Yoshi Kuno ^> IP *> fe y 1- V s> i) i> -V a / =!> IX ^ 7 y rj / IK -f' A xC y *- ^/ ^ -r * r if n 7 h* T * x ^ ^ ~r ~y 1 * T? ^ / 7 ^> V n n COPY-RIGHT SECURED FROM THE MOM-BU-SHO, JUNE 15TH, 1875. PREFACE. THE ACQUISITION OF A FOKEIQK LANGUAGE is generally re- garded as very difficult, and the impression is mainly due to the discouraging results of raise 1 irected efforts. The processes prescribed for the learner are diverse, but he is usually directed to commit to memory lists of single and detached words, and then make sentences out of them, to study grammar, to read selections from standard authors, and practice written composition. A grammar and dictionary have been deemed the indispensable appa- ratus for learning a living or a dead language. It is not strange that the result of such methods of study should often be discouragement and failure, nay, mortification at one's inability to converse in a language, upon which, perhaps, years have been spent, but it is a marvel that until recently no way of mastering foreign languages, more consonant with reason, should have been discovered and adopted. We are indebted to Mr. Thomas Prendergast, the author of a work entitled " The Mastery of Languages," for a rational method of learning to speak a foreign tongue fluently and idiomatically. He would probably say that nature invented it, and that he only brought it into notice and applied it. His system is directly opposed to the notion that the study of grammar is the proper introduc- tion to a language. He does not question thejitility of grammar in its proper place, but clearly and forcibly de- monstrates that, as a preliminary, it is not only out of place, but an impertinent obstacle to the learner's progress. The course of procedure which he illustrates in a series of II PREFACE. manuals constructed under what is called the " Mastery- System," is as nearly as can be, that of a child learning to talk, or of a child that has learned to speak, placed among a people whose language is entirely new and strange to it. The words it hears are at first entirely unintelligible, but, by listening to and instinctively repeating them, it learns to utter those foreign words in their idiomatic connections, and thus gradually, and almost unconsciously picks up the language as it is said, until at length it is as familiar to his ear and as available for conversation, as his mother-tongue. The secret of the child's success is the reiterated practice of oral composition on the basis of a few sentences at first learned by rote. This, he- does without grammar, dic- tionary or teacher. The Mastery System provides for the thorough acquisition of a small number of sentences, as preparatory to the formal study of a language. It inducts the beginner into a practical knowledge of the foreign con- structions, and familiarity with some of the commonest words and most useful forms of speech. The adult begin- ner cannot, indeed, pursue precisely the child's process, but, under this system, he does adopt the best parts of it, namely, repetition, imitation, and the interchange of words, until perfect fluency and promptness are exhibited in repro- ducing all the combinations deduced therefrom. The writer was led to adopt this method, when engaged three years ago in the superintendence of a Government school. Deeply impressed with the want of something better than the old-fashioned modes of teaching, he prepared the series of lessons contained in this manual, and used them with remarkably favorable results : though the success would have been greater, if each pupil had possessed a copy for his own use, and more time had been allowed him, in which to carry out the experiment. Subsequent experience has strengthened the conviction that it needs only to be fairly PREFACE. Ill tried, in order to commend itself to both instructors and learners, whether it be applied to the acquisition of the Japanese or the English language. The lessons in this Tolume are constructed so as to answer as well for the one as for the other. As many Japanese are now studying English in the schools established by the Government, if their foreign teachers should make trial of this method of starting their pupils in English, they would thereby render their labor far less irksome than it now is, and get more for their pains : whilst their pupils would feel a livelier interest in their own work, arising from the consciousness that they have made thorough attainment at every step of their progress. By the time they have learned U hundred distinct words, they will have as many idiomatic English sentences as much at their command as if they were Americans or Englishmen. The MaiAial is also peculiarly adapted to the use of English-speaking residents in this country, or travellers, who desire to be able to converse with the people in a short time, without going into the reading of books, or the profound study of the Japanese language. It should be borne in mind, however, that those who make use of this series of lessons, must strictly conform to the following directions ; otherwise their success will be proportionally retarded and incomplete. I. DIRECTIONS TO THE ADULT LEARNER OF JAPANESE. I 1. The Mastery scheme requires that long English sen- 'tences shall be divided into very short sections, which shall , r be accompanied by their variations in both English and r Japanese. The beginner is not to compose any sentences for himself, but to receive them all ready-made, and to com- mit them and their variations perfectly to memory. 2. The English versions of the variations being placed before him, he must acquire by practice tbe hat)it of giving the Japanese equivalent for each of them with the utmost fluency. 3. The Japanese variations exhibit constructions which are latent in each sentence. The English variations arc designed to convey the exact import of each of the Japan- ese variations, and to show the different senses in which the individual Japanese words and combinations can be em- ployed. The explanations thus afforded include everything that a beginner ought to know in relation to each lesson, and therefore the study of grammar is prohibited during this initiatory course. 4. The system sets no value upon the rapid acquisition of a lesson, but provides for the perfect practical retention by the memory, and for the fluent reproduction of every g entence and every variation which has been learned. 5. In learning a language colloquially, the greatest difficulty is in the first stage, and the only danger arises from going on too fast, and thus overloading and confus- ing the memory. 6. The beginner should carefully abstain from seeing or hearing any new words other than those included in the lesson of the day. INSTRUCTIONS. V 7. If tlie beginner can bestow half an hour a day, the "beat distribution of his time and labour would be to make six efforts of five minutes each at equal intervals through- out the day. It might, however, 'be more generally con- venient to take three sittings a day of ten minutes each, with intervals of about six hours between them. 8. Unless the beginner has already acquired the pro- nunciation of Japanese, he must employ a teacher. Almost any native of Japan who has a correct pronunciation, may be employed for this purpose ; for all he has to do, is to utter the sentences, written in both katakaiia and the Ro- man letters, in a clear and distinct manner, and with the ordinary rapidity. 9. The variations of each lesson are to be mastered be- fore a new one is commenced. The slightest hesitation in the use of a word in any variation absolutely disqualifies the learner for advancing to a new lesson. In this respect he is not to judge himself indulgently, but rigorously. 10. He must commence every sitting, by reading over all the previous lesons sin Japanese, before he attempts to recite them. 11. It is very desirable that he should always carry about with him, in a compact form, a copy of those Eng- lish versions of the Japanese variations that he has already learned, in order that he may frequently practice translat- ing them. The Japanese variations should also be carried about, also in a separate paper, in the Romanized charac- ter, to be looked at before every such exercise begins. 12. In learning anything by heart, repetitions are indis- pensable; and the more they are distributed throughout the day, the smaller will be the number of repetitions re- quired to impress the Japanese phrases on the memory. 13. Tli3 study of grammar, and the learning of words that have no significant coherence, are prohibited ; because TI INSTRUCTIONS. they confuse the memory, and impede the colloquial attain- ment. Besides, the study of grammar will be ultimately facilitated to a great degree by a course of " Mastery," first received. N. J5. The first section, which consists of sixteen varia- tions, should be divided into at least three lessons, say 1, 2, 3, 4, variations for the first lesson , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, for the second ; and the remainder for the third. II. DIRECTIONS FOR THE TEACHER OF A JAPANESE CLASS IN ENGLISH. The chief duty of the teacher is to impart the true into* nation and pronunciation, and to prevent the learner from advancing to a new lesson, until all the preceding one's have been mastered. Mastery is perfect fluency, accuracy and promptitude. The learner should take at least three exercises every day, but six would produce better results, No exercise should occupy over fifteen minutes. No talk- ing, in the meantime, is allowable. Technical and gramma- tical explanations of words are especially prohibited. The teacher should always be good-humored and encouraging in his manner, and for obvious reasons no tones of im- patience or anger should be traceable in his voice. 1. Take Section I. u Will you do me the favor ? " and repeat it over and over again, beginning with the last two words, then the last three and so on. If there is a class of pupils, let each repeat the teacher's utterance separately, and in turn, echoing the sounds of the teacher in connected sequence, and with equal force and rapidity. The pupil is not to ponder over the sounds, but to repeat them instantly. A free translation may be given, viz., the Japanese translation, if the teacher is able to do it : but otherwise not; and when five minutes have thus been devoted tothe careful imitation of the teacher's voice, the pupils INSTRUCTIONS. VII may receive the explanation of the individual words as given at the head of the section, writing the Japanese ver- sion of the section under the English of the same, upon a black-board. The Japanese versions of the first four varia- tions may be written upon the black-board at the same time. The pupils may then echo the teacher's utterance of these four variations, in English, in the manner de- scribed before. As he utters each English sentence, the teacher should point out the Japanese versions correspond- ing to it on the black-board, but the pupils should not see the English words as yet. The intonation of the whole sentence is to be regarded as not less important than the pronunciation of the individual sounds. 2. In the second exercise let the 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 variations be treated in the same manner for five minutes And, then let the first four variations and the section be repeated and echoed with them in irregular succession. The Japanese version of the section and its variations should be placed upon the black-board at the beginning of each exercise, but the pupil ought not to hear or see the spelling of any of the English words, until he has mastered the next section and all its variations. A difficult sound is never to be practiced separately, but always in connection, with other words. 3. The pupils must never begin by rehearsing from, memory the preceding lessons, but whether they know them or not, they must imitate the teacher's voice, in order to prevent the possibility of error, and to secure a good pro- nunciation. On the other hand, while the pupil is reciting from memory, the teacher' is to prompt him, whether he likes it or not, so that no time may be wasted in thinking. 4. Whenever the class undertakes a new section or \ariation, it is to be rapidly repeated and echoed at least twenty- five or thirty times, and then alternately with each YIII INSTRUCTIONS. of those previously learned. No new variation should ever be undertaken, unless the learner can recite all the preced- ing ones, with perfect readiness, and in irregular succession, at sight of the Japanese versions. 5. The foregoing rules are to be strictly observed for the first week, during which time, the pupils should not see the manual, which should be kept in the teacher's custody. After the first two sections have thus been thoroughly mastered with their variations, a new section may be taken up with its variations, and treated in the same manner, except that, the manual may now bo put into the pupils' hands, and much of the trouble of trans- ferring sentences to the black board be saved by allowing the pupils to see only the Japanese page of the manual. The teacher can then, in the daily exercises, call out the numbers of the variations, requiring the pupils to give the English one corresponding to it, and repeat this exercise at different sittings of the class, until the pupils can translate the Japanese -variations into English, as rapidly as they can read them in Japanese. But the privilege of advancing to a new one must never be conceded until they shall have mastered all the Previous lessons ; for success depends entirely upon the enforcement of this rule. 6. No class ought to contain more than twenty or twenty-five pupils, in order that each pupil may have due attention and practice in the recitations. THE MASTERY SEEIES. THE MASTERY SERIES FIRST SENTENCE, Will you do me the favor of calling with me on our brother's friend in New Street to-morrow ? SECTION I. That doing con fer-a- favor ? Sore wo nas'tte kudasaru ka 1. Sore 100 nas'ttc kudasaimasho ka? VV * * y 7 >; $ VT A -***? * 2. Sore wo nas'tte kudasaru no wa olya W * -h * y T '; ? ^r v 7 % 4 -V desho. ?%* 3. Naze sore wo nas'tte kudasaranu ka ? 4. Naze sore ivo nas'tte kudasaranu to kimete .^ -^ > v ^ ^r ?^y ? >; $ -9- 7 x b ^ * 7* o'ide nasaru J:a? 5. /Swe ^(;o nas'tte itadakitai. >v ^- + *y ? 4 & &*t # J 6. /S'ore ?(;o nasaru no wa o'iya des Tea ? >V ^-Mf)v/^->i-V7 :? ^^ 7. Sore wo osase nasarito gozarimas ka ? > v * % ^ ^ ^ * ; i- \5r ^* -r ; -^ ^ ^ 8. Sore wo nasaru no wa oki ni kanaimas ka ? W ^ ^^-;v y -* ^ ^ - * -J- >l -? ^, ^/ 9. JVaze so?^e ^c;o saseru no wa o'iya des ka ? -Hr > v ^ y-^)^; * % A *t r ?* * 10. 7fe sore wo nas'tte kudasaru ka ? JAPANESE. FIEST SENTENCE. SECTION I. Will you do me the favor ? 1. Will you do me the favor ? 2. You perhaps do not like to do me the favor. 3. Why will you not do me the favor ? 4. Why are you resolved not to do me the favor ? 5. I wish you to do me the favor. 6. Are you not willing to do it ? 7. Do you wish to have it done ? ) 8. Is it not agreeable to you to do it ? 0. Why do you dislike to have it done ? 10. When will you do me the favor ? 4 THE MASTERY SERIES. 11. Sore- wo nas'tte kudasaru no wa naze oki ni kanaimasen ka ? 12. Sore wo nas'tte kudasatta kara arigato 13. /S'ore i;o nas'tte kudasatta. 14. i^o^o sore ^(;o nas'tte Tcudasai. Y *?y > v 5*- .* * y ^ ^ ^ * >t 15. 0fe mos^^ fetfo dekimas ka ? 16. /Sore ^o s7i ? ^e kudasaru yd ni negaimas. FIEST SENTENCE. SECTION II. to call with me to-morrow Mimai ni to issho ni watakshi ashta 1. AsJita watakshi to issho ni mimai ni r v ? v ^ ? v \- j y v a. =s =^b cs nasarito gozaimas ka? 2. Mimai ni oide nas'tte kudasaimasho ka? 5 -^ b = ^^7^ -fX^T* f ? V- J{ ***>*? * 3. Watakshi to issho ni mimai ni oide V & j> V b yfy^st =i 5^b n^-y!^ nasarito gozaimasen ka ? + v >; ^ er -^ T M ^ ^ v 4. ^(s/^a mimai ni oide nasarito gozai- 7 V 9 ^ -* b d ^ >t T 1- V b rf IhM masen ka ? JAPANESE. 11. Why do you not like to do it ? 12. Thanks for doing me the favor. 13. You have done me the favor. 14. Please do me the favor. 15. Can I do any thing to help you ? 16. I desire you to do me the favor. FIKST SENTENCE. SECTION II. to call with me to-morrow 1. Do you wish to call with me to-morrow ? 2* "Will you do me the favor of calling ? 3. Do you not wish to call with me to-morrow ? 4, Do you not wish to call to-morrow ? THE MASTERY SERIES. 5. Naze ashta mimai ni oide nasaru no ga iya des ha ? 6. Aslita mimai ni oide nas'tte huhasai- masmai. watakshi to tomo ni mimai ni oide nas'tte Ttudasaranu ha ? + A y T* ^ 3^ ^ 7 x it 8. Ashta ivatdkslii to tomo ni mimai ni oide nas'tte Itudasaimaslio. ~f TX y T* & & ^ 4 -* *& *r 9. Itsz mimai ni oide nas'tte hudasai- mas ha ? 10. Ashta doho ye mimai ni oide. nasarito gozarimas ha ? -2* -)/ ; -* ^, ^ 11. Naze Izonnielii mimai ni oide nasarito gozaimas ha ? 12. Itsz mimai ni oide nasarimas ha ? 13. Aslita so nasarimas ha ? 14. Ashta mimai ni mcdru hoto wa deldmasen. ~? ~/ % = ~* t* =5 -* 4 V "I- V -* 7* "^ -* te V 15. Ashta mimai ni oide nasarimas ha ? 16. Watahushi to issho ni so nasarimasen ha? JAPANESE. 5. Why are you not willing to call to-morrow ? 6. You will not do me the favor of calling to-morrow 7. Why will you not do me the favor of calling with me ? 3. You will do me the favor of calling with me to- morrow. 9. When will you do me the favor of calling ? 10. Where do you wish to call to-morrow ? 11. Why do you not wish to call to-day ? 12. When .will you call ? 13. I will do so to-morrow. 14. I cannot call to-morrow. 15. Will you call to-morrow. 16. Will you not do so with me ? O THE MASTERY SERIES. 17. Go isslio ni mimai ni mairimas. - 4 y =/ =i =* = * h. z -* >f ; -^ x 18. Itsz ivataJcusJii to tomo ni mimai ni oide nasarimas Jca ? 19. Asatte go isslio ni mimai ni mairi- mas. FIEST SENTENCE. SECTION III. our brother's friend "Watakshi domo no kiyodai no hoyu wo 1. Watalcshi domo no kiyodai no hoyu wo V & l> V K = S *W #4 S **r 4 *r * mimai ni oide nasarito gozari- ~ -* b r % 4 ^ ^ ^ }) Y * * IT J masen Jca ? -*teV # 2. Watakshi domo no lioyu wo watalcshi to tomo y # ^ v K=e y ^er^^ ^ ^^^^ h b^ Tzi mimai ni oide nasarito gozari- ^ = -* fc. ^ ^- ^ ^ -J- -9- 9 h ^r rf T ; 3. Ashta go isslio ni ivataksJii domo no T> $/ & ^ 4 *> */ *L =* y^^^ K=e / hoyu no Idyodai wo mimai ni oide **?4*S^*t*$<\ * =^b * % '\? kudasarimasho ka ? JAPANESE. 17. I will call with you. 18. When will you call with me ? 19. I will call with you day after to-morrow. FIRST SENTENCE. SECTION III. our brother's friend t 1, Do you wish to call on our brother's friend ? 2. Do you wish to call with me on our friend ? 3. Will you do me the favor of calling with me on our friend's brother to-niorrow ? 10 THE MASTERY SERIES. 4. Naze watakshi to issho ni tvatakshira no lioyu no Idyodai wo mimai ni oide nasarito gozarimas ka ? 5. Aslita ivatakshira no Idyodai no hoy a wo mimai ni oide nasarimasen ka ? 6. Nasse ivatakshira no hoyu wo mimai ni oide kudasarimasen ka '/ >( 7. Watakshira no iomodachi no Idyodai ivo mimai y & '; y ? ; l-^^^f- y ^"V^^M 3- =-^b kudasarimasho ka / 8. Aslita loataksMra no lioyu no kiyddai 7*07*?*^ * ** 4 * * *i -V er ^ 4 wo mimai ni oide kukasarimasmai. * ^ -* \ ^ % 4 r '/ &y- ; -^ * -* >i 9. Ijf-s^ 1 wataltslii no Idyodai wo mimai ni 4 y y # # =/ ; ^-V^^M ^ =-^b^ oide kudasarimas ka ? % 4 ?#$<* mas ka? -* * it 11. -4s7i^a ivatakshi no Idyodai no uclii ye rv# y \? ^ v y ^-v^^M / er^^ otachi-yori kndasarimasho ka ? % 9 ^ ^ ; ^ ^ if- >; -^ ^ ^ it 12. Ashta achira ye yorimas no wo tanosliimi ni 7 & # 7^7^ ^ >) * * ^ ^ ^ 7 ^ H =s itasliwn&s. 4 9 V -^ ^ JAPANESE. 11 4. Why do you not wish to call on our friend's bro- ther with me ? 5. Will vou not call on our brother's friend to-morrow ? 6. Why will you not do me the favor of calling on our friend ? 7. Will you do me the favor of calling on our bro- ther's friend ? You will not do me the favor of calling on our friend's brother to-morrow. J). When will you do me the favor of calling on my brother ? 10. When will you do me the favor of calling on my father?" 11. Will you do me the favor of calling at my brother's ? 12. I will call there with pleasure to-morrow. 12 THE MASTERY SERIES. 13. Itsz watokslii no oji wo omimai kudasai- mas ka ? -*X if 14. O'jisan mada ivatakshiivo omimai nasaimasen. 15. O'ji iva liyoki de gozaimas kara donata mo mimau koto dekimasen. 16. Say 6 naraba ashta achira ye yorimas. FIRST SENTENCE. SECTION IV. in New Street in the new street to-morrow ni Shin Machi ni atarashii Machi ashta 1. Naze ashta Shin Machi no watakshira no -j- ^ r v # =/y ^^ y !;^^^7 ^ ioo omimai nasarito gozavi- ' 2. Ashta watakshira no hoyu no kiyodai wo 7 V & V & >; V 7 y * 3r ^ 5r 7 ^^^M ^ omimai nazarito gozarimas ka ? X ^ ~+ fc, ^ -9- >; f ^r rf IT ; -^ X ^ 3. Watakshi domo no Shin Machi no hoyu wo y & j> v Y =6 y t' v -r-fy-*r>{^^ omimai nasarito gozarimas ka ? % = ^ t -h -9- ; b er rf ir ; -^ ^, # 4. iVa^e ivatakshira no atarashii machi no hoy-fa * & V ? >>r^7vM ^^y^^^i^r omimai nasaimasen ka ? ^ = ^b ) >i -^ ^ y ^ JAPANESE. 13 13. When will you do me the favor of calling on my uncle ? 14. Your uncle has never called on me. 15. My uncle cannot call on anybody, for he is sick 16. ' Well then ; I will call there to-morrow. FIRST SENTENCE. SECTION IV. in New Street. in the new street to-morrow. 