begat Joiakim, Joiakim alfo begat Eliafhib, and Eliafhib begat Joiada, xi And Joiada begat Jonathan, and Jona- The overfeer alfo of the Levites at Je- rufalemjwjy Uzzi the fonne of Bani,the fonne of Halhabiah, the fonne of Mattaniah, the fonne of Micha : of the fonnes of Afaph, the fingers were over the bufineffe of the houfe of God. 23 For it was the kings commandment con. cerning them,that || a certain portion flwuld be than begat Jaddua. f or the fingers, doe for every day. 12 And in the dayes ofJoiakimjWereprieftSj 2 4 Arid Pethahiah the fonne of Mefhezabeel , the chief of the fathers : of Seraiah,Meraiah : of the children of Zerah the fonne of Judah, of Jeremiah,Hamniah : *# at the kings hand in all matters concerning 1 3 Of Ezra,Mefhullam : of A mar iah Jeh c . the people. hanan : 2$ And for the villages, with their fields, 14 Of Melicu } Jonathan : of Shebaniahjo- fome of the children of Judah dwelt at Kirjath- arba and in the villages thereof, and at Dibon and in the villages thereof, arid at Jekabzeel and ;the villages thereof, 26 And at Jefhua, and at Moladah, and at Bcth-phelet, ^7 And at Haiar-fhual, and at Becr-flicba and j a the villages thereof, 28 And at Ziklag, and at Mekonah and in the villages thereof, ^9 And at En-rimmon, and at Zareah, and at Jarmuth, i? OfHarim,Adna : of Meraioth,Helkai .- 16 Of Iddo, Zechariah : of Ginnethon, Mcfhullam : 17 Of Abijah,Zichri: of Miniamin,of Mo- adiah,Piltai: 18 Of Bilgah, Shammua : of Shemaiah, Jehonathan : 19 And of Joiafib,Mattenai: ofjedaiah, Uzzi : 20 Of Sallai,Kallai:ofAmok,Eber: xi OfHilkiah 3 Hafhabiah:ofJedaiah,Ne- thaneel. 12 f The Levites in the dayes of Eliafhib, and in the villages thereof. And they dwelt Joiada,and Johanan,and Jaddua, wfferecord- from Beer-fheba, unto the valley of Hinnom. ed chief of the fathers : alfo thepriefts, to the 31 The children alfo of Benjamin f| from rcigne of Darius the Perfian. Geba, dwelt (J at Michmafh, and Aija, and J 3 The fonnes of Levi, the chief of the fa- thers,w*r written in the book of the * chroni- ,. cles, even untill the dayes of Johanan the fonne 1 4,0* of Eliafhib. 24 And the chief of the Levites: Hafhabiah, < > .tvru)cuj v", " . j v. viaiuuiwu. Sherebiah, and Jefhua the fonne of Kadmiel, 36 Andof the Levites, ttwcdivifionswju- with their brethren over againft them, to praife " u ' in Benjamin. and to give thanks according to the command- ment of David the man of God, ward over againft ward. 2? Mattaniab, and Bakbukiah, Obadiah, rvtiabel. 'K> Thefuccefsien ofhitf prieft's. \ ^ cir- Meihjllam,Talmon, Akkub,wcrc porters keep- ing the ward,at the || threfholdsofthe gates. *6 Thefe were in the dayes of Joiakim the fonne of Jefhua, the fonne of Jozadak, and in thefe are the *priefts and the Le- the dayes of Nehemiahthegovernour,and of Ezra the prieft, the fcribe. 27 f And at the dedication of the wall of Jerufalem, they fought the Levi ics out of all their places, to bring them to Jerufalem, to keep the dedication with gladnelfe, both with thankfgivings, and with fingingjwfb cymbals, pf^lTeries,and with harps. 2.8 And the fonnes of the fingers gathered jo Zanoah, Adullam, and in their villages, at Lachifli and the fields thereof, at Afcekah Beth-el,and in their villages, j ^ *And at Anathoth,Nob, Ananiah, 33 Hazor,Ramah,Gittaim, 34 Hadid,Zeboim,NebaUat, 3 5 Lod,and Ono, the valley of craftfmen. CHAP. XII. TA* r/?j,8 and the "Levhes which came xp with Ze* tain chief Levitei. 17 "Thefolemnityofthededicxti- n oftke walls. 44 The offcej cfprieflj and Levitts appointed inthe temple. Ixvites that went up with Zerubbabel the fonne of Shealtiel, and Jefhua : Seraiah, Jere- miah, Ezra, 2 Amariah, (j MjllochjHattufh, 3 || Shecamah, j| Rehum, Jf Meremoth, 4 IddOjj|Ginn.tho, Abijsh, ? |( Miamin, f| Madiah.Bilgah, 6 SJiemaiah,and Joiarib,Jedaiah, 7 HSallu, Amok, Hittiah, Jedarah : thtfe tptre che chief of the priefts, and of their bre- thren in tht dayes of Jefhua. 8 Moreover the Levites : Jefhua, Binnui, countrey round about Jerufalem, and from the villages of Netophathi, 29 Alfo from the houfe of Gilgal, and out o The dedication of the walls. Nehcmiah. The law is read. 3 5 And certain of the priefts fonnes with trumpets: rfwe(y,Zechariah the fonne of Jo- nathan, the fonne of Shemaiah, the fonne of . Mattamah, the fonne of Mkhaiah, the fonne of Zaccur, the fonne of Afaph : ;6 And his brethren, Shemaiah, and Aza- of David the man of God, and Ezra the fctibe before them. 37 And at the fountain-gate, which was over againft them, they went up by the flairs 416 of the fields of Geba, and Azmaveth: forthe the portions [jof the law for the priefts and Le- U rhat s> fingers had builded them villages round about vices : f for J udah rejoyced for the priefts and Jff ^"^ Jmifalem. for the Levites t that waited. t H C b.'/r 30 And the priefts and the Levites purified 45 And both the fingers and the porters tht joy ,/ v. themfclves, and purified the people, and the kept the ward of their God, and the ward of 7 m.is. CHAP. XIII. I "Upon the rending of the lave, feparation it nude from the mixed multitude.^ Nehemia.hathureturnca.it- feth the chambers to be cleansed. 10 He reformeth the offices in the houfe of God, 15 the -violation of the fattath^s andthe marriages vtithflrange wives. (~\ N that day f they read in the book of Mo- t Heb. thtrt rael, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethaneel, and V_/fesinthe f audience of the people; and *""'** J udah, Hanani,, with the muficallinftruments therein was found written, * that the Ammo- I D t.""j7j! nite and the Moabite (hould not come into the congregation of God for ever j z Becaufe they met not the children of If- & , j ,.>.._ >. r , . * rael with bread and with water, but * hired *NnM* ofthecityof David,at the going up of the wall, Balaam againft them, that he fhould curfe ^ 4 '** above the houfe of David,even unto the water- them : howbeit our God turned the cut fe into gate eaft. ward. a blefling. 3 8 And the other company of them that gave $ Now it came to paffe when they had heard thanks, went over againft thcm y and I after the law, that they feparated from Ifrael all the them, and the half of the people upon the mixed multitude. wall, from beyond the tower of the furnaces, 4 U And before this, Eliafhib the prieft, even unto the broad wall : f having the overfight of the chamber of the ?9 And from above the gate of Ephraim, houfe of our God,WM allied unto Tobiah : /"" and above the old gate,and above the fim-gate, ? And he had prepared for him a greac and the tower of Hananeel, and the tower of chamber, where afore- time they laid the meat- Meah,even unto the {heep-gatejand they flood offerings, the frankincenfe, and the veflels, ftill in the prifon-gate. and the tithes of the corn, the new wine, and 40 So flood the two companies of them that the oyl (f which was commanded to be given gtve thanks in the houfe of God, and I, and to the Levites,and the fingers, and the porters) <""&* the half of the rulers with me : and the offerings of the priefts. . 41 And the priefts iEliakim,MaafeiahjMi- But in all this time was not I at Jerufalern: niamin, Michaiah, Elioenai, Zachariah, and for in the two and thirtieth yeare of Artaxerxes Hananiah with trumpets : king of Babylon, came I unto the king, and 41 And Maafeiah,and Shemaiah,and Elea- f after certain dayes H obtained I leave of the t Heb.tf A zar,and Uzii,and Jehohanan, and Malchijah, king : tdfd 3 ts. andElam, and Ezer : and the fingers jfang 7 And I came to Jerufalem, and underftood \ t fij T e "~ loud,with Jezrahiah the ir overfeer, of the evil that Eliaftub did for Tobiah, in pre- ^/f4, " 43 Alfo that day rfiey offered great facrifices, par ing him a chamber in the courts of the houfe of God. 8 And it grieved me fore, therefore I caft forth all the hooftwld- fluff of Tobiah out of the chamber. 9 Then I commanded, and they cleanfed BWjpHu uzi,M cording to the ftate of the king. bcttr thcn fl^ 8 And the drinking was according to the zo And when the kings decree which he (hall law , none did compell: for fo the king had ap - makej Q^a ^ pnb li(hed throughout all his em- * pointed to all the officers of his houfe, that they pire ( for it is great x a n thc wiv es (hall give to thould do according to every mans pleafure. their husbands honou^both to great and fmall. 9 Alfo VaQjti the queen made a feaft for the women, in the royall houfe which belonged to king Ahafuerus. ip fl On the feventh day, when the heart t Heb. cording t 1 1 And the fayingfpleafed the king and the | Heb. princes , and the king did according to the id in t word of Memucan: wif For he fcnt letters into all the kines lOr t ewmfhj t Abagtha berlains that ferved in the prefence of Ahafue- hj s own houfe, and f that it fhould be P ubli(hcd rus the king, according to the language of every people. T i To bring Vaftiti the queen before the king, Q jj A P II With the crown royall,to fliew the people & the , Out of the choice of wgin, ," a. queen to be chofen. princes her beauty;for (he wns tfair to look on. 5 Mordeeai the ma (Ing father of Eflher. 8 Eflher i i But the queen Vaftiti refufed to come at the kings commandment f by his chamberlains: therefore was the king very wroth, & his anger burned in him. 1 3 f Then the king faid to the wife-men, tfciuntc* nance band of hi f referred by tiegai before the refl. it, Jht manner of purification, and going in to the king. 1 5 Eflher befl plea/ing the king, u made queen. iiMord.eea.idtf- cwering a trealon, it recorded in the chronicles. A Fter thefe things, when the wrath of king LA. Ahafuerus was appcafed , he remembred Vafhti, Efther preferred. Chap. iii. She is made queen. Vafhti, and what (he had done, and what was king, whatfoever (he defired was given her, to 4 i ? decreed againft her 2 Then faid the kings fervancs, that mini- ftred unto him, Let there be fair young virgins fought for the king. I And let the king appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdomc, that they may ga- ther together all the fair young virgins unto Shu(h in the palace,to the houfe of the women, tHeb. u*t t unto the cuftody of H Hege the kings cham- the band. berlain, keeper of the women, and let their | or,Hegii, things for purification be given them : rcrfc 8, ^ ^ nc j | et t k e maiden which pleafeth the kingjbe queen in fttad of Vafhti. And the thing pleafed the k ing, and he did fo. ? fl l^otv in S human the palace, there was a certain Jew,whofe name tvas Mordecai, the fonhe of Jair,the fonne of Shimei,the fonne of Ki(h,a Beajamite : *i.Kingsi4 6 * Who had been carried away from Jeru- falem, with the captivity which had been carri- ed away with Jeconiah king of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had car- ried away. go with her out of the houfe of the women,un- to the kings houfe. 14 In the evening (he went,and on the mor- row ihe returned into the fecond houfe of the women^to the cuftody of Shaaihgaz, the kings chamberlain, which kept the concubines : me came in unto the king no more, except the king delighted in her, and that (he were called by name. 1 5 fl Now when the turn of Efther, the daughter of Abihail , the uncle of Mordecai (who had taken her for hisdaughter)was come to go in unto the king, (he required nothing, but what Hegai the kings chamberlain, the keeper of the women appomted:and Efther ob- tained favour in the fight of all them that look- ed upon her. 1 6 So Efther was taken unto king Ahafue- rus, into his houfe royall, in the tenth moneth (which is the moneth Tebcth) in thefeventh yeareofhisreigne. 17 And the king loved Efther above all the women, and (he obtained grace and Ufavourfin tHeb. *- 7 And he j brought up Hadaffah (that is his fight, more then all the virgins 5, fo that he f**eb.*/Mi m gfcottn:e~ Efther/his uncles daughce'r, fHeb./Wr f father nor mother, and the maid tvas t fair and d beautifull, whom Mordecai (when her father and mother were deadj took for his own daughter. 8 ^ So it came to parTe,when the kings com- mandment and his decree was heard ,and when many maidens were gathered together unto Shuflian the palace, to the cuftody of Hegai, that Eflher was brought alfo unto the kings houfe, to the cuftody of Hegai, keeper of the women. 9- And the maiden pleafed him, and (he ob- tained kindneflc of him, and he fpeedily gave her her things for purification, with f fuch f-Htb. btr portions. f Heb. A* fet the royall crown upon her head, and made her queen in ftead of Vaftiti. i J Then the king made a great feaft unto all his princes and his fervants, even Efthers feaft, and he made a f releafe to the province*, and gave gifts, according to the ftate of the king. i o And when the virgins were gathered to- gether the fecond time, then Mordecai fat in the kings gate. ao Efther had not yet (hewed her kindred, nor her people j as Mordecai had charged her : for Efther did the commandment of Mordecai, like as when (he was brought up with him. ^ In thoft dayes (while Mordeca i fat . r//?. iiti uci luuigs iwi. puuui-anuM, TTiiu | IVH.H things as belonged to her, and feven maidens, the kings gatej two of the kings chamberlains which were meet to be given her, out of the kings boufe, and fhe preferred her and her maids, unto the beft place of the honfe of the jor, t Heb t,. a->w iht. || Bigthan and Tere(h,of thofe which keptfthe doore, were wroth, and fought to lay hand on <,chap.<5 a- the king Ahafuerus : t Heb the women. ^z And the thing was known to Mordecai, 10 Efther had not (hewed her people, nor who told it untp Efther the qaeen, and Either her kindred, for Mordecaihad charged her, that certified the king thereofjn Mordecai's name. foe (hould not (hew it. 25 And when inquificion was made of the 1 1 And Mordecai walked every day before matter, it was found out j therefore they were both hanged on a tree : and it was written in the book of the chronicles before the king. the court of the womens houfe, | to know how Efther did,and what (hould become of her. iz ^l Now when every maids turn was comei to go in to king Ahafuerus,after that (he had been twelve moneths, according to the manner of the women,(for fo were the dayes of their purifications accomplilhed, to wit, fix monetfeswithoylof myrrhe, and fix moneths with fweet odours, and with ether things for the purifying of the women) * Then thus came every maiden unco the CHAP. III; i "fitmin advanced fa the king, and defpifed ly Mir- deca.iyf'eeketh revenge upon aB the Jevis.'j H< cafteth lots. 8 He ebtaineth fa calianniition, a decree tf the king to put tke Jews to death. After tbtfe things did king Ahafuerus pro- mote Haman the fonne of Hammedatha the Agagite,and advanced him, andfethisfeat above all the princes that wtrt with him. Mordecai mourneth. Atamans fuit to the king. Efther, / 430 z And all the kings fervants that wert in the (which Is the moneth Adar) and to tafy the ^ ' kings gate,bowed, and reverenced Haman $ for fpoil of them for a prey. the king had fo commanded concerning him: 14 The copy of the writing for a command, -but Mordecai bowed not, not did him reve- rence. 3 Then the kings fervant*, which' were in the kings gate, faid unto Mordecai, Why tranf- grefieftthou the kings commandment? 4 Now it came to pafie, when they fpake daily unto him, and he hearkened not unto them, that they told Haman, to fee whether Mordecai his matters would ftand, for he had told them that he <* a Jew. 5 And when Haman faw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then was Haman full of wrath. 6 And he thought fcorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone, for they had (hewed him the people of Mordecai : wherefore Himan fought to deftroy all the Jews, that were throughout the whole kingdome of Ahafuerus, even the people of Mordecai. 7 f In the firft moneth (that u the moneth none might ent< Nifanj in the twelfth yeare of king Ahafuerus, with fackcloth. they caft Pur, that a, the lot, before Haman, 3 And in every province whitherfoever the from day to day, and from moneth to moneth, kings commandment , and his decree came, to the twelfth moneth,that u the moneth Adar, thereto** great mourning among the Jews,and 8 f And Haman faid unto king Ahafuerus, fad ing, and weeping and wailing, and t many + H b r and tocaufe to perifb all Jews, both young and old, gave him commandment unto Mordecai j little children and women,in one dzy } even up- n All the kings fervants and the people of on the thirteenth day of the twelfth moneth, the kings provinces do know, that whofoe- Efther thrcatned by Mordecai. Chap. v. vi. Haman defpifeth Mordecai. a that * one la of h to put'te to death ex- 3ta ~/nd th, J' 'J y P "'!. iOn? and ie -P. fuch ro OT hon, d* k&t&ll ho , d ou ' t , SSSStSSi ktate and to m rww am I invited Unto her thjwef the zoldenfceptre, and inviteth the king a "O With the king. a$I , qutt the next day. 9 Hamsn proud of huadva, a$IfCC M td l the Jew fitting at the kings mew, repineth at the contempt of Mordecai. 14 L 8 atC< 15/iJ "< tlofz " e fi> *****f****'t&>& .'4 f Then faidZerefh his wife, and all his NO^ it came to paffe on the third dav thar fi ? Cnd$ ""?!"!? L " a f 8 allom be made of tHebi E^Ji^a5^^S|S3 ^^^'gh, and to morrow fpeakthou in the inner court of the kings houfe 0^2. Z e g ' that , MordeC31 ? te han * gainft the kings houfc and the kin* fat ? : ' L hen ^ th u in mernl y wilh the E royal] throne in the roya 1 hoife ovTa? Ham""' A^^^' ^.^ thl " g leafed gainft the gate of the houfe. man> ^ he cauled the allows to * And it was fo when the king faw Efther t C H A P. VI. S? nan T n r \^ fhe ob * tainedfavour mfais fight: and thekingheld 4-^i*. f t. /i* tto jlfJtJlSr OUt to Either the golden fceptre that Was in JfZ*** unawares gneth counsel that he might d d:f """ ,f t h . -J/rSS ^.^^^.eaufe Haman tor , And the king Paid, What honouranddi. Sd fort I' ^ n,ay : do as Efth.r hath gniry hath been done to Mordecai for this ? I'.h ^'T", r i CamCt theban ' Then- Cud the kings fervams that mimflred Mordecai is honoured. Efther. Haman accufed and hanged. 4 q A ud the king faid, Who is in the court? (now Haman was come into the outward me i^uuu u- 7 , ,,,.,. - ' " to fpeak unto the u thy peution , queen Either ?. and^ii : (hall be t And the king faid again to Efther , on the fecond day , at the banquet of wine, What court of the kings houfe _ king, to hang Mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for him ) 5 And the kings fervants faid unto him, Be- hold, Haman ftandeth in the court. And the king faid, Let him come in. 6 So Haman came in : and the king faid unto him, What (hall be done unto the man , C u., w t whom the king delighteth to honour? (now f e honour Haman thought in his heart, To whom would the iy>g . man t whom the king delighteth to honour, could not countervail the : kings damage. 8 tLet the ro y all Ipparel be brought 5 f Then the king Ahafuerusanfweredand t which the king nfeth to wear, and the horfe faid unto Efther the queen Who is he I and ^tthekingridethupo^andthecrovvnroyall whereas he t that durft prefiimc in his heartto \j;* which is fet upon his head: 9 And let this apparel and horfe be deli- vered to the hand of one of the kings tnoft no- ble princes,that they may aray the man with all whom the king delighteth to honour, do (of and 6 And Efther faid, fThe adverfary and ene- eb! S my, K this wicked Haman. Then Haman was mwadw afraid || before the king and the queen. /*< r- 7 * And the king arifmg from the banquet J^ of wine in his wrath, went into the palace-gar-^ * t brine him on horfeback through the ftreet of ------- . . _ and proclaim before him, Thusfhall den 5 and Haman flood up to make requeft for - = --- his life to Efther the queen: for he faw that there was evil determined againft him by the king. it be done to the man whom the king delight- eth to honour. 10 Then the king faid to Haman, Make . _ hafte, M dtAt theapparel , and the horfe, as 8 Then the kii returned out of the palace- thouhaftfaid, anddoeven fotoMordecai the garden, into the pace of the banquet o _wmej Jew , that Gtteth at the kings gate : t let no- andHamanwas fallen upon the bed whereon thing fail of all that thou haiffpoken. Efther^. Then faid the king Will he force 1 1 Then took Haman the apparel and the the queen alfo t before me in the houfe ? As horfe, and arayed Mordecai, and broaohthim thcword went out of the kings mouth, they on horfeback through the ftreet of the city, and covered Hamans face. proclaimed before him, Thus (hall it be done And Harbonah,oneof the chamberlains, untothemanwhomthekmgdelightethtoho- (aid before the king, Behold alfo the f gallows fHeb,^*. i a ^ And Mordecai came again to the kings gate : but Haman hafted to his houfe, mourn- ing, and having his head covered. i j And Haman told Zerelh his wife and all his friends, every thing that had befallen him. Then faid his wife men , and ZereQihis wife unto him , If Mordecai be of the feed of the Jews , before whom thou haft begun to fall , thou ftialt not prevail againft him , but (halt furelyfall before him. 14 And while they were yet talking with him, came the kings chamberlains, and hafted to bring Haman unto the banquet that Efther had prepared. CHAP. VII. X Efther entertaining the king and Hamtn, m-iketb fuit for her o wn life and her peoples, j She accufeth^ Haman. ' and deftroyed five hundred men. 7 And Paribandatha, and Dalphon, and Afpatha, 8 AndPoratha,andAdalia,and Aridatha, 9 And Parmafhta , and Anfai, and Aridai, andVajexatha, 10 The ten fonnes of Haman the fonne of Hammedatha , the enemy of the Jew$ , flew theyjbut on the fpoil laid they not their hand. 1 1 On that day , the number of thofe that kjfefe ng h . UflUn thepal3Ce ' tmS brOU8ht t Hcb.,,n*. 434 Efther. Mordecai's advancement. ten fonnes of Hainan} what have they done m them,andto . .. the reft of the kings provinces?now what nthy petition ? and it fhall be granted thee : or whac t Heb. let men hang. it be granted to the Jews which are in Shu- Chaa, to do to morrow alfo according unto this dayes decree , and 1 let Hamans ten fonnes be ~ded it Co to be one ,h= dec-ree v,a, given Shuhan, had feen concerning thi, mauer, ,nd which , fifend. jqr of .he f,m. .hey retted, and peace and cru.^ rf ^^ ^ the provincesof the king Ahafuerus, andfarre, the book. CHAP. X. do a, ,he fuerus and greacamong .bO= and them. Becaufe Raman the foane of Hammeda- peace to all his feed. The The book off C B. 'Chap.a.j tfiht fowtt *i.King$si. 10,1 3. the Jajet* adverftry. t Heb. t** midjt tfthem i.Pct.5.8 thoufet thy Atari on, tHeb. if k* curffthtc Hit t. thy fact. CHAP. I. We hol'mclfe, riches, and religion* care children- 6 Satin appearing before GCL ,v , <..<, n ,t- ation obtiineth te*ve to tenift Job. \ j "Vnderftand- ing of the iofje of hu goods and children, in hit mottrni ng he bleffeth God* Here was a man in the land of Uz, whofe name was Job, and thae man was * perfed and upright, and one that feared God, and ef- chewed evil. 2 And there were born unto him fcven fonnes, and three daughters. 3 His U fubftance alfo was feven thoufand (heep, and three thoufand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred (he- afies, and a very great || houfhold 5 fo that this man was the greateft of all the f men of the eaft. 4 And hii fonnes went and feafted in their houfes, every one his day, and fent and called for their three fitters, to eat and to drink with them. f And it was fo, when the dayes of their feafting were gone about, that Job fent and fandified them,and rofe up early in the morn- ing, and offered burnt- offerings according to the number of them all : for Job faid, It may be that my fonnes have finned,and*curfed God in their hearts. Thus did Job f continually. 6 ^ Now there was a day, when the fonnes of God came to prefent themfelves before the L o R D, and f Satan came alfo t among them. 7 And the LORD faid unto Satan, Whence comeft thou?Then Satan anfwered the LORD, , and fiid, From * going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. 8 And the L o R D faid unto Satan, f Haft thou confidered my fervant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfed and an upright man, one that feareth God, and ef- cheweth evil ? 9 Then Satan anfwered the L o R D and fatd, Doth Job fear God for nought > 10 Haft not thou made an hedge about him, and about his houfe, and abou-i all that he hath on every fide f thou haft blefled the work of his hands, and his [I fubftance is in- creafed in the land. 1 1 But put forth thine hand now,and touch all that he hath, f and he will curfe thee to thy face. 1 1 And the LORD faid unto Satan,Behold, all that he hath if in thy f power, onely upon hi'mfelf put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the prcfence of the L o R o. jrM 1 3 fl And there was a day, when his fonnes and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldeft brothers houfe : 14 And there came ameflenger unto Job, and faid, The oxen were plowing, and theafies feeding befide them : i ? And the Sabeans fell upon them, and took them away, yea, thevhave flainthefer- vants with the edge of the fword, and I onely am efcaped alone to tell thee. 1 6 While he was yet fpeaking, there came alfo another, and faid, j| The fire of God is B r fallen from heaven, and hath burnt up the f"' fheepjandthe fervants, and confumed them, and I onely am efcaped alone to tell thee. 17 While he was yet fpeaking, there came alfb another , and faid, The Caldeans made* out three bands, and t fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and flain the fetvants with the edge of the fword, and I one- iy am efcaped alone to tell thee. 18 While he was yet fpeaking, there came alfo another, and faid, Thy fonnes and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldeft brothers houfe : 19 And behold, there came a great winde t from the wildernefle, and fmote the foure f^eb./r corners of the houfe,and it fell upon the young ^ men,and they are dead, and I onely am efcaped alone to tell thee. 20 Then Job arofe, and rent his || mantle, I and fhaved his head, and fell down upon the ground,and worfhipped, 2 1 And faid, * Naked came I out of my * Ecclw y. mothers wombe, and naked (hall 1 return thi- ' *'. ther:the LORD gave,and the LORD hath taken '* away,blefled be the name of the LORD. 22 In a] I this Job finned no t, nor U charge Godfoolifhly. " CHAP. II. I Sato* appearing again before God, oltai*eth further leave to tempt Job,j Hefmitethhtm ivithfore to-ris- 9 Job reproveth hit wife, moiling him to curfe God. II Hw three friends condole with htminffitnce. A Gain there was a day, when the fonnes of God came to prefent themfelves before the L o R D, and Satan came alfo among them to prefent himfelf before the L o R D. 2 And the LORD faid unto Satan, From whence comeft thou ? And * Satan anfwered *Chap. iiy. the L o R D,and faid,From going to and fro in the earch,and from walking up and down in it. $ And the LORD faid unto Satan, Haft thou confidered my fervant Job, thac tbcre it Ffz none tegrity,although thou movedft me againft him, f to deftroy him without caufe. 4 And Satan anfwered the LORD, and faid, Skinne for skinne, yea all that a man hath will he give for his life. Satans malice* Job. The eafe of death. 436 nonelikehimin theearth, *aperfeft and an yeare, let It notcome Into the number of the 'Chap.i. upright man, one that feareth God, and ef- moneths. *>* chewethevil? andftillhe holdeth fait his in- 7 Lo 3 let that night be folitarie, let no joy- full voice come therein. 8 Let them curfe it that curfe the day, who are ready to raife up [j their mourning. |Or,4//w. 9 Lcttheftarresof the twilight thereof be ***" dark, let it look for light but have none,neither But put forth thine hand now, andtouch let it fee t the dawning of the day : t Hc b '* his bone and his rhfti, and he will curfe thee to 10 Becaufe it (hut not up the doores of my 'j'-^i / mothers wombe,nor hid forrow from mine eics. the n Why died I not from the wombe ? why did I not give up the ghoft when I came out of the belly/ 1 1 Why did the knees prevent me ? or why the breafts that I fhould fuck $ 1 3 For now fliould I have lien ftill,and been quiet,! (hould have flepe j then had I been at reft; 14 With kings and counfellers of the earth, thy face. 6 And the L o R D faid unto Satan,Behold, he u in thine hand, (| but favc his life. 7 fl So went Satan forth from the prefence of the L o R D, and fmote Job with fore boy Is, from the fole of his foot unto his crown. 8 And he took him a potfherd to fcrape himfelf withall ; and he fat down among the alhes. 9 f Then faid his wife unto him,Doft thou ft* fmred. "Chap.io. Jer. 10.14. */"* who have a bitte; |0r,/r> not rejoycg ' ftill retainthine integrity ? curfe God, and die. which built defolate places for themfelves : 10 But he faid unto her, Thou fpeakeft as i? Or with princes that had gold, who fil- led their houfes with filver : 16 Of as an hidden untimely birth I had one of the fooliih women fpeaketh- what? ftiall we receive good at the hand of God, and (hall we not receive evil ? In all this did not Job not bee n; as infants which never faw light. finnc with his lips. 11 f\ Now when Jobs three friends heard of all this evil that was come upon him, they came every one from his own place : Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad theShuhite,and Zo- phar the Naamathi re for they had made an ap- pointment together to come to mourn with him, and to comfort him. iz And when they lift up their eyes afarre off^ and knew him not, they lifted up their voice, 17 There the wicked ceafe from troubling: and there the J weary be at reft. t^eb. w* 18 Tberethe prifoners reft together, they '^ in ^ r '" heare not the voice of the oppreffour. 19 The fmall andgreatare there, and the fervant ;s free from his mafter. ao Wherefore is light given to him that Is in miferyjand life unto the bitter in foul ? zi Which flong for death, but it eometb not,and dig for it more then for hid treasures ? w.vv, and wept, and they rent every one his 11 Which rejoyce exceedingly, and are glad man ile, and fprinkled dull upon their heads when they can finde the grave ? toward heaven. 23 why U light given to a man whofe way i ; So they fat down with him upon the ground feven day es and feven nights, and none fpake aword unso him : for they faw that bit grief was very great. G H A P. III. I fob cttrfetl) the day andfervices of hit lirth. I? T* Uft of death. 10 We complaineth of life, lecaufe of hit Anguijb. A Peer this opened Job his mouth,and curfed ./I his day. z And Job ffpake,and faid, 3 * Let the day perifli wherein I was born, and the night In which it was faid, There is a man-childeconceived. 4 Let that day be darbnefle,let not God re- gard it from above, neither let the light (bine upon it. f Let darknefle and the (hadow of death jjftainit, let a cloud dwell upomr, {[ let the blacknefie of the day terrific it. 6 As for that nigbr, let datknefle feife upon it>Ji let it not be joyned unto the dayes of the. is hid, * and whom God hath hedged in ? ' 'Chap, i the flo;p C ; h t' M o p T liithho f ' * w ^ I ' D *,. fL : Se!a*?^2 i^iaSafS"""-ir o.-K'i.t.C- ''^'i: ,. ..., ' 23 "Forthou /&ft^ in league with the CHAP. V. ^" of Afield: and the bcails of the field I the harm tf i*ovffjeratio. j TA ^ ofrt* W ,V W . a11 6e at P ea with thee. A,, now .i ,0,W . man anj ,. Or,,Wi. II envy %eth U filly OM . S Thou (halt come to ,4, grm in , r..,, t;w&&5S^T f ;- ^ ^S^SffittSftiEJ $&^ any to deliver them. CHAP J Whofehirveft the hungry eateth up, and ' ft^S **' w; takethiteven out of the thorns, and the rob- ? ? 1 ^/ w M3 ber fwalloweth u their fb Jfl T ' '"** ** CHAP. V **' w;L^ w M3U^ "** ** ("^ t " theground: - - PJD8 Ut r cihcd) d lances together' ~tob juftifeth his complaint. JOD. 3 iPornowitmuldbeheavierthenthefand *7 Yea, f ye overwhelm the fatherlefie, and . W . .A. f- ,.rf* u mv words arc fwallowed you dig a pit: for your friend. 4> a e \ c v, pf^. U mv words are fwallowed you dig * p*f lor your menu. upgrit RThatis,/ ofthelea,thererore nmyvx ^ NQ ^ therefore be con tent, look ur>on ;5S%''iS f P lrlt - " 50 Is there iniquity in my tongue .? cannot -J- H eb. wj ar 7Sth m e e wilde a {febraytvvhenhehath t my tafte difcern petverfe things? >exeu r eth ^^ reo f de ^. i* H,^iA without fait 2 or is there any taite in the wnite ^ ^ ow j n re ^ ne ff et an< i Gods Tvatchfuineflt. ofaneggc? , T s f j[, ey not |j an appointed time to man upon JOf ,4 W4r 7 The things ;fa; my foul refufed to touch, 1,^ ^ re ^ yJJJ-j alfolike the daycs of /*. are as my forrowfull meat. . a O chat I might have my requeft! and that ZSOL G 1^^^SSSi HIS 3 .tilSt nc vvuuiu ou am JL maae tu iinnpnc u ii -'** >fc ** 1 ' "** sneoflF. f T tv, and wear ifomc nights are appointed tome. ,o Thenfhouldl yet have <%^*** ^ wtenIliedo W S,Ifay,Whenfli a ll larife, would harden my fclf m forrowj let him not 4 vv ^ >^ ^ i ^ fuU of ^ fpare,forlhavenot concealed the words of the finss r toand | rount & othedavvnin gofthed a y. i is clothed with worms and clods of ftones? P that my life *winde: mine f, m and 103. 15% and 144.4* him that "fear of the Almighty. ' ^-^,,11.. a< - *T^'i the cloud is confumed, and vaniflieth l^'^n! ^g^fels.^ M^i^ i *^"*' i ^.i5& * theyai:etCOnfUm ^ complain in the bitterneffe of my foul. f*S of theirplace. jjfi Jiti il ^Iafea,ora whale, that thoufetteft a ,". ...".., compiainm tne Diitcuitiit UL i v ^-. /^r of their place. t x a ^/^I afea,ora whale^thatthoufettella tHeb.*A'- they go to nothing, and penfli. when I fay. My bed (hall comfort me, tinouiktd. ,\, -ruAfrnnne of Tema looked, the com- J ? vvn, 15 When I lay, My oea man conn -^ .: jr., my couch {hall cafe my complaint: panics of Sheba waited ^^^^ they had \ 4 Then thou fcareft me with dreams, and B0 ^,. K ^SE5^:^, ^SSS?--^-- 5=&*1*?tirartH&i or i are- .< Iloa,h ? Iwoildo..ia,v,a y aet, '"' ^xr,:^z^Uiha^-:>7^ Heb. 2.6. death rather t then my nte. or give a re- i? I loath jf, I would not live always let me onifie Kim /ahd that thoufhouldeft fet thine and 144-5. redeem me from the ttana or tnenn B iity sna " Heb.2.6. jtxzi XXKSS h 2SS^:.r" r? HOT f.,.i*" ""-I- f,sr,'23 l i'Swa;'5;,i doth your arguing reprover - - 26 Do ye imagine to reprove words , and the fpeeches of one that is defperatc, which are Gods juftice. The hypocrites deftruftion. Chap, viii.ix. No contending with God < -o - ""--I' againft thee f~ - L -- T "* greflion ,and take away mine iniquitie? for now fhall I fleep in the duft , and thou 0# It feek me mthemorning,but c H A P. I X. t Hb. jb* ntt b CHAP VIII CHAP. V 1 1 1, but ho " he would awake for thee , and make the habi- 9 * Which maketh f Ar^rus C Orion and *'S'- ration of thy nghteoufnefle rrofperous. Pleiades, and the dSmhm V& fiS*" 4 nd * Cha 8 8 - - - te'iK M The ew th is given into the hand of the F f 4 wicked ; Jobs expoftulation with God. Job. Gods wifdome unfearchablei 1 440 wicked : he covered the faces of^ the judges ^ 13 Andthefe things haft thou hid in thine t Heb. Jhipt i Heb. one that thereof; if not, where, and who is he ? 2 f Now my dayes are fwifter then a poft : they flee away, they fee no good. ^6 They are paffed away as the f H fwift 'Jn^'i' f ^P S : as the ea le that na ^ etn to me p re y p Ebth. 1 7 I f I fay ,1 will forget my complaint,! will leave off my heavineffe, and comfort my felf ': 28 I am afraid of all my forrows , I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent. *9 J/I be wicked, why then labour I in vain? 30 If I wa(h my felf with (how-water, and make my hands never fo clean; 3 1 Yet (halt thou plunge me in the ditch, fj Or,>di and mine own clothes (hall |[ abhorre me. 3 2 For be it not a man as I am, that I (hould anfwerhim, andwt (hould come together in judgement. 3 3 Neither is there f any (| dayes-man be- twixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both. H^jr'umtiire 34 Let him take his rod away from me,and ' mf ' let not his fear terrific me. 3 ? Then would I fpeak , and not fear him} am not/a Httbmjfdf. CHAP. X. i Job, taking liberty of complaint, expoftulateth with Gadabout his afflictions. 1 8 We complaineth of life, and cr avert A little eafe before dtath, ft Or. c ut off \ /I Y foul is II weary of my life , I will leave JVL my complaint upon my felf 5 I will fpeak in the bitternefle of my foul. 2 I will fay unto God,Do not condemn mej (hew me wherefore thou contendeft with me. 3 Is it good unto thee , that thou (houldeft f- Heb. the opprefle? that thou (houldeft defpife f the work iab,ur of thine o f tn j nc hands ? and (hine upon the counfel of hand " the wicked? 4 Haft thou eyes of flefh ? or feeft thou as manfceth? 5 Are thy dayes as the dayes of man ? are thy yeares as mans dayes, 6 That thou enquireft after mine iniquitie, and fearcheft after my finne? tHeb. It is 7 fThou knoweil that I am not wicked, upon thy an d t } jere # n one that can deliver out of thine t Heb. took, g Thine hands f have made me and faftii- PMHI about oned me t0 g etner roun d a bout ; yet thou doeft deftroy me. 9 Remember, I befeech thee, that thou haft made me as the clay , and wilt thou bring me into duft again? *Pfal.i3$>. i o * Haft thou not poured me out as milk, and cruddied melikecheefe? 11 Thou haft clothed me with skinne and i , and haft f fenced me with bones and fi- news. 12 Thou haft granted me life and favour, and thy vifitation hath preferved my fpirit. bile Hive. heart; I know that this a with thee. 14 If I finne, then thou markeft me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquitie. If If I be wcked, wo unto me, and if I be righteous, yet will I not lift up my head : / am full of confufion, therefore fee thou mine affli- ction : 1 6 For it increafeth: thou hunteft measa fierce lion : and again thou fhewcft thy felf marvellous upon me. 17 Thou reneweft || thy witnefles againft |j That is,tfy me, and increafdt thine indignation upon me; P ltl *" changes and warre are againft me. 1 8 * Wherefore then haft thou brought me * Chap. j. forth out of the wombe ? Oh that I had given 1 1- up the ghoft, and no eye had feen me / 19 I (honld have been as though I had not been, I fliould have been carried from the wombe to the grave. 20 * Are not my dayes few ? ceafe then>and * See Chap, let me alone that I may take comfort a little : 7-6. and g.^. 1 2 1 Before I gotvhence I (hall not return,^^ to the land of darknefle,& the (hadow of death; 2 1 A land of darkneffe , as darkneffe it ftlf, and of the (hadow of death,without any order, and where the light ii as darkneffe. CHAP. XI. i repentance. THen anfwered Zophar the Naamathite, and faid, a Should not the multitude of words be an- fwered? and (hould ] a man full of talk be jufti- f Heb; 4 fied? man of U fi . 3 Should thy |j lies make men hold their || Or,rf*w'j. peace / and when thou mockeft, (hall no man make thee afhamed? 4 For thou haft faid , My dodrine pure, and I am clean in thine eyes. f But, O that God would fpeak, and open his lips againft thee, 6 And that he would fliew thee the fecrets of wifdome,that they are double to that which is .' know therefore that God exacleth of thee left then thine iniquitie deferveth. 7 Canft thou by fearching finde out God ? canft thou finde out the Almighty unto perfe- dion? 8 Jf is t as high as heaven, what canft thou f Heb, tht' do? deeper then hell, what canft thou know? heights / 9 The meafure thereof is longer then the * earth, and broader then the fea. 10 If he U cut off,and (hut up, or gather to- n or, nuke* gether,hen f who can hinder him? change. 1 1 For he knoweth vain men : he feeth t H eb. ib wickednefle alfo, will he not then confider it ? C 1"1* hir * 12 For [ vain man would be wife, though man be born I'.ke a wilde afles cole. IS If Godsomnipotencie. Chap.xii.xiii. Job reproveth his friends; 44, 14 If inicjuitie^inthinchand,putitf a rre away, and let not wickednefle dwell in thy ta- 16 With him /) ftren bernacles. deceived and . For then fbalt thou lift up thy face wuhout fpoc , yea , thou (halt be ftedfaft, and makcth the judges fools ne; pafie awav clearerVhenthe " * t *^'^*S of tHA. *, .8 Aod ,hu ffialt be fecurc bauf= .here T t '*^ of tHA. * rar^S fer * "" l)vv 2 e : ke H n :f h o r fl h -rr^^"'^^"- ;iSS?-=Sfe A Ndjob anfwsted and faid, . , WJr> ' T , Jl. i No doubt but ye m the people and {. 7 ? rope '" the dark ""hout light. Kifdome lhall die with you P ' and he mak h th t flagget like a drunken ' H-b w* a n dinga SW ella S you, ' U HAp YIII ,,... - CHAP. X tf notfuch things as theW + 5 ButIhl tunderfta n dinga SW ella S you, HAp tl-mnotinfenourroyou-yeaftwhoknovveth CHAP. notfuch th ' "'"'* ^ --- ' t Heb. f mouthtafte his meat? With the ancient ' wiftiome , and in h hath counfel and underftandino ' y a l ! P n yOU , , T< n>l, rt u u i r Your remembrances arc like unto afhes, ' T< >, rt u emrances a >Ifa.ax. 21 . '4 eo .hebreakethdoWivnd it cannot yourbodies tobodiesof clay. 7 ' thereLS ' Amteth t upaman, and i ? i Hold your peace, let me alone that jt eK'M - /. there canbt no opening, mayfpeaMndletcomeonmcwhac mil. %*** " 14 Where- Job* eoftfidence in God. Jobi Life once loft is irrecoverable." 44* 14 Wherefore do I take my flefli in my teeth, 9 r # through the fent of waterit will bud, ypd put my life in mine hand f and bring forth boughs like a plant. I f Though he flay me , yet will I truft in zo But man dieth, and f wafteth away: yea, f Heb. it f fids, frw, him:but I will f maintain mine own wayes be- man giveth up the ghoft, and where u he ? wea^a* 4, of fore him. 1 6 Hezlfojbtiltbemy falvation: for an hy- pocrite (hall riot come before him. 17 Heare diligently my fr/ecch, and my de- claration with your eares. 18 Behold now, I have ordered my caufe, I know that I (hall be juftified. 10 WhoMhef&rti will plead with me? for BOW if I hold my tongue, I (hall give up the ghoft. 2.0 Onely do not two things unto me : then Will I not hide my felf from thee. >i Withdraw thine hand farre from me : ij Thou (halt call, and I will anfwer thee : and let not thy dread make me afraid. n thou wilt have a defire to the work of thine hands. 16 * For now thou numbreft my fteps, doft * Pfal thou not watch over my finne ? 17 My tranfgreffion. w fealed up in a bag, and thou foweft up mine iniquitie. 1 1 As the waters fail from the fea , and the j * & floud decayeth and drieth up : 1 1 So man lieth down , and rifeth not till the heavens be no more, they fhall not awake, nor be raifed out of their flcep. 1 5 O that thou wouldeft hide me in the grave , that thou wouldeft keep me fecret, un- till thy wrath be paft, that thou wouldeft ap- point me a fet time, and remember me. 14 If a man die, (hall he live again? all the dayes of my appointed time will I wait,till my change come. Thou (halt call, and 1 will anfwer thee : '** Then call thou, and I will anfwer ; or let me ("peak, and anfwer thou me. *3 How many arc mine iniquities and Cnnes? make me to know my tranfgi:efiion and nsy finne* .4 Wherefore hideft thou thy face , and lipldeft me for thine enemy? Wilt thou break a leaf driven to and fro? hii place 1 8 And furely the mountain falling fco-fHeb, ft- meth to nought: and the rock is removed out of *** tHeb.ft- firwfi. f Heb. Jiitt if elayet. * Chap. 8.9. PfaJ.ioi.ii. an4 10 j.i 5. ndl44<4 and wilt thou purfue the dry ftubble ? z6 For thou writeft bitter things againft me, , and *makeft me to poflefle the iniquities of my youth. 17 Thou putteft my feet alfo in the flocks, and f lookeft narrowly unto all my paths; thou fctteft a print upon the t heels of my feet. z8 And he, as a rotten thing confumeth, as a garment that is moth-eaten. CHAP. XI II I. i fob intreateth God for favour , \>y the fhortneffe of life, and certainty of death. 7 though life once loft be irrecoverable yet he waiteth for hit change. \6 Bj finne the creature iefubjett n corruption. % j An that is born of a woman, is f of few JVJLdayes, and full of trouble. 10 The waters wear the ftones : thoa t wafheft.away the things which grow out of f Heb. the duft of the earth , and thou deftroyeft hope of man. 2,0 Thou prevailed for ever againft him, and he pafleth: thou changeft his counte- nance, and iendeft him away. n His fonnes come to honour, and he knoweth it notj and they are brought low, but he perceiveth it not of them. *2 But his fle(h upon him (hall have pain,, and his foul within him (hall mourn. C H A P. X V. I 'Eliphat rtvrvvttk Job ofanpietie m'ftfttfying htm" felf. 17 He proveth by tradition the unqiiietneffe of nicked men. * He cometh forth like a flower, and is TPHen anfwered Eliphaz the Temanite and cut down: he fleeth alfo as a fludow, and conti- faid, fn Pfal-5'.y. * Chap. 7.1 nuetli not. 3 And doft thou open thine eyes upon fuch an one , and bringeft me into judgement with thee? 4 | Who* can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not One. 5 * Seeing his dayes are determined, the number of his moneths are with thee,thpu haft appointed.his bounds that he cannot paffe. tHcb,*/. 6 Turn from him that he may t reit, till he (hall accomplifl), as an hireling, his day. 7 For there is hope of a tree , if it be cue down , that it will fprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not ceafe, i 8 Though the root thereof wix old in the ' .earth, and the ftock thereof die in the ground : z Should a wife man utter t vain know- j-Hcb. kjutt ledge, and fill his belly with the caft-winde? ledge of 3 Should he reafon with unprofitable talk? & or with fpeeches wherewith he can do no good ? 4 Yea, f thou cafteftoflf fear, and reftiaiwftt Heb.^ || prayer before God . ^Q^ ^A. f For tby mouth t "ttereth thine iniquitie, | jj c \,. and thou choofeft the tongue of the crafcy. itiehitki 6 Thine own mouth condemneth thee 1 , and not I : yea, thine own lips teftifie againft thee. 7 Art thou-the firft man that was born i or waft thou made before the hils ? 8 * Haft thou heard the fecretof God? and *Rom,ii,J4. doft thou reftraid wifdome to thy felf? o What knoweft tkou that we know not? What i. Kings Chap. 14. 4. Pfdl.14-3. Pro v. io.y. I. John i. 8. ji> bat underftandeft thou, which is not in us? 10 With us arc both the gray-headed, and very aged men, much elder then thy father. 1 1 Are theconfolations of God fmall with thee? is there any fecret thing with thee? 1 2 Why doth thine heart carry thee away? and what do thine eyes wink ar, 1 3 That thou turneft thy fpirit againft God, andletreftfuch words go out of thy mouth? 14 * What ts man, that he ihould be clean? and he which is born of a woman, that he mould be righteous? I j * Beholdjhe putteth no truft in his faintsj yea, the heavens are not clean in his fight. 16 How much more abominable and filthy is man, which diinketh iniquity like water? 1 7 I will {hew thee , heare me, and that which 1 have fcen, 1 will declare, 18 Which wife meVhave told from their fathers, and hare not hid it: 19 Unto whom alone the earth was given, and no ftranger pafled among them. 20 The wicked man travelleth with pairi all his dayes,andthe number of yeares is hid- den to the oppreflbur. J-'-J 2 1 f A dreadfull found is in his eares j in profperity the deftroycr fhall come upon him. az* He bekeveth not. that he frnll return out of darknefie, and he is waited for of the fword. 23 Hewaikkrethabroad for bread, fining, Where u Itf he knoweth that the day of d.irk- nefle is ready at his hand. 24 Trouble and anguift {hall make him afraid} they {hall prevail againft him, as a king ready to the battell. 25 For he ftretcheth out his hand againft God, and ftrengtheneth himfelf againft the Almighty. 26 He runneth upon him,ez/to oh his neck, upon the thick-bqfles of his bucklers: 27 Becaufe he covercth his face with his fat- neffe,andmaksthcollopsof fat on his flanks. 28 And he dwelleth in defolate cities, and in houfes which no ma'n inhabiteTlV, whicrrare ready to become heaps. ' .29 He fhnU not be rich, neither flail his fub- ftanc*' continue, neither lhall he prolong the perfection thereof upon the earth. 30 He {hall not depart out of darknefle, the flame (hill drf up tes branches ^ and by the breath of his mouth flwll he go away. ' 3 1 Let not him that is deceived, truft in va- nity: for vanity {hall be his recompenfe. 32, It {hall be |f accomplished before his time, and his branch {hall not be green. 3 3 He thall ihake oft" his unripe grape as the vine, and fl>aW caft or! his flower as the olive. : 34 For the congregation of hypocritesjJtatf be defolate , and fire {hall confurue the tabar- aacles of bribery. J * r * 3? * They conceive rnifchief, and bring 44? forth jj vanity, and their belly prepareth deceit? CHAP. XVI. i 7o& refrnttb kit friends of nmenifkbteffe. 7 We ? "" fieTveththepitifHlne(feofhitcafe.i 7 Hcmamtaauth 5P-4- ||Or,i- ^pHen Job anfwered and faid, 1 i I have heard many fuch things: |j * mi- ferable comforters are ye all. {,"' 3 Shall f vain words have an end? or what + Heb!*imrf* emboldeneth thee that thou anfwereft? f vinde. 4 I alfo could fpeakas ye do: if your foul were in my fouls ftead, I could heap up words againft you, and {hake mine head at you. ? But I would ftrengthen you with my mouth , and the moving of my lips ihould af- fwage your grief. 6 Though! fpeak,tny grief is not aflwaged: and though I forbear, f what am I eafed? f Heb. **** 7 But now he hath made roe weary : thou ^ t ^" m haft made defolate all my company. 8 And thou haft filled me with wrinkles,, which is a witnefle againft me: &my leannefle rifing up in me, beareth witnefle to my face. 9 He tcareth we in his wrath, who hateth me: he gnameth upon me with his teethj mine enemy fliarpeneth his eyes upon me. 10 .They hive gaped upon me with theit mouth , they have fmitten me upon the cheek reprochfully , they have gathered therafelyes togerhes'.3gfti#unri. <- 1 1 God j hath delivered me to the ungod- f Heb. W4 ly, and turned me over into the hands of the jhtmt up* Wicked. t. J -3i\ 1 2 I was at cafe , but he hath broken me aftinder : he hath alfo taken me by my neck, snd {haken me to pieces, and fct me up for his mark, 1 3 His archers compafle me round about,he cleaveth my reins afunder, and doth not fparej he powrerh cut my gall upon theground-. 14 He breaketh me with breach upon breach, he runneth upon me like a giant.- .' 1 *i -I Have fowed'fackcloth upon ray ikinne, and defiled my horn in the duflv 1 6 My face is foul with weeping, and on my eye-lkls^ the {hadow of death: 17 Not for any injuftice in mine hands: alfor my-prayer is pure. iW A 1 8 O earth, cover not thou ray bloud, and let my crie have no phce. 19 Alfo now, behold, my witnefle win hea- ven, and ray record is t on high. f Heb. in tbt 20 My friends ffcorn me : but mine eye jf^Q'/J poureth out tears unto God, mjfitrntri. - .-21 O that one might plead for a man with God, asa minfleadtth for his || neighbour. (J Or,/wwt, 22 When fa few yeares are come, then I j- Heb.jM fliall go the way wbtnf e Khali not return. C H A J lOD apWCiU 444 CHAP. XVII. Jobappeilethfrom me* to God. 6 dediHofmemvith tbetftliXed. may aflowjb, tut not di'eonriige the ri&kteoits.u Hit fc?f e w wot i iife &r m death. 9 The grin (hall take fcj by the heel, <* the robber (hall prevail againft him. i o The fnare w t laid for him in the ground, f Hcb. 4/4. and a trap for him in the way. de. 1 1 Terrours (hall make him afraid on every graves an ready for me". fide > and ftal1 1 drive him to his feet. t Heb /;*. f tor* not mockers with me?and doth a Hisftrength {hill be hunger- bitten, and '*. deftrudionpa// fee ready at his fide. 1 3 It ftull devoure the -f ftrength of his -j Heb.^rr* skinne : even the firft-bom of death (hall de- voure his ftrength. 14 * His confidence (hall be rooted out of *Chap.g.i+ MY I) breath iscorrupt,my dayes are extinct, the I Or, 6_ _t . o w.i . . . . . u&vt,0-e .i,,,,! ,. . ..n.u, un i. *natwnicn neiaoourearor. ihallnere- 24 ThS'we^ven h ore,and (hall not fwallow it down : t accord- t Heb.^ Jf ^at they were graven with an iron pen g tojbwfubftance^/5fthereftitution^,and rd ,.,*.. and lead,, n the rock for ever! fae (hall not rejoyce ^w/. /-*/./ G^tf fc M ESS?* !i my f edecmerllv h,and 19 Becaufe he hath fopprefled, ^ hath Jt2 '" * ' A "' earth 3l ^ Up<>n the forfaken the P oore i * Wtf ^ he hath violently i. odyfredTf. " taken away an houfe which he builded not: '*ynouId( i^ Wh yP erf cu tewehim, 22 In the fulncfle of his fufficiency he (hall '*A/A*- ^ Hfee^tberootofthematterisfoundinme? beinftraits : every hand of the || wicked (hall "'"' ... ha!,.., ./ , , Z 9 Be ye afraid of the fword : for wrath comeuponhim. bpr.w.rfW. ragftft the : puniOunems of the fword, that ye * j r^w he is about to fill his belly,^ (hall ^ OT c? mayknowf^a judgement. caftthefuryof hiswrachupon him, and 1 (hall h CHAP XX "in if upon him while he is eating. ^*25btte- 1 ^: ^^^^^S^ : T? !?f 5 P N3am hite, 2^ It is drawn and cometh out of the body; , TKVrX* ^o ^ W thc S liftrin fword cometbout of his gall 5 * Therefore do my thoughts caufc me to terrours^re upon him. :';;?. ^tftKSS; r z6 AU dai ^ nefre ^^ * f ,-*, i have beard the check of my reproch, places : a fi not blown (hallconfame him } it- to anfyvef 1 "' * und ft ding caufeth me flull go ill with hirmhat is left in his taber- 4 Knovveft thou not thisof old, fiace man 27' The heaven (hall reveal his iniquity: and i fal.jy. w P^ed upon earth, the emh (hall rife up againft him, < *n? j ^ mum P hin g f lhe wicked . a8 Th^inceafc of h.s boufe diall deparr, ^ the joy of ihchypocrice but for a atdbisgotfi (hall flaw away in the day of hiS^ Thewickedsprofpcrity; Job.' Their judgement in another world. 44 6 . This * *. po,tionof a wicked . ^^HUJtteafts^ fu.Uf null,, d hblo-j-. him by God. CHAP. XXI. l fob Jkeweth that even in the judgement of man he hath reason to be grieved^ Sometimes the -wicked do fo profper, that is gold. *"* * 1 1 My foot bath held his flops, his way have I kept, and not declined. 1 2 Neither have I gone back from the com- mandment of his lips, f I haveefteemed the fHeb.7/W words of his mouth , more then || my neceflary hid, or Uid food. *f- i $ But he is in one m'mde, and who can turn ^. r> "I"?- him ? and what *his foul ckfireth, even that $ p '" hedoeth. 'Pfal.us 3, 14 For he performeth the thing that is ap- pointed for me : and many fuch things are with him. i y Therefore am I troubled at his prefence : when I confider, I am afraid of him, 1 6 ForGodmakethmyheartfoft, and the Almighty troubleth me : 17 Becaufe I was not cut off before the darkneffe, neither hath he covered thc daik- nefle from my face. (M fonred 17 * Which faid unto God,Depart from us: Chap.Ti. and w ^ at can l ^ e -Almighty do j| for them f 14. 1 8 Yet he filled their houfes with good Orjttktm. things: but*the counfel of the wicked is farre Chap. . . f rommc . < 6 pfal.io7. I0 * ^ e righteous fee/r, and are glad : ^,. and the innocent laugh them to fcorn. or, tftate. ao Whereas our Ufubftance is not cut down, ^etUt'" k ut N ^ e remnant f tnem ^ e ^ re confumeth. 2 1 Acquaint now thy felf Uwith him s and be tith Cjd. at peace: thereby good (hall come unto thee. 22 Receive, I pray thee 3 the law from his mouth, and lay up his words in thine heart. Chap. 8. 23 * If thou return to the Almighty, thou > 6. (halt be built up , thou (halt put away iniquity farre from thy tabernacles. Or, en tht 24 Then (halt thou lay up gold fl as duft,and *ft' the gold of Ophir as the ftones of the brooks. f r, ffrenzth. an tou at ave penty of Giver. ^6 For then (halt thou have thy delight in the Almighty , and (halt lift up thy face unto God. 27 Thou (halt make thy prayerunto him, and he (hall heare thee, and thou (halt pay thy vows. 18 Thou (hilt alfo decree a thing, and it (hall be eftablifhed unto tbee : and the light (hall (hine upon thy way es. Heb. him Z 9 When men are caft down, then thoa W hath love (halt fay, there is lifting up : and he (hall fave 1*1- -\ the humble perfon. r * '*!' 3 U He {ha11 deli ver the ifland of the inn - 5j5T cent: and " is d e h > ered ty thc purenefleof itnd. thine hands. C H A P. XXITT. I Job longtth to appear before God t 6 in confidence of hit rnercy.tGod who it in-viftble,ob!er-veth ewr wayes. 1 i Jobs tnnocency. i j Gods decree u immutable. THen job anfwered and Cud, 2 Even to day is my complaint bitter:tmy *** ftroke is heavie-r then my groning. 3 O that I knew where I might finde him ! that I might come even to his feat ! 4 I would order my caufe before him, and fill my mouth with arguments. 5 I would know the words which he would cofwer me, and underftand what he would fay unto me. 6 Will he plead againft me with his great power ? No, but hewouldp-.it firengtb in me. 7 There the righteous might difputc with CHAP. XXIIII. t Wtckedneffe goeth oftenu-nfunifijed.i'j There it a. fe* cret judgement far the wicked. Wi Hy, feeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, do they that know himy not fee his dayes ? 2 Some remove the * land-marks; they vio- * !>cut. i?; lently take away flocks, and H feed thereof. ,^ tand ** ? They drive away the afle of the father- ^or, f t A leffe, they take the widows ox fora pledge. them. 4 They turn the needy out of thc way : the pooreof the earth hide themfelves together. f Behold , as wilde afles in the defert , go they forth to their work , nfing betimes for a prey : the wildernefle yeeldeth food for them and for their children. 6 They reap every one his 1 corn in the t"eb m^ field: and f they gather the vintage of tne f r / ^" r "' or wicked. / Heb. t** 7 They caufe the naked to lodge without W iY reproving, the uncharitable Tfirit 5 acknorviedgfth lint f oner of God to be infinite and unfearchable. B lit Job anfwered and faid , ^ How haft thou helped him that it without power ? hotv faveft thou the arm that batb no ftrength ? 3 How haft thou counfdled him that hath no wifdome ? and how haft thou plcntifalty declared the thing, as it is ? 4 To whom haft thou uttered words? and whofe fpirit came from thee ? 5 Dead things are formed from under the waters, |j and the inhabitants thereof. 6 * Hell w naked before him. and deftru. '**** aion hath no covering. *Prov.. 5 . 7 He ftretcheth out the north over the emptie place, and hangeth the earth upon no. thing. 8 He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds, and the cloud is not rent under them. 9 He holdeth back the face of bis throne, and fpreadeth his cloud upon ir. 10 He hath compafled the waters with bounds , f untill the day and niftht come to an end. th.,H*,f 1 1 The pillars of heaven tremble, and are 'jf aftoniftied at his reproof. i z He divideth thefea with his power, and by his undemanding he fmiteth through fthe t Hcb,fri*- proud. 1 5 By his fpirit he hath garniflied the hea- vens- his hand hath formed the crooked fer- pent. 1 4 Lo, thefe are parts of his wayes,but how little a portion is heard of him ? but the thun- der of his power who can under ft and ? CHAP. XXVFI. I Job frttejleth hit (inceritte. 8 The hypocrttt it -with- out hope. 1 1 Ihe blefstngs which the vtictyd. hjve,are turned into curfes. MOreover , Job t continued his parable, Heb ""** and faid, >w^ V . z As God liveth, tvho hath taken away my judgement, and the Almighty, w J!;o hath fvex- ed my foul ; j All the while my breath is in me,and |Jthe I That is.f < fpirit of God ij in my noftrils j b "* th vhtcl> 4 My lips fliall not fpeak wickednefle, nor f . *'" my tongue utter deceit. 5 God forbid that I (hould juftifie you : till I die, I will not remove my integritie from me. 6 My righteoufnefle I hold faft , and will not let it go : my heart (ball not reproch me t fo long as I live. \ Heb. fu* 7 Let mine enemy be as the wicked, and m J **}" he that rifeth up againft me , as the unrigh- teous. Matt. if. 8 * For what is the hope of the hypocrite, ic. though The portion of the wicked. Chap, xxviii. xxix," Wifdomes excellency. though he hath gaincd,when God taketh away U rock j he ovef turneth the mountains by the 449 his foul ? Prov.i.aS 9 * Will God hcare his cry when trouble r.:k. 8.1 8. coraeth uon him 2 hh 9.j 19 Will he delight hjmfelf in the Almighty? Will he alwayes call upon God ? ni will teach you (| by the hand of God : that which is with the Almighty , will 1 not 1 1 Behold , all ye your felves have feen ir, whythen are ye thus altogethef vain ? i j This is the portion o.f a wicked man God , and the heritage of oppreflburs, i they fhall receive of the Almighty. 10 Heoxteth out rivers among the rocks, and his eye feeth every precious thing. 11 He bindeth the flouds f from overflow- t H l>/ r ing , and the thing that is hid } bringeth he *"* '"*' forth to light. 1 2 But where fhall wifdome be found ? and where is the place of undw ftanding i 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof j neither is it found in the land of the living. 14 * The depth faith, Itw not in me : and *Rom.ii2 the iea faith, It is not with me. 3 < if tit * cannot be gotten for gold, neither 1 Chap. 18, i. Heb in \tting ht SlLtJ lUCT HiaiJi IVVVIIV v/ft ** n*.*^%*vj. * -y | & r W01**v*fc wr ^wt.w- bw ^w*M , AJV.1 : 14 If his children be multiplied, it is for the flull filver be weighed for the price thereof. T . f/vord : and his offspring (hall not be fatisfied \6 It cannot be valued with the gold of O- r. with bread. phir, with the precious onyx, or the faphire. "Prov.j.i?, if Thofe that remain of him (hall be buried 17 Thegoldand the cryftall cannot equall i*and8.u, in death: and * his widows (h*! loot weep. it: and the exchange of it Jbatt not be for J an 16 Though he heap up filver as the daft, Jj jewels of fine gold. \\Or,vr/el and prepare raiment as the clay j 1 8 No mention (hall be made of |j corall , f fine gold. 1 7 He may prepare it> but the jnft fhall put or of pearls : for the price of wifdome is above |Or,*nrA. if on, and the innocent (hall divide the filver. rubies. 18 Hebuildeth his houfe as a moth, and as 19 The topaz of Ethiopia (hall not equall it, a booth tbtt the keeper maketh. neither (hall it be valued with pure gold. 1 9 The rich man (hall lie down a but he fliall 20 * Whence then cometh wifdome ? and * Verf. 12; not be gathered : he openeth his eyes , and he where is the place of underftanding ? 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of allli- ving,and kept clofe from the fowls of the ||aiK. 22 Destruction and death fay, We have heard the fame thereof with our cares. 23 God underftandeth the way thereof,and he knoweth the place thereof. 24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth , and feeth under the whole heaven. 2f To make the weight for the windeSjand he weigheth the waters by meafure. 26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder : 27 Then did he fee it , and || declare it, he is not. 20 * Terrours take hold on him as waters, a tempeft ftealeth him away in the night. 21 The eaft-windecarrieth him away, and he departcth: and -as a ftormhurleth him out of his place. 22 For God (hall caft upon him, and not fpare : | he would fun flee out of his hand. 2; Men fliall clap their hands at him, and flttllhiffe him out of his place. CHAP. XXVIII. I There is a knowledge of ruturaU things, it But tvif- domeisantxceUentgiftofGod. , . Or,* mini* QUrely , there is || a vein for the diver , and a prepared it, yea and fcarched it out. Pul.u i. for gold wherethty fine it. 28 And unto man he faid,Behold,*the fear 10. of the Lord , that is wifdome, and to depart Pnr.i.y. from evil is underftanding. CHAP. XXIX. i ?ot bemoneth bimfelf of tis former f rafter hj and honour- Moreover, Job t continued his parable, 1Heb.^t andfaid, "*** 2 Oh that I were as in moneths paft, as in the dayes when God preferTed me : 3 When his (| candle (hined upon my head, Or, Imfi and when by his light I walked through dark- nefie: 4 As I was in the dayes of my youth , when Or, drf. rv pl^CC lOf HUJU t^UKi C **** j ***> ** 2 Iron is taken out of the Hearth, and brafle is molten out of the ftone. 5 He fetteth an end to darknefle , and fearcheth out all perfection the ftones of dark neffe and the (hadow of death. 4 The floud breaketh out from the inha- bitant j even the water* forgotten of the foot : they are dried up , they arc gone away from men. 5 As for the earth, out of it cometh bread : and under it is turned up as it were fire. 6 The ftones of it are the place of faphires: ffit and it hath [j duft of gold. -r .-... ~*.~j~ j ., - , 7 There is a path which no fowl knowetb, the fecretof God wwupon my tabernacle : and which the vultures eye hath not feen. 8 The lions whelps have not trodenit,nor the fierce lion paffed by it 5 When the Almighty was yet with me, yvben my children were about me : . 6 When I wa(hed my fleps with butter, and He putteth forth his hand upon the the rotk poured t me out rivers of oyl : G g 7 When er roferitie Job. and prelent miferle.'! . city, the meet. I alking, and bid 8 ^ c * t yiler ^g carth . f Heb. Mn l tee ^W^^areteardwfente mc parenottofpitinmy face. ***- ne;andvfhcnthecye&ffr, itgavewicnei J^^JJ he hath | 00 fed my cord and rf-^Sf" t0 " C Becaufeldeliveredthcpoorethatcried, right fe ,^ ri f the ytth, they he i P 3 h The ble^ngof hi.th.tvvas.eady to ft23^fSS SwKJ** ^ peri(h,came upon me: and I caufed the widows * *g* matre my rfl| they fet forward h to the lame. Terroars are turned upon me : they pur- 16 I^afathertothepoorenndthecaun: fj^ r foulasthevvinde: P and ^ welVare t Heb. , 1 ^ r ^ fhallmultiply^dayesasthefand. " P ^ My bones are pierced in me in the night- tHeb../. 19 Myroot^t/Pjcadoutbythewaters, f J o 7 n f y and g^, take no reft. ^. ^ dthcd ^ layalln ^^"7 a nd m vbov7 ^ 8 By the great force of my difeafe , is my t Heb. . 10 My glory was t tre(h in me, and my bow / h ' ^ . h bindeth me about as lhe fHeb. wast renewed in my hand. collar of mv coat 'HP* xi Untome^gaveeare.andwaued^nd CO \ hr ^^ me into the m ire s and I am kept filence ac my counfel. become like duft and alhes. ^ After my words they fpake notagam, ^^^^ 3nd thoudoftnotheare andmy fpeech dropped upon i cm. Iftandup, andthou regarded me not. i? And they waited for me, as for the ram, n /'.^ ^ tbec ome cruel to me : with f Heb.m. andtheyopencd theirmouth wide forthe ^ ftronCT hand thou opp of e ft thyfelf againft .*./. latterrain. .. ' . ' [ Heb ;'^ ^ l/IlajgW on J hem >7 c ^; e t d h ^ m z'z Thoulifceftmeup to thewinde: thouf^/ not, and the light of my countenance they caufeftme w ridc /- fi and diffolveft my ^ caft not down. r u uft ance |Or, vip- x f Ichofeouttheirwa^andfatchief, and w . thou wilt bring me f fl " dweltasakinginthearmy, as one^com- ^ * d che houfe appol nted for all living. forteth the mourners. Howbeit he will not ftretch out bis hand CHAP. XXX. tothe ^ &tave thoug h they eric in his deftru- 1 Heb. bttf I Jofc; Aior w tzo-w d mto extreme contempt; \$b* ^ Q ^ frofperity znto ctUmity. M ,u.nTk / * Did not I weep t for him thatwas in 'Pfal.?s. ij & """ ..* ' ;.^.r f '^ f pmaUow, by.h.bu.b.s, 3 nd ?! ao, a broker ,o aagon,, and a co m - . pf t ^^a^' (theycri e daf t enhem,a S ^r/-athi e f) Job profetfeth his integrity 3 c My harp alfois turned to mourning, and my organ into the voice of them that weep. CHAP. XXXI. 'j.Chron 1 6 9 Chap.34- Chap, xxxi. xxxii. in fevcrall duties. Z4 If I have made gold my hope, or have 4J 1 faid to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence : z? If I rejoyced becaufe my wealth was great, and becaufe mine hand had t gotten t Het /"** much: *<* z6 If I beheld | the funne when it (hincd, t Heb. tht or the moon walking | in brightnefle : ^^ And my heart hath been fecretly enticed, or t my mouth hath kiflcd my hand : z8 This aifo were an iniquity to bepuntfhed ', 3 is not deftrucnon to the wicked ? and a by the judge : for I (hould have denied the God mitt th. &t2nepuwjbment to the workers of iniquity ? th at is above. 49 If I rejoyced at the definition of him that hated me, or life up my felf when evil found him: . ..].' . . 30 (Neither have I fuffcred | my mouth to T "P finne, by withing a cuife to his foul) 31 If the men of my tabernacle faid not,Oh ftveraS Attittt T Made a covenant with mine eyes j why then 1 ftiould I think upon a maid ? i For what portion of God if there from above ? and rebut inheritance of the Almighty from on high ? * Doth not he fee my wayes, and count allmyfteps? *-" 5 If I have walked with vanity, or if my Prov-5. * i. f oot hath hafted to deceit ; a< H b*iei ^ t *" et me k we iked m an cven balance, himwigb that God may know mine integrity notfafriou tit in one Itembt i (tThatis, '*- 7 If my ftep hath turned out of the way,and / ~ mine heart walked after mine eyes, and if any blot hath cleaved to my hands : 8 Then let me fow,and let another eat; yea, let my offspring be rooted out. 9 If mine heart have been deceived by a woman, or //I have laid wait at my neighbours doore: 10 Then let my wife grinde unto another, and let others bowe down upon her. 1 1 For this is an heinous crime, yea it Is an iniquity to be pttnijhedby the judges. iz For it is a fire that confumeth to defini- tion, and would root out all mine increafe. 1 3 If I did defpife the caufe of my man- fervant ? or of my maid-fervant , when they contended with me : 14 What then (hall I do when God rifeth up * and when he vifiteth, what (hall I anfwer him ? 15 Did not he that made me in the wombe, make him f and |j did not one failuon us in the wombe ? 1 6 Iflhave withheld the poore from their defire, or hare caufed the eyes of the widow to fail: 17 Or have eaten my morfel my felf alone, and the fatherlefle hath not eaten thereof : 1 8 (For from my youth he was brought up with me, as anith a father, and I have guided || her from my mothers wombe) If I have feen any peri(h for want of cloth zo were not warmed with the fleece of my (heep j zi Iflhave lift up my hand againft the fa- therlefle,whenl faw my help in the gate : zi Then let mine arm fall ftom my (houlder- blade,and mine arm be broken from ||the bone. Z3 For deftruction from God mas a terrour tome, and by reafon of his highneflc I could not endure. that we had of his fle(h/ we cannot be fatuhed 3z The flrangcr did not lodge in the ftreet: but I opened my doores j| to the traveller. r f ' f 3 3 If I covered my tranfgreffions, \\ as A- j o^/m? dam : by hiding mine iniquity in my bofome. manner of 34 Did 1 fear a great multitude, or did the men. contempt of families tecrifie me : that I kept filence,4rf went not out of the doore ? 35 O that one would heare me '. \\ behold, ^ my defire it, that the Almighty would anfwer th - a j me, and that mine adverfary had written a ^/> book. ' fl 3 6 Surely I would take it upon my (houlder, "" and binde it as a crown to me. 37 I would declare unto him the number of my fteps, as a prince would I go ne . him . 38 If my land cry againft me, or that the ,/,,.,/. furrows likewife thereof f complain : | Heb <**- 39 If I have eaten t the fruits thereof with- {j*^ out money,or have f caufed the owners thereof jf/^TT to lofe their life : expire, or, 40 Let thiftles grow in ftead of wheat, and trtathe out. |j cockle in ftead of barley. The wordsof Job \i r ;'" are ended. CHAP. XXXII. I Tilihii is angry with Joli^md hit thretfrienJs. 6 "Bf caufe if dome cometh not frm age, he excufah the boldneQe of his youth, n tie reprove th them fir not fatiifying of Job. 16 His eaito fftak. w ' eds ' Or,tht I- bone, r. old W hereforc I was afrai'd,and t durft not 7 Behold, my terrour (hall not make thee rJS' 1 (hew you mine opinion. &*** neither (hall my hand be heavy upon 7 I faid , Daves fliould fpeak, and multitude thee, out"tfihi of yeares (hould teach wifdome. 8 Sure y thou haft fpoken f m mine hear- tf/ ' chap.j8. 8 But there is a fpirit in man: and* the in- mg, and I have heard the voice of thy words, t Heb., n 3* fpiration of the Almighty giveth them under- W**&* . mne " * iundinz 9 I am without tranlgreflion, I am in- _ O* _ .. :/* . : fc t.- nnr^nf nPirVipr it thevf ininiiifv in mp. o Great men are not alwayes wife: neither noccnt j neither A rferre iniquity m me T do th^agedunderftand judgement. 10 Behold, he findethoccafionsagamft me, .0 Therefore I faid, Hearken to me,I alfo he counteth me for his enemy. Will fhew mine opinion. f He putteth my feet m the ftocks, he 11 Behold,! waited for your words; I gave marketh all my paths. tHeb un. earetoyourtreafons,whileftyoufearchedout " Behold, i this thou art notjuft: I will lka*ndi: + w hatto&y anfwer thee, that God is greater then man. t Hcb.iw^ T lz Yea I attended unto you : and behold, i } Why doft thouftrive againft him ? for there was none of you that convinced Job, or t he giveth not account of any of his matters. [hat arTfwered his words : 4 For God fpeaketh once, yea twice, yet f>. 1 2 Left ye (hould fay, We have found out man perceiveth it not. , ; |. wifdome : God thrufteth him down, not man. 1 5 In a dream,in a Vifton Wthe n,ght,when I Or, >** , 4 Now he hath not || direaed his words deep deep falleth upon me n> m flumbrmgs up- |J5*Kfr. a g a i n ft m e : neither will I anfwer him with on the bed: vour fpeeches. l6 Thentheopeneththcearesofmen,and i /They were amaied, they anfwered no fealeth their inftruftion, IHeb-rf., more : t they leftofffpeaking. 7 That he may withdraw man /r^ to 1 9 L/;L 16 When I had waited, (for they fpake f purpofe, and hide pride from man. ;;rr;T^ notj bu7ftoodft,ll^anfwerednomore) 18 Hekeepethbackhis foul Jrom the pit, Z / ^ ? Iwillanfweralfomy P art,IaIfo **J^S$!^&* will (hew mine opinion. t Hd>.r6. 1 8 For I am full of t matter, t the fpirit jinethme. ftrongp^ - TBSfin^MWMHilWAi - .Sothathis life abhor,eth bread, and .pw.,^ l'b.^ noven^itisJeadytoburftlikenewbottles. his foulj dainty mear **> 2 o 1 will fpeak t that I may be refrelhed : I * J His tteln is coni c 1 ? f*J' ' will open my lips>a^ ^vver. ^ bc feen, and his bones /fe.r were not feen, .-J *"** zl let me not, I pray you, accept any mans ft'ckout. petfon, neither let me give flattering titks unto Tz For I know not to give flattering titles, ~*^ It ten beameffe'ngerwithhim,anm- i^^SS^ CHAP. XXXIII. 14. Then he is gracious unto him,and faith, r v# Deliver him from going down to the pit, I r^ife^f-=fe (reatne/re. 14 Go fam, 19 ir affltffions, z^andlyhunnn^jf. z6 He (hall pray unto God, and he will be 5-. ***r***M 4ttem ZD . favourable unto him, and he (hall fee his face UQ,.^,^ Herefore Job, I pray thee, heare my with joy : for he will render unto man his-ngh- /^-/^ foeeches,and hearken to all my words. teoufneffe. Tfavefani Behold now I have opened my mouth, 17 (} Helooketh upon men,4^i^M^lay, J fa^ffi&lSStW^ Ihavefinned s andperverted.thatwh.chwas^ r5 ^, w > M^ W orH? (L'i fe of the upriehtaeSe of right, and it profited me not : */. v 4 ? Mw worc 2 8 BHewill deliver bus foul from going in- j so the gi^andhis Me (hall fee ihc%ht. ' si^^^is? -*i k h h G ap ' xxxiiii ' xxxv: muft humbie himfeif to G d< tentimes with man , man .1 u^*nif* u P on the wayes of 453 j o To bring back his foul from the pit to ] , g in s> * a chron beenlightenedwichthelightofthelwing.' deat^whe're Ihe^il^rf'i^t^^^^P-' 1 -* hold thy peace, and I will fpeak. J t>-.k. . -u ., offis.?? 3 z If thou haft any thing to fay 3 anfwer me: ritbt thaf * UP n ma " moicj * f * Ter> ' '' fpeak, for I defire to juftifie thee. vvfth God. CHAP. XXXIIII. Z J The reforehVknowe7hTei7w^"^ i Elihuaccukth fob for charging God mth injuflice. he o ver ">raeth r^m in the night . fo that'ihev w - jo God omnifotent cannot be unjujl. liManmufl are .f deftroyed. . 7 fHeb.fr- humble him] elf MntoGjod, 34 Elihu reproi/etk fob 26 HP ftnlr u f""'"fer S for mdted Gen.j.ip. *^ If now rfcfl ^(tot ho U H- "f eTfo^S^^ v^ j awa y : a " d j *e mighry (hall be taken away y Look unto the heavens, and fee and be l",7 " '*" ^> - wuhouthand. hold the clouds /;;^ are higher then .thou G g 3 6 If u j r A (>; Tob. Jobs finnes hinder Gods bleflings.' The U nfaithfullnotheard.Gods,ufti Job. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4<4 6 If thou unneft , what doeit tnou a^ wrat ti they ctie not when he bindeth them. him ? otif thy tranfgrcflions be multiplied , w ^ ^ die ^ ^^ an(J theif hfe ^ tHebj* what doeft thou unto him? among the II unclean. .^, /w.l Chap.i.i. 7 * If thou be righteous, what giveit tnoi * delivereth the )j poore in his affltfti- ,,. Pfal.. r he haye remoyed thee | Q C.YC11 L*J VVUU1U **w * 7Tjauu uy iigiiM.uwM f-/ 1 ~ j out of the ftrait if0 a broad place, where tfefff of man. ^ ^ no ftraitneffe,and t that which ihould be fet f Heb. the 9 Byreafonofthemultitudeofoppremonj, * c ,J& /^fulloffatnefle. "/<*> they make theopprtfcd to cry: they cry out by on y ^ ^ ^^^ ^ judgemenc r^,. i r i _r _l -; -.UfV . i l _&:__ .*U Irtr. Ittdpi tny i<*uitj IUVHMV* -j 17 But thou haft fulfilled the judgement "^-teo.W*,Wh*G-T-. hiTto!^ " iUdStmei " jPiSJ who givethfongs in the night < jg Becau f e j^^ wrath , fcfWiWC lelrne u/ ,/,.^ c hee x i Who teacheth us more then the : beaits fc ^ ftrokg . then a grcac of the earth , and maketh W s wifer then the ^^ J f ddiyet ^^ jHeMj of the earth , and maketh us wifer thenthe j^^yjgj.^ j, fowls of heaven. ' , Wlll he cftcem thy riches ? no not gold, , 4 There they cry fin* ^ m ^ M ' no/all theforces of ftrength. fwer; becaufe of the pr.de of evil men. Dfire nQt he ^ ht ,, * Surely God willnothearevanity,nei. cuoffmthd Iace . ther will the Almighty regard it. f ai Take heed, regard n-. -_,__ 14 Although ^ou fayeft thou Q^alt not fee thishaftthoucho ? nr ; the r then afflidion. him, y judgement it before him , tn ^ Behold,God exahethby hispower : who ., ir,, nor an CQCIUILCSUI iiitugm. fwer; becaufeofthepr.de of evil men. Ds f irenot thenight, when peoplcare *Cha P . l7 .9. ij * Surely God will not hearevanity,nei- cuoffmthei Iace< Prov..y. ther will the Almighty regwd it. _ . . *.i reeard not iniquitie : for 52-lulu ^^"^-KSttStfSS ^wSp^^^**^ him, y judgement before him , theretor ^ B ehold s God exahethby his power : who truftthouinhim. iiu-hath teacheth like him ? IThat is, i f But now becaufe it u not fr , || he n, ^ whQ ^^ en j oyne d him his way ? or God. vifited in his anger, yet H he knoweth it not in wh( ; can faV}Thou hift wrought iniquitie? iJ 6 hatlS> great extremitie : Remember that thou magnifie his work, 1 6 Therefore doth Job open his mouth in Taimhe multiplied! words without knowledge. *W gj^a may fee it , man may behold CHAP. XXXVI. it afarre oft'. . , m tt fce t hhwGod;sj-. 16 Behold, God great, and we know fcjw Jobs (innes binder Gods klefsings. 14 bods i y RQ ^ ne i t her can the number Ot HIS year are take magnified. fearchedout. are to be magnified. fearched out. - pL.hu alfo proceeded and faid he maketh fmall thedrops of wa- t, Suffer meal.ttle,and I wilHhew thee, ter / th dovvnrain according to the va- tHeb.*6-*f 4 t hatlbat;eycttofpeakonGodsbenalt. thereof- ihercarc^ ? I vyillfetch my knowledge from a ^ e ' P "g Whu:h the clouds do ^drop , and diftill ,-- - - [., jo Behold, he fpreadeth his light upon it, $Hcb. 6*r. anyt be is mighty in ftrengch and t wild' .me. anj covcrth . chfi botcom O f the fea. 6 He preferveth not the life of the wicked. For by them judgeth he the people, te^ |0r, iflMftJ. but giveth right to the [| poore. . h 4 abundance. *Pfcl. 3 ,.. 5 . 7 * He wuhdraweth not his eyes from the V* ^ douds he coyereth the light . and righteous : tut with kings are they on the ^ ^ ^ by ^ c/owrf [hac throne , yea, he doth eftabhft. them for ever, ^^ ^^.^ Heb> ^ and they are exalted. ?J The noifc thereof fheweth concerning it, ^. ffe t;i 8 And if tbnbt Abound in fetters , and be 5^ alfoC onccrniDgt the vapour. mf . :^fr*ffi^^ CHAP, xxxvn . . j-j f Godigto i,efearedl>ec*nfeofhtsgrextTVOrlis.l5tiii in them ^SSSES^SHCro.:.*-*^ obev and ferve fo'W they ihal j,i ju mv 7 uuty di / . i L i ounc i { \rmf aoetn uut vi "" fpend their dayes in profperity , and their Mdtteiouo^ _^^ ^ ^^ veares in pleafares. - 5 , . L [iohtnine unto the t en ^ s * iHeb thtj But if they obey not, t they. iniu perui m **M> bythefword^andtheyihalldiewithoutknow; earth Aftet k a foice roarcth: he thundreth-'/ f * -' S. tJ " " ^dge. with Gods wifdome unfearchablf. * ' Chap.xxxviii. Job convinced ofignorance. vvith the voice of his excellency,^ and he will will demand of thee,and t anfwer thou me. 45 f not {toy them when hii voice is heard. ^ 4 * Where waft tbou when I laid the foun. t Hcb. m 1 God thundieth marvelloufly with his dations of the e ar th j declare,! if thou haft un-? voice,great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend. 6 For * he faith to the fnow, Be thou on the earth, t likewife to the fmall rain, and to ',*1, j'tbe great rain of his ftrength. wit* 7 He fealethupthe hand of every manj that all men may know his work. 8 Then the beafts go into dennes, and re- mam in their places. 9 f Out of the fouth cometh the whirl- *PfaJ.M7. frainofh* winde : and cold out of the t north. 10 By the breath of God, froft is given: ftbc ber. \ Heb./fN and the breadth of the waters is ftraitned. tertng JHcb.fA* light. fHeb, 4 rtd. ' iriA-u *O45 derftandmg. p: v.jo. 4 . f Who hath laid the meafures thereof, if tHeb. / thou knoweft ? or who hath itretched the line thtH upon it ? 6 Whereupon are the f foundations thereof f Heb./*c. t fattened f or who laid the corner- ftone there- *?" of} -\Hcb.m*de 7 When the morning ftarres fang together, tt ^^ f and all the fonncs of God fhouted for joy. 8 * Or who (hut up the fea with doores , *PfaI.i when it brake forth if it had iflued out of the wombe ? 9 When I made the cloud the garment ii Alfoby watering be wearieth the thick thereof, and thick darknefle a fwadling-band cloud : he fcattereth t his bright cloud. for it, 1 1 And it is turned round about by hrs counfels : that they may do whatfoever be commandeth them upon the face of the world in the earth. 1 5 He caufeth it to come,whether for fcor- t Hcb.o/ **' bound thereof, and that thou (houldeft know the paths to the houfe thereof ? a i Knoweft thou if ,becaufe thou waft then born / or because the number of thy dayes is great? 1 1 Haft thou entred into the treafures of the fnow or haft thou feen the treafures of the hail, zj Which I havereferved againft the time of tronble,againft the day of battel and warre ? 24 By what way is the light parted, which fcattereth the eaft. winde upon the earth ? 25 Who hath divided a water- courfe for the overflowing of waters/ or a way for the light- ning of thunder, 16 To caufe it to rain on the eaitb, white Gg 4 no Gods fecret works. Job. His power in all his creatures." 456 no man is : on the wildernefle wherein tbereis and he fearcheth after every greenthing. tHcb.i no man t ^7 To fatisfie the defolate and waftegro or <**& thou t guide Arftarus with yor,?/;r his fonnes ? twelve fgnes. 3 3 Knoweft thou the ordinances of hea- f Hcb. gide ven j can ft tnou fet the dominion thereof in the '*" earth? 3 4 Canft tbou lift up thy voice to the clouds that abundance of waters may cover thee ? 35 Canft thou fend lightnings, that they {Heb. be. may go, and fay unto thee, f Here we are ? htidt. 36 * Who hath put wifdome in the inward -Chap 51.8 parts s or ^ho nat h giy cn underftanding to the Eccks2 - 6 ' heart? 3 7 Who can number the clouds in wifdome? or t who can ftay the bottles of heaven, 38 (1 When the duft^groweth into hard- nefle, and the clods cleave faft together 3 9 * Wilt thou hunt the prey for the lion?or fill f the appetite of the young lions, 40 When they couch in their dennes, and abide in the covert to lie in wait i 41 * Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God } they SS'STS wander for lack of meat. CHAP. XXXTX. i Of the wide goats andhindes, 5 Of the wilde affe t 9 the unicern, i j thepeacock, flork, and oflrich* 19 the horfe 1 1,6 the hiwkt 7 f ^ e etgle. KNoweft thou the time when the wilde goats of the rock bring forth? or canftthou mark when * the hindes do calve ? a Canft thou number the moneths that they fulfill i or knoweftthou the time when they bring forth? I They bowe themfelves, they bring forth their young ones, they caft out their forrows. 4 Their young ones are in good liking, they grow up with corn : they go forth, and return not unto them. 5 Who hath fent out the wilde afle free ? or Who hath loofed the bands of the wilde affe ? 6 Whofe houfe I have made the wildernefle, ' hls feet men< | Heb, tbt 11 He mocketh at fear,and is not affrighted j armour* neither turneth he back from the fword. ^l The quiver ratleth againft him, the glit- tering fpear and the fhield. 14 He fwalloweth the ground with fierce- neffe and rage : neither beleeveth be that it is the found of the trumpet. i ? He faith among the trumpets ; Ha ha^and hefmelleththebattel afarre off, the thunder of the captains, and the fhouting. 16 Doth the hawk flie by thy wifdome,rf ftretch her wings toward the fouth ? . 17 Doth the eagle mount up j at thy com- tHeb. ty mand,and make her neft on high ? th 1 ""* 28 Shedwellethand abideth on the rock, upon the cragof the rock,and the ftrong place. 29 From thence me fecketh the prey, and her eyes behold af irre oiF. ? o Her young ones alfo fuck up bloud : and ... * where the flain *^,there is fhc. CHAP. XL. I 7ot>f>?tni!>letbhimre!fti>Gad. 6 Gejflirretkhimuff to P)enhi* rtghteoufneffe,torvrs,and nifdvme.iS Of the behemoth. MOreover,the LORD anfwered Job,& faid, z Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty,inftruel:fcMfl$he that reproveth God, kt him anfwer ic. Of the behemoth, Chap.xli. 3 q Then Job anfwered the LoRD,and faid, 4 Behold,! amvile,what (hall I anfwer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth. 5 Once have I fpoken, but J will not an- fwer : yea, twice,but I will proceed no further. 6 f Then anfwered the LoRountoJob out of the whirlwinde,and faid, 'Chap, j 8. 3 7 * Gird up thy loyns now like a man:I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. Tfal.5i.4, 8 * Wilt thou a Ifodifanull my judgement? lxjm.j.4. W jj t t k ou condemn me that thou may eft be righteous ? 9 Haft thou an arm like God \ or canft thou thunder with a voice like him ? Pfal.io4,i. 10 * Deck thy felf now with majefty and excellency, and aray thy felf with glory and beauty. 1 1 Caft abroad the rage of thy wrath : and behold every one that is proud, andabafe him. 1 2 Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low : and tread down the wicked in their place. 1 3 Hide them in the duft together,*!*^ binde their faces in fecret. 14 Then will I alfo confefle unto thee, that thine own right band can lave thee. i J fl Behold now Hbehemoth which I made as withthee,heeatethgrafleasanox. bme think. 1 6 L O n ow,his ftrength is in his loyns, and his force is in the navel of his belly. Or,6r/if- 17 || He moveth his tail like a cedar : the fi- tth up. news of his ftones are wrapt together. 1 8 His bones are as ftrong pieces of braffe, his bones are like barres of iron. 19 He wthe chief of the waye* of God : he that made him, can make his fword to approch unto him. 20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food : where all the beafts of the field play. 21 Helieth under the fhady trees, in the covert of the reed , and fennes. 22 The ftiady trees cover him with their (hadow : the willows of the brook compafle and leviathan." thou take him for a fervant for ever ? 457 ? Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? wilt thou binde him for thy maidens ? 6 Shall the companions make a banquet of him ? {hall they part him among the mer- chants ? 7 Canft thou fill his skinne with barbed irons? or his head with fiih-fpears ? 8 Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battel,donornore. 9 Behold,the hope of him is in vain : fliall not one be caft down,even at the fight of him ? 10 None is fo fierce that dare ftirre him up: who then is able to ftand before me ? 1 1 Who hath prevented me that I fliould repay him ? *n>batfoevcris under the whole *Pfal.24.i. heaven is mine. and 5 o... 1 2 1 will not conceal his part$,not his power, ^ or< nor his comely proportion. 13 Who can difcover the face of his gar- ment I or who can come to him jjwich his dou- U Or,*;****; ble bridle ? 1 4 Who can open the doores of his face? his teeth are terrible round about. if H;J f Teaks Arefojpride^ut up together fHeb./fwj Or,itf 23 Behold , t'ie drinketh up a wetland haft* inyra^ehim eth not: he trufteth that he can draw upjordan **/ ^->Anft thou draw ont || leviathan with an 6/, or,- ^/hook ? or his tongue with a cord f which vhtrlptfl. [Heb.which thou letteft down ? ^ Canft thou put an hook into his nofe # or bore his jaw through with a thorn ? j Will he make many fupplications unto thee ? will he fpeak foft words unto thee ? 4 Will he make a covenant with thee ? wile . 1 6 One is fo neare to another, that no aire can come between them. 17 They are joyned one to another, they ftick together, that they cannot be fundred. 1 8 By his neefings alight doth Oiine , and his eyes are like the eye- lids of the morning. 19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and fparks of fire leap out. 10 put of his noftrils goeth fmoke, as out of a feething pot or caldron. 21 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. 22 In his neck remaineth ftrength, andfTor- f Hcb./,r- row is turned into joy before him. 2? tTheflikesof his fleftiare joyned to- |Hcb. th, gether : they are firm in themfelves, they can- not be moved. 2+ His heart is as firm as a ftone, yea as hard as a piece of the nether milRone. 2? Whenheraifethuphimfelf, the mighty are afraid : by reafon of breakings theypurifie themfelves. 26 The fword of him that layeth at him cannot hold : thefpear s thc dart, nor the || ha- bergeon. 27 He efteemeth iron as ftraw, and braffe as rotten wood. 2 8 The arrow cannot make him flee : fling- ftones are turned with him into ftubble. 29 Darts arc counted as ftubble : he laugh-- eth at the ihakingof a fpear. jot Sharp ftones are under him: he fpread- ' eth {harp-pointed things upon the mire. Jft/,i/ 5 1 He maketb the deep to boil like a pot . Me Job fubmitteth himfelf, Pfalmes. and God bleffeth him. he maketh the fea like a pot of ointment, t Mm will I accept : left I deal with you after t Kcb. h* 3 1 He maketh a path to fhine after him$oe your folly, in that ye have not fpoken of me the /J* f *. who would think the deep to be hoary. Or, *ho 3 3 Upon earth there is not his like behave them, is made without fear. f f i vfi *itb- J4 Hebeholdeth ail high things : he if a king over all the children of pride. CHAP. XLII. '/' ||0r, thought of thing which is right,like my fervant Job 9 So Eliphaz the Temanite,and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite went, and did according as the L o RD commanded them : the L o a D alfo accr.pted t Job. t He 10 And the L o R D turned the captivity off 4 " Job, when he prayed for his friends : alfo the 7ob fubmitteth himfelfumo God. 7 God preftrring LoRofgave Job twice as much as he had before ** fobscaufe, nuketh hit friends f*i>mitthemf elves* .tf. J . .- ,, .. . te-f tnd accepted him. 10 He ma&nifieth *nd bleffeth ' x Thc . n " me ! ere unto . "" * s re T tW J ob. itjobs age ^nd death. th r*n, & & his fitters, and all they that had TTHen J ob anlwcred the L o R D,and faid, bee-n of his acquaintance before, and did eat JL i i know that thou canft do everv bread with him in his houfe : and they be- moncd him, and comforted him over all the evil that the L o R D had brought upon him : every man alfo gave him a piece of money, and every one an care, ring of gold. i z So the L o R D blefied the latter end of Job more then his beginning : for he had four- tndacceptethbim, 10 He magnifieth and bleffeth Tab. if fobs agt And death. Hen Job anfwcred the L o R D,and faid, I know that thou canft do every thing ,and that J|no thought can be withholden from thee. 3 * Who Is he that hideth counfel without knowledge ? therefore have I uttered that I un- derftood not, things too wonderfull for me, which I knew not. 4 Heare, I befeech thee, and I will fpealfc I teen thoufand (heep, and fix" thoufand camels, will demand of theejand declare thou unto me. and a thoufand yoke of oxen, and a thoufand 5 I have heard of thee by the hearing of (he-afles. the eare: but now mine eye feeth thee. 13 He had alfo feven fonnes and three 6 Wherefore I abhorre wy /H/, and repent daughters. in duft and.afties. 14 And he called the name of the firft, Je- 7 ^ And it was fo,that after the L o R D bad fpoken thefe words unto Job, the L o R D faid to Eliphait the Temanite, My wrath is kindled againftthee, and againfttby two friends :for ye have not fpoken of me the thing that is right,as my fervant Job hath. 8 Therefore take unto you now feven bul- locks, and feven rammes, and go to my fervant Job, and offer up for your felves a burnt- offer. jng, and my fervant Job (hall pray for you, for mrma,and the name of the fecond, Kczia, and the name of the third, Keren-happuch. i j And in all the land were no women found fo fair as the daughters of Job: and their father gave them inheritance among their bre- thren. 1 6 After this lived Job an hundred and fourty yeares, and faw his fonnes , and his fonnes fonnes, even foure generations. 17 So Job died being old, and full of dayes. The *Jofh.-. Plal'iij. *Jcr., 7 .8. P S A L. I. I the hippineffe of the godly. 4 the unhapfine/feofthe ungodly. Lefled * Is the man that walketh not in the counfel of the ||ungodly,nor ftand- eth in the way of finners, nor fitteth in the feat of the fcornfull. z But his delight is in the law of the LORD, * and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he (hall be like a tree * planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in bis feafon ; his leaf alfo (hail not t wither, and whatfoeverhc doeth (hall pro- fper. 4 The ungodly are notfo: but fl*fHtethe * Pk'.j j.j chaffwhich the winde driveth away. I&aj.ij. ? Therefore the ungodly (hall not ftand in the judgement, nor finners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the L o R D knoweth the way of the righteous ; but the way of the ungodly (hall peri(b. . P S A L. 1 1. i WekbigdeHtttfChrifl. 10 Kings art exhort id t accept it* TT TVLy *do the heathen || rage,and the peo- *Afts *! V V p le f i-magine a vain thing ? H Or > " i The kingsof the earth fet themfclves, and ^JfJ. *'' the rulers take counfel together, againft the f Heb. mi. LOR o,aBd againft his anointedj/^yj^g, . titt*. 3 Let 459 Thrifts kingdome. Gods protection. Pfalmes. Davids prayer. 3 Let us break their bands afunder, and caft my glory into fliame Ihatvlon^ will ye love va- away their cords from us. nine, and feek afcer leafing I Selah. Trov.i.if. 4 * He that ficteth in the heavens (hall 3 But know that the Lo R D hath fet apart laugh : the Lord ftnll have them in derifion. him that is godly, for hitnfelf; the L o R D will 5 Then (hall he fpeak unto them in his heare when I call unto him. jjOr, trouble. Wrath, and j| vex them in his fore difpleafure. 4 Stand in aw, and linne not : commune 6 Yet have I f f my king t u pon my holy with your own heart upon your bed . and be S^ihlhiii 7 I will declare || the decree : the L o R D f mj htit- hath faid unto me, * Thou .zrr my fonne, this mtft. day have I begotten thee. S,?/,'/" " * Ask of me,and I mall giv thee the hea- *Afts't}'33 l ^ en * r kine inheritance, and the urtermoft Heb.i.j. puts of the earth for thy poflfefllon. Pfal.7 8. 9 * Thou (halt break them with a rod of a A andj?. iron > 'boufoaltdaih them in pieces like a pot- 10 Be wife now therefore , O ye kings : be inftrudcd ye judges of the earth. * Pror. 1 6. ll Scrve the L o R D with fear, and rejoyce so. .with trembling. Ifa.jo.i 8. j t Kiflc the fonne left he be angry, and ye I er. iy .7. perish/row the way, when his wrath is kindled CK'l I' but a li ttlc : * bleffcd are all they that put their i. Pec 2,(. truft in him. PS A L. III. The fecurbie of Gods prttetfitn. . Sam. 1 5 ^ A pfalme of David * when he fled from M. Abfalom his fonne. LORD, how are they increafed that trou- ble me i many are they that rife up againft 2 Many there be which fay of my fou\,Tbere Is no help for him in God. Selah. 3 But thou, O LORD, an a (hield (f for me j my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. 4 I cried unto the LORD with my voice y and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. _5 * I laid me down and flept j 1 awaked, for the L o R D faftaincd me. 6*1 will not be afraid often thoufands of people , that have fet themfelves againft me roundabout. 7 Arife,O LOR o,fave me,O my GoJj for thou haft fmitten all mine enemres upon the cheek-bone : thou haft broken the teeth of the ungodly. 1 ' 8 * Salvation belongetb unto the LORD; thy blefllng Is upon thy people. Selah. P S A L. IIII. I Dov'idprayetk for audience- i Hereprovethandtx- borteth fits enemies.6 Mans hipeintfle is m Gods fa- vtur. r* q To the || chief mufician on Neginoth, A pfalme of David. H Bare me when I call, O God of my righte- oufhefle : thou haft enlarged me when I 'A- was in diftrefle, jjhave mercy upon me, and '* heare my prayer. i O ye fonncs of men,how long vntye turn Ifa.4j | Or, kt riant *m y. Offer *the faaificcs-of rightcoufneflc : *PfaI.$o.i4. and put your truft in the L o R D. and 5 r. i?. 6 There be many that fay , Who will (hew us any good ? L o R D lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. 7 Thou haft put gladnefle in my heart , more then in the time that their corn and their wine increafed. 8*1 will both lay me down in peace , and * Pfal,j. 5. deep: for thou LORD oncly makeft me dwell in Cafede. P S A L. V. I David prayitby and profeffeth hit ftudy in prayer^ + Godfa"voitretb not the tricked- 7 Dsi/id profefstng biifaithyprayeth unto God to guide him, lotode- ftroy his enemies, 1 1 and to prefer the godly. I To the chief mufician upon Nchiiorh, Apfalme of David. ^ilve care to my words, O L o R 0, confider Vjmy meditation. z Hearken unco the voice of my crie , ray- king, and my God : for unto thee will I pray. J * My voice (haltthou heare in the morn- * Pfel. 130.6 ing , O L o R D ; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. 4 For thou art not a God that hath pleafure in wickednefle : neither (hall evil dwell with , ., , , thee ' y Thefoolifh (hall not ftand f in thy fight : tj tt . thou hateft all workers of iniquitie. T Heb. the 6 Thou fhalt deftroy them that fpeak lea- J* /(*/* fing : the LORD will abhorrctthe bloudy and +*Heb'/ deceitfullman. ttmpie',/ thy 7 But as for me, I will come into thy houfe biiimfft. in the multitude of thy mercy : and in thy fear t Heb. thoft Will I worOiip toward t thy holy temple. JJT ***? 8 Lead me, O LORD, in thy righceoufneffe, j OT,/?^/J? becaufe of f mine enemies j make thy way n-ffe ftraight before my face. t Heb /,-, hk 9 for there is no || faithfulneffe fin their "'/,,',/,, mouth, their inward part is t ve"ry wickednefle j m ', ut h / any * their throat is anopen fepulchre, they flitter fthem with their tongue. t^ e ^ w ' c " 10 H Deftroy thou them, O God; let them i^JJjJy,. fill || by their own counfels : caft them out in ^ or,w^e ' the multitude of their tranfgreffibns, for they them guilty. have rebelled againft thee. I . r /'"; 1 1 But let all thofe that put their truft in ''%'' thee, rejoyce : let them ever fliout for joy : be- entri j ovtfi> caufe f thou defcndeft them : let them alfo that or protttlifi. love thy name, be joy full in thee. thtm. 3U: FOL Davids complaint in fickneffe. Pfalmes. Gods love to man. t\6o 1 1 For thou LORD, wilt blefle the righte- f Hcb.crous, with favour wilt thou | compaflehim as I Day. Evening prayer. BOr, u?tn the eighth. *Pfal.j8.i, and 88. ii. and ii $.17 and nif. 17 Ifa.jg. 1 8. [Or, every night. *Matt 7.13 and5-4. 1 uke 1 3. 27, P S A L. VI. I Da-vidi complaint in hitficknetfi. * iy faith he tri- umpheth over hit enemies. f TothechiefmufkianonNcginoth [{up- on Sheminith , A pfalme of David. O* L o R D, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chaften me in thy hot difplea- fure. i Hive mercy upon me, O L o R D , for I am weak : O LORD heal me, for my bones are vexed. 3 My foul is alfo fore vexed : but thou , O LORD, how long ? 4 Return, O L o R D, deliver my foul : oh fave me for thy mercies fake. 5 * For in death there ii no remembrance of thee : in the grave who (hall give thee thanks/ 6 I am weary with my groningjall the night make I my bed to fwimme ; I water my couch with my tears. 7 Mine eye is confumed becaufe of grief j it waxeth old becaufe of all mine enemies. 8 * Depart from me, all ye workers of ini- quity j for the LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping. 9 The LORD hath heard my fupplicacion 5 the L o R D will receive my prayer. 10 Let all mine enemies be athamed and fore vexed: let them return and be. alhamed fuddenly. P S A L. VII, j David prayeth againH the malice of hit enemiestfrt f efting hit innocency.io By faith hefeeth hit defence, and the deflruftion of hit enemies. fl Shiggaion of David , which he fang unto the L o R D, concerning the |] words of Cufh the Benjamite. LORD my God, in thee do I put my truft : 'fave me from all them that perfecute me, and deliver me. z Left he tear my foul like a lion, renting it fHeb.fIJ( head, and his violent dealing (lull come down and 10. 2. upon his own pate. Prov.5.22. 1 7 I will praife the L o R D according to his righteoufnefle: and will Cmgpraife to the name of the LORD moft high. P S A L. VIII. Gods glory it magnified by hit worJfej, andfyhitbve to man. q To the chief muGcian upon Gittith, ApfalmeofDavid. OL o R D our Lord , how excellent a thy name in all the earth ! who haftfet thy glory above the heavens. 2. * Out of the mouth of babes and fuck- Matt.ai, lings haft thou f ordained ftrength, becaufe of *. thine enemies , that thou mighceft ftill the t H f' enemy and the avenger. 3 When I confider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the ftarres which thou haft ordained ; 4 * What is man , that thou art mindfull of * Job 7.17. him /and thefonne of man,that thou vifiteft For thou haft made him a little lower then the angels, and haft crowned him with glory and honour. 6 Thou madeft him to have dominion over the works of thy hands j *thou haft put all *i.Cor.iy. things under his feet : 27. 7 t All flieep and oxen, yea , and the beafts JJIiS? of the field : ^fth""* 8 The fowl of the aire, and the fift of the ' fea, andwbatfoever pafleth through the paths ofthefeas. 9 OLofco our Lord j how excellent is thy name in all the earth! P S A L. David praifeth God. ^ ^ ^ P f a i mes . H is complaint of L wicked. s^4j^&ftsis i^tf^r-V^** 1 * 4 ; llbegladandrejoyceinthee: Iwill AaV^g|^^^^^^ ri:Ssr; -"" s& Prov. 5.2*. _ _ v rvvivllvw . j-o KDaonorretn. St^y mv 4 Sft ^r f S*! ^ "X 'ight and 4 The wicked, through the pride of his K**. 7 J" y , ' thoulatdt m the throne judging countenance,will not feek after Cod , H God is rmb./. T "S^' . . .... L not in all his* thoughts. / ^^SIS^^^'Mi^s.ss&iS ,./,. "''tr? ^1! j W " h them - 7 * His '<>=l' Ml of cmfiog, aL n^hhtd\U,Un*^ " Kr! hc fendfaud^erb.s.o^iJkhi, ;t;ahr^3^^^^^^ r/ 4 ^. r ** a And * he (hall judge the world in riphte. 8 He Gttrth in ft.. i. 1r L: n K M . ~r .1 M ,,fn^ J52S JU -If C 7 rld in ri hte- , 8 He fitteth in th e lurking-places of the vil- f * p fm onr,?hlff lmftCr JUd8emCnt M the hgeS : in the ^"places doth he murder the ' ] ,nd 98 . 9 . ^^7'^^, .... 4 'nnocent: his eyes t are privily fee againft the l nc L o R D allo will be fa refuge for poore --">,:>r ^ ni uv. j a rciujfe ior poore. +HK t.-^ %.':. ,oTnd 5 k inti T ftrOUb 'n i 9 HC Ii "'i'>'Mfea e .Iya S al,on in hi, "-/*-t Heb '" thci?OTHinthJ Z t y "^ fa P C ^ nnt:1 ''l'inw !1 i, t oca,cLhe poor, , he t*. ;'* **"* tren!het t ha;feS. LORD ' haftn0t J^*l-*-*JSii4^r''^ gp^^pf *"4|^^^^s^ C.r. " * Whn be TOkah inquifition for bloud, Ti' He hh faid in his bearr, God hath for- f*^" * *++ rfSjas^fWr*?' ^r : * he hideth his ftce; "< "-s w ij Hayemercyuponme.OLoRDjConSdet n Arife.O LORD O God lift m> rhi m y ,rouble> 1 ,/,i c i,, / i,/, ro f rhemthachaK hand: forge', no tt h4hu m bU P ,hou,ha t hfteft me up from .hegates of death: , 5 Wherefore do"h the ^cked contemn " M/J! ""* *^LL^:^^ JSSffiSfflssa* thcfit mi ^ J " ^ " "*^ - " sg^2^*^^g^^a^ J 6 The LORD is known by the judgement lefle ssa.SMaca*s all the nations that forset God. i/<*'ru T r ^^SSSsis^pa^tZg? o Ar.f, 0*T o ^ 1r -.1 humble : th U wilt F^P" 6 their hearr > thou fcen*, the he^K '? ? A ' u r 1 P revail ' let Wllt ufe thine eare to heare: SJK z^ P U r e ?h J 1 o^ fiht< , 1:S Tojud & ethe fatberlciTe.ndtheoppref. * ^ ^*SSK^ P SAL. David comforteth himfclf in God. Pfalmes." He convinccth the wicked. "Hab.a.ao. PSAL. XI. iDwidencourageth himfelf in God againft hitene- miet-q. "The providence andjtiflice of God. ^ To the chief mufician, A pfalme of David. IN the L o R D put I my truft : how fay ye to my foul,Flee.tfj a bird to your mountain ? x Forlo, the wicked bend tbe'ir bow, they make ready their arrow upon the firing : that they may f privily (hoot at the upright in heart, 3 If the foundations be deftroyed, what can the righteous do ? 4 * The L o R D is in his holy temple, the LORDS throne is in heaven : his eyes behold, his eye-lids trie the children of men. 5 The LORD trieth the righteous : but the v : eked and him that loveth violence, his foul nateth. 6 Upon the wicked he (hall rain fnares, fire |Or, and brimftone, and || an horrible tempeft : this *HJ tcmpef. flinU be the portion of their cup. 7 For the righteous LORD loveth righte- oufnefle, his countenance doth behold (he up- right. L PSAL. XII. I David Jeflitute of humane comfort, crttveth help ef God. 3 He comforteth himfelf with Gods judgements on the -tvic)ied,and confidence in Gods tried promifes. ff To the chief mutician || upon Sheminith, Apfalmeof Divid. JlrjElp LORD, for the godly man ceafeth ; Jti:' ' " ~ (hall mine enemie be exalted over me ? IlDiy. Evening prayer. Or, upon ighth, rh hear (and an heart. tHeb^rwf thins 1 ' tHeb. are for the faithfull fail from among the chil- dren of men. x They fpeak vanity every one vtith his neighbour : with flattering lips, and with t a double heart do they fpeak. I The LORD (hall cut offall flattering lips, <* fbevreth the hopt of bit calling t ofthe -te[itrretlion,Andlife euerlafting. ^ || Michtam ot David. Q r) a ?0 /^ PReferve mc,O God: for in thee do I put my pfaJmeo/ trult. D *vti> 2 fob i. ml 35. 7. J fal. jo.? Or, give if:) ta awake, with thy likenefle. fi r * PSAL. XVIII. David praifeth God far his _ blefsings. fl To the chief mufician, the fcrvant of the Lo R D, who fpake unto the L o R D the words of * this fong in the day that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul: And he faid, T Will love thee, O L o R D my ftrength. 1 x The LORD is my rock, and my for- trefle,and my deliverenmy God, f my ftrength f Heb. my in whom I will truft, my buckler,and the horn Ttc ^> of my falvation,0df my high tower. 3 I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praifed: fo (hall I be faved from mine ene- mies. 4 * The forrows of death compafled me, *Pfal.u*. ; and the floudsof fungodly men made me afraid. 5 The || forrows of kell compafled me ' about : the fnares of death prevented me. 6 In my diftrefle I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God : he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him., even into his cares. 7 Then the earth (hook and trembled} the foundations alfo of the hills moved and were (haken, becaufe he was wroth. 8 There went up a fmoke f out of his no- j Hcb.ly &* 6 I have called upon thee , for thou wilt ftrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals heare me, O God : incline thine eare unto me , were kindled by it. 4rfhearemy fpeech. p He bowed the heavens alfo and came 7 Shew thy marvellous loving kindnefle , down: and darfeneflcnM* under his feet. n O thou U that faveft by thy right hand , them i o And he rode upon a cherub,snd did flie i ee from which put their truft in thee, from thofe that yea, he did flie upon the wings of the winde. '* 'ail'tlth rtfe U P *K** n P them ' 1 1 He madc darknefle his fecret place : his 'fht'twit. 3 * Keep me as the apple of the eye: hide me pavilion round about him , were dark waters, Hcb. ttwt under the fliadow of thy wings, and thick clouds of the skies. tftc rm t j> From the wicked f that opprefle mejfrotn 1 2, At the brightnefle t bat wai before him his Heb. j . , >r that David praifcth God 464 his thic!c cl uds paffed haft^biWf and coals of fire. 1 3 The LORD alfo thundred in the.hea- vensjand the higheft gave his voice j fail- ft ones ' and coals of fire. 1 4 Yea, he fent out his arrows, and fcattered them; and hefliot out lightnings, and difcom- fited them. 1 f Then the chanels of waters were feen , and the foundations of the world were difco- vered : at thy rebuke, O L o R D, at the blaft of the breath of thy noftnls. 16 He fern from above, he took me,he drew )v>great me out of j|.m any waters. '" 1 7 He/delivered me from my ftrong enemy, and from them which hated me : for they weie too ftrong for me. 1 8 They prevented me in the day of my ca- lamity : but the L o R D was my ftay. 19 He twought me forth alfo into a large place : he delivered me , becaufe he delighted in me. zo The LORD rewarded me accordmg to my righteoufnefle , according to the clcanntflc of my hapds hath Vie recompenfed me. 11 Forl have kept the wayes of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God. z i For all his judgements were before me , and I did not put away his ftatutes from me. Pfalmes^ for his manifold bleffings." 36 Thou haft enlarged my ft jps under m*$ that f my feet did not flip. tHeb.w/* 57! have pur fued mine enemies, and over- */**. taken them : neither did I turn again till they were oonfumed. 3 8 I have wounded them that they yvere not able to rife : they are fallen under my feet. 39 For thou haft girded me with ftrengfh unto battel : thou halt f fubdued under me fHeb caufii thofc that rofe up againft me. r ***' 40 Thou haft alfo given me the necks of mine enemies: that'I might deftroy them that hate me. 41 They cried , but there was none to fare them : even unto the L o R D, but he anfwered them not. 41 Then did I beat them fmall as the duft before the winde : I did caft them out as*hc dirt intheftreets. 4; Thou haft delivered me from the ftri vings of the people : and thou haft made me the head of the heathe* : a people wbom I have not known (hall ferve me. 44 t Affoon as they heare of me, they (hall f Hcb. at obey me : fthe ftrangers (hall j| \ fubmit them- tht hearing . runne a race. **'"*'' 6 His 6 His going forth ts from the end of the z Thou haft given him r- is he^c ? r heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it .-and haft not withhSton t reaue ^ there is nothin hid from the heat thereof. r qudt PS A L. XX. 1 T * e c e } mck . hlel !* h the V* *H k" expldts. confidence m G tit factor. 11 To the chief muGcian, A pfclme of David. ^pHe LORD heare thee in the day of trou- t Hcb. /* 1 ble, the name of the God of lacobidefend taet a an tllCC. tHctt, , Send f thee help from the fanduary: and h,lp. J t Urengthen thec out of Sion. . JI F or they intended evil againftthee; they "%*" a mifchievous device , jb^ they arc not able to perform. L ' 1 x T hc , refore II <*!' thou make them turn jj or, /. f ba ' ? ben thou (hllt m2kc read X 'Ww Si*f /* that inhabiteft thepraifesoflfrael. 1 P urft thcrs trufted in thee: theytrufled, a "d thou didft deliver them. J They cried unto thec,' and were deli- -^ycruft.dinthee^ndwerenotcon- 6 But I dw a worm, and no mans are T t He trufted on the Loap,, & he would Hh deliver II O Davids prayer in diflrefle. Piaimes. 4 66 daUwm:Ut him deliver him Hfeeing^ede. . ,i Theyfhall come, andfcall .declare his ',ifhtdt' lighted in him. ' "' J 9 But thou art he that took me out ot the wombe j thou [| didft make me hope,n>/;f I wot upon my mothers breafts. 10 I was caft upon thee from the wombe : thou art my God from my mothers belly . r f~_ , IA fV-m frfnllKIp it I 51! ney mail come , ana man uc-i righteoufhefle unto a people that (hall be borrj, that he hath done t bis. f Heb. bili'tr. t Heb. toencd their P S A L. XXIII. confidence in Gods grace} ^ A pfalme of David. >u art my oou uwm ./ . ,- 'TPHe L o R D is * my (hepherd , I (hall not ifa.-jo. ui 1 1 Be not farre from me,for trouble is nearej J. want. i"' e l^l for / here u t none to help. ^ He maketh me to lie down in f green pa- ** iz Many bulls have compafled me: ftrong ftures: he leadethmebefide the t ftill waters. ,.p ct<2 . 25 . * bulta of Bafhan have befet n.e round. $ He reftoreth my foubhe leadeth me in the -f Heb. p* ij They t g a p e d u P on me w ' lt ^ t ^ ic ' r pathsof righteoufhefle for his names fake, fives of ten* mouthes^ a ravening and a roaring lion. 4 Ye 3 ,though Iwalk through the valley of *|Jff* 1 4 I am poured out like water , and all my the (hadow of death , * I will fear no evil : for \ ert t f ^ bones are || out of joynt; my heart is like wax, -- >- i- *~i ""! ** it is melted in the midft of my bowels. 1 5 My ftiength is dried up like a pot- (heard : and my tongue cleaveth ra 1 6 For does have compafled me, the aflem- m e all the dayes of my life: and I will dwell in length / bly of the wicked have inclofed me : *they the houfeof the L o R D t for ever. & ow o e , thou art with me , thy rod and thy ftaff they. comfort me . . - 5 Thou-prepareft a table before mem to my jaws; prefence of mine enemies": thou \ anointeft my \ Heb. w*. the duft of head with oyl, my cup runnoth over. Wfat. * Matt 27. 3*. pierced my hands and my feet. Mark i j.J4. * \ m ay tell all my bones : they look and the houfe of the LORD t f r ever - P S AL. XXIIIT. iti^jtns ofhitffi- A pfalme of David. V day. Tuf ^ J J * ft are u P on me< jonn9. *Thev oartmv garments among them, f Apiaimcoi i^aviu. p^ycr. /:L? 23 .34- and caft lotsupon my vefture. TPHe * earth i, the LORD s, and the fulnefle , Deut I? M John ./, i , Dut be not thou farre from me,O LORDJ A thereof j the world , and they that dwell {gi O my ftrengthjhafte thee to hdp me. + Heb WY 10 D ^ Vr m Y ^ ou ^ ^ rom l ^ C ^ wor( ^ : ^ m y Lfc N/ darling t from the power of the dog t Heb .from z t Save roe from the lions mouttu tor thou haft heard me from the horns of the unicorns. ia * I will declare thy name unto my bre- therein.. Cor'io z * For he hath founded it upon the feas, ^^ * and eftabliftied it upon the flouds. * Job*j8. 6. *Who (hall afcend into the hill of the Pial.io 4 .5 *Hcfa.s.ia ands zz * I will declare thy name unto my bre- 4 * t He that hath cean hands ana .pure . $ thren in the midft of the congregation will I heart 5 who hath not lift up his foul unto vani- ^ BP ,;r/thcp tie, nor fworn deceitfully. t H eb- the- P r. Ye that fear the L o R r,,praife hunjall 5 He (hall receive the ble fling from the 5 ..f ye the feed of Jacob , glorifie him j and fear LORD, and righteoufnefle from the God df him alive the feed of Ifrael. his falvation. *i Tta he h*h not def P ifed,nor abhorred 6 This i, the generation of them thatfeek theafflSonof t hea ffliae P d: neitherhath he him, that feek thy -face, H O Jacob. Selah lo^OCo hidhfsface fromhim, but when he cried unto 7 Lift up your heads O ye g^bcvc o him, he heard. ^ U P yf everlaftmg doores, and the k ' - ^ glory (hall come * praife the that verlafting doores, and and 72.11. aod 86.?. ber and turn unto the LORD : and all the kin- hofts, he u the king of glory. Selah dreds of the nations (hall worfoip before thee. z-8 For the kingdome is the LORDS: aad he ithegovernouramongthenations. , All thpv that be fat upon earth y (hall hc thaf ' P S A L. XXV. , jywidseonfiJence to prayer .7 He pra-cetbfor M David prayeth for remiflion of finnes. Pfalmes.' . r . , * f ^M^bS^^^wT-- . t Heb.^C i } His foul f (hall dwell at eafe-and his (V^ me nil^?^ n" h ^ ni f ld Cncam P a ainft fS? /*&* i.^.rf. flull inherit the earth. S rced r ' 7 a a!l not fear: 'hough warre Sould Pla on me: for I , defolate and affi " ^ fcttSSSRii h t n ?* f hJS tabernade 17 The troubles of my heart are enlaced- 6 AndL 3 ^ u ?' " P Up a rock ObringthoumeoutofmydiftrelTec a k n W flla11 mine head b lifted up iSLUuoonmmeaffl.aon^dmypain fe3SS!T!*^, ata . TO *^ and forgive all my finnes. "W*, J?" 1 *"" Ju ubemaele facrifices f of joy, tH , * 9 ConfidermLenemies,f or theyarema. f SSSffigS*?'?*'--*' *S J2 fHeb. tor/ ny, and they hate me with f cruell hatred fc*L , J i J^* I V* C> I a V Wlth ^y voice: /*** .0 Okeepmy foul and deliver me Jet me s7S ^ ^ /*H! fwer me. notbeafhamed,for I put my truft i" he ' heartfSotothee^f f^r yemyfaCCj "^^ ^ xi Letmtegritieanduprightnefleoreferve "}?.1 lintot ; ee * Th y/ 3 ,LoRo J wmiftek ^rl f j d me: for I wait on thee. ? S P eferVC rll 9 f Hlde not th X fo fine from me, put not " * i ^^ Redeem IftaeL O God out of all hi. i ? T^ 1 SWay m an S er ; thou h *& ^en my 7/"/ troubles. ' Ut Ot * hl$ ^ ^3ve me not, neither forfake me, O God Jf nro .he mil of ,, d ..,' * . Davids prayer. Gods power. PfalmEs. David praifeth God for deliverance. 4 68 PSA L. XXVIII. 10 The LORD fateth upon the floud: yea, Divid frayeth eamefllj aganft hii enemies. 6 He the L o R p fitteth king for ever. tieffethGod. 9 Heprqethfor the people. f A pftlmeof David. J'TNtothee will I cry, O LORD my rock, j- Heb. from l^be not filent j to me: * left;/ thou be fi- "* lent to me, I become like them that go down * 145 ' 7 into the pit. z Heare the voice of, my fupplications a when f{ Or, tavArdi I cry unto thee: when I lift up my hands |[ to- ihs.orade of war j t hy holy oracle. Draw me not away with the wicked,and 1 1 The L o R D will give ftrength unto his people, the L o R D will blefle his people with peare. P S AL. XXX. I I>Md prtifethGtdf or kii deliverance. lUtexktrt- eth others to praife him by example of Godsdettin^ with him. * prayer. ^ A pfalme and fong, at the dedication of the houfe of David. r Will extoll thee, O L o R D, for thou haft J 2 uraw me not awaywitn tnewicKca,ana i i ; r j _ .', \ t Pra... ,.*. with the workers of iniquitie: * which fpeak gJ J^ ha * n0t made m y foes to Jer.,.. to their neighbonrs> tat mifchief * in >J Q LORD ' God their hearts. 4 Give them according to their deeds, and accordin^ to the wickedneOe of their cndea- O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou haft healed me. . 3 O LORD thou haft brought up my foul render ro them their defert. ? Becaufe they regard not the works of the LOR D,nor the operation of his hands, he ihall deftroy them, and not build them up, 6 Blefied be the LORD, becaufe he hath heard the voice of my fupplications. 7 The LORD my ftrength , and my fhield, my heart trufted in him,and I am help- ed: therefore my heart greatly rejoyccth, and Withtny fong will I praife him. 8 The L o R D H 1| their ftrength, and he the f faving ftrengch of his anointed. 9 Save thy people, and bleilc thine inheri- tance: jj feed them alfo,& lift them up for ever. PS At. XXIX. T Djiidexborteth frinces to give glorie to God, J ly resfon of his power, 11 c.nd prete&to* of his people. q A pfalmc of David. *-^ T vc unto the L o R D ( O t ye mighty ) give Vjunto the LORD glory and ftrength. i Give unto the LORD f the glory due unto his name; worfbip the LORD || in the beauty of hoIineflY 5 The voice of the Lo RD it upon the wa- ters: the God of glory thundereth, the LORD if upon |j many waters. 4 The voice of the LORD | powerful!; the YOK-e of the LORD f full of majeftie. 5 The voice of the LORD breaketh the ' cedars : yea, the L o R D breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. 6 He maketfc them alfo to skip like a calf: Lebanon, and * Sirion like a young tnicorn. 7 The voice of the LORD f divideth the fluncsof fire: 8 The voice of the LORD ftaketh the wil- dc' n'-fle : the LORD (rnketh the wilderneffe of Kadtih, $ The voice of the LORD maketh the hinde$!lroc,--!vc 3 and difcoveretV the forrefts: ami in iiij temple !| doth every one fpeak of his glory. 4 Sing unto the L o RD, (O ye faints of his ) and give thanks || at the remembrance of || Or,totbe\ his holinefle. mtmtriaU. f For f his anger cvduretb but a moment jin ^^ c ^ re his favour it life : weeping may endure ffora mcntinkii night, but f joy cometh in the morning. anger. 6 And in my profperitic I faid, I fhall never t Heb. ,- the be moved. VfTtf /r 7 LORD, by thy favour thou haft f made my ^. e *^"^" mountain to ftand ftrong: thou didft hide thy f Heb. fetlU facre, and I was troubled. ftrength fv 8 I cried to thee, O L o R D: and unto the m 3 *>"*<* LORD I made fupplication. 9 What profit u there in my bloud, when I go down to the pit? * Ihall the duft praife thee? * P^J f- $ fhall it declare thy truth? flnd 8 * " jo H:are,O LoRD 3 andhave mercy upon an I15 ' I7> me: LOR D be thou my helper. ii Thou hjft turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou haft put off my fackcloth, and girded me with gladnefTe: ii To the end that \\rny glorie may fing [[ That is, | praife to thee, and not be filent: O LORD my m y i God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever. or P S A L. XXXI. I Dn,'td fiewiig hif confidence in God^craveth hit help. 7 He rejoyceth in hit mercy. 9 Eeprayeth in tiit cf lumrtie. \$ Hefrsi'eth God for hi goodneffe. f To the chief mufician, A pfabne of David. IN "tbeejGI.ORDjdo I put my truft, let me * Pfal 2?.y. never be afhamed : deliver me in thy righte- I ^-4^*j j oufncfle. 2 Bowe down thine eare to me, deliver me fpeedily:be thou j my ftrong rock, for an houfe f Heb.te mt of defence to fave me. /<" " Toct (. / 3 For thou art my rock and my fortrefle: frtngh. therefore for thy names fake lead me, and guide me. 4 Pull me out of the net, that they have laid privily for me: for thou art my ftrength. f * Into thine hand I commit my fpirit:thou * Luke 13. haft redeemed me. O LORD God of truth. 4*. 6 I have David prayeth 5 and praifeth God. Pi?!mesi 6 I have hated them that regard lying vani- ties: but Itruft in the L OR D. 7 I will be glad, and rejoyce in thy mercy : for thou haft confidered my trouble j thou haft known my foul in adverfitiesj 8 And haft not (hut me up into the hand of the enemie : thou baft fet my feet in a large room. 9 Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble; mine eye is confumed with grief, yea, my foul and my belly. 10 For my life is fpent with grief, and my ycares with fighmg : my ftrength faileth be- caufc of mine iniquitie,and my bones are con- fumed. 1 1 I was a reproch among all mine enemies, but efpecially among my neighbours.and a fear to mine acquaintance : they that did fee me without, fkd from me. jz I am forgotten as a dead man out of >f- minde : I am like f a broken veflel. 1 3 For I have heard the flander of many, fear on every fide, while they took counfel together againft me, they devifed to take away my life. 14 But I trufted in thee, O LORD : I faid, Thou art my God. 1 f My times are in thy hand : deliver me from the band of mine enemies , and from them that perfecute me. 1 6 Make thy face to fhine upon thy fetvant : fave me for thy mercies fake. 17 Let me not be aftamed , O L o R D, for I have called upon thee : let the wicked be *, ttt afliamed , and || let them bc filent in the 7 *'/*' grave. [' ' 1 8 Let the lying lips be put to filence:which [eb.4 ford fpeak t grievous things proudly and comemptu- Whoisbleffed. PSAL. XXXII. * 6a Ronu4.y t "* With mine eye. counfel thcc 9 * Be ye not as the horfe , or as the mule ' r vkitbktlt no underftanding : whofe mouth 1 J !' c * f ~ muft be held in with bit and bridle , left they I come neare unto thee. 10 Many forrows /&*# be to the wicked : but he that trufteth in the L o R D, mercy (hall compafle him about. 1 1 Be glad in the L o R D, and rejoyce ye righteous : and (hout for joy all ye that arc upright in heart. PSAL. XXXIII. I Gsdiitole praifedfor hit gotdnef}e,6 for bis patter, l* and for his providence. 10 Confidence it to be f laced in God. p Ejoyceinrhe L o R D,O ye righteous, far iVpraife is comely for the upright. z Praife the L o R D with harp : Cng unto him with the pfalterie, and an inftrument of ten firings. 3 Sing unto him a new fong , play skilfully with a loud noife. 4 For the word of the L o R D it right: and all his works are done in truth. 5 He loveth righteoufnefle and judgement: *the earth is full of thej|goodnefle of the LORD . ' 6 * By the word of the LORD were the hea* ** vensmade: and all the hoft of them, by the ^ breath of his mouth. 7 Hegathereth the waters of thefea toge- ther,as an heap Ae hyeth up the depth in ftorc- houfes. 8 Let all the earth fear the LORD:Iet all the Hh 3 inha- 470 I Pa. i p. j. -f- Heb. ma- kfth fru- Jtrtt.. "Prov.ip, 21. I fa. 4*. 10, 9 For he fpake, and it was done j he com- manded,and it ftood faft. 10 * The LORD tbringeth the counfelof the heathen to nought : he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. 1 1 * The counsel of the LORD ftandeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart f to all genera, tions. Gods providence. Halraes. The priviledges of the righteous: inhabitants of the world ftand in aw of him. ' The young lions do lack, and faved him out of all his troubles. 7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. 8 Otaftand fee that the LORD if good: blefled is the man that trufteth in him. 9 O fear the LORD, ye his faints ; for tbcre is no .want to them that ftar him. PSAL. XXXV. ~ eth forhHOTVttfcfetie, and hit enemies VII d fonfujion. ii He eutifUintth of their wongfuQ dealing, a t "thereby he inciteth God arainH tbenu ^Atfalmeot David. PLead my caufe (O L o R D) with them that ftrive with me : fight againft them that fight againft me. z Take hold of Oiield and buckler,and ftand up for mine help. 3 Draw out alfo the fpear, and flap the way againft them that perfecute me : fay unto my foul, I am thy falvation. 4 * Let them be confounded and put to *Pf a I.4o (hame that feek after my foul : let them be and 70.. turned back and brought to confufion that ds- vife my hurt. f * Let them be as chaff before the winde : * j {, 2 , and fet the angel of the LORD chafe them. PfaL j.< 6 Let their way be t dark and flipperie, and let the angel of the L o R D perfecute them. 7 For without caufe have they hid for me their net, ing pit, which without caufe they ftrinej/e, have digged for my foul. 8 Let deftruaion come upon him f at una- f Hcb-wl wares, and let his net that he hath hid, ca(cb**4*** himfflf : into that very deftrudionlct him fall, not of. 9 And my foul fliall be joyfull in the LORD : kfliall re joyce in his falvation. 10 All my bones (hall fay, L o R D 3 who like 'Davids complaint and prayer. Pfalmcs. The wickeds eftate. Gods mercy, like unto thee, which delivereft the poore from him that is too (trong for him j yea, the poore and theneedy,from him that fpoileth him t ii tFalfewitnefltsdid rife upjjthey laid to s of my charge things that I knew not. "/. 12 They rewarded me evil for good, to the C rf ' 'e'* 1" fpil in S f m X f u k eb4<- * J ^ ut as ^ or "*> w hen they were fide, my ling. clothing ww fackcloth : I j| humbled my foul t t . jg * i yyjil gi ve t hee thanks in the great con- dii.i grcgation: I will praifethee among f much dcb.y?r*. people. ip Let not them that are mine enemies tub ftlfily t wrongfully rejoyce over me : neither let them wink with the eye, that hate me without a caufe. 20 For they fpeak not peace,bnt they devife deceitfull matters againft them that are qokt in the land. xi Yea, they opened their mouth wide a- gainftme, and hid. Aha, aha, our eye hath ken it. 22 This thou haft feen (O LORD) keep not filence : O Lord,be not farre from me. 23 Stirre up thy felf, and awake to my judgement, even unto my caufe, my God and my Lord. 24 Judge me,O L o R D my God, according to thy r ighteoufnefle, and let them not rejoyce over me. 2 j Let them not fay in their hearts, f Ah, fo 5 would we have it : let them not fay, We have fwallowed him up. 26 Let them be afhamed and brought to confufion together that rejoyce at mine hurt : let them be clothed with (name and dishonour that magnifie thsmfelves againft me. 27 L them (bout for joy, and be glad, Heb. my that favour f my righteous caufe : yea, It t them ghtteufntt, fay continually, LettheLoRD be magnifi- ed, which hath pleafure in the profperity of his fervant. 28 And my tongue (hall fpeak of thy righteoufnefie , and of thy praife all the day long. P S A L. XXXVI. 471 I The grievous e flute of the wicked. 5 The exctllcacie of Cods mercy. 10 Da-uid prayeth for favour to Godt childnn. j To the chief mufician, A pfalme of Da- vid, the fervantof th LORD. THe tranfgreffion of the wicked faith with- in my heart, that there it no fear of God before his eyes. ^ Fot he flattereth himfelf in his own eyes, f untill his iniquity be found to be hate full. 3 The words of his mouth are iniquity &de-^ M;f fo ceit : he hath left offto be wife,arftodogood. hate. 4 He devifeth jj mifchief upon his bed, he ^>i,-oanity. fetteth himfelf in a way that is not good j he abhorrech not evil. j * Thy mercy (O LORD) in the heavens 5 Pfals7.j and thy faithfulnefle reacheth unto the clouds* and loi! ' 6 Thy righteoufneffe M liketthe great moun- f Hcb.rto tains 5 thy judgements are a great deep j O mfuntami of LORD, thou preferveft man and beaft. Gcd ' 7 How f excellent is thy loving kindnefle, -j- Heb.^r*- O God.'therefore the children of men put their . truft under the (hadow of thy wings. 8 They (hall be f abundantly fatisBed with f Heb.> the fatneffe of thy houfe : and thou (halt make ttretU them drink of the river of thy pleafure s . P For with thee is the fountain of life:in thy light (hall we fee light. 10 Of continue thy loving kindnefle unto -j. He ^ _ rff(tw them that know theejand thy righteoufneffe to out at length. the upright in heart. 1 1 Let not the foot of pride come againft me, and let not the hand of the wicked remove me. 1 2 There are the workers of iniquity fallen: they are caft down, and (hall not be able to rife. PSAL. XXXVII. NI Dwidperfivadethts patience, and confidence htGod, Vii Day. ty the different eftate of the godly and the wicked. Eveninr f A pfalm or David. prayer. T-tRet * not thy felf becaufe of evil-doers,nei- *pfov. j$ 17 I" 1 ther be thou envious againft the workers of and 14. i. iniquitie. , z For they (hall foon be cut down like the grafie,and wither as the green herb. j Truft in the L o R D,and do good/a (halt thou dwell in the land, and t verily thou (halt fHeb.in KP fffl ttutbyOT 4 Delight thy felf alfo in the L o R D 5 and &**& he (hall give thee the defires of thine heart. 5 f* Commit thy way unto the LoRD:truft IHeb.wI alfoin him,and he (hall bringjttopaffe. k *J > v*yufon 6 And he (hall bring forth thy righteouf- 'p^*' lg } . nefle as the light , arid thy judgement as the Matth^.j^ noon-day. i.Pcr.f.r. 7 j Reft in the L oRD,and wait patiently for t Heb< *' him : fret not thy ftlf becaufe of him who pro- *%% fpereth in his wsy, becanfe of the man who bringtth wicked devices to pane. 8 Ceafe fiom anger,and foifake wrath, fret not thy felf in any wife to do evil. H h 4 9 For The eftate ofthegodfy and the wicked; Pfalmes.' 47 * flOr, * t feth. PfaI. t Heb. t hi upright tf Davids affU&Iotn 33 The LORD will not leave him in his hand,nor condemn him when he is judged. g 4 Wait on the L o R D, and keep his way, and he fhall exalt thee to inherit the Iand:when the wicked are cut off,thou (halt fee it. 3 5 I have feftn the wicked in great power and fpreading himfelf like || a green bay-tree. 3 6 Yet he paffed away, and lo he WM not ; yea, I fought him, but he could not be found. 37 Mark theperfcd man, and behold the upright : for the end of that man is peace. 38 But the tranfgreffours fhall be deftroyed together, the end of the wicked fhall be cut off. 3 9 But the falvation of the righteous of the L OR D, he is their ftrengfh in the time of trouble. 40 Andihe LORD fhall help them, andde- liver them: he (hall deliver them from the wic- kcd,and fave them becaufe they truft in him. PSAL. XXXVIII. - bwidmoTjeth God to take comjxifiion of hit pitiful cafe VII I Da 1 U A pfalme of David to bring to remembrance. ^vL o R D, rebuke me not in thy wrath : nei- \^J ther chaften me in thy hot difplcafure. 2 For thine arrows ftick faft in me, and thy hand preffeth me fore. 3 rforeMnofoundnefTeinmyflefh, becaufe of thine anger : neither is there any t reft in my bontJ j becaufe of my fitine, ' they fh ill confume': into fmoke fhall they con- 4 For mine iniquities are gone over mine fume away, head : as an heavy burden they are too heavy 2 1 The wicked borroweth, and payeth not for me. again-.buttherighteoHsfhewethmercy&giveth. ? My wounds ftink, am old : yet have I not feen the righteous forfaken, nor his feed begging bread. 26 He is f ever mercifull, and lendeth : and his feed is blefled, 27 Depart from evil,and do good:and dwell for evermore. ,gtn me: as for the light of mine' eyes,italfotis gone f Heb from roe. A 1 1 My lovers and my friends ftand aloof from mytfore: &(|my kinfmen fiand afarre off. t H eM r 12 They alfo that feck afrer my life, lay 1 9 r ' ;w ^ 28 For the LORD loveth judgement, and fnares/or me : and they that feek my hurt,fpeak ""* forfaketh not his faints, they are preferved for mifchievous things, and imagine deceits all the ever : but the feed of the wicked fhall be cut off. day long. 13 But I, as a deaf man heard not j and I WM as a dumbe man that openeth not his mouth. 14 Thus I was as a man that hearethnor, and in whofe mouth are no reproofs. i 5 For || in thee 3 O LOR n,do I hope: thou ,|or, /*#*. vation. PSAL, XXXIX. I Davids care of his thoughts,^, the conjiderathn of the brevity and vanity of life. 7 "the reverence of Gods judgements^ 10 and prayer, are his tridles of itnpa- tiencie. i.Chron; $ To the chief mufician^z/M to * Jedu- 15. i. thun,Apfalmeof David. I Said, I will take heed to my vvayes, that I finne not with my tongue : I will keep t my "fie fr m"^ mout b ^h a bridle,while the wicked is before MM*S ' roe. ^ I was dumbe with Glence,! held my peace, t Heb. /r#- even from good,and my forrow was t ftirred. 3 My heart was hot within me, while I was mufing the fire burned : then fpake 1 with my tongue. 4 L o R Djtnake me to know mine end, and the meafureof my dayes, what it M ; that I may know (I how frail I am. 5 Behold, thou haft made my dayes as an hand breadth, and mine age i; as nothing be- t Ueb.fetltd fore thee : verily every man f at his beft ftate is *od**' 6 '' 9 ' a l to g et ber * vanity. Selah. tfleb! **' * Surely every man walketh infa vain (hew: *." furely they are difquieted in vain : he h-eapeth up riches t and knoweth not who (hall gather them. 7 And now Lord,what wait I for ? my hope is in thee. 8 Deliver me from all my tran r greions , make me not rtie reproch of the foohfh. 9 I was dumbe,! opetol not my mouth,be- caufethoudidft iti jrfHr i o Remove thy ftrdR^Way from me : I am t Heb.cw confumed by the-f blow of thine 1 hand. fi&. 1 1 When thou with rebukes doft correct \Htb.thar man for iniquity, thou makdithis beauty to vhuhutt te confume away like a mothi 'furely every man is tief-tdinhtm v anity. Selah. o mdt 44j. l a Hejre my p rayer> O L o R D, and give Levir.i5.j earc unto my cne, hold not thy peace at my i.Chron.zp. tears . * f or j amz ft ra nger with thce,arf a fo- pVal. 119.19 journer,as all my fathers were. i^chiii 1*3. * i? O fpareme,that I may recover ftrentb, i. Pet. t, 1 1 . before I go hence,and be no more. . Pfalmes. Obedience the beftfacrifice. PSAL. XL. 47$ i7he benefit of confidence inGsd. 6 Obedience is the beft racrifice. 1 1 Thefenfe of Davids evils mfL&meth bis frayer. f To the chief mufician, A pfaime of David. | T Waited patiently for the L o R D, and he t Hdb./n 1 inclined unto me, and heard my cry. *^tr declare and fpeak of them, they are mo then th ' mwa canbenumbred. 6 * Sacrifice and offering thou didft not de- "Pfai^n, fire, mine earcs haft thou f opened : burnt- of- Ifa.i.n*. fering and finne. offering haft thou not requi* and 66 J red. Hof6.6. 7 ThenfaidI, Lo,I come:in the volume of Heb"io!/.' the book it is written of me : 8 I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, &t- thy law is t within my heart. f Heb. *' r & y I have preached righteoufnefle in the great mid ft f *j congregation : lo,I have not refrained my lips, N. me. n evi ieaejijf *fey,cleaveth faft un- T Udge me,O God, and plead my caufe againft t 'Hcb. to him : and now that he lieth, he fhall rife up J an y ungodly nationj O deliver metfrom the R?ii no more * deceitfull and unjuft man. f f *jo'Cj..8. 9 * Y tiine own familiar friend in whom For thou the God of my ftrength,why \ mnt .fd,. f Heb. tki I truftedjwhtch did eat of my bread, hath f lift doft thou caft me off? why go I mourning be- ctit^ndin* *. fmj up his heel againft me. cau f e o f t h e O ppreffion of the enemy ? 9""J- aoButthoUjOLoRDjbemercifulluntome, ? O fend out thy light and thy truth 5 let JSw and raifc me u P' that l ma y rec l uite them - *e lead me, let them bring me unto thy holy in By this I know that thou favoureft me, hill,and to thy tabernacles. becaufe mine enemy doth not triumph over me. 4 Then will I go unto the altar of God, un- 1 1 And as for me,thou upholdeft me in mine to God f my exceeding joy : yea, upon the harp t Heb.** integrityrand fetteft me before thy face for ever, will I praife thee, O God,my God. i } Bleffed be the LORD God of Ifrael, from j * why art thou caft down,O my foul? and flfS^ everlafting,and to everlaftmg.Amcn and amen, why art thou difquieted within me i hope in 5, i u P S A L. X L 1 1 God/or I fhall yet praife him t tvho is the health i Dnid, itA tofrve 3*1 i* the temple. 5 He encou- of m ? countcnance,and my God. ragt th hit foul totruftmGod. PSAL. XLIIII. K Or.a fl To the chief mufician ff Mafchil, for i the fhmeh in memory offormerfwours.jetHttpknf pblmcgi- the fonnes of Korah. eth f he j P re f ent nili ' *7 Profefsing her integrity, vi'.ginjlT*. _ . . 4/* fervent'y prxyethf or fuccour. ffwofth* AS the narttpanteth afcer the water-brooks, ^To the chiet mufician for the fonnes of flmts. f\ fo panteth my foul after thee, O God_ Korah, Mafchil. tHeb.*wj. a My foul thtrfteth for God, for the living TT TE have heard with our eares, O God, Godrwhen (hall I come and appear beforeGod? V V our fathers have told us t what work thou PftUo.s. ? * My tears have been my meat day and didft in their dayes,in the times of old. night , while they continually fay unto me, a How thou didft drive out the heathen with Where w thy God ? thy hand, and planted** them 3 how thou didft 4 When I remember thefe things, I poure afflia the people,and caft them out. out my foul in mejfor I had gone with the mul- 3 For they got not the land in pofleffion by titude,! went with them to the houfe of Gods their own fword, neither did their own arm wiih the voice of joy and praife, with a muhi- fave them : but thy right hand, and thine arm, tide that kept holy-day. and the light of thy countenance, becaufe thou fHeb. bvKtd <$ Why art thou j caft down, O my foul,and had ft a favour unto them |OJ*M ^, ar f tth T ^^ fqU H ted r n ? e 'n^l'uT in r 4 Thou art my kmg, 6 God, command de- }h*n\,. God,for I fhall yet||praife him \\for the help of Iterances for Jacob. ||0r,^ frf . his countenance. f Through thee will we pu(h down our ene- f**nftl- ' 6 OmyGod, my foul is caft down within mies.'thr^h thyname will wettead thcmun- me: therefore will I remember thee from the der rhatnfeupaainft us, 6 For 47 < The churches complaint. Pfalmes. The majeftieof Chrifts kingdome: 6 foil will not truft in my bow, neither i Than art fairer then the children of men- PStif Ured into th X IJ P S : ^ereforc God hath blefied thee for ever. 3 Gird thy fword upon tby thigh, O moil might* : with thy glorie and thy maicftie 4 And in thy majeflie f ride profperoufly, t Heb. 10 Thoumakeftus to turn back from the encmie : and they which hate us fpoil for thcmfelves. 1 1 Thou haft given us flike (beep appoint- ' ed for meat : and haft fcattered us among the heathen. kb./^ la Thou felleft thy people f for nought,and dofl not increafe tby wealth by their price. i j * Thoumakeft us aceproch to our neigh- bours, afcornandaderifion to them that are round about us. 14 heathen (ball my fword fave me. 7 But thou haft faved us from our enemies, and haft put them to (bame that hated us. 8 In God we boaft all the day long : and praife thy name for ever. Selah, 9 But thou haft caft off,and put us to (bamej becaufe of truth and meVkneffe7^7rTehte"ouf! #*'. andgocft not forth with ourWmies. nefle : and thy right hand (hall teach thee terti- *** ble things. f Thine arrows 4(barp in the heart of the kings enemies j whereby the people fall under 6 > * Thy throne(O Godjis for ever and ever: * Heb. j.?. the fceptre of thy kingdome is a right fceptre, 7 Thou lovcft righteoufnefie, and hateft wickednefle : therefore God, thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl of gladnefie above thyfellows. 8 All thy garments fmell of myrrhe, and * Thou makeft us a by-word among the aloes, and cafila 5 out of the ivorie palaces n : a (baking of the head among the whereby they have made thee glad. P e P lc ; 9 Kings daughters were among thy honour- 15 Myconfufion is continually before me, able women : upon thy right hand didftand and the (bame of my fate hath covered me. the queen in gold of Ophir. \6 For the voice of him that reprocheth io Hearken ( O daughter) and confider and and blafphemeth: by reafoa of the encmie and ' ' ' avenger. 17 All this is come upon us j yet have we not forgotten thee,neither have we dealt falfely in thy covenant. 1 8 Our heart is not turned back : neither have our y fteps declined from thy way. 19 Though thou haft fore- broken us in the j incline thine eare j forget alfo thine ownpe ple,and thy fathers houfe. tk i So (hall the king greatly defire thy bean- : for he thy Lord, and worship thou him. 1 1 And the daughter of.Tyrejball be there ._ . -- ~ - - ..w vu.m.u v/at,& . uciuitr with a gift, even the rich among the people ^>JT*. have our Uftens the tie- lwt*ru f the people of the God of il Or, /. of Jacob j$f our re fuge. Selah. 8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, what deflations he hath made in the earth. 9 He maketh warres to ceafe unto the end of the earth : he breaketh the bow, and cutteth thefpearin funder, heburncththc chariot in the fire. i o Be ftill., and know that I am God : I will be exalted among the heathen,! will be exalted in the earth. *i The LORD of hofts w with us: the God of Jacob it our refuge. Selah. P S A L. XLVII. i The nations are exhorted cheerfully to entertain the kmgdvmeofChrifl. q 1 o the chief mufician, A pfalme || for the fonnes of Korah. OClap your hands (all ye people ) (hout un- to God with the voice of triumph : i For the LORD moft high terrible 5 he a great king over all the earth. I He fnail fubdue the people under us j and the nations under our feet, 4 He (hall choofe our inheritance for us, the excellence of Jacob whom he loved.Selah. ? God is gone up with a (hout, the L o R D with the found of a trumpet. 6 Sing praifes to God, fing praifes: fiog praifes unto our king^fin^praifes. 7 For God the king of all the earth, fing ye praifes ij with underftanding. 8 God reigneth over the heathen t God fit- teth upon the throne of his holinefle. 9 (j The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abra- ham : for the fhields of the earth belong unto God : he is greatly exalted. P S A L. XLVIII. tint ornaments and friviledges of the church. H A {unhand pfalme || for the fonnes of Korah. f-i Reat is the LORD, and greatly to be praifed VJ in the citie of our God, in the mountain of his holineffe. i Beautifull for fituation, the joy of the whole earth is mount Sion, on the fides of the north,the citie of the great king. 3 God is known in her palaces for a refuge. 4 For lo,thc kings were affembled, they paf- fed by together. j Tbeyfawff, and fo they marvelled, they were troubled and hafted away. 6 Fear took hold upon them there,arf pain, as of a woman in travail. 7 Thou breakeft the mips of Tarfliifh with an eaft-winde. 8 As we have beard, fo have \ve feen in the citie of the LORD of hofts, in the citie of our God,God will eftablifli it for ever. Selak. 9 We have thought of thy loving kindnefle, God, in the midft of thy temple. 10 According to thy name, O God, fo u thy praife unto the ends of the earth : thy right hand is full of righteoufnefle. 1 1 Let mount Sion re Joyce, let the daugh- ters of Judah begladj becaufe of thy judge- ments. n Walk about Sion, and go round about her: tell the towers thereof. ij t Mark ye well her bulwarks, |j confider f Hcb. fet her palaces 5 that yc may tell it to the generati- J tw he ' nt onfollowing, **./** 14 For this God Is our God for ever and H 01 *^' "'' ever ' t he will be our guide even unto death. P S AL. XLIX. 1 f>ereofhern foul: and men will praife thce, when thou doft welltothyfelf. t Hcb. the 1 9 t He (hall go to the generation of his fa- ioul Jfc4#?. thers, they (hall never fee light. 20 Man that h in honour and underftandeth not, is like the beafts that perifh. P S A L. L. I The majeftie of God m the church. 5 His order to ga- ther faints. 7 The flexure of God is not m cenmo- nies, 14 but mjinceritie of obedience. 1f Apfalmt|jcfAfjph. THe mighty God, even the LORD hath fpo- ken, and called the earth from the rifing of the funnc, unto the going down thereof. 2 Out of Sion the perfection of beauty, God hath Chined. 3 Our pod (hall come, and (hall not keep Pfilence : a fire (hall devoure before him, and it (hall be very tempeftuous round about him. 4 He (hall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people. f Gather my faints together unto me : thofe that have made a covenant with me by facrifice. X. day. Morning frayer. * 6 And the heavens fhall declare his righte- m Y fi nnc evcr before me. irn/>n%. f^ nj .-.:., j^-u:_rif C_I.L Againft thee , thee onely have I finned, cufnefie: for God is judge himfelf. Selah. 7 Heare, O my people, and I will fpeakj O Ifrael , and I will teftifie againft thee: I am God, even thy God. 8 I will not reprove thee for thy facrifices, or thy burnt-of&rings, to have been continui- ty before me. 9 I will take no bullock out of thy houfc, nor he-goats out of thy folds. 10 For every beaft of die forreftjj inme, and the cattell upon a thoufand hills. i I know all the fowls of the mountains: t Hcb. \tith and the wilde beafts of the field a re } mine. 1 2 If I were hungry, I would not tell thee., l-ip.j * for the world w mme,and the fulne0c thereof 1 3 Will I eat the Bcfb of bulls, or drink the tloud of goats? 14 Ofterunto God thanksgiving, and pay thy vows unto the moft high. J 5 And call upon me in the day of trouble j I will deliver thee, aod thou (halt glorifie me. 1 6 But unto the wicked G od faith,What haft thou to do to declare my ftatutes, or that thou (nouldcft take my covenant in thy mouih? 17 * Seeing thou hateft inftruftion s and cafteft my words behindc thee. rfal.24.. i. Cor. 10. 26 > ** and done this evil in thy fight: * that thou * Rom. 3.4. 9 mighteft be juftified when thou fpcakeft, and be cleare when thou judgeft. 5 Behold,! wasfhapenin iniquity: and in finne did my mother | conceive me. f Hcb. vrm 6 Behold, thou defireft truth in the inward ">* parts: and in the hidden fart chou (halt make me to know wifdome. 7 * Purge me with hyflbpe, and I fhallbe Lev.i4-^- clc.m:wafh me,and I (lull be whiter then fnow. Num.?. 1 8 8 Make me to heare joy and gladnefle: that the bones which thou haft.broken,may rejoyce. 9 Hide thy face from my finnesjand blot out all mine iniquities. i o Create in me a clean heart, O Godj and renew j] a right fpirit within me. f| Or, *<. 1 1 Caft me not away from thy prefeacejand/'"" /'* take not thy holy fpirit from inc. 1 2 Reftoie unto me the joy of thy falvation: and uphold me with thy free fpirir. i j Then will I teach tranfgreflburs thy waiej, . and finncrsfliall be converted unto thee. 14 Deliver me fi cm ibloud-guiltinefle, O God,thou God of my falvation:^ my tongue (hall fing aloud of thy righteoulhcfie. \Or,tbM I *lfa.57.'5. 17 Davids prophdie of Doeg^ Pialmes. He prayeth for ialvation. 47 3 i ? O Lord open thou my lip$,and my mouth 4 Ha?e the Workers of iniquity no know- (ball (hew forth rhy praife. Ied g e ? who eat up my people, as they eat \6 For thou defireft not facrifice } [j elfe would bread} they have not called upon God. I give if: thou delighted not in burnt- offering. f There f were they in great kzt^here no t Hebi/A^ 17 *Thc facrifices of God are a broken fear was: for God hath fcattered the bones of /<'/* fpirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, him that encampeth againft thee , thou haft thou wilt not defpife. P ut *&* to frame, becaufe God hath defpifed 1 8 Do good in thy good pleafure unto them. Sion: build thou the walls of Jerufalem . 6 I O that the falvation of Ifrael were come t eb. >,, 19 Thenflult thou be pie. fed with thefa- outof Sion! whenGod bringcth back the ca- ""' crifices of righteoufntffe, with burnt-offering ptivity of his people, Jacob (hall rejoyce, and and whole burnt- offering: then (hall they I&ael (hall be glad. offer bullocks upon thine altar. PSAL LITTI PS AL. LIT. l bivid condemning the fpttefulnefje ofDOfg, pnpheft- ttb hu deftruSion. 6 The righteous fall rejojceat it, 8 David upon hit confidence in Godi merej, giveth thanks- q To the chief mufician Mafchil, .A pfalme of David, * when Docg the Edomite came and told Saul, and faid unto him, David is come to the houfe of Ahimelech. I DrvidcompUmingofthe Ziphimjyprajethforf, tion. 4 Vpon hit confidence inGods help, he pr * i. Sam. J 2. lethfacnfce. fl To the chief mufician on Neginoth, Maf- chil,^ pfalme of David,* when the Ziphims * ' came and faid to Saul, Doth not David hide 1 *' and 26-u himfelf with us? ^Ave me, O God, by thy name,and judge me Hy boafleft thou thy felf in t mifchief ^^tf^fer.OGO^^ttKjidle O m,ghty man? thegoodneffe of God W0l - ds of my 7 m ^ m ' h . For ftrangers are rifen up againft me, and eniuretb continually. x Thy tongue devifeth mifchiefs: like a fbirp rafour, working deceitfully. 3 Thou loveft evil more then good: and ly- ing rather then to fpeak righteoufneffe. Selah. || Or, and 4 xhou loveft all devouringwords.il O than l^r^ 8 deceufull tongue. f God (hall likewife \ deftroy thee for ever, he (hall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place , and root thee out of the landofthelmng. Selah. ble : and mine eye hath feen few rf f /?^ upon 6 The righteous alfo (hall fee, and fear, and J oppreffours feek after my fouljthey have not fet God before them. Selah. 4 Behold,- God is mine helper : the Lord is Jh them that uphold my fouf. , He (hall reward evil unto f mine enemies j tHeb. cut them off in thy truth. 6 l wil , freely 7 facrifice nnto thee . I wiU 7 For he hath delivered me out of all trou- fl Or, f*net. flull laugh at him. 7 Lo,r h is is the man that made not God his ftreng'h: butmifted in the abundance of his riches, and ftrengthened himfelf in his[|wic- kedneffe. 8 But I am like a green olive-tree in the houfe of God: I truft in the mercy of God for ever and ever. 9 I will praife thee for ever, becaufe thou haft done it: and I will wait on thy name, for It is good before thy faints. PSAL. LIII. mine enemies. PSAL. LV. prayer comphinith of bit fenrfidl />. 9 Hf fr.ijeth againfl hit enemtes,oftvhofe tvic^edntlje and treachery he complaineth* 15 He comfortetb him- felf in Godj preservation of him, and cenfufion of hit enemies. q To the chief mufician on Neginoth, Mif- chil, >A pfalme of David. Give eare to my prayer jO God: and hide not thy felf from my fupplication. z Attend unto me, and hearemei I mourn in my complaint, and make a noife, traver. ^ 1 PfaJ.io.4.- l4 * ' ' eonfcience. 6 Ueglorieth in thefalvation of God. To the chief mufician upon Mahalath, Maf- chil, A pfalme of David. He * fool hath faid in his heart, There it no . Godj corrupt are they, and have done abo- 10, minable iniquity:* thereis none that doth good ^ God looked down from heaven upon the childrenof men, to fee if there were any that did underftand, that did feek God. 3 Every one of them is gone back, they are altogether become filthyj there [S none that doth good, no not one, iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me. 4 Myheart is forepained withinme: and the terrours of death are fallen upon me. j Fearfulneffe and trembling arc come tip^ on me, and horrour hath f overwhelmed me. -f Heb. c 6 And I faid, Qthatl had wings likea dove; /or then would I flic away,and be at reft. 7 Lothen would I wander farre off, and re- main in the wildernefle. Selah. 8 I would haften my efcape from the windy ftonn und tempeft. |Heb. } --J-- ' , . j "treof the nicked, 6 devoteth them toGodsy.tdge- nients, 10 whereat the righteous flull rejiyce. ^ To the chief mulician || Al-tafchith, Michtam of Pavid. Piaimes. fwords are in tlieir lips ; for * who , fay they, 'Pfal.Kj.tr: doth heart? ffijij.*' 8 But thoUjOLoRD/nalt laugh at thetnj thou (halt have all the heathen in deri (ion. 9 Becaufeefhi* ftrength will I wait upon thee : for God is t my defence. t Heb. my DO ye indeed fpea-k righteoufneflfe , O con- IQ The God O f my raercy fl, a n prevent me: %*> f>/. gregation ? do ye judge uprightly , O ye Gcd Q^ j; e me f ee my de p re upon j m i nc ene . T H">^ fonnesof men? mies. formes of men? mies. ^ Yea, in heart you work wickednefle, you- 1 lea, in ncui yuu vxui "V wei^h the violence of your hands in me earth 3 The wicked are cftranged from H tHeb.^^ wombe , they go aftray, faflbon as they rhi belly. , , i Slay them not, left my people forget : h the violence of your hands in me earth. f catter t h em by thy powers and briag them The wicked are cftranged from ti : down, O Lord our ftiicld. , l4 ibe , they go aftray, faflbon as they be Ia Forthe f mne O f t h e i r mouth, awrfthe born, fpeaking lies. words of their lips, let them even be taken in 4 Their poyfon i like the poyfon ot a ler- thdr ide . and fo| . curfin and i ying ^hicb pent ; they are like the deaf U adder that Hop- they _ v peth her eare : I wr, ^. f ^ Which will not hearken to the voice ot j| or, be the charmers, || charming never fo wifely. charmer n,- 6 Brea k their teeth, O God,in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O Lo RD. 7 Let them melt away as waters,bicb run continually : when he bendeth hit bow to float his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces. 8 Asafnail which meheth, let every " "thy" rfo cm- yrratb. 1 3 Confume them in wrath, confume t hem, that they may not be : and let them know that God rulech in Jacob , unto the ends of the earth. Selah. 14 And at evening let them return, and let them make a noife like a dog, and go round about the city. i < Let them wander np and down t for t "cb. t :m be as cut in pieces. (j and d if they be not f at isfied. *fj ifth ,/cfe meheth, let every one of l6 5 V I will fing of thy powerjyealwill ^^/^ them pafie away : W$ the untimely birth ot a fino aloud of thy mercy in the mor ning : for d, tknthy woman, that they may not fee the funne. thou haft been my d e f ence anc j refuge in the **/! * g 9 Before your pots can feel the thorns, he day Qf my trouWe . fliall take them away as with a whirlwmde, ^ Untothee,O my ftrength, will I fing:foc t Heb. U- t both living, and in his wrath. God ; my defence,d^ the God of my mercy. S * 10 The righteous (hall re Joyce when he feeththe vengeance: he ftiall warn his feet in P S A L. L X. tV, P Klonrl nf the wicked- I VwM complaining to God of former judgement* - - - now upon better hope, prayeth for deliverance. 6 Comforting himfeif tnGodi promifes ,' he craiieth that help whereon he trufleth. ^ To the chief mufician upon Shufhan-eduth H Mich tarn of David, to teach, * when he fl Or, a goU ^ v ^ r --s ftrove with Aram Naharaim and with P fal o mc compltineth of their cruelty. 8 i H trnflethznGod. ^^ z ^ h ^^ j oa[) rctin:ned y and ' * Sam. 8, ^i^^^SUS^S^ fmoteofEdominthe valleyof fait, twelve l^on. of David : * when Saul fent , and they watched the houfe to kill him. p^Bliver me from mine enemies, O my God: 'tCb^r ^i Deliver me from the workers of iniquitie, ^\ h ^ r f en it;hwl the breachesthereof me *fc*. and fave me from J 3 . 1 ^^ 11 ^ my foul . thc ? ' T liouhai fhewed thy people hard things: miehtv are gathered againft me ; not fw my thou haft made us to drink the wine of afto- /. r__. nr nifliment. 4 Thou haft given a banner to them that fear thee : that it may be difplayed becaufe of ou o - n So that a man (hall fay, Verily ffeerefcf a reward for the righteous : verily he is a God thatjudgeth in the earth. P S AL. LIX. X I day. evening thoufand. chief 'mupci . OGod, *thou haft caftusoff; thou haft 'PW.44 cattered us, thou haft been dif P leafed,O J *-- , nor t Hcb. , O L o R D. ifelres with awake t to help me,andbehold. ' heymakeanoifc rejoyce: Iwill divide Shechem, and mete out Davids confidence in God. Pfalmes; His rhirft for God. Ephraira alfo is the ftrength of mine head 5 7 In God w my falvation and my glorie- the *8i Jadah u my law-giver. _ rock of my ftrength,^ my refuge i/in God. 8 Truft in him at all times 5 ye people,poure out your heart before him : God a refuge for us. Selah. 8 Moab is my waflipor, over Edom will I fh caft out my (hoe : Phihitia, j| triumph thou be- u over mt caufc of me, y an iro- ^ who wi ji j, r j ng me j ntg t h c j ft ron g c i tv ? leb dtit *vho will lead me into Edom ? trtngth. 10 Wilt not thou,OGod, bicb *hadft fal 44.?. caft us off? and thou, O God, d 108. ' go out with our armies i irefug*. 9 Surely men of low degree *re ranitie, arf men of high degree are a lie : to be laid in the balance, they are |J altogether lighter then n'tie- .. , 10 Truft not in opprefllon, and become not ^2 1 1 Give ire help from trouble : for vain is vain in robberie : if riches increafe fct not your Ter V* i "* the t help of man. _ heart up on them. E B ek. 7 '.4\ 11 God hath fpoken once 5 twice have I M tc l6 -*7 heard this, that || powtr belongethumo God. ^ " J tft 1 1 Alfo unto thee, O Lord, bclongttb roer- EpheC .*8 cie : for *thourendreit to every man accoidm< 7 <- cloff. j*a j. to his work. , D >.Per..., y . P S A t. LXIII. Apoc.2i.iJ. I Z>*i/i<6 th'rrft for Ged. 4 H manner ofHefiin* GJ. 9 ii confidence of hit enemies dejlrv&ion, *nd hit svn fcfetie. f A pfalme of David, when h was in the wilderrieffe of Judah. thee,when my heart is overwhelmed : lead me /^\ God > tnau art my God, early will I feefc to the rock t bat is higher then I. ^J thee : my foul thirtieth for thee, my flefh j For thou haft been a (belter for me, and a |ngh &* thee in a drie and \ thirftie land, ftrong tower from the enemie. 4 I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever : will || truft in thecovert of thy wings. Selah. f Forthou, OGod, haft heard my vows : * Becaufe thy loving kindnefle fr better then thou hift given m the heritage of chofe thae life : m y lips fhall praife thee. i z Through God we fhall do valiantly : fot he it is that fhall tread down our enemies, PS A L. LXI. I Da.i>ld fleeth to God upon hi* former experience. 4 He voweth perpetuatt fervtce unto him y -tecaufe of his froimfes. 'i f To the chief mufician upon Neginab, Ayfalme of David. HEare my cne, O God, attend unto my prayer. L From the end of the earth will I crie unto t where no water is : t Heb.w>4. ^ ^ To fee thy power and thypforie, foI c * rw < m - have fcen thee in the fanduarie. Hcb. fear thy name, 6 f Thou wilt prolong the kings life: and his y cares t as many generations. 7 He fhall abide before < 4 Thus will I blefle thee,while I live : I wiil lift up my hands in thy name. } My foul fhall be fatisfied zstvith \ marrow f Heb./ and fatnefle j and my mouth (hall praifc tbee '/ : 1 1 day. freytr. )r, God for ever: prepare mercie and truth which may preferve "^^ joyfull lips : him. 6 When I remembtr thre upon my bed, 8 So will Ifing praife unto thy name for meditate on thee in the ^/watches. ever,that I may daily-perform my vows. 7 Becaufe thou haft been my help; therefore P S A L. L X 1 1. in the fliadow of thy wingj will I rejoyce. Drft/W frofefiing hit confidence in Gd t difaurageth 8 My foul followeth hard after thee : thy hu enemies. J Ix the fame confidence^ he encourageth r jght hand Upholdtth me. 9 Butthofe thatCeckmy foultotfeftroyic, fhall go into the lower parts of the earth. i o f They ftiall fall by the fword, they fhall f Heb they be a portion for foxes. thegodfy. 9 No truft u lobe fut in worldly things, 11 Power and mercie belong to God. f To the chief mufician, to Jeduthon, A pfalme of David. TPRuly my foul f waiteth uponGod : from him cometh my falvation. mm cometn my laivauon. x \ Biu th e king fhall rejoyce in God, every ^\ He onely is my rock and my falvation : be one that fwear h by him Hull glorie : but the ^ < Heb. Ufh is ~ my ^^71 AaU'not be greVtly mVved."''' mouth f themthat fpeak lies, ihall beftopped. ftbefw* j How long will ye imagine mifchief againft P S A L. L X 1 1 1 1. a man ? y< fhall be Gain all of you ; as a bow- - 1 D*t> af fraytthfor deliverance, tcmflailg tf hit ing wall Jballye 6f, and M a tottering fence. 