THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES BURR BIBLIOGRAPHY 250 Copies Printed No. BURR BIBLIOGRAPHY A LIST OF BOOKS RELATING TO AARON BURR HAMILTON BULLOCK TOMPKINS BROOKLYN, N. Y. HISTORICAL PRINTING CLUB. 1892 < CO O < T5Bb INfRODUCTION. This bibliography of Aaron Burr was commenced some years ago in connection with that of Thomas Jefferson. It seemed best, however, to issue the Jefferson separately, and the following pages are now printed, believing they will be found of value for historical reference. The arrangement is alphabetical under the name of the author when known, otherwise under the first word of the title, omitting particles. To avoid cross references, books issued anonymously, or under a pseudonym, and placed under the name of the real author, are given in the first index under a short title. The initials following some of the titles indicate the public libraries where the books may be found. A. signifies Astor Library. B. " Boston Public Library. B A. " Boston Athenaeum Library. C. " Library of Congress. H. " Harvard University Library. M. " Massachusetts State Library. N. " New York Historical Society Library. ^ P. " Library Company of Philadelphia. o P. H. S. " Pennsylvania Historical Society Library. C3 S. " New York State Library. z W. " American Antiquarian Society Library, 3 Worcester. " a line omitted in the title. . . . . " sisrnifies lines omitted in the title. + "no change in the title-page. H. B. T. (5) 447998 .^ — ^ Abercrombie (y.) A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Major Gen, Alexander Hamihon, who was killed by Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States, in a Duel, July ii, 1804. Preached in Christ Church and St. Peter's, Philadelphia, on Sunday, July 2 2d, 1804. By James Abercrombie, D. D., one of the Assistant Ministers of Christ Church and St. Peter's. Published by Request. Philadelphia; Printed and Published by H. Maxwell, North Second Street, opposite Christ Church, 1804. Svo, pp. vii., 53. Postscript i. P. H. S. i. Admits (77.) History of the United States of Amer- ica during the Second Administration of Thomas Jeffer- son. By Henry Adams. Vol.1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1890. 2 volumes, Svo, pp. (4) 471 ; (4) 500. C. 2. Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 19 contain a very full account of Burr's schemes and preparations, the end of the conspiracy, and Burr's trial at Richmond. \_Adams {John Quincy).'] Report of the Committee appointed to Inquire into the Facts relating to the Conduct of John Smith, a Senator of the United States from the State of Ohio, as an alleged Associate of Aaron Burr. December 31st, 1807. Printed by Order of the Senate. Printed by R. C. Weightman. Washington, 1808. 8vo, pp. 15, 93. c. s. 3. The Report recommended " that John Smith be expelled from the Senate of the United States for his participation in the conspiracy of Aaron Burr against the peace, tmioft and liberties of the people of the United States, that he has been guilty of conduct incompatible with his duty and station as a Senator of the United States." Burr Bibliography. g The last ninety-three pages of the Report contain the bill of in- dictment against vSmith and the evidence in support of it. On the resolution to expel Mr. Smith it was decided in the negative. lA/s^ou {yohi).'] A Short Review of the late pro- ceedings at New Orleans; and some Remarks upon the Bill for suspending the privilege of the Writ of habeas corpus, which passed the Senate of the United States during the last Session of Congress. In two letters to the printer. By Agrestis. *' Woe, woe betide that nation, where they who are not themselves at- tacked, hate not as much, pursue not as eagerly, the oppressor, as the oppressed himself." Vis. de Mirab: South Carolina, 1807. Svo, 42, I errata. 4. Title from the Library of Gordon h- Ford, Esq., of Brooklyn. Another Edition. South Carolina, Printed. Richmond, Reprinted. Corrected and revised at the OfSce of the Impartial Observer, June, 1807. Svo, pp. 35. B A. Relates to the Burr-Wilkinson conspiracy, and condemns the pass- age of the above bill by the Senate, as imnecessary and arbitrary. See also Supplement to the Georgetown Gazette (Wednesday, Feb- ruary II, 1807), copy of a Letter from the Honorable Joseph Allston to his excellency Charles Pinckney (Oaks, February 6, 1807). Fo., Broadside. Amorous (The) Intrigues of Aaron Burr. New York [n. d.]. i2mo, pp. 100. 5. Title from an Auction Catalogue. Appendix (An) to Aristides's Vindication of the Vice-President of United States, by a Gendeman of North Carolina, the proving that General Hamilton at the last presidential election exerted all his influence to support Mr. Jefferson in opposition to Mr. Burr. Burr Bibliography. 1 1 Virginia. Printed and for sale by the Booksellers in this State, 1804. 8vo, pp. 20. B A. 6. Dated at the end, State of North Carolina, yth of January, 1804. Defends Burr against the charges of intrigue advanced by the Clin- tonian faction, and is very severe on Hamilton, Coleman and others. Bav (W. V. JV.) Reminiscences of the Bench and Bar of Missouri, with an Appendix; containing Bio- graphical Sketches of nearly all the Judges and Law- yers who have passed away, together with many inter- esting and valuable Letters never before published of Washington, Jefferson, Burr, Granger, Clinton and others, some of which throw additional light upon the famous Burr conspiracy. By W. V. N. Bay. Late Judge of the Supreme Court of Missouri. St. Louis: F. H. Thomas and Company, 1878. 8vo, pp. X, 611. Portraits of Rufus Easton, and Fac-simile Letters of Burr, JeflFerson and Gideon Granger. N. 7. [Bayard {Richard H. aiid James ^.).] Documents relating to the Presidential Election in the year 1801. Containing a refutation of Two passages in the Writ- ings of Thomas Jefferson, aspersing the character of the late James A. Bayard, of Delaware. Philadelphia: Mifflin and Parry, Printers, 1831. 8vo, pp. 14- C- ^• Biddle {Charles). Autobiography of Charles Biddle, Vice-President of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania. 1 745-1 821. (Privately Printed.) Phil- adelphia: E. Claxton and Company, 1883. Svo, pp. xii, 423. N. 9. For an account of Burr vide Chap. V., pp. 302-324. The notes pp. 402, 414, contain letters from Burr, James Wilkinson and Commo- dore Thomas Truxtun, never before published. Burr Bibliography. 13 Bishop (A.). Oration delivered in Wallingford on the nth day of March, 1801, before the Republicans of the State of Connecticut, at their General Thanks- giving for the Election of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency, and of Aaron Burr to the Vice-Presidency of the United States of America. By Abraham Bishop. Our Statesme7i to the Constihition, and our Clergy to the Bible. New Haven: Printed by William W. Morse, 1801. 8vo, pp. Ill, M. c. 10. Contains an Appendix and Jefferson's Inaugural Address. Another edition, Bennington : Reprinted by Anthony Haswell, 1801. 8vo, pp. 80. \Brackenridge (Hugh Henry).'] The Death of Gen- eral Montgomery, at the Siege of Quebec. A Tra- gedy. With an ode in honour of the Pennsylvania Militia and the small band of regular Continental troops who sustained the Campaign in the depth of Winter, January, 1777^ and repulsed the British forces from the banks of the Delaware. By the Author of a dramatic piece on the Battle of Bunker's Hill. To which are added Elegiac Pieces commemorative of distinguished characters. Hie manus ob patrium pugnando, vuluera passi. Patriots who perished in their country's Right. —PiWs Virgil. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third Street, next door to St. Paul's Church. M.- DCC.LXXVII. 8vo, pp. 79 (5), plate. H. N. ii. Another edition, i2mo, pp. 66. N. The characters of the drama include Montgomery, Arnold, Burr, Morgan, Gen. Carlton and others. Burr Bibliography. 15 Burdett (C) Margaret Moncrieffe, the First Love ot Aaron Burr. A Romance of the Revolution. With an Appendix containing the Letters of Colonel Burr to "Kate" and "Eliza," and from "Leonora," etc., etc. By Charles Burdett, author of "Three per cent, a Month," "Second Marriage," "Marian Desmond," etc., etc. With a fac-simile of the celebrated Cipher Letter and Key. New York: Derby and Jackson, 498 Broad- way, i860. 