■j * !V,■:•>!^W:••^V^# :v:^'«*ni&*»iW»JIMi(« ■ ./.i'.wwKwatti.t^MSWwiwai.aitttftw YF 00147 1 i «! .?! (Riiwtf*™ a ^*)H.v-il5 a iTi|fpirri' 1 UC-NRLF l| .11 .: $C 12 73M «*;■ I !;■• •1^ AS lector oF (Ibclt:ct)l)am anb ^or)>'Canot)ojT'£arltsl?. ei^^^ii^^SllE?!iife.''tf^V^ Wk ^iww ,?•: ivBdJ I S{f/ii»i •\ ^^■.■.■■..'..•.(rtyWLjll Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/fourseasonsatlaltrtt btnliing makt c^=^''^^ .^mirror of tijt placitr lakt M\)t noist of strtams is in tIjt tar, /intr rapib Eotlja murmius ntar; Odjjilt kirlrs from bjootis anb topsts bim "Veileb iit empurpleb mgsteries ! O peaceful Ijours ! © jjappg time ! Spring, in all tijp glorious prime ! ^[Efeel tlje spirit of tge scene ifeljrill me mitjj pleasure pure anli htvu © €i0B so great ! © ©©© so goob ! "Go spreab suclj ioealtjj of lake anb bjoob, "Go pile tlje mountains, arcfj Jje sko, JE^oto at Gjis feet in praise ]rlie ! Bather of mercies, I bjoulb see "Cjjs lok in all, anb all in Gfjee; f^proofs of Gljs goobness anb Gbs grace, >I>iiroug!)[ sigfjt anb sounb in eberg place. ^ttb oft, iuijen pnng o'er tijis lanb, : X)eckeb bg Gbs ninb anb liberal Jjanb, 1 ask, in hjonberment of bliss, \5(/^s gben's self so fair as tfjis ? '' 1' ^ ^nK f) l\}m lies a ijusjj on all tlje summer hjoobs, [ttbroken sabe bg pipe of jogous birb ; ]t air is still, attb motionless tjje cloulis — still, tlje rippling taljeat is scarcelg stirc'b. gjobj calm tj^e scene! Ho bleating of tjje flocks gimes from tjje meabob grass, or ecljoes from tjje rocks. re toas a sounb of Welcome rain last nigjjt, obing from up tjje bale, antr o'er tjje jjills; ut nobj tjje storm jjas pssetr, anb all is brigjjt ; jje becks are fuller, anb a tjjousanb rills usjj foaming liobjn tjje jjollotos in bjjjite streams, lasl^ing from crag to crag toitt) rainbobj^^coloureli gleams. Bike biamonlrs sjjine tjje rain^brops in tjje sun, liemming eac^ sSimmaing leaf, eacjj spike of grass, Mmb sbieet sjjg fiobjers tjjat 'neatjj tjje jjebgerohis run, ^0 jjibe tiieir loneliness from all hjjjo pass; . fjjile jjonegsuckle anb tjje golben broom cent all tjje fragrant air bjitft ricjj perfume. ^ >& ■N ■i/ i iiii^ ht ttitbet s!jali0bj2 quicklg come anb go, [limbmg tjje fjills, anlr mepittg up tlje liell ; j-ttir all tlje fealles is bjitfj ligjit agloto, it crobmeb toiti glocs thtt^ tuggelr fdl ; lunsftint is on ttje lattSscape far atib bilrc, Iprkles in Jberg mere, anti troton tlje countrg sitre. ktto&j tljis lattb bg jjeart, age, e&erg nook— facjj copse, eacij tarn, anlr eberg leafg Ml : lacj brafoling streamlet, anir eacji tmkling brook— knobj it all bg jjeart, anlr lobe it bjelL \ii jjabelbjatcfjeb tfje bagligirt iiabjn, anb pie, lb ebening bjrap tjje baUeg in Jjer buskg beiL lot far from jjence gou see tbe tall cjjurcij spire, ^jjere sunbeams rest upon tjje Ijouse of prager ; iie bla^oneb bjinbobjs burn as if on fire ; kb, palpitating