1. Why do you wish to call on our friend in New Street to-morrow ? 2. Do you wish to call on the brother of our friend to-morrow ? 3. Do you wish to call on our friend in New Street ? 4. Why do you not call on our friend in the new street ? 14: THE MASTERY SERIES. 5. Watakshi to tomo ni ivatakshira no Shin Maclii no 9 & & -y V f=6^9^r^^7 J i/ V -*> *f 7 hoyu wo omimai kukasaimasen ka ? * V 4 *r * % s -* fc * if -fr 4 * fc v tfr 6. 0-fa Maclii ye oyori nasarito gozaimas ka ?' x-fc#-**t'^%a.y ^ -9- >; i- fr * UM * x ^ 7. Watakslii to isslio ni Honcho ye oyori V % '; v 1- 4y v a. ~ * v -f v $r ^^^>; nasarito gazarimas Jca ? j- -fr ; h ^ ^* T -* x # 8. As! da Kanagawa ye oide nasarito gozari- r v * * +&* ^ % 4 r ^ -9- ; i- * * r ; mas ka ? -^ x ^ 9. Naze as] da achira ye oide nasarimasen ka ? irvrvp r ^ ? ^ % 4 7* -ip v + &-s ^ 10. Aslda Tdldyo ye yuldto gozaimas ka ? y =/ ? l-^^-V^ -v n.^her -s >*tf 4 -* *. -ft 11. Watakshi to tomo ni America ye ikito y & * =/ \> ^q=sr^9^^ > l^^^ gozaimasen ka ? -2 -f A -* te y ?t 12. Naze konnichi ivatakshi domo no lioyu wo ~m i v ^ + y ^ ^ */ ]f ^ y * 15 =t ^r 2- mimai ni Noye ye oide nasaimasen ka ? = -* h, =s y ^ V ^ ^ y >h *.< ^ ^ V ^ 13. Kiyomachiye oide nasaraneba narimasen ka? ^-7^^-v^->i7 # ^-9-7^>V^>;^^V' ^ 14. - ? f/ //o oba wo mimai ni mairitai. Jr v X >+ * H-^b^ ^^>;3?>i 15. Watakshi to tomo ni acliira ye oyori nasaima- y & i> * h v=^7^7^^^;^-y- y i^ slio ka? %.* * 16. Isogashii kara so iva dckimasen. JAPANESE. 15 o. Will you not do me the favor to call with me on our friend in New Street ? 6. Do you wish to call at 0-ta Machi ? 7. Do you wish to call with nie in Main Street ? 8. Do you wish to go to Kanagawa to-morrow ? 0. Why will you not go there to-morrow ? 10. Because I wish to go to Tokiyo to-morrow. 11. Do you not wish to go to America with me ? 12. Why will you not go to JSToge to call on our friend to-day ? 13. Is it not necessary for you to go to town to-day ? 14. I wish to call on nrf aunt to-day. 1'3. Will you call there with me ? 16. I cannot, for I am busy. 16 THE MASTERY SERIES. 17. 0-ki ni kanau nara go issho ni aehi ye % ^ ^^-t-^r }- 7 u* >i y s' at - r + ^ yorimasho. a >; -* ; -^ >v + ; v ^ y # 3. ^4sWa ^o kiyodai ivo mimatte wa narimasenka? rvp-s^***???* * = -^^^>^^ >;^^v^r 4. .A T a2e feore tt;o gro hoyu ni ageneba narima- -h -fer ' -at V * rf ^ ^r >I & =a 7 V ^ J* + 9 *+ sen ka ? 4 y ^ 5. Tszdzri no hon wo kau ni ichi yen wo haratte y y ; y*v^*^=a>j-fAy^>^^y^ tm naranu. JAPANESE. 17 17. I will call there with you, if you like. 18. Will you do me the favor to call with me on our brother's friend in New Street to-morrow ? SECOND SENTENCE. How much must I pay this jin-riki-sha man to take me to the railway station before lunch, and bring me home again before half past five ? SECTION I. How much must I pay (or) give ? 1. Must I give this book to your brother ? 2. Must I pay the fare ? 3. Must i not call on you brother to-morrow ? 4. Why must I not give this to your friend ? 5. I must not pay a dollar for a spelling book. 18 THE MASTERY SERIES. 6. Naze Jcore wo hoka no h'to ni yatte ivanaranuka ? -)-*> a v 3- * "ft 7 fc* V =ft-Y3>7--J-7X 2r 7. Karewa lioyu no mono des kara. =t v * ^r 4 er >/ =e y 7* * # 7 8. J5% shtateya ye yoraneba naranu. jr 7 =/&?-*? ^ =*. 7 -^ ->v -h 7 * 9. J7ae so Imyakii achira ye oywi nasaraneba 1rV V-*T ^ -V ^ 7^-7 -^"^>; -) * 7 ? ->^ naraaiu ka ? 1r 7^ ^ 10. Hawi ico kau ni ikura liarawaneba naranu Tea? * % tf ^ # >> - >f ^ 7 7 y ^ ** -J- 7 ^ ^ 11. AsMa Jciyodai no ucfii ye oyori nasarane- 7 v & *t w & 4 ^^^^5L>; -Mj-7-^ &a narimasen. ^ ^ tf -^ ^ v 12. Skoshi kqmi wo ageto gozarimas. *^* =/ * ~ * r v b * * IM -* * 13. Watakshi 710 warimaye wo ikurd Jiarawaneba J & f -/ y ^ ; -^ ^ ^- ^ >; 7 * 7 y * j* narimasen ka ? ^r ; * ^ V ^ 14. Watakshi no dasz fold bun sore 7^Vi cfes &a ? 15. Sayosa sore bakari des. * -V > V >>r *MJ T* ^ 16. XOTIO /iafco ^(70 rZo/'e 7^odo ?zo okisa ni Jcoshiraye ^ s ^ * * r v * Y s % * *t ^ - * * 7 ^* neba narimasen ka ? ^ ^ -j- >; -^ ^ v ^ 17. Nagasa issliaku haba roku sen ni seneba J- j!f * >t ^ V "V ^ ^ >^ P ^ * y ^ ^ ^ ^ 18. Jfafs2 ita de koshirayeneba naranu. -+ y 4 & "f = v 7 ^ "^ >^ 7^ JAPANESE. 19 6. Why must I not give this to some one else ? 7. Because it belongs to my friend. 8. I must call at the tailor's to-day. 9. Why must you call there so soon ? i 10. How much must I pay for a coat ? 11. You should call on my brother to-morrow. 12. I wish to present you with a little paper. 13. How much must I pay for. my share ? 14. Is that all I must pay ? 15. Yes. That is all. 16. How large must I make this box ? 17. You must make it one foot long and six inches wide. 18. You must make it of pine boards. 20 THE MASTERY SERIES. SECOND SENTENCE. SECTION II. this jinrikisha man kono jinriki h'ki 1. Kono jinriki h 9 ki ni ikura haraivaneba nari- * S ^ v i; -9f fc> -3f ^ 4 >; 7 >* ^ y ^ >>f -)- >; masen ka ? -* >y -ft 2. WakasMyori ano h'to ni haraivaseto gozai- y & =/ ^ >; r y t b = 7 >^ ^ h s- ^ it 7^'to ni haratte wa narimasen Jca ? 7 j tb =i ^ 7 7 y 7 ^ )- ; -^ ^ v ^ 4. Wataksliira no tomodachi ga are ni haratte ? & >; V 7 ^ b =6 ^ ^ ** 7V >^ 7 ^ ^ iva narimasen. 5. J^Tase a?^e wi haratte iva narimasen lea ? -h-fcr 7 v =4 ^ ^ r- >x -)->;-*&-/ ^ 6. JTase Idyodai ga are ni haraivaneba nari- -J- ^ ^ "V fr 3?M jt; N> 7 v ^ >^ 7 y ^ >v i- >; masen ka ? ~* ^ v ^ 7. Okappa wo jinrildslia ye ireneba nari- % * y >\ ^ ^ v 9 ^ ^/ -V U. >[ v ^ >^ -)- 9 masen ka ? ^ ^ v ^ 8. JT?/o awo wc^ ye yotte iva narimasen. ir ? ^y & + <*- 3- y 7 ^ y -+&y 9. Aslita aclii ye yoraneba narimasen. 7 V & 7 + ^ ^ '7 ^ ^ -J- -* -& V 10. Tetszdo no tateba made nosete yuku jinriki- F V Y & S #7* * -* ? S>r =L? W y -% h'ki ni ikura harawaneba narimasen ka? JAPANESE. 21 SECOND SENTENCE. SECTION II. This jin-riki-sha man. 1. How much must I pay this jin-riki-sha man ? 2. Do you wish to have me pay him ? 3. Must I not pay him ? 4. Our friend must not pay him. 5. Why must he not pay him ? 6. Why must not my brother pay him ? 7. Must I put your cloak into the jin-riki-sha ? 8. I must not call at that house to-day. 9. I must call there to-morrow. 10. How much must I pay the jin-liki-sha man who takes me to the railway Station ? 22 THE MASTERY SERIES. 11. Kiyo sldateya iva Jiacn*i ivo wataJcsJii ni yokb- jr ? V * 7* *t ** # >; ^ 9 # ^ ^ =* =1 =t saneba naranu. HjJ- ^ >y -)- 7 5< 12. Shtateya ni ikura haraivaneba narimasen Tea? =/ & 7- *? A 4^7 >^77^^-^);^^y ^ 13. Harai ivo tori ni o-uclii ye yore to sJda- ^ 7 4 ^ I- 9 ** JT ^r ^ ^ ^V h V ^ ^e^/a ni iwaneba narimasen Jca ? ?- V n 4 W-sv 1- i; -v ^ v ^ 14. Wcdakslii ye kane no ukdori wo watasa?ieba y & # v ~- a ^ s v jr v v * y^-ih^>^ naranu. ^ ? * 15. Are ni so iu Jcoto ivo waszrete wa naranu* y V ^ -fr >|^ ^V^- V^>V^ >^ -*-7X 16. Nanji ni tegami ivo dasaneba narimasen lea ? ^ y =jx ^ x jff = ^ ^r -9- ^ ^ 1r >; ^ ^ V ^ 17. JTesa ivatakshi no tame ni jinrikisha wo ^ ^ y^^^ S & * ^ ?r V ; ^ W ^ Jconeba naranu. 18. JVa^e so Jiayaku o'ide nasaraneba naranu Jca ? SECOND SENTENCE. SECTION III. me railway's station to to convey "Watakshi wo tetszdo no tateba ye nosete yuku ni 1. Eiyogai ya ye nosete yuku ni ikura 9 -V fr jf 4 -V ^ J te 7* ^ & sa >f^^ tvaneba naranu Jca ? JAPANESE. 23 11. The tailor must send me my coat to-day. 12. How much, must I pay the tailor ? 13. Must I tell the tailor to call at your house for his pay ? 14. He must send me a receipt for the money. 15. Do not forget to tell him so. 16. At what o'clock must the letter be sent ? 17. You must call a jin-riki-sha for me this morning. 18. Why must you go so early ? SECOND SENTENCE. SECTION III. to take me to the railway Station. 1. How much must I pay to take me to the Exchange bank ? 24 THE MASTERY SERIES. 2. Go kiyodai wo Jiatoba ye nosete yuku ni -3 ^ -Y JfM * ^ \- ^ ^ S j^ij <\*j j ^ ^ ^ y^;^ yuku ni watakslii ga Jiaratte wa narimasen. OL ^ A y & >; =/ jf ^ ? y 7* y )- 9 ** fe V 4. Watalcshi too Kamakura no Daibutsz ye noseru ii jinriki hiki ni harawaneba nari- # J ^ y =/ )) ^ b -3f >v '7 y ^ >^ ^ }) masen. ^_^v 5. Tokiyo ye no tetszdo no kitte ni iJmra h fr *f -V fr ^ >> ^ ^ K <5r y ^^7- ^ >t ^ 7 harawaneba narimasen ka ? >* 7 y ^ >v -f >; -^ ^ v ^ 6. Naze chichi wo Bent en dori ye nosete yulm T-V K ^ 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (;o liarau koto iranu ka ? 7. Kane no hashi wo twu ni hashizei wo liar a- ^ -J- y >^ ?/ 5^ 1- ^r ;i^ ^ >\ VE" >t ^ >x 7 ##e iva narimasen ka ? V r ? + 9 -*&* * 8. Harau kane ivo omochi nasaru ka ? >^7^ it ^ * % ^ ^ 1- y- )T it 9. Go kiyodai wo ivatakslii ni mimawaseto wa rf -3f -Y fr 3f >l * ?#>>*'- s -^ 7 ^ I- ^r 7 yozaimasen ka ? -2 ^ ; -^ ^ v ^ 10. C?o 7ioi/IZ TW ^c^i ye Watdkslii ivo otszre rf * 5r >J ^r 7 ^^^ 7^^^ ^^"^V kudasaro ka ? JAPANESE. 25 2. I must pay to take your brother to the landing. 3. I must not pay to take a stranger to his friend's house. 4. I must pay a jin-riki-sha man to take me to Dai- butsz at Kamakura. 5. How much must I pay for a railway ticket to Tokiyo ? 6. Why do you not want me to pay for taking my fa- ther to Benten Dori. 7. Must I not pay toll for crossing the iron bridge ? 8. Have you wherewith to pay it ? 9. Do you not wish to have your brother call on me ? 10. "Will you do me the favor to take me with you to your friend's ? 26 THE MASTERY SERIES. 11. Tokiyo de Shinbashi kara kiyoriuchi ye V fr *? -V fr jf W >w -ft ? *t 3 >; fr ^ -v noseru jinriki wo tanomaneba narimasen. y ^ >v =? v ; =fr ^ 3t y -^ ^ >>r -j- ; ^ ^ y 12. JKyo Arw szgi ni Kanagawa ye irasshai- Jr ? )is * =2 ^i-^ry^^r^^-V^ masho ka ? 13. /i'tfon* cZe z(;a narimasen watakshi otomo x \* h ; 7* y 1- ; * ^ v 17^^^: ^ ^ ^ shimasho. V -v ^ Jr 14. Watakshi 100 tetszdo no tateba ye noseru jin- y & t> v * ?y v & y ^ T* >y ^ y fc >ix ^ v ^o otanomi kudasaro ka ? SECOND SENTENCE. SECTION IY. before luncli maye bento 1. -Be^o maye shtateya ye yiikaneba nari- masen. -*^>y 2. JSBnt maye Kawasaki ye yukaneba narimasen. t^;v^^ #y-9-^ ^- ZJL^^>Y -5-);-^^y 3. Asa-Jian maye ni giyosha ga anata wo Kana- 7-&^y~+^=*9?*L&Vjf'p+#& -ft 1r zawa ye nosete yukimasho. f* ^ J *&r zt.^^^y 4. Bento maye watakshi ivo kaivaseza ye noseru -o'bSr ^^ y^^v ^ # y ^ T ^ y^>^ jinriki wo tanomaneba narimasen. yy >; ^ ^ ^ y v^ ? ) >; -^ ^ y JAPANESE. 27 11. I must get a jin-riki-sha to take me from Shin- bashi to the foreign settlement, at Tokiyo. 12. Shall you go to Kanagawa this afternoon ? 13. You must not go alone ; I will go with you ? 14. Will you do me the favor to engage a jin-riki- to take me to the railway Station ? SECOND SENTENCE SECTION IV. before lunch 1. I must go to the tailor's before lunch. 2. I must go to Kawasaki before noon. 3. The driver will take you to Kanazawa before breakfast. 4. I must get a jin-riki to take me to the bank before lunch. 28 THE MASTERY SERIES. 5. Hachi-ji ni ivatakshi to kiyodai wo tetsz- -f >* v "V ** ^ y maneba narimasen -+> jv -f- y * ^ V 6. Jm yi ma?/e cfe'cAi ^w unjoslio no hatoba 2/e ^. ; HT* =*-jr 7. Hikure maye ni 'kimono wo arawasetai. b^v -*<^ ^ ^=e>^ f r^y^^^t -8. Him maye ni yubin-yakusho ye oide \^ ;ix -^^ SA n.^t^V^^>^^ ^ ^^T 5 ' nasarito gozarimasen ka ? 9. /Sa^ ji ni Honchiyo de anata ni de-ai- ^y & ^ #y +V& 7 7 + ^ ** ?r 4 masJio. -* ^ ^ 10. JSTesa wawi mo tabemasen des Tear a hiru maye jr -9- ^^^^-^^VT^X ^r^fc,^-^^ d'aro. 11. Doha son ji maye kawaseza ye oywi kuda- Y >> it y- V ^ -**ilP % o-#a.>; ^3^ 12. ASK no asa hi-no-de maye ni ano fune iva r x y 7 if by^^-v^ry ^^ >* shuppan sliimaslio. y y >\ v ^ v ^ #> 13. Doha Hakodate ye okoshi maye mata kokoye Y & it >>rt3f^- ^^r=t^/ -^-v -^^r rtrt^ oyori kudasai. X a >; ^ 3r -^ >< 14. Ku ji maye acliira de matte araneba namnu. JAPANESE. 29 5. I must engage a carriage to take me and my bro- ther to the railway Station at eight o'clock. 6. Take my father to the Custom-house landing. 7. I wish to have my clothes washed before sunset. 8. Do you not wish to go to the post-office before noon ? 9. I will meet you in Main Street at three o'clock. 10. As I ate nothing this morning, I may be hungry before noon. 11. Please call at the bank before three o'clock. 12. That vessel will sail to-morrow morning before sunrise. 13. Please call here again before you go to Hakodate- 14. You must be there before nine o'clock. 30 THE MASTERY SERIES. 15. Tetszdo no tateba ye o'ide maye ivatakshi ^* y F 2r V & :r s? ++ X 4 7* ~* *- y & & =/ no uchi ye irasshare. 16. Miru maye lioyu ga otaku ye yorimashta. 17. Amerika no ytibinsen wa jiu ichiji maye ni ts'kimashta. SECOND SENTENCE. SECTION V. and bring me back again mata nosete watakshi wo kayeru 1. Noge made, yuki hayeri noseru jin-riJci MM ; p -*^ =L% -to ^ \) yp3ry>;<3?fe^ ni harau liadz des. =* * : 7*? ^ y* T* * 2. Are ni niji maye watahshi ivo nosete Jcayere 7V-=*=y ^ ^ y ^ ^ v ^ y^^-^^v fo o n ?^asa^. > *>t 4 -l-^-^ 3. Shinbashi kara Shiba ye noseru jinriki dai &y <>vv % ? ^ ^ ^y^jv^yy^^aM iJcura haraivaneba narimasen Tea ? 4 >; ? *??** + >; * ^ v ^ 4. ^4sa 7za^ ^o m wataJcshi wo nosete Hodogaya r -- >% y tf a* y^^^^y^T- *K#"Y hikasetai. 5. Kaivalitsz wo hatoba ye JiaTcobu ninsoku ni # V If 9 ^ h >>p ^ >\ rt ^ =s V > ^ s harawaneba narimasen. JAPANESE. 31 15. Come to my house before you go to the railway station. 16. My friend called at your house before noon. 17. The American Mail steamer arrived before eleven o'clock. SECOND SENTENCE. I SECTION V. and bring me back again 1. I am to pay the jin-riki-sha man for taking me to Noge and back. 2. Tell him to take me back before two o'clock. 3. How much must I pay for a jin-riki to take me from Shinbashi to Shiba ? 4. I wish to have you take me to Hodogaya after breakfast. 5. I must pay the coolie who carries my trunk to the wharf. 32 THE MASTERY SERIES. 6. GdkJco ye yuJm toki jibun no lion wo mote. yp*&** =Ljr \- -% & ?y y * v ^ ^ ^ 7. Kaywu maye Jcono tsztszmi wo uclii ye hakdbu rfr*N->i' ^^ =* / y y ^ ^ 2r *f* ^ >\ =t -^ ninsoku ni haraimasho. cy>^ =t ^? 4-*^*r 8. Kiyo wa watalcshi wo haiuaseza ye nosett ijuku -7 >^^3t^5/^- Jty&'f'^S^r^* ni wa oyobanu. ^ y X a. ^ x 9. Naze ashta watakshi no chichi wo Shin MacJii ye h-tr r^/^^^^^y^^^ >/y^^^ nosete Jcayerarenu ka ? y^T- ^^-7V^ ^ 10. Sono kiyodai wa ano li'to wo Austria ?S*tW#4*7S t.^ * X X. Y V *t no Tiakurankai wo mi ni tszremashta. 11. iTo^o tegami wo loatdkslii no chiclii ye watashte * ; ^ j!T s 3^ y^^^y-f^-vy^v^ Jcudasaro Jca ? ^ 3?" -fr 7 ^ ^r 12. -Zfess ivatakslii wo tszrete go lioyu wo mimai 4 y 9^^V * ^V^ rf * ^r >t 5r ^ c^b, m otde nasaro Jca? ~ % 4r *Mf ^er # 13. Gkonomi nara ashta acliira ye otszre moshi- 14. jBTo^o 'kutsz wo Icntszya ye motte itte nao- ny ^^ ^^^-v ^ = y ^ >i^^ -i-^- sasero. If-fe P 15. Kutszya ni liarau Jcane wo motte yuke. JAPANESE. 33 6. "When you go to school take your book with you. 7. I will pay a coolie to take this parcel to my house before I go home. 8. You need not take me to the bank to day. 9. Why can you not take my father to Shin Machi and back to-morrow ? 10. His brother took him to see the exhibition in Austria. 11. Will you do me the favor to hand this letter to my father ? 12. When will you take me with you to call on your friend ? 13. I will take yon there to-morrow if you like. 14. Take this shoe to the shoemaker's and get it mended. 15. Take the money to pay the shoemaker. 34 THE MASTERY SERIES. 16. Tegami ivo Osaka ye okuru ni dare hodo rjf^ * * * * if ^ % * v ~ K V * F a kakaro ka ? 17. Baslia michi made ivatakshi wo nosete yuki >*z/^ ^ T ' N - oi(ie nasarito gozarimas ka ? 3r4ri-vy>*r * ir ; -* * # 4. Asalian maye watakshi wo nose Shiba kara r^v ^*s> y & > ^/ ^ y^ ^/ >Y ^^ Tskiji ye itte mata go ji goro kayeru ni V *t *f ^ 4 V r ~+ *& d> p It ^ ;v ^ kono jinriki hiki ni dore hodo liarawaneba ^ y ^ v >; ^ t. ^ =4 KV^K^^y^^ narimasen ka ? ^ V -+ ^ V if 5. Naze ashta ni naranu uchi ni ano h'to ivo r v & ~ ^Y * * + ^^ytsh^ nosete kayeritai ka ? JAPANESE. 35 16. How long will it take to send a letter to Osaka ? 17. I want a jin-riki to take me to Carriage Street. SECOND SENTENCE. SECTION VI. before half past five o'clock. 1. Take my father back in a jin-riki at about five o'clock. 2. I wish to take my mother to Tskiji and back be- fore five o'clock. 3. Do you wish to go the bank with your father be- fore three o'clock to-day ? 4. How much must I pay this jin-riki-sha man to take me from Shiba to Tskiji before break fast, and back again before five o'clock. 5. Why do you wish to take him home before to- morrow. 36 THE MASTERY SERIES 6;, Shijini dete nurenu yd ni karakasa too & s? ^ T* T* xvx -y^^s :# 7 # -9- 2- mochimashta. 7. San ji lion maye yubinydksho ye tegami ^v =x >*v -^ ^ 3Lty\zy^jrs/=i *. 7-j!f = 100 motte yukaneba narimasen. 8. Jiu ji maye cliichi to kiyodai to sono ^o ^omo ni ivataslii ivo Kanagawa ye & b f^^y^r^^^-J-jtr!?^ kayeru Tea ? ^ ^ ^ # ^- ;v ^ 9. Katvaseza ye yuku ni wa mo oso gozarimas. 10. J[^^a Kawaseza no shimaru maye ni go isslio 7 V 2* ft 9 &-V S ^/-^;v^^ na?>i^5/a M iMmasho. ** * ^^ ^ ^ *r 11. Dare ga go shisoltu wo America ye tszrete iki- sri/jr**??* TJ>)it^yi/?4*t maslda ka ? -* =/ & ft 12. Ashita jiu ji ni watakshi ivo Unjoslio Wzyty^yzPy * ^V^-Ver^st ye nosete yuku jinriki 100 yobe. ^ y^^ =L ^ & y y *? 3* 3L ~ 13. Kiyo hiru go watakshi ga Kanazawa ye notte jr ? \*yf-*9rjr&y ^-Mry^/^T- yuku 9 mma wo kari nasal. =t^ *r -* * if ; 1-y- 4 14. 60 ji lian ni hdyu iw uchi ye yoraneba - y y =4 * r 4 *? / *? ^ ^ a 7 ^ ^ narimasen. JAPANESE. 37 6. I went out at four o'clock and took an umbrella, to keep me from getting wet. 7. I must take my letter to the post-office before half past three. 8. Will you take me with my father, my brother and his friend, to Kanagawa before ten o'clock ? 9. It is too late to go to the bank 10. I will go with you to-morrow before the bank closes, 11. Who took your son to America ? 12. Call a jin-riki-sha to take me to the Custom House to-morrow at ten o'clock. 13. Hire a horse for me to ride to Kanagawa this afternoon. 14. I must call at my friend's house at half past five. 38 THE MASTERY SERIES. 15. Bento maye tetszdo no tateba ye nosete mata go ji han maye uchi ye kayeru ni kono jinrild h'ki ni dore hodo Tiara- waneba narimasen ka ? THIED SENTENCE. tte servant, if you please, to bring me a jug of hot ivater and a cup of coffee every day utitliout fail, seven o'clock or sooner if he can. SECTION I. Please servant to tell Doka kodzkai ni itte kudasai 1. Kodzkai ni asz no asa Kawaseza ye yuke to a y # fc ^ 7 * y r * ^ y ^ T ^ ^ ^ b ittske nasai. 4 t y ir ^r V-4 2. Kodzkai ni asa roku ji ni ichiba ye yuke to n >i fc* ^ ^ >1 3. Eiyorinin ni asa liaya~ku ichi ye yuke to v^;^v ^ r* >x -v^ 4+ *- =*-^rh iitszkeru no wo waszre nasaruna. A ^ y jr V y ^ 9 * V ^ -Jjh ;v -)- 4. DoJca kodzkaira ga go ji go ni soto ye deru Y & # =t vr ^ t 7 jtr rf =r * ^ > b ^- ^ ;v ^o ^(70 yurushte Jcudasaruna. JAPANESE. 39 15. How much must I pay this jin-riki-sha man to take me to the railway station before lunch, and bring me home again before half past five ? THIRD SENTENCE. SECTION I. Please tell the servant. 1. Tell the servant to go to the bank to-morrow morning. 2. Tell the servant to go to market at six o'clock in the morning. 3, Do not forget to charge the cook to go to the market early in the morning. 4. Please do not let the servants go out after five o'clock. 40 THE MASTERY SERIES. 5. Oyaji no iiclii ye yore to ano h'to ni itte X -Y ^ y y + ^ ^ v b T ; b* > * 4 y T kudascti. 6. Dozo watakshi no tame ni jiu ji ni kawa- seza ye itte Ttudasaru ka to hoyu ni kiite kudasai. 7. Kodzkai ni kiyo wa Asakusa ye yukuna to ii nasai. 4 b -} -^ 4 8. Kodzkai ni kesa asa han maye watakshi no kiyodai no uehi ye yuke to iitszkete kudasai. 9. Are ni asz no asa anata no ojisan no ? v a* r^>y^^ r-)-^y ^ ^ * v y uchi ye yore to itte kudasai. 10. Go kiyodai ni kiyo him maye yubin yakusJio ye yoru yd ni tanonde kuda- V. \- _k .> J^ jt^ -.^ ^/ ** V. VA nf .x T^ - ^^ - /*'' IT v' ~^ ^ x "^ 7^ ^^ -3* SCW. 11. Watakshi no moshita koto wo ano h'to m ohanashi nastta ka ? 12. Stndai ye oide nas'ttara dozo ivata- ^ y & 4 ^ % 4 r -j- * y ^ 7 K fr ^ 57 ^ o kiyodai wo omimai kudasai. JAPANESE. 41 5. Please tell him to call at my father's. 6. Please ask my friend if he will do me the favor to go to the bank for me at 10 o'clock. 7. Tell the servant not to go to my brother's before breakfast this morning. 8. Please charge the servant to go to my brother's before breakfast this morning. 9. Please tell him to go to your uncle's to-morrow morning. 10. Please ask your brother to call at the post-office before noon to-day. 11. Did you tell him what I said ? 12. "When you go to Sendai, please call on my brother. 42 THE MASTERY SERIES. 13. Ano h'to wa watakustii yori no tegami wo uke- r y t> * * y 2 ?v * ; y y- jtr s * *r ir totta Jca otadzne kudosed. 14. Uketottara anata no otayori de Tienji wo *r Jr \- V # ? 7 + # y^^=t>; ?^y V * olcuru yd ni tanonde Jcudasai. THIRD SENTENCE. SECTION II. a jug in hot water and a cup of coffee bring to midzsashi ni yu to ippai no kohi wo motte koi to 1. Midzsaslii ni yu to ippai no Tcolii wo motte s y -fr y * =*. 1- >t^>\ e >i y ^ts^^y^ koi to kodzkai ni iitske nasai. * >f ^ * ^ * y ar ta ^ >Tb^^- ^^->i 2. Watakshi ni asa han wo motte Iwi to Tcodz- y 2 & v ^ ry-^y * =e y r ^ 4 \ ay fcai ni iitske nasai. ^b =s >}b^^r ^^->( 3. -Mai mciW watdkslii no bento too motte Jcoi -* 4 ~+ V # \9 V y < V V ^r ^-^^^a-i to Jcodzkai ni ii nasai. a . 