8vo, pp. xiii, 437. C. 12. This story is founded upon tlie romantic attachment of Major Burr and Margaret Moncrieffe, and the scheme concocted by Gov. Tryon, and the Mayor of New York, to capture Gen. Washington. Burr and Hamilton Broadside. Printed from gal- leys of N. Y. Evening Post, July 16, 1804, containing correspondence leading to the Duel. 13. Burr-Hamilton, (The) Duel, with Correspondence preceding the same, etc. Compiled from Files of the New York Herald of July 13th, i6th, 19th, 23d, and August 4th, 1804. i6mo, pp. 42. N. 14. Issued by the Hamilton Bank of New York city, and copyrighted, 1889, by Irving C. Gaylord. On the cover is a picture of Hamilton Grange, the country residence of Alexander Hamilton, 1804. Burr (A.). The Private Journal of Aaron Burr, during his Residence of Four Years in Europe; with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by Mat- thew L. Davis, Author of "Memoirs of Aaron Burr,"' etc. In two volumes. Vol. I. New York: Harper & Brothers, Cliff Street, 1838. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 451 (I 1-). 9-453. P- H. S. N. B. A. W. 15. Reprinted New York, 1856. See North Am. Review, Vol. 49, pp. i55- Burr Bibliography. 17 Butler (M.) A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. By Mann Butler, A. M., Louisville, Ky.; Published for the Author by Wilcox, Dickerman & Co. Printed by J. A. James, Cincinnati, 1834. Small 8vo, pp. xi, 396. Portrait of Gen. George Rogers Clark, N. 16. Account of Burr, Chap. 18, pp. 309-20. Also issued as follows : Butler (M.) A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from its Exploration and Settlement by the Whites, to the close of the Northwestern Campaign in 1 81 3; with an Introduction, exhibiting the Settlement of Western Virginia from the first passage of the Whites over the Mountains of Virginia in 1736, to the Treaty of Camp Charlotte, near Chillicothe, Ohio, in '1774. By Mann Butler. Second Edition; Revised and Enlarged by the Author. Cincinnati : Published by J. A. James and Co.; Louisville: For the Author, 1836. Svo, pp. Ixxii., 551. N. Cadte [G. W.) The Creoles of Louisiana. By George W. Cable New York : Charles Scrib- ner's Sons, 1884. Svo, pp. 320. C. 17. Burr's Conspiracy, ch. xxii., p. 147. Carpenter [T.) The Trial of Col. Aaron Burr, on an Indictment for Treason, before the Circuit Court of the United States, held in Richmond (Virginia), May Term, 1807; including the Arguments and Decisions on all the Motions made during the Examination and Trial, and on the Motion for an Attachment against Gen. Wilkinson. Taken in Short-hand by T. Car- 1 Burr Bibliography. 19 penter. Vol. I. Washington City : Printed by West- cott & Co., 1807. 3 vols., 8vo. Vol. L, pp. 147, 135. Vol. II., pp. 465. Vol. III., pp. 418, Appen- dix 1, Index (2 1.). N. C. B A. i8. Catalogue of Revolutionary Relics from the Collec- tion of Aaron Burr. New York, 1852. 8vo, pp. 24. 19. Sale Catalogue. Title from Sabin's Dictionary. Celebrated (The) Letters of Philo-Cato, as they appeared in the New York Morning Post and Morn- ing Star, with an Introduction to them. By Arisitides. New York, 1811. 8vo, pp. 91. N. 20. Relates to the Burr Union. See Nos. 39 and 76. \_Cheetham {James)^ A Narrative of the Suppres- sion by Col. Burr of the History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States, written by John Wood, Author of the History of Swit- zerland and of the Swiss Revolution, to which is added a Biography of Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States and of General Hamilton; with Strictures on the Conduct of John Adams, and on the Character of General C. C. Pinckney. Extracted verbatim from the Suppressed History. By a Citizen of New York. New York : Printed by Denniston and Cheetham, No. 142 Pearl Street, 1802. 8vo, pp. 72. W. B A. N. 21. The same, second edition, revised and corrected. 8vo, pp. 72. Third Edition, revised and corrected. New York, Printed. Bal- timore, Reprinted. Svo, pp. 72. See/>osi No. 115. James Cheetham was an Englishman who, says Parton, began life ^ -^^^ ^ ^^ ^^<__, ,yx^^^^ ^£uAj::> ri^fc^c^ .^ [number 55] AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE AUTOGRAPH Apparently Theodosia Burr's Last Letter to Her Fiance Before their Marriage 55. BURR (THEODOSIA, daughter of Aaron Burr, wife of Gover- nor Alston of North Carolina). A. L. s., 2 pp., 4to. January 13- 4, 1801. [To Joseph Alston.] Only a few holograph letters by Theodosia Burr are known, and this is of special interest as it is apparently the l.\st letter written to her FIANCE BEFORE THEIR MARRIAGE. It was thouglit by some of her friends that this marriage to Joseph Alston was a political move on the part of Aaron Burr, but this letter seems to prove otherwise. The marriage took place on February 2, 1801, and it is probable that Mr. Alston was already on his way north when this letter was written. "/ have already written to you by the post to tell yon that I shall be happy to see you whenever you come, that I suppose is equivalent to very soon ; and that you may no longer feel doubts or suspicions on my account I repeat the [Description concluded on following page ; see illustration] 15 invitation . . . but for all these doubts and suspicions I will take ample revenge zvhen we meet. "I yesterday received your letter of the 26th Dec — & am expecting your de- fence of early marriages to day; my father laughs at my impatience to hear from you, and says I am in love . . . "We leave this for Albany on the 26th Inst, and shall remain there till the loih Feb'y — my movements after that depend upon my father & YOU. I had intended not to marry this tzvelve month & in that case thought it wrong to divert you from your present engagements in Carolina, but to your solicitations I yield my judgment . . ." 56. BYRON (GEORGE GORDON, LORD). Envelope addressed by Lord Byron and signed in the lower left corner "Byron" . Dated at the top Nottingham, April 23, 1809. Framed with a contemporary lithographic portrait. 57. CALIFORNIA. La Californie ou Nouvelle Caroline. Teatro de los Trabajos, Apostolicos de la Compa. e Jesus en la America, Sept'e. Dressee sur celle que le Viceroy de la Nouvelle Espagne envoya il y a peu d'Annees a M'rs de I'Academie des Sciences. Par N. de Fer. Folio. Paris, 1720 This map, which depicts California as an island, was first made in 1695 and was published by de Fer as early as 1700. A large block of letterpress gives the history of the exploration of New Mexico and parts of California. 58. Map. a Chart of the South Sea. By John Seller. Colored. Folio. [London, 1675.] This map depicts California as an island. A MANUSCRIPT LOG BOOK RECORDING SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS IN THE CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA 59. CALIFORNIA CONQUEST. Log book. Manuscript "Journal of a Cruise on Board the U. States Frigate Congress, Bearing the Broad Pendant of Commodore R. F. Stockton", by Midshipman Joseph Parrish, from October 8, 1846, to November 11, 1847. 140 pp., 4to, half roan. This log book covers some of the most important events in the conquest OF California. Commodore Stockton assumed command of all American forces on the coast on July 23, 1846. He organized a battalion of Americans and naval brigades from crews of the ships, Col. John C. Fremont cooperating with him. Mid- shipman Parrish joined the ship at San Francisco on October 8, 1846, and on October 27 they took possession of San Pedro. While Commodore Stockton was in the North the Mexicans recaptured Los 16 Bitrr BibliograpJiy. 21 as a hatter. He was the Editor of the American Citizen, the organ of the Republican party in New York ; he was fond of invective and merciless in his attacks upon Burr. Cheetham died September 19, 1810, aged 37 years. \Cheethatn {James)^ A View of the Political Con- duct of Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States. By the Author of the "Narrative." New York: Printed by Denniston & Cheetham, No. 142 Pearl Street, 1802. [Copyright secured according to law.] 8vo, pp. 120. B A. N. W. 22. A scurrilous pamphlet in which the author claims that Burr en- deavored to obtain the Presidency in 1801. ^Cheetham {jfames)^ An Antidote to John Wood's Poison. By Warren. New York: Printed by South- wick and Crooker, 354 Water Street, for Denniston and Cheetham, 1802. [Copyright secured according to law.] Svo, pp. 63. B A. N. 23. Cheetham (y.) A Letter to a Friend on the Conduct of the Adherents to Mr. Burr. By James Cheetham. New York: Printed by James Cheetham, No. 136 Pearl Street, 1803. Svo, pp. 72. B A. C. 24. Cheetham {y.) Nine Letters on the Subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection. With an Appendix. By James Cheetham. New York: Printed by Denniston and Cheetham, No. 142 Pearl Street, 1803. Svo, pp. 139. W. N. B A. C. 25. Full of malignity and abuse of Burr. Cheetham [jf) A Reply to Aristides, by James Cheetham, Author of the Narrative, The View, Anti- dote to Wood's Poison, &c., &c. New York: Printed Burr Bibliography. 