UC. BERKELEY LlBRARf PI J A TENTATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ... OF... Dr. Isaac M. Wise PREPARED BY Adolph S. Oko Librarian, Hebrew Union College Cincinnati, Ohio 1917 A TENTATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ... OF... DR. ISAAC M. WISE PREPARED BY Adolph S. Oko Librarian, Hebrew Union College Cincinnati, Ohio 1917 Reprinted from the Hebrew Union College Monthly, Vol. 3, No. 3. y^\ \N 6 A TENTATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DR. ISAAC M. WISE. Prepared by ADOLPH S. OKO Librarian, Hebrew Union College. NOTE. The following is a tentative (by no means selective) list of the writings of Isaac M. Wise. With a single excep- tion (no. 39), and unless issued as a "separate", no attempt was here made to survey his numerous, signed and unsigned, articles, essays, sermons, novels and stories that appeared during a period of fifty- three years in the Israelite (afterwards, American Israelite), or to record the important dissertations and translations he contributed to the Asmonean and the Deborah. Neither are his addresses published in the Pro- ceedings of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations in- cluded; while his contributions to the Occident are only in part here listed. However, the year 1919, the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Dr. Wise, will be a timely and an appropriate occasion to give a complete and systematic bibliography of the works that have issued from his pen for over four decades. The list is divided into two sections (I. Separate Works; II. Articles and Contributions), consecutively numbered; and the titles in each section are given in chronological sequence. Reprinted articles, &c, are listed in section I. "Editions" of any given independent work follow the original issue. The occasional annotations may not prove altogether superfluous. The abbreviations employed are self-explanatory. A. S. O. [N. B. — The list was originally prepared with the view of having it appear as an Appendix to the work "Isaac Mayer Wise", by Max B. May (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons), and it is being published as such. However, owing to the many changes Mr. May was obliged to make — changes which all but enhance the value of. the compilation — it was found necessary to issue it independently.] — 3 — I. SEPARATE WORKS. 1. The end of popes, nobles and kings; or, The progress of civilization, delivered before the Hebrew Young Men's Literary Association of the City of New York, (Decem- ber 22d 1852). New York: J. Muklhaeuser, 1852. 20 p. 12°. 2. History of the Israelitish nation, from Abraham to the present time. Derived from the original sources, v. 1. Albany: ]. Munsell, 1854. xxiv, 560 p. 8°. No more published (see, however, no. 19; see also no. 39). — 2,000 copies printed. — For criticism, see: Asmonean, v. 9 (1854), p. 140; Israelite, v. 1 (1854-55), p. 43; Occident, v. 11 (1853-54), p. 520-521, 613-619; v. 12 (1851-55), p. 16-38, 79-86, 315-319, 398-411. 455-461, 519-557. ■ ■ 3. ipnyivi mo ,'K p^n piTjBn *:z rvbsn .sp^yp« ;n;c ~\sc pmn D^ain "UN^n^p p'pa nr,-j:n -s^n mipsa .Mia nnotf mmc ;a ^n't^ ,pnx* -i'a po^a ,rrnn* va rvYfl ,na*:rere. [Cincinnati: Block cj? Co., 1857.] lp. 1., ii p., 11., 5-144 p. 16°. In Hebrew. — It "was practically Wise's work" (Jewish Encyclopedia, article "Wise, I. M."; by D. Philipson). — Also issued together with the following English and German versions. 4. Kp*tyDK JnjC. The daily prayers, part 1. Revised and compiled by the committee of the Cleveland conference. Translated by Isaac M. Wise. Cincinnati: Block ci? Co., 5617 [=1857]. iv, 5-120 p. 16°. Also issued together with the Hebrew version. — "Wise made the English version, for which Nathan Mayer furnished metrical translations" (Reminiscences, p. 345). 5. Gebet-Buch fur den oeffentlichen Gottesdienst und die Privat-Andacht. Theil 1. Geordnet und iibersetzt von der in der Clevelander Conferenz ernannten liturgischen Commission, den Rabbinern Kalisch, Rothenheim und Wise. Cincinnati: Block u. Co., 1857. iv, 5-171 p. 16°. Also issued together with the Hebrew version [and with the Hebrew- English versions?]