4. Kiyodai no uchi ye yoru maye ni tomodacM ye asa i^a^ i(;o dose to are ni ii nasai. ^ r * ^ v * 3*" ^ ^ r v =* >i b -)- ^ j 5. Kiyo go ji Tcutszya ni Itutsz wo motte Ttoi to & ? * & ? w x* * y * ^ y T * >t f *%e Tcudasai. JAPANESE. 43 13. Please ask him if .he has received a letter from me. 14. If he has received it, please ask him to send me an answer by you. THIRD SENTENCE. SECTION II. To bring me a jug of hot- water and a cup of coffee. 1. Tell the servant to bring me a jug of hot-water and' a cup of coffee. 2. Tell the servant to bring me my breakfast. 3. Tell the servant to bring me my lunch every day. 4. Tell him to take the breakfast to my friend before calling at my brother's. 5. Please tell the shoemaker to bring me the shoes at five o'clock to-day. 44 THE MASTERY SERIES. 6. Watakshi no hon wo tori ni kiyodai no uchi ye yotte kudasai. 7. Asi no asa watakshi no asa han wo motte 7 * ^ 7 * V # v ^ r-v^y* *y ^ Icuru ni oyobanu to anata no Jcodzkai ni # ;ix A X ^ ^ * b r ^ -/ a y ^rts ** i^e Jcudasai. 8. u4sftte ivataksJii no asa undo maye ni 7 V ^ 9^^^ y T^^VK^r -^^ =* asa han wo motte Jcoi to are ni itie r if* ^ v s^^^^ =>l i- rv^>fy^ 9. ^?i'c^i mc/ii watakshi no chichi ye lento too ^^ ss ^ 9^^V / ^^^- -< V b jr ^ ifca ? it 10. Jfai Tiic^i watakshi no lento wo motte Jeuru ^4 ^^ y&tr=/s*y\-*r ^=^yT*^ v ^ no ni liono ninsoJcu ni ifcura harawaneba y =a_ - ^ =1 V V ^ =a 4 ? 7 * 7 J ^ JV narimasen ka ! + 9 *+&* it 11. Itszmo doyo niclii wa wataJcshi no lento ivo >{$>= Kst^r ^^ ^ y & >s y y-t =4 ^ >v^ moraitai. JAPANESE. ' 45 6. Will you do me the favor to call at my brother's for my book ? 7. Tell your servant, if you please, that he need not bring me my breakfast to-morrow morning. 8. Please tell him to bring my breakfast to-morrow before my morning walk. 9. Will you bring a lunch to my father every day ? 10. How much must I pay this coolie to bring me my lunch every day. 11. You need not bring my lunch on Saturdays. 12. I want you to bring it every day except Saturday. 46 THE MASTERY SERIES. 13. Mai asa watdksJii no lento wo dwan *+Jr^y##V S < V ) fr *> K^^ ni irero to riyorinin ni iitskete a* >t V P b V - 8r ft V xi >t t* kudasai. 14. -Sfai niclii jiu ni ji ni cha wo ippai 15. (7Aa ^o iss^o ni said mo skoshi bon ni ft h 4V V * --b^r q& ^ a a/ ^ y = THIRD SENTENCE. SECTION III. seven o'clock at fail without shichi ji ni soi naku 1. Omaye sh'chi ji ni nagagutsz wo motte kara V A' ^ 2. JSTore kara JuzcM ji made wa watdkushi no asa- aV ^ 7 **j & -*? ^ V & ? V S ? ^ Tian wo motte kuru ni oyobanu. y ^ = y 7^ ^ ;v =4 % a >* x 3. Zteo kutszya ye kiyo shi ji maye ni soi F fr 7" * y "Y * ^ir ? V V ***> a* >jr^ watdkushi no ngagautsz wo motte Jcoi y z p v ; ^e kudasai. JAPANESE. 47 13. Please tell the cook to put my lunch into the satchel every morning. 14. Bring me a cup of tea every day at twelve o'clock. 15. Bring some sugar on the tray with the tea. THIRD SENTENCE. SECTION III. at seven o'clock without fail 1, Can you bring me the boots at seven o'clock ? 2. You need not bring me my breakfast till eight o'clock hereafter. 3. Please tell the shoemaker to bring me my boots before four o'clock to day without fail. 48 THE MASTERY SERIES. 4. ASK shi ji lian goro soi naku watakslii no 7 * * & *y -rfp >^r>J + *?#*& S oyaji no uchi ye yuke to jinriki Jiiki X *?f J *r + ^ *.Jr Y &y 9 *t b> ^ ni ii nasai. 4 b, -J- HM 5. Kiyo slii ji Jian ni NegisJii made nosete mata jr ? ^/^ >^V = ^ af ^ ^^ y^^^^ sh'chiji ni Jcayeru no ni ikura harawaneba y ^ ~y =* ^^2L^y ri >| ^ 7 ^>^^>y narimasen ha ? ^ y ^^v ^r 6. .A T ci2e omaye wa mai nichi watakslii no asa >i wi ^r V K 5r konai ka ? 7. ASK no asa machigai naku watakslii no Jio- 7* sr+ -* + V4^?- y#*v s ^^ yu to tomo ni Jcawaseza ye aide A & 1- Y ^ =* ^ ^ -y ^ %4i* nasaru Tea? 8. JKb^ ?^^c^^ soi ndbu sono tsztszmi wo tori ni =i y ** + > * >t ^- ^ v y y ^> H ^ h >; - JcoJco ye oyoJcoshi nasai to watakshi no tomo- a *^X **V + + 4 u I V * PV S b=a dachi ni itte Jcudasai. 9. ^sa han wo hu ji ni sedz to hachiji ni motie r v * y ^ ^ tf f ^ >c ^ >^ ^ r - =^ y T Jcoi to Jcodzkai ni ii nasai. JAPANESE. 49 4. Tell the jin-riki-sha man to go to my father's to- morrow at about half past four o'clock with- out fail. 5. How much must I pay to be taken to Negishi to* day at half past four o'clock, and home again at seven ? 6. Why do you not bring me my breakfast every day without fail, before my morning walk ? 7. Will you go to the bank with my friend to-morrow morning without fail ? 8. Please tell my friend to call here to-day without fail, to get his parcel. 9. Tell the servant not to bring my breakfast at nine o'clock, but at eight. 50 THE MASTERY SERIES. 10. WataksJii no Jioyu wo Jcoko ye nosete kuru y & & & y ^ *r 4 *r * a =t *x. y^^ & ju tame ni soi naku kesa Kanagawa ye yuke & } ^ >> fir A -h^-^r^ it 1-jf^ ^ *Ljr to jin-riki hiki ni ii nasai. i-5ry;*ffc^=4>lfe-)-HM 11. Ano li'to iva Tciyo JcoJco ye soi naku kuru ry b ^.^ ^ ~* * * ^ ? & * + ? ? * to iimashta. b 4 t -* -S 2 12. Ash'ta achira de watakushi ni soi naku o-de- 7 V 27 + 7 ? ? 9 >s V ^ W 4 ^ & %*? ai nasaru Tea ? r t> +y IK ^ THIED SENTENCE. SECTION IV. or, more early can if ka> motto hayaku dekiru nara 1. Dekiru nara asa lian wo dase to Jcodzkai 7* ^ f ^ r f ^ y * * ^ h ^ ^ * ^ ni ii nasai. =1 4 t. ^r^jr 4 2. Sh'chiji han Jca dekiru nara motto Jiayaku V ^ & >x v it ^ *t ^ +? ^ y v -V ^ nakagutsz wo motte koi to are ni ii ^jtr^y * *y? *4 Y rv ** 4** nasai. +*t4 3. Goji han ni yukarenu nara roku ji ni SMba : sy >* V riaL^/V^ ^7^^^^V-? ye watakshi wo nosero to giyosha ni **> y $ 2> v * y ^ v ^ 5f^?/-y f* ii nasai. JAPANESE. 51 10. Tell the jin-riki-sha man to go to Kanagawa this morning, without fail, to bring my friend here. 11. He said he would come here to-day without fail. 13. Will you meet me there without fail to-morrow ? THIRD SENTENCE. SECTION IV. or sooner if he can 1. Tell the servant to bring my breakfast, if he can. 2. Tell him to bring the boots at half-past seven o'clock, or sooner if he can. 3. Tell the driver to take me to the Shiba at six o'clock, if he cannot at half past five. 52 - THE MASTERY. SERIES. 4. ASK ivatakushi no kiyodai ga yukarenu nara 7 X V^r^^ / a?- -Y fr 3?M 2f =t # v * -)- 7 anata Tokiyo no Gaimu sho ye r + & f * ^ si $r y #M A ^ -Y ^ oicfe kudasaro ka ? X 4 7* > 3^ -^7^ ^ 5. Moshi Jciyo go domlyo no uchi ye oide *V jr ? rf K^H-V^ry er^-^^T 2 ' nasaretaltuba kodzkai 100 h'tori otszre + ^ Y & & ^ u y* * ^ * ts ^ ; ^ N y v nasai. 6. (TO yi &a dekiru nara motto liaycJm wata- *v-*7*t*'^ + ? *y \- ^v* y# hshi no oyaji iva mimatte Jcudasai to & =/ y % -V V ** = ** *> 7* >j $ jfr ^ \. Tioyu ni otanomi nasai. **r 4 *r ->T:*ys -J- ^ 4 7. Dozo jiu ji lea dekiru nara motto Jiayaku K &yr y ? & it 7*i v +7 * y f -V > ivatakshira no Jioyu wo kawaseza ye y 9 py ? 7 * *r 4 *r * ft * iff * nosero to jinriki-liiki ni itte kudasai. y ^ b ?r v ; ^e ^ ^ ->{^^^3f-f>i 8. J3w ic/^ yi ?ia^ Z?a dekiru nara motto V? 4 + & V ^ 7^^^ -h 7 =^ ^ h Jiayaku ivatakshi no bentd wo are ni -Y^ ? # !> V S ^VY*r * rv =* Tiakobasete moraitai. a >Y ^ ^ =e 7 >i ^ >i maioari ka dekiru nara motto Jiayaku y -^ ; ^ 7* ^ ^ ^ =e ^ b ^ V ? koko ye oide nasai. JAPANESE. 53 4. Will you do me the favor to go to the Foreign office in Tokiyo to-morrow, if my brother cannot ? 5. If you wish to go to your father's to-day, take a servant with you. 6. Ask my friend to call on my father at five o'clock, or sooner if he can. 7. Please tell the jin-riki-sha man to take our friend to the bank at ten o'clock, or earlier if he can. 8. I want him to bring me my lunch at half past eleven o'clock, or sooner if he can. 9. Come here next week, or sooner if you can. 54 THE MASTERY SERIES. 10. Kiyodai ga mi getsz ba dekiru nara motto *f -V * 3?M 1? ? 4 ^y * ^ap/p^^qa^f haydku Toroppa ye yukitai to mo- ' shimas. V ** * 11. Mai nichi Macliiyai naku sh'chi ji Tea dekiru -* 4 ^^ -*^#M ^r 9- V^ y^Jt 7*^y nara motto liayaku midz saslii ni yu to 1r 7 =^^h -v^ ~ x -y-y =* XL * ippai no Jcohi to motte koi to "kodz- A ^>\M S **> b ?&yr =>! h dijr Ttai ni itte Tcudasai. FOURTH SENTENCE. If you go to town to day, ask tlie bookseller, by the when he will send me the English book that I bought there three or four days ago. SECTION I. you to-day town to go if anata kiyo maclii ye oide nara 1. Mai nichi machi ye oide nasaruJca? ^ 4 A+^t^x^^^r^y,* 2. Mai nichi undo ni ode-Jcake nasaru Tea ? ^ 4 =*^ Sr y Y & ~ XT** lr ^ * if * 3. Moshi Jciyo ode-Jcake nara Shin machi no watar =e^^-7 X7*#jr +7 VV ^^ S V# Jcshi no ane no uchi ye oide Icudasa- ^^ s r* 7 *r+ <- X 47 ^5rr ro lea 1 JAPANESE. 55 10. My brother says he wishes to go to Europe next month, or before if he can. 11. Please tell the servant to bring me a jug of hot water and a cup of coffee every day without fail at seven o'clock, or sooner if he can. FOtJBTH SENTENCE. SECTION I. If you go to town to day 1. Do you go to town every day ? 2. Do you go out every day for exercise ? 3. If you go out to-day will you do me the favor to call at my elder sister's in New Street ? 56 THE MASTERY SERIES. 4. Hoshi Idyo machi ye oide nara Tcutszya ye wata- Icslii no nagagutsz wo soi ndku go ji ni yoJcose to itte hudasai. =1 a. ^ b ^ y T~ & & ^ 4 5. MbsM asz no asa Itasha de maclii ye oide r^^/ 7*:*, y y ^ >^^"V 7 s " ~* **f *^ X 4 :f nara ivatdkuslii no tame ni Kawaseza ye "i nasaru ~ka ? 6. Konniclii atarashii liaori wo Jcai ni shta- a v =s ^ r ^ 7 ^ >{ >^^-;^*>i^^^ feya 7/e yukitai. 7* *? *- =*.*t & 4 7. WataJcsJii no Jciyodai ga Jciyo machi ye yukeba V & f V y ^-V3f>t ^^-^ ^^ ^ zLjrsf asliita no lion wo honya kara totte r v & y * v ^ ^y-y^7 b^r- 8. Konniclii watakslii no kodzkai wo machi ye ay^^ Hommo'ku ye tskawasliimaslio. * V =6 ^ ^ y#}?3/^^^ 10. Jinriki de wa machi ye oide nasaru mai to yy 9 ^ T* ^ ^^ * x 4 ? +**' -*4 h vonjimas ga do des. yr V V + * y K er 7 * 11. Konniclii go Tioyu ga inaka ye oide nara aV^^^f ^^>i^ ft 4 * * ~ * 4 7* ** 7 go isslio ni mairimasho* JAPANESE. 57 4. If you go to town to-day, please tell the shoemaker to send me my boots at five o'clock, with- out fail. 5. If you drive to town to-morrow morning, will you go to the bank for me ? 6. I want to go to the tailor's to-day to get a new coat. 7. If my brother goes to town to-day he can get your book at the bookstore. 8. Do you wish to send my servant to town to-day ? 9. If you do not send him there, I shall send him to Hommoku. 10. You do not go to town in a jinrikisha, do you ? 11. If your friend goes into the country to-day, will you go with him. 58 THE MASTERY SERIES. 12. Kiyo go yoji de Tokiyo ye aide nasa- mneba narimasen ka ? 13. Saku jitsz yukitagatta keredomo amari ten- Id ga warukatta. 14. Kanagawa ye yukimas nara, Mru maye ni kayeri- mas. FOUETH SENTENCE. SECTION II. by the way the bookseller of inquire otszide ni honya ni kiki nasai 1. WataksM yari liayaku ode-Jcake naraba otzi- y\#9-* 9 *.* ^^t x 7*1* & + 7 * * y 4 de ni katvaseza ye yotte Jcudasaru ka ? ^ ^ ^ >N ^ -f -v ^ y ^- ? & -y- V * 2. Hfkure maye ni watdkslii no kutsz wo yokosarerw js V ^-v -y^^^/ y^y ^ ^.u^-V;v Jka to tszide ni Jmtszya ni kiki nasai. #b y 4r - ^ y -V ****** -MM 3. HoncJio ye odekake nara Tcono te no kinu * y + "V Sr -^ ^ 7* ^ 4r -h^ ^t7^ 7^^ ^o mo sfcos^i Zcai ni shobei no mise 3~^?'*.i : 5/'ftt*=*=S3L*r'<4 y =^ 7/e ?/o^e kudasai. ^ sty F ? 3?' -^ 4 4. IE maye m ivatakshi to isslw niKana- b>^-^-v^ ^^^^ 1- >ly^/a^ ^-h ^raw;a ye yukareru ka to otszide ni ivata- jf^^zi.it\/)isit h % y >{ r - !7 ^ kshi no tomodachi ni ki'ite kudasai. JAPANESE. 12. Is it necessary for you to go to Tokiyo to-day on business ? 13. I wished to go yesterday, but the weather was too bad. 14. If I go to Kanagawa, I shall come back before noon FOUETH SENTENCE. SECTION II. inquire of the book-seller by the way 1. If you go out before I do, will you do me the favor of calling at the bank by the way ? \ 2. Ask the shoemaker by the way, if he can send my boots before evening. 3. If you go out to Main Street, please call at Sho- bei's to get me a little more silk of this kind. 4. Please ask my friend by the way, if he can go to- Kanagawa with me before noon. 60 THE MASTERY SERIES, 5. Watakshi wa kiyo sol naku yukaneba nari- y & >; =/ '\ jr ? ^ *r 4 ^r & =*-# ^ ^ ^ \) masen. *%* 6. Machi ye yulm toki ni midzsashi wo tori ni hachi- ^f ^ -^ ^L ^ >^^ = y If V ^ f >; a* ^ + jiu ku ban ye yore to kodzkai ni i'i y ? ^ f V -si a v h **y" It t> =* 4 *+ nasai. + V4 7. Dozo jiu ni ji ha nareba nwtto Jiaydku y *ryr y ? s* y ?/ ^ v ^ ^ y *V > watakshi no bento ivo motte Jeoi to y & & V y ^Vl-^r 2- =^^ 3->{ h are m i^e Jcudasai. 7 V ^ >i 9 ^ ^ 5T If- 4 Sore wa so to ivataksJii no Idyodai ni 8. >V>^ >^r V 7^^^ / %^^3^>t =* oai ^ara watakshi ni kami wo dkuru XT *^? V # * & u ** * s * ;T ^> ;f 2/o m to Tcudasai. *t*r - >t N > ^ ^ ^ t >T 9. Sore wa so to Jconoaida kono machi ye >v >^ >\y v ** s r 4 & ^y -**r ~ mairimasJita isJia wo otadzne nas't- ^ 4 ; ^ ^ 3? >J ^ -V ^ ^ 3* y -^ -h ^ y ta Tea ? 2 * 10. Torn tszide ni watakshi no kutsz ivo kutszya \> *r v y 4 7* - y ^ i> ^ y ^ ^ ^ i> y -V m tadzne nasai. ** *yr* ^-^4 11. Watakshi wa kesa machi ye itta toki ni J 2 W * JrV ^^ ^ 4V 2 1^- tocliiu de go sompu sama ni aimashta. JAPANESE. 61 5. I must go to-day without fail. . Tell the servant to go to No. 89, and get a j when he goes to town. 7. Please tell him to bring my lunch at twelve o'clock or sooner, if he can. 8. By the way, if you meet my brother in town, please ask him to send me some paper. 9. By the way, have you called on the physician who lately came to town. 10. Inquire at the shoemaker's about my shoes, as you go along. 11. I met your father on the way, as I went to town, this morning. 62 THE MASTERY SERIES. 12. Okayeri gake ni dozo koko ye yotte kuda- sai. FOURTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. when me to lie will send itss watakshi ni yokosz ka 1. Honya ga itsz watakshi ni jibiki wo yoko- * y V 3T 4V V ** 1> V - V tf ^ ^ ^ at ss fca ? * ? 2 Watakshi to vtsz Hakoneye oide nasaru Jca? 7^^^ V 4 V ^^^^%4r1r^v% 3. Itsz wataksJiira wo omimai kudasaru ka ? 4V V ? '; V ? * X ^^** '; & y~ V % 4. Itsz tskai wo yubin ydkusho ye oyari 4y y if b. ^ XLWV *? >s y ?* ^^*v>; nasaritai ka ? 1r ^ V & 4 It 5. Watakshi yori saki ni odekake nara otszide y^r^^ ^; ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ir ir ? x y 4 T ni kiyo asz no uchi so'i naku watakshi ~ jr ? 7 X, S * + W 4 +? J # !r V no nagagutsz wo yokosz ka to kutszya ni y ^ jf ^ y 3- dt =t ^ ^r b ^ *> -V - o fcifei nasai. * ^ ^ 1rV f 4 6. Honya iva go ji maye ni sono sliomotsz wo ^ y -y *>*-=? -* ^ ^ >y =/&?*> 3* watakshi ni yokosz mai. y^^r^/ =1 =*=t ;*,-*>{ 7. Itsz omeshi-tskai wo ichiba ye oyari Ay % > v v% t> ^ 4+*-* ^ X V v nasaru ka ? 1r ^v 1* JAPANESE. 63 12. When you come back, please call here by theway. FOURTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. when he will send me to 1. When will the book-seller send me the dictionary ? 2. When will you go with me to Hakone. 3. When will you do us the favor of calling on us ? 4. When do you wish to send to the post-office ? 5. If you go out before I do, ask the shoe-maker by the way, if he will send me my boots to-day or to-morrow without fail. 6. The book-seller will not send those books before five o'clock, I think. 7. When shall you send your servant to the market ? 64 THE MASTERY SERIES. 8. Sliakubaya ga kiyo jiu ichi ji maye ni baslia wo koko ye yokosz d'aro ka ? 9. Momban ni sono danna wa itsz okayeri ka to okiki nasai. 10. /#S2 50^0 makiyemono wo watakshi ni yokosM 4 y >7 ^^ ^re j * y & >; v ^ ^.^t=/ nasaru Tea ? ^ -9- >v ^ 11. Amari arm ga fwrimasen naraMyo sashi anger- 7 ^ } ) r * ** ^ ; -^ ^ v -j- 7 ^ ^ -t ^ r ^ v mas. ^ ^ 12. Hayaku yoJcosz nara oTti ni arigato. -v ^ st^^^^^*^^ r ; jtr v $ 13. Go /ioyw ^a Yokohama ye kayeru told TcoJco * * ^" >t ^ y * a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ )V ] *? a =t ?/e 7/orw 2/0 ni otanomi nasai. ^ SL^-V^ =4 % & s * J-^-Y 14. Shalculaya wd itsz watakslii no 'mma wo yokosz -/ -V ^ >Y -V >^ >{ ^ 7 ^ ^ -y y *Jr -^ ^ st n ^ fea go zonji des ka ? # ^ v>- v =/ ^ ^ it 15. 'Mma wo yokosz toki ni betto mo issho *? -* 3~ a a ^ ^ -3f ^^^)>^^xf^^/a. ni yokosasetai. ^ ^ a ^^ ^r 4 16. Kutszya ga watakslii no kiitsz ivo yokosz maye ni * V -V ^i^^^-yy >^^a=-^^^= Mgra kuremasho. u y ^ V ^ ^ yy 17. -^T^O 7^^o ^a Tokiyo ye chaku sli'tareba 7 S \- IT V *r*tr& ^ + V ^ =-X & V >* watakshi ni teg ami wo okurimas. JAPANESE. 65 8. Will the Irvery-stable keeper send us a carriage- before eleven o'clock to-day ? 9. Ask the gate-keeper, when his master will come home. 10. When will you send me that lackered- ware ? 11. I will send it to-day, if it does not rain too hard. 12. If you send it soon, I shall be much obliged. 13. Ask your friend to call here, when he returns to Yokohama. 14. Do you know when the lively-stable keeper will send me the horse ? 15, When he sends the horse, I want him to send a groom with it. 16. It will be night before the shoemaker sends me my shoes, I think. 17. When he arrives at Tokiyo, he will send me a letter. 66 THE MASTERY SERIES. FOURTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. I bought English book watakshi ga kaimashta Igirisz no hon 1. Ano h'to ni oyari nas'tta haori wo its* r >> fc B * * x -v i) + *y * ** y * 4 *> okai nas'tta Tea ? * * 4 + * y * 2. Kind okai nas'tta Igwisz no hon wo ^ ; *r % if b **s>r>i3ff*y * y * omise kudasaru ka ? ^5^^3^-9-IP ^ 3. Kaimashta hon iva Igirisz no de not **-**>* * V >* >i af 9 * ^ 7* * >< Fransz no des. ? ? y * s T* * 4. Watakshi ga i'itsketa Jcohi wo itsz motta J & >; v Jf 4 ** y >r * =t. * 4 y ^ y ? kuru ha ? & fr it 5. Ano otoJco no ko wa jibun no yomitagatte yy^-va y a >, -p ^ y y a = #!?> ^ tt?o kaimashta. 6. Watakshi ga sore wo Honcho de katta h'to y & ? v ft v * * v *r W T* it y * \* \> kara moraimashta. 1t 7 * 7 4 -* V # 7. Moshi odekake naroba kiyodai ga watakshi =6^ * T* * jr + 7 >+ ^-ver^^ fr y * ? * no tame ni katte oita hon 100 its* y ? } * H y 7- % 4 9 * V t ^. ^ yokosz ka to lionya ni otszide ni kiki a=t* 7f I- * v -V -yfSM?* > ^ * JAPANESE. 67 FOURTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. the English book that I bought 1. When did you buy the coat that you gave him ? 2. Will you please let me see the book that you bought yesterday ? 3. The book I bought is not English, it is French. 4. When will you bring the coffee I ordered ? 5. That boy bought a book that he wished to read. 6. I received it from the man who bought it in Main Street. 7. If you go out, ask the book-seller by the way, when he will send me the book that my brother bought for me. 68 THE MASTERY SERIES. 8. Watakshi iva Basha Michi kin jo no Otama- chi ni iru h'to ivo mimed ni yorimashta. 9. Omochi nasaru fude wa yoi no dewa ari- masen. 10. Dozo sono dai no uye ni aru jibiki wo watakshi ni owatashi kudasai. 11. Watakshira no manabu nikkwa wo waszrete wa naranu. 12. Omaye ga midzsashi ni matte kita yu wa atszku nai. 13. Omaye ga motte kita midzsashi wa midz ga ippai nai. 14. Watakshi ga omaye ni yatta Eisho too dai no uye ni oki nasai. 15. Kutszya ga watakshi no tame ni koshirayete iru kutsu ivo kiyo yokosz hadz ka ashta ka ? 16. Watakshi no tame ni okai nas'tta Nippon no shomotsz wa mukashi banashi ga taiso oku arimas. JAPANESE. 69 8. I called to see the man who lives in 0-tamachi near Carriage Street. 9. The pen that you have is not a good one. 10. Please hand me that dictionary which is on the table. 11. We must not forget the lessons that we learn. 12. The water that you brought in the jug is not hot. 13. The jug that you brought is not full of water. 14. Put the English book that I gave you on the table. 15. Is it to-day or to-morrow that the shoe-maker is to send me the shoes he is making for me ? 16. The Japanese book that you bought for me has a great many stories in it. 70 THE MASTERY SERIES. 17. Watakshi ni oharai nas'tta kane wa nise* gane des If* 7* *. 18. Watakshi no tanomimashta shisho wa J? 3 ^ V V Jt / 5 -^ ^ 3r v V -V ^r ^ rdku sai des. v >; *<\ 7 A FOURTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. three four days ago san yokka izen ni 1. Mikka izen ni tuatakshi ni iitsketa hon wo katta to oyaji ni ohanashi kudasai. * ny % \-%w~x^v**r*4 2. Hor>,ya wa sore wo itsz Jcolco ye yolcoshimas ka ? ^y-y v * 4 y * * ^ a *=/-** # 3. Sore wo mikka izen ni koko ye yokosz Jiadz ? V * s^fr>|-ferysaaa'^aa^>%xr d'atta. ? 7V 2 4. Itsz sore ivo koko ye yokosz liadz d'atta ka ? A y ? v * ^^ ^ aa^, '* x 7* 7 y 2 * 6. Sore wo san yokka izen ni koko ye yokosz y v * * * a ^ ^ hadz d'akke. * x* ? 7 y ir JAPANESE. 71 17. The money you paid me is counterfeit. 18. The teacher that I have engaged is forty-six years old. FOURTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. three or four days ago 1. Please say to my father that I bought the book he directed me to buy three days ago. 2. When will the bookseller send it here ? / 3. He was to have sent it here three days ago. 4. When was he to send it here ? 5. He was to have sent it here three or four days ago* /2 THE MASTERY SERIES. 6. Watakshi ga to ka izen ni kiyodai no tame ni katte oita Nippon sJwmotsz wo itsz yokosu ka to ano h'to ni okiki 3- 4 y ^ 3 :*. # Y 7 ^ t* V - X *s *t nasai. 7. San yokka wen ni sokode kome wo okai nasaranakatta ka ? 8. Naze kutszya wa watakshi no f'tsz ka izen ni katte oita kutsz ivo mada yokosanai ka ? 