4 They onely confult to caft him down from bis excellence, they delight in lies : they blcfle with their mouth, but they cucfe t in- wardly. Selah. .5 My foul, wait tbou onely uponGod: for my expectation hfrom him. 6 He onely is my rock and my falvation j be i; my defence j 1 fhall not be moved. Heb. in enemies. 7 Hefromifeth himfelf tofetfuch "aunt- dent deflrufiion of his enemtei, atthe righteous (baB rejoyce at it. % i o the chief mufician, A pfalrne of David. HEaremy voice, O God, in my prayer j pre- ferve my life trom fear of the enemie. z Hide me from the fecret counfel of the wicked ; from the infurreclion of the workers of iniquitie : 3 * Who whet their tongue like afword,rf * pfeL u.: I i bend r cr^~r\e* Pfaimes. David exhorteth to praifeGod. ThebleflTedneffe of Godsel - dropw ^ t he paftocesof thewii- 4 8z bend^r& wro> nheicarrowv^ :- j" J^ ,& & tle hiUs t re Joyce one very 1 ,| The paftures are clothed with flocks ; J'J- fuddenly dotheyfeootat hm,andtearnoc. ^ g" ^ coyered ovet with com 5 D r Heb? ^ vily,chey fay, Who (hall fee them . &,& to watfi Grf, 5 to Wrw **? li* /*. 6 They fearch out iniquities,Rthey accon i B^ewjrwji ^^ fe ^ ^ ^ & , , a , H Or>< art , d ili e nt fearch : boch the inward vowth for htmfelf religion ftrvice to God. 16 tit confm*d by ^ eve & y onc O f them, and the heart deep. declared, Godsftedtllgoednefle to himfelf. in e he tfaemfcban. rgi a falluponthemfelves:allthatfeethem,ftuUn ^ S ing forth the honour of his name: make Andallmenfhallfear, and (hall declare tispraife *^^^, ^^^ ork of God j for they (hall wifely conbdec th * Q ^ s? through ^ e gr eatnenc of thy power ^^^^> **<*** -.*-. * andfcaUtruftinhimiandall the upright in Blithe earth (hall worfhipthee, and (hall heart (hall glorie. f mg unto thce, they (hall fing to thy name. Se- XII D^y. , ixnU prtfethGodforhitgr*". 4 the toffetefr \Come and fee the VTorks of God : heia-ter rnobes. - toward the children of men II D^y. , ixnU prtfethGodforhitgr*". 4 he e Come an ee te VTors o o : -- Evening f GoJi chofen by r^finofbe^s. ible - his doi ng toward the children of men. Ira. ni . 1 To the chief mufician, A pfalme and 6 ^ turned ^ fca imo dr ic land . thcy of David. did we D Raifetwai raBdantot ^ Qthou t a ra. n . 1 o te c , 6 ^ turne ca fong of David. throuah the floud on foot, there did we tHeb. * D Raifetwaitethforthee, O G od,mSion : ^L. /*** raBdantotheefhall thevow.be performed. I J mlcth ^ his power for ever, his eyes ^ Qthou that heareftprayer s untothee (hall ^^^^33. le f not the rebellious ale f H or sSi prevail againft me : as for our ^Q^fj^God^e people,and make the tr^fgreffions^houfhaltpurgethemaway. voiceofhispra if e tobehcard 4 Bleflcd is the mm whom tnou cnooici Which t holdeth our foul in life, and lut- t caufeft to approch unto thee , tkti be may V ^ fcet w be moycd< ,,ft dwell in thy courts: wefhaUbefatisfi^WKh ForthoUjO God, haft proved us: thou the goodnefle of thy houfe, even of thy holy ^ ^.^ ^ ^ filyer . trkd> temple. . . . . ff jit i ,. Thou broughteft us into the net, thou 5 By terrible things in ngnteoui ue > hidft affli&ion upon our loyns. thou anfwer us, O God of our falvatior haft caufed men to r j de over our ^theconfidenceofalltheendsoftheearth, ^ ^ wem thr ough fire and through wa- and of them that are afarre off g***"* t er i but thou broughteft us out into a t wealthy t Rtb.* 6 Which by his ftrength fettetn tatt toe mountains; being girded with power ^ ,7 1 win go into thy houfe with bmrnt- offer-] 7 Which ftilleth the nwfe of the feas, the J . IwviU & pa y th eemy vows, noifeof their waves, and the tumul 6^ ^.^ ' my Ups have J uttered ,^and my ^Heb. PC 8 P They alfo that dwell in the Lgoingsof the morrung and evening (ftorc. 1 ' fate wi:h ats . Selab. Joyce. ... - :,. j6 Come ^dheare all ye that fear God,and Thou vifteft theearth and fl were I it . v, what ^ hath done for foul -ccatly cnricheft it with the river of C ^ wilh my roouth> and :.Jn fwa r: thou prepareft them h ;j as I e ^ Ucdvvlthmy t0 ngue. .R if I resard iniquity in y heart . nehath r/s/ rain corn ,when thou ha o , proe iniqmty m my eart : -'"rV da^^S^^^?@: MS^SiW'^ hehath ST^fS3**to foftwuhihowres, thou blef- ^^gg^ /W^i'. feft the fpringing thereof. . ^ 1O B , cfle d be God, which hath not t He V* lt Thou crowneftf the yearewrth thy goo^ oth ismerae fromme. ^;$ ' aeffe,andthy paths dropfatneffe. Davids prayer. The joy of the juft. Pfalmes. God is to be praifed for his works. P S A L. LXVII. 15 Though ye have lien among the pots, 4&J i ^Afrayerfot the enltrgemint of Gods kingdoms j to yet fbaSye be as the wings of a dove covered the jay ofthefttfU, 6 ani the mcrtaft of Gods bUf- wich filverj and hw fea(herj wilh ydloyv go4d> 14 When the Almighty fcattered kings J| in H r /' .it was Tcohite as fnow in Salmon. fit* at. Hcb.*f* ^ To the chief mufician on Neginoth, Apfalmeorfong. ^rxOd be mercifull unto us,and blefle us : and Vjcaufe his face to (hine t upon us. Selah. That thy way may be known upon earthfc ; all nations. kr. it, it was white as fnow in Salmon, 15 The hill of God is as the hill of Baflian, an high hill as the hill of Baflian. 1 6 Why leap ye,ye high hills/ tb'u n the hill which God dehreth to dwell in, yea the LORD thy faving health among all nations. 3 Let the people praile the*, O God j let all Will dwdl ixit for ever the people praifethee. . *7 Thechanots.of God art twenty thou- 4 O let the nations be glad and fing for joy: for thou (halt judge the people righteoufly,and f Heb./*t t govern the nations upon earth . Seiah. Let the people praife thee, O God > let all the people praife thee. fand, j| * thoufands of angels : the Lord ii rf Or, eren amoM them in Sinai, in the h olyp lace. 2J. * Thou haft afcended on high, thou haft led captivity captive : thou haft received gifts t for men 5 yea/ar therebellious alfo, that the t peope pme tee. , 6 TJb* (hall the earth yeeld her increafe j L o R D God might dwell ^wo^ them. 19 Blefled be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefks^vtn the God of oar falvation. Selah. 20 He that is our God, is the God of falva- tion 5 and unto GOD the Lord belong the iffues from death. 2 1 But God (hall wound the head of his a one as jtytt -ith and God 3 even our own God (hall blefle us. 7 God (hill blefle us,and all the ends of the earth (haU fear him. L P S A L. LXVIII. XIII Day. \ let the bloud of thine enemies, and the tongue of thy wicked perifli at the prefence of God. dogs in thefame. 3 But let the righteous be glad : let them 24 They have feen thy goings, O God, re Joyce before God,yea let them f exceedingly even the goings of my God, my king, in the re Joyce. fanduary. 4 Sing unto God, fing praifes to his name : 25 The fingers went before, the players on v^ extoll him that rideth upon the heavens by his in&mments followed after iamong& them were ~J\~ name J A H, and re Joyce before him. the damfels playing with timbrels. 5 A father of the fatherlefie, and a judge of 16 Blefle ye God in the congregation:s,Mtf n the widows, is God in his holy habitation. the Lord, j) from the fountain of Ifrael. I Or,yc that fHeb.w* 6 Godfetteth the folitary t in families : he 27 There is little Benjamin with their ruler, ^j{^'*r *"!/*? bringeth out thofe which are bound with the princes of JudahjJ and their counfel, the y^/." 1 chaini,but the rebellious dwell in a drie land, princes of Zebulun,e> the princes of Naphtali. | or, with 7 QGod, when thou wemeft forth before 18 Thy God hath commanded thy ftrength: tketrcin- thy people ; when thou didft march through flrengthen, O God, that which thou haft /""*> the wildernefle. Selah. wrought for us. 8 The earth (hook, the heavens alfo drop. zp Becaufe of thy temple at Jerufalcm, mall ped at the prefence of God : even Sinai it felf kings bring prefents unto thee. was moved at the prefence of God, the God of jo Rebuke || the company of fpear-men , I! Or, rf^ I&ael. the multitude of tle bulls, with the calves of fi ? t Heb. Jhatf 9 Thou,O God,didft | fend a plentifull rain, the people, till every one fubmit himfelf with r " whereby thou didft f confirm thine inheritance, pieces of filver : U (latter thou the people that II Or, ' when it was weary. delight in warre. rc;/; ' 10 Thy congregation hath dwelt therein : /'* 1 Heb. did j i Princes (hall come out of Egypt, Ethio- thou, OGod, haft prepared of thygoodnefle piafliall foon (iretchouther handsuntoGoJ. for the poore. 3.2 Sing unto God, ye kingdomes of the earth : O fingpraifcs?;r/> ihe Lord. Selah, 33 To him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens, which wtre of old,lo,he dothtfend out it a mighty voice. li 2 34Afcribe 1 1 The Lord gave the word, great was the t company of thofe that publilhedi/. 1 2 Kings of armies f did flee apace : and (he that tarried at home,divkied the Ipoil. Davids complaint in affli&ion. Pfalmes. His prayer againft his enemies,' 484 ?4 Afcribe ye ftrength unto God : his ex- it : deliver me becaufeof mine enemies. ccllencicji over Ifrael', and his ftrengch win the 10 Thou haft known my reproch, and my ||clouds t 35 O God, t bou art terrible out of thy holy places, the God of Ifrael is he that giveth ftrtngth and power unto hi j people : bUiled be God. XillDay, Evening prayer. f Heb.tbt ftiame , and my dishonour : mine adverfarics are all be fore thee. ao Reproch hath broken my heart, and I am full of heavinefie: and I looked for fomc ftotakepitie, but there was none j and for fHeb.> comforter.*, but I found none. lament with They gave me alfo gall for my meat,*and 4 g. a P S A L. L X I X. '$r^^^ .- tiion. jo HtprsifethGod with thanking. * * * Let their table become a fnare before Mar K i j.a f To the chief mufician upon Miofoannim, them: and that which Jhould have been for their J ohn I9tt ^falme of David. welfare, let it bee ome a trap. Rom,n. SAve me,O God, for the waters are come in 13 Let their eyes be darkened that they fee unto my foul. notj and make their loyns continually to (hake, z I fink in \ deep mire, where there is no Z4 Poure out thine indignation upon them, r / depth ftanding : I am come intoj deep waters, where and let thy wrathfull anger take hold of them. eb.&pib the flouds over flow me. 15 Let f their habitation be defoiate , and f He'j. tht 3 lamwearyofmycryingjtnythroatisdri- f let none dwell in their tents. /"'?' ed : mine eyes fail while I wait for my God. ^6 For they perfecute him whom thou haft J, eb ' ''/ 4 They that hate me without a cauf, are ' mo then the hairs of mine bead: they that would deftroy me being mine enemies wrong' fally,are mighty : then I reltored that which I took not away. 5 O God, thou knoweft ray fooliftmefle i and my f finnes are not hid from thee. 6 Let not them that wait on thee, OLord G ODofhofts,bealhamedformy fake: let not tbofe that fe'ek thee Jbe confounded for my fake, O God of Ifrael. 7 Becaufe for thy fake I have born reproch : ftnrne hath covered my face. 8 I am become a ftranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mothers children. 'John 1.17. ^ * For the zeal of thine houfe hath' eaten : ,defpifethnothisprifoner5. fmitten, and they talk to the grief of t thofe a dili*r. whom thou haft wounded. -\Htb.thy 17 Adde || iniquity to their iniquity rand let w""^- . them not come into thy righteoufneffe. OT?rtfIa z8 Let them be blotted out of the book of the ^tj." " living,ind not be written with the righteous. 29 Butldwpoore,andforrowfull : let thy . falvation fO God) fct me up on high. 30 I will praife the name of God with a-fong, and will rmgnifiehim with thankfgiving. 3 1 Thu alfo (hall pleafe the LORD better then an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs. 3 1 the }| humble mall fee this, and be glad : ||0r. met{. and your heart (kill live that feekGod. 3 j For the L o R D heareth the poore, and . ij.j, meu p . * anc } t hereprochesof them that re- proched thee,are fallen upon me. T o When I wept,w/ ufte u heart ' I became a proverb to them, i z They that fit in the gate, fpeak againft ^. me j and I w.ts the fong of the fdrunkards. 1 3 But as for me, tn.y prayer is unto thee, O LOR D X Z'# an acceptable time : O God, in the multitude of thy mercie heare me, in the truth of thy falvation. 1 4 Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not fink: let me be delivered from them that hate mejand out of the deep waters. i ? Let notthewater-floud overflow me,nei- ther let the deep (Wallow me upland let not the pit (hut her mouth upon me. 1 6 Heare me, O L o R D, for thy loving kindne fie is good: turn unto me, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies. 17 And hide not thy face from thy fervant, 1 I am in trouble : t heare mefpeedily. 1 3 Draw nigh unto my foul, and, redeem 3 6 The feed alfo of his fervantsfiiall inhe- rit it : and they that love his name ftiall dwell therein. PSA L. LXX. Dx-vtJ Tolic-iteth Gad to the fpftdy dtftruftion ef the micked^nd pefei-untion of tht godly. <& To the chief mufician,/* pfalnte of David, to bring to remembrance. MAfehafte, * O God, to deliver me 5 make *pf a i e4o ; hafteftohlpme,OLoRix ' 'ij,8fc. z * Let them beafhamedand confounded t Htt>. /; that feekafcermy foul : let them be turned *p^*j backward, and put to confufion, that defiie my aa( j a .i. \\' hurt. 3 Let them be turned back for a reward of their ftnme, that fay, Aha,aha. 4 Lerall thofe that feek thee, rejoyce, and fee glad in thee: and let fuch as love thy fal vati*. on fay continually, Let God be magiiifit d. < But prayer. Davids prayer againft his enemies. 5 But I am poore and needy, make hafte umome,G God : thou art my help and my de- livererjO L o a D,makeno tarrying. -..,. , . P S A L. LXXI. I V day. i Ddt'iJ in confidence of faith and experience of Gods farninz fruur*prMitli loth for kanftf,.Ive the king thy judgements, O God, ar VJ thyrighteoufneffe unto the kings fonne. z He (hall judge thy people with righteouf- neffe,and thy poore with judgement. . 3 The mountains (hall bring peace to the people,and the little hills,by righteoufnefle. 4 He (hall judge the poore of the people, he (hall fave the children of the needy, and (hall break in pieces the oppreflbur. f They (hall fear thee as long as thefunne and moon endure, throughout all generations. 6 He (hall come down like rain upon the mowngrafle: asfliowres/taf water the earth. 7 Inhisdayes (hall the righteous fiouri(h : and abundance of peace f fo long as the moon f Heb. t ia endureth. there be 8 He (hall have dominion alfo from fca to fea, *""" and from the river unto the ends of the earth. 9 They that dwell in the wildernefle(hall bowe before him : and his enemies (hall lick the duft. 10 The kings of TarfhiOi and of the ifles (hall bring prefents : the kings of Sheba and Seba (hall offer gifts. 1 1 Vea,all kings (hall fall down before him: all nations (hall ferve him. 1 1 For he (hall deliver the needy when he crieth : the poore aHo, and him that hath no helper. 1 3 He (hall (pare the poore and needy, and (hall fave the fouls of the needy. 14 He (hall redeem their foul from deceit and violence : and precious (hall their b'loud be in his fight. i f And he (ball live, and to him ffhall betHeb.one given of the gold of Sheba 5 prayer alfo fhall be / fwft ''* made for him cominually,drf daily (hall he be praifed. lij 16 There The wickeds profperitie. Pfalmes. The defolation of the fan&uarie; 486 1 6 There (hall be an handfull of corn in the *<> As a dream when one awaketh j fo, O earth upon the top of the mountains^ the fruit thereof (lull (hake like Lebanon, and they of the citiefaallfiouri(h like grafle of the earth. t Heb. (h*U 17 His name flhall endure for ever: this name (hall be continued as long as the funne : and mew fl, aU be bleffed in mm a ii nations null call him bleffed. * t Heb when thou awakeft thou (halt defpife their image. Thus my heart was grieved, and I was P<*ed in my reins. " So f ooh(h *" I> a nd t ignorant : I was f H eb. I as a beaft f before thee. *,>* <' *3 Nevertheleffe, I am continually with . i Bleffed be the LORD God, the God of *ee : thou haft holden me by my ngbt hand. cv.r. Ifrael,who onely doeth wondrous things. *4 Thou (halt guide me with thy counfcl, 9 And bleffed be his glorious name for ever, and afterward receive me to glocie. and let the whole earth be filled with his glorys Amen, and amen. 20 The prayers of David the fonne of Jefle are ended. , PSA L. LXXIII. XlIII day. I the prophet prevailing in a temptation^ fheweth the Hi,', occafton thereof, the profteritie of the wicked.i} The M * -woundgi-ven thereby, diffidence. 15 The viStorie aver it, knowledge of Gods purpofe, in deftroying of the wicked, andfujtaining the righteont. HApfalmeofAfaph. 2? Whom have I in heaven but theet and there is none upon earth that I defire befides thee. 26" My flefii and my heart faileth : but God is the jftrength of my heart,and my portion for ever. 27 For lo,they that are farre from thee, fhall penih: thou haft deftroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. 28 But it is good for me to draw neare to f Heb.cttan / heart. |j"T Rul y God * good to IfraeljCWWto fuch aa God : I have P ut my truft in the Lord G o D, A are t of a clean heart. that I may declare all thy works. 2 But as for me, my feet were almoft gone : BfakjTi. Jer. 12 i. t H?b. fat. f tieb.in thf treutilt '?-. __. /'o . w fafAEruartf i place of thy name to the ground. J fg fhe /* 8 They faid in theirhearts, Let us t deftroy them together : they have burnt up all the fyn- agogues of God in the land. 9 We fee not our fignes, there ii no more any prophet, neither is there among us any that knoweth how long. 10 O God ,how long (hall the adverfarie re- proch ? flull theenemie blafpheme thy name forever ? n Why withdraweft thou thy hand, even thy right hand ? pluck it ouc of thy bofome. 1 2 For God u my king of old, working fal- "vatioRinche audit of the earth. i? *Thou David prayeth,and praifeth God. Pfalmes. Cods majeflie in the church. xod.M. 13 * Thou didft t divide the fea by thy cutoff; but the horns of the righteous /ball be 487 ftrength: thou brakeft the heads of the |jdra- exalted. Sri, gons in the waters. PSAL. LXXVI. 14 1 hou brakeft the heads of leviathan in 1 ^A declaration of Gods majeftie m thcchurck. tAl pieces, and eaveft him to be meat to the people exhortation to few him rtwentiy. inhabiting the wildernefle. H To the chic* nnifician on Negmoth, xod.i 7 .j. 15 * Thou didft cleave the fountain and the A pfalme r fong || of Afaph. | Or ,Ar am.:o., ,. fioud ; * th ou driedft up t mighty wers. T N J uda " * God known : his name u great in 4T-/*. Mhj.ij. ,6 The day tfthinejthe night alfo w thine: llfrf 1 - thou haft prepared the light and the funne. * In Salem alfo is his tabernacle , and his 1 7 Thou haft fet all the borders of the earth: dwelling-place in Sion. thou haft t made fummerand 'alitakfa Will judge upnghtly. J, God with my voice, and he gaveeare unto ttimt. 3 The earth and all the inhabitants there- me . of are diflblved : I bear up the .pillars of it. 2 In the day of my trouble I fought the Lordj Selah. f my fore ran in the night, and ceafed not : my t H b. my 4 I faidanto the fools, Deal not foolifhly; foul refufed to be comforted. hamL and tothewicked,Liftnotupthehorn. 3 IremembredGod, arrd was troubled : I ? Lift not up your horn on high ; fpeak not complained, and my fpirk was overwhelmed. With a ftiffneck. Selah. 6 Jor promotion cometb neither from the 4 T hou holdeft mine eyes waking: lamfo tHcb.4r/irt caft, nor from the wt ft, nor from the t fouth. troubled that I cannot fpeak. 7 But God the judge :hepwteth down one, f 1 have confidered thedayes of old, the and fetteth up another. yeares of ancient times. 8 For in the hand of the L o R D there a 61 call to remembrance my fong in the cup, and the wine is red : it is full of mixture, night : I commune with mine own heart, and and he poureth out of the fame : but the dregs my fpirit made diligent fearch. thereof all the wicked of the earth (hall wring 7 Will the Lord caft off forever? andwill them out, and drink them. he be favourable no more ? 9 But I will declare for ever}! will fing prai- 8 Is his mercy clean gone for ever? doth bis j Heb.*^ fes to the God of Jacob. promise fail | for evermore f nmticntv.*' 10 All the horns of the wicked alfo will I 9 Hath God forgotten to be gracicus ? hath g / Ji 4 he Gods law to be learned and preached. Pialmes: His wonders in Egypt. 48 8 he in anger (hut up his tender mercies ? Sclah. and t carrying bows, turned back in the day of f H.*^| 10 And I faid,T his is my infirmity : but I pouredforth with water. battel. 10 They kept not the covenant of God: and refufed to walk in his law : 1 1 And forgat his works : and his wonders that he had (hewed them . 12 Marvellousthingsdidheinthe fight of their fathers;in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan. 1 3 * He divided the fea, and caufed them to * EXO^. 1 4} pafie through ; and he made the waters to ftand ai. as an heap. ,14 * In the day-time alfo he led them with a *Exod.i j. " i ? Thou haft with thine arm redeemed thy cloud : and all the night with a light of fire. . people,the'loWs of Jacob and Jofeph. Selah. 1 5 * He clave the rocks in the wilderneffe : d J 2 J 1 6 The waters faw thee.O God, the waters and gave them drink as out of the great depths. Num . ' 10 \ faw thee: they were afraid jthe depths alfo were 1 6 He brought ftreams alfo out of the rock, pfal.iof.4 troubled. and cau l*d waters to run down like rivers. i. Cor.io.^ 17 j The clouds poured out water, the skies 17 And they finned yet more againft him: fentou't a founduhine arrows alfo went abroad, by provoking the moft high in the wildernefle. 18 The voice of thy thunder was in the hea- 18 And they tempted God in their hearcby the lightnings lightned the world, the asking meat for their luft. wll remember the yeares of tbe right hand of the moft high. 11 IwillremembertheworksoftheLoRD: fureiy I will remember thy wonders of old. 1 2 I will meditate alfo of all thy work, and talk of thy doings. 13 Thy way, OGod, i* in the fanftuary : who w/o great a God as our God ? 14 Thou Art the God that doeft wonders j thou haft declared thy ftrcngth among the I! or, A. earth trembled and (hook. 1 9 Thy way is in the fea,and thy path in the great waters,and thy foot-fteps are not known. 20 * Thouleddeft thy people like a flock, \9. by the hand of Mofes and Aaron. P S A L. LXXVITI. .X V Day * *^ n exhortation both to learn and to preach the law *.,:' f Go <^ 9 Iheflory of Gods wrath againft the inert- evening duloutanddifohdient. 6f The Ifraelttes being re- chofe ?udah,SH>n,and David. 4 (jMafchilof Afaph. 1 1ve eare, O my people, to my law t incline *1v*/M/?rK. ^Jy ur eares to tlj c words of my mouth. Qion. i * I will open my mouth in a parable: I P fa 1 49.4. will utter dark fayingsof old : Ma V* 5.35- 3 Which we have heard and known : and our fathers have told us. 4 We will not hide them from their chil- dren, fhewing to the generation to come , the praifes of the LORD: and hi-s ftrength and his - wonderfull works tha.t^he hajch done. f For he eftabliGnd a teftimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Ifrael which he com- *Deuti4.p. manded our fathers : * that they fbould make and 6 .7. them known to their children. 6 That the generation to come might know them, even the children which (hould be born: who fhould arife and declare them to their children : 7 Thatthey.mtghtfet their hope in God , and not forget the wo. ks of God : but keep his commandments : 8 And might not be as their fathers, a ftu,b- born and rebellious generation, a generation J Hcb. that | that fet not their heart aright : and whofcfpi- rit was not ftedfaft with God. 9 The children of Ephraip being armed iheit total t. * Yca,they fpake againft God: they faid, * Num.n. Can God f furnifha table in the wildernefle ? f Heb.r fball thy jealoufie burn like fire ? 56 Yet they tempted and provoked the moft 6 * Poure out thy wrath upon the heathen 'Jer.io, 15. high God,and kept not his reftimonics : that have not known thee, and upon the king. 57 But turned back and dealt unfaithfully domelmhive not called upon thy nan>c. 7 For 'Exod.i4.i7 feared not: but the fea * f overwhelmed their and 13. io. enemies. f Heb.co- vtrtd. A complaint for the church. Pfalmcs. God is to bepraifed for his benefits. 49 *Ifa.<54 9- \ Or, the in, quit in of thsm that fvtrebefart *. 7 For they haver devoured Jacob, and laid 14 Rctum.we befeech thee,OGodofhofls: wafte his dwelling-place. look down from heaven, and behold and vifit, 8 * O remember not againft us IJ former ini- this vine And the vineyard which thy right hand hath planted : and the branch that thou made-it ftrongforthyfelf. 1 6 it is burnt with fire, it it OK down : they perifh at the rebuke of thy countenance. 17 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy quities : let thy tender mercies fpeedily prevent us : forwe are brought very low. 9 Help us, O God of our falvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our (innes for thy names fake. 10 Wherefore {hould the heathen fay, Where u their God i let him be known among right hand: upon the fonne of man tvbom thou f Heb.tw; the heathen in our fight by the t revenging of madeft ftrong for thy felf. frnce. ' thebloudofthyfervantswhichisfhed. 18 So will not we go backfrom thee:quickea 1 1 Let the fighing of the prifoner come be- us, and we will call upon thy name. f Heb./6;* fore thee, according to the greatnefle of | thy 19 Turn usagainjO LORD God of hofts, ? H' b power : f preferve thou thofe that are appointed caufe thy face to thine, and we ihall be faved- f-Heb tome ft r falvation t Mm t Hcb wilt tkttt fmoke. they have reproched thee,O Lord. 13 So we thy people and (heep of thypa- \ and' fture, will give thee thanks for ever : we will generation, ftiew forth thy praife | to all generations, P S A L. LXXX. I The-pfaloti/l in hit prayer complainetb of the miter'tei efthechurch.B Gods former favours are turned into judgements.ij. Hefrayetbfor deliverance. ^ To the chief mulician upon Shothannim Eduth, ApfalmeHof Afaph. f>dve eare,O Shepherd of Ifrael, thou that VJleadeft Jofeph like a flock, thou that dwel- left between the cherubims, (hine forth. 2 Before Ephraim, and Benjamin, and Ma- nafleh, ftirre up thy itrength, and f come and faveus. 3 Turn us again, O God : and caufe thy face to(hine,and we (hall be faved. 4 O L o R D God of hofts, how long f wilt thou be angry againft the prayer of thy people ? 5 Thou .feedeft them with the bread of tears : and giveil them tears to drink in great meafure. 6 Thou makeft us a ftrife unto our neigh- bours^ our enemies laugh among themfelves. 7 Turn us again, O God of hofts, and caufe thy face to (hine, and we (hall be faved. 8 Thou haft brought a vine out of Egypt : thou haft caft out the beathen, and planted it. ^ Thou preparedft room before ir, anddidft caufe it to take deep root, and it filled the land. 10 The hills were covered with the ftndow of it, and the boughs thereof werelil{e-\ the of God. goodly cedars. 1 1 She fent out her boughs unto the fea, and her branches unto the river. i 2 Why haft thou then broken down her hedges, fo that all they which paflc by the way, do pluck her ? 13 The boar out of the wood doth wafte it : and the wilde beaft of the field doth de- vour e it. emn praijmg of <*< that duty by reifon of hit benefits. 8 God. exhorting to obedience >com$hineth ofthdr difobedi- ence, which proved their own hurt. fl To the chief mufician upon Gittith, fHeb.A rIng aloud unto God our ftrength : makea Ojoyfull noife unto the God of Jacob. 2 Take a pfalme, and bring hither the tim- brel, the pleafant harp with the pfaltery. 5 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon:ia the time appointed on our folemn feaft-day. 4 For this IVM a ftatute for Ifrael, and a lav? of the God of Jacob. 5 This he ordained in Jofeph/or a teftimo- ny,when he went out || through the land of E- Or gypt : where I heard a language that I under- ftood not. 6 I removed his {houlder from the burden : his hands f were delivered from the pots. 7 Thou calledft in trouble and I delivered * prV**God to judge. vranr f Apiaime||of Afaph. || Or, ftr^i- /^Od ftandeth in the congregation of the faph VjTmightie: he judgeth among the gods, f Dcut.!.i7. 2 How long will ye judge unjuftly : and *ac- cept the perfons of the wicked ? Selah. t Hcb.;w^. 3 f Defend the poore and fatherleflc : do juftice to the afflicted and needy. * Prov, ftateljf. 31 Wrath it to be prevented. THe words of Agur the fonne of Jakeh,ei/r a theprophefie: themanfpake umoithiel, even unto Ithiel and Ucal. Surely I am more brutiih then any man, f Hcb. 4***. and have not the underftanding of a man. "Job." j.i j.' 3 I neither learned wifdome, nor f have the "Job 3 M> knowledge of the holy. ** 4 * Who hath afcended up into heaven, or &<* defcended ? * who hath gathered the winde in lfa.< his fifts ? who hath bound the waters in a gar- &f: mem? who hath eft abliflied all the ends oi "" the earth? what is his name, and what /; his fonnes name, if thou canft tell? and M-P.^O. 5 * Every word of God is fpure: hew a t He ^ < / > " ri ' fhield unto them that put their truft in him. *>!. *. 6 * Adde thou not unto his words,left he an du. jj. reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Apoc,i?. \ t, 7 Two things hare 1 required of thee, f de- * nie me them not before I die. hidiut'fim 8 Remove farre from me vanitie and lies; J^ *' " give me neither povertie, nor riches, * feed me *Mat.tf,n. with food t convenient for me s t ^ cb e f m j 9 * Left I be full, and t denie tbee , and fay, jjjjj^ , Who is the LORD/ or left I be poore, and tifcb."/*//* fteal, and take the name of my God in vain. thec. * 10 f Accufe not a fervant unto his matter ,lcft tHeb. hurt he curfe thee, and thou be found guilty. "" *' th th l Mm 4 inhere""'"" Parents not to be defpifed. Proverbs.^ j$6 ii There is a generation that corfeth their father, and doth not blefle their mother. 12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eycs^and yet is not warned from their filthinefle. 1 3 There is a generation, O how*Iofty are their eyes/ and their eye-lids are lifted up. * Job ap. 17. 1 4 * There is a generation,whofe teeth are of fwords,and their jaw-teeth as knives, to de- voure the poore from off the earth _, and the needy from among Pfal.ji.1 and 5 7.4. Of chaftitie and temperance. CHAP. XXXI. i Lemuels leffon of ch-iftttie and temperance, 6 The af- flifted are to be comforted and defended. Thepratfe and properties of a good wife. T He words of king Lemuel, the prophefie thit his mother taught him. i What,myfonne? and what, the fonneof my wombe. ? and what, the fonne of my vows? 3 Give not thy ftrength unto women, nor thy wayes to that which deftroyeth kings. It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for edy from among men. 4 * t not tor kings, O Lemuel,** is not for ij The hotfeleach hath two daughters, k'ngs to drink wine, nor for princes, ftrong crying) Give, give. There are three things that -Jo and 40. 4 \6 She confidereth a field, and fbuyethit: with the fruit of her hands fhe planteth a vineyard. 1 7 She girdeth her loyns with ftrengtfe, and ftrcngthcneth her arms. 1 8 f She perceiveth that her merchandife Is good: her candle goeth not out by night. , ta ft etl> ' 1 9 She layeth her hands to the fpmdle, and. her hands hold the diftaff. 20 f She ftretcheth out her hand to the tHeb.Jb* poore, yea fhe reacheth forth her hands to the ft"* and j. p. and 4 beaufe the creatures arereflleffe in their cturfes. 9 they bring forth nothing new, and all old things are forgotten : itandbeczufe be hath found itfo m the Audits of yvifdome. 'He words of the preacher, the fonne of David , king of Jeru- falem. i * Vanitie of vanities, faith, the preacher, vanitie of vanities, all is vanitie. 3 * What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the funne ? . 4 Om generation paffeth away, and another generation cometh ; *but the eaith abidethfor are done under heaven: this fore travell hath God given to the fonnes of man, II to be exer. cifed therewith. 14 I have feen all the works that are done under the funne, and behold, all is vanitie and vexation of fpirit. i? * That which is crooked cannot be made *Chap.y. M jtraight : andf that which is wanting, cannot t 1 '" 1 be numbred. 1 6 I communed with mine own heart, fay. ing,Lo, I am come to great eftate, and have gotten * more wifdome then all they that have /< been before me in Jerufalem : yea, my heart 3. t had great experience of wifdome and know- and ">-7>*} ledge. t Hcb - ha * Mk 5 The funne alfo ari(cth,and the funne go- eth down, and t hafteth to the place where hearofe. 6 The winde goeth toward the fouth, and turneth about unto the north jit \\hirleth about continually, and the winde returneth again ac- cording to his circuits. *Tob *8. to. 7 * ^ tne r ' vers runne into the fea 3 yet the PfaL 104. 8,p f ea & not folk unto the place from whence the tHcb.rrf*r rivers come, thither they f return again. *'' 8 All things are full of labour, man cannor utter it: the eye is not fatisfied with feeing, nor the eare filled with hearing. * Chap. j. 15 9 * The thing that hath been, it that Which (Lall be: and that which is done, is that which (hall be donej and there is no new thing under the funne. 10 Is there any thing, whereof it may be faid, See, this jjnew? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. 11 There is no remembrance of former tkingsjncither (hall there be any remembrance of things thatare to come,with thofethat {rail come after. it ^ I the preacher was kingover Ifrael in Jerufalem. 13 And I gave my heart to feek and fearch out.by wifdoaxe , concerning all things that 17 * And I gave my heart to knovwsu- dome, and to know madnefle and folly: J per- ceived that this alfo is vexation of fpirit. 1 8 For in much wifdome is much grief: and he that increafcth knowledge , increafeth i forrow. CHAP. II. I the vmity of humane courfa in the & of plea- fur e,u Though thenife be better then the fool, yet \ both haze on ev- ' wifdome) and talay hold on folly, till I might l^^ 7 ^,'^ ' fee w!>at tvu that good for the fonnes of men, which they (hoolddo under the heaven,taU the ftttb. the dayes of their life. " umter f th *' ' 4 I made me great works, I builded me hou- 1* f tbttr ' fcs, I planted me vineyards. ) I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all tynde of fruits. 6 Imademepoo!sofwater,towaterthere- With the wood that bringeth forth trees. 7 I got me fervants and maidens, and had One event to the wife and foolifli. Ecclefiaftes.^ A time for all things. f# t fervants born in my houfe 5 alfo I had great and of the vexation of his heart wherein he f Hcb. fonnes pofleflions of great and fmall cattell,above all hath laboured under the funne ? that were in Jerufalem before me. 8*1 gathered me alfo filver and gold,and the fmy houfe * i. King.?. 28. and 10. to 14, 2i,&c. peculiar treafure of kings, and of the provinces: I gat me men- fingers and women- fingers, and >3 For all his dayes are * forrows, and his * Job 14.1: travell grief5yea,his heart taketh not reft in the night. This is alfo vanitie. 14 f * There is nothing better for a man, *Chap.j.u. ffeeathat he (hould eat and drinkj and that he *Chap.i,j. i By tfie neceffirte change of times, vtniile is added t humane trai/tll. n There is &n exceUencie in Gods 16 But at for mxn, God fall judge hit wor^t there-, and here he fall be like a. beaft. every thing there is a feafon, and a time to e very purpofe under the heaven. A time -f to be born, and a time to die : a t H b * the delights of the fonnes of men, as^mu&call . inftruments,and that of all forts. il (hould make his foul enjoy good in his la- an |J * l8 ' 9 ' So I was great, and increafed more then bour.This alfo I faw,that it V?M from the hand J or! , il/Jv all that were before me in Jcrufalemi alfo my of God. hisfenfet* wifdume remained with me. *5 Forwhocaneat?orwhoelfccanhaften i o And wrutfoever mine eyes defired,! kept hereunto more then I ? not from them, I withheld not my heart from * 6 For God giveth to a man that is goodf in J Heb, i e f tTt any joy: for my heart rejoyced in all my labour, his fight, wifdome and knowledge, and joy: him. and this was my portion of all my labour. but to the (inner he giveth travell,to gather and n Then I looked on all the works that my to heap up, that * he may give to him that is "Job 27.17. hands had wrought, and on the labour that I good before God. This alfojj vanitie and ve- had laboured to do: and behold, all wot * vani- xation of fpirit. tie and vexation of fpirit.and there was no pro- ^ u A n T T T fit under the funne. HAP. III. i z And I turned my felf to behold wifdome, *Chap. 1.17. *and madnefle and folly: for what can the man and 7.15. fo ^ t h3t cometh after the king? (J even that thin'l'wh^h wn ' cn h at k k een alreadie done. hay? teen ai. ? 5 Then I fawfthat wifdome excelleth fol- readiedoae. ly, as farre as light excelleth daiknefle. tHeb that 1 4 *The wife mans eyes are in his head, but time to plant,and a time to pluck up that which * 4r *tMri* the fo l mlketh in dttknefle: and I my felf is planted. wfd ome mtre perceived alfo that one event happeneth to 3 A time to kill, and a time to heal: a time then in foil], them all. to break down, and a time to build up. & c i j Then faid I in my heart, As it happen- 4. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a Cha TV" "k to tne foo *> k " t na PP eneth even to me > time to mourn and a time to dance. tHeb. hap- *nd why was I then wore wife? Then I faid in f A time to caft away ftones, and a time to my heart, that this alfo u vanity. gather ftones together: a time to embrace,and a 16 For therels no remembrance of the wife time f to refrain from embracing. fHeb.ffc more then of the fool for ever* feeing that <5 A time to |j get, and a time to lofe: a time/ 4 '' "fitm. which now *f,in the dayes to come (hall all be to keep, and a time to caft away. II Or,/*<. forgoueni an ^ how dieth the wife man? as the 7 A time to rent, and a time to few : a time fool. to keep filence, and a time tofpeak. 1 7 Therefore I hated life, becaufe the work 8 A time to love,and a time to hate: a time that is wrought under the funne, is grievous of warre, and a time of peace. o *What profit hath he thatworketh, in "Chap,!.}, that wherein he laboureth ? 10 I have feenthe travell which God hath given to the fonnes of men, to be excrcifed in it. 11 He hath made every thing beautifull in wife man or a fool? yet (hall he haveruleovcr his time : alfo he hath fet the world in thek all my labour wherein I have laboured, and heart, fo that no man can finde out the work wherein I have (hewed my felf wife under the thatGod maketh from the beginning to the end funne. This is alfo vanitie. i z I know that there if no good in them, 10 Therefore I went about to caufe my heart but for a man to rejoyce, and to do good in his to defp.ur of all the labour which I took under life. the funne. i j And alfo that every man (hould eat and 11 Forthereisamanwhofehbourwinwif- drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour,ic dome, and in knowledge, and in equitie:yet M the gift of God. to a man that hath not laboured therein, (hall 14 I know that whatfoever God doth, it he f leave it for his portion. This alfo is vani- (hill be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor ty, and a great evil. any thing taken from it : and God doth it , that 22 * for what hath man of all his labour, men (hould fear before him. M *That thtc mt, tome. . I*, t*pr'f fai.4?.io unto me: for all w vanitie and vexation of fpi- rit. ^ -8 f Yea, I hated all my labour which I had ftaken under the funnerbecaufc * I (hould leave it unto the man that (hall be after me. I Andwhoknowethwhetherhefliallbea Chap. 1.3 and 5. 9 . Vanity in oppreffion, envlc, Chap. iiii. v.' folitarineffe, divine fervice, &c." * Chap. i-9 1 f *That which hath been,Is nowjand that Fr whom do I labour, and bereave my foul of which is to be, hath already been, and God re- good ? this alfo vanitie,yea,it is a fore travel!. Heb. thtt quireth t that which is paft. vhifkixtri- 16 ^ And moreover, I faw under the funne the place of judgement, that wickednefle was 539 9 ^f Two are better then one j becaulethey have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, the one wHl lift up hi* thercj and the place of righteoufnefle, that fellow) but wo to him that is alone , when 1 Vcrf, i. iniquity was there. 1 7 I faid in mine heart, God lhall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is * a time there ere, for every purpofe, and for every work. 1 8 I faid in my heart concerning the eft ate thij tit* ight he falleth: for he batb not another to help hini 1 1 Again,if two lie together ,then they have heat; but how can one be warm alone? i z And if one prevail againft him,two (hall withftand him ; and a threefold cord it not of the fonnes of men, || that God might mani- feftthetrtj and that they might fee that they quickly broken. thcmfelves are bcafts. i j r Better is & poore and a wife child?, * * *- *pf)'j>.2oi 1 9 * For that which befalleth thefonncsof then an old and foolifh king, Jwho willno f Heb. **i Chap!a.i$. men, befalleth beafts,even one thing befalleth more be admonifted. them: as the one dieth, Ib dieth the other, yea, 14 For out of prifon he cometh to reigne, they have all one breathjfo that a man hath no whereas alfo he that is bora in his kingdome preeminence above a beaft: for all is vanity. becometh poore . zo AH go unto one place, all are of the duft, and all turn to duft again. 15 I confidered all the living which walk under the funne, with the fecond childc that Who knowethTthe fpirjt fofman that (hallftand upinhisftead. goeth upward, and the fpirit of the beaft that * 6 There is no end of all the people,*?/* of t eb. it S oetn downward to the earth? all that have been before them; they alfo that f Heb. / zz * Wherefore I perceive that there is no- come after, (hall not rejoycein him: furely s ' chap^i* thing better, then that a man fliould rejoyce thisalfo;* vanity, and vexation of fpirit. and 5.18. jn hj$ ovvn works: for that is his portion: for CHAP. V. I Vanities rn Jrumefer-utee,$ in murmuring agiinfl opprefsion, 9 and in riches, it fey in riches is the in his own works; for that is his portion: for who fh all bring him to fee what (hall be after him? CHAP. IIII. I Vanity if increafeJ unto men by opprefsion, 4 ly emjie^bjidleneffe t 7 by cevttoitfuefle, pjy-foli- ' !* gift of God. *Chap-5.8, &c - IV^Eep thy foot when thou goeft to the houfe JSk.of God, and be more ready to heare, *then * i.Sam.ij, O I returned, and confidered all the * op- to give the facrifice of fools: for they confider **. preffions that are done under the funne, and notthat they do evil. Pfal.jo.g. behold, the tears of fuch aswereoppreffed,and a Be not raftiwith thy mouth, and let not ^S*', 1 /' ^* .hand, they had no comforter:and on thef fide of their thine heart be hafty to utter any Jf thing be-y(j r ^ l r ^* opprcflburs therewM power, but they hadno fore God:for Godis in heaven, and thou upon comforter. earth: therefore let thy words * be few.- * p r ov. i o. * job j 4 , 7> x * Wherefore I praifed the dead which are 3 For a dream cometh through the multt- P. &c. already dead, more then the living which are tude of bufinefle,and a fools voiced tyia-am " yet alive. by multitude of words. *Job j, ir, 3 *Yea, better is he then both they ,which 4.* When thouvoweft a vow unto God, de- 16, is. hath not yet been, whohathnot feenthe evil ferre not to pay it: for fee&tfifonopleafure in work that is done under the/unne. foolsj * pay that which thou haft vowed. "Pfal. ((* -f Heb. all 4 ^f Again I confidered all travell,and teve- 5 Better is it that thou (houldeft not vowj '3> 1 4 the ngktneffe r y r jg[j| t wor k t h at (- f or t hi$ a man is envied of then that thou (houldeft vow and not pay. '-tRcb.ibis'is ^ ls neighbour: this is alfo V3nitie,and vexation 6 Suffer not thy mouth to caufe thy flefti the envy of a of fpint. to finne, neither fay thou before the angel, vMnfrtmhii 5 * The fool foldeth his hinds together,and that ittftu an err our: wherefore fliould God nftghhur, eatcth hisownfl-fe. be angry at thy voice j anddeftroythc workof 6 * Better is an handfullwf'fc quietnefle, thine hands? * Prov. 3 i j. tnen Dot h the hands (uttjvith travell and vexa- 7 For in the multitude of dreams and many '7, and tion of fpirit. words, there are alfo divers vanities; but -fear 36. 8, 7 ^. Then I returned, and J faw vanity un- thou God. der the funne. 8 ^ If thou feeft the opprcffion of the 8 Thre is one alone ^ And tbtre is not a fe- poore, and violent perverting of judgement, condj yea, he hath neither childe nor brother: and juftice in a province, marvell not j ^attlie ^ tjtk.*t t'->* yet is there no end of all his labour, neither is matter: for he that is higher thxn the higheft, TV/;/, or />>- his eye fatisfied with, rkhesj neither faith he 3 regardeth, and there b higher then they. p>f* 9 -f 'More- The vanitle of riches. Ecclefiafles. 4O 9 U Moreover, the profit of the earth is for all: the king bimfelfis ferved by the field. 10 He that loveth Giver, (hall not be fatif. ficd with filverj nor he that loveth abundance, With increafe: this & alfo vanitie. ji When goods increafe, they are increafed that eat them: and what good it ffawetothe owners thereof, faying the beholding of them with their eyes? i z The fleep of a labouring man is fweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abun- dance of the rich will not fufter him to IL'ep. 15 There is a fore evil tvbtcb I have feen under the funnej namely, riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt. 14 But thofe riches perilh by evil travell: and he begetteth a fonne, and there is nothing in his hand. 15 * As he came forth of his mothers wornbe, naked (hall he return to go as became, and lhall take nothing of 1^ labourj which he may carry away in his hand. 1 6 And this alfo is a fore evil, that in all * Chap. j. j. points as he came,fo (hall he go:and*what pro- fit hath he that hath laboured for the winde? 1 7 All his dayes alfo he eateth in dar knefle, and he bath much forrow, and wrath with his Job. na Pfal.49'17* i. Tim. 6. 7 Remedies againft vanitie; ? Moreover, he hath not feen the funne, nor known any thing: this hath more reft then the other. 6 u Yea, though he live a thoufand yeares twice t old, yet hath he feen no good: do not all go to one place? 7 All the labour of man is for his mouth,, and yet the Appetite is not filled. f Hcb. /w; 8 For what hath the wife more then the fool? what hath the poore, that knoweth to walk before the living? 9 ^ Better U the fight of che.eyes, fchen the t Hcb. *** wandring of che defire: this is alfo vanitie and the *' II U' ! * vexation of fpirit. ofthtfmt. loThat which hath been , is named already, and it is known that it is man: neither may he contend with him that is mightier then he. ii U Seeing there be many things that in- creafe vanity, what is man the better? | Hcb. thi i z For who knoweth what u good for man number ifth* in this life, f all the dayes of his vain life which ^3" / th faefpendethas * aftiadow? for who can tell a 2 man what {hall be after him under the funne? vanity. CHAP. VII. i R erne dies againfl Tjanitie,are a good name, j cation, 7 patience, u wfdome. 25 The difficulty of wifdime. ficknefle. * Chap. a. 24. 1 8 u Behold that which I have feen; * t * c A * Good name better then precious oint- "Prov.ij. and 3-12,13. isgoodandcomely/aronetoeatand to drink, ^Iment: and the day of death, then the day 3 M $/ re and to en Jy tne s oo< * of a ^ his i a k ur that k. e which is taketh under the funne, \ all the dayes of his comtiitfre. life, ; which God givcth him: for it it his 'JJ/*/^ portion. tiches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to y Or, tbtugh rejoyce in his labourj this is the gift of God. hegivet zo || For he (hall not much remember the mwh, yet h. dayes of his | ife . becaufc God an f were th him in the joy of his heart. of ones birth. 2 f // is better to go to the houfe of mourn- ing, then to go to the houfe of feafting: for that is the end of all men , and the living will lay it to his heart. 3 U Sorrow it better then laughter : for by < Or A the fadnefle of the countenance the heart is ' CHAP. VI. i The vanity of riches without ufe, J of children, f and old age without riches. 9 The -vanity of fight and ivandring defires 1 1 The condu/ion of -vanities. THere is an evil which I have feen under the funne, and it is common among men: 2 A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour, fo that he wanteth no- thing for his foul of all that he defireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a Aranger eateth it: this is vanitie , and it it an evil difeafe. j f If a man begetan hundred cbildren,znd live many yeares , fo that the dayes of his yeares be many , and his foul be not filled with good, and alfo that he have noburiall,! fay, that an untimely birth is better then he. 4 For he cometh in with vanity ,and depart- eth in darknefie, and his name ihall be coveted with daikneflc. Deut. 16, made better. 4 The heart of the wife u in the houfe of mourning \ but the heart of fools U in the houfe of mirth. f *It is better to heare the rebuke of the *p f ov ,j. wile, then for a mantoheare^thefongoffools. 1 8. and 15. 6 For as the t crackling of thorns under a ?l) ** pot, fo is the laughter of the fool: this alfo is vanity. 7 fl Surely oppreflion maketh a wife man mad,* and a gift deftroyeth the heart. 8 Better is the end of a thing, then the be- ** ginning thcreof: hath fftt the one ever againft the other, to t the boldnefie of his face (hall be chained tHeb.rAc the end that man mould finde nothing after I counfel tbee to keep the kings command- **"** ment, and that in regard of the oath of God. 3 Be not haftie to go out of his fight: ftand not man evil thing, for he doth whatfocver pleafeth him. him. t Heb. be ilefaltte. f Hcb. MI tkj time. > Prov.ai 15 AH things have I feen in the dayes of my vanitie : there is a juft man that perimeth in his righteouinefie , and there is a wicked man that ptolongeth bis life ia his wicked- nefle. 1 6 Be not righteous overmuch , neither make thy felf over-wifc : why (houldeft thou t deftroy thy felf ? L I7 r Be i !l 0t over " luch , ^icked, neither be 64 Becaufe to every purpofe there is time in thou foohOi: why ihouldeft thou die f before and judgements therefore the miferie of man ' thy time? great upon him. - 1 8 it is good that thou fhouldeft take hold 7 For he knoweth not that which fcall be- of this, yea alfo from this withdraw not thine ' hand: for he that fcarcth God, (ball come forth of them all. T/ * Wifdome ftrengtheneth the wife , 4 Where the word of a king isjberg ' power: and who may fay unto him, What doeft thou? f Whofo keepeth the commandment t flull t Heb. Adi feel no evil thing : and a wife mans heart dif- <*" cerneth both time and judgement. Or, aU ** ' i. Kings B 4. for who can tell him || when it (hall be? 8 There is no man that hath power * over $ thefpirit to retain the fpiritj neither hath he * . -, powerinthedayofdcath:and^freijno|[diC.BOr, more then ten mightie men which are in the. chargein that wane, neither fhall wickednefle ' deliver thofe that are given to it. o All this have I feen, and applied my-heart unto every work that is done, under the funne: there is a. time wherein one man ruleth over an - ao * For there is not a juft man upon earth that doth good, and finneth not, Alfo f take no heed unto all words that i John i 8 /. - i ^ ..> wwiu mat mere u a me wncrcin f Hcb.^W are f P ken i left thou heare l ty fervant curfe other to his own hurt. u,t thine itart. Heb.J thee. ^^ For oftentimes alfo thine own heart kncweth, that thou thy felf likewife haft curfed others. ij 4 All this have I proved by wifdome:! faid, I will be wife, but it was farre from me. 24 That which is farre off, and exceeding deep, who can finde it out? fl applied mine heart to know, and to my heart fearch,and to feek out wifdome , andtherea- ,mpa/id. f on O f things, and to know the wickednefle of folly, even of fooli(hnefle and madnefle. P:ov.22.M 2 & * And I finde more bitter then death, the woman whofe heart is fnares and nets, and Heb. A* her hands as bands: t whofo pleafeth God (hall hat i, g t,d efcape from her,but the finner (hall be taken by tfmGL h er'*' i } But it (hall not be well with the wicked, - neither (hall he prolong his dayes TV bicb areas a (hadow, bccaufe he fearer h not before God. 14 There is a vanity which is done upon the eaithjthat therein juft men unto whom it*bap.*pftL73ii-i > peneth according to the work of the wicked: again, there be wicked men, to whom it hjp- nneth according to the work of the righteous; aid, that this alfo is vanitie. 1 5 * Then I commended mirth, bccaufe a * Chap^M, man hath no better thing under the funne, then to cat, and to drink, and to be metric: for that (hall abide with him of his labour, the d.iyes of his life, which God givcth him under the funne. \6 q When I applied mine heart to know wifdome, 54* All men muft die. Ecclefiaftes: Of wifdome, folly, not, &c. wifdome, and to fee the bufineflc that is done vour to men of skill, but time and chance hap- upon the earth: ( for alfo there it that neither day nor night feeth deep with his eyes ) 1 7 Then I beheld all the work of God,that a man cannot finde out the work that is done under the funne: becaufe though a man labour peneth to them all. ii For man alfo knoweth not his time, as the fifties that are taken in an evil net, & as the birds that are caught in the fnare; fo are the fonnes of men * fnared in an evil time, when it * Prov.ip.< . to feek it out, yet he (hall not finde it* yea fur- falWi fuddenly upon them. ' * 1T This wifdome have I feen alfo under tM..i " ther, thoogh a wife man think to know it, yet fall he not be able to Ende it. C H A P. I X. i Like things happen to good and ltd.* there 4 nenf- /w* of death unto men. 7 Comfort is att their portion, in thit life, ji Gods providence ruleth over att. c ! oTfiiSncofe t m,hetcv n- ro all , his, that the the r nne > and ic /*** reat umo mc: X 4 *!*** W4 * a little citic, and few men within it } and there came a great king againft it, and belieged it, and built great bulwarks a- g am ft j t: M Nojv towas found in it, poore wife ,andh e byhifdo m edehve K d t hcaty i Pfal.73.3, x *Allthings C ^aliketoall,^miVone dome ^defpfed and his words arenotheard. ">'* eventtotherighteousandtothewickeditothe '7 The words of wife men are heard m Mal *"- good and to the clean, and to the unclean, to f > m 5 e *en *e cry of him that ruleth a * _ .wr - : ^ fools. 1 8 Wifdome is better then weapons of war: but one finner deftroyeth much good. CHAP. X. l Obfervitions of wifdome and fofff.ig Ofriot,i$floth- fulnefle, 19 and monej* 20 Mem thoughts of #ngi ought to le reverent. fpvEad flies caute the ointment of the apo- -{Kcb.fliet JL/thecary to fend forth a ftinking favour: fo "fdtAth, doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wifdome and honour. z A wife mans heart is at his right hand; but a fools heart wat his left. 3 Yea alfo when hethat is a fool walketh by but the dead know not any thing, neither have the way, f his wifdome faileth him&nd he faith f H e*>. * they anymore a reward, for the memorieof to every one that he is a fool. heart, them is forgotten. 4 If the fpirit of the ruler rife up againft 6 Aifo their love,and their hatred, and their thee, leave not thy place; for yeelding pacifieth envie is now perifhed ; neither have they any great offences. more a portion for ever in any thing that is ? There is an evil which I have feen under done under the funne. the funne,as an crrour which proceedeth f from f Heb. from 7 ^ Go thy way ,eat thy bread with joy ,and the ruler. before. drink thy wine with a merrie heart; for God 6 Folly is fet t in great dignitie, and the rich t Hcb - " fit in low place. g r<*t height,. 7 I have feen fervants *upon horfes, and * Prov.jo. princes walking as fervants upon the earth. * * 8 *He that diggetha pit, {hall fall into it} * pf a i. 7 .i5. and whofo breaketh an hedge, a ferpentftull Piov*6.2? him thatftcrificeth, andtohimthatfacrificeth not: as is the good, fo is the finners and he that fweareth, as he that feareth an oath. 5 This is an evil among all things that are done under the funne, that there is one event unto all : yea, alfo the heart or* the fonnes of snenfr full of evil, and madnefle is in their heart while they live, and after that they to the dead. 4 f For to him that is joyned to all the li- ving, there is hope: for a living dog is better then a dead lion. For the living know that they (hall die: now accepteth thy works. 8 Let thy garments bealwayes white; and let thy head lack no ointment. f Heb. fe*t 9 t Live joyfully with the wife whom thou r tnjejlifr. loveft , all the dayes of the life of thy vanitie, and whofi which he hath given thee under the funne, all bite him. * Chap, x 14 the dayes of thy ranitie:* for that is thy portion 9 Whofo remoreth flones, (hall be hurt * n d 3 ' Is in this life^d in th y labour which thou takeft therewith: and he that deaveth wood, (hall be under the funne. endangered thereby, 10 Whatfoever thy hand findeth to do, do 10 If the iron be blunt, and he do not whec it with thy mightjfor there is no work,nor de- the edge , then muft he put to more ftrength: rice, nor knowledge, nor wifdome in the grave but wif "dome is profitable to direcl. Whither thou goeft. 1 1 Surely, the ferpent will bite without eni t Heb. tkt 1 1 up himfelf. 13 The Directions for charity. Chap.xi.xii. Remember thy Creatour- i 3 The beginning of the words of his mouth that for all thefe things God will bring thee in- 54 j I; foolHhnefle: and the end of t bis talk is mif- to judgement. chievousmadnefle. 10 Therefore remove || forrow from thy !lOr *Prov. 1 1. s. * 4 * A fo l alfofis full of wordi ,a man can- heart , and put away evil from thy fleflj 3 for j- Heb. mi'.- not tell what (hall be: and * what (hall be afcer childhood and youth are vanity. t Heb. hit tniHtb. Words. *Ifa. 3.3,4. him, who can tell him? j j The labour of the foolifli wearieth every one of them , becaufe he knoweth not how to go to the city. 1 6 fl * Wo to thee,O land, when thy king . CHAP XII f teachers care to edifie. 13 The fetrtf God it the chief antidote of vanity f Heb. M*. kftb gladtht *T\ Emember now thy Greatour in the daye$ * Prov,.tf. a chiUe, and thy princes eat in the morning. J\.of thy youth , while the evil dayes come 1 7 Blefled art thou,O land,when thy king Is not, nor the yeares draw nigh, when thou (halt the forme of nobles, and thy princes eat in due fay, I have no pleafure in them : feafon, for ilrcngth and not for drunkenneflc. 2 While the funne , or the light , or the 1 8 4 By much flothfulneffe the building moon, ortheftarres be not darkened, nor the decayeth , and through idlenefle of the hands clouds return after the rain : the houfe droppeth through. 5 In the day when the keepers of the houfc 19 f A feaft is made for Iaughter,and*wine (hall tremble , and the ftrong men mail bowe f make th merrie : but money anfwereth all themfelves , and }| the grinders ceafc , becaufe y Or, the things. they are few , and thole thac look out of the sti*den fait* * '* J U1W H.VY J I.U1U, WlUl windows be darkened : 4 And the doores (hall be (hut in the Greets, 10 f* Curfe not the king , no not in thy "Exod-ij. H thought, and curfe not the rich in thybed- 28. chamber: for a bird of the aire (hall carry the when the found of the grinding is low, and he ** ctr> ^" voice) and that which hath wings (hall tell the (hall rife up at the voice of the bird , and all matter. the daughters of mufick (hall be brought low, CHAP. XI. I Directions for charity- 7 Death in life, 9 tndthe day of judgement in the day is of j/outh are to be thought on, t Heb." uft ^> Aft thy bread | upon the waters : for thou V>(halt finde it after * many dayes. ^ Give aportiontofeven,andalfotoeightj for thou knowelt not what evil (hall be upon golden bowl be broken , or the pitcher be bro- Prov.i9.i7. the earth. ken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the M4tt.io.4a. 5 if the clouds be full of rain, they empty ciftern. tbemftl-ves upon the earth : and if the tree fall toward the fouth , or toward the north; in the place where the tree falleth, there it (hall be. 4 He that obferveth the winde , (hall not the waters* "Deut.15 1C. daughters ot muiicK mail oe orougnt low. Alfo when they (bill be afraid of thac Which is highland fears Jh.ill be in the way,and the almond-tree (hall flouritli, and the grathop- perfliall be a burden, and defire (hall fail: be- caufe man goeth to his long home , and the mourners go about the ftreets. 6 Or ever the filver cord be looCcd, or the 7 * Then (hall the duft return to the earth as it was : and the fpirit (hall return unto God who gave it. 8 fl* Vanity of vanities tfaith the preacher) chap.i.a; few j and he that regardeth the clouds , (hall all is vanity. not reap. 9 And || moreover becaufe the preacher was tOr,tbtfoT f As thou knoweft not what is the way of wife, he ftill taught the people knowledgejyea, w/ /* lh the fpirit t nor how the bones do grow in the he gave good heed, and fought ouijond * fet in f " "*** wombe of her that is with childe: even fo thou order many proverbs. i.Kings 4, knoweft not the works of God who maketh all. 10 The preacher fought to finde outf ac- 3*. 6 In the morning fow thy feed , and in the ccptable words , and that which was written \^?.' evening withhold not thine hand : for thou tvat upright, even words of truth. knoweft not whether t (hall prcfper, either this n The words of the wife areas goads, and or that, or whether they both {ha tt be alike as nails faftened by the mafiersof aflcmblie*, good. tvbicb are given from one (hepherd. 7 f Truly the light i*fweet,andapleafant n And further, by thefe, myfonne,bead thing it is for the eyes to behold the funne. monimed : of making many books there is no S But if a man live many yeares, and rejoyce end , and much \\ ftudj is a wearinefle of the in them all; yet let him remember the dayes of flefli. B ( darknefle, for they (hall be many. All that co- i j f || Let as heare the conckifion of the tftbt ^ tttr% xneth is vanity. whole matter , Fear God , and keep his com- even *u tbtt N 9 fl" Rejoyce, Oyoungman,in thy youth, roandmenrs: for this is the whole dtitie of man. *A ***r and let thy heart cheere thee in the dayes of 14 For* God (hall bring every work into i^JJj^^ thy youth, and walk in the wayes of thy heart, judgement, with every fecret thing, whether if and I4 ' (0< * and m the fight of thine eyes : but know thou, be good, or whether it be evil* a. Cor. 5, 10.. T HE * Chap.4.' 10. t Heb. thy leva. CHAP. I. I the ckttrcbei Itvt unttChrifl. y She eonfeQeth her deformity , 7 tndprayetb to be directed to hit flock' 8 Chrifl direSletb her to thefiepherds tents : y and jkemng bit lout to her, it giveth htr graciov promi- fes. it The /** oftheftairs,let me fee thy countenance , let me heare thy voice j for fweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. 15 Take us the foxes, the little foxet, that fpoil the vines: for our vines have tender 16 f * My beloved w mine, and I am his: * <^ap *.3 he feedeth among the lilies. 1 7 * Untill the day break, and the fhadows * jF, ha P' *f flee away : turnmy beloved, and be thou * like Cba P--'*- a roe, or a young hart upon the mountains [| of J Or, of 6- The church glorieth in Chrift. Chap. iii. iiii. v Chrifts love to her. CHAP. III. thoufand bucklers, all (hields of mightie men. m :hap.i. 7 ,cU.4 hap.8.5. % the church her fight and -vtftorie in tttftfttttltn, 6 the church glorieth inCkrtjl, BY night on uiy bed I fought him whom my foul loveth : 1 fought him,but 1 found him nor. z I will rife now, and go about the citie in the ftreets, and in the broad wayes I will feck him whom my foul loveth : I fought him, buc 1 found him not. 5 The watchmen that go about the citie> found me : to whom //i/rf,Saw ye him whom xnyfoullovcth? 4 It was but a little that I pafled from them, but I found him whom my foiil loveth ; I held him, and would not let him go, untill 1 had brought him into my mothers houfe, and into the chamber of her that conceived me. f * I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerufa- lem.by the roes,and by the hmdes of the field, that'ye ftirre not up, nor awake my love, till he pleafe. 6 f * Who u this that cometh out of the wildernefle like pillars of fmoke, perfumed tith myrrhe and frankincenfe, with all pbu- ders of the merchant? 7 Beboldjhis bed which h Solomons, three- fcorc valiant men are about it,of the valiant of Ifrael. 8 They all hold fwords, being expert irt 5 * Thy tw.o breilts are like two young roes *Chap. 7. 3. that are twinnes, which feed among the lilies. 6 * Untill the day t break, and thefhadows 'Chap.2 I 7 . flee away, I will get me to the mountain of J Hc , b< myrrhe,and to the hill of frankincenfe. 7 *Thouarr all fair, my love, there ii no 'Ephcf.j. fpot in thee. 27- 8 f Come with me from Lebanon (tny fpoufe)with me from Lebanon : look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir * and "Dei*. 5 ?.' Herrr.on, from the lions dennes, from the mountains of the leopards. 9 Thou haft {j raviflrcd my heart,my fitter,^ H J> "* fpoufe, thou haft ravifhed my heart with one ot ***^ m * thine eycSjWithf one chainof thy neck. 10 How fair is thy love,my fifter,fery fpoafe ! * how much better is thy love then wine ! and 'Chap.i.a." the fmell of thine ointments then all fpices \ 1 1 Thy lips,O my fpoufe,'t fwcet-f Hcb,\ with banners. ly, caufing the lips [jofthofe that are afleep,to-^ f 4 '^ f/ > i Turn away thine eyes from me, for j| they fpeak, anct^nt( ' ' ve overcome me: thyhjir *as a flock of 10 ^ * I am my beloveds', and his defirrfrcha*.7,'l precioiu ft* J 4 His hands are as gold-rings fet wkh the in th* foil of beryll.-his belly is as bright ivorie overlaidtwVb J r Z- faphires. / ptrfum'Js'. l * His Ie 8 s are af pil^rs of marble, fet up- on fockets of fine gold : his countenance uas Lebanon,excellent as the cedars. 16 t His mouth is moft fweet,yea,he is alto, gether lovely. This is- my : beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerufalem. CHAP. VI. palate. and 7. 10. J 1 Or, they hns puffed Me up. * Chap, 4. have overcome me goats that appear from Gilead 6 Thy teeth are as a flock of (heep which ?o up from the wafhing^ whereof every on beareth twinnes j; and there ii not one barren among them. Chap.: towards me. and d.j. n Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field : let us lodge in the villages. 1 1> Let us get up early to the vineyards, let as fee if the viae flourifb,. wbethw the tender grape ThechurcheslovetoChrift. Chap.;. The calling of the Gentiles b.,,,., grape f appear, and the pomegranates bud death iulcuGe u \ rr - CHAP. VIII. uwerl y be contemned. i f^e love 9f the church tsChnft.g The veheweKcie if 8 * We h *ve a little Cfter, and fhe bath no h-ve. 8 The callm s efthe Gentiles, i^lhe church breafts : VVhat fhallne do forour fiftcr in the prayeth firChvfts cnn ing, day when (he flail be fpoken for ? ^ That thouiwrt as my brother thitdcked 9 Iffte^awall,wVwill buildupon hera ^tLe'wfthoL"^ ' 11 " 5 ^^ l SSI ^"^ C1VCr; 3n ^ fte ^ a doore^we wiH ^S^^I*aS& fi^i^7irlS mothers houfe,* would inftniftme:! would vour. ^^S^*^^ rf ^^ S*' t ,iJ* Ic ^ r S e y 00 Odaughtet S of Jere&lem, ,! My vineyard which U mine, **' re " 0t " P ' n rlWala "^ ' OVC umiU "" U r S 1 mon * * t thee forth, there fhe brought thee heare it. ^a lup onthieheart, . . ^ Teal upon thue arm: for love it flrong as mountains of fpices. f The book of the prophet ISAIAH. t> e exhorttth to ripentance, tvith ..v w . w . reaming}, at Bewail'me their ivte- 1S Iiclf > an tne whole heart faint. ' b> "*" 1- L *? - i . i x-, ._.- f'aj'e rf \elt. WrfUiS J ?KjtaI da ^ K 7 ^/y^fola. t ,yodtie S are ! -'-i. ""S=S==-i: S=S|a=E & . ^ISSr5ass?^Hi4 ^ m s o o r d r r^ vvflioi ' uhwbecniikc " nro ' o ' ii -''- > * L o R D, ye ru- e unto orrah. Nn z Ifaiah. A prophefie of Chrifts kingdorae. Exhortations to repentance ii To what purpofe u the multitude of greffours and of the finners fhall be together, & 5 v 4 ,s 8 your *facrihcesuntome? faith the LORD: I they thuforfake the LORD (hill be confumed. * 29 For they (hall be afhamed of the oaks which ye have defircd, and ye (hall be co n - founded for the gardens that ye have chofen. 30 For ye (hall be as an oak, whofeleaf ft* Amos 5-2'' tHcb.^4* ht.^ti. t Heb. *. * amfullofthebiirm.offeringsof rammes, and Chap.6*.j. thefatof fedbeafts, and I delight not in the bloud of bullocks or O f i am bes, or of f he- ooat$ i z " When ye comet to appear before me-, deth, and as a garden that hath no water. W ho hath required this at your hand to tread 3 i And the ftrong; fhall be as tow, [j and the H &,* coum ? n maker of it as a fpark, and they (hall both burn wr <- "*' 1 3 B ring no more vain oblations, incenfe together,and none (hall quench them. is an abomination unto me, the new moons, CHAP II and fabbaths, the calling of affemblies I can- ' ! Or, grief, not away Witb,it is |] iniqiUCie,c ven the lolemn meeting . 14 Your new moons, and your appointed feafts my foul hateth : they area trouble unto me, I am weane to bear t hem, And * when ye fpread forth your hands, CHAP II ]f ^ h frofhe/!eth the C(>m \ g of ' Chr - fls 6 Wickedneffe it the cxufe of Gods forcing, i o He exhorteth to fear, becauft of the pa werfull effeffi of ^pHeword that Ifaiah the fonne of Amoz L faw, concerning Judahand Jerufalem. And *it{ball come to pafle in the laft * Mic 4- I will hide mine eyes from you : yea, when ye daies,^** the mountain of the! o R D shbufe &c> *Prov.r. Jj r ' '- 4 * 1 T Heb mil- t ake many prayers, I will not heare : your (hall be || eftabliihedin the top of the moun- F Or, f re- tipljfr*yer. hands arefull of * t bloud. tains, and (hall be exalted above the hills j and F* rtd ' *Ch2p.59'J 16 ^fWafti ye, make you clean, put away all nations thall flow umo it. f Hcb.Wrf* tlvc eyil O f your doings from before mine eyes, 3 And many people (hall go and fay, Come *i.P.j.n. *ceafeto do evil, yC) and let us go up to the mountain of the 17 Learn to do well, feck jadgement,|fre- LoRD,tothehoufeoftheGodof Jacob,and he licve the opprefled, judge the fatherleffe, plead will teach us of his waies,and we will walk in for the widow. his pathsjfor out of Zion (hall go forth the law, 1 8 Come now and let us reafon together, and the word of the L ORD from Jerufalem. faith the LORD : though your finnes be as 4 And he fhall judge among the nations, fcatlet, they (hall be as white as fnow j though and (hall rebuke many people : and they (hall they be red like crimfon, they (hall be as wooll. beat their fwordsinto plow-(hares, and their 19 If y&be willing and obedient, ye (hall fpearsinto|) pr uning- hooks : nation (hall not eat the good of the land. lift upfwordagainft nation, neither (hall they 10 But if ye refufe and rebell,ye (hall be de- learn warre any more. voured with the fword : for the mouth of the 5 Ohoufeof Jacob, come ye, and let us L ORDhtthfpokenir-. walk in the light of the L ORD. 2 1 f How is the faithfull citie become an 6 <$ Therefore thou haft forfaken thy peo- harlot ? it was full of judgement, rightcouf- plethelioufc of Jacob, becaufe they be rejile- neffe lodged in it } but now murderers. za Thy filver is become drofle , thy wine mixt with water. 25 Thy princes arc rebellious, andcompa- nionsoftheeves: every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards : they * judge not the fatherle{Te 3 neither doth the caufe of the widow come unto them. 24 Therefore faith the Lord, the Lo Roof (hip the work of their own hands, that which hofts, themightieoneoflfrael,Ah,Iwill eafe theirown fingers have made. nieofrrune adverfaries, and avenge me of mine enemies. aj ^ And I will turn my hand upon thee, and f purely purge away thy droffe, and take avva y a11 th y cinne - l6 And I will reftore thy judges as at the fii ft, and thy counfellers as at the beginning: *] c r. 5. 1 8. Zech-7. ni(hed || from the eaft, and are foothfayers like the Philiftines, and they ft pleafe themfelves in the children of Itrangers. 7 Their land alfo is fall of filver and gold, neither inhere any end of their treafures: their land is alfo full of horfes, neither is there any end of their chariots. 8 Their land alfo is full of idols : they wor- jfith tht card-. Pfal.i.6.- and>.*. and 9 \11 and 104.'; 5 9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man. humbleth himfeif : therefore forgive them not. 10 ^ Emer-into the rock, and bidetheein the dutt, for fear of the L o R D, and for the glory of hismajeftie. it The * lofty looks of man fhall be hum- #ckap.v afterward thou (halt becalled/Thecity ofrigh- bIed,andthehaughtinefFeof men fhall be bow- teoufnefle,the faithfull citie. td down,and the L o R D alone (hall be exalted 2 7 Zion fhall be redeemed with judgement, j n that.day. - and (I her converts with righreoufneffe. i z for the day of the L o R D of hofls fhaU z8 ^ And the * \ deftru Aion of th& tranf- fre upon every one that is proud and loftie, and - Judgements threatned. Chap, iii.' Againft oppreflion, pride,&c. anduponeirery one thac is lifted op, and be 8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah isfal- << (halite brought low j Jen : bccaufc their tongnc and their doings^ i ? And upon all che cedars of Lebanon, againft the L o R D, to provoke the eyes of his that are high and lifted up, and upon all the glorie. oaks of Balhin, 9 The fliew of theic countenance doth 14 And upon all the high mountains, and witnefle againft them, and they declare their uponall thehills that are hfced up, finnc as bodom, they hideirnot: wo unto * Gen. 1 5.,,. And upon every high tower, and upon their foul, for they have rewarded evil unt o andl a '- * themfelves. || Or, tht terly pajjt Hof.io8 every fenced wall, \6 And upon all the (hips of Tarihifli, and upon all f pleafant pictures, 17 Andeheloftinefleof manfhallbe bow- ed down, and the haughtinefle of men (hall be made low : and the L o R o alone Hull be ex- alted in that day. 1 8 And j| the idols he {hall utterly abolifli. and 10 Say ye to the righteous, that itjballbe well ivitb him : for they (hall cat the fruit of their doings. 11 Wo unto the wicked,** Jfo* be ill with him : for the reward of bis hands (hall be f gi- f Heb, *, ven him. - 1 "~ iz fl As for my people, children are their 1 Q And they (hall go into the * holes of the oppreffours,and women rule over them j O my rocks, and into the caves of f the earth for feat people, fl they which lead tfaee, caufc tbee to II r> * . of the LORD, and for the glorie of his majeftie, erre,and t deftroy the way of thy paths. lf*k ..... e j.uk.>j.?o. W hen he arifeth to (hake terribly theearth, 1 $ The LORD ftandeth up to plead, and t Heb RL ' * zo In that day a man (hall caft this idols of ftandeth to judge the people. / filver > and his idols of gold,H which they made, 14 The L o R o will enter into judgement e for fear of 5 What mean ye that ye beat my people to \txyntdtfn the LORD, and forthe glorie of his majcfty, pieces^ and grinde the faces of the poorc ? faith .tht T Heb. tbt i,u of hi, him. when he arifeth to (hake terribly the earth. a z Ceafe ye from man whofe breath is in his noftrils : for wherein is he to be accounted of ? TTT of thtfeoplt. \i "The offrefron and cove- toufneffe of ihe ruler t. itf The jujftmtntj which fb*B be f,r the pride of the mrnen. behold, the Lord, the LORD of hofts 1 doth take away from Jerufalem, and from Judah, the ftay and the ftaff, the whole ftay of bread,and the whole ftay of water, theLcrdGoD of hofts. 16 fl Moreoverjthe L o R D faith, Becaufc the daughters of Zion are haughtie, and walk with ftretched- forth necks, and f wanton eyes, '. walking,and || mincing as they go, and making ^/f *"* a tinkling with their feet: i or, tnpoiae 1 7 Therefore the Lord will finite with a nictij. fcab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion,and the LORD will t difcover their fecret t Hc ^- **if parts. 4<<*. if In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments About their z The mightie man, and the man of warre, fee r,and their || cauls, and their round tires like H ?> "" the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, the moon, and the ancient, 1 9 The ({chains, and the bracelets, and the !l Or,/# 3 The captain of fiftie,and f the honourable || mufflers, JorV-vM man,and the counfellcr, and the cunning ard- 20 The bonnets, and the ornaments of the g, n r ^nentf. ficer,and the jj eloquent oratour. legs^and the headbands, and the t tablets, and T Heb **/* 4 And I will give * children to be their prir> the eare- rings, / thtfl. * Ecclcs 10. ces^and babes (hall role over them. ^ i The tings, and nofe- jewels, it. 5 And the people (hall be oppreBed, every 22 The changeable huts of apparel, and one by another, and every one by his neigh- the mantles, and the wimples, and the crifping- bour : the childe (hall behave himfelf proudly pinnes, againft the ancient, and the bafe againft the 23 Tbegla(Tes,andthe fine linen, and the honourable. hood s , and the vails. 6 When a man (hall take hold of his brother 24 And it (balrcome to pafle, tlutt in ftead .of thehonfcof his father, faying, Thou haft of fweet fmell, there (hall be flink j and in clothing, be thou our ruler, and let this ruinc be ftead of a girdle, a rent $ and in ftead of well under thy hand : fet nair,baldne{Te i and in ftead of a ftomacher, fHcb.hy* 7 In that day (hall he ffwear, faying, I will a gitding of feckcloth 5 and burning in ftead of *l the hand, not be an f healer j for in my houfea neither bcautie. t ^ b - btnd ' bread not clothing i make me not a ruler of the i f Thy men dull fall by the fvtord ,and thy people. t mightie m the warre. N n j 26 And f Heb fmtntnt in ta*nteoanct | Or of fpeech. eruf. Chriftskingdome. M CHAP. Till. Jn tht txuemltit of evils, Chrlfls k^ome^tt a fanftiutriet ANd in that day feven women (hall take hold of one man, faying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel i onely t Heb. l't tlusbe called by thy name, || to take away thy name be OUT reproch. caUedip'n Hf. 2 In that day (hall the branch of the LORD I or, take fa j bcaucifull and glorious, and the fruit of iht****]. the earth (bull be excellent and comely t f r tt and fiery, them that are efcaped oflfrael, -I Heb.//r 3 And it (hall come to paffe, thttthe that is th* fi*i>ins left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerufa- f' fiMl ' lem, (lull be called holy, even every one tht is llOr, nlifa written || among the living in Jerufalem : 4 When the Lord (hall have waflied away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and (hall have purged the bload ofjeru(alem from the midft thereof, by the fpirit of judgement, and by the fpirit of burning. f And the LORD will create upon every dwelling-place of mount Zion, and upon her * Exod aflemblies a *cloud, and fmoke by day,and the a 7. (hining of a naming fire by night : for jj upon II or, **. all the glork (hall be t a defence. tHeo. 6 And there (hill be a tabernacle for a (hi- **'""* d ow in the day.time from the heat, and for a place of refue,and for a covert from ftorm and from rain. CHAP. V. Vndei tkepirdle of a. v'meyArd,God exeufeth hufc -vere judgement. 8 Kit judgements upon co-vetouf- wfi, ii afon laCcivioufneffe, ij upon anfiette, > and upon wjujlice. 16 the executionert of Gods lukeio.?. f Heb. r^ htm of the or, wW* clouds that they rain no rain upon it. 7 For the vineyard of the L o R D of hefts it the houfe oflfrael, and the men of Judah t his pleafant plant : and he looked for judge- ment, but behold t oppreffion 5 for righteouf. f urti < nefle, but behold a cry. T Heb. fl Wo unto them that joyn * houfe to ./?**. houfe, thathy field to field, til\ there be ao' Mie '**i place, that they may be placed alone in the midft of the earth. 9 ({ In mine met fad the L o R D of hofts, I Or? " ' fOf a truth many houfcs (hall be defolate, ei * even great and fair without inhabitant. z,oj?D,dr*. 10 Yea ten acres of vineyard (hall yeeld one T Heb. */ bath, and the feed of an homer (hall yceld an <*> &* ephah. 11 fl * Wo unto them that rife up early in * P*. aj . the morning , t bat they may follow irong a *> 5 ' drink.that continue untill night,fitf wine U en- f or, thtm. _ And the harp and the viol,the tabret and pi pe,and wine are in their feafts : but they re- gard not the work of the Lo R o,neither confi* der the operation of his hands. i j f Therefore my people are gone into captivitie, becaufe they have no knowledge : and t their honourable men arc famiOied, and fHefc.** their multitude dried up with thirft. if'fiumnt* 14 Therefore hell hath enlarged her felf, and opened her mouth without meafure : and their glorie,and their multitude,and their pomp,and he that rejoyceth (hall defcend into it. if And *the mean man (hall be brought* Chap. a,?; down, and the mightie man (hall be humbled, " I 7- mfa very fruit- nghteoufneffe tod aft ftones thereof, and planted it with the choiceft (hall ftrangers eat. vine, and built a tower in the midft of it, and 18 Wounto them that draw .mqimie with Lfo t Se a wine-prefle therein: and he look, cords of vanitie, and finnc as were wuh a 1 ed that it (hould bring forth grapes, and it i, judge, I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard. 4 What could have been done more to my Tinevard that I have not done in it? wherefore when I 'looked that it (hould bring forth grapes, brought it forth wilde grapes i 5 And now go to j I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard; I will takeaway the ieb. break down the wall thereof, and ic (hall be t trodcn down, his work,that we may fee it : and let the coun- fel of the holy one of Ifraei draw nigh and come, that we may know it. t o q Wo unto them 1 that call evil good, . _ --- and good evil j that put darkneffe for light,and y^ u i$ light for darkneffe i thit put bitter for fwect,^, ^. c . and fweet for bitter. ii Wo unto them that are * wife m thetf J^* own eyes.and prudent t in their own fi ^.^ wine, and men of ftrcngth to mingle ftrong * inlt -' Which Ifaiahhisvifion. Chap* vi. vii. Ahaz comforted. pprov.iy. zj Which *juftifie the wicked for reward, f having a live coa!4n his hand, which he had yji ff' and tike away thenghtcoulhefle of the righte- taken with thc tongs from off the altar. t Heb.W . ous from him. 7 And he f laid if upon my mouth,and faid, J* *** * *Heb.fA* *4 Therefore as t ^ ^ re dcvourcth the Lo, this hath touched thy Upland thine iniqui^+HV^c*"/^ tonpuoffirt. flubble, and the flame confumeth the chaff, fo ry is taken away , and thy (inne purged. it to //>. their root (hall be rottennefle, and their blof- 8 Alfo I heard the voice of thc Lord, faying, fome (hall go up as duft : becaufe they havecaft Whom (hall I fend, and who will go for * us ? Gen.i.s<. away the law of the L o R D of hofts, and dc- Then faid I, f Here am I, fend me. fpifed the word of the holy one of Ifrael. 9 f And he faid, Go and tell this people. 15 Therefore is the anger of the L o * ft kindled ag.iinft his people,and he hath ftretch- ed forth his hand againft them, and hath fmit- ten them : and the hills did tremble, and their car-cafes were jj torn in the nvddfl of the ftreets : * For all this his anger is not turned away, buc his hand is ftretched out ftill. ^6 n And he will life up an enfigne to the Chap.j.U z 7, 2 1. and * Heareye |) t indeed,but undctftandnot : and 'Mat 13. 14 fee ye indeed,but perceive not. Mark *t i. ib Make the heart of this people fat , and *" 8 ' 10 * make their eares heavy, and (hue their eyes : Aa?a8*.aSl" left they fee with their eyes, and hcare with Rom. i i.g; their eares, and underftand with their heart ;tt Or.without and convert and be heakd. "^f * *' 1 1 Then faid I, Lord, how long f And he * 7* nations from farre, and will hifle unto them anfwered, Untill the cities be wafted without <^c. from the end of the earth : and behold, they inhabitant, andthehoufes without man, and (hall come with fpeed i wifely . the land be f utterly defolate, f Heb. deft- i z And the LORD have removed men farre lattnitb 'de. away, and there be a great forfakifig in the ft** '*" mkift of the land. 15 U Butyetinit/fotf atemhjljandtf l|Or*'*' /n i' z8 Whofe arrows are (harp, and all their (hall return, and (hall be eaten : as a teyl-tree, *^*j; bows bent, their horfes hoofs (hall be counted and as an oak whofe || fubftance is in them, l rott [ when they caft their leaves : fo the holy feed u Oi,ftcck>or ^7 None (hall be weary no* flumble a- mongfi them : none (hall (lumber nor ileep : neither (ball the girdle of their loyns be looicd, nor the latchet of their (hoes be broken. like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwinde. 19 Their roaring JbaU be like a lion, they ftaUbe the fubftance thereof. femme. fliall roar like young lions : yea, they (hall roar and lay hold of the prey, and (hall car ryir away fafe,and none (hall deliver it. lor, vhtnit 3 And in that day they (hall roar againft them, like the roaring of the fea . and if me look unto the land,behold darknefle and \\ lor- r ow , y and the light is darkned in the heavens thereof. light, it in the de- thtrttf. - CHAP. VI. the Lord i |) Or, the flirts tknt- remnant fia bb.ii.4i. TNthe yeare that king Uzziahdied, I*faw lilfo the Lord fitting upon a throne, high and lifted up,and y his train filled the temple. i Above it flood the feraphims : each one had fix wings j with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did flte. ; And t one cried unto another, and faid, * Holy,holy,holy ii the L o R D of hofts,t the whole earth i; full of his glory f Heb. tint cried to thu. *Rcv.4.8. t Hcb. h. glarj tht ^Inoff.of tht *hote earth. t Heb. t bre. fitUs. CHAP. VI I. i yU>a beingtroubled with fear of Rehtt it comforted by IfiCtah. lo iAha t hai/ing liberty t chtofe a. figne,and refusing it, hathforafigne, Chrift frtrmtfed. 17 H judgement itfrofhefied tt ctme by ANd it came to pafleinthe dayesof * Ahaz *J.Kin.i the fonne of Jotham, the fonne of Uz- ttiah king of Tudah,?J?tf*Rezinthekingof Sy- ria,and Pekah the fonne of Remaliah, king of Ifrael, went up towards Jerufalem to warre a- gainft it,but could not prevail againft it. i And it was told the houfe of David, fay- ing, Syria t is confederate with Ephraim : and |H his heart was moved, and the heart of his peo. on Efhtat pie, as the trees of thc wood arc moved with the winde. 5 Then faid the LORD unto Ifaiah, Go forth now to meet Ahaz, thou, and {(Shear- (That is ja(hub thy fonne, at the end of the * conduit '**' of the upper pool in the jj high-way of theful- J J lets field : 4 And fay unto him, Take heed, and be || or,caufej- quiet; fear not, f neither be faint- hearted for *'f>- v 4 And the pofts of the t doore moved at the the two tails of thefe fmoking firebrands , for / voice of him that cried, and the houfe was fil- the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria,and of the tender. led with ("moke. fonne of Remaliah: 5 j Then faid I, Wow me, for I am tun- 5 Becaufe Syria, Ephraim, and the fonne of done, becaufe I am a man of unclean lips, and Remaliah have taken evil counfel againft thee, I dwell in the midft of a people of unclean lips: faying, for mine eyes have feen the King, the L o R D 6 Let us go up againft Judah, and || vex it, ji , ; ,, 4 of hofts. and let us make a breach therein for us, and fet a 6 Then flew one of the feraphims unto me, kipg in the midft of it, even the fon of Tabeal. N n 4 7 Th Ifaiah. A prophefie againft Syr'uu Chrifl promifed. jji 7 Thus faith the Lord G D, It (hall not 24 With arrows and with bows (hall men ftand, neither (hall it come to pafle. come thither j becaufe all the land (hall he- ft For the bead of Syria u Damafcus, and come briers and thorns, the head of Damafcus u Rezin , and within z j And on all hills that (hall be digged with threefcore and five yeares (hall Ephraim be the mattock, there (hall not come thither the f Heb. from broken, f that it be not a people. fear of briers and thorns : but it (hall be for P e,plt. 9 And the head of Ephraim it Samaria,and the fending forth of oxen, and for the treading - the head of Samaria it Remaliahs fonne : || if of leffer catteL ye will not beleeve , furely ye (hall not be eflft- bliftied. 10 ^ f Moreover, the LORD fpake again 'f Heb and unto AnaZj faying, d.d L t\ rd ,i< t x * Ask tbce a fi nc of the LORD tfa y God J^a2? Hkit either in the depth, or in the height thy pttititn above. fif belifvt? it is kicaufe ten-it not C H A P. VIII. I In Mlaher-fbalal'htifbkat , heprophe/uth that Sjrtt And. Ifrael {ball le fubdued by <4ffyria. 5 fucLth like- Tvifefor their infidelity. 9 Gods judgements (hM be unrefifttble. u Comfort Jh.itt beta them that fear GofL 1 9 Great affliftions to idolaters. jk J Oreover the L o RD faid unto me, Take 12 But Ahazfaid, I will not ask, neither IVitheea great roll, and 'write in it with a will I rempt the L o R D. mans pen , concerning f Maher-QialaUhafh. + IM, /, 1 5 And he faid, Heart ye now, O houfc of baz. 3S/fc' David,/* it a fmall thing for you to weary men , i And I took unto me faithfull witnefles to */>/ ** but will ye weary my God alfo ? record , Uriah the prieft , and Zechariah the *** '* 14 Therefore the Lord himfelf (hall give fonne of Jeberechiah. Sr^iifa Matt i. a j. you a figne, * Behold, a virgin (hall conceive, 3 And I f went unto the prophetefie , and /s. *'/"** be taken away before the king of Aflyria. ^(baif^l 1 H The LORD fpake alfo unto me again, l'ifj%, faying, iitbtt t <&*. 6 Forfomuch as this people refufeth the wa- apon thy people, and upon thy fathers houfe, ters of Shiloah that go foftly , and rejoyce in dates that have not come , fromtbcday that Rezin, and Remahabs fonne : Ephraim departed fromjudah; even the king 7 Now therefore, behold, the Lord brhig- of Aflyria. eth up upon them the waters of the river, 1 8 And it (hall come to pafle in that day, ftrong and many, cf the king of Aflyria,and t bat the LORD (hall bifle for the flic, thatw in all his glory: and IK (hall come up over all his the uttermoft part of the rivers of Egypt, and chanels, and go over all his banks. for the bee that U in the land of Affyria. ' 8 And he (hall pafle through Judah,he (hall 1 9 And they (hall come, and (hall reft all of overflow and go over, he flnll reach even to the them in thedefohte valleys, and in the holes neck, and t the ftretching out of his wings f Heb.r** of the rocks, and upon all thorns, and upon all (hall fill the breadth of thy land , O Imma fuiuetfi tf flOr, flbufhes. nuel. th.br t ^ t h.f m.ndabi* 20 In the fame day (hall the Lord (have with 9 f Aflbciate your Cclves, O ye people,j|and ^ r ?K' o * "to w that is hired ,namely by them beyond ye (hall be broken in pieccsjand give care all ye iH t i a*' , ^"^ S tnc river, by the king of Aflfyria, the head, and of farre countreysrgird your felves, and ye (hill /, * the hair of the feet : and it (hill aho confamc be broken in pieces; gird your felves, and ye d Or . 1 6 For before the childe (hall know to re- fufe the evil,and choofe the good,the land that thou abhorred (hall be f orfaken of both her kings. 1 7 f The LORD (hall bring upon thee and , the beard. 21 And it (hall come to paGTe in that day, man (hill nourifh a young cow, and two (hall be broken in pieces. 10 Take counfel together, and it (hall come to nought fpeak the word, and it (hill not fland: for God it with us. For the LORD fpake thus to me i with f Heb. in 21 And it (hall come to pafle for the abun- dance of milk tbit they (hall give, he (hall eat a ftrong hand, and inftru&ed me that I (hould firength / ? butter : for butter and hony (hall every one ear, not walk in the way of this people, faying, fHeb fntht that is left tin the land. 12 Say ye not, A confederate, to all 13 And tt (hall come to pafle in that day, them to whom this people (hill fay, A con- that everyplace (hill be, where thtte were a federacy ; neither fear ye their fear, nor bo thoufand vines, at a thoufand filverhngs, it afraid. hall eve 3 be for briers and thorn;. i ; San&ifie the L R D of hofls himfelf, and Pet.a.f. idolaters. Chap. and kt him be your fear, and let him beyoar dread, 14 Andhefhall beforafanduarie; but for * a ftone of ftumbling,and for a rock of offence to both the houfcs of Ifrael,for a ginne, and for a (hare to the inhabitants of Jcrufalem. 15 And many among them (ball *ftumble, x. Chrifh birth. i eftht . . ' 6 For unto us a childeis born, unto us a ^55 * fonne is given, and the government (hall be * John j. itf.' upon his fhoulder : and his name Ihall be cal- led, Wonderful 1 , Counfeller, The mightic God, The cverlafting Father, The prince of peace. 7 Of the increafe of bit government and and fail, and be broken, and be faared,and be peace * there Jhall be no end, uponthe throne * Lokc 1.3*, taken. of David and upon his kingdometo order it, 3 * 16 Binde up the teftimony, feal the law and to eftablifh u with judgement and with jo- among my difciples. ft ice, from henceforth even for ever : the *zeal * 2. Kings 17 And I will wait upon the Lo RD that of the LORD of hofts will perform this. *?' 8 ^ The Lord fcnt a word into Jacob,and it cba P-3r J hath lighted upon Ifrael. 9 And all the people fhall know, even E- phraim and the inhabitant of Samaria, that fay in the pride and ftoutnefle of heart, 10 The bricks are fallen down, but we will burld with he wen Hones : the fycomores are cut down,but we will change them into cedars. 1 1 Therefore the LORD dull fet up the ad- verfariesof Reiin againft him, and t joyn his f Hcb. enemies together. mt.&ie m 12 The Syrians before, and thePhiliftines behinde, and they fhall devoure Ifrael f with t H eb. .*** open mouth: *for all this his anger is not turn- **'* m " tth - ed away,but his hand a ftretched out ftill. JjJSX? " i} ^f For the people turneth not unto him that fmitech them, neither do they fcek the LORD of hofts. 14 Therefore the LORD will cut off from Ifrael head and tail, branch and rufh in one day. i ? The ancient and honourable, he a the head : and the prophet that teacheth lies, he u the tail. 16 For D the leaders of this people caufe || Or, thty thfa to erre,and || they that are led of them.are ??* c f" th "* tdeftroyed. ofl,r4,< TLjEvertbeleffc,thedimncffej]&j//npt^efuch 1 7 Therefore the Lord (hill have no joy in , t&4 IX as TV* in her vexation, when at the firft their young men, neither flull have mercie on *//* / he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun. and their fatherleffe and widows : for every one U *" . I j r VT i i* i r t t" Hcb Avtf/* the land otNaphtali, and afterward did more an hypocrite , and an evil-doer , and every i t ^ tdu ' p grieveufly afflid her by the way of the fca, be- mouth fyeakctb jj folly : for all this his anger is a p r , B ,&,j. yondjordamn Galilee || of thenations. not turned away, but his hand u fttttchcd out ftill. 1 8 ff For wicke Jnefie burneth as the fire : ic fhall devoure the briers and thorns, and (hall kindle in the thickets of the forreft, and they fhall mount up iil^e the lifting up of (moke. 19 Through the wrath of the L o R D of hofts is the land darkened, and the people fhall be as the f fcwel of the fire : o man fhall fpare f Hcb.A/, his brother. > 10 And he fhall jfnatchon the rigbt hand s and be hungrie and he fhall eat on the It fc hand,and they Hull not be fatisficd : they (bill eat every man the flefh of his own arm. 2. 1 Manaflch, Ephraim j and Ephraim,Ma- and tbey together jb*U be againft Judah: hidcch his face from the houfe of Jacob, and I will look for him. 1 8 * Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me, are for fignes, and for wonders in Ifrael j from the L o R D of hofts, which dwellcth in mount Zion. 1 9 f And when they fhall fay unto you,Seek unto them that have familiar fpirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter : fhould not a people feek unto their God ? for the living, to the dead ? 20 * To the law and to the teftimonie: if they fpeak not according to this word, it is be- caufe the re u f no light in them. 2 1 And they fhall pafle through it, hardly beftead and hungry ; and it (hill come to paffe, that when they fhall be hungry, they fhall fret thcmfdvesjand curfe their king ,and their God, and look upward. 22 And they fhall look unto the earth: and behold,troubl and darkncfll-, dimnefle of an- guiflj - } and they fall be driven to darkncffe. CHAP. IX. \>t in iht midfl of tjHOHxA . ... '.andbtrthofChrift. 8 The judgtnunis uf- n. Ifrati for thtir pride, 13 for their b}facrifte t it and for thnr anftnitencte. 2 * The people that walked in darkneffe, Ephef.s II havc fcen a ^ reat b&t : they that dwell in the land of the fludow of death, upon them hath the light finned. yor,t him. j Thou haft multiplied the nation,aarf jf not |! Or, wfcea inwcafed the joy : they joy before thce,accord- thoukaW. ing to the joy in harvcft, and a men rejoyce * Judgy.aa. when they divide the fpoil. : o ap 'jT' 26 ' ^ M^ or t ^ KIU ^ a ^ ^ ro ' ccn tne Xk e f ft i s the il//" Burden, and the ftaffof his fhoulder, the rod of his oppreffour,as in the day of* Midian. J Ji For every battel of the warriour is with confuted noife, and garments rolled in bloud, __ (1 but tbit flnll be with burning and \ fewci of t Hcb, aua. fire. Tyrants wo. 5 j4 Judah: for all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand it ftrctched out ftill. CHAP. X. I The wo of tyrants. J *J/fyria,the roJofhypocrttes,fot hit fridtfhail be broken. 20 lAremnant of Ifrael Jbatt ke J~aved* it, Ifrael u comforted mth ffomife of deli- verance front tAffyriat W2, Ifaiah. Ifraels deliverance promifcd. i f Shall the ax boaft it felf againft him that heweth therewith ?or (hall the faw magnifie it felf againfthim that fhiketh it? IJasif therod J^ thould (hake it felf againft them that lift it up, or as if the ftaflf&ould lift up [J it felf, M if it 'thvitf; it we re no wood. U P- . 16 Therefore (hall the Lord, the Lord hofts, fend among his fat ones leanncffc, and unto them that decree unrighteous under his glory he .(hall kindle a burning like decrees, and ({that write grievoufnefle the burning of a fire. which they have prefcribed : 1 7 And the light of Ifrael (hall be for a fire, x To turn afide the needle from judgement, and his holy one fora flame: and it (hall burn and to take away the right from the poote of anddevoure his thorns and his briers in one my people, that widows may be their prey, and day : that they may rob the fatherlefie. 1 8 And (hall confame the glorie of his for- 3 And what will ye do in the day of vifita- reft, and of his fruitfull field, t both foul and t Heb./r tion, and in the defolation which (hall come bodie: and they (hvU*! be as when a ftandard- ***/**** from farre ? to whom will ye flee for help? aod bearer faimeth. JJV* 1 where will ye leave your glorie ? 19 And the reft of the trees of his forreft 4 Without nr.e they (hall bowe down under (hall be f few,that a childe may write them. t Heb. num. the prifons,and they {hall fall under the flain: zo fl And it fhall come to pafle in that day, **' "Chap. c.:s * for all this his anger is not turned away, but that the remnant of Ifrael , and fuch as are and 9. 12. jjj s h^d is ftretched out ftill. efcaped of the hou(e of Jacob, {hall no more 5 ^ II Of Affyrian, the rod of mine anger, again ftay upon him that fmote them : bat (hall || and the ftaff in their hand is mine indigna- ftay upon the LOR Ojthe holy one of Ifrael, in tion. truth. 6 I will fend him againft an hypocriticall zi The remnant (hall return, even the re> nation j and againft the people of my wrath mnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. will I give him a charge to take the fpoil, and *i *For though thy people Ifrael be as the *Rom.9.i7. *' l *y to take the prey, and f to tread them down like fand of the fea, yet a remnant t of them (hall t H cb. *,or \tTtaa.- ^kg mire of the ftreetS. return *hprrnfiimnrJrmdvt Chrifts peaceable kingdome. Chap.xi caufc it to be heard unto Lai(h, O poore Ana- thoth. 31 Madmenah is removed, the inhabitants of Gebim gather themfelves to flee. 32. As yet (hall he remain at Nob that day: h (hall (hake his hand againft the mount of the daughter of Zion,the hill of Jerufalem. 3 $ Behold,the Lord, the L o R D of hofts rhall lop the bough with terrour : and the high oncsof&atme foallbe he wen down, and the haughtie (hall be humbled. 34 And he (hall cut down the thickets of the forrefts with iron, and Lebanon (hall fall r*'. || by a mighty one. CHAP. XL I The peaceable kingdoms of the branch out of the roSt ffeffe. 10 The vicarious reftauration oflfrttetenJ mention of the Gentiles. ANd there (hall come forth a rod out of the ftemme of * Jefle, and a branch (hall grow out of his roots. i And the fpirit of the LORD (hall reft upon htm, the fpirit of wifdome and under ftanding, the fpirit of counfel and might, the fpirit of knowledge,and of the fear of the LORD : l-Heb./to, ? And (hall make him off quick underfiand- ing in the fear of the LORD, and he (hall not judge after the fight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his eares. 4 But with righteoufneffe (hall he judge the poore, and || reprove with equity, for the meek of the earth: and he (hall * fmite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips (hall he flay the wicked. f And righteoufnefle (hall be the girdle of his loyns, and faithfulncflc the girdle of his reins. 6 * The wolf alfo (hall dwell with the lambe. and the leopard (hail lie down with the kid : and the calf, and the young lion, and the failing together, and a little childe (hall lead them. 7 And the cow and the bear (hall feed, their young ones (hall lie down together : and the lion (hall eat ftraw like the ox. 8 And the fucking childe (hall play on the hole of tbeafp, and the weaned childe (hall put his hand on the ft cockatrice den. 9 They (hll not hurt nor deftroy in all my holy mountain : for the earth (hill be full of the knowledge of the LoRD,as the waters cover thefea. i f And in that day there (hall be a root of JeffCjWbich fhall ftand for an enfigne of the * Rom. 15. people ; to it (hall the * Gcntilesfcek, and his reft (hall bef glorious. 1 1 And it (hall come to paflc in that day, that the Lord (hell fet his band again the fe- cond time, to record tbc remnant of his pea- -Job *.*. a.Thcff.2. .xii.xiii. Athankfgiyingofthe faithfull. pie which (hall be left, from Aflyria, and from j, j j Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cu(h, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Ha- math,and from the iflands of the fea. i ^ And he (hall fet up an enfigne for the na- tion*, and (hall aflemble the outcafts of Ifrael, and gather together the difperfed of Judah, from the foure f corners of the earth. f Hcb.vi>; ij Theenvic alfo of Ephraim (hall depart, and the adverfaries of Judah (hall be cutoff: Ephraim (hall not envie Judah, and Judah (hall not vex Ephraim. 14 But they (hall file upon the (houlders of the Philiftines toward the weft, they (hall fpoil t them of the eaft together : f they (hall lay f Heb. tin their hand upon Edom and Moab, f and the ch 't^fm. #/ children of Ammon (hall obey them. 1 5 And the L o R D (hall utterly deftroy the tongue of the Egyptian fea,and with his migh- fhall be th ty winde fhall he (hake his hand over the river, '>' / and (hall fmite it in the feven ftreams.and m men go over t dry.(hod. 16 And there (hall be an high-way for the remnant of his people^which (hall be left from their obt Affyria, * like as it was to Ifrael in the day that - he came up out of the land of Egypt. CHAP. xii. *J; xod M ' *A joyfiiU thtn\sii/'mg of the farthfuUforthe tnercits ANd in that day thou (halt fay,O LORD,! will praife thce : though thou waft angrie with me,thine anger is turned a,way, and thou, comfortedft me. 1 BeholdjGod is my falvation : I will truft, and not be afraid ; for the LORD JEHOVAH is my * ftrength and mj fong,he alfo is become * Exod. i j. my falvation. Piai.ii8., 4 . 3 Therefore with joy (hall ye draw water out of the wells of falvation. 4 And in that day (hall ye fay, *Praifethe * ' c h L o R D, || call upon his name, declare his do- p'j [ j ings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted. hu *mt. j Sing unto the LORD; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth . 6 Cry out and (hour, thou t inhabitant Zion : for great the holy one of Ifrael in the miditof thce. CHAP. XIII. t Godmuftereth the armies of kit math. 6 Hethrtaf neth to Jejlroy Babylon by tt^t Mides. 1 9 The dt(l there a and their houfesfliall be'full off dolefull J- Heb. creatures, and fj f owls (lull dwell there, and Ochix,. fatyres (hall dance there. H r > And t the wilde beafts of the iflands (hall "I every mans heart (hall melt. 8 And they (hall be afraid : pangs and for- rows (hall take hold of them, theylhall be in pain as a woman that travaileth : they (hall t be amazed f one at another, their faces/&*#l>e e all the t J| chief ones of the earthj t Heb. fpoiled,and their wives raviflied. it hath raited up from their thrones all the'*"'"''' kinoc nf i-K< ; i|Or,M 17 Behold, I will ftirre up the Medes againft them, which (hall not regard (ilvcr, and as for gold } they (hall not delight in it. 1 8 Their bows alfo (hall daft the young men to pieces, and they (hall have no pitie on the fruit of the wombej their eye (hall not fpare children. s 4# 6 a fierie flyin* |jOr, upon thee,*" a 4? man that made the earth to tremble, that did Htruftinic. , (hikekingdomes? CHAP. XV.-;;' 1 7 Tb&t made the world as a wildcrnefle,and TAr lamentable Jiate of Moat. \\ Or, did r.ot deftroyed the cities thereof, that f) opened noc ^T 1 He burden of Moab. Becaufe in the night the houfe of his prifoncrs ? J- Ar of Moab is laid wafte,a^ ||brought to (j Or, tut jf 18 All the kings of the nations, even all of "knee i becaufe in the night Kir of Moab is them lie in glorie, every one in his own houfe. laid wafte,arf brought to filence : 19 But thou art caft out of thy grave, like . z HeisgoneuptoBajith,and toDibon^he an abominable branch: and at the raiment of high places, to weep : Moab (hall howl over thofe that are flain , thruft through with a Nebo,andovcrMedeba, * on all their heads Jer.>8. fword,that go down to the flones of the pit, as /KM* baldneffe, and every beard cut off. \ 7, ?8. a carcafe troden under feet. 3 I" their ftreets they (lull gird themfelvcs 20 Thou (haltnot be joyned with them in with fackcloth: on the tops of their honfes, and buriall, becaufe thou haft deftroyed thy land , in 'beir ftreets evety one (ball howl, f weeping f e e b. Itthispri- borne** d.. id 18 and 10",. .'j 4 And Hefhbonftall cry,and Elealeh: their * 1 - voice (hall be heard even unto Jahaz : there fandingintf * Job i8. I? da rf flain thy people: * the feed of evil-doers abundantly. ' (hill never be renowned. ' AJU z i Prepare daughter for his children * for the iniquitie of their fathers j that they do noc f r e the armed fouldiers of Moab (lull cry out, ,- Matt zj.j 5. r ,f c nor poflefle the land,nor fill the face of the bis life (hall be grievous unto him. world with cities. ? My heart (hall cry out for Moab, || his fu- p or, to th 22 For I will rife up againft them, faith the gitives {hall flee unto Zoar,an* heifer of three .u. Prov. f. } U .111.4.3:. topafle; and as I have purpofed, fo (hall it carry away to the H brook of the willows. - \\Qr,-o*U fJ 8 For the cry is gone round about thebor- e f tl} ^^* ders of Moab : the howling thereof unto E- *"*"' glaim , and the howling thereof unto Beer- then (hall his yoke depart from off them, and elim. his burden depart from off their (boulders. 9 For the waters of Dimon (hall be full of 16 This is the purpofc that is purpofed up bloud : for I will bring j more upon Dimon, li- fHeb."*/. on the whole earth: and this w the hand that ts ons u p on him that efcapcth of Moab, and upon **'. ftretched out upon all the nations. the remnant of the land. 27 For the L o RD of hofts hath*purpofed, and who (hall difanull if ? and his hand is ftretched our,and who (hall turn it back ? 28 In the yeare that king Ahaz died, was this burden. 29 fl Re Joyce not thou whole Paleftina, be- caufe the rod of him chat fmoce thee is broken: CHAP. XVI. I Modi* exported to reelJ obedience to Chriftt k'tng* dome. 6 Moab it threatnedfor her fnde. 9 The pro- fkut levfdileth her. 11 Thejitdgtmtnt rfSMoib. Q End ye the lam be to the rukr of the land i^frorn || f Sela to the wilderneflc , unto the U Q mount of the daughter pf Zion* % For 558 JOr,4 tuft Againft Moab, i For it (hill be that at a wandritvgbird||caft out of the neft:/fl the daughters of Moab (hall "w be at the fords of Arnon. T Hc5.Wx . 5 t Take counfel, execute judgement,make thy (hadow as the night in the midft of the noon-day, hide the outcafts, bewray not him thatwandereth. 4 Let mine outcafts dwell with thee,M-oab, be thou a covert to them from the face of the f H eb.j- fpoiler : for the f extortioner is at an end, the t Heb. th< fpoiler ceafetb, t the oppreffours are confumed trt*4:rt dove* out of the land. Dan 7. 1 4, f And in mercie * (hall the throne be |[ eftablilhed , and he (hall fit upon it in truth , in the tabernacle of David , judging and fee king judgement, and hafting righte- oufnefle. 6 f We have heard of the * pride of Moab, ( he is very proud ) even of his haughtinefle, and his pride, and his wrath: but his lies/&/- ny tears, O Hefh- 9 fl In that day (hall his ftrong cities be as a "*"- s " > forfaken bough , and an uppermoft branch, Which they left , becaufeof the children of If- rael: and there (hall be defolation. 10 Becaufethou haft forgotten the God of thy falvarion,and haft not been mindfull of the rhtre (hall be no finging, neither (hall there be rock of thy flrehgth: therefore (hilt thou plant ru~...: - - . L . j /L_II~__J_ _l--/i. - .._ l /i .1- /"~-: ^:-i_ n fhouting: the treaders (hill tread out no wine in their prefless I have made their vintage- (homing to ceafe. ii Wherefore my bowels (hall found like an harp for Moab, and mine inward parts for Kir.hJre(h. it ^ And it (ball come to pafle, when it is Ren that Moab is weary on the high place, that he (hall come to his fanduary to pray, but he (hall not prevail. 13 This is the word that the LORD hath fpoken concerning Moab fince that time. 14 But now the Lo RP hath fpoken, fay- ing, Within three yeares, as the year.es of pleafant plants , and (halt fetit with flrange flips ; 1 1 In the day (halt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning (halt thou make thy feed to flourifh: but theharveft/&a//&e ((a fOr,r W heap in the day of grief, and of defperate for- ^'- *nd there . _ Bur, u 1 1 ^r Wo to the |J multitude of many people, {hall be<^- thich make a noife like the noife of the feas, lyfirrr* and to the ru(hing of nations, that make a ru(h- I Or > ""'/* ing like the rufliing of |j mighty waters. (| Or, vun ? . 1 5 The nations (hill ru(h like the rufliing of many waters : but Gtd (hill rebuke them, and they (hill flee farreoff, and (hill be chafed an hireling, and the glory of Moab (hall be as the chaff of the mountains before the contemned , with all that great multitude ; winde, and like (|a rolling thing before the I Or and the remnant Jball be very fmall and whirlwinde. * ||fceblfj 14 y\ n d behold, at evening- tide trouble, and before the morning he it not : this is the porno* XVIII. Againft Ethiopia, Chap, xviii . xix. and Egypt portion of them that fpoil us, and the lot of into the hand of a cruel lord ; and a fierce king J5 (hall rule over them, faith the Lord, the LORD of hofts. 5 And the waters (hall fail from the fea,and the river (hall be watted and dried up. 6 And they (hall turn the rivers farre away. 'O to the land (hadowing with wings, which if beyond the rivers of Ethiopia : That fendeth ambafladours by the fea, them that rob us. CHAP. i God in are of hii people vtiUdefroy the Ethiophns. 7 Jin accefle theiety fhnUgron unto the church. | Or, tut. H Oi, a nation *nd the brooks of defence (hall be emptied and dried up : the reeds and flags (hall wither. 7 The paper-reeds by the brooks, by the even in veffels of bulruflies upon the waters, mo uth of the brooks, and every thing fown by frying, Goyefwift meflengers to action the brooks (hall wither, be driven away, t and t He KW be no more. fiaUnx >e. & The fifhcrs alfo (hall mourn, and all they that caft angle into the brooks (hall lament, and they that fptead nets upon the waters fhall langui(h. 9 Moreover,they that work in fine flax,and |f fcattered and peeled,to a people terrible from and their beginning hitherto, (j fa nation meted out and troden down , || whole land the rivers metelh navc fp o l e d- tad. 3 All ye inhabitants of the world janddwel- tth daten lers on the earth, fee ye, when he lifteth up an L?^/ 4 " Cnfi 2 neonthem UmainS3andvvhenhebloVV ' th X tharweave'jfneV-w'orks'fliairbe con- IOr mhi(t l/nSand' eth atrumpet, heare ye. founded> * 4 For fo the L o R D faid unto me y I will , And they (hall be broken in the f pur- t Hcb. f m take my reft, and I will jj confider in my dwel- treading un- der fao:. trcr/ dtfpifi. |JOr, n pofes thereof, all that make fluces and ponds d *' f like a cloud of dew in the heat of harveft. l , ^ s are l y the princes of Zoan are 5 For afore the harveft when the bud is per- t he counfel of the wife coanfeilers of Pharaoh feft, and the fowrc grape is ripening in the is become brutidi : how fay ye unto Pharaoh,! flower ; he (hall both cut off the (prigs with am the fonne O f the wife, the fonne of ancient pruning-hooks, and take away and cut down kings ? the branches. l z Where are they? where are thy wife men? 6 They (hall be left together unto the fowls an d let them tell thee now, and let them know of the mountains , and to the beafts of the what the L o R D of hofts hath purpofed upon earth : and the fowls (hall fummer upon them, Eo ypr . and all the beafts of the earth (hall winter up- on them. 7 ^ In that time (hall the prefent be brought unto the LORD of bofts, of a people |j fcattered CHAP. XIX. The ernfufian ofEgypt. it the fooltjfmeffe tf their frhttes. 1 8 The catting of Egypt to the church* aj "The covenant of TzgyfttJlffyria. andlfrael. LORD CUTS. T Heb. i come ij The princes of Zoan arc become fools, the princes of Noph are deceived, they have alfo feduced Egypt, even {j fthey that are the J Or ftay of the tribes thereof. and peeled, and tram a people ternoie from I4 The LORD hath mingled tape their beginning hitherto j a nation meted out f p j r i c j n thc midft thereof: and they have cau- * Hcb and troden under foot, whofe land the rivers f e d Egypt toerre in every work thereof, as a A' have fpoiled, to the place of the name of the drunken man ftaggereth in his vomit. *"J LORD, of hofts, the mount Zion. M Neither (hall there be any work for Egypt, which the header tail, branch or rufli may do. 16 In that day fhall Egypt be like untowos men : and it (hall be afraid and fear, becaufe of the fliaking of the hand of the L o RD of hofts; , which he (hiketh over it. 17 And the land of Judah (hall bea terrouc; unto Egypt, every one that maketh mentiont thereof, (hall be afraid in himfelf j becaufe of : z And I will t fet the Egyptians againft the the counfel of the L o R D of bofts, which he- Egyptians : and they (hall fight every one a- hath determined againft it. gainft his brother, and every one againft h 18 f In that day (hall five cities irr thc land* neighbour; citie againft citie, and kingdome of Egypt fpeak fthe language of Canaan, andff againft kingdome. Ovear to thc LORD of hofts: one (hill be/'>. j And the Tpirit of Egypt t (hall fail in the called the citie ||-of deftrnftion. | Or, f H^hT* m '^ thereof, and I will t deftroy the counfel 1 9 In-that day (hall there be an altar to the Herei,vr 3 w. thereof: and they (hall feek to thc idols, and to Lo R D in the midft of the land of Egypt, */. and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD. 10 And ic-fiiaU be -foe a gnr, snA fora wunefli *Tp He burden of Egypt. Behold,the L J- rideth upon a Iwift cloud, and (hall into Egypt, and the idols of Egypt (hall be moved at his prefence, and the heart of Egypt (hall melcin the midft of it. fHefa. f Heb. fi>aU the charmers, and to them that have fjuniliac fpir its 3 and to the wizards. 4 And the Egyptians . will I Hgive ovet Againft Ethiopia and Egypt. Ifaiah. Baby Ions fail forefeen. jf o witnefle unto the L o R D of hofts in the land fo it Cometh from the defert, from a terrible of Egypt: far they {hall crie unto the LORD becaufeof rheoppreflburs, and he (ball fend land. i A f grievous yifion is declared unto me, them a faviour and a great one, andhefhallde* the treacherous dealer deaieth treacheroufly, liver them. and the fpoiler fpoileth : go up, O Elam : be- zi And the LORD fliall be known to Egypt, iicge, O Media : all the fighing thereof have I and the Egyptians (hall know the L o R D in that day, and fliall do facrifice and oblation, yea, they (hall vow a vow unto the LORD, and Heb. hard. made to ceafe. 3 Therefore are my loyns filled with pain ; pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pjngs of a woman that travaileth:! was bowed down at the hearing of it t I was difmayed at the fee- fmite and heal i>, and they (hill return even to ing of it. the LORD, and he(hall be intreated of them, 4 j| My heart panted, fearfulnefle affrighted II Or. > and (hall heal them. me : the night of my pleafure hath he f turned twtt perform it. 2,1 And the LORD Ihall fmite Egypt,he (hall \ Heb. put. * j ^ In that day (hall there be a high- way into fear unto me. oat of Egypt to Aflyria, and the Affynan (hill j Prepare the table, watch in the watch- come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Afly- towcr,eat,drink : arife ye princes, and anoint ria^ arid the Egyptians (hall ferve with the Af- the (hicld. Tynans. 6 For thus hath the Lord faid unto me, 24 In that day (hall Ifrael be the third with Go, fct a watchman, let him declare what he Egypt, and with Aflyria, even a bleffing in the feeth. nudft of the land : 7 And he faw a chariot with a couple of WhomtheLoRD of hofts (hallblefle, horfemen, a chariot ofafles, and a chariot of camels : and he hearkened diligently with much heed. 8 And [jhecriedjAlion: my lord, I ftand f/iW* continually upon the * watch-tower in the * ^ a day- time, and lamfet in my ward |j whole jor,wrV nights. nieht. * N the pure that Tartan came unto Alhdoa 6 And behold hfre CQmeth a - chariot of 1 (when Sargon the king of Aflyria fenc him) ^ wi/fc a eoup i e O f horfemen : and he an- fwered and faid, * Babylon is fallen, is fallen; *Jer.ji.g. and all the graven images of her gods he hath Re , ve i* 14 8 * broken unto the ground. is O my threihing, and the | corn of my tHeb./3n^ floorc : that which I have heard of the LORD 15 VTnunj me JL. u . u utuux** UIMFMHVCJ faying, Blefled be Egypt my people, and Aflyria the wrk of my hands, and Ifrael mine inheri- tance. CHAP. XX. ytht z At the fame time fpake the L o R D f by hand of i- jfjiah the fonne of Amoz.,faying,Go.,and loofe the fackcloth from off thy loins,and put ofFthy (hoe from thy foot : and he did fo, walking naked and bare- foot, of hofts the God of Ifrael 3 have I declared unto 3 And the LORD uid, Like as my fervant Ifauhhath walked naked and bare- foot three yeare s far a fignc and wonder upon Egypt, and upon Ethiopia: eb thf 4 So (hall the king of Aflyi ia lead away f the " Egyptians prifonets, and the Ethiopians ca- m eth , and alfo the night: if ye will enquir^en- ptives,young and old,naked and bare-foot,even qu j re ve with their buttocks uncovered, to the t *b - of Egypt you. 1 1 f The burden of Dumah. He calleth to me out of Stir, Watchman, what of the night ? watchman, what of the night ? The watchman faid, The morning co- t Heb. *%**. SOr, 1 3 fl The burden upon Arabia. In the for- -- . . reft in Arabia fiiall ye lodge, O ye travelling 5 And they (hall be afraid and aflumed of companie$of Dedanim. & Ethiopia their expedation, and of Egypt their ^ The inhabitants o f the land of Tema r> . , ... ... Jl brought water to him that was thirftie, they BQr.fr/ig And the inhabitant of this || ifle (hall fay ^^4^ their bread him that fle d. i f For they fled || f from the fwords, from "{ c 'f ' f* the drawn fword, and from the bent bow^and \h t t Mt J from the grievoufneffe of warre. 1 6 For thus hath the Lord faid unto me, Within a yeare, according totheyeares of an abylon by the Uedes hireling,and all the glorie of Kedar (hall fail. 17 And the refidue of the number off arch- 1 Heb iy the ttifiins. 8 He refro-veth their humane wifdome, and worldly joy. i $ He fropheffeth Shetna's defrhj*. tion, ao and Eltak&H* fre^gurin^ the kingdtine of Chnft> hkfubft itntion. THc burden of the valley of vifion. What aileth tbee now/ hat them arc wholly gone up to the houfctops ? i Thou that art full of ftirres, a tumultuous cine, a joyous citic : thy flain men are not flam with the fword,nor dead in battel. 3 All thy rulers are fled together, they are t Heb, 'ftht bound f by the a* chers : all that are found in fr. thee are bound together, which have fled from fatrc. * jer.4 i?. 4 Therefore faid I, * Look away from me, t n u '' V -D tl will weep bitterly, labour not to comfort t wrSSr,-. mc i bccaufc of thc fp ilin S of the daughter of wfiq. my people. ? For if M a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplcxitie by the Lord GOD of hoftsin the valley of vifion,brI 5'J*'thL o R D of hofts,Surcly this iniquitie (hall not be purged from you, till ye die, faith the Lord GOD of hafts. 1 ? ^ Thus faith the Lord GOD of hofts 5 Go, get thee unto this treafurer,e-yf unto Shebna, which is over the houfe, J afarre off to fojourn. terly fpoiled : for the L o R D hath fpokemhis 8 Who hath taken this counfcl againft Tyre, word, the crowning citie, whofe merchants are prin- 4 The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world la.ngui(heth and fatkth away, f the f Heb. tht \ haughty people of the earth do languifh. height eft hi 1 The earth alfo is defiled under the inha- ?"/'* ccs,whofe traffickers are the honourable of thte earth ? f Hcb./s pel. 9 The LORD of hofts hath purpofed it, f to /<. ftain the pride of all glorie, and to bring into contempt all the honourable of the earth. jo Paffe through thy land as ariver,Odaugh. t Hcb.&rdlt. ter of Tar(hi(h : there is no more t ftrength. 1 1 He ftretched out his hand over the fea,hc (hook the kiugdornes : the LOBD hath given a P Or,concem. commandment |[,againft f the merchant citie, to deftroy the || (hong holds thereof. ,_ n And he (aid jThou (halt no more rejoyce, O thou oppreffcd virgin, daughter of Zidon: H Or, arife,pafle over to Chittim^there alfofhalt thou tHeb. it jball bt tint TJTCM tht 1 3 Behold, the land of the Caldeans, this people was not till the Affyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderneiTe : they fet up the towers thereof, they raifcd up the palaces thereof,aarf he broaght it to ruine. 14 Howl ye (Lips of TarfhUh : for your ftrength is laid wafte. i? And it (hill cometopafle in that day, that Tyre (hall be forgotten feventy yeares, according to the dayes of one king : after the end of feventy yeares f (hall Tyre fing as an harlot. 1 6 Take an harp, go about the citie, thou harlot that haft been forgotten,make fweet me- lody,fing many fongs, that thoumayeit be re- membred. r 7 n And it (hall come to pafli after the end of feventie yeares, that the LORD will vifit Tyre, and (he (hall turn to her hire, andlhall commit fornication with all the kingdomes of the world upon the face of the earth. 1 8 Andhermerchandife, and her hire (hall be holineffc to the L o R D : it (hall not be trea- fured nor laid up : for her merchandise (hill be for them that dwell before the L o R I), to eat f. Hb U. fufficiently, and for | durable clothing. CHAP. XXIIIT. upon the Lota. \\\A 'atfe him. 16 God in bit Kis Mngdome. BEhoidjthe LORD maketh the earth emptie, and maketh it wafte,and t turneth it upfide ,}. down, and fcattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. a And it (hal 1 be,as with the people, fo with the !J * pricfi ; as with the fervant, fo with his marterjaswiththc rruid,fo with her miftre(Te$ as witluhe buycr/o with the feller; aswith the Icnder/o with the borrower i as with the taker ufrufuney fo with the giver cfufurie to hira. bitants thereof: becaufe they have tranfgrefled the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlafting covenant. 6 Therefore hath the curfe devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are defohcc : therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burn edj and few men left. 7 The new wine mourneth, the vine lan- guifheth, all the merry-hearted do figh. 8 The mirth * of tabrets ceafeth, the noife * Jer.y^. \ of them that rejoyce endethuhe ioy of the harp anc j l *9- . " 8 Or, 9 They (hall not drink wine with afong, Hof.i.ui * ftrong drink (lull be bitter to them that drink it. 10 The city of confufion is broken down: every houfe is (hut up, that no man may come in* 1 1 There is a crying for wine in the ftreets, all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone. 1 1 In the city is left de(blation,and the gate is fmitten with definition. 1 3 ^ When thus it (hall be in the midft of the land among the people : there Jhallbe as the (haking of an olive-tree, and as the gleaning- grapes when the vintage is done. 14 They (hall lift up their voice, they (hall fing for the majeftie of the LORD, they (hall cry aloud from the fea. i f Wherefore,glorifie ye the Lo R D in the f| fires, even the name of the LORD God of \Ot 9 vUtjt Ifrael in the ifles of the fea. 1 6 f From the tuttermoft part of the earth t Htb. w/g.\ have we heard fongs, ei;fglorieto the righte- ous : but I faid j \ My leannrffe, my leannefle, t Heb. lean- wo unto me : the treacherous dealers have dealt nt ff* to w,or treacheroufly,yea,the treacherous dealers have ^ /***' dealt very treacheroufly. 17 * Fear, and thepit,and the fnare are up- * . on thee, O inhabitant of the earth. ^ 1 8 And it (hall come to pafle, thatht who fleeth from the noife of the fear, (hall fall into the pit j and he that cometh up out of the midft of the pit, (hall be taken in the fnare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foun- dations cf the earth do (hake. .19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean diffolved, the earth is moved ex- ceedingly> 20 The earth (hill reel to and fro like i drunkard, and (hall be removed like a cottage, and the tranfgreffion thettotfoall be heav:s upon, Gods judgements and benefits. Chap. xxv. xxvi. Exhortations to truft in God. . r upon it, and it (hall fall, and not rife again. down their pndc together with the fpoils of j6> , "** . ^l Anditfhallcomcto pafle in that day, their hands. tMcb*** thatthe LORD (hill tpumfti the hoft of the iz Andthefortrefleof the high fort of thy gathering tygh . Qnu t b at are O n high, and the kings of walls (hall he bring downplay low, and bring the earth upon the earth. Jj Or, du- fion uOr,/W Hinting. 'Chap.ij.io JocU.Ji. and J.i 5- | Or, there fliallbe.sk- ry Worth* uncitnts, 11 And they (hall be gathered together f M prifoners are gathered m the \\ pit, and (hall be (hut up in the prifon,and after many dayes (hall they be {{vifited. * j Then the * moon (hall be confounded, andthefunne afliamed, when the LORD of hofts (hall rcigne in mount Zion and in Jeru- falem,and before his ancients glorioufly. CHAP. XXV. I Tne prophet praiftth God for his judgements, 6 for his facing benefits, 9 and for his viStorumfdtiatton. OL o R D, thou art my God, I will exalt thee, I will praife thy name j for thou haft donewonderfull things j thy counfcls of old ure faithfulnefle and truth. to the ground,ci/c to the duft. CHAP. XXVI. I '*4fatg inching to confidence in God,jftr his judge- ments, u and for hts favour to his pea fie. o Jl* exhtrt&tionto wait on God. | N that day (hall this fong be fung in the land JLof Judah, We have a ftrongcity, falvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. i Open ye the gates, that the righteous na- tion which keepeth the f truth may enter in. -f H e b,f* 3 Thou wilt keep him in t perfect peace, tHd' whofe || minde ftaycd on thee : becaufc he f^ trufteth in thee. 4 Truft ye in the LORD for ever : for in the L LORD JEHOVAH is t everlafting ftrength. f Hcb. tb ? f Forhebringeth down them that dwell ' ' For thon haft made of a citie, an heap j of on high, the lofty city he layeth it low, he lay- a defenced citie, a ruine : a pal ace of ftr angers, ethitlow, even to the ground, hebringethit even to the duft. 6 The foot (hall tread it down, even the feet of the poore, and the ftcps of the needie. 7 The way ofthcjult Muprightneflc : thou to be no citie,it (hall never be built. 5 Therefore (hall the ftrong people glorifie thee, the city of the terrible nations (hall fear thee. 4 For thou haft been a ftrength to the poore, moft upright, doft weigh the path of the juft. a ftrength to the needie in his diftrefle,a refuge 8 Yea in the way of thy from the ftorm, a (hadow from the heat, when the blaft of the terrible ones i i as a ftorm A- gtinjl the wall. 5 Thou (halt bring down the noifeofftran- thy judgements , O LOR D,have We waited for thee j the defire of our foul is to thy name,and to the remembrance of thee. \yith rny foul have I defiredthee in the gers, as the heat in a dry place j even the heat night, yea with my fpirit within me will I feck wvith the fhadcw of a cloud : the branch of the t Heb. ct- i. Cor. 1 5. 54. terrible ones (hall be brought low. 6 q And in this mountain (hall the L o R D of hofts make unto all people a feaft of fat things, a fcaft of wines on the lees,of fat things full of matron, of wines on the Ices well re- fined. 7 And he will t deftroy in this mountain the faceof the covering f caftover all people, and the vail that is fpread over all nations. 8 He will * fwallow up death in vidory,and the Lord GOD will * wipe away tears from off * Rev. 7.17. all faces, and the rebuke of his people (hall he and ai.4. take away from off all the earth : for the LORD hath fpoken it. 9 4 And it (hall be faid in that day, Lo, this our God,we have waited for him,and he will fave us : this M the L o R D, we have waited for him, we will be glad, and rejoyce in his falva- tion. 10 For in this mountain (hall the hand of | Ot.thnjbtd the LoRDreft,and Moab (hall be||troden down \lOt\tbrtfked under him, even asftraw is H troden down for in MMimenah t he dunghill. 1 1 And he (hall fpread forth his hands in the midft of them, as he that fwimtneth fpread- cih forth bit bands to fwim : and he (hall bring thce early : for when thy judgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteoufnefle. 10 Let favour be (hewed to the wicked, yet will he noc learn nghtcoufnefie : in the land of iiprightnefle willhc deal unjuftly, and will not behold the majeftie of the LORD. 11 LORD, when thy hand is lifted up, they will not fee : but they (hall fee, and be aflwmed for their envy || at the people, yea the fire of II Ov*** thine enemies (hall devoure them. l y ft** 1 1 n L o R D,thou wilt ordain peace for us -. for thou alfo haft wrought all our works||in us. (| Or/vr tu fj O LORD our God, other lord sbefidcs thce have had dominion over us : but by thee onely will we make mention of thy name. 14 They are dead, they (hall not live; they are deceafed, they (lull not rife : therefore haft thou vifited and deftroyed them, and made all their memory to pcrilL. 1 5 Thou haft increafed thenation,O.LoRD, thou haft increafed the nation,thou art glorifi- ed jthou had ft removed it farre ttnto all the ends of.the earth. 16 LoRD.in trouble have they vifited thee, they poured out a f prayer when thychaftcning fcM upon them. J Oo i 17 Like Gods care over his vineyard. 5*4 Ifaiah. Ephraim threatned. 17 Like as a woman with childe that draw- derne(Te: there (hill the calf feed, and there ethnearethetimeofher deliverie, is in pain, (lull he lie down, and confumethe branches / cryeth out in her pangs } fo have we been in thereof. ./ fight,O LORD. ii When the boughs thereof are withered., *i t We have been with childe, we have been they (hill be broken off: the women come and in pain, we have as it were brought forth fet them on fire : for it a people of no under- winde,we have not wrought any deliverance in ftanding: therefore he that made them will not the earth, neither have the inhabitants of the have mercie on them,and he that formed them world fallen. will (hew them no favour. 1 9 Thy dead men (hill live, together with 1 1 f And it (hall come to pafle in that day, my dead body (hall they arife : awake and (ing that the L o R D (hall beat off from the chinei ye thit dwell in duft: for thy dew it at the dew of the river unto the ftream of Egypt, and ye of herbs, and the earth thill caft out the dead, (hall be gathered one by one, O ye children of zo fl Come, my people, enter thou into thy Ifrael. chambers,and (but thy doores about thee : hide T j And it (hall come to pafle in that day ., thy felf as it were for a little momentjuntill the that the great trumpet (hall be blown,and they indignation be overpaft. (hall come which were ready to perifti in the * Micth i.j. i v For beholdjthe LORD* cometh out of land of Aflyria, and the outcafts in the land of his place to punifli the inhabitants of the earth Egypt, and (hall worfliip the LORD in the holy for their iniquitie : the earth alfo (hall difclofe mount at Trniifcl^m. |Heb.#*fc< her t bloud>and (hall no more cover her fliin. CHAP. XXVII. I The care of God over his vineyard. 7 His ehaflife- tnmts differ from jtidgemtnts. n The ckurch of jfews and Gentilei m rN that day the LORD with his fore and 1 great and ftrong fword (hall punifii leviathan B Op,crtfftng the (j piercing ferpent,even leviathan that croo. it $f 4 kur*. fc e< i ferpent, and he (hall fliy the dragon that a in thefea. mount at Jerufalem. CHAP. XXVIII. t The prophet threntmth Ep'iraim for their pride xnJ drunkenneUe. 5 The reftdue fh.ill be advanced in the kingdoms of Chrift. j He rebuketh their trrour., 9 Their untowardneffe to lezm ,14 and their fecu- ritie. \6 Chrzfl the fare foundation it framifed, i% Their CecuritiejbiUbetrud. 13 They are incited to the confideration ofGodsdifcrietproi/idence. WO to the crown of pride , to the dru ' 'drunkards of Ephraim, whofe glorioui beautie is a fading flower, which are on the In that day Gng ye unto her, A vineyard head of the fat valleys of them that arc f over- f Hcb J>rv ef red wine. come with wine. < 3 I the LORD do keep it, I will water it ' * Behold, the Lord hath a migbtie and every moment j left any hurt it, I will keep it ftrong one, which as a tempeftof hail and a night and day. deftroying ftorm, as a floud of mightie waters 4 Furie is not in me : who would fet the overflowing, (hail caft down to the earth with bryeisand thorns againft me inbattel ? I would the hand. ii go through them, I would burn them toge- 3 The crown of pride, the drunkardsof E- ther. phraim (hall be troden f under feet. f He 5 Or let him take hold of my ftrengrh,f&/z* 4 And the glorious beautie which in on the /* he may make peace withme,^ he (hall make head of the fat valley, (hall be a fading flower, peace with me. and as the haftie fruit before the fummer : 6 H-e (hill caufe them that come of Jacob to which when he that looketh upon it, fceth it, take root: Ifrael (hill bloflbme and bud,and fill while it is yet in his hand he featethitup. J Helv, the face of the world with fruit. 5 In that day (hall the LORD of hofts be //* ' t*dft*the 7 ^ ^ at ^ ^ e ^ n ' tten hi,tas he fmote thofe for a crown of glorie, and for a diademe of e ro^o'tbi>ff, tnat f mote him ? or is be fliin according to the beautie unto the rcfidue of his people : ' flaughter of them that are fln by him ? 6 And for a (pirk of judgement to him ehae jl^Or, ifhtn g In meafure|J when it (hooteth forth, thou fitteth in judgement, and for ftreagth to them ISftfth''^ *^^ ^ C ^" ate W "^ lt > U ^ ft a y et h his rough that turn the battel to the gate. Wtaw&mfe winde in the day of the eaft-winde. 7 ^ But they alfohaveerred througrrwine, 9 By this therefore (hall the iniquitie of Ja- and through ftrong drink are out of the way : cob be purged, and this a all the fruit to take the prieft and the prophet have erred through away his (inne ; when he maketh all the ftones ftrong drink, they are ("wallowed up of wine^ of the altar as chalfc-ftones that are beaten in they are out of the way through ftiong drink, fundcr, the groves and |j images (hall not ftand they erre in vifion, they ftumblc in judgement, op. 8 For all taWes are full of vomit arf Ethi icr Yet the defenced citie fbaS be defolate, nefle, fo that there it no place dean. tf^.ihehabUatJonforfakenjand left like a roU 9 f Whom flwll he. teach knowledge ? and Chrifl promifed. Chap.xxix.' Gods judgement upon Jerufalemi whom (lull he make to understand j doddne ? of,doth he not caft abroad the htchcs,and feat- $6j and caft in ||the principall lQr,t! Jf MHeb. ** ' h:*Tl?. them that are weaned from the milk, and tcr the cummin drawn from the breafts. wheat,and the appointed barley-and the |J rie in wfc "' '" tht their f place I *"#*. ^6 || For his God doth inftruahimtodif-L/^, cretion,4g<{ doth teach him. / 17 For the fitches are not threflied with a P 1 *"' threftnng.inftrument, neither is a catt-wheel \j{/\ turned about upon the cummin : but the fitches t or, 1 I Or, hath o For precept |j muji foupon precept, pre- been. cept upon precept, line upon line^ line upon , line, here a little and there a little. ii For with t * ftammering lips and ano- ther tongue || will he fpeak to this people. r , n To whom he fd,This the reft where* a ,' ' I4 ' mtb ye may caafe the wearie to reft,and this is are beaten oat "with a faff, and the cummin '&rfi* ." yor,AAari the refrefliing : yet they would not heare. with a rod. /** f'*- /K'* i J But the word of the L o R D was unto z g Bread-r orn is bruifed,becaufe he will not *" f *f dett> them, precept upon precept, precept upon pre- ever be threfbing it,nor break it with the wheel "* ceptjhne upon line, line upon line, here a little of hiscart,nor bruifeit with his horferaen. and there a little j that they might go and ^ 9 This aJfo cometh forth from the LORD fall backward, and be broken, and fnared, and of hofts, which is wondcrfall in connfcl, and taken. 14 q Wherefore heare the word of the L o R D, ye fcornfull men that rule this people which is in Jerufalsm. j j Becaufe ye have faid, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement^ when the overflowing fcourge (hall pafle throughjit (hall not come unto usj for we have made lies oar refuge, and under faiftiood have we hid our felves : 1 6 ^T here f ore tkus faith the Lord GOD, Pfal. 1 1 8. Behold, I lay in Zionfor a foundation, * a ?? ftone, a tried ftone, a precious corner-fane, a A a"' i? ?! f" re foundation : he that beleeveth, (hall not Kom. p. j j. make hafte. and to. >! excellent in working. CHAP. XXIX. ffsf.fi I Gods hea-vie judgement upon ferufalem. j7ht imft- tiakkvuffe tfher eXttnits* 9 Jhefenfeleftieffet I J and fieation to the godly \ !\ 7 tb Aricl> to Ariel " the cide where B r V V David dwelt: addeyeyeaje toyeare;' /5tliatis ''** ' let them f kill facrifices. \ Yet I will diftrefle Ariel, and there (hall be heavineiTe and forrow : and it (hall be unto me as Ariel. 3 And I willcamp againft thee round about, ike hafte. and will lay fiege againft thee with a mount 1 7 Judgement alfo will I lay to the line,and and I willtaifc forts againft thee. / the bt i. Pet. a. 6 t righteoufnefle to the plummet, and the hail fiiall fweep away the refuge of lies, and the wa- 4 And thou (halt be brought down,0rf (halt fpeak out of the ground, and thy fpeech fhall be low out of the duft, and thy voice (hall be as of one that hath a familiar fpiric, outofthe t Hcb. 4 tlttmtt it* jtMddiikin a.Sam.5.io ters (hall overflow the hiding-place. 1 8 fl And your covenant with death (hal 1 be difanulled, and your agreement with hell (hall ground, and thy fpeech (hall fwhifper out of f Keb.ftef, not ftand j when the overflowing fcourge mail the duft. or ck,rp. pafle through, then ye (hall be ftrodendown 5 Moreover, the multitude of thy (hangers (hall be like fmall duft,and the multitude of the terrible ones (hall be as chaff that pafleth away : yea it (lull be at an inftant fuddenly. 6 Thou (halt be vifited of the L o & D of hofts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noife, with (form andtempeft, and the flame of devouring fire. 7 ^ And the multitude of all the nations 11 For the LOR D (hall rife up as; mount that fight againft Ariel, even all that fight Perazim, he (hall be wroth as in the valley of againft her and her munition,and that. diftrefle her,ihall be as a dream of a nighc- vj fion. 8 It (hall even be as when ahungrie man dreameth, and behold he eatcthj but he awa- keth,and his foul is empty; or as when a thirfty man dreameth, and behold he drinketh ; but he awaketh, and behold he is faint, and his foul by it. 10 From the time that It goethforth,it (hall take you: for morning by morning (hall it pafle over, by day and by night, and it (hall be a I) or, when vexation,onelv || to underftand the report. he fan mkf 10 For the bed is (horter, then that union you t under* cAn g retc jj himfelf on it i and the covering nar- ' rower.then that he can wrap himfelf in jr. your bands be made ftrong : for I have heard from the Lord GOD ofhoftsaconfumption, even determined upon the whole earth. 2; faying,Reade this,I pray thcej and he faith,! am not learned. *Matt.i 5.8. 1 5 f Wherefore the Lord faid,*Forafmuch Mark 7.6. as this people draw nearc me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me,but have re- moved their heart farrc from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of men : f Hcb 7 vilt i 4 Therefore behold,! I will proceed to do adie. a marvellous work amongft this people, evfn a *Jer.49.7. marvellous work and a wonder : * for the wif* obad - ver -' dome of their wife men fhall pcrifh, and the i.Cor.i. ! 9 That this & a rebellious people , lying children, children that will not heare the Ian of the LORD : 10 Which fay to the feers, See not ; and to the prophets, Prophefie not unto us right things, (peak onto usfmooth things, prophefie deceits : 1 1 Get you out of the way,turn afide out of the path, caufe the holy one of Ifrael to ceafc from before us. ii Wherefore thus faith the holy one of If- rael, Becaufe ye defpife this word, and truft in Hoppreffionandperverfenefle, and ftay there- ||Or*/W. on: i $ Therefore this iniquitie fhall be to you as a breach ready to fall, fwelling out in a high wall, whofe breaking cometh fuddenly at an infant. 14 And he fhall break it as the breaking of t the potters veflel, that is broken in pieces, he f Hek tht fhall not fpare j fothat there fhall not be found l " >ttlt /" ~' iiftheburflingcfit, a (herd to take fire from""' the heartbjor to take water withall out of the pit. i j For thus faith the Lord GOD, the holy one of Ifrael, In returning and reft fhall ye be Gods mercies to his church. Chapi be faved,inquictnefleand in confidence fhall be your ilrengt h j and ye would not. 1 6 But yefaid, No, for we will flee upon horfes 3 therefore fhall ye flee : and we will ride upon the fwift - t therefore fhall they that purfue you, be fwift. 17 One thouhnd {hall flee at the rebuke of one : at the rebuke of five fhall ye flee, till ye be !Or, 4 tne left as |j a beacon upon the top of a mountain, tie ft of and as an enfigne on an hill. t'oTb"-' r x8 * Antl thcrefore wil1 'he L o R D wait &" ' 4 that he may be gracious unto you,and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy up. on you: for the L o R. D U a God of judgement; * pfal.a.12. *blefTed4r all they that wait for him. and 34. 8. 19 For the people fhall dwell in Zion at Je- Prov. i .ae. fufakuj . t b ou fl^ WC p no more . h e w jil oe /cr.17-7. very gracious unto thee, at the voice of thy cry j when he fhall heare it, he will anfwcr thee. 20 And though the Lord give you the bread I Or, ttprtf. f adverfitie, and the water of |( afflidion, yet /ton. fhall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes fhall fee thy teach- ers : 21 And thine eares fhall heare a word be. Linde thee,faying, This it the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand 3 and when ye turn to the left. f Hcb.ffc, " Ye fhall defile alfo the covering off thy fwrnim*. graven images of filver, and the ornament of get of thy thy molten images of gold : thou fhalt fcaft THcb./tovr thema way as a menftruous cloth, thou fhalt fay unto it, Get thee hence. 2j Then fhall he give the rain of thy feed that thou fhalt fowthe ground withall, and bread of the increafe of the earth, and it fhall be fat and plenteous: in that day fhall thy cattel feed in large paftures. 24 The oxen likewife and the young afies Or - w that care the ground, fhall eat || f clean proven- tHeb. le- ' der which hath been winnowed with thcfhovel vent*. ' and with the fanne. 2 ; And there fhall be upon every high moun- t Hcb,/i/>rf ta ' n anc ^ "P 00 verv t high hill, rivers and M/. fireams of waters,in the day of the great {laugh- ter, when the towers fall. ^6 Moreover, the light of the moon (hall be as the light of the funne, and the light of the funne fhall be fevenfold, as the light of feven dayes, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the ftroke of their wound. 2-7 ^j Behold, the name of the LORD cometh fromfarre, burning with his anger, [| and the burden thereof is t heavy: his lips are full of in- dignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire. z 8 And his breath as an overflowing tircam, (hall reach to the midft of the neck, tofift the nations with the five of vanity : and there Vain to rnift in man. ^h All be a bridle in the jaws of the people, cau. < 67 fing them to erre. 29 Ye fhall haveafongasinthenight,*/;j a holy folemnity is kcpt,and gladneflc of heart, as when one gocth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the L o a o, to thetmighty one of t Heb.r Ifrael. 3 o And the L o a D fhall caufe t his glorious tHeb. th voice to be heard, and fhall fhcw the lighting * Itr y "/** down of.his arm, with the indignation of bx *""' anger, and with the flame of a devouring fire, tvith Mattering, and tempeft, and hailftones. 5 1 For through the voice of the L o R D fhall the Aflyrian be beaten down tvblcb fmotc with a rod. 32 And f in every place where the ground- t Heb.* edftaff fhall pafic, which the Lo RD &&.!***" flay upon him, it fhall be with cabrets and t H harps: and in battels offhaking will he fight A r U with it. him'. 3 3 For Tophet it ordained f of old : yea for " ^ the king it is prepared,he hath madew deep att d large : the pile thereof it fire and much wood., the breath of the LORD, l>ke a ftream of brim- ftone,doth kindle it. CHAP. XXXI. I The prophet [bevteth the cuffed foty in trusting ttff- gipt* andforfaking ofGJ. GHeexheruth toctn? v&fion. 8 H-efhe'Tveth thefdlofiAffjria. WO to them that go down to Egypt for help, and flay on horfes, and truft in chariots, becaufe they are many - y and in horfe- men, becaufe they are very ftrong : but they look not unto the holy one of Ifrael, neither feek the L o R D. 2 Yet he alfo it wife^and will bring evil, and r ^ . will not t call back his words : but will arife a- f Heb. r~ gainft the houfe of the evil-doers, and againft mnt ' the help of them that work iniquity. ; Now the Egyptians are men and not God, and their horfes flcfh and not fpirit ; when the LORD fhall ft retch out his hand, both he thac helpeth fhal I fail,and he that is holpen fhall fall down,and they all fhall fail together. 4 For thus hath the LORD fpoken unto me, Like as the lion and the young lion roaring on his prey, when a multitude of fhepherds is cal- led forth againft him, he will not be afraid of their voice, nor abafe himfelf for the d noife of I Or, mrf. them : Co fhall the L o R D of hofts come down, """** to fight for mount Zion, and for the hill thereof. 5 As birds flying, fo will the LORD of hofts defend Jerufalem, defending alfo he will deli- ver it, and paffing over he will preferve */. 6 ^j Turn ye unto him fiom whom the children of Ifrael have deeply revolted. tHcb P ^ 1 For in that day every man Hall * caft a- t ^ ttl ^ way bis idols of filver, and t his idqlsof gold ,^,x O o 4 which Chrifts kingdome. Ifaiah. Gods judgements againft 568 which your own bands have made unto you for and thefruitfull field be counted for a forreft. afinne. 16 Then judgement fhall dwell in the nil- |Or,/r/Vr 8 fl Then (hill the Affyrian fall with the derneffe,ind rightcoufnefle remain in the fruit- / */rA frvord,not of a mighty man^and the fword ,not full field, or, m** of a raean man fhilldevoure him : but he (ball 17 And the work of righteoufnefle flull be taau. ^ Heb.for tributt. of a mean man (hal fiee || from the fword, and his young men (hill be||tdifcotnfited. - 9 And he {hill paffe over to j| t his (trong 0ren th n ld fol fear > 30(i his -P rmCCS ^ al1 be afraid f t Het>. 'rock, 'the enfigne, faith the L o R D , whofc fire is in Zion,and his furnace in Jerufaiem. CHAP. XXXII. I The blefanzs ofChnfls k^gdme. 9 Defolaticn itftre- ReftaHmtion u promised to faceted. B Ehold,a king (hall reignc in cighteoufneffe and princes (hall rule in judgement. peace, and the effeft of righteoufnefle, quiet- neffj and affurance forever. 1 8 And my people (hail dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in fure dwellings, and in quiet refting-places : 1 9 When it (hall hail, coming down on the forreft 5 \\ and the citie (hall be low in a low |{ Or,awttbe place. dtjfcatiiu . 10 Bleffed Are ye that fow befide all waters, """(7 * b *f e< * that fend forth thither the feet of the ox and the affe. CHAP. z Andaman 0*11 be as an hiding-place from ^^^^^^7^^'^ ^ the winde,and a covert from the tempcft: asn- , 3 rhe privitedgej of 'the godly. vers of water in a dry place, as the (hadow of a T^7"O to thee that fpoilett, and thou wm/1 t great rock in a weary land. Vv notfpoiled; and dealeft treacheroufly , And the eyes of them that fee,fhall not he dimme 5 and the eares of them that heare, (ball hearken, t Hcb.hafij, 4 The heart alfo of thefrafh fhall under- ftand knowledge, and the tongue of the {tarn. || Or, th. merers (hall be ready to fpeak|| plainly. 5 The vile per(on (hall be no more called li berall,nor the churl faid to be bountifull. 6 For the vile perfon will fpeak villany, and bis heart will work iniquity, to pra&ifc hypo- crifie,and to utter errour againft the LORD, to make empty the foul of the hungry,and he will taufe the drink of thethirftie to fail. 7 The inftrumems alfo of the churl are evil: he devifeth wicked devices to dcftroy the poore with lying words,even ||when the needy fpeak- eth riht. 8 But the liberall devifeth liberall things, and by liberall things (hall he-JJ ftand. ]| or, be nuill i/tuuiu it u*aii limit uuvvii uuuji iQlliJiCa. T p t * holding of bribes, that floppeth his earesfrom upon the people of my curfe to judgement. I Or, dtctits. t Heb. >- heating of f bloud, and (Lucteth his eyes from feeing evil : defence fba.ll be the munitions of rocks , bread (hill be given him, his waters jbill be facrifice in Bozrah, and a great f laughter in the fure. land of Idumea. 17 Thine eyes (hill fee the king in his beau- tie:they (hill behold f the land thac is very farre f Heb. /:< Ight t, OT hifbplMtt The fword of the LORD is filled with bloudjit is made fat with fatncfle,a^ with the bloud of iambesand goats, with the fat of the kidneys of ratimes : for the L o R D hath a off. dijttnctt. X 8 Thine heart (lull meditate terrour: i,Cor.i.ao * Where is the fcribe ? where is the f receiver ? lt ^. vvhcre u he that counted the towers ? 1 9 Thou (halt not fee a fierce people, a peo- ple of a deeper fpeech then thou canft perceive ; 7 And the [j uniforns (hill come down with | Or,r6iW them,and the bullocks with the bulls, and their "" land (hill be jjfoaked with bloud, and their duft , Or,^r*< made fat with fatnefle, 8 For it is the day of the LORDS* venge- *Chap. nor well ftrengthen their maft, they could not fpread the fail "then is the prey of a great fpoil divi<3ed, the lame take the prey. 14 And the inhabitant (hall not fay, I am fick : the people that dmll thereinJZu// be for- given tbeir iniquity. CHAP. XXXIIII. I fhejttdgtments wherewith Godrntngtth hit church* ii The defolation of her enanies. 16 The c-enaintte COme ncarc ye nations to heare, and heark- en ye people : let the earth heare, and t all that is therein ; the world, and all things that come forth of it. a For the indignation of the LORD is upon all natipns, and his fury upon all their armies : he hath utterly deftroyed them,he hath deliver- ed them to the (laughter. 5 Tbcir fliin alfofoaU be caft out, and thciz {hall poflefle it, the owl alfo and the raven lhall Revel. 18-?. dwell in ic, and he (hall ftretch out upon it the ii *'/"'" line of confufion, and the ftones of emptmeile. i z They (hall call the nobles thereof to the kingdome,but nonejhall be there, and all her princes (hall be nothing. 1 5 And thorns (hall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortrefles thereof, and it (hill he an habitation of dragons, and a court for |j t owls. - 5 ||Or,/frV**/ 14 t The wild* beafts of the defert (hill alfo meet with f the wildebeafts of the ifland,ahd '*" the fatyre (hall cry to his fellow,thc |j (hrichowl '*' alfo (hall reft there,and finde for herfclfa place of reft. (I OD-i^^r-. i ? There fhnll the great owl make her nc ft} wy*r. and lay & hatch, and gather under her ihadotv ; there (hall the vultures alfo be gathered, every one with her mate. 16 ^Scekyeout of the book of the LORD, and reade : no one of thefe (hall fail, none (hall want her mate : for my mouth it hath com- mandJ,and his fpirit it hath gathered them. 17 And he hath caft the lot for them, and -his hand hath divided it unto them by lin:they (hall poffefle it for ter, from generations ge- neration (hall they dwell therein. CHAR j 7 o The privilcdges of the gofpel. C H A P. X X X V. i thejoyfvMfitHriSbing ofChrifli \ungdame.\ the malt are encouraged by the vertuts andfriviledges of the ^f He wilderneffe and the folitary place (hall I begladforthem: and the defect (hall re. joyce.andbloflbmeastherofe. / It (hall bloflbme abundantly, and rejoyce Ifaiah. Rabfhakehs blafphemie. the king of Aflyria, What confidence is this wherein thou trufteft ? I fay, fayeft thou. (but they are but i rain tHeb. vtrd . cflips. " on whom doftthoutruft, thou that rebel- ^ the LOB o,and the excellency of our God. *Heb.u.i *Matth.9. and 1 1.5. and ij.ii. and 20.30, &c. and 21. 14. Job 9-6,7. * LI -i r* :, i * It than bloliome abundantly, and rejoyce / Lo, thou trufteft in the *ftaff of this bro./^ ; even with joy and fmging . the glory of Lek ken . r d,on Egypt whereon if a man lean ,e Ez j non (hall be iiven unto it,' the cxcellencie of w,ill go into h.s hand and pierce it : fo Pha- Carmel and Sharon : they (hall fee the glory of raoh ~ n S ?/ *SyP" aU that truft m h ' m ' , 7 But if thou fay to me, We truft in the LORD our God: is it not he,whofe high places, and whofe altars Hezekiah hath taken away, and faid to Judah and to Jerufalem, Ye (hall worfhip before this altar # come witl ^engeance/t** God itb a recom- 8 Now therefore give H pledges,! pray thee, tomymafterthekmg of Aflyria, and I will -and confirm thc feeble knees. 4 Say to them that are of a f fcarfull heart, Be ftrong, fear not: behold, your God will penfejhe will come and fave you. f Then the * eyes of the blinde (hall be opened, and * the cares of the deaf (hall be un- ftopped. 6 Then (hall the * lame man leap as an hart, and the * tongue of the dumbe fing : for in the Matth.'i i. wilderneffe (hall*waters break out,and ftreami give thee two thoufand horfes, if thou be able on thy part to fet riders upon them. 9 How then wilt thou t urn away t he-face of one captain of the leaft of my miaftcis fervants, and put thy truft on Egypt for chariots and foe horfemen? 10 And am I now come up without thc the parched ground (hall become a J- OR D r a 85 inft thi$ land to deftr y d* he thirfty land fprings of water: in Lo R Dfaidantome, Goupagainft thisland, Then faid Eliakim and Shebnaand Mark 7. 32, Matth.M.5 pool,andthethirfty land fprings of .,,.. . and i j. ?o. the habitation of dragons,whetc each hy,fbaB and 2 ' c> and*,. 4 . be || g ra ffe with reeds and ru(hes. , " fl Then a | d Et L akim and Shebna ia 5 ' *'L 8 And an high- way (&*^there,anda way, J oah . unto Rabftikeh, Speak,! pray thee, , tnd& ' 7 and it (hall be called the way of holinefle, the ^ fe ' van , ts in thc . ^ nan lan ua g e J for T P and M 8,&c unclean (hall not pafle over it, || but it (ball be undc ' ftand *^ and f P eak t not to " s n the Jews forthofe: the way-faring men, thoughfools, Ifnguage, m the cares of the people that tf roa sndii.i* and 1 530 joh.y.3 (hall not erre therein. the wall. "9 NoTionftVrrbe' there, nor any ravenous f Iz * ButRabfliakeh faid, Hath my maftet aft (hall go up thereon, it (hill not be found tcntmetothymafterandtothee,tofpeakthefe words ? hath he not fent me to the men that fie ftialVbcM them, 'Chap 5 beaft (hall go up there there : but the redeemed (hall walk there. 10 And the * ranfomed of the L o R D (hall * return and come to Zion with fongs,and ever- h lading joy upon their heads : they (hall obtain joy and gladnefle, and forrow and fighing (hall flee away. CHAP. XXXVI. I Sennichenb invadeth Judah. 4' Rabjhakeh fent by Senmcherib ,by blafphemotu perfwafons foliciteth the peof 'e to re-volt.it Hit words are told to Hezekiah. *a Kings i* TVT Ow * it came to pafle in the fourteenth ? -LXyeare of king Hezekiah, that Sennacherib a.Chron.32. tjng o f Affyria came up againft allthedcfen- ced cities of Judah,and took them. i And the king of Aflyria fene Rabfhakeh, upon the wall, that dung,and drink their own pifle with you ? 1 3 Then Rabfhikeh ftood,and cried with a loud voice in the Jews language , and faid , Heare ye the words of the great king, the king of Aflyria. 14 Thus faith the king, Let not Hezekiah deceive you, for he (hall not be able to deliver you. 1 5 Neither let Hezekiah make you truft in the LoRD,faying,The LORD will furel.y deliver us, this city fliall not be delivered into thc hand of the king of Affyria. 16 Hearken not to Hezekiah: for thus faith fullers field. 5 Then came forth unto him Eliakim Hil- kiahs fonne, which VPM over the houfe, and "- Shebna thc || fcribe, and Joah Afaphs fonnc the recorder. 4 ah the prophet the fonne of Amoz. $ And they faid unto him, Thus faith He- kiah,This day is a day of trouble, and of re- buke 9 and of jj blafphemie : for the children are come to the birth, and there it not ftrength to bring forth. 4 It may be the LORD thy God will heare the words of Rabfhakeh,whom the king of Af- fyria his mafter hath fent to reproch the living God, and will reprove the words which the LORD thy God hath heard : wherefore lift up f W0'fd. thy prayer for the remnant that is t left. $ So the fcrvants of king Hezekiah came to Ifaiah. 6 f And Ifaiah faid unto them, Thus (hill ye fay unto your mafter,Thus faith the LORD, Be not afraid of the words that thou haft heard, wherewith the fcrvants of the king of Aflyria have blafphemed me. p Or;p* 4 7 Behold,! will || fend a blaft upon him,and fpint inn h c flail heare a rumour, and return to his own land, and I will caufe him to fall by the fword in his own land. 8 ^ So Rabfhakeh returned, and found the king of Aflyria warring againft Libnah: for he had heard that he was departed from Lachifti. 9 And he heard fay coacernuig Tirhakah Chap.xxxvii. Sennacheribs letter to Hezekiah. king of Ethiopia, He is come forth to make 571 warre with thee : and when he heard j/,hefent meflengersto Hezekiah/aying, 10 Thus (hall ye fpeak to Hczekiah king of Judah, faying, Let not thy Gjod in whom thou trufteft deceive thee , faying, Jerufalem IhaH not be given into the hand of the king of Afly- ria. u Behold, thou haft heard what the kings of Aflyria ha vs done to all lands by deftroymj them utterly ,and (halt thou be delivered ? 1 1 Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have deftroyed, M Go- zan,and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which were in Telaflar ? 