. — "Kalisch and Rothenheim composed the metrical por- tions of the German version. The prose German translations were divided among the three" (Reminiscences, p. 345). — "It is characteristic of the statesman-like views Wise had of the conditions that his Minhag America was [originally?] published without his name on the title page. It is the first revised book for Jewish devotion in America without an editor's name" (Selected writings, p. 67). The writer is mistaken: the original Hebrew, English, and German editions have Wise the editor and trans- lator, respectively, on their title-pages. — For criticism, see: Sinai, Jahrg. 2 (1857-58), p. 788-792; Jahrg. 3 (1858-59), p. 837-841, 867-871. 978-981, 995- 997.— See also no. 10-12a. _ 4 -- >u 7 5a. piW* *J3 rv6sn .Hp^yoK 3TOS. Gebet-Buch fur den oeffentlichen Gottesdienst und die Privat-Andacht. Zweite verbesserte deutsche Ausgabe. Cincinnati: Block u. Co., 1864 [cop.1861]. 4 p. 1., (1) p., 6-139 f., 140- 144 p. 16°. Hebrew and German, printed side by side. The Hebrew text was printed from the plates of the 1857 edition. 5b. jVntfiP "33 TVhtifi .Hp^yvx amo. Daily prayers. Seventh revised stereotype edition. Cincinnati, O.: Block y Co., 1870. v.p. [160 p.] 16°. Hebrew only.— Presumably there must have also been issued, simul- taneously, an edition comprising both the Hebrew and English versions, printed side by side. 5c. Sp^yos JH3B. The daily prayers, for American Israelites as revised in conference. [Appended: Select prayers (in English) for various occasions in life. . . ] Cincinnati: Block fcf Co., [cop.1872]. 3 p. 1, (1) 6-271, 48 p. 16°. Hebrew and English. Ffelsenthal, Bernhard]. Der neue „Minhag Ame- rika." (Jewish times [New York], v. 4, 1872, p. 870-871.) 5d. Cincinnati: The Block Publishing and Print- ing Co., 1889 [cop.1872]. 3 p. L, (1) 6-271, 48 p. 16°. Hebrew and English.— Frequently reprinted. 5e. KpnyBK 3nJa « The daily prayers, for American Israelites, (school edition). Cincinnati: The Block Publishing and Printing Co., [cop.1872]. v. p. [138 p.] 16°. Hebrew only. 5f. Kp^yoN 3rt». The daily prayers for American Israelites, as revised in conference. Cincinnati: The Block Publish- ing and Printing Co., 1887 [cop.1872]. v.p. [138 p.] 16°. Hebrew only.— Differs from the preceding in slight typographical alterations only. 5g. ^Ktan rn^sn. Gebete der Israeliten in Amerika. KpviyOM JftfD. (Verbessert von der Conferenz.) [Ap- pended: Gebete zur oeffentlichen und hauslichen An- dacht. Sammlung von Gebeten (in German) fur alle Verhaltnisse des Lebens, fur Frauen und Madchen.] _ 5 — Cincinnati, O.: Block \3 Co., [cop.1873]. 3 p. 1., (1) 6-271, 65 p. 16°. Hebrew and German. 6. Der maskierte Liebhaber; oder, Die Schule der Bes- serung. Ein Lustspiel mit Gesang in vier Abtheilungen. Cincinnati: Block \3 Co., 1858. 48 p. 8\ "The comedy owed its existence to the poverty of the Jewish hospital [of Cincinnati]. The hospital needed money, and I wrote a comedy which was performed by amateurs in the Allemania for the benefit of the hospital. It achieved its purpose. A gracious audience laughed and applauded. There were occasional hisses and whistlings, because I castigated unmerci- fully the prevalent evil, card playing" (Reminiscences, p. 334). 7. The combat of the people; or, Hillel and Herod. A historical romance of the time of Herod I. Cincinnati, O.: Block & Co., 1859. 151 p. 8\ Originally published in Israelite. — "Thousands of copies . . . were sold in a second [i. e. separate! edition*' (Reminiscences, p. 337). 8. The first of the Maccabees. Cincinnati, O.: Block i$ Co., 1860. 180 p. 8°. Originally published in Israelite. — Treats of "the period from the arousal of the Jewish people by the Asmonean and his sons to the re- dedication of the temple at Jerusalem. Jose ben Joezer was made one of the principal characters." Of this novel "thousands of copies . . . were sold in a second [i. e. separate] edition'' (Reminiscences, p. 337). 8a. The first of the Maccabees. A historical novel. Cincin- nati: Tke Block Publishing and Printing Co., [188-?]. 180 p. 8°. Same edition as the preceding, with a new t.