9. Watakshi ga san yokka izen ni Shobei no mise de katte oita ittan no kinu y st?*ity:;rX4$ 4 y % y 7^^ wo tori ni Me kureru ka to kiyodai ni otanomi nasai. ' * * # ; s ++4 10. Itsz Nikko ye oide nasaimas ka ? 11. Okayeri made ik'ka kakarimas ka? X it ^ V * 7* 4 y it it it 9 ^f ^ it 12. Watakshi wa san yokka sono hen ye to- riu shimasho. 13. Honya 'ga nano ka izen ni yokosh'ta chidz no dai wo ikura harawaneba narimasen ka f JAPANESE. 73 6. Ask him when he will send me the Japanese be ok I bought for my brother ten days ago. 7. Did you not buy rice there three or four days ago ? S. Why does not the shoe-maker send me the shoes I bought two days ago ? 9. Ask my brother, if he will do me the favor to go to Shobers for the piece of silk I bought there three days ago. 10. When shall you go to TsTikko ? 11. How long will it be before you come back ? 12. I shall be there about three or four days, 13. How much must I pay for the map which the book- seller sent me a week ago ? 74 THE MASTERY SERIES, 14. MosM konnichi macJiiye ode-kake nara wata- ^=/ * y A f -^t FIFTH SENTENCE. servant looked in a bad humor last evening^ ivlien lie came to clear the table and get our letters to post them. SECTION I. The servant looked kodzkaiwa miyeta 1. Watakshi no kodzkai wa yowaku miyeru ga ^^o tya tszyoku miyemas. 7 * ^ ^ >N ^ ^ ^ s ^ -^ ^ 2. /Sore j/ori mifea ^o ?/oi fe^sa issoku dase- V V a ; 5 > v V a>l^^>{^>^ 3. ^4me *r =* =^;v^^y^^^/ >^ demasenu. 4. ^o 7^io loa busahona hodo fkigen de 77 b )' >^ ^ ^ ^ i- ^ F ^ ^ ^ V 7* JAPANESE, 75 14. If you go to town to-day, ask the book-seller by tlie way, when he will send me the English book that I bought three or four days ago. FIFTH SENTENCE. SECTION I. the servant looked 1. My servant looks weak, but your's looks strong. 2. Can you show me a better looking pair of shoes than that ? 3. As it looks likely to rain I shall not go out this morning. 4. That man was so cross that he was rude. 76 THE MASTERY SERIES. 5. Otoko no ko wa awozameru hodo osarete # \. =t y a >% 7 ^ -f y V * V X V imask'ta. 4 -* =/ ? 6. MosM tenld go, yoku nariso nara Toldyo ^~/ 7-y ^ If SL ^ *;> ^ 7 b fr -^ -V S j/e yukimas. 7. .STesa /^oc^o feo/co ye mairimash'ta h'to wa domo jr -9- * K 3 =* ^ "^ ^ V "^ ^ ^ fc. 1* -^ K >y ^ Nippon jin no yd ni miyenakatta. z* y ?3f y =/ y y a >y ^ s & ^ n *> ^ 8. Ano h'to wa JFransz jin no yd ni miyeru 7 y fc b >^ -? ? y ?<. -y y / a. t5r = H ^ ;u <7& Portogaru no h'to des. jf jJf ;i- h jf ;ix y b. b 7* ^ 9. Watakshi yori saki ni odekake nara dozo V ? >; v a>; ^-^ ^ ^.^-^^ ^.^ K v> r ivaszrete oita tszye wo Jiiyaku 6cm de otadzne kudasai. ^ y T * & y * > jr -- ^ 10. Watalzslii ga konnicM kaimash'ta Iwn wa y & * -/ jf ^ y ^ ^ # t. -^ =/ & i&y ^ furulm miyemas. 11. Hana zono iva domo kirei ni miyeru koto. +?*/ Y * = ^ V >i si H A ;v a ), 12. Sorewa mikake yori yoi. ^ v ^ H^^T^J; ^>{ 13. Sore wa mikake daosld des. > v '* ^ it jr y * v 7 * 14. Aru h'tora wa mikake yori yoi. 7 7 ^th7>\5^Jr^.; =1 4 15. Kitiszwa zori yori miye mo moclii mo yoi mono # y * y& y z $ H^qa=e^=e^>f=ey des. r ^ JAPANESE. 77 5. The boy was so frightened that he turned pale. 6. If the weather looks likely to be fair I shall go to Tokiyo. 7. The man who came here this morning did not look at all like a Japanese. 8. That man looks like a Frenchman, but he is a Portuguese. 9. If you go out before I do, please inquire at !No 100 for the cane I left there yesterday. 10. The book that I bought to-day looks old. 11. How pretty that garden looks ! 12. It is better than it looks. 13. It looks better than it is. 14. Some men are better than they look. 15. Shoes look better and are better than sandals. 78 THE MASTERY SERIES. 16. Ana otoko no koiva Jiinekkobite miyemas. TV/ ^ ]- 3 / n >>, fc, -^ y n t: s ?- = ;2> -s* ^ 17. -A r cm dold da ka tokei wo minasai. + y Y * & * ^ ir 4 * s -h y 4 18. Me ivo agete ki no ura no waslii wo mimasli'ta. FIFTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. bad humor of manner in (or) humor bad way in f 'kigen no yo ni (or) kigen ga waruso ni 1. Watdltslii no Iviyodai iva lento maye ni J & >; -/ ' y -^ ^ ^ $4 >> < v ]> \y -^ ^ ^ y 'kigen no yd ni miyemasli'ta ka? *? 3f. '/ v y ^.^ =i =^-^^/^f ^ 2. Watakshi ga ano li'to ni atta toki ni ?';=/ ft* r y ^ \ - 7 y ^ V ^ - kibun ga waruso ni miyenakatta. * -?*- v^ - miyenakatta ka ? 4. JQEn^ 7^aye wi 7i:i(/e^ ^a ^ofc^6 waruso ni miye- \*fls-+*.s&%yy y-*'syysy*r** ^ ^ mash'ta. -^ =/ & 5. Ano kodomo wa smeru mono des. 7 j n ]? ^ >> ^ -T- jv ^e / r ^. 6. Setto wa watakshi no oyaji wo tetszdo -< y V fr >^ y ^ ^ ^/ y ^ -V =x * 7-^1"*^ >io tateba ye nosete itta maye ni kigen j &7^ ^ y -u r >i y ^ -^ ^ =s 2^. ^ y ga ivaruso ni miyeta. JtT 7 ^ > - H ^ ^r JAPANESE. 79 16. That boy looks like a little old man. 17. Look at the clock and see what time it is. 18. I looked up and saw an eagle on the top of a tree* FIFTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. in a bad humor 1. Did my brother look in a bad humor before lunch. 2. When I saw him he did not look in a bad humor ? 3. Did not the servant look in a bad humor yester- day? 4. He looked very cross before noon. 5. That child is a sulky thing. 6. The betid looked in a bad humor before he took my father to the railway station. 80 THE MASTERY SERIES. 7. Kcnjd ga warttsd ni miyeru Ji'to des ga lionto ni so de wa nai. 8. Are wa iji no ivarui Ji'to de wa nai. 9. WatoksJii no iicJii de wa iji no warm fcocfe- Itai wa irimasen. *ft b - v > J\ y ^f ^ v 10. H'tori no iji no wand Jiodzlcai ga JioJta no wo mina Jtomaraseru. 11. Nani ga ano li'to wo sonna ni f'Jzigen ni ^^^ yy ^ j, . ^ y ^ z* ?% 7 y Jr }f ? it V -+ *-+4 14. -^?zo 7i ? to ?t?a ichi nichi kigen ga ivaru katta. 7 y t* b >! ^ sft ^ % ^ y jf y ;v -ft y & 15. ^Tzo 7t^o *(;a kigen ga war id told ni dare ni 7 y ^v . %&y yr y v* * *t ~ 2 v ^ /o iimasen. 16. Jfez 7^0 Z.%m wo jfoi" 7^o (/a yoroshii. 4 V * % >/ y y a xi ^ ^ If ~ * =/ 4 t 17 Watakshi ga omaye ni mono wo iu toki ni 9 & ? & 3f 9- -* ~- ^^/ 2* 4 ? ^^ - sonna ni kigcn ga warn sona kawo >> y -)- ra ^ ^ v % ? ;v > t> ^ ^r ^ tski shi nasaritna. JAPANESE. 81 7. He looks like an ill-tempered man, but lie is not so in reality. 8. He is not an ill-natured man. 9. I do not want an ill-tempered servant in my house* 10. One ill-tempered servant makes all the rest un- comfortable. 11. What makes that man in such a bad humor ? 12. Nobody can tell why he is so cross. 13. He does not know the reason himself, I suspect. 14. He has been in a bad humor all day. 15. When he is in a bad humor, he speaks to no one. 16. It is better to be always in a good humor. 17. Do not look so cross when I speak to you. 82 THE MASTERY SERIES. FIFTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. last evening came when Saku ban kita tokini 1. Sakuban kodzkai ga watakshi no yu to ip- y. ? ^ y -a y * h* jf 7 ? ^ s/ y = \- 4 y pai no cha ivo motte kita told ni kigen >v 4 s+vf*y?*t* \- % =* %yv ga waruso ni miycta. jf 7 ^ > *r HOL^ 2 Sakuban ano h'to ga koJco ye kita toki ni y ^ >y y T' y t ]- y rt n ^ ^ ^r v % d yoran nas'tta ka ? ? ? y -h ^, '> & if 3. -dwo A 7 to ga sakuban kita toki ni iva wata- mo rfde shimatta. ? i> x =6 > r r = ^ *> ^ 4. -4^e ?^a ivatakshi ye tegami wo wata slii ni kita 7V" y & & & ** ? jf ?. * y ? =/ ^ ^ 9 told ni anata iva doko ni i nas'tta ka 'I \ % zs 71-2 ^ K^ -^-f^,^^ 5. Ano h'to ga mairimasli'ta no wa nan ji de 7 } b h y -* 4 ; -^ v ? y ^ -t- v =^ ^ alta ka shirimascn. 7?? * y ; * te v /;a nayagiitsz 100 tvatashi ni kita toki ni wa * 1r jf t? V ^7^> / - ^ ^ v^^>\ r/a icaruso ni miytta ka '( 7. Go Idijodai ga Kaicasaki yori ochaku no * *i *. *r & 4 jf it 7 If- ^ aV ^ ^- -V ^ y * ** 4 nas'tta ka ? JAPANESE. 83 FIFTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. when he caine here last night. 1. The servant looked in a bad humor last night> when he brought me a cup of coffee. 2. Did you see him when he came last night ? 3. I had gone out when he came here last night. 4, Where were you when he came to bring me a letter ? 5. I do not know what o'clock it was when he came here. 6. Did he look in a bad humor when he came to bring the boots ? 7. Were you at the railway station when your brother arrived from Kawasaki ? THE MASTERY SERIES. 8. Ano li'to washmjitsz omoshirokunai yd m rSttt^yfrTyy^^s/pyi-j =1 & 4 miyeta kara kigen ga warukattaro ~ ^ $ * 7 ***** y <9. Hachi ji no jokislia ga tszita toki ni *+ y y V ^ *r ^ V Y jf V 4 # b ^ ^ watakshi wa tetszdo no tateba ni ima- y & >; -/ ^ 7- y Y & y & 7* je* A 4 -^ sli'ta. -/ & 10. Jinriki hiki ga My en ivarukatta ga ni "bu ^ v f V H % y ***** y )T# ? # v - ^ morattareba szfflt ni kdkoro yosaso ni ^ 7 V & V >s* ^, ^* =z n ^t ^ di -y- > > ^ miyeta. ~ 31 & 11. Sakuban koko ye irashta toki wa otskare jfrp j*y an^ >|7r/^r h^f>^^^^V wo 2/0 m miyemash'ta. 7 ^.5r s^-^^^ 12. Kodomowa f'kigen de atta ga omocha = K =e ^ ^f y v ^ r 5> ^ jt;" ^ ^ ^ -V too katte yattarel)a mo sonna m 3- it y 7* -Y y ^r V -* ^^ > V -^ =a 13. Anaia looko ye irash'ta toki ni ivatagshi rir^^.^^A^=y^ h^^y^^s/ TUSZ desh'ta. JAPANKSK. 8. I suspect lie has been in a bad humor, for he lias not looked cheerful all day. . I was at the railway station when the eight o'clock train arrived. 10. The jinrikisha man looked cross, but as soon as he received twenty-five cents he seemed de- lighted. 11. When you came here last night you looked weary 12. The child was cross, but, when I bought a toy and gave it to him, he looked so no longer. 13. When you came here I Avas out. 86 THE MASTERY SERIES. FIFTH SENTENCE SECTION IV. the table's things to put away purpose for handai no mono wo katakzkeru tame ni 1. Ku ji ya nareba sore yori liayaltu handai no p y -jf +v * v v .* *; -* -V j> > y jr 4 j mono tvo katadzkero. ^ / * if & y >r v 2. Handai no mono ivo katadzeta maye ni wata- v 5?M >> = y * # ^ N /' > ? -* ^ .=* 9 & Jsushi no tec/ ami wo tori ni itta. p =/ y T v = ^ b>; ~ 4 ? 9 3. Handai no mono 100 katadzlcete bar a sara too *v * 4 s =6 / ^ ft #y Jr? * 7 ^ 7 * araye. r 7 *> 4. Naze oyaji no asa lian 100 jiu ji maye ni * v % -v v / ? ^ >\v * y ?' y -* <* * dasanai ka ? ? V -h -i ^ * 5. Watakshi ya liiru lian wo tabe ni kayetta V & y & y fc. ^ >* y ^ 5 -< ^ * * v * toki are iva handai no mono wo kata- I af. ^ i/ >^ >% y ^M y ^ y ^ ^ ^r dzlcete ila. 6. Shinbunshi kubari ya yuyaia no shinbunshi V V -7 V v V ^ >^ ; jIT =*. fr ^* ^ y -y y ^- y ^ t(?o wofte K sliidai ni uclii ye motte * * v ? *t V $ 4 f & + ^ * V ? koi to momban ni ii na*ai. z-4 h ^y>>rV A 4 b, -^ ^ 4 JAPANESE. 87 FIFTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. to clear the table 1. Clear the table at nine o'clock or sooner if you can. 2. He went to get my letters before he cleared the table. 3. Wash the dishes after you have cleared the table. 4. Why do you not bring my father's breakfast before ten o'clock ? 5. When I returned to get my dinner, he was clear* ing the table. 6. Tell the gate-keeper to bring in the evening paper as soon as the carrier brings it here. 88 THE MASTERY SERIES 7. WataksJii ga nan yokka hen ni katta y & >; v jf y- v ^ p it 4 ir v =* # y * 5/ate wo for* m m /i ^a nareba motto V ^ * > ; =* ~ sr 3f ^ v >^ ^ ^ ) hayaku lionya made yuke to are ni n- nasa. V ir + V 4 8. Handai tvo soji szru to Jci ni Icudzhake 100 >*y 5? 4 * V -f ^, ;ix h ^f ^ i> y >^ ^r ^ tskaivaneba naranu. y -ft y ** -f 7 j* 9. Omaye ni liandai no mono wo Izatadzkero to *-* ^ *. s*y $r j S ^ ; 3- ^ ?yr ^ u h i?^ fo/vi m naze so sMnai ka ? >l ^ ), ^. ; -^ v *? y ^ 4 * 10. /ma liandai no mono wo latadzkeru ni loa 4 -* v 3*M y =e y ^ # ^ y ' ^r ^ ^ >% ^ a >v -f- >{ 11. NarutaJte liayaku handai no mono wo kata- ^ ^ z !r >N -V ^ **y yr 4 ; ^ ; * n $ dzkeru yd ni kodzkai wo oyobi nasai. yr fr , =i & ^ a yr -ft t => * a b* ^ ^ >i 12. J^o liandai no sh'taku wo ' szru told des. ^*r *y & 4 ; v *t ^ * * ^ )- ^ T * 13. Handai no mono wo katqdzkete kara yuka too ^ v 3f 4 S ?z S * it 2 y v Jr r it 7 =Lit * araye. r ^ ^ 14. Handai no sh'tcJcu szru maye ni te wo araye. v ' 3f ^ y =/ & >; L ;v ^ ^ ^ y- ^ 7 7 ^ 15. Handai no sh'taku szru no ni iva mo osoi. ^ v 3?M y ^ ^ ^ :* A- y ^ >> ^ ^ ^ > >} 16. 3fo handai wo sh'taku itasldmas told ^ # v 3?M ^ >/ ^r ^ >t ^ v -^ * b -^ cfes fca / JAPANESE. 89 7. Tell him to go to the bookseller's at two o'clock or sooner, if he can, to get the picture I bought there three days ago. 8. You must use a crumb-brush to clean up the table. 9. When I tell you to clear the table, why do you not do it ? 10. You need not clear the table now. 11. Call the servant to clear the table as soon as possible. 12. It is time to set the table. 13. After you have cleared the table ^ash the floor. 14. Wash your hands before you set the table. 15. It is late already to set the table. 16. Is it time to set the table ? 90 THE MASTERY SERIES. FIFTH SENTENCE. SECSION V. our letters the post-office to take and post watakshira no tegami wo yubinyaksho ye mocni dashi ni 1. Otegami ivo yubinyaksho ye mochi dashi X r y s * r *r b> v -y ^ y ^ ^ =s ^ 3? ^ ftfc go ji maye ni Honcho ye o'ide ^ rf ^ ^^ ^vtr nasarito gozarimasen Jca ? + * ; b er ^ -y u ^ ^ ^ ^ 2. Yubinyaksho ye watakshi wo nosete yuku ZL& \^y v 2> v & * y # * v * y ^>5> =1^ Tii ifera harawaneba narimasen Jca ? >t ^ 7 >x 7 >N ^ ^ *) 9 "* fe V ^ 3. Asa Jcuji ni yuUnyaJcsho ye Mite too r ^ ^ = ^.- = ^try-v^va^' 3 e^^ * feai m 2/^&e to kodzukai ni i'i nasai. it \* ^ =LJT b *y*it \* s* J t> -}-^M 4. Yubinyaksho wa asa Jcu ji maye ni ake- aL$rt*V'Y^>'5L r^> =/^^=i 7,}r mas Jca ? ^ ^, if 5. Kono tori ni yiibinyaltslio ga arimas ay ]* ty 9 ^ 3L ^r t> V -V ^ ^/ si jf 7 ; -^ * 6. JSTowo ori m yubinyaJcsJu) wa arima- =t y b^r>; - rt^^y-v^v^ >* r v ~* sen. ^v 7. Yubinyakslw wa Honcho go cho me =*.firU*V-V^^a >^ * V <* -V er rf ^ -V er ^ JAPANESE. 91 FIFTH SENTENCE, SECTION V, and to get our letters to post them 1. Do you not wish, to go to Main Street before five o'clock, to post your letter ? 2. How much must I pay to take me to the post- office ? 3. Tell the servant to go to the post-office to buy some stamps, in the morning at nine o'clock. 4. Is the post-office open before nine o'clock in the morning ? 5. Is there a post-office in this Street ? 6. There is no post-office in this Street. 7. The post-office is in the fifth division of Main Street . 92 THE MASTERY SERIES. 8. Macliino aclii kocM ni ytibin-atskai-jo ga arimas. 9. Yubjn-atskai-jo wa tegami wo dasu ni =t. r T^ y 7 y if b ^ SL >\ ^ jf = ^- 3? ^ st rf ^ -c y >; 5? * 10. Hajime ni yUbinyaksho ye kono tegami wo daslite, sore Jcara jinriki wo tsurete tetsn- $r=s F >v # 7 sr v 9 *e ^ ^v^ 5"^ cZo no tateba ye watakshi no lioyu too K ^r >/ ^r ^ >Y ^ y ^ ^ V / * ^r =L ^ ^ mukai ni yuJce. 11. bwo tegami wo Amerfka no yubinyaksho ^y ^-^"H ^ r * v * y n.^t?-v^^^a ye cZase machigaite Igirisu no ye dasz na ^ y ^ -^ ^ T/ X M r- >t ^ v ^> y ^ 3f * 12. Tdlciyd mata Osaka ye tegami wo dasz 1- $r -3f -V ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ y H ^ & X. ni ikura liaraivaneba naranu ka to yu- >i^7 >>^>>^>Y -h^3< ^ b n.$r binyaksho de okiki nasai. tr v -v ^ */ a r ^ ^ j? ^ f ; >J 13. Omaye ni iitsketa tori ni ano tegami ^-^^ ^ >{^^^r^ by); c ry^*"H i(;o yUbinyaksho ye dasTita ka ? * rL^t^y-v^v^ ^-3^^^ ^ 14. Kodikai ga sakuban liandai katadzke to a y if b, y ^ ^ >NT y >> y 3?M # ^ y 4r v loatakshira no tegami wo yubinyaksho y&fv? y^-^s s^ =. r i^ y -v ^ v--a ye mochi daslii ni kita toki ni kigen ga - =6 ^ j* % s/ ~ ^ ^ 1- *e - ^ ^ V y waruso ni miyeta. JAPANESE. 93 8. There are sub-post-offices here and there in the town. 9. Sub-post-offices are very convenient for posting letters. 10. First post my letters and then take a jinrikisha and go to the railway Station to meet my friend. 11. Put this letter in the American post-office. Do not make a mistake and put it inthe English post-office. 12. Inquire at the post-office how much we must pay to send a letter to Tokiyo or Osaka. 13. Have you put those letters into the post-office, as I ordered you ? 14. The servant looked in a bad humor last evening, when he came to clear the table, and get our letters to post them. 94 THE MASTERY SERIES. SIXTH SENTENCE. Do you "know the name of the rich old lady who lives near the iron bridge opposite to the photograghist's ? SECTION I. the name know you ? na wo gozonji ka ? 1. WataJcshi no Jciyodai ga szmatte orimas V # !> V 7 ^^*3?M if *-**>?* XV-** tori no na iva gozonji Jca ? h fr ; s ^ * *yr v & it 2. Auo fujin no na wo gozonji des Jca ? r y ?y y s + * *yy & 5* * # 3. Kono tori no na wo ivatdkshi ni oshiyete 4. JKbre tt?a Kaigan dori to moshimas. av^-ftjjfyy&v h =e fr ^/ -^ ^, 5. WataTcshi no oyaji ga katta hon no naivo y # ? v s % -v v jtr ^ ^ ^ * v y -j- * gozonji Jca ? ~ v>* V <=p ^ 6. Tegame wo shi ji maye ni yubinydkusho ye F jf =; 3- =/ y -* ^ a* r^H-y-y^^/^ ^ dasaneba naranu wo shiranai ka ? 3f^^>^-)-7* ^^7-h>t ^ 7. KodzJcai ga naze asa han maye ni ichiba ye =L yr ^ b. y -)- -^ T -9- >N V -v ^ =s >( *f >v "v yukarenai lea wo gozonji des Jca ? *. -ft V ^ 4 -ft * *yrv y 7* * ^ 8. Kaigan dori no Jcawaseza no na wo shitie nasaru Jca ? %4?r ^ ^ ;v ^/ 9. ^TIO Aifo ^a sJiiranai to mosJiimas. JAPANESE. 95 i SIXTH SENTENCE. SECTION I. Do you know the name 1. Do you know the name of the Street where my brother lives ? 2. Do you know the name of that lady ? 3. Please tell me the name of this Street. 4. It is called Water Street. 5. Do you know the name of the book which my fa- ther bought ? 6. Do you not know that you must post the letters before four o'clock ? 7. Do you know why the servant cannot go to market before breakfast ? 8. Do you know the name of the bank in water Street ? 9. He says he does not know. 96 THE MASTERY SERIES. 10. WataJcsJii wa ano Jiito no na to szmai mo 11. Ao 7wYo no na wo gozonji des Jca? r J ^ V / -t- ^ *yry y ? * n 12. -4^0 7^to im yi6^^ %o ^a w;a Jonas da to 13. Watakslii no 6ji no iye iva nam Ian Jca go- y & & =/ y ^ y J A ^ ^ ^ v ->* v ^ u* 20^'i des ha? yr v y ?? -A it 14. ^feo 7^o ra Honcho ni szmatte iru no 7 y b h >v ^ y ^ -v ^ - *-* V ? A ^ y it?o gozonji deslio. * yr y & 5* fc fr 15. -4^o muranonatvo gozvnji nai Tea? r s * f ; + * * yr v & ^4 * 16. WataTcslii tomodaclii ga itsz Tdkiyo Tear a ?jrf=/ t*yr+1T4y b^r^-VyJr % 7 Jcayetta ka zonjimasen. it ^ y & rfr yr v y -* ^ V 17. ^o iye z(;o tateru no ni dore liodo Jiisashiku 7S4**#yfl'S*YVTbV t If ^ ^ kaJcaru Jca gozonji des Jca ? # # ;ix ^ -a* ^ y V 7* ?^ *ft 18. Jj5 fo?i itfa ^a^ grm da fca gozonji des Jca ? 4 V ^ V ^ V af y 3^ j^ ^ y y =x ^ ^ % SIXTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. rich old lady of kanemocliina toshiyori no fujin no 1 Sore wa JcanemocJiina toshiyori no fujin des. ?V^jt^^*f*1- h V a 9- / 7*r^ ? 1. JAPANESE, 97 10. I know that man's namQ and place of residence. 11. Do you know that man's name ? 12. He says his name is Jonas. 13. Do you know the number of my uncle's house ? 14. You know that he lives in Main Street, I suppose. 15. Do you not know the name of that village ? 16. I do not know when my friend returned from Tokiyo. 17. Do you know how long it will take to build tha house ? 18. Do you know how many pounds make a ton ? SIXTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. of that old lady 1. That is a rich old ladv, 98 THE MASTERY SERIES, 2. Ano fujin iva Ingirisz de aru ka nai ka gozonji dcs ka ? 3. Oanesan wa ano Ingirisz no toshiyotta % 7 ^ ^ y 7 ^ 4 *? V * 7 b =/ 3- V i5r fujin hodo kanemocM d&wa gozarimas 4. Kaigan dwi no Ingirisz no tosMyoita fujin wa ivataksld to isslio ni mirnai ni itte kudasarn ka ? ^ 4 y T~ ^ 3?" -9- ?ix -ft 5. Kono tosMtotta fujin no no, wa nan to iu ^y 1- ^/ h ^ ^ ?y y y-j->*-)-yi-43r A^a gozonji des ka ? 6. Go Aoz/il tra ano fujin hodo kanemodii de wa gozaimas mai. ^ rf -r >} ->* x -^ 4 7. Go kiyodai wa watokslii yori kanemodii des. li'lo wa watakshi no kane no ari- ^>>>y^f^^/y it ^ 7 7 ] ) i/okci am yd ni cmoiie imas. 4-* * 9. Oi ! kodzkai ! teg ami wo yiibin yaksho ye ippc agero. 4 y >-f -{ 7 dr* ^ JAPANESE. 99 2. Do you know whether that lady is English or not ? 3. Your elder sister is not so wealthy as that old English lady. 4. Will you do me the favor of calling with me on the old English lady in Water Street. 5. Do you know the name of this old lady. 6. Your friend is not so rich as that lady. 7. Your brother is richer than I am. 8. People think I am richer than I am. 9. Here, boy ! Give a cup of tea to this lady before you post the letters. 100 THE MASTERY SERIES. 10. Kono furui hon.wa watak'slii no atarashii ho wa anata no des. 11. Honclio no kanemocliina toshitotta fujin tva basha ivo motte imas. 12. Aru h'to wa kanemocliina mono iva mochiron saiivai da to omotte imas. 9- 4 7 4 & 1* # = y 7* >f * X 13. Am bimbona h'to iva kanemocliina h'to yori mo saiivai des. =6 ^ 4 V A "r X 14. H'to no yoi no wa tada kanemoclii ni naru yori masatte imas. ~* -9- ^ T* 4 * X 15. Aru kanemocliina h'to wa Eondon no bim- bona mono no tame ni o-ku no iye wo tatemash'ta. $ 7* * ^/ & 16. Sono h'to no na wo Pibode to iu. SIXTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. iron bridge vicinity in resides tetsz no hashi no kinjo ni szmau 1. ^TIO liito wa tetsz noJiashi no kinjo niszma- 7 / fc. h 3* y y >/ y *f v =? * *i ^> v mas fca ? 4 -* * * JAPANESE 101 10. This old book is mine, and the new one is yours. 11. The rich old lady in Main Street keeps a carriage. 12. Some think that rich men a is, of course, happy. 