13 Where is the king of Hamath, and the king of Arphad,and the king of the citie of Sc pharvaim,Hena and Ivah ? 14 fl And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the meflengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up unto the houfe of the LORD, and fpread it before the LORD. i f And Hezekiah prayed unto the LORD, faying* 16 O LORD ofhofts, Godoflfraeljthat dwelleft be tween the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdomes of the earthjthou haft made heaven and earth. 17 Incline thine eare,O LORD, and heare ; open thine eyes, O LORD, and fee : and heare all the words of Sennacherib, which hath fent to reproch the living God. \ 8 Of a truth, LORD, tnTiirigs of Aflyria have laid wafte all the t nations and their coun- f Heb .landt. treys, 19 And have fcaft their gods into the fire : fHeb.^'vn for tbey'ivere no gods, but the work of mens hands, wood andftonc: therefore they have deftroyed them. 10 Now therefore, O LORD our God, fave us from his hand, that all the kingdomes of the earth may know, that thou art the LORD, even thou onely. zi f Then Ifaiah tht fonne of Amoz fent untoHezekiah/aying, Thus faith the L o R D- God of Ifrael, Whereas thou haft prayed to m againft Sennacherib king of Aflyria : iz This is the word which the LORD hatfc fpoken concerning him, The virgin the daugh- ter of Zion hath defpifed thee, and laughed theetofcorn, the daughter of JcrufaJern bath fliaken her head at thee. ij Whom haft thou reproched and blaf r phemed ? and againft whom haft thon exalted tby voice,and lifted up thine eyes on high?c^c againft the holy one of Ifrael . 24 t By thy fervants haft thou reproched the f Heb.* 7 A Lord, and haft faid, By the multitude of my b*nd,fth 3 chariots am 1 come up to the height of the /**'. mountains to the fides of Lebanon, &I will t at down Hezekiahs prayer in ficknefTe. CHAP. XXXVIII. a th e ct oftht We^ekiah hiLi,ing received d meffage of death, ly frayer hath hit life Itnnkened. 8 "The (unne goeth ten degrees hactfnardfor a figne of thai frtmife. y Hit I oM IN *thofe dayes was Hezckiah fick unto Sennacheribs pride and death. Ifaiah. J72 down I the tall cfdars thereof, and the choice firrc-trees thereof: and I will enter into the f w , height of his border, and ([theforreft of his Carmel. 2 ? I have digged and drunk water,and with the fole of my feet have I dried up all the rivers , "'""{; of the || befieged places. 1 death : and Ifaiah the prophet the fonne of *' chr i)?aRd*i * 6 || Haft thou not heard long ago, bowl Amoz came unto him, and faid unto him, fruitful* field, have done it, and of ancient times that I have Thus faith the L o R o,f Set thine houfe in or. t Heb. give toitftnccd formed it? now have I brought it to pafle, that dcr : for thou (halt die and not live. ch "Z e - im*" ''/*' thoulhouldeftbeto lay wafte defenced cities * Then Hezekiah turned his face to ward "* tk3 thlu'ntt mto ruinou s heaps. the wall 5 and prayed unto the LORD, beard how I *7 Therefore their inhabitants were t of 3 And faid, Remember now,O L o R D,I hwmadtit fmall power, they were difmayed and con- bcteech thee, how I have walked before thee in lnf*Sf, .and f oun d e d: they were at the graffe of the field, truth, and with a pcrfed heart, and have done Mrimt" and ** the reen berb > *" the raffe on 'he that which is good in thy fight: andHczekiah ttmei f {h9ld houk-wpSj and at corn blafted before it be vvept ffore. t Heb *'** i no* bnr.git grown up. 4 V Then came the word of the LORD to*"* ; *"^" tabe '"'* 28 But I know thy jj abode, and thy going Ifaiah, faying, fSe'fStift' out > afld th y coming m,and thy rage againft me. y Go and fay to Hezekiah, Thus faith the to be ruinotu *3 Becaufe thy rage againft me, and thy tu- LOR D, the God of David thy father, I have heaps? mult is come up into mine cares: therefore heard thy prayer, I have feen thy teats: be- T Heb fi ort will I put my hook in thy nofe, and my bridle hold,I will adde unto thy dayes fifteen yeares. , lOr"ittin? > n thy lips,and I will turn thee back by the way 6 And I will deliver thee, and this city, out *" by which thou came ft. of the hand of the king of Aflyria : and I will jo Andthis/fofl be a fignennto thee, Ye defend this citie. (hall eat thi yeare fuch as groweth of it felf : 7 And this fhall be a figneunto thee from and the fecond yeare that which fptingeth of the LORD, that the LORD will do this thing the fame: and in the third yeare fow ye and that he hath fpoken. reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit 8 Behold, I will bring again the Qiadow of thereof. the degrees which is gone down in thc t funne- t H et- "'* 31 And | the remnant that is efcaped of the dial of Ahaz ten degrees backward: fo the S ftei b l or houfe of Judah, fhall again take root down- funne returned ten degrees, by which degrees ^" / / < " ward, and bear fruit upward. it was gone down. '""*" 3 2 For out of Jerufalem fliall go forth a re- 9 fl The writing of Hezekiah king of Ju mnant,and fthey that efcape out of mount Zi- dah,when he had been fick, and was recovered on: the*zealoftheLoRb ofhofts (halldothis. of his fickneffe : i.Kiag.i?. jj Therefore thus faith the LORD concern- i a I faid in the cutting off of my dayes, I Chap 9. 7. * n 8 [ h e ^ m o ^ Affyria, He fliall not come into fliall go to the gates of the grave: I am deprived this citie, nor flioot an arrow there, aor come oftherefidueofmy yeares. before it with (hieldsjnor caft a bank againft it. 1 1 I faid, I fliall not fee the L O R D, even 34 By the way that he came, by the fame (hall he return, and fliall not come into this ci- tie,faith the LOR D. *a.Kin.2o.6. ?? For I will * defend this city to fave it,for f Heb. tht thehaufttf fudahthat temtuncih. f Heb. the theLoRD in the land of the living: I {hall behold man no more with thc inhabitants of the world. iz Mine age is departed, and is removed frommeasafhepherditent : I have cut ofFlike a weaver my life : he will cot me off (j with I r /"" pining fickneffe : from day even to night vtilt *** thrum " thou make an end of me. i j I reckoned till morning, that as a lion fo will he break all my bones : from day even to 3 7 U So Sennacherib king of Aflyria depart- night wilt thou make an end of me. ed ,and went,and returned, and dwelt at Nine- 1 4 Like a crane or a fwallow,fo did I chat- ter : I did mourn as a dove: mine eyes fail with looking upward : O L o R D, I am oppreffed, H undertake for me. y OT,M/ m. 15 What fliall I fay? he hath both fpoken unto me, and himfelf hath done it : I (haU mine own fake,and for my fer vane Davids fake. a-Kin".'?." 3 6 Then the * angel of the LORD went 3 5. forth,and fmote in the camp of the Aflyrians a hundred and fourefcore and fivethouDnd : and when they arofe f arly in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpfes. veh. 38 And it came to paffeashe wasworlhip- pingin the houfe of Nifrochhisgod, thatA- dramelech and Sharezer his fonnes fmote him 'with tlie-fword j and they efcaped into the land t Heb. ^ra, f t Armenia : and Efar-haddon his fonne go foftly all my ycaresia the bitterneiTe of iny uu. jeigned in his ftead. foul. 16 O The captivitie foretold Chap, II Or, gZ * e f f . f Heb htiii.v "* 16 O Lord, by thcfc things men live, and in all thefe things is the life of my fpiric; fo wile thou recover me, and make me to live. my , 7 Be hold, H for peace I had great bitterness J*t ibou.haft mlove to my foul*&** from.the pit of corruption: for thou haft caft ail kiit rny finncs behinde thy back. ,3 For t hc grave cannot praife thee., death cznnot celebrate thee : they thit go down into the pit cannochope for thy truth. 1 9 The living,the living.bc (hall praife thee, as I do this day : the father to the children (hall make known thy truth. zo Thc LORD was ready to fate me: there, fore we will fing my fongs to the ftringed in- ftrumems, all thedayes of our life,in thehoufe of the L o R D. x i For Ifaiah had faid,Let them take a lump of figs , and lay It foe a plainer upon the boyl, and he (hill recover. zi Hezekiah alfohad faid, Wham thcfigne that Khali goup to the houfeoftheLoRD? CHAP. XXXIX. * 2. King ao. j\ T *that time Mcrodach-baladan the fonne 2 3 Sec. ./\of Baladan king of Babylon , fent letters and a prefenc to Hezekiah : for he bad heard that he had been fick,and was recovered. i And Hezekiah was glad of them , and 0r>y?7 (hewed them the houfe of his H precious things, the diver, and the gold, and the fpices, and the precious ointment, and all the houfe of hisjjfar- I Or,jt*tis. mour , and all that was found in his treafures : , tHcb.t^// >t h^rc was nothing in his houfe, nor in all his ^ M/m- dominion, that Hezekiah (b:wed them not. 3 fl Then came iCaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah, and faid unto him , What faid thefe men? and from whence came they unto thee? And Hezekiah faid,They are come from a farre countrey umorne,rws from Babylon. 4 Then faid he , What have they feen in thine houfe ? And Hezekiah anfwered, All that is m mine houfe have they feen:there isnothkig among my treafures that I have not (hewed them. ? Then faid Ifaiah to Hezdriah, Heart the word of th? LORD of hofts. 6 Behold, the dayes come ,that all that;; in thine houfe , and that which thy fathers have laid up in (tore untill this day, (hall be carried ro Babylon: nothing (hall be left, faith thc LORD. 7 And of thy fonnes that (hall iffue front thee, which thou (hah beget, (hall they take a- way; and they (ball be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. 8 Ther>faid Hezekiah to Ifaiifa.Good is the woriof the Lo a D which thou haft fpokca: xxxix. xl. Of John Baptift. he faid moreover, Foe there (hall be peace and 5 - j truth in my daycs. P H A P Y T . . . Gd, 1 8 and his in- cempardilenefli, 6 comftrttth the people. CCXnfort ye, comfort ye my people, faith your God. z Spea-k yef comfortably to Jerufalem, and * Usb.titht cry unto her, that her ({warfare is accompliftied, heart ' that her iniquity is pardoned : for (he hath rc-l^,tppiat' ceived of the L o R D s hand double for all her td nme > finnes. 3 fl * The voice of himthatcrieth in the Matth.j,j. wildernefie , Prepare ye the way of the LORD, Ma:k i.j. make ftraight in the deferc a high-way for our Luke 5-4- God. John i.s.' 4 Every valley (hall be exalted , and every mountain and hill (hall be made low : and the crooked (hill be made II ftrai hr, and the rouh _ . i M i f *Jr,- citiesofjudab, Behold your God. ' HOr,Of6 I o Behold, thc Lord GOD will come ({with J.JS* ftrong band 3 and his arm (hall rule for him: be- Jerufdem. hold, * his reward is with him, and || his work d r before him. i T He (hall * feed his flock like a ftepherd: be (hall gather the lam bes with his arm, and flor^rsw carry them in his bofome, and fcall gently lead /**/*/ ** thofe || that are with young. '"f^ck iz f Who bath meafured the waters in the j ^ n ,'l\\] hollow of his handrand meted out heaven with (.or^r^t the fpan, and comprehended the drift of thef""/ earth in t a meafure , and weighed the moun- T H b ' < * tains in fcales, and the hills in a balance f i? * Who hath directed the fpirit of the *wifd.$.i3. L o RrDj ot- being- 1 his counfcller hath taught Rom.i i. 34 . him* i*Sb" XI *' 14 With whom took he counfe! , *nd -mho \ f u s '" ret f inftruSed him, and taught him in the path of f Heb. mej* judgement , and taught him knowledge , and. hi (hewed tobim the way of fundtr (landing? i^ Behold , the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and arc counted as the fmall duft of the * DaiM.ji. *A3s 17,17; t Heb i Gods omnipotency. Ifaiah. j 74 the balance : behold, he taketh up the ifles as a very little thing. 1 6 And Lebanon is not fofhcient to burn, nor the beafts thereof fufficient fer a burnt-of- fering. i 7 All nations before him areas * nothing, and they are counted to him leffe then nothing) aad vanity. i * H To whom then will ye* liken God?oc what likeneffe will ye compare unto him ? 19 The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldfmith fpreadeth it over with gold, and cafteth filver chains. Z0 He that t fo impoverifhed that he hath r* ,*f la- no oblation , choofeth a tree that will not totj he feeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image that thai! not be mo- ved. 1 1 Have ye not known i have ye not heard ? hath it not been told you from the beginning ? have ye not underftood from the foundations of the earth? zz || It # he that ficteth upon the circle of t he earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as PP crS > t ^ iat * ftretcbcth out the heavens as a curtain,and fpreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: *}obii.ii. 1 J That bringeth the* princes to nothing; Pial.io7.4o he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity. 14 Yea they (hall not be planted, yea they fhall not be Town, yea their itock fhall not take root in the earth : and he (hill alfo blow upon them,andthey (hall wither ,and the whirlwinde (hall take them away as ftubble. a? To whom then will ye liken me, or fiall I be equall ? faith the holy one. K Or, hi thatjttte *Pfal. 104.2. ' * Gods power,and CHAP. XLI. X Gtdexptflulateth with his pef{e t at>ut his nerciei ta the church t toabtutkis frtmifes, 11 and aktxt the i/anity ofidils. inrEcp lilencc before me, O iflaads, and lee J^thc people renew their ftrength : let them come neare, then let them fpeak : let us come neare together to judgement. a Who raifedupft-he righteous man from ^ H *|4*! the catcalled him to his foot, gave the nations "*/"**' before him, and made him rule over kings ? he gave the m as the dutt to hi* fword, and, as dri- ven ftubble to his -bow. 5 He purfued them and. pafled f fafely ; even * Heb> '* by the way that he had not gone with his feet. / "" c 4 Who hath wrought and done it , calling the generations from the beginning ? I the Lo RD the * firft,andwiththclaft,I, M> bring forth your Erong reafons> faith the King ofjacob. zi Let them bring them forth, and fhew us what (hall happen : let them (hew the former fHcb. ftt things what they be t that we may fconfider r hfA't up them,and know the latter end of them or de- cn incm. i . dare us things for to come. z 3 Shew the things that are to come hcre- faftcr,that we may know that ye are gods : yea do good or do evil, that we maybe difmayed, and behold it together. flOr,worfe 24 Behold, ye are fl of nothing, and your for worf/" W0rk (l fnou g nt: an abominations be that n,*n,J?lil choofethyou. ftr. z? Ihaveraifedup0efromthenorth, and he (hall come : from the rifing of the funne i"inll he call upon my name, and he (hall come upan princes as upon morter, and as the potter trcadeth clay. 26 Who hath declared from the beginning, that we may know ? and beforetime, that we may fay,Hc u righteous? yezjhere it none that fheweth, yea,f Jbfre u none that dcclareth, yea, there u none that heareth your words. 27 The br&jball fay to Zion, Behold, be- hold them, and I will gire to Jerufalem one that bringeth good tidiags. z8 For I bcheld,andr^w< no man,even amongft them, and there ivas no counfeller, jHeb.r//r. thatwhenl asked of them, could tanfwera word. a 9 Bjehold, they are all vanitie, their works are nothing : their molten images are winde and conf ufion. HAP. XLII. rifl, graced vsith meeknefle an j cert' Jloncie. 5 Gods pramtfe unto kim. 10 tAn exhorta- tion to fratftGodfor his /;/ 17 tJt reprneth thtpttple of inert dulitit. * my fervant wliom I uphold, e eleai;z whotn m T fou l * ap i. j?;. gcsjthatfay to the moi;cn ifljagis, Ye are our and 44- u. 3 8' Heare God comforteth the church. Ifaiah. Babylons deftru&iott foretold. 573 1 8 Heare ye deaf, and look ye blinde, that have eyes, and the deaf that have eares. ye may fee. 9 Let all the nations be gathered together, 1 9 Who is blinde but my fervant ? or deaf, and let the people be aflembled : * who among Chap. 41. as my meffenger that I fent ? who/,- blinde as them can declare this, and (hew as former *'>" he that if perfeft, and blinde as the L o R D s things ? let them bring forth their witnefles, fervant ? *Romj.:. 20 Seeing many things,* but thou obfemft not : opening the eares, but he heareth not. 1 1 The L o R D is well pleafed for his righ- teoufnefle fake, he will njagnifie the law, and {j Or, him. make (| it honourable. |j O t Heb. j-Hebf, afrev-t. that they may be juftificd : or let them hcarc and fayj It is truth. 10 Ye are my witnefles, faith the L o R p, and my fervant whom I have chofen: that ye may know and beleeve me,and underftandthat I am he : * before me there was fjno God* c l'p-4u 21 But this a people robbed and fpoiled, formed,neither (hall there be after me. to"^'!' r, in /54- |j they are all of them fnarcd in holes, and they 1 1 I, even I * am the L o R D, and befide fo^mld'tf "* >: me there is no faviour. God. 11 I have declared, and havefaved, and I ' Chap. 4 j. I have (hewed, when there was no ftrange god JJ*V among you : therefore ye are my witnefles, ' I3 ' 4 ' faith the L o R o,that 1 am God. 1 3 Yea, before the day vms y I am he j and there is none that can deliver out of my hand : I Will work, and who (hall t * let it ? f Heb. tun 14 ^f Thus faith the LORD your redeemer, *** 4f ^* the holy one of Ifrael, For your fake I have fcnt ' c {^ ?l"" to Babylon, and have brought down all their fnobles^and theCaldeans,whofccricijinthe T Hcb.6*net, (hips. i f I am the LORD , your holy one, the crea- touroflfrael,your king. 1 6 Thus faith the L o R D, which * maketh *E*od. '4 a way in the fea,and a * path in the mighty wa- * Joflu j ters: 17 Which bringeth forth the chariot and horfe, the armie and the power, they (hall lie BUc now thus faith the L 6 R D that created down together, they (hall not rife: they are ex- theejO Jacob, and he that formed thee, O tinft, they are quenched as tow. Ifrael, Fearnot: forlhave redeemed thee,I 18 f Remember ye not the former things, have called tbee by thy name, thou art mine. neither confider the things of old. 2 Whenthou pafleft through the waters, I 19 Behold, I will do a* new thing : now it *a. Cor 5.17. vt>itt be with thee j and through tberivers, they (hill fpring forth, (hall ye not know it ? I will Revel, ai, 5. (hall not overflow thee : when thou walkcft even make a way in the wildernefle, and rivers through the fire, thou (halt not be burnt j nei- in the defert. 20 The beaft of the field (hill honour me, the dragons and the || fowls: becaufe I give )(Or,/?>*V^,; waters in the wildernefle, and rivers in the de- T Hcb.^fc. fert,to give drink to my people, my chofen. ^ * tht 21 * This people have I formed for my felf, Luke 1.74 haft been honourable, and I have'loved thee : they (hall (hew forth my praife. 75. therefore will I give men for thee, and people * fl But thou haft not called upon me,OJa- forthy||life. cob,but thou haft been wearie of me, O Ifrael. ? * Fear not, for I am with thee : I will 23 Thou haft not brought me the tfmaHt Heb. ' bring thy feed from the eaft, and gather thee cattelofthyburnt-oflerjngs, neither haft thou j^*"' * from the weft. honoured me with thy facrifices. I have not*-' ** 6 I will fay to the north, Give up j and to caufed thee to ferve with an offering, norwea- the fouth, Keep not back : bring myfonncs ried thee with incenfe. from farre, and my daughters from the ends of 24 Thou haft bought me no fweet cane with the earth ; money, neither haft thou f fiHcd me with the | Heb. *mt ^ Even every on* that is called by my name: fat of thy facrifices : but thou haft made me to mt or molte n a 4j &c . 5 * graven image that is profitable for nothing? *PfaJ*.s>7.y; 1 1 Behold,allhis fellows (hall be * afluraed: Chap. i.zp. and the workmen,they are of men: let them all and 42 '7 be gathered together,let them ftand/>;y they MfeVL'i fluU feara ^ they (hall be afhomed toed '' Wifd.r 3 .u. ther - ... for, ttith i z *The fmith||with the tongs both worketh t-i **. in the coals , and fafluoneth ic with hammers, xliiii - Idol-makers folly. and worketh it with the ftrength of his arms: < 77 yea h. is hungry, and his ftrcngth faileth; he drmketh no water, and is faint. 13 The carpenter flretcheth out his rule he marketh u out with a line: he fitteth it wh planes , and he marketh it out with the com. pafle andmakethit after the figure of a man," according to the beauty of a manj that it may remain m the houfe. 14. Hehewethhim down cedars, and taketh the cypreffc and the oak, which he || ftrength- || <*,*& eneth for himfelf among the trees of the for- ""*' reft: heplanteth an a(h, and the ram doth nourifh it. 1 5 Then (hall it be for a man to burnrfor he Will take thereof and warm himfelf} yea, he kmdleth it and baketh bread} yea, he maketh a god, and worfhippeth it: he maketh it a Craven image, and-falleth down thereto. 1 6 He burneth part thereof in the fire: with part thereof he eatcth flefh: he rofleth roft, and isfatisfied: yea, he warmeth bimfifovad fairfi. Aha, I am warm, I havefeen the fire. 17 And therefidue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image : he faileth down nnto it, and wor(hippeth it, andprayeth untoit,and ianh, Deliver me, for thou art my God. 1 8 They have not known, nor underftood: tor he hathfftut their eyes, that they cannot f Hcb. . '*<* 10 He feedeth of aflies: a deceived heart** 1 '*"" 1 '* hath turned him afide, thathe cannot deliver f '""'- - his foul, nor fay, Is there not a lie in my right hand ? \i f Remember thefe,(O Jacob and Ifrael) for thou4rf myfcrvant; I hav^ formed thee, thou art my fervant: O Ifrad, thou ihah not be forgotten of me: ^^l have blotted out as a thick cloud, thy tranfgreffions,and as a cloud , thy finnes: return unto me, for I have redeemed thee. 15 Sing, O ye heavens ; for the L o R D hath done it : Ihou: ye lower parts of the earth : break forth into finging ye mountains, O foireft , and every tree therein : for the LORD hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified himfelf in Ifrael. 14 Thus faith the Lf>R D thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the wombe, I am the L o R P thrt maketh all things , that itretcheth forth the heavens alone, that fpread- ech abroad the earth by my fdf : P? *f Thac Cyrus called. Ifaiah. Gods omnipotency} 578 2 j That fruftrateth the tokens of the liars, Whatbegetteft thou? or to the wornan,What and maketh diviners mad, that turneth wife- haft thou brought forth ? men backward, and maketh their knowledge n Thus faith the LORD, the holy one of foohfti : Ifrael,and hismaker,Ask me of things to come i6Thatconfirmeththewordofhis fervant, concerning my fonnes,and concerning the and performeth the counfel of his meflengers, work of my hands command ye me that faith to Jerufalem, Thou (halt be inhabit- ed j and to the cities of Judah, Ye (hall be built, and I will raife up the f decayed places thereof: 27 That fayth to the deep,Be drie,and I will drie up thy rivers : Ezra i.i,&c to Jetufalem,* Thou (halt be butltj and co the Ckap. 4j. cem pi ejTn y foundation (hall be laid. CHAP. XLV. I God ciDeth Cyrus for his churches fake* 5 By his om- nifottncy he cbzllengeth obedience. o tie conuin- ceth the idols ofvanity,\>y hit jiving fower. THus faith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whofe right hand I |J have holden, to fubdue nations before him: and I will loofe the loyns of kings .to open before him the two-leaved gates , and the gates (hall not be fbut. And I will give thee the treafures of dark- nefle, and hidden riches of fecrct pl.ices , that thou may eft know, that I the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Ifrael, 4 For Jacob my-fervants ftke, and Ifrael mine ekft, I have even called thee by thy name : 1 have furnamcd thee, though thou haft not known me. 5 1T 1 * am the LOUD, and there U none Ifcj th i 39. Chap.44.8 12 I have made the earth, and created man upon it: \ t even my hands have ftretched out the heavens, and all their hoft have I com- manded. 1 3 I have raifed him up in righf eoufnefli, and Iwill |jdireaallhiswayes:he(hall*build J r> ztf That faith of Cyrus, He it iny (hepherd, my city, and he (hall let go my captives, not for *'" and ftiall perform all my pleafure, even faying price nor reward, faith the LoRoof hofts. 36.22,2}. 14 Thus faith theLo RD, The labour of Ezra i. Egypt,and merchandife of Ethiopia, and of the '', &c * - Sabeans, men of ftature (hill come over unto ,J > a> ' 44 ' thee, and they (hall be thine, they mail come after thee, in chains they mall come over: and they (hall fall down unto thee, they (hall make fupphcation unto thee, frying, Surely. God i& in thee, and there u none elfe, there is no God. 15 Verily thou art a God that hideft thy fclf, O God of Ifrael the (aviour. . 1 6 They (hall be afliamed, and alfo con- founded all of them: they (hall go to confufion 2 I will go before thee,and make the crook- together that are * makers of idols. "Chap. 44; ed places ttraight: I will break in pieces the 17 But Ifrael (hall be faved in the LORI> 11 - gates of brafle, and cut in funder the barresof with an everlaiting falv-Uion : ye (hill" not iron. be alhamed nor confounded world without end. 1 8 For thus frith the L o R D that creattd the heavens , God htmfelf that formed the earth and made it, he hath eftablimed it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inha- bited, 1 am the L o R D, and there U none elfe. 19 I have not fpokenin *fecret, in a dark * Dld ' Ome down and fit in the duft, irgm 2 ? In the L o R D (hail all the feed of Ifrael ^daughter of Babylon , fit on the ground: be jultified, and (hall glory. there w no throne, O daughter of the Calde- ans: for thou (halt no mote be called tender and delicate. ^ Take the milftones and grinde meal, un- tt the end. 5 Idtls ate not cover thy locks, make bare the lcg,uncover the aver, ii or frefent fclw thigh, pafle over therivers.- '* 3 1 hy nakedneflc (hall be uncovered, yea, El boweth down , Nebo ftoupeth, their thy fhame (hall be feen : I will take vengeance, and I will not meet tbee as a man. CHAP. XLVI. idols f Babylon could not fave ihentfehes* 3 God favtth h comparable to G B OChap, 40. _ hdols were upon the beads, and upon the cattel: your carriages were heavy loden^ they are a burden to the weary beaft. i They ftoup , they bowe down together, t Heb. thtir they could not deliver the burden, but f them- /&/. felves are gone into captivity. 3 f Hearken unto me,O houfe of Jacob,and all the remnant of the houfe of Ifrael , which are born by me, from the belly, which are car- ried from the wonvbe. 4 And even to your old age I am he, and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear, even I will carry and Will deliver you. 5 f * To w horn will ye liken me, and make me ecjuall, and compare me, that we may be like/ 6 They lavifh gold out of the bag,and weigh filver in the balance,* &rf hire a goldfmith, and he maketh it a god; they fall down, yea, they Worfhip. 7 They bear him upon the (houlder, they carry him^ and fet him in his place , and he ftandethifrom his place fhall he not remove: yea, one (hall cry unto him, yet can he not an- fwer, nor fave him out of his trouble. 8 Remember this^an^ (hew your felves men: bring it again to minde, O ye tranfgreflburs. p Remember the former things of old, for law God, and there is none cife, I am God, and there u none like me, 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, faying, * My counfel (hall ftand, and I will do all my plcafure: 1 1 Calling a ravenous bird from the eaft, f the man that cxecuteth my counfel from a farre countrty.' yea, I havefpoken'jf, I will al- fobringittopaflej I hate purpofed it, I will alfodoir. ii f Hearken unto me, ye ftout-hearted, that are farce from righteoufnefle. 13 I bring neare my righteoufnefle: it (hall not be farre off, and my falvation fit .11 not tar- ry jarid I will place falvation in Zion for Ifrael my glory. * Pfal.33.ii, Prov. ip.2li and 21. jo. Heb. 6. if. t Heb. the *> >f m 3 ctunfel. ith my people, I have ce, and given them in- Chap. 4 As for our redeemer, the LORD of hofts it his name, the holy one of Ifrael. 5 Sit thou filent, and get thee into dark-_ nefle, O daugtwr of the Caldeans: for thou (halt no more be called the lady of king, dome*. '"- 6 4 I was wroth wit polluted mine inheritance, & , , ,.,. vllW u. ,. to thine hand: tbou didit (hew them no roer- -4- cy, upon the ancient haft thou very heavily laid thy yoke. 7 ^ And thou faidft, I (hall be * a lady for * Rev, 18.7, ever: fo that thou didft not lay thefe things to thy heart, neither didft remember the latter end of it. 8 Therefore heare now this, thou that art given to pleafures, that dwelleft carelefly, that fayeft in thine heart, I /, and none elfe be- fides me, I fhall not fit as a widow, neither (hall I know the lofle of children. 9 Butthefetwo * things (hall come to thee in a moment in one day; the lofle of children and widowhood 5 they (hall come upon thee in their perfection, for the multitude of thy forceries, and for the great abundance of thine inchantments. 10 f For thou haft trotted in thy wicked- nefle; thou haft faid, None fecth me: thywif- dome and thy knowledge, it hath {f perverted ||Qr,ftw/W theejand thou haft faid in thine heart,! *w.and thee ">"" none elfe befide me. ** J > 1 1 Therefore (hall evil come upon thee,, thou (halt not know i from whence it rifeth.* and mifchief (hall fall upon thee,thou fhalt not be able to f put it off: and defolation Hull come upon thee fadder\ly,wbich thou (halt not know. 1 2 Stand now with thine inchantments,ahd with the multitude of thy forceries, wherein thou haft laboured from thy youth , if fo be thou fhalt be able to profit, if fo be thoumayeft e , s ,. tiie prevail. hetvent. ' 1 3 Thou art wearied in the multitude of t Heb - tha * thy counfels : let now the -f aftvologers , ^ nc ^ d '^^" ltarre-gszers,t the moncthly prognufticatours Hfnil^tht P P a ftand MM* 14 Behold, they (hall be as ftubble: the fire f Heb. tktir (hall burn them: they (hill not deliver f them- fiutt. felves from the power of the flame: there Jbalt not be a coal to warm at 5 0r fire to fit before ic. nd 44. 8. The peoples obftinacie. Ifaiah. 1 Gods power and providence. 1 s ftand up, and fare thec from thefe things thae polluted? and * I will not give my glory unto *Chap. 4 2.8* (hall come upon thee. another. i z [ Hearken unto me,O Jacob ,and Ifrael, my called,! am he,I am the *firft,l alfo am the * laft. a 13 Mine hand alfo hath laid the foundati- ^ n ' d 22 , 15 Thus flull they be unto thee with whom on of the earth, and ([ my right hand hath y or,*6 thou haft laboured, even thy merchants from fpanned the heavens: when I call unto them palm of my they ftand up together. 14 All ye aflemble your felves and heare: Which among them hath declared thefe things? the LORD hath loved him: he will do hisplea- fure on Babylon, and his armJZM^foonthe Caldeans. i j Ij even J have fpoken, yea I have called him: I have brought him, and he (hall make his way profperous. \6 q Come ye neare unto me, heare ye this, I have not fpoken in fecret from the begin- ning, from the time that it was, there am J: and now the Lord GOD and his fpirit hath (lent me. 17 Thus faith the L o R D thy redeemer 3 the thy youth, they (hall winder every one to his quarter, none (hall fave thee. CHAP. XLVIII. X God) t conu'mct the people of their foreknown olfti- ndcy t revealed his prophe/ies. 9 He faveth them for bis ownfcike. n He exhortetfi them to obedience J>e- coufe of hit power and providence. 16 Hekimemetk their backrvirdnetfe. aO He powerfully delnjnttk his out of B*tyl<>n> HEare ye this,O houfe of Jacob, which are called by the name of Ifrael, and are come forth out of the waters of Judahs which fwear by the name of the LORD, and make mention cf the God of Ifrael, but not in truth, nor in L righteoufnefle, holy one of Ifrael, I am the LORD thy God i For they call themfelves of the holy city, which teacheth thee to profit, which leadetb and ftay themfelves upon the God of Ifraei* thee by the way that thou ihouldeft go. 1 8 O that thou hadft hearkened to my com- the L o R D of hofts is his name. 3 I have declared the former things from the beginning: and they went forth out of my mouth ,and I ihewed them, I did the m fudden- ly,and they came to pafle. t Hb. httd. 4 Bccaufe I knew that thou art J obftinate, and thy neck u an iron fineWj and thy brow brafle: 5 I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pafle I (hewed jf thee: left thou flwuldeft fay, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image,and my mol- ten image hath commanded them. 6 Thou haft, heard/ee all this } and will not ye declared? I have fhewed thee new things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didft not know them, 7 They are c.eated now, and not from the. beginning , even before the day when thou heardeft them notj left thou Ihouldeft Cay, Ite? hold, I knew them. IZ 8 Yea thou hcardtft not, yea tboukneweft notj yea fi om that time that thine eare was not opened: for I knew that thou wouldft deal very rreacheroufly, and waft called a tranfgrefibur from the wombe. 9 Fov my names fake will I defcrre mine anger,ahd for my praife will I refrain for thee, that I cut rhee no; off. c Behold , I have refined thee, but not mandments , then had thy peace been as a ri- ver, and thy righteoufnefie as the waves of the fea. 19 Thy feed alfo had been as the fand, and the offspring of thy bowels like the gravell thereof; his name (hould not have been cut off, aor deftroyed from before me. 20 ^ Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from theCaldeaas, with a voice of finging declare ye,tell this,utter it even to the end of the earth: fay ye, The LoRchyh * redeemed his feivam * Exod. i Jacob. 4>5>* ii Andthey thirftednot^fwheled them through the deferts:he * caufed the waters to *Exod.i- flowoutofthe rockfor tbern: he clave the rock .Num.ao.u. alfo and the waters gufhed out. 21 * There u no peace, faith the L o R D 3 * chap. 57* unto the wicked. ** CHAP. XLIX. i 'Cbrijlk'ntgfas* to the Jews t compMneth of them* 5 He is feii*to the Gentiles, rrith grade** promifes. T? Gods Itrtfe it -pe'/pftn^U to hit' church' 18 T!~e ample reftanr.ition of the church. 24 Yhe pwye/ful} deliverance out of cjptrvjty Llrtcn 3 Q ifleSjUmo me.and hearken ye peo- ple from farre, The L o R D hath called me from the wombe, from the bowels of my mo- ther hath he made mention of my name. i And he hath made my mouth like a fliarp fword, in the (hadow of his hand huh he hid fiver. ic Behold , I have refined thee, but not fword, in the (hadow of his hind mth he hid }j witK firvcr- 1 have chofen' thee in the furnace me, and made mea polished fl^aft, in his quiver of affliftion. hath he hid me, ii For mine cwn f;ke, even for mine own 3 Andfaiduntomej Thouz C Ifrael, in whom I will be glorified.. 4.. Then- The church reftored. 5 8i H Cr gttktua t b,m,a>,d I || Or.Jrt Chrift fent to the Gentiles. Chap. 1. 4 Then I faid, I have laboured in vain, I 18 f * Lift up thine eyes round about, an d have fpent my ftrength for nooght,and in vain, behold: all thefe gather themfelves together yet furely my judgement u with the LORD, and come to thee : at\ live, faith the LORD, the defolate heritages 5 thers : they (hall bowe down to thee with their t ^ *Chap.4J7. 9 That thou mayeft fay * to the prifoners, face toward the earth, and * lick up theduft of " Go forth: to them that are indarknefle,Shew thy feet, and thou fliilt know that I am the your (el ves : they (hall feed in the wayes, and LORD: for they (ball not be a(hamed that waic their paftures fhall be in all high places. Revel. 7. I0 They (hall not* hunger nor third, nei \6. ther (hall the heat nor funne fmite them : for he that hath mercy on them (hall lead them, '.". titnt. Chap. 41.6 II or for me. 14 ^f Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or f the law(ull captive delivered? f Heb. tht z? But thus faith the LORD, Even the caprivitjif even by the fprings of water (hall he guide f captives of themightie (hall be taken away, them. aad the prey of the terrible (hall be delivered : ii And I will make all my mountains a for I will contend with him that contcndeth way, and my high- wayes (hall be exalted. with thee, and I will fave thy children. i z Behold, thefe (hall come from farrc : and ^6 And I will feed them that opprefle thee,' lo, thefe from the north and from the weft, and with their own flefh, and they (hall be drunken thefe from the land of Sinim. with their own * bloud, as with j| fweet wine: * ; i j f Sing , O heavens, and be joyfull, O and all flefli (hall know that I the L o R D am and \6.t>. earth, and break forth intofinging, O moun- thy faviour and thy redeemer, the mighty one lOr t ntv tains : for God hath comforted his people, and of Jacobs *'"' will have mercy upon his afflicted. C H A P. L. t He 14 But Zionfaid, The LORD hath forfaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. 1 5 Can a woman forget her fucking childe, frtm j that (he (hould not have compaffion on the - f onne O f ner wonnbe? yeathey may forget, yet t Chrtft fbewethythat the dereliction of the ferrs it Kit to be imputed to him, by hit ability to fave, 5 by hi* obedience in that Vf or k, J and by hit confidence in that afiiflance. 10 *An exhortation to trufl in God, and not in our {elves, ti js faith the L o R D, Where is the bill ^ of your mothers divorcement whom I have tore me . put away t or which of my creditours is It to 17 Thy children (hall makehafte; thyde- whom I have fold you? Behold, for your ini- ftroyers, and they tbac made thee wafte (hall quitics have you fold your felves, and for your go forth of thee . uanfgrcflions is your mother put away. Fp j * Where- 1 6 Behold , I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands , thy walls are continually before me. The Jews forfaken* Ifaiah. Chrift comforteth his. * N-um n. Chap. 5 9. * Matt.ii a 8. * John 14. 3 Heb. 10. 5, &c. Phil U. Matt. 16. *r and 27. * Rom. 8. 3? 3J. f Heb. the wjl'r of my z Wherefore when I came , was there no man? when I called, was there none to anfwer? *Is my hand (bortened at all, that it cannot redeem # or have I no power to deliver f be- hold, at my rebuke I * drie up the fea : I make the * rivers awildernefle : their fiihftinketh, becaufe there is no water, and dieth for thirft. 5 I clothe the heavens with blacknefie, and I make fackcloth their covering. 4 The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I Ihould know how to fpeak a word infeafon to him that is * weary: he wakeneth morning by morn- ing: he wakeneth mine eare to heare as the learned. 5 fl The Lord GOD hath opened mine care, and I was not * rebellious ^neither turned awiy back. 6*1 gave my back to the fmiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked oft" the hair : I hid not my face from (name and fpitting. 7 ^ For the Lord GOD will help me,there- fore (ball I not be confounded : therefore have I fet my face like a flint,and I know that I (hall not be aihimed. , 8 * He is neare that juftifieth me 3 who will contend with me ? let us ftand together: who is f mine adverfarie ? let him come neare tome. 9 Behold j the Lord GOD will help me, who is he that (hall condemn me? lo,they all (hall wax old as a garment: the moth (hall eat them up. . 10 ^ Who Is among you that feareth the LORD, that obeyeth the voice of his fervant, that walketh in darkneffCjand hath no light? let him truft in the name of the L o R D, and ihy upon his God. 1 1 Behold, all ye that kindle a fire , that wr/f Ives about with fparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the fparks that ye J John p. 3*. have kindled. *Tbis (hall ye have of mine hand, ye ihall lie down in forrow, CHAP. LI. j Jb>i exhortation after the fitter* of Abraham to trufl 1* Ckrzflt j by reafon of his comfortable promifes,$ of hit righteoHf falvation, 7 and mam monolith. 9 Chrifl by his fan*lified arm defendetk hit from the fear of man. 17 He tewaileth the affliftions of fe- rxfaleru, ai and promifeth deliverance. HEarkentome,yethat follow after righte- oufneffe , ye that fcek the L o R D : look unto the rock whence ye are hewen, and :o the hole of the pit whence ye are digged. 2 Look unto Abraham your father, and un- K) Sarah that bare you; for I called him alone, and blefled him, and incrcafed him. 3 For the LORD (hall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her wafte places, and he will make feerwildcrnefie like Eden x and her defect like Plal '37.JJ the garden of thcLoRD ; joy and gladnefle (hall be found therein, thankfgiving, and the voice of melodic. 4 f Hearken unto me, my people, and give eare unto me, O my nation : for a law (hall proceed from me, and I will make my judge- ment to reft for alight of the people. 5 My righteoufnefle is neare : my falvation is gone forth, and mine arms (hall judge the people: the ifles (hall wait upon me, and on mine arm (ball they truft. 6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens , and look upon the earth beneath : for * the hea- ; &I 102 ' vens (hall vanifli away like fmoke, and the earth Ma.tt. a*} 5. (hall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein (hall die in like manner : but my falvation (hall be for ever, and my righteouf. neffc (hall not be aboliflied. 7 H Hearken unto me ye that knon righ- teoufnefle , the people * in whofe heart is my law, * fear ye not the rcprochof men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings. *" 8 For the moth (hall eat them up like a garment , and the worm (hall eat them like wooll : but my righteoufnefle (hall be for ever, and my falvation from generation to ge- neration. 9 ^ Awake , awake , put on ftrength , O arm of the L ORD j awake, as in the ancient dayes, in the generations of old. ^frt thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the * draon? * Pfal.74- 10 Art thou not it which hath* dried the " fea , the waters of the great deep , that hath made the depths of the lea a way for the ran- --. fomed to pafle over ? 1 1 Therefore * the redeemed of the L o R D Chap. 3 j. (hall return } and come with finging unto Zion, > and everlafting joy /ball be upon their head: they (hall obtain gladnefle and joy, and forrow and mourning (hall flee away. n \ 3 even I am he that comforteth you: who art thou , that thou (houldeft be afraid * of a * Pfal.n8.tf man that (hall die , and of the fonneof man, Which (hall bemade*^gr3fle ? *Chap. 4 o.<5 13 And forgettefttheL o RD thy maker, . ^61,1.14. that hath ftrerc-hed forth the heavens , and laid the foundations of the earth ? and haft feared continually every day , becaufe of the furie of the opprcflbur, as if he fj were readie to fleftroy ? and where is the furie of the op- prefibur ? < 14 The captive exile hafteneth that he may be looted, and that he (hould not die in the pit, nor that his bread (hould fail. i? But I am the LORD thy God, that* di- ' vided the fea, whofe waves roared : the L o R D of hoftsjj his name. 16 And I have put.mywords*in thy mouth, ' and have covered thee in, the (hadow of * 3- mine Chrifts free redemption^ Chap. lii. liii. His exhortation to the church. 7 1T* How beautifull upon the mountains 58$ are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, * Nah...i 5. that publiiheth peace , that bringeth good ti. Rom.jo.j 5 dings of good, thatpublilheth falvation, thac faith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth I 8 Thy watchmen (hall lift up the voice,with the voice together fhall they fing : for they (hall fee eye to eye , when the L o R D fall bring a- gamZion. f Break forth into joy , fing together yc wafle places of. Jerufalem: for the L o R D hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jera- falem. 10 The L o RD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations, and * all the *P fa 1 98.1. ends of the earth (hall fee the falvationof our Luke 3 ." " God. 1 1 f * Depart ye, depart ye 3 go ye out from * lt ( thence , touch no unclean thing , go ye out of * 7- the midft of herj be ye clean, that bear the vef. " fels of the L o R D. i ^ For ye (hall not go out with hafte, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you: and the God of Ifracl will \ fa your rere^ward. t Heb. /*: 1 3 f Behold , ray fervant (hall || dealpru- * dently,he (hall be exalted and extolled,and be " ( very high. 14 As many were aftonied at theej (his * vi- * Chap. 5 3, fage was fo marred more then any man,and his 3* form more then the foanes of men) 1 f So (hall he fprinkle many nations, the kings (hall (hut their mouthes at him : for that * which had not been told them (hall they fecj * R m. i j, and that which they had not heard, fhall they > confidcr. CHAP. LIII. I the prophet complaining of incredulity, extttfetb the fandal of the croQe , 4 by the benefit of hitftfion, 10 and the good fitcceffe then of. *\ )\*7 > ^ k at ^ beleeved our || f report ? and * J^ n * V V to whom is the arm of the LORD re- i 8 * vled? fSJSS a For he (hall grow up before him as a ten- 7 Heb AW. der plant , and as a root out of a drie ground : '" he hath no form nor comelinefle: and when we * cha P' * u (hall fee him, there is no beauty that we (hould Mark j. i a. defire him. | Or, he hit 3 * He is defpifed and rejected of men , a *.> " man of forrows,and acquainted with grief:and f^J^ |[t we hid as ic were our faces from him > he f ' neb'* 4 was defpifed , and we efteemed him not. hiding e f 4 f Sorely * he hath born our griefs , and fa" $* carried our forrows : yet we did efteem him b * or ^ w " ftricken,fmittenof God, and afflicted. ^M a tt.g.i7. f But he MOM || * wounded for our tranfgreC |j o r, tn~ fions, he was bruifed for our iniquities : the*"* chaftifement of our peace was upon him , and * * With his *fftripes we are healed. 6 All we like (heep have gone aftray : Pp 4 have mine hand , that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth , and fay unto Zion,Thou art my people. * Chap. 5. 17 ^ * Awake, awake, ftand up,OJerufa- * lem, which haft drunk at the hand of the LORD the cup of his fury; thou haft drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling , and wrung them out. 1 8 There is none to guide her among all the fonnes whom (he hath brought forth: neither is there any that takcth her by the hand,of all the fonnes that (he hath brought up. *Chap.47.9 19 *Thefe two things -fare come unto thee: t Heb. btf who (hall be fory for thee? dcfolation,and t de- ftruftion, and the famine, andthefword: by tru^tHf. whom (hall I comfort thee ? 10 Thy fonnes have fainted , they lie at the head of all the ftreets as a wilde bull in a net : they are full of the fury of the L o R D, the re- buke of thy God. 1 1 f Therefore heare now this , thou af- flifted, and drunken, but not with wine. z t Thus faith thy Lord the L o R D,and thy God that pleadeth the caufe of his people , Be- hold , I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling 5 ez/c the dregs of the cup of my fury, thou (halt no more drink it again. ^$ But I will put it into the hand of them that afflift thee : which have faid to thy foul, Bowe down , that we may go over : and thou haft laid thy body as the ground , and as the ftreet to them that went over. CHAP. LII. I Chrifl perfivtdfth the church n believe kit free re- demption, 7 to receive the ministers thereof, y to joy inthe power thereof, uandtofree themfelves from bondage, ij Chr ifts kingdome fbatt be exalted. Chap.5 ' * A Wake , awake , put on thy ftrength, O 1 7- J\ Zion^put on thy beautifull garments,O Jerufalem the holy city: for henceforth there (hall no more come into tbee the uncircum- cifed, and the unclean. L Shake thy felf from the duft:arife,arf fie down , O Jerufalem : loofe thy felf from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. 5 For thus faith the L o R D, Ye have fold your fcrves for nought: and ye fhall be redeemed without money. 4 For thus faith the Lord GOD, My people * Gen. 464. went down aforetime into * Egypt to fojourn there,and the Aflyrian opprcfled them without caufe. f Now therefore , what have I here , faith the L o R D i that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them, make them to howl, faith the L o R D, and my name con- Ezek. jtf. tinually every day Is * blafphemed. '> : S' 6 Therefore my people (hall know my name: 31 a ' 2 ' ! * therefore theyjhall k*orv in that day, that I am he that doth fpeak, behold, his I. The churches amplitude. Ifaiah. 1 fafetie, deliverance. Sec. 584 A him ,he hath put him to grief: || when thou fhalt i o For the mountains fhall depart, and the make his foul an offering for finne , he fhall bills be removed, but my kindneffe fhall not * i .Pec. a; i.John $.5. f e his feed , he fhaH prolong his dayes, and depart from thee 3 neither fhall the covenant | br, when ' the pleafure of the L o R D ihall profper in his of my peace be removed , faith the LORD, hi, foul fail hand. that hath mercy on thee. """/ jj He (hall fee of the travel of his foul, *rf n f Oh thou afflicted, toffed with tempeft, fhill be fatisfied : by his knowledge fhall my and not comforted , behold , rwill lay thy righteous fervant juftifie many : for he fhall ftones with * fair colours, and lay thy founda- i.Chroni bear their iniquities. tions with faphirss. *?> l^ Therefore will I divide him a portion it And I will make thy windows of agates, with the grcat,and he fhall divide the fpoil with and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders the ftrong : becaufe he hath poured out his of pleafant ftones. Mark 15. foul unto death : and he was *numbredwith 13 And all thy children fliall be* taught of 18. the tranfgreffours , and he bare the finne of the L ORD, and great Jballbe the peaceof thy 45," " many, and * madeinterceffionfor thetranf- children, greflburs. CHAP. LIIII. I The prophet for the comfort of the Gentiles, prtphe* fteth the amplitude of their church, 4 their fafety t 6 then ctrt&n deliverance out of affliction, n thiir fair edification* 15 and their fare frefervation. . * Ing O barren, thou that didft not bearj O break forth into finging and cry aloud thou that didft not travail with childe: for more are 14 In righteoufnefTe fhalt thou be eftai blifhed: thou fhalt be farre from oppreffion, for thou fhalt not fear ; and from terrour, for it fhall not come neaie thee. if Behold, they fhall furely gather to- gether , but not by me : vthofoevcr fhall ga- ther together againft thee, fhall fall for thy feke. 16 Behold, Ihave created thefmith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth the children of the defol ate, then the children forth an inftrument for his work, and Ihave of the married wife, faith the L o R D. created the wafter to deftroy. x Enl arge the place of thy tent s and let thm 17 f No weapon that is formed againft ftretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: thee, fhall profper; and every tongue that fhill fpare not , lengthen thy cords , and ftrengthen rife againft thee in judgement , thou fhalt con- thy ftakes. demn. This is the heritage of the fervants of 5 For thou (hah break forth on the right the LOB D , and their righteoufnefleis of me, kand and on the left 5 and thy feed fhall inherit faith the L o R D. the Gentiles, and mike the defolate cities to be inhabited. 4 Fear not, for thoa fhalt not be afhamed : LV. them that beleeve. ' CHAP. 1 the prcphetTvitk thefromifes of Ckrtn , catethtt neither be thou confounded, for thou fhalt faith, 6 and to repentance. 8T*e happy ftuetfft of. not be put to flume : for thou fhalt forget the fhame of thy youth , and fhalt not re- member the reproch of thy widowhood any Jt~lthe waters, and he that hath no money; Biofe. come ye, buy and eat, yea, comejjuy wine and 5 For thy maker is thine husband, ('the milk without money, and without price. a Where- TjrO, * every one that thi-rfteth, come ye to Jrlthe An exhortation to repentance. Chap. Ivi. Ivii. and fan&ification. 1 1 Heb. ^ Wherefore do ye f fpend money for that eth the fabbath from polluting it, and kecpeth which is not bread ? and your labour for that his hand from doirtg any evil. which fatisfieth not ? hearken diligently unto $ 5 Neither let the fonneof the ftranger, me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your that Hath joyned himfelf to the L o R D , fpeak, foul delight it felt" in fatnefle. %'ngj The LORD liath utterly feparated me 3 Incline your eare and come unto me:heare, from his people: neither let the eunuch fay,Be- and your foul fhall live , and I will make an hold, I awadrie tree. everlafting covenant with you, even the * fure 4 For thus faith the LORD unto the eu- nuchs that keep my fabbaths , and choofe the things that pleafe me , and take hold of my co- venant : 5 Even unto them will I give in mine houfe, andwithinmy walls, a place and a name bet- ter then of fonnes and of^aughters: I will give them an everlafting name 3 that flull not be cut off. 6 Alfo the fonnes of the ftranger, that joyn 58? mercies of David. 4 Behold , I have given him for a witneiTe i / 1 ni* tHeb. k* to the people , a leader and commander to the people. j Behold jthou (halt call a nation tbatthou knoweft not , and nations that knew not thee fiiall runne unto thee, becaufe of the LORD thy God, and for the holy one of Ifraelj for he bach glorified thee. 6 ^ Seek ye the L o R D while he may be themfelves to the L o R D, to ferve him, and to found, call ye upon him while he is neare. love the name of the LORD, to be his fervants, 7 Let the wicked forfakchisway, and fthe everyone that keepeth the fabbath frompol- unrighteous man his thoughts : andlethim re- luting it, and taketh hold, of my covenant: turn unto the L o R D, and he will have mercy 7 Even them will I * bring to my holy moun- chap, i. upon him, and to our God, for | he will abun- tain , and make them joyfull in my houfe of < multiply dantly pardon. prayer: their burnt-offerings and their facrifices 8 ^ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Jhall be accepted upon mine altar j for * mine Matt.ai.i 3 neither are your wayes my wayes, faith the LORD. 9 For M the heavens are higher then the earth, fo are my wayes higher then your wayes, and my thoughts then your thoughts. 10 For as the rain comethdown , and the fnow from heaven , and returneth not thither, .. houfe fhall be called an houfe of prayer for all Mark u. IT- people. Luke 19.46. 8 The. Lord GOD, which gathereth the outcafts of IfraeJ, faith,Yet will 1 gather others to him , j befides thofe that are gathered unto f Heb. /. h him. guhtitd. 9 f All ye beads of the field , come to de- but watereth the earth, and makethit bring Voure,^callyebeaft8in theforreft. ._" fotthandbud, t-hat it may give feed to the 10 His watchmen are blinde: they an all fower, and bread to the eater : ignorant , they are' all dumbe dogs, they can- x I So fhall my word be that goeth forth out not bark j jj ilcepjng , lying down , loving to ft Qr, dream of my mouth : it Ihall not return unto me void, flumber. **r> or tal, but it fhall accomplifh that which I pleafej and n Yea they are f greedy dogs wWf&tcan^""*'" 1 it fhall piofper in the thing whereto I (emit. never have enough ,and they are Ihepherds t but J Heb. iz For ye fhall go out with joy , and be led cannot underftand : they all look to their own / *pp* forth with peace : the mountains and the hills way, every one for his gain, from his quarter, f Heb. fhill * break forth before you into finging, n Come ye, fay tbeyj. will fetch wine,and "fV^* 1 and all the trees of the field fhall clap their we will fill our felves with ftrongdrink,and to tuju ' hand*. morrow (hall be as this day , and much moie 1 3 In ftead ef the thorn fhall come up the abundant, firre-tree , and in ftead of the brier fhall come up the myrtle-tree: and it fhall be to the LORD CHAP. L V I L for a name, for an everlafting figne that %UI i fh llefled death of the rjghteom. not be cutoff. the Jews for their Tvhorif) idolatry* 13 H* givttb evangelical promifts to thtpenitent t THe righteous perifheth, and no roan layeth it to heart j and f * merciful! men are taken away , none confidering that the righteous is * taken away [j from the evil to come. Hus faith the LORD, Keep ye |j judge- 2 He fhill || enter into peace: they fhall reft CHAP. LVL I TJi p-ftpbet exhorteth to fittttificitioM. 3 tfepro* mif et hit (ball be generail without re'peft of perfoKS. 9 He invfigheth againd birnlt watchmen. 4 went , and do juftice : for my falvation is in their beds,each one walking |j in his upright- thZt " neare to come, and my righteoufneffe to be re- neffe. **'/. vealed. ^ UBut draw neare hither, ye fonnes of I] Or ^ BlefTed ii the man that doeth this, and the the forcercfle,ihe feed of the adulterer, and t fonne of man that layeth hold on it : that keep- whore. 4 Againft Or, *monr tbtf(t. * 2. Kings The Jews reproved for idolat'ry. 586 4 Againft whom do ye fport your felves? a. gainft whom make ye a wide mouth, /redraw out the tongue ? are ye not children of tranf- greffion, a feed of falfhood? y Enflaming your felves (f with idols * under every green tree , flaying the children in the valleys under the clifts of the rocks ? *** 6 Among the fmooth ftones of the ftream is thy portion; they 3 they are thy lot: even to them haft thou poured a drink-offering , thou haft offered a meat-offering. Should I receive com. fort in thefe ? 7 Upon a loftie and high mountain haft thou fet thy bed : even thither wenteft thou up to offer facrifice. 8 Behinde the doores alfo and the pofts haft thou fet up thy remembrance: for thou halt difcovered tbyfelfto another then me, and art | Or,hevtd gone up: thou haft enlarged thy bed,and || made it forthjftlf a COV enant with them j thou lovedft their bed || where thou faweft it. 9 And (jthou wenteft to the king with oint- ment, and didft iacreafe thy perfumes,and didft fend thy meffengers farre off, and didft debafe tbyfelf even unto hell. i o Thou art wearied in the greatneffe of thy way;y*f faidft thou not,There is no hope: thou Q Or, living, haft found the [{life of thine hand ; therefore thou waft not grieved. 1 1 And of whom haft thou been afraid or feared, that thou haft lied, and haft notre- membred me, nor laid it to thy heart? have not I held my peace even of old , and thou feareft me not ? ill will declare thy righteourne{Te,and thy Works, for they (hall not profit thee. 1 5 51 When thou crieft , let thy companies deliver thee: but the winde (hall carry them all away; vanity (hall take them : but he that put- teth his truft in me, (hall pofleffe the land, and (hall inherit my holy mountain : 14 And (hall fay , * Caft ye up , caft ye up; prepare the way , take up the ftumbling- block out of the way of my people. i ? For thus faith the nigh and loftie one that inhabitetb. eternity , whofe name is Holy, I dwell in the high and holy place ; with him alfo that is of a contrite and humble fpirit , to Ifaiah," Hypocrifie reproved, 19 I create the fruit of the lips; peace, peace to him that is farre off, and to him that is neare, faith the L o R o,and I will heal him. zo But the wicked are like the troubled fea, when it cannot reft, whofc waters catt up mire and dirr. z i * There is no peace, faith my God, to the chap 48 wicked. ,. r la theirs. jl-Or, thtu provide^ roor. | Or, than tad 6 J. 10. CHAP. LVIII. I The prophet being fent to reprove hypocri/ie, j ex- preffetb a. counterfeit faft and a trui. 8 He declareth what proraifet are due unto godlmejje , 13 and to the. keeping of thefibbath. x^Rief aloud, fparenot, lift up thy voice Vyhke a trumpet, and (hew my people their tranfgreffion , and the houfe of Jacob their finnes. a Yet they feek me daily , and delight ro know my waves, as a nation that did righteouf- neffe , and forfook not the ordinance of their God : they ask of me the ordinances of jufticc: they take delight in approching to God. 3 q Wherefore have we fatted, fay they,znd thou fecft not ? wherefore have we afflicted oue foul, and thou takeft no knowledge? Beholden the day of your fift you finde pleafure, and ex- act all your || f labours. . | Or, thi 4 Behold , ye faft for ftrife and debate, and *" ngs >* y* tofmitcwiththe fift ofwickedneflej not faft as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. || or, yf fift 5 Is it * fuch a faft that I have chofen? * |j a ntt ** th day for a man to afflict his foul ? is it co bowe l J J ech - , down his head as a bul-rufh,and to fpread feck-' Levit. i ll cloth and aflies under him? wilt thou call this a ap. faft, and an acceptable day to theLoao? \\Or,toaf- 6 Is not this the faft that I have chofen? to^j^*' loofe the bands of wickednefld , to undo f the |Heb/r^ heavy burdens , and to let the f oppreffed go bwidin of free, and that ye break every yoke? ; th* ykf- 7 Is it not * to deal thy bread to the hun- T" eb * "** grie, and that thou bring the poore that are g^ c v. i g. r ; || caft out , to thy houfe ? when thou feeft the |[0r,jp/'ff^ naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide not thy felf from thine own flefh ? 8 f Then (hall thy light break forth as the and thine health (hall fprin^ forth morning, revive the fpirit of the humble , and to revive fpeedily : and thy righteoufnefle (hall go before the heart of the contrite ones. thee , the glory of the L o R D f (hall be thy ^ j rere-ward. 9 Then (halt thou call, and the L o R D (hall anfwer ; thou (halt cry, and he (hall fay, Here I am : if thou take away from the midft of thee the yoke , the putting forth of the finger, and {peaking vanity : 10 And ;/thou draw out thy foul to the hungry, and fatisfie the afflicted fouljthen (hall thy lighc rife in obfcurity, and thy darkncffe be as the noon- day. it And 16 For I will not contend for ever , neither will I be alwayes wroth : for the fpirit fhould fail before me, & the fouls wbic h I have made. 1 7 For the iniquity of his covetoufneffe was I wroth , and fmote him : I hid me , and was fHeb.*r- wroth, and he went on | frowardly in the way of his heart. 1 8 Ihavefeen his wayes and will heal him: I will lead him alfo, and reftore comforts unto him, and co his mourner*. T he nature of finne. Chap 1 1 And the L o R D (foil guide thee conti- t Heb. nually, and fatisfie thy foul in t drought , and *9ubtt. make fat thy boms : andthou lhalt be like a watered garden , and like a fpring of water, f Heb /*>or whofe waters \ fail not. dtctiw. ,i And they that fall be of thee, * fhall * Chap.*M fcujidthe old wafte places : thou (halt raife up the foundations or many generations 5 and thou (halt be called, the repairer of the breach, the reflorer of paths to dwell in. 1 3 ^ If thou tarn away thy foot from the fabbath,/r0/ doing thy pleafure on my holy day, and call the fabbath a delight, the holy of the L o R D,honourable,and (halt honour him, not doing thine own wayes, nor finding thine own pleafure, nor fpeaking thine vwn words: 14 Then thalt thou delight thy felf in the * Deur.3J.i3 LOR D,3nd I will caufe thee to * ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father j for the mouth of the LORD hath fpoken it. CHAP. LI X. I The Amndle native of finite. 3 The finnes of. the Jews. 9 Calamity it for ftnne. 1 6 Salvation it one^ ly of God. 20 fhe covenant of the redeemer. fc.Nam.ii; T)Ehold,the LORDS hand is not *fhortened, ? fj that it cannot fave: neither his eare heavy, Chap. 50.3. that it cannot heare. ^ But your iniquities have feparated between U or, have ' you and your God, and your finnes \\ have hid tnaae him fas f ace from you, that he will not heare. 3 For* your hands are defiled with bloud, and your ringers with iniquitie, your lips have fpoken lies, your tongue hath muttered per- verfenefle. 4 None calleth for juftice, nor any plead- cth for truth : they truftin vanitie,and fpeak * Job i J.?5 lies; * they conceive mifchief,and bring forth P(al.7-4' iniquitie. Or, adiitt' 5 They hatch ff cockacrice-egs, and weave the fpiders web : he that eateth of their egs \\ Or, that dieth, and \\ that which is crufhsd breaketh out which u int-oaviper. fprtn^td^is ^ * jhejj. webs foal] not become garments, Ifake't'u'l neither fhall they cover themfelves with their T,,er. works: their works are works of iniquitie, and Job 8. 14, the aft of violence is in their hands. Frov i 16 7 * Their feet run to evil, and they make Bom. 3*. 1 5. haftetofhed innocent bloud: their thoughts T Heb. are thoughts of iniquitie, wafting and t dciiru- tfj O n are in their paths. 8 The way of peace they know not,and there , JsnoH judgement in their goings: they have made them crooked paths : whofoever goeth therein, fliall not know peace. 9 fl Therefore is judgement farre from us, neither doth juftice overtake us: we wait for light,but behold obfcuritie; for brightnefle^f wewalkindarknefle* lix.Jx. Calamitieisforfinne. *cbap.uis 10 We grope for the wall like the blinde, 587 and we grope as iffye had no eyes: we (tumble at noon- day as in the night j we are in defolate places as dead men. 11 We roar all like bears, and mourn fore like doves: we look for judgement, but there is nonej for falvation, but it isfarreoff trom us. ii For our tranfgrcffions are multiplied be- fore thee, and our finnes teftifie agamil us : for" our tranfgrefiions are with us, and as for our iniquities, we know them. 1 3 In tranfgrefling and lying againft the LORD, and departing away from our God, fpeaking oppreffion and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falfhood. 14 And judgement is turned away back- ward, and juftice ilandeth afarreoff: for truth is fallen in the ftreet, and equitie cannot enter. 1 5 Yea, truth faileth,aud he that departeth from evil || maketh himfelf a prey : and the J^, 1 ,* 1 LORD faw it,and f it difpleafed him th^t there " Heb.i* Was no judgement. , 16 f And he Taw that there wot no man, and wondred that there JVM no interceflbur : therefore his arm brought falvation unto him, and his righteoufnefiej it fuftained him. 1 7 * For he put on righteoufneffe as a breafi- * EpheO. plate, and an helmet of falvation upon his I4 ^?* f head j._and he put on the garments of yen- *' geance for clothing, and was-clad with zcai as acloke. 1 8 * According to their i deeds, according- * Chap.tfj.* ly he will repay, furic to his adverfaries, recom- t He ^'/'~ penfe to his enemies, to the iflands he, will re- pay recompenfe. ip So fhall they fear the riameof the LORD from the weft, and his glorie from the rifiog of the funne: when the enemie fhall come in * like * Rev. i I.TJT a floud, the fpirit of the LORD fhall ft lift up a fl Or, /> him-- ftandard againft him. *oft f kt. 20 q And * the redeemer fhall conic toR m.u^ Zion,and unto them that turn from tranfgrcfli- a*. on in Jacob, faith the LORD. 2 1 As for me,this is my covenant with them, faith the L o R D, My fpirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, (hall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy feed, nor out of the mouth of thy feeds feed, faith the LORD, from hence- forth and for ever. CHAP. L X. I the glory of the church in the abundant aeee.ffe tf the G entiles, 15 and the great blefshtgi after a. fiort af- flittion, ARifej || (hine,for,thy light is come, and the J Or,4*/^ glorie of the L o R D is riren upon thee. /<*4/"r 2 For behold, the darknefle (hall cover the'* 1 earth,and groffe darknefle the people : but the LORD (hallarife upon thee , and his glorie hall be feen upon thee.. T And The glory of the church. Ifaiah; The office of Chrift, ftones iron : I will alfo make thy officers peace, and thine exa all they gather ihcmfelves together, they come hnd,wafting nor deftruftion within thy bor- 588 $ And the* Gentiles (hall <"'/' / caufe the || abundance of the fea fhall be con- it* *!- verted unto thee > tlie II forces of the Gentiles fhall come unto thee. 6 The multitude of camels (hall cover thee : the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah: all they from Sheba fhall come : they fhall bring * gold and incenfc , and they fhall fhew forth the praifesof the L o RD. 7 All the flocks of Kedar fhall be gathered together unrbthee, the rammesof Ncbaioth fhall minifter unto thee: they fhall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glo- nfie the houfc of my glory. 8 Who are thefer/7 they thatdefpifed thee fhall * bowe themfelves down at the foles of thy feet j and they fhall call thee, The city of" the L o R D, the Zion of the holy one of Ifrael. 1 ? Whereas thou haft been forfaken and hated, fo that no man went through tbeej will make thee an eternall excellende^ a joy of rra- ny generations. 16 Thou (halt alfb fuck the milk of the Gen- tiles, and fhalt fuck the breaft of kings , and thou fhalt know that I the LORD am thy favi- our and thy redeemer,the mighty one of Jacob, 17 For brafle I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring filver, and for wood brafle, arid for dersj but thou fhalt call thy walls falvation, and thy gates praife. i? *Thefunne fhall be no more thy light* Rev.ai.aj. by day, neither for brightnefle fhall the moon and 12.5, give light unto thee : but the L o R D fhall be unto thee an everlafting light 3 and thy God thy glory. ao Thy funne fhall no more go down, nei- ther fhall thy moon withdraw it felf : for the LORD fhall be thine everlafting light, and the dayes of thy mourning fhall be ended. 21 Thy people z.\(o Jlall bea\\ righteous: they (hall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hinds, that I may be glorified. ^^ A little one fhill become a thoufand, and a fmall one a ftrong nation : I the L O R will haftenitinhistirae. CHAP. LXL (ings of the faithful!. "TTHe * fpint of the Lord G o D it upon me, * A becaufe the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek, he hath fent me to binde up the broken-hearted , to proclaim libertle to the captives_, and the open- ing of the prifon to them that are bound : z To proclaim the acceptable yeare of the LoRD,andthedayof vengeance of our God , to comfort all that mourn : 5 To appoint unto them that rrourn ia Zion, to give unto them beauty for afhes,the oyl of joy for mourning, the garment of praife for the fpirit of heavinefle,that they might be called trees of righteoufnefle, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. 4 fl And they {hall * build the old wafteJ, * Chap. 5?; they fhall raife up the former defolations, and 12 they fliall repair the waftecitics,the defolations of many generations. 5 And ftrangers fhall ftand and feed your flocks, and the fonnes of the alien fhall be your plowmen, and your vine-drefTers. 6 Bat ye fhall be named theprieftsof the L o RD:men fhall call you the miniflers of our God : * ye fhill eat the riches of the Gentiles, i and in their glory fhall you bo:.it your felves. 6 7 I For your fhame you Jbatl have double j and for confufion they fhall rejoyce in their portion : therefore in tbtir land they fhall pof- feflc the double : everlafling joy fhall be unto them. 8 For I the L o RD love judgement, I hate robbery for burnt-offering, and I vvill direct their wo: k in truth, and I will make an everlaft- ing covenant with them. 9 And The prophets love Co the church. Chap. Ixii. Ixiii. Gods power and mercy. 9 And their feed fliall be known among the * prepare you the way of the people, caft up, 7- ") it Behold, the LOUD hath proclaimed un- * to the end of the world, * Say ye to the daugh- * Zech.^.p. ter of Zion, Behold,thy falvation comethj be- Match. 21.5. foulftullbejoyfullinroyGod/orhehathclo- hold, his*reward fcwith him, and his j| work J thn '* '* thed me with the garments of falvation, he before him. 1 1 And they (hall call them, The holy peo. |J or, pie, the redeemed of the LORD; and thou (hilt /*/* blefled. 10 I will greatlyTejoyce in the LORD, my hathco/ered me with the robe of righteouf f Heb. dec (- neffe, as a bridegroom \ decketh bimfelf with thM* ornaments, and as a bride adorneth her f elf be called, Sought out, a citie not forfaken. with her jewels. 1 1 For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden caufeth the things that are fown in it to fpring forth : fo the Lord GOD will caufe righteoufnefle and praife to fprin CT forth before all the nations. CHAP. LXIII. 10 In h'u juft vtrath he remembrith his free mercy. 1 5 the church in their prayer, 17 and complaint > frofejfe their faith. CHAP. LXII. fire of the trophet,t csnfirm the jromifes. 5 "The office of tbeminifiers {unto which they are incited") in preaching the go- fpel, 10 and preparing the people thereto. T-'Or Zions fake will I not hold my peace,and V for Jerufalems fake I will notreft,untill the righteoufnefle thereof go forth as brightnefle, and the falvation thereof as a lamp that burn- eth. WHo is this that cometh from Edom, with died garments from BozrahY this that is f glorious in his apparell, travelling in fHeb^**^ the greatncfle of his ftrengch? I that fpeakin righteoufncfle, mighty to (Ive. a Wherefore * art thou red in thine appa *Rer.i?.i3 rell, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the wine-fat? 3 I have troden the wine-prefle alone, and of the people there was none with me: for I i. And the Gentiles fiiall fee thy righteouf- will tread them in mine anger, and trample nefie, and all kings thy glory: and thou (halt them in my fury, and their bloud (hall be be called by a new name 3 which the mouth of Crinkled upon my garments, and I will ftain . the LORD (hall name. all my raiment. 3 Thou (halt alfo be a crown of glory in the 4 For the * day of vengeance is in mine *Char>>j.f; . hand of the LORDJ and a royall diadem in the heart,and the yeare of my redeemed is come. hand of thy Gcd. 5 And I looked,and there tvas none to help}, 4 *Thou (hah no more be termed,Forfaken$ and I wondered that there was none to up- neither (hall chy land any more be termed, De- hold: therefore mine own * arm brought falva- * Chi j folate: but thou (halt be called flHephii-bah, tionuntomc,andmy fury, it upheld me. if and thy land, || Beulah: for the LORD delight- 6 And I will tread down the people in mine eth in thee, and thy land (hall be married. ^g", and make them drunk in my fury, and * Hof. 1. 10. irrh 1 ' 2 '-' " in wilt iiinhcr. IJTiiatis, I will bring down their ftiength to the earth, t Hcb. vith fl, a ii t hy f onnes marry thee: and \ a* the bride- 7 U I will mention the loving kindnefles of 'kriJftTetm" room rcjoyceth over the bride , fo (hall thy the L o R D, and the praifes of the LOR D,ac- Gad rejoyce over thee. cording to all that the L o R D hath beftowed 6 I have fct watchmen upon thy walhjO on us, and the great goodnefle towards the Jerufalcm, -which (ball never hold their peace houfe of Ifrae), which he hath bellowed on. fOr,yethat day nor night: |{ ye that make mention of the them, according to his mercies, and according the Lordt i_ O Ri> keep not filencei * 7 And give him no freft^iii heeftabli(h,and cers* -t Heb./ lencf. t Heb. if till he make Jerufalem a praife in the earth. 8 The LORD hath fworn by hisright hand, and by the arm of his flcength, f Surely, I will no more give thy corn to be meat for thine ene- mies, and the fonnes of the (hanger (ha! I not drink thy wine, for the which thou haft la. beared: 9 Bur they that have gathered it, (hall eat it, and praife the LORD; and they that have brought it together, fliall drink it in the courts ef my holinefle. 10 ^ Go through, go through the gatesj to the multitude of his loving kindneflt- s. S For he (aid,Surdy they are my people,chil-J dren that will not lie: fo he was their fa viour. 9 f In all their affliction he was affli&eJ, and the angel of hisprcfcnce fived them: * jn * Teat, his love and in his pity he redeemed them, and 7/8. he, bare them, and carried them all the dayes of old. 10 q- Butthey*rebelled and vexed his ho- ly fpirit: therefore he was turned to be their em mie,andh'. fought as^ainft their. Num. 14.11. 11 Then he remembrcd the daycs of old, *''>' 7 8. jtf, Mofes and his pcople 3 _/iy/ag, Where U he that "" * brought them up out of thefea, with the E xod ,.- Hftiepherd 30. Gods 590 Pfal 77.20. *xd. 14. power and mercy. Ifaiah. The Jews reje&ed. || ihepherd of his flock? where ft. he that put his name, that ftirreth up himfelf to take hold of holy ipirit within him? thee: for thou, haft hid thy face from us, and 1 1 That led them by the right hand of Mo- haft t confumcd us becaufe of our iniquities, -j- Heb. xtttt* fes, with his glorious arm, *dividing the water 8 Butnow,O LORD, thou art our father: td. before them, to make himfelf an everlafting we are the clay, and thou our potter, and we name? all are the work of thy hand. i 3 Tb-Jt led them through the deep, as an 9 -f Be not * w-roth very fore, O L o R D, ho;fe in the wildernefle , that they fhould not neither remember inicjuitte for ever: behold, tumble? fee wee befeech thee, we arezll thy people. 14 As a beaft goeth down into the valley, 10 Thy holy ciats are a wilderneffe, Zion is a wildermfie, Jerufalem defolation, 1 1 Our holy and our beautifull houfe,where onr fathers praifed rhee, is burnt up with fire: and all our pleafant things are laid wafte. i Wilt thou refrain thy felf for thefe r/iultttuat. the fpirit of the LORD caufed him to reft: fo didft thou lead thy people to make thy felf a glorious name. iff *Look down from heaven,and behold from the habitation of thy holinefle and of thy g f wards me? are they reftrained ? i 6 Doubtlefle thou ar four father, though ' lory: where thy zeal and thy flrength, (jthe things , Q L o R D? wilt thou hold thy peace, ounding of thy bowels, and of thy mercies to- and afflift us very fore? __ . _ _ * * ledge us not: thou,O L o R DJ art our father, Or, our re. || OUr redeemer, thy name U from everlafting. 17^0 LORD, why haft thou made us to rbttUJting is 8 c/f remnant fhjUbefa-ved. ir Judgements on the wicked, and blefsingi on the godly, 17 The blefleJ Jlate of the new Jerufelem. Tb-Iwi*? ' 5 erre fron:1 tn y wayes? and hardened our heart T * Am fought of them that asked not for me: r_._ ^.. r.._, r- ..... r. r.i.- .L. J[ j am found of ^^ ^ flt . fought mg . j faid, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation ^? *5> 12, IJ. "PfaI.jT.ip, i.Cor.z.p. j}Or,/4 Godbeftdet thee which etothfofcr their affliftion. OH that thou wouldeft rent the heavens, that thou wouldeft come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy prefence, z As when t the melting fire burneth, the fire caufeth the waters to boyl, to make thy name known to thine adverfaries, that the na- tions may tremble at thy prefence. 3 When thou didft terrible things which we looked not for, thou canaeft down, the moun- tains flowed down at thy prefence. .4 For fincc the beginning of the world*men have not heard, nor perceived by the care, nei- ther hath the eye j| feen, O God, befidcs thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him . 5 Thoa meeteft him that rejoyceth , and Workcth righteoufnefie, thofe that remember thee in thy wayes? behold, thou art wroth, for we have finned: in thofe is continuance, and we ftiall be faved. 6 -But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our ri^hteoufnefles are as filthy rags,and we * PfaJ. po. all do *fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like 5>* thewinde, have taken us away, 7 And there is none that calleth upon thy , which eatfwinesflefli.and 1] broth of abominable things is in their veflcls; |j Or, pitte 5 Which fay, Stand by thy felf, come not neare to me, for I am holier then thou: thefe are a fmokein my jj nofe,a fire that burneth fiOr,r all the day. 6 Behold, it is written before me,I will not keep filence,but will recompenfe, even recom- penfe into their bofome, 7 Your iniquities,and the iniquities of your fathers together (fmh the LORD) which have burnt incenfc upon the mountains, and blaf- phemed me upon the hills : therefore will I meafure their former work into their bofbme. 8 f Thus faith the LORD, As the new wine is found in the clufter, and one faitb, Deftroy it not, for a bleffing U in it: fo will I do for my fervants fakes,that I may not deftroy them all. 9 And I will bring forth a feed out of Ja- cob , and out of Judah an inheritour of rny mountains: and mine cleft mall inherit it, and my fervants (hall dwell there. 10 And Sharon flull be a fold of flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to lie down in a for my people that have foughc me. ii f But The new Jerufalem. Chap. 1 1 f But ye 7 ther, and the lion (hall eat ftraw like the bul- lock: andduftj&j//ðe ferpems meat. They (hall not hurt nor dcftroy in all my holy mountain, faith the LORD* Ixvi. Gods benefits to the church. CHAP. LX VI. 591 I The glorious Gtdtcillle fervedin humble fine trity. 5 He comforteth the hvmble wrtfc the marvellous g e- neratiox,io and with the gracious benefits of the chxrck.ij Gods fever e judgements againft the wick- ed.iy Iht Gentiles Jhall have an holy churck,i^and fee the damnation of the wicked* THus faith the LORD,* The heaven is my * i throne,and the earth is my footftool:where 2 7- isthehoufe that ye build unto me? and where 2 ' chron ^ is the place of my reft i J^ $ 7 ^ 9f * For all thofe things hath mine hand made, and 17. 4 and all thofe things have been, faith the LORD: but to this man will I look,evr to him that is poore and of a contrite fpirit, and tremblcth at my word. 3 He that kiHeth an oy, is at if he flew a man: he that facrificeth a U lambe, at if he cut II Or, ^A off a dogs neck: he that offereth an oblation,^- if be offered fwines bloud : he that t burncth f Heb * incenfe,/;/heblefledan idol: yea, they have k ethame - chofen their own wayes, and their foul de- ****"# lighteth in their abominations. 4 lalfowill choofe their || delufions, and IjOr, f the church. ij As one whom his mother comforteth,fo bow, to Tubaland Javan, to thejfles afarre off, that have not heard my farne , neither will I comfort you : and ye fhall be comforted in Jerufalem. 14 And when ye fee tbis, your heart (hall rejoyce, and your bones (hall flourifli like an herb : and the hand of the LORD (hall bs Jmywn towards his fervants, and bis indignati- on towards his enemies. 1 ? For behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots likeawhirlewinde, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke have feen my gloryj and they Hull declare my glory among the Gentiles. ao And they (hall bring all your brethren for an offering unto the L o R D, out of all na- tions,upon horfes and in chariots, and in || lit- ters, and upon mules, and upon fwift beafts, to my holy mountain Jerufalem , faith the LoRD,as the children of Ifrael bring an offer- ing in a clean vcffcl, into the houfe of the with flames of fire. LORD. 1 6 For by fire, and by his fword, will the ^ i And I will alfo take of them for'priefts, * Exo d. < 9 6 ' LORD plead with all fle(h: and the (lain of the and. for Levites, faith the LORD. Chap.*** ' LORD (hall be many. 2z For as * the new heavens, and the new i- 17 They that fandifiethemfelves,and puri- earth which I will make, flull remain before f fie themfelves in the gardens, y behinde one me, faith the LORD, fo (hall your feed and your , - me in the midft, eating fwines flefti, and the nameremain. aPe abomination, and themoufej (hall be confu- 13 And icftull come to pafTe, thatffrom med together, faith theLoRD. one new moon to another, and from one fab- ^ 1 8 For I tyiow their works and their bath to another, (hall all flefh come to worftiip Ji*JJ w thoughts : it (hall come, that I will gather all before me, faith the LORD. andfromfrf mtions and tongues,and they (hall come and 14 And they (hall go forth, and look upon ^ *a 6 tee my glory. the carcafes of the men that have tranfgteffed /***** 19 And Iwillfet a figne among them, and againft me: for their * worm (hill not die, nci- Mark p I will fend thofe that efcape of them, unto the ther (hall their fire be quenched, and they (hall 44- jutions,to Tar(hi(h, Pul and Lud that draw the be an abhorring unto all flefh. The book of the prophet JEREMIAH. CHAP. I. i the tlme,l and the caU'tng tfjeremltib.il Hisprt- pheticiill iiijions of an almond-re d t and a. fettling fot. 15 fiif heavy mefjage againft fudat-ij God encouragith him -with hitpromtfe tfifnfttnett Rewords of Jeremiah the fonne of Hilkiah , of the priefts that were in Ana- thoth in the land of Ben- jamin : x TO whom the word of the LORD came in the dayes of Jofiah the fonne of Ainon king of Judah , in the thirteenth yeare of his reigne. $ It came alfo in the dayes of Jehoiakim the fonne of Jofiah king of Judah,unto the end cfth; eleventh yeareof Zedekiah the fonne of Jofiah king of Judah , unto the carrying away of Jerufalem captive in the fifth moneth. 4 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, fay ing, * Ifa.49-i5 5 Before I * formed thee fh the belly, I knew theej and before thou earned forth out 'Gal.i.i5, ofthewombe,! * farcified thee, t tub. &M. dained thee a prophet unto the nations. 6 Then faid I, Ah, * Lord GOD, behold,! *Exod. 4. cannot fpeak, for I &m a childe. - 7 ^ But the LORD faid unto me, Say not, I am a childe: for thou (halt go to all that I (hall fend thee , and whatfoever I command thee thou (halt (peak. 8 * Be not afraid of rfieir faces : for * I am 'Ezefc 3. p. "'. with thee to deliver thee^ faith the L o R D. *Exod. ?. 1 2. 9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, P^V**'*" and * touched my mouth, and the LORD ^ bi *, j*^* faid unto me, Behold, i have *put tr.y words in * ifa.rf.y. thy mouth. * Chap, j, 10 See, I have this day fet thee over the na- * 4> tions,and over thekingdomes,to*rootout,and *Chap.i8.7.' to pull down, and todcftroy, and to throw 2 - Cor - 10 ^ down, to build and to plant. 1 1 f Moreover , the word of the LORD came unto me, faying, Jeremiah, what feeft thou? and I faid, I fee a rod of an almond-tree. i a Then faid the LORD unto me,Thou haft well feen : for I will haften my word to pet- form it. 15 And the word of the LORD came unto methefecond time, faying, What feeft thou? and I faid, I fee a feething pot, and the face thereof WM t towards the north. th t north. 14 Then Gods expoftulatfon with the Jews Chap. ii. about their revolt. 14 Thenthe LORD faid umome,Outof the thereof 3 ^but when ye entred, ye * defiled my f c? hap. 4 6. * north an evil f (halt break forch upon all the cb fata, inhabitants of the land. call all the families of the > op.ntlt. " Chap. J. 15 and 6. and to. 22. land, and made mine heritage an abomination. * Pfal.78. 5 8 8 The priefts faid not, Where it the LORD? andioa.js. and they that handle the * law, knew me not: *Rom 1.20, the paftours alfo tranfgrefled againft me , and the prophets prophefied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit. 9 f Wherefore I will yet plead with you, faith the LORD, and with your childrcns chil- dren will I plead. 10 Forpafle||overtheiflcsof Ghittim,and jJ '* forfaken me,and have burnt incenfe unto other feejand fend unto Kedar, and confider diligent- gods , and worihipped the works of their own ly ' and fee if there be fuch a thing. 1 1 Hath a nation changed their gods, which are * yet no gods? but my people hare changed * Ch their glory, for that tvhich doth not profit. * 0i i f For lo,I will kingdomes of the north, faith the L o R o^ and they mall come,and they (hall fet every one his throne at the cmring of the gates of Jerufalem, and againft all the walls thereof round about, and againft all the cities of Judah. 16 And I will otter my judgements againft them touching all their wickedaeffe, who have hands. 17 ^ Thou therefore gird up thy Ioyns,an , 17 Haft thou not procured this unto thy felf, thjcreifi, 31 Hercen- in that thou haft forfaken the L o R D thy God. P-JJ. when he led thee by the way? Ifa ' 8 *< 1 8 And now what haft thou to do in the way IVLmCj faying, of Egypt,to drink the waters of Sihort or what z Go, and cry in the eares of Jerufalem,fay- haft thou to do in the wav of AflVria. to drink they (hall not prevail againft thee:for I am with thee, faith the L o R D, to deliver thee. CHAP. II. \ God having fie-nted bu former \indneffe, expo ftuh- teth with tht jFews their cxufeleffe revolt* 9 beyond any example. 14 They are the ^xufes of their own calamities, 20 The finnfs of fidence it rejected. ^ i Oreover,the word of the L o R D came to P Or, forth] ing, Thus faith the LORD, I remember || thee, /H* the kindnefieof * thy youth, the love of thine * 2KttfJ e fp OU fals,when thou wenteft after me in the wildernefle, in a land that was not fown. 5 Ifrael \vxs holmefle unto the L o R D, and * Chap, i *, the firft-fruits of his increafe:* all that devoure 14. him, (hall ofFendj evil (hall come upon them, faith theL o RD. 4 Heare ye the word of the L o R D,O houfe to do in the Way of Aflyria, to drink the waters of the river ? ij> Thine own *wickednefle (hall correct *rr a . j thee, and thy backflidings (hall reprove thee: Hof. 5. know therefore and fee, that it an evil thing and bitter that thou haft forfaken the L o R D thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, faith the Lord GOD of hofts. ae 5f For of old time I have broken thy yoke s and burft thy bands, and thou faidft, I will not of Jacob, and all the families of the houfe of || tranfgrcfle : when * upon every high hill, and jj Orjy ,, Ifrael. f ^ ThusfaiththeLoRDjWhatiniquity have your fathers found in me, that they arc gone farre from me, and have walked after va nitie, and are become vain? 6 Neither faid chcy, Where Is the LORD that * Ifa. tfj.p, * brought us up out of the land of Egypt? that under every green tree thou wandereft, playing Mfa-s? the harlot. Chap.}.*. zi Yet I had * planted thee a noble vine 'Exod.i 5.17 wholly a right feed : how then art thou turned PfaU4a- into the degenerate plant of a ftrange vine unto J" a d j**^ c< mc ' Matth.Ji.3j. it For though thou * wa(h thee with nitre, Mark led us through the wildernefle, through a land and take thee much fope,^er thine iniquity is Luke 20 9. of deferts, and of pits, through a land of marked before me,faith the Lord GOD. How canft thou fay , I am not pol- drougnt, and ot the (hidow or aeatn, tarougn zj How cantt thou lay, i am not poi- a land that no man pafled through, and where luted , I have not gone after Baalim ? fee thy no roan dwelt. 7 And I brought you into a plentifull coun- rrcy, to eat the fruit thereof, and the goodnejfc way in the valley, know what thou haft done: II thou art a fwift dromedarie travelling her jj or, o .u. prophets, to be amamed. Chap. <5. 15 ^7 Saying to a ftock, Thou art my father; 4 Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, y OtJwtttn and to a ftone, Thou haft (j brought me forth: My father, thou art the guide of my youth? for they have turned 1 1 beir back unto me, and f Will he referve his anger for ever ? will he tht MC\. not the * r f ace:but in tac time o f ^eir * trouble, they will fay, Arife, and fave us. 28 Butwhere arc thy gods that thou haft lfa.45-o- madethee ? let them atife if they * can fave - - - 7 Heb tvil. * Chap. u. keep it to the end? Bchold,tbou haft fpoken and done evil things as thou couldeft. 6f TheLoRDfaidalfountomeinthedayes of Jofiah the king, Haft thou feen that whi ....._.."...- maaccncc r ict inem ariie 11 iney T can wve vi ,/uuau me sing, na inuuiccn inaiwmcn theein the time of thyttroubleifor^coc^sg to back-fliding Ifrael hath done? me is * gone up * Chap;*, c the number of thy cities,are thy gods,O Judah. 19 Wherefore will ye plead with me? ye all have tranfgrefled againft me, faith the L o R D. 30 In vain have I * fmitten your children, PJ3- they received no correction: your own fword * Matth.3. hath * devoured your prophets, like a deftroy- *9 &C. Cha *Vcrf.j; t Heb. w, havedtmi' ing lion. 3i^O generation, fee ye the word of the LORD: * have I been a wildernefle unto Ifrael? a land of darknefle ? wherefore fay my people, tWe arelords,we will come no more unto rhee? 31 Can a maid forget her ornaments , or a bride her attire ? yet my people have forgotten me dayes without number. 3 3 Why trimmeft thou thy way to feek love? therefore haft thou alfo taught the wicked orus thy wayes. 34 Alfo in thy skirts is found the bloud of the fouls of the poore innocents: I have not f Heb, Jig- found it by f fecret fcarch, but upon all thefe. & 3f Yet thou fayeftjBecaufe I am innocent, furely his anger (hall turn from me : behold, I will plead with thee,becaufe thou fayeft,! have not finned. 36 Why gaddeft thou about fo much to change thy way? thou alfo (halt be amsmed of Egypt, as thou waft amamed of Aflyria. 37 Yea, thou (halt go forth from him, and thine hands upon thine head : for the LORD hath rejected thy confidences, and thou (hale not profper in them. CHAP. III. I Gods great mercy in Jndobs -vile -whoredome. 6 Ju- Jah it wor(e then Ifrael. i a The promifes ofthegofpel to the penitent, ao Ifrael reproved and called by God, ma\(tth a, folemn cvnfefiion of their finnes. t Heb. f*y- tTPHey fay, If a man put away his wife, and *& J[ (he go from him , and become another * Deut 34; 4 mans,* fiull he return unto her again?fhall not upon every high mountain , and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot. 7 And I faid after (he had done all thefe things, Turn thou unto me . but (he returned not, and her treacherous fitter J udah faw it. 8 And I faw, when for all the caufes where- by back- Hiding Ifrael committed adulterie, I had put her away, and given her a bill of ili- vorce : yet her treacherous fifter Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot alfo. 9 And it came to paffe through the jj light. Or ^ m nefle of her whoredome , that (he defiled the land, and committed adulterie with ftones and with flocks. 10 And yet for all this,her treacherous fifter Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but f feignedly, faith the L o R D. f Heb. 1 1 And the LORD faid unto me, The back- fliding Ifrael hath juftified her felf more then treacherous Judah. i a f Go,and proclaim thefe words toward the north,and fay,Returnthou back- fliding If- rael, faith the LORD, and I will not caufe mine anger to fall upon you:for lam *mercifull,faith . the LORD, . not turn avva y \ fr m me ' 7 The lion it come up from his thicket, and ^ the deftroyer of the Gentiles is on his wayj he is gone forth from his place to make thy land httfyng. defolate, and thy cities (hall be laid wafte^ with- out an inhabitant. 8 For this * gird you with fackcloth,lament * Chap 6. and howl : for the fierce anger of the LORD is Jtf> not turned back from us. o And it (hall come to pafle at that day ,faith A>ter me, T Heb. 20 4 Surely, M a wife treacheroufly depart- the L o R o t that the heart of the king (hall pe- eth from her t husband ; fo have you dealt trca- ri(h,and the heart of the princcs.-and the priefts cheroufly with me, O houfe of Ifrael, faith the (hall be aftoniihcd, and the prophets {hall won- L o R D. der. Hof.i4.i- i A voice was heard upon the high places, weeping and fupplications of the children of Ifrael : for they have perverted their way, and they have forgotten the L o R D their God. ^^ * Return ye back- Hiding children, and I will heal your back- Hidings : behold, we come unto thee, for thou art the L o R D our God. 2 5 Truly in vzinufalvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains: i o Then faid I, Ah Lord G o D, furely thou haft greatly deceived this people , and Jerufa- lem , faying , Ye (hall have peace, whereas the fword reacheth unto the foul. 11 At tint time (hall it be faid to this peo- ple, and to Jerufalem, A dry winde of the high places in the wilder ncfle toward the daughter of my people, not to fannc, nor to cleanfe, 12 Even jj a full winde from thofe places jj Or, truly in the LORD our God is the (alvation of (ball come unto me: now alfo will I f give fen- *' ^ Ifrael. tence againft them. 24 For flume hath devoured the labour of 15 Behold, he (hall come up as clouds, and his chariots Jball be as a whirlwinde: his horfes are fwifter then eagles : wo unto us, for we are fpoiled. !4 O Jerufalem, *wa(h thine heart from ifa. wickcdne fie , that thou mayeft be faved : how our fathers from our youth-, their flocks and their herds, their fonnes and their daughters. 2 ? We lie down in our (harae, and our con- fufion covereth us : for we have finned againft the L o R D our God; we and our fathers from our youth even unto this day , and have not obeyed the voice of the L o R D our God. CHAP. IIII. i God ealleth Ifrael ty}iufromire' 3 Ve exhorted Ju- tfenta.nct fa fear full judgements. 19 ^Agitt- long (hall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee? i? For a voice declarcth * from Dan, and* chap. 8. publiflieth affliction from mount Ephraim. (6* 1 6 Make ye mention to the nations,behold, publifli againft Jerufalem, that watchers come from a force countrey , and give out their voice againft the cities ofjudah. yF thou wilt return, O Ifrael,faith the LORD, 17 As keepers of a field are they againft her fjoel *.ii 1* return unto me: and if thou wilt put a way roundabout j becaufe (he hath been rebellious thine abominations out of my fight, then (halt againft me, faith the L o R D. thou'not remove. 18 * Thy way and thy doings have procured , Pl x And thou (halt fwear,The LORD liveth,in thefe things unto thee, this is thy wickednefle i y . truth, in judgement, and in nghteoufneflej and the nations (hall bleffethem(elvesinhim,and * iCor; 10. in him (hall they * glorie. '7- ? f For thus faith the L o R D to the men ofjudah and Jerufalem, Break up your fallow ground, and fow not among thorns. 4 Circumcife your felvesto theLoRD,and becaufe it is bitter, becaufe it reacheth unto lfa.jo.i. thine heart. 19 f My * bowels, my bowels, I am pained ifa.a;.* at f my very heart , my heart maketh a no;fe in Chap.t. me , I cannot hold my peace, becaufe thou haft JjJ V beard, O my foul, the found of chetrumpetjthc t,'^' ' alarm of w^ne, z zo D.ftrufti- A lamentation for Judaii. 596 Jeremiah; Gods anger againfl the Jews,' zo Deftru6tionupondeftruionisttied,for have refufed to receive corredion : they have the whole land isfpoiled:fuddenly are my tents made their faces harder then a rock, they have *"* tefufed to return. fpoiled, and my curtains in a moment. xi How long (hall I fee the ftandard , and heare the found of the trumpet? zz For my people is foohih , they have not known me , they are fottifti children, and they have none under ft anding : they are wife to do evil* but to do good they have no knowledge. 23 I beheld the earth, andlo, it was with- out form and void : and the heavens, and they bad no light. 4 Therefore I faid > Surely thefe a re^ oore, they are foolifh : for they know not the way of the L o R D, -aor the judgement of their God. 5 I will get me unto the great men , and Will fpeak umo them* for they have known the way of the LORD, and the judgement of their God : but chsfe have altogether broken the yoke, and burit the bonds. 6 Wherefore a lion oat of the forrefl (hall 24 I beheld the mountains , andlo, they flaythem,a^a wolf of the jjevenings (hall fpoil IJOr. * trembled, and all the hills moved lightly 2 f I beheld, and lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. 26 I beheld, and lo , the fruitfull place wju a Wildernefle,and all the cities thereof were bro- ken down at the prefence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger. 27 For thus hath the LORD faid, The whole land (hall be defolate ; * yet will i not make a full end. 28 For this (hall the earth mourn , and the heavens above be black : becaufe I have fpoken it) I have purpofed it, and will not repent, nei- ther will I turn back from it. 29 The whole city (hall flee , for the noife of the horfemen and bowmcn,they (hall go in- to thickets, and climbe up upon the rocks: every city Jhall be forfaken , and not a man dwell therein. go And when thou art fpoiled , what wilt thou do ? Though thou clotheft thy felf with crimfin, though thou deckefttheewithorna- eyet. ments of gold , though thou renteft thy f face with painting , in vain (halt thou make thy felf them, a leopard (hall watch over their cities: every one that goeth out thence (hall be torn iri pieces : becaufe their tranfgreflions are many, and their back.flidings j are increafed. -f Hcb. art 7 ^fHow (hall I pardon thee for this? tbyA".' children have forfaken me, and fworn by them that are no gods : when I had fed them to the full, they then committed adultery, and aflcm- bled themfelves by troups in the harlots houfes. 8 * They were ar fed horfes in the morning: * Ezck.J2 every one neighed after his neighbours wife. 1 1. 9 Shall I not vifit for thefe things? faith the LORD: and (hall not my foul be avenged on fuch a nation as this ? ip q Go ye up upon her walls, and deftroy, but make not a full end : take away her battle- ments, for they are not the L o R D $<. 1 1 For the houfe of Ifrael, and the houfe of Judah have dealt very treacheroufly againft me, faith the L o R D. 1 2 They have belied the L o R D,and faid, * It Is not he , neither (hall evil come upon us> * if a< 2 g, i 1 neither ihall we fee fword nor famine : , .. .,, . i $ And the prophets (hall become winde, fair, thy lovers will defpife thee, they will feek and the word is not in them : thus (hall it be thy life. done unto them. 51 For I have heard a voice as of a woman 14 Wherefore thus faith the LORD God of in travail, and the angutth as of her that bring- hofts , Becaufe ye fpeak this word, * behold, I * Chap. i. j eth forth her firft childe,the voice of the daugh- will make my words in thy mouth fire,and this ter of Zion: that bewaileth.her felf, that people wood, and it (hall devoure them, fpreadeth her hands,/iyj, Wo is me no w^for i j Lo,I will bring a * nation upon you from * Deut. aS. my foul is wearied becaufe of murderers. farre,O houfe of Ifcael,faith the L o R D- it is a 40. mighty nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation Ch ?P* *' 1 whofe language thouknowcft not, neither un- n thtypry men: |J they lay wait as he that fetteth fnares, Si " ite thc y fct a trap> thc ? catch men * I Or, nf m 2 ? As a II cage a full of birds , fo are their hoafes full of deceit : therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. fDeut.ji.i5 28 They arc waxen * fat, they (bine: yea, tbeyoverpafle the deeds of the wicked: they Mfa.i.aj. judge not * the caufe, thecaufe of the father- Zech. 7 .io. lefle , yet they profper: and the right of the needie do they not judge. 20 Shall I not vifit for thefc things? faith the ^ L o R D : (hall not my foul be avenged on fuch a nation as this? 30 f j) A wondcrfull and horrible thing is committed in the land. 3 1 The prophets prophefie * falfely,and the priefls |{ bear rule by their means, and my peo- ple love to have it fo : and what will ye do in the end thereof ? CHAP. VI. I The enemies fern agninft fttdxh, 4 entourage thetn- ftlvti. 6 God fetteth them on work tecaufie of their (innts.9 The prophet lamenttth the judgements ofGtd beciufe of their (tnnes.\% He proclatmeth Gods wr&th. 26 tie calleth the p e op le to mourn for the judgement en their fimei. QYe children of Benjamin, gather your felves to flee out of the midft of Jerufa- lem, and blow the trumpet in Tckoa : and fet up a figne cf fire in Beth-haccerem: for evil ap- peareth out of the north, and great deftruftion. 2 I have likened the daughter of Zion, to a I || comely and delicate woman. 3 The (hepherds with their flocks Gull come Chap 1 14. and 13 |0r,rf at kemc. 4 Prepare ye warre againft her: arife and let us go up at noon : wo unto us, for the day <>o- eth away, for the (hadows of the evening D are ftretched out. f Arife, and let us go by night, and let us deftroy her palaces. 6 f For thus hath theL o RDofhoftsfaid Hew ye down trees, and j| caft a mount againft || Or, fnr . JerufaJem: this is the citie to bevifitcd,(hc if '* wholly opprefllon in the midft of her. *"" /**' 7 * As a fountain cafteth out her waters, fo lf. 57. jo, (he cafteth out her wickednefle : violence and fpoilis heard in her, before me continually u grief and wounds. 8 Be thou inftrufted, O Jerufalem, left my foul f depart from thee: left I make theedcfo- t"*'** late, a land not inhabited. lfedoi * uift i f Were they *aAamed when they had com- ?" ^. ? ; jnitted abomination i nay, they were not at all an a jj (1 ,. adsamed , neither could they bluQi : therefore they ihall fall among them that fall: at the time that I vifit them, they ftall be caft down, faith theLoRD. 16 Thus faith theL ORD, Stand ye in the wayes and fee,and ask for the *old paths,w^e is the good way, and walk therein, and ye (hall .finde *reft for your fouls: but they faid,\Ve will not walk therein. 17 Alfo I fet watchmen over you , faying, Hearken to the found of the trumpet: but they (aid, We will not hearken. Qj} J 8 Ifa - *. r Matt.u.iy Gods wrath proclaimed Jeremiah. Vain truft. c 9 8 18 < Therefore heare, ye nations, and Ifrael* Amend your way,and your doings,* chap .8. 59 know,0congregation*hatlamongthem. and I w^lcaufe you to dwell in this place. .*, 1 9 Heare, Oearthjbehold, I will bring evil 4 Truft ye not m lying words, faying, The 3 upon this people, even the fruit of their temple of the LORD, the temple of the LOB D, thoughts, becauTe they have not hearkened un- the temple of the L o RD are thefe. to my words, nor to my law, but re jeded it. 1 For if ye throughly amend your wayes, . ifa . .. *o * To what purpofe cometh there to me and your doings j it you throughly execute andurk I rnt.ofFerings.r C notac. 6 // ye oppreffe not the ftranger, the father- mc..,Stc. w *' facrifices fvve et unto me. lefle, and the widow, and (bed not innocent xi Therefore thus faith the LORD, Behold, bloud in this place , neither walk after other I will lay ftumbling-blocks before this people, gods to your hurt : and he fathers and the fonnes together (hall 7 Then will I caofe you to dwell in this ftlluponthem: the neighbour and his friend place,in the land that I gave to your fathers, for fcallperifh. ever and ever. 2 1 Thus faith the L o R D, Behold, a people cometh from the * north-countrey, and a great nation (hall be raifed from the fides of the earth Than i ad $ . P ,5 and 10. iz. 8 4 Behold, ye truft in lying words, that cannot profit. 9 Will ye fteal,murder,and commit adultery, and fwear falfely, and burn incenfe unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not j 10 And come and ft and before me in this * 5 They (hall lay hold on bow and fpear: they are cruel, and have no mercie : their voice * nuu win* . -~ - - roareth like the fea, and they ride upon horfes, houfe, f which is called by my name, and fay, k naray as men for warre againft thee,O We are delivered I to do alhhefe abominations* daughter of Zion. ! * < his hou / e . ? hic u h u 1S callcd b ? m y ?ir..,.y. Z4 We have heard the fame thereof, our name, become a * den of robbers in your eyes? . Ma tth.. hands wax feeble: anguifh hath taken hold of behold, even I havefeenir, faith the LOR D. ., us, and pain, as of a woman in travail. xa But go ye now unto my place which *,*, %*' \" Go not forth into the field, nor walk by in Shiloh, where I fet my name at the firft, and ^ thewayjforthefwordof the enemiea^fear fee* what I did ; toit, for the wickedneflc of J.Sam.4. is on every fide. my people Ifrael. ^ .. . . Pfal 7 "g.^ z6 fr O dauohterof my people, gird thee 13 And now becaufe ye have done all thefe chap.**.*. . Cha P .4. 8. With * fackcloth", and wallow thy felf in afces: works, faith the L o R D, and I fpake unto you, and , 5 P 1 4. make thee mourning , for an onely fonne; nfing up early, and fpeakmg but ye heard not; moft bitter lamentafion: for the fpoiler (hall andl*calledyou,butyeanfwerednot: Pro*.,.,*, f ddenlv come upon us J 4 Therefore will I do unto this houfe * ru 17 I have fet thee for a tower, and * a for- which is called by my name, wherein ye truft, and .j^o. treffe among my people,that thou nuyeft know and unto the place which I gave to you and to A r * rhpir wnv yo ur fathers, as I have done to * Shiloh. _ ,. a a 8 They a7e aU grievous revolters, walking i y And 1 will caft you ouc of my fight a. I jo , l8 whhflanders: theyare *braffeand iron,they have caft out all your brethren, even the whole ^'^ areallcorrupters. feed of Ephraim. Chap. 5 6.^ IQ The bellows are burnt, the lead is con- 1 6 Therefore * pray not thou for this peo- Exod 3 ^ fumed of the fire, the founder melteth in vain; ple,neither lift up crie nor pryer for them nei- 10. for the wicked are not plucked away. ther make imerceffion to me, for I will not ^^4 3 o * II Reprobate filver (hall men call them, heare thee. *_V _^ i f -rL_J *t T - *r C< Sat ifa.i.J*. 2O I) Kcprooaic uiyci iui n.~ becaufe the LORD hath rejected them. cc, 1 7 f Seeft thou not what they do in the ci- ties of Tudah, and in the ftreets of Jerufalem? ~ ^ .-.i i-fi ^i_. i ^_j ^i ctnfidtnce, 11 \7 the eximf.e of Shthh their idoUtry. zi > f Shthh. 17 We tne i r d ou gh to make cakes to the [| queen of (j Or,frame, . zi Wsre J e ^ tth heaven, and to ponre out drink, offerings unto * *"* iSSftS &SfrJ&l mayprovokemc --* judgements for thefewe* THe word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, faying, ^ Stand in the gate of the LORDS houfe, and proclaim there this word, and fay, Heare the word of the L o R D , all ye of J udah, that enter in at thefe gates to worftiip the L o R D i Thus faith the LORD of hofts the God of ger. 1 9 Do they provoke me to anger? faith the L o R D : do they not provoke themfelves to the confufion of their own faces ? zo Therefore thus faith the Lord G o DJ Behold, mine angerand myfurieftiall be peu- red out upon this place, upon man and upon beaft, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the The calamitie of the Jews. C H A P. VIII. 5;$ I The calamity of the fern both deidund alive. 4 H tybraiJftb their fotlijb and fbuneUfft imfenitmcie. *Ifa.i.u. Chap.S.io. A s J.; . A T tnat ^ me a fe"h the L o R D, they (hall JM. bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, The difobedient rejected. Chap, viii the fruit of the ground j and it (hall burn, and fliill noc be quenched. 21 f Thus faith the LORD of hofts the God of Ifrael, *Put your burnt-offerings unto your fecrifices, and eat fle(h. 22 For I fpake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought tH;b.<:*- them out of the land of Egypt, f concerning and the bones of his princes, and the bones of etming th burnt- offerings or facrifices. the pricfts, and the bones of the prophets, and mater of. z ^ But this thing commanded I them , fay- the bones of the inhabitants of Jerufalemouc 'Deur.M- ing,* Obey my voice,and *J will be your God, of their graves. *xod.'p.s. and ye (hall be my people: and walk ye in all * And they (hall fpread them before the Levit. 26.12. the wayes that I have commanded you, that it funne,and the moon 3 and all the hoft of heaven may be well unto you. whom they have loved , and whom they have 24 But they hearkened not , nor inclined ferved, and after whom they have walked, and their care , but walked in the counfels and in whom they have fought, and whom they have H Or, ftub" the || imagination of their evil heart,and f went worfliipped : they (hail not be gathered, nor be backward, and not forward. buried, they (hall be for dung upon the face of 2 f Since the day that your fathers came forth the earth. out of the land of Egypt unto this day , I have 3 And death (hall be chofen rather then life, even * fent unto you all my fervants the pro- by all the refidue of them that remain of this phets, daily riling up early, and fending them, evil family ,which remain in all the places whi- 26 Yet they hearkened not unto me, nor in- ther I have driven them , faith the L o R D of clined their care , but * hardened their neck, hofts. T Hcb.wn * : Chron, 36.15, they did worfe then their fathers. 4 ^ Moreover thou (halt fay unto them, 27 Therefore thou (halt fpeak all thefe words Thus faith the L o R D, Shall they fall, and noc unto them , but they will not hearken to thee : arife? (hall he turn away, and not return ? thou (halt alfo call unto thcm,but they will not ? Why then is this people of Jerufalem flid- anfwerthee. den back, by a perpetuall back-fliding? they 28 But thou (halt fay unto them , This is a hold faft deceit, they refufe to return. nation,that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD 6 I hearkened and heard, but they fpake not their God,nor receiveth || correction : truth is aright: no man repented him of his wickednes, perilhed, and is cut off from their mouth. faying, What have I done? every one turned to 29 f Cut off thine hair , Jerufalem , and his courfe, as the horfe rufneth into the battel. caft it away,and take up a lamentation on high places 5 for the L o R D hath rejected and for- faken the generation of his wrath. * z.Kings Chap. 1^.5. 7 Yea , * the ftork in the heaven knoweth * Ifa.i.j. her appointed times , and the turtle , and the crane , and the fwallow obferve the time of 30 For the children of Judah have done evil their coming, but my people know not the in my fight/aith the L o R D: they have fet their judgement of the L o R D. abominations in the houfe which is called by 8 How do ye fay,We are wifc,and the law of my name, to pollute it. the L o R D is with us ? Lo, certainly [j in vain II Orjbc&lfi 3 1 And they have built the * high places of made he if, the pen of the fcribes is in vain. f". "f *' ht Tophet , which if in the valley of the fonne 9 * II The wife men are a(hamed,they are dif- {JJ/JJ Ji of Hinnom , to burn their fonncs and their mayed & taken j lo,thcy have rejected the word htd. daughters in the fire, which I commanded of the Lo R o,and fwhat wifdome win them? *Chap.tf. t Heb. came them not, neither fcame it into my heart. 10 Therefore will I give their wives unto ' * -- - . , ,!,: cU. U* m i-U^. n,n :~ ll r > 3 2 ^ Therefore behold , the dayes * come, others , and their fields to them that (hall in- j. faith the LORD , that it (hall no more be called herit them t 'for every one from the leaft even httrt. ^^^ ^ .... ... .-.. | Chap. 19. Tophet,nor the valley of the fonne of Hinnom, unto the greateftis given to * covetoufnefle, T^ but the valley of daughter : for they (hall bury from the prophet eveaunto the prieft,every one '>*" 'f in Tophet, till there be no place. dcaleth falfely. "SjT.i. *PfaL79.2i 3? And the *carcafes of this people (hall be n For they have* healed the hurt of the chap 6.ij.' Chap.i6.4- meat for the fowls of the heaven , andforthe daughter of my people flightly, faying,* Peace, * Chap. 6. and 34, o. beafts of the earth, and none (hall fray them a- peace, when there is no peace. ^' , way. 1 2 Were they * afliamed when they had Ie * c * Tfa.34.7- 34 Then will I caufc to * ceafe from the ci. committed abomination? nay, they were notat chap.j.j. Chap. 16.9, ties of Judah, and fromtheftreetsofjerufa- all afliamed, neither could they blu(h: therefore andf.is. j ZJ ' | I lem , the voice of mirth,and the voice of glad- (h'all they fall among them that fall,inthe time EiekrM.1). neffe, the voice of the bridegroom , and the of their vifitation they (hall be caft down, faith Hof.2,n. voice of the bride; for the land Hull be defolate thcLoRD. .0,34 ij fill Judgements npon the Jews Jeremiah. 600 1 $ f U I will furely confumc them, faith the | Or, in ft. L o R DJ there foatt be no grapes * on the vine, tb.ring iM no,. gg s on lne * fig-tree,and the leaf (hall fade, Ifrs'i &c aml the thm l s tbat l nave 8 iven thcm ftial1 *Mattb.'i." paffe away from them . 14 Whydowe fitftill?aflemble yourfelvesj an< j i et us-enter i nt o the defenced cities, and let us be filent there : for the LORD out God hath put us to filence,and given us*water of |{gall to drmkjbecaufe we have finned againft the LORD, 15 We *looked for peace, but no good cetme: for their difobedience. 99' Luke i J.5, * Chap 9. 15. and j. ?* ,. . , * Chap?i ""' A * d for a time ^ healtn j and behold trouble, ,P. 16 The fnorting of his horfes was heard from* Dan: the whole land trembled at the found of the neighing of his ftrong ones , for they are come and have devoured the land, and -\ all that is in it , the city and thofe that dwell therein. 1 7 For behold, I will fend ferpents, cocka- *Chap.4. 5- t Hcb. tht y And they will|| deceive every one his neigh- fl Or, bour , and will not fpeak the truth : they have taught their tongue to fpeak lies , and weary lftem telves to commit iniquitie. 6 Thine habitation is in the midfiof de- ceit, through deceit theyrefufe to know me, faith the L o a D. 7 Therefore thus faith the L o R D of hofls, Behold , I will melt them, and try them } foe how ihall I do for the daughter of my people? 8 Their tongue is at an arrow (hot out , it fpeakcth * deceit : one fpeaketh * peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth,but tin heart he layeth jj his wait.- 9 f * Shall I not vifu them for thefe things? faith the L o R D: (hall not my foul be avenged hi on fuch a nation as this? j 10 For the mountains will I take up a weep- * ; ing and- wailing , and for the |} habitations of 39 Pfal.n. . i no. 5. J * p ' 5<5> ' t Heb. be. atiftfthe ff. P fai. 5 8. trices among you,which will not be * charmed, the wilderneflTe a lamentation, becaufe they are |Or,M'*. 4) 5- andtheyfhall bite you, faiihtheL OR D. (jburnt up,fo that none can paffe through tbeWy B Or,<* filare. 1 8 5j whenl would comfort noy felf againft neither can men hearc the voice of thecattel, "jHeb. ttpm. forrow, my heart M faint fin me. f both the fowl of the heavens and the beait fHeb-jFai 19 Beholdjthevoiceofthecryof thedaugh- arefled, they aregone. **' *'"'** ter of my people, | becaufe of them that dwell 1 1 And I will make Jerufalem heaps , and "' in a farre countrey : /* nottheLoRDinZion? * a den of dragons, and I will make the cities *Chap.io. Jr not hei king in her? why have they provoked of Judahj defolate, without an inhabitant, me to anger with their graven images , and 1 2 [ Who is the wife man that may under- with firange vanities ? ftand this , and who is he to whom the mouth ' 20 The harveft is paft,the Cummer is ended, of the LORD hath fpoken, that he may declare and we are not faved. it , for what the land pcrUheth and is burnt up 2 1 For the hart of the daughter of my peo- like a wilderneffe that none paffeth through? pie am I hurt , I am black : aitonilhment hath 1 3 And the L o R D faith, Becaufe they have taken hold on me. fbrfaken my law which I fet before them, and *Chap.4. a a is there no * balm inGilead ? if there have not obeyed my voice , neither walked t H b out ^pkyGcian there? why then is not the health therein; T^ e gait Q ^ t j au gy jtcr Q f m y pe O pi e -j- recovered? 14 But have walked after the (| imagination [j Or,j C H A P. I X. ^ their own heart , and after Baalim, which b~~ i Jeremiah lamenteth tht Jews for their minifold finnti, 9 and for their judgement, i * Difobedtence their fathers taught them : Therefore thus faith the LORD ofhofts, the caufeof their bitter calanhj. 17 He exhnttth t h e God of I frael , Behold , I will feed them, - .h them, till I have confumed them. % Oh that I had in the wildernefle a lodging- 1 7 4 Thus faith the L o R D of hofts,Conv place of way-faring men, that I might leave my fider ye,and call for the mourning- women } that people, and go from them : for they be all adul- they may come , and fend for cunning women^ terers, an aflembly of treacherous men. that they may come. j And they bend their tongues li^e their 18 And let them make hafte, and take up a bow for lies: but they arc not valiant for the wailing for us, that our eyes may runne down truth upon the earth $ for they proceed from with tears, and our eye- lids gufhom with wa- evil to evil , and they know not roe , faith the tersi LORD. 19 For a voice of wailing is heard oat of Zi- *Chap... 4 * Take ye heed every one of his ((neigh- on , How are we fpoiled ? we are greatly con- bour, and truft ye no t in any brother: for every founded, becaufe we have forfaken the land, brother will utterly fupplant, and every neigh- becaufe our dwellings have caft us out. bo'or will rvalk with fl-inders. o Ycthearethewordof theL oRu,Oye women., Idols vanitie. Chap. x. Gods oranipofency. women, and let your eare receive the word of 8 But they are f altogether *bruti(h and foo- 601 his mouth, and teach your daughters wailing, lift : the flock is a dodrine of vanities. t H b. in and every one her neighbour lamentation. 9 Silver (pread into plates is brought from ""jorar x i For death is come up into our windows, Tarihith , and gold from Uphaz , the work of Tj'^ 4 ,. j^ and is entred into our palaces , to cut off the the workman,and of the hands of the founder: Hab.Vif. children from without , and the young men blue and purple is their clothing : they are all *cch.iq,a. from the itreets. the work of cunning men. 2 z Speak , Thus faith the L o R D, Even the i o But the LORD is the f true God , be is t Hcb - Ced carcafes of men (hall fall as dung upon the the living God, and an -feverUfling king: at his 'f*S h ' open ficld,and as the handfull after the harveft. wrath the earth (hall tremble, and the nations L * ftr flu 11 oot be able to abide his indignation. i. Cor.* i. t H*ntt$t. CHAP. X. i IhetiMequ&ll ctwfirilon of Go d an d idols, ijfhe prc-phet txhorteth to ftet from the calamity to come. 19 He lamemeth the fpoil of the tabtmacle byfoolifh flours, a 3 He maketh an humble faff. ication. HEare ye the Word which the LORD fpeak- ech unto yon, O houfe of Ifrael. i Thus faith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not difmayed at the fignes of heaven, for the heathen are difmayed at them. 5 For the | cuftomes of the people are vain : for one cutteth a tree out of the forreft (the work of the hands of the workman) with the ax 4 They deck it with filver and with gold, pcrifh. 16 * The portion of Jacob is not like them: *chap.ju- for he is the former of all things , and Ifrael is ' the rod of his inheritance jthc L o R D of hofls is his name. 17 f Gather up thy wares out of the land, t inhabitant of the fortreffe. t Heb *** 1 8 For thus faith the L o R D, Behold,! will *" r '-^ fling out the inhabitants of the land at this once , and will diftrefle them , that they may finde itfo. 19 fl Wo is me for my hurt , my wound is grievous: butlfaid, Truly this -is a grief, and 1 muft bear it. 10 My tabernacle is fpoiled, and all rry they faften it with nails and with hammers cords are broken : my children are gone forth that it move not. of me,and they are not: there is none to ftretch but * Pfal. 1 1 j. * Thc V are upright as the palm-tree , 5 . fpeak not : they muft needs be * born , becaufe Ifa. 4^,1,7. they cannot go: be not afraid of them , for * I ft. 41.33. * they cannot do evil, neither alfo is it in them to do good. Pfal 85.8, 6 Forafmuch as there is none * like unto thee, O L o R D) thou art great,and thy name is great in might. ____....,.,,.-....,..,... n.and* Rev.ir.4. 7 * Who would not fear thee, O king of na- trey , to make the cities of Judah defolate,far confining to frit Jeremiah. T He word that came to Jeremiah from jhc LORD, faying, a Heare ye the words of this covenant, and fpeak unto the men of Judah , and to the inha- bitants of Jeuifaleoi, 3 And fay thou unto them , Thus faith the * Deut,7. LORD God of Ifrael, * Curfed be the man that ^- obeyeth not the words of this covenant, 4 Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land * Lev. a5. j, of Egypt, from the iron fornace,faying,* Obey 1 * my voice, and do them,according to all which I command you : fo (hall ye be my people, and I will be your God : *Dcut.7,ia. ; That I may perform the *oath which I ha?e fworn unto your fathers , to give them a land flowing with milk and hony, as it this f Heb. v*- day. Then anfwered'I, and faid, f So be it, O **** LORD* 6 Then the L o R D faid unto me, Proclaim all thefe words in the cities of Judah , and in the ftreets of Jerufalem , faying, Heare yc the words of this covenant, and do them. 7 For I earneftly protefted unto your fa- thers, in the day that I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, even unto this day, riling early and proteft ing, faying, Obey my voice. 8 Yec they obeyed not , nor inclined their Or, flM eare, but walked every one in the j| imagination teruntjji. o f t jj e j r ev ji neart . therefore I will bring up- on them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do , but they did them not. 9 And the LORD faid unto me, A confpi- racie is found among the men of Judah,and a- mong the inhabitants of Jerufalem. 10 They arc turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers , which refufed to heare my words i and they went after other gods to ferve them : the houfe of Ifrael and the houfe of Ju- dah have broken my covenant which I made t Hcbi te go ftrti, of. ' . i H Therefore thus faith the L o R D, Be- * Pi-ov.i.i8. hold , I will bring evil upon them which they Ifa. i. < j.. (foil not b e a ble f to efcapei and * though they Erck's^S 2 .'* 1 11 ^ un:0 me a * wi ^ DO hearken vuuo ' i ^ Then (hall the cities of Judah,and inha- bitants of JeruCilem go, and cry unto the gods unto whom they offer incenfe j but they ihall not fave them at all in the time of their t trouble. tHeb . nitf ij T?or according to the number of thy *ci- "Chap. -MS. ties were thy gods, O Judah; and according to the number of the ftreets of Jerufalem, have ye fet up altars to that fthimefull thing, evert al- f Heb. tars to burn incenfe unto Baal. Jbam!. 14 Therefore * pray not thou for t his peo- chap. 7. pie, neither lift up a cry or prayer for the m : for 16. and 14. I will not heare them m the time that they cry ' ' unto me for their f trouble. t H eb. w/; i j * t What hath my beloved to do in mine * Ifa. 1. 1 1, houfe, feeing flie hath wrought lewdnefle with ^ c ' many ? and the holy flefti is pafled from thee : [ s " " |j when thou doeft evil, then thou rejoyceft. ivtdi n m j 16 The LORD called thy name, A green houfi? olive-tree , fair and of goodly fruit : with the ' fc ^' **/" Hoife of a great tumult he hath kindled fire up- ' J ' v on it, and the branches of it are broken. 17 For the L o RD of hofts that planted thee, hath pronounced evil againft thee, for the evil of the houfe of Ifrael , and of the houfe of Judah , which they have done againft them- felves to provoke me to anger 3 in offering in- cenfe unto Baal. 1 8 f And theLoRohath given m know- ledge of it , and I know it, then thou ihewedli me their doings. 19 Butln7f likealambe or anoxrtaf is brought to the {laughter , and I knew not that they had devifed devices againft me, fay ig,Let us deftroy t the tree with the fruit thereof, and f Heb. the let us cut him off from the land of the living, /'* with bk that his name may be no more remembred. hre **' 10 But , O L o R D of hofts , that judgeft righteoufly , that * trieft the reins and the * i.Sam. 1 6. heart, let me fee thy vengeance on them j for 7* unto thee have I revealed my caufe. i.Chron.ag. ^ i Therefore thus faith the L o R D of the p'hi jt9t men of Anathoth, thatfeek thy life, faying, Chap. 17! 10. Prophefie not in the name of the L o R D, that and ao. i a. thou die not by our hand : Rcvel.a.zj. 11 Therefore thus faith the LORD ofhofis, Behold , I will tpimi(h them ; the young men f Heb, vift fhall die by the Iword , their fonnes and their /" daughters (hall die by famine. 15 And there fhall be no remnant of them, for I will bring evil upon the men of Anathoth, even the yeare of their vifitation. CHAP. XII. i Jeremiah complaining of the wicked* prosperity, by faith feeth their ruine. $ Godadmoniflxth htm of hit brethren* treachery againft him , j and lantenteth his heritage. 14 Hepiomifeth to the penitent return from caftrvttie. (j Or, let me Righteous art thou , O L o R D , when I ^aftvitl plead with thee: yet ({ let me talk with tint. thee The proipemie of the wicked. Chap, xui. The linen girdle. * Job 11.7. thee of thy judgements : * Wherefore doth the i? And it (hall come to pafle after that I 603 Pfai. 37- ' way of the wicked profper ? wherefore are all a n d 7 5. j. t k e y happie that deal very treacheroufly f z Thonhaft planted them, yea, they have f-Heb. thty taken root: f they grow, yea, they bring forth g an. fruit j thou an neare in their mouth) and firre from their reins. *Pfali7.3. 3 But thou, OL o R D,* knoweft me; thou -/ / 1 *--i*ii.iu,iaai,iu.^ THeb. vith haft feen me , and tried mine heart f towards taught my people to fwear by Baal ) then (hall tbe. thee : pull them out like fheep for the flaughter, they be built in the midft of my people. and prepare them for the day of (laughter. i ? And it (hall ccme to pafle after that I have plucked them our, I will return, and have compaflion on them,and will bring them again every man to his heritage, and every man to his land. 1 6 And it (hall come topafie, if they will diligently learn the wayes of my people , to fwear by my name, The LORD hveth,(as they cut his voice. BOr.u/. itnted. t Heb fr- tun ofdefre, Levit 16. I 6. i? But if they will not * obey, I will utter. * Ifa.tfo, i a. 4 How long (hall the land mourn, and the ly pluck up, and deftroy that nation , faith the herbs of every field wither, * for the wicked- LORD. nefle of them that dwell therein? the beafts are CHAP. xnr. I In the tjpe of a linen girdle*hidden at Euphrates,Gff* pie, Thuj have they loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore the LORD doth not accept them; he will nowre- member their iniquitie, and vifit their finnes. u Then faid the LORD untome, * Pray * Exod 3 , ; was given thee, thy beautifull flock ? fHeb.fr/fr ll What wilt thou fay when he (hall fpu- */>. ' ni(h thee? (for thou haft taught them to becz- ptains, 3 4 the prophers,fay unto them,"Ye (hall not fee the the greatnefle of thine iniquitie are thy skirts not for rhis people for their good. 10 difcovered,<(i thy heels || made bare. iz * When they faft I will not heare their Chap. 7. We that pafftth away by the winde of thewil- dernefle. ^ j This it thy lot, the portion of thy mea- fword, neither (hall ye have famine, but I will give you t aflured peace in this place. fures from me, faith the LORD; becaufe thou haft forgotten me, and trufted in fallhood. 1 4 Then the LORD faid unto me. The pro- y .. Hcl) 16 Therefore will I difcover thy skirts up- phetsprophcfie lies in my name, * I fent them chap,2? u on thy face, that thy (hame may appear. not, neither have I commanded them, neither and >T. 5. a? I have feen thine adulteries, and thy fpake unto them: they prophefie unto you a and ?. 8, 9. neighings , the lewdncfle of thy whoredome, filfe vifion and divination , and a thin and thine abominations on the hills in the nought, and the deceit of their heart. fields : wo unto thee, O Jerufalem, wilt thou t Heb. after not be made clean ? t when jbtU it once b e f of i f Therefore thus faith the LORD concern- ing the prophets that prophefie in my name, and I fent them not, yet they fay,Sword and fa- mine The Jews reje&ed. mine (hall not be in this land, By fword and fa- mine ihall thofe prophets be confurned. 1 6 And the people to whom they prophefie, (hall be caft out in the ftreets of Jerufalcm, be caufe of the famine , and the fword , and they fliall have none to bury them,them,their wives, nor their fonnes, nor their daughters: for I will poure their wickednefle upon them. 1 7 fl Therefore thou (halt fay this word un- * Chap. 13. to them, * Let mine eyes runne down with 1 " tears night and day,and let them not ceafe : for andVig*" r k e v ' r S* n daughter ^ m y P eo ple is broken with a great breach,with a very grievous blow. 1 3 If I go forth into the field, then behold the flam with the fwordjand if I enter into the city , then behold them that are fick with fa- ll Or* m*k* mine, yea, both the prophet and the prieft ]| go ntrthandift about into a land that they know not. ^ n f*_ land ' 19 Haft thou utterly rejeded Judah ? hath thy foul lothed Zion ? why haft thou fmitten cha~p. j. us, and there is no healing for us ? * we looked 3 1. for peace,and there is no good;and for the time - Chap. 8. of healing, and behold trouble. ao We acknowledge, LOR D,our wickcd- PfaL loff. nefle,Mf the iniquitie of our fathers: for * we have finned againit thee. pan.p.8. j,! ) not abhorre us, for thy names fake, do not difgrace the throne of thy glory:remcm- ber, break not thy covenant with us. 11 Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can caufe rain?or can the heavens give (howres? art not thou he, O L o R D our God ? therefore we will wait upon thee : for thou haft made all thefe things. CHAP. X V. X The utter rejection and manifold judgements of the fews. 10 Jeremiah complaining of their ffite , re- ceive th a. promife for himfelf, n and athreatning for them, 1 5 He frayeth t 19 and fi^h as Art for the fword, to the fword 5 and fuch as are for the fa- mine, to the famine, and fuch as are for the ca- *Levittf ptivitie, to thecaptivitie. ,*. 3 ^ nd * ^'^ * 3 PP' m ve r tncm f ure THeb. funi- f kindes,faith the L o R D ,the fword to flay^nd lit*. the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the heaven, \ Ht ^htL *fo? & ^ ^ ea ^ s ^ r ^ e eart h,to devoure & deftroy. ^rtmtvlagJ 4 And 1 1 will caufe them to be * removed * Deut.ig. into all kingdomes of the earth ; becaufe of 3 J * Minaffch the fonne of Heztkiah king of Ju- Chap : a;-9. dah, for that which he didin Jerufalem. i.iV i08 ' "' 1 Eoi vvho (hill have pitie upon thce, O Je- or xv. Jeremiahs complaint. rufalem ? or who (hall bemone thee * or who 60 < Ihall go afide f to ask how thou doefl? ^H b. teM 6 Thou hatt forfaken me,faith the Lo R D , / th 3 t** thou art gone backward: therefore will I (tretch out my hand againit thee , and dtftroy thee j I am wearie with repenting. 7 And I will fanne them with a fcnne in the gates of the land: I will bereave them of || chil- I Or, *k*t* dren, I will deftroy my people, fttb they return /'*"" not from their wayes. ** 8 Their widows are increafed to me above the fand of the feas: I have brought upon them (J againft the mother of the young men , a f| Or, a^/^f (poiler at noon-day : I have caufed him to fall tht <*- upon it fuddenly, and terrours upon the city. city 9 She that hath born feveri,langui(heth : (he hath given up the ghoft, *herfunneis gone^w/7/ down while it was yet day: (lie hath been a(ha- Bother and med and confounded, and therefidue of them '** ?* will I deliver to the fword before their cne- 'j[' mos g _ ? rnies, faith the LOR D. 10 ^*Wo is me my mother, that thou haft *j bj.,,&c. born me a man of ftrife,and a man of conten- Cbap.io.i.j. tion to the whole earth : I have neither lent on ufury , nor men have lent to me on ufury , yet every one of them doth curfe me. 11 The L o R D faid, Verily it (hall be well with thy remnant, verily tj I will caufe the ene. 1 Or, // my to entreat thee well in the time of evil, intrttt '* and in the time of afflidion. JJJJ'J' /" 1 1 Shall iron break the northern iron, and tbefleel? i j Thy fubftance and thy treafures will I give to the * fpoil without price , and ffof for*Chap.iy. 3. all thy finnes, even in all thy borders. 14 And I will make thee to paffe with thine enemies, into a land which thou knoweft not : for a * fire is kindled in mine anger,w!wfc (hall * Eeut. 3 al- burn upon you. i ? f O L o R D, thou knoweft, remember me and vifit me,and revenge me of my perfecu- tours, take me not away in thy long-fuffering: know that for thy fake I have fuffcred rebuke, 16 Thy words were found , and I did *eat *Ezefcj.s^ them, and thy word was unto me the joy and Rev.io.y. rejoycing of mine heart , for -f I am called by f Heb. thy thy name, O Lo RD God of hofts. . nane Si c*Utfc 17 I fat not in the aflembly of the mockers, u f tn ""- nor rejoyced : I fat alone becaufe of thy hand: for thou haft filled me with indignation. 18 Why is my *pain perpetuall ? ' and my * Chap. jv wound incurable which refufeth to be healed? '5- wilt thou be altogether onto me as a liar , and as waters that t fail? |Heb. for ij> fl Therefore thus faith the L o R D , If ' #" thou return , then will I bring thee again, and thou (halt ftand before me: and if thou take forth the precious from the vile , thou lhalt be as my mouth : let them return unto thee, buc return not thou unto them. ao And; The Jews ruinc. Jeremiah." Their idolatrie pimiflied, do 6 10 And I will make thee unto this people a 1 1 Then (halt thou fay unto them, Becaufe Chap.utS- fenced brafen *wall,and they (hall fight againft and a. 17. t h ce t but * they (hall not prevail againft thee : for I am with thee to fave thee , and to deliver thee, faith the L o R p. 1 1 And I will deliver thee out of the hand * Chap. aa. your fathers have forfaken me,faith the LORD, and have walked after other gods , and have fervcd them , and have worftiipped them, and have forfaken me, and have not kept my law : And ye have done * worfe then your fa- * chap.7. j$, of the wicked , and I will redeem thee out of thers , (for behold, ye walk every one after the the hand of the terrible. 11 imagination of his evil heart 3 that they may I CHAP. XVI.' not hearken unto me ) I theprophet under the types of abttamingfrom mar* riage , from houfes of mourning andfeantng , fore- jberveth the utter rutne of the Jews* 10 because they were yporfe then their fathers. 14. Their return from captivity, f ball be ftranger then their deliverance out of Egypt. 16 God will doublj recompenfe their idolatry. THe word of the LORD came alfo unto me, faying, z Thou (halt not take thee a wife, neither {halt thou have fonnes , nor daughters in this place. For thus faith the L o R D concerning the * Therefore will I caft you out of this .* DeuM.ir. land , into a land that ye know not, neither ye and 28. $ nor your fathers , and there (hall ye ferve other 6 5* gods day and night, where I will not (hew you favour. 14 ^Therefore behold, the * dayes come, * chap. 23; faith the L o R D, that it (hill no more be faid, 7,8. The LORD liveth that brought up the chil- dren of Ifrael out of the land of Egypt 5 i f But, The LORD liveth that brought up the children of Ifrael from the land of the north , and from all the lands whither he had driven them , and I will bring them again into fonnes and concerning the daughters that are born in this place , and concerning their mo- their land that I gave unto their fathers, thers that bare them, and concerning their fa- i ^Behold, I will fend for many fiihers, thers that begat them in this land, Chap.ij.i. 4 They (hall dieof * grievous deaths, they * Chap. aj. fhall not * be lamented , neither fhall they be 33> buried: but they (hall be as dung upon the face of the earth, and they (hall be confumed by the * Pfal.79.2. fword,and by famine, and their * carcafes (hall Chap. 7.?}- be meat fotthe fowls of heaven, and for the and 34.20. beafts of the earth. $ For thus faith the L o R D, Enter not into SOr, mwn- the houfe of || mourning, neither go to lament, tg-jiasl. nor bemone them : for I have taken away my faith the LORD, and they (hall fiQj them; and after will I fend for many hunters, and they (hall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill , and out of the holes of the rocks. 17 Formine*eyes are upon all their wayes: * Job j4.ai they are not hid from my face , neither is their P f v- 5 * iniquitie hid from mine eyes. Chap. 32. ij 1 8 And firft I will recompenfe their ini- quitie,and their finne double j becaufe they have defiled my land , they have filled mine inheri- peacc from this people, faith the L o R D, even nce with the carcafes of their deteftableand loving kindnefle and mercies. abominable things 6 Both the great and the fmall (hall die in this land : they (hall not be buried,neither (hall Lev.ip.a8. vxn lament for them, nor * cut themfelves,nor make themfelves bald for them. 7 Neither (hall aze||tear themfelves for them in mourning to comfort them for the dead, neither (hall men give them the cup of confola- tion to drink for their father or for their mother 8 Thou (halt not alfo go into the houfe of feafting, to fit with them to eat and to drink. 9 For thus faith the L o R D of hofts, the *Ifa.j4.T*. God of Ifrael, Behold, *I will caufe toceafe Chap. 7. 34. out of this place in your eyes,and in your dayes, and ij. o. t jj e YO J CC O f m i rt h, and the voice of gladnefle, ^'3 t h e vo j ce O f the bridegroom , and the voice of the bride. 10 f And it (hall come to pane when thou (halt (hew this people all thefe words, and they Chap.5-ip (hall fay unto thee,* Wherefore hath the LORD and jj.ai, pronounced all this great evil againft us ? or what is our iniquitie? or what is our finne that we have committed againft the LORD our God? Deut. 14.1. I) Or, ire a^ krtad for thim, as Etck.24.i7, 10 O LORD, my ftrength and my fortrefle, and my refuge in the day of affli&ion,the Gen- tiles (hall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and (hall fay, Surely our fathers have in- herited lies, vanitie,and things wherein there is no profit. 20 Shall a man make gods unto himfelf ,and * they are no gods? 'Chap.a.ir 1 1 1 Therefore behold , I will this once caufe them to know, I will caufe them to know mine hand and my might , and they (hill know that my name is the L o R D. CHAP. XVII. I the captivitie of fudah for her (irme. 5 Trufl fa man ii curfed , 7 in God it bleffed. 9 the decettfull heart cannot deceive God. i z The fal-vation of God* 1 5 The prophtt eomplaineth of the mockers of his pro-. f'iffle. \9 rle ufent to renew the covenant in hallow* ing the fabbnth. THe finne of Judah Is written with a * pen j ofiron,a^ with the f point of a diamond j fH it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the horns of your altars : i Whileft Judahs captivitie. Chap 2 Whi left their children remember their al- Judges 3.7 tars and their * groves by the green trees upon 'ch" ay * the high hills. hap. 15. j o my mountain in the field, * I will give thy fubftance, and all thy treafures to thefpoil, and thy high places for finne , throughout all thy borders. fHeb. i nt hy 4 And thou , even \ thy felf (halt difcomi- ifilf. nue f rom chi nc heritage that I gave rhce, and I will caufe thee to ferve thine enemies in the land which thou knoweft not: for ye have kin- dled a fire in mine anger, which fliall burn for ever. 5 and whofe nope the L o RD is. Prov.K5.2o. 8 For he (hall be * as a tree planted by the ifa 30.! 8. waters, and that fpreadeth out her roots by the * pfal - 1 '3' river, and (hall not fee when heat cometh, but her leaf (hall be green, and fliall not be care- |j Or, r *. full in the yeare of H drought , neither (hall pri*t. ceafe from yeelding fruit. 9 H The heart u deceitfull above all things, and dcfperately wicked, who can know it? *..Saro.i*. 10 I the LORD *fearch the heart,/ rrie Pfal.7.0. the reins, even to give every man according to Chap. 1 1*. 10 biswayes, and according to the fruit of his and 2 0.12. doings. !^ r ".i8. forfakethee (hall beafliamed, and they that depart from me fliall be written in the earth, becaufe they have forfaken the L o R D , the Chap. 2.1 3 *fountainof living waters. 14 Heal me, O LORD, and I (hall be heal- ed ; faveme,and I thill be favcd: for thou art my praife. Ifa. 5. 19. i ^ f Behold, they fay unto me, * Where is the word of the L o R D? let it come now. * Chap.i. 4, 1 6 As for me, * I have not haftened from kc being a paftourf to follow thee, neither have I |- Hcb,//*r defired the wofull day, thou knoweft : that which came out of my lips, was right before thee. 17 Be not aterrourunto me, thou art my hope in the day of evil. Pfal. 35. 4. 18 * Let them be confounded that perfe- cute me , but lee not me be confounded : let xviii. The obfervation of the fabbath; them be difmayed } but let not me be difmayed: 607 bring upon them the day of evil,andt "deftroy t Heb b,<*t them with double deftruftion. th* m ith* 19 f Thus faid the LORD unto me } Go and ??{' t ftand in thegate of the ch.ldren of the people, J0 . whereby the kings of Judah come in/and by 20 And fay unto them, Heare ye the word of the LORD, ye kings of Judah, and all Ju- dah, and all the inhabitants of Jerufalem, that enter in by thefe gates. 2 1 Thus faith the L o RD, * Take heed to * NehenT your felves, and bear no burden on the fab- 13.1*. bath- day, nor bring /fin by the gates of Je- rufalero. 2 ^ Neither carrie forth a burden out of your houfeson the fabbath-day, neither do ye any work,but hallow ye the fabbath. day ,asl*com- *E*od ao K manded your fathers. an d J} ., ,. ^$ But they obeyed not, neither inclined an d?'-'S- their eare, but made their neck ftiff, that they Ezek 20 '* might not hearc nor receive inftruftion. 24 And it (hall come to pafle, if ye diligent- ly hearken unto me, faith the L o R o,to bring in no burden through the gates of this citie on the fabbath-day,but hallow the fabbath-day,to do no work therein : 1 *^? * Then (hall there enter into the gates * C haD2j of this citie, kings and princes fitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots, and on horfes, they and their princes, the men of Ju- dah, and the inhabitants of Jerufalem, and this citie (hall remain for ever. 26 And they fliall ^r-ome from the cities of Judah , and from the places about Jerufalem^ and from the land of Benjamin, and from the plain , and from the mountains, and from the fouth, bringing burnt- offerings, and facrifices, and meat-offerings, and incenfe, and bringing facri fixes of praife unto the houfe of the LORD. 27 But if you will not hearken onto me to hallow the fabbath-day, and not to bear a bur- den , even entring in at the gates of Jerufa- lem on thefabbath-day:then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it (hall devoure the palaces of Jerufalem , and it fliall not be quenched. CHAP. XVIII. I 'Under the tipe of a fatter, u flievtd GoJt abfolutv fowtr m difpoftng of nations. n Judgements threa nedtofudah for her flratt^e re-volt. i3 -fertm frayeth againfl hu confptratours. THe word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, faying, * Arife and go down to the potters houfe, and there I will caufe thee to heare my words. . Then. t* rtmub increments threatned.' Jeremiah. The defolahon of the Jews, , Then I went down to the potters houfe, '9 Give heed to me O LORD and hearken and behold, he wrought a work on the||wheels. to the voice : of them that contend vvith me 4 And the velTellfthathe made of clay was 10 Shallevilbe recompenfed forgood?for ma 4 rred"n hehandof the potter, fo he f made they have digged a pit for my foul - remember riaVn another veflel, as f'emed good to the that I flood before thee to fpeak good for them, and to turn away th wrath from them. n ,eworo>, ..r. /?- the famine, and f poure out thejr fc/oad by the ' ei i e - /- e m, . 6 ^feof Ifrael, * cannot I do with you ^rce of the fword and let their wives be be- f J asthis potter? faith the LORD. Behold, asthe reavedof the.rch.ldren and i widows,andlet a4. day inthepotters hand,fo 4 yein mine their men be put to death, fei their young men Wifd 157. \.JA n u,,i> nf Tfrapl ^e flam by the fword m battel. R om .,Ao 7 . h ^^|^StoM fpeakconcerning Le? a cry be heard from their houfe,, a ^0? , Jnd I concerning a kingdomc 2 when thou (hah bring a troup MMMf *Ch,pi 10 * Pluck up, and to pull down, and to deftrcy^: them for they have digged a p. t to take me, 8 If Sac nation againft whom I have pro- and hid fnares for my feet. -Jonah 3,0 nounced'urnfrom thlir evil,*I w,H repen't of Yet L oM,hou knomft ^e,rccu- the evil that I thought to do unto them. fcl againft met to Hay me: forgive not their j Hcb./,r 9 And at 7^/inftant I flull fpeak con- iniquity, neither blot out their hnnefrom thy *,*. eerning a nation,and concerning a kiogdome fight, but let them be overthrown before to build and to plant its thee 5 deal tbu with them m the tine of thine 10 If it do evil in my figbt, that it obey not anger. King, aganft yon : * return ye now ry one from '' h / eVl1 S' 3 "" = ' X y ) d TfA^heyf 1 id > .Thcr=i Sn oho P e ) bmvv C ga ? ,and procUmrherethe ^ords-ha, > 1* : c,,,, ffiSgg^fe,.^ i\S!ttg Sf ~ ^ and5 <1Jt nem Iwill (hew them theback called Tophet, nor the va ley of the fonne of . vif dics nft leremhh : '* for .he law dab and Andlwillcaufetlem toeatthe'fleiliof c Moreover P..; i theirfonncMndthcfleft of their daughter!, of thS andche,- ihalleat every one , he flcjh'of hi S '= fnendmcbefegeand Otaimefie, wheith L o R D of hoftsjEven fo will I break this pco- die, and flialt be hn rfai^Jwtn ffrJSSSTSS'^^ ^"*^5S* SSS-SSSttSSSBM! dgSjSlsS&SBU. . ThuswillTdountothi, place, fahhthe nSS^^^fy?** > LORD, and to the inhabitants thereof, and 8 For fince I fpake I criM rt ,^ tt* make this citie as Tophet. k"<- J r._ . P L? ?f?* tence and IpoiJ 5 becauic L o R D was made a reproach derifion daily. 14 Then came Jeremiah from Tophct,vhi- ^'of Forlbeard^Jieaefaiiiinoof "Jobji-i* be flood in the court of the L o R DS houfe, 3 and oort ii- /-ill m,, r !!?i' ^i j a ?^ we w ^ rc " did to all the people ^ ramiJiars watched for my halt- of Ifrael, Behold,! will bring upon this city and take our reveno JiL h?^ m 3 and we ^"^ upon aJl her town, a JI & c7il that I have i , But T L ^R D J ^irh be ^reatJy afliamcd, for the CHAP XX ^^^^gconfufion gotten. ^- the ^^SS^SS^*"^ rtati./^ JjMagor.miflabib. hynamcPa(hur bot ^e LoH D ,o V erthrevT, an, J repented not: and ^ea.i^ij; *^**. f a ;l,.T,-T., n.u.t.T ^^^^ethccrymcdcraormng^andihc m a CiptVitle foretoW. J E R f M T A H . Anexhortation to repentance; $10 1 8 * Wherefore camel forth out of the Judah, fay, Heare ye the word of the LORD. o, wotnbe to fee labour and forrow,that my day ea 1 1 O houfc of David,thus faith the L o R D, fhould be confumcd with (hamc ? 4 * t Execute judgement in the morning , and ^ deliver him that is fpoilcd, out of the hand of C H A P. X X I. the opprcflour , left my fury go ontlike fire, x Zitrfot fatet to ^aemitkto etquite the rut*t of and burn that none can quench it t becaufe of 'fMiuMOfttifr* ifftrt. J Jeitmid) foretetttib Heare tne wor< j O f the L o R D , t the king of Babylon, and againft the o jj m g O f j u dah, that fitteft upon the throne jans,which beficge you without the walls, O f payj^ t hou,and thy fcrvants,and thy pco- and I willaflcmble them into the midft of p j e that enter in by thcfe gates j ^JLl^^^i^TJSSffJ?*^^!^ gainft the k Caldeans,w And I my felf will fight againft you with judgement and righteoufnefle,'and deliver the an * outftietched hand , and with a ftrong f po iled out of thcband of the oppreflbur : and arm, even in anger and in fury, and in great do no wrong, do no violence to the ftranger, wrath . the fatherleue,nor the widow, n either (hcd in- 6 And I will finite the inhabitants of this noccntbloud in this place. eity, both mm and beaft : they (hall die of a 4 For if ye do this thing indeed, * then (hall * Chap.ij.aii great peftilcnce. there enter in by the gates of this houfe, 7 And afterwards, faith the LORD,! will kings fittingf upon the throne of David , ri- f Hcb. far * deliver Zedckiah king of Judah , andhis fcr- ding in chariots, and on horfes,he,and hufer- *&?* vants, and the people, and fuchas arelch ia van ts, and his people. them* this city from the peftilcnce, from the fword, y But if ye will not heare thefc Jwords , T and from the famine, into the hand of Nebu- fwear by my felf, faith the LORD, tha; this chadrez-iar king of Babylon,and into the hand houfc (hall become a defolation. of their enemies, and into the hand of thofc g For thus faith the L o R D unto the kings that feek their life , and he (hall {mire them boufe of Judah, Thou an Gilead unro me, and with the edge of thefword : he fliall not fpare the head of Lebanon : j^r-furely I willmake fthem,ncitlier have pity,nor have mercy. thee a wildernefie, aadcvuci #wJ?arenotin 8 ; And unto this people thou (halt fry, habited. Thus faith the LOR D>Behold,I fct before you 7 And I will prepare deftroyen againft thee y the way of life,and the way of death. every one with his weapons,and they {hall cut 9 He that * abideth in this city , (hall die down thy choice cedars, aad caft tbtm into the by the fword, and by the famine, and by the fire . peftilcnce : but he that goeth out, and faL 8 And many nations (hallpafic by thiscU Jcthto the Caldeans that beficge you, he ty, and they fliall fay every man to hisneigh. Chap 39,18. fltall live, and* his life (hall be unto him for bour,* Wherefore hath the LORD done thus a prey. unto this great city ? 10 For I have fe: my face againft this city 9 Then they Qv-]Janfwer,Becaurc they have for evil,and not for goad, faith thcL ORDjit forfaken the covenant of the L o & D their fliall be given into the band of the king of Ba- God, and worfliipped other gods, andfcrvcd bytott,and he (hall bum it with fire. them. 13 4 And couching theiioufe of the kingof 10 * Weep ye not fr the dead, neither be- The judgement of Shaliura: Chap", xxfflj FalfcpaftouriB moanh.m,fe*wecp{brcforhimtrm g oc*a- 2* And I wUJ give the Into the hand of ft* wav for he (hall return no more , nor fee his them that leek thy life , and into the hand if native countrey. thwt whofe facc lhou fcarcft > evcn ' mto ** ii For thus faith the LORD touching hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, Shallum, the fonnc of Jofiah king of Judah, and into the hand of the Caldeans. whichreiened in ftead of Jofiah his father, atf AndIwiUcaftthceout,and thymother which went forth out of thisplacc,He ftiall not that bare thcc, into another countrey, where ye were not born, and there (hall ye die. return thither any more, i 2 But he (hall die in the place whither they 27 But to the land whcreunto they t dcfirc f Heb/^fr have led him captive, and (hall fee this land no to return, thither (hall they not return. W W& 18 Is this man Coniah a defpifed broken "Lcvit 19 it- 13 Wo unto * him that buUdeth his DcM. J4 i45 houfc by unrightcoufhcfle and his chambers Hab..* MMb CHAP. xxi;n l Jte propbtfutb < rtflataation of tit fcatterel 5 CbriflpMUnleandfattbem. 9 *4*afl aHdmoctfTtoftbctnupropbett. idol?s be a vcflcl wherein U noplcafure?whcrc _ __ fore are they caft out, h and his feed, and are by"wrona"j Ttoufeth his neighbours fer- caft into a land which they know not? vice witfcout wagcs.and sivcth him not for his 29 O earth, earth, earth, hcare the word of work: the LORD. 14 'That faith, I will build me a wide houfc, 30 Thus faith the L o a D,Wrhc ye this man _d f large chambers , and cutteth him out childlefle , a man that (hall not profpcr in his fiwirfdows,and it u deled with ccdar 5 and paint- daycs: for no man of his feed (hall profper, fit- ed with vermilion. tingupon the throne of David,and ruling wy if Shalt thou reisne becaufe thou clbfeft more in Judah, thy felfm cedar ? did not thy father eat and drink,and do judgement and juftice, And then it WM well with him ? 16 He judged the caufe of the poorc and needy, thcntf m well with him : wot not this to know me, faith the L o R D ? 17 Buttbineeyes and thine hearts; not *T iX 7ObeuntothepaftoursthatdciVoy*25'J4<*: i but for thy covctoufneflc, and for to (hed in- \ V and (outer the fhccp of my pafturc a nocent bloud, and for oppreffion, and for |j vi- faith the L o R D. olcnce to do it. z Therefore thus faith the L o R D God of 1 8 Therefore thus faith the L o R D con- Ifracl againft the paftours that feed my peo- cerning Jehoiakim the fonnc of Jofiah king pie, Ye have fcattered my flock, and driven of Judah, They (hall not lament for him, them away ,and have not vifitcd them; behold, fayim. Ah my brother, or ah fiftcr : they (hall I will vifit upon you the evil of your doing*, not lament for him,pjg, Ah Lord, or ah his faith the L o R D. glory. 3 And I will gather the rcmnantof my flock. 19 He ASall be buried with the buriall of an out of all countrey s whither I have driven aflc,drawn and caft forth beyond the gates of them , and will bring them again to their folds, Jerufalem. and they (hall be fruitfull and increafe. 20 f Go up to Lebanon , and crie and 4 And I will fet up * fhepherds over them * chap.;. T y. ' lift up thy voice in Bafhan, and crie from which (hajl feed them, and they (hall fear noEzek-34-n,&c the paffages : for all thy lovers are dc- more, aor be difmaycd, neither (hall they be ftroycd. lacking, faith the L o R D. fHeb.ffo^ 21 Ifpakeuntotheeinthyf profperity,^ 5 If Behold, * thedaycs come, faith the *Ifa.4.a.uJ *&' . thou faidft, \ will not hcarc : this bath been LORD, that I will raifc unto David'a righce- 40- " thy mannerfrom thy youth, that thou obey- ous branch , and a king ftiall rcigne and pro- p,* p ' s , J ' I4>x * edft not my voice. fpcr, and (hall execute judgement and juftice j ^ n i.^j. ^^ The winde (ball eat up all thy paftours, in the earth. andthy lovers (hall go into captivity, furcly 6 *InhisdayesJudah(hallbefived,andIC.*Dc'JJ' i? then (halt thou be afhamcd and confounded rael (haJI dwell fafely: and thiu it his name f jr all t.hy wickcdncflc. whereby he (hall be called ,frTHE Loncf Heb . feb* 23 Of inhabitant of Lebanon, that makeft OUR RIGHTEOUSNES. -vahifiti&t*. thy neft in the ccdars,how gracious (halt thou 7 Therefore behold,* the daycs come.Cuth Chap itf. 14, treflc* be when pzngs come upon theCjthe pain as of the L o R D , that they (hall no more fay , The ' ; a wotpan in travail ? L OR oliveth, which brought up the children 24 Ai \ live faith the L o R D, though Coni. of Ifracl out of'the land of Egypt-* king of Judah were 8 But the L o R D liveth,, which brought up, and, yet would I and which led the feed of the hcnfe of Ifracl out of the north countrey , and from all coun- Rr > trey i, , ah the forme of Jehoiakim king of Judah were the fignet upon my right b pluck tbee thence, JEREMIAH/ Falfe prophet! ; n * I have not fcnt thefe prophets, yet*chap.u.i.f they ran : I have not fpokcn to them, yet they a d *7 >I J prophcfied. 11 But if they had flood in my couofel, and had caufed my people co hearc my words , then they fhouid have turned them treys whidier I had driver* tUem^n I they (hall dwell in their own land. 9 q Mine hssrt within me is broken be- caufeof the prophets, all ray bones fliakc : I am like a drunken man , and like a man whom wine bath overcome; becaufe of the . w , v^vx*.v 7 ,., w * u *. .,.. u M .^m L<*RD,andbecaulccf the words of his he- from their evil way, and from the evil of their Jisefle. doing?. 10 For the land is full of adulterers , for 23 ^w I a God at hand , faith the L OR D, bscaufe of \\ fwear ing the land mournerh: the pleafant places of the wilderncflc are cried up, and their (jcourfe evil, and their force is not right. 11 For both prophet and prieft are pro- phane, yea", in ray houfe have I found their vrickedncfle,faich the L o RD. x i Wherefore their way fhall be unto them as flippery ivayes in the darfcnefle :they (hall be and not a God afarre off? 14 Can any * bids himfelf in fecrct places that I fhall not fee him, faith theL ORD?donot &c. Amos?.a^ ' I fill heaven andcarth/aich the LORD? 2f I have heard what the prophets faidjthat prophefie lies in my name, faying , I have dreamed,! have dreamed. 26 How long fhall f&w be in the heart of the prophets that prophefie lies? yea tijty are pro- driven on and fall therein ; for I will bring evil phets of the deceit of their own heart ; upon them , even the yew of their vifitation, 27 Which ihink to caufe my people to for- faith the L o R D. get my name by their dreams which they tell lOt,nd>/*rd j j And i na ve fc en || f foUy in the prophets every man to his neighbour, * as their fathers * . ftleb mft. ^ S 300 *" 3 j they prophefied in Baal, and cau have forgotten my nanic/or Baal. ^d &. loune.' ' fed my people Ifrael to erre. 28 The prophetf that hath a dream, let fUefo 14 I have fcen alfo in the prophets of Jcru- him tell a dream j and he that hath my word, **"* \Qr,filthi*fOt. falem jj an horrible thing : they commit adul- let him fpeak my word faithfully : what u the eery, and walk in lies : they ftrengthen alfo chaff to the wheat,faith the L o R D ? 1 the bands of evil doers, that none doth return 29 Is not my word like as a fire , faith the from his wickcdneffc : they are all of them LORD? and like a hammer that breakcthtbe * Xfi-ij* unto mc as*Sodom,and the inhabitants there- rock in pieces ? of as Gomorrah. 30 Therefore behold , * I am againft the * DCUMJ.JOJ 15 Therefore thus faith the LCRD of prophets, faith the LORD, that ftcal my word Chap i^i^T hofts concerning the prophets, Behold, 1 will every one from his neighbour. 