' - . . > ) > > ) > )> 1 > > ) >^2> > ).} j ^ ^ :> > > > : . > ? } > >& ?i? P > > ; O ^;; > i -0 \> >>> > > > -v ^ > > ^ > ) >J j> > > o o> > > - > : )') -> > > > " i o > ^> ! R3~ "O/v Sfe. *i^" '";*N ll& THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ,^ -v:^5 A^ -^ . W^^;-^%^/ < ^A fi /* " $mfs 2wW t - y ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS, PRINTED AS A SUPPLEMENT TO THE THE JOURNAL OF THE CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. f VOLUME I. LONDON: J. PABKEB, 377, STRAND. 1877. LONDO1T : T. BICHAEDS, 37, GBEAT QUEEIT SIEEBT, W.C. PREFACE. THE volume now brought to a close contains many "Original Documents", for which the thanks of mem- bers are specially due to those gentlemen who have not only supplied the material, but, what is far more important, have also elucidated it by notes and ex- planations. Particularly we draw attention to the " Survey of the Lordship of Bromfield and Yale", made in 1620 by John Norden, father and son, and now edited by Mr. J. Y. W. Lloyd, a work full of valuable information bearing upon the topography and the families of Maelor Gymraeg ; and to the "Glamorgan- shire Charters", edited by Mr. G. T. Clark, F.S.A., so important and essential 'to the understanding of the history of that county, which he of all others is most competent to undertake. Both these valuable contri- butions will be continued to their completion as space and opportunity afford. The accompanying table of contents will, it is hoped, be found sufficient for the purpose of reference to its pages. 94C9C3 CONTENTS. PAGE i. An Extract or Abridgment of all the " Platte and Bellys of all & everye Paroche withen the Countye of Pembrok". Ditto, Caermarthen. i. Hundred of Kelynoke. Ditto, Derws. Ditto, Elvet. ii. Ditto, Perveth. St. Asaph from the Welsh Records. Will of the Rev. Philip Lewis, M.A. Inventory of the Goods, etc., of ditto. x-lxxii. Beaumaris Castle, Documents relating to, e.g. : x. Grant to Gronw ap Tudor, 5 Ric. II. Ditto, to Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, 1 Henry IV. xi. Proposed Grant of Lands to John Moyle and Humphrey Owen, 13 Henry VIII. Return of the State of the Castle and Armature, xiii. Concerning the State of Beaumaris Castle, 1536. xiv. Extent of Burgages, Lands, etc. xviii. Comp. Ballivor, 9, 10 Edward III. xix-lxxii. " Soluc' facte pro Oper' Cast'i." Ixxiii-lxxxvi, clxxv-cxci. Glamorganshire Charters : Ixxiii. " Carta Roberti Hamonis Filii", 12 Henry VII. Confirmation Charter for Tewkesbury Abbey. " Carta W'mi Comitis Gloucestrie Dapifero suo." Ixxiv. " Carta Matildis Comitisse de Gloucestrie, &c., Aline Comitisse de Norfolcie", 4 Edw. I, 1273. VI CONTENTS. Ixxvi. Family of Carne of Nash. Ixxvii-lxxx. Five Charters relating to Dalden Family. Ixxx-cviii. Twenty-two Charters relating to Carne Family, the Manor of Nash, and Lands in Llanblethian. Ixxx-lxxxvi. Six Charters relating to the Alienation of the Manor of Nash from the Church of Llandaff. clxxv. Three Charters of the Manor of Leckwith : clxxviii. " Carta Ricardi Comitis Gloucestrise." clxxix. " Carta Nicolai de Sandford." clxxx. " Carta Laurencii de Sandford." clxxxii. clxxxiii. clxxxiv. clxxxvi. clxxx vii. Clearwell, a Kediford Charter relating to. " Carta Nestse fil' lorwerth." (Carne MSS.) Item cxc. " Carta Johannis ap John." Item cxc. Dinas Powis, Court Roll of Lord Brooke, 1674. " Carta Will'mi Abbatis S'ti Augustini", A.D. 1531. Grant by Hoel Carne, of Cowbridge, of Lands, etc. cxi-cxliii, cxci-ccclviii. Survey of the Lordship of Bromfield and Yale, taken by John Norden, Senior, and John Norden, Junior, on the Attainder of Sir William Stanley, Knt., in 1620. cxi. Manor of Ruabon : Free Tenants, " Liberi Tenentes." " On graunting of Leases." State of the Lordship, 1564-1620. Wrexham. Ruyabon, Iscoyde, Burton, Fabrorum. Esclusham, Tale, Chwitherine. Cregyog, Ereris, Bothugre, Llanarmon, Cwen- ffynnon, Abimbery. Fabrorum, Minera, Cobham Aimer, Pickill. Extracts from Records of Holt Castle, A.D. 1564. Orders by Lord Treasurer and Chauncellor in 1563. CX1V. cxxi. cxxii. cxxiv. cxxv. cxxvi. cxxvii. cxxviii. cxxxi. CONTENTS. Vll cxxxii. " Holte Franchise, Tale, Rnabon, Abimbery, Fabrorum, et Coed Cristioneth." cxxxiv. Wrexham. cxxxvi. Yale. cxxxvii. Eglosegle, Esclusham. cxxxviii. Pickill and Sestwick, Cobham Aimer, Iscoyde, Hewlington. cxxxix. Burton, cxli. Uinville. cxlii. Moreton Anglicorum, Bedwall. cxci. Marchwheale. cxcvi. Villa Rhuabon. cxcix. Riton (Rhwytyn). cc. Rhuabon. cciii. Manor of Esclusham : ccvi. Brymbo. ccxxvi. Bersham. ccxxx. Manor of Moreton Anglicorura. ccxxxiv. Manor of Dynlle. ccli. Manor of Pickill and Seswick : cclxv. Bedwnll. cclxxi. Manor of Egloisegle : cclxxii. Moreton Wallicorum. cclxxxii. Manor of Fabrorum : ' olxxxviii. Moreton Anglicorum. ccxci. Manor of Abimbery : ccciv. Arbistock. cccv. Manor of Iscoyd : cccxix. Christioneth Kenrick, Ruyabon. cccxx. Sutton. cccxxiv. Caeca Button, cccxxvii. Gowrton Iscoyd, Eton, Byeston. cccxxviii. Ruyton. Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE cccxxix. Iscoyd, Abimbery. cccxxx. Erlisham, Marchwheale, Caeca Button, Eton. cccxxxi. Manor of Wrexham : cccxxxiv. Wrexham. cxliii. Will of David ap Meuric Vychan of Nanney. Denbigh Receipts, cxliv. Builth. Owen ap Meuric, "Inquis. post Mortem", 27 Edward I. cxlviii. Roll of Fealty of Presentments on Accession of the Black Prince to the Principality of Wales, 16 and 17 Ed- ward III. Documents. A Extract or Abridgment of the Platte Sf Bellys off all Sf everye Paroche vrithen the Counteye of Pembrock. (A parchment roll.) Hundrede of Narberth, churches xix, chalices xxiij, vj chapells of ease with v chalecs, of sylver pyxes ij, j oylle vatte of sylver, sylver cruetts ij, j sylver cruett, j sylver sense, j paxe garnyshed with sylver, iij bellys. Hundred Castell Martyn, churches xx, chalecs xxiij, iij garlands of sylver iij, j cruett of sylver, ij sylver spons, bellys Ixij. Hundred of Kewsse, churches xxv, iij chalecs xxviij, sylver pyxys iiij, ij garlands of sylver, iij paxes of sylver, vij bedstones of sylver, bells Ixiij. Hundred of Dungledye, churches xviij, iij chalecs xix, bellys xlij. Hundred of Dawsslande, churches & chapells of ease xx, chalecs xvij, belles grett & sinal xlj. Hundred off Kesnays, churches and chapels of ease xxvj,chales xxiij, belles grett and small Iviij. Hundred off Kylgaran, churches & chappells of ease viij, chales vij, bells grett & small xij. Churches and chapells vij**, chalecs vij xx vj, sylver pyxes v, bells xvj xx xij. Caermarthen. ( Without heading, a paper booJc.) Kydwellye, ij chalycs of sylver parcell gylt, a small crosse of sylver parcell gylt, a sence of sylver, a pyxe of sylver parcell gylt, iiij bells great and small, j chalyce in the hands of Morys ap K. gent. Llangewyth, a chalyce, a bell. S. Ismaells, j chalyce, ij bells, j chalyce in Hawkyng Churche, a chaple annexed. Llandevaylog cum capella, j chalyce, j chalyce in gage of xiijs. iiijd., put by the parishioners ther to by a paraphrasis of Erasmus, ij bells, a chalyce in the chaple of llangenhythen, j bell. Llanellye cum capellis, ij chalycs, iiij bells great and small, j chalice in the hands of Holl Henry Nycholas whiche he bowght upon his owen coste & chargs to serve the chaple of S. John annexed to the said parishe, in the chaple of Saynt Diddgye j chalyce, in the chaple of S. Gwulet j chalice. Item a bell there. Llangendeyrn cum capellis, j chalyce, iij bells, j chalyce in S. Lethgenia Chaple, j a bell, j chalyce in S. Johns chaple. Llantsbye, j chalyce, iij bells great and smalle. Llanddarog cum capellis, j chalyce, iij bells, in Bronach chapell j bell. Llanarthnen, j chalyce, iij bells, in Daullians chaple j chalyce, ij bells, un- payde'for as the parishioners ther doth saye. 4TH SEE. VOL. II. <* 11 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. In S. Adis chaple j chalyce wliiche the parisheeners there hathe solde xij moneth past. Llugidnor, j chalycp, ij bells. Betts, j chalyce, j bell. Llanone, j chalys, ij bells. Llanedye, j chalyce, a bell, j chalyce in varyaunce betwyxt the parishioners there & Llandylo penybont, whyche chalyce now remayneth in Llanedye. Penbrey, j chalyce, iij great bells. Hundred de Kelhynoke. Penkenrrug, j chalyce, j bell. Llanllanye, j chalyce, ij bells. Llanbethre cum capellis j chalyce, in the chaple of Abergorlech j chalyce, in Llanybethr j bell, in the sayde chaple j bell. Llanwuyth, j chalyce which is in gage of iiijZt. with one DD. Jevid Lloyd, put by the parisshioners there, ij bells there. Llanvy hengell yereth, j chalyce, ij bells, j chalyce in Pencadyzis Chaple. Llangathe, j chalyce, iij bells. Llanvyhangell B/oseycorne, j chalyce, ij bells. Llanvyhengell abbothyrigh, j chalys, ij bells. Llanegwonde cuni capellis, j chalyce, ij bells, j chalyce in llanyheringuis chaple in the hands of Je'in Dd. Gruff., j bell, j chalyce in the chaple of gwullew in the hands of Peter ap Yeroth, j bell, a chalyce, belonging to the sayde parisshe churche pledged for ij yeres past to one John Draper & now beyng in the hands of Thos. William for the some of xxs. Hundred de Derws. Kelfyg . j chalyce, iij bells Egermon j chalyce, jbell Man-is . j j small bell Llangan j a iij Pendyne j j bell Kennllan j I) Egloykemeg J j small bell Capelvaye j j Llanvaduren j ij bells Meydrenz ij ij Llandawke, j lytyll bell, no chalyce. Llanvihengell j ij Llandawrez J chalyce, j bell Saynt Clere . j iij Llangharne . ij iij Llangenyn j jj Llanstephan j iij Llanwoneyn . none ij Marbell church j ij Llanbeydy j iij Llandylo J j Llangayng . j j Llangledway j j Llangoroke . j " j " Kenarth . j chalyce, j bell St. Johnis chaple j j Newcastle j j Llangelley j j Caple Vayre j j Penbeyre j j Bettus Capella none j Crefflech . j j Hundred of Elvet. Abernant Cawyll Newohurch Merther j chalyce, j bell j ij j j j j Abergwyly, none, quia furatus fuit, j Llanvyhangell . j j Duchvylly . j ij Villa Karmerthen j iiij ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Ill Hundred Perveth. Llanbayrar y bryne, ij chalyces, iiij bells. [a lytell bell at Llangervat ] Llandyngad, j chalyce, lytle bell [more than iiij great bell^]. Meddvey, j chalyce, j bell [a bell at the chaple]. Llanyddoysant, j chalyce, ij small bells. [One chalyce with R. Will. Thomas Goz gent.] Llansadurne, j chalyce, ij bells. Llangadog, j chalyce, iij bells. St. Asaph. From the Welsh Records. Preciosa ornamenta ecclesie jocalia et alia bona data Episcopo Decano et Capitulo ecclesie Cath. Assav. per Dom. Edwardum 1 primogeniturn regis Anglie Principem Wall, ducern Cornub. et Comit. Cestr. remansura imperpe- tuum eidem ecclesie, ad opus eorundem Ep'i decani et capituli et liberata Dom. Lewelino 2 episcopo dicte ecclesie ad opus predictum anno E. Edw. ter- cii post conquestuin xxxijdo Per mag. Joh. de Brimhatn tune Camerarium Cestriae per indentui-am inter ipsos Episcopum et camerarium factam ut plenius patet in Compoto ipsius Camerarii de eisdem bonis de eodem anno ij mitras debiles j par ciro- tecarum 3 pro missa j annulus pontificalis ij calices cum patenis deauratis j casula lineata cum viridi iij albse iij tunicles linente cum blue iij amices ij stole iij fanones 4 j capa pro choro lineata cum rubea taffata j capa pro choro cum ij tuniclis j casula j alba j amicta j stola cum fanone lineata cum viridi carde 5 j amicta cum capicio j tunica de albo serico lineata cum. rubea taffeta ij tunicles dupplicate 6 de viridi taffeta rad ex j parte et crocea ex altera parte ij inanutergia 7 ij fiole 8 argentee iij superpellicee j parva manutergia j porte- forium 9 j missale iij gradalia j psalterio glossato j campana portatilis 10 j parva crux de laten j pannus radiatus cum taffeta pro altare et j corporate j mitra debilis calumpniata 11 per capitulum Assavensem j croca de argento deaurato cum baculo ligneo et puncto ferreo nodi 1 * de argento deaurato j initra bona cum perulis calumpniata etc. eo quod Episcopus optulit eandem rnitram S'c'o Asaph per iij annos ante obitum suum j casula j par caligaruin pontifi- calium ij par sotularium 13 pontificalium j vestimentum sacerdotale pro capella 14 cum j casula ij tunicles j capa pro choro j aspersorium 15 de argento j mitra debilis j crismatorium de argento j portiforium j missale pro capella j magnum missale ij mortarii lapides pro coquina iij plumbea j olla enea victa (sic) iiij lagene j cuinba magna ij cumbe marmoree Librarium j liber voc' Spalamu glossatus in asseribus 16 cum albo coriopr. 1 The Black Prince. 2 Leolini ap Madoc became bishop, 1360, died 1375. (Edwards, i, 67.) 3 Gloves. !<> Hand-bell. 4 Maniples. n Claimed. 5 Cloth used for linings. Ji Knob. 6 Thickly lined. ls Bishop's buskins. " Towels. 14 Bishop's chapel. 8 Cruets. is Sprinkle. 9 Breviary. ' Boards. iv ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. xiijs. iiijcl. j parvus liber Sermonum qui incipit Si vis ad vitam ingredi in asseribus cum rubeo corio xls. j liber Sentenciarum in asseribus cum viridi corio xiijs. iiijd. j parva Biblia in asseribus cum albo corio Ixs. j parvus libel- lus in asseribus cuin rubeo corio de officio Episcopi ijs. j liber voc' Comentar* de Sompno et vigilia in asseribus cum corio iiijs. j liber voc' Comment' super viij libros Physic' in asseribus cum corio vjs. viijd. j parvus liber in asseribus de officio Episcopi in albo corio ijs. j liber qui incipit Oinnis Ars et Doctiina cum viridi corio ijs. j pars Decretal' cum asseribus in viridi corio antique xxs. j pars Decretalium vetus et debilis in asseribus cum viridi corio xiijs. iiijd. j Sextus Liber Decretal, cum Clementin. in j volumine in asseribus cum viridi corio xls. j Sextus liber Decret. in asseribus cum corio xxs. j Speculum Judiciale in asseribus cum rubeo corio xxxs. j Portiforium indignum pro capella Epis- copi in asseribus cum albo corio xiijs. iiijd. j Missale magni voluminis in asseribus in albo corio xxvjs. viijd. Gradale in asseribus cum albo corio xxs. j gradale in asseribus cum rubeo corio impresso, j Psalterium cum ympnario glossatum in fine in asseribus cum albo corio xs. j temporale Portiforii cum psalterio in asseribus cum albo corio veteri vjs. viijd. j lib. de officio Episcopo pro clericis ordinandis in asseribus cum albo corio xs. j Missale in asseribus cum rubeo corio xvjs. viijd. MACKENZIE E. C. WALCOTT, B.D., F.S.A. WILL OF THE EEV. PHILIP LEWIS, M.A. Philip Lewis was the son, as lie states in a curious entry in the parish Register of Presteign, " modicis sed honestis parentibus," Richard and Anna Lewis, of Brynhir, in the parish of Llandrindod, Radnorshire. He was educated at Presteign School, from whence he proceeded to Christchurch, Oxford. He was afterwards chaplain to Dr. George Morley, Bishop of Winchester, and through his interest obtained of King Charles II a pre- sentation to the valuable Rectory of Presteign on the 6 of August, 1660. He was collated on the 22 September, 1671, to the prebendal stall of Church Within gton in Hereford Cathedral, which he exchanged on the 18 April, 1678, for the Golden Prebend in the same Cathedral, to which a canonry has always been attached. The ffourth of June One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and ffoure. I Phillip Lewis Rector of Presteigne doe in the name of God make this my last Will and Testament annullinge all others before by me made In- primis I give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God that gave itt humbly beseechinge him for Jesus Christ his sake to receive itt into the Armes of his and to grant itt peace and rest and a happie deliverance att the great and last day Secondly I give and bequeath my body to the Grave desireinge itt may bee interred neare the bodye of my deare Brother Reese And my desire 'is that my Executor will cause the few words written on the backe of this my Will to be engraven on a plaine marble stone which I desire may be sett in the Wall of the East end of the Chancell neare the place of my buriall Thirdly as to my Teaiporall Estate Reall and p'sonall I thus dispose of itt ffirst I doe by these p'sents give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Elizabeth Lewis one messuage and tenement com' only called ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. V and knowne by the name of the Ty Gwyne Vu ij brinheere situate lyinge and beinge in the p'ish of Llandrindod and County of Radnor to have and to hold the said messuage and tenement to her the sayd Elizabeth Lewis and her heires for ever in as large and ample a man'er as the said messuage and tenement is now possessed and enjoyed by myselfe beinge of the yearly rent of Eighteene pounds p' annum And itt is my Will that in case my daughter Betty dye without issue that then the said messuage and tenement shall bee the messuage and tenement of my deare daughter Mary Lewis and her heires for ever Secondly Item I doe by these p'sents give and bequeath unto my said eldest daughter Elizabeth one close of arrable land which I bought of John Sheene situate lyinge and beinge in the rnidle of the sayd tenement before named called ty Gwyne y Vu ij brinheare to have and to hold the sayd close of arrable land to her my said eldest daughter and to her heires for ever and for want of such heires to my said younger daughter Mary Lewis and her heirs for ever Thirdly Item I give and bequeath by these p'sents unto my youngest daughter Mary Lewis whom I beseech God ever to bless one messuage and tenement of land situate in the said p'ish of Llandrindod and County of Radnor com'only called and known by the name of Lloyney Coybren as alsoe one other messuage and tenement of land situate in the p'ish and county aforesaid knowne and called by the name of Ty Vu y Rhose togeather with one close of pasture ground called and knowne by the name of Cay Garrow, situate in the midst of some p'te of the land of Middleton Hope all which tenements are now held occupied and en- joyed by my tennant Thomas Worthine att the yearly rent of sixteene pounds yearly rent both which tenements and close called Cay Garrow I give and bequeath to my said daughter Mary to have and to hold itt to her and to her heires for ever in as large and ample manner as the said tenements and close of pasture land is now held occupied and enjoyed by the said John Worthine my tennant and I pray God blesse itt to my said daughter Item I give and by these p'sents bequeath unto my said deare and youngest daughter one raeadowe called y Wirglod Vaure or Llanhaure of the yearly rent of three pounds situated and beinge in the p'ish and county aforesaid to have and to hold the said meadowe in as large and ample a man'er to- geather with all appurtenances to my sayd daughter and her heires for ever as I bought the sayd Meadowe of lohn lones late my tennant of Lloyne y Coybren Item I give and bequeath to my said youngest daughter Mary Lewis thirteene pounds which I have in mortgage uppon severall pieces of lands of one David Griffit of the Lloyney knowne by the name of Lloyey and Cwm Llello situate in the p'ish and county aforesaid. Item I give to my said youngest daughter all the rest of the lands I bought of John Sheene ( exceptinge the above excepted piece of arrable land which I gave to my eldest) all the rest of the said lands with the goods and place where the old house did stand I give to my said youngest daughter Mary to have and to hold to her and her heires for ever Item I give and bequeath by these p'sents unto my deare Wife all that messuage and tenement of land houses barues buildings which I have bought of Evan Lewis situate and beinge in the aforesaid County and p'ish in as large and ample a maner as I bought the same of Evan Lewis for the terine of her natural life and uppon this condi- tion and not otherwise that my said Wife Elizabeth Lewis pay or cause to be paied every yeare duringe the terme of her life eight pounds unto my deare daughter Elizabeth Lewis out of the said p'mises And ffoure pounds VI ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. every yeare duringe the said terme unto my deare and youngest daughter Mary Lewis, and my Will is that the said yearly sume be paied to both my said daughters uppon the twentie ffifth day of December and if the said yearly sums be not yearly paied my Will is that they may and shall enter into the said tenement and premises Item my Will is that after the death of my said deare Wife that all the lands messuages and tenements I bought of Evan Lewis be equally divided and as commodiously as may be eyther in Lands or Rent between both my said daughters Elizabeth and Mary and their heires Item my Will is and I hope my Wife will convey with my said will and doe accordinge to her many protestations and obligacons that my deare Wife equally devide her lands betweene my two daughters soe that each of them two may have their equall share in the said lands Item my Will is that all the money I have oweinge me and all my stocke and bookes be sould to pay my debts and if all be not enough then I give my Executrix power by these p'sents to sell the thirteene pounds in mortgage uppon the Lloyneys and which before I gave my deare daughter Mary Lewis Item I give and bequeath all my household stuff (except hereafter excepted) be- tweene to be equally divided betweene my Wife and two daughters Item I give and bequeath p'ticularly my bay Geldinge to my Wife, my gray Mare to my deare daughter Mary Lewis togeather with the two white Heyfers att Brinheare Item I give and bequeath to my deare daughter Mary Lewis the plate I bought att London and caused her name to be putt uppon itt. Item I desire all my paper bookes may be putt upp in boxes with all the best English bookes for the use of my Wife, two daughters and their children and I desire them and require them to reade them as they arive to under- stand and especially the Word of God and to live accordingly in the love and feare of God and in sisterly love towards one another and in a constant duty and submission to their poor Mother and I doe hereby aske forgiveness ot God, her, and all mankind and any especially I ever offended by word or deede or any whom I ever offended by my ill example in the least and the Lord Almightie for Jesus -Christ his sake forgive us all injuries ffrailties and receave us into his Everlasting place Amen Amen Item whereas I have one tenement of land of the yearly value of tenn shillinges a year situate in the County and p'ish aforesaid called the Lloyne Vach wherein now dwells the Widow of a poore woman my Will is that the said tenn shillinges be yearly divided by my Executrix for and duringe the terme of her naturall life and after her decease by my eldest daughter Elizabeth Lewis and her heires for ever betweene the poore of the p'ish of Llandrindod att two equall payments uppon the two ffeast days Simon and Jude the day of my birth and the ffirst day of May called Saint Phillip the Apostell for ever Item I give and bequeath to the Church of Hereford the Booke called Patres Apostoleses in two volumes and now what have I to give and be- queath my deare parishioners why truly nothinge but what I have already given besides my blessinge to them and prayers to God the ffather for them that he will be pleased to provide for them a more happie successfull pastor and guide than my unhappie circumstance and sickness suffered me to bee And now to God the ffather Sonne and Holy Gost I resine upp my selfe, my soule, and body and my Wife and poore fatherless children to my God and best benefactor the Bushopp of Hereford and my patron the Bushopp of Winchester togeather with my deare frends within the p'ish and parishioners the Lord in Heaven give all a joyfull resurrection and a happie meetinge one ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. vii day in the Kingdom of Heaven Amen Lastly what I had allmost forgott I doe hereby constitute and appoint my deare Wife Elizabeth Lewis my sole Executrix not doubteinge but shee will take all care imaginable to pay my debts to dispose of my poore children and to buy the marble I spoke of I commend her and my poore children and all to Gods gratious protection and direction to whom be all glory ever and ever. Phillip Lewis. My last Will and testament sealed and delivered in the p'sence of, Elizabeth Howells, Mary Phillips, the marke of Sarah Davies. Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on i4th February, 1684. A true and perfect Inventory of the Goodes Cattels and Chattels which Phillip Lewis clearke late Eector of the p'ish of Presteigne in the seaverall Counties of Radnor and Hereford died seized of taken and apprized the third day of November in the thirtie sixth year of his Mat'es Reign Kinge Charles the second over England Anno q'd D'ni 1684, s. d. Inprimis his Weareinge apparrell . . . . 10 oo co Item in Eeady Money . . . . 10 10 oo Item one Silver Tankard and Silver Cupp . . . 07 10 oo Item one small Salt and five Silver Spoons . . . 02 oo oo Item his Study of Bookes . . . . . 50 oo oo Item in the greate Parlour of his dwellingehouse twelve turky chaires one table and Carpett Curtaines and hangeings of the said roome one paire of brasse and irons tonges fire shovell and bellowes . . . . . . 03 10 oo Item in the Hall of the said house six leather chaires and other chaire, and one Ledge chaire two tables and one carpett two cloth skreenes and two other skreenes two and irons a ffire shovell and tonges . . . . . 01 10 oo Item in the Buttry two cloth chaires, one old sedge chaire, an old table, a shelfe, two other old shelves; one old chest and other lumber . . . . . . oo 13 04 Item in the .Sellar ffower hoggsheads sixe halfe hoggsheads, three trinds, one brewinge vessell & other lumber. . . 01 10 oo Item in the Kitchinge twentie plates eight pewter dishes, two pasty pans, one iron drippinge pann, one warminge pan, one pewter bason, fower pottingers two tinne pans fower candle- sticks one brass candlesticke, two paire of snuffers a snuff pan, three brass potts, one brasse pan, one brass kettle, one brass posnett, one brass schuiner, an iron fleshforke and paire of potthookes, fower pewter chamberpotts, a Jack and five spitts a grediron fire 'shovell and tongues a paire of Andirons one pewter Gunne and a copper pott a paire of cobbards a fryinge pann, two paire of linkes one table and bench fower shelves and a dresser, one skreene and other lumber . . . 05 01 03 Item in the Store Chamber a parcell of Wooll a p'cel of Hurds, illax and hempe, a p'cell of old hopps, about sixteene bushels of mault, a quantitie of rye a portmantle and other lumber . 02 13 04 viil ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Item in the Chamber over the Kitchinge, one bedd boulster and two pillowes, two blankets, one sett of curtaines and vallions seven silke cushions, five chaires, a paire of Andirons, a window curteyne, one iron rodd, a bedsteade and closestoole . 05 02 03 Item in the Chamber over the Hall one bedde, bedsteade, boulster, and pillowes curtaines, and valiens, a table and two chaires, one trunk and two shelves, a little cupboarde, two blankets, three window curtaynes an iron rodde . . . . 03 08 06 Item in the Chamber over the parlour one bedde and bedstead, one boulster and pillowes and coverlett two blanketts and a set of curtaines and valons and sidecupboarde one chest one trunke turky cushions unmade and cushion and other lumber with one cloth chaire and an ovall table . . . 04 oo oo Item in the Chamber over the Buttry one bedsteade & cover- lett two blanketts, a sett of curtaines and valens two deskes two frames of shelves, a sideboarde, one clothe chaire two stands one for a candle, the other to hold a bible two paire of tables . 03 10 oo Item ffortie fower sheepe and fower swine . . . 04 13 04 Item his Gray Mare bridle and sadle . . . . 10 oo oo Item two mares more and three horses . . . 10 oo oo Item two carts and geeres & other Implem'ts of husbandry . 02 oo oo Item a parcell of boardes and timber att . . . 01 10 oo Item firewood att home and in the wood and the frame of a ricke 04 oo oo Item in the Barne by the House about half a thrave of wheate a stacke of rye and a stack of barley unthresht . . 10 03 04 Item in the Stable two cratches, a manger, an old chest, and a p'cell of Hay in the Tallett and a roome of Hay at the end of the Stable . . . . . . 01 10 oo Item in an outhouse next the Streete a parcel of Hay and pease and some fFrench wheatt att . . . . 02 10 oo Item Hempe and fflax undrest . . . . oo 10 oo Item in one barne in the back lane in the said town of Presteigne one stacke of oatts att . . . . . 03 oo oo Item compost att the said Stable doore and in the said lane . oo 02 06 Item linnen in the house of all sorts . . . . 10 03 04 Item in the said decedents house at Brynheere in the sayd County of Radnor and Diocese of Saint Davids is as folio weth. Inprimis two bedds and bedsteade fower blanketts, two boulsters two pillowes one Rugge and Curteynes one brass pott one kettle three dishes of pewter posnett pothookes and linkes seaventy two cheeses about fower stone of butter two trinds one churne a cheese coule one halfe hogshead with other lumber a table and bench and five paire of sheetes a dresser and two shelves an old coffer a table in the chamber one paire of bellowes . . . . . 08 oo oo Item upon the Estate belonging to the said House. Inprimis Eight Cows, one Bull, fower Oxen . . 26 oo oo Item eight yearlinge Beasts three calves . . . 03 oo oo Item fower Bullocks one horse and three swine . . 08 oo oo Item a Stacke of Gates . . . . 01 10 oo Item a Tallett of Hay . . . . . 01 10 oo ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. IX Item att his Lower House there a parcell of Hay . . 01 oo oo Item due from the tennantts that occupy now the sd Estate 1 5 oo oo Item Goods in the House att Hereford belonginge to the De- cedente late Cannonary in the Diocese of Hereford as followeth. In the Greate parlour the hangeings of the said roome about hundred ffoote of boards six leather chaires a table boarde and frame In the Chamber over the Kitchinge the hange- ings of the said roome a bedsteade matte and coarde two curtaines and bedde curtaines a table trunck and frame ffower iron rodds eight cane chaires a little table three blanketts one rugge a counterpane two paire of Andirons two paire of bellowes a paire of tongues a fire shovell a paire of pothookes linkes and fleshforke five pewter dishes two pottingers two pewter candlesticks one tinne candlesticke one wier candelsticke one pigge two muggs seaven pewter plates two chamberpotts one bason two brasse potts one posnett one chaffiron dish one spitt one axe one payle one trunke and other lumber . . . . 13 04 06 Item in the Sellar of the said house two hogsheads, two wine casks one halfe hogshead one quarter barrell one train . oo 15 oo Item in the Kitchen one jacke . . . . oo 06 08 Item more in the said house the hangeings of two roomes and the hangeings of the study there . . . oo 15 oo A particular of debts oweinge to the said decedent : Inprimis Oweing by Edward Pryce Esqe . . . 12 10 oo Item oweinge by Eichard Jones of Willey in the parish of Presteigne in the said Countie of Hereford Yeom . . 04 oo oo Item oweinge by Mary Edwards of Bishops Castle in the Countie of Salop widow . . . . . . 03 oo oo Item oweinge by John Adames of Presteigne aforesaid . . 10 oo oo Item oweinge by Walter Davies of Llitton in the said p'ish of Presteigne . . . . . . 01 08 oo Item due from William Walnesly for herbage in the p'ish of Presteigne and in the towneshipp of Lower Kinsham within the said parish for two years last past . . . . 02 oo oo Item more for Teith Wood there . . . . 01 oo oo Item due from Thomas Cornewall Esq : for Teyth Wood . 07 oo oo Item due from Ffrancis Woodhouse gent : for herbage in Combe in the said parish . . . . . 02 15 oo Item for his sisters grave in the Chancell of the said Church of Presteigne . . . . . . oo 13 04 Item other small debts that are s'perate . . . 04 oo oo Item Eents in arreare due to the decedent for the Teyths of severall towneshipps in the said parish of Presteigne aforesaid in the severall Counties of Radnor & Hereford . . 100 oo oo Item a desperate debt of . . . . 48 oo oo Item more one other desperate debt . . . . 02 oo oo Item due from Mr. James Pryce for Teith in Combe . . 02 oo oo Surne tot : 440 08 08 A . ") HUGH HOWELLS & Appmorsj THOMAS EVANS . ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. / Grant of Richard II of the Custody of Beaumaris Castle to Gronow ap Tudor. Pat. Rot. 5 Ric. II, p. 2, m. 27. Gronov ap Tuder. E' Om'ib' ad quos &c': sal't'tn. Sciatis q'd co'misim' dil'c'o Arrnig'o n'ro Gronov' ap Tuder custodiam Castri n'ri de Beaumareys h'end' ad totam vitam suam p'cipiendo p' eadem custodia quadraginta libras p' annu' p' manus Cam'arii n'ri North- Wall' qui p' tempore fu'it ad t'minos S'c'i Mich'is & Pasche p' equales porc'o'es p'ut dil'c'us & fidelis n'r David Cradoke miles nuper custos d'c'i Castri ex concessione n'ra ad voluntatem n'rata p' eadem custodia tempore suo p'cepit ex concessione n'ra p'd'c'a. Ita q'd p'd'c'us Gronov p' tempore quo d'c'ani custodiam sic h'uerit inveniat ad custos suos p'prios unu'capellanu'divina in Capella n'ra infra Castrum n'r'm p'd'c'm celebratur' unu' sub-constabular' unu' Janitorem & unu' vigilem con- tinue co'morantes in Castro n'ro sup'ad'c'o sicut p'd'c'us David invenire tenebat'r. In cuj' &c. T. E'x apud Westm' xviii die Marcii. p' 1're de private eigillo. Grant of Hen. IV to Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, of the County and Lordship of Anglesey, with Beaumaris Castle. Pat. Rot. i Hen. IV, p. 4, m. 7. Henr' de Percy fil'. E' Om'ib' ad quos &c : sal'tm. Sciatis q'd de Gr'a nr'a sp'ali & ex c'ta sciencia nr'a concession' carissimo & fideli consanguineo nr'o Henr' de Percy fil' Comitis Northumbr' totum Com' & d'niuin de Angleseye in North- Wall' cum Castro de Beaumarreys in eodem Com' com- mota man'ia t'ras ten' feodi firmas redditus s'vicia lib'or' nativor' tenencium rev'siones feoda militum advocaco'es prioratum' eccli'ar' hospitaliuin Cur* turna Vicecomitum visus francipleg' cum om'imodis p'ficiis eo'dem raglorias ringeldias senescalcias amobi'agia cum feodis p'ficiis & aliis reb' quibuscumq' ad d'cas raglorias ringeldias senescalcias & amobrogia quoquo modo spectantib' escaetas thesaururn inventum vel inveniend' forisf'curas deo- dandas wreccum. maris & piscis regalis custumas prisas vinor' & aliar' m'candisar' & rer' quar'cumq' applicandor' & p'jciendor' in Com' p'd'co sup' costeras maris ejusdem quocuinq' modo ven'int cum feriis m'catis franchesiis lib'tatib' mineram plumbi & quor'cumq' alior' metallor' & petrar' una cuni chaceis Warennis stagnis vivariis mariscis inoris boscis & aliis reb' que infra Com' & d'nium p'd'ca aliquo modo em'g'e pot'unt una cum catallis felonu' & lugitivor' & illor' qui obierint intestati escapia felonu' & convictor' de felonia vel p'dico'e fines exitus & am'ciainenta & fines p' licencia concordandi suettum(?) prisone fines & redempco'es p' feloniis murdris & p'dicione si eedem p'dico'es nos statum nr'm aut rcgnu' nr'm non tangant & theoloneum oini' & singular' p'sonar' de & in Com' & d'ino p'd'cis p' se & ministros suos ibidem levand' colligend' & seisiend' ad opus suu' & p'ficuu' absq' p'secuco'e vel clameo faciend' penes nos heredes nr'os sea alium ministruni vel officiarium nr'iaut hereduin nr'or' quor'cumq' p' finib' exitib' am'ciamentis catallis redempco'ib' theeloneis & escapiis suprad'cis : h'end' & tenend' eidem Henr' ad totam vitani suam ad gub'nand' p' se & ministros suos p'prios ad voluntatem suam p' p'ficuo suo faciend' sc'dm leges consuetudines & usus rat'onabiles Angl" & North-Wall & p'cium p'dictar' adeo plene & integre sicut nos eadem Com' & d'nium Commota man'ia t'ras ten' feodi firmas redditus s'vicia rev'siones jrtNAL DOCUMENTS. xi feoda advocaco'es cur' tUrna'visus francipleg' raglorias ringeldias senescalcias & amobragia p'd'ca habuim' seu h're deberem' si in manib' nr'is p'priis re- manerent absq' aliquo nob' vel heredib' nr'is reddendo p' Com' d'nio & reb' p'd'cis ligeancia ppl'i officiis regalib' Justiciatus & Cancellariatus nob' & heredib' nr'is plene & integre semp' salvis. Et ult'ius de ub'iori gr'a nr'a & ex c'ta sciencia nr'a concessimus p'fato Henr* om'ia arreragia denarior' que nob' de exitib' & p'ficiis quar'cumq' rer 1 infra Com' & d'nium p'd'ca tain tempore d'ni E' nup' Eegis Angl' sc'di post conquestum q'am tempore Will'i Lescrop Chivaler defuncti debebant' & levari debent ut p'dc'm est In cujus &c. S. E'. apub Westin' xii. die Octob'r. P' b're de Private Sigills. Proposed grant of lands within Beaumaris by Henry VIII to John Moyle and Humphrey Owen. [Signed Bill.] To the King our souu'ain lord. Please it your highness of your moost noble and habundaunt grace to graunt your g'cious 1'res patente in due fourme to be made according to the tenour hereafter ensuyng. Henry E. Eex omnibus ad quos, &c. Sciatis q'd nos de gr'a nr'a speciali ac ex certa sciencia & mero motu nr'is, dedim us concessimus, & hac p'nti carta n'ra confirmauiinus ac p' p'sentes damus & concedimus dilectis & fidelibus nr'is Johanni Moyle, s'uienti dilecti Consiliarij nr'i Thome, cardinalis Ebor' Can- cellarij n'ri, ac Humfrido Owen', om'ia & singtila terr', tenementa, domos, gardina, vetera fossata & edificia nr'a quecumq' cum om'ib' p'ti'n suis, situat' & iacen' circa villain nr'am de Bello marisco, al" diet' Bewmarys, in Com' n'ro Anglesie, infra principalitatem nr'am Northwallie, vocat' le Kinge Diches, tarn infra muralia, q'm e'x muralia ville n're p'dicte. Habend' & tenend' om'ia & sing'la terr', ten'ta, domos, gardina, & vetera fossata p'd'ca cum om'ibus & singulis suis p't'in, p'fatis Johanni Moyle & Humfrido Owen', ad terminu' vite eor' & alterius eor' diucius viuentis, tantum de nobis & hered' nr'is p' s'uicium reddend' inde nobis & hered' nr'is annuatim, durant' vita eor', and Alterius eor' diucius viuentis, in Festo Natiuitatis sancti Johannis baptiste, vnam Eosam rubiam, si petatur, p' oua'ibus reddit' s'uiciis & de- mand' quibuscumq'. Et hoc absq' aliquo Eeddit' Fine, Feodo, compo', vel aliquo alio seu aliquibus alijs inde nobis & hered' nr'is reddend', soluend seu faciend'. Et eo q'd exp'ssa mencio, &c. [Enrolled on Patent Eoll, 13 Henry VIII, p. i, m. 24.] Return to John de Fonle and Sir Thomas of Canterbury of the state of Beaumaris Castle and armature. No date. Wallia, Bag No. 3, No. 13. A monsire Joh'n de Foxle & Syre Thomas de Cantebrugg' du Conseyl nostre treshonurable Seygn' le Prince mostre Medefeud Cones:able de Beuuiareys Cum v' me avez nadgueres niande p' vos lett'es q' je feysse ap'teuient mettre totes maneres des armures & autres necessaries q'je usse en le dit Chastel p'r le dit Chastel defendre & p'r garnisture del temps xii ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS./ / / Syre Huwe de Lemenistre & ensement totes maneres des armures & neces- saries q' sonnt pus le temps le dit Sir' Huwe de novel achatez fors pris Ble vyn Chars & pescoue E q' je feysse mesurer p' galuns tot le mel q' je avey en le dit Chastel & le nombre des galons en le dit roule feysse entrer & eel roule bien & ap'tement fet feysse mander a Conewey icest Samady-Sachez Sires en dreyt des armures & des autres necessaries de ces q' je ay trovez je les ay fet entrer en roule sulom vostre mandement mes en dreyt des totes man'es de choses q' tochint le temps Sire Huwe de Lernenist'r & ensement de choses q' sont pus le temps le dit Sire Huwe de novel achatez cest des- conue chose q'nt a may desicum la garde du dit Chastel me fut tart bayle. En dreyt du mel v're mandement ay je parforni cum ipiert en eel roule de soz escrit. Grevuse defautes q' sont audit Chastel. Les portes covendreunt molt estre redresses & amendez & les Iocs changes & noveles mis a la porte dever le North covendreyt une bone Barbecane & forte & al aut'r porte enseme't o bones barres. E des portes colices covendreyt il penser pur enseurer le lu. E auxi q' le dit Chastel fut enclos de un mantel de piere & de Chauz ou de bon piel. E les fossez rases & fetes plus parfoundes. E les petites mesones q' sount de deens le cors du Chastel serreyt g'ant mester de les fere coverer & redresser & amender les gutt'es & les dites mesones fer' netter de ordure. E q' les fundamentz des Turreles seunt de dens coinetties & les issues des garderobes q' pleynes sont de ewe & de ordure & enpiere le fundement. Armatur' & alia necessaria in Castro Bellimarisci inventa pro tuicione ejusd'm in adventu Joh'is de Medefeld Constabular' ibid'm vid't ix die Junij anno p'incipat' E'. p'inc' vj. Armatur'. vj. Bacenet't debiles & parvi valoris iiij. accoton' iiij. hauberjon' debiles & parvi valoria ii. Corcett' ferr' xxx. Targ' vet'es & debiles no' repat'. Balist'. Une balist' de Tour de Cornu viz p' ead'm tendend' j. Balist' de cornu ij. ped' j. balist' de cornu j. ped' ij. balist' de Ifo ij. ped' de novo rep' at' ij. balist' de Omello ij. ped' simul de novo rep'at' p' diet' Const'. Balist'. xxviij. balist' de lib unius pedis de quib' predc'us Const' fecit rep'ar' xiiij. & xiiij. non repant'r quia non possunt tendi propt' debilitatem xx. balist' de Omell' unius ped' ita debiles q'd non possunt tendi. Baldr'. iiij. Baldr' debiles & parvi valoris p' balist' unius ped' tentend'. Minut' q'arelT. xij. parve cist' cum minutis quarell' vet'ibus. Arc'. xxix. arc' manuales de Omello. Ingen'. Unu' parvu' Ingen' stans sup' mur' q'd vocat'r Trebuchet. Nuces. vij. nuces ereas springaldis. Springald'. iiij. Springald' vet'es jacentes & non rep'at' cum ferremento debili eisd' p'tinent'. Ncc'aria. v" viijli. pili equine filati iiij" & viijli. canab' filati p' d'cis Sp'ingaldis. Magn' q'arelT. viij c magn' quarell' cum ere pennati p' sp'ingaldis predc'is. Ncc'aria erea. Due forme eree p' pilis plumbeys fundend' iiij. forme eree rotunde p' piT p'dc'is tractandis ij. rote eree polye pro eisdetn. Mel. xviij" & xvj. galon' uiell' meusurat' p' nmudat' p' mandatu' d'ui Joh' de Foxle & d'ni Th' de Canterbrugg'. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. xiii Ferr". ccv xx & xvj. pec'.ferrf de quib' lib' Helye Fabr' op'anti in castro predc'o ad ban-as faciend' p' quib'dam fenestris in d'co Castro ligand' vj & xviij. pec' & p' quib'd' aliis necc'ariis dic'm Castru' tangentib' & sic remane't ix**pecie & xvj. Calebs. xxxix. garb' calibis & xiiij. gadd' de quib' lib' d'co fab'r pro quib'dam necessariis d'ni nr'i princ' ibid'm faciend' xj. gadd' sicut pat' p' particl'as penes Const' pred'in & sic remane't xxxix. garb' & iij. gadd'. Q'ant a bone defense fere au dit Chastel si vous ne enveyez autres armures q' uncor ne sount je ne sey meylur' defense vier fors q' de pieres. Note. Addressed to Henry Norres condemned and executed on a Charge of criminal Commerce with Anne Bulleyn. i May, 1536. CONCEENING THE STATE OF BEAUMAEIS CASTLE. Undated. From Eic. Bulkeley to Henry Norris. Date (?) a year or two pre- vious to above. my singler good m't(aster') in my most tumble man' I have me com'endet unto you you for yo'r assured good m't(aster)ship & kind- nes shewed unto me at all tymes & in especiall now of late for I p(er)ceyve by my s'vant lewes that my bak frynds Edward Gruff & Doctor Elyn (? Ely- ver) have made meanes unto m't Secretary to be s(ome)nwhat in displeasure with me, for what so ev(er) surmyse they have made I trust God willing they shall nev(er) prove no thing agaynst me (for all that they doe is nothing but for invie) please hit you to be adv' (er)tised that I have receyved yo'r Irez' (letters) by my s(er)vant lewes comanndyng me by the same to tayke the charche (charge) of the castell & to vew the artillary ther & to se the p(er)sons savely kept for both yo'r m't(aster)shipp discharge & myn And so according to yo'r Ire I as yo'r deputie duryng yo'r pleasur have so done. Notw'thstond(ing) my laydy velavill late wif to S(ir) Eoland & her sonne in law Will(ia)m ap Eob(er)t whiche was with you lately in london made re- fusall to deliv(er) upp the castell, notwithstonding yo'r 1're in the pre(se)nce of mayny people say(i)ng that yo'r Ire was of non effect, & also refused to obey the same, & I maide answeyr say(i)ng that yo'r Ire was sufficient dis- charge unto theym for greatt'r matt(er) then the deliv(eri)e of a castell, not- withstonding I was fayne to directe out the King(es) writt of sub pena unto the said dame Annes & her sonne in law to cu'me & apper afor me & for that she wold dep(ar)t owt of the said castell And so now I have the said Castell in custody & wyll kepe the same I trust God willing for yo'r discharge till I may know yo'r further pleasure And I have not sene a howse moor rudely kept in my liff for thei is not almost oon chambre w'th in the said castell that a man may lye Drye within And where the said Dame Agnes maketh clayme unto part of the artillary now beyng within the said castell whiche as god knoweth is but symple, as yo'r m't (aster) ship shall know herafter, for she hathe no Eight title so to doe, for of trothe when Sir Eoland m'r(ur)- thered a man in my lord Cardinall is tyme, then as you know he did forfeit all the goods that he hade, and then he made sute to be at his fyne w'th the king for his offence & so was sworne upon a boke with others what goods he was wurth, and he sweyr that he was wurth fiyv hundurt marks in goods be- sides a hundurt marks wurth of artillary whiche he said that was the king & holly & he nev(er) mayde fyne untothe Kings highnes for non suche artillary XIV ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Wherbye hit appereth playnly that the same dame Agnes hath no title unto the said artillarye nor that yo'r m't(aster)ship ogh (ought) not to make eny recompens for the same And if hit please you to send me yo'r further pleasur by this berer how ye wold I shuld order all things and as towelling the fees I shall according to yo'r comaundment kepe the same tyll I shall know further of yo'r comaundment And if hit please you that I may have a deputacon by this berer & also to know how mayny souldiors yo'r maist(er)- ship will have ther kept & aft(er) what facion ye will have theym intreyted I shalbe gladde Yo'r pleasur to me knowen tothe utt'rmost of my power to accomplish the same And thus o'r lord p(re)s(er)ve you long to co(n)tynew with increase of hono'r from Bewmares the xxvjth daie of Junij. Yo'r own assured at yo'r will & comaundment to the utt'rmost of his power RICHARD BULKELET. (Endorsed) To the Eight honorable and my Singler good maister Henry Norres Esquyer for the body Cheiff of the kings p'vey Chambre hie Chamblayn of Northwales & Constable of the Kings Castell of Bewmares. Extent of Burgages, Lands, etc., assigned for the Castle of Beaumaris. (Wallia, Misc. Bag, No. 8 (74.) Extenta burgag' & terrar' bosci turbarie & redditu' ap'd Bellu' Mariscu' pro castro ibid'm assignator' & div'sis habitationib' ibid'in lib'ator'. Burgagia Curtilagia terre liberat' d'nicis D'ni Princ' & Burgensib' ville de Bello Mar'. D'nic' Cast'i. In d'nicis Cast'i sunt cciiij xx xviij acre t're arabil' p't acr' It' in magno p'ato q'd vocat' Kingesmede vij acr' & d'i & redd' p' annu' xxx sol'. It' in quod' p'ato s'btus Cur' de Laminaijs iij acr' & d'i que valent p' annu' vijs. It' in p'ato jux'a castru' iiij acr' & valent p' annu' x so'. It' in mora ibid' iiij acr' t'rbarie & valent p' annu' ijs. It' in bosco de L'am- aijs xxviij acr' & valent p' annu' xx so'. Annuati' iiij acr'. Et in (sic) & past'ra de Kari ......... qui thol xxiij acr' q' valent p' aim' iijs. xcl. It'm xxiij acr' de pessima pastur' in montib' q' valent p' annu' xxiijd. Lib'at' Burg'. D'no Will'o de Felton' v Burg'a j curtilag' in longitud' ix p'ticaru' in latitud' viij p'tic'. Et Lta acras t're de meliori. It'm iij acr' in quodam pendente pastur' ......... No' resid'. Walt'o de Wintonia iij burg' j curtilag' in long' xiij p'ticar' in latitud' iiij p't' & d'i. Aliud curtilag' in long' v p'ticar' in latitud' ij p't'. Et Lta acr' t're videl't xxti de melior' x de p'x'a melior' & xxti de t'ra montana. No' resid' p' attorn' sum' de g'acia p'inc' Will'o de Danecastel j burg' j curtilag' in long' vij p'ticar' in latit' iij p'tic'. Et XLta acr' t're videl't xxti de melior" x de p'x'a melior' de t'ra montana. No' resid' iij vac'. Mag'ro Jacobo vj burg' cum j crofto j rode t're. David ap Eingnon vj Burg' xtta vij acr* d'i videl't xvj de melior' xj acr' & d'i de p'x'a melior xxti de terra montana xij acr' pastur' in q'adam mora ver- sus Bodegclwych'. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XV No' resid' vij vac'. D'no Thome Danvers xj burg' et xLta yj acr' t're videl't xxti de melior' & xxti vj de p'x'a meliori. Emmerico Ingeniatori ij burg' j curtilag' in long' vij p'tia' & d'i in latitud' vp'tic'. Et XLta viij acr' t're videl't xviij de melior'.x de p'x'a melior' xxti de t'ra montana. Will'o P'et iiijor burg' j curtilag' in long' xiij p'tic' in latit' vij p'tic'. Et xxti viij acr' t're videl't viij de melior' v de p'x'a melior' xv de t'ra montana. John de Hardeleye ij burg' et xxxti acr' t're videl't x de meliori v de p'x'a melior' xv de t'ra mo't'. It'm j acr' & d'i in quod' pendente & iiij acr' p've pasture. Joh'i Derling' j Burg'. Et xxti viij acr' terre videl't viij de melior' v de p'x'a melior' xv de t'ra mont'. Henr' de Walton' j Burg' & d'i j curtilag' in longit' vj p'tic' in latitud' iiij p't'. Et xxti viij acr' t're videl't viij de melior' v de p'x'a mel' xv de t'ra montana. Eic'us de Wheth'el nu'c ten' (sic). Jurdano de Bradeford j Burg'. Et xxti viij acr' t're videl't viij de melior' v de p'x'a meliori xv de t' mo'. ij vac'. Yereward ap Eingnon iiij burg' j curtilag' in long' x p'tic' in lat' iij p't'. Et xxti j ac'r et j roda vz' vj de melior' iij de 'p'x'a melior' xj & j roda de terra montana. It' iij acr' in q'oda' pendent' pastur'. Alano de Kerkeby ij burg' Thomas Crossewilmot iiij burg'. Et xvj acr' terre videl't vj de melior' iij de p'x'a meliori vij de t'ra montana. Ricardus de Hokenhale j Burg' j curtilag' in long' iiij p't' in & latitud' iiij p'tic'. Et x acr' terre vid' ij acr' & d'i de melior' ij de p'x'a melior' v' acr' & d'i de t'ra montana. Walt'o fil' Walt'i de Picherhous j burg' et j curtilag' in long' viij p'ticar' in latit' iiij p't' & d'i. No' resid'. Lodowico de Felton' ij burg' j curtilag' in long' x p'ticar' in latitud' iij p'tic' & xxx acr' t're videl't novem acr' de p'x'a melior' xxti j de t'ra montana. Will'o Le Barbur ij burg' j curtilag' in long' v p'ticar' in latit' iiij p't' & aliud curtilag' in long v p'ticar' in latit' ij p'tic'. Et xij acr' t're videl't vj de melior' iij de p'x'a melior' & iij de t'ra montana. It' j acr' & d'i pastur' in q'od' pendente. Joh'es Cisson j Burg'. Et xv acr' t're videl't ix de p'x'a melior' vj de t'ra montana. Joh'es de Lancaster ij burg' Et xxti acr' t're videl't ij de melior' iiij de p'x'a melior' xiiij de t'ra mon'. Ric' de Hwetele j burg' & d'i. Et x acr' t're videl't vj de p'x'a melior' iiij de t'ra montana. Will's Lewelyn ij Burg'. Et xij acr' t're videl't y de melior' iiij de p'x'a melior' vj de t'ra mont'. Will's Pilard ij Burg' j curtilag' in long' x p't' & di' in latit' v p'tic'. Et x acr' terre vid' ij de melior' iiij de p'x'a melior' iiij de t'ra mont'. Ric' fil' Nicholai pistor j Burg' x acr' t're videl't iiij de melior' ij de p'x'a melior' iiij de terra mont' & di'a acra pastur' in quod' pendente. Walt'o fil' Gilb'ti de Hwithulle j Burg', j curtilag' in long' x p'tic' in latit iiij p't'. Et xv acr' t're videl't ij acr' & d'i de meliori ij de p'x'ameliori x acr' & d'i de t'mont'. XVI ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Eog'o Capell'o. j Burg'. Will'o Scherman ij Burg' Et iiy acr' terre vid' ij de melior' & ij de p'x'amel'. Will'o Saleman ij Burg' & d'i. j curtilag' in long' v p'tic' & d'i in latit' iiij p'tic' & aliud curtilag' in long' v p'tic' in latit' ij p'tic' & d'i. Et x acr' t're videl't ij de meliori iiij de p'x'amelior' iiij de t'ra mont'. Jurdano Carnifici j burg' j curtilag' in long' iij p't' & uni' q'art' in latitud' ij & uni' q'ar. Et iiij acr' t're de p'x'amel'. Vac'.- -Will'o Crokedoc j Burg'. No' resid'. Gilb'o de Salle j Burg' j curtilag' in longit' v p'tic' in latit' iiij p't' Et x acr' t're vid' iiij acr' & d'i de p'x'ameliori v acr' d'i de t'ra montana. Hugoni le Corner j Burg' j curtilag' in long' p'tic' in lat' v p'tic'. Et xj acr' tr'e videl't ij acr' & d'i de mel' ij de p'x'amel' vj acr' & d'i de t'ra mont'. David fil' Nic'lai de Blithefeld j Burg' Et vj acr' t're vid' ij de mel' ij de p'x'amel' ij de t'ra mont'. Joh'i fil' Alani de Copelond ij Burg' Et x acr' t're vid't ij de mel' ij de p'x'amelior' et sex de t'ra mont'. Eob'o Messor j Burg' & d'i curtil' in long' iiij p't' in latitud' iij p'tic' Et vj acr' t're ij de melior' ij de p'x'amel' ij de t'ra mont'. Hnr'o Bingild j Burg' & di' iiij acre t're vid't ij de melior' ij de p'x'amel'. It' ij acr' pastur' in quodam pendente. Eob'o le Engleys j Burg' viiij acr' t're vide't ij de mel' y de p'x'amel' iiij de t'ra mont'. Emme de Orel j Burg'. Joh'i de Evias iij Burg' viij acr' tr'e & j roda vid't ij acr' & d'i cum j roda de melior' ij de p'x'amel' iij & d'i de t'ra mont'. Will'o Coco ij Berg' j curtilag' in long' v p'tic' in latit' iij p't' Et viij acr' t're vid' iiij acr' de p'x'amelior' iij & d'i t'ra mont' (?). No' resid'. Henrico de Feltone j curtilag' in Long' x p'ticar' in latitud' iiij p'tic' & d'i Et xv acr' terre vid't iiij acr' & d'i de p'x'amel x & d'i de t'ra mont'. Vac'. Thome de Meyngne j Burg' viij acr' t're vid't iiij acr' & di' de p'x'amelior iij acr' & d'i de t'ra montana. Eob'o de Awelton' ij Burg'. Will'o de Kerkeby j Burg' Et iiij acre terre vid't ij de mel' & ij de p'x'amel'. Thome de Edlingh'm j Burgh' j curtil' in long' vj p'tic' in latit' iiij p'tic' viij acr' t're & j roda vz iiij & d'i de p'x'amel' & j roda de t'ra mont' (?). Hug' Beruby j burg' & iiij acr' t're de p'x'amel'. Petro fil' Eic' de Hyb'u j burg' j curtilag' in long 5 v p'tic' in lat' iij p't' Et vj acr' terre videl't iiij de p'x'amel' ij de t'ra mont'. It' ij acr' & d'i pastur' in quod' pendente. Eob' de Preston' j Burg'. 1 Eob'tus le Engleis nu'c tenet. Jokyn Le Corner j Burg' & d'i & iiij acr' t're de p'x'amelior'. Eingnon Bath j Burg'. Eog' Fabro j Burg' & d'i. Et viij acr* terre vid't iiij acr' & d'i de p'x'amel' iij acr' & d'i de t'ra mont'. Nich'o de Neuborg j burgag'. 1 In different ink. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XVU Joh'i de S'c'o Albano j burg'. Et iiij acr' t're de p'x'a mel'. Hob' de Crosseby j burg'. Et iiij acr' t're de p'x'a ruelior'. No' resid' vac'. Bob' Fot' j burg'. Mich' Fabro j burg'. No' resid'. Ad' de Staneye ij burg'. Et xxxta acr' t're montane. Matild' de Lodelowe ij burg' j curtilag' in long' v p'tic' in latit' iij p'tic'. No' resid' vac'. Will'o Mody j burg'. Bic' de Westmonast'io j burg'. Et xxti j acr' t're & di' vid't v acr' de me- lior' v acr' & di' de p'x'a mel' & xj de terra montana. Thorn' le Pielare j Burg'. Will' de Haliwelle j Burg'. Joh' Lagan j Burg'. Badulfo Sutori j Burg'. Henr' Carpentar' j Burg'. Rob'to Gerland j Burg' & iiij acr' t're de p'x'a melior'. Joh'i de Wiv'tone iiij acr' un' ij acr' de meliori ij de p'x' melior'. Hug' Cissori j burg'. Vac'. Henrico Trim j burg'. Joh'i Molendinar' j Burg'. Rob'o Lichfot di' Burg'. Henr' le Geyte j Burg'. Thorn' Molendinar' di' Burg'. Will' Bercar' di' Burg' & j q'f Burg'. Rob'f Molend' ij Burg'. Vac'. Henr' le Barkere j Burg'. Eingno' Bagh' nu'c ten'. Vac'. Radulfo le M'cer j Burg'. No' resid'. [Will' Patrich' j burg'].* Et ip'e non edificavit s'c'd'm ordina- co'em. Ideo lib'at' Henr' de Aqua ad edificandu' & co'morand'. No' resid'. Hug' de Brichul' xl'a vj acr' t're vid't xvj de melior' x de p'x'a mellior' xxti de t'ra mont'. No' resid'. Alex' Hurel xxti viij acr' t're vid't viij de melior' v de p'x'e melior' xv de t'ra montana. No' resid'. Bic' de Wilhale x acr' t're & j roda vid't ij acr' & di' & j roda de melior' ij de p'x'a melior' v & di' de t'ra montana. No' resid' Ric' de Houlond vj acr' t're ij de mel' ij de p'x'a mel' ij de t'ra montana. It' di' acr' pastur' in quod' pendente. Cancelat' q' assigna't' Castro sup'. [If de pessima pastura in mont' xxti iij acr' no'dum lib'at'. It' de t'ra Kegine juxta Breimerin ix acr' de p'x'a mel' non du' lib'at'.] [If in bosco pastur' de Kerricquichel xxiij acr' 't -alent p' annu' in om'ib' exitib' iij sol'.]* Et fuit s'a burgag' die S'c'i Pet'i ad vinc'la anno p'incipaf E. vto vj xx xij burg' & q'arta p's uni' burgag'. Item David ap Eingnon tenet jux'a ecc'am de Lammays j mesuag' cum curtilagio & gardino continent' vj acras vaT p' annu' iijs. If tenet in campis ibidem xviij acras & di' que fu'nt Kend' ap Morwith unde sex de melior' & residuu' de p'x'a meliori. Filecus ap Huua tenet jux'a d'c'am ecc'am mesuag' cum curtilag' conti- * The words between brackets are erased in MS. 4TH SER., VOL. II. 6 XViii ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. nerit' j ac'am & di' & val' p' annu' xviijd. It' tenet in campis ibidem xiiij acras t're arabilis unde v acre de meliori & ix de p'x'a meliori. Terra ecc'e et feodu' ecc'iasticu'. It'm Gervasius Eector Ecc'e de Lam- mays tenet j mesuag' cum curtilag' continent di' acram. Ite' tenet in campis ibidem iij acras & di' t're arabil' & sunt de feodo ecc'i- astico & sine redd'. It'm Mag'r Gregori' tenet ibidem j mesuag' cum curtilag' continent' j rodam t're. Item tenet in campis ibidem j ac'am & di' et j rodani de t'ra arabili de feod' ecc'iastico & sine redd'. Bodgeluheth'. David ap Eyngnon tenet in Bodgelheth iiij xx x acras di' ac'am & j rodam de t'ra montana de t'ra que fuit Kend' ap Morwith videl't Ixj ac'am de terra arabili j ac'am di' ac'am & j roda' de prato p't' acr' vjd. xxviij ac'as pastur 5 p't' acr' jd. unde x acr' t're arrab' de p'x'a meliori Ij acr' de t'ra montana. S'a ac'r' t're arabil' m'l cccxxiiij acr' 't una roda. It' xvj acr' d'i 't j rod' p'ati falcabil'. Et v xx iiij acr' di' pastur' sepa'bit. Et iiij acr' pastur' 't tur- bar'. Et xxviij acr' bosci. Continent' s'a in Eotulo. M'd' q'd Burgag' 't terr' Ad' Staney 't Lodowyci de Felton' capiunt'r in manu' p'inc' p' no' residenc' eo'd'm set qV testat' est q'd fuer't in obseq'io Reg' 't P'inc' 't adhuc st' concessu' est eis q'd burgag' 't terr' p'd'c'e no' delib'ent'r aliis cit'a f'm Sancti Mich' ita q'd int'im seq'nt' g'aciam P'inc' si sibi viderint expedire. Et o'es terr' Burgag' 't ten' alio' no' residenciu' capiunt'r in manu p'inc' tang' forisfc'a p' ordinac'o'em p' D'n'm Keg' 't ejus consil' inde f c'am. In dorso. Me'd' q'd curtilagia 't quedam vacue placee in villa de Bello Marisco no' dum amensurat'r nee arentant'r nee liberantur. On a rider at the top of the roll : Joh'nes de Neuborough Const' Castri Bell' Marisci respond' de iiijK. xijs. xjd. de redd' ass' cclxxviij acr' di' 't j rod' t're arabil' lib' p' d'nicis castri ibid'm vid' p' ac'a iiijcZ. D' rectorib' Ecc'e S'c'e Kat'rine de Laymmas de redd' ass' xxiij acr' 't j rod' t're que fueru't de d'nicis P'inc' ibid'm xijs. jd. ob' vid' p' acra vjd. D' eisd'm rectorib' viijs. vjd. de redd' ass' uni' mesuag' 't xiiij acr' t're arrabl' que fueru't Fulconis ap Hona ibid'm. D' f rib' minorib' de La'inays ijs. de redd' ass' iiij acr' t're eis lib' p' D'n'm P'inc' de d'nicis suis ibid'm. Id'm const' respond' de xlvijs. de redd' ass' xv acr' p'ati ad div'sa p'cia extent' assign' d'c'o castro. Et de ijs. de redd' ass' iiij acr' turbar' ibid'm. Et de vs. ixd. de redd' ass' xlvj acr' pastur' sepat' assign' eid'm castro Et de xxs. de xviij acr* s'bbosc' 't pastur' in bosco de Laymmas. S'ma toT ixli. xs. iijd. ob' p' D' quib' den' Constabular' Castri Belli Ma- risci respondeb' annuatim ad sec'am pro terris p'atis pasturis boscis turbariis 't redditib' sup'scriptis d'c'o castro assign'. Camp 1 balliver' ville Belli Marisci 9-10 Edw. HI. de Benteley et Edwardi Frend Ballio' ville Belli Marisci a festo S'c'i E. t'cii post conquest' nono usq' id'm f'm p'x'm sequens anno mo respondent de vijli. xiiijs. de redd' ass' cliiij Burgag' ibid'm unde quod libet annu' ad xijd. Et de d' de redd' ass' q'rte ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XIX p'tis unius Bui-gag' lib'at' Erswel'. Et de viij s. de redd' ass' cccxxxij acr' t're melioris un' ac'a tY arrentat' p' annu' ad vjd. Et de Ixvjs. xd. de redd' ass' de cc acr' et di' t'r p'x' melioris un' qualibet ac'a tV arrentat' p' annu' ad iiijd. Et de Ixvijs. vd. de redd' ass' cccc iiij acr' et di' t'r' montane un' qualibet acr' t'r' arrentat' p' annu' ad ijd. Et de ijs. vjd. ob. de redd' ass' xxx acr' et di' t'r' et pastur' in pendic' un' qualibet acr' arrentat' p' annu' ad jd. P'b'. S'ma xxijM. xvijs. vd. ob. Et de vjZi. xixs. iiijd. ob. de redd' ass' Ixxviij acr' 't di' rod" t'r' dun' lib'at' Burgens' ...bidem ad feodi firma' un' qualibet acra arrentat' p' annu' ad vjd. Et de vjs. viijd ass' Carrikgothel un' qualibet acra arrentat' p' annu' ad iijd ass' xxij acr' t'r' montan' un' qualibet ac'a arrentat' nu' s. xd. ob. Id'm Ball'i respondent de xijs. ijd. de pl'itis 't p'quis Commun' Cur' de trib' septimanis in tres septi'anas. Et de iiijs. vid. curia' visus fane' pleg' p' id'm te'pus. Et de xs. Curia' Pipoudr' 't de pl'itis 't p'quis' duar' Nund' p' id'm tempus. P'b'. S'ma xxvjs. viijd. Id'm Ball'i res' de xvs. viijd. ob. q'a de minutis tolnet' p' id'm tempus. Et de iiijli. vjd. q'a de toln' dua' Nund' p' id'm temp'. P'b'. S'ma iiijW. xvjs. iijd. lid'm Ball'i res' de xxxs. de firma del Feribote p' id'm temp' xxxs. xviijM. xvd. De quib' solveru't p' iiijd. quib' s'btractis a sm'a tol' on's D'quib' solveru't sup' cornp' p' tall' xviij die xls vijs. xjd. D' quib' sol' xviij die p' tall'. Anno decimopostfc'm S'c'i Mich'is. i . Soluc' fact' pro oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar' Die D'nica x die August' Octobr' Anno E. B. E. x'o p' sept' preced'. Cement'. Mag'ro Nichol' de Derneford'viis.,Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Bic'o de Wyke iis. vid., Will'o de Eynestapal' iis. vid., Steph' de Bokenhal' iis. vd., Thorn' de Boston' iis. vd., Eic'o de Dorsete' iis. vd., Badulf de Wych iis. vd., Bog'o de Yock' iis. vd., Will'o de Northamton' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Stewnton' iis. vd., Ad' de Conewey xxd. S'm' (xxxiis. iid. ?). Cleric'. Nich' de BadewelT Joh'ni de Lenton ... Joh'ni 2. Soluc' fact' pro oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar' Die D'nica xvii die Octobr' Anno Eegn' E. E. x'o pro sept' p'cedent'. Cement'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Eic'o de Crischerch' iis. iiid., Eic'o de Wike iis. vid., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. vid., Steph' de Bockenh' iis. vd., Thorn' de Eoston' iis. vd., Eic'o de Dor- sette iis. vd., Eadulf de Wych' iis. vd., Eog'o de Yock iis. vd., Will'o de Northa'ton' iis. vd., Job' de Stewnton' iis. vd., Ad' de Conewey xxd. S'm' xxxvs. vd. ob. Cler'. Nich' de EadewelT xviiid. S'ma pat'. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Grene iis. iiiid., Will'o de Coksond' iis. iiiid., Eic' de Carlton' iis. id., Eic'o F'anceys iis. id., Eic' de Halluhton' iis. id., Joh'ni de Ockle iis. id., Bob' de Weldene iis. id., Hug' le Nok' iis. id., Bicard' de Athereston' iis. id. S'ma xxiiiis. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xxiii pec' fer' 't xx gadd' magn' asc' 't xvi gadd' minor asc' circa instrum' cement' cubit' 't q'arr' iis. iiid. XX ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. 3. Solucio facta pro oper' Castri Belli Mar' Die D'nica xxiiii die Octobr' Anno E. E. E. x'o pro sept' p'ced'. Cement'. Magr'o Nichol'de Derneford'viis., Eicard' de Cristchirch iis. ixd., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Eic'o de Wyke iis. vid., Steph'o de Bockenh iis. vd., Eadulfo de Wych iis. vd., Eogero de Yock' iis. vd., Will'o de North- amtone iis. vd., Joh'ni de Steuntone iis. vet., Ad' de Conewey xxd. S'ma xxviiis. viid. Cleric'. Nicholas de EadewelT xxd. S'ma patet. Cubitor'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Joh'ni de Lentone iis. vd., Eic'o de Carl- tone iis. id., Eicardo Franceys iis. id,, Joh'ni de Okie iis. id., Eicard' de Haluhtone iis. id. S'm' xiiis. iid. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xx pec' ferr' 't xxii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cement' cubit' 't quarr' iis. iid., Eees Gouch' xid. S'm' iiis. id. Carpent'. Eicard' de Eoule iis. iid. S'm' patet. 4. Solucio facta pro Oper' Cast'i Belli Mar' Die D'nica xxxi die Octobr' Anno E. E. E. x'o p' sept' p'ced'. Cement'. Mag'ro Mch' de Derneford' viis., Eicard' de Cristchirch iis. ixd., Ad' de Wywood iis. viid., Eicard' de Wyke iis. vid., Steph' de Bockenh' iis. vd., Eadulff de Wyke iis. iiid., Eogero de Yock' iis. vd., Will'o de Northa'tone iis. vd., Ad' de Conewey xxd., Joh'i de Steuntone iis. vd. S'm' xxviiis. vd. Cleric'. Nich' de EadewelT xxd. S'm' patet. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Joh'i de Lentone iis.vd., Eicard' de Carle- ton' iis. id., Eicard' de Franceys iis. id., Joh'i de Ocle iis. id., Eicard' de Haluhton iis. id. S'm' xiiis. iid. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xxii pec' ferri xxx gadd' asc' circa instrum' cement' cubit' 't quarr' iis. iiid., Lambert de Cavene xiid. S'ra' iiis. iiid. Empt'. In c plane bord ernpt' p' oper' pree'm bord iid., xxs. ; in v dol' carb' mar* empt' p' oper' pree'm dol' xviiid., viis. vid. ; in xxx q'a calc' no' extict' empc' p' oper' pree'm q'art' viiid., xxs. S'm' xlviis. vid. Carpent'. Eicard' de Eoul' iis. iid. S'm' pat'. Quarr*. Ad' Foy xvid., Jereward ap Eyvu' xvid., Will'o de Peec' xiiiid., Petr' de Hereford' xiid., Wyn' ap Jereward' xiiid., Eyvu' de Bangor, xid., Phelipp Seyther' Bayard'. Maddock de Bangor' Ad' de Canck Eob' de Eklesh' Will'o Cru'pe Gervas' de Beri Oper'. Eobert' Cappe Jenkin de Stretton' Ad' de Hales Joh'ni de Covitre Pelippo de Dandon Walt' de Grene Falkon'. Eeg' de Eoule Portch'. Ad' le Bedul' S'ra' xixs. ixd. Jenan Seys car' liber' 't nig' as pet' as de quarr' 't usque Cast'm cu' i batell' p' ...p'tyd'cap' p' tyd' iiid., xviiid.; xiid., xiid xiid., xiid. xiid. 5. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Belli Mai-' Die D'nica vii die Novembr' Anno E. E. E. x'o pro septia preced'. Gem'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd de Wyrwod' xiiid., Eicard' do Cristchirch' xiiiid., Eicard' de Wyke xiid., Steph' de Bockenh' xiid. q', Eadulf de Wych' xiid. q', Bog' de Yock' xiid. q', Will'o de Northa'ton' xiid. q', Joh'ni de Steunton' xiid. q', Ad' de Conewey xid. S'm' xvis. iiid. Cler'. Nich' de BadewelF xxd. S'in' pat'. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene xiid. q', Joh'ni de Lenton' xiid. q', Herr' de Elford' ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXI xd., Eie' de Carlto' xd., Eicard' F'anceys xd., Joh'ni de Oklee xd., Eicard' de Haluhton' xd. S'm' vis. iiid. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' iii duod' ferr' 't xxiiii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' 't quarr' xid. o' q', Lambert de Folsham vid. S'm' xviid. o' q'. Empt'. In c thach bord' empt' ep't* pro oper' prec' bord' o' q' viiis. vid., in xii plane' bord' e'mpt' p' oper' preciu' bord' iid., iis. ; in vii c gross bord' empt' ap'd Grener' p' oper' una cu' car' p' mar' us' d'c'm Cast'm p' mar' xliiiis. S'm' liiiis. vid. Carpent'. Eicard' de Eoul' xid. o' q. S'm' pat'. Plu'b'. Andr' le Plom' vid., Will'o pe Stretton' vid. S'm' xiid. Quarr'. Ad' Fox vid. o' q., Jereward' Gouch' vid. o' q., Willo' de Peeck vid., Wyn' ap Jereward' vid., Merduc' ap Dd' vd., Eyvu' de Bangor' vd., Phelipp' Seyther' vd., Maddoc' de Bangor' vd. Baiard'. Ad' de Canck' vd., Eob' de Eklesh' vd., Will'o Cru'pe vd., Ger- vas' de Beri vd. Oper'. Eob' Tapp vd., Ad' de Hales vd., Joh'i de Covitr' vd., Phelipp' de Dandon vd., Jenkin' de Stretton' vid. Falkon'. Walt' de Grene iiiid. Eeg' de Eoul' iiid. o'. Porteh'. Ad' le Bedul' iiid. o'. S'm' viiis. viid. o'. Car' p' Mar'. Joh'ni Glowe car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de quarr' 't us' Cast'm cu' i batell 't p' vi tyd' capie't' p' tyd' iiiid., xviiid. ; Eob' de Wych' xiid., Griffit' ap Jor 5 xiid., Joh'ni Marescall' xiid., Herr' Duy xiid., Joh'ni de Wartr' xiid., Eob' de Engl' car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de quarr' 't us' Cast'm cu' i batell' 't p' vi tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., xviiid. j Ad' Gouch' xiid., Will'o de Croseb' xiid., Ad' de Gramor' xiid. Car' p' terr'. Will'o de Stretton' car' pet'as de Mar' us' Cast'm cu' una carect' 't ii eq'is p' iii dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iis. iiiid. ; Joh'ni de Stret- ton' car' pet'as de quarr' Mar' usque Cast'm cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' iii dies cap' p' die' viiid., iis.; Thome le Wodenhever' car' calc' de toral' calc' usq' Cast'm cu' i carect' 't i eq'o p' iii dies cap' p'die' vd., xvd. S'm' xvis. viid. Pb'. S'm' toT sup'a cviis. iiiid. 6. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Belli Mar' Die D'nica xiiii die Novembr' Anno E. E. E. x'o p' septia' preced'. Cem'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. iid., Eic' de Cristchirch' iis. iiid. ob', Eicard' de Wyke iis. id., Steph' de BockenhaF iis. q'a, Eadulf de Wych' xxiiid , Eog' de Yock, iis. q'a, Walt'o de Northam- ton' iis. q'a, Joh'ni de Stewnton iis. q'a, Ad' de Conewey xviid. ob. S'm' xxvs. Cleric'. Nich' de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. q'a, Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. q'a, Herr' de Elford* xxd., Eic' F'anceys xxid., Eicard' de Calton' xxid., Joh'ni de Oklee xxid., Eicard' de Haluhton' xxid. S'm' xiis. viiid. ob. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xvii pec' ferri 't xx gadd' asc' circa instrume't' cem 'cubit' 't q'arr' xxiid. ob., Lambert' de Holsh'am xd. S'm' iis. viiid. ob. Empt'. In ix pec' meerem' empt' p' scaflald prec' pec' iid., xviiid. ; in iii sumag' vi'g' empt' p' oper' p'ciu' sumag' vd., xvd. ; in vi rem' empt' p' batell' 't preciu' rem' vd., iis. vid. S'm 1 vs. iiid. Carpent'. Eicard' de Eoul' xxiid. S'm' pat. Plu'bar'. Andr' le Plomb' xvid., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd. S'm' iis. iid. Quarr'. Ad' Foy xiiid. ob., Jereward' Gouch' xiiid. ob., Will'o de Peck' xiid., Wyn' ap Jereward' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Phelipp' Seyther' xd., Maddoc' de Bangor' xd., Maddoc' Duy, xd., Jenn' ap Eyvu' xd. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Baiard'. Gervas' de Beri xd., Will'o Cru'pe xd., Will'o de Stretton' xd.; Eob' Gappe xd. Oper'. Phelipp' de Dandon' xd., Ad' de Hales xd., Ad' de Canck' xd., Jon- kin' de Stretton' xd. Falkonar'. Walt' de Grene viiid., Eeginald' de Eoul' viid. Portch'. Ad' le Bedul' viid. S'm' xvis. x den. Car' p' Mar'. Joh'ni Glowe car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de quarr 't usq' Cast' cu' j batell' 't p' vi tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., xviiid. ; Eobert de Wych' xiid., Griffit' ap Jor' xiid., Joh'ni Marescall' xiid., Henr' Duy xiid., Jereward' ap Griffit' xiid., Eob' le Engl' car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de quarr' n'r usq' Cast'in cu' j batell' 't p' vi tyd' cap' p' tyd' Hid., xviiid. ; Ad' Gouch' xiid., Will'o Crossleb' xiid., Ad' de G'amor' xiid. Careag' p' terr'. Will'o de Stretton' car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Castru' cu' una carect' 't ii eq'is p' iiii dies 't di' capie't' p' die viiid., iiis. ; Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Castru' cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die viiid., iiis. S'm' xviis. P'b'. S'm' tol' iiiili. vs. ii den. (In dorso.) P'im p't recessu' earner'. 7. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica xxi die Novembr' Anno E. E. E. x'o p' septia' p'ced'. Cement'. Magr'o Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd de Wyrwod' iis. iid., Eicard' de Cristchirch' iis. iiid. ob., Eicard' de Wyke iis. id., Steph' de Bock- enhaT iis. q., Eadulf de Wych' iis. q., Eoger' de Yock' iis. q., Will'o de North- am'ton' iis. q., Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. q., Ad' de Conewey xvid. S'm' xxvs. ob. Cleric'. Nich' de EadewelT xxd. S'm' patet. Cubit'. Nicholas de Grene iis. q., Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. q. Henr' de Elford' xxid., Eicard' de Carlton' xxid., Eicard' F'anceys xxid., Joh'ni de Okie xxid., Eicard' de Haluhton' xxid. S'm' xiiiis. vid. ob. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xix pec' ferri 't xviii gadd' asc' circa instrum' ceme't' cubit' 't q'arr' xxiid. ob., Lambert' de Holsh'm xd., Jereward' ap Grif- fit' vid. S'm' iiis. iid. ob. Carpent'. Eicard' de Eoul' xxiid. S'm' patet. Plu'bar'. Andr' Plu'bar' xvid., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd. S'm' iis. iid. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xiiid. ob., Jereward' Gouch' xiiid. ob., Nich' Clergis xiiid. ob., Will'o de Peeck' xiid., Wyn' ap' Jereward' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Madoc' de Bangor' xd., Phelipp' Seytner xd. Bayard'. Gervas' de Biri xd., Will'o Cru'pe xd., Will'o de Stretton' xd., Ad' de Canck' xd. Oper'. Phelipp' de Dandon' xd., Eobert' Gapp' xd., Thorn' le Carter' xd., Ad' Hales xd. Falkonar*. Walt' de Grene viiid., Eeg' de Eoul' viid. Porteh'. Ad' le Bedul' viid. S'm' xviis. ob. Car' p' Mar. Joh'ni Glowe car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de q'arr' 't usq' Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' v tyd' cap" p' tyd' iiid., xvd. ; Eob' de Wych' xd., Griffit' ap Jor' xd., Joh'ni Marescall 1 xd., Henr' Duy xd., Jereward' ap Griffit' xd., Eob' le EngP car' pet'as de Mar* q'arr' 't usq' Cast'm cu' j battelT 't p' iiii tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., xiid. ; Ad' Gouch' viiid., Will'o Crosseb' viiid., Ad' de Gra- mor* viiid., Will'o de Stretton' car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' una carect' 't i equo p' v dies 't di cap' p' die viiid., iiis. viiid. j Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Castru' cu' j carect' et ii eq's p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid,, iiis. viiid. S'm' xvs. ixd. P'b'. S'm' to'P sup' iiiiK. xvd. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXlli 8. Soluc' facta pro oper' Casti-i Bell'i Mar' Die' D'nica xxviii die Novembr' Anno E. E. E. x'o pro septia' p'ced'. Cement'. Mag'ro Nichol' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' xxiid., Eicardo de Cristchirch xxiiid. ob., Eicard' de Wyke xxicL, Steph'o de Bock- enhal' xxd. q., Eadulf de Wych' xxd. q., Eog'o de Yock' xxd. q., Will'o de Northa'ton' iis. q.. Joh'i de Steunton' xxd. q., Ad. de Conewey xvd. ob. S'm' xxiis. viid. q. Cleric'. Nichol'o de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' patet. Cubito/. Nich' de Grene iis. q., Joh'ni de Lenton' xxd. q., Herr' de Elford' xxid. ob., Eicard' de Carton' xviid. ob., Eicard' de Haluhton' xviid. ob., Joh'ni de Ocklee xviid. ob. S'm' ixs. xd. ob. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xvi pec' ferri 't xviii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' 't q'ar*, xixd. ob., Lambert' de Holsh'm viiid. ob. S'm' iis. iiiid. Carpent'. Eicard' de EouF xviiid. ob. S'm' patet. Plu'bar*. Andr' Plu'bar' xiiid. ob., Thorn' le Carter' viiid. ob. S'm' xxiid. Quarr'. Ad' Fox' xiiid. ob., Jereward' Gouch xiiid. ob., Nich' de Fel'msh'm xiiid. ob., Will'o de Peeck' xiid., Wyn' ap Jereward' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Madoc' de Bangor' xd., Phelippo Seyth' xd. Bayard'. Ad' de Canck viiid. ob., Eob' Gappe viiid. ob., Joh'ni de Covintr' viiid. ob., Will'o de Stretton' viiid. ob. Oper'. Phelipp' de Dandon' viiid. ob., Joh'ni Eobins viiid. ob. Falkonar'. Walt' de Grene viid. Porteh'. Ad' le Bedul' vid. S'm' xiiis. xid. ob. Car' p' Mar'. Joh'ni Glowe car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de q'arr' 't usq' Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' v tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., xvd. ; Eob' de Wych' xd., Griffit' ap Jor" xd., Joh'ni MarescalT xd., Herr' Duy xd., Jereward' ap Grif- fit' xd. Car' p' terr'. Will'o de Stretton' car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' una carect' 't ii eq's p' di' iiii dies t' di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. ; Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' iiii dies et di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. S'm' xis. vd. P'b'. S'm' toT supra Ixvs. iid. ob. q. 9. Soluc' facta pro oper' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica v die Decembr' Anno E. E. E. x'o pro septia' p'cedente. Cement'. Mag'ro Nichol' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. iid., Eicard' de Cristchirch' iis., Eicard' de Wyke iis. id., Steph'o de Bocken- hal' iis. q., Eadulf de Wych' iis. q., Eogero de Yock' iis. q., Will'o de North- amton' iis. q , Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. q., Ad' de Conewey xviid. ob. S'm' xxiiiis. ixd. ob. q. Cleric'. Nicholas de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' patet'. Cubit'. Nicholas de Grene iis. q., Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. q., Herr' de Elford' xxid., Eicard' de Carlton' xxid., Eicardo de Haluhton' xxid., Joh'ni de Occle xxid. S'm' xis. ob. Fabr'. Steph'o Fabr' oper' xix pec' ferri 't xx gadd' asc' circa instrum' cement' cubit' 't quarr' xxiid. ob., Lambert' de Holsh'm xd. S'm' iis. viiid. ob. Einpt'. In j cord' canab' ponder' vi pet'as 't di' empt' p' batell' 't p'c'm petr' iis. iiiid., xvs. iid. In iiii sumag' virge empt' p' oper' preciu' petr' sumag' iiiid., xviid. S'm' xvis. vid. Carpe't'. Eicard' de Eoul' xxiid. S'm' pat'. Plu'bar*. Andr' Plu'bar' xvid., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd. S'm' iis. iid. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xiiid. ob., Jereward' Gouch xiiid. ob., Nich' de Felmsh'm .OK1GINAL DOCUMENTS. xiiid. ob., Will'o de Peeck xiid., Wyn' ap Jereward' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' de Bangor' -ad., Madoc' Buy xd., Phelipp' Seyther' xd., Galfrid' de Asheborne xd., Mereduc' ap D'd xd. Bayard'. Ad' de Cranck' xd., Phelipp de Dandon' xd. Oper*. Joh'ni de Covitre xd., Eobert' Gappe xd., Will'o de Stretton' xd. Falkonar'. Walt' de Grene viiid. Porteh'. Ad' le Bedul' viid. S'm' xvs. viid. ob. Car' p' Mar'. Joh'ni Glowe careant liberas 't nig' as pet' as de quarr' 't usque Castru'cu' j batell' 't p' viii tyd'cap' p' tyd' iid., iis.; Robert' de Wych' xvid., Griffit' ap Jor 1 xvid., Joh'ni MarescalT xvid., Herr' Duy xvid., Jereward' ap Griffit' xvid. Careag' p' terr'. Will'o de Stretton car' pet'as de Mar' usque Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' carcct' 't ii equis p' iiii dies et di' cap' p' die' viijd., iiis. Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usque Castru' cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die viiid., iiis. S'm' xiiiis. viiid. P'b'. S'm' to'l' sup'a iiiili. xis. q. io. Soluc' f c'a pro oper' Castri Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica xii die Decembr* Anno E. E. E. x'o pro septia' preced'. Cement'. Mag'ro Mch' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd de Wyrwod'.iis. iid., Eicard' de Cristchirch' iis., Eicard' de Wyke iis. id., Steph' de BockenhaP iis. q., Eadulf de Wych.' iis. q., Eoger de Yock' iis. q., Will'o de Northamton' iis. q., Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. q., Ad' de Conewey xviid. ob. S'm' xxiiiis. ixd. ob. q. Mch' de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' patet. Cubitor'. Mch' de Grene iis. q., Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. q., Herr' de Elford' xxid., Eicard' de Carlton' xxid., Eicard' de Haluhton' xxid., Joh'ni de Ocle xxid. S'm' xis. ob. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xiiii pec' ferri 't xvi gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' 't q'arr' xxd. ob., Lambert' de Holsh'm xd. S'm' iis. viiid. ob. Empt'. In iiii dol' carbon' Mar' e'pt' pro fabr' preciu' dol' xxd., vis. viiid. ; in stramie' empt' p' cement' emendand' iiis. vid., in uncto empt' p' plu'b' vd. S'm' xs. viid. Carpent'. Eicard' de Eoul' xxiid. S'm' pat. Plumbar'. Andr' Plu'bar' xvid., Thorn' le Carter' xd. S'm' iis. iid. Quarr'. Ad' Fox' xiiid. ob., Jereward' Gouch' xiiid. ob., Nich' de Fel'msh'm xiiid. ob., Will'o de Peeck xiid., Wyn' ap Jereward' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Phelipp' xd., Mereduc' ap Dd' xd. Bayard'. Ad' de Canck' xd., Eob' Gapp' viid. Oper'. Phelipp' Dandon' xd., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd., Will'o de Stretton' xd. Will'o le Carter' xd. Falkonar'. Wal't de Grene viiid. Porteh'. Ad' le Bedul' viid., Eeg' de Eoule iiid. S'm' xvs. viiid. ob. Car' p' Mar'. Joh'ni Glowe car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de quarr' 't usque Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' vii tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., xxid. ; Eob' de Wych' xiiiid., Griffit' ap Jor' xiiiid., Joh'ni MarescalT xiiiid., Herr' Duy xiiiid., Jereward' ap Jor' xiiiid. Car' p' terr'. Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de mar' usque castru' cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. ; Will'o de Stretton' car' pet'as de mar' usque cast'm cu' j carect' 't ii eq'is p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. S'm' xiiis. viid. P'b'. S'm' to'l' sup' iiiili. iiiis. id. q. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXV II. Soluc' facta pro oper' Cast'i Belli Mar' Die D'nica xix die Decembr, Anno E. E. E. x'o p' septi'a preced'. Cem'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edniu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. iid.' Kicard' de Cristchirch iis. Hid., Steph'o de Bockenh' iis. q', Eadulf' de Wych' iis. q', Eog' de Yock, iis. q', Will'o de Northamton' iis. q', Eicard' de Wyke iis. id., Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. q', Ad' de Conewey xviid. S'm' xxvs. ob. q'. Cleric'. Nich' de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' patet. Cubitor 5 . Nich' de Grene iis. q', Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. q', Herr' de Elford' xxid., Eicard' de Carlton" xxid. Eic' de Haluhton' xxid., Joh'ni de Ockle xxid. S'm' xis. ob. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xxiii pec' ferri 't xviii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cement' cubit' 't q'ar', xxiid. ob., Lambert' de Holsh'm xd. S'm' iis. viiid. ob. Empt'. In stramie empt' p' cement' emend' xxd., in j ancor" e'pt' p' batell' 't vis. vid., in poll' empt' p' oper' xiiid. S'm' ixs. iiid. Eic' de Eoul' xxiid. S'm patet. Quarr'. Ad' Fox' xiiid. ob., Jor' Gouch xiiid. ob., Nich' de Fel'msh'm xiiid. ob., Will'o de Peeck' xiid., Wyn' ap Jor' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Ph' Seyth' xd., Meduc' ap Dd' xd. Bayard'. Eob' Gappe xd., Ad' de Canck xd. Oper*. Ph'o de Dandon' xd., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd., Th. le Carter ixd., Eeg' de Eoul' viid. Falkonar'. Walt'de Grene viiid. Porteh'. Ad' le Bedul' viid. S'm' xvs. iiiid. ob. Car* p' Mar'. Ph' ap Tedur' car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de q'arr' 't usque Castru' cu' j batell' 't p' x tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., iis. vid. ; Joh'ni Glowe xxd., Eobert de Wych' xxd., Joh'ni MarescalT xxd.,Herr' Duy xxd., Ph'o Seyth' xxd. Careag' p' terr'. Will'o de Stretton' car' pet'as de Mar 5 usque Castru' cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. viiid.; Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usque Castru' cu' j carect' 't ii eq'is p' v dies et di' capient' p' die' viiid., iiis. viiid. S'm' xviiis. iid. P'b'. S'm' toT iiiiZi. vs. id. q'. 12. Soluc' fact* p' oper' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica xxvi die Decembr' Anno E. E. E. x'o p' sept' p'ced'. Cement'. Mag'r' Nich' Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' xxiid. ob., Eicard' de Cristchirch' xxiiid., Eicard' de Wyke xxid., Steph' de BockenhaT xxd. q', Eadulf de Wych' xxid. q', Eog' de Yock' xxd. q', Will'o de Eynesta- pul' xxid. q', Will'o de Northamton' xxd. q', Joh'ni de Steunton' xxd. q', Ad' de Conewey xxd. S'm' xxiiiis. q'. Cleric'. Nich' de EadewelT xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene xxd. q', Joh'ni de Lenton' xxd. q', Herr' de Elford' xviid., Will'o de Carlton' xviid., Eic' de Haluhton' xviid., Joh'ni de Oclee xviiid. S'm' ixs. iiid. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xvii pec' ferri 't x gadd' asc' circa instrum' cemet' cubit' 't quarr' xixd. ob., Lambert' de Holsh'm viiid. ob. S'm' iis. iiiid. In Ix duod' ferri e'pc' pro oper' prec' duod' xvd., Ixxvs. ; in viii m' de bord' nail e'pc' p' oper' p'c' mill' iiis. iiiid., xxvis. viiid. j in iiii pec' cinglor' e'pc' p' oper 1 prec' pec' xd., iiis. iiiid. S'm' cvs. Carpe't'. Eicard' de Eoul' xviiid. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xid. ob., Jor' Gouch xid. ob., Nich' de Felmsh'm xid. ob., Will'o de Peeck xd., Wyn' ap Jor' ixd. ob., Eyvu' de Bangor' viiid. ob., Ma- 4TH SEB., VOL. II. C XX Vi ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. doc' de Bangor' viiid., Madoc' Duy viiid. ob., Ph' Seyth' viiid., Meduc' ap D'd viiid. Bayard'. Ph' de Dand' viiid., Rob' Capp' viiid. Oper'. Ph' de Dandon' viiid. ob., Joh'ni de Covitr' viiid. ob., Will'o de Stretton' viiid. ob., Thorn' le Carter' viiid. ob., Beg' de Roul' vid. Falkon'. Walt' de Grene viid. Porteh'. Ad' le Bedul' vid. S'm' xiiis. xd. ob. Car' p' terr'. Ph' ap Tedur' car' lib' 't nig'as pet'as de q'arr' 't usque Cas- tru' cu' j batell' 't p' vii tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., xxid. ; Joh' Glowe Rob' xiiiid., Rob' de Wych' xiiiid., Joh' MarescalT xiiiid., Herr' Duy xiiiid., Ph' Seyth' xiiiid. Careag' p' terr'. Walt' de Stretton car' pet'as de mar' usque castru' cu' j carecta 't ii equis p' iiii dies cap' p' die' viiid., iis. viiid. ; Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de mar' usq' cast'm cu' una carecta 't ii eq'is p' iiii dies' cap' p' die' viiid., iis. viiid. S'm' xiis. xid. P'b'. S'm' toT sup'a viiiH. xs. viid. q'. 13. Soluc' fact' p' oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar' Die' D'nica ii die Januav' Anno R. R. E. x'o p' septi'a p'ced'. Ceme't'. Mag'ro Nich' Derneford' viis. S'm' pat'. Nich' de Radewell' xxd. S'm' patet. In ii carrat' plu'b' et v ped' 't di empc' p' cist' ingenior' ponder' 't p' coop'ta d'c'm i' cast'm ibid' una cu' car' prec' carr' xxxixs., iiiili. vis. ixd. ; in xv q'art' calc' no" exti'ct' e'pc' p' oper' p' mesur 1 cumlat' prec' quart' viiid., xs. j in busc' empc' p' plu'b' fudand' 't p' earn' sicca'd' vs., in poll' e'pc' p' oper' vis., in vi garb' asc' empc' p' oper' prec' garb' xiiiid., viis. S'm' cixs. iiid. Car' p' Mar'. Rees Gouch' car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de quarr' 't usque Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' iii tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., xiid. ; Joh'ni Glowe viiid., Rob' de Wych' viiid., Ad' Gouch' viiid., Joh'ni MarescalT viiid., Herr' Duy viiid. S'm' iiiis. iiiid. P'b'. S'm' to'l' sup'a vili. iis. iiid. 14. Soluc' facta p' oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar' Die D'nica ix die Januar' Anno R. R. E. x'o p' sept' p'eced'. Gem'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd de Wyrwod' iis. iid., Ricard' de Wyke iis. id., Will'o de Eustapul' iis. id., Steph' de Bockenh' iis. q', Rog' de Yock' iis. q', Will'o de Northamto' iis. q', Joh'ni de Steunto' iis. q', Ad' de Conewey xviid. ob. S'm' xxiis. xd. ob. Cleric'. Nich' de Radewell' xxd. S'm' patet. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. q', Joh'ni de Lenton' xiiid. q 1 , Joh'ni de Okie iis., Herr' de Elford' xxid., Ric' de Carlto' xxid., Ric' de Haluhton' xxid. S'm' xis. iid. ob. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' xvii pec' ferri 't xiiii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' 't q'arr' xxiid., Lamb' de Holsh'm xd., Will'o Fabr' fabric' eerie' p' port' 't hostiis Cast'i Bell' Mar' xxid. q'. S'm' iiiis. vid. q'. Carpet'. Ricard' de Roul' xviiid. S'm' pat'. Q'arr'. Ad' Fox' xiiid. ob., Jor' Gouch' xiiid. ob., Nich' de Fel'msh'm xiii ob., Will'o de Peeck xiid., Wyn' ap Jor' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Mad' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Phelipp' Seyth' xd., Mereduc' ap Dd' xd. Bayard'. Joh'ni de Covitr' xd., Ph' de Dandon' xd. Oper'. Rob' Capp' ixd., Th'm de Colshul' xd., Ad' de Oklehal' ixd. Falkonar'. Wal't de Grene viiid. S'm' xiiiis. id. ob. OEIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXVii Car' p* t'ra'. Ad' de Canck' car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' j carect' 't ii eq'is p' iiii dies et di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. ; Wi'llo de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'in cu' i carect' 't ii equis p' iiii die 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. S'm' vis. S'm' to'l' sup'a Ixis. xid. q'. 15. Solucio facta p' oper' Cast'i Belli Mar' D'nica Die xvi die Januar' Anno E. E. E. x'o p' septi'a precedent'. Gem'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edniu'd de Wyrwod' iis. iid., Eicard' de Wyke iis. id., Will'o de EynestapuT iis. id., Eicarde de Cristchirch' iis., Eadulf de Wych' xxd., Steph' de BockenhaT iis. q', Eogero de Yock' iis. q', Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. q', Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. q', Ad' de Conewey xviid. ob. S'm' xxvis. vid. ob. Cler'. Nich' de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubitor'. Nich' de Grene iis. q., Herr' de Elford' xxid., Eicard' de Carlton' xxid., Joh'i de Ockle xxid., Eicard' de Haluhton xxid. S'm' ixs. q'. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' iiii duod' ferri 't xviii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' 't quarr' xxiid. ob., Lamb' de Holsh'm xd., Will'o Fabr' fabric' serur' p' port' 't ost' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' xxid. ob. q'. S'ra' iiiis. vid. q'. Janyn Da' quere't' XT dol' carb' mar' ap'd Holston' p' oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar' cu' log' batell' 't cap' p' dol' xixd. 't p' podie' iiiid. salvo iid. p' duo 't p' scar" xxs. xd. S'm' p'. Carpent'. Eicard' de Eoul' xxiid., Eeg' de Eoul' viid., Ad' Seyr' xxd., Ph' Seyth" xiid. S'm' vs. id. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xiiid. ob., Jor' Gouch' xiiid. ob., Nich' de Fel'msh' xiiid. ob., Jena' ap' Dd' xiid., Wyn' a' Jor' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor, xd. ob., Maddoc' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Meduc' ap Dd' xd., Ph' Seyth' xd , Eddenene ap Dd' xd., Ph' de Dandon xd., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd. Oper'. Eob' Capp' xd. Portch'. Walt' de Grene viiid. S'm' xiiis. vd. ob. Car' p' Mar'. Ph Seyth' car' pet'as de quarr' 't usque Cast'm cu' j batell 't 't p' vi tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., xviiid. ; Ad' Gouch xiid. ; John'i Marescall xiid. ; Ad' de Gramor' xiid. Car' p' terr'. Ad' de Canek' car' pet'as de Mar' us' Cast'm cu' i carect' 't ii equis p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. viiid. ; Will'o de Dene car' petras de Mar' us' Castru' cu' una batell' 't carect' 't ii equis p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. viiid. S'm' xis. xd. P'b'. S'm' to'l' supra ivli. xiis. xid. ob. 1 6. Soluc' facta p' Oper' Cast'i Belli Mar' Die D'nica xxiii die Januar' Anno E. E. E. x'o p' sept' p'ced'. Cem'. Mag' Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd de Wyrwood iis. iid., Eicard' de Wyke iis. id., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. id., Steph' de Bockenh' iis. q', EadulF de Wych' iis. q', Eogero de Yock' iis. q', Joh'i de Lenton'iis. q', Joh'ni de Stewnto" iis. q', Ad' de Conewey xvid. S'm' xxiiiis. ixd. q'. Cleric'. Nich' de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubit'. Nichol' de Grene iis. q', Herr' de Elford' xxid., Eicard' de Carlton xxid., Joh'ni de Okie xxid., Eic' de Haluhton' xxid. S'm' ixs. q'. Fabr 1 . Steph' Fabr' oper' xxiii pec' ferr' 't xvii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem 'cubit' 't q'arr' xxiid. ob., Lamb' de Holsh'am xd., Will'o Fabr' fabric' serur' p' port' 't ost' d'c'i Cast'i xxid. ob. q'. S'm' iiiis. vid. q'. Carp' n'. Eic' de Eoul' xxiid., Eeg' de Eoul' viid., Ad' Seyr' xxd., Jena ap Dd' xxd., Eees Duy xd. S'in* vis. viid. XXV111 OKIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xiiid. ob., Jor' Gouch' xiiid. ob., Nich' de Fel'msham xiiid. ob., Wyn' ap Jor' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' de Banger* xd., Maddoc' Duy xd., Mereduc' ap Dd' xd., Phelipp' Seyth' xd., Edenenet' ap Dd' xd., Ph' de Dandon' xd , Joh'ni de Covitr' xd. Fact' p' coral' calc'. Robert de Ekleshal' xd., Eob' Capp' Hid. Porteh'. Walt' de Gren' viiid. S'm' xiis. viiid. ob. Car' p' Mar'. Phelipp' Seyth' car' liber' 't nig'as pet' as de q'arr' 't 'usq' Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' viii tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., Us. ; Ad' Gouch' xvid., Joh'ni Marescall' xvid., Ad' de Camor' xvid. Car' p' terr'. Ad' de Canck' car' pet' as de Mar' as' Cast'rn cu' j carect' 't ii eq'is p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die viiid., iiis. viiid. j Will'o de Dene car' pet'as cu' una carect' 't ii eq'is p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. viiid. S'm' xiiis. iiiid. P'b'. S'm' toT supra Ixxiis. viid. q'. 17. Soluc' fac' pro oper' Cast'i Belli' Mar' Die D'nica xxx die Januar' Anno E. E. E. x'o p' sept' p'ced'. Cement'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. iid. Will'o de Eustapul' iis. id., Steph' de Bockenh' iis. q', Eadulf de Wych' iis. q., Eog' de Yock, iis. q'a, Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. q., Joh'ni de Steunton iis. q', Will'o de Eosse iis., Ad' de Conewey xviid. ob. S'm' xxiiiis. ix. o. q'. Cleric'. Nich' de EadewelT xxd. S'm' patet. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. q., Herr' de Elford' xxid., Eicard' de Carlton' xxid., Eic' de Haluhto' xxid., Eic' de Eoul' xxid. S'm' ixs. q'. Fabr*. Steph' Fabr 5 oper' iiii duod' ferr' 't xx gadd' asc' circa instrurn' cem' cubit' 't quarr' xxiid. ob., Lambert' de Holsh'm xd., Will'o Fabr' fabric' serur' p' ostiis 't p' port' Cast'i Bell' Mar" xxid. ob. q'. S'm' iiiis. vid. q'. Empc'. In viii petris pic' empc' p' batell' 't prec' petr'xvid., xs. viiid.; in ix Ii. sepe empc' p' eod' batell' prec' Ii. id. q., xid. q., in j batell' plen' e'pc' p' oper' viiis. S'm' xixs. viiid. q'. Carp'nt'. Eeg' de Eoul' xxiid., Ad' de Duy xxd., Jena ap Dd' xxd., Eees Duy xd. S'm' vis. q'. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xiiid. ob., Jor' Gouch' xiiid. ob., Nich' de Fel'msh'm xiiid. ob., Wyn' ap Jor' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Merduc' ap Dd' xd., Ph' Seyth' xd., Edenenet ap Dd' xd., Phelipp' de Dandon' xd., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd., Eob' de Ekleshal' xd., Eob' de Stafford' xd. Oper'. Eob' Capp' xd. Porteh'. Walt' de Greno' viiid. S'm' xiiiis. id. o'. Car' p' ter'. Ph' Seyth' car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de quarr' 't usq' Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' ix tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., iis. iiid., Ad' Gouch' xviiid., Joh'ni Marescall, xviiid., Ad' de Camor' xviiid. Car' p' terr'. Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usque Cast'm cu' una i carect' 't ii eq'is p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. ; Ad' de Canck' car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' j carect' 't ii eq'is p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. S'm' xiis. ixd. P'b'. S'm' to'l' supra iiiUi. xiis. vid. q ( . 1 8. Soluc' fact' p' oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar' Die D'nica vi die Februar' Anno E. E. x'o p' sept' preced'. Cem'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. viid., ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXIX WilTo de Eynestapul' iis. vid., Steph' de Bockenli' iis. vd., Radulf de Wych' iis. vd., Rog' de Yock' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. vd., Will'o de Rosse iis. iiiid., Ad' de Conewey xixd. S'm' xxviis. viiid. Cler'. Nich' de RadewelT xxd. S'ma pat'. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Herr' de Elford' iis. id., Ric' de Carlton' iis. id., Ric' F'anceys iis. id., Ric' de Haluhton' iis. id. S'm' xs. ixd. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' iii duod' 't iiii pec' ferr' 't xxii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' 't q'arr' iis. iiid., Lamb' de Holsh'm xiid., Will'o Fabr' fabric' serur' p' ost' 't p' port' d'c'i Castri iis. iid. S'm.' vs. vd. Empt'. In ix pet'is pic' empt' p' batell' 't prec' petr' xvid., xiis.; in iiii pec' merem' empt' p' poll' iis. vid., in ii pec' merem' emptis p' batell' 't xiid. S'm' xvs. vid. Carpent'. Ricard' de Roul' iis. iid., Ad' Seyr' iis., Jena' ap Dd' iis., Rees Duy xd. S'm' viis. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xiiiid. ob., Jor' Gouch' xiiiid. ob., Nich' de Fel'msh'm xiiiid. ob., Wyn' ap Jor' xiiid., Eyvu' de Bangor' ixd. q', Madoc' de Bangor' ixd. q', Madoc' Duy ixd. q', Meduc' ap Dd' ixd. q', Ph' Seyth' ixd. q', Eden- enec ap Dd' ixd. q', Ph' de Dandon' ixd. q', Joh'ni de Covitr' ixd. q', Rob' de EkleshaT ixd. q', Rob' de Stafford' ixd. q'. Oper'. Rob' Gappe' xd., Walt' de Grene viiid. S'm' xiiis. xid. Car' p' Mar'. Ph' Seyth' car' lib' 't nig' as pet' as de q'arr' 't us' Cast'm cu' j batell 't p' viii tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., iis. ; Ad' Gouch' xvd., Joh'ni Mares- call' xvid., Ad' de Gramor' xvid. Car' p' terr'. Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' us' Cast'in cu' una carect' 't ii eq'is p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. ; Ad' de Canck' car' pet'as pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' carect' 't ii equis p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' viii iiis. S'm' xiis. P'b'. S'm' to'F supra iiiiZi. xiiis. xid. 19. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar' Die D'nica xiii die Febr' Anno R. R. E. x'o p' septi'a p'cedent'. Cerne't'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. vd., Steph' de Bockenhal' iis. vd., Rogero de Yock' iis. vd., Radulf de Wych' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Steun- ton' iis. vd., Will'o de Rosse iis. iiiid., Ad. de Conewey xxd. S'm' xxviiis. id. Cleric'. Nicholas de Radewell' xxd. S'm' patet. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Herr' de Elford' iis. id., Ric' de Carlton' iis. id., Joh' de Ockle iis. id., Ric' de Haluhton' iis. id. S'm' xs. ixd. Fabr'. Steph'o Fabr' oper' v duod' ferr' 't xxix gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' 't q'arr' iis. iiid., Lamb' de Holsh'm xiid., Will'o Fabr' fabric' serur' p' port' 't p' ostiis Cast'i Bell' Mar' iis. iid. S'ra' vs. vd. In ii coreis eq'id alb' empc' pro poll' iis. vid., in ii pipes ferr' ernpc' p' d'cis poll' xiid., et Eyvu' Bauch' p' i cord' canab' empc' p' batell 't ixs. viid. S'm' xiiis. id. Carpent'. Ric' de Roul' iis. iid., Ad' Seyr' iis., Jena' ap Dd' iis., Rees Day xd. S'm' viis. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xvid., Jor' Gouch' xvid., Nich' de Fel'msh'm xvid., Wyn' ap' Jor' xiiid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Mereduc' ap Dd' xd., Ph' Seyth' xd., Edenenet' ap Dd' xd., Ph' de Dandon' xd., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd., Rob' de Ekleshal' xd., Rob' de Stafford' xd.. Joh'ni MarescaU' xd. Oper'. Rob' Capp' ixd., Walt' de Grene viiid. S'ua 1 xvs. viiid. XXX ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Car' p' Mar'. Phelipp' Seyth' car* pet'as de quarr' 't usq' Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' ix tyd' capp' p' tyd' iiid., iis. iiid , Ad' Gouch' xviiid., Ad' de Camor' xviiid., Joh'ni Glowe xviiid. Car' p' terr'. Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar* usq' Cast'm cu' una carect' et ii eq's p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid. iiis. viiid., Ad' de Canck' car' pet'as' de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' j bate carect' 't ii eq'is p' v dies 't di cap' p' die viiid., iiis. viiid. S'm' xiiiis. id. P'b'. S'm' toT sup' iiiiK. xvs. ixd. 20. Soluc' facta p' oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar* Die D'nica xx die Febr' Anno E. E. E. x'o p' septi'a p'ced'. Cement'. Magr' Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Will'o de Eynestapul" iis. \d., Steph'o de Bockenh' iis. \d., Eadulf ' de Wych' iis. vd., Eog' de Yock' iis. vd. , Joh'ni de Lento' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Steunto' iis. vd., Will'o de Rosse iis. iiiid., Ad' de Conewey xxd. S'm' xxviiis. id. Cleric'. Nich' de Eadewell' xxd. S'ma patet. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Herr' de Elford' iis. id., Eic' de Carlton' iis. id., Joh'ni de Okie iis. id., Eic' de Haluhto' iis. id. S'm' xs. ixd. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' iiii duod' 't ii pec' ferr' xxiii gadd' asc' circa in- strument' cement' cubit' 't quarr' iis. iiid., Lamb' de Holsh'm xiid., Will'o Fabr' fabric' serur' p' port 1 't ostiis d'c'o Cast'i iis. iid. S'm' vs. vd. Carp'n'. In una pet' sep' empc' p' batell' 't xvid., in st'amie empc' p' eod' batell' id., in una cord' canab' empc' p' batell' 't ponder' v pet'as 't di' prec' peer' iis. iiiid., xs. viiid. j in vadiis de t'n' carp'nt* quol't cap' p' septiam xxd. p' q'ind' an' Purific' Be' Mar' xs., et ii carp'n' quol't' cap' p' sept' xviiid. p' id' te'p' vis., p' lii pec' maher' p' Cast'o Bell' Mar' ex quib' peer' quol't de xiii est de longit' xxi ped' 't ix polict' quadrat' in latitud' 't quel't xx aliar' pec' de longit' xv ped' p' mediu' un' 't alt'ius 't que't de xix aliar' pec' est de lon- git' xi ped' 't in latitud' pred'ca v'l fer 1 , et in car' xlii pec' de bos' de Eoes' us' ad aq' de Thlanrost xis. iiid., et in vadiis p'd'cor' iii carp'n' quil't cap' p' sept' iis., xiis. ; et in vad' duor' carp'n' predict' quil't cap' p' sept' xxiid., viis. iiiid. ; circa p' q'ind' post' Pur' Be' Mar'. In car' xlii pec' Meher' de Thlanrost' p' aq' usq' Bell' Mar' in g'osso xiis. iid., in viii pet'is empc' p' batell' 't p'cin' peer' xvid., xs. viiid. S'm' iiiifi. xviiid. Carpent'. Eic'de Eoule iis. iid., Ad' Seyr' iis., Jena' ap Dd' iis., Eees Duy xd. S'm' viis. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xvid., Jor' Gouch' xvid., Nich' Fel'msh'm xvid., Wyn' ap Jor' xiiiid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' de Bangor xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Meduc' ap Dd' xd., Ph' Seyt' xd., Edenenet ap Dd' xd., Ph' de Dando' xd., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd., Joh' de Eklesh' xd., Eob'de Stafford' x ., Joh'ni Mares- caU' xd. Oper'. Eob' Capp' ixd., Ad' de Dene viiid., Walt' de Grene viiid. S'm' xvis. iiiid. Car' p' Mar. Ph' Seyth' car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de q'arr' 't usq' Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' viii tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., iis. ; Ad' Gouch' xvid., Ad' de Camor' xvid., Joh'ni Glowe xvid. Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' j carect' 't ii eq'is p' v dies r t di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. viiid. ; Ad' de Canck' car' pet'as de Mar 1 us' Cast'm cu' ii carect' 't ii eq'is p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. viiid. S'm' xiiis. iiiid. S'ni' toT sup'a viiili. iiiis. id. OKIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXXI 21. Solucio facia, p' oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar' Die D'nica xxvii die Febr* Anno E. E. E. x'o p' septi'a pV. Cement'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. iid., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. id., Steph' de Bockenh' iis. q', Eadulff' de Wych' iis. q', Eog'o de Took iis. q', Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. q', Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. q', Will'o de Eoss iis., Ad' de Conewey xviid. S'm' xxiiis. ixd. q'. Nich' de EadewelT xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubitor 1 . Nich' de Grene iis. q., Herr' de Elfort' xxid., Eicard' de Carlto' xxid., Eicard' de Haluhton' xxid., Joh'ni de Eavenesbur' iis., Nich' de Salus- bur* xxiid., Nicholas de Fel'msh'm xiiid. ob. S'm' xiis. iid. ob. q'. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper 5 xxi pec' fer' 't xvii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' 't q'arreor' xxiid. ob., Lambert' de Holsh'm xd., Will'o Fabr' fabric' serur' p' ostiis 't port' d'c'i Cast'i xxid. ob. q. S'm' iiiis. vid. q. In iiii remis e'pt' p' batell' 't preciu' rem' iiiid., xvid. ; in ii spechors empt' p' eod' iiiid., in i sumag' ungar' e'pt' p' oper' iiid. S'm' xxiiid. Carp'nt'. Eicard' de Eoule xxid. ob., Ad' Seyr' xxd., Eees Duy viiid. ob. S'm' iiiis. iid. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xiiid. ob., Jor' Gouch' xiiid. ob., Wyn' ap Jor' xid., Eyvu' de Bangor' viiid. ob., Madoc' de Bangor' viiid. ob., Madoc' Duy viiid. ob., Meduc' ap Dd' viiid. ob., Edenenet ap Dd' viiid. ob., Ph' de Dandon' viiid. ob., Joh'ni de Covitr' viiid. ob., Eob' de Eklesh' viiid. ob., Eob' de Stafford' xd., Tudur' ap Dd' viiid. ob., Jor' ap Guingul' viiid. ob., Herr' le Scherma' xd. Oper'. Joh'ni de Covitr' viiid. ob., Walt' de Grene viid. S'm' xiiis. iid. ob. Car' p' Mar'. Ph' ap Tudur' car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de q'arr' 't usq' Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' vii tyd' cap' p' tyda' iiid., xxid. ; Ad' Gouch' xiiiid., Joh'ni MarescalT xiiiid., Ad' de C'amor xiiiid. Car' p' terr'. Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' j carect' 't ii eq'is p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. ; Ad' de Canck' car' pet'as de Mar 1 usque Cast'm cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. S'm' xis. iiid. P'b'. S'm' toT sup' Ixxiiis. viiid. ob. q'. 22. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Belli' Mar' Die D'nica vi die Marcii Anno E. E. E. x'o p' septi'a preced'. Cement'. Magr'o Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Will'o de Eynestapul' xvd., Steph' de Bockenh' iis. vd., Eadulfo de Wych' iis. vd., Eoger' de Yock' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Lenton' xiiiid. ob., Joh'ni de Steun- ton' iis. vd., Will'o de Eosse iis. iiiid., Joh'ni de Eamesbnr' iis. iiiid., Ad' de Conewey xxd. S'm' xxviiis. ob. Cleric'. Nich' de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Herr' de Elford' iis. id., Eicard' de Carlton' iis. id., Eicard' de Haluhton' iis. id., Nich' de Salusbur' iis. id., Will'o de Dyn- bigh' iis. id., Nich' Bernard' xxid., Nich' de Fel'msh'm xvid. S'm' xvs. xd. Steph' Fabr' oper' iiii duod' ferr 't xxiii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' 't q'arr' iis. iiid., Lamb' de Holsh'm xiid., Will'o Fabr' fabricant' serur' p' port' 't ost' d'c'i Cast'i iis. iid. S'm' vs. vd. In ii dol' carbon' mar' empt' p' oper' preciu' dol' iis., vis. S'm' patet. Eicard' de Eoul' iis., Ad' Seyr' iis. S'm' iiiis. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xvid., Joan Gouch' xvid., Wyn' ap Jofn' xiiid , Eyvu' de Bangor xd., Madoc' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Meduc' ap Dd' xd., Eden- enet ap Dd' xd., Joh'ni de Covitr' xd., Phelipp' de Dandon' xd., Eobert' de Ekleshal' xd., Eob' de Stafford' xd., Tudwr ap Dd' xd., Joh'ni MarescalT xd. XXX11 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Oper'. Robert' Gappe xd., Herr' de Sherma' xd. Porteh'. Walt' de Grene viiid. S'm' xvs. Hid. Ph' ap Tedur' car' liber' 't nig'as pet'as de quarr' 't usque Castru' cu' j bateir 't p' vi tyd' cap' p' tyd' Hid., xviiid. ; Ad' Gouch' xiid., Thorn' Gouch' xiid., Steph' de Wali'gford' xiid., Joh'ni Glowe xiid., Dd' Duy xiid. Ad' Gouch' car' liber 5 't nig'as pet'as de quarr' n'r usq' Cast'rn cu' j batell' 't p' viii tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., iis. ; Ad' de C'amor' xvid., Reginald' le Walsshe xvid., Will'o Duy xvid. Will'o de Dene car 5 pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' j bate' carect' 't ii equis p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die viiid., iiis. ; Ad' de Canck' car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die viiid., iiis. S'm' xviiis. vid. P'b'. S'm' tol" sup' iiiiZi. xiiiis. ixd. ob. 23. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica xiii die Marcii Anno R. R. E. x'o p' septi'a precedent'. Cement'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Will'o le Peinter iiis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. vid., Steph'o de Bockenh' iis. vd., RadulP de Wych iis. vd., Rogero de Tock' iis. vd. } Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Stewnton' iis. vd., Will'o de Rosse iis. iiiid., Joh'ni de Ramesbur' iis. iiiid., Ad' de Conewey xxiid. S'm' xxxiiis. viiid. Nicholas de Radewell' xxd. S'm' patet. Cubitor'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Nich' de Salusbur' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Grene iis. iiiid., Will'o de Dynbygh' iis. id., Will'o de Vanreal' iis., Herr' de Elforde iis. id., Ricard' de Carlton' iis. id., Ricard' de Haluhton' iis. id., Nich' Bernard' iis., Nich' Fel'msh'm xvid. S'm' xxs. xd. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' oper' vii duod' ferr' 't xxvi gadd' asc' ci'ca instrum' ceme't' cubit' 't q'arr' iis. iiid., Thorn' Pese xiid., Will'o Fabr' fabric' serur' p' port' 't ostiis d'c'i Cast'i iis. iid. S'm' vs. vd. In xi g'oss' planebord' empt' p' oper' prec' bord' vd., iiiis. viid. ; in iiii sumag' virg* e'pt' p' oper' p'ciu' sumag' iiiid., xvid. ob. ; in vi li* pet'is pic' empt' p' oper' p'ciu' petre xvid , viiis. j in iiii remis empc' p' oper' prec'm rem' iiiid., xvid. S'm' xvs. iiid. Carp'nt'. Ricard' de Roul' iis. iid. S'm' patet. Quarr'. Ad' Fox xvid., Jorn' Gouch' xvd., Wyn' ap Jorn' xiiid., Joh'ni de Stretton' xiid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' Duy xd., Mereduc' ap David' xd., Edenenet ap Dd' xd., Robert' de Eklesh' xd., Rob' de Stafford' xd., Joh'ni Marescall' xd., Tudur' ap Dd' xd. Oper'. Herr' de ( Sherman) xd., Rob' Capp' ixd. Porteh'. Walt' de Grene viiid. S'm' xiiiis. vd. Car* p' Mar'. Ph' ap Tudur' car' pet'as de quarr' 't usque Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' vii tyd' cap' p' tyd' iiid., xxid. ; Ad' Gouch' xiiiid., Thorn' Gouch' xiiiid., Steph' de Waly'gford' xiiiid., Joh'ni Glowe xiiiid., Ad' Duy xiiiid. Ad Roket' cu' pet'as de quarr' 't usque Cast'm cu' j batell' 't p' vii tyd' capi- ent' p' tyd' iiid., xxid. j Ad' de Vanreal' xiiiid., Ad' de Camor' xiiiid., Ph' de Dandon' xiiiid. Car' p' terr'. Will'o de Dene car' pet'as de Mar' usque Cast'm cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die' viiid., iiis. viiid. ; Will'o de Stret- ton' car' pet'as de Mar' usque Cast'm cu' una carect' 't ii equis p' qui'q' dies 't di' cap' p % die' viiid., iiis. viiid. S'm' xixs. vid. P'b'. S'm' to'l 1 sup' xiis. xid. In dorse. P'ticle' expens' opar' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' festo S'c'i Mich* Anno ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXX111 24. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica xx die Marcii Anno E. E. E. x'o p' sept' p'eced'. Cement'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'd' de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. vid., Steph'o de Bockenh' iis. vd., Eadulf de Wych' iis. iiiid., Eogero de Yock' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Steun- ton' iis. vd., Will'o de Eosse iis. iiiid., Joh'ni de Eamesbur' iis. iiiid., Ad' de Conewey xxiid. S'm' viid. Nich' de Ea(dewelT) x(xd.) (S'm' patet.) Cubit'. Nich' de Gr(ene) Nichol' de (ii)s. vd., Joh'ni de G(rene) (ii)s. iiiid., Will'o deDyn(bigh') (ii)s. id., Will'o de Herr'de Eicard' de Eicard' de Nich' de Nich' Fabr 1 . Steph' Ad' Fox xvid., Jor' Gouch' xvd., Wyn' ap Jorn' xiid., Joh'ni de Stretton' xiid., Eyvu' de Bangor' xd., Madoc' de Bangor' xd., Ad' Duy xd., Meduc' ap Dd' xd., Edenenet ap Dd' xd., Eobert' de Ekleshal' xd., Eob' de Stafforde xd., Joh'ni Marescall' xd., Tudur' ap Dd' xd. Oper'. Herr' le (Shelman) xd., Eob' Cappe xd., Walt' de Grene viiid. S'm' xiiiis. vd. Ph' ap Tudur' car' petr'as de quarr' et usq' Cast'm cu' j batell' et p' vi tyd' capie't' p' tyd' iiid., xviiid. ; Ad' Gouch' xiid., Thorn' de la Gouch' xiid., Steph' de Wali'gford' xiid., Joh'ni Glowe xiid., Ad' Duy xiid. Ad' Eoket' car' liber' et nig'as pet'as de quarr' et usq' Cast'in cu' j batell' et p' vi tydas capient' p' tyd' iiid., xviiid. ; Ad' de Vanreal, xiid., Ad' de C'a- mor' Ph' de Dandon' Will'o de Dene 25. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica xxvii die Marcii Anno E. E. E. x'o pro septi'a p'cedent'. Cem'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'do de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. vid., Steph' de Bockenh' iis. vd., Eadulff' de Wych' iis. vd., Eog' de Yock' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Lenton' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. vd., Will'o de Eosse iis. iiiid., Joh'ni de Eamesbur' iis. iiiid., Ad' de Cone- wey xxiid. S'm' xxxs. viiid. Cleric'. Nicholas de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Nich' de Salusbur' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Grene iis. iiiid., Will'o de Dynbygh' iis. id., Herr' de Elford' iis. id , Eicard' de Carl- ton' iis. id., Eicard' de Haluhton 1 iis. id., Nich' iis., Thorn' iis., Joh'ni de iis , Nich' xvid. S'm' xxiis. xd. Fabr'. Steph' vi duod" et quarr' iis. iiid., C xiid., G p' pet' s. vd. septis 26. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica iii die Aprilis Anno E. E. E. x'o pro septi'a precedent'. Ceme'. Magr'o Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'do de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. vid., Steph' de Bockenh' iis. vd., Eadulfo de Wych' iis. vd., Eog' de Yock' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Lenton' ii*. vd., Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. vd., Will'o de Eosse iis. iiiid., Joh'ni de Eamesbur' iis. iiiid., Ad' de Cone- wey xxiid. S'm' xxxs. viiid. Cleric'. Nich'de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' patet'. Cubit'. Nich' de Grene iis. vd., Joh'ni de Salusbur' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Grene iis Will'o de Dynbigh' iis (Herr' de) Elford' iis (Eicard' de) Carlton' iis (Eicard' de) Haluhton' iis (Nich') Bernard' iis , iTH SER., VOL. II. d XXXIV ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. iis (Joh'ni) de Ockle iis Nich' de Fel'msh'm xvid. S'm' xxiis. xd. Fabr 5 . Steph' Fabr' oper' iiii duod' pec' ferri et xxii gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' et q'arr' iis. ...d., Thorn' Pese xiid., Fabr' fabric' serur' p' ost' 27. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica x'o die April' Anno E. E. E. x'o pro septi'a precedent'. Ceme't'. Magr'o Nich' de Derneford viis., Edmu'do de Wyrwode xvd. ob., Will'o de Eynestapul' xvd., Eadulfo de Wych' xiiiid. ob., Eog'o de Tock' xiiitf. ob., Joh'ni de Lenton' xiiiid. ob., Joh'ni de Steunton' xiiiid. ob., Will'o de Eosse xiiiic?., Joh'ni de Eamesbur' xiiiid., Ad' de Comwey xid. S'm' xviis. viid. ob. Cleric'. Nich' de Eadewell' xxd. S'm' patet. Cubit'. Nich' de Salusbur' xiiiid. ob., Grene xiiiid., (Herr') de Elforde xiid. ob., Will'o de Dynbygh' xiid. ob., (Eicard) de Carlton' xiid. ob., (Eicard 5 de Haluhton' xiid. ob., Nich' Bernard' xiid. ob., Joh'ni (de Ockle ?) xiid. ob , Nichol' de Fel'msham viiid. S'm' ixs. iid. ob. Steph'o Fabr' oper' iii duod' pec' ferr' et v gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' et q'arr' xiiid., Thorn' Pese xd., Will'o Fabr' fabric' serur' p' et ost' 28. Solucio facta pro oper' Cast'i Bell'i Mar' Die D'nica xvii die Aprilis Anno E. E. E. decimo p' septi'a precedent'. Ceme't'. Mag'ro Nicholas de Derneford' viis., Edmu'do de Wyrwode iis. viid., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. vid., Eadulfo de Wych' iis. vd., Eog'o de Yock' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Lenton 'iis. vd., Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. vd., Will'o de Eosse iis. iiiid., Joh'ni de Eamesbur 1 iis. iiiid., Ad' de Conewey xxd. S'm' xxviiis. id. Cleric'. Nicholas de EadewelT xxd. S'm' patet. Salisbur' iis., Grene iis., Elforde iis., Dynbygh' iis., Eicard' de Carlton' iis., Eicard' de Haluhton' iis., Thorn' de Leye iis., Nich' de Fel'msh'm xvid. S'm' xvis. vd. Steph'o Fabr' oper 1 vi duod' ferr' et xxviii gadd' (asc') circa instrum' cement' (cubit' et q'arr') iis., Thorn' Pese, Will'o Fabr' 29. Solucio facta p' oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar* Die D'nica xxiiii q' die April' Anno E. E. E. x'o p' septi'a p'c'. Cem'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'do de Wyrwod' iis. viu/., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. vid., Eadulfo de Wych' iis. vd., Bog' de Yock' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. vd., Will'o de Eosse iis. iiiid., Joh'ni de Eanies- bur' iis. iiiid., Ad' de Con' xxiid. S'm' xxvs. xd. Cleric'. Nich' de EadewelT xxd. S'm' pat'. (Sali)sbur' iis., (Haluh)ton' iis., Thorn' iis., Nich' de Fel'ms- h'm xvid. S'm' xvis. ixd. Thorn' Fabr' oper' vi duod' ferr' et xxi gadd' asc' circa instrum' cem' cubit' iis. iiid., Thorn' Pes' xiid., Will'o de Fabr' fabric' ser' p' port' 30. Soluc' fact' pro oper' Cast'i Bell' Mar' Die D'nica primo die Mali Anno E. E. E. x'o p' septi'a precedent'. Ceme't'. Mag'ro Nich' de Derneford' viis., Edmu'do de Wyrwod' iis. viid., Will'o de Eynestapul' iis. vid., Eadulf de Wych' iis. vd., Eog' de Yock' iis. vd., Joh'ni de Steunton' iis. vd., Will'o de Eosse iis. iiiid , Joh'ni de Eames- bur' iis. iiiid., Ad' de Conewey S'm' xxvs Cleric'. Nich' de Eadewell .. S'rn' .., ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXXV Salisbur' (Haluhton) Thorn' de Nich'de Fel'insh'm S'm' xvis. Steph' Fabro oper' vii duod' ferr' et xxviii gadd' asc' circa instru' cem' cubit' et q'arr' infra Thorn' Will'o i. Solucio facta p' op'ac' Cast'i de Bell' Marisc' Die D'oic' vii Die me's' Octob' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'ced'. Cem'. Magist'o Nich'o de Derneford viis. S'm' patet'. Cl'ic'. Eog' de Catthorp xxd. S'm' patet'. Cubit'. Joh' de Grene iis. iiiid., Eob'to de Grene iis. iiid., Nich'o de Fel- myssam xxd. S'm' vs. iiid. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'ant' ad taxam iiii pec' ferr' et x Gadd' ac' circa instrume't' cubit' Cap' p' pec' ferr' iid., et p' gadd' ac ob. xiiid. S'm' pat'. E'pt'. In j cord' p' cubit' e'pt' iiid., in j boll' e'pt' ad p'fciend' aq'a afosso iid. S'm' vd. Opar' p' terr'. Ad' Lagan xiid., Symon' le Eedde xiid., Map' Conga xd., Map' Gynna xd., Joh' de Eodon' xd., David' de Salle viiicZ., Eic' de Lynton' vid. S'm' vs. viiid. Car' p' terr'. Galfrid' Pistor' car' terr' cu' una cart' et i eq'o p' iii dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xiiiid. S'm' pat'. S'm' tol' sup'a xxiiis. iiid. p'b'. 2. Solucio Facta p' op'ac' Cast'i De Bell' Mar' Die Dole' xiiii'o Die mens' Octob' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'cedent'. Cem'. Magist'o Nich'o de Derneford viis. S'm'. Cl'ic'. Eog' de Catthorp. xxd. S'm' pate'. Cubit'. Joh'ni de Grene iis. iiiid., Eob'to de Grene iis. iiid., Joh' de Steu- enton' iis. vd., Walt' de Carlton' iis. iiiid., Eog' de Neth' iis. iiiid.. Nich'o de Felmyssam xxd. S'm' xiiis. iiiid Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'ant' ad tasch'm vi pec' ferr' et xii gadd' ac' circa instrum't cubit' cap' p' p'ecia ferr' iid. et p' Gadd' ac ob. xviiid. S'm' pate'. Andrewe le Plumer xiid. Opar' p' terr'. Ad' Saga xiid., Steph' de Waly'ford xd., Map' Gwyna xd., Map' Conga xd., Joh' de Eodynge xd., David' de Salle viiid., Eic' de Lynton viid. S'm' vis. viid. Car' p' terr'. Galfrid Pistor' car' terr' p' cu' una carta et j eq'o p' v dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xxiid., Symon' le Eedde car' terr' cu' una carta et j eq'o p' v dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xxiid. S'm' iiis. viiid. S'm' toT sup' xxxiiis. ixd. p'b'. 3. Solucio facta pro op'ac' Cast'i de Bell' Marisc' Die D'o'ic' xxi die mens' Octob' Anno E. E. E. xiii p' septi' p'eced'. C'mi'. Magist'o Nich'o de Derneford' viis. S'm' pate'. Cl'ic'. Eog' de Catthorp xxd. S'm' pate'. Cubit'. Joh'i de Grene iis. iiiid., Eob'to de Grene iis. iiiid., Joh' de Steuen- ton' iis. vd., Walter' de Carleton' iis. iiiid., Eog' de Neth' iis. iiiid., Nich' de Felmyssam xxd. S'm' xiiis. iiiid. Carp'. Joh' de Mere iis. iiiid. S'm' pate' Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'ant' ad tascha' vi pec' ferr' 't xii gadd' ac' circa instrum't cubitor' et q'arr' Eeg' cap' p' pec' ferr' iid. et p' gadd' ac' ob. xviiid. S'm' pate'. XXXVI OK1GINAL DOCUMENTS. E'pt'. In coler e'pt' p' bayard' ixd., in iiii clavis e'pt' p' pestr' et for' p'c' c. vd., xxd. S'm' us. vd. Bayard' et Opar' p' Terr'. Andrewe le Plumer xiiid., Ad' Lagan' xiid., Steph'o de Waly'ford xiid., Ad' Gob' xiid., Th'm' de Coneway xiid., Map' Gwyna xd., David Steyryn xd., Map' Gonga xd., Job' de Eodon' xd., David de Salle ixd., Eic' de Lynton' viid. S'm' ixs. viiid. Car' p' terr'. Galfrid' Pistor' car' terr' cu' una car'ta 't j eq'o p' iiii dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xviiid. ; Synon le Eede car' terr' cu' una car'ta et j eq'o p' iiii dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xviiid. ; Th'in' le Wodehewer' car' terr' cu' j carc't' et j eq'o p' iiii dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xviiid. S'm' iiiis. vid. Empt' ferr' et clavor'. Eob'to Knap' p' v'qz sumag' et di ferri p'c' sumag' xiiiis., ab eo emp' p' op'acoi'b' sup'a d'cis p' div'sas vices Ixxviis. Eide' p' viii m'l' DC. de double-bord-nail p'c' cen' iiiid., similit' emp' de eode' p' eisde' op'aco'ib' xxviiis. iiiid. Eide' p' j in-clume ab eo empc' p' fabrica' E' et ibid' xxs. S'm' viM. vs. iiiid. p'c'. S'm' pat'. S'm' toT istius septimane viiiZi. viis. ixd. p's. 4. Soluc' facta p' opac' Cast'i Bell' Marisc' Die' Do'ica xxvii die niens' Octob' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'ced'. C'mi't'. Magist'o Nich'o de Derneford' viis. S'm' pate'. Cl'ic'. Eog' de Calthorp xxd. S'm' pate'. Cubit'. Job' de Steuenton iis. vd!., Joh'i de Grene iis. iiid., Walter' de Carleton' iis. iiiid., Eog' de Neth' iis. iiiid., Eob'to de Grene iis. iiid , Nich'o de Felmyssam xixd. S'm' xiiis. iid. Carpent'. Job' de Mer' iis. iiid. S'm' pate'. Fabr'. Stepb' Fabr' op'ar' xiiii pec' ferr' et xv gadd' asc' circa instrum't cubitor' et q'arr' Eeg' et alia necessar' infa cast'm iis. Hid., Andrewe le Plumer xiiid. S'm' iiis. mid. E'pt'. In iiii ponder' virgar' e'pt' p'c' pond' iiiid. In iiii poll' soder' e'pt' p' batell' Eeg' p'c' pond' iiiid., iis. viiid. S'm' pate'. Bayard'. Ad' Lagan xid., Stepb' de Waly'ford' xiid., Ad' Gob' xiid., Tb'm' de Conewey xiicZ., David de Vaureal xcZ., Map' Gwyna xd., David Steryn xd., Map' Conga xcZ., Job'i de Eodon' xd., David de Salle viiid., Eic' de Lynton' viid. S'm' ixs. iiiid. Quarr'. Henr' de Elleford' iis. iid., David ap Wyly xiiiid., David Vab'n xiiiid. S'm' iiiis. vid. Car' p' terr'. Symon' le Eede car' terr' cu' una car'ta et j eq'o p' v dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xxiid. ; Tb'm' le Wodebewer car' terr' cu' una car'ct' et j eq'o p' v dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xxiid. ; Galfrid Pistor' car' terr' car'cta et di' j eq'o p' v dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xxiid. S'm' vs. vid. S'm' total' sup'a xlixs. vid. P'b'. (In dorso.) S'm' to'l' isti' mens' xiiili. xiiiis. iiid. P'b'. 5. Solucio facta pro opac' Cast'i De Bell' Marisco Die Do'ic' iiii'o die mens' Nove'b' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'eced'. C'mit'. Magist'o Nicb'o de Derneford 1 viis., Ead' de Wyche xxd., Eic' de Becbe xxd. S'm' xs. iiiid. Clic'. Eog' de Caltborp xxd. S'm' pate'. Cubitor' et Bat'r'. Job' de Steuenton' xxd., Job'i de Grene xixd., Walter' de Carlteon xixd., Eog' de Neth' xixd., Eob'to de Grene xviiid. ob., Nicb'o de Felmyssam xviid. ob. S'm' ixs. vd. Carp'. Job' de Mer' iis. iiiid., Ad' le Galeys xd. S'm' iiis. iid. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXXV11 E'p't'. In vi horys e'pt' p' batell' Reg' p'c' hor' iiiid., Us. j in j planke e'pt' p' batell' Eeg' xd., in j spogour' e'pt' p' batell' E' iid. S'm' iiis. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'ant' xii pec' ferr' et xiii gadd' ac' cir' instrum't' ceimt' cubit' Bat'r' et q'areor' E. et alia necessar' inf a cast'm etc. xixd., Andrewe le Ploummer viiid. ob. S'm' iis. iiid. ob. Bayard et opar' p' terr'. Ad' Lagan viiid. ob., Ad' Goh' viiid. ob., David de Warleal viiid. ob., Map' Gwyna viiid. ob., David Doun viiid. ob., Map' Conga viiid. ob , David' Steryn viiid. ob., David' de Salle viid., Eic' de Lyn- ton' vid., Ad' Potehache vd. S'm' vis. vd. ob. Quarr'. Henr' de Elleforde xixd. ob., David de Ope xid. ob., Dd' Vach'n xd. S'm' iiis. vd. Car' p' terr'. Th'm' de Wodehewer car' terr' cu' una car'ta et j eq'o p' iii dies cap' p' die' iiiid., xiid. ; Galf'rid' Pistor' car' terr' cu' una car'ct' et i eq'o p' iii dies cap' p' die' iiiid., xiid. S'm' iis. Car' p' Mare'. Job' ap Tuder' car' petr' cu' un' batell' Eeg' de q'r' Eeg' us' Cast'm de Bell' Mar' p' ii tyd' cap' p' tyd' xiiid., iis. iid. S'm' total' sup'a Ixiiis. xid. P'b'. In dorso. November. 6. Solucio facta pro opac' Cast'i De Bell' Mar' Die Do'ie xi die me's' Nove'b' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'ecedent'. C'mit'. Magist'o Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Ead' de Wyche iis. q', Eic' de Beche iis. q'. S'm' xis. ob. Cl'ic. Eog' de Catthorp xxd. S'm' pate'. Cubit' et Bat'r'. Job' de Steuenton' iis. q', Job' de Grene xxiiid. ob., Wal- ter de Carleton xxiiid. ob., Eog' de Neth xxiiid. ob., Eob'to de Grene xxiid. ob., Nicb' de Felmyssam xviid. S'm' xis. iid. q'. Carp'. Job' de Mer' iis. iiiid., Ad' le Galeys xd. S'm' iiis. iid. E'pt'. In iii duod' ferr' e'pt' p' op'ac' Cast'i de Bell' Mar' p'c' duod' xvd., iiis. ixd. ; it' in iii ccc clav' e'pt' p' op'ac' Cast'i ibid'm p'c' cvd., xvd. S'm' vs. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'ant' x pec' ferr 1 et ii gadd' ac' circa instrum't' com'it' cubit' Bat'r 1 et q'ar' et et alia necessar' inf'a Cast'm et et xxiid. ob., Andrewe le Plumer' xid. S'ra' iis. ixd. ob. Bayard' et Op'ar' p' terr'. Ad' Lagan xd., Ad' Gob' xd., David' de VareaP viiici., Map' Gwyna viiid. ob., David' Steryn viiid. ob., David' Dount viiid. ob., Map' Conga viiid. ob., David' do Salle viid., Eic' de Lynton vd., Ad' Porte- bacbe iiiid. S'm' vis. vid. Quarr'. Henr* de Elleford' xxiid., David' de Ope xiiiid., Ad' Vach'n xiiiid. S'm' iiiis. iid. Car' p' terr'. Th'm' le Wodehewer car' terr' cu' una caret' et i eq'o p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xviiid. ; Galfrid' Pistor' car' terr' cu' una car'ct' et eq'o p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xviiid. S'm' iiis. Car' p' Mar'. Job' ap Tuder' car' petras cu' una batell' Eeg' de quar' Eeg' us' Cast'm de Bell' Mar' p' ii tyd' cap' p' tyd' xiiid.,iis. iid. S'm' pate'. S'm' total' sup'a LS. viiid. q'. P'b'. 7. Solucio facta pro Opac' Cast'i de Bell' Mar 5 Die Do'ic' xviii die mens' Novemb' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'cedent'. Cem'. Magist'o Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Ead' de Wyche iis. q', Eic' de Beche iis. q'. S'm' xis. o'. Cl'iic'. Eog' de Catthorp' xxd. S'm' pate'. Cubit' et Batar'. Joh'i de Steuenton iis. q', Joh'i de Grene xxiiid. ob., XXXV111 OKIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Walter* le Carleton' xxiiid. ob., Eog' de Neth xxiiid. ob., Eob'to de Grene xxiid. ob., Nicb'o de Felmyssam xviiid. S'm' xis. iiid. q'. Carp'. Joh'i de Mer' iis. iiiid., Ad' Galays xd. S'm' iiis. iid. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op' ant' xii pec' ferr' 't xv gadd' ac' circa instrumt' cem'it' cubit' Batar' et q'ar' Eeg' et circa alia necessar' inf'a Cast'in etc. xxiid. ob., David Gob.' op'ac' lott' xiid., Andrewe Plumer xid. S'm' iiis. ixd. ob. E'p't. In c et di' clavis e'pt' p' op'ac' Cast'i viid. ob., in una duoden' p'cb- amen' e'pt' p' Kotul' fac' iis. S'm' iis. viid. ob. Bayard' et op'ar' p' terr'. David' de Waryal xd., Ad' Gob' xd., David' Gene ixd., Job' de Rodon' ixd., Map' Conga ixd., Map' Gwyna ixd., David de Salle viiid., Eic' de Lynton' viid., Ad' Portebacbe vd. S'm' vis. imd. Q'r. Th'm' le Wodebewer fac' calciam't' xviiid., Henr' de Elleford xxiid., Fanq'aret ap Ad' xvd., Mad' Den' xiid., Ade' Vagb'n xiid. S'm' vis. viid. Car' p' terr'. Tb' le Wodeward car' terr' cu' una car'ct' et i eq'd p' v dies 't di' cap' p' die' iiiid. xxiid., Galf Pistor' car' terr' cu' una car'ct' 't i eq'o p' v dies et di cap' p' die iiiid., xxiid. S'm' iiis. viiid. Ph' ap Tud' car' pet'as de quarr' Eeg' usq' Castru' de'Bell'o Mar' cu' uno batello E' p' ii tid' cap' p' tid' xiiid., iis. iid. S'm' pat'. S'm' toT sup' Iiis. iiid. o' q'. P'b'. 8. Soluc' fact' p' op'ac' Cast'i De Bell'i Mar' Die Do'ic xxv Die mens' Novemb' Anno E. E. E. xiii p' sept' p'ced'. C'mit'. Magist'o Nicb'o de Derneford' viis., Ead' de Wycbe iis. q', Eic' de Becbe iis. q'. S'm' xis. ob. Cl'ic'. Eog' de Catthorp xxd. S'm' pate'. Cubit' et Batar'. Walter de Carleton' iis. q', Eog' de Netbe iis. q', Job' de Steuenton iis. q', Job' de Grene xxiiid. ob., Eob'to de Grene xxiid. ob., Nich'o de Felmyssam xviiid. S'm' xis. iiiid. ob. q'. Carp'. Job' de Mere iis. iiii., Ad' Galeys xd. S'm' iiis. iid. Fabr'. Stepb' Fabr' op'ant' x pec' ferr' et xii gadd' ac' circa instrum't' c'mit' cubit' q'ar' et Batar' Eege' et circa alia necessar' inf'a Cast' xxiid. ob., Andrewe Plumer xid. S'm' iis. ixd. ob. E'pt'. In cord' e'pt' p' batelP Eeg' pondera't' iiii petr' et di' p'c' petr' iis., ixs. ; in iii duod' ferr' e'pt' p'c' duod' xvd. p' op'ac' Cast'i ibid'm iiis. ixd. S'm' xiis. ixd. Bayard' et op'ar' p' terr'. David de WareaT xd.. Job' de Eodon xd., David' Gene ixd., David' de Salle viiid., Map' Conga viiid., Eic' de Lynton' viid., Ad' Portebache vd. S'm' iiiis. ixd. Quar'. Henr' de Elleforde xxiid., Fanq'aret' ap Ada xvd., Mad' Gob' xiid., Tb'm' Wodebewer fac' calciam't' xviiid , Ada Vagb'n xd. S'm' vis. vd. Car' p' terr'. Tb'm' le Wodeward' car' terr' cu' una car'ct' et j eq'o p' iiii dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xviiirf. ; Galfrid' Pistor' car' terr' cu' una car'ct' et i eq'o p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' diem iiid., xviiid. S'm' iiis. Car' p' Mar. Pb' ap Tuder' car' pet'as de q'ar' Eeg' us' Cast'm de Bell' Mar' cu' una batell' Eeg' p' iii tyd' cap' p' tyd' xiiid., iiis. iiid. S'm' pate'. S'm' toT sup'a Ixs. iid. ob. q'. P'b. (In dorso.) S'm' tol' isti' mens' xli. viis. id. o. q'. 9. Soluc' facta pro opacionib' Cast'i de Bello Mar' Die Do'ic' ii'o die mens' Decemb' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'ced'. C'mit'. Mag'ro Nicb'o de Derneford' viis., Ead' de Wycbe iis. q', Eic' de Becbe iis. q', Eic' de Dorsete iis. q', Job' de Steuenton iis. q' S'm' xvs. id. Cl'ic. Eog' de Catthorp xxd. S'm' p'. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. XXXIX Batar'. Walter de Carleton xxd. ob., Eob'to de Grene xlxd. ob., Eog' de Nethe xxd., Henr' de Elleford' xixd., Nich'o de Felmyssa' xvd. S'm' viis. xd. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'ant' vii pec' ferr' et x gadd' ac' circa instrum't' Com't' Batar' et quar' Eeg' et alia necessar' infa Cast'm etc. xixd. ob., An- drew le Plumer xid. S'm' iis. vid. o. Carp 1 . Joh'i de Mere iis. iiiid. S'm' p'. Quar'. Tanq'aret ad Ad' xiiiid., David' ap Ad' xd., Jeva' ap Crinmocke xd., Th'm' le Wodehewer' xvd. S'm' iiiis. id. Bayard' et op'ar' p' terr'. Ad' le Walse xd., David' de Waryal' viiid. o., David' de Salle viid., Blc' de Lynton' iiid. S'm' iis. iiiid. o. Car' p' Mar'. Ph' ap Tuder' car* pet' as de q'ar' Reg' cu' una batell' Eeg' us' Cast'm de Bell' Mar' p' vi tyd' cap' p' tyd' xiid., vis. vid. S'm'. Car' p' t'ram. Galfr' le Peystour' car' petr' cu' una car'cta et uno eq'o p' iiii'oT dies cap' p' die' iiiid., xvid. S'm' p'. S'm' toT sup'a xliiis. ixd. P'b'. 10. Solucio facta pro opacionib' Cast'i de Bell' Mar' Die Do'ic' ix'o die mens' Decemb' Anno E. R. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'cedent'. C'mi't'. Magist'o Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Ead' de Wyche iis. q', Eic' de Beche iis. q', Eic' de Dorsete iis. q', Job' de Steuenton' iis. q'. S'm' xvs. id. Cl'ic'. Eog' de Catthorp xxd. S'ma pate'. Batar'. Eog' de Neth, Eob'to de Grene, Henr' de Elleford', Nich'o de Fel- myssain, op'ant' ad tascha's ccccxviii ped' de urnelT cap' p' singl' vi ped' id., vis. xid. S'm' pate'. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'ant' viii pec' ferr' et xi gadd' ac' circa instrum't' c'mit' Batar' et quarr' Eeg' et alia necessar' i'f'a Cast'm etc. xxiid. ob., Andrew le Plumer xid. S'm' iis. ixd. ob. Carp'. Joh' de Mere iis. iiiid. S'm' pate'. E'pt'. In iii duod' ferr' p'c' xii, xvd., iiis. ixd. S'm' pate'. Q'ar. Fa'q'aret' ap Ad' xiiiid., David' ap Ad' xd., Jeva' Crymocke xd. S'm' iis. xd. Bayard' et Op'ar' p' terr'. Ad' le Walse xd., David Geyne viiid. ob., David' Salle viid., Eic' de Lynton' iiid. S'm' iis. vd. ob. Op'ar' ad tasch'm'. Ad' de Brestowe op'ant' ad tasch'm' de rabat' et fenestr' vi ped' cap' p' iiid., xviiid. S'rn' pate'. Car' p' Mar'. Ph' ap Tuder car' pet'as de quar' Eeg' cu' una batell' Eeg' us' Cast'm de Bell' Mar' p' v tyd' cap' p' tyd' xiiid., vs. vd. S'm' p'. Henr' de Elleford p' fodic'o'e filigre ad q'ar' D'ni E' de Bell' Mar' ad tas- tam p' op'ib' d'c'e Cast'i vid' Ix ped' in lo'gitud' et xx ped' in p'fundo id' est in altitud' cap' p' tascha' p' visum mag'ri op'ac' xxxs., xxxs. S'm' p'. S'm' toT sup'a Ixxiiiis. ixd. ii. Solucio facta pro op'ac' Cast'i de Bell' Mar' Die Do'ic' xxi'o die mens' Decemb' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'ecedent'. Cim't'. Magist'o Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Ead' de Wyche iis. q', Eic' de Beche iis. q', Eic' de Dorsete iis. q'. S'm' xiiis. ob. q'. Pomat* in repe j'ous q' ottred' War' Cl'ic'. Eog' de Catthorp xxd. S'm' p'. Batars'. Eog' de Neth, Joh' de Grene, Eob'to de Grene, Henr' de Eller- ton', Nich'o de Feltnyssam, batars' ad tascham' cccccxxxix ped' de urnelT cap' p' syngl' vi ped' id. viiis. xd. S'm' pat'. Fabr 5 . Steph' Fabr' op'ant' vi pec' ferr' et x gadd' ac' circa instrum't' c'mit' Batar' et quar* Eeg' et alia necessar' inf'a Cast'm etc. xixd., Andrew le Plumer viid. S'm' iis. iid. xl ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Carp'. Joh'i de Mer' iis. iiiid. S'm' pate'. Q'ar'. Tanq'aret' ap Ad' xiiiid., David' ap Ad' xd., Jevan' ap Gimock xd. S'm' iis. xd. Bayard'. Ad' Galeys iiiid., D'd Geyne viid., David' de Waweryal' viid., Eic' de Lynton' vd. S'm' xxiiid. Car' p' Mar'. Ph' ap Tuder car' pet'as de q'ar' Eeg' usq' Cast'm de Bell' Mar* cu' una batell' Keg' p' v tyd' cap' p'tyd' xiiid., vs. vd. S'm' pate'. S'm' to'l' sup'a xxxviiis. iiid. q'. 12. Solucio facta pro Op'ac' Cast'i De Bell' Mar' Die Do'ic xxiii die mens' Decemb' Anno E. E. E. xiii p' sept' p'ced'. C'mit'. Magist'o Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Ead' de Wyche iis. q', Eic' de Beche iis. q', Eic' de Dorsete iis. q'. S'm' xiiis. ob. q'. Cl'ic'. Eog' de Catthorp xxd. S'm' pat'. Batar'. Eog' de Nethe, Job' de Grene, Eob'to de Grene, Nich' de Felmys- sam, Batar' ad tascham ccc di xxxix ped' de urnell' cap' p' singl' vi ped' id., vis. iiiid. ob. S'm' pat'. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'ant' vi pec' ferr' et x gadd' ac instru'nt' C'mit' batar' et quar' reg' et alia necessar' inf a Cast'm etc., iis. Hid., Andrew le Plumer' xd. S'm' iiis. id. Carp'. Job.' de Mer' iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Q'ar'. Tanq'aret ap Ad' xiid., David' ap Ad' viiid. ob., Jeva' ap Gimocke xd. S'm' iis. vid. ob. Bayard'. Ad' le Galeys vid., David' le Salle viid., Eic' de Lynton' vid. S'm' xixd. Car' p' Mar'. Ph' ap Tuder' car' pet'as de quar' Eeg' us' Cast'm de Bell' Mar'cu' una batell' reg' p' v tyd' cap' p' tyd' xiiid., vs. vd. S'm' pate'. Op'ac' ad tasch'. Ad' de Brestowe op'ac' ad tasch' iiii ped' de fenestr' cap' p' ped' iiid., xiid. S'm' pate'. S'm' toT sup'a xxxviis. iid. ob. q'. (In dorso.) S'm' to'l' isti' mens' ixZi. xiiiis. P'b'. December. 12. Solucio facta p' op'ac' Cast'i De Bello Mar' Die D'nica vi die Januar' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'ced'. Cim'. Mag'ro Nich'o de Derneford viis., Joh'i de Stinyngton iis. q', Eic'o de Beche iis. q'. S'm' xis. ob. Cl'icus. Joh' de Lincoln' xxd. S'm'. Cubit'. Eog'o de Nethe xxxiiid. o., Joh'i de Grene iis. o., Eob'to de Grene xxiiid., Nich'o de Felmisham xvd., Henrico de Ellerford xxiid., Thorn' le Lym- bryner xvd. S'm' xs. iiid. Fabr'. Steph'o Fabr' op'ant' xii pec' ferr' vi gadd' ac' circa instrumt' C'mi batar' et alia n'c'ria infra Cast'm iis. iiid., Andr' Plumer xd. S'm' iiis. id. Carp'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Tanquaret' ap Ad' xiiiid., Jevan ap Grymoke xd. S'm'. Bayard'. Joh'i de Hib'n viiid., Adam le Galeys xd., David' Vanriol' viiid. o., David' de Salle viid , Eic'o de Lynton vid., Steph'o de Walyngford ixd., Ade le Porthach' iiid., Cungade Bell' Mar' viiid. S'm' iiiis. xid. ob. Op'ar' sup' eme'dac'om batell' E. fracti. David' Sayr' xxd., D'de Sayr' xviid., Yvon' Crawe xviiid., Ph'o ap Tuder' xd., Purs' Pike vid. S'm' vs. xid. Empt'. Md'. In ix bord' empt' p' nave p'c' bord' iiid. in i pet' pic' iis. in sep'o xiid. in rnagn' spike c p'c iiiid. in minut' spike c p'c' iiid., vs. ixd. S'm' pat'. S'rn' s'rn' sup' xlviis. iiid. P'b'. UUICINAL DOCUMENTS. xli 14. Solucio facta p' Op'ac' Cast'i De Bello Mar' Die D'nica xiii'o Die Januar' Anno R. R. E. xiii'o de sept' p'ced'. C'm'i. Mag'ro Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Joh'i de Stinyngton' iis. q', Ric'o Beche iis. q'. S'm' xis. ob. Cl'icus. Joli'i de Lincoln xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubitor'. Rog'o de Nethe xxiiid. ob., Joh'i de Grene iis. ob., Rob'to de Grene xxiiid., Henrico de Ellerford xxiid., Nich'o de Felraish'm xvd., Thoin' le Lymbrynner xvd. S'ni' xs. iiid. Fabr'. Steph'o Fabr' op'ant' ix pec' ferr' circa instrument' Com' batar' et alia n'ccia inf a Cast'rn iis. iiid., Ric'o de Hib'n' xd. S'm' iiis. id. Carp'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Quarr*. Tanq'aret' ap Ad' xiiid., Jenan ap Grymmoke xd. S'm' iis. Bayard'. Joh'i de Hib'n viiid.,Ade le Galeys xd., David' Vanriol' viiid. ob., David' de Salle, viid., Ric'o de Lyntou' vd., Steph'o de Walyngford xd., Ade le Portehache vd., Cunga de Bell' Mar' viiid. S'm' vs. id. o. Op'ar' sup' emendac'o'em batell' R. fracti. David' Sayr' xxd., Ade Sayr' xxd., Yvon' Crawe xviiid., Ph'o ap Tuder xd., Purs Pike vid. S'm' vis. iid. Car* p' t'ra. Galfrido Piston car' pet'as de Mare usq' Castru' p' iiii dies et di' cu' una carta et j equo cap' p' diem iiiid., xviiid. ; Nich'o le Taillour car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm capit' p' iii dies et di' cu' una car'cta et j equo capit' p' diem iiiid., xiiiid. S'm' iis. viiid. Op'ant' ad tasoh'. Ade de Brestowe op'ant' ad tascham v ped' fenestr' capit' p' pedeni iiid., xvd. S'm' xvd. In ii remis p' batell' emp'c' p'c' vd., xd. S'm' pat'. S'm' tol' xlvis. viid. p'b'. 15. Solucio facta p' op'ac'onib' Cast'i De Bell'o Mar' Die D'nica xx die Januar' Anno R. R. E. xiii'o p' sept" p'ced'. C'mi. Mag'ro Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Edinundo de Wyrwode xviid. ob., Joh'i de Stinyngton iis. q', Ric'o de Beche xvid., Rad'o de Wyche iis. q'. S'm' xiiis. xd. p'. Cl'icus. Joh' de Lincoln xxd. S'm' p'. Cubitor'. Rog'o de Nethe xid. ob. q', Joh'i de Grene xxd., Rob'to de Grene xid. ob., Henrico de Ellerford' xvid., Nich'o de Felmish'm xd., Thorn' le Lym- brynner xiiiid. S'm' vis. xid. q' p'. Fabr'. Steph'o Fabr' op'ant' iiii pec' ferr' iiii gadd' ac' circa Batell' C'mi Batar* et alia n'cc'ia inf a Castru' etc. xviiid., Ric'o de Hib'n' xd. S'm' iis. iiiid. Carpent'. Joh'i de Mere xxd. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Jevan ap Grimmoke xd. S'm' pat'. Bayard'. Ade le Galeys xd., Thorn' Gogh' xd., Ade Gogh' viiid. ob., Joh'i de Hib'n viid., David' de Salle vd., Ric'o de Lynton' iiid., Steph' de Walyng- ford' xd , Cunga de Bell' Mar' viiid. ob., Ad'e le Portehache iiiid. Ca' p' j de O. q'ia fals'. S'm' vs. vid. o. p'. Op'ar' sup' eme'dac'om batell' R. fracti. David' Sayr' xxd. , Ad'e Sayr' xxd., Yvon' Crawe xxd., Ph'o ap Tuder viid. o., Purs Pike viid. S'm' vis. iid. o. p'i. Empt' Falsac'. In j pec' pic' iis. in sepe xiid., in spike iiiid. p' emenda- c'one Batell' op'is iiis. iiiid. p'. S'm'. Galfrido Pistori car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' j car'cta et j equo p' v dies et di' cap' p' diem iiiid., xxiid. ; Nich'o de Taillour car' pet'as de 4TH SEB., VOL. II. d * xlii ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Mari usq' Cast'm cu' j car'cta et j equo p' v dies et di' cap' p' diem iiiid., xxiid. S'm' iiis. viiid. p'. S'm' tol' xlvs. xid. o. q'. P'b' (In dorso.) Januarias. 1 6. Solucio facta p' operac'onib' Cast'i De Bello Morisco Die D'nica xxvii'mo die Januar' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'cedente'. C'mi'. Mag'ro Nich'o de Derneford viis., Edmundo de Wyrwode iis. iid., Eic'o de Beche iis. q', Joh'i de Stinyngton iis. q', Ead'o de Wyche iis. q'. S'm' xvs. iid. ob. q'. Cl'icus. Joh'i de Lincoln' xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubitor. Henrico de EUerford xxiid., Joh'i de Grene xxiiid. o., Nich'o de Felmish'm xvd., Thom' le Lymbrynner xvd. S'm' vis. iiid. ob. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr 5 xii pec' ferr' xiii gadd' ac' circa instrumta C'mi Cubit' et batell' op'is et alia n'ccia infra Cast'm iis. iiid., Eic'o de Hib'n xd. S'm' iiis. id. Carpent'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Tanquaret' ap Ad' xiiiid., Jevan ap Grymoke xd. S'm' iis. Bayard'. Ad'e le Galeys xd., Thom' Gogh' xd., Ad'e Gogh' xd., Steph'o de Walyngford xd., David' de Salle viid., Ric'o de Lynton iiid., Joh'i de Hib'n iiid. o., Mabcunga de Bell' Mar' viiid. ob., Ad'e de Porthache vid. S'm' vs. viiid. Op'ar' sap' emendac'om Batell' E. facti. Yvon' Crawe xvd., Ph'o ap Tuder' viiid. ob., in allocac'one vin' patest' ad calafit' pic' p' batell' op'is iid. S'm' iis. id. ob. Empt'. In j pet'a pic' iis., in sepo xiiid. p' emendac'one batell' op'is in magnis clams empt' j c p'c' ciiiid. in mumit' clavis empt' j o. p'c' o. iiid., in meremo empt' p' batell viid. S'm' iiiis. iiid. Car' p' Mar'. Galfrido Pistori car' pet'as de Mari usq' Castrum cu' nna car'cta et j equo p' iiii dies et di' capient' p' diem iiiid. xviiid. ; Nich'o Cis sori car' pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cu' una car'cta et j equo p' iiii dies et di' capient' p' diem iiiid., xviiid. S'm' iiis. S'm' toT xlvs. ixd. o. q'. P'b'. (In dorso.) S'm' exp'n' toti mens' ixli. vs. viid. o. 17. Solucio fc'a p' op'ac'onib' Cast'i De Bello Marisco Die D'nica iii die Febr' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' septimana p'cedente. C'mi'. Mag'ro Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Edmundo de Wyrwode iis. iid., Eic'o de Beche iis. q', Joh'i de Stinyngton' iis. q', Ead'o de Wyche iis. q'. S'm' xvs. ob. q'. Cl'ic'. Joh'i de Lincoln xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubit'. Henrico de Ellerforde xxiid., Joh'i de Grene xxiiid. ob., Nich'o de Felmish'in xvd., Thome le Lymbrynner xvd. S'm' vis. iiid. ob. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'anti xii pec' ferr' xx gadd' ac circa instrument' C'mi' Cubit' et alia n'cc'ia infra Castru' iis. iiid., Eio'o de Hib'n' xd. S'm' iiis. id. Carp'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Tanq'aret' ap Ad' xiiiid., Jevan' ap Grimmoke xd. S'm' iis. Bayard'. Ad' le Galeys xd., Thom' Gogh' iiid., Ad' Gogh' iiid., Joh'i de Hibn'viid. ob., Steph'o de Walyngford' xd., Mabcunga de Bello Mar' viiid. ob., David' de Sail' viid., Eic' de Lynton' viid., Ade le Portehach' vid. S'm' vs. iid. Car' p' t'ra'. Galfrido Pistori cariant pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' j carecta et j eq'o p' v dies capient' p' die' iiiid., xxd. ; Nich'o Cissori cariant' ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. xliii pet'as de Mar' usq' Castrum cum una carecta et j equo p' v dies capienti p diem iiiid., xxd. S'm' iiis. mid. Car' p' Mar'. Pho' ap Tuder' car' pet'as de q'arr' E. us' Cast'm p' v tidd' capient' p' tidd' xiiid., vs. vd. S'm' pat'. Empt'. In c clavis empt' p' instrumentis infa Castru' jd. ob. S'm' pat'. S'm' tol' sup' xliiiis. ixd. ob. q'. P'b'. 1 8. Solucio facta p' op'acionib' Cast'i de Bello Mar' Die D'nica xi'mo die Febr' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o de septimana p'cedente'. C'mi'. Mag'ro Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Edmundo de Wyrwode iis. viid., Eic'o de Beche iis. vd., Job' de Stinyngton' iis. vd., Eadu'o de Wycbe iis. vd. S'm' xvis. xd. Cl'ic'. Job'i de Lincoln xxd. S'ma pat'. Cubitor'. Henr' de Elleford' xxiid., Job'i de Grene xxxiiid. ob., Nicb'us de Felmisbam xixd., Thorn' le Lymbrynner xvid. ob. S'm' vis. ixd. Fabr'. Stepb' Fabr'o op'anti vi pec' ferr' viii gadd' ac' circa instrumenta c'mi' cubit' et alia n'cc'ia inf 'a Cast'm iis. iiid , Eic'o de Hib'n' xd. S'm' iiis. id. Carpent'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Tanq'aret ad Ad' xviiid., Jevan ap Grynmoke xid. S'm' iis. vd. Bayard'. Ad' le Galeys ixd., Stepb'o de Walyngford xd., Mabcunga de Bell' Mar' viiid. o., Joh'i de Hib'n viid , David' le Salle viid., Eic' de Lynton viid., Ade le Portehache vid. S'm' iiiis. vid. ob. Car' p' t'ram. Galfrido Pistori car' pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cum una car'cta et uno eq'o p' v dies et di' capient' p' diem mid., xxiid. ; Nich'us Cis- sori car' pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cu' una car'cta et j eq'o p' v dies et di' capient' p' die' iiiid., xxiid. S'm' iiis. viiid. Car' p' Mar'. Ph'o ap Tuder car' pet'as de Quar' E. cu' una batell' E' usq' Cast'm de Bello Mar' p' v tidd' capient' p' tidd' xiiid. S'm' vs. vd. Carta p' t'ram q' p' aquam. In succ'ione busce et cariag' ejusd'm a foresta de Aver' usq' Cast'm de Bell' Mar' tarn p' t'ram q'am p' aqua' iiiis. S'm' pat'. S'm' toT sup'a LS. xd. ob. P'b'. 19. Soluc'o facta p' op'ac'oib' Cast'i de Bello Mar' xvii die Febr' Anno E. E. E. xiii'o de septimana p'ecedente. C'mi'. Mag'ro Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Edmundo de Wyrwode iis. viid., Eic'o de Beche iis. vd., Eadu'o de Wych' iis. vd., Joh'i de Stinyngton iis. vd. S'm' xvis. xd. Cl'icus. Joh'i de Lincoln xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubitor. Henrico de Ellerford iis. iiiid., Joh'i de Grene iis. iiiid., Nich'uo de Felmish'ui xixd , Thome' le Lymbrynner xviiid. S'm' viis. ixd. Fabr'. Steph'o Fabro op'anti emendanti asc' anti iii inattok' ix stirop' p' tilt' de vi pec' ferr' vi gadd' ac' circa instrument' Cmi' Bat'r et q'rr' E. et alia n'ccia' inf a Cast'm iis. iid. o., Eic'o de Hib'n' xd. S'm' iiis. ob. Carpent'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Tanq'aret' ap Ad' xviiid., Jevan ap Grymmoke xiid., Cadogan ap Ad' xd. S'm' iiis. iiiid. Bayard' vac' quia sive Waranto. Ade le Galeys ixd. o. q', Step'o de Wal- yngford ixd. o. q', Mab' Cunga de Bello Mar' ixd. o. q', Joh'i de Hib'n' viid. q', Dd' de Salle viid., Eice' de Lynton' vid. S'm' iiiis. iid. Car' p' t'ra'. Galfrido Pistori car' pet'as de Mar' usq' Cast'm cu' una car'cta et i eq'o p' v dies 't di' capienti p' die' iiiid., xxiid. ; Nich'o Cissori car' pet'as de Maid usq' Cast'm cu' una car'cta et j eq'o p' v dies 't di' capient' p' diem iiiid., xxiid. S'm' iiis. viiid. xliv ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Car' p' Mar'. Ph'o ap Tuder' car' pet'as de Quarr' R. cu' una batell' R. usq' Cast'm de Bello Mar' p' vi tid' capienti p' tidain xiiid., vis. vid. S'm' pat'. S'm' tol' xlixs. vd. o. P'b'. 20. Soluc'o fact' p' op'acionib' Cast'i De Bello Marisco' Die D'nica xxiiii'o die Febr' Anno R. R. E. xiii'o de sept' p'cedente'. C'mi'. Mag'ro Nich'uo de Derneford' viis., Edtnundo deWyrwode iis. viid., Ric'o de Beche iis. vd., Radu'o de Wyche iis. vd., Joh'i de Stinyngton iis. vd. S'in' xvis. xd. Cl'icus. Joh'i de Lincoln' xxd. S'm' pat'. Cubit'. Joh'i de Grene, iis. iiiid., Henrico de Elleford iis. iid., Nich'o de Felmisham xixd., Thorn' le Lymbrynner xvd. S'ni' viis. mid. Fabr'. Steph'o Fabro op'anti iiii pec' ferr' iii gadd' asc' circa instrumenta c'm'i' cubitor et quarr' R. et alia ncc'a' infra Castrum etc. iis. iiid., Ric'o de Hib'n' xd. S'm' iiis. id. Carpent'. Joh'i de Meere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Tanq'aret' ap Ad' xviiid., Jevan ap Grymmoke xiid., Cadogan ap Ad' xd. S'm' iiis. iiiid. Bayard. Ade le Galeys xd., Steph'o de Walyngford xd., Mab Cunga de Bello Mar' viiid. ob., Joh'i de Hibn' viid. ob., Dd' de Salle viid., Ric'o de Lynton viid. S'm' iiiis. iid. Car' p' t'ram. Galfrido Pistori carianti pet'as de Mari usq' Castru' cum una car'cta et j eq'o p' iiii'or dies et di' cap' p' diem iiiid., xviii<7. ; Nich'us Cissori c&v 1 pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cum una car'ta et i eq'o p' iiii dies 't di' cap' p' diem iiid., xviiid. S'm' iiis. Car' p' Mar. Ph'o ap Tuder' car' pet'as de q'arr' R. cum una Batell' R. usq' Cast'm de Bello Mar' p' iii tid' cap' p' tid' xiiid., iiis. iiid. S'm' pat'. Empt'. In maeremio empto p' Ingeniis vid., in viii dolus carbonu' Mar' empt' p' fabrica D'ni R. p'c' dolii iis. iid., xviis. iiiid. ; in uno dolio empto p' carbonib' mensurand' xvd. S'm' xixs. id. S'm' toT sup'a lx...s. iiid. P'b'. (In dorso.) S'm' toT isti' mens' xli. ixs. iiiid. ob. q'. Februarius. 21. Solucia facta p' op'acionib' Cast'i de Bello Mar' Die D'nica ii'o die Marcii Anno R. R. E. xiii'o p' septimana p'cedente. C'mi'. Mag'ro Nich'o de Derneford' viis., Edmundo de Wyrwode iis. iid., Radu'o de Wyche iis. q', Ric' de Beche iis. q', Joh' de Stinyngton iis. q'. S'm' xvs. iid. o. q'. Cl'ic. Joh'i de Lincoln' xxd. S'm' pat'. Batar'. Joh' de Grene xxiiid. o., Henrico de Elleford xxiid., Nich'us de Felmisham xvid., Thorn' le Lymbrinner" xvd. S'm' vis. iiiid. ob. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'anti v pecias ferri ii gadd' asc' circa instrumenta c'mi' Batar' et alia n'cc'i a infa Cast'm etc. iis. iiid., Ric'o de Hibn' viiid. ob. S'm' iis. xid. Carp'. Joh' de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Tanq'aret' ap Ad' xvd., Jevan ap Grymmok xd., Cadogan ap Ad' viiid. ob. S'm' iis. ixd. o. Bayard'. Steph'o de Walyngford viiid., Ade le Galeys viiid., Mape Cunga de Bello Mar' viid., Joh'i de Hibn' vd., Dd' de Salle vd. ob., Ric'o de Lynton vd. o. S'm' iiis. iiid. Car' p' Mar'. Ph'o ap Tudor carianti pet'as de quarr' R. cum una batella R. usq' Cast'm de Bell'o Mar' p' ii tidas capienti p' tida' xiiid., iis. iiid S'in' pat'. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. xlv Car' p' t'ra'. Galfrido Pistori carianti pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cum una car'cta et j eq'o p' iiii dies capienti p' diem iiiid. xvid. j Nich'uo Cissori car' pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'in cum una car'cta 't uno equo p' iiii dies capienti p' die' iiiid., xvid. S'm' iis. viiid. Op'ant' ad tasch'. Ad' de Bristowe op'anti' ad tasch'in viii pedos fenesta' cap' p' pede iiid., iis. S'm' pat'. Ernpt'. In iiii'or pell' p'gamnu' empt' p' Rotlis op'um vid. S'm' pat'. S'm' toT sup'a xl(vii?)s. ...d. q'. P'b'. (In dorso.) Marcius. 22. Soluc'o f'c'a p' opac'onib' Cast'i De Bello Mar' Die D'nica ix'o die Marcii Anno R. R. E. xiii'o de septimana p'ecedente. C'mi'. Mag'ro Nich'uo de Derneford' viis., Edmundo de Wyrwode iis. viid., Ead'uo de Wych' iis. vd., Ric'us de Beche iis. vd., Joli'i de Stinyngton' iis. vd. S'm' xvis. xd. Cl'icus. Joh'i de Lincoln' xxd. S'm' pat'. Batar'. Joh'i de Grene iis. iiiid., Walt'o de Carleton' xxiiid. ob., Henrico de Elleford xxiid., Nich'uo de Felmisham xixd., Thome le Lymbrinner' xviiid. S'm' ixs. iid. ob. Fabri. Steph'o Fabro op'anti vii pecias ferri xvi gadd' asc' circa instru- inenta c'mi' Batar' et carpentar' et alia n'cc'ia' infa Cast'm Eric'us de Hib'n xd. S'm' iis. viiid. ob. Carpent'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Q'arr'. Tanq'aret' ap Ad' xviiid., Jevan ap Grymrnoke xiid., Cadogan ap Ad' xd. S'm' iiis. iiiid. Bayard'. Ade le Galeys xd., Steph'o de Walyngford xd., Map' Cunga viiid. ob., Joh'i de Hib'n viid. ob., Dd' de Salle viid., Ric'o de Lynton viid. S'm' iiiis. iid. Car' p' t'ra'. Ph'o ap Tuder carianti pet'as de q'arr' R. usq' Cast'm de Bello Mar' cu' uno batello R. p' v tidas ip'o capienti p' tid' xiiid., vs. vd. S'm' pat'. Car' p' Mar'. Galfrido Pistori carianti pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cum vina car'ta et j eq'o p' v dies et di' ip'o cap' p' diem iiiid., xxiid. ; Nich'us Cis- sori car' pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cu' una carta et uno eq'o p' v dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid , xxiid. S'm' iiis. viiid. S'm' toT sup' xlixs. vid. p'b'. 23. Soluc'o facta p' op'ac'onib' Cast'i de Bello Mar' Die Do'inca xvi'o die Marcii Anno R. R. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'cedente. .Cemi'. Magist'o Nich'uo de Derneford viis., Edmundo de Wyrwode iis. viid., Ric'o de Beche iis. vd., Radu'o de Wyche iis. vd., Joh'i de Stinyngton iis. vd. S'm' xvis. xd. Cl'icus. Joh'i de Lincoln', xxd. S'm' pat'. Batar'. Joh'i de Grene iis. iiiid., Walt'o de Carleton iis. iiiid., Henrico de Elleford' iis. iid., Nich'uo de Felmisham xixd., Thorn' le Lymbrynner' xvd. S'm' ixs. viiid. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'anti iiii pec' ferr' iiii gadd' asc' circa instrumenta cemi' Batar' et q'rr' R. et alia n'cc'ia' infa Cast'm etc. iis. iiid., Ric'o de Hib'n xd. S'm' iiis. id. Carpent'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat*. Quarr*. Tanq'aret ap Ad' xviiid., Jevan ap Grymmoke xiid., Cadogan ap Ad' xd. S'm' iiis. iiid. Bayard'. Ad' le Galeys xd., Steph'o de Walyngford' viiiff. ob., Madd' Duy xlvi ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. xd., Joh'i de Hib'n' viid. ob., Dd' de Salle vid., Eic'o de Lynton' viid. S'ui' iiiis. id. Car' p' t'ra'. Galfrido Pistori car' pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cu' una car'ta et i eq'o p' iii dies et di' capienti p' diem iiiid., xiiiid. ; Nich'us Cissori car' pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cum una car'ta et j equo ip'o capienti p' diem iiiid., xiiiu/. S'm iis. iiiid. Op'ant' ad tascham. Ade de Bristowe op'anti ad tascham iiii pedes fenes- tar' ip'o capienti p' ped' iiid., xiid. S'm' pat'. S'm' to'l' sup'a xliiiis. vid. 24. Soluc'o facta p' opac'onib' Cast'i de Bello Marisco Die' Do'nica xxiii'mo die Marcii Anno E. E. E. xiii'o de sept' p'cedente. C'mi'. Mag'ro Nich'uo de Derneford' viis., Edmundo de Wyrwode iis. viid., Eic'uo de Beche iis. vd., Eadu'o de Wyche iis. vd., Joh'i de Stinyngton iis. vd. S'm' xvis. xd. Cl'icus. Joh'i de Lincoln' xxd. S'm' pat'. Batar'. Joh'i de Grene iis. iiiid., Walt'o de Carleton' iis. iiiid., Henrico de Elleford' iis. iid., Nich'us de Felmisham xixd , Thome' le Lymbrinner xiiiid. S m' ixs. viid. Fabr'. Steph' Fabr' op'anti ii colers ferr' p' Ingenio ii ligamma ferrea p' eod' Ingenio xxii spik' de xv pec' ferri et repanti emendanti asc'anti j inat- tok' de j pec' ferri et de ii gadd' asclis et asc'anti j naveger' p' carpent' de iiii gadd' asc' iis. iiid., Eic'o de Hib'n' xd. S'm' iiis. id. Carpent'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Quarr'. Tanq'aret' ap Ad' xviiid., Jevan ap Grymmok' xiid., Cadogan ap Ad' xd. S'm' iiis. iiiid. Bayard'. Ade le Galeys xd., Steph'o de Walyngford ixd. ob., Maddoke Duy xd., Joh'i de Hib'n' iiid. ob., Dd' de Salle viid., Eic' de Lynton' viid., Map' Cunga viiid. S'm' iiiis. viid. Car' p' t'ram. Galfrido Pistori carianti pet'aa de Mari usq' Cast'm in una car'ta et uuo eq'o p' v dies et di' capienti p' diem iiiid., xxiid. ; Nich'us Cissori carianti pet'as de Mari usq' Cast' cum una car'ta et uno equo p' v dies et di' capienti p' diem iiiid., xxiid. S'm' iiis. viiid. Car' p' Mar'. Ph'o ap Tuder carianti pet'as de q'arr' E. cum uno batello E. usq' Cast'm de Bello Marisco p' iii tidas ip'o capienti p' tida' xiiid., iiis. iiid. S'm' pat'. Empt'. In uno stipide empto ... p' quadamin' quide in fabrica D'ni E. xiid. S'm' pat'. Op'ant' ad tasch'm. Ade de Bristowe op'anti ad tasch'm iii ped' fenestar' ip'o cap' p' pede' iiid., jd. p', xd. S'm' pat'. S'm' to'l' sup'a LS. iiiid. p'b'. 25. Solucio f c'a p' op'ac'onib' Cast'i de Bello Mar' Die D'nica xxx'o die Marcii Anno E. E. E. xiii'o de septi' p'ecedente. Cemi. Sive Waranto cessantib' op'ac'oib' Cementar'. S'm' pat'. (Line erased.) Cl'ic'. Joh'i de Lincoln xxd. S'm' pat'. Fabr'. Steph'o Fabr' op'anti v pec' ferri 't xi gadd' asc' p' op'ibus car- pent' et alior' n'ecior' inf a Cast'm xxiiid., Eic'o de Hib'n' viiid. S'm' iis. viid. Carpent'. Joh'i de Mere op'anti circa molendinu' Castri iis. id. S'm' pat'. Barrator'. Ade le Galeys vid., Steph'o de Walyngford vid. S'm' xiid. Car' p' t'ram. Galfrido Pistori car' pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cum una car'ct' et i eq'o p' ii dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xd. ; Nich'uo Cissori car' ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. xlvii pet'as de Mari usq' Cast'm cu' una car' eta et j equo p' ii dies et di' cap' p' die' mid., xd. S'in' xxd. Empt'. In x dolus et di' carbon' mariemor' empt' ad ardend' calc" p'c' doF iis. iid., xxiis. ixd. P'b'. S'm' tol' xxxis. ixd. (In dorso.) S'm' toT isti' mens' xZi. xviiis. iid. q'. P'b'. 26. Soluc'o f c'a p' op'ac'oib' Castri De Bello Marisco Die Do'nica vi'to die Ap'iT Anno E. Keg. E. xiii'o p' septimana p'oedente. Cementar'. Sive Warrant' cessantib' op'ac'o'ib' cementar' viis. Cl'ic'. Joh'i de Lincoln' xxd. S'm' pat'. Fab'. Steph'o Fabro op'anti di' spindel ferr' j amilum ferr' p' molendino Castri rep'ant' j martellum gross' emendat' et asc' usticia cementar' cubit' et quarr' E.. de xiii pec' ferri et ii gadd' asc' E. xiiid. ob., Eic'o de Hib'n' vid. S'm' xixd. ob. Carpent'. Joh'i de Mere op'anti circa molendinu' Castri xvd. S'm' pat'. Sarrator'. Ade le Galeys vid., Steph'o de Walyngford vid. S'm' xiid. Car' p' t'ram. Galfrido Pistori cariant' pet'as de mari usq' Castrum cu' una carecta et j.eq'o p' ii dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xd. ; Nich'o Cissori cariant' pet'as de Mari usq' Castrum cu' una carecta et uno equo p' ii dies et di' cap' p' die' iiiid., xrf. S'm' xxd. Car' p' Mar'. Ph'o ap Tuder cariant' pet'aa de q'arr' E. cum uno batello E. usq' Castrum p' ii tidas cap' p' tida' xiiid., iis. iid. S'm' pat'. Empt'. In uno hansorio ponderant' v peer' p'c' peer' iis. empt' p' Bargia E. cariant' maeremiu' usq' Belli Mar' xs. Et in xxiiii'or dolus carbon' Mar' emp' p* op'ac'o'ib' d'ci Castri p'c' dol' xxiiid., xlvis. S'm' Ivis. S'm' pat'. S'm' sumar' istius rotuli Ixvs. iiiid. ob. p'b'. 27. Soluc'o fc'a p' op'ac'o'ib' Cast'i de Bello Mar' die D'nica xiii'o die Ap'iF Anno E. E. E. xiii'o p' sept' p'ecedente. Cemi'. Mag'ro Nich'us de Derneford viis., Edmundo de Wyrwode iis. viid., Ead'us de Wyche iis. vd., Eic'o de Beche iis. vd , Joh'i de Stinyngton iis. vd. S'm' xvis. xd. Cl'icus. Joh'i de Lincoln' xxd. S'm' pat'. Fabr'. Steph'o Fabro op'anti di' spindel ferr' molendino Castri j croke p' batello op'u' et iii ferr' p' tribulis emendanti j crawe ferr' fracti j mattok et rep'anti ustitia Cement' Cubitor' et q'rr' de xii pec' ferri de iii gadd' ac' iis. iiid., Eic'o de Hib'n' xiid. S'm' iiis. iiid. Carp'. Joh'i de Mere iis. vid. S'm' pat'. Cubit'. Joh'i de Grene xiiiid., Henrico de Elleford iis. iid., Walt'o de Carle- ton' iis. iiiid., Nich'us de Felmisham xxid., Thome le Lymbrinner xviiid. S'm' viiis. xid. Bayard'. Ade le Galeys xiid., Steph'o de Walyngforde xiid. S'm' iis. Falcon'. Map' Cunga ixd., Joh'i de Hib'n' ixcZ., Eic'o de Linton' ixd., Dd' de Salle ixd. S'm' iiis. Car' p' t'ram. Galfrido Pistori carianti pet'as de mari usq' Castrum cum una carecta et j equo p' v dies et di' ip'o capient' p' diem iiiid., xxiid. ; Nich'us Cissori cariant' pet'as de mari usq' Castrum cum uno carecta et j equo p' v dies et di' ip'o capienti p' diem iiiirf., xxiirf. S'm' iiis. viii if any there were upon the two labels. G. T. C. EXTRACTS FROM AN ACCOUNT BETWEEN SIR WM. MAURICE OF CLENENNEY, COUNTY OF CARNARVON, AND HIS STEWARD, ROWLAND GRIFFITH, GENT., IN 1609. SIB WM. MAURICE of Clenenney, and of Porkington in Shropshire, was the representative of one of the most important families in the county of Car- narvon. With the exception of the Wynns of Gwydir, there was probably no family in that county, at the time when Sir William lived, which stood in a higher position than that of the Maurices of Clenenney. He was Deputy Vice-Admiral of North Wales, and one of the Council in the Marches. He represented Carnarvonshire in the eighth and ninth Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth, and in the first Parliament of James I, and the borough of Beau- maris in the tenth Parliament of Queen Elizabeth. He appears to have lived upon terms of personal friendship with King James, and to have sug- gested to that monarch his assumption of the title of " King of Great Britain." In a letter to Sir William from his sister, Mrs. Anne Wynn Bryn- ker of Brynker, is the following passage : "And methinkes you should desier his Majesty to speake to my Lord Chauncellor and my lord president to vse you well, & to shewe you some favoure thereby, for the great service that you have done in her Majestys Raigne being Knight of the shire soe manie yeers, and attending upon the Parlaraent soe dulie & truelie : By reason alsoe that you are his godfather and intiteled his highness Kinge of Great Britaine. Let his Majesty therefore speake in your behalfe a word or two." And in the Calendar of State Papers of the reign of James I, reference is made to a " Letter from Dudley Carleton to John Chamberlain, dated Crip- plegate, Dec. 18, 1606. (Proceedings in the House of Commons.) Sir Win. Morris (Maurice) pressed to have the King's title of Great Britain con- firmed." Sir Wm. Maurice lies buried under a very remarkable monument in Pen- morva churchyard, upon which is the following inscription : " Here lieth the Body of The Eight Worshipfull William Maurice of Clenenney Knight which died the Xth of August An'o Dom. 1622." "Vicesimo Augusti 1609. Note of money laied out by me Eowland grif- fith to the vse of my m'r S'r william maurice knight sythence the first day of may last as followeth. " Maii. " Imp'mis for ij pecks of oatmeale, xxxijs. Item my chardges goinge and cominge from Southwales beinge x'en daies, xvs. Item for xij yardes of stronge course cloth to make sackes, vijs. Item for woodden dishes, xxijd. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. cix Item for ij yardes of Clothe at xijd. per yard, ys. Item for a quart of aquavitie, xviijd. Item for ij measures of salt, ijs. Item for haulf a veale, iijs. iiijd. Item for haulf a Lame (lamb), xxd. Item for shoinge two horses, xxd. Item for a quarter of mutton, ijs. Item for a pigge, xijd. Item for orenges, xijd. Item for vj cheeckens, xvd. Item for my chardges at hardlech ye xxjth of June, vjd. Item to a Tinker for worke, xd. Item my chardges at Carnarvon, 13 Julj, viijd. Item to Morgan Eichard for breadde, xxs. more for a flitch of Bacone, viijs. Item for butter to Mrs. Jane mearinge 1 , vjs. viijd. Item for wheate stones, iiijd. Item my Chardges at Poolhelie being there ij daies about rnault, xviijd. Item spent goinge & cominge from Southwales this last iorney, xxiiijs. Item for ij hobbetts of Eye bought at Geast, xiiijs. Item for vj hobbetts of wheat bought at Poolehelye the vth of September at xijs. vd. the (ij) hobbett, 375. 6d. Item 4 pecks of munckorne at viijs. vjd. the pecke, 345. Item to the Currier of Carnarvon for the Currienge & dressinge of your bootes, ijs. vjd. Item for alue madder & other stuffe, xijd. Item for Cockles, ijd. Item for iij quarters of mutton the second of October, iijs. iiijd. Item for Candle weeke, ixd. Item for fish when Sir will. Awbrey was heere, ixd. Item for ij knifes for Mrs. Jane Awbrey & Eobert Brinkyr, vjd. Item for a quarter of a pounde of peper, xd. Item for jK. of currance, xd. Item my chardges ther (Carnarvon) beinge there 4 daies, iijs. my horsse, xijd. Item vppon the faire daye there for one pecke of oaten meale, xiijs. Item for jli. of alme, vjd. Item for shuing of my sorell nagge, vd. Item for j C. of duble spicke nayles, xijd. Item for j C. & di' of single spicke, ixd. Item to william thomas for pavinge the stable floore and plasteringe the wales, iiijs. vjd. Item to my ladye in money, ijs. xd. for parsneepes, xiiijd. for troutes, iijd. 1 One of the daughters of Sir Wm. Meringe, of Meringe, co. Notts., and wife or widow of Sir Wm. Maurice's second son, Ellis, who was born i May, 1568. Women, after marriage, at this time, in Wales, very generally retained their maiden names ; as, indeed, is now not unusual amongst the humbler classes there. C x ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. more for haulf a mutton, ijs. iiijd. Item a senight more for a whole mutton, vs. for paper and corance, x viijd. for manchetts, iijd. for wickiorne, xvjd. Item for 3 yardes of cloth to make apernes & other necessaries for the kitchin, ijs. To william tho. the plasterer for iij dales worke xijd. Item for a ricke of Turffes, ixs. Item for 3 quarters of stuffe to make a boulter, vjd. Isinge glasse and Licoris, iiijd. for a quire of paper, iiijd. for Aneseede, xijd. for fresh fish, vd. for ijli. of hoppes, ijs. Item for a whole porcke, vjs. vjd. for a ducke, vjd. for a mutton, vs. iiijd. more to the smyth for amending the pot hookes and the Clyver, vjd. Item bestowed vjd. uppon Mr. Stodarts mayed that brought you a quart of sacke one Christmas day, vjd. Item paid to william Andrew for william ap leuan ap hughe by his woor' (Worship's) appointment, viijs. delivered my Ladye to paye for sowinge vpe twoe dozen of napkins, ijs. for pasture neepes, iid. Item to Morys ap S'r Rich, ye porter to buy him a peire of sues, ijs. his woor' deliuered Thomas homckhorne in Christmas holidaies last, to laye out for necessaries for the house, vjli. more; he reseived of my ladye xxs. S'm' vijli. for ij dozen of trenchers, xijd. for a pigge, ijs. for mustard seede, vjd. for a cupple of hennes, xd. for a calfes hedde, viijd. for ij Capons, xvjd. for a goosse, xxd. Item for a new shue for the hobie, iijd. for amendinge the redd sadle, iiijd. Item for dynner & supper ye quarter sessions at harlech, viijs. for the horsses there, iiijs. ijd. to the maides vjd. to the osteler, vjd. a[t] Corssygedole to the butler, xijd. to the horsekeeper, xijd. to him that fird (fired) in his chamber, vjd. to the feriemen at Bermoth, x viijd. Item deliuered by himself there to the Cooke, xijd. more to the harpper, xijd. I deliuered his woor' (worship) to goe to Gardes, vs. at inachenlleth for stuffinge your owue sadle, iiyd. Item for supper there for ix'en, viijd. a piece, vjs. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Cxi Item the second night for sapper there, ijs. viijd. Item for our horsses there, viijs. ixd. to the osteler, vjd. to the Cooke, vjd. to the Chambermayed there, vjd. for beere at his first cominge, ijs. vjd. Item bestowed at Dolgioge vppon the officers of the house there, viijs. Item for ij straddles, xijd. Item for a harrow, xviijd. for harrowinge the treasses, vjd. To william ap John Owen to goe to oswestrie for the hoppes and the fishe, ijs. vjd. for iijli. of Candles, xvy lloel Carne of Cowbridge of Lands, etc., to A lexander Philippe, Hector of Llanmaes, and Samuel Turbervyle of Llantivit, Gentleman. [3 Augt. 8 H. VIII. 1516. Carne MSS.] Omnibus ad quos presens scriptum indentatum pervenerit Hoelus Carno de Coubrugge generosus salutem. Noveritis me prefatum Hoelum dedisse concessisse et per hoc presens scriptum meum indentatum confirmasse Alex- andreo Philippe Clerico Rectori Ecclesie parochialis de Llanmaysse et Jacobo Turbervyle de Llanyltwydd generoso omnia burgagia dimidia burgagia et oinnia alia terras tenementa et alia hereditamenta mea cum suis pertinen- tiis que habeo in villa de Coubrugge et infra libertatibus dicte ville de Cou- brugge. Dedi etiaui et concessi prefatis Alexandreo et Jacobo omnia messu- agia terras tenementa et alia hereditamenta niea cum omnibus et singulis suis pertinentiis que habeo et teneo in Dominio de Llanblethean. Ac unum tenementum terre cum suis pertinenciis que habeo in feodo de Mechelstowe prope Cowbrugge et in feodo de Llanyltwydd ac modo in tenura Johannis Henman de Sygenstonn. Habenduin et tenendum omnia predicta burgagia dimidia burgagia ac ceteras premissas cum pertinentiis prefatis Alexandreo et Jacobo Turbervyle heredibus et assignatis eoruni irperpetuum ad usuui et opus inei predicti Hoeli et Cecilie Kemeys uxoris mei ad terminum vite nostre vel unius nostrorum diucius viventium de capitalibus dominis feo- dorum illorum per redditus et servicia inde prius debita et de jure consueta Et post decessu predictorum Hoeli et Cecilie uxoris mei volo et concede per Clxxxviii OKIGINAL DOCUMENTS. presentes quod omnia predicta burgagia et dimidia burgagia et ceteras pre- ruissas cum pertinentiis integre remaneant Richardo Carne filio meo senior! et heredibus masculinis de corpore suo legitime procreatis iinperpetuum. Et pro defectu tails exitus quod omnia predicta burgagia et dimidia burgagia et ceteras premissas cum pertinentibus integre remaneant Edwardo Carne clerico et heredibus masculinis de corpore suo legitime procreatis imperpe- tuum. Et pro defectu tails exitus Willielmo Carne et heredibus masculinis de corpore suo legitime procreatis iinperpetuum Et pro defectu talis exitus Eogero Carne filio meo j uniori et heredibus masculinis de corpore suo legi- time procreatis imperpetuum. Et pro defectu talis exitus rectis heredibus mei predict! Hoeli imperpetuum. De capitalibus dominus feodorum illorum per redditus et servicia inde prius debita et de jure consueta. Dedi eciam et concessi prefatis Alexandreo et Jacobo omnia maneria terras et tenementa mea cum pertinentiis que habeo et teneo apud parva Nasshe nuper in domi- nio de Llandafle ac omnia alia maneria messuagia terras tenementa et alia hereditamenta mea cum omnibus et singulis suis pertinentiis que habeo et teneo infra dominium Gladmorgancie et Morgancie ac in feodo de Llanylt- wit. Habendum et tenendum predicta maneria terras et tenementa cum omnibus suis pertinentiis prefatis Alexandreo et Jacobo heredibus et assig- natis eoruin imperpetuum. De capitalibus dominis feodorum illorum per redditus et servicia inde prius debita et de jure consueta ea intentione quod dicti feoffati stent inde seisiti et feoffati ad usum mei predicti Hoeli ad ter- minum vite mee. Et post decessum mei predicti Hoeli ad usum Eichardi Carne filii mei senioris et heredibus masculinis de corpore suo legitime pro- creatis imperpetuum. Et pro defectu talis exitus ad usum Edwardi Carne clerici et heredibus masculinis de corpore suo legitime procreatis. Et pro defectu talis exitus ad usum Willielmi Carne et heredibus masculinis de cor- pore suo legitime procreatis imperpetuum. Et pro defectu talis exitus ad usum Eogeri Garni filii mei junioris et heredibus masculinis de corpore suo legitime procreatis imperpetuum. Et pro defectu talis exitus quod omnia predicta maneria et ceteras premissas cum pertinentiis integre remaneant et revertantur rectis heredibus mei predicti Hoeli imperpetuum. De capita- libus dominis feodorum illorum per redditus et servicia inde prius debita et de jure consueta Et ego vero predictus Hoelus et heredes mei predicta bur- gagia dimidia burgagia maneria terre et ceteras premissas cum pertinentiis prefatis Alexandreo et Jacobo heredibus et assignatis eorum ad usum pre- dictorurn contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus per presentes. Sciatis insuper me prefatum Hoelum fecisse ordinasse depu- tasse vice et nomine meo posuisse dilectos mihi in Christo Hoelum ap John de Llanblethean et Janekyn ap Eynon de Llandoghe yonien meos veros et legitiinos attornatos conjunctiin et divisim ad intrandum vice et. nomine meo de et in omnibus predictis burgagiis maneriis terris et ceteris premissis cum pertinenciis. Et plenam et pacificam possessionem et seisinam inde vice et nomine meo capiendum. Ac postmoduin ad deliberandum plenam et pacificam possessionem et seisinam inde vice et nomine meo prefatis Alex- andreo et Jacobo heredibus et assignatis imperpetuum secundurn vim for- mam et effectum hujus presentis carte mei. Katum gratum atque firmam habentem et habiturum totum ac quicquid diet' attornat' me' conjunc- tim et divisim fecerint aut unius eorum fecerit in premissis aut in aliquo- rum premissorum sicut egoinet in mea propria persona ibidem presens personaliter interessem. Hiis testibus Christofero Turbervyle Thouia ap ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. clxxxix John de Brigam generoso Eichardo Graunte Eichardo Henman de Llan- yltwydd et Willielmus Hogge de Llanbletbean yoinen et multis aliis. Data tertio die Augustii anno regni Eegis Henrici Octavi post Conquestum Anglie vicesimo octavo. Appended is a lump-seal in red wax, bearing a rude but clear circular impression, from a signet-ring, of a pelican in her piety ; the crest of Carne, half an inch in diameter. Endorsed in an early hand, but later than that of the deed, " This Dede was deliveryd by Mr. William Carne upon payment of nil. to be to him re- deli veryd"; and in a later hand, ' An auncient entayle"; and later, ' Howell Carne of Cowbridge"; and again, " This deed belongeth to Mr. Carne of Nashe"; also, in another place, "Mr. Willin. Carne"; also "For Mr " The two latter words scratched. This is a deed indented, by which Hoell Carne of Cowbridge, gentleman, grants to Alexander Philippe, clerk, rector of Llanmaes, and James Turber- ville of Llantwit, gentleman, all the burgages, etc., in Cowbridge town and its liberties, and all his messuages, etc., in the lordship of Llanblethian, and a tenement in the fee of Michaelston and in that of Llantwit, now in the tenure of John Henman of Sygvnston, to be held to the use of Hoel Carne and Cecilia Kemys his wife, for their joint and several lives, of the chief lords of the fees ; with remainder to Hoell's eldest son, Eichard, and his lawfully begotten male heirs ; and so on to Edward the second son, William the third son, and Eoger the youngest son ; remainder to the right heirs of the granter. Hoell further grants to the same trustees all his manors in Little Nash, late in the lordship of Llandaff, and all his other manors in the same county of Glamorgan, to stand enfeoffed to the use of Hoell Carne for life, with remainder to his sons in succession in tail male, as usual. Hoell further appoints Hoell ap John of Llanblethian, and Janckyn ap Eynon of Llan- dough, yeomen, attorneys, jointly and severally to enter and take possession. The witnesses were Christopher Turberville, Thomas ap John of Brigan, gentlemen ; Eichard Graunte, Eichard Henman, of Llantwit, and William Hogge of Llaublethian. The place of Hoell Carne, second of the name, in the family pedigree, has already been shewn, and a charter given, dated 1528, in which he is men- tioned as Hoell or Howell Carne Hen, or the aged. We here learn that Hoell and Cecil (Kemeys) Carne had four sons: i, Eichard; 2, Edward, clerk ; 3, William ; and 4, Eoger. Eichard was of Nash, and his descendants have been given. Edward, here called " clerk", purchased Ewenny ; was sheriff, as Sir Edward, 1542 and 1544, M.P. for the county in 1554, and died at Eome in 1561. He married, and was ancestor of the Carnes of Ewenny Abbey. William and Eoger do not appear to have married. James Turber- ville, the trustee, was probably the second husband of Agnes, a daughter of Hoel Carne. Thomas ap John of Brigan, in Llansannor, was the head of a family that long possessed that place, but ended in his natural son. Chris- topher Turberville of Llantwit was son of Jenkin ap Jenkin Turberville of Tytheston. He became of Penlline Castle, and was ancestor of that branch and of the Turbervilles of Bonvileston. CXC ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A Quit-Claim of Lands in Llantrissant, by Nest, daughter of Jorwerth ap KerC to Grono ap Ivor Hir. [i Sept. 3 B. II, 1379. Came Pateat universis per presentes me Nest filiam Jor' ap Ken' concessisse remisisse relaxasse et omnino pro ire et heredibus meis imperpetuutn quie- tum clatnasse Grono ap Ivor hir heredibus et assignatis suis totum jus meum et clameum quod habeo habui seu aliquo modo decetero habere potero in omnibus terris et tenementis pratis pasturis boscis vastis cum omnibus suis pertinenciis in parochia de Llantrissen in feodo de Glinr'. Ita quod nee ego predictus (sic) Nest nee heredes mei nee aliquos alios nostro nomine aliquod jus vel clameum in omnibus ten-is tenementis pratis pasturis boscis vastis predictis cum pertinenciis potero (sic) exigere vel vindicare in futurum sit inde ab omni actione juris et clamei sumus exclusi per presentes. In cujus rei testimonium huic present! quieti clameo sigillum meum aposui. Hiis testibus Jevano ap Grono ap Jor'. Kees Vaghan ap Eees Gethin. Howel Vaur'. David ap LI' ap Eees. Ithener ap Jevan ap Madoc. Madoc ap Tuder Jevan ap Aron et multis aliis. Datum apud Llantrissen regni Eegis Eicardi secundi post conquestum tercio. The seal is a small button of dark green wax, three-quarters of an inch in diameter, bearing a hawk preying upon a fowl. Of the surrounding legend there is only legible ...... NEST ...... VABT ...... Nest, the granter of the above, is a person not otherwise known. Eese ap Kenewreg Yorvard velin and Kenewreg ab Yorvard occur as witnesses to a charter by Elyas Bishop of Llandaff in 1234 (Brit. Mus. Chart., 75, B. 9), and from the combination of these somewhat uncommon names may be of the same family, though a century and a half earlier. Grono was second son of Ivor hir, or " the long," of Miskin, ap Ivor hen, or " the aged," ap Caradoc, third son of Einon of Collwyn. Grono married Katherine, daughter and co- heiress of Jenkin ap Sir Thomas ap Aron, of Llandough Castle and Brigan. Her sister had Brigan, and was ancestress of the Thomases of that place. The Arons obtained Brigan by marriage with the heiress of Walsh of Llan- dough, who obtained it with Elizabeth the reputed, and probably the natu- ral daughter of Sir Stephen Bawceyn. From Grono and Katherine de- scended John of Alt gwaurddu and Griffith of Penmark. Ithener is an almost unknown name. The fee of Glynr' is Glynrhondda, the " Patria" or great lordship which extends from the Ehondda to below Llantrissant. A Quit-Claim of an Acre of Land in Llandaff by John ap John ap Morgan ap Evan ap David to Yevan ap Howell ap Thomas. [23 March, 5 H. VIII, 1514. Carne MSS.] Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit Johannes ap Johan' ap Morgan ap Evan ap David salutem in Domino sempiternam Noveritis me prefatum Johannem remisisse relaxasse et omnino pro me et heredibus meis imperpetuuin quietum clamasse Yevano ap Howel ap Tho- mas parochie et dorninii de Landave heredibus et assignatis suis totum jus meum titulum clameum demandum et interesse mea que unquam habui ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CXC1 habeo seu quovismodo in futurum habere potero de et in una acra terre feni- fere jacente super Morva lei conjuncta acra Jankyn Gebune inter terram domini Episcopi ex parte orientali et terram domini capitalis ex parte occi- dentali et terram domini Episcopi ex parte boriali et terram ecclesie Landa- vensis ex parte australi que quidem acra mihi obvenit jure hereditario ac divisione facta post dissessum Evan ap David ita videlicet quod nee ego pre- dictus Johannes nee heredes mei nee aliquis alius per nos pro nobis seu nomine nostro aliquid jus titulum clameum demandum seu interesse de aut in predicta acra nee in aliqua inde parcella de cetero exigere clamare seu vindicare poterimus nee debemus quovismodo in futurum sed ab omni acti- one juris tituli clamei demand! et interesse inde simus penitus exclusi im- perpetuum. Et nos vero prefatus Johannes et heredes nostri predictam acram prefato Yevano heredibus et assignatis suis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus per presentes. In cujus rei testimonium huic present! scripto meo sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testi- bus David ap John Thomas ap Thorn et Jankyn Saer. Datum xxiij'o die mensis Marcii anno regni Kegis Henrici Octavi Vto. A lump-seal of red wax, half an inch diameter, bearing a rude letter V within a circle. The only name which has been identified in this document is that of Jan- kin Gebune, otherwise Jenkin Gibbon, of Cefn-Tre-Payne, or Pentrebane, in Llandaff, great-grandson of Sir Gilbert Payne, and grandfather of John Gwyn Gibbon of St. Fagan's, ancestor to the Lewises of Llanishen. These Welsh documents, though the persons named in them have not as yet been identified, are yet of considerable local value. It is only by this means that there is any chance of proving the truth of the Welsh pedigrees, most of which are without dates or places ; and, what is worse, almost inca- pable of being indexed. G. T. C. EUABON (RHIWFABON). (Continued from p. cxx). TENENTES PEE DIMISSIONES. MARWHEALL (MAECHWIAIL). A. E. P. Redd' in toto iijK. xiijs. ixhn William tenet quinq' clauss' terr' in Marwheall p' est' . . . . . 14 2 o Eedd' vijs. viijd. ob. ex'li. Hugo Lloyd nuper Griffith ap Dauid Lloyd tenet vt de terr' d'c'i Griffith vnurn tenementu' gard' et curtelag' croft et terr' boscos' continen' p' estimaco'em . 200 . J Eichard Leighton of Gwern y Gof in the parish of Kerry, in Maelienydd, was the second son of Sir Edward Leighton of Wattlesborough, Knt., by Anne, daughter of Paul Darrell of Lillingstone Darrell in the county of Buckingham, Esq. He married Catherine, daughter of William Mostyn, and relict of Henry Parry of Marchwiail, and in her right became possessed of lands in this manor. In the church of Marchwiail there is, or was, a monument erected to the memory of this Eichard Leighton and Catherine his wife. He was a counsellor at law, and High Sheriff for the county of Montgomery in A.D. 1599, and a magistrate for that county in A.D. 1620. Quarterly, and per fess indented, or and gules. (Mont. Coll., Part XI, p. 461.) OKIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CXC111 A. K. P. Duo croft' adiacen' vocat' y Talurue p' est' . . .210 Vn' clauss' terr' arabil' vocat' Trowsdyre p' est' . .300 Vn' clauss' sive croft' terr' vocat' Kay Lloyne p' est' . .120 Vn' prat' in fyne clausi pred' vocat' Trowsydyre p' estimac'o'em i i o Duo parva croft vocat' Akre p' estimac' . . .220 Vn' p'ciam terr' vocat' le lannt p' estimac' . . .010 cxs. 12 3 o The remainder of this is challenged by John ap John Gwyn etc. Redd'xxjci. ob. ex'li. No lease showed, for that it was never taken by lease. lennet v' Robert ap Dauid et Kenricus ap Thomas in simul tenent vnu' ten'tu' cum gard' incrochiat' et tres p'celF sine claus' terr' p' estimac'o'em . . . xls. 300 Redd'. Noe rent in the rental! Richardus ap Robert ap Randle infans tenet vnum tenementu' et duo clauss' iuxta ib'em viarn vocat' Bryn y vallen p' estimac'o'em . xxiijs. iiijd. 200 Redd' Ivjs. xjd. ob. ex'li. Lease not showed. Ricardus Leighton 1 Armig' tenet duran' vita vx' M'ris Edwardi Broughton Militis et postea Edward' pred' tenet vnu' tenementu' cum gard' et cl'o vocat' Kay Kill nuper Henrici ap Harry per estimac'o'em . 500 Vn' al' clauss' adiacen' vocat' Kay Kill cum Mora per estimac'o'em 510 Duo clausa pasture vocat' Kay Mawr et Kay Vichan p' estimac'o'em 620 Vnu' pratu' vocat' Werglodd ddwy p' est' . . .500 Vn' claus' terr' arabil' vocat' Mayes Moylle . . .600 Vn' claus' vocat' Kay Rheden p' estimac' . . .130 Vn' al' clauss' vocat' Kay ffynnon p' est' . . .600 Vn' prat' vocat' Roily p' estimac' . . . .100 Vn' claus' adiacen' vocat' Kay Sue p' est' . . .300 The lease expresseth but 35 acres, 17 are sur plus. Vn' al' claus' adiacen' vocat' Kay Rheden p' est' . 3 3 o Vn' claus' arabil' vocat' Kay Lloyd p' est' . . .400 Vn' claus' nuper vno vocat' Kay Koed Och p' est' cum acr' bosc' . 500 xvjit. xiijs. iiijd. 52 i o Redd' iijs. xd. ex'li. Clamat tibi. Vidua Ricardi Griffith nuper Johannis ap Jenkyn Moreton tenet unu' tenementu' gard' et cert' p'cell' terr' per estimac'o'em . . . Is. 5 o o Redd' vs. ob. escaet' q. Noe such rent in the rentall. Johannes ap Dauid ap John ap Jenkyn 2 tenet deescaet' ad volunt'p' est' ijs. o I o Redd' vs. iiijd. ob. ex'li. See in Moreton Anglioru' 1-y in being. Thomas Hope tenet vnu' clausu' terr' vocat' Kay y Bady p' esti- mac'o'em . . . . . ..130 Vn' al' claus' vocat' Kay Jack et al' vocat' Kay hire in Eyton p'est' 300 xxxvjs. 430 1 Richard Leighton, Esq. (See p. 23.) ' 2 John of Marchwiail was one of the sons of David ab John of the township of Acton in the manor of Eglwyseg, son of Jenkyn ab Howel ab Jenkyn of Acton, second son of leuan ab Madog ab Llewelyn, lord of Eyton, Erlisham, and Borasham. (Add. MSS. 14,919.) Ermine, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules. z CXCiv ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. K. P. His landes are so disperst that upon his taking a new lease he must reconcile them lying in diuers maners, hauing in his lease for 4^, 12 acres, as appeareth in fabroru'. Eedd' iijs. xcZ. ex'li. Hugo Griffith tenet vnu' tenementu' nup' Johannis ap Jenkin Moorton gard' et croft' prati adiacen' p' estimac'o'em . . . . . .100 Vn' clauss' pastur' adiacen' vocat' Coed Kay issa p' estimac'o'em i o o Vn' al' clauss' arabil' vocat' Coed Kay Marie per estimac' . 200 liijs. iiijd. 500 Eedd' iijs. xcf. ex'li. Ad volunt' et escaet'. Edwardus Broughton 1 miles tenet vnu' ten'tu' gard' et croft' adiacen' p' estimac' . o i o Vnu' clauss' terr' arabil' vocat' Maes y Llan p' est' . .200 Vn' al' claus' vocat' Maes y Llan p' estimac' . . .230 Vn' claus' prat' pastur' vocat' Werglodd issa p' estimac'o'em . i o o xlvjs. viijo'. 600 These three last before menc'oned, viz. vid' Eichardi Griffith, Hugh Griff, and Sir Edward Broughtons' were the landes of John ap Jenkin Moorton, Eobert ap Jenkin Moorton, and Griffith ap Jenkyn, who held in copie manye, oinnes illas acras terr' escaet' vocat' Kay mad koch et al' terr' escaet' pro- ut fuerunt in tenura Jenkin Moorton in villa de Marchwheall ad voluntat' per estimation 4 acras iiijs. vd,, which nowe the parties abouesaid do clayme to be free. I find that Eobert ap Jenkyn Moorton did hold freelie vnu' ten'fcu' et viginti acr' terr' in villa Marchwheall redd' xiiijs. iiijo 1 ., w'ch as is said S'r Edward Broughton nowe houldes it free ; but I find not this of that quantitie nor of that rent, and therefore I take it held as I finde it, per cap'. Eedd' xxs. xjd. 2 Johannes Wilkinson al's Edgeberie tenet vnu' tenementu' cum gard' pomar' et croft' p' estimac'o'em . i o o Vnu' clauss' arrabil' vocat' Kay tan y ty p' est' . .120 1 Sir Edward Broughton, of Plas Isaf in the manor of Marchwiail, Knt., . High Sheriff for Denbighshire in 1698. Ermine, a lion statant, gardant, gules. He married sister of Sir Edward Tirrell, by whom he had issue, two sons, Edward and Eichard, and a daughter, Frances, who died s. p. 2 The family of Edgeberie, or Edisbury, takes its name from Edisbury Hall in the hundred of Edisbury in Cheshire. Some of this family were sheriffs of Chester in 1299 and 1322. In the church of Chatham, in Kent, are two monuments, one to Eobert Wilkinson Edisbury, Gent., of March- wiail, co. Denbigh, who died Sept. 1618; and the other to his son, Kenrick Edisbury, of Bedwal in the parish of Marchwiail, who was Surveyor of His Majesty's Navy. He died Aug. 27, 1638, leaving issue by his wife, Mary (daughter and heiress of Edward Peters, alias Harding, of Eochester, Gent.), two sons, John and Eichard. John, who was born in 1601, came over at his father's death in 1638, and bought Pentref Clawdd, near Ehiwfabon, and shortly afterwards purchased the Erddig estate. This family is now repre- sented by James Fisher Edisbury, of Bersham Hall near Wrexham, Esq., and E. F. Edisbury, of Belgrave House, Wrexham, Esq. (See pedigree.) ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CXCV A. B. P. Vnu' prat' adiacen' vocat' Gwerne Auncrest p' est' . .210 Vn' clauss' terr' arabil' vocat' y Copie p' est' . . .300 Vn' clauss' terr' arabil' vocat' Coedd ddwy p' est' . .300 Vn' clauss' arrabil' nup' ten't'm vocat' Coed Kaier y brimery p' esti' 2 10 o Vn' clauss' vocat' Koed Kay banach p' est 1 . . .300 Duas moras vocat' Gwerne y ddwy p' est' . . .210 Vn' clauss' prope dom' vocat' Gwerglodd vachan p' est' . .100 Vn' clauss' arabil' vocat' Kanenath p' est' . . .400 Vn' clauss' arrabil' vocat' Kay yr Bedo p' est' . .130 Vn' clauss' pastur' voc' Gwerne Site p' est' . . .400 Vn' clauss' vocat' Werne ddwy p' est' . . .100 Vn' clauss' pastur' multoru' quertuu' vocat' Coed' ddwy p' estimat' 400 Vn' aF clauss' vocat' Koed ddwy p' est' . . .300 Ther pass in this lease but 13 acres ouerplus. xviijM. 36 3 o Redd' xs. xjd. Marchwheall et Euabon. Johannes Jeffreyes 1 Armiger tenet vnu' messuagiu' cum clo' vocat' Tyre lien al's Gwerglodd y frwde in Marchwhall nup' Johannis Decka 2 filii Eogeri Decka p' estimac'o'em . . . .1230 Tenet et vn' dimid' clauss' in Euabon nup' malt Gwent p' estim' 020 vjli. 13 i o Eedd' xvjd. escaet' ad volunt'. Edwardus Broughton miles tenet tertia' partem quatuor acrar' cum Owino Breerton et Hugone Griff 7 iure vx' nup' terr' Johannis ap Jenkin Moorton escaet' p' estimac'o'em . . ' . . . xs. i i 15 Eedd' xivd. escaet' ad volunt'. Hugo Griffith tenet aT tertiam partem d'caru' quatuor acr' p' estimac'o'em . xs. 1113 Eedd'xvijs. Thomas Goldsmith tenet in Moretoii Wallicoru' vnu' ten't'm et 7 cla' terr* viz. Kay vrth y tye, y Ehost beth y tye, Kay dagon, Kay sabell wern Eoger Vaur, wern Eoger vechan et y wern ddue p' est' .... xli. 20 o o Eedd' vy's. vijd. Euabon ad volunt'. Griffith ap John tenet vnu' ten'tum cum gard' per estimac'o'em . . .0010 Vnu' clauss' nunc dimiss' in duo voc' Tyre y whygan p' est' . 320 Quere de hoc, it seemeth to be twice charged, for there is vijs. vijd. in the next leafe, and but one vijs. vijd. in the rentale. Vn' claus' adiacen' vocat' Werglodd tyre y Whigan per estim' . i o o xliijs. iiy'cJ. 4 2 10 Eedd' vijs. iij d. ob. ex'li. A. Eichardus ap lenn tenet vnu' tene- mentu' et unam parcell' terr' vocat' tyre y Stainel per est' . 220 Vn' prat' vocat' Wirglod hyre p' estimat' . . .100 Vn' clauss' vocat' Werne Eobyn p' est' . . .300 Ixs. 620 1 John Jeffreyes of Acton, Esq. Ermine, a lion rampant sable. He mar- ried Margaret, daughter of William Lloyd of Halchdyn in the parish of Han- mer, Esq. ( See pedigree.) 2 John Deccaf, son of Eoger Deccaf, fourth son (by Lily his wife, daughter of John Puleston) of David Deccaf of Ehwytyn, lineally descended from Matthew Ehwytyn, lord of Ehwytyn, Seswick, and Bedwal, third son of Elidir ab Ehys Sais, lord of Eyton, etc. CXCvi ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Redd' vijs. iijcJ. ex'. A. Griffith ap John tenet vnu' clausum terr' vocat' tyre y ghwegan nuper terr' Rob'ti ap John ap Richard et Johannis William ap John ap Richard p' estimac'o'em Redd' iiijd. ex'. Vnu' cotagiu' cum gard' nuper in tenura Edw'r'i ap Richard p' estimac'o'em .... iiijs. iiijcJ. 7 o 20 Redd' xijs. ijd. ex'. Lease expired. A. Memorand' theis landes noted A are in quantitie 26 acres di', which must be distin- guished, and the rent being xlvjs. viijd., apportioned with the next following, yet ther wanteth vs. ijd. of the xlijs. viijd. Redd' vijs. ex'. A. This is for lease lands. Robertus ap John Wil- liam tenet vnum clauss' terr' vocat' Tyre fitcher p' est' . 700 Vn' al' clauss' terr' vocat' Gwern y bichan p' est' . .900 vjli. 1600 VILLA RUABON. Redd' vs. ijd. ex'. No lease showed. Johannes Lloyd ap Richard 1 tenet medietat' domus cum Roberto ap John WilTm gard' croft' et cl'm adiacen' vocat' Kay hire issa et Kay hire vcha nunc diuiss' in quinq' p' estimat' . . Ixiijs. viijd. 