13. Some poor persons are happier than rich ones. 14. It is better to be good than to be merely rich. 15. A certain rich man built many houses for the poor of London. 16. His name was Peabody. SIXTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. who lives near the iron bridge 1. Does that man live near iron bridge ? 10? ;. THE- MASTERY SERIES. 2. Watakshi yori hayaku cdekake naraba kaioa- 7 ? '; V a tf >> -V ^ J- 7*- # fr )- 7 >v * 7 seza wo k-injo no kutszya ye oyori 3f -f IK -ft 3. Tetszdo no waki no liaslii no Jcinjo no jr y K er 7 7 ^ ^ >v ^ ^ *t * V * S OkurasTid ye icaiaksJii wo noseie % * 9 7 =/ *t *7 -^ 7^i>t/ ^ y ^ 5r yuku jinriki wo tanome to kodzkai ni =*.? y v t >; -^ ^ ^ y > h a y ^ b sx u nasai. 4. JTcme 5zo /ias/^'i! %o 7t?^'o wo ^c7i* made kono tosliiyotta fajin wo noseru ni giyosha ni nani Jiodo liarawanelxi narimasen ka ? 5. Hori kaioa kmjo no iye ga sakuban ik- ^ % 7 *t v & &. y ^ ^ %* $ & ^ y 4 y ken yakemashta. ?r y 'V ^~ "^ v ^? 6. ^0710 wc7^ cfe 7i^o (/a fidari to kin jo no y j & ** 7* t j- 77" ? ^ >; i- -^ v =x 3. y 'mmaya de 'mma mo ippiki yakemashta. 7. /So?io toshitotta fujin wo* otaku no kinjo y s } =/ Y y & y & y ** % & ^ y ^ y f;- at wi szmaite iinas ka? 8. jSa7ie wo A6s7ii 7bW?yo wo ;# ^ y >* v x -^ v =7 di y * v -v r ^ y ^ /'/w ga lion ivo katta no ica mikka hen y v jf ^ y ^- ^r ^ ^ y ~ y # ^ y JAPANESE. - 103 2. If you go out before I do, will you do me the favor of calling at the shoemakers near the bank ? 3. Tell the servant to get a jinrikisha to take me to the Finance Office near the railway bridge. 4. How much must I pay the driver to take this old lady to the house near the iron bridge ? 5. A house was burnt last night near the canal. 6. Two persons were burned in that house, and also a house in a stable near by. 7. Does that old lady live near your house ? 8. It is three days since this lady bought a book at the book-store near the iron bridge. 104 THE MASTERY SERIES. 9. Kaioaseza kinjo ni orimas fujin wo omi- ;# 7 -& If ^ V =y =1 s* % \} -+ ^ 7 ~y ^ 2- ;!* = mai nasaritai ka, ! ** 4 ) IP >J ^ 4 ^ 10. Watakshi domo ga gakko ye yuku kokugen ni cliikaku narimaslita. 11. Kawasezaivajiu ji ni akemas mo sono toki ft y *& "f ** & & & = 7 ir *+ n =6 ^ ^ y > ^ m* cliikaku narimashta 12. Sakuban onna ga h'tori yoke jini kakari- HJ-^>vV ^"V-h JtT bV>; -V^r^^a Jt 1t *) 13. J9o^o Daibutsz ye yuku ch.ika michi wo osliiyete F ^ T 3r ' 14* Jiu ji ni chikai Jcara uchi ye Jcayeraneba V^r =^ ^ ^-ft 4 % ? *f + ^ * ~- 7 ? sv narimasen. + ; * ^ y 15. ^o kodomo ^va naze lion wo s&n>na ni me no 7 J * K = >^ ^ IT * V ^ > V -f ^ ^ y 5o6a ye yarn ka ? }> ;v *-. -V >is it 16. ChiJca me des kara. + ft } r * * ? 17. Watakslii no taku wa Jiorikaiva kara mo toku V # * v y^^>^*;*7^7=e v^ wa arimasen. >\ ^ >; -v ^ v 18. Watakslii no taku no kin jo ni onna gak~ ? ? ? V J # ^ y ^ V ?f a = * y -J- ** ^ fco ^c owimas. JAPANESE. 105 9. Do you wish to call on the lady who lives near the bank ? 10. It is nearly time for us to go to school. 11. The bank opens at ten o'clock. It is near that time now. 12. A woman came near being burnt to death last night, 13. Please tell me the nearest way to Daibutsz. 14. It is near ten o'clock, and I must go home. 15. Why does that boy hold his book so close t ohis eyes ? 16. Because he is near sighted. 17. My house is not far from the canal. 1-S. There is a girls' school near my house. 106 THE MASTERY SERIES SIXTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. photographist's opposite to shashinga no muko ni 1. Iseyama wa Ishikawa no muko ni arimas. 4 ^ "V -* ^ 4 V % V S A a r = T !?-*;< 2. Watakshi no kiyodai iva ShinMachino den- y#fvs*rW3rj >* s/ y ~* ^ y 7* y shin kiyoku no muko no orimas. v y ^^^ /A# =*;*>; -*x 3. Shashinya ' no muko ni darega szmatte v "v v y -v y A # * ^ & v jtr *-*y 7* imas ka ? 4 -*X ^ 4. Mangotsz no toki ni wa taiyo ga tski ni " 5. Hatagoya no handai ni Fransz Jin ga ^ # * -v y *v # 4 = ^ 7 v x ^ v jir ivataksJii to mukai atte koshi kakete imashta. % jr ^ 4-*V # 6. Sliosei iva Ji'totsz tskuye ni mukai citte =/ ^.^A * *=> + y y y+* ** *it 4 ry^ 'koshi ioo kakeru wayoku nai. ** V ^ ft Jr A* ** ^ t> ^r 4 7. Watakshi no muko no uchi iva tateyo ga y & >; v J ^ ***r y *r ** ^ #r*t*r3f warui kara dare mo szmite ga nai. V V4 if r &V =6 X = ^ jf ^-A 8. Tetszdo no tateba no irikuchi no muko ni ? y v & y # ?s* 7 A ; ^ ^ ^ A ^/ er = gei w;o torn hashi ga arimas. *?4 * v >v ^ jtr r ; ^ x: JAPANESE. 107 SIXTH SENTENCE. SECTION IY. opposite to the photographist's 1. Ise hill is opposite to Ishikawa. 2. My brother lives in New Street opposite to the telegraph office. 3. Who lives opposite to the photograpist's ? 4. At full moon the sun is opposite to the moon. 5. A Frenchman sat opposite to me at the hotel table 6. It is not well for pupils to sit opposite to each other at the same desk. 7. There is no tenant in the house opposite to mine because it is badly built. 8, There is a toll-bridge opposite to the entrance fo, the railway station. 108 THE MASTERY SERIES. 9. Unjosho no miiko kaigan ywi oyoso *r V y V*r V ZL j ' ^ ^ *? It 4 jfy =t >; ;T st V liiyaku jikken Iwdo Jianarete fune ga b -V ^ VV Jr* * K ^ ^ V ^ ? ^ if r 4 ^ & V T* 4 * X 10. Z^o/^o cZe ^/oi hdburimono ga kaivaremas ka K u 7* =1 >i ^ ^ ; qfc ^ y ^ y V ^ x ^/ Tabun lionya iw jiki muko no mise de *?*y * y -v y =y ^ A ^ y = ^ r s mitskaremasho. ~ y a \s -* >& 11. " No" to iu kotoba no imi wa"Yes"to iu y ^ b >{ O : V ^ y >i = * A X ]> >J * kotoba no hantai des. \- ^ ^ V 3" -i 7* X 12. Anata no go riyoken to watakshi no riyo- r ^r ^ J * >;a^r>JrV \ V & >s V 7 >7^^r &6T2- to wa urahara des. JrV \> *r 7*7 7* 13. HoncJio no kawaseza no szgu muko ni ^V^-V^r 7 #y^-T ^ ^>^* A=t^ ^ ishidzkuri no iye ni iru ro jin wo. 4 W jr V 7>t^=>t>i'P$r5rV>* dare des ka ? zevr** 14. Chaya no muko no ho ni kireina Jianazono -f-Y-Y 7 J* * *r y ^y>^ *tV4+* + yrs ga arimas. V 79-** 15. ShasJiinya no muko kane nohashino kinjo ^^^/y^ y ^a^^^ y5/ 7^eV ^a we szmw kanemochina toshiyotta =a :*. A ^^^^ 1-^/a^^r m iw gozonji des ka ? 1- * d: y y ^ 7* * * JAPANESE. 109 9. There is a ship anchored opposite to the Custom- house, about (a hundred and ten ken) 220 yards from the shore. 10. Where can I buy a good hat ? Probably you can find one at the shop just opposite to the book- store. 11. The meaning of the word "no," is the opposite of that of " yes". 12. Your opinion is quite opposite to mine. 13. Who is the old man that lives in the stone-house directly opposite to the bank in Main Street ? 14. There is a pretty flower garden opposite to the tea-house. 15. Do you know the name of the rich old lady who lives near the iron bridge opposite to the photo- graphist's. 110 THE MASTERY SERIES. SEVENTH SENTENCE. / thought my friend ivas still at Osaka with his wife and children, but no, he has returned, tor I met him this afternoon not far from tJie Post office. SECTION I. my friend still Osaka at was (I) thought watakshi no hoyu wa mada Osaka ni imash'ta to omotta 1. WataJcsJii no hoyu iva doko ni ita to omo'i nas'tta Jca ? 2. Mada Yo)~oppa ni imasJi'ta to omo'i -* 3f =rpy>? 4 ~* */ & V 4" ^ 4 nas'tta Jca ? 8. Arata ni 'mma ivo okai nas'tta to omtfi- 7 ? $ =* *r -* 3- 3- it t> -J- * ^ ^r b # =e >l masli'ta. 4. Watakslii wa Tokiyo de sore wo katta to omo'i nas'tta ka ? X ^ 4 ^r 7* y & if 5. Hacliijiu doru de wa goku yasz'i to vnw'i- ^ =x ^ K )\> 7* ^ -2 & -V 2, 4 Y X ^ 4 mas. 6. Naru Jiodo sonna ni yaskaro to wa omo'i- masenanda. 7. Go lion wo doko de okai nas'tta Tea ? ^ ^ y 3- K = *? % 1t ** 1r ?+y & it 8. Wetmore san no mise de. JAPANESE. Ill SEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION I. I thought my friend was still at Osaka. 1. Where did you think my friend lived ? 2. Did you think he was still in Europe ? 3. I thought you had bought a new horse. 4. Did you think that I bought it in Tokiyo ? 5. I think it is very cheap at eighty dollars. 6. Indeed ! I did not think it cost so little. 7. Where did you buy your book ? 8. At Mr. Wetinore's store. 112 THE MASTERY SERIES. 9. Kono goro asko de sz safe mimash'ta kara ay rf p r ^ =t 7* 3, ^ y = -* / ;* ^7 achira de okai nas'tta to omaimash'ta. 7 + 7 r ^ # >i *- x y r > ^^>i^^^ 10. Goshisoku wa mada Amerika ni i nasaru to -* y ? & * -* $r r * ; * =* >t -)- -9- >v v omnmas ya so de arimasen ka ? ^=6>t^xjtrv^ 7* r 9 * ^ * * 11. (?o sompu wa madti go Itiyoki des to Mki- n* > v 7 >* -^ 5T rf b* -V ^e 7* X h ^ ^ mash'ta mako to ni oki no doku des. ^ =/ 3? ^ n ], - ^ ^ y F ^ 7^ X 12. Sakuya nakandka samuku arimash'ta kiyd mada ^^V-f^-h^ 1f^^ 7V'**y9>r'*-*& kawa ni kori ga hatte imas. * y ^ ^ vjr ; jf ^ 7^ >[ -^ X 13. ^4^o 7i ? #o ?^a Eikoku ni san nen imasKta y ; b 1- ^. 4 3 ^ sf v -^ v >{ -^ =/ % kere domo Ei gowa ivadzka bakari sh'tte mas. 14. ^Tio A ? ^o ti?a 7mo ma?/e 7^o yvibinsen, de ? J b V >% n/ -^ ^ 7 rL^b>V^V 7* kayetta to omoimash'ta. it ^ y 2 V % =e 4 -* v 2 15. Mada achira ni imas tabun mo rokn sh'chi * & 7 + 7 - 4 -* * & -? y =e^ v & v + nen todomarimaslio. ^ y Y K -* $ -* *&& 16. Me da kono hako ni haya-tskcyi ga oilo, to -? # a / ^ ^ >> ^ y ^- sf jf 7 V 2 b omotta ga mina nakunarimash'ta. JAPANESE. 113 9. I thought you bought it there, for I saw several copies there lately. 10. I suppose your son is still in America. Is he not ? 11. I am truly sorry to hear that your father is still sick. 12. It was very cold last night. The ice still covers the river to-day. 13. That man has been in England three years ; still he knows but little English. 14. I thought he returned by the last mail-steamer. 15. He is still there, and will probably stay there six or seven years longer. 16. I thought there were still some matches in this box, but they are all gone. 114 THE MASTERY SERIES. SEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. his wife and children with sono saishi to issho ni 1. Ano h'to wa h'tori de yukimaslita ha ? r / t> h -* t> b >; 7* n. ^ -* s/ ^ # 2. Hye sono saishi to issho ni yukimashta. 4 4 it > y ^ 4 y >. 4 y & a =* rx^^^^ 3. Ano h'to wo doko de omikake nas'tta Jca ? T ^ fc h * K =* 7*" ^S^^^^^^P # 4. Watakshi wa ano h'to ni atta tolci ni tomo- y & ^ v * rs*>\*~ry& > ^ v=a ' to aruite oraremashta. 5. O&a sa^ i;a go zommei des Tea ? X >v ^ v -2 yr y > >i 7* ^, ^ 6. ^ayo JO&?* c^e watakshi to tomo ni o t ri- 7. (?o kiyodai to issJio ni Fransz ye * *tV& #4 ^ >fys/=i =i ^ 7 V ^, ^ nasaimas Jca ? m 8. ^aj/o Jciyodai ga ivatakshi wo tszrerareru y-W^wsr^jry**** 5>v^vjv naraba so sliimas d'aro. ^ ^ ^ > er v' -^ ^ 3?' 7 9. -4wo o&a^ct ti?a ^o iss/^o wi orimas Tea 1 10. Jtye a?w> 7i 7 ^o (;a jibun no iye ga Shin 44^ r s t* b >^ & ^ v s 4 ^ JT v y machi ni arimas. JAPANESE. 115 SEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. with his wife and children 1. Did he go alone ? 2. No ! He went with his wife and children, 3. Where Did you meet him ? 4. He was walking with a friend when I met him. 5. Is your grand-mother still living ? 6. Yes, she is well and lives with me. 7. Shall you go to France with your brother ? 8. Yes, I shall do so, if my brother can take me with him. 9. Does that gentleman live with you ? 10. No, he has a house of his own in New Street, 116 THE MASTERY SERIES. 11. Asz no asa tenki g a yoi naraba watakshi 7 X y 7 # ;r V -3f jff =i 4 ^ ^ ^ &>?=/ wa, madz yubin yaksho ye soshte ^ ye yukitai Jcara sh'chi ji ~ka sore *y-Y ^ =*-*{ 2 4 #^v-f ^^/>v ?/on liaydku de mo watakshi wo okoshi . 12. Iwkichi ga mada saishi to tomo ni Nagasaki 4 y ^ + jf ~* & V-4 V b b^^ ni orimas ka o kiki nasai. 13. Ao Zi'^o t;a iku nen go issho ni ori- ryt^b >{ ^ * V ^>l^^/^^^-; maslita ka ? 14. bno teg ami wo mireba warui fude de o kaki *7^2f5*HVr>;;v>i ^7*;r^-^^ nas'ttaro. * X . ' * * 3fc> 15. Go kiyodai wa Kobe de doiiata to isslio * *i*.*r & 4 *>*?<*#. Y+* + 4 V V * ni orimas ka ? - % ; -^ X # 16. O'ji ya oba to isslw ni orimashte itoko v ^^ _ i . to towo m gakko ye mommas. 17. Watakshi wa Jcono aida go issho ni Tokiyd ye ikeba yokatta mono wo. JAPANESE. 117 11. If the weather is good to-morrow morning, wake me at seven o'clock, or even sooner, for I want to go to the post-office, and then to the book-store. 12. Inquire whether Iwakichi still lives at Nagasaki with his wife and children. 13. How many years did he live with you ? 1 1. From the appearance of this letter, you must have written it with a bad pen. 15. With whom does your brother live at Kobe ? 16. He lives with his uncle and aunt, and goes to school with his cousin. 17. It would have been better, if I had gone to Tokiyo with you the other day. 118 THE MASTERY SERIES, SEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. but no, he has returned, ga so de arimasen, mo karimashta, 4* Go lioyu ga mada liondon d'aro to om&i nas'tta ka ? 2. Watakshi so omoimaslita ga kiyo Yokohama de aimaslita kara omoi chigai deshta. 3. Ano ft to no Yoroppa ye itta toki ioa kanai wo Osaka ni okimaslita. 4. Yoi otto sliinsetszna chichi des kara saislii wo hanarete nagaku toriu wa sliimas- mai to omo'imas. ~* 4 1- ;& = fc * :*. 5. Naze saislii wo tszrete Yoroppa ye yuki- masen no des ka ? 6. Moslii kanai wo tszreta nardba yoliodo royo ga kakattaro. jf* "ft ~ft y & ~7 ty 7. So shitakatta ga yokei no royo ga nakute dekinakatta no des. 1- # ? ?r^iri*y 9 y 7* * JAPANESE. 119 SEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. but no, he has returned 1. Did you think your friend was still in London. 2. I thought so, but I was mistaken, for I met him to-day in Yokohama. 3. He left his family in Osaka, when he went to Europe. 4. As he is a good husband and father, I think he will not stay a long time away from his wife and children. 5. Why did he not take his wife and children with him to Europe ? 6. If he had taken his family with him, it would have been very expensive. 7. He wished to do so, but he could not without too much expense. 120 THE MASTERY SERIES. 8. Ano h'to wa slii go nen Toroppa ni to- riu no tszmori deshta ga tsziye ga tszdz- kande dekinakatta no des. 9. Kono goro Osaka ye kayerimashta. 10. Kore kara saishi to tomo ni Osaka ni todo- marimas ka ? 11. Tdbun so sMmasJio ga tashka ni iva mosaremasen. =e $r ^ V -^ ^ V 12. Watakshi wa ano h'to ni sono uchi de aivo to omotta ga soko ye yotta toki mo dete shimaimashta . 13. Watakshi wa ichi ji szgite mat a yotta ga mada kayeraremasenanda. 14. ^fsa ^^a yoi tenld d'atta ga liiru maye ni r -f ^ ^ 4 ?y *t & y # jf t. ^ -* ^ ^ yiiki ga furimasJita. ^ *t jf 7 V -* V & 15. Watakshi no hoyu ga Yedo ni iru to V & ^ ^ y * *r =*- *? If ^ K - 4 fr b omo'imashta ga so dt ndku Icayeri- X *^~*V # y W 7* 1- * **> V mashta. JAPANESE. 121 He intended to spend four or five years in Europe, but he could not afford it. 9. He returned to Osaka lately. 10. "Will he stay at Osaka hereafter, with his wife and children ? 11. Probably he will do so, but I cannot speak posi- tively about it. 12. I expected to find him at home, but he had gone out when I called there. 13. I called there an hour later, but he had not re- turned. 14. The weather was fine in the morning, but it snowed before noon. 15. I thought my friend was in Yedo, but no, he has come back. 122 THE MASTERY SERIES. 16. Kiyodai ga biydki to Jciite isoide *r V * ? 4 7f V -V * * )* < ^ 4 7- >l >M 7* Sendai ye mimai ni ilia ga mada ^ v 3fM ~- 5 * fa. - >t y ^ 3f -* 3?" tskanu maye ni shinimashta. SEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. To day noon after in that man ( I ) met for. Kiyo him szgi ni ano liito ni aimashita-kara. 1. San ji ni hatoba de loatdkslii ni odea'i y- V =jy =4 h ^ ^ y ^r ^ ^ =s ^ ^ 7 >t nasaru Jca ? ir y- if if 2. .fiayft (/a negatta tori naze Idyo ode- **r 4 * y *yy # Y *r ; -j- -fer ^r ^ ^ ^ ai nasaranu ka? 7 \ t 1r V-7 * * 3. Kiyo him szgi go ji ni go Idyodai ni jr ? fc v * * v ^ * *t -V V 5? 4 =* ivatakslii to ode-ai nasal to tano- y ^ ^ ^ b # y r 4 *- * 4 ^ ^^ wc^e kudasai. v ^ ^ 5? * >r 4. WatalcsM iva Idyo MTU maye jiu icJii ji ni J $ ? =/ ^ Jr ? ^ V -* ^ V ? 4 ^ V =* tomo dachi ni deaivo to yakusoku shimashta h^3^^^ 7* r ^ I" *V^>^ ^-^^^r narimashta. 5. ^a?/o 7m^ g^i a?^ 7^ 7 fo wi odi no toki Jr 7 b ;v ^ af r / b 1- ^ ^ 7 4 >> b ^r ? do/^o TZ^' imasJda Jca ? JAPANESE. 123 16. Hearing that my brother was ill, I hastened to Sendai to see him, but he died before I got there. SEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. for I met him this afternoon 1. Will you meet me at the landing at three o'clock? 2. Why do you not go to meet my friend to-day, as he requested you to do ? 3. Please ask your brother to meet me at five o'clock in the afternoon. 4, I promised to meet a friend at eleven o'clock this forenoon, and it is now half past ten. 5. When you met him this afternoon, where was he ? 124 THE MASTERY SERIES. 6. Kiyo yubin yalmslio ye itta tszide ni Jr ? ^ *r b* V -V ^ v s* ^ >{ y ^f y >i ^ =s c/o liiyodai ni aimaslita. *% -YSr^M - 7M -^ s/ ^ 7. WatalcsM ga machi de Tioyu ni Me sono V & ? & jf -^ ^ r * & 4 *r - r y r >y . atarashii haori iva amari mij'ikai to r ? 7 v 4 ^ * 9 >^ r -^ >; s -p ^r >t ^ iimashta ga ano h'to wa Jwka no ivo 4 t -* =/ & Jf7S\i\-<>**1fS$- yeru made jivfoun nagaku aro to A ;v -* 7* y 7 ^ y Irlf's 7 7 & b moshimasliia. qc ^r =/ -* -/ & 8. Kiyo nanigaslii ni odi nara watciksJii no jr 7 1r *W - % r 4 1r 7 V 2 P V ^ uclii ye yoru yd ni tanonde kudasai. ^^ - si y ^ ^ A & j y ^ & jr-f 4 9. Nan gi ni au told Jci ivo otoszna. + y sp =* 7 *? b^ ^ 3. % Y * + 10. Watalcshi wa maye da bashi ivo ivatatte iru J & >; =/ ^ -* ^ & >x v/ * V & y r 4 V toJci ni ano li'to ni aimasJita. Y *t ~ r S b, f - T 4~*V * 11. ChiJca garo ome ni kakarimashta lea to omoi- ^% p % f * It * y -W & X Y X ^4 mas. -v :*, 12. San nen maye ni watalcshira ga Niigata de y-y ^ y -^- ^ V & & v 7 V - 4 If & T aimaslita koto wo omoidaslii nasaranu ka ? 7 4 -*V & = I- ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ V ^r ^-7 ^ if 13. Gai holm detomodachi ni au no iva tano- W 4 a^7*b=63?^* 7 fir y ^ ^ y JAPANESE. 125 6. I met your brother to day as I was going to the post-office. 7. Meeting a friend in the street, I remarked that his new coat was too short, but he said, it would be long enough before he got another. 8. If you meet Mr. So-and-so to-day please ask him to call at my house. 9. When you meet with trouble, do not be discouraged. 10. I met him as I was crossing the Mayeda bridge. \ 11. It seems to me as if I had met you lately. 12. Do you recollect that we met at Niigata three years ago ? 13. It is pleasant to meet a freind in a foreign land. 126 THE MASTERY SERIES. 14. Ano h'to ioa yakusoku dori tetszdo no 7 y b J* >x -Y ^ > ^ K # ; 5r .y .]*' r y tateba de watakshi ni deaimashta. & 7* ** ? V & f =:/ ** T T 4 * =/ # 15. Tomodachi ga kind no kuaji de o sonna Y^X^jf^J-rS > 7 V r ^ * V v +> me 7z^' aimaslda. BE VENTS SENTENCE. SECTION Y. Post office from far not yubin yakusho kara toku nai 1. Nippon no yubin yakuslio iva Franss no ** y ^f v / ^t. er t s v -v ^ ^/ ^ >^ ^ 7 > ^ y fcos/w" fca^ &ara foofc^ arimasen. ^=* ty =/ ^v ^7 V^^ rv-^^v. 2. Tdszdo no tateba Jcara yubin" yakusJio 7* y Y *r -/ & T* ^ & 7 ^ ^ b^ y *V ^ ^/ ^. wace /oofe^ arimasen. ~**f \ * ^ 7 V -^ te V . 3. Yokohama kara Toldyo made tetszdo de at :* -^ ^ 7 ^ ^ -v 3r -v ^ ^ y K * 7* iku ri arimas ka ? 4 >> )) r v -* * * 4. SJiinbashi made oyoso sJi'chi ri bakari des. s/ v >Y V -v r ^ a > v ^ >; >v ^ >; r ^>. 5. Toldyo no tetszdo no tateba . wa 1- ^ ^ -V y ^ y Y *? y ^ T ^ * Tszkiji kara tooku arimasen. y -^ v * ? } * & r v -* ^ v 6. Watakshi no chichi wa roku jiu zen go des. V & >; V J **r^>^ pr ^ =/ $> V V -* ^ ^ 7. Ano toshitotta okata wa Unjosho 77 1- ^ Y V & % * ? ^ ^r V ^ -V *5r ^ si ?(;a szmaimasen. ^ v 4 -* ^ y JAPAXESE. 127 14. He met me as lie promised at the railway station. 15. My friend met with, a great loss by the fire yesterday. SEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION V not far from the post-office 1. The Japanese post-office is not far from the French Legation. 2. It is not far from the railway station to the post* office. 3. How far is it from Yokohama to Yedo by rail f 4. It is only about seven ri to Shinbashi. 5. The Yedo railway station is not far from TskijL 6. My father is not far from sixty years old. 7. That old gentleman does not live far from the Custom House, 128 THE MASTERY SERIES. 8 Kisliikurid iva gakko Jcara tooku ari- *? V >; 9 a. fr y & it fr #7 h fr ^ 7 >; -^ ^ y 9. Tomodachi wa nakanaka jobu de arimasen. v =6 *" ^ -*-*-#-)-# ^'-v \5r ^ 7* r ; -^ ^ v 10. Gomen nasai naltandlta anata wo hadzka- rf > ^ -f ^ 4 -j- * -j- * r -f ^ ^ >N N /' * shimeru riyoken de iva arimasenanda. v > ;v ; a ^ > y 7* r ; -^ ^ -)- v 3^" 11. Taiyo wa chikiu Jcara dore liodo arimas ha? #43.*^^^* 1t 7 YV * V 7 V -+* * 12. Taiyo wa cliikiu Jcara oyoso san zen #4 3.*? -f-3E.fr H 7 ^^^ -^^ -^V Zj^ hiyalm roku jiu man ri arimas. ? t> -v ^ v & y ? -?y 979^^. 13. Hakodate kara Nagasaki made dore hodo ari- =L 3f ;r * 7 -^ J!T * -3f ^ 7* r V * K r >; , 14. u4wo 7i'to i^a gakuslia to iva taiso chigai- 7S*>>^3f&v*t \> * & 4 W + #M mas. ^ ^ 15. Tetszdo no taieba no kinjo ni liaslii ga r y K fr 7 & T- ;* y -a? v =x a - ^ JIT ik'iitsz mo arimas. 4 ? y =e 7 ; -^ :* 16. Annaka kara Niigata made kes'shte yoi r*+ltlt7> * 4 tf# *+?* jry v ? ^ >i michi iva arimasen. * **f >\ 7 ; -s* ^ y 17. Hisc&Jtku lion goku kara tooi tokoro ye t ^ ?/ ^ ^ y ^? ^ ^ ^ b * >t h ^ P ^ hedatte imaslita. ^ y y ? A -* -/ & 18. Mo roku ji, ni ma mo arimasen. JAPANESE. 