15. Chap 8 14, feed thein with * wormwood, and make them 3 r^ Behold, I ? thou (hale then fay un- fhall come upon you. to them, What burden? I will even forfakc you, x# For who hath flood in the flconnfcl faith theL ORD. of the LORD, and hath perceived and 34 Aadas for the prophet, and the prkft, beard his word ? who hath marked his word, and the people that fhall fay, The burden of and heard it ? the L o RD,! will even | purufh. that man and \ Hcb.wfc 19 Behold, a * whirlwinde of the L o R D is his houfc: *f * gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirl- jf Thus fhall ye fay every one to his neigh- winde, it fhalJ fall grievoufly upon the head of hour, and every one to bis brother, What hath the wicked. the L OR oazu~wcrcd?andwhat hath the LORD ID The * anger of the L o RD fhall not fpokcn ? return, untill he have executed, and till 36 And the burden of the LORD fhall ye he have performed the thoughts of his heart: mention no more ; for every mans word fhall in the lauw tla/cs yc fhail conftder it per- be his burden: for ye have perverted the words of the Jiving God,of the L o R D of hofis our God, 37 ~- iChap/.i*- and 8. 1 1. Exek.i 3.10* Zech.io-a. |0 ri |hi*onn Thetwo baskets of figs", Chap.xxim. ntf Theeaptivitie foretold. thoa f * to , t. , . What hath the LORD anfwercd thce ? nd mtoaJJthc kingdomes of the earth for ibar + what hath theLoRDfoken? at hath theLoRDfpoken? hurt, to be arcmoachand aproverb ataunt 38 Butfi&yelay/TheburdenoftheLoRD; anda cuifein & places wlffiMK therefore thus faith the L OR D , Becaufc you them. * Deueaf .s; . fay this word,Thc burden oftheLoRD , and i o And I will fend the fword the famine an A I have fern unco you/aying, Yc (haJJ not fay , Ac pcftiJence among them , lilj they be con TbeburdenofthcLoRD: fumed from off the land, that [ eavc iSt 39 Therefore behold, I, even I will utterly them and to their fathers. forget you, and I mil forfabe you , and the ci- ty that I gave you and your fathers, andtaftyou CHAP. XXV. UC 0mFCn "' * *** "* tbee A,M L Cbap.2 .n. 4<> And 1 will bring* an everlafting reproach J**. upon you, and a perpetual! (hamc, which (hall not be forgotten. , v+g3^Sfi**+ TSSetoSVr^ 01 ^ ftjMUTdtton of them tbatweYe in cADtfuity 8 totd *^ rt ^/^vj/jc or JUuUfij jn CDC Fourth .- . the temple of i The whi *a.ffiBg.i 4 . the LoRD,after that Nebuchadrezzar *kin2 of - "' S&* :,. S?* 1 * f ri . td W J!* J4b aid onne o mon king ofludab even ! fendtgS but^eRo/ft "''l aOd ' ' ""'he Then&id.heLoa.un.ome.Wha.feeft fendg but^eo/ft "''l aOd hoa,Jeremah=and llaidFiszthe oo endine^yoMMre'toh.^^ ""'hearkened, not . ^^^' ,..r,. f tbe _ Forl will fet mine cyesypon then, for the'Loa'S ""Z 110 ' he .'"* cned un od andl will " '' andl will bring them again , Krwie^ - ldl will buJd, him, and lot pulX hurt ^^ ^"""""^to your own andn<)tp "' ck ass ./, fts *^^ ^; JJ 8 And the evil* fi o , ""^'^ *& M aU th ^ and II 33 and k 'nU L. , - u, tnu ajJainit 31 .j8.' JJ 8 4 And as the evil fi. which cannot b^ inbabltan f s thereof, and againft ,11 thefc Againft Babylon: JE REM i A H.' Aprophefieofdeftruafon. gjx the bridc,the found of thcmilftone^ and the vj Therefore thou (halt fay unto them T light of the candle. . ii And this whole land (hall be adefolati- on> and an aftonifhmcnr ; and thefe nati- Thus fai th the L o R D of hofts the God of If- racl, Drink ye and be drunken, andfouc and > - fall,and rife no more , becaufe of the fword ons (hall fervc the king of Babylon fcvcnty which I will fend among you. 28 And it (hall be,if they refute to take the a Chron- 3 3i '. Ezra . i.i. chap.** w. yeares. i z And it (hall come to paffc * when feven- ty yeares are accomplished, ffcar I wHl f pumih the king of Baby lon,and that nation, faith the LORD, for their iniquitie, and the land of the Caldcans, and will make it perpetual! dcfola- tjonftr v;-*3 And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced againft itj even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied againft all the na- tions. 14 For many nations and great kings (hall Ch*p.7-7. '* f crve tkmfchrcs of them alfo : and I will re- compcnfe them according to their deeds, and according to the works of their own hands, ij ^ For thus iaith the LORD God of Ifrael Job ai.ao. nnto me, Take the * wine-cup of this &ry at cup at thine hand to drink, then (halt thou fay unto them, Thus faith the L o R D of hofts, Ye ihall certainly drink. ^9 For lo, I begin to bring evil on the * ci- * , >Pc6 ,_> ty,twhich ii cillcdby my naniCjandftiouldyc | Hcb. upon he utterly unpunished? ye (hail not be un- punifhedrforlwilJcallfor a fword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, faith the LORD ofhofts. 30 Therefore prophefie thou againft them all thcfc words, and fay unto them, The LORD (hall * roar from on high , and utter his voice - from his holy habitation, he (hall mightily Amosi-a. roar upon his habitation, he (hall give a (hout, as they that tread the grafts, againft all the in- - habitants of the earth. HUWUJV. *...- ,,.v-v- r ~* .. .., ... 31 Anoife(hallcomc even to the ends of my hand, and caufe all the nations, to whom I the earth j for the L o R D hath a controverfic feulthecjto drink it. wkh the nations : he will plead with all fle(h, i 6 And they (hall drink,and be mor cd,and he will give them that are wicked to the fword. he mad, becaufe of the fword that I will fend kith the L o R D. amongthem. 3* Thusfaiththe LORD of hofts,Bchold, 17 Then took I the cup at the LOR DS c*il(hal go forth from nation to nation, and a band, and made all the nations to drink, unto great whirlwinde (hall be railed up from the coafts of the earth. 33 And the (lain of the LO}RD (hall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto ces thereof, to mate them a defolation , an the other end of the earth : * they (hall not be chap &, aftonilhmcnt, an hiding, and a curfc , (as it it lamented, neither gathered not buried, they (hall be dung opan the ground. 34 f*Howlye(hephcidsandcry, andwal- 'Chip.**, low your felvesjfl /&*/& ye principal! of the *** flock: fort the dayesof your (laughter , +^^.3- and of your difperfions are accompliflicd , LnfiHfeifc. and ye (hall fall like f * pleafant veflel. S. 3f Andftheftiepherds (hall have no way t Hdv vtffel to flee, nor the principall of the flock to 'f* r ~' whom the L o R D had feat me : 1 8 To wit, Jerufalcm, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and theprin- this day) 19 Pharaoh king of Egypr,and his fcrvancs, and his princes,and all his people , 20 And all the mingled people, and all the Icings of the land of Uz, and all the bngs of the land of the Philiftines, and AihkeJon, and Azzah,and Ekron, and the remnant of A(hdod, 21 Edom,and* & a11 the kings ^ the Mcdes > ^S * * G h'a'p '49 3 1 ltf ^ n< ^ ^ 5^ c ^* n s ^ ^ e nort ^> f arrc an lc,faying, 18 Micah the Morafthite prophefied in * MW . t the daves of Hezekiah king of Judah , and fpakc to all the people of Judab,faying, Thus faith the L o R D of hofts, Zion (ball be plow * ' edlife a field, andjerufa'em (hall become heaps,and the mountain of the houfe, as the high places ofthe forreft. 19 Did Hezekiah king of Judah andallju* dab put him at all to death ? did he not fear the LORD, and befougbt f the L o R D, and the LORD repented him ofthe evil which he had pronounced aeainft them? thus might we procure great evil againft our fouls. 20 And there was alfb a man that prophe- fied in the name of the L o R D , Urijah the fonne of Sbemaiah of Kir jath-jearim , who prophefied againft this city, and againft this land , according to all the words of jet*, miah. ai And when Jehoiakim the king with aH his mightic men, and all the princes heard his words, the king fought to put him to death ; but when Urijah heard it he was afraid , and iled,and went into Egypt. 21 Andjchoiakia the king fent men info Egypt, namely, Elnathan the fonne of Acbbof, and certain men with him into Egypt. 13 And they fct forth Urijah out of E- gypt, and brought him unto Jehoiakim the king, who flew him with the fword,and caft his dead body into the graves of thcf common f HAftm* people. oftbepop't. 24 NcvcrthcIc(rc,thehandofAhikamtbe fonne of Shaphan, was with Jeremiah , that they thouJd not give him into the hand of the people, to put him to death. R r 4 C;H A P. Babelsyokc. CHAP, XXVII. , _ , , Unfa the itfe ofbondtandje^ei btfr^befui^ the fubixiteaf the ntifkbour&ts unto WtbucbtdneKir. 8 Ht txbvtet&th to jetl*. aad * to btltnt the i Tiie like be doth to Ztdtkjtb. 19 JBREMIAH." I-ying prophet^ according to all thcfe words, faying, Bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Ba- bylon , and ferve him and his people , and I $ Why will ye die,thou and thy pcople,by the fword,by the famine,and by the peftilence, He fw.ttlkti tie remnant of tke vifils fhx/l be cani- a s the L o R D hath Ipoken againft the nation tdto B*W*ndsber e continue wtUtbe Ay ofrfi. & K wiu not f erve tl ki ,, g o f Babylon ? 14 Therefore hearken not unto the words TN the beginning of the rergne of Jehoiakim of th prophets that fpeak unto y ou/aying } Ye Ithc fonne of Jofiah king of Judah, came (hall not fervc the king of Bab>lon; for they this word unto Jeremiah from the LORD, prophefie* a lie unto you. faying IJ For 1 have not fern them/auh the LORD, aad 23. z Thus faith the L o R D to me , Make dice yet they prophefie f a lie in my name . that 1 and 29.8. bonds and yokcs,and put them upon thy neck, mightdriveyouout, and thatyc might pc- 3 And fend them to the king of Edom, and <*& y and lh c prophets that prophehc unto to the king of Moab , and to the king of the y u ' Ammonitcs,and to the king of Tyru 3j & to the l6 Alfo l f P akc > the pncft s> and to all this king of Zidon, by the hand of the meflengers peoplc,fayin g> Thus faith the L o R o,Hearken -- r-i -j_i.:-i- i v - not to the words of your prophets , that pro- Chap. 14.14; which come to J trutalern unto Zedekiah king fi45i:.: of Judah. \o t ^eowtntw^ 4 And command them || to fay unto their f&eir majiert, ma fters, Thus faith the L o R D of hofls the God of Ifrael, Thus mall ye lay unto your ma- fters, <) I have made the earth, the man and the bea ftt hat are upon the ground, by my great power,audby ray outflretchedarm,and ^have given it unto whom it feemed meet unto me. 6 And now have I given all thefe lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Ba- bylon * my ferv ant, and the be a Qs of the field have I given him alfo to ferve him. 7 And all nations (hail ferve him and his fonne, and his fbnnes fonne, untillthe very time of his land come j and then many nati- ons and gteat kings (hall ferve themfelves of ium* 8 And it (hall come to pafle, that the nation and kingdome which will not ferve the fame aad 43-10. phcfie unto you, fay ing, Behold, the veflels of the LORDS houfe (hall now (hortiy be brought again from Babylon j for they prophefie a lie unto you. 17 Hearken not unto them, fcrve the king of B .-by Ion and live: wherefore mould this city bejaidwafte? 28 But if 'they be prophets, and if the word of the L o R D be with them , let them now make interce(Tion to the LORD ot'hofts, that the veflels which are left in the houfe of the Lb R D,and in the houfe of the king of Judab, and atjcrufalem } gonot to Baby Ion. 1 9 ^ For thus faith the L o R D of hods con- cerning the pillars , and concerning the lea, and concerning the bafes, and concerning the refidue of the veflels that remain in this city, ae Which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and tromjeru chatwillnot put their neck under the yokeof of J ud ^ h thekingofBabyIon,thatnationwi)IIpunim, Yea, thus fauh the LoRDof hofts the of the and of J crufa _ faiththeLoRD,withthefword,andviththc Godof Ifrael, concern.ng the veflcls that re- famin C> and with the peftilencc, until! I have niammthe houfcof thcLoRD, and eonfumed rhem by hiThand. 9 Therefore hearken not ye to your pro- phets, nor to your diviners, nor to your , td re amcrs } nortoyourenchant:rs,nortoyour therefcallthcy bcuutill the day ' thatl'vific forcercrs jW hich fpeak umoyou^yin^Yeftall thcm,fauh theL OR D : then wdJlbrmg them * up,ana rcftore them to this place. CHAP. XXVIII. *. f ! f FH5 *!6 12 ^5^ k^S of .J^h of J btb of an death. A /X notfervethekingof Babylon : 10 For they prophefie a Us unto yojtb re- move you. farre from your land, and that I ftoulddriveyouou^ndyefhouldperim 11 Butthenationsthat bring theuncckun- derthevokeofthektngof Babylon, and fcrve him, thofe will I let remain flill in their own land, faith the L o R o, and they (hall till ic,and A Nd it came to pafle the fame yearc in the dwellthercin. bcinning of the reigne of Zedekiah king ,in the fourth yeare, wA in the fifth mo^etfe 15 i fnetdtob Hs<*i*] Hananiahs falfe propbcfie. Chap.xxix^ Jerem'ahs ktteri Kananiah the fonne of Azur the ij f Then Jiid the prophet Jeremiah unto hich m of Gibcon, fpake unco Eat prophet, in the houfe of the I o R D, in the pretence of the priefts,and ofall the people, faying, 2 Thus fpcakcth the L o R D of hofts the God of IfracJ, fa) ing, I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon. f Hcb. tun 3 Within | two full ycares will I bring again ' into this place all the vefltls of thcLoRn^ houfe, that Ncbuchadne.zzj|Mngt>f gabyton took away from tt|ypiace7an lon 3 faithth F eLoR D ,forlwiUbrcakthe yoke of the king of Baby Ion. f ^ Then the prophet Jeremiah (aid unto the prophet Hananiah in the prefence of the priefts,andin the prefence of all the people .that flood in the hcufc of the L o RD. Hananiab the prophet,Heare now,Hananiab, The LORD hath not lent thce, but thoa ma- keft this people to truft in a lie. 1 6 Therefore thus faith the L o R D ; BchoW, I wiJJ caft thee from offihc face of the earth: this yeare thou (halt die s becaufe thou baft taught * | rebellion againft the L o R D. 0.7 So Hananiah the prophet died the fame Ch yearc, ia the fcventh moneth. CHAP. XXIX. I feremubfeM ing, Thus God of Ifrael, Let not your prophets and your faith the Lonp,Thou haft broken the yokes of diviners that be in the midft ot you, * deceive * chap 14 tu wood, but thou (halt make for them yokes of you, neither hearken to your dreams which yc and 23. a iron. caufe to be dreamed. and27. iy. 14 For thus faith th> LORD of hofts, the 9 For they prophcfic f falfcly unto you in t my name j 1 have not fcnt them, laith the * LORD. . | I For thusftith the LORD, that after cha God of Ifrael, I have put a yoke of iron upon : ti^c neck of aU thefe nations, that they may fcrvc Nebuchadnezzar king ot Babylon, and 10 they (hall fcrve him; and 1 h&vs given him the * feventy ycarcs be accompliilied at Babylon, and 27. bcaflsofthe fiejd alfo , J will yific you, aqd p^rfurm my good word towards Agatnft Ahab, Zcdektah, 1 Jiftf M rA H. and Srietmiah. 6i3 towards you, in caufing yon to return to this them, even I know , and am a wimefle, faith place. ' the LORD. ii For I know the thoughts that I think to- 24 f Tbut (halt thou alfo fpeak to Shemaiah wards you, faith the L o R Droughts of peace, t Hc ^^ 1 ^* 1 ' an J not of evil, to give you an f expected end. Then fhall ye * call upon m " , and ye the i{ Nehelamite, faying, \ o r , dream* if Thus fpeaketh the LORD of hofts the God of Ifrael, faying , Becaufe thou haft fenc ^ , , '*' ' (hall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken letters in thy name unto all the people that areat Jerufilem,and toZeph.'.niah thcfonne of Maafciah the prieft, and to all the priefts, unto you. 13 And ye fhall feek roe,and finde w,whcn ofMaa! ye fhall fearch for me with all your hearr. faying, 14 And I will be found of you , faith the 26 The LORD hath made thee prieft in the LORD, and I will turn away your captivity, ftead of J ehoiada the prieft, that ye fhould be and I will gather you from all the nations, and officers in the houfe of the LOR D, for everie from all the places whither I have driven you, faith the LORD, and I will bring you again into the place whence I caufed you to be carru man that is* mad, and maketh himfclf a pro- * phctjthat thou fhouldcft put him in ptifon,and in the flock s : cd away captive. 17 Now therefore , why haft thou not re- i f f Becaufe ye have faid,The LORD hath proved Jeremiah of Anathotb, which maketh railed us up prophets in Babylon: him fe If a prophet to you ? 16 Know that thus faith the L o R D, of the 28 For therefore he fent unto us in Baby, king that fittcth upon the throne of Da vid,and Ion, faying, This captivity U long, build ye of all the people that dwelleth in tbiscity , and, houfes and dwell w them> and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them. of your brethren that arc not gone forth with you into captivity ; 17 Thus faith the L o RD of hofts, Behold, *Chtp.4.i. I will fend upon them, the "fword, die famine, and the peflilence, and will make them like * Chap. 14. 8. * vile tigs, that cannot be eaten, they are fb evil. 1 2 And I will perfecute them with the fword, with the famine, and with the peftilencc , and will deliver them to be removed to all the king. f Heb./br 4 domes of the earth, f to be a curfe , and an ^9 And Zephaniah the prieft read thisfetter in the eares of Jeremiah the prophet. 50 ^ Then came the word of the LORD unto Jeremiah, faying, Ji 3 1 bend to all them of the captivity ,fay ing, * Thus faith the LORD, concerning shcmaiah the Nehclamite, Becauie that Shemaiah hath prophefied unto yon and 1 fent him not , and he caufed you to trutl in a Jic : 31 Therefore thus faith the L o R D,Behoid, "Chap.aj-4, aftonilhment, and an tufting, and a reproach I will ptmiih Shemaiah the Nehelamiu ,and his among all the nations, whither 1 have driven feed: he frail not have a man to dwell among them : this people, neither fhall he behold the good 19 Becaufe they have not hearkened to my that 1 will do for my people, faith the L o R D, words faith the LORD, which*! fent unto bccaufe he hath taught t rebellion *inft VYUlUij JUUfclt &UW JMWAW| W11AW&A *** W14VW them bymyfervants the prop bets, nfing up early, and fending them, but yc would not the LORD. CHAP. XXX. GodflxHrtlt Jtimvih the return of the Jfltf 4 ^fter tbeir trouble they ftaB have dekveraice. lo He com* fartetb Jicrb* ,B tbeir return fitb te graeiou ao Wmtb JhiO [A whom i will raifc up and JT. H- unto them. Hof.j. 5. 10 ; Therefore * fear thou not, O my fcr- an ?f'c J ' a A vant Jacob, faith the LORD, neither be dif- JJ5J* nd maycd, O Ifrael j for lo, I will fave thce from Cfaap. 4 *.i8; afarrCj and thy feed from the land of their ca- ptivitie, and Jacob (hall return, and ftofl be in | reft and quiet, and none {hall make him afraid. II For I am with thee, faith the L o R D. to fave thce: though I make a full end of all na- tions whither 1 have fcattcred thee, yet wHil * rr , "t 01 makc * fulj Cnd of *" : but J wi]l co "eft ch*v 4 . ^r^^fe^^ 0011 ^^"^- xxxi.j The reflauration of KaeL For thus faith the L o R D, Thy bniife U incurable, and thy wound grievous. fHeb.for bwd- 13 There is none to plead thy caufe, f that S *P, or ff thou mayeft be bound up ; thou haft no heal- ing medicines. 1 4 All thy lovers have forgotten thce: they feck thce nor,for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chaflifement of a cruell one, for the multitude of thine iniqui- ty ibccaufethy fjnnci were increafed. "Chap 15.18. , if Why *crieft thou for thine affliction ? thy forrow u incurable, for the multitude of thmciniquitie:te/hhyfinnes were increa- led, I have done thefe things unto thce l* Therefore all they that dcvoure thee ' * MbC de r v r ed ' and al1 < hinc a<*verfarics, evcryoncofthcn 1 (haJJgoi.Kocaptivity:and they that fpoil thee {haJTbe a fpoj; and aJJ that prey upon thee wUl I give for a prey. n 1 F , or , l wiil reftorc hcalrh unto thce, and I will heal thce of thy wouads, faith the L o R D becaufc they called thee an outcaft, ftmL This u Z,on, whom no man fcckcth after. x8 fThusfaichthcLoRD,BehoJd 3 Iwill bring aga^n the captivity of Jacobs tents, and have mcrcic on his dwelling ^] accs . an ^ th " B- ey n For the LORD hath redeemed Jacob, and ranfomed him from the hand of him ihat was ftronger then be. 11 Therefore they (hall come and fing in the height of Zion, and (hall flow together to thcgoodncfle of the LOR D,for wheat,and for wine, and for oyl, and for the young of the flock and of the herd : and their foul (hall be as *lfa.5Mi. * * Mutt"* garden, and they (hall n?t forrow any more at all. 13 Then (hall the virgin rejoyce in the dance, both young men and old together : for I will turn their mourning into joy , and will comfort them, and make them rejoyce from their for row. 14 Andlwillfatiatcthc foul of the priefts *Matth,a,i3 with fatncfle, and my people (hall be fatiified with my goodneflc, faith the L o R D. if ^ Thus faith the LORD,* A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weep- ing; Rahel weeping for her children, refufcd to be comforted for her children, becaufe they were not. 16 Thus faith the LORD, Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears : for thy work QialJ be rewarded, faith the LORD, ~Chriftprorni{ed. ( 11 ^ How long wilt thou go abour,Otbou back-fliding daughter t for the Loaohath cre- ated a new thing in the earth, A woman (hall compaffc a man. 13 Thus faith the L o R D of hofts the God ofifrael, As yet they (hallufe thisfpccch in the land of Judah, and in the cities thereof, when I (hall bring again their captivity, The LORD blcflc thce, O habitation of juftice,fl/ mountain of holineflc. ^ 4. And there (hall dwell in Judah it felf,and in all the cities thereof together,husbandmcn, and they that go forth with flock? . if For I have foliated the weary foul, and I have replenifhed every forrowfull foul. 16 Upon this I awaked and beheld, and my flccp was fweet unto me. 17 f Behold, the dayes come, faith the LOR D,that I will fow the houfe of IfracI, and the houfe of Judah with the feed of man , and with the feed of beaft. 18 And it (hall come to pafle, rtw/likcasl have watched over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down, and to de- ftroy.and to afflict : fo will I watch over them, to build and to plant, (ait h the L o a D. *9 "In thofc daycs they (hall fay no more, *E*ek.x.i. The fathers have eaten a fowre grape, and^the childrens teeth are fct on edge. 30 But every one (hall die for his own ini- quitic, every man that eateth the fowre grape, his teeth lhall be fee on edge. 31 f Behold, the* daycs come, faith the Hefcr.M. LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the houfe of Ifrael^nd with the houfe of Judah: 2i Not according to the covenant that I cnemie. 17 And there is hope in thine end,faith the LORD, that % children (hall come again to their own border. 1 8 f I have furcly heard Ephraim bemoaning himfclf f feO virgin ofl&aej, turn again to thcfc thy cUici. land of Egypt, (which my covenant they brake, j| although 1 was an husband unto them, g Or, /fait f feith the LORD) m b w:wd 3 3 But this fall bs the covenant that I will make with the houfe of Ifrael, After thofc daycsjfaith the LORD,! will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, * and * chap.34. 7. will be their God, and they (hall be my people, and 30.1*. t 34 And they (hall teach no more every man . 8< Jlfa-^ij; John 6 .45. of them, faith the L ORD : *for I will forgive their iniquitie, and I will remember their finne BO more. Afts "MS- 3f C Thus faith the L o R D, * which givcth * ccn.x. iff. the funne for a light by d*y,and the ordinan- ces of the moon and of the ftarres for a light by nieht, which dividcth *the fca when the * 16.51.1;.' wave* thereof roarj the L o R D of hofts U his name. ?tf * If tbofc ordinances depart from before JcremiaHimprifonecl. ,'Chap. xxxJl. * Hispiayer, n>e,Guth the L o * , then the feed of i fiaqJ al- ray field,! pray thee, that in Awthoih.whkh 6r fo (hall ceafe from being a nation before me it in the couutrey of Benjamin: for the right of * r ' . inheritance is thine, and the redemption it 'C1iap.3j.si., 37Thus&iduheLoRi>,If'heavienabove Ame,bu> ;V for thy fclf : thtnl knew that this can be meafured, ad the foundations of the tvaa the word of the L o R D. earth fearched out beneath, I will alfo ft off 9 And 1 bought the field of Hanamccl rev all the feed of Ifrael,for all that they have done, pnclcs fbnnc, that fi-li. 13 Baruch tguft prr- f^T*' fti-ut the tvlcknctr, as toimt of tte peofltt rctum. *4 Thus faith the L o R D of hofts the God /- itf f*aiii*mki,frerto*iptri* t tbtoG*.36 God of ffrael, Take thefe evidences, this cnnrtr.etb the capt fjitie for treir /ep:w, 16 tn^tfro- f\f Uj. ^..--U-r. t t_ t- i r t evidence which is open, and put them in an >T-Hc word that came to Jeremiah from the eanlfen veflc J, that they may continue many J. L OR D 1.1 the tenth yearc of Zedckiah dayes. 7 king of Judah, which vat the eighteenth yearc j y For thui faith the L o R D of hoft th ofNebMchadrewar. God of Ifi-ael, Houfes and fields**! vineyards ^ For then the king of Babylons'army be- OiaJI be poflcflcd again in this land. Jieged Jerufalem : and Jeremiah thc.prophec \ 16 ^ Now when I had delivered the evi- was tout up m the court of the pruon , which dence of the purchafe unto Baruch the fonne 5 r F?r Z ^,t kia r kin f A J , udah had n ' Ut him ' T **& Lo^Go D>!IO^ 3iou h^mfdc ^^^^.Mctojx^^^ the heaven and the earth by thy great pow lay,Thus!aith the LORD ^*Behold 5 I will give andftrerchedcut arm, tfJth/rfis noS this cuyimo the hand of the hog of Baby Ion, ft too hard for 'thee ' ~i 8ndh A :??!t5, u- r T 4 r * ' l8 Thou **** * Iov 'g IWnefi unto < efcJoeoatof Stn^fth J cl5 ^ ? C ^^f^^mpenfel the iniquitk of 1^^-34 efcape out of the hand of the CaJdcans , but the huhcrs into the bofomc of dieir children D "^- 1 r /hailfurcly ,* he delivered m:o the handof the after them : the great, tho miohtv God the king of Babylon, anrf.&aU f^-ak with him LORD of tofts'Shlrtamc & 7 ' mouth-to moath,and his eyes (hall bchoW his 19 ^ - - - ! ' * * - - Mr .;- I* ~r'f i i i .} lugJTt V.H.1V one accor- fior-j. zi. II I viht him faith the ding to his wayes^nd according to the fruk of Cha^itf.^ LORD, though ye fight with thcCaldcant, re his, J - ? -- x (haf LORD came unto me, faying, jftacJ, 3n d amonglt other men, and haft made. noJdjHanaroeel the fonne of ShaUura thee a name, as at thisday ^y^^f^^^^^fp Andhaft brought forth tl^people If- thee my field that mAnathoth:forthe*ri g l V rael*oucof the land of Eqypt, wirh fio ne ,,_ ^ otredcnjpuon^thmctobuyrt. and with wonders, and with a ftrong hand lS^' 8 SoHflnameel mine uncles Tonne came dndwithaftretchcdout.arm, and wi* ercat' licK, 1 ^ to me in the court of the prifon, ac:ording to terrour, be word of the LOR p,an4 faid unto me J3uy 4 And haft given them this land which * The capdvity confirmed. JHRBMIAH. Gods mercy. 23 dioudidftfwcar to their fathers to give them, 3^ f And now therefore thus faith the a land flowing with milk and hony. L o R D the God of Ifrael concerning this city, 23 And they came in and pofl'efled it, but whereof y fay, It fnall be delivered into the they obeyed not thy voice, neither walked in hand of the king of Babylon, by the fword, and thy law, they have done nothing of all that by the famine, and by the peftilence : thou commanded^ them to do: therefore 37 Behold, I will* gather them out of all * ; Dct.j.3. thou haft caufcd all this evil to come upon countrcys,whither I have driven them in mine them. , anger and in my fury and in great wrath ; and | Or, tugmi of 14 Behold the (| mounts, they are come un- I will bring them again unto this place, and I Art* to the cine to take it, and the citie is given hi will caufe them to d wcH fafely. < to the hand of the Caldeans that fight againft it, bccaufe of the fword, and of the famine, and of the peftilence, and what thou haft fpoken is Come to paflc, and behold, thou feeft it. if And tbou haft faid unto me , O Lord G o D, Buy thee the field for money, and take wimeflcs : for the due is given into the hand of the Caldcans. 16 q Then came the word of the LORD unto Jeremiah, faying, *Num6 -Kf.ii. -27 Behold, lam the LoRD,the*God of alj rlefh: Is there any thing top hard for me ? 28 Therefore thus faith the LOR D ; Behold, I will give this citie into the hand of the Cal- deans, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and he (hall take it. 29 And the Caldeans that fight againft this city, (hall come and fctfire on this city, and Chap. 17.13. bum it with the houfes, 'upon whofe roofs they have offered inccnfc unto Baal, and pou- red out drink-offerings unto other gods, to provoke me to anger. 38 And they (hall be * my people, and I will * Chap.2 4 . 7 , be their God. andjo.2. 39 And I will give them one heart , and T^Ji 5 A"! . one way, that they may fear me f for cver,for the good of them, and of their children after them. 40 And I will make an cvcrlailing covenant with them , that I will not turn away ffrom f Heb./e of- them, to do them good, but I will put my fear *<"*, in their hearts, that they lhall not depart from me. 41 Yea, I will rejoyce ewer them to do them goo J, and I will plant them in this land f aflu - redly ,with my wholehearted with my whole ir, foul. 42 For thus faith the L o ft D, Like as I have brought all this great evil upon this people, fo will fbringupon them all the good that I have promifedthem. 43 And fields (hall be bought in this land, whereof ye fay, It wdefblatc without man or beaft, it is given into the hand of the Cal- 30 For the children of IfiracI , and the chil- deans. a*4a ftabifoj of a btejjed ftiit. 31 For this city hadi been to meywt* pro- vocation of mine anger and of my furv, from the day that they built it, even unto this day: that I (hould remove it from before my face. 31 Bccaufe of all the evil o? the children of Ifrael,andof the children of Judah which tKey have done to provoke me to anger, they, their kingSjthcirprinccSjtbcirpricftSjand their pro- phets, and the men of Judah, and the inhabi- tants of Jerufalcm. 33 And they have turned unto me the | * backhand not the face jthough I taught them riling up early, and teaching ffow,yet they have not hearkened to receive mftrudion. : . 3 4 But they * fct their abominations in the houfc (which is called by my name):o defile it. 55 And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the ionnc of HL-v 3 (jail unto me, and i will aniwer tnce, and nom, to* caufe their fonaes aad their daugh- (hew thee great and \\ mighty things , which E^ tcrs to paffe through the fire unto * Molech, thoukaoweft nor. ' *"' which I commanded them not, neither came 4 For thus faith the LORD , the God of it into my mindc,that they {houU do this abo- Ifrael, concerning the houfes of this citic, and muution to caufe ludah to fiane. "Cbap-7.31 and 19-5- Moreover, the word oftheLoRD came unco Jeremiah the (econd time (while he was yet * (hut up in the court of theprifbn) dying, 2 Thus faith the L o RD the * maker there- of, the LORD that formed it, to eftablifh it, the Lo RDM his name, Call unto me, and I will anfwer thee, and Jfa J7-JC. concerning the houfes of the kings of Judah, which Chrifl is protnlfed. Chap.xndiii. Gods tovenan which are thrown down by the mounts, and by wherewith (he fhaJJ be called, f The LORD 62? die fword, our righteoufhcffe. t H eb. /* 5 They come to fight with the Caldeans, 17 qpor thus faith the LORD, f David wfc?jWtw. but // w to fill them with the dead bodies of fhall never * want a man to fit upon the throne } \ J * men, whom I have (lain in mine anger, and in of the houfe of Ifrael. iffa my fury, and for all whofe wickednefle I have hid my face from thii city 6 BehoJd, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure thcm,and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. 7 And I will caufc the captivity of Judah,tnd the captivity of Ifraclto return, and will build themasatthefirft. 8 And I will deanfe them from all their ini. quick, whereby they have finned againft me, * Chap. 51.34- and l wil1 * P aidon ^ ^ C ' K in"}"" 1 " whereby Uic7.it. they have finnc^and whereby they have tranf- grcflcd againft me. 9 ^ And it (hall be to me a name of joy, a praife and an honour before all the nations of the earth, which fliall heare aJJ the good that I do unto them: and they fliall fear and tremble for all the goodneflc,and for all the profperi, of the houfe of Ifrael. 1 8 Neither ftiall the priefls the Levitcs,' want a man before me to offer burnt-offerings, i. and to kindle meat-offerings, and to do facri- fice continually. 19 ^ And the word of theL OR Dcame un- to Jeremiah, faying, *o Thus faith the L o R D,* If you can break * I&. 54 9. my covenant of the day, and my covenant of c hp.j>. 3* the night,and that there (hould not be day and night in their fcafon : zi rk/z may alfo my covenant be broken with David my fervant , that he fhould not have a fonnc to reignc upon his throne, and with the Levitcs the pricfts, my rcinifters. x i As * the hoft of heaven cannot be num- bred, neither the fand of the fca ineafured : fo will 1 multiply the feed of David my fervanr, and the Levites that minifter unto me. tie that I procure unto ic. 13 Moreover, the word of the L o R D came 10 Thus faith the LORD, Again there (hall to Jeremiah, fay ing, be heard in this place (which ye hy fballbe 24 Confidercft thou not what this people dcfoiate without man and without bealt,i&m have fpoken, faying , The two families which in the cities of Judah, andinthcflrcctsor jc- theLoKD bath chofen, he hath even caft rufalem that are defolate wkhout man and them off? thus they have defpifed my people, wkhout inhabitant, and without beaft) that they fhould be no more a nation before 11 The* voice of joy and the voice of glad- them. nefie, the voice of the bridegroom and the if Thus faith the LOR D,If my covenant be voice of the bride, the voice of them that fhall not with day and night, and if I have not fay, Praife the LORD of hofts, for the L o R D appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth: it good, for his mercy etiduretb for ever, and of 16 Then will I caft away the feed of Jacob, them that fhall bring the facrifice of praife into the houfe of the L o R D ; for I will caufe to re- turn the captivity of the land, as at die ft. ft, faith the LORD. 1 1 Thus faith the L o R D of hofts, Again i n this place which is dcfoiate without man and without beaft ,and in all the cities thereof flail te an habitation of flicphcrds caufing thtir. and David my fervant, _/?? that I will not take any of his feed to be rulers over the feed of Abraham , Ifaac, and Jacob: for I will cauie their captivity to return, and have mercy on them. CHAP. XXXIIII. I jfcfaab prcfbefietb tkt ctp.ivitie of Zele#*b mi Nfcerirj. 8 1lxpri*riiarnittieftotlfh./! "> l1 not come agamftyou,noragamft this land? thecitic. Therefore heare now,I pray thee,O my J0 Then the king commanded Ebed me- t let my fupplicauon, I pray tbee, Icch the Ethiopian , faying, Take from hence S f i thirtic Jeremiah takenoue of the dungeon. Jeremiah. J tfl8 t hW em en t t h t hec, a ndkeu P JemUh t.hou ( A. ' h =P ro P h0hd (hah caufc tk,s erne to be burnt ro ,,h H. and went into the houfe of the ^"8"* Thenfiid Zedekiah unto Jeremiah, of thefe words , and thou lie. e [ , tfc e mto thK) and 6y I^ ^| JL lltil *\.uv. .-.. o r * took Jeremiah the prophet unto him into the . . I! third entry that win the houfe of the LORD, g Or,p- J nd the kmg faid umo Jeremiah, I will ask thee a thing: hide nothing from me. i y Then Jeremiah faid unto Zedekiah, If declare it umo thee, wilt thou not furelyput me to death ? and if I give thee counfel, wilt thou not hearken unto me? \6 So the king fw are fecretly unto Jeremi- ah, dying, 4nhe L o R D livcth, that made us this foul, I will not putthee to death, neither will I give thee into the hand of thefe men that feek thy life. 1 7 Then faid Jeremiah unto Zedekiah,Thus faith the LORD the God of hofh, the God of Ifrael, If thou wilt afluredly go forth unto the king of Babylons princes, then thy foul ftiall and thou (halt live, and thine houfe. 18 But if thou wilt not go forth to the king _ . , 9 then fhall this citie be gi- mie io uiciutit. ^^ Then came all the princes unto Jeremi. ah and asked him,and he told themaccording to all thefe words that the king had command- ed: fof they left off fpeaking with him, for the t matter was not perceived. were f lent a 8 So Jeremiah abode in the court of the /'"*"; prifon,untill the day that Jeiufalem was taken, and he was tbm when Jerufalem was taken. CHAP. XXXIX. X Jerufalem i* taken. 4 ZedtkiA * made Htafe, Mil fenttoBihlon. 8 tkiatieruinaad, 9 The people captivated. 11 NebxchadreWrs charge for the good ufage of Jeremiah, ij Gods promise to Ebed-nulech. TN the * ninth yearc of Zedekiah king of Ju- * a . Kings Idah, in the tenth moneth,came Nebuchad- js-i. retzar kins of Babylon,and all his army agamft ^ " ' ' r -aedit. yeare of Zedekiah, ie ninth day of the ,hekin s of Baby- in the 19 And eea m iah,I am afraid of the Jews that are fallen to the Caldean., left they deliver me into their well unco thee, and thy foul inall live. the'refiduc of "the princes of the king ofBa- bylon. , _ . - 4 ^ And it came to pa He, that when Zede- kiah the kin of Judah faw them, and all the men of war?e, then they fled, and went forth ord that tne LORD nacn mtwcu D ^ i And behold, all the women that are left in the king of Judahs houfc,/W/ be brought forth to the king of Babylons princes , and thofe women foall fay, t Thy friends have fet thee on, and have prevailed agamft thee : thy feet are funk in the mire , and they are turned aW z? b S 2 o ihey (hall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Caldeans, and thou malt < But the Caldeans army putiuca arter mem, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho: and when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babykm to Riblah in the land of Hamath,where he | gave Kith him i Babylon flew t he & Ncbuchadrezzars charge of Jeremiah. Chap.xL houfe, and the houfes of the people with fire, and brake down the walls of Jerusalem. chief 9 Then Nebuzaradan the j|f captain of the mil. guard carried away captive into Babylon the ' cl *itf remnant of the people that remained in the r* *or** c '" Cj anc * l kk tnat ^ am y> tnat fell to him, \tlr- with thereft of the peoplcthat remained. Andfo 10 But Nebuzaradan the captain of the The difperfed Jew^ 4 And now behold , I loofe thee this day 619 from the chains which were upon thine hindiif it feem good unto thee to come with me into Babylon, come, and 1 1 will look well unto tHeb.Iiri'l thee .-but if it feem ill unto thee to come with r and py for us umo thc LoRD th x God>even for all this remnant, ( for we are left but a few of many, as thine eyes do behold us) 3 That the L o R D thy God may (hew us the way wherein we may walk, and thc thing that we may do. 4 Then J-eremiah the prophet faid unto them, I have heard you; behold,! will pray un- to the L O R D your God according to your words, and it (hall come to pafie , that what- focv thing the LORD (hall anfwer you , I will declare if unto you : I will keep nothing back from you. f Then they faid to Jeremiah, The LORD be a true and faithfull witnefie between us , if we do not even according to all things for the Which the LORD thy God (ball fend thee to us. 6 Whether it be goodjOr whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the LORD our God, to whom we fend thee jthat it may be well with us,when we obey the voice of thc L O R D our God. 7 ^ And it came to pafle afcer ten daycs, that the word of the L O R D came unto Jere- miah. 8 Then called he Johanan the fonne of Ka- veah, and all the captains of the forces which tvne with him,and all the people from the leaft even to the greateft, 9 And faid unto them,Thus faith the LORD the God of Ifrael , unto whom ye fent me to prefent your fupplication before him, 10 If ye will flill abide in this land, then will I build you and not pullyou down, and I Will plant you, and not pluck you up: for I re- pent me of the evil that I have done unto you. 1 1 Be not afraid of the king of Baby Ion, of whom ye arc afraid: be not afraid of him/aith the L o R D: for I am with you to fave you,and to deliver you from his hand. 1 1 And I will Ihew mercies unto you 3 that he may have mercy upon you , and caufe you to return to your own land. i $ j But if ye fay,VVe will not o'weri in this land, neither obey the voice of the LORD your God, 14 Saying,No,but we will go into the land of Egypt, where we (hall fee no warre, nor heare thc found of the trumpet, nor have hun- ger of bread, and there will we dwell: i ? ( And now therefore heare the word of the LORD, ye remnant ofjudah, Thus faith the LoRD of hofts the God of Ifrael, If ye wholly fet your faces to enter into Egypt , and go to fojourn there) 16 Then it thai! come to pafle , that the xliii. Jeremiahs prophefiedifcredited. fword which ye feared, (hall overtake you there 6 j i in the land of Egypt, and thc famine whereof ye were afraid,tftiall follow clofe afcer you thete t H*b./&- in Egypt, and there ye (hall die. cltne a f" r 17 f So (hall it be with all the men that rcf|tjcb/o/kB their faces to go into Egypt to fojourn there, aUtke men they (hall die by the fword, by the famine, and ** by the peftilence: and none of them (hall re- main or efcape from the evil that I will bring upon them. 1 8 For thus faith the L o R D of hofts the God of Ifrael, As mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth upon the inhabitants of Je- rufalem j fo (hall my fury be poured forth upon you,whcn ye (hafl enter into Egypt:and ye (hall be an execration, and an aftomlhment, and a oirfe, and a reproch , and ye (hall fee this place no more. 19 ^j The LORD hath faid concerning you, ye remnant of Judah,Go ye not into Egypt : know certainly, that I have f admonifhed you f Kcb. tefle* this day. fiida&mjl ' 10 For U ye diflembled in your hearts , when ) *' ye fent me unto the LORD your God , faying, J^^jJJjy Pray for us unto the L O R D our God,and ac cett a^ainji ' cording unto all that the LORD our God (halljo^Awk- fay, fo declare unto us, and we will do it. 21 And wow I hare this day declared it to you , but ye have not obeyed the voice of the LORD your God, nor any thing for the which, he hath fent me unto you. ax Now therefore know certainly, that ye fljall die by the fword , by the famine, and by the peftilence, in the place whither ye defirc to go, and to fojourn. CHAP. XLIII. 1 fohtman dtfcr editing Jeremiahs prophe/u, earrteth Jetemmh and. others into y -pt. 8 fertmtahfro- phe/teth by a. tjft the conqueft of Egift by the Eaby loninns, ANd it came to pafle, that when Jeremiah had made an end of fpeakingunto all the people,all the words of the LORD their God, for which the L o R D their God had fent him to them, even all thefe words, 2 Then fpake Afcariah the fonne of Hofliai- ah, and Johanan the fonne of Kireah, and all the proud men, faying unto Jeremiah , Thou fpeakeft falfely: the L o R D our God hath not fent thee to fay , Go not into Egypt to fojourn there. 5 But Baruch the fonne of Neriah fetteth thee on againft us , for to deliver us into the hand of the Caldeans, that they might put us to death , and carry us away captives into Ba- bylon. 4 So Johanan the fonne of Kareah , and all the captains of the forces, and all the people, obeyed not the voice of the LORD, to dwell in thelandofjudab. Sf4 5 But A prophefie of Egypts conqueft. Jeremiah. judahs idolatrie threatned. But Johanan thefonne of Kareab, and all other gods whom they knew not, neither they the captains of the forces, took all the remnant you, nor your fathers. 4 Howbeit I fent unto you all my fervants the prophets , riling early and fending them, of Judah, that were returned from all nations whither they had been driven , to dwell in the land of Judah; 6 Even men and women, and children, and the kings daughters, and every perfon that Ne- buzaradan the captain of the guard had left with Gedaliah the fonne of Ahikam the fonne of Shaphan , and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the fonne of Neriah. 780 they came into the land of Egypt : for yed not the voice of the L o R D ; tl feying,Oh do not this abominable thing that I hate. y But they hearkened not,nor inclined their eare to turn from their wickedneffe, to burn no incenfe unto other gods. 6 Wherefore my fury and mine anger was poured forth, and was kindled in the cities of Judah, and in the ftreets of Jerufalem,and they are wafted and defolate, as at this day. 7 Therefore now thus faith the Lo RD , the God of hofts, the God of Ifrael , Wherefore commit ye t bit great evil againft your fouls, to cut off from you man and woman, childe and fuckling j out of Judah , to leave you none to f H c b. out f remain; themidftof 8 In that ye provoke me unto wrath wit they obeyed not the voice of the L o R D$ thus came they s even to Tahpanhes. 8 fl Then came the word of the LORD on- to Jeremiah in Tahpanhes fay ing, 9 Take great ftones in thine hand, and hide them in the clay in the brick- kill, which is at the entry of Pharaohs houfe in Tahpanhes 3 in the fight of the men of Judah : 10 And fay unto tbem,Thus faith the LORD of hofts the God of Ifrael, Behold, I will fend and take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon my fervam, and will fet his throne upon thefe ftones that I have hid , and he ftiillfpreadhis royall pavilion over them. 11 And when he cometh, he (hall fmite the your fathers, and the wickedneffe of the kings kedm n "Chap.ij.1. land of Egypt , and deliver * fuch at are for of Judah, and the wickednefle of their wives, ?. Zech.ii.?. death, to death; and fuch at an for captivitje, -.and your own wickedneffe,and the wickednefle to captivitie; and fuch at are for the fword, to of your wives , which they have committed in the works of your hands, burning incenfe unto other gods in the land of Egypt, whither ye be gone to dwell, that ye might cut your felves off, and that ye might be a curfe, and a reproch among all the nations of the earth? 9 Have ye forgotten the f wickednefle ' or tuts* or ftandiKg imigtf. H Or, the >><<& of the fynne*. the fword. i i And I will kindle a fire in the houfes of the gods of Egypt, and he {hill burn them, and carry them away captives,and he (hall aray him- felfwith the land of Egypt, as a (hepherd put- teth on his garment, and he (hall go forth from thence in peace. 1 3 He (hall break alfo thejimages of ||Beth- fhemefb, that win the land of Egypt j and the houfes of the gods of the Egyptians fliall he burn with fire. CHAP. XLIIII. j Jertmith exfrefftth the demolition f Judah for their idolatry, n H p rophefieth thetr Jeftruftion , who commit idolatrie in F^ypt. 1 5 The kbflinacte of the jftTtvs. ao jf ert miah thrtatneth them for the fame, 19 and for a ftgne, frofhefieth the deftruftion / E&pt. *np He word that came to Jeremiah concern- -1- ing all the Jews which dwell in the land of Egypt, which dwell at Migdol, and at Tah- the land of Judah, and in the ftreets of Jerufa- lem* 10 They are notjhumbled even unto this tHefa.?s. day, neither have they feared nor walked in my n '* law,nor in my ftatutes that I fet before you,and before your fathers. 1 1 f Therefore thus faith the L o R D of hofts, the God of Ifrael, Behold, * I will fet 'Amos y. my face againft you for evil, and to cut off all Judah. 1 1 And I will take the remnant of Judah, that have fet their faces to go into the land of Egypt to fojourn there, and they (hall all be con(umed,arf fall in the land of Egypt : they fliall even be confumed by the fword,a#cf by the famine: they (hall die, from the leaft even unto the greateft, by the fword,and by the famine: and they (hall be an execration, and an afto nifhmenr, and a curfe, and a reproch. i j For I willpumfli them that dwell in the panhes,and at Noph,and in the countrey of Pa- land of Egypt 3 as I have punifhed JerufaletUjby thros, faying, i Thus faith the LORD of hofts, the God of Ifrael, Ye have feen all the evil that I have brought upon Jcrufalenjjand upon all the cities o'f Judahjand behold,this day they are a defq- lation , and no man dwelleth therein. } Bccaufc of their wickednefle which they hive committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incenfe , and to ferve the fword,by the famine,and by the ptftilencc. 14 So that none oftheremnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to fo- journ there, (hall efcape or remain, that they Ihould return into the land of Judah, to the which theyfhave adefire to return to dwell |Heb.///VK> there: for none ihall return but fuch as fliall their {tut. efcape. 15. H Then all the men which knew that their Obftinate idolaters threatned. Chap. xlv. xlvi. Baruch comforted by Jeremiah. | Or, //< of heave*. their wives had burnt incenfc unto other gods, and all the women that ftood by , a great mul- titude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt in Pathros, anfwered Jeremiah, faying, 16 As for the word that thou haft fpoken HIUO BS in the name of the L o R D 3 we will not beat ken unto thee. and not for good,and all the men of Judah thac 17 But we will certainly do whatfoever are in the land of Egypt mall be confumed by u c u . u.,.- the fvyord ^ and by thc famine ^ ^m hcre bc an end of them. z8 Yet a fmall number that efcape the fword, (hall return out of the land of Egypt into the land.of Judah j and all the remnant of Judah LOR D,all Judah that dwell in thc land of E- 63 j gypt, Behold, I have fworn by my great name, Uith the LORD, that my name (hall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah , in all the land of Egypt, faying, The Lord GOD liveth. Behold,! will watch over them for evil, Chap. 7.1 8. thinggoeth forth out of our own mouth to burn incenfc unto the || * queen of heaven, and to poure out drink-offerings unto her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings and our prince$,in the cities of Judah,and in the ftreets f Ucb.breid. of Jerufalem: for then had we plenty off victu- als, and were well, and faw no evil. 1 8 But fince we left off to burn incenfe to the queen of heaven, and to poure out drink- offerings unto her , we have wanted all things, and have been confumed by the fword , and by the famine. 19 * And when we burnt incenfe to the queen of heaven, and peured out drink-offer- ings unto her } did we make her cakes to wor- fmpher, and poure out drink-offerings unto her without our || men > 2 o ^ Then Jeremiah faid unto all the peo- ple, to the men and to the women , and to all the people which had given him that anfwer, faying, zi The incenfe that ye burnt in the cities of Judah, and in the ftreets of Jerufalem, ye and your fathers, your kings and your princes, and the people of the land, did not the L O R D re- member them, and cameit not into his minded zz So that the LORD could no longer bear, becaufe of the evil of your doings, and becaufe of the abominations which ye have committed: therefore is your land a defolatk>n,and an afto- niftiment, and a curfe without an inhabitant 5 as at this day. z 3 Becaufe you have burnt incenfe, and be- caufe ye have finned againlt the LORD, and have not obeyed the voice of the L o R D, nor walked in his law, nor in his ftatutes,norin his teftimonies: therefore this evil is happened un- to you, as at this day. 14 Moreover , Jeremiah faid unto all the people, and to all the women, Hearc the word of the L o R D,all Judah,that are in the land of Egypt. z? Thus faith the LORD of hofts the God oflfrae), faying, Ye and your wives have both fpoken with your ir.outhes, and fulfilled with your hand, faying, We will furely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incenfe -to the queen of heaven,and to poure out,drink-of- ferings unto her: ye will furely accomplifh your vows, and furely perform your vows. 16 Therefore hcare ye thc word of the that are gone into the land of Egypt to fojc there , (hall know whofe words (hall ftand , j mine or theirs. 29 ^ And thirjhall be a figne unto you,fauh me or f ram the Loai> , that 1 will punilh you in this place, them ' that ye may know that my words (hall fure.'.y ftand againft you for evil. 3 o Thus faith the L o R D , Behold, I will give Pharaoh-Hophra king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies,and into the hand of them that fcek his life,as I gave Zedekiah king of Ju- dah into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon his enemy, and that fought his life. CHAP. XLV. I Biruch being difmajtd, 4 Jertmiah inflrufitth and comforttth him. THe word that Jeremiah the prophet (pake unto Baruch the fonne of Nenah, when he had written thefe words in a book at the mouth of Jeremiah , in thc fourth yeare of Jehoiakim the fonne of Jofiah king of Judah, faying, z Thus faith the L o R D the God of Ifrael unto thee,O Baruch, $ Thou didft fay, Wo is me now, for the LORD hath added grief to my forrow, I faint-* cd in my (ighing, and I finde no reft. 4 f Thus (halt thou fay unto him, The LORD faith thus, Behold, that which I have built will I break down, and that which I have planted, I will pluck up, even this whole land. 5 And feekeft thou great things for thy felf ? feek them not: for behold,! will bring evil up- on all fle(h, faith the L o R D: but thy life will I give unto thee * for a prey in all places whi- ."Ciap. j;,i? ther thou goeft. CHAP, XLVI. I feremijhfrophefttthtl-e overthrow tfPhttrJohs ar- my at Eufhntest i J and the conqutfl f Egypt ty Nekuchadre^nr. 17 He comfort eth J actib tni^nr fhaflifement. THe word of the L o R D,which came to Je- remiah the prophet , againft thc Gen- tiles, z Againft Egypt , againft the army of Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt , which was by Pharaohs overthrow. Jeremiah. Jacob comforted. 6j4 by the river Euphrates in Carchem'ifli, which 18 j Hive, faith the King, whofe name u Nebuchadrezzar king of Baby Ion fmoteinthe the LORD of hofts, Surely as Tabor is among the mountains , and as Carmel by the fea, /o (hall he corne. fourth yeare of Jehoiakim the fonne of Jofiah king of J udah. 3 Order ye the buckler and (hield, and draw neare tobattel. 4 Harnefle thehorfes,and get up ye horfe- men, and ftand forth with your helmets, fur- bifti the fpears, and put on the brigandines. 5 Wherefore have I feen them difmayed, and turned away back? and their mightie ones f beaten down, and are f fled apace , and look not back : for fear VPM round about, faith the LORD. 6 Let not the ftvift flee away,nor the migh- tie man efcapej they (hall ftumble, and fall to- ward the north by the river Euphrates. 7 Who u this that cometh up as afloud, vihofe waters are moved as the rivers? 8 Egypt rifeth up like a floud,and his waters are moved like the rivers, and he faith, I will go up, and will coverthe earth, I will deftroy .the citie, and the inhabitants thereof. 9 Come up ye horfes, and rage ye chariots, f Heb. Cufi. and let the mighty men come forth, t the Ethi- "\ Hcb.Par. opians , and f the Libyans that handle the (hield, and the Lydians that handle and bend the bow. 19 Oh thou daughter dwelling in Egypt , t furnifti thy fclf to go into captivitie: for Noph f Heb. mi\t (hall be watte and defolate without an inhabi- thee tn'flru- tant. ments of ao Egypt is Ify a very fair heifer , *r de- * flruftion cometh: it cometh out of the north. xi Alfo her hired men are in the midftof her,Uke t fatted bullocks,for they alfo are turn- * .* ed back, and are fled away together j they did locksoth* not ftand, becaufe the day of their calamitie-/ was come upon them, and the time of their vi- fitation. ai The yoke thereof (hall go like a ferpent, for they (hall march with an army , and come againft her with axes, as hewers of wood. 2 j They (hall cut down her forreft,faith the LOR D, though it cannot be fearched, becaufe they are more then the gra(hoppers,and are in- numerable. 24 The daughter of Egypt (hall be con-" founded,(he (hall be delivered into the hand of the people of the north. ' i? TheLoRDofhofts,theGodofIfraeI , him of his adverfaries: and the fword (hill devoure, and it (hall be fatiate, and made drunk with their bload : for the Lord GOD of hofts hath a Cicrifice in the north-countrey by the ri- ver Euphrates. 1 1 Go up into Gilead,and take ba!m,O vir- ghijthe daughter of Egypt: in vain (halt thoti ufe f Heb. no many medicines : for] thou (halt not be cured. iz The nations have heard of thy (hame, fute J* 11 "* faith, Behold, I will punifh the flf multitude of p 0r ^ 10 Forthis is thedayof the LordGooof No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, >.' hofts, a day of vengeance, that he may avenge and their kings , even Pharaoh , and that truft in him. 16 And I will deliver them into the hand of thofe that feek their lives, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon , and into the hand of his fervants , and afterwards it (hall be inhabited, as in the dayes of old , faith theLoRD. 27 fl * But fear not thou, O my fervant Ja- ^i&^i.ij; cob, and be not difmayed,O Ifraeljfor behold, and 43.5. and thy crie hath filled the land : for the migh- I will fave thee from afarre off, and thy feed m ** * ty man hath (tumbled againft the mighty, and. from the land of their captivitie , and Jacob p ' Jo ' 10 ' (hall return,andbe in reft and at cafe, and none {hall make him afraid. 2 8 Fear thou not, O Jacob my fervant,faith they are fallen both together. 13 ^ The word that the LORD fpake to Je- remiah the prophet,how Nebuchadrezzir king kr. of Babylon (hould come - j p or j n tne going up of Luhith,t*continuall jn1 weeping (hall go upj for in the going down of Ifa. i s's. Horonaim the enemies have heard a cry of de- ftruction. ig Ot, anted 6 Flee, fave your lives, and be like j| the * Chap 17 6 * heath in the wildcrneffc. 7 f For becaufe thou halt trufted in thy works and inthytreafures,thoumalt alfo be ta* ken, and Chemo(b (hall go forth into captivity w'nb his * priefts and his princes together. 8 And the fpoiler (hall come upon every ci T ty, and no city (hall efcape: the valley alfo (hall pcrifli, and the plain (hall be deftroyed, as the LORD hath fpt)ken. 9 Give wings unto Moab, that it may flee and get away : for the cities thereof (hall be' dcfolate, without any to dwell therein . 10 Curfed fce-he that doeth the work of the LORD ||deceitfully,and curfed be he that keep r eth back his fword from bloud . . 1 Or, ^ 'if ought to tf'ence. after title. '{Or, Kegli [ Beth. el their confidence. *i. Kings 14 ^ How fay ye,We are mighty and ftrong Ia * 29 ' men for the warre ? 1 f Moab is fpoiled, and gone up eat of her cities, and t his chofen young men are gone fHcb. the down to the {laughter, faith the King, whofe choice of, name is the LORD of hotts, 16 The calamity of Moab is neare to come, and his affliction hafteth faft. 17 All ye that are about him bemone him, and all ye.that know his name, fay, How is the ' fti-ongfhff broken, and toe beautifullrod ! 1 8 Thou daughter that deft inhabit Dibon 4 come down from thy glory, and Gtin thirft$for the fpoiler of Moab (hall come upon thee,a;z^ he flnll deftroy thy ftrong holds. 1 9 O t inhabitant of Aroer, ftand by the fHeb. fate* way and efpie, ask him that fleeth 3 and her that bititfl*.- efcapeth, is broken, faith the LORD. 26 f Make ye him drunken: forhemagnir fied himfelf*gain& the LORD: Moab alfo .(hall wallow in his vomit, and he alfo (hall be in de rifion. 27 For W3S not Ifrael a derifion untothce? was he found among theeves 2 for fince thou fpakcftof him, thou jfskippedft for joy. i< 28 O ye that dwell i-n Moab, leave the cities th jf'f* and dwell in the rock, and belike the dove that maketh her neft in the fides of the holes mouth. 2 9 We have heard the * pride of Moab, (he * ifa.itf.tf; is exceeding proud} his loftinefle and his arro- Sec. gancy, and his pride, and the hau^htifleffc of Moab hath been at cafe from his his heart. 30!. vt The judgement of Moab. Jeremiah. Againft Ammon and Edom. 6 $6 30! know his wrath.,faith the LORD, but it from the miclft of Sihon, and (hill devoure the corner of Moab, and the crown of the head of the f tumultuous ones. t Hcb - cl 46 Wo be unto thee,O Moab, the people of dren ofm Chemofh perifheth : for thy fonnes are taken ~J^ j " J. anvrv ui wiaiii.-jldii.il inc J^ORD, DUt t?^ ".M n ot &' fo, II his lies (hal 1 not fo efhft if. net right. 3 i Therefore will I howl for Moab, and I a will cry oat for all Moab , mine heart (hall mourn for the men of Kir-heres. 3iO vine of Sibmah, I will weep for thee, with the weeping of Jazsr j thy plants aie gone over the fea, they reach even to thefea of Ja- ier , the fpoiler is fallen upon thy fummer- fruits, and upon thy vintage. 33 And * joyandgladnefleis taken from the plentifull field, and from the land of Mo- ab, and 1 have caufed wine to fail from the Wine- prefies, none (hall tread with (homing, their (hvutinzfixUbe no (houting. 3 4 From the cry of Hefhbon even unto Ele- aleh, and even unto Jahaz have they uttered * Ifa.r j.j,g. tne j r yoke, * from Zoar even unto Horonaim, as an heifer of three yeares old : for the waters alfo of Nimrim (hall be t defolate. 3 5 Moreovr,I will caafe to ceafe in Moab, faith tbe LORD, him that offereth in the high places, and him that burncth incenfe to his gods. 36 Therefore mine heart (hall found for Moab like pipes, and mine heart (hall found like pipes for the men of Kir-heres : becaufe the riches that he hath gotten is periftied. 37 For* every \\eiAjbaUbe bald, and every M. bc dtclip': upon all the hands {ball be cut- tings, and upon the loyns fackcloth. 38 There (ball be lamentation generally up- on all tbe houfe-tops of Moab , and in the ftreets thereof : for I have broken Moab like a veffel, wherein is no pleafure, faith the LORD. 39 They (hall howl,/^,How is it broken tHcb.Mfcfc down* how hath Moab turned the t back with (hame ? fo (hall Moab be a derifion, and a dif- maying to all them about him. 40 For thus faith the LORD, Behold, he (hall flic as an eagle, and (hall fpread his wings over Moab. 41 |j Kerioth is taken, and the ftrong holds are furprized, and the mighty mens hearts in Moab at that day (bill be as the heart of a wo. man in her pangs. 41 And Moab (hall be deftroyed from being a people , becaufe he hath magnified bimfilf againft the LORD. 43 * Fear and the pit, and the fnare {hall be upon thee, O inhabitant of Moab, faith the LORD. 44 Hethatfleeth from the fear, (hall fall into the pit, and he that gctteth up out of the pit, (hall be taken in the fnare : for I will bring upon it, even upon Moab, the yeare of their vi- fitation, faith the LORD. 4? They that fled, flood under the (Hidow "Nwa.ai.i8 of Heflibon, becaufe of the force . but * a fire |0r, tines * IGu4." l8 * f captives, and thy daughters captives. f Hcb. hi 47 f Yet will I bring again the captivity of cj/tiim, Moib in the latter dayes,faith the LoRD.Thus farre K the judgement of Moab. CHAP. XLIX. I The judgement of the ^tmmonitti. 6 Their rtftittr*. tion. Tht judgement of EJom, 13 ofDamafct t rejtuurationof Elam. If^Oncerning the Ammonites, thus faith 3 Or, \^ythe LORD, Hath Ifrael no fonnes ? hath he no heir ? why then doth || their king inherit 8 Or, Melfom * Gad, and his people dwell in his cities ? *Amos i.i j. ^ Therefore behold, the dayes come, faith the LORD, that I will caufe an alarm of warre to be heard in * Rabbah of the Ammonites, *Amos 1.14^ and it (hall be a defolate heap, and her daugh- ters (hall be burnt with fire: then (hall Ifrael be heir unto them that were his heirs, faith the LORD. 3 Howl, O Heflibon, for Aiisfpoiled:cry ye daughters of Rabbah, gird ye with fack- cloth: lament and run to and fro by the hedges, for || their king (hall go into captivitie, and his * priefts and his princes together. 4 Wherefore glorieft thou i in the valleys , || thy flowing valley, O back-fliding daughter ? { Or, t*r that trufted in her treafures, fayivg, Who (hall vjUtjflo^ come unto me f - ethawy. 5 Behold,! will bring a fear upon thee, faith the Lord GOD of hofts, from all thofe that be about thee, and ye (hall be driven out every man right forth, and none (hall gather up him that wanderetk. 6 And afterward I will bring again the ca ptivity of the children of Ammon, faith the LORD. 7 ^ Concerning Edom,thus faith the LORD ofhofts, * Is wifdomenomore in Teman? is "bad.vcr.S counfel perilhed from the prudent ? is their wif- dome vaniftied 8 Flee ye, || turn back, dwell deep, Oinha-j|o r , ,^ r I bitants of Dedan, for I will bring the calamity ae turned of Efau upon him,the time that I will vifit him ***& 9 If*grape-gatherers come to thee, would 'obad.ver.jj they not leave' fame gleaning- grapes? if theeves by night, they will deftroy t till they have | H eb. their enough. (uffciency. 10 But I have made Efau bare, I have un- covered his fecret places, and he l~hall not be able to hide himfelf: his feed is fpoiled, and his brethren and his neighbours, and he is not. 1 1 Leave thy fatherlefle children,! will pre- (hall come forth out of Heihbon, and a flame fern them alive, & let thy widows truit in me iz For Againft Damafcus, Kedar, Chap. 1 1 For thus faith the L o R D, Behold, they whofe judgement tv they, are t faint- hearted , there is forrow (| on the fea, it cannot be quiet. 24 Damafcus is waxed feeble, audtvrneth guifbandforrows have taken her as a woman in travail. *y How is the citie of praife not left , the Citicof noy joy? xlix. andElam.Elanis reftauratic * 16 Therefore her young men (hall fall in her 6 ftreets,and all the men of warre (hall be cut off in that day, faith the LORD of hofts. ^7 And I will kindle a * fire in the wall of Amos 1.4. Damafcus, and it (hall confume the palaces of Ben-hadad. z8 ^ Concerning Kedar, and concerning the kingdomes of Razor, which Nebuchad rcz/ar king of Babylon (hall fmite, thus faith the L o R o a Arife ye, go up to Kedar, and fpoil the men of theeaft. io Their tents and their flocks (hall they take away, they (hall take to themfelves theic curtains and all their veffeis t and tneir ca- mels, and they (lull cry unto them, Fear is on every fide. 30 f * Flee , fget you farre off, dwell * Verfc >. deep , O ye inhabitants of Hazor, faith the t Heb../W L o R D j for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon *'*** *' hath taken counfel againft you, and hath con- ceived a purpofe againft you. 3 1 Arife, get yeu up unto the |[ wealthy na- OT,tbatii tion that dwelleth without cate , faith the <" 9, 4i> 3 J Thejudgement redemption of Ifrael. THe word that the L o R D fpake againft Ba- bylon, and againft the land of the Calde- ans f by Jeremiah the prophet. 2 Declare ye among the nations, and pub- li(h, and f fet up a ftandard, publ ifli and conceal not: fay, Baby Ion is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces 5 her idols are con- founded, her images are broken in pieces. 3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation againft her, which (hall make her land lefolate , and none (hall dwell therein : they (hall remove , they (hall depart both man and beaft. 4 ^ In thofedayes, and in that time, faith the Lo R D , the children of Ifrael (hall come, they and the children of Judah together, going and weeping: they (ball go, and fcek the LORD their God. f They (hall ask the way to 2ion with their faces thitherward, faying. Come, and lee us joynour felves to the LORD, in a perpetual! covenant that (hill not be forgotten. 6 My people hath been loft (heep: their (hep- herds have caufed them to go aftray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgot- ten their f refting place. *' litdo-an in- 7 All that found them have devoured them, and their adverfaries faid, We offend not, be- caufe they have finned againft the L o R o,the habitation of juftice,even the LORD, the hope of their fathers. 8 * Remove out of the midft of Babylon, and go forth out of the land of the Caldeans, and be as the he-goats before the flocks. 9 ^ For lo, I will raife and caufe to come up againft Babylon, an aflembly of great nations from the north countrey , and they (hall fet themfelves in aray againft her, from thence (be {hall be taken : their arrows {bill be as of a mightie jj expert man : none {hall return in vain. i o And Caldea (hall be a fpoil: all that fpoil her (hall be fatisfied, faith the L o R D. ii Becaufe ye were glad, becaufe ye rejoy- cedi Oye deftroyers of mine heritage, becaufe ye are grown j fat, as the heifer at grafle, and bellow as bulls. *Ifa. 48.20. Rtv.if.4- fryer. t Heb. tig, os terpultnt. Jeremiah. againft Babylon. round about: all ye that bend the bow, (hoot at I the her,fpare no arrows: for (he hath finned againfl; the LORD. I f Shout againft her round about: (he hath given her hand: her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down: for it it the vengeance of the L o R D : take vengeance upon herj as (he hath done, do unto her. 1 6 Cut off the fower from Babylon, and him that handleth the (j fickle in the time of g Qt,fitht, harveft: for fear of the oppiefling fword, they (hall turn every one to his people,and they (hall flee every one to his own hnd . 17 fl Ifrael a fcattcred (heep, the lions have driven him away: firft the king of Aflyria hath devoured bim, and laft this Nebuchad- rezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones. 1 8 Therefore thus faith the LORD of hods the God of Ifrael, Behold,! will puni(h the king of Babylon and his land, as 1 havepunifl> ed the king of Aflyria. ip And I will bring Ifrael again to his habi- tation,and he (hall feed on Carmel and Ba(han and his foul (hall be fatisfied upon mourn . phraim and Gilead. 20 In thofe dayes, and in that time,faith the LoRD,the iniquitie of Ifrael flaall be fought for, and there (hall be none/ and the finnes of Ju- dah,and they (hall not be found: for I will par- don them whom I referve. 2 1 1T Go up againft the land || of Merathaim y or, ftbi even againft it, and againft the inhabitants of rtbils. J|Pekod: wafte and utterly deftroy after them, | Or w yfa|6 faith the LORD, and do according to all that I t;o. have commanded thee. 2 2 A found of battell Is in the land, and of great deftruftion . 23 How is the hammer of the whole earth cut afunder and broken ? how is Babylon be- come a defolationa.Tiong the nations? 24 I have laid a fnare for thee, and thou art alfo taken, O Babylon, and thou waft not aware : thou art found and alfo caught, be- caufe thou haft ftriven againft the LORD. 2? The Lo RD hath opened his armoiie, and hath brought forth the weapons of his in- dignation : for this u the work of the Lord G o D of hefts, in the land of the Caldeans. 26 Come againft her \ from the utmoft f Heb./Vi border, open her ftore-houfes: || caft her up as the < 11 Your mother (hall be fore confounded, heaps, and deftroy her utterly : let nothing of |J Or ' irt ** {he that bare you (hall be afoamed: behold , the her be left . 27 Slay all her bullocks: let them go dowa to the flaughter: wo unto them, for their day is come, the time of their vifitation. 28 The voice of them that flee and efcape out of the land of Babylon to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD out God , the hindermoftof the nations {hall be a wilder- nefle, a dry land and a defert. 1 3 Becaufe of the wrath of the L o R D, it (hall not be inhabited ,but it (hall be wholly de- t* Chap, 4p, folate: * every one that goeth by Babylon (hall 17. be aftoniflied, and hirfe at all her plagues. 14 Put your felves in aray againft Babylon vengeance of his temple. Call The redemption of Ifrael. 6hap.Ii. . Gods judgement againft Babylon? ap Call together the archers agfmft Baby- 4 j The king of Babylon hath heard the re- 61 9 Ion : all ye that bend the bow, camp a^ainft it port of them,and his hands waxed feeble : an- tound about j let none thereof efcape : recom. guifli took hold of him, and pangs as of a wo- penfe her according to her work j according man in travail. 44 Behold he fliall come up * like a lion * Chap, 4 : from the fwelling of Jordan , unto the habita- i* tion of the ftronj : but I will make them fud- to all that (he hath done, do unto her : for (he hath been proud againit the LORD, againft the holy one of Ifrael. / m~n ----- *vjj wuixvviii mane IHCIII IUU- 30 Therefore mall her young men fall in denly ru-n away from her : and who is a chofen the ftreets , and all jier men of warre (hall be man that I may appoint over her / for who is cut off in that day, faith the L o a D. like me, and * who will f| appoint me the time? tHcb. frUe. 3 1 Behold , lam againft thee, O tbou f moft and who is that fliepherd^h'aVwill ft'andbefore c&v*?. proud, faith the Lord G o D of hofts : for thy me ? I Or. convtnt day is come, the time that I will vifit thee. 45 Therefore heare ye the ounfel of the "***** |Hcb. frfa. 3 i And f the moft proud (hall ftumble and LORD, that he hath taken againft Babylon, . fall , and none (hall raife him up : and 1 will and his purpofes that he hath purpofed againft kindle a fire in his cities , and it (hall devoure the land of the Caldeans: furely the leaft of the flock fliall draw them out ; furely he (hall make their habitation defolate with them. 4^ At the noife of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, and the cry i$ heard among the nations. all round about him. 3 3 4 Thus faith the L o R D of hofts, The children of Ifrael and the children of Judah 'were opprefled together , and all that took them captives held them faft , they refufed to let them go. 3 4 Their redeemer is ftrong,thc L o R D of hofts is his name.he (hall throughly plead their caufe, that he may give reft to the land, and dilquiet the inhabitants of Babylon. 3 ? H A fword it upon the Caldeans , faith the L o R D , and upon the inhabitants of Ba- bylon , and upon her princes , and upon her dwell in the jroidft of them that rife up againft f Hcb. kert} CHAP. LI. I We fevere judgement of God againft Babylon, mrt' venge of Ifrael. Sf Jertmiih delivereth the book of thit profhefie to Serauh, to be caft into Euphrates, token of the perpetuall /tntfng of Babylon. THus faith the L o R D, Behold,! will raife up againft Babylon, and againft them that wife men. | Or, chief 36 A fword is upon the || f liars , and they feS 1 . fa^ ^ ote; a f vvord wupon her mighty men, tHcb.4"rr. and they mall be difmaycd. me, a deftroying windej z And will fend unto Babylon fanners,that fliall fanne her, and (hall empty her land : for in the day of trouble they fliall be againft her 37 A fword is upon their horfes , and upon round about, their chariots, and upon all the mingled people 3 Againft him that bendeth let the archer that are in the midft of her, and they (hall be- bend his bow,and againft him that lifteth him- come at women: a fword is upon her treafures, felf U P in his brigandine 5 and fpare ye not her and they fliill be robbed. * Ge 3 8 A drought is upon her waters , and they fliall be dried up : for it it the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols. 3 9 Therefore the wilde beafts of the defert, With the wilde beafts of the i (lands (hall dwell there, and the owls (hall dwell therein : and it fliall be no more inhabited for ever : neither fliall it be dwelt in from generation to gene- ration. 40 * As God overthrew Sodom and Gomor- rah , and the neighbour cities thereof, faith the ' LoRD:/0 dull no man abide there } neither (ball any fonne of man d/vell therein. 41 Behold , a people (hall come from the north, and a great nation, and many kings (hall be raifed up from the coafts of the earth. 42, They fliall hold the bow and the lance : they are crucll and will not (hew mercy : their roice (hall roar like the fea ,and they (hall ride upon horfes, every ont put in aray like a man to the battell, againft ihec, O daughter, of Ba- bylon. young men, deftroy ye utterly all her hoft. 4 Thus the flain fliall fall in the land of the Caldeans , and they that are thruft through in her ftreets. f For Ifrael hat h not been forfaken, nor Ju~ dahof his God, of the LORD of hoftsj though their land was filled with iinne againft the ho- ly one of Ifrael. ^ 6 * Flee out of the midft of Babylon,and de- *chap. je. . liver every man his foul : be not cut off in her RevcU $* iniquitie : for this is the time of the L o R D s vengeance : he Will render unto her arecom- penfe. 7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORDS hand,that made all the earth drunken: . the nations have drunken of her winejthercfore the nations are mad. 8 Babylon is fuddenly*fallJujriuiJ. Jeremiah faid to Seraiah , When thou comeft to Babylon,and lhalt fee, and fhak , O LORD, thou haft that it (hall be f defolate for ever. ' "" fHcb. 4/f : 6? And it fhall be when thou haft made an **'* end of reading this book, that thou fhalt binde a Hone to it, and caft it into the midft- of Eu- phrates. 64 And thou fhalt fay, Thus (hill Babylon Imk,and fhall not rife from the evil rhat I will ..-~w ..w k !: remember the LORD afarrc off, and let Jerufalem come into your minde, J i We .ire confounded , becaufe we have heard reproch, flame hath covered our faces : for ftrangers are come into the fanduaries of theLoRDshoufe. J z Wherefore behold,the dayes come, faith the LORD, that I will do judgement upon her graven images, and through all her land the wounded (hall grone. 53 Though Babylon fhould mount up to heaven, and though (he fhould fortifie the height of her ftrengch,_yef from me fhall fpoil- cn come unto her, faith the LORD. <4 A found of a cry cometb from Babylon, and great deftruftion from the land of the Caldeang. 11 Becaufe the LORD hath fpoiled Baby- Ion, anddeftroyed out of her the great voice , **&& CHAP LTI - j . ariuLm burneth andfpotleth thecity. *~- 3I **'*** ZEdekiah WM * one and twenty yeare old * . Kir when he | began to reigne, and he reigned 24-1 3. elevenyearesin Jerufalem 3 and his moc1ierst cb - name TXO.S Himut,Tl thp rlanokrr^^r T.___:.U *"* j /--- , ***w UI0 tliUlllCiZ name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah ofLibnah. z And he did that which was evil in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that Je- hciakim had done. 3 For through the anger of the LoRD it cametopafle in Jerufalem and Judah, till he had caft them out from his prefence, that Zc- dekiah rebelled againft the king of Babylon. 4 ^And it came to pafle in die * ninth yeare * "' K:ngs ofhis rcigne, in the tenth moneth , rn the chap 55 i, Jeremiah. The number of the captives. came 'he and all bis a nm e .gainft JetuMem, and puched a ga,nft it, and bail, torn againft ,t round about. So the citie bcficged unto the ele- the ca ' ldron a ' nd candle- on S> ind,hecup Si tbat which , and that vvhich w offil- , ' the ca pt a,n of the s u Jt(1 e it, and the thick- ' land of Ha m a;h 5 where he gave judgement tnde. ^ thcfe were ninety and fix pcmcgra . t Hcb. 1 1 Then he t put out the eyes of Zedekiah, blinded. anc j t jj e ki n g O f Babylon bound him inHchains 3 jor/mm. andca > rried hira to Babylon, and put him in tHeb.feo/ fprifon till the day of his death. of the wrds. r ll ^ ^I DVV i n t hc fifth moneth, m the tenth ^yofthemoneth (which teas the nineteenth of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon) ' the guard 3 Jeru- Her pitiful! complaint. and 6 , Jerufalems miferabk eflate, Chap. i. Evil.mcrodach king of Babylon in the jFtf fHc5,W T?^^ things i t h throne above the throne of the kings that were day a portion untill the day of his death all ?* tter f tht with him in Babylon, the dayes of his life. 3 in hit "Jcr.ij.ty. Job ,. }1 The Lamentations CHAP. I. i fhemiferttle ejlate of ferufklem lyvetfon of her (jnne. 11 She comflanteth of her grief, 1 8 and con- fejjeth Gods judgement to be righteous, [On doth the city fit folitary , that : was full of people t how is (he be- come as a widow? (he that was great among the nations , and princefie among the provinces, ijotv is flic become tributary? z She * weepeth fore in the * night, and her tears Are on her cheeks : among all her lovers flie hath none to comfort her , all her friends have dealt treacherouflv with her, they are be- come her enemies. ? Judah is gone into captivitie, becaufe of affliction, and f becaufe of great fervitude : (he dwclleth among the heathen , (he findeth no reft: all her perfecutours overtook her between the ftraits. 4 The wayes of Zion do mourn , becaufe none come to the folemn feafts : all her gates are defolate: her priefts figh, her virgins are af- flicted, and (he u in bitternefle. 5 Her adverfaries *are the chief, her ene- mies profper : for the LORD hath afflicted herj for the multitude of her tranfgreflions , her * children are gone into captivitie before thc enemy. 6 And from the daughter of Zion all her beauty is departed : her princes are become like harts that finde no pafture , and they arc gone without ftrength before the purfuer. 7 Jerufalem remembred in the d ayes of her affliftion, and of her miferies^il her II pleafant things that (he had in the dayes of old , when ber people fell into the hand of the enemie and none did help her, the adverfaries faw her, and did mock at her fabbaths. 8 Jerufalem h?^h grievoufly finned: there- |- Hcb.i fc fore (he fis removed ; all that honoured her defpife her, becaufe they have feen her naked- down wonderfully: (he had no comforter Q L O R D, behold my affliction : f or the enemy hath magnified himfclf. 10 TJeadvcrfaryharhfpresd out his hand upon all herfjpleafantthmgs:for(he hath feen ,,OT *. that the heathen entred into her fanauary,S/i whom tnou dift command that * they (hoald *Dcut not enter into thy congregation. 11 All her people fioh, they feekbread^hey have given their pleafant things for meat II to nor reheve the foul : fee, O L O /D, and con(!der ff for I am become vile. ' corns unto my forrowjwhich is done unto me where with the LORD hath afflicted me,m thc day of the his fierce anger. 13 From above hath he fcnt fire into my bones, and it prevaileth againft them : he hath fpread a net for my feet , he hath turned-me ^rf faint all *Dent.8. *T r MV ii-jr u jvc iccn ncr naKCu- mnd&ng. neffe: 1> ^e.figheth s and turneth backward. 9 Her hltnmcfle u in her skirts , (he re- membreth net her laft end, therefore (he came the da hehathmade rac 14 Theyokeofmytranfgreffionsisbound by rns hand : they arc wreathed, ^comeup upon my neck: he hath made my drench to fall , the Lord hath delivered me into their hands, from whom I am not able to rife up. 1 5 The Lord hath troden under foot all my mighty men in the midft of me : he hath called an aflembly againft me , to cruih my young men : the Lord hath troden II thc vir- gin , the daughter of Judah , as in a wine- prefle. o 1 6 For thefe things I weep, *mine eye, mine eye runneth down with water, becaufe and;;!' the comforter that (hould t relieve my foul is Chap.i.,8. farre from me : my children are defolate be- 1 Hcb - Mug caufe the enemy prevailed. 17 Zion fpreadeth forth her hands, and there it none to comfort her: the L o R D hath commanded concerning Jacob , that his adverfaries fliould be round about him: Jerufalem is as a menftruous woman amon^ them. 18 f The LORD is* righteous, for I have *&an 9 7 ; i rebelled againft his f commandment: heare,t H b.zo*A. T t i The prophets lamentation Lamentations. for the mifery of Jerufalem. 44 I pray you, all people,and behold my forrow : my virgins and my young men are gone into Ifa.ij"Chey acknoim- Itdge Gods jufttce. 5f They pray for deliver ante* f 4 and. vengeance on their enemies. T ^tm the man that hath fcen affliction by the J rod of his wrath, z He hath led me arid brought me into darknefle, but not into light. ? Surely againft me is be turned, he turneth his hand againft me ill the day. 4 My flefh and my skinne hath he made old, he hath broken my bones. 5 He hath builded againft me,and compaf- fed we with gall and travel. 6 He hath fet me in dark places , as they that be dead of old. 7 He hath hedged me about , that I cannot get out : he hath made my chain heavy. 8 Alfo when 1 cry and (hour, he fhatteth out my prayer. 9 He hath enclofcd my wayes with hewcn ftone : he hath made my paths crooked. 10 He was unto me as a bear lying in wait, and as z. lion in fecret places. 11 He hath turned aude my wayes, and pul- led me in pieces : he hath made me defolate. 1 1 He hath bent his bow, and fet me as a mark for the arrow. fHeb. 14 He hath caufed the farrows ofhisqui- fonnes. vet to cntec i n:o m y re ins. Jcr.io. 7. 1 4 I was a * derifion to all my people , and their fong all the day. fHeb. fo< i ? He hath filled me with ] bitterneffe , he terneffei. hath made me drunken with wormwood. 1 6 He hath alfo broken my teeth with gra fOr, roHeci vel-ftones, he hath || covered me with aftics. "Sir**' I7 Andt ^u haft removed my foul farrc off t Hck good. fro . m P 63 ** ' I for 5 at t profperitie. . Hi. Their hope. Gods juftice. 18 And Ifaid,Myftrcngthandmyhope is ^45 perifbedfrom the LORD, 19 H Remembring mine affliction and myror.rfwoM- rmferir, the wormwood and the gall. er. 2.0 Myfoulhath/fcewftillin remembrance, and is 1 humbled in me. fHeb. lowtd 21 This I f recall to my minde. therefore t Heb - m * e have I hope. 22 ^ I tit of Ac LORDS mercies that we" 9 **" arc not confutned, becaufc his compaflions fail not. 2 3 They are new every morning: great U thv faithfulneffe. 24TheLoRD it my*portion,faithmy foul, 'Pfal. i xfitye- 36 To fub vert a man in hiscaufc, the Lord \ f ^ tr 'r t. || approveth not. "[' y " 3 7 f Who is he * that faith, and h cometh * pfcl. 3 3>9- to pafle, when the Lord commandeth it not? 38 Out of the mouth of the moft high pro- ceedeth not * evil and good. * Amos 3.6.' 39 Wherefore doth a living man|jcomplain, " r >'''- a man for the puniflimenc of his finnes ? ltcre ' 40 Let us fearch and try our wayes,and turn again to the LORD. 4 1 Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens. 4 2 We have tranfgrefled and have rebelled, thou haft not pardoned. 43 Thou haft covered with anger, and per- fecuted us: thou haft flain,thou haft not pitied. 44 Thou haft covered thy fdf with a cloud, that our prayer mould not paffe through. 4? Thou haft made us as the *offcouring*i- Cot. 4. and refufe in the midft of the people, 'J* 46 All our enemies have opened theit mouches againft us. Tt 3 47* Fear A prayer of the faithfull. Lamentations.' Z ion bewaileth her eftate. 6$6 47 * Fear and a fnare is come upon us, de- "Ifa.24.1?. folation and deftruclion. 48 Mine eye runneth down with rivers of water, for the deftruclion of the daughter of my people. 49 Mine eye trickleth down , and ceafeth nor, without any intermifllon : 50 Till the LORD look down, and behold from heaven. f Hcb. my 5 t Mine eye affedeth | mine heart , || be- D0r more ufe of all the daughters of my city. then all. 1 * Mine enemies chafed me fore like a bird, without caufe. 53 They have cut off my life in the dunge- on, and caft a ftone upon me. 54 Waters flowed over mine head, then I faid,I amcutofti 55 f I called upon thy name, O LORD, out of the low dungeon. 56 Thou haft heard my voice,hide not thine care at my breathing, at my cry. 57 Thou drewdl neare in the day that I called upon thee : thoufaidft, Fear not. 580 Lord, thou haft pleaded the caufes of my. foul, thou haft redeemed my life. 59 O LORD, thou haft feen my wrong , judge thou my caufe. 60 Thou haft feen all their vengeancei And all their imaginations againft me. 6 1 Thou haft heard their reproch , O LORD, and all their imaginations againft me: 6"i The lips of thofe that rofe up againft me, and their device againft me all the day. 6 1 Behold their fitting down and their ri- fing up, I am their mufick. 64 ^Render unto them arecompenfe, O LoRD,accordingtotheworfc of their hands. for, olfo 6 y Give them j| forrow of heart, thy curfe .r/- the daughter of my people, is greater then the **"'? punimment of the finne of Sodom , that was * overthrown as in a moment, and no hands *Gcn.i?.2j. flayed on her. 7 Her Naiarites were purer then fnow,they were whiter then milk, they were more ruddy in body then rubies , their polifhing root of faphire. 8 Their vifage is \ blacker then a coal : they fHcb.^fer are not known in the ftreets : their skinne lhtn Waf *". cleaveth to their bones: it is withered, it is be- ne ^ f ' come like a ftick. 9 They that be flain with the fword, arc better then they that be flain with hunger : for thcfe f pine away, ftricken through for want of f Heb. fan the fruits of the field. out. 10 The hands of the pitifull women have fodden their own children , they were their *meat in the deftruclion of the daughter of *Deut.8. my people. 57- . 1 1 The LORD hath accomplifhed his fury, a ' Kln S-*- z * he hath poured out his fierce anger, and hath kindled a fire in Zion, and it hath devoured the foundations thereof. i ^ The kings of the earth, and all the inha- bitants of the world would not have beleeved, that the adverfary and the enemy Ihould have entred into the gates of Jerufalem. 1 3 f * For the finnes of her prophets,, and * Jcr j.ju the iniquities of her priefts,that have died the aadl 3- iu .bloud of the juft in the midft of herj 14. They have wandered as blinde men in the ftreets, they have polluted themfelves with bloud, |{ fo that men could not touch their i o r , in th.it garments. tkty could not i j They cried unto them , Depart ycJJ It Is ^^ h ', unclean, depart, depart, touch not, when they luted. fled away and wandered : they laid among the heathen, They (hall no more fojourn there. 16 The U anger of the LORD hath divided J Or free* them, he will no more regard them : they re- fpcded not the perfons of the priefts, they fa- vourcd not the elders. 17 Asfor us,our eyes as yetfailed for our vain help : in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not fave us. 1 8 They hunt our fteps that we cannot go in our ftreets ; our end isneare , our dayes arc fulfilled, for our end is come. 19 Our perfecutonrs arc fwifter then the eagles of the heaven : they purfued us upon the mountains, they laid wait for us in the wilder- nefle. zo The *breath of our nofti ils,the anointed * Gen 1.7* of the LORD was taken in their pits,of whom we faid, Under hisfliadowwe (hall live among the heathen* ai Rejoycc Her pitifull complaint, Chap.i. 1 1 Rejoyce and be glad , O daughter of Edom, that dwelleft in the land of Uz, the cup alfo (hall paffe through unto thee: thou (halt be drunken, and (halt make thy felf naked. |Or,tfciw 22 flJ|Thepuni(hmentofthineiniquitieis iniquitie. accompliihed,O daughter of Zion, he Will no more carry thee away into captivity: he will vi- fit thine iniquitie, O daughter of Edooi,he will iinncs. CHAP. V. lApitifull complaint of Zion , infrtytr unto God. REmember,OL O R D, what is come upon us : confidcr and behold our reproch. z Our inheritance is turned to Grangers, our houfes to aliens. 3 We are orphans and fatherlefle, our mo- thers are as widows. 4 We have drunken our water for money, our wood t is fold unto us. 5 t Our necks are under perfecution: we la. hour and have no reft. 6 We have given the hand to the Egypti- s, and to the Aflyrians , to be fatisfied with bread. 7 * Our fathers have finned and an norland we have born their iniquities. 8 Servants have ruled over us: there it none that doth deliver us out of their hand. in prayer unto God. 641 9 We gat out bread with the peril of ow lives, becaufe of the (word of the wildernefie. 10 Our * skinne w.is black like anoven,*pf a l.n?.8j. becaufe of the jj terrible famine. HOr,tmorj 1 1 They ravifoed the women in Zion, and or/fcmi, ' the maids in the cities of Judah. 1 2 Princes are hanged up by their hand : the faces of elders were not honoured. 1 3 They took the young men to grinde,anl the children fell under the wood. 14 Ttie elders have ceafed from the gate,the young men from their mufick. 1 5 The joy of our heart is ceafed, our dance is turned into mourning. 1 6 f The crown is fallen from our head:wo fHeb. the unto us that we have finned. 1 7 For this our heart is faint,for thefe things our eyes are dimme. 18 Becaufe of the mountain of Zion 3 which is defolate, the foxes walk upon it. 19 Thou, O L O R D,*remaineft forever: and'ijM thy throne from generation to generation. and 102.1 20 Wherefore doft thou forget us for ever, ?f f "* /, 8 '" ** n * Turn thou us unto thee, O L O R D, dayes. and we (hall be turned : renew our dayes as of *Jer. ; t old. IS'tS 2 z J| But thou haft utterly rejected us ; thou JJJ' art very wroth againft us. M? ^^^ The book of the prophet EZ8KJEL. CHAP. I. I fhtt'tmeefEttkitlsprofbefie atChtlar. 4 H -vi- fion. of fottre cherubimt > ij of the foure wheels, 3.6 and of the glory of GOD. .Owit came to pafle in the thirtieth yearc , in the fourth mone th , in the fifth day of the moneth , ( as I IVM among the f captives by the river of Chebar) _ that the heavens were opened, and I faw vifionaof God. 2 In the fifth rf*y of the moneth, (which wai the fifth yeare of king Jehoiachins captivi- j The word of the LORD cameexprefly :b. Jt- untof Ezekiel the prieft, the fonne of Buzi,in W> the land of the Caldeans , by the river Chebar, and the hand of the L o R D was there upon him. 4 f And I looked , and behold, a whirl- b. cdtch- " v ' n< l e came o it of the north, a great cloud,and 'it'feif. a fire t infolding it felf, and a brightnefie IVM about it, and out of the midft thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midft of the fire. 5 Alfo out of the midft thereof came the like, nes of foure living creatures. And this was their appearance, They had the likenefle of a man. 6 And every one had foure faces, and every one had foure wings. 7 And their feet were tftraight feet, and the t He& fole of their feet nat like the fole of a calves^ 7 foot, and they fparkled like the colour of bur- nifliedbrafle. 8 And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their foure fides, and they foure had their faces and their wings. 9 Their wings tve re joyned one to another; they turned not when they went , they went every one ftraight forward. 10 As for the likenefle of their faces, they foure had the face of a man, and the face of a liononths right fide, and they foure had the face of an ox on the left fide : they foure alfo had the face of an eagle. 11 Thus rverc their faces : and their wings Tt 4 were Ezekiels vifions. Ezekiel. His commiiTion and inftruftion. 648 were {{ ftretched upward, two wings of every id 4 And above the firmament that WK I Gr t dtvided one were joyncd one to another , and two co- over their heads, was the likenefle of a throne 4DQ f l'ft vf*r*A fVipi r Kr*/4i*e 10 *-Uo^ . _f / i n ^ as the appearance of a faphire-ftone,and up. vered their bodies. n And they went every one ftraight for- on the Jikenefle of the throne was the like- ward: whither the fpirit was to go, they went: nefle as the appearance of a man above up- and they turned not when they went. "" - As for the likeneffe of the living crea- tures, their appearance nw like burning coals on it. 3-7 And I faw as the colour of amber,as the appearance of fire round about within it : from of fire , *d like'the appearance of lamps : it the appearance of his loyns even upward , and went up and down among the living creatures, from the appearance of his loyns even down- and the fire was bright,and out of the fire went ward, I faw as it were the appearance of fire forth lightning. and it bad brightnefle round about. 14 And the living creatures ranne, and re- 28 As the appearance of the bow that is in turned as the appearance of a flafh of light- the cloud in the day of rain, fo was the appea- nin g- ranee of the brightnefle round about. This 1 5 f Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold, one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his foure faces. 1 6 The appearance of the wheels, and their work wa> like unto the colour of a beryll: and they foure had one likenefle , and their appea- rance and their work was as it were awheel in the middle of a wheel. 17 When they went, they went upon their . was the appearance of the likenefle of the glojry of the L o R D : and when I faw it , I fell upon my face , and I heard a voice of one that fpake. CHAP. II. I E&kieU comrnifsioM. 6 Hit inflnfttOM. of hit heavy prtphefc. ANd he faidunto me,Sonneof man, ftand 7 y upon thy fee t 3 and I will fpeak unto thee. Andthcfpint entred into me, when he went. 1 8 A for their rrngs,tbey were fo high that lOfcjfofcf, they were 'dreadfull, and their || rings were full of eyes round about them foure. 1 9 And when the living creatures went,the wheels went by them : and when the living creatures were lift up from the earth,the wheels were lift up. 10 Whitherfoever the fpirit was to go, they went, thither w^s their fpirit to go , and the wheels were lifted up over againft them: l&r>of!tfe. for the fpirit {{of the living creature was in the wheels. it When thofe went,rbf/ went; and when thofe flood, thefe ftood j and when thofe were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted i Cr,p//#r. up ovcr againft them : for the fpirit || of the li- ving creature was in the wheels. ^^ And the likenefle of the firmament up- ~~ on the heads of the living creature, was as the colour of the terrible cryftall , ftretched forth over their heads above. ij And under the firmament were their wings ftraight, the one toward the other} every one had two, which covered on this fide , and every one had two, which covered on that fide, their bodies. 24 And when they went, I heard the noife of their wings,like the noife ot great waters, as, the voice of the Almighty ,the voice of fpeech as the noife of an hoft . when they ftood 3 they let down their wings. z f And there was a voice from the firma- ment , that was over their heads , when they ftood, and had let down their wings^ fpake unto me, and fet me upon my feet, that I heard him that fpake unto me. 3 And he faid unto me,Sonne of man,I fend thee to the children of Ifrael, to a rebellious f nation that hath rebelled againft me ; and their fathers have tranfgrelTed againft me', 9K >- even unto this very day. 4 For they are t impudent children and flifF- f Heb. hard hearted .- I do fend thee unto them , and thou //<* (halt fay unto them,Thus faith the Lord God . f And they, whether they willheare , or whether they will forbear,(for they are a rebel- lious houfe ) yet Hull know that there hath been a prophet among them. 6 ^ And thou fonne of min,be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though JJ briers and thorns be with thee, and thou doft dwell among fcorpions : be not afraid of their words, nor be difmayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious houfe. 7 And thou fhalt fpeak my words unto them, whether they will heare,or whether they will forbear, for they are | moft rebellious. 8 But thou, fonne of man, heare what I fay unto thee, Be not thourebellious like that re- bellious houfe : open thy mouth and * eatthat I give thee. o II And when I looked, behold, an hand was fent unto me, and lo, a roll of a book was therein. 10 And he fpread it before tncj and it way Written within and without , and there wa: written therein lamentations, and mourning, and wo. CHAP. fHeh* lion - Ezekiel eateth the roll. CHAP. III. eateth tht roll. 4 God eneouragtth }>im. 15 Gtd [bewethhhnthe rule of propheftt. zz God Jbutteth and optneth theprofhets mouth. Chap. iii. iiii. He is fhewed the rule of prophefie. dayes, that the word of the LORD came unto 49 me, faying, 17 * bonne of man, I have made thee watchman unto the houfe of Ifrael: therefore MOreover he faid unto me, Sonneof man, heare the word at my mouth, and give them cat that thou findeft; eat this roll^ and go warn ing from me. ipeak unto the houfe of Ifrael. 18 When I fay unto the wicked, Thou (halt i So I opened my mouth , and he caufed me furely die , and thou giveit him not warning, to eat that roll. nor fpeakeft to warn the wicked from his wic- ked way to fave his life : the fame wicked man (hall die in hisiniquicie j but his bloud will And he faid unto me,Sanne of man, caufe thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee. Then did I *eat jf,andic vtas in my mouth ashony for fweetnefle. 4 f And he faid unto me,Sonne of man,go, g thee unto the houfe of Ifrael, and fpeak with my words unto them. f Heb. deep 5 For thou art not fent to a people t of a of itpt and ftrange fpeech, and of an hard language, but to ro%/and the houfe of Ifrael. ib verfc 6. & Not to many people f of a-ftrange fpeech, (- licb.dtep and of an hard language , whofe words thou ef lip, and r.mfi not underftand H Purely, had T fent thee cfltp,an M of canftnot underftand : j) furely, had I fent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto would they eat km ')(.! I ken ed itnto thee? ( Heb. (Iff fforthittl, mdhjrdtf \tart. 7. But the houfe of Ifrael will not hearken unto theej for they will not hearken unto me: for all the houfe of Ifrael are t impudent and hard-hearted. 8 Behold , I have made thy face flrong againft their faces, and thy forehead ftrbng upon me, and he faid unto me, Arife, go forth againft their foreheads. into the plain, and I will there talk with thee. As an adamant harder then flint have I require at thine hand. 19 Yet if thou warn the wicked,and he turn not from his Wickednefle, nor from his wicked wy, he Oiall die in his iniquitiej bat thou haft delivered thy foul. 20 Again, when a * righteous man doth 'Ctap.i?.* turn from his f righteoufne{fe,and commit ini- quitie, and I lay a {tumbling-block before him, he (hall die: becaufe thou haft not given him warning, he (hall die in bis finne, and his righ- teoufneflc which he hath done (hall not be re- membredi buc his bloud will I require at thine hand. 21 Ncvenhelefle , if thou warn the righte- ous man, that the righteous finne not, and he doth not finne; he (hall furely live, becaufe he is warned : alfothou haft delivered thy foul. f And the hand of the LORD was there 9 made thy forehead: * fear them not ,neither be difmayed at their looks, though they be a re- bellious houfe. i o Moreover he faid unto me , Sonne of man, all my words that I (hill fpeak unto thee, receive in thine heart , and heare with thine cares. 1 1 And go, get tbee to them of the captivi- ty, unto thy people, and fpeak unto them and tell them, Thus faith the Lord GOD, whether they will heare, or whether they will forbear. Then the fpirit took me up, and I heard Then I atofe, and went forth into the plain,and behold,t he glory of the L o R D flood therc,as the glory which 1 * faw by the river of *Chap, r, Chebar; and I fell on my face. 24 Then the fpirit entred into me, and fet me up on my feet, and fpake with me, and faid unto me , Go, (hut thy felf within thine hoofe. 2f But thou, O fonneof man, behold, they (hall put bands upon thee, and (hall binde thee with them, and thou (Halt not go out among them. ue cleave to the roof of thy mouth , that thou (halt be durhbe, bchinde me a voice of a great ruflung, faying) and (halt not be to them fa- reprover, for they f Heb. Bleffed be the glory of the L o R D from his are a rebellious houfe. place. . 27 But when I fpeak with tbce, I will open 13 /fefdrrfalfothenoifcofthe wingsofthe thy mourh, and thou (halt fay unto them,Thus Heb. tijtd. living creatures that t touched one another, faith the Lord GOD, Ho that heareth, let him and the noife of the wheels over againftthem, heare, and he that forbeareth, let him forbear: and anoifeofagreatru(hing ;Hcb. htt 14 So the fpirit lifted me up, and took me away,and I went t in bitternefle , in the f heat for they are a rebellious houfe. CHAP. IIII. of niyfpiru, bu, A. hand of t b e L o R D ' ^M^^^? ftrong upon me. i? ^ Then I came to them of the captivity at Tel-abib,that dwelt by the river of Chebar, and I fat where they fat and remained there aftonifhed among them feven dayes. 1 6 And it came co paffe at the end of feven pro'viftonofthe fiege itfbtTvedthe ba'rdnefje of tht f* ' ''T'Houalfo fonneof man, take thee a tile, A and by it before thee, and pourtray upon it the city, even Jerufalem; z And by fiege againft it , and build a fort againft The type of the fiege. Ezekiel. The judgement of Jerufalenu againlt it,andcaft amoimtsainft it: fct the and with care , and they {hall drink water by camp alfo againft it,and fct $at t ering rammes meafure, and with aftonifhment. 17 That they may want bread and water, and be aftonied one with another, and con- 6-50 fi Or, chief tmdtrs. flict, d.iy for yewe. againft it round about, $ Moreover , take thou unto thee |) an iron pan, and fet it for a wall of iron between thee and the citie, and fet thy face againft it, and it "^ (hall be befieged , and thou {halt lay fiege a- gainft it : thajbaU be a figne to the houfe of Ifrael. 4 Lie thou alfo upon thy left fide , and lay the iniquitie of the houfe of Ifrael upon it: ac- cording to the number of the dayes that thoa tii alt lie upon it, thou (hilt bear their iniquitie. f For I have laid upon thee the yeares of their iniquitie, according to the number of the fNum.j4.j4 dayes, three hundred and ninetie dayes: *fo {halt thou bear the iniquity of the houfe of Ifrael. 6 And when thou haft accomplifhed them, lie again on thy right fide , and thou flak bear the iniquity of the houfe of Judah fourtie dayes: I have appointed thee f each day for a yeare. 7 Therefore thou (halt fct thy face toward the fiege of Jerufalem, and thine arm {hall be uncovered, and thou {halt prophefie againft it. 8 And behold, I will lay bands upon thee, *L?5.' rw * and tnou fl** 1 not turn thee t from one fide to another, till tho.u haft ended the dayes of thy fiege. 9 4 Take thou alfo unto thee, wheat, and barley, and beans, and lent lies, and millet, and Jj fitches, and put them in one veffel, and make thee bread thereof, according to the number of the dayes that thou (halt lie upon thy fide j three hundred and ninety dayes (halt thou eat thereof. 10 A nd thy meat which thou fhalteat,/ta# be by weight twenty {hekels a day: from time to time (halt thou eat it. 1 1 Thou (halt drink alfo water by meafure, the fix :h part of an hin: from time to time fljalc thou drink. 1 1 And thou (halt eat it as barley-cakes,and thou (halt bake it with dung that comcth out of man in their fight. J. $ And the LORD faid, Even thus {hall the children of Ifrael eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them. 14 Then faid I, Ah Lord Goo,behold,my foul hath not been polluted: for from my youth up even till now,have I not eaten of that which dieth of it felf,or is torn in pieces,neither came there abominable flefti into my mouth. 1 f Then he faid unto me, Lo, I have given thee cows dung for mans dung, and thou (halt prepare thy bread therewith. 1 6 Moreover, he faid unto me, Sonneof Chap-5.ibehold,I will break the * ftaff of bread in and 14-; 3. JerttfaJen>,ajnd they fhall eat bread by weight, fume away for their iniquitie. CHAP. V. I "Under the type of hair, S iifiewed the judgement of ferufdem for their rebellion* iz hftOMerfmrJ, anddifper/ion. ANd thou fonne of man, take thee a fharp knife , take thee a barbours rafour, and caufe it to paffc upon thine head, and upon thy beard, then take the balances to weigh and di- vide the hair. a Thou (halt burn with fire a third part in the midft of the city, when the dayes of the fiege are fulfilled, and thou (halt take a third pxt>and finite about it with a knife,and a third part thou (halt fcatter in the winde, and I will draw out a fword after them. 3 Thou (halt alfo take thereof a few in num- ber, and binde them in thy | skirts. JHcb, w ;-. 4 Then take of them again, and caft them into the midft of the fire, and burn them in the firej/by thereof (hall a fire come forth into all the houfe of Ifrael. ? fl Thus faith the Lord G O D, This is Je- rufalem: I have fet it in the midft of the nati- ons and countreys that are round about her. 6 And {he hath changed my judgements in- to wickednefle more then the nations , and my ftatutes more then the countreys that art round about her : for they have refufed my judge- ments, and my ftatutes, they have not walked in them. 7 Therefore thus faith the Lord GOD, Bc caufe ye multiplied more then the nations that are round about you, and have not walked in my ftatutes, neither have kept my judgements, neither have done according to the judge- ments of the nations that are round about you: 5 Therefore thus faith the Lord G O D,Be- hold, I,even I am againft thee,and will execute judgements in the midft of thee, in the fight of the nations. 9 And I will do in thee that which I have not done, and whereunto I will not do any more the like j becaufe of all thine abomina- tions. . 10 Therefore the fathers * (hall eat the fonnes inthe midft of thee , and the fonnes Deuc.i8.sj. {hall eat their fathers; and I will execute judge- ? " ments in thee, and the whole remnant of thee E ' will I fcatter into all the windes. 1 1 Wherefore , as I live , faith the Lord GOD, Surely becaufe thou haft defiled my fancluarie with all thy deteftable things and with all thine abominations, therefore will I alfo diminifli t bee , * neither (hall mine eye *Chap 7.4,3 (pare, neither will I have any pi tie. n C A Ifraeb idolatry threatned. Chap. vi. vii. An exhortation to repentance. i z f A third part of thee fhall die with the peftilence, and with famine (hall they be con- fumed in the midft of thee : and a third part mail fall by the fword round about thee : and I will fcatter a third part into all the windes, and I will draw out a fword after them. *j Thus (hall mine anger be accomplifhed, and I will caufe my furie to reft upon thcm,and I will be comforted: and they fhall know that I theLoRDhave fpoken/nn my zeal, when I kave accomplifhed my fury in them. 14 Moreover,! will make thee wafte, and a reproch among the nations that are round about thee, in the fight of all that pafle by. if So it fhall be a * reproch and a taunt, an inftru&ion and an aftoniihment unto the nations that are round about thee, when I fhall execute judgements in thee in anger and in fury, and in furious rebukes: I the LORD have fpoken if. 1 6 When I fhall fend upon them the evil ar- rows of famine, which fhall be for their de- ftruction ,rf2;d which I will fend to deftroy you: and I willincreafe the famine upon you, and will break your * ftaff of bread. 17 So will I fend upon you famine,and*evil beafts, and they fhall bereave thee; and pcfh- lence and bloud (hall pafle through thee, and I will bring the fword upon thee; Ithe LORD have fpoken It. CHAP. VI. I the'juSgtmtnt of Ifrael for their idolatry. 9 *A re- mnantflaB be bleffed.iiThefaithfvllare exhorted to lament their calamities. Nd the word of the LORD came unto me, Sonneofman, fet thy face towards the . * mountains of Ifrael, and prophefie againft them, 5 And fay,Ye mountains of Ifr ael,heare the word of the Lord GOD, Thus faith the Lord GOD to the mountains and to the hills, to the rivers and to the valleys,BehoId, I, even I will bring a fword upon you , and I will deftroy your high places. 4 And your altars (hall be defolate , and < your jj Images fl^j be broken . and j will caft down y u r fl am men before your idols. . 1 And I will } lay the dead carcafes of the children of IfraeL before their idols, and I will fcatter your bones round about your altars. 6 In all your dwelling-places the cities fhall be laid wafte, and the high places (hall be de- folates that your altars may be laid wafte and made defolate, and your idols may be broken and ceafe, and your images may be cut down, and your works may beabolifaed. 7 And the fhin (hall fall in the midft of you, and ye (hall know that I am the LORD. 3 ^ Yet will Heave a rccinanr 3 that yc iray have/owe that fhall efcape the fword among the nations, when ye fhall be fcattcred through thecountreys. 9 And they that efcape of you fhall remem- ber me among the nations, whither they (hall be carried captives, becaufe I am broken with their whorifli heart which hath departed from mcj and with their eyes whichgoawhorin^ after their idols: and they fliill lothe them- felves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. i oAnd they (hall know that I aw the LORD, and that I have not faid in vain that I would do this evil unto them. 1 1 IT Thus faith the Lord GoD,Smite*with * thine hand,. and ftamp with thy foot, and fay, 17. Alas, for all the evil abominations of the houfe of Ifrael: for they (hall fall by the fword,by the famine, and by the peftilence. i ^ He that is farre off (hall die' of the pefti. lence, and he that is neare (hall fall by the fword, and he that remaineth and isbefieged fhall die by the famine : thus will I accompliilj my fury upon them. 13 Then fhall ye knew that I am the LORD, when their flain men (hall be among their idols round about their altars, upon every high hill in all the tops of the mountains, and under every green tree , and under every thick oak, the place where they did offer fwcet favour to all their idols. 14 So will I ftrctch out my hand upon them, and make the land defolate ; yea, || more dcfo- H Cr,de f o: late then the wildernefle towards Diblath, inffomtt-ev, all their habitations, and they (hall know that dernt S e ' ItfwtheLoRD. C HA P. VII. I 7he-finall deflation oflfrae!. 16 The mournfull re- pentance of them that efcafe. ao The enemies deftt thtfanffuary becaufe of the Jfraelites abomination i. a? 1'nder the type of a chain > ujbeved their miftf rable captivity. Moreover the word of the L O -R D came unto me, faying 4 ^ Alfothou fonneof man, thus faith the Lord GOD onto the land of Ifrael, An end,. the end is come upon the foure corners of the land. $ Now U the end come upon ther,and I will fend mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee accordingto thy waves, and willfrecom- f Hcb.^f penfeupon thee all thine abominations. 4 And mine eye (hall not fpare thee, nei- ther will I have pitie:but I will recompenfe thy waves upon thee, and thine abominations fhall be in the midft of thee , and ye (hall knowthat I aw the LORD. 5 Thus faith the Lord GOD, An evil,an onely evil, behold, is come. 6 An end is conve,the end is come,it fwatcb- h for thee. behold, it is come, 7; The- The defolation of Ifrael. 6 5 a 7 The morning is come upon thee, O thou that dwelled in the land : the time is come,the gOr, echo, day of trouble U neare, and not the || founding again of the mountains. 8 Now will I ihortly poure out my furie N^ \ipoa thee, and accompliih mine anger upon thee : and I will judge thee according to thy wayes, and will rccompenfe thee for all thine abominations. 9 And mine eye (hall not fpare,neithcr will \ Hcb. upon i have pity : I will recompense t thee according to thy waves, and thine abominations that are inthemidft ofthee, and ye (hall know that I am the LORD that fmiteth. 10 Behold the day, behold, it is come, the morning is gone forth, the rod hath bioflomcd, pride hath budded. 1 1 Violence is rifen up into a rod of wicked- nefle : none of them flia.ll remain, nor of their {|Or, tumult. (| multitude, nor of any of || theirs,neither/Zwf/ |jor, their t jj ere (, e wailing for them. fa''r l z ^ c " mc 1S corae > tnc day draweth neare, let not the buyer rejoyce, nor the feller mourn : for wrath is upon all the multitude thereof. 13 For the feller (hall not return to that ^"f^ their iniquitie. T * 'their'"" i> ^ As for the beauty of his ornament, he fl lim t,iin^- fet it in majeftie : but they made the images of tlock. their abominations, and of their detettable *|j^ A * t things therein: therefore have I |jfct itfarre an unclean, fr Orri them . a i And I will give it into the hands of the ANd it came to pane in the fixth yeare, in the fixth monttb, in the fifth day of the monetbjdj I fat in mine houfe, and the elders of Judah fat before me, that the hand of the Lord GOD fell there upon me. a Then I beheld, and lo, ahkeneffc as the appearance of fire : from the appearance of his loyns even downward 5 fire : and from his loyns even upward, as the appearance of brightnefle, as the colour of amber. 3 And he * put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head , and the fpirit lift me up between the earth and the hea- ven, and brought me in tne vifions of God to Jerufalem, to the doore of the inner gate, that looketh toward the north, where war the feat of the image cf jcaloufie, which provoketh to jealoufie. 4 And beholdjthe glory of the God of Ifrael was there, according 10 the vifion that I * faw * Chap.i.ij in the plain. 5 ^Thenfaidheuntome, Sonns of man, Hit up thine eyes now the way towards the north : fo I lift up mine eyes the way toward the north, and behold, north- ward at the gate of the altar , this image of jealoufie in the entry. 6 He faid furthermore unto me , Sonne of man, feeft thou what they do ? even the great abominations that the houfc of Ifrael com-, mitteth here, that I ihould go farrc ofi from my Gods wrath for idolatry. Chap. ix. my fanduary ? but turn thee yet again 3 and thou (halt fee greater abominations. 7 f And he brought me to the doore of the courtj and when I looked, behold , a hole in the nail. 8 Then faid he onto me, Sonne of man,dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a doore. 9 And he faid unto me , Go in , and be- hold the wicked abominations that they do here. Tne marked. CHAP. IX. .f ing for Tanamu'z. neare any man upon whom is the mark j and J ? 1T Then faid he unto me,Hail theu fcen begin at my fanduary : then they began at the tbit, O fonne of man ? turn thee yet again, ancient men which were before the houfe. and thou (halt fee greater abominations then 7 And he faid unto tbem, Defile the houCe, thefe. and fill the courts with the flain , go ye forth : 1 6 And he brought me into the inner court and they went forth and flew in the city. of the LORD s houfe, and behold, at the doorc 8 ^ And it came to pafle while they were of the temple of the L o R D, between the flaying them,and I was left, that I fell upon porch and the altar , tvere about five and twen- my face, and cried, and faid, Ah, Lord GOD, tymen, with their backs toward the temple of wilt thou deftroy all the refiduc of Ifrael,in thy the L o R D, and their facestoward the eaft, pouring out of thy fury upon Jerufaleotf and they worshipped the funne toward the 9 Then/aid he unto mc,The iniquity of the eaft. houfe of Ifrael and Judah is exceeding great; 17 f Then he faid unto me, Haft thou fcen and the land u}fa\\. of bloud, and the city full fHcb./2W ' | Cr, fe there t bu,O fonne of man? (j Is it a light thing to the of |j perverfeneflc : for they fay, * The LORD w*. S*t*r tSx hcufe of Judah, that they commit the abomi- hath forfaken the earth, and the L o R D feetfc T * Chap. f.II, and 7.4. *Prov.t.if. nations,which they commit here?for they have nor. filled the land with violcnce,and have returned 10 And as for me alfo., mine * eye dial 1 not *chap.8.u, to provoke me to anger* and lo, they put the fpare,neither will I hare pity,6tl will recom* *chap.j.ii. branch to their nofe. penfc their way upon their head. ^dJ 4 ? 1 8 Therefore will I alfo deal in fury : mine 1 1 And beholdjthe man clothed wih linen, an< * eye (hill not fpare, neither will I havepity* which bod the inkhorn by his fide , f reported f Hcb. re- and though they *cry in mine cares with a the matter, faying, I have done as thou baft **redthe loud voice, yet will I not heare thm. commanded- me. mr ^ CHAP. Cherubims and wheels- CA CHAP. Ezekiel. The princes finne and judgement: X. , the living creature that I faw by the river of ., _ ,, r ., .obefcaMrtdtverthe Chebar. city. 8 The -vifitn of the cherubims. 1 6 And when the cherubiow went , the THen I looked, and behold, in the * firma- wheels went by thenuand when the cherubims ment that was above the head of the che- lift up their wings,to mount up from the earth, rubims, there appeared over them, as it were the fame wheels alfo turned not from befidc a faphiic-ftonc, as the appearance of the like- them. nefieof a throne. i? When they Roodjhefe ftood,and when ^ And he fpake unto the man clothed with they were lifted up, thefe lift up themfelves al- ' linen, and faid, Go in between the wheels, fo: for the fpirit j[ of the living creature was ui |0r, j-.Heb. the ev en under the cherub , and fill t thine hand them. Wo of Wllh coals of fire frQm between the cherubimj, 1 8 Then the glory of tke L o R D departed thine hand. ^ fcatKr ffoew o ^ f ^ ^ And he went in from o ff t h e threfhold of the houfe,and ftood , my f,oht. over the cherubims. 3 Now the cherubims ftood on the right 19 And the cherubims lift up their wings, fide of the houfe, when the man went in, and and mounted up from the earth in my fight: the cloud filled the inner court. when they went out, the wheels alfo were be- f Heb. na 4 ^hen the glory of the L o R D f went up fides them, and every one ftood at the doore of from the cherub, and flood over the threfhold the eaft-gate of the LORD s houfe,and the glory *>f the houfe and the houfe was filled with the of the God of Ifrael over them above, cloud and the court was full of the bnghtnefic 20 This is the living creature that I faw un- of the LORDS glory . der the God of Ifrael, by the river of Chebar, < And the * found of the cherubims wings and I knew that they were the cherubims. was heard even to the utter court , as the voice 1 1 Every one had foure faces apiece , and of the Almighty God when he fpeaketh. every one foure wings, and the hkenefle ot the 6 And it came to pafle, that when he had hands of a man wu under their wings, commanded the man clothed withlinen, fay- ai Andthelikenefleof their faces was the ing Take fire from between the wheels, from fame faces which I faw by the aver of Chebar, between the cherubimsi then he went in, and their appearances and themfelves: they went ftood befide the wheels. " ""' A " ; " Kr f "<"<*- 7 And one cherub tftretched forth his hand &***: from between the cherubims unto the fire that ty-w between the cherubims, and took thereof, and put it into the handi of him that was do- ihed with linen: who took it , , and went out. 8 ^ And there appeared in the cherubims, the form of a mans hand under their wings. 9 And when I looked , behold , the foure wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one UJted er every one ftraight forward. CHAP. XI. i The prtfumpion of the princes. 4 their (irOie tnl judgement, ,15 E^itl comp Itining , God Jbewtth him hit purport in fa fag a remntnt, at and fu- nifbme the wicked. *z The glory ofGodletveththl city, a* E&kiel if returned to the eafttvitte. Moreover ,the fpirit lift me up,and brought me unto the eaft.gate of the L O R D S J.T JL.UIV vn' ---& . houfe, which looketheaft- ward : and behold, at the doore of the gat? five and twenty men$ awong whom I faw Jaaziniah the fonne of , and Pelatiah the fonne of Benaiah, fi r^^aS^ SpLhuChe head look/a, theyfbl- houfc S :,hi^ .he caldron, andvfc $*& t il*lfe^^ frere catte 'in my hexr VuCCia wcf c JL.UII v* wj*- 4 wheels that they foure had. t j As for the wheels, H it was cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel. 14 And every one had foure faces .- the firft face tvat the face of a cherub, and the fecond faceup the face of a man, & the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. ' 35 And the cherubims were Ufced up; this Thus have ye faid , O houfe of Ifrael ; for I know the things that come into your minde, every one of them. 6 Ye have multiplied your flain in this city, and ye have filled the ftreets thereof with the 7 Therefore thus faith the Lord G D,Your r A remnant faved. Chap. xii. The type of Ezekiels removing. flain whom yc have laid in the midft of it, they wings, and the wheels befidcs them, and the 5$ tre the fle(h,and this citie it the caldron : but glory of the God of Ifrael was over them I will bruig you forth out of themidftofit. above. 8 Ye have feared the fword,and I will bring 13 And the glory of the LORD went up afword upon you, faith the Lord GOD. from the mid ft of the city, and flood uponthe 9 And Inill bring you out of the midflr mountain,whicbontheeaft-fideofthccme. 14 fl Afterwards the fpirit took me up, and brought me in vifion by the fpiric of God into Caldea, to them of the captivity : fo the vifion* that I had fcen went up from me. a? Then I fpake unto them of the captivity, thereof, and deliver you into the hands of ftrangers.j and will execute judgements among you. 10 Yeftiallfallby thcfword, I will judge youinthe border of Ifrael, and ye fhall know that I aw the LORD. 1 1 This citie ila.ll not be your caldron : nei- ther (hall ye be the fle(h in the mid ft thereof, but I will judee you in the border of Ifrael. izAndyeLllknowthatl^^theLORD: |Or, which jj for ye have not walked in my itatutes, neither executed my judgements , but have done after the manners of the heathen that arc round aboutyou. ij ^ And it came to paffe when I prophe- fied, that Pelatiah the fonne of Bcnaiah died : then fclll down upon my face, and cried with aloud voice,and faid,Ah Lord GOD, wilt thou make a full end of the remnant of Ifrael ? *4AgainthewordoftheLoRDcaineunto me, faying, 15 Sonneof man, thy brethren, even thy brethren, the men of thy kindred, and all the houfe of Ifrael wholly arc they, unto whom all the things that the LORD had (hewed me. CHAP. XI I. * rhe * unproved. 26 Thefpeedineffe oftht *TpHe word of the LORD alfo came unto. * me, faying, * Sonneof man,thoudwdlcftin themidft of a rebellious houfe, which have eyes to fee, and fee not : they have eares to heare, and hearc not : for they are a rebellious houfe. ? Therefore thou fonne of man , prepare- thee f| fluff for removing , and remove by day I! Or, in their fight, and thou (halt remove from thy menu*' place to another place in their fight j ic may be they will confider, though they be a rebel- lioushoufe; 4 Then (halt thou bring forth thy fluff by the inhabitants of Jerufalem have faid, Get ye day in their fight, asftuft for removing : and farre from the LORD : unto us is this land thou (halt go forth at even in their fight, f as fHeK '' ^ given in pofleflion. they that go forth into captivity. wngi forth i 6 Therefore fay,Thus faith the Lord GOD, ? t Dig thou through the wall in their fight, ftS*!^ * Although I have caft them farre ofFamong the and carry out thereby. fortht's." heathen, and although lhave fcattcred them 6 In their fight (halt thou bear it upon thy among the countreys ,yet willl be tothem as (boulders, and carry it forth in the twilight : thou (halt cover thy face that thou feenocthe ground : for I have fet thee for a figne unto the houfe of Ifracl. 7 And I did fo as I was commanded : I a little fanduarie in the countreys where they ftall come. 17 Therefore fay, Thnf faith the Lord Goo, I will even gather you from the people , and aflemble you out of the countreys where ye brought forchony fluff by day, as fluff forcapti have been fcattered, and I will give you the vityjandip.thc.tven I t digged through the wall with-cfoflriBand, I brought if forjh .in the twilight, anJU'bitc, it upon my fliouidr in land of Ifrael. 18 And they (hall come thither, and they fhall take away all the deteftable things there- their fight. of j and all the abominations thereof from 8 f And in the morning came the word of thence. the LORD unto me, faying, * Jcr. ji.jp. 19 And* 1 will give them one heart, and I 9 Sonneof man, hath not the houfe of If- . vvillputa new fpirit within you 5 and.f will rael the rebellious houfe, faid untothee, What take the ftony heart out of their flefii, and will doe ft thou ? give them an heart of fle(h: 10 Say thou unto them, Thus faith the 10 That they may walk in my ftatutes, and Lord GoD,This burden concerneth the prince keep mine ordinances, and dathem : and they in Jerufalem, and all the houfe of Ifrael thac (hall be my people, and I will be their God. are among them. ^ i But as for them whofe heart walketh after 1 1 Say,I am your figne: like as I have done, the heart of their deteftable things , and their fo llall it be done unto them : t they (hall re- abominations, I will recompenfe their wy move*dgointocaptivitie. moving upon their own heads, faith the Lord GOD. 12 And the prince;trmw among them (hall ^"^ 2 s f Then djd the chctubims life UP tbeir. bear upon hii ftouli!cj in the milight^and (ball The Jews defolation. Ezekiel. 6$6 go forth: they (hall dig through the wall to carry out thereby : he (hallcover his face that he fee not the ground with bis eyes. hap-if. i 3 My * net alfo will I fpread upon him 5 and he (hall be taken in my fnarej and I will bring him to Baby Ion to the land of the Caldeans, yet (hall he not fee it, though he (hall die there. 14 And I will fcatter toward every winde all that are abouc him to help him, and all his bands , and I will draw out the fword after them. And they (hall know that I am the LORD, f Heb. men [number* Lying prophets reproved. the Lord GOD, There (hall none of my words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have fpoken (hall be done , faith the Lord GOD. CHAP. XIII. j line reproof of lying frofhit^iound their UHttMptreJ morter. 17 Ofprofheteffes and their fittoivs. ANd the word of the LORD came onto me, faying, z Sonne of man, prophefie againft the pro^ phets of Ifratl that prophefie, and fay thou r unto | them that prophefie out of their own fHeb.t* when I (hall fcatter them among the nations> * hearts, Heare ye the word of the LORD, th , at are ff. anddifperfetheminthe countreys. J Thus faith the Lord GOD, Wo unto thc^v ^* 16 But I will leave fa few men of them fooli (h prophets,that f follow their own fpirit, hearts. from the fword, from the famine,and from the H an ^ bave feen nothing. * Jeiem. 13; 4 O Ifrael,thy prophets are like the foxesin !_, the deferts. LjJ f Ye have not gone up into the (j gaps, nei- |Or, , ther t made up the hedge for the houfe of If- &&* rael, to ftand in the baud in the day of t L RD - |Or,*/<* M 6 They have feen vanity, and lying divina- f Hcb. tion,faying, The LORD faithj and the LORD ted&A hath not fent them : and they have made other* h ge * peftilencc, that they may declare all their abo- minations among the heathen whither they come, & they (hall know that I am the LORD. 17 f Moreover, the word of the LORD came to me, faying, 18 Sonne of man, eat thy bread- with qua- king, and drink thy water with trembling and with carefulnefle, 19 And fay unto the people of the land , fHcb. the fulnefc ithaetf. Thus faith the Lord GOD", of" the inhabitants to hope, that they would confirm the word. of Jcrufalem, andof thelandof Ifrael,They 7 Have ye not feenavain vifion, and have ye not fpoken a lying divination, whereas ye fay, The LORD faith it, albeit I have not fpoken ? 8 Therefore thus faith the Lord GOD, Be- caufe ye have fpoken. vanity , and feen lies, * .--xiiu m. umauiai. an. tu.wuiivu , moil therefore behold, I am againft you, faith the belaidwafte, and the land (hill be delblate, Lord GOD. and ye (hall know that I aw the LORD. 9 And mine hand dull be upon the pro- phets that fee vanity ,and that divine lies : they lhall not be in the j| aflembly of my people,nei- |0r, (tntt? ther (hall they be written in the writing of the or / iGToivit, the prophets of Ifrael which pro - phefie concerning Jerufalem, and which fee vi- fions of peace for her, and there is no peace, faith the Lord GOD. 17 v Likewife thou fonnecf man, fee thy face againft the daughters of thy people, which prophefie out of their own heart; and prophe- fic thou againft them, 1 8 And fay,Thus faith the Lord GoD,Wo ' to the women that fow pillows to all |J arm- I be enquired of atall by them ? 4 Therefore fpeak unto them, and fay un- to them,Thus faith the Lord GoD^Every man ofthehoufe of Ifrael thatfetteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the flurnbhng- block of his iniquity before his face , and cometh to the prophet, I the LORD will anfwerhim that cometh, according to the multitude of his idols, 5f That I may take the houfe of Ifrael in their own heart, beeaufe they are all eftrangcd from me through their idols. 6 ^ Therefore fay unto the houfe of Ifrael, Thus faith the Lord GOD, Repent and turn ftywr felvesfcom your idols, and turn away JOr> others! your faces from all your abominations. 7 For everieoneofthc houfe of Ifrael, ot ofthettrangerthatfojourneth in IfraeJ, which holes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of feparateth himfelf from me, andfettethup his every ftature to hunt fouls: Will ye hunt the idols in his heart, and putteth the ftumblmg- fouls of my people, and will ye fave the fouls a- block of his iniquitie before his face, and co- live that come unto you ? meth to a prophet to enquire of him cdncern- 19 And will ye pollute me amongmypeo- ing mejl the LORD will anfwerhim bymyfelf. pie for handfulls of barley, and for pieces of 8 And I will fet my face againft that man, bread, to flay the fouls that mould not die, and and will makehim a * figne and a proverb, and *Dciit.i8. 37 I will cut him off from the midft of my people, Chap.s.is. and ye mall know that I am the LORD. hi life f Hcb to fave the fouls alive that fhould not live , by your lying to my people that hearej0#r lies ? zo Wherefore thus faith the Lord GoD,Be- 9" And if the prophet be deceived when be hold, I am againft your pillows, wherewith ye hathfpokena thing, I theLORD*havedecei- *i. there hunt the fouls, (J to make them fly,and I ved that prophet,and I will ftretch out my hand "- willtear them from your arms, and will let upon him,and will deftroy him from the midft the fouls go,cve the fouls that ye hunt to make of my people Ifrael. them flie. 10 And they (hall bear the punifhment of ii Your kerchiefs alfowill I tear, and deli- their iniquitie: the paniftiment of the prophet ver my people out of your hand, and thcyflull fliallbeevcn as the punifhment of him that be no more in your hand to be hunted, and ye feeketh unto him : 1 1 That the houfe of Ifrael may go no more aftray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their tranfgreffions : but that they may be my people , and I may be their God, faith the Lord GOD. ii f The word of the LORD cameagaia to me, faying, i; Sonne of man, when the land finneth againft me by trefpaflmg grievoufly, then will I ftretch out mine hand upon it, and wi 11 break the * ftaff of the bread thereof, and will fend Kings fhall know that I am the LORD. 11 Beeaufe with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous fad, whom I have not made fadjand ftrengthened the hands of the wicked, that he mould not return from his wicked way, gOr, that 1 y t by promifing him life : 23 Therefore ye (hall fee no more vanity, nor divine divinations , for I will deliverniy people out of your hand , and ye fhall know that I em the LORD. fear of judge CHAP. XIIII. I God anftvereth idolaters according htirt.6 They are exhorted to repent ments, by means offeducedfropktt cable [entente of famine, 1 5 of noifome beafls-, if f the fiver J, 19 and off ejltlence. n ^ remnant JbaQ tc rffen/edfar example ofothen. HTHen came certain of the elders of Ifrael un. \. to me, and fat before me. * i Andtheword of the LORD came unto me, faying, $ Sonne of man , thefe men have fet up ftheir idols in their heart, & puvthc fti Noab,Da- * J. I J* niel, and Job were in it,they ftould deliver but their own fouls by their righteoufnefie, faith the Lord GOD. 15 f If I caufe noifome beafts to pafle through the land, and they || fpoil it, fq that it |Cr,brftrr; be defolate, that no man may pafle through becaufeof the beafts : 1 6 Though thefe three men were f in it, at I f Hcb. in ** HYCjIaith & Lord GOD, they ftull deliver -midji a/ it. , V v neither The rejection of Jerufalem. Ezekiel. Gods love to Jerufalem. ,-* neither fonnes nor daughters} they onely ftall 8 And I will mike the land defol,becaufe be delivered, but the land (hall be defolate. they have t committed a trcfpafle , faith the t HA - tr 'f' 17 K Or if I bring a fword upon that land, Lord GOD. and fay, Sword, go through the land; fo that Icut off man and beaft from it : i 8 Though thcfe three men were in it, at I live, faith th Lord GOD, they (hall deliver neither fonnes nor daughters, but they onely (hall be delivered themfclves. *9 f Of if I fend a pcftilcnce into that land, and poure out my furic upon it in bloud, to cut off from it man and beaft : zo Though NoahjDaniel, and Job were in it, ail live, faith the Lord GOD, they ftall deliver neither fonne nor daughter : they ftall but deliver their own fouls by their righteouC. Eefle. 'r, a!fo. 21 For thus faith the Lord GOD, || How ' much more when I fend my foure fore judge- ments upon Jerufalem, the fword, and the fa- ffline,aad thenoifome beaft,and thepeftilence, to cut off from it man and beaft t zz Yet behold, therein (hall be left a re* CHAP. XVI. I "Under the (tmtlitude ef * wetehed infant,* fheed the na.tura.ll flate of ferufolttn. 6 Sods extraordina- ry It-veto wards her. 15 Her monftrturvhtredome. 35 KergrieTJ04tj*dgemtnt. 44 Her (inne .matching her mother ,md exceeding herfiflers Stdom and Sa- mirii,aOetk for judgements. 60 Mercy ufromifed her in the end. A Gain the word of the LORD came unto me, faying^ z Sonne of man, caufe Jerufalem to know her abominations^ 3 And fay, Thus faith the Lord G O D unto Jerufalem,. Thyf birth, and thynativitieof f Hcb. cut' the land of Canaan, thy father was an Amo ttngoxt^ot rke, and thy mother an Hittite. MfcoA* 4 And as for thynativitic in the day thou waft born, thy navel was not cut, neither waft thou wafted in water[Jto fupple thee: thou waft |Or, not felted at all, nor fwadlcd at all. lookea ? None eye pitied thce, to do any of thefc thec * unto thee, to have companion upon thee ; but thou waft caft out in the open field , to the lothing of thy perfon , in the day that thou waft born. 6 if And when I pafled by rhee, and faw thee (| polluted in thine own bloud, I faid unto thee | Or, when thou waft in thy bloud, Live t yea, I faid underfoot. mnant that (hill be brought forth, both fonnes and daughters: behold,they ftall come forth un- to you, and ye ftall Gee their way, and their do- ings: and ye ftall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jcrufakm , even concerning all that I have brought upon it. ij And they ftall comfort you when ye fee their waves and their doings.-and ye ftall know u n o tbee when, tbou wajl in thy bloud s Live. that 1 have not done without caufe, all that I 7 I have f caufcd thee to multiply as the t Hc ^ -' have done init,fai"ththtLord GOD. bud of the field, and thon haft incrcafcd and *"""fl waxen great, and thou art come to f excellent fHeb. ow ornaments: thy breads arefa(hioned,and thine nmuofnnt. hair is grown,whereas thoiirw/Z naked & bare. ments ' 8 Now when I pafled by thee , and looked upon thce , behold , thy time WAS the time of love,aad I fpread my fkirt over thce, and cover- Sonneofm^n, What is the vine- tree more ed thy nakedncfle : yea, Ifwareuntoth.ee, aqd then any tree, or then a branch which is among entred into a covenant with thee,faith the Lord the trees of the forreft ? CHAP. XV. 3 B>ife* unfitmfletf the -vine-braJtch for any vie r^ 6 it /hewed the rejection of Jerusalem. A Nd the word of.the LORD cameunto me, \ faying, ft. 3 Shall wood be : ,ken thereof to do any woik? or will ea take a pin of it to hang any vcflcl thereon ? 4 Bhold, it is caft into the fire forfeweljthe re dcvoureth both the ends of it,and the midft litb. with of " " burnt: | is it meet for any work t oper. j Behqld, when i: was whole it was f meet t Kt b, jawracelets upon thine hands, and a chain on thy neck. I % And I put a jewel on thy forehead, and eare-rings in thine eares,anda beautifull crown upon thine head. i 3 Thus waft thou decked with gold and (II- ver,andthy.raimentw*i of fine linen, and (ilk, & broidered work, thou didft eat fine floure, & hony, andoyhand thou waft exceeding beauti- fullj and thou. didft ptofpcr inco a kingdom ?. Her whoredome, Chap 14 And thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty : for it w.u perfeft through my comelincfle which I had put upon thee, faith the Lord G O D. 1 5 f But thou didft truft in thine own beauty,andplayedft the harlot becaufeof thy renown, and pouredft out thy fornications on every one that paflcd by ; his it was. 1 6 And of thy garments thou didft take,and deckedft thy high places with divers colours, and playedft the harlot thereupon : the Hip things {hill not come, neither (hall it be/0. 47 Thou haft alfo taken thy fair jewels of my gold and of my iilver , which I had given f Heb./<* thee, and madeft to thy fclf images f of men, mtle. jmd d^ft commit whoredome with them, 18 And tookeft thy broidered garments, and coveredft them: and thou haft fee mine oyl and mine incenfe before them. 19 My meat alfo which I gave thee , fine floure,and oyl,and hony wherewith I fed tbee, f Hcb. a fa- thou haft even fet it before them for f a fweec ~^mr tfnft. favour: and thtu it was, faith the Lord GOD. 10 Moreover , thou haft taken thy fonnes and thy daughters, whom thou haft born unto me , and thele haft thou facnficed unto them f Heb.ta dt- f to be devoured : u this of thy whoredomes a war* fmall matter, 21 That thou haft flain my children , and delivered them tocaufethcm to paffc through j t he fire for them? ix And in all thine abominations and thy whoredomes thou haft not remembred the dayesof thy youth, when thou waft naked and bare, and waft polluted in thy bloud. 2 ; And it came to pafle after all thy wic- kednefle ( wo, wo unto thee, faith the Lord GOD) 24 That thou haft alfo built unto thee an {Or, brothel- R eminent place , and haft made thee an high be!t. place in every ftreet. 15 Thou haft built thy high place at every head of the way , and haft made thy beauty to be abhorred,and haft opened thy feet to every ne that palled by } and multiplied thy whore- domes. 26 Thou haft alfo committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbours , great of flefli, and haft increafed thy whoredomes, to provoke me to anger. 27 Behold therefor* , I have ftretched out ' my hand over thee, and have diminished thine ordinary food, and delivered thee unto the will jOc, citltt* of them that hate thee, the {) daughters of the PhiliftmesjWhichare aihamedof thy lewd way. 28 Thou haft played the whore alfo with the Affyrians,becaufe thou waft unfatiable:yea, thou haft played the harlot with them, and yet couldeft not be fatisfied. >. 25 Thou baft moreover multiplied thy for- and grievous judgement. 6)9 .XV. nication in the land of Canaan ento Caldea, and yet thou waft not fatisfied herewith. 30 Horv weak is thine heart, faith the Lord GOD, feeing thoudoeft all thcfe things, the work of an imperious whorifh woman f 31 |j In that thou buildeft thine eminent I Or, % place in the head of every way, and makeft to**"" 1 '- thine high place in every ftreet, and haft noc ' been as an harlot (in that thou fcorneft hire) ; 2 But as a wife that committcth adultery, which taketh ftrangersin ftead of her husband . 33 They give gifts to all whores, but thou giveft thy gifts to all thy lovers, and|hireft tHcb.4r/l them, that they may come unto thee on every fide for thy whoredome. 3 4 And the contrary is in thee from ether women in thy whoredomes, whereas none fol- lowcth thee to commit whoredomes: and in that thou giveft a rtward , and no reward is given unto thee j therefore thou art contrary. 3 5 ^ WhereforCjO harlotjhearc the word of the LORD. 36 Thus faith the Lord GoDjBecaufe thy filthineffe was poured out , and thy nakedneflc difcovered through thy whoredomes with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominati- ons, and by the bloud of thy children, which, thou didft give unto them} 37 Behold therefore , I will gather all thy lovers,\rith whom thou haft taken pleafurc,and all them that thou haft loved , with all them that thou haft hated : I will even gather them round about againft thce 3 and will difcover thy naked ntfle unto them, that they may fee all thy nakedncfie. 38 And I will judge thee, fas women that t Hc& - * break wedlock, and (bed bloud, are judged,and &&*** I willgive thee bloud in fury and jealoufic. 3 9 And I will alfo give thee into their hand, and they (hall throw down thine eminent place, and (hall break down thy high places: they (hall ftrip thee alfo of thy clothes, and (hall take \ thy fair jewels, and leave thee naked and, t Hct) - "** bare. j *^+ 40 They (hall alfo bring up a company againft mtnt . thee, and they (hall ftone thee with ftoncs, and thruft thee through with their fwords* 41 And they (hall * burn thine houfes with *^.'K.in.^59 fire, and execute judgements upon thee in the J er< 5*-'5- fight of many women : and I willcaufe thee to ceafe from playing the harlot , and thou alfo (halt give no hire any more. 42 So will I make my fury towards thee to reft, and my jealoufic (hall depart from thee, and I will be quie^and will be no more angry. 43 Becaufe thou haft not remembred the dayesof thy youth, but haft fretted me in all thcfe things > behold therefore ,1 alfo will re- compcnfe thy way upon thine head , faith the Lord GOD, and thou Unit nut commit this Vv i lewdneffe, Jerufalems great fmne. Ezekicl. Gods judgement upon her. 6$s lewdnefle , above all thine abominations. thine abominations faith the L o R D 44 , Behold,every one that ufcth proverbs, J 9 For thus faith the Lord GOD, I mil all life tbk roverb againft thee, faying, As it even deal with thee as thou haft done which (hall ufe thif proverb againft thee, the mother, fo is her daughter. 45 Thou Art thy mothers daughter , that lotheth her husband and her children , and thou an the fifter of thy fifters , which lothed their husbands,and their children:your mother was an Hittite, and your father an Amorite. 46 And thine elder fifter Samaria,(be and fifters t hine elder and thy younger and I will hand; S?dom and her daughters. g've them unto thee for * daughters , but not - 47 Yet haft thou not walked after their haft defpifed the oath in breaking the co- venant. 60 4 NeverthelelTe , I will remember my covenant with thee in the dayes of thy youth, and 1 will eftablift) unto thee an everlafting co- venant. 6 1 Then thou (halt remember thy wayes, and beafliamed , when thou (halt receive thy by thy covenant. 61 And I will eftabhfli my covenant 48 ^i si live, latrn the Lord GOD, Sodom thy fifter hath not done,(he nor her daughters, 95 thou haft done, thou and thy daughters. 49 Behold,this was the iniquity of thy fifter Sodom,Pride,fulneffe of bread, and abundance of idleneffe was in her and in her daughters, neither did (he ftrengthen the hand of the poore and needy. 50 And they were haughty, and committed 'GciM.'i4, abomination before me : therefore * I took them away as I faw good. 51 Neither hath Samaria committed half tthou haft multiplied thine ab- 63 That thou mayeft remember and be con- founded, and never open thy mouth any more: becaufeof thyftiame, when I am pacified to- ward thee, for all that thou haft done,faith the Lord GOD. CHAP. XVII. X "Under the f AT able of two eagles and ai/hte t II fkewed Gods judgement upon ferufalemfor revolt- ing from Babylon to Egypt. ** God fiom'tfeth te plant the cedar of the go/pel. ANd the word of the L o R D came unto me, faying, Sonne of man, put forth a riddle, and A, fitter, to all thouhiHdone. UCaL LlJlllw UTVi.1 **-*! - y - haft committed more abominable tl_. they are more righteous then thou: yea,be thou confounded alfo, and bear thy (hame, in that thou haft juftified thy fifters. $ 3 When I (ball bring again their captivitie, the captivitie of Sodom and her daughters, and the captivitie of Samaria and her daughters, then w// 1 bring again the captivitie of thy ca- ptives in the midft of them, 54 That thou mayeft bear thine own (hame, and mayeft be confounded in all that thou haft done, in that thou art a comfort unto them. f 5 When thy fifters,Sodom and her daugh- ters, (hall return to their former eftate, and Sa- maria and her daughters (hall return to their former eftate,then thou and thy daughters (hall return to your former eftate. 4 He cropt oft'the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffick j he fet ic in a citie of merchants. ? He took alfo of the feed of the land, and } planted it in a fruitfull field , he placed it by j great waters, and fa it M a willow- tree. *-^ 6 And it grew, and became a fpreading vine of low ftature, whofe branches turned toward him , and the roots thereof were under him: fo it became a vine,and brought forth branches, and (hot forth Tprigs. 7 There was alfo another great eagle with great wings and many feathers,and behold,this vine did bend her roots towards him , and (hoc forth her branches toward him , that he might water it by the furrows of her planta- as . tim rcpr0 chof the daughters that it might bear fruit, that it might be , Ttu haft tbom *y tarfa* , - .hercoffanlcuc off 0* to chereof^ it fHcb. Gods judgement upon Jerufalem. Chap wither? it (hall wither in all the leaves of her fpring, even without great power, or many people to pluck it tip by the roots thereof. ID Yea,behold, being planted, flull it pro- fpcr? (hall it not utterly wither, when the eaft- winde toucheth it?it (hall wither in the furrows where it grew. 1 1 f Moreover, the word of the LORD came unto me, faying, i z Say now to the rebellious houfe, Know ye not what thefe things mean f tell them, Be- hold,the king of Babylon is come to Jerufalem, and hath taken the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them with him to Ba- bylon. 1 3 And hath taken of the kings feed , and made a covenant with him , and hath f taken brought him an oath of him : he hath alfo taken the mighty MAW*. O f t h e land. 14 That the kingdome might be bafe, that fFeb.to^ it might not lift it felf up, f but that by keeping ku co-utnant, o f his covenant it might itand. M flaid to it. , 5 But he rcbe n ed again ft hi m in f cm n ng his ambafladours into Egypt , that they might give him horfes and much people : (hall he pro- fper ? flail he efcape that doeth fuch things ? or (hall he break the covenant, and be deli- vered ? 16" As I live, faith the Lord G o D , furely in the place where the king drvelleth that made him king, whofe oath he defpifed , and whofe covenant he brake, even with him,in the midft of Babylon he (hall die. 17 Neither (hall Pharaoh with his mighty army and great company make for him in the warre by cafting up mounts,and building forts, to cut off many perfons. 1 8 Seeing he defpifed the oath, by breaking the covenant ( when lo,he had givea his hand) and hath done all thefe things , he (hall not efcape. 1 9 Therefore thus faith the Lord Go D, As 1 live, furely mine oath that he hath defpifed, and my covenant that he hath broken, even it will I recompenfe upon his own head. * Chap. 12. 10 And I will *fpread my net upon him,ind he (hall be taken in my fnare, and I will bring him to Baby Ion, and will plead with him there for his trefpafle that he hath trefpafled againlt me. 11 And all his fugitives with all his bands fhallfall by the fword, and they that remain lhall be fcattered towards all windes : and ye (hall know that I the LORD have fpokenir. zr fl Thus faith the Lord GOD, I will alfo take of the higheft branch of the high cedar , and will fet It , I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent. $ In the mountain of the height of Ifracl '.xviii. His ju-ftice in pimifhment. will I plant ic: and it (hall bring forth boughs, 66 1 andbearfruit,andbe a goodly cedar, and un- der it lhall dwell all fowl of every wing : in the fludcwof the branches thereof fhalhhey dwell. 14 And all the trees of the field (ball know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourifo: I the LORD have fpoken and have done it. CHAP. XVIII. I Godreprweth the unjuftparatle offimepapu.! H, /ft****** he deattth with a juji father, .o vith * wckedfomie ofajuftfather, 14 with a. juflfonne of a. nicked fathtr, 19 with a nicked mtnrtpentinz. i+Vftth* juft man revolting. 25 He deftndeth hit Jtfltfft 3i andexhorteth to repentance. ANd the word of the LORD came unto me again.faying, i What mean ye, that ye ufc this proverb concerning the land of Ifracl, faying, The * fa- * J* r ' 5 *** thers have eaten fowre grapes, and the chil- drens teeth are fet on edge ? $ ji$ I live,faith the Lord GoD,ye (hall not have 0 hath executed my judgements, hath walked in not be your rume. y l ftatutesjhe Jail not die for the iniquitie of 3 .* Caft away from you all your tranf- bis father, he (hall furely live. greffions, whereby ye- have tranfgrtfled , and 18 As for his father, becaufe he cruelly op- make you a * new heart, and anew fpirit j for Jer. 34.3* preffed/poiled his brother by violence, and did why will ye die, Ohoule of Ifrael ? f SKi*e chat which it not good among his people, lo, ^ F^/^r^rffTr^ K f 'Ch5p.ji.it even he (hall die m his iniquity. i him that dieth,faith the Lord GOI>: wherefore 2 . Pet . ? ,. 1 9 4 Yet fay ye, Why? doth not the fonne turn |j yourfehes, and live ye. i Or, crt bear the iniquity of the father? when the fonne C H A P. XI X. hath done that which is lawfull and right, and l j( lamentation for the princes oflfrael, ujtderthe hath kept aH my ftatutes, and hath done them, JJ^^^^J^^ XJ& *S*T h JflfitS * -b> * fl-U ^e : * the TV /l^-ver, take thou up a bmentaclon for . DK ,tM tf c oua. 3SSS? (bnncflullnot bear the iniquity of the father, LYlthe prmc esof Iftae. I, f .ch,o.,!.4 n ei [het (hallthefath e rbear t h c imqu^o( the > Atuifay.Whatath, mochet, ahon eB JJi.>. fonntitherigbteoufncft of the righteous (hall die laydown among lions, fl^noutilhed her er^: it ' ttue wicked will turn from all his became a young lion , and it learned to catch he hath committed , and keep all the prey, it devoured men. cutes and do thu which ;s lawfulland 4 The nations alfo heard of him, he was ta- right^hefliil furely live,heihall not die. kaia their pit , ^^"^ him Wth ... Kings , 5 t ! / Ail his tranfgreffions that he hath com- chains unto the land of W" , 4 . mitted thev (hall not be mentioned unto him: 5 Now when fix fail that (he had waited ^ j c r..u 9 i.. Sht^^eo^fttat/hThaA done,heihall her hope was loft, then fhe took another of her nh,sn a ate whelps, rf made him a young lion. * ? * Have I any pleafure at all that the 6 And he went up. and down among the L- wick ? ed(houlddie?fauh P theLordGo D :^not ons he became a young lion and learned. to that he (hould return from his wayes and live ? catch the pcy,and devoured men. 14 Vfiut when the righteous turneth away 7 And he knew H their defoUte palaces, and gf from his Seo U fneffe, a nd committeth ini he laid rvafte their cities, and the land was de- ^<.m,, quiw ^/doeth according to all the abomina- folate, and the fulnefie thereof by the noife of tions that the wicked maa doeth, (hall he live? his roaring. aU his riohteoufneffe that he hath done (hall Then the nations fet agwft himon every not be nfentioned : in his trefpaffe that he hath fide from the provinces , and fpread their net trefpafied, and in his finne that he hath finned, over him.: he was taken in *? aiftLfctoi h (hllhedie 9 ^nd they put him in ward || in chains, and a-r.cV< U i - ei i Yctyefay * The way of the LORD brought him to ths king of Babylon j they is-notequall/Heare now, O houfe of Ifrael, Is brought him into holds that his voice foould not my way equalW are not your waye$ un- no more be heard upon the mountains of Itrael, not my wa ^ ^ ^ ^ mother is like a vine|[in thy bloud, B Or, :n tt* rf When a righteous man turneth aw.iy planted by the waters, flk was fruhfull and full ^^ : fcom his rightcournefiej an^ commir.tth. i> of braachef by reafon of many waters.. ^^ Ifraeb rebellion in Egypt, Chap, x*. and ; the lvild( . rne(re . II And foe had ftrong rods for the fceptres fliould not be polluted before rh* h h of them that bear rule, and her ftature was ex- among " alted among the thick branches , and (he a p. my felf tfcemspluckedup infury, fhewas ~t^ O fbCi|.if. raft down to the ground, and the *eafl-windc into the wilderneffe P 3 brou 8ht them dried up her fruit : her ftrong rods were broken 1 1 And I gave them mv ftar, f , Atn. and withered, tbi fire confumed them. ed them my judgement "whi h V J f ? VV ' } And now (he fc planted inthc wilder- flIUfenl,reTn^ " ' "^^^^ neflc, in a dne and thirftie ground. i a Moreover alfo, I save them , * r u R m -'-5 And fire is gone out of a rod of her bath^tobeafignebetwelonieand ^Sf 10 ' 10 'HtbvMnuffe, *>, ariintht Und. jffc 1 mylabbachs they greatly * polluted : then 10 'HtvMnuffe, *>, ariintht Und. j reaty pouted : then ' ?romT Uni I4 ANducametopafleinthefeventhyeare^-n ^SlSSftftSW^^ n I / * i ^t ?' tCmh ^ f the vvhofefightl brought them ou *"' m moneth,^4/ certain of the elders of Ifrael came i< Yetalfo T I frlT I j 3 Sonncofman,fpeak unto the elders of gjf***^*** ^heglory O f a lf eyoraeteoofE.... , if j - iraid.IwillpoureoutmvfurvnoonihVj i. ' , I ." ftcdu P nllnc hanJ untothtmalfo in .-vccon.plifl.n.Ja, ' ^ZftSin,Lljft ">""?*, thIwould fatter them a. of the land of Eeypc " " 1 " ift T n 8 thc hcalhen . > nd J ' f Pfe 'htm through had not executed my Vv 4 judge- Ifraels rebellion. Ezekicl. Gods promife to gather them. 66 A judgements, but had defpifed my ftatutes , and the rebells , and them that tranfgrefle againft had polluted my fabbaths, and tjieir eyes were me: I will bring them forth out of the countrey after their faffhers idols. where they fojourn , and they (hall not enter 25 Wherefore I gave them alfo fiatutes//;^ into the land of Ifrael,and ye (hall knomhat I were not good , and judgements whereby they am the LORD. (hould not live. ? 9 As for you, O houfe of Ifrael , thus faith ^6 And I polluted them in their own gifts, the Lord G o D , Go ye, ferve ye every one his '. in that they caufed to paffe * through t he fire all idols, and hereafter alfo, if ye will not hearken that openeth the wombe, that I might make unto me: but pollute ye my holy name no more, them defolate, to the end, that they might with your gifts, and with your idols, know that I am the L O R D. 4 Fo* in mine holy mountain,in the moun- 7 f Therefore fonne of man , fpeak unto tain of the height of Ifrael,faith the Lord GOD, the houfe of Ifrael , and fay unto them , Thus there (hall all the houfe of Ifrael,all of them in faith the Lord GOD, Yet in thisyeur fathers the land ferve me : there will I accept them, fH<*. tnC- have blafphemed me, in that they have -fcom.- and there will I require your offerings, and the mitted a trefpaffe againft me. 28 For when I had brought them into the land, for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to them, then they faw every high hill, and all the thick trees, and they offered there their facrifices, and there they prefemed the |j firft-fruits of your oblations, with all your |c r holy things. 41 I will accept you with your -f fweet vour, when I bringyouout from the .people, provocation of their offering : there alfo they made their fweet favour, and poured out there and gather you out of the countreys wherein ye have been fcattered, and I will be fan&ified in you before the heathen. their drink-offerings. 41 And ye (hall know that I am the LORD, when I (hall bring you into the land of Ifrael, 19 Then |jl fafdanto them, What it the into the countrey for the which I lifted up mine place whereunto ye go ? and the name hand to give it to your fathers. 43 And there (hall ye remember your waycs, and all your doings, wherein ye have been de- Thus faith the Lord GOD, Are ye polluted af- filed,and ye (hall lothe your felves in your own , , r ..l-^ "'ft" KM"* *I*v*MV /* 5" %? thereof is called Bamah unto this day. Wherefore fay unto the houfe of Ifrael, ter the manner of your fathers ? and commit ye whoredome after their abominations ? 3 1 For when ye offer your gifts , when ye fight, for all your evils that ye have committed. 44 And ye (hall know that I am the LORD, when I have wrought with you for my names make your fonnes to pafle through the fire, ye fake, not according to your wicked wayes, nor pollute your felves with all your idols even un- to this day : and (hall I be enquired of by you, O houfe of IfraeU As I live, faith the Lord GOD, I will not be enquired of by you. 3 2 And that which cometh into your minde, (hall not be at all,that ye fay. We will be as the fouth, and drop thy word toward the fouth, and according to your corrupt doings , O ye houfe of Ifrael, faith the Lord GOD. 45 j Moreover, the word of the L O R D came unto me, faying, 46 Sonneof man, fet thy face toward the heathen , as the families of the countreys, to ferve wood and ftone. 3? f .^fj I live, faith the Lord GoD/urely with a mighty hand , and with a ftretched out arm, and with fury poured out, will I rule over you. 3 4 And I will bring you out from the peo- ple , and will gather you out of the countreys whtrein ye are fcattered , with a mighty hand and with a ftretched out arm , and with fury poured out. 3 ? And I will bring you into the wildernes of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. 3 6 Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderneffe of the land of Egypt,fo will I plead with you, faith the Lord GOD. 37 And I will caufe you to paffe under the |0r, A Jeli- rod, and 1 will bring you into |J the bond of the <*" covenant. 