10 o o Vocat' redd' vijs. Griffith ap John 2 holdes of the former one cotage and garden. Redd' iijs. viijcJ. ex'. Edwardus Eton Armig' 3 tenet vna clauss' pastur' vocat' Gwerney Stodon in villa Ruabon continen' per estimac'o'em . . . . . .400 Redd' xijdL ex'. Idem Edwardus tenet de terr' escaet' nuper Roberti ap Dauid ap John ap Dauid p' estimac' . .300 liijs. viijd. 700 Redd' xxjs. viijd. ex', 20 y. m. beinge. Dauid Lloyd geneross' 4 tenet vnu' clauss' arabil' vocat' Tyre Stodum per estimac'o'em 600 Unu' clauss' quondam duo in quo crescunt querci proceres vocat' Kamer cog p' est' . . y . .300 1 John Lloyd ab Richard of Coed Cristionydd. (See Esclusham.) " Grufiydd ab John ab David of Cae Cyriog. (See p. 32.) 3 Edward Eyton of Watstay, Esq., ob. 1623. (See pedigree.) 4 David Lloyd of Pentref Clawdd, son of John ab Robert ab David ab John of Pentref Clawdd, descended from Ithel Felyn, lord of lal. Sable, on a chev. inter three goats' heads erased or, three trefoils of the field. He married Catherine, daughter of Howel ab Edward ab Y Badi Llwyd of Cefn y Bedw in Cristionydd, descended from Einion Efell, lord of Eglwysegl. This David Lloyd sold Pentref Clawdd to John Edisbury of Stryt yr Hwch in the town- ship of Bedwal, and it now belongs to Mr. Torke of Erddig. His eldest son, Owain Lloyd, lived at Plas y Drain, afterwards called Llwyn Owain, in the township of Mortyn Wallicorum, and married Barbara, daughter of Henry Williams ab William Williams of Cochwillan, co. Carnarvon, Esq. (See Cae Cyriog MS., Wynnstay MS., Harl. MSS. 1969, 4181. See pedigree.) ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CXCVll A. B. P. Un' clauss' vocat' Tyre y Bergam p' est' . . .320 Un' clauss' vocat' Kay glase p' estimac'o'em . . .220 cxs. 15 o o The rent must be apportioned with Edw. Hope. Eedd' xxs. ex'., expressed 16 y. since. Edwardus ap John de Ky- ton 1 tenet scitu' unius cotagii nup' Owini Breerton Ar' et un' clauss' arabil' vocat' y bryn per est' . . .200 Un' clauss' pastur' vocat' Tyre deon p' est' . . .120 Un' clauss' vocat' Kay Skibbo' p' est' . . .200 Un' clauss' vocat' Kay Garnon p' est' . . .100 Un' prat' adiacen' p' estimac' . . . .010 Un' clauss' adiacen' vocat' Tyre dd Eton' p' estimac'o'em . 600 cxs. 12 3 o Redd' iijs. ex'. Eschaet' ad volunt'. Edwardus Lloyd Armige' 2 tenet unum tenementu' et un' clauss' terr' de Eschaet' vocat' place Ithell p' estimac'o'em . . . .300 Redd' xd. ex' eschaeet'. Tenet et de terr' escaet' & Will's ap John Lloyde vn' per est' . . . . .020 Redd' iijs. ex'. Tenet et unu' prat' voc' derle Wynn p' est' . 400 Ixs. 720 Redd' ijs. xjd. ob. ex'. Marwheale expresed i y. since, ad volunt'. Katherina filia Dauidis ap William tenet vnu' clauss' terr' nuper Will'mi ap Dauid ap Hoell vocat' Gwerne Griff' ad voluntatem per estimac'o'em .... xxs. 300 This is the moytie of 6 acres Edw. Powell,esq.,holdeth,thother in the name of free, and was at will 4 Eliz. Vide fo. 170. Redd'. No rent in the rental!. Johannes Eton de Bellan 1 gene- ross' 3 tenet in Campo vocat' Brounedd vnam peciam selionu' p' estimac'o'em . . . . . vjs. i o o Redd' vs. ex'. Johannes ap Edward tenet vnum parcella' terr 5 nup' Johannia ap Edward ap Dauid ap John 4 p' estimac'o'em vjs. i o o Redd' xxs. iijcl. ob. ex' de terme. Theis came to Q. Eliz. handes p' foreffature. Jenn ap Hoell quia concess' fuerunt per cop' impp'm &c. Edwardus Lloyd Armige' 5 tenet vnu' clanss' pas- tur' vocat' Gwerne ganol p' estimac'o'em . . .700 1 Rhwytyn. 2 Edward Lloyd of Plas Madog, Esq. Ermine, a lion rampant sable. (See pedigree, and Esclusham, p. 53.) 3 John Eyton of Belan was the second son of William Eyton of Watstay, Esq. He married Jane, daughter of Hugh Puleston, Esq. 4 John ab Edward ab David ab John ab Jenkyn ab Llewelyn ab Ithel Goch ab Llewelyn ab Madog ab Einion ab Madog ab Bleddyn, fourth son of Cyn- wrig ab Rhiwallon. Ermine, a lion rampant sable, armed and langued gules. He married Angharad, daughter of Edward ab Morgan ab David ab Madog of Brymbo and Plas y Bowld, in Caergwrle, Esq., by whom he had issue, two sons, John and Richard, and one daughter named Sibyl. (Harl. MSS. 1972, 2299.) See pedigree. * Edward Lloyd of Plas Madog, Esq. See Esclusham, p. 53. CXCViii OKIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. B. P. De Bosco in d'c'o clauss' p' estimac' . . . .220 Duo al' clauss' vocat' Gwerne vcha et Gwerne issa Gwillt p' esti- mac'o'em cum dimid' acr' prat' . . . .800 Un' prat' adiacen' vocat' Gwerne vawr p' estimac' . .600 viijli. 23 2 o Redd' xviijs. ijd. ob. q. ex' i y. m. beinge. This Griffith claymeth by an assignement from Jo. D'd ap Jenn' 6 de wirglodd grono parte of thre y whygorn and whirglodd thre y whygorn went vijs. iijcJ. So the whole rent shoulde be xxvs. vd. ob. q. See this mark next page. Griffith ap John ap Dauid Ieun n et alii tenent vnu' tenementu' pomar' gard' pistriu' curtelag' et croft p' est' 020 Un' clauss' vocat' Kay Hengey issa p' estimac'o'em . .320 Un' al' clauss' terr' arabilis vocat' Kay Marie per estimac'o'em . 310 Un' clauss' pastur' vocat' Kay Kiriog p' est' . . .320 Un' clauss' vocat' Kay Hengey vcha p' est' . . .310 Aliud clauss' vocat' y Werne p' estimac'o'em . . .300 Un' prat' vocat' y Werglodd Hyre cum Werglodd gron' p' estima- c'o'em . 200 viijK. xs. 1 8 2 o Redd' vijs. vijd. ex'. This same 2 cotages and 2 gardyns cum vna p'cell' terr' voc' tyr y chewegen diuiss' in quatuor p' est' Is. 700 There do passe in the lease 40 acres, but I finde but 195 so I take it 21 to be carried away by some other man, which will not bee yet confest. See whether in Edward Eyton's or Mr. Bromfield's lease. Redd' iiijs. vjd. Iscoyde there. Johannes ap Dauid Broughton 2 tenet vnum cottagi'm nup' Roberti ap John ap ll'en ap bad' et duo clauss' terr' vocat' y Gelly Waylod vcha et duo al' clauss' vocat' Tyre Blewog p' est' . . . xls. 320 Pertinet Manerio de Iscoyd. Vocat' redd' iijs. xcZ. See Iscoyde for this, fo. 270. Dauid ap John ap Roger tenet vn' cotagiu' et quatuor clauss' vocat' Kay y Glouer et firm' Griff* y pan Hyly cum vno cl'o vocat' Ddole new- ith p' estimac'o'em . . . . - .220 De terr' Roberti ap John ap ll'en ap Bady. 1 Gruffydd ab John ab David ab leuan ab Llewelyn ab David of Cae Cyriog, third son of Deicws ab Deio of Llanerch Rugog, second son of Madog, alias Y Badi, of Hafod y Bwch, son of Gruffydd ab lorwerth Fychan ab lorwerth ab leuaf ab Niniaf ab Cynwrig ab Rhiwallon, lord of Maelor Gymraeg. Ermine, a lion rampant sable, armed and langued gules. He married Jane, daughter of John Brochdyn ab David Brochtyn of Rhiwfabon, by whom he had a son, John, the ancestor of the present Thomas Taylor Griffiths, Esq., F.R.C.S., of Cae Cyriog, Pennant y Belan, and of Wrexham ; the possessor of the Cae Cyriog MSS., from whence the majority of these notes and pedi- grees are taken. (See pedigree.) 2 John Brochtyn (Broughton) ab David Brochtyn of Rhiwfabon, ab John Brochdyn ab John ab Tudor. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CXC1X A. B. P. Eedd' vs. iiijd. Iscoyde, no copie. Galfridus ap Handle tenet tria clausa vn' vocat' Gwerglodd secunda y Bryn tertiu' Tyre Marie p' estiraac'o'em .... xxxvjs. viijd. 400 Bevis Thelwall pays this in Iscoyd. De terr' Eoberti ap John ap 11' en ap Bady. Eedd' xijd. escaet' ex' ad volunt' Redd' iiijs. ex'. Edwardus Lloyd nup' Will'i ap John Lloyd 1 tenet vnam peciam terr' vocat' Erw syte p' est' . . . . iijs. iiijef. 020 Idem tenet vnu' clauss' prat' vocat' y Derle Wynn p' estimaci- o'em ..... xxxvjs. viijcZ. 400 See the page next before, where there lackes vs. vd. rent, aunswered here all but vcZ. at this marke. Entred under the name of Mr. Edw. Eton in the Jur. booke. Eedd' ijs. iiijd. ex'. Griffith ap John ap Dauid ap leu'n 2 tenet vnu' clausum terr' vocat' Erw Fynnon in Euabon ad voluntat' p' estimac'o'em .... xxs. 220 This is in mortgage to Mr. Edward Eton, gent. Eedd' vs. iiijcZ. ob. ex'. No lease showed. Johannes leu'n tenet vnu'messuagiu'et cert' p'cellas terr' adiacen'p' estimac'o'em iiijli. 900 This was granted I et 2 Phi. et Marie for 21 yearea. Eedd' iijs. iiijd. ad volunt' ex'. Edward Eton tenet vnu' clauss' terr' vocat' Erw Fynnon in Euabon ad voluntat' p' est' xxs. 220 KITON (KHWYTYN), RUABON. Eedd' ijs. vjd. ex'. Euyton. 22 m. beinge cop. 2 Eliz. pro 21 an. Dauid ap John Dauid Lloyd tenet duo clausa terr' vocat' y blothy vcha et blothy issa nuper Eogeri ap Dauid Lloyd in villa de Euyton p' estimac'o'em . . . xxxvjs. viijd. 500 Eedd' iiijs. ixd. ex' q. Hamlet de Euddallt escheat land ad vol' i y. m. beinge. Eogerus Griffith ap Dauid ap I' on ap I'eun Goz 3 tenet vnu' clauss' vocat' Erow y sete i acr' et al' vocat' pull Mawr p' estimac'o'em .... xjs. 120 Eedd' vs. iijd. ob. q. Johannes Eowland tenet duas clausur' terr' vocat' y kay beryon in Euyton p' est' . xxiijs. iiijd. 30 o No such man nor rent in the rentall, for it lyeth in Bedwall. 1 Edward Lloyd ab William Lloyd ab John Lloyd of Plas Madog. (See Esclusham, p. 53.) 2 Gruffydd ab John ab David leuan ab Llewelyn ab David, of Cae Cyriog in the township of Ehiwfabon. (See p. 32.) 3 Eoger ab Gruffydd of Ehuddallt, ab David ab John ab leuan Goch ab David Goch ab Y Badi of Plas y Badi Mawr in Ehuddallt, ab Madog ab lor- werth Goch, fourth son of Madog ab Llewelyn ab Gruffydd, lord of Eyton, Erlisham, and Borasham. Ermine, a lion rampant azure, armed and langued gules. (See pedigree. ) Cynwrig Eyton of Eyton, Esq., possessed the lands of Eoger Gruffydd of Ehuddallt in 1697. (Cae Cyriog MS.) CC ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. R. P. KUABON. Redd' iijs. Escheat landes. Kobertus ap Eic. Wynn holdeth cer- taine escheat landes in Euyabon, late in the tenure of John ap Edw. ap Hoell ap Edw. et leu'n ap Will, ap D'd 1 ad volant' p' est' ...... viijs. i o o No suche man nor rent in the Bailife Eentall. Eedd' vd. Escaet' land ex' ad volunt'. Eichardus ap John ap Edward 1 tenet de terr' escaet' nuper Johannis ap Edward ap D'd ap John ap Jenkin ap Llewellyn 2 ad voluntat' p' est' . vijs. i o o xijcJ. ob. ex*. He is to paye more by the Eental, xijcJ. ob. Eedd' iiijs. ixd. escheat q. ex'. Eogerus Griffith infans tenet vna' parcell' terr' escaet' vocat' purlle ad voluntat' p' estimac' xs. 120 Eedd' xjs. iijd. ob. q. ex'. Euabon. Johannes ap Hugh ap leu'n ap Hoell 3 tenet certas terras in Euabon nup' dauidis ap Jo'a le'un p' estimac'oem . . . cxiijs. iiijd. 1600 Eedd'xiijd.eschaet'. Johannes ap Wm. ap Dauid ap Ellice nuper tenuitde terr' escaet' in Euabon ad voluntat' p'estimac'o'em vijs. i o o Noe such man nor rent in the Eentall. Eedd' xxxvjs. vijcL ob. q. ex', about i y. m. beinge, or rather ex- pressed, ad volunt'. Edwardus EtonArmige' 4 tenet vn'ten'tu' cum duobus clauss' terr' in Euabon p' est' . . .1200 Tenet et diuersas parcellas terr' in Euabon ad volunt' in toto per estimac' ad vol' . . . . . .1700 viijli. 29 o o Tenet in super licensiam ad fodend' lapidis in Glasvry et Benen y Karnedd et alibi infra perochiam de Euyabon. 1 Eichard ab John ab Edward ab David. (See p. 31.) He married Deili, daughter of Eobert ab Edward ab Howel ab Madog ab Howel ab leuan ab Madog ab Einion ab Madog ab Bleddyn, fourth son of Cynwrig ab Ehiwallon, by whom he had a son, John ab Eichard of Bersham, who married Catherine, daughter of John Puleston, of Plas y Mers, Esq., ab Eobert Puleston, etc. 2 See Esclusham, p. 45. 3 John ab Hugh ab leuan ab Howel of Pennant y Belan. His daughter and heiress, Elizabeth, married John Hughes, second son of Hugh ab Edward ab leuan Llwyd of Glyn Ceiriog, second son of David Lloyd of Plas is y Clawdd in the parish of Chirk, Esq., descended from Tudor Trevor. By this marriage John Hughes had issue a son, Thomas Hughes of Pennant y Belan, receiver of the King's rents for the greater part of Maelor and other places in A.D. 1697; who, by Sarah his wife, fourth daughter and coheiress of Edward ab Eandle ab John ab John ab Madog of Ehuddallt, second sou of Cadwgan Ddu ab Cadwgan Goch, lord of lal (descended from Ithel Felyn, lord of lal), had issue three daughters, coheiresses : i,Mary, wife of William Platt of Ehydonen in the parish of Llanynys, whose only daughter and heiress, Sarah, was married to Rhys Lloyd of Clochfaen, co. Montgomery, Esq., high sheriff for that county in 1743 j 2, Phoebe, wife of David Lloyd of Llan- gollen, second son of Edward Lloyd, son and heir of John Lloyd of Trevor, Esq. ; and 3, Eebecca, who married John Griffith of Cae Cyriog, Esq., who in right of his wife became possessed of Pennant y Belan. (Cae Cyriog MS.) 4 Edward Eyton of Watstay, Esq. Ermine, a lion rampant azure. 01UGIXAL DOCUMENTS. eel A. R. P. Redd' xvijs. iiijd. q' ex' 22 y. m. beinge. If, was but 8 ac. 4 Eliz. Johannes Eton [Powell] geneross' 1 tenet duo cotag' vn' clausu' nunc diuiss' in tria vocat' Gwerne y Newydd' nuper Edwardi ap Roger p' estimac' . . . iiijK. xiijs. iiijd. 12 o o Redd' xxijd. ob. ex' ad volunt'. Richardus Parry Ep'us Assaphen- sis 2 tenet ad voluntat' in villa de Sutton vnam peciam terr' p' estimac'o'em .... vijs. vjd. i o o Redd' xxvjs. jd. q' ex'. Escheat landes expres' 2 y. since. Ed- wardus Bromfield 3 geneross' tenet vnu' clauss' terr' arrabil' vocat' Kay Eigmon' per estimac'o'em . . . .220 Un' al' clauss' adiacen' vocat' y Bonedd p' est' . .220 Un' al' clauss' vocat' Kay Alexander p' est' . . . i I o Illigitime prostraint non nullas arbores easq' formas et soli- das contra ordinar'. Un' clauss' pastur' vol arabil' stiril' vocat' vrou' Theris continen' cuin bosco . , . . . .320 1 John Eyton of Bodylltyn and Fferm, Esq., married Catherine, daughter of John Wynn Lloyd of Plas y Badda (now called New Hall), in the town- ship of Mortyn Anglicorum, in the parish of Rhiwabon, Esq., and died with- out issue. He sold Bodylltyn to a young girl from London (and Fferm to another), who married John Powel, younger brother of Sir Thomas Powel of Horslli, Bart. John Powel of Bodylltyn had issue, by his wife, three daughters, coheiresses : i, Jane, ux. Edward Williams of Hafod y Bwch; 2, Catherine, ux. Mr. Maurice Matthews, parson of Erbistog, second son of John Matthews of Harnage Court (descended from Elystan Glodrydd), and Jane his wife, eldest daughter and coheiress of Maurice Tanat of Blodwel Fechan ; 3, who sold her lands to the parson. After the death of Mr. John Powel his widow married one Hugh ab leuan (a servant belonging to the house), by whom she had a son called Charles Hughes. (Cae Cyriog MS.) 2 Richard Parry, Bishop of St. Asaph, was the son of John Parry of Pwll Halawg in Tegeingl, and Elen his wife, daughter of David ab John, a younger son of Twna ab leuan ab Gruffydd of Tref Eiarth in Llanfair Dyff- ryn Clwyd, ab Rhys ab Madog Lloyd of Bryncunallt, eldest son of lorwerth Foel, lord of Chirk, of the house of Tudor Trevor. John Parry of Pwll Halawg was the son of Harry ab David ab Howel ab Meilir ab lorwerth ab Meilir ab Goronwy ab Grulfydd ab Llewelyn ab Cynwrig Efell, lord of Eglwysegl (gules, on a bend argent, a lion passant sable, armed and langued of the field). Richard Parry married Gwen, sister of Edward Pryse of Llwyn Yn in Caer- ddinog in Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd, high sheriff for co. Denbigh in A.D. 1627, and daughter of John ab Rhys ab John Wynn of Llwyn Yn, descended from Edwyn ab Goronwy, Prince of Tegeingl. The Bishop died Sept. 26, 1623; and on the 27th Sept., 1624, his widow married Thos. Mostyn of Rhyd, Esq. j and on the same day her eldest son and heir, Richard Parry of Pwll Halawg, espoused Mr. Mostyn's daughter Mary; and Mr. Mostyn's son and heir, Thomas Mostyn, married Bishop Parry's youngest daughter, Ann. (Lewys Dwnn, vol. ii, p. 320, note.) 3 Edward Bromfield of Bryn y Wiwer, Esq., descended from Idnerth Ben- fras, lord of Maesbrook. He married Catherine, daughter of John Sonlli of Sonlli in Marchwiail, Esq., by whom he had an only daughter and heiress, Elizabeth, who married Sir Gerard Eyton of Eyton, Knt. 2 a Cell ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. K. P. Un' prat' adiacen' vocat' Werglodd y vron Therys p' estiinac'o'em i o o Un' clauss' arrabil' vocat' Tyre Griff* p' est' . . .400 cs. 19 3 o This should be 30 acr', but it is dismembered, as it is noted w't the bee A. Kedd' ijs. ex' 31 y. m. beinge ad volunt'. Edwardus Hope tenet vnu' tenementu' nuper Johannis ap Dauid ap John ap Dauid ad voluntat' p' estiinac'o'em . . . xxs. 120 Eedd' non infra composic'om xxvjs. ob. q. ex'. Edwardus Brom- field geneross' de vast' tenet in loco vocat' Nant y Belan in Euabon p' cop' E. 6, p' estimac'o'em . xxvjs. viijd. 400 Tenet et sit molend' ib'm super terr'ss proprias cu' licenc' habend' aquas de rivulis de Dee et Avon' Xpi'oneth . . iiijli. Eedd' . Escheat graunted p' cop' 3 et 4 P. et M. Tenet et duas clausur' terr* vocat' y vron' dderis et quoddam pratu' eidem vron adiacen' nuper in tenur' Dauid ap leu'n ap lle'n continen' p' estimac' .... Ixxiijs. iiijd. 10 o o Eedd'. His first copie was 3 et 4 P. et. M. Certas terr' vocat' Tyre Hova ap Eignion cu' terr' escaet' et vocat' Gurly Dure p' estimat' . . . . . cs. 20 o o All theis landes noted. A. are rented cu' incro' 26s. 5$. ob. q., which must bee apportioned to euery parcell. Eedd' vijs. viijd. ob. ex' 29 y. m. being. Hugo Griffith Lloyd tenet unu' mesuagiu' horren' gardinu' et pomar' vuu' prat' vocat' Tullwrne nunc diuiss' in duas clausur' vnu' cl'm vocat' Trowstyre vnu' cl'm voc' Cayr yr llody y llwyn vnu' cl'm diuiss' in duas clausur' in toto continen' p' estim' . Ixijs. viijd. 1 1 o o Eedd' vijs. iijd. ob. ex'expresed about i y. since ; entered before, fol. 179. Eic'us ap leu'n tenet unu' mesuagiu' in Moreton Wal- licorum et in tenur' len'n Griffith ap Madock p' estim' Ixs. 7 i o Eedd' viis. xjd. q., about 29 y. m. being. Joh'es Edgebery tenet unu' ten't'm in Marwheall cum terr' pertinen' vocat' Tithen Howell de terr' arabilibus et mariscis p' estim' vjZi. xiijs. iiijd. 23 o o Eedd' iiijs. iiijd. ob., vs. iiijd. ob., expired about i y. since, xijd. added. Thomas Hope tenet in Moreton Anglicoru' et Euabon parcellum terr' vocat' Kay Jack et cl'm vocat' Kay Badie et vn' parcellam vocat' Kay Jack et cl'm vocat' Kay Hir per est' xxxs. 420 Eedd' ijs. ex', 28 y. in being. Edwardus Hope tenet vn' cotagiu' curtelagiu' et gardinum et vnum cl'm terr' & Joh'es ap dd' ap John continen' p' estim' .... xxs. 120 Quere whether this be not twise chardged. Eedd' ijd., about 8 y. m. being. Dorathea Ellice vie tenet vnu' cotagiu' et gard' in Euabon per estim' . vjs. viijd. o o 20 Eedd' vs. iijd. ob. ex'. Eedd' xd. Joh'es Jefferies armiger tenet vnu' mesuagiu' curtilagiu' et gardin' cum duobus cl'is vocat' Kay Berion in Euabon & Joh'es Decka p' estim' xxxiijs. iiijd. 300 He is now in the Eentall, then in this surveye by xd. Eedd' xs. vijd. ex'. Idem Joh'es Jefferies tenet de terr' & Joh'is ap Edward ap dd' ap Madock in Marwheale et Euabon certas parcell' prati et pastur' p' est' . . Iiijs. iiijd. 10 o o ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CC111 A. R. P. Redd' iijs. viijd. interut' ante. Edwardus Eton tenet vnam par- cell' terr' vocat' Gwerne estodem per estim' . .200 Redd' xviijs. ijd. ob. q. ex'. Idem Eton tenet in copercionarie cum Martino Bromfeilde et Joh'e Dauid ap leu'n cuius purpars ter- raru' & fuerunt in tenur' Madoci ap dicus et Dauidis ap d'ccus in Ruabon p' est' . . . xxvjs. viijd. 400 S'm' redd' tenen' ad volunt* et p' dimiss' xxxjK. vjs. viijd. ob. 4*0 Eliz. xxijfi. xvijs. q. Redd' in toto p' ann' IvjZi. iujs. ob. xvjd. Ric'us Prestland p' terr' p' quisit' de Rogero Griffith, xixd. Rob'tus Puleston p' terr' in Ruadon, & ijs. vd. in Abinberye ; the totall, iiijs., put in Rentale. vs. iiijd. Rogerus Middleton Ar. p' terr' diuisabil' in Villa de Ryton. viijs. D'na Susanna Puleston et Georgius Puleston p' terr' lib'ris in Gwoosiet. iiy'd. D'd ap John Smith p' terr' lib'is in Ruabon. SUPERVIS* MANERII DE ESCLUSHAM. Harl. M8. 3696. NOMINA JURATORTT. Johannes Gruffith gen' Johannes David Robertus Gruffith gen' Hugh ap Llengyttin Rogerus ap William Joh'es ap Rees ap Hugh Dauid ap Robt. ap Hugh Rob'tus ap Edward Johannes ap Hugh Ed'rus ap Rich' Vaughan Jacobus ap Robert Will'us Twissingh'm Joh'es Wyn' ap John ap Edd' Ellis ap John Wynn Thomas Williams Johannes Mathewe Thomas Lewis Howell ap Edward Johannes Sontlley Hugo ap Howell. To the ffirst article the said Jurie doe say that the towneshipp of Brymbo, beeing part of ye said manno*, is bounded from Mynera by a brooke called Gwenfro, by a common there called Y Koed, boeth. by the south side; and from Flintshire by a brooke called Avon y Frith, running from a common called Nant y Frith to a rive' called Kegidog ; and soe the said Kegidog running downeward a little beyond a bridge called Pont y Place Mayne vppon ye north side, and from Gwersilt by a little brooke called y Frwe, and from Broughton by a little brook running from a common called Harwood to a place called y Groes faen on ye east side ; and vpon ye west, from ye said common called Nant y Frith to a place vpon ye said common called Maes Maylo' or thereabouts ; but ye certaine boundes of ye said towneshipp vppon ye said mountayne or common, they cannott sett downe. And they say yt the towneshipp of Bersham, beeing part of ye said manno', is bounden from Broughton to the said rive' called Gwenfro, in the foresaid place called y Groes faen, running downewards from ye said Groes fayen to a ditch called Klawdd watt on ye north side, and from Wrexhaui by ye said Klawdd watt, CC1V ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. and from Minera vpon part of ye said Coed Poeth. And they say that the towneshipp of Estlusham, beeing part of ye said manno', is bounden from Minera by a little purle or water running from the mountayne called Glas- bry, downe by the landes called Tir Kelin, and so to Cly wedog vpon ye west by the landes of Hugh ap Robert ap Howell in ye manno' of Minera, and part of Glasorie, and part of ye mountayne towardes y Groes Newydd ; but the certaine boundes vpon ye said mountayne they cannot sett downe. And from Mortyn Wallicoru' by a brooke called Holbrooke, through certaine ifeildes with certaine markes knowne, to a place called Aberderryn, and from thence to a place called Penissa Maeswdd Kynelleth to a brooke called yr Avon Ddv ; and from Morton Anglicoru' the said Avon Ddv doth bounde to ye towneshipp of Erddig, and from thence to Clywedoge, ioyning to ye towneshippe of Bersham in ye said manno'. And they say that the towne- shipp of Xpioneth Kenrick, beeing part of ye same manno', is bounded from Xpioneth Vechan by a certain brooke called Avon gristionedd, runninge downe from a certaine hill called Glasvry almost vnto a village called Pentre Xpioned'; and from Euabon the meere goeth through certaine fieldes from the said Pentre Xpioned' to the Glondv, and so by the river Dee to a bridge called y Bont Newydd, and from thence by a place called Koed Xpionedd, and from thence to a brooke called Trefynant vpon the south side ; and from the parish of Llangollen it is bounded from the said Trefynant to a mountayne called Kylorfeag ; but the certaine boundes thereof vppon the said mountaynes they cannott sett downe. To the second article they say that there is no demeasnes in their said manno', to their knowledge. To the third article the said Jury doe say that there are noe freeholders in the same manno', to their knowledge, but what are sett downe in theire presentment ; and all theire rente doe, vppon theire names, appeare in the said p'sentment, to theire knowledge. To the fourth and fifth articles they say that the persons in this p'sent- ment mentioned to hold by leases are the Prince his Highnes tennamintes by leases, or customarie tennante, within ye said manno', and doe holde ye said messuages, landes, and tenementes, vppon their severall names sett downe, and doe respectively pay for the same the severall rentes vpon their names appearing by lease for fortie yeares, and so from fortie to fortie for- eve', and doe pay two yeares rent for a ffyne vpon ye takinge of their leases, according to ye composition made betweene the late Queene Elizabeth of ffamous memorie, and ye tenannte of Bromfield and Yale, in the ffowrth yeare of her late most happie reigne, to this Juries knowledge ; theffect of w'ch composic'on is sett downe in the beginning of this Survey, wherevnto, for more certainety, this Jury do referre themselves. And this Jury doe not knowe of anything paied, or due to her paide by any of the said tennants vpon the marriage of their daughters. To the sixt article they say that they cannott sett downe how muche or what quantitie of commons doe belonge to this manno', for that they are intercom moners with ye manno' of Minera Egloyseagle and Yale, and do not know any certaine boundes vppon ye commons betweene ye said manno'. To the seaventh and eighth article they say that there are no woods within their said manno' to any great value ; but some woods there are vpon divers of the. said tennants termes, both woods and underwoods of birch, owlers, and hasell; w'ch said underwoods the tennants do vse for hedge- ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCV boote and tinsell for fencing their groundes as need requires, and for other necessarie vse. And this Jurie haue heard that diuers of the said tennaunts doe cutt downe trees vpon their said fermes to repaire theire howses standing there- vpon as needs requires ; but what lycence they have, this Jury know nott. And they say that there is no parke, no warren, at all in this manno', to their knowledge. To the nynth and tenth articles they say that they knowe of no incroch- mente but onely suche cottages, gardens, and parcelle of maste, as are here- after specified to bee vpon ye Prince his waste (as this Jury take it), that all the landes in this manno' are helde, from fortie yeares to fortie yeares, as aforesaid, excepting the freehold w'ch they holde freely; and that there is no escheat landes there, to their knowledge, but what are hereafter specified. To the eleventh article they say that there is a coale myne and lead myne within this manno', both vsed and enioyed of S'r Richard Grosveno', Knight ; but by what right, or what the proffit may bee worth by the yeare, they knowe not. Also there is within this manno' quarreys of lyme, w'ch are taken vpp and carried by the Prince his freeholders and the tennauntes of Bromfield for the bettering of their groundes, without restraint or paying any thing for the same. To the twelfth and thirteenth they say that no freeholde' died within this manno' without heire generall or speciall, to their knowledge, and that there is no towne corporate or burrough within ye said manno'. To the fowreteenth they say they knowe not of any suche exchaunges or vnlawfull inserting of landes into leases as are demaunded by that article. To the fifteenth article they say that there is vppon the Prince his landes two mills in this manno', in the tenure of Thomas Powell by lease of 40 yeares ; the rent xvj d. ; w'ch are no custome mills (as this Jurie take it). An other mill in the said manno', in the tenure of Edward Loyd. Howe it is held they knowe not. The rent is xijd. To the sixteenth article they say that the commons in and about this manno' doth yeild turfe, furse, heath, and fearne, w'ch the tennauntes and inhabitauntes of this and other manners adioyninge doe take and vse for fuell as they neede, and thinke ye same doe belong to them as appurte- naunces to their landes and leases. To the seaventeenth article they say this manno', being a member of the lordshipp of Bromfield, doth serve at the leete and law dales of the said lord- ehipp, as they are bounde to doe ; and that they pay no fynes, headsilver, or king's silve'; but that they pay their rente, fynes, and alienac'ons, amer- ciam'ts of courtes, mizes, and all other paymente for their rate and propor- tion, as other the tennauntes and inhabitauntes of ye said lordshipp doe, when and as often as ye same are due. To the eighteenth article they say there is no coppiholde tenement in decay in this manno', to their knowledge. To the nineteenth article they say that they knowe not whether the casu- alties mencioned in this article be due to ye Prince his Highnes or to the King's most excellent Ma'tie. To the twentieth and one and twentieth articles they say that there is no fishing or fowling in this manno', but vpon ye mountaynes and commons in and about this manno' do breed moore cockes and growes, w'ch gentlemen of ye countrey of Chesshire and other places do hawke and take them at CCvi ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. some seasons of the yeare. They say that there is no markett in this manno'. To the two and three and twentith articles they say that they know not of any rent concealed or withheld in this manno', no' of any reprises or pay- rnentes going out of ye same. To the fowre and twentith article they say that they knowe of no other officer that belonges to this raanno' in p'ticule' but bayliffe, to gather the Prince his rent, and to doe other services belonging to their office ; and that the Chief Steward, as this Jurie have crediblie heard, is the right honorable John Earle of Bridgewater ; and that John Jeffries, Esq., John Davies, and and Thomas Foster, Gent., are his deputies; and that Thomas Trafford, Esq., is Receavo'; but what fees they or either of them hath, this Jurie knoweth not. To the five and twentith article they say that there is no benefices within this manno'. To the six and twentith article they say that as farre as they can finde and learne, that the old and accustomed acre in theis partes and in most countries next adioyninge, conteyne a hundred and threescore perches to the acre, and fowere and twenty foote to the pearche or pole ; but the certainety thereof they cannott sett downe ; but the acres mentioned in this p'sent- ment are the old and accustomed acres. ESCLUSHAM. Harl. MS. 3696, fo. 153 et seq. LIBERI TENENTIS. BRYMBO. Redd' iiijd. ex'. Robert Soulley tenet ib'm libere vnam parcellam in duas parcellas diuise vocat' Tir Coch continen' p' estimat'o'em 3 a. Redd' xxjd. Elizabetha Soulley tenet libere ibidem vnum messuagiu' cum pertinentiis et tres parcellas terr' prima pars vnde vocat' y tir tan y derlwyn secunda & blwch tertia vocat' y Wern continen' p' estimat'o'em 9 a. Redd" vjd. ob. Richardus Langfford tenet libe' ib'm duas parcellas terr' nunc diuiss' in quatuo' et vnu' cottagiu' sup'inde edificat' prima et a'da partes vnde vocant' kae helig tertia et quarta partes vocat' y tansed conti- nen' p' estimat'o'em 10 a. Redd' ijd. Elizabetha v' Edward tenet ib'm libe' vnum cottagiu' et qua- tuo' parcellas terr' vocat' y coyd towyll continen' p' estimat'o'em 5 a. Redd' iiijd. Hugo Francis tenet libe' unu' cottagiu' cum pertinenciis et tres parcellas terr' vocat' Tir y deri cont' p' estimac'o'em 6 a. Redd' xvjd. Johannes ap John ap Edward 1 tenet ib'm novem parcellaa terr' cum pertinentiis prima pars vnde karskubo' 2'ds kaer Owen 3'tia y weirglodd y pull du 4*ta & Erwy 5'ta kaer vedwyn 6'ta kae gwyn 7'nia kae Fenn ap Adda 8'va y weirglodd kae Jenkyn g'ma kae Fenn' continen' p' esti- mac'o'em 15 a. 1 John ab John ab Edward ab David ab leuan ab lenkyn ab Llewelyn ab Ithel Goch ab Llewelyn ab Madog ab Einion ab Madog ab Bleddyn, fourth son of Cynwrig ab Rhiwallon. (See pedigree.) ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCV11 Redd' xiiijd. Edwardus ap Richard tenet ib'm vn' messuag' cu' pertinen- tiis et octo parcellas terr' prima pars vnde et secunda vocatit' r Erw vwch pen y ty er y bryn 3'tia y wern vechan 4'ta y wern garie 5'ta y tir rhwng y ddwy wern 6'ta r Erwe garregogg 7 r Erwe r ffynuon dda 8'va maes y garreg Iwyd continen' p' estimat' 14 a. Redd' xvjd. Edwardus ap Robert tenet vnn' cottagiu' cum pertinenciis et quatuo' parcellas terr' cu' pertinent' vocat prima pars y bir Erwe 2'da et 3'tia partes Kae ll'un dda 4'ta y Nant Kae ll'um dda continent' p' estima- c'o'em 10 a. Redd' iiijs. ex'. Robertus ap Edward tenet ib'm duo cottagia cuin perti- nentiis et quatuo' p'cellas terr' prima pars vnde vocat' Kaer beyllan 2'da yr kae banadle 3'tia y wern y pistill 4 y wern rhydynog continen' p' estima- c'o'em 9 a. Redd' iiijs. iiijd. ex'. Johannes Rees ap Hugh tenet vnu' messuagiu' cum pertinent' et vnu' cottagiu' cum sex parcellas terr' prima pars vocat' y Kay yn vpnell y ty 2'da r Erw verr' 3'tia y Hirdir issa ^'ta hirdir vtha s'ta Erw llenka vechan 6'ta Erw leukn issa continen' p' estimat' 9 a. Redd' xijd. Idem Johannes Rees tenet libe' ib'm quatuo' parcellas nup' terr' S'r ap Edward ap Morgan prima pars vnde vocat' y hirdir hirid 2'da y hirdri vcha 3'tia y hirdir issa 4'to y wierglodd vethan tont p' estimac'o'em 10 a. Redd' xijd. Edwardus Meredith tenet septem parcellas terr' prima pars vnde vocat' y koyd secunda vocat' y koyd 3'tia vocat y vron 4'ta y weirglodd y mynydd 5'ta gwerglodd y Nant 6'ta yr Erw las 7'ma y Coe nup' terr' Joh'is ap John Hugh continen' p' estimat' 9 a. Redd' vijd. Will'mus ap Edward tenet ib'm vn' cottagiu' cum pertinen- ciis cum quatuor parcellas terr' vnde prima pars vocat' y tir y bryn 2 yr Erw 3 pen y g wrych et 4*ta pen y gwrych issa continen' p' estimat' 9 a. Richardus Grosvenor miles tenet ib'm vid' miner carboum' in Comun' vocat' Harwood et tot miner carbonum de Principe infra perochiam de Wrex- haru vt hi Juratores credibile informati sunt ex d'no Rege Magistat' in lib'e socagio vt de Maner de Hampton Court p' concesse' dat vicesimo die Maii a'o quarto Edwardi sexti [A.D. 1551]. Redd' iiijs. Idem Richardus tenet vn' messuagiu' cu' p'tinen' in tenura Johannis Williams nunt' diuis' in Nove' parcellas et unu' ad tenementu' Willim' Tudy nunc in tres parcellas diuis' continen' in toto per estimat' o'ein 18 a. Redd' iijs. iiijcf. Idem Richardus tenet vnu' tenementu' in tenura Roberti Lloyd vocat' y gerthi gleission nunc in tres parcellas diuiss' continen' p' esti- mat' i a. i r. Redd' iiijs. ixd. Howell ap Edward tenet ib'm unu' messuagiu' cum per- tinenciis et duas parcellas terr' vnde prima vocat' y weirglodd et secunda vocat' y dryll dibni nunc in septem seperal' p'cell' fact' nup' terr' Johannis ap Edward ap Robert ap Morgan Lloyd continen' p' estimat' 9 a. Redd' ijs. Johannes Gwynn tenet ib'm vn' messuag' cum p'tinenciis in tenura Joh'is Ward cu' decem p'cell' terr' i vocat' y gwern y garn 2 Dryll y bolgrath 3 y Coppie 4 r Erw Llu'an 5 Erw vechan 6 r Erw gam 7 y kay pvedd 8 y kae rhedyn 9 krw genrick ap Hova 10 y trowsdir cont' p' estimat' 15 a. Redd' viijd. Johannes ap Howell tenet unum cottagiu' cum pertinenciis et vn' croft eidem pertinen' continen' p' estimat'o'em i r. CCVlli ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Eedd' xxiijs. xd. Will'mus Eobinson 1 Armige' tenet vnu' messuagiu' cum pertinenciis in tenura Robert! Gruff' cum tresdecem parcellas terr' continen' p' estimac'o'em 60 a. Et de redd' omni' p'cellaru' aequen' dicitur autem fore xxiijs. xcJ. Idem tenet duas clausuras terr' nup' terr' Hugo'is Puleston vocat' Eitliin Yngbarad et kay mab y gwr continen' p' estimat' 6 a. Idem tenet vnu' messuagiu' cum p'tinenciis in tenura Roberti Mathewes nup' terr' Hugonis Puleston vocat' le Brithdir cont' p' est' 30 a. Idem Will'mus Robinson tenet vna' parcellam fundi in tenura Edwardi ap Richard Vechan nup' terr' Hugonis Puleston continen' per estimac'o'em 6 a. Idem tenet unu' messuagiu' cum pertinenciis et quindem parcellas terr' nup' terr' Hugonis Puleston continen' p' estimat' 50 a. Idem tenet unum messuagium cu' pertinen' nuper in tenura Johannis ap Rees continen' p' estimac'o'em 35 a. Idem tenet unu' messuagiu' cu' pertinenciis in tenura Johannis ap Howell et sex p'cellas terr' continen' p' estimat' 20 a. Idem tenet unu' messuagiu' cum pertinenciis in tenura Hugonis Gruff cum quinq' p'cell' terr' continen' p' estimat' 12 a. Idem tenet vnu' messuagiu' cum p'tinenciis in tenura Johannis Roberte geebon et quinq' parcellas terr' continen' p' estimat' 16 a. Idem tenet duas parcellas terr' in tenur' Richardi Gr' puer sui continen' p' estimat' o'em 4 a. Idem tenet libe' quatuor parcellas terr' in tenur' Thome ap Morgan cont' p' estimat' 8 a. Redd" iijs. xiijd. ex'. Robertus Gruffith tenet libe' quinque parcellas terr' vnde prima vocat' Erw r Vallen secunda Erw Meonduol 3 Hoel Walter 4*ta Kae Madd' dda vcha 5 y crachdir in duas p'cellas diuis' continen' p' estima- c'o'em 20 a. Redd' lijd. ex'. Idem tenet vnam parcellam terre vocat' Kae Madd' dda nup' terr' Will'mi Robinson Armigeri continen' p' estimac'o'em 3 a. Redd' iiijs. iiijd. ex'. Idem vnu' messuag' cum p'tinent' et novem parcel- las terr' vnde i vocat' kaer llwidig 2 Kaer Kull 3 2 acre talar 4 y wern dda 5 Kae merich 6 r allt dda add 7 y weirglodd y wern ddu 8 Coyd kas pockin 9 weirglodd kaer lldian nup' terr' Geor' Salisbury tenet p' est' 40 a. Redd' vijs. Thomas Buckley tenet quatuo' tenementa cum pertinenciis nuper terr' Edwardi Johnes probitione. Attinct'. Redd' xiijs. iiijei. ex'. Johannes Gruffith generos' 2 tenet libe' vnu' capital' messuagiu' cum pertinen' et diuers' p'cell' terr' eidern pertinen'. 