129 8. The boarding house is not far from the school house. 9. My friend is far from being well. 10. I beg pardon. It was far from my intention to insult you, 11. How far is the sun from the earth ? 12. The sun is about thirty- nine million six hundred thousand ri from the earth. 13. How far is it from Hakodate to Nagasaki ? 14. That man is far from being a learned man. 15. There are ever so many bridges in the vicinity of the railway station. 16. The road from Annaka to Niigata is by no means a good one. 17. 1 have long lived far from my native land. 18. It is almost six o'clock, (or) It is not far from six o'clock . 130 THE MASTERY SERIES. 19. Tomodachi wa saishi to tomo ni mada OsaJca da to omotta ga so de wa nai kayeri- maslita kiyo hiru szgi ni yUbinyak- sho yori tooku nai tokoro de ai- maslita kara. -* V & it 7 EIG-TH SENTENCE. Although I probably have money enough to pay your bill and mine, yet give me, if you can, some small change in ten and twenty cent pieces. SECTION I. enough, money (I) have probably although dake no kane wo motte iso des keredo 1. Kom miyo nicJd o tskai nasaru dake no rV H^V> ^^^T^^b 1ry- v #Jr y kane wo omochi nasaru- ka ? jt^^X^^-m-)^* 2. Jiubun motte iru to omoim,as. y *r ^ V ^ y ? 4 fl" 1- % ^ ^ -* * 3. Watakshi mo so omoimas keredo hiyotto y^^^ = V^r ^-^fc.-^^ ^ V K ta^b fusoku ni naru ka mo shiremasen kara mo ^>^ ^ 1- )is 1t = ^ V* ^ V ^r ^^r ?/e^ owataslii moshimasho. t 4. jS^o asa 7ia^ r/^aye ni undo ni deru ni Jr ^ T 7 -9- >v y ^ ^ r* ^r V K y ^ r ;^ '-=* iva tenki ga jiiibun de nai to omoi ;r V *t If V ? ^ V 7 1r 4 b X =6 b, JAPANESE. 131 19, I thought my friend was still at Osaka with his wife and children, but no, he has returned, for I met him this afternoon not far front the post-office. EIGHTH SENTENCE. SECTION I. Although I probably have money enough 1. Have you money enough for your expenses to-day and to-morrow ? 2. I think I haye enough. 3. I think so too, but lest you should run short, I will give you one yen more. 4. I think the weather is not fine enough to-day to take a walk before breakfast. 132 THE MASTERY SERIES. 5. Kami wo jiiibun motte inai kara mo skoshi irimas. * -x =/ A y * x 6. Mo dore liodo oiri nasaru ka ? 7. Kono lion wo wa-go ni Iwn yaku szru dake a / -fc y ^ >? a r ifr y -Y^ ^;v 3f^- Ei-go ga owakari nasaimas ka ? 8. Tabun dekimasho keredo tszji ni naru & -2* y *f ^ -^ ~/ -v ty >r V K s> > =^ =* -)->!/ rfa7ce m ^a hanasaremasen. 9. H'totsz no midzsaslii ni ippai no yu de wa wataksld to Idyodai ni wa tarinai f'tatsz irimas. 10. Dwe liodo kane ga atte mo jiiibun da to li'to ga s'kunai. 11. jKbAi %o safo ^a jiubun des Jca ? * t y -- b 5r ^ ^ ^ 3r ^ v r ^ ^ 12. /Sa^o iva jiubun des ga doka mo ^ h ^r ^ > ^ V T* ^ jjf K Jr ^ =e \jr skoshi cliiclii wo. *** V ^ + * 13. J^fo go man doru attar a, jiubun to =e ^r * -+y K ^ ry # 7 v *r ^ v b oomoi nasaru ka ? X 3*^4 ^r^y if 14. J?ore Aodo wo fcawe warn dare no kokoro ni mo K V * K y ^r -3 s - -h 7 3^ V 7 ^. a p - =e akitaraseyo ~ka ii nikui. JAPANESE. 133 5. I have not enough paper, I want some more. 6. How much more do you want ? 7. Do you know English well enough to translate this book into Japanese ? 8. I might, perhaps, do that, but I cannot speak well enough to be an interpreter. 9. One jug of hot- water is not enough for me and my brother ; we want two. 10. However much money they may have, few men think they have enough. 11. Have you sugar enough in your coffee ? 12. I have sugar enough, but I would like a little more milk. 13. If you had fifty thousand dollars, would you think you had enough ? . It is difficult to say how much money would satisfy any body. 134 THE MASTERY SERIES. 15. Oyaji wa Amerika mata wa Igirisz no gak~ % i ;v ^ ^ E ^ ^ 7 *r dake no kane wo ivatakshi ni kuremashta. & jr J if ^ * V & fr V =* >; v ~*v ? EIGTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. your and my bill to-pay anata to watakshi no kakidashi wo harau ni 1. Anata no kakidashi wa domo nagai ushiya, 7l-#;rt*t>?s/ ^ Y *r = 1rlf4 & V Y no des ka ? ; T* * # 2. Watakshi no kakidashi wa lionya no de dzi- y * * ^ ' . ? ^ * ^ ^ * v "* ' T* y 4 bun mijikai no des. -? y ^ -F ^ 4 J 7* * 3. Miyo niclii no bun made watakshi no kaki- ~ & -^ y^v -* 7* y # ^ ^ /^^ dashiwo kaite okure nasai. $ y * ^ 4 ?* % >; V -h-jM 4. Anata to ivatakshi no kakidashi wo oharai 7 & 1- V & *SV J 1f% #V * % ^ 7 4 kudasaru ka ? >/ $ -9- v if 5. Watakshi ga riyo lid harau ni wa kane ga J & fr v j(T } ) -V *r ^ *r 7 *r - ^ -3 s - jlT tarimai to kidzkai des. & 9 -* 4 }* *y v 1t 4 7* * 6. Hatagoya no kakidashi wo liaro ni bento ^ rf -V y ^^3fV^'73r- -< y \ tr szgi kaivaseza ye kane wo tori ni iki- JAPANESE. 135 15. My father has given me money enough to pay my school expenses in America or England for seven years. EIGHTH SENTENCE. SECTION It. to pay your bill and mine 1. What a long bill is yours ? Is it a butcher's bill ? 2. My bill is a bookseller's, and is pretty short. 3. Please mate out my bill up to to-morrow. 4. Will you be so good as to pay my bill and yours ? 5. I fear I have not money enough to pay both. 6. I wish to go to the bank after lunch to get some money to pay my hotel bill. 136 THE MASTERY SERIES. 7. Go doyo no ivo liarau dake Jcane ga art- - K fr -V $r y ^ * ? & *? jr if ^ jf ? ; mas ka ? -* * 1t 8. Sayosa riyolio dake no Jcane ga ari- -fr -V fr If- tf -Y ^ -M, $r 3f >- y # ^ j[f r ; 9. Watdkslii no sliiiikina liaslia no dai 100 V # '; v J 5/v^-h ^ =/ ^ y 3?M ^ harai ni dekaTcatte imas. ^ ? >\ =* 7* -ft jr ^ 4 -* ^ 10. Honya ye sJiimitome garni wo Jcai ni yaraneba ^ v -v ^ =s ~ }* j y = ^ ^ t ^ -v 7 ^ >v -h >; ^ ^ v 11. Kono Jcaralcane no liandike ittszi no dai zt y n ? if ^ 7 ^ 1- 4 ^r y| jy y 4 y 3?M (;o iJmra to ii nasaru ka ? * 4 >; ? b 4 k -h ^- ;v ^ 12. -f/'i^ cZes fca^^a waiakslii ni taJcaku haraiva- 4 V y 7* * it 7 y&PV^&rt^ ^ 7 J seru no de wa arimasen Jca ? te ;v y r 79^ ^ ^ ^ 13. G f o o%6 no kakidasJii wo liarau ddke no ^ F ^r -V $r y ^ ^ 3? V ^ ^7^3^^ ^ 7^a%e g'a aro to omoimas ga tashka ni * * y r 7 * \%^4-*'&$r*vi*^ wa ivakarimasen. V ^ >; * -fe V 14. Go doyo no Ttakidashi ivo liarau dalce kane 2 Y *j a $r y ^ af- 3t' ^ ^ >^ 7 ^ 3?" ^r # ^ ^a ' aro to omoimas ga anata go y r ^ ^ b * =e ^ ^ ^. * N> r -t- ^ ^ jilun no shina no dai wo oharai nara V -? v y ^/ -^ y 3?M ^ ^- 7 t. -h 7 ato wo men do wa gozaimasen. y )- y y v K er * r ^i -^ ^ v JAPANESE. 137 7. Hare you enough to pay yours and mine ? 8. Yes, I think I have enough to pay both. 9. I am just going out to pay for my new carriage, 10. I must call at the book-store to buy some blotting- paper. 11. How much do you ask for this pair of bronze vases ? 12. Do you not make me pay a high price, because I am a foreigner ? 13. I think I have money enough to pay your bill and mine, but I am not sure of it. 14. Although I think I have money enough to pay your bill and mine, still if you pay for your own things it will save trouble afterwards. 138 THE MASTERY SERIES, 15. Fujit&na koto wo sh'te wa moke ni nari- 7 y y 1- u b ^ s/ ^ =e # > -*; masen. V^v 16. Kokoh&ra Tokyo ye yuki-ki no jok'i- = = % ? > # ^ -V "- =L% ^ ; *? mfr \ sen 100 tskatte h'kiaimas ka ? % dzibun h'kiau to omoimas. EIGHTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. yet can if give (me) kereclo, dekiru nara. okure nasai 1. Dekiru nara tszgi no yubinsen de watakshi 3* % ;v -t- ? y sf y =L \jr t? v ^ y ^ y ^ ^ ^ m otegami ivo okuri kudasai. =* X rjf = * X * ; ? ^ * ^ 2. Anata to watakshi no kakidashi wo liar an ni 7-f^r ) y^r^^y a *s & y * ^^^ jiubun aru yd dozo dekiru nara =/ ^ -?- y 7 ; ix ^ y K * T r ^ ^ -J- 7 ?^o slii go yen okure nasai. re^rv -? A v ^-^v -) -9- >l 3. Kodzkai ivatakshi no nagayutsz asa . lian maye ^ y ^ t y ^ ^ v 7 irv y y r -f >* v -^ ^ > - korareru ka iya ka? 4. Omaye haclii ji maye ni ivatakslii wo okosz % -+ ^ *f =^-^-v =* y^^^ ^ ^ a ^, ga dekiru to omo dekinai ka / JAPANESE. 139 15. It does not pay to be dishonest. 16. Does it pay to run steamers from here to Tokiyo ? 17. I think the new railway pays pretty well, for the number of passengers is large. EIGHTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. yet if you can give me 1. Please write to me by the next mail steamer, if you can. 2. Please give me, if you can, four or five yen more, so that I may have enough money to pay your bill and mine. 3. Boy, can you not, or will you not bring me my boots before breakfast ? 4. You can call me before eight o'clock, can you not ? 140 THE MASTERY SERIES. 5. Anata no oisogina koto wa sh'tte imas ga dekiru nara ivatakshi ni tetszdatte kudasai. 6. Paris de kimono ivo yasku kau yd ni Eon- don de mo kawaremas. 7. Anata no ototson wa budo ga arimasen nara kore ivo wakete agete kudasai. 8. Setto dekiru nara hiru maye kono hon wo matsmoto no uchi ye motte yuke. 9. Kiyodai wa warui kaze wo h'kimaslita ga wa asz jiu ji maye ni nu- jdslio ye yuko to omotie imas. =^-y^^^^=- av y \- X ? y r 4 -* * 10. Kino katte oita Jion wo tori ni honya *t s ? it y y % 4 9 *y * f 9 =* * y -v ye yoraremas ka I) oka narubeku iva so ^ 3. ? V -* * It Y V it 1r if < ^ >^ * ^r sh'ie kudasai. v r * ? ^ 4 11. Aitsz wa deldru dake anata wo damashimasJio. 74?*'7%fl'$rjr7lr# * *? -* V -* ^ Jr Abunai yo. r -? 1- 4 ^ 12. Shojildna tito wa deldto mo so wa JAPANESE. 141 5. I know you are very busy, but help me, if you can. 6. You can buy clothes as cheap in London as in Paris. 7. Please give some of these grapes to your father, if he has none. 8. Betto, carry this book to Matszmoto's house before noon, if you can. 9. My brother has taken a severe cold, but, if he can, he wants to go to the Custom-house before ten o'clock to-morrow. 10. Can you call at the bookseller's for the books I bought yesterday ? Please do so, if you can. 11. That fellow will cheat you as much as he can. Be- ware of him. 12. An honest man would not do so, if he could. 142 THE MASTERY SERIES. 13. Dekiru nara kono ni sho wo manande asz no asa soran ji nasai. 14. Ano h'to wa dekiru nara tszgi no joki- sen de Amerika ye yuko to omoimas. 15. Narubeku iva asa ku ji made ni achira . de matte i nasai. EIGHTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. ichi yen to cliisana kane a yen and small change 1. Go yen dake no chisana kane ivo omochi x*y $r jr S ^ 4 #** It "? & % =e ?- nasaru ka ? 2. Ilye watakshi wa jiu yen no satsz bakari motte imas. 3. Ichi yen dake chisana 4 *f SL V 3if'4r^>i-9-*f^^ h li ~^ T fr & sai. - 4. Naze chisana kane ga iriyo des ka ? 5. Kono jinriki hiki ye harau ni irimas. 6. Watakshi wa chisana kane ya nai to omou. J^aruJwdo arimasen. JAPANESE. 143 13. Learn these two lessons, if you can, and recite them to-morrow morning. 14. He wants to go to America by the next steamer, if possible. 15. Be there, if possible, by nine o'clock in the morn- ing. EIGHTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. a yen and some small change 1. Have you the small change for five yen ? 2. No, I have only a ten yen bank note. 3. Please give me the change for a yen. 4. Why do you want small change? 5. I want some to pay this jinrikisha man. 6. I don't think I have any small coin. No, I have none. 144 THE MASTERY SERIES. 7. Honya ni kono satsz wo torikayete kure to * v ) lr * ? ^ v h tanonde kudasai. * j * f # &*fr4\ 8. Dwio yona chlsana kane ga iriyo des Tea ? V S *?*-}- -^4^^*^ IT 4 y^tr?** 9. Ichi l)u to isshiu satsz ga irimas. * + -r b 4 w *r y y %* 4 } ) -* * 10. Sore wa watakshi ga nyogayeya de nwtome- >v>^ y^^^ ar ywjf^v?*** mas. v ^ 1 1 . Tszyo ni chlsana Jcane ga tanto wa ari- y & a & * *f A V- 1r ft }f * * * ^ 7 V masen. -* -& V 12, Kaimona ni yuku fame jiu yen to slid- ^b=e/=s *.? 9 * V & :r.V h V*V>r ^7?o chisana kane wo kudasai. v -V fr ^r 4 -^^r * ^ * >; $ ^4 13. Ftokoro ni chlsana kane ga aru to lenri- 14. Shigwrete samid kara doka tenki ga v y v ^ ^ A 4 * ? Y *r it ?y *c 3T kawareha yd no des. -ft 7 V >Y ~ 4 2 7- ^ 15. Riydgayeya wa kane ivo torikayete ri ivo ; -v * if ~- -v -* ^ ^ ^ h ; ^ - ^ i; ^ widkemas. ^V Jr-* * 16. Warm shikuse wa naoshi nikui. >;j^>l ^/^^ -" -t-^"^ -^^ 17. ^'o hiru maye ni mctte iia chlsana ^r^t.;v-^^^ ^^^4^^r4^r^ wa mise de mina tskattt: sMmaimasUa. ~^r 5 -t- y ? y T y -* 4 ** v JAPANESE. 145 7. Ask the bookseller to change this bank note. 8. What kind of change do you want ? 9. I want l)u and quarter bu. 10. I will get it for you at the broker's. 11. There is not much small coin in circulation. 12. Please give me ten yen and some small change to go shopping with. 13. It is convenient to have some small change in one's pocket. 14. I hope the weather will change, for it is wet and cold. 15. The exchange shops make a profit by changing money. 16. It is not easy to correct bad habits. 17. I spent all the change I had in the shops this 146 THE MASTERY SERIES. 18. Go jiu nen Jcono Tcata sekai jiu oki ni * 37 7 * y =ty^^sr i :*M ^ ? ;fr * ^ =* Jcawarimashta. 1* J >) * V 2 EIGHTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. fifty-cent and ten-cent pieces go jis sen to jissen no kane 1. Go yen daJce go jis sen to jis sen to ni dr A y 3f Jr ^ V * ^ y b S7 y ^ y h ^ Jcayeraremas Jca ? * "- 7 V^X # 2. Go 2/e^ wo Jcaivari wa go jiu sen jiu mai -3 x. V / ^r y >? - =jx y ^ y ?/ ^ ^ >| ^o had 1 * des ga tada ~ku mai watashi ; y 7* *. # * 3? ^ ~+ 4 V & V nas'tta. + xy# 3. Yokohama de Jcono lion no nedan iva dore liodo ^L at >x -* ^ ~x S * V >/ ^ & y >N K V ^ F des fca? r ^> ^ 4. J7? doru da ga Niu Yoruku de wa go jis sen s*Y*'&y **&*-*'& ? **vy ^ y Iwdo yaszi no des. * K 'V X >t ^ ^ X 5. Pan's de wa kekhona asa Jian woshijis >\ ; X 7* ^ ^ y a 7 ") 7 ^ >> y ^ V ^ y se?i de kawareru. ^y T* ^ 9v >v KodzTtai ni rosolcu wo kau no ni jis sen 6. -3.y"% t> ^ 7 ^ > ^ f * * ^ ^ =^ ^ ^ y 100 ni sam mai yari nasai. JAPANESE. 147 18. There has been a great change in the world within the last fifty years. EIGHTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. in ten and twenty cent pieces 1. Can you give me the change for five yen in fifty- cent and ten-cent pieces ? 2. There should be ten fifty-cent pieces for five yen? but you have given me only nine. 3. What is the price of this book in Yokohama ? 4. It is two dollars, but it is fifty cents less in New York. 5. One can get a very good breakfast in Paris for forty cents. 6. Give the servant two or three ten-cent pieces to buy candles witb. 148 THE MASTERY SERIES. 7. Amerika no Tian doru iva Twko de go jis sen ni wa otanmasen. 8. Moslii omaye ga imo ivo shi daru Jian dake katte go doru satsz wo yaru nara yaoya it y 7- -Yns^y$-*tyis+:? -V ft -y ga go jis sen no tszri wo yokosaneba 9. Watakshi wa go- jis sen too ni mai to jis sen 100 sam mai irimas. 10. Watakslii no tame ni go jis sen mat a ^7 & & ^/ J & 2 ^ * ~y y * y ~* & fu no tame ni go jis sen W( Itudasai. 11. Ni-jis sen ga nam mai de jiu yen ni narimas ka ? 12. Ni-jis sen wo go jiu mai to go-jis sen li de jiu go yen ni narimas. 13. Watakslii ga saslii-Jiiki no tonkin go hiyaku Jiarau beki liadz des. y 7 # -c ^ >^ y T* * JAPANESE. 149 7. American half dollars are not worth, fifty cents here. . If you buy four and a half dollars' worth of po- tatoes, and give the green-grocer a five dollar note, he must hand you back fifty cents change. 9. I want two fifty cent pieces and three ten-cent pieces, 10. Please give the servant fifty cents for me, and fifty for my friend. 11. How many twenty-cent pieces make ten yen 12. Fifty twenty-cent pieces and ten fifty-cent pieces make fifteen yen. 13. I am to pay you a balance of account, five hundred yen. 150 THE MASTERY SERIES. 14. Anata to watalcshi no kakidashi wo liarau 7 + & Y V & & V y # % 3f y * * 7 *r dake no kane wo motte iso des here 3?'^- 7 if ^ ^ =fe y ^ >t fr 7* * JrV domo dekiru nara go jis sen ni-jis Y = T *e " + ? * & ^ ^y s* & y- sen no cliisana kane wo skoshi kudasai. ^y s + 4 if- ) ^^ ^ ^.a^/ ^^^>( NINTH SENTENCE. However early a riser you may be, I am sure you are not so early as that poor man, who whatever the season and whatever the weather may be, always rises before the sun. SECTION I. You however early riser may be Anata dorehodo hayaoki desh/te mo 1. Ano h'to wa Tiayaoki des ka? r y b h >^ -y x *t ? * * 2. Ano h'to wa hayadki de arim-asen Jca? r / t* Y * -v % ^ 7* 7 v -*&y ^ 3. Ano h'to wa goJcu hayaoki des ? r y fc b rf ^ -V ^ ^ r * 4. Gro kiyddai wa hayadki des Jca ? 5. Saydsa shikashi wataJcshi Jiodo hayaoki de ^ 3L*r ^ v if -y y & & & * Y ^ **% *t T* wa arimasen. 7 y ^ ^ y 6. Ano h'to iva anata yori hayaoki des. 7. Ano h'to iva watakshi yoi*i osolcu arimas. 7 ; t.h ^^^^ 3i ; ^-y^ 7 V ~* * 8. Hokano h'tora mo ano h'to hodo hayaoki de sore yori nawo hayai no mo arimasho. >v 5t>; -j- * >^-v>t y =e 7 9 ~*&y JAPANESE. 151 14. Although I probably have money enough to pay your bill and mine, yet please give me, if you can, some small change in ten-cent and twenty-cent pieces. NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION I. However early a riser you may be. 1. Is he an early riser ? 2. Is he not an early riser. 3. He is a very early riser. 4. Your brother is an early riser. 5. Yes, but he is not so early a riser as I am. 6. He is an earlier riser than you are. 7. That man is later than I am. 8. Others are as early risers as he is, even more so perhaps. 152 THE MASTERY SERIES 9. Indka no h'tora iva macM no li'tvra yorf 4^- it S fc> h 7 >* -* * S t> b 7 a ; liayaoki des Jca ? ***** 7* * * 10. Sayosa so omoimas ga aru inaka mono * -V fr U- -9-^r^=at*^Xjirr^>f'J-* =6 y m Tiayaoki de iva arimasen. * >* -V # ^f T* r ; -* ^ v 11. -4sa 7^a?^ c?oH m" oH nasaru ka ? 7 ^ -^ V K ^ sa ^ ^ -h -^ ;v ^ 12. Watakshi iva asa toho-banare no warui tokt V & & v >^7^v rr >^^vy V;v>( \- * ga arimas. y 7 ; -* ^ 13. Toshiyori to Jcodomo wa asa hayaku me ga same- Y V a y \>-*Y^**7V-**t&>irv-* mas. ^X 14. Dore liodo liayaku old nas'tte mo ano kodo- Y V * ]* ^ V * * * 1- * V T =e 7" V ^ K mo ifa wa^o Jiayaku me ga samete imaslio. =6 ^ ^ ^ >^ -v ^ > *" * > r 4 t ^ v 15. Hayaku nete liayaltu oJdru no tea tasslia ni >u -y ^ ^ ^ ^ -V ^ # ^ ;ix y >x 3f y ^ -V - nari Imncmoclii ni nari liasliltolm naru kotoivaza des. -flr X 5> )M ^ h i7 IT 7* ^ NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. wafokshi wa ta^lika ni sh'tte inias I certainly know 1. Ano li'to ga kind YoJcosJca ye itta no wo TS\-jf*S& m*'.*^;]<*-'4y.'& ,'S $ tash'ka ni sh'tte imas. JAPANESE. 153 9. Are country people earlier than towns-people ? 10. Yes, I think so, but some country people are not early risers. 11. At what o'clock in the morning do you rise ? 12. Sometimes I am loth to leave my bed in the morning. 13. Old people and children wake early in the morn- ing. 14. However early you may rise, that child will be awake before you, I suspect. 15. It is an old saying, that " early to bed and early to rise, is the way to be healthy and wealthy and NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. I am sure 1. I am sure that he went to Yokoska yesterday. 151 THE MASTERY SERIES. 2. Tetszdo de Tokiyo ye itte kuru ni 7* y K * & \- & *t "V * -v >i y 7* >v - /^a oK kakaru to tashka ni go zonji ? * V *e * % v \-2V-H ~ ^ r v =r cfes &a ? 7* * * 3. Soko ni tomaradz kayeru nara f'ta tdki kakaru o tash'ka ni sh'tte imas. -* 4 Y # V if - V y J* ^ ***> 4. J7ae sakuban Icondkatta Jca tastiTca ni yaku- soku wa chigaye mai to omotta. y & ^ **ryr\^ -* 4 f % ^ 9 ^ 5. Tetszdo no kitte sam mai kau dake no r V Y *r y ^^r ^V -^>J ^^r # ir m S kane wo omochi nasaru no wo tash'ka ni go if * 3- X ^^ ^^;vy^^r^^r-^ zonji des ka / yr v =/ ^ x ^/ 6. JS/wfes issoftw #o kamkasa ippon ~kau dake %o fea^e onwchi nasaru to tash'ka ni go / ^^ ;T=e^ -)h;v b ^^^ ^-3? zonji des ka / T V =r 5*" ^ ^ 7. Jiubun ariso des ga tash'ka ni wa shiri- v ? -r y r y y *? ? * V *y i* = v ; ^ -fc V 8. -4wo is^a iva mo Osaka ni inai to 7>> >I^-V >x ^^ -* * * ^ ~ 4^4 h tash'ka ni shirimas naze nara sakuban #3/it ^ ^/ >; -^ X -)- -^ -J- 7 HJ- ^ >v y saishi to is- sho ni ita no wo mikakemashta kara. JAPANESE. 155 2. Are you sure that it takes two hours to go to Tokiyo and back by rail ? 3. I am sure it will not take two hours, if you return without stopping there. 4. Why did you not come last night? I thought you certainly would not break your promise. 5. Are you sure you have money enough to buy three railway tickets ? 6. Are you sure you have money enough with you to buy a pair of shoes and an umbrella ? 7. Perhaps, I have enough, but I am not sure of it. 8. I am sure that the doctor is not at Osaka, for I saw him last night at my friend's, with his wife and children. 156 THE MASTERY SERIES. 9. Asa so JiayaJiu kadoguclii ni kita no wa do/re 7 -tf- * *r -" -V ? ^ F ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y 3f v cfes. Panya no tskai des to tasli'lca ni 10 Mocliiron so des are wa itsz demo liayokn =&+vywr?* 7 v * 4 y T*^>^-V^ pan wo motte kimas Tear a. >\ V ^ =e y 7- *$-* * * 7 11. Ifos/ii a^o A'to ce ^ai ^ara feare c?a fo tasKlca *V7S\>7*+4 +? % V # b ^r ^ ^ %i afer? fcoto wa dekimasen. . - T 7 ? )^ = h >x 7* ^ "^ ^V 12. Tonari no h'to iva liayaoki de wa nai to Y ^ ; y b, ]> >^ -v ^- ^ 7* >% -h >{ j> tasli'ka ni sli'tte imas naze nara Icesa & =/ % - y y 7 4-* -& ^-^ -}- 7 jr y- Jcuji mada nete imash'ta Hear a. ? &-*&*? 4 -*=/ & it 7 NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. that poor man as early (you) are not ano bimbo na h'to hodo hayaku arimasen 1. Chi'isana kane ga nai Jcara dozo ivatakshi + A ^ + * f jf ^ 4 *_? K v > ^ 9 ^ ? V no tame ni ano bimbona Ji'to ni go-jis ; # f ^ 7 y V y ^ ^ ^ ^ ), * & y sen yatte kudasai. iiV -v^^ ^^-t>l 2. Ano bimbona h'to iva sono yama moto no r^ br v ^r er -h bh >^ yy chi'isana uclii ni imas Jca ? JAPANESE. 