38 And I will purge out from among you- prophefie againft the forreft of thr fouth-field 3 47 And fay to the forreft of the fouth,Heare the word of the LORD, thus faith the Lord GOD, Behold,! will kindle a fire in thee,and it (hall devoure every green tree in thec, & every drie tree:the flaming flame (hall not be quench- ed, and all faces from the fouch to the north (hall be burnt therein. 48 AndallfkQiftullfeethatltheLoRD have kindled it: it (hall not be quenched . 49 Thtnfaidl, AhLordGoD, they fay of me, Doth he not fpeak parables / CHAP. XXI. tk agamfi Jerusalem with a fane of (i&mg. 8 The Jbarp and bright fiverd, 18 againft jsrufakm, 15 Againft the ^ingdomt^ a8 and againft the Jbnmonnei. ANd the word of the LORD came unto me, faying, i Sonne of man , fet thy fa;e toward Je- rufalem, A prophefie againft Jerufalem . Chap, xxi, Her Cnnes threatned. rufalcm, and drop thy tvord toward the holy and I will caufe my farie to rcft,I thc L O RD places, and prophefie againft the Jand of If- havefaid;"r. rael, 3 And fay to the land of Ifrael, Thus faith the LORDJ Behold, I am againft thee , and will draw forth my fword out of his (heath,and will cut o.ff from thee the righteous and the wicked. 4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore (hall my fword go forth out of his (heath againft ail flefti from the fouth to the north : 5 That all 0eh may know that I the LORD have drawn forth my fword oat of his (heath:it flttll not return any more. 6 Sigh therefore 3 thou forme of man, with 18 fThewordoftheLORDcameumome again, faying, 19 Alfo thoa fonne of man, appoint thee two waycs, that the fword of the king of Baby. Ion may come: both twain (hall come forth out of one land, and choofe thou a place, choofeir at the head of the way to the citie. xo Appoint a way,that the fword may come toRabbathof the Ammonites, and to Judah in Jerufalem the defenced, 21 For the king of Babylon flood at the t parting of the way , at the head of the two tHeb.- wayes, to ufe divination : he made hit |J arrows ^ er F the the breaking of thy loyns j and with bitternefle bright, he con/ulted with f images , he looked ^Q^ ^ nne[ iigh before their eyes. in thcliver. t Hc 'b. ttn- 7 And it (hill be, when they fay unto thee, "At his right hand was the divination for f **. Jerufelem to appoint || t captains, to open the | r l mouth in the flaughter,to lift up the voice with f"^ (homing , to appoint batteringrzmmes againft ramrne's. the gates , to caft a mount , and to build a fort. 2 3 And it (hall be unto them as a falfe divi- nation in their fight, || to them that have fworn B Or, for tt>* oathes-.but he will call to remembrance the ini- * thes made quicie, that they may be taken. 24 Therefore thus faith the Lord G O D, Becaufe ye have made your iniquity to be re- membred, in that yourtranfgreflions aredifco- Wherefore figheft thou ? that thou (halt an- fwer, For the tidings, becaufe it cometh : and every heart (hall melt, and all hands (hall be feeble, and every fpirit (hall faint,and all knees . tflU be weak as water : behold, it cometh, ga mta vattr and (hall be brought to pafle , faith the Lord GOD. 8 4 Again,the word of the L o R D came unto me, faying, 9 Sonne of man , prophefie and fay , Thus faith theL O R D, Say, A fword , a fword is (harpened, and alfo furbiftied. 10 It is (harpened to make a fore flaughter, vered, fo that in all your doings, your (innes do ic is farbiftred that it may glitter : (hould we appear : becanfe,! fay, that ye are come to re- JOr, it is the then make mirth ? jj it contemneth the rod of membrance, ye (hall be taken with the hand. rtdofmy my femnCjitt every tree. if ^ And thou profane wicked prince of fmnt,itdf ri And he hath given it to be furbifhetf, Ifrael, whofc day is come, when inicj y that it may be handled: the fword is (harpened, and it is furbi(hed to give it into the hand of the flayer. ^ Cry and howl, fonne of man, for it (hall be upon my peopkjit /&<*// be upon ail the pnn- jiOr,tM Art Cs of Ifrael : II terrours,by reafon of the fword, ] h o7h!fr {ha11 be n P on m y P e P lc : * fmite therefore up- Kith my jet- on thy thigh. pie. 1 3 |f Becaufe it u a trial!, and what if the *Jer.ji.tp. faord contemn evea the rod? it fliall be no I'le'trio" vwre, faith the Lord G OD. Ammonites,and concerning their reprochreven hath been, 1 4 Thou therefore, fonne of man, prophe- fjy thou, The fword, the-fwof d is drawn : for what then? fie, and fmite thine t hands together,and let the the flaughter it is furbifhed , to confume be- fword bc doubled tne third time , the fword caufe of the glittering: 26 Thus faith the Lord GOD, Remove the diademe, and take offthecrown: this/ta// not be the fame , exalt him that is low, andabafe him that is high. 27 t I will overturn, overturn, overturn it, f Heb.per. and it (hall be no more untill he come whofe verteJ,p e r- wght it i, and I will give it him* * ed ?? e - 28 f And thou fonne of man,prophe(ie and ^[ - tt fay, Thus faith the Lord G O D concerning the ntotft*r of the fliin , it is the fword of the great men that are flain, which entrcth into their privie chambers. 1 5 I have fet the J| point of the fword againft all their gates, that their heart may faint , and their ruines be multiplied: ah, it it made bright, it is (| wrapt up for toe (laughter. ** 1 6 Go thee one way or other, either on the J-Heb./rt thy right hand, f or on tbe left , whitherfoever thy /elf .take the face ij fet. 17 I will alfo fmite mine hands together, Whiles they fee vanity unto thee, whiles they divine a lie unto thee , to bring thee upon the necks of them chat are flain, of the wicked whofe day is come, when their iniquitie /ball have an end. 3 o |J Shall I caufe it to return into his (heath? |Cr,f auZ I will judge thee in the place where thou waft to return. created, in the land of thy nativitie. 3 1 And I will poure oat mine indignation upon thee, I will blow againft thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee into the hand of {]bruti(b A catalogue of Jerufalems finnes. Ezckiel. She is as drofTe.' H brucith men , and skilfull to defti-oy, 1 5 And 1 will fcatter thee among the hea- 3 i Thou flialt be for fewel to the fire : thy then, and difperfc thce M: bloud (hall be in the midft of the land , thou flialt be no more remembred : for hive fpoken it. C H A P. XXII. I tM caUicgue of finues in Jtrnfalem. r? Got turn, them axd people. Oreover, the word of the L o R D came .unto me, faying, *Chap.io,4. z Now thou fonne of man, * wilt thou *ndij.$, When I fhallmake thee a defolate cttie, like the cities that are not inhabited, when I (hill bring up the deep upon thee, and great waters mail cover thee j 20 When I (hall bring thee down,with them that defcend into the- pit, with the people of old time, and (hall let thee in the lovt parts of the earth, in places defolate of old , with them that go down to the pit, that thou- be not in- habited , and I (hall let glory in the land of the living : ii I will make thee f a tcrrour , and thou Jba.lt be no more: though thou be fought for,yet ftiilc thon never be found again, (aith the Lord GOD. CHAP. XXVII. x The rieh fitfpty ofliriu. *6 Thteriat andunreco- vtrtble fill thereof. THe word of the LoRDcame again unto me, faying, 2 Now thou fonne of man,take up a lamen. tationforTyrusj 3 And fay unto Tyru j,O thou that art fitu- ate at the entry of the fea, which art a mer- chant of the people for many ifles , Thus faith the Lord GOD, OTyrm,thou haft faid, I am mh.ferftS t of perfeft beauty. H K* 4 Thy borders are in the | midft of the n ' fcas, thy builders hav perfected thy beau- tic. -Hb. built. y They have t made all thy yfc;/-boards of firre-trees of Senir : they have taken cedars from Lebanon a to make mafts for thee* 6 Of the oaks of Bsfhan have they made Or,t!iy thine oars : || f the company of the Aihurites uvt m*de h ave mac j e ^y benches of ivxyfogitgbt out-of xxvii. Her deftru&ion. handed the (hield and helmet in thee, they fee 671 forth thy comelinefle. 1 1 The men of Arvad with thin* army frerc upon thy walls round about, and the Gamma. dims were in thy towers j they hanged their fine J d s upon thy walls round about : they hav made thy beauty perfect. ii Tarftiifli WM thy merchant by reafon of the multitude of all./fc/jwfe o/richesj with Hlver, iron, cinnc, and lead they traded in thy faks. 15 Javan,Tubal, and Me(hech , they twrt thy merchants : they traded the per- fons of men, and vefiels of brafft in thy H mar- 8 Of 'Jen. 7 Fine linen with broidered work from Ihcb. the Egypt , was that which thou fpreadcft forth to be thy fail j jj blue and purple from the iflcs of Ellfl wh > was that which covered thee. 8 The inhabitants of Zidon and Aivad were thy marineK:thy wife mcn,O Tyrus^fear were in thee, were thy pilots. 9 The ancients of Gebal , and the wife "9r,Hf>ptrs mcn thereof were in thee thy fl t calkers , lc'm^k.i- all the (hips of the fea with their ma- i " ncrS Wrc in ^ ec to occu Py th y me ^chan- 10 TheyofPerfia,andof Lud,andof Phat n thine army, thy men ofwarre: they 14 They of the houfe of Tagarm ah traded in thy fair* with horfcs, and horfemen , and mules. 15 ThemenofDcdannw* thy merchants^ many ifles were the merchandife of thine hand: they brought thee for a prefent, horns of ivo- ry and cbcny. ioi - 1 6 Syria wot thy merchant by reafon of the multitude of the f wares of thy making : they t Hcb.wfc- occupied in thy fairs with emeralds , purple, and broidered work, and fine linen andcorall, and lj agate. .'lO 17 Judah and the land of Ifrael they^^t frat thy merchants : they traded in thy market wheat of Minnitb, and Pannag , and hony^, and oyl, and ([ balm. B r 1 8 Damafcus was thy merchant in the mul- titude of the wares of thy making, for the mul- titude of alJ riches: in the wine of Helbon,and white wooll. 19 Dan alfo and Javan (| going to and fro, occupied in thy fairs : bright iron, caffia and calamus were in thy market. zo Dcdan WM thy merchant in f precious fHeb-f/o:^ clothes for chariots. f f****** u Arabia, and all the princes of Kedar , j they occupied with thee in lambes , and t Heb. they rammes,and goats: in thefe were they thymer- JJ^SJ, wr chants. thy band, ' ^^ The jnerchants-of Shebah andRaamah, they were thy merchants: they occupied in thy fairs with chief of all fpiccs,and with all precious ftones, and gold. 23 Haran , and Canneh j and Eden, the merchants of Shebah, Afshur , and Chilmad were thy merchants. i 4 Thefc were thy merchants in||allforw c/f r > tbiafSjin bluefciothcs, and broidered work, and in chefts of rich apparel , bound wkh cords, and made of cedar among thymerchin- dife. zy The fliips of Tarfliiflr di-d fing ofthee in thy market, and thou waft rcpleniihed, and made very elorious in the midft. of the few. The deftru&ion of Tyrus." Ezekiel. A lamentation for her.' 671 16 [ Thy rowers have brought thee into great waters : the eaft- winde hath broken thee fHcb. hurt. ia thc t n^dft of the reas> *RevcLi8.j?, Z7 Thy * riches and thy fairs,thy merchan- dife, thy mariners, and thy pilots, thy calkcrs , and the occupiers of thy merchandife, and all B ^ r > "** thy men of warre that^rf in thee, || and in all thy company ,which win the midft of thee 3 fliall fHcb. hetrt. fall into the f midft of the fcas, in thc day of thy ruine. I Or, T w/ . x 8 T he [| foburbs (hall (hake at the found of the cry of thy pilots. 19 And all that handle the oar , the' ma- riners, and all the pilots of the fea, (hall come down from their {hips, they (hall It and upon the land ; 30 And (hall caufe their voice to be heard againft thee, and {hall cry bitterly , and {hall caft up duft upon their heads,they {hall wallow themfelves in the allies. 31 And they {hall make themfelves utterly bald for thee, and gird them with fackcloth, and they (hall weep for thee with bitterneffe of heart, aod bitter wailing. 3 a And in their wailing they {hall take up a lamentation for thee, and lament over thee, fayingyWhtt city is like Tyrus,like the deftroy- ed in the midft of the fca? 33 When thy wares went forth out of the feas, thou filledft many people, thou didften- rich the kings of the earth, with the multitude of thy riches, and of thy merchandifc. 34 In the time when thou {halt be broken by the feas in the depths of thc waters , thy mer- chandifeand all thy company in the midft of thee mall fall. It All the inhabitants of the ifles {hall be aftonifhcd at thee, and their kings {hall be fore afraid, they {ball be troubled in their coun- ^Hcb. ter* tenance. "'<" 36 The merchants among the people {hall Libe/Jr hiflre a thce thou {halt be fa tcrrour, and w- ' t never/fofr be any mote. CHAP. XXVIII. I Gtdt judgement ufon the frin ee of J>rw, for hit fa- crilegiom pride, u ^A lamentation of hit great glory corrupted ty (Inne. io Ike judgement of Zidort. 24 The rcjtauration of Ifrael. THe word of the LORD cime again unto me, faying, z Sonne of man, fay unto the prince of Ty- rus, Thus faith the Lord GOD,Becaufc thine heart ir hfced up,and thou haft faid,I am a god, f Hcb.fc thee. * 10 Thou (halt die the deaths of theuncir- cumcifed, by the hand of ftrangers : for I have fpoken ir, faith the Lord GOD. 1 1 f Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, faying, . i ^ Sonne of man , take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and fay unto him, Thus faith the Lord GOD, Thou fealeft up thefumme full of wifdome and perfeftin beauty. 1 3 Thou haft been in Eden the garden of Godjevery precious ftone VOM thy covering,the || fardius, topaz, and the diamond,the Bberyll, lOr't'ru the onyx, and the jafper, the faphire.the || erne, f Or ch raid, and the carbuncle, and gold: the {S^tl workmanQiip of thy tabrets and of thy pipes p-afe. was prepared in thee, in the day that thou waft created. 14 Thou art the anointed cherub thit covereth : and I have fet thee fo j thou waft upon the holy mountain of God ; thou haft walked up and down in the midft of the ftones of fireo 1 5 Thou vnaH perfect in thy wayes from the day that thou waft created, till iniquitie was found in thee. 1 6 By the multitude of thy merchandi(e they have filled the midft of thee with vio- lence, and thou haft finned: therefore I will caft thee as profane out of the mountain of God : and I will deftroy thee, O cover- ing cherufc , from the midft of the ftones of fire. 17 Thine heart was lifted up~becaufe of thy beauty, thou' haft corrupted thy wifdome by reafon of thy brightncfie ; I will caft thee to the Zidon threatned. , Chap, the ground, I will lay thee Itefore kings } that they may behold thee. 1 8 Thou haft defiled thy fanftuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick ; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midft of thee, it (ha a d they (hall know that I am the Lord their GOD. CHAP. XXIX. I thejttclgtment ofPharaoh t for hit treachery to Ifittl. 8 The defolation of Egypt, i j The refliuratiOH there- of after fowtyyenrtf. 17 Egipt the reivtud of Neb*' chzdretfar. ^l 1 '[rail fid be refloreii. yN the tenth yeare , in the tenth moneth t in 1 the twelfth day of the moneth, the word of the LORD came unto me, faying, a Sonneof man , fet thy face againft Pha- raoh king of Egypt, and prophefie againft him, and againft all Egypt. 5 Speak and fay , Thus faith the Lord GOD , Behold , I tun againft thee, Pharaoh xxix. The judgement of Pharaoh. king of Egypt, the great * dragon that lieth 675 in the midlt of his rivers, which hath faid, My * pfaL 74 river is mine own , and 1 have made if for my &.,. 4 But I will put hooks in thy chaws, and I will caufe the fifh of thy rivers to ftick unto thy fcales , and I will bring thee up out of the midft of thy rive* s, and all the fi(h of th; rivert fliall ftick unto thy fcales. 5 And I will leave thte thronminto the wil- dernefle,thee and all the fi(h of thy rivers:thou (halt fall upon the f open fields, thou (halt nott Heb -/ be brought togcthcr,nor gathered : I have given * ^ thee for meat to the beafts of the field, and to the fowls of the heaven. 6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt (ball know that I am the LORD , becaufe they have been a * ftaffof reed to the houfe of **-*ngsi^ Ifrael. 7 When they took hold of thee by thy * J * hand , thou did ft break , and rent all their (boulder : and when they leaned upon thee , thou brakeft, and madeft all their loyns to be at a ftand. 8 ^Therefore thus faith the Lord GOD, Behold, I will bring a fword upon thee,and cot off man and bead out of thee. 9 And the land of Egypt (hall be defolate and wafte , and they (hall know that I am the LORD j becaufe he hath faid , The river it mine, and I have made it. 10 Behold therefore, I am againft thee,and againft thy rivers , and I will make the land of Egypt jutterly wafte and defolate, from f Heb.4/fcji the tower of | Syene even unto the border of "*' 1 1 No foot of man (haH pafle through it, w nor foot of bcaft (hall pafle through it, neither (hall it be inhabited fourty yeares. 12 And I will make the land of Egypt defo- late inthe midft of the countreys that are de- folate , and her cities among the citks that are laid waftc, (hall be defolate fourty yeares : and I will fcatter the Egyptians among the na- tions,and will difperfe them through the coun .treys. 13 ^ Yet thus faith the Lord GOD,At the * end of fourty yeares will I gather the Egy- * Ifa.rj. *! ptiansfrom the people whither they were feat- J cr -4^*'s tcred. 14 And I will bring again the captivity of Egypt , and wilt caufe them to return into the land of Pathros, into the land of their |jha- flOr, MrW bitation, and they (hall be there a f bafe king- fHcb. /.,* dome. 15 It (hall be the bafeft of the king- domes, neither (hall it exalt it felf anymore above the nations : for I will diminifli them, that they (hall no more rule over the na- tions. Xx The defolation of Egypt, Ezekiel. and her helpers^ r 1 6 And it (hill be no more the confidence when I have fet a fire in Egypt , and when all of the houfe of lfrael,which bringeth their ini- her helpers (hall be f dcftroyed. f Hcb ' quitie to remembrance , when they (hall look 9 In that day (hall meffengers go forth from *"*^ after them: but they (hall know that law the me in (hips, to make the carelefle Ethiopians Lord GOD. afraid, and great pain (hall come upon them, as 1 7 fl And it came to paffe in the feren and in the day of Egypt : for lo, it cometh. twentieth yeare, in the firft moneth,inthefa&. 10 Thus faith the Lord GOD, Iwillalfo day of the moneth, the word of the LORD makethe multitude of Egypt to ceafe by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon. 1 1 He and his people with him 3 the terrible came unto me, faying, 18 Sonne of man, Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon caufed his aimy toferve a great fer- of the nations (half be* brought to 'deftroy the vice againft Tyrus : every head was made bald, land : and they trail draw their fwords againft and every (houlder was peeled : yet had he ho c ~ ' c " A - '- J WJges, nor his army for Tyrus', for the fervice that he had ferved againft it. 19 Therefore thus faith the Lord GOD, Be- hold,! will give the land of Egypt unto Nebu- chadrezzar king of Babylon, and he (hall take tHeft./>otl her multitude, and t take her fpoil, and take herffoil, and her prey^nd it (hall be the wages for his army. Meftroy the idols,and I will caufe'f heir images * if Or f *K** ao I have given him the land .of Egypt |j for to ceafe out of Noph: and there (hall be no b/ei ' * his labour wherewith he ferved againft it , be- more a prince of the land of Egypt, and I will caufe they wrought for me , faith the Lord put a fear in the land of Egypt. GOD. 14 And I will make Pathros defolate , and 2 1 fl In that day will I caufe the horn of the will (et fire in || Zoan, and will execute judge- houfe of Ifrael to bud forth , and I will give ments in No. thee the opening of the mouth in the midft of them, and they null know that I am the Egypt, and fill the land with the flain. i 2 And I will make the rivers f dry, and fell t He&; the land into the hand of the wicked , and I * r- *W will make the land wafte,andtall that is there- 4. Heb the in, by the hand of ftrangers : I the LORD have fkkejft dere- fpokenjf. of. Thus faith the Lord GOD, I will alfo fHch. children. LORD. CHAP. XXX. I fhe Jefohtion of Egypt, and her helpers, a o the arm of Babylon JbaB be flrengthened to break the arm of Egypt. T He word of the LORD came again unto me, faying, 2 Sonne of man, prophetic and fay , Thus faith the Lord GOD, Howl ye, wo worth the day. ; For the day U neare , even the day of the LoRDinearc, a cloudy day, it (hall be the timeofthekeathen. 4 And the fword (hall come upon Egypt, and great |j pain ftiall be in Ethiopia, when the fhin (hall fall in Egypt,and they (hall take away her multitude , and her foundations (hall be broken down. f Ethiopia, and | Libya, and Lydia, and all the mingled people, and Chub , and the t men of the land that is in league , (hall fall with them by the fword. 6 Thus faith the LORD, They alfo that uphold Egypt (hall fall, and the pride of her power (hall come down : from the tower of Syene (hall they fall in it by the fword ,faith the Lord GOD. 7 And they (hall be defolate in the midft of the countreys that are defolate , and her i J And I will poure my fury upon j| Sin,the |Or,I flrength of Egypr,and I wUl cut off the multi- fa' tudeofNo. 16 And I will fet fire in Egypt,Sin (hall have great pain, and No (hill be rent afunder, and Noph/ta// have diftrcfles daily. 17 The young men of H Aven and of jj Phi- f Or, befeth, (hall fall by the fword : and thefe cities P '*- (hall go into captivitie. the countreys. 24 And i Will flrcngthen the srms of the king The glory and fall of AflTyria. Chap. xxxi. xxxii. The definition of Egypt. iz And firangers, the terrible of the nati- 67! ons have cut him off, and have left him: upon the mountains & in all the valleys his branches are fallen, and his boughs are broken by all the king of B3bylon,and put my fword in his hand: but I will break Pharaohs arms, and he (hall grone before him with the gronings of a deadly wounded man. 2 5 But I will ftrengchen the arms of the king of Babylon, and the arms of Pharaoh earth are gone down from his fhadow,and have (hall fall down j and they (hall know that I am left him. the L o R D,when I (hall put my fword into the i j Upon his ruine fliall all the fowls of the hand of the king of Babylon , and he (hall heaven remain, and all the bealts of the field ftretch i t out upon the land of Egypt. fhall be upon his branches. 26 And I will fcatter the Egyptians among 14 To the end that none of all the trees by the nations,and difpcrfe them among the coun- the waters exalt themfelves for their height, trey$,and they (hall know that I am the LORD, neither (hoot up their top among the thick CHAP. XXXI. boughs, neither their trees fj ftand up in their \OtyJlanl 'Jl region unto Phiraoh, j of theory ofJflyria, h t ei g ht > that drink water : for they are all gfS 10 and the fall thereof for fride. 18 The like de- delivered unto death to the nether parts of the '^- r earth in the midft of the children of men, with them that go down to the pit. 1 5 Thus faith the Lord GOD, In the day when he went down to the grave, Icaufeda mourning,! covered the deep for him,and I re- ftrained the flouds thereof,and the great waters were ftayed; and I caufcd Lebanon f to mourn f Heb. to fa for him, and all the trees of the field fainted *. for him. 1 6 I made the nations to (hake at the found of his fall, when I caft him down to hell with them that defcend into the pit: and all the trees of Eden, the choice and beft of Lebanon, all lofEgyft. f * Nd it came to paflc in the eleventh yeare, X\in the third month, in the firft day of the moneth,rtaf the word of the L o R D came unto me, faying, 2 Sonne of man, fpeak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitudejWhom art thou like in thy greatnefle? 3 f Behold, the Aflyrian WM a cedar in Le- banon f with fair branches , and with a fha- dowing (hroud, and of an high ftature , and his top was among the thick boughs. 4 The waters |J made him great, the deep y fet him up on high with her rivers running that drink water, (hall be comforted in the ne round about his plants, and fern out her j little therpartsof the earth, f Hcb! con- vers unto all the trees of the field. Bbcu. f Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field , and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long be- f Or, -nhen caufe of the multitude of waters, J| when he jefeKchem (hot forth. * Dan. 4. 6 Al1 tbe * fovvls of h caven ma a "d her company is round about her grave : 8 All the f bright lights of heaven will I all of them flam, fallen by the fword , whkb make \ dark over thee , and fet darknefle upon caufed }j terrour in the land of the living. jor, fif- thy land, faith the Lord G O D. *4 There u Elam and all her multitude majing* 9 I will alfo f vex the hearts of many peo- round about her grave, all of them flain, fallen pie, when I (ball bring thy deftrudion among by the fword, which are gone down uncircum- the nationSjinto the countreys which thou hift cifed into the nether parts of the earth , which not known. caufed their terrour in the land of the living,yec 10 Yea, I will make many people amazed have they born their fhame with them that go down to the pk z ? They have fet her a bed in the midft of JOr. the land of thy BOr, extat- S*. I Ifa.i3.jo. * * cf the litbt zn heaven* t Heb. them dark. tHeb./>r- i/oke to an- at thee, and their kings fhall be horribly afraid for thee, when I (hall brandifh my fword be- fore them, and they (hall tremble at every mo- the flain with all her multitude: her graves ars mentj every man for his own life, in the day of round about him, all of them uncircumcifed, thy fall. flain by the fword : though their terrour was caufed in the land of the living, yet have they born their (hame with them that go down to the pit: he is put in the midft of them that be 1 1 ^ For thus faith the Lord GOD, The fword of the king of Babylon fhall come upon thee. 1 1 By the fwords of the mighty will I canfe thy multitude to fall , the terrible of the nati- ons all of them 5 and they fhall fpoil the pomp of Egypt , and all the multitude thereof fhall bedeftroyed \l I will deftroy alfo all the beafts thereof the living. flain. ^6 There is Mefbech , Tubal , and all her multitude : her graves are round about him: all of them uncircnmcifcd , flain by the fword, though they caufed theirterrour in the land of from befides the great waters, neither (hall the foot of man trouble them any more, nor the hoofs of beafts trouble them. 17 And they fliall not lie with the mighty, that are fallen of the uncircumci-fcd, which are gone down to hell f with their weapons of -( H^. 1 4 Then will I make their waters deep, and warre : and they have laid their fwords under weafons of ._/ ^.i _ _ 1 ! _ I r i i t ~l :_ L. - J-. 1 ^ ^t--' _ .n 11 i *I,r- +.-, * vv + eaufe their river* to run like oyl, faith the Lord Gao. their heads, but thek iniquities fliall be upon their bones, though theyere the terrour of the if Whe,n I fhall make the land of Egypt de- mighty in the land of the livmg. f Heb. Jif the petpleyjE&kiel u admonifbed of his dxty.ioGod Jhemth thej-tftice ofhij vnyes towards the pemtent, end towards revo!ters.i 7 Hemaintxmethhisjuftife. 11 "Op on the news of the taking of ftrufalemje pro- fhefcth the deflation, of the land.^o Gods judgement upon themtckfn of the prophets. A Gain the word of the LORD came unto me, faying, 2 Sonne of man, fpeak to the children of > Heb. a- th 7 P e P le and % "ato them, fWhen I bring 01 when I the fword upon a land, if the people of the land m? a. take a man of their coaits,and fet him for their 3 If when he feeth the fword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, & warn thepeoplej JHeb. he 4 Then f whofoever hcareth the found of thst hewing the trumpet, and takethnot warning 5 if the texvth. fword come, and take him away,his bfoud (hall e upon hi sown head. 5 He heard the found of the trumpet, and took not warning, his bloud (hall be upon him: but he that taketh warning (hall deliver his foul. 6 But if the watchman fee the fword come, and blow not the trumpet , and the people be not warned: if the fword come and take any perfon from among them , he is taken away in his iniquity : but his bloud will I require at the watchmans hand. Chap. j. *; 7 1T * Sotbou, O fonne of man, I nave fet 17, &c. tnee a watchman unto the houfe of Ifrael : therefore thou (halt heare the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. 8 When I fay unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou (halt furely die ; if thou doft not fpeak to warn the wickedfrotn his way, that wicked man (hall die in his iniquity but his bioud will I require at thine hand. 9 Nevertheleflc, if thou warn the wicked of v W r my t0 turn from it: if hc do not turn from his way, he (hall die in his iniquitie, bat thou haft delivered thy foul. 10 f Therefore,O thou fonne of man fpeak unto the houfe of Ifrael, Thus ye fpeafc/ayin*, . It our tranfgreffions and our finnes be upon us and we pine away in them,how (hould we then 1 1 Say unto them , As I live , faith the a.S.,4. LordGoD *Ihavenopleafurei n the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from yourev.l the type of a watchman? wayes; for * why will y e die,O houfe of Ifrael? 6 77 J herefore, thou fonne of man, fay un- * Chap.i?^ the ch.ldren of thy people, The *nghteouf- *' . nefle of the righteous (hall not deliver him in cha P a< - theday of histranfgreffion: as for the wicked- *** He of the wicked, he (hall not fill thereby in nedaythatheturneth from his wickednefle j neither (ball the righteous be able to live for hit nghteoufnefre in the day that be finneth. he fhaU furely live: if he traft to his own right" ouinefle, and commit iniquity } ailhisrighte.' outheflc fhall not beremembied, but f bis uuquuie that he hath committed he fhaJldie font. Tif 4 ' ??'?* . When l fay unto tbe vvicked, Thourfhalt furely die:if he turn from his finne and do f that which is lawfull and riht j i? //the wicked re/tore the pledge, 81VC again that he hid robbed, walk if th^ftatStes ufe without committing iniquitie; he (hail furely live, he (hall not die. i J None of bis finnes that he hath commit- ted,(hall be mentioned umo1iim:he hath done that which is lawfull and right >> he (hall furely 1 7 f Yet the children of thy people fay,The my of the Lord isnot equall; but as for them, their way i s not equall. 1 8 When the righteoui turneth from his righteoufnefie, and committeth iniquity, he ftall even die thereby. 19 But if the wicked turn from his wkked- neffe,and do that which is lawfull and nght,he fliali live thereby. 20 Yet ye fay, * The way of the Lord is *Chap.i8j not equall : O ye houfe of Ifrael, I will judge 25> you every one after his wayes. 1 1 5[And it cam* to pafle in the twelfth yeare of our captivity, in the tenth moneth , in the ifth day of the moneth , that one that had efcaped out of Jerufalem^came unto me/aying, Thecityisfmitten. *j,Kir 27- Now the hand of the LoRDwasupon me in the evening, afore he that was efcaped came ; and had opened my mouth untill he came to me in the morning , and my mouth was opened, and I was no more * dumbe. * Chap 4,' 23 Then the word of the LORD came unto* 7 * me, faying, 24 Sonne of man, they that inhabit thofe waftes of the land oflfrael,fpeak,faying, Abra- ham was one 3 and he inherited the land:but we are many, the land is given us for inheritance. 2 f Wherefore fay unto them , Thus faith the Lord GOD, Ye eat with the bloud, and lift up your eyes toward your idols, and (bed bloud: and (rnll ye poflcfle the land ? 26 Ye ftand upon your fword, ye work abo- mination , and ye defile every one his ncigh- Xx 3 bours A reproof of the fliepherds. Ezekiel. Gods providence for his flock, 678 hours wife ; and {hall ye pofisfle the land ? ^7 Say thou thus unto them, Thus faith the Lord Got> t Asl live,furely chey that are in the waftes (hall fall by the fword, and him that is f Heb. to in the open field will I give to the beafts f to be devoured: and they that be in the forts and in the caves, (hill die of the peftilence. onand ** F r l Wil1 la ? the land * moft defolate dentation. anc ^ tne * Pn>p of her ftrength fhall ceafe: and *chap.7.i4. the mountains of Ifrael (hall be defolate , that and S4 .jr. none (hall pafle throuh. when I have laid the land moft defolate , be- caufe of all their abominations which they have committed. go ^r Alfo thou fonne of man, the children of thy people ftill are talking againft thee by the walls, and in the doores of the houfes, and fpeak one to another, every one to his brother, faying , Come, 1 pray you, and heare what is the word that comcth forth from the LORD. 31 And they come unto thee fas the people cording, to the comcth 3 and (Jthey fit before thee & my people, fS and they heare thy words, but they will not do fl S, mv them : for with their mouth f they fhe w much people (it bt- love, but their heart goeth after their covetouf- fore thee. nefle. mZkfUrvts, 3 * An( * 1 t ^ lou an unto them as t a very orjt/tfe lovely fong of one that hath a pleafant voice , fHeb. a. and can play well on aninftrument: for they fa of low. heare thy wocdSi but they d) then| not> 5 j And when this cometh to pafle (lo it will come) then (hall they know that a prophet hath been among them. CHAP. XXXIIII. I '*A reproof of the [bepherds. 1 ? Gods judgement againft them, ii Hitpro-videncefer hit flock* ao the king- dome of Chrift. ' A Ndthe word of the LORD came unto /ime, faying, 'Jcr.ij.r. * Sonneofman } prophefieagain{ithe*(hep- herds of Ifrael, prophefie and fay unto them, Thus faith the Lord G o D unto the (hepherds, Wo be to the fhepherds of Ifrael that do feed themfelves : fliould not the {hepherds feed the flocks? ? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wooll, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. 4 The difeafcd have ye not ftrengthened, neither have ye healed that which was fick } nei- thcr have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away,neitherhave ye fought that which *i.Pet.5.3. was loftjbuc with *force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. jOr,w/t&ot 5 And they were fcattered }J becaufe t here it a. fapheid* no ftepherd : and they became meat to all the vsffc ; fL . beafts of tne field ' v * hen they were fcattered. 6 Myfti5epwaaderedthrough.allthemoun- .ui tains, and upon every high hill : yea, my flock was fcattered upon all the face of the eattb,and none did fearch or feek after them. 7 f Therefore ye (hepherdsjheare the word of theLoRDj 8 ^5 1 live, faith the Lord GOD, furely be caufe my flock became a prey, and my flock be- came meat to every beaft of the field , becaufe there TVM no (hepherd , neither did my (hep- herds fearch for my flock, but the (hepherds fed themfelves, and fed not my flock : 9 Therefore O ye (hephcrds 3 heare the word of the LORD; i o T bus faith the Lord GOD ,Behold, T am againft the {hepherds, and I will require my flock at their hand, and 1 caufe them to cea[e from feeding the flock, neither (hall the (hep- herds feed themfelves any morejfor I will deli- ver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them. 1 1 f For thus faith the Lord G OD, Behold, I , even I will both fearch my (hecp, and feek them out. i a f As a fhepherd feeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his (heep that are cord >'' l z to fcatteredifo will I feek out my (heep, and will '*<'"** deliver them out of all places , where they have been fcattered in the cloudy and dark day. 13 And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countreys, and will bring them to their own land , and feed them upon the mountains of Ifrael by the ri- vers, and in all the inhabited places of the countrey. 14 I will feed them in a good pafture, and upon the high mountains ot Ifrael (hall their fold be : there {hall they lie in a good foldjand iwafat pafture ihall they feed upon the moun- tains of Ifraei. 1 5 1 will feed my flock,and I will caufe them to lie down, faith the Lord GoD. 1 6 1 will feek that which was loft,and bring again that which was driven away , and will bmde up that which was broken, and will fti engthen that which was fick : but I will de- ftroy the fat andthe itrong , 1 will feed them with judgement. 17 And as for you, Omy flock, thus faith the Lord GOD, Behold, I judge between feat- t Heb. tel and cartel, between the rammes and the c {^ e I he- goats. Mt . 1 8 Seemetb it a fm all thing unto you ,to have fHeb. eaten up the good pafture, but ye muft tread *<:-S I will judge between the fat cattel, and between the lean cattel. z i Becaufe ye have thruft with fide and with ty hadjin end : (hou!der 3 andpu(htall the difeafed with your horns, till ye havefcattered them abroad : tweencattelandcattel. _______ m "Ifa.4o.tt. 2 j And I will fetupone *fhepherd over folate, and cut off from it him that pafleth Utton and Johnioji. them, and he (hall feed them, c^e my fervant out, and him that returneth. deflation. Davidihefballfeedthern,andhe(halibecheir 8 And I will fill his mountains with his (hepherd. flain men : in thy hills, and in thy valleys , and - *4 And I the LORD will be their Gdd,and in all thy rivers (hall they fall that are flain with my fervant David a prince among them, I the LORD havefpokenzV the fword. 9 I will make thee perpetnall defobrions, And I will make with them a covenant and thy cities (hall not return, and ye (hall of peace , and will caufe the evil beafts to know that I am the LORD. ceafe out of the land:and they (hall dwell fafely in the wilderncfle, and deep in the woods. i o Becaufe thou haft faid, Thefe two nati- ons, and thefe two countreysftiall be mine,and 26 And I will make them and the places we will * poflefle it,|| whereas theL o R D was * PfaUj. round about my hill, a bleffing; and I will caufe there : * ^ * ^^ , the (howre to come down in his feafon : there 1 1 Therefore,^ I Iive 3 faith the Lord GOD, \ ks i c ^ ' * fhall be (howres of bleffing. I will even do according to thine anger , and w there. Z7 And the tree of the field (hall yeeld her according to thine envywhich then haft ufed fruit,and the earth (hall yecld her increafe, and out of thy hatred againft them: and I will they*fliallbefafeintheirland,and (hall .know make my fclf known amongft them, when I that I am the L O R D,when I have broken the have judged thee. bands of their yoke, and delivered them out * And thou (halt know that I am the of thehand of thofe that fervcd themfelves of L o R D, and that I have heard all thy blafphc- them. mies which thou haft fpcken a?ainft the moun- 18 And they (hall no more be aprey to the heathen , neither (hall the beafts of the land devoure them j but they (hall dwell fafely, and none (hall make them afraid. 'John roni. tains of Ifrael, faying, They a"re laid defolate, they are given us f to confume. * $ Thus with your mouth ye have f boafted f H^.'WM againft me, and have multiplied your words gwH-.d. 9 And I will raife up for them a *plant |j of againft me : I have heard them. renown, and they (hall be no more fconfumed 14 Thus faith the Lord GooAVhenthe whole earth rejoyceth, I will make thee defolate. i ? As thou didft rejoyce at the inheritance of the noufe of Ifrael,becaufe it was defolate,fo will I do unto thee : thou (halt be defolate, O mount Seir, and allIdumea,rz;eaUof it, and they (hall know that I am the LORD. CHAP. XXXVI. I The land oflfrael comforted, Both by deJlruWan of the htathen , who fpitefuflv ufed it > 8 and by the blefiings of God promised unto it. 16 Ifrael m ai andfliaD be reflored with* out their defer t. 15 Iht blefimgt of Chrifts king' Moreover, the word'of the LORD came dome. unto me, fain A Lfo thoa fonne of man, prophetic unto the x\* mountaifts of Ifrael, and fay, Yemoun- tains of Ifrael, heare the word of the Lo RD. a Thus faith the Lord G o D, Becaufe the enemy had faid againft you, Aha, even the an- cient high places are ours in pofleflion : 5 Therefore prophefie and fay, Thus faith M /> for lie- the Lord G o D , t Becaufe they have made eauft. you defolate , and fwallowed you up on every J^J/rVrm; fide , that ye might be a pofleflion unto the re- npm thf ltf fidue of the heathen , and || ye are taken up in Xx 4 the Maw*. ' '' w "h hunger in the land , neither bear the fHcb. taken (hame of the heathen any more. awaj. go Thus (hall they know that I the LORD their God am with them, and that they , even the hoafe of Ifrael , arc my people, faith the LordGoD. 3 1 And ye my * flock the flock of my pa- fture are men , and I am your God , faith the Lord GOD. CHAP. XXXV. 1he judgement of mount Seir,for thetr hatred of Ifrael i Oreover, the word'of the LORD came [unto me, faying, Sonne of mdn, fet thy face againft mount Seir, and prophefie againft it, g And fay unto it , Thus faith the Lord GOD, Behold, O mount Seir, I am againft thee, and I will ftretch out mine hand againft f Hcb. hatrtd LORD. fo- the f| rivers and to the valleys, to the defolate K>z<,or vvaftes, and to the cities that are forfaken, 4* lu% < which became a prey and derifion to the refidue of the heathen that^rc roundabout : 5 Therefore thus faith the Lord G o D, Surely in the fire of my jealoufie have I fpoken againftthe refidue of the heathen , and againft all Idnmea, which have appointed my land in- to their pofleffion , with the joy of all their heart, with defpitefull mindes to caft it out for a prey. 6 prophefie therefore concerning the hnd of Ifrael , and fay unto the mountains and to the hills, to the rivers and to the valleys, Thus faith the Lord GoD, Behold, I have fpoken in my jealoufie and in my furie , becaufe ye have born the (hame of the heathen. own way, and by their doings : their way was before me as the uncleannefle of a removed woman. 1 8 Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the bloud that they had (hed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had pol- luted it. 19 And I fcattered them among the hea. then , and they were difperfed through the countreys: according totheir way and accord- ing to their doings I judged them. 10 And when they entred unto the heathen whither they went , they * profaned my holy name, when they faid to them, Thefe are people of the LORD, and are gone forth out of his land. zi f But I had pitie for mine holy name, which the houfe of Ifrael had profaned among the heathen whither they went. 22 Therefore fay unto the houfe of Ifrael, Thus faith the Lord G O D, I do not this for O houfe of Ifrael, but for mine ifa your fakes 7 Therefore thus faith the Lord G O D , I holy names fake , which ye have profaned a- mong the heathen, whither ye went. i $ And I will fandhfie my great name which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midftofthem ,and the heathen (hall know that I am the LORD, faith the Lord G o D, when I (hall bcfandified in you, before |j their eyes. Or,>8Kr., 24 For I will take you from among the hea- then, and^ather you out of all countreys , and. will bring you into your own land. 25 if Then will I fprinkle clean water up- on ycu, and ye (hall be clean: from all your fil- thincffe, and from all your idols will I cleanfe beaft, and they (hall incre'afe'and bring fruit, you. and I will fettle you after your old eftates, and it A* new heart alfo Will I give you., and a * j er . r _& will do better unto you then at you* begin- -new fpirit will I put within you,and I will take Chap,n.i*. nings, and ye (hall know that I *w the LORD, away the ftony heart out of your fle(b, and I ii Yea, I w.ll caufe men to walk upon you, will give you an heart of fle(h. tvm my reople Ifrael, and they (hall poflefle 27 Andl wUlputmy fplril within you, chap. m. 1 and caufe you to walk in my ftatutes , and ye 19. (hall keep my judgements,and do them. a 8 And ye (hall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, and ye {hall be my people, and I will be your God. 29 I will alfo favc you from all your un- cleannsfles . and I will call for the corn , and have lifted up mine hand , Surely the heathen that are about you, they (hall bear their ftiame. 8 f But ye, O mountains of Ifi ael , ye (hall {hoot forth your branches,and yeeld your fruit to my people of Ifrael, for they are at hand to come. 9 For behold, I am for you, and I will turn unto you, and ye (hall be tilled and fown. 10 And I will multiply men upon you, all the houfe of Ifrael, Bewail of it, and the cities (hall be inhabited , and the waftts (hill be Jbuilded. And I will multiply upon you man and , thee,and thou (halt be their inheritance, and thou (halt no more henceforth bereave them of Men. Thus faith the Lord GoD,Becaufc they fay unto you,Thou land devourcft up men,and haft bereaved thy nations j 14 Therefore thou (halt devoure men no 14 i nercrore IQOU nxa.it ucvumc ui u\i vi.u..vi^ , u.w - more, neither || bereave thy naions any more, will increafe it, and lay no famine upon you. faith the Lord GOD. 1 5 Neither will I caufie men to heare in thee the {hame of the heathen any more , neither {halt thou bear the reproch of the people any more, neither flialt thou caufe thy nations to fall any more, faith the Lord GOD. 1 6 5i Moreover, the word of the L O RD came unto me, fay ing, 1 7 Sonne of man, when the houfe of Ifrael dwelt in their ownland^they defiled it by their 3 a And I will multiply the fruit of the tree a and the increafe of the field, that ye (hall re- ceive no more reproch of famine among the heathen. 3 i Then (hall ye remember your own evil wayes, and your doings that were not good,, and (hall lothe your felves in your own. fight, for your iniquities , and for your abomi- nations. 2* Not for your fakes do I this, faith the Lord Tne relurrection or one bones. Chap, xxxvu. The uniting of two flicks. Lord GOD, be it known unto you: be afliamed 9 Then faid he unto me,Prophefie unto the 681 and confounded for your own wayes , Ohoufe [( winde, prophefie, fonne of man, and fay to | Or, oflfrael. thewinde, Thus faith the Lord GOD, Come 33 Thus faith the Lord G O D, In the day from the foure windes , O breath, and breathe upon thefe flain, that they may lire. 10 So I prophefied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived 34 And the defohte land (hall be tilled, and ftood up upon their feet, an exceeding hereas it lay defolate in the fight of all thac great army. Then he faid unto mCjSonne of man. that I (hall have cleanfed you from all your iniquities, I will alfo caufe you to dwell in the cities, and the waftes (hall be builded. Chap.*?. 4- and 22. 14. and 3 7. 14. pafled by. 3 5 And they (lull fay , This land that was defolate is become like the garden of * Edenj and the wafte, and defolate, and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. 36 Then the heathen that are left round about you, (hall know that I the L o R D build the ruined places , and plant that that was de- folate: I * the LORD have fpokeni^and I will doit. 3 7 Thus faith the Lord GOD, I will yet for II thefe bones are the whole houfe of Ifrael : be- hold they fay, Our bones are dried , and our hope is loft, we are cut offforour parts* i ^ Therefore prophefie and fay unto them, Thus faith the Lord GoD,Behold,O my peo- ple,! will open your graves, and caufe you to come up out of your graves, and bring you in- to the land oflfrael. 1 3 And ye (hall know that I am the LoRD 3 when I have opened your graves, O my peo- this be enquired of by the houfe of Ifrael, to do pie, and brought you up out of your graves, . f_ . t -r '11 __/* .1 * . I I ' I _ - A -1 i"l. -11 /"_* - it for them, I will incrcafe them with menhke a flock. f Hcb. flock ? 8 As the t holy flock, as the flock of Jcru- tfhrij things falem in her folemn fcafts ; fo (hall the wafte cities be filled with flocks of men , and they fliall know that I am the L o R D. CHAP. XXXVII. 14 And (hall put my fpirit in you, and ye (hall live, and I (hall place you in your own land: then dial I ye know that I the L O R D have fpokcnjr, and performed jr, faith the' LORD. 1 ? f The word of the L o R D came again unto me, faying, 1 6 Moreover, thou fonne of man, take thec. J?r therefrrreMonofdrie tones, u the de*d h fe of L ne ftick and write upon it, For Judah,and fo P Or, Ifratlis revived. 15 By the uniting^ to > 1 8 isjbewedthe incorporation of Ifrael into Judzh* so Thepromifes ofChrijis kingdoms T He band of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in thefpiritof the! o R D, and fet me down in the midft of the valley which TVM full of bones, a And caufed me to pafle by them round about, and behold, there tvere very many in the open J| valley, and ha, they were very dric. 5 And he faid unto me, Sonne of man, can thefe bones live ? and I anfwcred , O Lord GOD, thou knoweft. 4 Again he faid unto me , Piophefie upon thefe bones,and fay unto them,O ye drie bones, heare the word of the L o R D. 5 Thus faith the Lord G o D unto thefe bones, Behold , I will caufe breath to enter in- to you, and ye (hall live. 6 And I will lay finews upon you, and will bring' up fle(h upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you ; and ye (hall live, and ye (hill know that I am the LORD. 7 So I prophefied as I was commanded:and as I prophefied there was a noife,and behold a fluking, and the bones came together bone to bis bone. 8 And when I beheld,Io,the fine ws and the fte(hcame up upon them, and the skin covered them above j but there TVM no breath in them,. the children of Ifrael his companions : then take another ftick , and write upon it, For Jo- feph the ftick of Ephraim, and for all the houfe oflfrael his companions. 17 And joyn them one to another into ona ftick, and they (hall become one in thine hand. 1 8 f And when the children of thy people (hall fpeak unto thee, faying, Wilt thou not. fliew us what thou meaneft by thefe? 19 Say unto them, Thus faith the Lord GOD, Behold, I will rake the ftick of Jofeph which is in the hand of Ephraim,and the tribes^ - oflfrael his fellows, and will put them wirh him, even with the ftick of Judah x and make them one ftick, and they (hall be one in mine- hand. %o f And the fticks whereon them writeft, (hall be in thine hand before their eyes. i i And fay unto them, Thus faith the Lord GOD, Behold, I will take the children of Jfra- elfrom among the heathen whither they ba gone, and will gather them on every fide , and bring them into their own land. a i And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Ifrael , and * one * John joa* king (hall be king to them all: and they (hall be no more two nations , neither (hall they be divided into mo kiagdomes any more at 23 Neither Mfa. 40.11 Jer.sj.j. and JO. 9. Gogs armie; tzekiei. ^JOQS judgement agaimrnim 681 25 Neither {hall they defile ttiemfelves any ons, and they (hall dwell fafely all of them. more with their idols, nor with their deteftable things, not with any of their tranfgrcflions r but I will fave them out of all their dwelling- places , wherein they have finned , and will cleanfe them : fo fhall they be my people,and I will be their God. 24. And * David my fervant flja.U be king over them: and they all (hall luve one (hep- herd : they (hill alfo walk in my judgements, and obferve my ftatutes, and do them. 2 5 And they (hall dwell in theland that I have given unto Jacob my fervant, wherein your fathers have dwelt , and they (hall dwell barres nor gates, , therein, even they and their children, and their 12, t Totake afpoil,andtotake childrens children for ever,and my fervant Da- turn thine hand upon the defolate places that IP*H the vid JbaU be their prince for ever. are now inhabited,and upon the people that are '[" an 26 Moreover, I will make a * covenant of "gathered out of the nations, which have gotten ' Chap. j4-?5. peaie with tfaemj it fljjjj &e an ever i a ftin g co _ cattel and goods, that dwell in the t midft of t venant with them, and I will place them, and the land. 2.Cor.*.i* multiply them, and will fet my * fanfttury in '? Sheba and Dedan,and the merchants of the midft of them for evermore . Tarfhi(h,with all the young lions thereof, fhall 27 My tabernacle alfo (hall be with them: fay unto thee, Art thou come to take atpoil? yea 4 1 will be * their God, and they (hall be my haft thou gathered thy company to take a prey ? to carry away filver and gold, to take away cat- 9 Thou (halt afcend and come like a ftorm, thou (halt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou and all thy bands, and many people with thee. 10 Thus faith the Lord GOD, It (hall alfo come to paiSe t thai at the fame time (hall things comeinto thy minde,and thou (halt |j thinkan fOr; evil thought. cerve 11 And thou (halt fay, I will go up to the <* land of unwalled villages , I will go to them that are at reft, that dwell || fafely, all of them jor, dwelling without walls , and having neither dentty. aprey, * PfaLSj.?. * Chap.it 10. and 14. II. 'people to carry away niver and gold, to take 28 And the heathen (hall know that I the tel and goods, to take a great fpoil? lary '4 f Therefore, fonne of man, L o R D do fan&ifie Ifrael,when my fanftuary fhall be in the midft of them for evermore. CHAP. XXXVIII V I the a;-)tiie t 8 and malice of Gog. 14 Cods judge- ment againft him. ANd the word of the LORD came unto me, faying, 2 Sonne of man,fet thy face againft * Gog, BOr, frmce the land of Magog,||the chief prince of Mefhech of the chief, and Tubal, and prophefie againft him , - 3 And fay^ Thus faith the Lord GOD, Be- hold,! am againft thee, O Gog the chief prince of Mefhecb and Tubal. 4 And * I will turn thee back and put hooks * Rev. ao.8. "Chap. j?.s. lOf,Phiit. prophefie and fay unto Gog,Thus faith the Lord GOD, In that day when my people of Ifrael dwelleth fafely, (halt thou not know it? i ? And thou (halt come from thy place out of the north-parts, thou and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horfes, a great company,and a mighty army. 1 6 And thou (halt come up againft my peo- ple of Ifrael, as a cloud to cover the land, it (hall be in the latter dayes,and I will bring thee againft my land, that the heathen may know me, when I (hall be fanftified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes. ^^ 17 Thus faith the Lord G O T> t Art thou he into thy chaws,and I will bring thee forth,and of whom I have fpoken in old time fby my fer- all thine army, horfes and horfemen , all of vants the prophets of Ifrael, which prophefied htin * them clothed with all forts of armour , even a in thofe dayes many yeares, that I would bring thee againft them? 1 8 And it (hall come to pafle at the fame great company with bucklers and fhields,all of them handling fwords. 5 Perfia, Ethiopia, and || Libya with them; time when Gog fhall come againft the land of all of them with fhield and helmet : Ifrael, faith the Lord GOD, that my fury fhall 6 Gomer, and all his bands, the houfe of Togarmah of the north-quarters , and all his bands , and many people with thee. 7 Be thou prepared,and prepare for thy felf, thou and all thy company that are aflembied unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. 8 ^ After many dayes thou fhaltbe vifited: in the latter yeares thou (hall come into the land that is brought back from the fword, and is gathered out of many people againft the mountains of Ifrael, which have been alwiyes wafte : but it is brought forth out of the mti- come up in my face. 19 For in my jealoufie, and In the fire of my Wrath have I fpoken : furely in that day there fhall be a great (haking in the land of Kracl .* 20 So that the fifties of the fea,nnd the fowls of the heaven , and the beafts of the field,and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth , fhall (hake at my prefence , and the mountains (hall be thrown down , and the fl fteep places fhall fall, and every wall fhall fall II Or, towers* to the ground. wrjfciw. " Ifraels vi&ory. Gogs Chap.xxxix 21 And I will call for a fword againft him buriall. The feaft of fowls. 68 j that I will give unto Gog a place there of throughout all my mountains, faich the Lord graves in Ifrael, the valley of the paflengers on theeaitof thef GOD : every mans fword (hill be againft his brother. Chap.?* I0r, ftrike ok / fix as fHcb. the jtdei of the north. and it (hall ftop \ht\\nofes flOr,mcuthes of the paflengers , and there (hall they burie 2*2 And I will plead againft him with pefli- Gog, and all his multitude, and they (halLcall . lence and with bloud,and I will rain upon him it t the valley of || Hamon-gog. ?w;3 f and upon his bands, and upon the many people i* And feven moneths (hall the houfe of Gogm ' Ifrael be burying of them,that they may^clcanfe the land. i? Yea jail the people of the land (hall bury them) and it (hall be to them a renown the day that I (hall be glorified, faith the Lord Gop. 14 And they (hall fever out f men of co'nti- fHeb.www nuall employment , pafling through the land f ntl ~ to bury with the paflengers thofe that remain W ' upon the face of the earth to cleanfe it : after the end of feven moneths (hall they fearch. 15 And the paflengers that pafle through , . the land, when any feeth a mans bone , then (hall he tTetapafigne by it, till the buriers -j- Heb.*/tf, have buried it in the valley of Hamon- gog. 1 6 And alfo the name of the city fhall be And I will turn thee back, and || leave but Jj Hamonah : thus (hall they cleanfe the land. D That , f * 'n fa the (ixth part of thee , and will caufe thee to 17 f And thou fonne of man, Thus faith f^j or come up from j the north-parts, and will bring the Lord GOD, Speak t unto every feathered -j-Heb. to fowl, and to every beaft of the field, Afiemble the fowl of your felves, and come, gather your felves on *:> wf every fide to my j| facrifice that I do facrifice for jOr,fka*fc you, even a great (acrificc upon the mountains of Ifrael, that ye may eat flefh, and drink bloud. 1 8 Ye fhall eat the flefh of the mighty, and that arc with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailftones, fire and brimftone. 15 Thus will I * roagnifie my felf, and fan- clifie my felf, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they (hall know that I am the LORD. CHAP. XXXIX. I Gods judgement ufon Gog.9 Israels -victory. II Gogt kiinan in Hamon-gog.i'j Thefeafl of the fowls .*llf- rulhuT/ing been flaguedfor their finnes , JAdlbe gathered again vtitb eternal! favour. THerefore, thou fonne of man,propheflea- gainft Gog, and fay, Thus faith the Lord GOD, Behold, I am againft thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Mefhech and Tubal. thee upon the mountains of Ifrael : \ 5 And I will fmite thy bow out of thy left hand,and will caufe thine arrows to fall out of thy tight hand. 4 Thou (halt fall upon the mountains of Ifrael , thou and all thy bands t and the ptople that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ra- f Heb.wiM. venous birds of every ffort , and to the beafts } Hcb. to of the field f to be devoured . 1'wT't - ? Thou (halt fall upon t the open field, for faaff'the J hare r P ken ^jfaith the Lord GOD. field.' & And I will fend a fire on Magog , and dor, ro/f- among them that dwell || carelefly in the ifles, dtntty. and t hey (hall know that I am the LORD. 7 So will I make my holy name known in the midft of my people Ifrael, and I will not let them pollute my holy name any rnwej and the heathen (hill know that lam the LORD, the holy one in Ifrael. 8 ^ Behold, it is come, and it is done, faith the Lord GOD, this the day whereof I have fpoken. 9 And they that dwell in the cities of Ifrael (hall go forth, and (hall fee on fire and burn the drink the bloud of the princes of the earth, of rammes,of lambes,and off goats, of bullocks, t H eb. grest all of them fadings of B^flian. ip And ye fhall eat fat till ye be full , and drink bloud till ye be drunken , of my facrifice which I have facrificed for you. 20 Thus ye (hall be filled at my table with horfes and chariots , with mighty men , and with all men of warre, faith the Lord GOD. 2 1 And I will fet my glory among the hea- then, and all the heathen (hall fee my judge- ment that I have executed , and my hand that I have laid upon them. ii So the houfe of Ifrael (hall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward. 22 r And the heathen (hall know that the yOr, make it fire efthenu weapons, both the (hields and the bucklers, the houfe of Ifrael went into captivity for their bows and the arrows, and the || hand-ftaves iniquity: becaufe they trefpafled againft me,, and the fpeat s, and they (hall U burn them with therefore hid I my face from them, and gave fire feven yearcs, them into the hand of their enemies j fo fell 10 So that they fhall take no wood out of they all by the fword. the field, neither cut down ayout of the for* refts: for they (hall burn the weapons with fire, and they (hall fpoil thofe that fpoiled them t and rob thofe that robbed them,faith the Lord GOD. 1 1 y my caufing cfthem, &t Joel 2. 18. A2s 2. 17. gOr, tip OM which. The eafl-gate and north-gate^ 8 He meafured alfo the porch of the gate within, one reed. 9 Then meafured he the porch of the gate* eight cubits , and the pofts thereof two cubits, and the porch of the gate was inward. 10 And the little chambers of the gate eaft- ward,we>-e three on this fide, and three on that fide , they three were of one meafure, and the potts had one meafure on this fide and on that tide. ii And he meafured the breadth of the en- try of the gate ten cubits, and the length of the gate thirteen cubits. ix The ffpace alfo before the little chain- fHeb.K bersiftu.one cubit on this fide, and the fpacc Olbeund ' wns one cubit on that fide,and the little cham* bers were fix cubits on this fide, and fix cubits on that fide. 13 He meafured then the gate from the roof of one little chamber to the roof of ano- ther : the breadth was five and twenty cubits, doore againft doore. 1 4 He made al Co pofts, of threefcore cubits, even unto the poft of the court round about the gate. 1 5 And from the face of the gate of the en- trance, unto the face of the porch of the inner gatejivcre fifty cubits. 1 6 And there wwfnarrow windows to the illtb.clof little chambers, and to their pofts within the gate round about, and likewifetothe j| arches: yor.Bo' and_windows tvere roundabout j| inward ; and W upon each poft were palm-trees. 17 Then brought he me into the outward "**. there WM a man, whofe appearance was like court, and lo, there were chambersjand a pave- the appearance of brafle, with a line of flax in his hand, and a meafuring-reed 5 and he ftood in the gate. 4 And the man faid unto me,Sonne of man, behold with thine eyes, and heare with thine cares, and fet thine heart upon all that Iflull fhewthee; for to the intent that I might ihcw them unto thee , art thou brought hither: de- clare all that thou feeft, to the houfe of Ifrael. 5 And behold, a wall on the outfide of the houfe round about, and in the mans hand a meafuring-reed of fix cubits long, by the cubit, and an hand- breadth : fo he meafured the breadth of the building , one reed , and the height one reed. fHcb. who's 6 ^ Then came he unto the gate f which fa f was the looketh toward the eaft, and went up the ftaifs EJT thereof, and meafured the threftiold of the gate, which redone reed broad, and the other threshold ofthtgate t wbich was one reed broad 7 And every little chamber w.ts one reed long, and one reed broad, and between the little chambers were five cubits, and the thrc- mold of the gate , by the porch of the gate within was one reed. ment made for the coutt round about : thirtie chambers were upon the pavement. 1 8 And the pavement by the fide of the gates over againft the length of the gates, was the lower pavement. 1 9 Thea he meafured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate, unto the forefront of the inner court (J without, an hundred cubits! O r 'fr eaft-wardandnorth-ward. without. 20 j And the gate of the outward court fchat looked toward the north,he meafured the t Hc ^ **"/* length thereof, and the breadth thereof. f ace was< 2 1 And the little chambers thereof were three on this fide, and three on that fide, and the pofts thereof, and the || arches thereof were ^ ^ after the meafure of the firftgate: the length thereofHw fifty cubits , and the breadth Hvc and twenty cubits. 22 And their windows, and their arches, and their palm-trees., were after the meafure of the gate that looketh towards the eaft , and they went up unto it by feven fteps , and the arches thereof were before therm 2 5 And the gate of the inner court wat.ovct a?iinft the gate toward the north , and toward the Thefouth-gateandeaft-gate; Chap. xli. The chambers of the temple. the eaft, and he meafured from gate to gate an hundred cubits. After that he brought me toward the to flay thereon the burnt- offering , and the 68 f finne-offering, and the trefpafle- offering. 40 And at the fide without, || as one goeth for, at the up to the entry of the north-gate, were two ta. fl't* blesj and on the other fide, which WM a: the porch of the gate, were two tables. 4 1 Foure tables were on this fide, and foure tables on that fide , by the fide of the gate 5 eight tables, whereupon they flew their facri- fees. 42. And the foure tables were of hewn ftone for the burnt* offering, of a cubit and an half long , and a cubit and an half broad, and one cubit high : whereupon alfo they laid the ^7 And there was* gate in the inner court inftruments wherewith they flew the burnt-of- toward the fouth, and he meafured from gate reringandthefacrifice. 43 And within were || hooks,an hand broad, || Cr, aniLf* fattened round about, and upon the tables WM '> ** the flefhof the offering . jj J***^ 5 44 f And without the inner gate were the ' *' chambers of the fingers in the inner court , pofts thereof, and the arches thereof according which WM at the fide of the north-gate ; and to tbefe meafures , and there were windows in t heir profpe ft WM toward the fouth,one at the it, and in the arches thereof round about : it fide of the eaft- gate , having the profped to- - ward the north. 4f And he faidunto me, This chamber whofe profped is toward the fouth, u for the priefts the keepers of the f| charge of the houfe. U Ot,vsrd,ai 46 And the chamber whofe profped to- otdinante, ward the north, is for the priefts the keepers of * l pofts thereof j and the going up to it had tight the charge of the altar: thefe are the fonnes of 4 fteps. Zadok among the fonnes of Levi, which come neare to the L O R D to minifter unto him . 47 So he meafured the court,an hundred cu- bits long, and an hundred cubits broad, foure- fquare, and the altar that WM befoie the houfe. 48 ^ And he brought me to the porch of the 24 fouth, and behold a gate toward the fouth,and he meafuied the pofts thereof, and the arches thereof according to thefe meafurcs. zf And there -were windows ink, and in the arches thereof round about, like thofe win- dows ; the length was fifty cubits , and the breadth five and twenty cubits. 16 And there were feven fteps to go up to it, and the arches thereof were before them , and it had palm-trees,onc on this fide , and another on that fide upon the pofts thereof. to gate toward the fouth an hundred cubits. 18 And he brought me to the inner court by the fouth-gate, and he meafured the fouth-gate according to thefe meafures. And the little chambers thereof, and the v*s fiftie cubits long, and five and twentie cu- bits broad. 3 o And the arches round about were five and twenty cubits long, and five cubits \ broad. J 1 And the arches thereof were toward the utter court, and palm-trees wert upon the 3 1 fl And he brought me into the inner court toward the eaft,and he meafured the gate according to thefe meafures. ' 3 j And the little chambers thereof,and the pofts thereof, and the arches thereof were ac- cording to thefe meafures, and there were win- dows therein, and in the arches thereof round houfe,and meafured each poft of the porch,6ve about j It wot fifty cubits long, and five and cubits on this fide, and five cubits on that iide : twenty cubits broad. 34 And the arches thereof we re toward the outward court, and palm-trees were upon the and the breadth of the gate WM three cubits on this fide, and three cubics on that fide. 49 The length of the porch fsutt twenty pofts thereof on tbis'fide, and on that fide, and cubits, and the breadth eleven cabits , and he the going up to it bad eight fteps. brought me by the fteps whereby they went up 3 f f And he brought me to the north.gate, to it: and there were pillars by the poft*,one on and meafured it according to thefe meafures. this fide, and another on that fide. 36 The Iktle chambers thereof, thepofls thereof, and the arches thereof, and the win. dows to it round about : the length was fiftie cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits. 37 And the pofts thereof were toward the utter court, and palm-trees were upon the pofls thereof on this fide, and on that fide , and the C H A P. XLI. the mexfurei, fa.ni*. chamber!, and ornammt! of tkt temple. '-. '. A tttrward he brought me to the temple, jt\ and meafured the pofts, fix cubits broad on the one fide, and fix cubits broad on -the- other fide , which WM the breadth of the ta- bernacle. ^ And the breadth of theHdoore ten JOr, < going up to it had eight fteps. 38 And the chambers, and the entries there- of wert by the pofts of the gates , where they cubits, and the fides of the doore wsre five cu- wafhed the burnt-offering. bits on the one fide, and five cubits on the * 9 f And in the porch of the gate were two other fide: and he meafared the length thereof tables oft this fide, and two tables on that fide, fourty cobits, and the biead/h twenty cubits. The meafures of the temple. Ezekiel. The ornaments thereof. 6?,6 3 Then went he inward, and meafured the to the w! nd ows, & the window! Wire covered. 1 7 To that above the doore , even unto the HUT, three andthiity time i t or foot. Mdm. t Hcb. it was made poft of the doore two cubits, and the doore fix cubits, & the breadth of the doore feven cubits. 4 So he meafured the length thereof, twen- ty cubits,and the breadth twenty cubits before the temple; and he faid unto me , This U the moft holy />/*. f After he meafured the wall of the houfe fix cubits, and the bread th of every fide-cham- ber foore cubits round about the houfe on eve- ry fide. 'de- 6 And the fide-chambers were three, fone over over another , and J] thirty in order, and they entredinto the wall which was of the houfe for the fide-chambers round about , that they might! have hold, but they had not hold in the wall of the houfe. 7 And f there was an enlarging and a wind- ing about ftill upward to the fide-chambers, for the winding about of the houfe went ftill broader and U p m rd round about the houfe : therefore the ' 4nd ' breadth of the houfe was fill upward, and fo increafed from the loweft chamber to the high- eft by the midft. 8 I Caw alfo the height of the houfe round about : the foundations of the fide.chambers wete a full reed of fix great cubits. 9 The thickncflc of the wall which was for the fide-chamber without, was five cubits, and that which was left, was the place of the fide- chambers that were within. 10 And between the chambers was the widenefle of twenty cubits round about the houfe on every fide. 1 1 And the doores of the fide-chambers were toward the place that was left, one doore toward the north , and another doore toward the fouth , and the breadth of the place that was left, w& five cubits round about. ix Now the building that was before the feparate place, at the end toward the weft, was feventy cubits broad, and the wall of the build- ing was five cubits thick round about , and the length thereof ninety cubits. inner houfe and without , and by all the wall round about within and without, by f meafure. t Hcb 1 8 And it ZRumade with cherubims and/ Mm * . palm-trees, fo that a palm- tree was between a cherub and a cherub, and every cherub had two faces. 19 So that the face of a m an was toward the palm-tree on the one fide, and the face of a - young lion toward the palm-tree on the other fide : it was made through all the houfe round about. 20 From the ground unto above the doore were cherubims and palm-trees made , and on the wall of the temple. 1 i The f pofts of the temple wt re fquared, and the face of the fanduary : the appearance of the one as the appearance oft he other* 22 The altar of wood was three cubits high, and the length thereof two cubits } and the corners thereof , and the length thereof , and the walls thereof we re of wood: and he faid un- to me,This U the table that u before the LORD. 2$ And the temple and the fancluary had two doores. 24 And the doores had two leaves apiece, two turning leaves ; two leaves for the one doore, and two leaves for the other doore. 25 And there were made on them, on the doores of the temple , cherubims and palm- trees, like as were made upon the walls j and there were thick planks upon the face of the porch without. 26 And there were narrow windows and palm-trees on the one fide and on the othef fide, on the fides of the porch, and upon the fide.chambeis of the houfe, and thick planks. CHAP. X L 1 1. I Tfc chambers for the p>iefls. ij The ufe thereof. 19 Themeafurej of the outward court, THen he brought me forth into the atter court, the way toward the north, and he brought me into the chamber that was over I j So he meafured the houfe,an hundred cu- againft the feparate place , and which WAS be- lts long,& the feparate place, & the building, fore the buildinj bits With the~wallsthereof,an hundred cubits long. 14 Alfo the breadth of the face of the houfe , and of the feparate place toward the caft, an hundred cubits, i ? And he meafured the length of the build- ing over againft the feparate place which was OrJeveraH behinde it, and the j| galleries thereof on the one fide, and on the other fide an hundred cu. bits with the inner temple , and the porches of the court. fHeb. c*r ?>-" 5 -16 JThe doore- pofts, and the narrow win- **2 of wood. daurs f and the galleries roundabout on their *KliZ e o three ftories > over a 8 ainft the doore t c 'ekd the 'windeni with wood round abour,]j& from the g-ound up Tvalkst or v>Alks with fitters. ing toward the north. 2 Before the length of an hundred cubits was thenorth-doore,and the breadth was fifty cubits. 3 Over againft the twenty c&ittjwhich were for the inner court, and over againft the pave- ment which was forthe utter court, was galle- ry againft gallery in three ftories. 4 And before the chambers was a walk of ten cubits breadth inward ,a way of one cubit, and their doores toward the north. H Or, and f Now the upper chambers were {hotter: the bmUinj for the galleries || were higher then thefe ,|| then $* the lower and then the middlemoft of the t h e middle- building. moft. 6 For r, did eii The priefts chambers. Chap, xliii. Gods glory in the temple. 6 For they were in three stories, but had not and five hundred broad, to make a feparation 687 pillars as the pillarsof the courts: therefore between rhefanftuaiy^rf the profane place. the building was ftraitned more then the loweft, and the middlemoft from the ground. 7 And the wall that was without over a- gainft thecrnmberSjtowards the utter court on the forepart of the chambers, the length there- of WAt fifty cubits. 8 For the length of the chambers that were in the ntter court was fifty cubits : and lo, be- C H A P. XLIII. - r -.*ing of the glory of God into the , mpie . 7 Thefinne of Ifrael himbed Gods presence, to The profhet exhorteth them to refentance,and obfe/vati- onofthelawofthehoure. 1 3 The nuafutei, 18 and the ordinances of the altar* AFter ward he brought me to the gate, even the gate that looketh toward the eaft. i And behold, the glory of the God of If- rael came from the way of the eaft : and * his ' voice was like a noife of many waters, and the earth fhined with his glory. ? And it was * according to the appearance *' the wall of the court toward the eaft, over ofthevifion which I faw, even according to* againft the feparate place, and over againft the thevifion that I faw, || when I came to deltroy . . building. the city: andthevifions were like the vifion ,{*<>-. ii And the way before them was like the thatlfawbytheriverChebanaw^I fell upon pbdfetfct appearance of the chambers , which were to- my face. the '" ward the north , as long as they, audas broad 4 And the glory of the LORD came into as they , and all their goings out were both ac- the houfe by the way of the gate, whofe pro- cording to their fafhions, and according to fpecl toward the eaft. ? So the fpirittook me up, and brought me into the inner court, and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the houfe. 6 And I heard &j/ (peaking unto meoutcf the houfe, and the manttood by me. 7 fl And he faid unto me,Sonne of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the foks of my feet, where I will dwell in the miditof the children of Ifrael for ever , and my holy name {hall the houfe of Ifrael no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whore- ftiall they lay the moft holy things ^and the dome, nor by the carcafcs of their kings i meat- offering, and the finne- offering, and the their high places, trefpaffe-offering, for the place is holy. 8 In their fetting of their thre(hold by my 14 When the priefts enter therein, then threfholds, and their poft bymypofls, f] and V Or r fo flwll they not go out of the holy place into the the wall between me and them, they have even ^ Crc wa f defiled my holy name by their abominations ^fJeenm*- that they have committed : wherefore I have and tktrru. confumed them in mine anger. 9 Now let them put away their whoredome, and the carcafes of their kings farre from me, and I will dwell in the midft of them for ever. 10 f Thou fonne of man, (hew the houfe to the houfe of Ifrael, that they maybe afhamed of their iniquities , and let them meafure the || pattern* R Cr > fa*"**. 11 And if they beafcamedof all that they or have done , {hew them the form of the houfe, and the faft/ion thereof, and the goings out thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write it in their fight, that they may keep the whole form thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and do them. 1 2. This u the law of the houfe ; upon the top of the mountain, the whole limit thereof NMiJ fore the temple were an hundred cubits. ffOr, from 9 And |j from under thefe chambers w|jthe the place. entry on the eaft- fide, || asonegoeth into them hftbat f f om t k e utter court> ' 10 The chambers twre in the thicknefle of their doores. iz And according to the doores of the chambers that were toward the fouth , was a doore in the head of the way, even the way di- redly before the wall toward the eaft, as one entreth into them. 1 5 ^ Then faid he onto me, The north- chambers and the fouth.chambers , which are before the feparate place , they be holy cham- bers, where the priefts that approchunto the LORD (hall eat the moft holy things: there utter court, but therethey (ball lay their gar fluents, wherein they minifter: for they are ho- ly , and (hall put on other girments, and mall approch to thofe things which are for the peo- ple. if Now when he had made an end of mea- Airing the inner houfe , he brought me forth, toward the gate, whofe profpeftis toward the eaft, and meafured it round about. 1 6 He meafured the eaft-tfide with the mea- furing-reed, five hundied reeds, with the mea- furing-reed round about. 1 7 He meafured the north- fide five hundred reeds, with a meafuring-reed round about. 1 8 He meafured the fouth- fide five hundred reeds, with the meafuring-reed. 19 ^ He turned about to the weft- fide, and aeaftred five hundred reeds , with the mcafn- cing-reed. jo He meafured it by the foure fides : k had a wall round about , fwc hundred reeds loag , The ordinances of the altar. 688 fmtte. round about Jball be moft holy : behold, this is the law of the houfe. i $ ^ And thefe are the meafures of the altar after the cubits ; the cubit a cubit and an hand-breadth, even the t bottom Jbill ben cu- bit, and the breadth a cubit, and the border thereof by thef edge thereof round about jbalt ieafpanne, and this Jball be the higher place of the altar. 14 And from the bottom upon the ground, even to the lower fettle, fball be two cubits, and the breadth one cubit j and from the lefler fettle even to the greater fettle j/ta// be foure cubits, and the breadth one cubit. if Sotthealur/&4//6e foure cubits, and that is, the f rom j tae a j ur an( j upward Jball be foure horns. tHeb.,yfr/, 1 6 And the altar jhall be twelve cubits long, that is, the twelve broad,fquare in the foure fquares therc- Ezekiel. The priefts reproved. ^6 Seven dayes fhall they purge the altar and purifie it, and they (hall fconfecrate them- felves. their ^^ And when thefe dayes are expiced,it fhall be that upon the eighth day and Co forward 3 the priefts fhall make your burnt- offerings upon the altar,and your |j peace-offerings j and I will B P r < accept you, faith the Lord GOD. CHAP. XLIIII. I the eaJt-gAte Aligned onely t the pinci, 4 the fritflt reproved for printing ofthefanSuary.y Ido- laters uwapable of the friefts office. 1 5 Ue fanes of ZaJok are accef ted thereto. 17 Ordatmcet for tk* fritfts. THen he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward fanduary which look* eth'toward the eaft, and itnwfhut. ^ Then faid the LORD unto me,Thisgate (hall be (hut, it (hall not be opencd,and no man (hall enter in byitjbecaufe the LORD the God of Ifrael hath entred in by it, therefore it fhall be (hut. 3 It is for the prince; the prince, he (hall fit in it to eat bread before the LoRDj he fhall proch unto me , to minifter unto me , faith the Lord G O D, a young bullock fora fmne- offerins. 10 And thou fhalt take of the bloud there, of, and put it on the foure horns of it, and on the foure corners of the fettle , and upon the border round about: thus fhalc thou cleanfe and purge it. zi Thou fhalt take the bullock alfoof the finne-offering , and he fhall burn it in the ap- pointed place of the houfe without the fan- duary. ^^ And on the fecond day thou fhalt offer a kid of the goats without blemifh for a finne- offering, and they fhall cleanfe the altar, as they did cleanfe it with the bullock. 13 When thou haft made an end of clean- fingir,thou (haltoffera young bullock with- out blemifh , and a ramme out of the flock, without blemifh. a goat for a finne-off ering : they (hall alfo pre- pare a young bullock , and a ramtne ouc of the fixk without blemifh. 17 And the fettle Jball be fourteen cubits long, and fourteen broad in the foure fquares thereof, and the border about it Jball be half a cubit, and the bottom thereof Jball be a cubit about, and his flairs (hall look toward the eaft. enter by the way of the porch of that gatei and 1 8 f And he faid unto me, Sonne of man, wall go out by the way of the fame. thus faith the Lord GOD, Thefe are the ordi- 4 fl Then brought he me the way of the nances of the altar, in the day when they fhall north-gate before thehoufei and I looked, and make it, to offer burnt- offerings thereon, and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the houfe tofprinkle bloud thereon. of the LoRDj and I fell upon my face. i Andthou fhalt give to the priefts the ? And the LORD faid unto me, Sonne of Levites that be of the feed of Zadok which ap man, t mark well, and behold with thine eyes, . r __ andheare with thine eares all that I fay unto thine hurt, thee concerning all the ordinances of the houfe of the LORD , and all the laws thereof, and mark well the entring in of the houfe, with every going forth of the fanSuary. 6 Andthou fbahfay to the rebellious,eyt to the houfe of Ifrael , Thus faith the Lord GOD, O ye houfe of Ifrael, let it fuffice you of all your abominations, 7 In that ye have brought into my fan&ua- ry t ftrangers uncircumcifed in heart , and un- -j- nrf,; circumcifed in flelh, to be in my fanftuary to children of 4 pollute it , even my houfe, when ye offer my :" bread , the fat and the bloud , and they have broken my covenant , bccaufe of all your abo- minatiom. 8 And ye have not kept the charge of mine holy things : but ye have fet keepers of my || charge in mv fan&uary for your felves. 9 f Thus fauh the Lord Goo, Noftranger^ %4 And thou fhalt offer them before ^fae uncircumcifed in heart, noc uncircumcifed in^and^^ LoRD,and the priefts fhillcaft fait upon them, flefh fhall enter into my fanftuary, of any ftran- aod they inill offer them up for a burnt-offer- ger that K among the children of Ifrael. ing untothc LORD. 10 And the Levites that aregone away farre a? Seven dayes fhalt thou prepare everyday from me, when Ifrael went aftray, which wenc aftray away from me after their idols,they fhall even bear their iniquitie. 1 1 Yet they fhall be miniflers in my fan- Zadoks fonncs accepted. Chap, xlv. The land for the fan&uary. ftuary.b/rw'sgchargiatme gates of the houfe, to my judgements : and they foall keep my 68 and miniftnng to the houfe : they (hall flay the laws and my ftatutes in all mine aficmbliesjaiid burnt-offering, and the Sacrifice for the people,, and they (hill ihnd before them to mimitcr unto them : Becaufe they miniftred unto them before they (hall hallow myfabbaths. i ? And they (hall come at no * dead pe-rfbn *tevit.. i, to defile themfelves : but for father or for mo- " ther,t* for fonne or for daughter, for brother, for a. flam. :heir idols, and fcaufed the houfe of Ifrael to or for Cfter that hath had no husband thca - : - : ----' ' T '<-- . ^\\ i mo iniquity} therefore hate I lift up mine f hand againft them, faith the Lord GOD, and - ^ ^ beartheir j B j quity< 1 3 And they (hall not come neare unto me to do the office of a prieft unto me, nor to come may defile themfelves. 26 And after he iscleanfed , they {hall rec- kon unto him feven dayes. 27 And in the day that he goethimothe fanduary, unto the inner court to minifterin neare to any of my holy ihings,iathe moft ho- the fanduary, he (hall off.-r his finne- offering, ly place: but they ihali bear their flume, & their faith the Lord GOD. abominations which they have committed. 14 But I will make them keepers of the charge of the houfe for all the fer vice thereof, and for all that (hall be done therein. i f ^ But the priefts the Levitw, the fonnes of Zadok, that kept the charge of my fadua- ry , when the children of Ifrael went aftray from me, they (hall come neare to me to mi- nifteruntome,and they (hall ftand before me to offer unto me the fat and the bloud, faith the Lord GOD. 1 6 They (hall enter into my fanduarie, and they (hall come neare to my table to minifter unto me, and they (hall keep my charge. 17 f And it (hill come to pae 3 that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court , they (hall be clothed with linen garments , and nowooll (hall come upon theni| whiles they miniftcr in the gates of the inner court } and Within. 18 They (hall have linen bonnets upon 28 Audit (hall be unto them for an inheri- tance j I * am their inheritance: and yc (hall * Num. 1 8. give them no pofieflion in Ifrael; lamheir * 0< poueflion. D eh f- things, and every oblation of all of every fort gj"., lj jg of your oblations (hall be the priefts: ye (hallxumijaV alfo give unto the prieft the firft of your dough, and ib.m that he may caufe the blefllng to reft in thine houfe. 3 1 The priefts fliall not eat of any thing that is * dead of it felf or torn , whethr- : - k ~ * C -~ J - - fowl,or beaft. CHAP. XLV. LcviMi.8. V0r,t \werttng- p!aces. fHcb. t,or I The port ion of land fir t&efan&utrj,* forthecitu t 7 emdfor theprince. 9 Ordinances for the prince. MOreovcr, t when ye (hall divide by lot the f Hcb.w^g land for inheritance,ye (hall offer an obla- t'ffl'^n their loyns: they (hall not gird thtmfclves lion unto the LORD,f anholyporrionof the fHckAafcl ||t with any thing that caufeth fweat. land: the length^// be the length of five and mjjt. twenty thoufand ree ds, and the breadthy&j// be tenthoufand: this Jballbe holy in ail the bor- ders thereof round about. 2 Of this there (hall be for the fanduary five 19 And when they go forth into the utter court to the people, they lhall put off their garments wherein they miniftred, and lay them in the holy chambers, and they (hall put on other garments, and they (hall not fandifie the people with their gar- ments. 10 Neither (hall they (have their heads,nor fuffer their locks to grow long, they (hall onely poll their heads. 21 Neither fliall any prieft drink wine, when they enter into the inner court. 22 Neither (hall they take for their wives * "Levit.it. 15 *widow,or her that is fput away:but they (hall \Ucb.tbrufl take maidens of the feed of the houfe of Ifrael, f arth ' or a widow f that had a prieft before. I m^i. 2 J And the y flia11 teach m y P c P le tbe d 'tf e - rence between the holy and profane ,and caufe them to difcern between the unclean and the clean. 24 Andincontroverfie they (hall ftand in judgement: arid they (hall judge it according hundred in length , with five hundred in breadth , fquare round about, and fifty cubits round about, for the J| fuburbs thereof. J0r, i>iJ 3 And of this meafure (halt thou the length of five and twenty thoufand, and the breadth often thoufand : and in it (hall be the fanduary, and the moft holy place. 4 The holy portion, of the land (hall be for the priefts the miniders of the fandiiary,which (hall come neare to minifter unto the LORD, and it fha.ll be a place for their houfei, and an holy place for the fanduary. ? And the five & twenty thoufaftd of length, & the tenthoufand of breadth (lull alfo the Le- vites the minifters of the houfe have for thcm- felves,for a poffeffion for twenty chambers. 6 ig And ye (hall appoint the poflefllon of the city five thou&nd broad, and fiv: arid Yy twenty The princes portion. EzckieK Ordinances for the prince, out of the fat paflures of Ifrael for ings, and he (hall worfhip at the threfhold of- a meat-offering, and for a burnt- offering, and the gate: then he fhall go forth, but the gate for || peace-offerings , to make reconciliation fhall not be (hut untilltne evening. 3 Likewife the people of the land (hall, wor- || peace-of for them, faith the Lord GOD. be for. tQr, with. 16 All the people of the landffhallgK/i this (hip at the doore of thisgatebeforetheLORDj oblation ||,for the prince in Ifrael. in the fabbaths, and in the new moons. 17 And it (lull be the princes part to give 4 And the burnt- offering that the prince burnt-6fferings,and meat-offerings, and drink- fhall offer unto theEORD in the fabbath-day, offerings, in the feafts, and in the new moons, Jball be fix lambes without blemim., and a ram and in the fabbaths, in all foleinnities of the without.blemi(h. houfe of Ifrael : he (hall prepare the finne-of- f And the meat-pfferingyi&d// be an ephah fering;, and the meat-offering , and the burnt- for a ramme, and the meat-offering for the 5 Or, thank' &ri n g , and the || peace-offerings , to make lambes, t as he fliall be able to give,and aa hin f He ^- tf>i * reconciliation for the houfe of Ifrael. of oyl to an ephah. gift of bit. 1.8. Thus faith the Lord GOD, In the firft 6And in the day of the new moon itjhtltbez h " nd ' monubjn. the firft day of the moneth,thou flult young bullock without blemifh,and fix lambes, take a young bullock without blemifh, and and a ramme: they (hall be without blemi(h. eleanfe the fanfiuaty. And the prieft (hall take of the bloud of 7 And he (hall prepare a meat-offering , an ephah for a bullock, and an ephah for a ramme: the flans-offering ,. and put it upon the pails and for the bmbci. according as his hand (hail and -for the people. attain unto, and an hin of oyl to an ephah 8 And when the prince (hall enter , he (hall go in by the way of the porch of that gate , and he ftiall go forth by the way thereof. 9 f But when the people of the land (hall come before the LoRD,in the folemnfeafts, he that entreth in by the way of the north-gate to wor(hip, (ball go out by the way of the fouth- pate : and he that entreth by the way of the fouth.gate, (hall go forth by the way of the north-gate: he ftnll not return by the way of the gate whereby he came in, but (hall go forth over againft it. i o And the prince in the midft of them when they go in, (hall go in$ and when they go forth, (hall go forth. 1 1 And in the feafts,and in the folemnities, the meat-offering (hall be an ephah to a bul- lock, and an ephah to a ram me, and to the lambes as he is able to give, and an hin of oyl to an ephah. i x Now when the prince (hall prepare a ro luntary burnt-offering or peace-offerings , vo- luntarily unto the L o R D, one (hall then open him the gate that looketh toward the eaft, and he (hall prepare his burnt- offering & his peace* offerings,as he did on the fabbath-day, then he fliall go forth , and after his going forth , one (hall (hut the gate. 1 3 Thou (halt daily prepare a burnt.offering f Heb. of hit unto the L o R D, of a lambe fof the firft yeare without blemiflij thou (halt prepare it f e- ; very morning. j. 14 And thou malt prepare a meat-offering for it every morning,the fixth part of an ephah, and the third part of an hin of oyl , to temper with the fine floure- a meat* offering continu- ally , by a perpetual! ordinance unto the LORD. 1 5 Thus (hall they prepare the lambe, and the meat- offering , and the oyl, every morning, for a continuall burnt- offering. 1 6 ^ T bus faith the Lord Gop, If the prince give a gift unto any of his fonnes, the inheri- tance thereof (hall be his tonnes^ tfaiU be their pofleffionby inheritance. 17 But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his fervants , then it (hall be his to the yeare of liberty 5 after , it (hall recurn to the prince : but his inheritance (hall be bis fonnes for them. 1 8 Moreover, the prince (hall not take of the peoples inheritance by oppreflion to thruft them out of their pofleffion ; but he (hall give his fonnes inheritance out of his own pofleffi- I . on : that my people be not fcattered every man from his poffeffion. 19 fl After , he brought me through the en- try , which w& at the fide of the gate , into the holy chambers of tke priefts, which looked to- Chap, xlvii. The vifion of the holy waters. ward the north: and behold, there tviu a place 691 on the two fides weft. ward. zo Then faid he unto me , This it the place where the priefts (hall boil thetrefpafle-orTering and the finne-offering, where they (hall bake the meat-offering: that they bear them not out into the utter court, to fancYifie the people. ii Then he brought me forth into the utter court, and caufcd me to pafle by the foure cor- ners of the court, and behold, | in every corner f Hcb. r of the court there was a court. court in a. 2 1 In the foure corners of the court there eorntr e ff tvcre courts || joyned of fourty cubits long, and ^rtma. * thirty broad : thefe \ foure corners wereof one comer if a. meafure. on. 13 And there TVM a new building *and B ^2!^. about in them, round about them foure, and it *i. brought forth into the fea , the waters (hall be healed. V y z 9 And The borders of the land. Ezekiel, The portions of the tribes, &c. 691 9 And it (hall come co paflc , that every they (hall be unto you as born in the countrev t Hcb. wars* thing that livcth , which moveth, whitherfo- ever the \ rivers (hall come,(hall hvc:and there (hall be a very great multitude of fifh, becaufe thefe waters ihall come thither : for they (hall among the children of Ifrael : they (hall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Ifrael. And it fliall come to pafle, thatin what be healed , and every thing (hall live whither ibe the ftranger fo journeth, there (hall y e give ^ I u /-..'* L; *> . L Au . -* /T_:~t_ ^i -r !.*-_ * O the river cometh. 10 Andit(hallcometopafie,ffc;j| river to the gi -, valley. fidcf}fouth-ward. 10 The weft- fide zlCojhallbe the great fea- from the border , till a man come over againft Hamath: this is the weft fide. ^ i So (hall ye divide this land unto you, ac- cording to the tribes of Ifrael. az ^1 And it (hall come to paffe,/ bat ye (hill divide it by lot for an inheritance unto you, andtothe ftnngers thu fojourn among you , which fliall beget children among you , and ary of the LoKD (hall be in the midft thereof. 1 1 (| It /hall be for the priefts that are fanfti- p o r ,tfc? ( This it the land which ye (hall divide by *'$* lot unto the tribes of Ifrael for inheritance,and thckare their portions, faith the LordGoD. 3 o 5i And thefe are the goings out of the ci- ty on the north -fide, foure thoufand and five of the holy portion* and the increafe thereof hundred meafures. fhall be for food unto them that ferve the city. 3 1 And the gates of the citie jha.ll be after 1 9 And they that ferve the city, (hall ferve it the names of the tribes of Ifrael, three gates out of all the tribes of Ifrael. north- wardj one gate of Reuben, one gate of Judah, one gate of Levi. 3 z And at the eaft- fide foure thoufand and five hundred: and three gates? and one gate of Jofeph , one gate of Benjamin , one gate of Dan. 33 And at^the fouth-fide foure thoufand oblation, and of the poffeffion of the city over and five hundred meafures : and three gates j againft the five and twenty thoufand, of the one gate of Simeon, one gate of Iffachar, one oblation toward theeaft-border,and weft-ward gate of Zebulun. over againft the five and twenty thoufand to- 34 At the weft- fide foure thoufand and five ward the weft- border,ovcr againft the portions hundred, vltb their three gates j one gate of for the prince, and it fhall be the holy oblati- Gad, one gate of After, one gate of Naphtali. on,and the fanduary of the houfcp*// be in the 35 It TVM round about eighteen thoufand midft thereof. meafures : and the name of the city from that ho-uab- ' ^^ Moreover , from the pofleflion of the day /&4//&e,tThe LORD is there. All the oblation jball be five and twenty thoufand, by five and twenty thoufand: ye fhall offer the holy oblation foure- fquare, with the pofleflion of the city. at ^ And the refidue/&a// be for the prince on the one fide and on the other of the holy The book of CHAP. I. captivity. 3 lAfbpen Mifrntl* and pariah. 8 They refufing the ktngifonion t do prosper rvithftilfe and water. 17 Ihtir txcelltncie in Tvi[donu. [N the third yeare of the reigne of , Jehoiakim king of Judah, *came i Nebuchadnezzar king of Bjby- lon,un:o JcrufalcrOjand befifged 'it. * And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Ju- dah into his handjwith part of the vefTelsofthe houfe of Godjwhich he carried into the land of Shinai- to the houfe of his god, and he broughc the veflcls into the treafu re- houfe of his god. 3 ^i And the king fpake umo Aflipenaz the mafter of his eunuchs,that he fhouldiring cer- tain of the children of Ifrael, and of the kings feed, and of the p-incesj 4 Children in whom -VM no blemifb, but wd-favouid,andskilfullin .il /vifdome, and cunning in knowledge, a: ' unti rihnding Y y > I Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar dreameth. among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah , Mifhael , and Azanah : therefore ftood they before the king. . wine of hit ' Daniel, Hananiah, Mifliael,&c. 94 fcience , and fuch as had ability in them to fhnd in the kings palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Caldeans. f And the king appointed them a daily pro- underftanding that the king enquired of them, vifion of the kings meat,and offthe wine which he found them ten times better then all the magicians and aftroiogers that were in all his, realm, z i And Daniel continued even unto the firft year e of king Cyrus. C HA P. It I Nebuchadnetar forgetting hit dream, rtguirtth te of the Caldeans, by promi{es and threatnings. t o They acknowledging their inability, eat judged, to die* 14 Daniel obtaining fame reftite,findeth the dream. 19 He blefftth God. 54 He flaying the decree, it brought tothekmg. }i The dream. \6 Tht inter- pretation. 45 Daniels advancement. ANd in the fecond yeare of the reigne of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his fpirit was troubled, and his fleep brake from him. 2 Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the aftrologers, and the force. rers, and the Caldeans , for to (hew the king, his dreams: fo they came and ftood before the king. $ And the king faid unto them , I have dreamed a dream, and my fpirit was troubled to know the dream. 4 Then fpakethe Caldeans to the king in Syriack, * O king, live for ever: tell thy fer- * vants the dream, and we will fhew the inter- fHeb. y* dome of un" he drank : fo nounfhing them three yeares,that at the end thereof they might ftand before the king. 6 Now among thefe were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah) Mifaael, and Aza- nah: 7 Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Beltefliazzar ; and to Hananiah, of Sha- drach; and to Mtihael, of Mefluchj and to A- zariah,of Abed-nego. 8 f But Daniel purpofed in his heart, that he would not defile himfelf with the portion of the kings meat, nor with the wine which he drank : therefore he requefted of the prince of the eunuchs, that he might not defile him- 9 Now God had brought Daniel into fa- vour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs. 10 And the prince of the eunuchs faid unto Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who hath ap- pointed your meat and your drink: for why fHeb./k. that ve mty tat, pretation. 5 The king anfwered and faid to the Cal- deans, The thing is gone from me : if ye will not make known unto me the dream, with the interpretation thereof , ye fhall be *|cut in "chap.?.**; 1 5 Then let our countenances be looked up- pieces, and your houfes fhall be made a. dung. fCald. made of before thee,and the countenance of the chil- hill. piecet. dren that eat of the portion of the kings meat: 6 But if ye (hew the dream, andtheinrer- and as thou feeft, deal with thy fervants. pretation thereof , ye (hall receive of me gifts 14 So he confented to them in this matter , and J| rewards, and great honour: therefore JOr,/**, fhew me the dream , and the interpretation chapiS.iy* thereof. tl un- and proved them ten dayes. if And at the end of ten dayes, their coun- tenances appeared fairer, and farter in flefb then all the children which did eat the portion of the kings meat. 1 6 Thus Mdwr took away the portion of their meat , and the wine that they (hould drink : and gave them pulfe. 17 f As for thefe foure children God gave them knowledge and skill in aH learning and wifdome, and J| Daniel hid underifcanding in all vifions and dreams. 7 They anfwered again and faid , Let the king tell his fervants the dream, and we will fhew the interpretation of it. 8- The king anfwered and faid, I know of certainty that ye would | gain the time,becaufe ye fee the thing is gone from me. 9 But if ye will not make known unto m the dream, there is but one decree for you : for ye have prepared lying and corrupt words to (peak before me , till the time be changed : IL/CcllV UwlUtC UUt , fclAl IJ1W liU: UU LiJclliyCU . 1 8 Now at the end of the dayes that the therefore tell me the dream,& I fhall know that kioghadfaid he fhould bring them in, then ye can fhew me the interpretation thereof. 10 ^ The Caldeans anfwered before the king, and faid, There is not a man upon the the prince of the eunuchs brought them in be fore Nebuchadnezzar. i$ And the king communed with them,and earth that can (hen the kings matter; there- fore Daniel declarcth the dream. Chap, ii fore there u no king, lord, nor rulr, that asked fuch things at any magician , or aitrologer , or Caldean. 1 1 And it U a rare thing that the king re- quireth , and there is none other that can ihew it before the king , except the gods , whoft dwelling is not with fiefa. i i For this caufe the king was angry and very furious,and commanded to deftroy all the wife-men of Babylon The interpretation thereof. 16 The king anfwered andfaid to Daniel, 6 9 f whofe name WM Beltefliazzar,Art thou able to make known unto me the dream which I have feen, and the interpretation thereof ? 17 Daniel anfwered in the prefence of the king, and faid, The fecret which the king bath demanded , cannot the wifc-mcn,the aftrolo- gian*,the magicians, the foothfayersfliew unto the king; 28 But there is a God in heaven that reveal- 1 3 And the decree went forth that the wife- eth fecrets , and f maketh known to the king t " men (hould be flain j and they fought Daniel and his fellows to be flain. t Cald. re* * 4 1T Then Daniel f anfwered with counfel and wifdome to Arioch the || t captain of the kings guard , which was gone forth to flay the wife-men of Babylon : 5 He anfwered and faid to Arioch the kings of the execu, ttoners, or (liughter- . mtn. Nebuchadnezzar, what flull be in the latter m * de **"*. dayes. Thy dream, and the vifions of thj head upon thy bed, are thefe- 29 As for thee, O king, thy thoughts f came f Cald.oMy into thy nande , upon thy bed , whst (hould u t* come to pafle hereafter: and he that revealeth fecrets maketh known unto thee what flull captain, Why ii the decree fo haftie from the come to pafle. king ? then Arioch made the thing known to 30 But as for me, this fecret is not revealed Daniel. 1 6 Then Daniel went in,and defired of the to me, for any wifdome that I have more then any living, but for their fakes that (hall make king that he would give him time, and that he known the interpretation to the king , and thatthoamightcft know the thoughts of thy heart. would fhew the king the interpretation. 17 Then Daniel went to his houfe, and made the thing known to Hananiah , Mi(hael and Azariah his companions : t Cald. /row 1 8 That they would defire mercies f of the ttfortGod. Qod of heaven concerning this fecret 5 |j that Daniel and his fellows (hould not periihwith .the reft of the wife-men of Babylon. u/> 6-c. 19 ^ Then was the fecret revealed unto Daniel inanight-vifion: then Daniel blefled the God of heaven. * Pfal.n j..' 20 Daniel anfwered and faid , * Blefled be I Or, that they fhoiild not deftrty 3 1 fl Thou, O king, t faweft, and behold, f CaH . a great image: this great image whofe bright- feeing. ' neffcwas excellent, flood before thee, and the form thereof was terrible. 3 2 This images head Wat of fine gold, his breaft and his arms of filver,his belly and his B thighs of brafle, 8 Or.jft 3 3 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. 3 4 Thou faweft till that a ftone was cut out the name of God for ever and ever: for wif- || without hands, which fmote the image upon II O dome and might are his. his feet that were of iron and clay , and brake was not m 2 1 And he changeth the times and the fea- them to pieces. Jerfe 4$ * fons : he removeth kings, and fetteth up kings : 3 f Then was the iron, the clay, the brafle, be giveth wifdome unto the wife , and knoTt- the filver and the gold broken to pieces toge- ledge to them that know underftanding. ther, and became like the chaff of the fummcr He revealeth the deep and fecret things: threfhing. floores, and the winde carried them away, that no place was found for them : and the ftonc that fmote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. 3 6 4 This u the dreamjand we will tell the interpretation tbereofbefate the king. 37 Thou, O king, art a king of kings t for the God of heaven hath given thee a king- dome, power, and ftrength, and glory. 38 And wherefoever the children of men dwell, the beafts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand ,and hath made thee ruler over, them all : thou art this head of gold. 39 And after thee (hall arife another king- dome inferiour to thee,and another third king- he knoweth what u in the darknefle, and the light dwelleth with him. 23 I thank thee, andpraife thee, O thou God of my fathers, who haft given me wif- dome and might , and haft made known unto me now what we defired of thee: for thou haft nstv made known unto us the kings matter. 24 ^j Therefore Daniel went in unto Arioch whom the king had ordained to deftroy the wife-men of Babylonrhe went and faid thus un- to him, Deftroy not the wife-men of Babylon: bring me in be fore the king, and I wiflftiew unto the king the interpretation. f Cald. tkdt it Then Arioch brought in Daniel before found the king in hafte , and faid thus unto him, | I t Cald. chit- have found a man of the f captives of Judah ' that will make known unco the king the inter- pretation. dome of brafle, which (hall hear rule over all the earth. 40 And the fourth kingdome (hall be ftrong Yy 4 ' as Daniels advancement. Daniel. The golden image fet up; and the captains, the judges, die trafaren, the counfellers , the (henflfs , and all the rulers of asiron: forafmuchas iron breaketh in pieces, and fubdueth all things: and as iron that breakettull thefe, (hall u break in pieces , and the provinces, to come to the dedicauon of the , .,- e image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had 41 And whereas thou faweft the feet and f u P- toes, part of potters clay, and part of iron : the ? Then the princes, the governour Sj and ca- kingdome (hall be divided , but there (hall be P*M* j%? th . e " e ^ urer f J the f C unfeU initoftheftrengthoftheiron/forafmuch as lets, the foenfts, and aU the rulers of the pro- thou faweft the iron mixed with mirie clay. *mces were gathered together unto the dedica- 41 And^the toes of the feet *m part of " of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the ingdome fhall be n had fc < u P 53n , d the ? before the . * Chap. 4-3 " mirie clay , they (hill mingle themfelvcs with tfc the feed of men : but they (hall not cleave f one . oa^ther,cvenas 1 ron 1 snotmiTedwichclay. ** 4 And in j the d.yes of thefe k.ngs (hall the 4 ^ dofheavenfetupakingdome,*which Si never be deftroyed : and the t kingdome ftal not be left to other people , but it (hall break in pieces, and confume all thefe king- domes and it (hall ftand for ever. 4 < Forafmuch as thou faweft that the ftone wat cut out of the mountain || without hands, Tnd that it brake in p.eces the iron, the brafle t commanded , O people , nations, languages, c f ^r at what time ye :hear J the found of o the cornet flute harP 3 fackbut,pfaltery 3 || f dul- t ca cimer, and all kmde. of mufick ye h\\ fhm u, down and worft.p the golden image that Ne- buchadnezzar the king hath fet up. 6 And whofofalleth not down and worfh.p- P* . ^[ ^. & h ure te " ft into the nudft of a burning fiery furnace. , 7 Therefore at that t,me,when all the peo- P^ heard the found of the cornet, iute harp buchadnezzar fell Wherefore at that t.rnecertam Calde- . faing thou couldeft reve-Jl this ftcrct. and all k.nd of mufick, (hall fall down and Thin Djniel requefted of the king.and v ?',Lr,rh M^Vch TandAbed.neeooTer H A P. III. r HeJieatith Agotdtn ani&e inLu- them out of the furnace, *6 Ntbuc hadnetfar (ee- ing the miracle, bleffeth God. * T Ebuchadnezznr the king made an image IVof eold whofehfight^^hreefcorecu- W,L g cheb"adchther 8 eofu, cubits: he fet , u ; intheplamofDura, in the province of Then Nebuchadnezzar the king fentto the princes, the governours, fet over the afFjirs of the province of Babylon, Shadtach^Mtfliacb.and Abed-nego:thtfemen, ij 11 Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage anc j f ury commanded to bring Shadrach,Me- (hacb, and Abed nego: then they brought thefe men before the king. 14 Nebuchadnezzar fpake and laid unto t ^ em ^ /5 j r |j true y Q Shadrach, Mefliach, and Or, Abed-negoMonotyefervemygods nor wor- (bip the golden imagewhich I have f up? '' mufick, ye fall down and worfhip the image which I have madc 3 w#; but if ye wotfliip not, y Shadrach,Meffiach,& Abed-nego. Chap. iiii. Nebuchadnezzar* dream related. 697 ye (hall be caft the fame houre into the midft delivered his fervants that trufted in him and of a fiery furnace, and who is that God that have changed the kings word, and yeelded frail deliver you out of my hands ? 16 Shadrach, Mefliach, and Abed-nego an- fwered and faid to the king, O Nebuchadnez- zar, we are not cirefull to anfwer thee in this matter. 17 If it be fo j our God whom we ferve, is their bodies,that they might not fervc nor wor- Ihip any god, except their own God, 9 Therefore f 1 make a decree,That every f Cald. A dt* people , nation , and language , which fpeak me it made ' fany thing amifle againft the God of Shadrach, *2\* - Mcfhach , and Abed-nego, (hall be *fcut in J r ableto deliver us from the burning fieryfur- pieces, and their houfes (hall be made a dune- chap. .tf nace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, hill,becaufe thereis noother cod that can de- tCald.i*/r Oking. liver after this fort. t"'"' .8 But if not, be it known unto thee, O 30 Then the king t promoted Shadrach, t CaMjwrf.. king, that we will not ferve thy gods, nor wor- Metoach, and Abed-nego , in the province uup the golden image, which thou haft fet up. Babylon. 10 f Then was Nebuchadnezzar t full of CHAP fury, and the form of his vifage was changed againft Shadrach , Mefhach, and Abed-nego: therefore he fpake and commanded , that they ihoul J heat the furnace one feven times more then it was wont to be heat. TTTT F0? li&h l * And necommandc dthefmoft mighty * fl/ J* ra V men that rer in his armie, to binde Shadrach, Mefluch,and Abed-nego.awrfto caft them into the burning fiery furnace. zi Then thefe men were bound in their |Or,fctJ. (| coats, their hofen, and their || hats, and their other garments, and" were caft into the midft of the burning fierie furnace. ir Therefore becaufe the kings j command- ment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the H flame of the fire flew thofe men thac took upShadrachj Memach, and Abed-nego. {Or,tr- kantt, ton of hit dream, which the itugictam cozddvvt nterpret. 8 Daniel heateth the dream. 19 H t inter - frets it. 28 Thejloyoftheevtnt. NEbuchadnezzar the king, unto all people* nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth, Peace be multiplied unto you. z II thought itgood to ihew the fignesand f Caif. it wonders that the high God hath wrought to- wieemiy ward me. before rut. 3 How great are his fignes! and how migh- ty are his wonders! his kingdome is *an ever- lading kingdome, and his dominion is from generation to generation. 4 f I Nebuchadnezzar was acrefl in mine houfe, and flourishing in my palace : I faw a dream which made me afraid, and And thefe three men , Shadrach, Me- -the thoughts upon my bed, and the vifions of fhach , and Abed-nego, fell down bound into my head troubled me. fiery furnace. the midft of the burnin 24 Then NebuchaTdnezzar the king was aftonied, androfeup in hafte, awrffpake and I Or,ow-{aid unto his|jcounfellers,Did nor we caft three *r men bound into the midft of the fire ? They an- fwered and faid unto the king, True, O king. * if Heanfweredandfaid,Lo,lfeefouremen loofe ,. walking in the midft of the fire , and t CaU.rtr ^ they have no hurt, and the form of the fourth SJI. "* "likethefonneofGod. 1.6 q Then Nebuchadnezzar came neare . to the fmouth of the burning fierie furnace,arf fpake and faid, Shadrach, Mertiach, and Abed, nego, ye fervants of the moft high God, come forth, and come hither. Then Shadrach, We- fliach,and Abed-nego, came forth of the midft of the fire. 17 And the princes , governours and ca- ptains, and the kings counfellers being gather- ed together, faw thefe men, upon whofe bodies the fire had no power, nor was an h air of their head finged, neither were their coats changed, nor the fmellof fire had pafled on them. a8 Then Nebuchadnezzar fpake, and faid, Blefled&e the God of Shadrach, Meftiach, and Abed-nego, who hath fent his angel, and 6 Therefore made I a decree, to bring in all the wife- men of Babylon before me, that they might make known unto me the interpretation of the dream. 7 Then came in the magicians, the aftrolo- gers,the Caldeans, and the foothfayers . and I told the dream before them j but they did nor make known unto me the interpretation there- of, 8 ^ But at the laft Daniel camein before me (whofe name waf Beitefhazzar, according to the name of my God, and in whom is the fpirit of the holy gods ) and before him I told the dream, faying 3 9 OBelteihazzar, * mafter of the magici- * cjj a p ans, becaufe I know that the fpirit of the holy gods is in thee,and no fecret troubleth thec,tell me the vifions of my dream that I have feen, . and the interpretation thereof. i o Thus were the vifions of mine head in my bed, 1 1 faw, and behold, a tree in the midft of f Cald. i the earth , and the height thereof was great. 1 1 The tree grew, and was ftrong,and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the fight thereof to the end of all the earth. 1 2 The leaves thereof were fair , and the - fruif Daniel interpreteth the dream. Daniel. The (lory of the event {598 fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all: with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beafts of the field, till feven times paffe over him : 24 This;; the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree of the moft high , which is come upon my lord the king : 2 f That they fhall * drive thee from men, chap-.y; . m f d thy dwelling fhall be with the beafts of the 21* &c. down the tree, and cut off his leaves, and fcatter his fruitilet the beafts oxen, and they (hall wet thee with the dew of get away from under it 4 and the fowls from his heaven, and feven times fhall pafle over thee, till thou know that the moft high ruleth in the kingdome of men, and giveth it to whomfoe- verhewill. 26 And whereas they commanded to leave the ftump of the tree-roots, thy kingdome fhall the beafts of the field had fiudow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all fiefh was fed of it. x 3 1 faw in the vifions of my head upon my bed, and behold, a watcher , and an holy one caine down from heaven. f Cald. nith 14 He cried fr aloud, and faid thus , Hew and thy dwelling fhall be with the beafts of the 21* id cut off his branches, fhake field, and they (hall make thee to eat graffe as branches. 1 5 Ncvertheleffe , leave the ftump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brafle, in the tender grafleof the field, and Ictit be wet with the dew of heaven , and let his portion be with the beafts in the graffe of the earth. 1 6 Let his heart be changed from mans, and let a beafts heart be given unto him , and let feven times pafle over him. 1 7 This matter is by the decree of the watch- ers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones : to the intent that the living may know, that the moft high ruleth in the kingdomeof men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and fetteth up over it the bafeft of men. 1 8 This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar havefecn: nowthou, O Beltefhazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forafmuch as all the wifc men of my kingdome are not able to make 'known unto me the interpretation : but thou art able , for the fpiritof the holy gods is in thee. 19 I Then Daniel ( whofe name was Bel- tefliazzar) was aftonied for one houre, and his thoughts troubled him : the king fpake, and faid, Beltefhazzar, let not the dream, or the in- terpre cation thereof trouble thee. Beltefhazzar anfwered, and faid , My lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies. 10 The tree that thou faweft, which grew, and was ftrong, whofe height reached unto the heaven, and the fight thereof to all the earth: i Whofe leaves were fair , and the fruit thereof much, and la it KM; meat for all, under which the beafts of the field dwelt , and upon whofe branches the fowls of the heaven had their habitation : 22 It is thou , O king , that art grown and become ftrong: for thy greatnefie is grown and reacheth unto heaven, and thy dominion to the end of the earth. 23 And whereas the king faw a watcher, and an holy one coming down from heaven, and fayingj Hew the tree down, and deftroy it, yet leave the ftump of the roots thereof in the *p be fure unto thee , after that thou (halt have known that the heavens do rule. 27 Wherefore, O king, let mycounfelbe acceptable unto thee, andbieakoff thy finnes by righteoufneffe,and thine iniquities by (hew- ing mercy to the poorej if it may be jj a length- I! Or, . ening of thy tranquillity. in & /*' 28 4 All this came upon the king Nebu- err chadnezzar. 29 At the end of twelve moneths he walked [{in the palace of the kingdome of Babylon. !!< 3 o The king fpake,and faid,Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the houfe of the kingdome, by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majeftie t 3 1 While the word was in the kings month , there fell a voice from heaven, faying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is fpoken, The kingdome is departed from thee. 3 2 And they (hall drive thee from men,and thy dwelling fhall be with the beafts of the field* they (hall make thee to eat graffe as oxen , and feven times (hall pafle over thee , until! thou know that the moft high ruleth in the kingdome of men, and giveth it towhomfoc- vcr he will, 33 The fame houre was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar, & he was driven fr,orn men, and did eat graffe as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles feathers > and his nails like birds claw:. 34 And at the end of thedayes , I Nebu- chadnezzar lift up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine underftandmg returned unto me, and I blefled the moft high , and I praifed and ho- noured him thatlivcth for ever,whofe domini- on is * an everlafting dominion, and his king. dome is from generation to generation. Micah 4. 35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are Lu k Cl> 33' reputed as nothing : and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven,and among the earth, even with a band of iron and braffe in inhabitants of the earth: and none canftayhis^-r^ ^ tfae tender grafle of the field, and let it be wet hand, or fay unto him, * What doeft thou? ifi 4 5. ' 9 . $6 At The hand- writing oh the wall. Chap. v. Daniel readeth it. 36 At the fame time my reafon returned king,liteforever:Ietnotthy thoughts trouble 6oa *mmr ami fnr the olnrv nf m./ kinrr.js.m. thee, nor let thy countenance be changed. 1 1 * There is a man in thy kingdome, in C hao * ** - Whom is the fpirit of the holy gods, and in the onto me, and for the glory of my kingdome , mine honour and brightnefie returned unto me,and my counfellers and my lords fought un- to me; and I was eftabliftied in my kingdome, and excellent majeftie was added unto me. *" wuuvure use me wuaome or tne gods, 3 7 Now I Nebuchadnezzar praife, and ex- vvas found in him} whom the king Nebuchad- *rvl I inA Vinnmir tJ^p l^ino nf KpivAn oil mVmC** flP'/_T.ar thv H fjarK^r rKp Irtnrr r /*-.. *l... r..i dayes of thy |j father light and underftanding I Oi and wifdome like the wifdome of the ' *'* L 37 INOW i rseoucnaanezzar praiic, and ex- was rouna in mm, wnom tne king Nebuchad- toll and honour the King of heaven, all whofe nezzar thy (j father, the king* l fay, thy father I Or, grani- works are truth, and his wayes judgement, and made * matter of the magicians, aftrologers, father.. thofe that walk in pride he is able to abafe. Galdeans, asrffoothlayers^ ' * Chap; 4.?,. li CnrlfrnnrK 10 in v/*11M.> r::. -_ pride he i r . _ v ^ " A L ' V " aitpttg* feafl. 5 ^ hand-writing un- Forafmuch as an excellent fpirit , and knowledge, and underftanding, |{ interpreting of dreams, and (hewing of hard fentences, and 17 He reproving the king, tf pride and idolatry t 45 readeth and inter preteth the ivriting. 30 The monarchy is tranflatedto the JMedes. BEUhazzar the king made a great feaft to a thoufandof his lords, and drank wine be. fore the thoufand. z BeKhazzar, whiles he tafted the wine , commanded to bring the golden and filver vcf- fels , which his father Nebuchadnezzar had f taken out of the temple which WM in Jerufa- lem,that the king and his princes,his wives and his concubines might drink therein. 3 Then they brought the golden vcflels that were taken out of the temple of the houfe of God, which was at Jerufalemjand the king and his princes, his wives and his concubines drank in them. 4 They drunk wine, and praifed the gods of gold,andoffilver,of brafle,ofiron,ofwood, andofftone. ? ^ In the fame hbure came forth fingers of a mans hand, and wrote over againft the candleftick upon the plaifter of the wall of the kings palacej and the king faw the part of the hand that wrote. 6 Then the kings f countenance f was changed,and his thoughts troubled him,fo that the (J t joynts of his loyns were loofed, and his , knees fmote one againft another. t ca'id. 7 The kin CTlcd t aloud to bring in the aftrologers, theCaldeans, and the foothfayers: and the king fpake and faid to the wife-men cf Babylon, Whofoevec (hall reade this writing r and (hewme the interpretation thereof 3 (hall $Or,furple. be clothed with || fcarlet, and have a chain of gold about his neck, and (hall be the third ruler in the kingdome. 8 Then came in all the kings wife-men,but they could not reade the writing, nor make known to the king the interpretation thereof. 9 Then was king BeKhazzar greatly trou- bled, and his f countenance was changed in him, and his lords were aftonied. 10 ^f T^otv the queen by reafon of the words of the king and his lords, came into the ban- Sfl^the queen fpake and faid, O t Cald. changed it. I, whom the king named now let Daniel be called, and he will (hew the 'f "ci interpretation. Jkworj, 1 3 Then was Daniel brought in before the king; take the kingdome, and poffeffc the kingdome fives! for ever, even for ever and ever. 19 Then I would know the truth of the t'Cald./roi fourth beaft , which was diverfe t from all the aUthoi'e. lace, which u in the province of Elam) and I faw in a vifion, and I was by the river of Ulai. 5 Then I lifted up mine eyes, and faw, and behold, there flood before the river , a ramme which had two horns, and the two'horns were high: but one wot higher then \ the other, and ' others, exceeding dreadfull, whofe teeth were the higher came up laft. [econd. of iron,and his nails of brafle,w^c& devoured, 4 I faw the ramme pufhing weft- ward, and brake in pieces 3 and ftamped the refidue with north- ward, and fouthward: fo that no beafls might ftand before him, neither WM thcre.any that could deliver out of his hand , but he did " according to his will, and became great. 5 And as I was confidering, behold, an he- goat came from the weft on the face of the whole earth, and || touched not the ground : and X Or, none the goat had t a notable horn between his eyes. * cl >ed him 6 And he came to the ramme that had two iHcb""^ Untill the ancient of dayes came , and horns, which I had feen (landing before the ri- [ fight. * judgement was given to the faints of the moft ver, and ran unto him in the fury of his power, high : and the time came that the faints poffef- 7 And I faw him come clofe unto the ramme, fed the kingdome. and he was moved with choler againft him,and zj' Thus he faid, The fourth beaft fhall be fmote the ramme,and brake his two horns,and the fourth kingdome upon earth , which (hall his feet, 20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell j even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that fpake very great things, whofe look WM more flout then his fellows. ill beheld, and the fame horn made warrs with the faints, and prevailed againft them; be diverfe from all kingdomes, and fhall de voure the whole earth, and fhail tread it down, and break it in pieces. 14. And the ten horns out of this kingdome Are ten kings that fhall arife: and another fhall rife after them, and he fhall be diverfe from the fir ft, and he fhall fubdue three kings. i ? And he fhall fpeak great words againft the moft high , and (hall wear out the faints of the moft highland think to change times and laws: and they fhall be given into his hand , untill a time and times and the dividing of time. 16 But the judgement fhall fit, and they f. (hall take away his dominion, to confume, and to deftroy it unto the end. *lisker.3j. 17 And the * kingdome and dominion, and the greatnes of the kingdome under the whole heaven,(hall be given to the people of the faints of the moft high , whofe kingdome is an ever- gOr, rulers, lading kingdome , and all || dominions (hall ferve and obey him. a8 Hitherto u the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart. CHAP. VIII. I Daniels vision of trie ramme, and htgaat. i J The two thoufand three hundred dayes offacrtfice. 1 J Gabriel comftrtetk Dcntel, and interpreted the vijion. IN the third yeare of the reigne of king Bel. fhaziar, a vifioii appeared unto me, even un- infl. there was no power in the ramme to ftand be- fore him, but he caft him down to the ground, and ftamped upon him : and there was none that could deliver the ramme out of his hand. 8 Therefore the he-goat waxed very great, and when he wasftrong, the great horn was broken : and for it came up foure notable ones, * toward the foure windes of heaven. * 9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the fouth, and toward the eaft, and toward the *plea(ant /* of the ftarres to the ground, and ftamped upon *"'"' them. 11 Yea,he magnified himfelfeven ||tothe { JJ prince of the hoft , and || by him the daily fa- him. 3 crificems taken away,and the place of his fan- i Or, &uary was caft down. y9M 6 i i And || an hoft was given him againft the 9 J%} f daily facrifice by reafon of tranfgreffion, and it caft down the truth to the ground, and it pra- difed; and profpered. 15 ^J Then I heard one faint fpeaking, and another faint faid unto U | that certain faint 'cfetj,~or'ifie Which (pake, How long/iW/ be the vifioii con- wonderful! cerning the daily /imj?ce,asd the tranfgreffion "" (| of defolation, to give both the fan&uary and the hoft to be troden under foot? g Or 14 And he faid unto me, Unto two thou- fand and three hundred f dayes j then fhall fanftuary be f cleanfed. -j- ^ if q And iccametopafle,whenl, even I fed. ainft the //y facri- I Gabriel ineerpreteth the vifion. Chap. ix. Daniels confeflion of finnes. Daniel had feen the vifion, and fought for the feventy yeares in the deflations of Jerufa- meaningjthen behold , there flood before me as lem. 3 f And I fet my face unto the Lord GOD to feek by prayer and fupplications, with faft- 705 the appearance of a man. 1 6 And I heard a mans voice between the banfc 0/"Ulai,which called,and faid,*Gabnel, make this man to underftand the vifion. 17 So he came neare where I flood : and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he faid untome,Underftand,O fonne of man j for at the time of the end fba.ll be the vifion. 1 8 Nowashewajfpeakingwith me, I was in a deep fleep on my face toward the ground : but he touched me, and f fet me upright. \9 And he faid, Behold, I will make thee ing, and fackcloth, and afhes. 4 And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made my cohfeffion, and faid, O * Lord , "Dcut 7.* the great and dread full God, keeping the cove- Neh -'-5. nant, and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments : f. * We have finned and have commuted ini ' quitie,and have done wickedly , and have re- belled, even by departing from thy precepts, and from thy judgements. 6 Neither have we hearkened unto thy fer- Barac.i.17, e ^T y "know what (hall be in the laft end of the indi. vants the prophets, which fpake in thy name to gnation : for at the time appointed the end (ball be. zo The ramme which thou faweft having two horns, are the kings of Media and PerGa. ii And the rough goat is the king of Gre- tia, and the great horn that is between his eyes* is the firft king. Now that being broken, whereas foure our kings, our princes, and our fathers, aadto all the people of the land. 7 O Lord, righteoufneffe \\btlongetb untofl Or, thec, but unto us confufion of faces, as at this haftj < day: to the men of Judah, and to the inhabi- tants of Jerusalem, and unto all Ifrael that are neare, and that are farre oft, through all the- countreys whither thou haft driven them, be- flood up for it, foure kingdomes mall ftand up caufe of their trcfpifie that they have trefpaf- out-of the nation, but not in his power. 23 And in the latter time of their kingdom?, f Hcb. ore when the tranfgre flours f are come to the full^a if lifted, jjjng O f fi crce countenance, and underftanding dark femences, (hall ftand up. 24 And his power (hall be mighty, but not by his own power : and he flul'l deftroy won- derfully, and (hall profper, and pradife , and (nail deftroy the mighty, and the f holy people. 25 And throu caufe crafttoprofi magnifie hlmfelf in his heart , and by (] peace deftroy many: he (ball alfo ftand up 8 Or, fed againft thee. 8 O LordStousbebngeth confufion of face, , to our kings, to our pdnccs,and to our fathers, becaufe we have finned againft thee. 9 To the Lord our God be long mercies and forgivenefles, though we have rebelled agaiaii him. i o Neither have we obeyed the voice of the LORD our God, to walk in his laws which he through bis policie alfo 'he (hall fet before us, by his fervants the prophets. 3 profper in his hand , and he (hall 1 i "Yea > alLlfrael have tranfgrefled thy laws even by departing that they might not obey thy voice, therefore the curfe is poured upon Bainc t - againft the prince of princes, but he (hall be us, and the oath that written in the Maw of *. - * 2. Mac.?.?, * broken without hand. Mofes the fervant of God , Becaufe we have I4> & c . 26 And the vifion of the evening and the finned againft him. Dcut-*&,ij, morning which was told,is true:wherefore (hut t 2 And he hath confirmed his words which & c - thou up the vifion, for itjbill be for many he fpake againft us, and againft our judges dayes. that judged us, by bringing' upon us a great & ^.17' 27 Andl Daniel fainted and was fat certain evil: for under the whole heaven hath not been &.j2,iy. dayes ; afterward I rofe up and did the kings done, as hath been done upon Jerufalem. bufine(Te,and I was aftoniQied at the vifion,bu i j As * it is wrktenintbe law of Mofes,all LC7 ,- t> ,, none underftoodiV. N this evil is come upon us : yet f made we not T4> & c . r H A P T Y our P raver ^ e ^ ore the LORD our God, that we Dcut. 18 H A 1 . IX. miht tarn from our iniquities, and underftand f *^ ? mi' * Heh ktth eonfefsien tffinnes, \6 and przyeth fr the re- tn y trutn - figuration offtrufaUm. 20 Gabrul informtth him 1 4 Therefore hath the LORD washed up. on the evil, and brought it upon us: for the LORD our God u righteous in all his works which he doeth : for we obeyed not his voice*, i 5 And now O Lord our God, that haft brought thy people forth out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and haft f gotten thee *renown as at this day:wchavc fiancd a wc'J,^' Y N the firft yeare of Darius the fonne of Aha- KV* *"* Ifuerus, of the feed of the Medes, j| which was * made king over the realm of the Caldcansj 2 In the firft yeare of his reigne, I Daniel under ftood by books the number of the yeare*, "Jer.iMs, whereof the word of the LORD cameto *Je- temiah the prophet, that he would accomplifh have done, vtick&dly. Daniels prayer for Jeruialem. Daniel. His vifion, 704 16 ^////efeven weeks j and threefcore greatly beloved, underftand the wordsthat 'le'St. and two wceks the ftreet t fa^ be built again, fpeak unto thee, and f ftand upright : for unto f Heb. and the ((wall, even fin troublous times. 26 And after threefcore and two weeks (hall \ Or, breach* of ditch. t Heb. m Jt,ait of times. g Or, and fhall hive Mefliah be cut off, j|but notforhimfelf : and the people of the prince that ftnll come, mill dcftroy the city, and the fancluary, and the end thereof^d//6fwitha floud, and unto the ^ft frail Cn( ^ ofthe warre |j defolations are determined. be tut off by *7 And he (hall confirm the covenant with many for one week : and in the mid ft of the thee am I now fentj and when he had fpoken ^ on , this word unto me, I ftood trembling. i ^ Then faid he unto me,Fear not, D-iniel: for from the firft day that thou didft fet thine heart to underftand, and tochaften thy felf be- fore thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words, ij But the prince of the kingdomeof Per- fia withftood me one and twenty dayes: but lo, Michael The overthrow of Per/ia. Chap ft Or,thfrft. Michatl || one of the chref princes came to hc.'pmej and I remained there with the kings ef Perfia. 1 4 Now I am come to make rhee tfntferftand whit fliiH befall thy people 1 rti the lafrer d-ayes: for yet ?fte vifion ir for many dayes. i f And when he had fpoken fuch words un- to me , I fet my face toward the gi ound, and I became dumbe. 1 6 And beli oW,0tfC like the fimilirade' of the fonnes.of men touched my lips ; then I opened my mouth, and foake, and Laid unto him that Hood before me, O my lord, by the vifion my forrows are turned upon me , and I have re- tained noftrength. f! Or, tfew/>r- 17 For how can'fthe fervanr of this my lord, wnt tfmy talk with this my lord ? for as for me, ftraight- \r gat her , and he that ftrengf hened her in theft f e kr0tt ^ ht times. 7 But out of a branch of her root (hall one ftand up in his efhte,which fliall come with an atmy,and (hall enter into t he for trc fie of the king of the north j and (hall deal againit them, and fhall prevail : 8 And (hall alfo carry captives into Egypt, their gods with their princes, and with ffheir 1 t H et>- ffelt precious veffels of filver & of gold, and he (hair th " r dt ~ continue mo yeares then the king of the north.^"" 9 So the king of the fouth (hall come into kit kingdome, and (hall return into his own land. i o But his fonnes |j dnll be ftirred up, and jOr, ^4* (hail afiemble a multirude of great forces : varre. , and one (hall certainly come and overflow, and paiTe through: then fhall he return, and be ftic- red up even to his fortrefie. 1 1 And the king of the fouth fliall be 1 mo- ved wirh choler, and Ihall come forth and fight with him, r&ftfwith the king of the north: and he (hall fet forth a great multitude, but the multitude fhall be given into his hand. J i And when he hath taken away the mnU tltude, his heart (hall be lifted up, and he (hall caft down many ten thoufandsj but he (hall noc be ftrengthened by it. ij For the king of the north (hall return, and (hall fct forth, a multitude greater then the former, and (hall certainly come (t after cer- t tain yeares) with a great army, and with much jrj riches. 1 4 And in thofe times there {hall many ftand up'srgainft the king of the fouth : alfo \ the rob- f Hcb. tt>t bers of thy people (hall exalt themfelves tiff******* eftabliihthe vifion, but they {hall fall. 1 5 So the king of the north mall come, and caft up a mount, and takef the moft fenced ci- t H *- rt(f ties,andthearmsof the fouth fliall not wM^Slif"" ftand, neither f his chofen people, neitherjZratf (- Heb. the there be any ftrength to withftand. feople 1 6. But he thatcometh againft him , (haH */ do according to his ownvfiltj and none (hall ftand before him: and he fliall ttand in th lit glorious land which by his hand (hall b " 17 He (hall alfd fet his face to enter with the ftrength of his whole kingdome, and || up- ~. , v .~ ^ .-.^, t Heb. thmk f forecaft his devices againft the ftrong holds, and with precious ftonesjandfpleafant things. j^"?^ ha thoughti. evenior a time. 39 Thus (hall he do in the f moft flrongor,/br the if And he (hall ftirre up his power and his holds with aftrange god, whom he (hall ac- " courage againft the king of the fouth with a knowledge and increafe with glory: and he great armie, and the king of the fouth (hall be (hall caufe them to rule over many , and (hall itirred up to battel with a very great and divide the land for f gain. mi?hty armyj but he (hall not ftand : fr they 40 And at the time of the end (hall the king ** a. God, of the fouth pufbat him, and the king of the ? . , . north (hall come againft him like a whirl- %*"** winde with chariots, and with horfemen ,and f Heb'fw- with many (hips, and he (hall enter into the tr 5//< countreys, and (hall overflow arid pafle over. ~'l lt 41 He (hall enter alfo into the |jt glorious L z land, and many countreys (hall be overthrown, , Or, buuhcfeflxall efcape out of his h*nd 3 eve}i E- l - d i dom, and Moab, and the chief of the children J^ ofAmmon. '' 4 z He (hall fftretch forth his hand arfoup- f Heb," on the countreys, and the land of Egypt (hill fortt?^ not efcape< 43 But he (hall have power over the trea, fures of gold and of filver,3nd over all the prc- t Heb. their fiullforecaft-devices againft him* 26 Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat, (halldeftroy him , and his army, (hall overflew: and many (hall fall down flain. 27 And both thcfe kings f hearts Jhallbe to do mifchief, and they (hall fpeak lies at one tablejbutit (hall not profper : for yet the end Jba/l be at the time appointed. 28 Then (hall he return into his land with great riches', and his hezrtfljall be againft the holy covenant: and he (hall do exploits t znd re- tuin to his own land. 29 At the time appointed he (hill return ,. and come toward the fouth, but it (hall not be AS the former, or as the latter. Or, < 30 f For the (hips of Chittim (hall come cious-thingsof Egypt: and the Libyans and the againft-him : therefore he fhall be grieved and Ethiopians Jhillbe at his fteps. return, and have indignation againft the holy covenant : fo (hall he do, he (hall even return, andiuve intelligenCi; with them that forfake the holy covenant. 31 And arms (hill ftand on his part, and they (hall pollute the fartftuaryof ftrength,and fhall take away the daily facri/ice, &they (hall place the abo.T.ina:ion :hat {{ uuku" But tiding.s ont of. the eaft, and out of the north (hall trouble him : therefore he (hall go forth with great furie to deftroy, and utterly to make away many. 45 And he (hall plant the tabernacles his palace between the feas in the jj f glorious holy mountain, yet he (hall come to his end, and none (halj help him. GH A E. he prophet Daniel CHAP. XII. MMatl fall deliver Ifrael from their trtv<s. 5 Daniel it informed of the tones* Chap. i. informed of the times. 1 longjhal! it be to the end of thefe wonders? 7 07 ^ 7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he * held up his right hand, and his left hand *RreLio. f.' A Nd at that time (ball Michael ftand up,the unto heaven, and (ware by him that liveth for XI great prince which ftandcthfor thechil- ever,that /*#* for a time, times, and || an I! Onftrr. dren of thy people, and there (hall be a time of half: and when he (hill have accompli(hed to trouble, fuch as never was fince there was a na- fcatter the power of the holy people , all thefe tion, even to that fame time : and at that time things (hall be finiihed. thy people Jball be delivered, every one that 8 And Iheard 5 bIunderftoodnot: then Jhatt be found written in the book. faid I , O my Lord, what Jhall be the end of z And many of them that fleep in the duft thefe things? *Matt.jj. of the earth (hall awake, *fome to ever lafting 9 And he faid, Go thy way,Daniel : for the tohns.i?. lfcj*d f me to flame And everlafting con- words areclokd up and fcaled till the time of tempt. the end. g oryteachets. 3 And they that be || wife (hall *(hine as the 10 Many fhall be puri fied and made white * MKC.IJ, brightnefie of the firmament , and they that and tried : but the wicked (haH do wickedly: + s * turn many to righteoufnefle, as the ftarres for and none of the wicked fhall underftand , bug ever and ever. the wife (hall underftand. 4 But thoUjO Daniel,(hut up the words,and 1 1 And from the time that the daily facri- feal the book even to the time of the end : ma- fee (hall be taken away, and f the abomination t He &- * /** ny (hall runto and fro, and knowledge (hall be that || maketh defolate fet up, there fhall be a *' the **">* increafed. thoufand two hundred and ninetie dayes. *> ? ^ Then I Daniel looked, and behold, it Blefledishethatwaiteth,andcomethto lur^Jfaii/ft- there flood other two, the one on this fide of the thoufand three hundred and five and thirty e:h * fHeb. Up. N the f bank of the river, and the other on thac dayes. *Chap. i o.y. **de f the bank of the river. i j But go thou thy way till the end be:\\ for I Or "** | Or, from ' 6 And w* mi; for ye are not my people, and I will not be "yf t9 t ie * * your God. 10 f Yet the number of the children of IF- rael ihall be as the fand of che fea,which cannot bemeafured nornumbred} * and it (hall come * Rom>?. J topafle,fibaf |j in the place where ic was faid * . unto them, Ye are not my people, there it (hall * be faid unto them, Ye are the fonncs of the li- YingGocK 11 * Then (hall the children of Judah and Zz i the Gods judgements againft idolatry. Hofea. 708 Pramifes of reconciliation. B That is, my people. B That is, the children of Ifrael be gathered together, * J And I will give her her vineyards from and appoint themfelves one head,and they (hall thence, and the valley of Achor. for a doore of come up out of the land : for great JbaU be the hope,and (he (hall fing there as in the dayes of her youth , and as in the day when (he came up cut of the land of Egypt. 1 6 And it (hall be at that day, faith the LORD, that thou (halt call me |j I(hij and (halt i! That is, wj call me no more || Baali. hmbmd. 17 For I will 'take away the names of Baa- ! j Jj hatls ' ny lim out of her mouth, and they (hall no more be remembied by their name. 1 8 And in that day will I make a * cove- * Job 5.13; nant for them with the beafts of the field, and day of Jczicel. CHAP. II. I the idolatnt tf the feofle. 6 Godsjuilgtments a~ gainfi them. 14 Hitfromtfes of reconciliation with them. oAy ye unto your brethren, |J Amraijand to your lifters, || Ruhamah. 0& . * Head with your mother, plead : for * (he ' taind mercy not my wife, neither am I her husband : lee *ir a .5o.t. her therefore put away her * whoredomes ouc *. Ezek. itf. of her fight, and her adulteries from between with the fowls of heaven, and with the creep- |Heb. herbreaftsj 3 Left I ftrip her naked , and fet her as in * Ezek.itf.4. the day that fhe was * born, and make her as a wilderneiTe, and fet her like adrieland,and flay her with thirtt. 4 And I will not have mercy upon her thil- drenj for they be the children of whoredomes. 5 For their mother hath plaid the harlot: {he that conceived them hath done (hamefully: for fhu faid, I will go after my lovers , that give me my bread and my water, my wooll and my flax,mine oyl and my f drink. 6 V Therefore behold,! will hedge up thy way wich thorns , and f make a wall , that (he * "" fhall not finde her path?. 7 And (he (hall follow after her lovers, but fhe (hall not overtake them, andfhefhailfeek them, but (hall not finde them : then fhall fhe fry, I will go and return to my fitft husband, for then was it better with me then now. 8 For fhe did not know that I gave her corn, fHeb. nevf and f wine, and oyl, and multiplied her filver and o\d,l\ivbich they prepared for Baal. 9 Therefore will I return, and takeaway my corn in the time thereof, and my wine in the feafon thereof, and will jj recover my wooll and my flax gin en to caver her nakedneffe. t Heb. folly, i o And now will I difcovet her t lewdnefle oivifcnH. inthe fightof her lovers,and none fhall deliver her out of mine hand, 1 i I will alfo caufe all her mirth to ceafe, her feaft- dayes, her new moons, and her tab- baths, and all her folemn feafb. t Heb. make - i* And I will fdefiroy her yinesandher At, olitc. fig.trecs, whereof flic hath faid , Thefe are my rewards that my lovers have given me: and I will make them a forteft, and the beafts of the field fhall eat them. \vith they made Bui. g Or, fake amy. ng things of the ground : and I will break the bow and the fword,and the battel out of the earth ,and will make them to lie downfafely. 1 9 And I will betroth thee unto me for ever, yea I will betroth thee unto me in righteouf- neffi, and in judgement, and in loving kind- neffe, and in mercies. 10 1 will even betroth thee unto me in faith* fulneffe, and thou (halt know the L o R o. 2 i And i: (hall come to paffe in that day, I will heare, faith the L OR o, I will heare the heavens, and they fhall heare the earth, 22 And the earth fhall heare the corn and the wine and the oyl , and they fhall heare Jezreel. 2 1 And I will fow her qnto me in the ear, thj and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy, and I *wi\\hyto thetnivbich * were not my people, Thou art my people} and i-Pet.*.io. they fhall fay, Thou art my God. C H A P. 1 1 1. i BY the expMiou of an adiiltereffe, 4 is fieved the defolation. of Ifrael before their reflatiratton. T Hen faid the LORD unto me, Go yet, love a woman ( beloved of her friend , yet an adultercfle) according to the love of the LORD toward the childrenof Ifrael , who look to o- . ther gods, and love flagons t of wine. - fHeb. of 2 So I bought her to me for fifteen fieces-g!"- of filver, and for an homer of barley, and an t half- homer of bat ley. fHeb. Le- 3 And I faid unto her, Thou' (hah * abide thteh. forme many d.i yes, thou (halt not play the har- lot, and thou fhalt not be for anotberman, fo will \ alfo be for thee . 4 For the children of Ifrael (lull abide ma- And I will vifit upon her the dayes of ny dayes without a king-, and without a prince, Baalim,wheiein (he burnt incenfe to them,and (bedecked her felf with her enre- rings and her jewels, and (he went after her lovers, and for- ga* me, faith the L o R D. .14 tf Therefore behold, I will allure her and bnn S hcr ' nto the wilde/rKft-, and fpeak HI comfortably unto hqr. and withoutafacrihce,and without f an image, t Heb. and without an ephod , and without tera- ftd* phim. t, Afterward (hall the children of Ifrael te- turn, and feek the L o R D their God, and , T * David their king, and (hall fear the L o R D, E J. \ and his oodneffc in the* hcter dayes. Mfai. CHAPi \joud CHAP, IHI. Chap. mi. v. t Hb.*W, t f the HEare the word of the LORD, ye children of Ifrael: for the LORD hath a * controvcrfie with the inhabitants of the land, becaufe there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. z By (wearing, and lying, and killing, and ftealing, and committing adulte;y, they break oat. and t bloud toucheth bloud* 3 Therefore (hill the land mourn,and every one that dwelled! therein (hall languid with the beafts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven , yea the fiOics of the fea alfo fljillbc taken away. 4 Yet let no man ftrive.nor reprove another: for thy people are as they that ftrive with the prieft and people. play the harlot, 7O ~ and come not ye unto o ye up to * Beth-aven, nor * i. Kin* s icLoRoliveth: i2.a?. a 1 6 For Ifrael fl,deth back, as a back fliding ifer: now theL o R D will feed them a* a lambe in a large place. 1 o ^iT " jy ned to **>!: 1 h'm alone 1 8 Their drink f is fowte : they have com- f H-b. * muted whoredome continually /her f rulers g*" ^(hamedolove,Giveye. ip The winde hath bound her up in her wings , and they flail be afhamed becaufe of their facrifices. CHAP. V. I Gods judgements again/I tht is O priefts, and hearken the prophet alfo (hall fall with thee m the fpread / up7nYabo7. fHcb.cw n'ght,andlwilltdeftroythy m other. ^ And the revolters are profound tomake $*- ^&$3SS8S. JS.S.I*"*! *-.*-t.-*. of ,0,_ dge, I n Wu | r a j r c r c ^ a ^ hee > that *ou (halt be 3 I know Ephraim , and Ifrael is not hid T ' God, I will alfo forgef thy chil- teft whoredome, and IfraelTs^efilcd. ,fo they finned a- I change their glory gainft me : into ihame. 8 They eat up the finnc of my people, and >. lift they t fet their heart on their iniquity. and I will fpunifli them for their wayes, and >4. i. t reward them their doings. rift i o For they (bull eat, and not have enough j they (hill corr.mit whoredome, and fliall not ^ V increafe: becaufe they have left oflf to take heed to the L o R D. 1 1 Whoredome, and wine, and new wine take away the heart. domes is in the midft of them, and they have !l? r ' **" w r not known the LORD. : And the pride of Ifrael doth teftifie to his ?il face; therefore (hall Ifrael and Ephraim fall in their iniquity: Judah alfo (hill fall with them. 6 They (hall go with their flocks, and with their herds to feek the LORD: but they (hall *** fciavii. Atau Mvviai.i.Li.1 U111U LllCIll! lOftnC fpi rit ofwhoredomei hath caufed them to erre,and they have gone a whoring from under their God. J 3 They facrifice upon the tops of the mountains , and burn incenfe upon the hills under oaks, and poplars, and elms, becaufe the fhadow thereof u good: therefore your daugh- ters (hall commit whoredome, and your fpoufes (hall commit adultery. 14 || I will not punim your daughters when they commit whoredome, nor your fpoufes when they commit adulterie: for themfelves are feparated with vvhorcs , and they facrifice with harlots : therefore the people that doth not underftand, (hall J| fall. them. 7 They have dealt treacheroufly againft the LORD: for they have begotten ftrange chil- dren, now (toll a moncth devoure them with their portions. 8 Blow ye the cornet in Gibeah, andthc trumpet in Ramah: cry aloud at Beth-aven: af- ter thee, O Benjamin. 9 Ephraim (hall be defolate in the day of rebuke: among the tribes of Ifrael have I made known that which (hall furely be. i o The princes of Judah were like them that remove the bound : therefore I will poure ouc my wrath upon them like water. ii Ephraim -is opprefled, and broken in judgement : becaufe he willingly walked after the commandment. u Therefore wllllbewto Ephraim as a moth:& to the houfe of Judah as || rottenncffe. jj Or. to the i .{ When Ephraim faw his ficknefle,and Ju- < tn S "f 1*- dzhfaw his wound, then went Ephraim to the 7 /H .^u!/ Aflyvian, and fent || to king Jareb: yet could he jj,, Z z Exhortations to repentance. tioiear 710 not heal you, nor care you of your wouad. 14 For I >c#\llbe. unto Ephraim as a lion, and a a young lion to the houfe of Judah: I, even I will tear and go aways I will take away, and none (hall refcue him. f Hb. till 1 5 fl I will go and return to my place, t till they acknowledge their offence, and feek my face; in their affliction they will feek me early. CHAP. VI. 5 They mate the king glad with their wic. kedneffe, and the princes with their lies. 4 They arc all adulterers, as an oven heated! by the baker, |{ who ceafeth || from raifing after /] Or,'/A* he hath kneaded the dough. untill it be lea- ''/*' *" vened. "$' . j In the day o our king, the princes have **(<. made him fickjjwith bottles of wine,he ftretch- fl or, -Kith ed out his hand with (corners. heat **" P r they have || made ready their heart morning j . i-ufci exhortation t retentance. 4 when they howled upon their beds: ifelves for coi they aflemble themfelves for corn and wine, o And as troups of robbers wait for a man, ^ t hejrrebellagaintt me. company ofpncfts murder in the way I? jhough 1 1| have bound,^ ftrengthen- 8or,^ ed their arms, yet do they imsgincimTchief _/?>* againft me. 16 They return, but not to the moft high: they are like a deceitftill bow.'their princes (hall fall by the fword for the *rage of their tongue: thisjhallbe their derifionin the land of Egypt. CHAP. VIII. f-Heb.w j by confent: for they commit || lewdnefle. > io I have feen an horrible thing in the houfe of Ifrael: there the whoredome of Ephraiiu, Ifrael is defiled. 1 1 Alfo O Judah,he hath fet an harveft for thee, when I returned the captivitie of rny people. CHAP. VII. X lArep roof of minifolil/innes* IX Gtds wrath againfl them for their /ypocrifie. WHen I would have heakd Ifrael, then the iniquitie of Ephraim was difcover- sd,and the fwickednefleof Samaria : for they commit faKhood : and the thief cometh ini }-Heb. j?r>>- and the troup of robbers t fpoibth without. * ^ nc ^ r ^ e ^ ^ con fider not in their hearts, that I remember all their wickednefle : now their own doings have bef them about, they art before my face. 1,11 Deftruclion # thrextnedfor their impiety, 5 a nd id.ol3.lrie. oEf the trumpet to \ thy mouth 3 hefhall come t Heib. the td as an eagle againft thehoufe of theLoRD , rtofofthj becaufe they have tranfgrefied my covenantjand **** trefpafied againft my law. z Ifrael (hall ciy unto me,My God,we know thee. 2 Ifrael hath caft off the thing that is good: the enemic (hall purfue him. 4 They have fet up kings , but not by me: they have made princes 3 and I knew it not: of IfraelThreatned For their Chap. of their filver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off*. 5 ^ Thy calf, O Samaria, hath caft t he off j mine anger is kindled againft them : how long will it be ere they attain to innocencic? 6 For from Ifirael WM it alfo, the workman made it, therefore it z"j not God : but the calf of Samaria (hall be broken in pieces. 7 For they have fown the winde, and they J Or tfttnd. fhall reap the whirlwinde: it hath no|| ftalk:the *-c 9 r. bud (hall yeeld no meal : if fo be it yeeld, the firangers (hall fwallow it up. 8 Ifrael is fwallowed up , now (hall they be among the Gentiles, as a veffei wherein is no pleafure. 9 For they are gone up toAflyria, awilde afie alone by himfelf : Ephcaim hath hired \ Heb. levej. J lovers. 10 Yea, though they have hired among the nations, now will I gather them,and they (hall 11 Or, ttgin ij forrow a little for the burden of the king of princes. 1 1 Becaufe Ephraim hath made many altars to finne, altars (hall be unto him to finne. i a I have written to him the great things of my law,f they were counted asaftrange thing. f Or, in the i $ }| They facrifice flefh for the facrifkes of f mine offerings, and eat it 5 but the L o R D ac- cepteth them not: now will he remember their iniqutty s and vifit their finnes: they (hall re turn to Egypt. 14 For Ifrael hath forgotten his maker, and buildeth temples} and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities : but I will fend a fire upon his ci- ties, and it fhall devoure the palaces thereof. CHAP. IX. * Th e diflrelJe and caft'rvity of Ifrael far their (imus impiety and idolatry. 711 RE Joyce not, O Ifrael, for joy, as other peo- ple; for thou haft gone a whoring from thy * Jet44' 1 T- -God thou haft loved a * reward || upon every 0r,,e>c. cotn .floore. Jj Or, Hint* i The floore and the r j( wine-preffe (hall not *>- feed them, and the new wine (hall fail in her. 3 They (hall not dwell in the LORD s land; but Ephraim (hall return to Egypt , and they (ball eat unclean things inAflyria. 4 They (hall not offer wine-*/pmg* to the LoRD,neither (hall they be pleafing unto him: their facnfices Jball be unto them as the bread of mourners : all that eat thereof (hall be pol- luted : for their bread for their foul (hall not come into the houfe of the L o R D. u A 5 What will ye dointhefolemneday,and ISStuSjt in the da ? of the feaft o^he L o R D ? vtr Jb . a*l 1.1 r _ U. T _.:11 l_- ...1-~L :-i. ^r< J _ <> i-r..11fr._ U ~1 /-:_... ruleth with God,&.isfaithfull|jwith the faints. |[Or,iVA tkt CHAP. III. """* pafled over upon t her fair neck: I will make Ephraim to ride : Judahmall plow, iwd Jacob (hall break his clods. i ^ Sow to your felves in righteoufnefie,re3p , 3. in mercy: * break up your fallow ground: for it is time to feek the LORD, till he come and rain righteoufnefle upon you. . ig Ye have plowed wickednefle , ye have reaped iniquity , ye have eaten the fruit oflies: becaufe thcu didfi truft in thy way,inthe mul- titude of thy mighty men. 1 4 Thereforelhall a tumult arife among thy people, and all thy fortrefles fhall befpoiled,as wayesj according to his doings will herecom- "?' *i King* 1 8. Shalmanfpoiled* Beth-arbelintheday of bat- penfe him. 34- and 19. tt \\ . t [, e mot her was dafhed in pieces upon her children. 1 5 So fhall Beth- el do unto you, becaufe of f your great wickednefle : ir* a morning fhall the king of Ifrael utterly be cut off. CHAP. XL I T*jEphraims (innes provoke God. EPhraim feedeth on windc , and followeth after the eaft-winde: he daily increafeth lies and defolation , and they do make a covenant with the Aflfyrians , and oyl is carried into E- gypr. z The LORD hath alfo acontroverfie with Judab,and will fpunifh Jacob according to his "f^A. f Heb." the evil rfjour * Matt. . Heb i; . him, and * called my fonneout of E- gypt. a As they called them , fo they went from them: they facrificed unto Baalim, and burnt incenfeto graven images. 3 I taught Ephraim alfo to go, taking them by their arms, but they knew not that I healed them. 4 I drew them with cords of a man , with bands of love, and I was to them as they that t take off the yoke on their jaws , and I laid meat untothem y He took his brother * by the heel in the Gen.j j. irf. wombe , and by his ftrength he f * had power t Heb. * with God: ? ri " ce \ or b r e - 4 Yea, he had power over the angel ^ h t e l. prevailed: he wept and made fupplication un- Gen. 32. 