-p. 8b. joiino nKmn .mr-iya Bron ntya nom .b'uravnn |W13 ,0*1 .0 pW 'Tih "iff* The first of the Maccabees yOtosnr .pnvBM / way nonn ,.p ,, '?2 Y"in *f by ,n3non TTU"L [Jerusalem (printed): Ecole de filles de Saffed, 1893.] Ill p. 16°. French title reads : Le? Asmoneens. Drame en cinq actes, en prose, tire du roman The first of the Maccabees de Isaac M. Wise par M. le docteur Bliden ; avec l'autorisation de l'auteur. Traduction par I. Epstein. 9. The essence of Judaism: for teachers & pupils, and for self-instruction. Cincinnati, O.: Block If Co., 1861. 65 p. 16°. "With the publication of this book the popularization of Biblical Judaism began." (From a ms. note by the author on a fly-leaf of the copy in the Hebrew Union College Library.) — G — 9a. The essence of Judaism: for teachers and pupils, and for self-instruction. Second edition. Cincinnati, 0.: Block fcf Co., 1868. 80 p. 16°. See also no. 15. 10. rwn vn-\b |rvwn *ja rv6sn .spiyDs :n:o *B3. The Divine service of American Israelites for the New Year. By Isaac M. Wise. Cincinnati: Block & Co., [cop. 1866]. 212 p. 16°. Hebrew and English. — This and the following work form part 2 of the Minhag America, "in use throughout the country until the appearance fin 1894] of the second volume of the Union Prayer Book" (Selected writ- ings, p. 98). 11. D*tttan di^ pw *aa rn^Bfl .Kp^ijns* ;n:s 'as. The Divine service of American Israelites for the Day of Atonement. By Isaac M. Wise. [Appended: A selection of Psalms (in Hebrew).] Cincinnati: Block & Co., 1866. 307,55 p. 16°. 12. Hymns, Psalms and prayers, in English and German, by Isaac M. Wise, and others. Cincinnati: Block 1$ Co., [cop.1868]. 263 p. 16°. "With the present volume, the author concludes his labor for the Minhag America. . . . All original pieces in this volume written by others than the author, are marked with their respective names. Pieces adopted from other collections are also properly noted. All other pieces are claimed by the author as his own productions" (Introduction). — See no. 3-5g, 10-11. 12a. Hymns and prayers, in English and German, by Isaac M. Wise, and others. Cincinnati and Chicago: The Block Publishing and Printing Co., 1890. ix, 10-263 p. 16°. Differs from the preceding in slight typographical alterations only. 13. The origin of Christianity, and a commentary to the Acts of the Apostles. Cincinnati: Block rjf Co., 1868. vii (i), (1)10-535 p. 12°. 14. A lecture [ : "Our country's place in history"]. Delivered, January 7, 1869, before the Theological and Religious Library Association of Cincinnati, n.t.-p. [Cincinnati, O., 1869.] 7 p. 8°. Title taken from first page. 15. Judaism: its doctrines and duties. [Cincinnati:] Office of the Israelite, [cop. 1872]. 83 p. 12°. Being the "Essence of Judaism" (1861) re-written "in the popular and catechetic form", to which is "added the main Scriptural passage to each paragraph". — See no. 9-0a. 16. The martyrdom of Jesus of Nazareth. A historic-critical treatise of the last chapters of the Gospel. Cincinnati, O.: Office of the American Israelite, [cop. 1874]. 134 p. 8°. 17. The cosmic God. A fundamental philosophy in popular lectures. Cincinnati: Office American Israelite 13 De- borah, 1876. 181 p., 1 port. 8°. 18. The wandering Jew. A lecture, n.t.-p. {Cincinnati, 1877.] 12 p. 8°. Title taken from first page. — Originally published in American Israelite, v. 29 [n. s., v. 7], no. 15. — Reprinted in: Selected writings (1900), p. 179-196. — Treats on the part the Jew has played in the world's civilization. 19. History of the Hebrews' second commonwealth, with special reference to its literature, culture, and the origin of rabbinism and Christianity. Cincinnati: Bloch 13 Co., 1880. 3 p. 1., 386 p. 8°. Deals with the period from Zerubabel to the fall of Jerusalem : 536 B. C. E. to 70 C. E — The book is "divided into Periods and Chapters and subdivided into Paragraphs, in a manner which decidedly assists the memory . . . The present volume, though a complete book in itself, is a continuation of the former ["History of the Israelitish nation", 1854]. It begins where the first closes" {Preface). — See no. p and 39. 