23 for James Cheetham, No. 136 Pearl Street, H. C. Southwick, Printer, 1804. 8vo, pp. 134. N. B. B A. C. S. 26. Written in reply to the pamphlet written by William V. Van Ness (Aristides). See No. 103. Clark [D.') Deposition of Daniel Clark, the Dele- gate in the House of Representatives of the United States from the Territory of Orleans, in relation to the Conduct of General James Wilkinson : laid on the Clerk's Table in obedience to an order of the House on the eighth instant. January ii, 1808, Read. Jan- uary 1 3, 1 808, ordered to be printed and a copy to be transmitted to the President of the United States. City of Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers, 1808. 8vo, pp. 8. B A. 27. See also Am. State Papers, Miscellaneous, Vol. I, p. 704. Clark [D.) Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson^ and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr, with a full Refutation of his Slanderous Allegations in relation to the Character of the principal Witness against him. By Daniel Clark, of the City of New Orleans. Rare antecedentem scelestum Desernit pede poena claudo. — Hor. Justice tho' slow, is sure ; vengeance O'ertakes the swiftest villian's guilt. Wm. Hall, Jun., & Geo. W. Pierie, Printers, No. 51 Market Street, Philadelphia, 1809. 8vo, Title, pp. 150, 199. W. B A. 28. Clemens, (7.). The Rivals, A Tale of the Times of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. By Hon. Jere. Clemens, Author of "Bernard Lill," and "Mustang Gray." Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., i860. i2mo, pp. 286. B. 29. i Bury Bibliography. 25 The author believes that justice has not been done to Burr by either of his biographers, and says in his preface, that, under the garb of fiction, he has endeavored to contribute his mite towards re- lieving Burr's memory from the unjust aspersions which imbittered his life. Coghlan {M7^s. \yo/in~\). Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan (daughter of the late Major Moncrleffe), Written by herself and dedicated to the British Nation; being interspersed with Anecdotes of the late American and Present French War. With Remarks, Moral and Political. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. " And what is friendship, but a name, "A charm that lulls to sleep — " A slave that follows wealth and fame," " But leaves the wretch to weep ? " — Goldsin. London : Printed for the Author, and sold by C. and G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, MD.CC.XCIV. i2mo. 2 vols. 130 pp. (6) XX, 152, (2) 172. 30. The Same. London : Printed for the Author, and Dublin, Re- printed by Z. Jackson, 1794. i2mo, 5 1. pp. x, 171. The Same. Cork, 1794. i2mo, 5 1. pp. x, 171. The Same. New York : Printed by T. & J. Swords for J. Fellows, 1795. i2mo, pp. xix, 184. N. "The New York edition contained a preface and some remarks from a publication called ' The Female Jockey Club. ' This edition is rare, and most of the copies are without the preface and remarks." Mrs. Coghlan, as Margaret Moucrieflfe, formed an attachment tO' Aaron Burr, while both were members of the family of Gen. Putnam in New York. The insinuations made by Davis (Life of Burr, Vol. I, pp. 86-91) are denied by Partou. See his Life of Burr, pp. 89-94. Coghlan {Mrs. \_yo/m.']) Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan, Daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe. Written by herself, with Introduction and Notes. Privately Re- printed. New York: T. H. Morrell, 1864. 8vo, Title, 4 1. pp. 158. B A. 31. 100 copies printed in 8vo, and twenty in large paper 4to. Contains the Preface by the Editor of the New York Edition, and the remarks from "The Female Jockey Club." Burr Bibliography. 27 \Coleinan ( William).'] A Collection of the Facts and Documents, Relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton; with Comments; Together with the various Orations, Sermons, and Eulogies, that have been published or written on his Life and Character. By the Editor of the Evening Post. New York: Printed by Hopkins and Seymour, for I. Riley and Co., Booksellers, No. i. City Hotel, Broadway, 1804. 8vo, pp. (4) 238. N. 32. Published in numbers— I. II. III. IV. V. The first number contains the correspondence with Burr prelimin- ary to the Duel, also a short account of the duel itself. Conspiracy, (The) or the Western Island ; a drama in five acts; by a Citizen; N. Y. 1838. Title from an Auction Catalogue. 33. Relates to Burr and Blennerhassett's Island. Conspiracy, (The) of Colonel Aaron Burr: An His- torical Romance Complete in one volume. New York: G. W. Simmons, 51 Liberty street, 1854. i2mo., pp. 311. N. 34. Cootnbs (y. y.). The Trial of Aaron Burr for High Treason, in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Virginia, Summer Term, 1807. Com- prising all the Evidence and the Opinions of the Court upon all Motions made in the various stages of the Case, with Abstracts of Arguments of Counsel, compiled from Authentic Reports made during the progress of the Trial ; to which is added an Account of the subsequent proceedings against Burr, Blenner- hassett and Smith, in the same Court, with Notes by the Compiler on the Law of Treason, as applicable to the Existing Rebellion. Prefaced by a brief historical Burr Bibliography. 29 Sketch of Burr's Western Expedition in 1806. By J. J. Coombs, Counsellor at Law. Washington, D. C: W. H. & C. H. Morrison, Publishers. [1864.] 8vo, pp. lii, 392. B A. 35. The Compiler claims that this report of Burr's trial is in some re- spects more complete than that of either Carpenter or Robertson. Cursory Reflections on the Consequences which may Ensue Should Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Burr have equal votes both from the Electors and States. New York: Printed by Furman & Loudon, 1801. i2mo, pp. 25. H. 36. Danvers [jf. T.) A Picture of a Republican Magis- trate of the New School: being a Full-Length Likeness of his Excellency Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. To which is added a Short Criticism on the Characters and Pretensions of Mr. Madison, Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Pinckney. By Jno. Thierry Danvers, of Virginia. New York: Printed for E. Sargeant, No. 39 Wall Street, 1808. 8vo, pp. 96. B A. S. 37. Defends Burr against, what the writer considers, the persecutions of Jefferson, in having Burr arrested and tried for treason. Daveiss, (Joseph Hamilton). A View of the Presi- dent's Conduct Concerning the Conspiracy of 1806. By J. H. Daviess, late Attorney of the United States for Kentucky. Frankfort, Kentucky: From the Press of Joseph M. Street, 1807. 8vo, pp. 64. B A. P. 38. Relates to the action of the government against Burr, and de- nounces President Jefferson. [Dams {Matthew Z.).] Letters of Marcus and Philo Cato. Addressed to De Witt Clinton, Esq., Mayor of the City of New York. A new Edition Burr Bibliography. containing one letter of Marcus and several numbers of Philo Cato never published before. [New York] 1810. 8vo, pp. 86. N. 39. "A caustic, and sometimes comical, Expos6 of the political quar- rels arising out of the Burr Union, etc., framed about the year iSoi, between the Clintonians and Burrites." — Sabin. Davis (M. L.) Memoirs of Aaron Burr, with Mis- cellaneous Selections from his Correspondence. By Matthew L. Davis. " I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him." In Two Volumes. Volume I. New York: Published by Harper & Brothers, No. 82 Cliff Street, 1836. Svo, pp. 436, 449. p. H. S. W. N. B A. 40. Portraits of Burr, Theodosia, and a Fac Simile of Gen'l Montgom- ery's Answer to James Duane. The Same. Harper & Brothers, 1837-1838. 2 vols. Svo, pp. 436, 449. Portraits. Reviewed in New York Review for 1838, p. 175. Also in United States and Democratic Review, Vol. I, p. 221 (1838), and in North American R., Vol. 49, p. 155. Debate in the House of Representatives of the Ter- ritory of New Orleans, on a Memorial to Congress, respecting the Illegal Conduct of General Wilkinson. New Orleans: Printed by Bradford & Anderson, Cor- ner of Chartres and Toulouse Streets, 1807. 8vo, pp. 42. c. B A. 41. Del Monte (L.) Del Monte's Play. The Tragical History of Aaron Burr, wherein is set forth His Treason against the United States, His Plan to Con- quer Mexico, the Destruction of Blennerhassett's Island Home, and other Incidents. Written by Leon Del Monte. Cincinnati: 1889. i2mo, pp. 82. 42. Portraits in wood of Burr and Blennerhassett, page of cuts at end of volume. Twenty-five copies issued. Burr Bibliography. 