24, to him : he found him in * Beth-el, and there &c. he fpake with us. * Gen.jj. 5 EvcntheLoR D GodofhoftjjtheLoRD p ' 10 ' is his * memorial!. * Exot j , t 6 Therefore turn thou to thy God : keep mercy and judgement , and- wait on thy God continually. 7 f He if\\ a merchant , the baFances of de- 1{ Or,^ e ftfthe ^'U'K t Heb. M i 3 Therefore they (hall be as the morning cloud, and as the early dew itpaflethaway,as the chaff that is driven with a whirlwinde out of the floore , and as the fmoke ou: of the chimney. 4 Yet * I am the L OR D thy God from the land of Egypt , and thou (hall know no God but me : for there is no faviour be fide me. f f I did know thee in the wildernefle in the land of j great drought. $ According to their pafiure , fo were they filled : they were filled,and their heart was ex- alted : therefore have they forgotten me. 7 Therefore I will be unto them as a lion; as a leopard by the w.iy will I obfetve them. 8 I will meet them as a bear that itberea- ved of her whelps , and will rent the caul of their hearr,and there will I dtvoure them like a lion : f l ^ e vvilde beaft (hsll tear them. ^ O Ifrael, thou haft deflroyedthy felf, met thine help. and 1 5.2?. and 1 6. i. that may fave thee in all thy citfcs ? and thy iudses of whom thou faidft, Give me a kin* inj [princes? ll I gave thee a * king in mine anger, and took him away in my wrath. i j The forrows of a travailing woman (hall come upon him , he is an unwife fonne, for he (hould not Hay J long in the place a/the break, f H c b * ing forth of children. time ' 14 I will ranfome them from J the power t H eb. th of the grave : I will redeem them from death : hAnd * * O death,! will be thy plaguesjO grave,! will * ' f. r< I5> be thy deftrudionj repentance (hall be hid from mine eyes. 1 5 11 Though he be fruitfull among his bre- thren,* an eaft-winde fhall come, the winde of * Ezck.ip. the LORD (hall come up from the wilder- ** nefle , and his fpring (hall become dry, and his fountain (hall be dried up s he (hall fpoil the treafure of all t pleafant veflels. 16 Samaria (hall become defolate, for (he hath rebelled againft her God : they (hall fall by the fword; their infants (hall be daflied in pieces, and their women withchilde (hallbc ript up. . Vf /ttt CHAP. XI1II. xhortation to repentance, blejling. of Gods OTfrael return unto the LORD thy Godjfor thou haft fallen by thine iniquitie. z Take with you words , and turn to the LOR D/ay unto him, Take away all iniquitie, and |J receive m gracioufly : fo will we render (j O the * calves of our lips. 1'if 3 Afshur(hall not fave us, we will not ride H upon horfes,neither will we fay any more to the work of our tnnds^Yeare our gods: for in thee the fatherlefie findeth mercy. 4 U I will heal their back, fliding ,1 will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him, 5 I will be as the dew unto Ifrael : hefliali K grow as the lily , and t caft forth his roots Lebanon. 6 His branches ffliill fpread,and his beauty t Heb fhall be as the olive-tree , and his fmell as Le- o banon. 7 They that dwell under his (hadow (hail return, they (hall revive as the corn } and || grow |fOr,W/ as the vine : the Hfent thereof^// be aj the|| wine of Lebanon. 8 Ephraim jZwtf fay, What have I to do any ihore with idols ? I have heard htm, and obfer- ved him: I am like a green firre.tree,frommc h rhy fruit found. 9 WhoKWife,andhe(liallunderft3nd thefe things ? pr.'denr, and he (hall know them? for thewayesof rhe LORD are rishr, and the juft fhallwalk in them: butthetranfgreflbursfhal! fall therein. 7x4 f08L. CHAP. I. *? Alas for the day:for*the day of the LORD *Ifa,ij.$ 7o*i declaring fundr? judgements of God,ekorteth is at hand , and as a deftruftion from the Al- to otftrve them, 8 And to mourn. 14 He frefcrtbeth r Abvking. caft it away, the branches thereof are made white. yea. , joy and eladnefie from the houfe of our God-? 17 The t feed is rotten under their clods,the garners are laid defolate , the barns are broken down; for the corn is withered. 18 How do the beafts groan? the herds of cattell are perplexed , becaufe they have no pa- fture; yea,the flocks of fheep are made defolate, 19 O L o R D, to thee will I cry: for the fire hath devoured the fl paftures of the wildernefle, jj Or & the flame hath burnt all the trees of the field. *' 23 The beafts of thc field cry alfo unto thee: for thc rivers of waters are dried up, and the fire hath devoured the paftures of the wilderncfle. CHAP. II. i Hefoeweth unto Zion the terribleneffeofGodsftfae* ment. 12 He exhorteth to repentance, 1 J p refer ibeth a fafl , 1 8 promifeth a blefiing thereon. 21 He com^ forteth Zion with prefent, 18 and future BLow ye the [j trumpet in Zion , and found ft Or, an alarm in my holy mountain : let all the inhabitants of the land tremble : for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; i A day of darknefleandof gloominefle, a day of clouds and of thick darknelTe , as the morning fpread upon the mountains : a great people and a flrong , there hath not been ever 8 ^ Lament like a virgin girded with fack- the like, neither fhall be any more after it, even cloth for the husband of her youth. to the yeares | of many generations. f Heb. efg 3 A fire devoureth before them,and behinde ner * tian '"* them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden- s " KMr "" > * of Eden before them , and behinde them a de- The meat-oriering,and the drink-offering is cut off from the houfc of the L o R D 5 the priefis the LORDS miniftcrs mourn. 10 The field is wafted, the land mourneth; y Or } ,>w#^^^^Z& ^SteS~^L^ *,* SSod7 ^ am ng the ^ Ie ' Whe " ^,. a f d Ae *i whom the L o 4 fliall caU, A P. III. jpj and 7,'aoJ ' } Then will the L o R D be jealous for and 1 15. a, his land, and pity his people. fer& Md fa '-" n - , Behold, I will fend you corn.and /B f '*<* eh om you the I will alfo gather all nations , and will into a land bring them down into the valley of Jehoflw- ~ phac, and will plead with them there for my people, and for my heritage Ifrael, whom they tHb 4 wa^^TWW 1 * harc a , K da ni o 1 , 5 ,h m, I omVndpaS !"- -" ^" p> " 1 hMk done T land - uit, the fig-tree and the itmerwill yerenderme a recompenfe? andif SiMr^n f * yerecompenfe me,fwiftly flrf fpcedilywilll children of Z M and re- rctarn your recompcnfe upon you? own head. ur God: for he hath gi, , ]i ewufe ye ^ w en i y film anr,vftrtA- fljill go into captivity unto Kir,faith the LORD elitn ' 6 ^ Thus faith the L ORD, For three tranf- greffions of * Gaza , and for foure I will not * j. Chroiu turn away the pnn> foment thereof: becaufe they a 8. 18. j| carried away captive the whole captivitie,to ||Or,MrVrf deliver them up to Edom. them *y 1 But I will fend a fire on the wall of Gaza, JJ^VJ; Which (hall devoure the palaces thereof. ^T ? " 8 And I will cut off the inhabitant from Afhdod, and him that holdeth the fcepter from Afhkelon , and I will turn mine hand againtt Ekronj and the remnant of the Philiftines (hall pcrifli, faith the Lord GOD. 9 R Thus faith the LoRD,For three trani- greflions of Tyrus, and for foure I will not turn ivnytbe punishment thereof: becaufe they de- livered up the whole captivity to Edom, and remembred not f the brotherly covenant. t Hcb. the 10 But I will fend a fire on the wall of Ty- ctvnmt of rus, which (hall devoure the palaces thereof. ** j i refle.y f Heb. deli' t ta ^eth out of the mouth of the lion two legs, ye not returned unto me, faith the L o R D. ii I ha ve overthrown fame of you, as God overthrew * Sodom and Gomorrah , and ye * GCB.I^ were as a firebrand pluckt out of the burning: ** * 5 * yet have ye not returned unto me, faith the LORD. 1 1 Therefore thus will I do unto thee , O Ifrael : and becaufe I will do this unto thee, or apiece of an eare ; fo (hall the children of Ifrael be taken out that dwelHn Samaria , in ,fHeb.oM the the corner of a bed,& |jin Damafcus ia a couch, i $ Heare ye, and tcftifie in the houfe of Ja- cob,faith the Lord GOD,the God of hofts, ROr, funijh .14 That in the day that I (hall || vifit the //i//br. tranfgreflions of Ifrael upon him, I will alfo vifit the altars of Beth* el, and the horns of the altar (hall be cat off, and fall to the ground. if And I will finite the winter-houfe with the fummer-houfe, and the houfes of ivory (hall perifh, and the great houfes (ball have an end, iaith the LORD. CHAP. IIII. I H reprtveth Ifrael for effrefiion, 4 for Idolatry , 6 and for their ietrngti>lene(fe. HEare this word,ye kine of Ba(han, that are in the mountain of .Samaria, which op. prefle the poore, which crulh the needy, which fay to their matters, Bring, and let us drink. .z The Lord GOD hath fwornby hisholi- nefle, that lo the day es (hall come upon you , that he will take you away with hooks, & your potter ity with fi(h hooks. $ And ye (hall go out at the breaches, every 8 Oe, ye fitf e$*> at that which is before her, and || ye (hall "ft AV>V > the caft them into the palace, faith the LORD. Come to Beth-el and tranfgrefle, at prepare to meet thy God, O Ifrael. 13 For lo, he that formeth the mountains* andcreateththe(|winde, and declareth man what is his thought , that maketh the morning darkne(Te,and treadeth upon the high places of the earth, the LORD, the God of hofts u his name. CHAP. V. I \A lajuentatitn far Ifrael. 4 Jin txhwtatitn u reftnta.net. n God rejetteth their hjfocrhicdl ferviee* HEare ye this word which I take up againft you 3 even a lamentation^O houfc of Ifrael. i The virgin of Ifrael is fallen, fhe mail no more rife : (he is forfaken upon her \*nd,tbcre if nonetoraifeherup. 3 For thus faith the Lord G O D, The city that went out by a thoufand, (hall leave an han- dred,and that which went forth by an hundred, (ball leave ten to the houfe of Ifrael. t Heb./o^e * 4 51 For thus faith the LORD unto the houfe Gilgal multiply tranfgreflion; and bring your of Ifrael, Seek ye me, and ye (hill live, facrifices every morning, and your tithes after 5 But fcek not * Beth-el,nor enter into Gil- * CEap. 4.44 t three jeares. gal, and pafle not to Beer-(heba: for Gilgal / . f And toffer a facrifice of thankfgiving with (hall furely go into captivitie, and Beth-el (hall leaven, and proclaim Seekthe L O RDandyefhall live,lefthe Ifrael,faith the Lord GOD. 6 f And I alfo have given you cleanneffe of teeth in all your cities, and want of bread in all your places ; yet have ye not returned unto me, faith the LORD. 7 And alfo I have withholden the rain from you, when there were yet three moneths to the harveft, and I caufed it to rain upon one city , and caufed it not to rain upon another city : one piece was rained upon, and the piece whereupon it rained not, withered. 8 So two or three cities wandered unto one mul- ***}> to drink waterjbut they were not fatisfied: titude of yet have ye not returned unto me, faith the LORD. ^ I have fmitten you with blafting and mil- ^ ew 3 II when your gardens and your vineyards, *, *t. and your fig trees, and your olive-trees mciea- break out like fire in the houfe of Jofeph and devoure it, and there be none to quench h in Beth-el. Ye who turn judgement to wormwood, your and leave offrighteoufnefle in the earth, 8 Se eli him that maketh the * feven ftarres * Job. 9. 9'. and Orion , and turneth the (hadow of death 9nd 3 8< *' ; into the morning , and maketh the day dark with night : that * callcth for the waters of the *Cbap. 9, 6. fea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth, the L o R D is his name : 9 That ftrengtheneth the f fpoiled againft fHeb.//>o/. the ftrong ; fo that the fpoiled (hall come againft the fortreffe. i o They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhorre him that fpeaketh uprightly. ii Forafmuch therefore as your treading is upon the poore, and ye take from hi.-n bur- dens Or, *r** >me. .urn. 1 1.7. Ifraels hypocrifie reproved. Chap. vi. vii. Her wantonneffe plagued. fceph.t.13. dens of wheat,* ye have built houfw of hewen to whom the houfe of Ifrael came. ftone, but ye ftnll not dwell in them : ye have 3eb. "*- planted fpleafant vineyards, but ye (hall not :rd> of dc- drink wine of them. "' ^ For I know your manifold tranfgreffi- ons, and your mightic finnes: they aflid the jufijthey take || a bribe, and they turn afide the poorc in the gate from their right. 13 Therefore the prudent (hall keep filence in that time, for it M an evil time. 14 Seek good and not evil, that ye may live: and fo the LORD the God ofhofts Oull be With you, as ye have fpoken. if* Hate the evil, and love the good, and eftablifh judgement in the gate : it may be that the LORD God of hofts will be gracious unto theremnantof Jofeph. 16 Therefore the LoRD the God of hofts, the Lord faith thus, Wailing Jball be in all flreets, and they fliall fay in all the high-wayes, Alas, alas: and they (lull call the husbandman to mourning, and fuchasare skilfuil of lamen- tation, to wailing. 1 7 And in all vineyards fball be wailing : for Iwill paffe throughthee, faith the LORD. 1 8 * Wo unto you that defire the day of the LoRD:to what end u it for you? the day of the LORD wdarkneffe and not light. ccpu.i.i). i ^ As jf a man ^d flee from a lion, and a bear met himjor went into the houfe,and lean, ed his hand on the wall, and a ferpent b him. ao Shall not the day of the LORD be dark- nefle , and not light ? even very dark, and no brightneffeinit? * i f *I hate,I defpife y our.feaft- dayes, and I will not J| frneH in your folemn affemblies. ^^ Though ye offer me burnt-of}rings,and your meat-offerings^ Iwill not accept them : neither will I regard the |J peace- offerings of your fat beafts. a 3 Take thou away from me the noife of thy fongs, for I wall not hearc the melody of thy viols. 24 But let judgement f run down as waters,. and righteoufneffe as a mightie ftream. 25 * Have ye offered unto me facrifices and offerings in the wilderneffe fourty yeares, Q uQUiC or llrdcl \ * *nwji^ \^/ uwun> ./i nitxii^i^jiii |Or, Sicaith 26 But ye have born || the tabernacle of your God of hofts, and they (hall affirft you from >tur king- Moloch and Chiun your images, the ftarre.of the entring in of Hemath, unto the jj river of O your god, which ye made to your felves. 17 Therefore will I caufc you to go into ca- ptivitie.be.yond Damafcos , faith the LORD, whofe name u the God ofhofts. CHAP. VI. I.ukerf*t? n For behold, the LORD comnwndeth, J^j^ or & he will fmite the great houfe with Breaches, y Or, frgw and the little houfe with clefts. pny* - ' _j ii 5f Shall horfes run upon the rock ? will- one plow there with oxen? for ye have turned judgementinto gall , and .the fruit of righte- oufnefle into hemlock. i j Ye which rejoyce in a thing of nowghr, Which fay , Have we not taken t&us horns byr our own ftrength ? 14 But behold, I will caife up againft ycu a nation, O houfe of Ifrael jfaith the LORD the the wilderneffc* CHAP VII. I thejitjgcmrnttof thegrajbofpers, 4 and of the fire* are dnjf/ted ty the prayer of ,4mti. 7 Bv the trail gf- a. fhcm^e-lme it ff^iified the tejeffion oflir-' *- 3tiatah complitneth of lAmts. i^..t^mot cxllmgy \6 and tA>rui*I judgement;. THus hath the Lord GOD (hewed unto me, a ThercjeaionoflfraeL 7 ao *growth, and lo, it teas the Utter growth after the kings mowings. 2 And it came to pafle, that when they had made an end of eating the graffe of the land, then I faid, O Lord GOD, forgive, I befeech jJOr,u'fcoof thee, |1 by whom fliall Jacob artfe ? for he is ( or,for) /4- fmall. Amos. Oppreffion reproved. CHAP. viu. By a. ttsliet offumtter-fruttyitjbevftd the prefiftjuitj of Ifrxels end, 4 Opfrefsion it removed* ur- ing the balances by deceit ? verting the 6 That we may buy the poore for * filver, ^eceTt! and the needy for. a pair.e of (hoes j yea/and fell *chap.z.*: the refufe of the wheat ? 7 The LORD hath fworn by the excellency of JacobjSurelyl will never forger any of their works. 8 Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein? and it (hall rife up wholly as a floud j & it (hall be caft out and drowned, as by the floud of Egypt. o And it (hall come topafle in that day, faith the Lord GoD,that I will caufe the funne to go down at s noon , and I will darken the earth in the clear day. 10 And I will turn your feafts into mourn- ing, and all your fongs into lamentation, and 1 will bring up fackcloth upon all loyns , and baldneffc upon every head: andlwillmake it as the mourniog of an.onely fonne , and the- ' end thereof as a bitter day. 1 1 f Beholdjthe dayes come,faith the Lord GoD,that I will fend a famine in the Iand,not a famine of bread, nor a thirft for water,butof hearingthe words of the LORD. 1 1 And they fliall wander from fca to f ea and from the north even totheeaft, they flnll run to and fro to feek the word of the LORD, and fliall not finde it. 15 In that day '(hall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirft. 1 4 They that (wear by the finnc of Samaria , and fay,Thy God,O Dan,liveth, and the man- ner of Beer-flieba liveth j even they ihall fall, and never rife up again. CH A P. IX. i The certainty tf the defohtion. n The refloringtf the ta.berna.cle of Dti/id. I Saw the Lord (tanamg upon the altar , and he did, Smite the J| lintel of the doore, that the The certaintie of the defolatioh? Obadiah; The reftoring of Davids tabernacle. 8,&c. the pofts may fhake: and ([cut them in the head all of them and I will flay the laft of them with the fword : he that fleech of them, fliall not flee awayj and he that efcapeth of them, fhall not be delivered. a * Though they dig into hell, thence fliall mine hand take them: though they climbe up to heaven, thence will I bring-them down. 3 And though they hide themfclves in the top of Carmel,*! will fearch and take them out thence, and though they be hid from my fight in the bottome of the fea, thence will I com- mand the ferpent, and he fliall bite them. 4 And though they go into captivitie before their enemies , thence will I command the fjcr.44.ii- ftvord,andit (hall flay them: and *I will fee mine eyes upon them for evil,;md not for good 5 And the Lord G o D of hofts whe that toucheth the land, and it (hall melt , and all that dwell therein fliall mourn, and it fliall rife up wholly like a floud, and fhall be drowned, as by the floud of Egypt. 6 it is he that buildeth his J] \ * flories in the heaven, and hath founded his jj troup in the carth,hethat *calleth for the waters of the fea, and poureth them out upon the face of the *Chap-5.8. earth: the LORD is his name. 7 ^ire ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me,O children of Ifrael, faith the LORD? have not I brought up Ifrael out of the land of rje r '47'4' Egypt? and the * Philiftines from Caphtor, and the Aflyrians from Kir? 8 Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are SOrjurutle. upon the finfull kingdome , and I will deflroy 75 1 it from oft the face of the earth; fnvingth.it I will not utterly deftroy the hotife of Jacob, faith theL OR D. 9 For lo,l will command, and I will f fife f Heb. conk the houfe of Ifrael among all nations, like as tomw:, corn is lifted in a five, yet (hall not the kaft t grain fall upon the earth. f Hcb ftfH ^ 10 All the finners of my people Qiall die by the fword, which fay, The evil (hall not over- take nor prevent us. 1 1 f In that day will I raife up the * taker"- *Aa. i j. i e. nacle of David that is fallen, and t clofe up the t Hcb. /*,* by my name, faith the L o R D that doth this. * >/) ' w m y i j Behold, the dayes come, faith the LORD, wme u c * lled ' that the plowman fhall overtake the reapcr,and the treader of grapes, him that t foweth feed, -j- Heb.***; and the mountains fhall drop II* fweet wine, etb forth and all the hills (hall melt. U .r, ** 14 And I will bring again the captivitic of "'?', , ,* my people of Ifrael, and they mail build the J $ ' walte cities, and inhabite them; and they (hall plant vineyards , and drink the wine thereof: they fliall alfo make gardens, and eat the frnic of them. i y And I will plant them upon their land, and they fhall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, faith th LORD thy God. OBADIAH 8 We deflru&ion fEdot, 1 for their pride, lo *nd far their -tntng unto factb. 17 ThtfdvMieiKHtdvifforie ./Jacob. He vifion of Obadiah. Thus faith the Lord GOD, concerning E- dom, * We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambafla- - dourisfcnt among the heathen, Arife ye,and let us rife up againft her in battell. z Behold, I have made thee fmall among the heathen: thou art greatly defpifed. 5 ^f The pride of thine heart hath deceived thecrthou that dwelleft in the clefts of the rock, whofe habitation K high,that faith in his heart, Who fliall bring me down to the ground? 4 * Though thou exalt thy fe I /"as the eagle, &. though thou fet thy neft among the ftarres, thence will I bring thee down,faith the LORD. $ If * theeves came to thee, if robbers by night, ( how art thou cut off!) would they not have ftolkn till they had enough ,- if the grape- gatherers came to thee , would they not leave 6 How are the things of Efaufearchedout? i&. botv are his hid things fought up? 7 All the men of thy confederacie have brought thee even to the border :f the men that + He b the were at peace with thee have deceived thce } and m :n of thy prevailed againft thec.-ft^ that eat thy bread, f e(Ke - have laid a wound under thee : there is none ^ Heb ; r , he undemanding j| in him. ?"/ ' 8 * Shall I not in that day, faith the LORD, jjor, 'of it. even deftroy the wife men out of Edom, and * lh- 2 ?- V' underitanding out of the mount of Efau? J cr - 4?-7 9 And thy mightie men, O Teman, fhall be difmayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Efau may be cut offby flaughter. 10 ^ For thy* violence againft thy brother *Gcn.27.4i Jacob, mamc fhall cover thee, and thou fhalt Eiek.jj.j. be cut off for ever. Amos 1 - lt ' it In the day that thou ftoodeft on the o- ther iide, in the day that the ftrangcis |[ canie A a a away Jonah fcnt to Nineveh . Jonah. He is cafl into the fea; 1.7 ^ But upon mount Zion fhall be || delive- |[Or,r A//"^ even thou waft as one of them. they had no: been. Oryfc not j i jj ut y t hou fhouldeft not have looked on ehoidj&c. thedayof thy brother, in the day that -he be- ranee came a ftranger, neither fhouldeft thou have houfc of Jacob Hull pofleffe their pofleffions. rejoyced over the children of Judah in the day 18 And the houfe of Jacob fhall be a fire, "' ""' J ' of their deftruftion : neither fhouldeft thou and the houfe of Jofcph a flame, and the houfe ''- have f fpoken proudly in the day of diftrefle. of Efau for ftubble, and they ihall kindle in ij Thou fhouldeft not have entred into the them, and devoure them, and there fhall not gate of my people in the day of their calamitie: be any remaining of the hojule of Efauj for the yea, thou fhouldeft not have looked on their LORD hath fpoken it. affliction in the day of their cabmitie,nor have 19 And they of .the fouth fhill pofTefle the f[Or,/^Ti~mVu 16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy Zion to judge the mount of Efau , and the James 5.20. mountain, /b fhall all the heathen drink conti- * kingdome fhall be the L o R D s. "Luke 1-33* firth, t Hcb. thought to be broken. CHAP. I. I Jonah fent to Nineveh, flftth to Tarjbijb. 4 He i t be. eft, ii thrown into the fe* t 17 and . Ow the wow! of the L o R D <^ime unto || Jonah the fonni; of Amit- tai, faying, z Arife , go to Nineveh that * great citie,and crie ag-iinft itj for their wickednefle is come up before me. 3 But Jonah rofe up to flee unto Tarfhiih from the prefence of the LORD, and went down to Joppaj and he found a fhip going to Tarfhifh: fo he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it to go with them unto Tarfliifh, from the prefence of the LORD. 4 [f But theL OR D tfentout agreatwinde into the fea,and there was a mightie tempeft in the fea, fo that the fhip } was like to be broken. f .Then the mariners were afraid, and cried every man unto his god , and caft forth the wares that were in the fhip, into the fea, to lighten ; of them : but Jonah was gone down into the fides of the fhip, and he jay, and was fafl* aflcep. 6 So the fhip-maftcr came to him, and faid tinto him, What mcaneft thou,O fleeper? arife, call upon thy God, if fo be that God will think upon us, that ws psrifh not. 7 And they faid every one to his fellow, J O N A H Come, and kt us caft lots, that we may know for whofe caufc this evil is upon us, So they caft lots, and the lot fell upon Jonah, 8 Then faid they unto him.Tell us,we pray thee, for whofe -caufe this cl M -upon, wu^vhat is thine occupation? and whence couiefl thou? what -is thy countrcy?& of what people art thou 9 And he faid unto them, I am an Hebrew, and I fear the LORD the God of heaven, which hath made the fea and the dne land. 10 Then were the men | exceedingly afraid, -[Heb.iv//6 and faid unto him, Why haft thou done this? great fear. ( for the men knew that he fled from .thepte- fencc of the L o R c, becaufe .he had told-them) 1 1 ^r Then f.ud they uato him, What fh?.ll we do unto thce, that the fea f may be calm fHeb.w^rfc unto us? ( for the fca|| ^wrought and was tem- J' le "ff r ^ peftuous) . "2S5* i a And he faid unto them, Take me up, ^re tempe- and caft me forth into the fea; foihall the fea ft^us. be calm unto you: for 1 know that for my fake t Het> - vent this great tempeft Is upon you. 15 Neverthelefle the men ,f rowed hard to t bring it to the land, but they could notjfor the fea wrought, &was tempeltuousagainfi them. i \ Wherefore they cried unto the LORD, and faid,We tcfeech thee,O LoRD,we 'befcech thee, let us not perifh for this mans life, and. lay not upon US-innocent bloud : for thou, O LORD, haft done as it pleafed thcc. 15 So Jonahs prayer; Chap. 15 So they took Up Jonah, &caft him forth Heb-/ I went down to the f bottoms of the mountains-; the earth with her barres wot about me for ever: yet haft their brought up j] Or, the pit, my life from || corruptionjO L o R D my God. 7 When my foul fainted within me, I re- membred the LOR o,and my prayer came in unto thec, into thine holy temple. 8 They that obferve lying vanities, forfakc their own-mercy. 9 But I will facrifice unto thec with the *Pal-5o. voiceof *thankfoiving, I will pay that thatl 1 4, 2 5 . and have vowed: * falvatio*!! is of the L o R D. H f V4 2 10 ' And tne LoRD ipake unto the fifli, y \ j? ' 15. an<1 " vomited out Jonah upon the dry land. CHAP. III. I Jcn*h fcnt again jpreachcth to the Kintuitti. ^JVptn their repentance, 10 Gcd repenteth. A Nd. the word of the LORD came unto Xl Jonah the fecond time, faying, z Arife,go unto Nineveh that great city,and preach^to it the preaching that I bid thee. 3 So Jonah arofe and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD: (now Ni- neveh was an t exceeding great city of three daycs journey ) 4 And Jonah began to enter into the city a d.iycs journey,and he cricd,and faid,Yet fotn ty daycs and Nineveh (hall be overthrown. * Matth.ia. f T So the people of Nineveh * bclcevcd 41- God, and proclaimed afaft,and put onfack- lulteai< 3 2 ' cloth from the greatcft of them even to the leaftofthcm. 6 For word came unto the king of Nineveh, and he arofe from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, & Covered him with fackck>th, and fat in afhes. / ii. iii, iiii. His repining reprove^. 7 And he caufed hto be proclaimed, and 7ij t publiflied through Nineveh ( by the decree of t He the king and his \ nobles) fayin?, Let neither t *&>.?**. man nor beaft,herd nor flock talte any thingj **' let them not feed, nor drink water. 8 But let man and beaft be covered witl fickcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, lee them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands. 9 * Who can tell ;/ God will turn and re- * Jccl * 14. penr,andturn away from his fierce anger, that we pcrim not? 10 f And God faw their wc4^s,that they turned from their evil way, and God repented of the evil that he had faid that he would do unto them, and he did knot. CHAP. IIII. I Jonah refining At Gods merry, 4 u reffcvtd b] th type of agturd. TjUtit difplcafed Jonah exceedingly, and he Jjwas very angry. * And he prayed unto the L o R p, and faid. I pray thee, O 'L o R D, tv^f not this my fa) ing,when I was yet in my countrey? Therefore I ^fled before unto Tarflii(h: for I knew that *Chaj).i. j. thou art a * gracious God and mercifull, flow 4 Exod tf to anger and of great kindncfle, and repeme.fl pf a i. g' 6 . ^ thee of the evil. Joelz.ij.". 5 Therefore now, O L o R D, take,l bcfeech thee, my life from mej for it/V better forme to die then to live. 4 fl Then faid the L o R D , || Doft thou Well |j to be angry ? 5 So Jonah went out of the city, and fat on the eaft fide of the city, and there made him a booth, and fat under it in the fhadow,tili he might fee what would become of the city. 6 And the LORD God prepared a ||f gourd, l[Or,pa{- and mad i/to come up over Jonah, that it men p. might be a fhadow over his head, to deliver j" ? cbl *& him from his grief. So Jonah t was exceeding | Heb re* glad of the gourd. " fa^ ^ 7 But God prepared a worm when the mor- great jty. ning rofe the next day, and it fmote the gourd that it withered. 8 And itcametopaflewhen the funne did arifc,that God prepared a|jvehement eaft-wind j U OT,flent. and the ftinnc beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wifhed in himfelf to die, and faid, It is better for me to die then to live. 9 And God faid to Jonah, || Doft thou well j] <3 r> aff to be angry for the gourd? and he faid, || I do tfau greatly well to be angry even unto death. M f r J ? 10 Then faid : the LORD, Thou hnft H lied B * * pity on the gourd, for the which thou hid riot |^* J laboured, neither rmdcft it grow,which| came jj Or,/ up in a night, and pcriihed in a night. f Heb" i r And inouldnot I fparc Nineveh that great J*J * city, wherein arc more then lix-fcorc thoufand ' en '^ } ' perfonSjthat cannot difccrn between their n>;ht hand and their left hand ,ind <*//(> mttch cattell? A a a MIC AH. MICAH. CHAP. I. I JtJita.b Jbew::b the wrath of Cod again/I Jacob, for iaolafry. 10 He exhtrtetb To mourning . : word of the L o R D that came to Micah the Morafthitc in the dayes of Jotham, Ahaz, and He- fcekiah, kings of Judah, which he faw concerning Samaria and Jerufalem. f Heb. heart i f Heare, all ye people, * hearken,O earth, ye fefle all Q nd t all that therein is, and let the Lord G o D *^Deu7' 1 1. k fi witncfle againft you, the Lord from his ho- 3fa. C j U .o. 3 ' 'ly temple. t Heb. the J For behold, * the LORD Cometh forth fulmjje there- out of his * place, and will come down, and */j fa j^ 2 1 trcac * u P on c ^ e * kik pl^es of the earth. * Pfa'l.i 15.3*. 4 And * the mountains (hall be molten un- *Dcut. 5 2.i3 der kirn, and the valleys (lull be cleft: as wax and 3 j. 19- before the fire, znA as the waters that are pou- tHcb'7 red down fa ftecp place. 5 Forthetrarrfgreflion of Jacob it all this, and for the finnes of the houfe of Ifrael. What ii the tranfgrelfion of Jacob? ii it not Samaria? and what are the high places of Judah ? are they not Jerufalem ?"" 6 Therefore I will make Samaria as an heap of the field, and, as plantings of a vine- yard; and I will poure down the ftones thereof into the valley, and I will difcover the founda- tions thereof. 7 And all the graven images thereof (hall be beaten to phces, and all the hires thereof (hall be burnt with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay defolate:for (he gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they (hall return to the hire of an harlot. Ift. 5. J, jeeof jTo'r,(hcis Morcfheth-gath : the houfes of ty Achzib jhall \\ That is, be a lie to the kings of Ifrael. alts. if Yet will 1 bring an heir unto thee, O inhabitant of Ivlaremah: ||he (hall come unto ft O r, the git. Adullam the glory of Ifrael. ry ef if t *et 1 6 Make thee * bald, and poll thee for thy .M* ceme * delicate children, enlarge thy baldneffeas the jfjj. eagle , for they are gone into captivity from thee. CHAP. II. I lAgainft opprefsien. 4 *A lamentation. 7 *A rtfrtcf tf injuflice and idolatry . 12 *A promt ft f rtjterin Jacob. WO to them that devife iniquity , and work evil upon their beds: when the morning is light, they praclife it becaufc it is in the power of their hand. * And they covet * fields, and take them by violence: and houfes, and take them away, fo they || opprefl'e a man and his houfe a even a man and his heritage. 3 Therefore thus faith the LORD, Behold, againft this family do Idevife an evil, from which ye (hall not remove your necks, neither (hall ye go haughtily: for this time is evil. 4. ^J In that day (hall one take up a parable againft you, and lament jwith a dolefull la- , Hcb M mentation, and fay, We be utterly fpoiled:hc A lamentation hach changed the portion of my people: how of lamcnt*- hath he removed it from me? R turmn? away '""" he hath divided our fields. ^tUtf,"* 5 Therefore thou (halt have none that ' } rt f tnn l' (hall*caft a cord by lot in the congregation *Deut.ja. of the LORD. *> 9 ' . 6 || f * Prophefie yc not, fay they to thffn UOr,pnpke. that prophefie: they (hall not prophefie to JK?fcas rA/j them, that they (hall not take (hame. ^n'b'd 7 ^ O thou that art named the houfe of . r- e ' ro ^ Jacob, is the fpirit of the LORD || ftraitned? * Ifa. 30.10. ^rjbortncdt * z.Sam. i That is, ' 8 Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go f Keb.4fHg- ftript and naked: I will make a wailinghke the dragons, and mourning as the j owls. 9 For [j her wound is incuvable,for it is come are thefe his doings?do not my words do good unto Judah: he is come unto the gate of my to him that walketht uprightly? t^eb. jp- people, even to Jerufalem. 8 Even } of late my people is riftji up as an right. 10 ^| * Declare ye it not at Gath,weepye enemy: yc pull off" the robe ( with thegarment, J Heb. jr. not at all: in the houfe of || Aphrah * toll thy from them that pafle by fecurely, as men averfe ^\\ o felf in the duft. frorawarre. <*?/?* 11 Paffeyeaway, |] thou t inhabitant of Sa- 9 The || women of my people have ye oft *te*t. phir, having thy * (hame naked j the inhabitant out from their pleafant houfes, frpm their chil- Ii -> ' f ^ vei of (| Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of dren have ye taken away my glory forever. j| Beth-ezeljhc (hall receive of you his ftanding. 10 Arifeyeand depart, for this is not yo#r 1 2. For the inhabitant of Maroth jj waited reft: becaufe it is polluted, it (hill dcftroy you carefully for good ; but on the head of them. I The cruelty cf the princes, fliers. 8 Th: fecuritj tf CHAP. III. 5 Tbefaljbtodtftbeprt- if them btth. mountains, and it fhall be exalted above the hills, and people fhall flow unto it. z And many nations fhall come and fay, Come and let us go up to the mountain of the L o R D, and to the houfe of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us of his wayes, and we Will walk in his paths : for the law fhall go forth of 4d I faid, Hcare, I pray you, O heads of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerufo- acob , and ye princes of the houfe of 1C- lem. rael; is it not for you to know judgement? 3 f And he fhall judge among many peo- z Who hate the good, and love the evil, pie, and rebuke ftrong nations afarrc off, and Who pluck off their skinne from off them, and 'hey fhall beat their fwords into * plowfhares, * if a . 2.4. their flein from off their bones. and their fpears into|| prumng-hooks : nation Joel j. *. .5 Who alfo eat the flefh of my people, and faall not lift up a fword againft nation, neither II Ol >f thett flay their skinne from off them, and they break fhall they learn warrc any mere. 4 But they fhall fit every man under hisr vine, and under his fig-tree, and none fhall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hofts hath fpoken it. 5 For all people will walk everyone in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever. 6 In that day, faith the LoRD,will I aflem- ^ i their bones and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as fleth within the cauldron. 4 Then fhall they cry unto the LORD, but he will not hearc them: he will even hide his face from them at that time, as they have be- haved themfelves ill in their doings. 5 4j Thus faith the LORD concerning the * Chap. J. ii-. prophets that make my people erre, that* bite ~ * :^u ^1 :~ ^---.L i _. T I t_ !,.. with their teeth, and cry, Peace : and he that ble her that halteth, and I will gather her that putteth not into their mouthes, they even pre- is driven out, and her that 1 have afflicted. 7 And I will make her that * halted, a re- inft him. pare warrc agan i f Heb-jrim 6 Therefore night fhzll be unto you f that mnant, and her that was caft farrc ofi^ a ftrong * nation; and the LORD * fhall reigne over them * Dan. 7. 14. in mount Zion, from henceforth even for ever. Luke i. 3J. ' 8 f And thou, O tower of the flock, the ftrong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee fhall it come , even the firft dominion , the ye fhall not have avifion,and it fhall be dark unto you , f that ye fhall not divine, and the funne fhall go down over the prophets, and the day fhall be dark over them. 7 Then fhall the feers be amamed, and the mail it come, even the htit dominion, the diviners confounded : yea, they fhall all cover kingdome fhall come to the daughter of Jeru- f Heb.#*r- their f lips, for there is no anfwer of God. falem. lip* 8 ^ But truelylam full of power by the 9 Now vthydoft thou cry out aloud ?ts there fpiritoftheLoR D, and of judgement and of no king in thee? is thy counfeller perifhed ?for might, to declare unto Jacob his tranfgreffion, pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail. and to Ifrael his finne. 10 Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O 9 Heare this , I pray you, ye heads of the daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for houfe of Jacob,and princes of the houfe of If- now fhalt thou go forth out of the city , and rael, that abhorre judgement, and pervert all thou fhalt dwell in the field, and thou lhalt go equitie. even to Babylon,there fhalt thou be delivered: 10 They build up Zion with* ibloudjand there the L OR D fhall redeem thee from' the Jerufalem with iniquity. hand of thine enemies. i-3 ? ii The heads thereof judge for reward,and 1 1 f Now alfo many nations are gathered b.UoMtls. fa prjcfts thereof teach for hire, and the pro- againft thee, that fay, Let her be defiled, and" phets thereof divine for money: yet will they let our eye look upon Zion. lean upon the L o R D t and fay , Is not the n But they know not the thoughts of the LORD among us ? none evil can come up- LORD, neither understand they his counfell: on us. for he fhall gather them as the fheaves into 11 Therefore (hall Zion for your fake be thefloore. > Jcr.itf.ig, * plowed as a field,and Jerufalem fhall become * Eiefc. a J. 27. . i j Arife and thrcfh, O daughter of Zion: heaps, and the mountain of the houfe, as the for I will make thine horn iron, and I will high places of the forreft, make thy hoofs fcrafle ,and thou fhalt beat in A a a j pieces Chrifts kingdome and cortqueftV Micah. Gods contrdveriie for unkitidnefTe, 7 3,6 pieces many people: and I will con&crate their the midft of thee: fo will I deftroy thy f| cities . H Or 3 gain unto the L o R D, and their fubftance un- to the Lord of the whole earth. C H A P. V. . I The birth f Cbrift. 4 His kjngdome. 8 Ha ctnqueft. NOw gather thy felf in troups, O daughter of troups : he hath laid ficge againft us: they (h ill fmitc the judge of Ifrael wuh a rod upon the cheek. *Matth.a.6 * But thou * Beth-lehem Ephratah, jfe9Kg& John 7.42. thou be little among the thousands of Judah, And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, fab as they have not heard. CHAP. VI. I Gads contn-jerfe ftr unkindnejfe , 6 for ignorance, 10 ftr injufiice, \6 and for idolatry. HEare ye now what the LORD faith, Arife, contend thou jj before the * mountains, and let the hills heare thy voice. i Heare ye, O mountains, the LoRDscon- mountains. || Or, ttitk. "Ifa. i. a. yet out of thee fhalfhecome forth unto me, troverfie, and ye ftron? foundations of the J . ..1 Ir - *4. 1 I r /"- . I A1W4.U r*~..._t-_T 1.1 f~ that if to be ruUr in Ifrael; whofe goings forth J-Hcb.^* have bee/t from of old, from feverlafting. Jajei of eter- ^ Therefore will he give them up,nntill the time that (he which travailech hath brought forth: then the remnmtof his brethren ihali retarn unto the children of Ifrael. fl Or, rule, 4 fl And he (hall ftand and jj feed in the ilrength of the LORD, in the majefty of the name of the LORD his God, and they (hall abide : for nov thill he be great unto the ends of the earth. 5 And this mxn (hall be the peace when the Affyrian (hall come into our land: and when he {hall tread in our palaces, then (hall we raife f Heb./>rV againft him feven ihepherds, and eight f prin- ctsfmsn. cipallmen. + Heb.* ^ And they (hall t wafte the land of Aflyria *p. with the fword, & the land of Nimrod || in the D Or, ttlth entrances thereof: thus ihall he deliver ut from the Affyrian when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders. 7 And the remnant of Jacob (hall be in the midft of many people, as a dew from the L o R D,as the ihowres upon the grafle, that tarrieth not for man,nor waiteth for the fonocs of men. 8 ^j And the remnint of Jacob (hill be among the Gentiles in the midft of many peo- ple, as a lion among the beafts of the forreft, as j, Q T , tttj a young lion among the flocks of jj (hecp: who if he go through, both treadeth down, and tcareth in pieces, and none can deliver. 9 Thine hand (hall be lift up upon thin: ad yerfaries,and all thine enemies (hill be cut off* 10 And it (hall come to paffe in that day, faith the LORD, that I will cut off thy horfes out of the midft of thee, and I will deftroy thy chariots: 1 1 And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy ftrong holds: II And I will cut off witch:rafts out of thine hand , and thou (hilt have no more foothfayers. Thy graven images alfo Will I cut off, ? eaie ' earth : for the LORD hath a controverfie with his people, and he will plead with Ifrael. 3 O my people , what have I done unro thee, and wherein have I wearied thee? teftific againft me. 4 For I brought thee up out of the land of * Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the houfe * Exod. 11.51 of lervantj, and I fent before thee Mofes, Aa- and 14.30. ron, and Miriam. 5 O my people, remember now what * Ba- * Num. 22. 54 lak king of M Jab confulted, and what Balaam and * J-7- the fonne of Beor anfwered him from * Shittim unto Gilgal, that ye may know the righteouf- ncfleof the LORD. 6 ^ Wherewith (hall I come before the LORD,**;**/ bowe my felf before the hi^h God.' (hall I come before him with burnt-olferingJ, with calves f of a yeare old? 7 Will the L o R D be pleafed with thou- f fands of rammes, or wich ten thoufands of ri- vers of oyl? (halllgive my firft-born for my tranfgreffion , the fruit of my f body for the finne of my foul ? 8 He hath * (hewed thee,O man, what is goodjand what doth.the LORD require of thee, bat to do juftly, and to love mercy, and to t walk humbly with thy God ? 9 The LORDS voice crieth unto the city, and f| the man of wifdome (hall fee thy name; U Or, thy. hzare ye the rod, and who hath appointed it. 10 ^ |[ Are there yet the treafures of wicked- nefla in the houfc of the wicked,and the f fcant meafure that is abominable? yet 1 1 fl Shall I cou-nt them pure with the wic- ry n ked balances, and with the bag of deceitfull hg ^/ t < L t weights? fHeki.wi i a For the rich men thereof are full of vio- f wt of lean Icnce, and the inhabitants thereof have fpo- nefft. ken lies, and their ton-nic U deceitfull in their " mouth. i j Therefore alfo will I make thee fick in fmiting thee, in making tbee defol ate bccaufc of thy finne s. Thou (halt eat, but not be fati'sfi ed, and Deut.io.ia t*ik.> nt eve- m ** * mages ao W cut o, 14 ou it eat, ut not e atse,an images out of the midft of thy cafting down fbxUbe in the midft of thee, thee, and thou (h iltno more worfhip the work and thou (halt take hold, but (halt not deliver: of thine hands. and that which thou dclivcreft will I give tip ta 14 Aa4 I will pluck up thy groves out of the fword. If Tho The churches complaint Chap, i. 1 God comforteth her. 1 > 6 - ij Thou (halt *fow,bm thow (halt not reap: 9 I will bear the indignation of the LORD^ 717 thou fhalt tread the olives, but thou fhslt not becaufe I have finned againft him, until! he anoint thee with oyl 5 and fweet winc,buc fhalc plead my caufe, and execute judgement for m: not drink wine. |j Or, hedmh 16 f For || the fhtutes of * Omri arc kept, mwk ks*p and all the works of the houfe of*Ahab,and he will bring me forth to the light, and I mail behold hisrighteoufnefie. 10 j| Then (he that is mineencmie fhall fee \\Or,Mdti : ^ 35, 2(5. ye walk in their counfels, that I mould make it 3 and ftiame fhall cover her which faid unto v^ r f ee thcea j|defolation,andthe inhabitants there- me, * Where is the LORD thy God? mine eyes - f ,*>, 'J^ of an hiffing : therefore yc fhall bear the re- fhall behold her : now t I Or, aftt- ijkment. pioach of my people. CHAP. VII. be troden cover her , - I The church complaining ofherfmaU number, j and the fcnerali corruptis } 5 putteth her ctnfdtnce, not i* tnan, but in God. & She trikmpheth ovtr her enemies. 1 4 GcdccmftrteTl) her by provtifes, 16 by ctnfujion of the entmiei, I 8 and by his mercies. down as the mire of the ftreets. 1 1 In the day that thy*walls arc to be built in that day fhall the decree be farre removed ix In that day alfo he ftall come even to r j Heb. w thee from Aflyria,jfand/ro/w the fortified cities, faU be j or a and from the fortrefleeven to the river, and rj^of A J7 from fea to fea,& from mountain to mountain. &{ . m JHcb._>fe T T 7"O is me, for I am t as when they have 1 3 fl Notwithftanding the land fhall be de- n or s #e /. *?**** */ VV gathered the fummer fruits,as the ^rape- folate becaufe of them that dwell therein, for ||Or ? afr*r gleanings of the vintage : there is no duller to the fruit of their doings, eat: my foul defired the firft-ripe-fruir. 14 -j$ {{ Feed thy; people with thy rod , \ ^ The *J| good man is peiimed out of the flock of thine heritage,which dwell folitaril) earth: and there is none upright among men: the wood,inthcmiditofCarmel:Iettheirtreed they all lie in wait for bloud : they hunt every man his brother with a net. that it hath been. * pral.ia. in Baflian and Gilead, as in the dayes of old. 1 5 According to the dayes of thy coming f That they may do evil With both hands out of the land of Egypt will I fiiew unto him T Heb. the nrifMef./ earneftly, the prince asketh, and the judge 3<** the daughter rifeth up againft her mother, the not his anger for ever, becaufe he delighteth in Luke u. 5 j. daughter in law againft her mother in law ; a mercie. mans enemies are the men of his own houfe. 1 9 He will turn again, he will have com- 7 Therefore I will look unto the L o RD: I paflion upon us : he will fubdue our iniquities: will wait for the God of my falvation: my God Vvill heare me. 8 f Re Joyce not againft me,O mine enemie: when I fall,I mail arifejwhen I fit in darkneffe, and thou wilt caft all their (inncs into the depths of the fea. ao Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, tftfrfthe mercie to Abraham, which thou halt fwom unto our fathers from the dayes of old. 'II* CHAP. The majefie of Cod i N A H U M- K Or ' the He burden of Nineveh. The book lou, a,d, and %mWj* * || God is * jealous, and the **""> mfia&& LORD revengeth, the L o R D *jcod.2o.5. revengeth and f K furious, the LORD will take tHeb. that vengeance on his adverfaiies^ and he referveth tMtbftrie* wrath for his enernjcs, The LORD is * flow to anger,and great hi *Exod. 34; . power,and will not at all acquit the /V^;the 6,7. LORD hath his way in the whirlwinde, and in the ftorm 3 and the clouds are the duft of his feet. 4 He rebnketh the fea, and maketh it drie, and drieth up alltheriveraBafhanlanguiflicth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon lan- guið. 5 The mountains quake at him, and the -hills melt, and the earth is burnt at his pre- Aaa fence, Gods feveritie againft his enemies^ Nahum. His armies againft Nineveh^ 7 18 fence,yea : the world,andall that dwell therein. 6 The gates of the rivers (hall be opened, 6 Who can ftand before his indignation&nd and the palace (hall be j| diflblved. (1 Or, molten. tikb. ftAntt who canf abide * n ^ e fierccnefie of his anger? p his furie is pouied out like fire , and thc rocks arc thrown down by him. 7 Thc LORD H good, a J| ftrong hold in the day of troublc,and he knoweth them that truit in him. 8 But with an overrunning floud he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkneflc (hall purfue his enemies j ~wrjwrj ffftf lead eftakHJbcJ* , tabring upon there -KM a ftand made. 7 And j) Huzzab fliall be jj led away capti fhe (hall be brought up,and her maids fliall li her as with the voice of doves their breads. 8 But Nineveh is |j of old like a pool of wa- .. ter; yet they (hall flee away. Stand, ftandj&atf ',< OT g.^ they crie> but none (lull j} look back. t he 'dayet 9 Take ye the fpoil of (liver, take the fpoil that Jbe hath of gold : (I for there is none end of the ftore, been - What do ye imagine againft the L OR D? and glory out ofall the f pleafant furniture. * {^ to turfit Ke will make an utter~end: afth&ion fliall not rife up thefecond time. 10 For while they be folden together as thorns, and while they arc drunken as drun- kards, they (hall be devoured as ftubble fully drie. 1 1 There is one come out of thee , that fJkb.4 <*? imagineth evil againft the L o R. D: t a wicked ftUcnfBt- counfeller. iot fYthev la Thus faith the LoRD >M Though they be would have quiet, and likewife many, yet thus fliall they be been M \ cut down,when he (hall pafle through :though f ri . .* . tuvm ** *MTj She is emptie, and void, and walte, and | ( O r , *nd the * heart melteth, and the knees fmitetogc- their infiniti thcr,and much pain is in all loyns, andth&fl "^'. faces of them all gather blacknefle. iSSfcT. 1 1 Where is the dwelling of the lions, and 'ifc, i 7,*, the feeding place of the young lions? where the lion, even the old lion walked, and the lions Whelp, and none made them afraid. iz The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and ftrangled for his lioneffes, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravine. Behold I have afflidedthee,! will afflict thee no more. 13 Behold, I am againft thee, faith the x 3 For now wil1 * break his y oke from S L R D ^ hofts > a nd I will burn her chariots in andwill burft thy bonds in funder. 14. And the LORD hath given a command- many, and '/ f}uld they ha-je been ment concerning thee, that no more of thy fist!* name be fowen : out of thc houCe of th y s ds fa/idavay. will I cut off the graven image, and thc molten -f Heb. JZwrn. image,! will make thy grave, for thou art vile. *Ifa.$7' J 5 Behold upon the *mauntainsthe feet of Horn 10.15- him that hringcth good tidings, that publifh- t Heb. //. cth peace: O ] ud.\h, f keep thy folemne fcafts, . Belial perform thy vows: for f the wicked (hall no more pafle through thee, he is utterly cut off. .C HAP. II. ofGn^tfatnfi Nnevfk. the fmoak, and thc fword (hall devoure the young lions, and I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy meflengers (hall no more be heard. CHAP. III. The miferable ruine of. Nineveh. T rr-rO to thef*bloudie citie,it*all full VV of lies and robberie, the prey depart- cth not. z Thc noife of a whip, and the noife of thc ratling of the wheels , and of the praunfing horfes, and of the jumping chariots. 3 The horfemanlifteth up both f the bright f Heb. the ^ fword, and the glittering fpeare, and there is a fl ante f rhe multitude of flain, and a great number of car- '""" K Or, the di- {JTjE that d.ifliethin pieces is come up before , i t htmnt ^mpjfr 01 *i ;n Y ^ ac e: keep the munition, watch the cafes; and there is none end of their corpfesj t hefftme way, make thy loyns ftrong, fortifie thy power ey ftumblc upon their corpfes. *Ifa.io.u. mighiily. L * For the L o R D liith turned away fj the ' excellcncie of J -.:cb, as the cxcellencie of Ifl-a- el: for the emptiers hive emptied themout,and marred their vine-branches. j The (hield of his migh tie men is made red^ rha valiant men are j{ in fcarlet: the chari- ots /&.'/ ic with \\ flaming toi-ches in the day of hnf - para:ion,a6.d the iirve-trecs fliall be ter- ribly ,a;,kc;i. 4 T'he chiriotsfliall t.igc in the ftreetJ^they fhalljuftlc one againft :;;iother in the broad tHeb their Waves: | thty fliall feer.i like torches, they (hall J3tv. runr.c like che lightnings. 5 He ihall recounc his (! worthies: they (hall heir wlk; ilv.v;UalLk-!w!r|aftve to fi rf 4 Becanfe of the multitude of the whore- domes of the wel-favoured harlotjthctniftreffe of witchcrafts, that felleth nations through lier whoredomes,- and families through her witch- crafts. j Behold, I am againft thee,faith the LORD of hofts,and * I will difcoyer thy skirts upon *Ifa;47-3 thy facc,and I will (hew the nations thy naked* *" nefle, and the kingdomcs thy (hame. 6 And I will caft abominable filth upon thee, and make thee vile, and will fet thee as 3 ga/ing-ftock. 7 And it fliall come to pafle, that all they that look upon thee, fliall flee from thee , and fay, Nineveh is Jaid wafte, who will bemoan herf whence (hall I feek comforters for thee? j 5 Art thou better theajtf populous No,that f iniquitie of the land; Habakkuks complaint of the Chap.?.* was fituatc among the rivers, that had the wa~ morteri malce ftrong the brick-kiln. ters round a bout it, whofe ramp art tvtti the fea, i? There fhali the fire devoure thee: the andhtr wall -jy^ from the fea? . fword fhall cut thee oft': it llull eat thee up like 9 Ethiopia and Egypt were her ftrength^and the cankerworm : make thy felf many a$ the 3eb. in thy Ittvas infinite,Put & Lubim werefthy helpers. conkerwcrm,make thy felf many as the locufts^ if. 10 Yet was fhe carried away 3 fhe went into 16 Thou haft multiplied thy merchants ca-ptivitie: her young children alfo were dafhed above the ftarres of heaven : the cankerworrn in pieces at thctopof all the ftrects: and they caft lots for her honourable men, and all her great men were bound in chains, 'er. ij-17. ii Thou alfo (halt be * drunken: thou fhalt |j fpoileth and flieth away. 1 7 Thy crowned (ire as the tocufts, and thy f captains as the gre.it gralhoppers which camp in the hedges in the cold day: but when the be hid, thou alfo (halt feck ftrength becaufc of funne orifeth they flee away, and their place, is the enemie. ii AllthyftrongholdsJW/belikefig-trees with the firft ripe figs : if they be fhaken they (hall even fall into the mouth of the eater. 13 Behold, thy people in the midft of thee are women: the gates of thy land (hall befet wide open unto thine enemies, the fire fhall devoure thy barres. 14 Draw thee waters for the fiege,fortifie thy ftrong holds: go into clay and tread the not known where they are, 1 8 Thy ftepherdy flumber, O king of Affy- ria: thy || nobles (hall dwell in the du$ : thy flOr,w//*dl people is fcattered upon the mountains, and no tnes. mangathercth them. 19 Tltere /^no t healing of thy bruifc : thy 1 -j. Beb. #j/s wound is grievous : all that heart the bniitof ^toj% thee fhall clap the hands over thee; for upon whom hath not thy wickednefle patted conn* nuallyf HABAKKUK- CHAP. I. I Vntt HabakJ(itk^ complaining of the inifjuitie of the Und t 15 u {hewed ths f car fuH vengeance bytheCalde- ans. jj Hecoraflaineth that vengeance fisitld be exe- tutedl>i them tthoartfarrc yyorfe. He burden which Habakkuk the prophet did fee. L O LORD, how long fhall I crie, and thou wilt not heare/ even crie out unto thee of vio- lence, and thou wilt notfave! 3 Why doft thoufhew me iniquitie, and caufe me to behold grievance? for fpoiling and violence me before me: and there are that raifc up ftnfe and contention. 4 Therefore the law is flacked, and judge- *Job 21.7. ent doth never go forth: for the * wicked Jer.ij.i. dothcompafle about the righteous: therefore || OT,*rtticd. jfvvrong judgement proceedeth. *Aft- 13".4'' 5 fl * Behold ye among the heathen , an^ regard, and wonder mnrvefloufly : for I will work a work in your daycs, which ye will not beleeve, though it be told you. 6 For lo, I raife up the Caldeans, that bitter 4Heb.iw*fc/,, and haftie nation, which fhall march through ?*?* the ^ brcadth of the land > to P ofl " eflb the dvvcl - proceed the Jin S P laCCS ^^ ' Are nOt theirs. judgement of 7 They are terrible tiftd dreadful! : j[ their the ft and the judeemcnt and their di^nitie fhall proceed of f Heb. fray. * Their horfes alfo arc fwiftcr then the leo- *Zeph, 3. 3. J>ard$j and are more t fierce then the * evening wolves: and their horfemen (hall fpead them-? felves , and their horftmen- fliall come front farre, they fliall flic as the eagle that haftcth ta eat. 9 They fhall come all for violence :f their faces fhall fup up as the eaft winde, and they f^pping p >J fhall gather the captivitie as the fand. their faces, f 10 And they fhall fcoffe at the kings,and the f ce '*' princes^// be a fcofnunto tliem; theyfhalr r< , W4rrf the deride every ftrong hold, for they fliall heap eaft. Heb.//; duft and take it. opfoftion / 11 Then fliall his minde change, and he 'f 7* IT fliall palle over, and offend, imputing this his * power unto his god. ii ^ ^rrthou not from evcrlafting , O L O R D my God, mine holy one? we fhall noc die: O LORD, thou haft ordained them for . judgement, and O t rnightie God, thou haft f Htb-wr^. 1 f cftablifhed them for correction . 13 Thou art of purer eyes then to behold evil, and canft not look on f) iniquitie : where- II fore lookeft thou upon them that deal treache. Tou(ly 3 and hoi deft thy tongue when the wic- ked devoureth the man that is more righteous then he? 14 And makeft men as the fifhes of the fea, as the|Jcrccping things that have no ruler over them. i j They take up all of them with the angle: they catch them in their net and gather them in their || dragge; therefore they rejoyce are elad. 16 'Againft imratiableneffe, covctoufneite, Habakkuk; 730 i<5 Therefore they facrifice unto their net, andlnnn incenfe unto their drag : becaufc by {{Or, daintic. them their portion is fat,and their meatjjtplen- drunkenheffe, and idolatries Ifa.n.p, ' > -17 Shall they therefore emptie their net, and not fpare continually to flay the nations? C H A P. 1 1. I 1>nte Habakjtiiky waiting for an anftteT) ii Jb-ewtdthai he mUft v ait by faith. J The judgement upon the *l- tleaa .ftr uv/attablene/e, 9 Jar cevetoufnejje M iz fcr erttelticj 1 5 fcr-drunkjvneffe t I 8 end for idelatrie. * Ift. ii. 8. T-Will * ftandupon my watch, and fctme up- tHeb. finced J_ n the f tower, and will watch to fee what he fj t wh en I am r eprove d . z Asd the LORD anfwered me, and faid, Write the vifion, and make it plain upon ta- flor in me jjo/'*I em argued, with. 5 For the vifion is yet for aa appointed time, but at the end it fhall fpeak,and not lieithough *Heb. 10.37 tarrie,wait for itibecaufe it will*furcly come, it will not tarrk. 4 Behold, his foul which is lifted up, is not * knowledge of the glorie of the LORD, as the waters cover the fea. i j f Wo unto him that giveth his neigh- bour drink: that putteft thy bottle to him, aad makeft him drunken alfo, that thou m-yeft look on their nakednefle. 1 6 Thou art filled (j with fhame for glorie: B * drink thou alfo, and let thy foreskin be unco- 1 , vercd: the cup of the LORDS right hand fhall %i e nc. be turned unto thee, and fhamefull fpcwing * J.25.2i jhalt be on thy glorie. .17 For the violence of Lebanon fhall cover thee: and the fpoil of beafcs, which made them afraid becaufe of mens bloud, and for the vio- lence of the land, of the citie, and of all that dwell therein. 1 8 ^f What profiteth the graven image, that the maker thereof hath graven it j the mol- ten image, and a * teacher of lies, that | the "Jer.io.fi maker of his woi.k trufteth therein, to make I4> him dumbe idols? + e wik,'A* 1 9 Wo unto him that faith to the wood, A- Wake j to the dumbe ftone, Arife, it fhall teach: *John y \6. Upright in him: but the * j-uft fhall live by his behold, it if laid over with gold and filver, and Horn. 1.17. jfaith, there is no breath at all in the midfl of it. ' f f Heb. |0r f (j Yea alfo, becaufc he tranfgrefleth by wine, he is a proud man , neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his dcfire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be fatisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations,and heapeth unto him all people: 6 Shall not all thefe take up a parable againft him, and a taunting proverb againft him, and fay, || Wo tohimthatincreafethr&tf? which is .not his: howlong?andtohimthatladeth him- felf with thick cky. 7 Shall they not rife up fuddenly that fhall bite thee, and awake that (hall vex thee, and .thou fhalt be for booties unto them? 8 Becaufe thou haft fpoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people fhall fpoil thee: 10 But* the LORD is in his holy ^temple; IL^V'V'I' \ Jet all the earth keep filence before him. f ent l u ' t ,*/~ - C HAP. III. earth befirt I Haljak&k^in bupraytr, trtmble th at Cads majcflie. ""*' 1 7 The confidence of fa faith. A Prayer of Habakkuk the prophet fl upon || Or, ace ,. therein. him that * (| coveteth an evil co- vetoufneffe to his houfe,that he may fethis L Sigionoth. z O L o R D, I have heard f thy fpeech and Mf f^Sf^>t was afraid: O L o R D,|| revive thy work in the ^^^ e e midft of the yeares,in the midft of the yearcs Sbigionoth. make knownj in wrath remember mercie. t Web. thy 3 God came from (| Teman,and the holy r 'p rt >oithj one from mount Paran.Selah. His glory cover- u or'tf*/? ri/ ed the heavens, and the earth was full of his \Hvf. praife. (j Or, the 4 And his brightncfie was as the light, he fth. becaufe of mens f bloud, and for the violence had if horns coming out of his hand, and there >r Bright of the land, of the citie, and of all that dwell was the hiding of his power. 5 Before him went the pefiilence , and jj burning coals went forth at his feet. (| bx,z*i*tb vetoumeiie to his houte,tnat ne may let his 6 Heftoodand meafiired the earth: he be- an ivtlyuih neft on high,that he may be delivered from the held, and drove afunder the nations, and the tHeb-wto t power of evil. everlafting mountains were fcattered,the per- tftkt fi~(wt 10 Thou haft confulted fhamc.to thy houfe, by cutting off many people, and haft finned dgainft thy foul. |{Or,/> iece,or 1 1 For the ftone fhall crie out of the wall,& jkftcning. t^g [| beam out of the timber fhall \\ anfwer it. . ^ Q *inftit Ji ^ W to ^' m r ^ at buildeth a town with ^zek'j^. * |i bloud, and ftablifheth a citie by iniquitie. Xahums-i. 13 Behold, is it not of the LORD of hofts, tHeb.fr/rf*. that the people fhall labour in.the very fire, and the glory the Loia. "" trie people fhall weatie themfelves Jjfor very va- nitic? petuall hills did bowe:his wayes are everlaftrng. 7 I faw the tents of |j Cufhan || in affliction: U Or,/4>/fl. and the curtains of the land of Midian did ^ un j ef tremble. afflittien'or 8 Was the LORD difpleafed againft the rivers? -vnmtie. Was thine an?er againft the rivers? was thy wrath againft the fea, that thou didft ride upon jjOr,/^ cb*. thine horfes, and \\ thy chariots of falvation? nets were 9 Thy bow was made quite naked, accord- f*lv*tio. to the oathes of the tribes, ruin thy word, jj-^'/ ltH fthe Lo m_ h.{| Thou didft cleave the earth with ri- 14 Fo the earth fhaB be filled (|with'thc vers. the earth. jo The Gods fevere Judgement Chap. 10 The mountains Taw t\\ec,and they trem- bled : the overflowing of the water pafled by: the deep uttered his voice, and lift up his hands on high. *Tofii.!o.n. ii The funne and moon * flood ftill in g or, thin: their habitation;!] at the light of thine * arrows ey wcnt and M the (hinin s of thy litcerin s fpeare. . ia Thoudidft march through the land in indignation, thou didft thrcm the heathen in anger. i $ Thou wenteft forth for th: faivation of thy peoplc,eu for falvation with thine an- ointed , thou woundedft the head out of the houfe of the wicked, by t difcovering the foun- dation unto the neck. Selah. 14 Thou didft ft tike through with his ftaves the head of his villages : they fcame out as a vvhirlwindeto fcatter me : their rejoycing was AS to dcvoure the poore fecrctly. L againfl Judati for her finnc?? I? Thou didft walk through the fea with 7 jt thine horfes, through the (| heap of great w- |jOr,*a/> ters. 16 When I heard, my belly trembled: m? lips quivered at the voice: rottennefle cntrei into my bones, and I trembled in my fclf, that I might reft in the day of trouble : when he cometh up unto the people, he will |[ invade |{Or,rfJ| them with his troups. thtmin 17 4 Although the fig-tree (hall not blof- '"*"* ' fome,neither./Ztt# fruit be in the vines, the la- bour of the olive (hall f fail, and the fields (hill yeeld no meat, the flock (hall be cut off from the fold,and there [bill be no herd in the ftalls. 1 8 Ye*I will rejoyce in the LORD,! will joy in the God of my falvation. 19 The Lord GOD is my ftrength, and he Will make my feet like * hindes/ee ?,and he will *s Sara, make me to walk upon mine high places. To 34- the chief finger on my t ftdnged inftruments. ? ^^ 8> gnsfb. ZEPHANIAH. CHAP. I. Cadi fruere judgement /tgainfi Judoh for divert firtnts. He word of the L o R D which came unto Zephaniah the fonne of Cu!hi,the fonne of Gedaliah, the fonne of Amariah, the fonne of Hizkiah,in the dayes of Jo- fiah, the fonne of Amon king of Judah. a 1 1 w i^ utterly confume all things from offf the land, fiith the LORD. 3 I will confume man and beaft: I will con- fume the fowls of the heaven, and the fillies of the fca,and the [| {tumbling blocks with the wicked, and I will cutoff manfromoft' the land, faith the LORD. 4 I will alfo ftretch out mine hand upon Ju- dah , and upon all the inhabitants of Jerufa- lem 3 and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place,a^ the name of the chemarims wkh the priefts: $ And them that worfliip the hoft of hea- ven upon the houfe tops, and them that wor- Or,r the fliip, and that fwcar jj by the LORD, and that rrf- fvvear by Malcham: 6 And them that are turned back from the LORD, and thofe that have not fought the LORD, nor enquired for him. 7 Hold thy peace at the prefcnce of the Lord GOD: for the day of the LORD ;> at hand: for the LORD hath prepared a facrifice,he hath | bid hisguefts. 8 And it fhall come to pafle in the day of the LORDS fccnficc, that I will tpanifa the princes, and the kings children, and all fuch as arc clothed with itun^c apparcll . t Heb. /w- jtfftdoi pr*- fttrfd. In the fame day atto Will T pimiflr allthofd that leap on the threfliold, which fill their ma- fters houfes with violence and deceit. 10 And it mall come to pafle in that day, faith the LoRDjffcaf there jhillbc the noifc of a cry from the fish-gate, and an howling from the fecond, and a great cralhing from the hillif. 1 i Howl ye inhabitants of Makteflr, for all the merchant people are cut down : all they that bear filver are cut off. 11 And it (hall come to pafle at that time, that I will fearch Jerufalem with candles, and punifli the men that are t fetled on their lees; that fay in their heart, The LORD will not do or good, neither will he do evil. : 13 Therefore their goods (hall become a booty, and their houfes a defohtion: they (hall alfo build houfes, but * not inhabite t bem^ and * Dent. 1 8 they Ihall plant vineyards, but not drink the 3> 19- wine thereof. Amos 5. n 14 The great day of theLoRD/rnearf, It is nearc,and hafteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the L o R D : the mighty man (kill cry there bitterly. i? That day waday of* wrath, a day of * Jer.jo.y^ trouble and diftrefle,a day of wafteneffe and J * 1 *' 1 *' , dcfolation,a day of darknefle and gloominefle, l a day of clouds and thick darknefle, 1 6 A day of the trumpet and alarm againft the fenced cities and againft the high towers. 1 7 And I will bring diftrefle upon men,tfe*e they (hall walk like blinde men, becaufe they hive finned againft the LORD, and their bload Ihall be ponced out as duft^ and their fle(h as the dung. 18 * Neithe$ 11 for he (hall uncover the cedar work. y or, vhen he This is the re joycing city that dweltcare- The judgement of the Ehtli&ines; Zephaniah. Jerftfiflem reprove3. 1 8 * Neither rheir fuvcr nor theicgeUmaU fl ? cormorant and the bittem-fhaHlodge in-thc 11 Or ift Ui t * Prov. 1 1.4 be able to deliver them in the day of the.LoRDS || upper lintels of it: their voice (hall fing in the " * | Ezek 7.19. vvrath,but the whole land (hall be * devoured windows, defolationfZwfl be m the thrcfliolds: JCbap.J.1. fcy tne g re O f his jealoufie: for he flvill make even a fpeedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land. CHAP. II. ' Jtn -aJnTtAtim to repentance. 4 'Tlis judgement of the Philijiinety 8 ff MeabtndiAin&on) n f Efbi- efia nod ,Athcr your felves together, yea, gather 7, * ft. VJtogethcr, O nation [j not defired L Before the decree bring forth, bcfure the day paffe as the chaff, before the fierce anger of" the L o R D come upon you, before the day x flr rO-to |{ t her that is filthy and polluted, fi Or, jto-. of thcLoRD s anger come upon you. V V to the oppreflmg city. 5 Seek ye the LoRD,all ye meek of the earth, a She obeyed not the voice: flic received ' lefly,that faid in her heart,* I am, and there K "*' g none befide me: how is the become a defolati- on, a place for beafts to lie down in! every one that paffeth-by her,thallhifTe and wagge his hand. . CHAP. III. I iA jharp reproof of Jentfalem for divers Jiimet. 8 *A exhortatitn to "tot it for the reftautaftan of ljrtwl t 14 and to re Joyce far their filvatrovby God. fcvhich have wrought his judgement, feek righ- zeoufnefie, feck meeknefle: it may be, ye 41*11 Jbe hid m the day of the L o R D s anger. ' 4 4- For Gaza fliall be forfaken,and Alhke- lon adefolatibn: they fliall drive out Athdod at the noon day, and Ekron (hall be rooted up. 5 Wo unto the inhabitants of thefea-coaft, the nation of the Chercthites: Ihe word of-the . 3Lord is againft you; O Canaan, the land of the Philiftines, I will even dcftroy thee, that there (hall be no inhabitant. 6 And the fea-coaft (hall be dwellings and Cottages for fhepherds, and folds for flocks. 7 And the coaft fliall be for the remnant of the houfc of Judah, they fliall feed thereupon, in the houfes of Alhkelon fliall they lie down i n the evening: j| for the LORD their God fliall vifit them, and turn away their captivitie not || correction: (lie toifted not in the LORD: H Or, ;/7r. the diew not neare to her God. &M. 3 * Her princes within her O.TC roaring lionyj *Eiek.i2, her judges arc evening wolves, they gnaw not 2 7- the bones till the morrow. Micah 3- 4 Her* prophets are light and treacherous '/<.' 2 3,11; perfons : her priefts have polluted thefandu- Hof.?^.' ary 5 thy h^tvedonc ^violence to the law. * Ez,ck-.j< 5 The juft LORD /V in the midit thereof: he will not do iniquity: f every morning doth he j Heb.r^ bring his judgement to light,he faileth not,but mg ijmtr- the unjuft knoweth no fliame. *& 6 I have cut oft the nations: their |[ towers \[Oi ) eorn:ft aredefolate, I made their itreets wafte,that nonepafleth by: their cities are deftroycd,fo that there is no man, that there is none inha- bitant. 7 I faid, Surely thou wilt fear me: thou wilt 8 f I have heard the reproach of Moab,and receive inltrudion/o their dwelling fliould not the revilings of the children of Ammon,where- be cut ofi^howfoever I punifhed them: butthey by they have reproached my people, and ma- rofe early, and corrupted all their doings gnified tbemfelves againft their border. 9 Therefore as I live, faith the L L o R D of Jiofts the God of Ifrael, Surely Moab (hall be as JSodom,nnd the children of Ammonas Gomor- irah, even the breeding of nettles, and falt-pits, and a perpetualldefolation,the refidueof my people (hall fpoil them, and the remnant of my people fliall poflefle them. 10 This fliall they have for their pride, b- caufc they hare reproached and magnified Therefore wait ye upon me, faith the LORD, untill the day that I rife up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may aflemble the kingdomcs, to pourc upon them mine indignation , even all my fierce anger: for all the earth (hall be devoured with the fire of my * jealoufie. * Chap.i.iff. 9 For then will I turn to the people a pure t language , that they may all call upon the -f Heb./*/; name of the LORD, to fervc him with one tbemfehes againft the peopleof the LORD of | confent. t Heb.^tf r 10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, my " fuppliaatj, even the daughter of my difperfcd (hall bring mine offering. i i In that day (halt thou not be afhamed for all thy doings,wherein thou haft tranfgref- \i f Ye Ethiopians slfo^yeJbaUbe flain by fed againft me: for then I will take away out of myfword. th mid ^ of thee them tnat re j ovce in tn X 13 And he will ftretch out his hand againft pride a andthoufhaltnomorcbchaughtietbe- fHeb./'Q| the north, ajid deftroy Aflyria, and will make caufe of my holy mountain. A/jr. -Mineveh a defolation,& drielike a wilderneflfe. i z I will alfo leave in the midft of thee an 14 And flocks fliall lie down in the midft of afflifted and poore people, and they (hall trull her , all the beafts of the nations ; both the in the name of the L o R D, ' "~~ i? The 1 1 The LORD tv'ill be terrible unto them: *d. mkg' for he willf famifli all the gods of the earth, . HAGGAI. C H A p. I. I Kygti refroveth the people for negletting the build- ing of the heufe. 7 He incite tb them to the building. 13 He promt feth Cods a/ijlance to them being /- yard. ^N thefecondyeareof Darius the t king, in the fixth moneth, in the I firft day of the moneth came the Word cf the L o R D f by Hagoai _ the prophet unto Zerubbabel the ' fonne of Shealtiel, || governour of Judah, and to Joftnia the fonne of Jofedech the high prieft,f.'.ying, i Thus fpeaketh the LORD of hofts, faying, This people fay,The time is not come,the time that the LORDS houfe (hould be built. 5 Then came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, faying, 4 /5/ftime for you, O ye, to dwell in your icled houfes, and this houfe lie wafte? 5 Now therefore, thus faith {hg LORD of hofis, f Corvfider your wayes. 3 8. C " 'X e eat, but ye have not enough: ye drink, but Micah 6. ye are not filled with drink: ye clothe you, but 1 * ' J- . there is none warm:and he that earneth wages, J 4 "2J lwf '*earncth wages to put it into a bag f with holes. 7 f Thus faith the LORD of hofts,Confi- der your wayes. 8 Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the houfe ;and I will take plcafurc m .it, and I will be glorified, faith the LORD. 9 Yc looked for much , and lo if came to H Or, Ut it little* & when ye brought it home,I did [j blow ***J'. upon i ft why, fai th the LOR D of bolls? becaufe of mine houfe that is wafte , and ye run every man unto his own houfe. Deut J &. 10 Therefore * the heaven over you ic ftay- *fc ed from dew, and the earth is flayed from her fruit. heart en 1 1 And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oyl, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattell, and upon all the labour of the hands. i i ^ Then Zembbabel the fonne of She- altiel, and Joilun the fonne of JofcJech the high prieft, with all the remnant of the people obeyed the voice of the LORD their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet, (as the LORD their God had fent him ) and the peo- ple did fear before the LORD. 13 Then fp.ike Haggai the LORDS mcficn- ger in the LORDS meflage unto the people, faying, I am with you, fmh the LORD. 14 And the LORD ftirred up the fpirit of Zerubbabel the fonne of Shealticl, governpur of Judah, and the fpirit of Jofliua the fonne of Jofedech the high pricft,and the fpirit of all the remnant of the people, and they came and did work in the houfe of the LORD of hofls theiu- God, YTI 1 5 In th< foure and twentieth day of the /mh monethjin the fecond yeare of Darius the king. CHAP. II. I He entWAgeth the people to the it o*{, by promt ft of greater glory t thefecord temple } rhen ttM in the frft 10 In the type cf holy things aiJuntle> the feed ye tin the barn? yea, as yet the vine and the fig-tree , and the pomegranate, a'nd the olive-tree hath not brought forth: from this day will I bleffe you. 10 ^ And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the foure and twentieth day of the moneth, faying, 2 1 Speak to Zerubbabel governour of Ju- dah, faying, I will lliakcthe^ heavens and the earth, 11 And I will overthrow the throne of king- domes , and Iwill-deftroy the ftrength of the kingdomes of the heathen , and I will over- throw the chariots,and thofe that ride in them, and the horfes and their riders fhall come down,every one by the fword of his brother. 23 In that day,faith the LORD of hofts,will I take thee,O Zerubbabel my fervant,the fonne of Shealtiel, faith the L o R D, and will make thee as a fignet : for I have chofen thee, faith the L o R D of hofts. ZECHARf&H. CH A P. I. exhorttthto repentance. 7 The viflon of theherfei. 12 *At the prayer of the angel comfortatle frcmifes are made t Jcrufalem. I 8 The vijioneftke fture i}rns 3 nnd t he fture carp f uteri. N the eighth moneth, in the fe- cond yeareof Darius, came the word of the LORD unto Zecha- riah, the fonne of Barachiah, the forme of Iddothe prophet, faying, L The LORD hath been-ffore difpleafed with your fathers. 3 Therefore fay thou unto them,Thus faith the LORD of Kofts,* Tujn ye un w iae 3 Ciitli foofts, and-I will turn unto yotr s faith the LORD of hofts. 4 Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, faying, Thus fairh theLoRDofhofts,*turnye now frt>m your evil *jf a> 3,.. wayes, and from your evil doings: butthcydid j cr . j.u. not heare,nor hearken unto me,-faith the LORD and 1 8.1 1 5 Yonr fathers, where arc they? and the pro- Exek. 1 8. jo. phets, do they live for ever? 6 But my woi ds and my ftatutes , which I commanded my fcrvants the prophets, did they not jj take hold of your fathers? & they returned y or, tverZ and faid, * Like as the LORD of hoftsthought {.15 - 11 And many nations (hall be jorncdtothe LORD m that day, and ihall be my people: and I will dwell in themidft of thee, and thou (hale know that the LORD of hofts hath fcnt me un- to thee. 1.1 And the L o R D (hall inherit Judah his portion in the holy land, and (h^ll choofe Jeru- falcm again. - v i j Be filent, O all flefii, beforc'the LORD: /or he is raifed up out of | his holy habitation. CHAP. III. I I'nder the type of frjbua , the reflaM T a.t4on *f the church. 8 &.T, ft tht branch upromiftd. A Nd he (hewed me Joflma the high prieft, /Iftanding before the an^el of the LORD, and |) Satan Handing at his right hand f to vcfift (jxhati 2 And the L OR D faid unto Satan, * Thc pentcrs. 2 1 Then faid I, What come thefe to do? and ? f i f *-ni r i i ~ -.-. *..w j^ ^ i^ is tt\* wiinj *ya*.au. A Jit" inco-ra ic (pake, faying, ,Ttefe arc the horns which LORD rebuke thce,O Satan, even the L o R D * ^j have fcattered Jucah,fo that no nun did lift up that hath chofen Jcrufalcm,rebuke thee: u not * J udc his head; but theieaie come to fray them, ta - 1 --- 1 *"-i < > < - caft out the horns of the Gentiles,which lift up thai horn over the land of Judah to fcatter it. tins a brand pluckt out of the firel- 5 Now Jolhua was clothed with ftfthy gar- ments, and ftood before the angel. J The^oldencandieftick: Zechariah,' Theeves and fwearers curfed. 4 And he anfwered, and fpake unto thofe foundation of this houfc, his hands mall alfo that ftood before him, faying, Take away the finifh it^ and thou (halt know chat the LORD filthy garments from him. And unto him he of hoiis hath fent me unto you. faid. Behold, I have caufed thine iniquitie to 10 For who hath defpifed the dayof fmall pafle from thee, and I will clothe thee with things? || for they fhall re Joyce, and fhall fee the \\Or,fthtbe change of raiment. tplummet in the hand of Zcrubbabcl tv'ttb 1 even _ e 3 es *f ? And I faid, Let them fet a fair mitre up- thofe feven,* they are the eyes of the L o R D, ^ on his head : fo they fet a fair mitre upon his which run to and fro through the whole earth. -\ii head, and clothed him with garments, and the " 1T Then anfwered I and faid unto him, f> angel of the LORD ftood by. What are thefe two olive-trees upon the right * ( 6 And the angel of the LORD protefted unto fide of the candleftick, and upon the left fide Jofhua, faying, thereof? 7 Thus faith the LORD ofhofts,If thou wilt n And I anfwered again,and faid unto him, Walk in my waycs , and if thou wilt keep my What be thefe two olive-branches , which jj charge, then thou (halt alfo judge my houfe, t through the two golden pipes }j emptie f the f Hcb.fy tbt and malt alfo keep my courts,& I will give thee golden oyl out of themfelves? hand. t places to walk among thefe that ftand by. 1 3 And he anfwered me and faid, Knowcft li Or > etH f f ' 8 Heare now, O Joihua the high prieft,thou thou not what thefe be ? And I faid, No, my '% **{"" and thy fellows that fit before thee : for they lrd. j nto the&id, 14 Then faid he, Thefe arc the two fan- t H eb.//;e ointed ones , that ftand by the Lord of the whole earth. are f men wondrcd at: for behold, I will bring forth my fervant the * B R A N C H. For behold, the ftone that I have laid be- vf-Kender, * Ifa.i .and 3 ? j .^i j. ^ ore Jflwa: upon one ftone p.?// be feven eyes, Chap.tf.ii. behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, Luke i. 78. faith the LORD of hofts, and I will remove the iniquitie of that land in one day. 10 In that day, faith the LORD of hqfts,(hall ye call every man his neighbour under the vine, aad under the fig-tree. CHAP. IIII. I By the golden candlejlitk^u fore fretted the good facejje ffZerubbabelt foundation. H By the ttto olive-treijf t In two anointed i C H A P. V. I By the fly ing roll, fretted the curfe ef (beeves And fvearers. 5 By a tfomM prfjfe.1 in An ephah, the f nail damnation f Babylon. THen I turned, and lift up mine eyes, ar*t looked, and behold, a flying roll, z And he faid unto me,What fecit thou?.ind I anfwered,. I fee a flying roll,the length there- of tftwcntie cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. Then faid he unto me, This Is the curfe A Nd the angel that talked with me, came that goeth forth over the face of the whole again and waked me, as a man that is wa- earth; for || every one that ftealeth, mall be cut |j Or, every kencdoutof hisfleep, off as on this fide, according to it: and every *"* f thtt z And faid anto me, What feeft thou? and I one that fwcareth, (hall be cut off as on that f^/f * hat faid, I have looked, and behold, a candleftick fide, according to it. all of goldjf with a bowl upon the top of it,and 4 I will bring it forth , faith the L o R D his feven lamps thereon, & [| feven pipes to the hofts, and it fhall enter into the houfe of the || Or, feven f even lamps, which were upon the top thereof: thief, and into the houfe of him that fweareth f*"tbiUiHJtr 3 And two olive-trees by it, one upon the falfly by my name : and it fhall remain in the frf, ' '' right fide of the bowl, and the other upon the midft of his houfe, and fhall confume it, with left fide thereof. the timber thereof, and the ftones thereof. 4 Sol anfwered and fpake to the angel that 5 ^ Then the angel that talked with me, talkedjiwh me.,faying,What are thefe,my lord? went forth, & faid unto me, Lift up now thine 5 Then the angel^that talked with me, an- eyes, and fee what frthis that goeth forth, fwered, and faid unto me, Knoweft thou not 6 And I faid, What hit? and he faid, This what thefe be? and I fcid, No, my lord. /janephah that goeth forth. He faid moreo- 6 Then he anfwered and fpake unto me, ver., This is their refemblance through all the faying, This u the word of the L o R D unto earth. g.Or, rmy. Zerubbabel, faying, Not by j| might, nor by 7 And behold, there was lift up a || talent of jj Or, power,butbymyfpin't,faiththeLoRDofhofts lead: and thisw a woman that fitteth in the f iecf * 7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before midft of the ephah. Zerubbabel tboitfhalt become a plain, and he 8 And he faid, Thisijwickednefle;andhe lhall bring forth the head ftone thereof with caft it into the midft of the ephah, and he caft fhoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it. the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof. 8 Moreover., the word of the LORD came 9 Then lift I up mine eyes and looked, and unto me, faying, behold, there came out two women , and the 9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the winde TVM in their wings , ( for they had wings vnap. vi. vir. The captives fa/Hng reproved; Wings like die wings of a ftork) andthey lift Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the fonne 717 UP the ephah between the M h an A ** fc~. o f Zephaniah for a memoriall in the temple * up the ephah between the earth and the hea- vcn 10 Then faid I to the angel that talked With jmc, Whither do chefe bear the cphah? 11 And he faid unto me, To build it an houfe in the land of Shinar, and it fhall be efta- blifhed, and fet there upon her own bafc. <$HAP. vi. T6e -DtJSmtftbefourechariits. 9 By the trwnt cf fojbua, ufrevut the tevpl, and kingdom* cf &>ri : L o R p. xy And they that arc farre oft* fhall come and build in the temple of the L o R D, and yc ftall know that the LORD of hofts hath fcne me unto you. And this mail come to pafie, if ye will diligently obey the voice of the LORO XpurGod. CHAP. VII. tin e the caufe ef thei r thefecond chanot black horfes, And in the third chariot white horfes 3 and . - -./ j--^- -~ *,,,*,*. *,,* *.tnjc vj tveircaprtvitte* A F^^ Urn j^ ???? "P mine eyW> and A Nd came to Paffc in the fourth yearc of llookcd,and behold,therc came foure chari- /\king Dariuy, the word of the L o a D ts out trom between two mountains > and the came unto Zechariah in the fourth dai of the mountains w mountains of brafle. ninth moneth, even in Chifkuj Inthe firfl Chariot wre red horfes, andirl ^ When they had fcnE unto the houfe of God, Sherezer, and Regem-melech, and their men t to pray before the L o R D, . 3 uj ? fp the 5 Speak unto all the people of the land, and to the priefts, faying, When ye * failed and * m <8 f ' mourned in the fifth Indfeventh ^^,even - thofe feventie yeares, did ye at all faft unto me, L ui i he black horfes which are therein , go torth into the north countrcy, and the white go forth after themj and the grifled goforth toward the fouth countrey. 7 And the ba> went forth, and fought to go, that they might walk to and fro through the 6 And when yedid eat, and when yc did i : and he faid, Get ye tence, walk to and drink, jj did not ye tK f or yonrfel-v e^nl drink Or > be tro through the earth. So they walked to and for your fclvesl ythtjthat, fro through the earth. 7 fl sbouldye not heart the words which the 8 Then cried he upon me, and fpake unto LORD hath cried f by the former prophew m C> faymg, Behold, thefe that go toward the when Jerufalem was inhabited, and in P rS north countrey have quieted my fpirit in the ritie,and the cities thereof round about her when mn inhabitcd the fouth of the i^j > 8 q And the word of the L o R D came unto Zechariah, faying, o Thus fpeaketh the LORD of hoftj, faying, | Execute true judgement, and fhew eW. Or,are* icfcrA* orth countrey. 9 f And the word of the LORD came unto we > TO* 10 Takeo 'bemtf&t caotiyitie, M, of ah,andofe(f3i a <* * Take ieldai,ofTobi 3n a g o,a ; ana || Or -_ Andfpeak unto him,faying,Thus fpeak- eth the L o R D of hoits,faying,Behold the man Ctap, 5.8. vvh rc na me w the * B R A N c H, and he fhall " L "" L II grow up out of hii place, and he (hall build the temple of the L o R v: i j Even he fhall build the temple of the LORD, and he fhall bear the glorie, and fhall lit and rule upon his throne, and he fhall be a prieft upon his throne,and the counfel of peace Ihall be between them both. *4 And the crowns fhall be w Helem 3 and to 1 1 But they refufed to hearken,and f pulled away the (boulder, and f flopped their c; that they mould not heare. ii Yea, they made their hearts as anada- t Hcb.A mam flone, left they mould heare the kw,and *<. the words which the LORD of hofts hath fent in his fpirit f by the former prophets : there- f He b. { y fore came a great wrath from the L o R D of ha bour : t execute the judgement of truth and 25. peace in your gates. t Heb. j<^ 1 7 And let none of you imagine evil in your ^'emtntof hearts againft his neighbour, and love no falfe f e c e. oath : for all thefe are things that I hate, faith the LORD. 1 8 ^ And the word of the L o R D of hofts came unto me, faying, 19 Thus faith the LORD of hofts, The faft of the fourth moneth, and the faft of the fifth, and the faft of the feventh, and the faft of the ., tenth {hill be to the houfe of Judah joy and gladnefle, and cheerfull t feafts, therefore love f Heb. fl- the truth and peace. temne, or ftt zo Thus faith the L o R D of hofts, itjhall t>met : " yet came to p.-ifc, that there {hall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities. a i And the inhabitants of one citie mall go to another, faying,* Let us go f| ffpeedilyf to *ifa.a.j. pray before the L o R D, and to feek the LORD Mic.^. 1,2. of hofts: I will go alfo. ||Or,ri- zz Yea , many people and ftrong nations 4.*Heb. * {hall come to feek the LORD of hofts in Jeru- JHeb're/w- faleai, and to pray before ihe L o R D. treat thefifc* z 3 Thus faith the L o R D of hofts, In thofe dayes iijh.ill come to pa/ft , that ten men {hall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even {hall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew , faying. We will go with you j for we have heard that God it with you. CHAP. IX. I G ad deftndtthh'K church. 9 Zion exhorted to rejoyte for the coming of Thrift ', and his peaceable kjngdonie. i 2 Gods promifes ofviffory and defence. THe burden of the word of theL ORD in the land of Hadrach , and Dumafcus JhaH be the reft thereof : when the eyes of man, as of all the tribes of Ifrael jbali b e toward the LORD. z And Hamath alfo fhall border thereby 5 Tyrus and Zidon, though it be very * wife. 3 And Tyrus did build her fclf a ftrong hold, * ' and heaped up filver as the duft, and fine gold as the mire of the ftreets. 4 Behold, the Lord will caft her our,and he will fmite her power in the fea, and {he {hall be devoured with fire. Jhe coming of Chr Cha W and they fliall devoure,and || fubdue with fling- tbejlones of ft one s, and they fliall drink, and make a noife [|'of '/ as lnrcu S h wine, and they || (hall be filled like fll both the bowls, and as the corners of the altar. tottls, ft* ** And the LORD their God fliallfavethem in that day as the ftock of his people, for they Jhall be as the ftones of a crown,hfted up as an enfignc upon his land. 17 For how great is his goodnefle, and how great is his beauty? corn (hall make the young -, men || cheerfull, and new wine the maids. CHAP. X.- 1 Godutgbtfeugbtuntojancfnttidolt- J ^Ashevipteet Jaii flack^for finne, fo he will fave and reftore them. xi ki. Cod is to be fought unti ASk yc of the LO,RD rain in the time of the latter vain , fo the LORD ftrall make Jj bright clouds, and give them fliowrcs of rain, 739 to every one grafle in the field. H O r Ligtt- 1 For the * \ idols have fpoken vanity, and "& the diviners have fecn a lie, and have told falfe A {.?! g". dreams; they comfort in van ; thei\ fore they | Heb. /*r4- went their way as a flock,they [| were troubled, fhimt. becaufe there tvas no (hephcrd . ?**"' 5 Mine anger was kindled againft the (hep- herds,andIfpuni(hedthegoats:fortheLoRD -f Heb.w, ofhoftshathvifited his flock the houfe of Ju-fted upon. dah, and hath made them as his goodly horfc in the battcll. 4 Out of him came forth the corner, out of him the nail,our of him the battell-bow,out of him every oppreflowr together. ) f And they fliall be as mighty men,whicfc tread down their enemies in the mire of the ftreetsinthe battell, and they fliall fight, be- caufe the L o R D is with them, and || the ndcrs j| Or, they on horfes fliall be confounded. Jhall ma^e 6 And I will ftrengthen the houfe of Judah, the [ ide " and I will fave the houfe of Jofeph,and I will " bring them again to place them j for I have mercy upon them: and they fliall be as though I had not caft them off: for I am the LORD their God, and will heare them. 7 And they Howl Againft foolifli (hepherds. Zechariah. -" The reftoring of Judah; 740 i Howl firre-tree, for the cedar is fallen; and upoiTnis rfght eye: his arm (hall be clean H or&ikntt. becaufe all the fj mighty are fpoiled: howljO \ or, the d e . y e 0^5 of Ba(han,for jj the forrett of the vin- finced firrejt, ^^ ^ CQmc ( j ownj } f the land,faith the LORD: but lo,I will f de- liver the men eveuy one into his neighbours hand, and into the hand of his king, and they ihallfraite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. 7 And I will feed the flock of flaughter, || even you, O poore of the flock: and I took unto me two ftaves j the one I called Beau- 8 Or, binder s. ty, and the other I called |j Bands,and I fed the flock. 8 Three (hephcrds alfo I cut off in one moneth,and my foul f loathed them, and their foul alfo abhorred me. 9 Then faid I, I will not feed you:* that fl Or, vertly the potrc. f Hcb.w* fritnedfT them. dried up , and his right eye (hall be utterly darkned, CHAP. XII. I Jerufalem a cttp of trembling to her fdf, 3 AndabUr- denfomefttnetohfradverfarirs. 6 Tkevifforious re- faring of Judah. 9 Jbs repenttnci of -ferufaltm. TTHe burden of the word of the LORD for -I- Ifrael, faith the LORD, which ftretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the fpiric of man within him. i Behold, I will make Jerufalem a cup of jj Or fl trembling unto all the people round about , P'fi- |j when they (hall be in the ficge both againft W Or> ; Judah, and againft Jerufalem. Sail he be 3 ^ And in that day will I mike Jerufalem which thali be a burdenfome ftone for all people: all that bur- ' fog* den themfelves with it, (hall be cut in pieces, a *i"ft ? e ~. though all the people of the earth be gathered * together againft it. 4 In that day, faith the LORD, I will fmite every horfe with aftonifhment , and his rider with madnefle,and I will open mine eyes upon the houfe of Judah, and will fmite every horfe of the people with blindnefle. 5 And the governours of Judah (hall fay in their heart , [j The inhabitants of Jerufalem |j|Or r,thera that dieth,letit die: and that that is to be cut Jb all be my Strength in the LORD of hefts their 1S off, let it be cut offj and let the reft eat, every God. f --- XTtJ-M-rii theinbaui' o f In that day will I make the governours f tff' \. nfV a t-Unf ii- */*f tl\? wnrrl of theT. rn'n. eiien'm Tcrufalpm \\Qr.the ccrttinly knew that it was the word of the L o R o. 1 1 And I faid unto thcm,t If ye think good, Jerufalem. 7 The LORD alfo (hall fave the tents of t Heb. if it give me my pricej and if not, forbear: fo they Judah firft, that the glory of the houfe of Da- ** *" J *'" * weighed for my price thirty pieces of filver. vid , and the glory of the inhabitants of Jc- i ? And the LORD Cud unto me , Caft it tufalcm , do not maenific themfelves asainft Judah. S In that day (hall the LORD defend' the in- habitants of Jerufalem, and he that is jf f feeble J[ Or among them at that day (hall be as Davidjand the houfe of David Jbatt be as God, as the an- gel of the LORD before them. 9 fl And it (hall come to paffe in that day, th'at I will;feek to deftroy all the nations that come againft Jerufalem. 10 And I will pourc upon the houfe of Da- vid , and upon the inhabitants of Jerufalem - . 15. unto the * potter: a goodlypnce that I was * Matth. 17. prifed at of them. And I took the thirty pieces 9> lo> of filver , and caft them to the potter in rhe houfe of the L OR D. 14 Then I cut afunder mine other faS^ven that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Ifrael. 1 5 ^ And the L o R D faid unto me, *Take onto thee yst the inftrumcms of a fooli(h fhepherd. 1 6 For lo, I will raife up a (hepherd in the .117 *UL lA/2 * VV*A1 ICUlt. UU t IIJWWUVIU 111 tilt YiU j CU1U UfVSAl bCIV AliUU ViLcUlfc J V* JWUL^lCIi/j land, which (hall not vifit thofe that be |) cut the fpirit of grace and of fupplications , and off: neither (hall feek the young one, nor heal they (hall * look upon me whom they have * Job" that that is broken, nor [| feed that that ftand- pierced, and they (hall mourn for him, as one 34> 37< eth ftill,but he (hall eat the flefhof the far, mourneth for lonely fonne, and (hall be in and tear their claws in pieces. 17 *Woto the idolfliepherd thatlcavcth Exek^'V John V. 12. the flock: the fword jft^~6e upon jus arm, bitternefle for him, as one that is in bhterncfie for his firft-born. 11 In that day fi^l there be a great mourn- * Afis i. 3; Jerufalems purgation from idolatry; * a.Chron. ing in Jerofalem, * as the mom-hing of Hada* 3 5- 2 4- drimmon in the valley of Megiddon. \Hcb.fami- n And the land fhall mourn, f every family a p 3l -t 3 the family of the houfe of David apart, and their wives apart: the family of the houfe of Nathan apart, and thcirwives ap.irt. i j The family of the houfe of Levi apirt, and their wives apart : the family of Shimci apart, and their wives apart. j 4 All the families that remain, erery fami- ly apart, and their wives apart. The coming of Cbrift. CHAP. xnn. CHAP. XIIL t Thf fountain f purgation ftr JentfalfM, l*tTj t aadJlf e pT*fhefte. j The d.tuh Cr>an the trMtfH third fart. IN that day there fhall be a fountain opened to the houfe of David, and to the inhabi- f Heb./r/T*. tantsof Jerusalem , for finne, and for f tm- 2 ^f And it fhall come to pafle in that day, * Ezefcjt.ij f 3 i t h the L o R D of hofts, that I will * cut off the names of the idols out of the land,and they fhall no more be remcmbred: and alfo I will caufe the prophets, and the unclean fpirit to pafle out of the land. 5 And it fhall come to pafle, that when any fhall yet prophcfie, then his father and his mo- ther, that begat him, (hall fay unto him, Thou fhalt not livcifor thou fpeakeft lies in the name .^ of the L o R D : and his father and his mother 3 .that begat him, fhall thruft him through when te prqphefieth. 4 And it fhall come to pafle in that day/ hat the prophets fhall be afhamed every one of his Yifion, when he hath prophefied: neither fhall J- Heb. a g*r- they wear f a rough garment t to deceive. itunt ef hair. ^ ]j ut nc (half fay, I am no prophet, I ctm an j eb-r ' /; ^ husbandman: for man taught me to keep cat- tell from my youth. 6 And one (hall fay unto him,What are thefe Wounds in thine hands? Then he (hall anfwer, Tbofe with which I was wounded in the houfe of my friends. 7 f Awake, Ofword, againft my fhephcrd, and againft the man that U my fellow ,fanh the * Matth.2ide. ' With the L o R D will fmite all the people, that have fought againft Jerufalcm; their flefli fhall confumc away while they ftand upon their feet, and then: eyes (hall confume away in their " L L j hoKsj tm , , * Iiraels umundnefle, ifheligioufneiTe, NS Malacm. and profanenefl& up of fill the families of the earth unto Jcru- falem, to worfliip the King the LORD of holts, even upon them fliall be no rain. 1 8 And if the family of Egypt go not up,and a , . . come not,f that have no ra.m: there (hall be t Web. up M one on the hand of his neighboured his hand the plague wherewith the LORD vvill fmite the ? vA< "* thcre (hall rife up againft the hand of his neighbour, heathen that come not up to keep the feaft of 1S i the L o R D of hofts. i o Who is there even among you that would fhut the doores for %ought?ntithtr do ye kindle fire on 'mine altap for nought. I have no plea- fure in you, faith the L o R D of hofts,neither willl accept an * offering at your hand. Mfa.i.n. 1 1 For from the rifing of the funnc even J er * <5-20 ' unto the going down of the fame, ray name Amos 5'. ai fha.ll be great among the Gentiles, and in every place- incenfe Jhall be offered unto my name, and a pure oftering: for my name Jhall be great among the heathen,faith the L o R D of hofts. 1 2 ^ But ye have profaned it, in that ye fay, The table of the LORD is polluted, and the fruit thereof, even his meat is contemptible. . ' ij Yefaidalfo,Behold,whatawcanneffe/k it, and (j ye have fnuffed at it, faith the L o R D jj Or, of hofts, and ye brought that which was torn, y might and the lame, and the fick: thus yc brought ajn *^ w w * offering: fhould I accept thi-s of your hands? ' xtt ^' faith the LORD. 14 Butctirfcd be the deceiver, (| which hath jj Or,i in his flock a male, snd vdweth andfiaificethJ^"^' unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a greac Priefts and people reproved. Ch ap . fi.iii. OfChriasnieflenger,&c? King, faith the LORD of hofts, and my name the wife of thy youth, aainft whom thou haft if dreadtull among the heathen. dealt treach eroufly : yet%, flie thy companion CHAP. II. and the wife of thy covenant. rcprovfth The pritfls fir ntgleSin* thti *" 74? I4,&c. Deut.2* i5,8cc. , _ , x :ivfts,this commandment .1$ for you. 2 * If yc will not hear; , and if ye will not lay it to heart , to give glory unto my name, faith the L o R D of hofts , I will even fend a curfe upon you, and I will curfe your bleffings : yea , I have curfed them already, becaufe ye do not lay it to heart. $ Behold, I will corrupt your feed, and t fpread dung upon your faces,e^f a the dung of s^B^igjSsS? fbftSj andll ^ {ba11 takeyou 4 And ye fliall know that I have fent this commandmeu: unto you, that my covenant might be with Lcvi, faith the L o n D of hofts. 5 My covenant was with him of life and J*ace, and I gave them to him, for the fear wherewith he feared me,and was afraid before The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquitie was not found in his lips : he walked With me in peace and ecjuity,and did turn many away from iniquitie. 7 For the pricfts lips fhould keep knowledge, and they (hould feek the law at his mouth : for he is the meflenger of the Lo R D of hofts. 8 But ye are departed out of the way : y e have caufed many to || (tumble at the law : ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, frith the L OR oof hofts. 9 Therefore have I alfo made you con- temptible and bate before all the people , ac- cording as ye have not kept my wayes, but (] f have been partiall in the law. the free 4- 10* Have we not all one father ? hath not ^Hcb af- ne ^ d create ^ us ? W ^X ^ we ^ ea l treache- ttpttdftt**, l ' ou % every man againft his brother, bypro- ffphcf-4 6> fining the covenant of our fathers? 1 1 K Judah hath dealt treacheroufly, and an abomination is committed in Ifrael and in Je- rufalem: for Judah hath profaned the holinefle || Or^btto of the LORD which he f| loved,and hath mar- {i*. ried the daughter of a ftrange god. i i The LORD will cut off the man that doth this : || the mafter and the fcholar out of the tabernacles of Jacob,and him that offereth an offering unto the L o R o of h'ofts. 13 Anchhis have ye done again, covering the altar of the L o R D with tearcs, with weep- ing, and with crying our, infomuch that he re- gardeth not the offering any more, or recciveth iwith good will at your hand. 14 IT Yetyc'fliy , Wherefore ? Becaufe the * been witnefic between thec and J , let none deal |j treache- roufly againft the wife ot his youth 16 For the LORD the God of Ifrael faith, & || that he hateth f putting away : for one cover- || Or, ,/ h, erh violence with his garment, faith the LORD e h"f* of hofls: therefore take heed to your fpirit, that S^T 7 ' you deal not treacheroufly. cbt {t u t 1 7 ^ Ye have wearied the LORD with your > words: yet ye fay, Wherein have we wearied htm ? when ye fay, Every one that doth evil, x good in the fight of the LORD, and he deli^ht- cth in them a or where is the God of judgement? CHAP. IIL I Ofthg msffenger.ma^^ie^ndgrAce ofChrifl. 7 Of the rebellion, Kficriledge, i 3 *,* infidelity tftbe p ef pl f . . 1 6 The prtmije ef blcping to them th*tti f Ga4. Mar. i. 2. aady.zj. : and the Ufhall prepare Lo RD whom ye feek, man uiaaeniy come to his temple : even the meffenger of the cove- nant , whom ye delight in: behold, heftiall come, faith the L o R of hofts. ^ But who may abide the day of his comin^ and who mall ftand when he appeareth? for h^e ii like a refiners fire, and like fullers fope. 3 And he (hall fie .u a refiner and purifier of filver: and he mall pun fie the fonnesof Lew and purge them as gold and filver , that they may ofter unto the L o R D an offering i n righ-. teottfnefle. 4 Then fliall the offerings of Judah and Je- rufalem be pleafant unto the L o R D, as in the dayes of old, and as in || former yeares. . 5 And I will come nsare to you to iudae menr,andlwillbea' " ' " |j Or, him ind him that tnfstereth. falfe fwearers, and againft thofe that f{ oppreffe I] O the hireling in his wages , the widow, and the fatherlefle, and that turn afide the ftran^er from bis right, and fear not me, faith the LORD of hofts. 6 For I am the LORD, I change not : there- fore ye fonnes of Jacob are not confumed. 7 fl Even from the daycs of your fathers yc are gone away from mine ordinances , and have not kept them : * return unro me , and I will return unto you, faith the LORD of hoiis: btit ye faid, Wherein mall we return? 8 f Will a man rob God? yet ye have robbed me : but yc fay, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. 9 Ye are curfed with a curfe : for ye have robbed me, c-vcn. this whole nation. 10 Bring yc all the tithes into the ftore- The peoipks infidelitie: Malachi. houfe,that thcremaybe meat inmmehoufe, i Then (hall ye return and difcern between and prove me now herewith , faith the LORD the righteous and the wicked,between him that of hofts, if I will not open you the * windows ferveth God, and him that feiveth him oot, ,-', of heaven , and t poure you out a blefiing, that there flail not be room enough to rectwe it. \ i And I will rebuke the devourer for your * fakes: and he (hall not -fdeftroy the fruits of your ground , neither (hall your vine caft her fruit before the time in the field/aith the LORO ofhofts. ' i z And all nations (hall call you blefled :for ye (hall be a delightfome Iand 3 faith the L o R D efhofts. a a T Your words have been * ftout agamft ^_ ." _ f* .. \X7U-tf Ui*fja CHAP. IIII. I Gis judgement OH the vtickfd, z nnd, hit Hefting m the food- 4 He exhertetii t the Jlttdie ef the l*vt t 5 tndtettcth of Elijahs coming **J office. FOr behold, the day cometh that (hall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly (hall be ftubble, and the day that cometh (hall burn them up,faith the LORD of hofts, that it (hall leave then* neither root nor branch. z f But unto you that fear my name, (hall c lour woras nave ocen - nu^ . & ... ma faith the L o n D : yet ye &y, What have the * iuane of righteoufnefle arife with healing * wefpo^nr^^againftthce? in his wings j and ye (hall go forthandgrow Lukc 1.7*. e tpoken/0 miico again". U iw "&- - / - - 14 Ye have faid, It is vain to ferve God:and up as calves of the ftall, . * r> -. .1 .*. i -I ^^.L:*^.J; * Art/^\?^n-\iM t-rr^in 3 And ye (hall tread down the wicked j for they (hall be afees under the foles of your feet, in the day that I (hall do tbis t faith the L o R D of hofts. Remember ye the * law of Mofes What profit is it, that we have kept this ordi- nance, and that we have walked f mournfully before the LORD of hofts? 1 5 And now we call the proud happie: yea, they that work wickednefte t arefetupjyea, they that * tempt God are even delivered. 16 4j Then they that feared the LORD, fpake often one to another, and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, aad a book of remembrance was Written before him for them that feared the L o R D, and that thought upon his name. 17 And they (hall be mine, faith the LORD - ifi f hofts ia that day when I make up my || jew- to the children, and the heart-of the children |*,f* ^"iwillfparethemasamanfparVthhis to th^ir fathers, left I come and fmite the earth wnforuie that ferveth him. fervant, which I commanded unto him in Ho- reb for all Ifrael, wltb the ftatutes and judge- ments. f q Behold, I will fend you * Elijah the* Matt. 11.14 prophet, before the coming of the great and Mar.*n. dreadfull day of the L o R p. LuKe Iily And he fhall turn the heart of the fathers with a cttffc. Tip tnAeftht fr of bets. I * TESTAMENT OF OUR |;LORD AND SAVIOUR JESLJS CHRIST, !^ Newly tranflated out of the original Greek: and with the former translations diligently com- pared and revifed, by his Majefties fpeciall command. Ill I liH Jf Appointed to be read in churches* Printed by the printers to the Vrnverffce of CA M B R i D G E . Ann. Dora. 1637. as I ^ % 1 s ^ f 1 * J dl/iri THE GOSPEL ACCORDING * Luke j. 23. *Gcn. 38.27. * Ruth 4. 18. i.Chion.i.5, and \-.i .. j.Sam. 11.24. * i.Chron. 3.10. * 2. Kings 20 21. j.Cbron.j. 13. |Some read, At Jtcktniiu. i.Chron. 3, CHAP. I. i The genealogie ofCbriftJrom Abraham to Jo- feph. 1 8 He IVM conceived by the holy Ghoft 3 and born of the virgin Mary, v?benjbe was (fyoufedto Jofefh. 19 The angel fat isfietb the mifdeeming thoughts offofepb, andin- terpretetb the names of Chrijl. HE book of the * generation of Jssus CHRIST, the fonnc of David, the forme of Abraham. i * Abraham begat Ifaac, and * Ifaac begat Jacob , and * Jacob begat Judas and his brethren. 5 And * Judas begat Phares and 2ara of Thamar, and * Phares begat Efrom,and Efrom begat Aram. 4 And Aram begat Aminadab,& Aminadab begat Naafibn, and Naaflbn begat Salmon. 5 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab , and Booz begat Obed of Ruth,& Obed begat Jeffc. 6 And * Jefle begat David the king , and * David the 'king begat Solomon of her that bad been the wife of Urias. 7 * And Solomon begat Roboam, and Ro- boam begat Abia, and Abia begat Afa. 8 And Afa begat Jofaphat, and Jofaphat be- gat Joram,and Joram begat Ozias. 9 And Ozias begat Joatham, andjoatham begat Achaz, and Achaz begat Ezekias. 10 And **Ezekias begat Manaffes, and Ma- nafles begat Amon, and Amon begat Jofias. 1 1 And H Jofias begat Jechonias and his brethren , about the time they were carried away to Babylon. i a And after they were brought to Baby- lon, * Jechonias begat Salathiel, and Salathiel begu Zorobabel. 1 3 And Zorobabel begat Abiud,and Abiud begat Eliakim, and Eliakim begat Azor. 14 And Azor begat Sadoc, and Sadoc begat Achim, and Achim begat Eliud. ij AndEliud begat Eleaiar, and Eleazar begat Matthan^nd Matthan begtu Jacob. 16 And Jacob begat Jofeph the husband of Miry , of vvhom was born Jefus a who is called Chnft. 17 So all the generations from Abraham to David , are fourteen generations: and from. David untill the carrying away into Babylon, are fourteen generations : and from the car- rying away into Babylon unto Chrift a arc fourteen generations. 1 8 fl Now the * birth of Jefus Chrift was * Lute 1.17. on this wife : When as his mother Mary was efpoufed to Jofeph (before they came together) (he was found with childe of the holy Ghoft. 19 Then Jofeph her husband being a juft man , and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. 20 But while he thought on thefe things, behold , the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream , faying , Jofeph thou fonne of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her, is of the holy Ghoft. a i * And fhe fliali bring forth a fonne , and * Luke i, 31.! thou (halt call his name Jefus: for he (hall fave his people from their finnes. as (Now all this was done, that it '.night be fulfil led which was fpoken of the Lord by the prophet, faying, 1 3 * Behojd , a virgin (hall be with childe, * Ifa^i* and (lull bring forth a fonne , and (J they (hall II Or > hl B' - i The wife men out of the eaft, are dire fled to Chrift by afi arre. 1 1 They worjbip him&id offer their prefenn. i+fifeph flceth into Egypt , with fefus and hit mother. 1 6 He* rodfliyeth the children : 10 Himfelf dictb. ^S Chrift is brought bac^ again into GaliUt NO/v when * Jefus was born in Bethlehem * LuSe a> ^ y ufjudea, in the dayes of Herod the king, beho'd , there carr* wi(emcn from the e a li to Ooo The wife men worfhip Ghnft. S.Matthew. 0*4 * Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have feen his ftarre in the eaft, and are come to worfliip him. When Herod the king had heard thefe Johns preachingjOttice, &c, chel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, becaufe they are not. 1 9 f But when Herod was dead , behold, 3 When Herod the king had heard tbs)e an angel of the Lord appearethm a dream t b'rngs , he was troubled,and all Jerufalem with Jofeph in Egypt , *Mic.$.i. John 7.41. R Or,/<*i jhim. 4 And when he had gathered all the chief priefts & Scribes of the people together, he de- manded of them where Chrift {hould be born. f And they faid unto him,In Bethlehem of Judea : for thus it is written by the prophet? 6 * And thou Bethlehem in the land of Ju- da,art not the leaft among the princes of Juda: for out of thec (hall come a Governour that (hall |{ rule my people Ifracl. 7 Then Herod , when he had privily called the wife men , enquired of them diligently what time the ftarre appeared. 8 And he fent them to Bethlehem,and faid, Go, and fearch diligently for the young childe, and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worfliip him alfo. 9 When they had heard the king , they de- parted, and lo, the ftarre which they faw in the eaft , went before them, till it came and ftood over where the young childe was. 10 When they faw the ftarre , they rejoyced With exceeding great joy. 11 flAnd when they were come into the houfe , they aw the young childe with Marie hit mother ,and fell down,and worshipped him: and when they had opened their trcafures, they I Or, tjfertJ, 1| prefented unto him gifts 5 gold, and frankin- cenfe, and myrrhe. it And being warned of God in a dream, that they fhould not return to Herod, they de- parted into their own countrey another way. 13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Jofeph in a dream, faying, Arife,and take the young childe, and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until! I bring thee word : for Herod will feek the young childe to deftroy him 20 Saying, Arife, and take the young childe and his mother, and go into the land of Ifracl : for they are dead which fought the young childes life. 2 1 And he arofe, and took the young childe and his mother, and came into the land of II- rael. 24 But when he heard that Archelaus did rcigne in Judea, in the room of his father He- rod,he was afraid to go thither : notwithftand- ing , being warned of God in a dream, be turn- ed afide into the parts of Galilee : 2g And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was fpoken by the prophets , He ftuil be called a. Nazarene. CHAP. III. I John preacbeth; his offiee, life,and baptifmt. 7 He reprebendeth the Pharifaf , 13 and baptiieth Cbrift in Jordan* TN thofe dayes came * John the Baptift, Mark i.. Ipreachingin the wildernefle of Judea, lukc 3,3. 2 And faying, Repent ye: for the kingdoms of heaven is at hand. 3 For this is he that was fpofcen of by the prophet Efaias, faying, * The voice of one cry- * if a .4o. j; ing in the wildernefle , Prepare ye the way of Mark i.j the Lord, make his paths ftraight. 4 And the fame John had his raiment of camels hair , and a leathern girdle about his loyns, & his meat was locufts and wildc hony. 5 Then went out to him Jerufalem and all Judea,andall the region round about Jordan, 6 And were baptized of him in Jordan, confeffing their finnes. 7 f But when he faw many ofthePharifees and Sadduces come to his baptifme , he faid unto them, * O generation of vipers, who hath * Chap.u. 1 4 When'he arofe,he took the young childe warned you to flee from the wrath to cotr-e? 34. ^ . nd his mother by night, and departed into 8 Bring forth therefore fruits || meet for re- pentance. 9 Egypt: fpt: pentance. m in t,fi t ft. \ And was there untill the death of He- 9 And think not to fay within your felves, rod: that it might be fulfilled wkich was fpo- * We have Abraham to our father: for I fey un- * j h n g , j 9 . f Hof i i.i. ken nf thf . T orl bv the orOD het . fevine. * Oat to you,that God is able of thefe ftones to raife ken of the Lord by the prophet , faying, of Egypt have I called my fonne. 1 6 ^ Then Herod when he faw that he was mocked of the wife men,was exceeding wroth, up children unto Abraham. 10 And now alfo the ax is laid unto the root of the trees : * therefore every tree which aChap.?. and fent forth , and flew all the children that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down were in Bethlehem, and in all the coafts there of, from two yeares old and under, according to the time which be had diligently enquired of the wife men. 17 Then was fulfilled that which was fpo^ ji.iyi ken j,y * Jeremie the prophet, faying, 1 8 In Rama was there a voice heard,lamen- andcaft into the fire. 1 1 * I indeed baptize you with water unto * Mark la s; repentance j but be that cometh after me, is Luke 3.16. mightier then I, Whofe {hoes I am not worthy Johni,a, to bear ; he (hill baptize you with the holy Ghoft, and with fire. 1 2 Whofe fanne is in his hand, and he will tation and weeping, and great mourning, Ra- throughly purge his fioore, and gather his wheat ChriA faff erh,and is tempted. Chap. iiii. v; He beginneth to preach. wheat into the garner : but he will burn up the dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the fea- chaff with unquenchable fire. MU:kis>. 13 f * Then cometh Jefus from Galilee to UKC j.ai. Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. 14 But John foibad him/aying,l have need to be b.iptiz^d of thee,and comett thou to me 1 5 And Jefus anfwering,faid unto him,Suf- fer it to be fo now : for thus it becometh us to ..,iv ... v^.^viuttuiii, TYMICU is upon tne jea- coaft,in the borders of Zabulon & Nephthali; 14 That .it might be fulfilled which was fpo- ken by Efaias the prophet/a-yin*, , II J"y*" 3 15 Ihelandof Zabulon,and the land of * Nephthali, by the way of thefea beyond Jor, dan,GaWee of the Gentiles : ~ '- '"-- ", ;-"-" > l6 The people which fat in darkneOe. favv fulfill all nohteouTncffe.Then he fuffered him. .great light:and to them which fat in the t&ion 16 And Jefus when he was baptised, went and fhadow of death,light isfprun* up apftraightwayontof the water: and lo, the 17 -f * From that time Jefus Wan to 1 leivenswereopened unto him, and he faw f reach, and to fay^epem/for the kingdome of the Spirit of God defcending like a dove., and heaven is at hand. lighting upon him. , ^ * A nd Jefus walking by thefea of * Ma rk 1,1* 17 Andlo a voice from heaven, Living, 'Galibe^aw two brhren,Simon,called Peter, his ismy beloved Sonflc^ri whom I am well and Andrew his brother, cafting a net into the pieafed. CHAP. IIII. , , , . .;(wd is tempted, n The angels mmfter unto him, 1 3 He dwelletb in Caper* naiaa, 17 beymutb topreacb 3 i% calietb Pc- tw and Andrew , 21 Jams and nbn, ^l and bealctb all the difeafed. fea: (for they ^vere fiftersj 19 And he faith umothenvFolIowme,and I will make you fithers of men. 20 And they Itraishtway left their nets, and followed him. a i And going on from thence, he faw other two brethren, fcmes the fonne of 2ebedee,and - - r - Spirit into c,to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fafted fourty dayes and y mghts,he was afterward an hungred. 3 And when the tempter came to him, he laid, If thou be the fonne of God. command that the ftone: be made bread. 4 But hi anfwere J and faid, It is written, *Man fhallnot live h.y biead alone, but by every word that ptoccedeth out of the mouth of God. holy city, and fetteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, 6 And faith unto him, If thou be the fonne at any time thou dam ihy foot againft a ft'one, 7 Jefus faid unto him, It is written again, * Peur.5. 1 6 * Thou (halt not tempt the Lord thy God. 8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and fhcweth him all thekingdomesofthe world, and the glory of them ' 9 And faith unto him, All thefe things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worfliip me. 10 Then faith Jefus unto him, Get thee *Deut.*.ij hence, Satan: for it is written, * Thouflirrlt and 10. io. worfhipthe Lord thy God,and him onely flult thouferve. n Then the devil leaveth him>and behold, * Mar. 1. 14 angels came and miniftred unto him. JSKiJll 1 . 4 1 z ^ * Now whcn J efus had hcard that Jhn 5or,i/ivw- VY3* 11 "ft intoprjfon.hc departed incoG.ihlee. tdt* 13 And leaving Naznrcth, he came and 22, And they immediately left the fljip and their father,and followed him . i? f And Jefus went about all Gah'lee teaching in their fynagogues, and preachin* thegofpcl of the kingdome, and healing alt manner of fickneflc, and all manner of difcafe among the people. 24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all fick people that were taken with divers difeafes, and torments, and thofc which were lutick, and thofe tint had the palfie,and he healed them. And there followed him great multi- CHAP. V. i CMf beginneth bit ftrm'ott in the mounts 3 declaring who areb'effed, 13 who are : be fait of the earth, 14 the light of the world, the city on an bill, if thcca};dle : 17 tbtt became to fulfil^ tie law. njrbatit is to fall, i? to commit adultery, 33/1? fwtar t 38 exbonetb to fujfiY wrong, 44 to lo-vee- uen our enemies, 48 and to labour afttrper- fcflmffe. ANd feeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain : and when he wasfct, his dif- ciples came unto him. z And he opened his mouth, and -taught thcm/aying, 3 * Blefled are the poore i n fpirir.-for theirs *Luk< 6. so. is the kingdome of heaven. 4 Bleffcd are they that mourn.-for they fiwll be comforted. Ooo 3 5 ^Blefled Chrifts fermon in the mount. S. Matthew. The law expounded. 5 * BleiTed arc the meek : for they (hall in- * 4 Leave _there thy gift before the altar, and *Pfal.a*+ 8 Pfal-37' 11 ' herit the earth. 6 Blefled art they which do hunger & thirft i j. after righteoufnefle: * for they (hall be hllcd, 7 Blefled are the mercifull : for they (hall obtain mercy. Blefled are the pure in heart : for they (hall fee God. 9 Blefled are the peace-makers : for they (hall be called the children of God. *i.Pct.*.i4. I0 * Blefled arc they which are perfecuted for righteoufnefle fake : for theirs is the king- dome of heaven. 1 1 Blefled are ye when men (hall revile you, and perfecute you, and (hall fay all manner of *evil againft you t falfely for my fake. Rejoyce, and be exceeding glad ,. for go thy way, firft be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. ^') * Agree with thine adverfary quickly, *L whiles thou art in the way with lunr.iett at any time the adverfary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be caft into prifon. z6 Verily, I fay unto thee, thou (halt by no means come out thence, till thou haft paid che mtermoft farthing. 27 V Ye have heard that it was faid by them of old time,* Thcu (halt not commit adultery. "Exod. 20.14 18 But I fay unto you,that whcfoever look- eth on a woman to lutt aher her,tuth commit- ted adultery with her already in his heart. 19 * And if thy right eye || offend thee,pluck *Chap.i8.8 great is your reward in heaven : for fo perfecu- itout,and caft it from thee :"for it is profitable Mark's. 47 ted they the prophets which were before you. for thee that one of thy members ftiould pe- "f r Cor 7'io \me*> your Father which is in heaven. - cation, caufeth her to commit adultery : and whofoever (hall marry her that is divorced, comrmtteth adultery. 3 3 f Again, ye have heard that it hath been faid by them of old time,* Thou (halt not for- *Exo k not V3 ' n * repetiti- 4. ons, as the heathen do: for they think that they (hall be heard for their much fpeaking. 8 Be not ye therefore like onto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: "Luke ni a. * our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdome come. Thy will be done in cart has;; win heaven. vi- and fafting. ii Give us this day our daily bread. 917 1 1 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters. i 3 And lead us notinto temptation,but de- liver us from evil : For thine is the kingdoms, and the power and the gloriet for ever. Amen. 14 * For, if ye forgive men their trefpaffes. "Mark 11.15 your heavenly Father will alfo forgive you. ' 15 But if ye forgive not men their trefpaf- fcs, neither will your Father forgive your tref- pafies. 1 6 f Moreover s when ye faft, be not as the hypocrites, of a fad countenance : for they dif- figure their faces, that they may appeare unto men to faft. Verily, I fay unto you, they have their reward. 17 But thou,when thou fafteft, anoint thine head, and wafli thy face : iS That thou appeare not unto men to faft, but unto thy Father which is in fecret: and thy Father which feeth in fecret, (hall reward thee openly. 19 q Lay not up for your felves treafures upon earth, where moth and ruft doth corrupt, and where theeves break through and fteal. 20 * But lay up for your felves treafures '' n , -rim^V* heaven, where neither moth nor ruft doth cor- rupt, and where theeves do not break through nor fteal. ii For where your treafure is, there will your heart be alfo. az * Thelightof the bodie is the eye: if 'Lute". J4 therefore thine eye be fingle, thy whole bodie (hall be full of light. z 3 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole bodie fliallbefullofdarknefle. If therefore the light that is in thee be darknefie, how great is that darknefle ! 24 fl * N6mancanfervetwomaftcr:for *Lateif.i} either he will hate the one and love the others or elfe he will hold to the one, anddefpife the other. Ye cannot fenre God and mammon. 15 Therefore I fay unto you, *Take no *Pfal. 5$. thought for your life, what ye (hall eat, or what f 2 ye (hall drinks nor yet for your bodie what ye ,; fhall put on : Is not the life more then meat, and the bodie then raiment ? z6 Behold the fowls of the ajre : for they fow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barnsj yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Areye not much better then they? 17 Which of you by taking thought can adde one cubit unto his ftature ? 18 And why take ye thought for raiment ? Confider the lilies of the field how they grows they toil nor, neither do they fpinne. ^9 And yet I fay unto you, that even Solo- mon in allhisglone,was'notarayed like one of thefe. 30 Wherefore if God fo clothe the grafle of the field,which to d-iy is,and tomorrow is oft 0004 into Raft judgement reproved. S. Matthew. 9 afl into the oven, fait he not much more cloths you, O ye of little fmii ? 3 i 7 herefor.C't.ike no thought,fayrng,What fhall we eat? or what (lull we urinkror where- withal! fiull we be clothed ? 31 ( Foe after all thefe things do the Gen- tiles feek) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all thefe things. 33 But feek ycfirft the kingdome of God, and his righteoufnefle , and all thefe things ftiall be added unto you. 3 4 Take therefore no thought for the mor- rcw,: feu the morrow (hall t.ike thought for the things .of it -felf: fufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. CHAP. VII. j Chrift ending his fermon in. the mount, re* proveth rafh judgement ,6 for biddetb to caft holy things to dogs, 7 exhorteth to prayer, 1 3 to enter in at the ftrait gate, i y to be- ware offdfe prophets, ^ i not to be bearers > but doers of the word: 14 ll^c boitfes builded, ov a rock> 1-6 and not on the f And. Luke 6. J7 *rildge not, that ye be not j ;dged. Lord, have ' *Mirk '24 * 2 For with what judgement ye judge,ye andinthyn Luke 6.38. ' fh'M be judged : * and with what meafuce ye thy name do mete, it (hall be meafured to you again. *LiUtatf,4i. 3 * And why beholdeft thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye, but confidereft not the beam that is in thine own eye ? 4 Or how wilt thou fay to thy brother,Let me pull out the mote out of thine eyej and be- hcldj a beam isin thine own eye ? f Thou hypocrite^firft caft out the beam out of thine owneyejand then (h ilt thou fee clear- ly to caft out the mote out of thy brothers eye. 6 ^ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither caft ye your pearls before fwine, left they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rent you. 7 f * Ask, and it (hall, be given you: feek, and ye (hall finde: knoclc,and it (hall be opened OFflufe prophets.^ 14 || Becaufeftraitistheg-ite, and narrow |jOr,6w. is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that finde it. iff Beware of falfc prophets, which come to you in (bscps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 1 6 Ye (hall know them by their fruits: * Do * Luke 6.j men gather grapes of thorns,or figs of thiftles? 17 Even fo every good tree bringeth forth good fruit: but a corrupt tree bringeth forth .evil fruit. 18 A gpod tree cannot bring forth evil fruit: neither can a corrupt tvee bring forth ^ood fruit. 1 9 *Every tree that bringeth not forth good *Chap, 3.10 fruit, is hewen down and caft into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye fhall know them. ii fl Not everyone that' faith unto me, * Lord, Lord,(hallenter into the kingdomc of *Rom.2.i ?. heaven; but he that doth the will of my Father J ame$ u32 * which is-in heaven. ^^ Many will fay to me in that day, Lord, have we not prophefied in thy name i ame have caft out devils t and in thy name done many wonderfull works ? 2? And then will I profeiTeunto them, * I *Lukc 13. 27 never knew you: *depart from me ye that work 'P^ 1 - 6 - 8 ' iaiquitie. 24 f Therefore, * whofoever hcareth thefe^Luke 6.47* fayings of mine, anddoth them, I will liken him unto a wife man which built his houfe up. on a rock : 2? And the rain defcended, and the flotidj came, and the windes blew>and beat upon that houfe: and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth thefe fayings *Chap. 2 ofmine, and doth them! not, (hall be likened unto a fooli(h man which built his houfe upon the fand : 17 And the rain defcended, and the floods came, and the windes blew,and beat upon that X For every one that askech,receiveth: and houfej and it fell, and great wcisthefjll of ir. he that Cbeketh,findeth:and to him that knock- 28 And it came to pafle when Jefus had eth,itftnll be opened. ended thefe fayings., * the people were afto- *Mark i. 9 Or what man is there of yoUjWhom if his ni(hed at his daftrine. Luke 4. 3 J 29 For he taught them as one having au- thoritie,andnctas the Scribes. HAP. VIII, Luke 13,14 fonae ask bread, will he give him a ftone ? 10 Or if he ask a fifti, will he give him a ftrpent ? 11 If ye then being evil, know hew to give good gifts unto your children,how much more fhnll your Fither which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him ? la Therefore all things * wlwtfoever ye would that men fiiould do to you 5 do ye even fo to them: for this is the law and the prophets. J 3 ^i * Enter ye in at the ftrait gate j for v\ide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to deftiu&ion 3 and many there fae which go in thereat; C z Chrift c/eanfeth the leper 3 ? healeth the cen- turionsfervanty 14 Teters mother in law, 1 6xnd many other difcafed.,iZjhei*>eth bov> he is to be followed: i^ftilleth the tewpeft entbefea, 28 driveth the devils out of five men pof[effcd } $ I andfufferetb them to go in- to the ffp'mc. WHen he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes follow- cdhim. *Mark i4d a * And behold, there came a leper and Luke 5.1*1. worfhip- Chap. ix. The windeand fea obey him. 2 i And another of his difciples fafd unto him, pz? Lord, fuffer me firft ro go and bune my father. 21 But Jefus fa id unto him, Follow me,and let the dead burie their dead. ' 2 5 IT And when he was entred into a (hip, his difciples followed him. 14 * And behold, there arbfe a grent tempeft * Chrift cleanfeth the leper. worftiipped him, faying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canft make me clean. 5 And Jefus put forth his hand and touched him, faying, I will, be thcu clean. And imme- diately his kprofie w.is cleanfed. 4 And Jefus faith unto him,See thou tell no man, but go thy way,fhew thy fdfto the prieft, --r .-.., m*.i^*ivi<. &t ...n. mu^m. * war* 4. 3-% I4 and offerthe gift that *Mofes commanded, in the fea, infomuth that the (hip'was covered Luke 8,ij. for a teftimonie unto them. with the waves: but he was aflcep. . j T * And when Jefus was entte'd into Ca- * f And his difciples came to him , and pernaum, there came unto him a centurion, awoke him, faying, Lord, five us: we perifli. befeechinghim, 26 And he faith unto them , Why are ye fearfull,Oye oflutle faith? Then hearofe and 6 And faying , Lord, my fcrvant licth at home fick of the pallle,grievoufly tormented. 7 And Jelus faith unto him,I will come and heal him. 8 The centurion anfwered and faid : Lord,I am not worthy that thou (houldcft come under my roof : butfpeak the word onely, and my fetvant (hall be healed. 9 For I am eman under authorise, having fouldkrs under me; and I fay to this man,Go, and he goeth: and to another, Come, and he cometh: and to my fetvant, Do this, and he doth it. IO When Jefus heard it, he marvelled, and faid to them thatfollowed, Verily I fay unto you, I have not found fo great faith, no not in Ifrael. 1 1 And I fay unto you, that many (hall come from the eaft and weft,and (Hall fit down with Abraham, and Ifaac, and Jacob in the kingdome of heaven. 1 1 But the children of the kingdome fliali be caft cut into outer davkneffe: there (hallba weeping and gnaftiing of teeth. 15 And Jefus faid unto the centurion, Go thy way,and as thou haft beleeved.fo be it done unto thee. And his feivam was healed in the felffame houre. *Marfci.i9. 14 ^[* And when Jefus was come into Pc- tukc 4- 3 8< ters houfe, he faw his wives mother laid , and fick of a fever. 1 5 And he touched her hand, andthe'fever left her: and fhe arofe and miniftred unto them. *Ma-k 1.3* 1 6 [ * When the even was come, they Luke 4 40. brought unto him many that were poiTefled with devils: and he caft out the fpirits with his word, and healed all that were fick : 17 That it might be fulfilled which was fpoken by Efaias the prophet,faying,*Himfelf took our infirmities, nnd bare our ficknefies. 1 8 Now when Jefus faw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart unto the other fide. And a certain fcribe came, and faid *ira.jj-4- i. Pct.a.4 * Lukc^-57. unto him, Mafter, I will Follow thee whither- foever thougoeft. 20 And Jefus faith unto him, The foTes have holes,and the birds of theatre have neftsj buttheSonne of man hath not where to lay vent bee. his head. rebuked the windes and the fea, and there was a great calm. 27 'But the men marvelled, faying, What manner of man is this 3 that even the windes and the fea obey him ? 28 ^ * And when he was come to the other *Mark j.ri fide, into the countrey of the Gergefens, there Luke 8 Jtf. met him two poffeflea with devils, coming out of the tombes,exceeding fierce, fo that no man might paffe by that way.. 29 And behold,they cried out/aying^What have we to do with thee, Jefus thou fonne o God? art thou come hither to torment us be- fore the time f 50 And there was a good way off from them an herd of many fwine, feeding. 5 i So the devils befought him, faying, If thoucaftusoutj-fufferus to go away into the herd of fwine. 32 And he faid unto them, Go. Ahdwnen they were come out, they went into the herd of (wine: and behold, the whole herd of fwine ran violently down a fteep place into the fea, and perid.ed in the waters. 55 And they that kept them fled, and went their wayes into the citie,and told every thing 3 and what was befallen to the poflcfled of the devils. 54 Arid behold, the whole citie came out to meet Jefus, and when they faw him, they be-' fought him that he would depart out oftheir coaits. CHAP. ix. 2 Christ cunnz oneficl^ of the palfo, 9 calletb Matthew from tbereceit ofcvjlome 3 i9 ea.t- etb with publicanes andfinhers,!* defend- etb bis difciples for not faftbig}io curcih the b!oudieijjue,2i raifetb from death faints daughter ^7 ghetbfgbt to two blinde men, 52 he aletb a. dambe man pojfifed of a devil, 56 andhatb compaffion o f the multitude- \ Nd he entied into a fliip, and pafled over, Xland came into his own citie. 2, * And bchold,they brought to him a man *Mark 2.3; fick of the palfie, lying on a bed: and Jefus fee- Luke 5. 1 8* ing their faith, fa id unto the fick of the palfie, Sonne, be of good chcere,thy finnes be forgi- And Matthew called. S. Matthew. The blinde and dumbe healed. 2jo ? And behold, certain of the Scribes faid within themfclves, This man blafphcmeth. 4 Andjefus knowing their thoughts, faid, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts ? 5 For whether is eaficr to fay, Thy finnes be forgiven thee? or to fay, Arife and walk ? 6 But that ye way know that the Sonneof man hath power on earth to forgive finnes, ( then faith he to the fick of the paifie ) Arife, take up thy bed, and go unto thine houfe. 7 And he arofe, and departed to his houfe. 8 But when the multitude faw it^they mar- velled, and glorified God, which had given fuch power unto men. *Mark 2.14. 9 ^ * And as Jefus parTcd forth from thence, Luke 5. 17. he faw a man named M.uthew, fitting at the receitof cuftome: and he faid unto him, Fol- low me. And he arofe, and followed him. 10 f And it came to pafle,as Jefus fat at meat in the houfe,behold, many publicanesand fin- ners came & fat down with him & his difciples 1 1 And when the Pharifees famr,they faid unto his difcipIes,Why eatethyour matter with publicanes and finners? 1 2 But when Jefus heard tbatfrt faid unto them, They that be whole need not a phyfici- an, but they that are fick. 1 3 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, *Hef. 6.6. * I will have mercie, and not facrifice:for I am chap. 12.7. not come to call the righteous, * but finners to i.Tim. i. repentance. *** 14 f Then came to him the difciples of *Maik *.i 8 John, faying, * Why do we and the Pharifees Luke J.}J raft oft, but thy difciples faft not ? i f And Jefus faid unto them, Can the chil- dren of the bride-chamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them ? but the dayes will come when the bridegroom (hall be taken from them, and then mall they faft. for MW l ^ Nomanputtethapieceof IJ new cloth or unvreufbt unto an ^ garment: for that which is put in doth. k to fill it up, taketh from the garment, and the ' rent is made worfe. i7Neither do men put new wine into old bot- tles: elfe the bottles brcak,& and the wine run- neth out,& the bottles penfo: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preferred. "Mark 5.21. l ^ ^ * While he fpake thefe things unto Luke 8.31. them, behold, there came a certain ruler and worshipped him, faying, My daughter is even now dead : but come and lay thy hand upon her, and (he fhall live. 1 9 And Jefus arofe, and followed him, and fo did his difciples. 20 f (And be hold, a woman which was difeafedwithan iffue of bloud twelve yeares, came behinde him, and touched the hemme of his garment. a i For (he faid within her fclf, If I may but touch his garment, I (hall be whole, ai But Jefus turned him about, and when he faw her, he faidjDiughterjbe of good comfortj thy faith hath made thee whole. And the wo- man was made whole from that houre ) 13 And when Jefus came into the rulers houfe , and faw the minitrels and the people making a noife, 24, He faid unto them, Give place, for the maid is not dead,but fleepcth. And they laugh- ed him to fcorn. 2f But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arofe. 26 And |jche fame hereof went abroad into |l r **'* all that land. /". 27 fl And when Jefus departed thence,two blinde men followed him, crying, and faying, Thoufonne of David have mercie on us. 28 And when he was come into the houfe, the blinde men came to him: and Jefus faith unto them , Beleevc ye that I am able to do this? they faid onto him, Yea, Lord. 29 Then touched he their eyes,faying, Ac- cording to your faith, be it unto you. $o And their eyes were opened, and Jefus ftraitly charged them, faying,See that no man know it. 3 1 But they,when they were departed,fpread abroad his fame in all that countrey. ?* f *As they went out, behold,they brought *tk IM * to him a dumbc man poflefled with a devil. jj And when the devil was caftout, the dumbe fpake; and the multitudes marvelled, faying, It was never fo feen in Ifrael. 34 But the Pharifees faid, * He cafteth out JPpJ*M the devils through the prince of the devils. Luke I'i'.Yj. jf *And Jefus went about all the cities and *Muk*.<5. villages, teaching in their fynagogues, and Luke 13.22? preaching the gofpel of the kingdome , and healing every ficknefle,and every difeafe among the people. 36 ^ * But when he faw the multitudes, he *Mark 6.\\ was moved with companion on them, becaufc they || fainted, and were fcattered abroad, * as fiOr, ** flieep having no (hepherd. 22T** 9 37 Then faith he unto his difciples, * The ^^1.27.17 harveft truly is plenteous , but the labourers *Luke* io'.a. are few. 3 8 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the hafveft, that he wil fend forth labourers into his harveft CHAP. X. i Cbrift fendetbout bis twelve apostles, ena- bling them tlth potter to do miracles } y givetb them their charge t tcacheth them, 16 comfor- tetb them agairift perfecution^ 40 andpromi* feth a blefling to tbofe that receive them. ANd * when he had called unto him his *Mark 3^14, twelve difciples, he gave them power \[a- Luke 9.1*. gainft unclean fpirits,to caft them ouc,&to heal |Or,cwr, all manner of fickncs,and all manner of difeafe. i Now the names of the twelve apoftles are thefe, The firft, Simon, who is called Pe- ter, The Apoftlesfent to preach. Chap. x. Chrift comforteth them. ter,and Andrew his brother, James the fonne you ye fliall not J| have gone over the cities of 9 ? i of Zebedee,andjohn his brother, Ifrael till the Sonic of man be come floL,or j PhiljpjandBartholomew^ThomaSj&Mat- *4 *Thedifci P le is not above his mafter *"* thcw che publicane,Jimes thefonne of Alphe- nor thefervant above bis lord * Luke tf>40> us,&Lebbeus,whofefurnamevva $ Thaddeu S , *f It iscnough for the difciple that he be as J hn ' 3 ' Id - 4 Simon the Canaaniee,and Judas Ifcarior, h>$ matter, and the fervant as his lord if rh Who alfo betrayed him. havecalled the matter of the houfe Selbn? 5 Thefe twelve Jefus fent forth, and com- how much more (hall thevcall thrl c I ' man nether Owes, nor yet ftaves : (* for the without your Father ^ i.Ti , BlJ . , 8 . workman is worthy of his meat) 3 o * But the very haiis of your head are all JLukc.o.8. ii * And into whatfoever city or town ye numbred. ^ ihallemer, enquire who in it is worthy, and gi Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more va- ' thereab t de nllye go thence. lue then many fparrows /" w And when yecomeintoanhoufe/aluteit. ^ *Whofoever therefore (hall confeffe me * i j And if the houfe be worthy,let your peace before men, him will I confeffe alfo before my A comeuponit: but if it be not worthy, let your Father which is in heaven * PCaCer " U A rn jr U r' n. * But who fover flail denyme before * Mar. 8 r f ' And wbofoever fliall not receive you, men, him-will I alfo deny before my Father *3* nor heare your words: when yedepartout of which is in heaven. a.Tim..i2. rAft.i3.fi. J athoufe >w^*^kc off the duftofyour 54 * Think not that I amcometo fend 'Ink .5 ir -i -rr peaceon earth ; I came notto fend peace buta 1 5 Verily I fay unto you, It ftall be more fword. J DUt a tolerable for the landof Sodom and Gomor- ^ For I am come to ftt a man at variant ^h,mthedayofHgement,thenforthatci t y. ^ainfl his father, and the daught r ^SS ' 3% the'LVn? ^ J \ fcnd y h u f / th as ? eep , in t crmot ^ erj and the dau & hter i%n S he midtt of wolves: be ye therefore wife as fer- her mother in law . pents,and || harmleffe as doves, 3 6 And a mztu'fanJbaBbe they of his own 17 But beware of men, for they win deliver houfliold. youuptothecouncekvand they willfcourge 37 * He that Ibveth father or mother more * ou i and he 4 U * He that receiveth you^receivcth me * Luke 10. itf dhCt . r l cU T, ^ th ! 4I " e ^ receiveth a prophe the W1 J , fl u r te hC a h u Chllde: and f a P r P her ' faM cci ve a P^P h rev^ard the children (hall nfe up agamft their parents, and ne that receiveth a rightSas man, in the id caufe them to be put to death. na me of a righteous man! (hall receive a riefi! ^^ And ye (hall be hated of all men for my teous mans reward. C 4^Andwhofoe V erftnll g ivctodnnk U a. ,^^*i on^i^tt^Sfc^ : for verily I fay ttnto toyou,heflullinnowifeIofchCewa r df CHAP,. Chrifts teftlmony of John. S. Matthew. A wo ugainft Choraz.inj& c. pp CHAP, XI. 19 The Sonne of man came eating & drink- z John fendeth bis difciples to Chrlft. ^ Cbrifls inland they fay, Behold,a man gluttonous and feffimony concerning jFohn. 18 The opinion awmc bibber, a friend of publicanes and fin- of the people, both concerning John and ners;but wifdome isjuiUiiedofherchildi-en. * zo Christ upbraideth the unthank- 2C f * Then bc^m he to upbraid the cities *Iukcio.i> fulneffe and HnrepentaHce ofChora^n^Beth- vyherein moft of hi r> i b h:y works wetc done, faida, and Capernatftft : 25 and praifag bit becaufe they repented nor. ' 21 Wo unto thee Chorazin, wo unto thee ' F either stvif dome in reveal&g the gofpelto the/irnple, 2% hetfalletb tohitn til fitch M feel the burden of their finals. ANditcametopafle, when Jefus had rrude anend of commanding his twelve difci- ples,he departed thence to teach and to preach in their dries, * Luke 7.18. * * Now when John had heard in the prifon the works of Chrift,hcfent two of his di&ples, 3 And faid unto him,Art thqffht that fliouid come, or do we look for another ? 4 Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, Go andfhcw John again thofe things which ye do heare and fee : 5 ^ The blindc receive their Gght, and the ,lame walk, the lepers are cleanfed.andthe deaf Ifa.tfiii. hearc, the dead are raifed up, and* the poore have the gofpel preached to them. 6 And blefledis he whofoever(hallnotbe oftcnded in me. 7 j And as they departed, Jefus began to fay unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilder nefie to fee ? A reed Chaken with the winde 8 But what went ye out for to fee ? A man clothed in foft raiment fbeholdjthey that wear fofc clothing,are in kings houfes. 9 But what went ye out for to fee?A prophet? yea,I fay unto you,and more then a prophet. 10 Forthisisheofwhomitiswritten,*Be- hold 3 I fend my meflenger before,thy face, which fhall prepare thy way before thee . I 1 Verily I fay unto you, among them that are born of women , there hath notrifen a greater then John the Baptift : notwithftand- ingjhe that is leaft in the kmgdome of heaven, is greater then he. II * And from the dayes of John the Ba- ptiftjuntillnow, the kingdome of heaven j| fuf- fereth violence, and the violent take it by force. J? for all the prophets,andthe law prophe- fied untill John. 1 4 And if y e wi ^ rcceive ^a this is * Elias which wasfor to come. ij He that hath cares to he?.re,let him heare. 16 ^ * But where unto ihail I liken this ge- llo " /A byf-ce^ they that * Mai 4 *Luke7-3i markets, and calling unto their fellows, 17 Andfaying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced : we have mourned un- to you,and ye have not lamented. 1 8 For John came neither eating nor drink- ing,and they fay 3 Hc hath a devil. Bethfaida : for if the mighty works which we done in ycu,had been done in Tyre and Sidoa, they would have repented Jong ago in fack- cloth and alhes. 22 Butifayuntoyou,Itftiallbcniore tole- table for Tyre andSidona,titheday of judge* - ment,then tor you. 1 5 And thoii Capernaum ,which ?rt exalted untoheaven 5 (h3lt'be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works which hare been doneia thee, had been done in Sodonr, itw^uld liave remained untill this day. 24 But I fay unto you, that it flail be more tolerable for the land of Sodom, in the day of judgement,then for thee. 25 11 * At that time Jefus anfwered and *Lke 10.21 faid, I thank thee, OFather, Lordof heay?n and earth, becaufe thouhaft hid thcfe things fi om the wife and prudent, and haft revealed them unto babes. z6 E /en fo Father, for fo it feemed good in thy fight. 17 * All things are delivered unto me of my * J of ' n 3' ' S. Rnhcr ' and no man knoweth the Sonne but theF.th<.r ; * neither knoweth any man the Father, fave the Sonne, and he to whomfocver the Sonne will reveal him. 2 8 c Come unto me all ye that labour^and are heavy laden,and I will give you reft. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me,for lam meek and lowly in heart: * and ye ftiallfinde reft unto your fouls. go *For my yokels eafie,andmybuv4enis *ijohn j,j light. CHAP. X 1 1. i Cbri(t -icpravetb the biindnejft of t\tt Tbar't- fees c one <.r,img the breach vf the fabbatb, $ by fcriftures, <) by rcafon, 13 and by a. mfac^^z He bealctbtbe manps/effedtbat fv-v blbideand dumbs. 3 1 Blafibemy aga.inft the holy Ghnft jJull never be forgnjen.^6 ^ c - count fall be made of idletvords. 38 He re- bufctb the unfaithful whofee.lt after a, fane* 49 andjbweib who u biibrotber^ftjlgr^d mother. T that time * Jefus went onthe fabbath-'Deur.'ij.aj day through the corn, and his difciples were an hungrcd,and began to pluck theeares of corn,and to eat. a But when the Phari r ccs fa w it, they faid unto him, Behold, thy difciples do that which is not lawfuLl to do upon the fabbath-day. 3 But he faid unto thcai, H.vvc ye not read *what * Jer.rf. i * tat tme neration? It is like unto children fitting in the X\.day through the corn, and his difciples Mirk a ma neaiea. cnap. xiL Blaiphemie againft the holy Ghofi; ..Sam. a/. * what David did whenhe was an hungred^nd z? And Jefus knew their thouehts,andfaid they that were with him, umo them , Every kingdome divided againft it full for him to houfc divided againft it felf, (hall not lland. neither for them which ^6 And if Satan caft out Satan s he is divided himfclf ' how ^ thcn Lev-it. 8.31 and 34-9. Num.sS.? 1 on the fabbath-dayes the priefts in the temple nrofane the fabbath, and are blamelefle? 6 But I fay unto you,that in this place is one * Hte 6.6. Chap.?. 1 3. *Mart M Luke 6,6. greater then the temple." 7 But if ye had kr . , :nown what this mcaneth, * I will have mercy and not facrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltlefle. 8 For the Sonne of man is Lord evea of the fabbath-day. 9 * And when he was departed thence a he went into their fynagogue. 10 f And behold, there was a man which had his "hand withered: and they asked him, faying, Is it lawfull to heal on the fabbath- dayes? that they might accufehim. 11 And he faid unto them, What man (hall there be a.nong you, that (lull have one Ibeep, and if itfall into a pit on the fabbath-day ,will he not lay hold on it, and liftit out? 1 1 How much then is a man better then a fheep? wherefore it is lawfull to do well on the fabbath-dayes. 13 Then faith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand : and he ftretched it forth 5 and ic was reftored whole, like as the other. 14 f Theji the Pharifees went out, and |j held a counfel againft him , how they might deftroy him. . i j But when Jefus knew it , he withdrew himfelf from thence: and great multitudes fol- lowed him, and he healed them all, 16 And charged them that they mould not make him known : 17 That it might be fulfilled which was fpo- kcn by Efaias the prophet, faying, 1 8 * Behold, my fervant whom I have cho- fen, my beloved in whom my foul is well plea- fed: I will put my fpirit upon him, and he (hall (hew judgement to the Gentiles. 1 9 He (hall not ftrive, nor cry, neither fliall any man heare his voice in the ftreets. 20 Abruifed reed fhall he not break, and fmoking flax (hall he not qnench , till he fend forth judgement unto victory. 2 1 And in his name fhall the Gentiles truft. 22 ^j*Then was brought unto him one poflefled with a devil, blinde and dumbe : and he healed him , infomuch that the blinde and dumbc both fpake and faw: 23 And all the people mreamaied, and faid, Is this the fonne of David? 24 * But when the Pharifees heard it, they faid , Thisfelloiv doth not caft out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. 27 Andif 1 by Beehebub caft out devils,by whom do your children caft them out ? there- fore they fliall be your judges. 28 But if I caft out devils by the fpirit of God } then the kingdome of God is come unco you. 29 Or elfe, how can one enter into a ftrong mans houfe,and fpoil his goods, except he fir ft bindethe ftrongman ? and then he will fpoil hishoufe. -. 3 o He that is not with me a is againft me: & he that gathereth not with me, fcattereth abroad. 3 1 f Wherefore I fay unto you, * All man- *Mark j. j *. nerof finne and blafphemy (hall be forgiven Lllkc I2 -*- unto men : but the blafphemy againft the befv l '^ htl **' Ghoft flull not be forgiven unto men. 3 ^ And whofoevcr fpeaketh a word againft the Sonne of man,it (hall be forgiven him : buc whofoever fpeaketh againft the holy Ghoft, ic flull not be forgiven him,neither in this world, neither in the world to come. 3 3 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good} or elfe make the tree corrupt,and his fruit corrupt : for the tree is known by his fruit. 34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, be. ing evil, fpeak good things ? * for out of th( abundance of the heart the mouth fpeaketh. 3 5 A good man out of the good treafure of the heart , bringeth forth good things : and an evil man out of the evil treafure, bringeth forth evil things. 36 But I fay unto you, That every idle word that men fliall (peak , they fhall give account thereof in the day of judgement. 3 7 For by thy words thou (halt be juftified, and by thy words thou (halt be condemned. 38 fl *Then certain of the Scribes and of *^i*p.ip.i the Pharifees anfwcred , faying, Mafter, we Iuke " a *- would fee a figne from thee. I.COT.I..I. 39 But he anfwered and faid to them, An evil and adulterous- generation feeketh after a figne , and there (hall no figne be given to itj but the figne of the prophet Jonas. 4 * For as Jonas was three dayes and three "Jonah i, 17. nights in the whales belly : fo flull the Sonne of man be three dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth. 4 1 The men of Nineveh fliall rife in judge- ment with this generation, and flull condcmne it , * becaufe they repented at the preaching of * J na ' s 3- J Jonas, and behold, a greater then Jonas is here. 42 *The queen of the Couth fliall rife up in * i. Kings the judgement with this generation, and fliall IO '* convlemne it : for (he came from the uttermoft parts The parable of the lower. S.Matthew; oarts of the earth to heare the wifdome of 10 And the difciples carr.e, and faidunto Solomon, and behold, a greater then Solomon Um,Why fpeakeft thou unto them in parables? . herc ' 1 1 He anfwered and laid unto them,Becaufe i *Whcn the unclean fpirit is gone out of it is given unto you to know the myfteriesof a man, he walketh through drie pIacW,feeking the kingdome of heavm, but to them it is not reft, and finderh none. . given. 44 Then he faith.I will return into my houfe 12 * For whofoever hath , to him (ball be * Cha ? ,z5. from whence I came out} and when he is come, given , and he (hall have more abundance : btu *' whofoever hath not , from him fhall be taken away, even that he hath. 9 1 * * T *, , he findeth it empty, fwept and -garniflied. 4< Then goeth he, and taketh with himfelf and *M-ir.7.ji feven other fpirits more wicked then himfelf, 1 J Therefore fpeak I to them in parables: and they enter in and dwell there:* and the laft becaufe they feeing, fee not : and hearing, they ihte of that man is worfe then the firft. Even heare not, neither do they underftand. fo (hall it be alfo unto this wicked generation. 14 Andm them is fulfilled the prophefie of 46 r While he yet talked to the people, Efaias,which faith, * By hearing ye (hall heare, * Ifa.6 * behold , his mother and his brethren flood and {hall not underftand : and feeing ye (hall Mark 4. *+ t . i r* -. J rL~M .. 4. _...,- ;,.^ 1-UK.c o k 4. is. Luke g.io. without, defiring to fpeak withfhim. thy fee, and (hall not perceive. ring to fpeak with thee. 48 But he anfwered and faid unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? 49 And he ftretched forth his hand towards his difciples , and faid, Behold my mother, and my brethren T j ^r John i MO. For this peoples heart is waxed grotTe* A&S 21.26} tieir cares are dull of hearing , and their " " eyes they have clofed j left at any time they 47 Then one faid unto hitn , Behold, . mother and thy brethren ftand without , defi- and their cares are dull of hearing , and their Rom.u.8, fhould fee with their eyes, and heare with their " eares , and (hould underftand with their heart, and ihould be converted, & I (hould heal them. 1 6 But blefled are your eyes, for they fee, and your eares, for they heare. 17 For verily I fay unto you, * that many*: L U ^ CIO . 50 For whofoever fhall do the will of my prophets and righteous men have defired to 34. iy bro- fee thofe things which ye fee,and have not feen Father which is in heaven, the fame is my bro- ther, and lifter, and mother. CHAP. XIII. 3 The parable of the finer and the feed: 1 8 the expojition of it. ^a t The parable of the tares, 3 1 of the muftard feed , 53 of the leaven, 44 of the hidden treafure, 45 of the pearl, Woftbedraiv-netcaft into l&ef&ftj and hove Ghrift is contemned of his nwtciitntrcy men. He fame day went Jefus out of the hoafe, them : and to heare thofe things which ye heare, and have not heard them. 1 8 fl Heare ye therefore the parable of the fower. 19 When any one heareth the-word of the kingdome, and underftandeth iP'not , then cometh the wicked one , and catcheth away that which was fown in his heart : this is he which received feed by the way fide, 20 But he that received the feed into ftooy Mark 4- . 1 i" a nd fat by the fea'fide. ' places , the fame is he that heareth the word, ^ And great multitudes were gathered to- and anon with joy receiveth it : gether unto him, fo that he went into a (hip, and fat , and the whole multitude flood on the fhore. 3 And he fpake many things onto them in * Lute 8-;. parables, faying, * Behold, a fower wen: forth to fow. 4 And when he fowed,fome/"mfr fell by the wayes fide , and the fowls came and devoured them up. 5 Some fell upon ftony places, where they ground , is he that heareth the word , and un- , . had not much earth: and forthwith they fpirung derftandeth it , which alfo beareth fruit , and up, becaufe they had nodeepnefle of earth : bringeth forth fome an hundred fold , forne 6 And when the funne was up, they were fixty, fome thirty (torched, and becaufe they had not root, they withered away. 7 And fome fell among thorns : and the thorns fprungup and choked them. 8 But other fell into good ground , and brought forth frnit,fome an hii \dred fold } fume /ixn'c fold , fome thirty fold. 9 Who hath eares to heare, let him heare. z i Yet hath he not root in himfelf, but du- reth for a while: for when tribulation or perfe- cution arifeth bccaufc of the word , by and by he is offended. zi He alfo that received feed among the thorns ,i& he that heareth the word :and the care of this world, and the deceitfulnefle of riches choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful!, 2 But he that received feed into the good M if Another parable put he forth unto them , faying , The kingdome of heaven is likened unto a man which fowed good feed in his field: 2? But while men flept , his enemy came and fowed tares among the wheat,and went his 26 But when the blade was fprungup, and brought jneparaoico :uemuttaraieed. CJhap.xmi. Of the hidden treafure. brought f Q rth fruit, then appeared the tares Who hath eares to heare, let him heare 9 ^ a z7Sothefervant S ofthehoufholdercame tiSlSJ^^ and faid unto .him Sir.didft not thou fow good man hath found,he hideth, and fiJtatSSrf feedin thy field ? from whence then hath it goeth and ftllcth all that he hath, and buyTth rfiif . *Pfal. 7 8. 