1 William Robinson of Gwersyllt Isaf in the parish of Gresford, and of Mynachdy in Anglesey, Esq., High Sheriff for Denbighshire in 1630, and for Anglesey in 1632. He was the eldest son of Nicholas Robinson, D.C.L., one of the Council for the Court of the Marches, and Bishop of Bangor from 1566 to 1585, who alienated the Skerries and Mynachdy in Anglesey from the see of Bangor in favour of one of his sons. William Robinson of Myn- achdy and Gwersyllt, the last heir male of this family, perished in a storm, on his return from a sporting excursion on the Skerries. (See pedigree.) Arms, quarterly, i and 4 argent; 2 and 3 gules, a fret or; over all a fess vert. John Griffiths of Brymbo, eldest son of Robert Griffiths of Brymbo, Esq., and Catherine his wife, daughter of John Eyton of Coed y Llai (Leeswood), OKIGINAL DOCUMENTS ccix Idem tenet libe' vnu' tenementu' cum pertinenciis in tenura Eoberti Eaphe et octo parcellas eidem p'tinen'. Idem tenet libe' vnu' messuagiu' cum p'tinen' in tenura Eoberti Mathew et decem parcellas terr' eidem p'tinen'. Idem tenet libe' vnu' tenementu' cum p'tinen' in tenur' Gruffith ap John et al' cum vna p'cell' terr' vocat' bryn Hoell in septem parcellas seperal'a diuiss' 390 a. Idem tenet vnu' cottagiu' cum pertinenciis in tenura Itell ap John ap Mathew. Idem tenet libe' vnu' tenementu' cu' p'tinenciis in tenura Thome Younge cum diuersis p'cellis vocat' pen y graig al's Maes y graig nunc in septe' par- cellas diuiss' et vnam parcella' pars diet' Maes y graig cum sub not' selion' sive metis Anglice vnder knowne meeres or bound' longitud' ex Johannis Eees ap Hugh Eiverl ib'm vocat' aber y rhyd tu et latitud' ex tene- mento dicti Thome Young diet' Met' ib'm extant' adiungen' ad Comm' ib'm vocat' Mynydd Harwodd. Idem tenet libe' vnam aliam p'cellam terr' vocat' y Kay bychan in tenura Eogeri Key que om'ia premiss' iacen' in Brymbo nup' terr' Gruffith ap Ed- ward ap Morgan et omn' prenominat' clauss' pastur' bost' prat' et terr' arra- bil' subbosc' continent' in toto per estimat'o'em. Eedd' ixs. xjd. ob' q' ex'. Idem Johannes Gruffith tenet vnu' messuag' cum pertinent' et diuerss' p'cell' terr' nup' terr' Eoberti Sonlley continen' p' estimat'. Eedd' xxvs. vjd. Johannes Dauid tenet ib'm vnu' messuagiu' cum per- tinenciis et diuerss' parcellas terr' eidem p'tinen' vnde prima pars vocat' y Kay koch 2'da y ddol 3 y weirglodd y Kay koch 4 y kae kani 5'ta gweirg lodd y kae kam 6 y kae gwair 7 y kae gweinth et vn' cottagiu' et gardin' et quartuo' p'cellas terr' eidem pertinen' vnde prima pars vocat' y gerddi gleis- ion 2'da Erw r berllan 3 r tia Erwhir 4 kay koyd nunc in duas parcellas diuiss' continen' p' estimat'. Eedd' ijd. Lilly Morgan tenet vnu' cottagiu' et vnam parcellam terr' vocat' Erwr hendur continen' p' estimac'o'em 2 r. Eedd' iiijd. Hugo ap Howell Joh'es ap Eicharde Edward ap Eichard Phillip Jo. Eondle John ap William Powell tenent coniunctim vnu' cottagiu' vnam parcellam terre vocat' y brithdir nunc in possessione Hugonis a powell essen' indiviss inter illos sed dictus Hugo ap Howell tenet al' parcell' cum sua per dimissionem ex altris partibus que om'ia continent in toto per esti- mac'o'em 20 a. Johannes Eoberts tenet vnam p'cella' terr' vocat' Kay ll'en continen' p' estimac'o'em 3 a. The rents of this is paid amoungst other his landes in Esclusham. Eedd' iijs. iiijd. Bersham. Thomas Gouldsmith tenet sex clauss' terr' cum pertinenciis in Bersham continen' p' estimac'o'em 15 a. Eedd' iiijd. Idem tenet vn'clauser' terr' continen' per estimac'o'em I a. 2 r. Esq., and Jane his wife, daughter of John Lloyd ab Tudor of Bodidris in Yale, Esq. The said Eobert Griffiths was the eldest son of Gruffydd ab Ed- ward ab Morgan ab David ab Madog of Brymbo, second son of David Goch ab David Hen of Burton in Esclusham ; descended from Sanddef Hardd, lord of Morton and Burton. Vert, seme of broomslips, a lion rampant or, armed and langued gules. 2 b CCX ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Redd' iiijs. iijd. Hugo Johnes tenet vnu' messuag' cu' pertinen' cum sep- tem p'cellas terr' cont' p' estimat' 13 a. Idem Hugo Johnes tenet tres seliones vocat' bryn y vron et terciam par- tem de le Errow ynchem y bont continen' p' estimac'o'em 2 a. Redd' xd. Johannes Parry tenet injure vxoris vn' cottagiu' et vn'p'cella' terr' voc' r dew vuch y ty 2 iacen' in Brymbo voc' y tir Coch cont' p' estim' 5 a. Redd' xd. Dauid ap Richard tenet ib'm cu' ten't' tres p'cellas terr' conti- nen' per estimac'o'em 5 a. Redd' vs. vijd. Johannes Wynn ap John ap Edward tenet duo messuagia infra vilT de Esclusham nnper terr' Edwardi Jones vt supra 5 a. Redd' iijd. Idem Johannes Wynn tenet duas parcellas terr' i vocat' gwern lemm 2 Erw yr fforsley contin' p' estimac'o'em Redd' xvjd. Hered' Hugonis ap John Dauid tenent vnu' messuag' et tres parcellas terr' i vocat' y kae tan y ty 2 kaer skubo' 3 kae lloyd continen' per estimac'o'em 6 a. Redd'xvjd. Galfridus ap Richard tenet vn' messuag' cum pertinen' et tres parcellas terr' i vocat' r' Erow hir 2'da y kae glas 3 yr Erow groun continen' p' estimat' 7 a. Redd' xd. ex'. Humfridus ap Hugh tenet vn' messuag' et quatuor parcel- las terr' i voc' y kae kow'uog 2'da y ddol 3 y wern issa et 4'ta yr Erw vawr p' estimac'o'em 5 a. Redd' vijd. ex'. Hugo Griffith tenet lib'e tria cottagia cum sex parcellas terr' i vocat' y kae tan y ty 2'da Erw Wenith 3 r Erw ganol 4'ta gwern y velin 5'ta r Erw ddit 6 r Erw y glan yr avon continen' per estimac'o'em 4 a. Redd' ijs. ijd. Thomas Lewis tenet vn' messuag' cum pertinen' et quinq' parcellas terr 5 i voc' y kae tan y llwyn 2'da r Erw voeg 3 kae Maddoc ap Ithell 4 Erow vadog Coch 5'ta gwern y girvach nunc seperaT diuiss' in sep- tem parcellas contin' per estimac'o'em 15 a. Redd'xd. Jacobus ap Robert tenet vn' messuagiu'cum tertinen'cum octo parcellis terr' prim' voc y wern goidiog 2'da pwll y whyad 3 y kae artu hwnt yr yskubo 4 r Erw hrr' 5 y kae ty hwnt yr ty 6 y kae y sslawe ffowld 7 y llwynder 8 r Erowe continen' p' estimac'o'em n a. Redd' xiiijd. Will'mus ap Edward tenet duo tenem'ta cum pertinent' et quatuor parcellas terr' i vocat' y place hwen' 2 y wer hwen 3 y kae du 4 kae Gruff 1 ap Adda cont' p' estimac' 5 a. Redd' xijd. Richardus ap Robert tenet vn' messuag' vocat' y tythyn ym- hew' y bont in sex parcellas diuis' continen' p' estimac'o'em 9 a. Redd'iiijd. ex'. Hugo ap Edward tenet vnu' parcellas terr' vocat' peudda nunc in duas parcellas diuiss' continen' p' estimac'o'em 3 a. Redd' xvjd. Johannes ap Richard tenet duo cottag' cum tribus p'cellis terr' cum pertinen' vocat' yr hanod vndur vcha in 2 parcell' diuiss' yr hanod vndur issa 3 r Erw drawin tont' p' estimac' 1 1 a. Redd' ijs. iiijd. Dauid ap Robert ap Hugh tenet vnu' inessuagiu' cum pertinen' et vnu' cottagiu' in tenura Edwardi ap William cum vndece' p'cel- lis eidem messuag' p'tinen' i vocat' y brynn 2'da bryn y pentre 3 Nant lletty ddy 4 lletty dd' nunc in quatuor parcellas diuis' 5 y weirglodd vechan 6 y tir du 7 kae Newydd vcha 8 kae Newydd issa 9 r Erwyn y kae Newydd 10 r hanfryn 1 1 y kae Crypill continen' p' estimac'o'em 3 a. Redd' vjd. Thomas Williams tenet vnu' inessuagiu' cum pertinent' cum sex parcellas terr' eidem p'tin' i voc't brumint vcha nunc in duas parcell' diuis' 2*da y brvnant issa 3 gwern y kull vcha 4 kae glas 5 kae enkan 6 blaen y kae enkan fewn dill howell et 7 drill howell continen' p' estimat' 18 a. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCX1 Redd' in his rents of his land in Brimbo. Will'mus Robinson Armige" tenet vnum messuagiu' cum pertinen' vocat' havod y Rhechdir mine in tenura Will'mi ap John ap Harry continen' p' estimat' 6 a. Redd' viijd. Rogerus ap William tenet vnu' messuag' cum pertinen' et diuers' parcellas terr' eidem p'tin' I vocat' kae Jenn' ap Heilin in tres sepe- ral' p'cell' diuia' 2'da y pale in duas p'cellas diuis' continen' p' estimac' 7 a. Redd' viijd. Rogerus ap Edward tenet vnu' messuagiu' cum pertinen' et duas parcellas terr' eidein pertiuen' i vocat' Calledr erow ortu issa yr pedd 2 kae Maddock koch nunc in tres parcellas diuiss' continen' per estimac' 8 a. Redd' vijd. Idem Rogerus tenet tres parcellas terr' vocat' y dall brwynog vtha y deill brwynog issa 3 y acre vgllyn nunc in duas parcellas fact' conti- nen' per estimac'o'em 7 a. Redd'iiijs. xcl. Gruffith Mathewes tenet vn' messuag' cum pertinent' nup' terr' Dauidi ap John de groes voel continen' p' estimac'o'em 70 a. Redd' ijs. vjd. Idem Gruffith 'enet duo messuag' c'm p'tinen' et diuis' par- cellas terr' cont' p' estimat' 42 a. Redd' ijs. Elizabetha Roberts et Richardus Robertus tenet vnu' messua- giu' cu' pertinen' in quo Edwardus Phillipps nunc inhabitat et decem par- cellas terr' eidem pertinen' i voc' y llwyn onu 2'da yr Erow tan y berllan 3 r Erow hir 4 r heol 5 r y thesua 6 grweirglodd y chesua 7 y pant yr ychesua 8 r henblas 9 et 10 duas p'cell' terr' iacen' in p'cella terr' vocat' y kae New- ydd que vlt' recit' p'cell' aliquando fuer' terr' Johannis Sonlley Ar' continen' p' estimat' 16 a. Redd' ijd. Edwardus Phillipps tenet vn' cottagiu' et duas acras ten-' eidem pertinen' in quo Johanna v' Dauid nunc inhabitat aliquando terr' Jo- hannis Erthig 1 de Erthig defunct' continen' p' estimac'o'em. Redd' iijd. ex'. Edwardus Sonlley tenet vnu' messuag' et vn' cottag' cum pertinent' et quinq' parcell' terr' i vocat' y keykie 2'da y weirglodd 3 tir da 4 r erwgefnog 5 r erw gronn continen' p' estimat' 10 a. Redd' xcl. ex'. Idem tenet vnam parcella' terr' nunc seperaT diuis' in duas parcellas vocat' kae Eduenett lloyd aliquando terr' Thome Trafford Armi- geri tout' p' estimac'o'em 6 a. Redd' vjs. ex'. Johannes Sonlley tenet vnu' messuagiu' cum pertinent' et duodecim parcellas terr' i voc' r hen gae issa 2 r hen gae vcha nunc in duas parcellas terr' diuis' 3 kae Madd' y dagan issa 4 y kae Madd'y y dagau vcha p's vlt' recitat' p'cell' iac' in Morton Wallicoru' 5 y Cocksutt 6 r Erowe ddol 7 kae kannol 8 bryn y pys 9 y Werne p's Edneuett lloyd 10 tyddin Uwyn II r Erow vchan 12 y Nant cont' p' estimac'o'em 40 a. Redd' vjs. ixd. Dorothea Ellys 2 tenet vnu' messuagiu' cum pertinent' nup' terr' Edwardi Johnes de alta proditione attinct' que tenent (vt Jurator' pred' 1 John Erddig of Erddig or Eurddig, Esq., who died before this survey was made ( 1620), was the son of John Wynn Erddig ab Edward Erddig ab John ab David Goch of Erddig, ab Howel ab leuan ab Llewelyn ab Gruffydd ab lorwerth Fychan ab lorwerth ab leuaf ab Niniaf ab Cynwrig ab Rhiwallon. Ermine, a lion rampant sable, armed and langued gules. The Erddig estate was sold in, or soon after, 1638 to John Edisbury of Pentref Clawdd, Esq. (Cae Cyriog MS.) 2 Dorothea Ellys, relict of Humphrey Ellis of Alrhey, Esq., and daughter and coheiress of Edward Johnes of Plas Cadwgan, Esq. CCxii ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. credibiT informant) p' concessionem nup' dua E'cia Elizabetha vt de manerio de East Greenwich in comitat' kanc'. Redd' ixs. Alicia Hughes tenet sex parcellas terr' in Bryn r Owen cum pertinenciis i voc' kay ll'm goch Nesa yr ty 2 Kay ll'm goch nesa ir auon 3 y Wydd syd 4 y ddol 5 y tir gwenith 6 y weirglodd continen' p' estim' 60 a. Redd' ijs. Idem Alicia tenet vnu' teneinentu' in tenura Dauid ap John ap Morgan et quatuor parcellas terr' eidem pertinen' i vocat' y kae bir eiha 2'da y kae bir nesa vity 3 r Erw veriog 4'ta r Ervr glai or tu issa ir ffordd nup' terr' diet' Edwardi Johnes attinct' vt super continen' p' estimac'o'em. Eedd' xxcl. Eichardus Dauies de London tenet vnu' messuagiu' nup' per- quisit' de Dauid Yale in tenura Johannis Robert ap leu'n continen' per esti- rnac'o'em 8 a. Eedd' iiijd. Idem Eichardus tenet vnam parcella' prati nup' perquisit'de dicto Dauid Yale aliquando in tenur* Johannis ap Hugh ap Hugh continen' p' est* 4 a. Eedd' xijd. Johannes Eobert ap leu'n tenet duo messuag' cum pertinent' in Esclusham cum diuers' parcellis terr' cont' p' estimat' 12 a. Eedd'ijd. Maria Buckley tenet unum tenementu' cum pertinenciis et tres parcellas terr' i vocat' y kay du 2'da r Erow lechwedd 3 r Erow tan y ty con- tinen' p' estimac'o'em 6 a. Eedd' iijs. ijd. Hugo ap ll'wen guttyn tenet in messuag' cum pertinenc' eb novem parcellas terr' contin' p' estimaco'ern 10 a. Eedd' iijs. iiijci. ex'. Johannes Gruffith tenet vn' messuagiu' cum pertinent' et quinque parcellas terr' continen' p' estimac'oem 12 a. Eedd' iijs. Johannes ap John ap Howell tenet vnu' messuag' cum perti- nent' nunc diuis' in duas parcellas et duas parcell' terr' continen' p' estima- c'o'em 8 a. Eedd' xd. Johannes Dauid tenet' vn' messuagiu' cum pertinent' et vnatn parcella' terr' contin' p' estimac'o'em 3 a. Eedd' xijd. Hugo ap Ellis tenet vnu' messuag' cu' pertinen' et duas par- cellas terr' seperal' diuis' continen' p' estimac'oem I a. 2 r. Eedd' xijff. Will'mus ap Eobert ap Edward tenet vnu' messuagiu' cum pertinen' et quatuor parcellas terr' cont' p' estimac'o'em 3 a. Eedd' iis. ijcl. Eichardus ap John tenet vn' messuag' cu' p'tin' et quatuor parcellas terr' continen' per estimac'o'em 6 a. Eedd' iijs. Eob'tus ap Ll'enn vn' messuag' cu' p'tin' aliquand' terr' Will'i Johnes vocat' Cestr' cont' p' estimat' 3 a. Eedd' vjd. Eobertus ap ll'enn pred' tenet vnu' tenement' cum pertinent' et vnam parcellam terr 5 vocat' kay eithin nup' terr' Johannis ap Eichard contin' p' estimac'o'em 5 a. Eedd' vijs. Edwardus Meredith tenet duo seperal' messuag' cum perti- nen' nup' terr' Johannis Eobert ap Edward et viginti et novem p'celT terr' continen' p' estitnac'o'em 60 a. Eedd' xvrf. Idem Edwardus Meredith tenet quinque parcellas terr' nup' terr' Johannis ap Eichard con' p' estimac'o'em 19 a. Eedd' xd. Idem Edwardus Meredith tenet vn' tenement' in tenura Ed- wardi Swymerton nup' terr' Johannis Eandle existen' septem parcell' contin' p' estiinac'o'em 9 a. Eedd' vjcl. Johannes Dauid et vx' tenent tres parcell' continen' p' esti- mat' 12 a. Kedd' vjd. Johannes ap Hugh ap Edward ten' vn' messuagiu' cum perti- nen' et diuers' cont' p' estimac'o'em 14 a. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCX111 Redd' iiijs. ijd. Richardus ap Ellys Tudar tenet vnu' messuag' cum per- tinen' et quinq' p'cell' terr' continen' p' estimat' 8 a. Redd' xijd. Anna v'r John et Ellen v'r John tenent vn' mess' cu' p'tin 1 el lo'tem p'cell' terr' cont' p' estimat' 16 a. Redd' viijs. viijd. Rowlandus ap Hughes tenet vn' messuagiu' cum perti- nenciis et diuers' parcell' terr' eidem p'tinen' prima pars vnde vocat' bryn' y ffynnon' secunda Erwe r groes 3'tia y Weirglodd tan y ty 4'ta weirglodd hir 5'ta y ddol 6'ta kae dd' 7'tima bryn vrun' 8'va dd'au Dwnsdir 9'ina y vownog lo'ma talken y ty. Idem tenet ib'm vnu' messuag' cuua pertinen' vocat' y ty ynol kae heilyn cum diuers' p'cell' terr' voc' Erw y Corksute yddol tan y ty y worn vechan kae dd' erwen hack y ddan kae tail y plas 65 a. Idem tenet ib'm vn' cottagiu' cum parcell' terr' vocat' y vownog. Idem tenet vn' messuagiu' et duas parcellas terr' vocat' bryn y sarn eidem messuag' p'tinen' que omn' perticular' claus' continen' p' est' in toto. Redd' payede in Brimbo. Will'mus Robinson Armige' tenet vn mess' cum pertinen' in tenur' puer Richardi Gruff' et quatuor parcell's terr' continen' p' estimat' 8 a. Idem tenet quatuo' parcellas terr' in tenura Joh'is Dauid aliquando terr' Johannis Hoell continen' p' estiinac'o'em 9 a. Idem tenet vn' messuagiu' cum pertinen' in occupat' Dauidis ap Hugh et tres parcellas terr' continen' p' estimac'o'em 16 a. Idem Will'mus tenet vn' parcell' prat' voc' gwen y saison nup' terr' Will'i ap John ap John contin' p' estimat' 2 a. Idem Will'mus tenet vn' messuag' cum p'tinen' in tenura Thome Morgan cum vna parcell' terr' continen' p' estimat' 2 a. All his rents are paid for theis landes aboue mentioned in Brymbo. Redd' xiijs. vid. Rogerus Bellot 1 generos' tenet vn' capital' messuag' cum pertinenciis nup' terr' Edwardi Johnes de alta attinct' et nunc tent' per concessionem nup' a d'na Regina Elizabetha in liber' soccag' vt de tna- nerio de East Greenwich vt Juratores pred' credibiT informati sunt 60 a. Redd' vs. viijd. Idem Rogerus tenet vnu' cottagiu' et sex p'cell' terr' nuper ten-' Johannis Puleston et Anne ux' eius continen' p' estimac'o'em. Redd' xijcZ. Idem Rogerus tenet tres parcellas terr' vnde vocat' yr hen- bias 2'da tarn y bragod 3'tia iacen' in parcell' fundi vocat' tir Juor nup' terr' Hugonis Robert' continen' p' estimac'o'em 16 a. Redd' iijd. Will'mus Erthig tenet vna' parcella' terr' vocat' ddoly llwynog aliquando terr' Joh'is Erthig continen' p' estimac'o'em i a. 2 r. Redd' xijd. Johannes ap Richard tenet duo seperal' messuag' cum perti- nen' et quatuor decem parcell' terr' continen' p' estimat' 10 a. Redd' iijs. Hugo ap Robert tenet vn' cottag' cu' p'tin' nup' terr' Hugonis Bersham continen' p' estimac'o'em 10 a. Redd' vjs. Johannes Puleston Armig' tenet vnu' capitalem messuagiu' cum pertinen' et diuers' parcellas terr' eidem p'tinen' continen' p' estima- c'o'em 100 a. 1 Roger Bellot was the son of Robert Bellot of Bersham in the manor of Esclusham, and Anne his wife, daughter of Pyers Mostyn of Talacre, Esq. Argent, on a chief gules, three cinquefoils of the field. (See pedigree and the Arch. Camb., January, 1869, p. 14.) CCXiv ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Eedd'. Idem Johannes tenet ib'm vn' molendin' aquatr' gran' cum vstriu' anglice a kyll et al' appurtenen' eidem pertinen' et duo cottag' et duas p'cel- cellas terr' vocat' yr Erow Wenn et pen y garth qui clamat esse liber' conti- nen' p' estiinat'. Eedd' iijs. Johannes Jeffreys Armiger tenet ib'm tres cottagia et vn' gar- din' D'no molendiu' aquatic' gran' et curs' aquatic' eisdem pertinen' et vn' p'celT prat' et vn' tenement' et sex panvos claus' eidem pertinen' nunc in tenura Kichardi Hall et vnu' al' tenementu' in Brymbo et sex p'celT terr' eidem p'tinen' nup' in tenura Cadwallad' ap Howell continen' p' estimac'o'eni in toto 9 a. Kedd' xijd. Eichardus Grosvenor miles tenet vnu' tenementu' in tenura Georgii Warde contin' p' estimac'o'em i a. 2 r. Eedd' vjs. viijd. Johannes ap John ap Wim' ap Hoell tenet vn' messua- giu' sive tenementu' p'tinen' continen' p' estimac'o'em 26 a. Eedd' xiiijs. iijd. Johannes Eogers tenet in Bersham vnu' messuagiu' in quo nunc inhabitat cu' p'tin' et 12 p'cell' terr' continen' p' estimat' 20 a. Idem tenet vnu' cottagiu' cum p'tinen' et 7'din parcellas terr' nup' terr' Edwardi GrufEth continen' p' estimac'o'em 1 7 a. Idem tenet vnu' tenementu' cum pertinen' et quatuor parcellas terr' con- tinen' p' estimat' 12 a. Idem Johannes tenet vnu' cottagiu' et vn' p'cell' terr' nunc in quatuor parcellas fact' continen' p' estimac'o'em nup' terr' Joh'is Puleston 12 a. Idem Johannes Eogers tenet duo cottag' cum pertinen' continen' p' esti- mat' 2 r. Eedd' xvs. iiijd. Thomas Trafford Armiger tenet vn' clausur' terr' in Bersham vocat' ddolved cont' p' estimac'o'em. Eedd' viijd. Idem tenet vn' clausur' terr' in Bersham nup' terr' Thome Evans cont' p' estimat'. Eedd' ijs. ixd. Eobertus Sonlley tenet ib'm vn' cottagiu' cum pertinent' in Esclusham cum decem p'cellas terr' vnde prima pars vocat' y goesa Glas 2'da r Erw las 3 kae pen y pont 4'ta kaer merich 5'ta kae eva 6'ta gwern fer vycham 7 Erwr prydydd y vnwch 8 tres selion' in Erw gesnog 9 Erwr stybo' 10 bron r Wylua et 2 selion' in claus' vocat' bryn berthan continen' p' esti- mac'o'eni 30 a. Eedd' xxjcZ. Hered' Willim' ap John ap Hoell' tenent vnu' messuagiu' cum pertinen' et quinq' parcell' terr' vnde prima vocat' kae hoedliw 2'da kae rhyge 3 y kae porth 4 y kae haidd 5 r Erw moch pen y ty continen' p' esti- mac'o'em 12 a. 1 Captain Eoger Myddleton, jure uxoris of Plas Cadwgan, was the second son of Eichard Myddleton, eldest son of Eichard Myddleton ab Eichard Myddleton of Denbigh, Governor of Denbigh Castle in the reigns of Ed- ward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth. He married Anne, daughter and heiress of Edward Jones of Plas Cadwgan, Esq., lineally descended from Cynwrig ab Ehiwallon, lord of Maelor Gymraeg, who bore ermine, a lion rampant sable armed and langued gules. Edward Jones was High Sheriff for Denbighshire in A.D. 1576. He was attainted of high treason, and deprived of his estate, by Elizabeth in 1586, for endeavouring, with Thomas Salusbury, Esq., the heir of Lleweni, to release Mary Queen of Scots, the legitimate heir of the crown, from prison. On the discovery of the plot, Salusbury called at Plas Cadwyan, and was assisted by his friend to escape. Jones lent him a horse, ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCXV Redd'. No rent vpon this t'en't. Rogerus Middleton 1 geneross' tenet tria messuag' cum pertinenciis et quinq' parcellas ter' vnde prima vocat' Nant y ddol dilim 2'da y ddol vwch fawr ty 3 r Erw valgrw 4 iacet in Campo vocat' kaer eidion 5 vocat' y kae tan y ty continen' p' estimac'o'em. Redd' vs. x-. Redd' vs. iiijd. ext'. Randall Thomas Pulford tenet vnu' clausum ten-' iac' iuxta venellam vocat' Crachshokin Lane continen' p' estimac'o'em .''... . . . . .120 TJn' claus' adiacent' vocat' multis quercis replet' p' estimac' 120 Un' claus' iacen' juxta venellam ducen'ab Iscoyde vers' Wrexham fluuio percurrent in Medio vnde p's occiden' iacet in Bieston p' estimac'o'em .... . . . .200 xls. 500 Redd' ijs. xd. ext'. Johannes Gough tenet in claus' vocat' Kay Mawr p' estimac'o'em . . . xiijs. iiijd. 120 Cacadutton. Redd' ijs. iiijd. ext', about i y. in being. Hugo Fletcher tenet claus' vocat' Kay Mawr p' estim' vijs. vjd. i o o GOWRTON ISCOYD. Ad volunt'. Redd' vs. jd. ext'. Owinus Jones generos' tenet vnu' tenementu' ir.xta Parke y Conynge in occupac'one Owini Griffith curtelag' et croft' supra tenementu' per estimac'o'em . 200 Un' claus' adiacen' vocat' Erw gyvron p' estimac'o'em . .130 Un' croft' vocat' Kay tan y ty p' estimat' . . .100 Un' claus' stiriF vocat' Rawley p' estiraat' . . .320 In Campo vocat' Mayes vcha p' estimat' . . .020 Ixs. 830 ETON. Redd' viijs. ext'. Jerardus Eton tenet de terr' nuper Thome ap Hoell iacen' iuxta partuin de Eton in terr' arrabil' et boscos' p' est' . ' . .. . . xls. 620 BYESTON ISCOYD. Cacadutton et Byeston. Redd' vs. iiijd. ext', about 21 y. in being. Thomas ap John Griffith tenet vnum cotagiu' et vnum claus' terr' adiacen' vocat' Kay Wilcock per estimac'o'em . .120 Un' aF claus' vocat' Kay Wilcock adiacen' p' estimac'o'em . i o o Un' claus' bon' pastur' adiacen' vocat' Kay vicha p' estimac'o'em 320 xlvjs. viijd. 600 Redd' vs. ext'. Johannes Dailies de Erlyes generos' tenet vnum clausum terr' iuxta venellam ducen' a holte versus Wrexham vocat' Akre Robert p' estimat' cum terr' boscos' . xls. 500 Byeston. Redd' iiijd. ext'. ad volunt'. Owinus Jones generos' tenet de terr' quondam Johannis ap leu'n ap Dauid ad volun- tatem vnam parcellam terr' per estimac'o'em ..-- ' xijs. 120 Redd' vjd. ext'. Thomas ap Madock tenet vel nup' tenuit vnuin cotagiu' et parcell' terr' adiacen' in longitud' quatuor virgat' p' est' . . . , . vjs. viijd. 004 Redd' xd. ext', expired about 5 y. since. Rogerus Thomas tenet vnu' claus' iuxta Parke y Conyng p' estimac'o'em . vijs. I o o Redd' xvjd. ext' ad volunt'. Owinus Jones generos' vt' de terr' nup' Dauidis ap Richard et Dylie vx f John vx' eius tenent vnum tenementn' gardinu' et pomariu' p' estimac'o'em . x ;s. 020 CCCXXviii ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. B. P. Button Deffeth, 10 acr', 8 of this was held w'tout cop' 4 Eliz., about 21 y. in being. Owinus Jones ante dictus tenet vnum clausum iuxta tenementu' arabil' vocat Messa ty continen' p' estimac' . 320 Un' claus' pastur' stiril' vocat' Kay Dragve per estimac'o'em . 400 Redd' xxviijs. ext'. Tin' claus' stirilis nunc in tria diuis' cum cotag' super edific' p' estimac'o'em . . . .220 Un' al' claus' genistos' adiacen' vocat' hirdir y lloyn p' estimac' . 220 Aliu' claus' diuis' in duo vocat' y girddy p' estimac'o'em . 200 Duas clausur' genistos' vocat' Kay lloyn per estimac'o'em . 620 vjZi. xiijs. iiijd. 21 o o Byeston. Redd' vs. ext'. See Villa Leonu' for this. Laurentius Wells tenet vnu'messuag' infra Franchesiam Villse Leonu'nuper terr' Petri Rodon ,.* .. _* ... . EUYTON. Redd' ijs. ext'. Thomas ap Richard heredes vel assignat' Johan- nis ap Edward ap Dauid ap Madoc tenet vel nuper tenuit vnam parcellam terre in Ruyton p' estimac'o'em . xxiijs. iiijd. 300 Redd' xiiijd. ext'. Assign' Roberti Wynn tenet vnu' messuag' in Ruyton nuper Rogeri ap John ap Richard per estimac' xvjs. i o o Dinnlie. Redd' xvjd. ext', about i y, in being. Johannes Randle tenet vnu' tenementum et vnum ctausum vocat' y Kay bichan in duob' clausur' p' est' . . . . .200 Unum pratum p' estimac'o'em k , ,' . .020 xxvjs. viijcl. 220 Escheate, but in gunt Junee, H. 6. Redd' iijs. iiijd. ext', about 28 y. in being. Thomas Evans vidua Richardi ap Ellice tenet vn' tenementum et tres clausur' terr' viz' vnum pratum vocat' y Wirglodd pull pees nunc in duo diuis' p' estimac'o'em . i o o Tin' claus' vocat' y Kay vwch ben y ty nunc in duo p' estimac' . 300 Un' claus' vocat' yr Ardd vcha contineum per estimac'o'em . i o o Ixvjs. viijd. 500 Dinuille. Redd' vjd. ext'. Edwardus ap John ap Edward tenet in Dynulle vnam parvam peciam terr' per estimac' iijs. vjd. o i o About 2 y. in being. Redd' iijs. xd. ext'. Dauid ap John Roger tenet vnum tenementum vnum gardinu' et vnum cotagiu' cum tribus clausis sequentibus viz. vnu' clausu' vocat' Panhyle nunc diuis' in duas clausur' p' est' . . . .220 Un' claus' vocat' y Ddole Newydd diuis' in duas clausur' p' esti- mac'o'em . .' . . . .100 Unum clausum vocat' Glowe in tribus clos' p' estimac'o'em . 220 liijs. iiijcl. 600 Dinnille. Redd' vjs. iiijd. ext', about 21 y. in being. Cop. 3 Eliz. for 21 y. Johannes ap Edward ap (levan) John tenet de terr' nuper Dauidis Eden in Dynulle p' estimac'o'em . Ixs. 710 Dinulle, expired about 6 y. since. The cop' was made 2 Eliz. for 21 y. Redd' viijs. vjd. ext'. Johannes Dauid Bronghton tenet ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCCXX1X A. E. P. vnum tenementu' pomariu' et sex clausuras terr' vizt. vnam voeat' Kay gowch p' estimac'o'em . . .200 Un' claus' prati vocat' Gwerglodd Kaer goz per estimac'o'em . 020 Un' al' claus' vocat' Kay yr skibbo' p' estiraat' . .200 Un' al' claus' vocat' Mayes y bellan p' est' . . .410 Un' claus' vocat' Mayes pen y graige p' est' . . .300 Aliu' claus' vocat' Mayes pen yr Ewg et vnum cotagiu' p' est' . 210 About 6 y. in being. Eedd' iiijs. vjd. ext'. Tenet duas al' clau- sur' tyr Blewog et y galod vcha per estimac'o'em . .500 li. 19 o o Dinnlle. Eedd' iijs. ext', ad volunt', about 2 y. in being. Thomas ap Dauid ap John tenet vnum claus' in Dynnlle vocat' Glyn' go' ad voluntat' p' estitnac'o'em . . xxxiijs. iiijd. 500 Eedd' iijs. ext'. Idem Johannes Dauid Broughton tenet vnum tenementum et duas clausur' vizt. vnu' vocat' y ter' Blewog p' estimac'o'em . . . . . .200 Unu' al' claus' vocat' y gelly wallod vcha nunc diuis' in duas par- cellas p' estim' . . .- . . .300 Ixs. 500 Eedd' vs. iiijd. ext', about 2 y. in being. Beuies Thelwall tenet tria clausa terr' viz. vnu' prat' vocat' Werglodd p' estimac' . i o o Un' claus' vocat' Tyre Marie p' estim' . . .300 Unu' clausum vocat' Bryn vcha p' est' . . .310 Ixs. 710 Idem Beuies Thelwall tenet vnum tenementu' duo horrea et diners' clausur' terr' viz. : Eedd' xjs. vd. ext'. Unu' claus' vocat' Mayes y pantre in duas p'cellas diuis' p' estimac'o'em . . . .310 Un' claus' vocat' y Bryn Crach continen' per estimac'o'em . 300 No lease showed. This was graunted by copie, 4 Eliz., when the composition was made. Alium claus' vocat' Kay y fallen' con- tinen' per estimac'o'em . . . . 3 o 20 Unu' claus' vocat' y Gelly Wallod issa per estimac'o'em vijZi. 12 3 o It should bee but 8 acr'. Moreton Anglicoru'. Eedd' ijs. ext' ad volunt', about 2 y. in being. Griffith ap Tudder tenet vnum cottagium et croftum adiacen' in Morton Anglicoru' cont' p' estimat' . . .020 Un' croft' in Morton Wallicorum adiac' p' estimac'o'em . 200 xxvjs. viijd. 220 Eedd' iijs. iiijd. ext'. (William Launcelott) Heredes Meredith ap Ellice tenet vel nuper tenuit vnu' messuagiu' cum pertinen' et duo clausa terre adiacen' in Dynnlle continen' p' estimac'o'- em . . . . . . xlvjs. viijd. 400 ISCOTD ABIMBEET. Abimbery. Eedd' xvs. ext', about 20 y. in being. Vide fol. se- quen'. Margareta vx' Eobert ap Dauid ap Grono tenet vnum 2r CCCXXX ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. R. P. messuagiu' et sex clausur" tcrr* in Villa de Abimberye continen' per estimac'o'em .... xijli. 13 o o ERLISHAM. Redd' vijs. ext', about 2 y. in being. Hugo Jones tenet de terris nuper Johannis ap Randoll in Erlisham quandam morham voc' Gwern y gylverch p' estimac'o'em . . . Ixx*. 10 2 o MAECHWHEALE. Will'mus Edgeberie al's Wilkinson. CACCADUTTON. Nam' Mortmayne. Redd' ijs. ixd. No lease showed. Villa Ces- trise tenet in Mortmayne in Caccadutton de ten-is nuper Johan- nis ap Hugh Griffith cert' terras p' est' . . xxs. 200 Howe they holde this doth nott yett apeare, but it was ooppi- holde. ETON. Redd' iijs. ext'. Hugo Lloyd tenet de terr' nup' Griff' ap D'd ap Madd' in Eton p' estimat* . . xxxiijs. iiijcl. 400 Redd' iiijs. iiijcL ext'. Rentall ixs. xc?., wante here ijs. vjd. Hugo . Lloyd ap Madock tenet ib'm et de easdem terris in Marchwheall continen' p' estimac'o'em . . . xxxs. 300 Redd' xiijs. vt constat p' rentale ext'. Joh'es Edgebery tenet diuersas terr'et ten'ta ib'm sed absente tenente neno terr'agnos- cebat idio metuis inquiratam. Redd' iiijs. ijd. Dutton Deffeth. Margaret vx' Robert tenet vnu' messuagiu' in Cacadutton et Dutton Deffeth existen' 4 p'cell' terr' p' est' . . . . xlyjs. viijd. 400 Redd' ijs., vocat hie quia ante Ruyton. Joh'es ap Ldw. ap Dauid ap Madock tenet in Villa de Ruyton m' in tenur' Dauidis ap Midleton certas terr 1 cont' p' est' . . . xxxs. 300 Redd' ijs. Ruyton. There are 3 acr' more in Ruyton, late the same d'd Midleton's ; but the Jurie can not finde the present owners, nor he that occupies it, and therefore I willed it to be seised. Redd" xxd. ext'. Ruyton ad volunt'. Howell ap Llewellen tenet vnu' tenton' et quinq' seliones terr' in Ddole Werne Hescog m' Roger ap John ap Richarde in Dutton Diffeth per estimac'o'em 020 Tenet et vnam acr' terr' in Ruyton p' est' . . .100 xxvjs. viijd. 120 Redd' ijs. x . xxvjs. viiid. 006 Eedd' xijd. ext', n yeares expired vt supra. Idem tenet vnu' messuagium cum vn' vstrinam eidem pertinen' iacen' sub- ter Cemeteriu' dimiss' (vt presertur) Eob'to Puleston et conti- nen' per estimac'o'em octo perticas Eedd' Dat' vt supra xls. a mess' Eedd'xd. ext', 7 yeares in being. Thomas Gouldsmith tenet vnum messuag' et curtilagiu' ex parte boreali vici vocat' the church streete nuper in occupac'o'e Hugonis Gruffith concess' per dimis- sionem Dat' 14 octobris A'o Elizabethe 28 contin' per estima- c'o'em sex perticas . . . xxxs. a mess' Eedd' xvd. ext' 9 yeres in being. Idem tenet vnum messuagiu' horreum et curtelagiu' eidem pertinen' in Lampint concess' Hugoni Parry (inter alia) per dimissionem dat' xiiij'o Februarii A'o Eliz. 30 . . xxiijs. iiijd. a mess' o o 14 Eedd' vjs. vd. ext', 23 yeares in being. Idem tenet vnarn clausu- ram terre vocat' Kaer vron vnain parcellam eidem adiacen' vo- cat' the litle Borthgrey medietatem parcelle vocat' accre hirrion vnam parcellam terre iacen' in Maes y dre vcha vnam parcellam in Tale y gyfcr vnam parcellam in Pant y glouer unam aliam parcellam terre in Pant y Crydd concess' inter alia p' dimissio- nem Hugoni Meredith Dat' xxj'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 vj/i. 10 o o M'd. That there is one litle pai-cell of land in Ackrey hir- ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCCxliii A. B. P. rion, being part of the late lands of Robt. ap Edward ap Hoell ap Maddock, and is comprehended under the same rent. The same. Redd' vijs. ezt', 23 yeares in being. Idem tenet alteram medie- tatein seu mediam partem Accre y hirrion et vnain aliam par- cellam vocat' the long borthgrey concess' inter alia Joh'i ap Rees per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 continen* per estimac'o'em ... . . xvjs. 120 Redd' xixd. ext', 10 yeares expired. Idem tenet vnam aliam par- cellam terre iacen' in Tale y gyfer concess' inter alia Johanni Edwards per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Februarii A'o Eliz. 45. Redd' inde iiijrf. Et vnam aliam parcellam terre vocat' y kae bychan adiacen' kaer kyddion per dimissionem quoque dat' xvj'o Februarii A'o Eliz. xj'o . . . xvjs. 200 Redd' vs. ext', 23 yeares in being. Dauid ap John Robert tenet vnum messuagium officinam et curtelagiu' in quo Joh'es Coyt- mor modo inhabitat existen' quondam parcell' terrarum Rob'ti ap Dauid ap John Tona concess' inter alia Hugoni Meredith per dimissionem dat' xxj'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 i mess' xxxiijs. iiijd. 004 Redd' xvj(J. ext', 7 yeares in being. Idem tenet vnam vstrinam curtilagiu' et gardinu' et alia edificia vltimo messuagio recitat' pertinen' concess' inter alia Jane Trafford per dimissio- nem Dat' primo Augusti A'o Eliz. 28 ; . xxxs. o o 10 Redd' xd. ext', 29 yeares in being. Idem tenet vnum messuag' et pomariu' in vico vocat' le highe streete prope forum bestial' ex- isten' vna duodecem messuagiorum concess' Johanni Edwards et Dauidi Speede per dimissionem dat' 30 Julii A'o Jacobi sexto i mess' xxxs. i o o 1 1 yeares expired. Idem tenet duas parcellas terr' vocat' Erwie yr pull iacen' in Maes y dre issa per dimissionem dat' 27' Mail A'o Eliz. decitno . . . . viijs. i o o 29 yeares in being. Idem tenet dual' alias parcellas terr' iacen' in Maes y dre existen' quondam parcell' terr' Roberti ap Dauid ap John Tona per dimissionem dat' 21 'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 xvjs. i o o Redd' iis. viijd. ext', 2 yeares in being. Idem tenet duas parcel- las terr' iacen' in Maes y dre issa vnam vocat' Errow glaii et alteram existen' quatuor selion' concess' per dimissionem dat' decimo Decembris Anno 23 Eliz. . . . xvjs. I o o 2 yeres in, ut supra. Idem tenet vnam aliam parcellam terr' in Maes y dre issa nuper terr' Joh'is ap John Hughe per dimissio- nem dat' decimo octauo Decembri Anno Eliz. 23*0 viijs. r o o The Rentall is iiijd. short. 400 Redd' iiijs. ext'. This was surrendered 6 Eliz., before a lease was graunted, contrary to order. Expired 14 years since. Owinus Johannes Boodle tenet vnura tenementum modo in duas partes diuisum cum officina vstrina et curtilagio adiacen' existen' ad- versus le Shirehall in Wrexham vna pars eiusdem concessa fuit per dimissionem Jane Trafford Dat' I'o Augusti A'o Eliz. 28 Redd' inde xxd. et altera existen' parcell' terr' Joh'is Gittins CCCxllV ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. B. P. similiter dimiss' fuit viij'o Julij A'o Eliz. 7 Eedd' ijs. iiijd. . . . . .a ten't, etc., xls. 008 Eedd' xvjcZ. ext', 23 yeares in being. Georgius Lloyd Idem tenet unum horreum per magnum stagnum in foro bestiali et duas parcellas terraru' eidera horreo spectan' continen' per estima- c'o'em i ar' Que premissa vitim' menconata concessa fuere per dimissionem Oweni Jones dat' 16 Martii A'o Eliz. 45 xiijs. iiijcJ. i o o Eedd'ijs.ext',23 vt supra. John Dauid Thomas tenet vnum tene- mentum et gardinu' in vico vocat' Hope Streete per dimissio- nem dat' xvij'o Martij A'o Elis. 45 . i tent' x'xs. 008 Eedd' xxjcl. ob. ext', n yea' expired. Idem tenet vnain parcellam terr' iacen' in Maes Estome contin' per estimac'o'em tres acras per seperales dimissiones vnam dat' 30 Julii 6 Jacobi alter' 27 Maii Anno Eliz. 10 . . xxvjs. viijdL 300 Eedd' viiid. ext', 23 yeares in being. Eichardus Beniamin heres Thome Gouldsmith iure Erminse vxoris eius tenet unum tene- mentum et officinum in vico vocato the Church street adiacen' tenemento Hugoni Meredith Ar' per dimissionem dat' 2i'o Martii A'o 45 Eliz. .... ten't Eedd' iiijcZ. ext' 23 vt supra. Eichardus Beniamin Idem tenet vnum panium cottagiu' in inferiori hope streete per dimissio- nem dat' decimo septimo Februar' Anno Eliz. 45 cottage Ixs. Eedd' viijs. vjd. ext', 23 vt supra. Eobertus Sonlley (dd* ap dd') Armiger tenet vnum speciosum tenementum et alia necessaria edificia cum duobus gardinis in vico Eeceptoris per dimissionem. dat' xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 a faire ten't xlvjs. viijd. o i o Eedd' ijs. vjd. ext', 23 ut supra. Thomas Mores heres Dauidis Hauson tenet vnum messuagium et curtilagiu' cum diuersis edificiis in occupac'o'e Edwardi ap Eichard et Lodouici ap Owen iacen' in uico Eeceptoris et unum horreum trium spaciorum in vico vocat' hope streete et paruam parcellam terre eidem adia- cen' continen' per estimac'o'em decem perticas per dimissionem dat' 2i'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . ten'te xxxiijs. iiijd. o o 10 ii yeres expired. Idem tenet vnum toftum seu gardinu' per glan yr Haan per dimissionem dat' 27' Maii A'o Eliz. decimo xxs. o i o Idem tenet vnam parcellam terre iacen' inter inferiorem vicuna qui vocatur hope streete et Lampint per borealem partem Daui- dis ap Hugh ap Edwards pomarii . . . xxs. 020 Eedd' xjs. ext', 29 yeares in being. Eduardus Dauies tenet vnum pulchrum tenementum tres officinas stabulum et curtelagium inxta Crucem apud borealem partem le Shire hall continen' p' estimac'o'em octo perticas Et vnum aliud pulchrum tenemen- tum cum duabus officinis et curtilag' apud finem occidentalem le Shire hall Et tria cottagia gardinu' et apud finem occiden- talem vici vocat' Abbotts streete continen' per estimac'o'em decem perticas Et vnam paruam parcella' terraru' vocat' y Spittie continen' p' estimac'o'em vnam rodam concess' Marga- rete Dauies p' dimissionem dat' 30 Julii A'o Jacobi 6 Eedd'xijs. vjcZ. ext', 15 or 16 yeares since expired. Henricus Salus- burie miles et Baronett' tenet vnum tenementum adiacen' iuxta finem occidentalem Cemeterii in venella ducen' ad glan yr Auon ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCCxlv A. R. P. Et tria tenementa in vico vocat' Highe Streete iuxta crucem vocat' tir gwalchmaii absq' aliquo curtelagio et adiacen' super tenement' Hugonis Meredith ex orientali parte per concessio- nem dat' . . . . Redd' ijs. ext., i yea' in being. Idem tenet vnuin teneinentum officinam et curtilagiu' adiacen' super borealem pattern triuru tenementorum vltim' mencon'at concess' per dimissionem dat' 6'o August! A'o Eliz' 22'o . . ten'te xlijs. Redd' iiijd. ext', L. 44 Eliz., 23 yeres in being. Robertus Pule- ston Ar' tenet 5 seliones terr' in Wrexham vechan vocat' Errow goz p' dimissionem dat' decimo septimo die Martii Anno regni Elizabethe Quadragesimo quinto . . iijs. iiijd. o i o Redd' ijs. ijd. ext', 30 yeres in being. Richardus ap Ellis Tuddir tenet tria cottagia et gardina iacen' per glan yr Auon continen' per estimac'o'em decem particas concess' per dimissionem dat' xj'o Augusti Anno Jacobi 7'o . . 3 cottages xxxs. Redd' vjs. ext'. Barth'us Edwards tenet vnum tenementu' et duo spacia edificiorum curtilagium et vstrinain in vico ducen' ad glan yr Auon per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Februarii A'o Eliz. 45 ten'te xxs. Redd' vjs. viijd. ext', 29 yea' in being. Thomas ap Jo'n Robert tenet vnum tenementum cum officinis et subcellariis et aliis officiis necessariis existen' tenement' angular* in vico vocat' the Church Streete ex parte occidentali per dimissionem dat' 30 Julii anno Jacobi sexto . . . ten'te xls. Redd' xiijs. iiijd. ext', 2 yea' in being. Edwardus Owen tenet vnum tenementum in vico vocat' le Church streete adiacen' Cemeter' concess' Dauidi Edwards per dimissionem dat' x'o Decembris Anno Eliz. 23 . . . ten'te xls. Thomas Gouldsmith payeth viijd. of this rent. Redd' ijs., 23 yea' in being. Thomas ap Richard tenet vnum tenementum (iure Anne vxoris eius) iacen' in orientali angulo vici vocat' Church streete cum officinis et cellariis iuxta Crucem concess' p' dimis- sionem Johanni Robert et Catherine vxori eius dat' 21 Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . . . ,. ten'te xls. Redd' vijd. ext', i yea' in being. Idem tenet vnum horreu' quinque spacia edificior et pomar' adiacen' duo cottagia quoq' eidem pertinen' in Lampint contin' p' estimac'o'em dimid' Rode con- cess' Joh'i Dauid chirothecario per dimissionem dat' 6'o Augusti A'o Eliz. 22 . . . % , Redd' in toto xxxijs. viijd. ext', 2 yea' in being. Valentinus Til- ston tenet vnum tenementum in le Highe streete vocat' y Ty Mawr cum officinis quondam terr' Stockley et adiacen' Cemetario per dimissionem dat' decimo Decembris Anno Eliz. 23 . * . . ten'te xxxiijs. iiijd. 