20. Judaism and Christianity, their agreements and disagree- ments. A series of Friday evening lectures, delivered at the Plum Street Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati: Bloch Z3 Co., 1883. 123(1) p., 11. 8°. 21. Moses, the man and statesman. A lecture delivered in New York and Boston, January 23 and 25, 1883. Cincin- nati: Bloch 13 Co., [1883]. 28 p. 8°. Reprinted in: Selected writings (1900), p. 153-178. 22. Three lectures on the origin of Christianity. Cincinnati: Bloch 13 Co., 1883. 75 p. 8°. Contents : Lecture I. Jesus the Pharisee.— II. The Apostles and Essenes. — III. Paul and the mystics. Lecture 3, reprinted in: Selected writings (1900), p. 352-375.— See : Jewish times [New York], v. 1 (1869-70), no. 45, p. 9. 23. An essay on the temperance question. [Cincinnati, 188-?] 8 p. 8°. Read before the Friends of Inquiry in Cincinnati. 24. A defense of Judaism versus proselytizing Christianity. Cincinnati: American Israelite, 1889. 129 p. 8°. 25. Pronaos to Holy Writ establishing, on documentary evidence, the authorship, date, form, and contents of each — 8 — of its books and the authenticity of the Pentateuch. Cincinnati: R. Clarke iff Co., 1891. 193 p. 8°. Abrahams, Israel. The "Pronaos" of Wise. (Jewish world [London]. 1914. May 6, p. 24-25). 26. The history of the K. K. Bene Yeshurun, of Cincinnati, Ohio, from the date of its organization. Published in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of its incor- poration, by a committee of the board of trustees, Cin- cinnati, February 28, 1892. [By Isaac Maver Wise and Max B. May.] [Cincinnati:] Block Printing Co., [1892]. 47 1., 4 pi., 1 port. sq.8°. 27. An introduction to the theology of Judaism, delivered at the World's Congress of Religions, n.t.-p. [Cincinnati, 1894.] 22 p. 8°. Title taken from first page.— Reprinted from: Judaism at the World's Parliament of Religions. Cincinnati, 1804.— See no. 57a. 28. New edition of the Babylonian Talmud. English trans- lation. Original text edited, formulated, and punctuated by Michael L. Rodkinson. Revised and corrected by the Rev. Dr. Isaac M. Wise, v.1-2: Tractat Sabbath. New York: New Amsterdam Book Co., [cop. 1896]. f°. 29. Selected writings. With a biography by the editors David Philipson and Louis Grossmann. Published under the auspices of the Alumnal Association of the Hebrew Union College. Cincinnati: R. Clarke Co., 1900. vi, 419 p., 2 pi., 3 port. 8°. Contents: Biography [by D. Philipson, p. 1-58; by L. Grossmann, p. 59-112; and: An appreciation, by M. Mielziner, p. 113-121].— Lectures and essays: The law. [See no. 41.]— Moses, the man and statesman. [See no. 21.]— The wandering Jew. [See no. 18.]— The sources of the theology of Judaism.— The apologetics of Judaism.— Aphorisms on ethics.— Reformed Judaism.— Paul and the mystics. [See also no. 22.]— Selections: Union.— Establishment of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.— The congregation.— The rabbi.— An appeal for a college.— Addresses at opening of Hebrew Union College, T-II.— Women as members of congregations.— Letter to a gentleman who with his family wishes to embrace Judaism- Index. 30. Reminiscences. Translated from the German and edited with an introduction by David Philipson. Cincinnati: L. Wise y Co., 1901. 367 p., 1 pi., 3 port. 8°. German original appeared in Deborah, 1874-75; English translation originally published in American Israelite, May 24, 1900— Jan. 10, 1901 — Covers the first eleven years of his life in U. S. : 1846-1857.— p. 351-354 : "The closing scenes of a great life", by the translator ; p. 355-356 : "Rabbi Isaac M. Wise" [a poem], by Walter Scott Hurt. — 9 — II. ARTICLES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. 31. The light. A sermon, delivered at the synagogue Shaar Hashamayim, in New York, March 3d, 5609. (Occident [Philadelphia], v.7, 1849-50, p. 12-25.) 32. Future reward and punishment. (Same. p. 86-89.) 33. The Messiah. (Same. p. 181-192, 229-244.) pt. I : Introduction, [also:] The mission of the people of Israel. A sermon, delivered at Albany, Jan. 30, 5609. — pt. II: Development and opposition. A sermon, delivered at Albany, Feb. 12, 5609. — " . . . the intolerant and fanatical lectures of a minister of the Baptist Church in this city gave rise to this course of lectures. They were delivered before a numerous audience of Jews and Christians." 