3 . have been kept fecret from the foundation of infomuchthat they were aflonifted, and faid, Whence hath this man this wifdome,and thefe 5 3 ff And it came to pafle, that when Jefus the world, 36 Then Jelus fent the multitude away,and Went into the houfe; and his difciles came un- to him, faying, Declare unto us the parable of not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, mightie works? j f * Is not this the carpenters fonne ? is * r hi, g A the tares of the field. 3 7 He anfwered and faid unto them,He that James, and Jofes, and Simon, and Judas? ftf And his fitters, are they not all with us? foweth the good feed, is the Sonne of man: whence then hath this man all thefethines? 3 8 The field is the world: the good feed are f 7 And they were offended inhim. But Je- the children of the kingdome: but the tares are fus faid unto them, * A prophet is not without *Mark*.<. honour > fave in his own coumrey, and in his Li/kc 4. ',,,* own houfe. John 4.44. 58 And he did not many mightie works there, becaufc of their unbelief. the children of the wicked one: 39 The enemie that fowed them, is the de- * Joel j.i 3; vil: * the harveft is the end of the world: and RCT. 14. i j. t he reapers are the angels. 40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burnt in the fire 3 fo ftull it be in the end of this world. 41 The Sonne of man (hall fend forth his angels, and they {hall gather out of his king- g Qt,J<*>ulMli dome all Jj things that offend, and them which doiniquitiet 41 And fhall caft them into a furnace of fire : there fhall be wailing and gnafliing of teeth. * Dn,i3. 3. 45 * xhen (hall the righteous mine forth as the funne? in the kingdome of their Father. CHAP. XIIII. i fterods opinion of Cbrift. 3 wherefore Job* Baptift wot beheaded. 15 Jefus departetb into a elefert place: i? where he feedeth five thoufandmen with five loaves and twofjhest ^^ He walfeth on the fea. to his difciples: 34 and landing atGenefaret t healetb the fic\ by the touch of the hemmeofhit garment. AT that time * Herod the tetrarch heard of Mark 6.14 the fame of Jefus, a And faid unto his fervams, This is John the John Baptift beheaded, S.Matthew. Chrift walkethonthe/ea; the Baptift, he is rifen from the dead, and away , he went up into a mountain apart to herefore rr.iehtie works fl do (hew forth them- pny:*and when the evening was come, he * was there alone. But the (hip was now in the midfl of the wrought by fdves in him. + ' m \ ? fl * For Herod had laid hold on John,and Luke 3.i*>> boand him.and put him in prifon for Herodias fea, tofled with waves: for the windc was con* a . ,. , ,_ *, -1= : r. trarie. a? And in the fourth watch of the night, fake, his brother Philips wife. Lev. 1 8. 16 4 For John faid unto him, * It is not law- and ao.ai. f u n f or t h ce to haye her. Jefes wentunto them walking on the fea. 5 And when he would have put him to z 6 And when the difciples law him walking * Chap zi.2* death, he feared the multitude, * becaufe they on the fea, they were troubled, faying, It is a counted him as a prophet. fpirit j and they cried out for fear. 6 But when Herods birth-day was kept, the 17 But ftraightway Jefus fpake unto them; daughter of Herodias danced before them, and faying, Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid. pleaTed Herod. * 8 And Peter anfwered him and faid,Lord, 7 Whereupon he promifed with an oath, to ! give her whatfoever {he would ask. 8 And flie, being before inftruded of her if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. /ina me, utiug, ubiuLt, ii....*.w~.. ~ .,vi 29 AndhcfaidjCome.AndwhenPeterwas mother, faid, Give me here John Baptifts head come down out of the fbip, he walked on the in a charger. water, to go to Jefus. 9 And the king was forie : nevertheleffe for 30 But when he faw the winde || boiftrous, || Qt,fira$ the oaths fake, and them which Cat with him at he was afraid: and beginning to fink, he cried, faying, Lordfavcme meat, he commanded it to be given her. 10 And he fentand beheaded John in the prifon. 1 1 And his head was brought in a charger, and given to the damfei : and (he brought it to her mother. iz And his difciples came,and took up the bodie and buried it, and went and told Jefus. * Mark .33 1 3 1T * When Jefus heard of it, he departed Luke?. 10. t hence by (hip into a defert place, apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they fol- lowed him on foot out of the cities. 14 And Jefus went forth, and faw a great multitude, and was moved with companion toward them, and he healed their tick. * Mark .35 if fl * And when it was evening his difci- Jhn 6. 5. pies came to him, faying, This is a defert place, and the time is now paft; fend the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themfelves victuals. 1 6 But Jefus faid unto them,They need not depart, give ye them to eat. 17 And they fay unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two filhes. 1 8 He faid, Bring them hither to me. 19 And he commanded the multitude to Gt down on the grafle, and took the five loaves, and the two filhes,and looking up to heaven,hc bleued,and brake, and gave the loaves to his difciples,and the difciples to the multitude. 10 And they did all eat,and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained, twelve baskets full. it And they that had eaten were about five thoufand men, betide women and children. zz ^ And ftraightway Jefus conftrained his difciples to get into a fhip,and to go before him unto the other fide, while he fent the multi- tudes away. * Mark *6 2 j * A n d when he bad fent the multitudes 3 1 And immediately Jefus ftretched forth his hand,and caught him,and faid unto him,O thou of little faith,wherefore didft thou doubt? 3 ^ And when they were come into the fhip, the winde ceafed. 35 Then they that were in the (hip, came and worfhipped him, faying, Of a truth thou art the fonne of God. 34 fl *And when they were gone over, * M** * J? they came into the land of Gennefaret. 3 5 And when the men of that place had knowledge of him, they fent out into all thac countrey round about, and brought unto him all that were difeafedi 3 6 And befought him, that they might one- ly touch the hemme of his garment : and as many as touched were made perfectly whole* CHAP. XV. 3 Chrift rcproveth the Scribes and Tb&ri- fee?,for tranfgrejjing Gods commandments, through their own traditions; n teacbetb how that which goeth into the mouth, doth not defile a man. zi He healeth the daugh- ter of the woman of Canaan, 30 and other great multitudes: 3 s and with fev en loaves, and a few little fifties, feedeth fours thov- fand men, be fides women and children Hen * came to Jefus Scribes and Pharifees, * Mark 7. . ing, z Why do thy difciples tranfgreffc the tradi- which were of Jerufalem, fayii tion of the elders?for they waih not their hands when they eat bread. 3 But he anfwered and faid unto them, Why do you alfo tranfgrefle the commandment of God by your tradition? 4 For God commanded, faying, * Honour thy father and mother : and * he that curfeth j.evit.:o.. father or mother, let him die the death. Prov,io.*o. 5 But Exod..i Meat defileth not a maiE Chip. xvL Jefus feedeth the multitude.' 1 Botyefay, Whofoever mail fay to his fa^ eat of the crumbes which fall from their ma- o?7 * Mar. 7.14. *John *5 ke*. 3*. ther or his mother , * It is a gift by whatfoever thou mighteft be profited by me, "* 6 And honour not his fetherorhis mother, he fall be free. Thus hare ye made the com- mandmeatof Godof none effevfr by your tradi- tion. 7 Ye hypocrites, well did Efaias prophefie of you, Caving, *Ifa. 1^.13. 8 * This people drawcth nigh unto me with their mouth , and honoureth me With their lips; but their heart is firre from me. 9 But in vain they doworfhip me, teaching for doftrines the commandments of men. 10 f * And he called the multitudc,and faid unto them, Utaf e and urtderftand. 1 1 Not that Which goeth into the mouth defileth a man: but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. 12 Then came his difciples, and faid unto him, Knowtft thou that the Pharifees were of- fended after they heard this faying? 13 But he an(wered and faid, * Every plant which my heavenly Fathtr hath not planted, {hall be rooted up. 14 Let them alone: * they be blinde leaders of the blinde. And if the blinde lead the blinde, both (hall fall into the ditch. if * Then anfwered Peter and faid unto him, Declare unto us this parabk. 1 6 And Jefus faid, Are ye alfo yet without underftanding? 17 Do not ye yet underftand, that whatfo- ever entreth in at the mouth 5 goeth into the belly, and is caft out into the draught? 1 8 But thoCe things which proceed outofthe mouth, come forth from the heart, and they defile the man. 19 * For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts , murders , adulteries , fornications, thefts, falfe witnefie, bkrphemies. 20 Thefcare the things which defile a man: but to eat With unwnuScn hands 5 defileth not a man. . ii f * Then Jefus went thence,and depart- ed intothe coaits of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And behold, a Wbrmn of Canaan came' out of the fame coafts, and cried unto him, faying,Hare mercy on me, O Lord,thou Sonrtc of David, my daughter is grievoufly vexed with a devil. 23 But he anfwered her not a word. And his difciples came and befought him, faying, Send her away, for (he cncth arrei as 6 24 -But he anf\Vcred and faid,*l am not fent, but unto the loft ftieep of the houfe of Ifracl. 2$ Then came ihe and worlhipped him, faying, Lord, help me. 26" But he anfwered and'faid, It is not meet to take the childrens bre.td,& to caft it to dogs. 27- Andihc fardi Tiro* Lord .- yet the dogs and 8. 21. * Mar.7-24 fters table. 28 Then Jefus anfwered and faid onto her, O woman, great is thy farth : be n unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter ms made whole from that very houre. 29 * And Jefus departed from thence, and * Mar-7 j i. came nigh unto the fea of Galilee, and went up into a-mountain, and fat down there. 30 * And great multitudes 1 came unto him, *Ifa 3J-J* having with them thofe that were larrte,blinde. dumbc, maimed, and itiany others, and caft them down atj efus feet, and he healed them: 3 i Infomuch that the multitude Wondred When they faw the dumbe to fptfak, the maim- ed to be whole,the lame totalk,and the blinde to fee: and they glorified the G'odof Ifrael. 3* f * Then Jefus called his difciples unto * Mar. 8. u him, and faid, I have companion on the multl- THe * Pharifces aifo with the Sadduce*, * Mar. 8.ir> came, and tempting, dcfired him tharhe Lukcia.j4 Would ilkw them a ligne from hea^n. 2 He anfwered and faid unto them, Wberi it is evening, ye fay, It will be fair weather: for the skie is red. 3 And in the morning,?; will be foul weather" today: for the skie is red and lowring. O yff hypocrites, ye cart difcern the face of the skie, P p p but The peoples opinion of Chrift. S. Matthew. His transfiguration. 938 but can ye not difcern the figncs of the times? " Then Peter took him, and began to re- 4 A wicked and adulterous generation feek- buke him, faying, Beit farre from thee, Lord: eth after a ligne, and there ihall no (igne be gi- this mall not be unto thee. 2 j. But he turned, and faid unto Peter, Get thee behinde me, Satan, thou art an offence unto merfor thoufavoureft not the things that be of God, but thofe that be of men. 24 4 * Then did Jefus unto his difci- * Chap.xo. pics, If any man will come after me, let him 3 8 - denie himfelf, and take up his croue, and fol- Mar ' 8 -34. ven unto ir,but the fignc ot the prophet J< An-.l he left them, and departed. 5 And when his difcipLes were come to the other fide, they had forgotten to take bread, 6 f Then Jefus faid unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharifees, and oftheSadduces. 7 And they reafoned among themfelves, low me. %ing, Jf w becaufe we have taken no bread. For whofoevcr will fave his life mall * Chap. 14- 7- , 8 irbich when Jefus perceived, he faid unto W* : and whofoevcr will lofe his life for my them, O ye of little faith, why reafonyea- fake,mallfindeit. mong yoar felves, becaufe ye hare brought no bread? 9 * Do ye not yet underftand, neither re- member the five loaves of the five thoufand, z6 For what is a man profited, if he mail gain the whole World, and lofe his own foul? or what mall a man give in exchange for his foul? 27 For the Sonne of man mall come in the Chap. 1 5. 10 * Neither the fercn loaves of the fourc gl"e of his Father, with his an?els: * and thoufand, and how many baskets ye took up? then he (hall reward every man according to 1 1 How is it that ye do not underftand, that his works. I fpake it not to you concerning bread, that ye i8 Verily I fay unto you, * There be fomc fhould beware of the leaven or the Pharifees, Sanding here, which fliall not tafte of death, and how many baskets ye took up? and of th-s Sadduces? 12 Then underftood they how that he bad them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Phavifees, and of the Sad- duces. 15 f When Jefus came into the coafls of Cefarea Philippi, he asked his difciples,faying, * Mar.8.27. * Whom do men fay, that J,the Sonne of man, am? 14 And they faid, Some Aj' tbit thou Art till they fee the Sonne of man coming in his kingdome. C HA P. XVII. i The transfiguration of Chrift. nHehealeth the lunatic^ 22 foretelteth bis oTvnpafllon y 24 andpayeth tribute. ANd * after fix dayes, Jefus taketh Peter, * Mar.* .. James, and John his brother, andbring- John the Baptift. fome Elias, and others Jere- ct ' 1 tnem U P ' ntt > an high mountain apart, mias, or one of the Prophets i f He aith unto them, But whom fay ye that I am? 1 6 And Simon Peter anfwcred and faid, *Joha 6.6?. *Thou art Chrift the Sonne of the livingGod. 17 And Jefus anfwered and faid unto him, Bleffed art t-hou Simon Bar-jona : for flefli and bloud hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. *Jehn i. 43- 1 8 And I fay alfo unto thee, that * thou art Peter , and upon this rock I will build my 2 And was transfigured before them, and his face did mine as the funne, and his raiment was white as the light. 3 And behold , there appeared unto them Mofes and Elias talking with him. 4 Then anfwcred Peter, and faid unto Je- fus, Lord, it is good for us to be here : if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles 5 one for thee , and one for Mofes } and one for Elias. - * While he yet fpake, behold, a bright * 2 .Pct.i.i7. church: and the gates of hell fliall not prevail cloud overmadowed them: and behold, a voice againft it. out of the cloudj which faid, This is ray bclo- *Tohn 20 a? 19 * And I will give unto thee the keyes of ved Sonne, in whom I am well pleafed; heare ye him, 6 And when the difciples heard if, they Fell on their faces, and were fore afraid. 7 And Jefus came and touched them , and the kingdome of heaven: and whatfoever thou flialt binde on earth, mall be bound in heaven: and whatfoever thou malt loofe on earth, fhall be loofed in heaven. 20 Then charged he his difciples that they faid, Arife, and be not afraid. /hould tell no man that he was Jefus the Chritt. ' 21 f From that time forth began Jefus to mew unto his difciples , how that he muft go unto Jerufakm,and fuft'er many tilings of the elders, and chief piiefts a and Scribes,and be killed, and be raifed again the third day. 8 And when they had lift up their eyw, they faw no man, favc Jefus onely. 9 And as they came down from the moun- tain, Jefus charged them,, faying, Tell the vi(i- on to no man,untill the Sonne of man be rifen again from the dead. xo And bis difciplci asked him , faying, * Why Chrift hcaleth the lunatick." Chap k'Chap.u.M * Why then fay the Scribes, that Elias muft Mar.?. u. g r ft ccme ? 1 1 And Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, Elias truly fhall firft come , and rcflorc all things: ii But I fry unto you, that Elias is come already , and they knew him not , hut have done unto him wharfoever they lifted: likc- wifc fhall alfo the Sonne of man fuffer of them. 1 3 Then the difciplcs underftood that kc fpake unto them of John the Baptift. " Mark ^.17 14 U * And whea they were come to the Lakcp.j>8. multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, and faying, 1 f Lord have mercy on my ionne, for he is Iimatick, and fore vexed : for oft times he fal- leth into the fire, and oft into the water. 1 6 And I brought him to thy difciples, and .*:.': .they qould not cure him. ' ij Then J efus anfwered and faid, O faith- lefle and perveifegejoeration, how long fhall I be' with you? how long fhall-Ifuffer you? bring -kim hitherto me. 1 8 And Jefus rebuked the devil, and he de- parted out o/ him: and the childe was cured from that very houre. 1$ Then came the difciples to Jefus apart, and faid, Why could not, we caft him out? zo And Jefus, faid unto them, Becaufe of JLukc 17.6. your unbelief: for verily I fay unto you, * If ye have faith as a grain of rmiflard-feed,,ye fh:.ll fay unto this mountain, Remove hence to yon- der place , and it fhall removej and nothing fhall be unpoflible unto you. zi Howbeit this kinde goeth not our, but by prayer and failing. * Chap. so. ix f * And while they abode in Galilee Je- 17. fus faid unto them , The Sonne of man fhall Mark 9. 3 1. be betrayed into the hands of men: Luke *.44- ig And they fhall kill him, and the third day he fhall be raifed again: and they were ex- ceeding fory. Z4 f And when they were ccmc to Caper- \\CtUed in naum , they that received \\ tribute-money, the Original came to Peter, and faid. Doth not ycur mailer DMtcbfiH, pay tribute? p encef into the houfe, Jefus prevented him, frying, Whatthinkeft thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take cuftome or tribute? of their own children, or of ftrangcrs? 16 Peter faith unto him , Of ftrangers. Jefus faith unto him, Then arc the children Or,-/-*, frcc> l^ceoffll *7 Notwuhftsnding,left we fhculd offend ver y i value them, go thou to the fea,and call an hook, and ttfo jbtllingt tske up the fifh that fiift ccmeth up: and when ^ * P' eCC ' mooc y : tnat them for me and thec. , xviii. He exhorteth tohumilitie. C HAP. XVIII. 939 i Chrift warneth hk difciples to be humble and kartnlefle, 7 to avoid offences, and not to dcffifc the little one j: 15 teachethhowwe ate to deal with our brethren, when they e/7id us, z i and how oft to forgive them; 13 which he fetteth forth by a parable of the ^ig, that tslf account of hisfervants, 3 z and punijbcd him who Jhewed no mer- cy to his fellow. A T * the fame time came the difciplcs unto * Mark 9. j , /Ijefus, faying, Who is the greatcii in the Luke*. 4*.' kin^dome of heaven? z" And Jefus called a little childe unto him, and fet him in the midft of them, g And faid, Verily I fay unto you, * Except * Chap, t r- ; ye be converted, and become as Ifttle children, M- ye fhall notenter intothe kingdohie of heaven. I - Cor> M * 4 Whofoever therefore fhall humble him- fclf as this little childe, the fame is greateft m the kingdome of heaven. 5 And whofo fhall receive one fuch little childe m my name,rcceiveth me. 6 * But whofo fhall offend one of thcfe little * Mark 9.41 one* which beleeve in me, it were better for Luke 17. him that a milftone were hanged about his f> ** neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the fen. 7 ^ Wo unto the world becaufeofv offen- ces: for it muft needs be that offences come: but wo to that man by whom the offence co- meth. 8 * Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot of- *Chap.j.56. fend thce,cut them off,and caft them from thee: Mark ?. 4j. it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed , rather then having two hands or two feet, to be cr.ft into cverlafting fire. 9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it cut, and caft it from thee : it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye,rather then having two eyes to be aft into hell fire. 10 Tske heed that ye defpife not one of thefe little onesj for I fay unto you,that in hea- ven their fncels do alwayts behold the face of my Father which if in heaven. 1 1 * For the Sonne of man is come to fave * like if. that which wasloft. ., i z * How think ye? if a man have an hun- * Luke 15.4. dred fhcep , and one of them be gone aftray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and go- eth into the mountains, and feeketh that which is gone aftray? 1 3 And if fo be that he finde it, verily I fay unto yon, he rejoyceth more of that Jheep, then of the ninety and nine which went not aftray. 14 Even fo it is not the will of your Father- which is in hea%cn, that one of thefc little ones fliould perifh. 15 f Moreover, * if thy brother fhall trcf- * I-er to 17* pafle againft thee, go and tell him his fault Luke 17.3. P p p 2 between S Matthew. Chrift heakth the fick, [C LU 1U1 LLIVC l_A,U kitten - between thee aad him alone: if he flail heare ^fionon thyfellpw-fervant^veaasl hadpi- thee, thou halt gamed thy brother, tv ol 1 6 But if he will not heare th * Dcut.ip.i J with thee one or cwo.more,that in * the mouth How oft to forgive our brethren. 94 * i.CoM.0 a.Thcf.j.14. John 8. 17. of mo of three witncfies every word may be Hcb. i o. 1 8 ^ ll A C nc j if he ft^ negleft to heare them, tell it unto the church : but if he neglect to heare the church, let him be unto thee as an * heathen man and a publicane. a. in.i... 18 Verily IUy to you, 'Whatfoererye * John 20.23 ^li binde on earth,flwll be bound in hsaea: i. Cor.$.4- and vvharfoever ye {haH We on earth, (hall be loofed ia heaven. 19 Agailfayuntoyou,thatiftvyoofyou a a re e on eat th as touching any thing .that ihail ask, it ttall be done for them of my Father whkh ism heaven. ao iFoc whete two or thcec are gathew together in my name, there ami tntfce rrvuttt of them. 5* **"- was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentours,till he (hould pay all that was due unto him. $ ? So bkewifc fhall my heavenly Tather do alfo unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive noc every one his brother their trefpafles. CHAP. XIX. z Chrtfthealeth thefic^:^ anfoereth thtPha- rifees concerning tliveKement: 10 fieweth when marriage is nece/far-y: 15 rtceivetb little children : 16 inftrufteth the young mm how to attain fternall life, to emdrtow to be perfeft: z$ tcileth ha difciptes how hard it is (or a riohmaM to tnttr tntt the faugdome of Go A: 17 and p rwnifctb reward to tbofe-tbat forfalp' any -thing ,- to {<&* him. A Nd it came to pafle, * that when Jefus * Mark 10.1. j/^Vhad finilhed thefe fayings , he departed 4 i 4 Then came Peterto him, andfaid from Galilee and camera che^fti of Ju- rfinneagaiiift dea, be^nd Jordan- Lord, how oft ihaH my iprothe *T *.,- A e,an4 I forgive him? * till fevm times? *Luic .7-4 ^ Jcfus fttth unto him,lfay not uato^hee, 41ntill feven times : but,untill feventy times x 5 f Therefore is thekingdome of heaven HkenedUmo a certain king which wouW take account of htsfervancs. ^ And when he had begun to reckon, one which ought tern ten oeyxsna jwcaan: And great multitudes fottowe^fiim, and ke iheaied-ehem cherc. 3 f The Pharifees alfo came urttoflitn, tempting him, & faying unto him,Is it"lawfuH for a man to? ut away his wife forye^y caafe? 4 And .heanfwered & faid anto tliem, Have ye not read, * that he which made them at" the * Gen. i .17. . made them male and female? after fi z 5 But forafmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be fold, and his wife and children, and all that he had,and payment z^The fervant therefore fell down, and j|OrJ/K*' II worfhipped him, faying, Lord have patience . vmh.me, and I will pay thee all. z 7 Then the lord of that femnt was mo- ved with compaffion,and loofed him, and for- ^"i* B the fame fervan-t went out,and found wife: and *they twain mall be oneflefh. i.Cor.*.uR. 6 Wherefore they are no more twain, bat one flem. What therefore God hath joyned to- gether, let no man put afunder. 7 They fay unto him,* Why did Mofes then 'Dew.*** command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? 8 He faith unto them, Mofes, becsmfe of the hardneffeof your hearts, fuffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was notfo. eighth part tfan ounce, fihich aftir thou owe ft. zo And his fellow-fervant fell down at his ' c, and befought him, faying, Have patience itn mc,anoi v\ui pa/vn^-. 20 And he would not: but went and caft him into prifon, till he mould pay the debt 3 i So when his fellow-fervant* fawwhat was done, they were very for*, and came and told unto their lord all that was done. - Thenhis lord, after that he had called - J fervant, I whofo marrieth her which is put away, doth *' commit adultery. 10 f His difciples fay unto him, If the cafe of the manbefo with his Wife,it is not good to many. 1 1 But he faid unto them, All men cannot re- ceive this faymg,fave they to whom it is given:. i z For there are fome eunuchs, which were To born from their mothers wombe; and there are fome eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men : and there be eunuchs , which ' ' 3 /"shouldA not thou alfo have had com- him receive it. f * Theft Chrift inflrufteth the youngman. Chap.* Labourers in the vineyard. *Mar.io.ij 13 fl* Then were there brought untohim CHAP. XX. 041 ; luL 1 8. 1 J. little children, that he (hould put kit hands "-"*-"- on them, and pray : and the difciples rebuked them. 1 4 But Jefus faid, Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto roe ; for of fuch CHAP. XX. i Chrift by the fmilitude of the labwm In the vtaeyard, jbewetb that God is debter unto no mui t i ] foretelleth bisp a ffton,to by anfveringthe mother of Zebedeei children, teacheth his difciole, to be lovtty, ao and giveth two blinde men their fight. is the kingdome of heaven. 15 And he laid bti hands on them parted thence. _______ ...... ___ *Mariio.i7 \6 H* And behold, one came and faid unto early in the morning to hire labourers into his Iuk.i8.i8. him, Good mafter, what good thing (hall I do vineyard that I may have eternal I life ? i, and de- pOr the kingdome of heaven is like unto * J7 man that is an houfholder, which went out ^ And when he had agreed with the labour- 17 And he faid unto him,Why calleft thott ers for a || peny a day, he fent them into his \\Tbt R< me good/ there is none good but one, that it vineyard. penyiith 3 And he went out about the third houre,& i. htt >t* w ntnprs frnnr^mo i/JI* in i-U* *<*~L-A*. ^1^/* A of an onncf 9 God .- but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 18 He faith unto him, Which ? Jefus faid, ?Bxod.jo.ij *Thou (halt do no murder, Thou (halt not commie adultery, Thou male not fteal, ThoH (halt not bear falfe witneffe. 19 Honour thy father and thy mother : and, Thou (halt love thy neighbour as thy felf. 10 The young man faith unto him, All thefe things have I kept from my youth up : What lack I yet? faw others (landing idle in the market- place, 4 And faid unto them , Go ye alfo the vineyard, and whatfoever is right, I will the < give you. And they went their way. f e P ene * ? Again he went out about the fixth ar ninth houre,and did like wife. 6 And about the eleventh houre he went out, and found others (landing idle, and faith unto them, Why ft and ye here all the day idle ? 7 They fay unto him, Becaufe no man hath zi Jefus faid unto him,Tfthou wilt be per- hired us. He faith unto them, Go ye alfo into fed, go and&\\ that thou haft, and give to the the vineyard jand whatfoever is right, that (hall poore, and thou (halt have treafurein heaven : ye receive, and come and follow me. 8 So when even was come, the lord of the ii But when the young man heard that fay- vineyard faith unto his (reward, Call the la- ing,he went away forrowfull : for he had great bourers, and give them their hire, beginning poffeflions. from the laft unto the firft. z* fl Then faid Jcfus unto his difciples, Ve- rily I fay untoyou,that a rich man (hall hardly enter into the kingdome of heaven. 24 And again I fay unto you, Iws eafier for 9 And when they came that were hired a- boutthe eleventh houre, they received every man a peny. 10 But when the firft came, they fuppofed a camel to go through the eye of a needle, then that they (hould have received more, and they likewife received every man a peny. for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of God. zj When his difciples heard it> they were exceedingly amazed, faying, Who then can be faved ? z6 But Jefus beheld them, and faid unto them, With men this is unpoffible, but with God all things are poflible. *Mar.io.28. zj ^* Then anfwered Peter,and faid unto Luk.i8.a8. him,Behold,we have forfaken all, and follow- ed thee,what (hall we have therefore ? a8 And Jefus faid unto them, Verily I fay untoyou, that ye which have followed me in the regeneration, when the Sonne of man (hall 'Luk.ia.jo. f> r in the throne of his glory, * ye alfo (hall (it upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Ifrael. zp And every one that hath forfaken houfcs, orbrethren,or fifters,or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for my names fake, (hall receive an hundred fold, and (hall inherit everlaftingiife. Mar !o 20 * * * But man y that * r * fa R > foall b e M J ' ' 3. an ' ' 1 1 And when they had received ir,they mur- mured againft the good man of the houfe, i z Saying,Thefe laft ||have wrought but one D r ? ** houre,and thou haft made them equall unto us, "^"'wl'"* which have born the burden & heat of the day. 13 But he anfwered one of them, and faid, Friend, I do thee no wrong : didft not thou a- gree with me for a penie ? 1 4 Take that thine is,and go thy way, I will give unto this laft,even as unto thee. i y Is it not lawfull for me to do what I will with mine own ? is thine eye evil becaufelam good? 16 * So the laft (hall be fiift, and the firft "Chap. IP. laft : for many be called,but few chofen. 17 11 * And Jefus going up to Jerufalem, '^f r> L ' 5 J* took the twelve difciples apart in the way, and ' ' JI * faid unto them, 18 Behold, we go up to Jerufalem, and the Sonne of man (brill be betrayed unto the chief p-iefts.and unto the Scribes,and they (hall con- demne him todeath, ip * And (hall deliver him to the Gentiles 'Joh.il.j*; P p p 3 to Two blinde men receive their fight. S.Matthew. Chrift ridethtojerufalem; 941 to mock and to fcourge,and to crucifie him:and the mount of Olives, then fent Jcfus two di- *Mar.io.3J the third day he flulfrife again. fciples, 10 ^ * Thencame to him the mother of z Saying unto them, Go into the village o- Zebedees children,with her fonnes, wor(hip ver againft you, and ftraightway ye (hill finde afle an aide tied,and a colt with her : loo( bring them unto me. 3 And if any man fay ought unto you, ye ftiallfay, The Lord hath need of them 5 and ftraightway he will fend them, 4 All this was done, that it might be fulfil. ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup led which was fpoken by the prophet, faying, rink of, and to be baptized with f * Tell ye the daughter of Sio^Beholdjih c that I am baptized with f They king cometh unto thee,meek, and fitting upo indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptifme that I am baptized with: but to fit on myrighthand,andon my left, is not mine to give, but it jbullbe given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father. 14 And when the ten heard jf,they were mo- ved with indignation againft the two brethren. a y But Jefus called them unto him, and faid, Iuk.2i.J5- *Ye know thatthe princes of the Gentiles ex- *Vfar. i $ ing him^nd definng a certain thing of him. 1 1 And he faid unto her, What wilt thou ? She faith unto him, Grant that thefemy two fonnes may fit,the one on thy right hand, and the other on the left in thy kingdome. ^^ But Jefus anfwered and faid, Ye know not what ye that Iflull drink of, f _ the baptifme that I am baptized with ? They king cometh unto thee,meek, and (mine upon 9 ' 9 ' fay unto him, We are able. anaffe,andacoltthefoalofanaffe. Joh.ia.i5. 13 And he faith unto them, Ye (halldrink 6 * Andthedifcipleswent,anddidasJefus*Mar.ii;, commanded them, 7 And brought the afle, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they fet him thereon. 8 And atery great multitude /pread their garments in the way, others cut down Branches from the trees, andftrawed/Jbew in the way. o And the multitudes that went before, ercife dominion over thenij and they that are ana> di" followed , cryed , faying, Hofanna greatjcxercife authority upon them, tothefonne of David: bkfled is he that co- 16 But it (hall not befo among you : but meth in the name of the Lord, Hofanna in the whofoever will be great among you, let him bjgheft, beyoar minifter. 10 * And when he was come into Jerufa- *Mar.i 1^15 ^7 And whofoever will be chief among ltna,all the city was moved,faying 5 Who is this? Luk. 15.45. you,let him be your fervant^ 1 1 And the multitude faid, This is Jefus J olia * 5 18 Even as the* Sonne of man came not ro the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. ii f And Jefus went into the temple of God,and caft out all them that fold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the feats of them that fold doves, 1 3 And faid unto them, It is written, * My "If*, 5 6.7. '. houfe (hall be called the houfe of prayer, * bat * Jer-7i i,' ye have made ita den of theeves. Mar.n.i 7 . 14 And theblindeand the lame came to **# 4 him in the temple,and he healed them. i y And when the chief priefts and Scribes faw the wonderfull things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and faying, Ho fanna to the fonne of David j they were fore difpleafed, \6 And faid unto him, Heareft thou whit 34 So* Jcfus had compaflion on them, and thefefay ? And Jefus faith unto them; Yea ; touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes have ye never read, * Out of the mouth *PfaJ.8,3. of babes and fucklings thou haft perfected praife ? 1 7 f And he left them, and went out of the city into Bcthanie,and he lodged there, 1 8- Now irrthe morning as he returned into thecity,hehungred. 19 * And when he faw a fig. tree in the way, *Mar,u.i he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves onely,and faid unto it,Let no fruit grow Ion thee henceforward for ever, And prsfently Ism , and were come to Bsthphage, unto the fig'tree withered away. 20 And be miniftredunto, butto minifter, and to give his life a ranfome for many. *Mar. io.4 a * And as they departed from Jericho, a .35. great multitude followed him. 30 f And behold,two blinde men fitting by the way fide,when they heard that Jefus pafled ky,criedout,f3ying,Havc mercy on us,OLord, thou fonne of David. 3 1 And the multitude rebuked them, be- caufe they (hould hold their peace: but they cri- d the more/ayingjHave mercy on us,O Lord, thou fonne of David. gz And Jefus ftood ftill, and called them, and faid,What will ye that I (hail do unto you? 3 j They (ay unto' him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened. * luvAL vjrv t**iu ziiiiij\.uawi^ I yed fight,and they followed him, CHAP. XXI. ^ ndeth into Jerufalem upon an ajfi, 1 1 dri-uetb the buyers and fellers out of the temple, 17 curfeth the fig-tree, zj pxttetb tofrlence the priefts and elder s 9 z8 and re- bu^etb them by the pmilitude of the ttva fonnes, 3 f and the husbandmen, who flew fuch M Tverefent unto them. A Nd * when they drew nigh unto Jerufa- The pneits and elders rebukea. The parable otthe vineyard. Chap. XXH 10 And when the difciples faw if, they mar- 3 6 Again, he fent other fervams, moe then veiled, faying,How foon is the fig-tree wither- the firft: and they did unto them likewife. ed away ? 37 But laft of all, he fent unto them bis 1 i Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, Ve- fonne, faying, They will reverence my fonne. rily I fay unto you, If ye have faith and doubt 38 But when the husbandmen faw the not, ye (hall not onely do this which is done to fonne, they faid among themfelves, This is the the fig-tree, but alfo if ye (hall fay unto this heir, * come,let us kill him, and let usfeife on , mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou caft into the fea j it (hall be done. 2 ^ And all things whatfoever ye (ball ask in prayer, beleeving,ye (hall receive. *Mar.u.jyi z $ H * And when he was come into the Liie'aoi. temple, the chief priefls and the elders of the people came unto him as'he was teaching, and laid, By what authority doeft thou thefe things? and who gave thce this authoritie ? z 4 And Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, 54$ Cfcap.irf.j; John 1 1.55. his inheritance. 3 9 And they caught him, and caft him out of the vineyard, and flew him. 40 When the Lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto thofe husband- men ? 41 They fay unto him, He will miferably deftroy thofe wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which (hall tender him the fruits in their feafons. I alfo will ask you one thing, which if you tell 41 Jefus faith unto thero,*Did ye never reade ^ , - ifl the fcriptures, The ftone which the builders * redded, the fame is become the head of the corner : this is the Lords doing, and it is mar- vellous in our eyes? 43 Therefore fey I unto you,"! he kingdome of Cod fliall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. 44 And vvhofoever*(hall fall on this ftone ) *if a .g i t ^ (hall be broken: but on whomfoeverit ihall 15. fall, it will grinde him to powder. Rom< ** *' 45 And when the chief priefts and Phari- ItPc V-7 ther tell I you by what authentic I do thefe fees had heard his parables, they perceived that things. he fpake of them. 46 But when they fought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, becaufe they took him for a prophet, CHAP. XXII. i The parable efthe marriage of the fags fox. 9 The vocation of the Gentiles. ^^Tbepu mjhment of him that wanted the wedding garment. 15 Tribute ought to be faid to Ce- Jar. *3 chrift confuteth the S adduces for the rtfurreftionrfianCweretb the lawyer, which is the fir ft and great commandment) 41 and fofeth the Pharifees about the JUeffias me, I in like wife will tell you by what autho- ritie I do thefe things. z j The baptifme of John, whence was it ? from heaven, or of men ? and they reafoned withthemfelves,faying,Ifwe(hall fay, From heaven, he will fay unto us, Why did ye not then beleeve him # 16 B ut i f we (hall fay, Of men j we fear the people, * for all hold John as a prophet. 27 And they anfwered Jefus, and faid, We cannot tell. And he faid unto them , Nei- 28 f But what think you ? A certain man had two fonnes, and he came to the firft, and faid, Sonne, go work to day in my vineyard. 29 He anfwered and faid, I will not: but af- terward he repented, and went. 3 o And he came to the fecond,and faid like- wife. And he anfwered and faid, I go fir, and went nor. 3 1 Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They fay unto him,Thc firft. Jefus faith unto them, Verily I fay unto you, that the publicanes and the harlots go into the king- dome of God before you. A Nd Jefus anfwered * and fpake unto tncm 3 1 For * John cnme unto you in the way of dt\again by parables, and faid, righteoufnefle, and ye beleeved him not: but z The kingdome of heaven is like unto a the publicanes and the harlots beleeved him. certain king, which made a marriage for his And ye when ye had feen it, repented not af- fonne, ter ward, that ye might beleeve him. 3 And fent forth his fetvants to call them [eare anottv RevcJ.i?.?. 3 j f Heare" another parable, There was a certain houmolder * which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a wine- prcfle in it, and built a tower, and kt it out to husbandmen, and went into a farre coua- trey. 34 And when the time of the fruit drew nearc j he fent his fervams to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it. 3 ? And the husbandmen took his fenrants, and beat one, and killed another, and itoned another. that were bidden to the wedding : and they would not come. 4 Again he fent forth other fenrants, faying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared ir.y dinner : my oxen and my fadings are killed, and all things arc readic: come unto the marriage. f But they made li^htof if, and went their wayes, one to his farm , another to his mer chandife .* 6 And the remnant took his fervants, and entreated tk*(f itcfoilf, and flew tbtm. ^ mattnew. i ne nrit and great commandment *Mar. 12.13. luk.jo.ao. chap. Jo. 2. I) Or, inferi- ptien. wroth: and he fent forth his armies, & deftroy- ed thofe murderers, and burnt up their citie. 8 Then faith he to his fervants,The wedding is readie,but they which were bidden were not worthy. 9 Go ye therefore into the high-wayes, and as many as ye fliall finde, bid to the marriage. 10 So thofe fervants went out into the high- wayes, and gathered together alias many as they found, both bad and good : andtha wed- ding was furni(h'd with guefts. 1 1 f And when the king came in to fee the guefts, he faw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: i i And he faith unto him, Friend, how ca- meft thou in hither, not having a wedding gar- ment ? And he was fpeechlefle. 1 3 Then faid the king to the fervants Binde him hand and foot, and take him away' and caft him into outer darkneflc:there (hall be weeping and gnafhing of teeth. 14 *For many are called, but few are chofen. i J H . * Then went the Pharifees , and took counfel how thzy might intangle him in /> talk \6 And they fent out unto him their difci- ples, with the Herodians, faying ,. Matter , we know that thou art true,and tcacheft the way of God in truth, neither careft thou for any man: for thou regardeft not the perfon of men. 17 Tell us therefore, What thinkeft thou? Is it lawfull to give tribute unto Cefar, or not? 1 8 But Jefus perceived their wickedneffe, and faid, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites ? 19 Shew me the tribute- money. And they brought unto him a|) penie. 20 And he faith unto them, Whofe wthis image and |1 fuperfcription ? 21 They fay unto him,Cefars. Then faith ne unto them, * Render therefore unto Cefar the thina. w,w A are cef ars; ^ ^ God,the Mar.ij.i8. *ASs 13.8. *De.25.5. Whn they hid heard thefe words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way. 23 U * The fame day came to him the Sad- and asked him, 24 Sayrng^after/MofesfaidjTfamandie. having no children, his brother (hall marry his wife, and raife up feed unto his brother. 2 ? Now there were with us feven brethren, and the firft when he had married a wife, de- ceafed, and having no iflue, left his wife unto tys brother. i6 Likewife the fecond alfo, and the third unto the feventh. vj And laft of all the woman died alfo. 18 T herefore in the refarreaion,whofe wife fliall (he be of the feven? for they all had her. 9 Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, Ye o erre, not knowing the fcriptures, nor the power of God. rie^or are given in marriage} but are as the anl gels of God in heaven. 31 But as touching the refurreftion of the dead, have ye not read that which wasfpoken unto you by God, faying, r% f*Tr am **$!* f Abraha , and the God of Ifaac,andthe God of Jacob ? God is not the God of the dead, but of the ii vin* 3 3 And when the multitude heard tbUtfu* were aftomfhed at his doftrine. 34 L 11* But when the Pharifces had heard , M - v that hehad put the Sadduces to filence they * f4r ' 1 *^ were gathered together. 3 f Then one of them which was a lawyer asked&waqucition, tempting him, andfay- 3 6 Mafter, which is the great command- ment in the law ? 37 Jefus faid unto him,*Thou(halt love the * Deu , * . Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all Luk.,o. thy foul, and with all thy minde. 3 8 This is the firft and great commandment joAnd the fecond it like untoit,*Thoufhalt "Lev.is.iS, love thy neighbour as thy felf. 40 On thefe two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. 4 H * While the Pharifees were gathered . together, Jefus asked them, ! M * r ' IZ - 3 J 4*> Saying, What think ye of Chrift? whofe MUt>ia '* 1 ? fonne is he? They f ay unto him, The fonne of David. 4? He Ciithuntothem,How then doth Da- vid in fpirit call him Lord, faying, 44 The LORD faid unto my Lord, * Sit *Pfaliiio.i2 thou on my right hand, till I make thine ene- mies thy footftool ? 4? If David then call him Lord, hovt is he his fonne ? 46 And no man was able toanfwerhim a Word, neither durft any man (from that day forth) ask him any moe queftions. CHAP. XXT'II. i Chrift admoniflietb the people to follow the good doftrine, not the evil examples of the Scribes and Pbarifees. 5 Hisdifciplesmuft beware of their ambition. 13 He denoun- cetb eight woes ag^dn ft their hypo crify and blindnefft: 34 andprophefietb of tbedeffru* 8'ion of Jernfalem. THenfpake Jefus to the multitude, and to hisdifcipks, 2 Saying, ' he Scribes and the Pharifees fit inMofes fear. 3 All therefore whatfoever they bid you ob- ferve, that obfcrve and do ; but do not ye aft^r their works: for they fay, and do nor. 4 * For they binde heavie burdens, and grie- ifChrift, and all ye are bre- thren. 9 And call no man your father upon the earth : * foe one is your father which u in heaven. 10 Neither be ye called mafters : for one is your matter, even Chrift. 11 But he that is greateft among you, (hall be your fervant. 1 2 * And whofoever (hall exalt himfelf, (hall be abafed, and he that (hall humble him- felf, (hall be exalted. Luke 14.11 and 18. 14- *Luk,u.j* "Mar.ia.4o. luk.zo.47. xxiiil. and hypocrite; ^ j Wo unto you Scribes and Pharifees, hy- 94 f pocritesj *forye make clean theoutfide of the *Lnk.ii.j* cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excetfe. 26 Thou blinde Pharifee, cleanfe firftthat whUh is within the cup and platter, that the outfide of them may be clean alfo. 27 Wo umo you Scribes and Pharifees, hy. pocritesjfor ye are like unto whited fepulchres, which indeed appeare beautifull outward, but are within full of dead mens bones, and of all uncleanneOe. 18 Even fo ye alfo outwardly appeare righ- teous unto men, but within ye arc full of hypo- cnfie and iniquitie. 19 Wo unto you Scribes and Pharifees, hy- pocrites j becaufe ye build the tombes of the prophets, and garniili the fepulchres of the righteous, And fay, If we had been in the dayes of 13 ^ But * wo unto you Scribes and Phari- our fathers, we would not have been partakers fees,hypocriteS}forye(hutupthe kingdomeof with them in the bloud of the prophets 3-x Wherefore ye be witnefles unto your felves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. 3 2 Fill ye up then the meafure of your fathers- 3 5 Ye ferpents , ye generation of vipers, how can ye efcape the damnation of hell ? 34 fl Wherefore behold , I fend unto you prophets, and wife men, and fcribes j and fame of them ye (hall kill and crucifie,nnd fome of them (hall ye fcourge in your fynagogues, and- perfecute them from citie to citie : 3 5 That upon you may come all the righte- ous bloud (hed upon the earth, *from the bloud of righteous Abeljunto the bloud of Zachad- as,fonne of Barachias, whom ye fkw between the temple and the altar. 36 Verily I fay unto you, all thefe things , (hail come upon this generation. 37 * O Jerufalem, Jenifalem , thou that *Luk.Tj.?4;-. killeft the prophets, * and ftoneft them which * < d ' heaven againft men: for ye neither go in your felves, neither fuffer ye them that are entnng, to go in. 14. Wo unto you Scribes and Pharifees, hy- pocritcsi * for ye devoure widows houfes, and for a pretence make longprayerj therefore ye (liall receive the greater damnation. if Wo unto you Scribes and Pharifees, hy* pocritesj for ye compafie fea and land to make one profelyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the childe of hell then your felves. 1 6 Wo unto you, ye blinde guides, which fry, Whofoever (hall fwear by the temple, it is nothing: but whofoever (hall fwear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtcr, . 17 Ye fools, and blinde: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that fanftifieth the gold ? 1 8 And whofoever (hill fwear by the altar, his nothing: but whofoever fweareth by the arefent unto thee,' how often would * I have * ^ gift that is upon it, he is || guiltie. gathered thy children together even as a hen ' 19 Ye fools, & blinde:for whether u greater, gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye * en. 4. *S the gift, or the altar that fan&ificth the gift ? 20 Whofo therefore (hall fwear by the altar, fweareth by it, and by all things thereon. 21 And whofo (hall fwear by the temple, fweareth byit,& by him that dwelleth therein. 2 1 And he that fh ill fwear by heaven,fwear- eth by the throne of God, and by him that fit- teth thereon. 23 Wo unto you Scribes and Pharifees, hy- pocrites; * for ye pay tithe of mint and anife, and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the lawj judgement, mercie , and faith: thefe ought ye to have done, and not to leave tht other undone. 24 Ye blinde guides, which (train at a gnat, andfwaliow-acamel. would not / 38 Behold, your houfe is left unto you de- folate. 39 For I fay unto you, Ye (hall not fee me henceforth, till ye (hall fay,Biefled# he that cometh in the name of the Lord. CHAP, XXIIII. i Chriftforetclteth the dcftruftion of tbe tern* pie: 3 what and bow great calamitiet Jball be before it. 19 Thejignes of his coming to judgement. 36 And becaufe that day and houre it icntyiffvcm, 4* ' ought to watcb like good fervtnts, exf effing every moment our mafters coming. Nd * Jefus went out, and departed from f war , K templej and his difciples came to him Luke 21,5." for Signes of Chrifts coming. S. Matthew: Tiie end of the World. 04 6 for to fhew him the buildings of the temple. *4 For there {hall arife falfe Chrifts, aad 2 And Jefusfaid unto them, See ye not all falfe prophets, and (ball (hew great fignesand i4 one end of heave n to the other. trumpet ,nd} 3z Now learn a parable of the fig-tree *s re4fv9ltt - When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that fummer Is nigh : 3 3 So likewife ye, when ye (hall fee all thefe things, know that it is neare, even at the doores. 34 Verily I fay unto you ,This generation (hall not pafle, till all thefe things be fulfilled. 3f * Heaven and earth (hall pafle away,but *Mar.ij.jii my words (hall not pafle away. 36 ^Butofthatdayandhoureknowethno man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Fa- ther onely. 37 But as the dayes of Noe were ,fo (hall al- fo the coming of the Sonne of man be. 3 8 * For as in the dayes that were before the floudjthey were eating and drinking, mar- rying and giving in marriage,untill the day that Noe entred into the ark, 3 9 And knew not untill the floud came , and took them all away; fo (hall alfo the coming of the Sonne of man be. 40*1 hen (hall two be in the field, the one (hall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women (hall be grinding at the mill, the one flu. 11 be taken, and the other left. 4z f * Watch therefore, for ye know not *Mar.i}.j$ what houre your Lord doth come. 43 * But know this,thatif the good man of * Luk.i*. 59. the houfe had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched , and would aot have fuffcred his houfe to be broken np. 44 There- Gcn. 7 i Chap~. xxv. and the talents. for in fuch led his own fervams, and delivered unto them his goods; i y And unto one he gave five || talents, to 9 47 The parable of the ten virgins, 44 Therefore be ye alfo ready an houre as you think not, the Sonne of man COtllCtn* " y *!% WAAIVT V14W **V gOTTVAJTV [J latlilLOj IW _ Q *Iuk.ia.4 ; 45; * Whothen is a falthfull and wife fer- another two,and to another one, to every man tajuM^ vant, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his according to his feverall abilitie, and ftraight- chp,i 8. hou(hold,to give them meat in due feafon ? ' '- 46 Blefled it that fervant, whom his Lord when he cometh,(hall finde Co doing. 47 Verily I fay unto you, that he (hall make him ruler over all bit goods. 48 But and if that evil fervant (hall fay in bis heartjMy Lord delayeth his coming, 49 And lhall begin tofmite bis fellow-fer- vants,and to eat and drink with the drunken : 50 The Lord of that (mam (hall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an houre that he is not ware of j I Or cut him f 1 And (hall || cut him afiinder,and appoint .wi u , HUM* ucuvtu-un um. mv UY*. i.m.m, "jf. * him his portion with the hypocrites; there (ball behold, I have gained bcfides them five talents be weeping and gnafhing of teeth. CHAP. XXV. way took his jc 1 6 Then he that had received the five talents, Went and traded with the fame,and made tben other five talents. 17 And likewife he that bad received two, he alfo gained other two. 1 8 But he that had received one, went and digged in the earth,and hid hh lords money. 19 After a long time, the lord of thofe fer* vants cometh,and reckoneth with them. 20 And fo he that had received five talent?, came and brought other five talents, faying, Lord, thou deliveredft unto me five talents, moe. defcriptunof tbelafi talents, ji judgement. HPHen (hall the kingdomc of heaven be like- ' A ned onto ten virgins , which took their came and faid, Lord, thou delivered^ unto me lamps , and went forth to meet the bride- two talents : behold,! have gained two other talents befides them. 2 1 His lord (aid unto him, Well done, thou good and faithfull fervant , thou haft been faithfull over a few things,! will make thee ru- ler over many thingsientet thou into the joy o thy lord. He alfo that had received two .talents, groom. ^ And five of them were wife,and five were foolifh. 3 They that were fooli(h took their lamps, and took nooyl with them : 4 But the wife took oyl in their vefiels with their lamps. ? While the bridegroom tarried, they all Qumbred and fiept. 6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom- cometh, go ye out to meet him. 7 Then all thofe virgins arofc, and arimmed their lamps. 8 And tns fooli(h faid unto the wife, Give us of your oyl,for our lamps are |! gone out. 9 But the wife anfweied,faying,tf0*/) left there be not enough for us and you, but go ye rather to them that fell, and buy for your felves. 10 And whHe they went to buy, the bride- groom came,, and they that were ready, went in with him to the marriage, and the doore was (hut. 11 Afterward came alfo the other virgins, faying,LordjLord,opento us. n Butheanfvteredand faid, Verily I fay nto you, I know you nor Chap. 24 Mar, 1 3 His lord faid unto biw, Well done, good and faithful lfervant v thou haft been feithfuU' over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things : enter tbou into the joy -of thy lord. 14 Then he which had received the oneta. lent,, came and faid, Lord, I knew thee that tbou art an hard man, reaping u here thou haft not fown, and gathering where thou halt not: ftrawed : 2 f And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth : lo there thou haft that is thine. 16 His lord anfwered and faid unto-him,. Thou wicked and flothfull fervant,thou knew- eft that I reap where I fowed. not, and gather Where I have not ftrawed. 27 Thou oughteft therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my co mingl (hould have received mine own with ufury. z8 Take therefore the talent from him, and give It unto him which hath ten talcnt5. 29 * For unto everyone that hath (rmll be *Ch4p.ivi>: given, and he (hall have abundance ' bur from "' him that hath not fliall be taken away,even that which he hath, f"" 30- And oft ye the unprofitable fervant into * Watch therefore, for ye know neither "13/3$. the day nor the houre, wherein the Sonne of outer darknefle, there fliall be weeping and man cometh. gnafliing of teeth. -4- *luk i i>. I4 ^ * For tbe fy&o f heaven is as a 31 f When the-Sonne of man ftall come 'man travelling into a farre couwrey, who cal- i.v his glory , and all the holy angelstwith The laft judgement. S. Matthew; 48 him, then (hall he fit upon the throne of his glory. 3 1 And before him (hall be gathered all nations, and he (hall feparatc them one from another, as a (hepherd divideth his (heep from the goats : 33 And he (hall fct the (heep onhis right Jiand,but the goats on the left, 3 4 Then (hall the king fay unto them on his right hand, Come ye blefled of my Father, in- herit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world. a. 5 8.7- 3 j * For I was an hungred, and ye gave me :k. iS.y. mcat . j ms t hi r fty j an d y e gave me drink : I was a ftranger,and ye took me in : 36 Naked, and ye clothed me : I wasfick, and ye vifited me: I was in prifon, and ye came unto me. 37 Then (hall the righteous anfwer him, faying, Lord, when faw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or tbirftie,and gave t bee drink* 38 Whenfawwctheeaftranger, and took tbee in ? or naked^and clothed thee ? 3 9 Or when faw we thee fick, or in prifon, and came unto thee ? 40 And the king (hall anfwer, and fay unto them, Verily I fay unto you, In as much as ye have done it unto one of the leaft of thefe my brethren,ye have done it unto me. Joh.u.i, Chriftsfeet anointed. Ye know that after two dayes is thefeafl *Mark 14,1; o/the pafleover, and theSonneof man is be- L "ke*-i. , trayed to be crucified. John 13.1; 3 * Then aflembled together the chief *Joh.n.47J priefts, and theScribes, and the elders of the people, unto the palace of the high prieft, who was called Caiaphas, 4 And confulted that they might take Jefus by fubtiltie,and kill him. ? But they faid, Not onthefeaft day y left there be an uproar among the people. 6 f * Now when Jefus was in Bethanie, in 'Mark t^f the houfe of Simon the leper, 7 There came unto him a woman havin<* an alab after box of very precious ointment,and poured it on his head,as he fat at meat. 8 But when his difciples faw it , they had in- dignation, faying, To what purpofe is this wafte ? 9 For this ointment might have been fold for much, and given to the poore. 10 When Jefus underftood it, he faid unto them,Why trouble ye the woman? for (he hath wrought a good work upon me. 11 * For ye have the poore alwaycs with you,but me ye have not alwayes. i ^ For in that (he hath poured this oint- ment on my body,(he did it for my buriall. 13 Verily I fay unto you, Wherefoever this 41 Then (hall he fay alfo unto them on the gofpel (hall be preached in the whole world, left hand, * Depart from me, ye curfed, into there (hall alfo this,that thi: in- s+ . i/v.. _v _ t ! ^ 1 u:- L^^_iir 11 / evcrlafting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. 4* For I was an hungred, and ye gave me iiomeat : I was thirftie, and ye gave me no drink ; 43 I was a ftranger,and ye took me not in : naked,and ye clothed me not : fick, and in pri- fon,and ye vifited me not. 44 Then (hall they alfo anfwer him, faying, Lord,when faw we thee an hungred,or athirft, or a ftranger,ornaked,or fick, or in prifon,and did not minifter unto thee * 47 Then (hall he anfwer them,raying,Veri- ly I fay unto you, In as much as ye did it not to one of the leaft of thefe, ye did it not to me this woman hath done, be told for a memoriall of her. 14 f * Then one of the twelve, called Ju- *Mar,i4;tb das Ifcariot s went unto the chief priefts, Luk , ^ 1 5 And faid unto them, What will ye give me,and I will deliver him unto you ? and they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of filver. 1 6 And from that time he fought opportu- nity to betray him. 17 f * Now the firft day of the fezft of un- *Mar;i4.i* leavened bread,the difciples came to Jefus,fay- Luk.sj-7. ing unto him,Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the pafleover ? 1 8 And he faid, Go into thexltie to fuch a man,and fay unto him, The matter faith, My 46 And * thefe (hall go away into everlaft- time is at hand, I will keep the pafleover at thy ing puniflunent : but the righteous into life honfe with my difciples. eternall. 19 And the difciples did as Jefus had ap- pointed them, and they made ready the pafle- over. 10 *Ncw when the even was come, he fat "Mar. 14.1 8 down with the twelve. Luk.at.i4. CHAP. XXVI. i The rulers confpire agaiuft Cbrift. 6 The tea- man ano'mteth his feet. 14 Judas felleth him. 17 Cbrift eatetb thepaf]*eover:i6 inftitittetb bis holy f upper - 36 prayeth in the gar den : 47 and being betrayed with a faffe, $7 is carried to caiaphat, 69 andden'wd of Te- ter. Nd home to pafle,when Jefus had finifti- ed all thefe dyings, he faid unco his difci- A pies, i 4 . zi And as they did eat,hefaid, Verily I fay J on<1 * 31 unto you,that one of you (hall betray me. ^ i And they were exceeding forrowfull,and began every one of them tofay unto him,Lord, is it I ? 1 3 And he anfwered and faid,*He that dip- *MaI.4i,?. \ peth his hand with me in the difhj the fame (hall betray me. The paflcovcr is eaten] 14 The Sonne of man gotth as it is written of him: but wo unto that man by whom the Sonne of man is betrayed : it had been good for that m.in, if he had not been born. zj Then Judas , which betrayed him, an- fwered, and faid, Maftcr, is it I? He faid unto him, Thou haft faid. *6 f And as they were eating, * Jefus took bread,and || blefled it, and brake if, and gave it to the difciples, and faid, Take, eat, this is * i.Cor.'x i aj,i4. jj Many G ie e s e have ?ave thanks. * Mark 14. *7' John U. 3 2 Zcch.i 3 . 7 * Mar.i4.2g and 16.7. * John i J "Mark 1 4- 3 a. Luke a*3* 2 7 And he took the cup , and save thanks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all of it: 18 For this is mybloud of the new tefta- mcnt which is fhed for many for the remiffion of firmes. 19 But I fay unto you,I will not drink hence- forth of this fruit of the vine, \intill that day when I drink it new with you in my Fathers kingdoms. 3 And when they had fung an||hymne they went out into the mount of Olives. 3* Then faith Jefus unto them,* All ye mail be offended becaufe of me this night : for it is written,* Iwillfmite the Oiephcrd, and the rf thc flock ^j be fcatterc(J ^ Q3idt 5 z But after I am rifen again,* I will go be- fore yon into Galilee. 3 5 Peter anfwered & faid unto him,Though all men (hall be offended becaufe of th.ee, yet will I never be ofiendcd. j 4 Jefus faid unto him, * Verily I fay unto thee,that this night before the cock crow, thoo fhaltdenymethrke. $J Peter faid unto him, Though I mould die with thee,yet will I not deny thee:likewife alfo faid all the difciples. $6 ^ * Then cometh Jefus with them unto a place called Gethfemaae, and faith unto the difciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. 3 7 And he took with him. Peter, and the two formes of Zebcdee , and began to be for- rowfull, and very heavic. j 8 Then faith he unto them, My foul is e >:- ceeding forrowfull, even unto death : tarry ye here and watch with me. 1 9 And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and pr.iyed, faying, O my Father, if it be poffible,let this cup pafle from me: never- thclefle, not as I will, but as thou tvi't. 40 And he cometh unto thc difciples, and findeth them afleep , and faith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one houre? 4 1 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the fpirit indeed is willing,but thc fleih is weak. 41 He went .aw^y again the fccond time, and prayed , faying, O my Father, if this cup may not pane away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. Chap. xxvi. Chrift is betrayed. 4j And he came and found them aflecp 949 again: for their eyes were heavie. 44 And he left them,and went away again, and prayed the third time , fayine the fame words. 4$ Then cometh he to his difciples, and faith unto ihem J Sleepon now,& take your reft, behold, the houre is at hand, and the Sonne ttf man is betrayed into the hands of finncrs. 46 Rife, let us be going: behdW,teos at hand that doth betray me. 47 ^ And* while he yet fpake, lo, Judas * Mark 14. one of the twelve came, and with him a great 43 mtilftitiirL* ti**-K n..-^*.j M~J A- c. __ ! ^\ _ Luke 22*47 a multitude with fwords and ftavcs from the chief priefts and ciders of the people. 48 Now he that betrayed him, gave them a figne, faying, WhorttfoeveiT Brill tiflt, dm fame is he, hold him fall. 49 And forthwith he <^ame te JetuS , and faid, Hail mailer, and fcifled htm. 5 o And Jefus faid untohimjFriendjWhere- fore art thou come? Then came they and laid hands on Jefiis, and took htm. ^ i And behold, one of them whi A Were with Jefus, ftretched out his hand, and drew his fword , and ftroke a fervant of the high priefts, and ftnote off" hiseare. Jj Then faid Jefosimto him, Put up again thy fword into his place: * for all trfcythat * Gen p.*. talke tfeefvVord,fhall penlhwfh the rWord, Revel. ij.i'o jj Thinkeil than that I cannot nm-v pray to my Father, and he {hall prefemry give me more then twelve legions of angels? 54 Bat how then ihsll- the fcriptof cs be ful- filled, * that thus itmuftbe? * *Ifa.J3.i: 5 ) In that fame houre faid Jefns to the mul- titudes, Are ye come out as againft a thief with fwords and Haves- for to take me? 1 fat daily with you teaching in thc temple, and ye laid no hold on me. ?6 But all this was done,that the * fcriptures * Lam.4- 10, of the prophets might be fulfilled.Then all the difciples forfook him, and fled. f 7 f * And they that had laid hold on Jefus, * Mark 14.' led him away to Caiaphas the high prieft, 53. where the Scribes & the elders were afiembled. Luke " 54-' i8 But Peter followed him afarreofri unto J ohn l8 ' 15 * the high priefts palace, and went in , and fat Vvith the fervants to fee thc end. fp Now the chief priefts and elders,ind all the couaccl, fought falfe witnefle againft Jefus to put him tn death, 60 But found none: yea, though many falfe witncfles came , yet found they none. At the laft cametWo falfe witncflls, 6 1 And faid, This feUav faid, * I am able * j^,, a< f todeitroythe temple of God, and to build it in three dayes. 6 1 And the high prieft arofc, and faid unto him, Anfwercft thou nothing? Whit is \t y which thcfe wicneffe againft thce? 6 But Peters deniall, and repentance. 5? Jo ^>3 But Jefusheld his peace. And the high prieft anfwered and faid unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that them tell us, whe- ther thou be the Chnft the Sonne of God. - 64 Jefus faith unto him , Thou haft faid: Chap. 1 6. ncverthelefle I fay unto you, * Hereafter lhall ye fee the Sonne of man fitting on the right S. Matthew.' Judas hangeth himfelf. 4 Saying, I have finned, in that I have be- trayed the innocent bloud. And they faid,What is that to us? fee thou to their. $ And he caft down the pieces of filver in the temple , * and departed , and went and * A3j n f, hanged himfelf. 6 And the chief priefts took the filver pie- hand of power , and coming in the clouds of ces,and faid , It is not lawfull to put them heaven. * nto thetreafury, becaufe it is the price of 6< Then the high prieft rent his clothes, bloud. 7 And they hn 1825. Thou aj f wa ^ with J efus of G alllcc - jo But he denied before them all, faying, I know not what thou fayeft. 71 And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid faw him, and faid unto them that were there , This fellow was alfo With Jefus of Nazareth. 72 And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. 73 And after a while came unto him they that flood by, and faid to Peter, Surely thou alfo art one of them, for thy fpeech bewrayeth thee. 74 Then began he to curfe and to fwear, them the potters field, to buiy ftiangers in. 8 Wherefore that field was called, * The field of bloud unto this day. p ( Then was fulfilled that which was fpo- ken Ky Jeremy the prophet/aying, * And they took the thirtie pieces of filvcr,the price of him that was valued, j| whom they of the children H O of Xfratl did value: 10, And gave them for the potters field, as the Lord appointed me. 1 1 And Jefus ftood before the governourj and the governour asked him , faying, Art led*, thou the king of the Jews? And Jefus faid unto him, Thou fayeft. i 2 And when he was accufed of the chief priefts and elders, he anfwered nothing. 1 3 Then faith Pilate unto him,Heareft thoa not how many things they witnefle againft thee? 14 And he anfwered him to never a word, infomuch that the governour marvelled greatly. if* Now at tlu At feaft the governour was * Luke 23-17 wont to releafe unto the people a prlfoner, whom they would. Caylnr. I know not the man. And immediate- ' 6 And they had then a notable prifoncr, called Barabbas. j 7 Therefore when they were gathered to- gether, Pilate faid unto them, Whom will yc that I releafe unto you ? Barabbas, or Jefus, which is called Chrift? 1 8 For he knew that for cnvie they had de- livered him. 1 9 f When he was fe t down on the judge- bxngetb himfelf. 19 Pila.tt adtnonifhed of ment feat,his wife fcnt unto him, faying, Have bis iv'ifc , 24 tvijheth his bxvdt , 26 and t h ou n othin<* to do with that juft man : for I have fuffered many things this day in a dream, becaufe of him. 20 * But the chief priefts and elders per- * John 18. fwaded the multitude that they fhould ask Ba- 4 - ...UL-. ~-l JA,^ T.r,,e AftSJ.14. ly the"cock crew. 7? And Peter remembred the words of Je- fus,which faid unto him,Before the cock crow, thou flialt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly. CHAP. XXVII. Chrift is delivered bound toPlLite. 3 Judas loofetb i&rgbbas. 29 Chrift is crowned with thorny 34 crucified, 40 reviled, ?e dieth, and Is buried. 66 His foulclire is fettled and w .itched- * Mark i S-i \ /T rHcn the mooring was come, * all the Lnkc22.<5and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent y And the graves were opened, and many they took the robe off from him, and put his Dodi of faints which flept,arofe, own raiment on him a and led him away to cru- cifiehim. Joh 53 And came out of the graves after his re- furredion, and went into the holy citie, and appeared unto many. 54 Nowwhenthe Centurion,:md they that were with him, watching Jefus, faw the earth- quake, and thofe things that were done, they feared greatly, faying, Truely this was the Sonne of God. 5 5 And many women were there ( behold- ing afarre off) which followed Jefus from Ga- lilee, miniftring unto him. 56 Among which was Mary Magdalene, *Mar.i 5 .ji. 31 * And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name : him they compelled to bear his crofle. 33* And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha,that is to fay,a place of a skull 34 f They gave him vineger to drink, mingled with P all: and when he had tafted thereof, he would not drink. 35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments,caftinglots:that it might be fulfilled _ - which was fpoken by the propher,*They part- an ^ Mary the mother of James and Jofes, and ed my garments arnon* them and upon my the mother of Zebedees children. 57 * When the even was come,there came a rich man of Arimathea, named Joieph,who al- fo himfelf was Jefus difciple: 5 8 He went to Pilate,and begged the bodie of Jefus: then Pilate commanded the bodie to be delivered. 59 And when Jofeph had taken the bodie, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60 And laid it in his own new tombc,whicfi. 39 f And they that paflcd by, reviled him, wagging their heads, 40 And faying, Thou that deftroyeft the temple, and buildtft it in three dayes, fave thy ftlf: if thou be the Sonne of God, come down from the crofle. 41 Likewife alfo the chief priefts mocking him, with the Scribes and elders, faid, 41 He faved others, himfelf he cannot fave: if he be the king of Ilrael,lct him now come down from the crofle, & we will bclecve him. 43 * He trufted inGod,let him deliver him now if he will have him: for he faid, I am the Sonne of God. vefture did they caft lot?. 36 And fitting down, they watched him there: 3 7 And fet up over his head, his accufatkm written,T HIS is JESUS T H K i N e OF THE JEWS. 38 Then were there two theeves crucified with him: one on the rioht hand, and another on the left. -' * *! * a. i* he had hewen out in the rock: and he rolled a great ft one to the doore of the fepukhre, and departed. 61 And there was Mary Magdalene , and the other Mary , fitting over agamit the fe- pulchre. 6z f Now the next day that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priefts and Pharifeescame together unto Pilate, 6$ Saying, Sir, we remember that that de- ceiver faid, while he was ye: alive, After three dayes I will rife again. 64 Command therefore that the fepulchre be madelure untill the third day,lcA his difci- ples drifts retee&ion declared by an angel. S. MarkC He appeared to his 2fi pies come by night y and {teal himaway,and pukhre, with fear and great joy, and did ran to fay unto the people, He is rifen from the dead: bring his difciples word. . fo the lafi errour fhallbe worfe then the fhft. 9 f Andas they went to tell his difciples, 65 Pilate faid unto them, Ye have a watch, behold, Jefus met them, faying, All haal. And .go your way, make it as fure as you can. 66 So they went and made the fepukhre fure, fealing the ftonc,aad fetting a watch. C H A P. they came, and held him by thefect,and-'ytoi- fhipped him. 10 Then faid Jefus. unto them, Be not afr.ud: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there fhall they fee me. - - 1 1 f Now when they were aoing, behold. to the women. 9 He himfelf appeared unto fome of the watch camc imo JJ g^ and 1 1 The high priejts give the foutbers fhew(1 IUMQ the chief iefts aU che ^^ fa t 'ofay that be tvasftolen oMtofhts fe~ were j one< . iSchrifl appeared to ha difciples., Ja ^a when they were aflcmbled: with the elders, and had taken counfel, they gave large money unto the fouldiers, 13 Saying, Say ye, His difciples. cane by night, and Hole him away while we flepr. 14 And if this come to the governours cares, we will perfwade him, and fecure you. i y So they took the money, and did as they XXVIIL declared by ax angel *f<< fendeth them to baptise and teafb * Mar.irf.i. jN the "* end of the fabbath, as it began to John 20.1. J[dawn towards the firft day of the week,came Mary Magdalene, and ; the other Mary, to foe -the fepukhre. z And behold, there || was a great earth- guake, for the angel of the Lord defcended were taught: and this fnymg. is commonly re- from heaven, and caote and rolled back the ported among the Jews untill this day. ftone from the doorei,and fat upon it. 5 His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as fnow. 4 And for fear of him the keeper* did ihake, and became as dead men. 5 And the angel anfwered and faid unto the women, Fear not ye : for I know that yefcek Jefus, which was crucified. 6 He is not here: for he is rifen, as he- faid: come, fee the place where the Lord lay. 7 And go quickly and tell his difciples that he isnfenfrom the dead; and behold, he goeth \6 K Then the eleven difciples wenraway into Galilee, into a mountain where Jefus had 7 appointed them. 17 And when they-fawhim,theyworfhipped him: but fome doubted. 1 8 And Jefus came, and fpakc unco them, faying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth: 19 f * Go ye therefore and teach all nati- onSjbaptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghoft : ao Teaching them to obfervc all things before you into Galilee, there mail ye fee him, whatfocver I have commanded you: and lo, lo, I have told you. I am with you alway even unto the end of the 8 And they departed quickly from the fe- world. Amen. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO S. M A R 1C. CHAP. I. i The office cfjobn the Baptift. 9 Jeftts is ba- * I fa. 40 3. Luke 3.4. /, 12, tempted: 1 4 be preached: 16 cal- leth Peter , Andrew , James and John: a 3 healeth one that had a dez-il, 19 Peters mother in law, 31 many dife jfe d' perfonr: 4 1 ard cleanfeth the leper. He beginning of thegofpel of Jefus Chrift the Sonne of God, 2 As it is written in the prophets, * Behold,! fend my rneffenger before thy face, which fhall prepare /ay before thee. ^he voic e of one crying in the wildernes, Prep.-ue ye the way of the Lord,make his paths ftraiglit. 4 * John did baptize in the wilderneflfe, and * Matth. preach the baptifme of repentance, [] for the re- y Or ^ ^^ miflion of (innes. $ *And there went out unto him all the land * Matth. of Judea, and they of Jerufalem, andwere all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confef- fing their finnes. 6 And John was *clothed with camels hair, * Matth. and with a girdle of a skin about his loyns:and he did eatlocufts and wilde hony: 7 And preached, faying, There cometh one mightier then I after me, the latchet of whofe fhoes I am not worthy to ftoup down and un- loofe. 8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he fhall baptize you with the holy Ghoft. 9 * And it came to pafle in thofc dayrs, * y that aim ter-,aSj5S3e * Matth-4. 12. And in the rooming rifing , lp his brother, . fhip mending their nets. 20 And ftraightway he called them : and they left their father Zebedee in the (hip with the hired iervants, and went after him. 21 * And they went into Capernaum , and ftraightway on the fabbath-day he emred into the fynagogue, and taught. * And they were aftonifhed at his do- ctrine : for he taught them as one that had au- thority, and not as the Sccibes. 2$ * And there was in their fyna^osue a man with an unclean fpiiit, and he cried out 41 Andjefus moved with companion, put forth his hand , and touched him , and faith unto him, I will, be thou clean. 42. And aflbon as he had fpoken, immedi- ately the leprofie departed from him and he was cleanfed. 4$ And he ftraitly charged him, and forth- with fent him awayj 44 And faith unto him , See thou fay no- thing to any man : but go thy way , (hew thy elf to the prieft, and offer for thy cleanfino- thofe things which Mofes commanded for a, " f J *"V*"3 J J"iOld , , - e, and come out of him. 6 And when the unclean fpirithad torn him , and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. 27 And they were all amazed , infomuch that they queftjoned among thcmfelves,fayin<>, What thing is this? what new dodrine is this? for with' authority commandeth he even the te came to im rom every quarter CHAP. II. Cbrijl heateth one ftcltofthe patfe, 14^. letb Matthew from the receipt of cuftome, If eatetb with Pttblicaaes and pnners^ 1 8 cxcufetb his difciples for not fafting, *1 and for plucking the eares of corn on the r anditms noifed Thefickotthepairie,and S.Mark, the \vitnered hand healed,' of 4 doore : and he preached the word unto them. 3 And they come unto him, bringing one fick of the palfie, which was born of foure. 4 And when they could not come nigh un- to him for preafle , they uncovered the roof where he was : and when they had broken it up , they let down the bed wherein the fick of the pal fie lay. f When Jefus faw their faith , he faid unto the fick of the palfie, Sonne, thy finnes be for- given thee. 6 But there were certain- of the Scribes fit- ting there, arui reafoning in their hearts, 7 Why doth this man thus fpeak blafphc- * Job 14.4. naies?* who can forgive finnes but God onely? JJa. 43. 15. 8 And immediately, when Jefus perceived in hisfpiiit,thartheyfo reafoned within them- felveSjhe faid unto them, Why reafon ye thefe things in your hearts ? 9 'Whether is it eafier to fay to the fick of the palfie, Thy finnes be forgiven thee : or to fay, A-ife, and take up thy bed and walk ? ip. But that ye may know that the Sonne of man hath power on earth to forgive finnes, (he faith to the fick of the palfie) 1 1, I fay unto thee , Anfe, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine houfe. i 2 And immediately he arofe , took up the bed, and went forth before them all, infomuch that they were all amaxed,and glorified God, faying, We never faw it on this fafhion. i $ And he went forth again by the fea-fiite, and all the multitude reforted unto him , and he taught them. *-Matt. 9.9. 14 * And as he paffed by , he faw Lcvi the l)Or,4f th t fonnc of Alpheus fitting j| at the receipt of ^'cuft'ome cuftome > 3nd k id umo bim,Follow me. And *ai.Tectivettt hesrofc and followed him. i y Andit came to paflc , that zs Jefus fat at meat in his houfe,manyPublicanes and linners fat alfo together with Jefus and his difciples ; for there were many, and they followed him. 1 6 And when the Scribes and Pharifees faw him cat with Bublicanes and finners, they faid unto his difciples, How is it that he eateth and drinkethwith Publicanes and finners ? 17 When Jefus heard u 5 he faith unto them, - They that are whole, have no needof the phy- fician,but they that are fiek: I came not to call the righteous, but finners to repentance. *Matth 18 * And the difciples of John, and of the 4- Pharifees ufed to faft j and they come, and fay **M 5-33- unto him,Why do the difciples of John,and of the Phavifees faft, but thy difciples faft not? 19 And Jefus faid unto them,Can the chil- dren of the bride-chamber faft , while the bridegroom is with them? as long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot faft. 20 But the dayes will come,when the bride- groom (hall be taken away from them , and tbenfhail they faftiathofe dayes. . 21 No man alfo feweth a piece of |[new fj Or, r*,or cloth on an old garment : elfe the new piece ***">& that filled it up, taketh away from the old,and the rent is madeworfe. 22 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles , elfe the new wine doth burft the bot- des^nd the wineisfpilled,and the bottles will be marred : but new wine muft be put imo> new bottles. 23 * And it came to pane, that he went *Mate.i*i. through the corn fields on the fabbath-day, and his difciples began as they went, to pluck the cares of corn. 24 And the Pharifees faid unto him, Be- hold , why do they on the fabbath-day that which is not lawfull? 2 j And he. faid unto them , Have ye never read what David did,when he had need & was an hungred, he, and they that were with him ? id How he went into the houfe of God in the dayes of Abiathar the high prieft , and did eat the fljew-breadjWhich is not iawfull to eat, but for the priefts,and gave alfo to them which were with him ? 27 And he faid unto tliern,The fabbath was made for man, and not man for the fabbath : 28 Therefore the Sonne of man is Lord alfo of the fabbath. CHAP. III. i Cbnfl.bealetb ttewitkcred band, 10 and many other infirmities: iirebu^etb the un- ckanfpirits:i^choofeth his twelve apoftles: ziconvinccth the blafphemyofcaftingeut devils by Beelzebub: }i and jbeweth tvbt arc Iw brothcr 3 fifter, and mother. ANd * he .entred again into the fynagogue, *Matt.xa no tof Uoud.-nor of .?% to, W ^, and w lwto T f r L . Johns teftimome of Chrift .' S. John . W ater turned into wine? jc04 him, Why baptizeft thou then, if thou be not 4^ And Nathanael faid unto him,Can the re any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip f 1 L ' * --* 1 y * that Chrift, nor Elias, neither that prophet? 26 John anfwered them, faying, I baptize with water, but there ftandeth one among you, whom ye know not. * Matt.j-u. 27 * He it is who coming after me, is pre- Afts 1 7.4- ferred before me, whofe moes latchet I am not worthy to, unloofe. 28 Thefe things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was bapti zing. 29 f The next day John feeth Jefus coming unto him,and faith,Behold the Lambe of God, | >!>*<<&> which || taketh away the finne of the world. 30 This is he of whom I faid, After me co- meth a man, which is preferred before me: for he was before me. 3 1 And I knew him not: but that he fliould be made manifeft to Ifrael, therefore am I come baptizing with water. "Matt.j.itf 3 Z * And John bare record, faying, I faw the Spirit dcfcending from heaven, like a dove, and it abode upon him. 33 And I knew him not: but he that fent me to baptize with water, the. fame faid unto me, Upon whom thou fhalt fee the Spirit de- fcending and remaining on him, the fame is he which baptizcth with the holy Ghoft. 34 And I faw, and bare record that this is the Sonne of God. 3 f f Again the next day after,John flood, and two of his difciples: 3 6 And looking upon Jefus as he walked, he faith, Behold the Lambe of God . 37 And the two difciples heard himfpeak, and they followed Jefus. 3 8 Then Jefus turned, and faw them fol- lowing, and faith unto them, What feck ye? Theyfaid unto him,E.abbi,(which is to fay be- ing interpreted,MafterJwhere J| dwelleft thou? 39, He faith unto them, Come and fee. They came and faw where he dweltj and abode with him that day: for it was || about the tenth houre. if w hearts 40 One of the two which heard John fpeak, teftte night. an d followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peters brother. faith unto him, Come and fee. 47 Jefus faw Nathanael coming to him,and faith of him, Behold an Ifraelite indeed, in whom is no guile. 48 Nathanael faith unto him, Whence knoweft thou me? Jefus anfwered and faid un- to him, Before that Philip called thee when thou waft under the fig-tree, I faw thee. 49 Nathanael anfwered and faith unto him, Rabbi,thou art the Sonne of God, thou art the King of Ifrael. $o Jefus anfwered and faid unto him, Be- caufe I faid unto thee, I faw thee under the fig-tree, beleeveft thou? thou fhalt fee greater things then thefe! f i And he faith unto him, Verily verily I fay unto you, Hereafter you (hall fee heaven open, and the angels of God afcending and defcending upon the Sonne of man. CHAP. II. i Cbri$ turnetb -water into wine, i ^ departetb - into Capernaum s andtoferttfalem 3 i4where be purgetb the temple of buyers and fetters. 19 Heforetelleth his death andrefurreftion. 23 Many beleeved becaufe of hx miracle r, but he would not truft- bimfelf with them. A Nd the third day there was a marriage fir Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jefus was there. 2 And both Jefus was called, and his difci- ples, to the marriage. 3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jefus fajth unto him, They have no wine. 4 Jefus faith unto her. Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine houre is not yet come. ? His mother faith unto the fervants a Whati foever he faith unto you, do it. 6 And there were fet there fix water-pots o ftone , after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins, apiece. Jefus faith unto them, Fill the water-pots i Or, tht oter. 7 eus at unatem, te water-pots 41 He firft findeth his own brother Simon, with water. And they filled them up to the and faith unto him, We have found the Mefll- brimme. the Chrift. | Or, Ptt er. as, which is, being interpreted, 41 And he brought him to Jefus. And when Jefus beheld him,hc faid, Thou art Simon the fonneof Jona, thou flialt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, || a ftone. 43 5f The day following, Jefus would go forth into Galilce,and findeth Philip^and faith unto him, Follow me. 44 Now Philip was of Bethfaida, thecity of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and faith un- Gen 49 io to ^ e have found him of whom * Mofes D.eut. i 8. 8. in tne law > an ^ tne * prophets did write, JcfuS * jft, 4, a. of Nazareth^ the forme of Jofeph. 8 And he faith unto them, Draw out now 3 and bear unto the govcrnour of the feaft. And they bare it. 9 When the ruler of the feaft had tafted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was, (but the fervants which drevM the water knew ) the govcrnour of the feaft called the bridegroom, 10 And faith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth fet forth good wine, and when men have well drunk, then that which, is worfe: but thou haft kept the good wine un- till now; 11 This beginning of miracles did Jefus in i n e cL,JolK C "Setd f Chap ' ii;> Godslwe K>>rdstheworld. 12 51 After this, he went down to Caperna- < Tefus anfWr^ v -i -IT um, he, and hismother, and his brethren; and thee Except alnh' & 9 ^ 9 1 ^ Um his difaples, and they continued there not Spirit he can, bebornof wa , tera "dofthe many dayes. G r 0t j J entcr int the kingdome of ju^^assr*" 1 ' 1 * andt^Sb sbor vt ?.** "* And found in the temole thofi-rl^M TK .!!, lchis born T fthe Sp'ru,isfpiric. fitting: and the meep and the oxen, ai. ^u^um t changers money, and overthrew the tables ; 1 6 And faid unto them that fold doves/Take thefe things hence, make not my Fathers houfe anhoufe of merchandife. 1 7 And his difciples remembred that it was written, * The zeal of thine houfe hath eaten me up. 1 8 ; the wildernefie: even fo muft the Sonne of man be lifted up : i ? That whofoever beleeveth in him,(hould notperiflj,but have eternall life. 16 4 * For God fo loved the world, that he * '-3 gave his onely begotten Sonneuhat whofoever beleeveth in him, {hould nor peri(b, but have -"erlaftinglife. i? * For God fent not his Sonne into them, becaufe he knew all men, 2 5 And needed not that any (hould teftifie of man: for he knew what was' in man. CHAP. III. J thrift teacheth Nicodemus the nece/ity of re- generation i 14 of faith in bit death. 1 6 The great love of God towards tie mrld.iS fin- demaationfor unbelief. ^ 3 The ba.p tifme^it- THere was a man of the Pharifees, named Nicodemus,a ruler of the Jews : 2 The fame came to Jefus by night, and faid unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God : for no man can do thefe miracles that thou doeft, except God be with him. 3 Jefus anfwered and faid unto him, Verily verily I fay unto thee, Except a man be bom U again,he cannot fee the kingdome of God. 4 Nicodemus faith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old ? can he enter the world to condemn the world : but that the world throughjiim might be favcd. 1 8 f He that beleeveth on him, is not co,n- demned : but he that beleeveth not , is con- demned already, becaufe he hath not beleeved in the name of the onely begotten Sonne of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, *that*Chap.i.4i light is come into the world, and men loved darknefle rather then light, becaufe their deeds were eviL 20 For every one that doeth evil, hareth the light,neither cometh to the light, left his deeds (hould be Jj reproved. jjOr.rf*^-*. 21 But he that doeth truth, cometh tothe wr ' rf ' light, that his deeds may be made manifeft , that they are wrought in God. 22 fl After thefe things came Jefus and his difciples into the land of Judea, and there he tarried with them, *and baptized. *Ch.ij-i* 2j ^ And Johnalfo was baptizing in /Enon, neare to Salim, becaufe there was much water there : and they came,nnd were baptized. Jttj 24 For Johns doSrine of Chrift. S. John, xoo/6 *4 For John ttas not yet caft into prilori. z< jThentherc arofea cjueflion between fbmeof Johns difciples, andthejews, about The woman of Samarii ch.p.,.7. o orr n ;Cc,ho;s n ;s; *- y? ^ b *ft^& ft , . Wefe"***. and ail . coo* . ^t jT^l ht dX^Uh *TCa' i^iasSS^f? Skwa^'Es *Hcb.j.4- ^^"Ye your felves bear me witnefle, thatl faith to thee,Giveme todrink ; thou wouldcft 'Chapi.w. foid *IamnotthcChrift, but thatlamfent have asked of him, and he would have given before him thce living water. 29 Hethathaththebride^sthebridegroom: n The woman faith unto him Sir, thou but the friend of thebridegroom.whichftand- haft nothing to draw with, and the well is oh aid hcarcth him, rejoyceth greatly be- deep: from whence then halt thou that living caufeof the bridegrooms voice: this my joy """ therefore is fulfilled. 3 o He muft increafe, but I muft decreafe. 3 i He that cometh from above, is above all: he that is of the earth, is earthly, and fpeaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven, is above all. 32 And what he hath feen and heard, that he teftifieth, and no man receivethhis tefti- water ii Art thou greater then our father Jacob, which gave us the weiljand drank thereof him- felf,and hischildren,and his cattel ? i j Jefus anfwered and faid unto her, Who- foever diinketh of this water ftull thirft a* mony gan : 14 But whofoever drinketh of the water that I (hall give him, (hall never thirft : butthe water that I (hill give him, (hill be in him a 33 He that hath received his teftimony , well of water fprmging up into everlafting *hathfettohisfeal,thatGodistrue. life. . 34 For he whom God hath fent fpeaketh 15 Thewotnanfauhuntohim,Sir,gwerne the words of God : for God giveth not the fpi- this water,th I thirft not,neith come hither rit by mcafure unto him. 'Matr;i 1. 17, 3 f * The Father loveth the Sonne,and hath given all things into his hand. *Hab t t.. 36 *Hethatbeleevethonthe Sonne, hath i. John 5. to. e v cr lafting life : and he that beleeveth not the Sonne, (hail not fee life; but the mach of God afaideth on him. CHAP. II1I. i Cbrljt talfcth with a woman of S and 48.13. faich unto her, Go, call thy huf- band,and come hither. 17 The woman anfwered and faid, I hare no husband. Jefus faid unto her, Thou haft well faid, I have no husband : 1 8 For thou haft had five husbands, and be whom thou now haft is not thy husband : ia that did ft thou truly. 1 p.The woman faith unto him, Sir, I per- revealeth biwfdf unto her. ^ 7 H it d'fiiples ce iy e that thou art a prophet. marvel. 31 Hedeclaretb totbembu^alto 10 Our fathers worrtnpped in this moun- Godsglory.wManySamaritanesbdetvcon tain,and ye fay, that in * Jerufalem is the place Dcut , 2 bim.4i Hcdefirtetb into Galilee^ bealetb yvheremen ought to worfaip. the rulers fonae that lay fak ** Capernaum. al j e f u s faith unto her, Woman, belceve WHcn therefore the Lord knew how the rne, thehoure cometh when ye (hall neither Pharifees had heard thaf Jefus made in this mountain, nor yet at Jerufalem worfnip and baptized mo difciples then John, the Father. x (ThoBjh Jefus himfclf baptized not,but * a Ye worfiiip ye know not what:we know his difciples) Vvhat we worlhip : for falvation is of the Jews. a He lef t Judea, and departed again into 23 Butthehourecometh,andnowis,when the true worfhippers (hall worlWp the Father in fpirit and in truch : for the Father feekcth fucb to worlhip him. 24 * God is a Spirit, and they that worlhip him,muft worlhiphiminfpiricand in truth. 2 ? The woman faith unco him,l know that Meflfis cometh which is called Chrift : when he is come 3 hemlltdl us all things, . af Jefus, Galilee. 4 And he muft needs go through S amari a. 5 Then cometh he to a city ofSaimria,which iscalled Sychar, neare to the parcel of ground * that Jacob gave to his fonne Jofeph. 6 Now Jacobs well was there. Jefus there- fore being wearied with his journey, fat thus on the well : and it was about the uxch houce. Chrifts zeal to Gods glory. Chap.v. The fick healed. 16 Jefus faith unto her, I that fpeakumo ofjudeainto Galilee, he went unto him, and 1007 thee,am he. befought him that he would come down , and 27 i And upon this came his difciples, and heal hislonne: foi he was at the point of death, marvelled that he talked with the woman : yet 48 Then (aid Jefus unto him, Except ye fee no man faid, What feekeit thou ? or,Why talk. ' eft thou with her ? 18 The woman then left her water- pot t and went her way into the city, and faith to the 19 Come, fee a man which told me all things that ever I did : is not this the Chrift ? 3 o Then they went out of the city , and came unto him. 31 f In the mean while his difciples prayed him,f:tying,Mafter,eat. jz But he faid unto them, I have meat to cat that ye know not of. 3 3 Therefore faid the difciples one to ano- ther,Hith any man brought him ought to eat f 34 Jefus faith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that fent me, and to finifh his work. 3 fthefcripturesjbo he ts- A Fter * this there was afeaft of the Jews, Fter and Jefus went up to Jerufalem. Deur> ' * Jif __ Now there is at Jerufalem by t.he fheep- city beleeved on him, for the faying of the wo- ([ market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew B Or > at *' man, which teftifisd, He told me all that ever tongue, Bethefda, having five porches. 3 Inthefe lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blinde,halt, withered,, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain fea- fon into the pool,and troubled the watenwho- foever then firft after the troubling of the wa- ter ftepped in, was made whole of whatsoever difeafe he bad. ? And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight yeares. 6 When Jefus faw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that cafe, he fjith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole ? 7 The impotent man anfwered him. Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, I did. 4080 when the Samaritanes were come un- to him, they befought him that he would tarry With them : and he abode there two dayes. 41 And many mo beleeved, becaufeof his awn word : 41 And faid unto the woman, Now we be- leeve, not becaufe of thy faying, for we have heard him our felvcs, and know that this is in- deed the Chrilt,thf Saviour of the world. Mitt.ij,57 43 q * N OW a f cer tvvo d aves nc departed thence,and went into Galilee : 44 For Jefus himftlf teftin"ed,that a prophet kath no honour in his own countrey. 45 Then when he was come into Galilee, the Galileans received him, having feen all the things chit he did at Jerufalem at the feail : for they alfo went unto the feaft. 46 So J-efus came again into Cana of Gal i- lee, * where he made the water wine. And put me into the pool : but while 1 am coming, another fteppeth down before me. 8 Jefus faith unto him, Rifcj take up thy bed,and walk. 9 And immediately the man was made or, cturtier, there w as a certain [j noble man, whofe fonnc whole,nnd took up his bed,and walked:and on 14 * r * was fick at Capernaum. . the fame clay was the fabbath. 47 When he heard that Jefus was come out 10 ^f The Jews therefore laid unto him that Ttt 4 was whole, the fame faid unto me, Take up thy bed and walk. 1 2 Then asked they him, What man is that which faid unto thee,Take up thy bed & walk ? 1 3 And he that Was healed , wi ft not who it was : for Jefus had conveyed himfelf awayj (1 a ' multitude being in that plate. 14 Afterward Jefus findeth him in the tem- ple, and faid unto him, Behold, thou art made whole : finne no more, left a worfe thing come unto thee. worketh hitherto, arid I work. 1 8 Therefore the Jews fought the more to kill him. becaufe he not onely had broken the Chrift flieweth who he is S. John, by the teftimony of the Father 5 &c. 1668 wascuredjltisthefabbath-day, *itisnotlaw- they that have done evil, unto the refurredion [cr. 17.21. full for thee to carry thy bed. of damnation^ ii He 1 anfwered them, ^je that mad* me 30 I can or mine own felf do nothing j as I heare, I judge : and my judgement is juft,be- caufe I feek not mine own will, bui the will of the Father which hath fent me. 31 *lflbearwitnefleof myCelf, my Wit. *Chap. 8. 14, nefle is not true. |K>r,/rw was': for Jefus had conveyed himfelf' away j fl a 3 2 ^f * There is another that beareth wit- 'Matt-j.ij. nefle of me,and I know that the witneflc which hewitneffeth of me, is true. 33 Ye fent unto John, *and he bare wit. fChap.i.f} nefle unto the truth. 34 But I receive not teftimony from man : i? The man departed, and told the Jews but thefe things I fay ,that ye might be faved. that it Was Jefus which had made him whole. 3? He was a burning and a (hining light : 16 And therefore did the Jews perfecute Je- and ye were willing for a feafon to rejoyce in fus,and fought to fliy him,becaufe he had done his light. thefe things on the fabbath-day. 36 f But I have greater witnefie then that 17 f But Jefus anfwered them, My Father of John : for the works which the Father hath iven me to finiih, the fame works that I do, >ear witnes of me,that theFather hath fent me. 37 And the Father himfelf which hath fent fabbath,"but faid alfo,that God wasfliis Father, me,*hath born wkneffe of me. Ye have neither Matt ?-l _ ; making himfelf equall with God. heard his voice at any time,*nor feen his (hape. and 17.5. 19 Then anfwered Jtfus and faid unto them, 38 And ye have not his word abiding in you: *Deut.4,iu for whom he hath fent,him ye beleeve not. 39 u Search the fcriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternall life, and they are they which teftifie of me. 40 And ye will not come to me, thaft yc might have life. . 41 I receive not honour from men. 41 But I know youjthat ye have not the love of God in you. 43 I am come in my Fathers name, and ye receive me not:if another (hall come in his own name, him ye will receive. 4 V * How can ye beleeve,which receive ho- i nour one of another, and feek not the honour that comet}) from God onely ? 4 j Do not think that I will accufe you to the Father: there is one that accufeth you, even MofeSjinwhomye ttuft. 4.6 For had ye beleeved Mofes, ye Would have beleeved me: *for he wrote of me. 47 But if ye beleeve not his writings, how D cut. 18.15. (hall ye beleeve my words ? CHAP. VI. Verily verily I fay unto you, The Sonne can do nothing of himfelf, but what he feeth the Fa- ther do -. for what things foever he doeth, thefe alfo doeth the Sonne hkewife. 20 For the Father loveth the Sonne, and fhtweth him all things that himfelf doeth: and he will Ihew him greater works then thefe,that ye rmy marvel. 21 For as the Father raifeth up the deadend quickeneth them:even fo the Sonne quickeneth whom he will. 22 For the Father judgeth no man: but hath committed all judgement unto the Sonne : 23 That all men fhould honour the Sonne t tven as they honour the Father. He thatho- noureth not the Sonne, honoureth no; the Fa- ther which hath fent him. 24 Verily verily I fay unto you, He that heareth my word, and bcleeveth on him that fent me, hath everlafting life, and (hall not come into condemnation : but ispafled from death unto life. H Verily verily I fay unto you,The houre is corn-ing, and now is, when the dead (hall heare the voice of the Sonne of God: and they thac heare mall live. 26 For as the Father hath life in himfelf : fo hath he given to theSon to have life in himfelf. 27 And hath given him authority toVexecute judgement alfo,becaufe he is th*Sonne of man. 28 Marvel not at this: forthehoure isco- rring, in the which all that are in the graves {hailhrare his voice, Gen. 3. if,' feedetb five tboxfand men tvltb fve loxvCsandttvo/ifhe!. i? Thereupon the peo- ple would have made him l(ing. 1 6 But with' drawing himfelfy be w.il!{etb on tbefea to his difciples : ^6 reproveth the feople flocking after him, and aU, the flcfhly hearers t ofbi& word : 3 2 declareth hiwfe/fto be the bread of life to bclcevers. 66 Many ciifciples de- pan from }nm. *8 Peter conffffctb him. 70 f ltd as U a devil. And fnall come forth, * they that have \ Ftet thefe things Jefus went over the fea done good, unto the refurreftion of life, and Jt\ of Galilee, which is tbefea of Tiberias. z And Fivethoufand fed. Chap z And a great multitude followed him, be- caufe they faw his miracles which he did on them that were difeafed. , 3 And Jefus went up into a mountain, and there he fat with his difcipies. w !i. 4 * And the P affeovcr > a feaft of chc J ew$ > was nigh. 4att.i4.i5 j ^ * When Jefus then lift up his eyes, and faw a great company come unto him, he faith unto Philip, Whence (hall we buy bread that thefe may eat ? 6 (And this he faid to prove him : for he himfelf knew what he would do) 7 Philip anfwered him, Two hundred peni- Worth of bread is not fufficient for them, that every o-ne of thtm may take a little. 8 Orre of his difcipies, Andrew, Simon Pe- ters brother,faith unto him, 9 There is a lad here 3 which hath five barley loaves,and two fmall fiihes : but what are they among fo many ? 10 And Jefus faid, Make the men fit down. Now there was much grafiein the place. So the men fat down, in number about five thou- fand. 1 1 And Jefus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he diftributed to the difci- pies, and the difciples to them that were fee down, and likewife of the fillies, as much as they would. 1 1 When they were filled, he faid unto his difciples,Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be loit. 1 3 Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves,which remained over and above,unto them that had eaten. 14 Then thofe men, when they had feen the miracle that Jefus did, faid, This is of a truth that prophet that u.ould come into the World. if f When Jefus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himfelf alone. tatt. 14^23 16 *And when even was now Cornell's di- fcipies went down unto the fea, 1 7 And entred into a (hip,and went over the fca towards Cipernawv, : and it was now darkj and Jefus was not come to them. 1 8 And the fea arofe, by reafon of a great winde that blew. 19 So when they had rowed about five and twenty, or thirty furlongs, they fee Jefus walk- ing on the fea, and drawing nigh unto the (hip: and they we afraid. 20 But he faith unto them, It is I, be not afraid. r i Then they willingly received him into iheftup: and immediately the (hip wasatthe land whither they went, , vi. Meat that perifheth? 11 f The day following, when the people 1009 which flood on the other fide of the fca, faw that there was none other boat there, favethat one whereinto his difcipks were entred, and that Jefus went not with his difcipies into the boat, but that his difcipies were gone away alone : 13 (Howbeir there came other boats from Tiberias, nigh onto the place where they did eat bread, after that the Lord had etvea thanks; 24 When the people therefore faw that Je- fus was not there, neither his difcipies , they alfo took (hipping, and came to Capernaum feekingforjefos. 25 And when they had found him on the other fide of the fea,they faid unto him^Rabbi, whencameft thou hither? 26 Jefus anfrvered them and faid, Vetily-ve- rily I fay unto you, Ye feek me, not becaufe ye faw the miracles, but becaufe ye did eat of the loaves,and were filled. 27 || Labour not for the meat which perifli- j Or.wor^, eth, but for that meat which endureth unto * everlafting life, which the Sonne of man (hall give unto you : * for him hath God the Father 'Matt. 3.17; fealed. 28 Then faid they unto him, What (hall we do, that we might work the vrofks of God? 29 Jefus anfwered and (aid unto them, This *i.John 3,73 is the work of God, that ye belecve on him whom he hathfent. 30 They faid therefore unto him, What figne (heweft thou then,that we may fee, and beleeve thee ? what doft thou work ? 3 1 * Our fathers did eat manna in the de- *Exoiitf.i y fert,asitis written. * He gave them bread from Num. 1 1.7. heavcntoeat. *Pfl. 7 .* 3 1 Then Jefus faid unto them,Verily verily I fay unto you, Mofirs gave you not that bread from heaven,but my Father giveth you th* true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. 3 4 Then fard they onto him, Lord, ever- more give ns this bread. 3 j And Jefus faid unto thcm,I am the bread of life ;.he thatcometh tome^mall he fer hun- ger i and he that beleeveth on me, (hall neveu thirft. 56 But I faid nnto you, that ye alfo have feen me,and beleeve not. 37 All that the Father giveth me, (hall come to mej and him that cometh to me,I vf ill in no wife caft oat. * 38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that fent me. 39 And this is the Fathers will which harh fent me, that of all which he hath given Chrift is the bread of life. S. John. Peter confefleth him. Judas a devil. KOIO me,I would lofenothing,but mould nrifc it up 60 Many therefore of his difciples, when again at the laft day. they had heard this, faid, This is an hard fay- 40 And this is the will of him that fenc me, ing,whocanheareit? that every one which feeth the Sonne, and be- 61 When Jefus knew in himfelf, that his leeveth on him, may have everlafting life; and difciples murmured at it, he faid unto them, I will raife him up at the laft day. " Doth this offend you ? 41 The Jews then murmured at him,becaufe 62. * what andif yeftiall fee theSonneof *Ch*p.j.ij, he faid, I am the bread which came down from man afcend up where he was before ? heaven. 63 It is the fpirit that quickeneth, the flefli [ttt.ij.f5 42, And they faid, * Is not this Jefus the profiteth nothing : the words that I fpeak unto fonne of Jofeph, whofe father and mother we you, they are fpirit,and they are life. 64 But there are fome of you that beleevc *Ifa.54.ij. J.J'-J4. know ?how is it then that he faith,! came down from heaven # 43 Jefus therefore anfwered and faid unto them,Murmure not among your felves. 44 No man can come to me, except the Fa- ther which hath fent me,draw him, and I will raife him up at the laft day. 4 5 * It is written in the prophets, And they (hall be all taught of God. Every man there- fore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father,cometh onto me. 46 Not that any man hath feen the Father, i * fave he which is of God,he hath feen the Fa- ther. 47 Verily verily I fay unto you, He that be- leeveth on me hath everlafting life. 4> I am that bread of life. 49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wil- dernefle,and are dead. f o This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. 51 I am the living bread ,wJich came down from heaven : if any man eat of thisbre^d, he (hill live for ever:and the bread that I will give, is my flellijWhich I will give for the life of the World. 51 The Jews therefore ftrove amongft themfelves, faying, How can this man give us hUflefti to eat ? ?$ Then Jefus (aid unto them, Verily verily I fay unto you, Except ye eat the flefli of the Sonne of man, and drink his bloud, ye have no life in you. 54 iVhofo eateth my flefli,and drinketh my bloud, hath eternall life, and I will raife him up at the laft day. 57 For my flefli is meat indeed, and my bloud is drink indeed. 56 He that eateth my flefli,and drinketh my bloudjdwelleth in me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father hath fent me, and I live by the Father : fo, he that eateth me,even he (hall live by me. 58 This is that bread which came down from heaven;not as your fathers did cat manna, and are dead : he that eateth of this breadjflull live for ever. 59 Thefe things faid he in the fynagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. not. For Jefus knew from the beginning,who they were that beleeved notj and who would betray him. 6 y And he (aid, Therefore faid I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 66 ^ From that time many of his difciples Went back,and walked no more with him. 6 7 Then faid Jefus unto the twelve, Will ye alfo go away ? 68 Then Simon Peter anfwered him,Lord, to whom (hall we go ? thou haft the > \ords of eternall life. 6 9 * And we beleeve, and are fure that thou *M att. 1 6 . i art that Chrift the Sonne of the living God. 70 Jefus anfwered them, Have not I chofen you twelve, and one of you is a devil ? 7 1 He fpake of Judas Iff ariot the fonne of Simon: for he it was that (hould betray him,be- ing one of the twelve. CHAP. VII. i fcfus reprovetb the ambition and boldnejje of bu tynfmen : 10 goeth upfrom Galilee to the feaft of tabernacles : 1 4 teachetb in the tem- ple. 40 7)ivers opinions of him among the people. 4? The Pharifces are angry that their officers took him net,and chidstvith Nicode- musfor taking his part. AFter thefe things, Jefus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, becaufe the Jews fought to kill him. i * Now the Jews feaft of tabernacles was *Lev.ij.j> at hand. 3 His brethren therefore faid unto him,Dc- part hence,and go into Judea,that thy difciples alfo may fee the works that thou doett. 4 For there is no man that doeth any thing in fecret, and he himfelf feeketh to be known openly : If thou do thefe things, (hew thy felf to the world. 5 For neither did his brethren beleeve in him. 6 Then Jefus faid unto them,My time is not yet come : but your time is alway ready. ' 7 The world cannot hate you, but me it hateth, becaufe I teftifie of it, that the works thereof are evil. 8 Go ye up unto this feaft : I go cot up yet v>nriits aocinnc. hap 8,20. unto this feaft , * for my time it not yet full come. 9 When he had faid thefe words unto them, he abode ftill in Galilee. 10 ^ But when his brethren wercgoncup, then went he alfo up unto the feaft,not openly, but as it were in fecret. 1 1 Then the Jews fought him at the feaft , and faid, Where is he f \ i And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him : for fome faid, He is a good man : others faid, Nay, buthedccei- voch the people. 13 Howbeic, no man fpake openly of him, for fear of the Jews. 1 4 U Now about the midft of the feaft, Je {bs went up into the temple,and taught. i f And the JeVvs marvelled, faying, How | Or,/*/- knoweth this man fj letters , having never '"< learned I 16 Jefusanfwered them, My doctrine is not mine 3 but his that fent me. 1 7 If any man will do his will,he (hall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whe- ther I fpeak of my felf. 18 He that fpeakethof himfelf, feekethhis own glory: but he that feeketh his glory that fent him, the fame is true, and no unrighteouf- nefle is in him. *Exti24.j. !Q * Did not Mofes give you the law, and 'Chap. 5-* 8. jet none of you keepeth the law * * Why go ye about to kill me? xo The people anfwered and faid,Thou haft a devil : who goeth about to kill thee ? 21 Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, I have done one work,and ye all maivel. *LeviMi.] ai * Mofes therefore gave unto you circum- -Gc. 17. i o dfionj ( oot becaufe it is of Mofes, * but of the fathers) andyc onthcfabbath-daycircuoicife a man. 13 If a man on the fabbath-day receive cir- |j OT,T-tbout cumcifion,|jthat the law of Mofes ftiould not be I'ck'ngtk, Broken $ are ye angry at me, becaufe I have ''"' made a man every whit whole on the fabbath- day ? 2 4 * Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement. ? Then faid fome of them of Jerufalem,Is not this he whom they feek to kill ? 26 Butlo, he fpeaketh boldly, and they fay nothing unto him : do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Chrift ? 27 Howbeit we know this man whence he is : but when Chrift cometh,no man knowetb whence he is. z8 Then cried Jefus in the temple as he tau3ht,faying,Yc both know me, and ye know whence I am, and lamnotcoaie of my felf, but he that fent me is true,whom ye know not. 29 But I know hiirijfor I am from him, and hb hath fent me , . .vii. Diving wacer. 30 Then they fought to take him: but no ioi man laid ha,nds on him, becaufe his houre was not yet come. 3 1 And many of the people beleeved on him, and faid, When Chrift cometb, will he do mo miracles then thefe which this man hath done ? 3 1 ^ The Pharifees heard that the people murmured fuch things concerning him : and the Pharifees and the chief priefts fent officers to take him. 33 Then faid Jefus unto them, Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto him that fent me. 34 * Yemall feek me,and ftiallnot findeme: 'Chap.ij.j j and where I am,thither ye cannot come. 3f Then faid the Jem among themfelves, Whither will he go, that we (hall not findc him ? will he go unto the difperfed among the (| Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles ? ^ G,,,*/; 36 What manner of faying is this that he faid, Ye (hall feek me, and (hall not finde me : and where I am, thither ye cannot come 37 * Inthelaftday, that great day of the *Lev.ij3f feaft, Jefus ftood and cried, feying, If any man thirft ,let him come unto me,and drink. 38 *He that beleeveth on me, as thefcri- Denti8,is pture hath faid,out of his belly ftiall flow rivers of living water. 39 (* But this fpake heof the fpirit, which if a . 44 .|. theythatbelecveon him, (hould receive : for Joda.aS," the holy Ghoft was not ytt ghen } becaufe that Jefus was not yet glorified) 40 ^ Many of the people therefore, when they heard this faying, faid, Of a truth this is the prophet, 41 Others faid ,This is the Chrift. But fome faid, Shall Chrift come out of Galilee ? 41 * Hath not the fcripture Cud,That Chrift !fi$Ut->4* cometh of the feed of David, and out of the townof Bethlehem,where David was ? 43 So there was a divifion among the peo- ple becaufe of him. 44 And fome of them would have taken him,but no man laid hands on him. 4? [ Then came the officers to the chief priefts and Pharifces,and they faid unto them. Why have ye not brought him ? 46 The officers anfwered, Never man fpake like this man. 47 Then anfwered them the Pharifees, Are ye alfo deceived ? 48 Have any of the rulers, or of the Phari- fees beleeved on him ? 49 But this people who knoweth not the law* are cur fed. 50 Nicodemus faith unto them, (* he that 'Chap, j a. came to Jefus by night, being one of them; 51 * Doth our law judge any man before it *r>cut,i7.$, , beare him, and know what he doeth ? Sec. ji They ajrfvwed,3Lnd (aid unto him, Art"* J?S thou- ine woman taken maauitery. o. joni 10 1 a thou alfo of Galilee? Search, and look: for out teftimony of two men is true. of Galilee arifeth no prophet. 1 8 I am one that bear witneffe of my felf, 5 3 And every man went unto his own houfe. and the Father that fent me, bcareth witnefle C H A P. V 1 1 1. 1 9 *Then faid they unto him , Where is thy I Christ delhereth the woman take* taJul- Father? Jefus anfweted, Ye neither know me, terie. 12 He preachethhimfelf the light of nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye (hould the wrldjxdW&tb bit doti*i*e'. 3 3 art- have kaovvn ray Fa ' ther alfo . fcotretb the few that boafted of Abraham, 59 mdconveyeth bimfglf from their cruelty. TEfus went unto the mount of Olives : J 2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the peopte came unto him, and he fat down, and taught chem. 3 And the Scribes and Pharifees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery ,and when they had fct her ia the raids, 4 They fay unto him,Mafter, this woman was taken in adultery,in the very ad. *Levit,2o. 5 *NowMo&s in the law commanded us, io. that fuch mould be ftoned: but what fayeft thou? 6 This they faid, tempting him, that they might have to accufe him. But Jefus ftouped down,and with his finger wrote on the ground And Jefus faith unto them, Even the fame that as though he iieard them not. I faid unto you from the beginning. 1 So when they continued asking him, he 20 Thefe words fpake Jefus in the treafury as he taught in the temple: and no man laid hands on hin>,for his houre was not yet come. 21 Then faid Jefus again unto them , I go my way, and ye (hall feek me, and (hall die in your (innes: whither I go, ye cannot come. 2 x Then faid the Jews,Will he kill himfe!f> becaufe he faith , Whither I go , ye cannoc come. 23 And he faid unto them, Ye are from be- neath,! am from above: ye are of this world, I am not of this world. 24 I faid therefore unto you, that ye (hall die in your finnes: forifyebeleevenot that I am he, ye (hall die in your finnes. 2 j Then faid they unto him,Who art thou? *Deut,i7,y. lift up himfelf,and faid unto them, *He that is without finne among you , let him firft caft a ilone at her, 8 And again he ftouped down, and wrote on the ground. p And they which heard it,being convicted by their own conference, went out one by one, beginning at the eldeft, even unto the laft: and Jefus was left alone, and the woman ftanding in the midft. i o When Jefus had lift up himfelf, and faw none but the woman,he faid unto her,Woman, where are thofe thine accufers? hath no man condemned thee? 1 1 She faid,No man,Lord. And Jefus faid unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and finne no more. 1 2 f Then fpake Jefus again unto them, "Chap.M- faying,* I am the light of the world: he that follow eth me, (hall not walk in datkneffe, but (hall have the light of life. 13 The Pharifees therefore faid unto him, Thou beareft record of thy felf, thy record is not true. _J4 Jefus anfwered and faid unto them , 5 T * Though I bear record of my felf, yet my re- cord is true: for I know whence I came , and whuher I gojbut ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. i ? Y: judge after the flefh,! judge no man. 1 6 And yet if I judge, my judgement is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father *Deut. 1 1 (* that fent me. i 1 7 * It is alfo written in your hwi that the 26 I have many things to fay, and to judge of you: but he that fent me, is true, and I fptfak to the world thofe things which I hive heard of him. 27 They anderftood not that he fpake to them of the Father. 28 Then faid Jefus unto them , When ye have lift up the Sonne of man, then (hall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of my felf: but as my Father hath taught me, I fpeak thefe things. 29 And he that fent me, is with met the Fa- ther hath not left me alone: for I do alwaycs thofe things that pleafe him. 30 As he fpake thefe word*, many bclceved on him. 3 1 Then faid Jefus to thofe Jews which be- leeved on him. If ye continue in my word, then are ye my difciples indeed. 31 And ye (hall know the truth, and the truth (hall make you free. 3 3 tf[ They anfwered him,We be Abrahams feed, and were never in bondage to any man; how fayeft thou, Ye fiiall be made free ? 34 Jefasnnfweredthem, Verily verily I fay unto you,*Whofoevec comtnittcth finne 3 is the *Rom..ic fervantoffinnc. a.Pct.i.ij 3 ? And the fervant abideth not in the houfe for ever : but the Sonne abideth ever. 36 If the Sonne therefore fhall make you free, ye (hall be free indeed. 37 I know that ye are Abrahams feed, but ye feek to kill me, becaufe my word hath no place in you. 3 8 I fpeak that which I have feen with my Father : Tne true children ot Abraham. Chap. fx. The blinde reftored to fight. Father: and ye do that which ye have feen 5 s Jefus faid unto them, Verily verily I fay ior$ wuh your father. 3 9 They anfwered and faid unto him, Abra- ham i:> our father. Jefus faith unto them, If ye were Abrahams children, ye would do the pie, going through the rnidft of them, and fo works of Abraham. paflcd by. 40 But now ye feck to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. 41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then faid they to him, We be not born of fornicati- on, we have one father, even God. 41 Jefus faid unto them, If Cod were your Father, ye would love me, for I proceeded forth, and came from God5 neither came I of jnyfelf,but hefentme. 43 Why do ye not underftand my (peech? even becaufe ye cannot heare my word. 44 * Ye arc of your father the devil 3 3nd the unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. 59 Then took they up ftones to caft at him: but Jefus hid himfelf, and went out of the rem- C H A P. IX. i The man that VPJS born blinde restored f there was a divifion among them. 17 They ! Or, exe ftipped him. 39 , and hy trait fir him.' \ \jw a certain man was fick named Laza and ., a /. . I c ^s that Mary which anointed the 'Matt.**^ Lord With ointment, and wiped hu feet with, her hair, whofe brother Lazarus was fkk; 3 Therefore his fitters fern unto him,faying ' Lord, behold, he whom thouloveft, is fick. 4 When Jefus heard that, he faid,This fick- nefle is not unto death , but for the glory of God, that theSonneof God might be glorifi- ed thereby. 5 Now Jefus loved Martha, and her fitter* and Lazarus. 6 When he had heard therefore that he w-as fick, he abode two dayes ftill in the fame place where he was. 7 Then after that faith he to his difciples Let us go into Judea again. 8 His difciples fay unto him , Matter, the Jews of late fought to ftone thec, and gocft thou thither again? 9 Jefus anfwered , Are there not twelve houresin the day? If any man walk in the day, he ttumbleth not, becaufc he feeth the light of this world, 10 But if a man walk in the night, he ttum- bleth, becaufe there is no light inhim. 11 Thefe things faid he , and after thar, he faith unto them, Our friend Lanrus fleepeth, but Igo that Imay awake him out of flcep. 1 2 Then faid his diiciples,Lord,if he fleet?* hefhalldoweil. 13 Howbeit Jefus fpake of his death: but they thought that he had fpoken of taking of icftinfleep. 1 4 Then faid Jefus unto them plainly, La- 15 Lazarus his death.' S. John. Chrift raifcth him: 10 16 x ? And I am glad for your fakes, that I was man, * which opened the eyes of the blinde,, *Chap. ?. fl That Klltt. hot there (to the rntent yc may beleeve) never- thelefle, let us go unto him. 1 6 Then faid Thomas, vvhich is called Di- dymus 3 unto his fellow difciples,Let us alfo go, that we may die with him. 1 7 Then when Jefus carne,he found that he had lien in the grave foure dayes already. 18 (Now Bethany was nigh unto Jeiufalem, Jjabout fifteen furlongs off) 19 And many of the Jews came to Martha and Maty, to comfort them concerning their brother. zo Then Martha aflbon as me heard that have caufed that even thij man fhould not have died? 38 Jefus therefore again groriing in him*. felf 3 cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a ftone lay upon ir. 3 9 Jefus faid,Take ye away the ftone.Martha, the fitter of him that was dead, faith unto him, Lord, by this time he ftinketh: for he hath been dead foure dayes. 40 Jefus faith unto her,Said I not unto thee, that if tkou wouldeft bclecve thou fhouldeft fee the glory of God? 41 Then they took away the ftone from the Jefus wascoming,went and met hinybut Mary place where the dead was laid. And Jefus lift up fat ftill in the houfe. his eyes, and faid, Father, I thank thce that thou haft heard me. 41 And I knew that thou heareft me al- wayes: but becaufeof the people which fland by, I faid it, that they may beleeve that thou haft fent me- 43 And when he thus had fpoken,he cried With a loud voice, Lazarus come forth. 44 And he that was dead came forth,bound hand and foot with grave, clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jeftis faith unto them, Loofe him, and let him go. 4 ? Then many of the Jews which came to Mary , and had feen the things which Jefus did, beleeved on him. 46 But fome of them went their wayes to the Pharifees,and told them what things Jefus had done. 47 ^ Then gathered the chief priefts and the Pharifees a councel, and (aid, What do we? for this man doth many miracles. fat ill 11 in the houfe. 2 1 Then faid Martha unto Jefus , Lord , if thou hadft been here, my brother had not died. ^^ But I know, that even now whatfoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.. 23 Jefus faith unto her, Thy brother (hall tifc again. *Luke 14.14 24 Martha faith unto him, * I know that he Chap.5.2?. fl ia ll r if e again in the refurredion at the laft day. if Jefus faid unto her, I am therefurre&i- *Chap..;j on, and the *life : he that' beleereth in me, though he were dead yet mall he livej 16 And whofoever liveth, and bcleeveth in me, (hall never die. Beleeveft thou this? 27 She faith unto him, Yea, Lord, I beleeve that thou art the Chrift the Sonne of God which fhould come into the world. 2 8 And when fhe had fo faid, me went her Way, and called Maiy her fifter fecretly,faying a The Matter is come and calleth for thee. 29 Aflbon as me heard that, (be arofe quick- ly, and came unto him. 30 Now Jefus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. . x 31 The Jews then which were with her in the houfe, and comforted her, when they faw Mary that {he rofe up haftily , and went our, followed her,faying,She goethunto the grave, to weep there. 3 2 Then when Mary was come where Jefus was,and faw him, fhe fell down athis feet, fay- ing unto him, Lord, if thou hadft been here, my brother had not died. 3 3 When Jefns therefore faw her weeping, . nnd the Jews alfo weeping which came Vtfffi her, he gvoned in the fpirit, and f was trou- bled, 34 And faid,Where have ye laid him? They fay unto him. Lord, come and fee. 35 Jefus wept. 36 Then faid the Jews,BehoId how he loved him. 37 And fome of them fa id, <"onld not this t<3r. be irtxHedh Jdf. 48 If we let him thus alone,all men will be- leeve on him} and the Romanes (hall come and take away both our place and nation. 49 And one of them named Caiaphas,being the high prieft that fame yeare , faid unto them, Ye know nothing at all, ?o * Nor confider that it is expedient for us, < that one man fhould die for the people, and ha P >l8>1 -* that the whole nation perim not. 51 And this fpake he not of himfelf : but being high prieft that yeare, he prophcfied that Jefus fhould die for that nation: f2 And not for that nation onely, but that alfo he fhould gather together in one, the chil- dren of God that were fcattered abroad. 5 j Then from that day forth , they took counfel together for to put him to death . 54 Jefus therefore svalkcd no more openly among the Jews: but went thence unto a coun- trey neare to the wildernefle , into a city called Ephraim,& there continued with his difciples. 11 q And the Jews pafleover was nigh at hand, and many went out of the countrey up to Jerufalem before the pafleovcr , topurifie themfelvcs. 56 The* Mary anomtetn thrifts feet. Chap. kiL f<> Then fought they for Jefus and fp;ke ten of him among themfelve*,as they flood in the temple, unto him/ What think ye, that he will not come to the i He foretelleth his death.' thefc things therefore that was with him ive, and , bare record. 1017 c H A P. x 1 1. I fefut excufeth Mary anointing bit feet. 9 The people flacl^ to fee Latariu. loThe high P rie fts confult to \\li him. i ^ Cbrifl ri- detb into Jerufalent. ao Greeks depreto fee Jeftu. *$He foretcScthhis death. 37 The favs are generally blinded: 41 yet many chief rulers beleeve, but do not confers him: 44 therefore Jefut calleth earneftly far con- fejfion of faith. THen Jefus, fix dayes before the paffeover, came to Bethany ,whereLazarus was which had been dead, whom heraifed from the dead. fiM uu how X e P^l no thing? behold ,h e world is gcie after him. 2( \ And *W were certain Greeks amon ? them, that came up to worfhip at ^e fcaft: 1 1 The fame came therefore to Philip,whidh ofBethfa,daof Galilee, and defired him, faying, Sir, we would fee Jefus. Ph^ipcometh and telkth Andrew: and again, Anarew and Philip told Jefus. *j 5 And Jefus anfwerfdthem/ayin gj The "^"/o^that the Sonne of man Mid be tha ferved: but Lazarus was one of them that fat at the table with him. 3 Then cook Mary a pound of ointment, of fpikenard, very coftly, and anointed the feet of Jefus,and wiped his feet ^ ith her hair: and the houfe was filled with the odour of the ointment 4 Then faith one of his difciples, Judas Ifca- riot, Simons fonne, which flwuld betray him, ? Why was not this ointment fold for three hundred pence, ind given to the poore? 6 This he faid, not that he cared for the poore. but becaufe he was athief,and *had the bag, and bare what was put therein. 7 Then faid Jefus, Let her alone, againft the day of my burying hath fte kept this. 8 For the poore alwayes ye have with you: but me ye hwe not alwayes. 9 Much people of the Jews therefore knew ' ere: and they came, not for Jefus much it i? ^Hethatlov^K^UUF n, u i r ta f A ' 1 5 Jf u^^ * M *"' Io *** World ' ftallkeC P 3P ' me ' himvvi11 "7 Father ho- 27 Now is my foul troubled, and what (ball Hay? Father, fave me from this houre: but for this caule came I unto this houre. 1 1 Becaufe that by reafon of him many of the Jews went away, and btleeved on Jefus. Utt.ai.8. * f*Ofl the next day, much people that were come tothefeaA, when they heard that Jefus was coming to Jerufalem, 13 Took branches of palm- trees, and went forth to meet him,and cried, Hofanna, blefled is the Kingoflfrael that cometh in the name of the Lord. 14 And Jefus when he had found a young afle, fat thereon, as it is written, ech,?> 15 * Fear not,daughter of Sion; behold thy King cometh, fitting on an afles colt. i 6 1 hefe things understood not his difciples atthefirft.-butwhen Jefus was glorified, then reoiembred they thattbefe things were writ- angel (pake to him. anfwered , and faid, Th : s roice ife of me, but for your fakes. . * * - the judgement of this world: now fliall the prince of this world be caft out. 31 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth. Will draw all men unto me. * ? ,^ hl$ ^ e fodj fignifying what death he Inould die^ 34 The people anfwered hirn, * We have *Pfal.i:< heard out of the law, that Chrift abideth for ever: and how fayeft thoti, TheSonneof man muft be lift up? r. ho is this Sonne of man? 3? Then Jefus faid unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you, walk while ye have the light, left darknefle come upon you: for he that walketh in darknefle, knoweth not whi- ther he goeth. 56 While ye h.iue light.beleeve in the light, that ye may be the children of light. Thefe things fpake Jefus and departed, himfelf from them. Vw 37^1 But The Jews blmdnelle. John. Chnlt walheth the difciplesteei j o 1 3 3 7 4 But though he had done fo many mi- racles before them, yet they beleeved not on him: $8 That the faying of Efaias the prophet *Ifa. 5 j.i. might be ful filled ,which hefpake,* Lord,who Kom.io.i6. hath beleeved our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed ? 39 Therefore they could notbeleevcj be- caufe that Efaias faid again, *Matt.is.i4 40 * He hath blinded their eyes, and hard- ened their heart, that they (hould not fee with their eyes, nor underftand with their heart,and be converted, and I fliould heal them. 41 Thefe things faidEfaiaj,when he faw his glory, and fpake of him. 41 fl Neverthelefle , among the chief ru- lers alfo, many beleeved on himjbut becaufe of the Pharifees they did not confefie him, left they {hould be put out of the fynagogue. *CJp.5.44. 4? * For they loved the praife of men more then the praife of God. 44 11 Jefus cried, and faid,He that beleeveth on me, bcleeveth not on me, but on him that fent me. 45 And he that Ceeth me, fceth him that fent me. *Cha-p-3.ip. 4^ * I am come a light into the world, that whofoever beleeveth on me, (hould not abide in darknefle. *Chap3 1 7- 47 * And if any man heare my words and beleeve not, I judge him not} for J'came not to judge the world, but to fave the world. 48 Hethatrejeftethme, and receivethnot +Mtrk i f t mv words, hath one that judgeth him : * the e. * word that I have fpoken, the fame (hall judge him in the laft day. 49 For I have not fpoken of my felfjbut the Father which fent me, he gave me a command- ment what I {hould fay, & what I fhould fpeak. 50 Ami I know that his commandment is lifeeverlafting : whatfocver I fpeak therefore, even as the Father faid unto me, fo I fpeak, CHAP. XIII. i Jefus wjfljetb the difciples feet : exbortcib them to humilitie and cbaritie.iS He fore- telle'tbanddifco-vcretb to fobn by a. io%en t tbatjiidtujltould betray him: 3 1 command." etb them to love one another: 3 6 and fore- waraetb Peter of his demall. *Matt,25.a, ^T^ 97 * before the feaft of the paffeover, i\l when Jefus knew that his houre was come, that he fhould depart out of this world ,anto the.Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end, ^ And fupper being ended/the devil having now put into the hea*t of Judas Ifcariot,Simons fonne, to betray him^ 3 Jefus knowing that the Father had.given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God, 4 He rifeth from fupper, and laidafide his garments, and took a towell and girded him- fclf. 5 After that, he poureth water into a bafon, and began to wafli the difciples feet, and to wipe them with the towell wherewith he was girded. 6 Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Pe- ter faith unto him, Lord, doft thou waft mv feet ? 7 Jefus anfwered and faid unto him, What I do thou knoweft not now: but thou (halt know hereafter. 8 Peter faith unto him, Thou (halt never wafh my feet. Jefus anfwered him, If I wafh thee not j thou haft no part with me. 9 Simon Peter faith unto him,Lord,not my feet onely, but alfo my hands and my head. 10 Jefus faith to him, He that is walhedj needeth not, fave to wafli his feet, but is clean every^ whit: and ye are clean, but not all. 1 1 For he knew who (hould betray him, therefore faid he, Ye are not all clesn. i z So after he had wafhed their feet,and had taken his garments, and was fet down again, ht; faid unto them, Know ye what I have done to you ? i $ Ye call me Matter, and Lord: and ye fay Well} for fo I am. 1 4 If I then your Lord and Mafter have wa(h* ed your feet, ye alfo ought to wafti one anothers feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that ye fliould do as I have done to you. 16 * Verily verily I fay unto you, The fer- *Mt.io.i. vantis not greater then his Lord, neither he Chap.ij.zo that is fentj greater then he that fent him. 17. If ye know thefe things, happy arc yc if ye do them. 1 8 ^ I fpeak not of you all j I know whom I hive chofen : but that the fcripture may be fulfilled, * He that eateth bread with me, hath * Pfai,^;^ lift up his heel againft me. 19 || Now I tell you before it come, that |Or,/r when it is come to paffe, ye may beleeve that I hetice f<> rth > am he . ao * Verily verily I fay unto you, He that *Matt,io.4< receiveth whomfoever I fend, receiveth me : and.he that receiveth me, receiveth him that fent me. ii * When Jefus had thus faid, he wastrou- *Matt.'i(T bled in fpirit, and teftified, and faid, Verily ve- rily I fay unto you, that one of you (hall betr.iy. me. ^^ Then the difciples looked one on ano- ther, doubting of whom hefpake. 23 Now there was leaning on Jefus bofome 3 . one of his difciples whom Jefus loved. 14 Simon Peter therefore beckened to him, that he (hould ask who it (hould be of whom he fpake. 2f He Satan entreth into Judas. Chap, xiiii ;Or,wr/*/. 25 He then lying on Jefus breaft, faith unto him,Lord 3 whoisit? ^6 Jefus anfvtered. He it is to whom I fhall give a || fop, v.'hcn I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the fop, he gave it to Judas If- cwiotjthe fonxe of Simon. 27 And afcer the fop,Satan cntred into him. Chrift the way^ruth^and Jife. 5 Thomas faith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goeft, and how can we know the way ? 6 Jefus faith uato him, I am the way, the truth, and the life : nomancometh uixo the Father but by me. 7 If ye had known me,ye fhould have known Then faid Jefus unto him, That thou doeft,do m y Farher alfo : and from henceforth ye know quicJkiy. him,and have feen him. 8 Philip faitKumo him, Lord, (hew us the Father,and it fufficeth us. ' 9 Jefus faith unto him, Have I been fo long time with you, and yet haft thou not known me,,Philip 2 he that hath feen me,hathfeen the Father,and how fayeft thou then. Shew us the Father ? 10 Bcleeveft thounot thatlam intheFa- z8 Now no man at the table knew for what intent he fpake this unto him. 29 Forfomeof them thought s becaufe Judas had the bag, that Jefus had faid unto him, Buy thofe things that we have need of againit the feaft : or that he fhould give fomething to the poore. go He then having received the fop, went immediately out : and it was night. ther, and the Father in me $ the words that I 3 i IT Therefore when he was gone out, Je. fpeak unto you,! fpeak not of my felf : but the fus faid, Now is the Sonne of man glorified, Father that dwellech in me,hc doth the works, and God is glorified in him. 1 1 Beieeve me that I am in the Fatherj and 32 If God be glorified in him,God fhall alfo ^e Father in me : or elfc beieeve me for the glorific him in himfelf, and fhall ftraightway very works fake. glorifie him. 1 2 Verily verily I fay unto you, He that be- 33 Little children, yet a little while I am leeveth on me, the works that I do, fhall he do with you. Ye (hall feek me, * and as I faid unto the JewSjWhither J go,ye cannot comejfo now I fay unto you. . 34 * A new commandment I give unto you, 1 8. CV1 That ye love one another , as I have loved you, glorified in the Sonne. Chap.i5.i7. that ye alfo love one another. 14 If ye (hall ask any thing inmyname i.Joh.4 J J 3? By this (hall all men know that ye are my, *~ difciples,if ye have love one to another. 36 ^j Simon Peter faid unto him,Lord^whi- ther goeft thou ? Jefus anfwered him, Whither I o ,thou canft not follow me now : but thou (halt follow me afterwards. 3 7 Peter faid unto him,Lord, why cannot I alfo, and greater works then thefe (hall he do, bccaufe I go unto my Father. J 3 * And whatfoever ye fhall ask in name, that will I do, that the Father may be thy life for my fake ? Verily verily I fay unto thee,The cock fliall not croWjtilFthcu haft de- nied me thrice. CHAP. XIIII. I Chrift comforteihbis difciplcswth the hope Will do it. 1 5 f If ye love me,keep my commandments. 1 6 And I will pray the Father, andhefhall give you another Comforter, that he may a- bidc with you for ever. 1 7 Even the Spirit of trutb,whom the world cannot receive, bccaufe it feeth him not, nei- follow thee now ?I will * lay down ray life for ther knoweth him : but ye know him, for he thy fake. dwdleth with you,and fhall be in you. 38 Jefus anfwered him, Wilt thou lay down 18 I will not leave you ||ccmfo;tlefle,I will j|<> r i'"'' come to you. !** 19 Yet a little while,and the world feeth me no more : but ye fee me ; becaufc 1 live, ye flwll live alfo. 20 At that day ye fhall know,that I am in my of heaven : 6 profejjetb himfelf t he tvay, the Father,and you in me,and I in you. tr nth jind the life, andonewitb the Father: 21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeththem, he it is that loveth me, andjie that loveth me fhall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will mamfcft my felf to him. L lit not your neart DC troubled : ye beieeve 2 2 Judas faith unto him,not Ifcariot, Lord, in God, beieeve alfo in me. how is it that thou wilt manifeft th/ felf unto us 5 and not unto the world ? 23 Jefus anfwered and faid unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, md make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not, keepeth not and the v o d winch you hcare, V v v i i 1 3 a/ureth their prayers in his name to be effe ft nail: i? requeue th love and obedience t 16 promifeth the holy Gboft the Comforter: 17 and lea-vet h his peace with them. Et not your heart be troubled : ye beieeve tin God, beieeve alfo in me. ^ In my Fathers houfe are many manfions: if it were not fo, I would have told you:I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto my felf, that where I am,there ye may be al(o. 4 And whiter J go ye. know, an4 the way my layings yc knoyy. Chrifts love to his members, S. John.He comforteth them againft perfection. 10 10 is not mine, but theFatheis which fent me. 25 Thefc things have I fpoken unto you, being yet prefent with you. 16 But the Comforter, which is the holy GhoftjWhom the Father will fend in my name, he (hill teach you all things, and bring all things to yout remembrance^whatfoever I have faid unto you. 2 7 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you ; let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.. 28 Ye have heard how I faid unto you, I go away,and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoyce, becaufel fold, I go unto the Father : for my Father is greater then I. 19 And now I have told you before it come to pafle, that when it is come to pafle, ye mighc beleeve. 30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world comcch, and hath nothing in me. 3 i But that the world may know that I love the Father j and as the Father gave me com- mandment, even fo I do : arife, lee us go hence. CHAP. XV. i The confutation and mntus.ll love between Christ and bis members, wider the parable of the vine. 18 A comfort in the hatred and perfection of the world. 26 The ajfice of the holy Gboft,and of the apostles. T An the true vine, and my Father is the huf- Ibandman, * * Ev^7 branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh aw.iy .- and every branch that beareth fruit, hepurgethit, that it may bring ftxth more fruit. "Chap.tj.io $ *Now ye are clean through the word which I have fpoken unto you, 4 Abide in me,and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of it felf, except it abide in the vine: no more can ye s except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches .- He that abideth in me, and I in him, the fame |j Or,fev:rt4 bringeth forth much fVuit : for \\ without me frem me, ye c.m do nothing, 6 If a man abide not in me, he is caft forth asabranch, and is withered, and men gather them, and cart them into the fire, and they are burned.' 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye (hall ask what ye will, and it fhall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glori fied,that ye bear much fruit,fo mall ye be my difciples- 9 As the Father hath loved me, fo have I loved you : continue ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my commandments, yeflnll abide in my love : even as I hive kept my Fa- thers commandments, and abide in his love. 11 TVfe things have I fpoken unto you that my joy might remain in you, and 1 that your joy might be full. n * This is my commandment, That ye "chap, ij u love one another,as 1 have loved you. i.Thef-4. 9, 13 Greater love hath no man then thiSjthat i Job. 3.11. a man lay down his life for his friends, 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatfoever I command you. 15 Henceforth I call you not fervams, foe thefervant knoweth not what his lord doth, but I have called you friends: for all things that I have heard of my Father } I have made known unto yo.t. 16 Ye have not chofen me,but I have choferi-*' you, and * ordained you, that you mould go "Mat.a8.ip;; and bring forth fruit,and thatyouu fruit mould remain : that whatfoever ye ftnll ask of the Fa- ther in my name,he may give it you. 1 7 Thefe things I command you,that ye love one another. 1 8 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world 3 the world would love his own : bu: becaufe ye are not of tils world, but I have chofcn you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 10 * Remember th; word that I Did unto * lat - IO J 4 you, The fervantisnot greater then the lord : Cha P' 1 3- I "'"A ^l He that hateth me,hateth my Father alfo. z I ff I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had finne;but now have they both feen, and hated both me and my Father, 25 But this cotneth topaffe., that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, * They hated me without a caufe. *PfaI.?5 ij> 1.6 * But when the Comforter is come , *Luk. 14-49. whoml Willfeudunto you from the Father, C even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth\ from the Father,he {ball teftifie of me. 27 And ye alfo (hall bearwirneffe, becaufe ye have been with me from the beginning. CHAP. X VI. i Chrijl comforteth his difciples agaixfl tri- bulation by the proaife of the holy Gboff, and by his refurreftion aad afcenj'ion ; z,j afi> furetb their prayers made in his name to bs acceptable to his Father. 33 Peace in Chrw s and in the world affliction. THefe things have I fpoken unto you, that ye flao.ild not bs offended. a They spromifid. Chap.xvii. Ask and have. f-, . fl;T^ ^orrervviHno t come U nr z6 At that day ye (hall ask in my name: and bU you but it depart, I will fend h,m unto you. I fey not unto you, that Iwillpray the Father 8 And when he is come,he will || reprove the for you- offinne,and of righteoufnefle, and of z 7 For the Father himfelf loveth you be. judgement ; caufe ye have loved me, and have beleeved th 9 Ot imne,becaufe they beleeve not on-me. I came out from God Fath er^nH v! 1 ^ 011 ^ 11 ^ ^^ 1 2 to my ** l Came forth fr lhe Father, and am Father and ye fee me no more come into the world; again, I leave the world, L ^ d ^ ent > b a"fe the prince of this and go to the Father. 1 Hisdifciles faid ftiall rmfrrwvi i,f i,- r ir L , V- ' VYC uc.cvc maiinou caraeit jnai .Ipeakor himfelf: but whatfoever he forth from God. are that (hall he fpeak,and he will fixw 3 1 Jefus anfwered them,Do ye now beleeve? 1 4 H! fcilfTor'ifie me- fo * * * BCh ld tbc h Ure hj yea> is n W * Matth ' 25 ' ^ ir f 1 An' f a |?^ { ! 1 c a t? fh T i ^ Un , t0y L 0l V H his wn aml beC3ufc the Father is with *""* ft^^tf '^^V ^ b* Thefe things I have fpoken unto you, - .^S^d^W,^^ again, a Ihtle while and ye (hall fee me, becaufe I have overcome the world. I go to the Father. 17 Then faidfomeof hisdifciplcs among CHAP. XVII. thcmfehes, What is this that he faich unto us I cJjr W ffayttb to bis Father to glorijte kirn. A little while and yc (hall not fee me : and 6 Ta prefave bis apoftles 1 1 in unity, again, a little while and ye (hall fee me : and, J 7 anii trufh: 10 f glorife them, and all Becaufe I go to the Father. other beleevers with him in haven. r - 1 . 8 PiPf^SSF* ** What is thil thathc T^Hefe words fpake Jefus and lift up his eyes aim, A httlewhile? wecannot tell what he 1 to heaven, and faid, Father,the houre is come,glori6e thy Sonnc, that thy Sonnealfo 1 9 Now Jefus knew that they \ypre defirous may alorifie thee. to ask him, and faid unto them, Do ye enquire a * As thou haft given him power over all Matth.il. among your felves of that I faid, A little while flcfli, that he (hould give eternall life to as ma- 1 8. and ye (hall not fee me: and again, a little ny as thou haft given him. rvh.leandye fhallfeemcf 3 And this is life eternall, that they might 20 Verily verily I fay unto you, that ye (hall know thee the oncly true God,and Jefus Chrift Weep and lament, but the world (hall rejoyce: whom thou haft fent. and ye (hall be forrowmll,but your forrow (hall 4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have be turned into joy. fi nj ft cd lhe work vvllic h thou ^aveft me to do. 21 A woman when Hie is in travail } hath for- 5 And now, O Father,glorifie thou me with row, becaufe her houre is come : butaffoonas thine own felf,with the glo!-y which I had wi:h (he is delivered of the childe, (he icmembreth thee before the world w is. V Y v 3 61 Chrift prayeth for his apoitles. 5. John. ioaz 6 I have manifeftcd thy name unto the men which thou gaveft me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gaveft them mej and they have kept thy word. 7 Now they have knotvn that all things wharfoever thou haft given me, are of thee. 8 For 1 have given unto them the words which thou gaveft me, and they have received * Chap. 1 6. them,* and h ive known furely that I came out 2 7- from thee, and they have beleeved that thou didft fend me. 9 I pray for them, I pray not for the world, but for them which thou haft given me, for they are thine. 10 And all mine are thine, and thine are mine, and I am glorified in them. 1 1 And now I am no more in the world,but thefe are in the world,and I come to thee. Ho- ly Father, keep through thine own name,thofe whom thou haft given me, that they may be one, as we are. iz While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: thofe that thou gaveft me I have kept, and none of them is loft, but * Pfal.iop.3 the fonne of perdition: * that the fcripture "might be fulfilled. 1 3 And now come I to thee,and thefe things I fpeak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in therafclves. 14 I have given them thy word, and the World hath hated them, becaufe they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. i ? I pray not that thoulhouldefttake them eut of the world, but that thou (houldeft keep them from the evil. 1 6 1 hey are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17 S.inclifie them through thy truth, thy Word is truth. 1 8 As thou haft fent me into the world,even fo have I alfo fent them into the world. 19 And for their fakes I finctifiemy felf,thac ^Or, truly they alfo might be {[fanftified through the truth. J udas betrayeth Jefus, 20 Neither pray I for thefe alone; but for :malfo which (hall belecveon me through 20 them alfo their word. 21 Thr.t they all maybe one; as thou Fa- ther art in me, and I in thee, that they alfo may be one in us: that the world maybeleeve that thou haft lent me. 21 And the glory which thcu giveft me, I havs given them : that they iv;r.y be one, even as we are one. 2.5 I in them, and thou in rae^that they may be made perfect in one,and that the world may know that thou haft fent me, and haft loved them, as thou haft loved me. *Chap.ia. 24 * Father,! will thit they alfo whom thou ** haft given me, be with me where I am, tine they may behold my glory which thou haft given me: for thou lovedft me before the foun- dation of the world. 2jr O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee, but I have known thee, and thefe have known that thou haft fent me. 26 And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love where- with thou haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. CHAP. XVIII. i Judatbetrayctb Jefus. 6 The officers fait to the ground, 10 Peter fmitctb ojf&Lalchus eare. 1 2 Jefus u taken and led unto ^innas andCaiaphat. 1$ Peters denlaU. 19 Jefm examined before faapbaf. 28 His airaigne- ment before TPilate. 36 His kingdome. 40 The fetvs as^ Bar abbas to be let loafe. WHen Jefas had fpoken thefe words, * he went forth with his difciples over the brook Cedron , where was a garden, into the which he entred, and his difciples. 2 And Judas alfo which betrayed him, knew the place : for Jefus oft times reforted thither with his difciples. 3 * Judas then having received a band of * Mattb.27. men , and officers from the chief priefts and 47. 1 hanfees , cometh thither with lanterns, and torches, and weapons, 4 Jefus therefore knowing all things that fliould come upon him,went forth,and faid un- lo them, Whom feek ye? 5 They anfwered him, Jefus of Nazareth. Jefus faith unto them, I am he. And Judas alfo which betrayed him, flood with them. 6 Aflbcn then as he had faid unto them, I am he , they went backward and fell to the ground. 7 Then asked he them again, Whom feek yc? and they faid, Jefus of Nazareth. 8 Jefus anfwered, I have told you that lam he. If therefore ye leek me, let thefe go their way, 9 That the faying might be fulfilled which he fpake, * Of them which thou gaveft me, * Chap. 17. have I loft none. i* i o Then Simon Peter having a frvord,drew it, and fmote the high priefts fei vant, & cut ofF his right eare: the fervants name was Malchus. 11 Then faid Jefus unto Peter, Put up thy fword into the (heath : the cup which my Fa- ther hath given me, (hall I not drink it? 1 2 Then the band, and the captain, and of- ficers of the Jews took Jefus, and bound him, 13 And led him away to Annas firtt (for P "* a -g. ment hall, left they fhould be defiled : but that they might eat the pafleover. 29 Pilate then went out unto them,andfaid, Whataccufation bring you againft this man? 30 They anfwered and faid unto him, If he were not a malefatour,we would not have de- livered him up unto thee. 3 1 Then faid Pilate unto them.Take ye him and judge him according to your law. The Jews therefore faid unto him, It is not lawful 1 for us to put any man to death ; 31 * That the faying of Jefus might be ful- fuledjWhich he fpake, fignifying what death he fhould die. 3 3 * Then Pilate enrred into the judgement hall again, and called Jefus, and faid unto him, Art thou the king of the Jews ? 5 4J cfus anfwercd huijSayeil thou this thing . xix. v^nnit js icourged, c. of thyfelf, or did others tell it thee of me ? 1023 3 5 Pilate anfwered ,Am 1 a Jew? thine own nation , and the chief priciis have delivered thee unto me: What haft thou done / 36 Jefus anfwered, My kingdome is not of this world; if my kingdome were of this world, then would my fervants fighr,that 1 fhould not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my king- dome not from hence. 3 7 Pilate therefore faid unto him, Art thou a king then? Jefus anfwered, Thou fayeft that lam a king. To this end was I born, and for this caufe came I into the world, that 1 mould kear witnefle unto the truth : every one that is of the truth) heareth my voice. 3 8 Pilate faith unto him,What is truth? And when he had faid this, he went out again unto the Jews, and faith unto them, I finde in him no fault at all. 3 9*But ye have a cuftome,that I fhould releafe * Matth. 27." unto you one at the pafieover: will ye therefore ' ; that I releafe unto you the king of the Jews ? 40 J* Then cried they all again, faying, Net * A&S 314; this man, but Barabbas. NowBarabbaswas a robber. CHAP. XIX. i Chrift is fcourged) crowned tvhh tborns 3 and beaten. 4 Pilate it dcfrous to releafe bir/r 9 but being overcome tvitb the outrage of the Jews, he delivered him to be crucified' 23 Theycafl lots for hts garments. 26 He cemmendeth bit mother to John. 28 fie dietb. 3 1 Hit fide is pierced. 38 buried by fofeph and ^icodemui. THen * Pilate therefore took Jefus , and * Mauh. 27. fcourged him. *$. ^ And the fouldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, 3 And faid, Hail king of the Jcwsiand they fmote him with their hands. 4 Pilate therefore went forth again, & faith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I finde no fault in him. 5 Then came Jefus forth,wearing the crown of thorns,and the purple robe: and Pilate faith unto them, Behold the man. 6 When the chief ptiefts therefore & officers faw him, they cried our, faying, Crucifie him, crucifiehim. Pilate faith unto them, Take ye him,& crucifie him:for I finde no fault in him. 7 The Jews anfwered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, becaufe he made himfelf the Sonne of God. 8 fl When Pilate therefore heard that fay- ing, he was the more afraid. 9 And went again into the judgement hall, and faith onto Jefus , Whence art thou ? but Jefus gave him noanfwer. 10 Then faith Pilate unto him, Speakeft thou not unto me? knoweft thou not, trm I V v v 4 h-.vc V^IHIU llUimCU* O. JU 10:4 have power to crudfie thee, and have power to releaie thee * 1 1 Jefus anfwercd, Thou couldeft have no power at all againftme, except it were given thee from above : therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater finne. 1 2 And from thenceforth Pilate fought to releafehim: but the Jews cried out, faying, If thou let this man go,thou art notCefars friend: whofocver maketh himfclf a king, fpeaketh a- gainft Cefar. 1 3 ^ When Pilate therefore heard that fay- ing , he brought Jefus forth, and fat down in the judgement fear, in a place tha,t is called the pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha. 14 And it was the preparation of the pafle- over , and about the fixch houre-: and he faith unto the Jews, Behold your king. 15 But they cried out, Away with him,away with him, crucifie him. Pilate faith unto them, Shall I crucifie ycur king ? The chief priefts an- fw;rtd, We have no king but CeCir. " Manh. 27. 1 6 * Then delivered "he him therefore unto 3' the.nto be crucified: and they took Jefus and led him away. 17 And he bearing his cro(Te 3 went forth in- to a place called the place of a fcull, which is called in the Hebrew, Golgotha. 1 8 Where they crucified him,and two other with him , on either lide one, and Jefus in the midft. 19 ^ AndPilate wrote a title, and put it on the crofle, and the writing was, J i s u s OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 This title then read many of the Jews : for the place wherejefus was crucified was nigh to the city, and it was written in Hebrew^ and Greek, and Latine. 21 Then faid the chief priefts of the Jews to Pilate , Write not , The king of the Jews, but that he faid, I am king of the Jews. 2 2 Pilate anfwered, What I have written, I have written. *Matth.ay. 23 f * Then the fouldiers, when they hid 35- crucified Jefus , took his garments (and made foure parts, to every fouldier a part) and alfo jjCr,rwj6/. his coat: now the coat was without leam.|| wo- ven from the top throughout. i\ They faid therefore among themfelves-, Let us not rent it , but caft lots for it,whofe it *Pful i2.i8. flail be : * that the fcripture might be fulfilled, which faith, They parted my raiment among them , and for my vefture they did caft lots. Thele things therefore the fouldiers did. 2 5 f Now there ftood by the crofle of Jefus, his mother , and his rr.orhers lifter, Mary the X Cr> C'.ofM. wife of || Cleophas, and Miry Magdalene. 26 When Jefus therefore faw his mother,ind the difciplcftanding by,whpm he loved, he faith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy fonne. 2.7 Then faith he. to the difciple,Bthold thy mother. And from that houre that difciple took her unto his own home. 28 ^ Afcer this, Jefus knowing that all things were nowaccomplifhed, * that the fcri- *Pfal.^.j pture might be fulfilled, faith, I thirft, 29 Now there was fet aveffel full of vine- ger : and they filled a fpunge with vineger, and put it upon hyflbpe, and put it to his mouth. 30 When Jefus therefore had received the vineger , he faid, It is finifhed : and he bowed his head, and gave uptheghoft. 3 1 The Jews therefore becaufe it was the preparation, that the bodies mould not remain upon the crofle on the fabbath-day (for thac fabbath-day was an high dayj befought Pilate that their legs might be broken 3 and that they might be taken away. 32 Then came the fouldiers and brake the legs of the firft , and of the other which was crucified with him. 3 3 But when they came to Jefus,& faw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs. 3 4 But one of the fouldiers with a fpear pier- ced his fide , and forthwith came there out, bloud and water. 