on tjje crgstal air, fancgXcan fjear tlje cbiming bell, uub bistpint breamg music from tije orpn sbjelL ^orbsbjortlj's bear mount is gonber, olb anb greg, ji)} guarbeb bjell bgRairfielb's purple crest; Talleb in bjitl) laurel, anb bjitij fragrant bag, \ berg:2arabise of peace anb rest, ^ittj beautg all arounb, botlj far anb near, \xiti, full in front, tl)e queen of lakes, fair Ulinbermere* ijjere in tfje balleg-^ can see it nob) — munteb bg memories of tlje great anb goob, lies Amolb's fabourite Ijome, Ijis sbjeeti:io):i^ob), »ib in a bobjer of sjjrubs anb biabing bjoob ; lar from tj^e restless, troubleb borlb bjitbbrabm, ^po ef s bream of riber, garbtn, copse, anb labjn* ^ ' ^ or THE UNIVERSITY or '^M ^ ►A: '1'' X". t ^ ttljOllt bfjat kautg, antr tuitjiit bjljat ^xm f cultured wtubs,— true "sbectncss" anb true " ligljt ! " im katij Ijali tijrotttb long since irt Ijis just place— an of tSe ample brain, keen, palisljelj, bright; 'ut slje li&eir still, tlje lobing teniier tuife, ^>«P ^jp'elpmeet antrBrienb tijrouglj all &is graniJ Ijeroic life. M^^ can forget, tljat eber knebj Ijer &jell, g6e rapib sgmpat&ies, tjje genial smile, \% iuise, tiate Inorbs from gracious lips tijat fell, "arming tjje listener, as sj^e talkelr t|[e bjijile, ob graBe— nobj gag— nob earnest bitj^ beep t!}ougljt, s trut!)s of ijigjjest reaclj before jjer minb tnere brougljt gill tbis is nobjf a memoru,— a sigb,— ike otijer memories faotb stet anb sab; obj tbe gears rob us as tljcg ijurrg bg, Saking afirag so mucb tbat maire us glatr! Tet leabing to us still so ymtX) tljat's brigljt, ur patb is not all liark,— at bjorst a djequereb ligfjt ,^oorer tbat jjome, poorer tije balleg nobj ; ^ot on a tomb is carbeb a pure lobite cross, ^b^t tells to all bjbo tbrougb tlje cburcljgarb go, Iger eberlasting ^vn. anb our sore loss. S^taceb on tlje stone tbis record fronts tlje sigl^t,— m^n meetness for i^i saints' inberitance in ligbt" ®[bat tbrills me? r^ain or bliss? © pain, to tljink ff bappg bours for eber past anb flobjn ! . bliss, apin i^ stanb upon i}^t brink '^Mi tbis Seat fell, anb muse of bib^at is gone! CJ^pain, to ponbet on tbe bags nob? o'er! .©bliss, to feel tbis pleasure all mg objn ma more! .^bjeet paitt, keen bliss,-4I!knobj not bifjicb is best, .pbc pain tbat fills mg sabbeneb eges biitb tears, #§e bliss tbat tbrobs tfjrougb all mg b^tppg breast, vA j^ere apin HI feel tbe jog of gears ! Jrknobj not bjfjiclj lEb cjjoose, or tbat, or tfjis,— jje pain so bitter sbjeet, \!