33 Deals with Burr's adventures in the West, his capture in Alabama, and his trial at Richmond. Noticed in Mag. of Am. Hist, Vol. 22 (Sept. 1S89) p. 264. Dougherty {J. H.) A Short Sketch of Aaron Burr. An Address deHvered before the Young Men's Hebrew Association of New York City, January 15th, 1890. By J. Hampden Dougherty. 8vo. M. 43. Epaminondas. Originally published in numbers in the New York Gazette. New York: Printed for John Long, by G. F. Hopkins, 1801. 8vo, pp. 17. C. 44. Probably by Augustus B. Woodward. Addressed to the Federal members of the House of Representatives of the United States, urging the election of Burr, instead of Jefferson, to the Presidency. Examination, (The) of Col. Aaron Burr before the Chief Justice of the United States, upon the charge of a High Misdemeanor, and of Treason against the United States ; together with the Arguments of Coun- sel and Opinion of the Judge. To which is added an Appendix, containing the Opinion of the Supreme Court, delivered by Chief Justice Marshall, in the case of Bollman and Swartwout. Richmond: Printed and sold by S. Grantland, 1807. Bvo, pp. 46. C, B A. 45. Faithful, (A) Picture of the Political Situation of New Orleans at the close of the last and beginning of the present year, 1807. Boston: Reprinted from the New Orleans Edition, 1805. Bvo, pp. 48. B A. 46. Relates to Wilkinson and Burr. Gayarre (C.) History of Louisiana. The i^nerican Bttrr Bibliography. 35 Domination. By Charles Gayarre. New York : Will- iam J, Widdleton, Publisher, 1866. 8vo, pp. viii, 63. C. N. 47. Chapter IV. Aaron Burr and Wilkinson. Green (T. M.) The Spanish Conspiracy. A Review of Early Spanish Movements in the Southwest. By Thomas Marshall Green. Cincinnati : Robert Clarke & Co., 1 891. 8vo, pp. 406. C. 48. Contains the relations of James Wilkinson with Miro, the Inten- dant of Louisiana, and the promises of Wilkinson to devote himself to the task of separating Kentucky from the Union. See Magazine of American History for July, 1891. "The Spanish Conspiracy of 1787-98 was closely allied with Burr's Conspiracy of 1805." Adams, History of the Second Administration of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. I, p. 274. Griswold iS^. Overcoming Evil with Good. A Sermon delivered at Wallingford, Connecticut, March II, 1801, before a numerous collection of the friends of the Constitution, of Thomas Jefferson, President, and of Aaron Burr, Vice President of the United States. By Stanley Griswold, A. M., of New Milford. Hart- ford. Printed by Elisha Babcock, 1801. 8vo, pp. 36. C. 49. \Hopkins, {Joseph i^.)-] Hamiltoniad; or the Effects of Discord. An Original Poem in Two Books, with an Appendix ; Containing a number of interesting papers relative to the late Unfortunate Duel. By a Young Gendeman of Philadelphia. * •<= * * * Philadel- phia : Printed for the Author. Published and sold by D. Hogan, No. 51 South Third Street. August 3, 1804. 8vo, pp. 40, 33-55- P- H S. 50. \yefferson [Thomas)7\ Message from the President of the United States transmitting Information touching Burr Bibliography. y^ an Illegal Combination of Private Individuals against the Peace and Safety of the Union, and a military ex- pedition planned by them against the territories of a power in Amity with the United States ; with the measures pursued for suppressing the same, in pur- suance of a resolution of the House of the sixteenth instant. January 22, 1807. [Washington] 1807. 8vo, pp. 16. N. 51. Relates to Aaron Burr. Vide Jefferson's Works, Vol. VIII, p. 71. C. Contains extracts from Letters from Gen. Wilkinson, Erick Boll- man and Burr. Also printed in American State Papers. Mis- cellaneous, Vol. I, p. 408. [Jefferson [Thomas).'] Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Further Information touching an Illegal Combination of Private Individuals against the Peace and Safety of the Union, and a Military Expedition planned by them against the Terri- tories of a Power in Amity with the United States ; with the Measures pursued for Suppressing the Same. January 26, 1807, read and ordered to lie on the table. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers, 1807. Svo, pp. 8. C. 52. Contains affidavit of Gen. Wilkinson relating to Burr, Swartwout, and others. Am. State Papers, Miscellaneous, Vol. I, p. 471. \yefferson [Thomas.). ~\ Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Further Informa- tion touching- an Illeofal Combination of Private Indi- viduals against the Peace and Safety of the Union, and a Military Expedition planned by them against the Territories of a Power in Amity with the United States; with the Measures pursued for Suppressing the Same. January 28, 1807, Read and committed to a committee of the whole House on the State of the 447998 Burr Bibliography. 39 Union. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers, 1807. 8vo, pp. 4. C. 53. Contains letters from Captain Bissel, in command at Fort Massac, and of John Murrell to Gen. Jackson, relative to the movements of Col. Burr. Also printed in American State Papers. Miscellaneous, Vol. I, p. 473- Fort Massac was a military post on the north shore of the Ohio river, a few miles above its junction with the Mississippi. \yefferson {Thoinas)7\ Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Further Information touching an Illegal Combination of Private Individuals against the Peace and Property of the Union, and a Military Expedition planned by them against the Terri- tories of a Power in Amity with the United States. February 10, 1807, ordered to lie on the table. City of Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers, 1807. 8vo, pp. 3. c. 54. Contains a letter from Cowles Meade, Secretary of the Mississippi Territory, to the Secretary of War, relative to Burr. \yefferson {Thomas)^ Message from the President of the United States, communicating Information of a Treaty with Great Britain ; also Explanations of the Imperial Arrete, declaring a Blockade of the British Islands so far as respects Neutral Commerce ; and a Letter from Cowles Mead, Esq., announcing the Sur- render of Aaron Burr to Civil Authority. February 19, 1807, Read and ordered to lie on the table. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers, 1807. 8vo, pp. 8. C. 55. \yefferson {Thomas)^ Message from the President of the United States, containing his Communication to both Houses of Congfress at the Commencement of the Bia^r Bibliography. 41 first session of the Tenth Congress. October 27, 1807, referred to a Committee of the whole House on the State of the Union. City of Washington : A. & G. Way, Printers, 1807. 8vo, pp. 15. B. N. 56. \yefferson (Thovtas)^ Message from the President oft he United States, transmitting a copy of the Proceed- ings, and of the Evidence exhibited on the Arraio-n- ment of Aaron Burr and others, before the Circuit Court of the United States, held in Virginia, in the year 1807. November 23, 1807, read and referred to the committee appointed, on so much of the Message of the President of the 27th ultimo, as relates to enter- prises against the public peace and to the means of preventing the same, and punishing the authors. City of Washington, A. & G. Way, Printers, 1807. 8vo, pp. (2 1.) 332, 222. N. 57. Contains the evidence and the opinions of the Judge at the trial of Burr in Richmond, lasting from May to October, 1807. This trial is also printed in American State Papers, Vol. I, Mis- cellaneous, page 486. Also printed in the Annals of the Congress of the United States, loth Congress, ist Session, pages 387-778. Half title, "Annals of the Congress of the United States;" the full title is, The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States, with an Appendix containing important State Papers and Public Documents, and all the Laws of a Public nature, with a copious Index, compiled from authentic material. By Joseph Gales, Senior. Washington : Printed and Published by Gales and Seaton, 1834 et seq. 8vo. 42 vols. Jefferson {Thomas). Message from the President of the United States, communicating Documents and Information touching the official conduct of Brigadier- General James Wilkinson, in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives of the thirteenth in- Burr Bibliography. 43 stant. January 20th, 1808. City of Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers, 1808. 8vo, pp. 30. 58. See also Am. State Papers. Miscellaneous Vol. i, p. 705 C. Jumel [E. B.) Madame Eliza B. Jumel. Obituary in the New York Times of July i8th, 1865. Thirty copies privately printed for W. L. Andrews. New York: 1865. Large 8vo, pp. 16. N. 59. Four copies on writing paper. Ketteltas ( W^ Hypocrites Unmasked and Exposed. While the Press remains free our Liberties are secure. By William Ketteltas, Esq. . . . New York: Printed for the Good of the People, 1808. 