3 ? And he that faw if, bare record, and his record is true : and he knoweth that he faith true, that ye might belceve. 36 Forthefe things were done, *that the "Exodo; fcripture mould be fulfilled,A bone of him mall Jj' m not be broken. p^ '*' "^ 37 * And again another fcripture faith/They "Zech. 12.10 ftiail look on him whom they pierced. 38 ^f * And after this, Jofeph of Arimathea * Mauh-27 (being a difciple of Jefus,btit fecretly for fear of 5 7> the Jew*,) befought i'ilate that he might take c- way the body of Jefus; & Pilate gave him leave: he came therefore and took the body of Jefus. 3 9 And there came alfo Nicodemus, which at the firft came to Jefus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrhe and aloes, about an hun- dred pound weight. 40 Then took they the body of Jefus , and wound it in linen clothes,with the fpices,as the manner of the Jews is to bury. 41 Now in the place where he was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new fe- pulchi-e, wherein was never man yet laid. 4* There laid they Jeft'.s therefore, becaufe of the Jews preparation day , for the fepulchre ^. was nigh at hand. CHAP. XX. i Mary cometb to the fepulchre : 3 fa do Peter and John , igftorant of the refyrrcftion. iijefw apjeareth to Mary Magdalene, 19 and to his difciples. 24 The incredulity and confifiion of Thomas. 3 o Tbefcriptur e isfitfficient to falvation. THe * firft day of the week cometh Marie *Matt.aS..r. Magdalene early when it was yet darken- Ma.r i*,i, to to the fepulchre,and fceth the ftofte taken away from the fepulchre. i Then (he runneth, and cometh to Simon .> chap. 13. P eter j an d to tne * other difciple whom Jefus av and *i. loved , and faith unto them , They have taken 20. away the Lord out of the fepulchre , and we know not where they have laid him. 3 Peter therefore went forth , and that other difciple, and came to the fepulchre. 4 So they ran both together, and the other difciple did outrunnc Peter , and camefirftto the fepulchre. f And he ftouping down , and looking in, faw the linen clothes lying , yet went he noc in. 6 Then cometh Simon Peter followinghim, and went into the fepulchte,and feeth the linen clothes lie, 7 And the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itfelf. 8 Then went in alfo that other difciple which came ficft to the fepulchre, and he faw a and be- leeved. 9 For as yet they knew not the fcripture, that he mutt rife again from the dead. 10 Then the difciples went away again unto their own home. n f But Mai y ftood without at the fepul- chre , weeping : and as (he wept , fne ftouped down, and looked into the fepulchre, 12 And feeth two angels in white, fitting, the one at the head , and the other at the feet, where the body of Jefus had layen : 13 And they fay unto her, Woman, why weepefttliou? She faith unto them, Becaufe they have taken away my Lord,and I know not - where they have hid him . 14 And when fhe had thusfaid,flie turned her felf b-ick,and faw Jefus Ihnding,and knew notthatitwasjefiis. i f Jcf .is faith unto her, \Voman,why wee'p- eft thou? whom feekeft thoufme fuppofing him to be the gnrdener, faith unto him, Sir,if thou have born him hence , tWl me where thou haft laid him, and I will take him away, 1 6 Jefusfaith unto her, Mary: She turned her felf and faith unto him, RabbonijWhich i to fay, Mailer. 17 Jefus faid unto her, Touch me not : for I am not yet afcended to my Father : but go to my brethren, and fay unto them, I afcend unto my Father , and your Father; and to iv.y God, and your God. 18 Mary Magdalene came and told the di- fciples, that (he had feen the Lord, and that he Uadfp^kecuhefc things unto her. * Mark \6 . ' 9 H * Then the fame day at evening , be- i4, ing the fir ft day of the week, when the doores were (hut , where the difciples were aflemblcd for fear of the Jews , came Jefus and ftood iiv the midftj and faith unto them. Peace be unto loif you. 20 And when he had fo faid,he (hewed unto them his hands and his fide. Then were the difciples slad when they faw the Lord. 21 Then faid Jefus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath fent me, even f fend I you. - 22 And when he had faid this, he breathed on them , and faith unto them, Receive ye the hojyGhoft. 'i 3 * Whofe foever finnes ye remit, they are * Matth.i f . remitted unto them ; and whofe foever finnes |8 . ye retain, they are retained. 24 ; But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jefus came. 25 The other difciples therefore faidtmto him, We have feen the Lord : but he faid unto them , Except I (hall fee in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thruft my hand into his fide,I will not beleeve. 26 [ And after eight dayes , agiin his difci- ples were within, and 1 homas with them: then came Jefas, the doores being fhut,and ftood in the midft, andfaid,Peace be unto you. 27 Then faith he to Thomas, Reach hither thyfinger, and behold my handsj and reach hi- ther thy hand , and thruft it into my fidej and be not faithlerfe, but beleeving. 28 And Thomas anfwered and faid unto him, My Lord, and my God. 29 Jefus Ciith unto him, Thorns becaufe thou haft fcca me, thuu haft bcleeved : blefled sre they that have not feen, and yet have bc leeved. 50 ^* And many other fignes t-uly did " Jefusintheprefenceof his difciplcs, which are 2J * not wiittcn in this book. .$1 But thefe are written , that ye might be- leeve that Jefus is the Chrift the Sonne of God, and that b'eleeving ye might have life through his name. CHAP. XXI. i Cbrlfl Appearing again to bis difciplcs , vfM . Ipunvn of them by the great draught of fifoes: i a He dineth tvitb them: J ? earnefily commandetb Teter to feed bis lumber and Jheep : i Sforetelfeth bimof his dezth: iz re- bukctbhis curiojitie touching fibn. z$The conclufion. AFter thefc things Jefus fhewed himfclf again to the difciples at the fea of Tibe- - rias : and on this wife (hewed he himfelf : 2 There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus , and Nathanael of Cana inGililee, and the fonnes of Zebedee, > and two other of his difciples. 3 Simon Peter faith unto them, Igoafifh- ing. They fay unto him. We alfo go with thee. A R^y i io 16 They went forth, and cntred into a fliip imme- diately; and that night they caught nothing. 4 But when the morning was now come Je- fus flood on the (hore : but the difciples knew not that it was Jefus. Or, Sin. j Then Jefus faith unto them , |j Children, have ye any meat? They anfwcred him, No. 6 And he faid unto them, Caft the net on the right fide of the (hip , and ye ftiill finde. 1 hey caft therefore , and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fifhes. 7 Therefore that difciplc whom Jefus loved, faith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Si- mon Peter heard that it was the Lord , he girt his fifliers coat unto him , (for he was naked) and did caft himfelf into the fea. 8 And the other difciples came in a little (hip (for they were not farre from land, but as it were two hundred cubits) dragging the net with fifhes. 9 Aflbon then as they were come to land, they faw a fire of coals there , and fifli laid thereon, and bread. 10 Jefus faith unto them, Bring of thefifh, which ye have now caught. 1 1 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fiihes,an hundred and fifty and three : and for all there were fo many,yet vvas not the net broken. i a Jefus faith unto thepi , Come and dine. And none of the difciples durft ask him,Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord. i $ Jefus then cometh and taketh bread, and giveth rhem,jKul fifh likewife. 14 This now the third time that Jefus (hewed himfelf to his difciples , after that he was rifenfrom the dead. 1 5 q So when they had dined , Jefus faith to Simon Peter, Simon fonne of Jonas, loveft thou me more then thefc ? He faith unco him, "Yea, Lord, thou knoweft that Hove thee. He faith unto him, Feed my lambes. 1 6 He faith to him again the fecond time Simon fonne of JonaSjlovelt thou me?He faith unto him, Yea, Lord, thou knoweli that I love thee. He faith unto him, Feed my flicep. 17 He faid unto him the third time, Simon fonne of Jonas , loveft thou me ? Peter was grieved , becaute he faid unto him the third time, Loveft thou me? And he faid unto him, Lord , thou knoweft all things, thou knOweft that I love thee. Jefus faith unto him,Feed my (heep. 1 8 Verily verily I fay unto thee, when thoa waft youngjthou girdedft thyfelf,and walkedft whither thou wouldeft: but when thou (halt be old,thou fli-lt ftretch forth thy hands,and ano- ther (hall gird thee,and carry thee whither thou wouldeft not. 10 This fpake he, fignifying by what death hefliouldglorifieGod. And when he hid fpo- ken this, he faith unto him, Follow me. 20 Then Peter turning about, feeth the di- fciple * whom Jefus loved , following, which * Chap.i j. alfo leaned on his breaft at fupper, and faid, *3 * nd * Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? z Peter feeing him, faith to Jefus, Lord, hrtjhall this man dot Jefus faith unto him , If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me. zj Then went this fay ing abroad among the brethren, that that difciple fhould not die : yec Jefus faid not unto him , He (hall not die: but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is thac to thee ? 14 This is the difciple which teftifieth of thcfe things , and wrote thefe things , and we know that his teftimonie is true. 2? * And there are alfo many other things * Chap.acr* which Jefus did , the which if they mould be 3- written every one , I fuppofe that even the world it felf could not contain the books thac (hould be written. Amen, THE THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. 1017 CHAP. I. Cbr'/ft preparing bit apoftles to the beholding of his afcenfion,gatberetb them together into the mount Olivet, commandetb them to ex- feff in jerufalem the fending down of the holy Ghoft, promifeth after few dayes to fend it: by vertue whereof they [hould be witnef- fes unto him, even to the uttnoft parts of the earth. 9 After his afccnfion they are warned by two angels to depart , and to fet their tnlndcsupon his fee and coming, iz They ac- cordingly return, and giving themfclves to prayer, cboofe Matthias apojile in the place of Judas* | He former treatife have I made, O Theophilus,of all that Jefus be- I gan both to do and teach, 2, Untill the day in which he ' was taken up,after that he through the holy Ghoft had given commandments unto the apoftles whom he had chofen. $ To whom alfo he fhewed himfclf alive af- ter his pafllon, by many infallible proofs,being feen of them fourtie dayes 3 and fpeaking of the . things pertaining to the kingdome of God: o'Jr'h'^wf/i * ^ n( * " keing aflembled together with them, thfm. commanded them that they fhould not depart from Jerufalem,but wait for the promife of the +L u ,:e 24. Fatherj * vvhich,y/fe be, ye have heard of me. 5 * For John truly baptized with water, but ye (hall be baptized with the holy Ghoft, not many d ayes hence. 6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, faying, Lord, wilt thou ac this time reftore again the kingdcme to Ifrael? 7 And he faid unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the feafons, which the Fa- ther hath put in his own power. 8 * But ye /hall receive |{ power after thu the holy Ghoft is come upon you, and ye fhsll be witnefles unro me,both in Jerufalem 3 and in all Judea,and in Samaria, and unto the utternioft part of the earth. 9 * And when he had fpoken thefe things, While they behe!d,he was taken up,and a cloud received him out of their fight. 10 And while they looked ftedfaftly toward heaven, as he went up, behold, two men ftood by them in white apparell, 1 1 Which alfo faid, Ye men of Galilee,why ftandyegazmgup into heaven? thisfime Je- fus which is taken up from you into heaven, frail focome, in like manner as ye have fen him go into heaven, "Matt -3.11. fl uo upon yea. Luke i4. 5.1. ii Then returned they unto Jerufalem,from the mount called Olivet 3 which is from Jenifa- lem a fabbath-dayes journey. 1 3 And when they were come in,they went up into an upper room, where abode both Pe- ter, and James, and John,ana man known t o them to be approved of God by bis miracles, wonders and fignes, and not crucified with- out bit determinate counfel 3 and foreknow- ledge: 37 be bapti^tb a great number that were converted^ who afterwards devout- ly and charitably converfe together: the apo flies wording many miracles 3 and God daily increafmg his church. ANd when the day of Pentecoft was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And fuddenlf there came a found from heaven, as of arulhing mighty winde, and it filled all the houfe where they were fitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it fat upon each of nate counfel and foreknowledge of God , ye have taken,and by wicked hands have crucified and (lain: 24 Whom God hath raifed up, having loo- fed the pains of death: becaufe it was not poffi- ble that he fhould be holden of it. 25 For David fpeaketh concerning him,* I forefaw the Lord alwayes before my face,for he is on my right hand,that Ifliould no; be moved 26 Therefore did my heart rejoyce, and my tongue was glad; moreover alfo, my ftelh (hall reft in hope. 27 Becaufe thou wilt not leave my foul in hell, neither wilt thou fuffer thine holy one to fee corruption. 28 Thou haft made known to me the way es of life, thou (halt make me full of joy wich thy countenance. 29 Men and brethren, || let me freely fpeak (I Or, I may unto you *of the patriarch David, that he is ^ Kin^s the pans of Libya, about 'Cyrene,~and Itran- both dead and buried, and hisfepulchreiswith 2, io. a gers of Rome, Jews and profelytes, us unto this day: 11 Cretes and Arabians, we do heare them 30 Therefore being a prophet,* and know- * Pfal. 132. fpeak in our tongues the wonderfull works of ing that God had fworn with an oath to him, " God. that of the fruit of his loyns, according to the 12 And they were all ama-zed, and were in fled), he would raife up Chriftj to fit on his doubt, faying one to another, What meaneth throne: this? !PJ w es,hkeasc them: 4 And they were all filled with the holy Ghoft, and began to fpeak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. f And there were dwelling at Jerufalemjews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. jOr,w^ ^ Now |i when this was noifed abroad, the his voice was multitude came togetheriand were |[ confound- m * dem ed, becaufe that every man heard them fpeak in his own language. 7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, faying one to another, Behold, are not all thefe which fpeak, Galileans? 8 And how heare we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? 9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers inMefopotamia,andin Judea,and Cappadocia,in pontus,and Afia, 10 Phrygia,and Pamphylia,in Egypt and in men earn 1 8 And on my fervams, and on my hand- maidens I will poure out in thofe dayes of my fpiiit, and they irnll prophefie: 19 And I will (hew wonders in heaven above, and fignes in the earth beneath} bloud, and fire, and vapour of fmoke. 20 *The funne (hall be turned into dark- * Joel 2,31; nefle , and the moon into bloud, before that great and notable day of the Lord come. 21 * And it {hall come to paffe, that whofo- *Rom.io, ever (hall call on the name of the Lord,(hall be f 3 fayed. 21 Ye men of Ifrael,heare thefe words, Je- fus of Nazareth a man approved of God, among you, by miracles, wonders and fignes, which God did by him in the midft of you, as ye your felves alfo know: 23 Him, being delivered by the determi- Pfal.i^.8. 3 1 He feeing this before, fpake of the refur- reftion of Chrift, * that his foul was not left * 1 3 Others mocking faid, Thefe men are full of new wine. in hell, neither his fkfh did fee corruption. 14 f But Peter ftanding up with the eleven, 3 r This Jefus hath God raifed up, whereof lift up his voice, and faid unto them,Ye men of we all are witnefles. Judea,andall ye that dwell at Jerufjlem, be 35 Therefore being by the right hand of this known unto you,and hearken to my words: God exalted,and having received of the Father For thefe are not drunken, as ye fuppofe, the promife of the holy Ghoft, he hath (bed forth this, which ye now fee and heare. 3 4 For David is not afcended into the hca- P&1.I&IO *Ifa.44.j. Teeing it is but the third houre of the day. Joel 2 23. 1 6 * Bat this is that which was fpoken by the prophet Joel, yens, Peter baptizeth the people. Chap. in. A lameman reftored. 'Pfal.no.i vens,but he faith himfelf,* The LORD faid un- 4 And Peter fattening his eyes upon him, tomy Lord, Sit thou on try right hand, with John,faid 3 Lookon us. 3 5 Untill I make thy foes thy footftool. 5 And he gave heed unto them, expecting 36 Therefore let all the houfe of Ifrael know to receive fomething of them. afluredly, that God hath made that fame Jefus 6 Then Peter faid, Silver and gold have I whomyehavecrucifiedjbothLordandChritt. none, but fuch as I have give I thee : In the 37 f Now when they heard this, they were name of Jefus Chrift of Nazareth, nfe up and pricked in their hearr,and faid unto Peter, and walk to the reft of the apoftles, Men and brethren, what (hall we do? 3 8 Then Peter faid unto them, Repent,and be baptized every one of you in the name of JefusChrift, for the remiflionof finnes, and 7 And he took him by the right hand, and life him up s and immediately his reet and ancle- bones received ftrength. 8 And he leaping up,ftood,and walkcd,and entred with them into the temple, walking, and leaping,and praifing God. 9 And all the people faw him walking and praifing God. 10 And they knew that it was he which fat ye (hall receive the gift of the holy Ghoft 3 9 For the promife is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afarre off, even as many as the Lord our God (hall call. 40 And with many other words did he tcftL for alrnes at the Beautifull gate of the temple : fie and exhort, faying, Save your felves from and they were filled with wonder and amaze- this untoward generation. ment at that which had happened unto him. 41 f Then they that gladly received his word, 1 1 And as the lame man which was healed, were baptized:and the fame day there were ad- held Peter and John,allthe people ran together ded unto them about three thoufand fouls. unto them in the porch that is called Solo 42. And they continued ftedfaftly in the mons,greatly wondering, apoftles dodrine and fellow(bip,and in break- 1 2 f And when Peter faw it, he anfwcred ing of bread,and in prayers. unto the people. Ye men of Ifraeljwhy marvell 4j And fear came upon every foul .-and many yeatthisjorwhylookye foearneftlyon us, as though by our own power or holinefle we had made this man to walk The God of Abraham,and of Ifaac,and wonders and figncs were done by the apoftles. 44 And all that beleeved were together 3 and had all things common, 4? And fold their pofleflions & goods,and of Jacob, the God of oar fathers hath glorified parted them to all men,as every man had need, his fonne Jefus j whom ye delivered tip, and \6 And they continuing daily with one ac- denied him in the prcfence of Pilate, when he. | Or,4t kcme cord in the temple, and breaking bread || from houfe to houfe, did eat their meat with glad- nefle and fingleneffe of heart, 47 Praifing God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily fuch as mould be fayed. CHAP. III. i Peter preaching to the people that tame to was determined to-let him go. 1 4 * But ye denied the holy one, & the juft, *Mat. 17. to and defired a murderer to be granted unto you, i? And killed the || Prince of life, whom |j Or^n/r Godh thraiftd from the dead, whereof we arewitneffes. 1 6 And his name through faith in his namt hith made this man ftrong, whom ye fee and fee a lame manreftored .to hii feet, 12. pro- know: yea,thc faith vvhichis by him, hath gi- feffetb the cure not to have been wrought by ven him this perfect foundneffc in the prefence bit or Johns own power, or holincjje, but by of you all. 17 And now brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it s as did alfoyourrolers. 18 But thofethingswhich God before had {hewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Chrift fhould fuffer,he hath fo fulfilled. 19 ^J Repent ye therefore and be convct ted, that your finnes may be blotted out, when the- timcs of refreihing ftttll come from the prc- fence of the Lord. 20 And he (bill fend Jefus Chrift,which be- fore was preached unto you : 21 Whom the heaven muft receive, untill the times of rcftitution of all things, which gate of the temple which is called Beautifiill,to God hath fpoken by the mouth of all his holy ask almes of them that entred into the temple. prophets,fince the world began. 3 Who feeing Peter and John about to go in- iz * For Mofes truly faid unto the fathers, *D and the Scrip'uret, 19 heexhortcth them by repen- tance and faith t fee It remiffion of their fanes,!indfalvation in thefaiKc Jefus. NOw Peter and John went up together in- to the temple, at the houre of prayer, be- jyg the ninth hours. i And a certain man lame from his mothers wombe was carriedjwhom they laid daily at the the apoflles examination, The Acts. They are threatnedfor preaching^ io :o to you, of your brethren, like unto me j him fhall ye heare in all things whatfoever he fhall fay unto you. 23 And it fhall come to paffe, that every foul which will not heare that prophet,(hali be deftroyed from among the people. 24 Yea,and all the prophets from Samuel, and thofe that follow after, as many as have fpoken, have likewife foretold of thefe dayes. 2 y Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fa- 3cn.n.j. thers,* faying unto Abraham, And in thy feed fliill all the kindreds of the earth be blefled. 16 Unto you firft, God having raifed up his Sonnc Jefus,fent him to blefle you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities, CHAP. IIII. i The rulers of the fews offended with Peters fermony 4 (though thousands of the people were converted that heard the word) impri- fon him & Jabn- $ After } upon examination, "Peter boldly avouching the lame man to be healed by the name offefus, end that by the fame Jefus onely we mttft be eternally faved, 1 3 they command him and John to preach no tnor e in that name 3 adding alfo threatning. 23 whereupon the church fleeth to prayer : 3 1 and God by moving the place where they were ajfembled, testified that he heard their prayer, confirming the church with the gift of the holy Ghoft t and with mutualllo-ve and charity. unto the people, the |]0r,r/ri { priefts and the || captain of the temple,and Godjudgeye. :Sadduces came upon them, 20 For w< people of Ifrael, that by the name of Jefus Chrift of Nazareth,whom ye crucified, whom God raifed from the dead, even by him doth this man ftand here before you whole. 11 * This is the ftone which was fet at* Pfal. uff. nouehtofyou builders, which is become the " head of the corner. M*t,ai. 4 a. 12 Neither is there falvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven gi- ven among men whereby we muft be faved. 1 3 ^ Now when they faw the boldnefle of - Perec and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled, and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jefus. 1 4 And beholding the man which was heal- ed ftanding with them, they could fay nothing againft it. if But when they had commanded them to go afideout of the councel, they conferred a- mong themfelves, 1 6 Saying, What fhall we do to thefe men j for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifeft to all them that dwell in Jerufalem,and we cannot deny it. 1 7 But that it fpread no further among the people, let us ftraitly threaten them, that they fpeak henceforth to no man in this name. 1 8 And they called them, and commanded them not to fpeak at all, nor teach in the name of Jefus. 19 But Peter and John anfwered and faid unto them, Whether it be right in the fight of God . to hearken unto you more then unto the Sadduces came upon them, 20 For we cannot but fpeak the things 2 Being grieved that they taught the people, which we have feen and heard, and preached through Jefus the refurre&ion from the dead. 3 And they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day;for it was now eventide. 4 Howbeir, many of them which heard the word beleeved, and the number of the men was about five thoufand. 5 ^ And it came to pafle on the morrow, that their rulers,and elder j, and Scribes, 6 And Annas the high prieft,and Caiaphns, and John,and Altxander,and as many as were of the kindred of the high prieft,were gathered together at Jerufalem. 7 Ami when they had fet them in the midft, they asked, By what power, or by what name have ye done this ? 8 Then Peter filled with the holy Ghoft, faid unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and el- ders of Ifrael, 9 If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent roan , by what means he is made whole, 10 Be it known unto you all, and wall the 2 1 So when they had further threatned them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punith them, becaufe of the people : for all men glorified God for that which was done. 22 For the man. was above fourty yeares old , on whom this miracle of healing was fhewed. 23 f And being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priefts and elders had faid unto them. 24 And when they heard that ? they lift up their voice to God with one accord, and faid, Lord, thou art God which haft made heaven and earth ,and the fea,and all that in them is. 25 * Who by the mouth of thy fervant Da- vid haft faid, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things ? 26 The kings of the earth ftood up, and the rulers were gathered together againft the Lord, and againft his Chrift. 27 For of a truth againft thy holy childe Je- fus,whom thou haft anointed, both Herod and Pontius PilatCjWiththe Gentiles, and the peo- ple of Ifrael were gathered together, All things common. 28 For to do whatfoever thy hand and thy counfel determined before to be done. 29 And now Lord,behold theirthreatnings: and grant unto thy fervants, that with all bold- nefle they may fpeak thy word, 30 By ftretching forth thine hand to heal: and that fignes. and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy childe Jefus. 3 1 f And when they had prayed, the place was fhaken where they were aflembled toge- ther, and they were all filled with the holy Ghoft, and they fpake the word of God with boldnefle. 31 And the multitude of them that bdeeved, were of one heart,and of one foul: neither faid any of them, that ought of the things which he poflefled, was his own, but they had all things common. 33 And with great power gave the apoflles Witnefle of the refurreftion of the Lord Jefus, and great grace was upon them all. 34, Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were poflefiburs of lands or houfeSjfold them, and brought the prkes of the things that were fold, 3 5 And laid them down at the apoftles feet: and diftribution was made unto every man ac- cording as he had need. 36 Andjofes, who by the apoftles was fur- named Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, Thefonneof confolation) aLevite, and of the countrey of Cyprus, 37 Having iand,fold it^and brought the mo- ney, and laid it at the apoftles feet. CHAP. V. After that Ananias and Sappbira bti wife for their bypocrijie at Peters rebuff had fallen (town dead, 1 2 and that the reft of the apo- flles had wraught many miracles, 14 to the increafe of the faith : 1 7 the apoftles are a" gain imprifoned, 19 but delivered by an an- gel, bidding them to preach openly to all. 2i- wben^after.tlieir teaching accordingly in the temple, 29 and before the councel, 1 j tfoy are in danger to be killed > through the ad-vice of Gamaliel, a great coitnfeller among the Jews, they be k,ept alive, 40 and are but- beaten: for which they glorifieGod, andceafeno day from preaching. BUt a certain man named Ananias with Sap- phira hiswife, fold a pofleflion, 2 And kept back part of the price, hiswife alfo being privic to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apoftles feec. 3 But Peter faid, Ananias, why hath Satan g Or, to de- filled thine heart || to lie to the holy Ghoft, and etivt, to keep -backf art of the price of the land f 4 Whiles it remained,was it not thine own? and after it was fold, was it not in thme own po/ver? why haft thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou bait not lied unto men, buc unco God* 7 Ananias and Sapphira." ? And Ananias hearing thefe words, fell 103 1 down and gave up the ghoft : and great fear came on all them that heard thefe things. 6 And the young men arofe,wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him. 7 And it was about the fpace of three hourcs- after, when his wife, not knowing what was- done,camein. 8 And Peter anfwered unto her, Tell me whether ye fold the land for fo much. And flic faid, Yea,for fo much. 9 Then Peter faid unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together, to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the doore, andftiall Carry thee out. 10 Then fell (he down ftraightway at his feet, and yeelded up the ghoft: and the young men came in and found her dead, and carrying her forth, buried her by her husband . 1 1 And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard thefe things. ii H And by the hands of the apoftles were many fignes and wonders wrought among the people^ (and they were all with one accord in Solomons porch. 13 And of thereftdurft no man joynhim- felf to them: but the people magnified them. 14 And beleevers were the more added ta the Lord,multitudes both of men and women) i 5 Infomuch that they brought forth the fick|jintothe ftreets, and laid them on beds ||0r,fwr and couches j that at the leaft, the fhadow o(f jtet *. Peter paffing by, might overftoadow fomeof them. 16 There came alfo a multitude out of the cities round about untojerufalem,bringing fick folks,and them which were vexed with unclean fpirits: and they were healed every one. 17 f Then the high prieft rofe up, and all they that were with him, (which is the feet of the Sadduces) & were filled with ((indignation^ fi Or,o>' 1 8 And laid their hands on the apoftles, and put them in the common prifon. 1 9 But the angel of the Lord by night open- ed the prifon doores and brought them forthi and faid, 20 Go, ftand and fpeak in the temple to the people all the words of this life. 21 And when they heard that, they entred into the temple early in the morning, and' taught: but the high prieft came, and they that were with him, & called the councel together; and all thefenate of the children of Ifrael,and fent to the prifon to have them brought. ^^ But when the officers came, and found them not in the prifon, they returned,and told, 23 Saying, The prifon truly found we (hut With all fafetie,and the keepers ftanding with- out before the doores : but when we had open- ed, we found no man within. 14 Now Gamaliels counfel. The Acts. Seven deacons chofcn.' jo? z, *4 Now when the high prieft, and the ca- 41 f And they departed from the prefence ptain of the temple, and the chief priefts heard of thecoimcel,rejoycingthat ' thefe things, they doubted of them wheteunto ed worthy to fuft'er fhame for t they were count- r his name, this would g'row". . 4* And daily in the temple, and in every i ? Then came one and told them , faying, houfe, they ccafed not to teach and preach Je- Behold, the men whom ye put in prifon, are c "~ r>u - :/1 itanding in the temple, & teaching the people. a 6 Then went the captain with the officer?, and brought them without violence: ( for they feared the people, left they fhould have been ftoned) 17 And when they had brought them, they fct them before the councel; and the high prieft asked them, *_Chap4i8. z8 Saying, * Did not we ftraitly command you, that you fhould not teach in this name? and behold, ye have filled Jerufalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this mans bioud upon us. 29 f Then Peter and thcorforapoftlesan- fwered and faid, We ought to obey God rather then men. go The God of our fathers raifed up Jefus, whom ye flew and hanged on a tree. 3 I Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give f n that 'we mould leave the wo:d of God, and repentance to Ifracl, and forgivenefie of finnes . terve tables. 3 1 And we are his witneffes of thefe things, and fo is alfo the holy Ghoft, whom God hath given to them that obey him. ly Ghoft and wifdome, whom we may appoint 33 ^ When they heard that,they were cut to over this bufinefle. the heart, and took counfel to flay them. 4 But we will give our felves continually to 34 Then flood there up one in the councel, prayer, and to theminifterieoftheword. a Pharifee, mmed Gamaliel, a dodour of law, 5 11 And the faying pleafcd the whole mul- hadin reputation among all the peopl flOr, te lecved. fus Chrift. CHAP. VI. i Theapoflles defrous to have the poors re- garded far their bodily fuftounce, M alfo carcfall themfelves to difpenfe the word of God, the feed of 'the foal , 3 appoint the office f deacanfap to feven chofen men : 5 of whom, Stephen^* man full of faith, and of the holy Ghoft, is one: n who titans* of tbofe tvbom he confounded in difpu'.ing, 1 3 and after fa/fly accufed of btafpbemt againft the Ixiv and the temple. A Nd in thofe dates, when the number of the /\difciples was multipliedjthere arofe a mur- muring of the Grecians againft the Hebrews, becaufe their widows were neglected in the daily miniftration. 2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the difciples unto them, and faid, It is not rea- 3 Wherefore brethren, look ye out among you feven men of honeft report,full of the ho- t and commanded to put the apoftles forth' a little fpace, 3 f And faid unto them, Ye men of Ifrael, take heed to yow felves, what ye intend to do as touching thefe men. 36 For before thefe dayes rofe up Theudas boafting himfelf to be fome bodie, to whom a number of men 3 about foure hundred, joyned themfelves: who was (lain, and all, as many as || obeyed him, were fcattered, and brought to nought. 3 7 After this man rofe up Judas of Galilee, in the dayes of the taxing,and drew away much people after him: he alfo periflied,and all, even as many as obeyed him, were difperfed. 38 And now I fay unto you, Refrain from thefe men,and let them alone: for if this coun- fel, or this work be of men, it will come to nought. 3 9 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, left haply ye be found even to fight againft God. 40 And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apoftles, and beaten them, they titude: and they chofe Stephen , a man full of faith and of the holy Ghoft, and Philip, and Prochorus,and Nicanor,and Timon, and Par- menas, and Nicolas a profelyte of Antioch. 6 Whom they fet before the apoftles;& when they had prayed,they laid their hands on them. 7 And the word of God increafed, and the number of the difciples multiplied in Jerufalem greatly,and a great company of the priefts were obedient to the faith. 8 And Stephen full of faith and pflwcr, did great wonders and miracles among the people. 9 f Then there arofe certain of the fynagogue, which is called the fynagogue of the Libd tines, and Cyrenians,and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia,and of Afi.i,difputing with Stephen. 10 And they were not able to re fift the wif- dome and the fpirit by which hefpake. i x Then they fuborned men which faid, We have heard him fpeak blafphemous words a- gainft Mofesj and againft God. i ^ And they ftirred up the people, and the elders,and the Scribes,and came upon him,and caught him, and brought him to the councel, And fet up falfe witneffes, which faid, commanded that they (hould not fpeak in the This man ceafeth not to fpeak blafphemous name of Jefus, and let them go. words againft this holy place, and the law. J 4 ?** -Stephens anf wer for himfclf. Chap. vii. He der lareth the hiflorie of Ifrael. T r 4 F /5 T We k** helrd him fay that *" ofE 2ypt a "d Cbanaan, and great affiiftion JefusofNa^nh&uldcfhoythispiac^and andour fathers fou-.dn'fuftciLce ' " .r./*/. & all change the |1 cultonus which Mofcs deli- iz - But when Jacob heard that there was -G en 4t , A S 'j 4, u r c ' n 'n Egypt, he fcnt out our fathers mft. i J And all that fat in the councel, looking i? * And at the fecond tin,, i n r*v. ftedMlyonh.mfawh.faceasithadbeef made known to "to bS/Sj^ft GaM5 -* the face of an angel. dred was made known unto Pharaoh. P CHAP. VI I. I4 T hen fent Jofeph, and called his father i Stephen fe,ffiittid to anfvcr to the accttfa- Jacob to him, and all his kindred ihr PP fr tio nfhlj/pbemte^Jbwetb that Abraham and fifteen fouls ' threefcore **ippf'm a fumme of money of the fonncsof the father of Siche.i. - ~-.-.r./ & n/ uiHvcnij iiatmiv toe fataer otbicncn *t*y. tor a time: 5 1 reprehending their , 7 Bw w hen the ri of h if d I S2-f^ ^rdenngofChnn^e jfi nigh, wh.chGodhod fworn to AfeahamSZ ? f, Hto rttf prcpbc t s foretold Jbould come people grew and nnfoplicd in EeVDt m^^^v^uyntbtyfl.nitim /8 Till anoSSfn a of? fwhich knew ^ ^j vbo commendcth hu foul to />/#/, not Jofeph. ' ^Sa^^Sfft^'1^ ur u. ^tl>eumedealtfubtill y withourkindred Hen laid the high pricit, Are thefe things and evil entreated our fathers, fo thac chey caft z Andhefaid, M,n, brethren, and fathers 2jjiE? Chlldten ' tt th end ^ p^^B mia, oerorene dwelt mCharran, fathers houfe three h J by Phi- lip the deacon, who preached, did miracle*, and bapti^d many, among the reft Simon the forcerer , a. great feduccr of the people; 14 Tetcr and John come to confirm, and en* large the church: where by pray errand itnpa- jition of hands , giving the holy Ghoft, 1 8 when Simon would haze bought the lll^e power of them, 10 Peter jbayij reproving bis hypocrifie, and covet oiifneffe t and exhort- ing him to repentance, together with John preaching the word of the Lord, return to Jerufalem. 26 But the angel fendcth Philip to teach, and baptit?. the Ethiopian eunuch. ANd Saul was confenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great pei- fecution againftthe church which was at Je- Simon the forcerer. Chap rufalcm, and they were all fcattefed abroad V11I. The eunuch and Philip. 21 Thou haft neither part nor lot in this throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, matter, for thy heart is not ri^ht in the fight of God. Repent therefore of this thy wicked. _j ... **> _ i f , ' except the apoftles* z And devout men carried Stephen to hit . __ 7 w burlall and made great lamentation over nefle, and pray God, if perhaps the thouht of hirflt As for Saul,he madehavock of the church. thine heart may be forgiven thee. 3 f\* iv .jauijiiv UIOUVIKITUV& vr t.uv viiuivu, 13 For I perceive that thou art in the sail cntring into every houfe, and haling men and f bitterneffe, and in the bond of iniquity, women, committed them to prifon. *4 Then anfwered Simon,and faid,Pray ye 4 Therefore they that were fcattercd abroad, to the Lord for me, that none of thefc things went every w-here preaching the word. which ye have fpoken come upon me. ? Then Philip went down to the city of if And they when they had teftified and Samaria, and preached Chrift unto them. preached the word of the Lord, returned to 6. And the people with one accord gave Jerufalem , and preached the gofpelin many heed unto thofe things which Philip fpake, villages of the Samaritanes. 16 And the angel of the Lord fpake unto Philip, faying, Arife } and go toward the foutb, hearing, and feeing the miracles which he did. 7 For unclean fpii its } crying with loud voice, came out of many that were poffcfled with unto the way that goeth down from Jcrufaleot came out or many tnat were pollened with unto me way mat goeth dow them: and many taken with palfies, and that unto Gaza, which is defert. were lame, were healed. 17 And he arofe and went: and behold, a 8 And there was great joy in that city. man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authori- 9 But there was a certain man called Si- tie under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, mon, which before- time in the fame city ufed who had the charge of all her treafure, and had forcerie, and bewitched the people ofSama- come to Jerufalem for to worfhip, 28 Was returning, and fitting in his chariot read Efaias the prophet. 29 Then the Spirit faid unto Philip , Go neare,and joynthy felf to this chariot. go And Philip ran thitherto him,and heard him reade the prophet Efaias, and faid, Un derftandeit thou what thou rendeft / ria, giving out that himfelf was forne greac 10 To whom they all gave heed from the leaft to the greateft , faying, This man is the great power of God. 1 1 And to him they had regard , becaufe that of long time he had bewitched them With forceries. i But when they beleeved Philip, preach- ing the things concerning the kingdome of God, andthenameof JefusChrift, they were baptized both men and women. 13 Then Simon himfclf beleeved alfo: and when he was baptized, he continued with Phi- lip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and 31 And he faid, How can I, except feme man fhculd guide me? and he defired Philip that he would come up, and fit with him. $2 The place of the fcripture which he read, was this, * He was led as a fheep to the (laughter, and like a latr.beduir.be before his (hearer, foopened he nothis mouth: 33 In his humiliation, his judgement was taken away: and who lhall declare his genera- tion? for his life is taken from the earth. 34 And the eunuch anfvvercd Philip, and faid, I pray thee, of whom fpeaketh the prophet this? of himfelf, or of fome other man? 3 ? Then Philip opened his month,and be- "unto fignes which were done, 14 Now when the apoftles which were at Jerufalem, heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they fent unto them Peter and John. 1 5 Who when they were come down,prayed for them that they might receive the holy Ghoft. gan at the fame fcripture, and preached i5 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of him Jefus. them: onely they were baptised in the name of '* *~ J ' the Lord jefus) 17 Then hid they their hands on them,and they received the holy Ghoft. 1 8 And when Simon faw that through lay- ing on of the apoftles hands, the holy Ghott tvas given, he offered them money 36 And as they went on their way, thejf came unto a certain water : and the eunuch faid, See, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized? 97 And Philip faid, If thou beleeveft with all thine heart, thoumayeft. And he anfwered and faid, I beleeve that Jefus Chrift is the Saying, Give me alfo this power,that on Sonne of God. whomfocver I lay hands, he may receive the 38 And he commanded the chariot to ftand holy Ghoft. fiill: and they went down both into the wa- ao But Peter faid unto him,Thy money pc- ter, both Philip and the eunuch, andhebnpti- rifh with thee, becaufe thou haft thought that zed him. the gift of God rnay be pufchafed with money, 39 And when they were come up out of the Ifa. jj t XXX 2 water. Sauls converfionu 1035 The A&s^ He preacheth Chrift boldly, chief pr;efts,to binde all that call on thy name. 1 5 Buc the Lord faid unto him,Go thy way: for he is a chofen veflel unto me, to bear my 40 But Philip' was foand at Azotiis : and name before rhe Gentiles, and kings, and the "* ' .i-- .:--- children of lYael. 1 6 For I will (hew him how great things he muft fuffer for my names fake, 17 And Ananias went his way, andentred into the hoitfe, and putting his hands on him, faid, Brother Saul, the Lord (even Jefu:- that appeared unto thee in the way as thou cameft) hath fent me, that thou mighteft receive thy %ht, and be filled with the holy Ghoft. 1 8 And immediately there fell from his --.-(-- eyes as it had been fcales , and he received rejtontb Tabttba to life. fight forthwith, and arofe, and ws baptized. Nd Saul yet breathing out threatnings 19 And when he had received meat, he and (laughter againft the difciples of the was flrengthencd. Then was Saul certain Lord, went unto the high prjeft, dayes with the difciples which were at Da- mafcus. 20 And ftraightway he preached Chrift in the fynagogues, that he is the Sonne of God, ii But all that heard him rverc am-zed,anc! faid,Isnot this he that deftroyed them which called on this name in Jerufalem, and came hi- ther for that intent , that he might bring them bound unto the chief priefts? iz But Saul increafed the more inftrength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Da- rr.afcus, proving that this is very Chrift. 23 f And after that many dayes were ful- filled, the Jews took counfel to kill him: water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Phi- lip, that the eunuch faw him no move: and he went oa his way rejoycing. 40 But Philip was foand parting through, he preached in all the cities, till he came to Cefarea. CHAP. IX. i S mil going towards 'Damafciu^it ftric^en down to the earth, 10 is culled to the afo* flleflj!p t \% and a baptised by AnaniM-is He preacheth Chrift boldly, 23 The fens lay vpa.it to tyllhimi 29 fo do the Grecians :but be efcapethboth.$i The church having nft t Peter healcib ^(.next ofthepalfe) 36 and life. A 2 And defiredof him letters to Dimafcus to the fynagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women,he might bring them bound unto Jerufalem. 3 And as he journeyed he came neare Da- mafcus,and fuJdenly there fhined round about him a light from heaven. 4 And he fell to the earth,and heard a voice faying unto him, Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou me? 5 And he faid, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord faid : I am Jefus whom thou perfe- cuteft: It is hard for thee to kick againft the pricks. 6 And he trembling and aftonifhed, faid, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord faid unco him,Arife,and go into the city, and it fhall be told thee what thou muft do. 7 And the men which journeyed with him ftood fpeechlefle, hearing a voice, but feeing no man. 8 And Saul arofe from the earth, and when his eyes were opened, he faw no man: but they led hioi by the hand, and brought him into Damafcus. 9 And he was three dayes wichout fight, and neither did eat nor drink. TO f And there was a certain difciple at Damafcus, named Ananias,and to him faid the Lord in a vifion, Ananias. And he faid,Behold, I am here. Lord. 1 1 And the Lord faid unto him, Arife, and go into the ftreet,which is called Straight,and enquire in the houfe of Judas, for one called Saul of Tarfus: for behold, he prayeth, iz And hath feeninavifiona man named Ananias, coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his fight. ij Then Ananias anfwered, Lord , I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he kath done to thy faints at Jerufalem: *4 And here he hath authority from the 24 * But their laying await was known of S.uil: and they watched the gates day and nighs to kill him. 25 Then the difciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a bafket. 16 And when Saul was come to Jerufalem, heaflayed to joynhimfelf to the difciples, but they were all afraid of him, and beleeved noc that he was a difciple. 27 But Barnabas took him , and brought him to the npoftles, and declared unto them how he had feen the Lord in the way , and that he had fpoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damafcus in the name of Jefus. 28 And he was with them coming in, and going out at Jernfalem. 3 o And he fpake boldly in the name of the Lord Jefus, and difputed againft the Grecians: but they went about to flay him. 30 Which when the brethrenknew, they brought him down to Cefarea, and fent him forth to Tarfus. 31 Then had the churches reft throughout all Judea,and Galilee, and Samarii,and we :e edified, and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the holy Ghoft, were multiplied. 3 z ifi And it came to palT;, as Peter paffed through- Peter raiiethTabitha. Chap. His vifion. hroughout all quarters, became downalfo to unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are 1037 for a mcmoriall before God. the faints which dwelt at Lydda. 3 j And there he found a certain man Ham ed ^Eneas, which had kept his bed eight yeares, and was fick of the paliie. 34 And peter faid unto him, ^.neas, Jcfus Chrift maketh thee whole : ari(e,and make thy bed. And hearofe immediately. 3 f And all that dwelt at Lydda, and Saron, faw him,and turned to the Lord. 36 f Now there was at Joppa a certain difciple named Tabitha, which by interpreta- tion is called Dorcas : this woman was full of good works , and alms-deeds which fhe did. 37 And it came to pafle in thofe dayes, that flic was fick, and died: whom when they had wafhed, they laid her in an upper chamber. 38 And forafmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the difdples had heard that i'eter was there, they fent unto him two men, defi- nng him that he would not || delay to come to them. g 9 Then Peter arofe,and went with them : When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows flood by him weeping, and fhewing the coats and gar- ments which Dorcas made while fhe was with them. 40 But Peter put them all forth,and kneeled down and prayed, and turning him to the bo- dy, Cud, Tabitha, arife. And fhe opened her eyes : and when fhe faw Peterjfhe fat up. 41 And he gave her his hand, and lift her up : and when he had called the faints and wi- dows,prefemed her alive. 41 And it was known throughout all Jop- pa,and many beleeved in the Lord. 43 And it came to paffe,that he tarried ma- ny dayes in Joppa with one Simon a tann;r. C H A P. X. i Cornelia* a devout man , f being com' manded by an angel, fendeth for Peter: 1 i who by a vijion, 1 5 , zo is taught not to defpifi the Gentiles. 34 As bepreachelb Chrift to Corntlitu and his company, 44 the bolyGhoftfallethontbenty 48 and they are Here was a certain man in Cefarea, called ornelius, a centurion of the band called the Itilian band, i A devout man, and one that feared God with all his houfe, which gave much alms to the peoplcjand prayed to God alway. j He faw in a vifion evidently, about the ninth houreof the day, an angel of God coming in to him, and faying unto him, Cor- nelius. 4 And when he looked on him, he wis afraid, and faid, What is it Lord ? And he faid come up I 5 And now fend men to Joppa,and call for one Simon,whofc fumame is Peter : 6 He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner , fthofe boufe it by the fca-fidc;he (hall tell thee what thou oughteft to do. 7 And when the angel which fpake unto Cornelius, was departed, he called two of his houfhold fervams, and a devout fouldier of them that waited on him continually. 8 And when he had declared all thefc things unto them,he fent them to Joppa. 9 ^ On the morrow as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the houfe top to pray, about the Cxth houre. 10 And he became very hungry, and would have eaten : but while they made-rcady,he fell into a trance, 1 1 And faw heaven opened, and a certain vefiel defccnding unto him, as ic had been a greatfheet, knit at the fourc corners, and let down to the earth : i i Wherein wereall manner of foure-footed beaftspf the earth,and wilde beafts, and creep- ing things,and fowls of the aire. 13 And there came a voice to him, Rife, Peter jkill,and eat. 1 4 But Peter faid, Not fo,Lord 5 for I have never eaten any thing that is common or un- clean. if And the voice fpake unto him again the fecond time, What God hath cleanfed, that call not thou common. 1 6 This was done thrice: and the vcflel was received up again into heaven. 17 Now while Peter doubted in himfelf what this vifion which he had feen, mould mean : behold, the men which were fent from CorneliuSjhad made enquiry forSimons houfe, and flood before the gate, 1 8 And called, and asked whether Simon which was furnamed Peter, were lodged there. 1 9 f While Peter thought on the vifion,the fpirit faid unto him, Behold, three men feek thee. 10 Arife therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing : for 1 have fent them. zi Then Peter went down to the men which were fent unto him from Cornelius ; and faid, Behold, I am he whom ye feek : what is the caufe wherefore ye are come / i -L And they faid, Cornelius the centurion, a juft man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel , to fend for thee into his houfe,3nd to heare words of thee. X x x } 23 Then Peter preacheth to Cornelius. The Acts . 1038 Jtiom.2,11. He is accufed for it. 2.3 Then called he them in, and lodged rufale^vvhoTuheyiK'w and hinged on a tree: them: and on the morrow Peter went away 40 Him God raifed up the third day, and with them, and certain brethren fromjoppa ftiewed him openly, accompanied him. 4* NottoaHthepeople,butuntowitnefiey, 14 And the morrow after they cntred into chofen before of God , even to us who did eac Gefarea: and Cornelius waited for them, and and drink with him after he rofe from the had called together his kinfmen and neare dead, friends. 41 And he commanded us to preach unto a 5 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius the people, and to tcftifie thac it is he which met him, and fell down at his feet, and wor- was ordained of God to be the jadge of qmck (hipped him. and dead. ^6 But Peter took him up, faying,Stand up, 4? * To him give all the prophets witneffe, * J cr -? ' l I my felfalfoamaman. that through his name whofoever beleevethin Mic 7>IJJ * v? And as he talked with him, he went in, him, flwll receive rcrniflion of finnes. and found many that were come together. 44 ^ While Peter yet fpake thefe words, the z8 And he faid unto them , Ye know how bty Ghoft fell on all them which heard the that it is an unlawfull thing for a man that is a Word. Jew, to keep company, or come unto one of 41 Andtheyofthecircumcifion which be- another nation: but God hath (hewed me, that leeved, were aftonifhed, as many as came with I fhould not call any man common or un- Peter, becaufe that on the Gentiles alfo was poured out the gift of the holy Ghoft. 46 For they heard them fpeak with tongue^ andmagnificGod. Then anfwered Pdter, 47 Can any man forbid water, that thefe fliould no: be baptized , which have received the holy G hoft, as well as we ?. 48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they clean. 2 9 Therefore came I unto you without gain faying, affoon as I was fent for: I ask therefore for what intent ye have fent for me. 3,0 And Cornelius faid , Foure dayes ago I was fatting untill this houre,and at the ninth lioure I prayed in rv.y houfe, and behold, a man ftood before me in bright clothing, 3 1 And faid, Cornelius,thy prayer is heard, him to tarry certain dayes. and thine alms are had in remembrance in the fight of God. 31 Send therefore to Joppa, and call hither Simon whofe furname is Peter j he is lodged in the houfe of. one Simon a tanner, by the fea-ffdej who when he cometh , ftiall fpeak unto thee. 3 3 Immediately therefore I fent to thee , and thou haft well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here prefent before God, to hcare all things that are commanded thee of God. 34 f Then Peter opened his mouth, and faid, * Of a truth I perceive that God is no re- fpeder of perfons : 3 ? But in every nation,he that fearcth him, and worketh righteoufnefle , is accepted with him. CHAP. XI. i Teter being accufcdforgoin^in to the Gen- tiles, j matzah bit defence, 18 which it ac- cepted. 19 The gojpcl being fpread into Pbe- nice 3 and Cyprus, and ~<4tiocb 3 Barnabas a fent to confirm them. 26 Thedifciples there arefi'ft called Cbriftians. 27 They fend re lief to the brethren in Judea in time of famine. ANd the apoftles and brethren that were in Judea, heard that the Gentiles had alfo received the word of God. i And when Peter was come op tojerufa- lem,they that were of the circamcifion con- tended with him, 3 Saying, Thou wenteft in to men uncir- cumcifed, and didft eat with them. 4 But Peter rehearfed the matter from the 36 The word which God fent unto the chil- beginning, and expounded it by order unto dren of Jfrad, preaching peace by Jefus Cfauft them, faying, (he is Lord of all) y I was in the city.of Joppa praying, and 37 That word (ifay) you know, which in a trance I fawavifion, A certain veflcl dc- was publiflied'throughoat all Judea, and began fcend, as it had been a great (beet, let down from Galike, after the baptifmc which John from heaven by foure corners, and it came preached: . even to me. 38 How God anointed Jefus of Nazareth, with the holy Ghoft, and with power, who went about doing good, and healing all that wereoppreffedof the devil: for God was with him. 39 And we are witnefles of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Je- 6 Upon the which when I had faftencd mine eyes, I considered, and faw foure- footed beaiis of the earth,and wtlde beafts,and creep? ini> things, and.fowls of the aire. 7 And I heard a voice faying unto me, Arifc Peter, flay$ and eat. 3 3 Notfo 4 Lord;fornothing corn- His defence is accepted. Chap.xiL Herods horrible cruelty. mon or unclean hath at any time entred into a whole yrare they aflimbkd tbcmfelves my mouth. fl v\iih the church, and tsughc much people ,j/Or 9 But the voice anfwcred me again from and the^ifciplcsmrc called Chrrihaiuhiit in <**"* heaven, What God hath cleanfed, that call not Antioch. thou common. 27 f And in thefe dayes came prophets 10 And this was done three times : and all from Jerufalem unto Antioch. wete drawn up again into heaven. 18 And there flood up one of them named Agabus, and figmfied bythefpirit, that there Ciould be greac dearth throughout all the world: which came to pafle in the dayes of *"*! j - - /-^ r 10 Then the difciples, every man according 1 1 And beholdjimmediately there were three men already come unto the houfe where I was,fcnt from Cefarea unto me. ii And the Spirit bade me go with them , Claudius Cefar nothing doubting. Moreover, thefe fix bre- thren accompanied me, and we entred into tohis ability, determined to (end relief unto the mans houfe : the brethren which dwelt in Judea. 13 And he (hewed us how he had feen an 30 Which alto they did, and lent it to the el - angel in his houfe, which flood and faid unto ders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul, him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whofe furnaare is Peter : 1 4 Who (hall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy houfe (hall be faved. 1 f And as I began tofpeak, the holy Ghoft Chap.i.4. fell on them, * as on us at the beginning. 1 6 Then remembred I the word of the John i. 26. Lord, how that he faid, * John indeed bapti- C H A P. XII. i King Herod perfetutetb the CbriSiats, tfl- leth fames, and imprifonetb "Peter, whom an angel deliveretb upon the prayers of the church, zo in bispride^ taking to h'wifelfthe honour due to God) he isflric^en by an ax- gel^anddietb mifirably. 14 >After bisdentb the word ofGodprofpcretb. NOw about that time , Herod the king jj ilretchcd forth his hands to vtx certain ; of the church. ^ And he killed James the brother of John with the fword. And becaufe he fawit pleafed the Jews,he zed with water : but ye (kill be baptized with the holy Ghoft. 17 Forafmuch then as God gave them the like gift ns he did unto us,who beleeved on the Lord Jefus Chrift, what was I that I could wuhttand God ? 1 8 When they heard thefe things, they held their peace, and glorified God, faying, Then proceeded further, to take Peter alfo." (Then hith God alfo to the Gentiles granted repen- were the dayes of unleavened bread) tance unto life. 4 And when he hid apprehended him, he Chap.8.1. 19 U * Now they which were fcattered puthim inprifon, and delivered him to foure abroad upon the perfecution that arofe about quaternions of fouldiersto keep him , intend- Stephen, travelled as farre as Phenice, and Cy- ing after Eafter to bring him forth to the prus,and Antioch, preaching the word to none people, but unto the Jews ooely. 5 Peter therefore was kept in prifon, bat 10 And fome of them were men of Cyprus, |J prayer was made without ccafing of the i and Cyrene, which when they were come to church unto God for him. Antioch, fpake unto the Grecians, preaching 6 And when Herod would have brought the Lord Jefus. him forth, the fame night Peter was fkeping 11 And the hand of the Lord was with between two fouldiers,bound with two chains, them : and a great numb"?'" ed unto you the forgivenefle of finnes. |Or ff/r*e 39 And by him all that belecve are joftified kad'm /; w from all things, from which yecouldnot bea^efervtd juftified by the bw of Mofes. * */ 40 Beware therefore, left that come upon ^"^ in ^ IQ you which is fpoken of in * the prophets, *Hab.i. s 41 Behold, ye defpifers, and wonder, and perifh : for I work a work in your dayes,a work which you (hall in no wife beleeve, though a man declare it unto you. 41 And when the Jews were gone out of the fynagogue, the Gentiles befought that thefe words mi^ht be preached to them "f the next "\Gt.intht fabbath. 43 Now when the congregation was broken f up, many of the Jews, and religions profelytes followed Paul and Barnibas, whofpeaking to them, perfwaded them to continue in the grace of God. 44 .fl And the next fabbath-day came almoft the whole city together to heare the word of God. 4? But when the Jews faw the multitudes,, they were filled with envy, and fpake againft thofe things which were fpoken by Paul, con tradifting and blafpheming. 46 Then Paul and Barnabai waxed bold 1 , and Did, It was neceflary that the word of God fhould fl ft have been fpoken to you: but feeing ye put it from you, and judge your felves un- worthy of everlafting life 3 lo, we turn to the Gentiles. 47 For fo hath the Lord commanded us , faying , * I have fet thee to be a light of the "l^.^f. tjendles, thatthou (houldcft be for falvation unto the ends of the earth. 48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad,and glorified the word of the Lord : andasmanyaswercordjined to etemall life,, belecvcd. 49 And the word of :be Lord was pub- Paul and Barnabas pcrfecutcd. 1041 lifted throughout all the region. TheAdh. Paul is ftoned. 50 But the Jews ftirred up the devout and honourable women, and the chief men of the city, and railed pcrfccution againft Paul and Barnabas , and expelled them out of their coafts. vanities unto the living God, * which made 'Gcn.i *Matt.io,i4. fi * But they fliookoffi he duft of their feet heaven, and earth, and thefea, and all things Ffal - M6>< againft them,and came unto Icomum. that are therein: e M * 7 52 And the difciples were filled with joy, 16 *Who intimespaft fuffered all nations *Pf*1.8>. and with the holyGhoft. HAP. XIIII. Paul heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people,crying out, 1 5 And faying, Sirs,wh)r do ye thefe things? We alfo are men of like pafllons with you, and preach unto you, that ye (hould turn from thefi vanities unto the living God, * which made C H A i Paul and Barnabas areperfecittedfram Ice- nium. 8 At Ly sir a Paulbealeth a crecple , whereupon they are reputed as gods. 1 9 Paul u (loned. zi They paffe through divers churches, confirming the difciples in faith and patience. 16 Returning to Antiocb 3 they report vebat God had done with them. A Nditcametopafleinlconium, that they jf"\wem both together into the fynagogue to walk in their own wayes. 17 Neverthelefle he left not himfelf with, out witnefie, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitfull fcafons,filling our hearts with food and gladnefle. 1 8 And with thefc fayings fcarce reftrained they the people,that they had not done factiHce unto them. 19 ^ And there came thither certain Jews from Antio;h and Iconium,who perfwaded the people, * and having floned Paul, drew him of the Jews, and fo fpake, that a great multi- out ofthecity,fuppofinghehadbeendead. tude both of the Jews, and alfo of the Greeks, beleeved. 2 But the unbcleeving Jews ftirred up the Gentiles, and made their mindes evil-affecled againft the brethren. 3 Long time therefore abode they fpeaking boldly in the Lord, which gave teftimony un- to t wonders to be done by their 4 Bat the multitude of the city was divi- ded:and part held with the Jews,and part with the apoftles* f And when there was an aflault made both of the Gentiles,and alfo of the Jews,witb their rulers, to ufe them defpitefully, and to {tone them, 6 They were ware of it,and fled unto Lyftra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and unco the region that lieth round about. 7 And there they preached the gofpe I. 8 f And there fat a certain man at Lyftra, impotent in his feet, being a cree pie from his mothers wombe,who never had walked. 9 The fame heard Paulfpeakjwho ftedfaftly beholding him,and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, 10 Said with aloud voice,Stand up right on thy feet 5 and he leaped and walked. 1 1 And when the people faw what Paul had done, they lift up their voices, faying in the fpeech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likenefic of men. 12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter j and Paul, Mcrcurius , becaufe he was the chief fpeaker. 13 Then the prieft of Jupiter which was before their citie, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done facrifice .with the people. j. 4 Which when die apoftles, Barnabas and 10 Howbcit, as the difciples flood round about him, he rofe up, and came into the city, and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe. 2 1 And when they had preached the gofpel to thatcitie, and had taught many, they re- ..y ... _-._, ........ jj-.~ ,......_.. / turned again to Lyitra, and tolccniuivi, and :he word of his grace,and granted fignes and Antioch, nders to be done by their hands. z i Confirming the fouls of the difciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we muft through much tribulation en- ter into the kingdome of God. 13 And when they had ordained them el- ders in every church, and had prayed with fjft- ing, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they beleeved. 24 And after they had pafled throughout Pifidia, they came to Pamphylia. 25 And when they had preached the word in Perga s they went down into Attalia, 16 And thence failed to Antioch , from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God,for the work which they fulfilled. 27 And when they weie come and had ga- thered the church togecher, they rehearfed all that God hnd done with them,and how he had opened thedooreof faith unto the Gentiles. 2 8 And there they abode long time with the difciples. CHAP. XV. i Great diflenfion arifeib touching circumcijion. 6 The apoftles confult about if, 2 * and fend their determination by letters to the churchet- $6paulandBarnaba$ i thinking to vi/it the brethren together, fall at flrife, and depart afunder. A Nd certain men which came down from ./"Vjudea, taught the brethren, and faid t *Ex- ' cept ye be circumcifed after the manner of Mofts,yc cannot be faved. ^ When A dilienfion about circumcmon. Cnap. xv. z When therefore Paul and Barnabas had nofmalldifienfion and difputationwith them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them , (hould go up to Jerufa- lem unto the apoftles and elders about this queftion, 3 And being brought on their way by the church, they psffed through Phenice, and Sa- maria, declaring the converiion of the Gen- tiles : and they caufed great joy unto all the brethren. 4 And when they were come to Jetufalem, they were received of the church, and of the apoftles and elders , and they declared all things that God had done with them. 5 But there rofe up certain of the feS of the Pharifecs which beleeved, faying, That it was needfulltocircumcifethem, and to command them to keep the law of Mofes. 6 ^j And the apoftles and elders came toge- ther for to confiderof this matter. 7 And when there h.id been much difpu- Chap.io. ting, Peter rofe up and faid unto them , *Men Letters to the churches. ip Wherefore my fentenceis,thatwctrou- ble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God : 20 But that we write unto them, that they abflain from pollutions of idols, and from for- nication, and from things ftrangled, and from bloucL zi For Mofesofoldtime hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the fyna- gogues every fabbath-day. n Thenpleafed it the apoftles and elders, with-the whole church, to fend chofenmenof their own company to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas : namely, Judas, furnamed Barfabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren. 2j And wrote letters' by them after this manner, The apoftles, and elders,and brethren fend greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch,and Syria,and Cilicia. 24 Forafmuch as we have heard t that cer- tain which went out from us have troubled you with words, fubverting your fouls , (aying, Ye mull be circumcifed, and keep the law, to i4j Xl< . 03 -.,. .^., ~ r -------------------- , ______ , and brethren, ye know how that a good while whom we gave no fuch commandment : ago , God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth mould heare the word ,of the gofpel, and beleeve. 8 And God which knoweth the hearts,bare them witnefle , giving them the holy Ghoft, even as he did unto us: 9 And put no difference between us and -hap.io. them, ''purifying their hearts by faith. 10 Now therefore why tempt ye God, * to Matt''*' pUt a yoJte "P n the neck f the difci P les > 3 <4< which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? 1 1 But we beleeve that through the grace of the Lord Jefus Chrilt,we (hall be faved even as they. i i ^ Then all the multitude kept filence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, de- claring what miracles and wonders God bad wrought among the Gentiles by them. 1 3 ^ And after they had held their peace, James anfwered , faying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me. 14 Simeon hath declared how God at the firft did vifit the Gemiles,to take out of them a people for his name. 1 5 And to this agree the words of the pro- phets, as it is written, ke$ j.u. 16 * After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down : and I will build again the ruincs there- of, and I will fet it up : i j That the refiiiuc of men might feek af- ter the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name h called, faith the Lord, whodoeth all thefe things. 1 8 Known unto God are all his works from *he beginning of the wo. id. 2 j It feemed good unto us, being affcmbled with one accord, to fend chofen men unto you, with our beloved Barnabas and Paul j 26 Men that have hazarded their lives, foe the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift. 27 We have fent therefore Judas and Silas, who {hall alfo tell you the fame things by mouth. 28 For it feemed good to the holy Ghoft, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden then thcfencceflary things ; 19 That ye abttain from meats offered to idols, and from bloud, and from things ftran- gled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep your felves, ye (hall do well. Fare ye well. 5 o So when they were difmifled,they came to Antioch, and when they had gathered the multitude together, they delivered the epiflle. 3 i Which when they had read,they rejoyced for the [J confolation. |/Or,*6r- 3 1 And Judas and Silas being prophets alfo //'. themfelves , exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them. 3 3 And after they had tai ried there a fpace, they were let go in peace from the brethren unto the apoftles. 3 4 Notwi th ftanding it pleafed Silas to abide there ftill. 3 5 Paul alfo and Barnabas continued in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others alfo. 36 ^f Andfome dayes after, Paul faid unto Barnabas, Let us go again and vifit our bre- thren, in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and fee how they do. 3 7 And Barnabas determined to take with them Jphn, whofe furname was Mark.: . 38 B*'- 1044. The Acts* Lydia converted. 3 8 Bat Paul thought not good to cake him a colonyiand we were in that city abiding cer- with them, who departed from them from tain dayes. And on the fabbath we went out of the Rem, ig. Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work. 39 And the contention was fo flwrp be. tween them, that they departed afunder one from the other: and fo Barnabas took Mark, and failed unto Cyprus j 40 And Paul chofe Silas, and departed, be- ing recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God. 41 And he went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches. CHAP. XVI. i Paul having circumc'ifed Timotbie,7 and being culled by the Spirit from one countrej to another, 14 converteihLydia, 16 caftetb tut a fpirit of divination. 19 For which caufe he and Silas are whipped and impri- foned. 26 The prifon doores are opened. 3 1 Tbejiylour k converted, j 7 md they are delivered. THen came he to Derbe and Lyftra: and be. hold, a certain difciple was there, * named Ttmotheus , the fonne of a certain woman which was a Jeweffe 5 and beleevcd : but his fa- ther was a Greek: ^ Which was well reported of by the bre- thren that were at Lyftra and Iconium. 5 Him would Paul have to go forth with city by a rivers fide, where prayer was wont to be made, and we fat down, and fpake unto the women which reforted thither. 14 fl And a certain woman named Lydia,a feller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, -heard us : whofe heart the Lord opened, that fh? attended unto the things which were fpoken of Paul. i? And when (he was baptized, and her houfhold, fhe befought us, faying, If ye have judged me to be faithfull to the Lrd, come in- to my houfe and abide there. And fhe con- ftrained us. 1 6 ^ And it came to pafle, as we went to prayer, a certain damfel, pofiefled with a fpirit f| of divination,met us, which brought her ma- fjOt iters much gain by foothfaying : *>" 17 The fame followed Paul, and us, and cried, faying, Thefe men are the femnts of the moft high God, which fhew umo us the wayoffalvation. 18 And this did (he many.dayes : but Paul being grieved, turned and faid to the fpirit, I command thee in the name of Jefus Chrift to come out of her. And he came out the fame houre. 19 f And when her matters faw that the t fpj. * Chap.ij. him,and took and circumcifed him, becaufe of hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul the Jews which were in thofe quarters : for and Silas, and drew them into the || market- J0r,fart they knew all that his father was a Greek. place,unto the rulers, 4 And as they went through the cities, they 20 And brought them to the magiftrates, delivered them the decrees for to keep, * that faying* Thefe men being Jews, do exceedingly were ordained of the apoftles and elders which trouble our citie, were at Jerufalem. 2 i And teach cuflomes which are not law- y And fo were the churches eftablifhed in the faith,andincreafedin number daily. 6 Now when they had gone throughout full for us to receive, neither to obferve, being Romanes. 21 And the multitude rofe up together a- gainftthem, and the magiftrates rent oft" their clothes, * and commanded to beat them. 13 And when they had laid many ftripes up- 35- 7 After they were cometoMyfis, they af- on them, they caft them into prifon, charging > T hcff.j fayed to go into Bithynia : but the Spirit fuf- thejiylouc to keep them fafely. 24 Who having received fuch acharge 3 thruft Phrygia, and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the holy Ghoft to preach the word in Afia, * a. Co-. fered them not. 8 And they paffing by Myfia, came down to Troas. 9 And a vifion appeared to Paul in the night : There ftood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him/aying^omc over mtoMacedonia, and help us. 10 And after he had feen the vifion, imme- diately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, afluredly gathering, that the Lord had called us for to preach the gofpel unto them. 1 1 Therefore loofing from Troas, we came with a ftraight courfe to Samothracia, and the next day roNeapolisj iz And from thence to Philippi, which is \Owbt frfl- jjthe chief city of that part of Macedonia, and them into the inner prifon, and made their feet faft in the frocks. 1 5 s And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and fang praifes unto God : and the prifoners heard them. 26 And fuddenly there was a great earth- quake, fothat the foundations of the prifon were fliaken : and immediately all the doores were opened ,and every ones bands were loofed. 27 And the keeper of the prifon awaking out of his fleep, and feeing the prifon doores open, he drew out his fword, and would hare killed himfeifjfuppoiingthat the prifoners had been fled. 28 But Paul cried with a loud voice, faying, Do The jayler converted. Chap. xvit. Do thy felf no harm, for we are all here. 19 Then he called for a light,and fprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, go And brought them out, and faid, Sirs, what muft I do to be faved/ 3 1 And they faid, Belecve on the Lord Jefus Chrift, and thou (halt be fared, and thy houfe. 31 And they fpake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his hor.S?. 35 And he took them the fame hoirre of the nighr, and wafted theic ftripes, and was bapti. *?d, he and all his,ftraightway. 34 And when he had brought them into his houfe, hcfet meat before them, andrejoyced, bileeving in God with all his houfe. 3 5 And when it was day, the magiftrates fent the fergeants, faying,Let thofe men go. 36 And the keeper of the prifon told this faying to Paul, The magiftrates have fent to let you go: now therefore depart^and go in p:ace. 37 But Paul faid unto them , They have beaten us openly uncondemned , being Ro- manes, and have caft us into prifon, and now do they thruft us out privily? nay verily, but let them come thsmfelves and fetch us our. 38 And the fergeants told thefe words unto the migiftratcs: and they feared when they . heard that they were Romanes. 39 And they came and befought them, and brought them out, and defired them to de- part out of the city. * Verfe 14. 4 o And they went out of t'ne prifon,* and entred into the boafe of Lydia, and wtanthey had feen the brethren^ they comforted them, and departed. CHAP, XVIT. i Paul preacbeth at Tbeffalonica: 4 where fom btleevf t ij;'r 13 But when the Jews of Theffalonica had knowledge that the word of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither alfo, and ftkred up the people. 14 And then immediately the brethren fent away Paul yto go as it were to the fea: but Si- las and Timotheus abode there ftill. 15 And they that conducted Paul, brought him unto Athens, and receiving a command- ment unto Silas and Timotheus, for to come to him with all fpeed, they departed, 1 6 f Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his fpirit was ftirred in him, when he faw the city || wholly given to idolatry. ij Ofj *$ 17 Therefore difpoted he in the fynagogue i'4//. with the Jews, and with the devout perfons, and in the market daily with them that met with him. 1 8 Then certain philofopKcrs of she Epi- cureans, and of the StoickSj encountred him: and fome faid,What will this Jfbibler fay-other || Or,f/ fome, He feemeth to be a fetter forth of ftrange ///. godsrbecaufe he preached unto them Jefus,and the rcfurreftion. 19 And they rook him , and brought him unto || Areopagus , faying , May we know ff Or, MATS what this new doftrine, whereof thou fpeak- {* . . -it was the C^ ' s? higheft 20 For thoubringefl certain ftrange things courtin to our eares: we would know therefore what Athens* thefe things mean. 1 1 (For all the Athenians & Grangers which Paul preacheth at Athens^ 1046 The A<5h7 Ife, but He is encouraged by a vifion; were there,fpent their time in nothing el fe, but born in Pontus , lately come from Italy, with either to tell or to heare fome new thing) his wife Prifcilla (becaufe that Claudius had |jOr, court tr And many that beleeved came, and con- fefledj and (hewed their deeds. ANd it came to pane, that while Apouos 19 Many alfo of them which ufed curious was at Corinth, Paul having paffed arts, brought their books together, and burned them before all men : and they counted the price of them, and found it fiftie thoufand pie- ces of filver. 20 So mightily grew the word of God, and prevailed. 21 f After thefe things were ended, Paul purpofed in the fpirit, when he had patted through Macedonia, and Achaia, to goto Je C H A p. XIX. The holy Ghoft is given by Pauls hands. 9 The fins Mafpbfixc bis doftr'me, which U confirmed by miracles. 1 5 The fewijh exsr- eifts 16 are beaten by tbs devil. i^Conjtt- ringboofa are burnt, 24 'Dsme trim /or lovs tf gain , raifcth an uprsre againft Patd> 3 5 which K appcafed by the town- clerl^. LNd it came to pafle,that while Apollos was at Corinth , Paul having paffed through the upper coafts,came to Ephcfus,and finding certain difciples, a He faid unto them, Have ye received the holy Ghoft fince ye beleeved?and they faid un- to him, We have not fo mwch as heard whether there be any holy Ghoft. 5 And he faid unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized ? and they faid, Unto Johns baptifme. 4 Then did Paul^ * John verily bipti'zed with the baptifme of repentance, frying unto the people, That they (hould beleeve on him rufilem, faying, After I have been there, 1 muft alfo fee Rome. 21 So he fent into Macedonia two of them that miniftied unto him, Timor hcus and Era- which (hould come after him,thac is, on Chrift - ftus, but he himfclf ftayed in Afia for a feafon. Jefus. 2 3 And the Ome time there arofe nofm^ll 5 When they heard this, they were baptized ftjrre about that way- 14 For Paul and Demetrius. The Afts. hutychus railed from death. 1048 *4 For a certain man named Demetrius, a filverfmuh, which made filver (brines for Dia- na, brought nofmall gain unco the craftfmen, 15 Whom he called together with the workmen ofhke occupation, and laid. Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth. ^6 Moreover, ye iee and heare , that not alone at Ephefus, but almoit throughout all A- fia,this Paul hath perfwaded and turned away much people , faying , that they be ao gods which are made with hands. ^^ So that not onely this our craft is in danger to be fetat nought: but alfo that the temple of the great goddefle Diana mould be defpifcd, and her magnificence ftiould be de- ftroyed, whom all Afia, and the world wor- (hippeth. 28 And when they heard thefe fiyings, they were full of wrath,and cryed out/aying,Greac is Diana of the Ephefians. 2 9 And the whole citie was filled with con- fufion, and hiving caught Gaius and Ariltar- chu,men of Macedonia,Pauls companions in travel, they rufted with one accord into the theatre. 30 And when Paul would have entred in unto the people, thediCciples fuffered him not. 31 And certain of the chief of A(ia, which were his friends, fent unto him,de(iring him that he would not adventure himlelf into the theatre. 32 Some therefore cried one thing, and Come another : for the aflembly wasconfufed, and the more part knew not wherefore they "were come together. 3 3 And they drew Alexander out of the multitude, the Jews putting him forward. And Alexander beckened with the hand, and would have made his defence unto the people. 34 But when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one voice about the fpace of two houres cried out, Great is Diana of the Ephe- fians. 3 ? And when the town-clerk had appeaftd the people, he faid, Ye men of Ephefus, what m jn is there that knuweth not how that the IGr. the c "' e ^ tne Ephefians is f a worfliipper of the ttmflfkftp- great goddtffe Diana, and of the mage which r. fell down from Jupiter ? 36 Seeing then that thefe things cannot be fpoken agamft, ye ought to be quiet, and to donothmgraflily. *7 For ye have brought hither thefe men, which are neither robbers of chiuches,nor yet blafphemers of your goddelTc. 38 Wherefore if Demetrius and thecraftf- |}Or,tA men which are with him,have a matter agamft court dajn any man, || the law is open, and there are depu- ure kept. {j eSj j et them implead one another. 39 Bucif ye enquire any thing concerning other mattetSjit (hall be determined in a ||law- full afl'cmbiy. 40 For we are in danger to be called in que ftion for this dayes uprore , there being no caufe whereby we may give an account of this concouife. 41 And when he had thus fpoken.he difraif- fedcheaflcmbly. CHAP- XX. i Paulgoethto Macedonia. 7 He cilebratetb the Lords fitpper , anipreacheth.y Sutychits having fallen down dud, 10 is ra.tfed t o life. 17 At Miletus he calteth the ddcrs together , telleih them what flia.ll befall to himfelf, 18 committeth Godtfl'-cl^ to tbems-? -rvirn- eth them ef ftlfe teacher s,$i commendetb thtm to GoJy 3^ prayetb with them , And ANd aftti che uprore was ceaftd , Paul called unto him the difciples, and em- braced them, and departed for togo intoMi- cedonia. i And when he had gone over tho(e parts, and had given chem much exhortation,he came intoGie.ce, 3 And there abode three moneths : and when the Jiwshid wait for him, as he was about to fail into Syria,hc purpofed to return through Macedonia. 4 And there accompanied him into Afij, Sop Her of Berea ; and of the Theflalonians, Anftarchus and Secundus.* and Gaius of Derbe and rimotheus : and of Afia, Tychicus and Trophimus. jf Thefe going before, tarried for us at Troas. 6 And we failed away from Philippi, after the dayes of unleavened bread, and came unto them to Troas in five dayes, where we abode feven dayes. 7 And upon the firft day of the week,whcn the difciples came together* to break bread, -*chap."?.~4*; Paul preached unto them,readie to depart on the morrow, and continued his fpeech uniill midnight. 8 And there were many Lights in the upper chamber where they were gatheied together. 9 And there fat m a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep fleep, and ias Paul was long preaching, he funk down with fleep, and fell down from the third lofr, and was taken up dead. to And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him, faid, Trouble not your felves,fcr his life is in him. 1 1 When he therefore w is come up again^ and had broken bre.id,anu eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, fo he de- parted. i z And they brought the young man alive, and were not a Ut-k comforted, 13 f And msiruegncie. 13 f And we went before to %, and fail- every one night and day with tears. 1040 ed unto Affos, there intending to take in Paul: 3 * And now brethren , I commend you to for fo had he appointed, minding himfelf to go God,and to the Word of hisgrace,which is able C> A j u to build you up, and to give you an inheritance 14 And when he met with us at Aflof, we amongall them which are fanftified took him in, and came to Mitylene. . 3 3 I have coveted no mans (Uvcr", or gold, i ? And we failed thence,and came the next or apparclf. day over againft Chios, and the next day wear- 34 Yea, you your felves know, * that thefe *r.Co M .i rived at Samos,and tarried at Trogyllium : and hands have mimftred unto ray neceffitics and ' T ^*- the next day we came to Miletus. tothemthat were with me i.Tbeff. s .! fas beL uVrh U ewnlM term r ine ^, faiIbyEphe - , 2 5 J . havcflie wed you all" things,how that fo ' S^E^S^ift! " m f . in A - lab ng>y e oughto fupport the weak,and to beatJer^thedayof^cX- ' S^^T^JI^^SB? ^^^^"fhefent toEphcfus, 3* 1T And when he had thus fpoken, he and called the elders of the church. kneeled down,and prayed with them all. ' 18 And whentheywerecometohim,hefaid J7 Andtheyall wept fore^nd fell on Pauls unto them , Ye know from the firft day that I neck, and kifled him. :ame into AGa after what manner I have been 3 8 Sorrowing moft of all for the words which With you at all feafons he fpalfC) that |h mouM fce ^ ^ m mo ^ 19 Serving the Lord with allhumilitie of And they accompanied him unto the (hip S?V L 3 r n n WIth , man y ars,and temptations CHAP. XXI. h befell me by .the lyjng in waxtof the Pulvritt not by any means be dijfraded fim JCVVS . train rr *-A ^ .,/"_/- ^- _ f\ t I' ^ i t .Andhowlkeptbacknothingthatvvaspc, fiableuntoyou,but have ftewed you,and have i 7 *cr< be it taught you publickly and from houfe tohoufe, danger, 3 1 but ytectain zi Teihfymg both to the Jews, and alfo to ed, andpermtied tofpe*k to tbe people. ' d ' and faith A Nd ic came to P^> thac ,,n^ 1 T A ^f OWbehold3l80boa ? dinthef P irit camevvith a fl ight xirfe unto Coos/and SSm?^:" 110 " 11181116 thin88that Sn^pS ^ Rh dCS ' ^ fa z3 Save that the holy Ghoft witneflethin i And finding a (hip failing over unto Phe- cvorv city , faying , that bonds and afflictions nicia, we went aboard,and fet forth Ow^rJIabukmc. 3 Nowwhen we had difcovered Cyprus, we 14 But none of thefe things move me, nei- left it on the left hand , and failed into S T r7a thercountimy life dear unto my felf; fo that I and landed at Tyre: for there thefhipwastd might fimlhmy courfe with joy, and the mini- unlade her burden. to "e'ftifie the of el o? t' "^ * ^ L d ^ S ' 4 A " d findi? difci P Ics > we tarricd there ^l And now behold, I know thatye all, a- rit a ^at he^LoiSupto^r^e'm ^ mons whom l nave pone preachino the L-mrr f An^ uiUon L j i-/i i *i / , ^ f -, , ,, .. jf> fve fpace of three yeares , I ceafed not to warn , o And as we tarried there many d.yes, Y y y there rauis Donas rorecoia or ngaous. inc nets. r there came down fromjudea a certain prophet, 27 And when the feven dayes were almoft named Ag&us. ended,the Jews which were of A(ia,when they 11 And when he was come unto us, he took faw him in the temple,ftirred up all the people Pauls girdle , and bound his dwn hinds and and laid hands on him, feet , and Did , Thus faith the holy Ghoft, So 28 Crying our, Men of Ifrael, help: thisis fball the Jews at Jerufalem binde the man that the man that teacheth all men every where oweth this girdle, and {hall deliver him into the againft the people, and the law, and this hands of the Gentiles. 12 And when we heard thefe things, both we and they of that place, befought him not to go up to Jerufalem. 1 3 Then Paul anfwered , What mean ye to weep, and to break mine heart ? for I am ready not to be bound onely, but alfo to die at Jeru- falem for the name of the Lord Jefus. 14 And when he would not beperfwaded, we ceafed/ayingjThe will of the Lord be done 15 And after thofe dayes we took up our carriages, and went up te Jerufalem. 1 6 There went wich us alfo certain of the difciples ofCefarea, and brought with them one Mnafon of Cyprus , an old difciple, with whomwelhould lodge. 17 And when we were come to Jerufalem, the brethren received us gladly. 18 And the day followingPaul went in with with two chains , anddemanded whohcwas, us unto James, and all the elders were prefent. and what he had done. 3 4 And fome cried one thing,fome another, * and farther, brought Greeks alfo into the tern- pie, and hath polluted this holy place. 29 (For they had feen before with him in the city, Trophimus an Ephefian, whom they fup- pofed that Paul had brought into the temple) go And all the city was moved, and the people ran together : and they took Paul , and drew him out of the temple : and forthwith the doores were (hut. 31 And as they went about to kill him, ti- dings came unto the chief captain of the band, that all Jerufalem was in an uprore. 3 2 Who immediately took fouldiers , and centurions,and ran down unto them: and when they faw the chief captain and the fouldiers, they left beating of Paul. 33 Then the chief captain came neareand took him, and commanded him to be bound 1 9 And when he had faluted them,he decla- red particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his miniiterie. 20 And when they heard ir,they glorified the Lord , and faid unto him, Thou feeft, brother, how many thoufands of Jews there are which beleeve, and they are all zealous of the law. 2 1 And they are informed of thee that thou teacheft all the Jews which are among the Gen- riles to forfake Mofes , faying, that they ought not to circumcife their children,neither to walk after the cuftomes. 22 What is it therefore * the multitude muft needs come together : for they will heare that thou art come. 2 j Do therefore this that we fay to thee: we have foure men which have a vow on them j 24 Them take,and purifie thy felfwith them, and be at charges with them , that they miy * Num.^->8- * (have their heads : and all may know that Chap.i8.ig. t^ofe things whereof they were informed con- cerning thee , ate nothing , but that thou thy felf alfo walkeft orderly, and keepefl the law. 2 ? As touching the Gentiles which beleeve, *we have written and concluded, that they ob- ferve no fuch thing , fave onely that they keep themfelves from things offered to idols, and from bloud, and from llrangled> and from for- nication. a6 Then P-aul took the men , and the next day purifying himfelf with them , entred into Mum ..$.1.3. the temple, * to fignifie the accomplifhnaent of the dives of purificition,untill that an offering ihould be offered for every oae of them* *Chap. 15 20, among the multitude : and when he could not know the certaintie for the tumult 3 he com- manded him to be carried into the caftle. 3J And when he came upon the ftairs- 1 foit was that he was born of the fouldiers, for the violence of the people. 3 6 For the multitude of the people followed after, crying, A way with him. 3 7 And as Paul was to be led into the caftle, he faid onto the chief captain, May I fpeak un- to thee? Who faid, Canft thou fpeak Greek * 38 * Art not thou that Egyptian which be- 'Chapij. fore thefe dayes madcft an uprore , and leddeft out into the wildernefle foure thoufand men that were murderers ? 39 But Paul faid , I am a man which am a Jew of Tarfus,a city in Cilicis, a citizen of no 4 mean city: and I befecch thee, fufFerrneto fpeak unto the people. 40 And when he had given him Iic"ence,Paul flood on the ftairs,and beckened with the hand unto the people : and when there was made a great filence,he fpake unto them in the Hebrew/ tongue, faying, CHAP. XXIT. i Paul declaretb at large, bovrhe was conven- ed to the faith, 17 and called to bit apoftk- fhip. a At the very mentioning of the G en- tiles , the people exclaim on him* 24 He Jhouldhave bctnfcoitrged , 2? but claiming thepriviledge of a Romano he efcapetb* MEn, brethren, and fatberSjhc.ire ye my de- fence, whicjilmafcenowuntoyou. 2 CAnd Fdul deCiaretn msconvertion. 3 * lam verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarfus a. cilie in Cilicia, yet brought up in this citie, at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous towards God, as ye all are this day. hapS3 4 *And I perfecuted this way unto the deathjbinding and delivering into prifons both men and women. 5 As alfo the high prieil doth bear me wit- neffe, and all the eftateof the elders: from whom alfo I received letters unto the bre. thren,and went to Damafcus, to bring them which were there, bound unco Jerufalem,for to be punilhed. 6 Anditcametopafle, that as I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damafcus about noon, fuddcnly there (hone from hea- ven a great light round about me. 7 And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice faying unto me, Saul, Saul, why perfe- cuteft tliou me? 8 And I anfwered,Who art thou Lord? And he faidunto me, I am Jefus of Nazareth whom thou perfecuteft. 9 And they that were with me,faw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that fpake to me. 10 And I faid, What (hall I do, Lord? And the Lordfaid unto me, Arife,and go into Da- mafcus, and there it fljall be toldthee of all things which are appointed for thee to db. 11 And when I could not fee for the glory of that light , being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damafcuj. a And one Ananias, a devout man accord- ing to the law , having a good report of all the Jews which dweh there t i j Came unto me, and ftood,and faid unto me, Brother Saul, receive thy fight. And the fame houre I looked up upon him. 14 Andhefaid,f he God of our fathers hath chofen thee, that thou (houldeft know his will, and fee that Juft one, and (houldeft heare the voice of his mouth. I y For thou (halt be his witnefle unto all men, of what thou haft feenand heard. 1 6 And now why tarrieft thou farife, and be baptized, and wafli away thy finnes, calling on the name of the Lord. 17 And it came to pafle, that when I was come again to Jcrufalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trancej 1 8 And faw him faying unto me,Make hafte, and get thee quickly out of Jerufalem: for they will not receive thy teftimony concerning me. 19 And I faid,Lord ,they know that I impri. foned, and beat in every fynagogue them that beleevedonthee. 20 * And when the bloud of thy martyr 1051 Stephen was (hed, I alfo was ftanding by, and * Chap. 7, confenting unto his death , and kept the rai- 5 8 ' ment of them that Hew him. 2 1 And he faid unto me, Depart: for I will fend thee farre hence unto the Gentiles. 22 And they gave him audience unto this word, and then life up their voices, and faid, Away with fuch a fellow from the earth: for it is not fit that'he (hould live. 23 And as they cried outandcaft off their clothes, and threw duft into the aire, 24 The chief captain commanded him to be brought into the caftle, and bade that he (hoald be examined by fcourging: that he might know/ wherefore they cried fo againft him. 2 y And as they bound him with thongs, Paul faid unto the centurion that flood by,Is it lawfull for you to fcourge a man that is a Ro- mane, and uncondemned? 2 6 When the centurion heard that, he went and told the chief captain, faying, Take heed what thou doft, for this man is a Rom an e. 27 Then the chief captain came, & faid unto him,Tell me,art thou a Romane? He faid,Yea. 28 And the chief captain anfwered, With a great fumme obtained I this frecdome. And Paul faid, But I was free born. 29 Then ftraightway they departed from him which {hould have (( examined him: and the chief captain alfo was afraid after he knew him, that he was a Romane , and becaufe he had bound him. 30 On the morrow, becaufe he would have known the certainty wherefore he was accufed of the Jews, he loofed him from his bands,and commanded the chief priefts and all their councel to appeare, and brought Paul down, andfethim before them. CHAP. XXIII. i As Paul pleadetb bis caufe^ , ^ uinaniat commandetb them to finite him. 7 Diffen/iort among his accufers. 1 1 God encourageth him, 14 The fevs laying wait for Taul 20 it declared unto the chief captain, 17 Ht ftod- etb him to Felix tbegovernour. ANd Panlcarneftly beholding the councel, faid, Men and brethren, I have lived in all good confcience before God, untill this day. 2 And the high prieft Ananias commanded them that flood by him, tofmite him on the mouth. 3 Then faid Paul unto him, God (hall finite thee,thou whited wall: for fitted thou to judge me after the hw, and commandeft me to be fmitten contrary to the law? 4 And they that flood by , faid , Reviled thou Gods high prieft/ 5 Then faid Paul,I wift not brethren,that he was the high prieft: For it is written, * Thou *BxoAat at (halt not fpeak evil of the ruler cf thy people. 28. Y y y i 6 But A rafh vow. The Atfs. rainsienttoFelixr 1051 *phil.J. s . * Chap. 14. * Match.* 2 fl Or, -Kith an oath of alteration. 6 But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadduces , and the other Pharifees, he cried out in the councel, Men and brethren, * I am a Pharifee, the fonne of a Pharifee : * of the hope and refurre&ion of the dead , I am called in queftion. 7 And when he had fo faidjthere arofe a dif- fenfion between the Pharifees and the Saddu- ces: and the multitude was divided. 1 8 * For the Sadduces fay that there is no re- furre&ion,neither angel nor fpiritjbut the Pha- rifees confeffe both. 9 And there arofe a great cry: and the Scribes that were of the Pharifees part arofe ,and {trove, faying, We finde no evil in this man: but if a fpirit or an angel hath fpoken to him,let us not fight againft God. 10 And when there arofe a great diflenfion, the chief captain fearing left Paul fhould have been pulled in pieces of them, commanded the fouldiers to go down, and to take him by force from among them, and to bring him into the aftle. 1 1 And the night following,the Lord Rood by him, and faid, Be of good cheer, Paul: for a thou haft teftified of me in Jerufalem, fo muft thou bear witneflealfo at Rome. i i And when it was day,certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themfelves || un- der a curfe, faying, that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. 1 1 And they were more then fourty Which kad made this confpiracy. 14 And they came to the chief prieftsand elders, and faid, We have bound our fclves un- der a great curfe, that we will eat nothing un- till we have flain Paul. i ? Now therefore ye with the councel, fi- gnifieto the chief captain, that he bring him down unto you to morrow, as though ye would enquire fomething more perfectly concerning him: and we, or ever he come neare, are ready to kill him. 16 And when Pauls fitters fonne heard of their lying in wait, he went and entred into the caftle, and told Paul. 1 7 Then Paul called one of the centurions unto him, and faid,Bring this young man unto the chief captain: for he hath a certain thing to tell him. 1 8 So he took him, and brought him to the chief captain, and faid, Paul the prifoner called me unto him , and prayed me to bring this yonn man unto thce, who hath fomething to fay unto thee. ip Thtn ihe chief captain took him by the hand, and went with him afide privately, and asked him, What is that thou haft to tell me? zo And he faid, The Jews have agreed to defire thee , that thouwouldeft bring down Paul to morrow into the councel, as though they would enquire fomewhat of him more perfectly. zi But do not thou yeeld unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them moe then fourty men,which have bound themfelves with an oath,that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him: and now are they ready, looking for a promife from thee. 11 So the chief captain then let the young man depart, and charged him, See thou teli no man, that thou haft {hewed thefe things to me. 13 And he called unto him two centurions, faying, Make ready two hundred fouldiers to go to Cefarca , and horfemen threefcore and ten, and fpearmcn two hundred , at the third houre of the night. 24 And provide them beafts, that they may fet Paul on, and bring him fafe unto Felix the governour. i j And he wrote a letter after this manner. 26 Claudius Lyfias, unto the moft excellenc governour Felix, fendeth greeting. 27 This man was taken of the Jews, and fhould have been killed of them: then came I with an armie , and refcued him, having tm- derftood that he was a Romane. 18 And when I would have known the caufe wherefore they accufed him , I brought him forth into their councel: 20 Whom I perceived to be accufed of que- ftions of their law, but to have nothing laid to his charge worthy of death or of bonds. 30 Arid when it was told me, how that th-e Jews laid wait for the man, I fent ftraightway to thee, and gave commandment to his accu- fers alfo , to fay before thee what they had againft him. Farewell. 3 1 Then the fouldiers,as it was commanded them, took Paul and brought him by night to Antipatris. 3 z On the morrow they left the horfemen to go with him, and returned to the caftle. 3 $ Who when they came to Ccfarea and de- livered the cpiftle to the governour, prefemed Paul alfo before him. 34 And when the governour had read the letter y he asked of what province he was. And when he underftood that he was of Cilicia: 3 f I will heare thee, faid he, when thine ac- cufers are alfo come. And he commanded hint to be kept in Herods judgement hall, CHAP. XXI 1 1 1. I Taul being accufed by Tertullus theorAtour^ 10 anfweretb for his life and doftrine. 24 He preacheth Chrift_ to the governour and bi& wife. z6 The governour hopeth for a bribe > but in vain. 17 At lap go'wgqut of hi* of- fice >he leavctb Paulinprifon. \ Nd after five dayes , Ananias the hirh xAprieft defcended with the elders, and with a certain oratour named Tertullus, who enformed Pauls anfwer for feiflifelF. enformed the govcrnour agair.ft Paul. Chap, xxv? He is seenfed before Fefius: *i Eiceptit be for this one voice, that I I0 o a And when he was called forth, Tertulius cried ftandmg among them, * Touching the* Chap aj f. began to accufe him, fayin b , beting that by relurre&ion of the dead,! am called in oucfli- thee we enjoy great quietntfk, and that very n by you this d ,iy. ^^ And when Felix heard thefe things, ha- ving more per/eft knowledge cf that way, he deferred them, and faid,When Lyfias the chief captaki fhall come down , I will know the ut- ter moft of your matter. ^ 3 And he commanded a centurion to keep ul, and to let him have libertic, and that he Paul wcithyucedssre done unto this nation by thy providence, j We accept it alwayes, & in all placeSjtnoft noble Felix, with all thankrulncfle. 4 Nomithftandingjthat 1 be not furthcrer. 14 But this I confeffc unto thee, that after the way which they call heretic, fowormip I the God of my fathers, bslecving all things which are written in the law and the prophets: i ? And have hope towards God,which they themfelves alfo allow, that there fhall be a re- furreftionofthedeadjbothofthejuft&unjuft. 16 And hereindo I exercife my feif to have ih ihcm. light from heaven , above the brightncfie of and being exceedingly road againft them, I pctfecured them even unto Orange cities. 1 1 * Whereupon as I went to Darr.afcus,with thefuone, (hining round abcutme^ and them which journeyed with me. 1 4 And when we were all fallen to the earth j I heard a voice fpeaking unto me, and faying in the Hebrew tongue^ Saul, Saul, why perfe- cuteft thou me ? It is hard for thee to kick a- gainft the pricks. i ? And I faid 3 Who art thou,Lord ? And he faid,I am Jefus whom thou perfecuteft. 1 6 But rife, and ftand upon thy feet, for I have appeared unto thec for this purpofe, to make thee a minifter and a wicmfie both of thefe things which thou haft feen, and of thofe things in the which I will appear unto thee And when they were gone afide, they talked beiween thcmfelvcs, laying, 1 his n an doeth nothing worthy of dc3th,oroi bonds. 3 1 1 hen faid Agtippa unto Ftftas, This man miaht have been fet at liberty, if he had not appealed unto Cefar. CHAP. XXVII. i T&ulJhippiKgto'OHird'tfome, 10 foretel/etb of the danger of the voysgt> i i but u not be- lee-ved. 14 They aretofiedtoandfro with tempeft, 41 and fu/er Jbipmack, ^^ 3 ^^ 44 yet all come fafe to land. ANd when it was determined that w flxwld fail into Italy, they delivered Paul and certain other prifoners, unto one named Julius, a centurion of Auguftns band. , z And entring into a Ihip of Adramyttium, we lanched,rneaning to fail by the coaftsof A- 17 Delivering thee from the people, and from theGentilcSjUoto whom now 1 fend thec, 1 8 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darknefte to light, and from the power of fia,onc Ariftarchus'a Macedonian, of Thefli- Syan unto God,that they may receive forgive, lonica, being with us. hefle of finncs, and inheritance among them which ?.rc fanfttfied by faith that is in me. 1 9 Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not difobedient unto the heavenly vifion : 2.0 Bat thewed firft unto them of DamaTcus, and at Jerufalem, and throughout all the coafts of Judea, and then ro the Gentiles, that they ihould repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. ^l For thefe caufes the Jews aught me in the templc,and went about to kill me. 21 Having therefore obtained help of GoJ, I continue unto this diy, witneffing both to fmall and great, Dying none other things then thofe which the prophets and Mofes did fay ihould come : 23 That Chrift fhould fuffer,and trm he fliould be the firft that fhould rife from the And the next day we touched at Sidon. And Julius courreoufly entreated Paul, and gav him liberty to go unto his friends to re- frefh himfelf. 4 And when we had lanched from thence, we failed under Cyprus, becaufe the windcs were contrary. 5 And when we had failed over the fca of Cilicia and Pjmphylia,tve came toMyra a city ofLycia. 6 And there the centurion found a fliip of Alexandria failing into Italic, and he put us therein. 7 And when we had failed flowly many dayes, and fcarcc were come over againft Cm- dus,the winde not fuftering us, we failed under H Crete,over againft Salmone : 8 And hardly pafllng it, came unto a place dead, and fhould ihew light unto the people , which is called, The fair havens, nigh where- and to the Gentiles. unto was the citie of Lafea. 24 And aj he thus fpake for himfelf, Feftus .9 Now when much time was fpent,& when faid with a loud voice, Paul thou art befide thy Failing was now dangerous,becaufe thcfaftwas felf,much learning doth make thee mad. now already paft,Paul admonifhed them, 10 And faid unto them, Sirs, I perceive that 2f Buthefaid, I am not mad, moft noble Fettus j but fpeak forth the words of truth and fobernefie. 26 For the king knoweth'of thtfe things^be- fore whom alfo I fpeak freely: forl am perfwa- dfd ttvunone of thefe things are hidden from him : for this thing was not done in a corner. ^7 King Agrippa, beleevtft thou the pro- phets ? I know that thou beleeveft. 28 Then Agrippa faid unto Paul, Almoft thou perfwadelt me to be a Chriftian. 29 And Paul faidj would to God, that not oncly thou, but alfo all that hearc me this dav, this voyage will be with j| hurt and much da- lQr m3ge.,not onely of the lading and (hip, but alfo of our lives. 1 1 Neverthelefle, the centurion beleeved the mafter and the owner of.the (hip,more then thofe things which were fpoken by Paul. 11 And becaufe the haven was notcommo-. dious to winter in, the more part advifed to de- part thence Mo, if by any means thty rright attain to Plunice, and there to winter j which is an haven of Crete , and lieth toward the fouth-weft,and noi th-weft. Yyy 4 13 And jj Orjttt. Pauls dangerous The Ads. voyage to Rome. 1056 13 And when the fouth-winde blew foftiy, Paul befought them all to uke meat, faying, fupj-ofing that they had obtained their purpofe, This day is the fourteenth day that ye have Ioofing thence they failed clofe by Crete. tarried, and continued fafting, having taken 14 But notion^ after there || arofe again!} it nothing. atempeftuouswmde,cilled Euroclydon. 34 Wherefore I pray you to take fome mear, for this is for your health : for there (hall not an hair fall from the head of any of you. 3 5 And when he had thus fpoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in prefence of them all, and when he had broken it, he began to eat. l6 Then were they all of good cheer, and they alfo took fome meat. 3 7 And we were in all in the fliip, two hun. dred threefcore and fixteen fouls. ?8 And when they had eaten enough, they lightened the (hip, and caft out the wheat into the fea. 39 And when it was day ,we let her drive. 16 And running under a certain i(l>ad which is called Cuuda, we had much work to come by the boat : 1 7 Which when they had taken up, they ufed helps, undergirding the (hip j and fearing left they fliould fall into the quickfands, ftrake fail,and fo were driven. 1 8 And being exceedingly tofled with a tempeft^the next day they lightened the {hipj 19 And the third day we caft outwithour own hands the tackling of the {hip. 20 And when neither funne, norftarres in many dayes appeared, and no fmall tempcft lay onus, all hope that we (houldbe favedj was then taken a way. 2 1 But after long abftinence, Paul ftood forth in the midftof them, and faid, Sirs,yc fliould hive hearkened unto me, and not have loofed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and lofle. 21 And now lexhott you to be of good cheer : for there {hall be no lofle of any mans life among you,but of the (hip. 2 3 For there ftood by me this night the an- gel of God whofe I am,and whom Iferve, 24 Saying, Fear not Paul, thou muft be brought before Cefarj and lo, God luth given prifoaers, left any of them fliould fwim out, thee all them that fail with thee. and efcape. But the centurion, willing to fare Paul, 2? Wherefore firs, be of good cheer: for I beleeve God, that it {hall be even as it was told me. 26 Howbeit we muft be caft upon a certain ifland. 27 But when the fourteenth night was come,as we were driven up and down in Adrta about midnight, the ihipmen deemed that they d*ew neare to fome countrey : 28 And founded, and found it twenty fa- thoms:and when they had gone a little further, they founded again, and found it fifteen fa- thoms. 29 Then fearing left we {hould "have fallen aponroch, they caft foure anchors out of the fiern^and wifhed for the day. 30 And as the ftiipmenwere about to flee out of the (Lip, when they had let down the boat into the fea, under colour as though they would have caft anchors out of the forefhip, . 3 1 Paul faid to the centurion, and to the fouldiers, Exceptthefe abide in the {hip,ye can. not be fived. 3 2 Then the fouldiers cut off the ropes of tbet>o.u,and let her fall off. 3$ And while the day was coaling on, kepc them from their purpofe,and commanded that they which could fwim, (hould caft them* felves firft into the fea, and get to land : 44 And the reft, fome on boards, and fome on broken pieces of the (hip: And fo it dmc to pafle that they efcaped all fafe to land. CHAP. XXVIII. i Paul after bl& fbipw/raclt is tyndly enter" tained of the barbarians. $ The viper on hi* hand hurteth him not. 8 He healeth many difeafesin the ifland.i i They dty&n towards Rome. 17 HedecUreth to the f civs the caufe of bit coming. 24 After bit preaching fame wre pcrfrwded , and fome belcevcd not. 3 o Tet he preacheth there twayeares. ANd when they were efcaped, then they knew that the ifhnd was called Mtlita. 2 And thebaibarous people {hewed us no little kindnefle: for they kindled a fire and re- ceived us every one becaufe of the pcefentrain 5 and becaufc of the cold. 3 And when Paul had gathered a bundle of flicks, and laid them oo"the fire, there came a viper out of ths heat, and foftfned on his hand. The viper on Pauls hand. Chap. 4 And when the barbarians faw the vene- mous beait hang on his hand, they faid among themfelves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom though he hath efcaped the fea,yct ven- geance fuffereth not to live. 5 And he (hook off the beaft into the fire, and felt no harm. 6 Howbeit they looked when he mould have fwollen,or fallen down dead fuddenly : but af- ter they had looked a great while, and faw no harm come to him, they changed their mindes, and faid that he was a God. 7 In the fam quarters were pofleffions of the chief man of theifland, whofe name was Fublius, who received us and lodged us three dayes courteoufly. 8 And it came to pafle that the father of Publius lay fick of a fever,and of a bloudy flit, to whom Paul encred in, and prayed, and laid his hand* on him, and healed him. 9 So when this was done, others alfo which hid difealcs in the ifland , came., and were healed : 10 Who alfo honoured us with many ho- nours, and when we departed, they laded us with luch things as were neceffary. 1 1 And after three moneths we departed in a fliip of A!exandria,\hich had wintered in the iflc,whofe figne was Cattor and Pollux. i a And landing at Syracufe,we tarried there three dayes. i j Arid from thence we fet a compaQe , and tame to Rhegium,and after one day the fouth- vrindeblew, and we came the next day to Pu- teoli : 14 Where we found brethren, and were de- fired to tarry with them fevcn dayes : and fo we went toward Rome. if And from thence, when the brethren heard of us, they came to meet us as farre as Appii-forum, and the Three taverns : whom when Paul faw.he thanked God, and took cou- i6 And when we came to Rome,the centu- rion delivered the prifoncrs to the captain of the^uard : but Paul was fuffered to dwell by bimlfelfjWith a fouldierthat kept him. 17 And it came to pafle, that after three dayes, Paul called the chief of the Jews toge- ther. And when they were come together, he faid unto them, Men and brethren, though I far? committed nothing againft the people or luftomcs of our fathers,?" was I delivered pti- xxviii. Some beleeveat his preaching. foner from Jcrufalem into the hands of the Ro- i o $7 manes. 1 8 Who when they had examined me,would have let me go, becaufe there was no caufc of death in me. 1 o But when the Jews fpake againft it,I was contained to appeal unto Cefar, not that I had ought to accufe my nation of. 10 For this caufe therefore have I called for you, to fee you, and to fpeak with you : becaufe that for the hope of ifrael I am bound with this chain. . zi And they faid unto him, We neither re- ceived letters out of Judea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came, (hewed or fpake any harm of thec. ^ i But we defire to hcare of thee what thou thinkeft : for as concerning this fed, we know that every where it is fpoken againft. i g And when they had appointed him a day, . there came many to him into his lodging, to whom he expounded and teltified the king- dome of God, perfwjding them concerning Jefus, both out of the law of Mofes,and out of the prophetSjfrorn morning till evening. 24 And fome beleeved the things which were fpoken,and fome beleeved not. 2 ? And when they agreed not among them, felves, they deputed, after that Paul had fpo- ken one word, Well fpake the holyGhoitby Efaias the prophet, unto our fathers, z6 Saying, * Go unto this people, and fay, 'ifa.rf.p. Hearing ye (hall heare, and rfull not under- Matr.ij.i4. ftand j and feeing ye (hall fee, and not perceive. Mark 4-1 2. ,-. C/M. t-Vio kaifi- r\f -Vi; nann}o ic .raj ~ U ' e IO * 17 For the heart of this people is waxed John i a. 40. grofle, and their cares are dull of hearing, and tf.oai.ii. 8. their eyes have they clofedj left they fliould fee their eyes 3 and heare with their earcj, and with undeift ind with their heart,and foould be con- verted,ind I (hould heal them. 18 Be it known therefore unto you,that the falvation of God is fent unto the Gentiles,and that they will heare it. *9 And when he had faid thefe words, the Jews departed, and had great rcafoning among themftlve.s. 30 And Paul dwelt two whole ycares in his own hired houfe, and received all that came in onto him, 5 1 Prcschin^ the kingdome of God, and reaching t,hofe things which concern the Lord JtfusChriftj with all confidence, no man foe- bidding him. THE ioj $^>&$^$^ unmercifull} 3 1 Who knowing the judgement of God, Or circumciuon. ( that they which commit fuch things are wor- Or, etnfent thy of death) not onely do the fame, but j| have plcafurein them that do them. CHAP. II. i They that fane, though they condemn it In others cannot excitfe themfel-ves , 6 and much Itffe tfcape the judgement of God , 9 whether they befews or Gentiles. 14 The Gentiles cannot efcape, 1 7 nor yet the few f, 2? whom their circumcifonjbaJl not profitjf they fee? not the law, THercfore thou art ii whofoever thou art that judgeft: forwhere- Lercfore thou art inexeufable , O man, - in thou judgeft another, thou condemneft thy ferfcfor thou that judgcit,doeft the fame things. 2 But we are fur c that the judgement of God is according to tiutlj. agamlt them which com- mit fuch*things. 3 And thmkeft thou this 3 O man,that judgeft them which do fuch things,and doeft the fame, that thou fhaltcfcape the judgement of G od ? 4 Or defpifeft thou the riches ofhisgpod- nefle, and forbearance, and long-fuftering, not knowing that the goodneflc of God leadeth thee to repentance i ? But after thy hardnefle and impenitent * James 5:3. heart,*rrafureft up unto thy felf wrath againft the day of wrath, and revelation of the righte- ous judgement of God : . 6 * Who will render to every man according . to his deeds : . 7 To them, who bypatientcontinuancein well- doing, feck for glory, and honour a and immortalitiej eternall life : 8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteouf- nefiej indignation, and wrath ; 9 Tribulation and anguifh upon every foul of man thatdoeth evil, of the Jew firft,and alfo . of the i Gentile. 10 But glory, honour,, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew firft, and alfo to the ] Gentile. 11 For thereisnorefpe&of perfons with God. 1 1 For as many as have finned without law, (hall alfo perilh without bw: and as many as have finned in the law a (hall be judged by the law, ^3 ( For not the bearers of the law are juft before God, but the doers of the law (hall be juftified. 14 For when the Gentiles which have not the law, do bv nature the thin-s contained in thelaw,thefe having not chclavv,aie alawun* to themfelfes: J ^ Which fticv the work of the lavr written in the u hurts, fl.OKirconfaence alfo bearing t Gr fr Gr. their thoughts J| the mean while 1059 accufing , or elfe excufing one another ) ||Or, 6f 16 In the day when God (hall judge the fe- **/ crets of men by Jefus Chrift. according to my gofpel. 1 7 Behold,thou art called a Jew, and refteft in the law, and makeft thy boaft of God : i 8 And knoweft hit will,and (fapproveft the ^ O r, ttitf things that are more excellent, being inftruft- the thing* ed ouc of the law, thM &$" ip And art confident that thou thy felf art a guide of the blinde, a li^ht of them which are in darknefle, 10 An intruder of the foolifli, a teacher of babes, which haft the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law. 1 1 Thou therefore which teacheft another, teacheft thou not thy felf? thou that preacheft a man fhould not fteal, doft thou ftcai t 2 Thou that fayeit a man fliould not com- mit adultery, dott thou commit adultery? thou that abhorreft idols, doft thou commit facri- ledge? *3 Thou that makeft thy boaft of the law> through breaking the law dif honour dt thou God? 24 For the name of God is blafphemed among the Gentiles, through you, as it is * written. Ifa.52. 5 j zf For circumcifion verily profitcth,if thou Eze ^* Jtf " keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the l law, thy circumcifion is made uncircurncifion. ^6 Therefore, if the uncircurncifion keep the rigbteoufneflc of the law, (hall not his un- circumcifion be counted for circumcifion ? 27 And (hall not uncitcumcifion which is by nature, if it fulfill the law, judge thce, who by the letter and circumcifion doft tranfgreiTe the law ? 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one out- wardly, neither is that circumcifion, which is outward in the fle(h. 29 But he is a Jew, Which isone inwardly, and circumcifion is that of the heart, in the fpi- rir, and not in the letter, whofeptaifeisnotof men but of God. CHAP. III. i The Jews prerogative: j which they have- not loft. 9 Howbeit,tbe law convinceth them alfo offtnne. 20 Therefore noflejh U juftifiefl by the law, 28 but all without difference^, by faith onely: 31 and yet the Uw it not abotifbed. Hat advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcifion? 2 Much every wjy:chicfly,becaufe that uoto them were committed the or ules of God. 3 For what iffomc did not beleeve ? (hall their unbelief make the faith of God without eftcd ? \ 4 God forbid: y ei, lee God be true, but eve- ' w; All are tinners. Romanes. Juitincation by faith. 1060 ry man a liar, as it is mitten, * That thou By what law? of WOrktfNay: but by the law of frPf jff, good, 1 6 at I acknowledge who am grieved becauje I cannot faf it. r Now ye not,brethren ( for I fpeak to them IVthatknow the law ) how that the law hath dominion over a man, as long as he liveth? ^ For the woman which hath an hnsband,is bound by the law to her husband fo long as he liveth: but if the husband be dead,(he is loofed from the law of her husband. 3 So thenif while her husband liveth, (he be married to another man, (he (hall be called^ an adulterefle : but if her husband be dead, fhe is free from that law; fo that (he is no adulte- refle, though (he be married to another man. 4 Wherefore my brethren,ye alfo are become dead to the law by the body of Chrift , that ye (hould be married to anothen even to him who is raifcd from the dead , that we (hould bring forth fruit unto God. f For when we were in the fle(h,the f moti- ons of finnes which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. 6 But now we arc delivered from the law, H that being dead wherein we were held, that j O r,6wi we (hould ferve in newnefle of fpirit, and not dead to thi % in the oldnefleof the letter; 7 What (hall we fay then? is the law finne? God forbid. Nay, I had not known finne, but by the law: for I bad not known j| luft , except || Or,**, the law had faid, Thou (halt not covet. fifanee. 6 But finne taking occafion by the command* ment, wrought in me all manner of concupi- fcence. For without the law finne was dead. 9 For I was alive without the law once, but when the commandment came, finne revived, and I died. 10 And the commandment which was ar- dained to life,I found to.be unto death. I 1 For finne taking occafion by the com- mandment, deceived me, and by it flew me. 1 i Wherefore the law is holy, and the com- mandment holy, and juft, and good. 13 Was then that which is good,made death unto me? God forbid. But finne that it might appeare finne , working death in me by that which is good : that finne by the command- ment might become exceeding finfull. 14 For we know that the law is fpirituall: but I am carrullj fold under finne. i j For that which I do, I f allow not; for | Q fi i ne ^. what I would, that do I not j but what I hate, that do I. 1 6 If then I do that which I would not, I content unto the law, that it is good. 17 Now 1 1 Now then,it is no more I that do it: but finne that dwelleth in me. 1 8 For I know , that in me ( that is, in my flcfh) dwelleth no good thing : for to will is prefent with me,but how to perform that which is good, I finde not. 19 For the good that I would, I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. ao Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it,but finne that dwelleth in me. ill finde then a law,that when I would do good, evil is prefent with me. zz For I delight in the law of Godjafter the inward man. zj But I fee another lawin my members, warring againft the law of my minde , and bringing me into captivitie to the law of finne, -which is in my members. Z4 O Wretched man that I am,who (hall de- a oiv hu bod] liver me from |( the body of this death .' tfdetth, zf I thank God, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. So then, with the minde I my felf ferve the law ofGod: but with the flefh,thc law of fin. CHAP. VIII. i They that are in Chrifi , and live according to. the Spirit j are free from condemnation. 5,1 3 what barm cometh oftheftejh^^iand what good of the Spirit, 1 7 and what of being Godschilde, igwhofe gloriou* deliverance til things long for 3 i$WM beforehand decreed from God.iSwhat can fever tufrombU love? ^PHere is therefore now no condemnation to ' * them which are in Chrifl Jefus, who walk not after the flefh, but after the Spirit. a For the law of the Spirit cf lifc,in Chrift Jefus, hath made me free from the law of finne and death. 3 For what the law could not do , in that it was weak through the flefh , God fending his own Sonne,in the likenefle of finfull flefh,and U Or> i,y d y^. || for finne condemned finne in the flefh : trifle fir ' 4 That the righteoufnefle of the law might f*, be fulfilled in us , who walk not after the flelh, but after the Spirit. 5 For they that are after the flcfli > do minde the things of the flefh : but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirir. f Gr. the 6 Forf to be carnally minded, is death : but minding / j t o be fpiritually minded,is life arid peace : f G A* 7 Becaufe t the catnall minde is enmitie minding of againft God : for it is not fubject to the law of iheSpirir. God, neither indeed can be. t Gr. the 8 So then they that are in the flefh ,. cannot >f 9 But ye are not in the flefh, but in the Spi- rit, if fo be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Chrill, he is none of his. 10 And if Chrift be in you, the body is dead becaufe of finne : but the Spirit is life, becaufe of righteoufnefle. 1 1 But if the Spirit of him tlm rajfeU up Jefus from the dead, dwell in you : he that raifed up ic Chrift from the dead , ft nil alfo quicken your mortall bodies, (j by his Spirit that dwelleth in y Or, you. fbit Spiri'r. i z Therefore brethren, we are debtcrs, not to the flefh, to live after the flefh. 1 3 For if ye live after the flefti, ye (hall die : but if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds ofthebody,yefhaU live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sonnes of God. i ? For ye have not received the fpirit of bon- dage again to fear: but ye have received the Spi- rit of adoption, whereby we crie, Abba,Father. 16 The Spirit it felf beareth witnefle with our fpirit, that we are the children of God. 17 And if children,then heirs,heirs of God, & joynt heirs with Chrift:if fo be that we fuflfetr with 6/V,that we may be alfo glorified together 1 8 For I reckon , that the fufierings of this prefent time , are not worthie to be compared with the glorie which fhall be revealed in us. 19 For theearneft expectation of the crea- ture waiteth for the manifeftation of the fonncf of God. 20 For the creature was made fubjed to va- nitie , not willingly, but by reafon of him who hath fubjecled the fame in hope : zi Becaufe the creature it felf alfo (hall be delivered from the bondage of corruption,into the glorious libertie of the children of God. a i For we know that[jche whole creation gro- 8 r > wy neth,and travaileth in pain together untill now. crf Z3 And not onelyffoey, but our felves alfo y Which have the firfl-fruits of the Spirit,even we our felves grone within our felvcs, waiting for the adoption, to wit t the * redemption of cur * LuSe t body. J 8. *4 For we are faved by hope : but hope that is feen, is not hope : for what a manfcethjWhy doth he yet hope for? zf But if we hope for that we fee not, then do we with patience wait for ir. ^6 Likewife the Spirit alfo helpethaur infir- mities : for we know not what we fhould pray for as we ought : but the Spirit it felf maketh intercefllon for us with gronings which cannot be uttered. z? And he that fearcheth the hearts, kmow- eth what is the minde of the Spirit , || becaufe |j Or> rfotf, he maketh intercefllon for the faints according to the will of God. z8 And we know that all things work toge- ther for good, to them that love God, to them who arc the called according to bis purpofe. 19 For whom he did foreknow, he alfo did predeftinate to be conformed to the image of hisSonne, that he might be the fiift-boin a- mong many brethren. 30 Moreover, whom he did predeftinate,. them he alfo called: and who.n he called-,, rheini 1064 them he alfo juftified : and whom he juftified, 10 And not onely this, but when Rebecca alfo them he alfo glorified. had conceived by one, even by our father Ifaac, 31 What (hall we then fay to thefe things? 1 1 (For the children being not yet born,nei- Jf God be for as, who can be againft us? ther having done any good or evil,that the pur- 3 2 He that fpared not his own Sonne , but pofe of God according to eleftion might ftand, delivered him up for us all : how (hall he not not of works, but of him that calleth) with him alfo freely give us all things ? 12 It was faid unto her , The * JJ elder (hall "Gen. 25.2?. 3 3 Who (hall lay any thing to the charge of ferve the jf younger. HOr,rm. Gods cleft ? It is God that juftifieth; 13 As it is written , * Jacob have I loved, J r but Efau have I hated. . 14 What (hill we fay then? is there unrieh- teoufneffe-with God ? God forbid. For he faith to Mofes,* I will have mer- * Exod.j j. 34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Chrift that died, yea rather that is rifen again, who is even at the right hand of God,vrho alfo maketh interceffion for us. 35 Who (hall feparate us from the love of cy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have Chrift? Jfc*//tribulation,or diftrefle,or perfecu- compaflion on whom I will have compaflion. tion,or famine,or nakednefl'e,or penl,orfword? 1 6 So then it is not of him that willeth,nor . 36 (As it is written, * For thy fake we are of him that runneth, but of God that (heweth killed all the day long , we are accounted as mercy, {heep for the flaughter ) 17 For the fcripture faith unto Pharaoh, 3 7 Nay in all thefe things we are more then * Even for this fame purpofe have I nifed thee *Exod.p.i*. conquerers, through him that loved us. up , that I might (hew my power in thee, and 3 8 For I am perfwaded , that neither death, that my name might be declared throughout *"- ------- --=--= -'-- alltheearth. 1 8 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will hive mercy, and whom he will, he hardeneth. 1 9 Thou wilt fay then unto me,Why doth he caufe why fo few Jews embraced the rigbte- oufneffe of faith. ISay the truth in Chrift, I lie not, my confci- ence alfo bearing me witnes in the holyGhoft 2 That 1 have great heavineflc and continu- all forrow in my heart. BOr, fit,notby it But they have not all obeyed thegofpd faith^utasitwerebythe works of the law: for For Efaias faith, *Lord, who hath beleeVed * Ifa " "'' they (tumbled at that {tumbling ftone, f our fj report ? J 04 " 1 "-3*- 3 j As ic is written, * Behold, I lay in Sion 1 7 So then, faith cometb by hearing and 1%'.? aftumblmg ftone, and rock of offence : and hearing by the word of God S> ior'i"* whofoever beleeveth on him,(hall not be || a- 18 But I fay, Havcthey not heard? Yes ve ''"? r H A t> v rily,* their found went into all the earth, and " Plkl ' I>< *L r V_ HAP x - their words unto the ends of the world. ' 1 The fcripturcjbewetb the difference betwixt 19 But I fay, Did not Ifrael know ? Firft tbenghteoufneffeoftbelav&thiioffaitb, Mofes faith,* 1 will provoke you te jealoufie' *' i 1 and that all,both fev and Gentile, that by them rhat are no people, 'and by a foolifc beleeve,Jballnotbeconfounded,i8andthat nation I will anoer you. the Gentiles Jballrccewctbeword, and be- 20 ButEfaias is very bold, and faith * I teeye. i 9 Ifrael wot nottrnorant of thefe was found of them that fought me not: I was thin &' . made manifeft unto them that asked not ftundtd. T, ? , , _ maae rr BRethren my hearts defire and prayer to God after me for Ifrael is, that they might be faved. But to Ifrael he faith, * All da *Ifa.*5-i,: _ For they being ignorant of Gods righte- oufnefle, and going about to eftabliih their own righteoufnefle, have not fubmitted them- felves unto the righteoufnefle of God. 4 For Chrift is the end of the law for righ- teoufnefle to every one that beleeveth. 5 For Mofes defqribeth the righteoufnefle *Levit. 1 8.5. which is of the law,thac * the man which doth 1 " thofe things, (hall live by them. 6 But the righceoufaeffe which is of faith, fpeaketh on this wife, * Say not in thine heart, Who (hall afccnd into heaven? (that is to bring Chrift down from above ) 7 Or who (ball defcend into the deep? (that is to bring up Chrift again from the dead; word is nigh I CHAP. XL : God bath not cafl off All Ifrael. 7 Some were defied though the reft were hardened. 16 There is hope of their convey/ion. itTbc Gentiles may not infclt upon them. \6 For there is apromife of their falvation. 3 Gods judgements are unfeanhable. *Say then, Hath God caft away his people? God forbid. For I alfo am an Ifraelite of tha *Dcur.5o.x4 . 8 But what fcith it ? '* he foreknew. Wot ye not what the fcripture faith of Elias? how he maketh interceffion to Godagainft Ifrael, faying, is the word of faith which we preach, j 9 That if thou (hilt confefle with thy mouth the Lord Jefuj, and (halt beleeve in t,thatGod hath raifed him from the thtehearanbclvet h unto > -Kings if. J they feek my life. 4 But what faith the anfwer of God unto fand men,who have not bowed the knee to tie if'*** 1 '*' image of Baal. 5 Even fo then at this prefent time alfo there ,o J: , ^ Joel a. *Ifa.**.i*. 1 1 For the fcripture faith,* Whofoever be- leeveth on him, (hall not be aQiamed. i a For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek:for the fame Lord over all. is rich unto all that call upon him. I } * For whofoever (hall call upon the name of the Lord, (hall be faved: 14 How then (hall they call on him in Whom they have not beleeved? and how fli ill they beleeve in him of whom they have not heard ? and how (hail they heare without a preacher? 6 And if by grace, then is it no more of yvorks: otheiwife grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace, other- wife work is no more work. 7 What then? Ifrael hath not obtained that Which he fcekethfor,butthe eleAion hath ob- tained it, and the reft were || blinded : 8 According as it is written, * God hath gi- ven them the fpi '--'"" ' - (hould not fee, heare unto this day. 9 And DaTid frith,* Let their table be *pf a j.^ ai . ^ Z z z; made The true, ana wilde olive. rvoraanes. VJOQS judgements uniearcnableT 1066 made a fnare, and a trap, and a (tumbling 27 For this is my covenant unto them,whn block, and a recompenfe UIKO them. I (hall take away their fmnej. fal.6?.23> I0 * Let their eyes be darkened, that they 18 As concerning the gofpel, they are cne- may not fee,and bowe down their back al way. mies for your fake: but as touching the electi- 11 I fay then, Have they (tumbled that they on, they are beloved for the fathers fakes, fhouldfall? God forbid: but rather through 29 For the gifts and calling of God are their fall (alvationw come unto the Gentiles, without repentance. . for to provoke them to jealoufie. 3 For as ye in times part have not||beleeved Or> c *'J frf 1 2 Now if the fall of them be the riches of God, yet have now obtained mercie through the world, and the || dimimfliing of them the their unbelief: 3 1 Even fo have thefe alfo now not [jbelee- |Or, ved, that through your mercie they alfo may obtain mercie. 32 For God hath || concluded them all in Up riches of the Gentiles : how much more their fuIneOe ? 13 For I fpeak to you Gentiles, in as much as I am the apoftle of the Gentiles, I magnifie mine office: unbelief, that he might have mercie upon all. 14 If by any means I may provoke to emu- 33 O the depth of the riches both of the "ivc wifdome and knowledge of God I how un- lation,them which are my fle Uur,;r them partakeft o f t j, e root an( i f atnc fle o f the olive- 3 No man muft think too wetlofhimfelff but knowledge of fearchable are his judgements, and his wayes paft finding out ! 34 *For who hath known the mindeof the *lfa.4o.i j, Lord, or who hath been his counfeller ? 3 ? Or who hath firft given to him, and it (hall be recompenfed unto him again ? 36 For of him,and through him,and to him are all things:to whom be glory for ever. Amen C H A P. XII. tree: 1 8 Boaftnot againft the branches: but if thou boaft, thou beareflnot the root, but the root thee. 19 Thou wilt fay then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. 20 Weil: becaufe of unbelief they were bro- ken off, and thou ftandeft by faith.Be not high minded, but fear. 21 For if God fpared not the naturall branches, tal{e heed left he alfo fpare not thee. 21 Behold therefore the goodncfle, and fe- veritie of God : on them which fell, feveririej but towards thee, goodnefle, if thou continue inhisgoodneife: otherwife thou aliolhaic be cut off. 23 And they alfo, if they bide not ftill in unbelief, (hall be grafted in: for God is able to graff them in again. 24 For if thou weit cutout of the olive- tree which is wilde by nature, and wen graf- fed contrarie to nature into a good olive- tree : how much more (hall thefe which be the natu- rall branches, be graffcd into their own olive- tree ? 2 5 For I would not,brethren, that ye (hould be ignorant of this my fterie (left ye (hould be Hif **<&. wife in your own conceits) that (j blindneflc in attend every one on that catting, wherein he ifplaced. 9 Love, andTmany other duties are required of ttt. 19 T(eve nge is facially for- bidden. T Befeech you therefore,brethren, by the mer- JLcies of God, that ye prefent your bodies a li- ving facrifice, holy,acceptable unto God t tyhich is your resfonable fervice. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minde, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God. 3 For I fay, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himfelf more highly then he ought tothink, but to think f foberly according as God hath dealt to every man the meafure of . faith. 4 For as we have many members in one bodie, and all members have not the fame office: 5 So we being many are one bodie in Chrift, and every one members one of another. 6 Having then gifts, differing according to the grace that is given to us,whether prophefie, let us prophefie according to the proportion of faith. 7 Or minifterie, let us wait on our mini- part is happened to Ifrael, untill the fulneffeof firing: or he that teacheth, on teaching : the Gentiles be come in. 8 Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he 26 And fo all.Ifrael (hall be faved, as it is "Ifa,5?.2o. written,* There toll come out of Sion the de- liverer, and ftall turn away un^odlinefle from Jacob* that || giveth, let him do it (j with fimplicitie : (JO he that rulech, with diligence: he that (heweth tth. mercie, with cheerfulneflc. [|Or,Wr//;r 9 Let Exhortations to feverall duties. Chap. xiii. xliii. Love is the fulfilling of the law. 9 Let love be without diffimulation : ab- to whom tribute # due, cuftometowhomcu- 1067 ltit tf tht c'tthrcn. mean things *ProT.aj. ai. horre that which is evil, cleave to that which is good. i Be kindly affedioned one to another, |[ with brotherly love , in honour preferring one another. 1 1 Not fiothfull in bufinefle : fervent in fpiritjfervingthe Lord. 12 Rejoycing in hope, patient intribulati on, continuing inftant in prayer. 1 3 Diftributing to the nccjflitie of faints, given to hofpitalicie. 14 Blefle them which perfecute you,blefie and curfe not. if Rejoyce with them that do rejoyce, and weep with them that weep. \6 Be of the fame mindcone towards ano- ther.Minde not high things, but (j condefcend to men o j eftate. Be not wife in your own conceits. 17 Recompenfe to no man evil forevil.Pro- vide things honeil in the fight of all men. 1 8 If it be poffible, as much as lieth-in you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Dearly beloved,avenge not your felves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is writ- ten > * Vengeance is mine, I will repay, faith the Lord. 20 * Therefore if thine enemy hunger,feed him: if he thirft, give him drink: for in fo do- ing thou (halt heap coals of fire on his head. 21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. CHAP. XIII. i Subjeflion, and many other duties n* owe to the magiftrates. 8 Love is the fulfilling of the la.lv. ii Gluttony anddrun^ennejjc,and the worfo of dart^neffe t arc out offeafon in thetimeoftbegofyel. ftome, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour. 8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another, bath ful- filled the law. _;,;c 9 For this, Thou [(halt not commit ad'lte- ry, Thou (halt not kill , Thou (halt not fteal, Thou (halt not bear falfe witnefle, Thou (hale not covet: and if there be any other com- mandment, it is brieiy comprehended in this faying, namely, Thou (halt love thy neighbour as thy felf. 10 Loveworketh no ill to his neighbour, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. 1 1 And thatjknowing the time,that now it is high time to awake out of fleep: for now is our falvation nearer then when we belecved. 1 2 The night is farre fpent, the day is at hand: let us therefore call offthe works of darknefle,and let us put on the armour of light 13 Let us walk (j honeftly as in the day, not || Or, in rioting &drnnkcnnefle > not in chambering " r/ J and wantonneffe, not in itrife and envying. 14 But put ye on the Lord JefusChrrft, and make not provifion for the flcfh, to fulfill the lufts* hereof. CHAP. XIIII. 3 Men may not contemne nor condemns one the other for things indifferent: 13 but taltf heed that they give no offence in themn $ For that the apoftlep rwetb untovfull by many vcafons. Him that is weak in the faith receive you, but 1| not to doubtfull difputations. L 2 For one beleeveth that he may eat thiogs.-another who is weak,eateth herbs. 3 Let not him that eateth, defpife him that eateth not: and let not him which eateth not, Et every foul be fubjefi unto the higher judge him that eateth. For God hath received powers. For there is no power but of God: him. 4 Who art thou that judgeft another mans fcrvant? to his own matter he flandeth or fal- \\Ot net t J - his flOr, tTdtiei- the powers that be, are j| ordained of God ^ Whofoever therefore refifteth the power, refifteththe ordinance of God: and they that refiftjfhall receive to themfelves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terrour to good works, but to the evil: wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that v^ich is good, and thou (halt have praife of the fame. 4 For he is the miniiter ofGodtotheefor good:but if thou do that which is evil,be afraid} for he beareth not the (word in vain: for he is the minifter of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil. 5 Wherefore ye muft needs be fubjecl, not onely for wrath, but alfo for confcience fake. 6 For,for this caufe pay you tribute alfo:for they are Gods minifterSjattending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due;,tributc leth. Yea, he (hall beholden up: for God is able to make him (land. 5 One man efteemeth one day aborc another: another efteemeth every day abltf. Let every man be H fully perfwadcd in his own j| O minde. afure. 6 Hethat[|regardeth the day, regardethit j ( or, unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the fenttb. day,to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord , for he giveth God thanks j and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth nor, and giveth God thanks. 7 Fornoneofusliveth tohimfelf, andn mandiethtohimfelf. 8 For whether we iive,we live unto the Lord: & whethr r we die,we die unto the Lord: whe- ther we live therefore or dic,wc arc the Lords. " Z 2 z For Meats are inditterertt. Romanes. Brotherly love; ic68 9 For to this end Chrift both died, and rofe, time, Were Written for our learning, that we and revived,that he might be Lord both of the through patience and comfort of the fcnptures dead and living 10 But why doeftthou judge thy brother? orwhydoeftthoufet at nought thy brother? *a.Cor.5.io * we (hall all ftand before the judgement-feat of Chrift. * Jfa.45.3j n p or i t i s written, * As I live faith the Lord, every knee (ball bowe to me/ and every tongue (lull confefle to God. ir So then every one of us (hall give account of himfelftoGod: 13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more : but judge this rather, that no man put a ftumbling block, or an ocalion to rail in his brothers way. iGtctmmen. 1 4 I know, and am perfwaded by the Lord might have hope. 5 * Now the God of patience and confola- * tion, grant you to be like minded one towards another, || according to Chrift Jef Cor.Mo* r, after tkm 6 That ye may'with one minde and one ***/* /, i mouth glori fie God, even the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift. 7 Wherefore receive ye one another , as Chritt alfo received us,to the glory of God. 8 Now I fay that Jefus Chrift was a mini- fter of the circumcifion for the truth of God,to confirm the promifes made unto the fathers : 9 And that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his mercy, as it is written, * For this caufe I will confefle to thee among the Gentiles, and Jefus,that there is nothing f unclean of it felf : fing unto thy name. but to him that efteemeth anything to be tun 10 And again he faith, * Rejoyce ye Gen- *Deut. 32.45 nit to him that efteemeth any thing to be i un clean^o him it is unclean. But if thy brother be grieved with thy tiles with his people. ii Andagain,*PraifetheLo.-dallye Gen- Cb4. - meat,nowwalkeftthou not f charitably. *De- tiles,and laudbitn allyepeople. ftrrwi t4* IQMV tMt+Ift &)**** nt* t*J- *-irv /"^U. ifi T^ An/4 hrr*in "Cf^I^c Tiifk X f ^ fyj. ^Q^ Qll jft ftroy not him With thy rttte. A'.oA 'j.Cor.g, ii fliea ' 1 6 Let not then your good be evil fpoken of. 1 7 For the kingdome of God is not meat and drink, but righteoufnefle and peace, and joy in the holy Ghoft, ^ 1 8 For he that inthefe things ferveth Chrift, i" hope throughthe power of the holy Ghoft. Is acceptable to God,and approved of men. J 4 And I my felf alfo am perfwaded of you 19 Let us there fore follow after the things mv brethren>that"ye alfo are full of goodnefle, which make for peace, and things wherewith &&& with all knowledgeable alfo toadmonifli one may edifie another. . i For meat deftroy not the work of God. l '* Si * All things indeed are 'pure- butitiscvtlfor that man who eatdth with offence. *i.Cor,?.ij 21 It is good neither to eat *fle(h, nor to drink wine,nor anything whereby thy brother flumbleth,or is offended,or is made weak. i z And again Efaias faith, * There (hall be "^. a root of Jeflc, and he that (hall rife to reignc dver the GcntileSj in him (hall the Gentiles truft. 13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in beleeving, that ye may abound led with all knowledgeable alfo to admoniftj one another. i y Neverthelefle, brethren, I have written the more boldly xtnto you, in fome fore, as put- ting you in minde, becaufe of the grace that is given to me of God, 1 6 That I (hould betheminifter of Jefus Chrift to the Gentiles, miniftringthe gofpel a x Haft thou faith? have it to thy fclf before of God, that the || offering aj> of the Gentiles l9 r V God. Happy is he that condemneth not him- might be acceptable, being fandified by the*"**" jj QT,difctrn~ felf in that thing which he alloweth. holy Ghoft. pcrtain to God. 1 8 For I will not dare ro" fpeak of any of thofe things, which Chrift hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obediently word and deed, f 19 Through mighty fignes and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, fo that from Jerufalem and round about unto Illyricum, I *5 Ahdhethat||doubteth,is damnedifhe i? I have therefore whereof I may glory ,ccaufe he eateth not of faith: for whatfoe- through Jefus Chritt, in thofe things which amtt. ' verisnotoffaith,isfinne. C H A P. X V. iTbeftrong muft bear with the t^ea^i we may xotpleafeourfelves, 3 for Chrift did no tfo> 7 but receive ont the other, as Chrift did #* 4//, ^ bo thjetvs^ and Gentiles^ 1 ) Paulex- cufetb his n>riting> 18 and promifeth te fee them, 30 andrequejleth their praytrs. X/TTfi then that are ftrong, ought to bear have fully preached the gofpel of Chrift ^ t he infirmities of the weak, and not to 20 Yea, fo have I ftrived to preach the go- pleafe our felves. fpel, not where Chrift wa s named, left I (hould z Let every one of us pleafehis neighbour for hif good to edification. g For even C hrift pleafed not himfdf,but as . 6 fly. it is written, * The reprochesofthem thatre- proched thee fell on me. 4 For whatfoevcr things were written aforc- build upon another mans foundation : ii But as it is written, * To whom he was if 4 ,jj.i^ not fpoken of, they (hall fee : and they that have not heard,(hill underftand. 21 For which caufe alfo I have beeo |jmoch %!?' hindred from coming to you. oftentimes* a 3 But- Pauldeiiretn tneir prayers ag But now having no more place in thefe parts, and having a great defire thefe many yeares to come unto you : 14 VVhenfoever i take my journey into Spain, I will come to you: for I truft to fee you in my journey, and to be brought on my way Chap. xvi. His falutations. 8 Greet Ampliasony beloved in the Lord. 10*9 Salute Urbane our htlpcr in Chrift, and Stachys my beloved. 1 o Salute Apelles approved in Chrift.Salute them which are of Anitobuhis |j houfliold. jjOr/riW/. 1 1 Salute Herodian my kinfman. Greet thitherward byyou,iffuft Ibefomewhat tilled them that be of the Uhouthold of Naiciffus,)! Qt t frim6 f with your con-puny. which arc in.the Lord. 27 But now I go unto Jerufalem, to mini- ia Salute Try phena and Tryp'ho&jfvho la- ftcr unto the faints. bour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Perfis, 2.6 For it hath pleafed them of Macedonia which laboured much in the Lowl. and Acini a, to make a certain contribution for ig Salute Rufus chofen in the Lord,and his the poore faints which are at Jerufalem. 7 It hath pleafed them verily 9 8t their dc br- ers they aie.For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their fpirituall things, their duty is alfo to mimfter unto them in carnall things. 18 When therefore I have performed this, and have fealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain. 19 And I arafure that when I come unto you, I {hall come in the fulnefle of the blef- fingof the gofpel of Chrift. jo Now I befcech you, brethren, for the Lord Jefus Chrifls fake,and for the love of the Spirit, that yeftrive together with me, in your prayers to God for me, g i That I may be delivered from them that || do not beleevein Judea, and that myfervice which I have for Jerufalem, may be accepted of the faints: gi That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God,and may with you be refrefhed. g g Now the God of peace be with you aH. Amen. CHAP. XVI. g Pwl tvilletb the brethren to greet many, 17 and advifetb them to tal^e heed of thofe which caufe di[fen(ion and offence^ 21 *nd after fundry faint ations endeth witbpraife and thanks to God. T Commend unto youPhebeour fifter, which lis a fervant of the church which is at Cen- chrea: z That ye receive her in the Lord,as beco- mech faints,and that ye aflilt her in whatfoever bufinefle (he hath need of you;for (he hath been a fuccourer of many, and of my felf alfo. g Greet Prifcilla and Aquila my helpers m Chrift Jefus: 4 ( Who have for my life bid down their own necks: unto whom not one ly I give thanks, but alfo all the churches of the Gentiles ) f Likewife greet the church that is in their houfe. Salute my welbeloved Epenetus,who is the firft-fruits of Achaia unto Chrift. 6 Greet Mary, who beftowed much labour onus. 7 Salute Andronicus and Junia my kinfmen & my fellow-prifoners,who are of note among the apoftlttjVho alfo were la Chrift before me. mother and mine. 14 Salute Afyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brethren which arc with them. 1 5 Salute Philologus and Julia, NereHS,and his filter , and Qlympas , and all the faints which are with them. 1 6 Salute one another with an holy kific, The churches of Chrift falutc you. 1 7 Now 1 bcfeech you, brethren,mark them which caufe divifions and offences, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them. 1 8 For they that are fuch,ferve not our Lord Jefus Chrift, but their own btiiy, and by good words and fair fpceches deceive the hearts of the fimple. 19 For your obedience is come abroad un- to all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wife unto that which is good, and jj fimple concerning evil. I'Or > i 10 And the God of peace (hall g bruife Sa- '< tan under your feetftortly. The grace of our Of Lord Jefus Chrift be with you. Amen. a i Timotheus my work- fellow, and Lucius and Jafon and Sofipater my kinfmen fa luce you. 22 ITertius, who wrote this epiftle, falute you in the Lord. g Gaius mine hofte, and of the whole church faluteth you. Eraihis the chamberlain of the city faluteth you , and Quartus a bro- ther. 24 The grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift be with you all. Amen. 25 Now to him that is of power toftablifli you according to my gofpel, and the preaching of Jefus Chrift, (according to the revelation, of the myftery, which was kept fecret fince the world began, z6 But now is made manifeft , and by the fcripturcs of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlafting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith) 27 To God onelywife,be glory through Je- fus Chrift for ever. Amen. fl Written to the Romanes from Corinthus* and fent by Phebe fervant of the church at Cenchrea. Zz*j THE The firft epiftle of Paul theappftle,to the iU>!H.i, 7 . 1070 CHAP. I. After his falutation and thanksgiving, 10 he exhorteth them tounitie, 12 andreproveth their diffenjions. 1 8 God desfroyeth the wif- dome of the wife 21 by the foolifonc/e of preaching,and 26 calleth not the fvi(~e t migh- ry, and noble, but 27, 28 thefooli/h>wealt, and men of no account. I Aul called tobezn apoftle of Je- sfus Chrift, through the will of (GodjandSofthenesoar brother, . Unto the church of God which 'is at Corinth, to them that* are fanSified in Chrift Jefus,* called to ^faints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jefus Chrift our Lord, both theirs and ours. 3 Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jefus Chnft. 4 I thank my God alwayes on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jefus Chrift, f That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge: 6 Even as the teftimony of Chrift was con- firmed in you. 7 Sothatyecomebehindeinnogiftjwaiting for the f coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift, 8 Who (hall alfo confirm you unto the end, that .ye may be blameiefle in the day of our Lord Jefus Chrift. 9 * God is faithfull, by whom ye were cal- * 4 * led unto the fellowlhip of his Sonne Jefus Chnft our Lord. 10 Now I befeechyou, brethren, by the name of eur Lord Jefus Chrift , that ye all fGr./ffo 'fmes fpeak the fame thing,and chat there be no f di- vifkms among you : but that ye be perfectly joyned together in the fime minde,andin the feme judgement. 1 1 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren,by them which are of the houfe of Chloe,that there are contentions among you. . 12 Now this I fay, that every one of you *A&s 18.04. faith, I am of Paul, and I of * Apollo, and I of Cephas, and I of Chrift. 1 3 Is Chnft divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? 14 I thank God, that I baptized none of * Ad* 1 8. 8. you, but * Crifpus and Gaius. i y Left any ftiould fay, that I had baptized in mine own name. 16 And I baptized alfothe houftio'.d of Ste- phanas: befides, I know notwhetherl bapuz.'d any other. 17 For Chrift fent me not to baptize,.buc t& t Or. rcve- *i.Theff.s. preach the gofpel : * not with wifdemc of*z-Pet.t.i j| words, left the croffe of Chnft Ihould be H Or >/?^ made of none effe ft. 1 8 For the preaching of the croffe is to them thatperiihjfoolifhneffe: but unto us which are favedjitisthe * power of God. *Rom?.i 19 Foritiswrm^.'Iwilldeftroythewif-* 113 ' 2 ^ 1 dome of the wife, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. zo * Where is the wife? where is thefcribe* * I&. 3J.' where is the difputer of this world ? hath not God made fooliih the wifdome of this world ? ii * For after that j in the wifdome of God, *Rom.i : the world by wifdome knew not God; it' pica- fed God by the foohfhuefie of preaching to fave them that belceve. 21 For the * jews require a figne, and the* Matt. i> Greeks feek after wifdome, 38. 2 j But we preach Chnft cruci fied, unto the Jews a ftumbling block, and unto the Greeks, fooliflinefle : 14 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Chrift, the power of God, and the wifdome of God. M Becaufe thefoolifrmefieofGod iswifer then men: and the weaknefte of God is ftronger then men. 26 For yc fee your calling, brethren, how that not many wife men after the flefii, not ma. ny mighty, not many nobk are called, 17 But God hath chofen the foolifli things of the world, to confound the wife: and God hath chofen the weak things of the world, to confound the things which are mighty: 18 And bafe things of the world, and things which are defpifed, hath God chofen, jyc.r, and things which are not , to bring to nought things that are; 29 That no flefnfliould glory in his prefence 30 But of him are ye in Chrift Jefus,who of God is made unto us wifdome, and righteouf- nefle, aodfanflification, and redemption: 3 i That according as it is written, *He that * Jcrp.aJj gloriethj let him glory m the Lord. 2 i C H A P. II. He decUretktbat his preaching, r though it bring not excellency offpcech,or of + hit- tnane vrjf