^t sbjeet get bitter bliss. :( V or THE Y\ (; UNlVE^RSlTYj 5UniIL .Sutumtt bjitij fierg fjanir Ijatij toucbeb tpe lea&es, ) "Cutttittg tjjtir glossg gmii to bunting golb ; ?Snb tbjittering sbjallo&s djatttr on tftt ta&es I Of fltgjjt to summer latitrs from regions colli; Scift doublets rest upon tije clear blue skg, Sub breezes from tfje lake come bafteb fresftlg bg. SbnlUB 'tis fo» tooi-s ani. stttams abatn. iJBebJ plains tjje golben tillage ricljlg gielb, IjBcto sickles flaslj, feb reapers binb tftc corn, |JB^^ l)arbest songs are Jjearb from folb or ftelb ; Stretches tjjere are of emerallr psture ground, GirbleS bg mountain beautg ail arounb. eSttb nob) ttje gorgeous bjoobs are all ablate, Globjing bjitlj colours of more brilliant bges "Cban gleam from monarcjfs robes on gala bags, Or strike bjitij subben ligljt men's ba^leb eges, icHs coming fortfj in rogal pomp anb state, "]qt enters fjalls bjfjere tljronging courtiers bjait. .^ i 7^ ^' s % r >: X^ V i^'- Zk Sgolben lustre fills tfje biooino ait, jgEnir rock anb scar all batfjcb in amber mist "Urattsfigurelr stem to sijapes tiibinels fair, Gufiuseb biitlj orange, rose, anb ametijgst, THjjicj) o'er tjieir fjoarg brobjs a rabiance fiinig, Stig^t as tlje iris on an angel's toing. Uje mountains gloio bith eber-tijanging sijeen, "C§at baries bjitlj tije sbifiing gleams of ligjjt; :Sere golben ferns, tfjat rise 'mibst mosses green, Sjjake out tfjeir curling plumes on eberg Ijeigljt; Cbere fragrant beattj, eacb bell a peniient gem, CSrobms tfte beep grass bjitlj purple biabem. "Cb^ balmg bag is musical bjitfj sounbs ; "Cb^ plaintibe robin's song, tbe cabj of rooks, T>b^ tohj of berbs in far-off pasture grounbs, mjiispers of feabes anb noise of babbling brooks, Mx(^ rusb of streams tbat flobj 'm milk^'bjbite rills, 33objn tbe blue bollobjs of tbe bistant jjills. iTiutumn is in jjer goung anb lustg noon; nor fallen leabes, nor biitljereb flobers betrag, I>jjat tbis proub pomp of splenbour all too soon Shall cbangc, anb fabe, anb pss into becag; "Cnat (Hinter, bjitlj jjts colb anb cjiilling breatb, iSpll freeze tbis beautg all to icg beatb. O Autumn bags, tbat crobmeb tbe braning gear, i^jib flusjjeb tfje globing Ijills ioitjj tenber ligbt ; O Suns, b)bose rising crimsoneb eberg mere, CGEjiose setting fringeb biitjj golb tbe skirts of ni^t ; Ziob) often \iSiht I stoob,— as J bo nobj,— «Mnb bmtcbeb gour glories from tbig sloping farofa« ^\ ir ^>».4^^^^w'^L>-^ .^/ ^ ' u-^i '^STtv X. IV^J^ ^■) ■.•X ^"■2 ^ OF THE ^ f' university! ik O bags all fair, ijalf sab, Wjiclj ta ttjt minb ©rittfl numorits 0f times for thtt flDfeu; Of pleasures in tj)e gears so far ijej^inb, Mxiii Mm silent, anb bear frienbs nob gone; Xli&e a th)o=folb life bitftin gour ligjit— TJlje past anb present are atlince m siflljt M\} me! j)ob mue!)Ho&e tjjis countrg fair! XD\}t balleg anb tjje ftills, botb far anb Mtit: T56e quiet billage huilhti Ijere anb tjjere, :Part 0n ti)e plain, part on tfje mountain sibe; T5j)e fiouses stretcljinu up to jStock GljgirsEall, "Gjeg bere mg tiappg pastoral tljarge, ljot| one anb alL 13earKutumn bags ! lEljjat fruitless geamings rise "Gljat all tlje lo&eb ones bjere bii\} us again ; TEl^at tears unbibben spring up to tjje egcs, Xdo kuobj sucjj longings ible are anb bain;— "Gbat tlieg bjjjo glabbeneb