8vo, pp. 20. 60. Refers to the Clintonians and Burrites. Knapp {Samuel Lorenzo), The life of Aaron Burr. By Samuel L. Knapp. Populumque falsis dedocet uti vocibus. New York: Published by Wiley & Long, No. 161 Broadway, 1835. lamo, pp. 290. W. C. 61. Letter, A, to Aaron Burr, Vice President of the United States of America, on the Barbarous Origin, the Criminal Nature and the Baneful Effects of Duels, occasioned by his late fatal interview with the deceased and much lamented General Alexander Hamilton. By Philanthropos Ne occidas. New York: Printed for the Author, and sold by John Low, No. 38 Chatham street, William Barlas, No. 6 Liberty street, and John Reid, No. 106 Water street, 1804. Svo, pp. 32. p. H. s. w. N. B A. 62. Dated New York, September 22, 1804. Burr Bibliography, 45 Marbois {B.) Histoire de La Louisiane, et de la cession de cette Colonie par la France aiix Etats-Unis de r Amerique Septentrionale; prdc^d^s d' un Discours sur la Constitution et le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis. Par M. Barbe Marbois, avec une carte relative a I'Etendue des Pays c^des, Paris, Imprimerie de Firmin Didot, Imprimeur du Roi, Rue Jacob, No. 24, 1829. 8vo, pp. 485. N. 63. Account of Burr, pp. 389 et seq. Marbois (B.) The History of Louisiana, particu- ticularly of the cession of that colony to the United States of America: with an Introductory Essay on the Constitution and Government of the United States. By Barbe Marbois, Peer of France, etc., etc., etc. Translated from the French by an American Citizen. Philadelphia: Carey & Lee, 1830. Large 8vo, pp. xviii., 455. Errata i. N. 64. Account of Burr, pp. 362 ei seq. This work was translated by William Beach Lawrence. Marshall {^Humphrey). The History of Kentucky, Exhibiting anAccount of the Modern Discovery, Set- tlement, Progressive Improvement, Civil and Military Transactions, and the Present State of the Country. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. By H. Marshall. Frank- fort: Geo. S. Robinson, Printer, 1824. 8vo, vol. I, pp. 465, appendix 8, vol. II, pp. v., 524. No. 65. For account of Col. Burr, see pp. 372-431, passim. Martin (K X.). The History of Louisiana from the Earliest Period. By Francois Xavier Martin Volume I. New Orleans: Printed by Lyman and Bardslee, 1827. Two vols., 8vo, pp. Ixxxiii. 364, xv. 429. N. 66. Burr and Wilkinson, chap, xiii., xiv. Burr Bibliography. 47 Martin {F. X). The History of Louisiana, from the earliest period. By Francois Xavier Martin With a Memoir of Author by Judge W. W. Howe (New Orleans Bar). To which is appended Annals of Louisiana, from the close of Martin's History, 181 5, to the commencement of the Civil War, 1861. By John F. Candon, New Orleans; James A. Gresham, Publisher and Bookseller, 26 Camp Street, 1882. 8vo, pp. xxxviii. , 469, xvi. Portrait, fac-simile and map. N. 67. Burr and Wilkinson, chap, xxvii., xxviii. Mason {John Mite hellY An Oration Commemora- tive of the Late Major-General Hamilton; Pronounced before the New York State Society of the Cincinnati, on Tuesday, the 31st July, 1804. By J. M. Mason, D. D., Pastor of the First Associate Reformed Church in the City of New York New York: Printed by Hopkins and Seymour, and sold by G. F. Hopkins at Washington's Head Inn, 118 Pearl Street, 1804. [Copyright secured according to Law.] 8vo, pp. 40. N. 68. Passed through various editions. See Ford's "Bibliotheca Ham- iltonia." No. 99. The above edition contains an appendix giving Hamilton's reasons for meeting Burr, and other matters. Nott (E.). A Discourse delivered in the North Dutch Church in the city of Albany, occasioned by the ever to be lamented Death of General Alexander Hamilton, July 29, 1804. By Eliphalet Nott, A. M., Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in said City. Pub- lished by Request. The Third Edition. Salem: Printed by Joshua Gushing, 1 804. 8vo, pp. 40. N. B A. 68.* Contains in the appendix a Paper by Hamilton, his Will and let- ters of Bishop Moore and Rev. J. M. Mason, relating to the Duel with Burr. Burr Bibliography. 49 This discourse by Nott passed through many editions, all of which, however, do not contain the appendix. For the various editions see Ford's " Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana," No. loi. Observations on the South CaroHna Memorial upon the subject of DuelHng; In a Letter to a friend. By Postumus. Quid Leges, sine Moribus, Van^e profi- ciunt, 1805. i2mo, pp. 32. p. H. s. 69. Dated December 31, 1804. These "Observations " relate to a Me- morial presented "to the Honourable the President and Members of the Senate, and the Honourable the Speaker, and other Members of the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina." The memorial was prepared by a joint committee appointed by the South Carolina State Society of the Cincinnati and the American Revolu- tion Society, its object being to urge the Legislature to pass a law against duelling. The circular letter, dated Charleston, S. C, Sep- tember 12, 1804, and Memorial were published in the Charleston Courier, and are also reprinted in "A Collection of the Facts and Documents relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Ham- ilton," &c., pp. 217-223. See Ante, No. 32. Particulars of the late duel fought at Hoboken July 1 1 between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. Esqrs., in which the latter unfortunately fell, containing all the papers relating to that event, together with the will of Gen. Hamilton and the letters of Bishop Moore and the Rev. J. M. Mason. New York: Printed by A. Furman, 91 Beekman street, 1804. Svo, pp. 32. N. E A. 69.* The above papers. Will, Letters, &c., are to be found in Coleman's Collection. See Coleman (William), No. 32. Parton {jfames). The life and Times of Aaron Burr, Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army of the Revolution, United States Senator, Vice President of the United States, etc. By J. Parton, Author of " Humorous Poetry of the English Language," "Life of Horace Greeley," etc. New York: Mason Brothers, loS and Btirr Bibliography. 51 no Duane street, London; Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1857- 8vo, pp. 706. Vol. I, 597. Portraits of Burr and Theodosia, wood cuts of Richmond Hill, fac simile of check drawn by Aaron Burr, Scene of the duel, and Blen- nerhassett's House. W. N. B A. C. 70. Reviewed in Atlantic Monthly, Vol. i, p. 597. Par ton {James). The Life and Times of Aaron Burr, Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army of the Revolu- tion, United States Senator, Vice President of the United States, etc. By James Parton, Author of the "Life of Andrew Jackson," "Life and Times of Benja- min Franklin," "General Buder in New Orleans," etc. Enlarged Edition, with numerous appendices, contain- ing new and interesting information. Vol. I. Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1866. In two volumes. 8vo, pp. 443, 431. c. w. 71. Vol. I. contains a portrait of Burr. Vol. II. of Theodosia. Subsequent editions issued with change of date only. Parton (y.) Famous Americans of Recent Times. By James Parton Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1867. 8vo, pp. 473. C. B A. 72. Theodosia Burr, pp. 391-426. Pickett {^Albert y.) History of Alabama, and inci- dentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period. By Albert James Pickett. In two volumes. i2mo, pp. XV., 377, viii., 445. N. 73. Vol. II., chap, xxix., gives an interesting account of the arrest of Burr in Alabama. Plain (A) Tale, supported by Authentic Documents, justifying the character of General Wilkinson. "Mark now how a plain tale shall put you down." — Shakspeare. By a Kentuckian. New York: 1807. Svo, pp. 24. B A. c. 74. Defends Wilkinson. Bitrr Bibliography. 53 Plain Truth. The following Documents are sub- mitted to the consideration of a Candid Public as proofs that Andrew Jackson, a candidate for the Presi- dency of the United States, was associated with Aaron Burr in his nefarious projects against the Union. Read, Reflect and Decide. Jackson and Burr. 8vo, pp. 15. 75. Colophon. Published by the Ohio County (Va.) Committee of Vigilance. Campaign Document of the Presidential Campaign of 1828. Title from the Library of Gordon L. Ford, Esq., of Brooklyn, N. Y. Plot (The) Discovered. By Marcus. " 'Tis rumored that a plot has been contrived " Agaist this State, and you've a share in it too." Poughkeepsie : Printed by Thomas Nelson & Son, 1807. 