34. The genealogy of Joseph, after Matthew. (Same. p. 375-376.) 35. ffoisa m*D. Liber ductor perplexorum. (Same, v.8, 1850-51, p.31-34.) A description of the contents of the work by Maimonides. 36. The effect of Biblical theology. A sermon delivered at Charleston. (Same, p.217-231.) 37. Letters [3] on Christianity, to the Rev. M. R. Miller. (Same, p.232-237, 509-514, 594-599.) 38. Principles of Judaism, no. i-v. (Same. p. 492-496, 541-544; v.9, 1851-52, p.14-19, 187-195, 298-305.) In form of letters to the editor. 39. A chapter in continuation of my "History of the Israelit- ish nation". Chapter XIII :588 to 536 B. C. (Israelite [afterwards, American Israelite^. v.2, 1855-56, p. 225- 226.) See no. 2; see also no. 19. 40. Erklarung. [Aufruf an die Rabbinen, Redacteure und Herausgeber jiidischer Zeitschriften in Europa im Namen der Humanitat und speciell im Namen eines betrogenen Weibes, Harriet Silbermann aus Chicago.] (Jildische Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaft und Leben. Jahrg. 1, 1882, p.163-164.) 41. The law. (Hebrew review [Cincinnati], v.1,1880, p. 12-31.) Discussion of the essay, the argument of which was orally delivered by the author at the conference of the Rabbinical Literary Association, July 14, 1880. on p. 74-79.— Reprinted in: Selected writings (1900), p. 125452. — 10 — 42. Rosh Hashanah. [Sermon.] (In: American Jewish pulpit.... Cincinnati, 1881. 8°. p.127-137.) 43. Men more instructive than words. (Sketch of a Hanukah sermon.) (Same. p. 185-189.) 44. Hebrew monotheism. A dedication sermon. (Same. p.199-208.) 45. The main lesson of Israel's sanctuary. [Sermon.] (Same. p.209-218.) 46. The fourth of July. [Sermon.] (Same, p.219-226.) 47. The word of God. A Sabbath nahamoo sermon. (Same. p.227-234.) 48. The Massorah and the Massoretic text. (Hebrew review [Cincinnati], v.2, 1881-82, p. 107-117.) Reads: "To be continued"; but no more appeared. 49. Reminiscences [of Max Lilienthal]. (Same. p. 184-190.) Anonymous. 50. A sketch of Judaism in America. (American Jews' annual [Cincinnati]. 1884, p. 37-55.) 51. American Judaism. A record of American Judaism from the year 5645, A.M. (Same. 1885, 4 1.) 52. Adolph Huebsch, Biographic (In: Huebsch, Adolph.— A memorial. New York, 1885. 8°. p.i-xiii.) 53. A record of American Judaism for A.M. 5646. (American Jews' annual [Cincinnati]. 1886, p. 52-68.) 54. American Judaism. Its record from New Year 5646 A.M. to December, 1887. (Same. 1888, p.35-47.) 55. [Presidential address.] (In: Central Conference of American Rabbis.-Year book. Cincinnati, 1891. 8°. [v.l], p.11-21.) 56. [Presidential address.] (Same, [v.2], 1892, p.6-11.) 57. [Presidential address.] (Same, [v.3], 1893, p. 1-10.) 57a. An introduction to the theology of Judaism. (In: Juda- ism at the World's Parliament of Religions. Cincinnati, 1894. 8°. p.1-25.) See no. 27. 58. The ethics of Judaism. (Same, p.99-106.) — n — 59. Introduction to a bibliography of the Jewish periodical press. (Same, p.402-409.) 60. [Presidential address.] (In: Central Conference of American Rabbis.-Year book. Cincinnati, 1895. 8°. [v.4],p.24-29.) 61. [Presidential address.] (Same, p.67-76.) 62. [Presidential address.] (Same. [v.5], 1896, p.6-11.) 63. Introduction. [I. Reading of Scriptures. II. Expounding Scriptures. III. The Maggid and Darshon. IV. The retrogression. V. The sermon in America.] (In: Central Conference of American Rabbis.-Sermons by American rabbis. Chicago, 1896. 8°. p.vii-xiv.) 64. Freedom, justice and fidelity. A Passover sermon. (Same. p. 180-188.) 65. Genius in history and the history of genius. A lecture delivered in St. Louis. (Same. p. 200-216.) 66. Zionism. (H\_ebrew~\ U[nion~\ C[ollege] journal, v. 4, 1889-90, p.45-47.) 67. [Presidential] address. (In: Central Conference of American Rabbis.-Year book. Cincinnati, 1897. 8°. [v.6], p.11-19.) 68. [Presidential] address. (Same, [v.7], 1898, p. vi-xiii.) 69. [Presidential address.] (Same, [v.8], 1899, p. 8-16.) 70. [Presidential] address. 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