all tje bags of gore, jSjall look bjitlj us upon tijese scenfs no more. O kawpijjgiitumn ! O bttgijt fjalcgon bags ! TOljen eartlj lies kasking in t^e golben Itgbt; O mellobj moons, tftat sijine hiitk softest raus, Eloobing bjitlj splenbour all ttj^ solemn nigSt; liinger aluljile; fain hjoulb bt keep gou l^ere; Xsit bjoulb not part— not get— bjitl) tmjat toe Ijolb so bear. Xt mag not be. TSlje ijappg gear must toane, MnH p tlje bag of all tilings, brigljt anb fair. Of Ijopes tljat bie neber to libe again — Of pleasures numbereb 'mougst tlje things tljat luere— JBim all is tijange— uptoarb toe turn our sigljt; jSun sets not t^ere, nor XHoons toitijbrato tljeir ligljt. (ff^.- ^^, X + + + + , ,, xdtx in tjjis fait lanb jjas mattg moobs ; times tjje storms come roariits bobn ttje &ale, ^^J5ttoss tlje mountains, tjjrougtj tfie sounbing bjoobs, Or stoping up tjje ©IjsUs Sitjj sjju^b'ting bjail, Shaking tJje retr*stemnuti pines tftat on tlje fjeigljt reab out tjjeir gloomg branches trark as nigft. onutimes from stormg skies tjje rain-cloub iireaks, Siaelling tlje torrents in tijeir rockg to, T9ill streams grobj ri&ers, ribers grohj to lakes, JInb boats migi)t pig M^txt once tije reapers spetr, JInb tjje bljole air is murm'rous 6itJ) tj^e sounb Ql rusjjing hjaters foaming all arountr. Ijis noon t^ere is a keenness in tlje air wljic!) stirs ilje blooi anb makes tlje pulse beat Ijiglj, J^'ii tlje bjljole scene is most bibinelg fair, nuing beneatlj a pale but clear blue skg, tclj sljebs a softcneb lustre o'er tlje plain, b on tlje silent streams, eaclj bounb in glittering cljain. V OF THE UNIVERSITY ^fiffgmmmm X H Hi fA: Q >l^^ iCT<: tEtftite is tlje ^alltg once m higljtlg gmit, Mftite all tlje mauntain top trafi trobneir bjitjj snob, ffifjicij glitter bitfj a ligljt intense anb ktm M§en bit!) tlje liabjn t5e skg is all aglob, 03§e colour changing as tlje liagligijt groins, Bronx greg to purple, purple into rose. OJjje trees are stripped, get are no longer bare, Heatjjereli bjitlj snobj tljig stantr up in tije ligljt MXi motionless, anb not a passing air Stirs tljeir pure bribal robe of spotless bfjite, Gl^il^ t^oiit fat!) bougl) clear icicles Ijang bobjn, 3jike ftasljing biamonlrs in a monarclj's crobin. Bair are tijese bags so calm, so still, so bright, J3air is eaclj glassg lake, eaclj Ijoarg fell, Bair are tlje falls tljat nuiber in tlje ligbt, Bair is eaclj ice-bounblim, eaclj rockgt)ell, Bairer tijan all tije nigljt, bjitlj moon anb star Sljining like crgstals in tlje !jeabens afar. ^tb get, tjjougij fair, tlje beautg 'tis of beatij, Bor eartfj is cobereb bjitij a snobjg s!jroub, Eer requiem cfjanteb bg tlje bjinb's rube breatlj, In tones nobj lobj anb soft, nobi beep anb loub, ^ib I^ature lies all bjijite upon Ijer bier, -SCnb cloubs sljeb o'er Ijer pall tlje sgmpatljising tear. Eopeless looks all as bjljen tbe cruel bjorbs, ^sljes to asbes " o'er our Idbeb are saib, T5 tiling of cisterns hxfsktn, bjitljereb gourbs. Of bitter bjeeping for tfte nebjlp beab, ^nb t!je grabe closes o'er tlje lifeless dag, .Hnb bje go fortlj to front tlje bjorlb as best be mag. yrmmmirw^i^m^i^i^rvwm^m ,V^ ^:r<':w. ws^ lA^Mi i^N^ /^ 1} // ' uF THE V UNIVERSITY or > ' • |0 Sttobj^lrrop lifts its btll atrobt tijt grnunlr, 4111^0 song of biit is ^earir amotttjst tijt tms, apn !)int of sumnur iit tjje skg is founir, #^0 scent of spring gi&ts fragmnce ta tlje hntit, •jH^o sign of leaf on fellies, ^opse, ot Ijill ; ^mnh tije tojjole eartfj is silent, collr, anb still _Jet tjjete is Ijope, tjouglj all seems blank antr beab; •l^ljere is a stirring at tje roots of tijings, ^tijrobbing quick of life in 6 artlj's tieep beir, « promise as of fair anb jouous Springs ; ainb bubs tfjcre are bljere Mossonis folbeb lie, J^eabg to burst in flober beneat!) tjje Summer skg. luclj i^ope, as toljen sab mourners go a^loeeping, mtxiii bearing to tbe grabe tjje precious seeb i^itij ijearts tljat bell nigjj break for bear ones sleeping, ^«et trusting Iiim bjjjo is "tljeljife inhttii;' :Wmnii able bglxis grace tbrouglj tears to sing, iSHjjere is tbs bictorg, O 0rabe; 6ljere,Deat|j, tijg sting ? " ^or soon tbe bag sjjall babin, anb sljabotus flg, THinter sljall pass, anb Spring again sljall bloom, ©^ternal Summer brighten all tlje skg, J5nb smile upon a bjorlb bjitljout a tomb, Q artlj's resuitection sijall bitl) blessings come, jg:nb usljer in bjitlj songs 0OD'Sljarbest Ijome. !)en]Re tftat comes to brake lE^is saints sl)all sag, ^^s rounb ta eacij bear sleeper's htiilEit goes '^^0 rouse tfjem 6it|) a touclj at break of bag, ^Enb all]E?is Ijeart bjitjj tenber lobe o'erflobjs, CJ ije morning breaks, tje sljabobjs flee abjag, 'Mirise, mgljobe, mgDobe, anb come bjitlj me abrag! Hitter is past, tlje rain is gone anb o'er, ^fije song of birbs fills all tlje Ijappg lanb, f^jlobiers appear upon tlje eartl) once more. gl\ije "CurtleOobe is Ijearb on eberg Ijanb, Mt is tjjgBtibegroom's boicc to tjjee botb sag, ^mxm, mgljobe, mgDobe, anb come, olj, tome abjag!'" K J ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY or <.o <■». «> «i> ^ <•> <.i AS *> ^ *> <•> ■#> *> «> <•> J<.-Ii -^i^^J (*><•> <'>^> <•> o* <■> «> «>> • «>< J» <•> '«> <■» «> «> «>^*» *» <» ^*> «■> <* «» «., «> i**:*^v ,«»<.•»., ■•^--^i !<•> «V .«•»' «> ^ J <» S«*«» 4> «> <•> «> *» <•> '^<,> «, 5i> «>*&>! ***.<•> «»^ »> «»<*<* V <**> ■«» <» «>< ***> ft '»'«^ kM iv? ''** ISI^ "m 't^— - ^Kioe ••'--S i)W?!?!?^ jt bjarmtl) of a summer ttoon, Asks translucent anb brigljt, On i»!)iclj tliere is sleeping a fleecg cloub, Suffuseb tuitii an amber lig!)t. je beauts of balles anb jjill, , jiinb a riber murmuring near, I^Jjat tumbles anb rolls ober mosses anb stones, I/impib anb tool anb clear. meabob of emeralb grass, Sloping from Vi^ tbe bell, Broibereb all ober bjitb baisies hjbite, ^^^^^Anb.gemmeb foitb tije blue harebell. retelling abias to tjje bje?t, Sj)e J/angbales rise on biflb, Sill tjjc cloben crobjn of tfteir soaring peaks Is lost in tbe blue of tjje sks. »«•>.,<», *<#< i<^iA . <.