8vo, pp. 12. C. 76. Refers to the Union between the Clintonians and Burrites. See Ante, Nos. 20, 39. \_Prentiss i^Charles)^ The Life of the Late Gen. William Eaton, Several Years an Officer in the United States Army, Consul at the Regency of Tunis, on the coast of Barbary, and Commander of the Christian and other Forces that marched from Eg)^pt through the Desert of Barca in 1805 and Conquered the City of Derne, which led to the Treaty of Peace between the United States and the Regency of Tripoli. Principally Collected from his Correspondence and other manuscripts. Brookfield: Printed by E. Mer- riam & Co., 18 13. Svo, pp. 448. Portrait. N. B A. 77. For an Account of Burr vide pp. 396 et seq. Report of the Committee appointed on the 27th of November last to inquire into the facts relating to the Burr Bibliography. 55 Conduct of John Smith, a Senator of the United States from the State of Ohio, as an alleged associate of Aaron Burr. Communicated to the Senate December 31, 1807. Washington, 1808. 8vo, pp. 54. p. 78. Also American State Papers (Miscellaneous), Vol. i, p. 701. See Ante, No. 3. Report of the Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of Return J. Meigs and others, witnesses against Aaron Burr, who attended the Circuit Court of the United States for the Virginia District. December 27, 1808. Read and referred to a Committee of the whole house on Monday next. City of Washington: A. & G. Way, Printers, 1808. Svo, pp. 4. N. 79. Report of the Committee appointed to Inquire into the Conduct of Brigadier-General Wilkinson, May ist, 18 10. Read and printed by order of the House of Representatives, Washington City: 18 10. Svo, pp. 217. 80. Relates to Wilkinson's having received money from the Spanish Government, and to his being concerned as an accomplice o£ Burr. Am. State Papers, Miscellaneous, Vol. 4, p. 79. Report of the Committee appointed to Inquire into the Conduct of General Wilkinson, February 26, 181 1. Read and ordered to be transmitted to the President of the United States. Washington: 181 1. 8vo, pp. 582. Two sheets of Ciphers. P. 8i. This report is in Continuation of the Inquiry referred to in the previous title. Most of the copies end on page 522. See Menzies Catalogue, p. 454. Report of the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Memorial of Margaret Blennerhassett. Burr Bibliography. 5y Senator W. Woodbridge, Aug. 5, 1842. Senate Doc- uments, No. 394, 27th Congress, 2d Session. 8vo, pp. 15. 82. Favorable report upon application for damages sustained at the hands of militia by Harman Blennerhasset as the result of President Jefferson's proclamation against Aaron Burr. Contains Memorial of Mrs. Blennerhassett, Letters and Statements from R. Euimett, Mor- gan Neville, William Robinson, W. E. Carrington, and D. Wood- bridge. President Jefferson's Proclamation of November 27th, 1806. Report of the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the Memorial of Harman Blennerhassett and Joseph Lewis Blennerhassett, sons and only heirs of Harman Blennerhassett, deceased, praying compensa- tion for property destroyed by militia in the Service of the United States in 1806. January 30th, 1851, 31st Congress, 2d Session. Senate Rep. Com., No. 258. 8vo, pp. 15. 83. Adopts favorable report made at 2d Session 27th Congress. See No. 82, supra. Mrs. Blennerhassett having died as the former com- mittee were concluding their deliberations, the claim was renewed by the heirs. Report of the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Memorial of Harman Blennerhassett and Joseph Lewis Blennerhassett, sons and only heirs of Harman Blennerhassett, deceased, praying compensa- tion for property destroyed by Militia in the Service of the United States in 1806. August nth, 1852. Sen- ate Reports, No. 334. 32d Congress, ist Session. 8vo, pp. 16. 84. A report favorable to paying the claim, and substantially the same as the preceding. Riethmuller (C. J.). The Life and Times of Alex- ander Hamilton, Aid-de-Camp, Secretary' and Minister of General Washington ; Illustrating the History of the United States during the first years of American In- Burr Bibliography. 59 dependence, and containing sketches of Thomas Jeffer- son, Aaron Burr, John Adams, Benjamin Frankhn, the Marquis de Lafayette, General Lee, Benedict Arnold, Major Andre, etc, etc. By Christopher James Rieth- muller. London: Bell and Daldy, York Street Covent Garden and 186 Fleet Street. 8vo, pp. viii., 452. N. 85. Also published under the title, "Alexander Hamilton and his Con- temporaries ; or the Rise of the American Constitution," by Chris- topher James Riethmiiller, Author of "Teuton, A Poem," and "Frederick L,ucas, A Biography." London: Bell and Daldy, 186 Fleet Street, 1864. 8vo, pp. viii., 452. A. Robertson (C. F.). The Attempts made to Separate the West from the American Union. A paper read before the Missouri Historical Society, February 4, 1885. By the Rt. Rev. C. F. Robertson, D. D., LL. D. ... St. Louis, 1885. 8vo, pp. 60. Map. 86. Contains Map of the Southwestern Country and Portraits of Burr and Blennerhassett. Robertson (D.). Reports of the Trials of Colonel Aaron Burr (Late Vice-President of the United States) for Treason and for a Misdemeanor, in preparing the means of a Military Expedition against Mexico, a ter- ritory of the King of Spain, with which the United States were at peace, in the Circuit Court of the United States; Held at the City of Richmond, in the District of Virginia, in the Summer Term in the Year 1807. To which is added an Appendix containing the Arguments and Evidence in support and defence of the motion afterwards made by the counsel of the United States to commit A. Burr, H. Blannerhassett, and I. Smith to be sent for Trial to the State of Ken- Burr Bibliography. 6i tucky for Treason or Misdemeanor alleged to be com- mitted there. Taken in short-hand by David Robertson, Coun- sellor-at-Law. In Two volumes. Vol. I. Philadelphia: Published by Hopkins and Earle. Fry and Kam- merer, Printers, 1808. In two volumes. Vol, I., pp. (4 1.) 596; Vol, II., title, pp. 539. A. B A. C. W. 87. Robertson {D.) Trial of Aaron Burr for Treason. Printed from the Report taken in Short Hand by David Robertson, Counsellor at Law. New York: James Cockcroft & Company, 1875. 8vo, 2 vols., pp. xviii, 677-556. 88. Safford ( W. H.) The Life of Harman Blennerhas- sett; comprising an Authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition, and containing many Additional Facts not heretofore published. By William H. Safford. Chilli- cothe, O.: Ely, Allen & Looker, 1850. Post 8vo, pp. 239. N. P. 89. Ivithograph Picture of Blennerhassett's Mansion. Chillicothe, 185 1. The Same. Cincinnati: Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., 25 West Fourth street, 1853. T^^ later editions lack the plate. Reviewed by R. T. Ford in North American Review for Oct., 1854 (Vol. 79), under the title Burr's Conspiracy. Safford {W. H.) The Blennerhassett Papers, em- embodying the Private Journal of Harman Blennerhas- sett and the hitherto unpublished correspondence of Burr, Alston, Comfort Tyler, Devereaux, Dayton, Adair, Miro, Emmett, Theodosia Burr Alston, Mrs. Blennerhassett, and others, their contemporaries, de- veloping the Purposes and Aims of those Engaged in the Attempted Wilkinson and Burr Revolution; em- bracing also the first Account of the " Spanish Associ- Burr Bibliography. 63 ation of Kentucky," and a Memoir of Blennerhassett. By William H. Safford. Cincinnati: Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 25 West Fourth street, 1864. 8vo, pp. 665. N. 90. Portraits of H, Blennerhassett, Burr, and Theodosia. Secret History, or the Horrors of St. Domingo, in a Series of Letters written by a Lady at Cape Francois to Colonel Burr, late Vice President of the United States, principally during the command of General Rochambeau. Philadelphia: Published by Bradford & Inskeep. B. Carr, Printer, 1805. i2mo, pp. 2 1., 225. B. 91. In the Boston Public Library, this book, on the authority of Rich, is said to be by a Miss Hassall; in the article on Burr, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. i, at page 6ii, the author is said to be Madame d'Auvergne. Probably the two are one and the same; Miss Hassall may subsequently have become Madame d'Auvergne. Speeches, The, of Messrs Harper and Martin, on the Trial of Bollman and Swartwout, upon the habeas cor- pus, before the Supreme Court of the United States, to which is added the Letter of General Adair, as con- nected with the same subject. Richmond: Printed by Augustine Davis, 1807. 8vo, pp. 40. B A. 93. Stanwood (E.) . A History of Presidential Elections. By Edward Stanwood. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1884. Sm. 8vo, pp. 407. C. 94. Burr and Jefferson, pp. 30-44. S^owe {H. B.). The Ministers Wooing. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. New York: Derby and Jackson, 119 Nassau Street. MDCCCLIX. i2mo. Title, pp. 578. C. 95. In this story, the scene of which is laid in Newport, R. I., the authoress introduces Aaron Burr as one of the characters. Burr Bibliography. 65 Strictures upon the Narrative of the Suppression, by CoL Burr, of Wood's History of the Administration of John Adams. By a Yeoman, (n. d.). 8vo, pp. 26. 96. Vide ante, No. 21. \Sullivan (William)']. FamiHar Letters on PubHc Characters and PubHc Events from the Peace of 1 783 to the Peace of 181 5 Boston: Russell, Odiorne and Metcalf, 1834. 8vo, pp. xi., 468. N. 97. Second Edition, 8vo, pp. xviii., 345, lacks the Appendix. Contains an account of Burr's Expedition. Reprinted as below. Sullivan ( /^.) The Public Men of the Revolution, including Events from the Peace of 1783 to the Peace of 181 5, in a series of letters by the late Hon. William Sullivan, LL.D., with a biographical Sketch of the au- thor, and additional notes and references by his son, John T. S. Sullivan Philadelphia: Published by Carey and Hart, 1847. Large 8vo, pp. 463. Portrait of Wm. Sullivan. N. 98. Thomson ( W)^ Compendious View of the trial of Aaron Burr (late Vice President of the United States), charged with High Treason, together with Biographical Sketches of Several Eminent Characters. By William Thomson, Attorney at Law. Abingdon, Virg: From the Press of the Holston Intellige^icer, 1807. i2mo. C. 99. Todd (C B.) A General History of the Burr Family in America, with a Genealogical Record from 1570 to 1878. By Charles Burr Todd New York: Printed by E. Wells Sackett & Bro., 56 and 58 William street, 1878. 8vo, pp. 436; Errata, i p. N. lOO. Burr Bibliography. 67 Contains coat of arms and nineteen portraits of the Burr family, also picture of the Burr homestead in Leicester, Mass. Todd (C B) Life of Colonel Aaron Burr, Vice President of the United States, also Sketches of Rev. Aaron Burr, D. D., President of Princeton College, and of Theodosia, daughter of Colonel Burr, and wife of Governor Alston, of South Carolina. By Charles Burr Todd. Reprinted from the Author's "History of the Burr Family." New York: S. W. Green, 16 and 18 Jacob street, 1879. 8vo, pp. 66-139, 418-426. N. loi. Contains portraits of Rev. Aaron Burr and Col. Burr. Issued in pamphlet form; the title on the cover is as follows: " Life of Colonel Aaron Burr, Vice President of the United States, with Portrait Autograph and hitherto Unpublished Letters, also Sketches of his Father, Rev. Aaron Burr, D. D. (with Portrait and Autograph), and of his Daughter Theodosia, wife of Governor Alston, of South Carolina." New York, 1879. Todd (C B}j. A General History of the Burr Family, with a Genealogical Record from 1 193 to 189 1. By Charles Burr Todd, Author of " Life and Letters of Joel Barlow," " Story of the City of New York," "Story of Washington," etc. "He only deserves to be remembered by posterity who treasures up and preserves the history of his ancestors," Edmund Burke. Second Edition, Printed for the Author. By The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1891. Royal 8vo, pp. zxvii., lo unnumbered leaves, 535. loi*. Contains an illuminated Coat-of-arms, Portraits of several mem- bers of the Burr Family, and several wood-cuts. Townsend {G. A.). Mrs. Reynolds and Hamilton, A Romance by George Alfred Townsend, "Gath," Author of "The Entailed Hat," " Katy of Catoctin," "Tales of the Chesapeake," "Bohemian Days," etc. Burr Bibliography. 69 New York: E. F. Bonaventure, 31st Street and Broadway, 1890. 8vo, pp. 276. C. 102. {Van Ness {William Peter)']. An Examination of the Various Charges Exhibited against Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States, and a De- velopment of the Characters and Views of his PoHtical Opponents. By Aristides. " I am not of the number of those men who are perpetually troubling and dis- turbing you ; I hold not any office of trust or of ad- ministration in the States; I, therefore, come forward with confidence, and denounce transactions and crimes like these." New York: Printed by Ward and Gould, opposite the City Hall, 1803. 8vo, pp. 118. Errata i. C. 103. The same. Philadelphia : Printed for the Author. 8vo, pp. 77. W. B A. N. The same. New Edition Revised and corrected with Additions. Printed for the Author. New York, 1804. 8vo, pp. (4) 116. W. This pamphlet was written in reply to Cheetham's View of the Political Character of Aaron Burr, Esq. (see No. 22 ante), [and also to the Nine Letters on the Subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection, by the same Author (see No. 25, ante). Reprinted as below. Virginia Edition of the Various Charges Exhibited against Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States. By Aristides. With the exception of such parts as are of a Local Nature. To which is added an Appendix by a Gentleman of North Carolina, proving that Gen. Hamilton at the last Presidential Election exerted all his influence to support Mr. Jefferson in opposition to Mr. Burr. [Virginia: Printed and for sale by the Booksellers in this State.] Svo, pp. 59. Burr Bibliography. 71 Victor {O. y.) History of American Conspiracies, a Record of Treason, Insurrection, Rebellion, &c., in the United States of America, from 1760 to i860. By Orville J. Victor. New York: [n. d.] 8vo. S. 104. Fide Conspiracy of Burr, pp. 271-324. [JVatte (yohn).'] An Address to the Members of the House of Representatives. Jan., 1807. 8vo, pp. 8. 105. Relates to Jeflferson and Burr. [ Wilkinson {jfanies) .] Washington, December 24th, 1807. Svo, pp. 6. 106. Contains copy of letter of Wilkinson to John Randolph, and Ran- dolph's reply, also refers to the suspicion that Wilkinson was scheming with, and also of his being a pensioner of, the Spanish government. Title through the courtesy of Paul L. Ford, Esq. Wilkinson \{yames^^ Memoirs of General Wil- kinson. Volume II. Washington City; Printed for the Author, 1 8 1 1 . Also a second Title — Burr's Conspiracy Exposed, and General Wilkinson Vindicated against the Slanders of of his Enemies on that important occasion. 181 1. Svo, pp. 18, 99, 136. B A. p. C. p. H. S. 107. Wilkinson says in his advertisefuent to this book that he was en- gaged in writing his Memoirs, and "had brought them down to the period of the Convention of Saratoga, when he discovered it was necessary he should abandon the course he had marked out for him- self, to meet the torrent of vilification which continued to bear against him and prepare to combat the prejudices of the House of Represen- tatives of the Eleventh Congress." Wilkinson had been accused of having secured money from the Spanish government, and also of being an accomplice of Burr, and his conduct had been investigated by Congress. See ante, Nos. 27 58, 80, 81, 106. Burr Bibliography. -73 This book was issued by Wilkinson in his own vindication, and also as a reply to Daniel Clark (see ante, No. 28), who had endeav- ored to prove that Wilkinson was corrupt, and had been concerned with Burr. Sabin says of this volume (see Menzies Catalogue, page 454,) that he knew of but two other copies only in existence; the book is rare, but copies are to be found in many of the public and private libra- ries in the country. Wilkinson {%) Memoirs of My Own Times. By General James Wilkinson. Remember that the ways of Heaven, Though dark, are just; that oft some guardian power Attends unseen to save the innocent! But if high Heaven decrees our fall — O let us Firmly await the stroke, prepared alike To live or die. — Brown'' s Barbarossa. For patriots still must fall for statesmen's safety, And perish by the country they preserve. — Savage. In three Volumes. Vol. I. Philadelphia: Printed by Abraham Small, 1 8 1 1 . 3 vols. , 8vo. I vol. , Maps, 4to. N. C. loS. Vol. I, pp. XV, 855, Appendix [44]. Two fac simile letters from Gen. Burgoyne to Gen. Gates. Fac simile of the heads of Gen. Washington's first oflScial letter to the President of Congress. Seven folded sheets. Vol. II. Title, pp. 578. Appendix [260]. Vol. III. Title, pp. 496. Appendix [54]. i folded sheet. The first volume of the Memoirs contains an account of the mili- tary events in which Wilkinson was engaged from 1775 to 1778, the part taken by him while commanding the army in Louisiana from 1797, and a history of portions of the war on the frontier in 1812-15. The second volume contains his defense before the Court Martial by which he was tried in 181 1 upon various charges, among others for receiving money from the Spanish government by way of pen- sion, and also for combining and conspiring with Aaron Burr and his associates. The third volume contains the proceedings of the Court Martial by which he was tried in 1815, on the charges of neglect of duty, unofficer-like conduct, &c. See North American Review, Vol. 6, pp. 78-109. The Memoirs are supplemented by a volume of diagrams and plans, with the following title: Burr Bibliography. 