23 yea' in being. Idem tenet vnum aliud tenementum eidem ad- iacen' cum officinis et curtilag' in le Highe Streete per dimissi- onem dat' xvij'o Februarii Anno Eliz. 45 . ten'te xls. 7 yea' in being. Idem tenet quatuor parva cottagia et gardina in vico subter aut infra Cemeteriu' ducen' a le highe streete 2t 3CCXlvi OKIGINAL DOCUMENTS. versus le Greene per dimissionem dat' quarto Octobris A'o Eliz. 28 4 small cottages xxvjs. viijd. 2 yea' in being. Idem tenet duo cottagia et gardina ex boreali parte venelle ducen' a Cemiterio versus le Greene necnon octo parcellas terr' ex orientali parte fori bestialis Anglice Beast Markett in Bryn gwain continen' per estimac'o'ein decem acras per dimissionem dat' decimo Decembris A'o Elizabethe 23 2 cottages cxiijs. iiijrf. He holdes by 3 seuerall leases, w'ch lie shewes not, and yet paies his rent for all in grosse, the said leases hauing seue- ral determinations. Redd' iiijs. vjcZ. ext', waste iiijd. ext', 23 yea' in being. Hugo Massie iure Anne eius vxoris tenet vnum pulchrum tenemen- tum habens signum corone pro terinino vite sue et post eius decessum remanere Edwardo Owen filio Joh'is Owen per dimis- sionem dat' decimo septimo Martii Anno Eliz. 45 ten'te Ixs. Redd' vs. ext', expired 117 since. Gabriel Goodman Armiger tenet unu' messuagium in vico vocat' le High Streete cum cur- telagio eidem adiacen' extenden' vsque ad cernitariu' per dimis- sionem Johanni Roberts concess' dat' 27 Maii Anno Eliz. 10 ten'te xxxs. Redd' vs. xxd. ext', 23 y. in being. Johannes Jones tenet vnum tenementum in le Highe streete et curtilagium Tenemento adiacen' Gabrielis Goodman per dimissionem dat' decimo sexto die Julii Anno Elizabethe . - ten'te xxvjs. viijd. Redd' xvjd. ext', 23 y. in being. John ap John bestiarius tenet vnum inessuagiu' in le High Streete et curtelag' adiacen' tene- mento Johanni Jones per dimissionem dat' decimo septimo die Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . . ten'te xxiijs. iiijd. Redd' ijs. ijd. ext', , 23 yea' ut supra. Idem tenet vnum messu- agiu' cum stabulo officina et curtilag' ex boreali parte le Highe streete adiacen' tenem'to Dorothee Ellis per dimissionem dat' vt supra . . t messuage xxvjs. viijd. Redd' xvjd. ext', rentall vs., 23 vt supra. Idem tenet vnum clau- suram terre vocat' Kae Dibbin iacen' in Wrexham vechan con- tin' per estimac'o'em vnam acram per dimissionem dat' vt supra . . . . ''.'"< - :i viijs. Redd' iiijs. ijd. ext'. Margareta Garden vidua tenet vnum tene- mentum in le highe streete cum omcinis et curtilag' extenden' ad cemetarium per dimissionem dat' . ten'te xls. Redd' xrdL ext', 23 yea' in being. Hugo ap Robert chirotheca- rius tenet duo tenementa et gardin' in uico subtus Cemiteriu' adiacen' tenemento Richardi Hall per dimissionem (inter alia) Roberto Bould dat' xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 2 ten'tes xxvjs. viijil. Redd' xxd. ext', 2 yea' in being. Idem tenet vnum tenementnm in le highe streete cum omcinis et curtilag' adiacen' tenemento Hugoni Meredith ex occiden' et tenement' Richardi Hopkin ex orien' per dimissionem Dauidi Edwards inter alia concess' dat' S decimo Decembris Anno Eliz. 23 . ten'te xxvjs. viijd. Redd' xxd. ext', 23 yea' in being. Idem tenet vnum clausuram \ OUIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCCxlvii A. K. P. vocat' Bryn y Crogwydd p' dimissionem dat' xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 ..... xxs. 200 "Redd' xd. ext', 2 yea' in being. Idem tenet tres parcellas terr' in canipo vocat' kaer on quaru' due parcelle fuerunt dimisse Dauidi Edwards per dat' decimo Decembris A'o Eliz. 23 vijs. I i o Redd' xd. ext', 23 yea' in being. Idem tenet vnum aliam parcel- lam concess' Roberto Bould per dimissionem dat' decimo septi- mo Martii A'o Elizabethe R'ne quadragesimo quinto vjs. viijd. Redd' vjd. ext', 23 yea' in being. Eichardus Hall tenet vnum tenementum et gardinu' in vico subtus Cemiteriu' contin' per estimationem octo perticas dimiss' (inter alia) Francisco Lloyd dat' xj'o Decembris Anno Eliz. 45 . ten'te xxvjs. viijd. Redd' 3d., 23 yea' in being. Richardus Treuor miles 1 tenet vnum pulchru' tenementum nuper edificatu' iuxta monticulum ib'm vocat' y brin cum gardino eidem adiacen' dimiss' inter alia Francisco Lloyd dat' xj'o Decemb' A'o Elizabethe 45 ten'te Ixs. o i o Kedd' 3d., 23 yea' ut supra. Idem tenet tria cottagia gardin' et stabulu' simul adiacen' in vico ducen' versus y bont bren per dimissionem concess' Francisco Lloyd dat' xj'o Decembris A'o Eliz. 45 ... 3 cott' xxvjs. viijd. Redd' xiijs. iiijd. ext', 22 y. in being. Hugo ap Robert (Ric'ua Hughes) coriarius tenet pulchrum tenementum cum curtilag' et gardin' iacen' super montem ib'm vocat' Place Steward per viam ducen' a Cemiterio versus le Greene unuin cottagium et gardinu' eidem pertinen' ex occidental! parte viridis predict* Et vnum aliud tenementum curtelagium et gardinu' in occupa- c'o'e Jacobi ap John directe opposite aduersus Place Steward Et 5 clausuras terre quaru' prima vocatur Bryn y vagh cont' per estimac'o'em quatuor acras 2'da que est parcella prati iacen' apud pedem eiusdem 3'a existen' vnu' aliu' pratu' eidem adia- cen' cont' per estimac'o'em acras 4'ta que etiam est vna altera parcella adiacen' vocatur Kae Denter 5'ta item est vna alia clausura ibidem vocat' Bryn y vellin per dimissionem con- cess' Thome Wyne inter alia dat' xvij'o Martii A'o Elizabethe 45 2 ten'tes i cottage viijli. xd. 900 M'd that Kae Denter is in Jane Traffords lease, dated priino Augusti Anno Elizabethe 28. Rent ijd., 5 years in beynge. Redd' iijs. iiijd. ext' c, 29 yea' in being. D'na Susanna Puleston 2 tenet libere vnum pulchrum tenementu' cum curtelag' et gar- din' vocat' Place yr Escob Et vnum aliud messuagium et gar- dinu' eidem pertinen' in occupac'o'e Evan Lewes per dimissio- nem concess' Johanni Edwards et Dauidi Speed generoso geren' dat' 3*0 Julii Anno Regni d'ni n'ri Jacobi sexto ten'te xxxiijs. iiijd. Redd' iiijs. iiijd. ob. ext'. It was surrendered by John Hughes to John ap Edw. vichan before he had a lease cont' ordinar'. 23 1 Sir Richard Trevor of Trefalun, Knt. * Susau, Lady Puleston, was a daughter of Sir George Bromley, Knt., and relict of Sir Roger Puleston of Emorallt, Knt., who died without issue. CCCxlviii OKIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. B. P. yeares in being. Nicholaus ap John Edward tenet duo cottagia duo horrea aduersus domu' suam man'conalem Et domum in qua habitat cum pomario et vstrina eidem adiacen' omnesq' has parcellas terraru' quaru' Errow gam vocatur prima secunda Gwrich Coedeog vcha tertia 2 parcell' in kae tan y werne issa quarta y kae Claie quinta un' parcell' inclus' in kae tan y werne Acton vcha iuxta viarn Regiarn per diniissionem sibi (inter alia) concess' Dat' 21 Martii Anno Eliz. 45 2 cottages liijs. iiijd. 200 Redd' iijd. ext', 23 yea' ut supra. Idem tenet vnam parcellam voeat' yr adwy vawr quondam parcell' terrarum Richardi Smith per dimissionem vt supra * . . vs. o 2 o Redd' ixd. ext', 23 yea' ut supra. Idem tenet vnam parcellaui terre prope domuin suam man'conalem vocat' Errow Evane ap Jenkin alias Errow Vawr concess' Hugoni Bers per dimissionem (inter alia) dat' 17 Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . . vjs. 030 Redd' iiijd. ext', 23 yeares ut supra. Idem tenet vnam parcellam in Kae tan y werne vcha dimiss' inter alia Joh'i ap Rees dat' vt supra et vltimo menc'onat' . . . iijs. o o 20 Redd' ijd. ext', the sum was iiijd., 23 yea' vt supra. Idem tenet vnam parcella' terre in clausura vocat' Adwy vawr dimiss' inter alia Johanni Thomas per vltimo menc'onat' . o o 20 Redd' jd. ext', 2 yea' in being. Idem tenet quatuor seliones in clausura vocat' Kae bychan perquisit' de Hugone ap Harry per dimissionem dat' 14 Decembris A'o Eliz. 30 . us. 008 Redd' iij. ext', 2 yea' in being. Idem tenet duas parcellas terr' in clausura vocut' kae tan y werne concess' Dauidi Edwards iuniori per dimissionem dat' 18 Decembris A'o Eliz. 23 ijs. o o 10 Redd' xvjtZ. ext'. Idem tenet quatuor parcellas terr' prima voca- tur y gwrich Coedeog secunda parcell' in kae bychan tertia par- cell' in kae tan y werne vcha et quarta iacet per kae Receauo' concess' per dimissionem inter alia Johanni Edward Vaughan dat' sexto Augusti Anno Eliz. 22*0 . liijs. iiid. 700 M'. The Bailiff recyveth per more by his Rentall w'ch he sayth Mr. Geffreys must paye & payeth. Redd' xijd. ext', 23 years in being, seruay was i6d. Joh'es Nicho- las tenet curtilagiuin et gardinum adiacen' tenemento Jane Gerrard existen' ex parte occidentali fori bestialis per dimissio- nem dat' 21 Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . . ten'te xxs. Redd'vjd. ext'. Idem tenet vnam parcellam terre in Bryn gwyan prope le Beast markett per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 continen' dimid' Rode Redd' . iijs. iiijd. o o 20 Idem tenet vnum domum et vstrinam nuper edificat' super par- tem gardini adiacen' foro bestiali ten't per ultimam dimissionem menc'onat' * . . . . vs. Redd' iiijd. ext', 17 y. in being. WilTus (widowe) Wright tenet vnum cottagium adiacen' tenemento Johanni Nicholas per cot- tage dimissionem dat' . . . xs. Redd' xvjd. ext', 23 yea' ut supra. Will'us Gruffith (Rich'us ap WilFm) tenet vnum tenementum gardin' et Officinam Fabri fer- rarii iacen' ex parte boreali fori bestialis per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . .4. , . ten'te xxxs. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCCxllX A. B. P. Eedd' iiijd. ext', 23 yea' ut supra. Eobertus ap Hughe tenet tria parua cottagia et vnum croftum in vico vocat' Beast market streete continen' per estimac'o'ein vnam rodain per dimissionetn dat' xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 . 3 cott' xls. o i o Eedd' iiijd. ext', 23 yea' ut supra. Eobertus ap Eobert tenet qua- tuor cottagia gardinu' in vico vocat' le Beast markett per dimis- sionem dat' 2i'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 . 4 cott' xlvjs. viijd. Kedd' iiijd. ext', ij yea' expired. Hugo ap Eobert de Hoult tenet quatuor parua cottagia ibidem et septein seliones terr' iisdem adiacen' in vico vocat' le Beast markett per diniissionem dat' 27*0 Maii Anno Eliz. decimo . .4 cott' xlvjs. viijd. Eedd' iiijs. vjd. ext', 29 yea' in being. Eichardus Dauids de Lon- don' tenet tria tenementa in vico ducen' versus foru' bestiale cum pistilno et curtilagio per dimissionem concess' dauidi Speed et Johanni Edwards dat' 30 Julii Anno Jacobi 6 3 ten'tes Iiijs. iiijd. Eedd' xijd. ext', 23 yeares in being. Joh'es Dauid Thomas tenet vnam parcellam terr' iacen' in remotiori fine de Estome vocat' y dole per Eivulum et duas parcellas ibidem amplius continen' per estimac'o'eni vnam acram et dimid' in dimissione Eoberti Bould dat' 17*0 Martii Anno Eliz. 45 . . xxs. 120 Eedd' xxd. ext'. 29 yea' in being. Owenus Griffith de Gourton tenet vnum tenementum et gardinu' in vico ducen' ad forum bestiale in occupac'o'e Edwardi Allington per dimissionem dat' 30 Julii anno Jacobi sexto . . ten'te xxvjs. viijd. Eedd' xijd. ext', 29 yea' ut supra. Dauid ap Owen tenet vnum tenementum et gardinum ibidem adiacen' tenemento Oweno Gruffith per dimissionem dat' 30 Julii Anno Jacobi sexto ten'te xxvjs. viijd. Eedd' viijs., 29 yea' ut supra. Eogerus Eoydon Armiger tenet vnum tenementum et gardinum ibidem adiacen' tenemento Dauid ap Owen ten't per dimissionem vltimo menc'onat' Et vnum aliud tenementum officinam et curtilag' in angulo vici vocat' the Highe Streete verten' ad Lampint ten't similiter per predict' dimissionem vltimo menc'onat' . ten'te Ixs. Eedd' iijs. ijd. ext', 6 y. since expired c. Edwardus Puleston 1 Armiger tenet vnum tenementum et gardinu' cum pomario ad- iacen' tenemento Dauidis ap John Eobert Et hortum in foro bestiali oppositum dicto tenemento per dimissionem dat' xv'o Junii Anno Eliz. decimo quinto continen' per estimac'o'em di- midiu' rode . . . . ten'te Iiijs. iiijd. o o 20 Nicholas Puleston did surrender theis, 12 Eliz., to the vse of John Puleston, his sonne. Ffine, 33. Eedd' xd. ext', 23 yea' in being c. Idem tenet vnum aliud mag- num horreum et cottagiu' eide' adiacen' existen' ex orientali parte fori bestialis adiacen' per dimissionem dat' decimo sexto Martii Anno Eliz. 45 , cott' & barne xvjs. 1 Edward Puleston of Trefalun, Esq., was the son of Edward Puleston of Trefalun, and Margaret his wife, daughter and coheir of John Aimer, second son of John Aimer of Pant lockyn, Esq. CCCl ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. B. P. Eedd' iijdL ext', 22 yea' in being. Joh'es ap John Kenrick tenet vnum tenementu' officina et gardina' iacen' in Hope streete per dimissionem dat' xxj'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . ten'te xxs. Eedd' iijd. ext', 23 yeares ut antea. Johannes Johnson tenet vnum tenementum et gardinu' in vico vocat' le Hope streete ten't per dimissionetn vltimo menc'onat' tenent' xxvjs. viijd. Redd' xcJ. ext', 23 yea' ut supra. Dauid ap Robert alias Salus- bury tenet quinque parua cottagia de quinque spaciis in vico inferiori vocat' Lower Hope streete per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Februarii Anno Eliz . 45 . . . 5 cottag' Is. Eedd' ijs. ext', 23 yea' ut supra. Dauid ap Dauid tenet tria parua cottagia et gardin' Et horreu' curtilag' et gardin' eisdein adia- cen' in inferiori vico vocat' lower hope streete necnon vnarn par- cella' terre vocat' y kae baghe adiacen' super tale y gyfer et kae Synor ten't per dimissionem vltimo menc'onat' continen' per estimac'o'em - .. ., . . 3 cott' Is. 120 Eedd' ijd. ext', 23 yea' nt supra. Eobertus Edwards (Edward ap Richard) tenet vnum horreu' et gardin' eidern adiacen' continen' per estimac'o'em sex perticas per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 . . barne & gard' xxs. Redd' xijcZ., rentall xvj(Z. ext', 23 yea' ut supra. Dauid ap Hughe ap Edward tenet vnum tenementum horreum pomariu' et gar- din' in inferiori vico vocat' lower hope streete continen' per estimac'o'em dimid' acre per dimissionem dat' decimo septimo die Februarii A'o Eliz. 45 . ten'te xxxiijs. iiijd. 020 This was surrendered by Robert ap Jo'n Owen, i2'o Eliz., to the use of John Lloyd, ffine xxd., before he had a lease againste the order. Redd' xviijd. ext', 9 yea' in being. John ap Hugh ap Harry tenet ex orientali parte vici vocat' Lower Hope Streete horreu' gar- din' curtilag' et 3 cottag' in dicto curtilagio p' dimissionem dat' xiiij'o Decembris Anno Eliz. 30 3 cott' & barne xlvjs. viijd. 006 Redd' xviijd. ext', 9 yea' in being. Richardus John ap Euan tenet iure Catherine Gittins vxoris eius vnam vstrinam et gardinu' adiacen' tenemento John ap Hughe ap Harry ten't etiam per dimissionem vltimo menc'onat' . . garden, etc., xvs. Redd' xviijd. ext', 9 yea' in being. Hugo ap Ellis tenet vnum tenementu' et gardinum ibidem per dimissionem vltimo men- c'onat' . . . . . ten'te xxs. Redd'xd. ext'. Owen Brereton Armiger tenet vnum tenementum et gardinu' cum curtilagio in vico vocat' Receauors streete adia- cen' tenemento Radulphi Edwards per dimissionem dat' ten'te xxvjs. viijd. Redd' ixcZ. ext'. Idem tenet vnum toftum et gardinum in vico vocat' le Hope streete adiacen' tenemento Dauidis Thomas per dimissionem dat' ..... tofte vs. Redd' ijs. ext', one year in being. Richardus Hopkin iure Cathe- rine vxoris eius tenet vnum tenementum officinam et curtila- gium in vico vocat' Highe streete per dimissionem dat' ten'te xxxiijs. iiijd. Redd' ixs. ob. ext', wante iijcl. ob. in this & fol. 43, in the some of ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCCli A. it. P. the receaue 235. ixd., loyea' in being. Dorothea Ellis deAlrhey vidua 1 tenet messuagium gardinum et officinam in le Highe Streete necnon nomen parcellas terr' eidem pertinen' iacen' in Cainpis de Wrerhain viz't vnam parcellam vocat' Kae Claii in Maes y dre issa vnam parcellam in kae tan y werne vcha vnam parcellam in kae tan y werne issa vnam parcellam in kae bychan Tres parcellas in Pant y Crydd duas parcellas in Tale y gyfer et vnam paruain parcellam in Kae Martin per dimissionem Humfrido Ellis concess' sub magno Sigillo Anglie dat' decimo sexto die Januarii A'o Eliz. 31 continen' per estimac'oem tres acras . . i. . " . mess' & iiijli. 300 Redd' xd. ext', 23 yea' in being. Maria Dauies tenet vnum tene- mentum et curtelag' in vico vocat' le Highe streete per dimis- sionem dat' xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 concess' Johanni ap Rees ap William (inter alia) . . ten'te xxxs. Redd' ijs. ext', 23 years in being. Hugo Gruffith alias Sayer (ler- wan Lloyd ar') tenet vnum tenementum et curtela'iu' in vico yocat' le Highe streete et duo cottagia eidem adiacen' iuxta signum rubri leonis per dimissionem dat' secundo Martii Anno Eliz. 45 . . . . ten'te liijs. iiijd. Redd' iijs. iiijd. ext'. Hugo Jones de Pickhill tenet vnum tene- mentum et gardinu' in vico vocat' le Highe streete adiacen' tenemento Margarete Garden per dimissionem dat'.. .ten'te xxxs. Redd' xvjcl. ext', 23 yea' in being. Thomas ap Hughe Vaughan tenet vnum tenementum gardinum et curtilagiu' in boreali parte vici vocat' le Highe streete ducen' versus forum bestiale per dimissionem dat' decimo sexto Martii A'o Eliz. 45 ten'te xxxs. Redd' xiiijd. ext', expired 6 yeare since. Joh'es Muncksfield tenet vnum tenementum in predicto vico gardinu' et curtelagiu' con- tinen' per estimac'o'em vnam rodam per dimissionem dat' 15 Junii A'o decimo quinto Eliz. . . ten'te xxxs. Redd' xiiijd. ext', 23 yea' in being. Owen Jones de Gourton gen' (Will'm Jones, vjd., and Will'm Blackwell, viijd.) tenet duo tenementa et duo gardina simul adiacen' in dicto vico per dimis- sionem dat xvj'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 2 ten'tes liijs. iiijd. Redd' xxd. ext'. Jana Gerrard vidua tenet vnum tenementum et gardinu' in prefato vico adiacen' tenemento Johannis Nicholas per dimissionem dat' 18 Maii Anno Eliz. xvij'o ten'te xxvjs. viijd. Redd' ixcl. ext' expired 4 y. since. Edmundus ap Rees tenet tria cottagia et gardinum in Lampint contineu' per estimac'o'em dimid' rode per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Februarii Anno Eliz. 45 3 cott* xxvs. viijci. Redd' vijs. ext', 23 yea' in being. Franciscus Baylie tenet septem cottagia et horreum in Lampint vnam parcellam terre inclusam in Maes y dre cont' unam acram et dimid' unum croftum iuxta Kae Mawr cont' dimid' rode duas parcellas sexdecem selionu' 1 Dorothy Ellis, widow of Humphrey Ellis of Alrhey, Esq., and daughter and coheiress of Edward Jones of Plas Cadwgan, Esq. CCClii ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. simul adiacen' in oriental! fine de Maes y dre issa cont' p' esti- mac'o'em tres acras unum selionem ibidem contin' diinid' rode una' aliam parcellam in Maes y dre issa continen' tres rodas In toto octo acras per dimissionem concess' Hugoni Bers xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 .7 cott' vj/i. xiijs. iiijd. 8 Eedd' ixd. ext', 29 yea' in being. Jana Eandle vidua tenet qua- tuor cottagia gardina et duo horrea in venella inter inferiorem vicum vocat' lower Hope streete et Lainpint per dimissionem dat' 30 Julii Anno Jacobi sexto . . 4 cott' Ixs. .Redd' ixs., 23 yea' in being. Hugo Gruffith tenet vnum tenemen- tu' unum pomariu' gardinum cottagiu' et croftum in Wrexham vechan Unam parcellam terre iacen' ex boreali parte domus opposite duas alias parcellas terr' vna vocat' y kae Mawr et altera' y kae Tywnt yr Ty iacen' in Wrexham vechan Et vnam parcellam prati vocat' y Weirgloth vechan iacen' iuxta Montem d'ni Eich'i Treuor contin' per estimac'o'em decem acras concess' per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 ten'te vjZi. xiijs. iiijd. 10 Ad volunt'. Eedd' iijs. vjd. ext', 23 yea' in being. Owentus ap Eobert ap John Guttynes tenet vnum tenementum in Wrexham vechan necnon vnum poraarium et tres parcellas terr' eidem pertinen' quarum prima vocatur Errow ver Secunda Acker Artheladd et Tertia Errow vawr continen' per estimac'o'em vnam acram et dimid' per dimissionem dat' decinio septimo Martii A'o Eliz. 45 ... ten'te liijs. iiijd. I This rent is paid to the Eeceyvor. Redd' Ixxixs. viijd. See the plott of this pack, fol. 36. This is not leased frome 40 yeres to 40 yeres, but as demean. Petrus Warbarton de Lincolnes Inne Ar' (Eic'us Dauies de london mercator) tenet saltum qui vocatur Glyn Park nunc conuers' in terram arrabilem in occu- pac'o'e diuersarium p'sonarum (Partem cuius putamus esse in manerio de Wrexham) Et duo molendina sub vno tecto et vnu' cottagia gardinum et curtilagiu' . . . IxK. 350 We neither knowe the ceirtentie of the Eent nor date of the Lease. Eedd' ijs. ext'. Eogerus ap Eichard tenet vnum tenementum in Wrexham vechan vnum horreum et clausuram terre eidem tene- mento adiacen' unam alia' paruam parcellam vocat' y kae ddu Et vnam paruam parcellam terre vocat' yr Errow ym ben y vron continen' p' estimac'o'em vnam acram et diinid' per dimis- sionem dat' 27*0 Maii A'o Eliz. x'o ., ten'te liijs. iiijd. i Eedd' ixd. ext', 18 y. in being. Eadulphus ap Ellis faber ferra- rius tenet tria cottagia et horreum adiacen' in Lampint et modo in vno eorum habitat' contin' p' estimac'o'em decem perticas Per dimissionem dat' 2i'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 3 cott' xxvjs. viijd. Eedd' xijd. ext', 29 y. in being. Idem tenet tria alia cottagia et gardina iacen' in foro vocat' le Beast markett adiacen' tene- mento Edwardi Puleston continen' per estimac'o'em sex perti- . cas per dimissionem dat' 3*0 Julii Anno Jacobi sexto 3 cott' xxxs. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCclih A. B. P. Eedd' ijs. ijd. ext', expired 10 y. since. Idem tenet duas parcellas terr' et quatuor seliones in Maes y dre issa contin' per estima- c'o'em duas acras extsten' quondam terre Eoberti ap Edward ap Hoell ap Haddock per dimissionem dat' 27*0 Maii A'o Eliz. decimo . . . ' . . . xvs. 200 Eedd' xvjd. ext', 22 y. in being. Idem tenet vnam clausuram terre vocat' y gwrich Coedog contin' per estimac'o'em vnam acram concess' p' dimissionem Eoberto Bolde dat' xvij'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . . . . . viijs. I o o Eedd' ijcZ. ext', 30 y. in being. Idem tenet duas alias paruas par- cellas terr' quaru' vna est in Kae bychan et altera in Maes y dre issa contin' per estimac'o'em dimid' acre per dimissionem dat' 3'o Julii Anno Jacobi sexto . . - . vs. o 2 o Eedd' ixd. ext', 23 y. in being. Galfridus ap Ellis Faber ferrarius tenet duo cottagia infra Cemeteriu' et gardin' continen' per estimac'o'em sex perticas concess' per dimissionem dat' xj'o Decembris A'o Eliz. 45 . . 2 cott' xxvjs. viijd. Kedd' ijs. ijd. ext'. Idem tenet novem seperales parcellas terr' iacen' in Maes y dre issa continen' p' estimac'o'em quatuor acras quonda' terr' Joh'is ap John Hughe . xxiijs. iiijcZ. 400 Eedd'xijd. ext'. Edwardus ap Hugh ap Harry tenet tria cottagia et vnam parua' officina' in venella inter vicu' vocat' Lower Hope Streete & Lampint per dimissionem dat' xiiij'o Decembris A'o Eliz. 30 ... 3 cott' xxxiijs. iiijd. Eedd' vjiZ. ext. Idem tenet vnam paruam parcellam terre in Pull y wrach continen' per estimac'o'em dimid' acre tentam p' dimis- sionem vltiuio menc'onat' . . . .020 Eedd' xvs. ext', i y. In being. Margareta vxor Joh'is Sonlley gen' pro termino vite sue et postea Barth'us Jones tenent tres par- cellas terr' et vnu' pratu' eisdem adiacen' in Wrexham vocat' Parke y His Et etiam vnum magnum horreu' super inde edifi- catu' et alia edificia continen' per estimac'o'em viginti quatuor acras concess' p' dimissionem dat' decimo Decembris Anno Eliza- bethe 23 . . . . . ixZi. 24 o o The intire rent is xvijs. iiijd. John Boodle paies the rest. Eedd' iiijs. ext', 22 y. in being. Eogerus Powell waker tenet vnam clausuram terr' vocat' kae Lloydin vawr dimiss' inter alia Thome Jones dat' decimo septimo Martii Anno Eliz. 45 xxxiijs. iiijd. 300 Eedd' ijs. iiijd ext', 7 in being. Idem tenet duas alias clausuras terr' iacen' in Wrexham vechan vna caru' vocatur' y kae glasse et altera y werne per dimissionem dat' primo Augusti Anno Eliz. 28 concess' Jane Trafforth . . . xvjs. 220 40 Eedd' xli. vjs. viijd. paid to the Eecevor ext'. Eogerus Bellott gen' tenet vnum molendinum aquaticum vocat' nouum molen.- dinum modo in occupac'o'e Eoborti Puleston Armiger per dimis- sionem dat' ... a mill, xli. ult' redd. 40 Eedd' xK. vjs. viijeZ. paid to the Eecevor ext'. Idem tenet tol- netum ville de Wrexham libertatis eiusdem pro nundinis et mercat' ibidem ten't . . toll, xxZi. vlt. redd' Eedd' xd. ext', 22 y. in being. Margareta vx' Eobert vidua & uxor Edmundi Griffith tenet vnam parcellam terr' vocat' Bron 2 u CCcliv ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. pull yr vwde continen' per estimac'o'em vnam acram et vnam rodatn per diinissionem dat' decimo sexto Martii Anno Eliz. 45 xijs. Redd' xijct. ext', one yere in being. Idem tenet vnam parcellam terr' adiac' en Bron pull yr vwde vocat' pull yr vwde que quon- dam fuit commun' pertinen' ville de Wrexham et locus execu- tionis malef c'or et nunc et longo tempore abhinc inclus' et ten't p' 1'ras patentes dat' xviij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 23 xiijs. iiijd. Redd' xd. ext', expired 14 y. since. Joh'es ap Hughe ap Edward de Stanstie tenet vnam parcellam terr' mariscosse vocat' y werne parcell' de gwain y teruin continen' per estimac'o'em duas acras per dimissionem dat' xiij'o Julii Anno Eliz. septimo xvjs. Redd' ijs. iiijd. ext', expired 5 y. since. Robertus Gruffith de Broughton iure vxoris eius Angharade pro termino vite sue et postea Anna Tuddir tenent vnum tenementum et vstrinam nec- non vnam parcellam terr' iacen' per magnum stagnum in foro bestiali per dimissionem dat' 15*0 Junii Anno Eliz. decimo quinto xxxs. Redd' xvjd. ext', about 8 y. in being. Thomas Trafford Ar' tenet vnam clausuram terr' vocat' Kaer On adiacen' horreo suo per- quisit' de Hugone ap Harry et sibi (inter alia) concess' per dimissionem geren' dat' xiiij'o Decembris Anno Eliz. 3*0 Red- dit' apporc'onat' super eadem per consensum Eduardi Hughes Receptoris et Will'i Aimer deputati Senescalli . xijs. Redd' vcZ. ext'. Idem tenet totu' illu' gardin' seu parcellam terre vna cu' omnibus edificiis superinde edificat' in Wrexham in com' Denbigh contin' p' estimac'o'em dimid' acre nuper in tenura siue occupac'o'e Hugh ap John Dauid ap Howell . xxs. Redd' jd. ext', about 1 1 y. to come. Idem tenet vn' selionem terre adiacen' terr' Richardi ap Edward Phillip super quern selionem Will'us Edwards Ar' struxit domum vocat' le Kylne et quondam fuit pistrinum que premissa putantur esse in manerio de Wrexham concess' per dimissionem Will'o Edwards Armigero dat' 7'o Januarii A'o Eliz. 33*0 . . ten't xiijs. iiijd. Redd' ijd. ext'. Idem Thomas Trafford tenet vnam parcella' terre in Wrexham predict' apud finem vnius clausure terre vocat' Kaer On super quam Will'us Edwards edificabat vnu' horreu' et alia edificia nuper in tenura Richardi Smith et tune in tenura dicti Will'i Edwards parcell' manerii de Wrexham xvjs. Redd' iijd. ext'. Idem tenet vnum croftum quondam terr' Joh'is ddu adiacen' le White field proxim' vill' de Wrexham per- quisit' de Hugone ap Harry et sibi concess' per dimissionem inter alia dat' xiiij'o Decembris Anno Eliz. 30 vjs. viijd. Redd' xijcl. ext', about 21 y. in being. Idem tenet vnam'parcel- lam terr' iacen' in Estome perquisit' de Rob'to Bould et sibi inter alia dimiss' p' dat' 17*0 Martii Anno Eliz. 45 iiijs. Redd' xd. ext', about i y. in being Idem tenet vnam aliam par- cellam terre in Estone pred' iacen' priori parcelle perquisit' de Joh'e Edwards gen' concess' inter alia Dauidi Edwards per dimissionem dat' x'o die Decembris Anno Eliz. 23*0 iiijs. Redd' vijd. ext', about 21 y. in being. Idem tenet vnam parcel- OltlGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCclv A. B. P. lam terre iacen' in Estotne infra villam de "Wrexham perquisit' de Galfrido Hughes et sibi inter alia dimiss' per dat' i6'o Februar. Anno Eliz. xj'o sed postea capta fuit per nouem dimis- sionem concess' inter alia Joh'i Jeffreys Ar' dat' 2i'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 . . . . iiijs. 020 Eedd' vjd. ext', 31 y. in being. Thomas Goldsmith tenet vnum messuagium seu tenementum in quo habitat in vico iuxta eccle- Biam ibidem per concessionem sibi dimiss' inter alia geren' dat' 30 Julii Anno Jacobi sexto . ten'te Ixvjs. viijd. Eedd' ijs. ext', 32 y. in being. Idem tenet vnum tenementum in vico prope Eivum ibidem cum pertinen' per dirnissionem con- cess' Rich'o ap Ellis Tuddir inter alia dat' xj'o August! Anno Jacobi septimo .... ten't xxs. Eedd' Is. ext', not i y. in being. Idem tenet nouem officinas seu repositoria subter le Shirehall ibidem per dimissionem con- cess' Eogero Puleston defuncto dat' xv'o Aprilis A'o Eliz. vices- simo primo . . . . shops cs. No copie before lease. Eedd' vjd. ext', about 22 y. in being. Idem tenet vnam vstrinam in vico subt' Cemeter' et gardin' eidem adiacen' ten'te Eic'i Hall tenemento Eic'i Hall per dimis- sionem concess' inter alia Francisco Lloyd dat' xj'o Decembr' Anno Eliz. 45 . . a kilne xxs. Ad volunt', no copie before lease. Eedd' vjd. ext', expired about 12 y. since. Idem tenet vna' aliam vstrinam et gardinu' eidem pertinen' subter orientalem finem Cemeterii inter terras Thome Trafford Ar' modo in tenura Joh'is Ll'en ex parte occidental! et gardin' d'ni Eich'i Treuor militis quondam in tenura Thome Locker ex parte oriental! et in longitudine a gardin' Hugonis Meredith Ar' ex parte boreali usque ad terr' in tenura dicti d'ni Eich'i Treuor ex parte australi per dimissionem concess' Joh'i Eoberts (inter alia) dat' 27*0 Maii Anno Eliz. 10 kilne xxvjs. viijd. Eedd' vjs. xjcZ. ext', about 22 y. in being. Georgius Goldsmith et Maria vxor eius tenent iure dicte Marie medietatem messuagii in vico vocat' le Highe streete in quo Catherina Jones vidua modo habitat Et omnes clausuras terr' vocat' y weirglodd hire modo diuiss' in tres seperales parcellas contin' per estimationem quatuor acras per dimissionem dat' quinto Julii Anno Eliz. 44'to et solunt pro medietate dicti messuagii xiijct. et pro dicta clau- sure terre vs. xcl. in toto half of a mess' vjii. xiijs. iiijd. 400 Eedd' ijs. ext', about 21 y. in being. Idem tene't vnam clausur' terr' in Wrexham vechan vocat' kaer Cocksuite al's kae Newydd per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . xiiijs. 200 Eedd' xijd. ext', 31 y. in being. Idem tene't vnum messuag' nunc in duo tenementa diuiss' et gardin' adiacen' Place yr Escob dimiss' Johanni Edwards et Dauidi Speen inter alia par dat' 30 Julii A'o Jacobi sexto I mess', now 2 ten'ts, xlvjs. viijot. Eedd' viijci. ext', 21 y. in being. Idem tenet vnam parcella' terr' vocat' yr Errow hire adiacen' Weirgloth hire concess' Hugoni Bers inter al' per dimissionem dat' xvij'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 iiijs. Eedd' iijd. ob. ext', 21 y. in being. Idem tenet vnam parvam par- Ccclvi ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. cella' terr' iacen' in campo vocat' y kae Newydd existen' qua- tuor selion' in Wrexhain vechan per diinissioneni concess' Eob'to Bould inter alia dat' decimo septimo Martii Anno Eliz. 45 con- tinen' per estimac'o'ein vna' roda' . . . ijs. vjd. Eedd' vs. ext', about i y. in being. Michael Jones et Catherina (mortua) Jones vidua mater eius tenent totas illas parcellas terr' modo diuisas in duas partes vocat' Acton Moore al's gwain y Treuin contin' per estimac'o'em 12 acras per dimissionem con- cess' Joh'i ap Edwards inter alia Dat' decimo die Decembris Anno Eliz. zj'o ..... iiijM. Eedd' xvjd. ext', about 21 y. in being. Idem tenet illam partem messuagii in qua predicta Catherina habitat' existen' sign' rubri leonis que est ab ingressu istius domus occidental' et omnes structuras eideni pertinen' per dimissionem eorundem fact' inter alia Hugoni Meredith Dat' 2i'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 tent' IxZi. Eedd' ijs. Hid. ext', about 21 y. in being. Dicta Catherina tenet duo cottagia vstrinam et gardin' in vico iuxta Eivum per dimis- sionem eorundem factam Dauidi Jones geren' dat' 21 Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . . . 2 cottages xxvjs. viijtZ. "Redd' vjd. ext', expired 10 y. since. Eadem tenet totu' illam gar- din' et parcellam terr' vocat' place y kill et vstrinam cum aliis edificiis superinde remanen' inter vicos vocat' y place hen et y lampint in Wrexham pred' per concessionem eorundem fact' inter alia Kob'to Puleston dat' 27*0 Maii A'o Eliz. decimo ten'te gard' xxs. Eedd' ijs. ext', about 21 y. in being. Dicta Catherina tenet totum illud tenementum et curtilag' ex parte australi vici ducen' ver- sus ad Oswestrie in quo Eichardus Maddoc quondam habitabat et nunc in tenura Will'i Kenrick . . ten'te xxxs. Eedd' iiijs. ext', about 21 y. in being. Dicta Catherina tenet vnum aliud messuagiu' et cellariuin necnou alia edificia eidem perti- nen' modo vsitat' et occupat' cu' vltimo tenemento menc'onato vt parcell' eiusdem . . . mess' xxxs. This rent & xiijel. in fol. 44 make not vp the some the Bailiif receiveth by vijd. These two last recited tenements she holdeth by a demise thereof graunted amongst other things vnto Bartholomewe Edwards, bearing date the xvijth of February A'o Eliz. 45. Eedd' ijs. xd. ext'. Leases, p. 40. Margareta Williams vidua tenet vnum messuagium seu tenementum vstrinam et gardinu' eidem spectan' modo in propria sua occupac'o'e Et vnu' alium toftum seu vacuam pecia' terre cum gardino et parcell' terr' eidem per- tinen' adiacen' priori messuagio ex parte orientali eiusdem con- tin' per estimac'o'em vnam roda' terre Qua messuagiu' toftu' gardini et cetera premissa simul adiacent' in Wrexham in longi- tudine a via com'uni ibidem ducen' versus foru' bestiale ex parte australi vsq' ad Lampint ex fine boreali et in latitudine inter terras quondam V . messuage Ixvjs. viijcl. About 21 y. in being. Johannis Owen et modo Hugonis Meredith Ar' ex p'te occidental! exceptis tribus virg' in latitudine a media parte gardini Dauidis ap John Goz existen' terr' Hugonis OHIGINAL DOCUMENTS. CCclvii A. B. P. Meredith predict! oriental' et tenemen" et terr' Joh'is Robert Vaughan et nunc in tenura Thome ap Hugh Vaughan ex parte orientali et quondam fuerunt terr' Roberti ap John Owen et sibi (inter alia) dimiss' 7*0 Julii A'o Eliz. 5*0 posteaq' dimiss' (inter alia) Francisco Lloyd per 1'ras paten' dat' xj'o Decembris A'o Eliz. 45 sub' reddit' decem denarioru' pro messuagio et duoru' solidoru' pro tofto. Redd' viijd.ext', about 21 y. in being. Dicta Margareta Williams (Edrus Jones) tenet vna' vstrinam cum singulis edificiis Camera et Sellaria eidem pertin' austral' fini tenement! adiacen' in occu- pac'o'e Will'i Kenrick et ad scalu' cemeterii ecclesie ducen' ab amni vsq' ad cemeteriu' ... a kilne xvs. Redd' iiijd. ext', 29 y. in beinge. Johannes Lloyd de Eglowisegle et Elizabetha vxor eius tenent vnam parcellam terre in Wrex- ham Vechan vocat' kae garnedd' per diuiissionem Dat' 30 Julii Anno Jacobi sexto .... xxs. 200 This land is in morgage to Humfry ap Hughe Vaughan, and one other parcell of land called Kaer Lloyn, for xlK. About 21 y. in being. Leases 40. Eduardus Crewe tenet messu- agiu'quo nunc inhabitat iacen'in vico Receptoris existen' diuerso eio gardino et aliis edificiis eidem pertinen' per dimissionem concess' inter alia Rob'to Bould dat' decimo septimo Martii Anno Eliz. 45 . . . i mess' cs. Idem tenet duas clausuras terr' iacen' in Wrexha' vechan vocat' y Conye contin' per estimac'o'eni quatuor acras per eandem dimissionem ..... xxxs. 400 Redd' xxiijs. iiijci. ext'. Idem tenet vnam clausuram terr* vocat' kae Marthin in Wrexham Vawr continen' per estimac'o'em duas acras per eandem dimissionem per Reddit' . . cs. 10 2 o Idem tenet vnu' selionem vel metam in Maes y dre Vcha ducen' versus Kae Marthin Et vnu' alium selionem in Maes y dre Vcha in quodam Campo vocat' Pant y Crydd per eandem dimis- sionem continen' per estimatione dimidiu' acre Idem tenet duas clausuras terre vocat' Helltie in Wrexham Vawr contin' per estimac'o'em quatuor acras Idem Edwardus Crewe tenet vnu' pratum vocat' y Weirglodd vawr iacen' in Wrexham Vawr . . . .600 Redd' in toto vjs. vjd. ext'. Idem tenet vnam clausuram terre in Wrexham vawr vocat' y kae bychan contin' per estimac'o'em . i o o Idem tenet vnam clausuram terre in Wrexham Vechan vocat' y kae Newydd continen' per estimac'o'em vnam acram demiss' et tent' per eandem predict' dimissionem . . .100 Redd" xijcZ. ext'. Idem tenet vnam clausuram terre in Wrexham vechan vocat' Errow goz per Assignationem Rad'i ap Robert Walker cont' per estimac'o'em vnam acram . . .100 viijZi. 900 Redd' iijs. iiijd. ext'. Idem tenet vnum messuagium seu tene- mentum cum pertinentiis in Wrexham Vawr vocat' y Brynn contin' per estimac'o'em dimid' acre tent' per dimissionem dat' decimo septimo die Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . mess' xxxs. 020 CCclviii ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. A. R. V. Redd' xiijd. exb'. Idem tenet vnum tenementum modo in hor- reum conuers' cum pertinen' in Villa de Wrexham Vawr per assignac'o'em Thome TrafFord Ar' et Jane matris eius Eob'to Bould dimissio hec dat' fuit Primo Augusti Anno Eliz. 28 Redd' vs. ext'. Idem tenet vnam clausuram terre vocat' Kaer Receauor in Wrexham Vawr per dimissionem Dat' xvij'o Martii Anno Eliz. 45 . . . . xxxs. 300 Redd' xiiijd. ext'. Idem tenet duas clausuras terre' iacen' in Wrexham Vawr vocat' pull y Wrach continen' per estimationem tres acras per dimissionem concess' Dauidi Kanson (inter alia) geren' dat' xxj'o Martii A'o Eliz. 45 . . xxxs. 300 Redd' vjd. ext', 29 y. in being. Idem Eduardus Crewe tenet vnum tenementum in vico ducen' ad foru' bestiale Anglice the Beast Markett cum officiu' eidem pertin' dimiss' Johanni Edwards et Dauidi Speed per 1'ras patentes dat' 30 Julii Anno Jacobi sexto tent' xxvjs. viijd. Redd' ijs. xd. ext' about 21 y. in being. Rentall is but ijd., for Rad'us ap Ellis payes x:) ..) D ~n >> 1 ) .*' >5 }> > > a> ::> 3> 7) r > 3> > > "S*- > Y- > > > , l-^ir?!^ ^ ^ )>2 >;i^3|^ ^ / r s>> 55 i ^^ < > > > > ) ' > > v >^ . >^. ' :* ^ > >> >^ > > ' > > > > > > > > > 3 > > >