157 Who is that at the door so early in the morning ? I am sure it must be the baker's boy. 10. Of course it is : he always comes early with the bread. 11. If it is not he I cannot guess who, it is. 12. I am sure my neighbor is not an early riser, for he was in bed this morning at nine o'clock. NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. you are not so early as that poor man 1. As I have no small change, please give fifty cents to that poor man for me. 2. Dees that poor man live in the small house near the foot of the hill ? 158 THE MASTERY SERIES. 3. Ano hawaisona h'to wa nanuka no uchi ni 7 ; # ? >1 V r *- b, h -}- * # 7^^=t niobo to f'tari no kodoma wo ushinai- ^ 3. *? T$ b -7 & ; y =* F =e & w ^ *\ mashta. -* V # 4. Ano bimbona h'to ni skoslii Icane wo yareba r ^ \^y^^"^^ h - ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ -v v ->r 7/ofcw arimasmai Jca goku . homatte iru 3. >? *p})~**-*4lt'p =t -^ ^ T A )^ mono d'aro. =e 7 3^ 7 5. Amerika ni mo Umbona h'to wa Nippon 7 } V % a* ^ tf V ^r er -J- t V =s y a? V 7iodo m arimas Jca ? ^ ]^ & 7^ ; -^ x ^ 6. J^'2/e so wa arimasen liayenuld no bim- 4 b 01 -t fr >% 7 ; ^ -fe v A x ^e y t? v 60 wa s'kunai des. 7. JEb7ii 7iocZo m* chichi ga irimas Jca ? ^ b ^ K = ^ ^ if >i 9 -^ X # 8. J^e chichi yori mo kohi wo oku irete A b A ^ =i9=ab ^^-^^ v >iv^ . Aru h'to wa Idriyo hodo ni nari iva amasen. %***'; r tf -^ ^ v 10. Omaye dosh'temo liaya-dki des ga ano % -* ^ K >y ?/ ^ ^ ^y ^- ^ 7* * jF 7 7 bimbona h'to hodo hayalcu wa nai to V V Ttf ^r -h h, V ^ K ^ ^ >^ -h >| h tashka ni sh'tte imas. 2 y it =* */ y 7* >i^^ JAPANESE. 159 3. That poor man lost his wife and children in one week. 4. Would it not be well to give some money to that poor man ? I think he must be in great distress. 5. Are there as many paupers in America, as in Japan. ? 6. JSTo. There are not so many ; native paupers are rare. 7. Will you have as much milk as coffee ? 8. No. Put in more coffee than milk, please. 9. Some men are not so large as they are great. 10. However early a riser you may be, I am sure you are not so early as that poor man is. 160 THE MASTERY SERIES, 11. Niwatwl no naltu maye ni oki nasaru koto go, ^ y h >; y ir ? -^ ^ - x *t -h^;ix=th y gozarirnas ka ? -f tf ~* * if 12. I'iyp shikashi fudan lii no de no yd ni 4 b 3L -/ -ft ~y 7 3f y t y 7* y = er =a hayaku okimas. * -V ^ ^ ^f ^ * 13. TsM ?(;- komban hi ga iru to szgu ni demos. y ^ ^ a y >Y y t 2f >f ;v ) ^ >/ **?-*** 14. Yokohama no nimhetsz wa go man hodo des. =t =t -^* y ca y -< ^ ^ -2 f y ^ ^ T 5 " ^ 15. Maye kata Jiodo kojiki ga machi ni dim ari- -* ^ if % * K = ^ -^ ^ s> -^ ^ ~ % * ^ > tf 16. O^afc^ ye san do mairwiash'ta ga itsz mo ^ 2 '; ^ V- v ' K ** 4\ -*'v ? if 4 y =6 vrusz deshta. SENTENCE. SECTION IV. tlie season of regardless. jiki ni kamawadz. 1. Jiko ni kamawadz yvbin iva tomerarema- y n vjr ^ # -^ ^ X" ^- r U x V >\ 1- } 7 V v- 2. Jiko ni kamaiuadz ano toshitotta okata y a ^r =* ^/ -v y X* 7 / b ^ ) y 3? X 1? & iv a mai nichi asobi ni demas. 3 . Itsz Tokiyo ye itte mo narutake hayaku swnasli'te uchi ye kayeritai. X^v/^ ^r^^ 19 *- 1 9 JAPANESE. 161 11. Bo you ever get up before the cock crows ? 12. No, but I generally get up as soon as the sun rises. 13. The moon rises to night as soon as the sun sets. 14. There are about fifty thousand people in Yoko- hama. 15. There are not so many beggars in the streets as there used to be. 16. I went to your house three times, but as often as- I went, you were out. NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. whatever the season may be 1. Whatever the season may be, the mails are not suspended. 2. That old gentleman goes out to take a walk every day regardless of the season. 3. Whenever I go to Tokiyo, I wish to finish my business and get home again as soon as I can. 162 THE MASTERY SERIES. 4. Tori no sz ni tszite iru jisetsz ni tori wo utsz no wa warui. 5. Samui jisetsz ni yayamo szreba hayaku oki- ^-^>i x? ^ y =* "Y *V = :*. v s* *\ ^ & % *t nu Jiito ga arimas. x t i- j!f r 9 * X 6. Samui jisetsz wa bimbo na hitora no uchi \\- t jt ~v t^ "^ -A-> x i*^ mi T t. ^i > vj^ ^^ -H" j& vj -y *j^ y * ^ ir Tjv yr ^^ o p 7^ ^ *7 /^ wi nangi ga oku arimas. 7. Nan kiyoku to Jiok kiyoku no kinjio iva tada natsz fuyu f'tatsz no jiko bakari 8. /ifco ni kakaiuaradz Gurinrando to iu & a *r ^ * n y ?> x y >; v 7 v K K >l * fc^wi ^a itszmo goku atszku wa arimasen. ^ - a* -^ >t ^ ^ ^ ^ r y ^ ^ r >; -* ^ v 9. Jiyodz , wa riyorinin wa tdbemono wo dasa 5? -Y r %y -)- v r' 9 ^ V >% ^ -< ^ y ^ 3? -# wai maye w^ ayi wo tszkeru. 10. Jfs2 oide nas'tte mo sliinsetsz ni tori 4V % 4 i* -)- * ? ? =e ^ v *> v ^ f ; atszlcatvar emasho . ry a y v -*^> ? 11. Niivatori wa samui jibun ni wa atatakai y v tf >N ^ ^ >i =/ ^ y ^ >^ 7* ^ 3^ ^ 4 tokoro ni katte oite ye wo takusan Vttpr^ #y ~ ^- >f ^ A 5^ ^^-^V yaraneba tamago wo oku umimasen. -V 7 ^ ^ ^ *^ ^* * # * ^ 3r = -^ ^ V 12. Sudd no jisetsz wa mo sugimashita. ?rY& s v&y ^ ^^ x^-^v^ JAPANESE. 163 4. It is wrong to shoot birds in the breeding season. 5. Some people are not apt to rise early in the cold season. 6. In the cold season there is much suffering among the poor. 7. In the polar regions there are but two seasons^ summer and winter. 8. Whatever the season may be, it is never very: warm in Greenland. 9. A skilful cook seasons his dishes before they are sent to the table. 10. At whatever time you may come you will meet with a kind welcome. 11. Hens do not lay many eggs in the cold season, unless they are kept in a warm place and well fed. 12. Grapes are out of season now. 164 THE MASTERY SERIES. 13. Icfii nen no ucJii Jiaru nats% dki fuyu no shiki yf^-f-y y \Jr "f >* ;ix -}- y 7> -^ 7 =L y s/ -3f ga arimas. jf T> 9 -* X 14. jaH 320 jisetsz iva sugimashita. if ^ s ~y ^z>y ^ x 3f -^ >/ ^r 15. Nippon de wa roku gatsz wa amegachina jisetsz de tszyu to iirnas. 16. Kono Tcuni ni amegachina jisetsz ga ari- mas ka ? ^X % 17. Jiko ni Itakawaradz ano toshiyotta onna ^n^ra if if y 7 ^ r^ b^^^^f ^V-)- wa hi no de maye ni 18. Kono jiko ni wa iye ni hi no ke ga ndkitfe wa narimasen. >\ -)- ; <* ^ V NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. weather to regard-without tenki ni kamawadz 1. Kesa no tenki wa hareyaka des. >r^ y r y % ^ ^v y if ^x 2. Asli'ta tenki ga yoi naraba Kamakura ye jP V 9 7~ ^ ^ Jf* & 4 ^T "7 ^ If *** / ~7 *""* to omoimas ga so de nakuba yoshimas. 51 >/ -* X JAPANESE. 165 13. There are four seasons in the year ; spring, sum- mer, autumn and winter. 14. It is past the season for persimmons. 15. June is the rainy time in Japan and is called tszyu. 16. Is there a rainy season in this country ? 17. Whatever the season may be, that old woman is up before the sun. 18. At this season fires are indispensable in our houses. NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. $nd whatever the weather may be 1. The weather is clear this morning. 2. If the weather is good, I intend to go to Kama- kura to-morrow, otherwise not. 166 THE MASTERY SERIES. 3. Kororado to iu yubinsen wa teriki ni =* P 7 K b 4? =*. fr bT V fc V >* r y *t - kakaivaradz jiu ni ji ni slmppan desho. -ft 1* y ? x y ? ^ y =* vy s*v 7* ^ fr 4. Ano Zimbo nin wa teriki ni kamawadz r y t tr v ^ ^ - v >% ^ v ^ ^ ^ ^ 9 xr 7^' ^o de groro m" sliigoto ni demas. h> 7 ^afpr ^^^^ ^ 7* ~* * 5. Tenki ni Jcakawardz sliinbun-ltubari wa ?> y *t s* -ft ft y 7 2: ^ v ^ v ^ >>? ; >% yamenu hadz des. * > 3< >% y* ^ ^. 6. Itszdemo go niuyo no toTci iva Tcane wo hashi* V 7. Aru li'to wa itszmo fushiawase des ga a/ru r v h. f >{ ^ ^ ?y r y ^ 7* * jf 7 ^ h'to iva nani ivo yatte mitemo atemas. h.h >x -)-^ ^- -V^y- =r=e r T~~* 1* 8. Asli'ta teriki ni IcaTcaivaradz watdkshi no r v & ^ y % ^ * * y ? x y & & y s tegami wo yUbin yakuslio ye dashi ni ^^= ^ za.erti>y -V^^/^ -^3f^/^ io Jcodzkai ni ii nasai. \. aN/'^t. =* >l- ^ -i--9->i 9. Domiyo wa liayaoki de mai nichi teriki Y *r * W ^ >^ -V ;T ^ ^ ^ xf * ^ 7- y ^ ni kakawardz asa han maye ni ichi ? yi' ^ if n y 7 x" r ^ >^ v ^f *v. 4 + y lean undo ni demas. # y *r v K *r - T* *+ * 10. j&ij/o wa donna ni yoi tenki des. jr ? ^ Y V -f ^ ^ >{ ^ V ^ 7* ^, JAPANESE. 167 3. The steamship Colorado will sail at twelve o'clock, whatever the weather may be. 4. That poor man goes to his work at sunrise, what- ever the weather may be. 5. "Whatever the weather may be, the carriers have to distribute the newspapers. 6. I will lend you the money whenever you want it. 7, Some men are always unfortunate, and some suc- ceed in whatever they undertake. 8. Tell the servant to go to the post-office to get my letters to-morrow morning, whatever the wea- ther may be. 9. My father is an early riser. Whatever the wea- ther may be, he takes an hour's walk every day before breakfast. 10. How fine the weather is to-day. 168 THE MASTERY SERIES. 11. Ano kodomo no tame ni do ote ivo tskwfii nas'tte mo kessh'te gakusha ni nari- masmai. 12. Gakko ye yuku maye teg ami ivo ittszi kaku Mma ga arimas ka ? 13. Sayo mata yitbin yakusho ye dasz Jiima mo arimas. 14. Komlan tenki ni kakaivaradz Fujisawa made yukaneba narimasen. n. n ^ ^ ir \) -^ -^ y 15. Aslita wa tenki ni kakawaradz yakusoku ni yukaneba narimasen. >; =1 =JL n ^ ^ >; v ^ y NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION VI. always sun 's rising before (he) rises itszmo hi no de maye ni okiru 1 . Nan doki ni oki nasaimas ka ? f V K ^ - ^ ^ -Mf; 9 ^ ^ * .2. Go domiyo ivasli'diiji maye ni oki nasai- -2 K^H-V^r ^ V^=X -^ ^ -^^ -Mf- >t ^^as ka ? -v x ^ 3. /Sore ?/orf hayaku okimas roku ji wo szgi- > V ^y ^ -V ^ ;T ^ * ;*, P ^ ^ * * ' JAPANESE. 169 11. Whatever pains you may take with that boy, he will never be a scholar. 12. Have you time to write one letter before you go to school ? 13. Yes, and time enough to post it too. 14. I must go as far as Fujisawa to-night, whatever the weather may be. 15. I must go to-morrow, according to my promise, whatever the weather may be. NINTH SENTENCE. SECTION VI. always rises before the sun 1. At what time in the morning do you rise ? 2. Does your father get up before seven o'clock ? 3. He rises earlier than that, not later than six o'clock. 170 THE MASTERY SERIES 4. Hi no de wa nan ji des lea ? 5. Rokuji slcoshi szgi ni demas. 6. Kiyodai iva tuarui leave wo Mite leesa osoleu made okimasenanda. 7. Omesliitskai wa wakdkute jobuna no ni X } W H b. ^ y^^r- & W ?*+ y^ motto liayalm oltinai no iva do iu =e y h > x "V >s % ^ 1r 4 S ** Y ty 4 ? ivalte des lea ? V ~ T ?> 1* 8. Watakslii no tosliiyotta genan iva nen jiu yj*^^ y Y $/ &.y & ^ -h y ^ ^ y *? *? asa go ji ni okimas. 9. Itszmo nan dold ni oyaszmi nasaru ha? 4 7 ^ + v K ^ = ^r "V X s -J- -f ^ ^/ 10. /Sore i#a j/q/i sliidai des. > V 3^ >> =/ s/ 3tM r ^. 11. Watalcshi no okiru Iwku-gen wa sliigi sliidai 12. Aslita jiu ji no resslia de Tokiyo ye aide nasaru lea? X 4 7 + * ^ * 13. /Sot^e i^a s/%i sliidai des yoji ga szmi- V v/ ^ y ? ^/ & 4 ~f ?< ^ & V jf ^ = maseba ildmaslio ga so de nakuba ika,remasen. JAPANESE. 171 4. At what time does the sun rise ? 5. It rises a little after six o'clock. 6. My brother did not rise till late this morning on account of a bad cold. 7. How is it that your servant who is young and healthy does not rise earlier ? 8. My old man servant rises at five the year round. 9. At what time do you generally go to bed ? 10. That depends upon the work I have to do. 11. My time of rising depends upon circumstances. 12. Shall you go to Tokiyo to-morrow by the ten o'clock train ? 13. That depends upon circumstances. If I finish my business at half past nine, I shall go. If not, I cannot. 172 THE MASTERY SERIES. 14. Jibiin de iva hayaoki da to omoimas ga =jx -? y ^ -y % ^ . gr b % =e b -*> * # cmo toshiyori iva motto hayaku okimas. ? y > ^/ ^ >; =e y > -v ^ ;* ^ -* ?, 15. 7?feo ni Ttdkawaradz taiyo iva ano h'to y ***? ** * it y ? X 2~4 a*r * 7 j b^ yori osoJcu demas. ^ ; ^ > ^ r -^ ^. 16. Anata donna ni liayaoki des Memo ano y ^ & K v -t- =x >^ -V ^ ^f r * V r =e T > y^fco wi mo f6%^^' ni mo ltdkawaradz itsz- mo hi no de maye ni dkiru bimbo nin =e ' t y r v ^ ^ ^ ^ ;i. b* y TK % >y ^ V fe)do hayaku iva nai to tash'ka ni slttte * K ^ -y ^ +* 1- A \- $ =/ a ~ w T* imas. A ** TENTH SENTENCE. _ officers of the railway ore polite and attentive to pas- senyers, and do all in their power to make them com- fortable on the road from Yokohama to Tokiyo. SECTION I. The railway's officers. Tetszdo no yaku yaku wa. 1. Tetszdo no yakunin no uchi ni ochikadzki r y & & >/ *v & =* v s & ^ '=* % ^ n y* ** ga arimas ka ? ff -p ,; ^ ^ ^ 2. Tetszdo no yaku yaku wa taitei Nihon ?" y Y' & J *v^ "V^ >> & <^ j~ A ^svjxv' jin des ga aru Yoi-oppa jin mo =y y ^ * if 7V a P y >\ y v =e JAPANESE. 173 14. I consider myself an early riser, but that old man gets up earlier than 1 do. 15. Whatever the season may be, the sun rises later than he does. 16. However early a riser you may be, I am sure you are not so early as that poor man, who, what- ever the season may be, and whatever the weather, always rises before the sun. TENTH SENTENCE. SECTION I. The officers of the railway. 1. Have you any acquaintance among the officers of the railway ? 2. Most of the railway officers are Japanese, but some of them are Europeans, 174 THE MASTERY SERIES. 3. Seifu no yakunin iva sono slwjild to ^ 4 -> ; -v ^ = y >> > j =/ -v vy ^ ^ V f ^ A" ^ a ? ^ 3L^5^ yerabare iyegara ni wa yoranu liadz des. & ? sv V 4 ^ %T ? - -** 3. 7 X >* y st ^ X 4. .Kbfto fc^m c?e zi;a dare ga li'to bito wo ydku ni ay^^z'^^vjirthtfh ^ -y ^ ^ ninjimas Tea ? ^ v =^ -^ ^, ^ 5. Mikado des shikashi Jcoyakunin iva omoyaku s ^r - K _ ^ x ^/^^ TI -y ^ =s y >\ ^r^-y^ karu. moslii tshemas. it ? =e^v y jr~* l* 6. Shina Tear a deta fune ni tsmarete ita nin- y 1- -ft ? r & ? ^ * y -*v 7* 4 & ^y soku ga kozotte fune no yakunin ni > ^ JtT a ^ y ^ 7 ^ y - -y ^ =a y ;* teldtai mina Tcorosh'te fune ni mo hi wo 7. Amari yakunin no ooi no iva seifu ni 7 ^ }) -v^^y s % ft 4 ^ >^ ^^^ - mudana zappi ga kakaru bakari des naze A 3?* ir -^ ^ 12 ^ ^7 ^ ;v >v ^ >; 7^ ^ -h -fer wo heraseba nawo yoku sono * ^ 7 ^ >v ^ ^ SL ^ > y t(?o sldtogemas kara. 7 T* * ^ I- y v * * 7 8. Anata ica seifu no yakunin ni naru no ivo r ^ # ^ ^ 4 ? * yp^-s *****' j + kommo nasaru ka '( ^ v =e Jr -h -^ ;i/ if 9. JTai 9*7m gr?m no yakunin wa gakumon wo y 4 v '; i? y 7 -v ^ - y jfr^y * .yoku szbeki liadz des. JAPANESE. 175 3. Officers of government should be chosen for their honesty and ability to perform their duties, not on account of their birth. 4. Who appoints men to office in this country ? 5. The Mikado, but the lower officers are appointed by their superiors. 6. A ship-load of coolies from China rose upon the officers of the ship, and killed them all, and set fire to the vessel. 7. Too many officers are only a useless expense to the government, for a less number would do their work better. 8. Are you ambitious to be an officer of government ? 9. Naval and military officers should be well educated. 176 THE MASTERY SERIES. 10. Mommo de iva seifu no yakunin to kai q V q *? 7* ^ f f riku-gun no yakunin ni naru no ni ma ni ; ^ V v y -V ^ - v 5* -f >ix y ^ -* c* r 4 -* ^ v 11. Daljolavan no goJcu tattoi yakunin zrj&wtyy ; * ? ? y \- 4 -v ^ - v ira Daijodaijin des. >^ 3^M ^ -V fr ^ -i -F ^ 7* X. 12. Sendo ga okute fune ivo yama ye noseru. v v K & if % * ^ ^ ? ^ ^ -v -^ ^ ; . fls 13. Saibanslio ni yakunin ga ilmtari ari- y 4 * y V f - V? ~y if 4 '; # V 79 mas ka ? -* it U 14. Yo-i ni kazoyeraremt, hodo arimas. &.*? 4 ^ ^ yr ^ 7 v * * Y 7V-** TENTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. politely attentive teinei ni kokoro kubari wo s'hte 1. Sono hatagoya no aruji wa kiyaku wa tei- > y * 9 t J T )^T? ^ ^ -V ^ * T 4 nei ni mo sedz kokoro kubari mo shimasen. ^4 * ^e ^ ^ ^ =* v '; ^ 9 ^ ^ -^ ^ y 2. .Zume ?^o mo fce?^ 7io/ca 7^i ^(;a nanni mo omowa- nai yd ni miyemas. JAPANESE. 177 10. An ignorant man is not fit to be an officer of gov- ernment, a naval or military officer. 11. The highest officer of the Imperial Cabinet is the Dai-jo-dai-jin. 12. Too many captains run the ship ashore. 13. How many officers are there in the Saibansho ? 14. There are so many, it is not easy to count them. TENTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. are polite and attentive 1. That inn-keeper is neither polite nor attentive to his guests. 2. He seems to think of nothing but making money. 178 THE MASTERY SERIES. 3. Sari nagara sore iva shinslio wo yoku szru michi de wa nai naze nareba Jciyaku ica ^ <+ 7* * ^r 4 +1? -J- V >* 3f -Y i> >* ii do de korite ato iva szdorishtc Y ? a 9 ^ 7 b ^ ^> K ^ 9 5/ ^ ?/e yukimas Tear a des. 4. Teinei ni s&ru wa nani mo tsziyasadz tomo ^4^-4 ~ A > *1r**^y4 taisona ataye ga arimas. & 4 W -}- r ? ^ If T V ~* ^ 5. i^are ^?i demo teinei wi s%ru wa sai-jo 3?V * f^ r 4 * 4 - X;v>x ^>J sr ?w michi des. 6. Otofco fo ow^a no 'kiyddai loa tagai m . % Y i Y X y + S ***** # 4 * $ 1T4 ^ ing in ni shte Id wo tske-au beki 4 -s sf y ** y r *t * V &* r^^^ hudz des. ^ y r * 7. Shosei no ingin to kokoro-kulari xzni =/ a ^ 4 V ^VafV ^ ^OLP^>Y>; ^>ix no wa sensei ni balcari de naku tagai y ^ ^ v ^ >( ^ >Y # i; 7* ' * ^ 3* #M m' mo so seneba narimasen. 8. Shinsetz na Tito wa teineina koto mo deld JAPANESE. 179 3. That, however, is not the way to improve his for- tune, for travellers having once been warned of it, will pass by his house and go elsewhere. 4. It costs nothing to be polite, but it is worth a great deal. 5. The best way is to be polite to every body. 6. A brother and sister should be polite and attentive to each other. 7. Pupils should not only be polite and attentive to their teachers, but to one another. 8. It is easy for a kind-hearted man to be polite. 180 THE MASTERY SERIES. 9. Giyo-gi no yoi kodomo wo miru to ucfii no -V fr af ^ a 4 ==* ^ )is \> *r + S sodate ga yoi to omoivaremas. > *r T y ZL 4 * ^ =e >^ v -* * 10. /C/M efe feme* c?e nai kodomo wa yayamo- V ^ 7* 74^4 7* ^-4 a K * * -V -V * szrebd soto de mo busho ivo sMmas. x v ^ > ^ r =e -^v *?*? 3- v -* * 11. .EPfo ni kokoro kubari wo szru to iu wa Ji'to hh^aa^^>vi; ^^fl'b'fSr-^fct. ^10 lionomu tokoro ivo kanyayete sore wo / n^A b^tpr^- ^y^"^5r >V^* yorokobaso to sliikakeru koto des. a pr rt >Y > ^r b ^ ^ ^ ;v ^t h 7* ^, 12. Kingen wo yozonji des ka ? *t y ^ y ^ ^ ^ v =r ^ ^ ^ 13. Ta m"?i Z^ara sA ? #e moraitai koto wa jibun & V # 7 ^ 7" = : 7 -i ^ >l ^ b >v =X ^ V wo te nin ni shi-muke nasai 14. ^4^o Z^'^o wa told to sli'te iva teinei des ga r y b> b >^ b ^ i- ^ ^ >^ y* >i ^ >t y* * ir toki to sli'te wa so de arimasen. Y ^ h x/ ^ >^ > 5^ 7 * ^ V 15. -^n* 7?/fo iva uye ni miiko to teinei des 7;ixfc> v>^ri A^yjr >^^^>i T^X (/a shimo ni mitko to goku lurei des. #". / : ^ A # flT b ^'^^Vx{ ^X 16. Teinei ni sh'te son wo sli'ta tameslii wa ari- ^ 4 ^ 4 =t^/y->y ^ &&&*&< 7V masen. JAPANESE. 181 9. When one sees well-behaved children, it may be presumed that they have been well bred at home. 10. Children, who are not polite at home, are apt to be rude when abroad. 11. To be attentive to others means thinking of their wishes, and trying to gratify them, 12. Do you know the Golden Rule ? 13. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. 14. That man is some times polite, and some times not. 15. Some men are polite to their superiors, but very impolite to inferiors. 16. There never was a case in which it was a loss to be polite. 182 THE MASTERY SERIES. TENTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. can as much, as or power's capacity do, (or) power dekiru dake 09* chikara no aiudake wo szru (or) chikara exhaust wo tskusz 1. Nangi sh'te in mono wa dekiru dake taske ^ V 3f v T 4fr^J**?*ifr&ir & *jr nasai. ^--*M 2. Anata kiyo watakshi ni go hiyaku doru kash'te 7 1r & Jr 7 7^^^ ^ u* h -\> ^ 5? ? it v r kudasaru koto deldmas ka? ^3f-)h;ix =t h 7* *t -* * * 3. Dekiru nara Jcashimasho mono wo shiJcashi Myo 7* *t fl" 1- 7 * ^ -*^>& =e y ^ v * ^ jr ? wa jibun dake ni mo slcoshi tarimasen ^ v -F y & jr - =e * .a v # 9 -v&y 4. Yoi oyataclii wa sono chikara no oydbu dake ^4 X ft *+.**';*'+?*? * Jt.*-r &je kodomo wo oshiyete yoku shi-tatemas. =*K=e * X Y **?* a ^ ^ ^ 7- -^ * 5. Biyoshin no iu koto ni ki wo tske nasai \) W v y s 4 -> ^h A ^ * *> jr 1-^ 4 hoka no h'to yori omaye wo itawaru kara. ^ * ft y b h ^ ^ % -^ ^ ^ >i ^ y fr * 7 6. Fujin wo ingin ni atskai nasai sore ?yy * >T v ap y ^ r 5> * 4 ^ v 4 v wa shitszke no yoi shirushi des kara. y y fr j =* 4 v fry 7 * * 7 7. Ano h'to wa watakshi wo damaseru dake dama- 7>y bb * J & p =/ * &-* ^fr & >r &-*& mashta. JAPANESE. 183 TENTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. and do all in their power 1. Do all in your power to help those who are in trouble. 2. Shall you be able to favor me with a loan of five hundred dollars to-day. 3. If I could, I would ; but I rrn rather short myself to day. 4. Good parents do all in their power to educate their children, and train them well. 5. Be attentive to what your parents say, for they love you better than any one else. 6. Be very polite to ladies, for it is a mark of good breeding. 7. He cheated me as much as he could. 184 THE MASTERY SERIES. 