75 Wilkinson {jf.) Diagrams and Plans, illustrative of the Principal Battles and Military Affairs treated of in Memoirs of My Own Times. By James Wilkinson, late a Major-General in the Service of the United States. Philadelphia: Printed by Abraham Small, 181 6. 4to. C. Contains twenty diagrams and plans. \_Williams [yohn)^ The Hamiltoniad; or, An Ex- tinguisher for the Royal Faction of New England. With Copious Notes, Illustrative, Biographical, Philo- sophical, Critical, Admonitory, and Political. Being Intended as a High Heeled Shoe for all Limping Re- publicans. By Anthony Pasquin, Esq. Sic transit gloria mundi Here to-day and gone last Sunday. Vide Irish Edition. The monarchists snivel and sob, And sadden all Boston towny; Cause Freedom goes up, up up, And the Tories go down, down, downy. Parody on Swift's ballad. Copyright secured ac- cording to Act of Congress. Sold by the Author, price 31 cents, at the Independent Chronicle Office, Court-Street, Boston. [1804.] 8vo, pp. 104. B A. 109. A poem in two Cantos. The Appendix contains the Burr-Hamilton Correspondence pre- vious to the duel. Originally issued in three numbers in blue paper wrappers. Reprinted as below. Williams (y.) The Hamiltoniad. By John Will- iams (Anthony Pasquin). New York: Printed for the Hamilton Club. Bradstreet Press. 1865. 4to and 8vo, pp. (lo), 122. Portrait. no. Edition of sixty copies ; twenty on large paper. Burr Bibliography. 77 [ Wills ( Thomas) .] A Correct Statement of the late Melancholy Affair of Honor between General Hamil- ton and Col. Burr, in which the Former Unfortunately Fell, July nth, 1804. Containing the Whole of the Correspondence between the Parties and the Seconds; the Particulars of the Interview; the Death of Gen. Hamilton ; his Will ; and an Account of the Funeral Honors paid to his Memory, &c. To which is added a Candid Examination of the Whole Affair in a Letter to a Friend. By Lysander. New York : Printed and Published for the Author by G. & R. Waite. Booksellers, Bookbinders, and Sta- tioners, No. 64 and No. 38 Maiden Lane. 1804. 8vo, pp. 78. N. III. This pamphlet has usually been attributed to William P. Van Ness, who acted as Burr's second in the duel. I follow, however, the Cat- alogue of the New York Historical Society, which gives the author as Thomas Wills. Wirt {W.). The Two Principal Arguments of Wil- liam Wirt, Esquire, on the Trial of Aaron Burr for High Treason, and on the motion to Commit Aaron Burr and others for Trial in Kentucky. From the Press of Samuel Pleasants, jun. Richmond, 1808. 12 mo. (2 1.), pp. 221. B A. 112. Wood (y.) The History of the Administration of John Adams, Esq., Late President of the United States. By John Wood, Author of the History of Switzerland, and Swiss Revolution. New York Printed 1802. Svo, pp. 506. N., BA., C, p. H. S. 113- This book was printed and ready for publication in December, 1801, but was supressed at the instigation of Aaron Burr as being in- correct and also libellous. Overtures were made to the publishers, Messers. Barlas and Ward, by Burr and his friends, for the purchase of the edition, and it was finally given up to them. The book was Burr Bibliography. 79 subsequently issued, and the following advertisement appeared in the New York Evening Post for June 2, 1802: "This day is published in one large octavo volume and for sale by Naphtali Judah, 84 Maiden Lane, The History of the Administration of John Adams, Late President of the United States. By John Wood, Author of the History of Switzerland and Swiss Revolution. The above is the work said to have been suppressed by the Vice- President." Copies of the history exist, with the title-page mutilated by having the names of Barlas and Ward cut out. When the book was placed on sale a new title-page was added bearing the imprint, " New York Printed 1802." James Cheetham published a "Narrative " of its suppression, see No, 21, ante, which was answered by John Wood in "A Correct Statement of the Various Sources from which the History of the Ad- ministration of John Adams was compiled and the Motives of its Suppression by Col. Burr," &c., &c. See No. 115. Wood (y.) The Suppressed History of the Admin- istration of John Adams (from 1797 to 1801) as printed and suppressed in 1802. By John Wood, Author of "The History of Switzerland," etc. Now repubhshed with notes, and an appendix, by John Henry Sherburne, Author of "The Life and Character of Paul Jones," "Naval Sketches," "Etiquette," "Pen- cillings Abroad," etc. etc. Philadelphia: Published for the Editon, 1846. Sm. Svo, pp. 392. Portrait. 114. John Wood was a native of Scotland, and in this country a politi- cal writer who adhered to the side of Burr, and with Cheetham and others, was engaged in the "Pamphlet War" of 1802-3-4, princi- pally in regard to the Suppressed History of the Administration of John Adams. On July 4tb, 1806, Wood issued, at Frankfort, Ky., the first number of the Western World, a paper originally projected by Joseph H. Daveiss, and in 1817 he edited a paper called the At- lantic World in Washington. Besides the political pamphlets etc., mentioned above, Wood published in 1809 a new theory of the diurnal motion of the earth. During the last years of his life he lived in Richmond, Va., and died in May 1822. Burr Bibliography. 8i Wood {%) A Correct Statement of the Various Sources from which the History of the Administration of John Adams was compiled, and the Motives for its Suppression by Col. Burr, with some Observations in a Narrative by a Citizen of New York. By John Wood, Author of the said History. New York: Printed and sold for the Author by G. F. Hopkins. 1802. 8vo, pp. 49. No. 115. See ante, No. 21. The same. Second Edition, Corrected with notes. New York : Printed and sold for the Author. By G. & R. Waite. 1802. [Copy Right Secured.] 8vo. pp. 58. N. Wood (y.). A full Exposition of the Clintonian Fac- tion and the Society of the Columbian Illuminati, with an Account of the Writer of the Narrative and the Characters of His Certificate Men, as also remarks on Warren's pamphlet. By John Wood. Newark: Printed for the Author, 1802. 8vo, pp. 56. C. B A. N. P. 116. Another Edition. Newark: Printed for the Author by Panington and Gould. 1802. 8vo. pp. 56. 8vo, pp. 5. See No. 23 ante. Wood says in his preface ' ' that the appearance of Warren's pamphlet induced him to come forward not only to re- fute the calumny, but if possible to prevent future attempts of like nature, by exposing the banditti of infidelity in all their schemes of infamous ambition." Wood (7.). A Full Statement of the Trial and Ac- quittal of Aaron Burr, Esq. Containing all the Pro- ceedings and Debates that took place before the Fed- eral Court at Frankfort, Kentucky, November 25, 1 806. By John Wood, Editor of the " Western World,' ' I Burr Bibliography. 83 who attended at the Trial. Alexandria: Printed by Cotton and Stewart, and sold at their Book-stores in Alexandria and Fredericksburg. 1807. 8vo, pp. 36. B A. 117. Woodruff (H. N.) The Danger of Ambition Con- sidered in a Sermon Preached at Scipio, N. T., Lord's Day, August 12, 1804: Occasioned by the Death of General Alexander Hamilton, who fell in a Duel with Aaron Burr, Vice President of the United States of America: On the II*^ July, 1804. By the Rev. Hez^ N. Woodruff, A. M., Pastor Elect of the Church ol Christ in Scipio. Preached and Published by Request. The Lord will abhor the bloody man. Psalms v. 6. Albany: Printed by Charles R. & George Webster. At their Bookstore in the White House, corner of State and Pearl Streets. 1 804. 8vo, pp. 23. S. 118. Workman (y.) A Letter to the respectable Citi- zens, inhabitants of the County of Orleans: together with several Letters to his Excellency Governor Clai- borne, and other Documents relative to the Extraordi- nary Measures lately pursued in this Territory. By James Workman, Esquire, Late Judge of the County of Orleans, and of the Court of Probate for the Terri- tory of Orleans. New Orleans, Printed by Bradford & Anderson, corner of Chartres and Toulouse Streets. 1807. 8vo, pp. xiv, 30. B. A. C. 119. Relates to the Burr- Wilkinson aflfair. For articles in magazines and reviews, see Poole's "Index to Periodical Literature," (Boston, 1882,) and Supplement, also Fletcher's " Co-operative Index to Periodicals," tide " Burr." I INDEX TO BOOKS ISSUE;d ANONYMOUSI.Y, OR UNDER A PSKUDONYM, AND PI,ACED UNDER THE NAME OF THE AUTHOR. (SEE INTRODUCTION.) THE FIGURES REFER TO THE NUMBERS FOI