* f> ,0 !<•> ■&* <* r ' V- - - w ~. <» **^^ <•> «■» <» <.a <» «» If, <•> <.> <•> <» <0; Ij <* <•> '^§irz^ <*, rfsr^ <•> c ^ lo' "ji 3 '-a <•> <•><» <•> <.•>« '•' <;><•> <* «-- <■" <'> *' « % /^^^r OF THE ( UNIVERSITY OF t /6>> r-^H' .(^' '(S) rs) urbittfls of ijills all xmxiii, it frame foe tije picture fair ; jPinU rotk anb star most teitberls &eileir ^^tt a fjaie of ijrigfit gollren air. t tije foot of tfte mxabohj green, , Cjje rusfe of a foaming fall ^tniiose hraters basjj liobnhjarti from rock to rock, flielobious anb musical. Ije gentle bfjisper of trees,— '^Iber, anb poplar, anb pine; yaiitjj tfje flusb of roses in eberg liebge, dfjere tije briar anb loosestrife ttoine. beet flobers on fielb anb fell, Snb plumeb ferns e&ergbljere ; vCjieOak, anbparsleg, anbBeecjj, y^ttb bark^stemmebjCDaiben^tjair/ is a scene of pstoral peace, !Bair as a poet's bream; Qlitj) a glamour of beautg on all tljat gou see,- On copse, anb brnti, anb stream. is saib t^t tije morning stars p0ang aloub at Q'reation's birtji; "Cfjat tlje sons of Gob sjjouteb for jog, ISsI^e rounbeb tijis nehj^born eartlj. n^ biell man tjjeg sing m still, Ijooking boian on tijis rabiant scene, Qlitl^ its ijills, anb meabobs, anb hjoobs, J^nb tbe ri&er tjjat ftobjs betton. ^^4 7/^ // ^ or THE Y : UNIVERSITY ) OP OP ^ yj A** (». ,9. <9\ 9 9 vO Sey^ nb tlje sons mag flobj t&ro' tjje ttirjljt, Ijm tlje purple sIjatiofiDS fall; Mxiii mingle its notes ixiitlj tlje rusl) Of tlje foaming inaterfall. mx ©oD ! ta lie 'neatlj tlje blue, J5.nti muse on 'Ci)s bjonbrous lo&e, Xs a pleasure, tlje sbjeetest on eartl), Jijos as of 6iJen abobe. pr tbe berg ptes of Hljg jjcaben , \ Seem to open before tlje ga^e; 11 ^nb tlje soul is lifteb out of itself Xn a rapture of bliss anb praise. n a rapture of praise anb bliss, "Wljicb stirs tije pulses like bjine, 13 a passion of keenest beligljt, Uijat borbers upon tlje Uhiwt __ ! 'tis bjell to tome Ijitljer anb muse, i)Flor tlje bjorlb intrubetlj not fjere; @/(^£lature jjtrself is all in all, ^^Tinb Gob anb tlje angels are neat rQ ir^y *1 # (^. •■^. -JS^ O V ^^^^s^^ ■AiSMUkaaaa MBaoMafMMi Q (l UNIVERSITY "^^ '£xn ,j-_ TiTe^ives us all thing s to enioy, 'All things richly to"enJoy"' - i The world webnngnotwithushere;we leave I ne world weDnngnotwimusnere;we leave Behind its stormy passions and its strife. All that compels the noble mind to grieve. [the (rifles and the meannesses of life; For in this spot where God is all In all The world appears immeasurably small ^H^ ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OP \ yp 00147 678605 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY I fERDUE- E'vifr?>i'iV,!;?.'''^Vi',1\\'-.'.-Vvrt.V, > ^1