8.. Isha iva ano li'to no inochi wo naru take 4 =/ -v >* r ^ b b y 4 s + * * v ^ & taske yd to slita keredomo sMrushi ga & * jr -V >7 > =/ & fr V K ^ V if ^ jf nakatta. + * V & 9. Aru "tito iva sono lioyu no obore-kakatte r ;^ b v >N v / * vy 4 * ; % TK v TJ * v T iru no wo mite sore ivo s'kui ni midz ni 4 ^ s * = 7- y> v * L tr 4 ^ = y " - tobi konde cliikara no oyobu dake shitoge V V a V 7* -f- * 7 y % a ^ 3?' ^r ^ b ^ j/o to sli'ta Iceredomo midz ga tszmetakute -V *? \- V & Jr V K =e = ^r ^ > > ^ 1> ^ fukakatta kara mokuromi ga hadzremash'ta ' -? n n y & n 7 =e ^ = y <*yv -+ v # 10. Watakshi no yoji ga koto no Jioka isogi des rVS*.&*?jf*\- 7 * * >t V 2f 9* ^. kondo no tyubmsen de ica Halco- a y |# ' y = \Jr bT. V ^ V 7^ ^ >^ a /e yukaremascn. *? 7* ^ =L H V -* ^ V 11. Watakshi wa ikura asette mo jikoku made 9^^V >{^7 r^^r-=e^=^ ^7* wi tetszdo no noriaiba ye wa tskarc- s* JP y K $r y y >; 7 >i >* ^ >x ^ ^/ v 12 ^92-o li.to iva kiyo sore ivo szru koto wa chikara r/th^r^ > V 2- :*. ;v u f >^ ^ ^ 7 n^ oyobimasen ga anata ash'ta made - * a br -^ ^ v #" 7-t-^ r^^r ^7; materu nara sore ga dekimasho to mosJii- JAPANESE. 185 The doctor did all he could to save the man's life, but to no avail. 9. A certain man seeing his friend about to be drown- ed jumped into the water to save his life, but though he did all in his power to accom- plish it, he failed because the water was cold and deep. 10. I cannot go to Hakodate by this steamer, for my business is unusually pressing. 11. Hurry as much as I may, I cannot reach the rail- way station in time. 12 He says it is out of his power to do it to-day ; but, if you can wait till to-morrow, he may be able to do so. 186 THE MASTERY SERIES. TENTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. them confortable to make, ano h'to wa kokoro yoku saseru ni 1. Fuyu samui iye de wa kokoro yoku arimor ? =t -tf- A 4 4 *- 7* +\ rtnpr =*. ^ 7 y ^ sen. 2. Olieya de wa kono samui tenki ni koJcoro arimas ka ? 3. Nedai no uye ni neru no wa nippon no tatami yori mo kokoro yoi des. 4. Nomi ga i-naku la nippon no iye wa goku kokoro yoku ard mono ivo. 5. Anata fuji san no iwaya de kokoro yoku oyaszmi nas'tta ka ? ^-V^.- ^ ^ y & # 6. Nomi ga i-naku la dzilun kokoro yoku nema- y = jf 4 1r t? ^ y 4 ^ x V a a pr a ^ ^ -^ shita mono wo. 7. Watakuslii no uclii de yo too akaslii nasaru nara Naru dake okokoro yoi yd ni itaslii JAPANESE. 187 TENTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. to make them comfortable 1. It is uncomfortable to be in a cold house in the winter. 2. Are you comfortable in your room in this cold weather ? 3. It is more comfortable to sleep on bedsteads, than on Japanese mats. 4. If it were not for the fleas, Japanese houses would be very comfortable in summer. 5. Did you sleep comfortably in the stone hut on Fujisan ? 6. But for the fleas, I should have slept pretty com- fortably. 7. If you will spend the night at my house, I will make you as comfortable as I can. 188 THE MASTERY SERIES. 8. Ate ni naranu kodzkai iva shujin ivo kokoro 7 r =s ^r 7 ^ a y* # h> >* ^ =t.V V ^ OL n pr waruku sliimas. v * X 9. j%6 wa too m*'c7zi c?e otszkare desho ' ga furo ^r ^ b v> s^^^-^'^i/7*^tjr #":?* ^o meshite yulian wo agattara otsz- * j ~/ ? =L & ^ v ^ 73fy # ? %*/ hare ga nukemasko. 10. Kombcm yolm oyotte myo asa go kigen -3. i/ ^y a. ? Jt ay F = ^ fr 7 -9- ^ ^ ^ V wo /oi 2/0 ni. Sayo nara oyaszmi / sM -V^r ^ ^-VJr -) 7 11. Tabi tabi "kimono wo Itikayeru to kokoro yoku 12. -4fca dzita kimono wa kokoro waruku naru nomi 7 -ft y 4 & ^ q y >^ a. =f pr y y^ >; ^ J = naradz yayamo szreba yamai wo okoshimas f^x-y-vqaxv^-v-^^ ^^-^^^x 13. Hatagoya no aruji iva sono okiyaku wo naru ^ - *v y r >v ^ >^ > / % *t -v ^ ^ f ;^ c?afce kokow yoku saseneba narimasen. 3f ^r d. a. pr d ^ tf-'fc^-^-J-y -*<&?/ 14. Kemuri daslii no nal iye de wa kokwo-yoku Jr A i; 3f ^ ^ -f >{ >t -^ 7* a a- p a > arimaxcn. 7 } ) v ^ V JAPANESE. 189 8. An untrustworthy servant makes his master un- comfortable. 9. You are weary from your long journey to-day, but a hot bath and a supper will refresh you. 10. I hope you will sleep well to-night and feel well in the morning. Good night. 11. It is comfortable to change one's clothes frequently. 12. Dirty clothes not only make one uncomfortable, but are apt to produce disease. 13. An inn-keeper ought to make his guest as- com- fortable as possible. 14. A house without chimneys is uncomfortable. 190 THE MASTERY SERIES. TENTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. from to the road on yori made do ehiu de. 1. Kanagawa Team Yokohama made no do-cliiu de X -fjfy * 7 ^ * ** -* -*7 s Y & ffr 7 taiso konida } mma ni aimash'ta. 3? >{ $r =t ^3? A^ ^ 7 4~*V & 2. H'tori no MyakusJio ga Odaivara yori fc i* >; s ***t !> v ^-*r If % *? ^ 7 ^ v Hakone made no do-chin de Jcane iri ivo >, =t ^ ~* r S & ^ * 7* * * 4V * hiro'imastita. 3. Watakslii domo ga Fujisan ye noboru nara do- y & t> v Y =e 2f ? v v v ^ s 7$ v ^ 7 F & chiu no tabemono wo motte yulcaneba nari- ^ & s ^^=ey * =ey^ ^Ljt^^i-y masen. ^ ^ y 4. Anata asoko ye o'ideta toki do-cliiu de r ^ & r*^*47*z ^^ Y & + & ? dare ni ka oamas'tta ka ? 3fv - ^ jf ? 4 -} ^ ^ ^ ^ 5. Yokohama kara Toldyo made tetszdo no ao.>^^ ^7 \- *r *s 3. *r -* ^ ? y Y & S uclii ni tada ni ka slio no kiriddshi ga 6 + ^ & ^ ~ ^ & a 7 3? K * ^ #" arlmos. 7 9 -* X T APANESE. 191 TENTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. on the road from Yokohama to TokiyS I met a great many pack-horses on the road from Kanagawa to Yokohama. 2. A farmer picked up a purse on the road from Oda- wara to Hakone. 3. If we ascend Fujisan, we must carry something to eat on the way. 4. When you went there, did you meet any body on the road. 5. There are only two deep-cuts on the railway from Yokohama to Tokiyo. 192 THE MASTERY SERIES. 6. Noge yori hatola ye no to-cliiu de kogatana wo ; tf 3. tf -^h-^-vyh-^Sr^ajF^r-}-^ otoshimash'ta. % h =/ ~*v & 7. Josliiu lien yama no fumoto no midiibata *?**.&$/& *+y*?~* y -?=} y =^>Y^ ni aru islii wa mina Asama yama kara fuki ~ T 7 ^^^ >* S 1r 7 y-~* **?-* It 7 7 -3? dasare lioka no yama wo koyete ocliita & -9-V ^^ y-Y^ ^ a ^^* % ^ & yake islii des. *t Jr A V r * 8. Toldyo 7/on Ni'igata made no do-cliiu de '}*&***&*>) ~* If 2 ~*T* y K *r + & 7* ichiban nadakai tera wa Zenkoji to A t ** v -^ & # 4 r ? * -E* v 1* w }- i'imas. 9. Yama no naka too torite kuma ni attar a V* S + it * \-.*rV?ir~*=*7#y$ ; 7 issho kemmei ni nigemasho. 4 y & ^ * ir y s 4 - ****-*&& 10. Kono lion wo yoku naratta toki ni loa Eigo ay*y * =i ? ir ?y & ^ ^ = ^ **4 * ivo tskau michi ni yoJiodo szs i zmlmazli' > tard. * y ft & = ^ = 3L^l^^>^> = -^^^7^ 11. Tetszdo no yakuya,ku wa tenei ni kokoro ? y Y & J *?>;**>; ^ T 4 ^ 4 - =utr kubari side Yokohama kara Tokiyo made ^>v>; -/r-^u^^ U 7 hvy^sL^-^T*' no do-cliiu ni norite 100 kokoro yoku szru y K v ^ & - y ; ^ ^ ^ ? P 3- ^ * ;^ 2/o m cliikojra wo tskushimas. JAPASKSK. 193 6. I lost a penknife on tlie way from Noge to the landing. 7. In Joshiu near the foot of the mountains, all the stones along the road are slag thrown over the other mountains from Asama-yama. 8. The most celebrated temple on tho road from Tokiyo to Jfiigata is^ called Zenkoji. If, in crossing the mountains, I should meet a bear, I would run for my life. 10. When you have learned this book well, you will have advanced far in the way towards speak- ing English. 11. The officers of the railway are polite and attentive to passengers, and do all in their power to make them comfortable on the road from Yokohama to Tokivo. 194 THE MASTERY SERIES. ELEVENTH SENTENCE. AltJiough I am neitfier hungry nor thirsty, I have a greed mind to accept ycur invitation to breakfast luith you, at a tea-house so as to talk over the neivs of the day. SECTION I. I hungry neither thirsty nor am watakushi wa hidaruku mo kawaku mo shimasen although. keredomo. 1. Ancda wa hidarukute kawakimas ka? . Hye hidaruku mo kawaki mo shimasen. 4 fe ^ b 3. Fudan asa han ivo nan ji ni agarimas ka? 4. Taitei sh'chi ji han des. 2 4 7 4 v + V V ? * 5. Sore wa chitto hayai ga shigotoba ye dzibun > V ^ ^ b ^ *t 4 jf V ^ b ^ ^ N T 4 -?* hayaku yukaneba naranu kara des. ^ -V ^ ^.1t ^ JV 1- 7 * -ft ? 7* * 6. Shigotoba wa doko des ka ? 7. Sakai cho kinjo no lion cho des. -1* ^^^ ^ v ^ a S * V ^-V^ r^ JAPANESE. 195 ELEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION I. f Although I am neither hungry nor thirsty 1. Are you hungry and thirsty ? 2. No. I am neither hungry nor thirsty. 8. At what time do you usually breakfast ? 4. Generally at half past seven. 5. It is rather early, but I have to go to my place of business pretty early. 6. Where is your place of business ? 7. It is in Main Street near Division Street. 196 THE MASTERY SERIES. 8. Anaia no kanariya wa Iddarui lea kago no uchi 7 -h f s * -J- ; -V -* t* *" ^ 4 % it'* s & + ni ochitszkanu yd ni miyemas. ** % -f S> # ^ "V *> =^-^^, 9. -Do shit an des lea tabe mo nomi mo shimasen. Y & * ^ y r ^> * ^ -c =e y ^ ^ ^ -^ ^ v 10. Watakushi no m'ma ga haivaitaro tomete midz ? ^ ^ ^ S + + 3T -ft 9 4 # ?& V * ? s y ^^o yaratieba narimasen. 3- -V 7 ^ ^ ^- >; -^ ^ v 11. 5e^o A:o/io m'ma wo sonna ni hidaruku ^c y f v> ny ^-^ ^ >V-h ^ b3f>lx^ kawakds no wa do sliitan da lea. Iclii -ft y * ?. 7 * Y & & *y & if <\'+ niclii nomi kui sliinai yo ni sawagu. -^ /s ^ 4 V 1r 4 -V^r ^^7^ 1 2. JKyo ^a mada kuivase mo nomase mo shinakatta jr?^-*???^^ S-*tei~=/1-'*ty3f to tasliika ni shiremas. h $ V U x* =/ V -* ?^ 13. Temai ga hidarukute kaivaitara nakigoto 7*^-i j!T t.3Ov^?* ^y>}^7 -)- -ae ^ h ?^o i^ daro. $> 4 7 $ V r 14. Hidaruku kawaite irn m'ma wo kesshite *>&'? * V 4 ? 4 " * -* * Jr V V 7 tszkaimasen. V ^ 4 * ^ v 15. Hidaruku kaivaite iru h'to wa sliigoto ya b3^;v^ ^y>i5r >l^ ^f ^^fb ^" dekinai m 9 ma mo so des. r ^ ^ 4 A * qs -^ > r ^, JAPANESE. 197 8. Is your canary bird hungry ? He seems uneasy in "his cage. 9. What is the matter ? He will neither eat nor drink ? 10. I suspect my horse is thirsty. I must stop and water him. 11. Betto ! What makes this horse so hungry and thirsty ? He acts as if he had had nothing to eat or drink for a day. 12. I am sure you have neither fed nor watered him to-day. ,13. You would complain if you were hungry and thirsty. . I will not drive a horse that is hungry and thirsty 15. .V hungry and thirsty man cannot work, neither can a horse. 198 THE MASTERY SERIES. ELEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. I somehow wish to go watakshi wa doka niairito zonjimas 1. Asli'ta mikado ga heisJii no seizoroye sho- 7 V & * If V 3T ** 4 V y^^J^P-^Vaflr ran ivo mi ni ivatakshi to issho ni 7 y * =E r >; 3* ^ 5/ I- 4 v 3. ~ Tokiyo ye oide nasaru ka ? h * ^ ^ * ^X^T^^^H 2. Waiakshi iva doka ikito zonjimas kere- J 2 P ^ V er if ^ % b *? y*yy**jrV domo sarigatai yd ji ga am ka mo K ^ *) ft 9 <\ 2- V V ^" r V * ^ shiremasen kara oyakusoku iva dekimasen. y V -* >v if 7 ^ -V ^ > ^ >^ 7* ^ ^ ^ V 3. Go do-do mo itash'tai mata sono seizoro- ^ ]>' >> K ^r ^ >l ^ ^/ ^r >t -r ^r > V ^ >i y ye ^6o mw^M mo yokaro kava doka anata ^ * s^^e ai^7*y ^^ KSrtf 7-)-^ 710 yukareru yd ni shitai. y^^rv^-VSr-s/^xf 4. Fo ji ivo sashioitemo doka go issho ni a & v * ^ V % 4 7 ^ K 3r ^ rf 4 >/' ^ ^ ^ omoimas. 5. Nan ji ni tetszdo no tateba de omachi ^-y y ^ T* y Y * S ^ ^ ^ 7* X ** + nasaru ka ? ^-t V if 6. Asa hachi ji ni acliira de matte imas. JAPANESE. 199 ELEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION II. I have a great mind to go 1. Will you go to Tokiyo with me to-morrow, to see the Emperor review his troops ? 2. I have a great mind to go, but cannot promise you for I may have business that I cannot leave. 3. I hope you will be able to go, for I should like your company, and the review will be worth seeing. 4. I have a great mind to let business go, and take the trip with you. 5. At what hour will you be at the railway station ? 6. I will be there at eight o'clock in the morning. 200 THE MASTERY SERIES. 7. Sayonara so : i naku sono jibun ni acMra ^r*t*?^T7}>*74 ^ & V / =? :? v V ^ 7^7 de deaimas. 7* f r 4 -* * 8. Ddka watdkshi no chlsai mus'ko ico K & it V & & V J t >t iM A ?> rt ^ Tokiyo ye tszrete yuldto gozarimas. l-^^a^r^^v^^^Ver ^ T 9 ^ * 9. Tbmo itafcw ??zo so nasai (josliisolm wa heishi b =e ^ ^ ^^^-i-^>i ^*^>^>^ ^-i=/ ^o mitara oyafokdbi desho. 10, JTesa fca^e t^o tikimasli'ta ga asz 'ko'koi'o yokiiba jr^H^^tt^-vz/Z If 7 ^ rtap ^L^->V tszremas. 9'V**'* 1 1 . /Sore c?6 yo yozarimas. Ano icdomo wa ichi ^ V T at ^r -of -^ ; -^ *, 7 S ^ Y =^ ^ ^ ^ niclii Mhavaslii wo shitara nawo hagende ^ + -^ >V 7 r/ ^ r/ & 7 ^- ^ >N ^ y r galcu mon shimas d'aro. y * *y V -* * # 7 3r 12, Doha Tsldji no lioyu wo mimaito Y * * V %y J **r 4* * * -* 4 b fr omoimas. % qfi b * .X" 18, Watakslii mo liiina ga aru nara so shitaku J & 1> V ^ b -^ ** 7 ^ 7 ^h^ V*^ arirtias. r ; -^x 14. Sima wo moTcdai to omoyeba dekimas. b-v ^=e>>4r^>l h^^^^^T^^r*^^. 15, Sayosa sliiyo to omoyeba shikata ga ari- V * V V v 2- * \> X^**<>* V.# * jf 7 V mas, JAPANESE. 201 7. Well, I will meet you there at that time without fail. 8. I have a great mind to take my little son with me to Tokiyo. . Do so by all means. Your son will be delignted to see the soldiers. 10. He had a bad cold this morning but if he is well enough to-morrow, I will take him with me. 11. That is right ; the boy will have all the more mind for study, if he has a day's recreation. 12. I have a great mind to call on my friend at TskijL 13. I also should like to do so, if I have time. 14. We can make time if we have a mind to. 15. Yes : where there is a will there is a way. 202 THE MASTERY SERIES. ELEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. Your invitation to accept Anata no omaneki ni shtagau 1. Tomodachiga komban yulian no gocJiiso ni b = y + JT =* y ^ v =*. *? v y -3? ^ > fir c watakshi ivo manekimashta. V & W * ^^ *t-*v y 2. Sono maneki ivo goshoclii nas'tta ka ? V J -*?> *t * -*y *t*r <^ -j- * y * if 3. Sayosa wataksJii iva mada derareru hodo * -V ^ IP V # ? V ^ -^ 3T 7* 7 V 7V * P jiubun ni yoku wa nai Jceredomo sho- V *r -? y ^ a ^ >x -^ >| ^r v K = ^ -V ^ cAf no Jcojo-gdki ivo tskaivashimashta * y a fir ?r -V fir y -ap ^ y * y V -* V * 4. Watakshi mo yulian no furumai ni manekare- y^^^ =6 =L fir >^ V y ^;v-^l^ = -*^* It V maslita ga doka kotowaritai to omo'i- -*V#%* K fir # =* * JMJ ^ 4 b ^ q b> 5. /^d sJiiiai nara ivake naku kotoivaru koto ga **V#41-7yjr1-l> aby;i/^h^ dekimas. *;*!:'*+'* 6. /Sayo ^ara szgu ni so shimas. ^V^ -h7 X^- -t^r ^-^^ 7. Sono maneki wo okotowari nas'ttara otomo- >y^-^^^^-^by>; -h^.^^7 >Tb=e dachi no kini irimasmai to kidzkaimas. jr+ S %* 4'9 *+*-* 4 ^ ^ y ^ 4 -* * JAPANESE. 205 ELEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION III. to accept your invitation 1. A friend has invited me to dinner this evening. i 2. Have you accepted the invitation ? 3. Yes. I sent a note of acceptance, though I am hardly well enough to go out, 4. I also have been invited to a dinner party, but I have a great mind to decline the invitation. 5. If you wish to do so, you can easily excuse yourself. 6. Well, I think I will do so at once. 7. I am afraid your friend will not be pleased, if you decline the invitation. THE MASTERY SERIES. 8. Waialcshi wa yoru tabi-tabi deru no wa ski- 9. WatcJcslii mo sd des yoru wa lion wo yomu no ni ate-hameta toki des kara. ~ 7 ? * * & } * ? * it ? 10. Shikashi nagara uchi ni bakari toji komoru koto wa dekimascn. Aru toki wa h'to no kokoro ni kanawaseru yd ni mata tea a Ti p n it *}- y & fls -Y r =i **# ^ jibun no ki-barashi ni dekakeneba nari- masen. 11. Sore wa so des Jibun no kokoro ni kanciu > V >* >r 7*"^. T? ?*y S rtrtpr ^ it ^ *? bakari wo kangayeru h'to wa hon- no anrahu no michi iva shiranu mono 12. Sayonara riyoho to mo ni maneki ni sh'tagatte yokaro. 13. Komban dochira ga omosJiirokatta ka ash'ta =t y ^ y 1*" -f 7 jf % ^ =/ # % y ^ it 7 y & au toki ni tagai ni Jianashte kurabi- masho. JAPANESE. 205 8. I do not like to go out often in the evening. 9. N"or do I, for the evening is my time for reading. 10. Still one must not always shut himself up at home. He must sometimes go out to gratify others, or for his own recreation. 11. That is so. The person who thinks only of his own gratification does not know the true way to be happy. 12. Well then, let us both accept the invitations we have received. 13. To-morrow when we meet we will compare notes, and see which of us has spent the evening most agreeably. 206 THE MASTERY SERIES. ELEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. a tea-liouse at 'breakfast to do chaya de asa-han ni szru 1. Asahan ivo agarimasJiita ka ? y if y * r if ; -* v 2 # 2. liye mada asa-lian wa szmimasen. >f >i ^ * & r if ^ y -* * = -* ^ y 3. Tszne ni nanji ni asa-han ivo agari- y * ^ +y & - r ^ y * rif ; mas "ka ? -^X * 4. Taitei jiu ni ji des shikashi toki to sh'te & 4 7 4 w ** v i* *=/-*=/ h^e ^ ^ 7* shigotoba de bento wo tskaimas. y-^i-^^-cVh^r ^ y ^ 4 -* * 5. Kiyo ivatdkshi to issho ni cliaya ye itte jr ? V # ^ V V 4 y v' a ^ ^w<^4yr asa-hon wo agarimasen Jca ? r * ^ y * 7 & v -*&y % 6. Anata to olianaslii moshitai koto ga an- 7 -)- ^ 1- ^^^/ ^er^/3t>i =*b ?? ? } ) mas kara doka so shitdku zonjimas. ~* * * p K 5r ^ If $r ^ ^r ^ v !5T V ^ ^ X 7. Baslia michi no chaya de jiu ni ji ivatakshi ^^V 3 ^ J +W 7 V & - V V $ \P V to ode-ai nara oki ni yorokobimas. _* % 7* 7 4 + 7 * * ^ - ^ V ^ bf * X 8. /S'c&T/o wara samatage no yo-ji ga arivnasen SOTZO toH 7^^ achira de ome ni kakari- ^7>y v^ **r + 7?x*=*itity mas. JAPANESE. 20 7 ELEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION IV. to breakfast with you at a tea-house 1. Have you had your breakfast ? 2. No, I have not breakfasted yet. 3. At what hour do you generally take breakfast ? 4. Generally at twelve o'clock, but some times I carry a lunch with me to my place of business. 5. Will you not go to a tea-house and breakfast with me to day ? 6. I have a great mind to do so, for I want to have a talk with you. 7. I shall be very happy if you will join me at the tea-house in Carriage Street. 8. Well, if business does not preven,^ I will meet you there at that hour. 208 THE MASTERY SERIES 9. Arigato sono cliaya de jiu ni ji ni ome r 9 ft i* *? y * -v -v 5f v * ^ ^ ^ ^ m kakaru no ivo omaclii moshimasho. 10. Ji*M ic/ai /& 7wm cfes ^ * >i ^ ^ >> v 7 s ^x ^r 7 =6 fr >% v v ^ 7 s " ome ^ii Jcaharimas. Anata kind no x t =* *% y -* * 7 1- # *e /" * y sliinbun ga arimas nara dozo chaya v y -? y %r rv-**+7Y*y +w ye motte kite kudasai. ^ ^y F *t 7 ? & ^ 4 11. Hai shigotoba ni ichi mai arimas Jcara 4 V * h J* - 4 * -* 4 7 V -* X ^ 7 cliaya ye motte mairimas. ^ -v -v ^ =e^^* -^ >{ >;-^x 12. Z^o^o shinbunshi wo owaszre nasaranu yd 'Y & yr v y -?* y ^ * % y * v -j- ^ 7 ^ ^ >ir Tzi ^oifcit medzrashiu arimas liar a. ^ u * ^ > ^' 7 ^/ er r ; -^ ^ ^r 7 13. jKi'to ivaszremasmai chaya ye asa-kan ni ^^b ^^>V^X-^xi ^^-Y^r-9-^V - m itszmo motte iJcimas kara. ELEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. together this time's news talk about so as to otagai ni kono goro no sliinbun wo hanasz yo ni 1. Kiyo wa nan no sliinbun des ka ? jr 7 >> ^ y s =/ y -? *y ^ ^ -ft 2. Nani mo kikimasen ga anata wa okiki )-- =e ^ae-^^V jf 7-f^ ^ X % 3f. nas'tta ka ? JAPANESE. 209 9, Thanks : I shall expect to see you at tlie tea- house at twelve o'clock. 10. It is now half past eleven ; I shall see you, I hope, in half an hour. If you have a yester- day's newspaper please bring it with you to tl^e tea-house. 11, Very well, I have one at my office and will bring it with me to the tea-house. 2, Do not forget the newspaper for it will be a great curiosity to me. 13. I shall not forget it, for I always take a news- paper with me when I go to a tea-house to breakfast. ELEVENTH SENTENCE. SECTION V. so as to talk over the news of the day 1 . What is the news to-day ? 2. I have heard nothing. Have you ? "310 THE MASTERY SERIES. 3. Watakshi wa kono goro medzrashii koto ^ V^ 7 ^ 7 7* ^" "^ ^ ^^r^ JAPANESE. 211 o. I see by the newspapers, that strange things are occurring in Japan now-a-days. 4. Indeed ! What do you refer to ? 5. Why you talk, as if you had been out of Japan five or six years. 6. No. You know that I live in the country where we never see a newspaper. 7. Well, come and breakfast with me at a tea-house, and we will talk over the news of the day. 8. I shall be most happy to do so. Where shall I meet you, and at what hour ? 9. Come to the tea-house in Homniura Street at twelve o'clock, and I will be there at that time. 212 THE MASTERY SERIES. 10. WataTcshi waJiirumaye ni Kanagawade yo-ji aru Tiara moshi cliitto osoku nattemo gomen nasai. " } y *)- -tf- >J 11. Do itasliimaslite. Han toJci wa omaclii 'ftioshi- masho. 12. WataJcshi Itidaruku mo kawald mo shimasen kere- domo otagai ni Tcono goro no shinbun wo Y =e % & if 4 =*=*.; rf v / ^ y ^ v ^~ 1ianasz no ni dolca chaya de go issho ni asa-lian no omaneki ni sMagaito OWARI. * * ; JAPANESE. 213 10. Excuse me if I should be a little behind time, for I have some business to do in Kanagawa this forenoon. 11. Don't mention it. I will wait half an hour for you. 12. Though I am neither hungry nor thirsty, I have a great mind to accept your invitation to break- fast with you at a tea-house, so as to talk over the news of the day. THE END. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books, ar^ubject to immediate recall. General Library University of California Berkeley LD 21A-60m-3,'65 (F2336slO)476B YB 4C5C5 M193101 1 P THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY